iKa?i»i»>:s.»-r-^:;! LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF X^^Os^ldL^^^^^^-- 5^. Jl-Lt 0?Lu:. . .. Class \ BOARD OF PUBLIC EDUCATION OF THE FIRST SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 3-^ -X CATALOG OF THE Pedagogical Library COMPILED BY LILLIAN lONE MacDOWELL, B. L. LIBRARIAN UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Of THE UNWERSlTY OF CAU^HS^ 1907 Prem of Waltber Printing House Cor. Third St and Glrard Ave., PhiladelpUa THE PEDAGOGICAL LIBRARY The Pedagogical Library of the Board of Public Education was founded in 1883. At that time it was deemed expedient that the Board should possess and maintain a collection of books representative of the standard literature in the subject of pedagogy and in clasely allied subjects, as well as the newest and best editions of the more important general and specific reference books. The library was placed in the Department of Superintendence for the use of the members of the Board of Public Education, of the several departments of the Board, and of the teachers in the high and elementary public schools of the city. Although limited in size, the library soon became known as a model pedagogical library. Its literature has been selected with the greatest care. The dominant idea in the selection has been the value of the book to the educator and not the increase in the size of the library. As a i-esult of this principle of selection, the library is es- pecially rich in the subjects of education, philosophy, and psychology. While the literature is largely pedagogical, the standard works in every class of knowledge are represented ; and there is scarcely any subject, with the exception of fiction, in which the library is entirely deficient. Since its organization it has been main- tained by annual appropriations from the Board of Public Education. The appropriations have been exceedingly small ; nevertheless the library has steadily increased in size and value, under the fo.stering care of the former superinten- dents of schools. Dr. Jaiues Mac A lister and Dr. Edward Brooks, until it has become the largest and most valuable pedagogical library connected with any city school system in the United Stat&s. In fact, the Pedagogical Library is typical of the kind of a library which the administrative departments of educa- tion in other cities are endeavoring to establish and maintain. In every urban school system it Is of the utmost importance that the teachers of public schools should have free access to a pedagogical library. They should understand that good teaching is conditioned by the professional spirit of the teacher, and that this professional spirit Is stinuilated by the establishment and maintenance of a working library of professional literature. In such a library the progressive teacher should find the bast literature upon current educational topics; upon the steady and systematic unfolding of educational ideals in the past; upon the great underlying principles of teaching, which organize them- selves into an approximation to a science of education ; upon the fertile field of practical educational activity, which reveals a system or method in teaching, and upon those vastly important related subjects of knowledge, an acquaintance with which gives breadth and strength to the teacher. 203541 To many teachers in Philadelphia the Pedagogical Library has become a neces- sity. Its aim is to meet the demands of educators in their effort to improve school organization, administration, and the practice of teaching, and to encourage and aid teachers in pursuing advanced studies in higher institutions for professional culture. This printed catalog of the library, prepared with great care by the libra- rian, is designed to make known the contents of the library, to extend its influence and use, and to aid in every possible way in making it serve more effectually the cause of education in the city of Philadelphia. Any agency which tends to im- prove and aid the teaching body of the city, as does the Pedagogical Library, is worthy of the continued sympathy and financial support of the Board of Public Education. MARTIN G. BRUMBAT^GH Superintendent of Public Schools THE CATALOG The use of a library depends almost entirely upon its catalog. With this thought in mind, Dr. James MacAlister issued in 1887 the initial catalog of the library and three years later published a supplement to that catalog. Owing to the natural growth of the library, the former catalog, the edition of which has long since been exhausted, is no longer indicative of its scope. In order to make known the contents of the library, the temptation to print a list of the books has presented itself frequently, but it has always been accompanied with the idea that the value of the library and its place in the educational system of the city warranted the publication of a complete analytical catalog which would serve as a representative manual of pedagogical literature. As a response to numerous requests for a new and enlarged edition of the initial catalog, and for the purpose of better acquainting teachers with the literature of their profession, the Board of Public Education authorized the preparation of a new catalog. The actual work of compiling this catalog was begun in April, 1902, but owing to the administrative duties of the librarian, was not completed until October, 1905. At a meeting of the Committee on Superintendence held March 12, 1906, the publication of an analytical catalog of the library was recommended to the Board of Public Education. At the regular meeting of the Board held March 13, it was resolved that the catalog be published and distributed among the teach- ers of the public schools of the city. The contract for printing was awarded June 13, and the actual work of publication was begun August 1. Excluding the time lost by several unavoidable interruptions, the completed catalog has gone through press in less than five months' time. Acknowledgement is due Mr. Theodore L. MacDowell, Supervising Principal of the II. Josephine Widener Public School, whose interest and aid in the compilation of the catalog has made possible its appearance at so early a date. ARRANGEMENT OF THE CATALOG Dictionary plan Author Title Subject Additional entries Analyticals The catalog of the Pedagogical Library is arranged on the dictionary plan. Each book is indexed under the author, title, and subject or subjects, and the entries are arranged in one alphabet, as are the words in a dictionary. The catalog therefore shows what authors are represented in the library, and what books they have written ; it gives the titles of books when the title is well known ; and it also indicates what litera- ture the library contains on various subjects. In the author entry, the author's full name is given, the ' exact title of the book, the number of pages, etc., the size, the name of the publisher, and the place and date of publication. Books having striking titles are indexed under the leading word of the title. In the subject entry the specific subject of the book is given, the author's name, the title of the book, and the date of publication. Following many subjects are lists of refer- ences and cross references to kindred subjects. Entries are also made under the name of the editor, the compiler and the translator. Series are entered under the name of the series. The more important essays, bibliographies, biographies, addresses, etc., are analyzed and indexed under the name of the author, the titU>, and the subject, with the specific number of pages designated. ABBREVIATIONS A. L. A American library asscM'iation abr abridged an nut annotated Apr April apx appendix comp compiled, compiler crit critical D duodecimo Dec December ' ed. edited, edition, editor F folio Feb February facsim facsimile il illuHtrated, illustrations introd introduction Jan January Je June J! July Mar March My May Nov November n. d no date n. p no place, no publisher n. t. p no title page no ..number O octavo Oct October o. p out of print ob oblong pi plates por portraits pseud pseudonym pt part q quarto rev revised, revision S 16mo Sept September 8q .square T 24mo tr translated, translator unp unpaged V volume v. d various dates V. p various pages ERRATA Page 1 Column 2 Line 18 987 should read 945 12 2 36 Pellow Pellew 14 1 41 Levigne Sevigne 41 1 29 370.1 370 50 2 49 Sankrit Sanskrit 66 2 8 Shenendoah Shenandoah 75 1 12 Chatauqua Chautauqua 85 1 42 370.4 824.89 90 1 16 730.9 730 108 1 29 X2 X2„ 123 1 2 History Historical 149 2 15 Sterling Stebbing 151 1 41 Entymology Entomology 181 2 5 Marchia march esa 190 2 8 370.4 379.43 199 2 8 1904 Latest volume 235 1 7 833.1 883.1 239 1 34 Huguenots in America should read ] 251 2 31 534 should read 524.3 262 2 72 Bracket American church history series; ed. by Philip Schaff and others v. 1 Caeeoll, H:K. Religious forces of the United States 1893 280.73 C23 V. 2 Newman, A. H : History of the Bap- tist churches in the United States 1894 286 N46 V. 3 Walker, Wili^iston History of the Congregational churches in the United States 1894 285.8 W15 V. 4 Jacobs, H:E. History of the Evan- gelical Lutheran church in the United States 1893 284.1 J15 V. 6 Thompson, R. E. History of the Pres- byterian churches in the United States 1895 285 T37 V. 7 Tiffany, C:C. History of the Protes- tant Episcopal church in the United States 1894 283 T44 V. 8 CoEwiN, E:T. Dubbs, J. H. and Ham- ilton, J:T. History of the Reformed church, Dutch, the Reformed church, Ger- man, and the Moravian church in the United States 1895 285.7 C81 v. 9 O 'Gorman, Thomas History of the Roman Catholic church in the United States 1895 282 Og6 v. 10 Allen, J. H : and Eddy, Richaeo History of the Unitarians and the Univer- salists in the United States 1894 288 A15 v. 11 Alexander, Gross and others His- tory of the Methodist church. South, the United Presbyterian church, the Cumber- land Presbyterian church, the Presbyterian church. South, in the United States 1894 285 A12 v. 12 Taylor, B:B. and others History of the Disciples of Christ; the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical Association 1895 289 T97 AME AME 10 American citizen series ; ed. by A. B. Hart Hart, A. B. Actual government as applied un- der American conditions 1903 342 H25 American civilization Emerson, K. W. {see his Miscellanies 1893<=78'83 p.27o-290) 814.36 Em3m American colonial history See United States — History, Colonial period American commonwealth Bryce, James 342.73 B84 American commonwealths; ed. by H. E. Scudder California Koyce, Josiah California; a study of American character 1886 979.4 E81 Connecticut Johnston, Alexander Con- necticut; a study of a commonwealth-de- mocracy 1887 974.6 J64 Indiana Dunn, J. P. jr Indiana; a re- demption from slavery 1888 977.2 D92 Kansas Spring, L. W. Kansas; the pre- lude to the war for the union 1885 978.1 Sp8 Kentucky Shaler, N. S. Kentucky; a pioneer commonwealth 1885'=84 976.9 Shi Maryland Browne, W:T3l. Maryland; the history of a palatinate 1884 975.2 B81 Michigan Cooley, T:M. Michigan; a his- tory of governments 1886*^85 977.4 C77 Missouri Carr, Lucien Missouri; a bone of contention 1892«=88 977.8 C23 New York Eoberts, E. H: New York; the planting and the growth of the empire state 1887 974.7 R54 Ohio King, Rupus Ohio; first fruits of the ordinance of 1787 1891 '88 977.1 K58 Oregon Barrows, William Oregon; the struggle for possession 1885 '83 979.5 B27 Vermont Eobinson, R. E. Vermont; a study in independence 1892 974.3 R56 Virginia Cooke, J:E. Virginia; a history of the people 1884«83 975.5 C77v American health primers; ed. by W:W. Keen Lincoln, D. F: School and industrial hygiene 1880 371.7 L63 Wood, H. C. Brain-work and overwork 1882<'80 613.8 W85 American highways Shaler, N. S. 625.7 Shi American historic towns; ed. by L. P. Powell New England Historic towns of New England 1904 974 P87 Middle states Historic towns of the middle states 1904 974.7 P87 Southern states Historic towns of the south- ern states 1904 975 P87 Western states Historic towns of the west- ern states 1P04 977 P87 American historical association Study of his- tory in schools Report of the committee of seven 267p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1899 907 Am3 American historical review; 1895-date v.l-date, O N.Y.Maemillan,1897-date 905 Am3 American history series BuRGESS, J:W: The middle period, 1817-1858 1898<=97 973.5 B91 Fisher, G:P. Colonial era 1892 973.2 F53 Sloane, W:M. French war and the revolu- tion 1898 973.3 S15 Walker, F. A. Making of the nation, 1783- 1817 1895 973.4 W15 American history told by contemporaries Hart, A. B. ed. American ideals Roosevelt, Theodore 304 R67 American institute of instruction Proceedings 1830-1889 59v.D Bost.1831-89 R370.6 Am3 American journal of education; ed. by Henry Barnard, 1856-1880 30v.il.por.O Hart- ford,1856-1880 R370.5 Am3 v. 11-16, New series; v. 17-24, National series; v. 26-30, International series Includes an analytical index In separate volume American lands and letters Mitchell, D. G. 810.9 M69 American library association The "A. L. A." index; by W. I. Fletcher, with the co-opera- tion of many librarians Ed.2,enl. 679p. Q Bost.American library association,1905 «01 O40 Am3 11 List of subject Leadings for use in dictionary catalogs Ed.2,enl. 206p.Q Bost.Library bureau,1898 R025 Am3 Kroeger, a. B. Guide to the study and use of reference books 1902 R0i:o.7 K91 AMERICAN LITERATURE Backus, T. J. English literature in America {see Shaw, T:B. New history of English literature 1884«75 P.S89-475) 820.9 Sh2 Beers, H:A. Century of American litera- ture,1776-1876 1878=77 {Leisure hour series) 810.8 B39 Burton, Richaed Literary leaders of Amer- ica 1904'03 810.7 B95 DoLLiXGEK, J. J. I. VON" The part taken by North America in literature {see his Ad- dresses on historical and literary subjects 1S94 p.269-294) 834 D69 HiGGixsox, T:W. Short studies of Ameri- can authors 1879 810.4 H53 HOAVELLS, W:D. Literary friends and ac- quaintance 1900 810 H83 Matthews, J. B. Literary independence of the United States {see his Americanisms and Briticisms 1892 p.60-88) 814 M43 Ignorance and insularity {see his Ameri- canisms and Briticisms 1892 p.l03- 113) 814 M43 Pattox, J. H. American literature {see Brooke, S. A: English literature "1879 '82 820.9 B79 Stedmak, E. C. and Hutchinson, E. M. ed. Library of American literature 1892 'S7 '90 R810.8 St3 Whitcomb, S. L. Chronological outlines of American literature 1894''93 810.2 W58 See also New England — Literature; also, the name of the author Bibliography Allibone, S:A. Critical dictionary of Eng- lish literature and of British and American authors 1881«54'71 R9 A15 Annual American catalogue 1897-date R015.73 An7 Publishers' trade list annual 1904-date 015 P96 Tyler, M. C. Bibliography {in his Liter- ary history of the American revolution, 1763-1783 1897,1900 v.2,p.429-483) 810.9 T97 History Beers, H:A. Outline sketch of American literature 1S91«86 810.9 B39 Mitchell, D. G. American lands and let- ters 1897 '99 810.9 M69 Paxcoast, H:S. Introduction to American literature 1898 810.9 P19 Richardson, 0:F. American . literature, 1607-1885 1887'89'86 810.9 R39 Tyler, M. C. Literary history of the Ameri- can revolution, 1763-1783 1897,1900 810.9 T97 Wendell, Barrett Literary history of America 1901 {Library of literary his- tory) 810.9 W48 American mathematical society Mathematical papers read at the International mathemat- ical congress held in connection with the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893 . . . 411p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1896 510.6 Am3 American men of letters; ed. by C:D. Warner Bryant Bigelow, John William Cullen Bryant 1893'90 B B84 Cooper LouNSBURY, T:R. James Feni- more Cooper 1890'=82 B C78 Curtis Cary, Edward George William Curtis 1894 B C94 Emerson Holmes, 0:W. Ralph Waldo Emerson 1892<=84 B Em3h Franklin McMaster, J: B. Benjamin FrankUn 1891=87 B F85m Irving Warner, C:D. Washington Irving 1893=81 B Ir8 Ossoli HiGGiNSON, T:W. Margaret Fuller OssoU 1891=84 B 087 Poe Woodberry, G:E: Edgar Allan Poe 1892«85 B P75 Ripley Fbothinqham, O. B. George Rip- ley '1882 B R48 Simms Trent, W:P. William Gilmore Simms 1892 B Si4 Taylor Smyth, A. H. Bayard Taylor 1896 B T21 Thoreau Sanborn, F. B: Henry D. Thor- eau 1891*82 B T39 AME AME 12 Webster Scuoder, H. E. Noah Webster ISSS-^Sl B W391 Whittier Carpenter, G:R. John Green- leaf Whittier 1903 B W61 Willis Beees, H:A. Nathaniel Parker Willis 1892'=85 B W69 American orations See Orations and oratory American pedagogical series Frye, A. E, Child and nature 1888 '92 372.8 F94 American pedagogy Barnard, Henry ed. 370.8 B25 AMERICAN POETRY Scudder, H. E. ed. American poems 1895'=79 '82 811.8 Scu3 AMERICAN POETS Stedman, E. C. Poets of America 1894«85 811.3 St3 American political ideas Fiske, John 321 F54 American reformers; ed. by Carlos Martyn Phil- lips Maetyn, Cablos Wendell Phillips 1890 B P54 AMERICAN REPUBLICS United States— American republics, Bureau of Commer- cial directory 1897 '98 R380 Un3 American revolution See United States — History, Revolution American science series; advanced course V. 1 New COMB, Simon and Holden, E : S. Astronomy 1893'=79 520.7 N43 V. 2 Packard, A. S. Zoology 1883«79 590.7 P12 V. 3 Bessey, C:E: Botany 1892=80 580.7 B46 V. 4 SEDGViriCK, W:T. and Wilson, E. B. General biology 1886 570.7 Se2 V. 5 Remsen, Iea Inorganic chemistry 1895«89 546 R28 V. 6 Walker, F. A. Political economy 1888«^87 330.7 W15 V. 8 James, William Principles of psy- . chology 1890 150 J23 V. 11 Barker, G. F. Physics 1892 530.7 B24 American science series; briefer course V. 1 Bessey, C:E: Essentials of botany 1885«84 580.7 B46 V. 2 James, William Psychology 1893 «92 150 J23p V. 3 Newcomb, Simon and Holden, E : S. Astronomy 1885 '83 520.7 N43 V. 4 Packard, A. S. Zoology 1887 590.7 P12 American science series; elementary course Holden, E:S. Elementary astronomy 1899 520.7 H71 Martin, H. N. Human body "1884 612 M36 Remsen, Ira Elements of chemistry 1895 540.7 R28 American society for the extension of university teaching Syllabi of lectures . . . 1890- 96 6v.O ^.p.n.d. 378.13 Am3 American statesmen; ed. by J:T. Morse jr Adams, John Morse, J:T. John Adams 1885-^84 B Adlm Adams, J. Q. Morse, J:T. John Quincy Adams 1885=82 B Adlmo Adams, Samuel Hosmer, J. K. Samuel Adams 1885 B Adll Benton Roosevelt, Theodore Thomas Hart Benton 1892«86 B B44 Calhoun Holst, Hermann von John C. Calhoun 1885<=82 B C12 Cass McLaughlin, A. C. Lewis Cass 1892<=91 B C27 Clay ScHURZ, Carl Life of Henry Clay 1888<=87 B C57 Franklin MoRSE, J, T. jr Benjamin Frank- lin 1892<^89 B F85mo Gallatin Stevens, J: A. Albert GaUatin 1886^^83 B G13 Hamilton Lodge, H:C. Alexander Hamil- ton 1893''82 B H18 Henry Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry 1887 B H39t Jackson Sumner, W:G. Andrew Jackson 1885'=82 B J13s Jay Pellow, W:G: John Jay 1892*^90 B J33 Jefferson Morse, J:T. Thomas Jefferson 1885«83 B J35 Lincoln Morse, J:T. jr Abraham Lincoln 1893 B L63m Madison Gay, S. H. James Madison 1885=84 B M26s Marshall Magruder, A. B. John Marshall 1885=96 B M35 Monroe Gilman, D. C. James Monroe 1885=82 B M75 Morris Roosevelt, Theodore Gouverneur Morris 1892=86 B M83 Randolph Adams, Henry John Randolph 1886=82 B R15 Seward Lothrop, T. K. William Henry Seward 1896 B Se8 Stevens McCall, 8:W. Thaddeus Stevens 1899 B St4 13 Van Buren Shepard, E:M. Martin Van Buren 1892'88 B V27 Washington Lodge, H:C. George Wash- ington 1889 B W271 Webster Lodge, H:C. Daniel Webster 1886'83 B W39 American teacher, monthly; devoted to the prin- ciples and practice of teaching v.l-date^l. Q Bost.l884-date 370.5 Am3 American teachers' series; ed. by J. E. Bossell, Bennett, C:E. and Bristol, J:P. Teach- ing of Latin and Greek in the secondary school 1903 470.7 B44 Bourne, H:E. Teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary school 1902 907 B66 Carpenter, G:E. and others Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school 1903 • 420.7 022 Lloyd, F. E. and Bigelow, M. A. Teaching of biology in the secondary school 1904 570.7 L77 AMERICANISMS Bartlett, J:R. ed. Dic- tionary of Americanisms 1877^59 R427 B28 Matthews, J. B. Americanisms and Briti- cisms, with other essays on other isms 1892 814 M23 AMERICANS, THE Fullerton, W:M. Eng- lish and "Americans" (see his Patriot- ism and science 1893 p.57-114) 824 F95 Lowell, J. R. On a certain condescension in foreigners (in his Literary essays 1892 '94*60 '90 v.3,p.220-254) 814.39 L95U MiiNSTERBERG, HuGO American traits from the point of view of a German 1903'^01 917.3 M92 Spencer, Herbert The Americans (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.3,p.470-492) ' 824.89 Sp3 Ames, Azel jr Sex in industry; a plea for the working-girl 158p.D Bost.Osgood,1875 376 Am3 Ames, Joseph Sweetman ed. Harper's scien- tific memoirs Amlcis, Edmondo de Holland and its people; tr. from the Italian by Caroline Tilton 484p.il.map,0 N.Y.Putnam,«1880 (Van- dyke edition) 914.92 AmS AMIEL, HENRI FREDERIC 1821-1881 Ar- nold, Matthew Amiel (in Arnold, Mat- thew Essays in criticism 1893 '96 v.2, p.300-331) 824.85 Ar6e AMIENS, BIBLE OF Ruskin, John "Our fathers have told us" The Bible of Amiens (see his Laws of Fesole 1894 p.273-412) 740 R89 Amir, All (Maulaur Sayyid) Life and teach- ing of Mohammed; or, The spirit of Islam 677p.O Lond.Allen,1891 297 AmS Short history .50 '79 R473 An2 Andrews, Israel Ward Manual of the constitu- tion of the United States 370p.D Cine. VanAntwerp,''1874 '87 {Eclectic educa- tional series) (2 copies) 342.73 An2 Ancient religion and modern thought Lilly, W: Andromana; or. The merchant's wife {in Dods- S: 239 L62 ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 75 76 v.l4,p.l93- Ancient sculpture See Sculpture 271) 822.08 D66 Anderson, Edward Playfair DE R. S. marquise de ed. LfiviGNE, M. Best letters 1904 B Se8 Angelic wisdom concerning the Divine love and the Divine wisdom • Swedenborg, Emanuel 230.9 Sw3 15 Angelic wisdom concerning Divine Providence Swedenborg, Emanuel 230.9 Sw3 AxGELico, Fra da See Fiesole, Giovanni Angelico Angell, James Burrill How I was educated (see College and the church 1887 p.lO'i- 111) 370.4 C68 AXC.ELO, HENRY 1755 or 1756-(f) "Remin- iscences" DoBSON, Austin Angelo's ' ' Reminiscences ' ' (see Dobson, Austin Miscellanies 1898 p.33-56) 824.89 D65m Angelo, Michel See Michselangelo ANGERS Green, J:R: Home of our Ange\-in kings (see his Stray studies from Eng- land and Italy 1876 p.309-327) 824.89 G82 Angerstein, Edward and Eckler, G. Home gym- nastics for the well and sick ... tr. from the 8th German edition 94p.il.O Bost. Houghton,1889 613.7 An4 Angucan CHtJRCH See Church of England Anqung See Fishing Anglo-Saxon chronicle (see Bede, Venerable Ecclesiastical history of England 1894 p.301-508) 274.2 B39 ANGLO-SAXON LANGUAGE Bright, J. W. Anglo-Saxon reader 1905«1891'94 429 B76 Grammar SiE\'ERS, Eduard 1903=1885 An old English grammar 429 Sil ANGLO-SAXON LITERATURE Brooke, S.A: History of early English literature 1892 829 B79 See also Beowulf ANGLO SAXONS Demolins, Edmond Anglo- Saxon superiority 1898 914.2 D39 ANCtOULEME, DUCHESSE D' (MARIE THERESE CHARLOTTE) 1778-1851 Imbert de Saint-Amand, a. L. baron Duchess of Angouleme and the two restora- tions 1892 B An4 Youth of the Duchess of Angouleme 1892 B An4y Animal automata See Automatism Animal coloration See Color of animals Animal creation .Fones, T:R. 590 J71 Animal heroes Seton, E. T. 599 Se7 ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE Binet, Alfred Psychic life of micro-organisms A study in experimental psychology 1889=88 591.5 B51 Gentry, T:G. Life and immortality; or, Soul in plants and animals 1897 591.5 G28 Lindsay, W, L. Mind in the lower animals 1880 591.5 L64 Lubbock, Sir John On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals with special ref- erence to insects 1888 (International scientific series) 591.5 L96 Mills, Wesley Nature and development of animal intelligence 1898 591.5 M62 Romanes, G:J: Animal intelligence 1883 (International scientific series) 591.5 R66 Thorndike, E. L. Animal intelligence 1898 (Psychologicnl review Monograph supple- ment) 591.5 T39 Weir, James Dawn of reason; or, Mental traits in the lower animals 1899 591.5 W43 See also Instinct ANIMAL LEGENDS DuChaillu, P. B. World of the great forest 1902=00 590 D85 Harris J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus myths and legends of the old plantation =1881 '82 398.3 H24 Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings 1896=80 '95 398.3 H24u Kipling, Rudyard Jungle book 1894=93 823 K62 Second jungle book 1895 823 K62s Seton, E. T. Animal heroes 1905=03 599 Se7 Wild animals I have known 1900'98 590 Se7 See also Fables Animal life in the E>ea and on the land Cooper, Sarah 592 C78 Animal life of our seashore Heilprin, Angelo 592 H36 Animal magnetism See Hypnotism ANI ANI 16 Animal psychology parative See Psychology, Corn- Animal worship Spencer, Herbert Origin of animal worship {in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.l,p.308- 330) 824.89 Sp3 Animal's rights Salt, H:S. 179 Sa3 ANIMALS Cooper, Sarah Animal life in the sea and on the land 1887 590 C78 Groos, Karl Play of animals ''1898 591.5 G89 Holder, C:F: Marvels of animal life 1885 590.4 H71 IxGERSOLL, Ernest Country cousins 1884 590 Tn4 Jones, T. R. Animal creation n.d. 590 J66 Wood, J:G: Homes without hands 1892 590 W85 Wright, M. O, Four-footed Americans and their kin 1898 599 WPS See also Animal intelligence; Animal leg- ends; Automatism; Domestic animals; Veterinary sanitation; Zoology Geographical, distribution Heilprin, Angelo Geographical and geo- logical distribution of animals 1887^86 {International scientific series) 591.9 HB<3 SwANSON, William Treatise on the ge- ography and classification of animals 1836 {Cabinet of natural history) 591.9 Swl Wallace, A. R. Geographical distribution of animals 1876 591.9 W15 Locomotion Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion; or, Walking, swimming and flying with a dis- sertation on aeronautics 1893 {Interna- tional scientific series) 591.47 P45 Muybridge, Eadw^eard Descriptive zooprax- ography 1883 591.47 M98 ANIMALS, TRAINING OF Bostock, F. C. Training of wild animals 1904"=03 591 B65 ANIMALS, TREATMENT OF Jevons, W. S. Cruelty to animals — a study in sociology {see his Methods oJ social reform and other papers 1883 p.217-235) 304 J53 See also Vivisection Annals See History Annals of the Army of the Cumberland Fitch, John 973.7 F55 Annals of the Swedes Clay, J. C. 974.8 C57 ANNE, queen of Great Britain and Ireland, 1665- 1714 Strickland, Agnes Anne {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.8,pt.l-2) 9 St8 ANNE BOLEYN, queen of England, 1501 or 1507-1536 Strickland, Agnes Anne Boleyn {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.2,pt.2,p.575- 722) 9 St8 ANNE OF BOHEMIA, queen of England, 1366- 1394 Strickland, Agnes Anne of Bohemia {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.l,pt.2, p.606-629) 9 St8 ANNE OF CLEVES, queen of England, 1515- 1557 Strickland, Agnes Anne of Cleves {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.3,pt.l, p.32-100) 9 St8 ANNE OF DENMARK, queen of England arid Scotland, 1574-1619 Strickland, Agnes Anne of Denmark {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.5,pt.l,p.l-187) 9 St8 ANNE OP WARWICK, queen of England, 1454- 1485 Strickland, Agnes Anne of War wick {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.2,pt.2, p.381-401) 9 St8 Annual American catalogue 1896-date 5v.- date,Q N.Y.Publishers 'weekly,1897-date R015.73 An7 Annual literary index; ed. by W. I. Fletcher and R. R. Bowker 1895-date lOv.F N.Y. Publishers 'weekly,1896-date R050 An7 ANSELM, SAINT 1033-1109 Lord, John Saint Anselm {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883 '96 v.2,p.209-252) 904 L88 Townsend, W:J: Anselm; founder of me- diaeval theology {see Townsend, W:J: 17 Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881 p.79-95) B19 T66 Anthropological series; ed. by Frederick Starr Mason, O. T. Woman's share in primitive culture 1894 A 901 M38 Anthbopolooy See Man h\ ANTHROPOMETRY Roberts, Charles Man- ual of anthropometry; or, A guide to the physical examination and measurement of the human body 1878 573.6 R54 Seaver, J. W. examination See also Man Anthropometry and physical 1S90 613.7 Sel ANTICHRIST Newman, J:H: cardinal The Protestant idea of Antichrist (see his Es- says; critical and historical 1891 v.2, p.il2-185) 204 N46 ANTIETAM, BATTLE OF 1862 Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fredericksburg 1882 (Campaigns of the cfvU war) 973.7 P17 Antiquary, The Marmion, Shakerley (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l3, p.411-523) 822.08 D66 Antiquities See Archaeology; also the name of the country Anti-slavery See Slavery ANTONINO PIEROZZO (t)-1459 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) The good archbishop (see her Makers of Florence 1892'76'91 p.222-237) 9 013 I Antoninus, Marcos Aurelius See Marcus Aure- lius Antonius Antony and Cleopatra See Shakespere, William ANTS AvEBURY, John Lubbock haron Ants, bees and wasps 1892 (International scientific series) 595.79 Av3 Apgar, Austin Craig United States . . ican book 1892 Trees of the northern 224p.U.D N.Y.Amer- 581.9 Ap2 APES Huxley, T:H: Man's place in nature and other anthropological essays 1902 573 H98 Aphorisms See Proverbs; Quotations Apollo in Picardy Pater, W. H. Apollo in Picardy (see J^ater, W. H. Miscellane- ous studies 1895 p.121-146) 824.89 P27mi APOLLONIUS 4B.C.-97(f)A.D. Newman, J:H: cardinal Apollonius of Tyana (in Newman, J:H: cardinal Historical sketches 1894 v.l,p.301-381) 904 N46 Apologetics See Christianity, Evidences of "Apostle of the Anglo-Saxons" See Augus- tine, Saint "Apostle of the Indians" See Eliot, John APOSTOLIC FATHERS, THE Jackson, G:A. Apostolic fathers and the apologists of the 2d century 1895'79 (Early Christian literature primers) 281.2 J13 See also Fathers of the church; Igpaatius, Saint; Papias Apostolical tradition Newman, J:H: cardinal (in his Essays, critical and historical 1891 v.l,p.l02-137) 204 N46 Apothegms See Proverbs; Quotations Apparitions See Illusions; Psychical phe- nomena Apparitions and thought transference Podmore, Frank 134 P75 Appearance and reality Bradley, F. H. 110 B72 APPERCEPTION Lange, Karl Appercep- tion; a monograph on psychology and ped- agogy 1893 153 L26 Rooper, T:G. Apperception; or, The essen- tial mental operation in the act of learning; an essay on "A pot of green feathers" 1891 152 B67 Tompkins, Arnold Observation and apper- ception (in Herbart society Second sup- plement to third year book 1897 p.l43- 149) 370.6 H41 Appius and Virginia B., R. (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.4,p.l05-155) 822.08 D66 Appleton, William Hyde ed. Greek poets in English verse by various translators, with APP APP 18 an introduction and notes 360p.D Bost. Houghton,lS93 881 Apo Contents: — Homer; Homeric hymns; Early lyric and elegiac; Pindar; ^Kschylus; Sophocles; Euripides; Aristophanes; Theo- critus; Bion; Moschus; Apollonius Rhodius; Muaeus; The anthology; Proclus Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography; ed. by J. G. Wilson and John Fiske 7v.il. por.Q N.Y.Appleton,1886 '87,1900 R9 Ap5 Appleton's home reading books; ed. by W:T. Har- ris Basket, J. N. Story of the birds 1897'^96 598.2 B29 Harrington, M. W. About the weather 19U5'=1899 551 H23 Vincent, Frank ed. Plant world; its romances and realities 1897 580 V74 Appleton 's series of historic lives Boone Thwaites, E. G. Daniel Boone 1903'=02 B B64 AQUARIUM Butler, H:D. Family aquarium; or, Aqua vivarium <^1858 590.7 B97 Samuel, Mark The amateur aquarist; how to equip and maintain a self-sustaining aquarium ^894 590.7 Sa4 AQUINAS, THOMAS 1225 or 1227-1274 Lord, John Thomas Aquinas (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history n883'96 v.2, p.253-287) 904 L88 TowNSEND, W:J: The angelical doctor; Thomas Aquinas (see Townsend, W:J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881 p.196-241) B19 T66 Arab conquerors of Spain See Moors in Spain ARABIA Lenormant, Francois and Cheval- LIER, E. The Arabians (in their Manual of the ancient history of the East 1869 v.2,p.281-370) 930 L54 See also Nedjed Aratra Pentelici RusKiN, John (see his Crown of wild olive 1894 p.281-412) 824.86 R89 Arber, Edward ed. Ascham, Rooi» The scholemaster 1870 370 As2 English reprints ARBITRATION, INDUSTRIAL Lloyd, H. D. Country without strikes; a \'i8it to the com- pulsorj' arbitration court of New Zealand 1902'^00 331 L77 AEBLAY, Mine D' (FRANCES BURNEY) 1752-1840 Diary and letters; ed. by Char- lotte Barrett New ed. enl. 4v.por.fac- sim.Q Lond.Chatto,1876 B Arl "Diary and letters" Macaulay, T:B. baron Madame D 'Arblay (m Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and historical es- says 1889 v.4,p.94-161) 824.83 Mil Raleigh, Walter Novel of domestic sat- ire; Miss Burney, Miss Austen, Miss Edge- worth (see Raleigh, Walter English novel 1894 p.253-275) 823 R13 ARBOR DAY King, R. M. Arbor day celebra- tions (see his School interests and duties '1894 p.121-146) 371c K58 See also Forests and forestry; Trees, Plant- ing of Arc, Joan of See Joan of Arc Arc light See Electric light Arcadia Sidney, Sir Philip 823.39 Sil Arcana cselestia Swedenborg, Emanuel 230.9 Sw3 ARCHAEOLOGY Clarke, J. T. A plea for ar- chaeological instruction (see White, A. D. and others Methods of teaching history 1896<=83'84 p.89-103) 907 W59 Clodd, Edward Story of "primitive" man 1895 '99 (Library of useful stories) 571 C62 Dawson, Sir J:W: Fossil men and their modern representatives 1888 571 D32 Keary, C:F. ed. Dawn of history n.d. 901 K21 Mason, O. T. Woman's share in primitive culture 1894 901 M38' Mollett, J:W: Illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archaelogy 1883 703 M73 Tylor, E:B. Primitive culture 1883<'89 290 T97 See also Aryans; Civilization; Folk lore; History; Indians of North America; Man; Marriage; Middle ages; Mythology; Sculp- ture; also the name of the country and of the place 19 Archer, Thomas Andrew and Kingsford, C:L. Crusades; the story of the Latin kingdoms of Jerusalem 467p.il.map,D X. Y.Put- nam,! S95'94 (Story of the nations) 940.4 Ar2 ARCHITECTURE PuGix, A. W. N. True prin- ciples of pointed or Christian architecture 1895 723 P96 RoSENGARTEN, Albekt Handbook of archi- tectural styles 1893 723 R72 RusKix, JoHX Architecture and restoration {see his Arrows of the chace 1894 p.l22- 168) 826 R89 Poetrv of architecture 1894 r20.1 R89 Seven lamps of architecture 1894 720 R89 Smith, T:R. and Slater, John Architec- ture; classic and early Christian 1890 (Illtistrated handbooks of art history) 722 Smo Spexcek, Herbert Sources of architectural types (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1S91 v.2,p.375-380) 824.89 Sp3 WoENUM, R. N. Analysis of ornament; the characteristics of styles 1882 729.5 W85 See also Decoration and ornament; Church architecture; Gothic architecture; Library buildings; Ornament; Renaissance; School architecture; Sound: Ventilation; also the name of the country, subdi\-ision. Archi- tecture History Fergussox, James History of architecture n.d. 720.9 F38 Hamux, a. D. F. Text-book of the history of architecture 1897^95 720.9 HIS ARCTIC REGIONS Greely, A. W. Handbook of Arctic discoveries 1896*95 (Colum- bian knowledge series) 919.8 G81 Haktwio, Georg Polar world 1892 919.8 H25 Keely, R. N. jr and Davis, G. G : In Arctic seas 1892 919.8 K24 Schwatka, Frederick Nimrod in the North '1885 '92 919.8 Sch9 See also Nansen, Fridjof Aretixo, Leoxardo See Bruni, Leonardo ARETIXO. PJETRO 1492-1557 Symoxds, J: A, Pietro Aretino (in Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; Italian literature 1888 v.2,p.383-428) 850.9 Sy65 Arey, Mrs Harriet Ellen (Grannis) Home and school training 192p.D Phil.Lippincott, 1SS4 372b ArS Argand, Jean Robert Imaginary quantities, their geometrical interpretation; tr. from the French by A. S. Hardy 135p.T N.Y. VanL\08trand,1881 512 ArS ARGUMENT Sidowick, Alfred The process of argument; a contribution to logic 1893 168 Sil Argyll, Duke op See Campbell, George Doug- las Ariadne florentina RusKix, JoHX (see his Proserpina 1894 p.247-407) 580 R89 ARIAXISM GwATKixs, H:M: Arian con- troversy n.d. (Epochs of church his- tory) 273.4 G99 See also Unitarianism ARIOSTO, LUDOVICO 1474-1533 Symoxds, J: A, Ariosto (in Symonds, J: A. Re- naissance in Italy; Italian literatiu-e 1888 v.l,p.493-522) 850.9 Sy6 ^* Orlando Furioso" Symoxds, J: A. The Orlando Furioso (in his Renaissance in Italy; Italian literature 1888 v.2,p.l-50) 850.9 Sy6 ARISTOCRACY Emersox, R. W. Aristocracy (see his Lectures and biographical sketches 1893'83 p.33-67 814.36 Em3 ARISTOPHANES 450-380 B.C. Appleton, W: H. ed. Aristophanes (see Appleton, W:H. ed. Greek poets in English verse 1893 p.251-271) 881 Ap5 Symoxds, J: A. Aristophanes (in Sy- monds. J: A. Studies of Greek poets 1893 v.2,p.l52-195) 881 Sy6 ARISTOTLE 384-322 B.C. Davidson, Thomas Aristotle and ancient educational ideas 1892 '96 (Great educators) B Ar4 Town SEND, W:J: The Grecian doctor; the advance of Aristotleianism (see Town- send, W:J: Great schoolmen of the mid- dle ages 1881 p.151-173) B19 T66 ARi ARI 20 Metaphysics; literally tr. from the Greek with notes ... by J:H. M'Mabon 445p.D Lond.Bell,1891 110 Ar4 On education, being extracts* from the Ethics and Politics; tr. and ed. by John Burnet 141p.D Camb.universitypress,1903 (Cam- bridge series for schools and training col- leges) 370 Ar4 Politics; with an introduction, two prefatory essays and notes critical and explanatory, by W. L. Newman 2v.O Oxf.Clarendon press,1887 320 Ar4 with an analysis and critical notes by J. E. C. Welldon 407p.D Lond.Mac- niillan,1883 320 Ar4 "Politics" Bradley, A. C. Aristotle's conception of the state (see Abbott, Evelyn HeUenica 1880 p.181-243) 880.4 Ab2 Psychology; a treatise on the principle of life; tr. by W:A. Hammond 339p.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1902 * 150 Ar4 "Psychology" Bain, Alexander Psy- chology of Aristotle (see Bain, Alexander Senses and the intellect 1879 p.611-667) 150 B16 EoBEBTSON, G:C. On the psychology of Aristotle (see Robertson, G:C. Elements of general philosophy 1896 p.214-230) 100 E54 "Ethics" Blackie, J:S. Aristotle (see Blackie, J:S. Four phases of morals 1887 p.136-202) 171 B56 Moore, A. L. Summary of Aristotle's ethics as compared with modern ethical theories (see Moore, A. L. Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890 p.145-161) 104 M78 " Eistoria animalium" Huxley, T:H: On certain errors respecting the structure of the heart attributed to Aristotle (see Huxley, T:H: Science and culture and other es- says 1884 p.187-205) 504 H98 Poetics (see Butcher, S:H: Aristotle's theory of poetry and fine art 1895 p.l- 105) 888.5 B97 "Poetics" Butcher, S:H: Aristotle's theory of poetry and fine art 1895 888.5 B97 Newman, J:H: cardinal Poetry, with ref- erence to Aristotle 's poetics (in Newman, J : H : cardinal Essays ; critical and his- torical 1891 v.l,p.l-29) 904 N'46 Martin, Alexandre Aristotle; I'education dans la morale et dans la politique (see Martin, Alexandre Les doctrines p6da- gogiques des Grecs 1881 p.86-114) 370.938 M36 ARITHMETIC Beman, W. W. and Smith, D: E. Higher arithmetic 1897 511 B24 See also Bookkeeping; Mensuration; Metric system; Number Philosophy Brooks, Edward 1880<^76 Philosophy of arithmetic 511 B79 Parke, Uriah Lectures on the philosophy of arithmetic 1877*^49 511 P22 Teaching DuNTON, Larkin Methods of teaching arith- metic in primary schools 1894''87 372.7 D92 GiPFiN, W:M. How to teach number lessons (see his How not to teach ''1883 p.51- 84) 371b G36 Morgan, T:J. Method of teaching arith- metic (see his Studies in pedagogy 1890 '88 p.215-237) 371a M82 Walker, F:A. The teaching of arithmetic (see his Discussions in education 1899''98 p.207-255) 370.4 W15 See also Grube system; Mensuration; Metric system ; Number ARMADA, THE Froude, J. A. Sailing of the Armada Defeat of the Armada (see his English seaman in the 16th century 1895 .p.200-228) 942 F93 Hume, M. A. S. Evolution of the Spanish Armada (see his Year after the Armada 1896 p.175-203) 946 H88 See also Effiingham, Charles Howard ad- miral ARMENIA Stubbs, William Medieval king- doms of Cyprus and Armenia (see his Seventeen lectures on medieval and modern history 1887 p.179-237) 904 St9 21 Armstrong, Edward Florence Savonarola (set Cambridge modern history The renais- sance 1903'-02 p.144-189 940.G C14 Armstrong, Walter ed. Arts in the middle ages and the renaissance n.d. 709.4 Lll Army See The name of the country ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND Cist, H:M. Army of the Cumberland 1882 {Cam- paigns of the civil war) 973.7 049 IItch, John Cumberland Auxials of the army of the 1864«=63 973.7 F55 Army under Pope Pope 1881 Amauld, Antoine Ropes, J:C. Army under {Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 R68 Port Royal logic; tr. from the French with introduction, notes and ap- pendix by T:S. Baynes Ed.lO 430p.D Edin.Blackwood,pref.l851 160 Ar6 See also Port Royal education ARNAULD, JACQUELINE MARIE 1591-1661 Beard, Charles Angelique Amauld and the unreformed Port Royal {in Beard, Charles Port Royal 1861 v.l,p.22-33) 273.7 B38 ARNOLD, MATTHEW 1822-1888 Fitch, Sir Joshua Thomas and Matthew Arnold; and their influence on English education 1897 {Great educators) B37 Ar7 Culture and anarchy; an essay in political and social criticism Ed.2 239p.D Lond. Smith,1875 172 Ar6 Essays in criticism 2v.D Lond.Macmillan, 1883 '96 v.l (2 copies) 824.85 Ar6e Contents: — v. 1 Function of criticism at the present tune; Literary influence of acad- emies; Maurice de Guerin; Eugenie de Gu6- rin; Heinrich Heine; Pagan and mediteval religious sentiment; Persian passion play; Joubert; Spinoza and the Bible; Marcus Aurelius V. 2 Study of poetry; Milton; Thomas Gray; John Keats; Wordsworth; Byron; Shelley; Count Leo Tolstoi; Amlel French Eton; or, Middle class education and the state 122p.S Lond.Macmillan,! 864 373.42 Ar6 God and the Bible; a review of objections to ' ' Literature and dogma ' ' 343p.D N.Y. Macmillan,1901 239 Ar6 Higher schools and universities in Germany 245p.D Lond.Macmillan,! 882 379.43 Ar6 Literature and dogma; an essay toward a bet- ter apprehension of the Bible 351p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1903 239 Ar61 Mixed essays; Irish essays and others 507p. D N.Y.Macmillan,1894 824.85 Ar6m Contents: —Democracy; Equality; Irish Catholicism and British liberalism; "Porro Unum est necessarium" ; Guide to English literature; Falkland; French critic on Mil- ton; French critic on Ooethe; George Sand; Incompatibles; Unguarded Irisli grievance; Ecce, convertimur, gentes; Future of lib- eralism; Speech at Eton; French play in London; Copyright; Prefaces to poems On the study of Celtic literature and on tr:iiis- lating Homer 300p.D N.Y.Macmillan, 1895 891.6 Ar6 Poetical works 1893 550p.O Lond.Macmillan, 821.89 Ar6 "Poems" Swinburne, A. C: Matthew Arnold 's new poems {see Swinburne, A. C: Essays and studies 1897 p.123-183) 824.89 Sw6 Reports on elementary schools, 1852-1882; ed. by Sir Francis Sandford 302p.D Lond. Macmillan,1889 372.942 Ar6 ed. Bible reading for schools Great proph- ecy of Israel 's restoration . . . Ed. 4 65p.S Lond.Macmillan,1875 224.1 Ar6 Burroughs, John Arnold's view of Emer- son and Carlyle {see Burroughs, John Indoor studies 1895"^89 p.129-162) 814.41 B94 Matthew Arnold's criticism {see Bur- roughs, John Indoor studies 1895"'89 p.81-128) 814.41 B94 Harrison, Frederic Matthew Arnold {see Harrison, Frederic Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other literary estimates 1900 p.104-125) 824.89 H24 Robertson, J:M. Robertson, J:M. p.137-183) Matthew Arnold {see Modern humanists 1891 304 R54 Saintsbury, G:E:B. Matthew Arnold {see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Corrected impres- sions 1895 p.138-156) 824.89 Sa2 Stedman, E. C. Stedman, E. C. p.90-100) Matthew Arnold {see Victorian poets 1893 821 St3 ARN ARN Arnold, Sarah Louise Learning to read; sug- gestions to teachers of young children 99p.D N.Y.Silver,1899 372.4 Ar6 Eeading, how to teach it 288p.pl.S Bost. Silver/1899 • 372.4 Ar6 Wayniarks for teachers; showing aims, prin- ciples and plans of everyday teaching, with illustrative lessons 276p.D N.Y.Silver, 1894 372a Ar6 ARNOLD, THOMAS 1795-1842 Findlay, J. J. ed. Arnold of Eugby; his school life and contributions to education 1897 B37 Ar6 Fitch, Sir Joshua Thomas and Matthew Arnold 1897 {Great educators) B37 Ar6f Stanley, A. P. Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold pref.1844 B37 Ar6s Memoir of Thomas Arnold, with special reference to his life and work as a teacher {see Carlisle, J. H. ed. Two great teach- ers 1890 p.71-252) B37 As2 Chaucer to Wordsworth; a short history of English literature . . . New ed. 454p.S Lond.Murby,n.d. 820.9 Ar6 Introductory lectures on modern history . . . ed. from 2nd London edition by Henry Reed 428p.D N.Y.Appleton,1877'^45 904 Ar6 Manual of English literature, historical and critical, with an appendix of English metres American edition revised 558p.D Bost. Ginn,1891 820.9 Ar6 Payne, Joseph Arnold and Herbert Spencer {in Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.177-184) 370.9 P29 See also Rugby ARNOLFO DI CAMBIO 1232 (?) -1300 Oli- PHANT, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Cathedral builders Arnolfo-Giotto {see Oliphant, Mrs M, O. (Wilson) Makers of Florence 1892<=76'91 p.98-131) 9 013 Amott, Nell Elements of physics; or. Natural philosophy Ed.7, ed. by Alexander Bain and A. S. Taylor 873p.il,por.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1883 530 Ar6 Arrows Ballard, Addison 370.4 B21 Arrows of the chace Ruskin, Jonn 826 R89 ART Aristotle Poetics {see Butcher, S:H: Theory of poetry and fine art 1895 p.l- 105) 888.5 B97 Brown, G. B, Fine arts 1891 {Univer- sity extension manuals) 709 B81 Dow, a. W. Composition 1905<=1899 745 D75 Emerson, R. W. Art {in his Essays 1894 <^65'83 v.l,p.325-343) 814.36 Em3 {see his Society and solitude 1893<^70 '83 p.39-59) 814.36 Em3 Goodyear, W:H: Modem art {see his Renaissance and modern art 1900 p.240- 310) 709 G63r Hamerton, P. G. Graphic arts 1891 741 H17 HoPPiN, J. M, Early renaissance and other essays on art subjects 1892 704 H77 Leland, C:G. Minor arts 1880 - 740 L53 Lessing, G. E. Laocoon; an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry 1893'=73 701 L56 Reynolds, Sir Joshua Discourses 1887 {Camelot series) . 704 R33 Ruskin, John Eagle's nest {see his Deu- calion 1894 p.297-438) 824.86 R89 "A joy forever" {see his Laws of Fesole 1894 p.137-271) 740 R89 Lectures on art {see his St. Mark's rest 1894 p.195-321) 945 R89 Two paths 1894 824.86 R89 See also • Athletics; Architecture; Christian art and symbolism; Decoration and orna- ment; Design; Drawing; Engraving; Esthe- tics; Flemish art; Landscape gardening; Miniature painting; Music; Needlework; Ornament; Painting; Photography; Pot- tery; Preraphaelite brotherhood; Re- naissance; Sculpture; Silver-smithing; also the name of the artist; also the name of the country and the place, sub-division. Art Collections South Kensington museum Handbook of the Dyce and Forster collections n.d. {South Kensington mvseum art handbooks) 708 So8 23 Dictionaries MOLLETT, J:W: Illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archseology 1883 703 M73 History Bell, Mrs N. R. E. (Meugens) Elementary history of art pref.1888 709 B41 Conway, Sir W:M. Dawn of art in the an- cient world 1891 709 C74 GooDYE.VR, W:H: History of art for classes, art students and tourists in Europe '1888 »89 709 G63 LiiBKE, Welhelm Outlines of the history of art 1880''77 709 L96 Reber, Franz von History of ancient art C1882 709 B24 History of medisBval art 1887 709 R24h Sttidy and teaching Bain, Alexander Art education {see his Education as a science 1883 p.425-433) 370.1 B16 Chesneau, Ernest Education of the artist 1886 (Fine-art library) 707 C42 Clarke, I:E. Art and industrial education (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2 monograph 14, 63p.) 379.73 B97 Coluer, John Primer of art 1882 707 C69 HoPPiN, J. M. Art in education (see his Early renaissance and other essays on art subjects 1892 p.143-175) 704 H77 Nichols, G:W. Art education applied to in- dustry 1877 707 N51 RUSKIN, John Art criticism and art educa- tion (see his Arrows of the chace 1894 v.l,p.l7-47) 826 R89 Inaugural address delivered at the Cam- bridge school of art October 29th, 1858 (see his Laws of Fesole 1894 p.413- 435) 740 R89 Smith, Walter Art education, scholastic and industrial 1873'72 707 Sm5 Tadd, J. L. New methods in education 1901 (Natural education series) 707 T12 Waldstein, Charles Study of art in uni- versities 1896 707 W14 Art ballad Bach, A. R. 784.4 B12 Art for art 's sake Van Dyke, J :C: 750 V28 Art of authorship Sainton, George ed. 808 B16 Art of study Hinsdale, B. A. 371a H59 Art of teaching Ogden, John 371c Og-2 Art of teaching young minds to observe and think Gill, John 371b G41 ARTEVELD, JAMES (or JACOB) VAN 1300 (?)-1345 Hutton, James James and Philip van Arteveld 1882 B Ar7 ARTEVELD, PHILIP VAN 1340(f)-1382 Hut- ton, James James and Philip van Arte- veld 1882 B Ar7 ARTHUR, KING Brooks, Edward Story of King Arthur 1900 398.2 B79 BuLFiNCH, Thomas Age of chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur '1858 '84 398.2 B87 Dickinson, W. H. King Arthur in Cornwall 1900 398 D56 Gurteen, S. H. Arthurian epic; a compara- tive study of Cambrian, Breton, and Anglo- Norman versions of the story and Tenny- son's "Idylls of the King" 1895 398.2 G96 Malory, Sir Thomas Le morte d 'Arthur 1893 398.2 M29 Noble and joyous history of King Arthur n.d. (Camelot series) 398.2 M29n Rhys, John Stories in the Arthurian leg- end 1891 398.2 B34 See also Mabinogion, The Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks; ed. by W. R. Lethaby Cockerell, Douglas Bookbinding and the care of books 1903 686 C64 Artists See Musicians; Painters; Poets; also the name of the place, sub-division, Art Arts, Fine See Art Arts, Useful See Industrial arts ARYANS Cox, Sir G:W: Mythology of the Aryan nations 1882 291 C83 ARY ARY 24 Huxley, T:H. Man's place in nature and other anthropological essays 1902 573 H98 Mueller, F:M. Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas 1888 410 M91 Eagozin, Z. a. Story of Vedic India 1895 (Story of the nations) 954 R12 filPLEY, W:Z. Races of Europe; a sociologi- cal study 1899 (Lowell institute lec- tures) 572 R48 Taylor, Isaac Origin of the Aryans pref . 1889 (Contemporary science series) 572 T21 See also Celtic literature As a matter of course Call, A. P. 613.7 C13 As you like it See Shakspere, William ASCETICISM Hall, C. G. The ideal of as- ceticism (see Moulton, E:G. Four years of novel reading 1895 p.73-88) 804 M86 ASCHAM, ROGER 1515-1568 Johnson, Sam- uel Memoir of Roger Ascham (see Carlisle, J. H. ed. Two great teachers 1890 p.11-54) B37 As2 The scholemaster . . . 1st ed. 1570 col- lated with the 2d ed. 1571 by Edward Arber leOp.S Lond.Arber,1870 (English re- prints) 370 A82 ed. with notes by J:E. B. Mayoi 296p.S Lond.Bell,1863 370 A82s Browning, Oscar English humanists and realists Roger Ascham and John Milton (see Browning, Oscar Educational theo- ries 1882 P.S5-102) 370.9 B82 Payne, Joseph Ascham, Montaigne, and Ratich (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.56-71) 370.9 P29 Quick, R. H. Ascham (see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers 1879 '91 '97'^90 p.80-89) 370.9 Q4 Ashbee, Charles Robert Few chapters in work- shop reconstruction and citizenship 166p. il.O Lond.Essex house,1894 607 As3 Ashenliurst, Thomas E. Design in textile fab- rics 248p.il.pl. S Lond.Ca8sell,1883 677 AsS Ashley, Margaret tr. Coulanges, Fustel de The origin of property in land 1892 333 C83 Ashley, Myron Lucius Nature of hypothesis (see Dewey, John Studies in logical the- ory 1903 p.143-183) 160 D51 Ashley, Ossian D. Railways and their em- ployees 213p.D Chic.Railway age,1895 335 As3 Ashley, William James The English manor (see Coulanges, Fustel de The origin of property in land 1892 p.7-48pref.) 333 C83 Introduction to English economic, history and theory Ed.2 2v.D N.Y.Putnam,1893 '98 330.942 As2 Contents:— v.l The middle ages V.2 The end of the middle ages ed. Economic classics Ash-next-Sandwich Planch:^, J. R. Corner of Kent 1864 283.42 P69 Ashton, John Chap-books of the 18th century 486p.il.D Lond.Chatto,1882 398.5 As3 Devil in Britain and America 363p.il.O n.p.Ward,1896 133.4 As3 Social life in the reign of Queen Anne taken from original sources New ed. 474p.il. facsim.D Lond.Chatto,1883 914.2 As3 ASIA See also Armenia; East, The Travel and description Carpenter, F. G: Asia 1897 915 C22 Keane, A:H. Asia 1882 (Stanford's, compendium of geography and travel) 915 K19 Polo, Marco Travels 1892 915 P76 Smith, M.. C. Life in Asia '1897 (World and its people) 915 Sm5 Aspects of education Browning, Oscar 370.9 B82 Aspects of German culture Hall, G. S. 838 H14 Aspects of the earth Shaler, N. S. 551 Shi ASSER (?)-909(?) "Life of Alfred' Annals of the reign of Alfred the Great (see Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles 1891 p.41-86) 942.01 G39 ASSISSI Gordon, Lina Duff- Story of As- sissi 1905 945 G65 25 Association of colleges and preparatory schools in the middle states and Maryland Pro- ceedings . . . 1887-d!ite 2v.O v.p.l887- date 378.74 As7 ASSYRIA Lekormant, Francois and Cheval- LiER, E. Assyrians and Babylonians (in their Manual of the ancient history of the East 1869 v.l,p.338-508) 930 L54 Maspero, G. C. C. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria 1892 913.32 M38 Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Story of Assyria 1894 '87 {Story of the nalions) 935.2 R12 Sayce, a. H: Babylonia and Assyria (see his Ancient empires of the East 1892 p.90-178) 930 Sa9 Aston, William George History of Japanese literature 408p.D N.Y.Appleton,1899 ■ 895 As8 ASTORIA (Oregon) Irving, Washington* Astoria; or. Anecdotes of an enterprise be- yond the Rocky mountains n.d. 917.8 Ir8 ASTRONOMERS Smiles, Samuel Astrono- mers and students in humble life (see his Men of invention and industry 1885 p.319-372) 9 Sm4 See also The name of the astronomer ASTRONOMY Avebury, John Lubbock haron The starry heavens (see his Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in 1893^92 p.373-429) 504 Av3 Ball, Sir B. S. In starry realms 1892 523 B21 Story of the heavens 1893 523 B21s Chambers, G:F. Pictorial astronomy 1891 523 C35 DeQuincey, Thomas System of the heavens as revealed by Lord Ros*se 's telescopes (see DeQuincey, Thomas Essays in philosophy •1856 '77 p.216-263) 104 D44 Giberne, Agnes Sun, moon and stars; as- tronomy for beginners «1893 523 G35 Holden, E:S. Elementary astronomy 1899 (American science aeries ; elementary course) 520.7 H71 The dawn of astronomy; a study of the temple worship and mythology of the an- cient Egyptians 1894^93 520 L81 Miller, R. K. Romance of astronomy 1882 523 M61 Newcomb, Simon Popular astronomy 1882 520 N43 and Holden, E:S. Astronomy 1883*79 (American science series; advanced course) 520.7 N43 Steele, J. D. Popular astronomy 1884 '99 520 St5 Todd, D. P. New astronomy '1897 523 T56 See also Almanacs; Astronomers; Nebular hypothesis; Planetary systems; Plurality of worlds; Space; Spectrum analysis; Stars; Sun; Tides; also the name of the astronomer History Clerke, a. M. Popular history of astronomy during the 19th century 1886 520.9 C59 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 520.9 L82 Atchison, Bena Michaels Un-American immi- gration; its present effects and future perils 198p.O Chic.Kerr,1894 325 At2 Athenaeum press series; ed. by G:L. Eattredge and C. T. Winchester Gummere, F:B. Old English baUads 1894 821.04 G95 Schelling, F:E. ed. A book of Eliza- bethan lyrics «1895 821 Sch2 Book of seventeenth century lyrics 1899 821 Sch2b Athenian education See Greece — Education Athenian empire Cox, Sir G:W: 938.04 CSS ATHENS Pericles and the golden 1895'91 (Heroes of the B P41 LocKYER, Sir J. N, (Science primers) Astronomy n.d. 523 LSI History Abbott, Evelyn age of Athens nations) Cox, Sir G:W: baronet Athenian empire 1892 (Epochs of ancient history) 938.04 C83 Travel and description Harrison, Frederic Impressions of Athens (see his Meaning of history and other his- - torical pieces 1902*1894 p.284-308) 904 H24 ATH ATH 26 Pausanias Mythology and monuments of ancient Athens 1890 913.385 P28 Stoddard, J:L. Athens {in his Lectures 1898 v.l,p.229-279) 910 St6 ATHLETICS Hart, A. B. Status of athletics in American colleges (see his Studies in American education 1S95 p.122-146) 370.4 H24 Hill, L. E. e\ Athletics and out-door sports for women 1903 796 H55 Walker, F. A. College athletics (see his Discussions in education 1899*^98 p.257- 285) 370.4 W15 See also Gymnastics; Physical education; Sports Atkinson, Edmund ed. and tr. Helmholtz H. L. F: VON Popular lectures on scien- tific subjects 1881<=85 504 H36 Atkinson, Ed\^;ard Distribution of products; or, The mechanism and the metaphysics of exchange, three essays Ed.5 N.Y.Put- nam,1892^85 330.4 At5 Contents: — What makes the rate of wages? What is a bank? The railway, the farmer and the public Science of nutrition . Bost.Damrell,1896'^92 Ed.6 245p.il.O 641 Ato Taxation and work; a series of treatises on the tariff and the currency 296p.D N.Y. Putnam,1892 337 At5 Atkinson, William Parsons On history and the study of history; three lectures 107p.S Bost.Roberts,1884 907 Ato On the right use of books; a lecture 65p.S Bost.Robrrts,1880<=78 028 At5 ATLANTA Cox, J. D. Atlanta 1882 (Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 C83 ATLANTIC CABLE Bright, Charles Story of the Atlantic cable 1903 654 B76 See also Classical geography; Geography; History; also the name of the country, sub- division, Atlases ATLEE, SAMUEL JOHN Pennypacker, S:W. Samuel John Atlee (see Pennypacker, S: W. Historical and biographical sketches 1883 p.269-283) 974.8 P38 Atmosphere See Air; Meteorology ATOMS Clifford, W:K. First and last catas- trophe A lecture on atoms (see his Conditions of mental development and other essays 1885 p.28-43) 504 C61 See also Chemistry; Physics ATTENTION Aiken, Catharine Methods of mind training; concentrated attention and memory 1896 371a Ai4 Hughes, J. L. How to secure and retain at- tention =1880 371a H87 RiBOT, A. T. Psychology of attention 1890 150 E35 See also Concentration; Interest Attic orators Jebb, R:C. Attic theatre Haigh, A. E. Attica See Athens 885 J34 792 H12 ATTILA (?)-453 Hodgkin, Thomas Placidia; Attila (see Hodgkin, Thomas Dynasty of Theodosius 1889 p.169-203) 937.09 H66 Atwater, Lyman H. Manual of elementary- logic, designed especially for the use of teachers and learners 244p.D Phil.Lip- pincott,1873<^67 160 At9 AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES LAFOREST 1780- 1851 Audubon, M. R. ed. Audubon and his journals 1897 B Aul Audubon, Maria B. ed. Audubon and his journals, with zoological and other notes by Elliott Coues 2v.por.pl. O N.Y.Scribner, 1897 B Aul Atlantic coast Amraen, Daniel 973.7 Am3 Augustan ages Elton, Oliver 809 E18 ATLANTIC STATES Curtis, G:W: Lotus- eating 1852 917.47 C94 ATLASES Bradley, W:M, pub. Atlas of the world 1893 R912 B72 Century atlas of the world '1897 R912 C33 Universal atlas 1894'92 R912 Un3 AUGUSTINE, SAINT (AURELIUS AUGU^- TINUS) 354-430 Lord, John Saint Augustine (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history •'1883 '96 v.l,p.349-386) 904 L88 "City of God" Hitchcock, F. R. M. St. Augustine 's treatise on the city of God 1900 230 H63 27 AUGUSTINE, SAINT archbishop (t)-604 (.'UTTS, E:L. Augustine of Canterbury 1895 B An4 MoXTALEMBERT, C:F: comte de St. Au- gustine of Canterbury and the Roman mis- sionaries in England {in Montalembert, C:T: comte de Monks of the West 1896 v.2,p.l69-276) 271 M76 AuREUus Marcus tonius See Marcus Aurelius An- AUSTEN, JANE 1775-1817 Smith, CtOLD- wix Life of Jane Austen 1890 {Great writers) B Au7 Raijcigh, Walter Novel of domestic satire; Miss Burney, Miss Austen, Miss Edgeworth {see Raleigh, Walter English novel 1894 p.253-275) 823 R13 "Emma" Stevenson, E. ed. Emma; a novel {see his Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.251-269) 820 St4 Austin, B. F. Rational memory training . . . 124p.S n.p/1894 154 Au7 Austin, Mrs Mary (Hunter) Land of little rain 281p.il.pl.O Bost.Houghton,1903 917.9 Au7 AUSTRALASIA Tregarthen, Greville Story of Australasia 1893 {Story of the, na- tions) 993 T71 Wallace, A, R. Australasia 1883 {Stan- ford's compendium of geography and travel) R919.3 W15 Australia as it is; or, Facts and features, sketches and incidents of Australia and Australian life; with notices of New Zealand by a clergyman Ed.3 257p.D Lond.Long- nians,1894 919.4 Au7 Carpenter, F. G: Australia, our colonies and other islands of the sea '1904 919.4 C22 Australia and the islands of the sea Kellogg. Mrs E. M. (Crosby) 910 K28 AUSTRIA Whitman, Sidney Austria 1899 {Story of the nations) 943.6 Wo9 Politics Wilson, Woodrow Th** dual monarchies— Austria-Hungary, Sweden-Norway {see his The state 1889 p.334-36o) 350.9 W69 Travel and description Baedeker, Karl pub. Austria including Hungary, Transylvania, Dalmatia and Bos- nia 1900 914.36 B14 See also Vienna Austrian paper money Sumner, W:G. Aus- trian paper money {see his History of American currency 1884 "^74 p.311-333) 332 Su6 AUTHORS Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894'=86 , 9 G88 HoDGKiNS, L. M. A guide to the study of nineteenth century authors 1898'87'88 802 H66 Lang, Andrew Letters to dead authors 1893 9 L25 Mitchell, D. G. About old story tellers 1893 '98^77 9 M69 Putnam, G:H. Authors and their public in ancient times 1894^93 809 P98 See also American authors; American poets; English authors; English poets; Litera- ture; Pseudonyms; also The name of the author and the name of the literature Autocrat of the breakfast table Holmes, 0:W. 817.32 H73 AUTOMATISM Huxley, T:H. On the hy- pothesis that animals are automata and its history {see his Science and culture and other essays 1884 p.206-252) 504 H98 Ave Roma immortalis Crawford, F. M. 914.5 C85 Avebury, John Lubbock baron Ants, bees and wasps; a record of obsersations on the hab- its of the social hymenoptera 448p.il.pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1892 tific series) {International scien- 595.79 Av3 Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in .429pil.pl.D N.Y.Mac- millan,1893'92 504 Av3 Fifty years of science; being the address de- livered at York to the British association, Augu3t.l881 Ed.3 90p.O Lond.Mac- millan,1882 591.5 Av3 On the senses, instincts and intelligence of animals with special reference to insects 292p.il.D N.Y.Appleton.l888 {Interna- tional scientific series) 591.5 Av3 AVE AVE 28 Avenger, The DeQuixcey, Thomas (see his Romances and extravaganzas ''1856 '77 p.337-410) 824.81 D44r AVESTA Clarke, J. F. Zoroaster and the Zend Avesta (see Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions 1886 p.171-208) 290 C55 Mueller, F:M. Veda and Zend Avesta (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890- 92 v.1,p.79-10l , 824.89 M91 AXIOMS Helmholtz, H. L. F. von On the origin and significance of geometrical axi- oms (in his Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1881 '85 v,2,p.27-71) 504 H36 A,yres, Alfred pseud. Ste Osmu'n, Thomas Embly Ayrton, Prof. ed. Manuals of technology Azarias, Brother -pseud. Siee Mullany, Pat^ rick Francis AZTECAS BiART, Lucien Aztecs; their his- tory, manners and customs 1887'^80 972.014 B47 Hee also The name of the Indian B., G. S. Study of the prologue and epilogue in English literature from Shakespeare to Dryden 187p.D Lond.Paul,1884 822 Bll B., M. E. and B., H. G. Story of John Adams; a New England schoolmaster 275p.por.pl.D N.Y.Scribner,1900 B37 Adl B., E. Appius and Virginia (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.4,p.l05-155) 822.08 D66 BABER, ZEHIR-EDDIN-MOHAMMED 1483- 1530 Jeffrey, Francis Memoirs of Zehir-ed-din Muhammed Baber, Emperor of Hindustan (see Jeffrey, Francis Selec- tions from essays 1894 p.173-181) 824.73 J37 BABEUF, FRANgOIS NOEL 1764-1797 Ely, R:T. Baboeuf (see Ely, B-.T. French and German socialism 1883 p.29-38) 335 E19 BABYLON See also Chaldea History Lenormant, Francois and Chevallier, E. The Assyrians and Babylonians (in their Manual of the ancient history of the East 1869 v.l,p.338-508) 930 L54 Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Story of Media, Baby- lon and Persia 1893<'88 (Story of the nations) 935 R12s Sayce, A. H: Babylonia and Assyria (see his Ancient empires of the East 1892 p.90-178) 930 Sa9 Beligion Sayce, A. H: Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the re- ligion of the ancient Babylonians 1891 (Hiblert lectures 1887) 299 Sa9 BABYLONIAN LITERATURE Jastrow, Mor- ris Fragment of the Babylonian "Dib- barra" epic 1891 (University of Penn- sylvania Series in philology, literature, and archaeology) 892.19 J31 Bachj Albert B. bert . . , Paul,1897 Art ballad; Loewe and iSehu- Ed. 3 215p.por.O Lond. 784.4 B12 Principles of singing; a practical guide for vocalists and teachers 305p.D Lond, Blackwood,1885 784.9 B12 Bache, Alexander Dallas Report on education in Europe to the trustees of the Girard col- lege for orphans 666p.O Phil.Bailey, 1839 379.4 B12 Backus, Truman Jay English literature in America (see Shaw, T:B. New history of English literature 1884'75 p.389- 475) 820.9 Sh2 Bacon, Edwin Munroe Boston guide book . . . 190p.il.map,S Bost.Ginn,1903 917.44 B13 BACON, FRANCIS, viscount St. Albans, 1561- 1626 Abbott, E:A. Francis Bacon; an account of his life and works 1885 B B13 Church, R:W: Bacon 1886«84'86 B B13c 29 n.d. {English men of letters) B J62 Bound with lives of Johnson by Leslie Stephen and of Bunyan by J. A. Froude NicHOL, John Francis Bacon, his life and philosophy 1888 '89 {Philosophical clas- sics for English readers) B19 B13 Advancement of learning ; Wright Ed.2 376p.S press,1880 ed. by W:A. Oxf.Clarendon 370 B13 Essays; or, Counsels, civil and moral; ed. by S:H. Reynolds 405p.O Oxf.Clarendon pre8S,1890 824.3 B13e Essays; with annotations, ed. by Richard \Miately, and notes and a glossorial index by F. F: Heard 641p.O Bost.L.ee,1887 {Student's edition) 824.3 B13 Harmony of the essaj-s ed. by Edward Arber 584p.D Westminster,Constable,l 895 824.3 B13h Novum organon; or, A true guide to the inter- pretation of nature; tr. by G. W. Kitchin 338p.O Oxf .university press,! 885 192.1 B13 Lord, Johx Francis Bacon {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history 1883-96 v.3, p.415-458) 904 L88 MuNROE, J. P. Francis Bacon {see Mun- roe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.36- 67) 370.9 M92 Bacon, Roger Opus ma jus; ed. with introduc- tion and analytical table by J:H: Bridges 2v.il.O Oxf.Clarendon pre8s,1897 101 B13 Badanes, Saul Falsity of the Grube method of teaching primary arithmetic 47p.O N.Y. university, 1895 {New York, University of School of pedagogy Contributions) 370.4 N42 Badlam, Anna B. Suggestive lessons in lan- guage and reading for primary schools; a manual for teachers v.p.il.O Bost.Heath, 1888^86 372.4 BU Baedeker, Karl pub. Austria, including Hun- gary, Transylvania, Dalmatia and Bosnia 479p.maps,S Leipsic,Baedeker,1900 914.36 B14 Belgium and Holland, including the grand- duchy of Luxembourg Ed.l3,enl. 442p. map8,S Lieip8ic,Baedeker,1901 914.93 B14 Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and an excursion to Alaska Ed.2,enl. 268p. map8,S Leipsic,Baedeker,1900 917.1 B14 Eastern Alps . . . Ed.l0,enl. 571p.maps,S Leipsic,1903 914.36 B14 Egypt Ed.o 408p.S Leip8ic,1902 916.2 B14 Norway, Sweden and Denmark Ed.8 486p. maps,S Leipsic,Baedeker,1903 914.8 B14 Palestine and Syria 472p.maps,S Leipsie, Baedeker,1898 915.6 B14 Switzerland and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy and Tyrol Ed.20 537p. maps,S Leipsic,Baedeker,1903 914.94 B14 The United States with an excursion into Mexico Ed.3,enl. 660p.maps,S Leip- sic,Baedeker,1904 917.3 B14 BAER, KARL ERNST VON 1792-1876 Miall, L. C. The training of a great naturalist {see his Thirty years of teaching 1897 p.171-197) 371b M58 Bagehot, Walter Biographical studies; ed. by R:H. Hutton New ed. 398p.D Lond. Longmans.1895 9 B14 Contents: — Character of Sir Robert Peel; Lord Brougham; Mr Gladstone; William Pitt; Bolingbroke as a statesman; Sir George Cornewall Lewis; Adam Smith as a person; Lord Althorp and the reform act of 1832; Addenda Economic studies; ed. by R:H. Hutton New ed. 280p.D Lond.Longmans,1895 330 B14 Contents: — Postulates of English political economy; Preliminaries of political econ- omy; Adam Smith and our modem econ- omy; Malthus; Ricardo; Growth of capital; Cost of production; Appendix English constitution and other political essays New ed.enl. 468p.O N.Y.Appleton,1896 342.42 B14 Literary studies; ed. with a prefatory memoir by R:H. Hutton 3v.por.D Lond.Long- mans,1895 824.89* B14 Contents: — v. 1 Hartley Coleridge ; Shakes- peare — the man; William Cowper; First Edinburgh reviewers; Edward Gibbon; Percy Bysshe Shelley V. 2 Thomas Babington Macaulay; B6- ranger; Waverly novels; Charles Dickens; John Milton: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu; dough's poems; Sterne and Thackeray; Wordsworth. Tennyson and Browning BAG BAI 30 V. 3 Letters on the Coup d'Etat of 1851; Caesarism as it existed in 1865; Oxford; Bishop Butler; Ignorance of man; On the emotion of conviction; Metaphysical basis of toleration; Public worship regulation bill; Henry Crabb Robinson; Bad lawyers or good; Credit mobllier and banking com- panies in France; Memoir of the right hon- ourable James Wilson Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the ap- plication of the principles of ' ' natural selec- tion" and "inheritance" 228p.D N.Y. Appleton,1893 {International scientific series) 301 B14 Bailey, Edmund Alton (Edmund Alton pseud.) Among the lawmakers 308p.il.pl.D N.Y. Scribner,1886 328 B15 Bailey, Mrs Florence Augusta (Merriam) See Merriam, Florence Augusta Bailey, Henry Turner First year in drawing 92p.il.D Bost.Prang educational co,1894 (2 copies) 372.5 B15 and Burrage, Severance School sanitation and decoration -^ISQQ 727.1 B94 Bailey, Liberty Hyde Garden-making; sugges- tions for the utilizing of home grounds Ed. 11 417p.il.D N.Y.Grosset,1906a898 (Garden craft series) 710 B15 Lessons with plants; suggestions for seeing and interpreting some of the common forms of vegetation Ed.5 491p.il.D N.Y. Macmillan,1904 581 B15 Nature-study idea; being an interpretation of the new school movement to put the child in sympathy with nature 159p.il.O N.Y. Doubleday,1903 507 B15 Talks afield about plants and the science of plants 173p.il.D Bost.Houghton,1885 581 B15 ed. Principles of agriculture . . . Ed.lO • 300p.il.D N.Y.Macmillan,1905 (Rural science series) 630 B15 Rural science series BAILEY, SAMUEL 1791-1870 Ribot, A:T. Mr Samuel Bailey (see Ribot, A:T. English psychology 1874 p.315-322) 150 R35 Bailey, William L. Our own birds; a familiar natural history of the birds of the United States New ed.enl. 265p.il.pl.D Phil. Lippincott,n.d. 598 2 B15 BAILLIE, ROBERT 1599-1662 Carlyle, Thomas Baillie the covenanter (in Car- lyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.4,p.l68-204) 824.82 C19 Bain, Alexander Education as a science 453p. D N.Y.Appleton,1883 (Internatio7ial scientific series) 370.1 B16 Emotions and the will Ed.3 604p.O N.Y. Appleton,1876 157 B16 1818- (?) " Emotions and the will ' ' Spencee, Herbert Bain on the emotions and the will (in Spencer, Herbert Essays; scien- tific, political and speculative 1891 v.l, p.240-264) 824.89 Sp3 English composition and rhetoric 2v.D N.Y.American book co,n.d. 808 B16 English grammar and composition 358p.D N.Y.Holt,n.d. 425 B16 Logic; deductive and inductive New ed.enl. 731p.D N.Y.Appleton,1884 160 B16 Mental science; a compendium of psychology and the history of philosophy . . . 517p.O N.Y.Appleton,1882'^68 150 B16 Mind and body; the theories of their relation 200p.D N.Y.Appleton,1882 (Interna- tional scientific series) 130b B16 Moral science; a compendium of ethics 337p. O N.Y.Appleton,1869 170 B16 On teaching English; with detailed examples and an inquiry into the definition of poetry 256p.D N.Y.Appleton,1887 808 B16o Practical essays 338p.D N.Y.Appleton, 1884 824.89 B16 Contents: — Common errors on the mind; Errors of suppressed correlatives; Civil ser- vice examinations; Classical controversy; Metaphysics and debating societies; Uni- versity ideal — past and present; Art of study; Religious tests and subscriptions; Procedure of deliberative bodies Senses and the intellect Appleton,1879 Ed.3 714p.O N.Y. 150 B168 and Taylor, A. S. ed. Arnott, Neil Ele- ments of physics 1883 530 Ar6 Ribot, A:T. Mr Bain (see Ribot, A:T. English psychology 1874 p.194-254) 150 R35 Bain, Robert Nisbet Charles XII and the col- lapse of the Swedish empire, 1682-1719 31 320p.por.pl.maps.D (Heroes of the nations) N.Y.Putnam,1895 B C38 Book of e^legies 304p.D {Select English classics) N.Y.Silver,1893 821.04 B19 Bainton, George ed. Art of authorship; liter- ary reminiscences, methods of work and ad- vice to young beginners personally contrib- uted by leading authors of the day 355p.D X.Y.Appleton.l890 808 B17 Baird, Charles Washington History of the Huguenot emigration to America 2v.il.pL facsim.map8,0 N.Y.Dodd,'1885 284 B16 Baird, Henry Martyn History of the rise of the Huguenots in France 2v.maps,0 X.Y. Scribner,1889'^79 284.5 B16 Baker, Franklin Thomas, Carpenter, 0:B., and Scott, F:N. Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school 1903 {American teachers' series) 420.7 C22 Baker, George P. ed. Lyly, John Endymion 1894 822.39 L98 Baker, James Hutchins Education and life; papers and addresses 2o4p.D Lond. Longmans,1900 370.4 B17 Baker, Lucas White's industrial drawing Theory of design . . . 180p.il.pl.D N.Y. lTison/1883 370.4 B17 Baker, Sir Thomas Barwlck Lloyd War with crime; being a selection of reprinted papers on crime, reformatories, etc.; ed. by Her- bert Philips and Edmund Verney 299p. por.O Lond.Longmans,1889 364 B17 Baker, William Spohn Itinerary of General Washington,! 7 75-1 7 83 334p.por.O Phil. Lippincott,1882 B W27 Washington after the revolution, 1784-1799 416p.D Phil.Lippincott,1898 B W27w Bakewell, Charles M. ed. Davidson, Thomas Education of the wage-earners *1904 331 D28 Balance of power Hassal, Arthur 940.7 H27 Baldwin, Elizabeth L. tr. Groos, Karl Play of animals «1898 591.5 G89 Baldwin, Helen Oreen tr. Binet, Alfred Alterations of personality 1896 126 B51 Baldwin, James Book-lover; a guide to the best reading Ed.ll,enl. 222p.S Chic. McClurg,l 895*84 028 B19 Choice English lyrics 368p.D N.Y.Silver, 1894 (Select English classics) 821.04 B19c Famous allegories . . . 304p.D N.Y.Sil- Yer,1893 (Select English classics) 828 B19 Six centuries of English poetry, Tennyson to Chaucer, typical selections from the great poets 308p.D N.Y.Silver,! 895*92 (Se- lect English classics) 821.9 B!9 Story of Roland 4!5p.pl.D N.Y.Scribner, !895'"83'88 (Heroes of the olden time) 398.2 B!9 Story of Siegfried 306p.pl.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1895*82 *88 (Heroes of the olden time) (2 copies) 398.2 B198 Baldwin, James Mark Fragments in philosophy and science; being collected essays and ad- dresses 389p.O N.Y.Scribner,!902 !04 B!9 Handbook of psychology Feeling and will 394p.il.O N.Y.Holt,i891 150 B19 Senses and intellect Ed.2,enl. 343p. pl.O N.Y.Holt,1890*89 150 B19h Mental development in the child and the race; methods and processes 496p.O N.Y.Mac- millan,! 895*94 150.1 B19 Social and ethical interpretations in mental development; a study in social psychology 574p.O N.Y.Macmiilan,1897 150 B!98 Story of the mind 236p.il.S N.Y.Appleton, 18199*98 (Library of useful stories) (3 copies) 150 B19st tr. ' BiBOT, Theodl"LE German psychology of today; the empirical school 1886 150 R35 Baldwin, Joseph Art of school management . . . 504pil.tab.D N.Y.Appkton,1882'8! 37!c B19 Elementary psychology and education 293p. il.tab.D N.Y.Appleton,1891*87 (Inter- national education series) 370.2 B!9 Psychology applied to the art of teaching 38!p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,!892'96'97 (In- ternational education series) 370.2 . B!9p 389p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1896*92 370.2 B19ps School management and school methods 395p.D X.Y.Appleton,1897 (Interna- BAL BAL 32 tional education series) (2 copies) 371e B19s Baldwin, William A. and others Industrial-so- cial education 147p.il.O Springfield (Mass), Bradley,1903 607 B19 Bale, John God's promises (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l,p.277-332) 822.08 D66 Balfour, Arthur James Foundations of belief, being notes introductory to the study of theology 366p.D N.Y.Longmans,! 895 215 B19 Balfour, Francis M. and Foster, M. Elements of embryology 1896 591.3 F81 Balfour, Graham Educational systems of Great Britain and Ireland Ed.2 307p.O Oxf . Clarendon press,1903 379.42 B19 Balfour, Isaac Bayley ed. Sachs, Julius VON History of botany, 1530-1860 1890 580.9 Sal BALKAN PENINSULA Koch, F:J. A Uttle journey to the Balkans and European Turkey ''1905 (Library of travel) 914.96 K81 BALL, JOHN (?)-1381 Maurice, C:E. Tyler and Ball (see Maurice, C:E. Tyler, Ball and Oldcastle 1875 p.1-199) B T97 Ball, Katherine M. Paper folding and cutting 45p.il. D Bost.Prang education co,'1892 372.21 B21 Ball, Sir Robert Stawell In starry realms 364p.il.pl.O Lond,Isbister,1892 523 B21 Story of the heavens New ed.enl. 556p.il. pl.O Lond.Cassell,1893 523 B2l3 Ball, Walter William Bouse ton's "Prineipia" . . Macmillan,1893 Essay on New- 175p.D Lond. 520 N48 Mathematical recreations and essays Ed.4 401p.il.D Lond.MacmiIlan,1905'1892 510 B21 Primer of the history of mathematics 158p. D Lond.Macmillan,1895 510.9 B21 Short account of the history of mathematics 464p.D Lond.Macmillan,1882 510.9 B2l8 Ballard, Addison Arrows; or, The true aim in teaching and study lOOp.D N.Y.Barnes, "1890 370.4 B21 Ballard, Adolphus Chronicles of the royal bor- ough of Woodstock compiled from the bor- ough records and other original documents 149p.il.pl.D Oxf.Alden,1896 942.5 B21 Ballard, Mrs Julia B. Among the moths and butterflies 287p.il.O N.Y.Putnam,1891 ''90 596.78 B21 Balmes, Jaime Lucio European civilization; Protestantism and Catholicity compared in their effects on the civilization of Europe Ed.l9 SOlp.por.O Balt.Murphy,pref. 1850 282 B21 Balsamo, Guiseppe See Cagliostro, Alessandro di count BALTIMORE Public schools Rice, J. M. The public schools of Baltimore (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.55-64) 379.73 R3b Baltimore, Barons See Calvert, Cecilius and Calvert, George BALZAC, HONORE DE 1799-1850 Harpee, G:M. Balzac (see Harper, G:M. Mas- ters of French literature 1901 p.277-316) 840.4 H23 Lilly, W:S: Age of Balzac (see Lilly, W:S: Chapters in European history 1886 v.2,p.248-328) 940 L62 Balzani, Ugo Popes and the Hohenstaufen 261p.D N.Y.Randolph,n.d. (Epochs of church history) 270.4 B21 Bamford, Mary Ellen Up and down the brooks 221p.il.S Bost.Houghton,1893<=89 (River- side library for young people) 595.7 B21 Bampton lectures 1893 Sanday, W. Inspira- tion 1894 220.1 Sa5 Bancroft, George History of the United States of America from the discovery of the con- tinent New ed.enl. 6v.O N.Y.Apple- ton, 1883<=59-82 973.2 B22 1800-1891 "History of the United States" Prescott, W:H. Bancroft's "United States" (see Prescott, W:H. Critical and biographical miscellanies 1882*75 p.272-314) 804 P9: Bancroft, Jessie Hubbell School gymnastics; free hand; a system of physical exercises for schools 298p.il.D Bost.Heath,1900 «1896 613,7 B22 88 with light apparatus 506p.il.D Bost. Heath,1900 613.7 B228 Banes, Charles H. Manual training and ap- l)renticeship schools in 1890; notes pre- pared for the use of the trustees of the Wil- liamson free school of mechanical trades 81p.O Phil.Buchanan,1890 607 B22 BANKS AND BANKING Atkinson, Edwaed What is a bankf What service does a bank perform? (see his Distribution of products 1892«85 p.191-228) 330.4 At5 Bagehot, Walter Credit mobilier and banking companies in France (in his Literary studies 1895 v.3,p.280-303) 824.89 B14 Spencer, Herbert State tamperings with money and banks (in Spencer, Herbert Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.3,p.326-357) 824.89 Sp3 White, Horace Banks (see his Money and banking 1896 '95 p.235-444) 337 W58 See also Money; United States — Finance BAPTIST CHUECH Newman, A. H: History of the Baptist churches in the United States 1894 (American church history series) 286 N46 ^ BAPTISTS Confessions of a Baptist (see College and the church 1887 p.l51- 159) 370.4 C68 See also Disciples of Christ BAKBAEY CORSAIRS Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of the Barbary corsairs 1891*90 (Story of the nations) 961 P78 > BARCLAY, Sir WILLIAM Lost lady (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection ©f old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.537- 627) 822.08 D66 Bardeen, Charles W. Manual of common school law 290p.D N.Y.Bardeen,1896 370.14 B23 comp. I)ictionary of educational biography 287p.por.D Syracuse,Bardeen,1901 B87 B23 BARDI, DONATO DI NICCOLO DI BETTO See Donatello Baring-Gould, Sabine See Gould, Sabine Bar- ing- Barker, George Frederick Physics; advanced course Ed.3,enl. 902p.il.map,O N.Y. Holt,1892 (American science series; ad- vanced course) 530.7 B24 ed. and tr. Rontgen rays; memoirs by Ront- gen, Stokes, and J. J. Thomeon 76p.O N.Y.Harper,1899'98 (Harper's scientific memoirs) 530 B24 Barker, John Marshall Colleges in America; with an introduction by S. F. Scovel 285p.S Cleveland (O), Cleveland publish- ing co,1894 378.73 B24 Barker, Lewellys Franklin Nervous system and its constituent neurones . . . 1122p.il.pl. O N.Y.Appleton,1899 611.8 B24 BARLOW, JOEL 1755-1812 Tyler, M. C. Literary strivings of Mr Joel Barlow (see Tyler, M. C. Three men of letters 1895 p.129-180) B B45 Barnard, Charles ^nd Mayer, A. M. Light 1884=77 ■ 535 M45 Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter How I was educated (see College and the church 1887 p.29-38) 370.4 C68 On early mental training and the studies best fitted for it (see Youmans, E:L. Cul- ture demanded by modern life 1881'67 p.309-343) 375.5 Y8 1809-1889 Winship, A. E. Founders and benefactors of American colleges (see his Great American educators "1900 p.200- 211) B39 W73 BARNARD, HENRY 1811-1900 Winship, A. E. Henry Barnard; the nestor of Ameri- can educators (see Winship, A. E. Great American educators «1900 p.101-114) B39 W73 American pedagogy; education, the school and the teacher in American literature Ed.2 608p.O Hartford,Brown,1876 370.8 B25 German educational reformers; memoirs of eminent teachers and educators with con- tributions to the history of education in Germany Ed.2,enl. 724p.O Hartford, Brown, 1878 (Educational biography) 370.943 B25 German pedagogy; education, the school and the teaeher in German literature 916p.O Hartford,Brown,1876 370.8 B25g BAR BAR 34 Kindergarten and child culture papers Pa- pers on Froebel 's kindergarten with sugges- tions on principles and methods of child culture in different countries; republished from the American journal of education New ed. 799p.il.por.O Hartf ord,n.p.l884 «81 (2 copies) 372.2 B25 Superior instruction; an account of universi- ties and other institutions of superior in- struction in different countries . . . Ed. 2,enl. 896p.O Hartford,n.p.l873 378 B25 ed. American journal of education 370.5 Am3 comp. Educational aphorisms and sugges- tions, ancient and modern 202p.O Phil. LippineottjlSei'GO 370.8 B25 Barnes, Earl ed. Studies in education; a series of ten numbers devoted to child-study and the history of education 2v.il.O Cal. Leland Stanford university press, 1896 '97 «1902 372c B26 Barnes, James Naval actions of the war of 1812 . . . 263p.pl.O N.Y.Harper,1896 973.5 B26 Barnes, Mrs Mary D, (Sheldon) Studies in gen- eral history 556p.il.maps,D Bost.Heath, 1885 (Stig'lent's edition) 909 B26 Studies in historical method 144p.D Bost. Heath,1896 {Heath's pedagogical library) 907 B26 Barnes' educational monthly, ^.^77-81 v.4,6,7,0 N.Y.n.d. 370.5 B26 Bamett, Lionel David Greek drama 114p.il. S Lond.,1900 (Temple primers) 882 B26 Bamett, Percy Arthur Common sense in edu- cation and teaching ; an introduction to prac- tise 321p.D Lond.Longman 's,1899 371a B26 ed. Teaching and organization, with special reference to secondary schools; a manual of practise 469p.il.D Lond.Longman 's, 1897 371b B26 Contents: — The criteria in education, by the editor; Organization and curricula, by A. T. Pollard; The kindergarten, by E. A. Wel- don; Reading and speaking, by Arthur Bur- rell; Writing, by I. H. Morris; Drawing, by I. H. Morris; Mathematics, by R. Wormell; On the teaching of English grammar, by E: A. Abbott; English literature, by the editor; Modem history, by R. Somervell; Ancient history, by H. L. Withers; Geography, by E. C. K. Gonner; Classical teaching, by E. Lytteiton; The leaching of science, by L.. O. Miall; Teaching of modern languages, by F; Storr; Vocal music, by W. G. McNaught; Form management, by A. Sidgwick; Inef- fectiveness in teaching, by G. E. Buckle; Specialization, by M. G. Glazebrook; School libraries, by A. T. Martin; Heath and phys- ical culture, by C. Dukes; Furniture, ap- paratus and appliances, by W. K. Hill; Organization and curricula in girls' schools Bamett, Samuel Augustus University settle- ments (see Reason, Will ed. University and social settlements 1898 p.11-26) 331.8 R23 and Bamett, Henrietta Octavia (Rowland) Practicable socialism; essays on social re- • form Ed.2,enl. 328p.D Lond.Long- mans,1894 331 B26 BARNEVELD (JAN VAN OLDEN-BARNE- VELD) 1549(?)-1619 Motley, J:L. Life and death of John of Barneveld 1874 B B26 BARRATT, ALFRED Williams, C. M. Alfred Barratt (see Williams, C. M. Review of the systems of ethics 1893 p.107-120) 170 W67 Barrett, Charlotte ed. Arblay, Mme d' (Frances Burney) Diary and letters 1876 B Arl Barrows, John Henry ed. World 's parliament of religions; an illustrated and popular story of the world's first parliament of re- ligions held in Chicago in connection \dth the Columbian exposition of 1893 2v.il.O Chic.Parliament publishing co,1893 206 B27 Barrows, William Oregon, the struggle for possession 363p.map,D Bost.Houghton, 1885'=83 (American commonwealths) 979.5 B27 Barry, Ludowick Ram-alley; or, Merry tricks (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select col- lection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l0,p.265-380) 822.08 D66 Barry, William Catholic Europe (see Cam- bridge modern history The renaissance 1903 '02 p.620-652) 940.6 014 Barter, S. Manual instruction, woodwork, the English sloyd . . . 343p.il.pl.O Lond. Whittaker,n.d. 694 B28 Bartlett, Frank W. Mechanical drawing . . . ISSp.il.O N.Y.Wiley,1901 744 B28 Bartlett, John comp. Familiar quotations: being an attempt to trace to their sources 35 passages and phrases in common use Ed.8 904p.D Bost.Little,1883'82 R808.8 B28 New and complete concordance or verbal in- dex to words, phrases and passages in the dramatic works of Shakspere, with a sup- plementary concordance to the poems 1910p.Q N.Y.Macmillan,1896 R822.33 B28 Bartlett, John Eussell ed. Dictionary of Americanisms; a glossary of words and phrases regarded as peculiar to the United States Ed.4,enl. 813p.O Bost.Little, 1877^59 R427 B28 Bartlett, Samuel Colcold How I was educated (see College and the church 1887 p.60- 68) 370.4 C68 Hartley, George C. T. Schools for the people; containing the history, development, and present working of each, with a descriptioii of English school for the industrial and poorer classes 582p.pl.O Lond.Bell,1871 379.42 B28 Bartley, Robert T. H. tr. Topinard, Paul Anthropology 1878 573 T62 Barton, William Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse, with various notices of distin- guished men and an appendix containing sundry philosophical and other papers 61 4p. por.O Phil.Parker,1813 B R51 BARTRAM, JOHN 1699-1777 Rhoades, L. I. Bartram and his garden {see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia n900 p.125-134) 974.8 R34 Bascom, John Science of mind 462p.D N.Y. Putnam,1881 150 B29 BASEDOW, JOHANN BEREN 1723-1790 Payne, Joseph Locke, Rousseau, Basedow {see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the his- tory of education 1892 p.83-96) 370.9 P29 Quick, R. H. Basedow and the Philanthro- pinum {see Quick, R. H. Essays on edu- cational reformers 1879'=91,1897«90 p.273- 289) 370.9 Q41 BASKET MAKING James, GrW. Indian basketry and how to make Indian and other baskets 1903 688 J23 White, Mary How to make baskets 1903 '01 • 689 W58 Baskett, James Newton Story of the birds 263p.il.pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1897'96 {Ap- pleton's home reading books) 598.2 B29 Bastian, Henry Charlton Brain, as an organ of mind 708p.il.O N.Y.Appleton,1880 130b B29 BATEMAN, NEWTON 1822-1897 Winship, A. E. Newton Bateman; the pioneer among western educational leaders {see Winship, A. E. Great American educators "1900 p.131-144) B39 W73 Bates, Arlo Talks on the study of literature 260p.D Bost.Houghton,1897 804 B31 Talks on writing English 322p.D Bost. Houghton,! 896 808 B31 Bates, Henry Walter Central America; the West Indies and South America, with eth- nological index by A. H. Keane 571p.il. maps,0 Ed.2 Lond.Stanford,1882 {Stanford's compendium of geography and travel) 918 B31 Bates, Katharine Lee English religious drama 254p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1893 822.1 B31 Bates, Lois Games without music for children 102p.il.pl.D Lond.Longmans,1897 372.22 B31 Kindergarten guide 388p.il.pl.D Lond. Longmans,1897 372.2 B31 Bates, William Maclise portrait gaUery of il- lustrious literary characters with memoirs New ed. 540p.por.D Lond.Chatto,1891 9 B31 Bateson, Mary French in America {see Cam- bridge modern history The United States 1903 p.70-113) 973 C14 Battle maps and charts of the American revolution Carrington, H:B. 973.3 C23 Battle with the slum Riis, J. A: 331.8 E44 Battles and leaders of the civil war Johnson, R. U. and Buel, C. C. 973.7 J63 Battles of the American revolution Carrington, H:B. 973.3 C23 Bautain, Louis M. M. Art of extempore speak- ing; hints for the pulpit, the senate and the bar ... Ed.8 364p.D N.Y.Scribner, 1894«=58 808.5 B32 BAU BAX 36 Bax, Ernest Belfort German society at the close of the middle ages 276p.O Lond. Sonnenschein,1894 (Social side of the ref- ormation in Germany) 914.3 B33 Handbook of the history of philosophy . . . 419p.D Lond.Bell,1886 109 B33 Life and philosophy of Schopenhauer (in Schopenhauer, Arthur Selected essays 1900 53p.pref,) 104 Sch6 BAXTER, RICHARD 1615-1685 Whittier, J:G. Richard Baxter (in Whittier, J:G. Prose works 1893<=66'89 v.2,p.l46-183) 814.37 W61 Bayles, George James Woman and the law 274p.D N.Y.Century co,1901 396 B34 quences, treatment N.Y.Wood,1880 Ed.2,enl. 198p.O 616.8 B38p Baynes, Thomas Spencer tr TOINE Port-royal logic • Beacon lights of history Arnauld, An- pref.1853 160 Ar6 Lord, John 904 L88 "BEAGLE, THE" Darwin, C:R. What Mr Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship "Beagle" <=1879 508.3 D25 Beale, Dorothea, Soulsby, L. H. M., and Dove, J. F. Work and play in girls ' schools, by three head mistresses 433p.D Lond. Longmans,1898 376 B36 Beam, William and Leflfmann, Henry Select methods in food analysis 1905 543 L52 Bean, Tarleton Hoffman Pishes of Pennsyl- vania . . . 149p.pl.O Harrisb.l893'=92 597 B37 Beard, Charles Martin Luther and the refor- mation in Germany until the close of the Diet of Worms; ed. by J. F: Smith 468p. O Lond.Paul,1889 B L97 Port Royal; a contribution to the history of religion and literature in France 2v.D Lond.Longman,1861 273.7 B38 The reformation of the 16th century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge . . . Ed,2 451p.O Lond.Wimams,1885 (Hibbert lectures 1883) 270.6 B38 Beard, George Miller American nervousness, its causes and consequences 352p.D N.Y. Putnam,«1881 616.8 B38 Practical treatise on nervous exhaustion; neurasthenia, its symptoms, nature, se- Beattie, James Poetical works, with a memoir by Alexander Dyce 244p.por.D Lond.Bell, 1894 (Aldine edition of the British poets) 821.6 B38 BEAUMONT, FRANCIS 1534-1616 GossE, E. W: Beaumont and Fletcher (see Gosse, E. W: Jacobean poets 1894 p.68-86) 821 G64 Lowell, J. R. Beaumont and Fletcher (see Lowell, J. R. Old English dramatists 1893<^92 p.100-112) 822 L95 Ward, A. W: Beaumont and Fletcher (in Waru, A. W: History of dramatic litera- ture 1899 v.2,p.643-764) 822 W21 and Fletcher, John Plays; ed. by J: St. Loe Strachey 2v.por.D Lond.Unwin,1893 (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.25 B38 Beauregard, E. and Montmahou, C. de Course in zoology 1893^92 590.7 M76 Beauties of nature Avebury, John Lubbock baron 504 Av3 Beautiful, the See Esthetics Beavan, Arthur H. Marlborough house and its occupants, present and past 312p.por.pl. O Lond.White,1896 914.21 B38 Beazley, Charles Raymond Dawn of modern geography; a history of exploration and geographical science from the close of the ninth to the middle of the thirteenth cen- tury, A.D. 900-1260 2v.pl.O Lond. Frowde,1901 910 B38 Prince Henry the navigator, the hero of Port- ugal and of modern discovery, 1394-1460 336p.pl.D N.Y.Putnam,1896'=94 (Heroes of the nations) B H39b Bechtel, John H. pronounced '1904 135,000 words spelled and . . 670p.O Phil.Jacobs, 421 B38 Becker, Michel and Poole, W:M. Commercial French 1903 448 P78 Becker, William Adolph Charicles; or, Illustra- tions of the private life of the ancient Greeks ... tr. by Frederick Metcalfe New ea. 512p.D Lond.Longmans,1895 913.38 B38 87 Gallus; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus; tr. by Frederick Metailfe New ed. 525p.D Lond.Longmans,1895 913.37 B38 Becket, Thomas See Thomas of London Beckonings from Uttle hands DuBois, Patterson 372b D85 Beddard, Frank Evers Animal coloration . . . 288p.il,pI.O Lond.Sonnenschein,! 892 591 B39 Beddard, J. E. and Cattell, J. M. Haddon, A. C. Study of man 1898 573 Hll Beddoes, Gay ed. Habit and health; a book of golden hints for middle age 347p.por. D Lond.Sonnen3chein,1890 616.3 B39 Beddoes, Thomas Lovell Poetical works; ed. witb a ii;emoir by Edmund Gosse . . . 2v. pl.S Lond.Dent,1890 821.89 B39 Beebe, Eatherlne First school year for primary workers 147p.S Chic.Werner co,''1895 372.2 B39 Home occupations for little children 144p.D Chic.Werner co,«l 896 * 372.2 B39h Beeching, Henry Charles ligion cd. Leaders of re- Paradise of English poetry 2v.O N.Y. Macmillan,1893 821.08 B39 Beers, Henry Augustus History of English romanticism in the 18th century 455p.D N.Y.Holt,1899 820.9 B39 Nathaniel Parker Willis 365p.por.D Best. Houghton,l 892*85 (American men of let- ters) B W69 Outline sketch of American literature 287p. D . N.Y.Hunt,1891'^86 810.9 B39 ed. Century of American literature, 1776- 1876 407p.S N.Y.Holt,1876 '77 810.8 B39 BEES AvKBURY, John Lubbock baron Ants, bees and wasps 1892 (International scientific series) 595.79 Av3 Beesly, Augustus Henry Gracchi, Marius and Sulla 217p.il.S N.Y.Scribner,1892 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.05 B39 Beesly, Edward Spencer Queen Elizabeth 243p.D Lond.Macmillan,1892 (Twelve English statesmen) B E14 Beginning of the middle ages Church, R:W: 940.2 C47 Behavior See Etiquette Behnke, Emil Mechanism of the human voice Ed.l0,enl. by Mrs Emil Behnke 156p.il.pl. D Lond.Curwen,n,d. 784.9 B39 and Browne, Lennox Child's voice; its treatment with regard to after-development 109p.S Chic.Marquis,1885 784.9 B39 BELGIUM Travel and description Allen, C:G.B. Cities of Belgium 1905 (Grant Allen's historical guide books) 914.93 A13 B.\EDEKER, Kabl pub. Belgium and Holland including the grand-duchy of Luxembourg 1901 914.93 B14 George, M. M. A little journey to Belgium and Denmark "^1902 (Library of travel) 914.93 G29 Stoddard, J:L. Belgium (in his Lectures 1898 '97 v.7,p.ll3-172) 910 St6 BELIEF Balfour, A. J. Foundations of be- Uef 1895 215 B19 James, William The wiU to believe and other essays in popular philosophy 1898 104 J23 Belisle, D. W. History of Independence hall from the earliest periods to the present time, embracing biographies of the immortal signers of the Declaration of independence, with historical sketches of the sacred relics preserved in that sanctuary of American freedom 398p.pl.D Phil.Challen,1859 974.811 B41 BELL, ANDREW 1752-1832 Leitch, Jamks Dr Andrew Bell (see his Practical educa- tionists 1876 p.121-148) 370.9 L53 Meiklejohn, J:M. D. An old educational reformer, Dr Andrew Bell 182p.D Edin. Blackwood,1881 B37 B41 See also Lancasterian system Bell, Sir Charles The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design and illustrating the power, wisdom and good- ness of God ... Ed. 8 260p.il.D Lond.Bell,1882 (Bridgewater treatises) 215 B41 Bell, Clara tr. Chesneau, Ernest Educa- tion of the artist 1886 707 C42 BEL BEL Bell, Currer BeU, 88 pseud. See Bronte Charlotte James Chemistry Lond.Chapmaii,n.d. of foods 2v.il.D 543 B41 Bell, Mrs Nancy B. E. (Meugens) (N. D'Anvers, pseud.) Elementary history of art, archi- tecture, sculpture, painting Ed.3 439p. il.D N.Y.Scribner,pref.l888 709 B41 Bellamy, Blanch Wilder and Goodwin, M. W. comp. Open sesame; poetry and prose for school 3v.il.O Bost.Ginn,1895<^89 808 B41 BELLAY, JOACHIM DU 1524 (?) -1560 Pater, W. H. Joachim du Bellay (see Pater, W. H. Eenaissance 1890 p.162-185) 824.89 P27r BELLEROPHON Mueller, F:M. Bellerophon (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.2,p.l70-186) 824.89 M91 Belles-lettres See Literature BELLINI Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Three early masters (see her Makers of Venice 1893^^87 '92 p.262-323) 945.3 013 BELPHEGOR Machiavelli, Nicol6 Mar- riage of Belphegor (see his The prince 1893 p.246-269) . 321 M18 Beman, Wooster Woodruff and Smith, D: E. Elements of algebra 430p.D' Bost.Ginn, 1900 512 B42 Higher arithmetic 193p.D Bost.Ginn,1897 511 B42 tr. Fink, Karl Brief history of mathe- matics 1900 510.9 F49 Klein, Felix Famous problems of element- ary geometry 1897 513 K67 Bench work in wood Goss, W. F. M. 694 G69 BENEDICT, SAINT 480-542 Montalembert, C:F. comte de St. Benedict (in Monta- lembert, C:F: comte de Monks of the West 1896 v.l,p.387-489) 271 M76 Nbwman, J:H: cardinal Mission of St. Benedict (in Newman, J:H: cardinal Historical sketches 1894 v.2,p.363-430) 904 N46 BENEDICTINES Newman, J:H: cardinal Benedictine schools (in his Historical sketches 1894 v.2,p.431-487) 904 N76 BENEKE, FRIEDRICH EDWARD 1798-1854 Barnard, Henry ed. Beneke (see Barnard, Henry ed. German pedagogy 1876 p.50-58) 370.8 B25 Brandt, F:B. Friedrich Edward Beneke. the man and his philosophy 1895 (Co- lumbia college Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) B19 B73 Benham, William ical works ed. Cowper, William Poet- 1893 '91 821.65 CSS Benjamin, Park Age of electricity from am- ber-soul to telephone 381p.il.pl.D N.Y. Scribner,1886 537.8 B43 Benjamin, Samuel Green Wheeler Story of Persia 304p.il.maps,D N.Y.Putnam, 1894'=87 (Story of the nations) 935.5 B43 Troy; its legend, history and literature . . . 179p.map,S N.Y.Scribner,1890'^80 (Epochs of ancient history) 939.21 B43 Bennett, Charles E. und Bristol, G:P. Teaching of Latin apd Greek in the secondary school New ed. 336p.O Lond.Longmans,1903 (American teachers ' series) 470.7 B44 Bennett, Charles Wesley History of the philos- ophy of pedagogics 43p.por.D Syra- cuse,Bardeen,1893 370.9 B43 Benson, John Shepherd's holiday (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.361-444) 822.08 D66 BENTHAM, JEREMY 1748-1832 Hazlitt, William Jeremy Bentham (in his Mis- cellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.l-16) 824.76 H33 BENTLEY, RICHARD 1662-1742 Jebb, R:C. Bentley n.d. (English men of letters) 9 C83 Bound with lives of Cowper by Goldwin Smith and of I^andor by Sidney Colvin DeQuincey, Thomas Richard Bentley (see DeQuincey, Thomas Eighteenth century in scholarship and literature "=1856 '77 p.l- 131) 824.81 D44e Benton, Emily E. Happy method in numbers for little people . . . 96p.il.D Syracuse, Bardeen,1897'=96 372.7 B44 Benton, Thomas Hart Thirty years' view; or, A history of the working of the American 89 government for thirty years from 1820-1850 2v.por.O N.Y.Appleton,1893«54 '56 328.73 B44 1782-1858 Roosevelt, Theodore Thomas Hart Benton 1892'86 (American states- men) B B44 Beowulf; an Anglo-Saxon epic poem; tr. by J:L. Hall llOp.O Bost.Heath,1898'=92 829 B45 Ragozin, Z. a. Siegfried, the hero of the North ; and Beowulf, the hero of the Anglo- Saxons 1898'^99 (Tales of the heroic ages) 398.2 R128 BERANGER, PIERRE JEAN DE 1780-1857 Baoehot, Walter Beranger (in Bage- hot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.2, p.44-84) 824.89 B14 BERE, RICHARD 1653-1740 Hume, M. A. S. Journal of Richard Bere (see Hume, M. A. S. Year after his Armada 1896 p.343-376) 946 H88 BERENGARIA, queen of England, Strickland, Agxes Berengaria of Navarre (in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.l,pt.l,p.300-334) 9 St8 Berger, Daniel Jlistory of the church of the United Brethren in Christ (see Tylor, B: B. and others History of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical as- sociation 1894 p.309-382) 289 T97 Berger, M. B. Sur 1 'enseignement de la langue maternelle (see Paris — Universal exposi- tion, 1878 Les conferences pedagogiques faites and instituteurs 1881 p.51-81) 370.6 P21 Bergh, Albert Elery and Lipscomb, A. A. ed. Jefferson-, Thomas Writings 1903 320.8 J35 Bergstrom, John A. and Conradl, Edward tr. Kotelmann, Ludwio School hygiene 1899 371.7 K84 BERKELEY, GEORGE 1685-1753 Eraser, A. C. Berkeley 1881 (Philosophical clas- sics for English readers) B19 B45 Life and letters of Berkeley (in Berkeley, George Works 1871 v.4,p.l-416) 192.3 B45 Tyler, M. C. George Berkeley and his Amer- ican visit (see Tyler, M: C. Three men of letters 1895 p.1-68) B B45 Treatise concerning the principles of hamian knowledge; with prolegomena and with annotations select, translated and original by C:P. Krauth 424p.O Phil.Lippincott, 1881«73 192.3 B45 Works; ed. by A. C. Fraser 4v.por.O Oxf. Clarendon pres8,1871 192.3 B45w Berkeley, M. J. ed. Cooke, M. C. Fungi, their nature and uses 1903 589 077 BERLIN Stoddard, J:L. Berlin (in his Lectures 1898*97 v.6,p.5-112) 910 St6 BERLIOZ, HECTOR 1803-1869 Hadow, W: H: Hector Berlioz and the French roman- tic movement (see Hadow, W:H. Stud- ies in modern music 1897*98 v.l,p.69- 146) 780 Hll Bernard, A, G. On the causes, treatment and cure of stammering 71p.D Lond.Church- ill,1889 616.87 B45 Bernard, John Henry and Mahaffy, J: P. tr. Kaxt, Immanuel Critical philosophy 1889 193.2 K13 Bernard, Montague Growth of laws and usages of war (in Oxford essays 1856 p.88- 136) 824.89 0x2 BERNARD, SAINT Saint Bernard lights of history 1091-1153 Lord, John (in Lord, John Beacon *1883-96 v.2,p.l 73-208) 904 L88 BERNAYS, JACOB ''Joseph Scaliger'' Pat- Tisox, Mark Joseph Scaliger (in Pat- tison, Mark Essays 1889 v.l,p.l32- 195) 824.89 P27 Bemers, John Bourchier baron ed. Frois- SART, Jean Chronicles 1904*1895 940 F92 Bernstein, Julius Five senses of man 304p.iI. D N.Y.Appleton,1881 (International scientific series) 152 B45 BERRY, MARIE LOUISE ELISABETH D'- ORLEA.VS, duchesse DE 1695-1719 Im- BERT de Saint Amand, A. L. baron Duch- ess of Berry and the court of Charles X 1892 B B45 Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVIII 1892 B B45d Duchess of Berry and the revolution of 1830 1893 B B45du BER BER 40 Bertelsen, Sophia Yhlen-Olsen tr. Jespersen, J, O. H. How to teach a foreign language 1904 407 J49 Besant, Sir Walter Captain Cook 191p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1894 (English men of action) B C77 On university settlements (see Reason, Will ed. University and social settlements 1898 p.1-10) 331.8 E23 Riverside perish (see Woods, R. A. and others Poor in great cities 1896 p.240- 274) 331.8 W86 BESSEL, FRIEDRICH WILHELM 1784-1846 Lodge, Sir 0:J, Bessel — the distances of the stars, and the discovery of stellar planets (see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 p.304-316) 520.9 L62 Bessey, Charles Edwin Botany . . . Ed.7,enl. 611p.il.O N.Y.Holt,1892'=80 (American science series; advanced course) 580.7 B46 Essentials of botany 292p.iI.D N.Y.Holt, 1885*84 (American science series; briefer course) 580,7 B46p Best Elizabethan plays Thayer, W:R. ed. 822 T33 Best reading Perkins F:B. ed. 016 P41 Betham-Edwards, Matilda Barbara See Ed- wards, Matilda Barbara Betham- BETHLEHEM (Pennsylvania) Gibbons, P. E. Bethlehem and the Moravians (see her "Pennsylvania Dutch" and other essays 1882 p.173-205) 814.49 G35 B4tis, Victor and Swan, Howard tr. Gowin, Franqois Art of teaching and studying languages n 892 '95 407 G72 Bettany, a. T. Life of Charles Darwin 175p. D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Great writers) B D25 Bevan, G. Phillips Handbook to the industries of the British Isles and the United States 220p.D Lond.Bogue,1882 670 B46 Bezold, Wilhelm von Theory of color in its re- lation to art and art industry; tr. from the German by S. R. Kohler . . . 274p.il. pl.O B©st.Prang,1876 535.6 B46 BLA.NCONI, CHARLES 1786-1875 Smiles, Samuel Charles Bianconi (see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.217-251) 9 Sm4 Biart, Lucien Aztecs, their history, manners, and customs; tr. by J. L. Garner 343p. il.O Chic.McClurg,1887<=86 972.014 B47 Bible, The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; tr. out of the original tongues . . . 223p.O Phil.Claxton,1881 R220.5 H74 Contains The Psalms of David in metre Arnold, Matthew God and the Bible 1901 239 Ar6 Literature and dogma; an essay toward a better apprehension of the Bible 1903 239 Ar61 Chicago women's educational union Read- ings from the Bible selected for schools and to be read in unison 1896 220 C43 Moulton, R:G. The Bible as literature "=1896 220.8 M86 Literary study of the Bible; an account of the leading forms of literature repre- sented in the sacred writings 1905 •=1895 '99 220.8 M861 Study of the Bible as literature (see Sun- day-school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religi- ous instruction 1901 p.249-288) 377 Su7 Inspiration Sanday, William Inspiration; eight lec- tures on the early history and origin of the doctrine of Biblical inspiration 1894 220.1 Sa5 Old Testament Arnold, Matthew ed. Bible reading for schools Great prophecy of Israel's res toration 1875 224.1 Ar6 Brooke, S. A : The Old Testament and mod- ern life 1896 221 B79 Smith, W:R. Prophets of Israel and their place in history to the close of the eighth century B.C. 1895 224 Sm5 Job Bruce, A. B. The book of Job (see his Moral order of the world 1899 p.207- 242) 214 B83 41 Froude, J. A. Book of Job (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891'=92 v.l, p,228-273) 824.89 F93 Lord, John Book of Job (i?i Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883-96 First serie8,v.2,p.l33-166) 904 L88 New Testament Froude, J. A. Criticism arid the gospel his- tory (in his Short studies of great sub- jects 1891 '92 v.l,p.l97-227) 824.89 F93 Bible and science See Religion and science Bigelow, John Mystery of Harper,1897 139p.D N.Y. 135 B48 Bible in Spain Borrow, George 914.6 B64 BIBLE IN THE SCHOOL Bible in the public schools; arguments in the case of J:D. Minor et al versus the Board of education of the city of Cincinnati et al ... with the opinions and decisions of the court 420p.O Cinc.Clarke,1870 377.1 B47 White, E. E. Religion in the school {see his School management 1893 p.295-309) 371c W58 Biblioth^que p^dagogique; ed by H. Cocheris DuMESNiL, Georges La pedagogic revolu- tionnaire 1883 370.944 D89 Martin, Alexandre Les doctrines peda- gogiques des Grecs 1881 370.938 M38 Rousseau, J. J. Emile; ou, De I'^ducation 1880 370.1 R76 SouQUET, Paul Ecrivains pedagogues du 16e sificle 1880 370.8 So8 BiBLiooRAPHY See Book collecting; Books and , reading; Cataloging of books; Library cat- alogs; Literature; Manuscripts; Periodicals — Irwlexes; Pseudonyms; Reading; Refer- ence books For the bibliography of any subject see the name of the subject Bibliophile, Jacobs pseud. See Lacroix, Paul BIDDLE, CHARLES 1749-1821 Biddle, Charles Autobiography . . . 423p.O Phil.Claxton,1883 B B47 BIENVILLE, JEAN BAPTISTE LEMOINE sievr DE 1680-1768 Kino, Grace Jean Baptiste Le Moyne Sieur de Bienville 1893 •=92 (Makers of America) B B47 Bierbower, Aiistin Virtues and their reasons; a system of ethics for society and schools 294p.O Chic.Sherwood,1888 170.7 B47 William CuUen Bryant 355p.por.D Bost. Houghton,1893'90 (American men of let' ters) B B84 Bigelow, Maurice A. and Lloyd, F. E. Teach- ing of biology in the secondary school 1904 570.7 L77 Bigelow, Melville M. Constitution (see Cam- bridge modern history The United States 1903 p.235-304) 973 C14 Declaration of independence (see Cambridge modern history The United States 1903 p.175-208) 973 C14 Bigelow, Poultney History of the German struggle for liberty . . . 2v.pl.map8,0 N.Y.Harper,1896 914.3 B48 Bigg, Charles Christian Platonists of Alex- andria 304p,D Oxf .Clarendon press,1886 186.4 B84 Bigge, L. A. Selby- ed. Hume, David Treatise on human nature 1888 150 H88 Bill Nye pseud. See Nye, Edgar Wilson Billings, Frank Seaver Relation of animal dis- eases to the public health, and their preven- tion 446p.O N.Y.Appleton,1884 614.9 B49 BIMETALLISM Jordan, W:L. Standard of value 1888 332.42 J76 Laughlin, J:L. 1893«85 History of bimetallism 332.42 L36 Playfair, Sir Lyon On bimetallism (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.183-195) 304 P69 See also Money Binet, Alfred Alterations of personality; tr. by H.. G. Baldwin with notes and a preface by J. M. Baldwin 356p.il.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1896 126 B51 Psychic life of micro-organisms; a study in experimental psychology; tr. from the French by Thomas McCormack 120p.il.D Chic.Open court publishing co,1889*88 591.5 B51 Binner, Paul Dumb speak 27p.8 n.t.p. Milwaukee (Wis), 1881 371.92 B51 Biographies of words and the home of the Aryaa Mueller, F:M. 410 M91 BIO BIO 42 BIOGRAPHY Bates, William Maclise por- trait gallery of illustrious literary charac- ters 1891 9 B31 Carlyle, Thomas Biography (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.2, p.384-400) 824,82 C19 Emerson, R. W. Representative men 1894 <=76'83 9 Em5 Heilpein, Louis Historical reference book 1885 903 H36 McMxiRRY, F:M. Use of biography in re- ligious instruction {see Sunday school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious instruction 1901 p.191-211) 377 Su7 MoKEis, Charles ed. Men of the century 1896 9 M83 Mitchell, D. G. About old story tellers; of how and when they lived and what stories they told 1898 9 M69 Pennyp ACKER, S:W. Historical and bio- graphical sketches 1883 974.8 P38 Plutarch •=59 '76 Lives of illustrious men 1892 9 P74 Hepplier, Agnes Memoirs and biographies (see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.95-135) 028 CSS Spence, Joseph Anecdotes, observations and characters of books and men n.d. (Cam- elot series) 9 Sp3 YoNGE, C. M.. Book of golden deeds 1882 (Golden treasury series) 9 Y8 See also Admirals; Astronomers; Authors; Classical biography; Education — Biography ; Fathers of the church; History; Hu- manists; Industrial biography; Lawyers; Prophets; Saints; Queens; Women — Biog- raphy; also the name of the country, sub- division, Biography Biography of a baby Shinn, M. W. 372c Sh6 BIOLOGY Hertwig, Osoae Biological prob- lem of to-day 1896 (Heinemann'a scien- tific hand-books) 576 H44 HuxLET, T:H: Evolution in biology (see his Science and culture and other essays 1884 p.281-316) 504 H98 On the border territory between the animal and the vegetable kingdoms (see his Science and culture and other essays 1884 p.156-186) 504 H9S McEwEN, J. W. Protobiology ; or, The phil- osophy of life 1887 576 M15 Mackintosh, Robert From Comte to Ben- jamin Kidd 1899 575 M21 MiVAKT, St. George Address to the British association,1879 (in his Essays and criti- cisms 1892 v.2,p.l93-225) 824.89 M69 What are animals and plants (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2,p.358- 383) 824.89 M69 Sedgwick, W:T. and Wilson, E. B. Gen- eral biology 1886 (American science series; advanced course) 570.7 Se2 Weismann, A:F:L. Effect of external in- fluences upon development 1894 (Eo« manes lecture 1894) 576 W43 Essays upon heredity and other kindred bi- ological problems 1891 '92 570.4 W43 See also Botany; Embryology; Evolution; Heredity; Homology; Hygiene; Natural history; Physiology; Sex; Species; Varia- tion (Biology) ; Zoology Teaching Campbell, J: P. Biological teaching in the colleges of the United States (United States — Education, Bureau of Circulpr of information) 370.6 Un3 Lloyd, F. E. and Bigelow, M. A. Teaching of biology in the secondary school 1904 (American teachers' series) 570.7 L77 BION 280 B.C(?) Appleton, W:H. ed. Bion (see Appleton, W:H. ed. Greek poets in English verse 1893 p.288-294) 881 Ap5 Bird craft Wright, M. O. 598.2 W93 Bird-talk Whitney, Mrs A. (Dutton) T. 811.49 W61 Birds; a monthly serial 1897 v.3,0 Chic. Nature study publishing co,1897 598.2 B53 BIRDS Bailey, W:L. Our own birds n.d. 598.2 B15 43 Burroughs, John Birds and poets and other essays 1S95'77 814.41 B94 Wake-robin 1895<=71'76 814.41 B94w Chapman, F:M. Hand-book of birds of eastern North America 1896*95 598.2 C36 Grant, J:B. Out common birds and how to know them 1895«91 598.2 G76 Lanqilxj:, J. H. Our birds in their haunts 1884 598.2 L26 Lowell, J. R. My garden acquaintance (in his Literary essays 1892 '94*60 '90 v.3, p.192-219) 814.39 , L951i Merriam, F.. a. (afterwards Mrs Bailey) Birds of viUage and field 1898 598.2 M15 Birds through an opera glass 1893*89 {^Eiverside library for young people) 598.2 M55b Miller, Mrs Harriet (Mann) Bird-lover in the west 1894 598.2 M62 Birdways 1894*85 In nesting time 1893* 598.2 M62b 598.2 M62i EuSKiN, John Love 's meine (see his Two paths 1894 p.153-205) 824.89 R89t Stone, Wither Birds of eastern Pennsyl- vania and New Jersey 1894 598.2 St7 Warren, B. H. Report on the birds of Pennsylvania 1890 598.2 W26 Wright, M.O. Birdcraft 1895 598.2 W93 and CoUES, Elliott Citizen bird 1897 598.2 W93c See also Natural history Birdwood, Sir George Christopher Molesworth Industrial arts of India 2v.pl.maps,0 Lond.Chapman,n.d. (South Kensington museum art handbooks) 609 B53 Birkbeck-Hill, George Norman See Hill, George Birkbeck Norman Birkbeck schools See Ellis, William Birrell, Augustine Life of Charlotte Bronte 186p.D Lond.Scott,1887 (Great writers) B B78 Seven lectures on the law and history of copy- right in books 228p.D Lond.CasseU, 1899 655.6 B78 BISMARCK, OTTO EDOUARD LEOPOLD fUrgt VON 1815-1898 Fbancke, Kuno Bismarck as a national type {set Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modem German culture 1898 p.195-233) 834.89 F84 Lowe, Charles Prince Bismarck, an his- torical biography 1892 B B54 Lord, John Prince Bismarck (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history *1883'96 v.6,p.437-552) 904 L88 Bittinger, Lucy Forney Germans in colonial times 314p.D Phil.Lippincott,1901*00 973 B54 Black, Robert tr. Guizot, F:P. G. History of France 1884 '93 944 G94 Black, William Goldsmith 152p.S N.Y. Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B G57 Bound with lives of Locke by Thomaa Fowler and of Gray by E, W: Gosse Black-board drawing Swannell, M. 372.5 Sw2 BLACK DEATH Gasquet, F. A. Great pesti- lence, A.D. 1348-1349 1893 614.49 G21 "Black Prince," The See Edward "The Black Prince" Blackie, John Stuart Four phases of morals; Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarian- ism 354p.D N.Y.Scribner,1887 171 B56 Self -culture ; intellectual, physical and moral . . . 112p.S N.Y.Scribner,n.d. 374 B56 What does history teach t 123p.S N.Y. Scribner,1886 901 B56 BLACKMORE, Sir RICHARD 1650-1729 Johnson, Samuel Blackmore (in John- son, Samuel Lives of the poets pref. 1896 v.4,p.23-49) 9 J62 BLAIKIE, WILLIAM GARDEN 1820— (f) "Personal life of David Livingstone" HlL- Lis, N. D. Blaikie's "Personal Kfe of David Livingstone ' ' A study of nineteenth century heroism (see Hillis, N. D. Great books as life teachers 1904*1898 p.271- 306) 814 H55 Blair, Frank G. Social function of history (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.44-56) 370.6 H41 Blake, Sophia Jex- A visit to some American schools and colleges 250p.D Lond.Mae- millan,1867 379.73 B58 BLA BLA 44 BLAKE, WILLIAM 1757-1827 Cunningham, Allan WilUam Blake (see Cunning- ham, Allan Great English painters 1886 p.275-311) 9 C9 Poetical works; lyrical and miscellaneous, ed. with a prefatory memoir by W:M. Rosetti 231p.por.D Lond.Bell,1893 {Aldine edi- tion of the British poets 821.6 B58 Blakiston, John Richard The teacher; hints on school management 91p.D Lond.Mac- millan,1879 371b B58 BLANC, JEAN JOSEPH CHARLES LOUIS 1811-1882 Ely, R:T. Louis Blanc (see Ely, R:T. French and German socialism <=1883 p.108-123) 335 E19 KiEKUP, Thomas Louis Blanc (see Kirk- up, Thomas History of socialism 1892 p.40-47) 335 K63 Blanchan, Neltje pseud. See Doubleday, Mrs Nellie Blanchan (De Graff) Blank verse Symonds, J: A. 821 Sy6 Blanctui, Jerome Adolphe History of political economy in Europe; tr. from the 4th French ed. by E. J. Leonard with preface by D:A. Wells 585p.O N.Y.Putnam,n.d. 330.9 B61 Blaserna, Pietro Theory of sound in its rela- tion to music 187p.il.D N.Y.Appleton, 1892 (International scientific scries) 524.3 B61 Blessed Virgin in the catacombs, The Shahan, T:J. 246.5 Shi BLIND, THE Prescott, W:H. Asylum for the blind (see his Critical and biograph- ical miscellanies 1882«75 p.53-81) 804 P92 SiZERANNE, Maurice de la The blind as seen through blind eyes 1893 371.91 Si9 See Bridgman, Laura Dewey; Gilbert, Eliza- beth Margaretta Maria; Haiiy, Valentine Blinde, Mathilda ed. Byeon, G:N.G. Byron, baron Letters 1887 B B99 Blockade and the cruisers Soley, J. E. 973.7 So4 Blomfield, Seglnald Theodore Short history of ■ ' renaissance architecture in England, 1500- 1800 323p.il.pl.O Lond.Bell,1904 724 B62 Blot upon the brain Ireland, W:W. 132 Ir2 Blow, Susan Elizabeth Kindergarten . . . taken from "Merry songs and games" 129p.D St.Louis(Mo),Balmer,<=1890 372.2 B62 Contains also Christmas tide by Elizabeth Harrison Kindergarten education (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.l,monograph2,44p.) 379.73 B97 Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel 311p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1899 (International education series) 372.2 B621 Study of Dante; with an introduction by W: T. Harris Ed.3 102p.D N.Y.Putnam, 1898*^86 851.15 B62 Symbolic education; a commentary on Froe- bel 's Mother play 251p.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1894 '98 (Intertiational education series) (4 copies) 372.2 B62s ed. Froebel, F:A:W: Mottoes and com- mentaries of the Mother play 1898*95 (International education series) 372.2 F92 Songs and music of the Mother play 1896'97'=95 372.2 F92s Bloxam, Charles Loudon Chemistry; inorganic and organic with experiments Ed.5,enl. 738p.il.pl.O Phil.Lea,1883 540 B62 BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS Torrey, Brad- ford A world of green hills; observations of nature and human nature in the Blue Ridge =1898 917.56 T63 Blyth, Alexander Wynter and Blyth, M. W. Foods, their composition and analysis; a manual for the use of analytical chemists and others, with an introductory essay on the history of adulteration Ed.3 640p. il.pl.D Lond.Griffin,1888 543 B62 Blyth, Edmund Kell Life of William EUis, founder of the Birkbeck schools . . . 365p.por.O Lond.Paul,1889 B ' E15 Boas, Frederick Samuel Shakespere and his predecessors 555p.D N.Y.Scribner,1896 (University series) 822.33 B63 Boase, Charles William Oxford Ed.2 230p. map8,D Lond.Longmans,1887 (Historic towvs) 942.57 B63 Bodley, John Edward Courtenay Prance 2v. O N.Y.Macmillan,1898 342.44 B63 A 45 Body, human See Anatomy; Physiology Body and mind Maudsley, Henry 132 M44 Body and will Maudsley, Henry 159 M44 BOECKING, PROFESSOR ' ' EpistolcB obscurorum virorum" Pattison, Mark Antecedents of the reformation {in his Essays 1889 v.l,p.53-66) 824.89 P27 BOCKLIN, ARNOLD 1827-(t) Francke, KuNO Arnold Bocklin (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modern Grerman culture 1898 p.154-165) 834.89 F84 Boedder, Bernard Natural theology 480p.D N.Y.Benziger,pref.l891 (Manuals of Cath- olic philosophy) 210 B63 Bohm-Bawerk, Eugene von Positive theory of capital; tr. with a preface and analysis by William Smart 428p.O Lond.Macmillan, 1891 331 B63 Boelte, Marie Kraus- See Kraus-Bcelte, Maria BOERS Imperial South African Association The British against the Boer republics n.d. 968 L85 BOHEMIA Maurice, C:E. Story of Bohemia 1896 (Story of the tuitions) 943.7 M44 BOHEMIAN LITERATURE LiiTZOW, F:H. H. V. graf VON History of Bohemian litera- ture 1899 (Literatures of the world) 891.86 L97 BOIARDO, MATTEO MARIA 1434 (?) -1494 Symonds, J: a. Pulci and Boiardo (in Synionds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; Italian literature 1888 v.l,p.425-492) 850.9 Sy6 Boies, Henry M. Prisoners and paupers; a study of the abnormal increase of criminals and the public burden of pauperism In the United States; the causes and remedies 318p.por.pl.D N.Y.Putnam,1893 364 B63 BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, NICHOLAS 1636- 1711 Ckx)K, A. S. ed. Boileau (see Cook, A. S. ed. Art of poetry 1892 p.157-222) 808.1 C77 Boissier, Marie Loois Gaston Cicero and his friends; a study of Roman society in the time of Csesar; tr. by A. D. Jones 399p. D N.Y.Putnam,1897 B C48 Country of Horace and Virgil; tr. by D. H. Fisher 346p.map8,0 N.Y.Putnam,1896 914.5 B63 Contents: — Horace's country house; Ea- truscan tombs at Corneto; Country of the i£neid Rome and Pompeii; archaeological rambles; tr. by D. H. Fisher 435p.maps,D N.Y. Putn'am,1896 913.37 B63 Contents: — The Forum; The Palatine; The catacombs; Hadrian's villa; Ostia; Pompeii Boland, Mary A. (Boland) See Pequignot, Mrs Mary A. Bolas, Thomas Glass blowing and working . . . 212p.il.pl.D Lond.Dawbam,pref.l898 666 B63 BOLINGBROKE, HENRY ST. JOHN viscount 1678-1751 Bagehot, Walter Boling- broke as a statesman (see Bagehot, Wal- ter Biographical studies 1895 p.l69- 222) 9 B14 BOLIVIA Conway, Sir W:M. The Bolivian Andes; a record of climbing and explora- tion in the CordiUera Real in 1898 and 1900 1901 918.4 C76 Bolles, Albert Sidney Financial history of the United States from 1774-1885 Ed.3 3v.O N.Y.Appleton,1892<^79'84 (volume 1, 2 copies) 336.73 B63 Home library of law 1905 6v.S N.Y.Doubleday, 340 B63 Industrial history of the United States . . . A complete survey of American industries . . . with a description of Canadian in- dustries . . . 936p.il.O Conn.Bill pub- lishing co,1881'76 609 B63 ed. Cushing, L. S. Manual of parliamen- tary practice '1901 328 C95 Bolton, Frederick E. Secondary school system of Germany 398p.D N.Y.Appleton,1900 (International education series) 373.43 B63 BoNAPAfiTE, Charles Loms Napoleon See Napoleon III Bonaparte, Napoleon See Napoleon I, em- peror of France Bonar, James Philosophy and political econ- omy in some of their historical relations 410p.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1893 (Li- brary of philosophy) 330 B64 BON BON 46 BONAVENTURA (GIOVANNI DI FIDENZA) saint 1221-1274 Townsend, W:J: The seraphical doctor; Bonaventura (see Townsend, W:J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881 p.184-195) B19 T66 BoNDONE, Giotto di See Giotto (Giotto di Bondone) Boniface, Joseph Xavier See Saintine, Jo- seph Xavier Boniface BONN, UNIVERSITY OF Brisac, Edmond Dreyfus- The university of Bonn 1882 (United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular cf information) 370.6 Un3 BONNEVILLE, BENJAMIN L. E. 1793-1878 Irving, Washington Adventures of Cap- tain Bonneville in the Rocky mountains n.d. 917.8 Ir8 Bouuey, G. E. Induction coils . . . Ed.3 239.p.il.S Lond.Whittaker,1904 {Whit- taker's manual of arts, science and indus- tries) 537 B64 Bonney, Thomas George Volcanoes, their struc- ture and significance 332p.il.pl.map,0 N.Y.Putnam,1899 (Science series) 551 B64 Book catalogs See Library catalogs; also the name of the subject, sub-division, Bibliog- raphy Book collecting Spofford, A. R. A book for all readers; designed as an aid to the collection, use, and preservation of books and the formation of public and private Ubraries 1905«00 O20 Sp6 Book-lover Baldwin, James 028 B19 Book of days Chambers, Robert R080 C35 Book of elegies Baldwin, James ed. 821.04 B19 Book of famous verse Repplier, Agnes camp. 821.08 R29 Book of golden deeds Yonge, C M.. 9 Y8 Book of meditations, A Griggs, E:H. 818 G87 Book-trotter, The Harrison, Frederic (see his Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other liter- ary estimates 1900 p.166-173) 824.89 H24 BOOKBINDING Cockerell, Douglas Book- binding and the care of books 1903*01 (Artistic crafts series of technical hand- books) 686 C64 BOOKKEEPING Meservey, A. B. Bookkeep- ing <=1875'95 657 M56 Peirce, T:M. Manual of bookkeeping 1900 <^99 657 P35 Soul6, George New science and practice of accounts ^881,1906 657 So8 Waggener, D. B. Bookkeeping simplified 1874 '75 657 W12 Wells, C:R. Teacher's guide to the prac- tice system of training and bookkeeping 1897 657 W47 BOOKS Emerson, R. W. Books (see his So- ciety and solitude 1893'^70'83 p.179-210) 814.36 Em3s Lowell, J. R. Books and libraries (see his Literary and political addresses 1894 •^86 '90 p.78-98) 814.39 L95 Putnam, G:H. Books and their makers dur- ing the middle ages 1896 '97 655 P98 Spofford, A. R. A book for all readers de- signed as an aid to the collection, use and preservatioH of books and the formation of public and private libraries 1905'^00 020 Sp6 See Bookbinding; Cataloging of books; Classification of books; Libraries; Litera- ture; Manuscripts; Printing; Reading, Aids in ; Reference books Books and reading Porter, Noah 028 P83 Boole, George Treatise on the calculus of finite differences; ed. by J. F: Moulton Ed.3 33op.D Lond.Macmillan,1880 517.6 B64 Boole, M. E. Preparation of the child for science 157p,D Oxf .Clarendon press, 1904 507 B64 BOONE, DANIEL 1734-1820 Thwaites, R. G. Daniel Boone 1903<^02 (Appleton's series of historic lives) B B64 Boone, Richard Gause Education in the United States; its history from the earliest settle- ments 402p.D N.Y.Appleton,1894<^89 (International education series) 370.973 B64 Science of education 407p.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,]904 370.1 B64 47 Booth, Charles Pauperism, a picture Endow- ment of old age, an argument 355p.D Lond.Macmillan,1892'91 339 B64 ed. Life and labour of the people of Lon- don 4v.O Lond.Macmman,1892'93 331.8 B64 BOOTH, EDWIN 1833-1893 Wintei, Wil- liam Life and art of Edwin Booth 1896'93 B B64 Borderland studies Gould, G:M. 610.4 G73 BORLASE, WILLIAM 1695-1772 "Antiqui- ties, historical and monumental, of Corn- wall" Mueller, F:M. Cornish antiqui- ties (in his Chips from a German work- shop 1890 '92 v.3,p.238-286) 824.89 M91 Borrow, George Henry Bible in Spain; or, The journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the peninsula New ed. 328p.por.D Lond.Murray,1888 914.6 B64 1803-1881 Saintsbury, G:E:B. Borrow {see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Essays in Eng- lish literature 1890 p.403-439) 824 Sa2 Bosanquet, Bernard Companion to Plato's re- public . . . 430p.D N.Y.MacmiUan, 1895 184 B65 Psychology of the moral self Macmillan,1897 132p.D Lond. 150 B65 ed. LoTZE, R. H. Logic, in three books ; of thought, of investigation, and of knowledge 1884 160 L91 Metaphysic in three books; ontology, cos- mology, and psychology 1884 110 L91 Bosanquet, Mrs Helen (Dendy) Strength of the people; a study in social economics Ed.2 345p.O Lond.Macmillan,1903 339 B65 Bostock, Frank Charles Training of wild ani- mals; ed. by Ellen Velvin 256p.il.por.D N.Y.Century co,1904<03 591 B65 BOSTON History Adams, C:F. jr Three episodes of Massa- chusetts history; the settlement of Boston bay; the Antinomian controversy; a study of church and town government 1893 974.4 Adl Public schools Bice, J. M. The public schools of Boston (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.120-146) 379.73 R36 Travel and description Bacon, E:M. Boston guide book 1903 917.44 B13 (see his Natural 1894'93 p.83- 814.36 Em3 Emerson, R. W. Boston history of the intellect 111) Howells, W:D. Literary Boston as I knew it (see his Literary friends and acquaint- ance 1900 p.113-145) B H83 Swift, Lindsay Literary landmarks of Bos- ton 1903 917.44 Sw5 'Boston-Industrial school association Wood work- ing tools; how to use them; a manual lOlp.il.D Bost.Heath,1888'81 (2 copies) 694 B65 Boston Latin school Oldest school in America An oration by Phillips Brooks and a poem by Robert Grant; at the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Boston Latin school, April 23, 1885 106p. D Bost.Houghton,1885 379.744 B65 Boswell, Charles Stuart Vita nuova and its au- thor; being the Vita nuova literaUy trans- lated with notes and an introduction 228p. D Lond.Paul,1895 851.15 B65 Boswell, James 1740-1795 Life of Samuel Johnson New ed. enl. 4v.il.pl.facsim.D Lond.National illustrated library ,pref .1851 B J62 "Life of Samuel Johnson" Cablyijc, Thomas Boswell 's life of Johnson {in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscella- neous essays n.d. v.2,p.401-470) 824.82 C19 Macaulay, T:B. baron Samuel Johnson (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.l,p.366-420) 824.83 Mil DoBSON, Austin BosweU's predecessors and editors (see Dobson, Austin Miscellanies 1898 p.109-143) 824.89 D65m Boswell-Stone, Walter George See Stone, Wal- ter George Boswell- BOTANY Allen, C:G.B. Story of the plants 1896'95 (Library of useful stories) 581 A15 BOT BOT 48 Bailey, L. H. Lessons with plants; sugges- tions for seeing and interpreting some of the common forms of vegetation 1904 581 Bio Talks afield about the plants and the science of plants 1885 581 B15t Bessevt, C:E. Essentials of botany 1885 =84 (American science series; briefer course) 580.7 B46e Botany 1892''80 (American science se- ries; advanced course) 580.7 B46 Darwin, C:R. Power of movement in plants 1900 581 D25 Gaye, Selina Great world's farm; some ac- count of nature 's crops and how they are grown 1893 581 G25 Geddes, Patrick Chapters in modern botany 1893 (University extension manuals) 581 G26 GrOODALE, G:L. Physiological botany ''1 885 581 G61 Gray, ASxV Elements of botany "=1887 581 G79 Lessons in botany and vegetable physiology 1857=68 581 G791 Structural botany; or, Organography on the basis of morphology =1879 581 G793 Hejjjprey, Arthur On. the educational claims of botanical science (see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881=67 p.87-116) 375.5 Y8 Herrick, Mrs S. M. (Bledsoe) Chapters on plant life 1885 581 H43 Hooker, Sir J. D. Botany 1882 (Science primers) 580 H76 Newell, J. H. Reader in botany 1894=89 580 ]Sr44r ed. Outlines of lessons in botany 1889 '92=88 580 N44 Gels, Walter Experimental plant physiol- ogy 1894 581 Oe6 RusKiN, John Proserpina; studies in way- side flowers 1894 580 R89 Vincent, Frank Plant world; its romances and realitiee 1897 580 V74 Warner, Francis Catalogue of a museum of natural history (see his Mental faculty 1890 p.163-212) 150.1 W24 See also Agriculture; Biology; Climbing plants; Evolution; Ferns; Fertilization of plants; Flowers; Forests and forestry; Fungi; Gardening; Grasses; Natural his- tory; School gardens; Shrubs; Paleo- botany; Plants, Cultivated; Seeds; Trees; also the name of the botanist and the. name of the country, sub-division, Botany History Sachs, Julius von History of botany,1530- 1860 1890 580.9 ' Sal Botany, Fossil See Paleobotany Botta, Mrs Anne Charlotte (Lynch) Handbook of universal literature, from the best and latest authorities New ed. enl. 575p.O Bost.Houghton,1885=60-84 802 B65 BOTTICELLI, SANDRO 1447-1515(1510?) Pater, W. H. Sandro Botticelli (see Pater, W. H. Renaissance 1890 p.52- 64) 824.89 P27r (see Vaughan, C:S. comp. Eng- lish literary criticism pref.1896 p.210- 219) 820 V46 Bottone, S. R. tr. Mazzotto, Domenico Wireless telegraphy and telephony 1906 654 M45 BOUDINOT, ELIAS 1740-1821 Boudinot, J. J. ed. Life, public services, addresses and letters 1896 B B66 Journal; or, Historical recollections of Ameri- c^^n events during the revolutionary war ... 97p.facsim.O Phil.Bourquin,1894 B B66j Boudinot, Jane J. ed. Life, public services, addresses and letters 2v.por.map,0 Bost. Honghton,1896 B B66 Boulard, J. and Alglave, Emile Electric light; its history, production and application 1884 621.3 A13 Bourbourg, Brasseur de " Popol vuh" Muel- ler, F:M. Popol vuh (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 vl,p.309- 336) 824.89 M91 BOURGES CATHEDRAL Hoppin, J. M. Bourges cathedral (see his Early renais- sance and other essays on art subjects 1892 p.199-217) 704 H77 49 Bonrinot, John George Story of Canada 463p. il.D N.Y.l'utuain,1896 {Story of the nations) 971 B66 Bourne, Henry Eldridge Teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the second- ary school 385p.O N.Y.Longmans,1902 (American teachers' series) 907 B66 Bourne, Henry Richard Fox Life of John Locke 2v.O N.Y.Harper,1876 B19 L79 Sir Philip Sidney, type of English chivalry in the Elizabethan age 384p.por.pl. facsim. D N.Y.Putnam,1891 (Heroes of the Tui- tions) B Silb Bourne, William Oland History of the Public school society of the city of New York 769p.por.O N.Y.Wood,1870<^69 379.747 B66 Boutmy, Emile Studies in constitutional law; France, England, United States; tr. from the 2d French ed. by E. M. Dicey . . . 183p.D Lond.Macmillan,1891 342 B66 BOWDEN, JOHN WILLIAM "Life and pon- tificate of Gregory VII" Newman, J:H: cardinal Reformation of the 11th century (in Newman, J:H: cardiiuil Essays; critical and historical 1891 v.2,p.249- 335) 204 N46 Bowen, E. E. On teaching by means of gram- mar (see Farrar, F:W: ed. Essays on a liberal education 1868 p.179-204) 370.4 F24 Bowen, Francis American political economy, including strictures on the management of the currency and the finances since 1861, with a chart showing fluctuations in the price of gold 495p.pl.O N.Y.Scribner, 1889*^70 330 B67 Modern philosophy; from Descartes to Schop- enhauer and Hartmann Ed.7 485p.O N.Y.Scribner,1892'77 190 B67 ed. TocQXTEViLLE, A. C:H:C. DE Democ- racy in America 1882'62 342.73 T56 Bowen, Herbert Courthope Froebel and educa- tion by self-activity 209p.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,l 893^92 (Great educators) B37 F92b Bower, Ralph Lytton ed. Smiles, Samuel Self-help '1904 374 Sm4 Bowker, Blchard B. and Fletcher, W:I. Annual literary index 1896-date R050 An7 Bowne, Borden Parker ihological theory 1887 Philosophy of theism 1899'87 Introduction to pay- 329p.O N.Y.Harper, 150 B68 269p.O N.Y.Harf>er, 231 B68 Principles of ethics 309p.O N.Y'.American book co,«=1892 171 B68 Theory of thought and knowledge 389p.O N.Y.Harper,1897 101 B68 Bowring, Edgar Alfred tr. Goethe, J:W. von Poems 1891 831.69 G55 tr. Schiller, J:C. F: von Poems 1904 831 Sch3 Boy, The Samuel, W:H: 371c Sa4 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison St. An- drews and elsewhere; glimpses of some things gone and some things left . . . 384p.O Lond.Longmans,1894 B B69 Boyer, Charles C. Principles and methods of teaching 399p.O Phil.Lippincott,«1899 371b B69 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth Goethe and Schiller; their lives and works, including a commen- tary on Goethe's Faust Ed.8 424p.D N.Y.Scribner,1898 832.62 B69 Story of Norway 555p.il.pl.map,D N.Y. Putnam,1896 (Story of the Jiations) 948.1 B69 BOYLE, ROBERT 1627-1691 Thorpe, T:E: Robert Boyle (see Thorpe, T:E: Essays in historical chemistry 1894 p.1-27) 540.9 T39 BOYLE, ROGER 1621-1679 Ward, A. W: Later Stuart drama (in his History of dramatic literature 1899 v.3,p.340-345) 822 W21 Boynton, Henry Walcott and Higginson, T:W. Reader's history of American literature •=1903 810.9 H55 BOYS FoRBUSH, W:B. Boy problem, a study in social pedagogy 1901 '02 372b F74 Symington, A. J. Brabazon, Lord ed. school reforms 1887 Hints to our boys *1884 377 Sy6 Some national and board 143p.O Lond.Longmans, 379.42 B72 Brace, Charles Loring Gesta Christi; or, A his* tory of humane progress under Christianity Ed.3 N.Y.Armstrong,1883*82 261 B72 BRA BRA 50 Bracebridge hall Irving, Washington 817.24 Ir8 Brackett, Anna Callender Private school for girls (see Brackett, A.. C. ed. Wom- an and the higher odueation 1893 p.l53- 214) 376 B72 Science of education; a paraphrase of Dr Karl Rosenkranz's Paedagogik als system 76p.O St.Louis,Jone8,1878 (in Rosen- kranz, J. K. F. Pedagogics as a system 1872) 370.1 R72 Technique of rest 178p.S N.Y.Harper,1893 «=92 613.7 B72 &d. Woman and the higher education 214p. S N.Y.Harper,1893 (Distaff series) 376 B72 Contents: — General introduction, by B. W. Bellamy; Preface, by A.. C. Brackett; A plan for improving female education, by Emma Willard; Female education, by E. C. Embury; Collegiate education of girls, by Maria Mitchell; A new knock at an old door, by L. J. Runkle; A review of the higher ed- ucation of women, by A. F. Palmer; Teach- ing of history in academies and colleges, by 1j. M. Salmon; Private schools for girls tr. Ko^ENKRANZ, J:K:F: a system 1872 Pedagogics as 370.1 R72 Philosophy of education 1886 '93 '98 370.1 R72p Brackett, Jeffrey Richardson Negro in Mary- land; a study of the institution of slavery 268p.O Bait. JohnsHopkins university press, 1889 326 B72 Status of the slave (see Jameson, J:F: ed. Essays in the constitutional history of the United States 1889 p.263-311) 342.73 J23 BRADDOCK, EDWARD 1695-1755 Sargent, WiNTHORP History of an expedition against Fort du Quesne in 1755 under major general Edward Braddock 1856 973.2 Sa7 BRADFORD, WILLIAM 1590-1657 ' ' Of Plim- outh plantation" Massachusetts — Com- monwealth of Bradford 's history ' * of Plimouth plantation" from the original manuscript, with a report of the proceedings "incident to the return of" the manuscript to Massachusetts 1899 974.4 M38 Bradley, Andrew Cecil Aristotle's conception of the state (see Abbott, Evelyn Hel- lenica 1880 p.181-243) 880.4 Ab2 Bradley, Arthur Granville Conquest .of Gran- ada (see Cambridge modern history The United States 1903 p.114-143) 973 C14 Highways and byways in North Wales . . . 474p.il.pl.O Lond.Macmillan,1898 (High- ways and byivays series) 914.29 B72 Highways and byways in South Wales 41 8p. il.pl.O Lond.Macmillan,1903 (Highways and byways series) 914.29 B72h Wolfe 214p.por.maps,D Lond.Macmillan, 1895 (English men of action) B W83 Bradley, Francis Herbert Appearance and re- ality; a metaphysical essay 558p.O Lond. Sonnenschein,1893 (Library of philosophy) 110 B72 Bradley, Henry Story of the Goths from the earliest times to the end of the Gothic do- minion in Spain 376p.il.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1891''88 (Story of the nations) 940 B72 BRADLEY, JAMES 1693-1762 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Roemer and Bradley and the velocity of light (see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 p.232-253) 509 L82 Bradley, William M. pub. Atlas of the world for commercial and library reference F Bradley,1893 R912 B72 Brady, Cyrus Townsend Commodore Paul Jones 480p.por.map,D N.Y.Appleton,1900 (Great commanders) B J71 Bragadin, Marco See Marcantonio Bragadin BRAHE, TYCHO 1546-1601 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Tycho Brahe and the earliest observatory (see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 p.32-55) 520.9 L82 BRAHMANISM Clarke, J. F: Brahmanism (see his Ten great religions 1886''71 p.77-138) 290 C55 Griswold, H. D. Braham; a study in the history of Indian philosophy 1900 (Cor- nell university Studies in philosophy) 294 G88 Mueller, F:M. On the vitality of Brahman- ism (in Mueller, F:M. Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.4,p.296- 316) 824.89 M91 Poor, L. E.. Brahmanism and the Maha Bharata (see her Sankrit and its kindred literature 1880 p.37-79) 891.2 P79 61 1 5UAHMS, JOHANNES 1833-1897 Hadow,W: H: Johannes Brahms (see Hadow, W:H: Studies in modern music 1897<"98 v.2, p.227-304) 780 Hll Rraidism See Hypnotism iiKAIN Calderwood, Henry The relations of mind and brain 1879 131 C12 Bray, William ed. Evelyn, John Diary and correspondence 1889 '91 B Ev2 Ferkier, David 1886 Functions of the brain 612.82 F41 LuYS, Julius The brain and its function 1882 {International scientific series) 612.82 L97 See also Idiocy; Insanity; Intellect; Mind and brain; Nervous system; Psychology Brain exhaustion Corning, J. L. 613.8 C81 Brain rest Corning, J. L. 613.8 C81b Brain work and overwork Wood, H. C. 613.8 W85 Bramston, J. T. Sermons to boys; preached in Winchester college chapel 180p.D Lond. Sonnenschein,1890 252 B73 Bramwell, Amy Blanche and Hughes, H. M. Training of teachers in United States of America 198p.D Lond.Sonnenschein,1894 370.7 B73 Brandes, George Morris Cohen William Shakes- peare ; a critical study 709p.O Lond.Heine- niann,1905 822.33 B73 Brandt, Francis Burke Friedrich Edward Ben- eke; the man and his philosophy 1895 (Columbia college Contributions to phi- losophy, psychology and education) B19 B73 Brandt, Hermann Carl (George Grammar of the German language . . . Ed.7 314p.D Bost.Allyn,'1884 '88 435 B73 Brann, Henry Athanasius Most reverend John Hughes, first archbishop of New York 182p.por.D N.Y.Dodd,1892 (Makers of America) B H87 BRANT, JOSEPH 1742 (?) -1807 Eqgleston, Edw.uid and Seelye, L. E. Brant and Red Jacket '1879 970 Eg3 BRANT, SEBASTIAN 1458-1521 "Narren- schif" Mueller, F:M. "Yeschyppeof fooles" (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.3,p.62-73) 824.89 M91 BREAD GooDFELLOw John bread 1892 Dietetic value of 643 G61 Bread and the newspaper Holmes, 0:W. («ee his Pages from an old volume of life 1894 p.1-15) 814.39 H73 BREADFRUIT TREE Froude, J. A. Para- bles of the breadfruit tree (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.l, p.529-532) 824.89 F93 Br^au, Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de See Quatrefages de Br6au, Armand BRECK, ROBERT 1713-(?) Byington, E. H. The case of reverend Robert Breck of Springfield (see Byington, E. H. Puri- tan in England and New England 1896 p.333-368) 285.9 B99 Breese, B. B. On inhibition 1899 (Psycho- logical review Monograph supplement) 130a B74 Brentano, Lujo History and development of gilds and the origin of trade unions 135p. O Lond.Trubner,n.d. 338.6 B75 BRETON, JULES ADOLPHE AIME LOUIS 1827- ( ?) Breton, J. A. A. L : Life of an artist; an autobiography; tr. by Mrs M. J. (Christie) Serrano 350p.por.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1892'^90 B B75 Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham Character sketches of romance, fiction and the drama ; a revised American edition of the "Reader's hand- book" ed. by Marion Harland ... 4v, pl.F N.Y.Hes8,1892 R803 B75 Dictionary of miracles; imitative, realistic and dogmatic . . . 582p.O Phil.Lippincott, 1893 R231.7 B75d Dictionary of phrase and fable . . . Ed.l4, enl. 1061p.D Phil.Claxton,n.d. R803 B75d Contains "A concise blbllogrraphy of Eng- lish literature" by W. D. Adams Reader's handbook of allusions, references, plots and stories . . . 1170p.O Phil. Lippincott,1883 R803 B75r Brewer, John Sherren ed. Hume, David His- tory of England 1894*80 942 H88 "Brewer of Ghent" See Artevelde, Jacob van BRE BRI 52 Bridges, J. H. Jews of Europe in the middle ages (in Oxford essays 1857 p.204- 238) 824.89 0x2 Bridges, John Henry ed. Opus majus 1897 Bacon, Eoger 101 B13 Bridgett, Thomas Edward Life and writings of Sir Thomas More, lord chancellor of England and martyr under Henry VIII Ed.2 472p.por.D Lond.Burns,1892 B M81 BRIDGMAN, LAURA DEWEY 1829-1889 Lamson, M.. S. Life and education of Laura. Dewey Bridgman, the deaf, dumb and bUnd girl ISSl-^TS B B76 Bridier, Abbe ed. Salamon, Louis Sifferin DE Unpublished memoirs of the internuncio at Paris during the revolution, 1790-1801 1896 B SaS Brief history of the Indian peoples Hunter Sir William 954 H91 Briggs, Charles A. and Salmond, S. D. F. ed. International theological library Briggs, LeBaron B.ussell School, college and character 148p.D Bost.Houghton,1902 378 B76 Bright, Charles Story of the Atlantic cable 222p.iI.pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1903 654 B76 Bright, James Wilson An Anglo-Saxon reader; with a chapter on versification and an out- line of Anglo-Saxon grammar Ed.3 .385p.D N.Y.Holt,1905a891 '94 429 B76 Bright, William Canons of the first four gen- eral councils of Nicaea, Constantinople, Ephesus and Chalcedon, with notes Ed.2 242p.D Oxf. Clarendon pres8,1892 270.2 B76 Brink, Bemhard Egidius Conrad ten History of English literature; tr. from the German by H. M. Kennedy and W:C. Robinson 2v.O N.Y.Holt,1889'^93 '83 '92 820.9 B77 Brintou, Daniel Garrison Myths of the new world; a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America Ed.3, enl. 360p.O Phil.McKay,1905<'1896 299 B77 Primer of Mayan hieroglyphics 152p.D Bost.Ginn,n.d. {University of Pennsylvania Series in philology, literature and archaeol- ogy) 497 B77 Brisac, Edmond Dreyfus The university of Bonn 67p.O Wash.Govt.pr.o.l882 {United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 Bristed, Charles Astor Five years in an Eng- lish university Ed.3,enl. 572p.D N.Y. Putnam,! 874=72 378.42 B77 Bristol Hunt, Willl4.m Bristol 1889 {His- toric towns) 942.41 H91 Bristol, George P. and Bennett, C. E. Teaching of Latin and Greek in the secondary school 1903 470.7 B44 Bristol pike, The Hotchkin, S:W. 974.8 H79 British For subjects beginning with the word British See England; English; Great Britain British empire MeLklejohn, J. M. D. British India Frazer, R. W. 914.2 M47 954 F86 BRITTANY CHURCH, R:W: Brittany {see his Miscellaneous essays 1891*^88 p.87- 154) 824.89 C47 Britton, Nathaniel Lord Manual of the flora of the northern states and Canada 1080p.D N.Y.Holt,1901 581.9 B77 Brodbeck, Adolf Ideal of universities; tr. from the German . . . 103p.O N.Y.Meta- physical publishing co,a886 378.1 B78 Brodrick, George Charles History of the uni- versity of Oxford 235p.D N.Y.Randolph, n.d. {Epochs of church history) (2 copies) 378.42 B78 BRONTE, CHARLOTTE (LATER Mrs NICH- OLLS) pseud. CURRER BELL 1816- 1855 BiRRELL, Augustine Life of Charlotte Bronte 1887 {Great writers) B B78 Griswold, H. T. Charlotte Bronte {see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great au- thors 1894=86 p.286-301) 9 G88 Saintsbury, G:E:B. Three mid-century novelists {see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Cor- rected impressions 1895 p.157-177) 824 Sa2 Jane Eyre, an autobiography . . . 383p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. {Camelot series) 823.81 B78 BROOK FARM ASSOCIATION See the Uves of Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Ripley, George 68 Brooke, Stopford Augustus English literature 283p.D N.Y.MacmiUan,1897 820 B79 English literature, with an appendix on Ameri- can literature New ed. enl. 226p.S N.Y.American book co,'1879 '82 (Literature primers) 820.9 B79 History of early English literature; being the history of English poetry from its begin- nings to the accession of King Alfred 500p. map,0 N.Y.Macmillan,1892 829 B79 The Old Testament and modem life 352p.D N.Y.Dodd,1896 221 B79 Poetry of Robert Browning 4o5p.por.O N.Y.CroweU,«1902 821.83 B79 Tennyson, his art and relation to modtrn life 516p.O N.Y^Putnam,1894 821.81 T25 BROOKLINE EDUCATION SOCIETY But- ton, S:T. The Brookline education society and its work {see his Social phases of education in the school and the home 1899 p.239-255) 370.4 D95 Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences Year book,l 892-93 v.5,D Brooklyn,1893 607 B79 Brooks, Edward Manual of elocution and read- ing, embracing the principles and practice of elocution 442p.D Phil.Eldredge 1898'93 * 808.5 B79 Mental science and methods of mental culture . . . 504p.D Phil.Normal publishing co, 1883 '91 '82 (6 copies) 370.2 B79 Normal methods of , teaching . . . 504p.D Lanc.Normal publishing co,1883 '89^79 (4 copies) 371b B79 Philosophy of arithmetic as developed from the three fundamental processes of synthesis, analysis and comparison, containing a his- tory of arithmetic . . . 570p.O Lane. Normal publishing co,1880 '76 511 B79 Story of King Arthur and the knights of the Table Round 383p.il.D Phil.Penn pub- lishing co,1900 398.2 B798 Story of Siegfried 391p.pl.D Phil.Penn publishing co,1903 398.2 B79 Story of the JEneid; or, The adventures of JEneas . . . 366p.pl.D Phil.Penn pub- lishing 00,1899 873.1 B79s Story of the Iliad; or, The siege of Troy . . . 368p.pl.D Phil.Penn publishing co, 1890 (2 copies) 883,1 H75 Story of the Odyssey; or, The adventures of Ulysses . . , 370p.pl.D Phil.Penn pub- lishing co,1892«91 '95 (2 copies) 883.1 H79s Brooks, Elbridge Streeter Story of New York 311p.il.maps.O Bost.Lothrop,'1888 (Story of the states) 974.7 B79 ed. Story of the states Brooks, John Graham Social unrest ; studies in labor and socialistic movements 394p.D N.Y.MacmiUan,1904 330 B79 Brooks, Noah Abraham Lincoln and the down- fall of American slavery 471p.por.facsim. D X.Y.Putnam,1895'88'94 (Heroes of the nations) B L63 Gay, S. H. anl Bryant, W:C. Scribner's popular history of the United States 1896 973 B84 Brooks, Phillips Orations (see The Boston Latin school Oldest school in America 1885 p.9-77) 370.744 B65 Tolerance; two lectures lllp.D N.Y.Dut- ton,1887 171.1 B79 BROOME, WILLIAM 1689-1745 Johnson, Samuel Broome (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.5,p.57- 65) 9 J62 Brother Azarias pseud. Francis See Mullany, Patrick BROUGHAM AND VAUX, HENRY PETER BROUGHAM 1778-1868 baron Bagehot, Walter The character of Lord Brougham (see Bagehot, Walter English constitution and other political essays 1S95 p.364- 418) 342.42 B14 Lord Brougham (in Bagehot, Walter Biographical studies 1895 p.43-90) 9 B14 Hazlitt, William Mr Brougham and Sir Francis Burdett (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.l91-201) 824.76 H33m BROWN, CHARLES BROCKDEN 1771-1810 PrksCott, W:H, Memoir of Charles • Broekden Brown, the American novelist BRO BRO 34 (see Prescott, W:H. Critical and bio- graphical miscellanies 1882*75 p.1-52) 804 P92 Brown, Elmer Ellswortli The making of our middle schools; an account of the develop- ment of secondary education in the United States 547p.O Lond.Longman8,1903 373 B81 Notes on the theory of the "culture epochs" {i7i Herbart society Second year book 1893 p.81-88) 370.6 H41 Secondary education (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.l, monograph 4, 65p.) 379.73 B97 Brown, Gerard Baldwin N.Y.Scribner,1891 manuals) Fine arts 321p.il.D ( University extension 709 B81 Brown, Gould Grammar of English grammars, with an introduction historical and critical and a key to the oral exercises Ed.lO,enl. 1102p.O N.Y.Wood,1882<^51 425 B81 BKOWN, HENRY ARMITT 1844-1878 Pen- NYPACKER, S:W. Henry Armitt Brown (see Pennypacker, S:W. Historical and biographical sketches 1883 p.293-297) 974.8 P38 Brown, Henry W. tr. Peeyer, Wilhelm Mental development in the child 1894 '95 •'93 (International education series) 150.1 P92 Mind of the child 1888 '92 {Inter- national education series) 150.1 P92m Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes Life on the lagoons Ed.2,enl. 297p.il.D N.Y.Mac- millan,1894 914.53 B81 Venetian studies 433p.D Lond.Paul,1887 945 B81 Contents: — The city of Rialto; Bajamonte Trepolo and the closing of the great coun- cil; The Carreresl; Carmagnola, a soldier of fortune; State archives and the constitution of the Venetian republic; Cardinal Contarini and his friends; Marcantonio Bragadin, a sixteenth century cagllostro; Caterino Cor- naro, queen of Cyprus; Spanish conspiracy; Oliver Cromwell, and the Venetian republic; Venice of today Venice (see Cambridge modem history The renaissance 1903''02 p.253-287) 940.6 C14 Venice; an historical sketch of the republic 434p.map,plan,0 N.Y.Putaiam,1893 945 B81 BROWN, JOHN 1800-1859 Emerson, R. W. (see his Miscellanies 1893=78 '83 p.257- 263) 814.36 Em3m Brown, John Howard ed. Lamb's biograph- ical dictionary of the United States 7v.il. por.Q Bost.Lamb,1900 '03 9 B81 Brown, Kate L. and Emerson, E. U. Stories in song for kindergarten, home and school '1890 372.21 Em3 Browne, Lennox and Behnke, Emil The child's- voice; its treatment with regard to after development 1885 784.9 B39 Browne, Matthew pseud. Brighty See Rands, William Browne, S. H. Manual of commerce, contain- ing an account of the source, mode of pro- duction or manufacture of the principal ar- ticles of commerce . . . 429p.D Spring- field (Mass), Bill,1871 670 B91 Browne, Sir Thomas Religio medici; urn burial, Christian morals and other essays; ed. by J: A. Symonds 262p.D Lond. Scott,1886 (Camelot series) 240 B81 Browne, William Hand George Calvert and Ceeilius Calvert ISlp.por.D N.Y.Dodd, •=1890 (Makers of America) B C13 Maryland; the history of a palatinate 292p. map,D Bost.Houghton,l884 (American commonwealths) 975.2 B81 Brownell, William Crary French art; classic and contemporary; painting and sculpture New ed. enl. 228p.pl.Q N.Y.Scribner, 1901 759 B81 BROWNING, Mrs ELIZABETH BARRETT 1806-1861 Griswold, H. T, Robert and Elizabeth Browning (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894'=86 p.274-285) 9 G88 Ritchie, Mrs A.. I. (Thackeray) Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning (see Ritchie, Mrs A. I. (Thackeray) Records of Tennyson, Ruskin and Browning 1892 p.l26-190y B T25 Stedman, E. C. Elizabeth Barrett Browning (see Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 1892 p.114-149) 821 St3 Browning, Oscar Aspects of education; a study in the history of pedagogy 63p.T N.Y. 65 Kellogg,1892'88 (Teachers' professional library) 370.9 B82 Contents: —Humanism; Realism; Natu- ralism; English public school Introduction to the history of educational the- ories 199p.S N.\.Harper,1882 {Edu- cation library) 370.9 B82i Contents: — Education among the Greeks; Roman education; Humanistic education; The realists; The naturalists; English hu- manists and realists; Locke; Jesuits and Jansenists; Rousseau; Pestalozzi; Kant, Flchte and Herbart; The English public school 370.9 B82 New ed.enl. 237p.S N.Y.Kellogg, '1888 {Beading circle library) 370.9 B82in The new edition contains also "An anal- ysis of each chapter; A full Index of sub- jects; A valuation of Froebel; The Ameri- can common school ed. Historical handbooks Milton, Johx Tractate on education 1883 370 M64 and Fletcher, S. S. F: manuals for teachers ed. Macmillan 's BROWNING, ROBERT 1812-1889 Griswold, H. T. Robert and Elizabeth Browning (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894'^86 p.274-285) 9 G88 Ritchie, Mrs A.. I.. (Thackeray) Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning {see Ritchie, Mrs A.. I_ (Thackeray) Records of Tennyson, Ruskin and Browning 1892 p.127-190) B T25 Complete poetic and dramatic works 1033p. por.O Bost.Houghton'1895 821.83 B82 Strafford, a tragedy Ed.2,enl. 93p.D Lond.Bell,1892 (Bell's English classics) 821.83 B82s Baoehot, Walter Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning; or, Pure, ornate and gro- tesque art in English poetry (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.2,p. 326-381) 824.89 B14 Brooke, S. A : «1902 Poetry of Robert Browning 821.83 B79 CoRSOX, Hiram Introduction to Robert Browning 's poetry 1896 821.83 C81 DowDEN, Edward Mr Tennyson and Mr Browning (see Dowden, Edward Studies in Uterature 1892 p.191-239) 824 D75 Leland Stanford junior university Ten- nyson and Browning (see their Saturday teachers ' class 1895) 370.4 L53 Nettleship, J:T. Robert Browning, essays and thoughts 1895<=90 821.83 N38 Orr, Mrs Sutherland Handbook to the works of Robert Browning 1892 821.83 Or7 Saintsbury, G : E : B. Browning (see Saints- bury, G:E:B. Corrected impressions 1895 p.98-116) 824 Sa2 Stedman, E. C. Robert Browning (see Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 1893 p.293-341) 821 St3 Westcott, B. F. On some points in Brown- • ing 's view of life (see Westcott, B. F. Essays in the history of religious thought in the West 1891 p.253-276) 204 W52 ' ' Saul ' ' HiLLis, N. D. A study of Brown- ing 's ' ' Saul ' ' — the tragedy of the ten- talent men and their recovery (see Hillis, N. D. Great books as life teachers 1904 •1898 p.179-204) 814 H55 "Sordello" Church, R:W: "Sordello" (see his Dante and other essays 1901«1888 p.221-260) 824.89 C47 Bruce, Alexander Balmain Moral order of the world in ancient and modem thought 431p. O N.Y.Scribner,1899 (Gifford lectures 1897-98) 214 B83 Contents: — Buddha and the moral order; Zoroaster, dualism; The Greek tragedians. Nemesis; The Stoics. Providence; Divina- tion; The Hebrew prophets; The book of Job; Christ's teaching concerning Divine Providence; Modern optimism. Browning; Modern dualism, scientific and philosophio aspects; Modern dualism, religious and so- cial aspects; Retrospect and prospect Providential order of the world 346p.O N.Y.Scribner,1905«1897 214 B83 Bruce, A. B. Modern optimism: Browning (see his Moral order of the world 1899 p.279-311) 214 B83 Bruce, Henry 297p.pl.D America) liife of General Oglethorpe N.Y.Dodd,1890 (Malcert of B Og5 BRU BRU 56 Life of Henry Houston,! 793-1 863 232p.por. D N.Y.Dodd/1891 {ilakers of America) B H81 Bruce, Philip Alexander Economic history of Virginia in the 17th century; an inquiry in- to the material condition of the people, based upon original and contemporaneous records 2v.il.O N.Y.Macmillan,1896 975.5 B83 Bruce, Robert de See Robert I (Robert Bruce), king of Scotland Brugsch, Heinrich Karl Egypt under the Phar- aohs; a history derived entirely from the , monuments New ed. enl, 469p.il.pl.maps, O Lond.Murray, 1891 932 B83 Brumbaugh Martin Grove Educational prin- ciples applied to the teaching of literature 16p.S Phil.Sower,n.d. 370.4 B83 An educational struggle in colonial Pennsyl- vania 20p.S n.p. Wickersham,1898 370.9748 B83 The function of nature in public school educa- tion . . . 20p.T Lanc.Wickersham,1896 379 B83 History of the German Baptist Brethren in Europe and America . . . 559p.il.pl.facsim. O Mt.Morris,Brethren publishing house, 1899 269.98 B83 Making of a teacher; a contribution to some phases of the problem of religious educa- tion . . . Ed.3 351p.O Phil.Sunday school times co,1905 377 B83 Method of the social function of history (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.31-43) 370.6 H41 The two Christopher Sauers in Germantown 16p.F n.p.n.d. 973.03 B83 ed. Lippincott educational series BRUNELLESCHI, FILIPPO 1379-1446 Oli- PHANT, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Cathedral builders; Ghiberti, Donatello, Brunelleschi (see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Flor- ence 1892«76'91 p.132-163) 9 013 BRUNI, LEONARDO surnamed ARETINO 1369-1444 "De studies et Uteris" Wood- ward, W:H. The tractate of Lionardo Bruni D'Arezzo "De studies et literals" (see Woodward, W:H. Vittorino Da Feltre and other humanist educators 1897 p.119-133) 370.9 W87 BRUNO, GIORDANO 1548-1600 McIxNtyre, J. L. Giordano Bruno 1903 B B83 Symonds, J: a. Giordano Brund (see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; Cath- olic reaction 1887 v.2,p.l26-184) 282 Sy6 BhUNo, Leonardo See Bruni, Leonardo BRUTUS, MARCUS JULIUS 85 B.C.-42 B.C. Cicero, M. T. Brutus; or, Remarks on eminent orators (see Cicero, M. T. On oratory and orators 1881 p.262-367) 808.5 C48 Bryan, Enoch A. The mark in Europe and America; a review of the discussion on early land tenure 164p.D Bost.Ginn,1893 333 B84 Bryan, William Lowe and Bryan, C. L. ed. Plato the teacher 454p.D N.Y.Scribner, 1897 184 B84 Bryant, Mrs Sophie (Willock) Educational ends; or, The ideal of personal development 292p.D Lond.Longmans,1887 -370 B84 Teaching of morality in the family and the school 146p.D Lond.Sonnenschein,1897 (Ethical library) 377 B84 BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN 1794-1878 BiGELOW, John William Cullen Bryant 1893'^90 (American men of letters) B B84 Griswold, H. T. William Cullen Bryant (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894^86 p.122-132) 9 G88 Poetical works 362p.por.pl.O N.Y.Apple- ton,1885'=54 '78 811 B84 362p.por.D N.Y.Appleton,1885'=54 '78 811 B84p tr. Homer Iliad '1870 883.1 H75 Odyssey =1871 883.1 H75ody Gay, S. H. and Brooks, Noah Scribner's popular history of the United States from the earliest discoveries of the western hemi- sphere by the Northmen to the present time 5v.il.por.pl.Q N.Y.Scribner,1896 973 B84 Scudder, H. E. ed. William Cullen Bry- ant (see Scudder, H. E. ed. American poems 1895=79 '92 p.283-316) 811.08 Scu3 STEDMiNN, E. C. William Cullen Bryant (see Stedman, E. C. Poets of America 1894 '85 p.62-94) 811.3 StS 67 Bryant, William McKendree Ethics and the "New education" 49p.S Chic.Griggs, 1894 370 B84 Hegel's educational ideas 214p.S N.Y. Werner school book co,'1896 (2 copies) 371.4 H36 Philosophy of landscape painting 282p.D St.Louis(Mo),St.Louis news co,1882 (3 cop- ies) 758 B84 Bryce, George Short history of the Canadian people 528p.map,D Lond.Low,1887 971 B84 Bryce, James American commonwealth 2v.O Lond.MacmiIlan,1888 342.73 B81 Geography in its relation to history {see Royal geographical society Report in ref- erence to the improvement of geographical education 1S86 p.204-224) 910.6 R81 Kingsley, Charles 1884 p.326-357) Health and education 504 K61 Holy Roman empire Mac>.iillan,1883 Ed.8 479p.D N.Y. 940 B84 1838- "Holy Boman empire" Freeman, E:A: "The Holy Roman empire" (see his Historical essays 1871 p. 126-160) 904 F87 Social institutions in the United States 298p. O N.Y.Macmillan,1892'91 304 B84 Reprinted from the "American common- wealth" Studies in contemporary biography 487p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1903 9 B84 Contents: — Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfleld ; Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, dean of Westminster; Thomas Hill Green; Arch- ibald Campbell Tait, archbishop of Canter- bury; Anthony Trollope; John Richard Green; Sir George Gessel; Hugh McCalmont Cavins, earl Cavins; James Fraser. bishop of Manchester; Stafford Henry Northcote, earl of I'Sdeslugh; Charles Stewart Parnell; Henry Edward Manning, archbishop and cardinal; Edward Augustus Freeman; Rob- ert Lowe, Viscount Sherbrooke; William Robertson Smith; Henry Sidgwlck; Edwin Ernest Bowen; Edwin Lawrence Godkin; John Emmerich Dalberg Acton Sublet, Edward Trevert ed. Questions and answers about electricity . . . lOOp.il.S Lynn ( Mass), Bubier,1903 537 B85 BUCCANEERS Esquemelino, John Bucca- neers of America '1893 910.4 Es6 See also Pirates BUCHANAN. GEORC.E 1506-1582 Kingsley, Chakles George Buchanan scholar (see (see Kingsley, Charles Historical lectures and essays 1885 p.377-404) 904 K61 BUCHANAN, ROBERT WILLIAMS 1841 Stedman, E. C. Latter-day singers (see his Victorian poets 1893 p.342-357) 821 ot3 Buchner, David Franklin tr. and ed. Kant, Immanuel Educational theory 1904 370 K13 Buck, Gertrude and Scott, H. M. Organic edu- cation 1899'-97 371b Sco8 Buck, William Joseph History of the Indian walk performed for the proprietaries of Pennsylvania in 1737, to which is appended a Ufe of Edward Marshall 269p.D Phil. Stuart,! 886 974.8 B85 William Penn ia America; or, An account of his life from the time he received the grant of Pennsylvania in 1681 until his final re- turn to England 424p.O Phil.n.p.l888 B P38 Buckham, Henry B. Handbooks for teachers Ed.2 152p.S Syracuse,Bardeen,1882'80 371c B85 Buckland, Anna Our national institutions; a short sketch for schools lllp.S Lond. Macmillan,1886 352.042 B85 Buckland, Francis Trevelyan Curiosities of natural history 4v.D Lond.Bentley,1890 590 B85 Buckle, Henry Thomas Essays ; with a biograph- ical sketch cf the author 209p.D N.Y, Appleton,1887 824.89 B85 Contents: — Biographical sketch of H:T: Buckle; Mill, on liberty; Influence of women on the progress of knowledge History of civilization in England; from the 2d London edition . , . 2v.O N.Y.Ap- pleton,1885 901 B85 1822-1862 "HistoYy of civilization in Eng- land" Pattison, Mark History of civi- lization in England (in his Essays 1889 v.2,p.396-431) 824.89 P27 Buckley, Arabella Burton -See Arabella Burten (Buckley) Fisher, Mrs Buckton, Catherine M. Health in the house . . . Ed. 14 207p.il.D Lond.Longmans, 1887 613 B85 BUG BUD 58 BUDDHA AND BUDDHISM Bruce, A. B. Buddha and the moral order {see Bruce, A. B. Moral order of the world 1899 p.1-33) 214 B83 Carus, Paul Gospel of Buddha 1900 {Eeligion of science library) 294 C25 Clarkk, J. F. Buddhism; or, The Protestant- ism of the East {see his Ten great re- ligions 1886 71 p.139-170) 290 C55 CoPLKSTON, R. S. Buddhism; primitive and present in Magadha and in Ceylon 1892 294 C79 Hall, H. T. Soul of a people 1905^898 915.9 H14 LiLLiE, Arthur Influence of Buddhism on primitive Christianity 1893 294 L62 Mueller, F:M. Meaning of Nirvana {in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.l,p.276-287) 824.89 M91 Poor, L. E.. Buddhism and the Ramayana {see her Sankrit and its kindred literatures; studies in comparative mythology 1880 p.80-107) 891.2 P79 Buel, Clarence Clough and Johnson, R, U. ed. Battles and leaders in the civil war '1884 '87 '88 973.7 J62 Buell, Colin S. Essentials of psychology 238p. D Bost.Ginn,1898 150 B86 Billow, Bertha von Marenholtz See Marenholtz- Biilow, Bertha von BUFFALO Public schools Rice, J. M. Public schools of Buffalo {see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.65-79) 379.73 R36 Building of a brain Clarke, E-:H, 376 C55 Building of the British empire Story, A.T: 942.06 St7 Buisson, Ferdinand Eduard ^l Dictionnaire de pedagogic et d 'instruction primaire . . . 2v.in3,il.Q Paris,Hachette,1882 '83 R370.3 B86 Rapport sur 1 'instruction primaire a 1 'exposi- tion universelle de Philadelphia en 1876 . . . 688p.il.maps,tab.Q Par.Imprimerie nation- ale,1878 379.73 B86 Rapport sur 1 'instruction primaire a 1 'exposi- tion universelle de Vienne en 1873 352p.Q Paris,Imprimerie nationale,1875 370.6 B86 Bulfinch, Thomas Age of chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur ' * King Arthur and his knights " " the Mabinogeon " " The Cru- sades " " Robin Hood ' ', etc. New ed. enl. by E:E. Hale 404p.il.pl.O Bost.Tilton,. 1858<^84 398.2 B87 Age of fable; or, Beauties of mythology; ed. by E:E. Hale New ed. enl. 472p.il.a Bost.Tilton,n855 '81 (2 copies) 291 B87 Legends of Charlemagne; or, Romance of the middle ages 573p.il.pl.O Bost.Tilton, 01882 398.2 B87 Bullion See Money Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton baron Lytton See Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton baron Bunce, John Thackray Fairy tales; their origin and meaning with some account of dwellers in fairyland 205p.S Lond.Macmillan, 1878 (2 copies) 398.4 B88 BUNYAN, JOHN 1628-1688 Froude, J. A. Bunyan,n.d. {English men of letters) B J62b Bound with lives of Joiinson by Leslie Stephen and of Bacon by R. W. Church Venables, Edmund Life of John Bunyan 1888 {Great writers) B B88v Farrar, F:W: John Bunyan F:W: Great books ^898 {see Farrar, p.48-71) 824.89 F24 RoYCE, Josiah Case of .John Bunyan {see Royce, Josiah Studies of good and evil 1893 p.29-75) 104 R81 Whittier, J:G. John Bunyan (in Whit- tier, J: G. Prose works 1893^66 '89 v.2, p.9-36) 814.39 W61 Buonarroti, Michelangelo See Michelangelo Burch, Henry Beed Conditions afifecting the suffrage in colonies 1902 {American academy of political and social science Pub- lications) 324.73 B89 Burckhardt, Jacob Civilisation of the renais- sance in Italy; tr. by S. G. C. Middlemore 559p.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1892 945 B89 6d Burd, L. Arthur Florence MachiavelU (sec Cambridge modern history The renaissance 1903'-02 p.190-218) 940.6 C14 BURDETT, Sir FRANCIS Hazlitt, William Mr Brougham and Sir Francis Burdett (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.l91- 201) 824.76 H33 Burdick, Francis Marion Essentials of business law 28p.por.D N.Y.Appleton,1904'02 (Twentieth century text-books) 347 B89 Burgess, John 'WiUlam The middle period 1817-1858 544p.maps,D N.Y.Scribner, 1898''97 (American history series) 973.5 B91 Burgher schools See Germany — Education BURIAL Playpair. Sir Lvon The disposal of the dead (see his Subjects of social wel- fare 1889 p.96-104) 304 P69 BURKE, EDMUND 1729(?)-1797 Morley, John Burke n.d. (English men of letters) B B91 Bound with lives of Macaulay by J. C. Morrison and of Fielding by Austin Dobson Speech on moving resolutions for conciliation with the American colonies, March 22, 1775 (see Clarke, William ed. Political ora- tions from Wentworth to Macaulay n.d. p.50-119) 320.4 C55 Works 7v.O Lond.Bell,1889'=91 '94 825.62 B91 Contents: — v. 1 Vindication of natural society; Essay on the sublime and beauti- ful; Political miscellanies V. 2 Political misce'lanies: Reflections on the revolution in France; Letter to a member of the national assembly V. 3 Political miscellanies v. 4 Reports on administration of justice in India; Charge against Warren Hastings V. 5 Charge against Warren Hastings concluded; Political letters V. 6 Miscellaneous speeches, letters and fragments; .an abridgment of English his- tory Lord, John Edmund Burke (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history =1838-96 v.4, p.285-322) 904 L88 Burke, Finley Treatise on the laws of public schools 154p.D N.Y.Barnes,1880 379.14 B91 BURMA Hall, H. F. Soul of a people 1905 '^«<»S 91.5.9 H14 Burnett, Mrs Frances (Hodgson) The one I knew the best of all; a memory of the mind of a child 325p.il.pl.D N.Y.Scribner, 1893 B B93 Burnett prizes; the study of the evidences of natural theology Powell, Baden (in Oxford essays 1857 p.168-203) 824.89 0x2 Burney, Frances See Arblay, Mme I'rances (Barney) d' Bums, James Jesse How to teach reading and composition l60p.il.por.D. N.Y.American book co,n901 372.4 B93 BURNS, ROBERT 1759-1796 Letters; select- ed and arranged by J. L. Robertson 350p. D Lond.Scott,1887 (Camelot series) B B93 Griswold, H. T. Robert Burns (see Gris- wold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894<^86 p.24-33) 9 GSS Shairp, J:C. Robert Burns n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B B93s Poems, songs and letters, complete works; ed. with index and biographical memoir by Alexander Smith 636p.O Lond.Macmil- lan,1893 821.67 B93 Carlyle, Thomas Burns (in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.l,p.256-314) 824.82 C19 Emerson, R. W. Robert Bums (see Emer- son. R. W. Miscellanies 1893«78'83 p.363-369) 814.36 Em3m Hazlitt, William On Burns, and the old English ballads (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Lectures on the Eng- lish poets n.d. v.3,pt.2,p.l47-170) 824.76 H33 Jeffrey, Francis Reliques of Robert Bums (see JeflFrey, Francis Selections from es- says 1894 p.26-36) 824.73 J37 ed. Early p.61-82) 820 St4 Stevenson, R. L: Some aspects pf Robert Burns (see Stevenson, R. L: Familiar study of men and books 1891 p.59-103) 824.89 St4 Whitman, Walt Robert Bums as poet and person (see Whitman. Walt November boughs 1888 p.57-64^ 818.3 W59 (see Stevenson, E. reviews of great writers n.d. BUR BUR 60 Burr, George Lincoln e^L The witch persecu- tions 1897 (Pennsylvania, University of Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history) 940 P38 Burrage, Severance and Bailey, H:T. School sanitation and decoration; a practical study of health and beauty in their relations to the public schools 224p.il.pl. D Bost. Heath,'] 899 727.1 B94 Buirell, Arthur ( lear speaking and good read- ing . . . 164p.D Lond.Longmans,1898 808.5 B94 BURROUGHS, JOHN 1837— An egotistical - chapter (sec his Indoor studies 1895*^89 p.243-259) 814.41 B94 Birds and poets with other papers 241p.D Bost.Houghton,1895«^77 814.41 B94b Contents: — Birds and poets; Touches of nature; Bird medley; April; Spring poems; Our rural divinity; Before genius; Before beauty; Emerson; Flight of the eagle; In- dex Fresh fields '84 284p.D Bost.Houghton,1895 814.41 B94f Indoor studies 265p.D Bost.Houghton, 1895'=89 814.41 B94i Contents: — Henry D. Thoreau; Science and literature; Science and the poets; Mat- thew Arnold's criticism; Arnold's view of Emerson and Carlyle; Gilbert White's book; Malformed giant; Brief essays; An egotisti- cal chapter Locusts and wild honey Houghton,1895'79 235p.D Bost. 814.41 B941 253p.S Bost.Houghton,1893'79 814.41 B941o Pepacton 241p.D Bost.Houghton,! 895'81 814.41 B94p 260p.S Bost.Houghton,1892'-81 814.41 B94pe Riverby 324p.D Bost.Houghton,1895'94 814.41 B94r 319p.S Bost.Houghton,1894 814.41 B94ri Sharp eyes and other papers 96p.D Bost. Houghton,'1875 '86 (in his Birds and bees '1879 '87 pt.3) 814.41 B94s Signs' and seasons 271p.D Bost.Houghton, 1895'86 814.41 B948i 289p.S Bost.Houghton,! 893*86 814.41 B948ig Wake-robin 233p.D Bost.Houghton.1895 '71 '76 814.41 B94w 256p.il.pl.S Bost.Houghton,! 893'-71 '76 814.41 B94wa Winter sunshine '241p.pl.D Bost.Hough- ton,1895'75'g5 . 814.41 B94wi A year in the fields . . Houghton,1896'75 '95 220p.pl.D Bost. 814.41 B94y Burrows, Montagu Cinque Ports Ed.3 261p. map,D Lond.Longmans,1892 (Historic towns) 942.2 B94 Commentaries on the history of England from the earliest times to 1865 533p.D Edin. Blackwood,1893 942 B94 Burstall, Sara A. Education of girls in the United States 204p.D Lond.Sonnen- 8chein,1894 376 B94 Burt, Benjamin C. History of modern philos- ophy from the renaissance to the present 2v.O Chic.McClurg,1892 109 B95 tr. Erdman, J:E: Outlines of logic and metaphysics 1896 160 Er2 Burt, Mary Elizabeth Literary landmarks; a guide to good reading for young folks and teacher's assistant with a carefully selected list of seven hundred books 156p.il.pl.D Bost.Houghton,1893<'89 '92 028 B95 Burton, John Hill History of Scotland; from Agricola's invasion to the extinction of the last Jacobite insurrection New ed. enl. 8v.map,D Edin.Blackwood,n.d. 941 B95 Includes an index volume Burton, Bichard Literary leaders of America; a class book on American literature 318p. D N.Y.Scribner,!904'03 810.7 B95 BURTON, Sir RICHARD FRANCIS 1821-1890 "Book of proverbial philosophy" Max- well, Sir W:S. Wit and wisdom from West Africa (see his Miscellaneous ad- dresses 1891 p.41-50) 824.89 M45 Burton, Warren Culture of the observing facul- ties in the family and the school; or, Things about home and how to make them instruct- ive to the young 170p.S N.Y.Harper, 1865 372.3 B95 Bury, John Bagnell History of the later Roman empire; from 395 A.D. to 800 A.D . . . 2v.O Lond.Macmillan,1889 940.2 B95 Ottoman conquest (see Cambridge modern history The reaaissance 1903'=02 p.67- 103) 940.6 C14 61 BURY ST. EDMUNDS Green, J:R: Ab bot and town (see his Stray studies from England and Italy 1876 p.185-209) 824.89 G82 Bush, George Gary Harvard; the first Ameri- can university IGOp.pl.D Bost.Cupples, <-1886 ' 378.74 B96 History of higher education in Massachusetts 445p.pl.map,0 Wash.Govt.pr.o.l891 (United States — Edtication, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 TiusiNESS LAW See Commercial law BUSINESS MANUALS Philadelphia— Peircc school of business and shortliand Manual of business forms and customs 1905 658 P53 Bussell, Frederick William School of Plato; its origin, development and revival under the Roman emj ire 346p.O Lond. Methuen.1896 184.1 B96 Butcher, Samuel Henry Aristotle "s theory of poetry nnd fine art with a critical text and a translation of the Poetics 384p.O Lond.Macmillan,lS95 888.5 B97 Some aspects of the Greek genius 321p.D Lond.Macmillan,1893<^91 889.4 B97 and Lang, Andrew tr. Homer Odyssey 1895 888.1 H75 Butler, Arthur John tr. Ratzel, Friedrich History of mankind 1896 572 RIB Butler, Frank O. Story of paper-making , . . 136p.pl.O Chic.Butler,1901 676 B97 Butler, George Raphael drawings in the uni- versity galleries, Oxford (in Oxford es- says 1856 p.137-192) 824.89 0x2 Butler, George P. School English; a manual for use in connection Avith the written English work for secondary schools 272p.D N.Y. American book co,1894 428,2 B97 Butler, Henry D. Family aquarium; or, Aqua vivarium . . . 12lp.il.D N.Y.Dick,a858 590.7 B97 BUTLER, JOSEPH bishop X692-1752 Collins, W:L. Butler 1881 (Philosophical clas- sics for English readers) B19 B97 Works; ed. by W:E. Gladstone . . . 2v.O Oxf .Clarendon pre8s,1896 239 B97 Contents: — v. 1 Analogry of rellgrion v. 2 Sermons Bagehot, Walter Bishop Butler (in Bage- hot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.3, p.103-159) 824.89 B14 Gladstone, W:E. Studies; subsidiary to the works of Bishop Butler 1896 239 G45 Butler, Montagu Christian work in public schools (see Roberta, R. D. ed. Edu- cation in the nineteenth century 1901 p.1-14) 370.4 R54 Butler, Nicholas Murray Meaning of education an(4 other essays and addresses 230p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1898 370.4 B97 Contents: — Meaning of education; What knowledge is of most worth? Is there a new education? Democracy and education; American college and the American univer- sity; Function of the secondary school; Re- form of secondary education in the United States Religious instruction and its relation to educa- tion (in Sunday-school commission of the diocese of New' York romp. Principles of religious education 1901 p.1-20) 377 Su7 ed. Education in the United States; a series of monographs prepared for the United States exhibit at the Paris exposition,1900 2v.O Albany(N.Y^)Lyon,1900 379.73 B97 Contents: — v. 1 Introduction, by N:M. Butler; Educational organization and ad- ministration, by A. S. Draper; Kindergarten education, by S. E.. Blow; Elementary edu- cation, by W:T. Harris; Secondary educa- tion, by E. E. Brown; American college, by A. F: West; American university, by E:D. Perry; Education of women, by M.. C. Thomas; Training of teachers, by B. A. Hinsdale; School architecture and hygiene, by J. B. Morrison V. 2 Professional education, by J. R. Par- sons; Scientific, technical and engineeringf education, oy T. C. Mendenhall; Agricul- tural education, by C. W. Dabney; Commer- cial education, by E. J. James; Art and in- dustrial education, by I. E. Clarke; Educa- tion of defectives, by E:E. .Allen; Summer schools and university extension, by H. B. Adams; Scientific societies and associations, by J. M. Cattell; Education of the negro, by B. T. Washington; Education of the Indian, by W:N. Hailmann; Index Great educators Teachers ' professional library BUTLER, SAMUEL 1612-1680 Johnson, Samuel Butler (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.l,p.205- 226) 829 J62 BUT BUT 62 Poetical works; a revised edition with memoir and notes by R. B. Johnson 2v.por.D Lond.Bell,1893 (Aldine edition of the British poets) 821.4 B91 Butler, Sir William Francis Sir Charles Napier 216p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1890 {Eng- lish men of action) B N16 BUTTERFLIES Ballard, Mrs J. B. Among the moths and butterflies 1891<=90 595.9 B21 French, J. H. Butterflies of the eastern United States 1896<'85 595.77 F88 Maynard, C:J. Manual of North American butterflies 1891 595.78 M46 ScuDDER, S:H. Butterflies, their structure, changes and life histories 1889*^81 595 Scu2 Frail children of the air 1895 595.78 Scu3 Buxton, Sydney ''Overpressure" and elemen- tary education 124p.D • Lond.Sonnen- schein,1885 371.7 B98 Byerly, William EUwood Elementary treatise on Fourier's series and spherical, cylindrical and ellipsoidal harmonics with applications to problems in mathematical physics 287p.O Bost.Ginn,l 895-^93 513.56 B99 Harmonic functions (see Merriam, Mans- field and Woodward, R. S. ed. Higher mathematics 1896 p.169-225) 510.7 M55 Byington, Ezra Hoyt The Puritan as a colonist and reformer 375p.por.O Bost.Little, 1899 285.9 B99 Puritan in England and New England, with an introduction by Alexander McKenzie 406p. por.O Bost.Roberts,1896'97 (2 copies) 285.9 B99p Bsrrn, Edward Wright Progress of invention in the 19th century 476p.il.pl.O N.Y.Munn, 1900 608 B99 Byrne, James General principles of the struc- ture of language 2v.pl.O Lond.Triibner, 1885 401 B99 Byrne, Thomas Sebastian and Pabisch, F:J. tr. Alzog, John Manual of universal church history 1874 78 270 A19 Byron, George Gordon Noel Bsnron baron 1788- 1824 Let*,er8; ed. by Mathilde Blind 346p.D Lond.Scott,1887 (Camelot series) B B99 Griswold, H. T. Lord Byron (see Gris- WOLD, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894'=86 p.94-101) 9 G88 NiCHOL, John Byron n.d. (English men of letters) B D36 Bound with lives of DeFoe by William Minto and of Southey by Edward Dowden Poems and dramas with biographical memoir, explanatory notes, etc. 855p.por.D N.Y. Crowell,1884 824.76 B99 Works including the suppressed poems; also a short sketch of the life by J. W. Lake 764p.por.O Phil.Lippincott,1867 821.76 B99 Arnold, Matthew Byron (in Arnold, Matthew Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.2,p.l63-204) 824.85 Ar6e Hazlitt, William Lord Byron (in Haz- litt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.95-108) 824.76 H33 Pope, Lord Byron, and Mr Bowles (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Lectures on the English poets n.d. v.3, pt.2,p.230-255) 824.76 H33 Lord, John Lord Byron (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history =1883-96 v.8, p.133-187) 904 L88 Mazzini, Guiseppe Byron and Goethe (see Mazzini, Guiseppe Essays n.d. p.83- 108) 854.89 M45 Swinburne, A. C: Byron (see Swinburne, A. C: Essays and studies 1897 p.238- 258) 824.89 Sw6 "Childe Harold's pilgrimage" Jeffrey, Francis Childe Harold's pilgrimage (see his Selections from the essays 1894 p.94-104) 824.73 J37 (see Stevenson, E. reviews of great writers n.d. ed. Eany p.68-195) 820 St4 "Hours of idleness" Brougham, H:P: baron Hours of idleness (see Stevenson, E. ed. Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.63-60) 820 St4 BYZANTINE EMPIRE Gibbon, Edward His- tory of the decline and fall of the Roman empire n.d. 1881 940.1 G35 63 Oman, C:W:C. pire 1892 Story of the Byzantine em- (Story of the nations) 949.5 Oral See algo Anatolia; Toiuitantinople; Otto- mans; Rome — History Byzantium See Constantinople (ABET, ETIENNE 1788-1856 Ely, R:T. Cabet (see Ely, R:T. French and Ger- man socialism *1883 p.39-52) 335 E19 Dionysius Lard- History of Den- ibinet cyclopedia; ed. by ner Dunham, S:A. mark, Sweden and Norway 1839 '40 948 D92 Cabinet of natural history; ed. by Dionysius Lardner SwAiNSON, Wiluam Treatise on the geography and classification of ani- mals 1836 591.9 Swl Cable, George Washington Creoles of Louisiana 320p.il.O X.Y.Scribner,1901'1884 976.3 Cll CABOT. JOHX (t)-1498 Harrisse, Henry John Cabot; the discoverer of North Amer- ica and Sebastian his son 1896 B Cll CABOT, SEBASTIAN 1477-1557 Harrisse, Henry John Cabot; the discoverer of North America and Sebastian his son 1896 B Cll Cadet, Felix ed. Lettres sur la pedagogic; re- sume du cours de I'Hotel de Ville SlOp.D Par.Delagrave,1882 370.4 Cll CADIZ Froude, J. A. Attack on Cadiz (see his English seamen in the 16th century 1895 p.153-175) 942 F93 Cadness, Henry Decoratiye brush work and elementary design 174p.il.D Lond.Bats- ford,1902 745 Cll Cady, Calvin Brainerd Music education ; an out- line Ed.2 76p.O Chic.Summy,1904 780.7 Cll C^SAR, CAIUS JULIUS 100 or 102-44 B.C. FowxER, W:W. Julius Caesar and the foundation of the Roman imperial system 1895«-91 (Heroes of the nations) B Cll Froude, J. A. Caesar 1895 B Cllf Lord, John Julius Caesar (tn Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883-96 v.l, p.133-172) 904 L88 C.«SARS, The See Roman emperors CAGLIOSTRO, ALESSANDRO DI (GUISEPPE BALSAMO) count 1743-1795 Carlyle, Thomas Count Cagliostro (tn Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.3,p.l52-221) 824.89 C19 Caird, Edward Critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant 2v.O N.Y.Macmillan,1889 193.2 C12 Evolution of religion Ed.3 2v.O Glas- gow,Maclehose,1899 (Gifford lectures 1890-92) 201 C12 Hegel 244p.por.S Phil.Lippincott,1883 (Philosophical classics for EnpUsh readers) B19 H36 Social philosophy and religion of Comte 249p. D N.Y.Macmillan.l885 194.8 C73 Caird, L. H. History of Corsica 179p.D Lond. Unwin,1899 945.9 C12 Cajori, Florian History of elementary mathemat- ics with hints on methods of teaching 304p. O N.Y.Macmillan,lS96 510.9 C12h History of mathematics millan.l 895*^93 422p.O N.Y.Mac- 510.9 C12hi History of physics in its elementary branches; including the evolution of physical labora- tories 322p.il.O N.Y.Macnullan,1899 530.9 C12 Teaching and history of mathenmtics in the United States 400p.O Wash.Govt.pr. o.'1890 (United States — Ed%ication, Bu- reau of Circular of information) 510.7 C12 CALAS, JEAN 1698-1762 Pattison, Makk (tn his Essays 1889 v.2,p.l77-209) 824.89 P27 CALCULUS Cajori, Florian Bibliography of fluxions and the calculus (see his Teach- ing and history of mathematics in the United States 1890 p.395-400) 510.7 C12 CAL CAL 64 Lamb, Horace Elementary course of in- finitesiraal calculus 1897 517.1 L76 ToDHUNTER, ISAAC Treatise on the differen- tial calculus 1890'=52 '90 517.2 T56 Treatise on the integral calculus and its ap- pUcations 1895'=57'95 517.3 T56 See also Finite differences; Newtonian po- tential of functions Caldecott, Alfred English colonization and em- pire 277p.map,D N.Y.Scribner,1891 {University extension manuals) 325 C12 CALDERON DE LA BARCA (FRANCES ING- LIS) 1810 (?)-(?) "Life in Mexico" Prescott, W:H. Madame Calderon's "Life in Mexico" {see Prescott, W: H. Biographical and critical miscellanies 1882<-75 p.315-334) 804 P92 Calderwood, Henry Handbook of moral philos- ophy Ed.l4 376p.D Lond.Macmillan, 1888 170 C12 On teaching; its ends and means Ed.3 126p. S N.Y.Macmillan,1893 371a C12 Relations of mind and brain 455p.il.O Lond.Macmillan,1879 131 C12 Caldwell, William Schopenhauer's system in its philosophical significance 538p.O N.Y. Scribner,1896 {Shaw fellowship lectures 1893) 193.7 C12 Calhoun, A. W. The effects of student life upon the eyesight 29p.il.O Wash.Govt.pr.o. 1881 {United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 CALHOUN, JOHN CALDWELL 1782-1850 HoLST, H. E. VON John C. Calhoun 1885 "82 {American statesmen) B C12 Lord, John John C. Calhoun {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '^1883-96 v.7,p.342-395) 904 L88 California See also Sacramento {California) — Squatter riot of 1850 Gold industry DeQuincey, Thomas California {see his Politics and political economy *1859'77 p.305-346) 824.81 D44p History RoYCE, JosiAH California; a study of Amer- ican character 1886 {American common- wealths) 979.4 R81 Travel and description Stoddard, J. L: Southern California {in his Lectures 1898*97 v.l0,p.l-102) 910 ste CALIFORNIA, UNIVERSITY OF Oilman, D. C. University of California in its in- fancy {see his University problems in the United States 1898 p.151-185) 378.73 G42 Caliphate Muir, Sir William 953 M89 Calisthenics See Gymnastics Calisto and Melibaja, Tragi-comedy of {in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l,p.51-92) 822.08 D66 Calkins, Mary Whiton An introduction to psy- chology 511p.T> N.Y.Macmillan,1902 150 C12 Calkins, Norman Allison Ear and voice training by means of elementary sounds of language 80p.D N.Y.Kellogg,1889 {Beading circle library) 808.5 C12 Manual of object teaching; with illustrative lessons in methods and the science of educa- tion 469p.D N.Y.Harper,l'882 372.3 C12 New object lessons; primary object lessons for training the senses and developing the faculties of children. . . Ed.40 448p.il. pl.D N.Y.Harper,1882'=70 '81 372.3 C12n Ed.l8 442p.pl.D 1871<'70 N.Y.Harper, 372.3 C12ne Kiddle, Henry and Harrison, T:F. How to teach «1873'77 371b K53 Call, Annie' Payson As a matter of course 135p.D Bost.Roberts,1894 613.7 C13 Power through repose 169p.S Bost.Rob- erts,1893<^91 613.7 C13p CALVERT, CECILIUS 1605(f)-1675 Browne, W:H. George Calvert and Cecilius Cal- vert '1890 {Makers af America) B C13 CALVERT, GEORGE 1580-1632 Browne, W: H, George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert "1890 {Makers of America) B CIS 66 CALVIN, JOHN 1509-1564 Fairbaien, A. M. Calvin and the Kefornied church (see Cam- bridge modem history The reformation 1904 p.342-376) 940.7 C14 Lord, John John Calvin (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883-96 v.3, p.333-380) 904 L88 Pattison, Mark Calvin at Geneva (m Pattison, Mark Essays 1889 v.2,p.l-41) 824.89 P27 CALVINISM Froude. J. A, Calvinism {in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great sub- jects 1891 '92 v.2,p.9-53) 824.89 F93 See also Presbyterianism ambistry See Exchange; Weights and meas- ures CAMBRIDGE (Massachusetts) Higoinson, T: W. Old Cambridge 1899 814 H53 HowELLS, W:D. Cambridge neighbors (see his Literary friends and acquaintance 1900 p.251-288) B H83 LoweUj, J. R. Cambridge thirty years ago (in his Literary essays 1892'94<^64'90 v.l,p.43-99) 814.39 L95 CAMBRIDGE, UNIVERSITY OF Bristed, C: A. Five years in an English university 1874*72 378.42 B77 Clark, J:W. Cambridge, brief historical and descriptive notes 1890 378.42 C54 MuLLiNQER, J. B. Cambridge characteristics in the 17th century; or, The studies of the university and their influence on the char- acter and writings of the most distinguished graduates during that period 1867 378.42 M91 History of the University of Cambridge n.d. (Epochs of church history) 378.42 M91h University of Cambridge 1873 '84 378.42 M91u ' Thompson, A. H. Cambridge and its col- leges 1899 378.42 T37 Cambridge, University of Local lectures Jebb, R:C. Work of the universities for the nation 1893 378.42 J34 Cambridge historical series; ed. by G:W. Prothero Rose, J:H. Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789-1815 1895 ' 940 R72 Stillman, W:J. Union of Italy, 1815-1895 1899 945 St5 Cambridge modem history The reformation 857p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1904 940.7 C14 Contains bibliographies Contents: — Medlcean Rome, by P. X. Kraus; Halsburg and Valois, by Stanley Leathes; Luther, by T. M. Lindsay; Na- tional opposition to Rome in Germany, by A. F. Pollard ; Social revolution and Catholic reaction in Germany, by A. F. Pollard; Con- flict of creeds and parties in Germany, by A. F. Pollard ; Religious war in Germany, by A. F. Pollard; Reformation in France, by A. A. TlUey; Helvetic reformation, by G. P. Whit- ney; Calvin and the Reformed church, by A. M. Fairbaim; Catholic South, by W. E. Col- lins; Henry VIII, by James Galrdner; Ref- ormation under Edward VI, by A. F. Pol- lard; Philip and Mary, by J. B. Mulllnger; Anglican settlement and the Scottish refor- mation, by F. W. Maitland; Scandinavian liorth, by W. E. Collins; Notes on the refor- mation in Poland, by Stanley Leathes; Church and reform, by R. V. Laurence; Tendencies of European thought in the age of the reformation, by A. M. Fairbaim The renaissance 807p.O N.Y.Macmillan, 1903'=02 940.6 C14 Contains bibliographies Contents: — Introductory note, by Mandell Creighton ; Age of discovery, by E. J. Payne ; New world, by E. J. Payne; Ottoman con- quest, by J. B. Bury; Italy and her Invaders, by Stanley Leathes; Florence, Savonarola- Florence, Machiavelll, by L. A. Burd; Rome and the temporal power, by Richard Gar- nett; Venice, by Horatio Brown; Germany and the empire, by T. F. Tout; Hungary and the Slavonic kingdoms, by Emil Reich; Catholic kings, by H. B. Clarke; France, by Stanley Leathes; Netherlands, by A. W. Ward; Early Tudors, by James Galrdner; Economic change, by "William Cunningham; Classical renaissance, by R:C. Jebb; Christ- Ian renaissance, by N. R. James; Catholic Europe, by William Barrj-; Eve of the ref- ormation, by H:C: Lea The United States 857p.O N.Y.Macmil- lan,1903 973 C14 Contains bibliographies Contents: — First century of English colon- sation. by J: A. Doyle; English colonies, by J: A. Doyle; French in America, by Mary Bateson; Conquest of Canada, by A. Q. Bradley; Quarrel with Great Britain, by J: A. Doyle; Declaration of independence, by M. M. Bigelow; War of independence, by J: A. Doyle; Constitution, by M. M. Bigelow; Struggle for commercial independence, by J:B. McMaster; War of 1812-1815, by H. W. Wilson; Growth of the nation, by J:B. Mc- Master; Commerce, expansion and slavery, by J:B. McMaster; State rights, by Wood- CAM CAM 66 row Wilson; Civil war, by J:G. Nlcolay; Naval operations, by H. W. Wilson; North during the war, by J:G. Nlcolay; South during the war, by J:C. Schwab; Political reconstruction, by T. G. Smith; United States as a world-power, by J:B. Moore; Economic development of the United States, by H:C. Emery; American Intellect, by Bar- rett Wendell Cambridge series for schools and training colleges Aristotle On education 1903 370 Ar4 Woodward, W:H. Short history of the ex- pansion of the British empire 1899 325 W87 Cambyses Preston, Thomas (in Dodsley, Eob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.4,p.l57-248) 822.08 D66 Camden library; ed. by G:L. Gomme and T. F. Ordish Ordish, T. F. Early London theatres in the fields 1894 792 Or2 Camelot series; ed. by Ernest Ehys Carleton, Will Stories 817.45 C19 Chesterfield, P. D. Stanhope, Earl of Letters B C42 Davis, Thomas Prose writings 824.89 D29 GossE, Edmund Northern studies 839 G69 Heine, Heinrich Prose writings 838 H36 Ibsen, Henrik Pillars of society and other plays 839.8262 Ib7 Mazzini, Joseph Essays 854.89 M45 Musset, Alfred de Comedies 842 M97 Sadi Gulistan; or, Flower garden 891 Sal Tacitus Eeign of Tiberius 878.6 Til VoLSUNGA 839 V88 Campaign of Trenton, 1776-1777 Drake, S:A. 973.3 D78 Campaigns of the civil war v.l Nicola Y, J:G: Outbreak of the rebellion 1881 973.7 N51 V.2 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth 1881 973.7 F74 V.3 Webb, A. S. Peninsula McClellan's campaign of 1862 1881 973.7 W38 V.4 EoPES, J:C. Army under Pope 1881 973.7 R68 V.5 Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fred- ericksburg 1882 973.7 P17 V.6 Doubleday, Abner ChancellorsviUe and Gettysburg 1882 973.7 D74 V.7 Cist, H:M. Army of the Cumberland 1882 973.7 C49 V.8 Greene, F. V. Mississippi 1882 973.7 G83 V.9 Cox, J. D. Atlanta 1882 973.7 C83 v.lO March to the sea; Franklin and Nash- ville 1882 973.7 C83ra v.ll Pond, G:E: Shenendoah valley in 1864 1883 973.7 P77 V.12 Humphreys, A. A. Virginia cam- paign of '64 and '65 1883 973.7 H88 Supplementary volume Phisterer, Fred- erick Statistical record of the armies of the United States 1883 973.7 P55 CAMPBELL, COLIN 1792-1863 FoRBES, Archibald Colin Campbell (Lord Clyde) 1895 {English men of action) B C15 Campbell, Douglas Puritan in Holland, England and America; an introduction to American history Ed.4,enl. 2v.O N.Y.Harper, 1893-^92 285 C15 Campbell, George Philosophy of rhetoric New ed. 435p.D N.Y.Harper,1885 808 C15 Campbell, George Douglas The unseen founda- tions of society; an examination of the fal- lacies and failures of economic science due to neglected elements 591p.O Lond. Murray,1893 330 C15 Campbell, Mrs Helen (Stuart) Easiest way in housekeeping and cooking. . . 293p.D Bost.Roberts,1893 641 C15 Campbell, James Dykes ed. Poetical works 1893 Coleridge, S:T. 821.72 C67 Campbell, John P. Biological teaching in the colleges of the United States 183p.O Wash.Govt.pr.0.1891 {United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of informa- tion) 370.6 Uii3 Campbell, Lewis and Qamett, William Life of James Clerk Maxwell, with selections from his correspondence and occasional writings New ed. enl. 421p.il.por.D Lond.Macmil- lan,1884 B M45 Campbell, Thomas 1777-1844 Hazlitt, Wil- liam Mr Campbell and Mr Crabbe {in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.231-244) 824.76 H33 Poetical works; ed. by W. A. Hull, with a sketch of his life, by William AUingham 67 313p.por.D Lond.BelI,1891 (Aldine edi- tion of the British poets) 821.7 C15 ed. "Frederick the Great and his times" Macaulat, T:B. baron Frederic the Great (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Crit- ical and historical essays 1889 v.4, p.1-93) 824.83 Mil '-AMPBELLiTES See Disciples of Christ CANADA See also Montreal; New France; Quebec History BouRiNOT, Sir J:G: Story of Canada 1893 (Story of the nations) 971 B66 Bryce, George Short history of the Cana- dian people 1887 971 B84 Mackenzie, Robert Dominion of Canada (see his America 1882 p.309-435) 973 M19 Indiistries Bolles, a. S. The industries of Canada (see his Industrial history of the United States 1881«78 p.905-936) 609 B63 Statistics Hopkins, J. C. Canadian annual review '1903 R317.1 H77 Travel and description Baedeker, Karl pub. Dominion of Can- ada with Newfoundland and an excursion to Alaska 1900 917.1 B14 George, M. M. A little journey to Canada «1901 (Library of travel) 917.1 G29 CANDLES Fakaday, Michael A course of six lectures on the chemical history of a candle ' li.d. 541 F22 Oandolle, Alphonse Louis Pierre Pyramus de Origin of cultivated plants 468p.D N.Y. Appleton,1890 (International scientific series) 581 C16 CANINA, LUIGI 1795-1856 ' ' Via Appia dalla Porta Capena a Boville" Milman, H:H. Pagan and Christian sepulchres (see his Savonarola, Erasmus and other essays 1870 p.446-500) 824.89 M63 CANON (Colorado) Stoddard, J:L. Grand canon of the Colorado river (in his Lectures 1898^97 v.l0,p.l03-204) 910 St6 CANON LAW Stubbs, William History of the canon law in England (see his Seven- teen lectures on medieval and modem his- tory 1887 p.335-381) 904 St9 Canons of the first four general councils Bright, WilUam 270.2 B76 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL Stanley, A. P. Historical memorials of Canterbury pref. 1875 283.42 St2 CANTON (China) Palgrave, W:G. The three cities (see his Ulysses 1887 p.200- 216) 904 PIT Capen, Samuel Paul Friedrich Schlegel's rela- tions with Reichardt and his contributions to "Deutschland" 49p.O Phil. Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1903 (University of Pennsylvania Series in philology and literature) B SchS Capes, William Wolfe Roman empire of the second century; or, The age of the Antonines 226p.maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.07 C17 Roman history; the early empire from the as- sassination of Julius Csesar to that of Domi- tian 240p.maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epochs of. ancient history) 937.07 C17r University life in ancient Athens 171p.T N.Y.Harper,n.d. 378 C17 CAPITAL Bagehot, Walter The growth of capital (see his Economic studies 1895 p.209-237) 330 B14 Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen von Positive theory of capital 1891 331 B63 Cunningham, William Use and abuse of money 1891 (University extension man' uals) 331 C91 Green, S. M. How shall the interests of cap- ital and labor be harmonised and the con- flict between them prevented (see his Crime 1889 p.301-337) 364 G82 Welden, W. B. Capital (see his The social law of labor 1882 p.237-267) 331 W41 See also Labor and laboring classes ; Money ; Partnership; Trusts; Wealth CAP CAP 68 CAPEI (Italy) Green, J:E: Capri (see his Stray studies from England and Italy 1876 p.329-361) 824.89 G82 Captain Bonneville See Bonneville, Benjamin L. E. Captain Singleton DeFoe, Daniel 823.51 D36 Carey, Henry Charles Harmony of interests; agricultxiral, manufacturing and commercial 229p.O Phil.Carey,1890<=52 337 C18 Manual of social science; being a condensa- tion of the "Principles of social science", . by Kate McKean 548p.il.pl.O Phil. Baird,1888"=64 ' 330 018 Carey, Mrs M. ed. and tr. Duruy, J. V. Btts- tory of France "=1889 944 D93 Carey, Mathew A short account of the malig- nant fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia, with statements of the proceedings that took place on the subjects in different parts of the United States, to which are added ac- counts of the plague in London and Mar- seilles and a list of the dead from August 1 to December, 1793 164p.O Phil.Carey, 1794 614.49 C18 Carhart, Daniel Treatise on plane surveying 411p.il.O Bost.Ginn,1893<=87 526.9 C19 GAEL OF EOSENMOLD Pater, W. H. Duke Oarl of Eosenmold (see Pater, W. H. Imaginary portraits 1894 p. 135-180) 824.89 P27i Carleton, Will Stories . . . 302p.D Lond. Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 817.45 019 CAELISLE Creighton, Mandell Carlisle 1889 (Historic towns) 942.85 C86 CAELISLE, GEOEGE WILX.IAM FEEDEEICK HOWAED earl 1802-1864 "On Pope" De Quincey, Thomas Lord Carlisle on Pope (see De Quincey, Thomas Eight- eenth century in scholarship and literature n853'76 p.499-563) 824.81 D441 Carlisle, James H. ed. Two great teachers; Johnson's memoir of Eoger Ascham and selections from Stanley 's life and corre- spondence of Thomas Arnold . . . 252p.S Syracuse,Bardeen,1890 B37 Afl2 CAELOVINGIAN CYCLE King, E:J: Carlo- vingian romance (in Oxford essays 1856 p.271-294) 824.89 0x2 CAELYLE, THOMAS 1795-1881 Feoude, J. A. Thomas Carlyle; a history of his life in London 1904 B 019 Thomas Carlyle; a history of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835 1906 B C19f Gkiswold, H. T. Thomas Carlyle (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great au thors 1894'=86 p.142-149) 9 G88 Critical and miscellaneous essays ... 4v. in2,D N.Y.Lovell,n.d. 824.82 019 Contents: — v. 1 Jean Paul Richter; State of German literature; Life and writings of Werner; Goethe's Helena; Goethe; Burns; Life of Heyne; German playwrights; Vol- taire; Signs of the times V. 2 Novalis; On history; Jean Paul Friedrich Richter; Luther's psalm; Schiller; The Nibelungenlied ; Early German litera- ture; Historic survey of German poetry; Characteristics; Biography; Boswell's Life of Johnson V. 3 Goethe's portrait; Death of Goethe; Goethe's works; On history again; Diderot Count Cagllostro; Death of Edward Irving; Diamond necklace; Mirabeau; Parliamen- tary history of the French revolution; Sir Walter Scott V. 4 Varnhagen Von Ense's memoirs; Chartism; Petition on the copyright bill; Cornlaw rhymes; The sinking of the Ven- geur; Baillie the Covenanter; Dr. Francia; An election to the Long parliament; Occa- sional discourse on the nigger question; Two hundred and fifty years ago; The opera; National exhibition of Scottish por- traits; The Prinzenraub; Inaugural address at Edinburgh, 2d April, 1866, on being In- stalled as rector of the university there; Shooting Niagara: and after French revolution 461p.D N.Y.Lovell,n.d. 944.04 019 "French revolution" Mazzini, Guiseppe On the history of the French revolution (see his Essays n.d. p.150-176) 854.89 M45 Heroes and hero worship 2v.inl,D N.Y. Lovell,n.d. 824.82 C19sa Contains also The Life of John Sterling and Latter day pamphlets History of Frederick II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great 4v.D N.Y.Lovell,n.d. B F87 Life of Friedrich Schiller 309p.D N.Y. Lovell,n.d, (see Carlyle, Thomas ed. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches n.d. V.2) B 088 Sartor resartus; the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh 282p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 824.82 C198 69 ed. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches with elucidations 2v.D N.Y.Lovell,n.d B C88 Contains also The Life of Frledrich Schil- ler Burroughs, John A Sunday in Cheyne row ( see his Fresh fields 1895^84 p.199-266) 814.41 B94 Emerson, R. W. Carlyle (see Emerson, R. W. Lectures and biographical sketches 1893^83 p.453-463) 814.36 EmSl Lord, John Thomas Carlyle (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883-96 v.8,p.l89-242) ' 904 L88 Lowell, J. R. Carlyle (in Lowell, J. R. Literary essays 1892 '94=64 '90 v.2,p.77- 119) 814.39 L951i Mazzini, Guiseppe On the genius and ten- dency of the writings of Thomas Carlyle (see Mazzini, Guiseppe Essays n.d. ' p.109-149) 854.89 M45 NicoL, David Thomas Carlyle (in Nieol, David Political life of our time 1889 v.l) 320 N51 Robertson, J:M. Thomas Carlyle (see Robertson, J:M. Modern humanists 1891 p.1-61) 304 R54 Saintsbury, G:E:B. Carlyle (see Saints- bury, G:E:B. Corrected impressions 1895 p.41-59) 824 Sa2 "Goethe" Vaughan, C:E. comp. Thomas Carlyle Goethe (see Vaughan, C:E. comp. English literary criticism pref. 1896 p.200-209) 820 V46 "Past and present" Emerson, R. W. Past and present (see his Natural history of the intellect Papers from the Dial 1894 ■^93 p.237-248) 814.36 Em3n CARMAGNOLA, FRANCESCO BUSSONE 1390- 1432 Brown, H. R. F. Carmagnola, a soldier of fortune (see Brown, H. R. F. Venetian studies 1887 p.145-177) 945 B81 OlipAant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) By sea and by land Soldior of fortune — Carmag- nola (see her Makers of Venice 1893 «87'92 p.206-248) 945.3 013 Carnegie, Andrew Triumphant democracy; or, Fifty years ' march of the republic 519p. O N.Y.Scribner,1886 917.3 C21 Carpenter, Edith Lorenzo d^ Medici; an histori- cal portrait 216p.D N.Y.Putnam,1893 B M46 Carpenter, Edmund Janes America in Hawaii; a history of United States influence in the Hawaiian islands 275p.por.D Boat. Small,1899 996 C22 Carpenter, Frank Qeorge Asia 304pil.map,D N.Y.American book co,"'1897 (Geographical readers) 915 C22 Australia, our colonies, and other islands of the sea 388p.il.D N.Y.Ameriean book co, "=1904 (Geographical readers) 919.4 C22 North America 352p.maps,D N.Y.Ameri- can book co,'1898 (Geographical readers) 917 C22 South America 352p.il.map,D N.Y.Ameri- can book co,'1899 (Geographical readers) 980 C22 Carpenter, Frederick Ives ed. English lyric poetry,1500-1700 276p.D Lond.Blackie, 1898 821.04 C22 Carpenter, Oteorge Rice Exercises in rhetoric and English composition; advanced course Ed.2 222p.D Bost.Small,1893 808 C22 John Greenleaf Whittier 311p.por.D Bost. Houghton,1903 (American men of let- ters) B W61 and Fletcher, J. B. Introduction to theme- writing 1893 808 F62 Baker, F. T: and Scott, F. N. Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school 380p.O N.Y.Longmans,1903 (American teachers' series) 420.7 C22 Carpenter, Eolla Clinton Heating and ventila- ting buildings; a manual for heating en- gineers and architects Ed.4,enl. 562pil. pl.O N.Y.Wiley,1905n895,1902 697 C22 Carpenter, 'William Benjamin Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the training and discipline cf the mind and the study of its morbid conditions 737p.i].0 N.Y.Appleton,1884 131 C22 Carpenter, William Lant Energy in nature . . . lectures upon the forces of nature and their mutual relations 212p.il.D Lond.Cassell, 1883 531.6 C22 CAR CAR 70 CARPENTERS' HALL (Philadelphia) Rhoades, L. I. Carpenters' hall (see her Story of Philadelphia «1900 p.147-153) 974.8 R34 Can, Arthur Church and the Roman empire 210p.D N.Y.Randolph,n.d. (Epochs of church history) 270.2 C23 Cart, Harvey A. Survival values of play Sta- tistical study of education in the West 1902 (University of Colorado Depart- ment of psychology and education) ♦ 370.4 C23 Carr, Lucien Missouri; a bone of contention 377p.map,D Bost.Houghton,1892<=88 (American commonwealths) 977.8 C23 CARRARESI, THE Brown, H. R. F. The Carraresi (see Brown, H. R. F. Venetian studies 1887 p.90-144) 945 B81 Carrington, Henry Beelie Battle maps and charts of the American revolution with ex- planatory maps . . . unp.mapSjpor.O N.Y. Barnes,«1881 973.3 C23 Battles of the American revolution, 1775-1781 . . . 712p.map,Q N.Y.Barnes,«^1876 '88 973.3 C23b Carroll, Henry King Religious forces of the United States with an introduction on the condition and character of American Chris- tianity 449p.O N.Y.Christian literature co,1893 (American church history series) 280.73 C23 Carson, Hampton L. ed. History of the cele- bration of the 100th anniversary of the con- stitution of the United States 2v.il.por. pl.F Phil.Lippincott,1889 342.973 C23 CART, THE Haddon, A. C. Evolution of the cart (see his Study of man 1898 p.128-158) 573 Hll Carter, Thomas Thellusson ed. Nicholas Fer- rar; his household and his friends Ed.2 331p.por.D Lond.Longmans,1893 B F41 Caktesius See Descartes, Ren6 CARTHAGE Church, A. J: Story of Carthage 1891 "86 (Story of the nations) 939.73 C47 See also Punic wars Carthaginian wars See Punic wars Cartier to Frontenac Winsor, Justin 970 W73 Cartwright, William The ordinary (in Dods- ley, Robert ed/ Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.203- 318) 822.08 D66 Carus, Paul Chinese philosophy 1898 (Reli- gion of science library) 181.1 C25 Dawn of a new era 1899 (Religion of science library) 204 C25 Contents: — Dawn of a new religious era; The new orthodoxy; The late Prof. Ro- • manes' thoughts on religion Gospel of Buddha Ed.7 «1900 (Religion of science library) 294 C25 Homilies of science Ed.2 1897 (Religion of science library) 171.1 C25 Nature of the state 1894 (Religion of science library) 321 C25 Religion of science 1899 (Religion of science library) 201 C25 Soul of man; an investigation of the facts or physiological and experimental psychology 458p.il.pl.O Chic.Open court publishing co, 1891 128 C25 Caeving See Sculpture; Wood carving Gary, Alice and Cary, Phcebe Poetical works 337p.por.D Bost.Houghton,1882<=65 '82 811.39 C25 Cary, Edward George William Curtis 343p. , por.D Bost.Houghton,1894 (American men of letters) B C94 Cary, Elisabeth Luther The Rossettis; Dante Gabriel and Christina 310p.por.pl.O N.Y.Putnam,1900 B R73 Tennyson ; his homes, his friends, and his work 312p.por.pl.O N.Y.Putnam,"! 898,1903 B T25 William Morris; poet, craftsman, socialist 296p.pl.Q N.Y.Putnam, <'1902 B M83 Cary, Henry viscount Falkland Marriage night (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select col- lection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l5,p.l09-183) 822.08 D66 Cary, Phoebe and Cary, Alice Poetical works 1882065 '82 811.39 C25 CASS, LEWIS 1782-1866 McLaughlin, A. C. Lewis Cass 1892^91 (American states- men) B C27 71 CASSIODORU8, MARCUS AURELIUS 468-560 Church, R:W: Cassiodorus (see Church, R:W: Miscellaneous essays 1891«88 p.155-204) 824.89 C47 < astle acre Jessopp, Augustus (see his Ran- dom roaming and other papers 1893 p.46-83) 824.89 J49 CASTLES OF FRANCE Labned, W. C. Churches and castles of medieval France 1895 726 L32 Casuistry See Conscience < ATALOGING of books American libraky ASSOCIATION List of subject headings for use in dictionary catalogs 1895 R025 Am3 Cutter, C:A. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue 1876 (in United States — Edti- cation, Bureau of Public libraries in the United States of America 1876 v.2) 027.4 Un3 See also Classification of books; Library science Catalogs of libraries See Library catalogs Catechetical school of Alexandria See Alex- andrian schools CATHARINE II, empress of Prussia, 1729-1796 CooLiDGE, Susan pseud. The girlhood of an autocrat (see her An old convent school of Paris and other papers 1895 p.93-133) 814 C77 Waliszewski, Kasimierz Romance of an empress, Catherine II of Russia 1894 B C28 CATHERINE OF ARAGON, queen of England, 1485-1536 Froude, J. A. Divorce of Catharine of Aragon 1891 942.05 F93 Strickland, Agnes Katharine of Aragon (iM Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.2,pt.2,p.469-574) 9 StS CATHARINE OF BRAGANZA, queen of Eng- land, 1638-1705 Strickland, Agnes Catharine of Braganza (in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 .v.5,pt.2) 9 StS CATHARINE OF FRANCE 1401-1438 Strick- land. Agnes Katherine of Valois (in Strickland Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.2,pt,.l,p.l08-166) 9 StS Cathedrals See The name of the cathedral Catherwood, Mrs Maiy (Hartwell) The days of Jeanne d 'Arc 278p.pl.D N.Y.Century co, 1897 B J57 Cathode rays See X rays CATHOLIC CHURCH Bryce, James Holy Roman empire 1883 940 B84 C"RUTTWELL, C:T: Latin Christianity (m his Literary history of early Christianity 1893 v.2,p.537-653) 270.1 C88 MiLMAN, H:H. History of Latin Christian- ity 1893 282 M63 O 'Gorman, Thomas History of the Roman Catholic church in the United States 1891 (American church history series) 282 Og6 Symonds, J: a. Renaissance in Italy; the Catholic reaction 1887 282 Sy6 See also Catholicism; Celibacy; Christian- ity; Church history; Fathers of the church; Greek church; Jansenists; Jesuits; Monas- tic orders; Oxford school; Papacy; Popes; Protestantism; Reformation; Religious lib- erty; Saints; also, Ambrose, Saint; Dami- anus, Peter; Gregory 1; Gregory VII; Innocent III; Mary, Virgin Catholic school system Mullany, P. F. (Broth- er Azarias pseud.) Our catholic school system (see his Essays; miscellaneous 1896 p.171-192) 814.49 M91 CATHOLICISM Arnold, Matthew Irish Catholicism and British liberalism (see his Mixed essays 1894 p.73-106; 824.85 Ar6m Balmes, J. L. European civilization; Prot- estantism and Catholicism compared in their effects on the civilization of Europe pref.1850 282 B21 C0NFESS10N.S of a Roman Catholic (see College and the church 1887 p.l40- 150) 370.4 C68 l"^ouDE, J. A. Philosophy of Catholicism (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l.p.155-165) 824.89 F93 Catlin, George Letters and notes on the man- ners, customs and condition of the North American Indians . . . 2v.pl.map8,Q Lond.CatUn,1841 970 C28 CAT CAT 72 Cato; a tragedy (in Works 1888 v.l, 824.52 Ad2 Cato Addison, Joseph Addison, Joseph p.365-466) Cat's pilgrimage, The Feoude, J. A. {in his Short studies on great subjects 1891*92 v.l,p.508-524) 824.89 F93 Cattell, James McKeen Scientific societies and associations (in Butler, N:M. ed. Edu- cation in the United States 1900 v.2, monographl7,27p.) 379.73 B97 and Beddard, J. E. ed. Science series 573 Hll and Fullerton, G:S. On perception of small differences; with special reference to the extent, force and time of movement n.d. (University of Pennsylvania Philosophical series) 152 F95 CATTLE United States — Animal industry, Bureau of Special report on diseases of cattle 1904 619 Un3 CAVENDISH, HENRY 1731-1810 Thorpe, T:E: Henry Cavendish (see Thorpe, T:E: Essays in historical chemistry 1894 p.70-86) 540.9 T39 CAVENDISH, THOMAS 1555(?)-1592 Southey, Robert Thomas Cavendish (see Southey, Robert English seamen 1895 p.359-400) 9 So8 CAVOUR (CAMILLO BENSO) count DI 1810- 1861 Marriott, J. A. R. Cavour (see Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modern Italy 1889 p.26-53) B M45 Lord, John Cavour (in Lord, John Bea- con lights of history '1883-96 v.6,p.337- 385) 904 L88 CELIBACY Lea, H:C: Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church 1884 254 L46 CELLINI, BENVENUTO 1500-1571 Symonds, J: A. Life of Benvenuto Cellini (see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; the fine arts 1888 p.385-437) 945 Sy63 CELSUS ' 2d century Froude, J. A. Origen and Celsus (in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.4,p.237-281) 824.89 F93 Celt, the Roman and the Saxon, The Wright, Thomas 913.42 W93 CELTIC LITERATURE Arnold, Matthew On the study of Celtic literature (see his On the study of Celtic literature and on translating Homer 1895 p.1-137) 891.6 Ar6 Poor, L. E. Comparative mythology of the Latin and Keltic literatures (see her Sanskrit and its kindred literature 1880 p.229-266) 891.2 P79 CENTRAL AMERICA Bates, H:W. Central America; West Indies and South America 1882 (Stanford's compendium of geog- raphy and travel) 918 B31 Central High School See Philadelphia — Edu- cation, Board of Central high school Central States of the United States Drake, S:A. Making of the Ohio valley states 1894 977 D78 See also Illinois; Indiana; Kentucky; Michigan; Missouri; Ohio Century atlas of the world; ed. by B:E. Smith v.p.F N.Y.Century co,<=1897 R912 C33 Century cyclopedia of names; ed. by B:E. Smith 1085p.F N.Y.Century co,'1894 R031 C33 Century dictionary; an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language; ed. by W: D.Whitney 6v.il.F N.Y.Century co,<=l 889-91 R423 C33 Century illustrated magazine Index vols.1-30 v.p.Q N.Y.Century co,n.d. R051 C33 Century of dishonor Jackson, Mrs H. M. (Fiske) H. 970.5 J13 Century of revolution Lilly, W:S: 944 L62 Century science series; ed. by Sir H:E. Roscoe Markham, C. R. Major James Rennell 1895 910 R29 Ceramics See Pottery Cerebral hyperemia Hammond, W:A. 618.8 H18 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE 1547- 1616 Watts, H:E: Life of Miguel de Cervantes 1891 (Great writers) B C33 Ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha; tr. by John Ormsby 4v.O Lond. Smith,1885 863.32 C33 73 "Don Quixote" Lowell, J. R. Don Quixote (see his Literary and political addresses 1894'^86'90 p.115-136) 814.39 L95 Pkescott, W:H. Cervantes {see Prescott, W:H. Critical and biographical miscel- lanies 1882«75 p.114-162) 804 P92 CEYLON DeQuincby, Thomas Ceylon (see his Politics and political economy '1859 '77 p.436-476) 824.81 D44p Chain of life in geological time Dawson, Sir J: W: 560 D32 Chalamet, R. E. L'ficole maternelle dtude sur 1 'education des petits enfants 316p.il.D Par.DeIagrave,1883 (Bibliotheque peda- gogique) 379.44 C35 CHALDEA Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Chaldea 1886 (Story of the nations) 935 R12 Chamberlain, Alexander Francis The child; a study in the evolution of man 498p.il.pl. D Lond.Scott,1900 (Contemporary science series) 575 C35 Child and childhood in folk-thought; the child in primitive culture 464p.O N.Y.Mac- millan,1896<'95 398.3 C35 Chambers, Edmund Kerchever ed. English pastorals 280p.D Lond.Blackie,1895 821.06 C35 Chambers, Oeorge Frederick Pictorial astron- omy . . . 268p.il.D Lond.Whittaker,1891 520 C35 Story of the stars ISOp.il.pl.S N.Y.Apple- ton,1895 (Library of useful stories) 523 C35 Story of the weather 232p.il.D Lond. Newnes,1897 (Library of popular knowl- edge) 551.5 C35 Chambers, Robert Book of days, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calender . . . 2v.il. pi. Q Phil.Lippincott, n.d. R080 C35 ed. Cyclopedia of English literature; a his- tory, critical' and biographical, of authors in the English tongue from the earliest times till the present day with specimens of their writings 3v.il.Q Phil.Lippincott,1902 R820.3 C35 Chambers's encyclopedia; a dictionary of uni- versal knowledge . . . American revised ed. lOv.il.Q Phil.Lippincott,1883«75 R032 C35 CHAMPLAIN, LAKE Parkman, Francis Historic handbook of the northern tour; Lakes George and Champlain, Niagara, Montreal, Quebec 1885 973.1 P23 Champlin, John Denison Young folks' cyclo> pedia of common things . . . Ed.2,enL 850p.il.O N.Y.Holt,1893''79 R031 CSS Champneys, A. C. History of English; a sketch of the origin and development of the Eng- lish language . . . 414p.D N.Y.Macmil- lan,1893 420.9 C35 CHANCELLORSVILLE, BATTLE OF 1863 DouBLEDAY, Abner ChanceUorsville and Gettysburg 1882 (Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 D74 Channlng, Eva tr. Pestalozzi, J:H: Leon- ard and Gertrude 1885 370 P43 Chanson de Roland See Roland ; Chant, L. Ormiston Golden boat action songs for children Ed.3 23p.F Bost.Ditson, n.d. 372.21 C36 CHAP BOOKS AsHTON, John Chap books of the 18th century 1882 398.5 As3 Chapman, Frank Michler Handbook of birds of eastern North America . , . Ed.3 427p. il.pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1896'95 598.2 C36 ed. Wright, Mrs M. O. Four footed Americans and their kin 1898 590 W93 Chapman, (Jeorge Plays; ed. with introduction by W:L. Phelps 479p.por.D Lond.Un- win,1895 (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822,39 C36 1559-1634 Lowell, J. R. Chapman (see Lowell, J. R. Old English dramatists 1893<^92 p.78-99) 822 L95 Ward, A. W: Later Elisabethans (in his History of dramatic literature 1899 v.2, p.408-450) 822 W21 Chapman, Mary tr. Jankt, P. A. R. Theory of morals 1883 171 J25 Chapman, Virginia tr. Viollbt-le-Duc, E. E. Learning to draw; or. The story of a young designer «1880 740 V81 CHARACTER Brioos, L. R. School, college and character 1902 378 B76 CHA CHA 74 Emerson, E. W. Character (in his Essays 1894 v.2,p.87-113) 814.36 Em3e (see his Lectures and biographical sketches 1893'=83 • p.91-181) 814.36 EmSl Hinsdale, B. A. Origin of character (see his Schools and studies 1884 p.1-32) 370.4 H59 Hopkins, L. P. Character as an object of school education (see her Spirit of the new education 1892 p.72-101) 370.4 H44 Smiles, Samuel Character n.d. 170 Sm4 See Christian life; Conduct of life; Ethics; Moral education; Physiognomy Character sketches of romance, fiction and the drama Brewer, E. C. E803 B75 Chabacteristics of peoples See The name of the people, as Americans, The Characteristics of women Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) 822.33 J25 Oharbonneau, Michel Cours th6orique et pra- tique de p6dagogie ; pr6c§d6e d 'une introduc- tion par J. J. Eapet Ed.ll,enl. 480p. tab.D Par.Delagrave,1882 371a C37 Charicles Becker, W:A. 913.38 B38 CHAEING CEOSS Dobson, Austin Changes at Charing Cross (see Dobson, Austin Miscellanies 1898 p.220-238) 824.89 D65m CHAEITY Seneca, L. A. On benefits 1887 878.5 Se5 CHAELEMAGNE 742 or 747-814 Bulfinch, Thomas Legends of Charlemagne; or, Eomance of the middle ages "=1862 398.2 B87 DeQuincey, Thomas Charlemagne (see DeQuincey, Thomas Biographical and his- torical essays «1853'77 p.135-177) 824.81 D44 DoLLiNQER, J: J. I. VON Empire of Charles the Great and his successors (see Dollinger, J:J. I. von Addresses on historical and literary subjects 1894 p.73-180) 834 D69 Lord, John Charlemagne (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883-96 v.2, p.55-91) 904 L88 Mombest, J. I. History of Charles the Great 1888 940.8 M73 MuLLiNGER, J. B. Schools of Charles the Great, and the restoration of education in the ninth century 1877 370.94 M91 TowNSEND, W:J: Eenaissance under Char- lemagne (see Townsend, W:J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881 p.14-31) B19 T66 See also Carlovingian cycle; Eoland Charles of Orleans See Orleans, Charles of Charles I surnamed ' * The Great ' ' See Char- lemagne CHAELES II, king of Spain, 1661-1700 HuME, M. A. S. Exorcism of Charles the Be- witched (see Hume, M. A. S. Year af- ter the Armada 1896 p.287-320) 946 H88 CHAELES V, emperor of Germany, 1500-1558 Maxwell, Sir W:S. Cloister life of the Emperor Charles V 1891 B C38 Prescott, W:H. Life of Charles the Fifth after his abdication (in Eobertson, Wil- liam History of the reign of Charles V '1856 '84 v.3,p.293-400) B C38r Eobertson, William History of the reign of Charles V «1856'84 B C38r CHAELES VIII, king of France, 1470-1498 Symonds, J: a. Charles VIII (see Sym- onds, J: A. Eenaissance in Italy; age of the despots 1888 p.498-537) 945.05 Sy6 CHAELES XII, king of Sweden, 1682-1718 Bain, E. N. Charles XII, and the collapse of the Swedish empire, 1682-1719 1895 (Heroes of the nation) B C38 CHAEEON, PIEEEE 1541-1603 Souquet, Paul Charron (see Souquet, Paul Les 6erivaina pedagogues 1880 p.168-186) 370.8 So8 Charter to William Penn and laws of the province of Pennsylvania passed between 1682-1700 preceded by the Duke of York 's laws in force from 1676 to 1682 . . . 614p.por.facsim.O Harrisb.State press,1879 974.8 C38 CHAETEEHOUSE The Charterhouse (see Great public schools n.d. p.101-117) 373.42 G79 The Charterhouse (see Our public schools 1881 p.314-348) 373.42 Ou7 75 Staunton, Howard Charterhouse (see his Great schools of England 1865 p.257-301) 373.42 St2 CHARTERS MacDonald, William ed. Se- lect charters and other documents illustra- tive of American history, 1606-1775 1899 973.2 M14 CHARTISM Carlyle, Thomas Chartism (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.4,p.36-117) 824.82 C19 Chateaux See Castles Chatauqua literary and scientific circle Ma- HAFFY, J: P. Survey of Greek civiliza- tion 1896 938 M27s Scripture, E:W. Thinking, feeling, doing 1897<=95 150 Scr3t WiNCHELL, Alexander Walks and talks in the geological field 1898'94 550.4 W72 ^' Chatauqua reading circle literature See Cha- tauqua literary and scientific circle CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCOIS RENE AU- GUSTE vicomte DE 1768-1848 Lord, John Chateaubriand (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history =1883-96 v.6, p.75-116) 904 L88 "Sketches of English literature" Prescott, W:H. Chateaubriands ' English literature (see Prescott, W:H. Critical and biograph- ical miscellanies 1882<^75 p.227-271) 804 P92 Chatham, William Pitt, earl of See Pitt, William, earl of Chatham Chatrlan, Alexandre and Erckmann, Emile Madame Therese '=1891 (International language series) 843.85 Er2 Chatterton, Thomas Poetical works; with an es- say on the Rowley poems by W. W: Skeat and a memoir by Edward Bell 2v.D Lond.Bell,1891 (Aldine edition of the British poets) 821.63 C39 1752-1770 Beers, H:A. Thomas Chatter- ton (see Beers, H:A. History of Eng- lish romanticism in the 18th century 1899 «98 p.339-373) 820.9 B39 See also Rowley poems, The CHAUCER, GEOFFREY 1.340(t)-1400 Ward, A. W: Chaucer n.d. (English men of letters) B C39 Bound with lives of DeQulncey by David Masson and of Lamb by Alfred Ainger Poetical works; ed. by Richard Morris, with memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas 6v.porJ) Lond.Bell,1893 (Aldine edition of the Brit- ish poets) 821.17 C39 Haweis, Mrs M.. E. (Joy) ed. Chaucer for schools 1886 821.17 C39h Hazlitt, William On Chaucer and Spenser (see Hazlitt, William Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers 1884 pt.l,p.26-57) 824.76 H33 (in HazUtt, William Miscel- laneous works Lectures on the English poets n.d. v.3,pt.2,p.23-51) 824.76 H33m Lord, John Geoffrey Chaucer (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883-96 v.3,p.57-91) 904 L88 LouNSBURY, T:R. Studies in Chaucer; hist life and writings 1892 821.17 L92 Lowell, J. R, Literary p.291-366) Chaucer (in Lowell, J. R. 1892 '94'=64 '90 y.3, 814.39 L95U Marsh, G:P. Marsh, G:P English language 453) Chaucer and Gower (see Origin and history of the 1886<=65 '85 p.379- 420.9 M35 MiNTO, William Minto, William lish poets 1889 Geoffrey Chaucer (see Characteristics of Eng- p.1-44) 821 M66 Chaucer to Wordsworth Arnold, Thomas 820.9 Ar6 Chaucer's England Rands, W:B. 820 B15 Chaumont, Francois de ed. Parkes, E. A. Manual of practical hygiene 1883 613 P22 Cheerful echoes Pollock, Mrs Louise 372.21 P76 CHELTENHAM COLLEGE Cheltenham col- lege (see Great public schools n.d. p.119-140) 373.42 G79 Staunton, Howard Cheltenham (see his Great schools of England 1865 p.481- 486) 373.42 St2 Chemical history of a candle Faraday, Michael 541 F22 Chemical tkchnoloqy See Chemistry, Tech- nical CHEMISTRY Bloxam, C:L. Chemistry, or- ganic and inorganic 1883 540 B62 CHE CHE 76 Mum, M. M. P. ments 1897 edge) Story of the chemical ele- (Library of popular knowl- 541 M89 Kemsen, Iea Elements of chemistry 1895 (American sc^xnce series; elementary course) 540.7 E28 Inorganic chemistry 1895'=89 {Ameri- can science series; advanced course) 546 E28 EoscoE, Sir H:E. Chemistry 1883 {Science primers) 540 R71 Thoepe, T:E: Essays in historical chem- istry 1894 540.9 T39 See Adulterations; Atoms; Chemistry, Tech- nical; Combustion; Cookery; Photography; Physics; Sanitary chemistry; Spectrum analysis Study and teaching Clarke, F. W. Eeport on the teaching of chemistry and physics in the United States 1881 {United States — Education, Bureau of CirctUar of information) 370.6 Un3 Daubeny, C:G. B. Importance of the study of chemistry {see Royal institution of Great Britain Lectures on education 1855 p.115-167) 370.4 R81 Mann, C:W. Easy experiments in chemistry {see his School recreations and amusements «1896 p.310-328) 371c M31 Smith, Alexander and Hall, E:H. Teach- ing of chemistry and physics in the second- ary school 1902 {American teachers' series) 640.7 Sm5 Chemistry, Sanitary See Sanitary chemistry CHEMISTRY, TECHNICAL Johnston, J. P. W. Chemistry of common life 1889 660 J64 Chemistry of common life Johnston, J. F. W. 660 J64 Chemistry of cookery Williams, W. M. 641 W67 Chemistry of cooking and cleaning Richards, Mrs E. H. 641 E39 Chemistry of light and photography Vogel, Her- mann 770 V86 CHENEYS, THE Froude, J. A. Cheneys md the House of Russell {in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.4,p.312-351) 824.89 F93 Cherry, Richard R. Growth of criminal law in ancient communities 123p.O Lond.Mac- millan,1890 343 C42 Chesneau, Ernest Education of the artist; tr. by Clara Bell 327p.D Lond.Cassell, 1886 {Fine-art library) 707 C42 CHESTER Crickmore, H. H. Old Chester 1895 914.271 C86 Chester, Eliza psewf. See Paine, Harriet Eliza Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope earl of 1694-1773 Letters; selected by Charles Sayle 281p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. {Camelot series) B C42 Chettle, Henry and Munday, Anthony Death of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- ■ Ush plays 1874 '75 76 v.8,p.93-207) 822.08 D66 Chevallier, E. and Lenormant, Frangois Manual of the ancient history of the East 1869 930 L54 Chevreul, Michael Euggne Principles of har- mony and contrast of colours and their ap- plication to the arts; tr. from the French by Charles Martel Ed.3 465p.pl.D Lond.Bell,1890 752 C42 Cheyne, Thomas Kelly ed. Smith, W:R. Prophets of Israel and their place in history to the close of the eighth century B.C. 1895 224 Sm5 Cheyney, Edward Potts Medieval manor . . . 91p.O Ed.2 Phil. American academy of political and social science,n.d. 333 C42 Social changes in England in the 16th century as reflected in contemporary literature 114p.pl.O Bost.Ginn,1895 {University of Pennsylvania Series in philology, litera- ture, and archaeology) 330.942 C42 ed. Early reformation period in England (in Pennsylvania, University of Department of history Translations and reprints from the original sources in European history 1897 v.l,no.l) 940 P38 England in the time of Wycliffe {in Penn- sylvania, University of Department of history Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history 1897 y.2,no.5) 940 P38 77 English constitutional documents of the mid- dle ages (in Pennsylvania, University of Department of history Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history 1897 v.l,no.6) 940 P38 English manorial documents (in Pennsyl- vania, University of Department of his- tory Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history 1897 v.3,no.5) 940 P38 English towns and gilds (in Pennsylvania, Universitr of Department of history Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history 1897 v.2, no.l) 940 P38 CHIABRERA, GABRIELLO 1552-1637 Stm- ONDS, J: A. Guarino, Marino, Chiabrera, Tassoni (see Symonds, J: A. Renais- sance in Italy; the Catholic reaction 1887 v.2,p.242-314) 282 Sy6 Columbian Achibition CHICAGO Columbian engraving and publishing CO Columbian exposition and world's fair illustrated '1893 Truman, B:C. and others world's fair =1893 E606 C72 History of the R606 T77 Laboring classes Hull- HOUSE maps and papers; a presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district in Chicago "=1895 331.8 H87 Public schools Rice, J. M. Public schools of Chicago and St. Paul (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.166-192) 379.73 R36 Chicago — Education, Board of Annual report Latest volume 379.773 C43 CUcago women's educational union comp. Readings from the Bible; selected fpr schools and to be read in unison 192p.D Chic.Scott,1896 (2 copies) 220 C43 Chief ancient philosophies Strong, T:B. Pla- tonism n.d. 184.1 StS Child, Clarence Q. Palatal diphthongization of stem vowels in the old English dialects 130p.Q Phil.University pre88,1903 (Uni- versity af Pennsylvania Series in philology and literature) 421.2 C43 CHILD, LYDIA MARIA 1802-1880 Whit- tier, J:G. Lydia Maria Child (in Whit- tier, J:G. Prose works 1893«66'83 v.2,p.286-308) 814.39 W61 Child, The Marenholtz-Bulow, B. M. von 372.2 M33 Child and childhood in folk-thought Chamber- lain, A. F. 398.3 C35 Child and child nature Marenholtz-Biilow, B. M. von 372.2 M33 Child and nature Frye, A. E. 372.8 F94 Child in the house Pater, W. H. (see his Mis- cellaneous studies 1895 p.147-169) 824.89 P27mi Child Ufe Whittier, J:G. ed. 808 W61 Child life in art Hurll, E. M. 750 H93 Child life in colonial days Earle, Mrs Alice (Morse) 917.3 Ea7 Child Ufe in prose Whittier, J:G. ed. 808 W61o CHILD PSYCHOLOGY Baldwin, J. M. Men- tal development in the child and the race; methods and processes 1895 150.1 B19 CoMPAYRfi, Gabriel Intellectual and moral development of the child 1896 (Inter- national education series) 150.1 C73 King, Irving Psychology of child develop- ment 1904<'03 150.1 K58 LuKENS, H. T. A point of difference be- tween race and individual development (in Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.56-70) 370.6 H41 Moore, K. C. Mental development of a child 1896 (Psychological review Monograph supplement) 150.1 M78 Perez, Bernard First three years of child- hood 1885 '88 150.1 P41 Preter, Wilhelm Mental development in the child 1894'95«93 (International edu- cation series) 150.1 P92 Mind of the child 1888 '92 (Interna- tional education series) 150.1 P92m CHI CHI 78 Soul of the child (see Marwedel, Emma Conscious motherhood 1889 p.317- 563) 372 M36 Sully, James Studies of childhood 1896 150.1 Su5s Taylor, A. R. The study of the child; a brief treatise on the psychology of the child, with suggestions for teachers, students and parents 1898 (International education series) 150.1 T21 Tracy, Frederick The psychology of child- hood 1893 '94 '95 (Heath's pedagogical library) 150.1 T67 Warner, Francis A course of lectures on the growth and means of training the men- tal faculty 1890 15Q.1 W24 See also Adolescence; Child study Child stories and rhymes Poulsson, E'milie 372.21 P86 CHILD STUDY Cromwell, A. D. Practical child study '=1895 372c C88 Groszmann, M. p. E. Working system of child study for schools 1897 372c G91 HoGAN, Mrs L. E. (Shimer) Study of a child 1898 372c H67 Hughes, R. E. Characteristics of childhood (see his Schools at home and abroad 1902 p.308-339) 379 H87 Leland Stanford junior university Child study (see their Saturday teachers' class 1895 370.4 L53 Shinn, M. W. Biography of a baby 1900 372c Sh6 Vaughn, Mrs Marion Mother's record of the physical, mental and moral growth of her child <=1882 372c V46 See also Children Bibliography Philadelphia — Education, Board of Ped- agogical library Bibliography of child study n.d. 372c P53 Child study monthly 1895-date v.l-date,0 Chic. 1895-date 370.5 C43 CHILDREN Abbot, Jacob Gentle measures in the management and training of the young 1871 173 Ab2 Aldrich, a. R. Children; their models and critics 1893^^92 372b A12 Arey, Mrs H. E. G. Home and school train- ing 1884 372b Ar3 Barnes, Earl ed. Studies in education 1896-97 '1902 372c B26 Chamberlain, A. F. The child; a study in the evolution of man 1900 (Contem- porary science series) * 575 C35 Dodge, M.. A. (Gail Hamilton pseud.) Nursery noonings 1875=74 372b D66 DuBois, Patterson Beckonings from little hands; eight studies in child-life 1895"=92 '94 372b D85 DUPANLOUP, F. A. P. 1875 bishop The child 372b D92 Child-world, A Riley, J. W. 811.4 R45 Childhood in literature and art Scudder, H. E. 809 Scu4 Hall, G. S. Contents of children's minds on entering school <=1893 372b H14 Haskell, E. M. ed. Child observations 1896 372c H27 Hinsdale, B. A. Handling children (see his Schools and studies 1884 p.33-50) 370.4 H59 Hogan, L. E. a study of a child 1898 372c H67 Hopkins, L.. P. Education of the soul (see her Spirit of the new education 1892 p.60-71) 370.4 H77 Lewis, H:K. The child, its spiritual nature 1896 372b L58 Malleson, Mrs Frank Notes on the early training of children 1887 372b M29 Oppenheim, Nathan The development of the child 1898 372b Op5 Smith, Mrs H. W. Child culture; or, The science of motherhood 1895*94 372b Sm5 Warner, Francis Children; how to study them 1887 372b W24 Study of children and their school training 1897 372b W24s WiLTSE, S.. E. Place of the story in early education and other essays 1892 372b W71 79 WiNTERBURN, F:H. From the child's stand- point '1899 372b W73 See also Adolescence; Boys; Education; Kindergarten Bibliography Chamberlain, A. F. Bibliography (see his The child and childhood in folk-thought 1896«95 p.415-426) 398.3 C35 Care and hygiene Combe, Andrew Management of infancy, physiological and moral 1871 649 C73 Holt, L. E. Care and feeding of children 1900^1894 '97 649 H74 Meyer, Bertha The child, physically and mentally «1893 649 M57 Oppenheim, Nathan Care of the child in health 1900 649 Op5 Soovtt, E:R. Care of children '1894 649 Sco9 Uffelmann, J. A. Manual of the domestic hygiene of the child 1891 649 Uf3 Children by the sea Green, J :R: (see his Stray studies from England and Italy 1876 p.147-158) 824.89 G82 Children of silence Seiss, J. A: 371,92 Se4 Children of the future Smith, N. A. 372.2 Sm5 ChildPwBN's literature See Literature; also The name of the subject Children's poetry See ToetTj-Collections Children's rights Wiggin, Mrs K.. D. (Smith) 372.2 W63c Children's songs See Songs Child's garden of verses, A Stevenson, R. L. 821.89 St4 CHINA DEQmNCEY, Thomas China (see his Narrative and miscellaneous essays «1854'77 p.166-271) 824.81 D44n See also Canton; Hong-Kong; Macao Higtory Douglas, R. K. China 1899 (Story of the nations) 951 D74 Vladimir pseud. China-Japan war 1896 951 V84 Beligion Moore, A. L. Some curious parallels be- tween Greek and Chinese thought (see Moore, A. L. Essays; scientific and philo- sophical 1890 p.162-201) 104 M78 See also Buddha and Buddhism Social life an'd customs Lee, Y. p. '1887 When I was a boy in China 915.1 L51 NicoL, David Origin of our political culture in the social life of China (tn his Political life of our time 1889 v.l,p.58-113) 320 N51 Travel and description George, M. M. A little journey to China <=1900 (Library of travel) 915.1 G29 Martin, W:A. P. Cycle of Cathay 1900 «1896 915.1 M36 Stoddard, J:L. China (tn his Lectures 1898«97 v.3,p.225-336) 910 St6 CHINESE, THE Martin, W:A. P. The Chi- nese; their education, philosophy and letters 1881 915.1 M36 CHINESE GAMES Culin, Stewart Gambling games of the Chinese in America 1891 (University of Penrtsylvania Series in philosophy, literature and archaeology) 795 C89 CHINESE PHILOSOPHY Carus, Paul Chi- nese philosophy 1898 (Beligion of science library) 181.1 C25 Moore, A. L. Some curious parallels between Greek and Chinese thought (see Moore, A. L. Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890 p.162-201) 104 M78 See also Confucius and Confucianism .Chips from a German workshop Mueller, F:M. 824.89 M91 Chlsholm, George Goudle Handbook of com- mercial geography 515p.map,0 Lond. Longmans,1889 910 C44 Smaller commercial geography New ed. 208p.D Lond.Longmans,1898 910 C44s CHI CHI 80 and Eudler, F:W. Europe 1885 (Stan- ford's compendium of geography and travel) 914 R83 CHIVALRY BuLFiNCH, Thomas Age of chiv- alry '=1858'84 398.2 B87 See also Arthur, King; Middle ages; Roland Oboate, Isaac Bassett speech 220p.D Elements of English N.Y.Appleton,1884 425 C45 CHOPIN, FREDERIC FRANQOIS 1809-1849 FiNCK, H:T. Chopin, the greatest genius of the pianoforte (see Finck, H:T. Chopin, and other musical essays 1897*^89 ,p.l-57) 780.4 F49 Hadow, W:H: Frederic Chopin (see Hadow, W:H: Studies in modern music 1897*^98 v.2,p.77-170) 780 Hll Christ See Jesus Christ CHRIST CHURCH (Philadelphia) Clark, E:L. comp. Record of the inscriptions on the tablets and grave-stones in the burial- grounds of Christ church, Philadelphia, 1864 283.7481 C54 Dorr, Benjamin Historical account of Christ church, Philadelphia, 1695-1841 1841 283.7481 D73 Rhoades, L. I. Old Christ church (see her Story of Philadelphia ^900 p.84-92) 974.8 R34 Stockton, Louise "Caspipina", the story of a mother church (see Sylvan city; or. Quaint corners in Philadelphia 1883 p.75-107) 974.81 Sy5 See also White, William CHRISTIAN ART AND SYMBOLISM Hurll, E. M. ed. Child life in art 1898 (Riverside art series) 750 H94 Jameson, Mrs A. B. (Murphy) Legends of the Madonna as represented in the fine arts 1896 755 J23 Legends of the monastic orders as repre- sented in the fine arts 1894 755 J231 Sacred and legendary art 1895 755 J238 Shahan, T:J, Blessed virgin in the cata- combs 1892 246.5 Shi Westcott, B. F: hishop Relation of Chris- tianity to art (see his Essays in the his- tory of religious thought in the West 1891 p.277-341) 204 W52 See also Saints ; also Fiesole, Giovanni Angel- ico da (Fra Angelico) ; Murillo, B. E, Christian doctrine See Theology Christian education See Religious education CHRISTIAN ETHICS Blackie, J. S. Chris- tianity (see his Four phases of morals 1887 p.203-279) 171 B56 Brooks, Phillips Tolerance 1887 171.1 B79 Browne, Sir Thomas Christian morals (see his Religio medici; urn burial; Christian morals and other essays 1886 p.l98- 262) 240 B81 Dresser, H. W. Power of silence; an inter- pretation of life in its relation to health and happiness 1897<^95 171.1 D81 Emerson, R. W. An address (see his Nature, addresses and lectures 1893*^55 '83 p.117-148) 814.36 Em3na Knight, William The Christian ethic 1893 171.1 K74 Smyth, S: P.N. Christian ethics 1892 (International theological library) 171.1 Sm9 Christian institutions Stanley, A. P. 260 St2 Christian knowledge lectures Sunday-school commission of the diocese of new YORK comp. Principles of religious education 1901 377 Su7 CHRISTIAN LIFE Browne, Sir Thomas Religio medici; urn burial; Christian morals and other essays 1886 240 B81 Keble, John Christian year 1894 242 K23 Mullany, p. F. (Brother Azarias pseud.) Culture of the spiritual sense (in his Es- says; miscellaneous 1896 p.111-170) 814.49 M91 See also Monastic orders; Prayer; Relig- ious education Christian origins Pfleiderer, Otto 201 P47 Christian Platonists of Alexandria Bigg, Charles 186.4 B48 Christian recovery of Spain Watts, H:E: 946 W34 81 CHRISTIAN SOdOLOGY Gladden, Wash- ington Applied Christianity; moral as- pects of social questions 1891*86 261 045 Westcott, B. F. Social aspects of Chris- tianity 1888'87 261 W52 CUBISTIAN SYMBOLISM symbolism See Christian art and 242 K23 Christian year Keble, John CHRISTIANITY Addison, Joseph Christian religion (tn his Works 1888 v.2,p.406- 450) 824.52 Ad2 Blackie, J:S. Christianity (see Blackie, J:S. Four phases of morals 1887 p.203- 271) 171 B56 Brace, C:L. Gesta Christi; or, A history of humane progress under Christianity 1883 «82 261 B72 Caied, Edwakd Evolution of religion 1899 {Gifford lectures 1890-92) 201 C12 Clarke, J. F. Ten religions and Christianity (see his Ten great religions 1886*71 p.489-528) 290 C55 DeQuincey, Thomas On Christianity (see his Essays on' Christianity, paganism and superstition '1854 '77 p.1-51) 204 D44 Drummond, James Via, Veritas, vita; lec- 4 tures on "Christianity in its most simple and intelligible form" 1894 {Hibbert lectures 1894) 239 D84 Ely, R:T. Social aspects of Christianity '1889 261 E19 Lilly, W:S: Christian revolution (see his Chapters in European history 1886 v.l, p.49-97) 940 L62 Moore, A. L, Doctrine of Holy Scripture and the attitude of the church with respect to war (see his Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890 p.218-229) 104 M78 Newman, J:H: cardinal Primitive Chris- tianity (tn Newman, J:H: cardinal Historical sketches 1894 v.l,p.333-446) 904 N46 Pfleiderer, Otto Christian origins 1906 201 P47 Evolution and theology and other essays 1900 201 P47e UuLHORN, J:G. W. Conflict of Christianity with heathenism 1892<-79 270.1 Uh6 Watson, John Christianity and idealism; the Christian ideal of life in its relations to the Greek and Jewish ideals and to modern philosophy 1897*96 201 W33 Westcott, B. F. Christianity as the absolute religion (see his Essays in ^he history of religious thought in the West 1891 p.342-361) 204 W52 Relation of Christianity to art (see West- cott, B. F. Essays in the history of re- ligious thought in the West 1891 p.277-341) 204 W52 Social aspects of Christianity 1888*87 261 W52 Wilson, H:B. Schemes of Christian com- prehension (in Oxford essays 1857 p.94-128) 824.89 0x2 See also Bible; Catholic church; Christian art and symbolism ; Church history ; Im- mortality; Jesus Christ; Miracles; Missions; Protestantism; Religion; Theology CHRISTIANITY, EVIDENCES OF Butler, Joseph bishop Analogy of religion (tn his Works 1896 v.l) 239 B97 Christlieb, Theodore Modern doubt and Christian belief pref.1874 239 C46 Lilly, W:S: Ancient religion and modem thought 1885 " 239 L62 Pascal, Blaise Thoughts 1890 (Bohn's standard library) 239 P26 See also Religion and science Christianity, Origin of iSee Church history Christie, Alice M. tr. Marenholtz-Bulow, Maria von The child and child nature 1884 372.2 M33 Handwork and headwork n.d. 372.2 M33h Perez, Bernard First three years of child- hood 1885 '88 150.1 P41 Christie, William Dougal ed. Dryden, John Poetical works 1893 821.48 D84 Christlieb, Theodore Modem doabt and Chris- tian belief ; tr. from the German . . . 549p. O N.Y.Scribner,pref.l874 239 C46 CHR CHR 82 Christmas-tide Harrison, Elizabeth (in Blow, Susan 'ihe kindergarten =1890) 372.2 B62 CHRIST'S HOSPITAL Staunton, Howard Christ's hospital (see his Great schools of England 1865 p.442-480) 373.42 St2 CHRONOLOGY DeQuincey, Thomas Memo- rial chronology {see his Essays in philos- ophy * n856'77 p.88-129) 104 D44 Haydn, Joseph Dictionary of dates and universal information 1883 R903 H36 Heilprin, Louis 1885 Historical reference book R903 H36h See also History ; also The name of the coun- try, sub-division. History CHRYSOSTOM, ST. JOHN 347(?)-407 New- man, J:H. cardinal St. Chrysostom (in Newman, J:H. cardinal Historical sketches 1894 v.2,p.211-302) 904 N46 Lord, John Chrysostom (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history ^883-96 v.l, p.277-311) 904 L88 Chubb, Percival Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school 411p. D N.Y.Macmillan,1905 (Teachers' pro- fessional library) 420.7 C47 Church, Alfred John Henry the fifth 155p. por.D Lond.Macmillan,188y (English men of action) B H39 Story of Carthage N.Y.Putnam,1891''8 tions) 309p.il.map,D (Story of the na- 939.73 C47 Story of early Britain 382p.il.map,D N.Y. Putnam,1890 (Story of the nations) 942 C47 Church, Arthur Herbert Colour; an elementary manual for students Ed.8 192p.il.pl.D Lond.Ca8sell,n.d. 752 C47 Food; a brief account of its sources, constit- uents and uses New ed. enl. 252p.D Lond.Chapman,n.d. 643 C47 tr. Johnston, J. F. W. Chemistry of com- mon life 1889 660 J64 Church, Bichard William Bacon 287p.D LondvMacmillan,1888«84'86 B B13 214p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B J62s Bound with lives of Johnson by Leslie Stephen and of Bunyan by J. A. Froude Beginning of the middle ages 226p.maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1892 (Epochs of modern his- tory) 940.2 C47 Dante and other essays 260p.D Lond.Mac- millan,i901<=1888 824.89 C47 Contents: — Dante; William Wordsworth; "Sordello" Essays of Montaigne 1857 p.239-282) Miscellaneous essays millan,1891<=88 (in Oxford essays 824.89 0x2 435p.D Lond.Mac- 824.89 C47 Contents: — Essays of Montaigne; Brit- tany; Casslodorus; Letters of Pope Gregory I; Early Ottomans Spenser 180p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B ScoS Bound with lives of Soott by R:H. Hut- ton and of Dickens by A. W:Ward Church, William Conant Ulysses S. Grant and reconstruction 473p.por.pl.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1897 (Heroes of the nations) B G76 CHURCH AND EDUCATION Dutton, S:T. Relation of the church to the school (see his Social phases of education 1899 p.87-117) 370.4 D95 CHURCH AND STATE Blaokie, J:S. What does history teach? 1886 901 B56 MuLLANY, P. F. (Brother Azarias pseud.) Church and state (see his Essays; miscel- laneous 1896 p.235-273) 814.49 M91 ToYNBEE, Arnold The ideal relation of church and state (see his Lectures on the industrial revolution of the 18th century in England 1890 p.231-239) 330.9 T66 CHURCH ARCHITECTURE Norton, C:E. Historical studies of church-building in the middle ages 1880 726 N82 See also Gothic architecture Church fathers See Fathers of the church Church government See Church polity CHURCH HISTORY Alzog, John Manual of universal church history 1874 '78 270 A 19 83 Balzani, Ugo The popes and the Hohen- staufen n.d. {Epochs of church history) 270.4 B21 Bright, Wiluam Canons of the first four general councils 1892 270.2 B76 Carr, Arthur Church and the Roman em- pire n.d. {Epochs of church history) 270.2 C23 Carroll, H. K. Religious forces of the United States 1893 {American church history series) 280 C23 Cruttwell, C:T: Literary history of early Christianity 1893 270.1 088 Fisher, G:P. History of the Christian church 1888 270 F53 MiLMAN, H:H. 1881 History of Christianity 270.1 M63 Plummer, Alfred Church of the early fathers n.d. {Epochs of church history) 270 P73 Puller, F. W. Primitive saints and the See of Rome 1893 270 P96 Ramsay, W. M. Church in the Roman em- pire before A.D. 170 "=1893 {Mansfield college lectures) 270 R14 Trench, R:C. Lectures on medieval church history n.d. 270.3 T72 Uhlhoen, J:G. W. Conflict of Christianity with heathenism 1892<=79 270.1 Uh6 See also Apostolic fathers; Arianism; Cath- olic church; Celibacy; Christianity; Cru- sades; Fathers of the church; Greek church; Huguenots; Jansenists; Jesuits; Jews; Middle ages; Monastic orders; Papacy; Popes; Protestantism; Puritans; Reforma- tion; Religious liberty; Theology Bibliography Fisher, J: A. camp. Bibliography of church history {see White, A. D. and others Methods of teaching history 1886 «83'84 p.337-386) 907 W59 Jackson, S:M. ed. Bibliography of Amer- ican church history, 1820-1893 {see Tyler, B. B. and others History of the Disciples of Christ, etc. 1894 {American church history series) 289 T97 Church in the Roman empire before A.D. 170 Ramsay, W. M. 270 R14 CHURCH INSTITUTIONS Stanley, A. P. Christian institutions; essays on ecclesias- tical subjects 1881 260 St2 Church of christ See Disciples of Christ CHURCH OF ENGLAND Buckland, Anna The English church {see her Our national institutions 1886 p.61-74) 352.042 B85 Hunt, William English church in the mid- dle ages n.d. {Epochs of church his- tory) 283 H91 Lee, F:G: Church under Queen Elizabeth; an historical sketch 1897 283 L51 Maskell, William Ancient liturgy of the Church of England 1882 264.03 M37 Newman, J:H: cardinal Anglo-American church {in his Essays; critical and his- torical 1891 v.l,p.309-386) 204 N46 Catholicity of the Anglican church {in his Essays; critical and historical 1891 v.2,p.l-lll) 204 N46 Prospects of the Anglican church {in his Essays; critical and historical 1891 v.l,p.263-307) 204 N46 Pattison, Mark Learning in the church of England (in his Essays 1889 v.2, p.263-308) 824.89 P27 Tendencies of religious thought in England, 1688-1750 {in his Essays 1889 v.2, p.42-118) 824.89 P27 Tucker, H:W: English church in other lands n.d. {Epochs of church history) 283 T79 Wakeman, H:0. Church and the Puritans n.d. {Epochs of church history) 283 W13 An introduction to the history of the church of England 1898 283 W13a See also Oxford school; Protestant Epis- copal church in the United States; Puritans "Public worship regulation bill" Baqehot, Walter Public worship regiilation bill (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.3,p.226-234) 824.89 B14 CHURCH OF SCOTLAND DkQuincey, Thomas Secession from the Church of Scotland {see his Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition «1877 '54 p.407-464) 204 D44 CHU CHU 84 See also Presbyterianism ; Reformation CHURCH POLITY Ruskin, John Notes on the construction of sheepfolds (see his Mornings in Florence 1894 p.385-410) 704 R89 See also Celibacy; Lord's supper; Monastic orders; Papacy; Popes; Presbyterianism; Religious liberty CHURCHES Larned, W. C. castles of medieval France Churchill, John See Churchill dulce of Churches and 1895 726 L32 Marlborough, John Cicero, Marcus Tullius 106-43 B.C. Letters; tr. into English by E. S. Shuckburgh 4v.D Lond.Bell,1899 876.1 C48 On oratory and orators; tr. and ed. by J:S. Watson 379p.D N.Y.Harper,1881 808.5 C48 BoissiER, M. L. G. Cicero and his friends; a study of Roman society in the time of Caesar =1897 B C48 Davidson, J. L. Strachan- Cicero, and the fall of the Roman republic 1894 (Heroes of the nations) B C48d DeQuincey, Thomas Cicero (see DeQuin- cey, Thomas Essays in ancient history and antiquities ^851 '76 p.257-312) 824.81 D44es Lord, John Cicero (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.l,p.l73-207) 904 L88 Nevpman, J:H: cardinal Personal and literary character of Cicero (in Newman, J:H: cardinal Historical sketches 1894 v.l,p.239-300) 904 N46 CINCINNATI — Education, Board of See also Minor, John D. Public Schools Rice, J. M. The public schools of Cincinnati (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.80-91) 379.73 R36 CINQUE PORTS BuRROws, Montagu Cinque Ports 1892 (Historic towns) 942.2 B94 Circles Emerson, R. W. Circles (in his Es- says 1894''65'83 v.l,p.279-300) 814.36 EmSe Circumnavigation See Voyages around the world Cist, Henry Martyn Army of the Cumberland 289p.maps,D N.Y.Scribner,1882 (Cam- paigns of the civil xvar) 973.7 C49 CITIES Harrison, Frederic The city: an- cient, medieval, modern, ideal (see his Meaning of history and other historical pieces 1902'=1894 p.222-251) 904 H24 Ancient Smith, H.. A. (Hazel Shepard pseud.) Great cities of the ancient world "=1885 913 Sm5 See also The name of the city Modern Smith, H.. A. (Hazel Shepard pseud.) Great cities of the modern world '1885 910 Sm5 See also The name of the city Cities of northern Italy Williamson, G:C: 914.5 W67 ' ' Citizen of Geneva ' ' See Rousseau, J. J. Citizeness Bonaparte Imbert de Saint Amand, A. L. baron B J77 Citizen's library of economics, politics and soci- ology; ed. by R:T. Ely Addams, Jakk Democracy and social ethics 1902 304 Ad2 Ely, R:T. Outlines of economics 1900 330 E19 Studies in the evolution of industrial so- ciety 1903 330 E198 Macy, Jesse Political parties in the United States 1900 329.973 M25 Reinsch, p. S: World politics at the end of the nineteenth century 1904<'00 327 R27 Vincent, J:M. Government in Switzerland 1900 342.494 V74 Citizenship See Civics City gallant Cooke, John Green's Tu quoque; or. The city gallant (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.ll,p.l73-289) 822.08 D66 City match Mayne, Jasper (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English 85 plays 1874 '75 76 v.l3,p.l99-3J0) 822.08 D66 City nightcap Davenport, Robert (t;i Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 75 76 v.l3,p.99-197) 822.08 D66 CIVICS Bourne, H:E. Teaching of histon- and civics in the elementary and the secon dary school 1902 (American teachers' series) 907 B66 James, E. J. Training for citizenship {in Herbart society First supplement to third year book 1897 p.101-127) 370.6 H41 Jenks, J. W. Training for citizenship (m Herbart society First supplement to sec- ond year book 1896 p.173-198) 370.6 H41 McMuRRY, C:A. Elementary schools and ci\ic education (in Herbart society First supplement to third year book 1897 p.138-142) 370.6 H41 Seelte, J. H. Citizenship ; a book for classes in government and law 1894 342.73 Se3 Thomas, Jean and GufiRiN, Alexis Cours d 'instruction civique 1882 351 T36 See also Patriotism Civil government See Political science CIVIL LAW Hadley, James Introduction to Roman law, in twelve academical lectures 1893«73 349.37 Hll JUSTINLAN I (FLAVIUS AnICIUS JuSTINIANTJS) Institutes 1888 349.37 J98 Mackenzie, Thomas Studies in Roman law with comparative views of the laws of France, England and Scotland 1886 349.37 M19 See also Law CIVIL SERVICE Bain, Alexander Civil ser- vice examinations (see his Practical es- says 1884 P.G9-111) 370.4 B16 CoMSTOCK, J:M. Civil service in the United States 1884-1885 351.1 C73 Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Great Britain; a history of abuses and reforms and their bearing upon American politics 1880''79 351.1 Ea8 CIVIL SERVICE REFORM Roosevelt, Theo- dore Six years of civil service reform {&€e his American ideals and other essays 1903<=1897 p.134-159) 304 R67 Civil war in America See History, Civil war United States — CIVILIZATION Adams, Brooks Law of civ- ilization and decay; an essay on history 1896 901 Adl Adams, G:B. Civilization during the middle ages 1894 940.1 Adl Brace, C:L. Gesta Christi; or, A history of humane progress under Christianity 1883 '82 261 B72 Buckle, H:T: History of civilization in England 1885 901 B85 Draper, J:W: History of the intellectual development of Europe '1876 901 D79 DucouDRAY, GusTAVE History of ancient civilization 1889 901 D85 History of modern civilization 1891 901 D85h Emerson, R. W. Civilization (see his So- ciety ahd solitude 1893'70'83 p.21-37) 814.36 Em3s GuizoT, F. P. G. Greneral history of civiliza- tion in Europe 1883 901 G94 Hittell, J:S. Brief history of culture 1875 901 H63 Holland, F:M. Rise of intellectual liberty from Thales to Copernicus 1885 901 H71 KiDD, Benjamin Principles of western civ- ilisation 1902 301 K53 Kinqsley, Charles Ancient civilisation (see his Historical lectures and essays 1885 p.287-309) 904 K61 LeBon, Gustavb Psychology of peoples 1899 901 L49 Mason, O. T. Woman 's share in primitive culture 1894 (Anthropological series) 901 M38 Tylor, E:B. Primitive culture 1883«89 290 T97 See also Archaeology; History; Industries, Primitive; Man; Sociology CLANS AND CLANSHIP Scottish clans and their tartans 1895 941 Sco8 Clark, Edward L. comp. Record of the in- scriptions on the tablets and grave -stones in CLA CLA 86 the burial-ground of Christ church, Phila- delphia 637p.pl.O Phil.Collin8,1864 283.7481 C54 Clark, iStr James ed. Combe, Andrew Man- agement of infancy 1871 649 C73 Clark, John Willis Cambridge; brief historical and descriptive notes . . . 325p.il.D Lond.Seeley,1890 378.42 C54 Clark, Nathaniel George Outline of the ele- ments of the English language . . . 220p. D N.Y.Scribner,1888<^63 420 C54 Clark, Solomon Henry How to teach reading in the public schools 295p.D Chic.Scott, 1898 808.5 C54 Clark, William George and Wright, W:A. ed. Shakspere, William Works 1878 822.33 Shlw Clarke, Edward Hammond Building of a brain 153p.D Bost.noughton,1880<^74 376.2 C55 Sex in education; or, A fair chance for girls 181p.D Bost.Houghton,1882'73 876 C55 Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth Eeport on the teaching of chemistry and physics in the United States 219p.O Wash.Govt.pr.o. 1881 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 ed. Weights, measures and money of all na- tions 117p.D N.Y.Appleton,1891''75 389 C55 Clarke, Frederick tr. Ostrogorski, M. De- mocracy and the organization of political parties 1902 329 Os7 Clarke, George Education of children at Eome 168p.T N.Y.Macmillan,1896 379.37 C55 Clarke, H. Butler The Catholic kings (see Cambridge modern history The renais- sance 1903«02 p.347-383) 940.6 C14 Clarke, Hugh Archibald Music and the com- rade arts; their relation 128p.D Boat. Silver,'=1899 780 C55 Clarke, Isaac Edwards Art and industrial edu- cation (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2,mono- graph 14,63p.) 379.73 B97 Art and industry; education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States v.2,4,0 Wa8h.Govt.pr.o.l892 '98 (2 copies) 607 C55 Contents: — v. 2 Industrial and manual training in the public schools V. 4 Industrial and technical training In schools of technology and the United States land grant colleges Clarke, James Freeman Self-culture; physical intellectual, moral, and spiritual; a course of lectures Ed.9 446p.D Bost.Osgood, 1883'=80 374 C55 Ten great religions; an essay in comparative theology Ed.22 528p.O Bost.Hough- ton,1886<=71 290 C55 Contents: — Introduction; Ethnic and Cath- olic religions; Confucius and the Chinese, or the prose of Asia; Brahmanlsm; Buddhism, or the Protestantism of the East; Zoroaster and the Zend Avesta; Gods of Egypt; Gods of Greece; Religion of Rome; Teutonic and Scandinavian religion; Jevi^ish religion; Mo- hammed and Islam; Ten religions and Christianity Clarke, John Short studies in education in Scotland 269p.D Lond.Longmans,1904 379.41 C55 Clarke, Joseph Thacher A plea for archaeologi- cal instruction (see White, A. D. Meth- ods of teaching history 1896'=83 '84 p.89- 103) 907 W59 tr. Reber, Franz von History of ancient art "=1882 709 R24 History of medieval art 1887 709 R24h CLARKE, Mrs MARY VICTORIA (NOVELLO) (Mrs COWDEN CLARKE) 1809-1898 Clarke, Mrs M.. C. My long life; an au- tobiographic sketch 276p.por.D N.Y. Dodd,1896 B C5o Clarke, Richard F. Logic 497p.il.D N.Y. Benziger,n.d. (Manuals of Catholic philos- ophy) 160 C55 ed. Manuals of Catholic philosophy CLARKE, SAMUEL 1675-1729 Clarke (see Martineau, James Types of ethical the- ory 1886 v.2,p.459-473) 171 M36 Clarke, William ed. Political orations from Wentworth to Macaulay 311p.D Lond. Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 320.4 C55 Contents: -- Peter Wentworth; Oliver Cromwell; Lord Chatham; Edmund Burke; Henry Grattan; William Pitt; Henry Lord Ersklne; Charles James Fox; Daniel O'Con- nell; Lord Macaulay 87 Clarke, W. Q. tr. Duruy, J. V: History of Koine and the Roman ])eople 1894 913.37 D93 Clarkson, Thomas Memoirs of the private and public life of William Penn 2v.D Phil. Bradford,1813 '14 B P38 Clary, Joseph M. Our nation's history and song . . . 480p.D Chic.Kerr,1896 973 C54 CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES Smith, William New classical dictionary of Greek and Ro- man biography, mythology and geography 1892*50 R9 Sm5 Classical education See Classics, Study and teaching of Classical mythology See Mythology Classical studies as information or as training, by a Scotch graduate 44p.O N.Y.Apple- ton,1872 375.88 C56 CLASSICS, STUDY AND TEACHING OF Ad DisoN, Joseph Discourse on ancient and modern learning {in his Works 1888 v.2,p.389-405) 824.52 Ad2 Bain, Alexander The classical controversy, its present aspect {see his Practical essays 1884 p.113-135) 370.4 B16 Value of the classics {see his Education as a science 1883 p.359-389) 370.1 B16 Classical training in the education of youth {see Pillans, James Contributions to the cause of education 1856 p.247-304) 370.4 P64 Elliott, Charles Study of the Greek and Latin classics {see Hamerton, P. G. and others Higher education and a common language 1879 p.58-70) 370.4 H17 Fahrar, F:W: ed. Essays on a liberal edu- cation 1868 370.4 F24 GowiN, Francois Study of the classics, Greek and Latin {see his Art of teaching and studying languages 1892 '93 p.305- 383) 407 G72 Pillans, James Three lectures on the rela- tive importance of classical training in the education of youth {see his Contributions to the cause of education 1856 p.247- 304) 370.4 P64 See also Humanism; Liberal education CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS Dewey, Mel- viL Decimal classification and relativ in- dex 1894 R025 D51 See also science Cataloging of books; Library CLAY, HENRY 1777-1852 Schurz, Carl Life of Henry Clay 1888*87 {American statesmen) B C57 Lord, John Henry Clay Beacon lights of history p.342-395) {in Lord, John '1883-96 V.7, 904 L88 Clay, Jehu Curtis Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware, to which is added the charter of the United Swedish churches ISOp.por. pl.T Phil.Pechin,1835 974.8 C57 CLAY MODELING Unwin, M.. L.. H. Manual of clay modelling 1895 731 Un9 Clasrton, Joseph Culbertson ed. Curtis, G:T. Constitutional history of the United States 1889*96 342.73 C94 CLEANING Richards, Mrs E. H. (Swallow) Chemistry of cooking and cleaning 1882 «81 641 R39 Clear speaking and good reading Burrell, Arthur 808.5 B94 CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA 150(T)-220(f) Bigg, Charles Clement {see Bigg, Charles Christian Platonists of Alexandria 1886 p.36-114) 186.4 B48 See also Alexandrian schools CLEMENT VII (GUILIO DE MEDICI) 1475- 1543 Froude, J, A. Clement VII {see Froude, J. A. Lectures on the Council of Trent 1896 p.73-95) 270.6 F93 CLEOPATRA, qtteen of Egypt, 69-30 B.C. Lord, John Cleopatra {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883-96 v.5,p.21-60) 904 L88 CLERGY MiLMAN, H:H. Relation of the clergy to the people {see his Savonarola, Erasmus and other essays 1870 p.374- 445) 824.89 M63 See also Celibacy Clergy pensions Jessopp, Augustus Scheme for clergy pensions {see his Random roam- ing and other papers 1893 p.l 94-219) 824.89 J49 CLE CLE Clerk-Maxwell, James Clerk- 88 See Maxwell, James Clerke, Agnes Mary Popular history of astron- omy during the 19th century 468p.O Edin.Black,1886 520.9 C59 Clews, Elsie W. Educational legislation and ad- ministration of the colonial governments 1899 {Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 370.973 C59 Clifford, William Kingdon The common sense of the exact sciences 271p.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1885 (International scientific series) 510.1 C61 • Conditions of mental development and other essays 58p.il.O N.Y.Fitzgerald,1885 n.t.p. ■ 504 C61 Contents: — On some of the conditions of mental development; Aims and instruments of scientific thought; A lecture on atoms; First and last catastrophe Seeing and thinking Ed.2 156p.il.D Lond. Macmillan,1880 (Nature series) 152 C61 CLIFTON COLLEGE (see Great public schools n.d. p.201-220) 373.42 G79 CLIMBING PLANTS Darwin, C:R. Move- ments and habits of climbing plants 1901 581 D25 CLIVE, ROBERT baron 1725-1774 Wilson, Sir Charles Lord Clive 1890 (Eng- lish men of action) B C61 Clodd, Edward Childhood of religions, embrac- ing a simple account of the birth and growth of myths and legends 288p.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1892 290 C62. Story of ' ' primitive ' N.Y.Appleton,1895 (3 copies) man 190p.il.pl.S (Library of useful 571 C62 Cloistral schools Mullany, P. F. (Brother AzARiAS pseud.) Cloistral schools (see his Essays; educational 1896 p.1-35) 370.4 M91 Clothing See Dress CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH 1819-1861 Baqe- HOT, Walter Mr Clough's poems (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies - 1895 v.2,p.257-281) 824.89 B14 Clouston, Thomas Smith Clinical lectures on mental diseases; to which is added an ab- stract of the statutes of the United States, and of the several states and territories re- lating to the custody of the insane by C:P. Folsom 550p.pi.O Phil.Lea,1884 132 C62 CLOWES, WILLIAM 1779-1847 Smiles, Samuel William Clowes (see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.205-216) 9 Sm4 CLUBS Emekson, B. W. Clubs (see his So- ciety and solitude 1893<^70'83 p.211-236) 814.36 Em3s Stanley, Maude Clubs for working girls 1890 331.8 St2 COAL Greene, Homer Coal and the coal mines 1893'^89 (Riverside library for young peo- ple) 622 G83 Cobbett, William English grammar; ed. by Alfred Ayres 254p.S N.Y.Appleton, 1884=83 425 C63 1762-1835 Hazlitt, William Mr Cobbett (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.217-229) 824.76 H33m Cocheris, H. ed. BibliothSque pedagogique Cochrane, Robert ed. English essayists; a sel- ection from the works of the great essayists . . . Ed.lO 536p.por.O Edin.Nimmo, 1881 824.08 C64 Cochrane, Thomas See Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald, Thomas ed. Plutarch 1892«59'76 Lives of illustrious men 9 P74 Cocker, W. J. Government of the United States 274p.D N.Y.Harper,1889 342.73 C64 Cockerell, Douglas Bookbinding and the care of books; a handbook for amateur book- binders and librarians . . , 342p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1903<'01 (Artistic crafts series of technical handbooks) 686 C64 Code of regulations See Great Britain — Edu- cation Coe, Qeorge Albert Education in religion and morals 413p.D Chic.Revell,1904 377 C65 Coeducation See Woman — Education Cohn, Hermann Hygiene of the eye in schools; an English translation ed. by W. P. Turn- bull 236p.il.O Lond.Simpkin,pref.l883 371.7 C66 89 Coigaet, Mme La morale dans 1 'Education 288p. D Par.Delagrave,1883 {BihliotMque pedagogique) 170 C66 Coignet, C. La morale indSpendante dans son principe et dans son objet 191p.D Par. Bailli6re,1869 170 C66 ' (II X AGE See Money COINS Head, B. V. Greek and Roman coins {see Jewitt, Llewellynn English coins and tokens 1894 p.95-128) 737 J55 HiGGlNS, F. C. CJopper coins of modern Eu- rope 18^2 {Young collector series) 737 H53 Ho WORTH, D:F. Coins and tokens of the English colonies 1890 {Young collector series) 737 H53h Jewitt, Llewellynn English coins and tokens 1894 {Young collector series) 737 J55 See also Money Coit, Stanton Neighbourhood guilds an instru- ment 'if social reform Ed.2 150p.D Lond.Sonnenschein,1892 {Social science series) 331.8 C6(i Colby, Charles W. ed. Selections from the sources of English history . . . 32/>p.D Lond.Longman8,1899 942 C67 Colby, J. Bose Literature in the high school {in Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.145-164) 370.6 H41 COLCHESTER Cutts, E :L. Colchester 1888 {Historic totvns) 942.67 C98 Cole, Lawrence Thomas Basis of early Christ- ian theism 1898 {Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 211 C67 COLEBROOKE, HENRY THOMAS 1765-1837 "Life of Colebrooke" Mueller. F:M. Life of Colebrooke {in Mueller, F:M. Chips from a Gennan workshop 1890 '92 v.4,p.359-399) 824.89 M91 Coleman, Leighton Church in America 39lp. map,D N.Y.Pott,pref.l895 283 C67 COLERIDGE, HARTLEY 1796-1849 B.\GE- HOT, Walter Hartley Coleridge {in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 189-5 v.l.p.1-36) 824.89 B14 COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR 1772-1834 Traill, H:D. Coleridge n.d. {English men of letters) B B93 Bound with lives of Burns by J:C. Shairp and of Macaulay by J. C. Morison On poetic genius and poetic diction {see Vaughan, C:E. comp. English literary criticism pref.1896 p.105-121) 820 V46 Poetical works; ed. with a biographical intro- 5 (International educa- tion series) 378.1 L37 Maddison, Isabel ond others Handbook of courses open to women in British, continen- tal and Canadian universities 1896 378 M26 Mullany, p. F. (Brother Azarias pseud.) Medieval university life (see his Essays; educational 1896 p.47-101) 370.4 M91 University colleges: their origin and thoir methods (see his Essays; educational 1896 p.103-167) 370.4 M91 What is the outlook for our colleges (see his Essays; miscellaneous 1896 p.l9?- 233) 814.49 WJ\ 91 Newman, J:H: caroinal Rise and progress of universities (ir. his Historical sketclies 1894 V.3) 904 N46 Organization of university education (in In- ternational health exhibition Health ex- hibition literature 1884 v.l5) 370.6 InS SEEiiEY, John Liberal education in univer- sities . (see Farrar, F:W: ed. Essays on a liberal education 1868 p.145-178) 370.4 F24 ToDHUNTER, IsAAC Academical reform (see his Conflict of stucies and other essays on subjects connected with education 1873 p.104-135) 370.4 T56 See also College entrance requirements; Ex- aminations; Libnirics; Medical education; University extension; Woman — Education; also The name of the college or the univer- sity; also The name of the country, sub- division, Colleges and universities ; also The name of the founder of the college or of the university COLLINS, WILLIAM 1720-1756 Johnson, Samuel Collins (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.6,p.59-68) 9 J62 CoUet-Sandars, W. tr. Rosengarten, Albert Handbook of architectural styles 1893 723 R72 Collier, Jqjin Primer of art 88p.S Lond. Macmillan,1882 707 C69 Collignon, Maxims Manual of Greek archae- ology; tr. by J:H:Wright 383p.il.D Lond.Cassell,1886 (Fine-art library) 709.38 C69 Collins, Elijah W. Bagster Teaching of German in secondary schools 232p.O N.Y.Colum- bia university press.l 904 430.7 C69 Collins, F. Howard comp. Epitome of the synthetic philosophy . . . 571p.O N.Y. Appl(^ton,1889 192.8 Sp3 Collins, William Poetical works; ed. with memoir by W:M. Thomas 102p.por.D Lond.Bell.1894 (Aldine edition of the Brit- ish poets) 821. .57 C69 Collins, W. E. Catholic South (see Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.377-415) 940.7 C14 Scandinavian North (see Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.599- 633) 940.7 C14 Collins, William H. Perspective; or, The art of drawing what one sees, explained and adapted to the use of those sketching from nature 93p.il.D Lond.Longmans,1872 742 C69 Collins, William Lucas Butler 177p.por.8 Phil.Lippincott,1881 (Philosophical clas- sics for English readers) B19 B97 Colombo, Christoforo See Columbus, Chris- topher Colonial days in old New York Earle, Mrs Alice (Morse) 917.47 Ea7 Colonial days and dames Wharton, A.. H. 917.3 W55 Colonial era Fisher, G:P. 973.2 F53 Colonization See Emigration and immigration ; Imperalism ; also The name of the colony and the name of the CQuntry ha\-ing colonies COLOR Bezold, Wilhelm von Theory of color in its relation to art and art-industry 1876 535.6 B46 Chevreul, M. E. Principles of harmony and contrast of colours and their applications to the arts 1890 752 C42 Church, A. H. Colour; an elementary man- ual for students n.d. 752 C47 Maycock, M.. M. Class book of color; in- cluding color definitions, color scaling, and the harmony of colors '1895 372.5 M45 Prang, Louis and others Color instruction; suggestions for a course of instruction in color for public schools 1893 752 P88 Rood, O. N. Students' text-book of color; or, Modern chromatics with application to art and industry 1881*79 (hiternational scientific series) 535.6 R67 Van Helden, C. W. A note on color 1903 752 V31 See also Light; Painting COLOR BLINDNESS Jeffries, B:J. Color- blindness; its (Lingers and its protection 1883<-79'83 616.073 J38 COLOR OF ANIMALS Beddard, F:E. Animal coloration 1892 591 B39 COLOR OF FI.OWERS Allen, C:G.B. Col- ours of flowers 1891 (Nature series) 581 AI5 COL COL 92 Colored people See also Negro, The; Slave trade; Slavery Colton, Buel P. Elementary course in practical zoology 185p.D Bost.Heath,1886 • 591 C72 COLUMBA, SAINT 521-597 Montalembert, C:F. comte de St. Columba, the apostle of Caledonia {in Montalembert, C:F. comte de Monks of the West 1896 v.3, p.1-168) 271 M76 COLUMBANUS, SAINT 540(?)-615 Montal- embert, C:F. comte de St. Columbanus {in Montalembert, C:F. comte de Monks of the West 1.S76 v.2,p.239-362) 271 M76 Columbia university Library' bulletins; book,i on education in the libraries of Columbia university 435p.Q N.Y.1901 R017 CI 7 Matthews, Brander Columbia university {see Four American universities 1895 p.157-202) 378.74 F82 See also Teachers' college Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education Beandt, F. B. Friedrich Eduard Beneke 1895 B B43 Clews, E. W. Educational legislation and administration of the colonial governments 1899 370.973 C59 Cole, L. T. Basis of early Christian the- ism 1898 211 C67 Deahl, J. N. Imitation in education 1900 370.2 D34 Dyke, C:B. Economic aspect of teachers' salaries 1899 371.16 D99 Hertz, J. H. Ethical system of James Mar- tiueau 1894 170 M36 Hyslop, J. H. Syllabus of psychology 1899 150 H99 Jones, A. L. Early American philosophers lb98 191 J71 Kant, Immanuel Inaugural dissertation of 1770 1894 193.2 K13i LuCKEY, G:W. A. Professional training of secondary teachers in the United States 1903 370.7 L96 MacVannel, J: a. Hegel's doctrine of the will 1896 193.5 H36 Rollins, Frank School administration in nmnicipal government 1902 371c R65 Spencer, F. C. Education of the Pueblo child 1899 970.1 Sp3 Washington, W:M. Formal and material elements of Kant's ethics 1898 171 K13 Wilde, Norman Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi 1894 193 W64 Columbian engraving and publishing co comp. Columbian exposition and world 's fair il- lustrated ... 432p.il.F Phil.Columbian engra^ing and publishing co,'^1893 R606 C72 Columbian exhibition See Chicago — Colum- bian exhibition Columbian knowledge series; ed. by D:P. Todd Greely, a. W. Handbook of Arctic dis- coveries 1896-^95 919.8 G81 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER 1446(?)-1506 Adams, C:K. Christopher Columbus; his life and his work 1892 {Makers of America) B C72 Irving, Washington Life and voyages of Columbus n.d. B C72i Mackie, C:P. Last voyages of the admiral of the Ocean Sea 1892 B C72m Seelye, Mrs E.. (Eggleston) Story of Co- lumbus 1893<=92 B C72s Haekison, Elizabeth Story of Christopher Columbus for little children {see her Kin- dergarten books 1893 22p.), 372.2 H24 Keane, John Columbus and the new world {sec Keane, John Evolution of geography 1899 p.104-135) 910.9 K19 Lord, John Christopher Columbus {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883-96 v.3,p.93-138) 904 L88 Colvin, Sidney Landor 224p.S N.Y.Harper, n.d. {English men of letters) B C83 Bound with lives of Cowper by Goldwln Smith and of Bentley by R:C. Jebb cd. Keats, John Letters 1891 B K22 Combe, Andrew Management of infancy; physi- ological and moral . . . revised and ed. by Sir James Clark 302p.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1871 649 C73 Principles of physiology applied to the preser- vation of health . . . 291p.il.S N.Y. Harper,1836 {Harper's family library) 612 C73 93 Combe, George Constitution of man considered in relation to external objects 371p.il.D Phil.Lippineott,1868 139 C73 Education; its principles and practice; col- lated and edited hy William Jolly 772p. por.O Lond.Macmillan,1879 370.1 C73 1788-1858 Jolly, William George Combe (see Combe, George Education, its prin- ciples and practice 1879 76p.pref.) 370.1 C73 Combe, William Doctor Syntax's three tours in search of the picturesque, consolation and a wife . . . 354p.pl.D Lond.Chatto,n.d. 821.69 C73 Combinations, Industeiai^ See Trusts < OMBUSTION Faraday, Michel Chemical history of a candle n.d. 541 F22 COMEDY Meredith, George Essay on comedy and the uses of the comic spirit 1897 820.92 M54 Comedy of errors See Shakspere, William Comegys, Benjamin B. Primer of ethics 127p. D Bost.Ginn,1891'-90 170.7 C73 Comelati, Guglielmo and Davenport, John comp. Dictionary of the Italian and English lan- guages pref.1854 R453.2 D27 COMENIUS, JOHANN AMOS 1592-1670 Bibliography of Comenian literature (see Comenius, J: A. School of infancy 1896 '93 p.91-95) 372a C73s Davidson, Thomas Bibliography (see his History of education 1901«00 p.276- 282) 370.9 D28 Laurie, S. S. John Amos Comenius; his life and educational works 1881 (Educa- tion library) B37 C73 Monroe, W.S. Comenius and the beginnings of educational reform 1900 (Great edu- cators) B37 C73m Great didactic; now for the first time Eng- lished with introduction by M. W. Keatinge 468p.por.O Lond.Black,1896 371b C73 Orbis pictus 194p.il.O Syracuse,Bardeen, 1887 372a C73 School of infancy; an essay on the education of youth during the first six years; ed, by W:S. Monroe 99p.por.D Bost.Heath, 1896'93 (Heath's pedagogical library) (2 copies) 372a C73s Browning, Oscar Realists; Ratich and Comenius (see Browning, Oscar Educa- tional theories 1882 p.51-68) 370.9 B82i Keatinge, M. W. Introduction — biographi- cal (see Comenius, J: A. Great didactic 1896 lOlp.) 371b C73 MtiNRCE, J. P. Comenius (see Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.68-94) 370.9 M92 Payne, Joseph Milton, Comenius (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the histoiy of education 1892 p.72-82) 370.9 P29 Quick, R. H. Comenius (see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers 1879 '91 '97''90 p.119-171) 370.9 Q41 Comfort, George Fiske and Comfort, Mrs A.. M. Woman 's education and woman 's health ; chiefly in reply to ' ' Sex in education ' ' 155p.D Syracuse,Durston,1874 376 C73 Coming of the Friars Jessop, Augustus 942 J49 COMJNGES, GASTON JEAN BAPTISTE comte DE 1613-1670 JussERAND, J. A. A. J. French ambassador at the court of Charles II 1892 B C73 COMMERCE Farrer, ers Irving, Washington C'rayon papers (in his Sketch book n.d. pt.2) 817.24 Ir8s t'REATlON Dawson, 5tr J:W: Origin of the world according to revelation and science pref.1877 239.8 D32 Moore, A. L. Creation ^ind creatianism (see his Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890 p.67-82) 104 M78 See also Bible; Evolution; Geology; Man; Religion and science Creation myths of primitive America . Cortin, Jeremiah 398.3 C94 Creighton, Charles History of epidemics in Britain from A.D. 664 to the extinction of the plague 2v.O Cambridge university press,1891 614 C86 Creighton, James Edwin ed. Robins, E. P. Some problems of Lotze's theory of knowl- edge 1900 193.8 E55 and Titchener, E. E. tr. Wunot, W:M. Lectures on human and awinriftl psychology 1894 150 W96 Creighton, Mrs Louise H. Edward, the Black Prince 235p.maps,S Lond.Rivingtons, 1890 (Historical biographies) B Ed9 Life of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough 340p.por.maps,S Lond.Longmans,1892 (Historical biographies) B M34 Life of Sir Walter Raleigh 270p.por.maps,S Lond.Longmans,1891 (Historical biogra- phies) B B13 Creighton, Mandell bishop Age of Elizabeth 244p.maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epoch* of modern history) 940.5 C86 Cardinal Wolsey 226p.D Lond.MacmiUan, 1891«88'91 (Twelve English statesmen) B W83 Carlisle 215p.map,D Lond.Longmans,1889 (Historic towns) 942.85 C86 History of Rome 127p.map,T N.Y.Apple- ton,1883 (History primers) 937 C86 History of the papacy during the i.>eriod of the reformation 6v.O Lond.Longmans, 1887 '97 270.5 C86 Introductory- note (see Cambridge modem history The renaissance 1903*02 p.1-6) 940.6 C14 Life of Simon de Montfort 226p.map8,S Lond.Rivingtons,1890 (Historical biog- raphies) B M76 Thoughts on education; cd. by Louise Creigh- ton 215p.D Lond.Longmans,1902 370.4 C86 Contents: — Value of religious education; Religrious education and voluntary schoola; Place of religion In education; Our educa- tional system: The educational bill of 1896; The child and the education question; Read- ing books for elementary schools; Exsna- inatlons; The value of technical education; CRE CRE 104 Province of technical education; Training of the schoolboy; The test of education; Success In liie; Training of teachers for secondary schools; The teacher and the child; The art of teaching; The vocation of the teacher; Apollis; A model for Sunday school teachers; The hope of the teacher; The educational value of the co-operative movement; The use of books; The advan- tage ©f consecutive reading; The largeness of knowledge; The value of definite knowl- edge; The need for guidance In study; The study of church history; The first love; The work of a librarian; Universities; A plea for knowledge ed. Epochs of church history Historical biographies CEEOLES Cable, G:W. 1901«=1884 Creoles of Louisiana 976.3 Cll CBEUZEE, GEOEG FEIEDRICH 1771-1858 Fkancke, Kuno Karoline von Giinderode and Friedrich Creuzer (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modern German culture 1898 p.69-84) 834.89 F84 Crickmore, H. HoveU Old Chester 133p.pl.O N.Y.Scribner,1895 914.271 C86 CEIME AND CRIMINALS Baker, Sir T:B. L. War with crime 1889 364 B17 Boies, H:M. Prisoners and paupers 1893 364 B63 DuCane, Sir E. F. Punishment and preven- tion of crime 1885 (English citizen series) 364 D85 Dugdale, R:L. "The Jukes," a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity 1884 '77 , (Questions of the day) 364 D87 Button, S:T. Education as a cure for crime (see his Social phases of education 1899 p.87-117) 370.4 D95 Ellis, Havelock The criminal 1890 (Contemporary science series) 364 E15 Gbeen, S. M. Crime; its nature, causes, treat- ment and prevention 1889 364 G82 LoMBROso, C^sar and i'ERRERO, William Female offender 1895 (Criminology series) 364 L83 McKiM, W. D. Heredity and human pro- gress 1900=1898 364 M21 Pike, L. O. History of crime in England illustrating the changes of the laws in the progress of civilization 1873 343.42 P63 Eylands, L. G. Crime, its causes and remedy 1889 364 E98 Thomson, W. Crime and its excuses (in Oxford essays 1855 p.177-191) 824.89 0x2 WiLDERSPiN, Samuel Juvenile delinquency Causes of early crime Eemedy for existing evils (see his Infant system 1852 p.19-75) 371.4 W64 WiNSHiP, A. E. Jukes-Edwards; a study in education and heredity 1900 364 W73 See also Crowds; Prisons; Eeformatories CEIMEA Wood, Sir Evelyn Crimea in 1854 and 1894 1895 947 W85 CEIMEAN WAR Lord, John Czar Nicholas (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history "=1883-96 v.6,p.387-435) 904 L88 CRIMINAL LAW Cherry, R:R. Growth of criminal law in ancient communities 1890 343 C42 See also Murder; Pirates; Prisons; Suicide Criminology series; ed. by W:D. Morrison LoM- BROSO, C^SAR and Ferrero, William Fe- male offender 1895 364 L83 Critical period of American history, 1783-1789 Fiske, John (Edmund Fiske Green) 973.3 F54 "Critical" philosophy See Kant, Immanuel Criticism See Literary criticism; also The name of the subject criticised Critique of practical reason Kant, Immanuel 171 K13 Critique of pure reason Kant, Immanuel 193.2 K13 Crombie, Margaret Cuthbertson tr. Guimps, Roger de baron Pestalozzi; his aim and work 1889 B37 P43 Crombrugghe, Baronne de tr. Froebel, F:A: W: L 'education de I'homme 1881 370 F92 Cromwell, A. D. Practical child study with out- lines, definitions and practical suggestions 133p.O Chic.Welch,a895 372c C88 CROMWELL, OLIVER 1599-1658 Carlyle, Thomas ed. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches n.d. B C88 Cornish, F. W. Life of Oliver Cromwell 1884 (Historical biographies) B C88c 106 FiBTH, C:H. Oliver Cromwell and the rule of the Puritans in England 1904*00 (Heroes of the nations) B C88f Guizot, F. P. G. Life of Oliver CromweU 1887 B C88g Harrison, Frederic Oliver Cromwell 1894 •^88 (Twelve English statesmen) B C88h Speech on the dissolution of the first protect- orate parliament, January 22, 1655 (see Clarke, William ed. Political orations from Wentworth to Macaulay n.d. p.l4- 39) 320.4 C55 Brown, H. R. F: Oliver Cromwell and the Venetian republic (see Brown, H. R. F. Venetian studies 1887 p.366-395) 945 B81 Lord, John Oliver Cromwell (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883-96 v.4,p.89-125) 904 L88 CROMWELL, THOMAS, earl of Essex, 1485- 1540 Galton, Arthur Character and times of Thomas Cromwell 1887 B C88g Crook, Charles W. and Collar, George School management and methods of instruction 1901 371c C68 Cross, Anson Kent Color study; a manual for teachers and students 73pil.O Bost. Ginn.1896'95 (National drawing books) (2 copies) 752 C88 Drawing in the public schools; a manual for teachers 46p.pl.D Bo8t.Cross,1893 372.5 C88 Free hand drawing; light and shade and free hand perspective . . . 143p.pl.O Bost. Cros8,1892 741 C88 Light and shade, with chapters on charcoal, pencil and brush drawing . . . 183pil. O Bost.Ginn,1897 (National drawing books) 742 C88 Mechanical drawing . . . 197pal.pl.O Bost.Ginn,1896'95 744 C88 Cross, Mrs Mary Ann (Evans) Lewes See Eliot, George pseud. < ROWDS LeBon, Gust AVE The crowd; a study of the popular mind 1903 301 L49 Crown of wild olive Ruskin, John 824.86 R89 Crozier, John Seattle History of intellectual development; on the lines of modem evolu- tion v.1,0 LondXiongmans,1897 901 088 Cruelty to amihals See Animals, Treatment of Cruickshank, J. W. and Cmickshank, A. M. The Umbrian towns 399p.S N.Y.Wesseto, 1902 (Grant Allen's historical guide books) 914.56 C8» Crump, Charles George ed. Landoe, W. 8. Poems, dialogues in verse, and epigrams 1892 821.89 L23 CRUSADES Archer, T:A. and Kingsfoed, C:L. The crusades; the story of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem 1895*94 (Story of the nations) 940.4 At2 Cox, G:W: Crusades modern history) 1891 (Epochs of 940.4 C83 Lord, John Crusades (tn his Beacon Ughts of history '1883-96 v.2,p.363-397) 904 L88 Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades n.d. 940.4 M58 See also Constantinople, Latin conquest of; Middle ages; also, Bernard, Saint; Edward I; Innocent III; Louis IX, Saint; Saladin Cmttwell, Charles Thomas History of Roman literature from the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius 503p.O N.Y. Scribner,1893 870.9 C88 Literary history of early Christianity; inclnd> ing the fathers and the chief heretical writ- ers of the ante-nicene period . . . 2t.O N.Y.Scribner,1893 270:1 088 CRYSTAL PALACE (Sydenham) Buskin, John Opening of the Crystal palace (see his Proserpina 1894 p.409-424) 580 R89 CRYSTALLIZATION Ruskin, John Ethics of the dust 1894 549 R89 CUBA Travel and description George, M. M. A little journey to Cuba •1901 (Library of travel) 917.29 G29 Cubberley, Ellwood P. Syllabus of lectures on the history of education, with selected bib- liographries 302p.Q N.Y.Macmillan,1902 370.9 C89 CUDWORTH, RALPH 1617-1688 Mabtinkau, James Cudworth (in Martineau, James CUD CUL 106 Types of ethical theory 1886 v.2,p.427- 458) * 171 M36 Oulin, Stewart Gambling games of the Chinese in America . . . ITp.il.pl.O Phil.Uni- versity pre3s,1891 (University of Pennsyl- vania Series in philology, literature and archaeology) 795 C89 Cultivated plants See Plants, Cultivated Cultivation of the memory 64p.S PhiLEldredge, '1879 (Mamials for teachers) 154 C89 Cultivation of the senses 96p.S Phil. El- dredge,n.d. * (Mamials for teachers) 152 C89 CULTURE Emeeson, R. W. Culture (see his Conduct of Hfe 1893^^60 '88 p.125-159) 814.36 Em3 Progress of culture (see his Letters and social aims 1893<=75'83 p.195-222) 814.36 Em31e Farrell, Joseph About culture (see his Lectures of a certain professor 1877 p.154-171) 824 r24 Henderson, C:H. Education and the larger life 1903 171 H38 HuxIjEY, T:H: Science and culture and other essays 1884 504 H98 Spalding, J:L. tion 1895 Means and ends of educa- 377 Spl See also Civilization; Education; Self -cul- ture Culture and anarchy Arnold, Matthew 172 Ar6 Culture demanded by modem life Youmans, E. L. ed. 375.5 Y8 CULTURE EPOCH THEORY Brown, E. E. Notes on the theory of the * * culture epochs ' ' (in Herbart society Second year book •=1896 p.81-88) 370.6 H41 Dewey, John Interpretation of the culture- epoch theory (in Herbart society Sec- ond year book 1896 p.89-95) 370.6 H41 Felmlet, David Culture epochs (in Her- bart society Second ye&J book 1896 p.126-129) 370.6 H41 Galbreath, L. H. Critical view of the cul- ture epoch theory (in Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.107-116) 370.6 H41 Hinsdale, B. A. Colossal-man theory of education (in Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.117-125) 370.6 H4] McMuRRY, C. A. Culture epochs (in Her- bart society Second year book 1896 p.96-106) 370.6 H41 Seeley, Levi Culture epochs (in Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.71- 80) 370.6 H41 Van Liew, C. C. Educational theory of the culture epochs (in Herbart society First year book n.d. p.70-123) 370.6 H41 See also Apperception Culture of the spiritual sense Mullany, P. F. (Brother Azarias pseud.) (see his Es- says; miscellaneous 1896 p.111-170) 814.49 M91 CUMBERLAND, GEORGE CLIFFORD earl OF 1558- (?) SouTHEY, Robert Earl of Cum- berland (see Southey, Robert English seamen 1895 p.101-169) 9 So8 Cumberland Presbyterian church in the united states See Presbyterianism Cunningham, Allan Great English painters; ed. by William Sharp 311p.D Lond.Scott, 1886 (Camelot series) 9 C91 Contents: — Introductory note; Introduc- tion; William Hogarth; Richard Wilson; Sir Joshua Reynolds; Thomas Gainsborough; William Blake Cunningham, William Economic change (see Cambridge modern history The renais- sance 1903'=02 p.493-531) 940.6 C14 Growth of English industry and commerce . . . 2v.O Cambridge university press, 1890«92 330.94 C91 Contents: — v. 1 Early and middle ages V. 2 Modern times Use and abuse of money 219p.D N.Y. Scribner,1891 (University extension man- uals) 331 C91 Curiosities of olden times ing- Gould, Sabine Bar- 398.3 G73 Curious myths of the middle ages Gould, Sabine Baring- 398.2 G73 Currency See Money CURRICULUM Button, S:T. Phases of the course of study (see his Social phases of education 1899 p.87-117) 370.4 D95 107 Eliot, C:W: Can school programmes be shortened and enriched! (see his Educa- tional reform 1901«1898 p.149-176) 370.4 E14 Shortening and enriching the grammar- school course {see his Eoleon. or. The man of the world; Goethe, or. The writer *' Representative men" Fboude, J. A. Representative men (tn his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l,p.46o-485) 824.89 F93 Society and solitude; twelve chapters New ed. enl. 316p.D Bost.Houghton,1893«70 '83 814.36 EmSs Contents: — Society and solitude; Civiliza- tion; Art; Eloquence; Domestic life; Farm- ing; Work and days; Books; Clubs; Cour- age; Success; Old age BuRBOtTGHS, John Emerson (see Bur- roughs, John Birds and poets with other • essays 1895*77 p.159-184) 814.41 B94b Lowell, J. R. Emerson the lecturer (tn Lowell, J. B. Literary essays 1892*94 «64'90 v.l,p.349-360) 814.39 L95U NicoL, David Balph Waldo Emerson {in Nicol, David Political life of our time 1889 vJ) 320 N51 BiCHARDSON, C:F. Emerson as poet (in Bichardson, C:F: American literature 1887'89'86 v.l,p.l37-171) 810.9 E39 Balph Waldo Emerson (tn Bichardson, C:F: American literature 1887'89«86 va,p.330-370) 810.9 E39 BoBERTSOX, J:M. Emerson {see Bobert- son, J:M. Modem humanists 1891 pJ12-136) 804 B54 ScuDDEB, H. E. ed, Balph Waldo Emer- son (see Scudder, H. E. ed, Ameri- can poems 1895*92 p.451-453) 811.08 Sens Stedkak, E. C. Balph Waldo Emerson (see Stedman, E. C. Poets of America 1894 •85 p.133-179) 811.3 St3 Emerton, Ephraim Introduction to the study of the middle ages 268p.D BostGinn, 1889 940.1 Em3 Medieval Europe, 814-1300 607p.pLmap8, fac8im.D Bost.Ginn,l 896*94 940.3 Em3 Contains bibliographical notes Emerton, James Heney Life on the seashore; or, Animals of our coasts and bays 143p. ilJ) Bost.Cassino,1880 592 Em3 Emery, Henry Crosby Economic development of the United States (see Cambridge modem history The United States 1903 p.687-722) 973 C14 EMIGRATION AND IMMIGBATION Atchi- son, Mrs B. M. Un-American immigra- tion, its present effects and future perils 1894 325 At2 Smith, R. M. Emigration and immigration; a study in social science 1890 325 Sm5 See also The name of the country having colonies Emile Rousseau, J. J. 370 B76 Emotion of conviction Bagehot, Walter (t» his Literary essays 1895 v.3,p.l90-203) 824.89 B14 EMOTIONS Bain, Alexander Emotions and the will 1876 157 B16 Darwin, C:R, Expressions of the emotions in man and animals 1873 138 D25 McCosh, James Emotions 1880 157 M13 Mivabt, St George Feelings and the intel- lect; or. The psychology of the emotions (tn his Essays and criticisms 1892 vJ., p.423-472) 824.89 M69 BiBOT, A:T. Psychology of the emotions 1897 (Contemporary science series) 157 B35 See also Fear; Joy; Pain Emotions, Expression of the See Expression EMPEDOCLES 490-430 (t) B.C. Stmonds, J: A. Empedocles (tn Symonds, J:A- Studies of the Greek poets 1893 vJ., p.191-219) 881 Sy6 Empire and papacy Tout, T:P: 940.4 T64 Empire of the Ptolemies Mahaffy, J: P. 932 M27 ENCHErBIDION See Epictetus ENC ENC 144 Encyclopedia Brltannica; a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature . . . Ed. 9 American reprint 25v.inclindex,il.pl.map, Q PMl.Sommerville,1891«75 '91 E032 Enl ENCYCLOPEDIAS Century cyclopedia of NAMES '1894 E031 C33 Chambers's encyclopedia 1883«75 R032 C35 Champlin, J:D, Young folks' cyclopedia of common things 1893=79 Ej031 C35 Encyclopedia Britannica 1891'=75'91 E032 Enl International cyclopedia 1893<=85'91 E031 In8 For encyclopedias of any subject see the name of the subject End of an era Wise, J:S. Endymion Lyly, John B W75 822.39 L93 Enebuske, Claes J. Progressive gymnastic days' orders according to the principles of the Ling system 84p.il.D N.Y.Silver, 1894<'90 613.7 En2 ENERGY Carpenter, W. L. Energy in nature 1883 531.6 C22 HiLLER, H. C. Ehythmic heredity; matter a property of energy 1894 110 H55 MiVART, St George Force, energy and will (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2, p.226-249) 824.89 M69 Stewart, Balfour Conservation of energy 1900"'1874 (International scientific series) 531 St4 See also Conservation of energy Engines See Steam engines ENGLAND See also Great Britain Architecture Blomfield, E. T. Short history of renais- sance architecture in England, 1500-1800 1904 724 B62 England — Characteristics of the people See English, The England^— Education, Board of Special reports on educational subjects v.2,10 1902 370.6 En3 Contents: — v. 2 Curriculum of the Amer- ican secondary school; Secondary educa- tion In a democratic community; Compari- son between the English and American high school; Can American co-education be grafted upon the English public school system? Education and industry in the United States; Commercial education in the United States; Some notes on American universities; Table showing the .chief recent benefactions to higher education In the United States; A contrast between German and American ideals in education; Educa- tion In the American dependencies; Holiday courses for Cuban teachers at Harvard; Education of the coloured race V. 10 Study of American education; Moral education in American schools; Con- stitution of the city school systems of the United States; Summary account of the report of the educational commis- sion of the city of Chicago, 1898; Pub- lic school system of Chicago; Public school system of the city of New York; The public school system of Boston; Public school system of St. Louis; Public school system of Philadelphia; A sketch of the de- velopment and present condition of the sys- tem of education In the state of Minnesota; Notes on school attendance in the public schools of the United States; Some points of educational Interest in the schools of the United States; Training of teachers in the United States of America; Teachers' college of Columbia university; "Nature study" in the United States Social life arvd customs DeQuincey, Thomas French and English manners (see his Narrative and miscella- neous papers «1854'77 p.423-433) 824.81 D44n Emerson, E. W. English traits 1893<=56 '84 914.2 Em3 Fullerton, W:M. English and "Ameri- cans" (see his Patriotism and science p.57-114) 824 P95 Gibbons, P.. E. English (see her Pennsyl- vania Dutch and other essays 1882 p.314-380) 814.49 G35 Hamerton, p. G. French and English, a comparison 1889 914.4 H17 Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English wayfaring life in the middle ages 1890 914.2 J98 Warner, C:D. People for whom Shakes- peare wrote 1897 822.33 W24 See also Great Britain — Social life and cus- toms 145 Travel and description Cook, Joel England, picturesque and de- scriptive; reminiscences of foreign travel lOOOnSQO 914.2 C77 George, M. M. A little journey to England and Wales =1901 (Library of travel) 914.2 G29 Hall, Mrs A.. M. F. Pilgrimages to Eng- lish shrines 1894 914.2 H14 Holmes, 0:W. 1895'87 '91 Our hundred days in Europe 914.2 H73 Jefferies, Eichard 1895 Field and hedgerow 824.89 J35 Jessopp, Augustus Random roaming 1893 824.89 J49 KiTTON, F:G: The Dickens country 1905 (Pilgrimage series) 914.2 K65 Stoddard. J:L. England 1898'97 v.9,p.ll3-224) (in his Lectures 910 St6 Winter, Willlam English rambles and other fugitive pieces 1884 914.2 W73 Shakespeare's England 1893'92 914.2 W738 See also Lake district; also, The name of the place in England ENGLAND, CHUECH OF England See Church of ENGLISH, THE Hamerton, P, G. French and English; a comparison 1889 914.4 H17 English as she is taught LeEow, C. B. comp. 420.7 L56 English ballads See English poetry — Col- lections English citizen series; ed. by Henry Craik Craik, Henry State in its relation to education 1884 379 C84 DuCane, Sir E. F. Pxmishment and preven- tion of crime 1885 364 D85 Farrer, Sir T:H: State in its relation to trade 1883 380 F24 FowLE, T:W. The poor law 1893<'81'90 352.9 F82 Jevons, W:S. State in relation to labour 1887'82 331 J53 English composers English composition — Composition Sme Musicians See Enqush lanouaqe ENGLISH DEAMA Archer. William Drama (in Ward, T:H. ed. Eeign of Queen Victoria 1887 v.2,p.561-592) 914.2 W21 B., G. S. Study of the prologue and epilogue in English literature 1884 822 Bll Bates, K. L. English religious drama 1893 822.1 B31 Hudson, H:N. Origin and growth of the drama in England (in his Shakespeare; his life, art and characters 1891*^92 v.l, p.53-95) 822.33 H86 Lowell, J. E. 1893=92 Old English dramatists 822 L95 Pollard, A. W: ed. English miracle plays, moralities and interludes 1890 822.1 P76 Symonds, J: a. Shakspere's predecessors in the English drama 1884 822 Sy6 Ward, A. W: History of English dramatic literature to the death of Queen Anne 1899 =75 822.09 W21 See also plays Elizabethan literature ; Mystery Collections DoDSLEY, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 822.08 D66 Manley, J:M. Specimens of the pre-Shaks- perean drama 1897 '98 822.08 M31 Thayer, William ed. plays 1892 '90 English dramatists See tist English educators See tor Best Elizabethan 822.08 T33 The name of the drama- The name of the educa- English essayists Cochrane, Eobert ed. 824.08 C64 English essays Lobban, J. H. ed. 824.08 L78 English essays from a French pen Jusserand, J. A. A. J. 844.89 J98 English fairy and other folk tales Hartland, E. S. 398.4 H25 ENGLISH FICTION , Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English novel in the time of Shakespeare 1890 823 J98 Raleigh, W. A. English novel 1894 823 B13 ENG ENG 146 Russell, Percy Guide to British and Amer- ican novels 1894 823 R91 TUCKERMAN, Bayard History of English prose fiction 1891<=82 823.09 T79 English in Ireland in the 18th century Froude, J. A. 941.5 F93 English in Spain Duncan, Francis 946.07 D91 English in the West Indies Froude, J. A. 917.29 F93 English lands, letters and kings Mitchell, D. G. 820.9 M69 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Clark, N. G. Out- line of the elements of the English language 1888*63 420 C54 Earle, John Philology of the English tongue 1879 (Clarendon press series) 420 Ea7 Garland A, Federico Fortunes of words; letters to a lady =1887 410 G18 Gideon, Edward Lessons in language =1888 372.6 G36 Marsh, G:P. Lectures on the English lan- guage 1882=59 420.9 M35 Meiklejohn, J:M. D. English language; its grammar, history and literature 1888 «87 420 M47 Oliphant, T:L. K. New English 1886 420 013 Old and middle English 1878 420 013o TooKE, J:H: Ehea Iltepoenta; or, The di- versions of Purley 1860 420 T61 Weineck, Oscar Common sense guide to English for foreigners =1893 428 W43 White, R:G. Everyday English a sequel to "Words and their uses" 1882=80 425 W58 Williams, R. O. Our dictionaries and other English language topics 1890 420.4 W67 Some questions of good English 1897 425 W67 ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Eaton, A. W. College requirements in English entrance examinations 1894 428.9 EaS Payne, W:M. English in American univer- sities 1895 420.7 P29 Composition Abbott, E:A. How to write clearly 1885 428.2 Ab2 Bates, Arlo Talks on writing English 1896 808 B31 Butler, G:P. School English 1894 428.2 B97 Monroe, H. E. Essay writing (see her Art and' science of conversation =1889 p.1-42) 374.1 M76 Webster, W. F. English composition and literature 1900 '02 808 W39 See also Rhetoric Dictionaries, Century dictionary =1889-91 R423 C33 DeQuincey, Thomas English dictionaries (see his Literary criticism =1853 '76 p.394-400) 824.81 D441 Fallows, Samuel ed. Progressive supple- mental dictionary of the English language 1886 R423 F19 Murray, J. A. H. Evolution of English lex- icography 1900 (Bomanes lecture 1900) 820.3 M96 ed. New English dictionary on historical principles 1888 R423 N42 Oglivie, John ed. Imperial dictionary of the English language 1883 R423 Og4 Skeat, W. W: Etymological dictionary of the English language 1882 R422 Sk2 Standard dictionary of the English language 1895=90 '94 R423 St2 Stormonth, James ed. Dictionary of the English language 1885 R423 St7 Webster, Noah ed. American dictionary of the English language 1883=56 '79 R423 W39 International dictionary of the English lan- guage 1898=64 '90 R423 W39i Williams, R. E. Growth of our dictionaries (see his Our dictionaries and other Eng- lish language topics 1890 p.1-44) 420.4 W67 Worcester, J:E. Comprehensive dictionary of the English language •I860 '71 B423 W89 147 Dictionary of the English language 1883 «59'81 B423 W89d Etymology Skeat, W. W: Etymological dictionary of the English language 1882 K422 Sk2 Grammar Bain, Alexander English grammar as bear- ing upon composition pref.1874 K425 B16 Brown, Goold Grammar of English gram- mars 1882*51 425 B81 Choate, I:B. Elements of English speech 1884 425 C45 )BBKTT, WitlilAM English grammar 1884 '83 425 C63 FtitvLER, W:C. English grammar; the Eng- I^h language in its elements and forms iy4«55 425 F82 Har^y, a. F. ed. Atlas outlines of Eng- lishgrammar 1901 425 H26 MacC/^e, J: a. Hints for language lessons and .Jans for grammar lessons; a hand- book or teachers 1892 425 M12 Maetznr, E:A. F. English grammar; methodial, analytical and historical 1874 425 M26 Morris, Iichard Historical outlines of English acidence 1885 * 425 M83 History Butler, G:P. A short history of the Eng- lish languag (see his School English 1894 p.240i{55) 428.2 B97 Champneys, a. *J. History of English; a sketch of the oWin and development of the English languag 1893 420.9 C35 Emerson, 0:F. listory of the English lan- guage 1895'94\ 420.9 Em3 Marsh, G:P. Oriin and history of the English language yd of the early litera- ture it embodies lk5«62'85 420.9 M35 BoEMER, Jean OrigiV of the English peo- ple and of the Engli\ language 1888«87 420.9 B62 Sttidy and teaching Carpenter, G:B. Baker, F. T. and Scott, F. N. Teaching of English in the el- mentary and the secondary school 1903 • {American teachers' series') 420.7 C22 Chubb, Percival Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school 1905 (Teachers' professional library) 420.7 C47 Hales, J:W. Teaching of English (see Farrar, F:W. ed. Essays on a liberal education 1868 p.293-312) 370.4 F24 Lerow, C. B. comp. taught «1887 English as she is 420.7 L56 Eankin, J. S. Everyday English 1902 372.6 R16 Tappan, E. M. Short history of England's literature '1905 820.7 T16 Synonyms Crabb, George English synonyms 1904 R424 C84 Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and an- tonyms with notes on the correct use of prepositions '1896 (Standard educa- tional series) 424 F39 EoGET, P:M: Thesaurus of English words and phrases 1883 R424 R63 Smith, C:J: Synonyms discriminated 1882 R424 Sm5 Versification Corson, Hiram Primer of English verse 1893«92 426 C81 Lanier, Sidney Science of English verse 1891*80 426 L27 ENGLISH LETTERS Ruskin, John Attowb of the chace 1894 826 R89 ScooNES, W. B. Four centuries of English letters 1880 826 Scl English litera/y criticism Vaughan, C:E. comp. 820 V46 ENGLISH LITERATURE Arnold, Matthew Guide to English literature (see hia Mixed essays 1894 p.135-153) 824.85 Ar6m Brooke, S. A: English literature 1897 820 B79 ENG ENG 148 Garnett, Richard Literature (in Ward, T:H. ed. Reign of Queen Victoria 1887 v.2,p.445-513) 914.2 W21 Harrison, Frederic English prose (see his Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other Jiter- ary estimates 1900 p.149-165) 824.89 H24 Hazlitt, William Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers 1884 824.76 H33 JussERAND, J. A. A. J. Literary history of the English people 1895 820.9 J98 Marsh, J :P. Origin and history of the English language and of the early litera- ture it embodies 1885'=62'85 420.9 M35 MiNTO, William Manual of English prose literature 1895 820 M66 MoRLEY, Henry First sketch of English Uterature 1889 820.9 M82f Pattee, F:L. Foundations of English liter- ature '=1899 820.7 P27 Phillips, M. G. Popular manual of English literature 1885 820.9 P54 Rands, W:B. Chaucer's England 1869 820 R15 Rolfe, W:J. The elementary study of Eng- lish; hints to teachers 1896 820.7 R64 Ryland, Frederick comp. Chronological outlines of English literature 1890 820.2 R98 Saintsbury, G:E:B. Essays in English Uterature, 1780-1860 1890 824.8 Sa2 Stevenson, E. Early reviews of great writ- ers, 1786-1832 n.d. (Camelot series) 820 . St4 Vatjghan, C:E. comp. English literary criticism pref.1896 820 V46 Welsh, A. H. Development of English lit- erature and language 1902 820.9 W46 See also Anglo-Saxons; Elizabethan litera- ture; English drama; English fiction; Eng- lish poetry; English wit and humor Bibliography Adams, W. D. Bibliographical appendix (see Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable n.d. p.977-1061) B803 B75 HoDGKiNS, L. M. Guide to the study of nine- teenth century authors 1899'=87'88 802 H66 Welsh, A. H. English masterpiece course 1887 016.82 W46 Collections Baldwin, James Famous allegories; selec- tions and extracts for reading and study 1893 (Select English classics) 820.8 B19 Chambers, Robert ed. Cyclopedia of English literature 1902 R820.3 C3i Galton, Arthur ed. English prose fittn Maundevile to Thackeray n.d. (Caiie- lot series) 820.8 il3 Harlow, W. B. Introduction to early fing- Ush literature 1884 820.8 H22 Saintsbury, G:E:B. ed. Specimns of English prose style from Malory -o Ma- caulay 1886 82'.8 Sa2 Dictionaries Adams, W:D. Dictionary of En,lish litera- ture n.d. J820.3 Adl Allibone, S:A. Critical dictionary of Eng- Ush literature 1881'=54'71 R9 A15 Supplement 1892 / History Arnold, Thomas Chance to Wordsworth n.d. 820.9 Ar6 Manual of English literture 1891 820.9 Ar6m Beers, H:A. BibliogrfAy (see his His- tory of English romPticism in the 18th century 1899'=98 '.425-434) 820.9 B39 History of English -Jmanticism in the 18th century 1899<=9f 820.9 B39h Brooke, S. A: Fglish literature '1879 '82 (Literature primers) 820.9 B79 Craik, G:L. Compendious history of Eng- lish literature Q^ the English language from the NormQ conquest 1877 820.9 C84 Craik, Henry «^- English prose 1893 >90 820.8 C84 149 Dennis, John Age of Pope lS\)i 820.9 D42 DowDEN, Edwakd French revolution and English literature 1897 (^Princeton lec- tures) 820.9 D75 (^SSE, E. W: History of 18th century liter- ature,1660-1780 1891 820.9 G69 Meiklejohn, J:M. D. Outline of the his- tory of English literature (see his Eng- lish language, its grammar, history and Uterature 1888 p.269-388) 420 M47 Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters and kings 1891 '95 820.9 M69 Moody, W:V. and Lovett, R. M. History of English literature 1902 820.9 M77 MoRLEY, Henry English writers 1887 '93 820.9 M82 MuLiiANY, P. F. (Brother Azarias pseud.) Development of old English though^ 1891 «79 '89 820.9 M91 Saintsbury, G:E:B. History of 19th cen- tury literature, 1780-1895 1896 820.9 Sa2h Shaw, T:B. New history of English litera- ture 1884<'75 820.9 Sh2 Taine, H. a. History of English literature n.d. 820.9 T13 Orthography Child, C. G. Palatal diphthongization of stem vowels in the old English dialects 1903 (University of Pennsylvania Series in philology and Uterature) 421.2 C43 Study and teaching SctJDDER, V. D. Introduction to the study of iJnglish literature '1901 820.7 Scu2 Simonds, W:E: lish literature Students' history of Eng- «1902 820.7 Si5 English masterpiece course Welsh, A. H. 016.82 W46 English men of action Campbell Forbes, Archibald 1895 B C15 Clive Wilson, Sir Charles 1890 B C61 Cook Besant, Walter 1894 B C77 Dampier Russell, W:C. 1889 B D18 Drake Coubett, J. S. 1894 B D78 Dundonald Fortescue, J:W: 1895 B D91 Hastings Lyall, Sir A. C. 1894 B H27 Havelock Forbes, Archibald 1891 B H29 Henry V Church, A. J: 1889 B H39e Lawrence Temple, Sir Richard baronet 1889 B L43 Monk Corbett, J. S. 1889 B M74 Montrose Morris, Mowbray 1892 B M76 Napier Butler, Sir W:F. 1890 B N16 Peterborough Sterling, William 1890 B P44 Rodney Hannay, David 1891 B R61 Strafford Traill, H:D. 1889 B St8 Warwick Oman, C:W: 1891 B W26 Wellington Hooper, George 1890 B W46 Wolfe Bradley, A. G. 1895 B W83 English men of letters; ed. by John Morley Addison Courthope, W:J: B T32t Bacon Church, R:W: B J62s Bentley Jebb, R:C. G C83 Bunyan Froude, J, A. B J628 Burke Morley, John B B91 Burns Shairp, J:C. B B93s Byron NiCHOL, John B D36 Chaucer Ward, A. W: B C39 Coleridge Traill, H:D. B B93 Cowper Smith, Goldwin B C83 DeFoe, Daniel Minto, Willla.m B D36 DeQuincey Masson, David B C39 Dickens Ward, A. W: B Sco8 Dryden Saintsbury, G:E:B. B P81 Fielding DoBSON, AUSTIN B B91 Gibbon Morison, J:A. C. B G35 Goldsmith \ Black, William B G57 Gray GossE,' E. W: B G57 Hume Huxley, T:H: B H88 Johnson Stephen, Leslie B J623 Lamb Ainger, Alfred B C39 Landor Colvin, Sidney B C83 Locke Fowler, Thomas B G57 Macaulay Morison, J:A. C. B B91 Milton Pattison, Mark B G35 Pope Stephen, Leslie B P81 Scott HUTTON, R:H. B ScoS Shelley Symonds, J:A. B G35 Sheridan Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) B T32t Sidney Symonds, J: A. B P81 Southey Dowden, Edwabd B D36 ENG ENG 150 Spenser Church, R:W. Sterne Traill, H:D. Swift Stephen, Leslie Thackeray Trollope, Anthony Wordsworth Myers, F:W:H. English men of science Galton, Francis 136.3 G13 English miracle plays, moralities and interludes Pollard, A. W. ed. 822 P76 English of Shakespeare Craik, G:L. 822.33 C84 ENGLISH PAINTERS Cunningham, Allan Great English painters 1886 (Camelot series) 9 C91 English pastorals Chambers, E. K. 821.06 C35 English pedagogy in the nineteenth century Barnard, Henry ed. ' {see his True student life 1873 p.417-528) 370.4 B25 ENGLISH POETRY Baldwin, James ed. Six centuries of English poetry, Tennyson to Chaucer 1895<=92 (Select English classics) 821.9 B19 B B B Sco8 H88 H88 Stedman, E. C. '87 Victorian poets 1893=75 821 St3 B T32t Symonds, J: a. Blank verse 1895 B B93 821 Sy6 Chambers, E. K. Corson, Hiram 1893=92 English pastorals 1895 821.06 C35 Primer of English verse 426 C81 GossE, E. W: 1896 From Shakespeare to Pope 821.4 G69 Jacobean poets 1894 821 G64 Hazlitt, William Lectures on the English poets (m his Miscellaneous works n.d, v.3,pt.2) 824.76 H33m (see his Lectures on the English poets and English comic writers 1884 pt.l) 824.76 H33 MiNTO, William Characteristics of English poets from Chaucer to Shirley 1889 821 M66 Patmore, C. K. D. • Essay on English metri- cal law (in Patmore, C. K. D. Poems 1894 v.2,p.215-267) 821.8 P27 Phelps, W:L. Beginnings of the English romantic movement 1893 821 P51 Schelling, F. E. Poetic verse criticism of the reign of Elizabeth 1891 (University of Pennsylvania Series in philology, litera- ture and archaeology) 821.3 Sch2 Warton, Thomas History of English poetry n.d. 821.9 W26 Collections Beeching, H. C. ed. Paradise of Eng- lish poetry 1893 821.08 B39 Palgrave, F. T. ed. Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language 1889=83 821.08 P17 Percy, Thomas bishop ancient English poetry Repplier, Agnes verse 1892 Schelling, F:E. bethan lyrics series) camp. ed. =1895 ed. Reliques of 1892 821.08 P41 Book of famous 821.08 R29 A book of Eliza- (Atheneum press 821 Sch2 Book of seventeenth century lyrics 1899 (Atheneum press series) 821 Sch2b Stedman, E. C. ed. 1837-1895 =1895 Victorian anthology, 821.8 St3 Ward, T:H. ed. English poets 1880 '81 821.08 W21 Quotations Allibone, S:A. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson 1896=73 R828 A15 English rambles Winter, William 914.2 W73 English rediscovery and colonization of America Shipley, J: P. and Shipley,M.A. 973.1 Sh6 English reprints; ed. by Edward Arber Ascham, Roger , The scholemaster 1870 370 As2 Bacon, Francis Harmony of the essays 1895 824.3 B13 English romantic movement Phelps, W:L. Be- ginnings of the English romantic move- ment, a study in 18th century literature 1893 821 P51 English romanticism in the 18th century Beers/ H:A. 820.9 Bs/ 151 ENGLISH SEAMEN Froude, J. A. English seamen in the 16th century 1895 942 F93 SoUTHEY, Robert English seamen 1895 9 So8 English social movements Woods, R. S. 331.8 W861 English towns and districts Freeman, E:A: 942 F87 English traits Emerson, R. W. 914.2 Em3 English wayfaring life in the middle ages Jus- serand, J. A. A. J. 914.2 J98 ENGLISH WIT AND HUMOR Hazlitt, Wil- UAM The English comic writers (see his Lectures on the English poets and the Eng- lish comic writers 1884 pt.2) 824.76 H33 Lectures on the English comic writers (in his Miscellaneous works n.d. v.3,pt.l) 824.76 H33m English writers Morley, Henry 820.9 M82 Englishmen for my money Houghton, Wil- liam Englishmen for my money; or, A woman will have her will (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l0,p.469- 564) 822.08 D66 ENGRAVING Delaborde, Henry vicomte Engraving; its origin, processes and his- tory 1886 (Fine-art library) 760 D37 Hamerton, p. G. Graphic arts; a treatise on the varieties of drawing, painting and engraving in comparison with each other and with nature 1891 741 H17 RuSKiN, John Ariadne florentina (gee his Proserpina 1894 p.247-407) 580 R89 See also Art; Wood engraving Entertainments See Amusements Entymology See Insects ENVIRONMENT Clifford, W:K. On some of the conditions of mental development (see his Conditions of mental development and other essays 1885 p.1-14) 504 C61 Oppenheim, Nathan Comparative impor- tance of heredity and environment (see his Development of the child 1898 p.66-92) 372b Op5 See also Evolution; Heredity EPHRATA CLOISTER Gibbons, P. E. Eph- rata (see her Pennsylvania Dutch and other essays 1882 p.138-172) 814.49 G35 Sachse, J. F: German sectarians of Penn- sylvania, 1708-1742 1899-1900 289.9 Sal Epics See Beowulf; Kalevala; Mahabharata; Nibehmgenlied ; Ramayana Epictetus Discourses, with the Encheiridion and fragments; tr. with notes, a life of Epicte- tus and a view of his philosophy by George Long 452p.D Lond.Bell,1890 (Bohn's classical library) 188.7 Ep4 His teaching; being the "Encheiridion" with selections from the "Dissertations" and Fragments"; tr, from the Greek ... by F. W. H. Rolleston Ed.3,enl. 222p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 188.7 Ep4h EPICTETUS OF HIERAPOLIS about 60 A.D. Long, George Life and philosophy of Epictetus (see Epictetus Discourses 1890 pref.p.17-43) 188.7 Ep4 EPICURUS 342-270 B.C. Courtney, W:L. Epicurus (see Abbott, Evelyn HeUenica 1880 p.244-265) 880.4 Ab2 EPIDEMICS Creiqhton, Charles History of epidemics in Britain 1891 614 C86 See also Black death EPENAY, Mme DE LA LIVE D' (LOUISE FLORENCE PETRONILLE TARDIEU D'ESCLAVELLES) 1726-1783 Mao- Donald, Frederika Woman of the world in the France of Voltaire (see her Studies in the France of Voltaire and Rousseau 1895 p.61-108) B V88 Episcopal churches iSee Church of England; Methodist Episcopal church; Protestant Episcopal church of the United States Epistemology iSee Knowledge, Theory of Epoch of reform McCarthy, Justin 942.07 M12 Epochs of American history; ed. by A. B. Hart V. 1 Thwaites, R. G. Colonies, 1492- 1750 1893'90 973.2 T42 V. 2 Hart, A. B. Formation of the union, 1750-1829 1893'92 973 H25 EPO EPO 152 V. 3 Wilson, Woodrow Division and re- union, 1829-1899 1893 973 W69 Epochs of ancient history; ed. by Sir G:W: Cox and Charles Sankey Beesly, A:H. Gracchi, Marius and Sulla 1892 937.05 B39 Benjamin, S:G. W. Troy, its legend, his- tory and literature 1890<^80 939.21 B43 Capes, W:W. Eoman empire of the second century 1891 937.07 C17 Roman history; the early empire 1891 937.07 C17r Cox, Sir G. W: baronet Athenian empire 1892 938.04 C83 Greeks and the Persians n.d. 938.03 C83 CuRTEis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian em- pire 1891 938.07 C94 IHNE, J. A. F:W. Early Rome 1892 937.01 Ih5 Merivale, Charles Roman triumvirates 1889 937.05 M54 Sankey, Charles Spartan and Theban supremacies 1891 938.06 Sa5 Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage, the Punic wars 1891 937.04 Sm5 Epochs of church history; ed. by Mandell Creigh- ton Balzani, Ugo Popes and the Ho- henstaufen 270.4 B21 Brodrick, G:C: History of the university of Oxford 378.42 B78 Carr, Arthur Church and the Roman em- pire 270.2 C23 Gwatkin, H:M. Arian controversy 273.4 G99 Hunt, William English church in the mid- dle ages 283 H91 MULLiNGER, J. B. History of the University of Cambridge 378.42 M91 Overton, J:H. Evangelical revival in the 18th century , 274.2 Ov2 Plummer, Alfred Church of the early fathers 270 P73 Poole, R. L. Wycliffe and other movements of reform 274 P78 Stephens, W:R:W. Dean Hildebrand and his times 270.4 St4 Tozer, H:F. Church and the eastern empire 281.9 T66 Tucker, H:W: English church in other lands 283 T79 Wakeman, H:0. Church and the Puritans 283 W13 Ward, A:W: Counter reformation 270.6 W21 Epochs of modern history; ed. by E:E Morris and others Airy, Osmund English res- toration and Louis XIV 1892 940.7 Ai7 Church, R:W: Beginning of the middle ages 1892 940.2 C47 Cox, Sir G:W: Crusades 1891 940.4 CSS Creighton, Mandell Age of Elizabeth 1891 940.5 C86 Gairdner, James Houses of Lancaster and York, vpith the conquest and loss of France 1891 942.04 G12 Gardiner, S:R. First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution 1891 942.06 G16 Thirty years' war, 1618-1648 1892 943.04 G16 Hale, Edw^ard Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe 1889 942.06 H13 Johnson, A. H: Normans in Europe 1891 940.3 J62 Longman, F:W: Frederick the Great and the seven years' war 1891 943.05 L86 McCarthy, Justin Epoch of reform n.d. 942.07 M12 Moberly, C:E: Early Tudors 1890 942.05 M71 Morris, E:E. Age of Anne 1891 940.7 M83 Early Hanoverians 1891 940.7 M83e Morris, W:0. French revolution and first empire 1893 944.04 M83 Seebohm, Frederic Era of the Protestant revolution 1891 940.7 Se3 Stubbs, William Early Plantagenets 1893 942.03 St9 Warburton, William Edward III 1888 942.03 W21 Equality Arnold, Matthew (in his Mixed essays 1894 p,36-72) 824.85 Ar6m EQUATIONS Todhunter, Isaac Elementary treatise on the theory of equations 1895 <=61 '95 512 T56 Era of the Protestant revolution Seebohm, Fred- eric 940.7 SeS ERASMUS, DESIDERIUS 1467(f) -1536 Froude, J. A. Life and letters of Eras- mus 1894 B Erl 153 Jebb, B:C. Erasmus 1890 B Erlj MiLMAN, H:H. Life of Erasmus (see Mil- man, H:H. Savonarola, Erasmus, and other essays 1870 p.76-148) 824.89 M63 Barnard, Henry ed. Erasmus and his edu- cational views (see Barnard, Henry ed. German educational reformers 1878 p.71- 84) 370.943 B25 CoMPAYRfi, Gabriel Erasme et la renais- sance Ramus et la r^forme {see Com- payr6, Gabriel Histoire critique des doc- trines de 1 'Education en France 1883 v.l,p.ll6-158) 370.944 C73 Froude, J. A. Times of Erasmus and Luther (in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l,p.37-127) 824.89 F93 Seebohm, Frederic Oxford reformers 1887 274.2 Se3 Souquet, Paul Erasme (see Souquet, Paul Les 6crivains pedagogues 1880 p.25-46) 370.8 So8 Erckmann, Emile and Chatrian, Alexandre Ma- dame Th6r6se; ed. and annon. by G:W. RolUns 211p.S Bost.Ginn,a891 (In- ternational modern language series) 843.85 Er2 Erdmann, Johann Eduard History of philos- ophy; English translation ed. by W. S. Hough 3v.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1891-92 (Library of philosophy) 109 Er2 v. 1 Ancient and medieval pliilosophy v. 2 Modem philosophy V. 3 German philosophy since Hegel Outlines of logic and metaphysics; tr. from the 4th enlarged ed. with prepatory essay by B:C. Burt 253p.D Lond.Sonnen- schein,1896 160 Er2 EBIGENA, JOHANNES SCOTUS 800 or 815- 891 Mullinger, J. B. John Scotus Erigena; or, The Irish school (see Mul- linger, J. B. Schools of Charles the Great 1877 p.171-193) 370.94 M91 Townsend, W:J: Harbinger of dawn; Erigena (see Townsend, W:J. Great school men of the middle ages 1881 p.33-61) B19 T66 Erskine, Thomas baron Speech in behalf of Thomas Paine (see Clarke, William ed. Political orations from Wentworth to Ma- caulay n.d. p.166-231) 320.4 C55 Espin, T. H. E. C. An elementary star atlas; a series of twelve simple star maps . . . 31p.O Lond.Sonnen8chein,1885 523.8 E86 Espinasse, Francis Life of Voltaire 208p.D Lond.Scott,1892 (Great writers) B y88 Contains a bibliography Esquemeling, John Buccaneers of America; a true account of the most remarkable assault committed of late years upon the coasts of the West Indies by the buccaneers of Jama- ica and Fortuga . . . 508p.il.por.pl.map,Q Lond.Sonnenschein,1893 910.4 E36 Essay and criticism Mabie, H. W. (see Coun- sel upon the reading of books 1900 p.257-306) 814.49 C83 Essay concerning human understanding Locke, John 151 L79 Essays and criticisms Mivart, St. George 824.89 M69 Essays and studies Swinburne, A. C: 824.89 Sw6 iiiSsays in criticism Arnold, Matthew 824.85 Ar6e Essays in philosophy DeQuincey, Thomas 104 D44 Essays miscellaneous Mullany, P. F. (Brother Azarias pseud.) 814.49 M91 Essays of Elia Lamb, Charles 824.75 L16 ESSENES DeQuincey, Thomas The Essenes (in his Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition '1854 '77 p.52-137;199- 222) 204 D44 Essentials of method DeGarmo, Charles 371a D36 ESTHETICS Allen, Grant Physiological esthetics 1877 701 A15 Butcher, S:H: Aristotle's theory of poetry and fine art 1895 888.5 B97 Burroughs, John Before beauty (see his Birds and poets with other essays 1895 '77 p.149-158) 814.41 B94b Emerson, R. W. Beauty (see his Conduct of life 1893'60'88 p.265-290) 814.36 Em3 Knight, William Philosophy of the beau- tiful 1891 '93 (University extension manuals) 701 K74 EST EST IM Lessing, G. E. Laoeoon; an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry 1893 701 L56 MiVART, St George Why tastes differ (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.l, p.400-422) 824.89 M69 Santa Y ANA, George Sense of beauty 1896 701 Sa5 Schopenhauer, Arthur On the metaphy- sics of the beautiful and on esthetics (see his Selected essays 1900 p.274-317) 104 Sch6 See also Art; Criticism; Music ESTIENNE, HENRI 1528-1598 Pattison, Mark Stephenses (in Pattison, Mark Essays 1889 v.l,p.67-123) 824.89 P27 ESTIENNE, ROBERT 1503-1559 Pattison, Mark Stephenses (in Pattison, Mark Essays 1889 v.l,p.67-123) 824.89 P27 Eternity DeQuincey, Thomas On the sup- posed Scriptural expression for eternity (see his Essays on Christianity, paganism and supersition '1877 '54 p.271-290) 204 D44 ETHELWERD, FABIUS "Chronicle" Giles, J: A. Chronicle of Fabius Ethelwerd (see Giles, J: A. ed. Six old English chron- icles 1891 p.1-40) 942.01 G39 ETHEREDGE, Sir GEORGE 1636(?)-1690(?) GossE, E. W: Sir George Etheredge (see Gosse, E. W: Seventeenth century studies 1897 p.259-298) 824.8 G69 Ethical library; ed. by J. H. Muirhead Bryant, Mrs Sophie (Willock) Teaching of morality in the family and the school 1897 377 B84 Ethical world-conception of the Norse people Fors, A. P. 293 F77 ETHICS Abercrombie, John Philosophy of the moral feelings 1841 170 Ab3 Bagehot, Walter Ignorance of man (in his Literary essays 1895 v.3,p.l60-189) 824.89 B14 Bain, Alexander Moral science; a com- pendium of ethics 1869 170 B16 Bierbower, Austin sons 1888 "Virtues and their rea- 170 B47 Brooks, Philips Tolerance 1887 172.3 B79 Calderwood, Henry Handbook of moral philosophy 1888 170 C12 CoiGNET, C. La morale independante dans son principe et dans son object 1869 170 C66 EMtaisoN, R. W. Conduct of life 1893'=60 '88 814.36 Em3 Sovereignty of ethics (see his Lectures and biographical sketches 1893*^83 p.175-205) 814.36 Em31 Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buckley) Moral teach- ings of science 1892 170 F53 Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle man- ners for schools and families '1873 170 G74 Hadley, a. T. Ethics as a political science (see his Education of the American citizen 1902 p.100-134) 320 H41 Hegel, G:W:F: Philosophy of mind 1894 193.5 H36 Henderson, C:H. Education and the larger life 1903 171 H38 Hewett, W. T. S. Notes for boys (and their fathers) on morals, mind and manners 1888 '96 170 H49 Hyslop, J. H. Elements of ethics 1898 170 H99 James, William The moral philosopher and the moral life (see his Will to believe and other essays 1898 p.184-215) 104 J23 Janet, P. A. R. Elements of morals; with special application of the law to the duties of the individual and of society and the state '1884 170 J25 Marcus Aurelius Antonius Thoughts 1891 188.8 M33 Maurice, F:D. Social morality 1872 170.4 M44 Muirhead, J:H: Elements of ethics; an introduction to moral philosophy 1892 (University extension mantmls) 170 M89 Murray, J:C. Introduction to ethics =1891 170 M96 Peabody, a. p. Manual of moral philosophy «1873 170 P31 Plutarch Morals; ethical essays 1888 888.8 P74 155 Morals; theosophical essays 1889 888.8 P74m Porter, Noah Elements of moral science; theoretical and practical 1885 170 P83 RiCKABY, Joseph Moral philosophy; or, Ethics and natural law n.d. (Manual of Catholic philosophy) 170 R42 RoYCE, JosiAH The knowledge of good and evil (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p.89-124) 104 R81 Natural law; ethics and evolution (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p.125-139) 104 R81 ScHOPEXHAUER, ARTHUR On ethics (see his Selected essays 1900 p.195-239) 104 Sch6 SCHtniMAN, J. G. Ethical import of Dar- • winism 1893<^87 . 171.7 Sch8 Spencer, Herbert Absolute political ethics (in bis Essays; scientific, political and spec- ulative 1891 v.3,p.217-228) 824.89 Sp3 Morals and moral sentiments (in his Es- says; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.l,p.331-350) 824.89 Sp3 Watson, John Historical connexion of morality and religion (see his Christianity and idealism 1897 p.1-21) 204 W33 See also Animals,Treatment of ; Conscience; Celibacy; Character; Christian ethics; Con- duct of life; Crime and criminals; Culture; Hedonism; Law; Marriage; Moral educa- tion; Natural law; Philosophy; Political science; Poor, The; Religion; Self -culture ; Slave trade; Slavery; Social ethics; Sociol- ogy; State ethics; Suicide; Theatre; Tem- perance; Utilitarianism; Vivisection; Will, The; Woman History Evans, E:P. Evolutional ethics (see his Evolutional ethics and animal psychology 1898'97 p.1-164) 170.9 Evl Lecky, W:E:H. History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne 1891 170.9 L49 Martineau, James Types of ethical the- orv 1886 171 M36 SiDOWiCK, Henry Outlines of the history of ethics for English readers 1886 170.9 Sil Study and teachitig Bierbower, Austin The virtues and their reasons; a system of ethics for society and schools 170.7 B47 CoiONET, Mine La morale dans 1 'education 1883 170.7 C66 Comegys, B:B. A primer of ethics 1891 C90 170.7 C73 CoMPAYRfi, Gabriel Element d 'instruction morale et civique 1884 170.7 C73e Gow, A. M. Good morals and gentle man- ners for schools and families '1873 170.7 G74 Janet, P. A. R. Cours de morale; a I'usage des eeoles normales primaires 1881 177 J25 Laxoi, Pierre La premiere annee d 'instruc- tion morale et civique 1889 170.7 L15 Spencer, Herbert Data of ethics 1883 (Synthetic philosophy) 171 Sp3 See also Moral education Theory Blackie, J:S. Four phases of morals 1887 171 B56 Bowne, B. P. Principles of ethics <^1892 171 B68 Carus, Paul Homilies of science 1897 (Religion of science library) 171.1 C25 Janet, P. A. R. Theorv of morals 1883 171 J25 Kant, Immanuel Critique of practical rea- son and other works on the theory of ethics 1883 171 K13 Laurie, S. S. On the philosophy of ethics; an analytical essay 1866 171 L37 SiDOWiCK, Henry Methods of ethics 1884 171 Sil Smith, Adam Theory of moral sentiments 1887 171 Sm5 Stephen, Sir Leslie Science of ethics 1882 171 St4 Stewart, Duoald Philosophy of tlie active and moral powers of man 1882*49 171 St4p ETH ETH 156 Sutherland, Alexander Origin and growth of the moral instinct 1898 171 SuS Watson, John Hedonistic theories from Aristippus to Spencer 1895 171.4 W33 Whewell, William Elements of morality including polity pref.1845 170 W57 Williams, C. M. Eeview of the systems of ethics founded on the theory of evolution 1893^92 170.7 W67 WuNDT, W. M. Ethical systems; an inves- tigation of the facts and laws of the moral life 1897 170 W96 See also Hedonism; Utilitarianism Ethics and the "New education" Bryant, W: M. 370 B84e Ethics of the dust Euskin, John 549 E89 Ethno-geographic readers Starr, I'^ederiok American Indians 1904=1898 970.1 Stl Strange peoples 1902'=01 Ethnography See Ethnology 910 St2 ETHNOLOGY Peschel, Oscar Eaces of man and their geographical distribution 1882 572 P43 Eatzel, Friedrich History of mankind 1896 572 E82 EiPLEY, W:Z. Eaces of Europe, a sociologi- cal study 1899 572 E48 Selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe 1899 572 E48 Starr, Frederick Strange peoples 1902''01 910 St2 United States — Ethnology, Bureau of An- nual report, 1885-93 572 Un3 See also Archaeology; Aryans; Folk lore; Indians of North America; Language; Mythology Etienne See Estienne ETIQUETTE Dewey, Mrs J. M. How to teach manners in the school-room 1888 (Read- ing circle library) 395 D51 Emerson, E. W. Behavior (see his Con- duct of life 1893«60'88 p.161-189) 814.36 Em3 Gow, A. M. Primer of politeness; a help to school and home government 1883 395 G74 King, E. M. School etiquette (see his School interests and duties "^1894 p,189- 206) 371c K58 Starrett, H. E. Letters to a daughter 1892 395 St2 ETON COLLEGE Eton (see Our pubUc schools 1881 p.1-67) 373.42 Ou7 Eton college (see Great public schools n.d. p.1-59) 373.42 G79 Lyte, H:C. M. History of Eton college, 1440-1875 1875 373.42 L99 EiMMER, Alfred Eambles round Eton and Harrow 1882 914.257 E46 Staunton, Howard Eton (see his Great schools of England 1865 p.1-61) 373.42 St2 Etting, Frank M. Historical account of the old state house of Pennsylvania now known as the Hall of independence Ed.2,enl. 222p.il.pl.O Phil.Porter,1891 974.81 Et7 Eucken, Rudolph Fundamental concepts of modern philosophic thought, critically and historically considered; tr. by M. S. Phelps . . . and an introduction by Noah Porter 304p.D N.Y.Appleton,1880 100 Eu2 EUCLID'S ELEMENTS Playfair, John ed. Elements of geometry containing the first six books of Euclid with a supplement on the quadrature of the circle and the geom- etry of solids to which are added ele- ments of plane and spherical trigonometry '1845 513 P69 EUGENIE (EUGEiNIA MAEIA DE MONTIJO DE GUZMAN) 1826- (?) Imbert db Saint-Amand, a. L. baron Louis Na- poleon and Mademoiselle de Montijo 1897 B N16 EUEIPIDES 480-406 B.C. Appleton. W:H. ed. Euripides (see Appleton, W:H. ed. Greek poets in English verse 1893 p.212- 250) 881 Ap5 Symonds, J: a. The fragments of -^schy- lus, Sophocles, Euripides (in Symonds, J: A. Studies of the Greek poets 1893 p.59-94) 881 Sy6 157 Greek tragedy and Euripides {in Sym- onds, J: A. Studies of Greek poets 1893 v.2,p.l-58) 881 Sy6 Thomson, A. D. Euripides and the Attic orators 1898 880 T38 Westcott, B. F. Euripides as a religious teacher (see Westcott, B. F. Essays in the history of religious thought in the West 1891 p.96-141) 204 W52 "BacchcB, The" Pater, W. H. Bacchanals of Euripides {see Pater, W. H. Greek studies 1895'=94 p.49-79) 884.89 P27 " Hippolytiis" Pater, W. H. Hippolytus veiled {see Pater, W. H. Greek studies 1895 p.157-194) 824.89 P27 EUROPE See also Mediterranean sea; also, The name of the country in Europe Colleges and universities Rashdall, Hastings Universities of Eu- rope in the middle ages 1895 378.4 R18 Commerce GiBBiNS, H: DE B. History of commerce in Europe 1891 {Elementary commercial class books) 380 G35 Economic conditions Cunningham, William Economic change {see Cambridge modern history The ren- aissance 1903'=02 p.493-531) 940.6 C14 Education Bache, a. D. Report on education in Eu- rope 1839 379.4 B12 MuLLiNGER, J. B. The schools of Charles the Great and the restoration of education in the ninth century 1877 370.94 M91 Northrop, B. G. Should American youth be educated abroad? {see his Education abroad and other papers 1873 p.5-76) 370.4 N81 Sonnenschein, Adolf Educational codes of foreign countries, being standards, pre- scribed by the Australian (south), Austrian, Belgian, German, Italian, and Swiss govern- ments; together with the directions for geographic teaching in the royal cadet corps of Prussia 1889 371b So5 History Andrews, C:M. Historical development of modem Europe 1896*98 940.9 An2 Airy, Osmund English restoration Louis XIV 1892 {Epochs of modern history) 940.7 Ai7 Bryce, James Holy Roman empire 1883 940 B84 Bury, J:B. History of the later Roman em- pire 1889 940.2 B95 Church, R:W. Beginning of the middle ages 1892 {Epochs of modern history) 940.2 C47 Creighton, Mandell Age of Elizabeth 1891 {Epochs of modern history) 940.5 C86 Emerton, Ephraim Medieval Europe, 814- 1300 1896'^94 940.3 Em3 Freeman, E:A: Chief periods of European history 1886 940 F87 General sketch of history '1896 {His- torical course for schools) 940 F87g Historical geography of Europe 1882 911.4 F87 History of Europe 1881 {History prim- ers) 940 F87h Froissart, Jean Chronicles 1904'=1895 940 F92 Fyffe, C:A. History of modern Europe, 1792-1878 1890 '91 940 F99 Hassal, Arthur Balance of power, 1715- 1789 N.y.Macmillan,1896 940.7 H27 HoDGKiN, Thomas Italy and her invaders 1892-99 937 H66 Johnson, A. H: Europe in the sixteenth century, 1494-1598 1897 {Periods of European history) 940.7 J63 Normans in Europe 1891 {Epochs of modem history) 940.3 J62 Ejngsley, Charles The Roman and the Teuton 1891'=64'91 940.1 K61 Lilly, W:S. Chapters in European history 1886 940 L62 EUR EUR 158 Lodge, Richard Close of the middle ages, 1273-1494 1901 {Periods of European history) 940.4 L82 History of modern Europe 1886 '96 940.5 L82 Mahan, a. T. Influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793-1812 940.8 M27 May, Sir T:E. Democracy in Europe, a his- tory 1891 342.4 M45 Mazzinx, Guiseppe Europe; its condition and prospects (see his Essays n.d. p.261-298) 854.89 M45 Morris, E : E. Age ^ of Anne 1891 (Epochs of modern history) 940.7 M83 Early Hanoverians modern history) 1891 (Epochs of 940.7 M83e Oman, C:W:C. Europe, 476-918 1893 (Periods of European history) 940 0ml Pennsylvania — University of Department of history Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history 1897 940 P38 Robertson, William View of the progress of society in Europe (in his History of the reign of Charles the Fifth 1856 '84 v.l,p.l-367) B C38 Rose, J:H. Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789-1815 1895 (Cambridge his- torical series) 940 R72 Sheppard, J:G. Fall of Rome and the rise of the new nationalities 1892 940.2 Sh4 Stephens, H:M. Europe, 1789-1815 1893 (Periods of European history) 940.8 St4 Stubbs, William On the characteristic dif- ferences between medieval and modern his- tory (see his Seventeen lectures on medi- eval and modern history 1887 p.238- 276) 904 St9 Thalheimer, M.. E. Manual of medieval and modern history «1874 940 T32 Tout, T:F: Empire and papacy,91 8-1273 1898 (Periods of European history) 940.4 T64 Wakeman, H:0. Europe, 1598-1715 1894 (Periods of European history) 940.7 W13 See also Crusades; Feudalism; Goths; Mid- dle ages; Normans; Northmen; Renais- sance; Thirty years' war Politics NicoL, David Progress of our political cul- ture in the national life of Europe (in his Political life of our time 1889 v.l, p.167-251) 320 N51 Public schools Klemm, L, R. European schools; or, What I saw in the schools of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland 1889 379.4 K67 Travel and description Burroughs, John An October abroad (see his Winter sunshine 1895"=75 p.131-235) 814.41 B94wi Carpenter, F. G: Europe 1902 (Geo- graphical readers) 914 C22 CoE, F. E. Modern Europe 1899'=92 (World and its people) 914 C65 Freeman, E:A: Historical geography of Europe 1882 911.4 F87 Rudler, F:W: and Chisholm, G:C. Europe (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel) • 914 R83 Europe In Africa in the nineteenth century Latimer, Mrs M.. E.. (Wormeley) 960 L34 European civilization Balmes, J. L. 282 B21 EUROPEAN LITERATURE Elton, Olivee Augustan ages 1899 (Periods of Euro- pean literature) 809 EI8 Emerson, R. W. Europe and European books (see his Natural history of the in- tellect Papers from the Dial 1894<'93 p.225-237) 814.36 Em3n Hallam, Henry Introduction to the litera- ture of Europe 1870 '74 809 H15 Hannay, David Later renaissance 1898 (Periods of European literature) 809 H19 Merz, J:T. History of European thought in the nineteenth century 1896 809 M55 169 y.UNTSBURY, G:E:B. Flourishing of ro- mance and the rise of allegory 1897 (Periods of European literature) 809.3 Sa2 Shell, F:J: Fourteenth century 1899 {Periods of European literature) 809 Sn2 See also Romance literature European thought in the nineteenth century Mebz, J:T. History of European thought in the nineteenth century 1896 809 M55 EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION Spreng, S:P. History of the Evangelical association {see Tyler, B:B. and others History of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren and the Evan- gelical association 1894 p.383-439) 289 T97 Evangeline Whittiek, J:G. {in his Prose works 1893«66'83 v.3,p.365-373) 814.39 W61 Evans, Edward Fayson Evolutional ethics and animal psychology 386p.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1898'97 170.9 Evl Evans, George A. ed. Handbook of historical and geographical phthisiology . . . 295p.O N.Y.Appleton,1888 616.24 Evl Evans, George Q. ed. Illustrated history of the United States mint . . . with a descrip- tion of American coinage . . . New ed. enl. 179p.pl.O Phil.Evans,1892<=85 332.4 Evl Evans, Marian See Eliot, George pseud. Evans, William L. Memory training; a com- plete and practical system for developing and confirming the memory 275p.D N.Y. Bames,1889 154 Evl Eve, Henry Weston On marking {see Eve, H:W. Sidgwick, Arthur and Abbott, E. A. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education 1883 p.l- 28) 371b Ev2 Sidgwick, Arthur and Abbott, E. A. Three lectures on subjects connected with the prac- tice of education . . . 96p.S Cambridge university press,1883 {Pitt press series) 371b Ev2 Contents: — On marking, by H:W. Eve; On stimulus, by Arthur Sidg-wick; On the teaching of Latin verse composition, by B. A. Abbott EVELYN, JOHN 1620-1706 Evelyn, John Diaiy and correspondence; ed. by William Bray New ed. enl. 4y.por.pl.D Lend. BeU,1889'91 {Bohn library) B Ev2 Everett, Charles Carroll Fichte's "Science of knowledge " ; a critical exposition Ed. 2 287p.D Chic.Grigg8,1892<=84 {German philosophical classics) 193.3 Ev2 Everett, J. D. ed. Deschanel, A. P. Ele- mentary treatise on natural philosophy 1883 530 D45 Everyday English Rankin, J. S. 372.6 R16 Everyday EngUsh White. R:G. 425 W58 Everk- man (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l,p.93-142) 822.08 D66 EVIDENCE Spencer, Herbert The valuation of evidence {in his Essays; scientific, l>oli1ical and speculative 1891 v.2,p.l61- 167) 824.89 Sp3 EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY See Chris- tianity — Evidences EVTL SPIRITS See Demonology EVOLUTION Chamberlain, A. F. Bibliog- raphy {see his Child; a study in the evo- lution of man 1900) 575 C35 The child; a study in the evolution of man 1900 {Contemporary science series) 575 C35 Cope, E. D. Origin of the fittest; essays on evolution 1887'86 575 C79 Darwin, C:R. The origin of species by means of natural selection; or, The preser- vation of favored races in the struggle for Ufe 1905 575 D25 Hutton, F:W. Darwinism and Lamatckism, old and new 1899 575 H97 James, William Great men and their en- rironment {see his Will to believe and other essays 1898 p.216-254) 104 J23 Jordan, D. S. Factors in organic evolution 1895 575 J76 Le Conte, Joseph Evolution; its nature, its evidences and its relation to religious thought 1892*88 '91 213 L49 EVO EVO 160 MiVART, St George Evolution and its con- sequences (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2,p.60-102) 824.89 M69 RoYCE, JosiAH Natural law, ethics, and evolution (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p.125-139) 104 E81 Spencer, Herbert A countercriticism (in his Essays; scientific, political and specula- tive.:; 1891 v.l,p.467-478) 824.89 Sp3 The development hypothesis (in his Es- says; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.l,p.l-7) 824.89 Sp3 The factors of organic evolution (in his Essays; scientific, political and specula- tive 1891 v.l,p.389-466) 824.89 Sp3 Watson, John The idealistic interpretation of natural evolution (see his Christianity and idealism 1897 p.216-236) 204 W33 Williams, C. M. A review of the systems of ethics founded on the theory of evolu- tion 1893 '92 170 W67 See also Color of animals; Creation; Dar- winian theory of evolution; Environment; Heredity; Man; Natural selection; Eeligion and science; Species, Origin of; Variation (Biology); also, Darwin, C:R. Evolution and effort Kelly, Edmond 172 K29 Evolution and theology and other erer. Otto Evolution of Dodd Smith, W:H. Jevons, W:S. Cram (see his Methods of social reform 1883 p.82-100) 304 J53 Latham, Henry On the action of examina- tions; considered as a means of selection 1877 378.24 L34 Laurie, S. S: Examinations, emulation and competition (see his Occasional addresses on educational subjects 1888 p.144-163) 370.4 L37 Morgan, T:J. Examinations (see his Studies in pedagogy 1890*88 p.239-250) 371a M82 Playfair, Sir Lyon On teaching universi- ties and examining boards (see his Sub- jects of social welfare 1889 p.373-368) 304 P69 Todhunter, Isaac Competitive examina- tions (see his Conflict of studies and other essays on subjects connected with edu- cation 1873 p.32-64) 370.4 T56 White, E. E. Promotions and examinations in graded schools (United States — Edu- cation, Bureau of Circular of informa- tion) 370.6 UnS EXCHANGE Jevons, W:S. Money and the mechanism of exchange 1893 (Interna- tional scientific series) 332 J53 See also Money Exercise See Physical Education Pfleid- Exercises for the improvement of the senses 201 P47 Grant, Horace 372.3 G76 Exeter 1890 His- 942.3 F87 813 Sm5 Exeter Freeman, E:A toric towns) Evolution of English lexicography Murray, J. A. H. 820.3 M96 Exiles to Siberia See Siberia — Exiles Ewald, Alexander Charles ed. Congreve, William Plays n.d. 822.46 C76 Examination of the nature of the state Wil- loughby, W. W. 320.1 W68 EXAMINATIONS Hadley, A. T. Use and control of examinations (see his Educa- tion of the American citizen 1902 p.l91- 209) . 320 H41 Inspection and examination of schools (i/n International health exhibition Health ex- hibition literature 1884 v.l3,p.230-336) 370.6 InS Expansion of England Seeley, Sir J:R. 342.42 Se3 Experiment in education Aber, M.. R. Allinq- An experiment in education; also the ideals which inspired it and were inspired by it 1897 371a Ab3 Experimental science series 1886=78 Mayer, A. M. Sound 534 M45 and Barnard, Charles Light 1884*77 535 M451 EXPRESSION Darwin, C:R. The expression of the emotions in man and animals 1873 138 D25 161 MANTEOAiaA, Paolo pression 1890 series) Physiognomy and ex- {Contemporary science 138 M31 See also Physiognomy; Bhetorie EXTEMPORE SPEAKING Bautain, L:E. Art of extempore speaking 1894^58 808.5 B32 EYE, THE C!oHN, Hkbmann Hygiene of the eye in schools pref.1883 371.72 C66 Le Coxte, Joseph Sight; an exposition of the principles of monocolar and binocular vision 1881 {IntemationcU scientifie se- ries) 535.7 L49 Leland, C:G. Eye memory (see his Prac- tical education 1888 p.185-213) 607 L53 See ttUo Blind; Ck>Ior-blindness ; Light; Sight EYESIGHT Calhoun, A. W, The affects of student life upon the eyesight 1881 ( United States — Editcation, Bureau of Ctr- cular of information) 370.6 UnS FABLES ^sop Fables 1890«84 888.6 ^8 La Fontaine, Jean de Fables 1903 841.45 L13 Mueller, F:M. On the migration of fables {in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.4,p.l39-198) 824.89 M91 Fact and fable in psychology Jastrow, Joseph 133 J31 FACTORY SYSTEM Taylor, E. W. C. Intro- duction to the history of the factory sys- tem 1886 670.9 T21 Facts of the moral life Wundt, William 170 W96 Fahie, J. J. Galileo; his life and work 451p. il.por.pl.facsim.O N.Y.Pott,1903 B G13 Faience See Pottery Fairbaim, Andrew Martin Calvin and the Re- formed church (see Cambridge modem history The reformation 1904 p.342- 376) 940.7 C14 Tendencies of European thought in the age of the reformation (see Cambridge modem history The reformation 1904 p.690- 718) 940.7 C14 Fairbanks, Arthnr tr. Riehl, A. Principles of the critical philosophy; introduction to the theory of science and metaphysics 1894 101 R44 FAIRFAX, THOMAS Markhax, C. R. Fairfax 1870 baron 1612-1671 life of the great Lord B F15 Fairholt, Frederick William Costume in Eng- land; a history of dress from the earliest period until the close of the 18th century, to which is appended an illustrated glossary of terms for all articles of use or ornament worn about the person Ed.2 607palJ) Lond.Chapman,1860 391 F15 FAIRMOUNT PARK (Philadelphia) Rhoades, L. I. Fairmount park (see her Story of Philadelphia "1900 p.348-378) 974.8 R34 Fairyland of science Pisher, Mrs A. B. (Buck- ley) 504 F53 FAIRY TALES Bunce, J:T. Fairy tales; their origin and meaning, with some account of dwellers in fairyland 1878 398.4 B88 Hartland, E:S. English ' fairy and other folk-tales n.d. (Camelot series) 398.4 H25 Science of fairy tales 1891 (Contem- porary science series) 398.4 H2Sb Laboulayx, E. R. Lefebre- 1885«84 Last fairy tales 843.69 Llll RusKiN, John n.d. King of the golden river 398.4 R89 See also Folk lore Bibliography Crane, T:F: Bibliography (see his Ital- ian popular tales 1885 p.19-28) 398.3 085 FAI FAI 162 IIartland, E. S. Bibliography (see his Science of fairy tales 1891 p.353-365) 398.4 H25 FAITH Baker, J. H. Psychology of faith (see his Education and life 1900 p,172- 186) 370.4 BIT See also EeUgion; Theology Faith and the future Mazzini, Guiseppe (see his Essays n.d. p.7-58) 854.89 M45 Faivre, Emile Enseignement du travail manuel a I'ecole primaire . . . llSp.il.D Par. Hachette,1887 607 ri7 FALCKNER, JUSTUS 1672-1744 Sachse, J. F: Justus Falckner, mystic and scholar 1903 B ri8 Falkenberg, Richard History of modern phil- osophy from Nicolas of Cusa to the present time; tr. by A. C, Armstrong, jr 655p.O N.Y.Holt,1893 109 F18 Falkland, Viscount See Gary, Lucius Falkner, Eoland Post ed. Statistical docu- ments of the middle ages (in Pennsyl- vania, University of Translations and re- prints from the original sources of Euro- pean history 1897 v.3,no.2) 940 P38 Fall of the house of Usher and other tales and prose writings Poe, E. A. 818.39 P75 Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe, 1678-1697 Hale, Edward 942.06 H13 FALLOUX, ALFRED FREDERIC PIERRE 1811-1886 comte DE "Memoirs of a royalist" Mivaet, St George Memoirs of a royalist (in Mivart, St George Es- says and criticism 1892 p.95-150) 824.89 M69 Fallows, Samuel Progressive supplemental dic- tionary of the English language; a supple- ment to all standard dictionaries of the United States and Great Britain 508p.pl.Q Chiclnterstate publishing co,1886 R423 F19 Familiar studies of men and books Stevenson, E. L: 824.89 St4 Family names See Names Famous allegories Baldwin, James 820.8 B19 Famous American Indians; by G:C. Eggleston and L. E. Seelye Brant and Red Jacket Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico Pocahontas Red Eagle Tecumseh, and the Shawnee prophet Famous women of the French court See Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. baron Far east See East, The Faraday, Michael A course of six lectures on the chemical history of a candle, to which is added a lecture on platinum ... ed. by William Crookes 223p.il.S N.Y.Harper, n.d. 541 F22 Observations on mental education (see Royal institution of Great Britain Lectures on education 1885 p.37-88) 370.4 E81 Observations on the education of the judgment (see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881<^67 p.165-224) 375.5 Y8 1791-1867 Thorpe, T:E: Michael Fara- day (see Thorpe, T:E: Essays in his- torical chemistry 1894 p.142-159) 540.9 T39 Farmers ' tariff manual Strange, Daniel 337 St8 Farming See Agriculture Famham, Amos W. Oswego normal method of teaching geography . . . 127p.D Syra- cuse,Bardeen,1896 910.7 F23 Farnham, George L. Sentence method of teach- ing reading, writing and spelling; a manual for teachers Ed.2 51p.D Syracuse, Bardeen,1887'^81 372.4 F23 67p.S Syracuse,Bardeen,1881 372.4 F23s FARRAGUT, DAVID GLASGOW 1801-1870 Frothingham, J. p. Admiral David Glas- gow Farragut (see Frothingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut 1905 <^02 p.333-396) 9 F93 Mahan, a. T. Admiral Farragut 1895«92 (Great commaruders) B F24 Farrand, Elizabeth M. History of the Univer- sity of Michigan 300p.D Ann Arbor, Register publishing house,1885''84 378.774 F24 Farrar, Frederic William Great books Ed.4 311p.por.D N.Y.Crowell,'=1898 824.89 F24 Contents: — Great books; John Bunyan; Shakespeare; Dante; Milton; Imitation of Christ 163 Language and languages, being "Chapters on language ' * and ' ' Families of speech ' ' 411p.pl.D N.Y.Dutton,1878 401 F24 Liife of Christ 535p.pl.D N.Y.Burt,n.d. 232 F24 On Greek and Latin verse-composition as a general branch of education (see his Es- says on a liberal education 1868 p.205- 239) 370.4 F24 ed. Essays on a liberal education Ed.2 384p.O Lond.MacmilIan,1868 370.4 F24 Contents: — On the history of classical education, by C:S. Parker; Theory of clas- sical education, by Henry Sidgwick; Liberal education in universities, by John Seeley; On teaching by means of grrammar, by EJ. E. Bowen; On Greek and Latin verse-com- position as a general branch of educa- tion, by F:W: Farrar; On teaching natural science in schoo's, by J. M. Wilson; The teaching of English, by J. W. Hales; On the education of the reasoning faculties, by W. Johnson; On the present social results of classical education, by Lord Houghton Farrell, Joseph Lectures of a certain professor 325p.D Lond.MacmiIlan,1877 824.89 F24 Contents: — About day-dreams; About cer- tain new beginners; About books; About sympathy; About money; Seedlings; About the commonplace; About conversation; About happiness; About success; About character; About culture; Judith; About knowledge of the world; About life; About illusions; About experience; Episcopus lo- quitur; About self-possession; About inde- pendence; About Impartiality; About youth Farrer, Thomas Henry Farrer 6aron State in its relation to trade ISlp.D Lond.Mac- niillan,1883 (English citizen series) 380 F24 Fatal marksman DeQuincey, Thomas (see his Romances and extravaganzas '1856 '77 p.411-443) 824.81 D44r Pate Emerson, R. W. (see his Conduct of life 1893'-80'88 p.7-52) 814.36 Em3 FATHERS OF THE CHURCH Jackson, G:A. Fathers of the 3rd century 1895*81 (Early Christian literature primers) 281.3 J13 Post Nicene Greek Fathers 1883 (Early Christian literature primers) 281.4 J13 Post Nicene Latin Fathers 1893'83 (Early Christian literature primers) 281.4 J13p Newman, J:H: cardinal Church of the Fathers (tn his Historical sketches 1894 v.2,p.l-210) 904 N46 See Apostolic fathers; Saints; also, Augus- tine, Saint (Aurelius Augustinus) ; Chrys- ostom, St. John; Clement of Alexandria; Origen Faucit, Helen (Lady Martin) On some of Shakespeare 's female characters . . . Ed. 5 410p.por.O Ed.Blackwood,1893 822.33 P27 Fauna See also Animals; Zoology Faust Goethe, J. W. von 832.62 G71 Fay, Edwin Whitfield The history of education in Louisiana 264p.O Wash.Gov 't.pr.o. 1898 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Fayence See Pottery FEAR Mosso, Akgelo Fear 1896 . 157 M85 Fearon, Daniel Robert School inspection 93p. D Loud.Macniillan,1876 371b F31 Federalist, The; a collection of essays, written in favor of the new constitution as agreed upon by the Federal convention, September 17, 1787, reprinted from the original text; ed. by H:B. Dawson 615p.O N.Y.Scrib- ner,*1864 (University edition) 342.73 F31 Federbeld, Fritz Ingglish az she iz spelt 93p. T N.Y.Carleton,1885 421 F31 FEEBLE-MINDED See also Idiocy Education Seouin, Edward Education of idiots and feeble-minded children (see his Report on education 1880 p.84-112) 370.6 Se3 i'EEiJNGS See Emotions Felipe II See Philip II Felkin, Henry M. Technical education in a Saxon town 76p.iI.pl.O Lond.Paul,1881 607 F33 and Felkin, Emmie tr. Herb art, J:P: Ijetters and lectures on education 1898 370.1 H41 Science of education 1893 370.1 H4l8 FEL FEL IM FELLENBERG, EMANUEL VON 1771-1844 Payne, Joseph Emanuel von Fellenberg (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the his- tory of education 1892 p.97-114) 370.9 P29 Fellows, G. S. Bibliography of mnemonics, 1325-1888 (see Middleton, A. E. Mem- ory systems, new and old 1888 p.ll5- 139) 154 M58 Fellows, Stephen N. ed. Watts, Isaac Im- provement of the mind «1886 370 W34 Felmley, David Culture epochs (in Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.l26- 129) 370.6 H41 Felton, C. C. tr. Guyot, Aenold Earth and man 1884«49 551 G99 FELTRE, VITTORINO DA 1378-1446 Wood- ward, W:H. Vittorino da Feltre (see Woodward, W:H. Vittorino da Feltre and other humanist educators 1897 p.1-92) 370.9 W87 Female See Woman Female offender Lombr6so, Caesar and Ferrero, William 364 L83 FENELON (FRANgOIS DE SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE-FENELON) 1651-1715 Lamak- TiNE, Alphonse Marie Louis Life of Fenelon (see Fenelon Adventures of Telemachus 1895 115p.) 843.59 F35 Adventures of Telemachus; tr. by Dr Hawkes- worth with a life of Fenelon by Lamartine, and an essay on his genius and character by Villemain . . . ed. by A. W. Wight 559p.D Bost.Houghton,1895«59 '87 843.59 F35 Les aventures de Tel6maque, fils dTJlysse; ed. by Louis Fasquelle 389p.D N.Y.American book co,'=1859 843.59 F351 MuNROE, J. P. The Janseniats and Fenelon (see Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.124-152) 370.9 M92 Villemain, A. F. Essay on the character and genius of Fenelon (see Fenelon Ad- ventures of Telemachus 1895 p.ll 7-137) 843.59 F35 FENTON, ELIJAH 1683-1730 Johnson, Samuel Fenton (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.4,p.51-63) 9 J62 Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain See Spain — History Fergusson, James History of architecture in all countries . . . 2v.il.O N.Y.Dodd,n.d. 720.9 F38 Femald, James Champlin Connectives of Eng- lish speech; the correct usage of preposi- tions, conjunctions, relative pronouns, and adverbs explained and illustrated 324p.D N.Y.Funk,1904 428 F39 English synonyms and antonyms with notes on the correct use of prepositions . . . Ed. 13 564p.D N.Y.Funk,''1896 (Stand- ard educational series) 424 F39 FERNS Wright, Mrs M. O. in their haunts 1901 Flowers and ferns 580 W93 FERRAR, NICHOLAS 1593-1637 Carter, T: T. ed. Nicholas Ferrar; his household friends 1893 B F41 Ferrero, William and Lombroso, Cesare Female offender 1895 364 L83 Ferrier, David Functions of the brain . . . Ed.2,enl. 498p.il.O N.Y.Putnam,1886 612.82 F41 Ferris, Benjamin History of the original set- tlements on the Delaware from its discovery by Hudson to the colonization under Wil- liam Penn, to which is added an account of the ecclesiastical affairs of the Swedish set- tlers and a history of Wilmington from its first settlement to the present time 312p. pl.maps,0 Wilmington, Wilson,1846 975.1 F41 FERTILIZATION OF PLANTS Doubleday, Mrs N. B. (De Graff) Nature's garden an aid to knowledge of our wild flowers and their insect visitors 1905 582 D74 FERTILIZERS Voorhees, E:B. Fertilizers; the source, character and composition of natural, home-made and manufactured fer- tilizers and suggestions as to their use for different crops and conditions 1905*1898 (Sural science series) 631 V89 Fetridge, W. Pembroke Rise and fall of the Paris commune in 1871 with a full account of the bombardment, capture and burning of the city 516p.por.maps,D N.Y.Har- per,1871 944.08 F43 FEUDALISM Abdy, J:T: Feudalism; its rise, progress and consequences 1890 940.3 Ab3 IM LiOKD, John Feudal system (in Lord, John Beacon lights of historj ^883 '96 v.2, p.327-362) 904 L88 See also Middle ages Flchte, Immanuel Hermann von The national education demanded by the age (see Barn- ard, Henry ed. German pedagogy 1876 p.59-62) 370.8 B26 KCHTE, JOHANN GOTTLIEB 1762-1814 Adamson, Robert Fichte 1881 (Phil- osophical classics for English readers) B19 F44 Smith, William Memoir of Fichte (see Fichte, J:G. Popular works 1873 p.l- 32) 193.3 F44 Popular works; with a memoir by WiUiam Smith 564p.O Lond.Trubner,1873 193.3 F44 Contents: — Nature of the scholar; Voca- tion of man; Doctrine of religion Browning, Oscar Kant, Fichte, and Her- bart (see Browning, Oscar Educational theories 1882 p.165-180) 370.9 B82 "Science of knowledge" Everett, C.:C. Fichte 's "Science of knowledge"; a critical exposition 1892=84 (German philosoph- ical classics) 193.3 Ev2 FICTION Brewer, E. C. Readers' handbook of allusions, references, plots and stories 1883 R803 B75r Matthews, Brandek Study of fiction (see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.173-212) 814.49 083 MouLTON, R:G. ed. Four years of novel reading 1895 804 M86 RusKiN, John Fiction, fair and foul (see his Ethics of the dust 1894 p.151-219) 549 R89 See also Fables; Fairy tales; Legends Fictitious names See Pseudonyms Field, Eugene Holy Cross and other tales 293p.D N.Y,Scribner,1896'93 813.49 F45 The house; an episode in the lives of Reuben Baker, astronomer, and his wife, Alice 268p.D N.Y.Scribner,1896 813.49 F45h Little book of profitable tales 286p.D N.Y. Scribner,1896 813.49 F451 Little book of western verse Scribner,1896«89 202p.D N.Y. 811.49 F45 Love affairs of a bibliomaniac 253p.D N.Y. Scribner,1896 813.49 F451o Second book of tales ner,1896 Second book of verse ner,1896 Songs and other verse . . Scribner,1896 With trumpet and drum Scribner,1896 314p.D N.Y.Scrib- 813.49 F45b 260p.D N.Y.Scrib- 811.49 F45b 217p.D N.Y. 811.49 F45S0 126p.D N.Y. 811.49 F45w and Field, Boswell Martin Echoes from the Sabine farm 149p.O N.Y.Scribner, 1895<^92 811.49 F45e Field, Nathaniel Amends for ladies (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.ll,p.87-172) 822.08 D60 (see Nero and other plays n.d. p.413-488) 822.39 N35 Woman is a weather-cock (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.ll,p.l-86) 822.08 D66 (see Nero and other plays n,d. p.337-411) 822.39 N35 1587-1633 Ward, A. W: End of the old drama (in his History of English dramatie literature 1899 v.3,p.47-51) 822.09 W21 Field and hedgerow Jefferies, J:R: 824.89 J35 Field, sports See Hunting; Sports FIELDING, HENRY 1707-1754 Dobson, Austin Fielding n.d. (English men of letters) B B91 Bound with lives of Burke by John Mor- ley and of Macaulay by J. C. Morison Lowell, J. R. Fielding (see Lowell, J. R Literary and political addresses 1894*86 '90 p.51-67) 814.39 L951 RAiiEiGH, Walter Richardson and Fielding (see Raleigh, Walter English novel 1894 p.140-179) . 823 R13 FIESOLE, GIOVANNI ANGELICO DA (FRA ANGELICO) 1387-1455 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Monks of San Marco FIE FIF 166 The angelical painter {see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of Florence 1892 '76 '91 p.194-221) 945,5 013 Piftj years in a Maryland kitchen Howard, Mrs B. C. 641 H83 FieusE oi!' THE EARTH See Greodesy FILIBUSTERS See Buccaneers Filmer, Sir Eotert Patriarcha; or, The natural power of kings {see Locke, John Two treatises on civil government 1887 p.9- 73) 320.1 L79 FINANCE See also Banks and banking; Bi- metallism; Commerce; Exchange; Money; Tariff; Taxation; Wealth; also, The name of the country, sub-division. Finance Bibliography CossA, LuiGi Bibliography of the science of the finances {see his Taxation ISQS'SS p.181-193) 336.2 C82 Finck, Henry Theophilus Chopin and other musical essays 273p.D N.Y.Scribner, 1897'=89 780.4 F49 Contents: — Chopin, the greatest genius of the pianoforte; How composers worlt; Schu- mann, as mirrored in his letters; Music and morals; .Italian and German vocal styles; German opera in New York Wagner and his works; the story of his life ... Ed. 5 2v.por.O N.Y.Scribner, 1898'=93 B W12 Finding lists See Library catalogs Findlay, J. J. Principles of class teaching 442p.D Lond.Macmillan,1902 371a F49 ed. Arnold of Eugby; his school life and contributions to education with an introduc- tion by the Bishop of Hereford 262p.D Cambridge university pre8s,1897 B37 Ar6 Findley, William Histoiy of the insurrection in the four western counties of Pennsyl- vania in . . . 1794, with an historical review of the previous situation of the coun- try 328p.O Phil.Smith,1796 974.8 F49 Fine-art library; ed. by J:C. L. Sparkes Ches- NEAU, ERNEsr Education of the artist 1886 707 C42 COLLIGNON, Maxime Manual of Greek ar- chaeology 1886 709.38 C69 Delaborde, Henry vicomte Engraving 1886 760 D37 Fine arts See Art Finger plays Poulsson, Emilie 372,2 P86 FINGER PRINTS Galton, Francis Deci- pherment of blurred finger prints 1893 573 G13 Finger prints 1892 573 G13f FINITE DIFFERENCES Boole, George A treatise on the calculus of finite differences 1880 517.6 B64 Fink, Karl A brief history of mathematics; an authorized translation by W. W. Beman and D:E. Smith 333p.D Chic.Open court pub- lishing co,1900 510.9 F49 Finland — Literature See Kalevala FINLAY, GEORGE 1799-1875 " Greece under the Bomans" DeQuincey, Thomas Greece under the Romans {see his Essays in ancient history and antiquities "=1851 '76 p.337-376) 824.81 D44 Finlay, John Borland Ireland and the Irish; their Christianity, institutions, missions, mission fields and learning 264p.O Bost. Richardson,1895 {in Sanderson, Joseph Story of Saint Patrick 1895) B P27 FINNEY, CHARLES GRANDISON 1792-1875 Winship, a. E. Founders and benefactors of American colleges {see his Great Amer- ican educators -=1900 p.211-221) B39 W73 First and fundamental truths McCosh, James 110 M13 First book of knowledge Guthrie, Frederick 670 G98 First century of the republic Woolsey, T. D. and others 973 W88 First principles of knowledge Rickaby, John 110 R42 First school year Beebe, Katherine 372.2 B39 First three years of childhood Perez, Bernard 150.1 P41 First years in handicraft Kenyon, W. J. 372.5 K42 Firth, Charles Harding Oliver Cromwell and the rule of the Puritans in England 496p. il.por.pl.maps,D N.Y,Putnam,1904<=00 {Heroes of the nations) B CSS 107 A plea for the historical teaching of history , . . Ed. 2 32p.O Oxf .aarendon press, 190.") 907 F51 Pischer, Kuno Critique of Kant; tr. from the (Jernian by W. S. Hough 188p.O Lond. Sonnen8chein,1888 193,2 1^2 ' ' Franz Haco von Veruiam ' ' Mueller, F :M. Bacon in Germany {in Mueller, F:M. Chips from a German workshop 1890*92 v.3,p.217-231) 824.89 M91 Fiscber, W. L. F. tr. Vega, George von baron Logarithmic tables of numbers and trigonometrical functions 1896 510.8 V52 Fisher, Mrs Arabella Burton (Buckley) Fairy- land of science 244p.il.pl.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1884 504 F53 Contents: — The fairyland of science, how to enter it. how to use It, and how to en- joy It; Sunbeams and the work they do; The aerial ocean In which we live; A drop of water on Its travels; The two great sculptors — water and Ice; The voices of nature, and how we hear them; The life of a primrose; The history of a piece of coal; Bees In the hive; Bees and flowers Life and her children; glimpses of animal life from the amoeba to the insects 312p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1885 (2 copies) 592 F53 Moral teachings of science 122p.D N.Y. Appleton,1892 170 F53 Short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day . . . 467p.il.pl.O N.Y.Appleton,1884 509 F53 Through magic glas.ses and other lectures; a sequel to the fairyland of science 234p.il. pl.D X.Y.Appleton,1890 504 F53t Winners in life's race; or. The great back- boned family 367p.il.pl.D N.Y.Apple- ton,lS83 596 F53 Fisher, D. Havelock tr. Boissier. M. L:G. Country- of Horace and Virgil 1896 914.5 B63 Fisher, George Park Colonial era 348p.maps,D N.Y.Scribner,1892 (American history ae- ries) 973.2 F53 History of the Christian church 729p.maps,0 N.Y.Scribner,1888 270 F53 Outlines in universal history . . . 674p.maps, O N.Y.I\-ison,a885 909 F53 Reformation 620p.D N.Y.Scribner,1893«73 270.6 F5a ed. Early Christian literature primers' Fisher, Jasper Fuimus Troes (tn Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.445-536) 822.08 D6(J Fisher, John Alonzo Bibliography of church history (see White, A. D. and others Methods of teaching history 1896'=83'84 p.337-386) 907 W59 Fisher, Sydney George Evolution of the con- stitution of the United States 398pJ) Phil.Lippincott,1897 342.73 F53 Making of Pennsylvania ; an analysis of the elements of the population and the forma- tive influences that created one of the great- est of the American states 364p.map,D Phil.Lippincott,1896 974.8 F53 Men, women, and manners in colonial times 2v.pl.D Phil.Lippincott,1898 917.3 F53 Pennsylvania, colony and commonwealth 442p. maps,D Phil.Coates,1897 974.8 F53p The true Benjamin Franklin 369p.por.pl.fac- sim.O Phil.Lippincott,1899*98 {The "true" series) B F85f The true history of the American revolution 437p.por.pl.maps,0 Phil.Lippincott,1903«02 {The "true" series) 973.3 F53 FISHES Beax, T. H. 1893^92 Fishes of Pennsylvania 597 B37 Jordan', D:S. Science sketches 1896«87 597 J76 Sec also Aquarium; Fishing FISHING Walton Isaak Complete angler; or. Contemplative man 's recreation 1877 799 W17 Fiske, Amos Bidder The West Indies, a his- tory of the islands of the West Indian archi- pelago with an account of their physical characteristics, natural resources and pres- ent conditions 414p.pl.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1899 {Story of the nations) 972.9 F54 Fiske, John (Edmund Fiske Green) American political ideas; viewed from the standpoint of universal history 158p.D N.Y.Harper, 1885 321 P54 FIS FIS 1^ American revolution Houghton,1891 2v.por.maps,0 Boat. 973.3 F54 Beginnings of New England; or, The Puritan theocracy in its relations to civil and relig- ious liberty 296p.maps,0 Bost.Hough- ton,1889 974 F54 Critical period of American history, 1783-1789 Ed.3 368p.O Bost.H:oughton,1889 973.3 F54c Discovery of America; with some account of ancient America and the Spanish conquest 2v.il.por.pl.maps,0 Bost.Houghton,1893«92 973.1 F54 Dutch and Quaker colonies in America 2v. maps,0 Bost.Houghton,1899 974.7 F54 Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge 173p.D Bost.Houghton,1899«85 211 F54 Mississippi valley in the civil war 368p.maps,0 Bost.Hoiighton, 1900 973.7 F54 Myths and myth makers; old tales and super- stitions interpreted by comparative myth- ology Ed.21 251p.D Bost.Houghton, 1893'96«72 (2 copies) 398 F54 Old Virginia and her neighbors 2v.maps,0 Bost.Houghton,1897 975 F54 Outlines of cosmic philosophy based on the doctrine of evolution with criticisms on the positive philosophy 2v.O Bost.Houghton, 1903«1874 110 F54 War of independence 200p.S Bost.Hough- ton, 1893'=89 {Riverside library for young people) 973.3 F54w 1842- Williams, C. M. John Fiske {see Williams, C. M, Eeview of the systems of ethics 1893 p.77-82) 170 W67 and Wilson, J. J. ed. Appleton's cyclo- pedia of American biography 1887,1900 E9 Ap5 Fiske, Thomas Scott Functions of a complex variable {in Merriman, Mansfield and Woodward, E. S. ed. Higher mathe- matics 1896 p.226-302) 510.7 M55 Fitch, John Annals of the Army of the Cum- berland . . , with official reports of the bat- tle of Stone river and of the Chickamauga campaign 716p.il.por.pl.maps,0 Phil. Lippincott,1864 973.7 F55 Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling Lectures on teaching; delivered in the University of Cambridge . . . New ed. 393p.D Cambridge university pres8,1883 '97 (3 copies) 371a F55 Notes on American schools and training col- leges . . . 133p.S Lond.Macmillan,189« 379.73 F55 Primary education in the nineteenth century {see Eoberts, E. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.34-58) 370.4 E54 Thomas and Matthew Arnold and their influ- ence on English education 277p.D N.Y. Scribner,1897 {Great educators) B37 Ar7 Fitzgerald, Percy Life of Lawrence Sterne 2v.por.S Lond.Downey,1896 B St4 Fitz-Hugh, Thomas Philosophy of the humani- ties v.p.O Chic.University of Chicago press,1897 370.4 F57 Contents: — Evolution of culture; Peda- gogic aspect of culture-evolution; Organi- zation of the Latin humanities in the col- lege; Organization of the Latin humanities in secondary education Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James History of Spanish literature 423p.D N.Y,Appleton,1898 860.9 F58 Five gateways of knowledge Wilson, George 152 W69 Five years in an English university Bristed, C:A. 378.42 B77 Flagg, Ernest New York tenement-house evil and its cure {see Woods, E. A. and others Poor in great cities 1895 p.370-392) 331.8 W86 Flammarion, Camille Atmosphere; tr. from the French and ed. by James Glaisher 453p.iL pl.Q N.Y.Harper,1873 551.5 F61 FLEMISH AET Conway, Sir W: M. Early Flemish artists and their predecessors on the lower Ehine 1887 759.9 C76 Fletcher, Alfred Ewen ed. Sonnenschein 's cy- clopedia of education; a handbook of refer- ence on all subjects connected with educa- tion (its history, theory and practice), com- prising articles by eminent educational spe- cialists 562p.O Syracuse,Bardeen,1889 E370.3 F63 Fletcher, Charles Robert Leslie Gustavus Adol- phus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence 316p.il.raaps,D N.Y.Putnam, 1895<^90 {Heroes of the nations) B G97 tm Fletcher, Horace That last waif ; or, Social quar- antine 270p.O Chic.Kindergarten litera- ture co,'1898 371.97 F63 Fletcher, J. B. and Carpenter, 0:E. Introduction to theme-writing 136p.S Bo8t.Allyn,1893 808 F62 FLETCHEE, JOHN 1579-1625 GOSSE, E. W: Beaumont and Fletcher (see Gosse, E. W: Jacobean poets 1894 p.68-86) 821 G64 Lowell, J. R. Beaumont and Fletcher (see Lowell, J. R. Old English dramatists 1893 '92 p.100-112) 822 L95 Waed, a. W: Ward, A. W: ture 1899 Beaumont and Fletcher (in History of dramatic litera- v.2,p.643-764) 822.09 W21 and Beaumont, Francis Plays 1893 822.35 B38 Fletcher, S. S. F. and Browning, Oscar ed. Macniillan's manuals for teachers Fletcher, William Isaac and Bowker, B:B: ed. Annual literary index 1895-date R050 An7 and Poole, W:F: ed. Index to periodical literature 1882 R050 P78 Flight of a Tartar tribe De Quincey, Thomas (see his Narrative and miscellaneous papers =1854 '77 p.1-72) 824.81 D44n Flint, Robert History of the philosophy of his- tory 706p.O N.Y.Scribner,1894 901 F64 . Vico 232p.por.S Phil.Lippincott,1884 (Fhilosophical classics for English readers) B19 V66 FLOOD, HENRY 1732-1791 Lecky, W:E:H. Henry Flood (see Leckey, W:E:H. Lead- ers of public opinion in Ireland 1889 p.63-103) 941.5 L49 Floea iSee Botany FLORENCE Art Karoly, Karl Guide to the paintings of Florence 1893 708.5 K14 RusKiN, John Mornings in Florence 1894 704 R89m Swinburne, A. C: Notes on designs of the old masters at Florence (see his Essays and studies 1897 p.314-357) 824.89 Sw6 See also Church architecture; Painters; also, The name of the artist History Duffy, Bella Tuscan republics (Florence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca with Genoa) 1893 (Story of the nations) 945 D87 Green, J:R: Florence of Dante (see his Stray studies from England and Italy 1876 p.159-173) 824.89 G82 Machiavelli, Niccolo 1891 History of Florence 945.5 MIS Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of Florence 1892'=76'91 9 013 ViLLAKI, PaSQUALE Florentine history Two first centuries of 1895 945 V71 See also Medici, Lorenzo de; Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Travel and description Allen, C:G.B. Florence 1900 (Grant Allen's historical guide books) 914.5 A15 HuTTON, Laurence Literary landmarks of Florence 1897 914.55 H97 Stoddard, J:L. Florence 1898 v.8,p.l-112) (in his Lectures 910 ste Flourishing of romance and the rise of allegory Saintsbury, G:E:B. 809.3 Sa2 FLOWER LORE Friend, Hilderic A brief bibliography of flower lore (see his Flow- ers and flower lore 1892 v.l,p.9-16,pref.) 580 F91 FLOWERS Allen, C:G. B, Flowers and their pedigrees 1884 580.4 A15 Doubleday, Mrs N. B. (De Graff) Nat- ure's garden; an aid to knowledge of our wild flowers and their insect visitors 1906 582 D74 Friend, HiXiDERio Flowers and flower lore 1892 580 F91 Parsons, Mrs F.. T. (Smith) D. According to the season; talks about the flowers in the order of their appearance in the woods and fields 1894 580 P25 How to know the wild flowers 1893 581 P25b FLO FLO 170 Wright, Mrs M. O. Flowers and ferns in ¥ their haunts 1901 580 W93 See also Color of flowers; Fertilization of plants FLUXIONS See Calculus Flyers and crawlers Church, E. E. 595 047 FOLK LORE Chamberlain, A. F. Child and childhood in folk-thought 1896<^95 398.3 C35 Crane, T:F: Italian popular tales 1885 398.3 C85 CuRTiN, Jeremiah Creation myths of primitive America 1898 398.3 C94 FiSKE, John Myths and myth makers 1893 '96«^72 398 F54 Gould, Sabine Baring- middle ages 1889 Curious myths of the 398.2 G78 See also Arthur, Kingj Chivalry; Fairy tales; Legends; Mabinogeon, The; My- thology; Superstition; also, The name of the country Bibliography Chamberlain, C. F. Bibliography {see his Child and childhood in folk-thought 1896 •=95 p.405-434) 398.3 C35 Folk-lore of Shakespeare Dyer, T:F. T. 822.33 D98 Folsom, Charles F. Abstract of the statutes of the United States and of the several states and territories, relating to the custody of the insane (see Clouston, T:S. Clinical lect- ures on mental diseases 1884 p.435-550) 132 C62 Eelation of our public schools to the disorders of the nervous system {see Massachusetts emergency and hygiene association Six lectures upon school hygiene 1885 p.l61- 193) 371.7 M38 Fonblanque, Albany de How we are governed; a handbook of the constitution, government, laws and power of the British empire; ed. by W. J. Gordon Ed.l6 208p.pl.D Lond.Wame,1889 342.42 r73 Fonda, Arthur I. Honest money 209p.D N.Y. Macmillan,1895 332 F73 FoNTAiNfc See Port Eoyal education OOD Bell, James Chemistry of foods n.d. 543 B41 Blyth, a. W. Foods; their composition and analysis 1888 543 B62 Church, A. H. Food; a brief account of its sources, constituents and uses n.d. 643 C47 Knight, James Food and its functions 1895,1904 543 K74 Leffmann, Henry and Bean, William Se- lect methods in food analysis 1905 543 L52 Richards, Mrs E. H. (Sytallow) Food ma- terials and their adulterations 1886*85 {Household manuals) 643 R39 and Woodman, A. G. Air, water, and food from a sanitary standpoint 1904"00 613 R39 Smith, Edward Foods 1881 {Interna- tional scientific series) 643 Sm5 See also Bread; Cookery; Diet; Digestion; Hygiene ; Stimulants and narcotics ; Temper- ance Forbes, Archibald The Afghan wars, 1839-42 and 1878-80 Ed.3 337p.por.pl.map,0 Lond.Seeley,1896 958 F74 CoUn Campbell, Lord Clyde 222p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1895 {English men of ac- tion) B 015 Havelock 223p.por.map,D Lond.Macmil- lan,1891 {English men of action) B H29 Forbush, William Byron Boy problem, a study in social pedagogy 206p.tab.D Bost. Pil- grim press,'=1901 '02 372b F74 Force, Manning Ferguson From Port Henry to Corinth 204p.maps,D N.Y.Scribner,1881 {Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 F74 Force and energy See Energy Ford, Jeremiah Denis Matthias ed. Moratin, L. F. DE El si de las ninas =1899 862.42 •M79 Ford, John Plays; ed. by Havelock Ellis 471p.pl,D Lond.Vizetelly,1888 {Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.38 F75 1586 -after 1639 Jeffrey, Francis Dram- atic works of John Ford {see Jeffrey, Francis Selections from essays 1894 p.1-20) 824.73 J37 171 LowKLL, J. K. Massinger and Ford («er Lowell, J. B. Old English dramatists 1893*92 p.112-132) 822 L95 Swinburne, A. C: John Ford (see Swin- burne, A. C: Essays and studies 1897 p.276-313) 824.89 Sw6 Ward, A. W: End of the old drama (m his History of English dramatic literature 1899 v.3,p.71-89) 822.09 W21 Ford, Paul Leicester The true George Wash- ington 319p.por.pl.fac8im.O PhiLLippin- eott,1898'97 {The "true" series) B W27 FORD, RICHARD 1796-1858 Maxwell, Sir WiLLLiM Stirling Richard Ford {see Maxwell, Sir W:S. Miscellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.101-117) 824.89 M45 Ford lectures 1901 Plummer, Charles Life and times of Alfred the Great 1902 B A12 FOREIGN LANGUAGES Jespersen, J. O. H. How to teach a foreign language 1904 407 J49 See also The name of the language FOREIGNERS Lowell, J. R. On a certain condescension in foreigners {in his Liter- ary essays 1892 '94'60 '90 v.3,p.220-254) 814.39 L95 Forester, Thomas tr. Ordericus Vitalis Ec- clesiastical history of England and Nor- mandy 1853 274.2 Or2 FORESTS AND FORESTRY Houston, E. J. Outlines of forestry 1893 634.9 H81 NiSBET, John Studies in forestry . 1894 634.9 N63 I*iNCHOT, GlFFORD Primer of forestry 1899,1905 634.9 P65 RODWAY, James Story of forest and stream 1897 {Library of popular knowledge) 634 R61 Sargent, C. S. Woods of the United States 1885 582 Sa7 See also Trees Arbor day; Landscape gardening; Formation of the union Hart, A. B. 973 H25 Formation of vegetable mould Darwin, C:R. 595.1 D25 Fors, Andrew Peter The ethical world-concep- tion of the Norse people 57p.O ChicUni- versity of Chicago pre68,1904 293 F77 Fors cla\-igera Ruskin, John 704 B89 FoBT DU QuESNE See Pittsburg Fort Pitt and letters from the frontier Darling- ton, Mrs M.. C. ed. 974.8 D24 Fortescue, John William Dundonald 227p. por.pl.D Lond.Macmillan,1895 {English men of action) B D91 Fortnightly review, monthly, 1891 -date Lond. 1891 -date 052 F77 Fortunes of the republic Emerson, R. W. ($ee his Miscellanies 1893«78'83 p.393-425) 814.36 Em3m Fortunes of words Garlanda, Federico 425 G18 Forum, monthly, 1891-date v.ll-date,0 N.Y. n.d. 051 F77 Fossil men and their modem representatives Dawson, Sir J:W: 571 D32 Fossils See Paleobotany; Paleontology Foster, E. tr. Ranke, F. L. von Historj' of the popes 1887 282 R16 Foster, John Essay on the evils of popular ig- norance and a discourse on the communica- tion of Christianity to the people of Hin- doostan New ed. enl. 394p.D Lond. Bell,1876 377 F81 DeQuincey, Thomas John Foster {see De Quincey, Thomas Biographical and histor- ical essays «1853'77 p.348-355) 824.81 D44 Foster, Kate McCrea Elementary needlework; a suggestive manual for sewing in kinder- garten and primary schools . . . 138pal.D Bost.Prang educational co,'1896 (2 copies) 646 F81 Foster, Sir Michael Text-book of physiology Ed.4,enl. 784p.iLO Lond.Macmillan,1884 612 F81t and Balfour, F. M. Elements of embry- ology; ed. by Adam Sedgwick and Walter Heape 486p.il.D Lond.Macmillan,1896 591.3 FBI and Tracy, R. S. Physiology and hygiene 170p.il.S N.Y.American book co,1883 {Science primers) (2 copies) 612 F81 Foster, Robert Verrell Sketch of the history of the Cumberland Presbyterian church {see Gross, Alexander and others History of the Methodist church. South, the United Presbyterian church, the Cumberland Pres- FOS FOS irt byterian church and the Presbyterian church South in the United States 1894 p.257- 309) 285 A12 Foster-Barham, A. G. tr. Nibelungenlied n.d. 831.21 N51 Fothergill, John Milner The will power; its range in action Ed.3 184p.D N.Y. Pott,1887 159 F82 Fouill6e, Alfred Jules Emile Education from a national standpoint; tr. and ed. by W. G. Greenstreet, with a preface by W:T. Harris 332p.D N.Y.Appleton,1892 (Interna- tional education series) 373 F82 Foundation of death Gustafson, Axel 178 G97 Foundations of belief Balfour, A. J. 215 B19 Foundations of education Seeley, Levi 371b Se3 Fouqu6, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, baron de La Motte- See La Motte-Fouqu6, Friedrich Heinrich Karl baron de Four American universities 202p.il.pi.por.Q N.Y.Harper,1895 378.744 F82 Contents: — Harvard, by C:E. Norton; Tale, by A. T. Hadley; Princeton, by W: M. Sloane; Columbia, by Brander Matthews Four centuries of English letters Scoones, W. B. ed. 826 Scl Fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason Schopenhauer, Arthur 193.7 Sch6 Fourfooted Americans and their kin Wright, Mrs M. O. 599 W93 Four P. P. Heywood, John (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 187475 76 v.l,p.323-388) 822.08 D66 Pour years of novel reading Moulton, R:G. ed. 804 M86 FOURIER, FRANgOIS MARIE CHARLES 1772-1837 Ely, R:T. Fourier (see Ely, R:T. French and German socialism '1883 p.81-107) 335 E19 KiRKUP, Thomas Fourier (see Kirkup, Thomas History of socialism 1892 p.28- 87) 335 K63 Fourteenth century Snell, P. J. 809 Sn2 Fourteenth-century parson Jessop, Augustus (see his Random roaming and other papers 1893 p.122-166) 824.89 J49 Fowke, Fanny ed. Hill, F. D. Children of the state 1889 379.2 H55 Fowle, Thomas Welbank The poor law 175p. D Lond.Macmillan,1893<=81 '90 (English citizen series) 352.9 F82 Fowler, Thomas Locke 200p.S N.Y.Har- per,n.d. (English men of letters) . B G57 tound with lives of Goldsmith by William Black and of Gray by E. W: Gosse and Wilson, J:M. Principles of morals 1886-87 170 W69 Fowler, William Chauncey English grammar; the English language in its elements and forms, with a history of its origin and de- velopment . . . New ed. enl. 796p.O N.Y.Harper,1874'=55 425 F82 Fowler, William Warde Julius Csesar and the foundation of the Roman imperial system 384p.il.pl.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1895'91 (Heroes of the nations) B Cll FOX, CHARLES JAMES 1749-1806 Trevel- YAN, Sir G:0. baronet Early history of Charles James Fox n.d. B F83 Speech in the debate in parliament on the French overtures for peace, February 3, 1800 (see Clarke, William ed. Polit- ical orations from Wentworth to Macaulay n.d. p.232-280) 320.4 C55 FOX, GEORGE 1624-1691 Hodqkin, Thomas George Fox 1896 (Leaders of religion) B F83 Westcott, B. F. Modern efforts; the Quak- ers {see Westcott, B. F. Social aspects of Christianity 1888«87 p.117-134) 261 W52 FOX, HENRY RICHARD VASSALL (LORD HOLLAND) 1773-1840 Macaulay, T: B. baron Lord Holland (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and historical es- says 1889 v.3,p.274-286) 824.83 Mil Fox, William and Thomas, C:W. Practical course in mechanical drawing Ed.2,enl. 98p.il.D N.Y.VanNostrand,1901«1899 744 F83 Fea Anqelioo Set Fiesole, Giovanni Angelico da (Fra AngeUco) Frail children of the air Scudder, S:H. 595.78 Scu2f ITS FRANCE Taink, H. A. Ancient regime 1891 •76 (Origins of contemporary France) 944 T13 See also Angers; Normandy; Monial; Paray-le -Paris ; also, The name of the city Biography DoBSON, Austin Four French women n.d. 9 D65 Imbert de Saint-Amand, a. L. baron Wom- en of the Valois court 1893 9 Im2 Women of Versailles; court of Louis XIV 1893 9 Im2w Women of Versailles; court of Louis XV 1893 9 Im2wo Women of Versailles; last years of Louis XV 1893 9 Im2wom Characteristics of the people See French, The Colonies Norman, C. B. Colonial France 1886 325.44 N78 See also Corsica Education CoMPATBE, Gabriel Histoire critique dea doctrines de 1 'education en France depuia le seiziSme sifecle 1883 370.944 C73 CouRNOT, A. A: Des institutions d 'instruc- tion pubUque en France 1864 370.944 C83 DuMESNiL, Georges La pfidagogie r6volu- tionnaire (Bibliothiqtie pidagogique) 370.944 D89 Education in France 1881 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of infor- mation) 370.6 Un3 Richard, Ernest 1893 School system of France 379.44 R38 FOTJILLfiE, A. J. E. tional standpoint Education from a na- 1892 373 F82 Hamerton, p. G. Education (see his French and English; a comparison 1889 p.1-66) 914.4 H17 PiLLANS, James National education in Eng- land and France (see his Contributions to the cause of education 1856 p.129-166) 370.4 P64 Technical instruction in France 1882 ( United States — 3^ucation, Bureau of Cit' etUar of information) ' 370.6 Un3 See also Catholic church; France — Public schools; Jansenists; Jesuits; Port Royal; Sorbonne, University of; also, The name of the educator Foreign relations Rosenthal, Lewis America and 1882 France 321.8 R72 History DuRUY, Victor History of France GmzoT, F:P, G. '93 •1889 ■ 944 D93 History of France 1884 944 G94 Harrison, Frederic What the revolution of 1789 did; France in 1789 and 1889 (see his Meaning of history and other historical pieces 1902*1894 p.172-221) 904 H24 HASS.VLL, ARTHxni The French people 1901 (Great peoples' series) 944 H27 Jervis, W:H. History of France 1882 944 J48 KiNGSLEY, Charles The ancient regime (see his Historical lectures and essays 1885 p.133-234) 904 K61 Kitchin, G:W: History of France 1892 944 K64 Leathes, Stanley France (see Cam- bridge modem history The renaissance 1903*02 p.384-416) 940.6 C14 Masson, Gustave Story of medieval France 1891«88 (Story of the nations) 944.02 M38 Maxwell, Sir William Stirlino- Fall of two empires, 1814, 1870 (see his Mis- cellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.337-381) 824.89 M45 Montgomery, D. French history history series) H. Leading facts of 1889 (Leading facts of 944 M76 Morris, Charles Historical tales; the ro- mance of reality French 1893 944 MSB Perkins, J. B. France under Mazarin 1887 944 P41 FRA FRA 174 YoNGE, C M.. History of France n.d. (Historical course for schools) 944 Y8 History of France ers) 1882 (History prim- 944 Y8h See also Crusades; Franks, The; Gauls, The; Huguenots in France; also, Charles VIII; Du GuescUn, Bertrand; Francis 1; Frois- sart, Jean; Joan of Arc; Henry IV; Louis IX, Saint; Louis XIV; Louis XV; Louis Napoleon 1; Louis Philippe; Eichelieu History, Eevolution Burke, Edmund Keflections on the revolu- tion in France p.277-518) (in his Works 1894 826.52 B91 Carlyle, Thomas French revolution n.d. 944.04 C19 Parliamentary history of the French revo- lution (in his Critical and miscellane- ous essays n.d. v.3,p.377-399) 824.82 C19 Dabney, R:H. Causes of the French revolu- tion 1889'^88 944.04 Dll DoLLiNGER, J: J. I. VON Various estimates of the French revolution (see his Addresses on historical and literary subjects 1894 p.255-268) 834.89 D69 Lilly, W:S: Century of revolution 1889 944 L62 McCarthy, J.. H. French revolution 1890 944 M12 Mallet, C:E: French revolution 1893 944 M29 MiCHELET, Jules History of France 1882 944 M58 MiGNET, F. A:M. History of the French rev- olution from 1789-1814 1885 944.04 M58 Morris, W:0. French revolution and first empire; an historical sketch 1893' (Epochs of modern history) 944.04 M8o Lilly, W:S: The principles of '89 (in his Chapters ip European history 1886 v.2,p.l96-247) 940 L62 Salamon, Louis-Sifferin de Unpublished memoirs of the Internuncio at Paris during the revolution, 1790-1801 1896 B Sa3 Stephens, H:M. History of the French rev- olution 1886«91 944.04 St4 See also Corday, d'Armans, M. A. C; Jac- obins; Marie Antoinette; Mirabeau; Ro- land de la Platiere (Manon Jeanne Phili- pon) History, 1789-1900 Hurlbert, W:H: 1890 France and the republic 944.08 H93 Imbert de Saint Amand, A. L. baron France and Italy 1899 944.07 Im2 Revolution of 1848 1895 944.06 Im2 Latimer, E.. W. France in the 19th century 1896=92 944.08 L34 Lebon, AndriS Modern France, 1789-1895 • 1898''97 {Story of the nations) 944 L49 Mahan, a. T. Influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire, 1793- 1812 1893<^92 940.8 M27 March, Thomas History of the Paris com- mune of 1871 1896 944.08 M33 Rose, J:H. Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789-1815 (Cambridge historical se- ries) 940 R72 SiBORNE, William Waterloo campaign,1815 1895 944.05 Sil See also Angouleme, Duchesse d' (Marie Therese Charlotte); Blanc, J. J. C:L.; Na- poleon I; Napoleon III; Normandy See Literature French literature Politics and government Bagehot, Walter Cassarism as it existed in 1865 (in his Literary studies 1895 v.3, p.72-79) _ 824.89 B14 Letters on the French coup d'6tat of 1851 (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.3,p.l-71) 824.89 B14 Bodley, J:E:C. France 1898 342.44 B63 Machiavelli, Nicolo state of France (see Machiavelli, Nicolo The prince and other pieces 1893 p.270-296) 321 MIS Wilson, Woodrow^ The government of France (see his The state 1889 p.l76- 226) 350.9 W69 17S See also Commune of Paris, 1871 ; France — Foreign relations; also, Falloux, Alfred Fr6d6ric Pierre, comte de Public schools Chalambt, R. E. L'6cole matemSUe; 6tude sur 1 'Education des petits enfants 1883 (Bibliotheque pedagogique) 379,44 C35 Ladbeyt, Marie-Casimir L 'instruction pub- lique en France et les 6coles Amfiricaines n.d. 379.44 L12 Parsons, J. B. French schools through American eyes 1892 379.44 P25 Travel and descriptian George, M. M. A little journey to France «1902 (Library of travel) 914.4 G29 Hamerton, p. G. Round my house 1897 914.4 H17 Lacroix, Paul Eighteenth century; its in- stitutions, customs, and costumes; France, 1700-1789 n.d. 914.4 Lll Larxed, W. C. Churches and castles of medi- eval France 1895 726 L32 Stoddard, J:L. La beUe France (in his Lectures 1898^97 v.5,p.l27-250) 910 St6 Young, Arthur Travels in France,1787, 1788,1789 1892 914.4 Y8 See also Brittany France and England in North America See Parkman, Francis Francesco d'Assisi Saini See Francis of Assissi Saint FRANCIA, JOSE GASPAB RODRIGUEZ 1761- 1840 CarlyIiE, Thomas Dr Francia (in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscel- laneous essays n.d. v.4,^.205-263) 824.82 C19 FRANCIS OF ASSISI saint (GIOVANNI FRANCESCO BERNARDONE) 1181- 1226 Westcott, B. F. Medieval efforts; the Franciscans (see Westcott, B. F. So- cial aspects of Christianity 1888*87 p.99-116) 261 W52 FRANCIS OF SALES saint 1567-1622 Beard, Charles St Francis de Sales (in Beard, Charles Port Royal 1861 v.l,p.65-96) 273.7 B38 FRANCIS I, king of France, 1494-1547 Pardok, J. S. H: Court suid reign of Francis I, king of France 1887 B F84 Franciscans See Grey Friars; Monastic or- ders; also, Alexander of Hales; Duns Sco- tus; Occam, William of Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modern German culture 233p.D N.Y.Dodd,1898 834.89 F84 Contents: — Conflicts of modem Germany; Leibnitz day. at the Berlin academy of sciences; Socialist situation; Wildenbruch's "King Henry" and Hauptmann's "Florlan Geyer"; Johanna Ambrosius; Karoline von Gunderode and Friedrich Creuzer; Haupt- mann's "The Sunken .Bell"; Herman Grimm; Impressions of industrial and patri- archal Germany; Max Halbe's "Mother Earth"; Sudermann's "John the Baptist"; Arnold Bocklin; Heinrich Seidel; Peter Rosegger; Bismarck as a national type Social forces in German literature; a study in the history of civilization 577p.O N.Y. Holt,1896 830.9 F84 Franklin, Benjamin Diplomatic correspondence . . . 434p.O Phil.Duane,1809 B F85 This volume is volume six of Benjamin Franklin's works on philosophy, politics and morals Fisher, S. G: The true Benjamin Franklin 1899'98 (The "true" series) B F85f McMaster, J:B. man of letters of letters) Benjamin Franklin as a 1891<=87 (American men B F85m Morse, J:T. jr Benjamin Franklin 1892 *89 (American statesmen) B F85mo Rhoades, L. I. Franklin in Philadelphia, etc. (see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Phil- adelphia '1900 p.93-124) 974.8 R34 Letters and papers on electricity and philoso- phy . . . 477p.pl.O Phil.Duane,1809 537 F85 This volume is volume three of Benjamin Franklin's works on philosophy, politics and morals Campbell, Helen Master bnilder (see Syl- van city; or. Quaint comers in Philadelphia 1883 p.295-332) 974.81 Sy5 Lord, John Benjamin PVanklin (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history *1883'96 v.7,p.53-101) 904 LS8 FRA FRA 176 KiCHARDSON, C:r. Benjamin Franklin (in Richardson, C:F. American literature 1887 '89=86 v.l,p.l54-176) 810.9 R39 Thorpe, F. N. Benjamin Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania 1893 {U- nited States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 378.748 T39 FRANKS, THE Freeman, E:A: The Franks and the Gauls (see his Historical essays 1871 p.161-206) 904 F87 Sergeant, Lewis The Franks 1898 (Story of the nations} 940 Se6 See also Charlemagne; Gregory of Tours Franz, Shepherd Ivory After-images 1899 (Psychological review Monograph supple- ment) 150 F85 Frazer, Alexander Campbell Berkeley 234p. por.S Phil.Lippincott,1881 (Philosophi- cal classics for English readers) B19 B45 Locke 299p.por.D Phil.Lippincott,1890 (Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 L79f ed. Berkeley, George Works 1871 192.3 B45 Locke, John An essay concerning human understanding 1894 150 L79 Frazer, Robert Watson British India 399p. il.D N.Y.Putnam,1897 (Story of the nations) 954 F86 FREDERICK I (BARBAROSSA), emperor of the Holy Eoman empire, 12th century Freeman, E:A: Frederick the first, king of Italy (see Freeman, E:A: Historical essays 1871 p.252-282) 904 F87 FREDERICK II, emperor of the Holy Roman em- pire, 1194-1250 Freeman, E:A: Em- peror Frederick the second (see Freeman, E:A: Historical essays 1871 p.283- 313) 904 F87 FREDERICK II "The Great", Tcing of Prussia, 1712-1786 Carlyle, Thomas History of Frederic II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great n.d. B F87 Longman, F:W: Frederic the Great and the seven years ' war 1891 (Epochs of m&clr em history) 943.05 L86 Lord, John Frederic the Great (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history =1883 '96 v.4,p.247-284) 904 L88 FREDERICKSBURG (Virginia), BATTLE OP 1862 Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fredericksburg 1882 (Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 P17 Free-school society Manual of the Lancasteri- an system of teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, and needlework, as practised in the schools of the Free-school society of New York 63p.pl.O N.Y.Wood,1820 371.4 F87 Free-school system of the United States Adams, Francis 379.73 Adl Free schools See Public schools FREE TRADE AND PROTECTION Patten, S. N. Economic basis of free-trade and protection 1890 337 P27 Playfair, Sir Lyon The depression of agri- culture and fair trade (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.107-125) 304 P69 Effect of protection on wages (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.l64- 182) 304 P69 Industrial competition and commercial free- dom (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.147-163) 304 P69 See also Tariff Freedmen See Slavery Negro, The; Slave trade; Freedom See Slavery Freedom of the press press See Liberty of the FREEDOM OF THE WILL Edwards, Jona- than Freedom of the wiU n.d. 159 Ed9 Freeholder Addison, Joseph (in his Works 1888 v.3,p.l-267) 824.52 Ad2 Freeman, Edward Augustus Ancient Greece and medieval Italy (in Oxford essays 1857 p.129-167) 824.89 0x2 Chief periods of European history; six lectures . . . with an essay on Greek cities under Roman rule 250p.O Lond.Macmillan, 1886 940 F87 177 Englisn towns and districta; a series of ad- dresses and sketches 455p.pl.map,0 Lond.Macmman,1883 942 F87 Exeter Ed.2 255p.maps,D Lond.Long- inans,1890 (Historic towfis) 942.3 F87 General sketc)i of history, adapted for Ameri- can students New ed, enl. 400p.map8,D N.Y.Freeman,'1876 (Historical course for schools) (2 copies) 940 F87g Growth of the English constitution from the earliest times 234p.D Lond.MacmiUan, 1890 942 F87g Historical essays 406p.O Lond.MacmiUan, 1871 904 F87 Contents: — Mythical and romantic ele- ments in early English history; Continuity of English history; Relations between the crowns of England and Scotland; Saint Thomas of Canterbury and his biographers; Reigrn of Edward the third; Holy Roman empire; Franks and the GauJs; Early sieges of Paris; Frederick the first, king of Italy; Emperor Frederick the second; Charles the Bold Historical geography of Europe Ed. 2 2v. maps,0 Lond.LongmanS;1882 911.4 F87 V. 1 Text V. 2 Maps History of Europe 150p.map8,D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1881 (History primers) 940 F87h History of the Norman conquest of England; its causes and its results New ed. enl. 6v.O Oxf .Clarendon pre88,1873 '79 942.02 F87 Methods of historical study; eight lectures . . . with the inaugural lecture on the ofl&ce of the historical professor 335p.O Lond. Macmillan,1886 907 F87 Old English history New ed. 371p.maps,S Lond.Macmillan,1890'=69 942.01 F87 Short history of the Norman conquest of Eng- land Ed. 3 156p.S Oxf .Clarendon pres8,1887 942.02 F878 Story of Sicily; Phoenician, Greek, and Roman 378p.iI.pl.maps,D N.Y.Putnam, 1892 (Story of the nations) (2 copies) 937.8 F87 William the Conqueror 200p.D Lond.Mac- millan,1894<88 (Twelve English states- men) B W67 ed. Historical course for schools YoNOB, C. M.. History of France n.d. 944 Y8 Habrison, Frederic Historical method of Freeman (see Harrison, Frederic Ten- nyson, Buskin, Mill and other literary esti- mates 1900 p.242-267) 824.89 H24 and Hunt, WiUiam ed. Historic towns Freeman, Henry On speech formation as the basis for true spelling 88p.D Lond. Triibner,1886 410 F87 Freeman's historical course for schools See His- torical course for schools Fremont, Mrs Jessie (Benton) and others How to learn and earn; or. Half hours in some helpful schools 479p.il.por.pl.D Bost. Lothrop,<=1884 371.9 F88 FRENCH, THE DeQuincey, Thomas French and English manners (see his Narrative and miscellaneous papers *18o4'77 p.423- 433) 824.81 D44n Hamerton, p. G. The French and English; a comparison 1889 914.4 H17 French, George Hazen Butterflies of the east- ern United States 414p.pl.D Phil.Lippin- cott,1896'=85 595.77 F88 FRENCH ACADEMY, THE (Parts) Vincent, L. H: The French academy 1901 806 V74 French ambassador at the court of Charles II Jusserand, J. A. A. J. B C73 French and English Hamerton, P. G. 914.4 H17 French and Indian war See United States — History, French and Indian war, 1755-1763 FRENCH ART Brownell, W:C. French art; classic and contemporary; painting and sculpture 1901 759 B81 DiLKE, Lady (Emilia Francis Strong) Art in the modern state 1888 709.44 D57 HoppiN, J. M. French landscape painting (see his Early renaissance and other essays on art subjects 1892 p.96-127) 704 H77 FRENCH DRAMA Arnold, Matthew The French play in London (in his Irish es- says 1894 p.430-457) 824.81 AT6m FRE FRE 178 Harper, G:M. The golden age of the French drama (see his Masters of French litera- ture 1901 p.39-83) 840.4 H23 French revolution Eevolution See France — History, French Eton Arnold, Matthew 373.42 Ar6 FEENCH LANGUAGE Breal, Michel Lenseignement de la langue Frangaise (see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les conferences pedagogiques faites aux insti- tuteurs 1881 p.193-221) 370.6 P21 Laurie, S. S. Method of teaching modem languages — French (see his Lectures on language and linguistic method in the school 1893 p.166-177) 407 L37 Marcel, Claude Eational method to learn how to read, hear, speak and write French 1884 440.7 M33 Dictionaries Spiers, Alexander and Surenne, Gabriel French and English pronouncing dictionary 1883"=52 E443 Sp4 Grammar Grandgent, C:H. Short French grammar 1899*^94 445 G76 Poole, W:M. and Becker, Michel Com- mercial French 1903 448 P78 Eeadisrs Poole, W:M. and Becker, Michel Com- mercial French 1903 448 P78 FRENCH LITERATURE Dowden, Edward History of French literature 1898<=97 840.9 D75 Harper, G:M. Masters of French litera- ture 1901 840.4 H23 Keene, H:G: Literature of France 1892 (University extension manvAxls) 840.9 K25 Saintsbury, G : E : B. Short history of French Uterature 1897 840.9 Sa2 Van Laun, Henri History of French litera- ture 1883 840.9 V32 Wells, B:W. Modern French literature 1896 840 W46 See also French drama French people, The Hassall, Arthur 944 H27 French revolution and English literature Dowden, Edward 820.9 D75 French war and the revolution Sloane, W:M. 973.3 815 Fresh fields Burroughs, John 814.41 B94f Freund, Ernst Police power; public policy and constitutional rights 819p.O Chic.Calla- ghan,1904 352.2 F89 Freund, William See Andrews, E. A. Har- per 's Latin dictionary 1882<^50'79 R473 An2 Freytag, Gustav Technique of the drama; an exposition of dramatic composition and art; tr. from the 6th German edition by E. J. MacEwan Ed.2 395p.D Chic.Griggs, 1§96''94 809.2 F89 Friars See Monastic orders Frick, Otto Paul Martin and Friedel, Dr Value of the didactic principles of Herbart-Ziller- Stoy in view of their serviceableness for the instruction in secondary schools (in Her- bart society Second supplement to third year book 1897 p.151-175) 370.6 H41 Friend, Hilderic Flowers and flower lore 2v. il.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1892 580 F91 FRIENDS, SOCIETY OF Confessions of a Quaker (see College and the church 1887 p.196-205) 370.4 C68 Thomas, A. C. and Thomas, R:H: History of the Society of Friends in America (see Tyler, B:B. and others History of the Disciples in Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evan- gelical association 1894 p.163-308) 289 T97 Whittier, J:G. Society of Friends (in his Prose works 1893''66'83 v.3,p.305-314) 814.39 W61 See also Hicksites; also Ellwood, Thomas; Fox, George; Hicks, Elias; Penn, William Friendship Emerson, R. W. (in his Essays 1894 '65 '83 v.l,p.l81-206) 814.36 Em3e FRITHJOF'S SAGA Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Frithjof, the viking of Norway; and Roland, the paladin of France 1899 (Tales of the heroic ages) 398.2 R12 179 FR0BI8HER, Sir MARTIN 1535 (») -1594 Payne, E:J: ed. Frobisher (see Payne, E:J: ed Voyages of the Eliza- bethan seamen to America 1893 p.83-19l2) 9 P29 FROEBEL. FRIEDRICH WILHELM AUGUST 1782-1852 Bibliography of Froebel {see his Autobiography 18S9 p.145-152) B37 F92 Autobiography; tr. by Emilie Michselis and H. K. Moore 167p.O Syracuse,Bardeen 1889 (2 copies) B37 F92 '1886 '96 168p.D (2 copies) Lond.Sonnenschein, B37 F92a Letters ; ed. by A. H. Heinemann 182p.il.por. D Bo8t.Lee,1893 (2 copies) B37 F921 Baknabd, Henry ed. Froebel and his educational work {see Barnard, Henry ed. Kindergarten and child culture papers 1881 '84 p.9-128) 372.2 B25 Froebel and the kindergarten system {see Barnard, Henry ed. German pedagogy 1876 p.33-44) 370.8 B25 BovvEN, H. C. Froebel and education by self-activity 1893''92 {Great educators) B37 F92b MARENHOLTZ-BiiLOW, B. M. VON Reminis- cences of Friedrich Froebel 1882*77 B37 F92m Education by development; the second part of the Pedagogics of the kindergarten; tr. by Josephine Jarvis 347p.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1899 {International education series') 372.2 F92 L 'education de I'homme; tr. de I'allemand par Baronne de Crombnigghe . . . Ed. 20 394p.por.O Par.Fischbacher,1881 370 F92 Education of man; tr. by Josephine Jar\T8 273p.D N.Y.Lovell,1885«84 (2 copies) 370 F92e tr. from the German, by W:N. Hailman 332p.D N.Y.Appleton,1887 '96 '97 {International education series) 370 F92ed Letters on the kindergarten; tr. from the Ger- man edition of 1887; ed. by Emilie Michaelis and H. K. Moore 331p.D Lond.Sonnen- schein,1891 (2 copies) 372.2 F921e Mother play and nursery songs . . . with notes to mothers; tr. from the German 192p,il.F Bo8t.Lee,1879«78 372.21 F92 Pedagogics of the kindergarten; or, His ideas concerning the play and playthings of the children; tr. bj- Josephine Jarvis 337p.pl. D N.Y.Appleton.1895'98 {International education series) (5 copies) 372.2 F92p Mothers' sougs, games and stories; tr. in Eng- lish by Frances and Emily Lord 212p.il.O Lond.Rice.«'1892 372.2 F92m Mottoes and conunentaries of the Mother play; mother communings and mottoes rendered into English verse by H. R. Eliot; prose commentaries translated and accompanied with an introduction treating of the philos- ophy of Froebel by S. E.. Blow 316pil.D N.Y.Appleton,1898'95 372.2 F92mo Songs and music of the Mother play . . . newly tr. and furnished with new music; prepared and arranged by S. E.. Blow 272p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1896 '97'-95 {In- ternational education series) (4 copies) 372.2 F92g Blow, S. E.. Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel {Interjiational edu- cation series) 372.2 B62 Symbolic education; a commentary on Froebel's Mother play 1894 '98 372.2 F92s Browning, Oscae Froebel {see Browning, Oscar Educational theories '1888 p.220-225) 370.9 B82 Harrison, Elizabeth Froebel '1893 Story of Friedrich 372.2 H248 Herford, W:H. Students' Froebel; adapted from Die Erziehung der Menschheit 1893 '94 {Heath's pedagogical library) 371.4 F92 Hughes, J. L. Froebel 's educational laws for all teachers 1897 {International educa- tion series) 372.2 H87 JoHONNOT, James Froebel and the kinder- garten {see his Principles and practise of teaching 1898*96 p.119-134 1883 '78 p.130-145) 371a J66 Lyschinska, M.. J. and Montefiore, T.. G. Ethical teaching of Froebel as gathered from his works 1890 170 L99 Marenholtz-Bulow, Bertha (von Bulow) The child, its nature and relations; an eluci- dation of Froebel's principles of education 1877«72 372.2 M33 FRO FRO im MuNROE, J. P. Pestalozzi and Froebel (see Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.i79-206) 370.9 M92 Payne, Joseph Froebel and the kindergarten system of elementary education (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of educa- tion 1892 p.117-134) 370.9 P29 Quick, R. H. Friedrich Froebel (see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers 1879'91'97«'90 p.384-413) 370.9 Q4 SiiiRREFF, E. A. E. Short sketch of the life of Friedrich Froebel (see Marenholtz-Bulow, Bertha (von Bulow) Eeminiscences of Friedrich Froebel 1882 p.335-359) B37 r92m Snider, D. J. Froebel 's Mother play songs '1895 372.2 Sn3 See also Kindergarten FROISSART, JEAN 1338-1410 (?) Darmes- TETER, Mart Froissart 1895 B F92d Chronicles ; tr. by John Bourchier, lord Berners; ed. by G:C. Macaulay 484p.D Lond.Macmillan,1904'=1895 940 F92 From Comte to Benjamin Kidd Mackintosh, Rob- ert 301 M21 From Fort Henry to Corinth Force, M. F. 973.7 F74 From Shakespeare to Pope Gosse, E. W: 821.4 G69 From the child's standpoint Winterburn, F. H. 372b W73 FEONTENAC, LOUIS DE BUADE comte DE 1621-1698 Parkman, Francis Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV 1886'=77 971 P23 FRONTIER LIFE Parkman, Francis Ore- gon trail, sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life 1886<=72 917.8 P23 Frothingham, Arthur Lincoln and Marquand, Allan History of sculpture 1896 (Col- lege histories of art) 730 M34 Frothingham, Ellen tr. Lessing, G. E. Laoc- oon; an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry 1893''73 701 L56 Frothingham, Jessie Peabody Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut 396p.pl.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1905«02 9 r93 Contents: — Sir Francis Drake; Admiral Martin Harpertzoon Tromp; Admiral Mich- ael Adriaanszoon de Ruyter; Marshal Anne- Hllarlon de Tourvllle; Vice Admiral de SufEren Saint-Tropez; Vice Admiral Paul Jones; Viscount, Lord Horatio Nelson; Ad- miral David Glasgow Farragut Frothingham, Octavius Brooks George Riplej Ed.6 321p.por.D Bost.Houghton,<=1882 (American men of letters) B R48 Frothingham, Richard Rise of the republic of the United States Ed.3 640p.O Boat. Little,1881'=72 321.8 F93 Froude, James Anthony Bunyan 178p.S N.Y. Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B J62« Bound with lives of Joimson by Leslie Steplien and of Bacon by R. W: Church Caesar, a sketch 550p.por.D N.Y.Scribner, 1895 B Cllf Divorce of Catherine of Aragon 476p.O N.Y.Scribner,1891 942.05 F93 English in Ireland in the 18th century 3v.D N.Y.Scribner,1888 941.5 F93 English in . the West Indies ; or. The bow of Ulysses 373p.pl.D N.Y.Scribner,1900 917.29 F93 English seamen in the sixteenth century . . . 228p.O N.Y.Scribner,1895 942 F93 Contents: — The sea cradle of the ref- ormation; John Hawkins and the African slave trade; Sir John Hawkins and Philip the second; Drake's voyage around the world; Parties in the state; Great expedi- tion to the West Indies; Attack on Cadiz; Sailing of the Armada; Defeat of the Ar- mada History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth 12v.D N.jf. Scribner,1895 942.05 F93 Lectures on the Council of Trent 294p.O N.Y.Scribner,1896 270.6 r93 Life and letters of Erasmus . . . 433p.O N.Y.Scribner,1894 B Erl Oceana; or, England and her colonies 396p. pl.D N.Y.Scribner,1897 325 F93 Short studies on great subjects 4v.D N.Y. Scribner,1891 '92 824.89 r93 Contents: — v. 1 Science of history; Times of Erasmus and Luther; Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character; Philosophy of Catholicism; Plea for the free discussion of theological difficulties; 181 Criticism and the gospel history; Book of Job; Spinoza; Dissolution of the monaster- ies; England's forgotten worthies; Homer; Lives of the saints; Representative men; Reynard, the fox; The cat's pilgrrlmage; Fables; Parable of the bread-fruit tree; Compensation V. 2 Calvinism; A bishop of the 12th cent- ury; Father Newman on "The Grammar of Assent"; Condition and prospects of Protestantism; England and her colonies; A fortnight in Kerry, pt. 1; Reciprocal du- ties of state and subject; The merchant and his wife; On progress; The colonies once more; Education; A fortnight In Kerry, pt. 2; England's war; Eastern question; Scien- tific method applied to history V. 3 Annals of an English abbey; Revival of Romanism; Sea studies; Society in Italy in the last days of the Roman republic; Lucian; Divus Osesar; On the uses of a landed gentry; Party politics; Leaves from a South African journal v. 4 Life and times of Thomas Beckett; Oxford counter-reformation; Origen and Celsus; Cagliostro of the 2d century; Chen- eys and the House of Russell; A siding at a railway station Spanish story of the Armada and other essays 344p.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 824.89 F933 Contents: — Spanish story of the Armada; Antonio Perez, an unsolved historical rid- dle; Saint Teresa; Templars; Norway fjords; Norway once more Suggestions on the best means of teaching English history {in Oxford essays 1855 p,47-79) 824.89 0x2 Thomas Carlyle; a history of his life in Lon- don,1834-1881 2v.por.D N.Y.Scribner, 1904 B C19 A history of the first forty years of his life, 1795-1835 2v.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1906 B C19f Harbison, Frederic Historical method of Froude (see Harrison, Frederic Tenny- son, Ruskin, Mill and other literary esti- mates 1900 p.221-241) 824.89 H24 Prye, Alexis Everett Child and nature; or, Geography teaching with sand modelling 216p.il.D Bay state publishing co (Mass) , 1888-1900 (American pedagogical series) (2 copies) 372.8 F94 First steps in geography Brooks and brook basins 119p.pl.D Bost.Ginn,1892 '94'91 (2 copies) 507 F94 PuorriVB SLAVE LAW See Slavery Fuimus Troes; the true Trojans FisireR, Jaspek (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2, p.445-536) 822.08 D66 FULLER, SARAH MARGARET Marchia D' OSSOLI 1810-1850 Griswold, H. T. Margaret Fuller (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894'86 p.302-311) 9 G88 HiGGiNSON, T:W. Margaret Fuller Ossoli 1891'=84 (American men of letters) B F95 Fullerton, George Stuart ed and tr. Spinoza, Benedict de Philosophy 1894 193.9 Sp4 and Cattell, J. M. On perception of small differences; with special reference to the ex- tent, force and time of movement 159p. il.O Phil.University of Pennsylvania press, n.d. (Fennsylvania, University of Phil- osophical series) 152 F95 Fullerton, William Morton Patriotism and sci- ence; some studies in historic psychology 164p.D Bost.Roberts,1893 824 F95 Contents: — On a certain danger in patri- otism at the present time; English and Americans; Democracy, with reference to a recent book FULTON, ROBERT 1765-1815 Knox, T:W. Life of Robert Fulton and a history of steam navigation 1886 B F95 Thurston, R. H. Robert Fulton, his life and its results '1891 (Makers of America) B F95t Fulwell, Ulpian Like will to like (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- Ush plays 1874 '75 '76 v.3,p.302-359) 822.08 D66 FUNCTIONS, THEORY OF Dtjrege, H. Ele- ments of the theory of functions 1896 514 D93 Klein, Felix Mathematical theory of the top 1897 514.1 K67 Functions of the brain Ferrier, David 131 F41 FUNGI COOKE, M. C. Fungi; their nature and uses 1903 (International scientific series) 589 C77 Furies .^schylus (see his House of Atreus pref.1881 p.135-187) 882.1 AeS FUR FUR 182 Fumess, Horace Howard ed. Shakspere, Wil- UAM New variorum edition of Shakespeare '1871 '86 822.33 Shlln Fumess, Mrs Horace Howard (Helen Kate Bogers) Concordance to Shakespeare's poems; an index to every word therein con- tained Ed.2 422p.Q Phil.Lippincott, '1874 822.33 F98 Fumess, W. H. speaking tr. Seiler, Emma Voice in 1875=74 784.9 Se4 Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis See langes, Numa Denis Fustel de Cou- Fyflfe, Charles Alan History of Greece 127p. map,S N.Y.Appleton,1883 (History prim- ers) 938 F99 History of modern Europe, 1792-1878 Ed.2, enl. 3v.map8,D N.Y.Holt,1891 940.9 F99 Gades See Cadiz Gadesden, F. Education of girls and the de- velopment of girls' high schools (see Rob- erts, E. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.82-105) 370,4 E54 Gaertner, Carl Art of snging . . . 77p.il.F Phil.Osgood,1871 784.9 Gil GAINSBOEOUGH, THOMAS 1727-1788 Cun- ningham, Allan Thomas Gainsborough (see Cunningham, Allan Great English painters 1886 p.253-274) 9 C91 Gairdner, James Early Tudors (see Cam- bridge modern history The renaissance 1903=02 p.463-492) 940.6 C14 Henry the seventh 219p.D Lond.Macmil- lan,1892=89 (Twelve English statesmen) B H39g Henry VIII (see Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.416-473) 940.7 C14 History of the life and reign of Eichard the third, to which is added the "Story of Perkin Warbeck" from original documents New ed. enl. 388p.por.pl.D Cambridge university press,1898 B E38 Houses of Lancaster and York, with the con- quest and loss of France 262p.map8,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epochs of modern history) 942.04 G12 ed. Paston letters, 1422-1509 1872 '75 942.04 P26 GAISERIC (?)-477 Hodgkin, Thomas Gais- erie (see Hodgkin, Thomas Dynasty of Theodosius 1889 p.204-234) 937.09 H66 Galbreath, Louis H. Critical view of the cul- ture epoch theory (in Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.107-116) 370.6 H41 GALILEI, GALILEO 1564-1642 Fahie, J. J. Galileo; his life and work 1903 B G13 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Galileo and the invention of the telescope Galileo and the inquisition (see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 p.80-135) 520.9 L82 Lord, John Galileo (in Lord, John Bea- con lights of history '1883 '96 v.3,p.459- 497) 904 L88 GALLATIN, ALBEET 1761-1849 Stevens, J: A. Albert Gallatin 1886'83 (Amer- ican statesmen) B G13 Gallaudet, Edward Miner Life of Thomas Hop- kins Gallaudet 339p.por.O N.Y.Holt, 1888 B G13g GALLAUDET, THOMAS HOPKINS 1787-1851 Gallaudet, E. M. Life of Thomas Hop- kins Gallaudet 1888 B G13g Galloway, Robert Education, scientific and technical; or. How the inductive sciences are taught and how they ought to be taught 462p.O Lond.Trubner,1881 507 G13 Gallus; or, Eoman scenes from the time of Augus- tus Becker, W:A. 913.37 B38 Galton, Arthur Character and times of Thomas Cromwell; a sixteenth century criticism 212p.O Birmingham,Comish,1887 B C88ga ed. English prose from Maimdevile to Thackeray 333p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 820.8 G13 188 Galton, Francis Decipherment of blurred finger prints; supplementary chapter to Finger prints ISp.pl.O Lond.Macmillan,1893 573 G13 English men of science; their nature and nurture 206p.D N.Y.Appleton,1893 (Popular science library) 136.3 G13 Finger prints 216p.pl.O 1892 Lond.Macmillan, 573 G13 Hereditary genius; an inquiry into its laws and consequences New ed. enl. with an American preface 390p.tab.O N.Y.Ap- pleton,1887 575.1 G13 Inquiries into the human faculty and its devel- opment 387p.il.pl.O N.Y.Macmillan,1883 136 G13 Natural inheritance 259p.il.O Lond.Mac- millan,1889 575.1 G13n Galvanism See Electricity Oambrall, Theodore C: Studies in the civil, social and ecclesiastical history of early Maryland . . . 240p.O N.Y.Whittaker, 1893 975.2 G14 GAMES Bates, Lois Games without music for children 1897 372.22 B31 GoMME, A. B. Children's singing games, with the tunes to which they are sung 1894 372.22 G58 ed. Traditional games of England, Scot- land and Ireland 1894 '98 398.3 G58 Haddon, a. C. Toys and games, etc. (see his Study of man 1898 p.174-347) 573 Hll Newell, W:W. ed. Games and songs of American children 1884 372.22 N41 PouLSSON, Emilie Finger plays 1893 372.2 P86 See also Amusements; Kindergarten; Olym- pian games; Play; Sports; Toys Gammar Gurton 's needle Still, John (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.3,p.l62- 256) 822.08 D66 Gannon, Anna Song of Stradella and other songs 85p.D Phil.Lippincott,1899'=98 811.49 G15 Garden craft series; ed. by L. H. Bailey Garden making 1906«1898 710 B15 GARDENING Wabner, C:D. My summer m a garden "^1870 '98 (Riverside aldine series) 817.41 W24 Gardiner, Samuel Bawson First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-1660 222p. maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epochs of modern, history) 942.06 G16 History of England from the accession of James I to the outbreak of the civil war, 1603-1642 Lond.Longmans,1894 '95 942.06 G16h History of the great civil war, 1642-1649 4v.mapsJD Lond.Longmans,1893 942.06 G16hi Students' history of England from the ear- liest times to 1885 Ed.3 3vil.D Lond. Longmans,! 892 942 G16 V. 2 wanting Thirty years' war, 1618-1648 237p.map,S N.Y.Scribner,1892 (Epochs of modem history) 943.04 G16 ed. School atlas of English history; a companion atlas to "Student's history of England ' ' 87maps,0 Lond.Longmans, 1892 942 G16 Gardner, Alice Julian; philosopher, emperor, and the last struggle of Paganism against Christianity 364p.por.pl.maps,D N.Y. Putnam, 1895 (Heroes of the nations) B J94 Gardner, Eugene C. Town and country school buildings; a collection of plans and de- signs for schools of various sizes, graded and ungraded 128p.il.O N.Y.Kellogg, 1888 727.1 G17 GARFIELD, JAMES ABRAM, president of the United States, 1831-1881 Lowell, J. R. Literary and political addresses 1894'86 '90 p.38-46) 814.39 L951 Pennypacker, S:W. James Abram Garfield (see Pennypacker, S:W. Historical and biographical sketches 1883 p.285-292) 974.8 P38 GARIBALDI, GUISEPPE 1807-1882 Mar- riott, J. A. R. Garibaldi (see Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modem Italy 1889 p.54-78) B M45 Garlanda, Federico Fortunes of words; letters to a lady 225p.D N.Y.LoveU,«1887 410 G18 GAR GAR 1914: Philosophy of words; a popular introduction to the science of language 287p.D N.Y. Garlandaj^lSSe 401 G18 Oarlick, A, H. New manual of method New ed. 331p.D Lond.Longmans,1896 371b G18 378p.D Lond.Longmans,1898 371b G18n and Dexter, T. F. G. Psychology in the school-room 1899 370.2 D52 Gamer, John Leslie tr. Biart, Lucien Az- tecs; their history, manners and customs 1887 '86 972.014 B47 Gamett, Bichard History of Italian literature 431p.D N.Y.Appleton,1898 (Literatures of the world) 850.9 G18 Life of John Milton 205p.D Lond.Scott, 1890 (Great writers) B M64 Contains a bibliography Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson 207p.D Lond. Scott,1888 (Great writers) B Em3 Contains a bibliography Eome and the temporal power (see Cam- bridge modern history The renaissance 1903'=02 p.219-252) 940.6 C14 Gamett, William and Campbell, Lewis Life of James Clerk MaxweU 1884 B M45 Gamsey, Henry Edward Fowler tr. Sachs, Julius von History of botany 1890 580.9 Sal GARTH, Sir SAMUEL 1661-1717 or 1718, 1719 Johnson, Samuel Garth (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.3,p.73-81) 9 J62 Garvey, Michael Angelo Manual of human cul- ture 376p.D Lond.BeU,1866 150 G19 GASCOIGNE, GEORGE 1535 (?) -1577 Schel- LiNG, F. E. Life and writings of George Gascoigne n.d. (University of Penn- sylvania Series in literature, philosophy and archaeology) B G21 Gasquet, Francis Aldan Great pestilence, 1348- 49; now commonly known as the Black Death 244p.O Lond.Marshall,1893 614.49 G21 Gaston de Latour Pater, W. H. 823.89 P27 Gastronomy See Cookery; Food Gates, Lewis Edwards ed. Jeffrey, Francis Selections from the essays 1894 824.73 J37 Gatty, Mrs Alfred Parables from nature 2v.T Lond.Bell,1904 508 G22 GAULS I^EEMAN, E:A: The Franks and the Gauls (see his Historical essays 1871 p.161-206) 904 F87 GAY, JOHN 1688-1732 Johnson, Samubl Gay (in Johnson, Samuel Lives o-f the poets pref.1896 v.4,p.65-83) 9 J62 DoBsoN, Austin John Gay (see Dobson, Austin Miscellanies 1898 p.239-274) 824.89 D65 Gay, Sydney Howard James Madison 342p.D Bost.Houghton,1885"=84 (American states- men) B M26g Brooks, Noah and Bryant, W:C. Scribner's popular history of the United States 1896 973 B84 Gaye, Selina Great world's farm; some ac- count of nature's crops and how they are grown 365p.il.pl.D Lond.Seeley,1893 581 G25 Gaynor, Jessie L. Songs of the child world; words by A. C. D. Riley; kindergarten thought by H. A. Lloyd 2v.Q Cine. Church,=1897 (volume 1, 2 copies) 372.21 G26 Gazetteers See Geography — Dictionaries Geddes, Patrick Chapters in modern botany 201p.il.D N.Y.Scribner,1893 (Univer- sity extension manuals) 581 G26 Geikie, Sir Archibald N.Y.Appleton,1882 Geology 137p.il.S (Science primers) 550 G27 Outlines of field geology Ed.5 252p.il.D Lond.Macmillan,1896'76 550 G27o Physical geography 119p.il,S N.Y.Ameri- can book co,n.d. (Science primers) (2 copies) 551 G27 Teaching of geography; suggestions regard- ing principles and methods for the use of teachers 202p.S Lond.Macmillan,1887 (Macmillan's geographical series) 910.7 G27 Text-book of geology 971p.il.pl.O Lond. Macmillan,1882 550.7 G27 GENEALOGY Taylor, Isaac Words and places; or, Etymological illustrations of his- tory, ethnology, and geography 1882 929.4 T21 1«^ See also Names GsNinc METHOD See Psychology, Pedagogical GENIUS BuKEOUQHS, John Before genius (see his Birds and poets with other essays 1895'77 p.139-147) 814.41 B94b HmscH, William Genius and degeneration; a psychological study 1896 • 132 H61 LoMBROSO, Cesabe The man of genius 1891 {Contemporary science series) 132 L83 See also Heredity GENLIS, COMTESSE DE (STEPHANIE FELI- CITE DUCEEST DE SAINT-AULIN) 1746-1830 DoBSON, Austin Madame de Genlis (see Dobson, Austin Four French- women n.d. p.105-207) 9 D65 GENOA DuFFT, Bella Tuscan republics (Florence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca with Genoa) 1893 (Story of the nations) 945 D87 Gentry, Thomas George Family names froni the Irish, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman and Scotch considered in relation to their ety- mology, with brief remarks on the history and languages of the people to whom we are indebted for their origin 225p.O Phil.Burk,1892 929.4 G28 Liife and immortality; or. Soul in plants and animals 489p.il.por.O Phil.Burk,1897 591.5 G28 GEODESY Gore, J. H. Geodesy 1891 (Biv- erside science series) 526 G66 See also Surveying . GEOFFREY OP MONMOUTH 1100(t)-1152 or 1154 ** British history" Giles, J. A. Geoffrey of Monmouth (see Giles, J: A. Six old English chronicles 1891 p.87- 292) 942.01 G39 Geographical distribution of animals and PLANTS See Animals — Geographical dis- tribution; Botany; Zoology Geographical distribution of the human race See Ethnology Geographical journal, monthly Jan-June, 1900- date v.l5-date il.maps,0 Lond.Royal geographical society,1900-date 910.5 G29 GEOGRAPHY Beazlet, C:B. Dawn of mod- em geography; a history of exploration and geographical science from the close of the ninth to the middle of the thirteenth century (A.D. 900-1260) 1901 910 B38 Brtce, James Geography in its relation to history (see Royal geographical society Report in reference to the improvement of geographical education 1886 p.204-224) 910.6 R81 Freeman, E:A: Geog^phy and travel (see his Methods of historical study 1886 p.296-327) 901 F87 George, H. B. The relations of geography and history 1901 910 G29 Gbo\'E, George Geography 1881 (His- tory primers) 910 G91 Hopkins. Mrs L.. P. (Stone) Handbook of the earth 1885 910 H77 Johnston, A. K. Physical, historical, po- litical and descriptive geography 1881 (London geographical series) 910 J64 Kent, C:F: Use of geography in religious instruction (see Sunday school commis- sion of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious instruction 1901 ■ p.213-248) 377 Su7 McMuRRY, C:A. Excursions and lessons in home geography 1905*04 910 M22 Meiklejohn. J:M. D. New geography on the comparative method 1889 910 M47 Trotter, Spencer Social function of geog- raphy (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.57-80) 370.6 H41 # See also Atlases; Commercial geog^phy; Discoveries, Geographical; Ethnology; His- torical geography; Physical geography; Surveying; Voyages and travels; Voyages around the world; see also The name of the geographer Geography, Commercial See Commercial ge- ography Dictionaries Lippincott's gazetteer of the wotld 1883 «80 '82 R910 L66 Morse, Jedidiah and Morse, R:C. Univer- sal gazetteer 1823 R910 M83 Geography, Historical See Historical geog- graphy GEO GEO 186 Bistory Keane, John Evolution of geography 1899 910.9 K19 Periodicals Geographical journal 1900-date 910.5 G29 National geo(iraphic magazine 1900-date 910.5 N21 Geography, Physical See Physical geography Study and teaching Crocker, Lucretia Methods of teaching geography 1892^84 910.7 C87 Farnham, a. W. Oswego normal method of teaching geography 1896 910.7 F23 I'rye, a. E. Child and nature; or, Geog- raphy teaching with sand modelling 1888 { American pedagogical series) 372.8 F94 Geikie, Archibald Teaching of geography 1887 (Macmillan's geographical series) 910.7 G27 KEiiTiE, J:S. On appliances used in teach- ing geography (see Eoyal geographical society Report of the proceedings of the society in reference to the improvement of geographical teaching 1886 p.182-203) 910.6 R81 King, C:F. Methods and aids in geography 1889 '97 910.7 K58 Laurie, S. S. Method, applied to the teach- ing of geography in the school (see his Occasional addresses on educational subjects 1888 p.83-105) 370.4 L37 Lavasseur, M. E. L 'enseignement de la geo- graphic dans I'ecole primaire (see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les confer- ence pedagogiques faites aux instituteurs 1881 p.1-50) 370.6 P21 McMuRRY, C:A. Course of study in geog- raphy for the grades of the common school (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.119-173) 370.6 H41 Special method in geography for third and fourth grades 1895 910 M22 Mill, H. R. Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographical books for ref- erence and reading, with classified lists 1897 910.7 M59 Nich(>i>s, W. F. Topics in geography 1889 910.7 N51 Parker, F. W. How to study geography '1888 (Cook county normal school series) 910.7 P22 1893 '97*^89 (International edu- cation series) 910.7 P22h Raven stein, E. G: Aims and methods of geographical education (see Royal geo- graphical society Report of the proceed- ings of the society in reference to the im- provement of geographical education 1886 p.163-181) 910.6 R81 Royal geographical society Report of the proceedings in reference to the improvement of geographical education 1886 910.6 R81 Geological history of plants Dawson, Sir J:W: 561.9 D32 GEOLOGY Dawson, Sir J:W: Some salient points in the science of the earth 1894 550 D32 Story of the earth and man 1887 551.7 D32 (Jeikie, Sir Archibald Geology 1882 (Science primers) 550 G27 Outlines of field geology 1896''76 550 G27o Text-book of geology 1882 '94 550.7 G27 Heilprin, Angelo Earth and its story 1896 550.7 H36 Kelvin, William Thomson baron Ge- ology and general physics (in his Popular lectures and addresses 1891 '94 v.2) 504 K29 KiNGSLEY, Charles Madam How and Lady Why 1885 '93 551 K61 Town geology 1873 Le Conte, Joseph 1893''77'91 Lyell, Sir Charles 1892 550.4 K61 Elements of geology 550.7 L49 Principles of geology 550 L98 Students' elements of geology 1891 550.7 L98 Roberts, R. D. Earth 's history ; an introduc- tion to modern geology 1893 (Univer- sity extension manuals) 551 R54 Ruskin, John Deucalion 1894 824.86 R89d 187 Letters on science; geological (aee his Arrows of the chace 1S94 v.l,p.l69- 186) 826 R89 Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the earth 1889 551 Shi First book in geology 1885^84 550 Shi Nature and man in America 1891 551 Shin Spencer, Herbert Illogical geology (in his Essays; scientific, political and specula- tive 1891 v.l,p.l92-240) 824.89 Sp3 WiNCHELX., Alexander Shall we teach ge- ology? 1889 550.7 W72 Walks and talks in the geological field 1898'94 (Cliatauqua reading circle litera- ture) 550.4 W72 See also Coal; Coral reefs; Corals; Crea- tion; Earthquakes; Evolution; Glacial epoch; Glaciers; Man; Mountains; Paleo- botany; Paleontology; Physical geography; Volcanoes; also The name of the geologist and the name of the country Geometrical drawing See Mechanical draw- ing; Perspective GEOMETRY Beman, W. W. and Smith, D:E. New plane and solid geometry 1900=1895 '99 513 B42 Hanus, p. H. Geometry in the grammar school; an essay 1894'=93 513 H19 HiLBERT, David Foundations of geometry 1902 513 H54 Klein, Felix Famous problems of elemen- tary geometry 1897 513 K67 Playfair, John ed. Elements of geometry containing the first six books of Euclid with a supplement on the quadrature of the circle and the geometry of solids to which are added elements of plane and spherical trigo- nometry '1845 11513 P69 Spencer, W:G: Inventional geometry; a series of questions intended to familiarize the pupil with geometrical conceptions and to exercise his inventive faculty 1876 (Science primers) 513 Sp3 Todhunter, Isaac Elementary geometry (see his Conflict of studies and other essays on subjects connected with education 1873 p.136-192) 370.4 T56 Withers, J : W : Euclid 's parallel postulate ; its nature, validity and place in geometrical systems 1905 513 W77 See also Axioms; Conic sections; Euclid's elements; Geometry, Analytic; Mensuration; Perspective; Quaternions GEOMETRY, ANALYTIC Hardy, A. S. Ele- ments of analytic geometry 1895 516 H22 RUNKLE, J:D. Elements of plane analytic geometry 1888 516 E87 Scott, C. A. An introductory account of certain modern ideas and methods in plane analytical geometry 1894 516 Sco8 Smith, W:B: Elementary coordinate ge- ometry 1888^85 516 Sm5 Wentworth, G:A. Elements of analytic geometry 1896-86 516 W48 George, Andrew Jackson ed. Wordsworth, William Selections 1889 821.71 W89 George, Henry Progress and poverty; an in- quiry into the cause of industrial depres- sions and of increase of want with increase of wealth, the remedy 508p.D N-Y. George,1886'79 330 G29 George, Hereford Brooke The relations of ge- ography and history 296p.map,D Oxf. Clarendon press,1901 910 G29 GEORGE, LAKE Parkman, Francis Historic handbook of the northern tour; Lakes George and Champlain; Niagara; Montreal; Quebec 1885 973.1 P23 George, Marian M. A little journey to Alaska . . . 95p.il.D Chic.Flanagan,'=1901 (Li- brary of travel) 917.98 G29 A little journey to Belgium and Denmark 107p.il.pl.D Chic. Flanagan,'! 902 (Li- brary of travel) 914.93 G29 A little journey to Canada 106p.il.D Chic. Flanagan,'1901 (Library of travel) 917.1 G29 A little journey to China 104p.il.pl.D Chic. Flanagan,'1900 (Library of travel) 915.1 G29 A little journey to Cuba 95p.il.pl.D Chic. Flanagan,*1901 (Library of travel) 917.29 G29 GEO GEO 18S A little journey to England and Wales 102p. U.pl.D Chic.Flanagan/1901 (Library of travel) 914.2 G29 A little journey to France llOp.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan,<=1902 (Library of travel) 914.4 G29 A little journey to Germany 112p.il.D C!hic.Flanagan/1901 (Library of travel) 914.3 G291 A little journey to Hawaii .98p.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan/1901 (Library of travel) 919.6 G29 A little journey to Ireland 98p.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan,«1901 (Library of travel) 914.1 G29 A little journey to Japan 95p.il.pl.D Chic. Flanagan/1901 (Library of travel) 915.2 G29 A little journey to Mexico 122p.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan/1901 (Library of travel) 917.2 G29 A little journey to the Philippine islands 93p.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan/1900 (Li- brary of travel) 919.1 G29 A little journey to Porto Eico 87p.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan,«=1903 (Library of travel) 917.29 G29 A little journey to South Germany llOp.iLD ChicFlanagaUj^igOS (Library of travel) 914.3 G29 A little journey to Spain and Portugal 112p. il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan/1902 (Library of travel) 914.6 G29 A little journey to Switzerland 117p.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan/1902 (Library of travel) 914.94 G29 and Dean, I, M. A little journey to Holland «1902 914.92 D34 GEORGE IV, king of Great Britain and England, 1762-1830 Lord, John George IV (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history *1883'96 v.6,p.ll7-161) 904 L88 GEORGIA (Russia) Palgrave, W:G. Turkish Georgia (see his Ulysses 1887 p.67-91) 904 P17 Education Jones, C:E. Education in Georgia 1881) (United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 Gerbert See Silvester II GERMAN DRAMA Carlyle, Thomas Ger- man playwrights (see his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. p.351-389) 824.82 C19 See also German stage German Hanse See Hanseatic league GERMAN LANGUAGE Dictionaries Adler, G:J. Dictionary of the German and English languages 1897=48 R433 Ad2 Etymology Straube, Max Manual of German etymology in its relation to English 1904 432 St8 Grammar Brandt, H. C:G: Grammar of the German language ^ 884 '88 435 B73 Whitney, W:D. Compendious German gram- mar "=1888 435 W61 Orthography Hempl, George German orthography and phonology 1903 431 H37 Pronunciation Hempl, George German orthography and phonology 1903 431 H37 Readers Lessing, G. E. Minna von Barnhelm '1904 438 L56 Storm, Theodor Immensee =1901 438 St7 Teaching Collins, E. W. Bagster- Teaching of Ger- man in secondary schools 1904 430.7 C69 Raumer, Rudolph von Instruction in Ger- man (see Barnard, Henry ed. Ger- man pedagogy 1876 p.391-459) 370.8 B25 GERMAN LITERATURE Carlyle, Thomas Early German literature (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.2,p.250- 306) 824.82 C19 State of German literature (in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.l,p.26-83) 824.82 C19 189 Fbanoke, Kuno Glimpses of modern Ger- man culture 1898 834.89 F84 Social forces in German literature 1896 830.9 F84 MuELLEK, F:M. German literature (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.3,p.l-50) 824.89 M91 ScHERER, WiLHELM History of German literature 1886 830.9 Sch2 Wells, B:W. Modern German literature 1897 830.9 W46 See also German drama; German poetry; Nibelungenlied •erman pedagogy Barnard, Henry ed. 370.8 B25 Qerman philosophical classics; ed. by G:S. Morris ' ' Esthetics ' ' Kedney, J : S. Hegel 's "Esthetics" 1892'85 701 K23 "Critique of pure reason" MoRRis, G:S. Kant's "Critique of pure reason" 1894 •82 193.2 M83 "Ethics" Porter, Noah Kant's "Eth- ics" 1886 171 P83 ' ' Human understanding ' ' Dewey, John Leibnitz's "New essays concerning the human understanding" 1888 193.1 D51 ' ' Logic ' ' Harris, W : T. Hegel 's ' ' Logic ' ' 1890 160 H24 ' ' Philosophy of history ' * Morris, G : S. Hegel's "Philosophy of the state and of history" 1892 '87 901 M83 "Science of knowledge" Everett, C:C. Fichte's "Science of knowledge" 1892 193.3 fev2 "Transcendental idealism" Watson, John Schelling 's ' ' Transcendental idealism ' ' 1882 193.4 W33 Herman pietists of Pennsylvania Sachse, J. F: 974.8 Sal GERMAN POETRY Carlyle, Thomas His- toric survey of German poetry (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.2,p.307-343) 824.82 C19 See also Nibelungenlied German psychology of to-day Bibot, A. T. 150 R35 German reformed church See Reformed church in the United States Qirman ROMAN EMPIRE See Holy Roman em- pire German sectarians of Pennsylvania Sachse, J. F: 289.9 Sal German society at the close of the middle ages Bax, E. B. 914.3 B33 GERMAN STAGE Gould, Sabine Baring- The stage (see his Germany, present and past n.d. p.243-293) 914.3 G13 German struggle for liberty Bigelow, Poultney 914.3 B48 GERMAN THEOLOGY Pattison, Mark Pres- ent state of theology in Germany (in his Essays 1889 v.2,p.210-262) 824.89 P27 GERMANS, THE Bittinger, L. F. Germans in colonial times 1901'=00 973 B54 GERMANS IN PENNSYLVANIA Sachse, J. F: Falckner's Curieuse Nachricht von Pennsylvania 1905 974.81 Sal GERMANS IN THE UNITED STATES MiiN- STERBERG, HuGO American traits, from the point of view of a German 1903 917.3 M92 GERMANTOWN Pennypacker, S:W. Settle- ment of Germantown and the causes which led to it (see his Historical and biograph- ical sketches 1883 p.1-58) 974.8 P38 Rhoades, L. I. Germantown and its founder (see her Story of Philadelphia "=1900 p.56-64) 974.8 R34 GERMANTOWN, BATTLE OF 1777 Rhoades, L, I. Battle of Germantown (see her Story of Philadelphia «1900 p.235-248) 974.8 R34 GERMANY See also Berlin; Rhine, The Army Gould, Sabine Baring- The army (see his Germany, present and past n.d. p.201- 242) 914.3 G73 Education Barnard, Henry ed. German educational reformers; memoirs of eminent teachers and educators with contributions to the history of education in Germany 1878 (EducO' tional biography) 370.943 B25 GtoULD, Sabine Baring- Education («e« his Germany, present and past n.d. p.175-200) 914.3 G73 GER GER 190 Rein, G:W: Of the forms of education (see his Outlines of pedagogies 1893 p.15-48 1895 p.31-68) 371a B27 See also Germany — Public schools; Germany — Universities; Jesuits; Kulturkampf; also The name of the educator History Gould, Sabink Baring- Story of Germany 1893'=86 (Story of the nations) 943 G73 Menzel, Wolfgang History of Germany from the earliest period to 1842 1892 943 M52 Morris, Charles Historical tales; the ro- mance of reality German 1893 943 M83 Sime, James History of Germany 1884'74 (Historical course for schools) 943 Si4 Tout, T:F: Germany and the empire (see Cambridge modern history The renaissance 1903"=02 p.288-328) 940.6 C14 See also Austria; Hanseatie league; Holy Eoman empire; Seven years' war, 1756- 1763; Thirty years' war, 1618-1648; also Bismarck, O. E:L., fiirst von; Charles V; Frederick "The Great" Literature See German literature Politics and government Machiavelli, Nicolo State of Germany (see his The prince and other pieces 1893 p.297-308) 321 M18 Wilson, Woodrow The governments of Germany (see his The state 1889 p.226-300) 350.9 W69 Public schools Arnold, Matthew Higher schools and uni- versities in Germany 1882 379.43 Ar6 Bolton, F:E. Secondary school system of Germany 1900 (International education series) 373.43 B63 History of secondary instruction in Germany 1874 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 UnS Payne, Joseph Visit to German schools (see his Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.191-271) 370.9 P29 Prince, J:T. Methods of instruction and organization of the schools of Germany 1892*^91 379.43 P93 BiCHARD, Ernest German school system The Prussian schools taken as a standard 1893 (New York — University of the city of School of pedagogy Contributions) 370.4 R38 Russell, J. E. German higher schools; the history, organization and methods of sec- ondary education in Germany 1898 '99 373.43 R91 Seeley, Levi Common school system of Ger- many and its lessons to America 1896 379.43 Se3 Winch, W:H. Notes on German schools with special relation to curriculum and methods of teaching 1904 379.43 W72 Social life and customs Bax, E. B. German society at the close of the middle ages 1894 (Social side of the reformation in Germany) 914.3 B33 Bigelow, Poultney History of the German struggle for liberty 1896 914.3 B48 Gould, Sabine Baring- and past n.d. Germany, present 914.3 G73 Tacitus, C. C. Treatise on the situation, customs and people of Germany (see his Reign of Tiberius n.d. p.219-254) 878.6 Til See also Germans, The Travel and description Dawson, W:H. German life in town and country 1905*^01 (Our European neigh- bors) 914.3 D32 George, M. M. A little journey to Germanj <^1901 (Library of travel) 914.3 G29 A little journey to South Germany '1903 (Library of travel) 914.3 G291 Universities Arnold, Matthew^ Higher schools and uni- versities in Germany 1882 379.43 Ar6 Hart, J. M. German universities; together with a comparison of the German, English and Aiherican systems of higher education 1878'=74 378.43 H25 191 Helmholtz, H. L. F. von On academic freedom in German universities {in hia Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1881 '85 v.2,p.237-265) 504 H36 Paulsex, Friedeich German universities; their character and historical development 1895'94 378.43 P28 GEBSON. JEAN CHARLIER DE 1363-1429 Town SEND, W:J: The most Christian doctor; Jean Charlier Gerson (see Town- send, W:J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881) B19 T66 Gesta Christi Brace, C:L. 261 B72 GETTYSBURG, BATTl^E OF 1863 Double- day, Abner . Chancellorsville and Gettys- burg 1882 (Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 D74 Paris, L. P. A. d 'Orleans comte de Battle of Gettysburg '1886 973.7 P21 Pennsylvania — General assembly Pennsyl- vania at Gettysburg 1893 973.7 P38 GHIBERTI, LORENZO 1378(f)-1455 Ou- PHANT. Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Cathedral builders Ghiberti, Donatello, Brunelleschi (see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of Florence 1892*76 '91 p.132-163) 9 013 Ghosts Ibsen, Henrik (see his Pillars of so- ciety and other plays 1890 p.ll 5-198) 839 Ib7 Qlbbins, Henry dt> Beltgens History of com- merce in Europe 233p.map,D Lond.Mac- millan,1891 (Elementary commercial class booJcg) 380 G35 ed. Social questions of to-day Ld- Oibbon, Charles and Spofford, A. B. ed. brary of choice Uteratiire *1888 .R808.8 Sp6 GIBBON, EDWARD 1737-1794 Gibbon, Ed-' WARD Memoirs of my life and writings (in his History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire n.d. v.l,p.43-205) 940.1 G35 MORISON, J:A:C. Gibbon n.d. (English men of letters) B G35 Bound with lives of Shelley by J:A. Sym- onds and of Milton by Mark Pattlson History of the decline and fall of the Ro- man empire . . . 6v.por.O N.Y.Harper, iLd. 940.1 G35 abridged . . . 677p.il.D N.Y.Har- per.1881 (Students' edition) 940.1 G35b Bagehot, Walter Edward Gibbon (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.l,p.l88-245) 824.89 B14 Harrison, Frederic New letters of Gibbon (see Harrison, Frederic Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other Uterary estimates 1900 p.204-220) 824.89 H24 New memoirs of Gibbon (see Harrison, Frederic Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other literary estimates 1900 p.l87- 203) 824.89 H24 Oibbons, Phoebe Earle Pennsylvania Dutch and other essays 427p.D Phil.Lippincott, 1882 814.49 G35 Contents: — Pennsylvania Dutch; An Am- ish meeting; Swiss exiles; Dunker love feast; Ephrata; Bethlehem and the Mo- ravians; Sch wenkf elders ; A friend; Cousin Jemina; Miners of Scranton; Irish farmers; English Oibbs, J. W. M. ed. Fables 1903 La Fontaine, Jean di 841.45 L13 Gibeme, Agnes Romance of the mighty deep; a popular account of the ocean; the laws by which it is ruled, its wonderful powers and strange inhabitants Ed.2 290p.pl.O Phil.Lippincott,1905 910 G35 Sun, moon and stars; astronomy for beginners . . . New ed. 334p.pl.D N.Y^.Ameri- can tract society,'! 893 523 G35 Gibson, William Hamilton Sharp eyes; a ram- bler's calendar 322p.il.pl.O N.Y.Har- per,! 893 590 G35 Giddings, Franklin Henry -Democracy and em- pire; with studies of their psychological, economic and moral foundations 363p.O N.Y.Macmillan,!901'00 304 G36 Inductive sociology; a syllabus of methods, analysis and classifications and provisionally formulated laws 302p.O N.Y.Macmillan, 1901 307 G36 Principles of sociology; an analysis of the phenomena of a.ssociation and of social or- ganization 476p.O N.Y.Macmillan,!896 30! G36 Oide, Charles Principles of political economy tr. by E:P. Jacobsen . . . 592p.D Bost Heath,1892 '91 330 G36 GID GIF 102 Giffin, William M. How not to teach, revised and enlarged with the way to teach and a short series of number lessons (after Grube) ; also test problems for review exercises Ed.5 84p.il.D N.Y.Barnes/lSSS 371b G36 GIFFOKD, WILLIAM 1757-1826 Hazlitt, William Mr Gifford (in Hazlitt, Wil- liam Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.l63-178) 824.76 H33m GifiPord lectures 1897-98 Bruce, A. B. Moral order of the world 1899 214 B83 1890-1892 Caird, Edward Evolution of re- ligion 1899 201 C12 1899-1900 RoYCE, JosiAH The world and the individual 1901<=1899 110 E81 Gifts Emerson, E. W. (in his Essays 1894 v.2,p.l51-159) 814.36 Em3e Gifts See Kindergarten GILBERT, ELIZABETH MARGARETTA MA- RIA 1826-1885 Martin, Frances Elizabeth Gilbert and her work for the blind 1891 B G37 GILDAS, surnamed "The Wise", 516(?)-570(?) Giles, J: A. Works of Gildas (see Giles, J: A. Six old English chronicles 1891 p.293-380) 942.01 G39 GILDS Ashley, W:J. Merchant and craft gilds (see his Introduction to English economic history and theory 1893 p.67- 123) 330.42 As3 Brentano, Lujo History and development of gilds and the origin of trade unions n.d. 338.6 B75 Gross, Charles The gild merchant; a con- tribution to British municipal history 1890 338.6 G91 Newton, R:H. Old time guilds and modern commercial associations (see his Social studies 1887 p.151-171) 330 N48 Weldon, W:B. The guild cial law of labor 1882 See also Trade unions (see his The so- p.141-185) 331 W41 Qiles, John Allen ed. Six old English chron- icles . . . 512p.por.D Lond.Bell,1891 942.01 G39 Contents: — Ethel we rd's chronicle; As- ser's "Life of Alfred"; Geoffrey of Mon- mouth's "British History"; Gildas; Nen- nlus; Richard of Cirencester Bede, Venerable Ecclesiastical history of England 1894 274.2 B39 tr. Matthew of Paris English history 1854 '89 '93 942.03 M43 Roger of Wendover Flowers of history 1849 942 R63 Qill, John Art of teaching young minds to ob- serve and think; fuUy illustrated by sketches and notes of lessons Ed.5,enl. 208p.S Lond.Longmans,1880 371b G41 Introductory text-book to school education, method and school management 276p.S Lond.Longmans,1881 371b G41i Systems of education; a history and criticism of the principles, methods, organization and moral discipline advocated by eminent edu- cationists 312p.S Lond.Longmans,1876 371.4 G41 312p.D Bost.Heath,1889 (Heath's pedagogical library) 371.4 G41s Gilman, Arthur History of the American peo- ple 6G8p.il.D Bost.Lothrop,'=1883 (Li- brary of entertaining history) 973 G42 Story of Rome from the earliest times to the end of the republic 355p.il.pl.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1886 (Story of the nations) 937 G42 Story of the Saracens from the earliest times to the faU of Bagdad 493p.il.maps,D N.y.Putnam,1887<=86 (Story of the na- tions) 953 G42 ed. Library of entertaining history Gilman, Daniel Coit James Monroe in his re- lations to the public service during half a century, 1776-1826 Ed.5 287p.D Bost. Houghton,1885*82 (American statesmen) B M75 University problems in the United States 319p.O N.Y.Century eo,1898'97 378.73 G42 Gilman, Nicholas Paine Profit sharing between employer and employee; a study in the evo- lution of the wages system 460p.D Bost. Houghton,1891«89 331.2 G42 Socialism and the American spirit 376p.D Bost.Houghton,1893 335 G42 GIOTTO (GIOTTO DI BONDONE) 1276-1337 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Cathedral builders Arnolfo, Giotto (see Oliphant, IM Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Maken of Florence 1892'76'91 p.98-131) 9 013 RusKiN, John Giotto and his works in Padua {see his Poetry of architecture 1894 p.313-389) 720.1 R«9 GIPSIES WmrnEB, J:G. Yankee gypsies {see his Prose works 1893^66 '89 v.l, p.326-344) 814.39 W61 Oirard, Maurice L 'enseignement des sciences physiques et naturelles dans les 6coles primaries {see Paris — Universal exposi- tion 1878 1881 IiC8 conferences p6dag- ogiques faites aux instituteurs 1881 p.167-188) 370.6 P21 GIRARD, STEPHEN 1750-1831 Ingram, H: A. Life and character of Stephen Girard,_ mariner and merchant 1885 B G44 Rhoades, L. I. Stephen Girard {see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia '1900 p.310-325) 974.8 R34 Stockton, Louise Stephen Girard, mariner and merchant {see Sylvan city; or, Quaint comers in Philadelphia 1883 p.472-508) 974.81 Sy5 GIRARDON, FEANgOIS 1630-1715 Dilee, Lady (Emilia Francis Strong) School of sculpture — Sarrazin, Puget, and Girardon {see her Art in the modem state 1888 p.146-166) 709.44 D57 Girls See Children; Sex; Woman GIZYCKI, GEORG von Williams, C. M. Georg von GizycM {see WUliams, C. M. Review of the systems of ethics 1893 p.200-224) 170 W67 GLACIAL EPOCH Wright, G:F: Ice age in North America and its bearing upon the antiquity of man 1889 551.31 W93 GLACIERS Helmholtz, H. L. F. von Ice and glaciers {in his Popular lectures on scien- tific subjects 1881 '85 v.l,p.l07-152) 504 H36 Gladden, WasUngton Applied Christianity; moral aspects of social questions 320pJ) Bost.Houghton,1891*86 261 G45 Gladman, Frederick John School work . . . 2v.inl,tab.D Lond.Jarrold,pref.l885 {Jar- hold's teachers' and pupil teachers' series) 371c G45 Contents: — v. 1 Control and teaching V. 2 Organization and principles of edu- cation Gladstone, John Hall Spelling reform from an educational point of view 63p.D Load. Macmillan,1878 421.4 G45 GLADSTONE, WILLIAM EWART 1809-1898 Bagehot, Walter Mr Gladstone {see Bagehot, Walter Biographical studies 1895 p.91-124) 9 B14 On the place of Homer in classical education and in historical inquiry {in Oxford es- says 1857 p.1-56) 824.89 0x2 Studies subsidiary to the works of Bishop But- ler 370p.D N.Y.Macmillan,«1896 239 G45 ed. Butler, Joseph bishop Works 1896 • 239 B97 HiLLis, N. D. Christian scholar in politics — a study of the life of William Ewart Glad- stone {see Hillis, N. D. Great books as life-teachers 1904*1898 p.307-331) 814 H55 Lord, John William Ewart Gladstone {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883 '96 v.6,p.553-615) 904 L88 "State in its relations with the church" Macaulay, T:B. baron Gladstone on church and state {in Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.3,p.l-73) 824.83 Mil Olaislier, James ed. Flammarion, Camillk The atmosphere 1873 551.5 P61 Glaister, Elizabeth Needlework 124p.il.pl.D Lond.Macmillan,1880 746 G45 GLASGOW Government Shaw, Albert A study of Glasgow {see his Municipal government in Great Britain 1895 p.69-144) 352.042 Sh2 GLASS BoLAS, Thomas Glass blowing and working pref.1898 666 B63 GLAUCUS Kingsley, Charles 592 K61 Glazier, Willard Headwaters of the Missis- sippi; biographical sketches of early and recent explorers of the great river and a full account of the discovery and location 527pil.D Chic.Rand,1893'92 917.7 G46 GLEIG, GEORGE ROBERT 1796-1888 "Mem^ oirs of Warren Hastings" Macaulay, T: B. baron Warren Hastings (»n Ma- GLE GLE IM caulay, T:B. baron Critical and histor- ical essays 1889 v.3,p.287-421) 824.83 Mil Olenn, Thomas Allen Merion in the Welsh tract, with sketches of the townships of Haverford and Eadnor; historical and genealogical collections concerning the Welsh barony in the province of Pennsyl- vania, settled by the Cymric Quakers in 1682 394p.p].0 Norristown(Pa),1896 974.781 G48 Glimpses of modern German culture Francke, Kuno 834.89 F84 Glimpses of the world Stoddard, J:L. ed. E910.4 St6 GOD FiSKE, John Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge 1899'=85 211 F54 See Bible; Creation; Mythology; Natural religion; Eeligion; Theism; Theology God and the Bible Arnold, Matthew 239 Ar6 Godley, Alfred Denis Socrates and Athenian society in his day; a biographical sketch 282p.D Lond.Seely,1896 B Sol Gods in exile Heine, Heinbich (see his Proa© writings n.d. p.268-289) 834.75 H36 God's promises Bale, John (in Dodsley, Eob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 p.277-322) 822.08 D66 GODWIN, WILLIAM 1756-1836 DeQuincey, Thomas William Godwin (see DeQuin- cey, Thomas Biographical and historical essays '1853 '77 p.336-347) 824.81 D44 Hazlitt, William WiUiam Godwin (^in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.l7-33) 824.76 H33m GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON 1749- 1832 Emerson, R. W. Gdethe; or. The writer (see Emerson, R. W. Eepresen- tative men 1894 '76 '83 p.247-276) 9 Em3 Goethe, J:W. von Autobiography, truth and poetry from my own life; tr. from the German by John Oxenford 2v.por.D Lond.Bel],1897 B G55 Griswold, H. T. Goethe (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894 «86 p.9-23) 9 G87 Faust; a tragedy; tr. by Bayard Taylor Ed.9 2v.D Bost.Houghton,<=1870 832.62 G55 ' ' Fatist ' ' Snider, D. J. Goethe 's ' ' Faust ' ' '1886 832.62 Sn3 Poems; tr. in the original metres by E. A. Bowring New ed.enl. 440p.D Lond. BeU,1891'=53 '85 831.69 G55 Arnold, Matthew French critic on Goethe (in Arnold, Matthew Mixed essays 1894 p.206-235) 824.85 Ar6m Barnard, Henry ed. Goethe (see Barn- ard, Henry ed. German pedagogy 1876 p.17-24) 370.8 B25 BoYESEN, H. H. Goethe and Schiller 1898 832.62 B69 Carlyle, Thomas Goethe (see Vaughan, C:E. corny. English literary criticism pref.1896 p.200-209) 820 V36 Goethe (in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.l,p.l94- 255;v.3,p.3-73) 824.82 C19 DeQuincey, Thomas Goethe (see DeQuin- cey, Thomas Biographical and historical essays =1853 '77 p.408-483) 824.81 D44n Helmholtz, H. L. F. von Goethe's scien- tific researches (in Helmholtz, H. L. F. von Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1881 '85 v.l,p.33-59) 504 H36 Mazzini, Guiseppe Byron and Goethe (see Mazzini, Giiiseppe Essays n.d. p.83- 108) 854.89 M45 NicoL, David Johann Wolfgang Goethe (in Nicol, David Political life of our time 1889 V.1) 320 N51 Spalding, J:L. Goethe as educator (see Spalding, J:L. Opportunity and other es- says and addresses 1900 p.142-189) 377 Spl Wells, B:W. The young Goethe Goethe's manhood and old age Goethe's "Faust" (see Wells, B:W. Modern German litera- ture 1897 p.111-218) 830.9 W46 "Helena" Carlyle, Thomas Goethe's Helena (see Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.3,p.l42- 193) 824.82 C19 * * Wilhelm Meister 's apprenticeship ' ' Z'S.tt- rey, Francis (see his Selections from es- says 1894 p.159-172) 824.73 J37 193 Ooldammer, Hermann The kindergarten; a gmde to Froebel's method of education, gifts and occupations 2v.inl,iI.O Berlin, Habel,1882 372.2 G56 V. 1 The gifts of the kindergarten V. 2 The occupations of the kindergarten Golden age Grahame, Kenneth 828 G76 Golden boat action songs Chant, L. O. 372.21 C36 Golden treasury of the best songs Palgrave, F. T. ed. 821.08 P17 Golden treasury series Yonge, C. M.. Book of golden deeds of all times and all lands 1882 9 Y8 Goldsmid, Anna Maria ed. Educational code of the Prussian nation in its present form 84p.D Lond.Paul,1879 379.431 G57 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER 1728-1774 Black, William Goldsmith n.d. (English men of letters) B G57 Bound with lives of Graj' by E. W: Gosse and of Locke by Thomas Fowler DoBSON, Austin Life of Oliver Goldsmith 1888 (Great writers) B G57d Irving, Washington Life of Oliver Gold- smith (in Irving, Washington Brace- bridge hall n.d. pt.2) 817.24 Ir8 Miscellaneous "works ; with biographical intro- duction by David Masson 695p.il.O Lond. Macmillan,1893 821.64 G57 Vicar of Wakefield ; ed. by Ernest Rhys 296p. D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 823.64 G57 De Quincey, Thomas Oliver Goldsmith (see De Quincey, Thomas Eighteenth cen- tury in scholarship and literature «18o6'77 p.337-378) 824.81 D44e Dobson, Austin Goldsmith's poems and plays (in Dobson, Austin Miscellanies 1898 v.l,p.7-32) 824.89 D65m "Vicar of Wakefield" Dobson, Austin "Vicar of Wakefield" and its illustrators (see his Miscellanies 1898 p.165-182) 824.89 D65m GOLDSMITHING Pollen, J:H: Gold and silver smiths' work 1789 (South Ken- sington museum art hand-books) 739 P76 Oomme, Alice Bertha ed. Children's singing games, with the tunes to which they are sung 2v.il.O Lond.Nutt,1894 784 G58 Traditional games of England, Scotland and Ireland, with tunes, singing- rhymes and methods of playing 2vil.O Lond.Nutt, 1894 '98 (Dictionary of British folk- lore) 398.3 G58 Gonune, Oeorge Laurence Village community, with special reference to the origin and form of its survivals in Britain 299pal. maps,D Lond,Scott,n.d. (Contemporary science series) 321.2 G58 and Ordlsh, T: F. Camden library Oomperz, Theodor Greek thinkers; a history of ancient philosophy; tr. by Laurie Magnus eiOp.O N.Y.Scribner,1901 109 G58 Gonner, Edward Carter Kersey ed. Ricakdo, David Principles of political economy 1891 330 R35p Goodale, George Lincoln Concerning a few com- mon plants Ed.2 61p.S Bost.Heath,1886 (in Agassiz, Mrs E..C. (Gary) First les- son in natural history 1893 pt.2) 591 Agl Physiological botany. . . 499pil.O N.Y. American book co,'1885 (Gray's botanical text-book) 581 G61 Gtoodfellow, John Dietetic value of bread 328p.U.D Lond.MacmiUan,1892 643 G61 Goodnow, Frank Johnson Municipal problems 321p.D N.Y.MacmiUan,1897 352 G62 Goodwin, Alfred and Alleyne, S:F: tr. Zellee, Eduard Plato and the older academy 1876 184.1 Z2 Goodwin, Maude Wilder and Bellamy, B. W. comp. Open sesame 1895''89 808 B41 Goodyear, William Henry History of art; for classes, art-students and tourists in Europe Ed.4,enl.' 357p.il.O N.Y.Barnes,1888 '89 709 G63 Renaissance and modem art 310p.il.pl.O N.YMacmillan,1900'1894 709 G63r Gordon, John Brown Reminiscences of the civil war 474p.por,0 N.Y.Scribner,1905 •03 973.7 G65 Gordon, Lina Dnff- Story of Assisi . . . 372p. il.pl.plan,D Lond.Dent,1905 (Medieval town series) 945 G65 GOR GOR Gordon, Mrs Mary (Wilson) ed. Christopher North; a memoir of John Wilson compiled from family papers and other sources 484p. il.por.0 N.Y.Worthington,«1863 (2 cop- ies) B- W69 196 Gordon, Thomas F. New Jersey . ton,1834 Gazetteer of the state of 266p.O Trenton,Fen- 974.9 G65 History of New Jersey from its discovery by Europeans to the adoption of the Federal constitution 339p.map,0 Trenton,Fen- ton,1834 974.9 G65h History of Pennsylvania from its discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of independ- ence in 1776 628p.O Phil.Carey,1829 974.8 G65 Gordon, W. J. ed. Fonblanqub, Albany de How we are governed 1889 342.42 F73 Gordy, John Pancoast History of political par- ties in the United States v.l,D Athens (0),OhiopubU8hingco,1895 329 G65 Else and growth of the normal school idea in the United States 145p.O Wash.govt. pr.0.1891 (United States — Education, Bvr reau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Gordy, Wilbur Fisk and Twitchell, W. I. Path- finder in American history 261p.D Bost. Lee,''1892 973 G65 Gore, James Howard Geodesy 218p.pl,D Bost.Houghton,1891 {Riverside science se- ries) 526 G66 Gore, Willard Clark Image and idea in logic {see Dewey, John Studies in logical theory 1903 p.184-202) 160 D51 Goss, William Freeman Myrick Bench work in wood. . . leip.il.D Bost.Ginn,1888'=87 694 G69 Gosse, Edmund William From Shakespeare to Pope; an inquiry into the causes and phe- nomena of the rise of classical poetry 242p.D N.Y.Dodd,1896 821.4 G69 Gray 223p.8 N.Y.Harper,n.d. {Eng- lish men of letters) B G57 Bound with lives of Goldsmith by William Black and of Locke by Thomas Fowler Hazlitt as an art critic {see Hazlitt, Wil- liam Conversations of James Northcote 1894 9-27p.preface) B N89 History of eighteenth century literature, 1660- 1780 415p.D Lond.Macmillan,1891 820.9 G691 Jacobean poets 226p.D N.Y.Seribner,1894 {University series) 821 G69 Life of William Congreve 192p.D Lond. Scott,1888 {Great writers) B C76 Contains a bibliography Northern studies 268p.D Lond.Scott,1890 {Camelot series) 839 G69 Seventeenth century studies; a contribution to the history of English poetry 305p,D N.Y.Dodd,1897 824.8 G69 Contents: — Thomas Lodge; John Webster; Samuel Rowlands; Captain Dover's Cots- wold games; Robert Herrick; Richard Cra- shaw; Abraham Cowley; Matchless Orlnda; Sir George Etheredge; Thomas Otway Short history of modern English literature 416p.D N.Y.Appleton,1898 820.9 G69 ed. Hazlitt, William James Northcote 1894 Literatures of the world Conversations of B N81 Gossip of romance Stevenson, E. L: {see his Memories and portraits 1892 p.247-274) 824 St4 GOTHIC AECHITECTUEE Moore, C:H. De- velopment and character of Gothic architec- ture 1890 , 723.5 M78 Parker, J:H: A B C of Gothic architecture 1891 723.5 P22 Introduction to the study of Gothic archi- tecture 1891 723.5 P22i Smith, T:E. Architecture, Gothic and renaissance 1893 {Illustrated hand- books of art education) 723.4 Sm5 See also Church architecture GOTHS Bradley, Henry Story of the Goths 1891*88 {Story of the nations) 940 B72 See also Alaric; Attila Gouln, Frangois Art of teaching and studying the languages; tr. from the French by How- ard Swan and Victor B6tis Ed.4 407p. D Lond.Philip,1892'93 407 G72 Gould, George Milbry Borderland studies; mis- cellaneous addresses and essays pertaining to medicine and the medical profession and Iff their relations to general science and thought 380p.O PhiI.Blaki8ton,1896 610.4 G73 Oould, Sabine Baring- Curiosities of olden times SOlp.D N.Y.Whittaker,1896 398.3 G73 Curious mTths of the middle ages 453p.il.pl. D Bost.Robert8,1889 398.2 G73 Germany, present and past 492p.por.O N.Y.Dodd,n.d. 914.3 G73 Origin and development of religious belief New ed. 2v.D Lond.Longmans,1892 201 G73 Story of Germany 437pil.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1893'86 (Story of the nations) 943 G73 CtovERNMENT See Political science Gow, Alexander M. Good morals and gentle manners for schools and families 252p.D Cinc.VanAntwerp,«1873 170.7 G74 Primer of politeness; a help to school and home government 216p.D PhiLLippin- eott,'1883 395 G74 Gow, James Companion to school classics 374p.il.D Lond.Macmillan,1889'88 938 G74 Short history of Greek mathematics 323p.O Cambridge university pre8S,1884 510.9 G74 ed. Elementary commercial class books GOWER, JOHN 1325(f) -1408 Easton, M. W: Readings in Gower 1895 (Univer- sity of Pennsylvania Series in philosophy, literature and archaeology) 821.18 G74 Maesh, G:P. Chaucer and Gower (see Marsh, G:P. Origin and history of the English language 1885*65 '85 p.379- 453) 420.9 M35 •racchi, Marius and Sulla Beesly, A:H: Gracchi, Marius and Sulla 1892 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.05 B39 Gracefulness Spencek, Herbert (in his Es- says; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.2,p.381-386) 824.89 Sp3 Graded schools in the United States of America Page, M..H. 379.73 PI 4 GRADENIGO, PIETRO 1249-1311 Oliphant, Mrs M,. O. (Wilson) Pietro Gradenigo (see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of Venice 1893«87'92 p.92-119) 945.3 013 GRADING IN SCHOOLS Shearer, W:J. The grading of schools, including a full explana- tion of a rational plan of grading 1898 371c Sh3 See also Promotions GRAEFF, ABRAHAM OP DEN (1)-1731 Pennypacker, S:W. Abraham and Dirck op den Graeff (see Pennypacker, 8:W. Historical and biographical sketches 1883 p.201-221) 974.8 P38 GRAEFF, DIRCK OP DEN (»)-1697 Penny- packer, S:W. Abraham and Dirck op den Graeff (see Pennypacker, S:W. His- torical and biographical sketches 1883 p.201-221) 974.8 P38 Graham, James earl of Se^ Montrose, James Graham Graham, James and Hooper, Frederick Com- mercial education 1901 650.7 H7e GRAHAM, THOMAS 1805-1869 Cooke, J. P. Memoir of Thomas Graham (see Cooke, J. P. Scientific culture 1881 p.127-144) 504 C77 Thorpe, T:E: Thomas Graham (set Thorpe, T:E: Essays in historical chemis- try 1894 p.160-235) 540.9 T39 Grahame, Kenneth Golden age 241p.S Chic. Stone,1895 828 G76 GRAMMAR For the grammar of any language see the name of the language, sub-division, • Grammar Grammar of ornament Jones, Owen R745 J71 GRAMMAR SCHOOLS Eliot, C:W: The grammar school of the future (see his Educational reform 190ia898 p.301- 311) 370.4 EI4 Hart, A. B. Reform in the grammar schools (see his Studies in American education 1895* p.22-48) 370.4 H25 See also Curriculum GRANADA (kitigdom) ■ History Irving, Washington Conquest of Granada (in his Alhambra n.d. v.2) 946 Ir8 Grandgent, Charles Hall Italian grammar Ed.2,enl. 132p.D Bost,Heath,1905«1887 1904 (Heath's modern langmige series) 458 G7« GRA GRA 198 Short French grammar Heath,1899«94 ISOp.D Bost. 445 G75 Grant Allen's historical guide books Belgium Allen, C:G. B. Cities of Belgium 1905 914.93 A13 Florence Allen, C:G. B. Florence 1900 914.5 A15 Italy Williamson, G:C: Cities of northern Italy 1904 914.5 W67 Paris AUen,C:G.B. Paris 1900 914.4 A15 Umbria Cruiekshank, J. W. and Cruickshank, A. M. The Umbrian towns 1902 914.56 C88 Venice Allen, C:G.B. Venice 1900 914.5 A15 Grant, Sir Alexander Story of the University of Edinburgh; during its first three hund- red years 2v.por.pl.O Lond.Longmans, 1884 378.414 G76 Grant, Arthur James Greece in the age of Pericles 331p.il.maps,D N.Y.Scribner, 1893 (University series) 938 G76 Grant, Frederick Eichard Charles Life of Sam- uel Johnson 173p.D Lond.Scott,1887 (Great writers) B J62g Contains a bibliography Grant, Horace Exercises for the improvement of the senses for young children; American edition, ed. by Willard Small 157p.il. S Bost.Lee,1886 372.3 G75 Grant, James History of the burgh and parish schools of Scotland 2v.Q Lond.Collins, 1876 370.941 G76 Contents: — ^v. 1 History of the burgh- schools V. 2 wanting' Grant, Jeannette A. Through Evangeline's country lOOp.il.D Bost.Knig!it,1894«93 917.16 G76 Grant, John B. Our common birds and how to know them Ed.5 224p.il.T N.Y.Scrib- ner,1893 '95=91 (2 copies) 598.2 G76 Grant, Robert Poem (see Boston Latin school Oldest school in America 1885 p.79-92) 379.744 B65 GEANT, ULYSSES SIMPSON, president of the United States, 1822-1885 Personal mem- oirs 2v.il.por.facsim.O N.Y.Webster, 1885 '86 B G76g Church, W:C. Ulysses S. Grant 1897 (Heroes of the nations) B G76 GEANVILLE, GEORGE 1667-1735 Johnson, Samuel Granville (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.4,p.85- 97) 9 J62 Graphic arts See Art; Drawing; Engraving; Painting Graphic arts Hamerton, P. G. 741 H17 Grasby, W. Catton Teaching in three con- tinents; personal notes on the educational systems of the world 344p.D Syracuse, Bardeen,1895 371.4 G76 GRASSES United States — Agriculture, Depart- ment of Illustrations of North American grasses 1891 584.9 Un3 Grattan, Henry Declaration of Irish rights Irish house of commons April 19, 1780 (see Clarke, William ed. Political ora- tions from Wentworth to Macaulay n.d. p.120-137) 320.4 C55 1746-1820 Lecky, W:E:H. Henry Grat- tan (see Lecky, W:E:H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland 1889 p.l04- 222) 941.5 L49 Gray, Asa Elements of botany. . . 226p.il.O Newed.enl. N.Y.Ivison,<=1887 581 G79 Lessons in botany and vegetable physiology, with a glossary or dictionary of botanical terms 703p.il.pl.O N.Y.Ivison,1857<=68 581 G791 Manual of botany of the northern United States Ed. 6,enl. 760p.pl.D N.Y. American book co,<=1889 581.9 G79 Structural botany; or, Organography on the basis of morphology, to which is added the principles of taxonomy and phytography. . . 442p.il.O N.Y.American book co,«1879 581 G79s Gray, Elisha Nature's miracles 2v.il.D N.Y. Ford,'=1899 507 G79 Contents: — ^v. 1 World-building and life V. 2 Energy and vibration GRAY, THOMAS 1716-1771 Bradshaw, John Bibliography (see Gray, Thomas Poetical works 1891 p.305-319) 821.61 G79 GossE, E. W: Gray n.d. (English men of letters) B G57 Bound with lives of Goldsmith by William Black and of Locke by Thomas Fowler 199 Johnson, Samuel Gray {in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.6,p.l 75-194) 9 J62 Poetical works, English and Latin; ed. with an introduction, life, notes and a bibliog- raphy by John Bradshaw 319p.por.D Lond. Bell,1891 (Aldine edition of the British poets) 821.61 G79 Selections from his poetry and prose; ed. by W:L. Phelps 179p.por.D Bost.Ginn,1894 (Athenaeum press series) 821.61 G79s Aknold, Matthew Thomas Gray (in Ar- nold, Matthew Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.2,p.69-99) 834.85 Ar6e Bradshaw, John Life and writings of Gray, 1716-1771 (see Gray, Thomas Po- etical works 1891 p.23-66 pref.) 821.61 G79 Lowell, J. K. Gray (see Lowell, J. B. Latest literary essays and addresses 1893 '91 p.1-42) 814.39 L95 Graydon, Alexander Memoirs of a life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania within the last sixty years. . . 378p.D Harrisburg,Wyeth,1811 B G79 Great American educators, with chapters on Ameri- can education Winship, A. E. B39 W7S Great books Farrar, F:W: 824.89 F24 Great books as life-teachers Hillis, N. D. 814 H55 GREAT BRITAIN Meiklejohn, J:M: D. Brit- ish empire; its geography, resources, com- merce, land-ways and water-ways 1899 914.2 M47 See also Isle of Man; also The name of the country in Great Britain Agriculture Cairo, Sir James Agriculture (in Ward, T:H. ed. Reign of Queen Victoria 1887 v.2,p.l29-152) 914.2 W21 Antiquities Wright, Thomas The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon 1875 913.42 W92 Architecture Hunnewell, J. F. Imperial island 1886 720.9 H89 Biography Brtce, James Studies in contemporary bi- ography 1903 9 B84 Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest ' 1893 • 9 St8 Who's who; an annual biographical diction- ary 1904 R9 W62 Civilization Buckle, H. T: England 1885 History of civilization in 901 B85 Traill, H:D. ed. Social England; a rec- ord of the progress of the people 1894 '97 942 T68 Colleges and universities Fyffe, C:A. Universities (in Ward, T:H. ed. Reign of Queen Victoria 1887 v.2, p.288-321) 914.2 W21 Wordsworth, Christopher Scholae acad- emicae; some account of the studies at the English universities in the 18th century 1887 378.42 W89 Colonies Caldecott, Alfred and empire 1891 manuals) English colonization (University extension 325 012 Froude, J. A. England and her colonies The colonies once more (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.2,'p.l49-177; 230-312) 824.89 F93 Oceana; or, England and her colonies 1897 325 P93 Seeley, Sir J:R: 1895'83 '95 Expansion of England 342.42 Se3 Woodward, W:H. Short history of the ex- pansion of the British empire 1899 (Cambiidge series for schools and training colleges) 325 W87 See also Australia; Canada; Ceylon; Cy- prus; Hong-Kong; India — History; West Indies Commerce Cunningham, William Growth of English industry and commerce 1890*92 330.94 C91 GRE GRE 200 Constitution Bagehot, Walter English constitution and other political essays 1895 342.42 B14 BouTMY, Emile Origin and spirit of the English constitution (see his Studies in constitutional law 1891 p.1-51) 342 B66 Dicey, A. V. Law of the constitution 1885 342 D54 Lectures introductory to the study of the law of the constitution 1885 342.42 I>54 Freeman, E:A: Growth of the English con- stitution 1890 942 F87g Hallam, Henry Constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII to the death of George II 1897 342.42 H15 Montague, F. C: Elements of English con- stitutional history 1894 342.42 M76 Eansome, Cyril Eise of constitutional gov- ernment in England 1883 342.42 E17 Stubbs, William Constitutional history of England 1890 '91 342.42 St9 ed. Select chapters and other illustrations of English constitutional history 1890 342.42 St93 Taylor, Hannis Origin and growth of the English constitution 1899 342 T21 Economics Ashley, W:J. Introduction to English econ- omic history and theory 1893 '98 330.942 As8 Cheyney, E:P. Social changes in England in the 16th century as reflected in contem- porary literature 1895 (University of Pennsylvania Series in philology, litera- ture and archaeology) 330.942 C42 Rogers, J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages 1884 331 E63 ToYNBEE, Arnold Lectures on the industrial revolution of the 18th century in England 1890 330.9 T66 See also Peasants' revolt Education Balfour, Graham Educational systems of Great Britain and Ireland 1903 379.42 B19 Sadler, M. E. National education and social ideals (see Eoberts, R. D, ed. Educa- tion in the 19th century 1901 p.210-239) 370,4 E54 See also The name of the subject ; also The name of the public school and the name of the university; also The name of the country and of the city of Great Britain, subdivision — Education and Public schools History AcLAND, A. H. D. and Eansome, Cyril A handbook in outline of the political history of England to 1890 chronologically arranged 1891 942 Ac5 Anglo-Saxon chronicle (see Bede, Venera- ble Ecclesiastical history of England 1894 p.301-508) 274.2 B39 Burke, Edmund An essay toward an abridgment of the English history (in his Works 1890 v.6,p.l84-422) 825.62 B91 Burrows, Montagu Commentaries on the history of England 1893 942 B94 DeQuincey, Thomas Falsification of Eng- lish history (see his Politics and political economy "=1859 '77 p.415-435) 824.81 D44p Freeman, E:A: Continuity of English his- tory (see his Historical essays 1871 p.40-52) 904 F87 English towns and districts 1883 942 F87 Eelations between the crowns of England and Scotland (see his Historical essays 1871 p.53-78) 904 F87 Froude, J. A. England's forgotten worthies (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.l,p.358-405) 824.89 F93 Gardiner, S:E. ed. Students' history of England from the earliest times to 1885 1892 942 G16 History of the English peo- 942 G82 Green, J:E: pie 1882 Short history of the English people 1895 '99 942 G82s GUERBER, H. M. A. Story of the English '1898 942 G93 Hume, David History of England from the earliest times to the revolution of 1688 1894«80 942 H88 201 History of England from the invasion of Julius CsBsar to the revolution of 1688 1880 942 H88h Jessop, Augustus Coming of the Friars and other historic essays 1892 942 J49 Knight, Charles Popular history of Eng- land; an illustrated history of society and government from the earliest period to our own time pref.1862 942 K74 LiNQARD, John History of England from the first invasion by the Eomans to 1688 1888 942 L64 Morris, Charles Historical tales; a ro- mance of reality English 1893 942 M83 OxoN pseud. Seventeen hundred and fifty examination questions on English history 1886 942 0x6 Patten, S. N. Development of English thought; a study in the economic interpre- tation of history 1899 942 P27 Powell, F:Y. Mackay, J. M. and Tout, T. F. History of England . . . 1890 '98 942 P87 Ransoms, Cyril Short history of England 1895 942 R17 Roger op Wendover Flowers of history from the descent of the Saxonists, 1235 1849 942 R63 Thompson, Edith History of England 1887 (Historical course for schools) 942 T37 Warner, B, E. English history in Shakes- peare 's plays 1894 822.33 W24 See also Geoffrey of Monmouth; Gildas; Holinshed, Raphael; Nennius; Russell, House of; also Cinque Ports; Colchester; Exeter; Oxford; Winchester; York Atlases Gardiner, S:R. ed. lish history 1892 School atlas of Eng- 942 G16 Dictionaries Law, S. J. M. and Pulling, F:S. Diction- ary of English history 1884 R942 L95 Sources Colby, C:W. Selections from tne sources of English history 1899 942 C67 Teaching Froude, J. A. Suggestions on the best means of teaching English history (in Oxford essays 1855 p.47-79) 824.89 0x2 History, Anglo-Saxon — 1066 Allen, C:G. B. Early Britain Anglo- Saxon Britain 1891 942.01 A10 Freeman, E:A: Old English history 1890 «69 '90 942.01 F87 Giles, J: A. ed. Six old English chron- icles 1891 942.01 G39 Green, J:R: Conquest of England n,d. 942.01 G82 Making of England n.d. 942.01 G82m Robertson, C:G. Making of the English nation, 55-1135 1896 (Oxford manuals of English history) 942.01 R54 RoEMER, Jean Origins of the English peo- ple and of the English language 1888*87 420.9 R62 See also Alfred "The Great"; William I History, Medieval — 1485 Dalgleish, W. S. Medieval England 1892 (Periods of English history) 942 D15 Freeman, E:A: History of the Norman conquest of England 1873 '79 942.02 F87 Short history of the Norman conquest in England 1887 942.02 F878 Gairdner, James History of the life and reign of Richard the third 1898 B R38 Houses of Lancaster and York with the conquest and loss of France 1891 (Epochs of modern history) 942.04 Q12 HuTTON, W. H. King and baronage 1896 (Oxford manuals of English history) 942.03 H97 Matthew, Paris English history from 1235- 1273 1854 '89 '93 942.03 M43 Norgate, Kate England under the Angevin kings 1887 942.03 N7« Powell, Edgar and Trevkltan, J:M. Peas- ant 'q rising and the Lollards 1899 942.03 P87 GRE GRE 2oe Powers, G:W. England and the reforma- tion, 1485-1603 1898 (^Oxford manuals of English history) 942.05 P87 Stubbs, William: Early Plantagenets 1893 (Epochs of modern history) 942,03 St9 WARBxniTON, William Edward III 1888 (Epochs of modern history) 942.03 W21 Wright, Thomas Political poems and songs relating to English history 1859 942.03 W73 See also Edward I; Edward III; Henry II; Henry V; Peasant's revolt; Warwick, Richard Neville, earl of; William I; Mont- fort, Simon of History, 15th century Paston letters, 1422-1509 1872 75 942.04 P26 See also Henry VII; Warbeck, Perkin; Warwick, Richard Neville, earl of; also Paston letters History, 16th century Creighton, Mandell Age of Elizabeth 1891 (Epochs of modern history) 940.5 C86 Froude, J. A. English seamen in the 16th century 1895 942 r93 History of England from the fall of Wol- sey to the death of Elizabeth 1895 942.05 F93 Gairdner, James Early Tudors (see Cam- bridge modern history The renaissance 1903'=02 p.463-492) 940.6 C14 MOBERLY, C : E : Henry VIII history) Early Tudors; Henry VII; 1890 (Epochs of modern 942.05 M71 See also Catharine of Aragon; Durham; Elizabeth, queen of England; Raleigh, Sir Walter History, 16th century, Fiction KiNGSLEY, Charles Westward ho 1892 823.85 K61 History, 16th and 17th centuries Daloleish, W. S. Reformation and the rev- olution 1892 (Periods of English his- tory) 942.06 D15 History, 17th century Dalgleish, W. S. Great Britain and Ireland 1892 (Periods of English history) 942.07 D15 Gardiner, S:R. First two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution 1891 (Epochs of modern history) 942.06 G16 History of England, 1603-1642 1894 '95 942.06 G16h History of the great civil war, 1642-1649 1893 942.06 G16hi Hale, Edward Fall of the Stuarts and west- ern Europe 1889 (Epochs of modern his- tory) 942.06 H13 Macaulay, T:B. baron History of England from the accession of James II 1879 . 942.06 Mil Pepys, Samuel Diary 1896<=92 '93 '95 B P39 Story, A. T: Building of the British em- pire 1898 (Story of the nations) 942.06 St7 See also Cromwell, Oliver ; Fairfax, Thomas ; Pepys, Samuel; Vane, Sir Henry; William III History, 18th century Lecky, W:E:H. History of England in the 18th century 1882 942.07 L49 Morris, E:E. Age of Anne 1891 (Epochs of modern history) 940.7 M83 Early Hanoverians 1891 (Epochs of modern history) 940.7 M83e Stanhope, P:H. earl History of England 1858 942.07 St2 See also Fox, C:J.; Pitt, William; Walpole, Horace; William IV; Wolfe, James History, 19th century Froude, J. A. England's war (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.2,p.382-409) 824.89 F93 Latimer, Mrs M.. E.. (Wormeley) England in the 19th century 1897 942.08 L34 McCarthy, Justin Epoch of reform, 1830- 1850 n.d. (Epochs of modern history) 942.07 M12 History of our own times n.d. 942.08 M12 203 Story of the people of England in the 19th century 1899^98 {Story of the na- tions) 942.08 M128 Oman, C:W:C. England in the nineteenth century 1900 942.08 0ml See also Crimean war Industries Cunningham, William Growth of English industry and commerce 1890^92 330.94 C91 Mythology Freeman, E:A: Mythical and romantic ele- ments in early English history (see his Historical essays 1871 p.1-39) 904 F87 See also Arthur, King Natural history Jefferies, J:E. Field and hedgerow 1895 824.89 J35 White, Gilbert Natural history of Sel- borne 1887 '90 591.9 W58 Navy Brassey, T:A. baron The navy (in Ward, T:H. ed. The reign of Queen Victoria 1887 v.l,p.234-280) 914.2 W21 Froude, J. A. English seamen in the six- teenth century 1895 942 F93 See also English seamen Eaton, D. B. Civil service in Great Britain; a history of abuses and reforms and theii bearing upon American politics 1880 '79 351.1 Ea8 Fonblanque, Albany de How we are gov- erned; a handbook of constitution, govern- ment, laws, and power of the British em- pire 1889 342.42 F73 Froude, J. A. Eeciprocal duties of state and subject (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.2,p.211-241) 824.89 F93 Junius pseud. Letters 1894 827 J95 NicoL, David Political characteristics of our time in Great Britain and America (in his Political life of our time 1889 v.l, p.252-400) 320 N51 See also Chartism; Liberalism; Municipal government; also Bolingbroke, Henry St John; Cobbett, William; Fox, H:R:V.; Gladstone, W:E.; Malthus, T:R. Public schools Montmorency, J. E. G. de tion in English education State interven- 1902 379.42 M76 Schools inquiry commission Reports . . . 21v.O Lond.1868-69 370.6 G79 See also Charterhouse; Cheltenham college; Clifton college; Eton; Haileybury; Har- row; Merchant Taylors' school; Rugby; St Paul's school; Shrewsbury; Westminster; Winchester Philosophy Masson, David 1877 Recent British philosophy 192 M38 Politics and government Bain, Alexander Procedure of deliberative bodies (see his Practical essays 1884 p.289-317) 370.4 B16 Buckland, Anna Our national institutions, a short sketch for schools 1886 352.042 B85 Carlyle, Thomas An election to the Long Parliament (see his Critical and miscel- laneous essays n.d. T.3,p.264-292) 824.82 C19 Shooting Niagara: end after? (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.4,p.421-465) 824.82 C19 Social life and customs Ashton, John Social life in the reign of Queen Anne 1883 914.2 As3 Green, Mrs A. S. Town life in the 15th cen- tury 1894*93 942 G82 Teaill, H. D. ed. Social England; a record of the progress of the people 1894 '97 942 T68 Ward, T:H. Reign of Queen Victoria; a survey of fifty years of progress 1887 914.2 W21 Great cities of the ancient world Smith, H..A. (Hazel Shephard pseud.) 913 Sm5 Great cities of the modem world Smith, H.. A. (Hazel Shephard pseud.) 910 Sm5 GRE GRE 204 Great commanders; ed. by J, gut Mahan, a. T. 1895<=92 Greene Greene, F. V. 1893 Hancock Walker, F. A. cock 1895'^94 Jackson Parton, James 1893'=92 Johnston Hughes, R. M. 1895=93 G. Wilson Farra- Admiral Farragut B F24 General Greene B G83 General Han- B H19 General Jackson B J13 General Johnston B J64 1895 L51 1894 Sco8 Commodore Paul Jones B J71 General Lee B General Scott B General Sheridan B Sh5 General Taylor B T21 General Thomas B T36 T. General B W27j 371b 073 Jones Bkadt, C. T. 1900 Lee Lee, Fitzhugh «94 Scott Wright, M. J. =93 Sheridan Da vies, H:E. 1895 Taylor Howard, 0:0. 1892 Thomas Copp^e, Henry 1895=93 Washington Johnson, B. Washington 1895=94 Great didactic Comenius, J: A. Great educators; ed. by N:M. Butler Abelard CoMPAYEfi, Gabriel Abelard and the origin and early history of universities 1893 B37 Ab3 Alcuin West, A. F. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools 1892 B37 All Aristotle Davidson, Thomas Aristotle and ancient educational ideas 1896=92 B37 Ar4 Arnolds Fitch, Sir Joshua Thomas and Matthew Arnold 1897 B37 Ar6 Comenius Monroe, W:S. Comenius and the beginnings of educational reform 1900 B C73 Froebel Bowen, H. C. Froebel and educa- tion by self -activity 1893=92 B37 F92b Herbart De Garmo, Charles Herbart and the Herbartians 1895 B37 H41 Loyola Hughes, Thomas Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits 1892 B37 L95 Mann Hinsdale, B. A. Horace Mann 1898 B37 M31 Pestalozzi Pinloche, A. Pestalozzi and the foundation of the modem elementary school 1901 B37 P43p Bousseau Davidson, Thomas Bousseau and education according to nature 1898 B37 B76 Cireat French writers Cousin Victor Cousin 1888 Montesquieu Sorel, Albert 1888 Turgot Say, Leon Turgot Simon, Jules B C83 Montesquieu B M76 1888 B T84 Great peoples series; ed. by F:Y. Powell Has- SALi;, Arthur The French people 1901 944 H27 Great pestilence, 1348-49 Gasquet, F. A. 614.49 G21 Great pictures as seen and described by famous writers Singleton, Esther ed. and tr. 750 Si6 Great prophecy of Israel's restoration Arnold, Matthew ed. Bible reading for schools Great prophecy of Israel's restoration 1875 224.1 Ar6 Great public schools; Eton, Harrow, Charterhouse, Cheltenham, Rugby, Clifton, Westminster, Marlborough, Haileybury, Winchester 344p. il.por.O Lond.Arnold,n.d. 373.42 G79 Great schoolmen of the middle ages Townsend, W:J: B19 T66 Great world's farm Gaye, Selina 581 G25 Great writers; ed. by E. Smith, Goldwin Balzac Wedmore, Honore de Balzac Bronte Birrell, Augustine lotte Bronte 1887 S. Robertson Austen Jane Austen 1890 B Au7 Frederick Life of 1890 B B21 Life of Char- B B78 Bunyan Venables, Edmund Bunyan 1888 Cervantes Watts, H:E: de Cervantes 1891 Congreve GossE, E. W Congreve 1888 Darwin Bettany, G. T. Darwin n.d. Dickens Marzials, F. T: Dickens 1887 Emerson Garnett, Richard Waldo Emerson 1888 Goldsmith Dobson, Austin Goldsmith 1888 Hawthorne Conway, M. D thaniel Hawthorne n.d. Heine Sharp, William Heine 1888 Hugo Marzials, F. T: Hugo 1888 Hunt Monkhouse, W:C, Hunt 1893 Life of John B B88 Life of Miguel B C33 Life of William B C76 Life of Charles B D25 Life of Charles B D55 Life of Ralph B Em3 Life of Oliver B G57d Life of Na- B H31 Life of Heinrich B H36 Life of "Victor B H87 Life of Leigh B H91 205 Johnson Grant, F:R:C: Samuel Johnson 1887 B J62g • Leasing Rolleston, T:W:H. Life of Gott- hold Ephraim Lessing 1889 B L56 Longfellow Robertson, E. S. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1887 B L86 Marryat Hannay, David Life of Fred- erick Marryat 1889 B M34 Mill CoxntTNlY, W:L. John Stuart Mill n.d. B M59 Milton Garnktt, Richard John Milton 1890 B M64 Rossetti Knight, Joseph Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1887 B R73k Schiller Nevinson, H:W. Life of Fried- rich SchiUer 1889 B Sch3 Sheridan Sanders, L. C: Richard Brins- ley Sheridan n.d. B ShSs Schopenhauer Wallace, Wiujam Life of Arthur Schopenhauer 1890 B19 Sch6 Scott Yonge. C. M.. Life of Sir Walter Scott n.d. B Sco8y Smith Haldane, R:B. Life of Adam Smith 1887 B Sm5 Smollet Hannat, David Life of Tobias George SmoUet 1887 B Sm7 Thackeray Merivale, Herman and Marzi- als, F. T: Life of W:W. Thackeray 1891 B T32 Voltaire Espinasse, Francis Life of Vol- taire 1892 B V88 Greatness Emerson, B. W. (see his Letters and social aims 1893«75'83 p.283- • 303) 814.36 Em3e Orece, Clair James ir. Maetzner, E:A. W. English grammar 1874 425 M26 tREECE See also Athens; Thessaly Antiquities Freeman, E:A: Ancient Greece and medie- val Italy (tn Oxford essays 1857 p.129-167) 824.89 0x2 Mahatfy, J: p. Classical antiqmties; old Greek life 1881 {History primers) 938 M28 Social life in Greece from Homer to Me- nander 1890*74 '90 913.38 M27 Murray, A. S. Handbook of Greek archae- ology 1892 913.38 M96 Smith, William Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities 1882 R913.38 Sm5 Biography Smith, William New classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography 1892«50 R9 SmS Civilization Butcher, S:H: Some aspects of the Greek genius 1893*^1 889.4 B97 Davidson, Thomas Education of the Greek people and its influence on civilization 1894 {InternatioTial education series) 370.938 D28 Mahaffy, J: p. Progress of Hellenism in Alexander's empire 1905 913.38 M27 Survey of Greek civilization 1896 (Cha- tauqua reading circle literature) 938 M278 Education Becker, W:A. Education (see his Char- icles 1895 p.217-240) 938 B38 Browning, Oscar Education among the Greeks; music and gymnastic theories of Plato and Aristotle (see his Introduction to the history of educational theories 1882 p.1-18) 370.9 B82i Capes, W. W. University life in ancient Athens n.d. 378 C17 Davidson, Thomas Education of the Greek people and its influence on civilization 1894 370.938 D28 Mahafty, J: p. Old Greek education 1882 '98 (Education library) 370.938 M27 Martin, Alexandre iques des Grecs pedagogique) Les doctrines p^dagog- 1881 (Bibliothique 370.938 M36 Monroe, Paul Greek education (see his Source book of the history of education for the Greek and Roman period 1902«01 p.1-326) 370.938 M62 Payne, Joseph On Greek education (see his Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.12-21) 370.9 P29 See also Alexandrian schools; also Aristotle; Epicurus; Plato; Socrates History, Ancient Cox, G:W: General history of Greece 1876 938 C83 GRE GRE 206 Greeks and the Persians n.d. (Epochs of ancient history) 938.03 C83 CuETius, Ernst History of Greece 1892 938 C94 Feeeman, E:A. Ancient Greece and medie- val Italy (in Oxford essays 1857 p.129-167) 824.89 0x2 Fypfe, C:A. History of Greece 1883 (History primers) 938 F99 Gow, James Companion to school classics 1889^88 938 G74 Grant, A. J, Greece in the age of Pericles 1893 (University series) 938 G76 Harrison, J. A. Story or Greece 1885 (Story of the nations) 938 H24 Holm, Adolph History of Greece 1894 '98 938 H73 Mahafpy, J: p. Story of Alexander's em- pire 1894'=87 (Story of the nations) 938 M27 Oman, C:W:C. History of Greece 1893 938 0ml Sankey, Charles Spartan and Theban supremacies from the earliest times to the death of Alexander the Great 1891 (Epochs of ancient history) 938.06 Sa5 Thirlwall, Connop History of Greece 1851 938 T34 Xenophon Hellenics; or, Grecian history (see his Cyropsedia 1886 p.287-565) 938 X21 See also Athens; Macedonia; also Alexander III; Herodotus History, Modern DeQuincey, Thomas Eevolution of Greece (see his Narrative and miscellaneous papers '1854 '77 p.272-324) 824,81 D44n Politics Wilson, Woodrow The governments of Greece and Eome (see his The state 1889 p.30-128) 350 W69 Beligion Clarke, J, F. Gods of Greece (see his Ten great religions 1886 p.259-315) 290 C55 Watson, John The Greek ideal (see his Christianity and idealism 1897''96 p.23- 44) 201 W33 See also Alexandrian schools Sculpture HuRLL, E. M. ed. Greek sculpture; a col« lection of sixteen pictures of Greek marbles with introduction and interpretation *1901 (Riverside art series) 733 H93 Pater, W. H. Age of athletic prizemen (see his Greek studies 1895''94 p.286- 319) 824.89 P27 Beginnings of Greek sculpture (see hia Greek studies 1895<^94 p.195-265) 824.89 P27 See also Sculpture Social life and customs Becker, W:A. Charicles; or, Illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks 1895 938 B38 GuHL, E. K. and Koner, W:D: Life of the Greeks and Eomans 1876 913.38 G93 Mahaffy, J: p. Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander 1890''74'90 913.38 M27 Travel and description DeQuincey, Thomas Modem Greece (see his Narrative and miscellaneous papers 1854 '77 p.339-389) 824.81 D44n Holmes, Burton Grecian journeys (in his Lectures 1905"=01 v.3,p.ll3-224) 910 H73 Mahaffy, J: P. Rambles and studies in Greece 1900 914.95 M27 Snider, D. J. Walk in Hellas 1892'=81'82 914.95 Sn3 Greek and Chinese thought Moore, A. L. Some . curious parallels between Greek and Chinese thought (see his Essays 1890 p.l62- 201) 104 M78 GREEK ART Collignon, Maxime Manual of Greek archaeology 1886 (Fine art li- brary) 709.38 C69 HoppiN, J. M. Hellas (see his Early renaissance and other essays on art subjects 1892 p.275-306) 704 H77 20T Symonds, J: a. Genius of Greek art (in his Studies of the Greek poets 1893 p.361-387) 881 876 See also Phidias GREEK CHURCH Tozer, H:F. Church and the Eastern empire n.d. (Epochs of church history) 281.9 T66 See also Church history; also Chrysostom, St. John Greek cities under Roman rule Feeeman, E:A: (see his Chief periods of European history 1886 p.207-240) 940 F87 GREEK DRAMA Barnett, L. D. Greek drama 1900 882 B26 Bruce, A. B. The Greek tragedians, Nemesis (see his Moral order of the world 1899 p.66-102) 214 B83 DeQuincey, Thomas Theory of Greek tragedy (see his Literary criticism '1853 '76 p.1-23) 824.81 D441 Haigh, a. E. The tragic drama of the Greeks 1896 882 H12 Pater, W. H. Greek studies 1895 824.89 P27 See also The name of the po^t GREEK EMPIRE See Byzantine empire GREEK LANGUAGE DictioTuiries Liddell, H:G: and Scott, Robert ed. Greek-English lexicon 1883'78 R483 L61 Grammar Lamberton, W. a. Upoe with the accusative Noter on the Antigone 1891 (University of Pennsylvania Series in philology, litera- ture and archaeology) 480.7 L17 Study and teaching Bennett, C:E. and Bristol, G:P. Teaching of Latin and Greek in the secondary school 1903 (American teachers' series) 470.7 B44 GREEK LITERATURE Butcher, S:H: Some aspects of the Greek genius 1893^91 889.4 B97 Jevo*js, F. B. History of Greek literature 1894 880.9 J53 Mahaftt, J:P. History of classical Greek Uterature 1880 880.9 M27 MuRRRAY, Gilbert History of ancient Greek literature 1897 880.9 M96 Symonds, J: A. The periods of Greek litera- ture (in his Studies of the Greek poets 1893 p.1-37) 881 8y6 Thomson, A. D. Euripides and the Attie orators 1898 880 T38 See also Greek drama; Greek orators; Gredc poetry GREEK MYTHOLOGY Froude, J. A. Sea studies (i)i his Short studies on great sub- jects 1891-92 v.3,p.l47-184) 824.89 F93 Pater, W. H. Greek studies; a series of es- says 1895 824.89 P27 RusKiN, John Queen of the air (see his Sesame and lilies 1894 p.229-358) 824.86 R89s Smith, William New classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography 1892*50 R9 Sm5 Symonds, J: A. Mythology (in his Studies of the Greek poets 1893 p.38-75) 881 Sy6 See also Demeter; Mythology; Proserpine; also BeUerophon GREEK ORATORS Jebb, R:C. Attic orators 1893*76 885 J34 See also Pericles Greek philosophers See Stoic philosophers; also The name of the philosopher GREEK PHILOSOPHY Gompeez, Theodob Greek thinkers; a history of ancient philos- ophy 1901 109 G58 Moore, A, L. Some curious parallels between Greek and Chinese thought (see Moore, A. L. Essays ; scientific and philosophical 1890) 104 M78 Zeller, Edward Outlines of the history of Greek philosophy 1886 109 Z3 See also Hedonism; also The name of the philosopher GREEK POETRY Appleton, W:H. ed. Greek poets in English verse 1893 881 Ap5 GRE GRE £08 Jebb, R:C. Growth and influence of classical Greek poetry 1893 881 J34 Symonds, J: a. Studies of the Greek poets 1893 881 Sy6 Greek studies Pater, W. H. 824.89 P27 Greely, Adolphus Washington Handbook of Arctic discoveries 257p.por.maps,D Best. Roberts,! 896'=95 (Columbian knowledge series) 919.8 G81 Green, Mrs Alice Stopford Henry the second 244p.D Lond.Macmillan,1889 (Twelve English statesmen) B H39 Town life in the 15th century 2v.O N.Y. Macmillan,1894 '93 942 G82 Green, Frederick William Eldridge- Memory and its cultivation 311p.il.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1888'97 (International scientific se- ries) (2 copies) 154 G82 Green, John Bichard 607p.por.maps,O Conquest of England N.Y.Harper,n.d, 942.01 G82 History of the English people 4v.map,0 N.Y.Harper,1882 942 G82 Making of England Harper,n.d. 434p.maps,0 N.Y, 942.01 G82m Short history of the English people New ed. enl. 872p.maps,tab.O N.Y,Harper,1895 '99 (2 copies) 942 G82s Stray studies from England and Italy 361p. D N.Y.Harper,1876 824.89 G82 Contents: — A brother of the poor; Sketches in sunshine; The poetry of wealth; Lambeth and the archbishops; Children by the sea; The Florence of Dante; Buttercups; Abbot and Town; Hotels in the clouds; ^neas, a Virgllian study; Two "Venetian studies; The district visitor; The early his- tory of Oxford; The home of the Angevin kings; Capri ed. History primers Literature primers Green, Samuel S. Libraries and schools 126p. T N.Y.Lepholdt,1883 021 G82 Green, Sanford M. Crime; its nature, causes, treatment and prevention 346p.por.O Phil.Lippincott,1889 364 G82 GREEN, THOMAS HILL 1836-1882 "Frole^ gomena to ethics" Moore, A. L, Prole- gomena to ethics (see his Essays; scien- tific and political 1890 p.108-133) 104 M78 Spencer, Herbert Prof. Green's explana- tions (in Spencer, Herbert Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.2,p.321-332) 824.89 Sp3 Green, Walford Davis William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and the growth and division of the British empire, 1708-1778 391p.por. pl.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1901 (Heroes of the nations) B P68 Green's Tu quoque Cooke, John Green's Tu quoque; or, The city gallant (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 '76 v.ll,p.l73-289) 822.08 D66 Greene, Evarts Boutell The provincial gover- nor in the English colonies of North Amer- ica 292p.O N.Y.Longmans,1898 (Har- vard historical studies) 973.2 G83 General Greene N.Y.Appleton,1893 B G83 Greene, Francis Vinton 332p.por.maps,D (Great commanders) Mississippi 276p.maps,D N.Y.Scribner, 1882 (Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 G83 Greene, George Washington Historical view of the American revolution Ed.4 460p.D Bost.Houghton,<=1865 973.3 G83 Greene, Homer Coal and the coal mines . . . 246p.pl.S Bost.Houghton,1893«89 (Riv- erside library for young people) 622 G83 GREENE, NATHANIEL 1742-1786 Greene, F. V. General Greene 1893 (Great commanders) B G83 Greenstreet, W. J. tr. and ed. FouiLL:fiE, A. J. E. Education from a national stand- point 1892 373 F82 GREENWELL, DORA 1821-1882 Whittier, J: J. Dora Green well (in his Prose works 1893*66 '83 v.3,p.284-304) 814.39 W61 Greenwood, James M. Principles of education practically applied 192p.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1887'88 (2 copies) 371b G85 ■ 199p.D N.Y.Appleton,1901 (International education series) 371b G85p Greenwood, William Henry Steel and iron . . . 536p.il.S Lond.Cassell,1884 (Manuals of technology) 669.1 G85 209 Gregorovlus, Ferdinand History of the city of Rome in the middle ages; tr. from the 4th German edition by Annie Hamilton 7v.in 11,D Lond.Bell,1894,1900 937.09 G86 Gregory, John M. Seven laws of teaching 144p.D Bost. Congregational Sunday School and pubUshing society,*1886 371a 086 GREGORY I, SAINT 540(f)-604 Chotch, R:W: Letters of Pope Gregory I {see Church, R:W: Miscellaneous essays 1891 «88 p.205-279) 824.49 C47 MoNTALEMBERT, C:F. comte DE St Gre- gory THE Great (in Montalembert, C:F. comte DE Monks of the West 1876 v.2, p.1-112) 271 M76 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Gregory the Great (see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wil- son) Makers of modern Rome 1895 p.119-180) 945.6 013 GREGORY VII, SAINT (HILDEBRAND) 1020 (?) -1085 Lea, H:C: Hildebrand (see Lea, H:C: Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church 1884 p.223-240) 245 L46 Lord, John Hildebrand Beacon lights of history p.133-171) (in Lord, John «1883 '96 v.2, 904 L88 Lilly, W:S: The turning point of the mid- dle ages (^in his Chapters in European his- tory 1886 v.l,p.98-196) 940 L62 Montalembert, C:F: comte de St Gre- gory, monk and pope (in Montalembert, C:F: comte de Monks of the West 1896 v.5,p.235-453;v.6,p.l-38) 271 M76 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) The monk Hildebrand (see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of modem Rome 1895 p.181-229) 945.6 013 Pope Gregory VII (see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of modem Rome 1895 p.230-306) 945.6 013 Stephens, W:R:W. bis times n.d. tory) dean Hildebrand and (Epochs of church his- 270 A St4 GREGORY OF TOURS SAINT (GEORGIUS FLORENTINO ) 540 ( f ) -594 Pattison, Mark Gregory of Tours (in Pattison, Mark Essays 1889 v.l,p.l-29) 824.89 P27 Grey, Mrs William tr. Rosmini-Serbati, An- tonio Ruling principle of method applied to education 1887 372a E73 GREY FRIARS Mivart, St George Grey- friars (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.l,p.288-299) 824.89 M69 Griffin, William Hall and Morley, Henry Shakes- peare and his time: under James I (in Morley, Henry English writers 1887 '93 v.ll) 820.9 M82 Griffing, Harold On sensations from pressure and impact 1895 (Psychological review Monograph supplement) 152 G87 Oriffls, William Elliot Brave little Holland and what she has taught us New ed.enl. 252p. S Bost.Houghton,1894 (Biverside li- brary for young people) 949.2 G87 Education in Japan 64p.O Wash.govt.pr. 0.1875 (United States — Education, Bu- reau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Japan in history, folk-lore and art 230p.S Bost.Houghton,1894'=92 (Riverside library for young people) 952 G87 The Pilgrims in their three homes; England, Holland, America 296p.por.pl.D Bost, Houghton,1898 974.4 G87 Griggs, Edward Howard A book of meditations Ed.4 231p.por.D N.Y.Huebsch,1905«02 818 G87 Moral education Ed.3 352p.D N.Y. Huebsch,1905'^03 377 G87 New humanism; studies in personal and so- cial development Ed.2 239p.D N.Y. Huebsch,1900 170 G87 Ed.3 239p.D Griggs ' philosophical classics osophical classics See N.Y.1900 170 G87n German phil- Grim, the collier of Croydon T., J. (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.8,p.385-470) 822.08 D66 GRIMM, HERMAN 1828-1901 Francke, KuNO Herman Grimm (see Francke, Kuno QUmpses of modem Gterman culture 1898 p.98-112) 834.89 F84 Grlndon, Leopold Hartley Lancashire; brief historical and descriptive notes 355pil.D Lond.Seeley,1892 914.27 088 GRI GRI Oriscom, John H. Uses and abuses of air ; show- ing its influence in sustaining life and pro- ducing disease 252p.pl.D N.Y.Eedfield, 1850 613.1 G88 210 Griswold, Hattie Twing authors 385p.D Home life of the great Chic.McClurg,1894''86 9 G88 Contents: — Goethe; Robert Burns; Ma- dame de Stael; William Wordsworth; Thomas De Quincey; Walter Scott; Charles Lamb; Christopher North; Lord Byron; Shelley; Washington Irving; William CuUen Bryant; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Thomas Carlyle; Victor Hugo; George Sand; Thomas Babington Macaulay; Edward Bulver Lyt- ton; Alfred Tennyson; Nathaniel Haw- thorne; Henry W. Longfellow; John G. Whittier; Oliver Wendell Holmes; James Russell Lowell; Robert and Elizabeth Browning; Charlotte Bronte; Margaret Ful- ler; Edgar Allan Poe; William Makepeace Thackeray; Charles Dickens; George Eliot; Charles Kingsley; John Ruskin Griswold, Hervey De Witt Brahman; a study in the history of Indian philosophy. . . 89p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1900 (Cornell stud- ies in philosophy) 294 G88 Groos, Karl Play of animals; tr. by E.. L. Baldwin 341p.D N.Y.Appleton,<=1898 591.5 G89 Grosart, Alexander Ballocli ed. Heebert, George Poetical works 1892 821.38 H41 Gross, Charles Bibliography of British munici- pal history, including gilds and parliament- ary representation 461p.O N.Y.Long- mans,1897 (Harvard historical series) 352.04 G91 Gild merchant; a contribution to British mu- nicipal history 2v.O Oxf.Clarendon press,1890 338.6 G91 Groszmann, Maximilian P. E. Problem of co- ordination of studies 33p.O 1894 (New York — University of the city of School of pedagogy Contributions) 370.4 N42 Working system of child study for schools 70p.D Syracuse,Bardeen,1897 372c G91 Grove, Sir George Geography 139p.il.map,D N.Y.Appleton,1881 (History primers) 910 G91 Grove, Sir George ed. Dictionary of music and musicians 4v.and index,il.O Lond. Macmillan,1896 E780.3 G91 Growth of the brain Donaldson, H:H. 612.8 D71 Growth of the mind Eeed, Sampson Observa- tions on the growth of the mind 1886^85 150 R25 GRUBE SYSTEM Badanes, Saul Falsity of the Grube method 1895 (New York — Uni- versity of the city of School of Pedagogy Contributions) 370.4 N42 Seeley, Levi arithmetic Grube 's method of teaching 1888 372.7 Se3 Guardian Addison, Joseph 1888 v.4,p.305-520) (in his Works 824.52 Ad2 Guardian angel Holmes, 0:W. 813.39 H73g GUARINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 1527-1612 Symonds, J: a. Guarino, Marino, Chia- brera, Tassoni (see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; the Catholic reaction 1887 v.2,p.242-314) 282 Sy6 GUARINO, BATTISTA 1434-1513 "De ordine docendi et studen di" Woodwakd, W:H. The treatise of Battista Guariano De ordine docendi et studen di (see Wood- ward, W:H. Vitorino da Feltre and other humanist educators 1897 p.159-178) 370.9 W87 Gubernatis, Angelo de The university system of Italy (see Hamerton, P. J. and others Higher education and a common language •=1879 p.71-83) ' 370.4 H17 Gudeman, Alfred Sources of Plutarch's Life of Cicero 117p.O Phil.University of Pennsylvania,1902 (University of Penn- sylvania Series in philology and litera- ture) B C48 GUENDERODE, KAROLINE VON 1780-1806 Francke, Kuno Karoline von Giinde- rode and Friedrich Creuzer (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modern German culture 1898 p.69-84) 834.89 F84 Guerber, HelSne Marie Adeline Legends of the middle ages, narrated with special refer- ence to literature and art 340p.pl.D N.Y. American book co,a896 398.2 G93 Legends of the Rhine 350p.pl.D N.Y. Barne8,1895 398.2 G931 Myths of northern lands, narrated with spe- cial reference to literature and art 319p. pl.D N.Y.American book co,1895 293 G93 Story of the English 356p.il.pl.D N.Y. American book co,«1898 942 G93 211 Guerin, Alexis and Thomas, Jean Coure d 'in- struction civique redige conforin6ment au programme officiel 1882 351 T36 GUERIN EUGENIE DE 1805-1848 Guekin, Eugenie de Journal; ed. by G. S. Tre- butien 2v.D N.Y.Dodd,1893 B G93 Arnold, Matthew Eugenie de Guerin (in Arnold , Matthew Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.l,p.l21-155) 824.85 Ar6e GUERIN, GEORGES MAURICE DE 1810-1839 Arnold, Matthew Maurice de Guerin ( in Arnold, Matthew Essays ,in criticism 1883 '96 v.l,p.80-120) 824.85 Ar6e GuESCLiN See Du Guesclin, Bertrand Guggenheimer, Jay Caesar Development of the executive departments, 1775-1789 (see Jameson, J:F. ed. Essays in the consti- tutional history of the United States 1889 p.116-185) 342.73 J23 Guhl, Ernst Karl and Koner, W:D: Life of the Greeks and Romans; described from antique monuments; tr. from the 3d German edition by F. Hueffer 618p.il.O N.Y.Appleton, 1876 913.38 G93 GinDE BOOKS See The name of the country and the place Guide to the study of nineteenth century authors Hodgkins, L. M. 802 H66 Guilds See GUds Gnimps, Soger baron de Pestalozzi; his aim and work; tr. from the edition of 1874 by M. C. Crombie 320p.por.D Syracuse, Bardeen,1889 B37 P43 his life and work ... tr. . . . from the 2d French edition by J. E. Riissell, with an introduction by R. H. Quick. . . 438p.por.D Lond,Sonnenschein,1890 B37 P43g (International edtuxition series) B37 P43gu Gnizot, Francois Pierre Guillaome General his- tory of civilization in Europe; from the fall of the Roman empire to the French revolu- tion; with . . . notes by C..S. Henry Ed.9 316p.D N.Y.Appleton,1883 901 G94 History of the origin of representative gov- ernment in Europe; tr. by A. R:Scoble 538p.D Lond.Bohn,1861 (Bohn's stand- ard library) 321.7 G94 Life of Oliver Cromwell Ed.9 452p.por.D Lond.Bentley, 1887 B C88g Gulf and inland waters Gulick, Luther Halsey muscular exercise ton,1904 Gulistan Sadi Mahan, A. T. 973.7 M27 Physical education by 67p.il.O PhiLBlakis- 613.7 G95 891 Sal History of France from the earliest times to 1789; tr. by Robert Black 8v.il.pl.maps,0 Lond.Low,1893 944 G94 Gulliver, Julia Titchener, E. B. and Washburn, M. F: tr. Wundt, W:M. Ethics; an investigation of the facts and laws of the moral life 1897 170 W96 Gulliver's travels See Swift, Jonathan Gummere, Francis Barton Handbook of poetics for students of English verse 250p.D Bost.Ginn,1892'85 808.1 G95 ed. Old English ballads 380p.D Best. Ginn,1894 (Athenaeum press series) 821.04 G95 Gurteen, Stephen Humphrey The Arthurian epic; a comparative study of the Cambrian Breton and Anglo-Norman versions of the story and Tennyson's Idylls of the King 437p.O N.Y.Putnam,1895 398.2 G96 Gustafson, Axel Foundation of death; a study of the drink question 582p.D Bost.Ginn, 1884 178 G97 GUSTAVUS II ADOLPHUS, king of Sweden, 1594-1632 Fletcher, C:R. L. Gustavus Adolphus, and the struggle of Protestantism for existence 1895'90 (Heroes of the nations) B G97 Lord, John Gustavus Adolphus (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883 '96 v.4,p.21-57) 904 L88 Guthrie, Frederick First book of knowledge 130p.D N.Y.Putnam,1883 670 G98 GUYAU, JEAN MARIE 1854-1888 Royce, JosiAH Jean Marie Guyau (see Royce, Josiah Studies of good and evil 1898 p.349-384) 104 R81 Education and heredity; a study in sociology; tr. from the 2d edition by W. J. Greenstreet . . , with an introduction by G. F. Stout GUY GUY 212 . . . 306p.D N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Con- temporary science series) 370 G99 Ouyot, Arnold Earth and man; lectures on comparative physical geography, in its rela- tion to the history of mankind; tr. from the French by C. C. Felton 334p.il.pl.maps,D N.Y.Scribner,1884«49 551 G99 See Port Eoyal education Gwatkin, Henry Melvill Arian controversy 176p.D N.Y.Randolph,n.d. (Epochs of church history) 273.4 (Jt99 Gymnasia See Germany — Education GYMNASTICS Angerstein, E. and Eckler, G. ed. Home gymnastics for the well and the sick 1889 613.7 An4 Bancroft, J. H. School gymnastics, free hand; a system of physical exercises for schools 1900 613.7 B22 with light apparatus 1900 613.7 IOnebuske, C. J. Progressive gymnastic days' orders, according to the principles of the Ling system 1894 613.7 En2 NissEN, Hartvig a B C of the Swedish system educational gymnastics 1891 613.71 N63 Posse, Nils baron Columbian collection of essays on Swedish gymnastics 1896 613.7 P84 Handbook of school gymnastics of the Swed- ish system 1892=91 613.7 P84h Swedish system of educational gymnastics <=1896 613.7 P84s EOOT, N. W. T. Every teacher his own drill master; gymnastics (see his School amuse- ments 1877<'57 p.16-143) 371e R67 Stecher, W. a. ed. Gymnastics; a text- book of the German -American system of gymnastics "1895 '96 613.7 St3 See also Athletics; Physical education; Sports B22» Gypsies See Gipsies H H., H. (See Hunt Jackson, Mrs Helen Maria (Fiske) Habben, F. H. London street names; their origin, signification and historic value ... 264p.D Phil.Lippincott,1896 914.21 Hll Habington, William Queen of Arragon (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l3, p.321-409) 822.08 D66 HABIT Morgan, C. L. 1896 Habit and instinct 591.5 M82 Eadestock, Paul Habit and its importance in education; an essay in pedagogical psy- chology 1886 (Educational classics) 370.2 Rll See also Instinct Habit and health Beddoes, Guy ed. 616.3 B39 Haddon, Alfred Cort Study of man 410p.il. pl.O N.Y.Putnam,1898 (Science series) 573 Hll Hadley, Arthur Twining Education of the American citizen 231p.O N.Y.Scribner, 1902 320 Hll Contents: — Demands of the 20th century; Our standards of political morality; Govern- ment by public opinion; Formation and control of trusts; Socialism and social re- form; The relation between economics and politics; Economic theory and political mor- ality; Ethics as a political science; Political education; The relation betwcKn higher edu- cation and the public welfare; Direction of American university development; Funda- mental requirements in school education; Use and control of examinations; Yale problems, past and present Railroad transportation, its history and its laws 269p.D N.Y.Putnam,1892'85 385 Hll Sociology, economics and politics (sefi Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.137-171) 028 CSS Hadley, James Introduction to Roman law in twelve academical lectures 333p.D N.Y. Appleton,1893«73 349.37 Hll Ill Hadow, William Henry Studies in modern mu- sic Ed.4 2v.por.O Lond.Seeley,1897 '98 780 Hll V. 1 Music and musical criticisms; Hec- tor Berlioz and the French romantic move- ment; Rol)ert Schumann and the romantic movement in Germany; Richard Wagmer and the reform of the opera V. 2 Outlines of musical form; Frederick Chopin; Antonln Dvorak; Johannes Brahms HADRIAN 'S VILLA BoissiER, M. L. G. Ha- drian's villa (see Boissier, M. L. G. Borne and Pompeu 1896 p.215-292) 913.37 B63 HAECKEL, ERNST HEINRICH 1834- WiL- UAMS, C. M. Ernst Haeckel (see Wil- liams, C. M. Review of the systems of ethics 1893 p.23-28) 170 W67 Halgh, Arthur Elam Attic theatre; a descrip- tion of the stage and theatre of theAtheni- ans, and of the dramatic performances at Athens 341p.il.pl.O Oxf .Clarendon press, 1889 792 H12 The tragic drama of the Greeks 499p.il.pl. O Oxf .Clarendon press,l 896 882 H12 HAILEYBURY Haileybury college (see Great pubUe schools n.d. p.283-304) 373.42 G79 Hailmann, Eudora Lucas Songs, games and rhymes for the nursery, kindergarten and primary school 169p.por.Q Springfield (Ma8s),Bradley,«1887 372.21 H12 Hailmann, William Nicholas Education of the Indian (in Butler, N:M. ed. Educa- tion in the United States 1900 v.2,mon- ograph 19,36p.) 379.73 B97 Kindergarten culture in the family and kin- dergarten; a complete sketch of Froebel's system of early education adapted to Ameri- can institutions . . . 119p.pl.D Cine. VanAntwerp,'1873 372.2 H12 Primary methods; a complete and methodical presentation of the use of kindergarten material in the work of the primary school 166p.D N.Y.American book co,n 887 372.2 H12p Twelve lectures on the history of pedagogy . . . ISOp.D anc.VanAntwerp,1874 370.9 H12 tr. Froebel, F:W:A: Education of man 1887 '96 '97 370 F92ed HALBE, MAX 1855- "Mother Earth" Francke, Kuno Max Ilalbe 's ' ' Mother Earth" (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modem German culture 1898 p.l29- 141) 834.89 F84 Haldane, Richard Burden Life of Adam Smith leip.D Lond.Scott,1887 (Great writers) B Sm5 Contains a bibliography and Kemp, John tr. Schopenhauer, Aethite World as will and idea 1883 '86 193.7 Sch6 Hale, Edward Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe, 1678-1697 248p.map,S N.Y. • Scribner,1889 (Epochs of modern his- tory) 942.06 H13 Hale, Edward Everett How I was educated (see CoUege and the church 1887 p.9-17) 370.4 C68 James Russell Lowell and his friends 303p. pLil.por.f acsim.O Bost.Houghton,! 899'98 B L95 Seven Spanish cities and the way to them 328p.D Bost.Little,1899«83 914.6 H13 Stories of discovery as told by discoverers 290p.S Bo3t.Roberts,1896'92 910 H13 ed. Stories of invention told by inventors and their friends 297p.S Bost.Roberts, 1893<=85 608 H13 Bullfinch, Thomas Age of chivalry '1885 '84 398.2 B87 Age of fable «1855'81 291 B87 and Hale, Susan Story of Spain 407p.iL pl.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1892'86 (Story of the nations) 946 H13 Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) Infant school management; with notes of lessons on ob- jects and on the phenomena of nature and common life 264p.pl.D Lond.Stanford, 1886 372a H13 Hale, Susan Story of Mexico 428p.il.map8, D N.Y.Putnam,1893«88 (Story of the nations) 972 H13 and Hale, E:E. Story of Spain 1892 946 H13 Hales, Alexander of See Alexander of Hales Hales, Jolin Wesley Teaching of English (see Farrar, F:W: Essays on a liberal educa- tion 1868 p.293-312) 370.4 F24 HAL HAL 214 ed. Spenser, Edmund Complete works 1893 821.31 Sp3 Half a hundred stories for the little people by nearly half a hundred writers 207p.pl.O Springfield (Mass) ,Bradley,1900,1898 372.21 HIS Half century of conflict Parkman, Francis g73.2 P23 HALIFAX, CHARLES MONTAGUE, earl OF 1661-1715 Johnson, Samuel Halifax {in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.3,p.55-63) 9 J62 Hall, Mrs Ann Maria Fielding Pilgrimages to English shrines 588p.il.O N.Y.Appleton, 1854 914.2 H14» Hall, Edward Henry Papias and his contempo- , raries; a study of religious thought in the second century 318p.D Bost.Houghton, 1899 B P19 Hall, Edwin Herbert and Smith, Alexander Teaching of chemistry and physics in the secondary school 1902 (American teach- ers' series) 540.7 Sm5 Hall, Granville Stanley Adolescence; its psy- chology and its relations to physiology, an- thropology, sociology, sex, crime, religion and education 2v.O N.Y.Appleton,1905 C04 150.1 H14 Aspects of German culture Osgood,1881 320p.D . Bost. 838 H14 Contents of children 's minds on entering school 56p.S N.Y.Kellogg,1893 (2 copies) 372b H14 How to teach reading and what to read in school 40p.D Bost.Heath,1897 (Mono- graphs on education) 028 H14 Religious content of the chUd-mind (see Sunday-school commission of the diocese of New York camp. Principles of religious education 1901 p.159-189) 377 Su7 ed. Pedagogical library and Mansfield, J:M. Hints toward a select and descriptive bibliography of education 309p.D Bost.Heath,1886 370 H14 Hall, H. Fielding Soul of a people 314p.O Lond.Macmillan,1905'=1898 915.9 H14 Hall, John Lesslie tr. Beowulf; an Anglo- Saxon epic poem 1898<'92 829 B45 Hall, William L. Tree planting on rural school grounds 1901 (United States — Agricul- ture, Department of Builetin) 634 H14 Hallam, Henry Constitutional history of Eng- land from the accession of Henry VII to the death of George II 2v.D N.Y.Arm- strong,1897 342.42 H15 1777-1859 ' * Constitutional history of Eng- land" Macaulay, T:B. baron Hal- lam (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Crit- ical and historical essays 1889 v.l,p.ll2- 214) 824.83 Mil Introduction to the literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries 4v.D N.Y.Widdleton,1870 '74 809 H15 View of the state of Europe during the mid- dle ages 2v.D N.Y.Armstrong,pref.l880 940.1 H15 ed. by Wilbam Smith 708p.D N.Y.Harper,1879 (Students' edition) 940.1 H15v Halle, Ernst Levy von Trusts; or. Industrial combinations and coalitions in the United States 350p.charts,D N.Y.Macmillan, 1895 338.8 H15 Halleck, Reuben Post Education of the central nervous system; a study of foundations, es- pecially of sensory and motor training 258p.il.D N.Y.Macmillan,1896 (2 cop- ies) 150 H15 Psychology and psychic culture 368p.il.D N.Y.American book co,<=1895 150 H15p Halliburton, W. D. Handbook of physiology Ed.l4 851p.iI.pl.O Phil.Blakiston,1896 612 H15 Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard Outlines of the life of Shakespeare Ed.9 2v.il.fac- sim.O Lond.Longmans,1890 822.33 H15 Hallowell, Richard Price Quaker invasion of Massachusetts Ed.3 227p.D Bost. Houghton,1884'^83 974.4 H15 Hallucinations See Illusions; Insanity; Psychical phenomena Hallucinations and illusions Parish, Edmund 133.2 P21 Halsted, George Bruce Metrical geometry; an elementary treatise on mensuration Ed.3 233p.D Bost.Ginn,1883'=81 511.8 H16 Projective geometry (see Merriman, Mans- field and Woodward, R. S. ed. Higher 215 mathematics 1896 p.70-106) 510.7 M55 Ham, Charles Henry Manual training; the so- lution of social and industrial problems 403p.il.pl.D N.Y.Harper,1886 607 H17 Mind and hand; manual training the chief factor in education; being the third edition of "Manual training, the solution of so- cial and industrial problems" 464p.il.D N.Y.American book co/1886,1900 607 H17m Hamerton, Philip Gilbert French and English; a comparison 480p.D Bost.Roberts,1889 914.4 HIT Graphic arts; a treatise on the varieties of drawing, painting and engraving in com- parison \iith each other and with nature 508p.D Bost.Robert8,1891 741 H17 Intellectual life 455p.por.D Bost.Roberts, 1894 ' 374 H17 573p.S N.Y.Alden,1885 374 H17i International communication by language {see Hamerton, P. G. and others Higher education and a common language '1879 p.1-15) 370.4 H17 Round my house ; notes of rural life in France in peace and war 415p.D Bost.Roberts, 1897 914.4 H17 and others Higher education and a common language 120p.O N.Y.Barnes,n879 {Atlas series) 370.4 H17 Contents: — International communication by languagre, by P. G. Hamerton; Reform in higher education; Upper schools, by James McCosh; Study of the Greek and Latin classics, by Charles Elliott; University sys- tem in Italy, by Angelo de Gubernatis; Uni- versal education, by Ray Palmer; Industrial art education in the United States, by E. S. Drone HAMILTON, ALEXANDER 1757-1804 Lodge, H:C. Alexander Hamilton 1893«82 {American statesmen) B HIS Sumner, W:G. Alexander Hamilton «1890 {Makers of America) B H18s Lord, John Alexander Hamilton (tn Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.4,p.365-408) 904 L88 See also The Federalist Hamilton, Annie tr. Gregorovtus, Ferdin- and History of the city of Rome in the middle ages 1894-1900 937.09 G86 Hamilton, Elizabeth and Jones, E. E. C. tr. Lotze, R. H. Microcosmus; an essay con- cerning man and his relation to the world 1885 193.8 L91 Hamilton, Gail pseud. See Dodge, Mary Abigail HAMILTON, Sir WILLIAM 1788-1856 bar- onet Veitch, John Hamilton 1882 {Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 H18 Lectures on logic; ed. by H:L. Mansel and John Veitch 715p.O Bost.Gould,1871 160 HIS Lectures on metaphysics; ed. by H:L. Mansel and John Veitch 718p.O N.Y.Sheldon, 1883 150 HIS DeQuincey, Thomas Sir William Hamilton {see DeQuincey, Thomas Essays in phil- osophy 1856 77 p.264-318) 104 D44 Mill, J:S. Examination of Sir William Hamilton 's philosophy and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writ- ings 2v.in 1,0 N.Y.Holt,1884 192.9 M59 Spencer, Herbert Mill versus Hamilton — the test of truth (tn Spencer, Robert Es- - says; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.2,p.l88-217) 824.89 Sp3 Hamlet See Shakspere, William Hamlin, Alfred Dwight Foster Text-book of the history of architecture 441p.il.pl.D N.Y.Longman,1897'=95 {College histories of art) 720.9 HIS HAMMOND, JAMES 1710-1742 Johnson, Samuel Hammond {in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.4,p.ll7- 123) 9 J62 Hammond, William Alexander Cerebral hy- peremia; the result of inental strain or emotional disturbance lOSp.S N.Y.Put- nam,1879'78 616.8 HIS Treatise on insanity in its medical relations 767p.U.O N.Y.Appleton,1883 132.1 HIS tr. Aristotle Psychology 1902 150 Ar4 HANCOCK, WINFIELD SCOTT 1824-1886 Walker, F:A. General Hancock 1895 *94 {Great commanders) B H19 HAND, THE Bell, Sir Charles The hand; its mechanism and vital endowments 1882 215 B41 HAN HAN Hand and eye training Kicks, George and others 372.2 B42 Handbook of swindling Jerrold, D. W: 827.81 J48 Handbook of universal literature Botta, Mrs A.. C. (Lynch) 809 B65 Handbooks for students and general readers Johnston, Alexander History of Ameri- can politics 1883«79'82 329.973 J64 Hand work and head work Marenholtz,-Biilow, B. M. von 372.2 M33 Handwbitinq See Penmanship Haney, James P. Bibliographical notes on medicine in relation to teaching 23p.O N.Y.University press,1899 {New York — Uni- versity of the city of, School of pedagogy Contribution) 370.4 N42 Hannah, John ed. Raleigh, Sir Walter Poems with those of Sir Henry Wotton and other courtly poets from 1540-1650 1892 821.3 R13 Hannay, David Later renaissance 381p.D N.Y.Scribner,1898 {Periods of European literature) 809 H19 Life of Frederick Marryat 163p.D Lond. Scott,1889 {Great writers) B M34 Contains a bibliography Life of Tobias George Smollet 163p.D Lond.Scott,1887 {Great writers) B Sm7 Contains a bibliography Rodney 222p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1891 {English men of action) B R61 ed. Southey, Robert English seamen 1895 9 So8 HANNIBAL 247-183 B.C. MoREis, W:0. Hannibal and the crisis of the struggle be- tween Carthage and Rome 1903 {Heroes of the nations) B HI 9 216 HANSEATIC LEAGUE Hansa towns 1889 tions) ZiMMERN, Helen {Story of the na- 943 Z6 Hanus, Paul Henry Educational aims and edu- cational values 211p.D N.Y.Macmillan, 1899 370.4 H19 Contents: — Educational aims and educa- tional values; A recent tendency in second- ary education examined; Attempted im- provements in the course of study; What should the modern secondary school aim to accomplish; Secondary education as a uni- fying force in American life; 'J'he prepara- tion of the high school teacher of mathe- matics; The study of education at Harvard university; The permanent influence of John Amos Comenius Elementary treatise on the theory of deter- minants . . . 217p.O Bost.Ginn,1886 512 H19 Geometry in the grammar schools; an essay 52p.D Bost.Heath,l 894*^93 513 H19 A modern school 306p.D N.Y.Macmillan, 1904 370 H19 HAPPINESS Farrell, Joseph About hap- piness {see his Lectures of a certain pro- fessor 1877 p.106-123) 824.89 F24 HARDENBERG, GEORG FRIEDRICH PHIL- IPP VON (NOVALIS pseud.) 1772- 1801 Carlyle, Thomas Novalis {in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.2,p.l-59) 824.82 C19 Harding, Samuel Bannister Contest over the ratification of the federal constitution in the state of Massachusetts 194p.O N.Y. Longmans,1896 {Harvard historical stud- ies) 342.73 H21 HARDWICK, CHARLES 1821-1859 "Christ and other masters" Mueller, F:M. Christ and other masters {in Mueller, F: M. Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.l,p.49-60) 824.89 M91 Hardy, Arthur Sherburne tr. Argand, J. R. Imaginary quantities, their geometrical in- terpretation 1881 512 Ar3 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert Biographical sketches . . . 209p.il.por.D N.Y.Dodd, 1895 9 H22 Contents: — Arthur Penrhyn Stanley; Henry Alford; Mrs Duncan Stewart; Paray le Monial Walks in Rome Ed.l6,enl. 767p.maps,D N.Y.Routledge,n.d. 914.56 H22 Wanderings in Spain 182p.pl.D N.Y.Rout- ledge,n.d. 914.6 H22 ed. Life and letters of Maria Edgeworth 2v.por.pl.O Bo8t.Houghton,1895'=94 B EdS Harland, E. J. Ship-building in Belfast; its origin and progress {see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.284-318) 9 Sm4 2ir Harland, Marian pseud. See Terhune, Mrs Mary Virginia (Hawes) Harley, Lewis Beifsneider Life of Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental con- gress and translator of the Bible from the Greek 244p.por.O Phil.Jacobs,«1900 B T38 Contains a bibliography Harlow, W. B. Introduction to early English literature from the lay of Beowulf to Ed- mund Spenser 138p.S N.Y.Bardeen, 1884 820.8 H22 HARMONY Prout, Ebenezek Harmony; its theory and practice pref.1889 781.3 P94 See also Music tion Ed.25 ton,«1881 '82 416pil.pl.D Bost.Hoiigh- 398.3 H24 Harmony in development See Psychology, Pedagogical Genius ; Harmony of interests X^arey, H:C: 337 C18 Harper, George McLean Masters of French literature 316p.D N.Y.Scribner,1901 840.4 H23 Contents: — Place of French literature; The grolden age of French drama; The rev- olutionary analysis — Saint-Simon and Mon- tesquieu; The revolutionary analysis — Vol- taire; Victor Hugo; Sainte-Beuve ; Balzac Harper, William Bainey The trend in higher education 390p.D Chic. University of Chicago pre8S,1905 378 H23 Harper 's Latin dictionary Ethan Allen See Andrews, Harper's new monthly magazine . . . Index vols 1-70, 1850-185.5; comp. by C:A. Dur- fee 783p.Q N.Y.Harper,1886 R051 H23 Harper's popular cyclopedia of United States his- tory See Lossing, B. J: Harper's scientific memoirs; ed. by J. S. Ames Barker, G:F: ed. and tr. Rontgen rays 1899*98 530 B24 Harrington, Charles Manual of practical hygi- ene for students, physicians and medical officers 793p.il.pl.O Ed.3,enl. Phil. Lea,1905 614 H23 Harrington, Mark Walrod About the weather 246p.il.por.D N.Y.Appleton,1905*1899 (A ppleton's home reading books) 551 H23 Harris, Joel Chandler Nights with Uncle Be- mus, myths and legends of the old planta- Uncle Bemus, his songs and his sayings 265p. iLpl.D N.Y.Appleton,1896'80 '95 398.3 H24a Harris, William Torrey Elementary education (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.l,monograph 3, 63p.) 379.73 B97 Hegel's "Logic"; a book on the genesis of the catagories of the mind; a critical expo- sition 403p.D Chic.Griggs,1890 {Ger- man philosophical classics) 160 H24 How I was educated (see College and the church 1887 p.50-59) 370.4 C68 How to teach natural science in public schools Ed.2,enl. 46p.D Syracuse,Bardeen,1895 507 H24 Introduction to the study of philosophy, com- prising passages from his writings selected and arranged with conunentary and illus- tration by Marietta Kies 287p.D N.Y. Appleton,1890'94 (2 copies) 150 H24 Psychologic foundations of education; an at- tempt to show the genesis of the higher , faculties of the mind 400p.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1898 (International education se- ries) (6 copies) 370.2 H24 Relation of school discipline to moral educa- tion (in Herbart society Third year book 1897 p.58-72) 370.6 H41 Spiritual sense of Dante's Divina commedia 193p.D Bost.Houghton,lS96«89 851.5 H24 ed. Appleton's home reading books International education series See United States — Education. Bureau of Reports of the commissioner and Sanborn, F:B: A. Bronson Alcott, his life and philosophy 1893 B All Harrison, Benjamin, president of the United States This country of onrs Ed.3 360p.D N.Y.Scribner,l 898*97 342.73 H24 Harrison, Elizabeth Christmas-tide 122p.D Chic. Kindergarten college,«1893 (in Blow, Susan The kindergarten «1890) 372.2 B62 In story land Ed.lO 186p.D Chic.Sigma publishing co,*1895 372.21 H24 HAR HAR 21t Kindergarten books v.p.S Chic.KindergaT- ten college/1893 372.2 H24 Contents: — Relation between the kinder- garten and great literature; Toys and their place in the education of the child frora "A study of child nature"; Story of Chris- topher Columbus for little children; The kindergarten as an influence in modern civilization Story of Friedrich Froebel v.p.S Chic. Kindergarten coUegej^lSOS 372.2 H24a Contents: — Story of Friedrich Froebel; Science lessons; The caterpillar and butter- fly; Story of the raindrop; Suggestions for summer reading; A list of toys; List of books for children Study of child-nature; from the kindergarten standpoint Ed.4 207p.D Chic.Kinder- garten college,1892'^90 372.2 H24st Two children of the foothills 294p.D Chie. Sigma publishing co,'=1900 372.2 H24t Harrison, Frederic Meaning of history and other historical pieces 482p.D N.Y.Mac- millan,1902 904 H24 Contents: — Use of history; Connection of history; Some great books of history; The history schools; A survey of the thirteenth century; What the revolution of 1789 did; France in 1789 and 1889; The city, ancient, medieval, modem, ideal; Rome re-visited; Impressions of Athens; Constantinople as an historic city; Problem of Constantinople; Paris as an historic city; Transformation of Paris; Transformation of London; Sac- redness of ancient buildings; Paleographlc purism Oliver Cromwell 228p.D Lond.Macmillan 1894''88 {Twelve English statesmen) B C88h Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other literary estimates 302p.O N.Y.Macminan,1900 824.89 H24 Contents: — Tennyson; Ruskin as master of prose; Ruskin as prophet; Ruskin's eight- ieth birthday; Matthew Arnold; John Ad- dington Symonds; On English prose; The book-trotter: a dialogue; Lamb and Keats; New memoirs of Gibbon; New letters of Gibbon; Historical method of Froude; His- torical method of Freeman; John Stuart Mill Harrison, James Albert Story of Greece 515p.il.D N.Y.Putnam,1885 {Story of the nations) 938 H24 Harrison, James H. Spain 717p.il.D Bost. Este8,1881 {Library of entertaining his- tory) 946 H24 Harrison, Jane Ellen ed. Pausanias Myth- ology and monuments of ancient Athens 1890 913.385 P28 tr. Paris, Pierre Manual of ancient sculp- ture 1890 730 P21 HARRISON, JOHN 1693-1776 Smiles, Sam- uel John Harrison {see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.72-104) 9 Sm4 Harrison, Robert tr. Reumont, Alfred von Lorenzo de Medici 1876 B M46 Harrison, Thomas F. Calkins, N. A. and Kiddle, Henry How to teach <=1873'77 371b K53 Harrisse, Henry John Cabot; the discoverer of North America and Sebastian his son; a chapter of the maritime history of England under the Tudors, 1496-1557 503p.map8, facsim.O Lond.Stevens,1896 B Cll HARROW {see Our public schools 1881 p,68- 117 ^ 373.42 Ou7 Harrow school {see Great public schools n.d. p.61-100) 373.42 G79 RiMMER, Alfred Rambles round Eton and Harrow 1882 914.257 R46 Staunton, Howard Harrow {see his Great schools of England 1865 p.302- 349) 373.42 St2 narrower, Pascal Sunday-school and its course of study {see Sunday-school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Prin- ciples of religious education 1901 p.l03- 127) 377 Su7 Hart, Albert Bushnell Actual government as applied under American conditions New ed. enl. 599p.maps,0 Lond.Longmans, 1905''03 {American citizen series) 342 H25 Epoch maps illustrating American history unp.ob.D N.Y.Longmans,1893 973 H251 Formation of the union, 1750-1829 Ed.3,enl. 278p.maps,D N.Y.Longmans,1893«92 {Epochs of American history) 973 H25 Studies in American education ISOp.D N.Y.Longmans,1895 370.4 H25 Contents: — Has the teacher a profession? Reform in the grammar schools; University participation — a substitute for university extension; How to study history; How to teach history in secondary schools; Status of athletics In American colleges 210 ed. American citizen series American history told hj contemporaries Building of the republic, 1689-1783 653p. D N.Y.Macmillan,1898«96 973.2 H25 American history told by contemporaries Era of colonization, 1492-1689 606p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1897 973.2 H25e Epochs of American history Hart, James Morgan German universities . . . together with ... a comparison of the Ger- man, English and American systems of higher education 398p.D N.Y.Putnam, 1878'^74 378.43 H25 Hart, John Seely In the school-room; or, Chap- ters in the philosophy of education 276p.D Phil.Eldredge,1882«68 371b H25 Hartelius, Trues Johan Home gymnastics . . . with a short method of acquiring the art of swimming; tr. by C. Lofving 94p.il.D Phil.Lippincott,1883 613.7 H25 Hartland, Edwin Sidney English fairy and other folk tales 282p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 398.4 H25 Science of fairy tales; an inquiry into fairy mythology 372p.D N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Contemporary science series) 398.4 H25s HARTLEY, DAVID 1705-1757 Ribot, A:T. Hartley (see Ribot, A:T. English psychology 1874 p.35-43) 150 R35 HARTLIB, SAMUEL 1600-1662 Bibliograph- ical catalogue of Samuel Hartlib's publica- tions (see Dircks, Henry Biographical memoir of Samuel Hartlib pref.1865 P-51-88) B H25 DiRCKS, Henry Biographical memoir of Samuel Hartlib and a reprint of his pam- phlet "An invention of engines of mo- tion" pref.1865 B H25 Hartwig, Oeorg Polar world; a popular de- scription of man and nature in the Arctic and Anarctic regions of the globe New ed. 548p.il.pl,map8,0 Lond.Longmans, 1892 919.8 H25 HARVARD, JOHN 1607-1638 Winship, A. E. Founders and benefactors of American col- leges (see his Great American educators '1900 p.176-181) B37 W73 Harvard historical studies v. 1 Du Bois, W:E: B. Suppression of the African slave-trade to the United States of America 1638-1870 1896 326.1 D85 v. 2 Harding, S : B. Contest over the ratifi- cation of the federal constitution in the state of Massachusetts 1896 342.73 H21 v. 3 Houston, D:F. Critical study of nulli- fication in South Carolina 1896 973.5 H81 V. 4 Dalunoer, F:W: Nominations for elective office in the United States 1897 324.73 D16 v. 5 Gross, Charles Bibliography of Brit- ish municipal history 1897 352.042 G91 V. 6 Smith, T. C. Liberty and free-soil par- ties in the northwest 1897 973.7 Sm5 V. 7 Greene, E. B. Provincial governor in the English colonies of North America 1898 973.2 G83 V. 8 Lapsley, G. T. County palatine of Durham 1900*1899 342.42 L31 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Bush, G:G. Har- vard; the first American university *1886 378.744 B96 Hill, G:B. Harvard college, by an Oxonian 1895 '94 378.744 H55 Lowell, J. R. Harvard anniversary (see his Literary and political addresses 1894 '86 '90 p.137-180) 814.39 L951 Norton, C:E. Harvard university (see his Four American universities 1895 p.] -43) 378.74 F82 Peabody, a, p. 1888 Harvard reminiscences 378.744 P31 Haskell, Ellen M. ed. Child observations . . . with an introduction by E. H. Russell 267p.D Bost.Heath,1896 (Heath's ped- agogical library) (2 copies) 372c H27 Hassall, Arthur Balance of power, 1715-1789 433p.maps,D N.Y.Macmillan,1896 (Pe- riods of European history) 940.7 H27 The French people 400p.D N.Y.AppIeton, 1901 (Great people's series) 944 H27 Louis XIV and the zenith of the French monarchy 444pil.por.pl.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1895 (Heroes of the nations) B L921 ed. Periods of European history HAS HAS 229 Hastings, Charles The theatre;" its develop- ment in France and England, and a history of its Greek and Latin origins ... tr. by F. A. Welby 368p.O Lond.Duckworth, 1902 792 H27 HASTINGS, WARREN 1732-1818 Lyall, Sir A. C. Warren Hastings 1894 (English men of action) B H27 Trotter, L. J. Warren Hastings 1890 (PiUlers of India) B H27t Burke, Edmukd Warren Hastings (in Burke, Edmund Works 1890 '94 v.4, p.220-533;v.5,p.l-66;v.7) 825.62 B91 Haswell, Charles Haynes Reminiscences of an octogenarian of the city of New York, 1816- 1860 581p.por.map,0 N.Y.Harper,1896 974.71 H27 HAUG, MARTIN 1827-1876 ed. and tr. " Aitareya-brdhmanam of the Rig-veda" Mueller, F:M. Aitareya-Brahmana (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.l,p.lOL-114) 824.89 M91 "Essays on the sacred language, writings and religion of the Parsees" Mueller, F:M. On the study of the Zend-avesta in India (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.l,p.ll5-125) 824.89 M91 "Lecture on an original speech of Zoroaster" Mueller, F:M. Progress of Zend scholar- ship (in his Chips from a German work- shop 1890 '92 v.l,p.l26-139) 824.89 M91 Haughton, William Englishmen for my money; or, A woman will have her will (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l0,p.469- 564) 822.08 D66 HAUPTMANN, GERHARDT 1852- "Sunken bell" Francke, Kuno Hauptmann's "The sunken bell" (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modern German culture 1898 p.85-97) 834.89 F84 ' ' Florian Geyer ' ' Francke, Kuno Wilden- bruch's "King Henry" and Hauptmann's "Florian Geyer" (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modern German culture 1898 p.42-56) 834.89 F84 Hausser, Ludwlg Period of the reformation, 1517-1648; ed. by Wilhelm Oncken and tr. by Mrs G. Sturge Newed, 702p.D N.Y.American tract society,1873 940.7 H29 HAUY, VALENTINE 1745-1822 Sizeranne, Maurice de la Valentino Hauy and his work 1893 371.91 Si9 HAVELOCK, Sir HENRY 1795-1857 baronet • Forbes,' Archibald Havelock 1891 (English men of action) B H29 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Alexander, W:D. Brief history of the Hawaiian people ""1891 '99 (Brief historical series) 996 A12 Carpenter, E. J. America in Hawaii; a history of United States influence in the Hawaiian islands 1899 966 C22 George, M. M. A little journey to Hawaii '^1901 (Library of travel) 919.6 G29 Whitney, Caspar Hawaiian America; something of its history, resources and pros- pects 1902a899 919.6 W61 Haweis, Mrs Mary Eliza (Joy) ed. Chaucer for schools 184p.O Phil.Lippincott,1886 821.17 C39h Hawkesworth, John tr. Fenelon, F. de S. de LA M. Adventures of Telemachus 1895 843.59 F35 HAWKINS,. Sir JOHN 1532-1595 Froude, J. A. John Hawkins and the African slave trade; Sir John Hawkins and Philip the second (see Froude, J. A. English sea- men in the 16th century 1895 p.26-74) 942 F93 Payne, E:J: Hawkins (see Payne, E:J: ed. Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen 1893 p.1-81) 9 P29 Southed, Robert Hawkins and Drake (see Southey, Robert English seamen 1895 p.170-358) 9 SoS HAWKINS, LETITIA MATILDA "Anecdotes, biographical sketches and memoirs" De Quincey, Thomas Anecdotage (see his Biographical and historical essays =1853 '77 p.548-569) 824.81 D44 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL 1804-1864 Con- way, M. D. Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne n.d (Great writers) B H31 Griswolk, H. T. Nathaniel Hawthorne (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894«86 p.207-219) 9 G88 Richardson, C:F: Nathaniel Hawthorne (in Richardson, C:F: American literature 1887'89'86 v.2,p.330-389) 810.9. R39 221 "Scarlet letter" Hillis, N. D. Haw- thorne's "Scarlet letter" and the retribu- tive workings of conscience — a study of the necessity and nobility of repentance and the confession of sin {see Hillis, N. D. Great books as Ufe teachers 1904'1898 p.87- 116) 814 H55 Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer and Selwyn, A. E:C. North America . . . 652p.il.map8, O Lond.Stanford,l,883 (Stanford's com- pendium of geography and travel) 917 H32 Haydn, Joseph Timothy Dictionary of dates and universal information . . • ed. by Benjamin Vincent ... Ed. 17,enl. 796p. Q N.Y.Harper,lS83 R903 H32 HAYDON, BENJAMIN ROBERT 1786-1846 Haydon, B:R. Correspondence and table- talk; with a memoir by his son'F:W.Hay- don 2v.por.pl.O Liond.Chatto,1876 B H32 Haydon, Frederic Wordsworth B:R. Haydon, the story of his life {in Haydon, B:R. Correspondence and table-talk 1876 v.l, p.1-249) B H32 Haye, T. D. 1871 tr. Tainb, H. A. On intelligence 151 T13 Hazard, Samuel Annals of Pennsylvania from the discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682 664p.O Phil.Ha^rd,1850 974.8 H33 Hazard, Willis P. ed. Watson, J:F. An- nals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the olden time 1891*57 '77 974.8 W33 Hazlitt, William Conversations of James Northeote; ed. with an essay on Hazlitt as an art-critic and a note on Northeote by Edmund Gosse 270p.por.facsim.D Lond. Bentley,1894 B N81 Lectures on the English poets and the Eng- lish 'man by H:M. and Emmie Felkin and a preface by Oscar Browning 285p.D Lond. Sonnenschein,1898 370.1 H41 Outlines of educational doctrine; tr. by A. F. Lange 334p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1901 370.1 H41o Science of education, its general principles de- duced from its aim; and. The esthetic reve- lation of the world; tr. from the German with a biographical introduction by H:M. and Emmie Felkin, and preface by Oscar Browning 268p.D Bost.Heath,1893 '96 (Heath's pedagogical library) (2 copies) 370.1 H4l8 Text-book in psychology; an attempt to found the science of psychology on experience, metaphysics and mathematics; tr. from the German by M. K. Smith 200p.D N.Y. Appleton,1891 '94 '96 '97'91 (International education series) (4 copies) 150 H41 Adams, John Herbartian psychology ap- plied to education 1898 (Heath's peda- gogical library) 370.2 Adl Barnard, Henry ed. John Frederic Her- bart (see Barnard, Henry ed. German pedagogy 1876 p.45-49) 370.8 B25 Browning, Oscar Kant, Fichte and Her- bart (see Browning, Oscar Educational theories 1882 p.165-180) 370.9 B82 Darroch, Alexander Herbart and the Herbartian theory of education 1903 370.2 D25 Dodd, C. I. Introduction to the Herbartian principles of teaching 1904 371.4 D66 McMuRRY, C:A. Herbart and his disciple* (see his Elements of general method 1895 =93 p.216-224) 371a M22 Ufer, Christian Introduction to the peda- gogy of Herbart 1896 371.4 H41 HEEBAET CLUB De Garmo, Charles The Herbart club (see his Herbart and the Herbartians 1898 p.205-214) B37 H41 Herbart society Year books, 1895-1898 O v.p.v.d. 370.6 H41 Contents: — Most pressing problems con- cerning the elementary course of study, by Charles De Garmo; Concentration, by Frank McMurry; The culture epochs, by C. C. Van Liew; Plan of concentration for first two years, by Mrs L. B. McMurry; Interest in relation to training of the will, by John Dewey; Isolation and unification as bases of courses of study, by E. E. White; A point of difference between race and In- dividual development, by H. T. Lukens; Culture epochs, by Levi Seeley; Notes on the theory of the "culture epochs", by E. E. Brown; Interpretation of the culture- epoch theory, by John Dewey; The culture epochs, by C:A. McMurry; Critical view of the culture epoch theory, by LtH. Gal- breath; The colossal-man theory of educa- tion, by B. A. Hinsdale; The culture epochs, by David Felmley; In reply to some com- ments on the culture epoch theory, by C. C. 225 ► Van Llew; Present status of the doctrine of Interest, by Charles de Garmo; Litera- ture In the high school, by J. R. Colby; Training for citizenship, by Jeremiah W. Jenks; Ethical principles underlying edu- cation, by John Dewey; Some aspects of moral education, by Charles De Garmo; Relation of school discipline to moral edu- cation, by W:T. Harris; Relation of the school studies to moral training, by John Adams; Training for citizenship, by E. J. James; Training for citizenship, by C. C. Van Llew; Teaching of economics in the secondary schools, by F. H. Dlxen; The ele- mentary schools and civic education, by C: A. McMurry; Observation and apperception, by Arnold Tompkins; The didactic prin- ciples of Herbart-Zlller-Stoy, in view of their serviceableness for the Instruction In secondary schools, by Otto Frlck and Dr. Friedel; Relation of knowledge to will and conduct, by James Seth; Social function of United States history, by J:B. McMaster; Method of the social function of history, by M. G. Brumbaugh; The social function of history, by F. G. Blair; The social function of geography, by Spencer Trotter; System- atic geography, by W. M. Davis; Course of study in geography for the grades of the common school, by C:A. McMurry HSRBARTIANISM See also Culture epoch theory; also Herbart, Johann Friedrich Herbert, Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury Au- tobiography; ed. with an introduction by W:H. Dircks 193p.D Lond.Scott,1888 (Camelot series) B H41 Herbert, George Poetical works ; ed. by A. B. Grosart New ed. enl. 403p.por.D Lond.Bell,1892 (Aldine edition of the Brit- ish poets) 821.38 Hil 1593-1633 Walton, Izaak Life of George Herbert (in Walton, Izaak Lives 1847 p.273-348) 9 W17 HERDER, JOHANN GOTTFRIED VON 1744- 1803 De Quincey, Thomas Herder (see De Quincey, Thomas Essays in philosophy 1856<=77 p.354-368) 104 D44 Wells, B:W. The first fruits, Klopstock, Wieland and Herder (see Wells, B:W. Modern German literature 1897 p.38-72) 830.9 W46 HEREDITY Dugdale, R. L. " The Jukes ' ' ; a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity 1884<=77 364 D87 Galton, Francis English men of science; their nature and nurture 1893 (Popular science library) 136.2 G13 Hereditary genius; an inquiry into its laws and consequences 1887 575.1 G13 Inquiries into the human faculty and its development 1883 136 G13 Natural inheritance 1889 575.1 G13n GuYAU, J. M. Education and heredity; a study in sociology 1891 (Contemporary science series) 370 G99 Jordan, D:S. 1895 Factors in organic evolution 575 J76 McKiM, W. D. Heredity and human prog- ress 1900^1899 364 M21 Morgan, C. L. Heredity in man (see his Habit and instinct 1896 p.323-346) 591.5 M82 Oppenheim, Nathan Comparative impor- tance of heredity and environment (see his Development of the child 1898 p.66- 92) 372b Op5 Theory of development and 575 Or7 Orr, H:B. heredity 1893 Patten, S. N. 1903 Heredity and social progress 136 P27 RiBOT, Th^odule Heredity; a psycholog- ical study of its phenomena, laws, causes and consequences 1883 136.3 R35 Weismann, A:F:L. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems 1891 '92 570.4 W43 Winship, a. E. Jukes-Edwards; a study in education and heredity 1900 364 W73 See also Biology; Crime and criminals; Environment; Evolution Herford, William H. ed. Students' Froebel; adapted from Die Erziehung der Mensch- heit of F: Froebel 112p.D Bost.Heath, 1894 (Heath's pedagogical library) 371.4 F92 Herndon, William Henry and Weik, J. W: Ab- raham Lincoln, the true stury of a great life 2v.pl.por.facsim.D N.Y.Appleton, 1892'88 B L63h "Hero and Lean^l^r" Symonds, J: A. Hero and Leander (in Symonds, J: A, Studies of the Greek poets 1893 p.344-360) 881 Sy6 HERODOTUS 484(»)-424( t)B.C. De Quin- cey, Thomas Philosophy of Herodotus HER HER 228 (see De Quincey, Thomas Essays in an- cient history and antiquities 1851*76 p.377-430) 824.81 D44es I Heroes and hero worship, and the heroic in history Carlyle, Thomas (see his Sartor resartus n.d. p.233-461) 824.82 C198 Heroes of the nations; ed. by Evelyn Abbott Alexander "The Great" Wheeler, B:I. Alexander, "The Great"; the merging of East and West in universal history 1900 B A12 Caesar, Julius Fowler, W:W. Julius Caesar, and the foundation of the Eoman emperial system 1894^^91 B Cll Charles XII Bain, E. N. Charles XII and the collapse of the Swedish empire 1895 B C38 Cicero Davidson, J. L. Strachan- Cicero and the fall of the Eoman republic 1894 B C48 Cromwell Firth, Charles Oliver Crom- well and the rule of the Puritans in England 1904«00 B C88 Grant Church, W:C. Ulysses S. Grant and the period of national preservation and reconstruction 1897 B G76 Gustavus Adolphus Fletcher, C:E. L. Gus- tavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protes- tantism for existence 1895'^90 B G97 Hannibal Morris, W:0. Hannibal and the crisis of the struggle between Carthage and Eome 1903 B H19 Henry, prince of Portugal Beazley, C:E. Prince Henry, the navigator, the hero of Portugal and of modern discovery 1895 '94 B H39b Henry of Navarre WiLLERT, P. F. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France 1893 B H39w Julian Gardner, Alice Julian, philosopher and emperor, and the struggle of Paganism against Christianity 1895 B J94 Lincoln Brooks, Noah Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American slavery 1895'=88 '94 B L63 Louis, Saint Perry, Frederic Saint Louis (Louis IX of France), the most Christian king 1901'00 B L92 Louis XIV Hassall, Arthur Louis XIV, and the zenith of the French monarchy 1895 B L921 Napoleon Morris, W:0. Napoleon, war- rior and ruler 1895«93 B N16m Nelson Eussell, W:C. Horatio Nelson and the naval supremacy of England 1895 "=90 B N33r Pericles Abbott, Evelyn Pericles and the golden age of Athens 1895'=91 B P41 Pitt Green, W. D. William Pitt, earl of Chatham, and the growth and division of the British empire, 1708-1778 1901 «00 B P68 Eobert the Bruce Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eobert the Bruce and the struggle for Scot- tish independence 1897 B E54 Saladin Poole, Stanley Lane- Saladin and the fall of the kingdom of Jerusalem 1898 B Sa3 Sidney Bourne, H:E:F. Sir Philip Sid- ney, type of English chivalry in the Eliza- bethan age 1891 B Silb Theodoric Hodgkin, Thomas Theodoric the Goth, the barbarian champion of civilisa- tion 1894=91 B T34 Wyclif Sergeant, Lewis Wyclif, last of the schoolmen and first of the English re- formers 1893"=92 B W97 Heroes of the reformation; ed. by S:M. Jackson EiCHARD, J. W: Philip Melanchton 1902 B M48 Heroism Emerson, E. W. (in his Essays 1894 "65 '83 v.l,p.228-248) 814.36 Em3e Kingsley, Charles (see his Health and education 1884 p.200-228) 504 K61 HEEONDAS about 250 B.C. Symonds, J: A. Herondas (in Symonds, J: A. Studies of the Greek poets 1893 v.2,p.221-239) 881 Sy6 Herrlck, Cheesman A. Meaning and practice of commercial education 378p.D N.Y. Macmillan,1904 (Macmillans' commercial series) 650.7 H43 Herrick, Robert Poetical works; ed. by G:E: B. Saintsbury 2v.por.D Lond.Bell,1893 (Aldine edition of the British poets) 821.43 H43 1591-1674 GossE, E. W: Eobert Herrick (see Gosse, E. W: Seventeenth century studies 1897 p.125-156) 824.8 G69 Herrick, Mrs Sophie Mcllvalne (Bledsoe) Chap- ters on plant life 206p.il.S N.Y.Harper, 1885 581 H43 HEESCHEL, FEEDEEICK WILLIAM 1738- 1822 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Herschel and the motion of the fixed stars (see Lodge, Sir 227 0:J. Pioneers of science 293) 1893 p.273- 520.9 L82 Heitel, Dr Overpressure in high schools in Denmark; tr. from the Danish by C. G. Sorenson 148p.chartS;D Lond.Macmillan, 1885 371.7 H44 Hertwlg, Oscar Biological problem of to-day; preformation or epigenesisf the basis of a theory of organic development; tr. by P. C. Mitchell 148p.il.S Lond.Heinemann, 1896 (Heinemann's scientific handbooks) 576 H44 Hertz, Joseph H. Ethical system of James Martineau 1894 {Columbia college Contributions to philosophy, psychology and elucation) 170 M36 Hervey, Walter Lowrle Picture work for teach- ers and mothers 91p.D Meadville(Pa.), Flood,1896 268 H44 Preparation of the Sunday-school teacher (see Sunday-school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious education 1901 p.129-158) 377 Su7 HESIOD 735B.C.(?) Symonds,J:A. Hesiod {in Symonds, J:A. Studies of the Greek poets 1893 p.144-167) 881 Sy6 HESSIANS Lowell, E:J, Hessians; and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war 1884 973.3 L95 Hewett, Edwin Crawford Elements of psychol- ogy . . . 192p.por.D N.Y.American book co/1889 150 H49 Treatise on pedagogy for young teachers 228p.D Cine. Van Antwerp,^ 884 371a H49 Hewett, W. T. S. Notes for boys and their fathers on morals, mind and manners, by an old boy 208p.D Chie.McClurg,1888 '96 (2 copies) 177 H49 Hewitt, William Graduated course of simple manual training exercises for educating the hand and eye 127p.il.D Lond.Longmans, 1892 607 H49 HEYNE, CHRISTIAN GOTTLOB 1729-1812 Carlyle, Thomas Life of Heyne {in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.l,p.315-350) 824.82 C19 Heywood, John Four P P (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l,p.323-388) 822.08 D66 Pardoner and the friar (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 75 '76 v.l,p.l97-238) 822.08 D66 Heywood, Thomas Plays; ed. by A. W. Verity with an introduction by J: A. Symonds 427p.pl.D Lond.Vizetelly,1888 (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.21 H51 1575 (?) -1650 (?) Ward, A. W: Later Elisabethans (in his History of dramatic literature 1899 v.2,p.550-589) 822.09 W21 Hibbert lectures 1883 Beard, Charles The reformation in the 16th century in its re- lation to modern thought and knowledge 1885 270.6 B38 1885 Pfleiderer, Otto Influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Chris- tianity 1885 225 P48 1887 Sayce, a. H: Origin and growth of religion as illustrated in the ancient Baby- lonians 1891 299 Sa9 1894 Drummond, James Via, Veritas, vita; lectures on "Christianity in its most simple and intelligible form" 1894 239 D84 HICKS, ELIAS 1748-1830 Whitman, Walt Elias Hicks (see Whitman, Walt No- vember boughs 1888 p.119-140) 818.3 W59 Hickscorner (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 p.143-195) 822.08 D66 HICKSITES De Garmo, J. M. The Hicksite Quakers and their doctrines 1897 289.6 D36 See also Hicks, Elias Higgin, L. Art as applied to dress with special reference to harmonious colouring 132p.S Lond.Virtue,1885 391.2 H53 Higgins, Frank C. An introduction to the cop- per coins of modern Europe . . . 95p.il.D Lond.Sonnenschein,1892 (Young collector series) 737 H53 HIGGINSON, FRANCIS 1587-1630 HiOGiN- SON, T:W. . Life of Francis Higginson «1891 (Makers of America) B H53 Higginson, Mrs Sarah J. Java, the pearl of the East 204p.map,S Bost.Houghton,1893 *90 (Riverside library for young people) 919.22 H53 HIG HIG 228 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Common-sense about women 403p.D N.Y.Longmans, 1894=81 396 H53 Concerning all of us 210p.por.S N.Y.Har- per,1893«92 814.39 H53 Hints on writing and speech making 70p.S Bost.Le€,1887 {Handbook series) 808 H53 How I was educated (see College and the church 1887 p.18-28) 370.4 C68 Life of Francis Higginson 158p.D N.Y. Dodd,'1891 (Makers of America) B H53 Margaret Fuller Ossoli Ed.8 323p.por.D Bost.Houghton,1891'=84 (American men of letters) B Os7 Old Cambridge 203p.D N.Y.Macmillan, 1899 (National studies in American let- ters) 814 H53 Contents: — Old Cambridge; Old Cam- bridge in three literary epochs; Holmes; Longfellow; Lowell; Index ed. Book of American explorers 367p.il. por.D Bost.Lee,'1877 (Young folks se- ries) 973.1 H53 1823- "New world and the new book" Matthews, J. B, Three American essay- ists (see his Americanisms and Briticisms 1892 p.135-150) 814 M43 and Boynton, H:W. Eeader's history of American literature 327p.por.facsim.D Bost.Houghton,«1903 810.9 H53 High schools See Public schools; Secondary schools; also The name of the school HiGHKE EDUCATION See Colleges and universi- ties Higher ground Jacobson, Augustus 331 J15 Highways See Eoads Highways and byways series Bradley, A. J. Highways and byways in North Wales 1898 914.29 B72 Highways and byways in South Wales 1903 914.29 B72h Hubert, David Foundations of geometry; translated by E. J. Townsend 143p.D Chic.Open court publishing co,1902 513 H54 Hildebrand See Gregory VII Saint Hildreth, Richard History of the United States of America New ed. enl. 6v.O N.Y. Harper,1882'49 '77 973 H54 Hill, Adams Sherman Our English 245p.S N.Y.Harper,1889<=88 808.4 H55 Contents: — English in schools; English in colleges; English in newspapers and novels; English in the pulpit; Colloquial English Hill, Florence Davenport Children of the state; ed. by Fanny Fowke Ed.2,enl. 370p.D Lond.Macmillan,1889 379.2 H55 Hill, George Birkbeck Norman Harvard col- lege by an Oxonian 337p.por.pl.D N.Y. Macmillan,1895«94 378.744 H55 Hill, Lucille Eaton ed Athletics and out- door sports for women, each subject being separately treated by a special writer 339p. il.O N.Y.Macmillan,1903 796 H55 Hill, Thomas True order of studies 163p.D N.Y.Putnam,1882<=75 375.01 H55 Hill, WUliam Alfred Poetical works ed Campbell, Thomas 1891 821.7 CIS Hill-digging and magic Jessop, Augustus (see his Random roaming and other papers 1893 p.84-121) 824.89 J49 HiUebrand, Mme Karl tr. Schopenhauer, Arthur Fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason and on the will in nature 1897 193.7 SchG Hlller, H. Croft Rhythmic heredity; matter a property of energy 355p.D Lond.Wil- liams,1894 110 H55 Hillis, Newell Dwight Great books as life-teach- ers; studies of character, real and ideal Ed.20 339p.D Chic.ReveU,1904«1898 814 H55 Contents: — The new times, and the poets and essayists as prophets of a new era; John Ruskin's "Seven lamps of architec- ture"; George Eliot's Tito in "Romola"; Hawthorne's "Scarlet letter" ; "Victor Hugo's "Les miserables"; Tennyson's "Idylls of the king"; The tragedy of the ten talent men; Memoirs of Henry Drummond; Op- portunities of leisure and wealth; Biog- raphy of Frances Wlllard; Blalkie's life of David Livingstone; The Christian scholar in politics HINDU MYTHOLOGY Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Vedic India as embodied principally in the Rig- Veda 1895 954 B12 929 Hinman, Bussell Ecloctic physical geography 382p.il.pl. maps,D N.Y.American book co, "=1888 551 H59 Hinsdale, Burke Aaron Art of study; a manual for teachers and students of the science and the art of teaching 266p.D N.Y.Ameri- can book co/1900 371a H59 Colossal-man theory of education (tn Her- bart society Second year book 1896 p.117-125) * 370.6 H41 Horace Mann and the common school revival in the United States 326p.D N.Y.Scribner, 1898 {Great educators) (2 copies) B37 M31 Old northwest, vrith a view of the thirteen colonies as constituted by the royal charters 440p.maps,O N.Y.MacCoun,1888 977 H59 Schools and studies 362p.D Bost.Osgood, 1884 370.4 H59 Teaching the language arts; speech, reading, composition 205p.D N.Y.Appleton,1896 {Intemationai education series) (2 copies) 407 H59 The training of teachers (tn Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.l,monograph 8,49p.) 379.73 B97 Hints on writing and speech-making Higginson, T:W. 808 H53 Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographical books Mill, H. R. 910.7 M59 Hirsch, William Genius and degeneration; a psychological study; tr. from the second edition of the German work 333p.O N.Y. Appleton,1896 132 H61 Historia histrionica Wright, James (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l5,p.399- 455) 822.08 D66 Historic handbook of the northern tour Park- man, Francis 973.1 P23 Historic towns; ed. by E:A: Freeman Bristol Hunt, William Bristol 1889 942.41 H91 Carlisle Creiqhton, Mandell Carlisle 1889 942.85 C86 Colchester Cutts, E:L. Colchester 1888 942.67 C98 Exeter 1'^eeman, E:A: Exeter 1890 942.3 F87 Cinque Ports Bukeows, Montagu Cinque Ports 1892 942.2 B94 London Loftie, W:J: London 1892 942.1 L82 Oxford BoASB, C:W: Oxiord 1887 942.57 B63 Stratford-on-Avon Lkk, Sidney Stratford- on-Avon 1890 942.48 L51 Winchester Kitchin, G:W: Winchester 1890 • 942 K64 York Raine, James York 1893 942 R13 Historical atlases See History — Atlases Historical biographies; ed. by Mandell Creighton Cromwell Cornish, F:W. Life of Oliver Cromwell 1884 B C88c Edward ' ' Black Prince ' ' Creighton, Louisb Edward, the Black Prince 1890 B Ed9 Marlborough Creighton, Mrs L. H. Life of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough 1892 B M34 Montfort Creighton, Mandell Life of Simon de Montfort 1890 B M76 Raleigh Creighton, Louise Life of Sir Walter Raleigh 1891 B R13 Wellington Waite, Rosamond Life of the Duke of Wellington 1884 B W46w Historical briefs Schouler, James 904 Sch6 Historical chronology See Chronology Historical course for schools; ed. by E:A: Free- man V. 1 Freeman, E:A: General sketch of history 1876 909 F87 V. 2 Thompson, Edith History of Eng- land 1887 942 T37 V. 3 MacArthur, Margaret History of Scotland «1874 941 M21 V. 4 Hunt, William History of Italy 1884«74 945 H91 V. 5 Sime, James History of Germany 1884'73 943 Si4 V. 6 Doyle, J : A. History of the United States '1876 973 D77 V. 7 Yonge, C. M.. History of France n.d. 944 Y8 Historical dictionaries tionaries See History — Die- HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY Freeman, E:A: Historical geography of Europe 1882 911.4 F87 HIS 230 HIS Historical handbooks; ed. by Oscar Browning Roman empire Cxirteis, A. M. History of the Roman empire 1875 937.09 C94 HISTORIOGRAPHY Maxwell, -Sir W:S. On some varieties of historical style (see his Miscellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.277-335) 824.89 M45 ScHOULER, James Historical briefs 1896 904 Sch6 HISTORY Arnold, Thomas Introductory lec- tures on modern history 1877'=45 904 Ar6 Carlyle, Thomas On history (in his Crit- ical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.2, p.60-71;v.3,p.74-82) 824.82 C19 Blair, F:G. Social function of history (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.44-56) 370.6 H41 Brumbafgh, M. G. Method of the social furetim of history (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.31-43) 370.6 H41 Emerson, R. W. History (see his Essays 1894«65'83 v.l,p.7-43) 814.36 Em3e Froxjde, J. A. Science of history (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l,p.7-36) 824.89 r93 Scientific method applied to history (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.2,p.445-472) 824.89 F93 George, H. B. and history The relations of geography 1901 910 G29 Kingsley, Charles Limits of exact science as applied to history (see his Roman and Teuton 1891'=61 p.307-343) 940.1 K61 Lilly, W:S. What can history teach usf (see his Chapters in European history 1886 v.l,p.l-48) 940 L62 Lord, John Beacon lights of history "1883 '96 904 L88 Lowell, J. R. Progress of the world (see his Latest literary essays and addresses 1893<=91 p.160-184) 814.39 L95 NiCHOL, John Fables of European history literature, science, and art from A.D. 200 to 1888 and of American history, literature and art 1888 902 N51 Stephens, H:M. History (see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.23- 94) 028 C83 Wheeler, C:G. Course of empire; outlines of the world's chief political changes in the history of the world 1884'=83 909 W56 See also Ancient History ; Archaeology ; Biog- raphy; Chronology; Church history; Civili- zation; Crusades; East, The; Ethnology; Geography; Middle ages — History; Military history; 'Naval history; Political history; Political science; Reformation; Renais- sance; Slavery; Sociology; Statistics; also The name of the country and the city; also The name of the special subject History, Ancient See Ancient history History, Art of writing See Historiography History, Medieval See Middle ages — History History, Natural See Natural history HISTORY AtUises Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas 1885 •=71 '85 R902 Lll Bibliography Adams, C. K. A manual of historical litera- ture 1882 R016.9 Adl Allen, W. F. Gradation and the topical method of historical study (see White, A. D. and others Methods of teaching his- tory 1896'=83'84 p.231-321) 907 W59 Dictionaries Haydn, J. T. Dictionary of dates and uni- versal information 1883 R903 H32 Heilprin, Louis Historical reference book 1885'=84 R903 H36 Larned, J. N. ed. History for ready ref- erence 1895*^93 R903 L32 Essays Freeman, E:A: Historical essays 1871 940 F87 Harrison, Frederic Meaning of history and other historical pieces 1902 904 H24 Schouler, James Historical briefs 1896 904 Sch6 Stubbs, William Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history 1887 904 St9 2S1 Philosophy Acton, Sir J. E. E. D. A lecture on the study of history 1896 907 Ac8 Blackie, J:S. What does history teach t 1886 901 B56 Flint, Egbert History of the philosophy of history 1894 901 F64 Hegel, G:W:F: Lectures on the philosophy of history 1881 901 H36 Seligman, E. R. a. Economic interpretation of history 1903<=02 901 Se4 See also Civilization Study and teaching Acton, Sir J:E. E: D. Lecture on the study of history 1896 907 Ac8 Adams, H. B. Methods of historical study 1884 (Johns Hopkins university His- torical aniJ political science) 907 Adl Study of history in American colleges and universities 1887 (United States — Edu- cation, Bureau of Circular of information) 907 Adls Atkinson, W:P. On history and the study of history 1884 " 907 At5 American historical association Study of history in schools Report of the commit- tee of seven 1899 907 Am3 Barnes, Mrs M.. D. (Sheldon) Studies in historical method 1896 (Heath's peda- gogical library) 907 B26 Bourne, H:E. Teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary school 1902 (American teachers' series) 907 B66 Brouard, M. Sur 1 'enseignement de ITiis- toire dans l'6cole primaire (see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les conferences pedagogiques faites aux instituteurs 1881 p.51-81) 370.6 P21 Firth, C:H. A plea for the historical teach- ing of history 1905 907 F51 Freeman, E:A: 1886 Methods of historical study 907 F87 Hart, A. B. How to study history (see his Studies in American education 1895 p.75-90) 370.4 H25 How to teach history in secondary schools (see his Studies in American education 1895 p.91-121) 370.4 H25 Klemm, L:R: History (see his Educa- tional topics of the day; chips fron\ a teach- er's workshop '1887 p.339-355) 371b K67 McMuRRY, C:A. Special method for litera- ture and history in the common schools 1896«94 807 M22 Special method in history 1903 907 M22 Salmon, L. M. Teaching of history in acad- emies and colleges (see Brackett, A.. C. ed. Woman and the higher education 1893 p.131-152) 376 B72 Stubbs, William Methods of historical study (see his Seventeen lectures on medi- eval and modern history 1887 p.l07- 131) 904 St9 On the present state and prospects of his- torical study (see his Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modem his- tory 1887 p.29-81) 904 St9 On the purposes and methods of historical study (see his Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history 1887 p.81-106) 904 StS White, A. D. and others Methods of teach- ing history 1896 (Pedagogical library) 907 W59 Withers, H. L. Teaching of history in Eng- land in the nineteenth century (see Rob- erts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.106-120) 370.4 R54 Universal Barnes, Mrs Mary D. (Sheldon) Studies in general history 1885 909 B26 DuRUY, J. V. General history of the world •=1898 909 D93 Fisher, G:P. Outlines in universal history "1885 909 F53 Ploetz, Carl Epitome of ancient, medieval and modern history 1884^83 909 P72 SwiNTON, William Outlines of the world's history «1874 909 Sw6 History of a mouthful of bread Mace, Jean 612 M15 HIS HIS 882 History primers; ed. by J:R: Green Europe Fkkeman, E. A. History of Eu- rope 1881 940 F87h France Yongb, C. M.. History of France 1882 944 Y8h Geography Gbovb, George Geography 18^1 910 G91 Greece Fyffe, C:A. History of Greece 1883 938 F99 'Greek life Mahaffy, J: P. Old Greek life 1881 913.38 M28 Roman antiquities Wilkins, A:S: Clas- sical antiquities Roman antiquities 1882 937 W65 Roman constitution Tighe, Ambrose De- velopment of the Roman constitution 1886 937 T44 Rome Creighton, Mandell History of Rome 1883 937 C86 Histrionics See Theatre Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery St Augustine's treatise on the city of God . . . 115p,S Lond.Society for promoting Christian knowl- edge,1900 {Early church classics) 230 H63 Hittell, John S. Brief history of culture 329p.D N.Y.Appleton,1875 901 H63 HOAR, SAMUEL 1776-1858 Emerson, R. W. Samuel Hoar (see Emerson, R, W. Lectures and biographical sketches 1893 '83 p.405-418) 814.36 Em31 HOBBES, THOMAS 1588-1679 Robertson, G:C. Hobbes 1886 (Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 H65 Hodder, Edwin Life and work of the seventh earl of Shaftesbury 792p.por.pl.D Lond. Cas8ell,1888 B Shi Hodges, George Content of religious instruc- tion (see Sunday-school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious education 1901 p.77-102) 377 Su7 Hodgkin, Thomas Dynasty of Theodosius; or, Eighty years' struggle with the barbarians . . . 239p.pl.map8,D Oxf.Clarendon press,1889 937.09 H66 Contents: — Roman empire; Roman and the Teuton; Coming of the Huns; Theodo- sius; Alarlc; Placlda; Attlla; Galserlc George Fox 284p.por.D Bost.Houghton, 1896 (Leaders of religion) B F83 Italy and her invaders Ed.2 9v.in 8,iLpl. maps,0 Oxf.Clarendon pre8s,1892-99 937 H66 Theodoric the Goth; the barbarian champion of civilisation 442p.il.por.pl.map8,D N.Y. Putnam,1894'=91 (Heroes of the nations) B T34 Hodgkins, Louise Manning Guide to the study of nineteenth century authors v.p.D Bost.Heath,1889'=87 '88 802 H66 Hodgson, William Ballantyne Education of girls; and the employment of women of the upper classes educationally considered; two lectures Ed.2 114p.D Lond.Trub- ner, 1869 (2 copies) 376 H66 Importance of the study of economic sci- ence aa a branch of education for all classes (see Royal institution of Great Britian Lectures on education 1855 p.261-316) 370.4 R81 ■ (see Youmans, E:L. Culture demand- ed by modern life 1881'^67 p.253-294) 375.5 Y8 Hoey, Mrs Cashel and Lillie, John tr. Remusat, Comtesse de Memoirs 1900 B R28 Hoffding, Harald History of modern philosophy . . . from the close of the renaissance to our own day; tr. from the German by B. E. Meyer 2v.O Lond.Macmillan,1900 109 H67 Outlines of psychology; tr. by M.. E. Lowndes 365p.D Lond.Macmillan,1892 (2 cop- ies) 150 H67 Hoffman, B. B. Sloyd system of wood working and an historical sketch of the manual train- ing idea 242p.il.D N.Y.American book co,«1892 694 H67 Hog hath lost his pearl Tailor, Robert (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays . 1874 '75 '76 v.ll, p.423-499) 822.08 D66 Hogan, Mrs Louise E. (Shimer) Study of a " child 220p.pl.O N.Y.Harper,1898 372c H67 HOGARTH, WILLIAM 1679-1764 Cunning- ham, Allan William Hogarth (see Cun- ningham, Allan Great English painters 1886 p.42-150) 9 C91 Hazlitt, William On the works of Hogarth (see Hazlitt, William Lectures on the Eng- lish comic writers 1884 pt.2,p.l81-204) 824.76 H33 888 (in Hazlitt, William Miacella- neoua works Lectures on the English comic writers n.d. v.3,pt.l,p.l57-177) 824.76 H33m Hogg, Alex Eailroad as an element in educa- tion 112p.por.D Louisville,1899 385 H67 139p.O Louisville,Morton,1903 385 H67r HOGG, JAMES 1770-1835 Saintsbury, G:E: B. Hogg (in Saintsbury, G:E:B. Es- says in English literature 1890 p.33- 6(5) 824 Sa2 ed. DeQuincey and his friends, personal recollections, souvenirs and anecdotes 372p. por.O Lond.Low,1895 B D44h HOLBACH, PAUL HENRI THIRY 1723-1789 baron D ' " System of nature ' ' Morley, John Holbach 's ' ' System of nature " (in Morley, John Diderot and the encyclo- pedists 1878 v.2,p.l73-221) B D56 HOLBEIN, HANS 1497-1543 Woodberry, G: E: Hans Holbein (see Woodberry, G: E: History of wood engraving 1883 p.116-134) . 761 W85 Holbrook, Martin L. How to strengthen the memory; or. Natural and scientific methods of never forgetting 152p.D N.Y.Hol- brook,'=1886 154 H69 Holden, Edward Singleton Elementary astron- omy 446p.il.pl.D N.Y.Holt,1899 (American science series; elementary course) 520.7 H71 Real things in nature; a reading book of sci- ence for American boys and girls 443p.il. D N.Y.Macmillan,1903 507 H71 and Newcomb, Simon Astronomy Ed.6, enl. 512p.il.pl.O N.Y.Holt,1893'=79 (American science series; advanced course) 520.7 N43 Ed.2,enl. 352pil.D N.Y.Holt,! 885«83 (American science series; briefer course) 520.7 N43a Holder, Charles Frederick Marvels of animal Ufe 240p.pl.D N.Y.Scribner,1885 590.4 H71 HOLINSHED, RAPHAEL (f)-1580(t) Stone, W. G: Boswell-Shakspere 's Holinshed; the chronicle and the historical plays com- pared 1896 822.33 St7 HOLX.AND See Netherlands Holland, Frederic May Rise of intellectual lib- erty; from Thales to Copernicus 458p.O N.Y.Holt,1885 901 H71 Holm, Adolph History of Greece from its com- mencement to the close of the independence of the Greek nation; tr. from the German 4v.O Lond.Macmillan,1894 '98 938 H73 Holman, Henry Education; an introduction to its principles and their psychological foun- dations 536p.D N.Y.Dodd, 1896 370.1 H73 Holmes, Burton Lectures 10v.il.poT.Q N.Y.Mc- Clure,1905"=01 910 H73 Contents: — v. 1 Into Morocco; Fez; Through the heart of the Moorish empire V. 2 Round about Paris; Paris exposition V. 3 Olympian games in Athens; Grecian journeys; Wonders of Thessaly V. 4 Cities of the Barbary coast; Cases of the Algerian Sahara; Southern Spain V. 5 The Hawaiian islands; The edge of China; Manila V. 6 Yellowstone national park; Grand canon of Arizona; Moki land V. 7 Through Europe with a camera; Oberammergau ; Cycling through Corsica V. 8 St Petersburg; Moscow; Trans-Siber- ian railway V. 9 Down the Amur; Peking; The for- bidden city V. 10 Seoul, the capital of Korea; Japan, the country; Japan, the cities Holmes, Gordon Treatise on vocal physiology and hygiene with especial reference to the cultivation and preservation of the voice * Ed.2,enl. 278p.il.D Lond.Churchill,1881 784.9 H73 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL 1809-1894 Griswold, H. T. Oliver Wendell Holmes (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894«86 p.251-261) 9 G88 HowELLS, W.D. Oliver Wendell Holmes (see Howells, W:D. Literary friends and acquaintance 1900 p.146-177) B H83 Autocrat of the breakfast table, every man his own Boswell 321p.por.O Boat. Houghton,1894«58 '91 ' 817.32 H73 Elsie Venner; a romance of destiny 487p. D Bo8t.Houghton,1894«61 '91 813.39 H73 Guardian angel 431p.O 6o8t.Houghton, 1893*67 '91 813.39 H73g HOL HOL SS4 Medical essays, 1842-1882 445p.por.D Bo3t.Houghton,1893=61 '91 610.4 H73 Contents: — Homeopathy and Its kindred delusions; Contagiousness of puerperal fever; Currents and counter-currents In medical science; Border lines of knowledge in some provinces of medical science; Scholastic and bedside teaching; The medi- cal profession in Massachusetts; The young practitioner; Medical libraries; Some of my early teachers Mortal antipathy, first opening of the new portfolio 307p.O Bost.Houghton,1893 C85 '91 813.39 H73m Our hundred days in Europe Houghton,1895<=87 '91 Over the tea cups ton,1895=90 '91 319p.por.O 301p.D Bost. 914.2 H73 Bost.Hough- 817.32 H73 Pages from an old volume of life 433p.D Bost.Houghton,1894<=63'91 814.39 H73 Poet at the breakfast table Bost.Houghton,1895'=72 '91 Poetical works 357p.por.pl.D ton,1886<=50'81 360p.D 817.32 H73p Bost.Hough- 811.39 H73 •=50 '91 3v.por.D Bost.Houghton,1891 811.39 H73po Professor at the breakfast table, with the story of Iris 332p.O Bost.Houghton, 1894=59' 91 817.32 H73p Ralph Waldo Emerson 441p.por.D Bost, Houghton,1892'=84 (American men of let- ters) B Em3h HiGGiNSON, T:W. Holmes son, T:W. Old Cambridge 108) (see Higgin- 1899 p.73- 814 H53 ScuDDER, H. E. ed. Oliver Wendell Holmes (see Scudder, H. B. ed. American poems 1895<=79'82 p.317-346) 811.08 Scu3 Stedman, E. C. Oliver Wendell Holmes (see Stedman, E. C. Poets of America 1894«85 p.273-303) 811.3 StS Hoist, Hermann Edward von Constitutional and political history of the United States tr. from the German by J: J. Lalor and A. B. Mason, 1750-1856 . . . 5v.O Chic. CaUaghan,1877 342.73 H74 John C. Calhoun 356p.D Bost.Hough- ton,1885'82 (American statesmen) B C12 Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker) ba- ronne de Stael See Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker) baronne de Holt, Luther Emmett Care and feeding of children; a catechism for the use of mothers and children's nurses Ed.2,enl. 104p.S N.Y.Appleton,1900a894 '97 649 H74 Holy Cross and other tales Holy Land See Palestine Field, Eugene 813.49 F45 HOLY EOMAN EMPIRE Beyce, James Holy Roman empire 1883 940 B84 Tout, T:F: Empire and papacy, 918-1273 1898 (Periods of European history) 940.4 T64 See also Europe — History; Middle ages — History; Rome — History; also Charle- magne; Charles V; Frederick I; Frederick II Home and school training Arey, Mrs H. E. G.. 372b Ar3 Home life in colonial days Earle, Mrs Alice (Morse) 973.2 Ea7h Home life of great authors Griswold, H. T. 9 G88 Home occupations for little children Beebe, Katherine 372.2 B39h Home studies in nature Treat, Mrs Mary 507 T71 HOMEOPATHY Holmes, 0:W. Homeop- athy and its kindred delusions (see his Medical essays 1893*61 '91 p.1-102) 610.4 H73 Homer Hiad; tr. into English blank verse by W:C. Bryant 2v.in 1,D Bost.Houghton, •'1870 (Boslyn edition) 883.1 H75 Iliad; tr. into English prose by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers Newed. enl. 506p.D Lond.Macmillan,1895<=82 '91 883.1 H75i "Iliad" Snider, D. J. Homer's Iliad 1897 883.1 Sn3 Odyssey; done into English prose by S:H: Butcher and Andrew Lang Ed.3,enl. 428p.pl.D N.Y.Macmillan,1895'79 '85 883.1 H75o 285 Odyssey; tr. by G:H. Palmer Ed.3 378p. O Bo8t.Houghton,1892'91 883.1 H75od Odyssey; tr. into English blank verse by W: C. Bryant 2v.inl,D Bost.Houghton, <=1871 (Boslyji edition) 883.1 H75ody "Odyssey" Snider, D. J. Homer's Odys- sey 1895 833.1 Sn3o about 1000 B.C. Appleton, W:H. ed. Homer (see Appleton, W:H. ed. Greek poets in English verse 1893 p.3- 106) 881 Ap5 Arnold, Matthew On translating Homer (see his On the study of Celtic literature and on translating Homer 1895 p.l39- 300) 891.6 Ar6 Brooks, Edward Story of the Iliad 1890 '95 883.1 B79 Story of the Odyssey 1892091 883.1 B79s DeQuincey, Thomas Homer and the Hom- eridffi (see DeQuincey, Thomas Literary criticism "=1853 '76 p.60-171) 824.81 D441 Froude, J. A. Homer (in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l,p.406-439) 824.89 F93 Gladstone, W:E. On the place of Homer in classical education and in historical inquiry (in Oxford essays 1857 p.1-56) 824.89 0x2 Harrison, Elizabeth Kelationship between the kindergarten and great literature; Homer (see her Kindergarten books 1893 24p.) 372.2 H24 Jebb, R:C. Homer 1894 883.1 J34 Lang, Andrew Homer and the epic 1893 883.1 L25 Symonds, J:A. The women of Homer (in Symonds, J: A. Studies of Greek poets 1893 p.108-143) 881 Sy6 See Achilles Homeric hymns Lang, Andrew 883.1 L25h Homes without hands Wood, J:G: 590 W85 Homicide See Murder; Suicide HOMOLOGY MivART, St George Likenesses; or, Philosophical anatomy (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2,p.250-278) 824.89 M69 HONG-KONG Palgeave, W:G. The three cit- ies (see his Ulysses 1887 p.200-216) 904 P17 Hood, Robin See Robin Hood HOOD, THOMAS 1798-1845 Stedman, E. C. Thomas Hood (see Stedman, E. C. Vic- torian poets 1893 p.72-90) 821 8t3 Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton Botany Ed.3, enL 129p.U.S N.Y.Appleton,1882 (Science primers) 580 H76 HOOKER, RICHARD 1553-1600 Walton, IzAAK Life of Mr Richard Hooker (in Walton, Izaak Lives 1847 p.173-271) 9 W17 HOOKER, THOMAS 1586-1647 Walker, G: L. Thomas Hooker '1891 (Makers of America) B H76 Hooker, Worthington Natural history . . . 382p.il.D N.Y.Harper,1885 '86 590.7 H76 Hooper, Frederick and Graham, James Com- mercial education at home and abroad 267p.il.pl.D Lond.Macmillan,1901 650.7 H76 Hooper, George Wellington 254p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1890 (English men of action) B W46 Hoose, James H. On the province of methods of teaching; a professional study, with an introduction by C:W. Bennett 376p.S Syracuse,Bardeen,1881<=79 (School bulletin publications) 371a H76 Hope, Ascott Robert Robert Hope Hope, Robert Charles torical sketch pseud. See Moncrieff, Medieval music; an his- 169p.O Lond.Stock,1899 780.9 H77 Hopkins, George Milton Experimental science; elementary practical and experimental phys- ics Ed.23,enl. 531p.il.pl.O N.Y.Munn, 1902*1889 530 H77 Hopkins, J. Castell Canadian annual review of pubUc affairs 1902 Toronto,Annual re- view publishing co,«1903 R317.1 H77 Hopkins, Mrs Louisa Parsons (Stone) Educa- tional psychology; a treatise for parents and educators 96p.S Bost.Iiee,1886 150 H77 Handbbook of the earth, natural methods in geography 78p.S BostXee,1883 551 H77 HOP HOP 236 How shall my child be taught! Practical pedagogy; or, The science of teaching, illus- trated 276p.D Bost.Lee,1887<=86 371b H77 Observation lessons in the primary schools; a manual for teachers 212p.il.S Bost. Lee,1889'90 372.3 H77 Spirit of the new education 282p.D Bost. Lee,1892 607 H77 Hopkins, Mark Outline study of man; or, The mind and body in one system . . . New ed.enl. 315p.il.chart,D N.Y.Scribner, 1891'=78'86 130 H77 1804-1887 WiNSHiP, A. E. Founders and benefactors of American colleges {see his Great American educators =1900 p.l87- 200) B39 W73 HOPKINS, SAMUEL 1721-1804 Whittier, J:G. Samuel Hopkins {in Whittier, J: G. Prose works 1893 '66 '89 v.2,p.l30- 145) 814.39 W61 Hoppin, James Mason Early renaissance and other essays on art subjects 306p.O Bost.Houghton,1892 704 H77 Contents: — Early renaissance; Principles of art; Tendencies of modem art; French landscape-painting; Murillo; Art in educa- tion; Art and religion; Bourges cathedral; Zeus-altar of Pergamon; Critique of a Greek statue; Masterpiece of Scopas; Hel- las HOEACE (QUINTUS HORATIUS FLACCUS) 65-27 B. C. Cook, A. S. ed. Horace {see Cook, A. S. ed. Art of poetry 1892 p.1-35) 808.1 C77 Horace's country house BoissiER, M. L:G. {see Boissier, M. L:G. Country of Horace and Virgil 1896 p.1-58) 914.56 B63 Home, Herbert P. and others other plays 1888 ed. Nero and 822.39 N35 Home, Herman Harrell Philosophy of educa- tion; being the foundations of education in the related natural and mental sciences 295p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1905 370.1 H78 Horrocks Mrs George tr. Menzel, Wolfgano History of Germany 1892 943 M52 Hortus inclusus Euskin, John 704 E89h Hosie, Alexander Manchuria; its people, re- • sources and recent history 293p.pl.maps, O N.Y.Scribner,1904 915.18 H79 Hosmer, James Kendall Life of young Sir Henry Vane, governor of Massachusett* bay, and -leader of the Long Parliament with a consideration of the English common- wealth as a forecast of America 581p. por.pl.facsim.O Bost.Houghton,1888 B V28 Samuel Adams 442p.D Bost.Houghton, 1885 {American statesmen) B Adll Story of the Jews 381p.il.por.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1886'85 {Story of the nations) 933 H79 Hotchkin, Samuel Fitch The Bristol pike . . . 410p.il.Q Phil. Jacobs,! 893 974.8 H79 Rural Pennsylvania in the vicinity of Phila- delphia 432p.il.O Phil.Jacobs,1897 974.8 H79r The York road, old and new 516p.il.Q Phil.Binder,1892 974.81 H79 Hough, Franklin Benjamin camp. Constitu- tional provisions in regard to education in the several states of the American union 130p.O Wash.govt.pr.0.1875 {United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Historical and statistical record of the Univer- sity of New York during the century from 1784-1884; with an introductory sketch by David Murray 867p.O 1885 378.747 H81 Hough, Williston S. tr. Erdmann, J:E: History of philosophy 1891 109 Er2 Fischer, Kuno Critique of Kant 1888 193.2 F52 Houghton, T^OTd See Milnes, Eichard Monck- ton Hours of labor See Labor House, The Field, Eugene 813.49 F45 House of Atreus JEschylus 882.1 AeS Household education Martineau, Harriet 377 M36 Household manuals V.2 EiOHARDS, Mrs E. H. Food materials and their adulterations 1886''85 643 E39 Household science See Domestic science Household wreck DeQuincet, Thomas {see his Romances and extravaganzas «1856'77 p.232-336) 824.81 D44r Housekeeping See Domestic science 237 Houses See Architecture; School-bouses Houses of Lancaster and York Gairdner, James 942.04 G12 Houses or refugi See Reformatories Houssay, Frederic Industries of animals 258p. il.D Lond.Scott,1899 (Contemporary sci- ence series) 591 H81 Houston, David Franklin Critical study of nul- lification in South Carolina 169p.O N.Y. Longmans,! 896 (Harvard historical sttid- ies) (2 copies) 973.5 H81 Houston, Edwin James Elements of natural philosophy . . . New ed.enl. 323p.il.D Phil.Eldredge,1900a897 530 H81 HOUSTON, SAM 1793-1863 Bruce, Heney Life of General Houston =1891 (Makers of America) B H81 . WiiXiiAMS, A. M. Sam Houston and the war of independence in Texas 1893 B H81w Hovey, William Alfred Mind reading and be- yond 201p.il.D Bost.Lee,1885 134 H82 How a man may choose a good wife from a bad (ill Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.9, p.1-96) 822.08 D66 How shall my child be taught? Hopkins, Mrs L.. P. (Stone-) 371b H77 How the other half lives Riis, J. A. 331.8 R44h How to get strong and how to stay so Blaikie, WilUam 613 B57 How to learn and earn Fremont, Mrs J. B. and others 371,7 F88 How to parse Abbott, E:A. 425 Ab2 How to read, recite and impersonate Warman, E:B. 808.5 W23 How to recite Southwick, F. T. 808.8 So8 How to recite clearly Abbott, E:A. 428.2 Ab2 How to write English Reade, A. A. 808 R22 How we are governed Dawes, A.. L. 342.73 D32 How we are governed Fonblanque, Albany de 342.42 F73 Howard, Mrs B. C. Fifty years in a Maryland kitchen Ed.4 380p,D Phil.Lippincott, 1893«73 641 H83 HOWARD, CATHARINE, queen of England, (t)-1542 Strickland, Agnes Kathar- ine Howard (in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.3,pt.l, p.101-177) 9 St8 Howard, Charles See Effingham, Lord of Howard, George E. Introduction to the local constitutional history of the United States 526p.O Balt.Johns Hopkins university press, 1889 (Johns Hopkins university Studies in historical and political science) 352.073 H83 Howard, George Elliott History of matrimonial institutions chiefly in England and the United States, with an introductory analy- sis of the literature and the theories of prim- itive marriage and the family 3v.O Chic.University of Chicago press,1904 392.5 H83 HOWARD, GEORGE WILLIAM FREDERICK See Carlisle, Lord Howard, Henry See Surrey, Earl of Howard, James All mistaken; or. The mad couple (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l5,p.321-397) 822.08 D66 Howard, Jerome B. Phonographic amanuensis . . . 216p.O Cinc.Phonog^aphic institute co,1904 (American system of shorthand) 653 H83 Howard, Oliver Otis General Taylor 386p. por.maps,D N.Y.Appleton,1892 (Great commanders) B T21 Howe, Edward Gardnier Advanced elementary science . . . 373p.D N.Y.Appleton,1900 (International education series) 507 H83 Systematic science teaching; a manual of in- ductive elementary work for all instructors 326p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1895«94 (Inter- national education series) (2 copies) 507 H83s Howells, William Dean Literary friends and acquaintance; a personal retrospect of American authorship 288p.por.pl.O N.Y. Harper,1900 810 H83 Contents:— My first visit to New Eng- land; First Impressions of literary New York; Round about to Boston; Literary Boston as I knew It; Oliver Wendell Holmes; White Mr Longrfellow; Studies of Lowell; Cambridge neighbors Tuscan cities 272p.D Bost.Houghton, •1884 914^5 H83 HOW HOW 238 1837- HowELLS, W:D. and acquaintance 1900 Howland, George Practical hints for the teach ers of public schools 198p.D N.Y.Ap pleton,1889 (International ries) 202p.D N.Y.Appleton,1893«89 (In- ternational education series) 371c H84p Literary friends B H83 education se- 371c H84 Howorth, Daniel F. Coins and tokens of the English colonies and dependencies . . . Ed.2 94p.il.D Lond.Sonnenschein,1890 (Young collector series) 737 H84h Hoxie, Charles De Forest How the people rule; civics for boys and girls 165p.D N.Y. Silver/1903 K350 H85 Hubbard, Clara Beeson comp. Merry songs and games, for the use of the kindergarten 104p.Q St Louis,Balmer,«1881 372.2 H86 Hudson, Frederic Journalism in the United States, 1690-1872 789p.O N.Y.Harper, 1873 071 H86 Hudson, Henry Norman Shakespeare; his life, art and characters, an historical sketch of the origin and growth of the drama in Eng- land Ed.4,enl. 2v.D Bost.Ginn,1891«72 822.33 H86 ed. Shakespeake, William Complete works 1883*80 '81 822.33 Shll Hudson, James Fairchild public Ed.3,enl. 1889*^86 '88 Railways and the re- 532p.O N.Y.Harper, 385 H86 Hudson, Thompson Jay Law of psychic phe- nomena; a working hypothesis for the sys- tematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, men- tal therapeutics, etc. 409p.D Chic.Mc- Clurg,1893 134 H86 Hudson, William Henry Eousseau and natural- ism in life and thought 260p.D N.Y. Scribner,1903 (The world's epoch maJc- ers) B R76 Huebsch, Daniel A. tr. Pfleiderer, Otto Christian origins 1906 201 P47 Hueflfer, Franz tr. Guhl, E. K: and Koner, WiLHELM Life of the Greeks and Romans 1876 913.38 G93 HUET, PIERRE DANIEL 1630-1721 Patti- SON, Mark Peter Daniel-Huet (in Pat- tison, Mark Essays 1889 v.l,p.244- 305) 824.89 P271 Hug, Lina and Stead, Richard Story of Switz- erland 430p.il.map,D N.Y.Putnam, 1890 (Story of the nations) 949.4 H87 Hughes, E. P. Training of teachers (see Rob- erts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19tb century 1901 p.171-192) 370.4 R54 Hughes, H. Millicent and Bramwell, A. B. Training of teachers in the United States of America 1894 370.7 B73 Hughes," James Laughlin Froebel's educational laws for all teachers 296p.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1897 (International education se- ries) 372.2 H87 How to secure and retain attention Ed.2 86p.S Toronto ( Canada), Kent,'1880 371c H87 Mistakes in teaching Ed.3 116p.S Toronto, Gage,'=1882 371b H87* HUGHES, JOHN 1677-1719,1720 (?) John- son, Samuel Hughes (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.3,p.l81-189) 9 J62 HUGHES, JOHN 1797-1864 Brann, H:A. Most reverend John Hughes 1892 (Makers of America) B H87 Hughes, E. E. Schools at home and abroad 344p.D N.Y.Dutton,1902 - 379 H87 Hughes, Robert Morton General Johnston 353p.por.maps,D N.Y.Appleton,1895'=93 (Great commanders) B J64 Hughes, Thomas Manliness of Christ 160p.D Bost.Houghton,n.d. 232 H87 Tom Brown at Oxford Macmillan,1883 546p.pl.D N.Y. 823.89 H87 Tom Brown's school days, by an old boy 376p.il.D N.Y.Macmman,1884 823.89 H87t Hughes, Thomas Aloysius Loyola and the edu- cational system of the Jesuits 302p.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 (Great educators) B37 L95 HUGO, VICTOR MARIE 1802-1885 Ander- son, J: P. Bibliography (see Marzials, F, T. Life of Victor Hugo 1888 30p. apx.) B H87 Griswold, H. T. Victor Hugo (see Gris- wold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894«86 p.150-163) 9 G88 110 Maezials, F:T: Life of Victor Hugo 188s (Great writers) B H87 The Alps and Pyrenees; tr. from the French by John Manson 354p.D Lond.Bliss, 1898 914.6 H87 Burroughs, John A malformed giant (see his Indoor studies 1895"=89 p.179-191) 814.41 B94i DowDEN, Edward Poetry of Victor Hugo (see Dowden, Edward Studies in litera- ture 1892 p.428-467) 824 D75 Harper, G:M. Victor Hugo (see Harper, G:M. Masters of French literature 1901 p.167-216) 840.4 H23 Stevenson, R. L: Victor Hugo's romances (see Stevenson, R. L: Familiar studies of men and books 1891 p.27-58) 824.89 St4 "L'annee terrible" Swinburne, A. C: (see Swinburne, A. C: Essays and studies 1897 p.17-59) 824.89 Sw6 *'Les miserables" Hillis, N. D. Victor Hugo 's ' * Les miserables ' ' — the battle of the angels and the demons for man's soul How Jean Valjean was recovered from pas- sion and sin to Christian service and self- sacrifice (see Hillis, N. D. Great books as Hfe teachers 1904=1898 p.117-150) 814 H55 "L'homme qui rit" Swinburne, A. C: Victor Hugo; L'homme qui rit (in Swin- burne, A. C: Essays and studies 1897 p.1-16) 824.89 Sw6 HUGUENOTS IN AMERICA Baird, C:W. History of the Huguenot emigration to America '=1885 284 B16 Baird, H: M. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France 1889<=79 284.5 B16 Pakkman, Francis France and England in North America Pioneers of France in the New world 1886'=65'85 971 P23 Poole, R. L. History of the Huguenots of the dispersion at the recall of the Edict of Nantes 1880 272.4 P78 Smiles, Samuel Huguenots in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes 1874 272.4 Sm4 Huguenots in France, their settlements, churches and industries in England and Ireland 1867 272.4 Sm4s WiLLERT, P. F. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France 1893 (Jleroes of the nations) B H39w Hulsh, Marcus Bourne comp. Japan and its art 254p.il.O Lond.Fine art 80ciety,1889 709.52 H86 Hull-house maps and papers; a presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested dis- trict in Chicago . . . with comments and essays on problems growing out of social conditions, by residents of Hull-house; a social settlement 230p.O N.Y.Crowell, "=1895 (Library of economics and politica) 331.8 H87 Contents: — Map notes and comments, by A. S. Holbrook; The sweating system, by Florence Kelley; Wage-earning children, by Florence Kelley and A. P. Stevens; Re- ceipts and expenditures of cloak makers in Chicago, by Isabel Eaton; The Chicago- ghetto, by Charles Zeublin; The Bohemian people in Chicago, by J. H. Zeman; Re- marks upon the Italian colony in Chicago, by Alessandro Mastro-Valerio; The Cook county charities, by J. C. Lathrop; Art and labor, by E. G. Starr; The settlement as a factor in the labor movement, by Jane Ad- dams; Apx. Hulme, Frederick Edward Principles of or- namental art 137p.pl.F Lond.Cassell, n.d. R729 H87 Human body See Anatomy; Physiology Human faculties See Psychology Human mind Sully, James 150 Su5 Human race See Ethnology; Man Human species Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de 599.9 Q2 Human understanding Locke, John 151 L79 Humanism Browning, Oscar Humanistic education (see his Aspects of education 1892'=88 p.5-23) 370.9 B82 (see his Introduction to the his- tory of educational theories 1882 p.35- 50) 370.9 B82i FiTZ-HuQH, Thomas humanities 1897 Philosophy of the 370.4 F57 Symonds, J: a. Renaissance in Italy; the revival of learning 1881 '88 850.9 Sy6 Woodward, W:H. Vittorino da Feltre and other humanist educators; an introduction to the history of classical education 1897 370.9 W87 HUM HUM 240 Humanists Bobertson, J:M. ists 1891 Modern human- 304 E54 Humboldt, Alexander von Cosmos; a sketch of a physical description of the universe ; tr. from the German hj E. C. Ott6 4 vols. in2,por.O N.Y.Harper,n.d. 500 H88 • HUME, DAVID 1711-1776 Huxlet, T:H: Hume n.d. (English men of letters) B H88 Bound with lives of Sterne by H. D. Traill and of Swift by Leslie Stephen Knight, William Hume 1886 (Philo- sophical classics for English readers) B19 H88 History of England from the earliest times to the revolution of 1688; ed. by J:S. Brewer 808p.il.maps,D N.Y,Harper,1894 942 H88 History of England from the invasion of Julius Cassar to the revolution of 1688 New ed.enl. Gv.por.O N.Y.Harper, 1880 942 H88h Treatise of human nature; ed . . . by L. A. Selby-Bigge 709p.D Oxf.Clarendon press,1888 150 H88 DeQuincey, Thomas On Hume's argument against miracles (see his Essays on Chris- tianity, paganism and superstition 1877 «54 p.290-316) 204 D44 Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp Modern Spain, 1788-1898 574p.n.D N.Y.Putnam,1900 (Story of the nations) 946 H88 Year after the Armada and other historical studies 388p.por.O N.Y.Macmillan,1896 946 H88y Contents: — Year after the Armada; Julian Romero — Swashbuckler; Coming of Philip, the Prudent; Evolution of the Spanish Ar- mada; Fight against finery; A palace in the strand; Exorcism of Charles, the bewitched ; Sprig of the House of Austria; Journal of Richard Bere Hummel, J, J. Dyeing of textile fabrics 534p.il.S Lond.Cassell,1885 (Manuals of technology) 667.2 H88 Humour out of breath and other plays Day, John (see Nero n.d. p.269-332) 822.39 N35 Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson Virginia cam- paign of '64 and '65; the army of the Poto- mac and the army of the James 451p. mapSjD N.Y.Scribner,1883 (Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 H88 Humphreys, Jennett Laugh and learn; the easiest book of nursery lessons and nursery games 255p.il.pl.D Lond.Blackie,1890 372a H88 HUNGAEY Reich, Emil Hungary and the Slavonic kingdoms (see Cambridge mod- ern history The renaissance 1903*02 p.329-346) 940.6 C14 Vamb£ry, Arminius story of Hungary 1886 (Story of the nations) 943.9 V25 Politics Wilson, Woodrow The dual monarchies — Austria-Hungary, Sweden-Norway (see his The state 1889 p.334-365) 350.9 W69 Hunnewell, James Frothingham Imperial is- land; or, England's chronicle in stone 445p.pl.O Bost.Ticknor,1886 720.942 H89 HUNT, JAMES HENRY LEIGH 1784-1859 Monkhouse, W:C. Life of Leigh Hunt 1893 (Great writers) B H91 An answer to the question what is poetry! including remarks on versification; ed. by A. S. Cook 98p.D Bost.Ginn,1893 808.1 H91 " Hazlitt, William Mr T. Moore and Mr L. Hunt (in Hazlitt, William Miscellane- ous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3, pt.3,p.245-257) 824.76 H33m Saintsbury, G:E:B. Leigh Hunt (see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Essays in English literature 1890 p.201-233) 824 Sa2 ' ' Dramatic works of Wycherley, etc. ' ' Mac- AULAY, T:B. baron (in his Critical and historical essays 1889 v.3,p.218-273) 824.83 Mil Hunt, William Bristol Ed.3 230p.map,D Lond.Longmans,1889 (Historic towns) 942.41 H91 English church in the middle ages 224p.D N.Y.Randolph,n.d. (Epochs of church his- tory) 283 H91 History of Italy; ed. by E:A: Freeman 273p.D N.Y.HoIt,1884'=74 (Historical course for schools) 945 H91 and Freeman, E: A: ed. Historic towns Hunter, Sir William Wilson Brief history of the Indian peoples Ed.22 256p.map,D Oxf.Clarendon press,1897 954 H91 ed. Rulers of India 241 Hunterian oration of the Royal college of surgeons 1869 QuAiN, Richard On some defects in general education 1870 370 Q2 HUNTING '84 Jefferies, J:R: Red deer 1892 799 J35 See also Fishing; Sports Huntingdon, Countess of See Shirley, Selina Hurlbert, William Henry France and the re- public; a record of things seen and learned in the French provinces during the ' ' centen- nial" year 1889 515p.map,0 Lond. Longmans,! 890 944.08 H93 Hurll, Estelle May ed. Child-life in art Ed.5 17«p.pl.D Bost.Page,1898 {Biverside art series) 750 H94 Correggio; a collection of fifteen pictures and a supposed portrait of the painter with in- troduction and interpretation 94p.il.O Bost.Houghton,1901 (Riverside art series) B C81 Greek sculpture; a collection of sixteen pict- ures of Greek marbles with introduction and interpretation 97p.il.O Bost.Hough- ton,''1901 (Biverside art series) 733 H93 Jean Francois Millet; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 96p.il.O Bost.IIoughton,«1900 (2 copies) (Biver- side art series) B M61 Sir Joshua Reynolds; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 94p.il.O Bo8t.Houghton,'=1900 (Biverside art se- ries) B R33 Landseer; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 93p.il.O Bost.Hough- ton,1901 (Biverside art series) B L23 Michel Angelo ; a collection of .fifteen pictures and a portrait of the master with introduc- tion and interpretation 96p.il.O Bost. Houghton,«1900 (Biverside art series) B M58 Murillo; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 96p.il,0 Bost.Hough- ton,'=1900 (2 copies) (Biverside art se- ries) B M94 Raphael; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 94p.il.O Bost.Hough- ton,1899 (Biverside art series) B R18 Rembrandt; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduc- tion and interpretation 96p.il.O Bost. Houghton,<=1899 (Biverside art series) B R28 Titian; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 97p.il.O Bost.Hough- ton,1901 (Biverside art series) B T53 Tuscan sculpture of the fifteenth century; a collection of sixteen pictures reproducing works by Donatello, the Delia Robbia, Mino da Fiesole, and others, with introduc- tion and interpretation 97p.il.O Bost. Hough ton,1902 (Biverside art series) 733 H93 Van Dyck; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 92p.il.O Bost.Hough- ton,1902 (Biverside art series) B V28 Husbandry See Agriculture Hussey, Martha S. Helps in teaching reading 126p.D Bost.Lothrop,«1891 808.5 H96 HUTCHESON, FRANCIS 1694-1746 Mar- TiNEAU, James Hutcheson (in Mar- tineau, James Types of ethical theory 1886 v.2,p.514-568) 171 M36 Hutchinson, Ellen Mackay and Stedman, E. C. ed. Ldbrary of American literature 1892 '87 '90 R810.8 St3 Hutchinson, Henry Neville Story of the hills; a book about mountains . . . 357p.pl.D N.Y.Macmillan, 1896*^91 551.4 H97 Hutson, Charles Woodward Story of language 392p.D Chic.McClurg,1897 409 H97 Hutton, Frederick WoUaston Darwinism and Lamarckism, old and new 226p.por.D N.Y,Putnam,1899 575 H97 Hutton, James James and Philip van Arte- veld; two episodes in the history of the 14th century 356p.D Lond.Murray,1882 B Ar7 Hutton, Laurence Literary landmarks of Edin- burg 80p.por.pl.D N.Y.Harper,1892'91 914.144 H97 Literary landmarks of Florence 81p.pl.D N.Y.Harper,1897 914.55 H97 HUT HUT 242 Literary landmarks of Jerusalem 74p.il.jj N.Y.Harper,1895 915.69 H97 Literary landmarks of London Ed.8,enl. 367p.por.D N.Y.Harper,1893'85 '92 914.21 H97 Literary landmarks of Eome 75p.pl.D N.Y.Harper,1897 914.56 H97 Literary landmarks of Venice 71p.il.pl.D N.Y.Harper,1896 914.53 H97 Hutton, Richard Holt Sir Walter Seott 177p. S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (English men of let- ters) B Sco8 Bound with lives of Spenser by R:W: Church and of Dickens by A. W: Ward ed. Bagehot, Walter Biographical stud- ies 1895 9 B14 Economic studies 1895 Literary studies 1895 330 B14 824.89 B14 Hutton, William Holden King and baronage 117p.S N.Y.Scribner,1896 (Oxford manvMs of English history) 942.03 H97 Huxley, Thomas Henry Hume 206p.S N.Y. Harper,n.d. {English men of letters) B H88 Bound with lives of Swift by Leslie Stephen and of Sterne by H:D. Traill Introductory 94p.S (Science primers) N.Y.Appleton,1882 502 H98 Lay sermons, addresses and reviews 378p.O N.Y.Appleton,1883 504 H98 Contents: — On the advisableness of im- proving natural knowledge; Emancipation; A liberal education; Scientific education; On the educational value of the natural his- tory sciences; On the study of zoology; On the physical basis of life; The scientific aspects of positivism; On a piece of chalk; Geological contemporaneity and persistent types of life; Geological reform; The origin of species; Criticism on the Origin of spe- cies; On Descartes' Discourse touching the method of using one's reason rightly and of seeking scientific truth; Spontaneous gen- eration On the method of studying zoology (see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881«67 p.117-145) 375.5 Y8 Physiography; an introduction to the study of nature New ed. 384p.il.maps,D N.Y. Appleton,1883 551 H98 Science and culture, and other essays 357p.O N.Y.Appleton,1884 504 H988 Contents: — Science and culture; Univer- sities: act;ial and real; Technical educa- tion; Elementary instruction in physiology; Joseph Priestley; On the method of Zadig; On the border territory between the animal and the vegetable kingdoms; On certain errors respecting the structure of the heart attributed to Aristotle; On the hypothesis that animals are automata and its history; On sensation and the unity of structure and of sensiferous organs; Evolution in biology; The coming of age of "The origin of spe- cies"; The connection of the biological sciences with medicine and others ed. See Science primers and Youmans, W:J. Elements of physiol- ogy and hygiene . . . New ed. enl. 485p. il.D N.Y.Appleton,1880<^68 '73 612 H98 Hydriotaphia Browne, Sir Thomas Hydrio- taphia; urn burial; or, A discourse on the sepulchral urns lately found in Norfolk (see his Keligio medici 1886 p.112-170) 240 B81 HYGIENE Blaikie, William How to get strong and how to stay so '=1879 613 B57 BucKTON, C. M. Health in the house 1887 613 B85 Corfield, W:H: Laws of health 1888 613.07 C81 Edinburgh health society Health lectures for the people 1884 613.04 Ed4 Foster, Michael and Tracy, E. S. Physiol- ogy and hygiene "=1883 (Science prim- ers) 612 FBI Harrington, Charles Manual of practical hygiene 1905 614 H23 Huxley, T:H: and Youmans, W:J. Ele- ments of physiology and hygiene IBBCeS '73 612 H98 Mitchell, S. W. Wear and tear; or, Hints for the overworked «1871 613 M69 Oswald, F. L. Physical education; or, The health laws of nature 1891*^82 613 Os9 Richards, Mrs E. H. (Swallow) and Wood- man, A. G. Air, water, and food from a sanitary standpoint 1904«00 613 R39 Richardson, B:W. Commonhealth 1887 613.04 R39 2i8 Smith, Edward Health; a handbook for households and schools 1880 (Popular science library) 613 Sm5 Wilson, Andrew Manual of health science 1885 613,07 W67 See also Children — Care and hygiene; Diet; Food; Gymnastics; Medicine; Mind and body; Nurses and nursing; Pathology; Physical education; Physiology; Rest; School hygiene; Sleep; Sex; Temperance; Ventilation; Voice, The; Woman HYGIENE, PUBLIC Playfair, Sir Lyon On public health (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.3-42) 304 P69 Wight, O. W. 1884 Maxims of public health 614 W64 See also School hygiene HYMNS Donnelly, E. C. Sacred Heart n.d. Hymns of the 245 D71 Keble, John Christian year; thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays through- out the year 1894 242 K23 See also BeUgious poetry Dictionaries Julian, John ed. Dictionary of hymnol- ogy 1892«91 R245 J94 HYPNOTISM Moll, Albert Hypnotism 1893 (Contemporary science series) 134 M73 See also Psychical phenomena; Sub-con- consciousness ; Telepathy Hypothesis of evolution See Evolution Hyslop, James Hervey Democracy; a study of government 300p.O N.Y.Scribner,1899 321.8 H99 Elements of ethics Ed.3 470p.il.D N.Y. Scribner,1898'=95 170 H99 Elements of logic, theoretical and practical Ed.4 403p.il.O N.Y.Scribner,l 898^92 160 H99 Logic and argument 249p.il.S N.Y.Scrib- ner,1899 160 H991 Problems of philosophy; or, Principles of epis- temology and metaphysics 647p.O N.Y. Macmillan,1905 140 H99 Syllabus of psychology 116p.O N.Y.Mac- millan,1899 (Columbia university Con- tributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 150 H99 Ibsen, Henrlk Pillars of society and other plays; ed. by Havelock Ellis 315p.D Lond.Scott,1890 (Camelot series) 839.8262 Ib7 Contains also "Ghosts" and "An enemy of society" 1828- Gosse, E. W: Henrik Ibsen (see Gosse, E. W: Northern studies 1890 p.38-104) 839 G69 NoRDAU, M. S. Ibsenism (see Nordau, M. S. Degeneration 1895 p.338-415) 132 N75 The real Ibsen (see Regeneration, a reply to Max Nordau 1896 p.132-182) 132 R26 Ice age See Glacial epoch Icelandic literature See Frithjofs saga Ichthyology See Fishes Idea of God as effected by modem knowledge Fiske, John 211 F54 IDEALISM Watson, John Christianity and idealism; the Christian ideal of life in its relations to the Greek and Jewish ideals and to modem philosophy 1897 201 W33 Modem idealism in its relation to the Chris- tian ideal of life (see his Christianity and idealism 1897'=96 p.119-292) 201 W33 Ideals of the republic; or. Great words from great Americans 173p.T N.Y.Putnam, n.d. 973 Id2 Contents: — Declaration of independence; Constitution of the United States; Wash- ington's first inaugrural, 1789; Washingrton's second inaugural, 1793; Washington's fare- well address; Lincoln's first inauerural, 1861; Lincoln's second inaugural, 1865; Lincoln's Gettysburg address, 1863; Appendix; Index to the constitution IDIOCY Seguin, Edward Idiocy and its treat- ment by the physiological method 1866 132.2 Se3 IDI IDI 244 See also Feeble-minded — Education; Insan- ity IGNATIUS, SAINT (f)-114,117 A.D. New- man, J:H: cardinal Theology of St Ignatius (in Newman, J:H: cardinal Essays; critical and historical 1891 v.l, p.222-262) 204 N46 Ignatius de Loyola See Loyola, Ignatius de (Inigo Lopez de Recalde) Ignorance of man Bagehot, Walter {in his Literary studies 1895 v.3,p.l60-189) 824.89 B14 Ihne, Joseph Anton Friedrich Wilhelm Early Eome from the foundation of the city to its destruction by the Gauls 217p.maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1892 {Epochs of ancient his- tory) 937.01 Ih5 Iliad See Homer ILLINOIS Wallace, Joseph History of Illi- nois and Louisiana under the French rule 1893 973 W15 ILLITEEACY Warren, Charles Illiteracy in the United States in 1870 and 1880, with di- agrams and illustrations 1884 {United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 See also Crime and criminals ILLUSIONS Emerson, E. W. Illusions {see his Conduct of Ufe 1893'=60'88 p.291- 308) 814.36 Em3 Farrell, Joseph About illusions {see his Lectures of a certain professor 1877 p.226-245) 824.89 F24 • Parish, Edmund Hallucinations and illu- sions; a study of the fallacies of perception 1898 {Contemporary science series) 132.2 P21 Sully, James Illusions; a psychological study 1882 {International science se- ries) 133.2 Su5 See also Psychical phenomena Illustrated hand-books of art education; ed. by E:J: Poynter and T:R. Smith Eedford, George Sculpture; Egyptian, As- syrian, Greek, Roman 1888 730 R24 Smith, T:R. Architecture; Gothic and renaissance 1893 723.4 Sm5 and Slater, John Architecture; classic and early Christian 1890 722 Sm5 Imaginary conversations Landor, W. S. 828.89 L23i Imaginary portraits Pater, W. H. 824.89 P27 Imaginary quantities Argand, J. R. 512 Ar3 Imagination See QfS^ Memory; Mental im- agery; Mind and body; Perception Imbecility See Idiocy Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur L6on iaron Citizeness Bonaparte; tr. by T: S. Perry 306p.por.D N.Y.Scribner,1893'=90 {Fa- mous women of the French court) B J7T Court of the Empress Josephine; tr. by T:S. Perry 334p.por.D N.Y.Scribner,1893'=90 ■ {Famous women of the French court) B J77« Duchess of Angoulem.e and the two restora- tions; tr. by James Davis 403p.por.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 {Famous women of the French court) B An4 Duchess of Berry and the court of Charles X 305p.por.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 {Famous women of the French court) B B45 Duchess of Berry and the court of Louia XVIII; tr. by E.. G. Martin 301p.por.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 {Famous women of the French court) B B45d Duchess of Berry and the revolution of 1830; tr. by E.. G. Martin 321p.por.D N.Y. Scribner,1893 {Famous women of the French court) B B45du France and Italy; tr. by E.. G. Martin 352p. por.D N.Y.Scribner,1899 944.07 Im2 Happy days of the Empress Marie Louise; tr. by T:S. Perry 383p.por.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1891 {Famous women of the French court) B M33 Louis Napoleon and Mademoiselle de Montijo; tr. by E.. G. Martin 512p.por.D N.Y. Scribner,1897 B N161 Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty; tr. by E.. G. Martin 401p.por,D N.Y. Scribner,1893»91 {Famous women of the French court) B M33m Marie Antionette and the end of the regime; tr. by T:S. Perry 300p.por.D N.Y. Scribner,1892'90 (Famous women of the French court) B M33ma 248 Marie Antionette at the Tuileries, 1789-1791; tr. by E.. G. Martin 296p.por.D N.Y. Scribner,1892«91 (Famous women of the French court) B M33mar Marie Louise and the decadence of the em- pire; tr. by T:S. Perry 320p.por.D N.Y, Scribner,1891'=90 (Famous women of the French court) B M331 Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814; tr. by T:S. Perry SOlp.por.D N.Y.Scribner, 1891 (Famotis women of the French court) B M331m Marie Louise, the Island of Elba and the hun- dred days; tr. by E.. G. Martin 283p.por. D N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Famous women of the French court) B M331ma Napoleon III and his court; tr. by E.. G. Martin 407p.D N.Y.Scribner,1898 (2 copies) B N161s Revolution of 1848; tr. by E.. G. Martin 347p.por.D N.Y.Scribner,1895 944.06 Im2 Wife of the first consul; tr. by T:S. Perry 357p.por.D N.Y.Scribner,1893'=90 (Fa- mous women of the French court) B J77w Women of the Valois court; tr. by E.. G. Mar- tin 256p.por.D N.Y.Scribner,1893 (Fa- mous women of the French court) 9 Im2 Women of Versailles; court of Louis XIV; tr, by E.. G. Martin 266p.por.D N.Y. Scribner,1893 (Famotis women of the French court) 9 Im2w Women of Versailles; court of Louis XV; tr. by E.. G. Martin 285p.por.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1893 (Famous women of the French court) 9 Im2wo Women of Versailles; last years of Louis XV; tr. by E.. G. Martin 220p.por.D N.Y. Scribner,1893 (Famous women of the French court) 9 Im2wom Youth of the Duchess of Angouleme; tr. by E.. G. Martin N.Y.Scribner,! 892 (Fa- mous women of the French court) B An4y IMITATION Deahl, J. N. Imitation in edu- cation; its nature, scope and significance 1900 (Columbia university Contribu- tions to philosophy, psychology and educa- tion) 370.2 D34 See also Play Immensee Storm, Theodor 438 St7 Immigration See Emigration and immigration IMMORTALITY Emerson, R. W. Immortal- ity (see his Letters and social aims 1893 «75'83 p.305-333) 814.36 Em31e ROYCE, JosiAH Conception of immortality 1900 (IngersoU lecture 1899) 218 R76 IMPARTIAIilTY Farrell, Joseph About im- partiality (see his Lectures of a certain professor 1877 p.295-310) 824.89 F24 Imperial dictionary See Oglivie, John ed. Imperial island Hunnewell, J. F. 720.942 H89 IMPERIALISM Reinsch, P. S: World poli- tics at the end of the nineteenth century as influenced by the Oriental situation 1904 '00 327 R27 Imports See Commerce; Tariff Imprisonment See Prisons Improvement of the mind Watts, Isaac 370 W34 Improvement of the senses Grant, Horace Ex- ercises for the improvement of the senses for young children 372.3 G76 In African forest and jungle Du Chaillu, P. B. 916.7 D85 In montibus Sanctis Ruskin, John In monti- bus Sanctis; studies of mountain form and of its visible causes (see his Hortus in- clusus 1894 p.107-148) 704 R89h In nesting time Miller, Mrs Harriet (Mann) 589.2 M62i In peril of change Masterman, C. F. G. 828 M39 In story land Harrison, Elizabeth 372.21 H24 In the child's world Poulsson, Emilie 372.21 P86i In the school-room Hart, J:S. 371b H25 Incognito, The DeQuincey, Thomas Incog- nito; or. Count Fitz-hum (see DeQuincey, Thomas Romances and extravaganzas «1856'77 p.444-463) 824.81 D44r Incompatibles Arnold, Matthew (see his Irish essays 1894 p.273-333) 824.85 Ar6m Independence Farrell, Joseph (see his Lec- tures of a certain professor 1877 p.279- 295) 824 F24 IND IND 246 INDEPENDENCE BELL Ehoades, L. I. Lib- erty bell {see her Story of Philadelphia '1900 p.214-221) 974.8 E34 INDEPENDENCE HALL (Philadelphia) Bel- isle, D. W. History of Independence hall 1859 974.811 B41 Etting, F. M. Historical account of the old state house of Pennsylvania 1891 974.81 Et7 Ehoades, L. I. Independence hall (see her Story of Philadelphia <=1900 p.197-207) 974.8 E34 INDEPENDENCE SQUAEE Ehoades, L. I. Independence square (see her Story of Philadelphia «1900 p.207-214) 974.8 E34 Independents See Congregationalism INDEXES American library association The "A. L. A." index An index to gen- eral literature 1905 E040 Am3 Annual literary index 1895-date E050 An2 See also Periodicals — Indexes Indexing op books See Cataloging of books INDIA Education Schools in British India 1873 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Politics and government BuEKE, Edmund Eeport on administration of justice in India (in his Works 1890 v.4,p.l-219) 825.62 B91 NicoL, David Development of our political culture in the intellectual life in India (in his Political life of our time 1889 v.l, p.114-166) 320 N51 Beligion See Brahmanism; Buddha and Buddhism; Mohammed and Mohammedanism; Vedas Travel and description Stoddard, J:L. India (in his Lectures 1898<=97 v.4,p.5-225) 910 St6 Indian epics See Mahabharata; Eamayana Indian archipelago See Malay archipelago Indian mutiny See India — History INDIAN WALK Buck, W:J. History of the Indian walk performed for the proprieta- ries of Pennsylvania in 1737 1886 974.8 B85 INDIANA Dunn, J. P. jr Indiana; a redemp- tion from slavery 1888 (American com- monwealths) 977.2 D92 History Elphinstone, Mountstuart History of In- dia; the Hindu and Mahometan periods 1889 954 E16 Frazer, E. W. British India 1897 (Story of the nations) 954 F86 Hunter, Sir W:W. Brief history of the In- dian peoples 1897 954 H91 MONCRIEPF, E. H. Story of the Indian mu- tiny 1896 954 M74 Eagozin, Z. a. Story of Vedic India 1895 (Story of the nations) 954 E12 See also Baber; Campbell, Colin (Lord Clyde) ; Ceylon; Clive, Eobert; Havelock, Sir Henry; Lawrence, John Laird Mair baron IndVfStrial arts BiRDWOOD, G:C. M. Industrial arts of India pref.1880 (South Kensington museum art hand-books) 670 B53 Education WooDBURN, J. A. Higher education in Indi- ana (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 See also La Porte — Public schools INDIANAPOLIS Public schools EiCE, J. M. The public schools of St. Louis and Indianapolis (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.92- 120) 379.73 E36 INDIANS Helps, Sir Arthur Spanish con- quest in America 1856 '68 972 H36 Edtication Hailmann, W:N. Education of the Indian (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2,monographl9, 36p.) 379.73 B97 247 United States — Indian a fairs, Office of Course of study for the Indian schools of the United States, industrial and literary 1901 371.95 Un3 See also Pueblo Indians INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA Catlin, George Letters and notes on the manners, customs and conditions of the North Ameri- can Indians 1841 970 C29 Dsake, F. S. ed. Indian tribes of the United States 1891'83 970.1 D78 Jackson, Mrs H.. M. (Fiske) H. Century of dishonor 1885 970.5 J13 Pabkman, Francis Oregon trail, sketches of Rocky mountain life 1886*72 917.8 P23 Short, J:T: North Americans of an- tiquity; their origin, migrations and type of civilization considered 1882 913.7 Sh7 Starr, Frederick American Indians 1904 «1898 970.1 Stl See also Aztecas; Basket making; King Philip 's war, 1675-1676 ; Pontiac 's conspir- acy, 1763; Pueblo Indians; United States — History, French and Indian war, 1755-1763; also The name of the Indian; also Eliot, John Beligion Brinton, D. G. Myths of the New world; a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red races of America 1905'=1896 299 B77 Indigestion See Digestion INDIVIDUALITY Shaler, N. S. The indi- vidual; a study of life and death 1905 «00 126 Shl Individuality and the moral aim in American edu- cation Mark, H. T. 377 M34 Indo-Europeans See Aryans Indoor studies Burroughs, John 814.41 B94i INDUCTION COILS Bonnet, G. E. Induction coils 1904 (Whittaker's manual of arts, science and industries) 537 B64 Inductive method See Teaching, Theory of INDUSTRIAL ARTS Bevan, G. P. Hand- book to the industries of the British Isles and the United States 1882 670 B46 Browne, S. H. Manual of commerce contain- ing an account of the source, mode of pro- duction or manufacture of the principal arti- cles of commerce 1871 670 B81 Drone, E. S. Industrial art education in the United States (see Hamerton, P. G. and others Higher education and a com- mon language "=1879 p.106-120) 370.4 H17 Leland, C:G. Industrial art in schools 1882 (United States — Education,, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Magnus, Sir Philip Lessons in elementary mechanics 1892 531 M27 Playpair, Sir Lyon The inosculation of the arts and sciences (see his Subjects of so- cial welfare 1889 p.196-224) 304 P69 South Kensington museum Conferences held in connection with the special loan col- lection of scientific apparatus 1876 530 So8 Watt, Alexander Mechanical industries ex- plained 1881 670 W34 Scientific industries explained 1881 670 W348 Wright, C. D. Industrial evolution of the United States 1902a895'97 609 W93 See also Agriculture; Architecture; Bas ketry; Business; Chemistry; Commerce Cookery; Cotton; Decoration and ornament Domestic science; Engraving; Inventions Machinery in industry; Manual training Manufactures; Medicine; Photography Pottery; Printing; Ship-building; Survey ing; Technical education; Textile fabrics; Tools; Wood carving; Wood working; also The name of the country Biography Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and in- dustry 1885 9 Sm4 Industrial drawing See Mechanical drawing Industrial education ^See Mtinual training; Technical education Industrial evolution of the United States Wright, C. D. 609 W93 Industrial exhibitions See The name of the place Industrial schools See Manual training; Technical education IND IND 248 Industrial-social education others Industries, Primitive Mason, O. T. share in primitive culture Baldwin, W:A. and 607 B19 INDUSTRY olive EusKiN, John 1894 Woman 's 1894 901 M38 Crown of wild 824.86 R89 Infant education 8ee Children; Elementary education; Kindergarten Infant school management Hale, S.. J. B. 372a HIS Infant system Wilderspin, Samuel 371.4 W64 Infants See Children Infidelity See Skepticism Influence of sea-power upon history Mahan, A. T. 359 M27 Influence of sea-power upon the French revolution and empire Mahan, A. T. 940.8 M27 Ingelend, Thomas Disobedient child (m Dod- sley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.2,p.265-320) 822.08 D66 IngersoU lectures 1890" Royce, Josiah Con- ception of immortality 1900 218 R76 Ingersoll, Ernest Country cousins; short stud- ies in the natural history of the United States 252p.il.pl.O N.Y.Harper,1884 590 In4 Ingglish az she iz spelt Federheld, Fritz 421 F31 Ingham, Charles B. Education in accordance with natural law . . . 125p.D Lond.No- veUo,n.d. 377 In4 Ingram, Henry Atlee Life and character of Stephen Girard . . . mariner and mer- chant; with an appendix descriptive of Gi- rard college Ed.2,enl. 185p.por.pl.D Phil. Hart, 1885 B G44 Ingram, John Kells History of political econ- omy . . . 250p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1893 «87 • 330.9 Tn4 Inheritance (Biology) Initials and pseudonyms See Heredity Gushing, WiUiam E014.2 C95 Inner life Whittier, J:G. (tn his Prose works 1893'=66'83 v.3,p.249-363) 814.39 W61 INNOCENT III (GIOVANNI LOTHARIO CONTI) 1161-1216 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Innocent III (see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of modern Rome 1895 p.307-378) 945.06 013 Inorganic chemistry See Chemistry INSANITY Clouston, T:S. Clinical lectures on mental diseases 1884 132 C62 Hammond, W:A. Treatise on insanity in its medical relations 1883 132.1 H18 LoMBROso, Cesare Man of genius 1891 (Contemporary science series) 132 L83 Maudsley, Henry Body and mind; an in- quiry into the connection and mutual influ- ence, specially in reference to mental dis- orders 1883 132 M44 Pathology of mind 1882 132 M44p 1883 Responsibility in mental disease (International science series) 132 M44r Mercier, Charles Sanity and insanity 1892 (Contemporary science series) 132 M53 See also Brain; Idiocy; Illusions; Mind, Physiology of; Mind and body; Nervous system INSECTS Avebury, John Lubbock baron On the senses, instincts and intelligence of animals, with special reference to insects 1888 (International scientific series) 591.5 Av3 Ballard, Mrs J. P. Among the moths and butterflies 1891'^90 596.78 B21 Bamford, M.. E. Up and down the brooks 1893<=89 595.7 B21 Kappel, A. W. and Kirby, W. E. Beetles, butterflies, moths and other insects 1893 595.7 K14 McCooK, H:C. Tenants of an old farm 1885 '93 595.7 M13 Packard, A. S. «1877 Half hours with the insects 595.7 P12 Rennie, James Insect architecture 1888 595.7 R29 Smith, J:B. Economic entymology for th.% farmer and fruit-grower 1896 595.7 Sm5 Van Bruyssel, Ernest Population of an old pear-tree 1894«70 595 V27 See also Ants; Bees; Butterflies; Pests; Spiders >A9 Inspection of schools See School organiza- tion and administration; School supervision INSPIRATION Emerson, R. W. (see his Let- ters and social aims 1893'75'83 p.253- 281) 814.36 Em31e See also Bible — Inspiration INSTINCT AvEBURY, John Lubbock baron On the senses, instincts and intelligence of animals, with special reference to insects 1888 (International scientific series) 591.5 Av3 BiNET, Alfred Psychic life of micro-organ- isms 1889'^88 591.5 B51 Darwin, C:R. Posthumous essay on instinct (see Romanes, G:J: Mental evolution in animals 1884 p.353-411) 591.5 R66 Groos, Karl Play of animals «1898 591.5 G89 Lindsay, W:L. Mind in the lower animals 1830 591.5 1^(34 Marshall, H:R. Instinct and reason; an essay concerning the relation of instinct to reason with some special study of the nature of religion 1898 158 M35 Mills, Wesley Nature and development of animal intelligence 1898 591.5 M62 MiVART, St George Organic nature's riddle (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2, p,315-357) 824.89 M69 Morgan, C. L. Habit and instinct 1896 591.5 M82 Romanes, G:J: Animal intelligence 1883 (International . scientific series ) 591.5 R66 Darwinian theory of instinct (in his Es- says 1897 p.25-58) 104 R66 Mental evolution in animals 1884 591.5 R66m Weir, James Dawn of reason; or. Mental traits in the lower animals 1899 591.5 W43 See also Animal intelligence; Psychology, Comparative Institutes Justinian I (Flavius Anicius Justin- i«°"s) 34937 J98 Institutes for teachers See Teachers' in- stitutes Instruction See Teaching, Methods of Integral calculus See Calculus INTELLECT Bain, Alexander Senses and the intellect 1879 150 B16 Baldwin, J. M. Handbook of psychology; senses and intellect 1890^89 150 B19 Emerson, B. W. Intellect (in his Essays 1894'65'83 v.l,p,301-323) 814.36 EmSe Natural history of the intellect 1894'93 814.36 Em3n Porter, Noah Human intellect; with an in- troduction upon psychology and the soul •1863 151 P83 Taine, H. a. On intelligence 1871 151 T13 See also Animal intelligence ; Brain ; Genius ; Imagination; Insanity; Judgment; Knowl- edge; Logic; Memory; Psychology; Rea- son; Senses, The; Understanding InteWectual and moral development of the child Compayre, Gabriel 150.1 C73 Intellectual education Shirreff, E. A.. E. 376 Sh6 Intellectual life Hanierton, P. G. 374 H17 Intellectual powers Abercrombie, John In- quiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth 1882 120 Ab3 Intellectual powers of man Reid, Thomas Es- says on the intellectual powers of man 1878*50 150 R27 Intellectual property See Copyright Intelugence See Intellect Intelligence of animals See Animal intel- ligence; Instinct Intemperance See Temperance INTEREST De Garmo, Charles Interest and education; the doctrine of interest and its concrete application 1903 371a D36i Dewey, John Interest in relation to train- ing of the will '(in Herbart society Sec- ond supplement to first year book 1895 p.207-216) 370.6 H41 See also Attention Interlude of the four elements (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l,p.l-50) 822.08 D66 INT INT 2S0 Interlude of youth (w Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.2,p.l-40) 822.08 D66 Intermediate schools See Secondary educa- tion Internal revenue See Taxation International congress of anthropology Mem- oirs; ed. by C. S. Wake 375p.pl.O Chic. Schulte publishing co,1894 (World's con- gress auxiliary of the world's Columbian exposition 1893) 901 In8 International copyright See Copyright International cyclopedia ... ed. by H. T. Peck 15v.il.pl.maps,Q N.Y.Dodd,1893'=85 '91 E031 In8 International education series; ed. by W:T. Harris V. 1 EosENKRANZ, J:K:F: Philosophy of education 1898<'86 370.1 E72p V. 2 Painter, F. V. N. History of education 1887'93«86 370.9 P16 V. 3 Laurie, S. S. Eise and early constitu- tion of universities 1887 '96<=86 378 L37 V. 4 Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warm- ing of school buildings 1892 "=87 697 M83 Education of man 370 F92ed Elementary psy- 1891 '97<=87 370.2 B19 Mind of the child 150.1 P92 How to study geog- 910.7 P22 Education in the United 370.973 B64 European schools 1889 379.4 K67 V. 13 Howland, George Practical hints for the teachers of public schools 1893'=89 371 H83 V. 14 De Guimps, Eoger Pestalozzi ; his life and work 1897^^90 B37 P43g V. 15 PicKARD, J. L. School supervision 1890 ■ 379.15 P58 V. 16 Lange, Helene Higher education of women in Europe 1890 376 L26 V. 17 Quick, E. H. Essays on educational reformers 1891 '97<'90 370.9 Q4 V. 18 Herb ART, J:F: Text-book in psychol- ogy 1891 '94 '96 '97 150 H41 V, 19 Baldwin, Joseph Psychology applied to the art of teaching 1892<=96'97 370.2 B19 V. 5 Froebel, F : W : a : 1896 V. 6 Baldwin, Joseph chology and education V. 7-9 Preyer, Wilhelm 1888 '92 V. 10 Parker, F. W. xaphy 1893<^89 V. 11 Boone, E:G. States 1889 '94 V. 12 Klemm, L:E: V. 20 EoussEAU, J. J. Emile 1893 '98*92 370 E76 V. 21 Adler, Felix Moral instruction of children 1889 '92 377 Ad5 V. 22 Sharpless, Isaac English education, in the elementary and secondary schools 1892 379.42 Sh2 V.23 Fouill:&e, A. J. E. Education from a national standpoint 1892 373 F82 V. 24 Preyer, Wilhelm Mental develop- ment in the child 1894 '95*93 150.1 P921 v. 25 Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history 1894 907 H58 V. 26 Blow, S. E.. Symbolic education 1894 '98 372.2 F92 V. 27 Howe, E:G. Systematic science teach- ing 1895*^94 507 H83s V. 28 Davidson, Thomas Education of the Greek people 1894 370.938 D28 V. 29 Martin, J:H. Massachusetts public school system 1894 370.74 M36 V. 30 Froebel, F:W: A: Pedagogics of the kindergarten 1895 '98 372.2 F92p V. 31 Froebel, F:W:A: Mottoes and com- mentaries on the Mother play 1898^^95 372.2 F92mo V. 32 Froebel, F:W:A: Songs and music of Froebel 's Mother play 1896 '97-^95 372.2 F92s V. 33 McLellan, J. A. Psychology of number V. 34 Hinsdale, B. A. guage arts 1896 V. 35 CoMPAYRfi, Gabriel moral development of the child 1896 150.1 C73 V. 36 Herbart, J:F: A B C of sense-per- ception and minor pedagogical works 1896 152 H41 v. 37 Harris, W:T. Psychologic founda- tions of education 370.2 H24 v. 38 Eoss, G:W. School system of Ontario 1896 379.713 E73 V. 39 Johonnot, James Principles and prac- tice of teaching 1898«78'96 371a J66 V. 40 Baldwin, Joseph School management and school methods 1897 371c B19s V. 41 Hughes, J. L. Froebel 's educational laws for all teachers 1897 372.2 F92 V. 42 Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of edu- cation 1897 370 M75 V. 43 Taylor, A. E. The study of the child 1898 150.1 T21 V. 44 Froebel, F:W:A: Education by de- velopment 1899 372.2 F92 and Dewey, John 1895 372.7 M22 Teaching the lan- 407 H59 Intellectual and 251 T. 45 Blow, 8. E.. Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel 1899 372.2 B62 V. 46 Montaigne, M. E. de Education of children 1899 370 M76 V. 47 Bolton,' F:E. Secondary school sys- tem of Germany 1900 373.43 B63 V. 48 Howe, E. G. Advanced elementary science 1900 507 H83 V. 50 Greenwood, J. M. Principles of edu- cation, practically applied 1901*1887 371b G8o V. 54 Ware, Fabian Educational founda- tions of trade and industry 1901 607 W22 V, 55 JuDD, C : H. Genetic psychology for teachers 1903 370.2 J88 International exhibitions See The name of the place International' health exhibition Health exhibi- tion literature; conference on education v.13-16,0 Lond.Clowe8,1884 370.6 InS V. 13 Conditions of healthy education; Infant training and teaching; Organisation of elementary education; Inspection and ex- amination of schools; Gymnastic and other physical exercises; Teaching of music in schools V. 14 Technical teaching; Subsidiary aids to instruction; Thrift V. 15 Organization of university education V. 16 Training of teachers; Organization of intermediate and higher education Athletics ... 2v. 1884 (unbound) 613.7 In8 V. 1 Physical exercise and recreation by E. Warre V. 2 Athletics by E. Lyttelton and G:T. Cobb INTERNATIONAL LAW Seelye, J. H. In- ternational law {see his Citizenship 1894 p.13-31) 342.73 Se3 See also Monroe doctrine; War also The name of the country International modem language series Erckmann, Emii>e and Chatrian, Alexandre Madame Th6r&se '1891 843.85 Er2 Moratin, L. F: de El si de las ninas '1899 862.42 M79 International theological library; ed. by C:A. Briggs and S. D. F. Salmond Smyth, S: P.N. Christian ethics 1892 171.1 Sm9 International scientific series V. 1 Tyndall, John Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers 1893<'72 551.31 T97 v. 2 Bagehot, Walter Physics and politics 1893 301 B14 v. 3 Smith, Edward Foods 1881 643 Sm5 V. 4 Bain, Alexander Mind and body, the theories of their relation 1882 130b B16 V. 5 Sfencer, Herbert Study of sociology 1883 307 Sp3 V. 7 Stewart, Balfour Conservation of energy 1900'1874 531 St4 V. 9 Maxidsley, Hentry Responsibility in mental disease 1883 132 M44 V. 10 Amos, Sheldon Science of law 1883 340.1 Am6 V. 14 Vogel, Hermann Chemistry of light and photography 1893 770 V86 V. 15 Cooke, M. C. ed. Fungi, their nature and uses 1903 589 C77 V. 16 Whitney, W:D. Life and growth of language 1883'75 409 W61 V. 17 Jevons, W:S. Money and the mechan- ism of exchange 1893 332 J53 V. 21 Bernstein, Jules Five senses of man 1881 152 B45 V. 22 Blaserna, Pietro Theory of sound in its relation to music 1892 534 B61 V. 23 Lockyer. J. X. Studies in spectrum analysis 1878 535.8 L81 V. 24 Thurston, R:H: History of the growth of the steam engine 1884 621.1 T42 V. 25 Bain, Alexander Education as a science 1883 370.1 B16 V. 26 Rood, O. N. Students' text-book of color 1881^79 535.6 R67 V. 27 Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de Human species 1883 599.9 Q2 V. 31 Le Conte, Joseph Sight 1881 535.7 L49 V. 32 Rosenthal, Isidor General physi- ology of the muscles and nerves 1881 612 R72 v. 33 Sully, James Illusions 1882 132.2 Su5 v. 39 Luys, Jules The brain and its func- tions 1882 612.82 L97 v. 41 RiBOT, TnfioDULE Diseases of memory 1882 132.8 R35 V. 42 Avebury, John Lubbock baron Ants, bees and wasps 1892 595.79 Av3 INT INT 252 V. 43 Amos, Sheldon Science of politics 1883 320 Am6 V. 44 BoMANES, G:J: Animal intelligence 1883 591.5 K66 V. 46 Meyer, G:H. von Organs of speech 1884 • 612.78 M57 V. 48 Candolle, Alphonse de Origin of cultivated plants 1890 581 C16 V. 49 Romanes. G:J: Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins 1885 593.2 R66 V. 50 Clifford, W:K. Common sense of the exact sciences 1885 510.1 C61 V, 51 Warner, Francis Physical expression 1886 138 W24 V. 54 Posnett, H. M. Comparative litera- ture 1886 809 P84 V.57 Heilprin, Angelo Geographical and geological distribution of animals 1887'^86 591.9 H36 V. 01 Dawson, Sir J:W: Geological history of plants 1892«88 561.9 D32 V. 62 Tylor, E:B. Anthropology 1898 573 T97 V. 64 Avebury, John Lubbock baron On the senses, instincts and intelligence of ani- mals 1888 591.5 Av3 V. 66 Lagrange, Fernand Physiology of bodily exercise 1890 613.7 L13 T, 67 PouLTON, E:B. Colours of animals 1890 591 P86 V. 76 Parry, C:H. H. Evolution of the art of music 1896 780 P24 V. 78 Green, r:W: Edridge- Memory and its cultivation 1S97 154 G82 INTERNATIONAL WORKINGMEN'S ASSOCI- ATION Ely, R:T. The International workingmen's association {see his French and German socialism '1883 p.183-188) 335 E19 KiRKUP, Thomas The International (see Kirkup, Thomas History of socialism 1892 p.155-182) 335 K63 WooLSEY, T. D. The International working- men 's association (see his Communism and socialism 1888'=80 p.126-159) 335 W88 See also Marx, Karl International year book, 1898-1900 3v.il.por.pl. map,Q N.Y.Dodd,1899-1901 R031 In8 Intolerance See Religious liberty Intoxication See Temperance Introductory science text-books Ziehen, Theodoe Introduction to physiological psychology 1892 131 Z6 INTUITION McCosH, James Intuitions of the mind inductively investigated 1882 156 M13 INVENTIONS Byrn, E:W. Progress of in- vention in the 19th century 1900 608 B99 Hale, E:E. ed. Stories of invention told by inventors and their friends 1893''85 608 H13 See also Industrial arts; Science; also The name of the inventor INVERTEBRATES Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buck- ley) Life and her children 1885 592 F53 See also Insects; Radiates; Zoology Invincible Armada, The See Armada, The Ireland, William Wotherspoon Blot upon the brain; studies in history and psychology 374p.il.O N.Y.Putnam,1886 132 Ir2 IRELAND See also Kerry Education Arnold, Matthew An unregarded Irish grievance (in his Irish essays 1894 p.334-353) 824.85 Ar6m PiLLANS, James Speech on the proposed sys- tem of national education (see his Con- tributions to the cause of education 1856 p.l03:128) 370.4 P64 Sec also Kildare place society Folk-lore Yeats, W. B. Fairy and folk tales of the Irish peasantry n.d. 398.3 Y3 History Froude, J. A. English in Ireland in the 18th century 1888 Joyce, P. W. 1893 941.5 F93 Short history of Ireland 941.5 J85 Lawless, Emily Story of Ireland 1892 '87 (Story of the nations) 941.5 L4S^ See also Patrick, Saint S5S Indtutries Smiles, Samuel. Industry in Ireland (see his Men of invention and industry 1885 p.252-283) 9 Sm4 See aUo Bianconi, Charles Land system AsNOLD, Matthew The incompatibles (in his Irish essays 1894 p.273-333) 824.85 Ar6m MoRKis, "W:0. Land system of Ireland (in Oxford essays 1856 p.193-217) 824.89 0x2 Politics and government Lecky, W:E:H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland 1889 941.5 L49 Travel and description Blenxeehassett, Sir Rowland Ireland (in Ward, T:H. ed. Reign of Queen Vic- toria 1887 v.l,p.529-594) 914.2 W21 George, M. M. A little journey to Ireland «1901 (Library of travel) 914.1 G29 Stoddard, J:L. Ireland (in his Lectures 1898=97 Supplementary volume 1901 p.1-214) 910 St6 Irish Catholicism and British liberalism Arnold, Matthew (see his Mixed essays 1894 p.73-106) 824.85 Ar6m Irish essays Arnold, Matthew 824.85 Ar6m Irish fanners Gibbons, P. E. Irish farmers (see her Pennsylvania Dutch and other essays 1882 p.304-343) 814.49 G35 Irish jaunting car Haddon, A. C. Origin of the Irish jaunting car (see his Study of man 1898 p.159-173) 573 Hll IRON Bell, Sir Lowthian Iron trade and its allied industries (in Ward, T:H. ed. Reign of Queen Victoria 1887 v.l,p.l96- 237) 914.2 W21 Greenwood, W.H: Steel and iron 1884 (Manuals of technology) 669.1 G85 See also Steel IRVING, EDWARD 1792-1834 Carlyle, Thomas Death of Edward Irving (in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous n.d. p.222-225) 824.82 C19 IRVING, WASHINGTON 1783-1859 Gris- woLD, H. T. Washington Irving (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894'86 p.112-121) 9 G88 Warner, C:D. Washington Irving 1893'81 (American men of letters) B IrS Abbotsford and Newstead abbey 125p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. (in his Tales of a travel- ler n.d.) 817.24 IrSt Adventures of Captain Bonne^•ille, U.S.A., in the Rocky mountains and the far West . . . New ed. enl. 292p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. 917.8 IrS Bound with "Astoria" Alhambra New ed. enl. 286p.D N.Y. Crowell,n.d. 946 IrS Contains also "Conquest of Granada" and "Conquest of Spain" Astoria; or, Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky mountains New ed.enl. 376p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. 917.8 IrS Bound with "Adventures of Captain Bon- neville" Bracebridge haU; or, The humorists, a medley by Geoffrey Crayon New ed.enl. 310p.D N.Y.CroweU,n.d. 817.24 IrS Contains also the "Life of Goldsmith" Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada 37Sp.D N.Y.Crowelln.d. 946 IrSe Bound with "Alhambra" and "Conquest of Spain" ^'Conquest of GrarMda" Prescott, W:H. Ir\ing's Conquest of Granada (see Pres- cott, W:H. Critical and biographical mis- cellanies 1882'75 p.82-118) 804 P92 Conquest of Spain 134p.D N.Y.CroweII,n.d. (in his Alhambra n.d. pt.3) 946 IrS Crayon papers 192p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. 817.24 IrSa Bound with "Sketch book' and "Wol- fert's roost" History of New Y'ork from the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty ... by Diedrich Knickerbocker New ed. enl. 309p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. 817.24 IrSh Contains also "Salmaerundi" and "A tour on the prairies" Life and voyages of Columbus 730p.pl.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. B C72I IRV IRY 254 Life of George Washington 4v.in2,por.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. B W27i Life of OUver Goldsmith 251p.D N.Y. Crowell,n.d. (in Irving, Washington Brace- bridge hall n.d. pt.2) 817.24 Ir8 Mahomet 481p.pl.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. 297 Ir8 Moorish chronicles llSp.D N.Y.Crowell, n.d. (in his Mahomet n.d. pt.2) 297 Ir8m Rip Van Winkle; a posthumous writing of Diedrich Knickerbocker 73p.T N.Y. Hind,1885 817.24 Ir8r N.Y.Crowell,n.d (in History of New York 817.24 Ir8h Salmagundi 271p.D Irving, Washington n.d. pt.2) Sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon, gentln New ed.enl. 299p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. 817.24 Ir8s Contains also "Crayon papers" and "Wol- f art's roost" Spanish voyages 219p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. (in his Tales of a traveller n.d.) 817.24 Ir8t Tales of a traveller 307p.D N.Y.Crowell, n.d. 817.24 IrSt Contains also "Abbotsford and Newstead abbey" and "Spanish voyages of discovery" Tour on the prairies 133p.D N.Y.Cro- well,n.d. (in his History of New York n.d. pt.3) 817.24 Ir8h Wolfert's roost and miscellanies 152p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. (in his Sketch book n.d. pt.3) 817.24 IrSs Hazlitt, William Elia and Goeffrey Crayon (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.259-269) 824.76 H33m Rev. Mr Irving (in Hazlitt, William Mis- cellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.49-61) 824.76 H33m Richardson, C:F: Washington Irving (in Richardson, C:F: American literature 1887'89<=86 v.l,p.258-280) 810.9 R39 Isabella, queen of Castile and Aragon See Spain — History ISABELLA OF ANGOULEME, queen of England, (?)-1246 Strickland, Agnes Isabella of Angoulerae (in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.l,pt.2,p.335-363) 9 St8 ISABELLA OF FRANCE 1292-1358 Strick- land, Agnes Isabella of France (in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.l,pt.2,p.482-555) 9 St8 ISABELLA OF FRANCE 1389-1409 Strick- land, Agnes Isabella of Valois (see Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.2,pt.l,p.l-42) 9 StS Islam See Mohammed and Mohammedanism ISLE OF MAN Walpole, Spencer Land of home rule 1893 942 W16 ISRAELITES See Jews ITALIAN LANGUAGE Davenport, John and CoMELATi, Guglielmo comTp. Dictionary of the Italian and English languages pref. 1854 R453.2 D27 Grammar Grandgent, C:H. Italian grammar 1905 '1887,1904 (Heath's modern language series) 458 G76 ITALIAN LITERATURE Garnett, Richard History of Italian literature 1898 (Liter- atures of the world) 850.9 G18 Prescott, W:H. Poetry and romance of the Italians (see his Critical and biographical miscellanies 1882<=75 p.455-531) 804. P92 SiSMONDi, J. C:L. S. DE Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe 1846 809 SiS Symonds, J: a. Renaissance in Italy; Italian literature 1888 945 Sy6 See also Italian poetry; Renaissance; also Aretino, Pietro; Bruni, Leonardo; Machia- velU, Niccolo; Tassoni, Alessandro ITALIAN POETRY Prescott, W:H. Italian narrative poetry (see Prescott, W:H. Critical and biographical miscellanies 1882 '75 p.381-454) 804 P92 Italian popular tales Crane, T:F: 398.3 C85 ITALY See also Alps; Ostia; Capri, The; Riviera; Sicily; Tuscany; also The name of the city Architecture RusKiN, John Stones of Venice 1894 729 R89 255 Art Pater, W. H. Art notes in North Italy (see Pater, W. H. Miscellaneous studies 1895 p.74-90) 824.89 P27mi Symonds, J: a. Renaissance of Italy; the fine arts 1888 709.45 Sy6 See also Renaissance; also Carraresi, The; Cellini, Benvenuto; Giotto; Michelangelo; Vinci, Leonardo da Colleges and universities GuBERNATis, Angelo de The university sys- tem in Italy (see Hammerton, P. G. and others Higher education and a common language =1879 p.71-83) 370.4 H17 Orsi, Pietro Modern Italy, 1748-1898 1900 (Story of the riations) 945 Or8 SiSMONDi, J. C:L. S. de History of the Ital- ian republics pref.1832 945 Si8 Stillman, W:J. Union of Italy, 1815-1895 1899 (Cambridge historical series) 945 St5 Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; the age of the despots 1888 945.05 Sy6 Thayer, "W:R. Dawn of Italian independ- ence 1894«82 945 T33 See also Holy Roman empire; also Cavour (CamiUo Benso) count di; Garibaldi, Gui- seppe; Machiavelli, Nicolo; Mazzini, Gui- seppe ; Savonarola ; Girolamo ; also The name of the city History Abbott, J:S. C. Italy and the war for Ital- ian independence *1871 945 Ab2 BURCKHARDT, JACOB aissance in Italy Civilisation of the ren- 1892 945 B89 Freeman, E:A: Ancient Greece and medie- val Italy (in Oxford essays 1857 p.l29- 167) 824.89 0x2 Froude, J. A. Society in Italy in the last days of the Roman republic (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.3, p.185-209) 824.89 F93 HoDGKiN, Thomas 1892 '99 Italy and her invaders 937 H66 Hunt, William History of Italy 1884*74 (Historical course for schools) 945 H91 Imbert-de-Saint-Amand, a. L. baron France and Italy 1899 944.06 Im2 Kino, Bolton History of Italian unity, 1814-1871 1899 945 K58 Latimer, Mrs M.. E.. (Wormeley) Italy in the nineteenth century 1897*96 945 L34 Leathes, Stanley Italy and her invaders (see Cambridge modern history The renaissance 1903'02 p.104-143) 940.6 C14 Bibliography King, Bolton Bibliography (in his His- tory of ItaUan unity 1899 v.2,p.399- 424) 945 K58 Stillman, W:J. Bibliography (see his Union of Italy, 1815-1895 1899 p.395-405) 945 St5 Travel and description Addison, Joseph Remarks on several parts of Italy, etc. (in his Works 1888 v.2, p.131-375) 824.52 Ad2 Country of Horace and 914.5 B63 ^^R^H Boissier, M. L:G. Virgil 1896 Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) Diary of anennuy6e 1887 914.5 J23 Lowell, J. R. Leaves from my journal in Italy and elsewhere (in his Literary es- says 1892'94'64'90 v.l,p.l00-217) 814.39 L951i Symonds, J: A. Italian byways 1883 914.5 Sy6 Whitcomb, C. E. a little journey to Italy '1902 (Library of travel) 914.5 W58 Williamson, G:C: Cities of northern Italy 1904 (Grant Allen's historical guide books) 914.5 W67 See also Anagni; Naples; Ostia; Tuscany ITA Of THC UNIVERSITY JAC 256 Jack Juggler (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.2,p.l03-157) 822.08 D66 Jack Straw, Life and death of (m Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.5,p.375-414) 822.08 B66 Jackman, Wilbur Samuel Nature study for the common schools Ed. 2 448p.D N.Y, Holt,1892 '94'^9l (2 copies) 507 J13 JACKSON, ANDREW, president of the United States, 1767-1845 Parton, James Gen- eral Jackson 1893'=92 (Great command- ers) B J13 Summer, W:G. Andrew Jackson as a public man 1885"=82 (American statesmen) ■ B J133 Lord, John Andrew Jackson (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.7,p.277-338) 904 L88 Jackson, Frank G. Decorative design 173p.il. O Lond.Chapman,1888 745 J12 Jackson, George Anson Apostolic fathers and the apologists of the second century 203p.S N.Y.Appleton,1895'^79 (Tiarly Christian literature primers) 281.2 J13 Fathers of the third century 211p.S N.Y. Appleton,1895'^81 (Early Christian litera- ture primers) 281.3 J13 Post Nicene Greek fathers 224p.S N.Y.Ap- pleton,1883 (Early Christian literature primers) 281 J13 Post Nicene Latin fathers 231p.S N.Y.Ap- pleton,1893=83 (Early Christian literature primers) 281.4 J13 Jackson, Mrs Helen Maria (Fiske) Hunt Cen- tury of dishonor; a sketch of the United States government's dealings with some of the Indian tribes New ed.enl. 514p.D Bost.Roberts,1885 970.5 J13 Jackson, Samuel Macauley Bibliography of American church history (see Tyler, B:B. History of the Disciples of Christ, the Socie- ty of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ, and the Evangelical association 1895 p.441-513) 289 T77 ed. Heroes of the reformation Jacob, Bibliophile pseud. See Lacroix, Paul Jacob and Esau (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. lect collection of old English plays '75 '76 v.2,p.l85-264) 822.08 Se- 1874 D66 Jacobean poets Gosse, E. W: 821 G64 JACOBI, FRIEDRICH HEINRICH 1743-1819 Wilde, Norman Friedrich Heinrich Ja- eobi; a study in the origin of German real- ism 1894 (Columbia university Con- tributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 193 W64 Jacobi, Mrs Mary (Putnam) Physiological notes on primary education and the study of the language 120p.il.O N.Y.Putnam,1889 372a J15 ed. Uffelmann, Julius Manual of the domestic hygiene of the child 1891 649 Uf3 JACOBINS Mivart, Sr George Jacobinism (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.l,p.l- 41) 824.89 M69 Jacobs, Henry Eyster History of the Evangeli- cal Lutheran church in the United States 539p.O N.Y.Christian literature eo,1893 284.1 J15 Jacobsen, Edward Percy tr. Gide, Charles Principles of political economy 1892«^91 330 G36 Jacobson, Augustus Higher ground; hints to- ward settling the labor troubles 251p.D Chic.McClurg,1888'=87 331 J15 JACOTOT, JEAN JOSEPH 1770-1840 Payne, Joseph Compendious exposition of the principles and practice of Prof. Jacotot's celebrated system of education (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the science and art of education 1883 p.335-386) 371a P29 Jacotot; his life and system of universal in- struction (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.l35- 167) 370.9 P29 Quick, R. H. Jacotot, a methodizer (see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational re- formers 1879 '91 '97^90 p.414-436) 370.9 Q41 Jails See Prisons James, Edimund J. Commercial education (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the 217 United States 1900 v.2,inonograph 13, 51p.) 379.73 B97 Training for citizenship (in Herbart society First supplement to third year book 1897 p.101-127) 370.6 H41 James, George Francis ed. Handbook of uni- versity extension Ed.2,enl. 421p.O Phil. American society for the extension of uni- versity teaching, 1893 378.13 J23 James, George Wharton Indian basketry and how to make Indian and other baskets . . . Ed.3,enl. 175p.il.O N.Y.Malkan,1903 688 J23 James, M. E. Christian renaissance (see Cam- bridge modem history The renaissance 1903'02 p.585-619) 940.6 C14 James, William Principles of psychology 2v. O N.Y.Holt,1890 (American science se- ries; advanced course) 150 J23 Psychology 478p.il.D N.Y.Holt,1893'92 (American sd-ence series; briefer course) (2 copies) 150 J23p Talks to teachers on psychology; and to stu- dent's on some of life's ideals 301p.O N.Y.Holt,1899 (2 copies) 370.2 J23 The \vill to believe and other essays in popular philosophy 332p.D N.Y.Longmans,1898 104 J23 Contents: — The will to believe; Is life worth living; The sentiment of rationality; Reflex action and theism; Dilemma of de- terminism; The moral philosopher and the moral life; Great men and their environ- ment; The importance of individuals; On some Hegelisms; What psychical research has accomplished James Forten elj:mentary manual training SCHOOL See Philadelphia — Education, Board of James Forten elementary mantuil training school Jameson, Mrs Anna Brownell (Murphy) Char- acteristics of women; moral, poetical and historical 467p.S Bost.Houghton,1895 822.33 J23 Diary of an ennuy6e 341p.S Bost.Hough- ton,1887 914.5 J23 Legends of the Madonna as represented in the fine arts Ed.2,enl. 483p.S Bost.Hough- ton,1896 755 J23 Legends of the monastic orders as represented in the fine arts . . . 489p.S Bost.Hough- ton,1894 755 J231 Memoirs of the early Italian painters 352p.S Bo8t.Houghton,1894 9 J23 Memoirs of the loves of the poets; biographi- cal sketches of women celebrated in ancient and modern poetry 517p.S Bost.Hough- ton,1892 9 J23m Sacred and legendary art Hough ton,l 895 2v.por.S Boat. 755 J238 Sketches of art, literature, and character 502p. pl.S Bost.Houghton,1893 750 J23 Studies, stories and memoirs 408p.S Bost. Houghton,1888 824.89 J23 Jameson, John Franklin Introductory notice and a continuation to the year 1889 (see Duruy, Victor History of France «1889) 944 D93 ed. Essays in the constitutional history of the United States, 1775-1789, by graduates and former members of the Johns Hopkins university 321p.O Bost.Houghton,1889 342.73 J23 Contents: — Predecessor of the supreme court, by J:F. Jameson; Movement towards a second constitutional convention in 1788, by E:P. Smith; Development of the execu- tive departments, by J. C. Guggenheimer; Period of constitution making in the Amer- ican churches, by W:P. Trent; Status of the slave, 1775-1789, by G. R. Brackett Jamison, D. F. Life and times of Du Guesclin; a history of the 14th century 2v.por.O Charleston, Eu8sell,1864 B D87 Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte 823.81 B75 JANE OF NAVAEBE 1367 (?) -1437 Strick- land, Agnes Joanna of Navarre (see Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.2,pt.l,p.42-108) 9 StS Janet, Paul Alexandre Ben6 Cours de morale •a 1 'usage des ecoles normales primaires . . . 350p.D Par.Delagrave,1881 150 J25 V. 1 Psychologic et morale th^orlque Elements of morals; with special application of the moral law to the duties of the in- diviaual and of society and of the state; tr, by Mrs C. R. Corson 353p.D N.Y.Barnes, «1884 170 J25 Theory of morals; tr. from the latest French edition 490p.O N.Y.Scribner,! 883 171 J25 and S^ailles, Gabriel History of the prob- lems of philosophy; tr. by Ada Monahan; JAN JAN ed. by Henry Jones 2v.O Lond.Macmil- lan,1902 109 J25 Janney, Samuel Macpherson Life of William Penn; with selections from his correspond- ence and autobiography Ed.6,enl. 591p. por.D Phil.Friends ' book association,1882 «51 B P38j JANSEN, CORNELIS 1585-1638 Beard, Charles Jansen and St. Cyran (in Beard, Charles Port Eoyal 1861 v.l, p.119-163) 273.7 B38 JANSENISTS Browning, Oscar Jesuits and Jansenists (see his Educational theories 1882=88 p.118-134) 370.9 B82 CoMPAYRife, Gabriel Les Jansenists (see his Histoire critique des doctrines de 1 'Edu- cation en France 1883 v.l,p.239-287) 370.944 C73 MuNROE, J. P. The Jansenists and Fenelon (see Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.124-152) 370.9 M92 See also Jesuits; also Arnauld, J. M.; Duvergier de Huranne, Jean; Jansen, Cor- nells; Longueville, Duchesse de Janvier, Francis De Haes Patriotic poems 88p.D Phil.Lippincott,1866 811.49 J26 JAPAN Laurie, AndriS Schoolboy days in Japan *1895 915.2 L37 Mori, Arinori ed. Education in Japan: a series of letters by prominent Americans 1873 952 M82 Murray, David Story of Japan 1894 (Story of the nations) 952 M96 ScHiGEMi, ScHiuKiCHi A Japanese boy, by himself 1890 915.2 Sh6 Vladimir pseud. China- Japan war 1896 951 V84 See also Kioto Art Alcock, Sir Rutherford Art and art in- dustries in Japan 1878 709.52 All HuiSH, M. B. Japan and its art 1889 709 H86 Education Gkiffis, W:E. Education in Japan 1875 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Lewis, R. E, Educational conquest of the far East '1903 370.952 L58 History Griffis, W:E. Japan in history, folk-lore and art 1894"'92 (Riverside library for young people) 952 G87 Travel and description George, M. M. A little journey to Japan •=1901 (Library of travel) 915.2 G29 Holmes, Burton Japan — the country Ja- pan — the cities (in his Lectures 1905«=01 v.l0,p.ll3-336) 910 H73 Stoddard, J:L, Japan (in his Lectures 1898<^97 v.3,p.5-224) 910 St6 JAPANESE LITERATURE Aston, W:G: History of Japanese literature 1899 (Literatures of the world) 895 AsS Jarvis, Josephine tr. Froebel, F:W:A: Education by development 1899 372.2 F92 Education of man 1885 370 F92e Pedagogics of the kindergarten 1895 '98 372.2 F92p Jastrow, Joseph Fact and fable in psychology 375p.il.O Bost.Houghton,<=1900 133 J31 Jastrow, Morris Fragment of Babylonian" Dib- barra ' ' epic 42p.O Phil.University press, 1891 (University of Pennsylvania Series in philology, literature and archaeology) 892.19 J31 JAVA Higginson, Mrs S. J. Java, the pearl of the East 1893"=90 (Riverside library for young people) 919.22 H53 JAY, JOHN 1745-1829 Pellew, W:G: John Jay 1892=90 (American statesmen) B J33 Jeanne d'Arc See Joan of Arc Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse Attic orators from Antiphon to Isaeus 2v.O Lond.Mac- millan,1893 885 J34 Bentley 221p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B C83 Bound with lives of Cowper by Goldwin Smith and of Landor by Sidney Colvin Classical renaissance (see Cambridge modem history The renaissance 1903«02 p.532- 584) 940.6 C14 259 Erasmus; the Bede lecture delivered . . . June 11, 1890 55p.D Cambridge university pre88,1890 B Evlj Growth and influence of classical Greek po- etry; lectures delivered in 1892 on the Percy Turnbull memorial foimdation in the Johns Hopkins university 257p.O Bost.Hough- ton,1893 881 J34 Homer; an introduction to the Iliad and the Odyssey Ed.5 201p.D Gla8govr,Macle- hose,1894 883.1 J34 Speeches of Thucydides {see Abbott, Evelyn Hellenica 1880 p.266-323) 880.4 Ab2 The university extension movement (see Roberts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.193-200) 370.4 Ro4 Work of the universities for the nation, past and present; the inaugural lecture delivered at the Guildhall, Cambridge . . . July 29, 1893 52p.D Cambridge university press, 1893 (Cambridge university Local lec- tures) 378.42 J34 Jefferles, John Bichard 1848-1887 Story of my heart; an autobiography Ed.4 206p.D Lond.Longmans,1894 B J35 Field and hedgerow; being the last essays New ed. 331p.por.D Lond.Longmans, 1895 ^ 824.89 J35 Red deer Ed.2 248p.il.pl.D Lond.Long- mans,1892'^84 799 J35 Toilers of the field 327p.por.D Lond.Long- mans,1892 824.89 J35t Wood magic; a fable 379p.pl.D Lond.Long- mans,1894 823.89 J35w JEFFERSON, THOMAS, president of the United States, 1743-1826 Autobiography (in his Writings 1903 v.l,p.l-164) 320.8 J35 (tn his Writings 1853 '54 v.l, p.1-110) 320.8 J35w Curtis, W:E. The true Thomas Jefferson 1901 (^The " true" series) B J35c Morse, J:T. jr Thomas Jefferson 1885 «83 (American statesmen) B J35m Schouler, James Thomas Jefferson 1893 (Makers of America) B J358 Watson, T:E. Life and times of Thomas Jefferson 1903 B J35w Writings ... ed. by H. A. Washington 9v.por.fac8im.O Wa8h,Taylor,1853 '54 320.8 J35w ed. by A. A. Ldpscomb and A. E. Bergh 18v.il.por.pl.facsim.O Wash. Thomas Jef- ferson memorial association, 1903 '04 (Me- morial edition) 320.8 J35 Adams, H. B. Thomas Jefferson and the uni- versity of Virginia 1888 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of infor- mation) 370.6 UnS Henderson, J:C. Thomas Jefferson's views on public education 1890 379 H38 Lord, John Thomas Jefferson (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883 '96 v.7,p.219-275) 909 L88 Rhoades, L. I. Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of independence (see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia "=1900 p.l75- 185) 974.8 R34 Jeffrey, Francis Selections from his essays; ed. by L. E. Gates 213p.por.D Bost. Ginn,1894 (Athenceum press series) 824.73 J37 1773-1850 Hazlitt, William Mr Jeffrey (tn Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. p.179-190) 824.76 H33m Saintsbury, G:E:B. Jeffrey (see Saints- bury, G:E:B. Essays in literature 1890 p.100-134) 824 Sa2 Jeffries, Benjamin Joy Color-blindness; its dangers and its detection New ed. enL 334p.il.pl.D Bost.Houghton,1883'79 '83 616.073 J35 Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea urchins Romanes, G: J: 593.248 R66 JELLY-FISHES Agassiz, Mrs E.. C. (Gary) First lesson in natural history 1893 591 Agl Jenkins, Howard M. Family of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, ancestry and de- scendants 260p.por.pl.O Phil.Jenkins, 1899 B P38je ed. Pennsylvania, colonial and federal, a history, 1608-1903 3v.il.por.Q PhiL Penn. historical publishing association.1903 R974.8 J41 and Seilhamer, 0:0. Memorial history of the city of Philadelphia from its first settle- ment to 1895 2vil.por.Q New York his- tory co,1895'98 974.81 J41 JEN JNE Jeuks, Edward History of the Australasian colonies from their foundation to the year 1893 . . . 352p.maps,D Cambridge uni- versity press,1896'95 (Cambridge historical series) 994 J42 Law and politics in the middle ages with a synoptic table of sources 352p.O N.Y. Holt,1898 350.9 J42 Jenks, Harriet S. and Walker, Gertrude ed. Songs and games for little ones *1887 372.21 W15 Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple Training for citizen- ship {in Herbart society First supple- ment to second year book 1896 p.l73- 198) 370.6 H41 Jeronimo (m Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.4,p.345-396) 822.08 D66 Jerrold, Douglas William Handbook of swind- ling and other papers; ed. with an introduc- tion by Walter Jerrold 242p.D Lond. Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 827.81 J48 2C0 JERUSALEM History Archer, T:A. and Kingsford, C:L. Cru- sades; the story of the Latin kingdoms of Jerusalem 1895*^94 (Story of the na- 940.4 Ar2 See also Saladin Travel and description HuTTON, Laurence Jerusalem 1895 Literary landmarks of 915.69 H97 Stoddard, J:L. Jerusalem (in his Lectures 1898^97 v.2,p.lll-224) 910 St6 Jervis, William Henley History of France from the earliest times to 1852 . . . 730p.il.pl. map,D N.Y.Harper,1882 944 J48 (Student's edition) Jespersen, Jens Otto Harry How to teach a foreign language; tr. from the Danish by Bertelsen 194p.D Lond.Sonnenschein, 1904 407 J49 Jessop, Augustus Coming of the Friars and other historic essays Ed.5 344p.D N.Y.Putnam,! 892 942 J49 Contents: — Coming of the Friars; Village life In Norfolk six hundred years ago; Dally life In a medieval monastry; Black Death In East Anglla; Building up of a university; Prophet of walnut-tree yard Bandom roaming, and other papers 264p. por.D N.Y.Putnam,1893 824.89 J49 Contents: — Random roaming; Castle acre; Hill digging and magic; Fourteenth century parson; Rustic retrospect, 1799; Scheme for clergy pensions; Something about village almshouses Studies by a recluse in cloister, town and country 281p.pl.D N.Y.Putnam,1893 • 942 J49s Contents: — St. Albans and her historian; Bury St. Edmunds; On the edge of the Nor- folk Holy Land; The origin and growth of English towns; Land and its owners in past times; L'ancienne noblesse; Letters and letter writers; A suggestion for my letters JESUITS Browning, Oscar Jesuits and Jan- senists (see his Educational theories 1882 p.118-134) 370.9 B82 Carlyle, Thomas Jesuitism (in his His- tory of Frederic II of Prussia n.d. v.4, pt.2) B F87 Compayr:^, GtABRIEL Les Jesuits (see Com- payre, Gabriel Histoire critique des doc- trines de 1 'education en France 1883 v.l,p.l60-206) 370.944 C73 L 'expulsion des Jesuits — La Chalotais (see his Histoire critique des doctrines de I'education en France 1883 v.2,p.202- 226) 370.944 C73 Hughes, Thomas Loyola and the educa- tional system of the Jesuits 1892 (Great educators) B37 L95 Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) The Jesu- its (see her Legends of the monastic or- ders 1894 p.466-485) 755 J23 Magevney, Eugene Jesuits as educators 1899 (Pedagogical truth library) 370.9 M27 Payne, Joseph Jesuits as educators (see his Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.44-56) 370.9 P29 Quick, R. H. School of the Jesuits (see his Essays on educational reformers 1879 '91 '97=90 p.33-62) 370.9 Q41 Schwickerath, Robert Jesuit education; its history and principles 1903 271.5 Sch9 Symonds, J: a. Company of Jesus (in Symonds, J: A, Renaissance in Italy; Catholic reaction 1887 v.l,p.229-300) 282 Sy6 261 See also Jansenists; Louis XIV; Loyola, Tgnatius de Missions Pabkman, Francis Jesuits in North Amer- ica in the 17th century 1886 '87 271.5 P23 JESUS CHRIST Farrar, F:W: Life of Cltrist n.d. 232 F24 Hughes, Thomas Manliness of Christ n,d. 232 H87 Pfi.eiderer, Otto Jesus (see his Christian origins 1906 p.81-130) 201 P47 Jesus' foreknowledge of his sufferings and death (see Pfleiderer, Otto Evolution and theology and other essays 1900 p.178-203) 201 P47p See also Arianism; Bible; Christian art and symbolism; Christianity; Judas Iscariot; Lord 's supper ; Mary, Virgin ; Miracles ; Religion ; Theology ; Unitarianism Jwsus, Society of See Jesuits Jevons, Frank Byron History of Greek litera- ture, from the earliest period to the death of Demosthenes 509p.O N.Y.Scribner, 1894 880.9 J53 An introduction to the history of religion 443p.O Lond.Methuen,1896 291 J53 Jevons, William Stanley Elementary lessons in logic, deductive and inductive, with copious questions and examples and a vocabulary of logical terms New ed. 340p.il.S Lond. MacmiUan,1882 160 J53 Logic 128p.il.S N.Y.Appleton,1883 (Science primers) (2 copies) 160 J531 Methods of social reform and other papers 383p.O Lond.Macmillan,1883 304 J53 Contents: — Amusements of the people; Rationale of free public libraries; The use and abuse of museums; "Cram"; Trades societies, their objects and policy; On in- dustrial partnerships; Married women in factories; Manchester statistical society — inaugural address; British association — opening address as president of section F; Cruelty to animals — a study in sociology; On the United Kingdom alliance and Its prospects of success; Experimental legisla- tion and the drink traffic; On the analogy between the post-office, telegraphs and other systems of conveyance of the United Kingdom, as regards government control; The post-office, telegraphs and their finan- cial results; Postal notes, money orders, and bank cheques; A state parcel post; The railways and the state Money and the mechanism of exchange 349p. D N.Y.Appleton,1893 (Intemationtil scientific series) 332 J53 Political economy 134p.S N.Y.Appleton, 1882 (Science primers) 330 J53 N.Y.American book co,pref .1878 (Science primers) 330 J53p Principles of science; a treatise on logic and scientific method 786p.il.D Lond.Mac- millan,1883 160 J53p The state in relation to labour 166p.D Lond.Macmillan,1887«82 (English citizen series) 331 J53 Jewell, Frederick S. School government; a practical treatise ... for the use of normal schools, practical teachers and parents 308p.D N.Y.Barne8,*1866 (Teachers* library) 371c J54 Jewett, Sarah Ome Story of the Normans 373p.il.map,D N.Y.Putnam,1892«86 (Story of the nations) 940.3 J55 JEWISH LITERATURE Karpeles, Gustav Jewish literature and other essays 1895 892.4 K14 Jewitt, Llewellsmn EngUsh coins and tokens; with a chapter on Greek and Roman coins by B. V. Head 128p.il.D Lond.Sonnen- schein,1894 (Young collector series) 737 J55 JEWS Bruce, A. B. The Hebrew prophets (see his Moral order of the world 1899 p.174-206) 214 B83 Macaulay, T:B. baron Civil disabilities of the Jews (in his Critical and historical essays 1889 v.l,p.350-365) 824.83 Mil MoRAis, H:S: Jews of Philadelphia 1894 296 M79 Mueller, F:M. Are there Jews in Cornwall (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.3,p.287-315) 824.89 M91 See also Bible; Essenes; Judaism; Proph- ets; Talmud; also The name of the person Biography ZiBXDORF, Henry Some Jewish women 1892 9 Z6 Education Marcus, Samuel Die Padagogik des Israeli- tischen Volkes, von der Patriarchenzeit bis auf den Talmud 1877 370.933 M33 JEW JEW 262 Philadelphia — Hebrew education society Fifty years work of the Hebrew education society, 1848-1898 1899 373.7481 P53 See also Mohammed and Mohammedanism History Bridges, J. H. Jews of Europe in the mid- dle ages (in Oxford essays 1857 p.204- 238) S24.89 0x2 Edersheim, Alfred History of the Jewish nation 1857 933 Ed2 HOSMER, J. K. Story of the Jews 1886<=85 (Story of the nations) 933 H79 Lenormant, Francois and Chevallier, E. Israelites (in their Manual of the ancient history of the East 1869 v.l,p.79-191) 930 L54 Lord, John Jewish heroes and prophets (in his Beacon lights of history «1883 '96 1st series,v.2) 904 L88 Outlines of Jewish 933 M27 Magnus, Katie lady history 1890 MiLMAN, H:H. History of the Jews 1893 933 M63 Morrison, W:D. The Jews under Eoman rule 1891«90 (-Story of the nations) 933 M83 Beligion Clarke, J. F. Jewish religion (see his Ten great religions 1886 p.397-447) 290 055 Karpeles, Gustav Heinrich Heine Ju- daism (see Karpeles, Gustav Jewish literature and other essays 1895 p.340- 368) 834 K14 Philipson, David 1894 Old European Jewries 296 P53 Watson, John The Jewish ideal (see his Christianity and idealism 1897'96 p.45- 59) 201 W33 See also Philo Judaeus Social life and customs DeQuincey, Thomas Toilette of the Hebrew lady (see his Essays in ancient history and antiquities "1851 '76 p.525-561) 824.81 D44e8 JOAN OF ARC 1412-1431 Catherwood, Mrs Mary Hartwell The days of Jeanne d'Arc 1897 B J57 Lowell, F:C. Joan of Arc 1897 , B J571 De Quincey, Thomas Joan of Arc (see De Quincey, Thomas Biographical and his- torical essays <=1853'77 p.178-215) 824.81 D44 Ireland, W:W. On the character and hal- lucinations of Joan of Arc (see Ireland, W:W. Blot upon the brain 1886 p.52- 83) 132 Ir2 Lord, John Joan of Arc (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history "=1883 '96 v.5, p.145-183) 904 L88 John Adams, Story of B., M. E. and B., H. G. B37 Adl JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Oilman, D. C. The Johns Hopkins university in its be- ginning (see Gilman, D. C. University problems in the United States 1898 p.l- 41) 378.73 G42 Studies in historical and political science; ed. by H. B. Adams Adams, H. B. Methods of historical study 1884 907 Adl Andrews, C:M. The old English manor 1892 333.3 An2 Bracket, J. R. Negro in Maryland 1889 326 B72 Howard, G:E. Introduction to local consti- tutional history of the United States 1889 352.073 H83 Johnson, Anna Education by doing; occupa- tions and busy work for primary classes 109p.S N.Y.KeIIogg,1884 372.3 J62 Johnson, Arthur Henry Europe in the sixteenth century, 1494-1598 488p.maps,D N.Y. Macmillan,1897 (Periods of European his- tory) 940.7 J62 Normans in Europe 273p.maps,S N.Y. Scribner,1891 (Epochs of modern history) 940.3 J62 Johnson, Bradley Tyler General Washington 338p.por.map8,D N.Y.Appleton,1895'94 (Great commanders) B W27j Johnson, Catherine F. Progressive lessons in the art and practice of needlework. . . 117p. il.O Bost.Heath,1893 646 J62 Johnson, Clifton Old-time schools and school- books 381p.il.pl,0 N.Y.Macmillan,1904 371.3 J62 Johnson, Edward comp. Educational annual for 1890 312p.pl.D Lond.Philip,1889 370.6 J62 203 Johnson, John jr boys 1884 Rudimentary society among 372b J62 Johnson, John Butler Recently improved meth- ods of sewage disposal 1900 (Univer- sity of Wisconsin Bulletins) 628.21 J62 Johnson, Reginald Brimley ed. Butler, Sam- uel Poetical works 1893 827.42 B97 Pbiok, Matthew Poetical works 1892 821.51 P<>3 Johnson, Robert Underwood and Buell, C. C. ed. Battles and leaders of the civil war 4v. il.Q N.Y.Centuryco,«1884'88 973.7 J62 Johnson, Bosslter Alphabet of rhetoric with a chapter on elocution... 368p.D N.Y. Appleton,1903 808 J62 JOHNSON, SAMUEL 1709-1784 Boswell, James Life of Samuel Johnson n.d. B J62 Grant, F:R:C: Life of Samuel Johnson 1887 (Great writers) B J62g Si'EPHEN, Leslie Samuel Johnson n.d. (English men of letters) B J62s Bound with lives of Bunyan by J. A. Froude and of Bacon by R:W:Church Essays; selected from the Rambler,1750- 1752; Adventurer, 1753; Idler, 1758-1760; with biographical introduction and notes by S. J. Reed Lond.Scott,1888 (Camelot series) 824.63 J62 Life of Addison; ed. by F. Ryland llSp.D Lond.Bell,1893 (Bell's English classics) B Ad2 Life of Milton; ed. by F. Ryland 155p.D Lond.BeII,1894 (Bell's English classics) B M64j Life of Pope ... ed. by F. Ryland 222p.D Lond.Bell,1894 (Bell's English classics) B P81j Life of Swift ... ed. by F. Ryland 73p.D Lond,Bell,1894 (Bell's English classics) B Sw5 Lives of the poets ; ed. by Arthur Waugh 6v. por.D N.Y.Scribner,pref.l896 9 J62 Contents: — v. 1 Cow'ey; Denham; Mil- ton; Butler; Rochester; Roscommon V. 2 Otway; Waller; Pomfret; Dorset; Stepney; J. Philips; Walsh; Dryden v. 3 Smith; Duke; King: Sprat; Halifax; Pamell; Garth; Rowe; Addison; Huerhes; Sheffield; Prior V. 4 Congreve; Blackmore; Fen ton; Gay; Granville; Yalden; Tickell; Hammond; Somerville; Savage V. 6 Swift; Broome: Pope; Pitt V. 6 Thomson; Watts; A. Philips; West; Co'lins; Dyer; Shenstone; Young; Mallet; Akenslde; Gray; Lyttelton Memoir of Roger Ascham (see Carlisle, J. H. eL Two great teachers 1890 p.ll- 54) B37 As2 GossE, E. W : Johnson and the philosophen (see Gosse, E. W: History of 18th century literature 1891 p.273-309) 820.9 G69 On the metaphysical poets (see Vaughan, C:E. camp. English literary criticism pref.1896 p.87-104) 820 V46 Johnson, Thomas Gary History of the Southern Presbyterian church (see Gross, Alexander and others History of the Methodist church, South, the United Presbyterian church, the Cumberland Presbyterian church, South, in the United States 1894 p.311- 479) 285 A12 Johnson, W. On the education of the reasoning faculties (see Farrar, F:W: ed. Es- says on a liberal education 1868 p.313- 363) 370.4 P24 Johnson, William Woolsey Differential equa- tions (see Merriman, Mansfield and Wood- ward, B. S. ed. Higher mathematics 1896 p.303-373) 510.7 M55 Johnston, Alexander Connecticut; a study of commonwealth-democracy 409p.maps,D Bost.Houghton,1887 (American common- wealths) 974.6 J64 History of American politics Ed.2,enl. 314p. S N.Y.Holt,1883<=79 '82 (Handbooks for students aiid general readers) 329.973 J64 United States; its history and constitution 286p.D N.Y.Scribner,1889 973 J64 ed. Representative American orations to il- lustrate American political history 4v.S N.Y.Putnam,1886'99'84 815 J64 Johnston, Alexander Keith Africa; ed. by E. G: Ravenstein with ethnological appendix by A. H. Keane Ed.3 616p.il.map8,0 Lond. Stanford,1884 (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel) 916 J64 Physical, historical, political and descriptive geography Ed.2,enl. 490p.il.maps,O Lond.Stanford,1881 (London geographical series) 910 J64 JOH JOH Johnston, Henry Phelps Yorktown campaigpi and the surrender of Cornwallis, 1781 206p. a.pl.O N.Y.Harper,1881 973.3 J64 Johnston, James Finlay Wier Chemistry of common life New ed. enl. by A. H. Church 592p.il.O N.Y.Appleton,1889 660 J64 Johonnot, James Principles and practice of teaching New ed. revised by S. E. Johon- not 348p.D N.Y.Appleton,1898<=96 (In- ternational education series) 371a J66 395p.D N.Y.Appleton,1883'=78 371a J66p comp. Geographical reader 418p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1883'^82 (2 copies) 910 J66 Glimpses of the animate world; or, Science and literature of natural history . . . 414p. il.pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1886«83 '85 590 J66 JOHNSTON, JOSEPH EGGLESTON 1807-1891 Hughes, E. M. General Johnston 1895'=93 (Great commanders) B J64 JOINVILLE, JEAN DE 1224-1317 "Historic de Saint Louis" Mueller, F:M. Join- ville (in Mueller, FiM. Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.3,p.l51-191) 824.89 M91 Jolly, William ed. Combe, George Educa- tion; its principles and practice 1879 370.1 C73 Jones, Adam Leroy Early American philoso- phers 1898 (Columbia university Con- tributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 191 J71 Jones, Adnah David tr. Boissier, M. L. G. Cicero and his friends; a study of Eoman society in the time of Caesar 1897 B C48 Port Royal education 1898 370.8 P83 Jones, Charles Edgeworth Education in Georgia 154p.pl.O Wa8h.govt.pr.o.l889 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 TJn3 Jones, E. E. Constance and Hamilton, Elizabeth tr. Lotze, R. H. Microcosmus; an essay concerning man and his relation to the world 1885 193.8 L91 Jones, Emily G. Manual of plain needlework and cutting out New ed. enl. edited by Miss Heath and Miss Loch . . . 121p.il. pl.D Lond.Longmans,1887 646 J71 Jones, Henry ed. Janet, Paul and SfiAiLLKS, Gabriel History of the problems of phil- osophy 1902 109 J25 Jones, H. Stuart ed. Select passages from ancient writers illustrative of the history of Greek sculpture 231p.O Lond.Macmil- lan,1895 733 J71 JONES, JOHN PAUL 1747-1792 Brady, C. T. Commodore Paul Jones 1900 (Great commanders) B J71 Frothingham, J. P. Vice-Admiral Paul Jones (see Frothingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut 1905 «02 p.213-266) 9 F93 Jones, Lynds E. ed. Best reading 1882 E016 P41 Jones, Owen Grammar of ornament... 151p. il.pl.F Lond.Quaritch,1868 E745 J71 Jones, Paul See Jones, John Paul Jones, Thomas Eymer Animal creation; a popu- lar introduction to zoology 456p.il.D Lond.Warne,n.d. 590 J71 Jonson, Ben Plays; ed. by Brinsley Nicholson 3v.por.D Lond.Unwin,n.d. (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.34 J73 Timber; or Discoveries made upon mind and matter; ed. by F. E. Schelling 166p.por. D Bost.Ginn,1892 822.34 J73 1574-1637 GossE, E. W: Ben Johnson (see Gosse, E. W: Jacobean poets 1894 p.23-38) . 821 G64 Hazlitt, William On Shakspeare and Ben Jonson (in Hazlitt, William Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers 1884 pt.l,p.37-62) 824.76 H33 (in his Miscellaneous works Lec- tures on the English comic writers n.d. v.3,pt.l,p.32-54) 824.76 H33m Ward, A. W. Ben Jonson (in Ward, A. W: History of dramatic literature 1899 v.2,p.296-407) 822.09 W21 Jordan, David Starr tion 149p.D Factors in organic evolu- Bo8t.Ginn,1895 575 J76 Science sketches . . . New ed. enl. 287p.D Chic.McClurg,1896'=87 597 J76 265 Jordan, William Leighton Standard of value Ed.5 179p.O Lond.Long^an8,1888 332.42 J76 Jorgensen, Ida M. and Ketchom, A. T. ed. Kindergarten gems 1890 372.21 K49 JOSEPHINE (MARIE JOSEPHE ROSE TASCH- ER DE LA PAGERIE), empress of France, 1763-1814 Imbekt de Saint-Amand, A. L. baron Citizeness Bonaparte 1893'90 B J77 Court of the Empress Josephine 1893''90 B J77c Wife of the First Consul 1893'^90 B J77w Jost, M. Q. Les conferences d 'instituteurs et les bibliotheques pedagogiques (see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les confer- ences p6dagogiques faites aux instituteurs 1881 p.109-165) 370.6 P21 JOUBERT, JOSEPH 1754-1824 Aexold, Matthew Joubert {in his Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.l,p.265-306) 824.85 Ar6e Journal of education; a monthly record and review 1887-90 9v.Q Lond.1887-90 {New se- ries) 370.5 J82 JOURNALISM Hudson, Frederic Journal- ism in the United States from 1690-1872 1873 071 H86 See also Liberty of the press; Punch Journeys See Voyages and travels; also The name of the country and of the city, sub- division, Travel and description Jowett, Benjamin tr. Plato Republic 1888 321.8 P69"^ JOY Dearborn, G:V. Emotion of joy 1899 {Psychological review Monograph supple- ment) 157 D34 "A joy forever" Ruskin, John 740 R89 Joyce, Patrick Weston Handbook of school management and methods of teaching Ed.4 221p.il.S Dublin,McGla8han,1872 371c J85 Short history of Ireland from the earliest times to 1608 565p.map,D Lond.Long- mans,1893 941.5 J85 Judaism See Jews — Beligion JUDAS ISCARIOT De Quincey, Thomas Judas Iscariot {see his Essays on Chris- tianity, paganism and superstition "1854 p.223-261) 204 D44 Judd, Charles Hubbard Genetic psychology fof teachers 329p.D N.Y.AppJeton,1903 {International education series) 370.2 J88 JUDGMENT Faraday, Michael Observations on mental education {see Royal institu- tion of Great Britain Lectures on educa- tion 1855 p.37-88) 370.4 B81 Observations on the education of the judg- ment {see Youmans, E:L. Culture de- manded by modem life 1881'67 p.l87- 224) 375,5 y8 See also Reason Judith; an old English epic fragment; ed. by A. 8. Cook unp.O Bost.Heath,1896'88 .(Sft*- dents' edition) 829 J89 Judith Farrell, Joseph {see his Lectures of a certain professor 1877 p.171-177) 824.89 F24 "The Jukes" Dugdale, R:L. 364 D87 Jukes-Edwards Winship, A. E. 364 W73 JULIAN (FLAVIUS CLAUDIUS JULIANUS), emperor of Rome, 331(t)-363 Gardner, Alice Julian, philosopher and emperor; and the struggle of Paganism against Chris- tianity 1895 {Heroes of the nations) B J94 Julian, John ed. Dictionary of hymnology setting forth the origin and history of Chris- tian hymns of all ages and nations . . . 1616p.O N.Y.Scribner,1892«91 R245 J94 JULIEN, STANISLAS 1799-1873 "Voyages des PdleriTis Bouddhistes" Mueller, F: M.. Buddhist pilgrims (tn his Chips from a German workshop 1890*92 v.l,p.232- 275) 824.89 M91 "Methode pour dechiffrer et transcrire lea noms sancrits qui se recontrent dans les livres chinois" Mueller, F:M. Chinese translations of Sankrit texts (tn his Chips from a German workshop 1890*92 v.l, p.288-299) 824.89 M91 Julius Caesar See Shakspere, William Jungle book Kipling, Rudyard 823.89 K62 Junius psetid. Letters; Woodf all's edition en- larged and revised by John Wade 2v.fac- sim.D Lond.Bell,1894 827 J95 Jurisprudence See Law JUR JUS Jusserand, Jean Andrien Antoine Jules English essays from a French pen 215p.por.pl.D N.y.Putnam,1895 844.89 J98 English novel in the time of Shakespeare; tr. from the French by Elizabeth Lee 433p. il.O Lona.Unwin,1890 823 J98 English wayfaring life in the middle ages; tr. from the French by L. T. Smith New ed. 451p.il.O 1890 914.2 J98 French ambassador at the court of Charles II; Le Comte de Cominges from his unpublished correspondence 259p.por.O N.Y.Putnam, 1892 B C73 2M Literary history of the English people 545p, il.pl.O N.Y.Putnam,1895 820.9 J98 Piers Plowman; a contribution to the history of English mysticism; tr. from the French by M. E. R. New ed. enl. 262p.il.pl.O N.Y.Putnam,1894 821.15 J98 Justinian I (Flavius Anicius Justinianus) In- stitutes; with English introduction, transla- tion and notes by T:C. Sandars Ed.8,enl. 608p.O Lond.Longmans,1888 ,349.37 J98 Juvenile literature See The name of the subject Literature ; also K Kalevala; the epic poem of Finland; tr. into English by J:M. Crawford 2v.pl.O Cine. Clarke,1898 894 K12 KANSAS SPRiNa,L.W. Kansas; the prelude to the war for the union 1885 (^Ameri- can commonwealths) 978.1 Sp8 KANT, IMMANUEL 1724-1804 DeQuincey, Thomas Last days of Immanuel Kant (see DeQuincey, Thomas Essays in phil- osophy «1856'77 p.491-552) 104 D44 Memoir of Kant {see Kant, Immanuel Critique of practical reason 1883) 171 K13 Wallace, William Kant 1882 (Philo- sophical classics for English readers) B19 K13 Critical philosophy for English readers; tr. by J: P. Mahafify and J:H. Bernard New ed. v.2,D Lond.Macmillan,1889 193.2 K13 Critique of practical reason and other works on the theory of ethics; tr. by T: K.Abbott Ed.3,enl. 368p.por.O Lond.Longmans, 1883 171 K13 Critique of pure reason ... tr. into English by F:M. Mueller with an historical intro- duction by Ludwig Noir6 2v.O Lond. Macmillan,1881 193.2 K13c r "Critique of pure reason" Morris, G:S. Kant's Critique of pure reason; a critical exposition 1894'82 193.2 M83 Educational theory; tr. and ed. by D:F. Buch- ner 309p.D Phil.Lippincott,1904 (Lip- pincoit educational series) 370 K13 Inaugural dissertation of 1770; tr. by W:J. Eckoff 1894 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 193.2 K13i "Ethics" Porter, Noah Kant's "Eth- ics "; a critical exposition 1886 171 P83 Spencer, Herbert Ethics of Kant (in Spencer, Herbert Essays; scientific, polit- ical and speculative 1891 v.3,p.l92-216) 824.89 Sp3 Washington, W:M. Formal and material elements of Kant's ethics 1898 (Colum- bia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 171 K13 Browning, Oscar Kant, Fichte and Her- bart (see Browning, Oscar Educational theories 1882 p.165-180) 370.9 B82 Cairo, Edward manuel Kant Critical philosophy of Im- 1889 193.2 C12 DeQuincey, Thomas Kant in his miscel- laneous essays (see DeQuincey, Thomas Essays in philosophy 1856«77 p.439- 490) 104 D44 FiSCHEE, KuNO Critique of Kant 1888 193.2 K52 Robertson, G:C. On Kant's critical philos- ophy (see Robertson, G:C. Elements of general philosophy 1896 p.304-357) 100 R54 267 Schopenhauer, Arthttb Criticism of Kant- ian philosophy (in Schopenhauer, Arthur The world as will and idea 1886 v.2,p.l- 159) 193.7 Sch6 Watson, John Comte, Mill and Spencer; an outline of philosophy 1895 190 W33 Kappel, A. W. and Eirby, W. E. Beetles, but- terflies, moths, and other insects; a brief in- troduction to their coUection and preserva- tion Ed.2 182p.pl.O Lond.Cas8ell,1893 595.7 K14 Kabl V See Charles V Karl VIII See Charles Vm Kabt. XII See Charles XII Karoly, Karl Guide to the paintings of Flor- ence . . . 344p.S Lond.BeU,1893 708.5 K14 Guide to the paintings of Venice . . . 27 8p. pl.S Lond.Bell,1895' 708.5 K14g Karpeles, Oustav Jewish literature and other essays 404p.D Phil. Jewish publication society of America, 1895 892.4 K14 Kay, David Education and educators 490p. D Lond.Paul,1883 370 K18 Memory; what it is and how to improve it 336p.D Lond.Paul,1888 154 K18 Kay, Joseph Social condition and education of the people of England 323p.D N.Y.Har- per,1864'63 330 K18 Keane, Augostos Henry Asia, with ethnologi- cal appendix; ed. by Sir Bichard Temple 723pil.maps,0 Lond.Stanford,1882 (Stan- ford's compendium of geography and travel) 915 K19 Keane, John Evolution of geography; a sketch of the rise and progress of geographical knowledge from the earliest times to the circumnavigation of the globe 159p.il.por. pLmaps.O Lond. Stanford,1899 910.9 K19 Keary, Charles Francis ed. Dawn of history ; an introduction to pre-historic study 240p. D N.Y.Scribner,n.d. 901 K21 Outlines of primitive belief among the Indo- European races 531p.O N.Y.Scribner, 1882 291 K91 Keatinge, Maurice Walter tr. Oomknius, J: A. Great didactic 1896 371b C73 KEATS, JOHN 1795-1821 Letters to his fam- ily and friends; ed. by Sidney Colvin 377p. D Lond.Macmillan,1891 B K22 Poetical works; ehronicaUy arranged and ed- ited with a memoir by Lord Houghton 493p.por.D Lond.Bell,1895 (Aldine edi- tion of the British poets) 821.78 K22 "Endymion" jEyrREY, Francis Endym- ion (see his Selections from essays 1894 p.88-93) 824.73 J37 Stevenson, E. ed. Endymion; a poetic romance (see his Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.270-276) 820 St4 Arnold, Matthew John Keats (in his Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.2,p.l00- 121) 824.85 AT6e DeQtjincey, Thomas John Keats (see DeQuincey, Thomas Biographical and his- torical essays '1853 '77 p.318-335) 824.81 D44 Harrison, Frederic Lamb and Keats (see Harrison, Frederic Tennyson, Buskin, Mill and other literary estimates 1900 p.l74- 186) 824.89 H24 XiOWELL, J. B. Keats (in Lowell, J. B. Literary essays 1892 '94«64 '90 v.2, p.218-246) 814.39 L951i Keble, John Christian year; thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays throughout the year 291p.por.S N.Y>Appleton,1894 242 K23 1792-1866 Newman, J :H: cardinal John Keble (tn Newman, J :H: cardinal Es- says; critical and historical 1891 v.2, p.421-455) 204 N46 Kedney, John Steinf ort Hegel 's * • .aesthetics ' '; a critical exposition Ed.2 302p.D Chic. Griggs,1892«85 (German philosophical classics for English readers) 701 H36 Keely, Robert Neff and Davis, Q. O: In Arctic seas; the voyage of the "Bate" with the Peary expedition; together with a transcript of the log of the "Kite" 524pil.pl.map8, O Phil.Hartranft,1892 919.8 K24 Keen, William Williams ed. American health primers Keene, Henry George Literature of France 219p.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 (University extension manuals) 840 K25 KEE KEL 268 Kelke, W. H. H. An epitome of English gram- mar adapted to the London matriculation course and similar examinations . . . 264p. D Lond.Paul,1885 425 K27 Kelland, Philip and Tait, P. G. Introduction to quaternions Ed.2 232p.D Lond.Mac- millan,1882 516.8 K28 Kellogg, Amos M. New education; school man- agement, a practical guide for the teacher in the school-room Ed.5 124p.S N.Y. Kellogg,1884 371c K29 Kellogg, Mrs E. M. (Crosby) Australia and the islands of the sea 448p.D N.Y.Silver, 1900^897 (World and its people) 910 K28 Kellogg 's teachers' library Parker, FiW. Talks on teaching 1896^^83 '93 371b P22 Kelly, Edmond Evolution and effort and their relation to religion and politics 297p.D N.Y.Appleton,1895 172 K29 Kelly, James Fitzmaurice- Kelly, James See Fitzmaurice- Keltic literature See Celtic literature Keltie, John Scott On appliances used in teach- ing geography (see Royal geographical society Report of the proceedings of the society in reference to the improvement of geographical teaching 1886 p.182-203) 910.6 R81 Kelvin, William Thomson baron Popular lec- tures and addresses . . . 3v.il.tab.D Lond.Macmillan,1891 '94 (Nature series) 504 K29 Contents: — v. 1 Constitution of matter V. 2 Geology and general physics v. 3 Navigational affairs and Tait, P. G. Elementa of natural phil- osophy 295p.D Cambridge university press, 1894 530 K29 Treatise on natural philosophy New ed. 2v.O Cambridge university press,1890 '95 530 K29.t Kemp, Ellwood L. History of education 385p. D Phil.Lippincott,1902''01 (Lippincott educational series) (2 copies) 370.9 K32 Kemp, J. and Haldane, B. B. tr. Schopen- hauer, Arthur World as will and idea 1883 '86 193.7 Sch6 Kendall, Laura E. tr. Laurie, Andr^ School- boy days in Japan ^895 915.2 L37 Kendrick, J. R. How I was educated (see College and the church 1887 p.69-78) 370.4 C68 Kenuan, George Siberia and the exile system I'v.il.O N.Y.Ceutury co,1891 915.7 K36 Kennedy, Horace Milton and Robinson, W:0. tr. Brink, B. E. C. ten History of Eng- lish literature 1889 '93<^83'92 820.9 B77 Kennedy, John School and the family; the ethics of school relations 205p.S N.Y. Harper,1878 371c K38 Kent, Charles Foster Use of geography in re- ligious instruction (see Sunday school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious instruction 1901 p.213-248) 377 Su7 KENTUCKY Shaler, N. S. Kentucky 1885 '84 (American commonwealths) 976.9 Shi Kenyon, Walter J. First years in handicraft Ed.2 124p.iI.O N.Y.Baker '=1899,1901 372.5 K42 KEPLER, JOHANN 1571-1630 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Kepler and the laws of planetary motion (see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 p.56-79) 520.9 L82 Keramics See Pottery KERRY Froude, J. A. A fortnight in Kerry (in his Short studies on great sub,iect8 1891-92 v.2,p.l78-210;344-381) 824.89 F93 Ketchum, Agnes Taylor and Jorgensen, I. M. ed. Kindergarten gems; a collection of stories and rhymes for little folks . . . 248p.il.O St.LouiSjChristian publishing co, 1890 372.21 K49 Kettelle, Edith Merrill Composition in fine art 59p.il.pl.O Bost.1900 745 K57 Keyser, Charles S. Liberty bell, Independence hall, Philadelphia; a complete record of all the great events announced by the ringing of the bell from 1753 to 1835 1893 974.81 K52 Kidd, Benjamin Principles of western civilisa- tion 538p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1902 301 K53 Social evolution New ed. 374p.D N.Y. Macmillan,1894 301 K538 269 1858- *' Social evolution" Roosevelt, Theodore "Social evolution" (see his American ideals and other essays 1903 '1897 p.303-328) 304 R67 Kiddle, Henry Harrison, T:F. and Calkins, N. A. How to teach; a graded course of instruc- tion and manual of methods for the use of teachers New ed, enl. 269p.D Cine. VanAntwerp,«1873 '77 371b K53 and Schem, A. J. ed. Cyclopedia of edu- cation . . . 868p.Q N.Y.Steiger,1877"'76 R370.3 K53 JKies, Marietta ed. Haiieis, W:T. Introduc- tion to the study of philosophy 1890 150 H24 Kiescw, r. and Lough, E. tr. Mosso, Anqelo Fear 1896 157 M85 Eilbon, George B. Knife work in the school- room 192p.il.D Springfield (Mass), Bradley,a890 '91 607 K55 KILDARE PLACE SOCIETY Moore, H. K. An unwritten chapter in the history of edu- cation; being the history of the society for the education of the poor of Ireland, gen- " erally known as the Kildare place society, 1811-1831 1904 370.941 M78 Eilligrew, Thomas Parson's wedding (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l4,p.369- .535) 822.08 D66 Einunins, C. W. Science teaching in schools (see Roberts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.121-139) 370.4 R54 KINDERGARTEN Bates, Lois Kindergarten guide 1897 372.2 B31 Barnard, Henry ed. Kindergarten and child culture papers Papers on Froebel's kindergarten with suggestions on principles and methods of child culture in different countries 1881 '84 372.2 B25 Beebe, Katherine First school year; for primary workers '1895 372.2 B39 Home occupations for little children «1896 372.2 B39h Blow, S. E.. Kindergarten «1890 372.2 B62 Kindergarten education (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.l,monograph 2) 379.73 B97 Devereaux, a. W. Outline of a year 's work in the kindergarten '1898 372.2 D49 Froebel, F:W:A: Education by develop- ment 1899 (International ediuiational se- ries) 372.2 F92 Letters 1893 B37 F921 Letters on the kindergarten 1891 372.2 F921e Mothers' songs, games and stories 1892 372.2 F92m Mottoes and commentaries of the Mother play 1898*^95 (International education series) 372.2 F92mo Pedagogics of the kindergarten; or, His ideas concerning the play and playthings of the child 1895 (International edu- cation series) 372.2 F92p Goldammer, Hermann The kindergarten; a guide to Froebel's method of education, gifts and occupations 1882 372.2 G56 Hailmann, W:N. Kindergarten culture in the family and kindergarten «1873 372.2 H12 Primary methods "=1887 372.2 H12p Harrison, Elizabeth The kindergarten as an influence in modern civilization (see her Kindergarten books 1893 lOp.) 372.2 H24 Story of Friedrich Froebel, etc. *1893 372.2 H243 Study of child-nature 1892^90 372.2 H24st Two children of the foot-hills '1900 372.2 H24t Kraus-Bcelte, Maria and Kraus, John Kindergarten guide; an illustrated hand- book designed for the self-instruction of- kindergartners, mothers and nurses 1881 '92*77 '82 372.2 K86 Landon, Joseph The kindergarten system (see his Principles and practise of teaching and class management 1899 p.461-470). 371b L23 Lyschinska, M.. J. The kindergarten prin- ciple; its educational value, and chief ap- plications 1884 '86 372.2 L99 Mackenzie, Marion Kindergarten black- board '1894 372.2 M19 MARENnoLTZ-Buix)W, B. M. von Child and child nature 1884 '91 372.2 M33c KIN KIN 270 Hand work and head work n.d. 372.2 M33h Conscious motherhood 372.2 M36 Makwedel, Emma 1889-=87 Newton, R:H. The free kindergarten in church work {see his Social studies 1887 p.213-257) 330 N48 Peabody, E.. p. Guide to the kindergarten and intermediate class 1877^69 372.2 P31 Lectures in the training schools for kinder- gartners 1886 372.2 P311 Pollock, Mrs Louise National kindergar- ten manual; containing practical model les- sons, rules and lectures . . . 1889*88 372.2 P76 POULSSON, Emile Love and law in child training; a book for mothers 1899 372.2 P86 EiCKS, George and others Hand and eye training n.d. 372.2 R42 Seguin, Edward The kindergarten {see his Eeport on education 1880 p.16-24) 370.6 Se3 Smith, N. A. Children of the future 1900 «1898 372.2 Sm5 Wieb£, Edward Paradise of childhood «1869 372.2 W63 WiGGiN, Mrs K.. D. (Smith) Children's rights; a book of nursery logic 1896*92 372.2 W631 See also Child psychology; Child study; Children; Education; Games; Object-teach- ing; Paper folding; Songs; Stories; Teach- ing; also Froebel, FrWrA. Kindergarten magazine, monthly, 1889-date v.2-date,il.O Chic.l890-date 372.2 K57 •Kindergarten review, monthly, 1898-date v.l- date,il.D Springfield (Mass) ,1898-date 372.2 K57k Kindergarten stories and morning talks Wiltse, S.. E. ed. 372.21 W71 Kindness to animals See Animals, Treat- ment of Kinetic energy See Energy King, Bolton History of Italian unity; being a political history of Italy from 1814-1871 2v.maps,0 N.Y.Scribner,1899 945 K58 King, Byron W. Practice of speech and success- ful selections 216p.il.D Pittsburg,n888 808.5 K58 King, C. W. tr. Plutarch Morals; theosophi- cal essays 1889 888.8 P74 King, Charles Francis Methods and aids in geography; for the use of teachers and nor- mal schools New ed. enl. 518p.il.por. maps,D Bost.Lee,1889 '97 (2 copies) 910.7 K58 King, Franklin Hiram The soil; its nature, re- lations, and fundamental principles of man- agement 303p.il.S N.Y.Macmillan,1905 <=1895 {Rural science series) 631 K58 King, Grace Elizabeth Jean Baptiste Le Moyne Sieur de Bienville 330p.por.D N.Y. Dodd,1893*92 {Makers of America) B B47 King, Irving Psychology of child development Ed.2 265p.D Chic.University press,1904 "03 150.1 K58 King, Moses Philadelphia and notable Phila- delphians v.p.il.pl.F N.Y.King,1902 917.481 K58 King, Bichard John Carlovingian romance {in Oxford essays 1856 p.271-294) 824.89 0x2 King, Bobert M. School interests and duties; developed from Page's "Mutual duties of parents and teachers", from various public reports and documents and from the bulle- tins of the national bureau of education 336p.D N.Y.American book co,'=1894 371c K58 King, Bufus Ohio; first fruits of the ordinance of 1787 427p.maps,D Bost.Houghton, 1891*88 {American commonwealths) 977.1 K58 King, W. J. Treasury of facts; a cyclopedia of natural and mathematical science with the art and science of teaching 167p.O N.Y.Lovell,1884 371b K58 KING, WILLIAM 1663-1712 Johnson, Sam- uel King {in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref .1896 v.3,p.37-44) 9 J62 King and baronage Hutton, W:H. 942.03 H97 King Arthur See Arthur, King King Henry IV See Shakspere, William King Henry V See Shakspere, William King Henry VI See Shakspere, William King Henry VIII See Shakspere, William King John See Shakspere, William tn King Lear See Shakspere, Willian King of Hayti DeQuincey, Thomas {see his Romances and extravaganzas *1856'77 p.497-527) 824.81 I>44r King of the golden river BuSKiK. John 398.4 R89 {see his Deucalion 1894 p.235-272) 824.86 R89d KING PHILIP 'S WAR 1675-1676 Markham, Richard Narrative history of King Phil- ip 's war 1883 974 M34 King Richard II See Shakspere, William King's college See Cambridge, University of; Columbia university Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge and Archer, T:A. The crusades; the story of the Latin king- dom of Jerusalem 1895<'94 940.4 Ar2 KINGSLEY, CHARLES 1819-1875 Griswold, H. T. Charles Eangsley {see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894 '86 p.363-371) 9 G87 Glaucus; or, The wonders of the shore 245p. pLD Lond.Macmillan,1881 592 K61 Health and education 411p.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1884 504 K61 Historical lectures and essays 404p.D Lond. Macmillan,1885 904 K61 Contents: — Alexandria and her schools; The ancient regime; The nrst discovery of America; Cyrus, servant of the Lord; An- cient civilisation; Rondelet; Versallus; Par- acelsus; Buchanan Madam How and Lady Why; or. First lessons in earth lore for children 321pil.S N.Y. Macmillan,1885 '93 (2 copies) 551 K61 Poetical works 329p.D N.Y.Crowell,n.d. 821 K61 The Roman and the Teuton 343p.D Lond. Macmillan,1891«64'91 940.1 K61 Contains his inaugural lecture: "The lim- its of exact science as applied to history" Town geology 239p.D N.Y.Appleton,1873 '94 550.4 K61 Westward ho 591p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1892 823.85 K61 Kingsley, Mary Henrietta Travels in West Africa, Congo Franqais, Corsico and Came- roons Ed.2,abridged 541pil.pl.O Lond. Macmillan,1904 916.7 K61 KIOTO Palgrave, W:G. Kioto {see bis Ulysses 1887 p.21 7-245) 904 P17 Kipling, Budyard Jungle book Ed. 20 303p. iLD N.Y.Century co,1894«93 823.89 K62 Second jungle book 324piLJ> N.Y.Century co,1895 823.89 K628 Kirby, W. Egmont and Eappel, A. W. Beetles, butterflies, moths and other insects 1893 595.7 K14 Kirchner, Friedrlch Students' manual of psy- chology adapted from the "Katechismus der Psychologie ", by E. D. Drought 344p.D Lond.Sonnenschein,1888 150 K63 Kirk, John Foster ed. Allibone, S:A. Crit- ical dictionary of English literature 1881 '54 '71 R9 A15 Palgra\-e, F:T. ed. Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems {see Se- lections from the works of recent and living English poets 1889*83) 821.08 P17 Prescott, W:H. History of the conquest of Mexico '1843 '73 972.02 P92 History of the conquest of Peru '1843 '74 985 P92 History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isa- bella, the Catholic '1837 '72 946.03 P92 History of the reign of Philip 11, king of Spain 1882'55'74 942.04 P92 1824- "Charles the Bold" Freeman, E: A: "Charles the Bold" (sec Freeman, E:A: Historical essays 1871 p.314- 372) 904 F87 K i rk l an d, Joseph Among the poor of Chicago {see Woods, R. A. and others Poor in great cities 1895 p.195-239) 331.8 W86 Kirkpatrick, E. A. Inductive psychology; an introduction to the study of mental phenom- ena 208p.S N.Y.KeUogg,'1895 150 K631 Kirkpatrick, John ed. Mackenzie, Thomas Studies in Roman law 1886 349.37 M19 Kirkup, Tbomas History of socialism 301p.D Lond.Black,1892 335 K63 Kitchin, George W. tr. Bacon, Francts No- vum organon; or, A true guide to the inter- pretation of nature 1855 192.1 B13 KIT KIT 272 Kitchin, (George William History of France 3v.inaps,tab.D Oxf .Clarendon press,1892 944 K64 Winchester 227p.maps,D Lond.Longmans, 1890 (Historic towns) 942 K64 Ekitton, Frederic George The Dickens country 235p.il.por.pl.O Lond.Black,1905 (Pilgrimage series) 914.2 K65 Klein, Felix Famous problems of elementary geometry; tr. by W. W. Beman and D:E. Smith 80p.D Bost.Ginn,1897 513 K67 Mathematical theory of the top . . . 74p.il.D N.Y.Scribner,1897 514.1 K67 Klemm, Louis Kichard Educational topics of the day; chips from a teacher's workshop 408p.il.D Bost.Lee,<=1887 371b K67 European schools; or, What I saw in the schools of Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland 419p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1889 (International education series) 379.4 K67 ed. and tr. Lange, Helene Higher educa- tion of women in Europe 1890 376 L26 KLOPSTOCK, FRIEDEICH GOTTLIEB 1724- 1803 Wells, B:W. The first fruits; Klopstock, Wieland and Herder (see Wells, B:W. Modern German literature 1897 p.38-72) 830.9 W46 Klosterheim DeQuincey, Thomas (see his Romances and extravaganzas '1856 '77 p.5-231) 824.81 D44r A knack to know a knave (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.6,p.503-591) 822.08 D66 Knapp, Adeline Story of the Philippines 295p. il.pl.D N.y.Silver,<'1902 (World and its people) 919.1 K72 Knapp, Elizabeth Sanborn Raphia and reed weaving including also cardboard and pa- per construction . . . Ed.4 132p.il.O Springfield ( Mass ),1902«01 689 K72 Knife work in the school-room Kilbon, G.B. 607 K55 Knight, Charles Popular history of England; an illustrated history of society and govern- ment from the earliest period to our own times Sv.il.pl.O Lond.Sangster,n.d. 942 K74 Elnight, James Food and its functions; a text- book for students of cookery 282p.pl. D Lond.Blackie,1895,1904 543 K74 Knight, Joseph Life of Dante Gabriel Eossetti ISlp.D Lond.Scott,1887 (Great writers) B R73k Contains a bibliography Knight, William The Christian ethic 178p.D Lond.Mul-ray,1893 171.1 K74 Conta6*s a bibliography Hume 239p.por.D Phil.Lippincott,1886 (Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 H88 Philosophy of the beautiful . . . 2v.D N.Y. Scribner,1891 '93 (v. 1 University exten- sion mamials) (v. 2 University series) 701 K74 ed. Philosophical classics for English readers University extension manuals Knight-errantry See Chivalry Knights and knighthood See Chivalry; Feudalism Knights templars See Templars Knowledge See also Education; Philosophy; Science KNOWLEDGE, THEORY OF Ladd, G:T. Philosophy of knowledge; an inquiry into the nature, limits and validity of the human cognitive faculty 1897 121 L12 Ormond, a. T: 1900 Foundations of knowledge 121 Or5 Knowledge of good and evil Royce, Josiah (see his Studies in good and evil 1898 p.88-124) 104 R81 Knowlton, Mrs Fanny Snow Nature songs for children 108p.Q N.Y.Bradley,1906'=1898 372.21 K76 KNOX, JOHN 1505-1572 Caelyle, Thomas Portraits of John Knox (i?i Carlyle, Thomas History of Frederic II of Prussia n.d. v.4,pt.2) B F87 "Blasts of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women" Stevenson, R. L: John Knox and his relations to women (see Stevenson, R. L: Familiar study of men and books 1891 p.307-366) 824.89 St4 Knox, Thomas Wallace Life of Robert Fulton and a history of steam navigation 507p.il. por.D N.Y.Putnam,1886 B F95 Koch, Felix J. A little journey to the Balkans and European Turkey 112p.il.pl.D Chic. 278 Flanagan,«1905 {Library of travel) 914.96 K81 Eoehler, S. E. tr. Bezold, Wilhelm von Theory of color 1876 535.6 B46 comp. United States art directory and year book 221p.pl.Q Lon4,Cas8ell,1884 •^ 709.73 K81 KOENIG, FREDERICK 1^4-1833 Smiles, Samuel Frederick Koenig (see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.153-179) 9 Sm4 Kdstlin, Julias Life of Luther; tr. from the German 587p.il.por.facsim.O N.Y.Scrib- ner,1891 B L97 Komensky, Johann Amos John Amos See Comenius, Koner, Wilhelm and Guhl, E. K: Life of the Greeks and Romans 1876 913.38 G93 KOPP, HERMANN 1816-1892 Thorpe, T:E: Hermann Kopp (see Thorpe, T:E: Es- says in historical chemistry 1894 p.298- 349) 540.9 T39 Koran El-Kor'an; or, The Koran; tr. from the Arabic with notes by J:M. Rodwell Ed.2, enl. 562p.O Lond.Quaritch,1876 297 K84 The Koran; commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed; tr. into English from the orig- inal Arabic with explanatory notes and pre- liminary discourse by George Sale . . . Ed.8 670p.maps,O Phil.Lippincott,1895 297 K84k The Qur 'an ; tr. by E : H : Palmer 2v.O Oif . Clarendon press,1880 (Sacred books of the East) 297 K84ko See also Mohammed and Mohammedanism Kotelmann, Ludwlg School hygiene; tr. by J: A. Bergstrom and Edward Conradi 391p. il.por.D Syracu8e,Bardeen,1899 371.7 K84 Kraus, F. X. Medicean Rome (see Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.1-35) 940.7 C14 Kraus-Boelte, Maria and Ejraus, John Kinder- garten guide; an illustrated hand-book de- signed for the self -instruction of kindergart- ners, mothers and nurses 2val.pl.O N.Y. Steiger,1881 '92«77 '92 (2 copies) 872.2 K86 Contents: — v. 1 The glfta v. 2 The occupations ELrauth, Charles P. Vocabulary of the philo- soi>hifal sciences . . . 1044p.O N.Y.Shel- don,1881«77 R103 K86 ed. Berkeley, George A treatise concern- ing the principles of human knowledge 1881 192.3 B45 Krehbiel, Henry Edward How to listen to music; hints and suggestions to untaught lovers of the art Ed.4 361p.por.D N.Y. Scribner,1897'96 780 K87 Studies in the Wagnerian drama 198p.D N.Y.Harper,'1891 782.2 K87 Kriege, Matilda H. tr. Marejjholtz-Bulow, Makia vox The child, its nature and rela- tions ; an elucidation of Froebel 's principles of education 1877*72 372.2 M33c Kroeger, Alice Bertha comp. Guide to the study and use of reference books; a manual for librarians, teachers and students . . .' 104p.O Bost.Houghton,1902 R028.7 K91 Erohn, William O. Practical lessons in psy- chology 410p.il.D Chic.Werner co,1894 '96 (2 copies) 370.2 K91 KROPOTKIN, PETER ALEXEIVITCH 1842- AsHLEY, O. D. Kropotkine as a social re- former (see Ashley, O. D. Railways and their employees 1895 p.154-171) 334 As3 Krusi, Hermann Drawing, a manual for teach- ers; inventive course, synthetic series 44p. il.O N.Y.Appleton,1873 '72 740 K94 Pestalozzi; his life, work and influence 248p. il.por.O Cine.VanAntwerp,*1875 B37 P43k Eulpe, Oswald Outlines of psychology, based upon the results of experimental investiga- tion; tr. from the German by E:B. Titchener 462p.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1895 150 K98 Kulturkampf Gould, Sabine Baring- (see his Germany, present and past n.d. p.294- 334) 914.3 G73 Kyd, Thomas Cornelia (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.5,p.l74-252) 822.08 D66 Spanish tragedy; or, The second part of Jeronimo (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Se- lect collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.5,p.l-17«) 822.08 D66 KYD LAB 274 Labberton, BrObert Henlopen Historical atlas . . . Ed.8 unp.maps,Q N.Y.MacCoun, ISSS'Tl E902 Lll LABOR AND LABORING CLASSES Baker, T:B. L. Labour and wages (see his "War with crime" 1889 p.277-294) 364 B17 Barnett, S:A: and Barnett, Mrs H. O. (Rowland) Practicable socialism, essays on social reform 1894 331 B26 Brooks, J. G. Social unrest 330 B79 CoiT, Stanton Neighbourhood guilds an in- strument of social reform 1892 331.8 C66 Lavidson, Thomas Education of the wage earners; a contribution toward the solution of the educational problem of democracy •=1904 331 D28 Dewey, D. R. Employees and wages 1903 (United States — Census, Bureau of) 331 D29 Ely, R:T. Labor movement in America ^886 • 331.87 E19 Green, S. M. How shall the interests of cap- ital and labor be harmonized and the con- flict between them prevented (see his Crime 1889 p.301-337) 364 G82 Hull-house maps and papers; a presentation of nationalities and wages in a congested district in Chicago «1895 331.8 .H87 Jacobson, Augustus Higher ground; hints toward settling the labor troubles 1888*^87 331 J15 Jevons, W:S. The state in relation to labour 1887^^82 (English citizen series) 331 J53 Lecky, W:E:H. Labour questions (see his Democracy and liberty 1896 p.370- 503) 342 L49 MuLLANY, P. F: (Brother Azarlas pseud.) Ethical aspects of the papal encyclical (see his Essays; philosophical 1896 p.213- 250) 104 M91 Newton, E:H. A bird's eye view of the labor question (see his Social studies 1887 p.1-81) - 330 N48 Is the state just to the working man? (see his Social studies 1887 p.131-171) 330 N48 Northrop, B. G. Labor and capital theo- retically harmonized (see his Education abroad and other papers 1873 p.l56- 165) 370.4 N81 Labor as an education (see his Education abroad and other papers 1873 p.l35- 143) 370.4 N81 Eae, John Eight hours for work 1894 331.81 R12 Rogers, J, E:T. Six centuries of work and wages 1884 331 R63 RusKiN, John Time and tide by Weare and Tyne (see his Mornings in Florence 1894 p.121-251) 704 R89 Woods, R. A. English social movements 1891 331.8 W86 Weeden, W:B. Social law of labor 1882 331 W41 Wright, C. D. Industrial evolution of the United States 1902 330 W93 See also Capital; Charity schools; Com- munism; Cooperation; Domestic service; Economics; Factory system; Gilds; Inter- national workingmen's association; Machin- ery in industry; Poor, The; Profit-sharing; Slavery; Social settlements; Socialism; Sociology; Trade unions; Wages; Woman — Employment; Workingmen; also The name of the coimtry and the city Laboulaye, Edouard Ren§ Lefebvre- Abdallah; or, The four leaved shamrock; tr. by M.. L. Booth 232p.D Chic.McClurg,1892 843.69 Lll Last fairy tales; tr. by M., L. Booth 382p. il.por.D N.Y.Harper,1885«84 843.69 Llll Lacedaemonian education See Greece — Edu- cation Lacroix, Paul (Bibliophile Jacob pseud.) Arts in the middle ages and the renaissance; English edition, revised and re-arranged by W. Armstrong . . . 464p.il.Q Lond. Virtue,n.d. 709.4 Lll Eighteenth century; its institutions, customs and costumes; France,l 700-1 789 439p.il. pl.Q Lond.Bickers,n.d. 914.4 Lll Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages, and during the renaissance period 554p.il.pl.Q N.Y.Appleton,1874 390 Lll Military and religious life in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance 504p.il. pl.Q Lond.Bickers,n.d. 390 Lllm Science and literature in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance 552p.il.Q Lond.Bickers,n.d. 509 Lll Ladd, George Trumbull Elements of physiolog- ical psychology; a treatise of the activities and nature of the mind from the physical and experimental point of view 696p.il.O N.Y.Scribner,1892'=87 (2 copies) 130a L12 Essays on the higher education 142p.D N.Y.Scribner,1899 370.4 L12 Contents: — Development of the American university; Place of the fitting school in American education; Education, new and old; A modem liberal education Outlines of descriptive psychology; a text- book of mental science for colleges and nor- mal schools 428p.il.O N.Y.Scribner,1898 150 L12 Philosophy of knowledge; an inquiry into the nature, limits, and validity of the human cognitive faculty 614p.O N.Y.Scribner, 1897 121 L12 Philosophy of mind; an essay in the metaphys- ics of psychology 414p.O N.Y.Scribner, 1895 120 L12 Primer of psychology 224p.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1894 '95 '97 (4 copies) 150 L12p Psychology, descriptive and explanatory; a treatise of the phenomena, laws, and devel- opment of human mental life 676p.il.O N.Y.Scribner,1895«94 150 L12ps Theory of reality; an essay in metaphysical system upon the basis of human cognitive experience 556p.O N.Y,Scribner,1899 110 L12 tr. and ed. Lotze, R. H. Outlines of esthetics 1886 701 L91 Outlines of metaphysic 1884 110 L91 Outlines of practical philosophy 1885 193.8 L91 Outlines of psychology 1886"85 150 L91 Ladies See Woman Ladreyt, Marie-Casimir L 'instruction publique en France et les 6coles AmSricaines 378p.D Par.Hetzel,n.d. 379.44 L12 Lady Alimony (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Se- lect collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l4,p.273-367) 822.08 D66 Laertius, Diogenes See Diogenes Laertius La Farge, John Considerations on painting; lectures given at the Metropolitan museum of New York, 1893 270p.D N.Y.Mac- millan,1896<^95 750 L13 LA FAYETTE, Marquis DE (MARIE JEAN PAUL ROCH YVES GILBERT MOTIER 1757-1834 SCHOULER, James Lafay- ette 'a tour in 1824 (see Schouler, James Historical briefs 1896 p.84-96) 904 Sch6 Tower, Charlemagne Marquis de La Fay- ette in the American revolution 1895*^94 B L13 La FontainS, Jean de Fables; tr. from the French by Elizur Wright New ed. enl. by J. W. M. Gibbs 356p.D Lond.BeU,1903 841.45 L13 Lagrange, Femand Physiology of bodily exer- cise 395p.D N.Y.Appleton,1890 (In- ternational scientific series) 613.7 L13 Lagrange, Joseph Louis comte Lectures on elementary mathematics; tr. from the French by T:J.McCormack Ed.2 156p. por.D Chic.Open court publishing co,1901 510 L13 1736-1813 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Lagrange and Laplace — the stability of the solar system and the nebular hypothesis (see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 p.254-272) 520.9 L82 LAING, HENRY "Impressions of ancient Scot- tish seals" Maxwell, Sir W:S. An- cient Scottish seals (see his Miscellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.215-233) 824.89 M45 Lake, J. W. Life of Lord Byron (see Byron, GrN.G. Byron baron Works 1867 p.5-39pref.) - 821.76 B99 LAKE DISTRICT (England) Bradley, A. G. Highways and byways in the Lake District 1903'01 914.2 B72 Raunsley, H:D. Life and nature at the English lakes 1899 914.28 R19 Lake school See Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Southey, Robert; Wordsworth, William LAK LAL 276 Laloi, Pierre La premiere annee d 'instruction morale et civique ; notions de droit et d '6con- oniie politique . . . Ed.21 179p.D Par. Colin, 1889 (2 copies) 170.7 L15 Lalor, John Joseph ed. Cyclopedia of political science, political economy and of the polit- ical history of the United States 3v.Q Chic.Eand,1882 '84«81 K330.3 L15 and Mason, A. B. tr. Holst, H. E: von Constitutional and .political history of the United States 1877 342.73 H74 tr. KoscHER, William Principles of polit- ical economy 1878 330 E71 Lamarckism See Evolution Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de Life of Fenelon (see Fenelon Adventures of Telemachus 1895'^59'87 p.17-115) 843.59 F35 LAMB, CHAELES 1775-1834 Ainger, Alfred Charles Lamb n.d. (English men of let- ters) B C39 Bound with lives of Chaucer by A. W. Ward and of DeQuincey by David Masson XjtRiswold, H. T. Charles Lamb (see Gris- wold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894^^86 p.75-84) 9 G88 Essays of Elia 334p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 824.75 L16 Mrs Leicester's school; and other writings in prose and verse, with introduction and notes by Alfred Ainger N.Y.Armstrong,! 886 828 L16 On the artificial conledy of the last century (see Vaughan, C:E. eomp. English liter- ary criticism pref.1896 p.147-159) 820 V46 DeQuincey, Thomas Charles Lamb (see DeQuincey, Thomas Biographical and his- torical essays ^853 '77 p.232-289) 824.81 D44 Harrison, Frederic Lamb and Keats (see Harrison, Frederick Tennyson, Euskin, and other literary estimates 1900 p.l74- 186) 824.89 H24 Hazlitt, William Elia and Geoffrey Crayon (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.259- 269) 824.76 H33m Lamb, Horace Elementary course of infinitesimal calculus 616p.D Cambridge university press,1897 517.1 L16 LAMBALLE, MAEIE THEEESE LOUISE DE SAVOIE CAEIGNAN princesse DE 1749- 1792 DoBSON, Austin The Princesse de Lamballe (see Dobson, Austin Four French women n.d. p.61-104) 9 D65 Lamberton, William Alexander Ilpoe with the accusative Note on the Antigone 55p.O Phil.University of Pennsylvania press,1891 ( University of Pennsylvania Series in phil- ology, literature and archaeology) 480.7 L17 LAMBETH PALACE Green, J:E: Lambeth and the archbishops (see his Stray studies from England and Italy 1876 p.97-146) 824.89 G82 Lambs' biographical dictionary of the United States See Brown, John Howard ed. LAMENNAIS, FELICITE EOBEET DE 1782- 1854 DowDEN, Edward Lamennais (see Dowden, Edward Studies in litera- ture 1892 p.311-356) 804 D75 Mazzini, Guiseppe Lamennais (see Maz- zini, Guiseppe Essays n.d. p.59-82) 854.89 M45 La Motte-Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl baron Undine and other tales 416p.pl.S Bost. Houghton,'=1867 (Riverside classics) 843.69 L19 Lamson, Mary Swift Life and education of Laura Dewey Bridgman the deaf, dumb and blind girl 373p.por.facsim.D Bost. Houghton,1881<=78 B B76 LANCASHIEE Grindon, L. H. Lancashire 1892 914.272 G88 LANCASTEE, JOSEPH 1778-1838 Leitch, James Joseph Lancaster (see Leitch, James Practical educationists 1876 p.149-165) 370.9 L53 Salmon, David Joseph Lancaster 1904 B L22 LANCASTEEIAN SYSTEM Free-school so- ciety Manual of the Lancasterian system of teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, and needle-work as practised in the schools of the Free-school society of New York 1820 371.4 F87 See also Bell, Dr. Andrew Lancelot See Port Eoyal education Lanciani, Rodolfo Amedeo Ancient Eome in the light of recent discoveries Ed.8 329p.il. por.plmapSjO Bost.Houghton,1892'^88 913.37 L22 Destruction of ancient Rome; a sketch of the history of the monuments 279p.il.map3,D N.Y.Macmillan,1899 913.37 L22d Pagan and Christian Rome 374p.il.por.pl. mapSjO Bo8t.Houghton,1893«92 913.37 L22p Ruins and excavations of ancient Rome; a companion book for students and travelers 619p.il.map3,0 Bost.Houghton,1897 913.37 L22r ed. Ramsay, William Manual of Roman antiquities 1895 913.37 R14 LAiND Bryan, E. A. The mark in Europe and America; a review of the discussion on early land tenure 1893 333 B84 CouLANGES, FuSTEL DE Origin of property in land 1892 {Social science series) 333 C83 Morris, W:0 Land system of Ireland {in Oxford essays 1856 p.193-217) 824.89 0x2 Walker, F. A. Land and its rent 1891«83 333 W15 bee also Agriculture; Feudalism; Manor; Surveying; Taxation Land of home rule Walpole, Spencer 942 W16 Land of little rain Austin, Mrs Mary (Hunter) 917.9 Au7 Land of the long night Du Chaillu, P. B. 914.7 D85 Land tenure See Land Landed gentry Froude, J. A. On the uses of a landed gentry (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.3,p.280-308) 824.89 F93 Landon, Joseph Manual of the art of question- ing for training classes 92p.D Syracuse, Bardeen,1899 371b L23 Principles and practice of teaching and class management 462p.D N.Y.Macmillan, 1894 371b L23p Ed.3 500p.D Lond.Holden, 1899 371b L23pr School management; including a general view of the work of education with some account of the intellectual faculties from the teach- ers' point of view; organization, discipline and moral training 376p.D Bost.Small, 1884 371c L23 Landon, Judson S. Constitutional history and government of the United States 389p.O Bost.Houghton,1889 342.73 L23 LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE 1775-1864 CoLviN, Sidney Landor n.d. (English men of letters) B C83 Bound with lives of Cowper by Walter Bagehot and of Bentley by R:C. Jebb Citation and examination of William Shaks- peare . . . before ... Sir Thomas Lucy touching deer-stealing, 19th Sept., 1582 . . . to which is added A conference of Edmund Spenser with the earl of Essex touching the state of Ireland, 1595 229p.D Lond. Chatto,1891 828.89 L23 Imaginary conversations with bibliographical and explanatory notes by C:G:Crump 6v.O Lond.Dent,1891 828.89 L23i Longer prose works 2v.pl.O Lond.Dent, • 1892 '93 828.89 L231 Pentameron and other imaginary conversations ed. by Havelock Ellis 316p.D Lond. Seott,n.d. (Camelot series) 828.89 L23p Pericles and Aspasia 308p.D Lond.Scott, n.d. (Camelot series) 828.89 L23pe Poems, dialogues in verse and epigrams ; ed. by C:G: Crump 2v.D Lond.Dent,1892 821.89 L23 DeQuincey, Thomas Notes on Walter Savage Landor Milton versus Southey and Landor Orthographic mutineers (see De Quincey, Thomas Literary criticism ""1853 '76 p.405-494) 824.81 D441 Dowden, Edward Walter Savage Landor (see Dowden, Edward Studies in litera- ture 1892 p.159-190) 804 D75 Emerson, R. W. Walter Savage Landor (see his Natural history of the intellect Papers from the Dial 1894^93 p.201- 212) 814.36 Em3n Lo^vell, J. R. Some letters of Walter Sav- age Landor (see Lowell, J. R. Latest literary essays and addresses 1893'91 p.43-56) 814.36 L95 Stedman, E. C. Walter Savage Landor (see Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 1893 p.33-71) 821 St3 LANDSCAPE GARDENING Bailey, L. H. Garden-making; suggestions for the utili- LAN LAN 278 zing of home grounds 1906'1898 710 B15 Dock, M. L. A summer's work abroad in school grounds, home grounds, play grounds, parks and forests 1900 (unbound) 710 D65 See also Forests and forestry; Gardening; Shrubs LANDSCAPE PAINTING Bkyant, W:M. Philosophy of landscape painting 1882 758 B84 LANDSEER, Sir EDWIN HENRY 1802-1873 HuRLL, E. M. ed. Landseer; a collec- tion of fifteen pictures and a portrait with introduction and interpretation 1901 (Ewerside art series) B L23 Lane, Michael A. Level of social motion; an in- quiry into the future conditions of human society 577p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1902 300 .L24 Lane-Poole, Stanley See Poole, Stanley Lane- Lang, Andrew Homer and the epic 424p.D Lond. Longmans,1893 883.1 L25 Homeric hymns; a- new prose translation and essays, literary and mythological 255p.pl. D N.Y.Longmans,1899 883.1 L25h Letters to dead authors 253p.por.S N.Y. Scribner,1893 9 L25 Myth, ritual and religion New ed. 2v.D Lond.Longmans,1899<'87 291 L25 St Andrews 347p.il.pl.O Lond.Longmans, 1893 941.3 L25 and Butcher, S; H. tr. Homer Odyssey 1895 883.1 H75o Leaf, Walter Myers, Ernest tr. Homer Iliad 1895<=82'91 883.1 H75i Lang, Leonora Blanche tr. Rambaud, Alfred History of Russia <=1879 '82 947 R14 Lang, Ossian H. Horace Mann; his life and educational work 41p.D N.Y.Kellogg, «1893 B37 M311 Lange, Alexis F: tr. Herbart, J:F: Out- lines of educational doctrine 1901 370.1 H41o Lange, Helene Higher education of women in Europe; tr. by L:R: Klemm 186p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1890 (International educa- tion series) 876 L26 Lange, Karl Apperception; a monograph on psychology and pedagogy; tr. by the Her- bart Club and ed. by Charles De Garmo 279p.D Bost.Heath,1893 (Heath's ped- agogical library) (2 copies) 153 L26 Lange, Richard ed. Schmidt, Karl Ge- schichte der Padagogik 1874-76 370.9 Sch5 Langhorne, John and Langhorne, William tr. Plutarch Lives n.d. 9 P74 Langille, J. Hibbert Our birds in their haunts; a popular treatise on the birds of eastern North America 624p.il.D Bost.Cassino, 1884 598.2 L26 LANGLAND, WILLIAM 1330 ( f ) -1400'( f ) "Fiers Plowman" Jusseeand, J. A. A. J. Piers Plowman; a contribution to the history of English mysticism 1894 821.15 J98 "Vision of Piers Plowman" Marsh, G:P. The author of Piers Plowman and his imi- tators (see Marsh, G:P. Origin and his- tory of the English language 1885*65 p.295-338) 420.9 M35 LANGTON, STEPHEN (f)-1228 Maurice, C. E. Stephen Langton 1872 (Lives of the English popular leaders) B L26 LANGUAGE DeQuincey, Thomas Language (see his Literary criticism =1853 '76 p.373-393) 824.81 D441 Emerson, R. W. Language (see his Na- ture, addresses, and lectures 1893 p.31- 41) 814.36 Em3na Farrar, F:W: Language and languages; being ' ' Chapters on Language ' ' and ' ' Fam- ilies of Speech ' ' 1878 401 F24 Freeman, Henry On speech formation as the basis for true spelling 1886 410 F87 Garlanda, Frederic Philosophy of words '1886 401 G18 Hamerton, P. G. International communi- cation by language (see Hamerton, P. G. and others Higher education and a com- mon language "1879 p.1-15) 370.4 H17 Hutson, C:W. Story of language 1897 409 H97 Mueller, F:M. Biographies of words and the home of the Aryas 1888 410 M91 279 Rede lecture on the stratification of lan- guage (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.4,p.63-138) 824.89 M91 See Alphal>et; Classics, Study and teaching of; Conversation; Elocution; Literature; Oriental studies; Pronunciation; Rhetoric; Speech; Spelling; Volapiik; also The name of the language History Paul, Hermank Principles of the history of language 1889 '91 400 P28 Whitney, W:D. Life and groveth of lan- guage 1883*75 (International science se- ries) 409 W61 Science Byrne, James General principles of the structure of language 1885 401 B99 Mansfield, E:D. Science of language (see his American education 1877 p.205- 215) 370.1 M31 Mueller, F:M. Lectures on the science of language 1881 '84 410 M91 On the results of the science of language (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.4,p.l99-237) 824.89 M91 Science of thought 1887 153 M91 Three lectures on the science of language and its place in general education 1889 410 M91 Sayce, a. H: Introduction to the science of language 1883 401 Sa9 Smith, Adam Considerations concerning the first formation of languages and the differ- ent genius of original and compounded lan- guages (see his Theory of moral senti- ments 1887 p.504-538) 171 Sm5 Study and teaching Badlam, a.. B. Suggestive lessons in lan- guage and reading for primary schools 1888*86 372.4 B14 Bain, Alexander The mother tongue (see his Education as a science 1883 p.311- 358) 370.1 B16 Bbnt, S:A. Hints on language 1886 372.6 B43 Berger, M. B. Sur I'enseignement de la langue maternelle (see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les conferences peda- gogiques faites aux instituteurs 1881 p.51-81) 370.6 P21 GouiN, Francois Art of teaching and study- ing the languages *1892 '93 407 G72 Hinsdale, B. A. Teaching the language arts 1896 407 H59 Jacobi, Mrs Maky (Putnam) Place for the study of the language in a curriculum of education (see her Physiological notes on primary education 1889 p.62-120) 372a J15 Latham, R. G. Importance of the study of language as a branch of education for all classes (see Royal institution of Great Britain Lectures on education 1855 p.89-113) 370.4 R81 Laurie, S. S. Lectures on language and linguistic method in the school 1893 407 L37 Mueller, F:M. Inaugural lecture on the value of comparative philology as a branch of academic study (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.4,p.l-62) 824.89 M91 Payne, Joseph On teaching foreign lan- guages (see his Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.168-176) 370.9 P29 Thompson, D. W. Day dreams of a school master 1885 407 T37 Weaver, E. W. Pictures in language work 1896 372.6 W37 See also Classics, Study and teaching of Lanier, Sidney Poems; ed. by his wife 260p. por.D N.Y.Scribner,1889 '91 811.49 L27 Contains a memorial by W:H. Ward Science of English verse 315p.O N.Y. Scribner,1891«80 426 L27 Lansdale, Maria Homor Paris; its sites, monu- ments and history . . . 556p.pl.maps,0 Phil.Coates,1899'98 914.43 L29 LANTERN PROJECTION Hopkins, G. M. Lantern projection (in his Experimental science 1902 v.2,p.75-138) 530 H77 Parker, E:J. The lantern n.d. 535 P22 LAN LAO Laocoon; an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry Lessing, G. E. 701 L56 LAPLACE, PIERRE SIMON DE marquis 1749-1827 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Lagrange and Laplace- the stability of the solar sys- tem and the nebular hypothesis (see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 p.254-272) 520.9 L82 LAPLAND Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the long night 1905<=1899 914.7 D85 LA PLATA See Rio de la Plata LA PORTE Public schools Rice, J. M. Minneapolis, La Porte, and the Cook county normal (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.l93- 216) 379.73 R36 Lapsley, Gaillard Thomas County Palatine of Durham; a study in constitutional history 380p.O Lond.Longmans,1900'=1899 (Har- vard historical studies) 342.42 L31 Larcom, Lucy New England girlhood outlined from memory 274p.S Bost.Houghton, <^1889 {Riverside library for young peo- ple) B L32 Poetical works 325p.por.pl.D Bost.Hough- tonj'lSeS '84 811.49 L32 Lardner, Dionysius ed. Cabinet cyclopedia Cabinet of natural history Lamed, Josephus Nelson History of the United States for secondary schools 623p.il.map8, D Bost.Houghton,'-1903 R973 L32 Seventy centuries of the life of man; in a sur- vey of history from the earliest known rec- ords down to the present time . . . 2v.il. por.pl.O Springfield ( Mass) ,Nichols,1905 909 L32 V. 1 Ancient and medieval period V. 2 Modern period ed. History for ready reference . . . 5v.F Springfield ( Mass ) ,Nichols,l 895«93 R903 L32 Lamed, Walter Cranston of medieval France Scribner,1895 LA SALLE, ROBERT CAVELIER sieur DE 1643-1687 Parkman, Francis La Salle and the discovery of the great West 1886 «69 '79 973.2 P231 LASSALLE, FERDINAND 1825-1864 Ely, R:T. Ferdinand Lassalle (see Ely, R: 280 Churches and castles 236p.pl.O N.Y. 726 L32 T. French and German socialism *1883 p.189-203) 335 E19 KiRKUP, Thomas Kirkup, Thomas 1892 p.69-116) Ferdinand Lassalle (see History of socialism 335 K63 Rae, John Ferdinand Lassalle (see Rae, John Contemporary socialism 1884 p.60-103) 335 R12 WooLSEY, T. D. Ferdinand Lassalle and the German workingmen's union (see Wool- sey, T. D. Communism and socialism 1888 <=80 p.171-181) 335 W88 Last voyages of the Macliae, C:P. Admiral of the Ocean sea B C72m Latham, Henry On the action of examinations; considered as a means of selection 544p.D Camb.Deighton,1877 378.24 L34 Latham, Robert Gordon Ush language . . . ton,1873 Handbook of the Eng- 398p.O N.Y.Apple- 420 L34 Importance of the study of language as a branch of education for all classes (see Royal institution of Great Britain Lec- tures on education 1855 p.89-113) 370.4 R81 Latimer, Mrs Mary Elizabeth (Wormeley) Eng- land in the nineteenth century Ed.4 451p.por.O Chic.McClurg,1897 942.08 L34 Europe in Africa in the nineteenth century 451p.por.maps,0 Chic.McClurg,1895 960 L34 France in the nineteenth century, 1830-1890 450p.por.O Chic.McClurg,1896 944.08 L34 Italy in the nineteenth century, and the mak- ing of Austria-Hungary and Germany Ed.2 436p.por.O Chic.McClurg,1897«^96 945 L34 Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century Ed.4 413p.por.O Chic.McClurg,1897<'93 947 L34 Spain in the nineteenth century Ed.3 441p. por.O Chic.McClurg,1898<=97 946 L34 Latin church See Catholic church LATIN LANGUAGE Dictionaries Andrews, E. A. ary 1882«77 '79 Harper's Latin diction- E473 An2 281 Stiidy and tecKhing Abbott, E. A. On the teaching of Latin verse composition (see Eve, H:W. Sidg- wick, Arthur and Abbott, E. A. Three lectures on subjects connected with the prac- tise of education 1883 p.67-96) 371b Ev2 Bennett, C:E. and Bristol, G:P. Teach- ing of Latin and Greek in the secondary school 1903 (American teachers' series) 470.7 B44 Laxjrie, S. S. Foreign tongues Latin as type Method of teaching Latin (see his Lectures on language and linguistic method [ in the school 1893 p.124-165) i 407 L37 Morris, E. P. Study of Latin in the pre- paratory course 1892 470.7 M83 See also Classics, Study and teaching of I LATIN LITERATURE Cicero Letters 1899 \ 876.1 C48 Cruttwell, C:T: History of Roman litera-« ture 1893 870.9 C88 SiMCOX, G:A: 1883 History of Latin literature 870.9 Si4 Latin schools See Germany — Education; Netherlands — Education Latta, M. L. History of my life and work . . . 371p.il.pl.O Raleigh,n903 B L35 Latter-day pamphlets Carlyle, Thomas (in his Sartor resartus n.d. v.2,p.259-455) 824.82 C198 Laugh and learn Humphreys, Jennett 372a H88 Laugblin, James Laurence History of bimetal- lism in the United States 259p.il.charts,0 N.Y.Appleton,1893<=85 332.42 L36 Study of political economy; hints to students and teachers 153p.il.D N.Y.Appleton, 1885 330.7 L36 ed. Mill, J:S. omy 1891 "=84 Principles of political econ- 330 M59 LAUGHTER Mivaet, St George Laughter (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.l, p.388-399) 824.89 M69 Spencer, Herbert The physiology of laugh- ter (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.2,p.452-466) 824.89 Sp3 Sully, James Essay on laughter 1902 157 Su5 Laughton, John Knox Nelson 240p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1895 (English men af ac- tion) B N33 LAUNDRY MANUAL Sheppebd, J. L. Laun- dry work for use in homes and schools 1902 648 Sh4 Laurel crowned letters SfiviGNfi, M. de R. C. marquis de Best letters 1904 B Se8 Laurence, E. V. CTiurch and reform (see Cam- bridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.639-689) 940.7 C14 Laurie, Andre Schoolboy days in Japan; tr. by L. E. Kendall 270p.iLpl.O Bost.Estes, ei895 915.2 L37 Laurie, Simon Somerville Historical survey of pre-Christian education 436p.O Lond. Longmans,1895 (2 copies) 370.9 L37 Institutes of education; comprising an intro- duction to rational psychology; designed partly as a text-book for universities and colleges 272p.S N.Y.Macmillan,1892 371a L37 John Amos Comenius . . . his life and educa- tional works 239p.D Lond.Paul,1881 (Education library) B37 C73 Lectures on language and linguistic method in the school delivered in the University of Cambridge ... 1889 Ed.2 197p.D Edin.Thin,1893 (2 copies) 407 L37 Occasional addresses on educational subjects 215p.D Cambridge university press,1888 370.4 L37 Contents: — -Respective functions In edu- cation of primary, secondary, and univer- sity schools; Free schooling; Professorships and lectureships on education; Organiza- tion of the curriculum of secondary schools; Method applied to the teaching of geog- raphy In the school; On the religious edu- cation of the young; Liberal education In the primary schools; Examinations, emula- tion and competition; John Milton; Prac- tical hints on class management; Appendix, a possible code for primary schools On the philosophy of ethics; an analytical es- say 148p.O Edin.Edmonston,1866 171 L37 Primary instruction in relation to education Ed.3 250p.D Edin.Thin.1883 372a L37 Rise and early constitution of universities; with a survey of medieval education 293p. LAU LAU 282 D N.Y.Appletoji,1887«^96 '86 (Interna- tional education series) (2 copies) 378.1 L37 Training of teachers and other educational papers 369p.D Lond.Paul,1882 370.4 L37t Contents: —r Training of teachers; Pri- mary instruction; Secondary or high schools; Montaigne as an educationalist; The educational wants of Scotland; Author- ity in relation to discipline; Sketch of the history of the education department Laveleye, Emile Louis Victor de L 'instruction du peuple 489p.O Par.Haehette,1872 370.6 L38 Socialism of to day; tr. into English by G. H. Orpen 331p.D Lond.Field,n.d. 335 L38 Contains an account of socialism in Eng- land by G. H. Orpen 1822-1891 "Le gouvernement dans la de- mocratie" Fullerton, W:M. Democ- racy with reference to a recent book (see his Patriotism and science 1893 p.115-164) 824 r95 Lavigne, Louis Bert tr. Demolins, Edmond Anglo-Saxon superiority; to what it is due 1898 914.2 D39 LAVOISIER, ANTOINE LAURENT 1743-1794 Thorpe, T:E: Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (see Thorpe, T:E: Essays in historical chemistry 1894 p.87-109) 540.9 T39 LAW Amos, Sheldon Science of law 1883 (International scientific series) 340.1 Am6 BoLLES, A. S. Home library of law 1905 340 B63 Maine, Sir H:J. S. Dissertations on early law and custom 1886 340 M28 Moore, A. L. Theology and law (see his Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890 p.230-249) 104 M78 See also Business law; Civil law; Constitu- tional law; Copyright; Corporations; Crime and criminals; Feudalism; International law; Land; Lawyers; Legislation; Mar- riage; Murder; Parliamentary practice ; Par- liamentary reform; Partnership; Political science; Poor law; Property; Woman Law and politics in the middle ages Jenks, Ed- ward 350.9 J42 Law of civilization and decay Adams, Brooks The law of civilization and decay; an essay on history 1896 901 Adl Law of nations See International law Law of nature See Natural law Law of psychic phenomena Hudson, T. J. 134 H86 Lawless, Emily Story of Ireland 435p.il.pl. map,D N.Y.Putnam,1892'87 (Story of the nations) 941.5 L42 LAWRENCE, JOHN LAIRD MAIR baron 1811-1879 Temple, Sir Richard baronet Lord Lawrence 1889 (English men of action) B L43 Laws of Fesole Ruskin, John 740 R89 Law association of Philadelphia phia — Law association See Philadel- LAWYERS Bagehot, Walter Bad lawyers or good (i7i his Literary studies 1895 v.3, p.251-279) ■ 824.89 B14 Jjay sermons, addresses and reviews Huxley, T: H : 504 H98 Lay, Wilfrid Mental imagery 1898 (Psycho- logical review Monograph supplement) 150 L45 Lea, Arthur Sheridan Appendix on the chem- ical basis of the animal body (see Foster, Sir Michael Text-book of physiology 1884 p.697-770) 612 F81 Lea, Henry Charles Eve of the reformation (see Cambridge modem history The renaissance 1903'=02 p.653-692) 940.6 C14 Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church Ed.2,en;l. 682p.O Bost.Houghton,1884 254 L46 Leach, Arthur Francis English schools at the reformation, 1546-48 346p.O Westmin- ster,ConstabIe,1896 370.942 L46 History of Winchester college 564p.il.pl.O N.Y.Scribner,1899 373.42 L46 Leaders of public opinion in Ireland Lecky, W: E:H. 941.5 L49 Leaders of religion ; ed. by H : C : Beeching Hodg- kin, Thomas George Fox 1896 B F83 Leaf, Walter Myers, Ernest and Lang, Andrew tr. Homer Iliad 1895*82 '91 883.1 H75 Learning See Education 283 Learning and working Maurice, F:D. 370.4 M44 Leathes, Stanley Mordaunt France {see Cam- bridge modern history The renaissance 1903'02 p.384-416) 940.6 C14 Halsburg and Valois (see Cambridge mod- ern history The reformation 1904 p.36-103) 940.7 C14 Italy and her invaders (see Cambridge mod- ern history The renaissance 1903 '02 p.104-143) 940.6 C14 Note on the reformation in Poland (see Cam- bridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.634-638) 940.7 C14 Leaves of grass Whitman, Walt 811.38 W59 Lebon, AndrS Modem France, 1789-1895 48Sp.il.por.D N.Y.Putnam,1898«97 (Story^ of the nations) 944 L49 Le Bon, Gustave The crowd; a study of the popular mind Ed.4 239p.D Lond.Unwin. 1903 301 L49 Psychology of peoples 1899 236p.O Lond.Unwin, 901 L49 LEBRUN, CHARLES 1619-1690 Dilke, Lady (Emilia Francis Strong) LeBrun and the decorators of Versailles (see her Art and the modern state 1888 p.119-145) 709.44 D57 Lecky, William Edward Hartpole Democracy and liberty 2v.D N.Y.Longmans,1896 342 L49 History of England in the 18th century 4v.O N.Y.Appleton,1882 942.07 L49 History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne Ed.3,enl. 2v.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1891 170.9 L49 History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe New ed.enl. 2v. O N.Y.Appleton,1897 211 L49 Leaders of public opinion in Ireland: Swift- Flood-Grattan-O 'Connell 320p.O N.Y. Appleton,1889 941.5 L49 LECLAIRE, EDME-JEAN 1801-1872 Gil- man, N. P. The father of profit sharing and his house (see Oilman, N. P. Profit sharing 1891*89 p.66-105) 331.2 G42 Le Conte, Joseph 640p.iI.pl.O Elements of geology , . . N.Y.Appleton,1893'77 '91 550.7 L49 Evolution; its nature, its evidences and its re- lation to religious thought Ed.2,enl. 382p. il.D N.Y.Appleton,1892«88 '91 213 L49 Religion and science; a series of Sunday lec- tures on the relation of natural and revealed reUgion . . . 324p.D N. Y.Appleton,1893 «73 239.8 L49 Sight; an exposition of the principles of the monocular and binocular vision 275p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1881 (International scientific series) 535.7 L49 Lecture on the times Emerson, R. W. (see his Nature, addresses and lectures 1893 '55 '83 p.245-276) 814.36 Em3na Lectures of a certain professor Farrell, Joseph 824.89 F24 Lee, Elizabeth tr. Jusseband, J. A. A. J. English novel in the time of Shakespeare 1890 823 J98 Lee, Fitzhugh General Lee 433p.por.map,D N.Y.Appleton,1895''94 (Great commanders) (2 copies) B L51 Lee, Frederick George Church under Queen Elizabeth ; an historical sketch New ed. enl. 376p.D Lond.Baker,1897 283 L51 Lee, Guy Carleton True history of the civil war 421p.por.pl.facsim.maps,0 PhiLLip- pincott,1903 (The "true" series) 973.7 L51 LEE, ROBERT EDWARD 1807-1870 Lee, Fitzhugh General Lee 1895*94 (Great commanders) B L51 Lee, R. E. Recollections and letters of Gen- eral Robert E. Lee by his son 1905*04 B L511 Recollections and letters of General Robert E. Lee by his son 461p.pl.por.O N.Y. Doubleday,1905*04 B L511 Lee, Sidney Lazarus Stratford-on-Avon, from the earliest times to the death of Shakspeare Newed. 304p.il.maps,D Lond.Seeley,1890 (Historic towns) 942.48 L51 Lee, Yan Phou When I was a boy in China lllp.il.por.D Bost.Lothrop,«1887 915.1 L51 Leeds, Lewis W. Treatise on ventilation . . . showing the great want of improved meth- ods of ventilation in our buildings . . . Ed.3 226p.il.pl.O N.Y.Wiley,l 882*71 628.8 L51 LEE LEF 284 Lefevre, Arthur Number and its algebra; syl- labus of lectures on the theory of number and its algebra, introductory to a collegiate course in algebra 230p.D Bost. Heath, 1896 {Heath's pedagogical library) 512 L52 Leffingwell, Albert Vivisection in America {see Salt, H:S. Animals' rights 1894 p.133-176) 179 SaS Leffmann, Henry and Beam, William Select methods in food analysis Ed.2,enl. 396p. il.O Phil.Blakiston,1905 543 L52 Lefroy, W. Chambers Euined abbeys of York- shire . . . New ed. 296p.il.D Lond. Seeley, 1891 914.27 L52 LEGENDS Drake, S:A. New England legends and folk-lore in prose and poetry 1884*83 398.3 D78 Gould, Sabine Baring- Curious myths of the middle ages 1889 398.2 G73 See also Animal legends; Arthur, King; Charlemagne; Fairy tales; Folk lore; Ma- binogion. The ; Mary, Virgin ; Middle ages — Legends; Mythology; Rhine, The; Robin Hood; Roland; Saints; see also The name of the country Legends of the monastic orders Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) 755 J23 LEGGETT, WILLIAM 1802-1839 Whittier, J:G. William Leggett {in Whittier, J: G. Prose works 1893=66 '89 v.2,p.l84- 215) 814.39 W61 LEGISLATION Jevons, W:S. Experimental legislation and the drink traffic {see his Methods of social reform 1883 p.253- 276) 304 J53 Spencer, Herbert Over-legislation {in his Essays; scientific, political, and specu- lative 1891 v.3,p.229-282) 824.89 Sp3 See also Law; Parliamentary reform; Political science Legouvd, Gabriel Jean Baptiste Ernest Wilfrid Art of reading; tr. with notes ... by Ed- ward Roth Ed.2 372p,por.D Phil.Lip- pincott,1885''79 808.5 L52 Reading as a fine art; tr. from the 9th ed. by A. L. Alger 97p.S Bost.Roberts,1879'=78 808.5 L52r Leib, W. H. Voices of children; principles and discipline through which they may be made efficient in speaking and singing 60p.D Bost.GinE,1889'^88 784.9 L53 LEIBNITZ, GOTTFRIED WILHELM baron VON 1646-1716 Dewey, John Leib- nitz 's ' * New essays concerning the human understanding", a critical exposition 1888 {German philosophical classics) 153 D51 Merz, J:T. Leibnitz 1884 {Philosoph- ical classics for English readers) B19 L53 LEICESTER SQUARE DoBsoN, Austin At Leicester fields {see his Miscellanies 1898 P.275-3G5) 824.89 D65m LEIPZIG Hall, G. S. Leipzig "Messe" {see his Aspects of German culture 1881 p.73-79) 834 H14 Leisure hour series Beers, H:A. Century of American literature,1776-1876 1878 810.8 B39 Leitch, James Practical educationists and their systems of teaching 302p.D Glasg.Macle- hose,1876 9 L53 Contents: — John Locke; Henry Pestalozzi; Andrew Bell; Joseph Lancaster; Samuel Wllderspin; David Stow; Herbert Spencer Leland, Charles Godfrey Industrial art in schools 37p.O Wash.govt.pr.0.1882 ( United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 Manual of wood carving; rev. by J: J. Holtz- pflfel 162p.il.pl.O N.Y.Scribner,1891 736 L53 Minor arts; porcelain painting, wood-carving, stencilling, modelling, mosaic work, etc. 148p.il.pl.D Lond.Macniillan,1880 740 L53 Practical education; treating of the develop- ment of memory, the increasing quickness of perception, and training the constructive faculty Ed.2 280p.D Lond.Whittaker, 1888 607 L53 Leland Stanford junior university Saturday teachers' class v.p.O Cal.Stanford,1895 n.t.p. 370.4 L53 Contents: — Child study; Tennyson and Browning; Nature study Lenormant, Frangois and Chevallier, E. A man- ual of the ancient history of the East to the commencement of the Median wars 2v.D Lond.Asher,1869 930 L54 V. 1 Primitive times; Israelites; Egyp- tians; Assyrians and Babylonians 285 V. 2 Medes Arabians and Persians; Phoenicians; Lethaby, WiUiam Kichard ed. ARTISTIC crafts series of technical handbooks Lenth^ric, Charles Pierre Marie Riviera, an- cient and modern; tr. by Charles West 464p.maps,0 N.Y.Putnam,! 895 914.49 L54 LEO I, SAINT "THE GREAT " (?) -461 Loed, John Leo the Great (tn Lord, John Beacon lights of history '=1883'96 v.l, p.425-463) 904 L88 LEO XIII pope 1810-1903 Crawford, F, M. Leo, the thirteenth {in Crawford, F. M. Ave Roma immortalis 1898 v.2,p.218- 267) ■ 914-5 C85 Leonard, Emily J. tr. Blanqui, A. J. His- tory of political economy in Europe n.d. 330.9 B61 Leonard, John William ed. Who's who in America Latest volume R9 W62 Leonard and Gertrude Pestalozzi, J:H: 370 P43 Leonardo da Vinci See Vinci, Leonardo da Lerow, Catherine Bigelow ed. English as she is taught; genuine answers to examination questions in our public schools 109p.S N.Y.Cas8eU,'1887 420.7 L56 LESSING, GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM 1729-1781 ROLLESTON, T:W:H. Life of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 1889 {Great writers) B L56 Laocoon; an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry; with remarks illustrative of various points in the history of ancient art; tr. by Ellen Frothingham 250p.D Bost. Roberts,1893 701 L56 Minna von Barnhelm; ed. by R:A. von Minck- witz and A. C. Wilder 218p.por.S Bost. Ginn,«1904 438 L56 DeQuincsy, Thomas Lessing {see De Quincey, Thomas Essays in philosophy «1856'77 p.369-438) 104 D44 LowEix, J. R. Lessing (tn Lowell, J. R. Literary essays • 1892 '94'64 '90 v.2.p.l62- 231) 814.39 L95U WELX.S, B:W. Lessing the reformer {see Wells, B:W. Modem German literature 1897 p.73-110) 830.9 W46 L 'Estrange, Alfred Guy Kingham Royal Win- chester; wanderings in and about the an- cient capital of England 304p.il.D Lond. Blackett,1889 914.22 L.56 Letoumeau, Charles Jean Marie Property; its origin and development 401p.D Lond. Scott,1892 {Contemporary science series) 335.01 L56 Letters and social aims Emerson, R. W. 814.36 Em31e Letters of the alphabet See Alphabet Letters to a daughter Starrett, H. E. 395 St2 Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel Blow, S. E.. 372.2 B621 Letters to dead authors Lang," Andrew 9 L25 Levana Richter, J:P.F: 370 R41 Levasseur, M. E. L'enseignement de la geog- raphic dans I'ecole primaire {see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les confer- ences pedagogiques faites aux instituteurs 1881 p.1-50) 370.6 P21 Level of social motion Lane, M. A. 300 L24 Leveijng See Surveying Levermore, Charles H. and Dewey, D. B. Polit- ical history since 1815, excluding the United States; a syllabus of lectxires prepared for use in the Massachusetts institute of tech- nology 116p.O Bost.Schofield,1889 350.9 L57 Levin, Rahel See Vamhagen von Ense, Ma- dame Lewes, George Henry Biographical history of philosophy from its origin in Greece down to the present day 2vin 1 N.Y.Appleton, 1883 109 L58 Comte's philosophy of the sciences; being an exposition of the principles of the "Cours de philosophic positive" of Auguste Comte 351p.D Lond.Bell,1883 (Bohn's philo- sophical library) 194.8 L58 3vin 4,0 Bost. 150 L58 Problems of life and mind Osgood,1877-80 V. 1 Wanting V. 2 Physical basis of mind V. 3, pt. 1 Study of psychology v. 3. pt. 2 Mind as a function of the or- ganism; The sphere of sense and logic of feeling; The sphere of Intellect and logic of signs LEW LEW 286 1817-1878 EiBOT, A:T. Lewes (see Ribot, A:T. ogy 1874 p.255-314) Mr George H. English psychol- 150 B35 Lewes, Louis Women of Shakespeare; tr. from the German by Helen Zimmern 384p.O N.Y.Putnam,1895 822.33 L58 Lewes, Mrs Makian (Evans) See Eliot, George (pseud, of Mrs M.. A.. (Evans) Lewes Cross) Lewin, Walter ed. Steele, ^StV Richard and Addison, Joseph Lover and other papers 1887 828 St3 Swift, Johnathan Prose writings n.d. 827.52 Sw5p Lewis, Charlton Thomas History of Germany from the earliest times; founded on Dr. David Miiller's "History of the German people" 799p.il.maps,D N.Y.Harper,1882 •=74 943 L58 and Short, Charles ed. Andrews, E. A. Harpers ' Latin dictionary . . . 1882''50 '79 R473.2 An2 Lewis, David Drink problem and its solution Ed.2 333p.D Lond.National temperance publication depot,1883 178 L58 Drink traffic in the 18th century, its growth and influence 122p.D Lond.National temperance publication depot,1885 178 L58d Lewis, Die New gymnastics for men, women and children Ed.24,enl. 286p.il.por.D N.Y.Barnett,1886'=67 613.7 L58 Lewis, Edwin Herbert First manual of compo- sition . . . 236p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1900 428 L58 ed. Introduction to the study of literature . . . 410p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1900a899 807 L58 Lewis, F, Park tr. Sizeranne, Maurice de la The blind as seen through blind eyes 1893 371.91 Si9 LEWIS, Sir GEORGE CORNEWALL baronet 1806-1863 Bagehot, Walter Sir George Cornewall Lewis (see Bagehot, Walter Biographical studies 1895 p.223-266) 9 B14 Lewis, Henry King The child; its spiritual nature . . . 222p.pl.O Lond.Macmil- lan,1896 372b L58 Lewis, Robert E. Educational conquest of the far East 248p.por.pl.D N,Y.Revell,«1903 370.952 L58 LEXICONS For lexicons of any language or subject see the name of the language or the subject, sub-division, Dictionaries Libation-bearers .^schylus (see his House of Atreus pref.1881 p.79-134) 882.1 AeS LIBERAL EDUCATION Eliot, C:W: What is a liberal education? (see his Educa- tional reform 1901'=1898 p.87-122) 370.4 E14 Ladd, G:T. Essentials of a modern liberal education (see his Essays on the higher education 1899 p.109-142) 370.4 L12 LIBERALISM Arnold, Matthew Future of liberalism (see his Irish essays 1894 p.378-408) 824.85 Ar6m Irish Catholicism and British liberalism (in his Mixed essays 1894 p.73-106) 824.85 Ar6m Liberation, The Heine, Heinrich (see his Prose writings n.d. p.57-65) 838 H36 Liberty and free-soil parties in the Northwest Smith, T. C. 973.7 Sm5 LIBERTY BELL Keyser, C:S. Liberty bell, Independence hall, Philadelphia 1893 917.481 K52 Liberty of conscience See Private judgment; Religious liberty LIBERTY OF THE PRESS Putnam, G:H. Books and their makers during the middle ages 1896 '97 655 P98 LIBRARIES Gilman, D. C. University libra- ries (see his University problems in the United States 1898 p.235-261) 378.73 G42 Jevons, W:S. Rationale of free public libraries (see his Methods of social re- form 1883 p.28-52) 304 J53 Lowell, J. R. Books and libraries (see his Literary and political addresses 1894 «86'90 p.78-98) 814.39 L951 Ogle, J: J. The free library; its history and present condition 1898 027 Og5 Spofford, a. R. a book for all readers de- signed as an aid to the collection, use and preservation of books and the formation of public and private libraries 1905*00 020 Sp6 28r United States — Education, Bureau of Public libraries of the United States of America 1876 R027.4 Un3 See also Books; Cataloging of books; Clas- sification of books; Libraries and schools; Library catalogs; Library science; Medical libraries; School libraries LIBRARIES AND SCHOOLS Green, S. S. Libraries and schools 1883 021 G82 LIBRARY BUILDINGS Construotion of U- brary buildings 1881 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of informa- tion) 370.6 Un3 LIBRARY CATALOGS Columbia university Library bulletins; books on education in the libraries of Columbia university 1901 R017 C71 Detroit pubuc libbaey General catalogue of the books except fiction, French and German 4v.Q Detroit,1889-1899 R019.1 D48 OsTERHOUT FREE UBRARY ( iVUkesbarre) Class catalogue and author index 1889 '95 R019.1 Os7 Philadelphia — Pedagogical library Cata- • logue with bibliographical notes and refer- ences 1887 017 P53 Also supplement to catalogue 1890 United States — Education, Bureau of Cat- alog of "A. L. A." library 1893 R019 Un3 Library economy See Library science Library of American literature and Hutchinson, E. M. Library of choice literature Gibbon, Charles ed. Stedman, E. C. ed. R810.8 St3 Spofford, A. R. and R803 Sp6 Library of contemporary science Topinard, Paul Anthropology 1881 '98 573 T62 Library of economics and politics; ed. by R:T. Ely Hull-house maps and papers «1895 331.8 H87 Library of entertaining history; ed. by Arthur Gilman Harrison, J. H. Spain 1881 946 H24 Library of literary history Wendell, Barrett Literary history of America 1901 810.9 W48 Library of old authors Lowell, J. B. (in his Literary essays 1892 '94*64 '90 v.l, p.217-348) 814.39 L95U Library of philosophy; ed. by J. H. Molibead BoNAR, James Philosophy and political economy 1893 330 B64 Bradley, F. H. Appearance and reality 1893 110 B72 Erdmann, J:E: History of philosophy 1891-92 109 Er2 Stout, G:F: Analytic psychology 1896 150 St7 Villa, Guido Contemporary psychology 1903 150 V71 Library of popular knowledge Chambers, G:F: Story of the weather 1897 551.5 C35 MuiR, M. M. P. Story of chemical elements 1897 541 M89 . RoDWAY, James Story of forest and stream 1897 634 R61 ibrary of travel; ed. by M. M, George Alaska 917.98 G29 Balkan peninsula 914.96 K81 Belgium 914.93 G29 Canada 917.1 G29 China 915.1 G29 Cuba 917.29 G29 England 914.2 G29 France 914.4 G29 Germany 914.3 G29 Germany, South 914.3 G29 Hawaiian islands 919.6 G29 Netherlands 914.92 D34 Ireland 914.1 G29 Italy 914.5 W58 Japan 915.2 G29 Mexico 917.2 G29 Philippine islands 919.1 G29 Porto Rico 917.29 G29 Spain 914.6 G29 Scotland 914.1 W58 Switzerland 914.94 G29 Library of useful stories Allen, C:G.B. Story of the plants 1896 '95 580 A15 Anderson, R. E. Story of the extinct ci\'ili- zations of the East 1897'96 930 An2 Baldwin, J. M.. Story of the mind 1899 «98 150 B19 Chambers, G:F. Story of the stars 1895 523 C35 Clodd, Edward Story of "primitive" man 1895 '99 571 C62 Wilkinson, Fred Story of the cotton plant 1902 677 W65 LIB LIB 288 Lilly, William Samuel modern thought Chapman,1885 LIBRARY SCIENCE Cutter, C:A. Rules for Woodhull, J:F. a dictionary catalogue 1891 (United 1893 States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Periodicals Library journal, monthly, 1906-date 020 L63 Liddell, Henry George and Scott, Eobert ed. Greek-English lexicon; abridged with an ap- pendix of proper and geographical names prepared by J. M. Whiton Ed.l7 831p.D Bost.Ginn,1883 '78 R483 L61 Lidgett, J. Scott Settlements and the adminis- tration of the poor law (see Reason, Will ed. University and social settlements 1898 p.63-70) 331.8 R^3 LIEBER, FRANCIS 1800-1872 Harley, L. R. Francis Lieber 1896 B L62 Liebig, Justus von baron Development of ideas in physical science (see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881*^67 p.345-370) 375.5 Y8 Life •Farrell, Joseph About life (see his Lectures of a certain professor 1877 p.194-226) 824.89 F24 LIFE Wallace, A. R. Man's place in the universe 1903 523 W15 See Biology; Christian life; Conduct of life; Ethics; Future life; Hygiene; Man; Philosophy Life, adventures and piracies of the famous Cap- tain Singleton Defoe, Daniel 823.51 D36 Life and her children Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buck- ley) 592 F53 Life and immortality Gentry, T:G: 591.5 G28 Life and nature at the English lakes Rawnsley, H. D. 914.28 R19 Life on our seashore Emerton, J. H. 592 Em3 Life on the lagoons Brown, H. R. F. 914.53 B81 LIGHT Mayer, A. M. and Barnard, Charles Light 1884*77 (Experimental science series) 535 M45 Vooel, Hermann Chemistry of light and Lowell, J. R. photography 1893 (International scien- Lowell, J. B. tific series) 771 V86 p.177-209) First course in science 535 W85 See also Blind, The ; Color ; Color blindness ; Electric light; Eye, The; Microscopy; Per- spective; Photography; School hygiene; Sight; Spectrum; Sun Light and shade See Drawing Lighting of school-rooms Rowe, S. H. 727.1 R79 Like will to like Fulwell, Ulpian (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- Ush plays 1874 '75 '76 v.3,p.303-359) 822.08 D66 Lillie, Arthur Influence of Buddhism on prim- itive Christianity 184p.D Lond.Sonnen- schein,1893 (Philosophy at home series) 294 L62 Lillie, John and Ness, Bertha tr. Reclus, J. J. E. History of a mountain 1881 551.43 R24 Lillie, John and Hoey, Mrs Cashel R:&musat, COMTESSE DE Mcmoirs 1900 B R28 Ancient religion and Ed.2 367p.O Lond. 239 L62 Century of revolution 235p.O Lond.Chap- man,1889 944 L62 Chapters in European history, with an intro- ductory dialogue on the philosophy of his- tory 2v.O Lond.Chapman,1886 940 L62 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, president of the United States, 1809-1865 Brooks, Noah Abra- ham Lincoln 1895<=88'94 (Heroes of the nations) B L63 Herndon, W:H: and Weik, J. W: Abra- ham Lincoln; the true story of a great life 1892«88 B L63h Morse, J:T. jr Abraham Lincoln 1893 (American statesmen) B L63m Emerson, R. W. Emerson, R. W. p.305-315) Abraham Lincoln (see Miscellanies 1893=78 '83 814.36 Em3m Lord, John Abraham Lincoln (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history =1883 '96 v.7,p.451-527) 904 L88 Abraham Lincoln (see Political essays 1894 973.7 L95 289 Lincoln, David Francis School and industrial hygiene 152p.il.S PhiLBlaki9ton,1880 (American health primers) 371.7 L63 Lindner, Onstay Adolf Manual of empirical psychology as an inductive science; a text- book for high schools and colleges; tr. by Charles De Garmo 274p.il.D Bost.Heath, 1889 150 L64 Lindsay, T. M. Luther (see Cambridge mod- ern history The reformation 1904 p.104-141) 940.7 C14 Lindsay, W. Lander Mind in the lower animals in health and disease 2v.O N.Y.Apple- ton,1880 591.5 L64 Lingard, John History of England from the first invasion by the Eomans to . . . 1688 lOv.O DubUn,DuflFy,1888 942 L64 Lingua (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select col- lection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.9,p.331-463) ' 822.08 D66 Linguistics See Language Lippincott educational series; ed. by M. G. Brum- baugh Kaxt, Immaxuel Educational theory 1904 370 K13 Kemp, E. L. History of education 1902*01 370.9 K32 ScHAEPFER, N. C. Thinking and learning to think 1900 153 Schl Sharpless, Isaac Two centuries of Penn- sylvania history 1900 974.8 Sh2 Lippincott 's biographical dictionary See Thomas, Joseph K9 T36 Lippincott 's gazetteer of the world New ed. enl. 2680p.Q Phil.Lippincott,1883'80'82 R910 L66 Lipscomb, Andrew A. and Bergh, A. E. ed. Jeffeksox, Thomas Writings 1903 820.8 J35 Literary blunders Wheatley, H:B: 808.7 W56 LITERARY CRITICISM Arnold, Matthew Essays in criticism 1896 824.85 Ar6e Function of criticism at the present time (see his Essays in criticism 1883*96 v.l,p.l-41) 824.85 Ar6e Matthews, J. B. Whole duty of critics (see his Americanisms and Briticisms 1892 p.114-134) 814 M43 Spen'cer, Herbert Replies to criticisms (in his Essays; scientific, political and specula- tive 1891 v.2,p.21 8-320) 824.89 Sp3 See also Literature; Rhetoric ft Literary ethics Emeesom, R. W. (see his Na- ture, addresses and lectures 1893*55 '83 p.149-180) 814.36 Em3na Literary friends and acquaintance Howells, W: b. B H83 Literary history See Literature Literary interpretation of life Crawshaw, W. H. 801 C85 Literary landmarks Burt, M.. E. 028 B95 Literary leader* of America Burton, Richard 810.7 B95 Literary men and women See Authors Literary property See Copyright Literary societies See Academies Literary source-book of the Italian renaissance Whitcomb, Merrick 850.9 W58 LITERARY STYLE Spencer, Herbert Phil- osophy of style (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.3,p.333- 369) 824.89 Sp3 LITERATURE Arnold, Matthew Essays in criticism 1883 '96 824.85 Ar6e Botta, Mrs A.. C. (Lynch) Hand-book of universal literature 1885*60 '84 802 B65 Burroughs, John Science and literature (see his Indoor studies 1895*89 p.43- 67) 814.41 B94i DowDEN, Edward Studies in literature 1892 804 D75 • Emerson, R. W. Quotation and originality (see his Letters and social aims 1893*75 '88 p.167-194) 814.36 EmSle Thoughts on modern literature (see his Natural history of the intellect Papers from the cUal 1894*93 p.177-201) 814.36 EmSn Gardiner, J. H. Forms of prose literature 1900 808 G17 Lang. Andrew Letters to dead authors 1893 9 L25 Laurie, S. S. Language as literature (see his Lectures on language and linguistie LIT LIT 290 method in the school 1893 p.96-123) 407 L37 Lowell, J. R. Library of old authors (in his Literary essays 1892'94'=64'90 v.l, p.217-348) 814.39 L95H MuLLANY, P. F. (Brother Azarias pseud.) Literature; its nature and influence (see his Essays; miscellaneous 1896 p.1-49) .801 M91 Prescott, W:H. Biographical and critical miscellanies 1882<=75 804 P92 Spalding, J:L. Books (see his Thoughts and theories on life and education 1897 p.165-208) 377 Spl SwiNTON, William Studies in English liter- ature 1885'80 808 Sw6 See also Authors; Allusions; Books; Celtic literature; Chap books; Comedy; Copy- right; Drama; Fables; Fairy tales; Fic- tion; Folk lore; Hymns; Journalism; Lan- guage; Legends; Libraries; Library cata- logs; Literary criticism; Manuscripts; Mid- dle ages — Literature; Orations and oratory; Periodicals; Poetry; Printing; Proverbs; Quotations; Reading; Renaissance; Rhet- oric; also The name of the literature Collections Bellamy, B. W. and Goodwin, M. W. Open Mullany, p. F: (Brother Azamas pseud.) An essay contributing to a philosophy of literature 1899 801 M91 sesame 1895^89 '90 808 B41 Spofford, a. R, and Gibbon, Charles ed. Library of choice literature "1888 R808.8 Sp6 Dictionaries Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable n.d. R803 B75 Readers' hand-book of allusions, references, plots and stories 1883 R803 B75r History Elton, Oliver Augustan ages 1899 (Periods of European literature) 809 E18 PosNETT, H. M. Comparative literature 1886 (International scientific series) 809 P84 Scudder, H. E. Childhood in literature and art 1894 '95 809 Scu4 Philosophy Crawshaw, W. H. Literary interpretation of Ufe 1900 801 C85 Study and teaching Bates, Arlo ture 1897 Talks on the study of litera- 807 B31 Colby, J. R. Literature in the high school (in Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.145-164) 370.6 H41 Corson, Hieam 1895^^94 Aims of literary study 807 C81 Lewis, E : H. ed. Introduction to the study of literature 1900^1899 808 L58 McMuRRY, C:A. Special method for litera- ture and history in the common schools 1896'^94 807 M22 Special method in the reading of complete English classics 1903 807 M22s Mansfield, E : D. Literature as a means of education (see his American education 1877 p.220-243) 379.73 M31 Literature and dogma Arnold, Matthew 239 Ar61 Literature primers; ed. by J:R: Green Brooke, S. A: English literature «1879'82 820.9 B79 DowDEN, Edward Shakspere n.d. 822.33 D758 Literatures of the world; ed. by Edmund Gosse Aston, W:G. History of Japanese litera- ture 1899 895 As8 Garnett, Richard History of Italian litera- ture 1898 850.9 G18 LiiTZOW, F. H. H. V. graf von History of Bohemian literature 1899 891.86 L97 Little book of profitable tales Field, Eugene 813.49 F45 Little book of western verse Field, Eugene 811.49 F45 Liturgy of the church of England See Church of England Liverpool school board Suggestions to the managers of public elementary schools 98p.tab.D Lond.Isbister,1881 371c L75 Lives See Biography; also The name of the person and the classes of persons Lives of the queens of England Strickland, Ag- nes 9 St8 291 Lloyd, Francis E. and Bigelow, M. A. Teach- ing of biology in the secondary school 491p.O Lond.Longman8,1904 {American teachers' series) 570.7 L77 Lloyd, Henry Demarest A country without strikes; a visit to the compulsory arbitration court of New Zealand . . . 183p.D N.Y. Doubleday,1902'00 331 L77 Lloyd, William Watkiss Critical essays on the plays of Shakespeare 493p.D Lond.Bell, 1892 822.33 L77 Lobban, J. H. ed. English essays 257p.D. Lond.Blackie,n.d. 824.08 L78 LOCKE, JOHN 1632-1704 Botone, H:R:F. Life of John Locke 1876 B19 L79 Fowler, Thomas Locke n.d. {Englisli men, of letters) B G57 Bound with lives of Goldsmith by William Black and of Gray by E. W:Gosse Fraser, a, C. Locke 1890 (Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 L79f Quick, R. H. Introduction ; biographical and critical (see Locke, John Some thoughts concerning education 1880 59p.pref.) 370.1 L79 An essay concerning human understanding; ed. by A. C. Fraser . . . 2v.por.O Oxf. Clarendon press,1894 151 L79 Philosophical works 2v.por.tab.D Lond. Bell,1882 '83 (Bohn library) 151 L79p Contents: — Essay concerning human un- derstanding; Controversy with the Bishop of Worcester; An examination of P. Male- branche's opinion of seeing all things in God, with remarks upon some of Mr Nor- ris's books; Elements of natural philos- ophy; Some thoughts concerning reading and study for a gentleman Some thoughts concerning education; with an introduction and notes by R. H. Quick . . . 240p.S Cambridge university press,1880 (Pitt press series) 370 L79 Two treatises on civil government . . . Ed.2 320p.D Lond.RoutIedge,1887 (Morley universal library) 320.1 L79 Preceded by Sir Robert Kilmer's "Patrl- archa" Browning, Oscar Locke (see Browning, Oscar Educational theories* 1882 p.102-118) 370.9 B82in Leitch, James John Loc^e (see Leitch, James Practical educationists and their systems of teaching 1876 p.1-51) 370.9 L53 MuNROE, J. P. Montaigne and Locke (see Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.95-123) 370.9 M92 Payne, Joseph Locke, Rousseau, Basedow (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the his- tory of education 1892 p.83-96) 370.9 P29 Quick, R. H. Locke (see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers 1879 '91 '97'^90 p.219-238) 370.9 Q41 Lockhart, John Gibson Life of Sir Walter Scott . . . 2v.por.pl.facsim.D N.Y. Crowell,pref.l848 B ScoSl 1794-1854 Saintsburt, G:E:B. Lockhart (see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Essays in Eng- lish literature 1890 p.339-373) 824 Sa2 Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman Astronomy 12 Op. il.pl.S N.Y.Appleton,n.d. (Science prim- ers) (2 copies) 523 L81 Dawn of astronomy; a study of the temple- worship and mythology of the ancient Egyptians 432p.il.pl.tab.O N.Y.Macmil- lan,1894'93 520 L81 Studies in spectrum analysis D N.Y.Appleton,1878 scientific series) 258p.il.pl.map, (l7itemational 535.8 L81 Locomotive engines See Steam engines Locusts and wild honey Burroughs, John 814.41 B941 Lodge, Henry Cabot Alexander Hamilton 306p.D • Bost.Houghton,1893<^82 (Ameri- ca7i statesmen) B H18 Daniel Webster Ed.7 372p.D Bost. . Houghton,1886"=83 (American statesmen) B W39 George Washington 2v.D Bost.Houghton, 1889 (American statesmen) B W271 Short history of the English colonies in America 560p.O N.Y.Harp€r,1882'81 973.2 L82 Story of the revolution 2vil.O N.Y.Scrib- ner,1898 973.3 L82 Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph Pioneers of science 404p.il.por.O Lond.Macmillan,1893 520.9 L82 Contents: — Copernicus and the motion of the earth; Tycho Brahfi and the earliest conservatory; Kepler and the laws of LOD LOD 292 planetary motion; Galileo and the inven- tion of the telescope; Galileo and the In- quisition; Descartes and his theory of vor- tices; Sir Isaac Newton; Newton and the law of gravitation; Newton's "Princlpia"; Roemer and Bradley and the velocity of light; Lagrange and Laplace — the stability of the solar system and the nebular hypoth- esis; Herschel and the motion of the fixed stars; The discovery of the asteroids; Bes- sel, the distances of the stars, and the dis- covery of the stellar planets; The discovery of Neptune; Comets and meteors; The tides and planetary evolution Lodge, Richard Close of the middle ages, 1273- 1494 570p.maps,D N.Y.Macmil]an,1901 (Periods of European history) 940.4 L82 History of modern Europe from the capture of Constantinople by the Turks to the treaty of Berlin,1878 772p.D N.Y.Harper,1886 '96 (Student's edition) (2 copies) 940.5 L82 Lodge, Thomas Wounds of civil war (in Dods- ley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.7,p.97-197) 822.08 D66 1556-1625 GossE, E. W: Thomas Lodge (see Gosse, E. W: Seventeenth century studies 1897 p.1-46) 824.8 G69 Lofving, Concordia On physical education and its place in the rational system of education ; a lecture 67p.por.D Lond.Sonnenschein, pref.1882 613.7 L82 tr. Haetelius, T. J. Home gymnastics 1883 613.7 H25 LGEWE, JOHANN GAEL GOTTFRIED 1796 1869 Bach, A. R. Johann Karl Gott- fried Lowe (see Bach, A. E. The art ballad 1897 p.47-92) 784.4 B12 Loftie, Williain John London Ed.3 223p, maps,D Lond.Longmans,1892 (Historic towns) 942.1 L82 LOGARITHMS Vega, George von haron Logarithmic tables of numbers and trig- onometrical functions 1896 510.8 V52 See also Trigonometry LOGIC Arnauld, Antoine Port Royal logic pref.1851 160 Ar6 Atwater, L. H. Manual of elementary logic, designed especially for the use of teachers and learners 1873'^67 160 At9 Clarke, R:F. Logic n.d. (Manuals of Catholic philosophy) 160 C55 Davis, N. K. Theory of thought; a treatise on deductive logic 1895 160 D29 Erdmann, J:E: Outlines of logic and meta- physics 1896 160 Er2 Hamilton, Sir William Lectures on logic 1871 160 H18 Hegel, G:W:F: Logic 1892 160 H36 Hyslop, J. H. Elements of logic, theoretical and practical 1898<=92 160 H99 Logic and argument 1899 160 H991 Jevons, W:S. Elementary lessons in logic; deductive and inductive; with copious ques- tions and examples and a vocabulary of logical terms 1882 160 J531 Logic 1883 (Science primers) 160 J53 Principles of science; a treatise on logic and scientific method 1883 160 J53p Lotze, R. H. Logic ; in three books — of thought, of investigation and of knowledge 1884 (Clarendon press series) 160 L91 Mill, J:S. System of logic; ratiocinative and inductive 1882 160 M59 MiNTO, William ductive 1893 uals) Logic; inductive and de- (University extension man- 160 M66 Bain, Alexander ductive 1884 Logic; deductive and in- 160 B16 Stewart, Dugald Elements of the phil- osophy of the human mind 1842 150 St4 Suguira, Sadajiro Hindu logic as preserved in China and Japan 1900 160 Si2 Swinburne, A. J. Picture logic; an attempt to popularise the science of reasoning by the combination of humorous pictures with examples of reasoning taken from daily life 1887 160 Sw6 Thomson, William Outline of the necessary laws of thought; a treatise on pure and ap- plied logic 1877 160 T38 See also Argument; Reason; Thought Loiseaux, L. A. Elementary grammar of the Spanish language 192p.D N.Y.Silver, '1900 465 L83 Loisette, A. Assimilative memory; or. How to attend and never forget 170p.por.D N.Y.Funk,«1896 154.1 L83 2M LOLLARDS Powell, Edgar and Trevelyan, G:M. Peasant's rising and the Lollards 1899 942.03 P87 See also Oldcastle, Sir John LOMBARD, PETER 1100-1160(t) Townsend, W:J: The master of the sentences; Peter the Lombard (in Townsend, W:J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881 p.137-150) B19 T66 Iiombroso, Cesare The man of genius 370p.il. por.map,D Lond.Scott,1891 (Contempo- rary science series) 132 L83 and Ferrero, William Female offender; with an introduction by W. D. Morrison 313p.pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1895 (Crim- inology series) 364 L83 LONDON Booth, Charles ed. Life and labour of the people of London 1892 '93 331.8 B64 Harrison, Frederic The transformation of London (see his Meaning of history and other historical pieces 1902'^1894 p.412- 436) 904 H24 London 1892 (Historic 942.1 L82 Loftie, W:J towns) See also Charing Cross; Lambeth palace; Leicester square; Westminster abbey Government Shaw, Albert The government of London (see his Municipal government in Great Britain 1895 p.222-262) 352.042 Sh2 Streets Habben, F. H. London street names 1896 914.21 Hll Travel and description Heine, Heinrich London (see his Prose writings n.d. p.46-52) 838 H36 HuTTON, Laurence Literary landmarks of London 1893''85'92 914.21 H97 Stoddard, J:L. London (in his Lectures 1898 v.9,p.225-336) 910 St6 London chanticleers (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.319-359) 822.08 D66 London institute — City guilds of Calendar . . . 1887-88 359p.il.pl.O Lond.Gresham col- lege,n.d. 607 L84 Long, George tr. Epictetus Discouniea with the Encheiridion and fragments 1890 188.7 Ep4 Marcus Aurelius Antonius Thoughts 1891 188.8 M33 LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH 1807- 1882 Griswold, H. T. Henry W. Long- fellow (seeGriswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894«86 p.220-237) 9 G88 HowELLS, W:D. The white Mr Longfellow (see Howells, W:D. Literary friends and acquaintance 1900 p.178-211) B H83 Robertson, E. S. Life of H. W. Longfellow 1887 (Great writers) B L86 Poetical works 492p.por.pl.O Bost.Hough- ton 1886'41'83 811.34 L86 tr. Dante, Alighieri 1882«67 Divine comedy 851.15 D23 HiGGiNSON, T:W. Longfellow (see Hig- ginson, T:W. Old Cambridge 1899 p.109-144) 814 H53 Richardson, C:F. Henry Wadsworth Long- fellow (in Richardson, C:F. American literature 1887 '89'=86 v.l,p.50-96) 810.9 R39 Scudder, H. E. ed. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (see Scudder, H. E. od. American poems 1895«79'92 p.1-188) 811.08 Scu3 Stedman, E. C. Henry Wadsworth Longfel- low (see Stedman, E. C. Poets of Amer- ica 1894*85 p.180-224) 811.3 St3 Winter, William In memory of Longfel- low (see Winter, William English ram- bles 1884 '=83 p.91-116) 914.2 W73 Longman. Frederic William Frederick the great and the seven years' war 264p.map,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epochs of modern his- tory) 943.05 L86 Longsdorf, H. H. Consolidation of country schools and the transporting of the scholars by use of vans 1901 379.748 L86 LONGUEVILLE, DUCHESSE DE (ANNE GEN- EVIEVE DE BOURBON-CONDE) 1619- 1679 Beard, Charles Madame de Longueville (in Beard, Charles Port Royal 1861 v.2,p.233-325) 273.7 B38 LON LOO 2M Look about you (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Se- lect collection of old English plays 1874 '75 76 v.7,p.385-506) 822.08 D66 Lord, Frances and Lord, Emily tr. Froebel, F:W:A. Mother's songs, games and stories 1892 372.2 F92m Lord, John Beacon lights of history 7v.por.O N.Y.Fords,«1883 904 L88 V. 1 Antiquity V. 2 Middle ages V. 3 Renaissance and reformation V. 4 Warriors and statesmen V. 5 Great women V. 6 Modern European statesmen V. 8 Nineteenth century writers and the life of John Lord Lord's supper Emerson, E. W. (see his Mis- cellanies 1893'=78 '83 p.7-29) 814.36 Em3m Lorenzo di6 Medici See Medici, Lorenzo d6 Lossing, Benson John Harper's popular cyclo- pedia of United States history ... 2v. il.por.Q N.Y.Harper,1881 '82 E973 L89 Pictorial field-book of the revolution . . . 2v.il.Q N.Y.Harper,'^1850 '60 973.3 L89 Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812 1084p. il.Q N.Y.Harper,1868 973.5 L89 Lost lady Barclay, Sir William (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- Ush plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.537-627) 822.08 D66 Lothholz, G. Padagogik der Neuzeit in Lebens- bildern 562p.O Giitersloh, Bertelsmann, 1897 (in Raumer, Karl von Geschichte der Padagogik 1880«90'97 v.3) 370.9 R19 Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland William Henry Seward 446p.D Bo8t.Houghton,1896 (American statesmen) B Se8 Loti, Pierre pseud. Romance of a child; tr. by M.. L. Watkins 179p.D Chic.Rand,1897 372b L19 Lotus-eating Curtis, G:W: 917.47 C94 Lotze, Rudolf Hermann Logic; in three books — of thought, of investigation and of knowl- edge; English translation edited by Bernard Bosanquet 538p.O Oxf .Clarendon press, 1884 (Clarendon press series) 160 L91 Metaphysics; in three books — ontology, cos- mology and psychology; English translation edited by Bernard Bosanquet 539p.O Oxf .Clarendon press,1884 (Clarendon press series) 110 L91 Microcosmus; an essay concerning man and his relation to the world; tr. from the Ger- man by Elizabeth Hamilton and E. E. C. Jones 2v.O N.Y.Scribner,1885 193.8 L91 Outlines of esthetics ... tr. and ed. by G:T. Ladd 113p.D Bost.Ginn,1886 701 L91 Outlines of metaphysic ... tr. and ed. by G:T. Ladd 166p.D Bost.Ginn,1884 110 L91o Outlines of practical philosophy ... tr. and ed. by G:T, Ladd 156p.D Bost.Ginn, 1885 193.8 L91 Outlines of psychology ... tr. and ed. by G:T. Ladd 200p.D Bost.Ginn,1886'85 150 L91 1817-1881 MivART, St George Hermann Lotze and the mechanical philosophy (in Mivart, St George Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2,p.279-288) 824.89 M69 Moore, V. F. Ethical aspect of Lotze 's metaphysics 1901 (Cornell university Studies in philosophy) 110 M78 Robins, E. P. Some problems of Lotze 's theory of knowledge 1900 (Cornell uni- versity Studies in philosophy) 193.8 R55 Lough, E. and Kiesow, F: tr. Mosso, Angelo Fear 1896 157 M85 LOUIS IX, SAINT, king of France, 1215-1270 Perry, Frederic Saint Louis (Louis IX of France), the most . Christian king 1901 «00 (Heroes of the nations) B L92 LOUIS XIV, king of France, 1638-1715 Has- SALL, Arthur Louis XIV and the zenith of the French monarchy 1895 (Heroes of the nations) B L921 < Pardoe, J. S. H. Louis XIV and the court of France in the 17th century 1886 B L923 Lord, John Louis XIV (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.4, p.127-169) 904 L88 See also Maintenon, Franqoise d6 Aubign6^ marquis de LOUIS XV, king of France, 1710-1774 Lord, John Louis XV (in Lord, John Bea- 895 con lights of history «1883 '96 v.4,p.l71- 207) 904 L88 Louis Napoleon See Napoleon III (Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte) LOUIS PHILIPPE, king of France, 1773-1850 Lord, John Louis Philippe (tn Lord, John Beacon lights of history "=1883 '96 v.6,p.215-259) 904 L88 LOUISIANA Wallace, Joseph History of Illinois and Louisiana under the French rule 1893 973 W15 See also Bienville, J. B. L. Education Fay, E. W. The history of education in Louisiana 1898 (United States— Edur cation, Bureau of Circular of informa- tion) . 370.6 Un3 Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford James Feni- niore Cooper 306p.por.D Bost.Hough- ton,1890«S2 (American men of letters) B C78 Studies in Chaucer; his life and writings 3v.por.O N.Y.Harper,1892 821.17 L92 Love Emerson, K. W. (tn his Essays 1894 «65'83 v.l,p.l58-179) 814.36 Em3e Love, James Kerr Deaf mutism; a clinical and pathological study, with chapters on the education and training of deaf mutes by W. H. Addison 369p.D Glasg.MacLe- hose,1896 617.8 L94 Love, Samuel G. and Willard, M. E. Industrial education; a guide to manual training 306p.il.pl.O N.Y.Kellogga887 607 L94 Love affairs of a bibliomaniac Field, Eugene 813.49 F45 Love and law in child training Poulsson, Emilie 372.2 P86 ^ Lover and other papers Steele, Sir Richard and Addison, Joseph 824.89 St3 I Love's meinie Ruskin, John Love's meinie; lectures on Greek and English birds (see his Two paths 1894 p.l 53-205) 824.86 R89t Loves of the poets Jameson, Mrs A,. B. (Mub- PHY) Memoirs of the loves of the poeta 1892 9 J23 Lovett, Robert Morss and Moody, W:V. His- tory of English literature 1902 820.9 M77 Low, Sidney James Mark and Pulling, F:S. eJ. Dictionary of English history 1119p. O Lond.Cassell,1884 R942 L95 Lowe, Charles Prince Bismarck; an historical biography New ed. enl. 330p.por.D Lond.Heinemann,1892 B B54 Lowell, Edward Jackson Hessians; and the other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the revolutionary war 328p.D N.Y. Harper,1884 973.3 L95 Lowell, Francis Cabot Joan of Arc 382p. map,0 Bost.Houghton,1897'96 B J571 LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL 1819-1891 Gris- woLD, H. T. James Russell Lowell (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894^86 p.262-273) 9 G88 Hale, E:E. James Russell LoweU and his friends 1899'98 B L95 Howells, W:D. Studies of Lowell (see HoweUs, W:D. Literary friends and ac- quaintance 1900 p.212-250) B H83 Latest literary essays and addresses 184p. por.D Bost.Houghton,1893«91 814.39 L95 Contents: — Gray; Some letters of W^alter Savage Landor; Walton; Milton's "Areo- pagitica"; Shakespeare's Richard III; ytudy of modem languages; Progress of the world Literary and political addresses 322p.D Bost.Houghtona894'86 '90 814.39 L951 Contents: — Democracy; Garfield; Stanley; Fielding; Coleridge; Books and libraries; Wordsworth; Don Quixote; Han'ard anni- versary; Tariff reform; Place of the Inde- pendent in politics; "Our literature"; Index Literary essa.ys 4v.por.D Bost.Houghton, 1892 '94*64 '90 814.39 L951i v. 1 Moosehead journal; Cambridge thir- ty years ago; I^eaves from my journal In Italy nnd elsewhere; Keats; Library of old authors; Emerson, the lecturer; Thoreau v. 2 New England two centures ago; Carlyle; Swinburne's tragedies; Life and letters of James Gates Percival; Lessing; Rousseau and the sentimentalists; A grreat public character; Witchcraft V.3 Shakespeare once more; Dryden; My garden acquaintance; On a certain conde- scension in foreigners; A good word for winter; Chaucer LOW LOW 296 V. 4 Pope; Wordsworth Milton; Dante; Spenser; Old English dramatists 132p.por,D Best. Houghton,1893<'92 822 L95 Contents: — Introductory; Marlowe; Web- ster; Chapman; Beaumont and Fletcher; Massinger and Ford Poems 4v.por.D Bo8t.Houghton,1894'=48 '90 811.37 L95 Poetical works 422p.por,pl.O Bost.Hough- ton,1886<=48 '85 811.37 L95p Political essays 327p.D Bost.Houghton, 1894=71 '90 973.7 L95 Contents: — American tract society; The election in November; E pluribus unum; The Pickens-and-Stealins rebellion; Gen- eral McClellan's report; The rebellion, its causes and consequences; McClellan or Lin- coln; Abraham Lincoln; Reconstruction; Scotch the snake, or kill it? The president on the stump; The Seward- Johnson reac- tion HiGOiNSON, T:W. Lowell (see Higginson, T:W. Old Cambridge 1889 p.l45- 196) 814 H53 ScuDDER, H. E. ed. James Russell Lowell (see Scudder, H. E. ed. American poems 1895<=79'82 p.347-414) 811.08 Scu3 Lowell institute lectures Ripley, W:Z. Races of Europe 1899 572 R48 Lovmdes, Mary E. tr. Hoffding, Harald Outlines of psychology 1892 150 H67 LOYOLA, IGNATIUS DE (INIGO LOPEZ DE RECALDE) SAINT 1491-1556 Hughes, Thomas Loyola and the educational sys- tem of the Jesuits 1892 (Great educa- tors) B37 L95 Lord, John Ignatius Loyola (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history <=1883'96 p.297-332) 904 L88 Lubbock, Sir John See Avebury, John Lub- bock baron LUCCA Duffy, Bella Tuscan republics (Florence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca with Genoa) 1893 (Story of the nations) 945 D87 LUCIAN, about 120-200(1) Froude, J. A. Lucian (in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.3,p.2] 0-240) 824.89 F93 Luckey, George Washington Andrew Profes- sional training of secondary teachers in the United States 391p.O N.Y.Macmillan, 1903 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 370.7 L96 Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Cams) On the nature of things; a philosophical poem literally tr. into English prose by J : S. Wat- son; to which is adjoined the poetical ver- sion by J:M. Good 496p.D Lond.Bell, 1890 871.1 L96 96(?)B.C.-55B.C. Sellar, W:Y. Lucre- tius and the poetic characteristics of his age (in Oxford essays 1855 p. 1-46) 824.89 0x2 LuDwiG, Christopher 1720-1801 Rhoades, L. I. Christopher Ludwig (see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia '1900 p.222-229) 974.8 R34 Lubke, Wilhelm Outlines of the history of art; a new tr. from the 7th German ed. edited by Clarence Cook . . . 2v.il.Q N.Y.Dodd, 1880'=77 709 L96 Lutzow, Franz Heinrich Hieronymus Valentin graf von History of Bohemian literature 425p.D N.Y.Appleton,1899 (Literatures of the world) 891.86 L97 Lukens, Herman T. The connection between thought and memory; a contribution to pedagogical psychology on the basis of F. W. Dorpf eld 's monograph ' ' Denken und Ge- dachtniss"; with an introduction by G. S. Hall 169p.il.D Bost.Heath,1895 154 L96 Point of difference between race and individ- ual development (in Herbart society Sec- ond year book 1896 p.56-70) 370.6 H41 Lumby, J. R. ed. More, Sir Thomas Utopia 1891 321.8 M81 Lunacy See Insanity LUNDY ISLAND Page, J:L. W. Lundy island (see his Coasts of Devon and Lundy island 1895 p.184-242) 914.23 P14 Lungren, C. M. ed. Alglave. Emile and Bouii- ARD, J. Electric light; its history, produc- tion and applications 1884 621.3 A13 Lupton, J. H. Life of John Colet; with an ap- pendix of some of his English writings 323p.por.O Lond.Bell,1887 B C67 LUPUS SERVATUS (f)-862 Mullingee, J. B. Lupus Servatus; the classics in the 9th 207 century {see Mullinger, J. B. Schools of Charles the Great 1877 p.158-170) 370.94 M91 Lust's dominion; or, The lascivious queen (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l4,p.93- 192) 822,08 D66 Lusty juventus Wever, R. {in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.2,p.41-102) 822.08 D66 LUTHER, MARTIN 1483-1546 Beaed, Charles Martin Luther and the reforma- tion in Germany until the close of the Diet of Worms 1889 B L97 KosTUN, Julius Life of Luther 1891 B L97k Barnard, Heney ed. Martin Luther — education and educational views {see Barnard, Henry ed. German educational reformers 1878 p.97-160) 370.943 B25 Froude, J. A. Times of Erasmus and Luther {in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l,p.37-127) 824.89 F93 Ireland, W:W. Hallucinations of Moham- med, Luther and Swedenborg {see Ire- land, W:W. Blot upon the brain 1886 p.32-51) 132 Ir2 Lindsay, T. M. Luther {see Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.104-141) 940.7 C14 Lord, John Martin Luther {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history n 883 '96 v.3, p.215-252) 904 L88 Painter, F:V. N. Luther on education in- cluding a historical introduction and a translation of the reformer's two most im- portant educational treatises ^1889 B37 L97 Pfleiderer, Otto Luther as the founder of Protestant civilisation {see Pfleiderer, Otto Evolution and theology and other es- says 1900 p.48-79) 201 P47 Souquet, Paul Luther {see Souquet, Paul Les ficrivains pedagogues 1880 p.90-97) 370.8 SoS LUTHERAN CHURCH Jacobs, H:E. His- tory of the Evangelical Lutheran church in the United States 1893 {American church history series) 284.1 J16 Luther 's psalm Cablyle, Thomas (in his Crit- ical and miscellaneous essays n.d. y.2, p.138-142) 824.82 C19 Luys Jules The brain and its functions 327p. il.D N.Y.Appleton,1882 {International scientific series) 612.82 L97 Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyns Warren Hastings 235p.por.map,D Lond.Macmillan,1894 {English men of action) B H27 LYCEUM See Aristotle; Europe — Education; France — Education LYDIA Sayce, a. H: Lydia {see his An- cient empires of the East 1892 p.210- 233) 930 Sa9 Lyell, Sir Charles baronet Student's elements of geology 640p.il.D N.Y.Harper,1891 550.7 L99 Principles of geology; or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants considered as illustrative of geology Ed.ll,enl. 2v. il.pl.O N.Y.Appleton,1892 550 L98 Lyly, John Endymion; the man in the moon ... ed. vsith notes, bibliography, and a biographical introduction by G:P. Baker 109p.D N.Y.Holt,1894 822.39 L98 1554-1606 JussERAND, J. A. A. J. Lyly and his "Euphues" Lyly's legatees (see Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English novel in the time of Shakespeare 1890 p.l03- 215) 823 J98 "Euphues" Raleigh, Walter Euphues {see his English novel 1894 p.29-48) 823 R13 Symonds, J: a. John Lyly {see Symonds, J: A. Shakspere's predecessors in the English drama 1884 p.499-533) 822 Sy6 Lyman Beecher lectures before Yale divinity school 1888 Trumbull, H:C. The Sunday-school 1888 268 T77 Ljrman, Henry Munson Insomnia and other dis- orders of sleep 239p.O Chic.Keener,1885 613.8 L98 LYON, MARY 1797-1849 WiNsmp, A. E. Mary Lyon, the founder of seminaries for girls {see Winship, A. E. Great Ameri- can educators *1900 p.53-80) B39 W78 Lyschinska, Mary J. The kindergarten prin- ciple; its educational value and chief appli- LYS LYS ^ cations E(1.4 ter,1884 173p.il.pl.O Lond.Isbis- 372.2 L99 Ed.6 Lond.Isbister,1886 372.2 L99k and Montefiore, T.. G. Ethical teaching of Froebel as gathered from his works; two es- says 97p.S Lond.Paul,1890 170 L99 Lyte, Henry ChurchiU Maxwell History of Eton college, 1440-1875 527p.il.por.pl.O Lond.Macmillan,1875 373.42 L99 History of the University of Oxford from the earliest times to the year 1530 504p.map, pl.O Lond.Macmillan,1886 378.42 L99 Lyte, Henry Francis Biographical sketch of Henry Vaughan {see Vaughan, Henry Silex scintillans, etc.; sacred' poems and ejaculations 1891 p.l3-43pref.) 821.49 V46 ed. Vaughan, Henry Silex scintillans, etc. 1891 821.49 V46 LYTTELTON, GEORGE 1709-1773 Johnson, Samuel Lyttelton (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.6,p.l95- 207) 9 J62 LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE EARLE LYT- TON BULWER-LYTTON haron 1803- 1873 Griswold, H. T. Edward Bulwer- Lytton {see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894<=86 p.188-196) 9 G88 M Mabie, Hamilton Wright Essay and criticism {see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.257-306) 028 083 Under the trees and elsewhere 198p.D N.Y. Dodd,1891 814.49 Mil MABINOGION, THE Bulpinch, Thomas The Mabinogeon {see his Age of chivalry •=1858 '84 p.193-315) 398.2 B87 MacAlister, James ed. Philadelphia— JJdM- cation, Board of Pedagogical library Catalogue with bibliographical notes and references 1887 017 P53 Also supplement to catalog 1890 McAlpine, D. Zoological atlas Vertebrata unp.pLob.Q Edin.Johnston,1881 E591 Mil Invertebrata unp.pl.obl.Q Edin. Johnston,1881 R592 MHz MACAO Palgeavb, W:G. The three cities {see his Ulysses 1887 p.200-216) 904 P17 MacArthur, Arthur Education in its relation . to manual industry 393p.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1884 607 Mil MacArthur, Margaret History of Scotland 199p.S N.Y.Holt,«1874 {Historical, course for schools) 941 Mil JMacaulay, George Campbell ed. Feoissaet, J£AN Chronicles 1904«1895 940 P92 MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON baron 1800-1859 Griswold, H. T. Thomas Babington Macaulay {see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894<'86 p.177-187) 9 G88 MoRisoN, J:A:C. Macaulay n.d. {Eng- lish men of letters) B B91 Bound with lives of Burke by John Mor- ley and of Fielding by Austin Dobson Critical and historical essays; contributed to the Edinburgh review New ed. 4v.D Lond.Longmans,1889 824.83 Mil Contents: — v. 1 Milton; Machiavelll; Hal- lam's Constitutional history; Southey's Col- loquies on society; Mr Robert Montgomery's Poems; Moore's Life of Lord Byron; South- ey's edition of the Pilgrim's progress; Civil disabilities of the Jews; Boswell's Life of Johnson; Lord Nugent's Memorials of Hampden V. 2 Burleigh and his times; War of the succession in Spain; Horace Walpole; Wil- liam Pitt; Sir James Mackintosh; Lord Bacon; Sir William Temple V. 3 Gladstone on church and state; Lord Cllve; Von Ranke; Leigh Hunt; Lord Hol- land; Warren Hastings v. 4 Frederic the Great; Madame D'Arb- lay; Life and writings of Addison; Earl of Chatham; Index History of England from the accession of James II 5v.por.D Phil.Lippincott,1879 942.06 Mil "History of England" Whittike, J:G. England under James II {in Whittier, 299 J:G. Prose works p.348-367) 1893«66 '83 814.39 V.2, W61 Life and writings of Addison (in his Works 1888<-53 v.l,pref.l3-78) 824.52 Ad2 Speech on parliamentary reform House of commons, March 2, 1831 (see Clarke, Wil- liam ed. Political orations from Went- worth to Macaulay n.d. p.295-311) 320.4 C55 B.^GEHOT, Walter Thomas Babington Ma- caulay (in Bagehot, Walter Ldterary studies 1895 v.2,p.l-43) 824.89 B14 Lord, John Lord Macavday (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history "1883 '96 v.8,p.243-283) 904 L88 Saintsbury, G:E:B. Saintsbury, G:E:B. 1895 p.79-97) Macaulay . (see Corrected impressions 824 Sa2 Macbeth See Shakspere, William MacBride, £. A. and Shipley, A. E. an elementary text-book 1901 Zoology; 590 Sh6 MacCabe, John A. Hints for language lessons and plans for grammar lessons; a hand-book for teachers 58p.D Bost.Ginn,1892 425 M12 McCall, Samuel Walker Thaddeus Stevens 369p.D Bost.Houghton,1899 (American statesmen) B St4 McCarthy, Justin Epoch of reform, 1830-1850 215p.maps,S N.Y.Seribner,n.d. (Epochs of modern history) 942.07 M12 History of our own times Harper,1898 3v.O N.Y. 942.08 M12 Story of the people of England in the 19th century 2v.il.por.pl.D N.Y.Putnam,1899 *98 (Story of the nations) 942.08 M12s McCarthy, Justin Huntley French revolution v.l,D N.Y.Harper,1890 944 M12 Macchiavelu See Machiavelli, Niccolo McCLELLAN, GEORGE BRINTON 1826-1885 Webb, A. S. Peninsula; McClellan's cam- paign of 1862 1881 (Campaigns of the civH war) 973.7 015 McClure, Alexander Kelly how we make them Harper,1900 Our presidents and 418p.por.O N.Y. 824.73 M13 McCook, Henry Christopher Old farm fairies ... a summer campaign in Brownieland against King Cobweaver's pixies 392pJl.D Phil.Jacob8,1895 595.4 M13 Tenants of an old farm; leaves from the note- book of a naturalist . . . 460p.i].D N.Y. Fords,1885 595.7 M13 1893«84 Ed.7 460p.il.D Lond.Hodder, 595.7 M13t McCormack, Thomas Joseph tr. Lageangk, J. L. Lectures on elementary mathematics 1901 510 L13 Schubert, Hermann Mathematical essays and recreations 1898 510.4 Sch7 McCosh, James Emotions Scribner,1880 255p.O N.Y. 157 M13 First and fundamental truths, being a treatise on metaphysics 360p.O N.Y.Scribner, 1889 110 M13 Intuitions of the mind, inductively investigated Ed.3,enl. 451p.O N.Y.Carter,1882 156 M13 Psychology; the cognitive powers 245p.iI.O N.Y.Scribner,1886 150 M13 Psychology; the motive powers; emotions, conscience, will 267p.il.O N.Y.Scribner, 1887 150 M13p Scottish philosophy; biographical, expository, critical; from Hutcheson to Hamilton 481p.O N.Y.Scribner,1890'=74 109 M13 Upper schools (see Hamerton, P. G. and others Higher education and a common language "1879 p.33-57) 370.4 H17 McCrady, Edward 1670-1776 1897 '99 History of South Caro- proprletary sovemment. History of South Carolina, 2v.maps,0 N.Y.Macmillan, 975.7 M13 Contents: — v. 1 Una under the 1670-1719 v. 2 History of South Carolina under the royal government, 1719-1776 McOullough, Annie Willis Little stories for little people 128p.il.D N.Y.American book co,«1902 (Eclectic school readings) B428 M13 MacDonald, Artlinr Abnormal man; being es- says on education and crime and related sub- jects, with digests of literature and a bib- liography 445p.O Waah.govt.pr.o.l898 MAC MAC 300 (United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 Macdonald, Frederika Studies in the France of Voltaire and Kousseau . . . 254p.por. facsim.O Lond.Unwin,1895 B V88m MacDonald, William ed. Select charters and other documents illustrative of American history, 1606-1775 401p.O N.Y.MacmH- lan,1899 973.2 M14 MacDougal, Daniel Trembly tr. and ed. Oels, Walter Experimental plant physiology 1894 581 Oe7 Mac6, Jean History of a mouthful of bread and its effect on the organization of men and animals; tr. from the 8th French edi- tion, by Mrs Alfred Gatty First Ameri- can edition 398p.D N.Y.Harper,''1866 612 M15 Servants of the stomach New ed.enl. 311p. U.D N.Y.Harper,1868 612 M158 MACEDONIA CuRTEis, A. M. Eise of the Macedonian empire 1891 (Epochs of ancient history) 938.07 C94 See also Alexander III "The Great" MacEwan, Ellas J. tr. Feeytag, Gustav Technique of the drama 1896 809.2 F89 McEweu, Joseph W. Protobiology; or, The philosophy of life lOlp.D Phil.Phillips, 1887 576 M15 Macfarren, George Alexander Musical history ... with a roU of the names of musicians and the times and places of their births and deaths 220p.O Edin.Black,1885 780.9 M16 MacMavelli, Niccolo History of Florence; ed. by Henry Morley 443p.O Lond.Rout- ledge, 1891 945.5 MIS Prince and other pieces from the Italian . . . ; Ed.4 308p.D Lond.Routledge,1893 321 M18 Contents: — The prince; Life of Castruccio Castracanl; The murder of Vltelll; Mar- riage of Belphegror; State of France; State of Germany 1469-1527 BuRD, L. A. Florence Mach- iavelli (see Cambridge modem history The renaissance 1903<'02 p.190-218) 940.6 C14 Macaulay, T:B. baron MachiaveUi (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and his- torical essays 1889 v.l,p.62-lll) 824.83 Mil "The prince" Symonds, J: A. "The prince" of MachiaveUi (see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; age of the despots 1888 p.334-370) 945.05 Sy6 Machin, Lewes and Markham, Gervase Dumb knight (in Dodsley Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 75 76 v.l0,p.l07-200) 822.08 D66 MACHINERY IN INDUSTRY Playfair, Sir Lyon Displacement of labor by modern inventions (see his Subjects of social wel- fare 1889 p.126-146) 304 P69 See also Inventions; Mechanical drawing; Railways; Steam engines; Technical educa- tion; Tools Mclntyre, James Lewis Giordano Bruno 365p. pl.O Lond.Macmillan,1903 B B83 Mackay, J. M. Powell, F:Y. and Tout, T:F. History of England 1890 '98 942 P87 McKeag, Anna J. Sensation of pain and the theory of the specific sense energies 87p.O Bost.Ginn,1902 (University of Pennsyl- vania Experimental studies in psychology and pedagogy) 157 M19 McKean, Kate ed. social science Carey, H:C: Manual of 1888'=64 330 C18 MacKellar, Thomas American printer . . . 383p.il.D Phil.MacKellar,1887'=66 78 655 M19 M'Kendrick, John Gray and Snodgrass, William Physiology of the senses 318p.il.D N.Y. Scribner,1893 (University eictension man- uals) 612.8 M19 Mackenzie, John Stewart Introduction to so- cial philosophy 390p.O N.Y.Macmillan, 1890 (Shaw fellowship lecture 1889) 301 M19 Mackenzie, Marion Kindergarten blackboard; with an introduction by Constance Macken- zie 22f.pl.ob.Q Springfield,Bradley,«1894 372.2 M19 Mackenzie, Morell Hygiene of the vocal or- gans; a practical handbook for singers and speakers 223p.il.D Lond.Macmillan,1886 784.9 M19 Mackenzie, Robert America; a history 564p. D Lond.Nelson,1882 973 M19 801 Mackenzie, Bobert Shelton ed. Wilson, John Noctes ambrosianse '1863 828.79 W69 Mackenzie, Thomas Studies in Roman law with comparative views of the laws of France, England and Scotland; ed. hj John Kirkpatrick Ed.6,enl. 461p.O Lond. Blackvvood,1886 349.37 M19 MacKie, . Charles Paul Last voyages of the Admiral of the Ocean sea; as related by himself and his companions 518p.O Chic. McClurg,1892 B C72m McKim, W. Duncan gress 283p.O Heredity and human pro- N.Y.Putnam,1900a899 364 M21 MACKINTOSH, Sir JAMES 1765-1832 De QuiN'CEY, Thomas Sir James Mackintosh (see DeQuincey, Thomas Essays in phil- osophy '1856 '77 p.319-353) 104 D44 Hazlitt, William Sir James Mackintosh (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.l35-146) 824.76 H33m "History of the revolution in, England" Macaulay, T:B. baron Sir James Mac- kintosh (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and historical essays 1889 y.2, p.197-274) 824.83 Mil Mackintosh, John Story of Scotland . . . 336p.il.map,D N.Y.Putnam,1892'90 (Story of the nations) 941 M21 Mackintosh, Bohert From Comte to Benjamin Badd; the appeal to biology or evolution for human guidance 312p.D N.Y.Mac- millan, 1899 301 M21 MacLaren, Archibald System of physical edu- cation, theoretical and practical 516p.iLD Oxf .Clarendon pres3,1869 613.7 M22 Maclaren, Ian pseud. See Watson, John McLaren, Walter S. Bright Spinning, woolen . and worsted . . . 256p.il.8 Lond.Cassell, 1884 677 M22 McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham History of higher education in Michigan 179p.pl.O Wash.govt.pr.0.1891 United States — Editcation, Bureau of Circular of informa- tion) 370.6 Una Maclay, Edgar Stanton History of the United States na\7' from 1775-1894 2v,il.pl.O N.Y.Appleton,1895«93 '94 359.09 M22 McLellan, James A. and Dewey, John Psy- chology of number and its applications to methods of teaching arithmetic 309p.D N.Y.Appleton,1895 (International educa- tion series) (2 copies) 511.2- M22 McLennan, John Ferguson Studies in ancient history, comprising a reprint on primitive marriage; an inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in marriage ceremonies 507p.O Lond.Quaritch,1876 392.5 M22 McLennan, Simon Fraser Typical stages in the development of judgment (see Dewey, John ed. Studies in logical theory 1903 p.128-142) . 160 D51 Maclise portrait gallery Bates, William 9 B31 McMahon, James Hyperbolic functions (see Merriman, Mansfield and Woodward, E. S. ed. Higher mathematics 1896 p.l07- 168) 510.7 M55 M'Mahon, John H. tr. Aristotle iletaphys- ics 1891 110 Ar4 McManus, Blanche The Quaker colony 72p. il.O N.Y.Herrick,«1899 (Colonial mono- graphs) 974.8 M22 McMaster, John Bach Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters 293p.por.D Bost.Hough- ton,1891'87 (American men of letters) B F85m Commerce, expansion and slavery (see Cam- bridge, modern history The United States 1903 p.378-404) 973 C14 Growth of the nation (see Cambridge mod- em history The United States 1903 p.349-377) 973 C14 History of the people of the United States from the revolution to the civil war 5v. map3,0 N.Y.Appleton,1883,1900 973 M22 Social function of United States history (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.26-30) 370.6 H41 Struggle for commercial independence (see Cambridge modem history The United States 1903 p.305-334) 973 C14 Lewis Cass 363p.D Bost.Houghton,1892 Macmillan, Michsel Promotion of general hap- '91 (American statesmen) B C27 piness; a utilitarian essay 186p.D Lond. MAC MAC 302 Sonnenschein,1890 (2 copies) (Social science series) 171.4 M22 Macmillan's commercial series Herrick, C. A. Meaning and practice of commercial educa- tion 1904 650.7 H43 Macmillan's golden treasury series See Golden treasury series Macmillan's manuals for teachers; ed. by Oscar Browning and S. S. F: Fletcher Welton, J. Logical bases of education 1899 370.1 W46 McMurray, John Peoples' manual and hand- book of popular government 236p.D Harrisb.State printer,1885 353 M22 McMurry, Charles Alexander Course of study in the eight grades 2v.D N.Y.Macmil- lan,1906 375.01 M22 A course of study in geography for the grades of the common school {in Herbart society Supplement to fourth year book 1898 p.57-80) 370.6 H41 Culture epochs (in Herbart society Sec- ond year book 1896 p.96-106) 370.6 H41 Elementary schools and civic education (in Herbart society First supplement to third year book 1897 p.138-142) 370.6 H41 Elements of general method; based on the principles of Herbart Ed.5 224p.D Bloomington,1895=93 371a M22 "Excursions and lessons in home geography 152p.il.pl.D N.Y.Macmillan,1905''04 910 M22 Special method for literature and history in the common schools Ed.3 114p.S 111. Public school publshing co,l 896*94 807 M22 Special method in elementary science for the common school 275p.D N.Y.Macmillan, 1904 507 M22 Special method in geography for third and fourth grades Ed.2,enl. 202p.S HI. Bloomington public school co,1895 910.7 M22 Special method in Jdstory; a complete outline of a course of study in history for the grades below the high school 291p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1903 907 M22 Special method in natural science for the first four grades of the common school 210p.S Ill.Public school publishing co,'1896 372.3 M22 Special method in primary reading and oral work with stories 198p.D N.Y.Macmil- lan,1903 372.4 M22 Special method in the reading of complete English classics in the grades of the com- mon school 2.54p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1903 807 M22s Type studies from the geography of the United States 288p.il.pl.D N.Y.Macmil- lan,1904 910 M22 and McMurry, F. M. Method of the reci- tation 339p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1905'^^1897 1903 371b M22 McMurry, Frank Morton Concentration (in Herbart society First year book n.d. p.27-69) 370.6 H41 Use of biography in religious instruction (see Sunday school commission of the dio- cese of New York comp. Principles of religious education 1901 p.191-211) 377 Su7 McMurry, Mrs Lidie Brown Plan of concen- tration (in Herbart society First year book n.d. p.124-139) 370.6 H41 MacVannel, John, Angus Hegel's doctrine of the will 1896 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 193.5 H36 MacVicar, Malcolm Principles of education 178p.D Bost.Ginn,1892 370.1 M25 Macy, Jesse Our government; how it grew, what it does, and how it does it 238p.D Bost.Ginn,1886 342.73 M25 Political parties in the United States, 1846- 1861 331p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1900 (Citi- zen's library of economics, politics and so- ciology) 329.973 M25 Madam How and Lady Why Kingsley, Charles 551 K61 Madame Th^rSse Erckmann, Emile and Chatrian, Alexandre 843.85 Er2 ' Madden, Dodgson Hamilton Diary of Master William Silence; a study of Shakespeare and of Elizabethan sport 386p.O Lond. Longmans,1897 822.33 M26 Maddison, Isabel and others Handbook of courses open to women in British, Continen- tal and Canadian universities compiled for 303 the graduate club of Bryn Mawr college 155p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1896 378 M26 MADISON, Mrs DOROTHY (PAYNE) 1772- 1855 Memoirs and letters of Dolly Madison ... ed. by her grandniece 210p.D Bost. Houghton,1888«86 B M26 MADISON, JAMES, president of the United States, 1751-1836 Gay, S. H. James Madison 1885''84 {American statesmen) B M26g Journal of the Federal convention; ed. by E. H. Scott 1893 342.73 M26 Madness See Insanity MADOC Stephens, Thomas Madoc; an essay on the discovery of America 1893 973.1 St3 Madonna See ^lary. Virgin "Madras system" of education See Bell, Andrew Maetzner, Eduard Adolf Ferdinand English grammar; methodical, analytical, and his- torical; tr. from the German by C. J. Grace 3v.O Lond.Murray,1874 425 M26 MAGALHAES, FERNAO DE 1480-1521 Keane, John Magellan and the first circumnavi- gation of the globe (see Keane, John Evolution of geography 1899 p.J36- 149) 910.9 K19 Magazines See Periodicals Magellan, Ferdinand See Magalhaes, Fernao de Magevney, Eugene The Jesuits as educators 64p.D N.Y.Cathedral library association, 1899 (Pedagogical truth library) 370.9 M27 MAGNUS, HEINRICH GUSTAV 1802-1870 Helmholtz, H. L. F. von Gustav Magnus In memoriam (in Helmholtz, H. L. F. von Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1881 '85 v.2,p.l-25) 504 H36 Magnus, Katie lady Outlines of Jewish his- - tory from B.C. 586 to C.E. 1890 . . . 388p. il.maps,D PhiLJewish publication society of America,1890 933 M27 Magnus, Sir Philip Industrial education 271p. D Lond.Paul,1888 (Education library) 607 M27 Industrial education in the nineteenth cen- tury (see Roberts, B. D. ed. Educa- tion in the 19th century 1901 p.140-170) 370.4 B54 Lessons in elementary mechanics, introductory to the study of physical science . . . New ed. enl. 371p.il.S Lond.Longman8,1892 531 M27 ed. Educational library Magnusson, Eirikr and Morris, William tr. Volsunga saga n.d. 839.6 V88 Magruder, Allan B. John Marshall 290p.D Bo9t.Houghton,1895*85 (American states- men) (2 copies) B M35 MAHABHARATA Poor, L. E.. Brah.manism and the Mahabharata (see her Sanskrit and its kindred literatures 1880 p.37-79) 891.2 P79 Mahaflfy, John Pentland Classical antiquities; old Greek life lOlp.il.pl.D N.Y.Appl©- ton,1881 (History primers) 938 M28 Descartes 211p.por.D Phil.Lippincott, 1881 (Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 D45 Empire of the Ptolemies 533p.il.D Lond. Macmillan,1895 932 M27 History of classical Greek literature 2vJD N.Y.Harper,1880 880.9 M27 Old Greek education 144p.S N.Y.Harper, 1882 (Education library) 370.938 M27 Progress of Hellenism in Alexander's empire 154p.D Chic.University pre8s,1905 913.38 M27 Rambles and studies in Greece 535p.pl.maps, O Phil.Coates,1900 914.95 M27 Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander 495p.D Lond.Macmillan,1890«74 '90 913.38 M27 Story of Alexander's empire 323p.iI.por. maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1894 (Story of the nations) 938 M27 Survey of Greek civilization 337p.il.map8, D Meadville ( Pa) ,Chautauqua-century press, 1896 (Chautauqua reading circle litera- ture) 938 M278 ed. DuRUY, J. V : History of Rome and of the Roman people 1894 913.37 D93 and Bernard, J:H. tr. BLant, Immanukl Critical philosophy 1889 193.2 K13 Mahan, Alfred Thayer Admiral Farragut 333p.por.pl.maps,D N.Y.Appleton,1895''92 (Great commanders) B P24 MAH MAH 804 Gulf and inland waters 267p.maps,D N.Y. Scribner,1883 {Navy in the civil war) 973.7 M27 Influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783 Ed.3 557p.maps,0 Bost-LittlejlSeS-^QO 359 M27 Influence of sea power upon the French revo- lution and empire, 1793-1812 Ed.2 2v.O Bo3t.Little,1893*^92 940.8 M27 Life of Nelson; the embodiment of the sea power of Great Britain 2v.por.maps,0 Bost.Little,1897 B N33m Mahomet See Mohammed and Mohammedan- ism Mahommedanism See Mohammed and Mo- hammedanism Mahon, Lord See Stanhope, Philip Henry MAIMONIDES, MOSES BEN MAIMUN 1135- 1204 Farpeles, Gustave Moses Mai- monides (see Karpeles, Gustave Jewish literature and other essays 1895 p.l45- 168) 892.4 K14 MAINE Thoreau, H:D: Maine woods <=1864 '93 917.41 T39 Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner Dissertations on early law and custom chiefly selected from lectures delivered at Oxford 402p.O N.Y.Holt,1886 340 M28 Popular government; four essays 261p.O N.Y.Holt,1886 321.8 M28 MAINTENON, FRANQOISE DE AUBIGNE marquis DE 1635-1719 Lord, John Madame de Maintenon (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.5, p.265-300) 904 L88 Maitland, Frederick William Anglican settle- ment and the Scottish reformation (see Cambridge modern history The reforma- tion 1904 p.550-598) 940.7 C14 and Pollock, Sir Frederic baronet His- tory of English law before the time of Edward I 1895 347 P76 Maitland, Samuel Boffey Essays on subjects connected with the reformation in England 467p.D Lond.Lane,1899 270.6 M28 Makers of America Baptiste King, Grace Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville 1893«92 B B47 Calvert Browne, W:H. George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert "=1890 B CIS Columbus Adams, C:K. Christopher Co- lumbus; his life and his work 1892 B C72 Fulton Thurston, R, H : Robert Fulton =1891 B F95t Hamilton Sumner, W:G. Alexander Ham- ilton ^890 B H18s Higginson Higginson, T:W. Life of Francis Higginson «1891 B H53 Hooker Walker, G:L. Thomas Hooker •=1891 B H76 Houston Bruce, Henry General Houston ''ISgi B H81 Hughes Brann, H:A. Most reverend John Hughes 1892 B H87 Jefferson Schouler, James Thomas Jef- ferson 1893 B J35s Mather Wendell, Barrett Cotton Mather, the Puritan priest «1891 B M42 Morris Sumner, W:G. Robert Morris •=1892 B M83 Oglethorpe Bruce, Henry Life of Gen- eral Oglethorpe <=1890 B Og5 Sidney Brov^tne, H:R:F. Sir Philip Sid- ney 1891 B Sil Sumner Dawes, A.. L. Charles Sumner 1892 B Su6 Stuyvesant Tuckermann, Bayard Peter Stuyvesant 1893 B St9 White Ward, J. H. William White 1892 B W58 Winthrop Twichell, J. H. John Win- throp 1892«91 B W73 Makers of Florence Oliphant, Mrs M.. O. (Wil- son) 9 013 Makers of modern Italy Marriott, J. A. R. B M45 Makers of modern Rome Oliphant, Mrs M.. O. (Wilson) 945.6 013 Makers of Philadelphia Morris, Charles ed. R9 M83 Makers of Venice Oliphant, Mrs M.. O. (Wil- son) 945.3 013 Making of a teacher Brumbaugh, M. G. 377 B83 Making of an American Riis, J. A: B R44 Making of England Green, J:R: 940.01 G82m Making of New England Drake, S:A. 974 D78 Making of Pennsylvania Fisher, S. G: 974.8 F53 805 Making of the great West Drake, S:A. 978 D78 Making of the nation Walker, F. A. 973.4 W15 Making of the Ohio valley states Drake, S:A. 977 D78 Making of Virginia and the middle colonies Drake, S:A. 974 D78 MALAY ARCHIPELAGO Wallace, A. E. Malay archipelago 1898 919.1 W15 See also Java; Philippine islands Malay life in the Philippines {see his Ulysses 1887 MALAYSIA See Palgrave, W:G. p.138-168) 904 P17 Malay archipelago MALCOLM, -Sir JOHN 1769-1833 "Life of dive" MACAxn^AY, T:B. baron Lord Clive (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Crit- ical and historical essays 1889 v.3,p.74- 170) 824.83 Mil MALEBRANCHE, NICOLAS 1638-1715 Martineau, James Malebranche (tn Martineau, James Types of ethical theory 1886 v.l,p.l59-246) 171 M36 Malleson, Mrs Frank Notes on the early train- ing of children Ed. 3 127p.D Bost. Heath,1887 372b M29 Mallet, Charles Edward French revolution 307p.D N.Y.Scribner,1893 * {University extension manuals) 944 M29 MALLET, DAVID 1700-1765 Johnson, Samuel Mallet (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1892 v.6,p.l51-162) 9. J62 Malory, Sir Thomas Le morte d 'Arthur; book of King Arthur and his noble knights of the Round Table: text of Caxton, ed. with an introduction by Sir Edward Strachey 509p. O Lond.Macmillan,1893 398.2 M29 Noble and joyous history of King Arthur; ed. by Ernest Rhys 325p.D Lond.Scott,n,d. (Camelot series) 398.2 M29n Maltby, Albert Elias Paper folding; forms of life, beauty, and knowledge, including many new forms for primary and grammar school work in folding and cutting . . . 148p.il. sq.O N.Y.Butler,1894 372.21 M29 Malthus, Thomas Bobert Parallel chapters from the first and second edition of an es- say on the principle of population 134p. D N.Y.Macmillan,1895'^94 {Economic classics) 312 M29 1766-1834 Bagehot, Walter Malthus {see Bagehot, Walter Economic studies 1895 p.176-196) 330 B14 DeQuincey, Thomas Malthus {see De Quincey, Thomas Politics and political economy ^859 '77 p.288-298) 824.81 D44p Hazlitt, William Mr Malthus (tn Haz- litt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.l47-161) 824.76 H33m Mameluke Muir, Sir William 962 M89 Mammals See Man; Vertebrates; Zoology MAN Clodd, Edward Story of "primitive" man 1895 '99 (Library of useful stories) 571 C62 Combe, George Constitution of man consid- ered in relation to external objects 1868 130 C73 Haddon, A. C. Study of man 1898 (Sci- ence series) 573 Hll Hopkins, Mark Outline study of man; or, The body and mind in one system 1891^78 '86 130 H77 International congress of anthropology Memoirs 1894 (World's congress aux- iliary of the world's Columbian exposition 1893) 901 In8 Metchnikoff, Elie Nature of man; stud- ies in optimistic philosophy 1905*03 573 M56 MiVART, St George Prehistoric and savage man (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2,p.l69-192) 824.89 M69 QUATREFAGES DE Breau, J. L. A. DE Human species 1883 (International scientific series) 599.9 Q2 Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America 1891 551 Shl ToFiNARD, Paul Anthropology 1878 (Library of contemporary science) 573 T62 Tylor, E:B. Anthropology; an introduc- tion to the study of man and civilization 1881 901 T97 See also Anatomy; Anthropometry; Arch- aeology; Civilization; Creation; Ethics; MAN MAN 306 Ethnology; Evolution; Finger prints; Folk- • lore ; Glacial epoch ; Heredity ; History ; Hygiene; Industries, Primitive; Language; Paleontology; .Physiognomy; Physiology; Psychology; Religion; Sex; Sociology; Vital statistics ; Woman Man, Isi-e of See Isle of Man Man and his handiwork Wood, J:G: 901 W85 Man and woman Ellis, H:H. 611 E15 Man of genius Lombroso, Cesare 132 L83 Man of letters Emerson, R. W. {see his Lec- tures and biographical sketches 1893*83 p.229-246) 814.36 Em31 Man, the reformer Emerson, R. W. {see his Nature, addresses and lectures 1893*55 '83 p.215-244) 814.36 Em3na Manaceine, Marie de Sleep; its physiology, pathology, hygiene and psychology 341p. D Lond.Scott,1897 {Contemporary sci- ence series) 135 M31 Manacordia, Harold tr. Villa, Guido Con- temporary psychology 1903 150 V71 Management of infancy Combe, Andrew 649 C73 MANCHURIA HosiE, Alexander Manchu- ria; its people, resources and recent his- tory 1904 915.18 H79 Mandeville, Sir John Marvellous adventures . . . 414p.il.pl.O Westminster,Constable, 1895 823.29 M31 Mangln, Arthur Desert world; tr. from the French 624p.il.O Lond.Nelson,1869 551 M31 Manley, John Matthews Specimens of the pre- Shaksperean drama 2v.D Bost.Ginn,' 1897 '98 822.08 M31 Manliness of Christ Hughes, Thomas 232 H87 Manly exercise See Gymnastics; Physical education ; Sports Mann, Charles W. School recreations and amusements; a companion volume to King's "School interests and duties" prepared es- pecially for teachers' reading circles 352p. il.D N.Y.American book co.'lSge 371c M31 MANN, HORACE 1796-1859 Hinsdale, B. A. Horace Mann and the common school re- vival in the United States 1898 {Great educators) B37 M31 Lang,' O. H. Horace Mann; his life and educational work «1893 B M311 Mann, 3/ rs M. T. (Peabody) Life of Hor- ace Mann "=1865 B M31m Winship, a. E. Horace Mann, the educator 1896 B37 M31w Horace Mann {see Winship, A. E. Great American educators *1900 p.13-51) B37 W73 Lectures and annual reports on education 2v. O Camb.1867-68 370.6 M31 Mann, Mrs Mary Tyler (Peabody) The flower people New ed. 176p.pl.S Bost.Lee, 1888*62 580 M31 Life of Horace Mann, by his wife Ed.2 609p.O Bost.Lee,*1865 B M31m Moral culture of infancy {see Peabody, E.. P. Guide to the kindergarten and inter- mediate class 1877*69 p.105-206) 372.2 P3] tr. MARENH0LTZ-*BiiL0W, Bertha von Reminiscences of Friedrich Froebel 1882 *77 B37 F92 Manners See Etiquette MANNERS AND CUSTOMS Manners and fash- ion Spencer, Herbert {in his Essays; scientific, political, and speculative 1891 v.3,p.l-51) 824.89 Sp3 See The name of the country, sub-division, Social life and customs MANOR Andrews, C:M. Old English manor 1892 {Johns Hopkins university Studies in historical and political science) 333.3 An2 Ashley, W:J. The English manor {see Coulanges, N, D. F. de The origin of prop- erty in land 1892 p.7-48 pref.) 333 C83 The manor and village community {see his Introduction to his EngUsh economic history and theory 1893 p.3-66) 330.42 As3 Cheyney, E:P. Medieval manor n.d. 333 C42 Vinogradafp, Paul Villainage in England 1892 333 V77 Man's place in the universe Wallace, A. R. 523 W15 807 Mansel, Henry Longueville and Veltch, John ed. Hamilton, Hir William Lectures on metaphysics 1883 150 H18 Lectures on metaphysics and logic 1871 160 H18 Mansfield, Edward Deering American educa tion; its principles and elements 330p.D N.Y. Barnes,1877«50 (Teacher's library) 379.73 M31 Mansfield, John M. and Stanley, G:S. Hints toward a select and descriptive bibliography of education 1886 370 H14 Mansfield college lectures 1892 Ramsay, W. M. Church in the Roman empire before A.D. 170 '1893 270 R14 Manson, John tr. Hugo, Victor The Alps and Pyrenees 1898 914.6 H87 Mantegazza, Paolo Physiognomy and expres- sion 327p.U.pl.D N.Y.Scribner,1890 (Contemporary science series) 138 M31 MANUAL TRAINING • Adler, Felix The in- fluence of manual training on character (see his Moral instruction of children 1898 '92 p.257-270) 377 Ad5 Baldwin, W:A. and others Industrial-so- cial education 1903 607 B19 Banes, C:H. Manual training and appren- ticeship schools in 1890 1890 607 B22 Clarke, I. E. Education in the industrial and fine arts 1898 371.4 C55 Industrial and manual training in public schools (in his Art and industry; edu- cation in the industrial and fine arts in the United States 1892 v.2) 607 C55 CirrLER, C. F. Primary manual training; methods in form study, clay, paper and color work 1892*91 607 C97 Faivre, Emile Enseignement du travail a r^cole primaire 1887 607 F17 Ham, C:H: Manual training; the solution of social and industrial problems 1886 607 H17 Mind and hand "1886,1900 607 H17m Hewitt, William Graduated course of sim- ple manual training exercises for educating the hand and eye 1892 607 H49 Hinsdale, B. A. History of manual training (see Hoffman, B. B. Sloyd system of woodworking «1892 p.53-90) 694 H67 Hopkins, Mrs L.. P. (Stone) Spirit of the new education 1892 607 H77 Jacobson, Augustus The manual training school (see his Higher ground 1888'=87 p.99-161) 331 J15 EiLBON, G. B. Knife work in the school-room •1890 '91 607 K55 Love. S:G. and Willard, M.. R. Industrial edue.'ition; a guide to manual training 1887 607 L94 MacAkthir, Arthur Education in its rela- tion to manual industry 1884 607 Mil RouiLLioN, Louis Economics of hand-work in elementary and secondary schools (in Teacher's college record 1901 v.2,no.5) 370.5 T22 Salicis, G. a. Enseignement primaire et ap- prentissage 1878 607 Sal Seidel, Robert Industrial instruction; a pedagogical and social necessity; together with a critique of the objections advanced 1887 371.42 Se4 Walker, F. A. Manual education (see his Discussions in education 1899'98 p.l23- 206) 370.4 W15 Woodward, C, M. Manual training in edu- cation 1890 '92 (Contemporary science series) 607 W87 Zimmern, Alice Manual training (see her Methods of education in the United States 1894 p.97-156) 379.73 Z6 See also Drawing; Industrial arts; Mechan- ical drawing; Paper folding; Sloyd; Tech- nical education; Wood-carving; Woodwork Manuals for teachers v. 1 Cultivation of the senses n.d. 152 C89 V. 2 Cultivation of the memory «1879 154 C89 V. 3 On the use of words «1879 428.3 Onl V. 4 On discipline '1879 371c Onl V. 5 On class teaching «1879 371b Onl Manuals of Catholic philosophy; ed by B. F. Clarke BoEDDER, Bernard Natural theology pref . 1891 210 B63 Clarke, R. F. Logic n.d. 160 C55 Dkvas, C:S. Political economy pref .1891 330 D49 Bickaby, John First principles of knowl- edge n.d. 110 B42 MAN MAN 308 General metaphysics n.d. 110 R42g Moral philosophy n.d. 170 R42 Manuals of technology; ed. by Ayrton "and R. Wonnell Ashenhurst, T:J. Design in textile fabrics 1883 677 As3 Greenwood, W:H: Steel and iron 1884 669.1 G85 Hummel, J. J. Dyeing of textile fabrics 1885 667.2 H88 McLaren, W. S. B. Spinning woolen and worsted 1884 677 M22 Smith, R. H: Cutting tools worked by hand - and machine 1882 621.9 Sm5 MANUFACTURES Guthrie, Frederick I'irst book of knowledge 1883 670 G98 See also Chemistry, Technical; Commerce; Factory system; Industrial arts; Labor and laboring classes; Machinery in industry; Needlework; Pottery; Textile fabrics; Woodwork MANUSCRIPTS Putnam, G:H. their public in ancient times Authors and 1894'=93 809 P98 Books and their makers during the middle ages 1896 '97 655 P98 Map drawing See Drawing; Geography Maps See Atlases; Geography; History — Atlases Marble, Albert P. Sanitary conditions of school houses 121p.il.pl.O Wash.govt.pr.o. 1891 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 , MARCANTONIO, BRAGADIN 1540 ( ?) -1591 BaowN, H. R. F. Marcantonio Bragadin; a sixteenth century Cagliostro {see Brown, H. R. F. Venetian studies 1887 p.259- 290) 945 B81 Marcel, Claude Rational method ... to learn how to read, hear, speak and write French 209p.S N.Y.Appleton,1884 Ist American edition from the 2d Paris edition 440.7 M33 March, Francis Andrew Spelling reform 36p. O Wash.govt.pr.0.1881 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of infor- mation) ' 370.6 Un3 March, Thomas History of the Paris commune of 1871 372p.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1896 944.08 M33 March to the sea Cox, J. D. 973.7 083 Marco Polo See Polo, Marco Marcus, Samuel Die Padagogik des israelitischen Volkes von der Patriarchenzeit bis auf den Talmud 2v.in 1,0 1877 370.933 M33 V. 1 Die Bibel ein Buch der Erziehung V. 2 Zur Schul-Padagoglk des Talmud Marcus Aurelius Antonius Thoughts; tr. by George Long 216p.D Lond.Bell,1891 188.8 M33 emperor of Home, 120-180 A.D. Arnold, Matthew Marcus Aurelius {in Arnold, Matthew Essays in criticsm 1893 '96 v.l,p.344-379) 824.85 Ar6e Lord, John Marcus Aurelius {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history <=1883'96 v.l,p.209-239) 904 L88 Marenholtz-Bulow, Bertha Maria von Child and child nature Ed.3 186p.D Lond. Sonnenschein,1884 372.2 M33 Ed.6 186p.D Lond.Sonnen- schein,1891 372.2 M331 The child, its nature and relations; an eluci- dation of Froebel's principles of education Ed.3 148p.il.D N.Y.Steiger,1877'=72 372.2 M33c Hand work and headwork; their relation to one another and the reform of education ac- cording to the principles of Froebel . . . tr. by A. M. Christie 144p.D Lond.Son- nenschein,n.d. {Kindergarten manuals) (2 copies) 372.2 M33h Reminiscences of Friedrich Froebel; tr. by Mrs Horace Mann; with a sketch of the life of . . . Froebel by Emily ShirreflE 359p. D Bost.Lee,1882 '95*^77 (2 copies) B37 F92m MARGARET, queen of England, 1282-1318 Strickland, Agnes Marguerite of France {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.l,pt.2,p.462-481) 9 St8 MARGARET OF ANJOU, queen of England, 1430- 1482 Strickland, Agnes Margaret of Anjou {see Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.2,pt.l, p.166-321) 9 St8 Marholm, Laura Studies in the psychology of woman; tr. by G. A. Etehison 348p.D Chic.Stone,1899 396 M33 Maria de Medici See Marie de Medicis MARIE ANTOINETTE, queen of France, 1755- 1793 Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. 800 baron Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty 1893'91 B M33m Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime 1892'90 B M33ma Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries. 1789-1791 1892^91 B M33mar MARTE LOUISE, empress of the French, 1791- 1847 Imbert de Saixt-Amaxd, A. L. baron Happy days of the Empress Marie Louise 1891'90 B M33 Marie Louise and the decadence of the em- pire 1891 B M331 Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814 1891 B M331m Marie Louise ; the island of Elba and the hundred days 1891 B M331ma MARIE DE MEDICIS, queen of France, 1573- 1642 Pardoe, J. S. H. Life of Marie de Medicis, queen of France 1890 B M333 Marine fauna See Aquarium; Fishes Marine zoologt See Zoology, Marine MARINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 1569-1625 Symonds, J: a. Guarino, Marino Chia- brera, Tassoni {see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; the Catholic reaction 1887 v.2,p.242-314) 282 Sy6 Mario, Jessie WMte Vamario Naples {see Woods, E. Poor in great cities 1895 Marius, the Epicurean The poor in A. and others p.300-338) 331.8 W86 Pater, W. H. 823.89 P27ra Mark, H. T. An outline of the history of edu- cational theories in England 139p.D N.Y. Syracuse,1889 370.942 M34 Individuality and the moral aim in American education; the Gilchrist report presented to the Victoria, university March 1901 298p. D Lond.Longmans,1901 377 M34 Mark in Europe and America Bryan, E. A. 333 B84 Markham, Clements Bobert Life of the great Lord Fairfax, commander-in-chief of the army of the parliament of England 480p. il.por.map,0 Lond.Macmillan,1870 B F16 Major James Rennell, and the rise of modem EngUsh geography 232p.por.D N.Y. Macnullan,1895 {Century science series) B R29 Markham, Oervase and Machin, Lewes Dumb knight {ill Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 V.10,p.l07-200) 822.08 D66 Markham, Eichard Narrative history of Bang Philip 's war and the Indian troubles in New England 336p.D N.y.Dodd,n883 973.2" M34 MARKING Eve, H:W. On marking {see Eve, H:W. Sidgwick, Arthur and Abbott, E. A. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practise of education 1883 p.l- 28) 371b Ev2 Marking, Systems of See tion and administration School organiza- MARLBOROUGH. JOHN CHURCHILL, duke OF 1650-1722 Cbeighton, Louise Life of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough 1892 {Historical biographies) B M34 MARLBOROUGH COLLEGE Marlborough college {see Great public schools n.d. p.257-282) 373.42 G79 {see Our public schools 1881 p.259-313) 373.42 Ou7 Staunton, Howard Marlborough college {see his Great schools of England 1865 p.486-491) 373.42 St2 MARLBOROUGH HOUSE Beavan, A. H. Marlborough house and its occupants, pres- ent and past 1896 914.21 B38 Marlowe, Cbrlstoplier Plays; ed. by Havelock Ellis with a general introduction ... by J: A. Symonds 430p.D Lond.Unwin,1893 {Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.32 M34 1564 (t) -1593 Lowell, J. R. Marlowe {see Lowell, J. R. Old English dramatists 1893'92 p.28-54) 822 L95 Symonds, J: A. Marlowe {see Symonds, J: A. Shakspere 's predecessors in the Eng- lish drama 1884 p.581-668) 822 Sy6 Marmion, Shakerley The antiquary (tn Dods- ley, Robert e-f. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l3,p.411- 523) 822.08 D66 Marquand, Allan and FrotMngham A. L. jr Text-book of the history of sculpture 293p. il.pl.D N.Y.Longman3,1896 730 M34 MARRIAGE GouLD, Sabine Baring- Mar- riage {see his Germany, present and past n.d. p.96-126) 914.3 G73 MAR MAR 810 J Howard, G:E. History of matrimonial in- stitutions 1904 392.5 H83 McLennan, J:F. Studies in ancient history comprising a reprint on primitive mar- riage; an inquiry into the origin of the form of capture in marriage ceremonies 1876 392.5 M22 See also Celibacy; Woman Bibliography Howard, G:E. Bibliographical index {in his History of matrimonial institutions 1904 v.3,p.261-402) 392.5 H83 Marriage of wit and science (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.2,p.321-394) 822.08 D66 Marriage night Carey, Henry viscount Falk- land (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l5,p.l09-183) 822.08 D66 Marriott, John Arthur Ransome Makers of modern Italy; Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi . . . 84p.D Lond.Macmillan,1889 B M45 MARRYAT, FREDERICK 1792-1848 Han- nay, David Life of Frederick Marryat 1889 (Great writers) B M34 Marsdeu, R. Sidney comp. Short account of the tercentenary festival of the University of Edinburgh; including the speeches and addresses delivered on the occasion 21 7p. D Edin.Blackwood,1884 378.41 M35 Marsh, Oeorge Perkins The earth as modified by human action; a new edition of man and nature 674p.O N.Y.Scribner,1882'74 551 M35 Lectures on the English language 715p.O N.Y.Scribner,1882'59 420.9 M35 Origin and history of the English language and of the early literature it embodies New ed.enl. 574p.O N.Y.Seribner,1885=62 420.9 M35o Marshall, Alfred Principles of economics Ed.2 v,l,0 Lond.Macmillan,1891''90 330 M35 and Marshall, M.. P. Economics of industry 231p.S Lond.Macmillan,1879 330 M35e MARSHALL, EDWARD 1710 (?) -1789 Buck, W:J: Life of Edward Marshall (see Buck, W: J: History of the Indian walk 1886 p.203-266) 974.8 B85 Marshall, Henry Rutgers Instinct and reason; an essay concerning the relation of instinct to reason, with some special study of the nature of religion 574p.O N.Y.Macmil- lan,1898 158 M35 MARSHALL, JOHN 1755-1835 Magruder, A. B. John Marshall 1885 '95 (American statesmen) B M35 Life of George Washington . . . containing a compendious view of the colonies . . . ov.O Phil.Wayne,1804'07 B W27m Includes an atlas to the Life of Washington MARSTON, JOHN 1576-1634 Ward, A. W: Later Elisabethans (in his History of dramatic literature 1899 v.2,p.472-493) 822.09 W21 Martel, Charles pseud. See Delf, Thomas Martin, Alexandre Les doctrines pedagogiques des Grecs 186p.D Par.Delagrave,1881 (Bibliotheque pedagogique) 370.938 M38 Martin, Elizabeth Gilbert tr. See Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. baron Martin, Frances Elizabeth Gilbert and her work for the blind New ed.enl. 256p.D Lond.Cassell,1891 B G37 Martin, George Henry Text-book on civil gov- ernment in the United States 330p.D N.Y.Barnes,<=1875 342.73 M36 Martin, H. Newell and Martin, H. C. The hu- man body . . . Ed.4,enl. 261p.il.D N.Y.Holt,*1884 (American science series; elementary course) 612 M36 Martin, Helen Faueit lady See Faucit, Hel- ena (Lady Martin) Martin, William Alexander Parsons Chinese; their education, philosophy, and letters 319p.il.D N.Y.Harper,1881 915,1 M36 Cycle of Cathay; or, China, south and north, with personal reminiscences Ed.3 464p. il.pl.map,0 N.Y.Revell,1900«1896 915.1 M36 Martineau, Harriet Household education 366p. S Bo8t.Houghton,1883 377 M36 Martineau, James Types of ethical theory Ed.2,enl. 2v.0 Oxf .Clarendon press,1886 171 M36 1805- "Types of ethical theory" Hertz, J. H. The ethical system of James Mar- 8U tioeau 1894 (Columbia college Con- tribjitions to philosophy, psychology and education) 170 M36 Spen'ceb, Herbert Mr Martineau on evolu- tion {in Spencer, Herbert Essays 1891 v.l,i).371-388) 824.89 Sp3 Martya, Carlos Wendell Phillips, the agitator New ed.enl. 600p.por.D N.Y.Funk,1890 {Ameriain reformers) B P53 ed. American reformers Martyrs See Saints MARVELL, ANDREW 1620-1678 Whittier, J:G. Andrew Marvell {in Whittier, J:G. Prose works 1893'66'89 v.2,p.87-103) 814.39 W61 Marvels of animal life Holder, C:F: 590.4 H71 Marvin, Walter T. Syllabus of an introduction to philosophy 279p.O N-Y-Macmillan, 1899 {Columbia university Contribu- tions to philosophy, psychology and educa- tion) 102 M36 Marwedel, Enuna Conscious motherhood; or, The earliest unfol^Jing of the fchild in the cradle, nursery and kindergarten; supple- mented by extracts from Prof. W. Preyer's "Soul of the child" . . . 563p.il.O Bost. Heath,1889«87 372.2 M36 MARX, KARL 1818-1883 Ely, R:T. Karl Marx {see Ely, R:T. French and Ger- man socialism "=1883 p.170-182) 335 E19 KiKKUP, Thomas Karl Marx {see Kirkup, Thomas History of socialism 1892 p.124-154) 335 K63 Rae, John Karl Marx {see Rae, John Contemporary socialism 1884 p.104-171) 335 R12 WooLSEY, T. D. The theory of Marx {see Woolsley, T. D. Communism and social- ism 1888*80 p.160-171) 335 W88 MARY, VIRGIN Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Muephy) Legends of the Madonna 1896 755 J23 See also Christian art and symbolism; Jesus Christ MARY (MARY STUART), gween of the Scots, 1542-1587 MlQNET, F.A:M. History of Mary, Queen of Scots 1887 B M36 Strickland, Aonbs Life of Mary, Queen of Scots 1888 B M368 MARY I, queen of England and Ireland, 1516-1558 Hume, M. A. S. Coming of Philip the Prutlent {see Hume, M. A. S. Year after the Armada 1896 p.123-174) 946 H88 Strickland, Agnes Mary (t» Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.3,pt.2) 9 St8 MARY II, queen of England, Ireland and Scotland, 1662-1694 Strickland, Aones Mary II (in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.7,pt.l-2) 9 St8 MARY OF MODENA, queen of England, 1658- 1718 Strickland, Agnes Mary Beatrice of Modena {in Strickland. Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.6,pt. 1-2) 9 St8 MARYLAND Browne, W:H. Maryland; the history of a palatinate 1884 {American commonwealths) 975.2 B81 Gambrall, T. C: Studies in the civil, social and ecclesiastical history of early Maryland 1893 975.2 . GU See also Calvert, George Marzials, Frank Thomas Life of Charles Dick- ens 166p.D Lond.Scott,1887 {Great writers) B D55 Contains a bibliography Life of Victor Hugo 224p.D Lond.Scott, 1888 {Great writers) B H87 Contains a blbliogrraphy and Merivale, Herman Life of W:M. Thackeray 1891 {Great writers) B T32 and Robertson, E. S. ed. Great writers Maskell, William Ancient liturgy of the Church of England ; according to the uses of Sarum, York, Hereford and Bangor and the Roman liturgy arranged in parallel columns; with preface and notes Ed.3 338p.O Oxf. Clarendon press,1882 264.03 M37 ed. South Kensington museum art hand- books Mason, Alfred Bishop and Lalor, J:J. tr. HoLST, H. E : VON Constitutional and po- litical history of the United States 1877 342.73 H74 Mason, Otis Tufton Woman's share in primi- tive culture 295p.il.pl.D N.Y.Appleton, 1894 {Anthropological aeries) 901 M38 MAS MAS Masp^ro, Gaston Camille Charles Egyptian archaeology; tr. from the French by A. B. Edwards Ed.2,enl. 373p.U.O N.Y.Put- nam,1892 932 M38 Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria; tr. from the French , 376p.il,D N.Y.Appleton,1892 913.32 M38 Massachusetts See also Boston Education .Mann, Horace Report for 1846 (in his Lectures and annual reports 1867-68 v.2, p.523-558) 370.6 M31 EusH, G:J. History of higher education in Massachusetts 1891 (United States— Ed- ucation, Bureau of Circular of informa- tion) 370.6 Un3 See also Lyon, Mary; Mann, Horace Grammar schools Eliot, C:W: An average Massachusetts grammar school (see his Educational re- form 1901'^1898 p.177-194) 370.4 E14 History Adams, C: F. jr Three episodes of Massa- chusetts history 1893 974.4 Adl Hallo WELL, E:P. Quaker invasion of Mas- sachusetts 1884'=83 974.4 H15 See also New Plymouth colony; Vane, Sir Henry; Winthrop, John Religious history Adams, Brooks Emancipation of Massa- chusetts 1893«86 974.4 Adl See also Pilgrim fathers; Puritans Massachusetts — Commonwealth of Bradford's history "of PUmoth plantation" from the original manuscript, with a report of the proceedings "incident to the return of" the manuscript to Massachusetts 550p.por.fac- sim.pl.O Bost.Wright,1899 974.4 M38 Massachusetts — Health, Board of Annual report . . . 1890 457p.map,0 -Bost.State pr. 1890 352.4 M38 Contains "The physique of women" by H. P. Bowditch Massachusetts emergency and hygiene associa- tion Six lectures upon school hygiene ... to the teachers in the public schools 201p.D Bo8t.Ginn,1885 371.7 M38 312 Massinger, Philip Plays; ed. by Arthur Sy- mons 2v.por.D Lond.Unwin,1889''93 {Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.37 M38 1583-1640 GOSSE, E. W: PhiUp Massinger (see Gosse, E.W: Jacobean poets 1894 p.202-217) ' 821 G64 Ward, A. W: End of the old drama (in his History of English dramatic literature 1899 v.3,p.l-47) 822.09 W21 Masson> David DeQuincey 198p.S N.Y.Har- per,n.d. {English men of letters) B C39 Bound with lives of Chaucer by A. W: Ward and of Lamb by Alfred Alnger Memoir of Goldsmith {see Goldsmith, Oliver Miscellaneous works 1893 p. 9-60 pref.) 821.64 G57 Recent British philosophy; a review with criti- cisms, including some comments on Mr Mill 's answer to Sir William Hamilton Ed.3,enl. 297p.D Lond.Macmillan,1877 192 M38 Masson, Gustave Story of medieval France; from the reign of Hughes Capet to the be- ginning of the 16th century 354p.il.maps, D N.Y.Putnamyl891'^88 944.02 M38 Master and servant See Domestic ^rvice "Master of sentences" See Lombard, Peter Masterman, C. F. G. In peril of change; es- says written in time of tranquility 331p.O N.Y.Huebsch,n.d. 828 M39 Match at midnight R., W. {in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 76 v.l3,p.l-98) 822.08 D66 MATERIALISM Prince, Morton Nature of mind and human automatism 1885 126 P93 Watson, John The failure of materialism {see hifl Christianity and idealism 1897 p.192-215) 204 W33 See also Evolution; Idealism; Rationalism Mathematical drawing See Mechanical draw- ing Mathematical essays and recreations Schubert, Hermann 510.4 Sch7 Mathematical monthly; ed. by J. D. Eunkle, 1859-61 3v.in 2,Q Camb.1859-61 510.5 M42 Mathematical recreations and essays Ball, W.W: R. 510 B21 313 Mathematical theory of the top Klein, Felix 514.1 K67 MATHEMATICIANS Fink, K.vrl Biograph- ical notes {see his Brief history of mathe- matics 1900 p.297-322) 510.9 F49 MATHEMATICS Amkrican mathematical so- ciety Mathematical papers read at the International mathematical congress held in connection with the world 'a Cohimbian ex- position, Chicago, 1893 1896 510.6 Am3 Ball, W. W:R. Mathematical recreations and essays 1905'1892 510 B21 Clifford, W:K. Common sense of the exact sciences 1885 {International scientific series) 510.1 C61 De Morgan, Augustus On the study and difficulties of mathematics 1902 510 D39 Lagrange, J. L. Lectures on elementary mathematics 1901 510 L13 Merriman, Mansfield and Woodward, R. S. ed. Higher mathematics; a text-book for classical and engineering colleges 1896 510.7 M55 Schubert, H. C. H: Mathematical essays and recreations 1898 510.4 Sch7 ToDHUNTER, ISAAC Mathematical tripos {see his Conflict of studies and other essays on subjects connected with education 1873 p.193-242) 370.4 T56 See also Algebra; Arithmetic; Astronomy; Axioms; Calculus; Conic sections; Elliptic functions; Equations; Functions, Theory of; Geodesy; Geometry; Logarithms; Math- ematicians; Mensuration; Method of least squares; Metric system; Number; Physics; Quaternions; Surveying; Trigonometry History Ball, W. W:R. Primer of the history of mathematics 1895 510.9 B21 Short account of the history of mathematics 1888 510.9 B2l8 Cajori, Florian History of elementary mathematics with hints on methods of teach- ing 1896 510.9 C12 History of mathematics 1895'"93 510.9 C12h Fink, Karl Brief history of mathematics 1900 510.9 F49 Gow, James Short history of Greek mathe- matics 1884 510.9 G74 Periodicals Analyst; a monthly journal of pure and ap- plied mathematics 1874-1883 510.5 Anl Mathematical monthly 1859-61 510.5 M42 Study and teaching Cajori, Florian Teaching and history of mathematics in the United States 1890 ( United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 510.7 C12 Sapford, T. H: Mathematical teaching and its modern methods 1896«86 {Mono- graphs on education) 507 Sa2 Smith, D:E. Teaching of elementary mathe- matics 1900 {Teachers' professional library) 510.7 Sm5 ToDHUNTER, ISAAC Private study of mathe- matics {see his Conflict of studies and other essays on subjects connected with edu- cation 1873 p.65-103) 370.4 T56 MATHER, COTTON 1663-1728 Wendell, Barrett Cotton Mather, the Puritan priest '1891 {Makers of America) B M42 Mathews, Ferdinand Schuyler Familiar trees and their leaves 320p.il.pl.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1896 (3 copies) 581.9 M42 MATILDA, queen of England, (?)-1083 Strick- land, Agnes Matilda of Flanders {in Strickland. Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.l,pt.l,p.21-107) 9 St8 :MATILDA, queen of Englai}''', 1080-1118 Strick- land, Agnes Matilda of Scotland {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.l,pt.l,p.l08-169) 9 St8 MATILDA, queen of England, 1103(f) -1152 Strickland, Agnes Matilda of Boulogne {in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1S93 v.l,pt.l,p.204-241) 9 St8 Matrimony See Marriage Matter See also Atoms; Materialism; Physics MATTER, PROPERTIES OF Hiller, H. C. Rhythmic heredity; matter a property of energy 1894 110 H55 See also Physics MAT MAT 314 MATTERHOKN Jordon, D. S. An ascent of the Matterhorn (see his Science sketches ISQe-^ST p.232-255) 597 J76 Matthew, Paris English history from the year 1235 to 1273; translated from the Latin by J: A. Giles Sv.D Lon(l.Bell,1854'89 '93 942.03 M4:; Matthews, James Brander Americanisms and Briticisms with other essays on other isms 190p.por.S N.Y.Harper,1892 814 M43 Contents: — Americanisms and Briticisms; As to "American spelling"; Literary inde- pendence of the United States; Centenary of Fenlmore Cooper; Ignorance and insu- larity; Whole duty of critics; Three Ameri- can essayists; Dissolving views Development of the drama 351p.D N.Y. Scribner,1906'^03 809 M43 Study of fiction (see Counsel upon the read- ing of books 1900 p.173-212) 028 C83 Maudsley, Henry Body and mind; an inquiry into their connection and mutual influence, especially in reference to mental disorders; to which are added psychological essays 275p.D N.Y.Appleton,1883 132 M44 Body and will; being an essay concerning will in its metaphysical, physiological, and path- ological aspects 333p.O N.Y.Appleton, 1884 159 M44 Natural causes and supernatural seemings Ed.2 374p.D Lond.Paul,1887 133 M44 Pathology of mind Ed.3,enl. 580p.D N.Y. Appleton,1882 132 M44p Being the 2d part of the "Physiology and pathology of mind" Physiology of mind N.Y.Appleton,1878 Ed.3,enl. 547p.D 130b M44 Responsibility in mental disease 313p.lJ N.Y.Appleton,1883 (International scien- tific series) 132 M44r Maurice, Charles Edmund Stephen Langton 276p.D Lond.King,1872 (Lives of the English popular leaders) B L26 Story of Bohemia from the earliest times to the fall of national independence in 1620; with a short summary of later events ' 533p. il.map8,D N.Y.Putnam,1896 (Story of the nations) 943.7 M44 Tyler, Ball and Oldcastle 281p.D Lond. King,1875 (Lives of the English popular lea^lers in the middle ages) B T97 Maurice, Frederick Denison Learning and working, six lectures The religion of Rome and its influence on modern civilization ; four lectures 350p.D Camb.Macmillan,1855 370.4 M44 Social morality; twenty-one lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge Ed.2 414p.D Lond.Macmillan,1872 170.4 M44 1805-1872 SxRACHEY, Sir Edwakd Books: Tennyson and Maurice (see his Talk at a country house 1894 p.121-149) 828 St8 Maurus, Rabaxus See Rabanus Maurus Maxw^ell, Sir Herbert Eustace Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish inde- pendence 387p.pl.map,D N.Y.Putnam, 1897 (Heroes of the nations) B R54 MAXWELL, JAMES CLERK- 1831-1879 Campbell, Lewis and Gaenett, William Life of James Clerk Maxwell 1884 B M45 MAXWELL, Sir WILLIAM STIRLING- haronet 1818-1878 Guy, Robert ed. Bibliog- raphy (see Maxwell, Sir William Stir- ling- Miscellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.461-484) 824.89 M45 Annals of the artists of Spain . . . New ed. 4v.il.por.pl.O Lond.Nimmo,1891 . 709.46 M45 Cloister life of the Emperor Charles V ... Ed.4 528p.pl.por.O Lond.Nimmo,1891 B C38 Miscellaneous essays and addresses; also a biographical note and bibliography 488p. por.pl.O Lond.Nimmo,1891 824.89 M45 Contents: — Proverbial philosophy of Scot- land; Few Spanish proverbs about friars; Wit and wisdom from West Africa; Adagia of Erasmus; William Hickling Prescott; Tlcknor's Life of Prescott; Richard Ford; Sir Robert Strange; Dukes of Urbino; De- vises and mottoes; Ancient Scottish seals; Spanish bull-fights; Rectorial address; St Andrews; On some varieties of historical style; Fall of two empires, 1814-1870; Sir Walter Scott; Rectorial address; Edin- burgh; Chancellor's address; Glasgow May, Sophie pseud. See Clarke, Rebecca Sophia May, Thomas The heir (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plajrs 1874 '75 '76 v.ll,p.501-584) 822.08 D66 315 The old couple {in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.l-83) 822.08 D6« May, Str Thomas Erskine baron Farnborough Democracy in Europe; a history 2t.D N.Y.Armstrong,1891 342.4 M45 MAYAN HIEROGLYPHICS Brinton, D. G. Primer of hieroglyphics n.d. (Univer- sity of Pennsylvania Series in philology, literature and archaeology) 497 B77 Mayer, Alfred Marshall Sound . . . 180p.il. pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1886«78 {Experi- mental science series) 534 M45 and Barnard, Charles Light . . . 112p.il.D X.Y.Appleton,1884'77 {Experimental science series) • 535 M4> Mayhew, Ira Means and ends of universal edu- cation 474p.pl.D N.Y.Barnes,n856 {Teachers' library) 370 M45 Ma3mard, Charles Johnson American butterflies DeWolfe,1891 Manual of North 226p.i!.pl.O Bost. 595.78 M45 Mayne, Jaspar City match (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l3,p.l99-320) 822.08 D66 Mayo-Smith, Richmond See Smith, Richmond Mavo- Mayor, John E. B. e\ scholemaster 1863 AscHAM, Roger The 370 As2 Mayor, Joseph B. Sketch of ancient philos- ophy from Thales to Cicero 254p.S Cam- bridge university press,1889 180.9 M45 MAZARIN, JLT.es cardinal 1602-1661 Perkixs, J. B. France under Mazarin with a review of the administration of Richelieu 1887*86 944 P41 MAZZINI, GIUSEPPE Marriott, J. A. R. {see Marriott, J. A. R. Italy 1889 p.1-25) 1805 or 1808-1872 Giuseppe Mazzini Makers of modern B M45 Essays; selected from the writings, literary, political and religious 332p.D Lond. Scott.n.d. -iCamelot series) 854.89 M45 Contents: — Faith and the future; Lamen- nais; Byron and Goethe; On the genius and tendency of the writings of Thomas Car- lyle; Carlyle's History of the French revo- hitlon; On the minor works of Dante; From the Pope to the Council: Europe: its con- dition and prospects; M. Renan and France Mazzotto, Domenico Wireless telegraphy and telephony; tr. from the original Italian 416p.il.D Lond.Whittaker,1906 (Whit- taker 's* library of arts, sciences and indtu- tries) 654 M45 Meals See Cookery; Diet; Food Measures See measures Mensuration ; Weights and Mechanic arts See Industrial arts MECHANICAL DRAWING Bartlbtt, F. W. Mechanical drawing 1901 744 B28 Cross, A. K. Mechanical drawing; a manual for teachers and students 1896*95 (Na- tional '^rawing books) 744 C88 Fox, William and Thomas, C:W. A practi- cal course in mechanical drawing 1901 «1899 744 F83 McRRis, I. H. Geometrical drawing for art students 1902 744 M83 RoriLLiox, Louis A course in mechanical drawing 1906*1896 744 R75 Thorxe, W:H. Intermediate course in mechanical drawing *1890 744 T39 Junior course in mechanical drawing *1890 744 T39j Senior course in mechanical drawing 1890 621.04 T39 MEDIA Lexormaxt, Francois and Chevallier, E. Medes and Persians (in their Man- ual of the ancient history of the East 1869 v.2,p.l-142) 930 L54 Ra(K)zix. Mme Z. A. Story of Media, Baby- lon, and Persia 1893*88 (Story of the nations) 935 R12s See also Medo-Persia Medieval town series Story of Assisi Gordon, Lixa Duff- 1905 945 G65 MEDICAL EDUCATION Euot, C:W: M.-di- cal education of the future (see his Edu- cational reform 1901*1898 p.341-371) 370.4 EI4 Medical ixspectiox of schools See School inspection MEDICAL LIBRARIES Holmes, 0:W. Med- ical libraries (see his Medical essays 1893*61 '91 p.396-419) 610.4 H73 MED MED 316 MEDKJI, LORENZO DE ', pri7ice of Florence, 1449 (?) -1492 Carpenter, Edith Lo- renzo de' Medici 1893 B M46 Reumoxt, Alfred von Lorenzo de' Medici, the magnificent 1876 B M46r Symonds, J: a. Lorenzo de' Medici and Poliziano (in Symonds, J: A. Renais- sance in Italy; Italian literature 1888 v.l,p.359-424) 850.9 Sy6 MEDICINE Carter, R. B. Medicine and sur- gery {in Ward, T:H. ed. Reign of Cjjueen Victoria 1887 v.2,p.388-444) 914.2 W21 Oilman, D. C. Modern progress in medicine (see his University problems in the United States 1898 p.211-233) 378.73 G42 Haney, J. P. Bibliographical notes on medicine in relation to teaching 1899 (iVew Yorhf University of the city of School of pedagogy Contributions) 370.4 N42 Helmholtz, H. L. F. von On thought in medicine (in his Popular lectures on scien- tific subjects 1881 '85 v.2,p.l99-236) 504 H36 Holmes, 0:W. Medical essays, 1842-1882 1893=61 '93 610.4 H73 Huxley, T:H: Connection of the biological sciences with medicine (see his Science and culture and other essays 1884 p.333- 357) 504 H98 See also Anatomy; Heredity; Homeopathy; Hygiene; Hygiene, Public; Insanity; Mi- croscopy; Mind and body; Nurses and nurs- ing; Pathology; Physiology; Stimulants and narcotics; Vaccination Essays Gould, G:M. Borderland studies 1896 610.4 G73 Medieval history See Middle ages MEDITERRANEAN SEA Davis, R:H. Rulers of the Mediterranean 1898*93 916.4 D29 See also Corsica; Levant, The MEDO-PERSIA Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Chal- dea 1886 (Story of the nations) 935 R12 See also Media Meigs, William Montgomery Growth of the constitution in the Federal convention of 1787 374p.facsim.O 1900^899 Phil.Lippincott, 342.73 M47 Meiklejohn, John Miller Dow British empire; its geography, resources, commerce, land- ways and water-ways Ed. 5 336p.maps, D Lond.Holden,1899 914.2 M47 English language; its grammar, history, and literature with chapters on composition, versification, paraphrasing and punctuation 388p.O Bost.Heath.l888«87 420 M47 An old educational reformer, Andrew Bell 182p.D Edin.Blackwood,1881 B37 B41 MELANCHTHON. PHILIPP 1497-1560 Barn- ard, Henry ed. Life and educational services of Philip Melancthon (see Barn- ard, Henry ed. German educational ref- ormers 1878 p.161-184) 370.943 B25 Richard, J. W: Philipp Melanchthon, the Protestant protector of Germany (Heroes of the reformation) B M48 Memoirs See Biography; also The name of the person or the classes of persons Memorabilia See Socrates Memories and portraits Stevenson, R. L: 824.89 St4 MEMORY Aiken, Catharine Methods of mind- training; concentrated attention and mem- ory 1896 371a Ai4 Austin, B. F. Rational memory training *1894 154 Au7 Cultivation of the memory icals for teachers) =1879 (Man- 154 C89 Emerson, R. W. Memory (see his Natural history of the intellect 1894' 93 p.61-81) 814.36 Em3n Evans, W:L. Memory training; a complete and practical system for developing and confirming the memory 1889 154 Evl Green, PrWiEDRiDGE- tivation 1897 Memory and its cul- 154 G82 HoLBROOK, M. L. How to strengthen the memory; or. Natural and scientific methods of never forgetting «1886 154 H69 Kay, David Memory; what it is and how to improve it 1888 154 K18 Leland, C:G. On developing memory (see his Practical education 1888 p.120-150) 60i L53 317 LoiSETTE, A. Assimilative memory; or, How- to attend and never forget ""ISOe 154.1 L83 LuKENS, H. T. Tiie connection between thought and memory; a contribution to pedagogical psychology on the basis of F. W. Dorpf eld's monograph, "Denken und Gedachtniss" 1895 154 L96 M1DDI.ETON, A. E. Memory systems, new and old 1888 154 M58 Pick, Edwakd Memory and its doctors 1888 154 P58 RiBOT, TafioDULE Diseases of memory; an essay in the positive psychology 1882 (International scientific series) 132.8 R35 See also Association Bibliography Fellows, G. S. Bibliography of mnemonics (see Middleton, A. E. Memory systems, new and old 1888 p.115-139) 154 M58 Men and manners in America one hundred years ago Scudder, H. E. ed. 917.3 Scu4 Men of invention and industry Smiles, Samuel 9 Sm4 Men of the century Morris, Charles ed. R9 M83m Men, women and manners in colonial times Fisher, S. G: 917.3 F53 MENDELEEFF, DMITRI IVANOWITSH 1834- Thorpe, T:E: Dmitri Ivanowitsh Men- deleefif («ee Thorpe, T:E: Essays in his- torical chemistry 1894 p.350-365) 540.9 T39 MENDELSSOHN, MOSES 1729-1786 Kak- peles, Gustave Jewish society in the time of Mendelssohn (see Karpeles, Gustave Jewish literature and other essays 1895 p.293-317) 834 K14 Mendenhall, Thomas Corwln Century of elec- tricity 229p.il.D Bost,Houghton,1888«87 537.8 M52 Scientific, technical and engineering education (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2, monograph 11, 42p,) 379.73 B97 MENNONITES Pennypacker, S:W. Men- nonite emigration to Pennsylvania (see his Historical and biographicfil sketches 1883 p.175-199) ^ 974.8 P38 See also Amish, The MENSURATION Halsted, G:B. Metrical geometry; an elementary treatise on men- suration 1883'81 511.8 H16 See also Geodesy; Metric system; Survey- ing; Weights and measures Ment.al arithmetic See Arithmetic MENTAL DERANGEMENTS MacDonald, Ar- thur Abnormal man; being essays on education and crime and related subjects, with digests of literature and a bibliography 1893 (United States— Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Shuttleworth, G. E. Mentally deficient children; their treatment and training 1900 371.9 Sh9 See also Idiocy; Illusions; Insanity Bibliography MaCDonald, Arthur Abnormal man; being essays on education and crime and related subjects with digests of literature and a bibliography 1893 (United States- Education, Bureau of Circular of infor- mation) 370.6 Un3 Shuttleworth, G. E. Bibliography (see his Mentally deficient children; their treat- ment and training 1900 p.168-173) 371.9 Sh9 Mental development in the child Preyer, Wil- helm 150.1 P92 Mental development in the child and the race Baldwin, J. M. 150.1 B19 Mental diseases See Idiocy; Insanity Mental evolution in animals Romanes, G:J: 591.5 R66m Mental evolution in man Romanes, G:J: 591.5 R66me MENTAL IMAGERY Lay, Wilfrid Mental imagery 1898 (Psychological review Monograph supplement) 150 L45 ;Ment.\l philosophy See Philosophy; Psy- chology Mental physiology Carpenter, W:B: 130b C22 Mental science See Psychology Mental suggestion See Hypnotism Menzel, Wolfgang History of Germany from the earliest period to 1842; tr. from the 4th MEN MER 318 German edition by Mrs George Horrocks Sv.por.D Lond.Bell,1892 943 M52 Merchandise See Commerce Merchant and his wife, The Fkoude, J. A. The merchant and his wife; an apologue for the colonial office {in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.2,p.242-244) 824.89 F93 Merchant of Venice See Shakspere, William MERCHANT TAYLOR'S SCHOOL Staunton, Howard Merchant Taylor's {see his Great schools of England 1865 p.210- 256) 373.42 St2 Mercier, Charles Sanity and insanity 395p.il. pl.D Lond.Scott,1892 {Contemporary science series) 132 M53 Meredith, George Essay on comedy and the uses of the comic spirit 99p.D N.Y. Scribner,1897 820.92 M54 MERIMEE, PROSPER 1803-1870 Pater, W. H. Prosper Merimee {see Pater, W. H. Miscellaneous studies 1895 p. 1-25) 824.89 P27 Merion in the Welsh tract Glenn, T:A. 974.781 G48 Merivale, Charles General history of Rome B.C. 753-A.D. 476 701p.maps,D N.Y.Harper,1883 {Students' edition) 937 M54 Roman triumvirates 248p.map,S N.Y. Scribner,1889 {Epochs of ancient his- tory) 937.05 M54 Merivale, Herman and Marzials, F. T: Life of W:M. Thackeray 248p.D Lond.Scott, 1891 {Great writers) B T32 Contains a bibMography Meriwether, Colyer History of higher educa- tion in South Carolina with a sketch of the free school system 247p.O Wash.govt. pr.o.l889 reau of Mermaid series Beaumont, Plays 1893 Chapman, George Conoreve, William Dekker, Thomas {United States — Education, Bu- Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Best plays of the old dramatists Francis and Fletcher, John 822.25 B38 Plays 1895 822.39 C36 Plays n.d. 822.46 C76 Plays n.d. 822.39 D36 Ford, John Plays 1888 822.38 F75 Heywood, Thomas Plays 1888 822.21 H51 JONSON, Ben Plays 1894 822.34 J73 Marlowe, Christopher Plays 1893 822.32 M34 Massinger, Philip Plays 1889 '93 822.37 M38 Middleton, Thomas Plays 1890 822.39 , , M58 Nero and other plays n.d. 822.39 N35 Otway, Thomas Plays 1888 Shirley, James Plays n.d. Vanbrugh, Sir John Plays 822.45 Ot9 Sh6 822.39 1896 822.47 V27 Webster, John and Tourneur, Cyril Plays 1893 822.39 W39 Wycherley, William Plays n.d. 822.44 W97 Merriam, Florence Augusta (afterward Mrs Bailey) Birds of village and field . . . 406p.il.pl.D Bost.Houghton,1898 398.2 M55 Birds, through an opera glass 223p.il.S Bost.Houghton,1893'^89 {Riverside library for young people) (2 copies) 598.2 M55b Merriam, Lucius Salisbury Higher education in Tennessee 287p.pl.O Wash.govt.pr.o.l893 {United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 Merriman, Mansfield and Woodward, R. S. ed. Higher mathematics; a text-book for classic- al and engineering colleges 576p.O N.Y. Wiley,1896 510.7 M55 Merry devil of Edmonton (tn Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l0,p.201-264) 822.08 D66 Merry tricks Barry, Ludowick Ram-alley; or, Merry tricks (tn Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l0,p.265-380) 822.08 D66 Merz, John Theodore History of European thought in the nineteenth century v.1,0 Edin.Blackwood,1896 109 M55 Leibniz 216p.por.D Phil.Lippincott,1884 {Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 L53 Meservey, A. B, Book-keeping; single entry . . . abridged edition 64p.O Bost. Thompson,<=1875 '95 R657 M56 319 Mesmerism See Hypnotism Messiah See Jesus Christ MKTAi'HYSICS Abercrombie, John Inquir- ies concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth 1882 120 Ab3 Aristotle Metaphysics 1891 110 Ar4 Bradley, F. H. Appearance and reality; a metaphysical essay 1893 (Library of philosophy) 110 B72 Carlyle, Thomas Characteristics (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.2, p.344-383) 824.82 C19 Erdman, J:E: Outlines of logic and meta- physics 1896 160 Er2 FiCHTE, J:G: The vocation of man (see his Popular works 1873 p.233-379) 193.3 F44 FiSKE, John Outlines of cosmic philosophy 1903^1874 110 F5-4 LoTZE, R. H. Metaphysics in three books; ontology, cosmology and psychology 1884 110 L91 Outlines of metaphysics 1884 110 L91o McCosH, James First and fundamental truths; being a treatise on metaphysics 1889 ■ 110 M13 RiCKABY, John First principles of knowl- edge n.d. (Manuals of Catholic philoso- phy) 110 R42 General metaphysics n.d. (Manuals of Catholic philosophy) 110 R42g Taylor, A. E, Elements of metaphysics 1903 110 T21 See also Immortality; Knowledge, Theory of; Materialism; Matter; Monism; Motion; Philosophy; Psychology; Reality; Self -con- sciousness ; Space Metcalfe, Frederick tr. Becker, W:A. Charicles; or. Illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks 1895 913.38 B38 Gallus; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus 1895 913.37 B38 Metchnikofif, Elie Nature of man; studies in optimistic philosophy; English translation ed. by P. C. Mitchell 309p.il.por.O N.Y. Putnam,1905*03 573 M56 METEOROLOGY Flammakion, Camille The atmosphere 1873 551.5 F61 Harrington, M. W. About the weather 1905 '1899 (Appleton's home reading books) 551 H23 See also Air; Electricity; Physical geogra- phy; Weather Method in education See Teaching, Methods of METHOD OF LEAST SQUARES Comstock, G : C. Elementary treatise upon the method of least squares 1895<=89 519.8 C73 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Alex- ander, Gross History of the Methodist Episcopal church. South (see Gross, Alex- ander and others History of the Methodist church. South, the United Presbyterian church, the Cumberland Presbyterian church and the Presbyterian church, South, in the United States 1894 (American church history series) 285 A12 Confessions of a Methodist (see College and the church 1887 p.171-179) 370.4 C68 METRIC SYSTEM Seguin, Edward The met- ric system (see his Report on education 1880 p.148-153) 370.6 Se3 Smith, J. H. An elementary treatise on the metric system of w^eights and measures 1897 389 Sm5 See also Weights and measures Metrology* See Mensuration; Weights and measures "METROPOLIS" WnxiAMS, R. O. The word "metropolis" as used in England and America (see his Our dictionaries and other English language topics 1890 p.45- 65) 420.4 W67 METTERNICH-WINNEBURG, CLEMENS WEN- ZEL NEPOMUK LOTHAR VON 1773- 1859 Lord, John Prince Mettemich (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.6,p.25-73) 904 L88 MEXICO Hale. Susan (Story of the nations) History Story of Mexico 1893'88 972 H13 Helps, Arthur Spanish conquest in America 1856 '68 972 H36 MEX MEX 320 Prescott, W:H. History of the conquest of Mexico "=1843 '73 972.02 P92 See also Montezuma Travel and description Baedeker, Karl pub. The United States, with an excursion into Mexico 1904 917.3 B14 George, M. M. A little journey to Mexico n901 (Library of travel) 917.2 G29 Stoddard, J:L. Mexico (in his Lectures 1898'^97 v.7,p.225-336) 910 St6 Meyer, Mrs Annie (Nathan) Woman's work in America, with an introduction by J. W. Howe 457p.D N.Y.Holt,1891 396 M57 ' Meyer, Bertha The child, physically and men- tally; advice of a mother according to the teaching and experience of hygienic science; guide for mothers and educators; translated by Friederike Salomon 155p.D N.Y. Holbrook,a893 649 M57 Meyer, B. E. tr. Hoffding, Harald History of modern philosophy 1900 109 H67 Meyer, Franz Sales Handbook of ornament; a grammar of art, industrial and architec- tural designing . . . Ed.2,enl. 548p.il.O N.Y.Hessling,1894 745 M57 Meyer, Georg Hermann von Organs of speech and their application in the formation of articulate sounds 349p.il.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1884 (hiternational scientific series) 612.78 M57 Mezieres, M. A. Education morale et instruc- tion civique a 1 'usage des ecoles primaires, cours moyen et superieur 176p.S Par. Delagrave,1883 377 M57 Miall, Louis Compton ^ Thirty years of teach- ing 250p.D Lond.Macmillan,1897 371b M58 Michaelis, Emilie and Moore, H. K. tr. Froe- bel, F:W:A: Autobiography 1889«86 '96 B37 F92 ed. Letters on the kindergarten 1891 372.2 F921e Michaud, Joseph Frangois History of the cru- sades; translated by W. Robson New ed. enl. 3v.D N.Y.Arm8trong,n.d. 940.4 M58 Michel, Frangois Fortune Femand (Antony B^al pseud.) Story of the stick in all ages and lands . . . 254p.D N.Y.Bouton,1875 398 M58 MICHELANGELO (MICHELANGELO BUO- NAEROTT) 1475-1564 HuRLL, E. M. ed. Michelangelo; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the master with introduction and interpretation "^1900 (Riverside art series) B M58 Symonds, J: a. Life of Michelangelo Buo- narroti 1893 B M58 Life of Michelangelo (see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; the fine arts 1888 p.348-384) 945 Sy6r Emerson, R. W. Michgel Angelo (see Em- erson, R. W. Natural history of the intel- lect 1894'=93 p.113-142) 814.36 Em33n HuRLL, E. M. Michel Angelo 1901^00 (Riverside art series) 750 H94m Lilly, W:S: The prophet of the renais- sance (see his C!hapters in European his- tory 1886 v.2,p.l-66) 940 L62 Lord, John Michael Angelo (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '=1883 '96 v.3,p.l81-214) 904 L88 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Michel Angelo (see her Makers of Floi^nce 1892 "76 '91 p.376-415) 9 013 Pater, W. H. Poetry of Michaelangelo (see Pater, W. H. Renaissance; studies in art and poetry 1890«73'88 p.75-100) 824.89 P27r RusKiN, John Relation between Michael Angelo and Tintoret (see his Two paths 1894 p.207-237) 824.86 R89t Michelet, Jules History of France; tr, by G. H. Smith 2v.O N.Y.Appleton,1882 944 M58 History of the Roman republic; translated by William Hazlitt 404p.D N.Y.Appleton, 1847 937.02 M58 1798-1874 " Du pretre, de la femme, de la famille" Milman, H:H. Relation of the clergy to the people (in his Savon- arola, Erasmus and other essays 1870 p.374-445) 824.89 M63 MICHIGAN CooLEY, T:M. Michigan; a his- tory of governments 1886''85 (American, commonwealths) 977.4 C77 321 Education McLaughlin, A. C. History of higher edu- cation in Michigan 1891 {United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of in- formation) 370.6 Un3 MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY OF Farrand, E.. M. History of the University of Michigan 1885 '84 378.774 F24 Ten Brook, Andrew American state uni- versities; a history of congressional uni- versity land-grants; a particular account of the rise and development of the University of Michigan 1875 378.73 T25 Microcosmus Lotze, B. H. MICROSCOPY Davis, G:E. copy 1889 193.8 L91 Practical micros- 578 D29 Stokes, A. C. Microscopy for beginners; or, Coriunon objects from the ponds and ditches '1887 578.9 St6 MIDDLE AGES See also Castles; Chivalry; Crusades; Feudalism; Holy Roman empire; Humanism; Monastic orders; Renaissance; also The name of the country Art Lacroiz, Paul Arts in the middle ages and the renaissance n.d. 709 Lll Reber, Franz von 1887*86 BSstory of medieval art 709 R24h History DuKUY, J. V. History of the middle ages 1891 940.1 D91 Emerton, Ephraim Introduction to the study of the middle ages 1889 940.1 Em3 Gibbon, Edward History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire n.d. 940.1 G35 History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire 1881 (Student's edition) 940.1 G35h Hallam, Henry View of the state of Eu- rope daring the middle ages pref.1880 940.1 H15 View of the state of Europe during the mid- dle ages 1879 (Student's edition) 940.1 H15v SxiLLfi, C:J. Studies in medieval history 1882 940.1 St5 See also Charlemagne; Crusades; Feudal- ism; Goths; Holy Roman empire; Military history; Northmen; Renaissance Legends GuERBER, H. M. A. Legends of the middle ages <=1896 398.2 G93 See also Arthur, King Literature Ebert, Adolf Allgemeine Greschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters im Abendlande 1880 '87 '89 809 EbS Lacroix, Paul Science and literature in the middle ages and at the period of the renais- sance n.d. 509 Lll See also Humanism; Renaissance Social life and customs Lacroix, Paul Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages and during the renaissance period 1874 390 Lll Military and religious life in the middle ages and at the period of the renaissance n.d. 390 Lllm MIDDLE STATES OF THE UNITED STATES Drake, S:A. Making of Virginia and the . middle colonies 1893 974 D78 FiSKE, John Dutch and Quaker colonies in America 1899 974.7 F54 Powell, L. P. middle states towns) ed. Historic towns of the 1901 (American historio 974.7 P87 See also Virginia Middlemore, Samuel G. C. tr. Burckhardt, Jacob Civilisation of the renaissance in Italy 1892 945 B89 Middleton, A. E. Memory systems, new and old . . . with bibliogpraphy of mnemonics by G. S. Fellows First American ed. from the second English ed. enlarged 143pJ) N.Y.FeUows,1888 154 M58 Middleton, John Henry Rome 2v.il.map8,0 Remains of ancient Lond.Black,1892 937.6 M58 Middleton, Thomas Plays; ed. by Haveloek Ellis with an introduction by A. C: Swin> bume 2v.porJ) Lond.Unwin,1890 MID MID (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.39 M58 1570 (?) -1627 Ward, A. W: Later Elisa- bethans (in his History of dramatic litera- ture 1899 v.2,p.493-540) 822.09 W21 Midsummer night 's dream William See Shakspere, Mignet, Fransois Auguste Marie History of Mary, queen of Scots Ed.7 466p.por.D Lond.Bentley,1887 B M36 History of the French revolution from 1789- 1814 424p.por.D Lond.Bell,1885 944.04 M58 Milinowski, Airs Harriet Ransom tr. Uffel- MANN, Julius Manual of the domestic hygiene of the child 1891 649 Uf3 MILITAKY HISTORY Oman, C:W:C. His- tory of the art of war; the middle ages, from the fourth to the fourteenth century 1898 355.09 0ml See also . Naval history; also The name of the battle, the country, the general and the war Mill, Hugh Robert Elementary class-book of general geography 381p.D Lond.Mac- millan,1889 910 M59 Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographical books for reference and reading with classified lists prepared at the request of the geographical association 142p. D N.Y.Longmans,1897 910.7 M59 Realm of nature; an outline of physiography 366p.il.maps,D N.Y.Scribner,1892 (Uni- versity extension manuals) 551 M59 ed. International geography 1088p.il.O N.Y.Appleton,1900'=1899 910 M59 Mill, James Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind; with notes illustrative and critical by Alexander Bain, Andrew Find- later and George Grote; ed. with additional notes by J:S. Mill Ed.2 2v.0 Lond. Longman8,1878 150 M59 1773-1836 RiBOT, A:T. Mr James Mill (see Ribot, A:T. English psychology 1874 p.44-77) • 150 R35 MILL, JOHN STUART 1806-1873 Couktney, W:L. Life of John Stuart Mill n.d. (Great writers) B M59 Mill, J:S. Autobiography 313p.O N.Y. Holt,1883 B M59m Considerations on representative government 141p.D Lond.Longmans,1875 321.8 M59 Examination of Sir William Hamilton's phil- osophy and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings 2 v. inl,0 N.Y.Holt,1884 192.9 M59 Inaugural address delivered to the University of St Andrews, February 1st, 1876 48p.D Lond.Longmns,n.d. 378.41 M59 Principles of political economy; ed. by J. L. Laughlin 670p.il.maps,charts,O N.Y.Ap- pleton,1891<=84 330 M59 System of logic, ratiocinative and inductive; being a connected view of the principles of e^•idence and the methods of scientific in- vestigation Ed.8 659p,0 N.Y.Harper, 1882 160 M59 Utilitarianism; reprinted from Fraser's mag- azine Ed.7 96p.O Lond.Longmans, 1879 171.5 M59 ed. Mill, James Analysis of the phe- nomena of the human mind 1878 150 M59 1806-1873 Harrison, Frederic John Stu- art Mill (see Harrison, Frederic Tenny- son, Ruskin, Mill and other literary esti- mates 1900 p.268-302) 824.89 H24 Hinsdale, B. A. John Stuart Mill (see Hinsdale, B, A. Schools and studies 1884 p.103-149) 370.4 H59 Ribot, A:T. Mr John Stuart Mill (see Ribot, A:T. English psycholo'gy 1874 p.78-123) 150 R35 Robertson, J:M. John Stuart Mill (see Robertson, J:M. Modern humanists 1891 p.62-111) 304 R54 Spencer, Herbert Mill versus Hamilton — the test of truth (in Spencer, Herbert Essays; scientific, political, and speculative 1891 v.2,p.l88-217) 824.89 Sp3 Watson, John Comte, Mill and Spencer; an outline of philosophy 1895 190 W33 ' ' On liberty ' ' Buckle, H : T : Mill, on lib- erty (see Buckle, H:T: Essays 1887 p.37-161) 824.89 B85 d2S MuELLEK, F:M. On freedom (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.5, p.1-52) 824.89 M91 Miller, Mrs Harriet (Mann) Bird-lover in the west 278p.D Bost.Houghton,1894 598.2 M62 Birdwaya 227p.D Bo8t.Houghton,1894'85 598.2 M62b In nesting time 275p.D Bost.Houghton, 1893'^88 598.2 M62i MILLER, HUGH 1802-1856 Miller, Hugh An autobiography My schools and school- masters; or, The story of my education Ed.l9 537p.D N.Y.Carter,1882«54 B M61 Miller, Leslie William Essentials of perspec- tive 107p.iI.ob.D N.Y.Scribner,1892'=87 f. 742 M61 Miller, Louise Klein Children's gardens for school and home; a manual of cooperative gardening 235p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1904 630 M61 ^i* Miller, Olive Thome See Miller, Mrs Harriet * (Mann) Miller, B. Ealley Eomance of astronomy Ed, 3 203p.D Lond.Macmillan,1882 523 M61 I MILLET, JEAN FRANgOIS 1814-1875 HuuLL, E. M. ed. Jean Francois Millet; a collection of fifteexi pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and inter- pret ition "=1900 (Riverside art series) B M61 Mills, Simeon Readings from the book of na- ture 131p.il.D Chic.Kerr,1893 530 M62 Mills, Wesley ' Nature and development of an- I imal intelligence 307p.O N.Y.Macmillan, f 1898 591.5 M62 Milman, Henry Hart History of Christianity from the birth of Christ to the abolition of paganism in the Roman empire New ed. enl. 3v.D N.Y.Arm8trong,1881 270.1 M63 1791-1868 "History of Christianity" New- man, J:H: cardinal Milman 's view of Christianity (tn Newman, J :H: cardinal Essays; critical and historical 1891 v.2, p.186-248) 204 N46 History of Latin Christianity, including that of the Popes to the pontificate of Nicholas V 8v.in 4,D N.Y.Armstrong,1893 282 M63 History of the Jews Arm8trong,1893 3v.in 2,D N.Y. 933 M63 Savonarola, Erasmus and other essays 500p.O Lond.Murray,1870 824.89 M63 Contents:— Savonarola; Life of Erasmus; Popes of the 16th and 17th centuries; Clem- ent XIV and the Jesuits; Newman on the development of Christian doctrine; Relation of the clergy to the people; Pagan and Christian sepulchres MILNES, RICHARD MONCKTON (LORD HOUGHTON) 1809-1885 Reid, T:W. Life, letters and friendships of R:M. Milnes «1S91 B M63 On the present social results of classical edu- cation (see Farrar, F:W: ed. Essays on a liberal education 1868 p.365-384) 370.4 F24 ed. Keats, John Poetical works 1895 821.78 K22 MILTON, JOHN 1608-1674 DeQuincey, Thomas Life of Milton Milton (see DeQuincey, Thomas Biographical and his- torical essays '1853 '77 p.89-134) 824.81 D44 Garnett, Richard Life of John Milton 1890 (Great writers) B M64 Johnson, Samuel Life of Milton 1894 (Bell's English classics) B M64g Milton (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.l,p.97-203) 9 J62 Pattison, Mark Milton n.d. (English men of letters) B G35 Poetical works; with an introduction by David Masson 625p.O Lond.Macmillan,1893 821.47 M64 with a memoir and critical re- marks on his genius and writings by James Montgomery . . . New ed. 2v.por.D Lond.Bell,1861 '77 821.47 M64p "Paradise lost" Addison, Joseph Mil- ton's "Paradise lost" (see Steele, Sir Richard and Addison, Joseph The lover and other papers 1887 p.201-310) 828 St3 Tractate on education; a facsimile reprint from the edition of 1673; ed. with an in- troduction and notes by Oscar Browning 43p.S Cambridge university press,1883 (Pitt press series) 370 M64 MIL MIL 324 Arnold, Matthew A French critic on Mil- ton (in Arnold, Matthew Mixed essays 1894 p.178-205) 824.85 Ar6m Milton (in his Essays in criticism 1896 v.2,p.56-68) 824.85 Ar6e Bagehot, Walter John Milton (in Bage- hot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.2, p.168-220) 824.89 B14 Browning, Oscar English humanists and realists — Eoger Ascham and John Milton (see Browning, Oscar Educational theories 1882 p.83-102) 370.9 B82 DeQuincey, Thomas Milton versus Southey and Landor (see DeQuincey, Thomas Literary criticism <=1853'76 p.455-478) 824.81 D441 Emerson, E. W. Milton (see Emerson, E. W. Natural history of the intellect 1894«93 p.143-174) 814.81 Em3n Parrar, F:W: Milton (see Farrar, F:W: Great books <=1898 p.237-290) 824.89 F24 Hazlitt, William Milton (in Hazlitt, Wil- liam Miscellaneous works Lectures on the English poets n.d. v.3,pt.2,p.201- 214) 824.76 H33 On Shakspeare and Milton (in Hazlitt, Wil- liam Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers 1884 pt.l,p.58- 90) 824.76 H33 (in Hazlitt, William Miscella- neous works Lectures on the English poet^ n.d. v.3,pt.2,p.52-81) 824.76 H33m Laurie, S. S. John Milton (see Laurie, S. S. Occasional addresses on educational subjects 1888 p.164-189) 370.4 L37 Lowell, J. E. Milton (in Lowell, J. E. Literary essays 1892 '94«64 '90 v.4,p.58- 117) 814.39 Em31i Macaulat, T:B. baron Milton (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and his- torical essays 1889 v.l,p.l-61) 824.83 Mil Payne, Joseph Milton Comenius (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of . education 1892 p.72-82) 370.9 P29 Quick, E. H. Ascham, Montaigne, Eatich, Milton (see Quick, E. H. Essays on edu- cational reformers 1879 p.21-42) 370.9 Q4 " Areopagitica" Lowell, J. E. Milton's " Areopagitica " (see Lowell, J. E. La- test literary essays and addresses 1893''91 p.94-110) 814.39 L95 Minckwitz, Richard Alexander von and Wilder, A. C. ed. Immensee "1901 438 St7 Minna von Barnhelm ''1904 Mind See Intellect; Psychology 438 L56 MIND, PHYSIOLOGY OF Calderwood, Henry The relations of mind and brain 1879 131 C12 Mind, Science of See Psychology Mind; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy, 1876 '78-86 '94-date v.1,3-11 New ser.v.6-date,0 Lond.1876 '78-86 '94- date 150 M66 MIND AND BODY Bain, Alexander Errors of suppressed correlatives (in his Practi- cal essays 1884 p.41-68) 370.4 B10 Mind and body; the theories of their rela- lation 1882 (International scientifio series) 130b B16 Bastian, H:C. Brain as an organ of mind 1880 130b B29 Carpenter, W:B: Principles of mental physiology; with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind, and the study of its morbid conditions 1884 130b C22 Maudsley, Henry Physiology of mind 1878 130b M44 TuKE, D. H. Illustrations of the influence of the mind upon the body in health and dis- ease, designed to elucidate the action of the imagination 1884 130b T81 See also Brain; Dreams; Hypnotism; Idi- ocy; Insanity; Nervous system; Psychical research; Psychology, Physiological; Sub- consciousness Mind and hand Ham, C:H: 607 H17 Mind and motion and monism Eomanes, G:J: Mind in the lower animals Lindsay, W. L. 110 E66 591.5 L64 Mind of the child Preyer, Wilhelm 150.1 P92 Mind of man Spiller, Gustave 150 Sp4 Mind-readino See Psychical phenomena 325 Mind-reading and beyond Hovey, W:A. 134 H82 Mind-training Aiken, Catharine Methods of mind-training; concentrated attention and memory 1896 371a Ai4 MINIATURE PAINTING Wharton, A.. H." Heirlooms in miniatures 1898<'97 757 W55 MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL Euor, C:W: On the education of ministers {see his Educational reform 1900*1898 p.59-86) 370.4 E14 See also Biography; Clergy Minor arts Leiand, C:G. 740 L53 Minna von Barnhelm Leasing, G. E. 438 L56 MINNEAPOLIS Public schools Rice, J. M. Minneapolis, La Porte, and the Cook county normal {see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.l93- 216) 379.73 R36 MINOR, JOHN D. versus CINCINNATI— £dt»- cation, Board of Bible in the public schools; arguments in the case of John D. Minor et al versus the Board of Education of the city of Cincinnati et al 1870 377.1 B47 Minto, William Characteristics of English poets from Chaucer to Shirley 382p.D Bo8t.Ginn,1889 821 M66 Daniel Defoe 167p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B D36 Bound with lives of Southey by Edward Dowden and of Byron by John Nichol Literature of the Georgian era; ed. with a biographical introduction by William Knight 365p.D N.Y.Harper,1895'94 820.9 M66 Logic, inductive and deductive 378p.il.D N.Y.Scribner,1893 (University extension nuinuals) 160 M66 Manual of English prose literature, biographi- cal and critical, designed mainly to show characteristics of style 552p.D Bost.Ginn, 1895 820 M66 1845-1893 Knight, William Biographical introduction (see Minto, William Litera- ture of the Georgian era 1895 "=94 p.9-56 pref.) 820.9 M66 MIR ABE AU, COMTE DE (GABRIEL HONORE RIQUETTI) 1749-1791 Carlyle, Thokas Mirabeau (see Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.3,p.302< 376)^ 824.82 C19 Compatr£, Gabriel L 'assemble constitn- ante le pro jet de Mirabeau et le rapport de Talleyrand (see Compayrg, Gabriel Hls- toire critique des doctrines de 1 'Vacation en France 1883 v.2,p.249-272) 370.944 C73 DuMESNiL, Georges Mirabeau (see Dum- esmil, Georges La pedagogic r^volutionnaire 1883 p.60-74) 370.944 D89 Lord, John Mirabeau (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.4, p.323-364) 904 L88 MIRACLES acles Brewer, E. C. 1893 Dictionary of mir- R231.7 B35 DeQuincey, Thomas On Hume's argument against miracles (see his Essays on Chris- tianity, paganism and superstition «1877 '54 p.290-316) 204 D44 See also Jesus Christ ; Mary, Virgin ; Saints ; Spiritualism; also Alexander "The Paph- lagonian"; ApoUonius MiRANDOLA, Count of See count of Mirandola Pico, Giovanni, Miscellaneous studies Pater, W. H. 824.89 P27mi Miscellanies Dobson, H:A. 824.89 D65m MISCHIANZA Rhoades, L. I. Mischianza (see her Story of Philadelphia «1900 p.248-257) 974.8 B34 Miseries of enforced marriage Wilkins, Georos (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.9, p.465-576) 822.08 D66 Misfortunes of Arthur (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plajrs 1874 '75 '76 v.4,p.249-343) 822.08 D66 MISSIONS Mueller, F:M. Westminster lecture on missions (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.4,p.238- 275) 824.89 M91 See also Jesuits — Missions MISSISSIPPI RIVER Glazier, Whxabd Headwaters of the Mississippi 1893*92 917.7 046 MIS MIS 326 Greene, F. V. Mississippi 1882 (Cam- paigns of the civil war) 973.7 C15 Parkman, Francis France and England in North America La Salle and the discovery of the great West 1886'=69'79' 973.2 P23 See also La Salle^ Eobert Cavelier, Sieur de MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Fiske, John Mis- sissippi valley in the civil war 1900 973.7 F54 EoosEVELT, Theodore Winning of the West 1903 977 E67 WiNSOR, Justin Cartier to Frontenac 1894 970 W73 Mississippi basin; the struggle in America between England and France, 1697-1763 1895 973.2 W73 MISSOURI Care, Lucien Missouri; a bone of contention 1892=88 (American com- monwealths) 977.8 C23 Education Snow, M. S. Higher education in Missouri 1898 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 See also St Louis (Missouri) — Public schools Mitchell, Donald Grant About old story-tellers; of how and when they lived and what stories they told 237p.il.pl.D N.Y.Scribner, 1893'98<=77 (2 copies) 9 M69 American lands and letters Scribner,1897'99 2v.il.O N.Y. 810.9 M69 English lands, letters and kings 3v.D N.Y. Scribner,1891 '95«89 820.9 M69 Contents: — v. 1 From Celt to Tudor v. 2 From Elizabeth to Anne v. 3 Queen Anne and the Georges Mitchell, Mrs Lucy Myers (Wright) History of ancient sculpture 2v.il.pl.O N.Y. Dodd,1894 732 M69 Mitchell, Maria Collegiate education of girls (see Brackett, A.. C. ed. Woman and the higher education 1893 p.65-78) 376 B72 Mitchell, P. Chalmers tr. Hertwig, Oscar Biological problem of to-day 1896 576 H44 ed. Metchnikoff, Elie Nature of man 1905*03 573 M56 Mitchell, Silas Weir Wear and tear; or, Hints for the overworked Ed.4 59p.S PhiL Lippincott,'1871 613.8 M69 Mitford, John Life of Swift (in Swift, John- athan Poetical works 1894 v.l,p.9- 108) 827.52 Sw5 Mitford, Mary Russell Our village; ed. by Er- nest Rhys 290p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 823.79 M69 Mittelberger, Gottlieb Journey to Pennsyl- vania in the year 1750 and return to Ger- many, 1754; tr. from the German by C. T. Eben 129p.O Phil.McVey,1898 917.48 M69 Mivart, St George Essays and criticisms 2v. O Lond.Osgood,1892 824.89 M69 Contents:— V. 1 Jacobinism; Sorel's Eu- rope and the French revolution; Memoirs of a royalist; State organisation; Notes on Spain; Monumenta rltualia Ecclesla AngU- canae; Devonshire relio; Visit to some Aus- trian monasteries: Greyfriars; National education; Meaning of life; Government of life; Laughter; Why tastes differ; Psychol- ogy of the emotions V. 2 Descent of man; Evolution and Its consequences; Specific genius; Herbert Spencer; Prehistoric and savage man; Ad- dress to the British association, 1879; Force, energy and will; Likenesses; or, Philoso- phical anatomy; Hermann Lotze and the mechanical philosophy; Limit to evolution; Organic nature's riddle; What are animals and plants? Welsmann's theories — the be- ginning and end of life; Eimer on growth and Inheritance Helpful science ]78p.D N.Y.Harper,! 895 100 M69 Origin of human reason; being an examination of recent hypothesis concerning it 327p.O Lond.Paul,1889 156 M69 Mixed essays Arnold, Matthew Mixed essays, Irish essays and others 1894 824.85 Ar6m Mnemonics -See Memory Moberly, Charles Edward Early Tudors; Henry VII, Henry VIII 249p.maps,S N.Y. Scribner,1890 (Epochs of modern history) 942.05 M71 Model schools ared with modem ethical theories; Some curious parallels be- tween Greek and Chinese thought Lectures and papers on the history of the reformation in England and on the conti- MOO MOO 330 nent 525p.O Lond.Paul,1890 270.6 M78 Moore, Charles Herbert Development and char- acter of Gothic architecture 3;{3p.il.O Lond.Macmillan,1890 723.5 M78 Moore, Edward Dante and his early biographers ISlp.D Lond.Eivingtons,189U B D23 Moore, Frank Diary of the American revolu- tion from newspapers and original docu- ments . . . 2v.por.pl.maps,0 N.Y.Scrib- ner,1860«58 973.3 M78 Moore, H. Keatley Child's song and game book . . . 2v.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1894 C58 372.21 M78 and Michaelis, Emilie ed. Froebel, F:W: A: Letters on the kindergarten 1891 372.2 F921e tr. Froebel, F:W:A: Autobiography 1889'^86'96 ' B37 F92 Moore, H. Kingsmill An unwritten chapter in the history of education; being the his- tory of the society for the education of the poor of Ireland, generally known as the Kil- dare place society, 1811-1831 350p.O Lond. Macmillan,1904 370.941 M78 Moore, John B. United States as a worl.d- power {see Cambridge modern history The United States 1903 p,655-686) 973 C14 Moore, Kathleen Carter Mental development of a child 150p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1896 {Psychological review Monograph supple- ment) 150.1 M78 Moore, Joseph West American congress; a his- tory of national legislation and political events, 1774-1895 581p.O N.Y.Harper, 1895 328.9 M78 MOORE, THOMAS 1779-1852 Hazlitt, Wil- liam . Mr T. Moore Mr L. Hunt {in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.245-257) 824.76 H33m "Letters and journal of Lord Byron" Ma- CAULAY, T : B. haron Moore 's life of By- ron (tn Macaulay, T:B. "baron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.l,p.292-332) 824.83 Mil Saintsburt, G:E:B. Moore («ee Saints- bury, G:E:B. Essays in English literature 1890 p.170-200) 824 Sa2 Stevenson, E. ed. Irish melodies with words {see his Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.239-250) 820 St4 Moore, Vida F. Ethical ^spect of Lotze 's meta- physics lOlp.O N.Y.Maemillan,1901 {Cornell university Studies in philosophy) 110 M78 MOORS IN SPAIN Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of the Moors in Spain =1886 {Story of the nations) 946 P78 Watts, H:E. Christian recovery of Spain; being the story, of Spain from the Moorish conquest to the fall of Granada, 711-1492 A. D. 1894*^93 {Story of the nations) 946 W34 See also Granada {kingdom) — History Moosehead journal Lowell,, J. R. {in his Lit- erary essays 1892'94«64'90 v.l,p.l-42) 814.39 L95U Morals, Henry Samuel Jews of Philadelphia; their history from the earliest settlements to the present time . . . 576p.O Phil. 1894 296 M79 MORAL EDUCATION Adams, John Relation of the school studies to moral training {in Herbart society Third year book 1897 p.73-100) 370.6 H41 Adler, Felix Moral instruction of children 1898 {International education series) ■ 377 Ad5 Baker, J. H. Can virtue be taught? {see his Education and life 1900 p.103-115) 370.4 B17 Moral training {see his Education and li:^e 1900 p.92-102) 370.4 B17 Bryant, Sophie Teaching of morality in the family and the school 1897 {Ethical li- brary) 377 B84 Calkins, N. A. Moral training and school discipline {see his Manual of object teach- ing 1882'^81 p.317-338) 372.3 C12 CoE, G:A. Education in religion and morals 1904 377 C65 A selected and classified bibliography {see his Education in religion and morals 1904 p.407-422) 377 C65 CoMEGYS, B:B. a primer of ethics 1891 "=90 377 C73 DeGarmo, Charles Social aspects of moral education {in Herbart society Third year book 1897 p.35-57) 370.6 H41 331 Dewey, John Ethical principles underlying education (in Herbart society Third year book 1897 p.7-34) 370.6 H41 Griggs, E:H. Bibliography (see his Moral education 1905«03 p.297-341) 377 G87 Moral education 1905<^03 377 087 Hakris, W : T. Relation of school discipline to moral education (in Herbart society Third year book 1897 p.58-72) 370.6 H41 Ingham, C:B. Education in accordance with natural law n.d. 377 In4 King, R. M. School morals (see Ms School interests and duties «1894 p.181-188) 371c K58 Mann, Mrs Mary Moral culture of infancy (see Peabody, E.. P. Guide to the kinder- garten 1877«69 p.105-206) 372.2 P31 Mark, H. T. Indi\iduality and the moral aim in American education 1901 377 M34 Moral order of the world Bruce, A. B. 214 B83 Moral philosophy See Ethics Martineau, Harriet 1883 Household education 377 M36 Education morale and in- 1883 377 M57 Mezieres, M. a. struction civique Monroe, H. E. Development of character (see her Art and science of conversation '1889 p.43-110) 374.1 M76 Newton, R:H. Moral education in the pub- lic schools (see his Social studies 1887 p.197-212) 330 N48 Quick, R. H. The schoolmaster's moral and religious influence (see his Essays on edu- cational reformers 1879 '91 '97'^90 p.492- 503) 370.9 Q41 Richmond, Ennis Through boyhood to man- hood ; a plea for ideals 1899 377 R41 Rylands, L. G. Details connected with the moral education of children (see his Crime; its causes and remedy 1889 p.103-116) 364 R98 White, E. E. Moral instruction (see his School management 1893 p.218-294) 371c W58 Worthington, E:S, Tocsin; our children in peril «1903 377 W89 See also Religious education Moral education in American schools with spe- cial reference to the formation of character and to instruction in the duties of citizen- ship n.d. (unbound) 377 M81 Moral science See Ethics Moral teachings of science (Buckley) Fisher, Mrs A. B. 170 B85 Morals of trade Spencer, Herbert The morals of trade (in his Essays; scientific, politi- cal and speculative 1891 v.3,p.ll3-151) 824.89 Sp3 Moratin, Leandro Fernandez de El si de las ninas ... ed. by J. D. M. Ford 95p.D Bost.Ginn'^1899 (International modern Ian- guage series) 862.42 M79 MORAVIANS Gibbons, P. E, Bethlehem and the Moravians (see her Pennsylvania Dutch and other essays 1882 p.l73-20o) 814.49 G35 Hamilton, J:T. History of the Unitas fra- trum; or, Moravian church in the United States of America (see Corwin, E:T. Dubbs, J.H: and Hamilton, J:T. History of the Reformed church, Dutch, the Reformed church, German, and the Moravian church in the United States 1895 (American church history series) 285.7 C81 See also United Brethren in Christ Mordaunt, Charles See Peterborough, Charles Mordaunt, earl of MORE, HANNAH 1745-1833 Lord, John Han- nah More (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883 '96 v.5,p.419-463) 904 L88 MORE, Sir THOMAS 1478-1535 Bridgett, T: E : Life and writings of Sir Thomas More 1892 B M81 Roper, William Life of Sir Thomas More (see More, Sir Thomas Utopia 1891 56p. pref.) 321.8 M81u (see More, Sir Thomas Utopia n.d. p.1-61) 321.8 M81 Utopia; the English translation by Ralphe Robynson from the 2d edition of 1556 . . . and life of Sir Thomas More, by William Roper ... ed. by J. R. Lumly 259p.D Cambridge university pres8,1891 (Pitt press series) 321.8 M81u and the history of Edward V; with Roper's life; ed. by Maurice Adams MOR MOR 268p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. Seebohm, Frederic 332 (Camelot series) 321.8 M81 Oxford reformers 1887 274.2 SeS Morell, John Daniel Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Eu- rope in the 19th century Ed.2,enl. 2v,0 Lond. Johnstone,1847 109 M81 Introduction to mental philosophy on the in- ductive method with numerous examination papers in mental science . • . 389p.il.D Lond.Stewart,n.d. (Stewart's educational series) 150 M81 Morfill, William Richard Story of Poland 389p. il.por.map,D N.Y.Putnam,1883 {Story of the nations) 943 M81 Story of Russia 394p.D.maps,D N.Y.Put- nam,1890 (Story of the nations) 947 M81 Morgan, Conway Lloyd Habit and instinct 351p.pl.O Lond.Arnold,1896 591.5 M82 Introduction to comparative psychology 382p. il.D Lond.Scott,1894 (Contemporary sci- ence series) 591.5 M82i Morgan, Thomas Jefferson Studies in peda- gogy 355p.D Bo3t.Silver,1890<=88 371a M82 Mori, Arinori ed. Education in Japan; a se- ries of letters by prominent Americans . . . 195p.D N.Y.Appleton,1873 (2 copies) 952 M82 Morison, James Augustus Cotter Gibbon 184p. 8 N.Y.Harper,n,d. (English men of let- ters) B G35 Bound with lives of Shelley by J: A. Sy- monds and of Milton by Mark Pattlson Macaulay 183p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B B91 Bound with lives of Burke by John Mor- ley and of Fielding by Austin Dobson Morley, John Rousseau 2v.D millan,1891«86 '88 Lond.Mac- B37 R76 Morley, Henry English writers; an attempt toward a history of English literature llv. D Lond.Cassell,1887'93 820.9 M82 f Contents: — v. 1 Introduction; Origins; Old Celtic literature; Beowulf V. 2 From Csodman to the conquest V. 8 From the conquest to Chaucer V. 4 Fourteenth century part 1 V. B Fourteenth century part 2 ' V. 6 From Chaucer to Cazton v. 7 From Caxton to Coverdale V. 8 From Surrey to Spenser v. 9 Spenser and his time V. 10 Shakespeare and his time; Under Elizabeth V. 11 Shakespeare and his time ; Under James I First sketch of English literature Ed.l4 1099p.D Lond.Cassell,1889 820.9 M82f Palissy, the potter; life of Bernard Palissy of Saintes Newed. 320p.por.D Lond.Cas- sell,n.d. B P17 ed. Machiavelli, Niccolo History of Florence 1891 945.5 M18 Morley, John Burke 214p.S N.Y.Harper, n.d. (English men of letters) B B91 Bound with lives of Macaulay by J. A:C. Morison and of Fielding by Austin Dobson Diderot and the encyclopedists 2v.O Lond. Chapman,1878 B D56 Struggle for national education 184p.O Lond.Chapman,1873 379.42 M82 Walpole 251p.D Lond.Macmillan,1893'=89 (Twelve English statesmen) B W16 ed. English men of letters Morley, Margaret Warner Physical culture . . . 30p.S Chic.EIindergarten literature co,1893 613.7 M82 Contains also "Stories as a mode of thinking" by R:G. Moulton Seed babies 75p.il.D Bost.Ginn,1898*96 570 M82 Song of life 155p.il.D Chic.McClurg,1891 576 M82 "The morning star of the reformation" See Wyclif, John Mornings in Florence Ruskin, John 704 R89m Morphology See Biology Morris, Charles Historical tales; the romance of reality American 319p.pl.D Phil. Lippincott,1893 973 M83 Historical tales; the romance of reality Eng- lish 136p.pl.D Phil.Lippincott,1893 942 M83 Historical tales; the romance of reality French 322p.por.pl.D Phil.Lippincott, 1893 944 M83 Historical tales; the romance of reality Ger- man 344p.pl.D Phil.Lippincott,1893 943 M83 888 ed. Makers of Philadelphia; an historical work, giving portraits and sketches of the most eminent citizens of Philadelphia from the time of William Penn to the present day 308pil.F Phil.Hamersly,1894 R9 M83 Men of the century; an historical work giv- ing portraits and sketches of eminent citizens of the United States 326p.por.F Phil.Hamer8ly,1896 K9 M83m Morris, Edward Ellis Age of Anne 251p. maps,S N,Y.Scribner,1891 {Epochs of modern history) 940.7 M83 Early Hanoverians 235p.maps,S N.Y.Scrib- ner,1891 (Epochs of modern history) 940.7 M83e ed. Epochs of modem history Morris, E. P. Study of Latin in the prepara- tory course 27p.D Bost.Heath,1892 470.7 M83 Morris, George Sylvester Hegel's "Philosophy of the state and of history"; an exposition Ed.2 306p.D Chic.Griggs,1892»87 (Ger- man philosophical classics) 901 H361 Kant's "Critique of pure reason"; a critical exposition Ed. 3 272p.D Chic.Griggs, ' 1894*82 (German phUosophicaX classics) 193.2 M83 ed. German philosophical classics Ueberweg, Feiedrich History of philosophy from Thales to the present time 1892 109 Uel MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR 1752-1816 Roose- velt, Theodore Gouverneur Morris 1892 •88 (American statesmen) B M83 Morris, I. H. Geometrical drawing for art stud- ents Ed.9,enl. 229p.il.D Lond. Long- mans,1902 744 M83 Teaching of drawing Ed.2 267pil.D Lond.Longmans,1894 372.5 M83 Morris, Lydia T. Famous musical composers; being biographies of eminent musicians Ed.3 264p.por.D Lond.Unwin,pref.l890 9 M83 Morris, Mowbray Montrose 229p.por.D Lond. Macmillan,1892 (English men (yf action) B M76 Morris, B. Anna Physical education in the pub- lic schools . . . 192p.il.O N.Y.American book co,«1892 613.7 M83 Morris, Bichard Historical outlines of English accidence, comprising chapters on the his- tory and development of the language and on word formation 378p.S Lond.Mao* millan,1885 425 M88 ed. Chaucer, Geopfret 1893 Poetical works 821.17 039 Spenser, Edmund Complete works 1893 821.31 Sp3 MORRIS, ROBERT 1734-1806 Rhoades, L. L Robert Morris (see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia "1900 p.258-269) 974.8 B34 Sumner, W:G. Financier and the finances of the American revolution 1892=91 336.73 Su6 Robert Morris 1892 (Makers of Amer- xca) B M83 Morris, William Earthly paradise; a poem 3v.D Bost.Roberts,1893 821.85 M83 1834- Gary, E.. L. William Morris; poet, craftsman, socialist «1902 B MSB Saintsbury, G:E:B. Mr William Morris (see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Corrected impres* sions 1895 p.178-197) 824 Sa2 Stedman, E. C. Latter-day singers (see hia Victorian poets 1893 p.366-378) 821 St3 "Life and death of Jason" Swinburne, A. C. Morris' "Life and death of Jason'* (see Swinburne, A. C: Essays and studies 1897 p.110-122) 824.89 Sw6 and Magnusson, Erikr Volsunga saga n.d. 839.6 V88 Morris, William O'Connor French revolution and first empire 306p.maps,S N.Y.Scrib- ner,1893 (Epochs of modem history) 944.04 M83 Hannibal, soldier, statesman, patriot; and the crisis of the struggle between Carthage and Rome 376pil.por.pl.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1903 (Heroes of the nations) B H19 Land system of Ireland (in Oxford essays 1856 p.193-217) 824.89 Ox2 Napoleon and the military supremacy of revo- lutionary France 433p.por.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1895*93 (Heroes of the nations) B N16m Morrison, Gilbert B. School architecture and hygiene (in Butler, N:M. ed. Educa- tion in the United States 1900 v.l,mono- graph9,56p.) 379.73 B97 MOR MOR Ventilation and warming of school buildings 173p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1892<=87 (Inter- national education series) 697 M83 Morrison, Mary (Whitney) comp. Songs and rhymes for the little ones 234p.O N.Y. Putnam,1884 372.21 M83 Morrison, William Douglas The Jews under Roman rule 426p.il.maps,facsim.D N.Y. Putnam,1891<=90 (Story of the nations) 933 M83 ed. Criminology series Morse, Edward Sylvester First book of zoology 190p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1879'=75 590 M83 Morse, Jedidiah and Morse, B,:C. Universal gazetteer; or, Geographical dictionary . . . Ed.4,enl. 856p.O New Haven (Conn), Con- ' veT8e,1823 E910 M83 Morse, John Torrey jr Abraham Lincoln 2v.por.D Bost.Houghton,1893 (American statesmen) B L63m Benjamin Franklin 428p.D Bost.Hough- ton,1892''89 (American statesmen) B F85mo John Adams 337p.D Bost.Houghton,1885 «84 (American statesmen) B Adlm John Quincy Adams Ed.9 315p.D Bost. Houghton,1885'=82 (American statesmen) B Adlmo Thomas Jefferson 353p.D Bost.Houghton, 1885'-'83 (American statesmen) B J35 ed. American statesmen Morshead, Edmund Dodge Anderson tr. ^SCHYLUS House of Atreus n.d. 882.1 Ae8 Mortal antipathy Holmes, 0:W. 813.39 H73m MOSCOW Stoddard, J:L. Moscow (in his Lectures 1898'^97 v.6,p.301-336) 910 St6 Moseley, Henry Nottidge Scientific aspects of geographical education (see Eoyal geo- graphical society Eeport in reference to the improvement of geographical education 1886 p.225-236) 910.6 R81 Mosely educational commission Reports to the United States of America . . . 1903 400p. O Lond.1904 379.73 M85 Moses, Bernard Establishment of Spanish rule in America; an introduction to. the history and politics of Spanish America 328p.D N.Y.Putnam,1898 972 M85 334 and Crane, W:W. Politics; an introduction to the study of comparative constitutional law 1884^^83 342 C85 Mosso, Angelo Fear; tr. from the 5th edition of the Italian by E. Lough and F. Kiesow 278p.il.pl. O Lond.Longmans,1896 157 M85 Mother play and nursery songs Froebel, F:W:A: 372.21 F92 Mother's songs, games and stories Froebel, F:W: A: 372.2 F92m MOTION Romanes, G:J: Mind and motion and monism 1896 110 R66 See also Energy Motley, John Lothrop History of the United Netherlands from the death of William the Silent to the twelve years' truee-1609 4v. por.plans,0 N.Y.Harper,'1860 '88 949.2 M85 Life and death of John of Barneveld . . . with a view of the primary causes and move- ments of the thirty years' war 2v.il.por.O N.Y.Harper,=1874 B B26 Rise of the Dutch republic . . . 3v.por.O N.Y.Harper,a855 '83 949.2 M85r Mottoes and commentaries of the Mother play Froebel, F : W : A : 372.2 F92mo Moulton, J. F. ed. Boole, George Treatise on the calculus of finite differences 1880 517.6 B64 Moulton, Richard Green ed. Four years of novel reading; an account of an experiment in popularizing the study of fiction lOOp. D Bost.Heath,1895 804 M86 Literary study of the Bible; an account of the leading forms of literature represented in the sacred writings . . . New ed.enl. 569p. O Bost.Heath,1905<=1895 '99 220.8 M86 Stories as a mode of thinking 20p.S Chic. Kindergarten literature co,1893 (in Mor- ley, M. W. Physical culture 1893) 613.7 M82 Study of the Bible as literature (see Sun- day-school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious in- struction 1901 p.249-288) 377 Su7 and others Bible as literature . . . Ed.6 375p.D N.Y.Crowell,«1896 220.8 M86 MOUNTAINEERING Bolivian Andes Conway, Sir W:M. The 1901 918.4 C76 335 MOUNTAINS Hutchinson, H. N. Story of the hills 1896«91 551.43 H97 Reclus, J. J. E. History of a mountain .1881 551.43 R24 See also Geology; Physical geography; also The name of the mountain Movement cure Roth, M. Handbook of the moTcment cure 1856 613.7 R74 Mowry, William Augustus Elements of civil government; local, state, and national . . . lOSp.pl.D N.Y.Silver,1893'^90 353 M87 Talks with my boys 266p.S Bost.Roberts, 1886'85 370.4 M87 Mrs Leicester's school Lamb, Charles 828 L16 Mucedorus (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.7,p.l99-260) 822.08 D66 Mueller, Friedrich Maximilian Biographies of words, and the home of the Aryas 278p.D Lond.Longmans,1888 410 M91 Chips from a Grerman workshop 5t.D N.Y. Scribner,1890 '93 824.S9 M91 V. 1 Essays on the science of religion V. 2 Essays on mythology, traditions and customs V. 3 Essays on literature, biography and antiquities v. 4 Essays chiefly on the science of lan- guage with index to volumes 3 and 4 V. 5 Miscellaneous later essays Comparative mythology (in Oxford essays 1856 p.1-88) 824.89 0x2 Lectures on the science of language delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain,1861 Ed.2,enl. 2val.D N.Y.Scribner,1881 '84 410 M91 Science of thought 2v.D N.Y.Scribner,1887 153 M91 Three lectures on the science of language, and its place in general education; delivered at the Oxford university extension meeting, 1889 Ed.2 73p.D Lond.Longman3,1889 410 M91 ed. Sacred books of the East tr. Kant, Immanuel Critique of pure rea- son 1881 193.2 K13c and Conybeare, Mrs M.. £.. ed. Scherer, WiLHELM History of German literature 1886 830.9 Sch2 Mueller, George Spinal curvature and awkward deportment; their causes and prevention in children; English edition, ed. by Richard Greene 88p.il.D Lond.Scientific press,1894 616.73 M91 Mueller, Margarethe and Wenckebach, Carla ed. Schiller, J:C. F: von Maria Stuart 1903 832.63 Sch3 MUELLER, WILHELM 1794-1827 Mueller, F:H. Wilhelm Mueller, 1794-1827 (m Mueller, F:M. Chips from a German work- shop 1890 '92 v.3,p.l00-115) 824.89 M91 MUIR, JOHN 1810-1882 "Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and progress of the re- ligion and institutions of India" Mueller, F:M. Caste (in his Chips from a Ger- man workshop 1890 '92 v.2,p.295-353) 824.89 M91 Muir, Metthen Moncrieff Pattison Story of the chemical elements 189p.S Lond.Newnes, 1897 (Library of popular knowledge) 541 M89 Muir, Sir William Caliphate; its rise, decline and fall, from original sources Ed.2,enL 612p.maps,0 Lond.Religious tract society, '1892 953 M89 Life of Mahomet — with introductory chapters on the original sources for the biography of Mahomet and on on the pre-Islamite historj of Arabia 4v.map,pL0 Lond.Smith,1861 297 M89 Mameluke; or, Slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260- 1517, A.D. 245p.pl.map,0 Lond.Smith, 1896 962 M89 Muirhead, John Henry Elements of ethics; an introduction to moral philosophy 239p.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 (University extension nxanuals) 170 M89 ed. Library of philosophy MULCASTER, RICHARD 1531-1611 QuiCK, R. H. Mulcaster (see Quick, R. H. Es- says on educational reformers 1879 '91 '97 «90 p.90-102) 370.9 Q4 Positions; with an appendix containing some account of his life and writings by R. H. Quick 309p.O Lond.Longmans,1888 370 M89 Mulhall, Michael (George Progress of the world . . . Ed.2 569p.D Lond.Stanford,1880 R310 M89 MUL MUL 336 Mullany, Patrick Francis (Brother Azariaa pseud.) Essays; educational 283p.D Chic. McBride,1896 370.4 M91 Contents: — Cloistral schools; The palatine school; Medieval university life; University- colleges, their origin and their methods; The primary school in the middle ages; The simultaneous method in teaching; Begin- nings of the normal school; M. Gabriel Com- payre as an historian of pedagogy Essays; miscellaneous 273p.D Chic.McBride, 1896 814.49 M91 Contents: — Literature, its nature and in- fluence; Religion in education; Sonnets and plays of Shakespeare; Culture of the spirit- ual sense; Our Catholic school system; What is the outlook for our colleges? Church and state Essays; philosophical 250p.D Chic.McBride, 1896 104 M91 Contents: — Aristotle and the Christian church; The nature and synthetic principle of philosophy; Symbolism of the cross; Psychological aspects of education; Ethical aspects of the papal encyclical Muller, Max See Mueller, Friedrich Maximilian Mulliner, Beatrice C. tr. Herbart, J:F: Ap- plication of psychology to the science of edu- cation 1898 370.2 H41 Mullinger, James Bass Cambridge characteris- tics in the 17th century; or, The studies of the university and their influence on the character and writing of the most distin- guished graduates during that period 205p. D Lond.Maemillan,1867 378.42 M91 History of the university of Cambridge 232p. tables,D N.Y.Kandolph,n.d. (Epochs of church history) 378.42 M91 Philip and Mary (see Cambridge modern his- tory The reformation 1904 p.512-549) 940.7 C14 The schools of Charles the Great and the res- toration of education in the ninth century 193p.O Lond.Longmans,1877 370.94 M91 University of Cambridge 2v.O Cambridge university pres8,1873 '84 378.42 M91 Contents: — v. 1 From the earliest times to the royal Injunctions of 1535 V. 2 From the royal Injunctions of 1585 to the accession of Charles the First Munday, Anthony and Chettle, Henry Death of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 '76 v.8,p.209-327) 822.08 D66 Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.8,p.93- 207) 822.08 D66 Munera pulveris Ruskin, John (see his Crown of wild oUve 1894 p.95-229) 824.86 R89 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Goodnow, E. J. Municipal problems 1897 352 G62 Shaw, Albert Municipal government in con- tinental Europe 1895 352.04 Sh2 Municipal government in Great Britain 1895 352.042 Sh2m Bibliography Gross, Charles Bibliography of British mu- nicipal history, including gilds and parlia- mentary representation 1897 352.042 G91 Munro, Dana Carleton ed. Fourth crusade (in Pennsylvania, University of Transla- tions and reprints from the original sources of European history 1897 v.3,no.l) 940 P38 Letters of the crusaders (in Pennsylvania, University of Translations and reprints from the original sources of European his- tory 1897 v.l,no.4) 940 P38 Life of St Columban (in Pennsylvania, Uni- versity of Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history 1897 v.2,no.7) 940 P38 University of Translations and reprints The medieval student (in Pennsylvania, from the original sources of European his- tory 1897 v.2,no.3) 940 P38 Monastic tales of the thirteenth century (in Pennsylvania, University of Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history 1897 v.2,no.4) 940 P38 Urban and the crusaders (in Pennsylvania, University of Translations and reprints from the original sources of European his- tory 1897 v.l,no.2) 940 P38 Munroe, James Phinney Educational ideal; an outline of its growth in modem times 262p. D Bost.Heath,1895 (Heath's pedagog- ical library) (2 copies) 370.9 M92 ed. Walker, F. A. Discussions in educa- tion 1899«98 370.4 W15 887 Munsterberg, Hugo American traits from the point of view of a German 235p.D N.Y. 1903'01 917.3 M92 Psychology and life 286p.O Bost.Houghton, 1899 150 M92 MURDER DeQuincet, Thomas On murder, considered as one of the fine arts Three memorable murders; a sequel to murder con- sidered as one of the fine arts (see his Ro- mances and extravaganzas "=1856 '77 p.529- 658) 824.81 D44r See also Suicide Murdock, Harold Reconstruction of Europe; a sketch of the diplomatic and military history of continental Europe from the rise to the fall of the second French empire 421p. maps,0 Bost.Houghton,1891<'89 940.9 M94 MURDOCK, WILLIAM 1754-1839 Smiles, Samuel William Murdock (see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.119-152) 9 Sm4 MURET, MARC ANTOINE 1526-1585 Patti- SON, Mark Muretus (in Pattison, Mark Essays 1889 v.l,p.l24-131) 824.89 P271 MURILLO, BARTOLOME ESTEBAN 1617-1682 HoPPiN, J. M. Murillo (see his Early ren- aissance and other essays on art subjects 1892 p.128-142) 704 H77 HuRLL, E. M. ed. Murillo; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation «1900 (Biverside art series) B M94 Murray, Alexander Stuart Handbook of Greek archaeology . . . 483pil.pl.map8,0 N.Y. Scribner,1892 913.38 M96 Manual of mythology; Greek and Roman, Norse, and old German, Hindoo and Egyp- tian mythology 368p.pl.O N.Y.Scribner, 1882 291 M96 Murray, David History of education in New Jersey 344p.por.pl.O Wa8h.govt.pr.o.l899 (United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 Story of Japan 431p.il.pl.map8,D N.Y.Put- nam,1894 (Story of the nations) 952 M96 Murray, Gilbert History of ancient Greek liter- ature 420p.D N.Y.Appleton,1897 880.9 M96 Murray, James A. H. Evolution of English lexicography 51p.O Oxf .Clarendon press, 1900 (Eomanes lecture 1900) 820.3 M96 ed. New English dictionary on historical principles founded mainly on the materials collected by the philological society 5v.- date,F Oxf. Clarendon press,1888 R423 N42 Murray, John Clark Handbook of psychology Ed.2 435p.D Bost.DeWolfe,pref.l888 150 M96 Introduction to ethics 407p.D Bost.De Wolfe,1891 170 M96 MUSCLES AND NERVES Rosenthal, Isidob General physiology of muscles and nerves 1881 (International scientific series) 612 R72 MUSEUMS Jevons,W:S. Use and abuse of museums (see his Methods of social reform 1883 p.53-81) 304 J53 MUSIC Bach, A. B. The art ballad 1897 784.4 B12 Clarke, H. A. Music and the comrade arts: their relation <=1899 780 C55 FiNCK, H:T. Chopin and other musical es- says 1897'=89 780.4 F49 Helmholtz, H, L. F: von On the physio- logical causes of harmony in music (in his Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1881 '85 v.l,p.61-106) 504 H36 Henderson, W: J. How music developed «1898 780.9 H38 Preludes and studies 1898 786 H38 Hope, R. C : Medieval music 1899 780.9 H77 Krehbiel, H:E: How to listen to music 1897*96 780 K87 Monro, D:B. Modes of ancient Greek music 1894 781.8 M75 Naylor, E:W. Shakespeare and music 1896 822.33 N23 Parratt, Walter Music (in Ward, T:H. ed. Reign of Queen Victoria 1887 y.2, p.593-620) 914.2 W21 Spencer, Herbert Origin and function of music (in his Essays; scientific, political, and speculative 1891 v.2,p.400-451) 824.89 SpS Wallaschek, Richard Primitive mnsic 1893 780 W16 MUS MUS 338 See also Harmony; Hymns; Musicians; Opera; Pianoforte; Singing; Songs; Sound; Voice, The ; also The name of the musician Bibliography Wallaschek, Kichard Authorities quoted (see his Primitive music 1893 p.297- 321) 780 W15 Dictionaries Grove, Sir George ed. Dictionary of music and musicians 1890 '96 R780.3 G91 Macfarren, G:A Naumann, Emil Parry, C:H. H. sic 1896 History Musical history 1885 780.9 M16 History of music n.d. 780.9 N22 Evolution of the art of mu- (International scientific series) 780 P24 Study and teaching Cady, C. B. Music education 1904 780.7 Oil Dupaigne, a. Conference sur le chant dans les eeoles (see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les conferences pedagogiques faites aux instituteurs 1881 p.283-308) 370.6 P21 Teaching of music in schools (in Interna- tional health exhibition Health exhibition literature 1884 v.l3,p.394-480) 370.6 InS Music and morals Finck, H:T. (see his Chopin and other musical essays 1897''89 p.l41- 182) 780.4 F49 MUSICIANS Finck, H:T. How composers work ( see his Chopin and other musical essays 1897«89 -p.Sg-llO) 780.4 F49 Hadow, W:H: 1897 '98 Studies in modern music 780 Hll Macfarren, G:A. EoU of the names of mu- • sical composers, performers, theorists, his- torians, essayists and instrument makers, with the times and places of their births and deaths (see his Musical history 1885 p.145-216) 780.9 M16 Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de Comedies; tr. and ed. by S. L. Gwynn 199p.D Lond. Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 842.76 M97 Contents: — Barberlne; Fantasio; No tri- fling with love : A door must be either open or shut 1810-1857 Palgrave, F. T. The works of Alfred de Musset (in Oxford essays 1855 p.80-104) 824.89 0x2 Mutual instruction system ian system See Lancaster- Muybridge, Eadweard Descriptive zoopraxog- raphy; or. The science of animal locomotion . . . v.p.il.por.D Phil.University of Penn- sylvania,1893 591.47 M98 Folio of charts accompanying My garden acquaintance Lowell, J. E. (in his Literary essays 1892 '94'-64 '90 v.3,p.l92- 219) 814.39 L951i My school and schoolmasters Miller, Hugh B M61 My summer in a garden Warner, C:D. 817.41 W24 Meyers, Ernest ^schylus (see Abbott, Evelyn Helleniea 1880 p.1-32) 880.4 Ab2 Lang, Andrew and Leaf, Walter tr. Homer Iliad 1895 883.1 H75 Myers, Frederic William Henry Greek oracles (see Abbott, Evelyn Helleniea 1880 p.425-492) 880.4 Ab2 Wordsworth 182p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B B93 Bound with lives of Burns by J:C. Shairp and of Coleridge by H:D. Traill Mystery of sleep Bigelow, John 135 B48 Morris, L. T. pref.1890 Fam^ouB musical composers 9 M83 MYSTERY PLAYS Smith, L:-T. ed. York plays 1885 822.1 Sm5 MYSTICISM Townsend,W:J: The sweet song of mysticism; the monks of St Victor (in Townsend, W:J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881 p.123-136) B19 T66 See also Eckhart, Meister; Falckner, Justus Myth, ritual and religion Lang, Andrew 291 L25 MYTHOLOGY Bulfinch, Thomas Age of fable ; or. Beauties of mythology 291 B87 FiSKE, John Myths and myth makers; old tales and superstitions interpreted by com- parative mythology 1893 '96'72 398 F54 339 Lang, Andrew Myth, ritual and religion 1899«87 291 L25 Mueller, F:M. Comparative mythology {in Oxford essays 1856 p.1-87) 824.89 0x2 On the philosophy of mythology {in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.5,p.53-97) 824.89 M91 Murray, A. S. Manual of mythology; Greek and Roman, Norse, and the old German, Hin- doo and Egyptian mythology 1882 291 M96 Poor, L. E.. Sanskrit and its kindred litera- tures; studies in comparative mythology 1880 891.2 P79 Thomas, Joseph Universal pronouncing dic- tionary of biography and mythology 1883 '70 R9 T36 tAYLOR, E:B. Primitive culture 1883-^89 290 T97 See also Animal legends; Archaeology; Ar- yans; Athens; Classical dictionaries; Egypt — Eeligion ; Fairy tales; Folk-lore; Greek mythology; Hindu mythology; Indians of North America; Legends; Norse mythology; Religions; Superstitutions ; Volsunga saga; also Belphegor Myths and mother plays Wiltse, S.. E. 372.21 W71 Myths and myth makers Fiske, John 398.3 F54 Myths of northern lands Guerber, H. M. A. 293 G93 N I NAMES Gentry, T:G: Family names 1892 929.4 G28 See also Genealogy; Pseudonyms NANSEN, FRIDJOF 1861- Bull, J. B. Fridt- jof Nansen 1899^98 B N15 NAPIER, Sir CHARLES JAMES 1782-1853 Butler, SirW-.F. Sir Charles Napier- 1890 {English men of action) B N16 NAPLES Stoddard, J:L. Naples {in his Lec- tures 1898 v.8,p.ll3-224) 910 St6 NAPOLEON I (NAPOLEON BONAPARTE), emperor of the French, 1769-1821 Hazlitt, WiLLLAM Life of Napoleon Buonaparte n.d. B N16h Morris, W : O. Napoleon, warrior and ruler, and the military supremacy of revolutionary France 1895 {Heroes of the nations) B N16m Andrews, C:M. Napoleon Bonaparte (in Andrews, C:M. Historical development ot modem Europe 1896 '98 v.l,p.37-85) 940 An2 Emerson, R. W. Napoleon; or, The man of the world {see Emerson, R. W. Repre- sentative men 1894«76'83 p.211-245) 9 Em3 Lord, John Napoleon Bonaparte {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history *1883'96 v.4,p.409-439) 904 L88 See also France — History, 1789-1900; also Josephine (Marie Jos^phe Rose Tascher de la Pagerie) NAPOLEON III (CHARLES LOUIS NAPO- LEON BONAPARTE), emperor of the French, 1808-1873 Imbert de Saint-Am- AND, A, L. baron Louis Napoleon and Mademoiselle de Montijo 1897 B N161 Napoleon III and his court 1898 B N16n History of Julius Csesar 2v.O N.Y.Harper, 1865 '66 B Cll Lord, John Louis Napoleon {in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883 '96 v.6, p.437-485) 904 L88 See also France — History, 1789-1900 Narcotics See Stimulants and narcotics NARES, EDWARD 1762-1841 "Memoirs of Burleigh" Macaxtlay, T:B. baron Bur- leigh and his times {in Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.2,p.l-34) 824.83 Mil NAR NAS 340 Nash, Thomas Summer's last will and testa- ment (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.7,p.l-92) 822.08 D66 1564-1601 JusSERAND, J. A. A. J, Thomas Nash, the picturesque and realistic novel (see Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English novel in the time of Shakespeare 1890 p.287- 346) 823 J98 Raleigh, Walter Elizabethan age ; Sidney and Nash (see Raleigh, Walter English novel 1894 p.49-86) 823 R13 National characteristics the people See The name of National churches; ed. by P:H. Ditchfield Cole- man, Leighton Church in America pref . 1895 283 C67 National educational association Journal of the proceedings ... 35v.O v.p.v.d. 370.6 N21 List of the active members 1904 370.6 N211 Proceedings to consider the subject of deaf mute instruction in relation to the work of the pubUc schools 65p.O Wash.govt.pr.o. 1885 371.92 N21 Report of the committee of fifteen on ele- mentary education, with the reports of the sub-committees 226p.O American book co,1895 •■ 370.6 N21r Contents: — Training of teachers; Correla- tion of studies; Organization of city school systems Report of the committee of twelve on rural schools 228p.O Chie.University press,1897 370.6 N21rep Report of the committee on secondary school studies July 9, 1892, with the reports of the conferences 249p.O Wash.govt.pr.o. 1893 370.6 N21re National geographic magazine; an illustrated monthly 1900-date v.ll-date,il.pl.map, O Wash.National geographical 8ociety,1900- date 910.5 N21 National relief commission Report of the ex- ecutive committee . . . 251p.pl.Q Phil. Times printing hou8e,1898 362 N21 National teacher's monthly Nationalism See 3v.O N.Y.«1875-78 870.5 N21 Socialism Nations, Law of See International law Natural causes and supernatural seemings Mauds- ley, Henry 133 M44 Natural education series Tadd, J. L. New methods in education 1901 707 T12 NATURAL HISTORY Agassiz, Mrs E.. C. (Cary) First lesson in natural history 1893 (Boston society of tuitural history Guides for science teaching) 591 Agl A\^BUKY, John Lubbock baron Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in 1893<=92 504 AvS BxmROUGHS, John Fresh fields 1895'=84 814.41 B94f Locusts and wild honey 1893 '95=79 814.41 B941 Pepacton 1895''81'95 814.41 B94p Riverby 1895<=94 814.41 . B94r Sharp eyes and other papers (in his Birds and bees «=1879'87 pt.3) 814.41 B948 Signs and seasons 1895=86 '95 814.41 B94si Touches of nature (see his Birds and poets with other papers 1895=77 p.39-69) 814.41 B94b Winter sunshine 1895=75 814.41 B94wi A year in the fields 1896=75 '95 814.41 B94y Darwin, C:R. What Mr Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship "Bea- gle" =1879 508.3 D25 Dti Chaillu, p. B. World of the great forest; how animals, birds, reptiles, insects, talk, think, work and live 1902 590 D85 Emerson, R. W. Method of nature (see his Nature^ addresses, and lectures 1893=55 '83 p.181-213) 814.36 Em3na Nature (in his Essays 1894 v.2,p.l60- 188) 814.36 Em3e Jefferies, J:R: Field and hedgerow 1895 824.89 J35 Schopenhauer, Arthur On the will in na- ture (see his Four fold root of the prin- ciple of sufficient reason 1897 p.191-380) 193.7 Sch6 Standish, B. H. Common things with com- mon eyes 1897 507 St2 341 ToRREY, Bradford A world of green hills; observations of nature and human nature in the Blue Ridge '1898 917.56 T63 Treat, Mrs Maky 1885 Home studies in nature 507 T71 White, Gilbert Natural history of Selborne 1887 '90 591.9 W58 See also Aquarium; Biology; Botany; Chem- istry; Evolution; Geology; Man; Micros- copy; Nature study; Paleontology; Physi- cal geography; Physics; Science; Zoology; also The name of the country; also The name of the scientist Natural inheritance Galton, Francis 575.1 G31n NATURAL LAW Royce, Josiah Natural law, ethics, and evolution (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p.125-139) 104 R81 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY See Physics NATURAL RELIGION Boedder, Bernard Nat- ural theology pref.1891 {Manuals of Catholic philosophy) 210 B63 Butler, Joseph bishop Analogy of reli- gion (in his Works 1896 v.l) 239 B97 Powell, Baden Burnett prizes : the study of the evidences of natural theology (in Ox- ford essays 1857 p.168-203) 824.89 0x2 See also Christianity; Creation; Ethics; God; Immortality; Religion; Religion and science; Theism; Theology Natural resources in the United States Patton, J. H. 557.3 P27 Natural science See Natural history; Phys- ics; Science NATURAL SELECTION Darwin, C:R. De- scent of man and selection in relation to sex ♦1899 575 D25 The origin of species by means of natural selection; or, The preservation of favored races in the struggle for life 1905 575 D25 Wallace, A. R, Darwinism, an exposition of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications 1889 575 W15 See also Evolution Natural theology See Natural religion Nature, addresses and lectures Emerson, R. W. 814.36 Em3n.a Nature and man in America Shaler, N. S. 551 Shin Nature in verse Lovejoy, M., I. comp. 507 L94 Nature of mind and human automatism Prince, Morton 126 P93 Nature of the state Willoughl?y, W, W. 320.1 W68 Nature series Allen, C:G. B. Colours in flow- ers 1891 581 AlZ Clifford, W. K. Seeing and thinking 1880 152 C61 Kelvin, W : T. baron Popular lectures and addresses 1891 '94 504 K29 NATURE STUDY Bailey, L. H. jr Nature study idea; being an interpretation of the new school movement to put the child in sympathy with nature 1903 507 B15 Frye, a. E. First steps in geography; brooks and brook basins 1892 '94'=91 372.8 F94 Gibson, W:H. Sharp eyes; a rambler's cal- endai 1893 590 G35 Hall, G. S. Love and study of nature; a part of education 1898 507 H14 Jackman, W. S. Nature study for the com- mon schools 1894 507 J13 Jenkins, O. P. Suggestions in nature study in the primary grades (see Leland Stan- ford junior university Saturday teachers' class 1895) 370.4 L53 Miller, Louise Course in nature study for use in the public schools 1900 507 M61 Wilson, Mrs L. L. (Willl4.ms) Nature study in the elementary school 1897 507 W69 See also Object teaching; Natural history Nature 's miracles Gray, Elisha 507 G79 Naumann, Emil History of music; tr. by F. Praeger; ed. by F. A. G. Ouseley 2v.il.por. pl.O Lond.Cassell,n.d. 780.9 N22 Naval actioms of the war of 1812 Barnes, James 973.5 B26 Naval battles See Naval history NAVAL HISTORY Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783 1893*90 359 M27 See also Pirates NAV NAV Naval war of 1812 842 Navy See Eoosevelt, Theodore 973.5 The name of the country R67 Navy in the civil war V 1 SoLEY, J. R. Blockade and the cruisers 'l883 973.7 So4 V. 2 Ammen, Daniel Atlantic coast 1883 973.7 Ani6 V 3 Mahan, a. T. Gulf and inland waters 'l883 973.7 M27 NAYLEB, JAMES 1618-1660 Whittier, J:G. James Nayler (in Whittier, J: G. Prose works 1893^66 '89 v.2,p.69-86) 814.39 W61 Naylor, Edward W. Shakespeare and music with illustrations from the music of the 16th and 17th centuries 225p.il.por.pl.D Lond. Dent,1896 822.33 N23 NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS Darwin, G:H. Tides and kindred phenomena in the solar • system 1898 525.6 D25 Spencer, Herbert (in his Essays; scientific, political, and speculative 1891 v.l,p.l08- Igl) 824.89 Sp3 NED JED Palgrave,W:G. Alkamah's cave (seePalgrave,W:G. Ulysses 1887 p.303- 385) 904 P17 NEEDLEWORK Glaister, Elizabeth Needle- work 1880 746 G45 See also Sevdng NEGRO, THE Carlyle, Thomas Occasional discourse on the nigger question (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.4, p.293-326) 824.82 C19 DuBois, W : E : B. The Philadelphia negro ; a social study 1899 (University of Penn- sylvania, Series in political economy and public law) 331 D85 See also Slave trade ; Slavery Education Washington, B. T. Education of the negro (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2,monograph 18, 44p.) 379.73 B97 NEGRO SONGS AND STORIES Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus ; myths and legends of the old plantation «1881'82 398.3 H24 Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings 1896=80 'P5 398.3 H24u Neighbourhood guilds Coit, Stanton NELSON, HORATIO Laughton, J:K. lish men of action) 1758-1805 Nelson 1895 331.8 C66 viscount (Eng- B N33 Mahan, A. T. ment of the 1897 Life of Nels(m; the embodi- sea power of Great Britain B N33m Russell, W. C. Horatio Nelson 1895*90 (Heroes of the nations) B N33r Nelson, William and Walker, M.. R. tr. Salo- mon, Otto Teacher's handbook of slojd 1891 694 Sa3 Neoplatonism See Alexandrian schools Nero and other plays; ed. by H. P. Home and others 488p.il.por.D Lond.Unwin,n.d. (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.3 N35 Contents: — Nero; Two angry women of Abington; Parliament of bees; Humour out of breath; Woman is a weathercock; Amends for ladies NERVOUS SYSTEM Barker, L. F. The nervous system and its constituent neurones 1899 611.8 B24 Beard, G : M. American nervousness, its causes and consequences *=1881 616.8 B38 Practical treatise on nervous exhaustion 1880 616.8 B38p Corning, J. L. Brain exhaustion 1884 613.8 C81 Brain-reat 1885 613.8 C81b Donaldson, H:H. Growth of the brain; a study of the nervous system in relation to education 1897 (Contemporary science series) 612.8 D71 Hammond, W: A. Cerebral hyperemia 1879 j '78 616.8 H18| Mitchell, S. W. Wear and tear, or, Hints v for the overworked '1871 613.8 M69 Rosenthal, Isidor General physiology of the muscles and nerves 1881 (Interna- tional scientific series) 612 K72 Warner, Francis Nervous system of the child; its growth and health in education 1900 612.82 W24 343 Three lectures on the anatomy of movement 1887 612.8 W24 Wood, H. C. Brain-work and overwork 1882 (American health primers) 613.8 W85 See also Brain; Insanity; Mind and body; Physiology; Psychology, Physiological Ness, Bertha and John, Lillie tr. Reclus, J. J. E. History of a mountain 1881 551.43 R24 NETHERLANDS Ward, A. W. Netherlands (see Cambridge modern history The ren- fiissanee 1903^02 p.41 7-462) 940.6 C14 Education Corsix, Victor De I'instruction publique en Hollande 1858 379.492 C83 History Griffis, W:E. Brave little Holland and what she has taught us 1894 (Riverside library for young people) 949.2 G87 MoTLKY, J:L. History of the United Nether- lands '1860 '88 949.2 M85 Rise of the Dutch republic '1855 '83 949.2 M85r Rogers, J. E:T. Story of Holland 1892 '88 (Story of the nations) 949.2 R63 See also Bameveld (Jan van Olden-Barne- veld) ; William HI Travel and description Amicis, Edmondo de «1880 Holland and its people 914.92 Am5 Baedeker, Karl pub. Belgium and Hol- land, including the grand duchy of Luxem- bourg 1901 914.93 B14 Stoddard, J:L. Holland 1898*97 v.7,p.l73-224) Wood cutters (tn his Lectures 910 St6 Conway, Sir W:M. Wood cutters of the Netherlands in the 15th century 1884 761 C76 Nettleship, Henry ed. Pattison, Mark Es- says 1889 824.89 P27e Nettleship, John Trivett essays and thoughts Lane,1895'90 Robert Browning ; 454p.por.D Lond. 821.83 N38 Nettleship, Bichard Lewis Theory of education in the republic of Plato (see Abbott, Evelyn Hellenica 1880 p.67-180) 880.4 Ab2 Neurology See Nervous system Neville, Richard, earl of Warwick wick, Richard Neville, earl of See War- Nevlnson, Henry W. Life of Friedrich Schil- ler 203p.D Lond.Scott,1889 (Great ivriters) B Sch3 Contains a bibliography New Amsterdam See New York (city) New education Kellogg, A. M. 371 K29 New education Palmer, G:H. 375.04 PIS NEW ENGLAND Weedex, W:B. Economic and social history of New England, 1620- 1789 1890 974 W41 Folk-lore Drake, S:A. New England legends and folk- lore in prose and poetry 1884 "^83 398.3 D78 History Drake, S:A. Making of New England, 1580-1643 1886 974 D78 FiSKE, John Beginnings of New England; or. The Puritan theocracy in its relations to civil and religious liberty 1886 974 F54 Lowell, J. R. New England two centuries ago (in his Literary essays 1892 '94*64 '90 v.2,p.l-76) 814.39 L951i Palfrey, J:G. Compendious history of New England 1884*73 '83 974 P17 See also King Philip's war, 1675-1676; New Plymouth colony; Vermont Literature Emerson, R. W. Historic notes of life and letters in New England (see his Lectures and biographical sketches 1893*83 p.305- 347) 814.36 Em31 Social life and customs Larcom, Lucy New England girlhood *1889 (Biverside library for young peo- ple) B L32 Travel and description Drake, S:A. Nooks and comers of the New England coast «1875 917.4 D38 NEW NEW 844 HowELLS, WiD. My first visit to New Eng- land (see his Literary friends and ac- quaintance 1900 p.1-66) B H83 ScuDDER, H. E. New England (see his Men and manners in America one hundred years ago 1887»76 p.19-121) 917.3 Scu4 New England company Some correspondence between the governors and treasurers of the New England company in London, and the commissioners of the United colonies in America . . . the missionaries of the com- pany and others between 1657-1712 to which are added the journals of the Rev Experi- ence Mayhew in 1713-1714 127p.D Lond. Spottiswoode,1896 974 N42 New England girlhood Larcom, Lucy B L32 New England journal of education, weekly, de- voted to education, science and literature v.l-date,F Bost.l875-date 370.5 N42 New English OUphant, T:L. K. 420 013 NEW FRANCE Parkman, Francis France and England in North America Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV 1886'77 971 P23 Half century of conflict 1892 973.2 P23 Jesuits in North America in the 17th cen- tury 1886''67 271.5 P23 La Salle and the discovery of the great West 1886'^69'79 973.2 P231 Old regime in Canada 1886''74 971 P23o Pioneers of France in the New World 1886 «65'85 971 P23p WiNSOK, Justin Cartier to Frontenac ; geo- graphical discovery in the interior of North America in its historical relations, 1534-1700 1894 970 W73 Mississippi basin; the struggle in America between England and France, 1697-1763 1895 973.2 W73 See also Acadia; Canada — History; Fron- tenac, Louis de Buade comte de; La Salle, Robert Cavelier, aieur de; Montcalm Gozon de Saint- V6ram, Louis Joseph marquis de NEW HAMPSHIRE Education Bush, G:G. History of education in New Hampshire 1898 (Vnited States — Edu- cation, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 New H01.LAND See Australia NEW JERSEY Education Murray, David History of education in New Jersey 1899 (United States — Edu- cation, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 History Gordon, T. F. History of New Jersey from its discovery to the Federal constitution 1834 974.9 G65 Part 2 Gazetteer of the state of New Jersey 1834 ScuDDER, H. E. ed. New York and the Jerseys (see his Men and manners in America one hundred years ago 1887*76 p.i22-201) 917.3 Scu4 Smith, Samuel History of the colony of nova-caesaria, or New Jersey 1765 974.9 Sm5 New Jerusalem, Church op the See Sweden- borg, Emanuel New life See Dante, Alighieri New methods in education Tadd, J. L. 707 T12 New Netherlands See New York (state) NEW PLYMOUTH COLONY Bradford, Wn> LLA.M Bradford's history "of Plimoth plantation" 1899 974.4 B72 Griffis, W:E. Pilgrims in their three homes; England, Holland, America 1898 974.4 GST See also Pilgrim fathers NEW SWEDEN Acrelius, Israel History of New Sweden; or, The settlement on the river Delaware 1874 974.8 Ae7 Clay, J. C. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware 1835 974.8 057 Ferris, Benjamin History of the original settlements on the Delaware 1846 975.1 r41 See also Swedes in America NEW YORK Brooks, E. S. Story of New York "1888 (Story of the states) 974.4 B79 New York (city)— Education, Board of Manual of discipline and instruction for the use of the teachers of the grammar schools 207p. D N.Y.Babcock,«1884 379.47 N42 845 Manual of discipline and instruction for the use of the teachers of the primary schools 149p.D N.Y.Babcock,«1884 379.747 N42 Education See New York (city) — Public schools; Re- formed Dutch Protestant church, School of History Haswell, C:H. Reminiscences of an octo- genarian of the city of New York, 1816- 1860 1896 974.71 H27 TucKEEMANN, Bayard Peter Stuyvesant 1893 (Makers of America) B St9 Literature Ho WELLS, W:D. First impressions of liter- ary New York (see his Literary friends and acquaintance 1900 p.67-90) B H83 Poor Riis, J. A. Battle with the slum 1902 331.8 R44 Children of the poor 1892 331.8 R44c (see Woods, R. A. and others Poor in great cities 1895 p.86-130) 331.8 W86 How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York 1892 331.8 R44h Public school society Bourne, "W:0. History of the public school society of the city of New York 1870*69 379.747 B66 Pui>lic schools Rice, J. M. The public school system of New York city (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.30-54) 379.73 R36 Social life and customs Earle, Mrs Alice (Morse) Colonial days in old New York 1896 9 Ea7 NEW YORK (state) Education See New York, University of the state of; New York — Public school society; New York (state) — Public schools History Brooks, E. S. Story of New York «1888 (Story of the states) 974.7 B79 Irving, Washington History of New York from the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty n.d. 817.24 IrSh Roberts, E. H. New York; the planting and the growth of the empire state 1887 (American commonwealths) 974.7 R54 Scudder, H. E. ed. New York and the Jerseys (see his Men and manners in America one hundred years ago 1887*76 p.122-201) 917.3 Scu4 Public schools Randall, S:S. Digest of the common school system of the state of New York 1844 379.747 R15 New York, University of the city of Studies in history, economics and public law Shep- herd, W:R. History of proprietary gov- ernment in Pennsylvania 1896 342.748 Sh4 School of pedagogy Contributions . . . v.p.O n.p. 1893-95 '99 n.t.p. 370.4 N42 Contents: — School system of France, by Ernest Richard; German school system, by Ernest Richard; Problem of the co-ordina- tion of studies, by M. P. E. Groszmann; Falsity of the Grube method of teaching primary arithmetic, by Saul Badanes; Bib- liographical notes on medicine in relation to teaching, by J. P. Haney NEW YORK, UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF Hough, F. B : Historical and statis- tical record of the University of the state of New York during the century from 1784- 1884 1885 378.747 H81 NEW YORK STATE REFORMATORY Win- ter, Alexander New York state refor- matory in Elmira 1891 (Social science series) 364 W73 Newcomb, Simon Popular astronomy Ed.4, enl. 577p.il.pl.map,0 N.Y.Harper,1882 520 N43 Principles of political economy 548p.O N.Y.Harper,1886*85 330 N43 and Holden, E:S. Astronomy Ed.2,enl. ' 352p.il.pl.D N.Y.Holt,1885'83 (Ameri- can science series; briefer course) 520 N43 Astronomy Ed.6,enl. 512pil.pl.O N.Y. Holt,l 893*79 (American science series; advanced course) 520.7 N43 NEW NEW 346 Newell, Jane H. botany . . . ed. Outline of lessons in 2v.il.pl.D Bost.Ginn,1889 '92 580 N44 Reader in botany 2v.il.D Bost.Ginn,1894 '89 (2 copies) 580 N44r Newell, William Wells ed. Games and songs of American children 242p.il.pl.O N.Y. Harper,1884 372.2 N44 Newhall, Charles Stedman Shrubs of north- eastern America 249p.il.O N.Y.Putnam, 1895<-93 582 N45 Trees of northeastern America N.Y,Putnam.l895<^90 , 250p.il.O 581.9 N45 Newman, Albert Henry History of the Baptist churches in the United States 513p.O N.Y.Christian literature co,1894 (American clmrch history series) 286 N46 Newman, John Henry cardinal Essays; critical and historical 2v.D Lond.Longmans,1891 204 N46 Contents: — Poetry with reference to Aris- totle's Poetics; Introduction of rationalistic principles into revealed religion; Apostolical tradition; Tiie fall of La Mennais; Palmer's view of faith and unity; The theology of St Ignatius; Prospects of the Anglican church; Anglo-American church; Selina, countess of Huntingdon; Catholicity of the Anglican church; Protestant idea of anti- christ; Milman's view of Christianity; Ref- ormation of the 11th century; Private judg- ment; John Davison; John Keble Historical sketches . . . New ed. 3v.D Lond.Longmans,1894 904 N46 Contents: — v. 1 Turks in their relation to Europe; Marcus Tullius Cicero; Apol- lonius of Tyana; Primitive Christianity V. 2 Church of the fathers; St Chrysos- tom; Tbeodoret; Mission of St Benedict; Benedictine schools V. 3 Rise and progress of universities; Northmen and Normans in England and Ireland; Medieval Oxford; Convocation of Canterbury Idea of a university, defined and illustrated . . . Ed.5 527p.D Lond.Longmans, 1885 378.1 N46 Contents: — University teaching considered in nine discourses; University subject's dis- cussed In occasional lectures and essays 1801-1890 Froude, J. A. Father Newman on "The grammar of assent" {in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.2,p.86-121) 824.89 F93 The Oxford counter-reformation; John Henry Newman {in Froude, J. A. Short stud- ies on great subjects 1891-92 v.4,p.l79- 192) 824.89 F93 "Essay on the development of Christian doc- trine" MiLMAN, H:H. Newman on the development of Christian doctrine {in Mil- man, H:H. Savonarola, Erasmus and other essays 1870 p.296-373) 824.89 M6a Newman, W. L. ed. Aristotle Politics 1887 320 At4 Newsholme, Arthur Elements of vital statistics Ed.2 326p.pl.D Lond.Sonnensehein, 1889 614.1 N47 School hygiene; The laws of health in rela- tion to school life 143p.il.D Lond.Son- nenschein,1888 Bost.Heath,1894 {Heath's pedagogical library) 371.7 N47 Newstead abbey Irving, Washington Abbots- ford and Newstead abbey 125p.D N.Y. Crowell,n.d. {see his Tales of a traveller n.d. pt.2,p.53-125) 817.24 Ir8t NEWTON, Sir ISAAC 1642-1727 ' ' Principia ' ' Ball, W:W. R. Essay on Newton's "Prin- cipia" 1893 530 N48 Lodge, Sir 0:J. Sir Isaac Newton; Newton and the law of gravitation; Newton's "Principia" {see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pio- neers of science 1893 p.159-229) 520.9 L82 Newton, Richard Heber Social studies 380p. S N.Y.Putnam,1887''86 330 N48 Contents: — A bird's eye view of the labor question; The story of co-operative pro- duction and co-operative credit in the United States; Story of co-operative dis- tribution in the United States; Is the state just to the working man? Old time guilds and modern commercial associations; The prevention of intemperance; Moral educa- tion in the public schools; Free kindergar- ten in church work; Religious aspect of socialism; Communism; Notes NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL Peirce, B. O. Elements of the theory of the Newtonian potential function 1888 517.5 P61 NIAGARA RIVER Parkman, Francis His- toric handbook of the northern tour; Lakes George and Champlain; Niagara; Montreal; Quebec 1885 973.1 P23 Nibelungen lied The lay of the Nibelung; tr. from the German by A. G. Foster-Barham 371p.pl.D N.Y.Routledge,n.d. 831 N51 \ 347 Caiilyle, Thomas cellaneous essays See aUo W:R: (tn hia Critical and mis- n.d. v.2,p.l94-249) 824.82 C19 Siegfried; Volsunga saga; Wagner. also Attila Nice Wanton {in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 75 '76 v.2,p.l59-184) 822.08 D66 Nichol, John Francis Bacon; his life and phil- osophy 2v.por.D Phil.Lippincott,1888 '89 {Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 B13 Byron 212p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. {English men of letters) B D36 Bound with lives of Defoe by William Minto and of Southey by Edward Dowden Tables of European history, literature, science and art from A.D. 200 to 1888; and of American history, literature and art Ed.4, enl. unp.Q N.Y.Macnullan,1888 902 N51 NICHOLAS I, czar of Bitssia, 1796-18.55 Lord, John Czar Nicholas (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883*96 v.6. p.387-435) 904 L88 Nicholas Comeniiis Riddle, William 813.49 R43 NiCHOLLS, Mrs Charlotte (Bkokte) See Bronte, Charlotte Nichols, (Jeorge Ward Art education applied to industry 211p.il.O N.Y. Harper,1877 707 N51 Story of the great march from the diary of a staff officer Ed.26 456p.map.D N.Y. Harper.1866'60 973.7 N51 Nichols, Herbert and Parsons, W:E. Our no- tions of number and space 201p.D Bost. Ginn.1894 110 N51 Nichols, Wilbur F. Topics in geography 174p.D Bost.neath.1889 910.7 N51 Nicholson, Brinsley 1894 ed. Jon son, Ben Plays 822.34 J73 Nicholson, Henry AUeyne Ancient life history of the earth . , . 407p.il.O N.Y.Apple- ton,1892 560 N52 Manual of zoology . . N.Y.Appleton,1888 Ed.2.enl. 674p.il.O 590.7 N52 Nicol, David Political life of our time 2v.O N.Y.Appleton.l889 320 N51 Life of Chaucer {in Chau- Poetical works 1893 v.l, 821.17 C39 Nicolas, Sir Harris cer, (Jeoffrey p.l-92pref.) Nicolay, John George Civil war {see Cam- bridge modern history The United States 1903 p.443-548) 973 C14 North during the war {see Cambridge mod- ern historj' The United States 1903 p.568-602) 973 C14 Outbreak of rebellion 220p.maps,D N.Y. Scribner.1881 {Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 N51 Nicole See Port Royal education NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH WILHELM 1844- 19(i0 DoLSON, G. N. Philosophy of Fried- rich Nietzsche 1901 {Cornell university Studies in philosophy) 193.9 D69 Nightingale, A. F. comp. Hand-book of re- quirements for admission to the colleges of the United States 61p.Q N.Y.Appleton, 1879 378.73 N56 Nights with Uncle Remus Harris, J. C. 398.3 H24 NIHILISM Rae. John Russian nihilism {see his Contemporary socialism 1884 p.252- 318) 335 R12 NILE, THE Edwards. A. B. Thousand miles up the Nile 1891 916.2 Ed9 Nimrod in the north Schwatka, Frederick 919.8 Sch9 Nineteenth century Byrox. E:W. Progress of invention in the 19th century 1900 608 B99 Nineteenth century and after; a monthly review, 1891-date v.29-date.O N.Y.n.d. 052 N62 NiOBE group Hoppin. J. M. Masterpiece of Scopas {see his Early renaissance and other essays on art subjects 1892 p.254- 274) 704 H77 Nisbet, John Studies in forestry ... a course of lectures on the principles of sylviculture . . . 335p.D Ox f. Clarendon press.l 894 634.9 N63 Nissen, Hartvlg A B C of the Swedish system rp.il.D N63 of educational gymnastics . . . 10 Phil.Davis,1891 (2 copies) 613.7 Noctes ambrosianae Wilson, John 828.79 W69 Noel, Boden ed. Otway, Thomas Plays 822.45 1888 Ot9 NOE NOM NOMS DE PLUME 348 See Pseudonyms Nooks and corners of the New England coast Drake, S: A. 917.4 D78 Nordau, Max Degeneration; tr. from the 2d ed. of the German work Ed.3 560p.O N.Y. Ai)iileton,1895 132 N75 Nordhoflf, Charles Politics for young Americans New ed. 200p.S N.Y.Harper,1883'=75 • S20' N75 Norgate, Kate England under the Angevin kings 2v.maps,tab.O Lond.Macmillan,188,7 - 942.03 N76 NORMAL SCHOOLS Gordy, J. P. Rise and growth of the normal school idea in the United States 1891 (United States — Ed- ucation, Bureau of Circular of informa- tion) 370.6 Un3 Morgan, T: J. True function of a normal school {see his Studies in pedagogy 1890 •^88 p.277-309) 371a M82 MtJLLANY, Patrick Francis (Brother Azar- lAs pseud.) Beginnings of the normal school {see his Essays; educational 1896 p.241-260) 370.4 M91 See also Teachers, Training of "THE NORMAN" See William I Norman, Charles Boswell Colonial France 3Slp. map,0 Lond.Allen,1886 944.03 N78 NORMANDY Odericus, Vitalis Ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy 1853 274.2 Or2 NORMANS Jewett, S.. O. Story of the Nor- mans 1892*^86 {Story of the nations) 940.3 J55 Johnson, A. H : Normans in Europe 1891 {Epochs of modern history) 940.3 J62 ■ See also Northmen NORSE MYTHOLOGY Guerber, H. M. A. Myths of the northern lands 1895 293 G93 NORTH AMERICA Carpenter, F. G : North America «1898 917 C22 Hayden, F. V. and Selwyn, A. R:C. ed. North America 1883 {Stanford's com- pendium of geography and travel) 917 H32 Scaib'e, W. B. America; its geographical history 1892 917 Sc3 Shaler, N. S. Story of our continent 1893 "=91 917 Shl See also Canada; Mexico; New France; United States; also The name of the discov- erer or the explorer North American Indians North America See Indians of North American review, monthly, 1891-date v.l, 42,49,59-61,0 N.Y.1891-date 051 N81 NORTH CAROLINA Education Smith, C:L. History of education in North Carolina 1888 (United States — Educa- tion, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 North central states See Northwest terri- tory North, Christopher pseul. See Wilson, John NORTHCOTE, JAMES 1746-1831 Hazlitt, William Conversations of James North- cote B N81 Northend, Charles The teacher and the parent; a treatise upon common-school education con- taining practical suggestions to teachers and parents Ed.8,enl. 327p.D N.Y.Barnes, "1856 (Teachers' library) Northern studies Gosse, E. W: NORTHMEN Du Chaillu, P. B. 1889 371b N81 839 G69 Viking age 913.4 D85 See also America — Discovery; Normans; Scandinavia; Vikings Northrop, Birdsey Grant Education abroad and other papers 176p.O N,Y.Barnes,1873 370.4 N81 Contents: — Should American youth be educated abroad? Legal prevention of il- literary; Culture and knowledge; Profes- sional study; Study and health; Labor aa an educator; Education and industrial arts; Education and invention; Labor and cap- ital theoretically harmonized; Labor and capital practically harmonized; Appendix NORTHWEST TERRITORY Old northwest 1888 Hinsdale, B: A. 977 H59 Roosevelt, Theodore 1903 Winning of the West 977 R67 Norton, Charles Eliot Historical studies of church-building in the middle ages; Venice, 849 Siena, Florence 331p.O N.Y.Harper,! 880 726 N82 Norton, Charles Ledyard Political American- isms; a glossary of terms and phrases cur- rent at different periods in American poli- tics 134p.D N.Y.Longmans,! 890 427.09 N82 NOBWAY BoYESEN, H. H. Story of Norway 1886 (Story of the nations) 948.! B69 Froude, J. A. Norway fjords {see his Spanish story of the Armada 1892 p.272- 313) 824.89 F93s Norway once more (see his Spanish story of the Armada 1892 p.314-344) 824.89 F938 Politics Wilson, WooDROW The dual monarchies; Austria-Hungary, Sweden-Norway (see his The state 1889 p.334-365) 350.9 W69 Travel and description Baedeker, K*rl pub. Norway, Sweden and Denmark 1903 914.8 B14 Stoddard, J. L. Norway (in his Lectures 1898 v.l,p.l-119) 910 St6 Notes for boys Hewett, W. T. S. 170 H49 Notes on American schools and training colleges Fitch, Sir J. G. 379.73 F55 Notes on the early training of children Malleson, Mrs Frank 372b M29 Notre-Dame d 'Amiens Patee, W. H. (see his Miscellaneous studies 1895 p.91-105) 824.89 P27mi Novalis pseud. See Hardenberg, George Fried- rich Philipp von . Novels See Fiction November boughs Whitman, Walt 818.3 W59 Novum organon Bacon, Francis viscount St Al- bans 192.1 B13 NUGENT, GEORGE NUGENT GRENVILLE 1788-185! baron "Memorials of John Hampden" Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.l, p.421-484) 824.83 Mil Nullification in South Carolina Houston, D:F. 973.5 H81 NUMBER CoNANT, L. L. The number concept; its origin and development 1896 511 C74 Lefeyre, Arthur Number and its algebra 1896 512 L52 Nichols, Herbert and Parsons, W:E. Our notions of number and space 1894 110 N51 See also Arithmetic Numismatics See Coins Nursery noonings Dodge, M.. A. (Gail Hamilton pseud.) 372b D66 NURSES AND NURSING Inception, organiza- tion, and management of training schools for nurses 1882 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Nye, Edgar Wilson (Bill Nye pseud.) His- tory of the United States . . . 329p.il.O Phil.Lippincott,a894 973 N98 Oak and ivy Dunbar, P. L. 811.49 D91 Oakey, Maria B. Beauty in dress !96p.S N.Y.Harper,1881 391.2 Oa4 OBJECT TEACHING Burton, Warren Cul- ture of the observing faculties in the tajxalj and the school 1865 372.3 B95 Calkins, N. A. Manual of object-teaching with illustrative lessons in methods and the science of education 1882*81 372.3 C12 New object lessons; primary object lessons for training the senses and developing the faculties of children 1882'70'81 1871 «70 372.3 C12 Grant, Horace Exercises for the improve- ment of the senses for young children 1886 372.3 G76 Hopkins, Mrs L.. P. (Stone) Observation lessons in the primary schools; a manual for teachers 1889 372.3 H77 OBJ OBJ 350 Johnson, Anna Education by doing; occu- pations and busy work for primary classes 1884 372.3 J62 RooPER, T:G. Object teaching; or, Words and things 1892 372.3 R67 Salmon, David Longman's object lessons, hints on preparing and giving them 1892 372.3 Sa3 Sheldon, E: A. A manual of elementary in- struction, for the use of public and private schools and normal classes; containing a graduated course of object lessons 1883'62 372.3 Sh4 Walker, J. The handy book of object les- sons; from a teacher's note book 1884 372.3 W15 WiLLSON, Marcius A manual of informa- tion and suggestions for object lessons in a course of elementary instruction 1882'=62 372.3 W68 See also Kindergarten; Paper folding Observation See Perception OCCAM, WILLIAM OF 1270(?)-1347 Town- send, W : J : The invincible doctor, William of Ockam (in Townsend, W:J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881 p.267- 287) B19 T66 Occult science See Psychical phenomena Occupations See Kindergarten ' Ocean, atmosphere and life Eeclus, J. J. E. 551 R24o Ocean wonders Damon, W:E. 593 D18 Oceana Froude, J. A. 325 F93 OcKHAM, William of See Occam, William of O'Connell, Daniel Speech at a meeting to re- cover Catholic rights (see Clarke, William ed. Political orations from Wentworth to Macaulay n.d. p.281-294) 320.4 C55 1775-1847 LECKy,W:E:H. Daniel O'Con- nell («ee Lecky, W:E:H. Leaders of pub- lic opinion in Ireland 1889 p.223-320) 941.5 L48 Whittier, J:G. Daniel O'Connell (in Whitticr, J:G. Prose works 1893^66 '83 v.2,p.321-347) 814.39 W61 OCTROI Jordan, D. S. The fate of Iciodorium (see hia Science sketches 1896*87 p.lSl- 223) 597 J76 Odyssey See Homer Office, Tenure of See Civil service Oels, Walter Experimental plant physiology; tr. and ed. by D. T, Macdougal 86p.il.O Minn.Morris,1894 581 Oe6 Ogden, John Art of teaching 248p.D Cine. VanAntwerp,'1879 371c Og2 Science of education; or. The philosophy of human culture 234p.D Cinc.VanAntwerp, «1879 370.1 Og2 Ogle, John J. The free library; its history and present condition 344p.D N.Y.Harper, 1898 027 Og5 OGLETHORPE, JAMES EDWARD 1689 or 1696-1785 Bruce, Henry Life of Gen- eral Oglethorpe =1890 (Makers of Amer- ica) B Og5 Wright, Robert Memoir of James Ogle- . thorpe 1807 B OgSw Oglivie, John Imperial dictionary of the Eng- lish language . . . ed. by Charles Annan- dale . . . New ed. 4v.il.Q Lond.Black- ie,1883 R423 Og4 O 'Gorman, Thomas History of the Roman Cath- olic church in the United States 515p.O N.Y.Christian literature eo,1895 (Ameri- can church history series) 282 Og6 O 'HARA, iStr JAMES 1753-1819 Darlington, Mrs M.. C. Sketch of the life of General O 'Hara (see Darlington, Mrs M.. C. Fort Pitt and letters from the frontier 1892 p.200-220) 974.8 D24 OHIO King, Rupus Ohio ; first fruits of the ordinance of 1787 "^ 1891<^88 (American commonwealths) 977.1 K58 OHIO VALLEY ^Drake, S:A. Making of the Ohio valley states, 1660-1837 1894 977 D78 Roosevelt, Theodore Winning of the West 1903 ' 977 R67 Old age Emerson, R. W. (see his Society and solitude 1893'=70'83 p.295-316) 814.36 Em3s OLD AGE PENSIONS Booth, Charles En- , dowment of old age (see his Pauperism, a picture; and the endowment of old age 1892 '91 p.151-241) 339 B64 Old and middle English Oliphant, T:L. K. 420 013 851 Old convent school in Paris and other papers Cool- idge, Susan pseud. 814 C77 Old couple, The May, Thomas (in Dodsley, Robert , ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 76 v.l2.p.l-83) 822.08 D66 Old English ballads Gummere, F. B. ed. 821.04 G95 Old English dramatists Lowell, J. R. 822 L95 Old European Jewries Philipson, David 296 P53 Old farm fairies McCook, H:C. 595.4 M13 Old Greek life Mahaffy, J:P. Classical antiqui- ties; old Greek life 1881 938 M28 Old northwest Hinsdale, B. A. 977 H59 Old regime in Canada Parkman, Francis 971 P23o Old Virginia and her neighbours Fiske, John 975 F54 OLDCASTLE, Bo8t.Houghton,1892«90 (Amerioan states- men) B J33 PEL PEN 864 Penal institutions tones See Prisons ; Eef orma- Peninsula; McClellan's campaign of 1862 Webb, A. S. 973.7 W38 Pknitentiaries See Prison and prisoners PENN, WILLIAM 1644-1718 Buck, W:J. William Penn in America 1888 B P38 Claekson, Thomas Memoirs of the private and public life of William Penn 1813 '14 B P38e Janney, S:M. Life of William Penn; with selections from his correspondence and auto- biography 1882=51 B P38j Jenkins, H. M. Family of William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania, ancestry and de- scendants 1899 B P38je Stoughton, John William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania 1882 B P38s Charters of ye publick school founded by char- ter in ye town and county of Philadelphia in Pennsilvania, 1701, 1708, 1711 31p.O Phil.Lippincott,n.d. 373.748 P38 Campbell, Helen A quaker soldier* (see Sylvan city; or. Quaint corners in Philadel- phia 1883 p.9-42) 974.81 Sy5 Ehoades, L. I. William Penn, etc. {see Ehoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia «1900 p.18-55) 974.8 E34 PENNSYLVANIA Constitution Pennsylvania — General Assembly Consti- tution of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1881«74 342.748 P38 See also Pennsylvania — Politics and govern- ment Education Wickersham, J. P. History of education in Pennsylvania 1886'83 370.974 W63 Bee also Pennsylvania, University of; Phila- delphia — Education; Philadelphia — Public schools; also Wickersham, J. P. History Buck, W:J. History of the Indian walk performed for the proprietaries of Pennsyl- vania in 1737 1886 974.8 B85 Darlington, Mrs Mary Carson ed. Fort Pitt and letters from the frontier 1892 974.8 D24 Day, Sherman Historical collections of the state of Pennsylvania ^843 974.8 D33 Egle, W:H: An illustrated history of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1876 974.8 Eg5 FiNDLEY, William History of the insurrec- tion in the four western counties of Penn- sylvania, 1794 1796 974.8 F49 Fisher, S. G: 1896 Making of Pennsylvania 974.8 r53 Pennsylvania, colony and commonwealth 1897 974.8 F53p Glenn, T:A. Merion in the Welsh tract, with sketches of the townships of Haverford and Eadnor 1896 974.781 G48 Gordon, T:F. History of Pennsylvania from its discovery by Europeans to the Declara- tion of independence in 1776 1829 974.8 G65 Hazard, Samuel Annals of Pennsylvania 1609-1682 1850 974.8 H33 Hotchkin, S:F. Eural Pennsylvania in the vicinity of Philadelphia 1897 974.8 H79r Jenkins, H. M. ed. Pennsylvania, colonial and federal 1903 974.8 J41 McManus, Blanche The Quaker colony *1899 (Colonial monographs) ^ 974.8 M22 Mittelberger, Gottlieb Journey to Penn- sylvania in the year 1750 and return to Ger- many in the year 1750 1898 917.48 M69 Pennsylvania magazine of history and bi- ography 1877-90 974.8 P38p Pennypacker, S:W. Historical and bio- graphical sketches 1883 974.8 P38 Proud, Egbert History of Pennsylvania in North America 1797 '98 974.8 P94 Eupp, I. D. CoUection of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727-1776 «1875 974.8 E87 SCUDDER, H. E. ed. Pennsylvania (see his Men and manners in America one hun- dred years ago 1887«76 p.203-283) 917.3 8cn4 Sharpi^ss, Isaac vania history tional series) Two centuries of Pennsyl- 1900 (^Lippincott educa- 974.8 Sh2 Watson, J:F. Annala of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the olden time 1891"=57 '77 974.8 W33 See also New Sweden; Philadelphia; Phoe- nixville; Pittsburg; also Penn, William History, Bibliography Pennsylvania — State library Bibliography of Pennsylvania history (see its Report of the librarian 1901 p.253-286) 027.5 P38 Folitics and government Chakteb to William Penn and laws of the province of Pennsylvania from 1682 to 1700 preceded by the Duke of Yorke's laws in force from 1676-1682 1879 974.8 C38 McMuRRAY, John Government of Pennsyl- vania {see his Peoples' manual and hand- book of popular government 1885 p.63- 228) 353 M22 Philips, G:M. Elements of civil government in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1895 353.9748 P53 Sharpless, Isaac History of Quaker gov- ernment in Pennsylvania 1898 342.7481 Sh2 Shepherd, W:R. History of proprietary gov- ernment in Pennsylvania 1896 {New York, University of the city of Studies in history, economics and public law) 342.748 Sh4 Smull's legislative handbook and manual of the state of Pennsylvania Latest volume R328.748 P38 Heligious sects Fisher, S. G: 1896 Making of Pennsylvania 974.8 F53 See also Ephrata cloister; Evangelical asso- ciation; Friends, Society of; Mennonites; Schwenkfeldians Pennsylvania, University of Departrnent in his- tory Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history 3v.O Phil.King,1897 940 P38 Contents: — The early reformation period in England, by E:P. Cheyney; Urban and the crusaders, by D. C. Munro; The reac- tion after 1815 and European policy of Met- temich, ed. by J. H. Robinson; Letters of the crusaders, by D. C. Munro; The French revolution, 1789-1791, by J. H. Robinson; Engrlish constitutional documents of the middle ages, by E:P. Cheyney V. 2 English towns and guilds, by E:P. Cheyney; Napoleon and Europe, by J. H- Robinson; The medieval student, by D. C. Munro; Monastic tales of the thirteenth century, by D. C. Munro; England In the time of Wycllffe; Periods of the early ref- ormation In Germany, by J. H. Jloblnson and Merrick Whitcomb; Life of St Colum- bian, by D. C. Munro v. 3 Fourth crusade, by D. C. Munro; Statistical documents of the middle ages, by R. P. Falkner; Period of the later ref- ormation, by Merrick Whitcomb; The witch persecutions, by G:L. Burr; English ma- norial documents, by E:P. Cheyney; The pre- reformatlon period, by J. H. Robinson Pennsylvania, University of Experimental stud- ies in psychology and pedagogy; ed. by Lightner Witmer Cornman, 0:P. Spel- ling in the elementary school 1902 421 C81 McKeag, a.. J. Sensation of pain and the theory of the specific sense energies 1902 157 M19 Philosophical series; ed. by G:S. FuUerton and J. M. Cattell FuLLERTON, G:S. and Cat- tell, J. M. On perception of small dif- ferences n.d. 152 F95 Series in philology and literature Capen, S: P. Friedrich Schlegel's relations with Eeichardt and his contributions to "Deutschland" 1903 B Sch3 Cheyney, E:P. Social changes in England in the 16th century 1895 330.942 C42 Child, C. G. Palatal dipthongization of stem vowels in the old English dialects 1903 421.2 C43 Culin, Stewart Gambling games of the Chinese in America 1891 795 C89 Easton, M. W: Observations on the plat- form at Persepolis 1892 915.5 Ea7 GuDEMAN, Alfred Sources of Plutarchs* "Life of Cicero" 1902 B C48 Schellino, F. E. Life and writings of George Gascoigne n.d. B 021 Series in philology, literature and archaeology Alden, B. M. Bise of formal satire in Eng- land under classical influence 1899 827 A12 Brinton, D. G. Primer of Mayan hiero- glyphics n.d. 497 B77 Easton, M. W: Headings in Gower 1895 821.18 G74 PEN PEN 866 Jastrow, Morris Fragment of the Baby- lonian "Dibbarra" epic 1891 892.19 J31 Lamberton, W:A. Ilpoe with the accusative 1891 480.7 L17 ScHELLiNG, F. E. Poetic and verse criticism of the reign of Elizabeth 1891 821.3 Sch2 Series in political economy and public law Du Bois, W:E:B. Philadelphia negro; a social study 1899 331 D85 Wharton school studies in politics and eco- nomics Wharton school of finance and ECONOMY Civil government of Philadel- phia 1893 352.073 W35 Smith, H. W. Life and correspondence of Eev William Smith, D.D. 1880 B37 Sm5 Thorpe, F. N. ed. Benjamin Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania 1893 (United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 378.748 T39 Wood, G:B. Early history of the University of Pennsylvania from its origin to the year 1827 1896 378.748 W85 Pennsylvania — Eastern state penitentiary Annual reports of inspectors, 1829-89 5v. bound,0 Phil.1831-89 E365 P37 General assembly Constitution of the com- monwealth of Pennsylvania . . . showing a glance at the changes made by the conven- tion of 1872-75; ed. by H. E. Wallace and D. Sanders Ed. 2 64p.D Phil. Welsh, 1881«74 342.748 P38 Pennsylvania at Gettysburg Ceremonies at the dedication of the monuments erected by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania . . . 2v.pl.Q Harri8b.l893 (2 copies) 937.7 P38 Eeport of the commission to locate the site of the frontier forts of Pennsylvania 2v.pl. mapSjO Harrisb.1896 974.8 P38 Smull's legislative handbook and manual of the state of Pennsylvania Latest volume E328.748 P38 Industrial education commission Report made to the legislature of Pennsylvania . . . 592p.il.O Harri8b.l889 607 P38 Public instruction, Department of Common school laws and decisions of the superin- tendent . 1885-date 1885-date Harrisb.Hart, R379.14 P38 Report of the superintendent Common schools of Pennsylvania 1879-date,Q 379.748 P38 State library Report of librarian, 1901 421p.pl.O Penn.1902 027.5 P38 Pennsylvania Dutch and other essays Gibbons, P. E. 814.49 G35 Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography 1877-90 16v.il.por.O Phil.1877-90 974.8 P38p Pennsylvania school journal, monthly 1852-date Penn.l853-date 370.5 P38 Pennypacker, Samuel Whitaker 1843- Six weeks in uniform being a record of a term in the military service in the Gettysburg campaign of 1863 (see his Historical and biographical sketches 1883 p.305-399) 974.8 P38 Annals of Phoenixville and its vicinity from the settlement of the year 1871, giving the origin and growth of the borough with in- formation concerning the adjacent town- ships of Chester and Montgomery counties and the valley of the Schuylkill 295p.pl.O Phil.Bavis,1872 974.813 P38 Historical and biographical sketches 416p.Q Phil.Tripple,1883 974.8 P38 Contents: — Settlement of Germantown, Pa., and the causes which led to it; David Rittenhouse, the American astronomer; Christopher Dock, the pious schoolmaster on the Skippack and his works; Der Blutige Schauplatz, oder Martyrer Spiegel; Men- nonlte emigration to Pennsylvania; Abra- ham and Dlrck op den Graeff; Zlonltischer Weyrauchs-Hiigel, oder Myrrhen Berg; William Moore of Moore Hall; Samuel Richardson; Captain Joseph Richardson; Samuel John Atlee; James Abram Garfield; Henry Armitt Brown; Charles Frederick Taylor; Six weeks in uniform Settlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania, and the beginning of German emigration to North America 310p.por.pl.O Phil. Campbell,1899 974.811 P38 Penology See Crime and criminala Penrose, Boles and Allinson, E:P. Philadelphit^ 1681-1887 1887 342.07481 AI5 Pensions See Old age pensions 367 Pentameron and other imaginary conversations Landor, W. S. (t» his Longer prose works 1892 '93 V.2) 828.89 L231 People for whom Shakespeare wrote Warner, C:D. 822.33 W24p Pepacton Burroughs, John 814.41 B94p PEPYS, SAMUEL 1633-1703 Diary ... ed. by H:B: Wheatley 8v.por.pl.maps,D Lond.Bell,1893 '95 '96'92 B P39 Stevenson, R. L: Samuel Pepys {see Stevenson, R. L: Familiar studies of men and books 1891 p.275-306) 824.89 St4 Pequignot, Mrs Mary A. (Boland) Handbook of invalid cooking . . . 323p.D N.Y. Century co,1893 641 P39 PERCEPTION Leland, C:G. On creating quickness of perception {see his Practical education 1888 p.151-184) 607 L53 PERCIVAIi, JAMES GATES 1795-1856 Low- Eix.. J. R. Life and letters of James Gates Percival (tn LoweU, J. R. Literary es- says 1892 '94<=64 '90 v.2,p.l40-161) 814.39 L951i Percy, Thomas bishop ed. Reliques of an- cient English poetry, consisting of old heroic ballads, songs and other pieces of our earlier poets, together with some few of later date ed. by J. V. Prichard 2v.D Lond.Bell, 1892 821.08 P41 1729-1811 Beers, H:A: Percy and the ballads {see Beers, H:A: History of English romanticism in the 18th century 1899 p.265-305) 820.9 B39 Percy Grseme Tumbull memorial lectureship of poetry at Johns Hopkins university 1891 Stedman, E. C. Nature and elements of poetry 1893'92 808.1 St3 1892 Jebb, Sir R:C. Growth and influence of classical Greek poetry 1893 881 J34 PEREZ, ANTONIO 1539 (») -1611 Froudk, J. A. Antonio Perez; an unsolved his- torical riddle {see his Spanish story of the Armada 1892 p.90-154) 824.89 F93s Perez, Bernard First three years of childhood; ed. by A. M. Christie; with an introduction by James Sully 292p.D Chic.Marquis, 1885 '88 (2 copies) 150.1 P41 PERICLES 495 (t) -429 B.C. Abbott, Evelyn Pericles and the golden age of Athens 1895 '91 {Heroes of the nations) B P41 Pericles and Aspasia Landoe, W. S. {in Landor, W. S. Longer prose works 1892 '93 v.l,p.ll9-410) 828.89 L231 PERIODICALS HiQGlNSON, T:W. Old Cam- bridge in three literary epochs {see hia Old Cambridge 1899 p.41-71) 814 H53 See also Journalism; also The name of the subject Indexes Poole, W:F: and Fletcher, W:I: ed. In- dex to periodical literature 1882 R050 P78 Periods of European history; ed. by Arthur Hassall v.l Oman, C:W. C. Europe, 476-918 1893 940.2 0ml v.2 Tout, T:F: Empire and papacy, 918- 1273 1898 940.4 T64 V. 3 Lodge, Richard Close of the middle ages, 1273-1494 1901 940.4 L82 V. 4 Johnson, A, H : Europe in the 16th century 1897 940.7 J62 V. 5 Wakeman, H. O. Europe, 1598-1715 1894 940.7 W13 V. 6 Hassall, Arthur Balance of power, 1715-1789 1896 940.7 H27 V. 7 Stephens, H:M. Europe, 1789-1815 1893 940.8 St4 Periods of European literature; ed. by G:E. B. Saintsbury Elton, Oliver Augustan ages 1899 809 E18 Hannay, David Later renaissance 1898 809 H19 Saintsbury, G:E. B. The flourishing of ro- mance and the use of allegory 1897 809.3 Sa2 Snell, F:J: Fourteenth century 1899 809 Sn2 Peripatectic school of philosophy See Aris- totle Perkins, Frederic Beecher ed. Best reading; hints on the selection of books on the for- mation of libraries . . . courses of reading with a classified bibliography for easy ref- ence 2v.D N.Y.Putnam,1881«77 016 P41 v. 2 ed. by L. E. Jones Perkins, James Breck France under Mazarin with a review of the administration of Rich- PER PER ses elieu Ed.2,3 2v.por.O N.Y.Putnam, 1887'86 944 P41 Perpetual forces Emeeson, R. W. {see his Lec- tures and biographical sketches ISQS'SS p.69-89) 814.36 Em31 Perry, Bliss Poetry (see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.213-256) 028 C83 Perry, Edward Delavan The American univer- sity (Ml Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.l, mono- graph 6,68p.) 379.73 B97 tr. Paxjlsen, Friedrich German uni- versities; their character and historical de- velopment 1895^94 378.43 P28 Perry, Frederic Saint Louis (Louis IX of France), the most Christian king 303p.il. por.pl.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1901«00 {Heroes of the nations) B L92 Perry, Thomas Sergeant tr. See Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. haron Terry, Walter Copland Greek and Roman sculp- ture 700p.il.O Lond.Longmans,1882 733 P42 Persephone See Proserpine PERSEPOLIS Easton, M. W: Observations on the platform at Persepolis 1892 {Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Series in philology, literature, and archaeology) 915.5 Ea7 Persia See also Medo-Persia; Persepolis See also Cyrus ' ' The Great ' ' See Education Cyropsedia History Benjamin, S:G. W. Story of Persia 1894 •87 {Story of the nations) 935.5 B43 Cox, Sir G:'W: baronet Greeks and the Persians n.d. {Epochs of ancient his- tory) 938.03 C83 Lenormant, FRAN501S and Chevallier, E. Medes and Persians {in their Manual of the ancient history of the East 1869 v.2,p.l-142) 930 L54 Raoozin, Mme Z. A. Story of Media, Babylon and Persia 1893«88 (Story of the no- turns) 935 R12s Sayoe, A. H: The Persian empire (tee his Ancient history of the East 1892 p.234-275) 930 Sa9 PERSIAN LITERATURE Cowell, E:B. Per- sian literature. {in Oxford essays 1855 p.156-176) 824.89 0x2 Poor, L. E.. Persian literature Aryan and Semitic {see her Sanskrit and its kindred literatures 1880 p.142-171) 891.2 P79 See also Persian poetry Persian passion play Arnold, Matthew (in his Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.l, p.223-264) 824.85 Ar6e PERSIAN POETRY Emerson, R. W. Per- sian poetry {see his Letters and social aims 1893^75 '83 p.223-251) 814.36 Em31e Strachey, Sir Edward Persian poetry {see his Talk at a country house 1894 p.l4- 40) 828 St8 See also Omar Khayyam PERSPECTIVE Collins, W:H. Perspective; or, The art of drawing what one sees 1872 742 C69 Miller, L. W. Essentials of perspective 1892'=87 742 M61 RusKiN, John Elements of {see his St Mark 's rest 1894 See also Drawing perspective p.323-413) 945 R89 PERU History Prescott, W:H. History of the conquest of Peru "1847 '74 985 P92 See also Pizarro, Francisco Peschel, Oscar Races of man and their geograph- ical distribution; tr. from the German 598p.O N.Y.Appleton,1882 572 P43 PESSIMISM Sully, James Pessimism ; a his- tory and a criticism 1891 149.6 Su5 PESTALOZZI, JOHANN HEINRICH 1746- 1827 GuiMPS, Roger baron de Pesta- lozzi; his aim and work 1889 B37 P43 Pestalozzi ; his life and work 1897«90 {In- ternational education series) B37 P43g Krusi, Hermann Pestalozzi; his life work and influence «1875 B37 P43k 869 Lkitch, Jamss Henry Pestalozzi {see his Fractical educationists 1876 p.52-120) 370.9 L53 PiNiocHE, A. Pestalom and the foundation of the modem elementary school 1901 (Great educators) B37 P43p Russell, J. The student's Pestalozzi; a short account of his life and system 1888 B37 P43r Leonard and Gertrude; tr. and abridged by E\-a Channing 181p.D Bost.Ginn,1885 (Educational classics) (2 copies) 370 P43 Host. Heath,1892*85 (Heath's pedagogical library) 370 P431 1746-1877 Browning, Oscar Pestalozzi (see Browning, Oscar Educational theories 1882 '88 p.151-165; 170-185) 370.9 B82 JoHONNOT, James Pestalozzi (see his Principles and practice of teaching 1898 '96 p.105-118 1883«78 p.116-129) 371a J66 MuxROE, J. P. Pestalozzi and Froebel (see Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.179-206) 370.9 M92 Payne, Joseph Pestalozzi (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of educa- tion 1892 p.97-114) 370.9 P29 QincK, R. H. Pestalozzi (see Quick, R H. Essays on educational reformers 1879, '91 '97«90 p.290-383) 370.9 Q41 PESTS Smith, J:B. Economic entomology for the farmer and fruit grower 1896 595.7 Sm5 See also Insects PETER I, ALEXEEEVITCH, "the great Czar of Russia", 1672-1725 Lord, John Peter the Great (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.4.p.209-245) 904 L88 Pkteb Lombard See Lombard, Peter PETERBOROUGH, CHARLES MORDAUNT earl OF 1658-1735 Stebbinq, Wiluam Pe- terborough 1890 (English men of ac- tion) B P44 PetUck, Emmellne Working girls' clubs (see Reason, Will ed. University and social settlements 1898 p.101-114) 331.8 R23 PETRARCH, FRANCESCO 1304-1374 Ou- PHANT, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Guest of Yen- ice (see her Makers of Venice 1S93<^87 '92 p.342-362) 945.3 013 Robinson, J. H. and Rolfe, H:W. Petrarch; the first modem scholar and man of letters 1898 B P44 Pkteipaction See Paleontology PETROLEUM Playfair, Sir Lyon Petroleum, the light of the poor (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.263-273) 304 P69 PETS See Domestic animals PETT, PHINEAS 1570-1647 Smiles, Samuel Phineas Pett (see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.1-48) 9 Sm4 Pettigrew, J. Bell Animal locomotion; or, Walking, swimming and flying with a disser- tation on aeronautics 264pil.pl.D N.Y. Appleton,1893 (International scientific se- ries) , 591.47 P45 Pfieffer, Mrs Emily Women and work; an es- say treating on the relation to health and physical development of the higher education of girls and the intellectual or more system- atised effort of women 186p.D Lond. Triibner,1888 376 P47 Pfleiderer, Otto Christian origins; tr. from the German by D. A. Huebsch 295p J) N.Y. Huebsch,1906 201 P47 Evolution and theology and other essays; ed. by Arello Cone 306p.D Lond.Black.1900 201 P47p Contents: — Evolution and theology: The- ology and natural science; Luther as the founder of Protestant civilization; Elssence of Christianity; Notion and problem of the philosophy of religion; Task of scientific theology for the church of the present; Jesus' foreknowledge of his sufferings and death; National traits of the Germans as seen In their religion; Is morality without religion possible or desirable? Free from Rome! Influence of the apostle Paul on the develop- ment of Christianity; tr. by J. T: Smith 238p.O N.Y.Scribner,1885 (Hibbert lec- tures 1885) 225 P48 Pharaohs, fellahs and explorers Edwards, A. A. B. 913.32 Ed9 Phelps, M. Stuart ir. Eucken, Rttdolph Fundamental concepts of modem philosophic PHE PHE 370 thought, critically and historically considered 1880 100 Eu2 Phelps, William F. Teacher's handbook; for the institute and the class-room 335p.D N.Y.Barnes,n874 (Teacher's library) 370.7 P51 Phelps, William Lyon Beginnings of the Eng- lish romantic movement; a study in 18th century literature 192p.D Bost.Ginn, 1893 821 P51 ed. Chapman, Geokge Plays 1895 822.39 C36 Gray, Thomas Selections from his poetry and prose 1894 821.61 G79s PHIDIAS 500-430 B.C.(?) Lord, John Phidias (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history ^883 '96 v.l,p.97-132) 904 L88 PHILADELPHIA See also Fairmount park; Germantown Biography ^ Morris, Charles ed. Makers of Philadel- phia 1894 119 M83 Simpson, Henry Lives of eminent Philadel- phians now deceased 1859 9 Si5 See also Philadelphia — Women Education Rhoades, L. I. Early education in Philadel- phia (see her Story of Philadelphia =1900 p.65-76) 974.8 E34 Soharp, J : T : and Westcott, Thompson Ed- ucation (in their History of Philadelphia 1884 v.3,p.l921-1958) 974.811 Schl See also Philadelphia — Public schools Geology Heilpein, Angelo Town geology; the lesson of the Philadelphia rocks 1885 557.481 H36 History Fisher, S. G : Pre-eminence of Philadelphia (see his Pennsylvania; colony and common- wealth 1897 p.413-436) 974.8 F53p Hotchkin, S:F: Ancient and modem Ger- mantown, Mount Airy and Chestnut Hill 1889 974.811 H79 The Bristol pike 1893 974.8 H79 Eural Pennsylvania in the vicinity of Phila- delphia 1897 974.8 H79r The York road, old and new 1892 974.81 H79 Jenkins, H. M. and Seilhamer, G:0. Me- morial history of the city of Philadelphia from its first settlement to 1895 1895 '98 974.81 J41 Mease, James Picture of Philadelphia 1823 , • 974.81 M46 Repplier, Agnes Philadelphia; the place and the people 1898 974.81 R29 Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia '1900 974.8 R34 Scharf, J : T : and Westcott, Thompson His- tory of Philadelphia, 1609-1884 1884 974.811 Schl Sylvan city; or, Quaint corners in Philadel- phia 1883 974.81 Sy5 Watson, J: F. Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the olden time 1891'=57 '77 974.8 W33 Westcott, Thompson Historic mansions and buildings of Philadelphia with some notice of their owners and occupants "=1877 917.4811 W52 Legislature Digest of the laws and ordinances governing the city in force . . . January, 1882, ed. by W. N. West 582p.O Phil.Nicholson,1882 352 P53 Penn charter school Penn, William Charters of ye publick school founded by charter in ye town and county of Philadelphia in Pennsilvania, 1701, 1708, 1711 n.d. 373.748 P38 Periodicals Smyth, A. H : Philadelphia magazines and their contributors, 1741-1850 1892 051 Sm9 Politics and government Allinson, E : P. and Penrose, Boies Phila- delphia, 1681-1887 1887 352.07481 A15 Wharton school of finance and economy City government of Philadelphia 1893 352.073 W55 Post oifice Barber, E: A. Philadelphia post-office (see Sylvan city; or, Quaint corners in Philadel- phia 1883 p.207-227) 974.81 Sy5 871 Piiblic schools Cdstis, J:T, Public schools of Philadelphia; historical, biographical, and statistical 1897 379.748 C96 Bice, J. M. Public-school system of Phila- delphia (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.147-165) 379.73 R36 TtJKNER, E. S. Public schools (see Sylvan city; or, Quaint comers in Philadelphia 1883 p.257-294) 974.81 Sy5 Weimer, a. B. Digest of the laws and ordin- ances relating to the public school system of Philadelphia 1888 379.74811 W43 Central high school Edmonds, F:S. History of the Central high school of Philadelphia 1902 379.7481 Ed5 Public industrial art school United states — Education, Bureau of Ee- port of the commissioner of education in the United States on the Leland school in Phil- adelphia (see Leland, C:G. Practical education 1888 p.262-266) 607 L53 James Forten elementary manual training school Speibs, F:W. The James Forten school 1901 607 Sp3 Travel arul description Kino, Moses Philadelphia and notable Phil- adelphians 1902 917.481 K58 Philadelphia, Trades league op City of Philadelphia as it appears in the year 1893 n.d. 917.4811 P53 See also Fairmount park; Germantown Women Bhoades, L. I. Women of Philadelphia (see her Story of Philadelphia «1900 p.325- 348) 974.8 R34 PUladelphia — Controllers of the public schools See Philadelphia — Education, Board of public Philadelphia — Education, Board of public An- nual report of the board of controllers of public schools 1821,1869-date v.3,v.51- date PhiL1822^870-date 379.7481 P53 Department of superintendence Annual re- port of the superintendent 1883-90,1892-99 2v.O Phil,Burk,1884-99 (2 copies) B379.7481 P53 Journal of the lat school district of Pennsyl- vania . . . 1821-28,1875-date . . . 21v.O Phil.l876-date R379.74 P53 1828-75 wantlnsr V. 8. 1882 wanting Pedagogical library Catalogue . . . with bib- liographical notes and references by James MacAlister 184p.D Phil.Burk,1887 017 P53 Supplement to catalogue 47p.D Phil. Burk,1890 017 P53s Philadelphia — Hebrew education society Fifty years work of the Hebrew education society, 1848-1898 197p.il.O Phil.Hebrew educa- tion society, 1899 373.7481 P53 Philadelphia — Peirce school of business and short- hand Manual of business forms and cus- toms 1905 658 P53 Philadelphia law association Addresses deliv- ered March 13, 1902, and paper^j prepared or republished to commemorate the centen- nial celebration of the Law association . . . 1802-1902 462p.por.O n.p.n.d. 340 P53 PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY Stockton, LomsE The old Philadelphia library (see Sylvan cily; or. Quaint comers in Philadelphia 1883 p.129-166) 974.81 Sy5 Philadelphia teacher. The See Teacher, The Philadelphia, Trades league of City of Phila- delphia as it appears in the year 1893 . . . 148p.il.por.pl.Q Phil.Harris,n.d. 917.4811 P53 Philanthropic societies in the reign of Queen Anne Pattison, Mark (in his Essays 1889 v.2,p.309-322) 824.89 P27 Philanthropin See Basedow, J. B. Philanthropy See Charity; Social settlements PHILBRICK, JOHN DUDLEY 1818-1886 Dun- ton, Larkin ed. Memorial of the life and services of John D. Philbriek 1887 B P58 City school systems in the United States 207p. O Wa8h.govtpr.o.l885 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of informa- tion) 370.6 Una PHI PHI WiNSHiP, A. E. John Diidley Philbrick; a famous superintendent of city schools (see Winship, A. E. Great American educators '1900 p.115-130) B39 W73 PHILIP II, Jci7ig of Spain, 1527-1598 Hume, M. A. S. Coming of Philip, the Prudent (see Hume, M. A. S. Year after the Armada 1896 p.123-174) 946 H88y See also Armada, The ; Spain — History PHILIP IV, king of Spain, 1605-1665 Hume, M. A. S. Sprig of the house of Austria (see his Year after the Armada 1896 p.321- 341) 946 H88y PHILIPPA, qwen of England, 1312-1369 Strick- land, Agnes PhiUppa of Hainault (in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.l,pt.2,p.556-605) 9 St8 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS George, M. M. A little journey to the Philippine islands «1900 (Library of travel) 919.1 G29 Knapp, Adeline Story of the Philippines •=1902 (World and its people) 919.1 K72 See also Magalhses, Fernao de PHILIPS, AMBROSE 1671-1749 Johnson, Samuel A. Philips (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.6,p.37- 50) 9 J62 Philips, George Morris Elements of civil gov- ernment in the commonwealth of Pennsylva- nia with a brief outline of the political his- tory of the state . . . lOSp.pl.D N.Y.Sil- ver,1895 (2 copies) 353.9748 P53 PHILIPS, JOHN 1676-1708 Johnson, Samuel J. Philips (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.2,p.93-113) 9 J62 Philips, Herbert and Vemey, Edmund ed. Baker, Sir T:B.L. War with crime 1889 364 B17 PHILIPS, Mrs KATHAEINE (FOWLER) 1631- 1664 Gosse, E. W: The matchless Orinda (see Gosse, E. W: Seventeenth century studies 1897 p.229-258) 824.8 G69 Phllipson, David Old European Jewries 281p. D Phil. Jewish publication society of Amer- ica,1894 296 P53 Phillips, John Neighbourhood of Oxford and its geology (in Oxford essays 1855 p.192-212) 824.89 0x2 872 Phillips, Maude Gillette Popular manual of English literature 2v.O N.Y.Harper,1885 820.9 P54 PHILLIPS, WENDELL 1811-1884 Martyn, Carlos Wendell Phillips, the agitator 1890 (American reformers) B P53 PHILO JUDAEUS 20 ( ?) B.C.-40 ( ?) A.D. Bigg, Charles Philo and the Gnostics (see Bigg, Charles Christian Platonists of Alex- andria 1886 p.1-35) 186.4 B48 Drummond, James Philo Judaeus; or, The Jewish-Alexandrian philosophy in its devel- opment and completion 1888 186.4 D84 Philology See Language PHILOSOPHERS Bowen, Francis Modem philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann 1892'=77 190 B67 Diogenes Laertius Lives and opinions of eminent philosophers 1891 (Bohn's clas- sical library) B18 D63 Jones, A. L. Early American philosophers '1898 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and edv,cation) 191 J71 TowNSEND, W:J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages; an account of their lives, and the ser\ices they rendered to the church and the world 1881 B19 T66 See also Philosophy; Greek philosophers; Scholasticism; also The name of the phil- osopher Philosophical classics for English readers; ed. by William Knight Bacon Nichol, John B19 B13 Berkeley Eraser, A. C. B19 B45 Butler Collins, W:L. B19 B97 Descartes Mahaffy, J: P. B19 D45 Fichte Adamson, Robert B19 F44 Hamilton Veitch, John B19 HIS Hegel Caird, Edvtard B19 H36 Hume Knight, William B19 H88 Kant Wallace, William B19 K13 Leibniz Merz, J:T. B19 L53 Locke Fraser, A. C. B19 L79f Vico Flint, Robert B19 V66 Philosophical review, bimonthly 1894-date v.l- date,0 Bost.l894-date 105 P54 PHILOSOPHY 1897 Bacon, Roger Opus majus 101 B13 378 Bain, Alexander Common errors of the mind (see his Practical essavs 1884 p.l- 40) 370.4 B16 Metaphysics and debating societies (see his Practical essays 1884 p.137-172) 370.4 B16 Berkeley, George A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge 1881 192.3 B45 BowNE, B. P. Theory of thought and knowl- edge 1897 101 B68 EucKEN, Rudolph Fundamental concepts of modem philosophic thought 1880 100 Eu2 FiSKE, John Outlines of cosmic philosophy based on the doctrine of evolution with criti- cisms on the positive philosophy 1903 <=1874 110 F54 Harris, W:T Introduction to the study of philosophy, comprising passages from his writings selected and arranged by Marietta Kies 1890 150 H24 Hyslop, J. H. Problems of philosophy; or, Principles of epistemology and metaphysics 1905 140 H99 Kant, Immanxjel Critical philosophy 1889 193.2 K13 LoTZE, E. H. Microcosmus ; an essay concern- ing man and his relation to the world 1885 193.8 L91 Makvin, W. T. Syllabus of an introduction to philosophy 1899 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 102 M36 Maudsley, Henry Limits of philosophical inquiry (see his Body and mind 1883 p.254-275) 132 M44 MrvART, St George The helpful science 1895 100 M69 MuLLANY, P. F: (Brother AzARiAS pseud.) The nature and synthetic principle of phil- osophy (see his Essays; philosophical 1896 p.133-159) 104 M91 Eiehl, a. Principles of the critical philoso- phy; introduction to the theory of science and metaphysics 1894 (English and for- eign philosophical library) 101 E44 Robertson, G:C. Elements of general phil- osophy 1896 100 R54 Boyce, Jo^iah Studies of good and evil ; a series of essays upon problems of philosophy and of Ufe 1898 120 B81 Shairp, J:C. Studies in poetry and philoso- phy 1893 821 Shi Watson, John Comte, MiU and Spencer ; an outline of philosophy 1895 190 W33 See also Alexandrian schools; Anarchy; Axi- oms; Biology; Christianity; Creation; Emo- tions; Energy; Esthetics; Ethics; Evolu- tion; Genius; God; Greek philosophy; His- tory — P7jtio«op7i I/; Idealism; Intellect; Judg- ment; Knowledge, Theory of; Logic; Man; Materialism; Metaphysics; Mind and body; Natural religion; Nihilism; Ontology; Pea- simism; Physics; Psychology; Rationalism; Reason; Religion; Religion and science; Sci- ence; Senses, The; Skepticism; Space; Spir- itualism; Supernatural; Theism; Theology; Transcendentalism ; Utilitarianism ; WiU, The; Yoga; also The name of the country and the philosopher Dictionaries EJtAUTH,C: P. and Fleming, William Vo- cabulary of philosophical sciences 1881'77 B103 K86 Essays Baldwin, J. M. Fragments in philosophy and science 1902 104 B19 DeQuincey, Thomas '1856 77 Essays in philosophy 104 D44 James,William Will to believe and other essays in popular philosophy 1898 104 J23 Moore, A. L. Essays; scientific and philo- sophical 1890 104 M78 Mxjllany, P. F: (Brother Azarias pseud.) Essays; philosophical 1896 104 M91 RoYCE, JosiAH studies of good and evil ; a series of essays upon the problems of philos- ophy and of Ufe 1898 120 R81 Schopenhauer, Abthuk Selected essays 1900 104 Sch6 History Bain, Alexander Mental science ; a compen- dium of psychology, and the history of phil- osophy designed as a text book for high schools and colleges 1882*68 150 B16 Bax, E. B. Handbook of the history of phil- osophy 1886 109 B33 PHI PHI 874 Erdmann, J:E: History of philosophy • 1891-92 (Library of philosophy) 109 Er2 Janet, Paul and S^ailles, G-abriel His- tory of the problems of philosophy 1902 109 J25 Lewes, G:H: Biographical history of phil- osophy from its origin in Greece down to the present day 1883 109 L58 McCosH, James The Scottish philosophy, biographical, expository, critical; from Hutcheson to Hamilton 1890 109 M13 MoRELL, J:D. Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe in the 19th century 1847 109 M81 ScHWEGLER, A. F:K:r. History of philoso- phy in epitome 1886 109 Sch9 Ueberweg, Friedrich History of philosophy from Thales to the present time 1892'=71 '73 109 Uel Weber, Alfred '99 History of philosophy 1896 109 W38 WiNDELBAND, WiLHELM History of philoso- phy, with especial reference to the forma- tion and development of its problems and conceptions 1893 109 W72 Periodicals Mind; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy 1879-date 150 M66 Philosophical review, bimonthly 1894-date 105 P54 PHILOSOPHY, ANCIENT See The name of the ancient philosopher History Mayor, J. B. Sketch of the ancient philoso- phy from Thales to Cicero 1889 180.9 M45 PHILOSOPHY, MODEEN Bowen, Francis Modem philosophy 1892=77 190 B67 BuBT, B. C. A history of modem philosophy from the renaissance to the present 1892 109 B95 Cousin, Victor Course of the history of modem philosophy 1893«52 109 C83 Falkenberg, Richard History of modem philosophy from Nicolas of Cusa to the present time 1893 109 F18 HoPPDiNG, Harald History of modern phil- osophy from the close of the renaissance to our own day 1900 109 H67 RoYCE, JosiAH Spirit of modern philosophy <:-\ 892 190 R81 Philosophy, Moral See Ethics Philosophy, Natural See Physics Philosophy of education See Education — Philosophy Philosophy of history See History — Phil- osophy Philosophy of mind Ladd, G:T. 120 L12 Philosophy of religion See Religion Philosophy of style Spencer, Herbert (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.3,p.333-369) 824.89 Sp3 Philosophy of the beautiful Knight, William 701 K14 Philosophy of the moral feelings Abercrombie, John 170 Ab3 Philosophy of words Garlanda, Federico 401 G18 Phisterer, Frederick Statistical record of the armies of the United States 343p.D N.Y. Scribner,1883 (Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 P55 PHOENICIA Lenormant, Francois and Chb- vallier, E. Phoenicians (in their Man- ual of the ancient history of the East 1869 v.2,p.l43-280) 930 L54 Rawlinson, George Story of Phoenicia 1893'=89 (Story of the nations) 939.44 R19 Sayce, a. H: The Phoenicians (in his An- cient empires of the East 1892 p.l79- 209) 930 Sa9 PHOENIX VILLE Pennypacker, S:W, An- nals of Phoenixville and its vicinity 1872 974.813 P38 Phonography See Stenography PHOTOGRAPHY Vogel, Hermann Chemis- try of light and photography 1893 (In- ternational scientific series) 770 V86 PHRA-BAT Palgrave,W:G. Phra-Bat (see his Ulysses 1887 p.169-199) 904 P17 PHTHISIOLOGY Evans, G: A. . ed. Hand- book of historical and geographical phthisi- ology 1888 616.24 Evl 375 Phyfe, William Henry Plnkney How should I pronounce; or. The art of correct pronuncia- tion 305p.S N.Y.Putnain,1885 421.5 P56 Physical culture See Physical education PHYSICAL EDUCATION Calkins, N. A. Phy- sical training {see his Manual of object teaching 1882 '81 p.297-316) 372.3 C12 GuucK, L. H, Physical education by mus- cular exercise 1904 613.7 G95 Hopkins, Mrs L.. P. (Stone) Physical train- ing a means of moral and mental training {see her Spirit of the new education 1892 p.29-49) 370.4 H77 Lagrange, Fernand exercise 1890 series) Physiology of bodily (Zntemattonol scientific 613.7 L13 LoFviNG, Concordia On physical education and its place in a rational system of edu- cation pref.1882 613.7 L58 MacLaren, Archibald System of physical education 1869 613.7 M22 MoRLET,M. W. Physical culture 1893 613.7 M82 Northrop, B. G. Study and health {see his Education abroad and other papers 1873 p.120-134) 370.4 N81 Orcutt, Hirah Physical culture {see his School keeping; how to do it 1885 p.l45- 185) 371a Orl Physical education {in International health exhibition Health exhibition literature 1884 v.l3,p.337-394) 370.6 In8 Both, M. Handbook of the movement cure 1856 613.7 B74 Warman,E:B. Physical training 1889^85 613.7 W23 See also Athletics; Anthropometry; Gym- nastics; Best; Sports; Walking Physical expression Warner, Francis 138 W24 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Avebury, John Lubbock, haron Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in 1893 *92 504 At3 Geikik, Sir Archibald Physieal geography n.d- {Science primers) 551 G27 GuYOT, Arnold Earth and man 1884''49 551 G99 Hinman, Russell Eclectic physical geog- raphy *1888'97 551.4 H59 Houston, E. J. Elements of physical geog- raphy 1891 551 H81 Marsh, G: P. Earth as modified by human action 1882<74 551 M35 Beclus, J. J. E. The earth ; a descriptive history of the phenomena of the life of the globe 1879 551 B24 Ocean, atmosphere and life 1874 551 R24o Shaleb, X. S. Aspects of the earth; a popu- lar account of some familiar geological phe- nomena 1889 551 Shi See also Deserts; Geography; Geology; Gla- ciers; Meteorology; Mountains; Tides; Vol- canoes; Water Bibliography Marsh, G : P. Bibliographical list of works {see his The earth as modified by human action 1882*74 p.9-23pref.) 551 M35 Physical geology See Geology Physical training See Physical education PHYSICS Arnott, Xeil Elements of physics; or, Natural philosophy 1883 530 Ar6 Daniell, Alfred Text-book of the princi- ples of physics 1884 530.7 D22 Deschanel, a. p. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy 1883 530 D45 Harrington, C:L. Physics for grammar schools «1897 530.7 H23 Helmholtz, Hermann Aim and progress of physical science {in his Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1885 v.l,p.363- 397) 504 H36 On the interaction of natural forces {in his Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1885 v.l,p.l53-196) 504 H36 Hopkins, G:M. Experimental science; ele- mentary, practical and experimental phys- ics 1902,1889 530 H77 Kelvin, W:T. baron Popular lectures and addressee 1891 '94 {Nature teriea) 504 K29 PHY PHY 376 and Tait, P. G. Elements of natural phil- osophy 1894 530 K29 Treatise on natural philosophy 1890 '95 530 K29t LiEBiG, Justus von Development of ideas in physical science {see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881"=67 p.345-370) 375.5 Y8 Mann, C:W. Easy experiments in physics {see his School recreations and amvisements «1896 p.288-309) 371c M31 Mills, Simeon Eeadings from the book of nature 1893 530 M62 South Kj:nsinoton museum Conferences held in connection with the special loan col- lection of scientific apparatus 1876 531 So8 Stewart, Balfour Physics 1883 (/Sci- ence primers) 530 St4 Tait, P. G. Lectures on some recent advances in physical science, with a special lecture on force 1876 530 T13 See also Air; Astronomy; Atoms; Chem- istry; Color; Electricity; Energy; Indus- trial arts; Light; Matter, Properties of; Meteorology; Motion; Newtonian potential; Photography; Sound; Water; also Max- well, James Clerk Bibliography Daniel, Alfred Bibliography (see his Text-book of the principles of physics 1884 p.635-637) 530.7 D22 History Cajgei, Floeian History of physics 1899 530.9 C12 Study and teaching Barker, G:F. Physics 1892 {American science series; ad/vanced course) 530.7 B24 Clarke, F. W. Eeport on the teaching of chemistry and physics in the United States 1881 {United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 GiRARD, Maurice L 'enseignement des scien- ces physiques et naturelles dans les 6coles primaires (aee Paris — Universal exposi- tion 1878 Les conferences p^dagogiques faites atiz instituteurs 1881 p.167-188) 370.6 P21 Smith, Alexander and Hall, E:T. Teach- ing of chemistry and physics in the secon- dary school 1902 {American teachers' series) 540.7 Sm5 Tyndall, John Importance of the study of physics as a branch of education for all classes {see Royal institute of Great Britain Lectures on education 1855 p.169-211) 370;4 E81 On the importance of the study of physics {see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881''67 p.57-85) 375.5 Y8 Wead, C. K. Aims and methods of the teaching of physics {United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of infor- mation) 370.6 Un3. Physics and politics Bagehot, Walter 301 B14 PHYSIOGNOMY Mantegazza, Paolo Physi- ognomy and expression 1890 {Contem- porary science series) 138 M31 Stanton, M.. O. System of practical and scientific physiognomy; or. How to read faces 1890 138 St2 Warner, Francis Physical expression; its modes and principles 1886 {Interna- tional scientific series) 138 W24 PHYSIOGRAPHY Huxley, T:Ht Physiog- raphy; an introduction to the study of nature 1883 551 H98 Mill, H. R. Realm of nature; an outline of physiography • 1892 {University exten- sion manuals) 500 M59 Shaler, N. S. Aspects of the earth; a pop- ular account of some familiar geological phenomena 1889 551 Shi See also Geology; Physical geography PHYSIOLOGY Brubaker, A. P. Compend of human physiology 1900 612.07 B83 Buckelew, S.. F. and Lewis, M. W. Practi- cal work in the school-room; object lessons on plants 1885 612 B85 Dalton, J:C. Treatise on human physiology 1882 612 D17 Combe, Andrew 1836 Foster, Michael 1884 Principles of physiology 612 C73 Text-book of physiology 612 FSlt 877 and Tract, R, 8. Physiology and hygiene '1883 (Scietice primers) 612 F81 HALLiBtniTON, W. D. Handbook of physi- ology 1896 612 H15 Huxley, T:H: On elementary instruction in physiology (see his Science and culture and other essays 1884 p.94-101) 504 H98 Mace, Jean History of a mouthful of bread and its effect on the organization of men and animals "1866 612 M15 Servants of the stomach 1868 612 M15s Mann, Horace Report for 1842 (in his Lectures and annual reports on education 1867-68 v.2,p.l29-229) 370.6 M31 Martin, H. N. and Martin, H. C. The human body '1884 (American science series; elementary course) 612 M36 Paget, James Importance of the study of physiology as a branch of education for all classes (see Royal institution of Great Britain Lectures on education 1855 p.213-260) 370.4 R81 On the importance of the study of physi- ology (see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881*67 p.146-164) 375 Y8 Spencer, Herbert Transcendental physi- ology (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.l,p.63-107) 824 Sp3 See also Anatomy; Biology; Brain; Degen- eration; Digestion; Embryology; Heredity; Hygiene; Man; Medicine; Mind, Physiol- ology of; Mind and body; Muscles and nerves; Nervous system; Pathology; Physi- ognomy; Psychology, Physiological; Senses, The; Sex; Sleep; Voice, The; Woman Physiology of bodily exercise nand Lagrange, Fer- 613.7 L13 PIANOFORTE Tatlor, Franklin Primer of piano-forte playing n.d. (Science prim- ers) 786.4 T21 Plant, Dr Conference sur ITiygifene de I'ficole (see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les conferences p^dagogiques faites aux institu- teurs 1881 p.223-281) 370.6 P21 PICCOLOMINI, ENEA SYHIO 1405-1464 " De liberorum educatione" Woodward, W:H. The treatise of ^]neas Sylvius Piccolomini afterwards Pius II De lib- erorum educatione (see Woodward, W:H. Vittorino Da Feltre and other humanist educators 1897 p.134-158) 370.9 W87 Pick, Edward Memory and its doctors 135p.S Lond.Trubner,1888 154 P58 Plckard, Josiah Little School supervision 175p.D N.Y.Appleton,1890 (Interna- tional education series) 379.15 P58 PICO, GIOVANNI count OF MIRANDOLA, 1463-1494 Pater, W. H. Pico Delia Mirandola (see Pater, W. H. Renais- sance; studies in art and poetry 1890'73'88 p.31-51) 824.89 P27r Pictorial field-book of the revolution Lossing, B.J: 973.3 L89 Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812 Lossing, B. J : 973.5 L89 Picture work Hervey, W. L. 268 H44 PICTURES CoMENius, J: A. Orbis pictus 1887 372a C73 Piers Plowman See Langland, William Pike, Luke Owen History of crime in England, illustrating the changes of the laws in the progress of civilization 2v.pl.O Lond. Smith,1873 343.42 P63 PILGRIM FATHERS Grifpis, W:E. Pil- grims in their three homes; England, Hol- land, America 1898 974.4 G87 See also Bradford, William Pilgrimage series Kitton, F:G: The Dickens coimtry 1905 914.2 K66 Pilgrimages to English shrines Hall, Mrs A.. M. F. 914.2 H14 PILGRIMS AND PILGRIMAGES Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English wayfaring life in the middle ages 1890 • 914.2 J98 Pilgrim's progress See Bunyan, John Pillans, James Contributions to the cause of education 591p.O Lond.Longman,1856 370.4 P64 Pillars of society and other plays Ibsen, Henrik 839.8262 Ib7 Pinchot, OiflFord Primer of forestry 2v.il.pl.D Wash.govt.pr.o.1899.1905 634.9 P65 PINDAR 522(f) -443 B.C. Applbton, W:H. ed. Pindar (see Appleton, W:H. ed. PIN PIN 378 Greek poets in English verse 1893 p.l3l- 139) 881 Ap5 Symonds, J: a. Pindar (in Symonds, J: A. Studies of the Greek poets 1893 v.l,p.322-352) 881 Sy6 Pinloche, A. Pestalozzi and the foundation of the modern elementary school 306p.D N.Y.Scribner,1901 (Great educators) B37 P43p Pioneers of France in the New World Parkman, Francis 971 P23p Pioneers of science Lodge, Sir O: J. 520.9 L82 PIEATES Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of the Barbary corsairs 1891''90 (Story of the nations) 961 P78 See also Buccaneers PISA Duffy, Bella Tuscan republics (Flor- ence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca) with Genoa 1893 (Story of the nations) 945 D87 PITT, CHRISTOPHER 1699-1748 Johnson, Samuel Pitt (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.5,p.251- 256) 9 J62 PITT, WILLIAM 1759-1806 Bagehot, Wal- ter William Pitt (see Bagehot, Walter Biographical studies 1895 p.125-168) 9 B14 Rosebeby, a. P, Primeose, earl of Pitt 1893*^91 '92 (Twelve English statesmen) B P68r PITT, WILLIAM, earl OF CHATHAM, 1708-1778 Green, W. D. William Pitt, Earl of Chat- ham, and the growth and division of the British empire, 1708-1778 1901<'1890 (Heroes of the nations) B P68 Speech on the government policy in America (see Clarke, William ed. Political ora- tions from Wentworth to Macaulay n.d. p.40-49) 320.4 C55 Speech on the slave trade House of commons, April 2, 1902 (see Clarke, William ed. Political orations from Wentworth to Ma- caulay n.d. p.138-165) 320.4 055 Macaulay, T:B. haron Earl of Chatham (tw Macaulay, T:B. taron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.4,p.256-357) 824.83 Mil PITTSBURG Sargent, Wintheop History of an expedition against Fort du Quesne in 1755 under major-general Edward Braddock 1856 973.2 Sa7 PIUS II See Piccolomini, Enea Syhio PIZARRO, FRANCISCO 1471 (?) -1541 TowLE, G:M. Pizarro, his adventures and con- quests '1878 (Young folks' heroes of history) B P68 PLACIDIA, GALLA 388 (?) -450 or 451 HoDG- KiN, Thomas Placidia; Attila (see Hodgkin, Thomas Dynasty of Theodosius 1889 p.169-203) 937.09 H66 Planche, James Robinson Corner of Kent; or, Some account of the parish of Ash-next- Sandwich, its historical sites and existing antiquities 413p.il.pl.maps,0 Lond.Hard- wicke,1864 283.42 P69 PLANETARY SYSTEM Helmholtz, H. L. F: von On the origin of the planetary system (vi his Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1881 '85 v.2,p.l39-197) 504 H36 See also Astronomy; Plurality of worlds PLANTAGENETS See England— -ffistori/, ISth century Plant-lore and garden craft of Shakespeare Ella- combe, H:N. 822.33 E15 PLANTS See Agriculture; Botany; Climb- ing plants; Flowers; Plants, Cultivated PLANTS, CULTIVATED Candolle, A. L. P. P. DE Origin of cultivated plants 1890 (International scientific series) 581 C16 Darwin, C:R. Variation of animals and plants under domestication 1894 575.2 D25 Plants, Fossil See Paleobotany Plants and their children (Smith) Parsons, Mrs F:T. 580 P25p PLATINUM Faraday, Michael Lecture on platinum (see his Chemical history of a candle n.d. p.185-223) 541 F22 Plato Republic; tr. into English with an analy- sis and notes by J:L. Davies and D:J. Vaughan New ed. 370p.S Lond.Mac- millan,1881 321.8 P69 tr. with introduction, analysis and index by Benjamin Jowett Ed. 3, enl. 379p.O Oxf .Clarendon press,1888 321.8 P69r 379 429-347 B.C. "Bepublic" Adamson, J:E. Theory of education in Plato 's ' ' Bepublic ' ' 1903 321.8 Ad2 DeQuixcey, Thomas Plato's Republic (see DeQuincej, Thomas Essays in ancient his- tory and antiquities '1851 76 p.431-482) 824.81 I>44e Nettleship, R:L: Theory of education in the Republic of Plato (see Abbott, Evelyn HeUenica 1880 p.67-180) 880.4 Ab2 Talks Tnth Athenian youths; translations from the Charmides, Lysis, Laches, Euthydemus, and Thesetetus 178p.D X.Y.Scribner, 1893 888.4 P69 Talks with Socrates about life; translations from the Gorgias and the Republic 176p.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 888.4 P69 B.\KER, J. H. Plato's philosophy of educa- tion and life (see Baker, J. H. Educa- tion and life 1900 p.29-49) 370.4 B17 BosANQXTET, Bernasq Companion to Plato 's Republic 1895 184 B65 Bryan, W:L. and Bbyan, C. L. Plato, the teacher 1897 184 B84 Busseix, F:W: School of Plato; its origin, development and revival under the Roman empire 1896 184.1 B96 Emerson, R. W. Plato; or, The philosopher Plato; new readings (see Emerson, R. W. Representative men 1894*76 '83 p.39-87) 9 Em3 Martin, Alexandre Platon; the Republic; Education des guerriers (see Martin, Alex- andre Les doctrines p^dagogiques des Grecs 1881 p.20-85) 370.938 M36 Maktineau, James Plato (in Martineau, James Types of ethical theory 1886 v.l, p.24-117) 171 M36 Pater, Walter Plato and Platonism 1894 184 P27 Robertson, G : C. On the epistemology of Plato in the Phjedrus, Republic, Theaetetus and Timaeus («ec Robertson, G:C. Elements of general philosophy 1896 p.201-213) 100 R54 Strong, T:B. Platonism n.d. (Chief an- cient philosophies) 184.1 St8 Westcott, B. F. Myths of Plato (see Wert- eott, B. F. Essays in the history of relig- ious thought in the West 1891 p.1-50) 204 W52 Plato and the older acad- 184.1 Z3 Zeller, Edu.ard emy 1876 PLAY Carr, H. a. Survival values of play 1902 (University of Colorado Depart- ment of psychology and education Investi- gations) 370.4 C23 Groos, Karl Play of animals '1898 591.5 G89 Skidmore, S. T. An evolution of play 1894 372.21 Sk3 See also Games ; Sports Play of animals Groos, Karl 591.5 G89 Playfair, Sir Lyon Subjects of social welfare 392p.D Lond.CasseU,1889 304 P69 Contents:— pt. 1 Public health pt. 2 Industrial wealth pt. 3 National education Playright See Copyri^t Plays See Drama; Games; Sports Plebian with the old whig Steele, Sir Richard and Addison, Joseph (in Addison, Joseph Works 1888 v.3,p.276-351) 824.52 Ad2 PLIXY (CAirS PLIXIUS C.^CILIUS SECUN- DUS) 62-113 A.D. Thomas, Emile A typical Roman of the empire, Pliny the younger (see Thomas, Emile Roman life under the Csesars 1899 p.331-363) 913.37 T36 Ploetz, Carl Epitome of ancient, medieval una modem history; tr. . . . by W:H. Tilling- hast Ed.2 61Sp.D Bost.Houghton,1884 «83 909 P72 Plummer, Alfred Church of the early fathers; external history 210p.D N.Y.Randolph, n.d. (Epochs of church history) 270 P73 Plummer, Charles Life and times of Alfred the Great 232p.D Oif .Clarendon press,1902 (Ford Uctures 1901) B A12 PLURALITY OF WORLDS Proctor, R: A. Other worlds than ours pref.1870 523 P94 Smith, H: J. S. Plurality of worlds (in Oxford essays 1855 p.105-155) 824.89 0x2 Wallace, A. R. Man 's place in the universe ; a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worlds 1905 523 W15 PLU PLU 380 Plutarch Lives of illustrious men; corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. Clough 787p.O Bost.Little,l 892=59 '76 9 P74 Lives; tr. by John and William Lang- home 351p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 9 P74 46 ( ? ) A.D.- " Life af Cicero ' ' Gudeman, Alfred Sources of Plutarch's "Life of Cicero" 1902 (University of Pennsyl- vania Series in philology and literature) B C48 ■ ' ' Lives of illustrious men ' ' Skeat, W. W : ed. Shakespeare's Plutarch 1892'=75'80 9 Sk2 Morals ; ethical essays ; tr. by A. E : Shilleto 408p.D Lond.Bell,1888 888.8 P74 Morals ; theosophical essays ; tr. by C. W, King 287p.D Lond.Bell,1889 888.8 P74m Emerson, E. W. Plutarch {see Emerson, E. W. Lectures and biographical sketches 1893"=83 p.275-304) 814.36 Em31 Martii^, Alexandre Plutarque {see Martin, Alexandre ' Les doctrines pedagogiques des Grecs 1881 p.115-167) 370.938 M36 Plymouth colony See New Plymouth colony POCAHONTAS 1595 (?) -1617 Eggleston, Ed- ward and Seelye, L. E. Pocahontas ^879 {Famous American Indians) 970.2 Eg3p Podmore, Frank Apparitions and thought trans- ference; an examination of the evidence for telepathy 401p.il.D Lond.Scott,1895 {Contemporary science series) 134 P75 Studies in psychical research 458p.O N.Y. Putnam,1897 ' 134 P75s POE, EDGAE ALLAN 1809-1849 Griswold, H. T. Edgar Allan Poe {see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894<'86 p.312-321) 9 G88 Woodberey, G:E: Edgar Allan Poe 1892 *85 {American men of letters) B P75 Fall of the house o;f Usher and other tales and prose writings ; ed. by Ernest Ehys 312p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. {Camelot series) 818.39 P75 Eichardson, C:F: Edgar Allan Poe {in Bichardson, C : F : American literature 1887 '89'=86 v.l,p.97-136) 810.9 E39 Stedman, E. C. Edgar Allan Poe {see Sted- man, E. C. Poets of America 1894*85 p.225-272) 811.39 St3 Poet at the breakfast table Holmes, 0:W. 817.32 H73p POETEY Aristotle Poetics {see Butcher, S:H: Aristotle's theory of poetry and fine art 1895 p.1-105) 888.5 B97 Arnold, Matthew Study of poetry {in his Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.2,p.l- 55) 824.85 Ar6e Bain, Alexander Definition of poetry {see his On teaching English 1887 p.207-256) 808 B16 Cook, A. S. ed. Art of poetry; the poetical treatises of Horace, Vida and Boileau 1892 808.1 C77 Emerson, E. W. Poetry and imagination {see his Letters and social aims 1893''75 '83 p.7-75) 814.36 Em31e GuMMERE, F. B. Handbook of poetics for students of English verse 1892 808.1 G95 Hunt, J. H : L. An answer to the question what is poetry? including remarks on versi- fication 1893 808.1 H91 Lessing, G. E. Laocoon; an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry 1893*^73 701 L56 Perry, Bliss Poetry {see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.213-256) 028 C83 Shairp, J:C. On poetic interpretation of nat- ure n.d. 808 Shi Studies in poetry and philosophy 1893 821 Shi Shelley, P. B. Defense of poetry 1891=90 808.1 Sh4 {see his Essays and letters n.d. p.1-41) 824.77 Sh4 (see Vaughan, C:E. comp. Eng- lish literary criticism pref.1896 p,160- 199) 820 V46 Sidney, Sir Philip An apologie for poetrie (see Vaughan, C:E. comp. English liter- ary criticism pref.1896 p. 1-58) 820 V46 Defense of poesy 1890 808.1 Sil Stedman, E. C. Nature and elements of poetry 1893'=92 {Percy Graeme Turnbull memorial lectureship 1891) 808.1 St3 381 See also Drama ; Hjinns ; Literature ; Poets ; Quotations; Religious poetry; Songs; Trou- badours; also The name of the class of poetry; as American poetry Collections LovEJOY, M.. I. Nature in verse 1896*95 507 L94 Morrison, M.. G. comp. Songs and rhymes for the Uttle ones 1884 372.21 M83 ScuDDER, H. E. American poems 1895*79 '92 811.08 Scu3 Stevexson, R. L : A child 's garden of verses 1895 821.89 St4 WHiTnEE,J:G. ed. ChUd Ufe *1871 808 W61 See also American poetry; English poetry — Collections; Hymns; Religious poetry POETS Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 9 J62 See also Troubadours POETS, AMERICAN Stedman, E. C. Poets of America 1894*85 811.39 St3 POETS, ENGLISH Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 1893*75 '87 821 St3 POEY, FELIPE (FELIPE POEY Y ALOY) 1799-1891 Jordan, D. S. A Cuban fisher- man (see his Science sketches 1896*87 p.153-169) 597 J76 POLAND MoRFiLL,W:R: Story of Poland 1893 (/Story of the nations) 943 M81 Polar regions See Arctic regions Polar world Hartwig, Georg 919.8 H25 POLICE, THE Freund, Ernst PoUce power; public policy and constitutional rights 1904 352.2 F89 PoLiTEXESs See Etiquette POLITIAN 1454-1494 Symonds, J:A. Lo- renzo de 'Medici and Poliziano (m Sy- monds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; Ital- ian literature 1888 v.l,p.339-424) 850.9 Sy6 Political Americanisms Norton, C:L. 427.09 N82 Political economy See Economics POLITICAL HISTORY Jenks, Edward Law and politics in the middle ages 1898 350.9 J42 Levermore, C :H. and Dewey, D. R. Political history since 1815, excluding the United States 1889 350.9 L57 Seeley, Sir J. R. Intioduction to political science 1896 320.9 Se3 Wilson, WooDROw The state, elements of historical and practical politics 1889 350.9 W69 POLITICAL PARTIES Gordy, J: P. History of political parties in the United States 1895 329 G«5 Lowell, J, R. Place of the independent in politics {see his Literary and political ad- dresses 1894*86 '90 p.i90-221) 814.39 L95U OsTROGORSKi, M. Democracy and the organi- zation of poUtical parties 1902 329 Os7 Political poems and songs Wright, Thomas ed. 942.03 W93 POLITICAL SCIENCE Amos, Sheldon Sci- ence of politics . 1883 (International sci- entific series) 320 Am6 Aristotle Politics 1887 320 Ar4 Burke, Edmund Political letters (in hia Works 1893 v.5,p.67-544) 825.62 B91 Political miscellanies (in his Works 1894 v.2,p.l-276;v.3) 825.62 B91 Hadley, C. T. Education of the American citizen ^902 320 Hll Jefferson, Thomas Writings 1853 '54 320.8 J35 Lecky, W:E:H. Democracy and liberty 1896 ' 342 L49 Maine, Sir H:S. Popular government; four essays 1886 321.8 M28 NicoL, David The political life of our time 1889 320 N54 NoRDHOFF, Charles Politics for young Amer- icans 1883 '87 320 N75 Raleigh, Thomas Elementary politics 1886 320 R13 Seeley, Sir J:R. Introduction to political science 1896 320.9 Se3 Spencer. Herbert On political education (see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881*67 p.295-308) 375.5 Y8 Political fetichism (in his Essays; scien- tific, political, and speculative 1891 v.3, p.393-400) 824.89 Sp3 POL POL 382 Eepresentative government — what is it good fori (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.3,p.283-325) 824.89 Sp3 Specialized administration (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.3,p.401-444) 824.89 Spb Stickney, Albeet 1885 Democratic government 321.8 St5 WooLSEY, T. D. Political science; or, The state theoretically and practically considered 1886<=77 320 W88 See also Anarchy; Church and state; Civics; Civilization ; Civil service ; Communism ; Con- stitutional law; Crime and criminals; Democ- racy; Economics; Emigration and immigra- tion; Finance; Law; Legislation; Liberal- ism; Monarchy; Municipal government; Ni- hilism; Parliamentary reform; Patriotism; Political history; Political parties; Politics and war; Prisons; Property; Eeligious lib- erty; Eepresentative government; Eepub- lics; Slavery; Socialism; Sociology; State, The; State ethics; State monopoly; Suf- frage; Statistics; Taxation; Utopia; Village communites; also The name of the country Cyclopedias Lalok, J:J. ed. Cyclopedia of political sci- ence, political economy and the political his- tory of the United States 1882 '84''81 E330.3 L15 Essays Clarke, William ed. Political orations from Wentworth to Macaulay n.d. (Camelot series) 320.4 C55 EoosEVEiiT, Theodore American ideals, and other essays, social and political 1903''1897 304 E67 Theory Bagehot, Walter Physics and politics ; or, Thoughts on the application of the principle of "natural selection" and "inheritance" 1893 (International scientific series) 301 B14 FiLMER, Sir EoBERT Patriarcha ; or, The nat- ural power of kings (see Locke, John Two treatises on civil government) 320.1 L79 Locke, John Two treatises on civil govern- ment 1887 (Morley's universal library) 320.1 L79 EoussEAU, J. J. Social contract ; or, Prin- ciples of poHtical right 1895 320.1 E76 WiLLOUGHBY, W. W. An examination of the nature of the state; a study in political phil- osophy 1896 320.1 W68 Political science quarterly, a review v.9,10,O N.Y.1894,95 Index volumes, 1886-1901 320.5 P75 Politics See Political history; Political sci- ence; also The name of the country Politics Crane, W:W. and Moses, Bernard 342 C85 Politics for young Americans Nordhoff, Charles 320 N75 Politics and political economy DeQuincey, Thomas 824.81 D44p POLITICS AND WAE Euskin. John Letters on politics and war (see his Arrows of the chace 1894 v.2,p.209-239) 826 E89 Poliziano See PoKtian POLK, JAMES KNOX, president of the United States, 1795-1849 Schouler, James Pres- ident Polk's administration (see Schouler, James Historical briefs 1896 p.l39- 159) 904 Sch6 President Polk's diary (see Schouler, James Historical briefs 1896 p,121- 138) 904 Sch6 Pollard, Albert Frederick Conflict of creeds and parties in Germany (see Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.206-245) 940.7 C14 National opposition to Eome in Germany (see Cambridge modern history The reforma- tion 1904 p.142-173) 940.7 C14 Eeformation under Edward VI (see Cam- bridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.474-511)^ 940.7 C14 Eeligious war in Grermany (see Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.246-279) 940.7 C14 Social revolution and Catholic reaction in Ger- many (see Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 p.174-205) 940.7 C14 Pollard, Alfred William ed. English miracle plays, moralities and interludes 250p.D Oxf .Clarendon press,1890 822 P76 Pollen, John Hungerf ord Gold and silver smiths ' work 160p,il.D Lond.Chapman,1879 383 {South Kensington museum art handbooJcs) 739 P76 Pollock, Sir Frederick baronet Spinoza; his life and philosophy Ed.2 427p.O Lend. Duckworth,1899 B19 Sp4 and Maitland, F:W: History of English law before the time of Edward I 2v.O Bost.Cambridge university pre88,1895 347 P76 Pollock, Mrs Louise National kindergarten manual; containing practical model lessons, rules and lectures for the kindergarten and nursery, stories, etc. 177p.O Bo8t.De Wolfe,1889'88 372.22 P76 National kindergarten songs and games 77p.O Bost.r)eWolfe,*1880 372.22 P76n Polo, Marco Travels; ed. by Thomas Wright 508p.D Lond.Bell,1892 915 P76 1254-1324 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) The travellers: Niccolo, Matteo, and Marco Polo {see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of Venice 1893^87 '92 p.141-165) 945.3 013 POLYBIUS 204-125 B. C. Davidson, J. L. Strachan- Polybius {see Abbott, Eve- lyn Hellenica 1880 p.387-424) 880.4 Ab2 Polytechnic schools See Technical education POMFRET, JOHN 1667-1703 Johnson, Sam- uel Pomfret {in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.2,p.73-77) 9 J62 POMPEII BoissiER, M. L:G. Pompeii {see his Rome and Pompeii 1896 p.335-435) 913.37 B63 MoNNiEK, Marc Wonders of Pompeii 1893 {Wonders of art and , architecture) 914.573 M75 Thomas, Emile Pompeii {see his Boman life under the Caesars 1899 p.1-41) 913.37 T36 Pond, George Edward Shenandoah valley in 1864 287p.maps,D N.Y.Scribner,1883 {Campaigns of the civil war) 973.7 P77 • PONTIAC'S CONSPIRACY, 1763 Parkman, Francts Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada 1886«70 973.2 P23 Poole, Beglnald Lane- History of the Huguenots of the dispersion at the recall of the Edict of Nantes 208p.D Lond.Macmillan,1880 272.4 P78 Wycliflfe and movements for reform 204p.D N.Y.Kandolph,n.d. {Epochs of church his- tory) 274 P78 Poole, Stanley Lane- Life of Lord Stratford de Bedcliffe 377p.por.D Lond.Longmans, 1890 B St8 Saladin, and the fall of the kingdom of Jeru- salem 416p.pl.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1898 {Heroes of the nations) B Sa3 Story of Turkey . . . 373p.il.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,l 895^88 {Story of the nations) 949.6 P78 Story of the Barbary corsairs . . . 316p.il. map,D N.Y.Putnam,1891'90 {Story of the nations) 961 P78 Story of the Moors in Spain 285p.il.pl.map,D N.Y.Putnam,«1886 {Story of the nations) 946 P78 Poole, William Frederick and Fletcher, W:I: ed. Index to periodical literature Ed.3 1442p.Q Bost.Osgood,1882 R050 P78 Poole, William Mansfield and Becker, Michel Commercial French 223p.map,D N.Y. Dutton,1903 448 P78 Poor, Laura Elizabeth Sanskrit and its kindred literatures, studies in comparative mythology 468p.D Bost.Roberts,1880 891.2 P79 POOR, THE Booth, Charles Pauperism, a picture Endowment of old age, an argu- ment 1892 '91 339 B64 FuETCHER, Horace That last waif; or. So- cial quarantine «1898 371.97 F63 Rus, J. A : Battle with the slum 1902 331.8 E44 Children of the poor 1892 331.8 B44c How the other half lives 1892«90 331.8 R44h United states — Department of labor Slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York, and Phil- adelphia 1894 352.9 Un3 Woods, B. A. and others The poor in great cities 1895 331.8 W86 See also Almshoiises; Charity; Labor and laboring classes; Poor, The — Education; Poor law; Social settlements; Slums; also Denison, Edward; Diz, D. L. POO POO 884 Education Hill, F. D. Children of the state 1889 379.2 H55 See also Poor law Poor law Barnett, S:A: and Barnett, H. O. (Eow- land) Poor law reform Poor law as a charitable agency (see their Practicable socialism 1894 p.258-284) 335 B26 FOWLE, T:W. Poor law 1893=81 '90 (English citizen series) 352.9 F82 Hakston, Frederick Social and moral as- pects of education and training of poor law children 1899 371.9 H25 PooRHOUSES See Almshouses POPE, ALEXANDEE 1688-1744 Johnson, Samuel Life of Pope 1894 (Bell's English classics) B P81j Pope (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.5,p.67-249) 9 J62 Stephen, Leslie Alexander Pope (Eng- lish men of letters) B P81 Bound with lives of Dryden by G:E. B. Saintsbury and of Sidney by J: A. Symonds Poetical works; ed. with notes and an intro- ductory memoir by A. W:Ward 505p.O Lond.Macmillan,1893 821.53 P81 DeQuincey, Thomas Alexander Pope Pope 's retort upon Addison (see DeQuincey, Thomas Eighteenth century in scholarship and literature <=1856'77 p.379-498) 824.81 D44e Gosse, E. W: Pope (see Gosse, E. W: History of 18th century literature 1891 p.105-139) 820.9 G69 Hazlitt, William On Dryden and Pope (in" Hazlitt, William Lectures on the Eng- lish poets and the English comic writers 1884 pt.l,p.91-112) 824.76 H33 (in Hazlitt, William Miscella- neous works Lectures on the English poets n.d. v.3,pt.2,p.82-101) 824.76 H33m Pope, Lord Byron and Mr Bowles (in Haz- litt, William Miscellaneous works Lec- tures on the English poets n.d. v.3, pt.2,p.230-255) 824,76 H33m Lowell, J. R. Pope (see Lowell, J. R Literary essays 1892 '94<=64 '90 v.4,p.l- 57) 814.39 L951i MiNTO, William Pope (see Minto, Wil- liam Literature of the Georgian era 1895 «94 p.21-57,72-85) 820.9 M66 Pattison, Mark Pope and his editors (in Pattison, Mark Essays 1889 v.2,p.350- 395) 824.89 P271 POPES Balzani, Ugo Popes and the Hohen- staufen n.d. (Epochs of church history) 270.4 B21 Garnett, Richard Rome and the temporal power (see Cambridge modern history The renaissance 1903''02 p.219-252) 940.6 C14 Milman, H:H. Popes of the 16th and 17th centuries (in his Savonarola, Erasmus and other essays 1870 p.149-243) 824.89 M63 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) The popes who made the city (see her Makers of modern Rome 1895 p.511-601) 945.6 013 Ranke, F:L. von History of the Popes 1887 282 R16 See also Catholic church; Papacy Popular government Maine, Sir K: J. 8. 321.8 M28 Popular science library Galton, Francis Eng- lish men of science 1893 136.3 G13 Smith, Edward Health; a handbook for households and schools 1880 613 Sm5 Popular science monthly 1891-date v.52-date, O N.Y.1891-date 505 P81 POPULATION Malthus, T:R. Parallel chap- ters from the fir^t and second editions of an essay on the principle of population 1895 "=94 (Economic classics) 312 M29 See also Statistics; also The name of the country Population of an old pear-tree Van Bruyssel, Ernest 595 V27 Porcelain See Pottery "Porro unum est necessarium" Arnold, Mat- thew (in his Mixed essays 1894 p.l07- 134) 824.85 Ar6m PORT ROYAL Beard, Charles Port Royal; a contribution to the history of religion and literature in France 1861 273.7 B38 385 Port Boyal education; Saint-Cyran ; Arnauld; Lancelot; Nicole; De Saci; Guyot; Coustel; Fontaine; Jacqueline Pascal; tr. extracts, with an introduction by Ffilix Cadet, by A. D. Jones 260p.D N.Y.Scribner,1898 370.8 P83 Port Royal logic Arnauld, Antoine 160 Ar6 PORT ROYALISTS Quick,* R. H. The gentle- men of Port Royal (see his Essays on edu- cational reformers 1891 p.172-196) 370.9 Q4 See also Arnauld, Jacqueline Marie; Pascal, Blaise Porter, David Dixon Naval history of the civil war 843p.il.por.Q N.Y.Sherman publish- ing 00,1886^85 973.7 P83 Porter, Henry Two angry women of Abington (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.7,p.261- 383) 822.08 D66 History Stephens, H:M. Portugal of the nations) 1898^91 (Story 946.9 St4 p.93-200) (see Nero and other plays n.d. 822.39 N35 Porter, Noah American colleges and the Amer- ican public with after thoughts on college and school education New ed. 408p.O N.Y.Scribner,«1878 378.73 P83 Books and reading; or, What books shall I read and how shall I read themf 434p.O N.Y.Scribner,1882«70 '81 028 P83 Elements of moral science; theoretical and practical 574p.O N.Y.Scribner,1885 170 P83 Human intellect; with an introduction upon psychology and the soul Ed.4 673p.O N.Y.Scribner,'1863 151 P83 Kant 's ' ' Ethics " ; a critical exposition 249p. D Chic.Grigg3,1886 (German philosoph- ical classics) (2 copies) 171 P83 PORTO RICO Seabury, J. B. Porto Rico; the land of the rich port '1903 (World anid its people) 917.29 Sel Travel and description George, M. M. A little journey to Porto Rico '1903 (Library of travel) 917.29 G29 PORTUGAL Education ■ Education in Portugal 1873 (in United States — Education, Bureau of Circuiar of information) 370.6 Un3 ^ Travel and description George, M. M. A little journey to Spain and Portugal «1902 (Library of travel) 914.6 G29 PORTUGUESE LITERATURE Sismokdi, J. C: L. S. DE Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe 1846 809 Si8 See Macao 370 M89 Portuguese settlement in China Positions Mulcaster, Richard Posnett, Hutcheson Macaulay Comparative literature 402p.O N.Y.Appleton,1886 (International scientific series) 809 P84 Posse, Nils baron Columbian collection of essays on Swedish gymnastics 48p.D Bost. Posse gymnasium,1896 613.7 P84 Handbook of school gymnastics of the Swedish system . . . 192p.il.T Bost.Lee,1892'91 613.7 P84h Swedish system of educational gymnastics 275p.il.O Bost.Lee,1890 613.7 P848 Posselt, E. A. Technology of textile design ... Ed.4 292p.il.Q Phil.Pos3elt,1892 «88 677 P84 Post nicene fathers See Fathers of the church Postal service Jevons, W:S. Postal notes, money orders, and bank cheques (see his Methods of social reform 1883 p.307- 323) ■ ^ 304 J53 POTTERY Young, J. J. Ceramic art 1879 "=78 738 Y8 See also Palissy, Bernard Poulsson, Emilie Child stories and rhymes for the little people of nursery and kindergarten 89p.il.O Bost.Lothrop,'1898 372.21 P86 Finger plays; for nursery and kindergarten unp.il.pl.O Bost.Lothrop,1893 372.2 P86 Holiday songs and every day songs and games 123p.il.F Sprg. (Mass) ,Bradley,1903«01 372.21 P86 In the child 's world ; morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools, and homes 443p.il.O Sprg. ( Mass ) ,1 893 372.21 P86i POU POU 886 Love and law in child training; a book for mothers 235p.D Sprg.( Mass), Bradley, 1899 372.2 P861 Through the farmyard gate; rhymes and stories for little children at home and in the kindergarten unp.il.pl.O Bost.Lothrop, '1896 372.21 P86t Poulton, Edward Bagnall Colours of animals; their meaning and use especially considered in the case of insects 360p.il.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1890 (International scientific series) 591 P86 ed. Weismann, A:F:L. Essays upon he- redity and kindred biological problems 1891 '92 570.4 W43 Poverty See Poor, The Powell, Baden Burnett prizes; the study of the evidences of natural theology (in Oxford essays 1857 p.168-203) 824.89 0x2 Powell, Edgar and Trevelyan, G:M. ed. Peas- ants' rising and the Lollards; a collection of unpublished documents forming an ap- pendix to "England in the age of Wycliffe" 81p.O Lond.Longmans,1899 942.03 P87 Powell, E. G. and Sewell, M. A. Womens' set- tlements in England (see Eeason, Will ed. University and social settlements 1898 P-89-100) 331.8 E23 Powell, Frederick York series ed. Great peoples Mackay, J. M. and Tout» T. F: History of England . . . 3v.maps,S Lond.Riving- tons,Longmans,1890 '98 942 P37 Contents:— v. 1 From the earliest times to the death of Henry VII, by F:Y. Powell V. 2 From the accession of Henry "VTII to the revolution of 1689, by T. F:Tout V. 3 William and Mary to the present time, by T. F: Tout Powell, Lyman Pierson ed. Historic towns of New England 529p.il.maps,0 N.Y.Put- nam,1902«1898 (American historic towns) 974 P87 Historic towns of the middle states Ed.2 439p.il.pl.O N.Y.Putnam,1901 (Ameri- can historic towns) 974.7 P87 Historic towns of the southern states 604p. il.pl.O N.Y.Putnam,1904 (American his- toric towns) 975 P87 Historic towns of the western states 702p.il. pl.O N.Y.Putnam,1904 (American his- toric towns) 977 P87 History of education in Delaware 186p.pl.O Wash.govt.pr.0.1893 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of infor- mation) 370.6 Un3 Power Emerson, E. W. (see his Conduct of Ufe 1893'60'88 p.53-81) 814.36 Em3 Power and authority of school officers and teachers in the management and government of pub- lic schools and over pupils out of school as determined by the courts of the several states by a member of the Massachusetts bar ISlp.S N.Y.Harper,1885 379.14 P87 Power of movement in plants Darwin, C:E. 581 D25 Power of silence Dresser, H. W. 171.1 D81 Power of thought Sterrett, J:D. 150 St3 Power through repose Call, A. P. 613.7 C13p Powers, George Wightman England and the reformation, 1485-1603 143p.S N.Y. Scribner,1898 (Oxford manuals of English history) 942.05 P87 Poynter, E. Frances tr. Froissart 1895 Darmesteter, Mary B F92 Poynter, Edward John and Smith, T:K. ed. Illustrated handbooks of art education and others ed. Illustrated handbooks of art history Practical education Leland, C:G. 607 L53 Practical mechanics Perry, John 621 P42 Practice, Schools of See Normal schools PEAED, WINTHEOP MACKWOETH 1802- 1839 Saintsbury, G:E:B. Praed (see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Essays in English literature 1890 p.374-402) 824 Sa2 Praeterita Euskin, John B E89 Prang, Louis and others Suggestions for a course of instruction in color for public schools 187p.il.pl.D Bost.Prang educational co,1893 (3 copies) 752 P88 PEAYEE Emerson, E. W. Prayers (see his Natural history of the intellect Papers from the Dial 1894'=93 p.212-219) 814.36 Em3n See also Worship 387 Preacher, The Emerson, R. W. {see his Lec- tures and biographical sketches 1893'83 p.207-228) 814.36 Em31 Preble, George Henry History of the flag of the United States of America and the naval and yacht club signals, seals and arms, and principal national songs of the United States with a chronicle of the symbols, standards, banners, and flags of ancient and modem nations Ed.4 808pil.por.pl.O 1894«80 929.9 P91 Pre-Christian education Laurie, S. S. 370.9 L37 Prehistoric archaeology See Archaeology Prehistoric man See Man Preludes and studies Henderson, W:J. 780.9 H38 Preparation of the child for science Boole, M. E. 507 B64 Preparatory schools See Secondary educa- tion Preraphaelite brotherhood, The Buskin, John Pre-RaphaeKtism {see his Arrows of the chace 1894 v.l,p.66-83) 826 R89 {see hia Crown of wild olive 1894 p.231-280) 824.86 R89 See also Rossetti, D. G. Presbyterian church in the United States See Presbyterianism PRESEBYTERIANISM Alexander, Gross and others History of the Methodist church, South ; United Presbyterian church ; Cumber- land Presbyterian church and Presbyterian church. South, in the United States 1894 {American church history series) 285 A12 Thompson, R. E. History of the Presbyter- ian-churches in the United States 1895 {American church history series) 285 T37 See also Calvinism; Church of Scotland; Covenanters Prescott, William Hickling Biographical and critical miscellanies New ed. 682p.por.D Phil.Lippincott,1882'75 804 P92 Contents:— Charlea Brockden Brown, the Amer- ican novelist; Asylum for the blind; Irving's Con- quest of Granada; Cervantes; Sir Walter Scott; Chateaubriand's Engrlish literature; Bancroft's United States; Madame Calder- on's life in Mexico; Mollere; Italian narra- tive poetry; Poetry and romance of the Italians; Scottish song; Da Ponte's Obaerra- tions; Tlcknor's History of Spanish litera- ture History of the conquest of Mexico; ed. by J:F. Kirk 3v.por.D Phil.Lippincott,*1843 '73 972.02 P92 History of the conquest of Peru; ed. by J:F. Kirk 2v.por.map,fac8im.D PhiLLippin- cott,«1843 '74 985 P92 History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isa- bella, the Catholic; ed. by J:F. Kirk 3v. por.maps,facsim.O Phil.Lippincott,«1837 '72 . 946.03 P92 History of the reign of Philipr II, king of Spain; ed. by J:F. Kirk Newed.enl. 3v. por.facsim.D Phil.Lippincott,1882«55 '42 942.04 F92 Li^ of Charles the Fifth after his abdication {in Robertson, William History of the reign of Charles V "=1856 '84 v.3,p.293- 460) B C38r 1796-1859 Maxwell, Sir William Stirling- WilUam Hickling Prescott {see Maxwell, Sir W:S. Miscellaneous essays and ad- dresses 1891 p.55-84) 824.89 M45 Presence of mind DeQuincey, Thomas {see his Narrative and miscellaneous papers *1854 '77 p.439-452) 824.81 D44n Present discontents Burke, Edmund Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents {in his Works 1889 v.l,p.306-381) 825.62 B91 Present state of the nation Burke, Edmund {in his Works 1889 v.l,p.l85-305) 825.62 B91 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS McClure, A. K. Our presidents and how we make them 1900 324.73 MIS Schouler, James Reform in presidential elections {see his Historical briefs 1896 p.160-166) 904 Sch6 PRESIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT Freeman, E:A: I*residential government {see his Historical essays 1871 p.373-406) 904 F87 See also Democracy; Republics PRESIDENTIAL PAPERS Richardson, J. D. comp. Compilation of the messages and 1898'97 R328.73 B39 Journalism; Liberty of the press; papers of the presidents Press See Periodicals' PRE PRE 888 Preston, Harriet Waters and Dodge, Louise Private life of the Romans . . . 167p.il.pl. D Bost.Leach/1893 (Students' series of Latin classics) 913.37 P92 Preston, Howard Willis Doeuments illustrative of American history, 1606-1863 320p.O N.Y.Putnam,1886 ' 973 P92 Preston, Thomas Cambyses (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 187475 76 v.4,p.l57-248) 822.08 D66 Preyer, Wilhelm ' Mental development in the child ;*tr. from the German by H:W. Brown 170p.D N.Y.Appleton,1894 '95=93 (In- ternational education series) (2 copies) 150.1 P92 Mind of the child; observations concerning the mental development of the human being in the first years of life; tr. from the German by H:W. Brown 2v.il.D N.Y.Appleton, 1888 '92 (International education series) 150.1 P92m Contents: — v. 1 Senses and the will V. 2 Development of the intellect Soul of the child (see Marwedel, Emma Conscious motherhood 1889*87 p.317- 563) 372,2 M36 PEICE, RICHARD 1723-1791 Maetineau, James Price (in Martineau, James Types of ethical theory 1886 v.2,p.475- 486) 171 M36 PRICE, LAKE ' ' Tauromachia ' ' Maxwell, Sir W:S. Spanish bull-fights (see his Mis- cellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.235-255) 824.89 M45 Prichard, J. V. ed. Percy, Thomas hishop ed. Reliques of ancient English poetry 1892 821.08 P41 PEIDE Moore, A. L. The pride of intellect (in his Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890 p,250-268) 104 M78 PRIESTLEY, JOSEPH 1733-1804 Huxlet, T: H: Joseph Priestley (see his Science and culture and other essays 1884 p.l02- 134) 504 H98s Thorpe, T :E : Joseph Priestley (see Thorpe, T:E: Essays in historical chemistry 1894 p.28-52) 540.9 T39 Primary education See Elementary education Primary methods Hailmann, W:N. 372.2 H12p Primary teacher, a monthly magazine devoted to the interest of primary instruction in Ameri- ca 1878-83 6v.O New England pub- lishing co,n.d. 370.5 P93 Primer of English verse Primer of ethics Comegys, B:B Corson, Hiram 426 170.7 C81 C73 Primer of politeness Gow, A. M. 395 G74 Primitive belief Keary, C:F. Outlines of primi- tive belief among the Indo-European races 1882 291 K21 Primitive culture Tylor, E:B. 290 T97 Primitive saints and the See of Rome Puller,F. W. 270 P96 Prince, The Machiavelli, Nicolo 321 ' M18 Prince, John J. School management and meth- od, in theory and practice Ed.4,enl. 296p. S Lond.Heywood,1886 371c P93 Prince, John T. Methods of instruction and organization of the schools of Germany; for the use of the American teachers and normal schools 237p.D Bost.Lee,1892<=91 379.43 P93 Prince, Morton Nature of mind and human automatism 173p.D Phil.Lippincott,1885 (2 copies) 126 P93 Princes See Monarchy Princeton lectures Dowden, Edward French revolution and English literature 1897 820.9 D75 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Sloane,W:M, Princeton university (see Four American universities 1895 p.93-155) 378.744 F82 Principia Newton, Sir Isaac 530 N48 Principles of human knowledge Berkeley, Georqe Treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge 188173 192.3 B45 Principles of science Jevons, W : S. 160 J53p Principles of western civilization Kidd, Benjamin 301 K53 PRINTING MacKellar, Thomas American printer 1887«66'78 655 M19 Putnam, G:H. Authors and their public in ancient times 1894*93 809 P98 Books and their makers during the middle ages 1896 '97 655 P98 See also Photography 389 Prinzenraub Carlyle, Thomas and miscellaneous essays 387) (in his Critical n.d. v.4,p.355- 824.82 C19 PRIOR, MATTHEW 1664-1721 Johnson, Sam- uel Prior (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.3,p.203-235) 9 J62 Poetical works ; ed. with memoir by R. B. John- son Newed. 2v.por.D Lond.Bell,1892 (Aldine edition of the British poets) 821.51 P93 PRISON CONGRESSES Meeting of the Inter- national prison congress 1884 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Randall, C. D. ed. Fourth international congress St Petersburg, Russia 1891 ( United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 Prisoners and paupers Boies, H:M. 364 B63 PRISONS Spencer, Herbert Prison-ethics (in his Essays; scientific, political and spec- ulative 1891 v.3,p.l52-191) 824.89 Sp3 See also Crime and criminals; Prison con- gresses; Reformatories Private judgment Newman, J:H: cardinal Private judgment (in his Essays; critical and historical 1891 v.2,p.336-374) 204 N46 See also R«ligious liberty Problems of life and mind Lewes, G:H: 150 L58 Problems of to-day Ely, R:T. 330.4 E19 Process of argument Sidgwick, Alfred 168 Sil PROCTOR, BRYAN WALLER 1787-1874 Sted- man, E. C. Bryan Waller Proctor (see Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 1893 p.100-113) 821 St3 Proctor, Richard Anthony Easy star lessons 225p.pl.D N.P.Putnam,1894 520 P94 Half hours with the stars; a plain and easy guide to the knowledge of the constellations . . . 38p.pl.Q N.Y.Putnam,a887 523.8 P94 Other worlds than ours; the plurality of worlds studied under the light of recent sci- entific researches New ed. 328p.il.por.pl. D N.Y.Burt,pref.l870 523 P94 PRODUCTION Baqehot, Walter Cost of pro- duction (see. ids Economic studies 1895 p.238-271) 330 B14 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Parsons, J. R. jr (in Butler, N:M. ed. Educa- tion in the United States 1900 v.2,mono- graph 10,85p.) 379.73 B97 Playfair, Sir Lyon Universities in their re- lation to professional education (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.369- 392) 304 P69 Professor at the breakfast table Holmes, 0:W. 817.32 H73p PROFIT SHARING Oilman, N. P. Profit shar- ing between employer and employee 1891 '89 331.2 G42 See also Communism; Cooperation; Labor and laboring classes; Partnership Bibliography Oilman, N. P. Bibliography (see his Profit sharing 1891<=89 p.446-448) 331.2 G42 PROGRESS Emerson, R.W. Lecture on the times (see his Nature, addresses and lec- tures 1893=55 '83 p.245-276) 814.36 Em3na Froude, J. A. On progress (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.2, p.245-279) 824.89 F93 Progress of Hellenism in Alexander 's empire MahaflPy, J:P. 913.38 M27 Progress and poverty George, Henry 330 G29 Progress ; its law and cause Spencer, Herbert (in his Essays; scientific, political and spec- ulative 1891 v.l,p.8-62) 824.89 Sp3 Progress of religious freedom as shown in the his- tory of toleration acts Schaflf, Philip 270 Schl Progress of the world Lowell, J. R. (see his Latest literary essays and addresses 1893 '91 p.160-184) 814.39 L95 Progress of the world Mulhall, M. G : ed. R310 M89 Prohibition See Temperance PROMOTION White, E.E. Promotions and examinations in graded schools (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 UnS PRO PRO 890 See Grading in schools; School organization and administration Promotion of general happiness Macmillan, Mich- ael 171.4 M22 PEONUNCIATION Osmun,T:E. The orthoe- pist 1883«80 R421.5 C)s5 Phyfe,W:H:P. How should I pronounce? 1885 421 P56 Proof See Logic Proper names See Names Properties of matter See Matter, Proper- ties of PROPERTY Letourneau, C:J. M. Property; its origin and development 1892 {Cori- temporary science series) 335.01 L56 See also Communism; Copyright; Land; Rent; Socialism; Taxation; Wealth PROPHETS Lord, John Jewish heroes and prophets (in his Beacon lights of history «1883'96 lstseries,v.2) 904 L88 See also Bible Prophets of Israel Smith, W:R. 220.1 Sm5 PROSERPINE Pater, W. H. Demeter and Per- sephone (see Pater, W. H. Greek studies 1895^94 p.80-156) 824.89 P27 Proserpina Ruskin, John 580 R89 Protection See Free trade and protection; Tariff Protestant churches See Presbyterianism; Protestantism; also The name of the Prot- estant church PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE UNITED STATES Coleman, Leiqhton The church in America pref.1895 (Na- tional churches) 283 C67 Confessions of an Episcopalian (see College and the church 1887 p.129-139) 370.4 C68 ■ Tiffany, C:C. History of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States 1894 (American church history series) 283 T44 See also Church of England; Church polity; Lord's supper; also White, William PROTESTANTISM Balmes, J. L. European civilization; Protestantism and Catholicity compared in their effects on the civilization of Europe pref.1850 282 B21 DeQuincey, Thomas Protestantism (see his Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition ^854 '77 p.317-405) 204 D44e Froude, J. A. Conditions and prospects of Protestantism (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92- v.2,p.l22-148) 824.89 F93 Gould, Sabine Baring- Protestantism (see his Germany, present and past n.d. p.335-375) 914.3 G73 See also Catholic church; Ratisbon interim; Reformation; also Calvin, John; Gustavus II Adolphus Prothero, George Walter ed. Cambridge his- torical series Protoplasm See Biology Proud, Robert History of Pennsylvania in North America from 1681-1742 ... 2v. pl.maps,0 Phil.Poulson,1797 '98 974.8 P94 PROUDHON, PIERRE JOSEPH 1809-1865 Ely, R:T. Proudhon (see Ely, R:T. French and German socialism "1883 p.l24- 142) 335 E19 KiRKUP, Thomas Proudhon (see Kirkup, Thomas History of socialism 1892 p.48- 54) 335 K63 Prout, Ebenezer Harmony; its theory and practice Ed. 10 266p.D Lond.Augener, pref.1889 781.3 P94 PROVENCE Lenth^ric, C:P. M. Riviera, ancient and modern 1895 914.49 L54 PROVERBS Hazlitt,W:C. comp. English proverbs and proverbial phrases 1882 R398.9 H33 Maxwell, Sir W:S. Proverbial philosophy of Scotland (in his Miscellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.1-35) 824.89 M45 See also Quotations PROVIDENCE AND GOVERNMENT OF GOD Bruce, A. B. Moral order of the world in ancient and modern thought 1899 (Gif- ford lectures 1897-98) 214 B83 Providential order of the world 1905'=1897 214 B83p PRUDENCE Emerson, R.W. (in his Essays 1894*65 '83 v.l,p.207-227) 814.36 Em3e SOI PRUSSIA See also Frederick II, ' ' The Great ' ', king of Prussia Economics RusKiN, John On the political economy of Prussia (see his Crown of wild olive 1894 p.433-458) 824.86 R89 Education Donaldson, James History of education in Prussia (see his Lectures on education 1874 p.1-40) 370.4 D71 GoLDSMiD, A., M.. ed. Educational code of the Prussian nation in its present form 1879 379.431 G57 Psalmody See Bible; Hymns PSEUDONYMS Gushing, Wh^liam Initials and pseudonyms 1885 R014.2 C95 Psychic factor Van Norden, Charles Psychic life of micro-organisms 150 V33 Binet, Alfred 591.5 B51 PSYCHICAL PHENOMENA Hovey,W:A. Mind-reading and beyond 1885 134 H82 Hudson, T:J. Law of psychic phenomena; a working hypothesis for the systemat- ic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc. 1893 134 H86 James,^Willxam What physical research has accomplished (see his Will to believe and other essays 1898 p.299-332) 104 J23 Jastrow, Joseph ogy «1900 Fact and fable in psychol- 133 J31 Rau"E, C. G. Psychology as a natural science applied to the solution of occult psychic phe- nomena 1889 150 R19 See also Evidence; Hypnotism; Illusions; Sub-consciousness; Suggestion; Telepathy Psychological review, bimonthly, 1894-date v.4- date,pl.O N.Y.1894-date Index 1895-date 150 P95 Psychological review Monograph supplements Breese, B. B. On inhibition 1899 130a B74 Dearborn, G:V. Emotion of joy 1899 157 D34 Dexter, E:G. Conduct and the weather 1899 551.5 D52 Franz, S. I. After-images 1899 150 P85 Ghiiting, Harold sure and impact On sensations from pret- 1895 152 G87 1898 150 L45 Animal intelligence 1898 591.5 T39 Woodworth, R. S. Accuracy of voluntary movement 1899 159 W87 Lat, WiLFRH) Mental imagery Thorndike, E. L. PSYCHOLOGY Aristotle Psychology; a treatise on the principle of life 1902 150 Ar4 Bain, Alexander Mental science ; a com- pendium of psychology, and the history of philosophy 1882'68 150 B16 B.VLDWIN, J. M. Social and ethical interpre- tations in mental development; a study in social psychology 1897 150 B19s 1899'=98 (Library of 150 B198t Story of the mind useful stories) Bascom, John Science of mind Binet, Alfred 1896 1881 150 B29 Alterations of personality 126 B51 BosANQUET, Bernard moral self 1897 Psychology of the 150 B65 BowNE, B. P, Introduction to psychological theory 1887 150 B68 BuELL, C. S. Essentials of psychology 1898 150 B86 Calkins, M.. W. An introduction to psychol- ogy 1902 150 C12 CoMPAYRfi, Gabriel Elements of psychology 1891 '93«90 150 C73 Davis, N. K. Elements of psychology 1893 «92 150 D29 Dewey, John Psychology 1887*86 150 D51 Garvey, M. a. A manual of human culture 1866 150 G19 Hamilton, Sir William Lectures on meta-. physics 1883 150 H18 Hegel, G:W:F: Philosophy of mind 1894 193.5 H36 Herbart, J:F: Text-book in psychology 1891 '94 '96 '97 (International education series) 150 H41 Hewett, E:C. Elements of peychology •1889 150 H49 PSY PSY 392 HoFFDiNQ, Harald Outlines of psychology 1892 150 H67 Hopkins, Mrs L.. P. (Stone) Educational psychology; a treatise for parents and edu- cators 1886 150 H77 Hume, David 1888 Treatise on human nature 150 H88 Hyslop, J. H. Syllabus of psychology 1899 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 150 H99 James, William Principles of psychology 1890 (American science series; advanced course) 150 J23 Psychology 1893*92 (American science series; briefer course) (2 copies) 150 J23p Janet, Paul A. E. Oours de morale; a 1 'usage des 6coles normales primaires 1881 150 J25 KiRCHNER, Friedrich Students' manual of psychology 1888 150 K63 Kirkpatrick, E. a. Inductive psychology; an introduction to the study of mental phe- nomena =1895 150 K63i KiiLPE, Oswald 1895 Outlines of psychology 150 K98 Ladd, G : T. Outlines of descriptive psychol- ogy 1898 150 L12 Philosophy of mind 1895 120 L12 Primer of psychology 1894'^95 '97 150 L12p Psychology, descriptive and explanatory; a treatise of the phenomena, laws, and de- velopment of human mental life 1895*94 150 L12p8 Lewes, G:H: Problems of life and mind 1877-80 150 L58 Lindner, G. A. Manual of empirical psychol- ogy as an inductive science 1889 150 L64 Locke, John An essay concerning human un- derstanding 1894 151 L79 Philosophical works 1882 '83 (Bohn li- brary) 151 L79p LoTZE, E. H, On mental existence (psychol- ogy) (see his Metaphysics 1884 p.418- 536) 110 L91 Outlines of psychology 1886'85 150 L91 McCosH, James Psychology; the cognitive powers 1886 150 M13 P^chology; the motive powers, emotions, conscience, will 1887 l50 M13p Mill, James Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind 1878 150 M59 MrvART, St George A limit to evolution (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2,p.289- 314) 824.89 M69 MoRELL, J:D. Introduction to mental philos- ophy on the inductive method, with numer- ous examination papers in mental science n.d. (Stewart's educational series) 150 M81 MuNSTERBERG, Hugo Psychology and life 1899 150 M92 Murray, J:C. Handbook of psychology pref.1888 150 M96 Eaue, C. G. Elements of psychology on the principles of Beneke 1871 150 R19 Psychology as a natural science, applied to the solution of occult psychic phenomena 1889 150 R19p Eeed, Sampson Observations on the growth of the mind 1886<=85 150 E25 Eeid, Thomas Essays on tha intellectual powers of man 1878*50 150 R27 EiBOT, A:T. English psychology 1874 150 E35 German psychology of to-day; the empirical school 1886 150 E35g Psychology of the emotions 1897 157 R35 EOBERTSON, G : C. Elements of psychology 1896 150 R54 EoYCE, JosiAH Outlines of psychology 1903 150 R81 Sanford, E. C. Course in experimental psy- chology 1894 150 Sa5 Scripture, E:W. New psychology 1897 150 Scr3 Thinking, feeling and doing 1897*95 (Chautauqua reading circle literature) 150 Scr3t Spencer, Herbert Principles of psychology 1883 (Synthetic philosophy) 150 Sp3 393 SxjiXT, Jamxs Sensation and intuition ; stud- ies in psychologj and intuition 1874 150 SuSs SpnxER, GusTAVE The mind of man ; a text- book in psychology 1902 150 Sp4 Stehrett, J:D. Power of thought; what it is and what it does 1896 . 150 St3 Stewart, Dugau) Elements of the philoso- phy of the human mind 1842 150 St4 Stout, G:F. Analytic psychology 1896 150 St7 Manual of psychology 1899 (Univergity tutorial series) 150 St7m Sully, James Human mind ; a text-book of psychology 1892 150 Su5 Thompson, D. G. 1884 System of psychology 150 T37 Thorkdisx, E:L. Elements of psychology 1905 150 T39 TiTCHENEB, E:B. An outline of psychology 1896 150 T53 A primer of psychology 1898 150 T53p Van Norden, Chakles Psychic factor; an outline of psychology 1894 150 V33 Villa, Guido Contemporary psychology 1903 (Library of philosophy) 150 V71 White, E. E. Elements of psychology {see his Elements of pedagogy *1886 p.19-93) 371a W58 Witmeb, Lightnkr Analytical psychology 1902 150 W78 See also After-images; Attention; Biology; Brain; Child psychology; Consciousness; Education; Emotions; Esthetics; Ethics; Genius; Habit; Heredity; Hypnotism; Illu- sions; Insanity; Instinct; Intellect; Laugh- ter; Logfic; Memory; Mind and body; Pain; Philosophy; Physiognomy; Play; Psychical phenomena; Reason; Senses, The; Sleep; Sub-consciousness; Understanding; Will, The See also The name of the psychologist Bibliography Calkins, M.. W. Bibliography (see her In- troduction to psychology 1902 p.492- 503) 150 012 Periodicals Mind; a quarterly review of psychology and philosophy 1878-date 150 M66 * PSTCHOLOOICAL Rxvixw 1894-date 150 P95 PSYCHOLOGY, COMPARATIVE Avkbd»t, John Lubbock baron On the senses, in- stincts and intelligence of animals, with spe- cial reference to insects 1888 (Interna' tional scientific series) 591.5 Av3 Evans, E: P. Animal psychology (see his Evolutional ethics and animal psychology 1898«97 p.165-358) 170.9 Evl Morgan, C. L. An introduction to compara- tive psychology 1894 (Contemporary sci- ence series) 591.5 M82i Romanes, G: J: Mental evolution in man; origin of human faculty 1889 591.5 R66me Spencer, Herbert Comparative psychology of man (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.l,p.351-370) 824.89 Sp3 Wundt, W:M. Lectures on human and ani- mal psychology 1894 150 W96 See aiso Afiima.! intelligence; Instinct; Flay PSYCHOLOGY, PEDAGOGICAL Adams, John Herbartian psychology applied to education; being a series of essays applying the psychol- ogy of Herbart 1898 370.2 Adl Baldwin, Joseph Elementary psychology and education; a text-book for high schools, normal schools, normal institutes, and read- ing circles, and a manual for teachers 1891 '87 (International education series) 370.2 B19 Psychology applied to the art of teaching 1892 '96 '97 370.2 B19p Brooks, Edward Mental science and meth- ods of mental culture designed for the tise of normal schools, academies and private students preparing to be teachers 1883*91 •82 370.2 B79 De Garmo, Chaklks The essentials of meth- od; a discussion of the essential form of right method in teaching, observation, gen- eralization, application 1893*92 371a D36 Dexter, T. F. G. and Garlick, A. H. Psy- chology in the school room 1899 370.2 D52 PSY PSY 894 Hakris, W: T. Psychologic foundations of education; an attempt to show the genesis of the higher faculties of the mind 1898 (International education series) , 370.2 H24 Herbart, J:F: Application of psychology to the science of education 1898 - 370.2 H41 James, William Talks to teachers on psy- chology, and to students on some of life's ideals 1899 370.2 J23 JuDD, C:H. Grenetic psychology for teachers 1903 (International education series) 370.2 J88 Krohn, W:0. Practical lessons in psychol- ogy 1894 '96 370.2 K91 Landon, Joseph A brief sketch of mental science, intended as a preliminary course (see his Principles and practice of teaching and class management 1899 p.445-460) 371b L23 A general view of the work of education, with some account of the intellectual facul- ties (see his School management 1884 p.1-108) 371c L23 MuLLANY, P. F: (Brother Azarias psettd.) Psychological aspects of education (see his Essays; philosophical 1896 p.193-212) 104 M91 Northrop, B, Ot. Professional study (see his Education abroad and other papers 1873 p.110-119) 370.4 N81 Patrick, J. N. Educational psychology (see his Elements of pedagogics 1895'=94 p.9- 96) 371a P27 Putnam, Daniel Manual of pedagogics 1895 371a P98 EOARK, E. N. Psychology in'education 1895 370.2 E53 SCHAEFFER, N. C. Thinking and learning to think 1900 (Lippincott educational se- ries) 153 Schl Sully, James Outlines of psychology, with special reference to the theory of education 1886 370.2 Su5 Teachers* handbook of psychology 1886, '87 '97 370.2 Su5t Welch, A. 8. Talks on psychology applied to teaching for teachers and normal insti- tutes 1888 (Beading circle library) 370.2 W44 The teachers' psychology; a treatise on the intellectual faculties, the order of their growth and the corresponding series of studies by which they are educated 1899 370.2 W44 See also Apperception; Attention; Child psychology; Habit; Imitation; Interest; Judgment; Memory; Perception; Play; Teaching, Theory of; also Herbart, Johann Friedrich PSYCHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGICAL Halleck, E. P. Education of the central nervous system; a study of foundations, especially of sensory and motor training 1896 150 H15 Psychology and psychic culture *1895 150 H15p Ladd, G:T. Elements of physiological psy- chology; a treatise of the activities and na- ture of the mind from the physical and ex- perimental point of view 1892"87 130a L12 Ziehen, Theodor Introduction to physi- ological psychology 1892 130a Z6 See also Nervous system; Senses and sen- sation Psychology of attention Eibot, A. T. 150 E35 Psychology of peoples Le Bon, Gustave 901 L49 Psychology of the emotions Eibot, A:T. 157 E35 Ptolemies See Egypt Public health See Hygiene, Public Public industrial art school See Philadel- phia — Public industrial art school Public institutions See Libraries; Prisons; Public schools; Eeformatories Public libraries See Libraries PUBLIC SCHOOLS Hough, F. B: comp. Constitutional provisions in regard to edu- cation in the several states of the American union 1875 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Hughes, E. E. Schools at home and abroad 1902 379 H87 See also Grammar schools; Normal schools; Eural schools; Secondary schools; also The name of the school; also The name of the 395 country and the city, Bab-division, Public schools PuBUSHiNQ See Copyright; Printing PUEBLO INDIANS Spencee, F. C. Educa- tion of the Pueblo child; a study in ar- rested development 1899 (Columbia uni- versity Contributions to philosophy, psy- chology and education) 970.1 Sp3 Puerto Rico See Porto Eico PUGET, PIERRE 1622-1694 Dilke, Lady (Emilia Francis Strong) School of sculpture — Sarrazin, Puget, and Girardon (see her Art in the modern state 1888 p.146-166) 709.44 D57 Pugin, Augustus Welby N. True principles of pointed or Christian architecture . . . v.p. il.pl.Q Edin.Grant,1895 723 P96 Contains also "An apology for the revival of Christian architecture In England" PULCI, LUIGI 1432-1487 Symonds, J: A. Pulci and Boiardo (in Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; Italian literatTire 1888 v.l,p.425-492) 850.9 Sy6 Poller, F. W. Primitive saints and the See of Rome . . . Ed.2 428p.D Lond.Long- mans,1893 270 P96 Pulling, Frederic Sanders and Low, S, J. M. ed. Dictionary of English history 1884 R942 L95 PUNCH Spielmann, M. H: History of "Punch" 1895 O70 Sp4 PUNIC WARS Smith, R:B. Rome and Car- thage 1891 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.04 Sm5 Punishment See School punishment PURITANS Byington, E. H. Puritan as a colonist and reformer 1899 285.9 B99 Puritan in England and New England 1896 '97 285.9 B99p Campbell, Douglas Puritan in England, and America 1893^92 Firth, C:H. Oliver Cromwell rule of the Puritans in England (Hejoes of the nattoru) HoUand, 285 C15 and the 1904«00 B C88f Wakeman, H:0. Church and the Puritans n.d. (Epochs of church history) 283 W13 See also Church of England ; Congregational- ism; Pilgrim fathers; Presbyterianism ; also Butler, Samuel "Hudibras"; Vane, 5*r Henry Puseyites See Oxford school Putnam, Daniel Manual of pedagogics; with an introduction by R:G. Boone 330p.D N.Y.Silver,1895 371a P98 Putnam, George Haven Authors and their pub- lic in ancient times; a sketch of literary conditions and of the relations vdth the pub- lic of literary producers from the earliest times to the fall of the Roman empire Ed.2, enl. 309p.D N.Y.Putnam,1894'93 809 P98 Books and their makers during the middle ages; a study of the conditions of the pro- duction and distribution of literature from the fall of the Roman empire to the close of the seventeenth century 2v.O N.Y.Put- nam,1886'97 655 P98 PYNCHON, WILLIAM 1590-1662 Byington, E. H, William Pynchon, gent (see By- ington, E. H. New England PYRENEES, THE and Pyrenees Puritan in England and 1896 '97 p.183-218) 285.9 B99p Hugo, Victor The Alps 1898 914.6 H87 Q Qnaln, Jones Elements of anatomy; ed. by E: A: Schafer and G:D. Thane Ed.lO 2v. in 34I.Q Lond Jjongman84893 '94 '96 611 Q2 Qnain, Eichard On some defects in general edu- cation 112p.D Lond.MacmiIlan,1870 (Hunterian oration 1869) 370 Q2 Quaker colony, The McManus, Blanche 974.8 M22 Quaker government in Pennsylvania Sharpless, Isaac 974.8 Sh2 Quaker invasion of Massachusetts Hallowell, B:P. 974.4 HIS QUAKZRS See Friends ,8oeiet7 of QUA QUA QuAliiTATivE ANALYSIS See Chemistry QUANITATIVE ANALYSIS See Chemistry QUATERNIONS Kelland, Philip and Tait, P. G. Introduction to quaternions 1882 516.8 K28 Quatrefages de Breau, Jean Louis Armand de Human species 498p.D N.Y.Appleton, 1883 (International scientific series) 599.9 Q2 QUEBEC Parkman, Francis Historic hand- book of the northern tour; Lakes George and Champlain; Niagara; Montreal; Quebec 1885 973.1 P23 See also Montreal Queen of Arragon Harrington, William (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 187475 76 v.l3,p.321- 409) 822.08 D66 Queen of the air Ruskin, John (see his Ses- ame and liHes 1894 p.229-358) 824.86 R89s QUEENS Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 9 StS See also Monarchy QUESTIONING, ART OF Landon, Joseph Manual of the art of questioning 1899 371b L23 Questions of the day Dugdale, R:L. "The Jukes" 1884«77 364 D87 ScHOENHOF, Jacob Economy of high wages 1893=92 331.2 Sch6 Smith, R, H. Science of business 1885 380 Sm5 Strange, Daniel The farmer's tariff man- ual 1892 337 StS Taussig, F:W: Tariff history of the United States 1893*92 337 T19 QUICK, ROBERT HERBERT 1831-1891 Storr, F. ed. Life and remains of the Rev R. H. Quick 1899 B37 Q4 Essays on educational reformers . . . 560p.D N.Y.Appleton,1891 '97*90 (International education series) 370,9 Q4 Contents: — Effects of the renascence; Renascence tendencies; Sturmius; Schools of the Jesuits; Rabelais; Montaigne; Ascham; Mulcaster; Ratlchlus; Comenlus; The gentlemen of Port Royal; Some English writers before Loclce; Locke; Jean Jacques Rousseau; Basedow and the Philanthrop- 396 Inum; Pestalozzl; Friedrlch Froebel; Jaco- tot, a methodizer; Herbert Spencer; Thoughts and suggestions; The school- master's moral and religious influence; Con- cluision; Appendix 331p.D Cinc.Clarke,1879 370.9 Q4e Contents: — Schools of the Jesuits; ABcham; Montaigne, Ratlch, Milton; Comenius; Locke; Rousseau's Emlle; Basedow and the Philanthropin; Pestalozzi; Jacotot; Herbert Spencer; Thoughts and suggestions about teaching children; Some remarks about moral and religious education; Appendix 568p.D N.Y.Appleton,1897«90 (International education series) R370.9 Q4 Richard Mulcaster (see Mulcaster, Richard Positions 1888 p.299-309) 370 M89 Quincy, Edmund Life of Josiah Quincy of Mas- sachusetts 560p.por.O Bost.Fields,1869 *67 B Q4 QUINCY, JOSIAH 1744-1775 Quincy, Ed- mund Life of Josiah Quincy of Massa- chusetts 1869*67 B Q4 Lowell, J. R. A great public character (in his Literary essays 1892 '94*64 '90 v.2, p.272-312) 814.39 L95U QUINCY (Massachusetts) Adams, C:F. jr Three episodes of Massachusetts history; the settlement of Boston Bay; the Antinomi- an controversy; a study of church and town government 1893 974.4 Adl QUINCY SYSTEM De Graff, E. V. and Smith, M. K. Quincy school work (see their Development lessons for teachers 1883 p.179-237) 371b D36 Patridge, L. E. trated 1885 'Quincy methods" illus- 371.47 P27 See also Parker, Francis Wayland; Phil- brick, John Dudley QUINET, EDGAR 1803-1875 Dowden, Ed- ward Edgar Quinet (see Dowden, Ed- ward Studies in literature 1892 p.356- 391) 804 D75 Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus) Insti- tutes of oratory; or, Education of an ora- tor; in twelve books literally tr. with notes by J: S.Watson 2v.D Lond.Bell,1875 '82 808.5 Q4 897 QUOTATIONS Allibone, S:A. ed. Poetical quotations from Chaucer to Tennyson with indexes 1896«73 * B828 A15 Prose quotations from Socrates to Macaiilay 1884'75 K808.8 A15 Babtlett, John comp. Familiar quotations 1883*82 R808.8 B28 See olso English literature — Qitotations ; Proverbs B., M. E. tr. JussERA^rD, J. A. A. J. Piert EADIATES Komanes, G:J: Jelly-fish, star- Plowman; a contribution to the history of fish and sea-urchins 1885 (International English mysticism 1894 821.15 J98 scientific series) 593.2 E66 RABELAIS, FBANgOIS BROW>aNG, OSCAE and Montaigne Educational theories R., W. Match at midnight (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l3,p.l-98) 822.08 D66 RABANUS MAURUS 776(f)-856 Muujngee, J. B. Rabanus Maurus; or, The school at Fulda (see Mullinger, J. B. Schools of Charles the Great 1877 p.128-157) 370.94 M91 1495(f)-1553 Naturalists — Rabelais (see Browning, Oscar 1882 p.68-85) 370.9 B82i CoMPATRfi, Gabriel Rabelais (see Com- payre, Gabriel Histoire critique des doc- trines de 1 'Education en France 1883 v.l, p.65-87) 370.944 C73 MuNEOE, J. P. Rabelais (see Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.8-35) 370.9 M92 Quick, R. H. Rabelais (see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers 1879 '91 '97«90 p.63-69) 370.9 Q4 SouQUET, Paul Rabelais (see Souquet, Paul Les 6crivains pedagogues 1880 p.53-89) 370.8 So8 Races of Europe Ripley, W:Z. Races of man See Ethnology 572 B48 RACINE, JEAN BAPTISTE 1639-1699 Beard, Charles Racine (in Beard, Charles Port Royal 1861 v,2,p.326-399) 273.7 B38 Badestock, Paul Habit and its importance in education; an essay in pedagogical psychol- ogy; tr. from the (Jerman by F, A. Caspari with an introduction by G. S. Hall 117p.D Bost.Heath,1886 (Educational classics) 370.2 Ell RADOWITZ, JOSEPH MARIA VON 1797-1853 "Die Devisen und Motto des spdteren Mit' telalters" Maxwell, Sir W:S. Desires and mottoes (see his Miscellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.201-214) 824.89 M45 Bae, John Contemporary socialism 455p.O N.Y.Scribner,1884 335 R12 Eight "hours for work millan,1894 340p.D Lond.Mac- 331.81 R12 Rafpaelle, Sanzio See Raphael, Sanzio RAFINESQUE, CONSTANTINE SMALTZ 1784- 1842 Jordan, D. S. An eccentric natu- ralist (see his Science sketches 1896*87 p.153-169) 597 J76 Bagozin, ilme Zenaide Alexeievna Frithjof, the viking of Norway; and Roland, the paladin of France 295pil.pl.D N.Y.Put- nam,1899 (Tales of the heroic ages) 398.2 B12 Siegfried, the hero of the North; and Beowulf, the hero of the Anglo-Saxons 332p.plJD N.Y.Putnam,1898 '99 (Tales of the heroic ages) 398.2 R128 Story of Assyria from the rise of the empire to the fall of Nineveh 450p.il.pl.map8,D N.Y.Putnam,1894'=87 (Story of the na- tions) 935.2 E12 Story of Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise of Assyria . . . 381p.il.pl.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1886 (Story of the nations) 935 E12 Story of Media, Babylon and Persia; includ- ing a study of the Zend Avesta or religion of Zooraster from the fall of Nineveh to the Persian war 447p.il.pl.maps,D N.Y.Put- nam,1893«88 (Story of the nations) 935 B128 RAG RAG story of Vedic India as embodied principally in the Eig-Veda 457p.il.map,D N.Y.Put- nam,1895 (Story of the nations) 954 E12 EAILWAYS Atkinson, Edward The railway, the farmer and the public (see his Distribu- tion of products 1892«85 p.229-289) 330.4 At5 Hadley, a. T. Eailroad transportation; its history and its laws 1892'=85 385 Hll Hogg, Alex Eailroad as an element in edu- cation 1899 385 H67 3d8 Hudson, J. F. 1889<=86'88 Eailways and the republic 385 H86 Jevons, W:S. Eailways and the state (see Ms Methods of social reform 1883 p.353- 383) 304 J53 EiJSKiN, John The management of railways (see his Arrows of the chace 1894 v.2, p.275-285) 826 E89 Spencer, Herbert Eailway morals and rail- way policy (in his Essays; scientific, politi- cal and speculative 1891 v.3,p. 52-112) 824.89 Sp3 See Steam-engines; Surveying Eailways and their employees Ashley, O, D. 335 As3 EAILWAYS AND THE STATE Hadley, A. T. Eailway transportation; its history and its laws 1892<=85 385 Hll Kaine, James York 223p.map,D Lond.Long- mans,1893 (Historic towns) 942 E13 EAja Yoga See Yoga Ealeigh, Thomas Elementary politics 163p.S Lond.Froude,1886 320 E13 EALEIGH, Sir WALTEE 1552-1618 Creigh- TON, Mrs L. H, Life of Sir Walter Ealeigh 1891 (Historical biographies) B E13 Ealeigh, Walter Alexander English novel; be- ing a short sketch of its history from the^ earliest times to the appearance of Waverley 298p.D N.Y.Scribner,1894 (University aeries) 823 E13 Poems; collected and authenticated with those of Sir Henry Wotton and other courtly poems from 1540 to 1650; ed. with an intro- duction and notes by John Hannah 261p.D Lond.Bell,1892 (Aldine edition of the Brit- ish poets) 821.3 E13 Ealph Eoister Doister Dodsley, Eobert old English plays 161) Udall,Nicholas (in ed. Select collection of 1874 '75 '76 v.3,p.53- 822.08 D66 Eam- alley; or, Merry tricks Barry, Ludowick (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.lO, p.265-380) 822.08 D66 EAMAYANA Poor, L. E.. Buddhism and the Eamayana (see her Sanskrit and its kindred literature 1880 p.80-107) 891.2 P79 Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas History of Eussia from the earliest times to 1882 . . . includ- ing a history of the Turko-Eussian war of 1877-1878, by the editor; tr. by L. B. Lang; ed. by N. H. Dole 3v.por.O Bost.Estes, «1879'82 947 E14 Eambler See Johnson, Samuel Eameau's nephew Diderot, Denis Eameau's nephew; a translation (in Morley, John Diderot and the encyclopedists 1878 v.2, p.303-358) B D56 Ramsay, Sir A. C. ed. Eudler, F:W: and Chisholm, G:C. Europe 1885 914 E83 Ramsay, William Mitchell Church in the Eoman empire before A.D. 170 494p.pl.map,0 N.Y.Putnam,«1893 (Mansfield college lec- tures) 270 E14 Manual of Eoman antiquities; ed. by Eodolfo Lanciani 573p.il.pl.maps,D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1895 913.37 E14 EAMUS, PETEUS (PIEEEE DE LA EAMEE) 1515-1572 CoMPAYRfi, Gabriel Erasme et la renaissance; Eamus et la r6forme (see Compayr6, Gabriel Histoire critique des doctrines de 1 'Education en France 1883 v.l,p.ll6-158) 370.944 C73 Souquet, Paul Eamus (see Souquet, Paul Les 6crivains pedagogues 1880 p.l04- 111) 370.8 So8 Randall, C. D. ed. Fourth International prison congress 252p.il.por.O Wash.govt. pr.0.1891 (United States — Education, Bu- reau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Randall, Samuel Sidwell Digest of the common school system of the state of New York . . . 320p.D Albany,Benthuysen,1844 379.747 E15 890 BANDOLPH, JOHN 1773-1833 Adams, Henby John Randolph 1886'82 (American states- men) B R15 Bandom roaming, and other papers Jessopp, Au- gustus 824.89 J49 Bands, William Brighty Chaucer's England 2v.il.pl.D Lond.Hurst,1869 820 E15 Banke, Franz Leopold von History of the Popes; their church and state and especially their conflicts with Protestantism in the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries; tr. by E. Foster 3v.por.D Lond.Bell,1887 282 R16 1795-1886 ' 'Ecclesiastical and political history of the Popes of Rome" Macaulay, T:B. baron Von Eanke (tn Macaulay, T:B, haron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.3,p.l71-217) 824.83 Mil Bansome, CjxH Rise of constitutional govern- ment in England 264p.D Lond.Riving- tons,1883 ^42.42 R17 Short history of England . . Ed.8 476p. D Lond.Longmans,1895 942 R17 and Acland, A. H. D. Handbook in outline of the political history of England to 1890 chronologically arranged 1891 942 Ac6 RAPHAEL, SANZIO 1483-1520 Butler, George Raphael drawings in the university galleries, Oxford {in Oxford essays 1856 p.137-192) 824.89 0x2 HuRLXi, E. M. ed. Raphael ; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 1899 {Riverside art series) B R18 Pater, W.H. Raphael {see Pater, W.H. Miscellaneous studies 1895 p.26-47) 824.89 P27mi Baphia and reed weaving Ejaapp, E.. S. 689 K72 Bare triumphs of love and fortune {in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 '76 v.6,p.l43-243) 822.08 D66 Bashdall, Hastings Universities of Europe in the middle ages 2v.in 3,map,facsim.O Oxf .aarendon press,1895 378.4 BIS 'Basmussen, Hans Physical culture for public schools . . . 185p.pl.O Chic.Sherwood, 1893 613.7 B18 Basselas See Johnson, Samuel Eatich, Wolpoano See Batke, Wolfgang BATIONALISM Lecky,W:E:H. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of ration- alism in Europe 1897 211 L49 Newman, J :H: cardinal On the introduc- tion of rationalistic principles into revealed religion {in his Essays; critical and his- torical 1891 v.l,p.30-101) 204 N46 See also Reason; Transcendentalism; also Abelard, Peter RATISBON INTERIM Froude, J. A. Diet of Ratisbon {see his Lectures on the Council of Trent 1896 p.122-143) 270.6 F93 RATKE, WOLFGANG 1571-1635 Bbowkino, Oscar The realists Ratich and Comenius {see Browning, Oscar Educational theories 1882 p.51-68) 370.9 B82€ Payne, Joseph Ascham, Montaigne, and Ratich {see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.56-71) 370.9 P2» Quick, R. H. Ratichus {see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers 1879*91 '97<=90 p.103-118) 370.9 Q4 Eatzel, Friedrich History of mankind; tr, from the second German edition by A, J: Butler 3v.il.pl.maps,Q Lond.Macmillan,1896 572 R18 Baub, Albert N. Methods of teaching; includ- ing the nature, object and laws of education, methods of instruction and methods of cul- ture 415p.D Lock Haven,Raub,1884«83 371b B19 School management; including a fuU discus- sion of school economy, school ethics, school government and the professional relations of the teacher 285p.D Lock Haven,Raub, 1885«82 371c R19 Baue, C. G. Elements of psychology on the principles of Beneke . . . tr. from the Ger- man Ed.4,enl.by J: G. Dressier 276p.D Oxf.Parker,1871 150 B19 Psychology as a natural science applied to the solution of occult psychic phenomena 541p. O Phil.Porter,1889 150 R19p Baumer, Karl Georg von Geschichte der Pada- gogik vom Wiederaufbliihen klassischer Stu- dien bis auf unsere Zeit 5vin 3,por.O Gut- ersloh,Bertelsmann,1880,90 '97 370.9 B19 1783-1865 Barnard, Henry ed. Karl von Baumer {see Barnard, Henry ed. Ger- RAU PAU 400 man pedagogy 1876 p.63-390) 370.8 B25g Baumer, Rudolf von Instruction in German (see Barnard, Henry ed. German peda- gogy 1876 p.391-459) 370.8 B25g Bavenstein, Einast George Aims and methods of geographical education (see Eoyal geo- graphical society Eeport of the proceed- ings of the society in reference to the im- provement of geographical education 1886 p.163-181) 910.6 K81 ed. Johnston, Keith Africa 1884 916 J64 Rawlins, Thomas The rebellion (in Dodsley, Kobert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l4,p.l-92) 822.08 D66 Rawlinson, George Story of ancient Egypt 408p.il.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1895<^87 (Story of the nations) 932 E19 Story cf Parthia 432p.il.map,D N.Y.Put- nam,1893 (Story of the nations) 935.6 E19 Story of Phoenicia 356p.il.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1893<=89 (Story of the nations) 939.44 E19 Rawnsley, Hardwicke Dnimmond Life and nature at the English lakes 192p.D Glas- gow,MacLehose,1899 914.28 E19 EAYNAL, GUILLAUME THOMAS FEANgOIS (called Abbe Eaynal) 1713-1796 "Phil- osophical and political history of the estab- lishments and commerce of the Europeans in the two Indies" Morley, John Eaynal 's ' ' History of the Indies ' ' (in Morley, John Diderot and the encyclopedists 1878 v.2, p.222-249) B D56 Reade, Alfred Arthur How to write English; a practical treatise on English composition Ed.3 106p.D Phil.Lippincott,n.d, 808 E22 ed. Study and stimulants; or. The use of intoxicants and narcotics in relation to intel- lectual life New ed.enl. 233p.D Man- che8ter,Heywood,1883 613.8 E22 EEADE, CHAELES 1814-1884 Cumpston, Ellen Why is Charles Dickens a more famous novelist than Charles Eeade? (see Moulton, E:G. Four years of novel reading 1895 p.41-55) 804 M86 Readers' guide to periodical literature; being a consolidation of the cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals and the readers* guide to periodical literature Latest vol- ume Q O50 E22 Header 's handbook Brewer, E. C. E803 B75r EEADING, AIDS IN Atkinson, W : P. On the right use of books 1880*^78 028 At5 Baldwin, James Book-lover 1895"=84 028 B19 Burt, M.. E.. Literary landmarks ; a guide to good reading for young people and teach- er 's assistant 1893'=89 '92 028 B95 Corson, Hiram Aims of literary study 1895 •^94 807 C81 Emerson, E. W. Books (see his Society and soUtude 1893<=70'83 p.179-210) 814.36 Em3s Farrar, F:W. Great books «=1898 824.89 F24 Farrell, Joseph About books (see his Lectures of a certain professor 1877 p.27- 43) . 824.89 F24 Lowell, J. E. Books and libraries (see his Literary and political addresses 1894'=86 '90 p.78-98) 814.39 L951 Monroe, H. E. Beading ; how, what and when to read (see her Art and science of education <=1889 p.111-158) 374.1 M76 Parsons, Frank Crawford, F. E. and Eich- ARDSON, H. T. World 's best books 1889 028 P25 Perkins, F:B. ed. Best reading; hints on the selection of books 1881=77 016 P41 Porter, Noah Books and reading 1882*70 '81 028 P83 EuSKiN, John Sesame and lilies 1894 824.86 E89s Schopenhauer, Arthur On reading and books (see his Selected essays 1900 p.329-337) 104 Sch6 EEADING, TEACHING OF Arnold, S..L. Heading, how to teach it '1899 372.4 Ar6 Badlam, a.. B. Suggestive lessons in lan- guage and reading for primary schools 1888'86 372.4 B14 Burns, J. J. How to teach reading and com- position «1901 372.4 B93 Farnham, G:L. Sentence method of teach- ing reading, writing, and spelling; a manual for teachers 1887«81 372,4 F23 401 Hall, G. S. How to teach reading and what to read in school 1897 (^Monographs on editcatxon) 028 H14 McMuRRY, C:A. Special method in primary reading and oral work with stories 1903 372.4 M22 Elocution Reading aloud See Beading as a fine art Beading circle library Browning, Oscar Dewey, Mrs J. M. the school-room Legouv6, G. J. B. E. W. 808.5 L52r Educational theories *1882 370.9 B82i How to teach manners in 1888 395 D51 READING CIRCLES King,R. M. Teachers' reading circles; pupils' reading circles (see his School interests and duties '1894 p.265-336) 371c K58 Readings from the book of nature Mills, Simeon 530 M62 R6al, Antony pseud. See Michel, Francois Fortun6 Fernand Real schule See Germany — Education Real things in nature Holden, E:S. 507 H71 REALITY Ladd, G:T. A theory of reality; an essay in metaphysical system upon the basis of human cognitive experience 1899 110 L12 See also Metaphysics; Ontology; Philosophy Realm of nature Mill, H. R. 551 M59 REASON Kant, Immanuel Critique of pure reason 1881 193.2 K13c MiVART, St George Origin of human reason ; being an examination of recent hypotheses concerning it 1889 156 M69 Schopenhauer, Arthur Fourfold root of the principles of sufficient reason 1897 193.7 Seh6 See also Animal intelligence ; Instinct ; Judg- ment; Logic; Philosopay; Psychology Reason, Will Settlements and education (see his University and social settlements 1898 P-45-62) 331.8 R23 Settlements and recreations (see his Univer- sity and social settlements 1898 p.71-88) 331.8 R23 ed. University and social settlements 195p. D Lond.Methuen,1898 (Social questions of to-day) 331.8 R23 Contents: — On university settlements, by Sir Walter Besant; University settlements. by S. A. Bamett; Settlements In relation to local administration, by Percy Alden; Set- tlements and education, by Will Reason; Settlements and the administration of the poor law, by J. S. Lldgett; Settlements and recreations, by Will Reason; Women's set- tlements in England, by M. C. Sewell and E. G. Powell; Working girls' clubs, by Em- meline Pethick; Settlements and the labour movement, by Arthur Sherwell; American settlements, by Percy Alden; Appendices; Directory of settlements See United States Rebeluon, United States — History, Civil war Rebellion, The Rawlins, Thomas (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l4.p.l-92) 822.08 D66 Beber, Franz von History of ancient art; tr. by J. T. Clarke Newed.enl. 482p.il.O N.Y.Harper,«1882 709 R24 History of medieval art; tr. by J. T. Clarke 743p.il.O N.Y.Harper,1887 709 R24h RECAMIER, MADAME (JEANNE FRANQOISE JULIE ADELAIDE BERNARD) 1777- 1849 Lord, John Madame Recamier (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history a 883 '96 v.5,p.347-383) 904 L88 Receipts, Food See Cookery Reclus, Jean Jacques Ellsee The earth; a de- scriptive history of the phenomena of tho life of the globe; tr. by B. B. Woodward and Henry Woodward 573p.il.maps,0 N.Y. Harper,1879 551 R24 History of a mountain; tr. from the French by Bertha Ness and John Lillie 195pil.pl. D N.Y.Harper,1881 551.43 R24 The ocean, atmosphere and life; being the sec- ond series of a descriptive history of the life of the globe 534p.il.pl.O N.Y.Harper, 1874 551 R24o Recreation See Amusements; Games; Gym- nastics; Physical education; Sports Rector, L. E. ed. Montaigne, M. E. de Edu- cation of children 1899 (International education series) ' 370 M76 Rectors See Clergy; Ministers of the gospel Red deer Jefferies, J:R: 799 J35 RED EAGLE 1780(f)-1824 EGGLESTON,G:a Red Eagle and the wars of the Creek Indians of Alabama «1878 (Famous Arnerican Indians) 970.2 EgSr RED RED BED JACKET 1752 (?) -1830 Eggleston, Ed- ward and Seelye, L. E. Brant and Red Jacket "=1879 970.2 Eg3 Rede lectures 1890 Jebb, Sir R:C. Erasmus B Erlj Bedford, George Sculpture; Egyptian, As- syrian, Greek, Roman . . . 245p.il.D Lond. Low,1888 (Illustrated handbooks of art history) 730 R24 Bedway, Jacques Wardlaw Commercial geog- raphy . . . 406p.il.D N.Y.Scribner,1903 910 R24 Teachers ' manual of geography 174p.il.D Bost.Heath,1897 910 R24t Beed, Henry ed. Arnold, Thomas Introduc- tory lectures on modern history 1887*45 904 Ar6 Beed, Sampson Observations on the growth of the mind, with a biographical preface by James Reed Newed. 99p.por.D Bost. Houghton,1886«85 150 R25 Bees, J. Rogers With friend and book in the study and the fields 84p.D Lond.Gib- bings,1892 828 R25 Beeve, Henry tr. Tocqueville, A. C:H:C. de Democracy in America 1882*62 342.73 T56 REFERENCE BOOKS Kroeger, A. B. comp. Guide to the study and use of reference books 1902 R028.7 K91 Reform and politics Whittier, J:G. (m his Prose works 1893*66 '83 v.3,p.l99-248) 814.39 W61 Reform schools See Reformatories REFORMATION Bax, E. B. German society at the close of the middle ages 1894 {So- cial side of the reformation in Germany) 914.3 B33 Beard, CharIjES The reformation of the 16th century in relation to modern thought and knowledge 1885 (Eibbert lectures 1883) 270.6 B38 Cambridge modern history The reformation 1904 940.7 C14 Fisher, G:P. Reformation 1893*73 270.6 F53 Hausser, Ludwiq Period of the reformation 1873 940.7 H29 Lea, H:C: Eve of the reformation (see Cambridge modern history' The renaissance 1903*02 p.653-692) 940.6 C14 402 Maitland, S:R. Essays on subjects con- nected with the reformation in England 1899 270.6 M28 Moore, A. L. Lectures and papers on the his- tory of the reformation in England and on the continent 1890 270.6 M78 Seebohm, Frederic Era of the Protestant revolution 1891 (Epochs of modern his- tory) 940.7 Se3 Ward, A. W: Counter reformation n.d. (Epochs of church history) 270.6 W21 See also Catholic church; Church history; Huguenots; Humanism; Jansenists; Jesu- its; Popes; Protestantism; Thirty years* war, 1618-1648; Trent, Council of; Vaudois; also The name of the church; also The name of the reformer, as Charles V, emperor of Germany; Colet, John; Erasmus, Desider- ius; Knox, John; Luther, Martin; Melanch- thon, Philipp; Wycliff, John REFORMATORIES Baker, Sir T:B.L. Re- formatories (see his War with crime 1889 p.117-144,163-240) 364 B17 Statements relating to reformatory, chari- table and industrial schools for the young 1875 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 See also New York state reformatory; Pris- ons REFORMED CHURCH Corwin, E:T. Dubbs, J. H : and Hamilton, J : T. History of the Reformed church, Dutch, Reformed church, German, and the Moravian church in the United States 1895 (American church history series) 285.7 C81 See also Calvin, John REFORMED PROTESTANT DUTCH CHURCH, SCHOOL OF DtJNSHEE,H:W. History of the school of the collegiate Reformed Dutch church in the city of New York from 1633-1883 1883 377.5 D92 Begeneration; a reply to Max Nordeau, with in- troduction by N:M. Butler 311p.O N.Y. Putnam,1896 132 B26 Belch, Emil Hungary and the Slavonic king- doms (see Cambridge modern history The renaissance 1903*02 p.329-346) 940.6 C14 408 REICHARDT, JOHANN FRIEDRICH 1752- 1814 Capbn, S:P. Friedrich Schlegel's relations with Reichardt and his contribu- tions to " Deutschland " 1903 (Univer- sity of Pennsylvania Series in philosophy and literature) B Sch3 Beichel, Oswald J. tr. Zeller, Eduako Soc- rates and the Socratic schools 1885 183.2 Z3 Beid, Thomas Essays on the intellectual powers of man; abridged, with notes and illustra- tions from Sir William Hamilton and oth- ers ; ed. by James Walker Ed.lO 492p.D Phil.Buaer,1878«50 150 R27 Beid, Thomas Wemyss Life, letters and friend- ships of Richard Monckton Milnes, first Lord Houghton 2v.por.O N.Y.Cassell publish- ing co,n891 B M63 Bein, Qeoig Wilhelm Outlines of pedagogics; tr. by C. C. and I. J. Van Liew with addi- tional notes by the former 199p.D Lond. Sonnenschein,1893 371a R27 232p,D Syracuse,Bardeen,1895 (2 copies) 371a R27 Outlines of the development of educational ideas during the nineteenth century (see Roberts, R. D ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.240-274) 370.4 R54 BEIN, WILLIAM 1847- DeGarmo, Chakles Dr William Rein; reducing theory to prac- tice in elementary schools (see DeGarmo, Charles Herbart and the Herbartians 1895 p.141-165) B37 H41 Reikecke Fuchs See Reynard the Fox Beinhart, J. A. ed. Sully, James Outlines of psychology with special reference to the theory of education 1886 370,2 Su5 Beinsch, Paul Samuel World politics at the end of the nineteenth century as influenced by the Oriental situation 366p.map,D N.Y. Macmillan,1904«00 (Citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology) 327 R27 Beligio medici Browne, Sir Thomas 240 B81 BELIGION Baix, Alezandxb Religions tests and subscriptions (see his Practical essays 1884 p.255-288) 824.89 B16 - Caird, Eowakd Evolution of religion 1899 (Giford lectures 1890-92) 201 C12 FiCHTE, J. O. The way toward the blessed life; or, The doctrine of religion (see his Popular works 1873 p.381-564) 193.3 F44 Jevons, F. B. Introduction to the history of religion 1896 291 J53 Marshall, H : R. Instinct and reason ; an es- say concerning the relation of instinct to rea- son, with some special study of the nature of religion 1898 158 M35 See also Agnosticism; Bible; Christian life Christianity; Christianity, Evidences of Church history; Ethics; Faith; God Hymns; Immortality; Jesus Christ; Mira- cles; Monastic orders; Mythology; Natural religion; Oracles; Philosophy; Prayer; Ra- tionalism; Religion and science; Religions; Religious edueaton; Religious liberty; Re- ligious poetry; Saints; Supernatural; Super- stition; Skepticism; Theism; Theology; Worship Essays Carus, Paul Dawn of a new era 1899 (Eeligion of science library) 204 C25 Westcott, B. F. Essays in the history of re- ligious thought in the West 1891 204 W52 Philosophy Carus, Paul Religion of science 1899 (Eeligion of science library) 201 C25 RELIGION AND SCIENCE Dawson, Sir J:W: Modem science in Bible lands 1889 220.85 D32 Origin of the world according to revelation and science n.d. 239.8 D32 DeQuincey, Thomas The true relations of the Bible to merely human science (see his Essays on Christianity, paganism and su- perstition «1854'77 p.262-270) 204 D44 LeCoxte, Joseph Religion and science ; a series of Sunday lectures on the relation of natural and revealed religion 1893'73 239.8 L49 See also Creation; Evolution; Natural re- ligion Religion and the state Spear, S:E. 377.1 8p3 Religion of science library; ed. by Paul Carus Chinese philosophy 1898 181.1 C25 Dawn of a new era 1899 204 025 REL REL 404 Nature of the state 1894 321 C25 Religion of science 1899 201 C25 EELIGIONS Barrows, J :H: ed. World's parUament of religions 1893 206 B27 Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions 1886'^71 290 C55 Clodd, Edward Childhood of religions, em- bracing a simple account of the birth and growth of myths and legends 1892 290 C62 DoLLiNGER, J:J. I. VON Founders of religions {see his Addresses on historical and literary subjects 1894 p.50-72) 834.89 D69 Gould, Sabine Baring- Origin and develop- ment of religious belief 1892 201 G73 Keary, C:F. Outlines of primitive belief among the Indo-European races 1882 291 K21 See also Aryans; Brahmanism; Buddha and Buddhism; Catholicism; Christianity; Con- fucius and Confucianism; Essenes; Jews — Religion; Mohammed and Mohammedanism; Mythology; Spiritualism; also The name of the country, sub-division, Beligion Religious art See Christian art and symbol- ism RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Butler, Montagu Christian work in public schools (see Rob- erts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.1-14) 370.4 R54 Foster, John Essay on the evils of pop- ular ignorance; and a discourse on the com- munication of Christianity to the people of Hindoostan 1876 377 FBI Laurie, S. S. Address on the religious edu- cation of the young (see his Occasional addresses on educational subjects 1888 p.106-123) 370.4 L37 MuLLANY, P. F. (Brother Azarias pseud.) Our Catholic school system (see his Es- says; miscellaneous 1896 p.171-192) 814.49 M91 Religion in education (see his Essays; mis- cellaneous 1896 p.51-87) 814.49 M91 Quick, R. H. Schoolmaster's moral and re- ligious influence (see his Essays on edu- cational reformers 1891 p.492-503) 370.9 Q4 Spear, S:T. Religion and the state; or, The Bible and the public schools 1876 377.1 Sp3 Sunday school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious education 1901 (Christian knowledge lectures) 377 Su7 See also Bible in the school; Kulturkampf; Moral education; Sunday school Religious history See Church history RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Dollinger, J: J: I. von History of religious liberty (see his Ad- dresses on historical and literary subjects 1894 p.229-254) 834.89 D69 Holland, F:M. Rise of intellectual liberty 1885 901 H71 ScHAFF, Philip Progress of religious free- dom as shown in the history of toleration acts 1889 261.7 Schl See also Church and state Religious orders See Chivalry; Jansenists; Jesuits; Monastic orders RELIGIOUS POETRY Vaughan, Henry Silex scintillans, etc. 1891 821.49 V46 See also Hymns RELIGIOUS SERVICES See Worship Reliques of ancient English poetry Percy, Thomas bishop ed. 821.08 P41 REMBRANDT (REMBRANDT HERMANZOON VAN RUN) 1607-1669 Hurll, E. M. ed. Rembrandt; a collection of fifteen pic- tures and a portrait of the painter with in- troduction and interpretation *1899 CRiv- erside art series) B R28 Reminiscences of a very old man Sartain, John B Sa7 Remsen, Ira Inorganic chemistry Ed.4,enL 827p.il.O N.Y.Holt,1895<=89 (American science series; advanced course) 546 R28 Bemusat, comtesse de (Claire Elisabetli Jeanne Gravier de Vergennes) 1780-1821 Mem- oirs, 1802-1808; with preface and notes by her grandson, Paul de R^musat; tr. from the French by Mrs Cashel Hoey and John Lillie 707p.D N.Y.Appleton,1900 B R28 R6musat, Paul de ed. Remusat, comtesse dk Memoirs, 1802-1808 1900 B R28 RENAISSANCE Burckhardt, Jacob Civilisa- tion of the renaissance in Italy 1892 945 B89 405 Cambridge modern history The renaissance 1903 '02 940.6 C14 GooDVEAR, W:H: Renaissance and modem art 1900n894 709 G63r HoPPiN, J. M. Early renaissance {see his Early renaissance and other essays on art subjects 1892 p.1-55) 704 H77 Pater, W. H. Renaissance; studies in art and poetry 1890 824.89 P27r Payne, Joseph The revival of learning (see his Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.35-44) 370.9 P29 Smith, T:R. Architecture; Gothic and re- naissance 1893 {Illustrated handbooks of art education) 723.4 Sm5 Symonds, J: a. Renaissance in Italy; the age of the despots 1888 945.05 Sy6 Renaissance in Italy; the Catholic reaction 1887 282 Sy6 Renaissance in Italy; the fine arts 1888 709.45 Sy63 Renaissance in Italy; Italian literature 1888 . 945 Sy6 Renaissance in Italy; revival of learning 1881 '88 850.9 Sy6 Whitcomb, Merrick Literary source-book of the Italian renaissance 1898 850.9 W58 See also Humanists; Middle ages; also The name of the country; also Alcuin; Charle- magne; Erasmus RENAN, JOSEPH ERNESTE 1823-1892 Maz- ziNi, Giuseppe M. Renan and France {see Mazzini, Giuseppe Essays n.d. p.299-332) 854.89 M45 "Histoire generate et systime compare des langues semitiques" Mueller, F:M. Semitic monotheism {in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.l,p.337- 374) 824.89 M91 RENNELL, JAMES 1742-1830 Makkham, C. R. Major James Rennell and the rise of modern geography 1895 {Century science series) B R29 Bennle, James Insect surchitecture New ed. enl. by J:G:Wood 439p.il.D Lond.Bell, 1888 595.7 R29 Senton, William Outlines of English literature 248p.D N.Y.Scribner,1893 {University extension manuals) 820.2 R29 Repplier, Agnes Memoirs and biographies {see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.95-135) 028 C83 Philadelphia; the place and the people 392p. il.por.D N.Y.MacmiUan,1898 974.81 R29 comp. Book of famous verse 244p.S Bost. Houghton,1892 {Riverside library for young people) 821.08 R29 REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT GuizoT, F. P. G. History of the origin of repre- sentative government in Europe 1861 321.7 G94 Maine, 5tr H:J. S. Popular government 1886 321.8 M28 Mill, J:S. Considerations on representative government 1875 321.8 M59 Spencer, Herbert Representative govern- ment — what is it good fort {in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.3,p.283-325) 824.89 Sp3 Representative men Emerson, R. W. 9 Em3 Representative men Froude, J. A. (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l, p.465-485) 824.89 F93 Republic of childhood Wiggin, Mrs K.. Dr (Smith) and Smith, N. A. 372.2 WeS REPUBLICS Hyslop, J. H. Democracy; a study of government 1899 321.8 H99 Maine, Sir H:J. S. Popular government; four essays 1886 321.8 M28 Plato Republic 1881*88 321.8 P69 See also Democracy; Political science; Rep- resentative government; also The name of the republic Residence at the court of London Rush, Richard B R89 RESIDENCES See Architecture Resources Emerson, R. W. {see his Letters and social aims 1893'75'83 p.l31-148) 814.36 EmSle Responsibility in mental disease Maudsley, Henry 132 M44r REST Brackett, A.. C. Technique of rest 1893'92 613,7 B72 RES RES 406 Call, A. P. As a matter of course 1894 613.7 C13 Power through repose 1893'91 613.7 C13p Mitchell, S. W. Wear and tear ; or, Hints for the overworked «1871 ' 613.8 M69 Return from Parnassus (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.9,p.97-217) 822.08 D66 REUCHLIN, JOHANN 1455-1522 Barnard, Henry ed. The Schlettstadt school and John Reuchlin {see Barnard, Henry ed. German educational reformers 1878 p.85- 96) 370.943 B25 Beumbnt, Alfred von Lorenzo de' Medici, the magnificent; tr. from the German by Robert Harrison 2v.O Lond.Smith,1876 B M46r Revenger 's tragedy Toxjrneur, Cyril (in Dods- ley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l0,p.l-105) 822.08 D66 Revenue See Finance; Tariff; Taxation Revival op learning See Renaissance Revolution, French See France — History, Revolution Revolution, United States See United States — History, Revolution Revolutionary and Napoleonic era Rose, J:H. 940 R72 Revolutionary times Abbott, Edward 973.3 Ab2 Reynard the Fox Froude, J. A. {in his Short studies on great subjects 1891*92 v.l, p.486-507) 824.89 F93 Reynolds, Leywarcli Madoc 1893 ed. Stephens, Thomas 973.1 St4 REYNOLDS, Sir JOSHUA 1723-1792 Cun- ningham, Allan Sir Joshua Reynolds {see Cunningham, Allan Great English painters 1886 p.166-252) * 9 C91 HuRLL, E. M. ed. Sir Joshua Reynolds; a coUection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter, with introduction and inter- pretation '1900 {Riverside art series) B R33 Discourses; ed. by Helen Zimmern . . . 283p. D Lond.Scott,1887 {Camelot series) 704 R33 Beynolds, Samuel Harvey ed. Bacon, Francis Essays 1890 824.3 B13e Reynolds, William Morton tr. Acrelius, Iseael History of New Sweden 1874 974.8 Ac7 RHETORIC Bain, Alexander On teaching English 1887 808 B16o Sainton, George ed. 1890 Art of authorship 808 B17 Campbell, George Philosophy of rhetoric 1885 808 C15 Carpenter, G : R. Exercises in rhetoric and English composition 1893 808 C22 DeQuincey, Thomas Style Rhetdric {see his Literary criticism "=1853 '76 p.l72- 371) 824.81 D441 HiGGiNSON, T:W. Hints on writing and speech making 1887 808 H53 Hill, A. S. Johnson, Rossiter 1903 Our English 1889<=88 808.4 H55 Alphabet of rhetoric 808 J62 Reade, a. a. How to write English ; a prac- tical treatise on English n.d. 808 R22 Spencer, Herbert The philosophy of style {in his Essays; scientific, political and spec- ulative 1891 v.2,p.333-369) 824.89 Sp3 Wendell, Robert English composition 1895 808 W48 See also Conversation; Drama, The.; Elocu- tion; Eloquence; Esthetics; Literary criti- cism; Orations and oratory; Poetry RHINE, THE Guerber, H. M. A. Legends of the Rhine 1895 398.2 G931 Stoddard, J : L. The Rhine (in his Lectures 1898«=97 v.7,p.l-112) 910 St6 Ehoades, Lillian lone Story of Philadelphia 384p.il.D N.Y.American book co,«1900 974.8 R34 Contents: — First settlers on the Dela- ware; William Penn; Penn's voyage and landing; Early settlers under Penn; Penn and the Indians; Penn's government; Penn and Philadelphia; Germantown and Its founder; Early education In Philadelphia; Old Swedes' church; Old Christ church; Franklin in Philadelphia; Franklin and his kite; Franklin as a statesman; Bartram and his garden; David Rittenhouse; Car- penters' hall; First Continental congrress; Declaration of independence, July 4, 1776; Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of independence; General Washington In Phil- adelphia; Independence hall; Independence 407 square; Liberty bell; Christopher Ludwlg; Lydla Darrah; Battle of Germantown; Mls- chlanza; Robert Morris; Betsy Ross and the flag; President Washingrton in Philadel- phia; Congress hall; Benjamin Rush; Stephen Girard; Women of Philadelphia; Fairmount park comp. Philadelphia — Education, Board of Pedagogical library Bibliography of child study n.d. 372c P53 Bhodes, James Ford History of the United States from the compromise of 1850 4v.O X.Y.Macraillan,1902«1892 973 R34 Bhys, Ernest ed. Dekker, Thomas Plays n.d 822.39 D36 Malory, Sir Thomas Noble and joyous history of King Arthur .n.d. 398.2 M29n Bhys, John Stories in the Arthurian legend 411p.O Oxf .Clarendon press,1891 398.2 R34 Bhythmic heredity Hiller, H. C. 110 H55 Biano, Juan F. Industrial arts in Spain 276p. il.O Lond.Chapman,1879 (South Ken- itington museum art handbooks) 670 B35 Sibot, Augustin Theodtile Diseases of memory; an essay in the positive psychology 209p.D Lbnd.Paul,1882 (International scientific series) 132.8 R35 English psychology; tr. from the French 328p. O N.Y.Appleton,1874 150 R35 Contents: — Introduction; Hartley; Mr James Mill; Mr John Stuart Mill; Mr Her- bert Spencer; Mr Bain; Mr George Henry Lewes; Mr Samuel Bailey; Conclusion German psychology of to-day; the empirical school; tr. from the 2d French ed. by J. M. Baldwin, with a preface by James McCosh 307p.O N.Y.Seribner,1886 150 E35g Heredity; a psychological study of its phenom- ena, laws, causes, and consequences; tr. from the French 393p.D N.Y.Appleton,1883 136.3 R35 Psychology of attention 121p.D ChicOpen- court publishing co,1890 150 R35 Psychology of the emotions 455p.D Lond. 8cott,1897 (Contemporary science series) 157 E35 Bicardo, David First six chapters of the prin- ciples of political economy and taxation, 1817 118p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1895 (Eco- nomic classics) 330 R35 Principles of political economy and taxation; ed. with introductory essay, notes and ap- pendices by E:C:R. Gonner 455p.D Lond. Bell,1891 330 R35p 1772-1823 Bagehot, Walter Ricardo (see Bagehot, Walter Economic studies 1895 p.197-208) 330 B14 DeQuixcey, Thomas Dialogues of three tem- plars on political economy (see his Politics and political economy '1859 '77 p.l95- 287) 824.81 D44p Toynbee, Arnold Ricardo and the old politi- cal economy (see Toynbee, Arnold Lec- tures on the industrial revolution of the 18tb century in England 1890 p.1-26) 330.9 T66 Bice, Joseph M. Public school system of the United States 308p.il.D N.Y'^.Century co, 1893 379.73 R36 RICHARD III, king of England, 1452-1485 Gaird- ner, James History of the life and reign of Richard the third 1898 B R38 Bichard, Ernest German school system The Prus- sian schools taken as a standard, with illus- trative chart 16p.O University of the city of New York,1893 (New York — University of the city of, School of pedagogy Contri- butions) 379.43 R38 School system of France . . . 20p.tab. O University of the city of New York,1893 (New York — University of the city of, School of pedagogy Contributions) 379.44 R38 Bichard, James William Philipp Melanchthon, the Protestant protector of Germany 399p. por.pLO N.Y.Putnam,1902«1898 (Heroes of the reformation) B M48 RICHARD OF CIRENCESTER (»)-1401(t) Giles, J: A. Richard of Cirencester on the ancient state of Britain (see Giles, J: A. Six old English chronicles 1891 p.417- 501) 942.01 G39 Richards, Mrs Ellen Henrietta (Swallow) Chem- istry of cooking and cleaning; a manual for housekeepers 90p.D Bost.E8tes,1882«81 641 R39 Food materials and their adulterations 183p. D Bost.Estes,l 886*85 (Household manu- aU) 643 R39 and Woodman, A. O. Air, water, and (ood from a sanitary standpoint Ed.2,enl. 262p. il.map,0 N.Y.Wiley4904'00 613 R39 RIC RIC 408 Bichardson, Benjamin Ward Commonhealth; a series of essays on health and felicity . . . 336p.D Lond.Longmans,1887 613.04 R39 Diseases of modern life leton,1880 520p.O N.Y.Ap- 616 E39 Bichardson, Charles Francis American litera- ture, 1607-1885 2v.O N.Y.Putnam,1887 '89<'86 810.9 E39 Richardson, H. T. Parsons, Frank and Crawford, F. E. World 's best books 1889 E028 P25 Bichardson, James Daniel comp. Compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents 1789-1897 lOv.por.O Wash.govt.pr.o. 1898<>97 K328.73 E39 EICHELIEU, CAEDINAL and due D'AEMAND JEAN DU PLESIS) 1585-1642 Lord, John Cardinal Eichelieu (m Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883 '96 v.4, p.59-87) 904 L88 EiCHES See Wealth Bichmond, Ennis Through boyhood to man- hood; a plea for ideals 194p.D Lond. Longmans,1899 377 E41 EICHTEE, JEAN PAUL FEIEDEICH 1763- 1825 Autobiography {see his Levana 1876 p.1-66) 370 E41 Biography {see his Levana 1876 p.ll- 44pref.) 370 E41 Carlyle, Thomas Jean Paul Friedrich Eich- ter {in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.l,p.l-25;v.2, p.72-137) 824.89 C19 Levana; or, The doctrine of education; tr, from the German; preceded by a short bi- ography of the author and his autobiog- raphy, a fragment 413p.D Lond.Bell,1876 '91 370 E41 DeQuincey, Thomas John Paul Frederick Eichter {see DeQuincey, Thomas Bio- graphical and historical essays '1853 '77 p.508-547) 824.81 D44 Wells, B : W. Eichter and the romantic school {see Wells, B:W. Modem German litera- ture 1897 p.290-323) 830.9 W46 Bickaby, Jolin First principles of knowledge 412p,D N.Y.Benziger,n.d. {Manuals of Catholic philosophy) 110 E42 General metaphysics 398p.D N.Y.Benziger, n.d. {Manuals of Catholic philosophy) 110 E42g Bickaby, Joseph Moral philosophy; or. Ethics and natural law Ed.3 378p.D N.Y. Benziger,n.d. {Manuals of Catholic philos- ophy) 170 E42 Bicks, George and Vaughan, Joseph Hand and eye-training Colour-work 32p.il.pl.Q Lond. Cassell,1895 . 372.2 E42 Hand and eye-training oured papers Ed.3 sell,1895 Designing with col- 47p.pl.Q Lond.Cas- 372.2 E42 Hand and eye-training Modelling in card- board 48p.il.pl.O Lond.Cassell,1894 372.2 E42 and others Hand and eye training 5v.Q Lond.Cassell,n.d. 372.2 E42 Riddle, William Nicholas Comenius; or, Ye Pennsylvania schoolmaster of ye olden time 469p.il.pl.O Lancaster, Wickersham,1897 813.49 E43 Riehl, A. The principles of the critical phil- osophy; introduction to the theory of science and metaphysics; tr. by Arthur Fairbanks 346p.O Lond.Paul,1894 {English and foreign philosophical library) 101 E44 Rieke, G. A. Man as the subject of education {see Barnard, Henry ed. German peda- gogy 1876 p.559-576) 370.8 B25g EIENZO, COLO DI 1313 (?) -1354 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Lo Papolo, and the tribune of the people {see Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of modern Eome 1895 p.379-510) 945.6 013 Rigg, James Harrison National education, in its social conditions and aspects, and public elementary school education, English and foreign 517p.D Lond.Strahan,1873 370.9 R44 Eiggs, Mrs Kate Douglas (Wiggins) {see Wig- gins, Mrs Kate Douglas (Smith) Eight See Ethics Eights of woman See Woman Riis, Jacob August Battle with the slum 465p.il.por.O N.Y.Macmillan,1902 331.8 E44 Children of the poor 300p.il.pl.O N.Y. Scribner,1892 331.8 B44e 409 Children of the poor {see Woods, R. A. and others Poor in great cities 1895 p.86- 130) 331.8 W86 How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York 304p.il.pl.D N.Y. Scribner,1892'90 331.8 R44h Making of an American 443p.il.pl.por.O N.Y. Macmillan,1902«01 B R44 Biley, James Whitcomb A child-world 209p. pI.D Indianapolis.Bowen-Merrill.l897«96 811.4 R45 Bimmer, Alfred Rambles round Eton and Har- row 290pil.D Lond.Chatto,1882 914.257 R46 RIO DE LA PLATA Palorave, W:G. From MonteWdeo to Paraguay (see his Ulysses 1887 p.246-302) 904 P17 Rip Van Winkle Irving, Washington 817.24 IrSr EIPLEY, EZRA 1751-1841 Emeksox, R. W. Ezra Ripley (see Emerson, R. W. Lec- tures and biographical sketches 1893*83 p.355-370) 814.36 Em31 RIPLEY, GEORGE 1802-1880 Frothingham. O. B. George Ripley '1882 (American men of letters) B R48 Bipley, William Zebina Races of Europe; a sociological study . . . 624pil.por.pl.maps. O N.Y.Appleton,1899 (Lowell institute lectures) 572 R48 A selected bibliography of the anthropology and ethnology of Europe; supplementary to the "Races of Europe" 160p.O N.Y. Appleton,1899 572 R48 Rise and early constitution of universities Laurie, S. S. 378.1 L37 Rise of formal satire in England Alden, R. M. 827 A12 Rise of intellectual liberty Holland, F:M. 901 H71 Rise of the Dutch republic Motley, J:L. 949.2 M85r Rise of the republic of the United Stat«s Froth- ingham, Richard 321.8 F93 Bisley, Samuel D. School hygiene 418p.il.pl.O n.pn.d. 371.7 R49 Bltchie, Mrs Anne Isabella (Thackeray) Rec- ords of Tennyson, Ruskin, Browning 190p. por.pl.facsim.O N.Y.Harper,1892 B T25 RITTENHOUSE, DAVID 1732-1796 Bahton, William Memoirs of the life of David Rit- tenhouse 1813 B R51 Penxypacker, S:W. David Rittenhouse, the American astronomer (see Pennypacker, S:W. Historical and biographical sketches 1883 p.59-88) 974.8 P38 Rhoades, L. I. DaA-id Rittenhouse (see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia «1900 p.135-146) 974.8 R34 Riverby Burroughs, John 814.41 B94r Riverside aldine series Warner, C : D. My sum- mer in a garden '1870 '98 817.41 W24 Riverside art series V. 1 Raphael B R18 v. 2 Rembrandt B R28 V, 3 Michelangelo * B M58 V. 4 Millet B M61 V. 5 Reynolds B R33 V. 6 Murillo B M94 V. 7 Greek sculpture 733 H93 V. 8 Titian B T53 V. 9 Landseer B L23 V. 10 Correggio B C81 V. 11 Tuscan sculpture 733 H93t V. 12 Van Dyck B V28 Riverside library for young people V. 1 FiSKE, John War of independence 1893''89 973.3 F54w V. 2 ScuDDER, H. E. George Washington 1894'^86 '89 B W278 V. 3 Merriam, F. a. (afterward Mrs Bailey) Birds through an opera glass 1893'89 598.2 M55b V. 4 Bamford, M.. E. Up and down the brooks 1893'89 595.7 B21 V. 5 Greene, Homer Coal and the coal mines 1893*89 622 G83 V. 6 IjARCom, LtJCY New England girlhood «1889 B L32 V. 7 HiGGiNSON, Mrs S.. J. Java, the pearl of the East 1893*90 919.22 H53 V. 8 Pain-e, H. E. Girls and women 1890 374 P25 V. 9 Repplier, Agnes camp. Book of famous verse 1892 821.08 R29 V. 10 Griffis, W:E. Japan in history, folk- lore and art 1894*92 952 G87 V. 11 Griffis, W:E. Brave little Holland and what she has taught us 1894 949.2 087 Riverside science series Gore, J. H. Geodesy 1891 526 G66 RIV RIV RIVIERA Green, J :R: Sketches in sunshine (see his Stray studies from England and Italy 1876 p.31-81) 824.89 G82 LenthiSric, C:P. M. The Riviera; ancient and modern 1895 914.49 L54 ROADS Shaler, N. S. American highways 1896 625.7 Shi See also Railways Boark, Buric Nevel Economy in education 252p.D N.Y.American book co,<=1905 371c R53 Method in education 348p.D N.Y.Ameri- can book eo,<=1899 371b R53 . Psychology in education . . . 312p.D N.Y. American book co,1895 370.2 R53 Robert, Earl of Huntingdon, Death of Chettle, Henry and Munday, Anthony (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.8,p.208-327) 822.08 D66 Robert, Earl of Huntington, Downfall of Mun- day, Anthony (tn Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.8,p.93-207) 822.08 D66 ROBERT I (ROBERT BRUCE), Icing of Scotland, 1274-1329 Maxwell, Si/r H. E. Rob- bert the Bruce and the struggle for Scot- tish independence 1897 (Heroes of the nations) B R54 Boberts, Charles Manual of anthropometry; or, A guide to the physical examination and measurement of the human body . . . v.p. il.tables,0 Lond.ChurchiU,1878 573.6 R54 Boberts, Ellis Henry New York; the planting and the growth of the empire state 2v.map, D Bost.Houghton,1887 (American com- monwealths) 974.7 R54 ROBERTS, JOHN 17th century Whittier, J: G. (in his Prose works 1893'=66'89 v.2,p.l04-129) 814.39 W61 Boberts, Bobert Davies Earth's history; an in- troduction to modern geology 270p.il.pl. •map,D N.Y.Scribner,1893 (University extension mamuils) 551 R54 Eighteen years of university extension 129p. mapSjD Cambridge university pres8,1891 378.13 R54 410 ed. Education in the nineteenth century . . . 274p.D Cambridge university press,1901 370.4 R54 Contents: — Christian work in public schools, by H. M. Butler; Some aspects of theory and practice in infant education, by Agnes Ward; Primary education in the nineteenth century, by Sir Joshua Fitch; Secondary education legislation, with spe- cial reference to problems awaiting solu- tion, by R. P. Scott; Secondary education of girls and the development of girls' high schools, by Miss F. Gadesden; Teaching of history in England during the nineteenth century, by H. L. Withers; Teaching of science in schools, by C. W. Kimmins; In- dustrial education, by Sir Philip Magnus; Training of teachers, by E. P. Hughes; University extension movement, by Sir Richard Jebb; Higher education of women, by Mrs Henry Sidgwick; National educa- tion and social ideals, by M. E. Sadler; Outlines of the development of educational ideas during the nineteenth century, by W. . Rein Robertson, Alexander Through the Dolomites Ed.2,enl. Lond.Allen,1903 914.5 R54 Robertson, Charles Grant Making of the Eng- lish nation, 55-1135 113p.maps,S N.Y. Scribner,1896 (Oxford mamuils of English history) 942.01 R54 Robertson, Eric Sutherland Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 177p.D Lond. Scott,1887 (Great writers) B L86 Contains a bibliography ed. Great writers Eobertson, George Croom Elements of general philosophy; ed. by C. A. F. R. Davids 365p. D N.Y.Scribner,1896 (University series) 100 R54 Elements of psychology; ed. by C. A. F. R. Davids 268p.D N.Y.Scribner,1896 150 R54 Hobbes 240p.por.D Phil.Lippincott,1886 (Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 H65 Robertson, J. Logie ed. Burns, Robert Let- ters 1887 B B93 Robertson, John Mackinnon Modern human- ists; sociological studies of Carlyle, Mill, Emerson, Arnold, Ruskin and Spencer, with an epilogue on social reconstruction 275p.D Lond.Sonnenschcin,1891 (Social science series) 304 R54 Robertson, William History of the reign of the Emperor Charles V; with an account of his life after his abdication by W:H. Pres- 4U cott . . . 3v.por.D Phil.Lippincott,«1856 '84 B C38r BOBIN HOOD BuuriNCH, Thomas Robin Hood of Sherwood forest Bobin Hood and his adventures (see Bulfinch, Thomas Age of chivalry «1858 '84 p.343-361) 398.2 B87 Bobins, Edwin Proctor Some problems of Lotze's theory of knowledge; ed. by J. E: Creighton 108p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1900 (Cornell university Studies in philosophy) 193.8 Ro5 Bobinson, E. G. How I was educated (see College and the church 1887 p.91-101) 370.4 C68 BOBINSON, HENRY CBABB 1775-1867 Bage- HOT, Walter Henry Crabb Robinson (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.3.p.235-250) 824.89 B14 p. Bobinson, James Harvey ed. The French revolution, 1789-1791 (in Pennsylvania, University of Translations and reprints from the original sources of European his- tory 1897 v.l,no.5) 940 P38 Napoleon and Europe (in Pennsylvania, University of Translations and reprints from the original sources of European his- tory 1897 v.2,no.2) 940 P38 The pre-re formation period (in Pennsylva- nia, University of Translations and re- prints from the original sources of European history 1897 v.3,no.6) 940 P38 Reaction after 1815 and European policy of Metternich (in Pennsylvania, University of Translations and reprints from the orig- inal sources in European history 1897 v.l. no.3) 940 P38 and Bolfe, H:W. Petrarch; the first mod- ern scholar and man of letters; a selection from his correspondence designed to illus- trate the beginnings of the renaissance 436p.por.fac3im.O N.Y.Putnam,1898 B P44 and Whltcomb, Merrick ed. Period of the early reformation in Germany (in Penn- sylvania, University of Translations and reprints from the original sources of Euro- pean history 1897 v.2^o.6). 940 P38 Bobinson, Bowland Evans Vermont; a study in ' independence 370p.map,D Bost.Hough- i ton,1892 (American commonwealths) 974.3 R56 Bobinson, William Clarke and Kennedy, H. M. tr. Brink, B. E, C. ten History of English Uterature 1889 '93'83 '92 820.9 B77 Bobson, William tr. Michaxji), J. F. History of the crusades n.d. 940.4 M58 Bobynson, Balphe tr. More, Sir Thomas Uto- pia 1891 321.8 M81u ROCHESTER, JOHN WILMOT earl OF 1647- 1680 Johnson, Samuel Rochester (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref. 1896 v.l,p.227-238) 9 J62 Bockwell, Julius Ensign Shorthand instruction and practice 206p.tab.O Wash.govt.pr.o. 1893 (United States — EfJucation, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 The teaching, practice and literature of short- hand 182p.tab.O Wash.govt.pr.o.l885 (United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 ROCKY MOUNTAINS Irving, Washington Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U.S.A., in the Rocky mountains and the far West n.d. 917.8 Ir8 Bound with Washington Irving's "Astoria" RODBERTUS. JOHANN KARL 1805-1875 Ely, R:T. Rodbertus (see Ely, R:T. French and German socialism «1883 p.156-169) 335 E19 KiRKUP, Thomas Rodbertus (see Kirkup, Thomas History of socialism 1892 p.117-123) 335 K63 RODNEY, GEORGE BRYDGES baron 1718- 1792 Hannay, David Rodney 1891 (English men of action) B R61 Bodway, James Story of forest and stream 202p.il.S Lond.Newnes,1897 (Library of popvXar Inoii-ledge) 634 R61 Bodwell, John Medows tr. 1876 Koran El-Kor'an 297 K84 Boemer, Jean Origins of the English people and of the English language 658p.O N.Y. Appleton,1888'87 420.9 R62 ROEMER, OLAUS (T)-1710 Lodge, 5tr 0:J. Roemer and Bradley and the velocity of light (see Lodge, Sir 0:J. Pioneers of science 1893 p.232-253) 509 L82 ROENTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD Barker, G: F: ed. and tr. Roentgen rays 1899«98 (Harper's scientific memoirs) 530 B24 ROE ROE 412 Roentgen rays See X rays Roger of Wendover Flowers of history com- prising the history of England from the de- scent of the Saxons to 1235 . . . tr, from the Latin by J: A. Giles 2v.D Lond. Bohn,1849 942 R63 Sogers, James Edwin Thorold Economic inter- pretation of history 547p.O N.Y.Put- nam,1888 330.9 R63 Education in Oxford; its method, its aids and its rewards 266p.O Lond.Smith,1861 378.42 E63 Six centuries of work and wages; the history of English labour 591 p.O X.Y.Putnam, 1884 331 R63 Story of Holland 388p.il.maps,D N.Y.Put- nam,1892'^88 {Story of the nations) 949.2 R63 ed. Smith, Adam Wealth of nations 1880 330 Sm5 Sogers, Samuel Poetical works; with a memoir by Edward Bell New ed.enl. 392p.por.D Lond.Bell,1892 (Aldine edition of the Brit- ish poets) 821.79 R63 Roget, Peter Mark Thesaurus of English words and phrases . . . ]Sew ed.enl. by Barnas Sears 271p.O PhU.Lippincott,1883 R424 R63 ROLAND Baldwin, James Story of Roland 1895'=83'88 (Heroes of the olden time) 398.2 B19 Ragozin, Mme Z.. A. Frithjof, the viking of Norway; and Roland, the paladin of France 1899 (Tales of the heroic ages) 398.2 R12 ROLAND, DE LA PLATIERE MADAME (MA- NON JEANNE PHILIPON) 1754-1793 DoBSON, H:A. Madame Roland (see Dobson, H:A. Four French women n.d. p.29-59) 9 D65 Rolfe, Henry Winchester and Robinson, J. H. Petrarch; the first modern scholar and man of letters 1898 B P44 Rolfe, William James Elementary study of English; hints to teachers 86p.D N.Y. Harper,1896 820.7 R64 Shakespeare the boy ; with sketches of the home and school life, the games and sports, the manners, customs and the folk-lore of the time 251p.por.D N.Y.Harper,1896 822.33 Shir ed. Craik, G:L. 1892<'67 English of Shakespeare 822.33 C84 Rolleston, Thomas William Hazen Life of Gott- hold Ephraim Lessing 218p.D Lond. Scott,1889 (Great loriters) B L56 Contains a bibliography ed. Davis, T:0. Prose writings n.d. 824.89 D29 tr. Epictetus The teaching of Epictetus; being the ' ' Encheiridion of Epictetus ' ', with selections from the ' ' Dissertations ' ' and ''Fragments" n.d. 188.7 Ep4h ROLLIN, CHARLES 1661-1714 Compayr^, Gabriel Rollin et le traite des etudes (see Compayre, Gabriel Histoire critique des doctrines de 1 'education en France 1883 v.l,p.430-457) 370.944 C73 Rollins, Frank School administration in mu- nicipal government 1902 (Columbia uni- versity Contributions to philosophy, psy- chology and education) 371c R65 Rollins, George W. ed. Erckmann, Emile and Chatrian, Alexandre Madame Therese ^891 843.85 Er2 Roman and the Teuton, The Kingsley, Charles 940.1 K61 Roman Catholic church See Catholic church ROMAN EMPERORS DeQuincey, Thomas The Caesars (see his Essays in ancient his- tory and antiquities n851 76 p.9-256) 824.81 D44es See also Julian; Marcus Aurelius Antonius Roman empire See Rome — History, Empire Roman law See Civil law Roman life under the Caesars Thomas, Emile 913.37 T36 Roman poets of the Augustan age Sellar, W:Y. 873.1 Se4 Roman society in the last century of the Western empire Dill, Samuel 937.09 D58 ROMANCE LITERATURE SiSMONDi, J. C:L. S. DE Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe 1846 809 Si8 See also Arthur, King; Charlemagne; Fic- tion; Legends; Literature; Poetry; Robin Hood; Stories Romance of a child Loti, Pierre pseud. 372b L19 413 Bomance of an empress Waliszewski, Kasimierz B C28 Romance of colonization Smith, G:6. 973.2 Sm5 Romance of the mighty deep Giberne, Agnes 910 035 Romances and extravaganzas DeQuincey, Thomas 824.81 D44r ROMANES, GEORGE JOHN 1848--1894 Romanes, Mrs G:J: Life and letters of George John Romanes 1896 B R66 Animal intelligence 520p.D N.Y.Appleton, 1883 (International scientific series) • 591.5 R66 Darwin and after Darwin . . . 3v.il.por.pl.O Chic.Open court publishing co,1892 '95 '97 . 575 R66 Essays; ed. by C. L. Morgan 253p.D Lond. Longmans,1897 104 R66 Contents: — Primitive natural history; Darwinian theory of instinct; l^Ian and brute; Mind in men and animals; Origin of human faculty; Mental differences between men and women; Wliat is the object of life; Recreation; Hypnotism; Hydrophobia and the muzzling order Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins; being a re- search on primitive nervous systems 323p. il.D Lond.Paul,188o (International scientific series) 593.2 R66 Mental evolution in animals; with a posthu- mous essay on instinct by Charles Darwin 411p.O N.Y.Appleton,1884 591.5 R66m Mental evolution in man; origin of human faculty 452p.tab.O N.Y.Appleton,1889 591.5 R66me "Mental evolution in man" Moore, A. L. Mental evolution in man (see his Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890) 104 M78 Mind and motion and monism New ed. 170p.il.D Lond.Longmans,1896 110 R66 Carus, Paul The late Professor Romanes's thoughts on religion (see his Dawn of a new era 1899 p.31-50) 204 C25 Somanes, Mrs George John ed. Life and let- ters of George John Romanes New ed. 388p.por.pl.D Lond.Longman8,1896 B R66 Romanes lecture 1894 Weismann, A:F:L. Effect of external influences upon develop- ment 576 W43 1900 Murray, J. A. H. Evolution of Eng- lish lexicography 820.3 M96 Romanism See Catholic church; Catholicism ROME Antiquities BoissiER, M:L:G. Rome and Pompeii 1896 913.37 B63 Lanciani, R. a. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries 1892""88 913.37 L22 Destruction of ancient Rome ; a sketch of the history of the monuments 1899 913.37 L22d Pagan and Christian Rome 1893^92 913.37 L22p Ruins and excavations of ancient Rome 1897 913.37 L22r MiDDLETON, J : H : Remains of ancient Rome 1892 937.6 M58 RamsAy, William Manual of Roman an- tiquities 1895 913.37 R14 Shumway, E. S. A day in ancient Rome 1891<=85 . . 913.37 Sh9 Smith, William ed. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities 1882 R913.38 Sm5 WiLKiNS, A:S: Classical antiquities Roman antiquities 1882 (History primers) 937 W65 See also Ostia Education Browning, Oscar Roman education — ora- tory (see his Educational theories 1882 '88 p.18-34) 370.9 B82i Clarke, George Rome 1896 Education of children at 379.37 C55 Dill, Samuel Characteristics of Roman education and culture in the fifth century (see his Roman society in the last century of the Western empire 1899 p.383-451) 937.09 D58 Monroe, Paul Roman education (see his Source book of the history of education for the Greek and Roman period 1902'01 p.327-509) 370.938 M62 Payne, Joseph On Roman and early Chris- tian education (see his Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.22-34) 370.9 P29 ROM ROM 414 Thomas, Emile Schools and books (see his Koman life under the Caesars 1899 p.209-233) 913.37 T36 See also Cicero, Marcus Tullius; Marcus Aurelius Antonius; Quintilian (Marcus Fa- bius Quintilianus) History Abbott, J : S. C. Italy and the war for Italian independence "^1871 (Monarchies of con- tinental Europe) 945 Ab2 DeQuincey, Thomas Philosophy of Eoman history (see his Essays in ancient history and antiquities <=1851'76 p.313-336) 824.81 D44es DxjRUY, J. V: History of Rome and of the Roman people 1894 937 D93 Oilman, Arthur Story of Rome 1886 (Story of the nations) 937 G42 Gow, James Companion to school classics 1889'=88 938 G74 Klemm, L:R: Cause and effect in history (see his Educational topics of the day; chips from a teacher's workshop "^1887 p.295- 355) 371b K67 MoMMSEN, C. M. T. History of Rome 1895 937 M73h History, Ancient Bee SLY, A:H: Gracchi, Marius and Sulla 1892 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.05 B39 IHNE, J. A. F:W: Early Eome 1892 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.01 Ih5 Merivale, Charles General history of Rome B.e.753-A.D.476 1883 (Students' edi- tion) 937 M54 History, Bepuhlic 509-45 B.C. Davidson, J. L. Strachan- Cicero and the fall of the Roman republic 1894 (Heroes of the nations) B C48d Froude, J. A, Divus Csesar (in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.3,p.241-279) 824.89 F93 Merivale, Charles Roman triumvirates 1889 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.05 M54 Michelet, Jules History of the Roman re- public 1847 937.02 M58 Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage 1891 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.04 Sm5 See also Caesar, Caius Julius; Cicero, Marcus Tullius; Punic wars History, Empire 45 B.C.-476 A.D. Bury, J:B. History of the later Roman em- pire' 1889 940.2 B95 Capes, W:W. Roman empire of the second century; or, The age of the Antonines 1891 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.07 C17 Roman history; the early empire TL891 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.07 C17r CuRTEis, A. M. History of the Roman em- pire 1875 (Historical handbooJcs) 937.09 C94 Gibbon, Edward History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire 1881 940.1 G35 HoDGKiN, Thomas Dynasty of Theodosius; or, Eighty years ' struggle with the barbar- ians 1889 937.09 H66 MoMMSEN, C. M. T. History of Rome; the provinces from Caesar to Diocletian 1887 937 M73 See also Byzantine empire; Goths; also Constantine I History, Medieval 476-1453 Gregorovius, Ferdinand History of the city of Rome in the middle ages 1894,1900 937.09 G86 See also Charlemagne History, Modern 1453- Garnett, Richard Rome and the temporal power (see Cambridge modem history The renaissance 1903=02 p.219-252) 940.6 C14 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of modern Rome 1895 945.6 013 Politics and government BoissiER, M. L. G. Cicero and his friends; a study of Roman society in the time of Caesar 1897 B C48 TiGHE, Ambrose Development of the Roman constitution 1886 (History primers) 937 T44 415 WiLSOX, WOODROW Greece and Rome p.30-128) The governments of (see his The state 1889 350.9 W69 Social life and customs Becker, W:A. Gallus; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus 1895 913.37 B38 Diix, Sam\jel Roman society in the last century of the Western empire 1899 937.09 D58 GuHL, E. K: and Eoner, W:D: Life of the Greeks and Romans 1876 913.38 G93 Prestox, H. W. and Dodge, Louise Private life of the Romans «1893 (Students' se- ries of Latin classics) 913.37 P92 Thomas, Emile Caesars 1899 Roman life under the 913.37 T36 Travel and description Crawford, F. M. 1898 Ave Roma immortalis 914.5 C85 Hare, A:J:C, Walks in Rome n.d. 914.56 H22 Harrison, Frederic Rome revisited (see his Meaning of history and other historical pieces 1902 p.252-283) 904 H24 HuTTON, Laurence Literary landmarks of Rome 1897 914.56 H97 Roosevelt, Theodore American ideals and other essays social and political, with a biograph- ical sketch by General F. W. Greene 371p. D N.Y.Pntnam,1903'1897 304 R67 Gouverneur Morris 370p.D Bost.Houghton, 1892*86 (American statesmen) B M83 Naval war of 1812; or, The history of the United States na\y during the last war with Great Britain . . . Ed.3 541p.il.O N.Y. Putnam,1883<^82 973.5 R67 Contains an account of the battle of New ■Orleans Thomas Hart Benton 372p.D Bost.Hough- ton, 1892''86 (American statesmen) B B44 Winning of the West 4v.por.pl.O N.Y^ Putnam,1903 977 R67 Boot, N. W. Taylor School amusements; or, How to make school interesting; embracing simple rules for military and gymnastic ex- ercises and 'hints upon the general manage- ment of the school-room 225p.pl.D N.Y. Barnes,1877'57 (Teachers' library) 371e R67 Bopes, C. J. H. and Smith, £. C. ed. and tr. Uhlhorn, J:G. W. Conflict of Christian- ity with heathenism 1892<'79 270.1 Uh6 Bopes, John Codman Army under Pope 229p. maps,D N.Y.Scribner,1881 (Campaigns of the civU war) 973.7 R68 Stoddard, J:L. Rome (in his Lectures Rosamond Addison, Joseph (in his Works 1898 v.8,p.225-336) 910 St6 1888 v.l,p.223-264) 824.52 Ad2 See also Anagni; Hadrian's viUa BOMERO, JULLAN (?)-1577 or 1578 Hume, M. A. S. Julian Romero swashbuckler (see Hume, M. A. S. Year after the Armada 1896 p.73-121) 946 H88y Eood, Ogden Nicholas Students' text-book of color; or. Modern chromatics with applica- tions to art and industry 329p.il.pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1881«79 (International scien- tific series) 535.6 B67 Booper, Thomas Godolphin Apperception; or, The essential mental operation in the act of learning; an essay on "A pot of green feathers ' ' 58p.D 8yracuse,Bardeen,1891 (3 copies) 152 R67 Object-teaching ; or. Words and things 56p.D Syracuse,Bardeen,1892 372.3 R67 Boscher, William Principles of political econ- omy from the thirteenth (1877) (Jerman edi- tion ... tr. by J:J. Lalor 2v.O N.Y. Holt,1878 330 R71 Contains also "A preliminary essay on the application of the historical method to the study of political economy", by L. Wolawski Boscoe, Sir Henry Enfield Chemistry 113p. il.S N.Y.Appleton,1883 (Science prim- ers) (2 copies) 540 R71 ed. Century science series Science primers Boscoe, Thomas tr. Sismondi, J, C:L: 8. DX Historical view of the literahire of the south of Europe 1846 809 Si8 ROSCOMMON, WENTWORTH DILLON, earl OP Johnson, Samuel Roscommon (in John- ROS ROS 416 son, Samuel Lives of the poets pref .1896 v.l,p.239-253) 9 J62 Eose, John Holland Revolutionary and Napol- eonic era, 1789-1815 Ed.2,enl. 388p, mapSjD Cambridge university press,1895 {Cambridge historical series) 940 R72 Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, earl of Pitt 298p.D Lond.Macmillan,1893<^91 '92 (Twelve English statesmen) B P68r ROSEGGER, PETER 1843- Francke, Kuno Peter Rosegger (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modern German culture 1898 p.180-194) 834.89 F84 Eosengarten, Albert Handbook of architectural styles; tr, from the German by W. CoUett- Sandars New ed.enl. 509p.il.O Lond. Chatto,1893 723 R72 Eosenkranz, Johann Karl Friedrich Pedagogics as a system ; tr. from the German by A.. C. Brackett 148p.O St.Loms,Studley,1872 370.1 R72 Contains also "Science of education" by A. C. Brackett Philosophy of education; tr. from the German by A.. C. Brackett Ed.2,enl. with commen- tary and analysis 92p.D N.Y.Appleton, 1886 '93 '98 (International education se- ries) 370.1 R72p Barnard, Henry ed. Rosenkranz and his pedagogy (see Barnard, Henry ed. Ger- man pedagagy 1876 p.25-32) 370.8 B25 Eosenthal, Isidor General physiology of the muscles and nerves 324p.il.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1881 (International scientific series) 612 R72 Eosenthal, Lewis America and France; the in- fluence of the United States on France in the 18th century Ed.2,enl. 302p.D N.Y. Holt,1882 321.8 R72 Eosevear, Elizabeth Manual of needlework, knitting and cutting out for evening continu- ation schools 136p.il.D Lond.Macmillan, 1894 646 R72 Text-book of needlework, knitting and cutting out; with methods of teaching 460p.il.D Lond.Macmillan,1893 * 646 E72t Eosmini-Serbati, Antonio Ruling principle of method applied to education; tr. by Mrs Wil- liam Grey 363p.D Bost.Heath,1887 372a R73 Eoss, Denman W. Parker, E. O. and Patchett, S. C. Illustrations of balance and rhythm F Bost.Clarke,n.d. 745 R73 ROSS, Mrs ELIZABETH (GRISCOM) Rhoades, L. I. Betsy Ross and the flag (see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia "=1900 p.269- 280) 974.8 R34 Eoss, George Williams School system of On- tario (Canada) ; its history and distinctive features 203p.D N.Y.Appleton,1896 (International education series) 379.713 R73 Eoss, William T. Voice culture and elocution New ed.enl. 326p.D N.Y.Baker,1887'=86 808.5 R73 ROSSALL SCHOOL Staunton, Hov/ard Ros- sall school (see his Great schools of Eng- land 1865 p.491-496) 373.42 St2 ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA GEORGINA 1830- 1894 Gary, E.. L. The Rossettis; Dante Gabriel and Christina 1900 B R73 Poems 231p.pl.D Bost.Roberts,1895«=76 821.89 R73 ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL 1828-1882 Cary, E.. L. The Rossettis; Dante Gabriel and Christina 1900 B R73 Knight, Joseph Life of Dante Gabriel Ros- setti 1887 (Great writers) B R73k Poetical works ed. by W:M. Rossetti 336p. por.D Bost.Roberts,1894<=87 821.84 E73 Stedman, E. C. Latter-day singers (see his Victorian poets 1893 p.357-366) 821 StS "Poems" Sw^inburne, A, C. Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (see Swinburne, A. C: Essays and studies 1897 p.60-109) 824.89 Sw6 Eossetti, Maria Francesca Shadow of Dante; being an essay toward studying himself, his world and his pilgrimage 294p.por.pl.D Bost.Roberts,1889 851.15 R73 Eossetti, William Michael ed. Blake, Wil- liam Poetical works 1893 821.6 B58 ROSSI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA DE 1822- "La Boma Sotterranea Christiana" Mil- man, H:H. Pagan and Christian sepul- chres (see his Savonarola, Erasmus and other essays 1870 p.446-500) 824.89 M63 Eoth, Edward tr. Legouv^, Q. J. B. E. W. Art of reading 1885«79 , 808.5 L52 417 Both, M. Handbook of the movement cure . . . 368p.il.O Lond.Groombridge,1856 613.7 R74 Bouillion, Louis A course in mechanical draw- ing for evening schools and self-instruction 86p.il.S Bost.Prang educational co,1906 «1896 744 R75 Economics of hand work in elementary and secondary schools (in Teachers' college record 1901 v.2,no.5) Compatb£, Gabbicl Jean Jacques Bousseau (see Compayrfi, Gabriel Histoire critique des doctrines de 1 '6ducation en France 1883 v.2,p.34-82) 370.944 C73 Bound my house Hamerton, P. G. Boose, William Henry Denham Rugby school 420p.if.pl.O 1898 370.5 T22 914.4 H17 History of N.Y.Scribner, 373.42 R76 ROUSSEAU, JEAN JACQUES 1712-1778 Davidson, Thomas Rousseau and education according to nature 1898 (Great educa- tors) B37 R76 Hudson, W:H: Rousseau and naturalism in life and thought 1903 (World's epoch makers) B R76 MoRLEY, John Rousseau 1891^86 '88 B37 E76 Concerning education; extracts . . . with an introduction and notes by Jules Steeg; tr. by Eleanor Worthington 157p. D Bost.Gimi,1885 (Edtuxitional clas- sics) 370 R76c Emile; or, Treatise on education; abridged, translated and annotated by W:H. Payne 355p.D N.Y.Appleton,1893<=92 (Inter- national education series) 370 R76 363p.D N.Y.Appleton,1898«92 (International education series) 370 R76e ; ou, De 1 'Education 643p.por.D Par. Didot,1883 370 R76e , extraits choisis avec deux intro- ductions par Paul Souquet 313p.D Par. Delagrave,1880 (Bibliothique pedagog- ique) 370 R76em "Emile" Quick, R. H. Rousseau (see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reform- ers 1879 '91 '97«90 p.239-272) 370.9 Q41 Social contract; or. Principles of political right; tr. by H:J. Tozer . , . 247p.D Lond.Sonnen8chein,1895 320.1 R76 Browning, Oscar Rousseau (see Brown- ing, Oscar Educational theories 1882 p.134-150) 370.9 B82i Lord, John Rousseau con lights of history 61) (in Lord, John Bea- «1883 '96 v.8,p.21- 904 L88 Lowell, J. R. Rousseau and the sentimentai- ists (in Lowell, J. R. Literary essays 1892 '94^64 '90 v.2,p.232-271 ) 814.39 L95U Macdonald, Frederika Studies in the France of Voltaire and Rousseau 1895 B V88m MuNROE, J. P. Rousseau (see Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal 1895 p.153-178) 370.9 M92 Payne, Joseph Locke, Rousseau, Basedow (see Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.83-96) 370.9 P29 Texte, Joseph Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the cosmopolitan spirit in literature 1899 B R76 Eousselot, Paul Pedagogic a 1 'usage de I'en- seignement primaire Ed.3,enL 537p.D Paris,Delagrave,1883 • 372a R76 ed. La pedagogic feminine; extraits des prin- cipaux ecrivains qui ont traite del'fiduca- tion des femmes depuis le XVIe sifecle . . . 234p.D Par.Delgrave,1881 (Bibliothique pedagogique) 376 R76 ROWE, NICHOLAS 1673-1718 Johnson, Sam- uel Rowe (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.3,p.83-99) 9 J62 Bowe, Stuart H. Lighting of school-rooms; a manual for school boards, architects, super- intendents and teachers 94p.il.pl.D Lond. Longmans,1904 727.1 B79 ROWLANDS, SAMUEL 1570-1630 GossE, E. W: Samuel Rowlands («ee Gosse, E. W: Seventeenth century studies 1897 p.81- 102) 824.8 G69 ROWLEY, SAMUEL (f)-1633(t) Ward, A. W: Later Elizabethans (in his History of dramatic literature 1899 v.2,p.545- 550) 822.09 W21 Bowley, William Woman never vexed (m Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.85- 202) 822.08 D6« ROW ROW 418 1585(f)-1640(?) WarDjA.W: Later Elis- abethans (in his History of dramatic lit- erature 1899 v.2,p.540-545) 822.09 W21 EOWLEY POEMS Skeat, W. W: Essays on the Eowley poems (in Chatterton, Thomas Poetical works 1891 v.2,p.7-46pref.) 821.63 039 Boyal geographical society Eeport of the pro- ceedings ... in reference to the improve- ment of geographical education 343p.O Lond.Murray,1886 910.6 E81 Eoyal institution of Great Britain Lectures on education 316p.D Lond.Parker,1855 370.4 E81 Contents: — ^Influence of the history of science upon intellectual education, by W. Whewell; Observations on mental educa- tion, by Michael Faraday; On the import- ance of the study of language as a branch of education for all classes, by R. G. Latham; On the importance of the study of chemistry as a branch of education for all classes, by C:G. B. Daubeney; On the im- portance of the study of physics as a branch of education for all classes, by John Tyn- dall; The importance of the study of physi- ology as a branch of education for all classes, by James Paget; The importance of the study of economic science as a branch of education for all classes, by W. B. Hodgson EoTALTT See Monarchy Boyce, Josiah California ... a study of Amer- ican character 513p.map,D Bost.Hough- ton,1886 (American commonwealths) 979.4 E81 Conception of immortality 91p.D Bost. Houghton,1900 (Ingersoll lecture 1899) 218 E76 Outlines of psychology; an elementary treatise with some practical applications 392p.D N.Y.Macniillan,1903 150 E81 Spirit of modern philosophy; an essay in the form of lectures 519p.O Bost.Houghton, «1892 190 E81 Studies of good and evil; a series of essays upon problems of philosophy and life 384p. D N.Y.Appleton,1898 120 E81 Contents: — The problem of Job; The case of John Bunyan; Tennyson and pessimism; The knowledge of good and evil; Natural law, ethics and evolution; The implications of self -consciousness; Some observations on the anomalies of self -consciousness; Self- consciousness, social consciousness and na- ture; Originality and consciousness; Meis- ter Eckhart; An episode of early Califor- nia life: The Squatter Riot of 1850 In Sac- ramento; Jean Marie Guyau World and the individual 588p.O N.Y. Macmillan,1901 (Giford lectures 1899) 110 E81 Eoyse, N. K. Study of genius 312p.D Chie. Eand,1891 '90 132 E81 Eubaiyat Omar Khayyam 891 0ml Eudler, Frederick William and Chisholm, G:G. Eu- rope; ed, by Sir A, C. Eamsay; with eth- nological appendix by A. H. Keane 617p. maps,0 Lond.Stanford,1885 (StaTi- ford's compendium of geography and travel) 914 E83 EUGBY EousE,W:H:D. History of Eugby school 1898 373.42 E76 Eugby (see Our public schools 1881 p.147-198) 373.42 Ou7 Eugby school (see Great public schools n.d. p.141-200) 373.42 G79 Staunton, Hov^aed Eugby (see his Great schools of England 1865 p.350-403) 373.42 St2 Euined abbeys of Yorkshire Lef roy, W. C. 914.27 L52 EuiNS See Archaeology EULERS See Monarchy; Popes; Queens; also The name of the ruler Eulers of India; ed. by Sir W:W. Hunter Trot- ter, L. J. Warren Hastings 1890 B H27t Eulers of the Mediterranean Davis, E:H, 916.4 D29 Eunkle, Mrs Lucia Isabella (Gilbert) A new knock at an old door (see Brackett, A..'C. ed. Woman and the higher education 1893 p.79-102) 376 B72 Eupp, Israel Daniel Collection of upward of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776; with a statement of the names of the ships, whence they sailed, and the date of their arrival at Philadelphia, chronologically arranged . . . Ed.2,enl. 495p.O Phil.Leary,<=1875 974.8 E87 EURAL ECONOMY See Agriculture EuRAL SCHOOLS DRAPER, A. S, Supervision of country schools 1904 379.747 D79 419 VOORHEES, E:B, EUSH, BENJAMIN Benjamin Rush of Philadelphia LoNGSDORF, H. H. Consolidation of country schools and the transporting of the scholars by use of vans 1901 379.748 L86 National educational association Report of the committee of twelve on rural schools 1897 370.6 N21rep Rural schools; progress in the past; means of improvement in the future 1884 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Rural science series; ed. by L. H. Bailey Bailey, L. H. ed. Principles of agriculture 1905 630 B15 King, F. H. The soil 1905'=1895 631 K58 FertiUzers 1905a898 631 V89 1745-1813 Rhoades, L. I. (see Rhoades, L. I. Story •=1900 p.300-310) 974.8 R34 Bush, Richard Residence at the court of Lon- don; also recollections of the court of Louis Phillippe and French revolution of 1848 Ed.3, edited by Benjamin Rush 595p.por.O Lond.Hamilton,1872 B R89 EUSKIN,JOHN 1819- Griswold, H. T. John Ruskin (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894'=86 p.372-385) 9 G88 Arrows of the chace; a collection of scattered letters published chiefly in the daily news- papers, 1840-1880 416p.il.O N.Y.Bryan, 1894 826 R89 Crown of wUd olive; Munera pulveris; Pre- raphaelitism ; Aratra Pentelici 458p.il.pl.O N.y.Bryan,1894 824.86 R89 Dame Wiggins of Lee 20p.il.O Lond.Neu- man,1823 (in his Deucalion 1894) 824.86 R89d Deucalion; King of the golden river, and The eagle's nest 438p.il.pl.O N.Y.Bryan,1894 824.86 R89d Ethics of the dust; Fiction, fair and foul; Ele- ments of drawing 413p.il.O N.Y.Bryan, 1894 549 R89 Fors clavigera; letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain 4v.il.por.pl.O N.Y.Bryan,1894 704 R89 Hortus inclusus; In montibus Sanctis; Cceli enarrant; Notes on various pictures . . . 377p.por.D N.Y.Bryan,1894 704 R89h Laws of Fesole; A joy forever — "Our fathers have told us" and inaugural address . . . 435p.il.pl.O N.Y.Bryan,1894 740 R89 King of the golden river; or. The black broth- ers, a legend of Stiria 68p.il.pl.D N.Y. Merrill,n.d. 398.4 R89 Modern painters . . . 5v.pl.O N.Y.Bryan, 1894 750 R89 Mornings in Florence; Time and tide; Art of England; Notes on the construction of sheepfolds 419p.pl.O N.Y.Bryan,1894 704 R89m Poetry of architecture; Poems; Giotto and his works in Padua 389p.il.pl.O N.Y. Byran,1894 720.1 R89 Praeterita; outlines of scenes and thoughts, perhaps worthy of memory, in my past life 459p.por.O N.y.Bryan,1894 B R89 Prosperina ; Ariadne the crystal palace Bryan,1894 florentina ; Opening of 424p.il.pl.O N.Y. 580 R89 St Mark's rest; Lectures on art; Elements of perspective 413p.il.pl.O N.Y.Bryan,! 894 945 R89 Sesame and lilies; Unto this last; The queen of the air; The storm cloud of the 19th cen- tury 428p.O N.Y.Bryan,1894 824.86 R89s Seven lamps of architecture; lectures on arch- itecture and painting; study of architecture 358p.pl.O N.Y.Bryan,1894 720 R89 * ' Seven lamps of architecture ' ' Hillis, N. D. John Ruskin 's "Seven lamps of architec- ture" as interpreters of the seven laws of life — a study of the principles of character building (see Hillis, N. D. Great books as life teachers 1904'=1898 p.37-60) 814 H55 Stones of Venice 3v.il.pl.O N.Y.Bryan,1894 729 R89 Two paths; Love's meine; Val d'Arno and Pleasures of England 432p.il.pl.O N.Y. Bryan,1894 824.86 R89t Harrison, Frederic Ruskin as master of prose (see Harrison, Frederic Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other literary estimates 1900 p.48-71) 824.89 H24 Ruskin as prophet (see Harrison, Frederic Tennyson, Ruskin, Mill and other Uterary estimates 1900 p.71-97) 824.89 H24 RUS RUS 420 Euskin's eightieth birthday (see Harri- son, Frederic Tennyson, Euskin, Mill and other literary estimates 1900 p.98- 103) 824.89 H24 EiTCHiE, Mrs A.. I., (Thackeray) John Eus- kin (see Eitchie, Mrs A.. I.. (Thackeray) Eecords of Tennyson, Euskin and Browning 189.2 p.61-125) B T25 EOBERTSON, J:M. John Euskin (see Eob- ertson, J:M. Modern humanists 1891 p.184-211) 304 E54 Saintsbuby, G:E:B. Mr Euskin (see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Corrected impressions 1895 p.198-218) 824 Sa2 EUSSELL, HOUSE OF Feoude, J. A. Cheneys and the House of Eussell (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.4, p.312-351) 824.89 F93 Bussell, James Earl German higher schools; the history, organization and methods of sec- ondary education in Germany 455p.O N.Y.Longmans,1899 '98 373.43 E91 The student's Pestalozzi; a short account of his life and system . . . 100p.D Lond. Sonnenschein,1888 B37 P43r ed. American teachers ' series tr. GuiMPS, EoGER DE iaron Pestalozzi; his life and work 1897<=90 B37 P43p Russell, John Scott Systematic technical edu- cation for the English people 437p.O Lond.Bradbury,1869 607 E91 Bussell, Percy Guide to British and American novels . . . 314p.D Lond.Digby,1894 823 E91 Bussell, B. Strength and diet; a practical trea- tise with special regard to the life of na- tions 649p.O Lond.Longmans,1905 613.2 E91 Bussell, William Clark Horatio Nelson and the naval supremacy of England Ed.5 359p. pl.D N.Y.Putnam,1895<^90 (Heroes of the nations) B N33r William Dampier 192p.por.D Lond.Mac- millan,1889 (English men of action) B D18 RUSSIA See also Crimea; Nihilism; Poland; Siberia; also Catharine II Education The progress of education in Eussia 1875 ( United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 See also The name of the educator History Latimer, Mrs M.. E.. (Wormeley) Eussia and Turkey in the nineteenth century 1897 "=93 947 L34 MoEFiLL,W:E: Story of Eussia 1890 (Story of the nations) 947 M81 Eambaud, a. N. History of Eussia "=1879 '82 947 E14 See also Crimean war; Peter I Travel and description Wallace, Sir D. M. Eussia 1881 914.7 W15 See also Moscow; St Petersburg EussiAN church See Greek church Eustic retrospect, 1799 Jessop, Augustus (see his Eandom roaming and other papers 1893 p.167-193) 824.89 J49 EUYTEE, MICHAEL ADEIAANSZOON DE 1607-1676 Frothingham, J:P. Admiral Michael Adriaanszoon de Euyter (see Frothingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut 1905'=02 p.77-117) 9 F93 Ryland, F. ed. Johnson, Samuel Life of Addison 1893 (Bell's English classics) B Ad2 Life of Milton 1894 (Bell's English B M64j Life of Pope 1894 (Bell's English clas- sics) B P81j Life of Swift (Bell's English classics) B Sw5 Ryland, Frederick comp. Chronological out- lines of English literature 351p.D Lond. Macmillan,1890 820.2 E98 Rylands, L. Gordon Crime, its causes and rem- edy 254p.O Lond.Unwin,1889 364 R98 421 S., J. Andromana; or, The merchant's wife (tn Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 75 '76 v.l4, p.193-271) 822.08 D66 Sabbath school See Sunday school Sachs, Julius von History of botany, 1530-1860; tr. by H:E. F. Garnaey . . . 568p.D Oxf. Clarendon pre8s,1890 580.9 Sal Sachse, Julius Friedrich Falckner's curieuse Nachricht von Pennsylvania . . . 256p.pl.Q Phil.Sachse,1905 974.81 Sal German Pietists of provincial Pennsylvania 504p.il.pl.O Phil.1895 974.8 Sal German sectarians of Pennsylvania, 1708-1742; a critical and legendary history of the Eph- rata cloister and the Dunkers 2vil.por.pl. facsim.O Phil.n.p.1899,1900 289.9 Sal Justus Falekner, mystic and scholar, devout Pietist in Germany, hermit on the Wissa- hiekon, missionary on the Hudson; a bi-cen- tennial memorial of the first regular ordina- tion of an orthodox pastor in America, done November 24, 1703, at Gloria Dei, Philadel- phia 141p.il.por.pl.Q Phil.1903 B F18 SACRAMENTO ' (California)— Squatter riot of 1850 RoYCE, JosiAH An episode of early California life; the Squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p.298-348) 104 R81 Sacred and legendary art (Mfirphy) Jameson, Mrs A.. B. 755 J238 Sacred akt See Christian art and symbolism Sacred books of the East; ed. by F:M. Mueller Qur'an; tr. by E:Hi Palmer 1880 297 K84ko Sacred history See Bible; Church history Sacred poetry See Hymns; Religious poetry Sadi Gulistan; or. Flower garden; tr. with am essay by James Ross . . . 311p.D Lond. Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 891 Sal Sadler, M. E. National education and social ideals (see Roberts, R. D. ed. Educa- tion in the 19th century 1901 p.210-239) 370.4 R54 Safford, Mary Joanna tr. Ambrosius, Jo- hanna Poems 1897*96 831.89 Ami Ebers, G:M. Story of my life 1893 B Eb3 Safford, Truman Henry Mathematical teaching and its modern methods 51p.D Boet. Heath,l 896*86 (Monographs on edtication) 507 Sa2 ST ALBAN 'S CATHEDRAL Froude, J. A. An- nals of an English abbey (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.3, p.1-92) 824.89 F93 Saint-Amand Imbert de See Imbert de Saint- Amand, Arthur L^on baron ST ANDREWS 1893 Lang, Andrew St Andrews 941.3 L25 Mill, J:S. Inaugural address, delivered to the University of St Andrews 1867 378.41 M59 St Andrews and elsewhere Boyd, A. K. H. B B69 SAINTE-BEUVE, CHARLES AUGUSTIN 1804- 1869 Harper, G:M. Sainte-Beuve (see Harper, G:M. Masters of French literature 1901 p.217-275) 840.4 H23 Saint-Cyran See Port Royal education SAINT JOSEPH'S CHURCH (Philadelphia) Robins, Elizabeth Old Saint Joseph's (see Sylvan city; or. Quaint corners in Phil- adelphia 1883 p.109-128) 974.81 Sy5 St Louis (Missouri) — Education, Board of An- nual reports Latest volumes 379.778 Sa2 Public schools Rice, J. M. Public schools of St Louis and Indianapolis (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.92-120) 379.73 R36 St Mark 's rest Ruskin, John 945 R89 ST MICHAEL'S MOUNT (Cornwall) Muelldi, F:M. Insulation of St Michael's mount (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.3,p.316-342) 824.89 M91 St Nicholas songs 190p.il.Q N.Y.Century co, '1885 372.21 Sa2 SAI 422 SAI St Patrick See Patrick, Saint ST PAUL {Minnesota) Public schools EiCE, J. M. Public schools of Chicago and St Paul (see his Public school system of the United States 1893 p.166-192) 379.73 E36 ST PAUL 'S SCHOOL Staunton, Howard St Paul's school {see his Great schools of England 1865 p.164-209) 373.42 St2 See also Colet, John ST PETEESBUEG {Bussia) Travel and description Stoddard, J: L. St Petersburg (in his Lec- tures 1898<=97 v.6,p.225-300) 910 St6 SAINT-SIMON, CLAUDE HENEI comte DE 1760-1825 Ely, E:T. Saint-Simon {see Ely, E:T. French and German social- ism <=1883 p.53-80) 335 E19 Harpkr, G:M. The revolutionary analysis — Saint-Simon and Montesquieu {see Har- per, G:M. Masters of French literature 1901 p.85-121) 840.4 H23 KiRKUP, Thomas Saint-Simon {see Kirk-^ up, Thomaa History of socialism 1892 p.19-27) 335 K63 SAINT-SIMON, DUC DE (LOUIS DE EOUV- EOY) 1675-1755 Coolidge, Susan pseud. Due de Saint-Simon {see Coolidge, Susan pseud. An old convent school from Paris and other papers 1895 p.171-221) 814 C77 SAINT-TEOPEZ, DE SUFFEEEN 1726-1788 Frothinqham, J. P. Vice-admiral de Suf- feren Saint-Tropez {see Frothingham, J. P. Seafighters from Drake to Farragut 1905^02 p.161-212) 9 F93 SAINTS Froude, J. A. Lives of the saints {in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l,p.440-464) 824.89 F93 The Oxford counter-reformation; the lives of the saints {in his Short studies on great subjects 1891-92 v.4,p.207-222) 824.89 F93 Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) Legends of the monastic orders as represented in the fine arts 1894 755 J231 See also Christian art and symbolism; Fa- thers of the church Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman Corrected impressions; essays on Victorian writers 218p.por.D N.Y.Dodd,1895 824 Sa2 Contents:— Thackeray; Tennyson; Carlyle; Mr Swinburne; Macaulay; Browning; Dick- ens; Matthew Arnold; Three mid-century novelists; Mr William Morris; Mr Ruskin Dryden 192p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. {English men of letters) B PSl Bound with lives of Pope by Leslie Stephen and of Sidney by J: A. Symonds Flourishing of romance and the rise of allegory 429p.D N.Y.Scribner,1897 {Periods of European literature) (2 copies) 809.3 Sa2 Essays in English literature, 1780-1860 451p. D Lond.Percival,1890 824.8 Sa2 Contents: — Introductory essay; The kinds of criticism; Crabbe; Hogg; Sidney Smith; Jeffrey; Hazlitt; Moore; Leigh Hunt; Pea- cock; Wilson; DeQuincey; Lockhart; Praed; Borrow; Appendix History of Elizabethan literature 471p.D Lond.Macmillan,1891 820.9 Sa2 History of 19th century literature,1780-1895 477p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1896 820.9 Sa2h Short history of French literature Ed.5,enl. 636p.D Oxf .Clarendon press,1897 840.9 Sa2 ed. Specimens of English prose style from Malory to Macaulay 367p.D Lond.Paul, 1886 820.8 Sa2 Herrick, Egbert Poetical works 1893 821.43 H43 Periods of European literature SALADIN, sultan of Egypt and Syria, 1137-1193 Poole, Stanley Lane- Saladin and the fall of the kingdom of Jerusalem 1898 {Heroes of tffe nations) B Sa3 Salamon, Friederike child <=1893 tr. Meyer, Bertha The 649 M57 SALAMON, LOUIS-SIFFEEIN DE 1760-1829 Mgr de Salamon Unpublished memoirs of the Internuncio at Paris during the revo- lution, 1790-1801; ed. by Abbe Bridier 337p.por.O Bost.Little,1896 B SaS Sale, George tr. Koran; commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed 1895 297 K84k 423 Salicis, Oustave Adolphe Enseignetnent pri- maire et apprentissage 190p.T Paris, Sandoz,1878 607 Sal Salmagundi Irving, Washington (in Irving, Washington History of New York n.d. pt. 2) 817.24 IrSh Salmon, David Joseph Lancaster 76p.por.pl. facsim.O Lond.Longmans,1904 B L22 Longman's object lessons, hints on preparing and giving them; with full notes of complete courses of lessons on elementary science 238p.il.D N.Y.Longmans,1892 372.3 Sa3 Salmon, Lucy Majmard Domestic service 307p. O N.Y.Macnullan,1897 647 Sa3 Teaching of history in academies and colleges (see Brackett, A.. C. ed. Woman and the higher education 1893 p.131-152) 376 B72 Salmond, Stewart Dingwall Fordyce and Briggs, C:A. ed. International theological li- brary Salomon, Otto Teachers' handbook of slojd; as practised and taught at Naas, containing explanations and details of each exercise; tr. . . . by M. R. Walker and William Nelson 213p.il.D Bost.Silver,1891 694 Sa3 Salt, Henry Stephens Animals' rights consid- ered in relation to social progress 176p.S N.Y.Macmillan,1894 179 Sa3 Contains also "An essay on Vivisection in America" by Albert Lefflngwell Sampson, Henry History of advertising . . . 616p.il.pl.facsim.D Lond.Chatto,1875 G59 Sa4 Samuel, Mark Amateur aquarist; how to equip and maintain a self-sustaining aquarium 114p.D N.Y.Baker, '1894 590.7 Sa4 Samuel, William Henry The boy; a paper read before the Teachers' institute of Philadel- phia, February 17, 1894; together with the report of the representative to the National educational association at Chicago, 1893 96p.por.O Phil.Teachers ' institute,1894 371c Sa4 Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin Henry D. Thoreau 324p.por.D Bost.Houghton,1891"-82 (Amer- ican men of letters) B T39 and Harris, W:T. A. Bronson Alcott, his life and philosophy 2v.por.pl.D Bost. Bob€rt8,1893 B All SAND, GEORGE pseud. (ARMATINE LU- CILE AURORE DUPIN baroness DU- DEVANT) 1804-1876 Griswold, H. T. George Sand (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors 1894«86 p.164-175) 9 G88 Arnold, Matthew George Sand (see Ar- nold, Matthew Mixed essays 1894 p.236- 260) 824.85 Ar6m Sully, James George Sand's childhood (see Sully, James Studies of childhood 1896 p.488-513) 150.1 Su5 Sandars, Thomas Collett Hegel's philosophy of right (in Oxford essays 1855 p.213- 250) 824.89 0x2 ed. Justinian I (Flavius Anicius Justini- anus) Institutes 1888 349.37 J98 Sanday, William Inspiration; eight lectures on the early history and origin of the doctrine of Biblical inspiration Ed. 2 464p.O Lond.Longmans,1894 (Bampton lectures 1893) 220.1 Sa5 Sanders, D. and Wallace, H. E. ed. Pennsyl- vania — General assembly Constitution of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1881 ■=74 342.748 P38 Sanders, Lloyd Charles Life of Richard Brins- ley Sheridan 177p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Great writers) B Sh5s Contains a bibliography Sanderson, Joseph Story of Saint Patrick, with a sketch of Ireland's condition before and after Patrick's time 286p.O Bost.Rich- ardson,1895 B P27 Contains also "Ireland and the Irish" by J:B. Finlay SANDERSON, ROBERT 1587-1663 Walton, Izaak Life of Dr Robert Sanderson (in Walton, Izaak Lives 1847 p.349-440) 9 W17 Sandison, Howard Problem of method 328p.D Terre Haute, 1906'04 371b Sa5 Sandwich islands See Hawaiian islands Sanford, Edmund C. Course in experimental psychology 183p.il.D Bo8t.Heath,1894 150 Sa5 Sandford, Sir Francis ed. Arnold, Matthtw Reports on elementary schools, 1852-1882 1889 372.942 Ar6 SAN SAN 424 Sanitary and economic cooking Abel, Mrs M.. W. (Hinman) Practical sanitary and eco- nomic cooking 1890 641 Ab3 SANITARY CHEMISTRY Richaeds, Mrs E. H. (Swallow) and Woodman, A. G. Air, water, and food from a sanitary standpoint 1904«00 613 R39 Sanitary science See Hygiene Sanity and insanity Mercier, Charles 132 M53 Sankey, Charles Spartan and Theban suprema- cies 231p.maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epochs of ancient history) 938.06 Sa5 and Cox, G:W: ed. Epochs of ancient his- tory SANSKRIT LITERATURE Poor, L. E.. San- skrit and its kindred literatures 1880 891.2 P79 See also Colebrooke, H:T: Sanskrit texts discovered in Japan Mueller, F: M. Sanskrit texts discovered in Japan (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.5,p.l87-242) 824.89 M91 Santayana, George Sense of beauty; being the outlines of esthetic theory 275p.D N.Y. Scribner,1896 701 Sa5 Sapiens See Gildas ^ SARACENS Amir, Ali (Maulaur Sayyid) Short history of the Saracens 1899 953 Am5 Gilman, Arthur Story of the Saracens 1887 '86 (Story of the nations) 953 G42 See also Arabia; Spain — Sistory SARAH, duchess of Marlborough, 1660-1744 Lord, John Sarah, duchess of Marlborough (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.5,p.301-346) 904 L88 Sargent, Charles Sprague Woods of the United States with an account of their structure, quality and uses . . . 203p.O N.Y.Apple- ton,1885 (American museum of natural history Jesup collection) 581.9 Sa7 Sargent, Winthrop History of an expedition against Fort du Quesne in 1755 under major- general Edward Braddock; ed. from the original manuscripts 423p.pl.O Phil.Lip- pincott,1856 973.2 Sa7 SARPI, PAOLO 1552-1623 Symonds, J: A. Fra Paolo Sarpi (see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; the Catholic reaction 1887 v.2,p.l85-241) 282 Sy6 SARTAIN, JOHN 1808-1897 Reminiscences of a very old man 297p.por.pl.O N.Y. Appleton,1899 B Sa7 Sartor resartus Carlyle, Thomas 824.82 C193 Sassanian empire See Persia Satan See Devil SAVAGE, RICHARD 1698 (?) -1743 Johnson, Samuel Savage (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.4,p.l31- 265) 9 J62 SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO 1452-1498 ViL- lari, Pasquale Life and times of Girol- amo Savonarola 1896 B Sa9 Armstrong, Edavard Florence Savonarola (see Cambridge modern history The renais- sance 1903<^02 p.144-189) 940.6 C14 Lord, John Savonarola (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '=1883 '96 v.3, p.139-179) 904 L88 Milman, H:H. Savonarola {see Milman, H:H. Erasmus, Savonarola and other es- says , 1870 p.1-75) 824.89 M63 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Monks of San Marco (see her Makers of Florence 1892'=76'91 p.238-^349) 9 013 Saxony See Germany Say, L6on Turgot; tr. by M. B. Anderson 231p.D Chic.McClurg,1888 (Great French writers) B T84 Sayce, Archibald Henry Ancient empires of the East 301p.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 930 Sa9 Contents: — Preface; Egypt; Babylonia and Assyria; The Phoenicians; Lydla; The Per- sian empire; Dynastic tables Introduction to the science of language Ed. 2 2v.pl.O Lond.Paul,1883 401 Sa9 Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as ilhistrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians Ed.3 558p.O Lond.Wil- liams,1891 (Hibiert lectures 1887) 299 Sa9 485 Patriarchal Palestine 277p.map8,D Lond. Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1895 933 Sa9 Sayings See Proverbs; Quotations Sayle, Charles ed. Chesterfield, P. D. Stan- hope earl op Letters n.d. B C42 Scaife, Walter Bell America; its geographical history, 1492-1892 Six lectures delivered to graduate students of the Johns Hopkins university 176p.O Balt.Johns Hopkins pres8,1892 917 Sca3 Containa also a supplement entitled "Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo of the Spanish geographers the Mississippi?" SCALIGER, JOSEPH JUSTUS 1540-1609 Pat- TisoN, Mark Joseph ScaUger {in Pat- tison, Mark Essays 1889 v.l,p.l96- 243) 824.89 P271 SCANDINAVIA Du Chaillu, P. B. Viking age; the early history, manners and customs of the ancestors of the English speaking na- tions 1889 913.4 D85 See also Denmark; Norway; Sweden History Dunham, S:A. History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway 1839 '40 948 D92 See also Normans; Northmen; Vikings Religion Clarke, J. F, Teutonic and Scandinavian religion (see his Ten great religions 1886 '71 p.355-396) 290 C55 SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE GossB, E.W: Northern studies .1890 839 G69 Poor, L. •£.. Comparative mythology of Teutonic literature Scandinavian families (see her Sanskrit and its kindred literatures 1880 p.267-328) 891.2 P79 SCARRON, PAUL 1610-1660 Jusserand, J. A. A. J. Paul Scarron (see Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English essays from a French pen 1895 p.62-157) 844.89 J98 Scepticism See Skepticism Schaeflfer, Nathan C. Thinking and learning to think 351p.D Phil.Lippincott,1900 (Lip- pincott educational series) 153 Schl Schafer, Edward Albert and Tbane, 0:D. ed, QuAiN, Jones Elements of anatomy 1893 '94 '96 611 Q2 Schaff, Philip Progress of religious freedom as shown in the history of toleration acts 126p.O N.Y.Scribner,1889 261.7 Schl and others ed. American church history series Scharf, John Thomas and Westcott, Thompson History of Philadelphia, 1609-1884 3v. il.por.pl.Q Phil.Evert8,1884 974.811 Schl Schauermann, Frangois Louis Theory and anal- ysis of ornament; applied to the work of elementary and technical schools 208piL pl.O Lond.Low,1892 745 Schl SCHEELE, KARL WILHELM 1742-1786 Thorpe, T:E: Carl Wilhelm Seheele (see Thorpe, T : E : Ebsays in historical chemistry 1894 p.53-69) 540.9 T39 Schelling, Felix Emmanuel ed. A book of Elizabethan lyrics 327p.D Bost.Ginn, *1895 (Athenceum press series') 821 Sch2 A book of seventeenth century lyrics 314p.D Bost.Ginn,1899 (Athenceum press series) 821 Sch2b Life and writings of George Gascoigne with three poems heretofore not reprinted 139p. O BosLGinn,n.d. (University of Penn- sylvania Series in philology, literature and archaeology) B G21 Poetic and verse criticism of the reign of Eliz- abeth 97p.O Phil.University pres3,1891 (University of Pennsylvania Series in philology, literature and archaeology) 821.3 Sch2 Jonson, Ben Timber; or. Discoveries made upon men and matter 1892 822.34 J73 SCHELLING, FRIEDRICH WILHELM JOSEPH VON 1775-1854 "Transcendental ideal- ism ' ' Watson, John Schelling 's ' ' Trans- cendental idealism" 1882 (German phil- osophical classics) 193.4 Sch2 Schem, Alexander Jacob and Kiddle, Henry ed. Cyclopedla of education 1877*76 R370.3 K53 Scherer, Wilhelm History of German literature; tr. from the 3d German ed. by Mrs M.. E.. Conybeare and ed. by F:M. Mueller 2v.O N.T.Scribner,1886 830.9 Seh2 SCH SCH SCHILLER, JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIED- RICH VON 1759-1805 Caklyle, Thomas Life of Friedrich Schiller (in Carlyle, Thomas ed. Oliver Cromwell 's letters and speeches n.d. v.2) B C88 Nevinson, H:W. Life of Friedrich Schiller 1889 (Great writers) B Sch3 Dramatic works; tr. by S : T. Coleridge and others 420p.por.D Lond.Bell,1905 832.62 SchS Maria Stuart; ed. by Margarethe Miiller and Carla Wenckelbach 262p.D Bost.Ginn, 1903 832.63 SchS 426 Poems; tr. by E. A. Bowring Bell,1904 377p.D Lond. 831 Sch3 BoYESEN, H. H. Goethe and Schiller 1898 832.62 B69 Carlyle, Thomas Schiller (in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.2,p.l43-193) 824.82 C19 DeQuincey, Thomas Schiller (see De Quincey, Thomas Biographical and his- torical essays "=1853 '77 p.484-507) 824.81 D44 Mueller, F:M. Life of Schiller (in Muel- ler, F:M. Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.3,p.74-99) 824.89 M91 Wells, B:W. SchiUer's early years Schil- ler on the height (see Wells, B:W. Mod- ern German Hterature 1897 p.219-289) 830.9 W46 Schively, Adeline F. Contributions to the life history of amphicarpa^a monoica n.d. 584 Sc3 SCHLEGEL, KARL WILHELM FRIEDRICH VON 1772-1829 Capen, S:P Fried- rich Schlegel's relations with Reichardt and his contributions to " Deutschland " (Uni- versity of Pennsylvania Series in philology and literature) B SchS Scbleyer, Johann Martin Grammar of Volapuk, the language of the world; tr, by W. A. Seret 70p.D Glasgow,Murray,n.d. 408.9 SchS SCHLOSSER, FRIEDRICH CHRISTOPH 1776- 1861 "Literary history of the 18th cent- ury" DeQuincey, Thomas Schlosser's literary history of the 18th century (see DeQuincey, Thomas Eighteenth century in scholarship and literature '1856 '77 p.287- 336) 824.81 D44e Schmidt, Karl Geschichte der Padagogik; dar- gestellt in weltgeschichtlicher Entwicklung und im organischen Zusammenhange mit dem Culturleben der Volker Dritte, viel- fach vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage von Dr Richard Lange 4v.O Gothen,Schett- ler,1874-76<=73 370.9 Seh5 Contents: — v. 1 Die Geschichte der Pada- gogik in der vorchristlichen Zeit V. 2 Die Geschichte der Padagogik von Christus bis zur Reformation V. 3 Die Geschichte der Padagogik von Luther bis Pestalozzi V. 4 Die Geschichte der Padagogik von Pestalozzi bis zur Gegenwart Schmitz, Leonhard tr. and ed. Wiese, L. A. German letters on English education 1879 379.42 W43 Schoenhof, Jacob Economy of high wages; an inquiry into the cause of high wages and their effect on methods and cost of produc- tion; with an introduction by T:F. Bayard 414p.D N.Y.Putnam,1893<=92 (Questions of the day) 331.2 Sch6 Schonland, Lelmar ed. Weismann, A:F:L. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems 1891 '92 570.4 W43 Scholae academicae Wordsworth, Christopher 378.42 W89 SCHOLARSHIP Emerson, R. W. The Ameri- can scholar (see his Nature, addresses and lectures 1893055 '83 p.81-115) 814.36 Em3na Scholarship (see his Lectures and bio- graphical sketches 1893'=83 p.247-274) 814.36 Em31 Fichte, J:G. On the nature of the scholar and its manifestation (see his Popular works 1873 p.133-231) 193.S F44 Scholasticism See Albertus Magnus; Alexan- der of Hales; Anselm, Saint; Aquinas, Thomas; Occam, William of; Silvester II Scholemaster, The Ascham, Roger 370 As2 School administration See School organiza- tion and administration School amusements Root, N. W. T. 371c R67 School and the family Kennedy, John 371c K38 School and society Dewey, John 607 D51 SCHOOL APPROPRIATIONS Barnett, J. E. vs. Elkin, J: p. Brief argument ... to compel the payment of the appropriation 427 provided by Act of May 13, 1899, commonly known as ' ' The school appropriation ' ' 1899 379.11 E15 SCHOOL ARCHITECTUEE Gardner, E. C. Town and country school buildings; a collec- tion of plans and designs for schools of various sizes, graded and ungraded 1888 727.1 G17 King, R. M. School architecture (see his School interests and duties «1894 p.73- 104) 371e K58 Morrison, G. B. School architecture and hygiene (in Butler, N:M. ed. Educa- tion in the United States 1900 v.l, mon- ograph 9,56p.) 379.73 B97 Ventilation and warming of school buildings 1892*87 (International education series) 697 M83 EowE, S. H. Lighting of school-rooms 1904 727.1 E79 See also School hygiene; Ventilation SCHOOL DECORATION and Bailey, H:T, decoration '1899 BuRRAGE, Severance School sanitation and 727.1 B94 SCHOOL CELEBRATIONS King, R. M, School celebrations and observations (see his School interests and duties *1894 p.207- 236) 371c K58 School, college and character Briggs, L. R. 378 B76 School devices Shaw, E:R: and DonneU, "Webb 371b Shi SCHOOL DISCIPLINE Kennedy, John The school and the family; the ethics of school relations 1878 371c K38 Laurie, S. S. Authority in relation to dis- - cipline (see his Training of teachers 1882 p.309-340) 370.4 L37t On discipline «1879 (Manuals for teachers) 371c Onl See also School organization and administra- tion; School punishment School economy See School organization and administration; School management School English Butler, G:P. 428.2 B97 SCHOOL FURNITURE Conditions of healthy education (in International health exhibi- tion Health exhibition literature * 1884 v.l3,p.25-77) 370.6 InS SCHOOL GARDENS Hemenwat, H. D. How to make school gardens 1903 630 H37 Miller, L. K. Children's gardens for school and home 1904 630 M61 Bibliography Hemenway, H, D. School garden bibliogra- phy (see his How to make school gardens p.99-107) 1903 p.99-107) 630 H37 School government JeweU, F:S. 371c J54 SCHOOL HYGIENE Abel, W:J. School hygi- ene; including simple directions respecting ventilation, eyesight, infectious diseases and first aid in injuries 1890 371.7 Ab3 Buxton, Sydney "Overpressure" and ele- mentary education 1885 371.7 B98 Hertel, Dr Overpressure in high schools in Denmark 1885 371.7 H44 King, R. M. School hygiene (see his School interests and duties '1894 p.l05- 120) 371c K58 Kotelmann, Lxn)wiQ School hygiene 1899 371.7 K84 Lincoln, D. F : School and industrial hygiene 1880 (American health primers) ' 371.7 L63 Marble, A. P. Sanitary conditions of school houses 1891 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Massachusetts emergency and hygiene as- sociation Six lectures upon school hygiene 1885 371.7 M38 Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warming of school buildings 1892*87 (Interrui- tional education series) 697 M83 Newsholme, Arthur School hygiene; or. The laws of health in relation to school life 1888 '94 (Heath's pedagogical library) 371.7 N47 Piant, Dr Conference sur I'hygifene de l'6cole (see Paris — Universal exposition 1878 Les conferences p^dagog^ques faites aux instituteurs 1881 p.223-281) 370.6 P21 RiSLEY, S:D. School hygiene n.d. 371.7 R49 SHAVf, E:R: School hygiene 1901 (Teach- ers' professional library) 371.7 Sh2 SCH SCH 428 See also Eye, The; School inspection; Ven- tilation SCHOOL INSPECTION Inspection and exam- ination of schools (in International health exhibition Health exhibition literature 1884 v.l3,p.230-336) 370.6 InS ZiRKLE, H. W. 1902 Medical inspection of schools 371.7 Z6 See also School organization and administra- tion; School supervision School inspection Fearon, D. R. 371b F31 School interests and duties King, E. M. 371e K58 School journal, weekly, 1884-date v.27-date,42- 43,50-51,il.sq.F N.Y.1884-date 370.5 Sch6 School keeping, how to do it Orcutt, Hiram 371a Orl SCHOOL LAW Bardeen, C:W. Manual of common school law 1896 379.14 B23 Burke, Finley public schools Treatise on the laws of 1880 379.14 B91 Power and authority of school officers and teachers in the management and government of public school and over pupils out of school as determined by the courts of the several states 1885 379.14 P87 Smith, L. A. camp. Eecent school law de- cisions 1883 (United States — Education Bureau of Ci/rcular of information) 370.6 Un3 SCHOOL LIBRARIES King, R. M. School libraries (see his School interests and duties '1894 p.161-180) 371e K58 Mann, Horace On district-school libraries (in his Lectures and annual reports on edu- cation 1867-68 v.l,p.294-330) 370.6 M31 See also Libraries and schools; Library cat- alogs School management See and administration School organization SCHOOL MUSEUMS Subsidiaby aids to in- struction (in International health exhibi- tion Health exhibition literature 1884 v.l4,p.548-638) 370.6 InS School of infancy Comenius, J:A. 372a C73s School of Ufe Alger, W:B. 874 A13 SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRA- TION Baldwin, Joseph The art of school management 1882^81 371c B19 School management and school methods 1897 (International education series) 371c B193 Blakiston, J:R: General principles (see his The teacher; hints on school manage- ments 1879 p.1-13) 371b B58 BUCKHAM, H:B. 1882=80 Handbooks for teachers 371c B85 Charbonneau, Michel Organisation des ecoles (see his Cours theorique et pratique de pedagogic 1882 p.388-432) 371a C37 Collar, George and Crook, C:W. School management and methods of instruction 1901 • 371c C68 Currie, James School management (see his Principles and practice of common school education n.d. p.154-263) 371a C93 Eliot, C:W: The unity of educational re- form (see his Educational reform 1891 p.313-339) 370.4 E14 Fitch, Sir J. G. The school ; its aims and or- ganization The schoolroom and its appli- ances Discipline (see his Lectures on teaching 1883 '97 p.36-123) 371a F55 Garlick, a. H. School economy Discipline Classification (see his New manual of method 1896 '98 p.1-47) 371b G18 Gill, John School management (see his Introductory text-book to school education, method and school management 1881 p.51-120) 371b G41i Gladman, F:J: Control (see his School work pref.1885 v.l,p.9-91) 371c G45 Organization (see his School work pref. 1885 v.2,p.9-74) 371c G45 Hewett, E. C. The school management (see his Treatise on pedagogy '1884 p.ll7- 157) 371a H49 HowLAND, George Practical hints for the teachers of public schools 1893 '89 (In- ternational education series) 371e H84p Jewell, F : S. School government, a practical treatise "1866 371c J54 429 JoYCB, P. W. School management 1872 371c J85 Kellogg, A. M. The new education ; school management, a practical guide for the teacher in the school room 1884 371c K29 King, R. M. School interests and duties '1894 371c K58 Landon, Joseph School management 1884 371c L23 Liverpool school board Suggestions to the managers of public elementary schools 1881 371c L75 Ogden, John Art of teaching "=1879 371c Og2 Page, D: P. Theory and practice of theory; or, The motives and methods of good school- keeping 1885'=58 371c P14 Prince, J : J. School management and meth- ods in theory and practise 1886 371e P93 EOARK, R. N, Economy in education «1905 371c R53 Rollins, Frank School administration in municipal government 1902 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 371c R65 Root, N. W. T. School amusements; or, How to make school interesting 1877''57 (Teach- er's library) 371c R67 Samuel, W:H: The boy; a paper read be- fore the Teachers' institute of Philadelphia February 17, 1894, together with the report of the representative to the National educa- tional association at Chicago,. 1893 1894 371c Sa4 Seeley, Levi Foundations of education '1901 371b Se3 Taylor, J. S. Art of class management and discipline '1903 371c T21 Tompkins, Arnold The philosophy of school management 1895 '98 371c T59 White, E. E. School management 1893 371c W58 WiCKERSHAM, J. P. School economy; a trea- tise on the preparation, organization, em- ployments, government and authofities of schools "1864 371c W63 See also Attention; Grading in schools; Marking; Promotions; School discipline; School hygieiany; Paleontology; P^^ilosophy; vision geography; Physics; PoUtical sd- -logy; Religion and science; So- School program See a^; Weights and measures; administration School promotions See and administration SCHOOL PUNISHMENT school punishments annual reports on education p.331-368) 0(U.U OLO^ nhilo- See also School organization and administra- ^^'^^ tion Scfi. icy) Fairyland of 504 F53 Mann, Hor^. (in his LecturV lectures on 1867-68 50* H36 370.6 504 MS. School recreations and amusements Mann, C:W. 371c M31 School review, monthly, a journal of secondary education, Jan-Decl893-date v.l-date,0 1893-date 370.5 Sch6 School room guide DeGraff, E. V. 371b D36 School sanitation and decoration Burrage, Sever- ance and Bailey, H:T. 727.1 B94 SCHOOL SAVINGS BANKS Subsidiary aids to instruction (in International health ex- hibition Health exhibition literature 1884 v.l4,p.548-638) 370.6 InS SCHOOL SUPERVISION King, R. M. Dutiee of school officers (see his School interests and duties '1894 p.55-70) 371c K58 Payne, W:H. ion '1875 Chapters on school supervis- 379.15 P29 1890 PiCKARD, J. L. School supervision (International education series) 379.15 P58 SCHOOL SYSTEMS National education asso- ciation Reports of the committee of fif- teen on elementary schools 1895 370.6 N21r Schoolboy days in Japan Laurie, Andr6 915.2 L37 SCHOOLS Dewey, John School and society, supplemented by a statement of the univer- sity elementary school 1900 607 D51 See also Academies; Colleges and universi- ties; Education; Elementary education; Grammar schools; Kindergarten; Normal schools; Public schools; Rural schools; Sec- ondary education; Special schools; Summer schools ; Sunday schools ; also The name of the school The name of the country and SCH SCH V See also Eye, The; School inspection* tilation SCHOOL INSPECTION iNSPECTir ''^g^^^^^g ^^^ ination of schools (in Intp exhibition Health exj^ickgns, Charles 1884 v.l3,p.230-336) 823.83 D55 ZiBKLE, H. W. Me^-^'^^^^^^' ^- ^- ^^^-^ ^^^ 1902 ,.,y See Education — History See also Sc^ _ tion- Sc>-^^^^' ARTHUE 1788-1860 Bax, J. Life and philosophy of Schopenhauer School insTTin Schopenhauer, Arthur Selected essays ^ , , . 1900 5Sp.pref.) 104 Sch6 School Wallace, William Life of Arthur Schopen- S*" hauer 1890 (Great writers) B19 Sch6 Fourfold root of the principle of sufficient rea- son and on the will in nature; two essays tr. by Mme Karl Hillebrand Ed.2,enl. 380p.D Lond.Bell,1897<=89 '91 193.7 Sch6 Selected essays, with a, biographical introduc- tion and sketch of his philosophy by E. B. Bax 359p.D Lond.Bell,1900 104 Sch6 Contents: — Sketch of a history of the doc- trine of the ideal and real ; Fragments of the history of philosophy; On philosophy and its method; Some reflections on the an- tithesis of Thing-in-itself and phenomenon; Some words on pantheism; On ethics; On the doctrine of the indestructibility of our true nature by death; On suicide; Contribu- tions to the doctrine of the affirmation and negation of the will-to-live; On the meta- physics of the beautiful and on sesthetics; On thinking for oneself; On reading and books; On women World as will and idea; tr. from the German byR:B. Haldane and John Kemp 3v.O Bost.Osgood,1883'86 (English and foreign philosophical library) 193.7 Sch6 Caldwell, William Schopenhauer's system in its philosophical significance 1896 (Shaw fellowship lectures 1893) 193.7 C12 SCHOULER, JAMES 1839- Biography (see Schouler, James Historical briefs 1896 p.167-310) 904 Sch6 Constitutional studies, state and federal 332p. D N.Y.Dodd,1897 342.73 Sch6 Historical briefs; with a biography 310p. por.O N.Y.Dodd,1896 904 Sch6 History of the United States of America under the constitution, 1783-1861 5v.D Wash- ington,Morri8on,1886 '91 '94<'80 973 Sch6 V. 6, size O, N.Y.Dodd,1894 430 Thomas Jefferson 252p.por.D N.Y.Dodd, 1893 (Makers of America) B J358 Schrattenthal, Karl ed. Ambrosius, Johanna Poems 1897*^96 831.89 Ami SCHUBERT, FRANZ PETER 1797-1828 Bach, A. B. Art ballad 1897 784.4 B12 Schubert, Hermann Casar Hannibal Mathemat- ical essays and recreations; tr. from the German by T:J. McCormack 149p.il.O Chie.Open court publishing co,1898 510.4 Sch7 Contents: — Notion and definition of num- ber; Monism in arithmetic; On the nature of mathematical knowledge; The tnagic square; The fourth dimension; The squar- ing of the circle SCHUMANN, ROBERT ALEXANDER 1810- 1856 FiNCK, H:T. Schumann (see Finck, H : T. Chopin, and other musical es- says 1897*^89 p.111-140) 780.4 F49 Hadow, W : H : Robert Schumann and the ro- mantic movement in Germany (see Hadow, W:H: Studies in modern music 1897 '98 v.l,p.l47-231) 780 Hll Schurman, Jacob Gould Ethical import of Dar- winism Ed.2 264p.D N.Y.Scribner, 1893<=87 171.7 Sch8 Schurz, Carl Life of Henry Clay Ed. 4 2v.D Bost.Houghton,1888'=87 (American states- men) B C57 Schwab, John Christopher South during the war (see Cambridge modern history The United States 1903 p.603-621) 973 C14 Schwatka, Frederick Nimrod in the North; or, Hunting and fishing adventures in the Arctic regions 198p.il.O N.Y.Cassell,<=1885 '92 919.8 Sch9 Schwegler, Albert Friedrich Karl Franz His- tory of philosophy in epitome; tr. from the . . . German by J. H. Seelye; revised from the 9th Get-man ed. with an appendix by B: E. Smith 469p.O N.Y.Appleton,1886<=56 '80 109 Sch9 SCHWENKFELDIANS Gibbons, P. E. Schwenk- felders (see her Pennsylvania Dutch and other essays 1882 p.206-243) 814.49 G35 Schwlekerath, Robert Jesuit education; its his- tory and principles, viewed in the light of modern educational problenis 687p.O St. Louis (Mo),Herder,1903 271.5 Sch9 431 Schwinn, Edward and Stevenson, W. W. Civil government descnbing the various forms of government — local, state, and national — and discussing the government of the United States from an historical standpoint 374p. D PhiI.Lippincott,1901 342.73 Sch9 SCIENCE AvEBURY, John Lubbock baron Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we Uve in 1893^92 504 Av3 BxjKBOUGHS, John Science and literature (see his Indoor studies 1895«89 p.43-67) 814.41 B94i Science and the poets (see his Indoor stud- ies 1895'89 p.69-80) 814.41 B94i FiSHEE, Mrs A. B, (Buckley) Fairyland of science 1884 504 F53 Through magic glasses 1890 504 F53t Huxley, T:H: Introductory 1882 (-Sci- ence primers) 502 H98 Science (tnWAKD, T:H. ed. Eeign of Queen Victoria 1887 v.2,p.322-387) 914.2 W21 LovEjoY, M., I. comp. Nature in verse 1896<=95 507 L94 Kelvin, W : T. baron Popular lectures and addresses 1891 '94 (Nature series) 504 K29 Playfair, Sir Lyon The inosculation of the arts and sciences (see his Subjects of so- cial welfare 1889 p.196-224) 304 P69 RiEHL, A. Principles of the critical philoso- , phy; introduction to the theory of science and metaphysics 1894 (English and for- eign philosophi<:al library) 101 B44 Spencer, Herbert Classification of the sci- ences (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.2,p.74-117) 824.89 Sp3 Genesis of science (in his Essays; scien- tific, political and speculative 1891 v.2, p.1-73) 824.89 Sp3 Smithsokian institution Report 1902 R506 Sm5 See also Astronomy; Biology; Botany; Chemistry; Domestic science; Economics; Ethics; Ethnology; Evolution; Geography; Geology; History; Industrial arts; Inven- tions; Language; Law; Logic; Man; Mathematics; Medicine; Meteorology; Mi- croscopy; Natural history; Nature study; Paleobotany; Paleontology; Philosophy; Physical geography; Physics; Political sci- ence; Psychology; Religion and science; So- ciology; Theology; Weights and measures; Zoology Essays Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buckley) Fairyland of science 1884 504 F53 Helmholz, H. L. F. von Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1881 '85 504 H36 Moore, A. L. Essays ; scientific and philo- sophical 1890 104 M78 Spencer, Herbert On laws in general, and the order of their discovery (in his Es- says; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.2,p.l45-160) 824.89 Sp3 Thomson, Sir William Popular lectures and addresses 1891 (Mature series) 504 T38 Exhibitions South E^ensington museum Handbook to the special loan collection of scientific ap- paratus, 1876 n.d. 507 So8 History Avebury, John Lubbock years of science 1882 baron Fifty 591.5 Av3 Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buckley) Short history of natural science and of the progress of dis- covery from the time of the Greeks to the present time 1884 509 F53 Lacroix, Paul Science and literature in the middle ages and at the period of the renais- sance n.d. 509 Lll Whewell, William History of the inductive sciences from the earliest to the present time 1837 75 509 W57 On the influence of the history of science upon intellectual education (see Royal institution of Great Britain Lectures on education 1855 p.1-36) 370.4 R81 PeriodiccUs Popular science monthly 1891-date 505 P81 Philosophy Clifford, W:K. On the aims and instru- ments of scientific thought (see his Coa- SCI SCI 432 ditions of mental development and other es- says 1885 p.14-28) 504 C61 Whewell, William Philosophy of the in- ductive sciences founded upon their history 1840 501 W57 Study and teaching Boole, M. E. Preparation of the child for science 1904 507 B64 Harris, W:T. How to teach natural science in public schools 1895 507 H24 Howe, E : G. Advanced elementary science 1900 (International education series) 507 H83 Systematic science teaching; a manual of in- ductive elementary work for all instructors 1895*94 {International education series) 507 H83s Jackman, W:S: Nature study for the com- mon schools 1892'94'=91 507 J13 KiMMiNS, C. W. Science teaching in schools {see Roberts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.121-139) 370.4 R54 McMxjRRY, C : A. Special method in elemen- tary science for the common school 1904 507 M22 Special method in natural science "1896 372.3 M22 Payne, Joseph True foundation of science teaching {see his Lectures on the science and art of education 1883 p.185-205) 371a P29 Wilson, J. M. On teaching natural science in schools {see Farrar, F. W. ed. Essays on a liberal education 1868 p.241-291) 370.4 F24 See also Nature study; Scientific education Science and culture, and other essays Huxley, T : H: 504 H98s Science and religion See Religion and science Science of business Smith, R. H. 380 Sm5 Geikie, Sir Archibald Geology Science of English verse Science of mind Bascom, John Science of thought Mueller, F:M. Lanier, Sidney 426 160 L27 B29 153 M91 Physical geography n.d. Hooker, Sir J, D. Botany Huxley, T : H : Introductory Science primers; ed. by T:H: Huxley and others Foster, Sir Michael and Tracy, R. S. Phy- siology and hygiene 1883 612 F81 1882 550 G27 551 G27 1882 580 H76 1882 502 H98 Jevons,W:S. Logic 1883 160 J531 Political economy pref.1878 1882 330 J53 LocKYER, Sir J. N. Astronomy n.d. 523 L81 Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the United States 1882=79 557.3 P27 RoscoE, Sir H:E. Chemistry 1883 540 R71 Spencer, W:G: Inventional geometry 1876 '83 513 Sp3 Stewart, Balfour Physics 1883 530 St4 Taylor, Franklin Primer of pianoforte playing n.d. 786.4 T21 Science series; ed. by J. M. Cattell and J. E. Bed- dard Bonney, T : G : Volcanoes, their structure and significance 1899 551 B64 Haddon, A. C. Study of man 1898 573 Hll SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATIONS Cattell, J. M. Scientific societies and associations {in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2,monographl7, 27p.) 379.73 B97 SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION Galloway, Robert Education scientific and technical; or. How the inductive sciences are taught and how they ought to be taught 1881 507 G13 Mendenhall, T:C. Scientific, technical and engineering education (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2,monographll,42p.) 379.73 B97 Playfair, Sir Lyon Science and the state {see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.225-262) 304 P69 See also Sheffield scientific school Scientific societies See Scientific associations Scoble, Sir Andrew Richard tr. Guizot, F. P. G. History of the origin of representative government 1861 321.7 G94 Scoones, W. Baptiste ed. Four centuries of English letters Selections from the corres- 433 pondence of one hundred and fifty writers from the period of the Paston letters to the present day 573p.O N.y.Harper,1880 826 Scl SCOTCH IRISH OF PENNSYLVANIA Penn- sylvania — State library Bibliography of the Scotch Irish of Pennsylvania {see its Report of the Ubrarian 1901 p.287-324) 027.5 P38 Scotch Irish society of America Proceedings and addresses , . . 1891-95 5v.por.O Na8hville(Tenn),'1891-95 369 Sco8 SCOTLAND Education Arnold, Matthew Note on Scottish educa- tion (see Ward, T:H. ed. Reign of Queen Victoria 1887 v.2,p.280-287) 914.2 W21 Clarke, John Short studies in education in Scotland 1904 379.41 C55 Craik, Sir Henry Education in Scotland (see his State in its relation to education 1884 p.125-166) - 349.42 C84 Donaldson, James The aim of primary edu- cation {see his Lectures on the history of education 1874 p.98-124) 370.4 D71 Grant, James History of the burgh and parish schools of Scotland 1876 370.941 G76 Laurie, S. S, On the educational wants of Scotland {see his Training of teachers 1882 p.261-307) 370.4 L37 Genealogy Scottish clans and their Tartans 1895 941 Sco8 Hiatory Burton, J: H. History of Scotland n.d. 941 B95 Freeman, E : A : Relations between the crowns of England and Scotland {see his Histor- ical essays 1871 p.53-78) 904 F87 MacArthur, Margaret History of Scotland '1874 {Historical course for schools) 941 Mil Mackintosh, John Story of Scotland 1892 «90 {Story of the nations) 941 M21 Maxwell, Sir H. E. Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence 1897 {Heroes of the nations) B E64 Travel and description Stoddard, J: L. Scotland , (m his Lectures 1898'97 v.9,p.5-lll) 910 St6 "Whitcomb, C. E. a little journey to Scot- land «1901 {Library of travel) 914.1 W58 See also The name of the city Scott, Charlotte Angas An introductory ac- count of certain modern ideas and methods in plane analytical geometry 288p.O Lond.Macmillan,1894 516 ScoS Scott, Eben Greenough Development of consti- tutional liberty in the English colonies of America 334p.O N.Y. Putnam,1882 342.73 Sco8 Scott, E. H. ed. Madison, James 342.73 M26 Scott, Fred N. Carpenter, 0:E. and Baker, F. T: Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school 1903 {American teachers' series) 420.7 C22 Scott, Harriet M. and Buck, Gertrude Organic education , . . 344p.D Bost.Heath,1899 '97 {Heath's pedagogical library) 371b Sco8 Scott, Robert and Liddell, H:G: ed. Greek- English lexicon, abridged 1883'78 R483 L61 Scott, B. P. Secondary education legislation with special reference to problems awaiting solution {see Roberts, R. D. ed. Edu- cation in the 19th century . 1901 p.59-81) 370.4 R54 SCOTT, Sir WALTER 1771-1832 baronet Griswold, H. T. Walter Scott {see Gris- wold, H. T. Home life of the great authors 1894'86 p.64-74) 9 G88 HUTT0N,R:H. Sir Walter Scott n.d. {Eng- lish men of letters) B ScoS Bound with lives of Spenser by R:W: Church and of Dickens by A. W: Ward LOCKHART, J:G. pref.1848 Life of Sir Walter Scott B ScoSl YoNGE, C:D. Life of Sir Walter Scott n.d. {Great writers) B Sco8y Familiar letters ton,1894 2v.il.por.O Bost.Hough- B ScoSs Journal from the original manuscript at Ab- botsford 2Y.por.map6,fac8im.O N.Y.Har- per,1891 B ScoSl SCO SCO 434 Poetical works with a biographical and critical memoir by F. T. Palgrave 559p.O Lond. Macmillan^l893 821.74 ScoS Carlyle, Thomas Sir Walter Scott (in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.3,p.400-466) 824.82 C19 Emerson, R. "W. "Walter Scott (see Emer- son, R. W. Miscellanies 1893'=78 '83 p.371-377) 814.36 Em3m Hazlitt, William Sir Walter Scott (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.79-94) 824.76 H33m Lord, John Sir Walter Scott (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.8,p.63-131) • 904 L88 Maxwell, Sir William Stirling- Sir Walter Scott (see Maxwell, Sir W:S. Miscella- neous essays and addresses 1891 p.383- 406) 824.89 M45 Prescott, W:H. Sir Walter Scott (see Prescott, W:H. Critical and biographical miscellanies 1882'=75 p.163-226) 804 P92 Baleigh, Walter Sir Walter Scott (see Raleigh, Walter English novel 1894 p.276-283) 823 R13 "Lady of the lake" Jeffrey, Francis Lady of the lake (see Stevenson, E. ed. Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.83- 107) 820 St4 (see Jeffrey, Francis Selections from essays 1894 p.37-52) 824.73 J37 * ' Waverley novels ' ' Bagehot, Walter Waverley novels (in Bagehot, Walter Lit- erary studies 1895 v.2,p.85-126) 824.89 B14 Jeffrey, Francis Waverley; or 'Tis sixty years since (see his Selections from essays 1894 p.126-131) 824.73 J37 — (see Stevenson, E. reviews of great writers n.d SCOTT, WINFIELD General Scott ers) ed. Early p.160-167) 820 St4 1786-1866 Wright, M. J. 1894<'93 (Great command- B ScoS SCOTTISH PHILOSOPHY McCosh, James Scottish philosophy; biographical, exposi- tory, critical; from Hutcheson to Hamilton 1890"=74 109 M13 Scottish portraits Carlyle, Thomas National exhibition of Scottish portraits (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.4, p.346-354) 824.82 C19 Scottish song Prescott, W:H. (see his Bio- graphical and critical miscellanies 1882=75 p.532-558) 804 P92 Scouller, James Brown History of the United Presbyterian church of North America (see Alexander, Gross and others History of the Methodist church, South, the United Presbyterian church, the Cumberland Pres- byterian church, and the Presbyterian church. South, in the United States 1894 p.l43- 255) 285 A12 "Scourge of God" See Attila Scovll, Elisabeth Robinson Care of children New ed.enl. 360p.por.D Phil. Altemus,«l 894 646 Sco9 Scripture, Edward Wheeler New psychology SOOp.il.pl.D Lond.Scott,1897 (Contem- porary science series) 150 ScrS Thinking, feeling, doing 304p.pl.D Penn. Chautauqua-century press,1897'=95 (Chau- tauqua reading circle literature) 150 Scr3t Scriptures See Bible Scudder, Horace Elisha ed. American poems; Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Holmes, Low- ell, Emerson New ed.enl. 453p.D Bost. Houghton,1895«79 '82 811.8 Scu3 Boston town 1883=81 243p.il.pl.O Bost.Houghton, 974.4 Scu2 Scottish clans and their tartans with notes Ed. 3 96f.pl.T N.Y.Scribner,1895 941 ScoS Childhood in literature and art; with some ob- servations on literature for children 253p. D Bost.Houghton,1894 '95 (2 copies) 809 Scu4 George Washington; an historical biography 248p.por.pl.S Bost.Houghton,1894«86 '89 (Riverside library for young people) B W27s Noah Webster 302p.por.D Bost.Houghton, 1883=81 (American m^n of letters) B W391 ed. American commonwealths 435 Men and manners in America one hundred years ago 320p.pl.D N.Y.Scribner, 1887*76 917.3 Scu4 Contents: — New England, New York, and the Jerseys, Pennsylvania, Southern colonies and Taylor, Mrs Marie (Hansen) ed. Life and letters of Bayard Taylor 1885*84 B T21 Scudder, Samuel Hubbard Butterflies; their structure, changes, and life-histories with special reference to American forms 322p. il.D N.Y.Holt,l 889*81 595 Scu2 Frail children of the air; excursions into the world of butterflies 279p.pl.O Bost. Houghton,1895 595.78 Scu2f Scudder, Vida Dutton Introduction to the study of English literature 542p.D N.Y.Globe school book co,*1901 820,7 Scu2 SCULPTUEE Jones, H.S. ed. Select pas- sages from ancient writers illustrative of the history of Greek sculpture 1895 733 J71 Marquand, Allan and Frothingham, A. L. jr Text-book of the history of sculpture 1896 (College histories of art) 730 M34 Mitchell, Mrs L. M. (Wright) History of ancient sculpture 1894 732 M69 Paris, Pierre Manual of ancient sculpture 1890 730 P21 Eedford, George Sculpture; Egyptian, As- syrian, Greek, Roman 1888 (Illustrated handbooks of art history) 730 R24 Buskin, John Aratra Pentelici (see his Crown of wild olive 1894 p.281-412) 824.86 E89 See also ^ginetan marbles; Art; Clay mod- eling; Drawing; Esthetics; Greece — Sculp- ture; Niobe group; also Cellini, Beneven- uto; Donatello; Ghiberti, Lorenzo Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut Frothing- ham, J. P. 9 P93 SEA POWER Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea power upon history, 1660-1783 1893*90 359 M27 Influence of sea power upon the French revo- lution and empire, 1793-1812 1893*92 940.8 M27 Life of Nelson; the embodiment of the sea power of Great Britain 1897 B N33m See also Naval history Seabury, Joseph B. Porto Rico; the land of the rich port 224p.il.map,D N.Y.Silver,*1903 (World and its people) 917.29 Sel SeaiUes, Gabriel and Janet, P. A. K. History of the problems of philosophy 1902 109 J25 Seaver, Jay W. Anthropometry and physical examinations . . . 126p.il.table8,0 New Haven,n.p.l890 613.7 Sel Second book of tales Field, Eugene 813.49 F458 Second book of verse Field, Eugene 811.49 F458 Second jungle book Kipling, Eudyard 823.89 K628 Second maiden's tragedy (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select coUection of old English plays 1874 '75 "f6 v.l0,p.381-468) 822.08 D66 SECONDARY EDUCATION Baker, J. H. Sec- ondary education; a review (see his Edu- cation and life 1900 p.50-67) 370.4 B17 Brown, E. E. Secondary education in the United States , (m Butler, N:M. ed. Ed- ucation in the United States 1900 v.l, monograph4,65p.) 379.73 B97 Butler, N:M. The function of the secondary school (see his Meaning of education 1898 p.149-183) 370.4 B97 The reform of secondary education in the United States (see his Meaning of edu- cation 1898 p.185-226) 370.4 B97 Eliot, C:W. Gap between common schools and colleges (see his Educational reform 1891 p.195-219) 370.4 E14 FouiLLfiE, A. J. E. Education from a na- tional standpoint 1892 373 F82 Hart, A. B. Reform in the grammar-schools (see his Studies in American education 1895 p.1-21) 370.4 H25 Ladd, G:T. Place of the fitting school in American education (see his Essays on the higher education 1899 p.51-72) 370.4 L12 Laurie, S. S. Organization of the curriculum of secondary schools in Great Britain (see his Occasional addresses on educational sub- jects 1888 p.59-82) 370.4 L37 Secondary or high schools (see his Train- ing of teachers and other educational pa- pers 1882 p.185-229) 370.4 L37t SEC SEC 436 McCosH, James Upper schools (see Ham- erton, P. G. and others Higher education and a common language *1879 p.33-57) 370.4 H17 National educational association Report of the committee on secondary school studies 1893 370.6 N21re Organization of intermediate and higher edu- cation (in International health exhibition Health exhibition literature 1884 v.l6, p.169-460) 370.6 InS Scott, R. P. Secondary education legislation (see Roberts, R. D ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.59-81) 370.4 R54 See also The name of the country SECRET SOCIETIES DeQuincey, Thomas Se- cret societies (see his Essays on Christian- ity, paganism and superstition =1854 '77 p.138-198) 204 D44 See also Sects See Nihilism; Templars The name of the sect Sedgwick, Adam and Heaps, Walter ed. Fos- ter, Sir Michael and Balfour, F:M. Elements of embryology 1896 591.3 FBI Sedgwick, William Thompson and Wilson, E. B. General biology 193p.il.O N.Y.Holt,1886 (American science series; advanced course) 570.7 Se2 Seebohm, Frederic English village community ... an essay in economic history Ed.4 464p.maps,0 Lond.Longmans,1896 321.2 Se3 Era of the Protestant revolution Ed.2,enl. 250p.maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epochs of modern history) 940.7 Se3 Oxford reformers; John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More, being a history of their fel- low-work Ed.3 551p.O Lond.Long- mans,1887 274.2 SeS Seedlings Farrell, Joseph (see his Lectures of a certain professor 1897 p.67-75) 824.89 F24 SEEDS Morley, M. W. Seed babies 1898<=96 570 M82 Seeing and thinking Clifford, W:K. 152 C61 Seeley, John Liberal education in universities (see Farrar, F:W: ed. Essays on a lib- eral education 1868 p.145-178) 370.4 F24 Seeley, Sir John Eobert Expansion of England 359p.D Lond.MacmiUan,1895'^83'95 342.42 Se3 Introduction to political science; two series of lectures 387p.D Lond.Macmillan,1896 320.9 Se3 Seeley, Levi Common school system of Ger- many and its lessons to America 251p.D N.Y.Kellogg,1896 (Kelogg's pedagogical library) 379.43 Se3 Culture epochs (Mi, Herbart society Second year book 1896 p.71-80) 370.6 H41 Foundations of education 263p.D N.Y. Hinds,<'190l 371b SeS Grube 's method of teaching arithmetic explain- ed and illustrated; also the improvements upon the method made by the followers of Grube in Germany 177p.il.S N.Y.Kel- logg,1888 372.7 Se3 History of education 343p.D N.Y.Ameri- can book co,'=1899 (2 copies) 370.9 Se3 Seelye, Mrs Elizabeth (Eggleston) Story of Columbus; ed. by Edward Eggleston 303p. il.pl.D N.P.Appleton,1893"92 B C72s Seelye, Julius H. Citizenship ; a book for classes in government and law 78p.D Bost. Ginn,1894 342.73 Se3 tr. Schwegler, A. F:K:F. A history of philosophy in epitome 1886<'56'80 109 Sch9 Seelye, Llllie Eggleston and Eggleston, Edward Brant and Red Jacket '^1879 970.2 Eg3 Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico *1880 970.2 Eg3m Pocahontas "=1879 970.2 Eg3p Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet «1878 970.2 Eg3t Seguin, Edward Idiocy and its treatment by the physiological method 457p.O N.Y. Wood,1866 132.2 SeS Report on education . . . Ed. 2 215p.D Milwaukee,Doerflinger,1880 370.6 SeS Contents: — Infant education; Education of the deaf-mutes; Education of Idiots; Popu- lar education as It Is and as It should be SEIDEL, HEINRICH 1842- Francke, Kuno Heinrich Seidel (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modern German culture 1898 p.166-179) 834.89 F84 437 Seidel, Robert Industrial instructioD; a ped- agogical and social necessity; together with a critique upon objections advanced; tr. by M. K. Smith 160p.D Bost.Heath,1887 607 Se4 Seller, Emma Voice in singing; tr. from the German New ed. enl. 192pil.D Phil. Lippincott,1884«72 784.9 Se4 Voice in speaking; tr. from the German by W. H. Fumess 164p.il.D Phil.Lippincott, 1875^74 784.9 Se4 Seilhamer, George O. and Jenkins, H. M. Mem- orial history of the city of Philadelphia 1895 '98 974.81 J41 Seiss, Joseph Augustas Children of silence; or, The story of the deaf 208p.D Phil.Por- ter,1887 371.92 Se4 SELBORNE (England) White, Gilbert Nat- ural history of Selbome 1887 '90 591.9 W58 Self -consciousness Boyce, Josiah Implications of self -consciousness (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p!l40-168) 120 R81 Self-consciousness, social consciousness and nature (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p.198-248) 120 R81 Some observations on the anomalies of self- consciousness (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p.169-197) 120 R81 SELF-CULTURE 1881 1898 Alger, W:R. School of life 374 A13 Blackie, J:S. Self -culture n.d. 374 B56 Clarke, J. F. Self -culture ; physical, intel- lectual, moral, and spiritual; a course of lectures 1883«80 374 C55 Hameeton, p. G. Intellectual life 1885 '94 374 H17 Smiles, Samuel Self-help «1904 374 Sm4 See also Conduct of Uf e ; Conversation ; Edu- cation; Etiquette Self-education See also Self -culture Self-help Smiles, Samuel 374 Sm4 Self-possession Farrell, Joseph (see his Lee* tures of a certain professor 1877 p.263- 279) 824.89 F24 Seligman, Edwin Bobert Anderson Economic interpretation of history 166p.D N.Y. Columbia university pre8s,1903*02 901 Se4 Sellar, William Young Characteristics of Thucy- dides (in Oxford essays 1857 p.283- 313) 824.89 0x2 Lucretius and the poetic characteristics of his age (in Oxford essays 1855 p.1-46) 824.89 0x2 Roman poets of the Augustan age; Virgil Ed. 3 423p.D Oxf.Clarendon press,1897 873.1 Se4 Selw3m, Alfred Bichard Cecil and Hayden, F. V. id. North America 1883 917 H32 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus On benefits ; tr. by Au- brey Stewart 232p.D Lond.Bell,1887 878.5 Se5 Seksatiox See Senses, The Sensation and intuition "Sensational" philosophy See Sense of beauty Santayana, George Sully, James 150 Su58 Locke, John rOl Sa5 SENSES, THE Avebury, John Lubbock baron On the senses, instincts and intelligence of animals with special reference to insects 1888 (International scientific series) 591.5 Av3 Bain, Alexander Senses and the intellect 1879 150 B16 Baldwin, J. M. Handbook of psychology; senses and intellect 1890^89 150 B19h Bernstein, Julius Five senses of man 1881 (International scientific series) 152 B45 Clifford, W:K. Seeing and thinking 1880 (Nature series) 152 C61 Cultivation of the senses for teachers) n.d. (Manuals 152 C89 FLT.LERTON, G:S. and Cattell, J. M. On perception of small differences; with special reference to the extent, force and time of movement n.d. (University of Pennsyl- vania Philosophical series) 152 F95 Griffino, Harold On sensations from pres- sure and impact 1895 (Psychological revie^c Monograph supplement) 152 087 SEN SEN 438 Herbart, J:F: ABC of sense-perception and minor pedagogical works 1896 (In- ternational educational series) 152 H41 Huxley, T:H: On sensation and the unity of structure of sensiferous organs (see his Science and culture, and other essays 1884 p.253-280) 504 H98s M'Kendrick, J:G. and Snodgrass, WiiXLVii Physiology of the senses 1893 {Univer- sity Extension manuals) 612.8 M19 Wilson, George Five gateways of knowl- edge 1881 152 W69 See also Blind; Color blindness; Deaf and dumb; Deafness; Eye, The; Light; Pain; Perception; Sight; Sound See India — History Sepoy mutiny, 1857-1858 Sepulture See Burial Serbati, Antonio Kosmini- bati, Antonio See Rosmini-Ser- Seret, W. A. tr. of Volapiik Serfdom See ScHLEYER, J. M. Grammar n.d. 408.9 Seh3 Slavery Sergeant, Lewis The Pranks from their origin as a confederacy to the establishment of the kingdom of France and the German empire 343p.il.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1898 (Story of the nations) 940 Se6 John Wyclif, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers 377p.por.pl.D N.Y.Putnam,1893'=92 (Heroes of the na- tions) B W97 Series of modern philosophers ; ed. by E. H. Sneath Spinoza, Benedict de Philosophy 1894 193.9 Sp4 Serrano, Mrs Mary Jane (Christie) tr. Breton, J. A. A. L.. Life of an artist 1892*90 B B75 Servants See Domestic service Servants of the stomach Mac6, Jean Servatus, Lupus See 612 Lupus Servatus M15s 8ERVIA Education Education in Servia 1875 — Education, Bureau of formation) Sesame and lilies Buskin, John (United States Circular of in- 370.6 TJn3 824.86 B89s Seth, James Relation of knowledge to will and conduct (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.7-25) 370.6 H41 Seton, Ernest Thompson Animal heroes . . . 362p.il.O N.Y.Scribner,1905<=03 599 Se7 Wild animals I have known 358p.pl.O N.Y. Scribner,1900<=1898 590 Se7 Settlements See Social settlements Seven lamps of architecture Seven Spanish cities Ruskin, John 720 R89 Hale, E:E. 914.6 H13 SEVEN YEAR'S WAR 1756-1763 Longman, F:W: Frederic the Great and the seven years ' war 1891 (Epochs of modern his- tory) 943.05 L86 See also Frederick II ' ' The Great ' ' Seventeenth century studies Gosse, E. W: 824.8 G69 Sevigne, Marie de Eabutin-Chantal marquise de Best letters; ed. with an introduction by E:P. Anderson Ed.3 318p.D Chic. McCluTg,1904 (Laurel crowned letters) B Se8 SEWARD, WILLIAM HENRY 1801-1872 LoTHROP, T. K. William Henry Seward 1896 (American statesmen) B Se81 Sewell, Margaret A. and Powell, E. G. Woman 's settlements in England (see Reason, Will University and social settlements 1898 p.89-100) 331.8 R23 SEWING Foster, K. M. Elementary needle- work; a suggestive manual for sewing in kindergarten and primary schools *1896 646 F81 Johnson, C. F. Progressive lessons in the art and practice of needlework 1893 646 J62 Jones, E. G. Manual of plain needlework and cutting out 1887 646 J71 Patton, Frances Home and school sewing "=1901 646 P27 Robinson, L. T. Instructions for sewing classes in questions and answers 1896 646 R56 RosEVEAR, Elizabeth Manual of needle- work, knitting and cutting out for evening continuation schools 1894 646 R67 Textbook of needlework, knitting and cut- ting out 1893 646 R67t 439 See also Needlework SEX Ames, Azel jr Sex in industry 1875 376 Am3 Clarke, E:H. Sex in education 1882«73 376 C55 Ellis, H:H. Man and woman 1894 (Con- temporary science series) 611 E15 See also Woman Serton, Samuel Causes of deafness among school children and its influences on educa- tion 47p.O Wash.govt.pr.0.1881 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Seybert commission Preliminary report of the commission appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to investigate modern spirit- ualism in accordance with the request of the late Henry Seybert IBOp.il.O Phil.Lip- pincott,1887 » 133.9 Se9 SEYMOUE, JANE, queen of England, 1510- 1537 Strickland, Agnes Jane Seymour (in Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of England 1893 v.3,pt.l,p.l-31) 9 StS SHAFTESBURY, ANTHONY ASHLEY COOP- ER 1671-1713 earl OF Martineau, James Shaftesbury (tn Martineau, James Types of ethical theory 1886 v.2,p.487-513) 171 M36 SHAFTESBURY, ANTHONY ASHLEY COOP- ER 1801-1885 earl OF Hillis, N. D. Opportunities of leisure and wealth, an out- look upon the life of Lord Shaftesbury (see Hillis, N. D. Great books as life-teachers 1904«1898 p.229-251) 814 H55 HoDDER, Edwin Life and work of the sev- enth earl of Shaftesbury 1888 B Shi Shahan, Thomas Joseph The blessed Virgin in the catacombs 80pil.D Balt.Murphy, 1892 246.5 Shi Shaikh Muslih al Din See Sadi pseud. Shairp, John Campbell On poetic interpretation of nature 279p.D Bost.Houghton,n.d. 808 Shi Robert Burns 205p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B B938 Bound with lives of Wordsworth by F:W: H: Myers and of Coleridge by H:D. Traill Studies in poetry and philosophy . . . Ed. 10 340p.D Bost.Houghton,1893 821 Shi SHAKSPERE, WILLIAM 1564-1616 Elton, C:I: William Shakespeare; his family and friends 1904 B E18 Emerson, R. W. Shakspeare; or, The poet (see Emerson, R. W. Representative men 1894<=76'83 p.179-209) 9 Em3 Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare 1890 822.33 H15 Hudson, H:N. Life of Shakspere (see Shakespeare, William Complete works 1883<^80'81 v.l) 822.33 Shll Rolfe, W:J. Shakespeare, the boy 1896 822.33 Shir Complete works; ed. by H:N. Hudson 20v. inlO,por.D Bost.Ginn,1883'80'Sl (Har- vard edition) 822.33 Shll v. 1 Life of Shakespeare; Comedy of er- rors; Two gentlemen of Verona v. 2 Loves' labours lost; Taming of the shrew V. 3 Midsummer-nights' dream ; Merchant of "Venice V. 4 All's well that ends well; Much ado about nothing V. 5 As you like It; Twelfth night V. 6 Merry wives of Windsor; Measure for measure V. 7 Tempest; Winter's tale V. 8 King Henry VI V. 9 King Henry VI; King Richard HI V. 10 King John ; King Richard n V. 11 King Henry IV V. 12 King Henry V; King Henry Vm V. 13 Titus Andronicus; Romeo and Juliet V. 14 Julius Ca?sar; Hamlet V. 15 King Lear; Timon of Athens V. 16 Antony and Cleopatra; TroUus and Cresslda V. 17 Macbeth; Othello V. 18 Cymbellne; Corlolanus V. 19 Pericles; Two noble kinsmen; Venus and Adonis V. 20 Lucrece, Sonnets, etc., index New variorum edition of Shakespeare; ed. by H. H. Furness 13v.Q Phil.Lippincott, '1871 '86 822.33 Shin Contents: — v. 1 Romeo and Juliet T. 2 Macbeth V. S-4 Hamlet V. 5 King Lear V. 6 Othello V. 7 Merchant of Venice V. 8 As you like It T. 9 Tempest SHA SHA MO V. 10 Mldsommer nights dreatne V. 11 Winter's tale V. 13 Twelfth night; or, What you will Works; ed. by W:G: Clark and W:A. Wright 1075p.S Lond.Macmillan,1878 {Globe edition) 822.33 Shlw Bagehot, Walter Shakespeare — the man (in Bagehot, Walter Ldterary studies 1895 v.l,p.37-86) 824.89 B14 Bartlett, John camp. New and complete concordance to the dramatic works of Shakespeare with a supplementary concord- ance to the poems 1896 E822.33 B28 Boas, F:S: Shakspere and his predecessors 1896 (University series) 822.33 B63 Brandes, G:M. C. William Shakespeare; a critical study 1905 822.33 B73 Byington, E. H. Shakespeare and the Pur- itans (see Byington, E. H. Puritan as a colonist and reformer 1899 p. 307-354) 285.9 B99 Corson, Hiram Introduction to the study of Shakespeare 1889 822.33 C81 Craik, G:L. English of Shakespeare illus- trated in a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar 1892'=67 822.33 C84 DeQuinoey, Thomas Shakspeare (see Be Quincey, Thomas Biographical and histor- ical essays «]853'77 p.9-88) 824.81 D44 DowDEN, Edward Introduction to Shakes- peare 1895 822.33 D75 Shakspere n.d. (Literature primers) 822.33 D75s Shakspere ; a critical studj of his mind and art n.cL 822.33 D75sh I'ETER, T:F. T. 1884 Folklore of Shakespeare 822.33 D98 Ellacombe, H:N. Plant-lore and garden- craft of Shakespeare pref.1896 832.33 E15 Faeeae, F:W: Shakespeare (see Farrar, F:W: Great books «1898 p.72-133) 824.89 F24 Faucit, Helen (Lady Maetin) On some of Shakespeare's female characters 1893 822.33 F27 FuENESS, Mrs H. H. Concordance to Shakes- peare 's poems *1874 822.33 F98 Halleck, K. p. How Shakspere 's senses were trained (see Halleck, K. P. Educa- tion of the central nervous system 1896 p.171-208) 150 H15 Harrison, Elizabeth Eelationship between the kindergarten and great literature; Shakespeare (see her Kindergarten books ^1893 17p.) 372.2 H24 Hazlitt, William Characters of Shakes- peare's plays (in Hazlitt, William Lit- • erature of the age of Elizabeth 1892 Pt.2) ■ 820.9 H33 (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works n.d. v.2,pt.3) 824.76 H33m On Shakspeare and Ben Jonson (in Hazlitt, William Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers 1884 pt.2,p.37-62) 824.76 H33 (in Hazlitt, William Miscel- laneous works Lectures on the English comic writers n.d. v.3,pt.l,p.32-54) 824.76 H33m On Shakspere and Milton (see Hazlitt, William Lectures on the English poets and the English comic writers 1884 pt.l,p.58-90) 824.76 H33 (in Hazlitt, William Miscellaneous works Lectures on the English poets n.d, v.3,pt.2,p.52-81) 824.76 H33m Hudson, H:N. Shakespeare; his life, art and characters 1891<'72 822.33 H86 Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) Character- istics of women; moral, poetical and histori- cal 1895 822.33 J25 Landor, W. S. Citation and examination of William Shakspeare before Sir Thomas Lucy touching deer-stealing, 19th Sept., 1582 1891 828.89 L23 (in Landor, W. S. Longer prose "'orks 1892 '93 v.l,p.l-117) 828.89 L231 Lewes, Louis Women of Shakespeare 1895 822.33 L58 Lloyd, W:W. Critical essays on the plays of Shakespeare 1892 822.33 L77 Lowell, J. R. Shakespeare once more (in Lowell, J. R. Literary essays 1892 '94 «64'90 v.3,p.l-94) 814.39 L95U Madden, D. H. Diary of Master William Silence 1897 822.33 M26 441 MixTO, William ' William Shakespeare (see Minto, William Characteristics of English poets 1889 p.257-322) 821 M66 MoRLET, Henry Shakespeare and his time (in Morley, Henry English writers 1889 '93 v.10,11) 820.9 M82 MuLLANY, P. F. (Brother Azakias pseud.) Sonnets and plays of Shakespeare (see Mullany, P. F. (Brother Azarias psetid.) Essays; miscellaneous 1896 p. 89-109) 814.49 M91 Ward, A. W: Shakspere (in Ward, A. W: History of dramatic literature 1899 v.l, p.487-572; v.2,p.l-295) 822.09 W21 Warner, B. E. peare's plays English history in Shakes- 1894 822.33 W24 Warner, C:D. People for whom Shakespeare wrote 1897 822.33 W24p Wendell, Barrett William Shakspere; a study in Elizabethan literature 1894 822.33 W48 White, E:G. Studies in Shakespeare 1895 «85 822.33 W58 '* Hamlet" Maudsley, Henry Hamlet (see Maudsley, Henry Body and mind 1883 p.123-162) 132 M44 "Macbeth" DeQuincey, Thomas On the knocking at the gate in Macbeth (see his Literary criticism =1853 '76 p.533-539) 824.81 D441 "Richard III" Lowell, J. K. Shakes- peare's "Richard III" (see Lowell, J. R. Latest literary essays and addresses 1893 '91 p.111-130) 814.39 L95 Shakespeare and music Naylor, E:W. 822.33 N23 Shakespeare's England Winter, William 914.2 W73 Shakespeare's Plutarch Skeat, W. W: ed. 822.33 Sk2 Shakespere's Holinshed Stone, W. G: Boswell- 822.33 St7 Shakspere 's predecessors in the English drama Symonds, J: A. 822 Sy6 Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate American high- ways . . . 293pil.D N.Y.Century CO, 1896 625.7 Shi Aspects of the earth; a popular account of some familiar geological phenomena 344p. il.pl.O N.Y.Scribner,1889 551 Shi First book in geology 255p.il.D Bost.Ginn, 1885=84 550 Shi The individual; a study of life and death 351 p.D N.Y.Appleton,1905'00 126 Shi Kentucky; a pioneer commonwealth 433p. map,D Bost.Houghton,l 885=84 (Ameri- can commonwealths) 976.9 Shi Nature and man in America 295p.D N.Y. Scribner,1891 551 Shin Story of our continent; a reader in the geog- raphy and geology of North America . . . 290p.D Bost.Ginn,1893=91 917 Shi cd. The United States of America; a study of the American commonwealth . . . 2v.il. pl.map,Q N.Y.Appleton,1894 917.3 Shi Sharp, William Life of Heinrich Heine 218p. D Lond.Scott,1888 (Great writers) B H36 Contains a bibliography ed. Cunningham, Allan Great English painters 1886 9 C91 DeQuincey, Thomas Confessions of an English opium eater n.d. B D44c Sharp eyes Gibson, W:H. 590 G35 Sharp eyes and other papers Burroughs^ John (in his Birds and bees =1879 '87 pt.3) 814.41 B94b Sharp lookout BURROUGHS, John (see his Signs and seasons 1895=86 p.1-34) 814.41 B94sl Sharpe, Samuel History of Egypt from the earliest times till the conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640 Ed. 6 2v.il.maps,D Lond. Bell,1876 932 Sh2 Sharpless, Isaac English education in the ele- mentary and secondary schools 193p.D N.Y.Appleton,1892 (InterJMtional educa- tion series) 379.42 Sh2 History of Quaker government in Pennsylvania 2v.por.D Phil.Leach,1898 342.7481 Sh2 Contents: — v. 1 A Quaker experiment In • government V. 2 The Quakers in the reyolutlon Two centuries of Pennsylvania history 385p. por.map,D Phil.Lippincott,1900 (Lip- pincott educational series) 974.8 Sh2 Sharpsburo'. Battle of See Antietam, Battle of SHA SHA Shattuck, George B. Epidemics and disinfec- tion (see Massachusetts emergency and hygiene association Six lectures upon school hygiene 1885 p.91-112) 371.7 M38 Shaw, Albert Municipal government in conti- nental Europe 505p.O N.Y.Century co, 1895 352.04 Sh2 Municipal government in Great Britain 385p.O N.Y.Century co,1895 352.042 Sh2m Shaw, Edward Richard School hygiene 260p. il.pl.D N.Y.MacmiUan,1901 (Teachers' professional library) 371.7 Sh2 and Donnell, Webb School devices; a book of ways and suggestions for teachers 217p. il.S N.Y.KeIlogg,1886 371b Sh2 Shaw, Thomas Budd English and American literature New history of English litera- ture, together with a history of English liter- ature in America by T. J. Backus 480p. il.D N.Y.Sheldon,1884«75 820.9 Sh2 Shaw fellowship lectures 1893 Caldwell, Wil- liam Schopenhauer's system in its phil- osophical significance 1896 193.7 C12 Shearer, William J. Grading of schools; includ- ing a full explanation of a rational plan of grading Ed. 2 220p.D N.Y.Smith pub- 371c Sh3 442 lishing co,1898 SHEFFIELD, JOHN SON, Samuel Samuel Lives of the poets v.3,p.l91-202) 1649-1720 or 1721 JoHN- Sheflaeld (m Johnson, pref.1896 9 J62 SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL Gilman, D. C. The Sheffield scientific school of Yale university, New Haven (see his Uni- versity problems in the United States 1898 •=97 p.107-149) 378.73 G42 SHELDON, EDWAED AUSTIN 1823-1897 WiNSHiP, A. E. Edward A. Sheldon, the founder of the Oswego teachers' training school (see Winship, A. E. Great Ameri- can educators ^900 p.145-161) B39 W73 and others Manual of elementary instruction . . . containing a graduated course of ob- ject lessons . . . Ed. 6, enl. 471p.il.D N.Y.Scribner,1883'62 37^.3 Sh4 SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE 1792-1822 Gris- woLD, H. T. Shelley (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of the great authors 1894«86 p.102-111) 9 G88 Defense of poetry; ed. by A. S. Cook 86p.D Bost.Ginn,1891'90 808.1 Sh4 Essays and letters; ed. with introductory note by Ernest Ehys 392p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 824.77 Sh4 Poetical works ; ed. by Edward Dowden 708p. por.D Lond.Macmillan,1893 821.77 Sh4 Arnold, Matthew Shelley (in Arnold, Matthew Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.2,p.205-252) Bagehot, Walter Bagehot, Walter v.l,p.246-300) Browning, Robert Browning, Robert dramatic works 824.85 Ar6e Percy Bysshe Shelley (in Literary studies 1895 824.89 B14 DeQuincey, Thomas Sheldon, Mary D. (Sheldon) See Barnes, Mrs M.. D. Essay on Shelley (see Complete poetic and 1895 p.1008-1014 apx) 821.83 B82 Percy Bysshe Shelley (see DeQuincey, Thomas Biographical and historical essays <=1873'77 p.290-317) 824.81 D44 Shelley, P. B. A defence of poetry (see Vaughan, C. E. camp. English literary criticism pref.1896 p.160-199) 820 V46 Swinburne, A. C : Notes on {he text of Shelley (see Swinburne, A. C. Essays and studies 1897 p.184-237) 824.89 Sw6 "Bevolt of Islam" Revolt of Islam; a poem in twelve cantos (see Stevenson, E. Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.279-286) 820 St4 Symonds, J:A. Shelley n.d. (English men of letters) B G35 Bound with lives of Milton by Mark Pat- tison and of Gibbon by J: A. C. Morison Shenandoah valley in 1864 Pond, G:E: 973.7 P77 SHENSTONE, WILLIAM 1714-1763 John- son, Samuel Shenstone (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.6,p.75-86) 9 J62 Shepard, Edward Morse Martin Van Buren 404p.D Bost.Houghton,1892"=88 (Ameri- can statesmen) B V27 Shephard, Hazel See Smith, Helen Ainslee 443 Shepherd, William Bobert History of proprie- tary government in Pennsylvania GOlp.O N.Y.Columbia university,! 896 (University of the city of New York Studies iri his- tory, economics and public law) 342.973 Sh4 Shepherd's holiday (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.361-444) 822.08 D66 Sheppard, John G. Fall of Eome and the rise of the new nationalities; a series of lectures between ancient and modern history 797p. O Lond.Routledge,1892 940.2 Sh4 Shepperd, Juniata L. Laundry work for use in liomes and schools 103p.il.D St Paul (Minn), 1902 648 Sh4 SHERIDAN, PHILIP HENRY 1831-1888 Dav- lES, H:E. General Sheridan 1895 (Great commanders) B Sh5 Sheridan, P:H: Personal memoirs 2v.por. map8,facsim.O N.Y.Webster,1888 B Sh51 SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY BUTLER 1751-1816 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Sheridan n.d. (English men of letters) B T32t Bound with lives of Thackeray by An- thony Trollope, and of Addison by "W:J: Courthope Sanders, L. C. Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan n.d. (Great writers) B Sh5s SHERMAN, WILLIAM TECUMSEH 1820-1891 Sherman, W:T. Personal memoirs Ed.3, enl. 2v.por.maps,0 N.Y.Webster,1890 B Sh5sh Sherwell, Arthur Social settlements and the labour movement (see Reason, Will ed. University and social settlements 1898 p.115-136) 331.8 E23 Schigemi, Schiukichi A Japanese boy, by him- self 128p.D N.Y.Holt,1890 915.2 Sh6 Shilleto, Arthur Richard ed. Plutarch Mor- als; ethical essays 1888 888.8 P74 Shimmell, L. S. Pennsylvania citizen 108p.il. pl.D Harrisb.Myers,1901 320 Sh6 Shinn, Milicent Washburn Biography of a baby 247p.D Bost.Houghton,1900 372c She SHIP BUILDING Harland, E. J. Ship-build- ing in Belfast; its origin and prog^ress (see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.284-318) 9 Sm4 Shipley, Arthur Everett ed. Cambbidoe nat* ural science manuals; biological series Weismann, A:F:L. Essays on heredity and kindred biological problems 1891 '92 570.4 W43 and MacBride, E. A. Zoology; an elemen- tary text book 632p.il.O N.Y.Macmillan, 1901 (Cambridge natural science manu- als; biological series) 590 Sh6 Shipley, John B. and Shipley, M. A. English rediscovery and colonization of America 151p.D Lond.Stock,pref.l890 973.21 She Shirley, James Plays; with an introduction by Edmund Gosse 466p.por.D Lond.Unwin, n.d. (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.39 Sh6 1596-1666 Ward, A. W: End of the old drama (in his History of English dra- matic literature 1899^75 v.3,p.89-125) 822.09 W21 SHIRLEY, SELINA, countess of Huntingdon, 1707-1791 Newman, J:H: cardinal Selina, Countess of Huntingdon (in his Essays; critical and historical 1891 v.l, p.387-425) 204 N46 Shirreflf, Emily Anne Eliza Intellectual educa- tion and its influence on the character and happiness of women New ed. 276p.D Lond.Smith,1862 376 Sh6 Short sketch of the life of Friedrich Froebel (see Marenholtz-Bulow, B. M. von Remi- niscences of Friedrich Froebel 1882 '95*77 p.335-359) B37 F92m Shooting Niagara Carlyle, Thomas Shooting Niagara and after! (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.4,p.421-465) 824.82 C19 Short, Charles and Lewis, 0. T: ed. Andrews, E. A. Harpers' Latin dictionary 1882 •^77 '79 R473.2 An2 Short, John Thomas North Americans of an- tiquity; their origin, migrations and type of ci^ilization considered Ed.3 548pil.O N.Y.Harper,1882 913.7 Sh7 Short history of the literatures of the world See Literatures of the world Short studies of American authors Higginson, T : W. 810.4 H53 Short studies on great subjects Froude, J. A. 824.89 F93 SHO SHO 444 Shorthand See Stenography Shoup, William J. History and science of edu- cation . . . 315p.il.D N.Y.American book co/1891 370.9 Sh8 SHREWSBURY SCHOOL Staunton, Howard Shrewsbury {see his Great schools of Eng- land 1865 p.404-441) 373.42 St2 SHRUBS Newhall, C:S. Shrubs of northeast- ern America 1895'-93 582 N45 See also Botany; Landscape gardening; Trees Shuckburgh, Evelyn S. tr. Cicero, M. T. Letters 1899 876.1 C48 Shumway, Edgar Solomon Day in ancient Rome ; being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rome" , . . 99p.il.maps,0 Bost.Heath, 1893 913.37 Sh9 Shuttleworth, G. E. Mentally-deficient children; their treatment and training Ed.2 180p. il.D Lond.Lewis,1900 371.9 Sh9 SIBERIA Exiles Kennan, George tern 1891 Siberia and the exile sys- 915.7 K36 Sibome, Walter Waterloo campaign, 1815 Ed.4 832p.maps,D Westminster,Con- stable,1895 944.05 Sil Sibree, John tr. Hegel, G:W:F: Lectures on the philosophy of history 1881 901 H36 SICILY Duff, Sir M. E. G. Sicily (m Ox- ford essays 1857 p.57-93) 824.89 0x2 Freeman, E:A. Story of Sicily; Phoenician, Greek, and Roman 1892 {Story of the nations) 937.8 F87 Sickels, Ivin Exercises in woodworking with a short treatise on wood . . . 158p.il.O N.Y.Appleton,1890<-89 694 Sil Sidgwlck, Alfred Process of argument; a con- tribution to logic 235p.D Lond.Black, 1893 168 Sil Sidgwlck, Arthur On stimulus {see Eve, H: W. Sidgwick, Arthur and Abbott, E. A. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education 1883 p.31-65) 371b Ev2 Sidgwick, Henry Methods of ethics Ed. 3 505p.O Lond.Macmillan.1884 171 Sil Outlines of the history of ethics for English readers 276p.D Lond.Macmillan,1886 1886 (2 copies) 170.9 Sil Theory of classical education {see Farrar, F:W: ed. Essays on a liberal education 1868 p.81-143) 370.4 F24 Sidgwick, Mrs Henry Higher education of women {see Roberts, R. D, ed. Educa- tion in the 19th century 1901 p.201- 209) 370.4 R54 Siding at a railway station Froude, J. A. (in his Short studies on great subjects 1891 •92 v.4,p.352-370) 824.89 F93 Sidis, Boris The psychology of suggestion; a research into the sub-conscious nature of man and society, with an introduction by William James 386p.D N.Y.Appleton, 1898 126 Sil SIDNEY, 5ir PHILIP 1554-1586 Bourne, H: R:F. Sir Philip Sidney, type of English chivalry in the Elizabethan age 1891 {Heroes of the nations) B Silb Symonds, J:A. Sir Philip Sidney n.d. {English men of letters) B P81 Bound with lives of Pope by, Leslie Stephen and of Dryden by G:E:B. Saints- bury Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia 476p.pl.D Lond.Low,1898 823.3 Sil Defense of poesy, otherwise known as an apol- ogy for poetry; ed. by A. S. Cook 143p.D Bost.Ginn,1890 808.1 Sil Memoirs of the Sidney family 232p.il.por. faesim.O Lond.Unwin,1899 B Sil Jusserand, J. A. A. J. Sir Philip Sidney and pastoral romance {see Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English novel in the time of Shakes- peare 1890 p.217-283) 823 J98 Raleigh, W. A. Elizabethan age: Sidney and Nash {see Raleigh, W. A. English novel 1894 p.49-86) 823 R13 An ai)oIogie for poetrie {see Vaughan, C : E. comp. English literary criticism pref.1896 p.1-58) 820 V46 SIDNEY FAMILY Sidney, Philip Memoirs of the Sidney family 1899 B Sil Siebert, Wilbur Henry Underground railroad from slavery to freedom; with an introduc- tion by A. B. Hart 478p.il.pl.O N.Y. Macmillan,1898 326 Sil 445 SIEGFRIED fried time) Brooks, Edward Baldwin, James Story of Sieg- 1895''82'88 {Heroes of the olden 398.2 B198 Story of Siegfried 1903 398.2- B79 Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Siegfried, the hero of the North; and Beowulf, the hero of the Anglo-Saxons 1898 '99 (.Tales of the heroic ages) 398.2 R128 SIENA Duffy, Bella Tuscan republics (Flor- ence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca) with Genoa 1893 {Story of the nations) 945 D87 Sievers, Eduard An old English grammar; tr. and ed. by A. S. Cook Ed.3 422p.D Bost.Ginn,1903«1885 429 Sil SIGHT Helmholtz, H. L. F. von The recent progress of the theory of vision {in his / Popular lectures on scientific subjects 1881 '85 v.l,p.l97-316) 504 H36 See also The Blind, The; Color blindness; Eye, Signs and seasons Burroughs, John 814.41 B94si Signs of the times' Carlyle, Thomas {in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.l,p.462-487) 824.82 C19 Silex scintillans Vaughan, Henry 821.49 V46 SILVER SMITHING Pollen, J :H. Gold and silver smiths' work 1879 {South Ken- sington museum art handbooks) 739 P76 SILVESTER II (GERBERT) (?)-1003 Town- send, W: J. Yearnings for light Ger- bert; Pope Silvester II (in Townsend, W: J: Great schoolmen of the middle ages 1881 p.62-76) B19 T66 Simcox, Oeorge Augustus History of Latin literature from Ennius to Boethius 2v.D N.Y.Harper,1883 870.9 Si4 Sime, James History of Germany; ed, by E:A: Freeman 282p.S N.Y.Holt,1884'=74 {Historical course for schools) 943 Si4 SIMMS, WILLIAM GILMORE 1806-1870 Trent, W:P. William Gilmore Simms 1892 {American men of letters) B Si4 Simon, Jules (Jules Fran$ois Simon Suisse) Victor Cousin; tr. by M. B. Anderson and E: P. Anderson 220p.D ChicMcClurg, 1888 {Great French writers) B CSS SiMONDE DE SISMONDI, JeaN CHARLES L^NAED See Sismondi, Jean Charles Leonard Si- monde de Slmonds, William Edward English literature Houghton,«1902 Students' history of 483p.il.pl.D Bost. 820.7 Si5 Simpson, Henry Lives of eminent Philadelphi- ans now deceased; collected from original and authentic sources 993p.por.Q Phil. Brotherhead,1859 9 Si5 Sinclair, Samuel Bower Possibility of a science of education 126p.O Chic.University of Chicago press,1903 370.1 Si6 SINGING Bach, A. B. 1885 Principles of singing 784.9 B12 Gaertner, Carl Art of singing 1871 784.9 Gil See also Music; Songs; Voice, The SINGLETARY, NICHOLAS Whittier, J:G. My summer with Dr Singletary {see Whittier, J:G. Prose works 1893'66'89 v.l,p.l98-250) 814.39 W61 Singleton, Esther ed. and tr. Great pictures as seen and described by famous writers 317p.pl.O N.Y.Dodd,1900n899 750 Si6 Sir Roger de Coverley papers See Steele, Sir Richard and Addison, Joseph Sismondi, Jean Charles Leonard Simonde de Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe; tr. by Thomas Roscoe Ed. 2 2v.por.D Lond.Bohm,1846 809 SiS History of the Italian republics; being a view of the rise, progress, and fall of Ital- ian freedom New ed. 300p.S N.Y. Harper,pref.l832 945 SiS Six centuries of work and wages Rogers, J. E : T. 331 R63 Six old English chronicles Giles, J: A. ed. 942.01 G39 Sizeranue, Maurice de la The blind as seen through blind eyes; tr. from the 2nd French ed. by F:P. Lewis 154p.D N.Y.Putnam, 1893 371.91 Si9 Skeat, Walter William Essay on the Rowley poems {in Chatterton, Thomas Poetical works 1891 v.2,p 7-46p.pref.) 821.63 C39 SKE SKE 446 Etymological dictionary of the English lan- guage 799p.O Oxf.Macmillan,1882 E422 Sk2 ed. Shakespeare's Plutarch; a selection from the lives in North's Plutarch which illus- trate Shakespeare's plays . . . 332p.D Lond.Macmillan,1892«75 '80 822.33 Sk2 SKEPTICISM Confessions of a skeptic (see College and the church 1887 p.206-214) 370.4 C68 See also Materialism; Eationalism Sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon, gentln Irving, Washington 817.24 IrSs Sketches of art, literature, and character Jame- son, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) 750 J23 Sketching See Drawing; Painting Skldmore, Sydney T. An evolution of play; a paper read before the Educational club of Philadelphia 1894 372.21 Sk3 Skrine, John Huntley Memory of Edward Thring 279p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1889 B T41 Sky See Astronomy; Meteorology Slang dictionary; etymological, historical and anecdotal Newed. 382p.D Lond.Chat- to,1889 E427 Sll Slater, John and Smith, T:R. Architecture; clas- sic and early Christian 1890 722 Sm5 SLAVE TEADE DuBois,W:E:B. Suppres- sion of the African slave-trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870 1896 (Har- vard historical studies) 326.1 D85 SLAVEEY Brackett, J. E. Negro in Mary- land; a study of the institution of slavery 1889 (Johns Hopkins university Studies in historical and political science) 326 B72 Status of the slave, 1775-1789 (see Jame- son, J :F: ed. Essays in the constitu- tional history of the United States 1889 p.263-311) 342.73 J23 Emerson, E. W. Address delivered in Con- cord on the anniversary of the emancipation of the negroes in the British West Indies, August 1, 1844 (see his Miscellanies 1893 «78'83 p.129-175) 814.36 Em3m American civilization (see his Miscella- nies 1893'=78 '83 p.275-290) 814.36 Em3m Fugitive slave law (see his Miscellanies 1893«78'83 p.203-230) 814.36 Em3m Henderson, J: C. "Our colored brethren" (see his Thomas Jefferson's views on pub- lic education 1890 p.213-311) 379 H38 SiEBERT, W. H : Underground railroad from slavery to freedom 1898 326 Sil Whittier, J:G. Conflict with slavery (in his Prose works 1893*66 '83 v.3,p.9-195) 814.39 W61 See also Negro, The; Slave trade; also Brown, John; Calhoun, J:C. SLAVONIC LITEEATUEE Poor, L. E.. Com- parative mythology of Slavonic literature (see her Sanskrit and its kindred literatures 1880 p.267-328) 891.2 P79 SLEEP BiGELOW, John Mystery of sleep 1897 135 B48 Lyman, H:M, Insomnia and other disor- ders of sleep 1885 613.8 L98 Manac&ne, Marie de Sleep; its physiology, pathology, hygiene and psychology 1897 (Contemporary science series) 135 M31 Playfair, Sir Lyon Sleep and some of its concomitant phenomena (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.43-64) 304 P69 See also Dreams; Hypnotism; Sub-con- sciousness Bibliography Manac^ine, Marie de Bibliography (see her Sleep; its physiology, pathology, hy- giene, and psychology 1897 p.70-77,143- 152,223-228,327-335) 135 M31 Sloane, Thomas O 'Conor tr. Alglave, Emile and Boulard, J. Electric light; its his- tory, production and applications 1884 621.3 A13 Sloane, William Milligan French war and the revolution 409p.D N.Y.Scribner,1893 (American history series) 973.3 S15 Slojd See Sloyd SLOYD Barter, S. Manual instruction, wood- work, the English sloyd n.d. 694 B2S Hoffman, B. B. Sloyd system of wood work- ing «1892 694 H67 Salomon, Otto Teacher's handbook of Slojd 1891 694 Sa3 447 See also Wood carving SLUMS United States — Labor, Department of Slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia 1894 352.9 Un3 Smart, William Introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, Wieser and Bohm-Bawerk 88p.D Lond.Macmillan, 1891 330 Sm2 ed. Bohm-Bawerk, Eugene von Positive theory of capital 1891 331 B63 Smeaton, William Henry Oliphant ed. World's epoch makers Smiles, Samuel Character 387p.D N.Y.Har- per,n.d. ^ 170 Sm4 Duty; with illustrations of courage, patience, and endurance 412p.D N.Y.Harper.pref. 1880 170 Sm4d Huguenots in France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes with a visit to the coun- try of the Vaudois 430p.maps,O N.Y. Harper,1874 272.4 Sm4 Huguenots in France; their settlements, churches and industries in England and Ire- land, with an appendix relating to the Huguenots in America 448p.O N.Y. Barper,1867 272.4 Sm4s Men of invention and industry 382p.D N.Y. Harper,1885 9 Sm4 Contents: — Phineas Pett; Francis Pettit Smith; John Harrison; John Lombe; Wil- liam Murdock; Frederick Koenig; The Wal- ters of "The Times"; William Clowes; Charles Bianconi; Industry in Ireland; Ship- building in Belfast; Astronomers and stud- ents In humble life; Index Self-help ; ed. with notes by R. L. Bower 182p. D N.Y.American book co,«1904 (Eclec- tic school readings) 374 Sm4 Thrift 404p.D N.Y.Harper,pref.l875 174 Sm4 SMITH, ADAM 1723-1790 Bagehot, Walter Adam Smith as a person (see Bagehot, Walter Biographical studies 1895 p.267-304) 9 B14 Adam Smith and our modem economy (see Bagehot, Walter Economic studies 1895 p.125-175) 330 B14 Haldane,E:B. Life of Adam Smith 1887 (Great writers) B Sm5 Stewart, Duoald Account of the life and writings of Adam Smith (see Smith, Adam Theory of moral sentiments 1887 pref.69p.) 171 Sm5 Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations; ed. by J. E. T. Rogers Ed. 2 2v.por.O Oxf .Clarendon pre8S,1880 330 Sm5 Select chapters and passages from ' ' The wealth of nations", 1776 285p.D N.Y. Macmillan,1895'94 (Economic classics) 330 SmSa Theory of moral sentiments; to which is added a dissertation on the origin of lan- guages; "with a biographical and critical memoir of the author by Dugald Stewart New ed. 538p.D Lond.Bell,1887 171 Sm5 Smith, Alexander ed. Bxjrns, Robert Poems, songs and letters 1893 821.67 B93 and Hall, E:H. Teaching of chemistry and physics in the secondary school 377p.O Lond.Longmans,1902 (American teachers' series) 540.7 Sm5 Smith, Benjamin Eli ed. names «1894 Centxjey cyclopedia of R031 033 Smith, Charles John Synonyms discriminated; a dictionary of synonymous words in the English language New ed. edited by H. P. Smith 781p.O Lond.Bell,1882 R424 Sm5 Smith, Charles Lee History of education in North Carolina 180p.pl.O Wash.govt. pr.0.1888 (United States — Education, Bu- reau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 Smith, David Eugene History of modern mathe- matics (see Merriman, Mansfield and Woodward, R. S. Higher mathematics 1896 p.508-570) ,510.7 M55 Teaching of elementary mathematics 312p. • D N.Y.Macmillan,1900 (Teachers' pro- fessional library) 510.7 Sm5 and Beman, W. W. 1900 Elements of algebra 512 B42 Higher arithmetic 1897 New plane and solid geometry 511 B42 tr. Fink, Karl matics 1900 1900^1895 '99 513 B42 Brief history of mathe- 510.9 F49 Klein, Felix Famous problems of elemen- tary geometry 1897 513 K67 SMI SMI Smith, Edward Foods 485p.il.pl.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1881 (^International scientific se- ries) 643 Sm5 Health; a handbook for households and schools 198p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1880 (Popular science library) 613 Sm5 Smith, Edward P. Movement toward a second constitutional convention in 1788 (see Jameson, J: F. ed. Essays in the consti- tutional history of the United States 1889 p.46-115) 342.73 J23 SMITH, EDMUND 1710 (?) Johnson, Sam- uel Smith (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.3,p.l-31) 9 J62 Smith, Eleanor Songs for little children . . . 2v.Q Springfield(Mass),Bradley,'=1887 '94 (4 copies) 372.21 Sm5 SMITH, FRANCIS PETTIT 1808-1874 Smiles, Samuel Francis Pettit Smith (see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and in- dustry 1885 p.49-71) 9 Sm4 Smith, George History of Delaware county, Pennsylvania, from the discovery of the ter- ritory included within its limits to the pres- ent time; with a notice of the geology of the county and catalogues of its minerals, plants, quadrupeds, and birds 581p.pl. facsim.mapSjO Phil.Ashmead,1862 974.7813 Sm5 Smith, George Adam Historical geography of the Holy Land; especially in relation to the history of Israel and of the early church Ed.3 692p.maps,0 N.Y.Armstrong,1895 915,69 Sm5 Smith, George Bamett Eomance of coloniza- tion The United States from the earliest times to the landing of the pilgrim fathers 320p.pl.D N.Y.Dodd,1897 973.2 Sm5 Smith, G. H. tr. Michelet, Jules History of France 1882 944 M58 Smith, Goldwin Cowper 128p.S N.Y.Har- per,n.d. (English men of letters) B C83 Bound with lives of Landor by Sidney Col- vln and of Bentley by R:C. Jebb Life of Jane Austen 195p.D Lond.Scott, 1890 (Great writers) B Au7 Contains also a bibliography Review of Mr Congreve 's ' * Roman empire of the West" (in Oxford essays 1856 p.295-311) 824.89 0x2 448 United States; an outline of political history 1492-1871 312p.maps,0 N.Y.Macmillan, 1893 342.73 Sm5 Smith, Mrs Hannah Whitall Child culture; or, The science of motherhood 47p.D N.Y. Revell,1895<^94 (2 copies) 372b Sm5 Smith, Helen Ainslee (Hazel Shephard pseud.) Great cities of the ancient world 254p.il.O Lond.RoutIedge,<=1885 913 Sm5 Great cities of the modern world 433p.il.O N.Y.Routledge,a885 910 Sm5 Smith, Henry J. S. Plurality of worlds (in Oxford essays 1855 p.105-155) 824.89 0x2 Smith, Horace Wemyss Life and correspond- ence of William Smith; with copious ex- tracts from his writings 2v.por.Q Phil. Ferguson,1880'=78 B37 Sm5 Smith, Hubert Llewellyn and Acland, A. H. D. ed. Studies in secondary education 1892 373.42 Ac6 Smith, J. Frederick ed. Beard, Charles Martin Luther and the reformation in Ger- many 1889 B L97 tr. Pfleiderer, Otto Influence of the apostle Paul on the development of Chris- tianity 1885 225 P48 Smith, J. Hamblin Elementary treatise on the metric system of weights and measures 103p.D N.Y.Longmans,1897 389 SmS Smith, John True travels, adventures and ob- servations in Europe, Asia and Africke, and America; from^the London edition of 1629 2v.por.pl.maps,0 Richmond,Gray,1819 975 Sm5 V. 2 Generall liistorie of Virginia, New England and the Summer lies Smith, John Bernhardt Economic entomology for the farmer and fruit grower 481p.il. pl.O Phil.Lippincott,1896 595.7 Smo Smith, Lucy Toulmin ed. Jusserand, J. A A. J. English wayfaring life in the mid- dle ages 1890 914.2 J98 ed. York plays; the plays performed by the crafts or mysteries of York on the day of Corpus Christie in the 15th and 16th cent- uries 557p.pl.O Oxf .Clarendon press, 1885 822 Sm5 Smith, Lyndon, A. comp. decisions 82p.O Recent school law Wash.govt.pr.0.1883 449 (United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 370.6 Un3 SMITH, MARGARET Whittieb, J:G. Mar- garet Smith's journal (see Whittilr, J:G. Prose works 1893'66'89 v.l,p.9-195) 814.39 W61 tr. Herbart, J:F: Text-book in psychol- ogy; an attempt to found the science of psy- chology on experience, metaphysics and mathematics 1891 '94 '96 '97'91 (Interna- tional education series) 150 H41 Seidel, Robert Industrial instruction; a pedagogic and social necessity 1887 607 Se4 and De Graff, E. V. Development lessons for teachers 1883 ' 371b D36d Smith, Mary Gate Life in Asia 328p.il.map, D N.Y.Silver,'1897 (World and its peo- ple) 915 Sm5 Smith, Nora Archibald Children of the future 16.5p.D Bost.Houghton.1900'1898 372.2 Smo and Wiggin, Mrs K.. D. (Smith) Story hour 1892^90 372.21 W63 Smith, Reginald Bosworth Mohammed and Mohammedanism; with an appendix contain- ing Emanuel Deutsch's article on "Islam" 388p.D N.Y.Harper,1875 297 Sm5 Rome and Carthage, the Punic wars 298p. maps,S N.Y.Scribner,1891 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.04 Sm5 Smith, Bichmond Mayo- Emigration and im- migration; a study in social science 316p. D N.Y.Scribner,1890 325 Sm5 Science of statistics; statistics and sociology 399p.O N.Y.MacmiUan,1895 304 Sm5 Smith, Robert Henry Cutting tools worked by hand and machine . . . 224p.il.pl.S Lond. Cassell,1882 (Manuals of technology) 621.9 Sm5 Smith, Boderick H. Science of business; a study of the principles controlling the laws of exchange 182p.tab.D N.Y.Putnam, 1885 (Questions of the day) 380 Sm5 Smith, Samuel History of the colony of Nova Cffisaria, or New Jersey — containing an ac- count of its first settlement, progressive im- provements, the original and present consti- tution, and other events . . . 613p.map8,0 Burlington ( N JT. ) ,Parker,l 765 974.9 Sm5 Smith, Sydney Essays 508p.D Lond.Rout- ledge,n.d. 824.72 Sm6 1771-1845 Saintsbuby, G:E:B. Sydney Smith (see Saintsbury, G:E:B. Essays in English literature 1890 p.67-99) 824 Sa2 Smith, Theodore Clarke Liberty and free-soil parties in the Northwest 351p.O N.Y. Longmans,1897 (Harvard historical stud- ies) 973.7 Sm5 Tappan prize essay Political reconstruction (see Cambridge mod- ern history The United States 1903 p.622-654) 973 C14 Smith, Thomas Boger Architecture, Gothic and renaissance 236p.il.D Lond.Low,1893 (Illustrated handbooks of art education) 723.4 Sm5 and Poynter, E:J: ed. Illusteated hand- books of art education Illi'stkated handbooks of art history and Slater, John Architectiire ; classic and early-Christian 272p.il.D Lond.Low,1890 (Illustrated handbooks of art history) 722 Sm5 Smith, Walter Art education, scholastic and industrial 398p.pl.O Bost.Osgood,1873*72 707 Sm5 SMITH, WILLIAM 1727-1803 Smith. H. W. Life and correspondence of WiUiam Smith, with copious extracts from his writ- ings 1880«78 B37 Sm5 Smith, William Memoir of . . . Fichte (see Fichte, J:G. Popular works 1873 p.l- 132) 193.3 F44 ed. Hallam, Henry View of the state of Europe during the middle ages 1879 '80 « 940.1 H15 Smith, Sir William Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities . . . 1293piI.O Lond. MuTray,1882 B913.38 Sm5 New classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography . . . New ed. enl. by Charles Anthon N.Y.Har- per.1892'50 R9 Sm5 Smith, WiUiam Hawley Evolution of "Dodd"; a pedagogical story giving his struggle for the survival of the fittest, tracing his SMI SMI 450 chances, his changes, and how he came out 153p.D Chic.Rand,1893 813 Sm5 Smith, WlUlam Robertson Prophets of Israel and their place in history to the close of the eighth century B.C.; new ed. with introduc- tion and notes by T:K. Cheyne 446p.O Lond.Black,1895 224 Sm5 Smithsonian institution O Latest volume Annual report . . . E506 Sm5 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS GEORGE 1721-1771 Han- NAY, David Life of Tobias George Smol- let 1887 (Ch-eat writers) B Sm7 Smnll's legislative handbook and manual of the state of Pennsylvania, 1902 O Latest volume E328.748 P38 Smyth, Albert Henry Bayard Taylor 320p. por.D Bost.Houghton,1896 (American men of letters) B T21 Philadelphia magazines and their contributors 1741-1850 264p.D Phil.Lindsay,1892 051 Sm9 Sm3rth, Egbert Coffin and Bopes, C. J. H. ed. and tr. Uhlhorn, J:G. W. Conflict of Christianity with heathenism 1892'=79 270.1 Uh6 Smyth, Samuel Phillips Newman Christian ethics 498p.O N.Y.Scribner,1892 (Inter- national theological library) 171.1 Sm9 Walk in Hellas ; or. The old in the new New ed. 525p.D St Louis,Sigma publishing co,1892«=81 '82 914.95 Sn3 SnodgraSs, William and M'Kendrick, J:Q. Phys- iology of the senses 1893 (University extension manuals) 612.8 M19 Snow, Marshall S. Higher education in Mis- souri 164p.O Wash.govt.pr.0.1898 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370,6 Un3 SOBRIQUETS See Pseudonyms Social aims Emerson, R.W. (see his Letters and social aims 1893^75 '83 p.77-105) 814.36 Em31e Social aspects of Christianity Ely, R : T. 261 E19 Social aspects of Christianity Westcott, B. F. 261 W52 Social contract Rousseau, J. J. Social democracy See Socialism Social England Traill, H:D. ed. 320,1 E76 942 T68 Sueath, E. H. phers ed. Series of modern philoso- SOCIAL ETHICS Addams, Jane Democracy and social ethics 1902 (Citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology) 304 Ad2 Social evolution Kidd, Benjamin 301 K53s Social growth and stability Ostrander, D. 301 Os7 Social institutions in the United States Bryce, James 304 B84 Snell, Frederick John Fourteenth century 428p.D N.Y.Scribner,1899 (Periods of Social Ufe in the reign of Queen Anne Ashton, European literature) (2 copies) John 914.2 As3 809 Sn2 „ . - ,.^ ,^ . _ Snider, Denton Jacques Goethe's -Faust"; a Social morality Maurice, F:D. 170.4 M44 commentary 2v.O St Loui8,Sigma pub- Social organization Spencer, Herbert (in his lishing co,<=1886 832.62 Sn3 Homer's "lUad"; with preliminary survey of the four literary Bibles . . . 504p,il,O S* Louis,Sigma publishing co,'1897 883.1 Sn3 Homer's "Odyssey"; a commentary 534p.O St Louis,Sigma publishing co,1895 883.1 Sn3o Psychology and the psychosis 556p.D St Louis,Sigma publishing co,1896 150 Sn3 State, specially the American state, psycho- logically treated 561p.O St Louis,Sigma publishing co,«1902 353 Sn3 Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.l,p.265-307) 824.89 Sp3 Social phases of education in the school and the home Dutton, S:T, 370.4 D95 Social questions of to-day; ed. by H:de B. Gibbins Reason, Will ed. University and social settlements 1898 331.8 R23 Social science See Civilization; Econom- ics; Political science; Sociology Social science series CoiT, Stanton Neighbourhood guilds 1892 331.8 C66 451 COULANGES, N. D. F. DE Origin of property in land 1892 333 C83 Macmillax, Michael Promotion of general happiness 1890 171.4 M22 Robertson, J: M. Modern humanists 1891 304 R54 Webb, Sidney Socialism in England 1890 335 W38 WiXTEB, Alexandeb New York state re- formatory in Elmira 1891 364 W73 SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS Barnett,S:A: and Barxett, H. O. (Eowland) University settlements (see their Practicable social- ism 1894 p.165-174) 331 B26 Reason, W. ed. University and social set- tlements 1898 (Social qxiestions of to- day) 331.8 R23 Woods, R. A. University settlements (see his English social movements 1891 p.79- 118) 331.8 W86 See also Poor, The Social side of the reformation in Germany Bax, E. B. German society at the close of the middle ages 1894 914.3 B33 Social studies Newton, B:H. Social unrest Brooks, J: G. 330 N48 330 B79 SOCL\LISM Brooks, J: G. Social unrest 1904 330 B79 Ely, R : T. French and German socialism in modem times «1883 335 E19 GiLMAN, N:P. spirit 1893 Socialism and the American 335 G42 Hadley, a. T. Socialism and social reform (see his Education of the American citizen 1902 p.51-63) 320 Hll KiRKUP, Thomas History' of socialism 1892 335 K63 Laveleye, E. L. V : de Socialism of to-day n.d. 335 L38 Lecky, W:E:H. Socialism (see his De- mocracy and liberty 1896 p.224-369) 342 L49 Newton, B:H. Religious aspect of social- ism (see his Social studies 1887 p.259- 296) 330 N48 Orpen, G. H. Socialism in England (see Laveleye, E. L. V: de Socialism of to-day n.d. 285-331) 335 L38 Rae, John Contemporary socialism 1884 335 B12 Webb, Sidney Socialism in England 1890 (Social science series) 335 W38 Woods, R. A. Socialism (see his English social movements 1891 p.38-78) 331.8 W86 WooLSEY, T. D. Communism and socialism in their history and theory 1888'80 335 W88 See also Brook Farm association; Commu- nism; Cooperation; Economics; Internation- al workingmen's association; Nihilism; Property; Utopia; also The name of the socialist Societies See also Clubs; Corporations; Gilds; Scientific associations; Secret societies; Trade unions Society See Sociology Society and solitude Emerson, B. W. 814.36 Em3s Society of Friends See Friends, Society of Society of Friends of the Constitution See Jacobins Society of Jesus See Jesuits Socin, Albert Palestine and Syria Ed. 3, enL 472p.maps,S Leipsic,Baedeker,1898 915.6 B14 SOCIOLOGY Arnold, Matthew Equality (in his Mixed essays 1894 p.36-72) 824.85 Ar6m Bage HOT, Walter Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the princi- ples of "natural selection" and "inheri- tance" to political society 1893 (Inter- national scientific series) 301 B14 Barnett, S:A: and Babnett, H. O. Practi- cable socialism; essays on social reform 1894 331 B26 Bryce. James Social institutions in the United States 1892*91 304 B84 Burke, Edmund Vindication of natural so- ciety (in his Works 1889*91 '94 v.l, p.1-48) 825.62 B91 Giddings, F:H: Inductive sociology; a sylla- bus of methods, analysis and classificatioiiB and provisionally formulated laws 1901 307 G36 Principles of sociology 1896 301 036 soc soc 452 Hadley, a. T. Sociology, economics and pol- itics {see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.137-171) 028 C83 Jevons, W:S. 1883 KiDD, Benjamin sation 1902 Methods of social reform 304 J53 Principles of western civili- 301 K53 Social evolution 1894 301 K53s Lane, M. A. Level of social motion ; an in- quiry into the future conditions of human society 1902 300 L24 McKean, Kate ed. Manual of social sci- ence; being a condensation of the "Princi- ples of social science" of H:C: Carey 1888 '64 330 C18 Mackenzie, J:S. osophy 1890 1889) Introduction to social phil- (Shaw fellowship lectures 301 M19 Mackintosh, Kobert jamin Kidd 1899 From Comte to 301 Ben- M21 Robertson, J: M. Epilogue; outlines of so- cial reconstruction (see his Modern hu- manists 1891 p.261-272) 304 E54 EusKiN, John Time and tide (see his Mornings in Florence 1894 p.121-251) 704 E89m Smith, Eichmond Mayo- Science of statis- tics; statistics and sociology 1895 311 Sm5 Spencer, Herbert The social organism (in his Essays; scientific, political and specula- tive 1891 v.l,p.265-307) 824.89 Sp3 Ward, L. F : Dynamic sociology Outlines of sociology 1898'^97 1883 301 W21 300 W21 Pure sociology; a treatise on the origin and spontaneous development of society 1903 301 W21p See also Charity; Christianity; Civilization; Clubs; Communism; Cooperation; Corpora- tions; Crime and criminals; Crowds; Eco- nomics; Education; Emigration and immi- gration; Ethics; Etiquette; Feudalism; Gilds; Labor and laboring classes; Law; Man; Marriage; Political science; Poor, The; Population; Prisons; Progress; Prop- erty; Eeligion; Slave trade; Slavery; Social settlements; Socialism; Statistics; Theol- ogy; Trade unions; Utopia; Woman Bibliography GiDDiNGS, F. H : A partial list of the books and articles referred to in the text (see his Principles of sociology 1896 p.423- 442) 301 G36 Essays Playfair, Sir Lyon fare 1889 Eoosevelt, Theodore Subjects of social wel- 304 P69 American ideals 304 Study Spencer, Herbert Study of sociology (International scientific series) 307 1897 E6; 1883 Sp3 SOCEATES Socrates 470 (?) -399 B.C. (see Blackie, J:S. of morals 1887 p.1-135) Blackie, J : S. Four phases 171 B56 Godley, a. D. in his day Lord, John Socrates and Athenian society 1896 B Sol Socrates (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history =1893 '96 v.l, p.63-96) 904 L88 Martin, Alexandre Les idees pedagogiques de Socrate et de Xenophon (see Martin, Alexandre Les doctrines pedagogiques des Grecs 1881 p.11-19) 370.938 M38 Xenophon Memorabilia of Socrates (see Xenophon Anabasis 1891 p.349-507) 888.3 X2 Zeller, Edward Socrates and the Socratic schools 1885 183.2 Z3 SOIL, THE King, F:H. The soil; its nature, relations, and fundamental principles of management 1905'=1895 (Bural science series) 613 K58 SOILS Darwin, C:E. Formation of vegetable mould through the actions of worms, with ob- servations on their habits 1892 595.1 D25 Solar system See Astronomy; Planetary sys- tem; Sun Soley, James Russell Blockade and the cruisers 257p.maps,D . N.Y.Scribner,1883 (Navy in the civil war) 973.7 So4 Soliman and Perseda (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays ^874 '75 '76 v.5,p.253-374) 822.08 D66 Some aspects of the Greek genius Butcher, S:H: 889.4 B97 453 Some observations of a foster parent Tarver, J:C: 373.42 T17 Some Pennsylvania women during the war of the revolution Egle, W:H: 973.3 Eg5 Some questions of good English Williams, R. O. 425 W67 SOMERVILLE, WILLIAM 1677-1742 John- son, Samuel Somerville {in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.4, p.125-130) 9 J62 Song of life Morley, M. W. 576 M82 Song of Stradella and other songs Gannon, Anna 811.49 G15 SONGS Froebel,F:W:A: Mother play and nursery songs 1879*78 372.21 F92 Songs and music of the Mother play 1896 '97'95 {International education series) 372.2 F92s Gaynor, J. L. Songs of the child world «1897 372.21 G25 Hailmann, E. L. Songs, games and rhymes "=1887 372.21 H12 Heerwart, Eleoxore Music for the kinder- garten n.d. 372.21 H36 Hubbard, C. B. comp. Merry songs and games '1881 372.2 H86 Knowlton, Mrs F. S. Nature songs for chil- dren 1906*1898 372.21 K76 Moore, H. K. Child 's song and game book 1894 372.21 M78 Newell, W:W. ed. Games and songs of American children 1884 372.22 N44 Pollock, Mrs Louise National kindergarten songs and games =1880 372.22 P76 St Nicholas songs *1885 372.21 Sa2 Smith, Eleanor Songs for little children *1887'94 372.21 Sm5 Songs n.d. {in Peabody, E.. P. Guide to the kindergarten 1877*69 p.1-10) 372.2 P31 ToMi.iNS, W:L. Children's songs and how to sing them n.d. 372.21 T59 Walker, Gertrude and Jenks, H. S. ed. Songs and games for little ones '1887 372.21 W15 See aUo Games; Hymns; Singing; Voice, The SONGS AND GAMES Poulsson. Emilie Hol- iday and everyday songs and games 1903 '01 372.21 P86 Songs and other verse Field, Eugene 811.49 F4580 Songs and rhymes for the little ones Morrison, M.. J. (Whitney) comp. 372.21 M83 Sonnenschein, Adolf Educational codes of for- eign countries, being standards prescribed by the Australian (South), Austrian, Belgian, German, Italian and Swiss governments, to- gether with the directions for geographic teaching in the royal cadet corps of Prussia ... Ed. 2,enl. 227p.D Lond.Sonnen- schein,1889 371b So5 Sonnenschein 's cyclopedia of education See Fletcher, A. E. ed. R370.3 So5 SOPHOCLES 495 or 496-406 B.C. Abbott, Evelyn Theology and ethics of Sophocles {see Abbott, Evelyn Hellenica 1880 p.33-60) 880.4 Ab2 Appleton, W:H. ed. Sophocles (see Ap- pleton, W : H. ed. Greek poets in English verse 1893 p.183-211) 881 Ap5 Butcher, S:H: Sophocles (see Butcher, S: H : Some aspects of the Greek genius 1893*91 p.85-132) 889.4 B97 "Antigone" DeQuincey, Thomas Antig- one of Sophocles as represented on the Edin- burgh stage {see DeQuincey, Thomas Lit- erary criticism *1853'76 p.25-59) 824.81 D441 Symonds, J:A. The fragments of .SIschylus, Sophocles, Euripides Sophocles (in Sy- -monds, J:A. Studies of the Greek poets 1893 p.59-94,415-466) 881 Sy6 SoRBONNE, L^ Se^ Paris, University of Sorel, Albert Montesquieu; tr. by M. B. Ander- son and E : P. Anderson 218p.D ChicMc- Clurg,1888 {Great French writers) B M76 Sorenson, C. Godfrey tr. Hertel, De Over- l)ressure in high schools in Denmark 1885 371.7 H44 Soubriquets See Pseudonyms Soul of a people Hall, H. F. 915.9 H14 Soul of man Cams, Paul 128 C25 Soul6, George New science and practice of ac- counts . . . Ed.8,enl. NewOrlean8,«1881 1906 657 So8 SOU sou Soulsby, Lucy H. M. Stray thoughts for mo- thers and teachers 21Qp.D Lond.Long- mans,1897 376 So8 Dove, J.. F.. and Beale, Dorothea Work and play in girls ' schools 1898 376 B36 SOUND Blaserna, Pietro Theory of sound in its relation to music 1892 (Interna- tional scientific series) 524.3 B61 Mayer, A.M. Sound 1886'=78 (Experi- mental science series) 534 M45 See also Music; Voice, The Souquet, Paul ed. Les ecrivains pedagogues du XVIe si^cle . . . extraits des oeuvres de Erasme, Sadolet, Rabelais, Luther, Vives, Ramus, Montaigne, Charron 193p.D Par. Delgrave,1880 (BibliotMqxte pedagogique) 370.8 So8 Rousseau, J. J. Emile ; ou, De 1 'Education 1880 370 R76 SOUTH AFRICA Froude, J. A. Leaves from a South African journal (in his Short stud- ies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.3,p.343- 399) 824.89 F93 Theal,G:M. Story of South Africa 1894 (Story of the nations) 968 T34 See also Boers SOUTH AMERICA Carpenter, F. G : South America '1899 980 C22 Mackenzie, Robert South America (see his America 1882 p.437-557) 973 M19 See also Andes; Bolivia; Peru; Rio de la Plata; Spanish America; Uruguay; Vene- zuela History Akers, C:E. History of South America, 1854-1904 1905 980 Ak3 SOUTH CAROLINA Houston, D:F. Critical study of nullification in South Carolina 1896 973.5 H81 McCradt, Edward History of South Caro- Una, 1670-1776 1897 '99 975.7 M13 Education Meriwether, Colyer History of higher edu- cation in South Carolina 1889 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 454 South Kensington museum Conferences held in connection with the special loan collection of scientific apparatus 1876 420p.il.O Lond. Chapman,n.d. 530 So8 Handbook of the Dyce and Forster collections 105p.il.pl.facsim.O Lond.Chapman,n.d. (South Kensington museum art handbooks) 708 So8 Handbook to the special loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876 339p,il.O Lond. Chapman,n.d. 507 SoS South Kensington museum art handbooks; ed. by William MaskeU Bird WOOD, G:C. M. Industrial arts in India pref.1880 . 670 B53 Pollen, J :H: Gold and silver smiths' work 1879 739 P76 Riano, J. F. Industrial arts in Spain 1879 670 R35 South Kensington museum Dyce and Forster collections n.d. 708 SoS SOUTHERN STATES OF THE UNITED STATES Curry, J. L. M. The southern states of the American union 1894 320.975 C93 FiSKE, John Old Virginia and her neigh- bors 1897 975 F54 Powell, L. P. ed. Historic towns of the southern states 1904 (American historic towns) 975 P87 Scudder, H. E. ed. Southern colonies (see his Men and manners in America. one hun- dred years ago 1887'=76 p.284-314) 917.3 Scu4 SOUTHEY, ROBERT 1774-1843 Dowden, Ed- ward Southey n.d. (English men of let- ters) B D36 Bound with lives of De Foe by William Minto and of Byron by John Nichol English seamen; ed. by David Hannay . . . 403p.D Chic.Stone,1895 9 SoS Contents: — Lord Howard of Effingham Barl of Cumberland; Hawkins and Drake; Thomas Cavendish DeQuincey, Thomas Milton versus Southey and Landor (see DeQuincey, Thomas Lit- erary criticism '1853 '76 p.455-478) 824.81 D441 Hazlitt, William Mr Southey (in Haz- litt, William Miscellaneous works Spirit of the age n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.l09-120) 824.76 H33m 455 "Pilgrim's progress, with a life of John Bun- yan" Macaulay, T:B. baron John Bunyan (in Macaulay, T:B, baron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.l, p.333-349) 824.83 Mil ' ' Thalaba ' ' Jeffrey, Francis Thalaba, the 4estroyer (see Stevenson, E. ed. Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.25-52) 820 St4 "Sir Thomas More; or, Colloquies on the pro- gress and prospects of society ' ' Macaxjlay, T:B. baron Southey's Colloquies (in Macaulay, T:B. baron Critical and his- torical essays 1889 v.l,p.215-266) 824.83 Mil SOUTHWEST, THE Austin, Mrs Mary (Hun- ter) Land of little rain 1903 917.9 Au7 Southwlck, Albert P. Quiz manual of the the- ory and practice of teaching 132p.S N.Y. Kellogg,1888 371b So8 Sovereigns See Monarchy; Queens SPACE Nichols, Herbert and Parsons, W:E. Our notions of number and space 1894 110 N51 SPAIN Art Maxwell, Sir William Stirung- baronet Annals of the artists of Spain 1891 709.46 M45 RiANO, J. F. Industrial arts in Spain 1879 (South Kensington museum art handbooks) 670 E35 See also Murillo, B. E. Education Education in Spain 1873 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of infor- mation) 370.6 Un3 History Romance of Spanish history 946 Ab2 Abbott, J : S. C. 1869 Clarke, H. B. The catholic kings (see Cambridge modern history The renais- sance 1903'=02 p.347-383) 940.6 C14 Duncan, Francis English in Spain; or, Story of the war of succession between 1834 and 1840 1877 946.07 D91 Hale, E :E. and Hale, Susan Story of Spain 1892*86 (Story of tfie nations) 946 H13 Harrison, J. H. Spain 1881 946 H24 Hume, M. A. S. Modem Spain, 1788-1898 1900 (Story of the nations) 946 H88 Year after the Armada and other historical studies 1896 946 H88y Irving, Washington Conquest of Spain (in his Alhambra n.d. pt.3) 946 IrS Latimer, Mrs M.. E.. (Wormeley) Spain in the nineteenth century 1898*97 946 L34 Prescott, W:H. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic *1837 '72 946.03 P92 History of the reign of Philip II, king of Spain 1882<=55'74 942.06 P92 Watts, H:E: Christian recovery of Spain 946 W34 See also Cadiz; Granada (kingdom) — Hit' tory; Moors in Spain; Philip II; Philip IV; Pizarro, Francisco; Perez, Antonio Travel and description Borrow, G:H: Bible in Spain 1888 914.6 B64 George, M. M. A little journey to Spain and Portugal *1902 (Library of travel) 914.6 G29 Hale, E:E. Seven Spanish cities 1899*83 914.6 HIS Hare, A:J:C. Wanderings in Spain n.d. 914.6 H22 Mivart, St George Notes on Spain (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.l,p.l68- 241) 824.89 M69 Stoddard, J: L. Spain (in his Lectnree 1898*97 v.5,p.251-366) 910 St6 Spalding, John Lancaster comp. Education and the higher life Ed.5 210p.D Chic, McCIurg,1897*90 377 Spl Means and ends of education 232p.D Chic. McClurg,1895 377 Splm Opportunity and other essays and addresses 228p.D Chic.McClurg,1900 377 Splo Things of the mind 235p.D Chic.McClurg, 1895*94 (3 copies) 377 Spit Thoughts and theories of life and education 236p.D Chic.Mcaurg,1897 370 Splth SPANISH AMERICA Moses, Bernard Estab- lishment of Spanish rule in America 1898 972 M85 SPA SPA 456 Spanish-American war See History, War of 1898 United States — Spartan system of education Education See Greece — Spanish Armada See Armada, The Spanish conquest in America SPANISH LANGUAGE Helps, Sir Arthur 972 H36 Grammar Edqren, a. H. Brief Spanish grammar 1903 •=1891 '99 468 EdS Loiseaux, L. a. Elementary grammar of the Spanish language "1900 465 L83 Pronunciation Traub, p. E : Spanish pronunciation and ac- cent «1899 461 T69 SPANISH LITERATUEE Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James History of Spanish literatures 1898 860.9 F58 Sismondi, J. C:L. S. DE Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe 1846 809 Si8 Ticknor, George History of Spanish litera- ture 1882 '83<=63 '72 860,9 T43 See also Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Spanish nun DeQuincey, Thomas (see his Narrative and misellaneous papers *1854 '77 p.73-165) ^ 824.81 D44n Spanish rule in America Moses, Bernard Es- tablishment of Spanish rule in America 1898 972 M85 Spanish story of the Armada and other essays Froude, J. A. 824.89 F93s Spanish tragedy Kyd, Thomas Spanish tragedy ; or, The second part of Jeronimo (in Dods- ley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.5,p.l-173) 822.08 D66 Spanish voyages Irving, Washington Spanish voyages of discovery 219p.D N.Y. Cro- well,n.d. (in his Tales of a traveller n.d. pt.3) 817.24 Ir8t Sparkes, John C. L. ed. Sparling, H. Halliday n.d. Fine-art library ed. Spartan and Theban supremacy Volsunga saga 839.6 V88 Sankey, Charles 938.06 Sa5 Speaking See Voice. The Elocution; Oratory; Ehetoric; Spear, Samuel T. Eeligion and the state; or, The Bible and the public schools 393p.D N.Y.Dodd,1876 377.1 Sp3 Spearman, Edmund R. A school for street Arabs (see Woods, R. A. and others Poor in great cities 1895 p.275-299) 331.8 W86 Spears, John Randolph Anthony Wayne, some- times called "Mad Anthony" 249p.por.pl. D N.Y.Appleton,1903 (Historic lives) B W36 SPECIAL SCHOOLS Fremont, Mrs Jessie (Benton) and others How to learn and earn; or. Half hours in some helpful schools "1884 371.9 F88 Specialized administration Spencer, Herbert (in his Essays; scientific, political and specula- tive 1891 v.3,p.401-444) 824.89 Sp3 Specie See Money SPECIES Mivart, St George Specific genesis (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2, p.103-126) 824.89 M69 See also Evolution Specimen days and collect Whitman, Walt B W58 Spectator Addison, Joseph (in his Works 1888*53 v.5-6) 824.52 Ad2 Spectator in London Sir Eichard Addison, Joseph and Steele, 824.52 Ad2s SPECTEE Palgrave, W:G. Anatolian spectre- stories (see his Ulysses 1887 p.45-66) 904 P17 SPECTEUM ANALYSIS Lockyer, Sir J. N. Studies in spectrum analysis 1878 (In- ternational scientific series) 535.8 L81 SPEECH Meyer, G:H. VON Organs of speech and their application in the formation of ar- ticulate sounds 1884 (International scientific series) 612.78 M57 Warren, L. E. Defective speech and deaf- ness 1895"94 371.9 W25 See also Conversation ; Deaf and dumb ; Elo- cution; Language; Stammering; Voice, The 457 Speech at Eton Arnold, Matthew Speech at Eton (see his Irish essays 1894 p.409- 429) 824.85 Ar6m Speeches See Orations and oratory Speirs, Frederic W. The James Forten school; an experiment in social regeneration through elementary manual training 1901 607 Sp3 SPELLING CORNMAN, 0:P. Spelling in the elementary school; an experimental and sta- tistical investigation 1902 (University of Pennsylvania Experimental studies in psychology and pedagogy) 421 C81 Mueller, F:M. On spelling (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.5, P.133-1B6) 824.89 M91 SPELLING REFORM Gladstone, J: H. SpeU- ing reform from an educational point of view 1878 421.4 G45 March, F. A. Spelling reform 1881 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 UnS Spence, Joseph Anecdotes, observations, and characters of books and men; ed. by John Underbill 223p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 9 Sp3 Spencer, Frank Clarence Education of the Pueblo child; a study in arrested develop- ment 1899 (Columbia university Con- tributions to philosophy, psychology and edu- cation) 370.1 Sp3 SPENCER, HERBERT 1820-1903 Leitch, James Herbert Spencer (see his Practi- cal educationists 1876 p.239-298) 9 L53 The data of ethics 288p.O N.Y.Appleton, 1883 (Synthetic philosophy) 171 Sp3 Education; intellectual, moral and physical 283p.O N.y.Appleton,1893'^60 370 Sp3 An epitome of synthetic philosophy by F:H. Collins with a preface by Herbert Spencer 571p.D N.Y.Appleton,1889 192.8 Sp3 Essays; scientific, political and speculative 3v.O N.Y.Appleton,1891 824.89 Sp3 Contents:— v. 1 Development hypothesis; Progress: Its law and cause; Transcendental, physiology; Nebular hypothesis; Illogical geology; Bain on the emotions and the will; The social organism; The origin of animal worship; Morals and moral sentiments; Com- parative psychology of man; Mr Martinean on evolution; The factors of organic evolu- tion v. 2 The genesis of science; Classlflcation of the sciences; Reasons for dissenting from the philosophy of M. Comte; On laws In gen- eral, and the order of their discovery; The valuation of evidence; What is electricity? Mill versus Hamilton — the test of truth; Re- plies to criticisms; Prof. Green's explana- tions; The philosophy of style; Use and .beauty; The sources of architectural types; Gracefulness; Personal beauty; The origin and function of music; The physiology of laughter V. 3 Manners and fashions; Railway mor- als and railway policy; The morals of trade; Prison-ethics; The ethics of Kant; Absolute political ethics; Over-legislation; Represen- tative government — what is it good for? State tamperlngs with money and banks; Parliamentary reform; the dangers and the safeguards; "The collective wisdom"; Polit- ical fetlchlsm; Specialized administration; From freedom to bondage; The Americans On political education (see Youmans, E:L. Culture demanded by modern life 1881 p.295-308) 375.5 Y8 The principles of psychology 2v.O N.Y.Ap- pleton,1883 (Synthetic philosophy) 150 Sp3 The study of sociology 451p.D N.Y. Ap- pleton,1883 (International scientific se- ries) 307 Sp3 ' ' Principles of sociology ' ' Moore, A. L. Spencer's Ecclesiastical institutions (see Moore, A. L. Essays ; scientific and phil- osophical 1890 p.202-217) 104 M78 Mivart, St George Herbert Spencer (in Mivart, St George Essays and criticisms 1892 v.2,p.l27-168) 824.89 M69 Payne, Joseph Arnold and Herbert Spencer (in Payne, Joseph Lectures on the history of education 1892 p.185-190) 370.9 P29 Quick, R. H. Herbert Spencer (see Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers 1891 p.439-469) 370.9 Q4 RiBOT, A:T. Mr Herbert Spencer (see Ei- bot, A:T. English psychology 1874 p.126-193) 150 R35 Robertson, J: M. Robertson, J:M. p.212-260) Watson, John Comte, Mill and Spencer; an outline of philosophy 1895 190 W33 Herbert Spencer (see Modern humanists 1891 304 R54 SPE SPE 458 Williams, C. M. Williams, C. M. ethics 1893=92 Herbert Spencer (see Eeview of the systems of p.28-76) 170.7 W67 8PENCEE, JOHN CHAELES earl 1782-1845 Bagehot, Walter Lord Althorp and the reform act of 1832 (see Bagehot, Walter Biographical studies 1895 p.305-346) 9 B14 Spencer, William George Inventional geometry . . . with a prefatory note by Herbert Spencer 97p.S N.Y.American book eo, 1876 (Science primers) 513 Sp3 SPENSER, EDMUND 1552 (?) -1599 Church, R:W: Spenser n.d. (English men of letters) B Sco8 Bound with lives of Scott by R:H:Hutton and of Dickens by A. W:Ward Complete works; ed. from the original editions and manuscripts by R. Morris, with a mem- oir by J. W. Hales 736p.O Lond.Mac- millan,1893 821.31 Sp3 Hazlitt, William On Chaucer and Spenser (in Hazlitt, William Lectures on the Eng- lish poets and the English comic writers 1884 pt.l,p.26-57) 824.76 H33 (in Hazlitt, William Miscellan- eous works Lectures on the English poets n.d. v.3,pt.2,p.23-51) 824.76 H33m Landor, W. S. Conference of Edmund Spen- ser with the earl of Essex touching the state of Ireland, 1595 (see Landor, W. S. Citation and examination of William Shaks- peare 1891 p.199-229) 828.89 L23 Lowell, J. R. Spenser (in Lowell, J. R. Literary essays 1892 '94'=64 '90 p.265-353) 814.39 MiNTO, William Edmund Spenser Minto, William Characteristics of English poets 1889 p.163-181) 821 M66 V.4, L95U (see Sphinx's riddle DeQxhncey, Thomas (see his Essays in ancient history and antiquities «1851'76 p.562-578) 824.81 D44es SPIDERS McCooK, H:C. 1895 Old farm fairies 595.4 M13 Spielmann, Marion Henry History of ' ' Punch ' ' 592p.il.pl.O N.Y.Cassell,1895 O70 Sp4 Spiers, Alexander and Surenne, Oabriel French and English pronouncing dictionary; ed. by G. P. Quackenbos New ed. enl. 2v.in 1,Q N.Y.Appleton,1883«52 B443 Sp4 Spiller, Gustave The mind of man; a text-book of psychology 552p.O Lond.Sonnen- schein,1902 150 Sp4 SPINAL CURVATURE MiiLLER, George Spinal curvature and awkward deportment; their causes and prevention in children 1894 616.73 M88 SPINNING McLaren, W. S. B. Spinning, woolen and worsted 1884 677 M22 Spinoza, Benedict de 1632-1677 Pollock, Sir Frederick baronet Spinoza; his life and philosophy 1899 B19 Sp4 Chief works tr. from the Latin with an intro- duction by R. H. M. Elwes Ed. enl. 2v.D Lond.Bell,1891 193.9 Sp4 Philosophy as contained in the first, second and fifth parts of the ' ' Ethics ' ', and in ex- tracts from the third and seventh; tr. from the Latin and ed. with notes by G:S. Fuller- ton Ed.2,enl. 358p.D N.Y.Holt,1894 (Series of modern philosophers) 193.9 Sp4 Arnold, Matthew Spinoza and the Bible (in Arnold, Matthew Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.l,p.307-343) 824.85 Ar6e Froude, J. A. Spinoza (in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.l,p.274-323) 824.89 F93 Martineau, James Spinoza (in Mar- tineau, James Types of ethical theory 1886 v.l,p.247-S93) 171 M36 Spirit Emerson, R. W. (see Ms Nature, ad- dresses and lectures 1893'55'83 p.65-69) 814.36 Em3na Spirit of modern philosophy Royce, Josiah 190 R81 Spirit of the age Hazlitt, William (m his Miscellaneous works n.d. v.3,pt.3) 824.76 H33m Spirit of the new education Hopkins, Mrs L.. P, (Stone) 607 H77 Spiritism See Spiritualism Spiritual laws Emerson, R. W. (in his Essays 1894=65 '83 v.l,p.l23-157) 814.36 Em3e SPIRITUALISM Hall, G. S. SpirituaUsm in Germany (see his Aspects of German cul- ture 1881 p.128-133) 838 H14 Seybert commission Preliminary report of the commission appointed by the University 459 , of Pennsylvania to investigate modem spir- itualism 1887 133.9 Se9 Spofford, Ainsworth Band A book for all read- ers designed as an aid to the collection, use and preservation of books and the formation of public and private libraries Ed,3,enl. 509p.O N.Y.Putnam,1905«00 O20 Sp6 and Gibbon, Charles ed. Library of choice literature and encyclopedia of universal authorship . , . Ed.2,enl. lOv.por.pLO Phil.Gebbie,«1888 K808.8 Sp6 Athletics and out- 1903 796 H55 SPORTS Hill, L. E. ed. door sports for women See also Amusements; Fishing; Games; Gymnastics; Hunting; Physical education; Swimming; Walking SPRAT, THOMAS 1636-1713 Johnson, Sam- uel Sprat (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.3,p.45-53) 9 J62 Spreng, Samuel P. History of the Evangelical association (see Tyler, B:B. and others History of the Disciples of Christ, the So- ciety of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical association 1894 p.383-439) 289 T97 Spring, Leverett Wilson Kansas; the prelude to the war for the union 334p.maps,D Bost. Houghton,1885 (American commonwealths) 978.1 Sp8 SPRING, THE BUBEOUGHS, John Spring poems (see his Birds and poets with other papers 1895=77 p.107-113) 814.41 B94b Squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento Royce, JosiAH An episode of early California life; the squatter riot of 1850 in Sacramento (see his Studies of good and evil 1898 p.298-348) 120 R81 STAEL-HOLSTEIN, ANNE LOUISE GER- MAINE NECKER 1766-1817 baronne DE Grisvv^old, H. T. Madame de Stael (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of the great authors 1894'86 p.34-42) 9 G88 Lord, John Madame de Stael (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '=1883 '96 v.5,p.384-417) 904 L88 "De I'Allemagne" Stevenson, E. De 1 'AUemagne (see Stevenson, E. ed. Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.l08- 159)' 820 St4 Stage See also Drama, The; Theatre STAMMERING Bernakd, A. G. On the causes, treatment and cure of stammering 1889 616.87 B45 Standard dictionary of the English language . . . 2v.il.pl.F N.Y.Funk,1895'90 '94 B423 St2 Standard educational series Fernald, J. C. English synonyms and antonyms *1896 424 F39 Standard of value Jordan, W:L. 332.42 J76 STANDARD OIL COMPANY Montague, J. H. Rise and progress of the standard oil com- pany 1903 338 M76 Standard teacher 's library Patrick, J. N. Ele- ments of pedagogics 1895*94 371a P27 Standish, Barney Hoskin Common things with common eyes; an illustrated course of nat- ure study for schools 288p.D Minn. Standish,1897 507 St2 Stanford's compendium of geography and travel Bates, H:W. Central America; the Weat Indies and South America 1882 918 B31 Hayden, F, V. and Selvtyn, A, R:C. ed. 917 H32 Johnston, A. K. Africa 1884 916 J64 Keanb,A:H: Asia 1882 915 K19 RuDLER, F:W: and Chisholm, G:G. Europe 1885 914 R83 Wallace, A. R. Australasia 1883 919.3 W15 Stanhope, Philip Dormer See Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope earl of Stanhope, Philip Henry earl of (Lord Mahon) History of England from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles, 1713-1783 Ed.5,enl. 7v.D Lond.Murray,1858 942.07 St3 1805-1875 Macaulat, T:B. baron War of the succession in Spain (in his Critical and historical essays 1889 v.2,p.35-96) 824.83 Mil STANLEY, ARTHUR PENRHYN 1815-1881 Hare, A:J:C. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (see Hare, A:J:C. Biographical sketches 1895 p.1-94) 9 H22 Christian institutions; essays on ecclesiastical subjects 358p.O Lond.Murray,1881 260 St2 STA STA *«o Historical memorials of Canterbury ; landing of Augustine; Murder of Becket; Edward the Black Prince ; Becket 's shrine Ed.2 361p. il.pl.maps,D N.Y.Randolph,pref.l875 283.42 St2 Historical memorials of Westminster abbey Ed.5 540p.pl.O LoDd.Murray,1882 283.42 St2h Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold 2v.in l,por.O N.Y,Scribner,pref .1844 B37 Ar6s Memoir of Thomas Arnold of Rugby, England, with special reference to his life and work as a teacher (see Carlisle, J. H. ed. Two great teachers 1890 p.71-252) B37 As2 "End and the means of Christian missions" MXTELLER, F:M. End and the means of Christian missions (in his Chips from a German workshop 1890 '92 v.4,p.276-295) 824.89 M91 Stanley, Maude Clubs for working girls 276p. D Lond.Macmillan,1890 331.8 St2 Stanton, Mary Olmsted System of practical and scientific physiognomy; or. How to read faces , . . 2v.il.por.O Phil.Davis,1890 138 St2 Stanton, Theodore ed. The woman question in Europe; a series of original essays with an introduction by F. P. Cobbe 478p.O N.Y. Putnam,1884 396 St2 Starr, Frederick American Indians 242p.il. map,r> Bost.Heath,1904'=1898 (Ethno- geographic readers) 970.1 Stl Strange peoples 186p.il.pl.D Bost.Heath, 1902<'01 (Ethno-geographic readers) 910 St2 ed. Anthropological series Starrett, Helen Ekin Letters to a daughter and a little sermon to school-girls New ed. enl. 148p.por.S Chic.McClurg,1892 '85 395 St2 STAES Chambers, G:F: Story of the stars 1895 {Library of useful stories) 523 C35 ESPIN, T. H. E. C. An elementary star at- las; A series of twelve simple star maps 1885 523.8 Es6 Peck, William Constellations and how to find them n.d. 523.8 P33 Proctor, Il:A. Half -hours with the stars; a plain and easy guide to the knowledge of . the constellations '1887 523 P94 Wallace, A. E. Man's place in the uni- verse; a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worlds 1905^03 523 W15 See also Astronomy; Planetary system STATE, THE Carus, Paul Nature of the state 1894 (Beligion of science library) 321 C25 MiVART, St George State organisation (in his Essays and criticisms 1892 v.l,p.l51- 167) 824.89 M69 See also Political science State, The Snider, D. J. 353 Sn3 State, The Wilson, Woodrow 350.9 W69 State and federal governments of the United States Wilson, Woodrow 350.9 W69 State and church See Church and state STATE ETHICS Arnold, Matthew Culture and anarchy; an essay in political and social criticism 1875 172 Ar6 Kelly, Edmond Evolution and effort and their relation to religion and politics 1895 172 K29 See also Patriotism State in its relation to education Craik, Sir Henry 379.42 C84 State in its relation to trade Farrer, T:H: Farrer baron 380 F24 State in relation to labour Jevons, W:S. 331 J53 STATE MONOPOLY Jevons, W:S. On the analogy between the postoflfice, telegraphs, and other systems of conveyance of the United Kingdom as regards government control, etc. (see his Methods of social reform 1883 p.277-306) 304 J53 State parcel post Jevons, W:S. (see his Meth- ods of social reform 1883 p.324-352) 304 J53 State-tamperings with money and banks Spencer, Herbert (in his Essays; scientific, polit- ical and speculative 1891 v.3,p.326-357) 824.89 Sp3 Statesmanship See Political science Statesman's year-book; a statistical and histori- cal annual of the states of the world 1883 '88 '89 '93 '97 '98 '99,1900 '03 8v.D Lond. Macmillan,1883 '88 '89 '93 '97 '98 '99,1900 '03 R305 St2 v. 84-87, 90-92, 1902 wanting 4ei Statics See Physics STATISTICS MuLHALL, M. G: Progress of the world 1880 R810 M89 Smith, Richmont) Mayo- Science of statis- tics; statistics and sociology 1895 311 Sm5 Statesman's yeab-book 1883 '88 '89 '93 '97 '98 '99,1900 '03 E305 Sl2 Walker, F. A. The study of statistics in col- leges and technical schools (see his Dis- cussions in education 1899*98 p.287-302) 370.4 W15 World almanac and encyclopedia Latest volume . 317 W89 See also Almanacs; Population; Vital sta- tistics; Year books; also The name of the country and the subject Statues See Sculpture Staunton, Howard Great schools of England; an account of the foundation, endowments and discipline of the chief seminaries of learning in England . . . 517p.pl.D Lond.Low, 1865 373.42 St2 Contents: — Eton; Winchester; "Westmin- ster; St Paul's schoiDl; Merchant Taylor's; Charterhouse; Harrow; Rugby; Shrewsbury; Christ's hospital; Cheltenham; Marlborough college; Rossall school; "Wellington college; Dulwich college Stead, Bichard and Hug, Lina Story of Switzer- land 1890 949.4 H87 STEAM ENGINES Cooke, C. J. B. British locomotives; their history, construction, and modern development 1893 621.1 C77 Thltistox, R:H: History of the growth of the steam engine 1884 {International scientific series) 621.1 T42 See also Machinery in industry; Railways; Steam navigation STEAM XA\aGATIOX Kxox, T:W. Life of Robert Fulton and a history of steam navi- gation 1886 B F95 See also Ship building Steamboats See Steam navigation Steamships See Steam navigation Stabbing, William Peterborough 228p.por.D Lond.Macniillan,1890 (English men of ac- tion) B P44 Stedman, Algernon Metheun Marshall Oxford; its social and intellectual life; with remarks and hints on expenses, the examinations, the selection of books, etc. 309p.D Lond. Triibntr,1878 378.42 St3 Stedman. Edmund Clarence Nature and ele- ments of poetry 338p.pl.D BostHough- ton,1893''92 (Percy Grctme TurnbtUl me- morial Uctwe 1891) 808.1 St3 Victorian poets 1893*75 '87 521p.D Bost.Houghton, 821 St3 ed. Victorian anthology, 1837-1895 . . . Ed.l4 744p.O Bost.Houghton,a895 821.8 St3 and Hutchinson, E. M. ed. Library of American literature . . . llv.por.O N.Y. Webster,1892«87 '90 R810.8 StS STEEL Greenwood, W:H: Steel and iron 1884 (Manuals of technology) 669.1 G85 Steele, Joel Dorman Popular astronomy; re- vised and brought down to date by M. L. Todd 349p.il.pl.D N.Y.American book co,*1884 '99 520 St5 STEELE, Sir RICHARD 1672-1729 Aitken, G:A. Bibliography (in his Life of Rich- ard Steele 1889 v.2,p.387-428) B StS Life of Richard Steele 1889 B StS and Addison, Joseph Lover and other papers; ed. by Walter Levin 360p.D Lond.Scott, 1887 (Camelot series) 828 StS Spectator in London 1896 824.52 Ad28 Steiner, Bernard C. The history of education in Connecticut SOOp.pl.O Wash.govt.pr.o. 1893 (United. States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 UnS STENOGRAPHY Howard, J. B. Phonographic amanuensis 1904 (American system of shorthand) 653 H83 Rockwell, J. E. Shorthand instruction and practise 1893 (United States — Educa- tion, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 UnS The teaching, practice and ' literature of of shorthand 1885 (United States— Edtwation, Bureau of Circular oj informa- tion) 370.6 UnS Watson, John 1890'82 Phonographic instructor 653 WSS STE STE 462 Stephen, Leslie Alexander Pope 209p.S N.Y. Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B P81 Bound with lives of Dryden by G:E:B. Salntsbury and of Sidney by J:A. Symonds Samuel Johnson 195p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B J62s Bound with lives of Bunyan by J:A. Froude and of Bacon by R:W: Church Science of ethics 462p.O N.Y.Putnam,1882 171 St4 Swift 205p.S N,Y.Harper,n.d. (^English men of letters) B H88 Bound with lives of Hume by T:H:Huxley and of Sterne by H:D. Traill 1832- Williams, C. M. Leslie Stephen (see Williams, C. M. Eeview of the sys- tems of ethics 1893<^92 p.120-143) 170.7 W67 Stephens, Henry Morse Europe, 1789-1815 423p.map,D N.Y.Macmillan,1893 (Peri- ods of European history) 940.8 St4 History (see Counsel upon the reading of books 1900 p.23-94) 028 C83 History of the French revolution 2v.O N.Y. Scribner,1886<=91 944.04 St4 Portugal 448p.il.maps,D N.Y.Putnam, 1898^91 (Story of the rmtions) 946.9 St4 Stephens, Thomas Madoc; an essay on the dis- covery of America by Madoc Ap Owen Guy- nedd in the 12th century; ed. by Leywarch Eeynolds 249p.O Lond.Longmans,1893 ^ 973.1 St4 Stephens, William Kichard Wood Hildebrand and his times 230p.D N.Y.Randolph,n.d. (Epochs of church history) 270.4 St4 Stephenses See Estienne STEPNEY, GEORGE 1663- Johnson, Sam- uel Stepney (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.2,p.87-91) 9 J62 Steeeography See Geometry STERLING, JOHN 1806-1844 Caelyle, Thomas Life of John Sterling (see Garlyle, Thomas Sartor resartus n.d. v.2,258p.) 824.82 C19 STERNE, LAURENCE 1713-1768 Fitzgeeald, Percy Life of Lawrence Sterne 1896 B St4 Traill, H:D. Sterne n.d. (English men of letters) B H88 Bound with lives of Hume by T:H: Hux- ley and of Swift by Leslie Stephen Bagehot, Walter Sterne and Thackeray (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.2,p.282-325) 824.89 B14 Sterne, Simon Constitutional history and polit- ical development of the United States 323p.D N.Y.Ca88ell,<=1882 342.73 St4 Sterrett, John Douglas Power of thought; what it is and what it does, with an introduction by J. M. Baldwin 320p.D N.Y.Scribner, 1896 150 St3 Steven, William History of the high school of Edinburgh 220p.pl.D Edin.Maclachlan, 1849 379.41 St4 Stevens, Charles Ellis Sources of the constitu- tion of the United States considered in rela- tion to colonial and English history Ed.2, enl. 313p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1894 342.73 St4s Stevens, John Austin Albert Gallatin Ed.4 419p.D Bost.Houghton,1886'=83 (Ameri- can statesmen) B G13 STEVENS, THADDEUS 1792-1868 McCall, S:W. Thaddeus Stevens 1899 (Amer- ican statesmen) B St4 Stevenson, E. ed. Early reviews of great writers, 1786-1832 325p.D Lond.Scott, n.d. (Camelot sci ies) 820 St4 Stevenson, R. A. M. tr. Delaborde, Henri vicomte Engraving 1886 760 D37 Stevenson, Robert Louis k child's garden of verses . . , 137p.il.D N.Y.Scribner,1895 821.89 St4 Familiar studies of men and books 366p.D N.Y.Scribner,1891 824.89 St4 Contents: — Preface; Victor Hugo's roman- ces; Some aspects of Robert Burns; Walt Whitman; Henry David Thoreau; Yoshida- Torajiro; Francois Villon, student, poet and housebreaker; Charles of Orleans; Samuel Pepys; John Knox and women Memories and portraits 299p.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1892 824.89 St4m Contents: — The foreigner at home; Some college memories; Old mortality; A college magazine; An old Scotch gardener; Pastoral; Manse; Memories of an Islet; Thomas Stev- enson; Talk and talkers, first paper; Talk and talkers, second paper; Character of dogs; A penny plain and two pence coloured; 468 A gossip on a novel of Dumas's; A gossip on romance; A humble remonstrance Stevenson, Sarah Hackett Boys and girls in biology; or, Simple studies of the lower forms of Ufe, based upon the latest lectures of T:H: Huxley 186pil.D N.Y.Apple- ton,1886'91 (2 copies) 570 St4 Stevenson, W. Wesley and Schwlnn, Edward Civil government 1901 342.73 Sch9 Stewart, Aubrey tr. Seneca, L. A. On bene- fits 18S7 878.5 Se5 Stewart, Balfour Conservation of energy . . . 235p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1900''1874 (7n- ternational scientific series) 531 St4 Physics 149p.il.S N.Y.Appleton,1883 (Science primers) 530 St4 ed. Science primers Stewart, Dugald Elements of the philosophy of the human mind New ed. 2v.in 1,0 Lond.Tegg,1842 150 St4 Philosophy of the active and moral powers of man; revised ... by James Walker Ed.lO 460p.D Phil.Butler,1882«49 171 St4p 1753-1828 DeQuincey, Thomas Peripa- tetic philosopher (see his Biographical and historical essays ^853 '77 p.373-391) 824.81 D44 STEWART, Mrs HARKIET EVEBILDA (GORE) (f)-1884 Hake, A:J:C: Mrs Duncan Stewart (see Hare, A:J:C. Biographi- cal sketches 1S95 p.137-182) 9 H22 Stickney, Albert Democratic government; a study of politics 166p.D N.Y.Harper, 1885 321.8 St5 Still, John Gammer Gurton's needle (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 75 '76 v.3.p.l62- 256) 822.08 D66 Stille, Charles Janeway Life and times of John Dickinson 437p.por.D Phil.Lippineott, 1891 B D56 Major-general Anthony Wayne and the Penn- sylvania line in the Continental army 441p. por.pl.O Phil.Lappincott,1893 B St5 Studies in medieval history 473p.D Phil. Lippincott.1882 940.1 St5 Stillman, William James Union of Italy, 1815- 1895 412p.map8,D Cambridge university pre8S,1899 (Cambridge historical aeries) 945 St5 Stimulants and nabcotics Reade, A. A. ed. Study and stimulants 1883 613.8 B22 See also Temperance Stimulus SiDGwicK, Akthtjr (see Eve, H:W. Sidgwick, Arthur and Abbott, E. A. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education 1883 p.29-65) 371b Ev2 Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William See Maxwell, Sir William Stirling- Stock companies See Corporations Stoddard, John Lawson Lectures . . . being the discourses delivered during the past eighteen years under the title of the Stoddard lec- tures . . . 10v.il.O Bost.Balch,1898«97 910 St6 Contents: — v. 1 Norway; Switzerland; Athens; Venice v. 2 Constantinople; JeruSalem; Egypt v. 3 Japan; China V. 4 India; The Passion play V. 5 Paris; La Belle France; Spain V. 6 Berlin; Vienna; St Petersburg; Mos- cow V. 7 The Rhine; Belgium; Holland; Mex- ico V. 8 Florence; Naples; Rome V. 9 Scotland; England; London V. 10 Southern California; Grand Caiion of the Colorado river; Yellowstone national park Supplementary volume, Ireland; Denmark; Sweden ed. Glimpses of the world; a portfolio . . . containing . . . photographic views of the entire world of nature and art . . . 549p. il.ob.Q Photo publishing co,1892 R910.4 St6 STOICISM Bruce, A. B. The Stoics: Provi- dence (see his Moral order of the world 1899 p.103-139) 214 B83 Stokes, Alfred C. Microscopy for beginners; or. Common objects from the ponds and ditches 308p.il.D N.Y.Harper,«1887 578.9 St6 STOKES, Sir GEORGE GABRIEL baronet 1819- Barker, G:F: ed. and tr. Roent- gen rays; memoirs by Roentgen, Stokes and J.J.Thomson 1899'98 (Harper's scien- tific memoirs) 530 B24 Stone, Walter George Boswell- Shakespere's Holinshed; the chronicle and the historical STO STO 464 plays compared 1896 532p.Q N.Y.Longmans, 822.33 St7 Stone, Witmer Birds of eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey . . . 185p.por.map,Q Phila.Delaware valley ornithological club, 1894 598.2 St7 Stones of Venice Ruskin, John 704 R89 STORIES Boston kindergarten teachers Boston collection of kindergarten stories 1893 372.21 B65 Half a hundred stories for the little people by nearly half a hundred writers 1900,1898 372.21 H13 Harrison, Elizabeth In story land '1895 372.21 H24 Ketchum, a. T. and Jorgensen, I. M. ed. Kindergarten gems; a collection of stories and rhymes 1890 372.21 K49 MouLTON, Jl:J. stories as a mode of think- ing 20p.S Chic.Kindergarten literature co,1893 {in Morley, M. W. Physical cul- ture 1893) 613.7 M82 POULSSON, EMILE =1898 Child stories and rhymes 372.21 P86 In the child 's world 1893 Through the farmyard gate 372.21 P86i ■^1896 372.21 P86t Thaxter, Mrs Celia (Laighton) Stories and poems for children 1895*83 372.21 T33 Whittier, J:G. Child life in prose "1873 372.21 W61 WiLTSE, S.. E. Kindergarten stories and morning talks 1890 372.21 W71 Van Kirk, M. L. and Clark, M. G. ed. Stories for the kindergarten and the home 1890 372.21 V32 See also Fairy tales; Fiction; Legends Stories of starland Proctor, Mary 520 P94 Storm, Theodor Immensee; ed. by R:A. von Minckwitz and A. C. Wilder 89p.por.S Bost.Ginn,'=1901 438 St7 Storm cloud of the 19th century Ruskin, John {see his Sesame and lilies 1894 p.359- 428) 824.86 R898 Stormonth, James language . . 1885 Dictionary of the English 1233p.Q N.Y.Harper, R423 St7 Storr, Francis ed. Life and remains of the Rev R. H. Quick 544p.poT.D N.Y.Mac- millan,1899 B37 Q4 Story, Alfred Thomas Building of the British empire ; the story of England 's growth from Elizabeth to Victoria . . . 2v.il.por.pl. map,D N.Y.Putnam,1898 {Story of the nations) 942.06 St7 Story, Joseph Commentaries on the constitu- tion of the United States 2v.O Bost.Lit- tle,1873'=33'73 342.73 St7 STORY, THE Dye, Charity The story-tel- ler's art 1903'=1898 807 D98 Story hour Wiggin, Mrs K.. D. (Smith) and Smith, N. A. 372.21 W63 Story in early education Wiltse, S.. E. Place of the story in early education 1892 372b W71 Story of a child Deland, Mrs M. W. (Campbell) 813.49 D37 Story of my heart Jefferies, J:R: B J35 Story of our continent Shaler, N. S. 917 Shi Story of the earth and man Story of the great march Story of the hills Dawson, Sir J:W: 551.7 D32 Nichols, G:W. 973.7 N51 Hutchinson, H:N. 551.4 H97 Story of the mind Baldwin, J. M. 150 B19st Story of the nations Alexander's empire Ma- HAFFY, J: P. Story of Alexander's empire 1894 938 M27 Assyria Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Story of As- syria 1894<^87 935.2 R12 Australasia Tregarthen, Greville Story of Australasia 1893 993 T71 Austria Whitman, Sidney • Story of Aus- tria 1899 943.6 W59 Barbary corsairs Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of the Barbary corsairs 1891'90 961 P78 Bohemia Maurice, C:E. Story of Bohemia 1896 943.7 M44 Britain Church, A. J: Story of early Britain 1890 942 C47 British empire Story, A. T: Building of the British empire 1898 942.06 St7 Byzantine empire Oman, C:W. C. Story of the Byzantine empire 1892 949.5 0ml Canada Bourinot, J:G: Story of Canada 1896 971 B66 465 Carthage Church, A. J: Story of Carth- age 1891'86 939.73 C47 ChaJdea Raoozin, Mme Z, A. Story of Chaklea 1886 935 R12 China Douglas, R, K. China 1899 951 D74 Crusades Archer, T:A. and Kingsford, C: L. The crusades 1895'94 940.4 Ar2 Egypt Rawunson, George Story of an- cient Egypt 1895'87 932 R19 England McCarthy, Justin Story of the people of England in the 19th century 1899'98 942.08 M128 France, Medieval Masson, Gustave Story of medieval France 1891=88 944.02 M38 France, Modern Lebon, AndrS Story of modern France, 1789-1895 1898'97 944 L49 Franks Sergeant, Lewis Story of the Franks 1898 940 Se6 Germany Gould, Sabine Baring- Story of Germany 1893*86 943 G73 Goths Bradley, Henry Story of the Goths 1891*88 940 B72 Greece Harrison, J. A, Story of Greece 1885 938 H24 Hansa towns Zimmern, Helen Story of the Hansa towns 1889 943 Z6 Holland RoGfRS, J. E:T. Story of Holland 1892*88 949.2 R63 Hungary Vamb£ry, Akminius Story of Hungary 1886 943.9 V25 India, British Frazer, R. W, British India 1897 954 F86 India, Vedic Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Story of Vedie India 1895 954 R12 Ireland Lawless, Emily Story of Ireland 1892*87 941.5 L42 Italy Orsi, Pietro Modem Italy, 1748- 1898 1900 945 Or8 Japan Murray, David Story of Japan 1894 952 M96 Jews HosMER, J. K. Story of the Jews 1886*85 933 H79 Jews under Rome Morrison, W:D. Story of the Jews under Rome 1891*90 933 M83 Media Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Story of Media, Babylon, and Persia 1893*88 935 R12s Mexico Hals, Susan Story of Mexico 1893*88 972 H13 Moors Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of the Moors in Spain *1886 946 P78 Normans Jewett, S.. O. Story of the Normans 1892*86 940.3 J55 Norway BoYESEN, H, H. Story of Nor- way 1886 948.1 B69 Parthia Rawunson, George Story of Parthia 1893 935.6 R19 Persia Benjamin, 8: G. W. Story of Persia 1894*87 935.5 B43 Phoenicia Rawlinson, George Story of Phoenicia 1893*89 939.44 R19 Poland MoRFiLL, W:R: Story of Poland 1893 943 M81 Portugal Stephens, H:M. Portugal 1898*91 946.9 St4 Rome GiLMAN, Aethuk Story of Rome 1886 937 G42 Russia MoRFiLL, W:R: Story of Russia 1890 947 M81 Saracens Gilman, Arthur Story of the Saracens 1887*86 953 G52 Scotland Mackintosh, John Story of Scotland 1892*90 941 M21 Sicily Freeman, E:A: Story of Sicily 1892 937.8 F87 South Africa Theal, G:M. Story of South Africa 1894 968 T34 Spain Hale, E:E. and Hale, Susan Story of Spain 1892*86 946 H13 Spain, Christian recovery of Watts, H:E. Christian recovery of Spain 1894*93 946 W34 Spain, Modem Hume, M. A. S. Modem Spain, 1788-1898 1900 946 H88 Switzerland Hug, Lina and Stead, Richard Story of Switzerland 1890 949.4 H87 Turkey Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of Turkey 1895*88 949.6 P78 Tuscan republics Duffy, Bella Story of the Tuscan republics 1893 945 D87 Venice Wiel, Alethea Venice 1894 945 W63 West Indies Fiske, A. K. Story of the West Indies 1899 972.9 F54 Story of the states; ed. by E. S. Brooks Brooks, E. S. Story of New York *1888 974.7 B79 Story of the stick Michel, F. F. F. 398 M58 Story tellers Mitchell, D. G, About old story- tellers; of how and when they lived and what stories they told 1898 9 M69 STO STO 466 Stoughton, John William Penn; the founder of Pennsylvania 364p.por.O Lond.Hodder, 1882 - B P38s Stout, George Frederick Analytic psychology 2v.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1896 150 St7 Manual of psychology 643p.il.D Univer- sity correspondence college press,1899 ( Uni- versity tutorial series) 150 St7ni Stow, David Training system of education; in- cluding moral school training for large towns and normal seminary for training teachers to conduct the system Ed.ll,enl. 564p.D Lond.Longmans,1859 371.4 St7 1793-1864 Leitch, James David Stow {see Leitch, James Practical educationists 1876 p.186-238) 9 L53 STOW TEAINING SYSTEM Stow, David Training system of education 1859 371.4 St7 Strachan-Davidson, James Leigh See Davidson, James Leigh Strachan- Strachey, Sir Edward baronet Talk at a coun- try house, fact and fiction 249p.D Bost. B[oughton,1894 828 St8 ed. Maloey, Sir Thomas Le morte d' Arthur 1893 398.2 M29 Strachey, John St Loe ed and Fletcher, John Strafford Beaumont, Francis Plays 1893 822.35 B38 Browning, Eobert 821.83 B828 STEAFFORD, THOMAS WENTWOETH earl OF 1593-1641 Teaill,H:D. Lord Strafford 1889 (English men of action) B St8 Strange, Daniel The farmers' tariff manual, by a farmer 363p.D N.Y.Putnam,1892 (Questions of the day) 337 St8 Strange peoples Starr, Frederick 910 St2 STEATFOED DE EEDCLIFFE viscount (STEATFOED CANNING) 1786-1880 Poole, Stanley Lane- Life of Lord Strat- ford de Eedcliffe 1890 B St8 STEATFOED-ON-AVON Lee, S. L. Stratford- on-Avon, from the earliest times to the death of Shakespeare 1890 (Historic towns) 942.48 L51 Straube, Max Manual of German etymology in its relation to English 290p.D N.Y.Al- bright publishing co,1904 432 St8 Straus, Oscar Solomon The origin of republican form of government in the United States of America, 149p.D N.Y.Putnam,1885 342.73 St8 Stray studies from England and Italy Green, J : E: 824.89 G82 Stray thoughts for mothers and teachers Soulsby, L. H. M. 376 So8 Streatfeild, E, A. Opera; a sketch of the devel- opment of the opera . . . 336p.O Lond. Nimmo,1897 782 St8 Streets See Eoads Strength of the people (Dendy) Bosanquet, Mrs Helen 339 B65 Strickland, Agnes Lives of the queens of Eng- land from the Norman conquest ... 8v. inl6,por.pl.facsim.O Phil.Lippineott,1893 9 St8 Mary, Queen of Scots 2v.por,f acsim.D Lond. Bell,1888 B M36s STEIKES AND LOCKOUTS Lloyd, H:D. A country vdthout strikes; a visit to the com- pulsory arbitration court of New Zealand 1902<=00 331 L77 STEING WOEK Walker, Louisa Varied oc- cupations in string work 1896 746 W15 Strong, Herbert Augustus tr. and ed. Paul, Hermann Principle* of the history of language 1889 '91 400 P28 Strong, Mrs S. Arthur tr. Wickhoff, Franz Eoman art 1900 709 W63 Strong, Thomas Banks Platonism 288p.S Lond.Society for promoting of Christian knowledge,n.d. (Chief ancient philosophies) 184.1 St8 Stuart, Henry Waldgrave Valuation as a logi- cal process (see Dewey, John ed. Stud- ies in logical theory 1903 p.227-340) 160 D51 Stubbs, John William History of the Univer- sity of Dublin from its foundation to the end of the 18th century; with an appendix of original documents . . . 429p.il.O Dublin,Hodges,1889 (Dublin university press series) 378.415 St9 Stubbs, William bishop Constitutional history of England in its origin and development Ed. 5 3v.D Oxf .Clarendon press,1890 '91 342.42 St9 467 Early Plantagencts 300p.map8,S N.Y.Scrib- ner,1893 (Epochs of modem history) 942.03 St9 sd. Select chapters and other illxistrationa of English constitutional history from the ear- liest times to the reign of Edward the first Ed. 7 552p.D Oxf. Clarendon press,! 890 342.42 St98 Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modem history and kindred subjects de- Uvered at Oxford . . . 1867-1884 455p. D Oxf .Clarendon press,1887 904 St9 Contents: — Inaugural; On the present state and prospects of historical study; Ou the purposes and methods of historical study; Methods of historical study; Learning and literature at the court of Henry U; Medieval kingdoms of Cj-prus and Armenia; On the characteristic differences between medieval and modem history; The reign of Henry VHI; Parliament under Henry VUI; History of the canon law in England; Reign of Henry VII; Last statutory public lecture Students' handbook to the university and col- leges of Oxford Ed. 10 268p.D Oxf. Clarendon press,1889 378.42 St9 Students ' series (Harper) Lodge, Richard His- tory of modem Europe 1886 '96 940.5 L82 Students' series (Little) Cooley, T:M. Gen- eral principles of constitutional law in the United States of America 1880 342.73 C77 Student's series of Latin classics; ed. by E. M. Pease and H :T. Peck Preston, H. W. and Dodge, Louise Private life of the Eomans '1893 913.37 P92 Studies and conduct Baenaed, Henry ed. (see his Trae student life 1873 p.Sl- 286) 370.4 B25 Studies of a recluse Jessop, Augustus 942 J498 Studies in ancient history McLennan, J :F: 392.5 M22 Studies in contemporary biography Bryce, James 9 B84 Studies of childhood SuUy, James 150.1 SuSs Studies of good and evil BoYCE, Josiah Studies of good and evil; a series of essays upon problems of philosophy and life 1898 120 E81 Studies of the Greek poets Symonds, J: A. 881 Sy6 Studies, stories and memoirs Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) 824.89 J23 STUDY, ART OF Bain, Alexander The art of study (see his Practical essays 1884 p.201-254) 824.89 B16 Study of a child Hogan, Mrs L. E. (Shimer) 372c H67 Study of the child Taylor, A- R. 150.1 T21 Stnrge, Mrs Jane tr. Haussee, Ludwio Period of the reformation, 1517-1648 1873 940.7 H29 STURM, JOHN 1507-1589 Quick, R. H. Sturmius (see Quick, R, H. Essays on educational reformers 1879 '97*90 p.27- 32) 370.9 Q4 Stxttterixg See Stammering STUYVESANT, PETER 1602-1682 Tuokkb- MANX, Bayard Peter Stuyvesant, director- general for the West India company in New Xetherland 1893 (Makers of America) B St9 Style See Dress; Literary style; Rhetoric Sub-conscious self Waldstein, Louis 152 Wl* SUB-CONSCIOUSNESS SiDis, Boris The psy- chology of suggestion; a research into the subconscious nature of man and society 1898 126 SU See also Psychical phenomena Sublime and beautiful Burke, Edmund A phil- osophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful (in his Works 1889 v.l,p.48-181) 825.62 B91 Success Emerson, R. W. (see his Society and ■ soUtude 1893«70'83 p.264-293) 814.36 Em3s See also Conduct of life SUDERMANN, HERMANN 1857- "John the Baptist" Francke, Kuno Sudermann's "John the Baptist" (see Francke, Kuno Glimpses of modem German culture 1898 p.142-153) 834.89 F84 SUETONIUS 2d century A.D. "Aelitu Lamia" DeQuincey, Thomas Aelius Lamia (see DeQuincey, Thomas Essays in ancient his- tory and antiquities '1851 '76 p.579- 590) 824.81 D44e8 SUFFRAGE Bubch, H:R. Conditions affect- ing the stifPrage in colonies 1902 (Ameri- can academy of political and social science P^lieationa) 824.73 B89 SUF SUG 468 SUGGESTION SiDis, Boris The psychology of suggestion; a research into the subconscious nature of man and society 1898 126 Sil See also Psychical phenomena; Sub-conscious- ness SUICIDE DeQuincey, Thomas On smcide {see his Essays in philosophy '1856 '77 p.209-215) 104 D44 Schopenhauer, Arthur On suicide (see his Selected essays 1900 p.195-239) 104 Sch6 Suliotes, The DeQuincey, Thomas (see his Narrative and miscellaneous papers "=1854 '77 p.325-338) 824.81 D44n SULLA Beesly, A:H: Gracchi, Marius and Sulla 1892 (Epochs of ancient history) 937.05 B39 Sully, James Essay on laughter; its forms, causes, development and value 441p.O N.Y. Longmans,1902 157 Su5 Human mind; a text-book of psychology 2v. O N.Y.Appleton,1892 ISO Su5 Illusions; a psychological study 372p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1882 (International scien- tific series) 133.2 Su5 Outlines of psychology; with special reference to the theory of education ... ed. by J. A. Reinhart 372p.il.S Syracuse,Bardeen, 1886 370.2 Su5 Pessimism ; a history and a criticism Ed. 2 477p.O N.Y.Appleton,1891 149.6 Su5 Sensation and intuition; studies in psychology and esthetics 372p.il.O Lond.King,1874 150 SuSs Studies of childhood 527p.O N.Y.Appleton, 1896 (2 copies) 150.1 Su5s Teacher's hand-book of psychology 414p.D N.Y.Appleton,1886'87 370.2 Su5t Ed.4,enl. 590p.il.D N.Y.Ap- pleton,1897 370.2 Su5te SUMELAS, MONASTERY OF Monastery of Sumelas 1887 p.24-44) Palgrave, W:G. (see his Ulysses 904 P17 SUMMER SCHOOLS Adams, H. B. Summer schools and university extension (in But- ler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2,monographl6,44p.) 379.73 B97 Summer 's last will and testament Nash, Thomas (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.8,p.l- 92) 822.08 D66 SUMNER, CHARLES 1811-1874 Dawes, A.. L. Charles Sumner 1892 (Makers of America) B Su6 Sumner, William Graham Alexander Hamilton 281p.D N.Y.Dodd,'=1890 (Malcers of America) B HlSs Andrew Jackson as a public man; what he was, what chances he had and what he did with them Ed.8 402p.D Bost.Hough- ton,1885'^82 (American statesmen) B J13s Financier and the finances of the American revolution 2v.O N.Y.Dodd,1892'91 336.73 Su6 History of American currency; with chapters on English bank restriction and Austrian paper money 391p.O N.Y.Holt,1884'=74 332 Su6 Robert Morris 172p.por.D N.Y.Dodd,«1892 (Makers of America) B M83 Emerson, R. W. Assault upon Mr Sumner (see Emerson, R. W. Mscellanies 1893 '78 '83 p.231-237) 814.36 Em3m SUN Spencer, Herbert Constitution of the sun (in his Essays; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.l,p.l82-191) 824.89 Sp3 See also Spectrum analysis SUNDAY SCHOOL Harrower, Pascal Sun- day school and its course of study (see Sunday school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious education 1901 p.103-127) 377 Su7 Hervey, W. L. Picture work for teachers and mothers 1896 268 H44 Preparation of the Sunday school teacher (see Sunday school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Princi- ples of religious instruction 1901 p.l29- 158) 377 Su7 Trumbull, H:C, Sunday school; its origin, mission, methods and auxiliaries 1888 (Lyman Beecher lectures 1888) 268 T77 Teaching and teachers 1885 '84 268 T77t See also Religious education 409 Sunday school commission of the diocese of New York comp. Principles of religious edu- cation 292p.D N.Y.Longman3,1901 (Christian knotdedge lectures) 377 Su5 Contents: — Religious Instruction and Its relation to education, by N:M. Butler; Edu- cational work of the Christian church, by \V:C. Doane; Religious instruction in Eng- land. France, Germany and the United States, by Charles De Garmo; Content of religious instruction, by George Hodges; Sunday school and its course of study, by Pascal Harrower; Preparation of the Sun- day school teacher, by W. L. Hervey; Re- ligious content of the child-mind, by G. S. Hall; The use of biography in religious in- struction, by F. M. McMurry; The use of geograpliy in religious instruction, by C:F. Kent; Study of the Bible as literature, by R: G. Moulton Superficial knowledge DeQuixcey, Thomas {see his Narrative and miscellaneous papers "^1854 '77 p.434-438) 824.81 D44n Superior instruction Barnard, Henry 378 B25 Superlatives Emerson, E. W, {see his Lectures and biographical sketches 1893«83 p.l57- 174) 814.36 Em31 SUPERNATURAL Maudsley, Henry Natural causes and supernatural seemings 1887 133 M44 See also Miracles; Religion; Spiritualism; Superstition; Theology SUPERSTITION DeQuixcey, Thomas Mod- ern superstition (see his Essays on Chris- tianity, paganism and superstition '1854 '77 p.533-587) 204 D44 See also Devil ; Dreams ; Folk lore ; Legends ; Mythology; Oracles; Psychical phenomena; Religions ; Spiritualism ; Supernatural ; Witchcraft Surenne, Gabriel and Spiers, Alexander French and English pronouncing dictionary 1883 '52 R443 Sp4 Surnames See Names • Surrey, Henry Howard earl of Poems; cd. with a memoir by James Yeowell 180p. por.D Lond,Bell.l894 (Aldiiie edition of the British poets) 821.28 Su7 Treatise on 526.9 C19 SURVEYING Carhart, Daniel plane surveying 1893*87 See also Geodesy; Railways; Trigonometry Sutcliff, Robert Travels in North America 289p.D n.p.pref.l811 n.t-p. 917.3 Su8 Sutherland, Alexander Origin and growth of the moral instinct 2v.O Lond.Longmans, 1898 171 8u8 Swaen, A. E. H. ed. Vanbrugh, Sir John Plays 1896 822.47 V27 Swainson, William Treatise on the geography and classificaftion of animals 367p.il.S Lond.Longmans,1836 (Cabinet of natural history) 591,9 Swl Swan, Howard and B6tis, Victor tr. GouiN, I'^AX^ois Art of teaching and studying languages '1892 '95 ' 407 G72 Swannell, M. Blackboard drawing 26p.pl.P Lond.Macmillan,1896 372.5 Sw2 SWEATING SYSTEM Hull-house maps and papers ^895 331.8 H87 SWEDEN History Baix, R. N, Charles XII and the collapse of the Swedish empire, 1682-1719 1895 (He- roes of the nations) B C38 See also Charles XII; Gustavus II Adolphus Politics WiLSOX, WooDROAV The dual monarchies; Austria-Hungary, Sweden-Norway (see his The state 1889 p.334-365) 350.9 W69 Travel and description Baedeker, Karl pub. Norway, Sweden and Denmark 1903 914.8 B14 Stoddard, J: L. Sweden (in his Lectures 1898*97 Supplementary volume p.281- 328) 910 St6 Swedenborg, Emanuel Works 25v.O N.Y. American Swedenborg printing society,v.d. 230.9 Sw3 1688-1772 Emerson, R.W. Swedenborg; or. The mystic (see his Representative men 1894*76 '83 p.89-139) 9 EmS Trelaxd. W:W. Hallucinations of Moham- med, Luther and Swedenborg (see Ireland, W:W. Blot upon the brain 1886 p.32- 51) 132 Ir2 Maudsley, Henry Emmanuel Swedenborg (see Maudsley, Henry Body and mind 1883 p.163-217) 132 M44 SWE SWE 470 Whittier, J:G. Swedenborg (in Whittier, J:G. Prose works 1893 v.3,p.274-279) 814.39 W61 SWEDES Clay, J. C. Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware; to which is added the charter of the United Swedish churches 1835 974.8 C57 SWEDES' CHURCH Rhoades,L. I. Old Swedes' church (see her Story of Phila- delphia <=1900 p.76-84) 974.8 R34 Swedish system See Gymnastics Swett, Jolm American public schools; history and pedagogics 320p.D N.Y.American book co,1900 379.73 Sw4 Methods of teaching; a hand-book of princi- ples, directions and working models for com- mon-school teachers 326p.D N.Y.Har- per,1883<^80 371b Sw4 SWIFT, JONATHAN 1667-1745 dean John- son, Samuel Life of Swift 1894 (Bell's English classics) B Sw5 Swift (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.5,p.l-56) 9 J62 MiTFORD, John Life of Swift (in Swift, Jonathan Poetical works 1894 v.l) 827.52 Sw5 Stephen, Leslie Swift n.d. (English men of letters) B H88 Bound with lives of Hume by T:H: Hux- ley and of Sterne by H:D. Traill Poetical works; with a memoir by John Mit- ford 3v.por.D Lond.Bell,1894 (Aldine edition of the British poets) 827.52 Sw5 Prose writings; ed. by Walter Lewin 352p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 827.52 Sw5p GossE, E. W : Swift and the deists (see Gosse, E. W : History of eighteenth cent- ury literature 1891 p.140-175) 820.9 G69h Lecky, W:E:H. Jonathan Swift (see Lecky, W:E:H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland 1889 p.1-62) 941.5 L49 Swift, Lindsay Literary landmarks of Boston; a visitor 's guide to points of literary interest in and about Boston 58p.D Bost.Hough- ton,1903 917.44 Sw5 SWIMMING Haktelius, T. J. Swimming and cold baths (see his Home gymnastics 1883 p.80-94) 613.7 H25 Swinburne, Alfred James Picture logic; an at- tempt to popularize the science of reasoning by the combination of humorous pictures with examples of reasoning taken from daily life Ed. 5 188p.il.pl.D Lond.Long- mans,1887 160 Sw6 Swinburne, Algernon Charles Essays and stud- ied Ed. 4 380p.D Lond.Chatto,1897 824.89 Sw6 Contents: — Victor Hugo: L'Homme qui rit; Victor Hugo: L'Annfie terrible; Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti; Morris' "Life and death of Jason"; Matthew Arnold's new po- ems; Notes on the text of Shelley; Byron; Coleridge; John Ford; Notes on designs of the old masters of Florence; Notes on some pictures of 1868 1837- Lowell, J. R. Swinburne 's trage- dies (in Lowell, J. R. Literary essays 1892 '94=64 '90 v.2,p.l20-139) 814.39 L951i Saintsbury, G:E:B. Mr Swinburne (see Saintsbury, G : E : B. Corrected impressions 1895 p.60-78) 824 Sa2 Stedman, E. C. Latter-day singers (see his Victorian poets 1893<=75'87 p.379-414) 821 StS Swinton, William Outlines of the world's his- tory, ancient, medieval and modern . . . 498p.il.maps,S N.Y.American book co,a874 909 Sw6 ed. Studies in English literature; being typ- ical selections from British and American authorship from Shakespeare to the present time . . . 638p.il.O N.Y.Harper,1885'^80 808 Sw6 SWITZERLAND Government TocQUEviLLE, A. C : H : C. DE Democracy in Switzerland (in his Democracy in America v.2,p.445-468) 342.73 T56 Vincent, J: M. Government in Switzerland 1900 (Citizen's library of economics, poli- tics and sociology) 342.494 V74 * History Hug, Lina and Stead, Richard Story of (Story of the nations) Switzerland 1890 949.4 H87 Politics Wilson, WooDROw The government of Switzerland (see his The state 1889 p.301-333) 350.9 W69 471 Travel and description Baedeker, Karl pub. Switzerland and the adjacent portions of Italy, Savoy and Tyrol 1903 914.94 B14 George, M. M. land «1902 Stoddard, J:L. A little journey to Switzer- (Library of travel) 914.94 G29 S>Yitzerland (in his Lec- tures 1898 v.l,p.l21-228) 910 St6 Stmo>ids, J : A. and Symonds, Margaret Our life in the Swiss highlands 1892 914.94 Sy6 Sydney, Sir Philip See Sidney, Sir Philip Sylvan city; or, Quaint corners in Philadel- phia 508p.il.por.D Phil. Our continent publishing co,1883 (Our continent library) 917.481 Sy5 Contents: — A Quaker soldier, by Helen Campbell; The city of a dream, by Helen Campbell; "Casplpina", the stor>' of a mother church, by Louise Stockton; Old Saint Joseph's, by Elizabeth Robins; The old Philadelphia library, by Louise Stockton; Quaker and Tory, by Helen Campbell; Phil- adelphia post-office, by E:A. Barber; Shop- windows, by Elizabeth Robins; Public schools, by E. S. Turner; Master builder, by Helen Campbell; Early abolitionists, by Helen Campbell; The bettering-house and other charities, by Louise Stockton; The right to bear arms, by F. W. Leach; Stephen Girard, mariner and merchant, by Louise Stockton Sylvester II Pope See Silvester 11 (Gerbert) Symbolic education Blow, S. E.. 372.2 B62s Symbolism of the cosmos Mullaxy, P. F. (Broth- er Azarias pseud.) (see his Essays; philosophical 1896 p.161-192) 104 M91 Symington, Andrew James Hints to our boys; with an introduction by Lyman Abbott 170p. S N.Y.Crowell,n884 377 Sy6 Symonds, John Addington Blank verse 113p. O Lond.Nimmo,1895 821 Sy6 An introduction to the study of Dante Ed. 4 288p.por.O Lond.Black,1899 (2 copies) 851.15 Sy6 Italian byways 350d.O Lond.Smith.1883 914.5 Sy6 Life of Michaelangelo Buonarroti; based on ■ studies in the archives of the Buonarroti family at Florence Ed. 2 2v.por.pl.O N.Y.Scribner,1893 B M58 Renaissance in Italy; the age of the despots 637p.O N.Y.Holt,1888 945.05 Sy6 Renaissance in Italy ; the Catholic reaction 2v. O N.Y.Hvilt,1887 282 Sy6 Renaissance in Italy; the fine arts 534p.O X.Y.Holt,1888 709.45 Sy6r Renaissance in Italy; Italian literature 2v.O X.Y.HoIt,1888 945 Sy6 Renaissance in Italy; the revival of learning 549p.O N.Y.Hoit,1881 850.9 Sy6 546p.O N.Y.Holt,lS88 850.9 Sy6r Sir Philip Sydney 186p.S N.Y.Harper,n,d. (English men of letters) B P81 Bound with lives of Pope by Leslie Stephen and of Dryden by G:E:B. Saints- bury Shakspere 's predecessors in the English drama 668p.O Lond.Snuth,1884 822 Sy6 Shelley 189p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B G35 Bound with Lives of Gibbon by J. A:C. Morison and of Milton by Mark Pattison Studies of the Greek poets Ed. 3 2v.O Lond.Black,1893 881 Sy6 Contents: — v. 1 Periods of Greek litera- ture; Mythology; Achilles; Women of Homer; Hesiod; Parmenides; Empedocles; Gnomic poets; Satirists: Lyric poets; Pindar; .^^schylus; Sophocles v. 2 Greek tragedy and Euripides; Frag- ments of .Eschylus, Sophocles, Euripides; Fragments of the lost tragic poets; Ancient and modern tragedy; Aristophanes; Comic fragments; Herondas; IdylUsts; Anthology; Hero, and Lesinder; Genius of Greek art; Conclusion ed. Browne, Sir Thomas Religio medici; Urn burial; Christian morals, and other es- says 1886 240 B81 and Symonds, Margaret Our life in the Swiss highlands 3G6p.pl.O Lond.Black. 1892 914.94 Sy6 1840-1893 Harrison-, Frederic John Ad- dington Symonds (see Harrison. Frederic Tennyson. Rnskin, Mill and other literary es- timates 1900 p.126-148) 824.89 H24 Symons, Arthur 1889 '93 ed. Massixoer, Philip Plays 822.37 M38 Synonyms See English language — Synonyn\s SYN 472 Synthetic philosophy See Spencer, Herbert See also Palestine; Phoenicia See SYKIA Baedeker, Karl puh. Palestine and SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION Syria 1898 915.6 B14 —Systems Education T., J. Grim, the collier of Croydon (in DodS- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 75 '76 v.8,p.385-470) 822.08 D66 Table talk Hazlitt, William {in his Miscel- laneous works n.d. v.1-2) 824.76 H33m Tacitus, Caius Cornelius Eeign of Tiberius, out of the first six annals; with his account of Germany and life of Agricola; tr. by Thomas Gordon and ed. by Arthur Galton 302p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 878.6 Til Tadd, J. Liberty New methods in education; art, real manual training, nature study 352p.il,pl.O Springfield (Mass) ,Judd,1901 (Natural education series) 707 T12 Tailor, Robert Hog hath lost his pearl (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.ll,p.423- 499) 822.08 D66 Taine, Hippoljrte Adolphe Ancient regime; tr. from the French by John Durand New ed. eni: 421p.D N.Y.Holt,1891«76 (Ori- gins of contemporary France) 944 T13 History of English literature; tr. from the French by Henri Van Laun 4v.O Ed. Edmonston,n.d. 820.9 T13 On intelligence; tr. from the French by T. D. Haye and revised by the author 542p.O Lond.Reeve,1871 151 T13 Tait, Peter Guthrie Lectures on some recent advances in physical science with a special lecture on force Ed.2,enl. 363p.il.D Lond.Macmillan,1876 530 T13 and Kelland, Philip ternions 1882 Introduction to qua- 516.8 K28 and Kelvin, William Thomson ments of natural philosophy Treatise on natural philosophy baron Ele- 1894 530 K29 1890 '95 530 K29t Tales of a traveller Irving, Washington 817.24 IrSt Tales of the heroic ages Ragozin, Mme Z. A. Frith j of, the viking of Norway; and Ro- land, the paladin of France 1899 398.2 R12 Siegfried, the hero of the North; and Beowulf, the hero of the Anglo-Saxons 1898<=99 398.2 R12» Talk at a country house Strachey, Sir Edward 828 St8 Talking See Conversation; Table talk Talks afield about plants and the science of plants Bailey, L. H. 581 B15 Talks to teachers on psychology ; and to students on some of life 's ideals James, William 370.2 J23 Talks with Athenian youths Plato 888.4 P69 Talks with my boys Mowry, W:A: 370.4 M87 Talks with Socrates about life Plato 888.4 P69 TALLEYRAND-PERIGORD, CHARLES MAU- RICE DE prince DE BENE VENT 1754- 1838 DuMESNiL, Georges Talleyrand- Perigord (see Dumesnil, Georges La pedagogic revolutionnaire 1883 p.75-106) 370.944 D89 TALMUD iMBER, N. H. Education and the Talmud (United States — Education, Bu- reau af Chapters from the report of the commissioner 1894-95) 370.4 Un3 Taming of the shrew See Shakspere, William Tancred and Gismunda Wilmot, W. R. (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.7,p.l-93) 822.08 D66 TANEY, ROGER BROOKE 1777-1864 Tyler, Samuel Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney 1872 B T15 Tappan, Eva March Short history of England 's literature 276p.il.por.D Bost.Houghton, "1905 820.7 T16 478 TARIFF Atkinson, Edward Taxation and work; a series of treatises on the tariff and the currency 1892 337 At5 Carey, H:C: Harmony of interests; agricul- tural, manufacturing and commercial 1890 «52 337 C18 Lowell, J. R. Tariff reform (see his Lit- erary and political addresses 1894"'86 '90 p.181-189) 814.39 L951 Patten, S. N. The economic basis of free- trade and protection 1890 337 P27 Strange, Daniel The farmer's tariff man- ual 1892 (Questions of the day) 337 St8 Taussig, F:W: Tariff history of the United States 1893"^92 (Questions of the day) 337 T19 See also Economics; Free trade and protec- tion; Taxation; also The name of the country, subdivision, Finance Tarr, Ralph Stockman Economic geology of the I'nited States with briefer mention of for- eign mineral products 509pal.pl.O N.Y. Macmillan,1894<^93 553 T17 Elements of physical geography 488p.il.pl.O N.Y.MacmiIlan,1899'95 551.4 T17 Tartans Scottish clans and their tartans 1895 941 Sco8 Tarver, John Charles Some observations of a foster parent 282p.D Westminster, (*onstable,1897 373.42 T17 TASSO, TORQUATO 1544-1595 Symonds, J: A. Torquato Tasso (see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance of Italy; Catholic reac- tion 1887 v.2,p.l-79) 282 Sy6 ^'Jerusalem delivered" Symonds, J: A. Jerusalemme liberata (see his Renaissance in Italy; Catholic reaction 1887 v.2, p.80-125) 282 Sy6 TASSONI, ALESSANDRO 1565-1635 Sym- onds, J: A. Guarino, Marino, Chiabera, Tassoni (see Symonds, J: A. Renaissance in Italy; the Catholic reaction 1887 v.2. p.242-314) 282 Sy6 Taste See Esthetics Tate, Thomas Philosophy of education; or, The principles and practice of teaching . . . with an introduction by F. W. Parker Ameri- can edition 330p.S Syracu8e,Bardeen, 1884^85 (2 copies) 371a T18 Tatler, The Addison, Joseph (tn his Works 1888*53 v.4,p.ll-304) 824.52 Ad2 Taussig, Frank WiUiam Tariff history of the Tnited States; a series of essays 344p.D X.Y.Putnam,1893'92 (Questions of the day) 337 T19 TAXATION Burke, Edmund Speech on Amer- ican taxation (in his Works 1889'91'94 v.l,p.382-437) 825.62 B91 CossA, LuiGi Taxation, its principles and methods 1893«88 336.2 C82 Ricardo, David First six chapters on the principles of political economy and taxation, 1817 1895 (Economic classics) 330 R35 See also Economics; Octroi; Tariff Taxation and work Atkinson, Edward 337 At5 Taylor, A. E. Elements of metaphysics 419p, O Lond.Methuen,1903 110 T21 Taylor, Albert Reynolds The study of the child; a brief treatise on the psychology of the child . . . 215p.D N.Y.Appleton,1898 (International education series) 150.1 T21 Taylor, Alfred Swaine and Bain, Alexander ed. Arnott, Xeil Elements of physics 1883 530 Ar6 TAYLOR, BAYARD 1825-1878 Smyth, A. H: Bayard Taylor 1896 (American men of letters) B T21 Taylor, Mrs Marie (Hansen-) and Scudder, H. E. ed. Life and letters of Bayard Taylor 1885'84 B T21t Poetical works 349p.por.pl.D Bost.Hough- ton,a854 '94 811.46 T21 tr. Goethe, J:W. von Faust '1870 832.62 G55 Stedman, E. C. Bayard Taylor (see Sted- man, E. C. Poets of America 1894'85 p.396-434) B T21 Taylor, Mrs Emily Drayton Miniature painting as an art (see Wharton, A.. H. Heir- looms in miniatures 1898*97 p.227-245) 757 W55 Taylor, Franklin Primer of pianoforte playing 126p.S N.Y.Appleton,n.d. (Science primers) 786.4 T21 TAY TAY 474 Taylor, Hannis Origin and growth of the Eng- lish constitution; an liistorieal treatise . . . 616p.O Bost.Houghton,1899 342 T21 V. 2 wanting Taylor, Isaac Alphabet; an account of the origin and development of letters 2v.O Lond.Paul,1883 411 T21 Home education Ed.2 380p.O Lond. Jackson,1838 370 T21 Origin of the Aryans; an account of the pre- historic ethnology and civilisation of Europe 339p.il.D Lond.Scott,pref.l889 (Con- temporary science series) 572 T21 Words and places; or, Etymological illustra- tions of history, ethnology and geography New ed. 375p.maps,D Lond.Macmillan, 1882 929.4 T21 Taylor, James Morford Elements of the differ- ential and integral calculus . . . 236p.O Bost.Ginn,1894<^84 '91 517 T21 Taylor, Joseph S. Art of class management and discipline 113p.D N.Y.Kellogg,n903 371c T21 Taylor, Mrs Marie (Hansen-) and Scudder, H. E. ed. Life and letters of Bayard Taylor Ed.4 2v.il.por.facsim.O Bost.Houghton, 1885^84 B T21t Taylor, E. Whately Cooke Introduction to the history of the factory system 441p.O Lond.Bentley,1886 670.9 T21 TAYLOR, ZACHARY, president of the United States, 1784-1850 Hovi^ARD, 0:0. Gen- eral Taylor 1892 (Great commanders) B T21 Teacher, The monthly, 1896-date ?v.Q Phil. Teacher publishing co,1896-date 370.5 T22 TEACHERS, EXAMINATION AND QUALIFI- CATIONS OF Legal provisions respecting the examination and licensing of teachers 1883 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 TEACHERS, TRAINING OF Bramwell, A. B. and Hughes, H. M. Training of teachers in the United States of America 1894 370.7 B73 Hart, A. B, Has the teacher a profession? (sec his Studies in American education 1895 p.1-21) 370.4 H25 University participation — a substitute for university extension (see his Studies in American education 1895 p.49-74) 370.4 H25 Hinsdale, B. A. Training of teachers (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.l,monograph 8^ 49p.) 379.73 B97 Hughes, E. P. Training of teachers (see Roberts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.171-192) 370.4 R54 Laurie, S. S. On professorships and lecture- ships on education (see his Occasional ad- dresses on educational subjects 188S p.43-58) 370.4 L37 Training of teachers (see his Training of teachers and other educational papers 1882 p.1-118) 370.4 L37t Luckey, G:W. a. Professional training ot secondary teachers in the United States 1903 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 370.7 L96 Mann, Horace Special preparation a prere- quisite to teaching (in his Lectures and annual reports on education 1867-68 v.l,p.87-139) 370.6. M31 National educational association Report of the committee of fifteen on elementary education 1895 370.6 N21r Payne, W:H. Education of teachers 1901 370.7 P2» Pillans, James Seminaries for teachers (see his Contributions to the cause of edu- cation 1856 p.167-186) 370.4 P64 Stow, David Training system of education 1859 371.4 St7 Training of teachers (in International health exhibition Health exhibition litera- ture 1884 v.l6,p.l-168) 370.6 In8 See also College of Preceptors; Normal schools; Teachers' college; Teachers' insti- tutes Teacher's tenure of office Eliot. C:W: (see his Educational reform 1901<=1891 p.49-58) 370.4 E14 Teachers' assistant; to accompany the complete encyclopedia of modern school method charts 130p.pl.D Educational association,1896 371b T22 TEACHERS ' COLLEGE Gilman, D. C. Teach- ers ' college of Columbia university (see 475 his University problems in the United States 1898«97 p.263-374) 378.73 G42 Teachers' institute; a monthly magazine of edu- cation v.8-date,il.O N.Y.I 885-dat6 370.5 T22t V. 9 and 13 missing Teachers' institute of Philadelphia Annual re- port of the president . . . 1868-98 3v.O Phil.Markley,! 868-98 R370.6 T22 TEACHERS' INSTITUTES Bramwell, A. B. and Hughes, H. M. Teachers' institutes {see their Training of teachers in the United States of America 1894 p.194-195) 370.7 B73 Kino, R. M. The teachers ' institute (see his School interests and duties ''1894 p.237-264) 371c K58 Phelps, W:F. The teacher's handbook for institute and the classroom '1874 370.7 P51 Teachers' library Mayhew, Ika Cleans and ends of universal education <=18o6 370 M45 Root, N. W. T. School amusements 1877 371c R67 Teachers' professional library; ed. by N: M.Butler Chubb, Percival Teaching of English in the elementary and the secondary school 1905 420.7 C47 Shaw, E:R. School hygiene 1901 371.7 Sh2 Smith, D:E. Teaching of elementary mathe- matics 1900 510.7 Sm5 TEACHERS' SALARIES Dyke,C:B. Eco- nomic aspect of teachers' salaries 1899 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and education) 371.16 D99 Teachers' seminaries See Normal schools TEACHING, METHODS OF Aber, M.. R. Al- LING- An experiment in education ; also the ideas which inspired it and were inspired by it 1897 (Heath's pedagogical library) 371a Ab3 Bain, Alexander Methods (see his Edu- cation as a science 1883 p.230-310) 370.1 B16 Baldwin, Joseph Pupil improvement thro efficient methods of teaching (see his School management and school methods 1897 p.301-373) 371c B198 Baknett, p. a. ed. Teaching and organi- zation 1897 371b B26 Blakiston, J:R: The teacher; hints on school management 1879 371b B58 BoYER, C:C. Principles and methods of teach- ing '1899 371b B69 Brooks, Edward Normal methods of teach- ing 1883'89'-79 371b B79 Charbonneau, Michel Instruction et en- seignenient (see his Cours thfiorique et pratique de pedagogic 1882 p.238-387) 371a C37 CoMPAYRfi, Gabriel Practical pedagogy (see his Lectures on pedagogy 1S93 '96*87 p.263-476) 371a C73 Currie, James Method (see his Principles and practice of common-school education n.d. p.313-501) 371a C93 DeGraff, E. V. Schoolroom guide to meth- ods of teaching and school management 1890'=77'84 371b D36 and Smith, M. K. Development lessons 1883 371b D36d Eclectic manual of methods for the assistance of teachers '1885 371b Ec6 Eve, H:W. Sidgwick. Arthlti and Abbott, E. a. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education 1883 371b Ev2 Fearon, D. R. School inspection 1876 371b F31 Garlick, a. H. New manual of method 1896 '98 371b G18 GiFFiN, W:M. How not to teach; with the way to teach «1883 371b G36 Gill, John Introductory text-book to school education, method and school management 1881 371b G41i Art of teaching young minds to observe and think 1880 371b 0x41 GLadman, F:J: Teaching (see his School work pref.1885 v.l.p.92-306) 371c G45 Greenwood, J. M. Principles of education, practically applied 1S87 '88,1901 (Inter- national education series) 371b G85 Hart, J:S. In the school room; or. Chapters in the philosophy of education 1882'68 371b H25 TEA TEA 476 Hewett, E. C. Teaching particular subjects (see his Treatise on pedagogy *1884 p.181-203) 371a 1149 Hopkins, Mrs L.. P. (Stone) How shall my child be taught? Practical pedagogy; or, The science of teaching illustrated 1887''86 371b H77 Hughes, J. L. Mistakes in teaching '1882 371b H87 Joyce, P. W. Methods of teaching (see his School management 1872 p.101-221) 371c J85 Kiddle, Henry Harrison, T:F. and Calk- ins, N. A. How to teach; a graded course of instruction and manual of methods for the use of teachers <=1873'77 371b K53 King, W. J. Treasury of facts ; a cyclopedia of natural and mathematical science with the art and science of teaching 1884 371b K58 Klemm, L:E: Educational topics of the day ; chips from a teacher 's workshop '1887 371b K67 Landon, Joseph A manual of the art of questioning for training classes 1899 371b L23 The principles and practice of teaching and class management 1894 '99 371b L23p McMuRRY, C:A. and McMurry, F. M. Meth- od of the recitation 1905<=1897,1903 371b M22 Miall, L. C. Thirty years of teaching 1897 371b M58 MuLLANY, P.F: (Brother Azarias pseud.) The simultaneous method in teaching (see his Essays; educational 1896 p.205-240) 370.4 M91 New York (city) — Education, Board of Manual of discipline and instruction for the use of the teachers of the grammar schools "=1884 379.747 N42 Manual of discipline and instruction for the use of the teachers of the primary schools '1884 379.747 N42m Northend, Charles The teacher and the parent; a treatise upon common school edu- cation '1856 (Teacher's library) 371b N81 On cLtss teaching "1879 (Manuals for teachers) 371b Onl Talks on teaching 1896*85 (Kellogg 's teachers' library) 371b P22 Phelps, W:F. Methods (see his Teacher's, handbook for the institute and classroom n874 p.76-213) 370.7 P51 Prince, J. J. Method (see his School man- agement and method 1886 p.65-165) 371c P93 Eaub, a. N. Methods of teaching, including the nature, object, and laws of education, methods of instruction and culture 1884 '83 371b E19 EoARK, E. X. Method in education <=1899 371b ESa Sandison, Howard Problem of method 1906 •=04 , 371b Sa5 Scott, H. M. and Buck, Gertrude Organic education; a manual for teachers in primary and grammar grades 1899''97 371b Sco8 Shaw, E :E. and Donnell, Webb School de- vices, a book of ways and suggestions for teachers 1886 371b Sh2 Sonnenschein, a. Educational codes of for- eign countries 1889 371b So5 SouTHWiCK, a. p. Quiz manual of the theory and practise of teaching 1888 371b So& SwETT, John Applied pedagogics in Ameri- can public schools (see his American pub- lic schools "=1900 p.173-320) 379.73 Sw4 Methods of teaching 1883'=80 371b Sw4 Teachers' assistant to accompany the com- plete encyclopedia of modern school method charts 1896 371b T22 Van Wie, C. B. Methods in common branches ; a book for the common school teacher 1892 '91 371b V26 White, E. E. Art of teaching ^901 371b W58 language, ge- (see his Ele- p.217-310) 371a W58 of instruction 371b W63 Methods of teaching reading, ography, and arithmetic ments of pedagogy ''1886 Wickersham, J. P. Methods •^1865 Parker, F:W. 1883 Notes of talks on teaching 371b P22 See also Lancasterian system; Marking; Ob- ject teaching; Questioning, Art of; also The name of the subject 477 TEACHING, THEORY OF Aiken, Catharine Exercises in mind training; in quickness of perception, concentrated attention and mem- ory 1899 371a Ai4 Barnett, p. A. Common sense in education and teaching 1899 371a B26 Ballard, Addison Teaching, a fine art (see his Arrows «1890 p.27-60) 370.4 B21 Brooks, Edward Nature of education (see his Normal methods of teaching 1883 '89 «79 p.13-76) 371b B79 Calderwood, Henry On teaching; its ends and means 1893 371a C12 Calkins, N. A. Science of education (see his Manual of object teaching 1882 p.339-469) 372.3 C12 Charbonneau, Michel Cours theorique et pratique do pedagogie 1882 371a C37 COMENUIS, J:A. Great didactic 1896 371b C73 CoMPAYRfi, Gabriel Lectures on pedagogy; theoretical and practical 1893'96<'87 371a C73 CuRRiE, James Principles and practice of common-school education n.d. 371a C93 Day, H:N. Science of education «1889 371a D33 DeGarmo, Charles Essentials of method; a discussion of the essential form of right methods in teaching 1889'93'92 371a D36 Button, S:T. School and the child (see his Social phases of education 1899 p.59- 85) 370.4 D9.5 FiNDLAY, J. J. Principles of class teaching 1902 371a F49 Fitch, Sir J. G. Lectures on teaching 1883 '97 371a F55 Gladman, F:J: Principles of education (see his School work pref.1885 v.2,p.75- 235) 371c G45 Gregory, J :M. Seven laws of teaching '1886 371a G86 Herbart, J.F: a B C of sense perception and minor pedagogical works 1896 (In- teriintional education series) 152 H41 Hewett, E:C. Treatise on pedagogy «1884 371a H49 Hinsdale, B. A. Art of study «1900 371a Ho9 Hoose, J. H. On the province of methods of teaching; a professional study 1881*79 (School bulletin imblications) 371a H76> Johnson, W. On the education of the rea- soning faculties (see Farrar, F:W: Es- says on a liberal education 1868 p.313- 363) 370.4 F24 Johonnot, James Principles and practice of teaching 1883 '98'=78 '96 (International education series) 371a J66 King, R. M. School interests and duties '1894 371c K58 Laurie, S. S. Instjtutes of education 1892 371a L37 McMuRRY, C:A. Elements of general meth- od; based on the principles of Herbart '1895-^93 371a M22 Morgan, T: J. Studies in pedagogy 1890 '•88 371a M82 Northrop, B. G. Culture and knowledge (see his Education abroad and other papers 1873 p.96-109) 370.4 N81 Orcutt, Hiram School keeping; how to do it *188.5 (Teachers' handy library) 371a Orl Parker, F. W. Talks on pedagogics ; an out- line of the theory of concentration '1 894 371a. P22 Patrick, J. N. Elements of pedagogics 1895 ""94 (Standard teachers' library) 371a P27 Payne, Joseph Lectures on the science and art of education with other lectures and essays 1883 371a P29 PiLLANS, James Rationale of school disci- pline (see his Contributions to the cause of education 1856 p.305-420) 370.4 P64 Two letters on teaching (see his Contribu- tions to the cause of education 1856 p.5-102) 370.4 P64 Putnam, Daniel Manual of pedagogy 1895 371a P98 Quick, -R.H. Thoughts and suggestions (see his Essays on educational reformers 1891 p.172-196) 370.9 Q4 Rein, George Wilhelm Outlines of peda- gogics 1893 '95 371a R27 TEA TEA 478 Tate, Thomas Philosophy of education; or, The principles and practise of teaching 1884 371a T18 Thring, Edward Theory and practice of teaching 1883 371a T41 Tompkins, Arnold Philosophy of teaching 1893^91 371a T59 VanWie, C. B. Development helps 1891 371a V26 White, E. E. Elements of pedagogy "=1886 371a W58 WiCKERSHAM, J. P. Introduction (see his Methods of instruction ^865 p.25-122) 371b W63 See also Education; Elementary education; Interest; Kindergarten; Psychology, Peda- gogical; Sunday school; also The name of the subject sub-division, Study and teaching TECHNICAL EDUCATION Ashbee, C:R. A few chapters in workshop reconstruction and citizenship 1894 607 As3 Clarke, T:E. Industrial and technical train- ing in schools of technology and in United States land grant colleges (in his Art and industry; education in the industrial and fine arts in the United States 1898) 607 055 Felkin, H:M. Technical education in a Saxon town 1881 607 F33 Huxley, T:H: Technical education (see his Science and culture, and other essays 1884 p.73-93) 504 H98s Leland, C:G. Practical education; treating of the development of memory, the increas- ing quickness of perception, and training the constructive faculty 1888 607 L53 London institute — City guilds of Calendar 1887-88 n.d. 607 L84 Magnus, Sir Philip Industrial education in the nineteenth century (see Roberts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.140-170) 370.4 R54 Mendenhall, T:C. Scientific, technical and engineering education (in Butler, N;M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2,monographll,42p.) 379.73 B97 Northrop, B. G. Education and industrial arts (see his Education abroad and other papers 1873 p.144-155) 370.4 N81 Pennsylvania — Industrial education commis- sion Report made to the legislature of Pennsylvania 1889 607 P38 Playfair, Sir Lyon Technical education (see his Subjects of social welfare 1889 p.307-336) 304 P69 Russell, J : S. Systematic technical education for the English people 1869 607 R91 Technical teaching (in International health exhibition Health exhibition literature 1884 v.l4,p.l-547) 370.6 In8 Twining, Thomas Technical training; being a suggestive sketch of a national system of industrial instruction 1874 607 T92 United States — Education, Bureau of In- dustrial education in the United States 1883 607 Un3 Walker, F. A. Technological education (see his Discussions in education 1899*^98 p.3- 122) 370.4 W15 Ware, Fabian Educational foundations of trade and industry 1901 (International education series) 607 W22 See also Manual training Bibliography Leland, C:G. A list of the principal works on technical education (see his Practical education 1888 p.272-280) 607 L53 Technology See Industrial arts TECUMSEH 1768(?)-1813 WARD ana Seelye, L. E. Shawnee prophet «1878 icon Indians) EGGLESTON) Ed- Tecumseh, the (Famous Amer- 970.2 Eg3t TELEGRAPH, WIRELESS Mazzotto, Domeni- co Wireless telegraphy and telephony 1906 (Whittaker's library of arts, science and industries) 654 M45 Telemachus, Adventures of Fenelon (FranQois de Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon) 843.59 F35 TELEPATHY Podmore, Frank Apparitions and thought-transference; an examination of the evidence for telepathy 1895 134 P75 TELEPHONY Mazzotto, Domenico Wireless telegraphy and telephony 1906 (Whit- taker's library of arts, sciences and indus- tries) 654 M45 479 TEMPERANCE DeQuincey, Thomas National temperance movements (see his Politics and political economy =1859 77 p.383-413) 824.81 D44p of intemper- p.290-300) 364 G82 Foundation of death 178 G97 Green, S. M. The prevention ance {see his Crime 1889 GusTAFSON, Axel 1884 Lewis, David tion 1883 Drink problem and its solu- 178 L58 Drink traffic in the 18th century 1885 178 L58d Newton, R : H. Prevention of intemperance (see his Social studies 1887 p.173-196) 330 N48 Orcvtt, Hiram Temperance in schools (see his School keeping; how to do it 1885 p.214-244) 371a Orl Plumb, A. H. Scientific temperance instruc- tion in the public schools (see United States — Education, Bureau of Chapters from the report of commissioner 1894-96) 370.4 Un3 Rylands, L. G. On the prevention of drunk- enness (see his Crime, its causes and rem- edy 1889 p.117-136) 364 R98 See also narcotics Food; Hygiene; Stimulants and Bibliography GusTAFSON, Axel Bibliography (see his Foundation of death 1884 p.499-562) 178 G97 Tempest See Shakspere, William TEMPLARS DoLUNGER, J: J. I. von The sup- pression of the order of the Knights Tem- plars (see his Addresses on historical and literary subjects 1894 p.202-228) 834.89 D69 Feoude, J, A. The Templars (see his Span- ish story of the Armada 1892 p,219- 271) 824.89 F938 See also Chivalry Temple, Frederick Oxford essays (in National education 1856 p.218-270) 824.89 0x2 Temple, Oliver Perry The covenanter, the cava- lier and the Puritan 260p.D Cinc.Clarke, 1897 274.1 T24 Temple, Sir Richard baronet Lord Lawrence 203p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1889 (Eng- lish men of action) B L43 Temple primers Barnett, L. D : Greek drama 1900 882 B26 Temporal power See Papacy; Popes Ten Brink, Bernhard Egidius Conrad See Brink, Bernhard Egidius Conrad ten Ten Brook, Andrew American state universi- ties; their origin and progress; a history of congressional university land-grants; a par- ticular account of the rise and development of the University of Michigan . . . 410p. O Cinc.Clarke.1875 378.73 T25 Ten great religions Clarke, J. F. Ten TRIBE.S OF Israel See Jews Tenants of an old farm McCook, H:C. Tenement houses See Poor, The 290 055 595.7 M13 TENNESSEE Education Merriam, L. S. Higher education in Ten- nessee 1893 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of information) 370.6 Un3 TENNYSON, ALFRED 1809-1892 5oron Cary, E.. L. Tennyson; his homes, his friends, and his work '1898,1903 B T25 Brooke, S. A : Browning and Tennyson (see Brooke, S. A: Poetry of Robert Browning =1902 p.1-56) 821.83 B79 Griswold, H. T. Alfred Tennyson (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of the great authors 1894<=86 p.197-206) 9 G88 Tennyson, Hallam Alfred Lord Tennyson; a memoir by his son 1898«97 B T25 Works 898p.por.O N.Y.Macmillan,1900«1892 821.81 T25 Bagehot, Walter Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning; or, Pure, ornate and gro- tesque art in English poetry (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.2, p.326-381) 824.89 B14 Brooke, S. A: Tennyson, his art and rela- tion to modem life 1894 821.81 T25 DowDEN, Edward Mr Tennjrson and Mr Browning (see Dowden, Edward Studies TEN TEN 480 in literature 1892 p.191-239) 804 D75 "Idylls of the king" Gurteen, S. H, The Arthurian epic; a comparative study of the Cambrian Breton and Anglo-Norman ver- sions of the story and Tennyson's Idylls of the king 1895 398.2 G96 HiLLis, N. D. Tennyson 's ' ' Idylls of the king ' ', an outlook upon the soul 's epochs and teachers (see Hillis, N. D, Great books as Ufe-teachers 1894'=1898 p.151-177) 814 H55 Harrison, Frederic Tennyson (see Harri- son, Frederic Tennyson, Euskin, Mill and other literary estimates 1900 p.l-4:7) 824.89 H24 Leland Stanford junior university Ten- nyson and Browning (see their Saturday teachers' class 1895) 370.4 L53 Ritchie, Mrs A.. I.. (Thackeray) Alfred Tennyson (see Ritchie, Mrs A.. I.. (Thack- eray) Records of Tennyson, Ruskin and Browning 1892 p.1-60) B T25 ROYCE, JosiAH Tennyson and pessimism (see Royce, Josiah Studies of good and evil 1898 p.76-88) 120 R81 Saintsbury, G:E:B. Tennyson (see Saints- bury, G:E:B, Corrected impressions 1895 p.21-40) 824 Sa2 Stedman, E. C. Stedman, E. C. p.150-200) Alfred Tennyson Victorian poets 821 (see 1893 sta Tennyson and Theocritus (see Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets 1893 p.201-253) 821 St3 Stevenson, E. ed. Poems, chiefly lyrical (see Stevenson, E. ed. Early reviews of great writers n.d. p.303-325) 820 St4 Strachey, Sir Edavard Books: Tennyson and Maurice (see Strachey, Sir Edward Talk at a country house 1894 p.121-149) 828 StS Tennyson, Hallam Alfred Lord Tennyson; a memoir by his son 2v.por.pl.facsim.O N.Y. Macmillan,1898«97 (2 copies) B T25 Tenure op land See Land Teresa, Saint See Theresa, Saint Terhune, Mrs Mary Virginia (Hawes) ed. (Marion Harland pseud.) Breweb, E. C. Character sketches of romance, fiction and the drama 1892 R803 B75 Tests See School organization and adminis- tration; Teaching, Methods of; Teaching, Theory and practice of TEXAS History Williams, A, M. Sam Houston and the war of independence in Texas 1893 B H81 See also Calhoun, J: C; Houston, Sam TEXT-BOOKS Johnson, Clifton Old-time schools and school-books 1904 371.3 J62 See also The name of the subject sub-di- vision. Study artd teaching Texte, Joseph Jean Jacques Rousseau and the cosmopolitan spirit in literature; a study of the literary relations between France and England during the eighteenth century 393p.O Lond.Duckworth,1899 B R76 TEXTILE FABRICS Ashenhurst, T:R. De- sign in textile fabrics 1883 677 As3 See also Dyeing; Spinning THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE 1811- 1863 Griswold, H. T. William Make- peace Thackeray (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of the great authors 1894'=86 p.322-334) 9 G88 Merivale, Herman and Marzials, F : T : Life of W:M. Thackeray 1891 (Great writers) B T32 Trollope, Anthony Thackeray n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B T32t Bound with lives of Sheridan by Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Ollphant and of Addison by W: J: Courthope Bagehot, Walter Sterne and Thackeray ( in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.2,p.282-325) 824.89 B14 Saintsbury, G : E : B. Saintsbury, G:E:B. 1895 p.1-20) Thackeray (see Corrected impressions 824 Sa2 Thalheimer, Mary Elsie Manual of ancient his- tory 376p.il.pl.map8,0 Cine. Van Antwerp, '1872 930 T32 Manual of medieval and modern history 480p. maps,0 Cine. VanAntwerp,'l 874 909 T32 481 Thane, George Dancer and Schafer, E:A. ed. QuAix, Jones Elements of anatomj 1893 '94 '96 611 Q2 Thaxter, Mrs Celia (Laighton) Stories and poems 'for children 257p.pl.D Bost. Houghton,1895'83 808 T33 Thayer, William Boscoe ed. Best Elizabethan plays eilp.D Bo8t.Ginn,1892'=90 822.08 T33 Contents: — Jew of Malta, by Marlowe; Al- chemist, Ben Jonson; Philaster, Beaumont and Fletcher; Two noble kinsmen, by Flet- cher and Shakespeare; Duchess of Malfl, by Webster Dawn of Italian independence Italy from the congress of Vienna, 1814, to the fall of Venice, 1849 2v.maps,0 Bost.Houghton, 1894'92 945 T33 Theal, George McCaU Story of South Africa, Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free state. South African republic, and all other terri- tories south of the Zambesi 307p.il.maps,D N.Y.Putnam,1894 968 T34 That last waif Fletcher, Horace 371.97 F63 THEATRE, THE Haiqh, A. E. Attic theatre 1889 792 H12 Hastings, Charles The theatre; its devel- opment in France and England, and a his- tory ot its Greek and Latin origins 1902 792 H27 Ordish, T. F. Early London theatres in the fields 1894 (Camden library) 792 Or2 See also Drama, The; Ethics; Opera THEBES, THE Palqrave, W:G. A visit to upper Egypt and the Thebes (see his Ulysses 1887 p.92-111) 904 P17 THEISM Bowne,.B. P. Philosophy of theism 1899*87 231 B68 Cole, L. T: Basis of early Christian theism 1898 (Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and edtication) 211 C67 FiSKE, John Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge 1899«85 211 F54 See also Christianity; God; Theology THEOCRITUS 3rd century B.C. Appleton, W:H. ed. Theocritus (see Appleton, W:H. ed. Greek poets in English verse 1893 p.272-287) 881 Ap5 Stedman, E. C, Tennyson and Theocritna (see Stedman, E. C. Victorian poeta 1893 «75'87 p.201-253) 821 8t3 Theodicy See God THEODORET 390(f) -457(f) Newman, J :H: cardinal Trials of Theodoret (in New- man, J:H: cardiruil Historical sketches 1894 v.2,p.303-362) 904 N46 THEODORIC 454(f) -526 Hodgkin, Thomas Theodoric the Goth; the barbarian champion of civilisation 1894«91 (Heroes of the nations) B T34 THEODOSIUS I "The Great", emperor of Borne, 346(f) -395 Hodgkin, Thomas Theodosius (see Hodgkin, Thomas Dy- nasty of Theodosius 1889 p.100-133) 937.09 H66 Lord, John Thedosius the Great (in Lord, John Beacon Ughts of history «1883'96 v.l,p.387-423) 904 L88 THEOLOGY Balfour, A. J. Foundations of belief; being notes introductory to the study of theology 1895 215 B19 Froude, J. A. A plea for the free discussion of theological difficulties (in his Short stud- ies on great subjects 1891*92 v.l,p.l66- 196) 824.89 F93 Moore, A, L. Theology and law (see hia Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890 p.230-249) 104 M78 Mueller, F:M. False analogies in compara- tive theology (in his Chips from a Ger- man workshop 1890 '92 v.5,p.98-132) 824.89 M91 Pattison, Mark Present state of theology in Germany (in his Essays 1889 v,2, p.210-262) 824.89 P27 See also Alexandrian schools; Antichrist; Asceticism; Bible; Calvinism; Celibacy; Christianity; Church history; Church polity; Clergy; Creation; Ethics; Evolution; Faith; Fathers of the church; God; Jesus Christ; Lord's supper; Materialism; Miracles; Mis- sions; Mysticism; Natural religion; Phil- osophy; Prayer; Private judgment; Prot- estantism; Providence and government of God; Rationalism; Religion; Religion and science; Skepticism; Spiritualism; Theism; Worship THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT (Biology) Evolution 8«0 THE THE Theory of morals Janet, P. A. E. Theory of reality Ladd, G:T. Theory of thought Davis, N. K. Theory of thought and knowledge 1515-1582 482 171 110 160 J25 LI 2 D29 Bowne, B. P. 101 B68 THEEESA, SAINT 1515-1582 Froude, J. A. Saint Teresa (see his Spanish story of the Armada 1892 p.155-218) 824.89 F93s LoED, John Saint Theresa (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history <=1883'96 v.5, p.185-220) 904 L88 Thersites (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select col- lection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l,p.389-431) 822.08 D66 Thesavirus of English words and phrases Eoget, P:M: E424 E63 Things of the mind Spalding, J:L. Thinking See Thought bishop 377 Spl Thinking and learning to think Schaeffer, N. C. 370.2 Sehl Thinking, feeling, doing Scripture, E:W. 150 Scr6t Thirlwall, Connop History of Greece 2v.O N.Y.Harper,1851 938 T34 Thirty- NINE articles See Church of England Thirty thousand names of immigrants in Pennsyl- vania Eupp, I. D. 974.8 E87 Thirty years' view Benton, T:H. 328.73 B44 THIETY YEAES' WAE 1618-1648 Fletcher, C:E. L. Gustavus Adolphus and the strug- gle of Protestantism for existence 1895*90 (Heroes of the nations) B G97 Gardiner, S:E. 1648 1892 Thirty years' war, 1618- (Epochs of modern history) 943.04 G16 Motley, J:L. Life and death of John of Barneveld 1874 B B26 See also Germany — History This country of ours Harrison, Benjamin 342.73 H24 Thomas, Allen Clapp and Thomas, S:H: His- tory of the Society of Friends in America (see Tyler, B:B. and others History of the Disciples of Christ, ^the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ, and the Evangelical association 1894 p.l63- 308) 289 T97 Thomas, Charles Walter and Fox, William A practical course in mechanical drawing 1901^899 • 744 F83 Thomas, Emile Eoman life under the Csesars 370p.il.pl.D N.Y.Putnam,1899 913.37 T36 THOMAS, GEOEGE HENEY 1816-1870 Cop- pfiE, Henry General Thomas 1895"=93 (Great commanders) B T36 Thomas, Jean and Querin, Alexis Cours d 'in- struction civique, redige conformement au programme officiel . . . 1882 201p.S Par. Delagrave,1882 351 T26 Thomas, Joseph Universal pronouncing diction- ary of biography and mythology 236p.Q Phil.Lippincott,1883<^70 E9 T36 See Lippincott's gazeteer of the world Thomas, Mary Carey Education of (m Butler, N:M. ed. United States 1900 40p.) Thomas, William May ed. Poetical works 1894 women Education in the v.l,monograph 7, 379.73 B97 Collins, William 821.57 C69 THOMAS A KEMPIS 1380(?).-1471 ''Imita- tion of Christ" Farrar, F:W: Imitation of Christ (see Farrar, F:W: Great books a898 p.291-311) 824.89 F24 Thomas Aquinas See Aquinas, Thomas Thomas Becket or Thomas a Becket Thomas of London See THOMAS OF LONDON 1118-1170 Freeman, E:A: Saint Thomas of Canterbury and his biographers (see Freeman, E:A: His- torical essays 1871 p.79-113) 904 F87 Froude, J. A. Life and times of Thomas Beckett (in Froude, J. A. Short studies on great subjects 1891 '92 v.4,p.l-150) 824.89 F93 Lord, John Thomas Becket (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.2, p.289-325) 904 L88 Thompson, A. Hamilton Cambridge and its col- leges . . . 316p.il.S Bost.Page,1899 378.42 T37 ed. Elton, C:L William Shakespeare, his family and friends 1904 B E18 483 Thompson, Daniel Greenleaf System of psy- chology 2v.O Lond.Longmans,1884 150 T37 Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth Day dreams of a sihoolniaster 328p.S Bo8t.Small,1885 407 T37 Thompson, Edith History of England; ed. by E:A: Freeman 364p.maps,S N.Y.Holt, 1887 (Historical course for schools) 942 T37 Thompson, Ernest Seton- See Seton, Ernest Thompson- Thompson, Helen Bradford Bosanquet's the- ory of judgment (see Dewey, John ed. Studies in logical theory 1903 p.86-127) 160 D51 Thompson, Sir Henry baronet Diet in relation to age and activity 94p.D Lond.Paul, 1886 613.2 T37 Thompson, Robert Ellis History of the Presby- terian churches in the United States '424p. O N.Y.Christian literature co,1895 (Ameri- can church history series) 285 T37 Political economy with special reference to the industrial history of nations 419p.D Phil. Porter.'1875 '82 330 T37 Thompson, William Gilman Practical dietetics, with special reference to diet- in disease 802p.pl.O N.Y.Appleton.1896'95 613.2 T37p Thomson, A. Douglas Euripides and the Attic orators, a comparison 193p.O Lond.Mac- millan,1898 880 T38 THOMSON, CHARLES R. Bibliography Thomson «1900 1729-1824 Habley,L. (see his Life of Charles p.213-235) B T38 Charles Thomson; secretary of the continent- al congress and translator of the Bible from the Greek '1900 B T38 THOMSON, JAMES 1700-1748 Johnson, Sam- uel Thomson (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.6,p.l-21) 9 J62 Hazlht. William On Thomson and Cowper (.tee Hazlitt, William Lectures on the Eng- lish poets and the English comic writers 1884 pt.l,p.ll3-128) 824.76 H33 (m Hazlitt, William Miscellane- ous works Lectures on the English poets n.d. v.3,pt.2,p.l02-123) 824.76 H33m THOMSON, JOSEPH JOHN Babkeb,G:F: ed. and tr. Roentgen rays; memoirs by Roentgen, Stokes and J. J. Thompson 1899 '98 (Harper's scientific memoirs) 530 B24 Thomson, J. Arthur Study of animal life 37.Jp.il.D N.Y.Scribner,1892 (University extension manuals) (2 copies) 590.7 T38 Thomson, W. Crime and its excuses (in Ox- ford essays 1855 p.177-191) 824.89 0x2 Thomson, William Outline of the necessary laws of thought; a treatise on pure and ap- pUed logic Ed.4 345p.D N.Y.Sheldon, 1877 160 T38 Thomson, William baron Kelvin See Kelvin, William Thomson baron THOREAU, HENRY DAVID 1817-1862 San- BORX, F:B: Henry D. Thoreau 1891'82 (American men of letters) B T39 Maine woods 442p.D '93 Bo8t.Houghton,a864 917.41 T39 BraROUGHS, John Henry D. Thoreau (see Burroughs, John Indoor studies 1895'S9 p.1-42) 814.41 B94i Emerson, R. W. Biographical sketch of Thor- eau (in Thoreau, H:D: Succession of forest trees and wild apples 1863 '87 p.7- 32) 814.41 B94 Bound with John Burroughs "Birds and bees" 1879*87 pt. 2 Thoreau (see Emerson, R. W. Lectures and biographical sketches 1894*83 p.419- 452) 814.36 Em31 Lowell, J. R. Thoreau (in Lowell, J. R. Literary essays 1892'94'64'90 v.l,p.360- 381) 814.39 L951i Stevenson, R. L: Henry David Thoreau; his characters and opinions (see Stevenson. R. L: Familiar studies of men and books 1891 p.137-173) 824.89 St4 Thomdike, Edward L. Animal intelligence 1898 (Psychological review Monograph supplement) 591.5 T39 Elements of psychology 1905 351p.O N.Y.Seiler, 150 T39 Thome, William H. Intermediate course in mechanical drawing Ed. 3 64p.il.pl.ob.T Phil.William8,«1890 744 T39 THO THO Junior course in mechanical drawing Ed.2 45pil.pl.ob.T Phil.Wimams,<=1890 744 T39j Senior course in mechanical drawing . . , 105p.il.pl.ob.T Phil. Williams,! 890 621.04 T39 Thoeough bass See Harmony Tborpe, Francis Newton Benjamin Franklin and the University of Pennsylvania 450p. pl.por.facsim.O Wash.govt.pr.o.l893 (United States — Education, Bureau of Cir- cular of information) 378.748 T39 Constitutional history of the American people, 1776-1850 2v.maps,0 N.Y.Harper,1898 342.73 T39 Government of the nation A course in civil government based on "The government of the people of the United States" 224p.pl. D Phil.Eldredge,1899,1901'=1894 (2 cop- ies) 350 T39 Thorpe, Thomas Edward Essays in historical chemistry 381p.O Lond.Macmillan,1894 540.9 T39 Contents: — Robert Boyle; Joseph Priestley; Carl Wllhelm Scheele; Henry Cavendish; Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier; Priestley, Cav- endish, Lavoisier, and la revolution chim- Ique, Michael Faraday; Thomas Graham; Friedrich Wohler; Jean Baptists Andr6 Dumas, Hermann Kopp; Dmitri Ivanowitch of Mendelelf ; Rise and development of syn- thetic chemistry THOUGHT LUKENS, H. T. The connection be- tween thought and memory; a contribution to pedagogical psychology on the basis of F. W. Dorpf eld's monograph "Denken und Gedachtniss" 1895 154 L96 Mueller, F:M. Science of thought 1887 153 M91 See also Logic; Philosophy; Psychology Thought transference See Telepathy Thoughts and theories on life and education Spald- ing, J: L. 377 Splth Thousand miles up the Nile Edwards, A. A.. B. 916.2 Ed9 Three episodes of Massachusetts history Adams, C:F. jr 974.4 Adl Three ladies of Loadon W., E. {in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 '76 v.6,p.244-370) 822.08 D66 484 Three lords and three ladies of London W., R. (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.6, p.371-502) 822.08 D66 Three men of letters Tyler, M. C. B B45 THRIFT Smiles, Samuel Thrift 1875 174 Sm4 THRING, EDWARD 1821-1887 Skrine,J:H. Memory of Edward Thring 279p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1889 B T41 Education and school Ed. 2 278p.D Lond. Macmillan,1867 373.42 T41 Theory and practice of teaching 256p.D Cambridge university press,1883 371a T41 Through boyhood to manhood Richmond, Ennis 377 R41 Through colonial door-ways Wharton, A.. H. 973.2 W55 Through Evangeline 's country Grant, J. A. 917.16 G76 Through magic glasses Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buck- ley) 504 F53t Through the farm yard gate Poulsson, Emilie 372.21 P86t THUCYDIDES 471 ( ?) -401 ( ?) B.C. Jebb, Sir R:C. Speeches of Thucydides (see Ab- bott, Evelyn Hellenica 1880 p.266-323) 880.4 Ab2 Sellar, W:Y. Characteristics of Thucydides (in Oxford essays 1857 p.283-313) 824.89 0x2 Thursfield, James Richard Peel 246p.D Lond. Macmillan,1891 (Twelve English states- men) B P34 Thurston, Robert Henry History of the growth of the steam engine Ed.2,enl. 481p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1884 (International scien- tific series) 621.1 T42 Robert Fulton, his life and its results 194p. il.por.D N.Y.Dodd,«1891 (Makers of America) B F95t Thwaites, Reuben Gold Colonies, 1492-1750 Ed. 5 301p.maps,D N.Y.Longmans,1893 '90 (Epochs of American history) 973.2 T42 Contains bibliographical notes Daniel Boone 257p.pl.D N.Y.Appleton, 1903*02 (Appleton's series of historic lives) B B64 485 Thwing, Charles Franklin American colleges; their students and work Ed.2,enl. 213p. D N.Y.Putnam,1883''78 378.73 T42 College woman 169p.D N.Y.Baker,n894 376.6 T42 Within college walls 184p.D N.Y.Baker, '1893 378 T42 TICK ELL, THOxMAS 1686-1740 Johnson, Samuel Tickell {in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.4,p.l07- 115) 9 J62 Ticknor, Qeorge Ed.5,enl. '63 '72 History of Spanish literature 3v.O Bost.Houghton,1882 '83 860.9 T43 1791-1871 "History of Spanish literature" Prescott, W:H. Spanish literature (see his Critical and biographical miscellanies 1882=75 p.600-682) 804 P92 "Life of Prescott" Maxwell, Sir Willl^m Stirling- Ticknor 's "Life of Prescott" (see Maxwell, -Sir William Stirling- Mis- cellaneous essays and addresses 1891 p.85- 100) 824.89 M45 TIDES Dakwin, G:H. The tides and kindred phenomena in the solar system 1898 525.6 D25 TIEPOLO, BAJAMONTE -1328(!) Brown, H. R. F. Bajamonte Tiepolo and the clos- ing of the Great Council (see Brown, H. R. F. Venetian studies 1887 p.56-89) 945 B81 Tiflfany, Charles Comfort History of the Protest- ant Episcopal church in the United States of America 593p.O N.Y.Church literature co,1894 (American church history series) 283 T44 Tiffany, Francis Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix 2v,por.O Bost.Houghton,1891'90 B D64 Tighe, Ambrose Development of the Roman con- stitution 131p.S N.Y.Appleton,1886 (History primers) 937 T44 Tilden, John N. Commercial geography . . . New ed.enl. 199p.maps,0 Bost.Leach, '1891 '92 910 T45 Tllley, A. A. Reformation in France (see Cambridge modern history The reforma- tion 1904 p.280-304) 940.7 C14 Tillinghast, William Hopkins tr. Ploetz, Carl Epitome of ancient, medieval and modem history 1884'83 909 P72 Tilton, Mrs Caroline tr. Amicis, Edmondo di Holland and its people '1880 914.92 Am5 Timber Jonson, Ben Timber; or, Discoveries made upon mind and matter 1892 822.34 J73t Timber See Forests and forestry; Trees Time and tide by Weare and Tyne Buskin, John (see his Mornings in Florence 1894 p.l21- 251) 704 R89m Timidity See Fear Timon of Athens See Shakspere, William TINTORETTO, JACOPO ROBUSTI 1518-1594 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Tintoretto (see her Makers of Venice 1893'87'92 p.324-341) 945.3 013 Titchener, Edward Bradford Outline of psychol- ogy 352p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1896 150 T53 Primer of psychology 314p.D N.Y.Maemil- lan,1898 150 T53p and Creighton, J. E. tr. Wundt, W:M. Lectures on human and animal psychology 1894 150 W96 Gulliver, Jnlia and Washburn, M. F. tr. WuNDT, W:M. Ethics; an investigation of the facts and laws of the moral life 1897 170 W96 tr. KiiLPE, Oswald Outlines of psychology 1895 150 K98 TITIAN 1477-1576 Hurll, E. M. ed. Ti- tian; a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 1901 (Biverside art series) B T53 Titus Andronicus See Shakspere, William TocqueviUe, Alexis Charles Henri Cl^rel de De- mocracy in America; tr. by Henry Reeve, and ed. by Francis Bowen 2v.O Best. Allyn,1882'62 342.73 T56 Tocsin, The Worthington, E:S. 377 W89 Todd, David Peck New astronomy 480p.iLpL D N.Y.American book co,'1897 523 T56 C'l. Columbian knowledge series Todhunter, Isaac Elementary treatise on the theory of equations . . . 328p.D Lend. Macmillan,1895'61 512 T66 TOD TOD 486 Conflict of studies and other essays on subjects connected with education 242p.O Lond, Macmillan,1873 370.4 T56 Contents: — Conflict of studies; Competi- tive examinations; Private study of mathe- matics; Academical reform; Elementary geometry; Matliematlcal tripos Plane trigonometry . . MacmillanjlSQS^Sg Spherical trigonometry Lond.Macmillan,1886 341p.D Lond. 514 T56 Ed.5 158p.D 514.6 T56 420p. Treatise on the differential calculus . D Lond.Macmillan,1890'=52 517.2 T56 Treatise on the integral calculus and its appli- cations . . . 408p.D Lond.Macmillan, 1895^57 517.3 T56 Treatise on plane co-ordinate geometry as ap- plied to the straight line and the conic sec- tions . . . 358p.D Lond.Macmillan,1888 "55 513.6 T56 Toilers of the field Jefferies, J:R: Tolerance Brooks, Phillips 824.89 J35t 171.1 B79 TOLERATION Bagehot, Walter Metaphysi- cal basis of toleration (in his Literary studies 1895 v.3,p.204-225) 824.89 B14 See also Religious liberty Tolstoi, Leo Nikolievitch count What people live by; tr. by Mrs Aline Delano 83p.pl.D Bost.Lothrop,1893 891.73 T58 Where there is love there is God; tr. from the Russian by Mrs Aline Delano 43p,S Bo8t.Lothrop,a887 891.73 T58w 1828- Arnold, Matthew Count Leo Tolstoi (in Arnold, Matthew Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.2,p.253-299) 824.85 Ar6e The light of Russia (see Regeneration, a re- ply to Max Nordau 1896 p.108-131) 132 R26 NoEDAU, M. S. Tolstoism (see Nordau, M. S. Degeneration 1895 p.144-171) 132 N75 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes, Thomas 823.89 H87 Tom Brown's school days Hughes, Thomas 823.89 H87t Tomkins, John Albumazar (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76. v.ll,p.291-421) 822.08 D66 Tomlins, William L. Children's songs and how to sing them 124p.T Bost.Ditson,n.d. 372.21 T59 Tompkins, Arnold Observation and appercep- tion (in Herbart society Second supple- ment to third year book 1897 p.l43- 149) 370.6 H41 Philosophy of school management 222p.D Bost.Ginn,1895'98 '99 (3 copies) 371c T59 Philosophy of teaching 342p.D Terre Haute,Moore,l 893'-91 371a T59 Tooke, Home (John Home) EUea Ilteposnta; OT, The diversions of Purley ... ed. by Richard Taylor 739p.pl.O Lond.Tegg, 1860 420 T61 1736-1812 Hazlitt, William Late Mr Home Tooke (in Hazlitt, William Mis- cellaneous works n.d. v.3,pt.3,p.63-77) 824.76 H33m TOOLS Smith, R. H : Cutting tools worked by hand and machine 1882 (Manuals of technology) 621.9 Sm6 Toothaker, Charles R. and others Commercial raw materials, their origin, preparation and uses 108p.il.pl.maps,Q Phil.Museums, 1905 910 T61 Topinard, Paul Anthropology . . . tr. by R. T. H. Hartley 548p.il.O Lond.Chapman, 1878 (Library of contemporary science) 573 T62 Topography See Geography; Surveying Torrey, Bradford A world of green hills; obser- vations of nature and human nature in the Blue Ridge 285p.D Bost.Houghton,n898 917.56 T63 Total abstinence See Temperance Tour on the prairies Irving, Washington (in his History of New York n.d. pt.3, 133p.) 817.24 IrSh Toumeur, Csrril Revenger's tragedy (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old EngUsh plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l0,p.l-105) 822.08 D66 1603-1613(?) Ward, A. W: End of the old drama (in his History of English dra- matic literature 1899 v.3,p.66-71) 822.09 W21 487 and Webster, John Plays 1893 822.39 W39 TOURVILLE, comte DE (ANNE-HILARION DE COTENTIN) 1642-1701 Frothixqham, J. P. Marchal Anne-IIilarion de Tourville (see Frothinghani, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut 1905'02 p.119-159) 9 F93 Tout, Thomas Frederick Edward the first 238p. D Lond.Macniillan,1893 {Twelve Eng- lish statesmen) B Ed9 Empire and papacy, 918-1273 526p.maps,D N.Y.Macmillan,1898 (Periods of European history) 940.4 T64 Germany and the empire (see Cambridge modern history The renaissance 1903*^02 p.288-328) 940.6 C14 Mackay, J. M. and Powell, F. Y. History of England 1890 '98 942 P87 Tower, Charlemagne jr Marquis de La Fay- ette in the American revolution; with some account of the attitude of France toward the war of independence 2v.por.maps,0 Phil.Lippincott,1895'^94 B L13 Town geologj' Heilprin, Angelo 557.481 H36 Town geology Kingsley, Charles 550.4 K61 Town life in the 15th century Green, Mrs Alice Stopford 942 G82 Townsend, E. J. tr. Hilbert, David Founda- tions of geometry 1902 513 H54 Townsend, William John Great schoolmen of the middle ages; an account of their lives, and the services they rendered to the church and the world 361p.D Lond.Hodder,1881 B19 T66 Toynbee, Arnold Lectures on the industrial rev- olution of the 18th century in England . . . popular addresses, notes and other frag- ments, together with a short memoir by B. Jowett Ed.3 263p.O Lond.Longmans, 1890 330.9 T66 TOYS Harrison, Euzabetu Toys and their place in education, from "A study of chil- dren ' ' (see her Kindergarten books ^893 unp.) 372.2 H24 Tozer, Henry Fanshawe Church and the eastern empire 198p.D N.Y.Randolph,n.d. (Epochs of church history) 281.9 T66 Tozer, Henry J. tr. Rousseau, J. J. Social contract; or, Principles of political rights 1895 320.1 E76 Tractarians See Oxford school Tracy, Frederick 2 94p.O Psychology of childhood Ed. Bost.Heath,1893 150.1 T67 — Place of toys in the education of a child (see her Christmas-tide '1893 p.33-59) (in Blow, S. E. The kindergar- ten '1890) 372.2 B62 Ed.2 170p.D Bo8t.Heath,1894'95 (Heath's pedagogical library) 150.1 T67p Tracy, Roger S. Outlines of anatomy, physiol- ogy and hygiene . . . 353p.iI.pl.D N.Y. American book co,«1884 '89 612 T67 and Foster, Sir Michael Physiology and hygiene 1883 (Science primers) 612 F81 Trade See Commerce; Tariff Trade schools See Technical education TRADE UNIONS Jevons,W:S. Trade socie- ties; their objects and policy (see his Methods of social reform 1883 p.101-121) 304 J53 Trant, William Trade unions ; their origin and objects, influence, and efficacy 1884 331.88 T68 See also Corporations; Gilds; Labor and laboring classes Traditions See Folk lore; Legends Tragedy See Drama, The Traill, Henry Duff Coleridge 199p.S N.Y. Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B B93 Bound with lives of Burns by J:C. Shalrp and of Wordsworth by F:W:H: Myers Lord Strafford 206p.por.D Lond.Macmil- lan,1889 (English men of action) B St8 ed. Social England; a record of the progress of the people . . . Ed.2 6v.O N.Y.Put- nam,1894'97 942 T68 Sterne 173p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B H88 Bound with lives of Hume by T:H: Hux- ley and of Swift by Leslie Stephen William the third 204p.D Lond.Macmillan, 1892'-88 (Twelve English statesmen) B W67 TRA TRA 488 Training See Education; Gymnastics; Physi- cal education; Teaching, Methods of; Teach- ing, Theory of Training schools See Normal schools Training systems of education Stow, David 371.4 St7 Transcendental physiology Spencer, Herbert {in his Essays; scientific, political and spec- ulative 1891 v.l,p.63-107) 824.89 Sp3 Transcendentalism Emerson, B. W. (see his Nature, addresses and lectures 1893*55 '83 p.308-339) 814.36 Em3na See also The name of the philosopher Transportation See Commerce; Railways; Roads; Steam navigation TRANSPORTATION OF SCHOOL CHILDREN Longsdorf, H. H. Consolidation of coun- try schools and the transporting of scholars by the use of vans 1901 379.748 L86 Trant, William Trade unions; their origin and objects, influence and efficacy 188p.S Lond.Paul,1884 331.88 T68 Traul), Peter Edward Spanish pronunciation and accent 12p.O N.Y.American book co,<=1899 461 T69 TRAVEL Jusserand, J. A. A. J. English way- faring life in the middle ages 1890 914.2 J98 Stoddard, J:L. ed. Glimpses of the world 1892 R910.4 St6 See also Voyages and travel Treasury of facts King, W. J. 371b K58 Treat, Mrs Mary Home studies in nature 243p. il.D N.Y.Harper,1885 507 T7l Treatise of human nature Trebutien, G. S. ed. Journal 1893 Hume, David 150 H88 GUERIN, EUGfiNIE DE B G93 TREES Apgar, A. C. Trees of the northern United States 1892 581.9 Ap2 Emerson, G:B. Report of the trees and shrubs of Massachusetts 1887*'75 583 Em3 Mathews, F. S. Familiar trees and their leaves 1896 581.9 M42 Newhall, C:S. Trees of northeastern America 1895<^90 581.9 N45 Sargent, C:S. Woods of the United States; with an account of their structure, qualities and uses 1885 581.9 Sa7 See also Botany; Forests and forestry; Landscape gardening TREES, PLANTING OF Hall,W:L. Tree planting on rural school grounds 1901 634 H14 See also Arbor day Tregarthen, Greville Story of Australasia, New South Wales, Tasmania, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, New Zealand 444p.il.map,D N.Y.Putnam,1893 {Story of the Tuitions) 993 T71 Trench, Richard Chenevix English, past and present; ed. by A. L. Mayhew Ed.l4 392p.S Lond.Paul,1889 422 T72 Lectures on medieval church history . . . 444p.O N.Y.Scribner,n.d. 270.3 T72 On the study of words ■ Lond.Macmillan,1882 Ed.l8,enl. 348p.D 422 T72o Trend in higher education, The Harper, W:R. 378 H23 TRENT, COUNCIL OF Froude, J. A. Lec- tures on the Council of Trent 1896 270.6 F93 Lea, H:C: The council of Trent (see his Historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church 1884 p.514-545) 254 L46 Trent, William Peterfield Period of constitution- making in the American church (see Jame- son, J:F. ed. Essays in the constitution- al history of the United States 1889 p.186-262) 342.73 J23 William Gilmore Simms 351p.por.D Bost. Houghton,1892 (American men of letters) B Si4 Trevelyan, George Macaulay and Powell, Edgar ed. Peasants' rising and the Lollards 1899 942.0.3 P87 Trevelyan, Sir George Otto baronet American revolution New ed. 2v.por.map,0 N.Y. Longmans,1905 973.3 T72 Early history of Charles James Fox 470p.O N.Y.Harper,n.d. B F83 I 489 Trial of treasure (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Se- lect collection of old English plajs 1874 75 '76 v.3,p.257-301) 822.08 D66 TRIGONOMETRY trigonometry TODHUNTEB, 1895 '98*59 Isaac Plane 514 T56 Spherical trigonometry 1886 514,6 T56 See also Geodesy; Geometry; Logarithms; Mathematics; Mensuration; Surveying Triumphant democracy Carnegie, Andrew 917.3 021 Troilus and Cressida See Shakspere, William Trollope, Anthony Harper,n.d. Thackeray 206p.S N.Y. (English men of letters) B T32t Bound with lives of Sheridan by Mrs M O. (Wilson) OUphant and of Addison by W: J:Courthope 1815-1882 SAiNTSBiniT,G:E:B. Three mid- century novelists (see his Corrected im- pressions 1895 p.157-177) 824 Sa2 TROMP, MARTIN HARPERTZOON 1597-1653 Feothinqham, J. P. Admiral Martin Har- pertzoon Tromp (see Frothingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut 1905 '02 p.45-75) 9 F98 Trotter, Lionel James Warren Hastings 219p. map,D Oxf .Clarendon press,1890 (Bui- ers of India) B H27t TROUBADOURS Sismondi, J. C:L. S. de His- torical view of the literature of the south of Europe 1846 809 Si8 TROY Benjamin, S:G. W. history and literature of ancient history) Troy; its legend, 1890*80 (Epochs 939.21 B43 True order of studies Hill, Thomas 375.01 The "true" series Franklin, Benjamin Fisher, S.G : true Benjamin Franklin 1899<=98 B Jefferson, Thomas Curtis, W:E. Thomas Jefferson 1901 Washington, George Ford, P. L. George Washington 1898'97 Revolution Fisher, S. G : The true history of the American revolution 1903*02 973.3 F53 Civil war Lee, G. C. The true history of the civil war 1903 973.7 L51 H55 The F85f The true B J35c The true B W27 Truman, Benjamin C. and others History of th« world's fair; being a complete and authen> tic description of the Columbian exposition from it8 inception 594p.il.pl.Q *1893 R606 T77 Trumbull, Henry Clay Hints on child-training 311p.D Phil.Wattles,1896«90 372b T77 Sunday school; its origin, mission, methods and auxiliaries 415p.facsim.O Phil.Wat- tles,1888 (Lyman Beecher lectures 1888) 268 T77 Teaching and teachers; or, The Simday school teacher's teaching work and the other work of the Sunday school teacher 390p.D PhiL Wattles,1885«84 268 T77t TRUSTS Hadly, a. T. Formation and control of trusts (see his Education of the Ameri- can citizen 1902 p.34-50) 320 H41 Halle, E. L. von Trusts; or. Industrial combinations and coalitions in the United States 1895 338.8 H15 Bibliography (see his Trusts; or. Indus- trial combinations and coalitions in the United States 1895 p.338-350) 338.8 H15 See also Capital; Industry; Standard oil company Tuberculosis See Phthisiology Tucker, George Fox Monroe doctrine ; a concise history of its origin and growth 138p.O Bost.Reed,1885 327.73 T79 Tucker, Henry WiUiam English church in other lands; or. Spiritual expansion of England 223p.D N.Y.Randolph,n.d. (Epochs of church history) 283 T79 Tucker, William Jewett Work of the Andover house in Boston (see Woods, R. A. and others Poor in great cities 1895 p.l77- 194) 331.8 W86 Tuckerman, Bayard fiction 332p.D History of English prose N.Y.Putnam,1891«82 823.09 T79 Peter Stuyvesant, director general for the West India company in New Netherland 193p.por.D N.Y.Dodd,1893 (Makers of America) B St9 Tufts, James Hayden tr. Windelband, WiIj- helm a history of philosophy with es- pecial reference to the formation and de- velopment of its problems and conceptions 1893 109 W72 TUF TUK Tuke, Daniel Hack Illustrations of the influence •i of the mind upon the body in health and dis- ease; designed to elucidate the action of the imagination Ed.2 482p.pl.O Phil.Lea, 1884 130b T81 Tuke, Sir Samuel Adventures of five hours {in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l5,p.l84- 320) 822.08 D66 Tunzelmann, Georg W. de Electricity in modern life 272p.il.pl.D N.Y.Scribner,pref.l899 (Conteiaporary science series) 537.8 T83 TURGOT, ANNE ROBERT JACQUES baron DE L'AULNE 1727-1781 Say, LlfioN Turgot 1888 (Great French writers) B T84 TURKEY Latimer, Mrs M.. E.. (Wormeley) Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century 1897«93 ' 947 L34 See also Macedonia; Syria History Poole, Stanley Lane- Story of Turkey 1895*88 (Story of the nations) 949.6 P78 See also Crimean war; Eastern question Education Education in Turkey 1875 (United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of infor- mation) 370.6 Un3 Travel and description Koch, F. J. A little journey to the Balkans and European Turkey "=1905 (Library of travel) 914.96 K81 TURKS Newman, J :H: cardinal Lectures on the history of the Turks in their relation to Europe (in his Historical sketches 1894 v.l,p.l-238) 904 N46 See also Ottomans TURNER, JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM 1775- 1851 RuSKiN, John Turner (see Rus- kin, John Arrows of the chace 1894 v.l,p.84-lll) 826 R89 Turner and his works (see Ruskin, John Lectures on architecture and painting 1894 p.287-311) 720 R89 490 RusKiN, John paths 1894 Val D'Arno p.239-378) (see his Two 824.86 R89t See also Florence; Lucca; Pisa; Siena Sculpture HuRLL, E. M. ed. Tuscan sculpture of the fifteenth century; a collection of sixteen pictures reproducing works by Donatello, the Delia Robbia, Mino da Fiesole, and oth- ers with introduction and interpretation 1902 (Riverside art series) 733 H93 Twelfth night See Shakspere, William Twelve English statesmen Cromwell, Oliver Harrison, Frederic Oli- ver Cromwell 1894=88 B C88h Edward I Tout, T:F: Edward the first 1893 B Ed9 Elizabeth Beesly, E : S. Queen Elizabeth 1892 B E14 Henry II Green, Mis Alice (Stopford) Henry the second 1889'=88 B H39 Henry VII Gairdner, James Henry the seventh 1892'=89 B H39g Peel, Sir Robert Thursfield, J. R : Peel 1891 B P34 Pitt, William Roseberry, A. P. Primrose earl of Pitt 1893*91 '92 B P68r Walpole, Robert Morley, John Walpole 1893 B W16 William III Traill, H:D. William the third 1892<'88 B W67 William the Conqueror Freeman, E: A: William the Conqueror 1894*88 B W67 Wolsey, Thomas Creighton, Mandell bishop Cardinal . Wolsey 1891*88 '91 B W83 Twentieth century textbooks; ed. by A:F: Night- ingale Bui?DiCK, F:M. Essentials of business law 1904*02 347 B89 Twlchell, Joseph Hopkins John Winthrop; first governor of the Massachusetts colony 245p. por.D N.Y.Dodd,1892*91 (Makers of America) B W73 Twining, Thomas Technical training; being a suggestive sketch of a national system of industrial instruction 457p.O Lond.Mac- mil]an,1874 607 T92 TUSCANY «1884 HowELLS, W:D. Tuscan cities 914.55 H83 Twitchell, Willis I. and Gordy, W. F, in American history *1892 Pathfinder 973 G65 491 Two angry women of.Abington Porter, Henry (t» Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.7, p.261-383) 822.08 D66 (see Nero and other plays 1888 p.92-200) 822,39 N35 Two centuries of Pennsylvania history Sharpless, Isaac 974.8 Sh2 Two children of the foot-hills beth Harrison, Eliza- 372.2 H24t Two gentlemen of Verona liam See Shakspere, Wil- Life of John N.Y.Fords,1899 Beacon lights of history 904 L88 Two great teachers Carlisle, J. H. ed. B37 As2 Two hundred and fifty years ago Carlyle, Thomas (in his Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.4,p.327-339) 824.82 C19 Two paths Ruskin, John 824.86 R89t Twombly, Alexander Stevenson Lord . . . 318p.por.D {in Lord, John ■ '1883*96 V.8) Trotter, Spencer Social function of geography (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.57-80) 370.6 H41 True student life Baknakd, Henry ed. True student life; letters, essays, and thoughts on studies and conduct 1873 370.4 B25 Tyler, Benjamin Bushrod and others History of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ, and the Evangelical association, and a bibliog- raphy of American church history 519p.O N.Y.Christian literature co,1894 (Ameri4xm church history series) 289 T97 Tyler, Moses Colt History of American litera- ture. 1607-1765 330p.O N.Y.Putnam, ^878 810.9 T97 Literary history of the American revolution, 1763-1783 2v.O N.Y.Putnam.1897,1900 810.9 T97 Patrick Henry 398p.D Boat. Houghton, 1887 (American statetmen) B H39t Three men of letters 200p.D N.YJPutnam, 1895 B B46 Contents: — George Berkeley and his Amer- ican visit; A great college president and what he wrote; The literary strivinga of Mr Joel Barlow; List of books cited Tyler, Samuel Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney 659p.par.O Balt.Murphy,1872 B T15 TYLER, WAT (f)-1381 Maukicb, C:E. Tyler and Ball (see Maurice, C:E. Tyler, Ball and Oldcastle 1875 p.1-199) B T97 Tylor, Edward Burnett Anthropology; an intro- duction to the study of man and civilization 448p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1881 (Interna- tional scientific series) 573 T97 Primitive culture; researches into the deyelop- ment of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art and custom Ed.3 2v.O N.Y.Holt,1883 '89 290 T97 1832- "Researches into the early history of mankind" Mueller, F:M. On manners and customs (in his Chips from a Crerman workshop 1890 '92 v.2,p.248-283) 824.89 M91 Tyndall, John Importance of the study of phys- ics as a branch of education for all classes (see Royal institution of Great Britain Lectures on education 1855 p.169-211) 370.4 R81 («ee Youmans, E:L. ed. Culture demanded by modem life 1881*67 p.57- 85) 375.5 Y8 Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers 196p.il.por.D N.Y.Appleton, 1893*72 (International scientific series) 551.3 T97 Type See Printing Types of ethical theory Martinean, James 171 Typography See Printing M36 U Vdall, Nicholas Ralph Roister Doister (in Ueberweg, Friedrich History of philosophy; Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of from Thales to the present time; tr. from old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.3,p.53- the 4th German ed. by Q : S. Morris, with ad- 161) 822.08 D66 ditions by Noah Porter . . . 2v.O N.T. UEB UFE 492 Scribner,1892=71 '73 109 Uel Contents: — v. 1 History of the ancient and medieval philosophy V. 2 History of modem philosophy Ufer, Christian Introduction to the pedagogy of Herbart ... tr. by J. C. Zinser; ed. by Charles De Garmo 123p.D Bost.Heath, 1896 {Heath's pedagogical library) (2 copies) 371.4 H41 Uflfelmann, Julius August Manual of the domes- tic hygiene of the child . . . tr. by Mrs H. R. Milinowski; ed. by M.. (Putnam) Jacobi 229p.O N.Y.Putnam,1891 649 Uf3 Uhlliom, Johann Gerhard W. Conflict of Chris- tianity with heathenism Ed.2; tr. from 3d German ed. and tr. by E. C. Smyth and C. J. H. Eopes 508p.O N.Y.Scribner, 1892«79 270.1 Uh6 Ulysses' Palgrave, W:G. 904 PI 7 Umar Khaiyam See Omar Khayyam UMBRIA Cruickshank, J. W. and Ceuicks- HANK, A. M. The Umbrian towns 1902 (^Grant Allen's historical guide booJcs) 914.56 C88 Unbeliep See Skepticism Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings Harris, J. C. 398.3 H24u Under the trees and elsewhere Mabie, H. W. 814.49 Mil Underground railroad Siebert, W. H: 973.7 Sil Underbill, John ed. Spence, Joseph Anec- dotes, observations, and characters of books and men n.d. 9 Sp3 UNDERSTANDING Locke, John An essay concerning human understanding 1894 151 L79p See Intellect; Psychology Undine and other tales La Motte-Fouqu6, FiH: K: baron 843.69 L19 Union of Italy, 1815-1895 Stillman, W:J. 945 St5 UNITARIANISM Allen, J. H: and Eddt, Richard History of the Unitarians and Universalists in the United States 1894 (American, church history series) 288 A15 Confessions of a Unitarian (see College and the church 1887 p.160-170) 370.4 C68 See also Arianism; Jesus Christ United brethren See Moravians UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST Berger, Dan- iel History of the church of the United Brethren in Christ (see Tyler, B:B. and others History of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical association 1894 p.309-382) 289 T97 UNITED KINGDOM ALLIANCE Jevons, W:S. On the United kingdom alliance and its prospects of success {see his Methods of social reform 1883 p.236-252) 304 J53 United presbtterian church op north America See Presbyterianism United States — Agriculture, Department of Il- lustrations of North American grasses v.l, pl.Q Wash.govt.pr.o.l891 584.9 Un3 Yearbook Latest volume Wash.govt.pr.o. 630 Un3 United States — Animal industry, Bureau of Spe- cial report on diseases of cattle . . . 533p. il.pl.O Wash.govt.pr.o.l904 619 Un3 United States — Education, Bureau of Circulars of information v.d. O Wash.v.d. 370.6 Un3 Educational exhibits and conventions at the world's industrial and cotton centennial ex- position, New Orleans, 1884 '85 v.p.2v.O Wash.govt.pr.o. 370.6 Un3 Industrial education in the United States 319p.pl.O Wash.govt.pr.o.l883 670 UnS Public libraries in the United States of Amer- ica; their history, condition and manage- ment . . . 2v.in 1,0 Wash.govt.pr.o. 1876 R027.4 UnS Report of the commissioner 1870-date 1870-date R379.73 Un3 United States — Ethnology, Bureau of Annual report 1879-80 '84 '91 '92 v.2-5,13,il.pl.F Wash.govt.pr.o.1883'85'93 572 Un3 United States — Indian affairs, Office of Course of study for the Indian schools of the United States, industrial and literary 276p.il.O Wash.govt.pr.o.l901 371.95 Un3 United States — Labor, Department of Slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York and Philadel- 493 phia 620p,O Wa8h.govt.pr.o.l894 352.9 Un3 UNITED STATES Cambridge modern historj The United States 1903 973 C14 Emerson, R. W. The young American (see his Nature, addresses and lectures 1893 '55 '83 p.341-372) 814.36 EmSna SHAijat, N. S. ed. The United States of America; a study of the American common- wealth 1894 917.73 Shi See also Central States of the United States ; Hawaiian islands; Middle states of the United States; Mississippi valley; New England; Northwest territory; Ohio valley; Philippine islands; Porto Rico; Southern states of the United States; Western states of the United states; also The name of the state Art KoEHLER, S. R. camp. Art directory and year book 1884 709.73 K81 Biography Appleton's cyclopedia of American biography 1886 '87,1900 R9 Ap5 Brown, J:H. ed. Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States 1900 '03 9 B81 Who's who in America Latest volume R9 W62 Botany Britton, N. L. Manual of the flora of the northern states and Canada 1901 581.9 B77 Gray, Asa Manual of botany of the north- ern United States '1889 581.9 G79 Church history Carroll, H:K. United States history series) Religious forces of the 1893 (American church 280.73 C23 See also American church history series Church history, Bibliography Jackson, S:M. Bibliography of American church history (see Tyler, B:B. and others History of the Disciples of Christ, the So- ciety of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical association 1894 p.441-513) 289 T97 Colleges and universities Barker, J:M. Colleges in America 1894 378.73 B24 Bryce, James The universities (see his Social institutions in the United States 1892^91 p.56-91) 304 B84 BuTL£R, N:M. The American college and the American university (see his Meaning of education 1898 p.123-147) 370.4 B97 Oilman, D. C. University problems in the United States 1898'97 378.73 042 Ladd, 0:T. Development of the American university (see his Essays on the higher education 1899 p.1-49) 370.4 L12 Perry, E. D. American university (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.l,monograph 6) 397.73 B97 Porter, Noah American colleges and the American public =1878 378.73 P83 Thwing, C:F. American colleges; their students and work 1883*78 378.73 T42 Within college walls "1893 378 T42 West, A. F. American college (in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States v.l 1900 v.l,monograph 5 43p. 379.73 B97 Zimmern, Alice Colleges and universities (see her Methods of education in the United States 1894 p.157-178) 379.73 Z6 Constitution Andrews. I. W. Manual of the constitution of the United States '1874 '87 (Eclectic educational series) 342.73 An2 Boutmy, Emile Sources and spirit of the constitution of the United States (in his Constitutional law 1891 p.53-137) 342 B66 Carson, H. L. ed. History of the celebra- tion of the 100th anniversary of the consti- tution of the United States 1889 342.973 C23 CooLEY, T:M. General principles of consti- tutional law in the United States 1880 (Students' edition) 342.73 C77 Constitltion of the United States (see Ideals of the republic n.d. p.15-50) 973 Id2 UNI UNI 4M Curtis, G:T. Constitutional history of the United States 1889 '96 342.73 C94 Elliot, Jonathan ed. Debates of the sev- eral state conventions on the adoption of the Federal constitution, 1787, together with the journal of the convention 1881*^36 342.75 E15 Federalist, The; a collection of essays writ- ten in favor of the new constitution as agreed upon by the Federal convention, 1787 =1864 342.73 F31 Fisher, S. G: Evolution of the constitution of the United States 1897 342.73 F53 Harding, S:B. Contest over the ratification of the federal constitution in the state of Massachusetts 1896 (Harvard historical studies) 342.73 H21 Hinsdale, B. A. The nation and the states {see his Schools and studies 1884 p.200- 230) 370.4 H59 HoLST, H. E: VON Constitutional and polit- ical history of the United States 1877 342.73 H74 Hovi^ARD, G:E. Introduction to the local constitutional history of the United States 1889 352.073 H83 Jameson, J. F. ed. Essays in the consti- tutional history of the United States 1889 342.73. J23 Landon, J. S. Constitutional history and government of the United States 1889 342.73 L23 Madison, James Journal of the Federal convention 1893 342.73 M26 Maine, Sir H : J. S. Constitution of the United States {see his Popular government 1886 p.196-254) 321.8 M28 Mansfield, E:D. Constitution — the law book of the nation {see his American education 1877=50 p.260-272) 379.73 M31 Martin, G:H: Text-book on civil govern- ment in the United States '1875 342.73 M36 Meigs, W:M. Growth of the constitution in the Federal convention of 1787 1900 =1899 342.73 M47 Schouler, James Constitutional studies, state and federal 1897 342.73 Sch6 ScHWiNN, Edward and Stevenson, W. "W. Civil government describing the various forms of government — local, state, and na- tional — and discussing the government of the United States from an historical stand- point 1901 342.73 Sch9 Scott, E. G. Development of constitutional liberty in the English colonies of America 1882 342.73 ScoS Sterne, Simon Constitutional history and political development of the. United States =1882 342.73 St4 Stevens, C:E. Sources of the constitution of the United States considered in relation to colonial and English history 1894 342.73 St4s Storv, Joseph Commentaries on the con- stitution of the United States 1873=33 73 342.73 St7 Straus, O. S. The origin of republican form of government in the United States of Amer- ica 1885 342.73 StS Thorpe, F. N. Constitutional history of the American people 1898 342.73 T39 Wallace, H. E. and Sanders, D. Constitu- tion of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1881=74 342.748 P38 See also United States — Politics and govern- ment Economics Bowen, Francis American political econ- omy, including strictures on the manage- ment of the currency and the finances since 1861 1889=70 330 B67 Carnegie, Andrew Triumphant democracy; or. Fifty years ' march of the republic 1886 . 917.3 C21 Education Bi-ake, Sophia Jex- A visit to some Ameri- can schools and colleges 1867 379.73 B58 Boone, R:G. Education in the United States; its history from the earliest settle- ments 1894=89 (International education series) 370.973 B64 Brown, E. E. The making of our middle schools; an account of the development of secondary education in the United States 1903 373 B81 Browning, Oscab American common school (see his Educational theories =1888 p.226-232) 370.9 G82in 495 Butler, N":M. ed. Education in the United States; a series of monographs prepared for the United States exhibit at the Paris expo- ' sition 1900 379.73 B97 Clews, E. W. Educational legislation and administration of the colonial governments 1899 {Columbia university Contributions to philosophy, psychology and edtication) 370.973 C59 Dexter, EiG. History of education in the United States 1904 370.973 D52 Fitch, Sir J. G. Notes on American schools and training colleges 1890 379.73 F55 Ladreyt, Marie-Casimir L 'instruction pub- lique en Frence et les 6coles Americaines n.a. 379.44 L12 Lawrence, Eugene Educational progress {see Woolsey, T. D. and others First cent- ury of the republic 1876 p.279-293) 973 W88 Mansfieu), E:D. American education, its principles and elements 1877*50 {Teach- ers' library) 379.73 M31 MosELY EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION Reports of the educational commission to the United States of America 1904 379.73 M85 On education in the United States {see Mori, Arinori ed. Education in Japan 1873 p.153-195) 952 M82 WlNSHlP, A. E. American education; his- torical sketch {see his Great American educators ^900 p.223-252) B39 W73 ZiMMERN, Alice Methods of education in the United States 1894 379.73 Z6 See also United States — Colleges and univer- sities; United States — Public schools Education, Bibliography Brown, E. E. Bibliography {see his The making of our middle p.481-518) Finance schools 1903 373 B81 BowEN, Francis The national banking sys- tem {see his American political economy 1889*^70 p.367-393) 330 B67 SUHNER, W:G. Financier and the finances of the American revolution 1892'91 336.73 Su6 History of American currency 1884*74 332 Sq6 See also Morris, Robert Flag Preble, G:H: History of the flag of the United States of America 1894«80 929.9 P91 Bhoades, L. I. Betsy Ross and the flag {see Rhoades, L. I. Story of Philadelphia «1900 p.269-280) 974.8 B34 Foreign relations See also Monroe doctrine Geography McMxmRY, C:A. Type studies from the ge- ography of the United States 1904 910 M22 Geology Patton, J. H. Natural resources of the United States 1884«79 557.3 P27 Tarr, R. S. Economic geology of the United States 1894'93 553 T17 History Bancroft, George History of the United States of America from the discovery of, the continent 1883'=59'82 973.2 B22 Bryant, W :C. Gay, S. H. and Brooks. Noah Scribner's popular history of the United States 1896 973 B84 Campbell, Douglas Puritan in Holland, England and America 1893*92 285 C15 Doyle, J: A. History of the United States *1876 {Historical course for schools) 973 D77 Elson, H:W: Side lights on American his- tory 1900 973 E17 Fkothingham, Rich.\rd Rise of the repub- lic of the United States 1881*72 321.8 F93 Oilman, Arthur History of the American people *1883 973 G42 GoRDY. W. F: and Twitchell, W. I. Path- finder in American history *1892 973 065 UNI UNI 496 Hart, A. B. Formation of the union, 1750- 1829 1893'92 (Epochs of American his- tory) 973 H:25 HiLDRETH, EiCHARD History of the United States of America 1882<=49'77 973 H54 Ideals of the republic; or, Great words from great Americans n.d. 973 Id2 Johnston, Alexander United States; its history and constitution 1889 973 J64 Larned, J. N. History of the United States for secondary schools *1903 E973 L32 LossiNO, B. J : Harper 's popular cyclopedia of United States history 1881 '82 E973 L89 Mackenzie, Eobert America; a history 1882 973 M19 McMaster, J:B. Social function of United States history (in Herbart society Fourth year book 1898 p.26-30) 370.6 H41 Morris, Charles Historical tales; the romance of reality American 1893 973 M83 Nye, E. W. (Bill Nye -pseud.) History of the United States «1894 973 N98 Preston, H. W. Documents illustrative of American history 1886 973 P92 Smith, Goldwin United States, an outline of political history, 1492-1871 1893 973 Sm5 Wilson, Woodrow Division and reunion, 1829-1889 1893 (Epochs of American history) 973 W69 WooLSEY, T, D, and others First century of the republic 1876 973 W88 History, Source books Hart, A. B. ed. American history told by contemporaries 1897 973.2 H25 MacDonald, Wiluam ed. Select charters and other documents illustrative of Ameri- can history, 1606-1775 1899 973.2 M14 History, Teaching Williams, G:A. Topics and references in American history; with numerous search questions 1886 973 W67 History, Colonial period Dickinson, John Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania 1903 973.2 D56 DoYLE, J: A. English colonies in America 1882 '87 973.2 D77 Fisher, G:P. Colonial era 1892 (Ameri- can history series) 973.2 F53 FiSKE, John Dutch and Quaker colonies in America 1899 974.7 F54 Old Virginia and her neighbors 1897 975 r54 Greene, E. B. The provincial governor in the English colonies of North America 1898 (Harvard historical studies) 973.2 G83 Hart, A. B. ed. American history told by contemporaries Building of the republic 1689-1783 1898*95 973.2 H25 American history told by contemporaries Era of colonization, 1492-1689 1897 973.2 H25e Lodge, H:C. Short history of the English^/ colonies in America 1882"=81 973.2 L;9^ MacDonald, William ed. Select charters and other documents illustrative of American history, 1606-1775 1899 973.2 M14 Marshall, John Introduction (in his Life of George Washington 1804 '07 v.l) B W27m Parkman, Francis France and England in North America Half century of conflict 1892 973.2 P23 Shipley, J:B. and Shipley, M. A. English rediscovery and colonization of America pref.1890 973.1 Sh6 Smith, G. B. Romance of civilization The United States 1897 973.2 Sm5 Stephens, Thomas Madoc 1893 973.1 St4 Thwaites, R. G. Colonies, 1492-1750 1893 •^90 (Epochs of American history) 973.2 T42 Wallace, Joseph History of Illinois and Lomsiana under the French rule 1893 973 W15 WiNsoR, Justin Mississippi basin; the struggle in America between England and France 1895 973.2 W73 See also Germans, The; Indians of North America; King Philip's war, 1675-1676; 497 Pontiac's conspiracy, 1763; also Winthrop, John History, French and Indian war, 1755-1763 Parkkan, Francis Historic handbook of the northern tour 1885 973.1 P23 France and England in North America Montcalm and Wolfe 1885^84 973.2 P23m Sloan'E, W:M. French war and the revolu- tion 1898 {American history series) 973.3 S15 See also Pittsburg; Seven years' war History, Eevolutiori Abbott, Edward Revolutionary times; sketches of our country, its people, and their ways, one hundred years ago 1876 973.3 Ab2 Burke, Edmund Conciliation (in his Works 1889'91'94 v.l,p.450-512) 825.62 B91 Carrington, H:B. Battlemaps and charts of the American revolution *1881 973.3 C23 Battles of the American revolution '1876 '88 973.3 C23b Drake, S:A. Campaign of Trenton, 1776- 1777 1895 (Decisive events in American history) 973.3 D78 Fisher, S. G: True history of the American revolution 1903*02 (The "true'' series) 973.3 F53 FiSKE, John. American rervolution 1891 973.3 F54 War of independence 1893«89 (Riverside library for young people) 973.3 F54w Franklin, Benjamin Diplomatic corre- spondence 1809 B F85 Greene, G:W. Historical view of the Ameri- can revolution «1865 973.3 G83 Johnston, H:P. Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Comwallis, 1781 1881 973.3 J64 Lodge, H:C. Story of the revolution 1898 973.3 L82 LossiNO, B:J: Pictorial field-book of the revolution «1850'60 973.3 L89 Lowell, E: J. Hessians; and the other Ger- man auxiliaries of Great Britain in the re- volutionary war 1884 973.3 L95 Moore, Frank Diary of the American revo- lution 1860«58 973.3 M78 Sloane, W:M. French war and the revolu- tion 1898 (American history series) 973.3 S15 STiLLfi, C:J. Major-general Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania line in the continental army 1893 B St5 Tower, Charlemagne jr Marquis de La Fayette in the American revolution 1895 *94 B L13 Trevelyan, Sir G:0. baronet American revolution 1905 973.3 T72 See also Germantown, Battle of 1777; Hes- sians; also Greene, Nathaniel; Wayne, An- thony History, Revolution Bibliography WiNSOR, Justin Header's handbook of the American revolution, 1761-1783 1880"=79 973.3 W73 History 1783-1789 FiSKE, John Critical period of American history, 1783-1789 1889 973.3 F54c History 1783-1817 McMaster, J:B. History of the people of the United States from the revolution to the civil war 1883, 1900 973 M22 SCHOULER, James Historical briefs 1896 904 Sch6 History of the United States of America under the constitution 1886 973 Sch6 Walker, F. A. Making of the nation, 1783- 1817 1895 (American history series) 973.4 W15 Wilson, WooDROw Dirision and reunion, 1829-1899 1893 (Epochs of American history) 973 W69 History, War of 181i Barnes, James Naval actions of the war of 1812 1896 973.5 B26 LossiNG, B. J: Pictorial field-book of the war of 1812 1868 973.5 L89 Roosevelt, Theodore Naval war of 1812 1883«82 973.5 R67 UNI UNI 498 History 1815-1865 Burgess, J:W: The middle period, 1817- 1858 ISQS^'QT (American history series) 973.5 B91 Rhodes, J. F. History of the United States , 1902«1892 973 E34 See also Bonneville, B:L. E, History, Civil war Campaigns of the civil war v. 1 Nicolay, J:G: Outbreak of rebellion 1881 973.7 N51 V. 2 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth 1881 973.7 F74 V. 3 Webb, A. S. Peninsula ; McClellan 's campaign of 1862 1881 973.7 W38 V. 4 Ropes, J:C. Army under Pope 1881 973.7 R68 V. 5 Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Freder- icksburg 1882 973.7 P17 V. 6 DouBLEDAY, Abner ChancellorsviUo and Gettysburg 1882 973.7 D74 V. 7 Cist, H:M. Army of the Cumberland 1882 973.7 C49 V. 8 Greene, F. V. Mississippi 1882 973.7 G83 V. 9 Cox, J. D. Atlanta 1882 973.7 C83 v.lO March to the sea Franklin and Nashville 1882 973.7 C83m V. 11 Pond, G:E. Shenandoah valley in 1864 1883 973.7 P77 V. 12 Humphreys, A. A. Virginia campaign of '64 and '65 1883 973.7 H88 Supplementary volume Phisterer, Fred- erick Statistical record of the armies of the United States 1883 973.7 P55 DouBLEDAY, Abner Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie 1876«75 973.7 D74r Draper, J:W: History of the American civil war "=1867 '70 973.7 D79 FiSKE, John Mississippi valley in the civil war 1900 973.7 F54 Fitch, John Annals of the army of the Cumberland 1864 973.7 F55 Gordon, J:B. Reminiscences of the civil war 1905'=03 973.7 G65 Johnson, R. U. and Buell, C. C. Battles and leaders of the civil war '1884 '88 973.7 J62 Lee, G. C. True history of the civil war 1903 (The "true" series) 973.7 L51 Lowell, J. R. Political essays 1894"=71 '90 973.7 L95 Navy in the ci\T.l war v. 1 Soley, J. R. Blockade and the cruisers 1883 973.7 So4 V. 2 Ammen, Daniel Atlantic coast 1883 973.7 Am6 V. 3 Mahan, a. T, Gulf and inland waters 1883 973.7 M27 NiCHOLLS, G:W. Story of the great march 1866<^65 973.7 N51 Paris, L. P. comte de History of the civil war in America ^875 '88 973.7 P21h Porter, D:D. Naval history of the civil war 1886=85 973.7 P83 Rhodes, J:F. History of the United States 1902'^1892 973 R34 Wise, J: S. End of an era 1899 B W75 See also Antietam, Battle of 1862; Chan- cellorsville, Battle of 1863; Fredericks- burg (Va), Battle of 1862; Gettysburg (Pa), Battle of 1863; also Grant, U. S.; Hancock, W. S.; Lee, R. E.; McClellan, G:B. History 1865- Andrews, E. B: History of the last quarter- century in the United States, 1870-1895 1896<^95 973.8 An2 Wilson, Woodrow Division and reunion 1893 (Epochs of American history) 973 W69 History, War of 1898 National relief association Report of the executive committee 1898 362 N21 Indians See Indians of North America Industries BoLLES, A. S. Industrial history of the United States 1881=78 609 B63 See also United States — Economics 499 Literature See American literature Local government Howard, G:E. An introduction to the local constitutional history of the United States 1889 {Johns Hopkins university Studies in historical and political science) 352.073 H83 Miiit Evans, G:G. ed. Illustrative history of the United States mint 1892'85 332.4 Evl Navy Cooper, J. F. History of the navy of the United States of America 1846 359.09 C78 Maclay, E. S. History of the United States navy from 1775-1894 1895*93 '94 359.09 M22 See also Farragut, D:G. ; Jones, John Paul Political parties Macy, Jesse Political parties in the United States 1900 (Citizen's library of eco- nomics, politics and sociology) 329.973 M25 Politics and government Bailey, E. A. Among the law makers 1886 328 B15 Benton, T :H. Thirty years ' view; or, A his- tory of the working of the American gov- ernment for thirty years, 1820-1850 1893 •54 '56 328.73 B44 Bryce, James American commonwealth 1888 342.73 B81 Burgess, J:W. The middle period, 1817- 1858 1898*97 (American history series) 973.5 B91 Carnegie, Andrew Triumphant democracy; or, Fifty years ' march of the republic 1886 917.3 C21 Cocker, W. J. Government of the United States 1889 342.73 C64 Dallinger, F. W : Nominations for elective oflBce in the United States (Harvard his- torical studies) 324.73 D16 Dawes, A.. L. How we are governed "1885 342.73 D32 FiSKE, John American political ideas 1885 321 F54 Frothingham, Richard Rise of the repub- lic of the United States 1881''72 321.8 F93 GoRDY, J: P. A history of political parties in the United States 1895 329 G65 Harrison, Benjamin This country of ours 1898*97 . 342.73 H24 Hart, A. B. Actual government as applied under American conditions 1905*03 (American citizen series) 342 H25 HoLST, H. E: von Constitutional and polit- ical history of the United States 1877 342.73 H74 Johnston, Alexander History of Ameri- can politics 1883*79 '82 '99 (Handbooks for students and general readers) 329.973 J64 United States; its history and constitution 1889 973 J64 ed. Representative American orations 1886 '99*84 815 J64 Lalor, J: J. ed. Cyclopedia of political science, political economy and of the polit- ical history of the United States 1882 '84 *81 R330.3 L15 McMuRRAY, John People's manual and handbook of popular government 1885 353 M22 Macy, Jesse Our government; how it grew, what it does and how it does it 1886 342.73 M25 Moore, J. W. American congress; a history of national legislation and political events, 1774-1895 1895 » 328.9 M78 NicoL, David Political characteristics of our time in Great Britain and America (in his Political Ufe of our time 1889 v.l, p.252-400) 320 N51 NoRDHOFF, Charles Politics for young Americans 1883*75 320 N75 Rosenthal, Lewis 1882 America and France 320.44 R72 • Seelye, J. H. National law (see his Citi- zenship 1894 p.32-78) 342.73 Se3 Smith, Goldwin United States; an outline of political history 1893 342.73 Sm5 UNI UNI 500 Smith, T. C. Liberty and free soil parties in the northwest 1897 (Harvard histori- cal studies) 973.7 Sm5 Tappan prize essay Snider, D. J. The state, specially the Ameri- can state, psychologically treated *1902 353 Sn6 Thorpe, F. N. Government of the nation A course in civil government 1899^^94 350 T39 ToCQUEViLLE, A:C:H:C. DE Democracy in America 1882<=62 342.73 T56 Walker, F. A. Making of the nation 1895 973.4 W15 Wilson, Woodrow State and federal gov- ernments of the United States 1891*^89 E350.9 W69 See also Municipal government ; Political par- ties; Presidential elections; Slavery Politics Wilson, Woodkow The government of the United States (see his The state 1889 p.449-574) 350.9 W69 Beligion Carroll, H:K. Keligious forces of the United States history series) 1893 (American church 280.73 C23 Slavery See Slavery Social life and customs Earle, Mrs Alce (Morse) Child-life in colonial days 1899 917.3 Ea7 Home life in colonial days 1899 973.2 Ea7h MiiNSTERBERG, HuGO American traits from the point of vievv^ of a German 1903"01 917.3 M92 Wharton, A.. H. Colonial days and dames 1895<^94 917.3 W55 Through colonial doorways 1893 973.2 W55 See Americans, The; Dress; also The name of the place Tarif See Tariff See Presidential elections Presidential elections Presidential papers See Presidential papers Public schools Adams, Francis The free school system of the United States 1875 379.73 Adl BuissoN, F, E. ed. Eapport sur 1 'instruction primaire a 1 'exposition universelle de Phila- delphie en 1876 1878 379.73 B86 Dodge, M.. A. Our common school system ^880 379.73 D66 Johnson, Clifton Old-time schools and school-books 1904 371.3 J62 Page, M.. H. Graded schools in the United States of America 1894. 379.73 P14 Rice, J. M. The public school system of the United States 1893<^92 379.73 R36 SwETT, John American public schools, his- tory and pedagogics ••1900 379.73 Sw4 Travel and description Abbott, Edward Revolutionary times 1876 973.3 Ab2 Baedeker, Karl pub. The United States, with an excursion into Mexico 1904 917.3 B14 Carnegie, Andrew Triumphant democracy; or, Fifty years' march of the republic 1886 917.3 C21 Cook, Joel America, picturesque and de- scriptive 1900 917.3 C77 Earle, Mrs Alice (Morse) Child-life in colonial days 1899 917.3 Ea7 Home life in colonial days 1899 973.2 Ea7h Emerson, R. W. Fortune of the republic (see his Miscellanies 1893'= 78 '83 p.393- 425) 814.36 EmSm Fisher, S. G: Men, women and manners in colonial times 1898 917.3 F53 Scudder, H. E. ed. Men and manners in America one hundred years ago 1876 917.3 Scu4 SuTCLiFF, Robert Travels in North America 1811 917.3 Su8 6U1 AVhaeton, a.. H. Colonial days and dames 1895'94 91 "3 W55 Whitney, J. D. United States, facts and figures illustrating the physical geography of the country and its material resources 18S9 917.3 W61 See also Frontier life; also The name of the place Universal method in education See Jacotot, J. J. UNIVERSALISM Confessions of a Universalist {see College and the church 1887 p.l89- 195) 370.4 C68 Eddy, Richard History of Universalism {see Allen, J. H: and Eddy, Richard His- tory of the Unitarians and the Universalists in the United States 1894 {American church history series) 288 A15 Universities See Colleges and universities UNIVERSITY EXTENSION Adams, H. B. Summer schools and university extension {in Butler, N:M. ed. Education in the United States 1900 v.2,monograph 16, 44p.) 379.73 B97 American society for the extension of uni- versity teaching Syllabi of lectures 1890- 96 378.13 Am3 James, G:F. ed. Handbook of university extension 1893 378.13 J23 .Teb3, Sir R:C. The university extension njovement {see Roberts, R. D. ed. Edu- cation in the 19th century 1901 p.l93- 200) , 370.4 R54 Or::anization of intermediate and higher edu- «»ation (tn International health exhibition Health exhibition literature 1884 v.l6, p.169-460) 370.6 In8 Roberts, R. D. Eighteen years of university extension 1891 378.13 R54 Woods, R. A. University extension {see his English social movements 1891 p.ll9- 141) 331.8 W86 See also Colleges and universities University extension manuals; ed. by William Knight Brown, G. B. Fine arts 1891 709 B81 Caldecott, Alfred English colonization and empire 1891 325 C12 Cunningham, Willum Use and abuse of money 1891 331 C91 Geddes, Patrick CTiaptere in modern botany 1893 581 G26 GossE, E. W: Jacobean poets 1894 821 G69 Keene, H:G: Literature of France 1892 840 K25 Knight, William Philosophy of the beauti- ful 1891 '93 701 K74 MacKendrick, J:G. and Snodqrass, Wil- liam Physiology of the senses 1893 612.8 M19 MaLlett, C:E: French revolution 1893 944 M29 Mill, H. R. Realm of nature 1892 500 M59 Minto, William Logic; inductive and de- ductive 1893 160 M66 Muirhead, J:H: Elements of ethics 1892 170 M89 Raleigh, W. A. English novel 1894 823 R13 Renton, William Outlines of English liter- ature 1893 820.2 R29 Roberts, R. D. Earth's history 1893 551 R54 Thomson, J. A. Study of animal life 1892 590.7 T38 University life in ancient Athens Capes, W:W. 378 C17 University of Cambridge See Cambridge, University of UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN gan university See Michi- Unfversity of oxford See Oxford university T'NIVERSITY OF PARIS Compayk*, Gabriel Les statuts de Henri IV et ITiistoire de 1'- universit6 au dix-septi6me si^le {see his Histoire critique des doctrines de 1 'educa- tion en France 1883 v.l,p.339-429) 370.944 C73 University of Pennsylvania See Pennsyl- vania, University of University of the city of new york See New York, University of the city of I'^NIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK See New York, University of the state of I'niversity of Wisconsin Bulletins V. 40 Johnson, J:B. Recently improved UNI UNI 502 methods of sewage disposal 1900 628.21 J62 V. 39 SwENSON, Magnus Chemical engineer 1900 540 Sw4 University series Grant, A. J. Greece in the age of Pericles 1893 938 G76 Knght, William Philosophy of the beauti- ful 1891 '93 701 K74 University settlements ments See Social settle- University tutorial series Stout, G:F: Manual of psychology 1899 150 St7m Unseen foundations of society Campbell, G:D. 330 C15 Unto this last Ruskin, John {see his Sesame and lilies 1894 p.139-227) 824.86 R89s Unwin, Mary Louisa Hermione Manual of clay modeling . . . 88p.il.D Lond.Longmans, 1895 (2 copies) 731 Un9 Unwin, William Cawthorne Exercises in wood working for handicraft classes in elementary and technical schools unp.F Lond.Long- mans,1887 694 Un9 Up and down the brooks Bamford, M.. E. 595.7 B21 Upham, Warren Probable causes of glaciation {see Wright, G:F. Ice age of North America 1889 p.573-599) 551.31 W93 Upton, George Putnam Standard operas; their plots, their music and their composers . . . 381p.D Chic.McClurg,1896'=85 782.1 Up8 URUGUAY Education Education in Uruguay 1873 {United States — Education, Bureau of Circular of- infor- mation) 370.6 Un3 Use and abuse of money Cunningham, William 331 C91 Use and beauty Spencer, Herbert {in his Es- says; scientific, political and speculative 1891 v.2,p.370-374) 824.89 Sp3 Useful arts See Industrial arts Uthwart, Emerald Pater, W. H. Emereld Uth- wart {see his Miscellaneous studies 1895 p.170-214) 824.89 P27mi UTILITARIANISM Blackie, J:S. Utilitari- anism {see his Four phases of morals 1887 p.280-354) 171 B56 Macmillan, Michel Promotion of general happiness; a utilitarian essay 1890 {So- cial science series) 171.4 M22 Mill, J: S. Utilitarianism 1879 171.5 M59 See also Hedonism; also Bentham, Jeremy Utopia More, Sir Thomas 321.8 M81 V Vagrancy See Poor, The; Poor law Vaille, Agnes Goodrich Vocal science 96p.D Bost.Ditson,pref.l889 784.9 V19 Val d 'Arno Ruskin, John {see his Two paths 1894 p.239-378) 824.86 R89t VALUE DeQuincey, Thomas Measure of val- ue {see his Politics and political economy •=1859 '77 p.299-304) 824.81 D44p Smart, William Introduction to the theory of value, on the lines of Monger, Wieser and Bohm-Bawerk 1891 330 Sm2 See also Money Vambery, Arminius Story of Hungary 453p. il.map,D N.Y,Putnam,1886 {Story of the nations) 943.9 V25 Vanbrugh, Sir John Plays; ed. with an intro- duction and notes by A, E. H. Swaen 501p. por.D Lond.Unwin,1896 {Mermaid se- ries Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.47 V27 VAN BUREN, MARTIN, president of the United States, 1782-1862 Shepard, E:M. Mar- tin Van Buren 1892<'88 {American states- men) B V27 VANDYKE, Sir ANTHONY 1599-1641 Hurll, E. M. ed. Van Dyck; a collection of fif- 503 teen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation 1902 (Riverside art series) B V28 Van Dyke, John Charles Art for art's sake; seven university lectures on the technical beauties of painting Ed.5 249p.pl.D N.Y.Scribner,1894 750 V28 Text-book of the history of painting 289p. il.D N.Y.Longman8,1894 (College his- tories of art) 750 V28t ed. College histories of art Van Helden, Caroline West A note on color . . . 48p,pl.Q Springfield ( Mass ),Bradley,1903 752 V31 Van Kirk, M. Louise and Clark, M. G. ed. Stories for the kindergarten and the home 90p.D Phil.n.p.l890 (3 copies) 372.21 V32 Van Laun, Henri History of French literature 3v.O Lond.Chatto,1883 840.9 V32 Van Norden, Charles Psychic factor; an outline of psychology 223p.D N.Y.Appleton,1894 150 V33 Van Wie, C. B. Development helps; a work for practice-teaching 91p.S Syracuse,Bar- deen,1891 371a V26 Methods in common branches; a book for the common school teacher 197p.il.D Syra- cuse,Bardeen,1892 371b V26 VANE, Sir HENRY 1612-1662 Hosmer, J. K. Life of young Sir Henry Vane 1888 B V28 Variation of species See ETolution; Species VARNHAGEN VON ENSE, madame (RAHEL ANTONIE FRIEDERIKE LEVIN) 1771- 1833 Carlyle, Thomas Varnhagen von Ensp 's memoirs (('« (Carlyle, Thomas Crit- ical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.4, p.1-35) 824.82 C19 Vaitdois Smiles, Samuel A visit to the coun- try of the Vaudois (in his Huguenots in France 1874 p.285-426) 272.4 Sm4 Vaughan, Charles Edwyn comp. English liter- ary criticism 219p.D Lond.Blackie, pref.1896 820 V46 Contents:— Introduction; Sir Philip Sid- ney, An apology for poetr>'; John Dryden, Preface to the fables; Samuel Johnson, On the metaphysical poets; Samuel Taylor Cole- ridge. On poetic genius and poetic diction; William Hazlitt, On poetry in general; Charles I^mb, On the artlflelal comedy of the last century, On Webster's "Duchess of Malfi", On Ford's "Broken heart"; Percy Bysshe Shelley, A defense of poetry; Thomas Carlyle. Goethe; Walter Pater, Sandro Bot- ticelli Vaughan, Henry Silex scintillans, etc.; sacred poems and ejaculations, with a memoir by H. F. Lyte 276p.D Lon(l.Bell,1891 821.49 V46 Vedanta philosophy Vivekananda, Swami 181.4 V83 Vega, George von haron Logarithmic tables of numbers and trigonometrical functions; tr. from the 40th ed. by W. L. F: Fischer 575p.O N.Y.Berlin,1896 510.8 V52 Veitch, John Hamilton 268p.por.S Phil.Lip- pincott,1882 (Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 H18 tr. and ed. Descartes, RBNfi The meth- od, Meditations, and selections from. the Principles 1881 194.1 D45 Velvln, Ellen ed. Bostock, F. C: Training of wild animals 1904<=03 591 B65 Venables, Edmund Life of John Bunyan 191p. D Lond.Scott,1888 (Great writers) B B88v Contains a bibliography VENICE • Brown, H. R. F. Venetian studies 1887 945 B81 RusKiN, John St Mark 's rest 1894 945 R89 Architecture RusKiN, John Stones of Venice 1894 729 R89 Art Karoly, Karl Guide to the paintings of Venice 1895 708.5 K14g History Brown, H. R. F. Venice; an historical sketch of the republic 1893 945 B81 Oliphant, Mrs M. O. (Wilson) Makers of Venice 1893«87'92 945.3 013 WiEL, Alethea Venice 1894 (Story of the nations) 945 W63 Travel and description Allen, C:G.B. Venice 1900 (Grant Al- len's historical guide hooks) 914.5 A15 VEN VEN 504 Brown, H. E. F. Life on the lagoons 1894 914.53 B81 HuTTON, Laurence Literary landmarks of Venice 1896 914.53 H97 Stoddard, J : L. Venice (m his Lectures 1898 v.l,p.280-334) 910 St6 VENTILATION Carpenter, E. C. Heating and ventilating buildings 1905<=1895,1902 697 C22 Leeds, L:W. Treatise on ventilation 1882 <=71 628.8 L51 Morrison, G. B. Ventilation and warming of scaool buildings 1892=87 (Interna- tional education series) 697 M83 See also Air; School architecture; School hygiene Vice See Crime and criminals; Ethics VICO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 1668-1744 Flint, Eobert Vico 1884 (Philoso- phical classics for English readers) B19 V66 Victorian anthology Stedman, E. C. ed. 821.8 St3 Victorian poets Stedman, E. C. 821 StS VIDA, MARCO GIROLAMO 1480 (?) -1566 Cook, A. S. ed. Vida (see Cook, A. S. ed. Art of poetry 1892 p.37-156) 808.1 C77 VIENNA Stoddard, J: L. Vienna (in hia Lectures 1898<^97 v.6,p.ll3-224) 910 St6 Viking age Du Chaillu, P. B. 913.4 D85 VerbaUst, The Osmun, T : E. 428.3 Os5 Vikings See Northmen Vergennes, Claire Elisabeth Jeanne Gravier de See • Eemusat, comtesse de Vergil See Virgil Verity, Arthur Wilson Plays 1888 ed. Heyvp^ood, Thomas 822.21 H51 VERMONT Robinson, R. E. Vermont; a study of independence 1892 (American commonwealths) 974.3 R56 Verschoyle, J. ed. Ducoudray, Gustave His- tory of ancient civilization 1889 901 D85 VERTEBRATES Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buckley) Winners in life 's race 1883 596 F53 See also Birds; Fishes; Zoology VESALIUS, ANDREAS 1514-1564 Kingsley, Charles Vesalius the anatomist Health and education 1884 p.385-411) 504 K61 (see Eangsley, Charles His- torical lectures and essays 1885 p.335- 358) 904 K61 VETERINARY SANITATION Billings, F. S. Relation of animal diseases to the public health 1884 614.9 B49 VEZELAY Pater, W, H. Vezelay (see Pater, W. H. Miscellaneous studies 1895 p.l06- 120) 824.89 P27mi Villa, Guide Contemporary psychology; revised by the author and tr. by Harold Manacordia 396p.O Lond.Sonnenschein,1903 150 V71 VILLAGE COMMUNITIES Gomme,G:L. The village community; with special reference to the origin and form of its survivals in Britain n.d. (Contemporary science se- ries) 321.2 G58 Seebohm, Frederic munity 1896 English village com- 321.2 Se3 Via, Veritas, vita Vialls, Mary Alice Italy 1900 Drummond, James tr. 239 D84 Orsi, Pietro Modern 945 Or8 Villainage in England Vinogradoff, Paul 333 V77 Villari, Linda tr. Villari, Pasquale Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola 1896 B Sa9 Villari, Pasquale Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola; tr. by Linda Villari 792p. por.pl.facsim.O N.Y.Scribner,1896 B Sa9 Two first centuries of Florentine history; the republic and parties at the time of Dante; tr. by Linda Villari 2v.pl.O N.Y.Scrib- ner,1895 945 V71 VILLON, FRANgOIS 1431-1484 (?) Stevenson, R. L : Francois Villon, student, poet and housebreaker (see Stevenson, R. L: Fa- miliar studies of men and books 1891 p.191-228) 824.89 St4 Vincent, Benjamin ed. Haydn, J. T. Dic- tionary of dates 1883 R903 H32 Vincent, Frank ed. The plant world; its ro- mances and realities 228p.pl.D N.Y.Ap- 506 pleton,1897 (Appleton's home reading bools) 580 V74 Vincent, John Heyl How I was educated (see College and the church 1887 p.39-49) 370.4 C68 Vincent, Leon Henry Corneille 198p.D Camb. Riverside press,! 901 B C81 The French academy 159p.D Canib.River- side pre88,1901 806 V74 VINCI, LEONARDO DA 1452-1519 Pater, Walter Leonardo da Vinci (see Pater, Walter Renaissance 1890 p.101-134) 824.89 P27r Viudication of natural society Burke, Edmund Vindication of natural society (in Burke, Edmund Works 1889'^91 '94 v.l,p.l-48) 825.62 B91 Voillet-le-Duc, Eug6ne Emmanuel Learning to draw; or. The story of a young designer; tr. from the French by Virginia Champlin 324p.il.D N.Y.Putnam,1880 740 V81 Virgil Works; tr. into Euglish verse ... by J: A. Wiltstach 2v.il.O Bost.Houghton, 1884'^83 ■ 873.1 V81 VIRGIL (PUBLIUS VERGILIUS MARO) 70- 19 B.C. Brooks, Edward Story of the -^neid 1899 873.1 B79s Montaigne, M. E. de Virgil 1892 v.3,p.60-127) (in his Essays 844.31 M76 Sellar, W : Y. Roman poets of the Augustan age; Virgil 1897 873.1 Se4 "Georffics" Addison, Joseph tr. Virgil Fourth Georgick (in. Addison, Joseph Works 1888^53 v.l,p.25-38) 824.52 Ad2 See also .^neas Virgin Mary See Mary, Virgin VIRGINIA Bruce, P. A. Economic history of Virgina in the 17th century 1896 975.5 B83 Cooke, J: E. Stories of the old dominion '1879 973.3 C77 Virginia; a history of the people 1884'83 (American commonwealths) 975.5 C77v Drake. S: A. Making of Virginia and the middle colonies 1893 974 D78 Fiske, John Old Virginia and her neighbors 1897 975 F54 Smith, John Generall historie of Virginia, New England and the Summer iles (in his True travels, adventures and observations in Europe, Asia and Africke, and America 1819) 975 Sm5 Education Henderson, J: C. Thomas Jefferson's views on public education 1890 379 H38 See also Jefferson, Thomas Vision See Eye, The; Sight Vision, Theory of See Berkeley, George Visions See Dreams; Illusions; Psychical phe- nomena Vita nuova See Dante, Alighieri VITAL STATISTICS Newsholme, Arthur Elements of vital statistics 1889 614.1 N47 See also Population Vitalis, Ordericus See Ordericus Vitalis Vitelli, Murder of 'Machiavelli, NiCOiX) Mur- der of Vitelli and others of the family of the Ursini by Duke Valentine (see Machia- velli, Nicolo The prince and other pieces 1893 p.234-245) 321 M18 Vivekananda, Swami Vedanta philosophy; lec- ures on Raja Yoga; also Patanjalis Yoga aphorisms . . . 376p.por.D Albany,Weed- Parsons,1897 181.4 V83 VIVISECTION Lefpingwell, Albert Vivi- section in America (see Salt, H:S. Ani- mal's rights 1894 p.133-176) 179 Sa3 Vladimir pseud. China-Japan war, compiled from Japanese, Chinese, and foreign sources 449p.il.maps,0 N. Y'-Scribner,! 896 951 V84 Vocal culture See Voice, The VOCAL MUSIC ^895 Curtis, E. C. Children 's voices 784.9 C94 See also Music; Songs; Voice, The Vocal organs See Voice, The Vocation of man Fichte, J:G. (see his Popu- lar works 1873 p.233-379) 193.3 F44 voc VOG 506 Vogel, Hermann Chemistry of light and photog- raphy, in their application to art, science, and industry New ed.enl. 282p.il.pl.D N.Y.Appleton,1893 {International scien- tific series) 770 V86 VOICE, THE Bach, A. B. Principles of sing- ing 1885 784.9 B12 Behnke, Emil Mechanism of the human voice n.d. 784.9 B39 and Browne, Lennox Child's voice; its treatment with regard to after development 1885 784.9 B39 Calkins, N. A. Ear and voice training 1889 (Reading circle library) 808.5 C12 Curtis, E. C. Children 's voices ; how harmed and how helped ^^1895 784.9 C94 Curtis, H. H. Voice building and tone plac- ing 1896 784.9 C94c FiNCK, H : T. Italian and German vocal styles (see his Chopin and other musical essays 1897«89 p.183-232) 780.4 r49 Holmes, Gordon Treatise on vocal physiol- ogy and hygiene 1881 784.9 H73 Leib, W. H. Voices of children 1889'=88 784.9 L53 Mackenzie, Morell Hygiene of the vocal organs 1886 784.9 M19 Meyer, G:H. VON Organs of speech 1884 (International scientific series) 612.78 M57 Seiler, Emma Voice in singing 1884<^72 784.9 Se4 Voice in speaking 1875*^74 784.9 Se4v Vaille, a. G. Vocal science pref.1889 784.9 V19 See also Elocution; Music; Orations and oratory; Sound; Speech; Stammering VOLAPUK Schleyer, J:M. Grammar of Vol- apuk n.d. 408.9 Sch3 VOLCANOES BoNNEY, T:G: Volcanoes, their structure and significance 1899 (Sci- ence series) 551 B64 Volsunga saga; the story of the Volsungs and Nib- lungs with certain songs from the elder Edda; ed. by H. H. Spalding; tr. from the Icelandic by Eiriker Magnusson and Wil- • Uam Morris 276p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Camelot series) 839.6 V8S Voltaic electricity See Electricity VOLTAIRE (FRANgOIS MARIE AROUET) 1694-1778 Espinasse, Francis Life of Voltaire 1892 (Great writers) B V88 Harper, G:M. The revolutionary analysis — Voltaire (see Harper, G:M, Masters of French literature 1901 p.123-165) 840.4 .H23 Macdonald, Frederika studies in the France of Voltaire and Rousseau 1895 B V88m Carlyle, Thomas Voltaire (see Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.l,p.390-461) 824.82 C19 "Voltaire op the renaissance' mus, Desiderius See Eras- Voorhees, Edward Burnett Fertilizers; the source, character and composition of natur- al, home-made and manufactured fertilizers and suggestions as to their use for different crops and conditions Ed.7 335p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1905<^1898 (Bural science series) 631 V89 Voting See Suffrage Voyages and travel See Travel VOYAGES AROUND THE WORLD Cook, James Voyages around the world 1897 910.4 C77 Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen to America Payne, E: J: ed. 9 P29 W W., E. Three ladies of London (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old Eng- lish plays 1874 '75 '76 v.6,p.244-270) 822.08 D66 Three lords and three ladies of London (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 502) 1874 '75 '76 v.6,p.371- 822.08 D66 WAGES Atkinson, Edward What makes the rate of wages? (see his Distribution of products 1892'=85 p.1-189) 330.4 At5 507 ScHOENor, Jacob Economy of high wages 1893'92 (Qwstions of the day) 331.2 Scht; See also Labor and laboring classes; Profit sharing; Trade unions Waggener, D. B. Book-keeping simplified . . . 77p.S rhil.Chri8ty/1874'75 657 W12 WAGNER, WILHELM RICHARD 1813-1883 FiNCK, H:T. Wagner and his works; the story of his life 1898*93 B W12 Hadow, W : H : Richard Wagner and the re- form of the opera (see Hadow, W:H: Studies in modern music 1897 '98 v.l, p.233-326) 780 Hll Krehbiel, H : E : Studies in the Wagnerian drama '1891 782.2 K87 Waite, Bosamond Life of the Duke of Welling- ton 315p.maps,D Lond.Rivingtons,1884 (Historical biographies) B W46w Wake, C. Staniland ed. International congress of anthropology Memoirs 1894 901 In8 Wakeman, Henry OfEley Church and the Puri- tans 208p.D N.Y.Randolph,n.d. (Epochs of church history) 283 W13 Europe, 1598-1715 392p.maps,D N.Y.Mac- millan,1894 (Periods of European his- tory) 940.7 W13 Introduction to the history of the church of England . . . Ed.5 505p.D Lond. Rivington9,1898 283 W13a Wake-robin Burroughs, John 814.41 B94\v Waldexses See Vaudois Waldstein, Charles Study of art in universities 129p.D N.Y.Harper,1896 707 W14 Waldstein, Louis Sub-conscious self and its re- lation to education and health 171p.D N.Y.Scribner,1898 152 W14 WALES Travel and description Bradley, A. G. Highways and byways in North Wales 1898 (Highirays and by- ways series) 914.29 B72 Highways and byways in South Wales 1903 (Highways and byways series) 914.29 B72h George, M. M. A little journey to England and Wales '1901 (Library of travel) 914.2 G29 Waliszewski, Kasimierz Romance of an em- press, Catherine II of Russia; tr. from the French 458p.por.O N.Y.Appleton,1894 B 028 Walk in Hellas Snider, D. J. 914.95 Sn3 Walker, Francis Amasa Discussions in educa- tion; ed. by J. P. Munroe 342p.O N.Y. Holt,1899'98 370.4 W15 Contents: — Technologrlcal education; Man- ual education; Teaching of arithmetic; Col- lege problems; A valedictory; Index General Hancock 332p.por.maps,D N.Y. Appleton,1895'94 (Great commanders) B H19 Land and its rent 232p.S Bost.Little,1891 '83 333 W15 Making of the nation, 1783-1817 314p.maps, D N.Y.Scribner,1895 (Ankerican his- tory series) 973.4 W15 Money ooOp.O N.Y.Holt,1891'77 332 W15 Money in its relations to trade and industry 339p.D N.Y.Holt,1889'79 332 W15m Political economy Ed.3,enl. 537p.O N.Y. Holt,1888 (American science series; ad- vanced course) 330 W15 Walker, George Leon Thomas Hooker, preacher, founder, democrat 203p.por.D N.Y. Dodd,'1891 (Makers of America) B H76 Walker, J. Handy book of object lessons from a teacher 's note book 2v.inl,D Phil. Lip- pincott,1884 372.3 W15 Walker, Louisa work . . . 1896 Varied occupations in string 254p.il.D Lond.Macmillan, 746 W15 Walker, Mary R. and Nelson, William tr. Salomon', Otto Teacher's handbook of sliijd 1891 694 Sa3 Walker, Willlston History of the Congregational churches in the United States 451p.O N.Y.Christian literature co,1894 (Ameri- can church history series) 285.8 W15 WALKING Burroughs, John Exhilarations of the road (see his Winter sunshine 1895'75 p.23-39) ' 814.41 B94wi WAL WAL 508 Walks and talks in the geological field Winehell, Lives Alexander 550.4 W72 71) of the poets pref.1896 v.2,p.ll- 9, J62 Wallace, Alfred Russel Darwinism; an exposi- tion of the theory of natural selection with some of its applications 494p.il.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1889 575 W15 Malay archipelago; the land of the orang- outang and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel with studies of man and nature 515p.il.pl.maps,D Lond.Macmillan,1898 919.1 W15 Man's place in the universe; a study of the results of scientific research in relation to the unity or plurality of worlds 338p.O N.Y.McClure,1905 523 W15 ed. Australasia; with ethnological appendix by A. H. Keant Ed.3 672p.il.maps,0 Lond.Stanford,1883 (Standford's com- yendium of geography and travel) 919.3 W15 Wallace, Joseph History of Illinois and Louis- iana under the French rule embracing a general view of the French dominion in North America 433p.Q Cine.Clarke,1893 973 W15 Wallace, H. E. and Sanders, D. ed. Pennsyl- vania — General assembly Constitution of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1881 «74 ' 342.748 P38 Wallace, Donald Mackenzie N.Y.Holt,1881 Eussia 620p.O 914.7 W15 Wallace, William Life of Arthur Schopenhauer 217p.D Lond.Scott,1890 {Great writers) B19 Sch6 Contains a bibliography Kant 219p.por.S Phil.Lippincott,1882 (Philosophical classics for English readers) B19 K13 Prolegomena to the study of Hegel's philoso- phy and especially of his logic Ed.2,enl. 477p.D Oxf .Clarendon press,1894 190 H36 tr. Hegel, G:W:F: Logic 1892 160 H36 Wallaschek, Bichard Primitive music; an in- quiry into the origin and development of music, songs, instruments; dances, and pan- tomines of savage races . . . 326p.O Lond.Longman8,1893 780 W15 WALLER, EDMUND 1605-1687 Johnson, Samuel Waller {in Johnson, Samuel WALPOLE, HORACE, earl of Orford, 1717-1797 DoBSON, H:A. Horace Walpole; a memoir <=1890 B W16 * ' Letters to Horace Mann ' ' Macaulay, T : B. baron Horace Walpole (in Macaulay, T: B. baron Critical and historical essays 1889 v.2,p.97-143) 824.83 Mil WALPOLE, Sir ROBERT, earl of Orford, 1676 1745 Morley, John Walpole 1893"=89 (Twelve English statesmen) B W16 Walpole, Spencer Land of home rule; an essay on the history and constitution of the Isle of Man 287p.D Lond.Longman3,1893 942 W16 WALSH, WILLIAM 1663-1709 Johnson, Samuel Walsh (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.2,p.ll4- 120) 9 J62 WALTER, JOHN 1784-1847 Smiles, Samuel Walters of "The Times" (see Smiles, Samuel Men of invention and industry 1885 p.180-204) 9 Sm4 Walton, Isaak Complete angler; or, The contem- plative man's recreation; a facsimile of the first edition published in 1653 . . . 246p. il.D Lond.Stock,1897 799 W17 Lives of Dr Donne, Sir Henry W^otton, Mr Richard Hooker, Mr George Herbert, Dr Sanderson Newed-enl. 453p.il.por.fac- sim.S Loud. Washbume,l 847 9 W17 WAR Bernard, Montague Growth of laws and usages of war (in Oxford essays 1856 p.88-136) 824.89 0x2 DeQuincey, Thomas On war (see his Politics and political economy "=1859 '77 p.347-384) 824.81 D44p Dymond, Jonathan Inquiry into the ac- cordancy of war with the principles of Christianity 1892 172.4 D99 Emerson, R. W. War (see his Miscellanies 1893-^78 '83 p.177-201) 814.36 Em3m War of independence Fiske, John 973.3 F54w WARBECK, PERKIN (?)-1499 Story of Perkin Warbeck from original documents (see Gairdner, James History of the life and reign of Richard the third 1898 p.261- 335) B R38 509 Warburton, William Edward III 293p.maps,S X.i.Scribner,1888 (Epochs of modern his- tory) 942.03 W21 WARBURTON, WILLIAM 1698-1779 Patti- SON, Mark Life of Bishop Warburton {in Pattison, Mark Essays 1889 v.2, p.119-176) 824.89 P27 Ward, Adolphus Wmiam Chaucer 199p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (English men of letters) B C39 Bound with lives of DeQulncey by David Masson and of Lamb by Alfred Ainger Counter reformation 203p.D N.Y.Randolph, n.d. (Epochs of church history) 270.6 W21 Dickens 222p.S N.Y.Harper,n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B SccS Bound with lives of Scott by R:H. Hutton and of Spenser by R:W: Church History of English dramatic literature to the death of Queen Anne Newed.enl. 3v.O Lond.Macmillan,1899«75 822.09 W21 tr. CuBTius, Erxst 1892 ed. History of Greece 938 C94 Pope, Alexander Poetical works 1893 821.53 P81 Ward, Agnes Some aspects of theory and prac- tice in infant education (see Roberts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.15-33) 370.4 R54 Ward, James Elementary principles of orna- ment 91p.il.O Lond.Chapman,1890 745 W21 Ward, Julius Hammond Life and times of Bish- op White 199p.por.D N.Y.Dodd,1892 (Makers of America) B W58 Ward, Lester Frank Dynamic sociology; or, Ap- plied social science as based upon statical sociology and the less complex sciences 2v. O N.Y.Appleton,1883 301 W21 Outlines of sociology 301p.D N.Y.Macmil- lan,1898'97 300 W21 Pure sociology; a treatise on the origin and spontaneous development of society 607p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1903 301 W21p Ward, Thomas Humphrey ed. English poets; selections with critical introductions by vari- ous writers and a general introduction by Matthew Arnold 4v.D Lond.Macmillan, 18S0'81 821.08 W21 Reign of Queen Victoria; a survey of fifty years of progress 2v.map8,0 Lond. Smith,1887 914.2 W21 Waring, Oeorge Edward jr Sanitary drainage of houses and towns Ed.ll,enl. 366p. il.D Bost.Houghton,«1876 628 W23 Warman, Edward Barrett How to read, recite and impersonate 211p.D Chic.Harrison, 1889 808 W23 Physical training; or, The care of the body Ed.4,enl. 190p.il.pl.D Chic.Spalding, 1889'85 613.7 W23 Warner, Beverly Ellison Shakespeare 's plays mans,1894 English history in 321p.D N.Y.Long- 822.33 W24 Warner, Charles Dudley My summer in a gar- den 194p.S Bost.Houghton,n870'98 (Biverside cUdine series) 817.41 W24 People for whom Shakespeare wrote 187p. pl.D N.Y.Harper,1897 822.33 W24p Washington Irving Houghton,1893*=81 ters) 304p.por.D Bost. (American men of let- B IrS ed. American men of letters Warner, Francis Children, how to study them; a course of lectures . . . 80p.il.S Lond. Hodgson,1887 372b W24 Course of lectures on the growth and means of training the mental faculty; delivered in the University of Cambridge 222p.il.D Cam- bridge university pres8,1890 150.1 W24 Nervous system of the child; its growth and health in education 233p.pl.D N.Y.Mac- millan,1900 612.82 W24 Physical expression; its modes and principles 372p.il.D N.Y.Appleton,1886 (Interna- tional scientific series) 138 W24 Three lectures on the anatomy of movement; a treatise on the action of nerve-centres and modes of growth . . . 135p.il.D Lond. Paul,1887 612.8 W24 Study of children and their school training 264p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1897 372b W248 Warre, Margaret tr. Dolunger, J: J. I. voN Addresses on historical and literary subjects 1894 834.89 D69 WAR WAR 510 Warren, B. H. Eeport on the birds of Pennsyl- vania . . . Ed.2,enl. 434p.pl.O Har- risb,1890 598.2 W26 Warren, Lillie Eginton deafness 116p.O Defective speech and N.Y.Werner,1895'=94 371.9 W25 Warton, Thomas History of English poetry from the 11th to the 17th century 1032p.D Lond.Ward,n.d. 821.9 W26 Warwick, Frances Evelyn Greville countess of Progress in women's education in the Brit- ish empire, — being the report of the educa- tion section, Victorian era exhibition,1897 370p.O Lond.Longmans,1898 376 W26 WARWICK, RICHARD NEVIL earl OF 1428- 1471 Oman, C:W:C. Warwick, the king- maker 1891 (English men of action) B W26 Washburn, Margaret Floy Titchener, E. B. and Gulliver, J, H. Wundt, William Ethics ; an investigation of the facts and laws of the moral life 1897 170 W96 WASHINGTON, GEORGE, president of the United States, 1732-1799 Baker, W:S. Itinerary of . . . Washington, 1775-1783 1892 973 W27 Washington after the revolution 1898 973 W27w Ford, P. L. The true George Washington 1898-^97 (The "true" series) B W27 Irving, Washington Life of Washington n.d. B W27i Johnson, B. T. General Washington ' 1895 •"94 (Great commanders) B W27j Journal of my journey over the mountains in the northern neck of Virginia beyond the Blue Ridge in 1747-1748 144p.maps,0 N.Y.Albany,1892 B W27jo Lodge, H:C. George Washington 1889 (American statesmen) B W271 Marshat,l, John Life of George Washing- ton 1804 '07 B W27m ScuDDER, H:E. George Washington; an his- torical biography 1894'=86'89 (Riverside library for young people) B W27s Wilson, Woodrow George Washington 1897 '96 B W27w Lord, John George Washington (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history '1883 '96 v.7,p.l03-168) 909 L88 Ehoades, L. I. General Washington in Phil- adelphia President Washington in Phila- delphia (see her Story of Philadelphia n900 p.185-197,281-290) 974.8 R34 Washington, H. A. ed. . Jefferson, Thomas Writings 1853*^54 320.8 J35w WATER Richards, Mrs E. H. (Sw^ allow) and Woodman, A. G. Air, water and food from a sanitary standpoint 1904=00 613 R39 Tyndall, John Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers 1893<'72 (In- ternatioiml scientific series) 551.31 T97 See also Glaciers; Meteorology; Physical geography ; Swimming Waterloo, Battle of 1815 History, 19th century See France — Watkins, Mary L. tr. Loti, Pierre pseud. Romance of a child 1897 372b L19 Watson, John Christianity and idealism; the Christian ideal of life in its relations to the Greek and Jewish and to modern philosophy New ed.enl. 292p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1897 "96 201 W33 Comte, Mill and Spencer; an outline of philos- ophy 302p.D Glasgow,Maclehose,1895 171.4 W33 Hedonistic theories; from Aristippus to Spen- cer 248p.D Lond.Maclehose,1895 109 W33 Phonographic instructor; an advanced method of imparting a knowledge of shorthand . . . Ed.2,enl. lOlp.O N.Y.Putnam,1890«82 653 W33 Schelling's "Transcendental idealism"; a critical exposition 251p.D Chic.Griggs, 1882 (German philosophical classics) 193.4 W33 Watson, John Fanning Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in the olden time; being a collection of memorials, anecdotes and in- cidents of the city; ed. by W. P. Hazard 3v.il.por.pl.O Phil.Stuart,1891''57 '77 974.8 W33 Watson, J. Madison Handbook of calisthenics and gymnastics . . . 388p.il.O N.Y. Steiger,1882<'63 613.7 W33 Watson, John Selby tr. Xenophon Anabasis 1891 888.3 X2 511 and Dale, Henry panlia 1886 tr. Xenophon Cyro- 888.3 X2c Watson, Thomas E. Life and times of Thomas Jefferson 534p.por,pl.O N.Y.Appleton, 1903 B J35w Watt, Alexander Mechanical industries ex- plained; showing how many useful arts are practised . . . 203p.il.D Edinb.John- 8ton,1881 670 W34 Scientific industries explained; showing how some of the important articles of commerce are made 205p.il.D Edinb.Johnston,1881 670 W64 Watts, Henry Edward Christian recovery of Spain; being the story of Spain from the Moorish conquest to the fall of Granada (711-1492 A.D.) 315p.il.maps,D N.Y. Putnam,1894'93 (Story of the nations) 946 W34 Life of Miguel de Cervantes 185p.D Lond. Scott,1891 (Great writers) B C33 Contains a bibliography WATTS, ISAAC 1674-1748 Johnson, Samuel Watts (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.6,p.23-36) 9 J62 Improvement of the mind; ed. by S. N. Fel- lows 200p.D N.y.Bames,«1885 370 W34 Waymarks for teachers Arnold, S.. L. 372a Ar6 WAYNE, ANTHONY 1745-1796 STiLLfi,C:J. Major-general Anthony Wayne and the Pennsylvania line in the continental army 1893 B St5 WEALTH Emerson, R. W. Wealth (see his Conduct of life 1893'=60'88 p.83-123) 814.36 Em3 See also Banks and banking; Capital; Eco- nomics; Finance; Labor and laboring classes; Money WEALTH OF NATIONS Smith, Adam An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations 1880 330 Sm5 See also Labor and laboring classes Wear and tear Mitchell, S. W. 613.8 M69 WEATHER Chambers, G:F. Story of the weather 1897 (Library of popular knowl- edge) 551.5 C35 See also Meteorology Weaver, Emily A. Paper and scissors in the school room 77p.il.D Springfield (Mass), Bradley,«1893 372.21 W37 Weaver, E. W. Pictures in language work Ed.2 olp.il.pl.D Syracu8e,Bardeen,1896 372.6 W37 Webb, Alexander Stuart Peninsula; McClellan's campaign of 1862 219p.maps,D N.Y. Scribner,1881 (Campaigns af the civil war) 973.7 W38 Webb, Sidney Socialism in England 133p.D Lond.Sonnenschein,1890 (Social science se- ries) 335 W38 Weber, Alfred History of philosophy; tr. by Frank Thilly, from the 5th French edition 630p.O N.Y.Scribner,1896 '99 (2 copies) 109 W38 WEBSTER, DANIEL 1782-1852 Lodge, H:C. Daniel Webster 1886"=83 (American statesmen) B W39 Webster, John and Toumeur, Cyril Best plays; with introduction and notes by J: A. Sy- monds 432p.pl.D Lond.Unwin,1893 (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.39 W39 WEBSTER, NOAH 1758-1843 ScuDDER, H. E. Noah Webster 1883^81 (Americaii men of letters) B W391 ed. American dictionary of the English lan- guage . . . 1851p.il.pl.Q Springfield, Merriam,1883'^56 '79 R423 W39 International dictionary of the English lan- guage 1898<=64'90 R423 W39i Wedmore, Frederick Life of Honor6 de Balzac 145p.D Lond.Scott,1890 (Great writers) B B21 Contains a blbliogrraphy Weeden, William Babcock Economic and social history of New England, 1620-1789 2v.O Bost.Houghton,1890 974 W41 Social law of labor 315p.D Bost.Roberts, 1882 331 W41 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Clarke, F. W. ed. Weights, measures and money of all nations 1891^75 389 C55 See also Arithmetic; Mensuration; Metric system Weik, Jesse William and Herndon, W:H: Abra- ham Lincoln; the true story of a great life 1892' 88 B L63b WEI WEI 512 Weir, James Dawn of reason; or, Mental traits in the lower animals 234p.D N.Y.Mac- millan,1899 591.5 W43 Weismann, August Frledrich Leopold Effect of external influences upon development 69p. O Lond.Froude,1894 (Bomanes lecture 1894) 575.6 W47 Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems; ed. by E:B. Poulton, Selmar Lehon, and A. E. Shipley Ed.2 2v.D Oxf .Clarendon press,1891 '92 570.4 ■W43 Welby, Frances A. tr. Hastings, Charles The theatre; its development in France and England, and a history of its Greek and Latin origins 1902 792 H27 Welch, Adonijah Strong Talks on psychology ap- plied to teaching 136p.iI.S N.Y.Kellogg, 1888 (Beading circle library) 370.2 W44 Teachers' psychology; a treatise on the intel- lectual faculties, the order of their growth, and the corresponding series of studies by which they are educated 286p.il.D N.Y. Kellogg,1899 370.2 W44t WELLINGTON, AETHUE WELLE SLEY, duTce OF 1769-1852 Hooper, George Wel- lington 1890 (English men of action) B W46 Waite, Eosamond Life of the Duke of Wel- lington 1884 (Historical biographies) B W46w Wells, Benjamin Willis Modern French litera- ture SlOp.D Bost.Eoberts,1896 840 W46 Modern German literature 406p.D Bost. Eoberts,1897 830.9 W46 Wells, David Ames Eecent economic changes and their effect upon the production and dis- tribution of wealth and the well being of society 493p.D N.Y.Appleton,1889 330 W46 Welsh, Alfred Hix English masterpiece course 205p.D Chic.Buckbee,1887 016.82 W46 Welsh romance See Mabinogion, The Welton, J. Logical bases of education 288p.D Lond.Macmillan,1899 (Macmillan's manu- als for teachers) 370.1 W46 Wenckebach, Carla and Mueller, Margarethe ed. Schiller, J : C. F : von Maria Stuart 190^ 832.63 SchS Wendell, Barrett Cotton Mather, the Puritan priest 321p.por.D N.Y.Dodd,'=1891 (Makers of America) B M42 English composition 1895 316p.D N.Y.Scribner, 808 W48 William Shakspere; a study in Elizabethan lit- erature 439p.D N.Y.Scribner,1894 822.33 W48 Wendell, Evert Jansen Boys ' clubs in New York (see Woods, E. A. and others Poor in great cities 1895 p.151-176) 331.8 W86 Wentworth, Thomas See Wentworth, earl of Strafford, Thomas WEENEE, GAEL "Industrial art in schools" Leland, C:G. Karl Werner on the Ameri- can system of art education in schools (see Leland, C:G. Practical education 1888 p.243-261) 607 L53 WEENEE, FEIEDEICH LUDWIG ZACHAEIAS 1768-1823 Carlyle, Thomas Life and Avri tings of Werner (in Carlyle, Thomas Critical and miscellaneous essays n.d. v.l, p.84-141) 824.82 C19 Wesleyans See Methodist Episcopal church West, Andrew Fleming Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools 205p.D N.Y.Scrib- ner,1892 (Great Educators) B37 All West, Charles tr. Lenth:eric, C:P. M. The Eiviera; ancient and modern 1895 914.49 L54 WEST, GILBEET (?)-1756 Johnson, Samuel West (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.6,p.51-58) 9 J62 WEST INDIES Bates, H:W. Central Amer- ica; West Indies and South America 1882 (Stanford's compendium of geography and travel) 918 B31 FiSKE, A. K. The West Indies 1899 (Story of the nations) 972.9 F54 Froude, J. A. English in the West Indies; or, The bow of Ulysses 1900 917.29 F93 The great expedition to the West Indies (see his English seamen in the 16th cent- ury 1895 p.130-152) 942 F93 See also Porto Eico 618 Westcott, Brooke Foss Essays in the history of religious thought in the West 397p.D Lond.Macmillan,1891 204 W52 Contents: — ^Myths of Plato; Dramatist as a prophet, ^Eschylus; Euripides as a rellgfl- ous teacher; Dlonyslus the Ar«opaglte; Orlgen and the beginnings of Christian phil- osophy; On some points In Browning's view of life; Relation of Christianity to art; Christianity as the absolute religion; Ben- jamin Whlchcote Social aspects of Christianity Ed.2 202p.D Lond.Macmillan,1888'87 261 W52 Westcott, Thompson Historic mansions and buildings of Philadelphia, with some notice of their owners and occupants 528p.il.O Phil.Porter,«1877 917.4811 W52 and Scharf, J:T: History of Philadelphia, 1609-1884 1884 974.811 Schl WESTERN STATES OF THE UNITED STATES Drake, S:A. Making of the great West, 1512-1883 1887 978 D78 Irvixg, Washington Astoria; ot, Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Kocky mountains n.d. 917.8 Ir8 Tour on the prairies (in his History of • New York n.d. pt.3) 817.24 Ir8h Pakkman, Francis La SaUe and the discov- ery of the great West 1896"=69 '79 973.2 P231 Oregon trail, sketches of prairie and Rocky mountain life 1886"=72 917.8 P23 Powell, L. P. ed. Historic towns of the western states 1904 (American historic towns) 977 P87 See also Oregon ; . Southwest, The ; Yellow- stone national park WESTMINSTER ABBEY Stanley, A. P. His- torical memorials of Westminster abbey 1882 283.42 St2h Westward ho Kingsley, Charles 823.85 K61 Wever, B. Lusty Juventus (in Dodsley, Rob- ert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.2,p.41-102) 822.08 D66 Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth Colonial days and dames 248p.il.pl.D Phil.Lippincott, 1895^94 (2 copies) 917.3 W55 Heirlooms in miniatures; with a chapter on miniature painting by E. D. Taylor 259p. por.O Phil.Lippincott,1898*97 757 W56 Through colonial door-ways 237p.pl.D PhiL Lippincott,1893 973.2 W55 ^Vhat do people live byf Tolstoi, L.N. eouni 891.73 T58 What Mr Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship "Beagle" Darwin, C:B. 508.3 D25 Whately, Bichard ed. Bacon, Francis Es- says 1887 824.3 B13 Wheatly, Henry Benjamin Literary blunders; a chapter in the history of human error 226p. D Lond.Stock,1893 808.7 W56 Wheeler, Benjamin Ide Alexander, the Great; the merging of East and West in universal history 520p.pl.map,D N.Y.Putnam,1900 (Heroes of the nations) B A12 Wheeler, Charles Qardner Course of empire; outlines of the chief political changes in the history of the world . . . 459p.map8,0 Bost.Osgoodjl 884*83 902 W56 When I was a boy in China Lee, Yan Phou 915.1 L51 Where there is love there is God Tolstoi, L. N. count 891.73 T58w Whewell, William Elements of morality, inelud- ing polity 2v.S N.Y.Harper,pref.l845 • 170 W57 History of the inductive sciences from the ear- liest to the present time Ed.3,enl. 2v.O N.Y.Appleton,1875 509 W57 3v.O Lond.Parker,1837 Influence of the history of science upon intel- lectual education (see Youmans, E :L. ed. Culture demanded by modem life 1881 '67 p.225-251) 375.5 Y8 (see Royal institution of Great Britain Lectures on education 1855 p.1-36) 370.4 B81 Philosophy of the inductive sciences; founded upon their history 2v.O Lond.Parker, 1840 501 W57 Whitcomb, Clara E. A little journey to Italj lllp.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan,«1902 (Li- brary of travel) 914.5 W58 A little journey to Scotland 98p.il.pl.D Chic.Flanagan,'1901 (Library of travel) 914.1 W58 WHF WHI 514 Whitcomb, Merrick Literary source-book of the WHITMAN, WALT 1819-1892 Whitman, Italian renaissance 118p.O Phil.Univer- Walt Specimen days and collect 1882 sity of Penn8ylvania,1898 850.9 W58 '83 B W59w Whitcomb, Seldon Lincoln Chronological out- lines of American literature . . . 285p.D N.Y.Macmillan,1894<=93 810.2 W58 White, Andrew Dickson How I was educated {see College and the church 1887 p.ll2- 126) 370.4 C68 and others Methods of teaching history Ed.2,enl. 391p.pl.D Bost.Heath,1886«83 '84 907 W59 Bost.Heath,1896 agogical library) {Heath's ped- 907 W59m White, Emerson Elbridge Elements of pedagogy . . . 336p.D N.Y.American book co,«1886 (2 copies) 371a W58 School management; a practical treatise for teachers and all other persons interested in the right training of the young 320p.D N.Y.American book co,1898<=93 (2 copies) 371c W58 White, Gilbert Natural history of Selborne with observations on different parts of nature and the naturalist's calender 416p.pl.D Lond.BeU,1890 591.9 W58 366p.D Lond.Scott,1887 {Came- lot series) 591.9 W58n White, Horace Money and banking; illustrated by American history 488p.il.pl.D Bost. Ginn,1896<=95 332 W58 White, Mary How to make baskets 194p,il.pl. D N.Y.Doubleday,1903«01 689 W58 White, Richard Grant Studies in Shakespere Ed.8 383p.O Bost.Houghton,1895<'85 822.33 W58 Words and their uses, past and present, a study of the English language Ed.6,enl. 467p.D Bost.Houghton,1883«70 428.3 W58 White, Thomas Baebum Business law . . . 353p.D N.Y.Silver,«1900 347 W58 WHITE, WILLIAM 1748-1836 bishop Waed, J. H. Life and times of Bishop White 1892 {MaJcers of America) B W58 Whitman, Sidney Austria 407p.por.D N.Y. Putnam,1899 {Story of the nations) 943.6 W59 Leaves of grass; including Sands at seventy; Good-bye my fancy; A backward glance o'er traveled roads and a portrait from Ufe . . . 438p.por.D Phil.McKay,1894 811.38 W59 November boughs 140p.por.O Phil.McKay, 1888 818.38 W59n Specimen days and collect McKay,1882 '83 374p.D Phil. B W59wh Burroughs, John The flight of an eagle {see his Birds and poets with other papers 1895<^77 p.185-235) 814.41 B94b DowDEN, Edward Poetry of democracy: Walt Whitman {see Dowden, Edward Studies in literature 1892 p.468-523) 804 D76 Stedman, E. C. Walt Whitman {see Sted- man, E. C. Poets of America 1894«85 p.349-395) 811.3 St3 Stevenson, E. L : Walt Whitman {see Stevenson, R. L: Familiar studies of men and books 1891 p.104-136) 824.89' St4 Whitney, Mrs Adeline (Button) Train Bird- talk; a calendar of the orchard and wild- wood 34p.il.O Bost.Houghton,1887 811.49 W61 Whitney, Caspar Hawaiian America; some- thing of its history, resources and prospects 356p.il.pl.O N.Y.Harper,1902n899 919.6 W61 Whitney, Emily Henrietta and Whitney, M. D. tr. DuRUY, J. V. History of the middle ages 1891 ' 940.1 D93 Whitney, Josiah Dwight United States; facts and figures illustrating the physical geog- raphy of the country and its material re- sources 472p.O Bost.Little,1889 917.3 W61 Whitney, William Dwight Compendious German grammar Ed.6,enl. 472p.D N.Y.Holt, =1888 435 W61 Life and growth of language; an outline of linguistic science 326p.D N.Y.Appleton, 1883*75 {International scientific series) 409 W61 ed. Century dictionary '1889-91 R423 C33 I 515 Whittaker's library of arts, sciences and industries BoNNEY, G. E. Induction coils 1904 537 B64 Mazzotto, Domenico Wireless telegraphy and telephony 1906 654 M45 Whittier, John Oreenleaf Complete poetical works 466p.por.D Bost.Houghton,1884 «48'81 811.36 W61 Prose works 3v.por.D Bo8t.Houghton,1893 '66 '89 814.39 W61 Contents: — v. 1 Margaret Smith's Journal In the province of Massachusetts Bay, 1678- 1679; Tales and sketches V. 2 Old portraits and modem sketches; Personal sketches and tributes; Historical papers V. 2 Conflict with slavery; Reform and politics; Criticism ed. Child life; a collection of poems 263p. il.O Bost.Houghton,'1871 808 W61 Child life in prose Houghton,a873 301p.il.pl.D Best. 808 W61c 1807-1892 Griswold, H, T. John G. Whit- tier (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of the great authors 1894«86 p.238-250) 9 G88 ScUDDER, H. E. ed. John Greenleaf Whit- tier (see Scudder, H. E. ed. American poems 1895'=79'82 p.189-282) 811.3 ScuS Stedman, E. C. John Greenleaf Whittier (see Stedman, E. C. Poets of America 1894<=85 p.95-132) 811.3 St3 Who's who; an annual biographical dictionary D Latest volume Lond.Black R9 W62 Who's who in America; a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States; ed. by J:W. Leonard D Latest volume Chic.Marquis R9 W62 Wickersham, James Pyle History of education in Pennsylvania; private and public, elemen- tary and higher, from the times the Swedes settled on the Delaware to the present time 683p.il.pl.por.O Lancaster.Inquirer pub- lishing co,1886«83 (2 copies) 370.974 W63 Methods of instruction; or, That part of the philosophy of education which treats of the nature of the several branches of knowledge and the methods of teaching them . . . 496p.D Phil.Lippincott,''1865 371b W63 1825-1891 WmsHiP, A. E. James P. Wick- ersham, Pennsylvania's famous educator (see Winship, A. E. Great American edu- cators «1900 p.163-173) B39 W73 Wickhoff, Franz Roman art; tr. and ed.'by S. A. Strong 198p.pl.O Lond.Heinemann,1900 709 W63 Wieb6, Edward Paradise of childhood; a man- ual for self-instruction in Friedrich Froe- bel's educational principles and a practical guide to kindergartners . . . 83p.pl.O Springfiel(J,Bradley,'=1869 372.2 W63 Wiel, Alethea Venice 478p.il.D N,Y.Put- nam,1894 (Story of the nations) 945 W63 Wiese, Ludwig Adolph German letters on Eng- lish education; written during an educa- tional tour in 1876; tr. and ed. by Leonard Schmitz 296p.O N.Y.Putnam,1879 379.42 W43 Wife of the first consul Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. baron B J77w Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas (Smith) Children 'b rights; a book of nursery logic 235pJ) Bost.Houghton,1893 '96'=92 (2 copies) 372.2 W63c and Smith, N. A. Story hour 185p.pl.D Bost.Houghton,1892 372.21 W63 Wight, Orlando W. Maxims of public health 176p.D N.Y. Apple ton,l 884 614 W63 Wild animals I have known Seton, Ernest Thomp- son 590 Se7 Wilder, Anne Crombie and Minckwitz, E: A. von ed. Storm, Theodor Immensee *1901 438 St7 Lessing, G. E. Minna von Barnhelm '1904 438 L56 Wilderspin, Samuel Infant system; for devel- oping the intellectual and moral powers of all children from one to seven years of age Ed.8 351p.pl.D Lond. Hodgson,1852 371.4 W64 WILFRID, ST 634-709 Montalembert, C:F: comte St Wilfrid (in Montalembert, C: F: comte Monks of the West 1896 v.3,p.371-436 v.4,p.l-197) 271 M76 Wilkins, Augustus Samuel Classical antiquities Roman antiquities 126p.il.S N.Y.Apple- ton,1882 (History primers) 937 W65 Wilkins, George Miseries of enforced marriage (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection WIL WIL 516 of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.9, p.465-576) 822.08 D66 Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner Popular account of the ancient Egyptians New ed.enl. 2v. il.pI.D N.Y.Harper,1854 932 W65 WILL, THE Alexander, Archibald Theories of the will in the history of philosophy 1898 159 A13 Bain, Alexander Emotions and the will 1876 157 B16 Baldwin, J. M. Will (see his Handbook of psychology Feeling and will 1891 p.280- 382) 150 B19 FOTHERGILL, J:M, The will power; its range in action 1887 159 F82 Maudsley, Henry Body and will; an essay concerning will in its metaphysical, physi- ological and pathological aspects 1884 159 M44 Moore, A. L. Some questions about the will (see Moore, A. L. Essays; scientific and philosophical 1890 p.134-144) 104 M78 See also Ethics; Psychology Will in nature Schopenhauer, Arthur (see his Fourfold root of the principle of suffi- cient reason 1897'=89'91 p.190-380) 193.7 Sch6 The will to believe and other essays in popular philosophy James, William 104 J23 WILLAED, FEANCES ELIZABETH 1839- HiLLis, N. T>. The biography of Frances Willard and the heroes of social reform — a study of the knights of the new chivalry (see Hillis, N. D. Great books as life teachers 1904«1898 p.253-276) 814 H55 Willert, Paul Ferdinand Henry of Navarre and the Hugenots in France 478p.por.pl, fac- sim.D N.Y.Putnam,1893 (Heroes of the nations) B H39w WILLIAM I, king of England, 1027, 1028 (?) -1087 Freeman, E:A: William the Conqueror 1894''88 (Twelve English statesmen) B W67 WILLIAM III, Icing of England, 1650-1702 Traill, H:D. William the third 1892^88 (Twelve English statesmen) B W67t WILLIAM IV, king of England, 1765-1837 Lord, John William IV (in Lord, John Bea- con lights of history <=1883 '96 v.6,p.261- 300) 904 L88 WILLIAM OF WYKEHAM 1324-1404 bishop Lord, John William of Wykeham (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history "^1883 '96 v.2,p.399-429) 904 L88 Williams, Alfred Mason Sam Houston and the war of independence in Texas 405p.por. map8,0 Bost.Houghton,1893 B H81w Williams, C. M. Eeview of the systems of ethics founded on the theory of evolution 581p.O N.Y.Macmillan,1893«92 170.7 W67 Williams, George Abner Topics and references in American history with numerous search questions 50p.S Syracuse,Bardeen,1886 973 W67 Williams, Ralph Olmsted Our dictionaries and other English language topics 174p.pl.D N.Y.Holt,1890 420.4 W67 Contents: — Growth of our dictionaries; Tlie word "metropolis" as used in England and America; Some peculiarities real and supposed in American English; Good Eng- lish for Americans; Cases for disputed pro- priety and of unsettled usage; Indexes Sbme questions of good English examined in controversies with Dr Fitzedward Hall 233p.O N.Y.Holt,1897 425 W67 Williams, Samuel G. History of modern educa- tion . . . from the revival of learning to the present decade 395p.D Syracuse, Barde6n,1896 '99<=92 (2 copies) 370.9 W67 Williams, William Mattieu Chemistry of cook- ery 328p.D N.Y.Appleton,1891 641 W67 Williamson, George Charles Cities of northern Italy 256p.S N.Y.Wessels,1904 (Grant Allen's historical guide books) 914.5 W67 Williamson, Leland M. and others Prominent and progresssive Pennsylvanians of the 19th century 3v.por.Q Phil.Eecord publishing co,1898 E9 W67 WILLIS, NATHANIEL PAEKEE 1806-1867 Beers, H:A. Nathaniel Parker Willis 1892*85 (American men of letters) B W69 Willoughby, Westel Woodbury An examination of the nature of the state; a study in polit- ical philosophy 448p.O N.Y.Macmillan, 1896 320.1 W68 517 Willson, Marcius Manual of information and suggestions for object lessons in a course "of elementary instruction . . . Ed.4 336p. D N.Y.Harper,1882«62 372.3 W68 WILMINGTON (Delaware) Ferris, Benjamin History of Wilmington (see his History of the original settlements on the Delaware 1846 p.192-251) 975.1 F41 Montgomery, Euzabeth Eeminiscences of Wilmington in familiar village tales, ancient and new 1851 975.1 M76 Wilson, Andrew Manual of health science 238p. il.D Lond.Longmans,1885 613.07 W67 Wilson, Sir Charles Lord Clive 221p.por.D Lond.Macmillan,1890 (English men of ac- tion) B C61 Wilson, Edmund Beecher and Sedgwick, W:T. General biology 1886 570.7 Se2 Wilson, Ella Callsta Pedagogues and parents 290p.D N.Y.Holt,1904 372a W69 Wilson, George Five gateways of knowledge Ed.7 127p.D Lond.Macnullan,1881 152 W69 Wilson, Henry Bristow Schemes of Christian comprehension (in Oxford essays 1857 p.94-128) 824.89 0x2 WILSON, JAMES 1805-1860 Bagehot, Wal- ter Memoir of the right honourable James Wilson (in Bagehot, Walter Lit- erary studies 1895 v.3,p.304-357) 824.89 B14 Wilson, James and Fiske, John ed. Appleton's cyclopedia of American biography 1886 '87,1900 R9 Ap5 Wilson, James Grant ed. Great commanders Wilson, James Maurice On teaching natural sci- ence in schools (see Farrar, F:W: Es- says on a liberal education 1868 p.241- 291) 370.4- F24 WILSON, JOHN (CHRISTOPHER NORTH pseud.) 1785-1854 Gordon, Mrs Mary (Wilson) ed. Christopher North, a memoir of John Wilson "=1863 B W69 Griswold, H. T. Christopher North (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great au- thors 1894 p.85-93) 9 G87 Noctes ambrosianse . . . New ed. enl. with memoirs and notes by R. S. Mackenzie 5v. por.O N.Y.Worthington,«1863 828.79 W69 DeQuincby; Thomas Professor Wilson (see DeQuincey, Thomas Biographical and his- torical essays "1853 '77 p.392-407) 824.81 D44 Sketch of Professor Wilson (see DeQuin- cey, Thomas Narrative and miscellaneous papers '1854 '77 p.453-492) 824.81 D44n Saintsbury, G:E:B. Wilson (see Saints- bury, G:E:B. Essays in English literature 1890 p.270-303) 824.8 Sa2 Wilson, John Matthias and Fowler, Thomas Prin- ciples of morals 2v.O Oxf.Clarendon press,1886-87 170 W69 Wilson, Mrs Lucy Langdon (Williams) ed. Handbook of domestic science and house- hold arts . . . 407p.il.D N.Y.Macmil- lan,1900 640 W69 Nature study in the elementary school, a man- ual for teachers 262p.il.pl.D N.Y.Maemil- lan,1897 (3 copies) 507 W69 Wilson, Mary E. tr. Compayre, Gabriel In- tellectual and moral development of the child 1896 150.1 C73 WILSON, RICHARD 1714-1782 Cunning- ham, Allan Richard Wilson (see Cun- ningham, Allan Great English painters 1886 p.151-165) 9 C91 Wilson, Woodrow George Washington . . . 333p.il.por.pl.map,0 N.Y.Harper,1897«96 B W27w Division and reunion, 1829-1889 326p.maps, S N.Y.Longman8,1893 (Epochs of American history) 973 W69 The state; elements of historical and practical politics; a sketch of institutional history and administration 686p.D Bost.Heath, 1889 350.9 W69 State and federal governments of the United States . . . 131p.D Bost.Heath,1891«89 R350.9 W69 Wilstach, John Augustine tr. Vieoil Works 1884'=83 873.1 V81 Wiltse, Sarah Eliza Myths and motherplays Sop.il.O Springfield (Mass), 1895 392.21 W71 Place of the story in early education and other essays 132p.D Bost,Ginn,1892 (2 co- pies) 372b W71 WIL WIL 518 ed, Eondergarten stories and morning talks 212p.D Bost.Ginn,190ia890 372.21 W71 ed. Select 1874 '75 '76 822.08 D66 "Wily beguiled (in Dodsley, Eobert collection of old English plays v.9,p.219-330) Winch, William H. Notes on German schools with special relation to curriculum and methods of teaching 264p.D Lond.Long- mans,1904 379.43 W72 Winchell, Alexander Shall we teach geology? a discussion of the proper place of geology in modem education 217p.D Chic.Griggs, 1889 550.7 W72 Walks and talks in the geological field; revised and edited by Frederick Starr 353p.il.pl. D Meadville (Pa) ,Chautauqua-Century press, 1898 {Chautauqua reading circle letera- ture) 550.4 W72 Winchester, C. T. an-d Kittredge, G:L. ed. Athen^um press series WINCHESTER Kitchin, G:W: Winchester 1890 {Historic towns) 942 K64 L 'Estrange, A. G. K. Eoyal Winchester; wanderings in and about the ancient capital of England 1889 914.22 L56 WINCHESTER COLLEGE Leach, A. E. His- tory of Winchester college 1899 373.42 L46 Windelband, Wilhelm History of philosophy; with especial reference to the formation and development of its problems and conceptions ... tr. by J. H. Tufts 659p.O N.Y. Macmillan,1893 109 W72 Winners in life's race ley) Fisher, Mrs A. B. (Buck- 596 F53 Winship, Albert E. Great American educators with chapters on American education 252p. il.por.D N.Y.Werner school book co,'1900 B39 W73 Contents: — Horace Mann; Mary Lyon; David P. Page; Henry Barnard; J. D. Phil- brick; Newton Bateman; Edward A. Shel- don; James P. Wickersham; Founders and benefactors of American colleges; Histori- cal sketch of American education Horace Mann, the educator lOlp.por.O Bost. New England publishing co,1896 (2 copies) B37 M31w Winsor, Justin Cartier to Frontenac; geograph- ical discovery in the interior of North Amer- ica in its historical relations, 1534-1700 379p.il.O Bost.Houghton,1894 970 W73 Mississippi basin; the struggle in America be- tween England and France, 1697-1763 . . . 484p.maps,0 Bost.Houghton,1895 973.2 W73 ed. Narrative and critical history of America 8v.il.por.pl.maps,facsim.Q Bost.Houghton, 1889 970 W73 Reader 's handbook of the American revolution, 1761-1783 328p.D Bost.Houghton,1880 <=79 • 973.3 W73 Winter, Alexander New York state reformatory in Elmira; original English edition with a preface by Havelock Ellis 168p.D Lond. Sonnenschein,1891 {Social science series) 364 W73 Winter, William Life and art of Edwin Booth New ed. enl. 437p.por.T N.Y.Macmillan, 1896^93 B B64 English rambles and other fugitive pieces in prose and verse New ed. enl. 173p.D Bost.Osgood,1884 914.2 W73 Shakespeare's England Macmillan,1893'92 254p.il.por.D N.Y. 914.2 W73 Winter sunshine Burroughs, John 814.41 B94wi Winterburn, Florence Hull From the child's standpoint; views of child-life and nature 278p.por.D N.Y.Baker-Taylor co, "=1899 372b W73 WINTHROP, JOHN 1588-1649 Twichell, J. H. John Winthrop 1892«91 {Mak- ers of America) B W73 Wirt, William Sketches of the life and charac- ter of Patrick Henry Ed. 5 443p.por.O N.Y.McElrath,1832 B H39w Wise, John Sergeant 1846- End of an era 474p.O Bost.Houghton,1899 B W75 WITCHCRAFT Lowell, J. R. Witchcraft {in his Literary essays 1892 '94«64 '90 v.2,p.313-398) 814.39 L95Ii See also Demonology; Superstition With friend and book in the study and the fields Rees, J. R. 828 R25 With trumpet and drum Field, Eugene 811.49 F45w 619 Withers, H. S. Teaching of history in England in the nineteenth century (see Roberts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.106-120) 370.4 R54 Withers, John William Euclid's parallel postu- late; its nature, validity and place in ge- ometrical systems 192p.O Chic.Open court publishing co,1905 513 W77 WOHLER, FRIEDRICH 1800-1882 Thorpe, T. E. Friedrich Wohler (see Thorpe, T:E: Essays in historical chemistry 1894 p.236-257) 540.9 T39 WOLF, FRIEDRICH AUGUST 1759-1824 Pat- TisoN, Mark F. A. Wolf (t?i Pattison, Mark Essays 1889 v.l,p.337-414) 824.89 P27 WOLFE, JAMES 1727-1759 Bradley, A". G. Wolfe 1895 (English men of action) B W83 Park MAN, Francis Montcalm and Wolfe 1885<=84 973.2 P23m Wolf ert 's roost Irving, Washington Wolf ert 's roost (in his Sketch book n.d. pt.3) 817.24 Ir8s WOLSEY, THOMAS 1471 (?) -1530 cardinal Creighton, Mandell Cardinal Wolsey 1891''88'91 (Twelve English statesmen) B W83 WOMAN Ames, Azel, jr Sex in industry; a plea for the working girl 1875 9 Am3 Bayles, G:J. Woman and the law 1901 396 B34 Bryce, James Position of women (see his Social institutions of the United States 1892«91 p.128-146) 304 B84 Buckle, H:T. Influence of women on the progress of knowledge (see Buckle, H:T: Essays 1887 p.163-209) 824.89 B85 Emerson, R. W. Woman (see his Miscel- lanies 1893^78 '83 p.325-356) 814.36 Em3m Gould, Sabine Baring- Women (see his Germany, present and past n.d. p.l27- 174) • 914.3 G73 HiGGiNSON, T:W. Common sense about wo- men 1894'-81 396 H53 Jevons, W:S. Married women in factories (see his Methods of social reform 1883 p.156-179) 304 J53 Marholm, Laura Studies in the psychologj of woman 1899 396 M33 Meyer, Mrs Annie (Nathan) Woman's work in America 1891 396 M57 Paine, H. E. (Eliza Chester pseud.) Girls and women 1891 (Riverside library for young people) 374 P16 Stanley, Maude Clubs for working girls 1890 331.8 St2 Stanton, Theodore ed. Woman question in Europe 1884 396 St2 See also Celibacy; Dress; Domestic science; Jews; Marriage; Nurses and nursing; Queens; Sex; Shakespere, William Biography Egle, W:H: Some Pennsylvania women during the war of the revolution 1898 973.3 Eg5 Ellet, Mrs E.. F. (Lummis) Women of the American revolution '1900 9 E15 Imbert de Saint-Amand, a. L. baron Women of the Valois court 1893 (Fa- vious women of the French court) 9 Im2 Women of Versailles; court of Louis XIV 1893 9 Im2w Women of Versailles; court of Louis XV 1893 9 Im2wo Women of Versailles; last years of Louis XV 1893 9 Im2wom Jameson, Mrs A.. B. (Murphy) Memoirs of the loves of the poets 1892 9 J23m See also Queens Education Gadesden, F. Education of girls and the de- velopment of girls ' high schools (see Rob- erts, R. D. ed. Education in the 19th century 1901 p.82-105) 370.4 R54 Pfieffer, Mrs Emily 1888 Women and work 376 P47 SiDGwiCK, Mrs Henry Higher education of women (see Roberts, R. D. ed. Educa- tion in the 19th century 1901 p.201-209) 370.4 R54 WOM WOM 520 Starret, H. E. Letters to a daughter and a little sermon to school-girls 1892 376 St2 See also Nurses and nursing Woman is a weather-cock Field, Nathaniel (in Dodsley, Eobert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.ll, p.1-86) 822.08 D66 p.337-411) (see Nero and other plays n.d. 822.39 N35 Woman never vexed Rowley, William (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old . English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l2,p.85-202) 822.08 D66 Woman will have her will Haughton, William Englishmen for my money; or, A woman will have her will (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l0,p.469-564) 822.08 D66 Woman's share in primitive culture Mason, O. T. 901 M38 Wood, Sir Evelyn Crimea in 1854 and 1894 . . . 400p.il.poT,maps,O Lond.Chapman,1895 947 W85 Wood, Horatio 0. Brain-work and overwork 126p.T Phil.Blakiston,1882«80 (Ameri- can health primers) 613.8 W85 Wood, George B. Early history of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania from its origin with supplementary chapters by F. D. Stone to 1827 Ed.3 275p.por.D Phil.Lippincott, 1896 378.748 W85 Wood, John George Homes without hands; be- ing a description of the habitations of ani- mals, classed according to their principle of construction New ed. 632p.O Lond. Longmans,1892 590 W85 Man and his handiwork 659p.il.D Lond. Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1886 901 W85 ed. Rennie, James Insect architecture 1888 595.7 R29 WOOD CARVING Leland, C:G. Manual of wood carving 1891 736 L53 See also Decoration and ornament; Sloyd WOOD ENGRAVING Conway, W:M. Wood- cutters of the Netherlands in the 15th cent- ury 1884 761 C76 Woodberry, G:E: History of wood-engrav- ing 1883'=82 761 W85 WOOD WORKING Boston— Industrial school association Wood working tools; how to use them ISSS-^Sl 694 B65 See also Wood carving Woodberry, George Edward Edgar Allen Poe 354p.por.D Bost.Houghton,1892<'85 (Amer- ican men of letters) B P75 History of wood-engraving 221p.il.O N.Y. Harper,1883'=82 761 W85 Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the 15th century Conway, S'tVWiM. 761 C76 Wood magic Jeffries, J:R: 823.89 J35w Woodes, Nathaniell Conflict of conscience (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.6,p.29-142) 822.08 D66 WoodhuU, John F. First course in science 2v. il.D N.Y.Holt,! 893 535 W89 Contents: — v. 1 Book of experiments v. 2 Text-book ed. Salmon, David Longman's object les- sons 1892 372.3 Sa3 Woodman, Alpheus Grant and Richards, Mrs E. H. (Swallow) Air, water and food from a sanitary standpoint 1904^^00 613 R39 Woods See Forests and forestry Woods, Eobert Archey Social awakening in London (see Woods, R. A. and others Poor in great cities 1895 p.1-41) 331.8 W86 and others Poor in great cities; their prob- lems and what is being done to solve them 400p.il.pl.O N.Y.Scribner,1895 331.8 W86 Woods, Robert Southey English social move- ments 277p.D N.Y.Scribner,1891 331.8 W86 WOODSTOCK Ballard, Adolphus Chronicles of the royal borough of Woodstock 1896 942.5 B21 Woodward, Calvin Milton Manual training in education 307p.il.D Lond.Scott,1890 '92 (Contemporary science series) 607 W87 Woodward, Robert S. and Merriam, Mansfield ed. Higher mathematics 1896 510.7 M55 Woodward, William Harrison A short history of the expansion of the British empire, 1500- 521 1870 326p.map8,D Cambridge university pre8s,1899 (Cambridge series for schools and training colleges) 325 WS? Vittorino da Feltre and other humanist educa- tors; an introduction to the history of clas- sical education 256p.pl.D Cambridge university press,1897 370.9 W87 WOOLMAN, JOHN 1720-1772 Whittier, J:Ct. John Woolman's journal (in Whittier, J: G. Prose works 1893'66'83 v.3,p.315- 359) 814.39 W61 Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey See Coolidge, Susan pseud. Woolsey, Theodore Dwight Communism and so- cialism in their history and theory , . . 309p.D N.Y.Scribner,1888'^80 335 W88 and others First century of the republic; a review of American progress 506p.il.Q N.Y.Harper,1876 973 W88 Political science; or, The state; theoretically and practically considered 2v.O N.Y. Seribner,188o<^77 320 "W88 Worcester, Joseph Emerson ed. Dictionary of the English language; with supplement . . . New ed. 1990p.il.por.Q Phil.Lippincott, 1 883*^59 '81 E423 W89a World and the child, The (in Dodsley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 76 v.l,p.239-275) 822.08 D66 World and the individual Royce, Josiah 110 R81 WORDS Fernald, J. C. Connectives of Eng- ^ lish speech 1904 428 F39 On the use of words '1879 (Ma7iuals for teachers) 428.3 On! OsMUN, T:E The verbalist 1883'-81 428.8 Os5 Trench, R:C'. English, past and present 1889 422 T72 On the study of words 1882 422 T72o AVhite, R:G. Words and their uses, past and present, a study of the English language 1883«70 422 W58 /See also Language; Pronunciation; Rhetor- ic; Spelling Words and places Taylor, Isaac 929.4 T21 Wordsworth, Cliristopher Scholae academicae; some account of the studies at the English universities in the 18th century 435p.O Cambridge university press,1877 378.42 W89 WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM 1770-1850 Gris- WOLD, H. T. William Wordsworth (see Griswold, H. T. Home life of great au- thors 1894'86 p.43-53) 9 G88 Myers, F:W:H: Wordsworth n.d. (Eng- lish men of letters) B B93 Bound with lives of Bums by J:C. Shalrp and of Coleridge by H:D. Traill Complete poetical works 928p.por.O Lond. Macmillan,1893 821.71 W89 \rxold, Matthew Wordsworth (in Ar- nold, Matthew Essays in criticism 1883 '96 v.2,p.l22-162) 824.85 Ar6e Bagehot, Walter Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Browning; or, Pure, ornate, and gro- tesque art in English poetry (in Bagehot, Walter Literary studies 1895 v.2, p.326-381) 824.89 B14 Church, R:W: William Wordsworth (see Church, R:W: Dante and other essays 1901=1888 p.193-219) 824.89 C47 DeQuincey, Thomas On Wordsworth 's po- etry (see DeQuincey, Thomas Literary criticism '1853 '76 p.495-531) 824.81 D441 DowDEN, Edward Prose works of Words- worth (see Dowden, Edward Studies in literature 1892 p.122-158) 804 D75 Jeffrey, Francis Wordsworth (see Jeff- rey, Francis Selections from his essays 1894 p.105-120) 824.73 J37 Selections with notes; ed. by A. J. George 434p.D Bost.Heath,1889 821.71 W89 Lowell, J. R. Wordsworth (in LoweU, J. R. Literary essays 1892 '94'^G4 '90 v.4, p.354-415) 814.39 L95U Wordsworth and the Coleridges Yarnall, Ellis 828 Y2 Work See Labor and laboring classes Work and days Emerson, R. W. (see his So- ciety and solitude 1893'^70'83 p.149-177) 814.36 Em3s World and its people; ed. by Larkin Dunton COE, F. E. Modern Europe 1899"'92 914 C65 WOR WOR 522 Kellogg, Mrs E. M. (Crosby) Australia and the islands of the sea 1900=1897 910 K28 Knapp, Adeline Story of the Philippines ei902 919.1 K72 Seabury, J. B. Porto Rico "1903 917.29 Sel Smith, M.. C. Life in Asia "=1897 915 Sm5 World as will and idea Schopenhauer, Arthur 193.7 Sch6 World of green hills, A Torrey, Bradford 917.56 T63 World of the great forest Du Chaillu, P. B. 590 D85 World politics at the end of the nineteenth century Reinsch, P. S: 327 E2 7 World's epoch makers. The; ed. by W:H: O. Smeaton Hudson, W:H: Rousseau and naturalism in life and thought 1903 B E76 World's fair See Chicago — Columbian exhibi- tion World's parliament of religions Barrows, J:H: M 206 B27 Worlds, Plurality of See Plurality of worlds Wormell, R. ed. See Manuals of technology Wornum, Ralph Nicholson Analysis of orna- ment; the characteristics of styles; an in- troduction to the study of the history of ornamental art Ed.7 190p.il.Q Lond. Chapman,1882 729.5 W85 WORSHIP Emerson, R.W. Worship (see his Conduct of Ufe 1893<'60 '88 p.191-230) 814.36 Em3 See also Hymns; Prayer Worst, Edward F. Construction work; its rela- tion to number, literature, history and nat- ure work 107p.il.D Chic.Mumford,1901 372.3 W89 Worthington, E:S. The tocsin; our children in peril 102p.D N.Y.Broadway publishing co,'=1903 377 W89 Wotton, Sir Henry Poems from the reliquise Wottonianse (see Raleigh, Sir Walter Po- ems 1892 p.85-122) 821.3 R13 Wounds of civil war Lodge, Thomas (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.7,p.97-197) 822.08 D66 Wright, Ellzur tr. Fables 1903 La Fontaine, Jean de 841.45 L13 Wright, George Frederick Ice age in North America; and its bearings upon the an- tiquity of man 622p.il.pl.maps,0 N.Y. Appleton,1889 551.31 W93 Wright, James Historia histrionica (in Dods- ley, Robert ed. Select collection of old English plays 1874 '75 '76 v.l5,p.398- 455) 822.08 D66 Wright, John Henry tr. Collignon, Maxime Manual of Greek archaeology 1886 709.38 C69 Wright, Mrs Mabel Osgood Birdcraft; a field book of two hundred song, game, and water birds 313p.pl.O N.Y.Macmillan,1895 598.2 W93 Four footed Americans and their kin 432p.il. pl.D N.Y.Macmillan,1898 599 W93 and Cones, Elliott Citizen bird; scenes from bird-life in plain English for beginners 430p.il.D N.Y.Macmillan,1897 598.2 W93e Flowers and ferns in their haunts 358p,il. pl.O N.Y.Macmillan,1901 580 W93 Wright, Marcus Joseph General Scott 349p. por.maps,D N.Y.Appleton,1894'^93 (Great commanders) B Sco8 Wright, Robert Memoir of General James Ogle- thorpe; one of the earliest reformers of prison discipline in England and the founder of Georgia in America 414p.maps,0 Lond.Chapman,1867 B Og5w Wright, Thomas The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon; a history of the early inhabitants of Britain Ed.3,enl. 562p.il.pl.map,D Phil. Lippincott,1875 913.42 W93 ed. Political poems and songs, relating to English history; composed during the period from the accession of Edward III to Rich- ard II 2v.Q Lond.Longmans,1859 942.03 W93 Polo, Marco Travels 1892 915 P76 Wright, William A. and Clark, W:G: Shak- spere, William Works 1878 822.33 Shlw Writers See Authors Wundt, Wilhelm Max Ethics; an investigation of the facts and laws of the moral life; tr. 588 bj E:B. Titchener, J. H. Gulliver and M. F. Washburn 3v.O Lond.Sonnen8chein,1897 170 W96 Contents: — v. 1 Introduction; Facts of moral life V. 2 Ethical systems Wyatt, Sir Thomas Poetical works; ed. with memoir by James Yeowell 243p.por.D Lond.BeU,1894 (Aldine edition of the Brit- ish poets) 821.27 W97 Wy Charley, William Plays; ed. by W. C.Ward 508p.por.D Lond.Unwin,n.d. (Mermaid series Best plays of the old dramatists) 822.44 W97 WYCLIF, JOHN 1324(t)-1384 Lobd, John John Wyclif (in Lord, John Beacon lights of history «1883'96 v.2,p.431-467) 904 L88 Sergeant, Lewis John Wyclif; last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers 1893^92 (Heroes of the nations) B W97 Marsh, G: P. Wycliffe and Ms school (see Marsh, G:P. Origin and history of the EngUsh language 1885*62 p.339-378) 420.9 M35o Poole, R. L. Wycliffe and movements for reform n.d. (Epochs of church history) 274 P78 See also Lollards X X BAYS Barker, G:F: ed. SinA tr. Roentgen rays; memoirs by Roentgen, Stokes, and J. J. Thomson 1899''98 (Harper's scientific memoirs) 530 B24 Xenophon Anabasis; or, Expedition of Cyrus and the Memorabilia of Socrates; literally tr. by J:S. Watson with a geographical com- mentary by W:F. Ainsworth 518p.por.D Lond.BeU,1891 888.3 X2 Cyropaedia; or, Institution of Cyrus and the Hellenics; or, Grecian history; UteraUy tr. from the Greek by J:S. Watson and Henry Dale . . . 579p.D Lond.Bell,1886 888.3 X2c 430(?)-357(?)B.C. Watson, J:S. Bio- graphical notice of Xenophon (see Xen- ophon Cyropffidia 1886 p.5-16,pref.) 888.3 X2 Dakyns, H:G. Xenophon (see Abbott, Evelyn Hellenica 1880 p.324-386) 880.4 Ab2 YALDEN, THOMAS 1671-1736 Johnson, Samuel Yalden (in Johnson, Samuel Lives of the poets pref.1896 v.4,p.99- 106) 9 J62 YALE UNIVERSITY Hadley, A. T. Yale problems, past and present (see his Edu- cation of the American citizen 1902 p.210-231) 320 Hill Yale university (see Four American uni- versities 1895 p.45-91) 378.744 F82 Yamall, Ellis Wordsworth and the Coleridges; with other memories, literary and political 331p.O N.Y.Macmman,1899 828 Y2 Year after the Armada Hume, M. A. S. 946 H88y Year in the field's, A Burroughs, John 814.41 B94y Yeats, W. B. ed. Fairy and folk tales of the Irish peasantry 326p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. 398.3 Y3 YELLOW FEVER Carey, Matthew Short ac- count of the maUgnant fever in Philadel- phia, 1793 1794 614.49 C18 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Stod- dard, J:L. Yellowstone national park (in his Lectures 1898*97 v.l0,p.205- 304) 910 St6 YEL YOG 524 YOGA VivakAmanda, SwAmi Vedanta phil- osophy; lectures on the Raja Yoga 1897 181.4 V83 Yonge, Charlotte Mary Book of golden deeds of all times and all lands 454p.D N.Y. Macminan,1882 (Golden treasury series) 9 Y8 History of France 122p.S N.Y.Appleton, 1882 (History primers) 944 Y8h History of France; ed. by E:A:Freeman 247p.S N.Y,Holt,n.d. (Historical course for schools) 944 Y8 Yonge, Charles Duke Life of Sir Walter Scott 206p.D Lond.Scott,n.d. (Great writers) B Sco8y Contains a bibliography YORK Raine, James York 1893 (Historic towns) 942 R13 York plays Smith, L.. T. ed. 822 Sm5 York road, The Hotehkin, S:F. 974.81 H79 YORKSHIRE Lefroy, W:C. The ruined ab- beys of Yorkshire 1891 914.27 L52 Yorktown campaign and the surrender of Corn- wallis Johnston, H:P. 973.3 J64 Youmans, Edward Livingstone Observations on the scientific study of human nature (see his Culture demanded by modern life 1881 '67 p.371-411) 375.5 Y8 ed. Culture demanded by modern life; a series of addresses and arguments on the claims of scientific education 473p.O N.Y.Appleton,1881'^67 375.5 Y8 Contents : — Preface ; Introduction ; Mental discipline in education; Prof Tyndall on the study of physics; Prof Henfrey on the study of botany; Prof Huxley on the study of zoology; Dr James Paget on the study of physiology; Dr Faraday on the education of the judgment; Dr Whewell on the educa- tional history of science; Dr Hodgson on the study of economic science; Mr Herbert Spenser on political education; Dr Barnard on early mental training; Prof Liebig on the development of scientific ideas; E:D. You- mans on the scientific study of human nat- ure; Appendix Young American, The young American ses and lectures Emerson, R. W. The (see his Nature, addres- 1893'=55'83 p.341-372) 814.36 Em3na Young, Arthur Travels in France . . . 1787, 1788, 1789 ... ed. by Miss Betham-Ed- wards Ed.4,enl. 366p.por.D Lond.Bell, 1892 914.4 Y8 YOUNG, EDWARD UEL Young of the poets 1681-1765 Johnson, Sam- (in Johnson, Samuel Lives pref.1896 v.6,p.87-150) 9 J62 Young, Jennie J. Ceramic art; a compedium of the history and manufacture of pottery and porcelain . . . 499p.il.O N.Y.Harper, 1879=78 738 Y8 YOUTH Farrell, Joseph About youth (see his Lectures of a certain professor 1877 p.311-325) 824.89 F24 Zeller, Eduard Outlines of the history of Greek philosophy; tr, by S.. F. AUeyne and Evelyn Abbott 363p.D N.Y.Holt,1886 109 Z3 Plato and the older academy; tr. from the German by S.. F. Alleyne and Alfred Good- win 629p.D Lond.Longmans,1876 184.1 Z3 Socrates and the Socratic schools; tr. from the 3d German by O. J. Reichel Ed.3,enl. 410p.D Lond.Longman8,1885 183.2 Z3 Zimmern, Alice Methods of education in the United States 178p.D Lond.Sonnen- schein,1894 379.73 Z6 Zimmern, Helen Hansa towns 389p.il.map,D N.Y.Futnam,1889 (Story of the nations) 943 Z6 ed. Reynolds, Sir Joshua Discourses 1887 704 R33 tr. Lewes, Lo'uis Women of Shakespeare 1895 822.33 L58 525 Zimdorf, Henry Some Jewish womeu; tr. from the German 280p.D Phil.Jewish publica- tion society of America,! 892 9 Z6 Zoological mythology See Animal legends ZOOLOGY Agassiz, J. L:R. Methods of study in natural history 1892'63 590.7 Agl OuK living world n.d. R590 Ou7 BUCKLAND, F. T. tory 1890 Curiosities of natural his- 590 B85 CoLTON, B. P. Elementary course in practical zoology 1886 591 C72 Cooper, Sarah Animal life in the sea and on the land 1887 590 C78 Hooker, Worthington Natural history 1885 '86 590.7 H76 Holder, C:F: Marvels of animal life 1885 590.4 H71 Huxley, T:H: On the method of studying zoology {see Youmans, E:L. Culture de- manded by modern life 1881 '67 p.ll7- 145) 375.5 Y8 Ingersoll, Ernest Country cousins 1884 590 In4 Jones, T:E. Animal creation n.d. 590 J71 MoNTMAHOU, C. Di and Beauregard, H. Course in zoology 1893*92 590.7 M76 Morse, E:S. First book in zoology 1879=75 590 M83 Nicholson, H: A. Manual of zoology 1888 590.7 N52 Orton, James Comparative zoology 1886 '76 '83 590.7 0r8 Packard, A. 8. Zoology 1883*79 {Amer- ican science series; advanced course) 590.7 P12 Zoology 1887 {American science series; briefer course) 590.7 P12z PouLTON, E:B. Colours of animals 1890 {International scientific series) 591 P86 Thomson, J. A. Study of animal life 1892 {University extension manuals) 590.7 T38 Wood, J:G: Homes without hands 1892 590 W85 See also Animals; Aquarium; Biology; Birds; Color of animals; Domestic animals; Embryology; Evolution; Fishes; Heredity; Insects; Instinct; Invertebrates; Man; Microscopy; Natural history; Paleontology; Psychology, Comparative; Species; Verte- brates Marine Emerton, J. H. Life on our seashore «1880 592 Em3 Romanes, G: J: Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea- urchins 1885 {International scientific 593.2 R66 series) Heilprin, Angelo shore 1888 Kingsley, Charles ders of the shore Animal life of our sea- 592 H36 Glaucus; or, The won- 1881 592 K61 Zoopraxography See Animals — Locomotion ZOROASTER Bruce, A. B. Zoroaster Dualism {see Bruce, A. B. Moral order of the world 1899 p.34-65) 214 B83 OF '^^ OF I U /^ / M 1 2035^-1 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY