'^..^^^ ^^ ^3c f tbtis ^tu\\(iff THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF William F. Freehoff, Jr. DEBRETT'S BARONETAGE ENGLAND Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/debrettsbaronetaOOdebrrich DEBRETT'S BARONETAGE OF ENGLAND; AVITH ALPHABETICAL LISTS OF SUCH BARONETCIES AS HAVE MERGED IN THE PEERAGE, OR HAVE BECOME EXTINCT. AND ALSO OF ^^t existing baronets of l^Toba Scotia an"0 Urelanti. SEVENTH edition: CAREFULLY REVISED THROUGHOUT; WITH A NEW SET OF COATS OF ARftlS, FllO.M DRAWINGS BY HARVEV. IE t^GKAVI.^GS PRIMtO EY EDITED BY WILLIAM COURTHOPE, ESQ. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. G. & F. RIVINGTON ; J. AND \V. T. CLARKE; LONGMAN AND CO.; T. CADELL ; JOHN RICHARDSON; BALDWIN AND CRADOCK; S. BAGSTER; J. BOOKER; J. BOOTH; HATCH ARD AND son; r. scholey; Hamilton and co.; sherwood and co. ; parbury and CO.; simpkin and Marshall; e. lloyd; w. mason; w. Pickering; t. and \v, BOONE ; J. hearne; e. hodgson ; and houlston and son. MDCCCXXXV GIFT (i. MUUUFALI,, rK.lNli:K, ANCJliL COLar, SKiNNKll Sllllil/r, LONUUiN c Q. ; f ^ /I ADVERTISEMENT. The long established reputation of Debrett's Baronetage, and the extensive patronage it has been uniformly honoured with, render it unne- cessary for the Proprietors, in offering the present Edition to the Public, to say more than that the Editor, under whose superintendence the last Edition of the Peerage was published, has taken equal pains as with that Work, and spared neither time nor trouble in the endeavour to render the present Edition as accurate as far as the nature of a Work involving so many dates, and to be obtained from such a variety of sources, would permit ; amongst other improvements, the correct dates of the patents have been uniformly ascertained, and the Baronets placed in strict order of precedency. The Proprietors have to return their grateful thanks to those Baronets (too numerous to be individually mentioned) who were kind enough to honour their circular letter of enquiries with an answer. They most re- spectfully entreat a continuance of similar favours, for, though industry and application may collect the history of past generations from other sources, the present state of families can be furnished only by the existing members of the families themselves. On the subject of Communications, the Editor sohcits most earnestly, and wiU receive with the utmost thankfulness, any information (authenti- cated by a signature) relative to the present state of the families which form the subject of this work ; correct dates of births, marriages, and deaths ; and, more especially, the Christian names of children. Where a communi- cation may refer to the origin or earlier genealogy of a family, he will give it his best attention ; but he must be allowed to compare it with such other authorities on the same subject as he has access to, and finally to exercise his own discretion as to using it or not. *»* Address to the Editor, under cover to Messrs. Rivington, Waterloo Place, or St. Paul's Church Yard ; or to any other of the Publishers. 548 PREFACE, The title of Baronet is an hereditary dignity, intermediate in rank between the Peerage and Knighthood. The Order was founded by King James the First in 1611, and owes its origin to the laudable anxiety of that monarch for the settlement and civilization of Ireland. That country, during nearly the whole reign of his predecessor, had been desolated by wars of the most remorseless description ; the rebels, or native Irish, were at length com- pletely subdued by Elizabeth, but so late in her reign that the task of civiliz- ing the people she had conquered, of reconciling them to laws and industry, of rendering their obedience durable, and their subjection useful to the crown of England, devolved entirely on her successor. In this work, ac- cording to Hume, King James proceeded by so steady, regular, and well connected a plan, that in the short space of nine years he made more ad- vances towards the reformation of that kingdom than had been made in the four hundred and forty years which had elapsed since the conquest of it was first attempted. The province of Ulster had been particularly depopulated during the wars, and its whole proprietorship vested in the crown by the attainder and forfeiture of the rebels : for its settlement, English adventurers were en- couraged to go over, grants of land were made to them, and to any English- man who would undertake to maintain thirty soldiers there for three years, at the rate of 8d. per day, and to remit the first year's pay into the English Treasury, the degree of BARONET was held out as an honorary reward, with a solemn undertaking on the part of the Sovereign that neither he nor his successors would at any time in future institute a degree of hereditary dignity that should intervene between the Baronets and the Peerage of the realm. To mark more strongly the object of this Institution, every Baronet was authorized to add in a canton or escocheon on the armorial bearings of his family the arms of the province of Ulster, being " a sinister hand, couped at the Avrist gules," or, as it has since been more familiarly termed, the bloody hand. At the first institution of the Order, its numbers were limited to 200 ; and its members carefully selected from the most wealthy and distinguished famiUes of landed gentry. In subsequent periods, although landed pro- perty and interest has always been much regarded in these promotions, many other considerations, arising out of the circumstances of the times and the progress of society, have been allowed to direct the royal favour. In the reign of the first Charles it was at once the stimulus and reward of devoted loyalty ; by his son, it was often bestowed as an honorary recom- pense for suflferings and attachment, on which he was unable or unwilling to confer more solid remuneration. As the commerce of our country in- creased, the wealthy and distinguished JMerchant learned to look forward to it as the well earned meed of long continued and successful industry. In the latter, we have seen it associated with all that was eminent in science, respectable in wealth, or distinguished in public service, whether civil or military ; the man who scorning, even in youth, the allurements of riches, braved the dangers of every clime in the pursuit of science, and dedicated his whole after-life to its promotion ; the profound and upright dispenser of the Laws ; the Physician who arrested the progress, or soothed the pains a2 IV PREFACE. of disease ; the Philosopher who subjected to chains the element of fire ; and the Poet whose genius has shed a lustre on the literature of his times, will be found, associated with the Heroes of the Nile, of Trafalgar, and of Waterloo, and with the statesmen whose exertions at home sustained and directed the efforts of the warrior, and supplied the means of victory, in the list of Baronets created by his late Majesty, and his Royal Father. The rank and precedence of Baronets is immediately after the younger sons of Barons, and before all Knights, whether of the Orders or Knights Bachelors, except Knights of the Garter and Knights Bannerets created in open war under the Royal Banner displayed, the King himself, or the Prince of M^ales being present. Commoners, however, who are of His Majesty's Privy Council, the Chancellors of the Exchequer, and of the Duchy of Lancaster, the Judges, the Master of the Rolls, and the Vice- Chancellor take precedence of Baronets. The eldest son of a Baronet, until 19 Dec. 1827, might, on coming of age, claim the honour of Knighthood, by virtue of a clause in the Patent of Creation, inserted therein in pursuance of a provision of letters patent, granting, amongst other things, that privilege, which King James issued about a twelvemonth after the foundation of the Order. His late Ma- jesty, however, was pleased, by letters patent of the above-mentioned date, to revoke and annul those of King James so far as the said privilege is con- cerned, and to declare that in future no svich covenant should be inserted. Number of Baronets created since the foundation of the Order : — By James 1 205 Charles 1 253 Charles II 426 James. II 20 Wilham III 37 Anne 29 George 1 41 George II. . . 49 George III 469 George IV 55 William IV 38 1622 INDEX. Date. Abdy 1641 Abney-Hastings (late Hastings) 1806 Aclan'd, of Columb John 1677-8 (Fuller.Palmer) 1818 Acton (now Dalberg-Acton 1643-4 Affleck 1 782 Ainslie 1804 Alexander 1 809 Alleyne 1769 Amcotts (now Ingilby) 1796 Amyand (now Cornewall) ,.,..... 1764 Anderson, of Broughton 1660 , of Fermoy 1813 Anson c 1831 Anstmther 1798 Antrobus 1815 Apreece 1782 Arbuthnot 1823 Armytage 1738 Ashburnham 1661 Astlev, of Hill Morton 1660 '-, of Everley 1821 Aubrey 1660 Bacon, of Redgrave > 161 1 , of Mildenhall 1627 Baillie (now Mackenzie) 1819 , of Polkemmet 1823 Baird 1809 Baker, of Loventor 1776 , of Richmond 1796 (late Littlehales) 1802 Ball 1801 Baring 1793 Barlow 1803 Barrett -Lennard 1801 Barrington 1831 Barrow (now Crawley-Boevy) 1 784 , of Ulverstone 1835 Bateman (now Scott) 1806 Bateson 1818 Bathurst-Hervey 1818 Bayley 1834 Baynes 1801 Bayntun-Sandys 1809 Beach (Hicks) 1619 Beauchamp-Proctor 1744-5 Beaumont 1660-1 Page. PI. 61 5 324 37 75 7 395 49 73 7 219 23 318 36 351 42 192 19 272 22 185 18 96 9 361 43 433 56 279 30 383 47 221 23 420 53 170 16 108 10 83 7 406 51 93 8 40 S 1 402 50 423 54 343 40 208 21 274 29 299 33 288 31 255 27 306 34 290 32 440 57 227 24 449 59 332 39 400 50 394 49 446 58 290 32 348 41 20 2 171 16 101 9 vi INDEX. Bate. Becher 1831 Beckett 1813 Bedingfeld 1660-1 Beevor 1784 Bellingham 1 796 Beresfoid 1814 Bernard-Morland (late Bernard) 1769 Berney 1620 Biddulph 1664 Bi rch 1831 Bisshopp 1620 Blackett 1 673 Blackman (now Harnage) 1821 Blackwood 1814 Blair (Hunter) 1786 Blake, of Langham 1 772 , of Twisel Castle 1774 Blakiston 1763 Blane 1812 Blennerhassett 1809 Blois 1686 Blomefield 1807 Blount , 1642 Blunt 1720 Boevy (Crawley) 1784 Booth 1834 Boothby 1660 Borough 1813 Boswell ,. 1 821 Boughey-Fletcher (late Fletcher) 1798 Boughton (now Rouse-Boughton), of Lawford 1041 — ,of Rouse-Lench . . 1 791 Bowyer, of Denham Court 1660 , ofRadley 1794 (now Goring) 1 627 Boyd 1775 Boynton 1618 Brenton 1812 Bridges I7I8 Brisco 1782 Broadhead 1831 Brodie 1834 Broke ] 813 Bromhead 1806 Bromley (late Smith) 17o7 Brooke, of Norton 1662 , of Colebrooke 1822 (De Capell) 1803 Brooke-Pechell (late Pechell) 1797 Broughton 1 660- 1 Brownrigg 1JU6 Bruce, of Down Hill 1804 , of Dublin 1812 Brydges (Jones) 1807 , of Denton Court 1815 Buchan-Hej)burn (late Hepburn) 1815 Buckworth-Herne-Soame (late Buckworth) 1697 Bulkeley (Williams) 1661 Buller (now Yarde-Buller) 1790 Tage. PI. 437 57 365 44 99 9 232 24 271 29 371 45 191 19 23 2 124 11 438 57 24 • 2 136 12 417 53 373 46 238 25 193 19 201 20 184 18 357 43 347 41 145 13 335 39 69 6 162 15 227 24 449 59 89 8 366 44 407 51 281 30 56 I 5 248 ^ 84^ 256 S 8 39 4 205 21 18 2 356 43 161 15 221 23 441 57 448 58 363 44 323 37 177 17 121 11 419 53 303 34 274 30 105 9 388 48 316 36 356 42 333 39 384 47 377 46 151 14 HI 10 240 25 INDEX. Date. Bunbury 1681 Burdett, of Bramcote 1618-9 , of Burthwaite 1665 Burges (now Lamb) 1795 Burgo)Tie 1641 Burnaby 1767 Burrard (now Neale) 1769 , of Lymington 1807 Burrell (heretofore Raymond) 1774 Buxton 1 800 Call 1791 Calvert (now Verney) 1818 Cameron 1817 Campbell, of Succoth 1808 (colonel) 1815 (now Cockburn-Campbell) 1 821 , of New Brunswick. 1831 , of Carrick Buoy 1831 , of Barcaldine . .' 1831 Carew 1661 Carmichael-Smyth 1821 Cave 1641 Cayley 1661 Chad 1701 Chamberlain 1828 Champneys (now Mostyn-Champneys) 1 767 Chatterton 1 801 Chaytor r 1831 Chetwode 1700 Chetwynd 1795 Chichester, of Raleigh 1641 , of Greencastle 1821 Cholraeley 1806 Clarke, of Salford 1617 , of Ireland 1804 , of Dunham Lodge 1831 Clarke-Jervoise 1813 Clavering 1 661 Clayton, of IMorden 1731-2 -^ , of AdUngton 1774 Clerke 1660 Clifford (now Constable) 1815 Clifton 1611 Cockburn-Campbell (late Campbell) 1821 Cockerell 1809 Codrington 1721 Coffin 1804 Coghill s 1778 Colebrooke 1759 Colleton 1660-1 Colquhoun 1786 Colt 1693-4 Congreve 1812 Constable (late Clifford) 1815 Cooke 1661 Cooper ^ 1821 Coote 1774 Cope 1611 Page. Pi. 142 13 19 2 127 U 269 29 52 5 189 18 190 19 333 39 203 20 283 31 248 26 393 49 390 48 335 39 379 4« 405 51 434 56 438 57 442 57 112 10 413 52 49 5 106 9 251 27 430 55 188 18 292 32 437 56 152 14 259 28 57 5 416 53 325 37 18 2 316 36 445 58 367 44 109 10 166 15 198 20 89 8 378 46 4 1 405 51 348 41 163 15 315 35 211 22 181 17 100 9 233 25 150 14 352 42 378 46 107 10 414 52 198 20 8 1 viii INDEX. Date. Copley 1778 Corbet 1808 Cornewall (late Amyand) 1764 Cotterell 1 805 Cotton 1641 Cotton-Sheppard 1 809 Cradock-Hartopp (late Hartopp) 1796 Craig (Gibson) 1 83 1 Craufurd 1781 Crawley-Boevy (heretofore Barrow) 1784 Crewe (late Harpur) 1626 Croft, of Croft Castle 1671 , of Cowling Hall 1818 Crofton 1801 CuUum 1660 Cumming-Gordon 1804 Cunliffe 1759 Curtis, of Gatcombe 1 794 , of Cullands Grove 1802 Cuyler 1814 Dalberg-Acton (late Acton) 1643-4 Pallas 1798 Balling 1783 Dalrymple, of High Mark 1815 Dalrymple-Hay (late Hay) 1798 Dalrvmple-Horn-Elphinstone 1828 Darell 1795 Dashwood, of Northbrooke 1 684 Dash wood (now Dashwood-King) 1707 Davie 1641 De Bathe 1801 De Capell-Brooke. 1803 De Crespigny 1 805 Denvs 1813 Dering 1626 Dickson 1802 Dillon 1801 Dixie 1660 Dodsworth (late Smith) 1784 Dolben 1704 Domvile (Pocklington) 1815 Domville 1814 Douglas, of Carr 1777 , of Glenbervie 1831 (now Scott-Douglas) 1786 Doyle 1828 D'Oyley (now D'Oyly) 16G3 Drake (Fuller-Ehott) ... 1821 Drummond (late Forbes-Drummond) o 1828 Dryden 1795 Duckett (late Jackson) 1791 Duckworth 1813 Duff (now Duff-Gordon) 1813 Dukinfield 1005 Dunl):ir 1814 Dundas, of Richmond 1815 , of Beechwood 1821 Duntze * .* 1774 Tage. PI. 211 21 337 39 185 18 321 36 52 5 350 42 272 29 449 57 215 22 227 24 34 3 133 12 399 50 296 33 81 7 309 35 179 17 257 27 302 34 375 46 73 7 280 30 224 23 375 46 278 30 424 54 262 28 144 13 156 14 62 6 296 33 303 34 320 36 369 45 35 4 299 33 291 32 90 8 228 24 154 14 380 47 372 45 209 21 433 56 234 25 428 55 122 11 411 52 430 55 200 28 248 26 3(]1 44 307 44 127 11 373 46 382 47 412 52 205 21 INDEX. Date. Durrant 1784 Dyer 1678 Dyke 1676-7 Eardley-Wilmot 1821 East 1823 Eden (Johnson) 1672 , of Maryland 1776 Edmonstone 1774 Edwardes 1678 Egerton (Grey) 1617 Egleton-Kent (late Kent) 1782 Elford 1800 Elphinstone, of Ore Place 1816 (Dalr>TBple-Horn) 1828 Elton 1717 Erskine, of Torrie 1791 , of Cambo 1821 EveljTi 1713 Every 1641 Fagg 1660 Farmer 1780 Farnaby 1726 Farquhar, of London. 1796 (Townshend) 1821 Farrington 1818 Ferguson 1801 Fetherstonhaugh <■ • 1747 Fettes 1804 Filmer 1674 Fitzgerald ( Judkin) 1801 , of Newmarket-on-Fergus, Ireland 1822 Fitzherbert 1784 Fitz-Wygram (late Wigram) 1 805 Fleming 1705 Fletcher, of Clea Hall 1782 , of Carrow 1812 (now Boughey-Fletcher) 1798 Fletcher- Vane • • . • • 1786 Flower 1809 Floyd 1816 Fludyer 1759 Folkes 1774 Forbes 1 823 Forbes-Drummond (now Drummond) 1828 Ford 1793 Foster.. 1831 Foulis 1619 Fowke 1814 Fowle-Middleton (late Middleton) 1804 Frankland 16G0 Fraser 1806 Frederick 1723 Freehng 1828 Fremantle » 1821 Fuller-Eliott-Drake 1821 Fuller. Palmer-Acland (late Palmer- Acland) 1818 Page. PI. 230 24 141 13 139 13 412 52 421 53 135 12 208 21 199 20 77 7 16 2 222 23 283 31 389 48 424 54 160 15 246 26 413 52 158 15 48 5 97 9 214 22 164 ' 15 270 29 410 52 392 49 298 33 173 16 313 35 137 12 294 32 419 53 232 24 319 36 155 14 218 22 354 42 281 30 236 25 351 42 389 48 181 17 202 20 421 54 430 55 254 27 435 56 22 2 371 45 312 35 97 !i 329 38 163 15 431 55 406 51 411 52 395 49 a3 X INDEX. Date. Page. Gage , 1 662 Gallwey (Payne) 1812 Gamon (now Grace) 1795 Garhett-Walsham 1831 Gardiner ( Whalley-Smythe) 1783 Geary 1782 George 1809 Gerard 1611 Gibbes 1774 Gibbons 1752 Gibson-Craig 1 831 Glvn, of London 1759 — '—, of Gaunts 1800 Glynne , 1661 Gooch ] 746 Goodricke 1641 (Holyoake) 1835 Goold 1801 Gordon (Gumming) 1 804 (Duff).. 1813 , of Niton 1818 Goring (formerly Bowyer) 1 627 Gould-Morgan , 1792 Grace (heretofore Gamon) 1795 Graham, of Esk 1629 , of Norton Conyers 1662 , of Netherby 1783 , of Kirkstall 1808 Greenhill-Russell 1 831 Gresley 161 1 Grey 1814 Grey-Egerton (late Egerton) , . 1617 Griffies- Williams, of Llwyny- Wormwood 1815 Guise 1783 Gunning 1778 Haggerston 1643 Halford 1809 Hamilton, of Marlborough House 1776 , of Woodbrook 1815 , of Trebinshum 1819 Hamlyn (now Williams) 1795 Hammick 1834 Hamond 1783 Hamps(m 1 642 Hanham 1667 Hanmer 1774 Hardinge 1801 Hardy 1806 Hare 1818 Harington 1611 Harlaud. 1771 Harnage (late Blackman) 1821 Harpur (now Crewe) 1626 Hartopj) (now Cradock-Hartopp) 1796 llartwell 1805 Harty 1 831 Hastings (now Abney-Hastings) 1806 Hawkins, of Kelstou 1778 117 10 353 42 261 28 443 58 223 23 222 23 344 40 5 1 202 20 174 16 440 57 180 17 282 31 109 10 172 16 60 6 450 59 295 33 309 35 367 44 394 49 39 4 253 27 261 28 47 5 119 11 224 23 339 40 436 56 9 1 372 45 16 2 381 47 225 23 213 22 71 6 349 41 206 21 376 46 401 50 268 29 448 58 226 24 72 7 131 12 200 20 293 32 323 37 398 50 10 1 193 19 417 53 34 3 272 29 318 36 436 56 324 37 213 22 INDEX. xi Date. Page. PL Hawkins-Whitshed 1834 447 58 Hawlev 1795 264 28 Hav (Dalrymple) 1798 278 30 Uayes 1797 274 29 Hazlerigg (late Hesilrigge) IG22 32 3 Head 1G7C 138 12 Heathcote, of London 1732-3 167 16 ,ofHursley 1733 168 16 Henniker 1813 365 44 Hepburn (now Buchan-Hepburn) 1815 377 46 Heron 1778 209 21 Hervey (Bathurst) 1818 394 49 Hesilrigge (now Hazlerigg) 1622 32 3 Hesketh 1761 183 17 Hewett 1813 366 44 Hevgate 1831 444 58 Hicks-Beach (late Hicks) 1619 20 2 Hill 1726-7 165 15 HiUary 1805 321 37 Hippisley 1796 272 29 Hislop 1813 362 43 Hoare 1786 237 25 Hobhouse 1812 355 42 Hoghton 1611 3 I Holyoake-Goodricke i 1835 450 59 Hoiiian 1801 295 33 Home 1813 359 43 Hon^Tnan 1804 309 34 Honywood 16G0 92 8 Hood 1809 342 40 Hort 1767 188 18 Horton (Wilraot) 1772 194 19 Hoskyns 1676 139 13 Hoste 1814 374 46 Hudson, of Melton-Mowbray 1660 88 8 (now Palmer) 1791 250 26 Hughes 1773 197 20 Hulse 1738-9 170 16 Humble 1831 439 57 Hume 1769 190 19 Hunloke 1642 70 6 Hunter 1812 355 42 Hunter-Blair 1786 238 25 Ibbetson 1748 174 16 Ingilby, of Ripley 1781 214^ ^,. (late Amcotts) 1796 272 S Inglis 1801 288 32 Irving. 1809 345 40 Isham 1627 37 4 Jackson (now Duckett) 1791 248 26 Jackson, of Ireland 1813 361 43 ,ofArsley 1815 380 47 James, of Langley Hall 1791 245 26 , of Dublin 1823 420 55 Jephson 1815 386 48 Jervoise (Clarke) 1813 367 44 Jodrell (heretofore Lombe). 1784 229 24 xii INDEX. Date. Johnson-Eden (late Eden) 1672 Johnson, of New-York 1755 , of Bath 1818 Johnstone (Vanden-Bempde) 1795 Jolliffe 1821 Jones (now Jones-Brydges) 1807 , of Stanley Hall 1808 , of Cranmer Hall 1831 Judkin-Fitzgerald 1801 Kay (late Watson) 1803 Kaye (Lister) 1812 Keane 1 801 Kellet 1801 Kemp 1641 Kennaway 1791 Kent (now Egleton-Kent) 1782 Kerrison 1821 Key 1831 King (Dashwood) 170? 1792 , of Charles Town 1815 , of Corrard 1821 Knatchbull 1641 Knightley 1798 Knighton 1813 Knowles 1765 Kynaston (late Powell) 1818 Lacon 1818 Lade 1758 Laffan 1828 Laforey 1789 Lake 1711 Lamb (late Burges) 1795 Lambert 1710-1 Langham 1660 Lawley 1 641 Lawson 1831 Lechmere 1818 Leeds 1812 Lees 1804 Legard 1660 Leigh, of South Carolina s 1773 , of Whitley 1815 Leighton 1692-3 Leith 1775 Lemon ] 774 Lennard (Barrett) 1801 Leslie (late Pepys) 1784 Lethbridge 1804 Lister-Kaye 1812 Littlehales (now Baker) 1802 Lloyd, of Lancing 1831 Lockhart '. 1806 Lombe (now Jodrell) 1784 Lopes 1«05 Lorraine 1 064 Louis 1806 Page. PI. 135 12 176 17 392 ' 49 267 29 409 52 333 39 336 39 436 56 294 32 307 34 358 43 292 32 2f)4 33 64 6 244 26 222 23 405 51 432 56 156 14 252 27 387 48 418 53 58 5 277 30 359 43 186 18 394 49 397 49 178 17 431 55 239 25 157 15 269 29 157 14 80 7 61 6 438 57 396 49 358 43 317 36 99 9 196 19 382 47 149 14 206 21 201 20 290 32 230 24 314 35 358 43 299 33 439 57 328 38 229 24 320 36 123 11 326 37 INDEX. xiii Date. Papre. PI. Lowther 1824 424 54 Lubbock 1806 32G 3? Lushington 1791 244 26 Macdonald 1813 370 45 M'Gregor (3Iurrav) 1705 266 28 Macgregor '. 1828 431 55 M'Grigor 1831 435 56 M'Kennev 1831 444 58 Mackenzie (Muir) 1805 322 37 (late Baillie) 1819 402 50 Mackworth 1776 207 21 M'Mahon, of Dublin 1815 377 46 (major-general) 1817 391 49 Mahon 1819 402 50 Mainwaring 1804 311 35 Maitland 1818 391 49 Malet 1791 243 26 Manners (now Talmash) 1793 254 27 Mansel 1621-2 30 3 Marjoribanks 1815 377 46 Martin, of Long Melford 1667 130 12 ,ofLockynge 1791 247 26 MaxweU o 1804 312 35 Medhcott 1808 340 40 Metcklfe 1802 301 33 Meux 1831 445 58 Middleton (now Monck) 1662 119 11 (nowNoel) 1781 217 22 (now Fowle-Middleton) 1804 312 35 Milbanke 1661 113 10 Mildmay (St. John) 1772 194 19 Mill 1619 21 2 Miller, of Chichester 1705 155 14 , ofGlenlee 1788 239 25 Milman 1800 284 31 Milner 1716 7 159 15 Milnes...., 1801 286 31 Molesworth 1689 147 13 Monck (late Middleton) 1662 119 11 Montgomery, of Stanhope 1801 291 32 , of the Hall...., ,. 1808 336 39 Mordaunt 1611 12 1 Morgan (Gould) 1792 253 27 Morland (Bernard) 1769 191 19 Morris 1808 327 38 Morshead 1784 227 24 Mosley 1781 216 22 Mostyn, of Talacre 1670 1.32 12 Mostvn-Champneys (late Champueys) 1767 188 18 Muir'-Mackenzie 1805 322 37 Munro 1825 424 54 Murray-M'Gregor (late Murray) 1795 266 28 Musgrave 1611 7 1 Nagle 1813 359 43 Neale (late Burrard) 1769 190 19 Neave. 1795 263 28 Nelthorpe 1666 129 12 xiv INDEX. Date. Nepean 1 802 Nightingale 1628 Noel (late Middleton) 1781 Northcote 1 641 Nugent, of Waddesdon 180G , of Donore 1 831 Oakeley 1700 Oakes 1815 Ochterlony 1823 Oglander 1 665 Ogle 1816 O'Malley 1804 Onslow 1797 Orde 1790 Osborn 1 6G1 - Otway 1831 Ouseley 1 808 Owen, of Orielton 1641 1813 Oxenden 1678 Page-Turxer (late Turner) 1733 Palk 1782 Palliser 1773 Palmer, of Wingham 1621 , of Carlton 1660 (late Hudson) 1791 Parker, of London 1 681 , of Chaurand 1783 , of Harburn 1797 Pasley 1794 Paul 1821 Payne (now Payne-Gallwey) 1812 Peacocke 1802 Pechell (now Brooke- Pechell) 1797 Peel 1800 Pennyman 1 063- Pepys (now Leslie) 1784 '—, of Wimpole Street 1 801 Perring 1808 Peyton 1776 Philipps, of Picton 1828 Philips, of Weston 1828 Phillipps, of Middle Hill 182 1 Phillips, of Picton 1021 Pigot 1764 Pigott 1808 Pocklington-Uomvile 1815 Pocock 1 821 Pole, ofShute 1(J28 , of Wolverton 1791 Pollen 1 705 Pcwre 1705 Powell (now Kynaston) 1818 Prescott 1794 Preston 1815 Prevost 1805 Price, of Spring Grove 1804 Page. PI. 298 33 44 4 217 22 53 5 330 38 443 57 241 25 387 48 423 54 128 12 388 48 317 36 276 30 242 25 116 10 434 56 341 40 59 5 360 43 140 13 169 16 219 23 197 20 27 3 79 7 250 26 143 13 222 23 276 30 256 27 415 62 353 42 303 34 274 30 284 31 123 11 230 24 287 31 340 40 207 21 427 55 429 55 415 52 29 3 185 18 341 40 380 47 408 51 45 4 249 26 205 28 209 29 394 49 258 28 385 48 322 37 30f> 34 INDEX. Date. Price, of TreiggAvainton 1815 , of Foxlev 1828 Prideaux .' 1G22 Proctor (Beauchamp) 1744-5 Puleston , 1813 Radcliffe 1813 Rae 1804 Ramsay 1806 Ramsden , 1689 Rashleigh 1831 Ravmond (now Burrell) 1774 Reade 16G0-1 Reid 1823 Rich 1791 Ricketts 1828 Riddell 1778 Ridley (late White). . . . ^. 1756 Rivers 162 1 Roberts 1809 Robinson, of liondon 1660 , of Rokeby , 1819 , of Batt's House 1823 Rogers ... 1698-9 Rouse-Boughton (late Boughton) 1641 1791 Rowley, of Tendring Hall 1786 ( Vice-Admiral) 1 813 Rumbold 1779 Russell, of Swallowfield 1812 (Greenhill), of Checquers Court . » 1831 , of York Street 1832 Rycroft 1784 St. Aubyn 1671 - John (now St. John-Mildmay) 1772 - Paul 1813 Salusbury-Trelawney (late Trelawiiey) 1628 Salusbury, of Llanwern 1 795 Sandys (Bayntun) 1 809 Saxton 1794 Scott-Douglas (late Douglas) 1786 Scott, of Great Barr 1 806 (late Sibbald) , 1806 (late Bateman) 1806 , of Abbotsford 1820 , of Lytchett Minster 1821 Scudaraore-Stanhope (late Stanhope) 1807 Sebright 1626 Seymour 1809 Shaw, of London 1665 and Kilmarnock 1809 , of Kilmarnock and Polmadie (second patent) 1813 , of Bushy Park 1821 Sheaffe 1813 Sheffield 1755 6 Shelley, of Maresfield 1611 , of Castle Goring 1806 Shelley-Sidney 1818 Papce. PI. 386 48 426 54 31 3 171 16 364 44 364 44 315 36 328 38 148 13 442 57 203 20 104 9 422 53 250 26 428 55 212 22 177 17 28 3 345 41 82 7 403 50 422 54 152 14 56 > 5 248 S 235 25 362 44 214 22 354 42 436 56 446 58 228 24 134 12 194 19 368 45 42 4 260 28 348 41 256 27 234 25 327 38 331 38 332 39 403 51 417 53 334 39 35 3 344 40 126 11 346 I 360 S 41 408 51 360 43 175 16 6 1 324 37 397 50 xvi INDEX. Date. Sheppard (Cotton) 1809 Shiffner 1818 8huckburgh 1G60 Sibbald (now Scott) 1806 Sidney (Shelley) 1818 Simeon 1815 Sinclair 1786 Sitwell 1808 Skeffington 1786 Skipwith 1622 Slade 1831 Smijth 1661 Smith (now Bromley) 1757 , of Sydling, St. Nicholas 1774 (now Dodsworth) 1784 jofHadlev 1802 , of Tring Park 1804 , of Eardiston ^ . . 1809 , of Pickering 1821 Smyth, of Upton 1665 , of Long Ashton 1763 (Carmichael) 1821 Smythe 1660^1 Soame (Buckworth-Herne) 1697 Stamer 1809 Stanhope (now Scudamore Stanhope) 1807 Stanley, of Alderley 1660 '-, of Hooton 1661 Stapleton 1679 Steuart 1815 Stewart 1803 Stirling, of Mansfield 1792 , of Faskine 1800 Stonhouse j J^^^ Stracey 1818 Strachey 1801 Strickland 1641 Stronge 1803 Stuart 1660 Style 1627 Sullivan 1804 Sutton 1772 Swinburne 1 660 Sykes, of Basildon 1781 , of Sledmere 1783 Synge 1801 Talmash (late Manners) 1 793 Tancred 1662 Tapps 1 791 Tavlor, of Hollycombe 1828 Temple 1612 Thomas, of Wenvoe Castle 1694 , of Yapton Place 1766 Thompson, of Southampton 1797 , of Hartsbourn 1806 Thorold 1G42 Throckmorton 1642 Page. PI. 350 42 399 50 86 8 831 38 397 50 379 47 233 24 339 40 238 25 33 3 432 56 114 10 177 17 204 20 228 24 301 34 313 35 347 41 414 52 125 11 183 18 413 52 102 9 151 14 352 42 334 39 85 8 110 10 141 13 381 47 305 34 253 27 285 31 40^ 133 S 4 398 50 287 31 54 5 305 34 87 8 37 3 310 35 195 19 95 8 216 22 225 23 297 33 254 27 120 11 251 27 426 54 14 2 151 14 187 18 276 30 331 38 66 6 68 6 INDEX. Bate. Tichborne 1620 Tierney 1818 (second patent) 1 834 Townshend (now Townshend-Farquhar) 1821 Trelawnev (now Salusbury-Trelawney) 1628 Trevelvaii 1661-2 Trollope 1641 Trotter 1821 Trowbridge 1799 Turner (now Page-Turner) , 1733 Turton 1796 Twisden 1666 Tw\-sden 1611 Tyi'ell 1809 Vakden-Bempde-Johnstone 1795 Vane (Fletcher) 1786 Vaughan 1791 Vavasour, of Spaldington 1801 , of Haslewood 1828 Verney (late Calvert) 1818 Vincent 1620 Vivian 1828 Vyvyan 1644-5 Wake... 1621 Wakeman 1828 Walker 1835 Waller 1815 Walsh 1804 Walsham (Garbett) 1831 Warrender 1715 Watson, of Fulmer 1760 (now Kav) 1803 Webb .' 1644 Webster 1 703 Wedderburn 1803 Welby 1 801 Wentworth 1795 Whalley-Smythe-Gardiner (late Whalley-Gardiner) . 1783 Wheler 1660 Whichcote 1660 White, of Tuxford 1802 (now Ridley) 1756 "WTiitshed (Hawkins) 1834 Wigram (now Fitz-Wygram) 1805 Williams (now Williams-Bulkeley) 1661 (now Williams- Wynn)' 1688 (late Haml^Ti) 1795 of Bodllewyddan 1798 • (Griffies) of LI wyny- Wormwood 1815 Williamson 1642 Willoughbv 1794 Wilmot, of Chaddesden 1 759 (now Wilmot-Horton) 1772 (Eardley) 1821 Wilson 1660-1 Winnington 1 755 Wiseman 1628 Page. PI. 26 3 401 } 50 447 s 410 52 42 4 115 10 63 6 416 53 282 30 169 16 273 29 130 12 13 1 350 41 267 29 236 25 249 26 286 31 427 56 393 49 25 2 425 54 76 7 29 3 428 55 449 59 385 48 313 35 443 58 159 15 182 17 307 34 74 7 153 14 307 34 289 32 265 28 223 23 94 8 78 7 300 33 177 17 447 58 319 36 111 10 146 13 268 29 280 30 381 47 65 6 258 27 178 17 194 19 412 52 103 9 175 16 43 4 xviii INDEX. Date. Wolff 1766 Wolseley 1628 Wombwell 1778 Wood, of Barnsley 1784 , of Gatton 1808 Wraxall 1813 Wrey 1628 Wright 1772 Wrottesley 1642 Wylie 1814 Wynn (Williams) 1688 Wyvill 1612 Yarde-Buller (late BuUer) 1790 Yea 1 769 Young 1769 ,of Formosa Place 1813 , of Baileiborough 1821 Page. PI. 187 18 47 4 210 21 231 24 338 39 370 45 41 4 196 19 67 6 373 45 146 13 14 1 240 25 180 17 192 19 369 45 413 52 MOTTOES OF THE BARONETS OF ENGLAND, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED; AVITH TRANSLATIONS. Advance with courage. Marjoribanks. jEquo adeste aninw. Be ye ready with a mind unruffled. Cope. JEquo pede propera. Go forward in a steady pace. East. Agitatione purgatnr. Cleansed by agitation. Russell, of Middlesex. Aides Dieu. Help, O God. Mill. A la volontd de Dieu. At the will of God. Strickland. Alia ta Hai-a. St. John-Mildmay. AniiviticB vh-tutisque fiediis. The league of friendship and virtue. Hippisley. Aninio, noti astutia. By courage, not by craft. Gordon. Antiquum redintegmre. To restore an ancient family. Hepburn. Ardua petit ardea. The Heron seeks high places. Heron. Arma tuentiir pacem. Fowke. Aspiro. I aspire. Ramsay. Aiidacesfortuna jurat. Fortune favours the brave. Burroughs, King, of Charles Town, and King, of Corrard. Auspice Christo. Under the guidance of Christ. Davie. Auxilium ah alto. Aid from above. Martin, Dillon, and Kellet. Bear and forbear. Bernard-Morland. Bis vivit qui bene. He lives twice who lives well. Becher. Cedant arma toga. Let arms yield to the gown. Reade. Chase. Geary. Christi crux est mea lux. Christ's cross is my light. Northcote. CiarUn-es e tenebiis. More clear in darkness. Puleston. Coilestia caninms. We sing heavenly things. Synge. Co)wor(kint nomine facta. Our deeds and our name agree. And over the crests. En grace affie. Depend on grace. Grace. Concordia res a-escunt. Concord giveth in- crease. Bromhead. Confido. I trust. Boyd. Conquiesco. I am satisfied. Metcalfe. Consilio et animis. By counsel and courage. Maitland. Constans fidei. Steady in my faith; or. Steady to my trust. Ridley. Omstantia et Jidelitate. By constancy and fidelity. Clarke, of Cresses Green House. Contentement passe richesse. Content sur- passes riches. Bowyer. Orrdaserata pnndo. I lay open the locked heart (above the crest). Lockhart. Cor nohyle cor immobyle. Bold in daring, fixed in purpose. Vivian. Corona mea Christus. Christ is my crown. Chetwode. Courage. Cumming-Gordon. Dante Deo. By the gift of God. WolfT. Dat Deas ina-ementum. God giveth the in- crease. Crofton. De boil vouloir servir le roi. To serve the king with good will. Grey. Decrevi. I have determined. Nugent. Dei 7nemm; gratus amicis. Mindful of God, grateful to friends. Antrobus. Deo et principe. For God and my Prince. Lamb. Deo regique deheo. I owe it to God and the King. Johnson. Despicio terrena, Solem contemplor. I despise earthly things, I contemplate the sun. Bedingfeld. Deus inaj.rr colunma. God is the greatest support. Henniker. Deu.s tnihi providebit. God will provide for me. Goold. Deus pascit corvos. God feeds the ravens. Jones, Brydges, and Corbet. Decant si je puis. Foremost if I can. Main- waring. Diffi^ilia qucB pulchra. Fair things are diffi- cult of attainment. Elford. Di.tciplind, fide, persevei-antid. By discipline, faith, and perseverance. Duckworth. Do no yll, quoth D'oyle. D'Oyly. Dread shame. Leighton. Ducit amor patricE. The love of my country is my inducement. Philipps. Dulci-s ex asperis. Sweet out of bitter. Fer- guson. Dum spiro, spero. Whilst I breath, I hoi>e. Dillon. Ein do and spare not. Macgregor (over the crest). En Dieu est mon esperance. In God is my hope. Gerard. Erenttis, non elatus. Exalted, not elated. Biaumont. EsJiyez. Try. Dundas. £rse quam videri. To be, rather than to seem. Croft, St. Paul, Crawley-Boevy, and Croft, of Cowling Hall. Esto semper fidelis. Be always faithful. Yea. Esto, Sol, testis. Be thou witness, O Sun. Jones. E'en do, bait spair nocht. Murray-Macgre- gor. Exegi. I have finished it. Lees. Extant rectefactis prcemia. Rewards spring from good deeds. Coffin. Facie tenus. Up to the mark. Wheler. MOTTOES. Feret ad astra vh-tus. Virtue will bear you to the skies. Kellet. Festina lente. Onslow. Fide et fiducia. By faith and confidence. Harnage. Fide et virtute. By fidelity and virtue. Gooch. Fidelitas vincet. Fidelity will prevail. Cot- ton. Fideliter. Faithfully. Cunliffe. Fidus et audax. Faithful and brave. Slade. Finis coronat opus. The end crowns all. Baker. Firm (round the crest). Dalrymple. Film to my trust. Glyn, of Gaunts. Firmu7n in vita nihil. Nothing in life is per- manent. Bunbury. Follow me. Campbell. Fortes fortuna juvat. Fortune favours the brave. Dickson. Fortiter et fideliter. Strongly and faithfully. Pennyman. Fortiter et recte. Strongly and rightly, also Per cudua, in despite of difficulties. Ful- ler-Eliott-Drake. Fwtitudine viticit. By fortitude he conquers. Doyle. Fortitudini. To fortitude. Hoste. Fortund favente. By fortune's favour. Fal- kiner. Forward. Stewart, and Cockburn-Camp- bell. Furor arma ministrat. Rage furnishes arms. Baynes. Gangforward. Stirling. Gardez Men. Guard well. Montgomery. Gardez Vhonneur. Preserve your honour. Hanmer. Go thorough. Brenton. G)-adatim' vincimus. We overcome by de- grees. Curtis. Grata manu. With grateful hand. Call. Grata sume manu. Take with a thankful hand. Winnington. Gtvell angau na chywyld. Rather death than shame. Mackworth. Hcec manus obpatiiam. This hand for my country. Shuckburgh. Hie fructus virttitis. This is the fruit of virtue. Waller. Homo sum. I am a man. Homan. Honestas optima politia. Honesty is the best policy. Owen, of Orielton, {both harts.) Honest;/ is the best policy. Thomas, of Yap- ton Place. Hoi-a et sempre. Now and always. Denys. Hos gloria reddit honores. Tliese honours are acquired by glory. Forbes-Drum- mond. 11 tempo passa. Time passes. Boynton. I mean well. Shaw, of Kilmarnock. Imperio regit units cequo. One governs with unbiassed sway. Gunning. In caligine lueet. It shines in darkness. Baillie (over the Crest). In Canopo ut ad Canopum. Louis. In crucifixa gloria mea. My glory is in the cross. Knatchbull. Industria. Diligence. Warrender and Fet- tes. Inebranlnble. Unshaken. Acland of Co- lumb-John, and Fuller-Palmer-Acland. Initium supientice est timor Domini. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis- dom. Martin. Innocentid semrus. Secure in innocence. Jackson, of Fork Hill. In utiiiniijin- jxiratus. Ready for either. Muir-MaiUc'uzie. Invitum scqnitur honos. Honour follows against his will. Chichester of Green- castle. In veritate victoria. In truth is victory. Abney-Hastings. In well beware. Wombwell. Jamais arrii're. Never behind. Douglas. J'aime a jamais. I love for ever, James. Je me fie en Dieu. I trust in God. Blois. Je suis prest. I am ready. Fraser. Je venx le droit. I will have the right. Duckett. Juste et droit. Just and right. Whichcote. Kt/nd ki/nn knawne kepe. Keep your own khi kind. Lyster-Kaye. La bondad para la medra. Goodness pro- duces success. Barrett-Lennard. Labora ut in ceternum vivas. Labour that you may live for ever. Apreece. Lahore et scientia. By labour and science. Wylie. Larnh foisdineach an vachtar. What we gain by conquest, we secure by clemency. Sulhvan. Lauro scutoque resurgo. I rise again by the laurel and shield. Lorraine. La vie durante. During life. Cornewall. Le bon temps viendra. The good time will come. Wrey and Farrington. Libertas. Liberty. Birch. Lock sicker. Be sure. Douglas, of Carr. Loyal d mart. Loyal to death. Laforey and Chatterton. Lucem spero. I hope for light. Kemp. Lux tua, via mea. Thy light is my path . Blount; Blunt. Ma force d'en haut. My strength is from above. Malet. Maintien le droit. Support the right. Brydges. Malgrt' le toH. In spite of wrong. Hoghton. Malo mori qudm fijedari. Death rather than disgrace. Jackson, of Fork HUl, and Harty, of Dublin. Marte et arte. By war and art. Jones, of Cranmer Hall. Marte et ingenio. By war and wit. Smith, of Tring Park. Martis, non Cupidinis. Of Mars, not of Cu- pid. Fletcher. Maya. Cameron. Medioa-idfirma. Firm in mediocrity. Bacon. Meliorafide qudm fortuna. Faith preferable to fortune. Gresley. Mens cujusque is est quisque. Every man has his opinion. Pepys. Mens sibi cotiscia recti. His mind conscious of right. Wj-ight. Merite manuque. With heart and hand. Farquhar, and Townshend-Farquhar. Moneo et inunio. I admonish and support. Dalrympk'-Horn-Elphinstone. Morihus (uitiqnis. With ancient manners. Throckmorton. Mors I'hri.sti, miii-s mortis mihi. Christ's death is to mo the death of Death. Boothby. Mors lupi iigriis vita. The tleath of the wolf is the life of the lamb. Ouseley. Nee parvis sisto. Trifles deter me not. De Bathe. Nee quterere, nee spernere honorem. Neither to seek nor despise honours. Boughey- Fletcher. Nee sinit esseferos. Nor suffers them to be cruel. Langham. Nee temere, nee timide. Neither rashly nor fearfully. Simeon. Wakeman. Nil amscire sibi. Conscious of no guilt. Carew. MOTTOES. Nil despemndtan. Nothing is to be despaired of. Walker. Nil magnum nisi bonum. Nothing is great unless it be good. Cooper. Nil temere, neque timore. Nothing either rashly, or timidly. Bemey. Nodofirmo. In a firm knot. Harington. Noyi dm-mit qui cu.^todit. He sleeps not who keeps watch. Coghill. Non morituf cujusfama vivit. He is not dead, whose fame lives. Congreve. Non rapui sed recepi. I stole not but re- ceived it. Cotterell. Non sibi, sed pati-ia; natus. Born not for himself, but for his country. Jodrell. Non temere. Not rashly. Forbes. Non tua te moveant, sedpublica vota. Let not your own, but the public wishes actuate you. AUeyne; Non vox, sed votum. Not the voice, but the vow. Nagle. Nos nostraque Deo. Us and ours to God. Rogers. Nous travaillerons en Vesph-ance. We will labour in hope. Blackett. Nunc aut nunquam. Now or never. Hamp- son. Nunquam nisi honorificentissime. Never, if not honourably. Freeling. Omne bonum Dei dmium. All good is the gift of God. Boughton. Omne bonum de.mper. All good is from above. Honywood. Omnium rerum vicissitudo. All things are subject to change. Ford. On things transitoi-y resteth no glm-y. Isham. Palma virtuti. The palm to virtue. Palmer. Paratus et fidelis. Prepared and faithful. Hamond. Paratus sum. I am prepared. Campbell, of Barcaldine. Pantur pax bello. Peace is obtained through war. Blane. Par sit fortxina laboris. May the fortune be equal to the labour. Palmer. Paterni nominis patrinumium. The patrimo- ny of a paternal name. Oakeley. Potior, potior. I suffer, I obtain. Peyton, of Doddington. Pax ahna redit. Sweet peace returns. Dom- ville, of St. Alban's. Pax, copia, sapie?itia. Peace, plenty, wis- dom, all relating to the crest ; as peace to the olive branches, plenty to the vine, and wisdom to the serpent. Fleming. Pensez fort. Think much. Bromley. Per ardua. Through difficulties. Fuller- Eliott-Drake ; Curtis, of Gatcombe. Per crucem ad Stellas. By the cross, to heaven. Legard. Per ignem et gladium. By fire and sword (round the crest). Welby. Periissem, ni periissem. My fame would have been lost, had I not died. Anstru- ther. Per nmre, per terras. By sea and by land. Macdonald. Perseverando. In persevering. Flower. Persevere. Neale. Oakes. Persevere. Round the crest. Congreve. Per vias rectos. By right ways. Blackwood. Pollet virtus. Virtue exalts. Pole, of Shute, and Pole, of Wolverton. Prcevlm mala pereunt. Foreseen misfortunes die away. Twisden. Prend moi tel quejesuis. Take me as I am. Rieketts. Press through. Young, of Marlow. Pretitjsum quod utile. That is precious which is useful. Affleck. Pristinum spero lumen, I hope for ancient lustre. Preston. Pro oris etfocis. For God and one's country. Hazier igg. Probitas verus lumos. Probity is true honour. Lacon. PrMtatem quam divitias. Probity rather than riches. Clayton, of Adlington. Pro Deo, et Ecclesia. For God and the Church. Bisshopp. Pro Deo, patria, rege. For God, my country, and king ; and over the crest, "a Jamais," James. Prodesse civibus. To be of advantage to my fellow citizens. Beckett. Pro legibus oc regibus. For kings and laws. Wilson. Pro magna chartd. For the great charter. Stapleton. Pro patria twn timidus perire. Not afraid to die for my country. Mostyn-Champneys. Pro rege. For the king. Burnaby. Pro rege et patria. For king and country. AinsJie. Smith, of Pickermg. Pro rege et patiHa pugnans. Ready to fight for my king and country. Pasley. Pro rege et respubUva. For king and com- monwealth. Paul. Prudentid et animo. By prudence and cou- rage. Ochterlony. Pugna pro patria. Fight for your country. I'ichborne. Quantum in rebus inane. What inanity in human affairs. Osborn. Qui capit, capitur. He who takes, is taken. Smyth, of Long Ashton. Qui sera, sera. What will be, will be ; and Principiis obsta, Oppose evils in their com- mencement. Folkes. Quod Deus vult, fiet. What God wills, be done. Chetwynd. Quod dixi, dixi. What I have said, I have said. Dixie. Quod hrmestum, utile. What is honest, is useful. Lawson. Quod vult, valde vult. What he wishes, he wishes fervently. Mansel. Quo fata vocant. Wherever fate calls me. Shelley. Quo honestior, eo tutior. The more honest, the more safe. Guise. Reason contents me. Graham, of Esk ; Gra- ham, of Netherby. Recte faciendo securus. Safe in doing right. Inglis. Regardez mon droit. Consider my right. Middleton. Regi patriceque fidelis. Faithful to king and country. Scott, of Great Barr. Regi semper fidelis. Always loyal to the king. Smythe, of Eshe. Rien satis Dieu. Nothing without God. Kerrison. Robori p)t(dentia prcestat. Prudence excels strength. Young. ScBvumque tridentum servamus. Let us keep the mighty trident. Broke. Sans changer. Without changing. Mus- grave, and Stanley, of Alderly. Sans crainte. Without fear. Tyrell. Scrioghal mo dhream. M'Grigor, of Camden Hill. Scutodivino. Under the di\-ine protection. Kay. Scufofidei. By the shield of faith. Morris. Secus rivos aquarum. By rivers of waters. Rivers. Semelet semper. Once and always. Swin- burne. Semper fidelis. Always faithful. Smith, of Sydling. Semper paratus. Always ready. Knowles, and Constable. xxu MOTTOES. Semper paratus pugnare pro putrid. Always prepared to fight for one's country. Lock- hart. Sequitando sigiunge. By pursuing we become united. Lambert. Set'nuyni consmia fiicta. Deeds consonant to words ; and Virtus patrimonio nobilim: Virtue is the noblest inheritance. Salus- bury-Trelawney. Servajitgum. Preserve the yoke. Dalrym- ple-Hay. Servare munia vitw. To observe the duties of life. Oglander. Servata fides citieri. The promise made to my ancestor is now kept. Vemey. Sei'viendo. Simeon. Sic fidem teneo. Thus I keep my faith, Molesworth. Sic nos, sic sacra tuemur. Thus we our sacred rights defend. M'Mahon, and M'Mahon, of Dublin. Si je puis. If I can. Colquhoun. St sit pnidentia. If there be prudence. Johnson-Eden. Sda bona quce honesta. Honest possessions alone are good. Colebroke. Sola nobilitas virtus. Virtue is the only no- bility. Hamilton. Sdemfero. I bear the sun. Aubrey. Sorte sua contentus. Content with his lot. Hartwell. Spe labirr levis. Hope lightens labour. Och- terlony. Spes deem et robur. Hope is honour and strength. Smith, of Hadley. Spes et fides. Hope and faith. Chamberlain. Spes mea in Deo. My hope is in God. Leth- bridge. Spes vitee melioris. The hope of a better life. Hobhouse. Spe vires augentnr. Strength is increased by hope. Scott (heretofore Bateman). Study quiet. Head. Std) libertate quietem. Rest under liberty. Burrell. Garbett-Walsham. Sub spe. Under hope. Dunbar. Sustineatur. Let him be supported. Cullum. Templa qudm dilecta. How beloved are the temples. Temple. Tenax propositi. Tenacious of purpose. Gibbes. Tenez le droit. Keep the right. Clifton. Terra marique potens. Valiant by sea and land. O'Malley. Terrere nolo, timei-e nescio. I would not af- fright, and know not to fear. Dering. Think on (over the crest). Maxwell. Through. Hamilton of Marlborough House, and Hamilton of Trebinshum House. Time trieth troth. Trevelyan. Toujours fidcle. Always faithful. Beau- champ-Proctor. Tout Men ou rien. The whole good or none. Noel. Touts jours prest. Always ready. Sutton. Over the crest of Carmichael-Smyth. True to the end. Hume. Tutus in undis. Safe in the waves. Wood. Ubi amm-, ibi fides. Where love is, there is fidelity. Dukinfield. Un Dieu, un roy, un coiur. One God, one king, one heart. Lake. U7)g durant ma vie. The same while I live. Barrington. TJttite. Brodie. (Over the crest.) Utile et dulce. Useful and agreeable. Rid- dell. Veillient et vaillant. Wise and valiant. Erskine. Veritas magna est. Truth is great. Jephson. Vicisti, et vivimus. Thou hast conqueretl, and yet have we survived. Johnson. Vi et virtute. By strength and valour. Baird. Vigila et ora. Watch and pray. Wake. Vigilate. Watch. Leeds. Vincenti dabiter. It is given to the con- queror. Vincent. Viricit omnia Veritas. Truth conquers all things. Laffan. Virtcit qui patitur. He conquers who en- dures. Shaw, and Colt. Vincit Veritas. Truth prevails. Peacocke. M'Kenney. Virescit vulnere virtus. Virtue strengthens from a wound. Brownrigg. Virtus auget honorem. Virtue adds to ho- nour. Edmonstone. Virtus in actione consistit. Virtue consists in action. Clayton. Virtus invicta gloriosa. Invincible virtue is glorious. Thomas. Virtus propter se. Virtue for its own sake. Radcliffe. Virtus sola nobilitas. Virtue is the only no- bility ; or, Moribus antiquis. With ancient manners. Throckmorton. Virtute et valor e. By virtue and valour. S tamer. Virtute nihil inviiim. Nothing is inaccessible to virtue. Hillary. Virtuti, no7i arniis, fido. I trust in virtue, not in arms. Grey-Egerton. Virtutis in bello praimium. The reward of valour in war ; and over the crest, Juvant aspero fortes. The brave delight in diffi- culty. Steuart. Vive Deo et vives. Live to God and you shall live. Gibson-Craig. Vive ut vivas. Live that you may live. Price, of Spring Grove. Vix ea nostra voco. I scarcely call these things our own. Campbell. Vixi liber et moriar. I have lived free and will die so. Ibbetson. Watch iveel. — Reparabit cornua Phcebe. The Moon will replenish her horns. Scott, of Abbotsford. Without fear. Campbell. Zealous. Hood. OCCURRENCES DURING PRINTING. ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. Page 9. Sir Roger Gresley, M.P. for the southern division of Derbyshire. P. 12. Sir John Mordaunt, M.P. for the southern division of Warwickshire. P. 14. Wyvill creation, in lieu of 25 Nov. IGll, read 25 Nov. 1612. P. 16. Sir Philip-de-Malpas Grey-Egerton, M.P. for the southern division of Cheshire. P. 19. Burdett creation, in lieu of 1619, read 1618-19. P. 34. Sir George Crewe, M.P. for the southern division of Derbyshire. P. 62. Paul-Beilby Thompson, M.P. for the East Riding of York. Page 84. Bowyer creation, in lieu of 61 Aug. 1794, read 8 Sept. 1794. P. 106. (Art. Cayley,) line 1, dele M.P. for Scarborough. P. 192. Sir William Laurence Young, M.P. for CO. of Buckingham. P. 202. Sir Samuel-Osborne Gibbes, bart. to be lieut. 69th foot. 214. (Art. Ingilby,) line 1, dele M.P. for CO. Lincoln. P. 303. 2d col. line 6 from the top, after 29 March, read 1823. BIRTHS. 1834. Lady of sir W. E, Rouse-Boughton, a da. 1835. Jan. 27. Lady Jane Walsh, a da. Jan. 30. Lady Carmichael-Anstruther, a son. Feb. 1. Lady Jane Peel, a son. Feb. 1. Lady of sir John-M. Burgoyne, a da. Feb. 28. Lady of Crawfurd Antrobus, esq., a son. March 5. Lady of sir John-Edward Honey- wood, bart., a son. MARRIAGES. 1834. Nov. 25. Francis B. Lousada, esq., to Marianne, eldest da. of sir Charles Wolse- ley, bart. 1835. Feb. 10. Charles-James Bevan, esq., to Emma - Charlotte, 2d da. of Timothy- Abraham Curtis, esq., of Southgate, Mid- dlesex. Feb. 10. Edward Every, esq., 2d son of sir Henry Every, bart., to Elizabeth, only child of Thomas Clayton, of Carr Hall, Lancaster, esq. Feb. 24. T.-Lambton Lorraine, 3d son of sir William Lorraine, bart., to Caroline- Isabella, eldest da. of rev. Frederick Ekins, rector of Morpeth, March 5. Henry Stracey, esq., eldest son of Josias-Henry Stracey, esq., and nephew of sir Edward Stracey, bart., to Charlotte, only da. and h. of the late George Denne, esq., of the Paddock, Canterbury. DEATHS. 1834. Dec. Ob. rev. Henry-Curtis Smith, 4th son of sir John-Wyldbore Smith, bart. Dec. 10. Ob. at Florence, Ferdinand- Thomas Williamson, capt. in the army, eldest son of rev. Thomas Williamson. 1835. Ob. ffit. 86. Lady Mary, relict of sir Gilbert Affleck, 2d bart. Jan. 3. Ob. Rt. hon. Reginald Pole Ca- rew, at. 82. Jan. 28. Ob. Fanny-Sarah, sister of sir Philip-de-Malpas Grey-Egerton, bart. Feb. 3. Ob. William-Montagu, youngest brother of sir John-Montagu Burgoyne, bart. Feb. 12. Ob. Peter, and on the 20th, Ernest-Augustus, youngest sons of sir James Dunbar, bart. Feb. 14. Ob. Lady Rivers, relict of sir Peter Rivers, bart. Feb. 14. Ob. Sir Thomas-Robert Salus- bury, bart. Feb. 15. Ob. Mary-Anne, wife of sir George -Rowland - AVilloughby Beaumont, bart. Feb. 16. Ob. Mary Albinia, wife of sir Thomas Crawley-Boevy, bart. Feb. 17. Ob. Henry- Walter, 2d son of sir George Wombwell, bart. Feb. 20. Ob. Willoughby Hastings, 3d son of sir George-Howland-Willoughby Beau- mont, bart., set. 2 years and 6 months. Feb. 24. Ob. Hon. Anne Fuller, da. of lord Heathfield, and mother of sir Thomas- Travton FuUer-Eliott-Drake, bart. Feb. 26. Ob. Sir Charles Mill, bart., at. 70. Feb. 26. Ob, Mary, dowager lady Staple- ton, widow of sir Thomas, 5th bart. March 3. Ob. Hon. Caroline- Frances, wife of sir William Heathcote, bart. March 9. Ob. Gertrude-Frances-Anna- Maria, youngest da. of sir Francis Shuck- burgh, bart., aet. 16 months. March 11. Ob. Sir Alexander Muir Mack- enzie, of Delvine, bart. March 15. Ob. Sir George Ivison Tapps, bart. ABBREVIATIONS. b. for born. m. married. unm. unmarried. da. or das. daughter or daughters. h. heiress. s. p. without issue. d. died. P.C. Privy Counsellor. D.C.L, Doctor of Civil Law, B.D. or D.D. Bachelor, or Doctor of Di- vinity. F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society. F.A,S. Fellow of the Society of Anti- quarians. F.L.S. Fellow of the Linnasan Society. M.D. Doctor of Medicine. M.R.I. A. Member of the Royal Irish Academy. BRITISH ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. K.G. Knight of the Garter. G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross of the Bath. K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Bath. C.B. Companion of the Bath. K.T. Knight of the Thistle. K.P. Knight of St. Patrick. G.C.M.G. Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George of the Ionian Islands. K.C.M.G. Commander of St. Michael and St. George of the Ionian Islands. G.C.H. Grand Cross of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order. K.C.H. Knight Commander of the Hano- verian Guelphic Order. K.H. Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order. FOREIGN ORDERS. K.C.S. Charles III, of Spain. K.A, St. Andrew in Russia. K.C. Crescent in Turkey. K.E. White Eagle in Poland. K.S.E. St. Esprit in France. K.A.N. St. Alexander Newski in Russia. K.B.A, St. Bento d'Avis in Portugal. K.B.E. Black Eagle in Russia. K.F. Ferdinand in Spain. K.G.F. Golden Fleece in Spain. K.C. III. Charles Third of Spain. K.G.V. Gustavus Vasa in Sweden. K.J. St. Joachim. K.L. Leopold of Austria. K.M. Knight of Malta. K.M. Mont in Holstein. K.M.J. Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria. K.M.T. St. Maria Theresa in Austria. K.N.S. Royal North Star in Sweden. K.R.E. Red Eagle in Prussia. K.S. Sword in Sweden. K.S.A. St. Anne in Russia. K.F.M. Ferdinand and Merit in Sicily. K.S.G. St. George in Russia. K.S.L. Sim and Lion in Persia. K.S.P. St. Stanislaus in Poland. K.S.W. St. V\ ladimer in Russia. K.W. William in the Netherlands. K.T.S. Tower and Sword in Portugal. K.E. Elephant in Denmark. si^©EaiigiH m^w.-D^imm MORDAUNT SDEN OF ROYDON HALL. I1S?F©IE^2^III Ii3^IE®S^Il^go IlB5r©2LI[gIII lBJiIF^®I^Il^^<. SEBKIGHT. IiS?©H^E^IlI Ii3^IE®B5']l^go POLE, OF SHl'TI' WOLSKLEV. m^^E^HglS IBJ\.IE©I^]l^gc 51I^©]LEgIII IB^IE®S^]l^^a BLOUNT, OK SODINGION. HUNLOKE. HAOOERSTON. IlI^7©aiI^SI IBii3:E(o)S^Il'S'g. ]lI^7©]LSgSI ©iiIE®MIi^g. SWINBUllNS. I1S?(^]LS^3II Ii3JV.Ii^©S?fIli?g, 10 I1B5'©ILH§I1I IBJ^mOWHS'^o TREVEI.VAN. !lB5r©ILH§SI IB^IE®5?^!iIPgo 11 SHAW, OF LONDON. DUKINKIELD. BURDETT, OK BURTHW'AITE. 12 HS^C^EaSSSX ®JiI^®MIl^g. 21Sf©ILSgIlI IgJV,IE®S531^go 13 fi.^ '3^ WILLIAMS-Wi N.V. MOLKSW OKI H. 14 IgM©ILHgIII IB^Ig.'fi)B?Ii^gc MILLEa, Of CmCHESTKR. DASH WOOD-KING. I1S?©3LH§III I13J^I^©S^7Iiirgc 15 CLAYTDN, OF MORDEN. 16 Ii.S5©E.IIgISI ©.^IE©I?IIl'TPgc WINNlN(iTON. SHEFFIELD. jisf©iL2^iEi mM,m©w!mTM. 17 HESKETH. 18 ]isf©iLEg^ mjE^m©'mmT^o MOSTYN-CHAMPNKYS MWJ^BK^jlW^M IB^W^WilETSic 19 LEIGH, OF S. CAROLINA. 20 !iv^©iLTigis m^m(^'miETS, SMITH, OF SYDMNO. HMdjLHgm IBJVmOMll^g. 21 mmm^E^usm mjLm©mmTS. i3>7©iLsgis m>^m>©wmws. 23 SYKES, OF SLEDMERE, 24 IlSJ^ILIIglll ©j:^ie©s^]iifs KITZHF.nBERT. IiS5©iLESI12 IBA^IE©S?7lElPg, 25 26 HSfC^EaH^ia I3^IE,®M31'2rg. VAUGHAN. PALMKIl, OK WANLIP. 3iw©]Ls®5ii m^iR©'mmT&o 27 .'ILLOUGHBY. 28 ]iss(i>]LH^iii ^.iim©s^]i^'; IiS^©]LIIgIEI IBJiIE©S5Il- 29 BAKKI!, OF RICHMOND. ao ]lSJ©aESIS IBJ?v.lE©WIiTC^o BOrOHEY-l'LETCHER. tiiowbuidgf:. if.IM(^]L,HgIEI 113^IE©S5rilirgo :31 STRACHEY. 32 mi^miLn^m igjis^^^/TE'^g. CHATTERTON IiS^©ILiIIgSI ©^m©S5jllF^o 33 UHIIE. OF XUXKiKl 34 ms^©iE.sgisi m^m©w\mTm. rillCF, OK HICHMO HOfJYMAN. iis?r(^iLHgiBi m^mo^mTS. 35 .#; ^1 J 36 ]Es^©}LK^iii }3J^}imwimT^. DE-CaESPlGNY ns^^iLH^iii mj^m©mmi^mc 37 ;38 m^^E^s^iii mjp^nmi^^mT^. LOCKHART. THOMPSON, Of HARTSBOURN. SCOTT, (LATE 8IBBAI.D. iis?©]Liigiii m^m©K^mTi 39 40 ]lS>T©ILHgIlI IBJiIli®MIll?©o HS^^ILS^SI ]BJV.I^©MI1^^. 3I,KNNERHASSETT. SHAW, OF KILMARNOCK. BAYNTUN-SANDVS 42 iis^©iL2giii m^m,©^mTm. iii??©]LH^is mj^m,©'^mTm. 43 ANDERSON, OF FEHMOY. JACKSON, OF FORK-HILL. 44 IlE^©ILSgIII ]BJ^II?,©I?5ril^§c DUFF-GOIinON. CLAftKE-JKRVOISE. IlB5©ILiH^31I II5^IE©S^Ilir^o 45 46 HS^^ILSSIII I13JVIl,(6)S3'Il'2rg. MARJORIBANKS. CONSTABLE. CAMPBELL. 21S?r©ILIIgIS IBJllg,©M"IE^'ga 47 48 ns^^iLsgiii ii5/gim®s^ii'2Fgo ELPHINSTONB. I1S5©IL,II^IS IBJV.I^fQ)MIl^go 49 KUI.f.Kll-PA LM Kll-ACLA^ LFCHMFUf 50 IlISr©E.]I^3S ©i^-IEOS^IllPgc MACKKN/.IE, OK KAIKIIUIIN. IIOIIINSON, OF ROKKIIV IlS^©ILIIgSI IgJiIE©H]l^g, 51 COCKBORN-CAMPBKLL. FREMANTIE. i^ 1. SHAW, OF BUSHY P,>RK. 52 Ii5?J©]LH^SI 1E^.^I^®S5fIilI^g„ ]lS^©ILHgIS2 Igza=IE®M]l^^c 53 I CHICHKSTERjOFGREENCASTLE. KING, OK CDIIRARD. FITZGERALD. 54 31I^T©IL,II^I1I m^iE@mmTSo lAYLOK, OF HOI-I.YCUMBK. rilICE,OK i'OXLEY. iiw©E.2gis m^m©mmTm. 55 ,56 ]lS^(^]LHgIlI IB^^®S^]l=ir^,: JONES, OF CKANiMFll HALL. CIIEEN H 1 LL-Hl'SSKLL CHAVTOK. ^IWd-ILSglll IB^IE®S^I11P§. 57 RASHLEIGH. CAMPBEX-L, OF BARCALDINE. 58 HM^ILSgSI jB<^^IE®IKrll^g: iisf©]Liigis m^m.©^mTSo HOLYOAKE-UUODRICKE. 60 ]lS?©ILiSg'IlI IBJiIE®MIi^lc — HELMET, APPERTAINING TO THE DEGREE OP A BARONET. ©MBiiiE ©IF Tmm m^Tmo 61 COLLAR OF THE KNIGHTS GRAND CROSSES, CIVIL AND MILITARY, WITH THE STAR AND BADGE WORN BY THE CIVIL KNIGHTS GRAND CROSSES. C2 ©lE^SmiE @W Tmrn IB^'E'IIIc STAR OF THE MILITARY KNIGHTS GRAND CROSSES BADGE OF THE MILITARY KNIGHTS GRAND CROSSES. ©lEBisiE ©IF Tmm mj^w. 63 STAR OF THE KNIGHTS COMMANDERS. BARONETAGE OF ENGLAND, BACON, of Redgrave, co. Suffolk. 22 May 1611. BACON, of MiLDENHALL, CO. Suffolk. 29 July 1627. Sir EDIMUND bacon, Premier Baronet of England, horn 16 July 1779, succeeded his father, sir Edmund, 5 Sept. 1820 ; married^ 27 Aug. 1801, Mary-Anne-Elizabeth, da. of Edward-Dashwood Bateman, of Ottery St. Marv, co. Devon, esq., and by her (who d. 23 Oct. 1820) had issue, 1. EDMUND, b. 31Jan. 1803; m. 22 Aug. 1832, Louisa, 3d da. of WiUiam Richson, of Rich Hill, co. Armagh, esq. ; 2. Anxa-Maria, b. 10 March 1804 ; 3. Harriet-Laura, 6. 22 July 1805, d. unmAG Nov. 1828; 4. Frances, b. 20 May 1808, m. 28 May 1833, rev. Henry- Walpole Neville, nephew of the Earl of Abergavenny ; 5. Nicholas- Henry, b. 23 May 1814. This family is said to be descended from Grimbald, who came into England with his kinsman William, earl Warren, at the Norman invasion, and settled at Lethering- set, near Holt, in Norfolk. His great- grandson, Robert, took the name of Bavon. The above-named Robert had a brother, sir William, of Monks-Bradfield, in Suffolk ; from whom descended, in the 10th genera- tion, Sir Nicholas Bacon, who filled the office of lord-keeper of the great seal to queen Elizabeth, and d. 20 Feb. 1579, hav- ing m. 1st, Jane Fermley, and 2dly, Anne, one of the 6 das. of sir Anthony Cook, of Giddy Hall, co. Essex, one of the tutors of kmg Edward VI. By his 2d wife he had 2 sons, the younger of whom was that great luminary of modern science, sir Francis Bavon. He was h. 22 Jan. 155(1-1, was of Trinity College, Cambridge, and afterwards of Gray's Inn; appointed counsel-extraor- dinary to the queen, 1588, solicitor-general to king James I. IC07, attorney-general, 1G13, a privy-counsellor, IGKi, lord keeper, March l(il(i-17, and lord chancellor l(il8 ; created baron Veritlam in the same year, and viscount St. Albau's, 2(1 Jan. 162(»-1 ; liut being shortly afterwards accused of cor- rupt practices, and confessing in a great measure his guilt, he was sentenced, on the 3d of May 1021, to be fined £40,000. and to be imprisoned in the Tower during his ma- jesty's pleasure ; was rendered incapable of holding any office, sitting in parliament, or coming within the verge of the court. After a short imprisonment his fine was remitted, and it is probable the whole of his sentence was cancelled, as he was again summoned to parliament in the first year of Charles I. He d. 9 April 162G, having by his labours in retirement, during the latter part of his life, made a brilliant atonement for his errors. He w. Anne Barnham, da. of an al- derman of London, but left no issue. Sir Nicholas, the lord keeper, by his 1st wife, had 3 sons and 3 daughters. I. SIR NICHOLAS BACON, the eldest son, was possessed, upon the death of his father, of very large estates in Suffolk and Norfolk. He was knighted 22 Aug. 1578, and had afterwards the honour to be the first person advanced to the baronetage on the institution of that dignity by James I. : m. Anne, sole da. and h. of Edmund Butts, esq., and by her (who d. lOlG) had issue, 1. Sir Edmi'nd, 2d bart. 2. Henry, rf. at Jerusalem, without issue. 3. Sir Robert, 3d bart. 4. Bachevell, »i., and left issue 2 sons, who both d. unm., and 3 das. 5. Sir Butts Bacon, of Mildenhall, CO. Suffolk, created a bart. 29 July, 1627; and ancestor of the present baronet, of whom hereafter. G. Nicholas, m. 1st, a da. of sir James Weston, baron of the exchequer, by whom he had, 1. Anne, m. sir John Rous, bart. (an- cestor of the earl of Stradbroke) ; and 2dly, ^largaret da. of Eustace Darcy, esq., by whom he had, 2. Sir Nicholas Bacon, of Gillingham, created a bart. 7 Feb. 1G16, and d. 1666, leaving 2 sons — sir Edmund and sir jRi- chard, successive barts., who both d. s. p., when the title became extinct. 7. Sir Nathaniel, of Culford, K.B., m. Jane, da. of Hercules Meautys, esq. (widow of sir William Cornwallis, knt.), by whom he had issue 1 son and 2 das. 1. Nicholas, who rf. without issue male. 2. Anne, m. 1st, sir Thomas Meautys, knt. ; 2dly, sir Harbottle Grimston, bait. BACON. 3. Anne, who d. unm. 8. Anne, m. sir Robert Drury, knt. 9. Dorothy, m., 1st, sir Bassingbourn Gawdy, knt.; and 2dly, Philip Colby, esq. 10. Jemima, m., 1st, sir William Walde- grave, knt.; and 2dly, Henry Killegrew. Sir Nicholas d. in 1624, and was succeeded by his eldest son, 11. Sir EDMUND, m. Philippa, da. and co-h. of sir Edward Wotton, baron Wotton, of Maherley, Kent, but d. without issue, 10 April 1649 ; his lady in 1626. He was succeeded by his next surviving brother, III. Sir ROBERT, m. Anne, da. of sir John Peyton, knt. and bart., and had issue by her, besides other children who d. young, 1. Nicholas, m. Margaret, da. and co-h. of William Hobart, of Thway te, in Norfolk, esq., but d. without issue. 2. Robert, m. Catherine, da. of Grave Violet, esq., and d. in his father's life-time, 25 Aug. 1652, leaving issue, 1. Sir Edmund, 4th bart. 2. Jemima, m., 1st, Thomas Gardiner, esq. ; and 2dly, sir John Brattel, knt., assay-master of the Tower of London. 3. Philippa, m. sir George Reeve, knt. and bart. 4. Frances, m. Paul Bockenham, esq. 5. Anne, m. Edmund Yaxlee, esq. 3. Butts, m. Dorothy, da. and co-h. of sir John Tracy, knt., and was father of sir R.OBERT, 5th bart. 4. Peyton, m. EHzabeth, da. of Charles Suckling, esq. 5. Philippa, m. Hamond Claxtoa, esq. 6. Anne, m. Thomas Hunt, esq. 7. ALrcE, m. Rice Gwynn, esq. Sir Robert d. 1055, and was succeeded by his grandson, IV. Sir EDMUND, only surviving son of Robert, 2d surviving son of sir Robert, 3d bart., m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of sir Ro- bert Crane, bart., by whom he had 6 sons and 10 das., all of whom except 4 das. d. vnm. in their father's life-time. The das. who m. were, 1. Frances, m. Walter Norborne, esq. 2. Susannah, m. Charles Morris, esq. 3. Elizabeth, m. William Ettrick, esq, 4. Philippa, m. sir Edmund Bacon, of Gillingham, bart. Sir Edmund d. without male issue, 1085, and was succeeded by his cousin, V. Sir ROBERT, (son and h. of Butts Ba- con, esq., 3d surviving son of the 3d bart.,) who sold the estate at Redgrave, and set- tled at Garboldisham, CO. Norfolk; m. Eli- zabeth, da. of Dan. Chandler, by whom he had issue, besides 2 sons who d. young, 1. Sir Edmund, 6th bart. 2. Butts, d. unm. 1725-6. 3. Abigail ; 4. Jane, both d. iinm. Sir Robert, d. 31 Jan. 1704, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir EDMUND, represented the bo- rough of Thetford, and afterwards co. Nor- folk, in three parliaments; m. in 1/12, Mary, da. of sir Robert Kemp, bart., (and sole h. to her mother Letitia, da. of BolK-rt King, esq.,) which lady d. 14 Sept. 1727, leaving only 4 das., 1. Letitia, m. sir Armine Wodehouse, bart., ancestor of lord Wodehouse (see Debrett's Peerage of the United Kingdom). 2. Mary. 3. Sarah, m. Pryce Campbell. 4. Elizabeth, d. unm. Sir Edmund d. in June 1755, without male issue, when the baronetcy of Kill de- volved on his kinsman, sir Richard Bacon, of Colchester, 7th in descent from sir Butts Bacon, bart., 4th son of the 1st baronet, whose genealogy wc now procwid to trac'j. I. Sir BUTTS BACON, the 4th son of the 1st bart., was himself also created a bart., 29 July 1627, m. Dorothy, da. of sir Henry Warner, knt., widow of William Jermyn, by whom he had, 1. Charles. 2. Clement, who both d. without issue. 3. Sir Henry, his successor. 4. Anne, tn. Henry Kitchingman, esq. 5. Dorohty, m. William Peck, esq. He d. 16(il, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir HKNRY, m. Barbara, da. ofWU- liam Gooch, esq., by whom lie had, 1. Sir Henry, 3d bart. 2. Anne, m. her 2d cousin, sir Richard Bacon, of Gillingham, bart. He was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir HENRY, m. Sarah, da. of sir John Castleton, bart., by whom (who d. 3 Feb. 1727) he had, 1. Sir Edmund, his successor. 2. Henry ; 3. Nicholas, both d. unm. 4. Richard, m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Palgrave, esq. Sir Henry d. 1686, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir EDMUND, m., 1st, Philippa, da. and co-h. of sir Edmund Bacon, 4th bart. of the Redgrave branch, and by her (who d. I71O) had issue, besides several children, who d. jinm. 1. Sir Edmund, 5th bart. 2. S'r Henry, 7th bart. 3. Sir Richard, 8th bart. Sir Edmund m., 2dly, Mary, da. of John Castell, of RavenJngham, by whom he had, 4. Mary, m. Philip Bedingfield, esq. 5. Anne. G. Castell, who by Elizabeth, da. of Richard Dashwood, of Cockley Cley, CO. Norfolk, had 2 sons, 1. Sir Edmund, 9th bart. 2. Dashwood, b. 3 Jan. 1752, m. Anne- Barbara, da. of Ogilvie, of St. Chris- topher's, and d. 25 Sept. 1812, leaving issue. Sir Edmund d. 10 July 1721, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir EDMUND, who represented the borough of Thetford in 3 parliaments; m. Susan, da. of sir Isaac Rebow, knt., and had issue, 1. Sir Edmund, his successor. 2. Susan, m. Francis Schutz, esq. Sir Edmund d. 2 Oct. 1738, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VI. Sir EDMUND, d. unm. in 1750, and was succeeded by his uncle, VII. Sir HENRY, d. ?<»m. in 1753, and was succeeded by his brother, VII. and VIII. Sir RICHARD.whoon the death of his kinsman, sir Edmund Bacon, 6th baronet of the Redgrave branch, suc- ceeded to that title, and became premier baronet. He was twice ?»., but d. without surviving issue, 1773, when both the baron- etcies of Kill and 1()27 devolved on his nephew of the half blood, Vlll.andlX. SirEDMUND, son of Cas- tell Bacon, before mentioned, 6.1749, >w.,Jan. 1778, Anne, da. of sir William Beauchamp Proctor, bart., and by her (who d. 26 Aug. 1813) had issue, 1. Sir Edaiund, present bart. 2. Annk-Fkances, b. 1781, m., 27 Dec. 1803, Edmund-Thomas Hussey, of Galtrim, in Ireland, esq., grandson of Horatio, earl of Orford. .3. Maria, b. 21 Sept. 1784, m., 11 Feb. 1808, capt. Edward Hodge, 7th regiment of drag! ons, who was killed at Geiiappe, 16 June 1815. 4. Nicholas, h. 6 June 1786, nu, 14 Oct. 1813, Jantv 2d da. of the late Alexander HOGHTON. 3 Bowker, of Lynn, co. Norfolk, esq., and has issue, 1. Jane, m., 9 May 1832,WilliaTn Hut- ton, of Gate Burton, co. Line, esq. 2. Anne-Elizabeth. 3. Henry-Hickman. 4. Francis. 5. Henkv, b. 29 Oct. 17^8, took the sur- name of Hickman in addition to and after Bacon, by royal sign manual, 1826. Sir Edmund d. 5 Sept. 1020, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IX. and X.Sir EDMUND, present bart., being 9th bart. of Redgrave, and 10th bart. of Mildenhall. Arms — See Plate 1. Gules on a chief, ar- gent, two mullets pierced, sable. Crest — A boar statant, ermine. Motto — Mediocria Firma. Seat — Raveningham, co. Norfolk. HOGKTON, of HoGHTON Tower, co. Lancaster. 22 May 1611. Sir HENRY-PHILIP HOGHTON, Baronet, born 12 June 1768, suc- ceeded his father, sir Henry, 9 March 1795, and was M.P. for Preston 1790 and 1796 ; married, 13 Nov. 1797, Susanna, da. and sole h. of Peter Brook, of AstleyHall, co. Lancaster, esq., and relict of Thomas Townley Par- ker, esq., and has issue, — 1. HENRY, b. 3 Jan. 1799, m., 23 May 1820, Dorothea, 2d, but eldest surviving da., and (by the death of her elder sister, Mary, who m. Prince Eustace Sapeiha, of Poland, without issue) sole h. of Peter- Patten Bold, of Bold, co. Lancaster, esq., and took the surname of Bold, in addition to and before Hoghton, and also the arms of Bold quar- terly in the 2d quarter with those of Hoghton, by royal sign manual, 1825: he has issue, 1. Henry, b. 2 Aug. 1821; 2. Charles, b. 20 Nov. 1823 ; 3. Mary, b. 7 June 1825 ; 4. Dora, b. 12 Sept. 1826; 5. A son, b, 19 May 1828.^ — 2. Fanny-Elizabeth, b. 30 March 1800. This family, anciently written de Hccton and Hoghton, have been of great eminence in the co. of Lancaster in former ages. The first mentioned is Adam de Hocton, who lived in the time of Henry II., and whose great-grandson was sir Adam de Hocton, written kntr-50 Hen. III. The 15th in lineal descent from him was, I. Sir RICHARD HOGHTON. He suc- ceeded to a very great estate, was knighted by queen Elizabeth, and made a bart. with tfte first advanced to that dignity. He served in several parliaments, co. Lancaster, and entertained king James I. at Hoghton tower for several days, on his progress into Scotland in l(il7; m. Catharine, da of sir Gilbert Gerard, of Bromley, co. Stafford, knt., master of the rolls, who d. 17 Nov. 1617, and had by her, 1. Sir Gilbert, 2d bart. 2. Thomas; 3. Richard. 4. Ratcliffe. 5. Roger, slain in Germany. 6. ANNE,m., 1st, sir John Cotton, knt.; and 2dly, sir John Charleton, knt. and bart. 7. Catherine, m. James Stewart, lord Galloway. 8. Elizabeth, m. Nicholas Girling, esq. 9. Gilibert, jn. sir George Muscamp, knt. 10. Frances; 11. Alice. 12. Margaret. 13. Eleanor, ail d. tinm. Sir Richard d. 12 Nov. 1(J30, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, 11. Sir GILBERT, bart., knighted 21 July 1(J06. He was in great favour with king James I., and afterwards distinguished for loyalty to Charles I. He was knt. of the shire co. Lancaster, m. Margaret, eldest da. and co-h.of sir Roger Aston, knt., by whom (who d. 28 Dec. 1G57) he had issue, 1. George, d. young. 2. Sir Richard, .3d bart. 3. Roger, killed in the battle at Hessam Moor, in 1613. 4. Gilbert, jn. Lettice, da. and co-h. Of sir Francis Gabul, knt., and d. 1661. 5. Thomas, d. young. 6. Henry, 7n. IMary, da. of Peter Eger- ton, of Shaw, co. Lancaster, esq., and relict of sir Thomas Stanley, of Bickerstaif, bart. 7. Catherine, nj.' Thomas Preston, of Holker, co. Lancaster, esq. 8. Mary, m. sir Hugh Calverley, knt. 9. Margaret, »». Alexander Rigby, of Middleton, esq. 10. Anne. Sir Gilbert d, April 1647, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, III. Sir RICHARD, who was knt. of the shire co. Lancaster, m. Sarah, da. of Philip Stanhope, 1st earl of Chesterfield, and had issue, 1. Philip, d. young. 2. Sir Charles, 4th bart. 3. Ferdinand; 4. Gilbert. 5. Henry; 6. Benjamin. 7. Catherine; 8. Arabella. 9. Sarah. Sir Richard d. Feb. 1078, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir CHARLES, m., March 1676. Mary, eldest da. of John Skeftington, 2d viscount Massareene, (by Mary, only child of sir John Clotworthy, the 1st viscount Massarene,) and had issue by her (who d. 30 April 1732), 1. John, d. at the age of 21, utim. 2. Sir Henry, 5th bart. 3. Philip, d. 1747, having wi., 1st, Eliza- beth, da. of Thomas Sclater, of Denham, CO. Lancaster, esq., by whom, who d. March 1731, he had issue, Sir Henry, 0th bart.; and 2 das. Elizabeth and Mary, bothd. uiim. He m., 2dly, Margaret, da. of Edward Rigby, of Middleton, co. Lancaster, by whom, who d. Feb. 1795, he had 1 da. Ann, m., 1/74, the rev. Humphry Shuttleworth. 4. Skeffington, d. uitnu 1768. 5. James, d. young. 6. Mary, d. in 1710. 7. Cordelia, m. Robert Davie, esq. b2 CLIFTON. 8. Anna, m. Samuel Crook, esq. 9. Margaret, m. Samuel Watson, esq. 1(1. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Fenton, esq. 11. Lucy, m. Thomas Lutwidge, esq. Sir Charles was three times knt. of the shire co. Lancaster. He d. 10 June 17IU, and was succeeded by his 2d son, V. Sir HENRY, m. 1st, Mary, eldest da. of sir William Boughton, bart., who rf. in 1/20; 2dly, Elizabeth, lady Russell, relict of lord Jiimes Russell, .5th son of William, the 1st duke of Bedford ; she d. Sept. 173G; 3dly Susanna, eldest da. of Thomas Butter- worth, esq., who survived him, and d. 16 Oct. 1772, but left no issue. He served in parliament many years for Preston, and also for East Loo, in Cornwall. He d. 23 Feb. 17<)1!, and was succeeded by his nephew, VI. Sir HENRY, (only son of Philip, .3d son of sir Charles, 4th bart.,) b. 22 Oct. 173H; m. in 1761, Elizabeth, only da. and h. of William Ashurst, of Heddingham Castle, CO. Essex, esq. She d. the following year, in childbed, leaving a da., 1. Elizabeth, m. 1783, Lewis Majendie, esq. Sir Henry-m., 2dly, 8 July 17C6, Fanny, eldest da. and co-h. of Daniel Booth, of Hulton Hall, co. Essex, esq., and by her (who d. in April 1803) had issue, 2. Sir Henry-Philip, present bart. 3. Daniel, a major-gen. in the army, 6. 27 Aug. 1770, killed at the battle of Al- buera, in Spain, l(j May 1811, num. Sir Henry represented the borough of Preston nearly 30 years, and dying 9 March 17!';>, was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir HENRY-PHILIP, present bart. Arms — See Plate 1. Sable, 3 bars argent. Crest — A bull passant, argent. Motto — Mnlf^re le tort. Seats — Houghton Tower and Walton Hall, both CO. Lancaster. CLIFTON, of Cliftox, co. Nottingliam. 22MaylCll. Sir ROBERT CLIFTON, Baronet, horn June 17G7; succeeded hif father, sir Gervase, 20 Sept. 1816. This family descends from Alvaredus DE Clifton, who was warden of the castle of Nottingham in the time of William Peverell, bastard son of William the Con- queror ; and the elder line has been con- stantly seated at Clifton, near Nottingham, down to the present time. Sir Gervase Clifton, temp. Hen. VII., 14th in descent from Alvaredus, had 2 sons, from the eldest of whom, Robert, the present baronet, descends; and the younger, Gervase, was of the Custom-house, London, and was grandfather of Gervase Clifton, who was summoned to parliament as a baron, 6 Jas. I., which barony is now vested in the eirl of Darnley. Sir Gervase Clifton, of Clifton, Ifilh in descent from Alvaredus, and son of Robert above named, was knighted by Queen P^lizabeth. He »?., 1st, Mary, da. of John, lord Neville, of Chete, co. York, by whom he had no surviving male issue ; and 2dly, Winifred, da. and h. of William Thwaites, by whom he had an only son, Georoe, who d. in his father's lifetime, Aug. 1.587, leaving his wife, Winifred, da. of sir Anthony Thorold, of Marston, knt., enciente of a son. Sir Gervase himself rf. in Jan. following, and was succeeded in his estate by his grandson, I. Sir GERVASE, 1st baronet, who was only four months old at his grandfather's decease. He was made K. B. at the coro- nation of king JamfS I., and afterwards ad- vanced to the dignity of bart. He served in 8 parliaments co. Nottingham and Ret- ford, and was commissioner at Oxford and Newark for Charles the First. He was 7 times married; 1st, to Penelope, da. of Robert Rich, earl of Warwick, d. \(\V.\; 2dly, to Frances, da. of Francis CHHord, eariof Ctnnborland,rf. 1()27; 3dly, to Mary, da. of John Egioke ; 4thly, to Isabel, da. of Meek"; .5thly, to Anne, da. of sir Francis South, knt. rf. 1(;3!); (Jthly, to Jane, da. of Anthony Eyre, d. 1(;5.5; and 7thly, 23 Dec. 1G50, to Alice, da. of Henry Hast- ings, earl of Huntingdon, who survived him, but d. in the same year with himself. By his 3d, 4th, .5th, and 7th wives, he had no issue. By his 1st he had, 1. Sir Gervase, 2d bart. By his 2d, 2. Sir Clifford, knt., father of the 3d bart. 3. Margaret, m., 1st, sir John South, knt, ; 2dly, William Whichcote, esq. ; and 3dly, Robert, lord Hunsdon. 4. Frances, m., 1st, Richard Tempest, esq. ; and 2dly, Anthony Eyre, esq. 5. Anne, m. sir Francis Rodes, knt. 6. Letitia, m. Clifton Rodes, esq., his brother. By his 6th wife, sir Gervase had, 7. Robert, father of sir Gervase, 4th baronet. 8. Charles, d. r2, and was succeeded bv his onlv son, VI. Sir GERVASE, w. a da. and sole h. of the Lloyds, in co. Pembroke, and by her, who d. 1780, of a putrid fever, by her affectionate attendance on two of her sons, who laboured under that disorder, had issue, 1. Robert, present bart. 2. Gervase, d. 177^1. 3. Juckes-Granville, who took the surname of Juckes, in addition to and after Clifton; m., 1st, 1794, Margaret, da. of James deLancy, of Bath, esq.,' by whom he had issue; and 2dly, 21 Aug. 1821, Mari- anne, da. of John Swynfen, of Swynten- house, CO. Stafford, by whom also he has issue. 4. Sir Arthur-Bexjamin, K.C.B., K.C.H., K.S.A., K.S.W., major-general in the armv. 5. Frances, m., 1797. the rev. Robert Markham, archdeacon of York, son of the late archbishop of York. Sir Gervase d. 2G Sept. 1815, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VII. Sir ROBERT, present bart. Arms^Ses Plate 1. Sable, semee of cinquefoils, and a lion rampant, argent. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet a demi peacock, per pale, argent and sable, his wings exp-inded counterchanged. Motto— Tericz le droit. Seat— At Clifton, near Nottingham. GERARD, of Bryn, co. Lancaster. 22 May 1611. Sir JOHN GERARD, Baronet, born 8 Dec. 1804, succeeded his uncle, sir William, 2 Aug. 182G; married, 3 Dec. 1827, Monica, da. of Thomas Strickland Standish, of Standish Hall, co. Lancaster, and Sizergh, co. Westmoreland, esq. This family derives its origin from the same ancestor as the duke of Leinster, the marquess of Lansdowne, the lords Windsor (extinct), and many others, viz. Otho or Other, a powerful 'English baron in the time of king Edwnrd the Confessor, whose son, Walter Fitz-Other was, at the time of the general survey of England 1(178, castel- lan of Windsor. Gerald or Gerard, 3d son of Walter Fitz-Other, had a son, William Fitz-Gerard, who m. Emma, da. and h. of Richard de Kingsley; his descendants con- tinued the surname of Gerard, and settled first at Kingsley, co. Chester, and after- wards at the Brynne, co. Lancaster. From a younger branch of this family, settled at Ince, CO. Lancaster, descended Thomas Gerard, created baron Gerard, of Gerard's Bromley 1(103; and Charles Gerard, created baron Gerard, of Brandon, and earl of Macclesfield, all which titles are now ex- tinct. Fourteenth in descent from William Fitzgerard above named, was I. Sir THOMAS GERARD, 1st bart. The £1000 which he was to have given for the dignity was returned, in consideration of his father's great sufferings upon account of queen Mary, mother to king James the First. He m., 1st, Cecily, da. of sir Walter Manev, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Fhancks, m. Ralph Standish, of Standish, co. Lancas'er, esq. Sir Thomas »»., 2dly, Mary, da. of Sir James Hawes, knt., lord-mayor of London, and widow, 1st, of John Smythe, citizen and mercer of London ; and 2dly, of Sir Robert Lee, knt. ; and 3dly, Mary, da. of William Dormer, esq., and wido'.v of Browne, esq.; by the last two he had no issue. Sir Thomas d. and was succeeded by his onlv son, "II. Sir THOMAS, 2d bart., m. Frances, da. of sir Richard Molineux, bart. (ancestor of the earls of Sefton), and had issue, 1. Sir William, 3d bart. 2. Richard, went into Maryland with Mr. Calvert, lord Baltimore's uncle, lord proprietor thereof. He afterwards signa- lized himself as an officer of the king's army in the civil wars. After the restora- ration of king Charles II. was appointed cup-bearer to the queen-mother, and d. Sept, 1()8(), leaving issue. 3. Gilbert; 4. Peter; 5. Thomas; all rf. t(nm. G. John, d. nnm. 7. Frances, a nun, at Gravelincs. Sir Thomas d. and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir WILLIAM, who, having ex- pended large sums in the king's service during the civil wars, and being one of the last who held out for his majesty, had his estate sequestrated, and was obliged to re- purchase it from the parHament. Sir Wil- liam m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Cuthbert Clifton, knt., and had issue, 1. Sir William, 4th bart. 2. Thomas, who was first a captain, and afterwards a monk. 3. Cuthbert, rf. s.p. 4. John, who m. the heiress of Ince, but rf. s.p. 5. Frances, wifeof Francis Howard, esq. IV. Sir WILLIAM, 4th bart., w., 1st, SHELLEY. Anne, da. of sir John Preston, bart., and by her had issue, 1. Sir William, 5th bart.; 2. Thomas. 3. John; 4. Fkancis; 5. Mary. C. Elizabeth. 7. Anne, m. Charles Waterton, esq. 8. Bridget; O.Frances. 10. Winifred. Sir William m., 2dly, Mary, sister of sir Edward Mostwyn, of Talacre, co. Flint, bart., and widow of James Poole, esq.; by her he had no issue. He was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir WILLIAM, m. Mary, 2d da. of John Cancefield, esq., by whom he had, 1. Anne; 2. Mary; 3. Elizabeth, who all rf. it7im. 4. Sir William, 6th bart.; 5. John. 6. Thomas, who d. an infant. VI. Sir WILLIAM, who succeeded his father, m. Elizabeth, 4th da. of Thomas CHfton, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir William, 7th bart. 2. Sir Thomas, 8th bart. 3. Sir Robert-Cansfield, 9th bart. 4. Mary. Sir William d. 9 Dec. 1732, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir WILLIAM, who rf. unm. 22 March 1740, and was succeeded by his brother, VIII. Sir THOMAS, m. but d. without male issue, 25 June 1780, was succeeded by his next brother, IX. Sir Robert-Cansfield, m. Cathe- rine, da. of William Anderton, of Euxton, esq., and by her (who rf. Jan. 1821) had issue, 1. Sir Robert, 10th bart. 2. Sir William, 11th bart. 3. John, of Windle Hall, co. Lancaster, Ml., 22 Feb. 1803, Elizabeth, da. of Edward Ferrers, of Baddesley Clinton, co. War- wick, esq., and d. 22 May 1822, leaving issue, 1. Sir John, present bart. 2. William, b. 18 May 1806, m., March 1829, Mary, da. of B. Bretherton, of Rainhill, co. Lancaster, esq. 3. Robert, b. 12 May 1808. 4. Edward, b, 6 Jan. 1810, d. 8 May 1811. 5. Frederick-Sewallis, b. 23 Dec. 1811. 6. Thomas-Alexander, b. 11 July 1812. 7. Charles, b. 10 March 1814. 8. Eliza, b. 26 Feb. 1805, m., April 1830, Henry Arundell, esq. 9. Catherine, 6. 22 Oct. 1818. 4. Thomas, d. young; 5. Elizabeth. 6. Maria, m. Thomas Stapleton, of Grove, co. York, esq., and d. 9 Feb. 1827- 7. Catharine, m. Thomas Strickland Standish, of Standish Hall, co. Lancaster, esq. 8. Ellen, d. an infant. Sir Robert d. 6 March 1784, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, X. SIR ROBERT, who d. during his minority, at Liege, in Germany, 26 Aug. 1791, and was succeeded by his brother, XI. Sir WILLIAM, b. 12 July 1773, m., 21 Dec. 1795, Anna-Maria, da. of Miles Stapleton, of Richmond, co. York, esq., but by her (who d. 13 Sept. 1808) had no issue, and d. 2 Aug. 1826, was succeeded by his nephew, XII. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 1. Argent, a "saltire, gules. Crest — A monkey statant proper, chained round the loins, or. Motto — En Dieu est man esp^rnnce. Seat — At Garswood Hall, Warrington, CO. Lancaster. SHELLEY, of Maresfield Park, Sussex. 22 May 161L Sir JOHN SHELLEY, Baronet, horn 1771, succeeded his father, the right hon. sir John, 11 Sept. 1783, married., 2 June 1807, Frances, da. and sole h. of Thomas Winckley, of Brockholes and Catterall Hall, co. Lancaster, esq., and has issue, 1. Joiin-Villiers, b. Jan. 1808 ; m., 13 Aug. H532, Louisa-Ehzabeth-Anne, only child of the rev. S. Johnes, knt., of Henley Hall, CO. Salop ; 2. Frederick, b. 1809 ;- — -3. Adolthus- Edward ; 4. Spencer; 5. Fanny-Lucy, ?«., 19 May 1834, hon. George Edgcumbe, youngest son of the earl of Mount Edgcumbe ; C. Cecilia-Victoria. This family is of considerable antiquity in the county of Sussex, and is said to be descended from a sir John Shelley, a faith- ful adherent of king Richard II., who was executed by Henry IV. John Shelley, living tnxp. Henry VII., m. Elizabeth, da. and \\. of John Michel- grove, of Micholgrove, co. Sussex, and had, be.sides otlier issue, 2 sons, I. Sir William, a judge of the common pleas, ancestor of the present bart.; 2. Edward, of Worm- inghurst, co. Sussex, from whom sir Bysshe Shelley, of Castle Goring, created a bart. 1806, and sir John Shelley-Sidney, of Pens- hurst, created a bart. 1818, descend (See those titles). I. Sir JOHN SHELLEY, of Michel- giove, great-grandson of sir William, above named, was created a bart. as above; m. Jane, da. of sir Thomas Reresby, knt., by whom he had 2 sons, 1. Sir William, knt., m., Christina, da. of sir James Vantelet, knt., and d. 163.5, v.p., leaving an only son, sir Charles, 2d bart. 2. John, m. Mary, da. and h. of George Bailley, esq., and d. without issue. Sir John was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir CHARLES, 2d bart., »»., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Benjamin Weston, co. Surrey, esq. (by Elizabeth, countess of An- glesey), and by her (who survived him and d. WU:>) had, I.Benjamin; 2. Charles, both d. young. 3. Sir John, 3d bart. M us GRAVE. 4. William, who d. without issue. 5. Elizabeth; 6. Christina, who both d. nnm. His 2d wife was Mary, da. of Thomas Giftbrd, esq., and relict of George, the 9th lord Abergavenny, by whom he had no issue. Sir Charles d. about lt!81, and was buried at Rouen, in France. He was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, III. Sir JoHx, m., 1st, Bridget, only da. of George, 9th lord Abergavenny, by whom he had, 1. Frances, m., Richard, 5th viscount Fitzwilliam, in the peerage of Ireland. Sir John m., 2dly, INIary, da. and co.h., of sir John Gage, bart., by whom, who d. 1703, he had issue, 2. Sir John, 4th bart. 3. Richard, m. Mrs. Fleetwood, by whom he had issue, 4. Mary, m. sir John Lawson, bart. 5. Elizabeth, m. Edward Sheldon, esq. 6. Catherine, m. George Mathew, of Ireland, esq., ancestor of the earls of Llandaff. Sir John d. 25 April 1/03, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IV. Sir JOHN, m., 21 May 1717, Catha- rine, da. of sir Thomas Scawen, knt., by whom (who rf. 172{j) he had 2 das., 1. Catherine; 2. Mary. Hem., 2dly, Margaret, sister of Thomas- Pelham Clinton, 1st duke of Newcastle, by whom (who d. 13 Nov. 1768) he had issue. 3. Sir John, 5th bart. 4. Henrietta, m.,26 June 1763, George, 1st earl of Onslow. 5. Elizabeth, m. James Cannon, esq. 6. Tryphena, m. Charles Polhill, esq. He d. 6 Sept. 1771, and was succeeded by his son, V. The right hon. sir JOHN, bart. who was keeper of the records in the Tower, and clerk of the pipe for life, and for some time treasurer of the king's household. He served in parliament for Shoreham, and in 1/6(3, was sworn of the privy council. He m., 1st, Wilhelmina, da, of JohnNewnham, of Maresfield, co. Sussex, esq., by whom (who d. 1772) he had issue, 1. Sir John, present bart. And, 2dly, Jan. 17/5, Elizabeth, da. of Edward Woodcock, esq. by whom (who re-m. 1790, Dr. Stewart, of Southampton, and d. 25 Dec. 1808) he had issue, 2. Elizabeth, d. umn. 3. Lucy, d. unm. Jan. 1816. 4. Arabella, d. unm. Sir John d. 11 Sept. 1783, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, VI. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 1. Sable, a fess en- grailed, between 3 welks, or. Crest — A griffin's head erased, argent, beaked and ducally gorged, or. Seats — Maresfield Park, co. Sussex, Brockholes and Catterall Hall, Lancashire. MUSGRAVE, of Eden-Hall, co. Cumberland. 29 June IGll. Sir GEORGE MUSGRAVE, Baronet, in the Army, succeeded his bro- ther, sir Christopher John, 11 May 1834; married, 26 June 1828, Char- lotte, da. of sir James Graham, of Netherby, bart. This family came into England with the Conqueror, and settled at Musgrave, in Westmoreland. — The first of the name on record was Peter Mwgrave, who lived about the time of king Stephen, from whom the 18th in descent was I. RICHARD MUSGRAVE, the 1st bart., who represented co. Westmoreland in parliament, 1 Jac. I., and at the coronation of that king was made K. B. He /«. Frances, da. of Philip, lord Wharton, and by her left issue, Mary, who rf. unnu, and sir Philip, his successor, and deceasing at Naples in 1615, was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir Philip, aged then seven years. He was one of the knts. of the shire for Westmoreland in 1640; but in April 1642, he withdrew from the house of commons, and returned to it no more till after the Restoration. In 1(;44, he was made com- mander-in-chief of Cumberland and West- moreland, by a commission from the Mar- quess of Newcastle. He asserted the royal cause with all courage and dutiful allegiance, and was made governor of Carlisle. To the marquess at York, he sent first 600 soldiers, then 1800, and afterwards to prince Rvipert 1000 more, whom he raised in the cos. of Cumberland and Westmoreland. After the battle at Marston Moor, he, with sir Tho- mas Glenham, retired to Carlisle ; upon the surrender of which garrison (the last that yielded to the parliament) he attended the king at Cardiff. At the desire of some loyal gentlemen, a new regt. of foot being raised in Cumberland, he was appointed col. of it. Sir Philip was taken prisoner at Rowton Moor in 1645, after which he took Carlisle by surprise, and was a 2d time appointed governor. After the battle of Worcester, sir Philip attended on king Charles II. in France, Holland, and Scot- land, from whence he retired to the Isle of Man, which he bravely defended under the countess of Derby, until it was reduced to the last extremity; and then, that lady having surrendered upon honourable terms, he had leave to retire to any part of England. At the restoration of Charles II. 1660, he was a 3d time made governor of Carlisle. He had a warrant for creating him baron Musgrave, of Hartley Castle, but never took out the patent. He m. Julian, youngest da. of sir Richard Hutton, knt., judge of the Common Pleas, by whom (who d. 1659) he had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 3d bart. 2. Philip, rf. at Charenton, in France. 3. Sir Christopher, 4th bart. 4. William. 5. S[MON, drowned. 6. Thomas, D.D., dean of Carlisle, twice m., and rf. 18 T.Iarch 16H6. 7. Frances, m. Edward Hutchinson, esq. Sir Philip rf. Feb. 1678, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir RICHARD, m. Margaret, da. of sir Thomas Harrison, of Alesthorpe, co. York, knt., by whom he left only 1 da., Mary, m, Thomas Davison, esq. 3 COPE. He was succeeded by his next surviving brother, IV. Sir CHRISTOPHER. Whileyoung, he was very active in the royal cause, and suffered much by imprisonment and other- wise, towards the end of the Usurpation, being found to be concerned in sir George Booth's rising. After the Restoration he was linighted ; made governor of Carh^le, and lieut.-gen. of the ordnance ; and in the first year of queen Anne, made one of the four tellers of the exchequer. He in. 1st, Mary, da. and co-h. of sir Andrew Cogan, bart., bv whom (who d. in childbed July 1664) he" had, 1. Philip, clerk of the council to king James II., and clerk of the deliveries of the ordnance ; m., 1()85, Mary, da. of George Legge, 1st lord Dartmouth, and d. in his father's lifetime, 2 July 1089, leaving issue by her, sir Christopher, 5th bart. ; and Barbara, m. Thomas Howard, of Corby, esq. 2. Christopher, barrister-at-law, M.P. for Carlisle, and after his brother's death, clerk of the council ; d. unm. Sept. 1718. 3. Mary. Sir Christopher m., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of sir John Franklyn, of Willesden, co. Middlesex, and by her had issue, 4. John; 5. Richard, d. young. 6. Joseph, M. P. for Cockermouth, 1713, rf. unm. 1757. 7.. SiiMON, d. in the East Indies, 1756. 8. George, storekeeper at Chatham, m. Sarah, youngest da. of mr. Benjamin Ros- sell, and widow of lieut. Young, and d. l/ol, leaving issue, 1. Joseph; 2. Thomas; 3. George. 9. Elizabeth, m. John Wynyeve, of Brettenham, co. Suffolk. 10. Dorothy, m. James Hawley, of Brentford, Middlesex. 11. Mary; 12. Frances. 13. Anne ; 14. Barbara. Sir Christopher rf. 29 July 1704, and was succeeded by his grandson, V. Sir CHRISTOPHER, h. 1688; suc- ceeded his uncle, Christopher Musgrave, esq., as clerk of the council, 171<*. He re- presented Carlisle in the last parliament of queen Anne, and the co. Westmoreland, 1722 ; m. Julia, da. and h. of sir John Chardin, of Kempton Park, co. Middlesex, knt., and by her had issue, 1. Sir Philip, 6th bart. 2. Christopher, fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and rector of Barking, in Essex, m., 20 Dec. 1757, Mrs. Perfect, of Hatton Garden. .3. Hans, lieut-colonel in his majesty's forces. 4. Chardin, provost of Oriel College, Oxford. 5. Mary, m., 1st, Hugh Lumley, esq., of Ireland ; and 2dly, John Pigot, esq. of the same kingdom. 6. Julia, m. Edward Hasel, esq. 7. Barbara, w., 1st, John Hogg, esq. of Scotland ; and 2dly, lord chief baron Idle. 8. Anne, m. Henry Aglionby, esq. 9. Elizabeth, m., 1st, Edward Spragge, esq.; and 2dly, John Johnstone, esq. 10. Charlotte, d. num. 11. Dorothy, w. rev. William VVroughton, rector of Welburn, co. Lincoln. Sir Christopher rf. 3 Jan. 1736, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir PHILIP, m. Jane, da. of John Turton, of Orgreave, co. Stafford, esq., and by her had issue, 1. Jane, in., 176I, Joseph Musgrave, of Kypier, esq., and d. 29 Nov. 1762. 2. Elizabeth, m., 1768, Heneage Legge, of Idlicote, CO. Warwick, esq., afterwards of Ashton Hall, in the same co. and d. 4 March 1820. 3. Charlotte, m., 1794, rev. Charles Mordaunt, of Massingham, co. Norfolk, brother to sir John Mordaunt, bart., and rf. 23 Oct. 1816. 4. Henrietta, w., 1774, sir John Morris, of Clasemont, co. Glamorgan, bart., and d. 1 June 1812. 5. Sir John Chardin, 7th bart. 6. Christopher, b. 29 May 1759, m., 1790, Elizabeth-Anne, co-h. of the late lord Archer, (which barony became extinct in 1778,) by whom he had issue, Christopher, and 2 das. Sir Phili)) rf. 5 July 1795, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VII. Sir JOHN-CHARDIN, 6. 5 Jan. 1757, m., 13 July 1791, Mary, da. of the late rev. sir Edmund Filmer, of East Sutton Place, Kent, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir Philip, 8th bart. 2. Sir Christopher-John, 9th bart. 3. Sir George, 10th bart. 4. Thomas, rf. June 1822. 5. JiTLiA, rf. 5 March 1815. Sir John-Chardin, rf. 24 July 1806, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir PHILIP-CHRISTOPHER, b. 1794, m. 21 Oct. 1824, Elizabeth, 3d da. of George Fludyer, of Ayston, esq., by lady Mary, his wife, da. of John, 9th earl of Westmoreland, and had issue, Elizabkth-Mary, ft. 2.1 July 1826. Sir Philip rf. July 1827, and was succeeded by his brother, IX. .Sir CHRISTOPHER -JOHN, 9th bart., in holy orders; m. Sept. 1825, Mary- Anne, da. of Edward Hasell, esq., but rf. without male issue, 11 May 1834, was suc- ceeded by his next brother, X. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Arms — See Plate 1. Azure, six annulets, or, 3, 2, and 1. Crest— Two arms embowed in armour, proper, the hands grasping an annulet, or. Motto — Sfins v.hmii^er. Sea <— Eden Hall,' Cumberland. COPE, of Hanwell, CO. Oxford. 29 June 1611. Sir JOHN COPE, Baronet, succeeded his Dec. 1812. brother. Sir Denzil, 12 This family descends from John Cope, esq. a very eminent person in the reigns of king Richard II. and Henry IV., and several years one of the knts. of the shire for Northampton. L Sir ANTHONY COPE, the 1st bart., previously to his being advanced to that dignity, had been knighted by queen Eliza- beth, and represented the borough of Ban- bury in 5 several parliaments ; m., 1st, Fran- GRESLEY. res, da. of sir Rowland Lytton, knt., by whom he had 7 sons, 4 of whom lived to man's estate, and :i das., viz. 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Anthony; 3. RifHARD, who both settled in Ireland, and left issue. 4. John ; .5. Anne, M.sir Jr)hn Leigh, knt. 6. Elizabhth, w. sir Richard Cecil, knt. 7- Mary, m. Henry Chainpernowne, of Darlington, co. Devon, esq. Sir Anthony m., 2dly, Anne, da. of Wil- liam Paston, of Paston, co. Norfolk, esq., and widow of sir George Chaworth, of Wiverton,co. Notts, knt., and of sir Nicholas Lestrange, of Hunstanton, co. Norfolk, knt., by which lady he had no issue. Sir Anthony d. 1615, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, 2d bart., M. P. for Banbury in the 1st parliament of king James I., and for co. Oxford in 3 other parliaments of that reign ; m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of sir George Chaworth, knt. and had issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Jonathan, of Rawton Abbey, co. Stafford, m., Anne, da. of sir Hatton Eermor, of Easton, co. Northampton, knt., and was grandfather of sir Jonathan Hope, of Brew- em, CO. Oxon, created a bart, 1713. 3. Frances, m., Robert, son and h. of sir Lobert Lee, knt. 4. Mary ; 5. Ursula, d. unm. Sir William d. 2 Aug. 1637, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JOHN, m., 1st, Mary, da. of sir John Walter, knt., lord chief baron of the exchequer, who d. leaving him an only da., 1. Anne. He m., 2dly, lady Elizabeth, da. of Fran- cis, earl of Westmoreland, and had, 2. Sir Anthony, 4th bart. 3. William, d. young. 4. Sir John, 5th bart. 5. Mary, rf. an infant. 6. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Estcourt, esq. IV. Sir ANTHONY, eldest son of sir John, m. Mary, da. of Dutton, lord Ge- rard, of Gerard's Bromley, and had issue, 1. Mary; 2. John; 3. Anthony; 4. Henry, all rf. young. Sir Anthony served for Banbury, at the restoration of king Charlss IL, and the next year was chosen knt. of the shire, co. Ox- ford. He d. 1675, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir JOHN, who also sat in several parliaments for Oxfordshire and Banbury, m. Anne, da. of Philip Booth, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, Gih bart. 2. Anthony, m. Anne, da. of the rev. Nathaniel Spinks, prebendary of Sarum, by whom he had no issue. 3. Charles. 4. Galen, who was first a capt. of horse, but afterwards took orders, and was rector of Eversley, co. Hants, m. Jane, da. of Richard Onslow, esq., of Drungwicke, co. Sussex, by whom he had 2 sons, 1. Sir Richard, .0th bart. 2. William, of Bridgden Place, Bexley, CO Kent, esq., m. Aniie, da. of Benjamin Greenwood, of St. Mary Cray, co. Kent, esq., and had issue, sir Denzil, loth bart., and sir John, present bart. 5. Daniel; 6. Albion, both d.iinm. 7. William, lieut. in the foot-guards, d. unm. 7 June 17(16. 8. Elizabeth. Sir John d. 11 Jan. 1721, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir JOHN, served in several parlia- ments for Plympton, Tavistock, Lyming- ton, and the co. Southampton; m. Alice, da. of sir Humphrey Monnoux, of Wotton, CO. Bedford, bart., by whom (who d. Feb. 1728) he had, 1. Sir Monnoux, his successor. 2. John, gentleman usher to George II. 3. Anne, m. William Bethell, esq. Sir John d. 8 Dec. 1749, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir MONNOUX, who was member in several parliaments for Banbury, ni. Penelope, only da. of the hon. lieut.-gen. Henry Mordaunt, brother to Charles, earl of Peterborough, by whom (who d. Dec. 1737) he had, 1. William, d. young. 2. Sir John-Mor'daunt, 8th bart. Sir Monnoux d. 24 June 1773, aged 67. and was succeeded by his only son, VIII. Sir JOHN-MORDAUNT, d> 7 March 1772, without issue, and was suc- ceeded by his cousin, IX. Sir RICHARD, (2d son of Galen, 4th son of sir John, 5th bart., in holy orders, prebendary of Durham, and rector of Eversley,) m. 1st, a da. of Wyndham, esq., of Salisbury; and 2dly, 2i) Dec. 1787, Catherine, da. and h. of John Law, of Rotherham, co. York, esq., and d. without issue, was succeeded by his nephew, X. Sir DENZIL, m., 13 Sept. 1810, miss Frances, of Park Place, St. James's-street, and by her (wiio d. .30 Aug. 1820) hail no issue. Sir Denzil d. 12 Dec. 1812, and was succeeded by his brother, XI. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms — Sea Plate 1. Argent, on a chevron, azure, between three roses, gules, slipt, proper, as many fleurs-de-lis, or. C/e.s^— On a wreath, a fleur-de-lis, or, sur- mounted by a dragon's head, gules. Motto — A adeste (utimo. Seat — Bramshill Park, near Hertford Bridge, co. Hampshire. GRESLEY, of Drakelow, co. Derby. 29 June IGll. Sir ROGER GRESLEY, Baronet, Groom of the Bedchamber to H. R. H. the Duke of Sussex, boi-u 27 Dec. 1709, succeeded his father, sir Nigel- Bowyer, 2G March 1808, married, 2 June 1821, lady Sophia Coventry, youngest da. of George- William, 7th earl of Coventry, and had isstie, Sophia-Editha, b. 14 Oct., and d. 2 Nov. 1823. This family derives its descent from the chief seat of the family,) and several NiGELL de Grksley, who founded the other lordships in Derbyshire and Stafford- monastery of Gresley, and is mentioned in shire; 16th in descent from the said NigtlU Doomsday-Book as holding Drakelowe, (•r.till was, B 3 10 HARINGTON. Sir Thomas Gresley, of Drakelow, knt., who m. Catherine, da. of the cele- brated sir Thomas Walsingham, knt., and had issue by her a son and h., I. Sir GEORGE, the 1st bart. He served in parliament for Newcastle-under-Line; m. Susan, da. of sir Humphrey Ferrers, knt., and had issue, 1. Thomas, jh. Bridget, da. of sir Tho- mas Burdett, bart., and rf. during the life of his father, having had 10 children, 1. Jane; 2. Henry; 3. George, who d. infants. 4. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 5. Frances, m. John Whitehall, esq. 6. Bridget, m. Thomas Brome, esq. 7. George, m. Jane, da. of Thomas Nel- son, and rf. without issue. 8. Catharine, m. Richard Dyot, esq. 9. Elizabeth, m. Philip Tratford. 10. Mary, m. sir John Harpur, knt. 2. Elizabeth, rf. unm. 3. Dorothy, m., 1st, Robert Melward; and, 2dly, Edward Wilmot, D.D. Kir George was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir THOMAS, m. Frances, da. and co-h. of Gilbert Morewood, esq., and had issue, 1. Frances, m. Williain Inge, esq. 2. Bridget; 3. Elizabeth, rf. infants. 4. Dorothy, m. Thomas Ward. 5. Mary, »n. Daniel Watson, esq. 6. Grace, m. Robert Roby. 7. Sir William, 3d bart. 8. Anne; D.Catherine; 10. Letitia. 11. Thomas, m. Elizabeth, da. of John Lee, gent., and had issue, 1. Lee; 2. William. 3. John ; 4. Elizabeth. 12. Isabel, d.iinm. 13. Charles, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of John Bott, gent., left 3 das., his co-heirs. 1. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Bott, of Co- ventry, gent. 2. Frances ; 3. Anne. 14. Sarah, m. Paul Balladon, of Stapen- hil), CO. Derby, esq. Sir Thomas rf. 15 June 1G99, and was suc- ceeded by his son, HI. Sir WILLIAM, m. Barbara, da. of John Walcot, esq., and relict of Richard Okely, esq., and had, 1. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 2. William, rf. an infant. 3. Bridget, m, Adam Ottley, esq. Sir William rf. 17 Oct. 1711> and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, IV. Sir THOMAS, m., 1st, IJli), Dorothy, da. and co-h. of sir William Bowyer, bart., by whom he had issue 7 sions and 3 das., who all rf. young, except 1. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. S. Sir Nigel, Gth bart. He m,, 2dly, Gertrude, da. and co-h. of John Grammar, esq., by whom he had 2 children, 3. Gertrude, rf. in her infancy. 4. Geoffrey, rf. in America, leaving, 1. Thomas, rf. in 1798. 2. A da., m. the rev Willoughby. Sir Thomas rf. 1746, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir THOMAS, M.P. for Lichfield, m. Wilmot, da. of Mr. Hood, of Leicester, by whom he had only one da., Wilmot, m. her cousin, sir Nigel, 7th bart. Sir Thomas rf. of the small-pox 1753, and was succeeded by his brother, VI. Sir NIGEL, m., 1753, Elizabeth, da. of the rev. Mr. Wynn, of Cheshire, by whom he had, 1. NiGEL-BowYER, 7th bart. 2. Anne, m. sir John Heathcote, knt., and d. Sept. 1797. 3. Elizabeth; 4. Frances. 5. Louisa, w. the rev. William Gresley, of Nether Seal, co. Leicester. 6. Harriet, m. John Jelly, gent. 7. Mary, m. rev. Baptist-John Proby, eldest son of the dean of Lichfield. Sir Nigel rf. 7 April 1787, aged GO, and was succeeded by his son, VII. Sir NIGEL-BOWYER, m., 1st, in 1777) his cousin, Wilmot, only da. and h. of sir Thomas, the 5th bart., (whereby the title and estates, which had been separated on sir Thomas's death, became reunited,) and by her (who rf. 4 Dec. 1790) had issue, 1. Wilmot-Maria, m. the rev. T. Le- vett, of Lichfield. 2. Emma-Sophia, m., 15 Aug. 1808, Rich- ard-Edensor Heathcote, of Langton Hall, CO. Stafford, esq. 3. Elizabeth-Augusta, rf. Nov. 1808. Sir Nigel m., 2dly, 26 June 1796, Maria- Eliza, da. and h. of Caleb Garway, of Wor- cester, esq., and had issue, 4. Almeria-Georgiana-Maria, rf. Jan. 1798. 5. Louisa-Georgiana-Maria,&. 17 July 1798, and m., 22 March 1822, rev. Edward Woodyat, M. A. 6. Sir Roger, present bart. 7. Nigel, b. 15 March 1801, and d. 19 May 1816. Sir Nigel rf. 26 March 1808, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir ROGER, the present bart. Arms— See Plate 1. Vairy, ermine and gules. Crest— A lion passant argent, gutt^ de sang, collared, gules. Motto — Melhire Jide quam fiyrtuna. Seats— At Drakelow, in Derbyshire, and Knipersley, in Staffordshire. HARINGTON, of Ridlington, co. Rutland. 29 June IGU. Sir JAMES HARINGTON, Baronet, horn 30 Sept. 1788, succeeded Lis father, sir John-Edward, 9 June 1831 ; married^ in India, 181G, Sophia, da. of Steer, of Chichester, estj., and has issue, 1. JOHN, h. 22 May 1821. It appears from the proceedings in the suit in the King's Bench, anno 5 Edw. 1., that this family is descended from one Osul- Finis, who held the manor of Flemingley, CO. Cumberland, tenu). Rich. I. His son, tloBEUT, is designated deilARiNOTON, from amanor in Durham, and his issue continued to use it as their surname. In the reign of Edw. I., Robert de Harington, great- grandson of the above Robert, acfjuired in marriage, with Agnes, da. and h. of Richard Canceheld, the manor of Aldingham, co. HARINGTON. 11 Lancaster, which was afterwards the princi- pal seat of the family ; he was father of John de Harington; attended king Edw. I. in his expedition to Scotland 1305, and was made a knight of the Bath at the same time with the Prince of Wales, after- wards king Edw, II. He was summoned to parliament from 18 Edw. II. to 21 Edw. III. 1347, when he rf. He in. Juliana, da. of sir Richard Barlingham, knt., and had, besides other issue, a son and heir-apparent, sir Robert, who d. in his lifetime, having m, Elizabeth, sister and co-h. of John de Moulton, lord of Egremont, (a baron of parliament,) and leaving issue by her, 1. John, who succeeded his grandfather, and was 2d baron Harington; 2. Robert, an- cestor of the present baron, of whom here- after, John, 2d lord Harington, was summoned to parliament 1348, and rf. 1363, leaving a son and h., Robert, 3d lord, who d. 140.5, leaving 2 sons, I. Robert, and 2. John, 4th and 5th lords; which last d. 1457, leav- ing an only da., Elizabeth, wife of William, lord Bonville. Sir Robert de Harington, younger bro- ther of the 2d lord, and ancestor of the pre- sent bart., and of the lords Harington, of Exton, extinct, was seated at Flete, co. Lincoln, m. Mary, da. of Kirkby, and left one son, John, m. Agnes, da. of Laurence Flete, of Flete, CO, Lincoln, and d. 1421, was suc- ceeded by his s». George, 4th earl of Jersey, and d. 25 July 1821. 4. Eliza, rf. u)im. March 1798, aged 84. Sir William d. 20 Aug. 1751, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir WILLIAM, m. Mary, da. of George Jervis, esq., by whom (who rf. 4 June 1818) he had, 1. William-Jervis, his successor. 2. Heneage, b. 23 Sept. 1764, m., 17 July 1802, Anne, da. of sir John-Dixon Dyke, bart., and d. without issue March 1826. " 3. Thomas, capt. R.N., b. 2ii Oct. 1765, m. Isabella, da. of Henry Duncan, e=q., commissioner of the navy, and d. 4 Oct. 18U1, leaving issue 2 sons, Henry-Duncan, who 7)1., 1819, his cousin, Mary, da. of sir I William I. Twisden ; and Thomas, in holy orders, who m., Oct. 1827, Elizabeth, ekle:>t 14 WYVILL.—TEMPLE. da. of E. N. W. Fortescue, of Fallowpit, CO. Devoji, esq., deceased. 4. Frances, b. G Dec.l7(32, m., 1st, 9 Aug. 1783, Archibald, 11th earl of Eglinton; and 2dly, Francis Moore, esq., brother of gen. sir John Moore, K.8., and is deceased. Sir William rf. 1/07. and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir WILLI AM-JERVIS, the 7th bart., h. 13 May 17(i(), nu, 7 May 1780, Frances, da. of Alexander Wynch, esq., sometime governor of Madras, and had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. Francis-James, h. 14 June 1803, nu, 8 Jan. 1829, Cecilia, da. of Lewis Bazelguette, of Eastwick Park, co. Surrey, esq. 3. John, b. 25 Nov. 1«08. 4. Frances, b. 29 March 1787, m., 20 July 1831> rev. Lambert Blackwell Larking, vi- car of Ryarsh, co. Kent. 5. Flora, b. 22 June 1790. 6. Mabv, h. 20 May 1792, m., July 1819, her cousin, Henry-Duncan Twysden, R.N. 7. Eliza, b. 24 May 1794, m., 23 July 1827, Charles-Henry Seale, esq., R.N. 8. Isabella-Camilla, b. (i June 1797, m., 25 March 1824, rev. Rob. Orgil Lemon. Sir William-Jervis d. 3 Feb. 1834, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir WILLIAM, present and 8th bart. Anns — See Plate 1. Per saltire, argent and gules, a "^altire between 4 cross cross- lets, all counterchanged. Crest— On a wreath, a cockatrice sejant, azure winged, &c. or. Sent—t\i Roydon Hall, East Peckham, CO. Kent. WYVILL, of Constable-Burton, co. York. 25 Nov. 1611. L Sir MARMADUKE WYVILL, of Constable-Burton, was created a bart. as a?x)ve ; he d. 1648, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. SirCHRISTOPHER, whom. Ursula, eldest da. of Conyers, Lord Darcy and Con- yers, created earl of Holdernesse 1082, and had, besides other issue, III. Sir WILLIAM, eldest son, b. 1045, m. Anne, only da. of James Brooke, of El- lingthorpe, co. York, and d. circa 1688, leaving issue, 1. Sir Marmadukk, 4th bart. 2. Darcy, who d. 5 Jan. 1734, set. m, leaving issue, 1. William, who settled in America andd. about 1750, leaving issue, of whom, Marmadiike the eldest succeeded his kins- man sir Marmaduke, 5th bart. in 1774, and the dignity is now vested in his descend- ants, if after the declaration of the inde- pendence of America, the dignity could descend upon his son, an alien ; if the alienage precluded his inheriting, the title passed to the representative of Edward Wyvill, next brother to the settler in America. 2. Edward, general supervisor of ex- cise at Edinburgh, m., 18 Dec. 1737, Chris- tian-Catherine, da. of William Clifton, of Edinburgh, and d. 12 March 1791, leaving issue an only son, the rev. Christopher Wyvill, who d. March 1822, leaving Mar- maduke Wyvill, of Constable Burton, es(i., his s. and h., who is m. and has issue. 3. Hale of the city of York, tn. and had issue. IV. Sir MARMADUKE, m. Henrietta- Maria, eldest da. of sir Thomas Yarburgh, of Snaith Hall, co. York, by whom {who d. Aug. 1738) he had besides other children, who d. young or unm. 1. Sir Marmaduke, 5th bart. 2. Wyvill, d. unm. I73I. 3. Christopher, nu, 1st, Feb.1724, Eliza- beth, da. of Stephen-Martin Leake, of Bed- dington, co. Surrey, esq., by whom (who d. 19 May 1731) he had an only child, 1. Elizabeth, nu, 1/73, her cousin the rev. Christopher Wyvill, but d. s. p. 23 July 1783, he m., 2dly, 1738, Henrietta, 2nd da. and co-h. of Francis Asty of Black Notley, CO. Essex, merchant, by whom (who d. 1742) he had issue. 2. Christopher, d. young. 3. Sir Marmaduke-Asty, 0th bart., he w., 3dly, Anne Thayer, widow, and d. 26 April 1752. 4. Anne, nu John Wyvill of Walton -upon Thames, co. Surrey, esq., and d. 1728, s. p. 5. Margaret, m. John Purcell, esq., and d. 1755, s.p. 0. Ursula, m. London Jones, of Furni- val's Court, Holborn, and had issue. 7. Mary, nu Rev. Thomas Gee. Sir Marmaduke d. Oct. 1722, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir MARMADUKE, &.1692, m. Carey, da. of Edward Coke, of Holkham, co. Nor- folk, esq., but d. s.p. 1753-4, and was suc- ceeded by his nephew, VI. Sir MARMADUKE-ASTY, who d. unm, at Bath, 23 Feb. 1774, and was suc- ceeded by his kinsman, VII. Sir MARMADUKE, who was then living in Maryland, and who remained a subject of America after the declaration of that country's independence, and upon whose decease, the dignity cither passed to his eldest son or to the male representative of Edward, 2nd son of Darcy, 2nd son of the 3rd bart. as before mentioned. Arms—iiee Plate 1. Gules, three chevro- nels, interlaced vaire, and a chief or. Crest— A. dragon, argent. TEMPLE, of St OWE, co. Buckingham. 25 Nov. 1G12. Sir GRENVILLE TEMPLE, Baronet, horn 20 July 1709, married, 5 May 1J520, Mary, da. of George Baring, esq., and lias issue, 1. GREN- VILLE-LEOFKIC, b. at Florence, 5 Feb. Iii30 ; 2. George-Ernest- u ^CTji:rr^:> i-r l^z i3f CftootSes L; m. Istt, Jkirae, da. aMdLMIf. ChmsiaB, ^aer ani a»&af : d. lfflp.aBiTwas!HMrwJrJ l»y DDL Sy KI CHARP. ! >■ 1^ He vas i>l«Bf); «. Many. d«. off -^^«|^ . J-TP 1. Sir BicsAKD, ftb tet. 2. 3. ClmBasnAsr, m. ar ■Dt. 4.1tAUJi.m.]slt,AcWeslt.fBc]ieninTar 11 foeal tt» 4. AnDGcsicjis aik ar R5idiaid«. 13 Msf : n?. Sar RICHARD, his fatt ftar^ deaan ILP. fior Hbe Idenim of faoBOBT bs-Ms fenvegy aat OBMteclt ini itihe Beataaaffi-eeDnai, aad % king GeoHge L. '■osabooBieaf ldsKa|esltf% foivycnaKia, anl coSonndl of 1^ Ann^ (dte. of ffiftDiinmrii Hatsey, es^. ([whod. 4 0ctt. l?es» ^rRichnd&MITf&witih- ithepeenge X. Sir wnXlA% dieslt am of X. Sm-GRE:3irviUL£;iBe9BitthKt. Jkw-Sce RMe 2. feet aHl4tti, «r. an IG EGERTON. eagle displayed, sable : 2d and 3d, argent two bars, sable, each charged with three mart- lets, or. Crest — On a ducal coronet, a martlet, or. Motto — Templa qudm dilecta! EGERTON, of Egerton and Oulton-Park, co. Chester. 5 April 1617. Sir PHILTP-DE-MALPAS GREY-EGERTON, Baronet, horn 13 Nov. 1806; succeeded his father, sir Pliilip, late hart., 13 Dec. 1829; married^ 8 March 1832, Anna-Elizabeth, 2d da. of George- John Legh, of High Legh, CO. Chester, esq., and has issue, 1. A SON, b. 28 March 1833 ; 2. A DA., b. 13 June 1834. The family of Egerton, one of the most ancient and distinguished in the county of Chester, derives its origin from William le Bel ward, who was baron of Malpas under the Norman earls Palatine of that county. David de Malpas (surnamed the Clerk) eldest son of William le Belward, was grand- father of David, who assimied the surname of Egerton from the lordship of Egerton, which was his inheritance; and Robert, 2d son of William le Belward, assumed the name of Cholmondeley, and was ancestor of the marquess Cholmondeley, and lord Dela- mere (see those titles in Debreti's Peerage,) Sixth in descent from David de Egerton was Philip Egertox, of Egerton, m. Mar- gery, da. of William Mainvvaring, of Ight- field, CO. Salop, and d. 13 Edw, IV., having had issue, 1. William, who d. without issue in his father's lifetime. 2. John, ancestor of the present bart. 3. Sir Ralph, who left a son, sir Richard, whose natural son, Thomas, was the cele- brated lord chancellor Egerton, created vis- count Brackley KilG, ancestor of the late earl of Brida;ewater. John Egerton, 2d son of Philip, w*. Eli- zabeth, da. and h. of Hugh Done, of Oul- ton, CO. Chester, (by Anne, da. of James Tuchet, lord Audley,) and d. 1 Rich. III., leaving a da., Susan, m. Randle Egerton, of Dynham, CO. Norfolk, esq., and a son, Philip, of Ei^erton and Oulton.m. Joan, da. and co-h. of Gilbert Smith, of Cuerdley, CO. Lancaster, and widow of Richard Win- nington, and d. 1534, leaving issue by her (who d. 1512) a da., Makgarkt, m. Hugh Starkey, of Oul- ton, and a son. Sir Philip, m. Eleanor, da. of sir Randle Brereton, of Malpas, knt., and d. 17 July 15(i3, leaving issue by her {who d. 3 Nov. \:M~i) a da., , ^ Eleanor, m. her cousin, sir Randle Brere- ton, of Malpas, and a son, John, m. Jane, da. of Piers Mostyn, of Talacre, co. Flint, esq., and d. 151)0, having had issue by her a da., Elizarkth, m. sir William Stanley, of Hooton, knt., and a son. Sir John Egerton, knt., h. 1551, knighted by queen Elizabeth 159!*, and (.'• 27 April 1()14; m., 1st, Margaret, da. of sir Rowland Stanley, of Hooton, knt., and had issue, 1. Philip, (/.young. 2. Sir Rowland, the 1st bart. 3. John, killed by Edward Morgan, after having given him his life in a duel, 20 April 1(108. 4. Pkter, m. Margaret, da. of sir Tho- mas Hayes, knt. and alderman of Lon- don. 5. Richard, d. without issue. G. Frances, m. John Minshul, of Min- shul, esq. 7. Margaret, m., 1st, Thomas Hall, and, 2dly, Laurence Whittaker, esqrs. fi. Marv, m. Richard Cartwright, of Aynho, CO. Northampton, esq. !». Katiierine, m. sir Thomas Powell, of Horsley, co. Denbigh, bart. I. Sir ROWLAND EGERTON, of Egerton and Oulton, the eldest surviving son, was kniglited and created a bart. 5 April 1017; m. Bridget, da. of Arthur, lord Grey, lord-lieut. of Ireland, and sister and co-h. of Thomas, last lord Grey, of Wilton, by whom (who d. 2ti July 1648) he had, 1. Thomas, m. Barbara, da. of sir John St. John, of Liddiard-Tregoze, co. Wilts, d. without issue, previous to his father. 2. Sir John, 2d bart. 3. Sir Philip, ancestor of the present bart., of whom hereafter. 4. Arthur, d. s.p. 5. Rowland, of Cheddleton, d. s.p. (>. Charles, of Wallesley, d. s.p. Sir Rowland d. 3 Oct. 1G46, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, m. Anne, da. of George Wintour, of Dereham, co. Gloucester, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Bridget, m., 1st, Ralph Thicknesse, esq.; and, 2diy, Timothy Hildyard, of Lin- coln, esq. 3. Margaret, m. Windsor Finch, of Rushock, CO. Worcester, esq. 4. Anne, m. John Gardener, esq. Sir John d. 1074, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir JOHN, m. Elizabeth, da. of Wil- liam, and sister and sole h. of Edward Hol- land, of lleaton and Denton, co. Lancaster, esq., and by her (who d. 31 May 1701) had issue, 1. Sir Holland, 4th bart. 2. John, d. II) Dec. 17<»4. 3. Edward, of Har.eston, co. Stafford, d. i(»m. 1727. 4. Ralph, d. unm. 5. Thomas, in holy orders, rector of Sef- ton, CO. Lancaster, and Cheadle, co. Ches- ter, ni. Frances, da. of John Beresford, of Bcrcsford and Bcntley, co. Derby, esq., and (/. without issue 17<)2. (i. Wii.i.i.v.M, in holy orders, rector of Favth nghoe, co. Northampton, m. Mrs. Bateman, and had issue — Frances. 7. Anne; 8. Elizabeth. Sir John d. 4 Nov. 172!), and was suc- ceeded by his son, IV. Sir HOLLAND, m., 1712, Eleanor, youngest da. of Sir Roger Cave, of Stan- ford, CO. Northampton, bart., (by Mary, sister of the right hon. William Bromley, speaker of the house of commons, and prin- cipal secretaiy of state in 1713,) ar.d had issue, EGERTON. 17 1. JoHx; 2. Hollaxd; 3. Cave; all d. unm. 4. Sir Edavard, 5th bart. 5. Sir Thomas-Grey, (jth bart. 6. William, d. t(»m. 7. Marv, ?)i. sir Ralph Assheton, of Mid- dleton, CO. Lancaster, bart. 8. Charlotte-Elizabeth, m. the rev. Ashburnham Legh, rector of Davenham. Sir Holland d. 25 April IJSO, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, V. Sir EDWARD, who d. unm. 1743, was succeeded by hi.s brother, VI. Sir THOMAS-GREV, m., 14 June 1748, Catherine, da. of the rev. John Cop- ley, rector of Thornhill and Wakefield, co. York, and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 7th bart. 2. JoHx, d. young. Sir Thomas d. July 1756, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VII. Sir THOMAS, nu, 12 Sept. 1769, Eleanor, youngest da. and co-h. of sir Ralph Assheton," of Middleton, co. Lane, bart., and by her had issue, 1. Thomas, d. an infant. 2. Thomas-Grey, 6. 21 Dec. 1780, and d. 20 Dec. 1793. 3. Eleanor, 6. 21 July 1770, m., 28 April 1794, Robert, marquess of Westminster, and had issue (see Debrett's Peerage, titlesWEST- MIXSTER a»rfWlLION'). 4. LoiisA, 6. 18 Jan. 1772; 5. Frances, both d. infants. 6. Frances-Mary, d. 8 Oct. 1796. Sir Thomas was, 15 May 1784, created baron Grey de Wilton, and, 26 June 1801, viscount Grey de Wilton, and earl of Wil- ton, of Wilton Castle, with remainder to Thomas Grosvenor, esq., 2d son, and Ro- bert Grosvenor, 3d son of Robert, earl Gros- venor, and to the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and every other son and sms of Eleanor his da., wife of Robert, earl Grosvenor (now mar- quess of Westminster). The earl d. 23 Sept. 1814, without issue male, when the titles of viscount and earl of Wilton became vested in his grandson, Thomas Grosvenor, who took the surname and arms of Egerton only ; but the barony of Grey de Wilton of 1784 be- came extinct, and the' title of bart. devolved upon his kinsman, John Egerton, of Oul- ton, esq., whose descent we now proceed to trace. Sir Philip Egerton, of Oulton, 2d son of the 1st bart., m. Catherine, da. and h. of Piers Conway, of Hendre, co. Flint, esq., and rf. 15 Aug. 16r>8, having had issue by her (who d. Jan. 1706-7) besides 2 sons and 3 da.s., who d. infants, a son and h., John, who m. three wives, but rf. without issue 1732, and a second son, Philip, D.D., rector of Astburv, m. Frances, da. of John Offley, esq., and rf. 1726, having hadi-sueby her, (who rf. 1/38,) 1. Philip, w. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of sir Griffith Jeffreys, of Acton, but rf. with- out issue 1762. 2. John. 3. Rowland, m. the widow of Thomas Bourne, esq. 4. Bridget, m. Edward Downes,ofShrig- ley, CO. Chester. 5. Elizabeth ; 6. Katherine. 7. Francks, all rf. unm. 8- Mary, m. Richard Puleston, of Ha- vod-y-wern, co. Denbigh, esq. 9. SiBiLLA, m. sir Francis-Haskyn-Eyles Styles, bart. John Egerton, (2d son of Philip, D.D.,) b. 1697, m. Elizabeth, Sibilla Bos- well, and had issue, l.Sibell.i, m., 12 Nov. 1833, RandleWil- braham, esq. 2. William; 3. Mary-Eyles; 4. Anne. 5. Elizabeth-Frances. 6. Philip-Henry; 7. Robert-Eyles. 4. Charles-Bilkeley, a lieut.-gen., b. 5 June 1774, w., 18i>9, Charlotte, da. of sir Thomas Trowbridge, and has issue, 1. Charles-Trowbridge. 2. Thomas-Graham ; 3. Francis Philip. 4. A. da., rf. an infant. 5. Francis, lieut. R. N. rf. 1799. 6. Thomas, major 29th foot, rf. lotm. 1812. 7. Rev. Rowland, took the name of Warburton in addition to, and after Eger- ton, by roval sign sign manual 1813, b. 9 March"l778", m., 18()3,"Emma, da. and h. of Jam.es Croxton, of Norley Bank, and niece of sir Peter Warburton, of Arley, bart., and has issue, 1. Rowland-Eyles; 2. Emm.a-Elizabeth. 3. James-Francis; 4. Henry-William. 5. Frances-Mary; 6. Maria-Sibylla. 7. Peter; 8. Charlotte; 9. Sophia. 10. George-Edward. 8. David-de-Malpa-, rf. unm. 1809. 9. Richard, lieut.-col.,6. 7 Oct. 1783, m., 1 Dec. 1814, Arabella, youngest da. of Henry Tomkinson, of Derfold. 10. Elizabeth, »i. sir John Delves Broughton, bart. 11. Mary, ;h. Charles, ,3d son of sir Peter Leycester, bart., and brother of the 1st lord de Tabley (see Debrett's Peerage), and rf. 1797. 12. Frances, m. 1805, Thomas Tarleton, of Bolesworth, esq. 13. Sibilla, »(., 1808, Randle Wilbraham, of Rode, CO. Chester, esq. VIII. Sir JOHN, (eldest son of Philip,) succeeded to the baronetcy as above stated, on thedeath of the earl of Wilton; b. 11 July 176!!, w., 9-\pril 1795, Maria, da. of Thomas Scott Jackson, esq. Sir John took the sur- name of Grey, in addition to, and before that of Egerton, by royal sign manual, and obtained also a royal "grant of supporters. He rf. without issue 24 May 1825, and was succeeded bv his next brother, IX. Sir PHILIP, in holy orders b. 6 July 1767 ; took the surname a"nd arms of Grey in addition to and before those of Egerton ; m., 14 Sept. 1804, Rebecca, da. of Josias Du Pre of Wilton Park, co. Bucks, esq., by whom (who rf. Aug. 1830) he had issue, 1. Sir Philip-de-Malpas, present bart. 2. Charles-du-Pre, b. 4 Jan. 1809, 3. John-Francis; 4. Willam-Hexry. 5. Caledox-Richard. G. Fredkric-Arthur. 7. George-Henry. 8. Mary-Anne-Elizabeth. 9. M.\delina, rf. an infant. 10. Eglantine. 11. Fanny-Sarah. 12. Rebecca-Catherine. 18 CLARKE.—BOYNTON. Sir Philip d. 13 Dec. 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, X. Sir PHILIP-DE-MALPAS, present bart. Arms— See Plate 2. 1st and 4th, Eger- TON ; argent, a lion rampant, gules, between three pheons, sable; 2d and 3d, Gre\ ; barry of six, argent and azure, and a label of five points, gules. Crests — 1. EoERTOx; three arrows, one in pale, and two in sal tire, points down- wards, or, barbed and fledged, argent, and banded together with a riband, gules ; 2. Grey; a falcon, wings expanded, standing on a falconer's glove. Supporters — Dexter, a lion, argent, du- cally crowned, or; sinister, a wyvern, or; each gorged with a plain collar, azure, and pendent therefrom an escocheon, gules, charged with three pheons, 2 and 1, argent. — Granted, pursuant to a royal warrant, 15 Nov. 1815. Motto — Virtuti, non armis, fido. Seat— Ou\tox\ Park, co. Chester. CLARKE, of Salford, co. "Warwick. 1 May 1617. Sir SIMON-HAUGHTON CLARKE, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Simon, 20 Aug. 1832 ; born 7 April 1818. VI. Sir SIMON, eldest son of Philip, 2d son of sir Simon before mentioned, m. Mary, da. of Philip lionnv, of Jamaica, esq., and by her (who d. 1762) had issue, besides other children who d. young, 1. Sir Simon, 7th bart. 2. George, of Spanish Town, Jamaica, m., butd. s.p. 3. KiNGSMiLL, barrister at law, d. s.p. 17'35. 4. WOODCHURCH, rf. s.p., 5. Arabella, rf. unm. 6. Anne, m. John Beings, of Jamaica- Sir Simon rf. 177(», and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir SIMON, b. 2 Nov. 1726, m. 21 July 17W), Anne, da. and co-h. of Philip Haughton, of Jamaica, esq., and by her (who rf. 18(10) had issue, 1. Sir Philip Haughton, 8th bart. 2. Sir Simon Haughton, 9th bart. 3. Catherine-Haughton, b. 1773, and m., 20 May 1801, the hon. William Fitzroy, brother of George, 2d lord Southampton. Sir Simon rf. Nov. 1777, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir PHILIP HAUGHTON, 6. 1761, rf. wun. 12 May 1798, and was succeed- ed bv his brother, IX. Sir SIMON-HAUGHTON, m., 9 April 1814, Catherine, 2d da. of John- Haughton James, of Jamaica, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Simon Haughton, present bart. 2. Philip-Haughton, b. 11 April 1819. 3. John-Haughton, b. 10 July 1820, d. 7 Jan. 1827. 4. Catherine-Haughton,.6. 22 March 1815. 5. Mary Haughton, b. 29 April 1817. Sir Simon rf. 28 Aug. 1832, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, X. Sir SIMON-HAUGHTON, present bart. - , ^,vw.f— See Plate 2. Gules, three swords erected in pale, argent, hilts, or. Crest— \ hand couped to the wrist, pro- per, holding a sword, as in the arms. O/ji.JWuii/.i. VJhirlMHil. rci. Nottinffh; This family, about the time of the Con- quest, being possessed of Woodchurch, co. Kent, were thence denominated, but adopt- ed the name of Ckuke, in consequence of a marriage with the heiress of that family, about the reign of Henry III. Walter Clarke, a younger son of the Kentish fa- mily, settledat Radclitfe, co. Bucks, and was father of I. Sir SIMON CLARKE, of Salford, co. Warwick, created a bart. as above. He paid £800 to the sequestrators for his estate, teinp. Charles I., on account of his loyalty ; m., 1st, Margaret, da. andh. of John Alderford, of Abbott's Salford, co. Warwick, esq. ; and 2dly, Dorothy, da. of Thomas Hobson, gent. ; by his second lady, who rf. 1699, aged ai, he had no issue, but by the first he had, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Peter, a capt. in the Low Countries, m. Ehzabeth Corbyson, and was killed 1639, by lord Morley, leaving issue, Sir Simon, 3d bart. 3. Woodchurch, m. , da. of Thomas Dabitot, of Ridmarsley, co. Worcester, and had issue, 1. Simon; 2. Anne. 4. Elizabeth. Sir Simon d. about 1652, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, w. Anne, da. of John Wil- liams, esq., and rf. without issue, about 1680, was succeeded by his nephew, III. Sir SIMON, son of Peter Clarke, esq., (who was killed by lord Morley,) m. Mercy, da. of Phi.ip Brace, esq., by whom he had two sons, sir Simon, 4th bart., and Philip, (who ?n. Arabella, da. of Kingsmill Lucy, esq., son of William Lucy, bishop of St. David's,) and had issue two sons, sir Simon, 6th bart., and Philip, rf. num. Sir Simon rf. 10 Nov. 1087, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir SIMON, m. the da. of the rev. Mr. Castle, and d. 1718, leaving an only child, V. Sir SIMON, an officer in R.N. ; he d. without issue male 1736, was succeeded by his cousin. Jie*ideHct;—S hit land, co. Nottingham. BOYNTON, of Bakmston, co. York. 25 May 1018. Sir HENRY BOYNTON, Baronet, born 1778 ; succeeded his brother, sir Francis, 10 Nov. 1832; married, and has issue, of whom Henry, m. 2 Nov. 18:i3, Louisa, youngest da. of Walter Strickland, of t^okethorpe Park, CO- Oxon, esq., and Eliza, 2d da., m., 21 .Inly 1832, Charles Swabey, esq., of Gristhorpe, co. York, and d. 2G Dec. 1833, xt. 24. BURDETT. 19 This is a family of very great antiquity in Yorkshire, being descended from sir In- gram de Boynton, who lived in the reign of king Henry'lIL, 14th in lineal descent from sir Ingram'was I. -Sir MAT HEW, of Bovnton and Barm- ston, knighted by James I. (J May 1(J18 ; and on the 2Jth of the same month ad- vanced to the dignity of a bart. He repre- sented the borough of Hey ton, temp. Charles I., and was greatly entrusted by the par- liament in the ci'vil wars. He m., 1st, Frances, da. of sir Henrv Griffith, of Agnes- Burton, knt. (and h. of her brother, sir Henry Griffith, bart.) ; and 2dly, Catherine, da, of Thomas, viscount Fairfax. By his 2d wife he had no issue that survived in- fancy ; by his 1st he had, 1. Sir Francis, 2d bart. 2. Hknry, d. an infant. 3. Mathew, m. Elizabeth, da. of Robert Stapleton, and left 2 das. and co-hs., 1. Kalherine, m. Richard Talbot, earl of Tyrconnel (created duke of Tyrconnel, by James II. after his abdication)'. 2. Isabella, m. Wentworth Dillon, the 4th and celebrated earl of Roscommon. 4. Tho.mas; 5. Cornelics; U. John. 7. Charles; 8. Marmadike. 9. GusTAvus ; 10. Mary. 11. Elizabeth. 12. Dorothy, m, John Anlaby, of Etton, CO. York, esq. 13. Elizabeth, m. John Heron. 14. Margaret, m, John Robinson, of Ryther, co. York. Sir Mathew d. 1G46, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir FRANCIS, m. Constantine, da. of William, viscount Say and Sele, and by her (who d. 1692) had issue, 1. Mathiox, who d. i/nm. 2. William, w. Elizabeth, da. and co-h, of Bernard, of Hull, and d. in his father's lifetime l(J8it, leaving issue, 1. Sir Griffith, 3d bart. ; 2. ^lary. 3. Constance, m. Richard Kirshaw, D.D, 3. Hexry, rector of Barmston, who m., 1st, Dorothy, da. of Alexander Amcots, esq., and had issue, sir Fraxcis, 4th bart.; and Elizabeth, who d. young. He m., 2dly, Margaret, da. of Robinson, esq., who d. without issue. 4. Nathaniel, b. 1644, d.unm. 1672. 5. Frances, m. George Whichcote. Sir Francis d. 9 Sept. 1695, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, III, Sir GRIFFITH, m., 1st, Adriana, da. of mr. John Sykes, and by her (who d. in 1724) had no issue. He ;«., 2dly, in Nov. 1728, a da. of John White, esq., and by her (who d. 8 Oct. 1/32) had no issue. Sir Griffith d. 22 Dec. 1731, without issue, and was succeeded by his cousin, IV. Sir FRANCIS, only son of Henry, 3d son of sir Francis, M.P. for Heydon, and recorder of Beverley, nt. Frances, da. of James Heblethwayte, esq., (by Bridget, da. of sir William Cobb, knt.,) by whom (who d. 1 April 172(i) he had issue, 1. William, d. an infant. 2. Sir Griffith, 5ih bart. 3. Francis, »?. Charlotte, da. of sir War- ton Perinyman Warton, bart., and had issue, Francis, b. 1764, who m. and left issue. 4. Constance, m. Ralph Hutton, esq., and d. in 1/85. 5. Adriana, d. untn. in the same year. 6. Dorothy, d. young. Sir Francis d. 16 Sept. 1739, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, V. Sir GRIFFITH, m., 5 April 1742, Anne, da. of Thomas White, esq., which lady d. in childbed of their only issue, the succeeding bart., •22 Feb. 1744-5. Sir Griffith rf. 22 Oct. 1761, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, VI. Sir GRIFFITH, nu, 9 May 1762, Charlotte, eldest da. of Francis Topham, D.C.L. : she d. 9 Sept. 1767. Sir Griffith tn., 2dly, Mary, eldest da. of James Heble- thwayte, esq., and by her (who re-m. John Parkhurst, of Catesby Abbey, esq., and d. his widow 13 May 1815) had issue, 1. Sir Griffith, 7th bart. 2. Sir Francis, 8th bart. 3. Sir Henry, 9th bart. Sir Griffith was elected M.P. for Beverley 1772, and rf. 6 Jan, 1778, was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir GRIFFITH, b. 17 July 1769, nt., 30 July 1796, Anne, da. of capt. Robert Parkhurst, (who m. 2dly, 10 March 1805, the rev. Charles-Drake Barnard, rector of Rigby, CO. Lincoln,) but rf. without issue 10 July 1801, and was succeeded by his next brother, VIII. Sir FRANCIS, b. 28 March 1777. m., June 1815, Miss Bucktrout, and dying without issue, 19 Nov. 1833, was succeeded by his brother, IX. Sir HENRY, present bart. ^/•;ii,>t— See Plate 2. Or, a fess, between three crescents, gules, though the fess was formerly charged with a lion passant, or. Crest— On a wreath, a goat passant, sable, guttee d'argent, beard, horns, and hoofs, or. Motto — 7/ tempo passa. Seat— At Burton- Agnes,in the East Riding of Yorkshire. BURDETT, of Bramcote, co. Warwick. 25 Feb. 1618. Sir FRA^XIS BURDETT, Banmet, 31. P. for Westminster, succeeded his grandfatlier, sir Robert, 22 Feb. I7O7 ; f>or)i 25 Jan. 1770; married^b Aug. 1793, Sophia, youngest da. of Thomas Coutts, esq., (sister of Susan, countess of Guilford, and Frances, marchioness of Bute,) by whom he has issue, 1. Sophia, b. 13 June 1794, w., 23 Oct. 1833, Rob. Otway-Cave, esq., of Castle Otway and Litton Hall,ca. Tipperary ; 2. ROBERT, b. 26 April 1796, major in the army ; 3. Susanna,' b. 29 Nov. 1800, m., 29 Nov. 1830, John-Bettesworth Trevanion, of Carbays, Cornwall, esq. ; 4. Joanna-Frances, b. 2 July 1804 ; 5. Clara-Maria, t. 9 Dec. 1806; 6. Angela, 6. 25 April 1814. 20 HICKS. Hugh de Bifrdett came into England with William the Conqueror; he left issue, William Burdktt, lord of Louseby, in Leicestershire, who founded the priory at Ancote, co. Warwick, temp. Henry H. : he was father of another. William, living temp. Henry HI., and by his wife, Alicia, had 3 sons, 1. Richard, who succeeded his father at Louseby; 2. Hugh, ancestor of this family; 3. William, of Shepeshed, co. Leicester. Hugh Burdett (2d son of William) was seated at Sekington, co. Warwick, where his issue continued for many generations: ^ith in descent from him was Nicholas Burdett, grand butler of Nor- mandy, and prrefect of Evreux, slain at Pontoise 1439, having tn. Joan, cousin and h. of Henry Bruin, with whom he acquired the manor of Bramcote, and by whom he had a son and heir, Thomas, who was attainted and beheaded for high treason 1477, according to Fuller, on the following pretence:— Having heard that a favourite white buck had been killed in his park by king Edward IV., he, in his first passion, wished the buck's horns in the belly of hi.n who had moved the king to do 80 — he had already made himself obnoxious by his attachment to the duke of Clarence, and advantage was taken of these words (as imagining the death of the king) to arraign and convict him of high treason. His son, Sir John, was restored in blood on the accession of Henry VH., and was seated at Bramcote. He was father of Robkrt, fa- ther of Thomas, father of another Robert, who d. 1603, leaving an only son, L THOMAS, advanced to the dignity of a bart. as above, m. Jane, da. and h. of William Frauncys, of Foremark, esq., which seat has, since that time, been the chief re- sidence of the family. By this lady he had issue, 1. Francis, 2d bart. 2. Robert, a merchant and alderman of London (who by Mary, his wife, da. of al- derman Wright, left issue). 3. Leicester, who d. at Aleppo, unm. 4. Catharine, m. Sebright Repington, esq. 5. Isabel, m. Francis Merrick, merchant. 6. Lettice, m. William Hauncel, mer- chant. 7. Mary, m. George Bowes, esq. 8. Jane, betrothed to Gilbert Thacker, esq. !). Dorothy, d. unm. 10. Bridget, m. Thomas, son and h. of George Gresley. He was succeeded by his son, 11. Sir FRANCIS, b. ](( Sept. Ifi08, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir John Waller, of Sars- den, CO. Oxford, knt., chief baron of the Exchequer, by whom (who d. 17 April 1701, aged Hii) he had issue, J. Sir Robert, 3d bart. 2. Francis, d. unm. 1700. 3. Walter, of the Inner Temple, and of Knowle Hill, co. Derby, d. wim. 1732. 4. John, m. but d. without issue, 1729. 5. Thomas, d. iwm. Km. 6. Jane, m. Edward Hopegood, esq. 7. Elizabeth, ?«. Edward Joddrell, esq. 8. Mary, rf. mim. 1701; 9. Dorothy, d. wvn, 1718. Sir Francis rf. 30 Dec. 1G96, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir ROBERT, b. 11 Jan. 1(540, thrice m. ; 1st, to Mary, only da. of Gervase Pigot, esq. (who rf. 31" Aug. 1(;88, aged 27); 2dly, Magdalen, da. of sir Thomas Ashton, bart.; ancl 3dly, Mary, da. of mr. Thomas Brome. By his 3d wife he had no issue; by the 1st he had a son, who rf. an infant, and a da., 1. Elizabkth, m. Charles Jenens, esq. and by his 2d, besides several children who rf. infants, 2. Jane, m. John Cotton, esq., son and heir apparent of sir John Cotton, bart., and rf. his widow, 17 March 1707. 3. Robert, b. 25 June 1080, rf. U days before his father, having m. Elizabeth, da. of William, viscount Tracy, and having issue by her (who m., 2dly, Robert Holden, esq.) das. and a posthumous son, sir Ro- rert, 4th bart. Sir Robert rf. 13 Jan. 1716, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, IV. Sir ROBFRT, D. C. L., b. 28 May 1716, m., 1st., Nov. 1739, Elizabeth, only da. of sir Charles Sedlcy, bart., by whom (who rf. 28 Aug. 1747) he had issue, besides other children, who rf. infants, or unm. 1. Elizabeth, m. Francis Mundy, esq. 2. Francis, m. P^leanor, da. and co-h. of William Jones, of Ramsbury Manor, co. Wilts, esq., and rf. in his father's lifetime 1/94, leaving issue, 1. Robert, b. 17G8, rf. 1769. 2. Sir Francis, present bart. 3. Charles-Sedley, drowned at the falls of Schaifhausen, in Switzerland, 1794. 4. William-Jones, m. miss Sarah Brent, niece of Timothy Brent, esq., and has issue; I. Francis, b. 23 March 1813; 2. William, b. 13 June 1814; 3. Sarah, b. 14 Jan. 1810; 4. Frances, 6. 3 Jan. 1818: 5. Charles-Sedle;/, b. 17 Dec. 1819 ; (>. Mari/ Eleaiiora, 6. 6 and rf. 10 March 1822. 7. Robert, b. 8 Jan. 1823; 8. Sophia, b. 21 March 182.';; 9. Henry St. Albans, b. 14 Aug. 1827; 10- a da. b. 21 Aug. 1833, 5. Mary Eleanor, rf. unm. 6. Elizabeth, m., 20 May 1800, sir James Langham, of Cattesbrooke, co. North- ampton, bart. 7. Frances. Sir Robert m., 2dly, 18 June 1753, lady Caroline, da. of John, 2d duke of Rutland, and widow of sir Henry Harpur, bart., by whom (who rf. lo Nov. 17(i!)) he had no issue. Sir Robert rf. 22 Feb. 1797, and was suc- ceeded by his urandson, V. SirFRANJCIS, present bart. Arms—See Plato 2. Azure, two bars, or, each charged wilh three martlets, gules. Crest — A lion's head, erased, sable. Seats— At Foremark, co. Derby, and Ramsbury, co. Wilts. HICKS, (now HICKS-BEACII,) of Beveiiston, co. Gloucester. 21 July 1019. Sir MICHAEL-HICKS HICKS-BEACH, Baronet, born2o Oct. 1800 ; succeeded his ^reat uncle, Sir ^\'illiam, 2li Oct. 1834 ; married, 19 Aug. 1832, Harriet- Victoria, second da. of John Sti-atton, esq. MILL. 21 Robert Hicks, son and h. of John Hicks, of Tortworth, co. Gloucester, was a citizen of Londcn, and raised a very great estate. He tn, Julian, da. and co-h. of V' illiam Arthur, of Clapham, co. Somerset, esq., and had issue 2 sons. Baptist, who was created Baron Hicks and viscount Campden 1628, with limitation to his son- in-law, Edward, baron Noel, ancestor of the earls of Gainsborough, extinct; and SirMrcHAEL, of Beverston, co. Glouces- ter, who m. Elizabeth, da. of Gabriel Coulson, of London, widow of Henry Pur- vis, of Ruckholts, CO. Essex, esq., and d. 15 Aug. 1612, leaving I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st hart., ni. 8 Sept. I(r25, Margaret, da. of William, lord Paget, and had issue 8 children, of whom only 3 survived, viz. 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Sir Michael, knighted by king Charles I., m. Susan, youngest da. of sir Richard Howe, knt.,and widow of Samuel-Beaumont Everard, esq., by whom he had 10 children, but 2 only survived him, 1. Howe-Hicks, esq., father of the 6th bart. 2. Alice, m. William Somerford, esq. 3. Letitia, 711. Arthur Chichester, earl of Donegal, in Ireland. Sir William d. 9 Oct. 1680, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, b. Dec. 1620, m. Martha-Agnes, da. and co-h. of sir Henry Coningsby, knt., and had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 3d bart. 2. Charles, m. the da. of Con- ingsby, and d. in 1762, leaving issue, 1. John-Baptist, who, upon the failure of the elder branch, became 5th bart. 2. Mary, m. James Darcy, of Sedburgh, CO. Vorki esq. 3. Margaret, m. Anthony Wharton, of Gillingwood, co. York. Sir William d. 22 April 1703, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IIL Sir HENRY, m., 1st, Margaret, da. of sir John Holmes, knt., by whom he had 1 son, 1. Henry, -who d.ioini. He m., 2diy, Barbara, da. of Joseph John- son, esq., and left by her 2 sons, 2. Sir Robert, 4th bart. 3. Michael, d. nnm. in 1764. Sir Henry d. 1754, and was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir ROBERT, who d. without issue in 1768, when the title devolved on his cousin, V. Sir JOHN -BAPTIST, before men- tioned, who d. 23 Nov. 1792, without issue, and was succeeded by his 2d cousin, VI. Sir HOWE (only son of Howe Hicks, ofWhitcombe, esq., only surviving son of sir Michael Hicks, knt., 2d surviving son of sir William Hicks, 1st bart.) m. 28 July 1739, Martha, da. of the rev. John Browne, rector of Coberley, co. Gloucester, by whom he had, 1. Sir William, 7th bart. 2. MrcHAEL,ofBeverstoneCastle,andWiI- liamstrip Park, co. Gloucester, and Nether- avon, CO. Wilts, esq., b. 11 April 1760, took the surname and arms of Beach in addition, by royal sign manual, 23 June 1790, m., 7 Oct. 1779, Henrietta-Maria, only surviving da. and h. of William Beach, of Netheravon aforesaid, and d. 5 Jan. 1830, having had issue, 1. Michael-Beach, 6. 22 Oct. 1780, m. 1808, Caroline-Jane, da. of William Mount, of Wasing Place, co. Berks, esq., and rf. 27 Sept. I8I7, leaving issue, 1. Sir Mi- chael-Hick.t, present bart. ; 2. WiUiam- Hick.t, b. 19 Nov. 1810; 3. Caroline- Jane. 2. William, of Oakley Hall, co. Hants, b. 24 July 1783, w., 1 Feb. 1826, Jane- Henrietta, da. of John Browne, of Sal- perton, co. Gloucester, esq., by whom (who d. 11 Aug. 1831, a-t. 27) he had issue, 1. WUUam - Wither - Bramston, b. 25 Dec. 182(); 2. Marii-Janc, b. 9 Sept. 1828; 3. Hetirietta-Maria, b. 15 Nov. 1830. 3. Jane-Martha, mnn. 3. Martha, w. rev. John Pettat, clerk, rector of Quennington, co. Gloucester. 4. Alice, m. Thomas Lcfield, of Bath, esq., and rf. 4 Jan. 1769. 5. Anne, m. James King, of S'anton, co. Hereford, esq. and rf. 21 March 1774. Sir Howe rf. Aug. 1801, and was succeeded by his eldest sor, VII. Sir WILLIAM, b. Oct. 1754, m., 1st, 12 May 1785, Judith, 3d da. and co-h. of Edw. Whitcombe, of Orleton, co. Worcester, esq., by whom (who rf. 5 March 1787) he had issue, 1. Howe, b. 13 June 1786, d. 13 June 1787. Sir William m., 2dly, 7 Oct. 1793, Anne- Rachel, eldest da. of Thomas- Lobb Chute, of the Vine, co. Hants, esq., and had issue, 2. Ann-Rachael, 6 11 Sept. 1794, m., 16 March 1816, Sir Lambert Cromie, bart., of Ireland. Sir WMlliam rf. 23 Oct. ]fi34, and was suc- ceeded by his great nephew, VIIL Sir MICHAEL -HICKS, present and 8th bart. ^/•m.9— -See Plate 2. Quarterly 1st and 4th vaire, argent and gules, a canton azure, charged with a pile gules; Beach: 2d and 3d. Gules, a fess wavy, between three fleurs-de-lis, or, a crescent for difference. Hicks. Crest — A. demi lion rampant argent, du- cally gorged, or, and holding in the paws an escutcheon azure charged with a pile, or; Beach : a buck's head, couped at the neck, or, gorged with a chaplet of roses, gules; Hicks. Sea^— Williamstrip Park, co. Gloucester. MILL, of Camots Court, co. Sussex. 31 Dec. 1G19. Sir CHARLES IMILL, Baronet, succeeded his father, the rev. sir Charles, ID July 1792; married, Jan. 1800, Selina, eldest da. of the late sir John Morshead of Trenant Park, co. Cornwall, bart. The family of Mill is of considerable antiquity in co. Sussex. John Atte Mill was lord of Gretham, co. Sussex, 39 Ed- ward III. I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., was elected a member for the town of Southampton, in 21 James I., as also in several succeeding parliaments in the reign of king Charles L He w., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of sir George More, knt., who rf. without issue ; and 2dly, 22 FOULIS. Anne, da. of sir Thomas Fleming, knt., lord chief justice of England, by whom he had issue, 1. John, who was made knight banneret, by king Charles I., and killed by one Slat- ford, near Oxford, during his father's life; m. Philadelphia, da. of Sir Henry Knollys, knt., comptroller of the household to king Charles I., and by her (who re-m. Christo- pher Roper, lord Teynham) had issue. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, m. Catherine, da. and sole h. of Anthony Mundy, esq. 3. Anthony, d, young. 4. Richard ; 5. Lkvvknor, both d. unm. <). Edwaru, m. Jane, da. of Thomas Burgess, by whom he had 2 das. 7. Georoe; 8. William, both d. young. II. Sir Jt)IIN, successor to his grand- father, m. Margaret, da. of colonel Henry Sandys, and sister and co-h. of the last lord Sandys, of the Vine, and d. 1G70, leaving by her an only son, III. Sir JOHN, his successor, m. Mar- garet, da. and h. of Thomas Grey, of Wol- beding, co. Sussex, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Sir Richard, 5th bart. 3. Margaret, m. Robert Knollys, esq. 4. Mary, d. utun. 5. Elizabeth, m. sir Thomas Hoby, bart. 6. Philadelphia. IV. Sir JOHN, succeeded his father, but d. umn., was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir RICHARD, m. Margaret, eldest da. of Robert Knollys, of Grove Place, co. Southampton, esq., by whom (who d. 11 Oct. 1744) he had, 1. Sir Richard. 2. Sir John. 3. Sir Henry. 4. Sir Charles, successive bart3. 5. Margaret; 6. Philadelphia. 7. Elizabeth ; 8. Mary. 9. Martha, m. William Dodsworth, esq. He d. 10 May 1760, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir RICHARD, m., Aug. 1760, Doro- thy, da. and h. of Richard Warren, of Red- cliff, CO. Somerset, esq., and by her (who d. June 1811) had 2 das. 1. Henrietta, d. unm. 2. Sophia, >h. the chevalier Delia Cainea, a Neapolitan nobleman. Sir Richard d. 17 March 1770, and was succeeded by his brother, VII. Sir JOHN, b. 1719; who assumed the surname and arms of Hoby in addition, in compliance with the will of his cousin, Sir Philip Hoby, bart. ; m. Elizabeth, da. of Comyn, but dying s.p. July 1780, was succeeded by his next brother, VIII. The rev. sir HENRY, b. 1720, rec- tor of Woolbeding and Kingston Bowsey, who also d. withont issue, Nov. 1781, and was succeeded by his last surviving brother, IX. The rev. sir CHARLES, LL.B. b. 1722, m. Mary, da. of , and by her (v/ho d. 180(1) had issue. Sir Charles, present bart. Sir Charles d. 19 July 1792, and was suc- ceeded by his son, X. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms See Plate 2. Party per fess, argent and sable, a pale counter-changed, and three bears, saliant, two and one, of the second, muzzled and chained, or. Crest — A demi-bear, as in the arms. Motto — Aides Dieu. Seats— Motthfont and Newton Berry, both CO. Hants. FOULIS, of Inglebv Manor, co. York. G Feb. 1619. Sir WILLIAM FOULIS, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir William, in 1802; born 1790; married, 11 May 1825, Mary-Jane, 2d da. of the late sir Charles Ross, of Balnagowan, N. B., bart., by lady Mary, his wife, sister of the duke of Leiiister ; and has Mary, b. 19 JMay 1826. sure, and fined £500. Sir David m. Cor- delia, da. of William Fleetwood, esq., Ser- jeant at law, and recorder of London, in the reign of queen Elizabeth, by whom he had issue, 1. Henry, 2d bart. 2. Robert; 3. John; 4. Edward; and 5. William ; who all d. without issue. 6. Anne, /h. (ieorge Purvis, M.D. 7. Elizabkth, d. unm. Sir David d. in 1642, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HENRY, m. Mary, eldest da. of sir Thomas Claytcm, of Sexhowe, co. York, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. David, 3d bart. 2. Henry, fellow of Lincoln College, Ox- ford, author of several works on divinity, d. 23 Dec. l(i(i!». 3. Edwakd. 4. Thomas, who was a capt. R.N., and lost his life in the Dutch wars, in the reign of Chirles II. He left 2 sons and 1 da., who all d. without issue. !), Cordelia. 6. Marv, Hi. Robert Shafto, of Benwel, CO. Northumberland, es(|. 7. Catharine, tn. sir Ralph Cole, of I. Sir DAVID, 3d son of James Foulis, being in great favour with king James I., accompanied him into England, and was knighted 13 May 1603, and had afterwards the dignity of bart. conferred upon him. He v/as cotlerer to prince Henry, eldest son of king James, and, after his decease, he bore the same office under i)rince Charles, afterwards king Charles I. He was made one of his majesty's council for the north- ern parts, and custos rotulorum and deputy lieutenant for the north riding, co. York; but as he api)ealed with some zeal, in 1632, against the commission which was issued to compel gentlemen to compound for not having taken the honour of knighthood, to which they were obliged by an obsolete law, he, and his eldest son, Henry, were cen- sured for it in tiie court of Star-chamher in 1633. Sir David v/as declared incapable of all the offices and placcn wliiih he lu'ld, was committed prisoner to the Fleet during his majesty's ])leasure, fined db'5000 to the king, and ,t*3000 to Lord Wentworth ; for the payment of which fines he was com- pelled to sell part of his estate. His son and heir, Henry, was also conunitted pri- soner to the Fleet during his majesty's plea- BERNEY. 23 Brancepeth Castle, co. Durham, bart. 8. Elizabeth, d. unm. III. Sir DAVID succeeded his father, and m. Catharine, eldest da. of sir David Watkins, knt., and had issue, I. David; 2. Henry, both d. young. 3. Sir William, 4th bart. 4. Thomas; 5. Charles; 6. John, all d. without issue. 7. Honor, m. William, eldest son of sir Edward Chaloner, of Gisborough, co. York, knt. 8. Mary, mi. William Turner, esq. 9. Catharine, m. John Rudd, esq. 10. Anne, m. sir Reginald Graham, of Norton Conyers, co. York, bart. II. Jane.' Sir David served in parliament for North- allerton in the ist year of king James II., and d. 13 March ]ij94. He was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, 'lY. Sir WILLIAM, m. Anne, da. of John Lawrence, of Westmoreland, esq., widow of sir Lumley Robinson, bart., leaving an only son, and d. Oct. 1741. V. Sir WILLIAM, successor to his father, r>i. in 1721, Mildred, eldest da. of Henry, 2d viscount Downe, in Ireland, by whom he had, 1. Sir William, 6th bart. 2. Mildred. a Anne, nu, 1776, to William Preston, esq. 4. Catharine, m. Robert Jubb. 5. Mary', m. Boynton Langley, of Wyke- ham Abbey, co. York, esq. Sir William d. in 1756, and was succeeded by his only son, VL Sir" WILLIAM, m., 1758, Hannah, only da. of John Robinson, of Buckton, co. York, esq., and by her {who d. 1812) had issue, 1. Sir William, 7th bart. 2. JoHN-RoBiNSON, m., 16 Nov. 1795, Beatrice-Hester-Decima, eldest da. of sir Christopher Sykes, of Sledmere, co. York, bart., and d. 29 April 182G, having had issue, 1. John-Robinson ; 2. Mark. 3. Hannah; 4. Elizabeth ; 5. Beatrix. 6. Lucy. Sir William d. Feb. 1780, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, VII. Sir WILLIAM m. July 1789, Mary- Anne, 2d da. of Edmund Turner, of Panton House, CO. Lincoln, esq., by whom (who d. 18 Oct. 1P31, fet. G!») he had'issue, 1. Sir William, pre.icnt bart. 2. Hannah, m., Nov. 1815, rev. Danson- Richardson Currer. 3. Mary-Anne, w!., 22 Jan. 1822, sirTat- ton Sykes, bart. 4. CATHF.RiNE, rf. 28 April 1810. 5. Sophia-Frances, m., 21 Aug. 1823, Philip-Pauncefort Duncombe, esq., of In- gleby ^Vlanor, co. York. 6. Henry-. Sir William was high sheriff of York 1802, and rf. in the same year, was succeeded bv his son, 'VIII. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. A)-ms—See Plate 2. Argent, three laurel or bay leaves, erect, proper. Crest — Out of a crescent, argent, a cross forme fitch^, sable; also a demi unicorn, winged, has been sometimes borne. Seat — Ingleby Manor, tiear Stokesley, in Cleveland, co, York. BERNEY, of Pahkhall, in Reedham, co. Norfolk. 5 May 1620. Sir HANSON BERNEY, Baronet, born Dec. I78O, succeeded his father, sir John, late Bart., 4 Sept. 1825 ; married^ April 1811, Anne, eldest da. of Henry Tahourdin, of Sydenham, co. Kent, esq. This family took their name from the town of Berney, near Waisingham, co. Nor- folk, where they were seated at the time of the Conquest. I. Sir RICHARD, created a baronet, 5 May 1620 ; m. Anne, da. of Michael Small- page, and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Richard, m. and had issue. 3. John, m. and left issue. 4. William, wi. and left issue. 5. Hexry, d. nnm. Sir Richard d. 1(368, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir THOMAS, m. 1st, ; and 2dly, Sarah, da. of Thomas Tyrrel, esq. by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 3d bart. 2. John, m. Phillippa, da. of Thomas Browne, esq., and, besides other children, left Thomas, recorder of Lynn Regis, who ni. Julian, da. of Sir Richard Berney, of Kirby, bait, hereafter mentioned, by whom he had 2 sons, Thomas and Richard, both of Lynn. 3. William, rector of Stokes by and Westwick, m. Mary, da. of Henry Harcock, and had 1 son, William, rector of Newton Flotman, CO. Norfolk, who m. Dorothy, another da. of the said sir Richard Beriiey, bart. by whom he had several children, of whom Richard, eldest son and heir, was rector of Westwick. Sir Thomas d. 1693, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir RICHARD, m. Dorothy, da. of William Branthwajte, esq., and "had, be- sides other issue, 1. Sir Richard, 4th bart. 2. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 3. Robert, who resided several years and d. in Barbadoes. 4. John, D.D. one of his majesty's chap- lains in ordinary, archdeacon of Norwich, rector of Saxlin'gham and Hethersett,; m. the eldest da. and one of the co-heiresses of John Barnes, D.D., dean of Norwich, by whom he had no issue. Sir Richard rf. I706, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir RICHARD, rf. unm. 17IO, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir THOMAS, m. Elizabeth, only da. and h. of Simon Folkes, esq. (by Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Samuel Hanson, of the island of Barbadoes, esq.) and had is- sue, 1. Sir Hanson, 6th bart. 2. Richard, rectorof Stokesby andBram- ston, who d. Dec. 1794. Sir Thomas rf. 1742, and was succeeded by his son, YI. Sir HANSON, m. Catharine, da. and 24 BISSHOPP. h. of William Woolball, of London, esq., who d. in 1792, by whom he had, 1. Sir John, 7th bart. 2. Elizabeth; S.Catharine. Sir John d. 27 Jan. 177^. and was suc- ceeded by his son, VII. Sir JOHN, m., 9 Sept. 1779, Hen- rietta, da. of George, 1st earl of Aber- ffavenny, by whom (who d. 1833) he had issue, 1. Sir Hanson, present and 8th bart. 2. John, commander R.N., b. 1782. 3. Hknry, 6. 1785. 4. Georgr; .5. Elizabeth. 6. Mary-Anne. Sir John d. 4 Sept. 1825, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir HANSON, present bart. Arms— See Plate 2. Quarterly, gules and azure, a cross, engrailed, ermine. Crest — On a wreath, argent and gules, a plume of six ostrich feathers, alternately azure and gules. Motto— Nil temere neque timore. Seat — At Kirkby Bedon, co Norfolk. BISSHOPP, of Parham, co. Sussex. 23JulylG20. Sir CECIL-AUGUSTUS BISSHOPP, Baronet, born 6 July 1821, sue- ceeded his father, sir George, 22 March 1 JJ34. I. Sir THOMAS BISSHOPP, of Par- ham, CO. Sussex, 6. 1549, and some time M.P. for Gatton, was created a bart. as above, m. Jane, da. of sir Richard Weston, of Sutton, CO. Surrey, and had issue, be- sides Thomas and Henry, who d. unm., 1. Sir Edward, 2d bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. sir John Gresham, of Titsev, CO. Surrey, knt. 3. FrtANCES, m. John Alford, of Offlng- ton, Sussex. Sir Thomas d. 1626, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir EDWARD, 2d bart., m. Mary, da. of Nicholas Tufton, earl of Thanet, and left, besides other children who d. young and unm., 1. Sir Cecil, 3d bart. 2. Frances, m. sir George Warburton, of Arley, bart. 3. Diana, m. sir Henry Goring, bart. 4. Christian, m. sir Thomas Cobb, bart. Sir Edward was succeeded by his son, III. Sir CECIL, 3d bart., m. Anne, da. and h. of George Berry, of Cullum, co. Oxon, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Cecil, 4th bart. 2. Sarah, m. sir Richard Newdigate, bart. 3. Cristian, m. sir Thomas Fagg, bart. 4. Mary, m. Thomas Mannock, esq. Sir Cecil d. 3 June 1705, and was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir CECIL, 4th bart., m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Henry Dunch, of Newington, CO. Oxon, esq., and by her (who d. 2 Nov. 1739) had issue, 1. Sir Cecil, 5th bart. 2. Henry; 3. Charles. 4. James, d. unm. in Flanders, 1755. 5. John. C. Mary, m. John, 7th lord Dormer. Sir Cecil d. Oct. 1725, and was succeeded by his son , V. Sir CECIL, 5th bart., m. 1726, Anne, da. of Hugh Boscawcn, 2d viscount Fal- mouth, and by her (who d. May 1741) had issue, 1. Sir Cecil, 6th bart. 2. Thokias, col. in the army, d. nnm. .3. Edward, clerk of the treasury, and afterwards commissioner of the salt tax, m. Jane, da. of William Atkinson, of Pall Mall, esq., (whort'-)H. the rev. Lucius Cogh- lan, D.D., and d. his widow 10 April 1834) and d. 1792, leaving one son. Sir George, 8th bart. 4. Anne, m. the hon. Robert Brudenell. 5. Charlotte, m. sir William Maynard, bart. 6. Frances, m. sir George Warren, bart. and K.B. 7. Harriett, «?., 1st, Thomas Drum- mer, esq., and 2dly, Nathaniel Dance, esq. 8. Catherine, m., 1st, sir Charles Cope, bart., and 2dly, Charles, 1st earl of Liver- pool. Sir Cecil, d. 1778, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir CECIL, 6th bart., m. Susan, eld- est da. of John Hedges, esq., and by her (who d. 1791) had issue, 1. Sir Cecil, 7th bart. 2. Hugh, d. s.p. Sir Cecil d. Sept. 1779, and was succeeded by his son, VII. Sir CECIL, 7th bart., who was, in 1815, suntimoned to parliament as baron Zouche, (see Behretfs Peeraffe,) m. Harriet- Anne, da. and h. of William Southwell, of Frampton, co. Gloucester, esq., and had issue, 1. Cecil, col. in the army, m., 6 April 1805, Charlotte-Barbara, da. of George, 2d marquess Townshend, and was killed in North America, s.p., 11 July 1813. 2. Charles-Cecil, R.N., d. unm, 10 May 1808. 3. Harriett-Annk, now baroness Zouche, (see tliat title in Dehrett's Peerap;e.) 4. Catharine-Annabella, b. 1 Dec. 1791, m., Aug. 1826, George-Richard Pechell, esq., capt. R.N., brother of sir Samuel- Brooke Pechell, bart. Lord Zouche dying without male issue surviving, 1 1 Nov. 1828, the baronetcy de- volved on his cousin. VIII. Sir GEORGE, in holy orders, dean of Lismore, and archdeacon of Aghadoe, b. 5 July 1791, »!., 17 May 18l^0, Catherine- Elizabeth, da. of Andrew Sproule, esq., capt. R.N., by whom (who d. 16 Dec. 1832) he had issue, 1. Sir Cecil-Adgustts, present bart. 2. George-Curzon, b. Id April 1823. 3. Edward-Cecil, b. 23 Feb. 1826. 4. Harriet-Arabella, b. 6 July 1821. 5. Jane-Annabella, b. 20 April 1824, rf. young. 6. Catherine-Mary, b. 10 Dec. 1827. Sir George (L-21 INIarch 1834, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IX. Sir CECIL-AUGUSTUS, present and 9th bart. Arms— See Plate 2. Argent, on a bend cottiscd gules, three bezants. VINXENT. Crest— On a ducal coronet, a griflfin se- greant argent, resting the fore paws on an escutcheon also argent. Motto — Pro Deo et Ecclesia. 25 VINCENT, of Stoke D'Aberxox, co. Surrey. 26 July 1020. Sir FRANCIS VINCENT, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Francis, 17 Jan. 1808; 31. P. for St. Alban's ; married, 10 3Iay 1824, Augusta- Ehzabeth, only child of the hon. Charles Herbert, R.N., 2d son of the first earl of Carnarvon. Diana, and Catherine. 7. Catherine, m. George Phipps, esq. 8. Frances, m. William Ward. 9. Elizabeth, m. the Rev. John Butter- field. 10. Anne, d. young. Sir Francis rf. "lo Feb. 1736, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, VI. Sir HEXRV, who, in 1727-8, was elected member of parliament for Guildford: m. Elizabeth, da. of Bezaliel Sherman, esq., and had, besides other children, who d. young, 1. Sir Francis, 7th bart. 2. Thomas, who d. at Oxford, 1740. 3. Elizabkth, d. 25 May 1759, num. 4. Hester, m. John Smyth de Burgh, 11th earl of Clanricarde, of Ireland, and d. his widow 29 Dec. 1804. 5. Sarah. Sir Henry d. 20 Jan. 1757, aged 70, and was succeeded bv his only son, VII. Sir FRANCIS, m., 1st, Elizabeth, da, and h. of Mr. David Kilmaine ; and by her (who d. 1744) had no issue; 2dly, Mary, da. of lieutenant-general Thomas Howard, and by her (who d. 16 Aug. 1757) he had issue, 1. Sir Francis, 8th bart. 2. Hknrv-Dor.mer, m. Isabella, da. of the hon. Felton Hervey, 8th son of John, 1st earl of Bristol, and rf. 22 May 18a3, at. 83, having had issue, William, d. an infant ; Henry ; and Frederick. 3. George; 4. Thomas, both d. young. 5. Mary, m., 1775, Neal Primrose, earl ofRoseberry, K.T. Sir Francis ?«., 3dly, Mary, da. andco-h. of Sir John Astley, bart., and relict of An- thony Langley Swimmer, esq., and by her (who d. 20 June 1795) had no issue. Sir Francis, 1741, was chosen representative for the town of Guildford, and afterwards co. Surrey. He rf. May 1779, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir FRANCIS, who was ambassador at Venice; m., July 1779, Mary, da. of Richard Muilman Trench Chiswell, esq., and bv her (who rf. 8 Jan. 1826) had issue, 1. S"ir Francis, 9th bart. 2. ANNA-:\lARiA, b. 17B9, w., 21) July 1817, captain William-Johnson Campbell, son of the late lieutenant-general Colin Campbell. Sir Francis rf. 1791, and was succeeded by his son, IX. Sir FRANCIS, t. 23 July 1780, m., 16 Jan. 1802, Jane, da. of the late hon. Ed- ward Bouverie, brother to WilUara, 1st earl of Radnor, and by her (who d. 13 April 1805) had issue, 1. Sir Francis, present bart. 2. Everard, d. March 1816. Sir Francis d. 17 Jan. 1808, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, X. Sir FRANCIS, present bart. Arms— See Plate 2. Azure, three quatre- foils, argent. C The family of Vincent appears to have been seated at Swinford, co. Leicester, as early as temp. Edvv. III., and afterwards be- came possessed by marriage of Bernake in the same countv. In the reign of queen Eliza- beth, Thomas Vincent, esq., father of the 1st bart., marrving Jane, onlv da. and h. of Thomas Lvfield, of Stoke Dabernon, esq., became possessed of that estate which has ever since been the principal residence of the family. I. Sir FRANCIS, 1st bart., was M.P. for CO. Surrev, in the 1st parliament of king Charles I.', m., 1st, Sarah, da. of sir Amias Paulet. governor of Guernsey and Jersey; 2dlv, Marv, da. of sir Henry Archer, knt. ; and 3dlv, 'Eleanor, da. and h. of Robert Mallett," esq., and widow of sir Arthur Acland, knt. ; bv his 2d and 3d wives he had no issue, but by his 1st he had, besides several sons who d. without issue, 2 das., Elizabeth, m. John Acland, esq., and Margaret, m. sir Francis Gabell, knt., and a son and successor, II. Sir ANTHONY, h. 1594, suffered with other loyalists in the civil wars; m. Eliza- beth, da', of sir Arthur Acland, knt., and was succeeded bv his son, III. Sir FRANCIS, who was member for Dover in the long parliament of Charles II., and m., 1st, Catherine, da. of George Pitt, esq., sergeant -at -law, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Anthony, 4th bart. 2. Sir Francis, 5th bart. 3. Arthur, d. without issue. 4. Catherine, and 5. Elizabeth, who both d. unm. He m., 2dly, Ehzabeth, da. of sir Henry Vane, knt., and by her had, 6. Thomas, m., 1st, Margaret, da. and heiress of William Black; 2dly, Mary, da. of Sir Arthur Onslow, bart., and relict of Sir Robert Reeve, bart., by whom he had no issue. 7. Henry, d. in the wars in Spain, with- out issue. 8. Elizabeth, wife of Philip Hildyard, 9. Frances, who d. unm. Sir Francis was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir ANTHONY, ?n. Anne, da. of sir James Austen, knt., and left only a da., Catharine, m. the Rev. Dr. Warren. Whereupon the title and estate devolved on his brother, V. .Sir FRANCIS, who was elected one of the knights co. Surrey in 2 parliaments ; m. Rebecca, da. of Mr. Jonathan Ashe, by whom he had issue, 1. Anthony; 2. Francis; 3. Thomas; alld.voung. 4. Sir Henry, 6th bart. 5. Richard. 6. William, m. the da. of the Rev. Dr. Warren, and left issue, William, Arthur, 26 TICHBORNE. Crest— Out of a ducal crown, head, argent. Motto — Vincenti dahitur. Seat—\t Stoke d'Abernon, near Cobham, and Matlarm, co. Surrey. TICHBORNE, of TichboRxNE House, co. Hants. a March 1G20. Sir HENRY-JOSEPH TICHBORNE, Baronet, Som 5 Jan. 1779, sue ceeded his father, sir Henry, 14 June 1821 ; married^ 23 April 1806, Anne, 4th da. of sir Thomas Burke, of Marhlehill, co. Galway, bart., and sister to J^liza, countess of Clanricarde, by whom he has issue, 1. Eli- zabeth-Anne, b 28 May 1807, ^•■> 5 May 1829, Joseph-Thaddeus, lord Dormer; 2. Frances-Catherine, b. 18 March 1809, m.. 22 Sept. 1829, Henry-Benedict, lord Arundel, of Wardour ; 3. Julia, b. 15 July 1810, m., Feb. 1830, Charles-Thomas Talbot, esq., grandson of George, 14th earl of Shrewsbury; 4. Mary, b. 28 INIay 1812, and rf. 29 Aug. 1827; 5. Catherine-Caroline, h. 21 April 1814; 6. Lucy-Ellen, b. 21 Dec. 1817; 7- Ex\iily-Blanch, 6. 18 June 1818. II. Sir RICHARD, eldest son and h. of sir Benjamin, was knighted 11 May 1603. He was sent by Charles I. as ambassador to the Queen of Bohemia. He m., 1st, Ellen, da. and co-h. of tlie before-mentioned Ro- bert Whyte, esq., by whom r>7, and was succeeded by his only surviving s m, III. Sir HENRY, who, in defence of Charles I., hazarded his life in several en- terprises, which drew on him the malignity of the usurpers, who sequestrated his es- tate, and forced him to live in an obscure condition till the Restoration. King Charles made him lieutenant of the New Forest, Hampshire, and James II. constituted him lieutenant of the ordnance. He w. Mary, da. of William Arundel, esq., brother to Thomas, lord Arundel, of Wardour, and had issue, 1. Joseph: 2. Charles, both rf. young. 3. Sir Henry-Joseph, 4th bart. 4. Sir Joseph Herminigildus, .Ith bart. 5. Winfred; (i. Susanna, both d. in- fants. 7. Mary, a nun. 8. Lettice, w„ 1C91, Henry Whet tenhall, esq. J). Frances, m., Km, John Paston, of Appleton, CO. Norfolk, esq. Sir Henry rf. l(j!ii), and was succeeded by his only survivinsj son, IV. Sir HENRY-JOSEPH, m., 1689, Mary, da. of Anthony Kemp, of Slyndon, CO. Sussex, esq., and by her had, 1. Henry; 2. Henrv-John ; S.John, who all rf. nnni. 4. Mary-Agnes, m.Michacl Blount, esq., rf. 2tt May 1777. ">. Krances-Cickly, uu Ceorge Brown- lovve Doughty, rf. 20 Aug. 17fi.">. (). Marhlla, wj. sir John Webb, bart., d. Sept. 1727. Sir Henry-Joseph rf. July 1743, without SiK Roger deTirhrhiirne, knt., was pos- sessed of the lordship of Ticheburne, in Hampshire, ^ewjo. Henry II.; and by mar- riage with Mabell, sole h. of the family of Lymerston, in the Isle of Wight, had also possession of that estate, and" left issue by her, sir Walter de Ticheburne, knt. In the succeeding generations, this family continued to be of great note and conse- quence in the county of Hants, which they frequently represented in parHament; and intermarried with the heiresses of Rake, of Devonshire; Martin, of Edinbridge, in Kent; and Riche. 13th in descent from sir Roger above named, wrs, I. Sir BENJAMIN TICHBORNE, who was ceated a bart. and received other honour- and emoluments from king James I., to whom he had rendered himself par- ticularly acceptable, by his forwardness in proclairhing his accession to the crown of England throughout his county, without waiting for any orders from the govern- ment ; m. Amphilis, da. of RichardWeston, esq., one of the justices of the Common Pleas, and had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 2d bart. 2. Walter, knighted 16 Nov. 1604, m. Mary, da. and co-h. of Robert White, esq., son of sir John White, lord mayor of Lon- don, and from this sir Walter descended sir He\ry, 6th bart.: likewise from a 2d son of the said Walter, descjnded sir Ben- jamin Tichborne, of Rickmansworth, co. Hertford, knt. 3. Benjaaifn, knighted 2f) Aug. 1618, and elected for Petrrsfield in two parliaments in the reign of Charles I., rf. wiihout issue. 4. Sir Henry, knt., distinguished himself in Ireland during the great rebellion in that country, in which this branch of the family settled ; and in the first year of Oeorge I., Henry, grandson of the above named sir Henry (after having been ere: ted a bart.), was created in 1715, baron Feirard, of Fer- rard, co. Louth. But this peerage became extinct in him, his only son (except two who rf. young) having been, in his father's lifetime, cast away in his passage from Ire- land to England. 5. Elizabktii, m., 1st, William Garth, esq.; and 2dly, William Owen, esq. G. .\nne, m., 1st, William Brock, esq.; and, 2dly, sir Thomas Timperly, knt. 7. AmImiillis, m. William Gratwick, esq. Sir Benjamin rf. 1624, and was succeeded by his eldest son. PALMER. 27 issue male, snd was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir JOSEPH HERMINIGILDUS, upon whose decease, the title devolved on, VI. Sir HENRY (son of James Tichborne, of Aldershot, co. Hants, esq., who was son and h. of White Tichborne, of Aldershot, who was son andh. of Francis Tichborne, of Aldershot, 2d son ». miss Jane Thompson, and left issue; and the eldest, V. Sir CHARLES, succeeded to the title on the death of his cousin, sir Thomas, and became 5th bart. ; »?., June 1729, Anne, da. of Richard Harcourt, esq., by Elizabeth, da. of sir Philip Harcourt, knt., and half- sister to Simon, the 1st lord Harcourt, by whom (who survived him, and d. 1774) he had issue, besides other children, who d. young, 1. Charles, an officer in the East India Company's service, who m. Sarah, da. of Thomas Clack, of Wallingford, co. Berks, and sister of Frances, viscountess Courtenay, and d. in his father's lifetime, 1704, leaving one son, sir Charles-Harcourt, present bart. 2. Harriott, m. Dotlyn Battin, esq. 3. Dorothy, m. Gousse Bonnin. Sir Charles d. 8 Nov. 1773, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, VI. Sir CHARLES-HARCOURT, pre- sent bart. Arms— See Plate 3.— Or, two bars, gules, each charged with three trefoils, argent, in chief, a greyhound current, sable. Crest — A demi- panther, rampant, in- censed and holding a palm branch, all pro- per. Motto — Pahna virtuti. Sent— At Dorney Court, near Windsor, CO. Bucks. RIVERS, of Chafford, co. Kent. 19 July 1621. Sir HENRY RIVERS, Baronet, in holy orders, rector of Martyr Worthy, and vicar of St. Swithin's, Winchester, co. Hants, succeeded his brother, sir James, 27 Sept. 1805; married^ 2 May 1812, Charlotte, da. of Samuel Eales, of Cranbury, co. Hants, and has issue, a Da., b. 7 June 1813; another da., *6. 6 Nov. 1815; A SON, b. 30 Dec. 1822; Le- titia-Martha, b. 28 Jan., and d. 27 Aug. 1824; a Da., b. March 1830 ; a Son, b. 26 Aug. 1834. Thomas Hewitt, bart., and sister of George, viscount Hewitt, in Ireland, (which title be- came extinct in l(j!i!l,) by whom he had, 1. Sir George, 4th bart. 2. John, d. without issue. 3. Thomas, D.C.L., prebendary of Win- chester, m. Mary, da. of Richard Holbrooke, rf. 8 Sept. 1731, leaving three sons, 1. Sir ./OHN, 5th bart. 2. Sir Peter, 6th bart. 3. James ; 4. Anne, d. young. 4. James, a col. in the army, rf. without issue at the siege of Barcelona. 5. Mahgahkt; (i. Anne. IV. Sir GEORGE, eldest son and succes- sor to his father, ni, Dorothea, da. of sir William Beversham, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Beversham, d. untn. 2. George, m. Isabella, da. of Philip Packer, by whom he left no issue. 3. Thomas; 4. William, both rf. infants. .5. Dorothy, m. Thomas Goodall, esq. ». sir Robert (ioodwyn, knt. Sir John was succtedcd by his grandson, II. Sir THOMAS, who rf. unm. 1G57, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir JOHN, 711. Anne, da. of sir PHILLIPS.— WAKE. 29 V. Sir JOHN, eldest son of dr. Thomas Rivers; he d. 1742, and was succeeded by his brother, VI. Sir PETER, in holy orders, prebend- ary of Winchester, m., 17'>H, Martha, da. of William Coxe, M.D.,and had issue by her, 1. MARY,rf. 11 May 18(i7. 2. Sir Thomas, 7th bart. 3. Sir James, 8th bart. 4. William, d. 10 April 1794. 5. Amelia - Henrietta, m., 13 Aug. 18 eldest son, VIII. Sir WILLIAM, h. 29 April 176fi, m., Dec. 1790, Elizabeth, da. of John Bell, of Harefield, co. Middlesex, esq., and had issue, 1. WiLLiAM-JoHN, in holy orders, rector of EUesbcrough, co. Bucks, m., 27 July 1814, Harriet-Charlotte, 3d da. of Laver Oliver, of Brill House, co. Bucks, andrf. 5 April 1823, leaving 4 das. and co-hs. 2. Sir John-Bell-William, present bart. 3. 4. &c. das., of whom, Mary, m. J. D. Davies, esq., R.N., and Harriette, in. W. O. Brigstocke, of Blaenpont, co. Cardigan, esq., ardd. 1833. Sir William d. Aug. 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, IX. Sir JOHN-BELL-WILLIAM, pre- sent and 9th bart. Anns— See Plate 3. Argent, a chevron between three maunches, sable. Crest — A cap of maintenance enflamed on the top, proper. Motto — Quad vult, valde vidt. S jats— Ischoe], co. Carmarthen, and W' oodstone, co. Cork, in Ireland. 17 July 1622. Sir EDMUND-SAUNDERSON PRIDEAUX, Baronet, major in the army ; born 17 Jan. 1794 ; succeeded his brother, sir John-Wilmot, 13 May 1833; married, 19 Jan. 1832, Frances, da. of the rev. W. E. Fitz- Thomas, of Auhscombe, and has issue, a Da., b. 21 Feb. 1834. The name of Pridmux is of undoubted antiquity in Cornwall and Devonshire: their first residence was at Prideaux Castle, ui the first nam.ed county, of which Pega- nus de Prideaux was seised at the Norman conquest. I. Sir EDMUND, eminent in the pro- fession of the lav/, was the 1st bart.; m., 1st, Bridget, da. of sir John Chichester, knt., by whom he had, 1. Tabitha, »;/. Thomas Aylworth, esq. 2. Sarah, m. John Fortescue, esq. .3. Admonition, m. John Moyle, esq. Sir Edmund m., 2dly, Catharine, da. of Piers Edgecombe, esq.', by whom he had, 4. Sir Peter, 2d bart. 5. Edmund. Sir Edmund m , 3dly, Mary, da. of Richard Reynell, and relict of Arthur Fowell, cs(irs», by whom he left no issue. Sir Edmund d. 28 March 1628, aged 74, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir Peter, m. Susanna, da. of sir Anthony Poulet, knt., by whom he had, 1. Edmind ; 2. John, both d. unrn. before their father. 3. Sir Petkr, his successor. 4. Margaret, m. Thomas Drew, esq. 6. Mary, Sir Peter d. 1C82, and was succeeded by his youngest son, III. Sir PETER, wj. lady Elizabeth, da. of sir Beville Granville, knt., and sister of John, e;irl of Bath, by whom he had, 1. Sir Edmlnd, his successor. 2. Peter, fellow of All Soul's College, Oxford. 3. John, m. Anne, da. and h. of Hum- phrey Prideaux, esq. 4. Roger, d. without issue. Also several das.; one m. sir William Drake, bart., and another wi. the rev. mr. Harwood. Sir Peter d. Nov. 1705, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir EDMUND, »>?., 1st, Susanna, da, of James Winstanley, esq., and relict of Austin, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir EdmIxVD, his successor. 2. Pkter, d. before his elder brother, without male issue. 3. StSANNA, Hi. Phineas Cheek, esq. Sir Edmund m., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of George Saunderson, esq., and grandda. of viscount Castleton, by whom he had, 4. Sir John, successor to his half-brother. Sir Edmund m., 3dly, Mary, da. of Spencer 32 HAZLERIGG. Vincent, esq., alderman of London, and relict of sir John Rogers, bart., by whom he had no issue; and d. Feb. 1719, was succeeded by his eldest son, by the 1st marriage, V. Sir EDMUND, nC, 1st, Mary, da. of Samuel Reynardson, esq., by whom he had, 1. Mary, m. James Winstanley, esq. Sir Edmvmd m., 2dly, Anne, da. of Philip Hawkins, by whom he had, 2. Anne, w. John Pendarves Basset, esq., who d. 25 Sept. 1/39, leaving her with child of a son and heir, John-Prideaux-Basset, whose son and heir, Francis, was created a bart. 1779, lord de Dunstanville in 179(i, and lord Basset in 1797 (•see Debretfs Peerage of the United Kingdom). Sir Edmund d. 2(3 Feb. 1728-9, without issue male, and was succeeded by his half- brother, VI. Sir JOHN, m. Anne, eldest da. of John, viscount Lisburne, (by Mallet Wil- mot, da. of John, earl of Rochester,) by whom he had, 1. Saunderson, killed at Carthagena, in Apvil 1741. 2. John, a lieut.-general, killed at Nia- gara, 1752, m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Rolt, esq., and sister of sir Edward-Baynton Rolt, and had issue, 1. Sir John-Wtlmot, 7th bart. 2. Edward-Baynton-Edmund. 3. Elizabeth. 3. Peter. 4. Elizabeth, m. Edward Chichester, of Northover, co. Somerset, esq. 5. Anne. Sir John rf. Aug. 1766, and was succeeded by his grandson, VII. Sir JOHN-WILMOT, m. , da. of Priddle, and had issue, 1. Sir JoHN-WiLMOT, 8th bart. 2. Sir Edmund- Saunderson, 9th bart. Sir John d. 3 March 1826, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir JOHN-WILMOT, h. 29 Sept. 1792, d. at Calcutta, 13 May 1833, s.p., and was succeeded by his brother, IX. Sir EDMUND-SAUNDERSON, pre- sent bart. Arms— See Plate 3. Argent, a chevron, sable, in chief a label, of three points, gules. Crest— 1\ man's head in profile, couped at the shoulders, on the head a chapeau azure, turned up, argent. Seat — At Netherton, co. Devon. HAZLERIGG, (late HESILRIGGE,) of Nosely-Hall, co. Leicester. 21 July 1G22. Sir ARTHUR-GREY HAZLERIGG, Baronet, horn 20 Oct. 1812, suc- ceeded his father, sir Arthur-Grey, 21 Oct. 1819. This family is descended from Simon de Heselrigge, lord of Wettislade and West- brunton, co. Northumberland, to whom king Edward I. gave lands in the shire of Roxburgh, N. B., anno 1280. Eleventh in lineal descent from him was, I. Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., «i. Frances, da. and h. of sir William Gorges, knt., and had 8 sons and (! das. He d. 11 Jan. 1629, and his lady in 1638; he was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir ARTHUR, who was a very con- spicuous personage in the civil wars, on the side of the parliament, and was greatly in the confidence of Oliver Cromwell. He preferred a bill in the house of commons for the attainder of Thomas, earl of Straf- ford, for high treason, which measure ren- dered him very obnoxious to the court ; ?«., 1st, Frances, da. of sir Thomas Elmes, knt., by whom (who d. ](i32) he had, 1. Sir Thomas, his successor. Sir Arthur w., 2dly, Dorothy, sister to Ro- bert Greville, lord Broke, by whom (who d. 28 Jan. 1650) he had issue, 2. Sir Robert, 5th bart. Three other sons and five daughters. Sir Arthur d. in 1660, and was succeeded by his only surviving son by the 1st marriage, III. Sir THOMAS, m. Elizalicth, da. and co-h. of George Fenwick, of Hrunton Hall, CO. Northumberland, estj., by whom (who d. 30 May 1673) he had, 1. Sir Thomas, his successor. 2. Mahv, m. Francis Blith, of Allesley, CO. Warwick, esq. 3. Arabella, m. Rawson Hart, esq. Sir Thomas rf. 24 Feb. I(i80, aged 55. IV. Sir THOMAS, his only son and suc- cessor, served in parliament, co. Leicester, in 1690, and d. tmm. 11 July 1700; where- upon the dignity and estate devolved upon his uncle, Robert, only surviving son of sir Arthur, by the 2d marriage ; which V. Sir ROBERT, m. Bridge^, da. of sir Samuel Rolle, of Heanton,co. Devon, knt., by whom he had four sons, who all d. unm. in his life-time, except one, named Robert; and four das., who all d. tinm. Sir Robert d. 22 May 1713, and his lady 26 July 1697. He was succeeded by his only surviving son, VI. Sir ROBERT, m. Dorothy, 2d da. of Banaster, 3d lord Maynard, and d. 19 May 1721, aged 55j leaving one son, Arthur, and' a da., Dorothy, m. the rev. mr. Battle. VII. Sir ARTHUR, only son and suc- cessor, m., June 1725, Hannah, da. of mr. Sturges, by whom he had, 1. Sir Robert, 8th bart. 2. Arthur, who was in the commission of the peace, and d. 11 April 1791. 3. Sir Thomas-Mavnahd, 10th bart. 4. Elizabeth, m. the rev. Richard Buckley. 5. Charles, m. Sarah, da. of Wall. (i. Grey, d. Oct. 1810, having m. Bridget, da. of the rev. Richard Buckley, by whom he had Sir Arthur-Grey, 11th bart. 7. BRiDciKT, d. loim. Julv 1813. 8. Hannah, d. u),m. 18 Aug. 1822. 9. Akabklla, /)(., 1784, Charles Roberts, of Thorn by, co. Northampton, esq., and d. 22 June 1825, aged 78. Sir y\rihur d. 1763, and was succeeded in title by his eldest son, VIII. Sir ROBERT, m. Sarah, da. of Nathaniel Waller, of Roxburgh, in New England, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Arthur, 9th bart. 2. Sarah, m. David Henley, esq. 3. Ha.nnaH, »i. the rev. Thomas Abbot. SKIPWITH. 33 Sir Robert d., and was succeeded by his son, IX. Sir ARTHUR, judge and collector of the department of Jersore, m. Elizabeth Charnaud, of Sm\rna, and by her (who d. at Calcutta, 17!>7) had no issue. Sir Arthur d. in Bengal, in 1805, without issue, and was succeeded by his uncle, X. Sir THOMAS-MAYNARD, m., 1st, Mary, da. of Edmund Tyrell, of Gipping Hall, CO. Suffolk, esq., and by her (who d. 13 Feb. 1809) had no issue; and 2dlv, 30 Nov. 1811, the hon Letitia, 2d da. of John, 1st lord Wodehouse. Sir Thomas d. 24 April 1817, without issue, Avhen the title devolved upon, XI. Sir ARTHUR-GREY, (eldest son of col. Grey Hesilrigge, .5th and youngest son of sir Arthur, the 7th bart.,) who by royal licence, 8 July 1818, was allowed to alter the spelling of his name to Hazlerigg; m., 25 July 1811, Henrietta-Anne, 2d da. of John Bourne, esq., of Stanch Hall, Hants, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Artht'r-Grey, present bart. 2. Thomas-Maynard, b. 15 April 1815, dec. 3. Henrietta-Susan} b. 10 Jan. 1817. 4. Grey (a son), b. 13 March 1818. Herf. 24 Oct. 1819, and was succeeded by his eldest son, XII. Sir ARTHUR-GREY, present bart. Arms — See Plate 3 — Argent, a chevron, between three hazel leaves, vert. CreAt— On achapeau, gules, lined, ermine, a man's head, proper, bearded and crined, or. Motto — Pro arl'! etfocls. Residence — Nosely Hall, co. Leicester. SKIPWITH, of Prestwould, co. Leicester. 20 Dec. 1G22. Sir GRAY SKIPWITH, Baronet, M.P. for the southern division of Warwickshire; born 17 Sept. 1771; succeeded his father, sir Peyton, Oct. 1805 ; married^ 22 April 1801, Harriet, 3d da. of Gore Townsend, of Honington, co. Warwick, esq., and by her (who (/. 7 July 1830) has issue, 1. Anna, h. 21 Jan. 1802, m., 21 Dec. 1824, rev. John-Thomas Parker, rector of Newbold-upon-Avon, co. Warwick; 2. Thomas- George, b. 9 Feb. 1803; 3. Selina, b. 2G March 1804, w., 3 May 1824, James- William -Lennox Naper, of Loughcrew, co. Meath, esq. ; 4. Harriett,/;. 23 June 1805, m., 24 June 1828, Henry-Christophei^ Wise, esq., of Woodcote, co. Warwick ; 5. Louisa, Z». 24 June 180f;, w., 27 March 1827, John Fullerton, of Wellesbourne, co. Warwick, esq. ; 6. William, b.2 Dec. 1807; 7- Marianne, b. 5 Jan. 1809; 8. FuLWER, b. 18 Feb. 1810; 9. Grey, in the naw, b. 10 April 1811; 10. Lelia-Sophia, b. 16 Jan. 1814; 11. Henrv, b. 13 June 1815; 12. Lionel, b. 5 Aug. 1816; 13. Elizabeth, b. 14 Sept. 1817 ; 14. Julia-Horatia, b. 13 March 1819 ; 15. Francis- Robert-Estoteville, b. 16 June 1820; 16. Randolph, b. 25 Nov. 1822; 17. Humberston, b. 8 Dec. 1823; 18. Sidsiouth- Stowell, b. 29 March 1825. This family takes its name from the town and lordship of Skipwith, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, and is descended from Patrick de Skipwith, who was lord thereof tetnp. Hen. I. In the reign of Hen. III., their residence was removed into Lin- colnshire, in which county, by five suc- cessive marriages with heiresses, they had inherited very large property; but they still continued possessed of Skipwith. Sir William Skipwith, knt, living early in the 16th century, was the common ancestor of three families of barts. of which the present one only remains. He m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of sir William Tyrv/hit, knt., and by her had sir William, who was seated at Skipwith and at Ormesby, co. Lincoln, and m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. and h. of sir Richard Page, chamberlain to king Edward VI., by whom he had issue, Rich- ard, whose great-grandson, sir Fulwar Skipwith, Was created a bart. 25 Oct. 1«70 ; which title became extinct on the death of his great-great-grandson, sir Thomas-George Skipwith, 4th bart., in 1790; m., 2dly, Anne, da. of John Toothby, by whom he had a son, Edward, whose grandson, sir Thomas, of Metheringham, co. Lincoln, was created a bart. 27 July 1078 ; which title became extinct on the death of his grand- son sir George-Bridges Skipwith, in 175(i. Sir William (the father) ?h., 2dly, Alice, da. of sir Leon Dymock, knt., and by her had issue, Henri/, of Cotes, co. Leicester, grand" father of I. Sir HENRY, of Prestwold, who was created a bart. as above. He m. the 3d da. and co-heiress of sir Thomas Kempe, knt., by whom he had 4 sons and 2 das. 1. William, who rf. without issue. 2. Henry, 2d bart. 3. Thomas, d. without issue. 4. Grey, 3d bart. 5. Elizabeth. 6. Diana. II. Sir HENRY, eldest surviving son, and successor to his father, d. tDim. soon after him, whereupon the title and estate went to his next surviving brother, III. Sir GREY, who, after the death of king Charles I., went, with several other gentlem.en, to Virginia, to avoid the usurpa- tion of Cromwell, and there married, and left only one son, IV. Sir WILLIAM, m. in Virginia; in the year 1730, he was about 60 years of age, and had 8 children; he was succeeded in the title by his eldest son. #3 34 CREWE. V. Sir GREY, who also resided in Vir- ginia, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir WILLIAM, of Prestwould, in Virginia; he d. in Virginia, in 1704, and was succeeded by his son, Vil. Sir PEYTON, who d. in Virginia, 9 Oct. 1805, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son. VIII. Sir GUAY, of Hampton-Lucy, co. Warwick, present bart. ^,.,H.9— See Plate 3. Argent, three bars, gules, in chief, a greyhound, current, sable, collared, or. Crest— On a wreath, a reel, proper. Residetu-e — Hampton-Lucy, near Strat- ford-upon-Avon, CO. Warwick. CREWE, (late HARPUR,) of Caulk Abbey, co. Derby. 8 Sept. 1626. Sir GEORGE CREWE, Baronet, lorn I Feb. 1795, succeeded his father, sir Henry, 7 Feb. 1818; married, 9 Sept. 1819, , da. of the rev. Thomas Whitaker, of Mendham, co. Norfolk, and has, a SON, b. 28 Oct. 1824 ; a Da., b. 4 July 1829, d. 3 Sept. 1829 ; a Da., b. 5 June 1830 ; a Son, b. 5 July 1832. This family is said to have been originally seated at Chesterton, co. Warwick, where a Hugo Harpur was living temp. Henry I. Richard Harpur, of Swarkston, co. Derby, esq., was made a serjeant-at-law, 1558, and in lofti appointed one of the judges of the Queen's Bench ; hu w. Jane, da. and at length h. of sir George Findern, of Findern, co. Derby, knt., and had issue 2 sons, both Unts. ; the youngest, sir Richard, was of Littleover, and Twiford, co. Derby, m. and left issue ; and the eldest. Sir John, succeeded his father at Swark- ston, m. Isabel, da. of sir George Pierre- point, and had 3 sons, 1. sir Ridiard, m., but d. 1627, without male issue; 2. John, succeeded his brother at Swarkston, m., and left issue ; and I. Sir HENRY, of Caulk, co. Derby, cre- ated a bart. as above, m. Barbara, da. of Anthony Faunt, of Foston, co. Leicester, and widow of sir Henry Beaumont, of Grace Dieu, knt., and by her (who d. 2 July 164(3) had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Henry, merchant in London, d. s.p. 3. William, of Bilston, co. Leicester, m, and left issue. 4. Elizabeth, m. Richard Manley. 0. Jane, m. Thomas Twyford. 6. Dorothy, m. sir Nicholas Wilmot, of Osmaston, knt. 7. Isabel, m. Nicholas Hurt, esq. 8. Barbara, ?«. John Manley, esq. !). Catherine, d. unm. Sir Henry d. 1638, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, m. Susan, da. of West, by whom he h.ad, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Henry; 3. Richard. 4. Charles; 5. Edward, who all (ex- cei)ting the eldest) d. unm. (). Barbara; 7. Elizabeth, d. »<«>n. 8. Jane, m. Henry Dyson. «). Susanna, m. James Dean, rector of Halloughton, co. Leicester. 10. Dorothy, m. John Harpur, of Twy- ford, esq. He d. 16G9, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JOHN, »). Anne, 2d da. of Wil- liam, lord Willoughby, of Parham, by Ivhom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Anne, m. Borlase Warren, of Staple- ford, CO. Nottingham, esq. He d. 1681, and was succeeded by his son and heir, .Wi Sir JOHN, b. 23 March 1679, m. Ca- therine, youngest da. and co-h. of Thomas, lord Crewe, of Stene, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 5th bart. 2. John-Edward, whod. in 1761. 3. Crewe, d. 1724-5. 4. Annk, d. an infant. 5. Jemima, tn. sir Thomas Palmer, bart. 6. Catherine, m. sir Henry Gough, bart. (ancestor of lord Calthorpe) : she d. in 1740. 7. Marv. Sir John d. 24 June 1741, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir HENRY, m. Caroline, da. of John, 2d duke of Rutland, by his 2d wife, Lucy, sister to Bennet Sherard, 1st earl of Harborough, by wliom (who m., 2dly, sir Robert Burdett, bart., and d. 1769) he had issue, 1. John, who d. young. 2. Sir Henry, 6th bart. 3. Charles, a major 38th regt. of foot, and d. 1770. 4. Caroline, m. Adam Hay, esq. Sir Henry d. 7 June 1748, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VI. Sir HENRY, m., 17 July 1704, Frances-Elizabeth, 2d da. of Francis, 1st earl Brooke, and earl of Warwick, by Eliza- beth, eldest da. of the hon. Archibald Ha- milton, 3d son of William, duke of Hamil- ton, and d. 17!)!), leaving issue by her (who d. 7 April 1825) an only son, VH. Sir HENRY, D.C.L., who, in com- memoration of his descent from Catherine, da. and co-h. of Thomas, lord Crewe, and wife of the 4th bart., took the name and arms of Crewe, by royal sign manual, 1808, 6.13 May 1763, m., 1791, Nanny Hawkins, and by her (who d. 20 March 1827) had issue, 1. Henry, d. an infant. 2. Louisa-Matilda, b. 14 Nov. 1793. 3. SirGEouGK, present bart. 4. Si;lina, b. 8 Jan. 1798, m., 2 Jan. 1822, William -Stanhope Badcock, esq., capt. R.N. .'5. Hknrietta-Charlotte, b. 19 March 1800, d, unm. 20 Dec. 1819. 6. Henry-Robert, b. 4 Sept. 1801, in holy orders, in., 25 Sept. 1827, Frances-Ca- roline, da. of William Jcnncy, of Bladhi Wood, near Burton-uiion-Trent, esq. 7. Ed.mi'nd-Lkwis, I>. 1 Aug. 18(13, m., 20 Sept. lll,!2, Caroline-Anna, da. of lieut.- general Need, of Fountain Dale, Notting- ham. 8. Charles-Hugh, 6. 4 April 180.5. Sir Henry d. (in consequence of a fall SEBRIGHT—DERTNG. 35 from the box of liis carriage) 7 Feb. 1819, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir GEORGE, present bart. ^rw.9— See Plate 3. 1st and 4th, Crewe; azure, a lion rampant, arcent ; 2d and 3d, Harpur; argent, a lion rampant, within a bordure, engrailed, sable. CVe«^— 1st, Crewk, out of a ducal co- ronet, or, a lion's jamb, argent ; 2d, Harpur, a boar passant, or, ducally gorged, gules. Sea?— At Caulk Abbey, co. Derby. SEBRIGHT, of Besford, co. Worcester. 20 Dec. 1626. ' Sir JOHN-SAUNDERS SEBRIGHT, Baronet, horn 23 May 1707, sue ceeded his father, sir John, March 17!)4 ; M.P. for Hertfordshire ; married^ in Aug. 1793, Hannah, da. of Richard Crofts, of Harling, co. Norfolk, esq., by whom (who d. 5 Aug. 1S26) he had issue, 1. THOMAS; 2. Frederica-Anne-Saunders ; 3. Emily, m., 30 March 1822, Fre- derick Franks, esq., and d. 4 Nov. in the same year ; 4. Caroline ; 5. Frances; 6. Sothia, d. nnm. Jan. 1829; 7- Mary- Anne ; 8. Octavia ; 9. Gertrude, d. Jan. 1820. There appears to have been a family of Sebright seated at Sebright Hall, in Much Baddow, co. Essex, as early as temp. Henry II., and which became extinct in the male line temp. Henry VIII. The baronet's an- cestors (said to descend from a younger brother of the Sebrights of Essex) were seated in Worcestershire and Staffordshire. Humphrey Sebright, of Blakeshall, co. Worcester, was great-grandfather of I. EDWARD SEBRIGHT, created a baronet 20 Dec. l(j2(J, was a warm royalist, and was obliged to pay ll(l!»/. composition for his estate to the sequestrators ; m., 1st, Theodosia, da. of Gerard Whorwood, esq., by whom he had, besides other issue, 1. William, d. without issue. 2. Sir John, 2d bart. 3. Elizabeth, m. sir John Repington, knt. Sir Edward m., 2dly, Elizabeth Montagu, eldest da. of Henry, 1st earl of Manchester, by Catherine, 2d da. of sir William Spencer, 3d son of sir George Spencer, of Alihorpe, and relict of sir Lewis Mansel, bart. II. Sir JOHN, his son and successor, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Richard Knightly, K.B., (by Anne, his 2d wife, da. of sir Wil- liam Courteen, knt.,) by whom he had 2 sons, 1. Sir Edward, 3d bart. 2. Richard, who rf. without issue 1722. III. Sir EDWARD, who succeeded his father, m. Anne, da. and h. of Thomas Saunders, esq., by whom (who m., 2dly, Charles Littleton, esq., brother of sir Tho- mas Littleton, of Pilleton, bart.) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 2. Edward, who was murdered, 20 Sept. 1723, near Calais, as he was travelling with some English gentlemen ; a monument was erected to his memory on the spot where this villany was committed. 3. Anne, eldest da., ni. sir Charles Buck, bart. 4. A DA., m. John Coke, esq. Sir Edwaid rf. Dec. 1702, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir THOMAS -SAUNDERS, repre- sented CO. Hertford in parliament, from 1 George I. till his death ; m. a da. of sir Francis Dashwood, of West Wycombe, Bucks, bart., and had issue by her, (who d. 1771,) 1. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 2. Sir John, (Jth bart. Sir Thomas d. 12 April 173(5, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir THOMAS, succeeded his father, and d. iinni. 25 Oct. 1705, was succeeded by his onlv brother, VI. Sir J( IN, a heut.-gen., colonel of the royal Irisli regt, of foot, and M.P. for Bath ; m., Jime l/fifj, Sarah, da. of Edward Knight, esq., by whom (who d. 29 Dec; 1813) he had 1. Sir John-Saunders, 7th bart. 2. ThoiMAs, a lieut.-colonel, d. 1795. 3. Henrietta, m., Sept. 1794, Henry, earl of Haiewood. 4. Edward -Amherst -.Saunders, late lieut.-col. 1st guards. .5. Marv, m., 15 April ICll, NichoL'^s- Lewis Fen wick, of Terrington, co. Norfolk, esq. Sir John rf. in March 1794, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JOHN-SAUNDERS, present bart. Arms—^ee Plate 3. Argent, three cinque- foils, sable. Crest — A tiger, sejant, argent; maned and crowned, or. Seats— A.X Besford Court, co. Worcester* and Beechwood, co. Herts. DERING, of Surenden-Dering, co. Kent. 1 Feb. 1C2G. Sir EDWARD-CHOLMEIiEY DERING, Baronet, horn 10 Nov. 1807, succeeded his grandfather, sir Edward, 30 June 1811 ; married., 10 April 1832, the hon. Jane Edwardes, da. of lord Kensington, and has issue. a SON and heir, b. 21 July 1833. 36 BERING. Thkre is a tradition by which this fa- mily is traced to a very ancient Saxon ori- gin; but Hasted, in his History of Kent, says, the only account he has been able to gather from the family papers is, that the family of Dering is dtscended from Norman de Morinis, whose ancestor was Vitalis Fitz- (Xfbert, temp. Henry H., and which Norman had a son named Deringii-s de Monnis. I. Sir EDWARD, the 15th in descent from Deringus, was knifthted 22 Jan. 1018; made lieutenant of Dover Castle, and cieated a baronet 1 Feb. 1020, and was after- wards one of the knights in parliament for Kent. He m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of sir Nicholas Tufton, afterwards earl of Thanet, and by her (who d. 1022) had, 1. Anthony, who rf. in 1(!20. He m., 2dly, Anne, 3d da. of sir John Ash- burnham, knt., (ancestor of the earls of Ashburnham,) and by her (who d. in 1028, aged 23,) he had, 2. Edward, his successor. 3. Elizabeth, m. sir John Darell, knt. He TO., 3dly, Unton, da. of sir Ralph Gibbes, knt., who d. in 1076, by whom he left. 4. Hknry, of Pevington, co. Rent, m. and had issue. .5. Sir Edward, knighted 1080, d. s.p. 0. Dorothy, m. Thomas English, of Buckland, Kent, esq. Sir Edward rf. 22 June 1044, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir EDWARD, then a minor, who afterwards represented co. Kent in parlia- ment, and was one of the commissioners of the treasury. He m. Mary, da. of Daniel Harvey, esq., who d. in 1704, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 3d bart. 2. Charles, auditor of the exchequer in Ireland, who mi., 1 Oct. Kii)!, Margaret, re- lict of Henry, 5th lord Blayney, and sister of John Moore, lord Tullamore, and d. July 1719, having had issue 8 sons and 2 das. 3. Daniel, a colonel in Ireland, who m, Helen, da. of sir John Perceval. 4. John; 5. Robert. 0. Elizabeth, m. sir Robert Southwell. 7. Mary, m. sir Thomas Knatchbull, bart. 8. Anne, m. Wortley Whorwood. 9. Catharine, w., 1st, Feb. 1680, sir John Perceval, bart., (by whom she was mother of John, 1st earl of Egmont,) and 2dly, col. Butler. 10. Jane, rf. 7/nm. Sir Edward d. 1084, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir EDWARD, represented CO. Kent, and d, in 1689, m. Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir William Cholmeley, bart., who rf. 1704, leaving issue 1 da. and 3 sons, the eldest of whom, IV. Sir CHOLMELEY, succeeded his father, and represented the co. in parlia- ment in the 4th and !)th of queen Anne: he was killed in a duel 12 May 1711, having m. Mary, da. and sole h. of Edward Fisher, esq., who rf. 1707- By her he had 2 sons, 1. Edward, 5th bart. 2. Ciioi.MKLEY, who rf. in 1708, unm. V. Sir EDWARD, the eldest son, repre- sented the CO. Kent in the 4 parliaments of (Jeorgell. He m., 1st. in 1728, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Edward Henshaw, of El- tham, esq., by whom (who rf. 1735) he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 0th bart. 2. Daniel, rf. 1700. Sir Edward m., 2dly, 1735, Mary, da. of Charles Fothcrby, of Harham, esq., and widow of Henry Mompcsson, esq., d. 1775 ; by whom he had issue, 3. Charles, to., 1770, Elizabeth, da. of sir Thomas Farnaby, bart. 4. Thomas. 5. Marv,to. sir Robert Hildyard, bart., rf. 3 Nov. 1810. Sir Edward rf. 15 April 1702, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son by his 1st wife, VI. Sir EDWARD ; was elected in 5 suc- cessive parliaments for new Romney, in Kent ; he m., 1st, 1/55, Sehna.^a. and co-h. of sir Robert Furnese, of Waldershare, in Kent, bart., who rf. 1757, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Edward. 7th bart. 2. Selina, to. dr. Dealtry, in Ireland. Sir Edward m., 2dly, in 1705, Deborah, only da. of John Winchester, of Nethersole, CO. Kent, esq., and by her (who rf. 20 March 1818) had, 3. Cholmeley, h. 1700, col. of a regt. of light dragoons, called the New Romney Fencibles, the first two troops of which were raised by sir Edward Dering and the corporation of New Romney, in April 1794; and which, in April 1795, were, by its com- mander, (with the approbation and assist- ance of government,) completed to a regt. of six troops, and received the honour of the additional title of his royal highness the duke of York's name, and was called the New Romney (or duke of York's own) Fencible Light Dragoons. Col. Dering to., 1790, Charlotte-Elizabeth, da. of sir Joseph Yates, knt., late one of the judges of the court of Common Pleas, by whom he had one son, Cholmeley-Edward-John, m., 27 May I8I7, Maria, eldest da. of Barrington Price, esq., and has issue. 4. Robert-Charles, rf. May 1795, 1st lieutenant on board his majesty's frigate, Iphigenia, in the West Indies. 5. George, to. his cousin, Elizabeth, only da. of Charles Dering, of Barham Court, CO. Kent, esq., and rf. 1820, leaving issue, 1. George. 2. Robert, an officer in the rifle brigade, TO., 4 June 1829, Letitia, youngest da. of the late sir George Shee, bart. 3. Charlotte - Elizabeth, to., 12 June 1834, rev. Frederick-Fitzherbert Hasle- wood, eldest son of William Haslewood, of Slaughan Park, Sussex, esq. 4. Harriet-Mary. 5. Caroline. 6. Harry, rf. an infant. 7. Elizabeth, to. Daniel-Byam Mathew, late of Felix Hall, co. Essex, esq. 8. Charlotte, to., 1803, rev. mr. Money- penny, rf. 1813. 9. Harriet, who rf. at Paris 170O. Sir Edward rf. 8 Dec. 1798, and was succeed- ed in title and estate by his son, Vll. Sir EDWARD, b. 1757, to., 1782, Anne, da. of William Hale, of King's Wal- den, CO. Herts, esq., and by her (who rf. 1? July 1830, aged 74.) had issue, 1. Edward, b. 1783, m. Henrietta, eldest da. and co-h. of Richard Neville, of Fur- ness, CO. Kildare, cs(i., (who to., 2dly, l5 Jan. 1819, sir William Geary, bart.,) and rf. 19 Sept. 18(»8, having had issue. Sir Edwauu-Cholmelky, the present bart., and Henrietta-Charlotte, h. 30 Sept. 1800, TO., 14 May 1829, rev. Julius Deedes, 2d son of William Deedes, esq., of Sandling, CO. Kent. 2. Cholmelkv-Charles-Wilmam, b. May 1785, »/., 1809, Charlotte-Bucknall, eldest da. of William Hale, of King's Watl- den, cs(|., and has issue, 1. William, b. 1811, rf. 1823. STYLE.-ISHAM. 37 2. Anne-Marv, b. 1812. 3. Emilv-Charlotte, b. 1813. 4. Augusta-Sophia, 6. 1818, d. 1821. 5. Heneage-William, b. 1819. 6. Frances, b. 1822. 7. Osmond, b. 1826. 3. Charlotte, m., 1808, Henrv, only son of sir Richard-Colt Hoare, of Stourhead, CO. Wilts, bart. Sir Edward rf. 30 June 1811, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, VIII. Sir EDWARD -CHOLMELEY, the present bart. Ai-jns—See Plate 4. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent, a fesse, azure; in chief three torteaux (a coat of augmentation) ; 2d and 3d, or, a s-dtire, sable. Crest— Oi\ a ducal coronet, or, a mount vert, thereon a horse, passant, sable ; maned, or. Supporters — Two horses, sable, maned, or. Motto — Terrere nolo, thnere nescio. Seat — Surenden-Dering, in Kent. STYLE, of Watering BURY, co. Kent. 21 April 1G27. Sir THOMAS-CHARLES STYLE, Baronet, succeeded his brother, sir Thomas, 5 Nov. 1813 ; married, 28 Oct. 1822, Isabella, da. of sir George Cayley, of Brompton, co. York, bart., and had issue an only child, Emma, d. at Lausanne, 24 Aug. 1834, set. 5 years. This family was originally seated in Suf- folk, and is descended from William Style, of Ipswich, the father of John Style, alder- man of London, and grandfather of sir Humphrey Style, of Langley, knt., who was one of the esquires of the body to king Henry Vlll., and was grandfather of, 1. Sir THOMAS, was created a bart. as above, m. Elizabeth, da. and heiress of Robert Foulkes, esq., by whom (who d. 20 May 1(550) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. John Monins, esq. 3. Susan, m. sir John Read, bart. 4. Anne, tn. sir John Buck, bart. He d. 18 Oct. 1637, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir THOMAS, w„ 1st, Elizabeth, da. of sir William Armine, bart.j by whom (who d. 10 Dec. 1679) he had 1. Thomas, m. Mary, only da. of sir Stephen Langham, knt., by whom he had a son Thomas, who d. an infant, in 16/4. He d. 30 Aug. 1672. His widow afterwards >n. sir Thomas Middleton, knt. 2. William; 3. Michael, both rf. young. 4. Sir Oliver, 3d bart. ; 5. Armine. 6. Elizabeth, m. William Carter, esq. 7. Mary, m. sir Felix Ward, bart. 8. SrsAN, 711. Thomas Dalyson, esq. 9. Anne, m. John Marriot, esq. Sir Thomas hi., 2dly, Margaret, da. of sir Thomas Twisden, bart., by whom (who d. 5 Dec. 1718) he had, 10. Thomas, who d. in his life-time, without issue. 11. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 12. Humphrey; 13. Roger, both d. without issue. 14. Margaret, m. Robert Vyner, esq. Sir Thomas d. 19 Nov. 17(12. He was succeeded by his only surviving son by the first marriage, III. Sir OLIVER, who d. 12 Feb. follow- ing, without issue; on which the title and estate descended to his half-brother, IV. THOMAS, m. Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir Charles Hotham, bart., bv whom (who d. 25 Oct. 1737) he had, 1. Thomas, d. 1741. 2. Sir Charles, 5th bart. 3. Robert, vicar of Wateringbury, and rector of Mereworth, m. Priscilla, da. of the rev. John Davis, by whom he had issue, 1. Charles; 2. Robert; 3. Charlotte. 4. Margaretta; 5. Henrietta. C. William. 4. William, lieut.-general, fu. Catherine, sister and co-h. of John-Long Bateman, esq., and d. without issue, 17H(J. 5. Elizabeth, d. unm., 1795. 6. Charlotte, d. 1780, unm. Sir Thomas d. 11 Jan. 1769, and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir CHARLES, m., 7 March 1770, Isabella Wingfield, 2d da. of Richard, vis- count Powerscourt, and by her (who d. in France, 24 Sept. 18(»8) he had, 1. Sir Charles, 6th bart. 2. Dorothy, m. John Larking, esq. He d. in 1774, and was succeeded by his only son, VI. Sir CHARLES, m., 1794, Camilla, eldest da. of James Whatman, of Vintners, CO. Kent, esq., and by her (who d. 17 Sept. 1829, set. 58) had issue, 1. Sir Thojias, 7th bart. 2. Sir Thomas-Charles, 8th and pre- sent bart. 3. Isabella-Anne. 4. Mary, m., 14 July 1829, Robert, youngest son of the late George Sandilands, esq.. And deceasing in Sept. 1804, was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir THOMAS, ensign 1st regiment of foot-guards, d. in Spain, of a fever, 3 Nov. 1813, tmm.y and was succeeded by his brother, VIII. Sir Thomas-Charles, present bart. ^rms— See Plate 3. Sable, a fesse, or, fretted, of the field, between three fleurs- de-lis, and within a border of the second. Crest— K wolf's head, couped, proper; the lower part of the neck frette, as in the arms. Seat—Kt Wateringbury Place, near Maid- stone, CO. Kent. ISHAM, of La3IPORT, CO. Northampton. 30 May 1627. Sir JUSTINIAN ISHAiM, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Justinian, 38 ISHAM. 1 April 1818; born 24 April 1773 ; married, 12 May 1812, Mary, eldest da. of the rev. S. Close, of Elm Park, co. Armagh, prebendary of Tynan in that diocese, (by Deborah, his wife, 4th da. of rev. Arthur Champagne, dean of Clonmacnois,) and has issue, 1. Mary-Deborah, b. 4 Feb. 1814; 2. JUSTINIAN-VERE, b. 7 Nov. 181G; 3. Charles- Edmund, b. IG Dec. 1819. I. Sir JOHN ISHAM, b. 27 July 1582, was kniffhted by James I., 29 March 1(508, and by Charles I. advanced to the dignity ofabart. ; m., 19 Oct. 16(7. Judith, da. of AVilHam Lewyn, of Ottringden, co. Kent, LL.D., official principal of the arches, and judge of the prerogative court of Canter- bury, &c., by whom (who d. 25 June 1625) he had, 1. Sir Justinian, 2d bart. 2. Elizabeth ; 3. Judith, both d. unm. He d. 8 July 1C51, and was succeeded by his son, 11. Sir JUSTINIAN, b. 20 Jan. 161(1. During the time of the rebellion, he ad- hered firmly to the royal cause, for which he suffered both in person and estate ; for the latter he was obliged to compound at i'llO'J. He was elected knt. of the shire for Northampton. He m., 1st, Jane, da. of sir John Garrard, knt. and bart., by whom (who rf. in child-bed of her only son, 1(338) he had, 1. Jane, d. unm. 1655. 2. Elizabeth, w. sir Nicholas Lestrange, bart. 3. Judith, d. unm. 4. Susan, m., 1656, sir Nicholas Carew, bart. .5. John, b. and d. 1633. Sir Justinian m., 2dly, 1653, Vere, da. of Thomas, lord Leigh, by Mary, da. and co-h. of sir Thomas Egerton, eldest son of Tho- mas, lord EUesmere, viscount Brackley, high chancellor of England, by whom (who d. 29 Oct. 1704) he had issue, 6. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. 7. sir Justinian, 4th bart. 8. John, d. Oct. 1746 ; m. Frances,da. and co-h. of sir Richard Ashfield, bart., and by her (who d. April 1755,) had issue, 1. Justinian, who d. April 1743, m. Mary, da. of sir Stephen Anderson, bart. 2. John ; 3. Frances, both d. young. 9. Charles, d. in the 11th year of his age. 10. Ferdinando; 11. Henry, both d. young. 12. Mary, to. sir Marmaduke D'Ayrell, knt., and d, 5 June 1G79. 13. Vere (a da.). Sir Justinian rf. 2 March 1674, in his 65th year, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir THOMAS, ?>. 15 March 1(556, d. unm., 2(5 July Kiifl, upon which the title and estate devolved upon his next brother, IV. Sir JUSTINIAN, b. 11 Aug. 1(558, elected, 1(585, M.P. for the town of North- ampton, and, upon the landing of the prince of Orange, he appeared in arms at Notting- ham, where several lords and gentlemen formed themselves into a troop, as a guard to the princess Anne, the command of which he modestly declining, the choice fell upon the right rev. dr. Compton, bishop of London, whom he i)roposed, and contenled himself with being their cornet. In 1689, he was elected by the almost unanimous voice of the CO. Northampton, one o^ their knts. of the shire, and continued to repre- sent that CO. till his death. He /«., 1(5 July 1(583, Elizabeth, only da. of sir Edmimd Tumor, knt. (by Margaret, da. of sir John Harrison, knt.,) and by her had issue, 1. Sir Justinian, 5th bart. 2. John, fellow of Ail Souls College Oxon, who d. there, 17 Nov. 1719. 3. Edmund, d. in his infancy. 4. Edmund, 6th bart. 5. Thomas, brought up to the sea, m., 1724, Mary, da. of Thomas Kenton, by whom he had 1 da. ; he rf. in April 1743. 6. Henry, d. an infant. 7. EusEBY, who was rector of Lamport and Hasselbeach, and rector of Lincoln College, Oxon; to., May 1739, Mary, da. of Matthew Panting, D.D., Master of Pembroke College, Oxon ; he d. 17 June 1785, aged .57, leaving issue by her, (who rf. 1808, aged 91,) 1. Sir Justinian, who became7th bart. 2. Euseby, b. 17 July 1742, rector of Lampon, &c., m. Diana, da. of Thomas Draper Baber, esq., and rf. 1814, leaving two sons, Charles-Euseby, b. 24 Feb. 1774, rector of Polebrooke and Oundie, co. Northampton ; Euseby, b. Dec. 1774, and five das., Julia-Charlotte ; Charlotte, m., 12 May 1812, major William Thursby, 53d regiment of foot ; Caroline, d. ; Diana; and'Matilda. 3. Edmund, D.D., b. 17 Feb. 1743-4, warden of All Souls College, Oxon, J. 10 June I807. 4. Philippa, b. 3 April 17.53. 8. Charles, to., 1744, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Edward Cuthbert, esq., by whom he had no issue, and rf. I772. 9. Elizabeth; 10. Elizabeth, both rf. infants. 11. VERErf. 30 June 1760. 12. Edmunda, rf. 20 April 1766. 13. Susanna, rf. at Bath, 5 June 1726, unm. 14. Hester, m. Francis Raynsford, esq., rf. 14 Nov. 17(5,3. Sir Justinian rf. 13 May 1730, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir JUSTINIAN, b. 20 July 1687, rn., March 1724, Mary, only surviving child of L'lsle Hacket, of Moxhul, co. Warwick, esq. (by his 2d wife, Dorothy, da. of sir John Bridgman,bart.,) butrf. without issue, 5 March 1736-7. and was succeeded by his next surviving brother, VI. Sir EDMUND, b. 18 Dec. 1690, who was fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and afterwards an advocate. He was many years knt. of the shire for Northampton, and TO., 1st, 1734, Elizabeth, ellest da. of Edward Wood, of Littleton, co. Middlesex, esq., who rf. 19 July 1748, a)t. 49, and 2dly, May 1751, Philijjpa, only da. of Richard Gee, of Orpington, co. Kent, esq. (who rf. 1786) : herf. s.n. 16 Dec. 1772, and was suc- ceeded by his nephew, VII. Sir JUSTINIAN, D.C.L., b. 18 July 1740, m., 17(i(5, Sus.anna, da. of Henry Bar- rett, es(i., and by her (who d. 31 .Vug. 1823) ast 79, had issue, 1. Sir Justinian, present bart. 2. Vere, in holy orders, rector of Lam- port, b. 13 Sept. 1774, TO., 1800, Ann, da. of •John Chambers, esq., and niece of sir Wil- liam Chambers, knt., by whom (whod. .5 Nov. 1811) he had issue, 1. Vere; 2. Robert. 3. Thomas ; 4. Edmund. 5. Eliza, m., 10 Dec. 1821, col. Henry Packc. .3. Edmund, R.N., b. 14 Dec. 1775, d. Jan. 1810. 4. Hj£Nry-Chaiilhs, in holy orders, rec- GORING. 39 tor of Strangton, co. I-eicester. b. 14 Feb. J777, m„ 19 Sept. 1804, Marianne, da, of Richard Builer, of Devonshire Place, esq., and had issue, 2 sons, Henry and Arthur. 5. Susanna, b. 17ti7, ni., liJOO, George Brietzke, esq. 6. Harriet, b. 1771. 7. Sophia, 6. 1/72, W2. Thomas, eldest son of sir Thomas Palmer, bart., rf. June 1810. 8. Louisa, b. 1780, m., 5 Jan, 1804, Ralph Caldwell, of Hillowe, co. Norfolk, esq. 9. Maria, 6. 1781. 10. Anne-Philippa, b. 1782. 11. Elizabkth, b. 1783, rf. 1814. Sir Justinian rf. 1 April 1818, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir JUSTINIAN, present bart. Arms — See Plate 4. — Gules, a fess, wavy, and in chief three piles, also wavy, argent. Crevt — A demi-swan, with wings displayed proper. Mottoes— Over the crest, Ostevdo, non ostentn. To the arms, On things transitorj/ resteth no gloiy. Seat — Lamport, co. Northampton. GORING, of HiGHDEN, CO. Sussex. Formerly BOWYER, of Leighthorne, co. Suffolk. 23 July 1G27. Sir CHARLES-FORSTER GORING, Baronet, bornU July 1768, sue ceeded his father, sir Harry, late bart., 1 Dec. 1824 ; married, ^ Nov. 1799, Bridget, da. of Henry Dent, of Norfolk, esq., and has issue, 1. Bridget, b. 10 Sept." 1800; 2. HARRY-DENT, M.P. for New Shoreham, b. 30 Dec. 1802, m., 2 Aug. 1827, Augusta, da. of lieut.-col. Harvey, of Thorpe Lodge, co. Norfolk, and has issue, 1. Charles, b. 2 June 1828; 2. Augusta-EUzabeth, b. 4 Oct. 1832; 3. Anna, b. 31 .Jan. 1804, d. unm. \i Sept. 1830; 4. Charles, b. 17 May 1805, in holy orders, ?«., 2 Oct. 1832, Maria-Arabella, eldest da. of gen. the lion. Fre- derick St. John ; 5. George, b. 29 Aug. 1806 ; 6. Elizabeth, b. 28 April 1808, m., 19 May 1834, Joshua-Robert Minnitt, of Annabeg, CO. Tipperary, esq.; 7- Forster, b. 9 April 1810; 8. Wtlliaji, b. 5 Dec. 1811 ; 9. Ida, b. 8 Aug. 1814, m., 13 Feb. 1834, Aubrey- William Beauclerk, esq., M.P., eldest son of Charles Beauclei-k, esq., of St. Leonard's, Horsham. Sir Henry rf. 1702, and was succeeded by his eldest grandson, II. Sir CHARLES, rf. without issue, 1714, and was succeeded by his half-brother, III. Sir HARRY, m. one of the das. and co-h. of admiral sir George Matthews, knt., who rf. 27 March 1741, by whom he had nine sons and two das. : Frances, m. dr. Ballard, rector of Langford Magna, co. Wilts. Sir Harry rf. Nov. 1732, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir CHARLES-MATTHEWS, m., July 1731, Mary, youngest da. of William Blackburn, esq. by whom he had, 1. Sir Harry, 5th bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. Timothy Burrell, of Cuckfield, co. Sussex, esq., v/ho rf. without issue. 3. , m. Colvill Bridger, esq. Sir Charles ?n., 2dly, 1743, Betty, sister of sir Robert Fagg, bart,, and by her had one son, 4. Charles, who inherited the Fagg estates at Wiston, co. Sussex, in right of his mother, who was heiress to her brother, sir Robert Fagg, ni. and had issue. Sir Charles Matthews d. 1769, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir HARRY, m., 1st, miss Forster, only child of John Forster, esq., some time governor of Bengal, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Charles-Forster, present bart. 2. Anna-Maria, >n. Thomas Lewys, of Gray's Inn, esq. 3. Frances, b. 7 May 1774, m., 1st, the rev. #ohn Dring ; and, 2(lly, 5 July 1810, the rev. J. Rideout, rector of Woodman- cote, CO. Sussex. j Sir Harry m,, 2dly, Elizabeth Fisher, and i by her (who rf, July"l78 and was suc- ceeded in the title by his only surviving son, VI. Sir JOHN, d. unm. July 1740, and was succeeded by his kinsman, VII. Sir JOHN, 3d bart., as above men- tioned of the second creation, who thus united both titles, d. unm., and was suc- ceeded by his brother, VIII. Sir WILLIAM, who also d. unnu, and was succeeded by his brother, IX. The rev. sir JAMES, rector of Clapham, co. Surrey, LL.D., d. unm. 13 April 1792, and was succeeded by his kins- man, X. Sir JAMES, also in holy orders, (grand- son of James Stonhouse, esq., 3d son of the 3d bart.,) h. 9 July 171(i, )('., 1st, Anne, da. of John Ncale, of AllesUy, near Coven- try ; maid of honour to Caroline, queen of King George II., and had Issue by her. Robert Stonhouse, of Barstead, co. Kent, esq., temp. Henry VIII., m. Rose, da. of Royden, of Essex, esq. George Stonhouse, of Little Peckham, his son, was one of the clerks of the green cloth to queen Elizabeth, and purchased the estate at Radley, co. Berks : he m. his 2d wife, Elizabeth, da. of David Woodror.f, alder- man of London, by whom he had four sons, two of whom were advanced to the dignity of barts., viz. sir James, of Amerden, co. Essex, created 11 June 1041, which title became extinct on the death of his grandson, sir George, 4th bart. I. Sir WILLIAM, who was created a bart. as above, m. Elizabeth, sole da. and h. of John Powell, of Wales, esq., and had by her, I. John; 2. George, successive barts. 3. William, of Cockthorp, co. Oxford, m. and had issue. 4. Elizabeth, m. Edward Perrot, esq. 5. Mary, m. William Rangton, D.D. <). Ursula, m. John Denton, esq. 7- Anne, m. George Windsor, esq. 8. Dionysia, m. sir Cornelius Fairmea- dow. Sir William d. 5 Feb. 1G31. II. SIR JOHN, the eldest son, succeeded to the title and estate, having been knighted Aug. 1(529, but d. unm. 14 June 1032. III. Sir George, his next brother, suc- ceeded him ; he was fined for his loyalty to king Charles I., and paid £1460 composition for his estate to the sequestrators. This sir Gmrge surrendered his father's patent of creation, and had a new one granted him, dated May 5, 22 Charles II., 1070, of the title to himself for life, with remainder to his 2d son, John, and his heirs male; and in default thereof to James, his 3d son, and his heirs male, with precedence, according to the former patent, intending to exclude thereby his 1st sou. Notwithstanding this, the elder son, on his father's decease, claim- ed and enjoyed the baronetcy created by the original patent of 1()2H, and that created by the second patent went to the 2d son, John; so that there were two baronetcies in the family till, on the death s. p. of sir John, ()th bart. under the old creation, they became united in the person of sir John, 3d bart., of the new. Sir George ni. Margaret, da. of Ricliard, lord Lovelace, and had issue, 1. Sir George, 4th bart. 2. Sir John, succeeded on his father's death, to the title created by the patent of 1070; m. Martha, da. and h. of Robert Briggs, and had issue, one son. Sir John, who was comptroller of the household, and privy-counsellor to queen Anne; m., 1st, Mary, da. and sole h. of Henry Mellish, of Sanderstced, co. Surrey, esq., and had 2 das. ; 1. Martha, m. Ar- WREY. 41 1. Sir THOMAS, 13th bart. 2. Sarah, m. George Vansittart, esq., d. 1«19. Sir James m., 2dly, Sarah, only child of Thomas Ekins, of Chester on the Water, CO. Northampton, esq., by whom he had, 3. JoH.v, in the civil service of the East India Company at Bengal, ru. and left issue, 1. Sir JoHV Brooke, present bart. 2. Timothy-Vansittart, 6. 2(iJan. 170f), in the East-India Company's Civil Service, tn. Marv-Diana, eldest da. of the rev. George-William Sturt, of Long Critchill, CO. Dorset, and has, be<;ides other issue, Henry-Vansittart, h. (J Mav 1327. 3. Henrv, b. 20 March iSdl, fellow of New College, Oxon. 4. Laura. 4. Timothy, in holy orders, vicar of Sunningwell, co. Berks, took the surname and arms of Vigor, in addition to those of Stonhouse, by roval sign manual 1795, m., 17!>0, Charlotte-Oliver, da. of the rev. Thomas Huntingford, and niece of the right rev. George-Isaac, bishop of Hereford, and liad issue. 5. Clarissa, m. Henry - Tripp Vigor, esq. The rev. sir James d. 1705, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, XL Sir THOMAS, who rf. 1810, was suc- ceeded by his nephew, XH. Sir JOHN-BROOKE, present bart. Arms — See Plate 4. Argent, on a fesse, sable, between three hawks, volant, azure, a leopard's face, between two mullets, or. Crest — A talbol's head, couped, argent; collared, sable, lined, or; catching a dove volant, argent. WREY, of Trebitch, co. Cornwall. 30 June 1628. Sir BOURCHIER WREY, Baronet, D.C.L., succeeded his father, sir Bourchier, 20 Nov. 182G. keard, from 1688 till his death ; m. Flo- rence, 2d da. of sir John RoUe, of Steven- stone, K.B., and by her (who survived him) had issue, 1. Sir Bourchier, 4th bart. 2. Chichester, rector of Tawstock, Devon, m., and had issue. 3. Florence, wj. John Cole, esq., son of sir Michael Cole, of Inniskilling, co. Fer- managh, knt., and d. 30 Oc\ 1718. Sir Bourchier d. 28 July lG9(i, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir Bourchier, ni. Diana, da. of John Rolle, esq., eldest son of sir John Rolle, by Christian, da. of the earl of Ayles- bury, and relict of John Sparke, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Bourchier, 5th bart. 2. John; 3. Chichester. 4. Robert, a general in the queen of Portugal's army, and many years governor of one of the northern provinces of that kingdom, d. 13 March 1809. 5. Charles, rf. C. Diana, m. John Stafford, esq. 7. Florence, >«. Edward Jans, esq. 8. Christian; 9. Catherine. He rf. Nov. 1726, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir BOURCHIER, m., 1749, Mary, da. of John Edwards, esq., who d. 1751 ; he »«., 2dly, 1 May 1755, Ellen, da. of John Thresher, esq., by whom (who rf. Nov. 1813) he had issue, 1. Sir Bourchier, his successor. 2. William-Bourchier, rectorof Com- bintinhead and Tawstock, m. Sophia, da. and co-h. of George Bethell, esq., of Brad- ford, CO. Wilts. 3. Ellen, m. the rev. Edward-Henry Whinfield, rector of Battlesden, and Pot- ter's Grove, co. Bedford. 4. DioNYSiA, m., May 1780, Robert Harding, of Upcot, esq. 5. Florentin.a, 711., 1786, Richard Go- dolphin Long, esq., co. Wilis. 6. Anna-Maria, »n. Nicholas Roundall Toke, of Codington, co. Kent, esq. Sir Bourchier rf. 23 April 1/84, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, VL Sir BOURCHIER, D.C.L., m., 1st, 1786, Anne, da. of sir Robert Palk, bart., and by her (who rf. 1791) had issue, 1. Ann£-Eleanora, m., 1st, 18 July The family of Wrey is of considerable antiquity in "the co. of Devon, and sup- posed by Wotton to descend from a Robert le fVrey, who lived temp, king Stephen. John Wrey, of Noith Russel, co. Devon, esq., temp, queen Elizabeth, m. Blanch, da. and co-h. of Henry Killigrew, with whom he acquired the estate of Trebitch, and had issue by her. Sir William Wrey, knt., who m. Eli- zabeth, da. of sir William Courtenay, of Powderham, knt., and rf. June 1736, leaving an only son and h., I. Sir WILLIAM, created a bart. as above during his father's lifetime, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Edward Chichester, knt., ancestor of the marquesses of Donegal, in Ireland, and rf. Aug. 1645, having had issue three das., m. to Bluet, Erisey, and Nicholas, and an onlv son and heir, II. Sir CHICHESTER, 6. 1628: he faith- fully adhered to king Charles I., and took up arms in his cause. About 1652 he m. Anne, relict of James, earl of Middlesex, and 3d da. and co-h. of Edward Bourchier, earl of Bath, by which marriage he became possessed of the noble seat of Tawstock, where the family now resides. After the restoration of the royal family, he was made colonel of the Duke of York's regi- ment, and governor of Sheerness, and served in parliamer.t for Lostwithiel, co. Cornwall, 166(i; he had issue, 1. Anne, m. sir Francis Northcote, bart. 2. Sir Bourchier, 4th bart. 3. Chichester, a colonel in his majesty's army, who was killed in the defence of Fort Montjouic, near Barcelona, in 1706. 4. Edward. 5. John, who was killed before Tangier, at 19 years of age. Sir Chichester rf. ISIay 1668, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir BOURCHIER (who was also, in right of his mother, one of the co-heirs of the ancient barony of Fitzwarin) ; he was created a K.B. at the coronation of king Charles II., and soon after was a captain in the regiment of which his father was co- lonel. He served under the duke of Mon- mouth, at the siege of Maestricht, and other places in the Netherlands. After the Revolution he commanded a regiment of horse. He served in parliament for Lis- 42 TRELAWNEY. 1808, Edward Hartorp, of Little Dalby, CO. Leicester, esq. ; and, 2dly, sir Lawreuce- Vaughan Palk, hart. 2. Sir BouRCHiER, present bart. 3. ROBBRT-BOURCHIER. Sir Bourchier m., 2dly, 17.03, Anne, da. of John Osborne, esq., and by her (who d. 26 Jan. 181.3) had issue, 4. Eleonora-Elizabeth, m., 2 March 1815, Alb ny Saville, of Sweetlands, co. Devon, esq. 5. Henry-Boitrchier, in holy orders, vicar of Launcells, co. Cornwall, and Oak- hampton, co. Devon, m., 27 Sept. 1827, his cousin, Ellen-Maria, only da. of Nicholas- Roundall Toke, of Goddington, Kent, esq., and has a son, b. 27 June 1829. Sir Bourchier d. 20 Nov, 1826, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir BOURCHIER, present bart. Ai:t)is — See Plate 4. Q uartcrly : 1. Wrey ; sable, a fesse, between three pole-axes, ar- gent; helved, gules. 2. Bourchier; ar- gent, a cross, engrailed, gules; between four water bougets, sable. 3. Plantage- net; viz. France and England, quarterly, within a bordure, argent. 4. Bohun ; azure, abend, argent, cottized, or, between six lions, rampant, or. Crests — An arm, em bowed, habited azure, the cuff, argent, the hand, proper, holding a hatchet, argent; helved, gules; but the present bart. uses a man's head in profile, couped below the shoulders : on the head a ducal coronet, therein a cap, turned for- wards, and tasselled, of the second, thereon a Catharine wheel of the same, being the crest of Bourchier. Motto — Le bon temps viendra. Seats— At Trebilch, co. Cornwall, and Tawstock House, co. Devon. TRELAWNEY, (now SALUSBURY-TRELAWNEY,) of Trelawney, CO. Cornwall. 1 July 1628. Sir WILLTAM-LEWrS SALUSBURY-TRELAWNEY, Baronet, M.P. for the eastern division of Cornwall, a captain in the royal miners ; born 4 July 1781 ; succeeded his fatlier, sir Henry, 25 Feb. 1834 ; took, in 1802, the name of Salushury in compliance with the will of Owen-Salusbury Brereton, esq.: married^ 24 Aug. 1807, Patience-Christian, da. of John- Phillipps Carpenter, esq , of Mount Tavy, co. Devon, and has issue, 1. Owen-William, b. 8 June 1808, d. 31 Jan. 1830; 2. Eliza- beth, b. 30 Oct. 1809, m., Jan. 1834, rev. Henry JMorshead, rector of Kelly, CO. Devon; 3. Letitia, b. 4 April 1811 ; 4. Anne, b. 8 March 1813; 5. JOHN, b. 2 June 181G; 0. Harry, 6. 24 May 1818, d. 19 xMay 1826 ; 7. Caroline, b. 16 Oct. 1820 ; 8. Mary- Cordelia, b. 5 Jan., d. 24 Jan. 1823; 9. Harry-Reginald, b. 12 Dec. 1826; 10. Charlotte, b. 18 April 1829 ; 11. Wil- liam-Owen, b. 9, d. 23 Dec. 1831. 6. Chichester, rf. ?/??m., 1694. 7. Henry, a brigadier-general in the army, who was also governor of PlyraovUh ; w. Rebecca, da. and co-h. of Matthew Hales, esq.> by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Harry, 5th bart. 2. William, captain in the army, who had issue, sir William, 6th bart., and Harry, a general, and governor of L.and- guard Fort, who d. 1800, leaving issue, colonel Charles Trelawney, who took the name and arms of Brereton on the death of Owen-Salusbury Brereton, esq., m. Maria, sister of sir Chiistopher Hawkins, of Trewithan, co. Cornwall, bart., and by her had a numerous issue. Hi. Sir JONATHAN, was bred to the church, and consecrated, in 1685, bishop of Bristol. He was one of the seven bishops committed to the Tower by king James II. After tiic 1{ evolution, he was translated to the sec of Isxeler, and from thence, 1707. to that of Winchester, and made prelate of the Order of the uarter; he m. Rebecca, da. and co-h. of Thomas Hele, esq., and had issue, 1. ('harlotte, b. 1687-8, d. tonn. 2. Lktitia, b. 1689, m. her 1st cousin, sir Harry, 51 h bart. .3. Sir John, 4th bart. 4. Henry, b. 16!)2, d. at sea. 5. Charles, 6. 1694, prebendary of Win- chester. I. JOHN TRELAWNEY, 6. 24 April 1592, was created a bart. as above, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Reginald Mohun,bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Jonathan, his successor. 2. John; 3. Edward, both d. unm. 4. Francis, m. Margaret, da. of sir Ed- ward Seymour, bart. 5. Reginald, d. tmm. 6. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Lower. 7. Anne, m. John Vivian, esq. 8. Margaret, m. Amos, younger son of sir Francis Fulford, knt. 9. Philippa, d. untji. 10. Bridget, m. Lee. 11. Mary, m. the rev. mr. Greensworth. 12. Penelope, m. Thomas Maynard, esq. 13. Dorothy, m. William Mohun, esq. Sir John was succeeded by his eldest son, 11. Sir JONA'PllAN, m. Mary, da. of sir Edward Seymour, bart., (eldest sister to his brother Francis's wife,) by whom he had issue, 1. John, who rf. in his father's lifetime, without issue, having m. Catharine, 3d da. and co-h. of James Jenkyn, esq. 2. Jonathan, d. an infant. .3. Sir Jonathan, .3d bart. 4. Charles, a major-general, was ap- )>ointcd governor of Plymouth, by king William, d. Sept. 17.31, aged 78. 5. William, d. unm. WISEMAN. 43 6. Rebecca, b. 1695-6, m. John Duller, of Morval, esq. 7. Ei-izABETH, b. 1607, tn. the rev. mr. Allanson, archdeacon of Totnes. 8. Edward, b. 16!t9, one of the com- missioners of the Victualling-Office, and afterwards governor of Jamaica; m., 1737> a da. of John Crawford, esq. 9. Mary, b. 17(0, d. an infant. 10. Hele, 6. 1703, D.D., rector of the parishes of South Hill and Landieath, co. Cornwall, d. 1740. 11. Jonathan, b. 170.5, d. an infant. 12. Anne, b. 1707, d. unin. Sir Jonathan d. 19 July 1721, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, b. 1691, m. miss Black- wood, of Scotland, whorf. 15 April 1777- He d. Feb. 1756, without issue; and his younger brothers being dead before him, without issue, the title and estate devolved upon his 1st cousin, V. Sir HARRY, son of brigadier-general Henry Trelawney, youngest son of the 2d bart., m., as above mentioned, his 1st cou- sin, Letitia, 2d da. of the 3d bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Charles, rf. ; 2. Rebecca, rf. »/«m. 3. Letitia, m. her 1st cousin, sir Vv^il- liam, 6th bart. 4. Anne, d. unm. Sir Harry d. at an advanced age, in 1762, and was succeeded by his nephew, VI. Sir WILLIAM, a capt. R.N., and governor of Jamaica, m. his 1st cousin, Letitia, da. of sir Harry, 5th bart., by whom he had issu6, 1. Sir Henrv, 7th bart. 2. L.etitia-Anne, m. Paul Treby Tre- by, of Goodamoor, co. Devon, esq. Sir W^illiam d. in Jamaica, 11 Dec. 1772, and was succeeded bv his only son, VIL Sir HENRY, 7th bart., in holy orders, m., 177B. Anne, da. of lev. Jame? Brown, rector of Porlishead, and vicar of Kingston, co. Somerset, by whom (who d. 18 Nov. 1822) he had issue, 1. Anne-Ljetitia, 6. 22 Jan. 1779. 2. John, 6. 28 Jan. 1780, d. 31 Oct. 1821. 3. Sir William-Lewis, present bart. 4. Hamrlin, col. R.A., /;. 16 Oct. 1782, m., 1806, Martha, da. of John Rogers, of CO. Cork, esq., and has issue, 3 das. 5. Mary, m., 1806, John Harding, esq. 6. Jonathan, b. 30 Aug. 1786. Sir Henry d. at Laveno. in Italy, 25 Feb. 1834, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir WILLIAM-LEWIS, present bart. Anns— See Plate 4. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent, a chevron, sable; Trelaw- ney: 2d and 3d, gules, a Hon rampant, per bend, sinister, argent and erminois, between three crescents in chief, and one in base, or; on a canton of the last, a bear's head erased, sable ; muzzled, argent ; Sahis- BURY. Crests — A wolf statant, proper ; Trb- lawney : 2d, a demi lion, per bend, sinis- ter, argent and erminois, holding in the paws a shield, or, charged with a bear's head, sable ; muzzled, argent : Salus- BURY. Motto — Sermoni consona facta. Seat— At Trelawney, co. Cornwall. WISEMAN, of Canfield Hall, co. Essex. 29 Aug. 1628. Sir WILLIAM-SALTONSTALL WISEMAN, Baronet, a Captain in the Royal Navy, born 5 March 1784 ; succeeded his grandfather, sir Thomas, 30 Jan. 1810 ; married at Bagdad, in Persia, 8 Jan. 1812, Catha- rine, 2d da. of sir James JMackintosh, knt., recorder of Bombay, and by her (who d. 2^ June 1822) had issue, 1. EDMUND, A. at Bombay, 11 Dec. 1812; — --2. Wii.liam-Saltonstall, b. 4 Aug. 1814; 3. a Son, b. 15 Feb. 1816; 4. a Da., b. 11 Nov. 1817- Sir William m., 2dly, 5 April 1827, EHza, eldest da. of the rev. George Davies, B.D., rector of Cranfield, co. Bedford. In theordination made by king Edward 1. for the better government of Scotland, after his conquest of that kingdom, Wil- liam Wiseman was constituted sheriff of Elgin, and Alexander Wiseman sheriff" of Foreis and Innervan. Not long afterwards, Simon Wiseman was found to be possessor of lands at Cotes, co. Northampton. I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., w. Elizabeth, da. of sir Henry Capel, knt., (by Theodosia, sister to Edward, lord Montague, of Bough- ton, and to Henry, earl of Manchester,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Sir Edmund, ancestor of the 6th bart., of whom hereafter. 3. Capel, bishop of Dromore, in Ireland. 4. Robert. 5. Theodosia, m. sir William Craven, bart. 6. Elizabeth, m. Robert Tyderleigh, esq., and d. 26 April 1654. Sir William d. July 1(543, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son. II. Sir WILLIAM, who was four years old in 1634; m., 1st, Anne, da. and co-h. of sir John Prescott, knt. (who rf. 11 May 16()2, without issue) ; and 2dly, Arabella, 5th da. of sir Thomas Hewit, bart., and sister to viscount Hewit, of Gowran, in Kilkenny, Ireland, (which title became extinct in 1689,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. 2. William. 3. Gkorge, both d. without issue. 4. Sir Charles, 4th bart. 5. John, of the Middle Temple, London, who, by his wife, Penelope, had one son. Sir William, 5th bart. 6. Anne, m. Henry Lumley, esq., go- vernor of Jersey, who d. in 1722, she in 1736. 7. Margaret. 8. Arabella, m. Thomas Stisted, esq. Sir William d. 14 Jan. 1684, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir THOMAS, who d. unm. 1733, and was succeeded by his brother. 44 NIGHTINGALE. IV. Sir CHARLES, who also d. unm. 1751, and was succeeded by his nephew, V. Sir WILLIAM, son of John Wiseman before mentioned : he was col. in the foot guards, and d. without issue 2.5 May 1774, was succeeded by his kinsman, sir Thomas, great-grandson of sir Edmund Wiseman, 2d son of the 1st baronet, whose descent we proceed to state. Sir Edmund was a citizen of London, and k lighted 19 May l(j81, m. Elizabeth, da. of Daniel Waldo, citizen and cloth- worker of London, and d. 8 May I704, aged 74, leaving issue by her (who d. 8 Dec. lG;t4) 4 das., Elizabeth, Mai-i/, Sarah, and ArnbelUt, and 1 son, Edmund, w. Maria, da. of Edmund Har- nage, and rf. 1741, having had issue a da., Thenphlla-Mnriana, d. tmm. about 1770, and 3 sons, of whom Edward, the youngest, d. young; John, the 2d, in. and left issue; and Edward (the eldest), was b. 21 Dec. 1700, andrf. at St. Helier's, in Jersey, about 1767; he was twice Hi., 1st, to miss Mary Jones, who d. 1751 ; and 2dly, to Anne, da. of Ro- bert Turner, of Canterbury, esq. By his 2d wife he had no issue; but by his 1st, he had, 1. Theojjhila, m. Arthur Wynde, of Tewksbury; 2. Mary, d. young; 3. Mariana, m. William Saltonstall, of Chatham ; 4. Ed- mund, d. young; 5. Jane, m. Thomas Nor- bury, lieut. R. N. ; and VI. Sir THOMAS, who succeeded his cousin, sir William, 25 May 1774, and be- came O'th hart. He ?»., 1st, 1 Dec. 1757, Mary, da. of Michael Goden, of Chatham, master attendant of the dock-yard there, and by her (who d. 11 June 176(J) liad issue, 1. Edmund, b. 2 Dec. 1758, m., 1783, Je- mima, da. of Michael Arne, of London, and d. 7 May 1787, leaving issue by her (who m., 2dly, Peter Reynolds, of Chatham, and d. 18(14) 1 son, sir Wtlliam-Saltonstai.l, 7th bart ; and 1 da. Mary-Anne, b. 1785, m., 18(tG, Thomas Frid, and d. 21 Nov. 1828. 2. Thomas, of Northfieet, co. Kent, h. 24 April 1700, m., I777, Susannah, da. of Alexander Bookham, of Northfieet, and has issue, 1. Thomas, 6. 13 Feb. 1778, m., 1813, Sarah Pink. 2. Alexander, b. 30 May 1785, m., 1807, Anne Stanley, and has issue. 3. Edmund ; 4. William-Henry. 5. Frederick-Arthur; 6. Charles-Pierce. 7. Mariana; 8. Susanna-Frances. 9. Elizabeth-Anne; 10. Theophila. 11. Sarah-Henrietta. 3. William, of Brompton, co. Kent, b. 23 April 17(i2, m. EHzabeth, da. of John Robertson, of London and of Philadelphia, and had issue, George- Augustus, b. 20 Oct. 1808. SirThomas m., 2dly , Sarah, da. of Thomas King, of Gravesend, co. Kent, esq., and by her (who rf. in Dec. 1777) had, 4. Sarah, d. unm. 1804. 5. Anne, ni., 1802, Joseph Lawford. Sir Thomas d. 30 Jan. 1810, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, VII. Sir WILLIAM-SALTONSTALL, present bart. Arms— See Plate 4. Sable, a chevron, erminej between three cronels, argent. Crest— \ castle, triple-towered, or; port open, argent ; out of it a demi Moor issuant, armed, proper ; in his right hand a dart, argent, plumed, and barbed, or; in his left, a Roman target, of the last. Residence— "tioxth&eet, co. Kent. NIGHTINGALE, of Newport Pond, co. Essex. 1 Sept. 1628. Sir CHARLES-ETHELSTON NIGHTINGALE, Baronet, horn 1 Nov. 1784, succeeded his father, sir Edward, 4 Dec. 1804 ; married., in Dec. 1805, his cousin, Maria, only da. of Thomas-Lacy Dickenson, of \Vest Retford, CO. Notts, esq., and has issue, 1. CHARLES, b. 30 April 1809, m , 2 Feb. 1829, Harriott-Maria, grandda. of J. Foster, esq., deceased, and niece of lieut.-gen. Trapaud ; 2. Thomas-Henry, b. 18 April 1810, m., 22 Nov. 1830, Hannah-Elizabeth, eldest da. of T. H. Parry, esq. ; 3. and 4. Edward-Malcoi.m (r/. 5 Dec. 1818) and Eleanor, twins, b. 3 May 1811; 5. George-IManlev, d an infant ; 6. George-Lacy, b. 8 May 1815; 7. Frederick-Dickenson, h. 26 Oct. 1816. WrLLiAM Nightincrnle, of Burntwood, co. Essex, d. 28 Jan. 13 Edw. IV. 4th in descent from him was I. Sir THOMAS, created a bart. as above, m., 1st, Millicent, da. of sir Robert Clarke, of Goodcaster, co. Essex, knt., by whom he had, besides other issue, 1. Robert, to. Theodosia, da. of sir Ro- bert Chester, knt., and rf. in his father's lifetime 30 April l, leaving issue by her, (who re-m. sir Francis Theobald, knt.,) 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Robert, rf. unm. I(j59. 3. Granado, rf. unm,. 4. Geoffrey, m. Anne, da. of John Brid- ges, of London, and rf. lf)f)0, leaving sir Bridges and sir Robert, 4th and 5th barts. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, Catherine, da. of sir Robert Chester, knt., by whom he had, 2. Geoffrey, ancestor of the present bart., of whom hereafter. 3. Gamaliel, English consul at Aleppo, d. unm. 4. Edward, rf. unm. 5. Granado, »h., and left issue. Sir Thomas w., Silly, Elizabeth, da. of , by whom he had, 6. A da. He rf. Jan. I(i44, and was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir THOMAS, b. 15 Oct. 1629, m. Anno, da. of George Shires, and aunt and h. of sir George Shires, bart., and rf. 19 Oct. 1702, leaving issue by her (who rf. 1705) an only son, lil. Sir ROBERT, knighted at White- hall, 12 Dec. 1(185, rf. without issue, 3 July l(;i»7. and was succeeded by his cousin, IV. Sir BRIDGES, who rf. unm., and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir UOHKRT, one of the Directors of the East India Company ; he rf. unm., 1722, wlien the issue male of the 1st bart., by his POLE. 45 1st wife, became extinct, and the title de- volved on the issue of Geoffrey, eldest son of the said baronet by his 2d wife, whose descendants we now proceed to trace. Geoffrey Njghtingale, esq., the eldest son of the 1st bart. by the 2d lady, m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of sir William Liickin, knt., who d. Nov. 16(i4 ; he »?., 2dly, Doro- thy, da. of sir Gilbert Slingsby, knt., comp- troller of the navy, by whom he had no children; but by his 1st wife he had, 1. Geoffrey, b. Hi May 1656, buried 1 Oct. 1G57. 2. Edward, of whom hereafter. 3. Gajialiel, baptized 17 Oct. 1664, buried 28 April u;9(t. 4. Katherixe, ni. Thomas Hitch. 5. Axxe, ?«. Edmund Draper. He d. 9 May l(i81, set. 64, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, EDWARD, who was baptized 27Aug.l658. He m. Anne, da. of sir Arthur Slingsby, (liv- ing in 1722,) by whom he had, 1. Gamaliel, a lunatic, living in 1722, who d. vnni. 2. Geoffrey-, baptized 1691, d. 1700. 3. Edward. 4. Granado, baptized 16 Jan. 1701. 5. Mildred. 6. Marv, m. Thomas Evans, esq., re- corder of Bury St. Edmunds. 7. Elizabeth; 8. Anne. This Edward, surviving sir Robert, tire' 5th bart., became of right 6th bart. ; but neither he, his son, nor grandson, ever assumed the title. He rf. 2 July 1723, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, EDWARD, b. 1696, m. Eleanor, da. of Charles Ethelston, bv whom (who rf. 14 Sept. 1771, ast. 71) he had, 1. Edward, 6. 4 Sept. 1726, and rf. unm. 1782. 2. Geoffrey, rf. rinm., in May 1771. 3. Gamaliel, of whom hereafter. 4. Charles, who rf. unm. 31 Dec. 1757, set. 23. 5. Thomas, rf. without issue, 18 May 1772. 6. Robert, m. Mary, da. of Charles Ethelston, and rf. 9 Jan. 1784, a?t. 42, leav- ing 1 da., Eleanor, wife of the 6th bart. 7. Eleanor, m. Ernest Barnard, esq. (page to Augusta, princess of Wales), who rf. 23 May 1750, a?t.45. 8. Katharjxe; 9. Mildred; 10. Axne, all rf. unm. The said Edward rf. at Bath, 20 Oct. 1750, ffit. 54. GAMALIEL, a capt. R.N., 3d son of Edward, b. 15 Feb. 1/31, w. Maria, da. of Peter Clossen, a merchant at Hamburgh, by whom (who rf. 20 Feb. 1789, aet. 50) he had, 1. Edward. 2. Maria-Eleaxor, h. 3 Jan. 176.5, m. Thomas-Lacy Dickenson, of West Retford, CO. Nottingham, esq. Gamaliel rf. Jan. 1791, and was succeeded bv his onlv son, "VI. Sir EDWARD, b. 16 Oct. 1760, whose claim to this baronetcy was admitted in 1797, as heir male of sir Thomas, 1st bart.; m. Eleanor, da. and h. of his uncle, Robert Nightingale, of Kneesworth, esq., and by her (who rf. 20 Jan. 1825) had issue, 1. Edward, rf. in June 1790. 2. Sir Charles-Ethelston, present bart. 3. Gamaliel, b. 13 Feb. 1786, rf. 1818. 4. Alexander-Malcolm, b. 30 Nov. 1792. 5. Leoxard, b. 9 Feb. 1794. 6. Erxest, b. 12 Aug. 1796. 7. Julia, b. 15 April 1787. m., 16 April 1808, James Marklaiid, esq. of the 63d regt. of foot, rf. March 1815. 8. Elizabeth-Sophia, b. 21 Feb. 179(», m., 8 March 1811, hon. Charles-Ewpn Law, recorder of London, 2dson of Edward, first lord EUenborough. 9. Isabella, b. 27 Oct. 1791. 10. Henrietta, rf. June 1797- 11. Geoffrey, m., 29 June 1822, Mary, only da. of the late Thomas Knowlys, esq., of Stockwell, Surrey. Sir Edward rf. 4 Dec. 1804, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VII. Sir CHARLES-ETHELSTON, pre- sent bart. Arms— See Plate 4. Per pale, ermine, and gules, a rose, counter-changed. Crest — On a mount vert, an ibex, sejant, argent, armed, tufted, and maned, or. Seat—Kt Kneesworth Hall, co. Cambridge. POLE, of Shute, CO. Devon. 12 Sept. 1G28. Sir WILLLVM-TE:MPLER pole, Baronet, M.A., Doctor of Laws, in the University of Oxford, one of the Justices of the Peace for the counties of Devon and Somerset, and High Sheriff of Devon 1818 ; born 2 Aug. 1782 ; succeeded his father, sir John-AVilHam, 30 Nov. 1799 ; married., 1st, 26 Aug. 1804, Sophia-Anne, only da. of George Templer, of Shapwick, co. Somerset, esq., and by her (who d. 17 March 1808) had issue, 1. Sohhia-Anne ; 2. Willia3i-Templek, who both d. young; 3. JOHN-GEORGE, b. 21 Jan. 1808, ?«., 26 March 1829, Margaretta, 2d da. of Henry Barton, esq., of Saucethorp Hall, co. Lincoln, and has issue, Margaretta -Lxichesa-Jane-Mana., b. in Italy, 16 Aug. 1831. Sir William w., 2dly, 31 July 1810, Charlotte-Frances, da. of John Eraser, esq., and niece of the late John Farquhar, of Fonthill Abbey, Wilts, esq., by whom he has,- 4. Charlotte, b. \b Feb. 1813; 5. Jake- Maria, b. 3 Nov. 1814, m., 12 Feb. 1833, Edward- Wyndham-Harrington Schenley, esq. ; 6. William-Edmukd, 6. 3 July 1816; 7« Regi- nald-Frederick, b. 20 Oct. 1818. This is a younger branch of the family of Poole, of Poole Hall, in Wirral, co. Chester. The first of the family who settled in De- vonshire was 46 POLE. Arthur Pole, 2d son of sir William Pole, ofWirral; he w. Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Pole, co. Devon, and 5th in descent from him was, Sir William Polk, of Colcomb, co. De- von, knt., who m. Mary, da. and co-h. of sir William Periam, knt., chief baron of the Exchequer, and was father of I. Sir JOHN, 1st baronet, was raised to that dignity in the lifetime of his father, was knt. of the shire for Devon, m. Eliza- beth, da. of Roger How, by whom he had issue, 1. William, knighted by king Charles I., rf. in his father's lifetime 1(141 ; m., 1st, Grace, da. of sir Thomas Trenchard, knt., by whom he had no surviving issue; and 2dly, Catharine, da. of Henry St. Barb, esq,, by whom he had 2 sons, who d. in their infancy, and 4 das., Catharine, d. unm. in IGfiS. Jane, m. Humphrey Sydenham, esq. Amy, >M. William Floyer, esq. Elizabeih, d. unm. 2. Sir CouRTENAY, 2d bart. ,3. John, rf. young. 4. Martha, m. Ivory. 5. Jane, m. Croker. fi. Elizabeth, rf. unm. Sir John rf. 16 April 1G58, and was suc- ceeded by his 2d son, II. Sir COURTENAY, m. Urith, da. of Shapcote, esq. , by whom he had, 1. Sir JOHN, 3d bart. 2. Courtenay, rf. young. 3. Jane, m., 1st, sir Coplestone Bamp- fylde, of Poltimore, co. Devon, bart.; and 2dly, Edward Gibbons, esq. 4. Penelope, m. the lion. Franris Ro- barts, 2d son to John, earl of Radnor, but d. without issue. 5. Mary, rf. young. Sir Courtenay rf. 25 April 1695, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, III. Sir JOHN, who, \('M, wasamember in that parliament which settled the crown on king William and queen Mary; as he was also of those parliaments which were summoned 168^ and 16!)7, and chosen knt. CO. Devon, the 13th of the same reign; was elected again a burgess for East Looe, 177. and who was father of sir Edward, 8th bart. 4. Simon, of Nottingham, rf., joiw., 1680. 5. Catharine, m., 1(J47, Cracroft, citizen of London. Sir Simon d. about 1648, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir'HENRY, also agreat sufferer for his loyalty. He m. Vere, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Henry Herbert, knt., master of the revels to king Charles I., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 3d bart. 2. Charles, rf. without issue. 3. Sir JoHv, 4th bart. 4. Simon, rf. young. 5. Sir Simon, of Naunby, 5th bart. 6. William, capt. in the army, 6. 1662, rf. unm. 1690. 7. Vere, m, Gaynor, esq. 8. Anne, w. Matthew Alured, of Heydon, CO. York, esq., and rf. 1725. !). Elizabeth.?)!. Cummins. 10. Frances, rf. unm. 11. Mary. Sir Henry rf. 2.9 Sept. 1/00, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, III. Sir HENRY, twice m., but d. with- out issue male 1/09, was succeeded by his brother, IV. Sir JOHN, who was captain of the Queen, a first-rate man-of-war, and did signal services in the reign of king William III. He was also twice »;., but rf. 1 July 1729, wi/nout issue, and was succeeded by Ills next brother, V. The rev. sir SIMON, who was rector of Naunby, co. Lincoln, 7n. Mary, eldest da. of the rev. Joshua Clarke, by whom he had issue> 1. Sir Henry, 6th bart. 2. Sir John, 7th bart. 3. Simon, in holy orders, rf. wh»!. 4. Joshua-Clarke; S.Edward. 6. Jane; J. Anne; 8. Martha, allrf.?«j»!. 9. Susannah ; 10. Mary, both rf. tcnm. 11. Anne, m. Benjamin Tong, esq. 12. Elizabeth, rf. Kiim. Sir Simon rf. 12 Jan. 1753, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir HENRY, m., 1 July 1741, Frances, da. of Henry Ibbetson, esq., and rf. without issue, 31 May 1755, the title and estate de- volved on the' next brother, VII. The rev. sir JOHN, w., but had no issue. He rf. 1779, whereupon the title and estate devolved to his kinsman, VIII. Sir EDWARD, who was, as above stated, great-great-grandson of Francis Every, 3d son of the 1st bart. He m. Mary, da- of Edward Morley, of Horsley, co. Derby, esq., relict of William Elliott, and also of Joseph Bird, esqrs., by whom (who »».,4thly, Ashton Mosely, of Park Hall, co, Derby, esq., and rf. 9 Feb. 1826, ) he had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 9th bart. 2. Sabah-Elizabeth-Goodman, rf. tomu Oct. 1826. 3. Sophia-Anne, m., Jan. 1804, sir Os- wald Mosley, bart. 4. John, m., 3 May 1813, , only da. of the late William Osborne, of Old Park, CO. Kent, esq. 5. Frances, nu, July 1804, major Wil- liam Miller, and rf. Aug." 1824. 6. Edward, who was unfortunately lost in La Babet sloop (in which he was a mid- shipman) in the West Indies.in the year 1801. Sir Edward rf. 28 Dec. 1785, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IX. Sir HENRY, present bart. A/ms—See Plate 5. Erminois, two chev- ronels, azure, between two others, gules. Crest — A demi-unicorn, argent, gutteede sang, and crined or. Seat — At Egginton, co. Derby. CAVE, of Stanford, co. Northampton. 30 June 1641. Sir WILLIAM. BROWNE CAVE, Baronet, ^/om 19 Feb. 1765; suc- ceeded the rev. sir Charles, 21 March 1810 ; married, 4 Jan. 1793, Louisa, 4th da. of sir Robert-Mead Wihnot, of Chaddesden, co. Derby, bart., and bv her (who d. July 1819) had issue, 1. William, b. 7 June and d. 28 June 1704;- — 2. JOHN-ROBERT, b. 4 March 1798, w., 22 Nov. 1821, Catherine-Penelope, youngest da. and co-h. of William Milles, of Barlaston Hall, co. Stafford, esq., and has issue, 1. Milles., b. 1 Aug. 1822 ; 2. Verncy., 6. Jan. 1833, and three dcis.:, 3. William-Asteley, in holy orders, b. 3 Aug. 1799, ?«., 1st, Eliza-Martha, da. of Watken, esq., of New^house, co. Gloucester, who d. s.p., and, 2dly, Julia, da. of Minton, of Stoke, co. Stafford, esq., and has issue, two children ; 4. Thomas, b. 16 June 1801, m., 10 April 1827, Anne, eldest da. of J. Walker, of Broomhouse, co. Lancaster, esq., and has issue four children ; 5. Wilmot, b. 5 Dec. 1802, /«., 1st, Mary, eldest da. of Eccles, of Eccles, CO. Lancaster, and, 2dly, Mary, eldest da. of rev. T. Westmore- land, vicar of Sandal .Alagna, co. Vork ;^ 6. Edwakd-Sacheverell, h. 3 Oct. 1804, TO., 7 July 1830, JNIary, only da. of John-Farside Watson, of Bilton Park, co. York, esq., and has issue two children; 7- Haeriet, b. ii Julv 1795, TO., 4 Sept. 1832, ^Villiam Booth, of Eeighton, co. Derby, esq.; — ^8. Louisa-Catherike, b. 11 Sept. 1796, d. 20 Feb. 1810. D 50 CAVE. A PEDIGREE of this family, collected and certified by sir William Segar, garter king at arms, 1632, derives it from Jordan de Cave, who inherited thelordships of North and South Cave, co. York, upon the death, without issue, of his brother Wyamarus de Cave, l(l().'». The descendants of Jordan continued seated at Cave for eleven genera- tions, when sir Alexander Cave d., leaving an only da., INIaud, who conveyed that lord- ship in marriage with sir Alexander Lownde, of Lownde Hall, co. Bucks; but the male line of the family was carried on by Peter Cave, next brother of sir Alexander, who settled at Stanford, co. Northampton, where his grandson, Thomas Cave, was buried 14! 15. Sir Thomas Cave, knt., grandson of the above-named Thomas, rf. 1558; and 4th in descent from him, and I'Jth from Jordan de Cave, was I. Sir THOMAS, the 1st bart., who was, during the civil wars, a strenuous asserter of his sovereign's cause, supplying him with arms, ammunition, &c. Sir Thomas m., 1st, Catharine, da. of sir Anthony Haselwood, knt., by whom he had no issue ; find2dly, 7)1. Penelope, da. of Thomas, 2d viscount Wenman, of Tuam, Ireland, which title became extinct in the person of Philip, 7th viscount, in 1800, by whom he had, 1. Sir Roger, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, rf. «ww. 3. Ambrose, a brigadier in the life- gitards, who was slain 1690, as he was sit- ting peaceably in his chair in public com- pany, by one Biron, an officer, whose life he had frequently spared, though many provo- cations had caused frequent skirmishing between them ; and in return for his gene- rosity, Mr. Biron ran his sword through his back, as he sat in his chair, of which wound he soon died ; the sword was left in his body, but the offender fled, and no dili- gence could ever discover him. 4. Eleanor, d. unm. 5. Mary, m. sir Orlando Bridgeman, bart., 2d son of the lord-keeper. Sir Thomas was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ROGER, represented the city of Coventry in parliament, 12 Charles II. He m., 1st, Martha, da. and h. of John Brown, esq., clerk of the parliament, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. 2. John. .3. Charles, drowned at sea in the great storm in Nov. 1703, being on board one of her majesty's ships of war. 4. John; .5. Oliver, both rf. s.p. fi. Elizabeth, m. sir John Cheshire, knt., serjeant-at-law. 7. Penelope, m. John Creswell Went- worth, esq., who d. 4 June 1726. Sir Roger m., 2dly, Mary, da. of sir Wil- liam Bromley, of Baginton, knt., and sister of the right hon. William Bromley, speaker of the house of commons and secretary of state to Queen Anne, and by her (who sur- vived him, and d, 22 Nov. 172I) had issue, 8. Roger, grandfather of the present bart., of whom hereafter. 9. Mary, m. sir WiUiam Dixwell, bart., and d. Feb. 1714. 10. Eleanor, »i. ,1st, sir Holland Egerton, bart.; and 2(lly, John Brooke, esq., son of sir Thomas Brooke, bart., and d. Sept. 1734. Sir Roger rf. 11 Oct. 1703, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir THOMAS, who was M.P. for CO. Leicester in all the parliaments from 9 Anne till his death, 21 April 1719. He m. Margaret, youngest da. of John VemsV* viscount Fermanagh, of Ireland, (which title became extinct in 1791, on the death of Ralph, 3d viscount Fermanagh, and 2d earl Verney,) by whom he had, 1. Sir Verney, 4th bart= 2. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 3. Elizabeth, m. Richard Pilsworth, esq., who d. 1748 ; and d. 1755. 4. Penelope, m. Richard Thompson, esq., one of the prothonotaries of the court of Common Pleas, who d. 1748; and d. 1 Oct. 1786. Sir Thomas d. 21 April 1719, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir VERNEY, d. unm., and was suc- ceeded bv his only brother, V. Sir THOMAS, of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law; m., 173<), Elizabeth, sole da. and h. of Griffith Davies, M.D., by Elizabeth, da. of sir John Burgoyne, bart., by whom (who d. 28 April 1760) he had, 1. Sir Thomas, 6th bart. 2. Elizabeth, m., 1767, Bennet, 3d earl of Harborough, who d. 1770; and d. 5 March 1797. 3. Penelope, d. unm. 28 April 1771- 4. Margaret, m. John Moses, esq., who d. 1773; m., 2dly, Thomas Robinson, of Kensington, esq., who d. 1810; she d. 14 July I8I7. 5. Mary-Constantia, m. sir Henry Etherington, bart., d. 25 Feb. 1811. 6. Rev. sir Charles, 8th bart. 7. Annk, ni., Jan. 1777, Thomas Mar riot, D.D., prebendary of Westminster, rector of St. Michael Bassishaw, and chaplain in ordi- nary to his majesty, who d. 1781 : she d. 23 Dec. 1833, aet. 85. 8. Isabella, 6. 1750, d. 1 Jan. I8I7. Sir Thomas d. 7 Aug. 1778, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, VI. Sif THOMAS, b. 1737, m. Sarah, da. of John Edwards, of London, merchant, by whom (who rf. July 1819) he had, 1. Sir Thomas, 7th bart. 2. Sarah, m. Henry Otway, esq., of Cas- tle Otway, in Ireland, who rf. 13 Sept. 1815. She and her issue, by license, 28 March 1818, resumed the name of Cave, after Ot- way. Sir Thomas d. 31 May 1780, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, VII. Sir THOMAS, b. 1766. m., 2 June 1791, Lucy, only da. of Robert, 4th earl of liarborough. Ladv Lucy, surviving him, m., 2dly, 2(» Aug. 179B, the hon. Philip Bou- verie Pusey, son of Jacob, 1st viscount Folkestone. He rf. 15 Jan. 1792, and was succeeded by his uncle, VIII. Sir CHARLES, M.A., in holy orders, who rf. unm., 21 March 1810, was succeeded by his cousin, sir William, whose descent we now proceed to state. Roger Cave, esq., son of sir Roger, 2d bart., by his 2d wife, ?«. Catherine, da. and h. of William Browne, of Stretton, co. Leicester, esq., and rf. March 1741, leaving issue by her, (whorf. 6 May 1772,) 1. William-Bromley, rf. unm. 1788. 2. John, father of the 9th bart. 3. Anna-Maria,;/!, the rev. James Cham- bers, rector of Stretton. 4. Elizabeth, to. John Wood. 5. Peni;lope,to. Thomas Mould. John, 2d son of Roger Cave, inherited the Stretton estate from his grandfather, and took the name of Browne, by act of parliament, 1752 ; w., 1st, (! Dec. 1757, Frances, da. of Theodore-William Inge, esq., by whom (who rf. Oct. 1/58) he had no issue. He to,., 2dly, Catliariiie, da. of Tho- mas Astley, of Westminster, by whom he had issue. ABDY. 1. Sir Wjlliam, who succeeded to the title of bart., as above mentioned. 2. John, in holy orders.rector of Stretton, m. Margaret, da, of R, Haymes, and had issue. 3. Thomas, in the army. 4. Edward, in the army. 5. AxNA-MARtA. m., 1797, the rev. Leb- beus-Charles Humfrey. 0. Louisa, m., 1799, William Haymes, of Kilworth, esq. ; and several other children. John Cave-Browne, esq., d. 2 Oct. 1798, and was succeeded in his estate by his eldest son, IX. Sir WILLIAM, 9th and present bart. Arms— See Plate 5. Azure, fretty, argent. Crest — A greyhound current, sable, to which, on an escroll, proceeding from his mouth, fur motto, Gardez (of the same signification with Cave, the imperative of Caveo), alluding to the name. Seat— At Stretton Hall, co. Derby. ABDV, of Felix Hall, co. Essex. 7 July 1641. Sir WILLIAM ABDY, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir William, 21 Jixly 1803 ; married, 3 June 180G, Anne, natural da. of Richard, marquess Wellesley, K.G., (which marriage was dissolved by act of parliament, 25 June 1816, and she m., 2dly, 23 July 1816, lord Charles Bentinck, 3d son cf William-Henry, 3d duke of Portland, K.Gr.) Roger Abdy, of London, merchant, w. Mary, da. of Richard White, of Hutton Hall, CO. Essex, esq., and d. 1595, leaving two sons, I. Edmmid, (who, by Judith, da. of sir Christopher Yelverton, judge of the Common Pleas, had one son, sir Chrixtopher Abdtf, who m. the youngest da. of sir Her- bert Croft, of Suffolk.) 2. Anthony, alderman of London, and one of its sheriffs in 1(J30, m. Abigail, da. of sir Thomas Campbell, knt., alderman of London, and by her had three sons, who all received the honour of baronetcy. 1. sir Thomas, created a bart. 1(541 ; 2. sir Ro- bert, of Albins, co. Essex, created a bart. 1660, which title became extinct in 1759; 3. sir John, of Moores, in Salcot Vesley, co. Essex, created a bart. Jime 1G60, which title became extinct 1662. I. Sir THOMAS, the 1st bart., m. Mary, da. of sir Lucas Corsellis, by whom (who d. 6 April 1645) he had, 1. James, d. an infant. 2. Rachael, m. Philip Gurdon, esq. .3. Abigail, m. sir Mark Guyon, knt. He m., 2dly, Anne, da. of sir Thomas Soame, knt., by whom (who d. 19 June 1679) he had, 4. Sir Anthony, 2d bart. n. Thomas, d. 12 April 1697- 6. William, d. 1682. 7. Sarah. 8. Anne, d. 1682. 9. Mary, m. Wentworth Garneys, esq. 10. Joanna, rf. 1710. 11. Alice, m. William Stane, esq. 12. Judith; 13. Sarah. Sir Thomas rf. 14 Jan. 1685, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IL Sir ANTHONY, m. Mary, sole da. and h. of Richard Milward, D.D., canon of Windsor, (byMary, da. of sir Anthony Tho- mas, of Cobham, co. Surrey, by Mary, da. of sir William Ayloff, of Great Braxhead, CO. Surrey,) by v/hom he had, 1. Thomas, rf. an infant, 1684. 2. Sir Anthony-Thomas, 3d bart. 3. William, 4th bart. 4. Charles; 5. Richard; 6. Mary. 7. Anne; 8. Joanna; 9. Elizabeth. 10. Rachakl; 11. Margaret. Herf. 2 April 1704, and was succeeded by his son, IIL Sir ANTHONY-THOMAS, m., 1st, Mary, da. and co-h. of Hope Gifford, of Colchester, co. Essex, esq., who rf. 1718; w., 2dly, 1729, Charlotte, da. of sir Thomas Barnardiston, of Theddington, co. Suffolk, bart., who rf. 19 Feb. 1731 ; m., 3dly, Anne, da. of Thomas Williams, esq., who rf. 21 Sept. 1745. By the first and last he had no issue, but by the 2d he had two das., 1. Charlotte, m. John, son of sir John Williams, knt. 2. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Reeves, esq. Sir Anthony rf. June 1733, and was suc- ceeded by his next brother, IV. Sir WILLIAM, m. the sole h. of Philip Stotherd, of Terlington, co. Essex, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Anthony-Thomas, 5th bart. 2. The rev. Stotiiard, m. Theodosia, youngest da. of sir Robert Abdy, of Albyns, CO. Essex, bart. ; m., 2dly, Harriet, youngest da. of Peyton Altham, esq., and rf. 3 April 1773, without issue. 3. Sir William, 6th bart. 4. Mary, m. Ambrose Dickins, esq., of Wollaston, co. Northampton. 5. Charlotte, w.dr. Rutherford, regius professor of divinity at Cambridge, and archdeacon of Essex. 6. Anne-Hesser, w. Charles - Nalson Cole, esq., of the Inner Temple. Sir William rf. Jan. 1750, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir ANTHONY-THOMAS, who was a king's counsel, m. Catharhie, youngest da. and co-h. of Hamilton, esq., of Chancery Lane, London. He rf. 7 April 1775, with- out issue, and was succeeded by his brother, VI. Sir WILLIAM, capt. R.N., nu, I'^l, Mary, da. of James Gordon, of Moor Place, CO. Hertford, esq., and by her (who rf. 4 March 1829) had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. Catharine -Mary, in., 9 Nov. 1813, sir Thomas Fellowes, knt., capt. R.N., C.B., K.C. III., C.L.K., and K.S.A., and rf. 18 Oct. I8I7. 3. Charlotte-Anne. 4. Henrietta, m., 1 Dec. 1808, Charles Caldwell, of Bottisham Hall, co. Cambridge, esq., son of admiral sir Benjamin Caldwell, G.C.B., and has issue, Sir William rf. 21 July 1803, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, VII. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. Arms — See Plate 5. Or, two chevronels, between three trefoils, slipped, sable. Crest — An eagle's head, couped proper beaked, azure. Seat — Cobham Place, near Bagshot, co, Surrey. d2 52 COTTON.—BURGOYNE. COTTON, of Landwade, co. Cambridge. 14 July 1G41. Sir ST. VINCENT COTTON, Baronet, in the army, born 6 Oct. 1801, succeeded his father, admiral sir Charles, 24 Feb. 1812. Sir Henry Cotton, knt., lord of Cotton Hall, CO. Cambridge; or, as other author- ities say, CO. Suffolk, lived in the 13th century." His great grandson, sir Thomas Cotto'n, acquired the estate of Landwade by marriage with Alice, da. and h. of John de Hastings, of Landwade, and had 2 sons, Thomas, who was lord of Trumpington, co. Cambridge, but d. s.p. 1434 ; and Waltet-, whose son, William, of Landwade, was vice- chamberlain to king Henry VI. Sir Thomas Cotton, son and h. of Wal- ter, d. 1499, leaving a son, sir Robert, v/ho d. 1519, and was father of sir John, who, by Isabel, da. of sir William Spencer, of Althorpe, knt., had a son and h., sir John, who d. 1G20, leaving an only sur- viving son, I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., 6. Sept. 1615, was high sheriff co. Cambridge when the re- bellion broke out, and proclaimed the earl of Essex a traitor in every market town: he also took up arms for his sovereign, and was entrusted to carry the plate of the uni- versity of Cambridge to the king at Oxford, which he safely delivered, through many difficulties, being follovv'ed by a body of Cromwell's horse : he was soon after obliged, for his loyalty, to leave his country, and lived some' years abroad. By his wife, Jane, da. and sole h. of sir Edward Hinde, knt., he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, who rf. young. 3. Jane; 4. Cathahine^ d. nnm. He d. about 1690, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, recorder of Cambridge, m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of sir Joseph Shel- don, knt., alderman of London, and had Issue, 1. Sir John-Hinde, 3d bart. 2. Catharine; 3. Jane; 4. Anne. ,'j. Catharine, m. William Sancroft, esq., nephew and heir to archbishop San- croft. «. Elizabeth; 7. Frances. y. Dorothy; 9. Agnes. Sir John d. Jan. 1712, and was succeeded by his only son, HI. Sir JOHN-HINDE, treasurer of the chamber to king George II., and in the reign of queen Anne, one of the lords com- missioners of trade and plantations, m., 1st, Lettice, 2d da. of sir Ambrose Crowley, knt., by whom (who d. in Aug. 1718) he had issue, 1. Sir John-Hinde, 4th bart. 2. Mary, m. Jacob Houblon, esq. Sir John m., 2d!y, Margaret, 3d da. of James Craggs, esq., one of the commis- sioners of the post-office, sister and co-h. of the right hon. James Craggs, one of the principal secretaries of state to king George I., and relict of Samuel Trefusis, esq., by whom (who d. Aug. 1734) he had, 3. Margaret, d. Sir John d. 4 Feb. 1752, and was succeeded by his only son, IV. Sir JOHN-HINDE, m., 1 July 1745, Anne, 2d da. of Humphrey Parsons, esq., twice lord mayor of London, (by his wife, Sarah, 3d da. of sir Ambrose Crowley, knt.,) by whom he had issue, 1. John, d. in 1/31. 2. Sir Charles, .5th bart. ?. George, d. in 1781. 4. Alexander. 5. Henry, twin with Edward, d. at his birth. 6. Edward, d. at Nevis, in the West In- dies, unm., 13 Oct. 1810. 7. Sarah, f/. Jan. 1830, iwm.,aged82. 8. Anne, »». the rev. mr. Oldershaw, and d. 16 Feb. 1829, act. 79- 9. Lettice. Sir John-Hinde d. 23 Jan. 1795, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir CHARLES, admiral R.N., and some time commander-in-chief of the Chan- nel fleet; m., 27 Feb. 1798, Philadelphia, eldest da. of sir Joshua Rowley, bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir St. Vincent, present bart. 2. Charles, commander R.N., d. 11 Feb. 1828, then commanding H.M.S. Zebra. 3. Philadelphia-Letitia. 4. Maria-Susanna, »»., 14 May 1822, vice-admiral sir Richard King, bart., K.C.B. He rf. 24 Feb. 1812, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir St. VINCENT, the present bart. yJrj/is— See Plate.5. Sable, a chevron, be- tween three griffins' heads, erased, argent. Crest — A griffin's head, erased, as in tiie arms. Motto — FldeUtas vincet. Seats — At Landwade and Maddingley, both CO. Cambridge. BURGOYNE, of Sutton, co. Bedford. 15 July 1641. Sir JOHN-MONTAGU BURGOYNE, Baronet, horn I7 Oct. 1700, Jiieutcnant and Captain in the Grenadier Guards ; succeeded his father, sir I\lontag7i-Roger, IG Aug. 1817; married., 20 Dec. 1831, ?Jary.Harriett, da. of William Gore-Langton, esq., and has issue, JOHN-MONTAGU, h. 23 Oct. 1832. This family has, according to tradition, been seated in Bedfordshire since the time of king John. Robert Burgoyne (youngcrson of John Bm-goyne, of Sutton,) was a person of con- siderable mote temp. Henry VIII.; one Of the auditors of the exchequer, and one of the commissioners appointed by that mo- NORTHCOTE. 53 narch to take the surrender of the monas- teries ; and had a grant from him of the rectory, tithes, and all the lands of Wroxall, CO. V/arwick, where he erected a spacious mansion. He was father of Robert Burgovne, of Wroxall and Sut- ton, high sheriff of Warwick, 3D Elizabeth, who d. 1(J13, leaving a son and heir, Roger, who possessed Wroxall, Honiley, Sutton, and Potton, was sheriff of Bedford- shire, 14 Jac. I., and of Warwickshire, G Car. I., and d. 1(336, leaving a son and heir, I. Sir JOHN, 1st hart., ?«. Jane, da. and h. of William Kempe, of Spains Hall, co. Essex, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Roger, 2d hart. 2. JoHx, who, by Penelope, sister of sir Thomas Darcy, co. Essex, knt., left issue. His descendants still hold lands in Potton. 3. Robert, a merchant in Loudon, m. Catherine, da. of • Heydon. 4. Mar\ , m. sir Edward Cater, knt. 5. Jane, m. James Maine, esq. (}. Jldith, m. sir William Ayscough, knt. 7. Elizabeth, m. William Love, esq. Sir John d. about 1654, and was succeeded by his eldest son, H. Sir ROGER, m., ist, Anne, da. and h. of Charles Snelling, by whom he had, 1. Jaxe, m. John Symouds, esq., barris- ter-at-law. 2. Sir John, 3d bart. 3. AxNE, m. John Raymond. 4. Mary, m. William Guyon. 5. Jl'dith, d, unm. Sir Roger m., 2dly, Anne, da. of John Ro- binson, esq., by whom (who d. 1604) he had, 6. Elizabeth, m. Matthew Hutton. 7. Am.ve, j»i.dr. Charles Hickman, bishop of Londonderry. 8. Philadelphia. Sir Roger d. 16 Sept. 1677> and was succeeded by his only son, in. Sir' JOHN, m. Constance, da. of Richard Lucy, of Charlecot, co. Warwick, esq., by whom he had, besides other children who rf. young or unm., 1. Sir Roger, 4th bart. 2. JoHX, ?n. Anna-Maria, da. of Charles Burneston, of Hackney, esq., and had issue, the right hon. lieutenant-general John Bur- goyne, (commander in America,) who m. lady Charlotte Stanley, da. of Edward, 11th earl of Derby, and rf. 1702. 3. Thomas, m. a da. of Warren. 4. Lucv (a son), w. Elizabeth Howell. 5. , m. mr. Warren. 6. Elizabeth, m. Griffith Davis, M.D. Sir John rf. 9 April 1709, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir ROGER, m. Constance, da. of sir Thomas Middleton, knt., (by Mary, da. of sir Stephen Langham, of Quentin, co. North- ampton, knt.,) by whom (who re-m. Chris- topher Wren, esq., son of sir Christopher Wren, knt., and rf. 1/34) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 5th bart. 2. Sir Roger, 6th bart. 3. Constantia-Maria, h. 3 Nov, 1705, m. capt. John Pigott, and d. 26 July 1739. Sir Roger rf. 1716, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir JOHN, survived his father only six weeks, rf. unm., and was succeeded by his only brother, VI. Sir ROGER, M.P. for co. Bedford, m., Jan. 1739, lady Frances Montagu, eldest da. of George, 1st earl of Hah fax, and by her (who rf. 24 July 178'l) had issue, 1. Sir John, 7th bart. 2. Montagu, b. 29 July 1750, m. Eliza- beth, da. and sole h. of Eliab Harvey, of Claybury Hall, co. Essex, esq., and had issue, 1. Frances-Elizabeth, m., 13 Jan. 1817, sir Guy Campbell, bart., C.B., d. at Flo- rence, 7 May 1818. 2. Elizabeth, m., 15 Aug. 1818, Christo- pher Blackett, of Wylam, co. Northum- berland. 3. Frances, rf. 28 June 1814. 4. Louisa ; 5. Elizabeth. 6. Catherine, rf. Aug. 1810. Sir Roger rf. 1780, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JOHN, h. 20 Sept. 1739, a lieut.- general and colonel of the 19th dragoons, in., 1772, Charlotte, eldest da. of general John- ston, of Overstone, near Northampton, by whom (who rf. 14 April 1820, having m., 2dly, lieut.-general Eyre-Power Trench, brother of William, earl of Clancarty) he had issue, 1. Sir Montagu-Roger, 8th bart. 2. Frederick-Williaji, capt. R.N., m. miss Wallis, and has issue, of whom Char- lotte-Frances, the eldest da., ?»., 24 Feb. 1834, Michael Maxwell, esq., son of sir John Max- well, bart. N.S. 3. Frances, m., 11 July 1801, Robert, 2d lord Onglev. 4. George-Augustt^s, capt. 26th dra- goons, rf. unm. at St. Helena, 1814. Sir John rf. in the East Indies, 1785, and was succeeded by his son, VIIL Sir MONTAGU-ROGER, major- general in the army, m., 1 Nov. 1794, Catha- rine, only da. of John Burton, of Owlerton, CO. York, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir John-Montagu, present bart. 2. Charlotte-Catharine-Frances, b. 22 Sept. 1801), m., 31 Aug. 1832, the rev. Gil- bert Blackburn. 3. Catharine-Elizabeth, rf. 5 July 1802. 4. Catharine, rf. 10 June 1806. 5. Marianne-Catherine, b. 4 March 1806. 6. Montagu-George. 7. William-Montagu. Sir Montagu-Roger rf. 16 Aug. 1817, and was succeeded tav his eldest son, IX. Sir JOHN-MONTAGU, present bart. ^(•ms— See Plate 5. Gules, a chevron or, between three talbots argent; on a chief embattled argent, as many martlets azure. Crest— \ talbot sejant or, ears sable, and plain collared gules. Seat— At Sutton Park, co. Bedford. NORTHCOTE, of Hayne and of Pynes, co. Devon. IG July 1641. Sir STAFFORD-HENRY NORTHCOTE, Baronet, iom Sept. 1762, succeeded his father, sir Stafford, 11 March 1771 ; married, G May 1791, Jaquetta, eldest da. of Charles Baring, of Lark bear, esq., by whom he has issue, 1. HENRY-STAFFORD, b. 1792, m., 13 Nov. 1815, Agnes- Mary, sole da. of Thomas Cockburn, of Portland Place, esq., and has issue, 54 STRICKLAND. 1. Stafford-Henry, h. 27 Oct. 1818; 2. Henrietta, b. 12 :May 1820; ;?. Thomas-Stafford, b. 8 Nov. 1822; 4. Cecilia. Agnes, b. 20 July 1824; ft. Henry-Mowbray, b. 10 Sept. 182G ; — 2. Hugh-Stafford, b. 1793, major in the army, w., 30 March 1826, Harriett, youngest da. of William Ceely Trevillian, of Micldleney, co. Somerset, esq., and has issue, Arthur^ b. 20 Jan. 1827; 3. Charles-Stafford, b. 1796, in holy orders, rector of Upton Pyne, r/j., 22 April 1830, Elizabeth-Helena, 3d da. of the late Thomas Robbins, esq. and dying in 1/09, the dignity and estate devolved upon IV. Sir HENRY, his next brother, b. 1055, fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, and M.D. ; m. Penelope, da. and co.-h. of Ed- ward Lovett, of Liscombe, co. Bucks, esq., by whom (who d. 8 Oct. 1731) he left issue, 1. Henry, 5th bart. 2. Elizabeth, m., 1/34, John Incledon, of Braunton, co. Devon, esq., and 2dly, in 1747, rev. John Wright. 3. Johanna, d. iinm. April 1739. Sir Henry d. Feb. 1729-30, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, V. Sir Henry, m. Bridget-Maria, even- tually only da. and h. of Hugh Stafford, of Pynes, co. Devon, esq., and by her (who ni. 2dly, Richard Madan, esq., and d. 1773) he had issue, 1. Sir Stafford, 6th bart. 2. Henry, w., 1st, Phillippa, da. of Ed- ward Searle, of Plympton, esq., by whom he had a da., Bridget, m. the rev. David Per- kins, D.D., vicar of Mamhead. He m., 2dly, Sarah Tooke, by whom also he had issue. 3. Hugh, rector of Upton, co. Devon, »i. Elizabeth, da. of rev. George Bradford, and d. 1787, having had issue by her, 1. Hugh, m holy orders, b. 1774. 2. Charles, b. 177B, d. in India, vnm. 3. Catherine-Maria, m. rev. John Pit- man. 4. Bridget-Elizabeth, 6. 177I. 5. Frances-Anne, m. rev. John Tally. 6. Charlotte, d. unm. 4. Charles, rf. an infant. 5. Bridget-Maria, m., 1773, William Paynter, esq., of the Navy Office. Sir Henry d. 1743, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir STAFFORD, 6. May 1736, m., 17 Oct. 1701, Catherine, da. oif the rev. George Bradford, rector of Tallaton, co. Devon (who d. Jan. 1802) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Stafford-Henry, present bart. 2. Catherine-Jane, m., 1782, John- Thomas Wright, of Lympstone, esq. 3. Maria-Anne, m. major George Brad- ford. Sir Stafford rf. 11 March 1771, and was succeeded by his son, VII. Sir STAFFORD-HENRY, present bart. Arms—See Plate 5. Quarterly, first and fourth, argent, a fesse, between three cross- es, molines, sable ; second and third, argent, three crosses botony in bend, sable. Crest— \]\wn a cap of dignity, a stag, sta- tant, argent. Motto — Christi a-ux est mea lux. Heat— At Pynes, near Exeter. John, son of John Galfride, knt., was seated at Northcote, in the parish of West- downe, co. Devon, and from the place of his residence assumed the name of North- cote, or (as the pedigree of the family re- corded at the visitation of Devon in 1620 expresses it) mutavit nomen cum loco. I. JOHN, the 16th in descent from him, b. in 1599, was the 1st bart., so created 16 July 1641 ; m. Grace, da. and h. of Hugh Halswell, of Wells, co. Somerset, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Arthur, 2d bart. 2. John, m. Catherine, da. of Fol- jamb, and had issue. 3. Lew^is, m. Jane, da of Cople- stone, and had issue. 4. Haswei-l, m. Mary, da. of Crook, and had issue. 5. William, m. Alice, da. of Leigh, and had issue. 6. Grace, d. young. 7. Susannah, m., 1052, Robert Fortescue, of Fillegh, esq. 8. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Pointington, esq., barrister-at-law. 9. Grace, d. unm. Sir John d. 1676, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ARTHUR, »!., 1st, Elizabeth, da. and h. of James Welsh, esq., and had issue by her, who d. 1652, (by whom he acquired large possessions,) 1. John, m. Alice, da. of Leigh, gent., by whom he had issue, but all rf. young ; he d. 1679, and she 7-e-m. William Northcote, and d. 1708. 2. Arthur, m. Margaret, da. and h. of Anthony Gay, of Bristol, merchant, but d. 1679-80, and left no issue. 3. Elizabeth, d. young. Sir Arthur m., 2dly, Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir Francis Godolphin, of Godolphin, co, Cornwall, K.B., and sister to Sidney, the celebrated lord Godolphin, lord high trea- surer of England, by whom he had issue, 4. Sir Francis, 3d bart. 5. Sir Henry, 4th bart. 6. William, who d. an infant. 7. Charles, m. Sarah, da. of John North- cote, esq., his uncle, and d. 1721, leaving issue, 1. Arthur; 2. Charles. S. Elizabeth, living I707, d. unm. 9. Dorothy, m., 1685, Andrew Quick, esq. 10. Penelope, m. John Hesket, esq., Lancaster herald. 11. Susanna, d. in her infancy. Sir Arthur rf. 1688, and was succeeded by his eldest son by his 2d lady, III. Sir FRANCIS, m. Anne, da. of sir Chichester Wray, bart., by Anne, countess of Middlesex, by whom he had no issue. STRICKLAND, of Boynton, co. York. 30 July 1641. Sir GEORGE STRICKLAND, Baronet, M.P. for tlie western di- STRICKLAND. 55 Vision of Yorkshire, succeeded his father, sir William, 8 Jan. 1834 ; horn ^6 Nov. 1782 ; married, 30 March 1818, Mary, only child of the rev. Charles Constable, of Wassand,co. York, and has issue, 1. CHARLES- WILLIAM, b. Feb. 1819; 2. Frederick, b. Feb. 1820; 3. Henry, b. 1821; 4. Lucy-Henrietta, b. 1822. The name of Stricklaxd is of great an- tiquity in the north of England. William de Stiikeland d. 31 Edw, I., holding lands in Westmoreland ; and several individuals of the name appear to have served as knights of the shire for that county in the reigns of Edw. II. and III., Rich. II., Hen. VI., and Edw. IV. In the reign of Hen. IV., William Strikeland was bishop of Carlisle, and d. 1419. A Thomas Strickland, esq., bore the banner of St. George at the battle of Agincoun (asappearsby the very interesting and elaborate account of that battle recently edited by sir Nicolas Harris Nicolas) ; and a sir Thomas Strickland was sheriflf of Yorkshire, 1(304. The immediate ancestor of this family was RoGKR Strickland, of Marske, co. Vorke, whose son, WiLtrAM, settled at Boynton, and was grandfather of I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., m., 1st, Margaret, eldest da. of sir Richard Chol- mondeley, knt., bv whom he had issue, 1. Frances, w". Barington Bourchier, esq. 2. Margaret, m. sir John Cochrane, knt., 2d son of Thomas, 8th earl of Dun- donald. 3. MiLCHA, m. William Lawson, esq., son and h. of sir William Lawson, knt. 4. Elizabeth, in. William, son and h. of sir Henry St. Quintin, bart. Sir W'illiam nu, 2dlv, Frances Finch, eldest da. of Thomas, 1st earl of Winchilsea, by whom he had issue, 5. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. Sir William was a considerable person in Oliver Cromwell's time, and one of those whom the Protector summoned to take place as a lord, and to have that dignity in all commissions; he rf. about 1071, and was succeeded bv his only son, II. Sir THOMAS, m., KJoO, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of sir Francis Pile, of Comp- ton-Beauchamp, co. Berks, bart., and had issue, 1. Frances, m., 1679, sir Richard Os- baldeston, of Hunmanby, co. York, knt. 2. Jane, d. 1672- 3. Elizabeth, d. 1G64. 4. Sir William, 3d bart. 5. Anne, m. John Smith, esq., speaker of the house of commons. 6. Walter, b. 1667, "'•, and had issue, 1. Walter, d. unm. 1724, when the barony became extinct ; 3. i;rf(c«;-rf, who succeeded to the estates of his brother, Arthur, lord Chichester, bavon of Belfast ; and was created, 1626, viscount Chichester, of Car- h. of sir John Raleigh, knt., and acquired I rickfergus, and baron of Belfast, and rf, with her the estate of Raleigh, long the res dence of the family : (Jth in descent from sir John, was Edward, of Raleigh, who m. Elizabeth, da. of John Bourchier, earl of Bath, and had issue. Sir John Chichester, knt., who, in the reign of Elizabeth, represented co. Devon in parliament, m. Gertrude, da. of sir William Courtenay, and had issue, 1. John, ancestor of the present bart. ; 2. Ai- 1648, leaving issue, Arthur, created, 1()47, earl of Donegal, ancestor of the present marquis of Donegal in Ireland, (see De- brett's Peerage;) 4. sir John, governor of Carrickfergus, slain 15.')7, in an engagement against Macdonnell, afterwards earl of Antrim ; 5. sir T/iomas, who obtained grants of land, cos. Wicklow and Donegal. Sir John Chichester, the eldest son, m. Anne, da. of sir Robert Dennis, knt.» d3 58 KNATCHBULL. and being killed, with the judge of assize and others, by an infection caught of the prisoners, at the Lent assize in Exeter castle, 1585, left issue, Sir Robert Chichester, of Raleigh, K.B., m., 1st, Frances, youngest da. of John, lord Harrington of Exton, and co-h. of her brother, John, lord Harrington, (who d. without issue, 27 Aug. 1G13,) and by her had a da., Anne, m. Thomas, lord Kinloss, (by whom she was mother of Robert, earl of Aylesbury,) and by his 2d wife, , da. of Hill, he had a son, I. Sir JOHN, who was advanced to the dignity of a bart., as above, m. Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir John Rayney, bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Sir ARTHUR, 3d bart, 3. Henry. Sir John d. 16G7. and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, who, Nov. 1679, m. a da. of sir Charles Bickerstaff, knt. They both d. in Sept. KM), and having no issue male, he was succeeded bv his bi-other, III. Sir ARTHUR, m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Drewe, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Florence, m. William Northmore, esq., and d. 1 Jan. 1725-6. 3. Ma ry, m. Courtenay, esq. ; and. 2dly, mr. Cheney. 4. Anne, m. Francis Fulford. 5. , m. Stephen Cassan, esq. 6. , m. mr. Berry; 7. Elizabeth. Sir Arthur d, I717, and was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir JOHN, m. Anne, da. of John Leigh, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 5th bart. 2. William, rector of Ham, co. Devon, m. miss Bellamin, and d., left sir Arthur, present bart., and other issue. 3. , m., 1st, Musgrave; and, 2dly, the rev. John Sandford. 4. , m. William Sandford, 5. Florence. Sir John d. Aug. 1740, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir JOHN, m. Frances, 2d da, and one of the four co-heiresses of sir George Chudleigh, of Haldon, co. Devon. He d, 18 Dec. 1784, and was succeeded by his only child, YI. Sir JOHN, who d. imm., 30 Sept, 1808, and was succeeded by his cousin, VII. Sir ARTHUR, present bart. Arms—'iee Plate 5. Cheeky, or and gules, a chief, vaire. Crest — A heron, rising, with an eel in his beak, proper. Seats — At Youlston, near Barnstaple ; and Sandford, near Crediton, co. Devon. KNATCHBULL, of Mersham Hatch, co. Kent. 4 Aug. 1041. The Right Hon. Sir EDWARD KNATCHBULL, Baronet, P.C, Paymaster of the Forces, and M,P. for the eastern division of Kent, succeeded his father, sir Edward, 21 Sept. 1819; horn 20 Dec. 1781; married^ 1st, 25 Aug. 1806, Annal)ella-Christiana, da. of sir John Honywood, bart., and by her (who d. 4 April 1814) had issue, 1. Marv-Dorothea, b. 29 June 1807, w.. May 1826, Edward Knight, jun., esq., of Godmersham Pai'k, co. Kent, and Chawton House, co. Hants; 2. NORTON-JOSEPH, b. 10 July 1808, m,, 31 May 1831, Mary, eldest da. of J. Watts Russell, esq., of Ham Hall, co. Stafford, and Biggin Hall, CO. Northampton ; 3. Edward, b. 6 March 1810, c?. June 1818 ; 4. Charles-Henry, b. 16 July 1811; 5. Wvndham, b. 7 Dec. 1812, d. 11 May 1833 ;- — 6. John, b. 20 March 1814. Sir Edward w., 2dly, 24 Oct. 1820, Fainiy-Catherine, eldest da. of Edward Knight, esq., of Godmersham Park, Kent, and Chawton Flouse, co. Hants, and has issiie, 7- Fanny-Elizabeth, b. 2 Jan. 1825; 8. Matilda-Cathe- rine, b. 14 Aug. 1826; 9. Alicia-Sophia, b. 15 Feb. 1828; 10. Edward-Hugessen, b. 29 April 1829 ; 11. a Da., b. 5 April 1834. Mersham Hatch has been the principal seat of this family ever since the 2d year of Henry Vll.; but they appear to have been originally of Lhnme, in the same co., wliere John Knatchbull held much land temp. Edward III. Thomas Knatchbi'll, esq., 2d son of Richard, and brother to sir Norton Knatch- bull, m. Eleanor, da. and co-h. of Jolm Astley, of Maidstone, co. Kent, esq., and had issue, 1. Richard, d. without issue. 2. Sir Norton, 1st bart. 3. Francis, d. without issue. 4. Thomas, m. Anne, da. of Edward Chute, esq. ■5. Astley; 6, John; 7- (^korge, 8. Bridget, m. George Curtis, of Ten- terden, esq. 9, Margaret, nu Nicholas Tooke, of Godington, co. Kent, esq, l(t, Susan; 11. Alice. He d. 1023, and his son and heir. I. Sir NORTON, 1st bart., m., 1st, Do- rothy, da. of Thomas Westrovv, esq,, sheriff of London, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d brirt, 2. Sir Thomas, 3d bart, 3. Norton, d. iniin. He m., 2(lly, Dorothy, relict of sir Edward Steward, knt., and da. of sir Robert Honey- wood, knt,, by whom he had no issue. He rf. 5 Feb. 1U84, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN, m. Jane, da. and co-h, of sir Edward Monins, bart,, by whom (who rf, 7 June l(i!)!)) he had three sons, who all rf, without issue, and nine daughters, three of whom were married, viz, 1. Eleanor, m, Roger West, esq. 2. Elizabeth, »;, ■ Lely, 3. Jane, m., 1st, sir George Herbert, of Ireland, bart. ; and, 2dly, Richard Whit- shcd, esq. Sir John rf. 1") Dec. 1(306, and was suc- ceeded by hLs brother. OWEN. III. Sir THOMAS, m. Mary, da. of sir Edward Dering.bart., by whonihehadissue, 1. Sir Edward, 4th bart. 2. Hb.veagk : 3. Tho.mas, both d. tinm. 4. Catharine, m., 1st, sir George Brooke, knt., vice-admiral of England ; and, iidJy, the hon. and rev. Henry Moore, son of Henry. 3d earl of Drogheda. SirThomaswas succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir EDWARD, m. Alice, da. of John Wyndham, esq., (son of sir Wadham Wynd- ham, knt., one of the justices of the Com- mon Pleas, ) by whom he had issue, 1. SirWYXDHAM. 5tn bart. 2. Thomas, d. 3. Sir Edavard, 7th bart. 4. Wadham, chancellor and prebendary of Durham, d. 27 Dec. 17ti(*, leaving by Harriet, his wife, da. of Charles Parry, esq., three sons and one da., 1. Wadham, who d. 1773, jet. 27, 2. Wyndhara, d. 2ine, m., 3 Feb. 1821, Thomas Jones, of Lledfer, Maclynleth, co. Mont- gomery, esq. ; and Frances, m. rev. Dr. Tripp. 4. Ehnma, m. her cousin, Hugh Owen, esq., of Llawrenny, who took the name of Barlow, and wasM.P. for Pembroke in several parliaments. 5. Corbetta, m, Joseph Lord, esq. 3. Arthur. 4. Margaret, rf. unm. 5. Emma, m. William Bowen, of Wil- liamstown, co. Pembroke, esq. 6. Elizabeth, m., 1st, William Owen, of Penrose, esq.; and, 2dly, Hugh Barlow, of Lawrenny, esq. Sir Arthur rf. 6 June 1753, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir WILLIAM. He m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. and sole h. of William Lloyd, of Grove, CO. Pembroke, esq., by whom he had 1 da. ; 2dly, Anne, da. of John Williams, of Ches- ter, esq., who rf. 21 Dec. 1764, by whom he had, 1. Sir Hugh, .5th bart. 2. Arthur, lieut.-col. 3d foot guards, m. Anne, da. of John- Harvey Thursby, esfj., but rf. without issue. 3. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Price, of Duffrin, co. Glamorgan, esq. 4. Anne, rf. unm. Sir William rf. 7 May 1781, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir HUGH, who m., 1775, Anne, da. of John Colby, and sister to col. Colby, late of the Pembrokeshire militia, who survived her husband, and rf. 11 April 1823. Sir Hugh rf. 16 Jan. 1786, and was suc- ceeded by his only child, VI. Sir HUGH, b. 12 Sept. 1782; he was sheriff, co. Pembroke, 1806, and was M.P. for the town of Pembroke until his death ; who rf. unm. Aug. 180!), bequeathed his large property to John Lord, esq., now sir John Owen, bart., (son of Corbetta, da. of lieut.- gen. John Owen, above named,) but the title of bart. of 1641, devolved upon his kinsman, VII. Sir ARTHUR, 1st son of the above- named lieut.-gen. John Owen, 2d son of sir Arthur Owen, the 3d bart., who rf. unm., 4 Jan. 1817, and was succeeded by his nephew, VIIL Sir WILLIAM, present bart. ^/•»js— See Plate 5. Gules, a chevron be- tween three lions rampant, or. Motto— Honeitas optima jJoHtta. GOODRICKE, of Ribston, co. York. 14 Aug. 1G41. Sir THOMAS GOODRICKE, Baronet, born 24 Sept. 17G2, succeeded his cousin, sir Harry-James, 21 Aug. 1833; married his cousin^ Harriet, da. of Henry Goodricke, esq., but has no issue. It appears from a pedigree drawn by Robert tilover, Somerset herald, that this family flourished for several generations at Nortingley, or Nortonlee, co. Somerset. At length Henry, the 3d son of Robert Goodricke, of Nortingley, marrying the da. and heiress of Thomas Stickford, esq., co. Lincoln, the family removed into that county, where, after six generations, William Goodricke, esq., had three sons, John, Thomas, and Henry. Thomas was in great favour with king Henry VIIL, and was employed by him in several nego- ciations with foreign princes. He was one of the 32 commissioners empowered to re- form the canon laws, and was one of the compilers of the English liturgy. He was 20 years bishop of FMy ; and by knig Edward VI. was made lord ihaiicellor of England, from which oliirc he was removed by queen Mary, aiul rf. itiim., II) May 1554. IlKNitv, the 3(1 brother, purchased Rib- ston and other estates, co. Vork, of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, and rf. 15.56; w. Margavet, da. and co-h. of sir Christopher Rawson, of London, knt., and had several children. He was succeeded in his York- shire estate by his son Richard, who was high-sheriff co. York, 1579, and rf. 1.581. He m. Clare, da. of Richard Norton, of Norton Conyers, co. York, esq., and was succeeded by his son, Ru hard, who was LAWLEY. 61 high-sheriff co. York, 1591, and d. 1601. He m. Meriol, da. of William, lord Eure, and by her had several children, and was succeeded by his son, sir Henry Good- BiCKK, knt., who d. 1541. Hem. Jane, da. of sir John Saville, of Methley, co. York, knt., and had twelve children ; and was succeeded by his son, I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., b. 20 April 1617, and suffered much iu the civil wars, for his loyalty to the king. He had his estate se- questrated, and paid £l343 lOs. composition to the sequestrators. He was prisoner, first at Manchester, and then in the Tower of London ; from whence he made his escape into France, where he continued till the Restoration, when he was chosen knt. of the shire for York. He m., 1st, 7 Oct. 1641, Catherine, da. and heiress of Stephen Nor- cliff, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Hknry, 2d bart. And 2dly, Ehzabeth, da. of Alexander Smith, of Sutton, co. Suffolk, esq., and widow of William, viscount Fairfax, of Gilling, and by her had, 2. Sir John, 3d bart. Sir John d. 17 Nov. 16/0, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HENRY, b. 24 Oct. 1742. He was envoy extraordinary from Charles H., king of England, to Charles II., king of Spain, and was lieut.-gen. of the ordnance, and pri\'y-counse!lor to king William III. He m. Mary, da. of col. William Legge, and sister to George, lord Dartmouth, but d. without issue, 5 March 17U4-5. He was succeeded bv his half-brother, III. Sir JOHN, b. 16 Oct. 1654, m. Sarah, da. of sir Richard Hopkins, knt., serjeant- at-law, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 4th bart. 2. Francis, m. mrs. Jane Prescott, and had one da. 3. Richard, d. unm., a minor, at Oxford. 4. John-Saville, m. mrs. Adeliza Her- bert, and d. Feb. 1730, leaving two das., Adeliza and Mary. 5. William, m. mrs. Mary Russell, by whom he had one son, Henry, rector of Coulson, CO. Surrey, and two das. 6. Mary, m., 8 Nov, 1707, William Stam- ford, esq., mayor of York. 7. Katherine. m., 1st., Moseley, and, 2dly, the rev. Jaques Sterne, D.D. 8. Elizabeth, m. William Thompson, of Holdby, co. York, esq. 9. Henrietta, m. rev. Hill, co. York. 10. Sarah, m. John Boterell, of Ludlow, esq. Sir John d. 10 Dec. 1705, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir HENRY, b. 8 Sept. 1677, w., 26 April 1704, Mary, the only child of To- bias Jenkyns, of Grimston, co. York, esq., by his 1st wife, lady Mary Paulet, 2d da. of the 1st duke of Bolton,) and by her (who d. 14 March 1767) had issue, 1. The right hon. sir John, 6th bart. 2. Henry. 3. Thomas-Francis-Henry, lieut.-col. of the 25th regt. of foot, 6. 12 March 1713, m. Elizabeth, da. of James Button, esq., of Rochester, and d. July 1803, leaving issue 1 surviving son, sir Thomas, present bart., and 1 da., Harriott, b. 29 Nov. 1769, iinm. 4. Harry, prebendary of York, and vicar of Hunsingore. He was twice m., 1st, to Margaret, da. of Jolm Taylor, of Beverley, CO. York, esq., and 2dly, to Anne, da. and h. of Philip Harland, of Sutton Hall, co. York, esq., and relict of Charles Hoar, esq. He d. 24 Oct. 1801, without issue, aged 82. 5. Mary, rf. young. 6. Elizabeth, rf. unm. 1761. 7. Sarah, m. T. Clough, of Otley, co. York, esq., and d. Jan. 1787. 8. Jane, in. rev. Francis Wanley, D.D., dean of Ripon. Sir Henry rf. 21 July 1733, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, V. The right hon. sir JOHN, resided for some tune at Stockholm as envoy extraor- dinary from his majesty to that court, and v/as made a privy counsellor, 1 Sept. 1773» and served in parliament for the borough of Ripon; m., Sept. 1731, Mary, natural da. of Robert Benson, lord Bingley, and by her (who rf. 4 March 1794) had issue, 1. Henry, 6. 6 April 1741, and rf. 9 July 1784, having m., 31 Jan. 1761, Lavinia-Ben- jamina, da. of Peter Sessler, of Namur, and had issue, 1. John, rf. ; 2. sir Henry, 6th bart. 3. Harriet, m. sir Thomas Goodricke, present bart. 4. Mary, m. Charles-Gregory Fairfax, of Gilling Castle, co. York, esq. 5. Elizabeth. 2. 3. Two das., both rf. young. Sir JOHN rf. 3 Aug. 1789, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, VI. Sir HENRY, b. 12 Oct. 1765, m., 3t) Nov. 1796, Charlotte, 2d da. of the right hon. James Fortescue, of Ravensdale Park, and sister of William-Charles, viscount Clermont in Ireland. He rf. 23 March 1802, and was succeeded by his only son, VIL Sir HARRY JAMES, 6. 16 Sept. I797, rf. luun., 21 Aug. 1833, and was succeed- ed by his cousin, VIII. Sir THOMAS, present and 8th bart. Anns—^ee Plate 6. Argent, on a fesse, gules, between two lions, passant, gardant, sable, a fleur de lis, between two crescents, or. Crest — A demi lion, ermines, armed and langued, gules, issuing out of a ducal coro- net", or; holding in its paws a battle-axe, proper, helved, or. LAWLEY, of SpooNHiLL, co. Salop. IG Aug. 1G41. Sir FRANCIS LAWLEY, Baronet, succeeded his brother, Robert, lord Wenlock, in the baronetcy, 10 April 1033; married, 18 IMay 1015, Mary-iVnne, eldest da. of George Talbot, of Guiting, co. Gloucester, esq. This family is descended from a Thomas was slain at the battle of Tewkesbury, 147;. Lawley, of Wenlock, esq., who lived in Fifth in descent from the said Thomas, was, the reign of king Edward IV., and was cou- I. Sir THOMAS, the 1st bart., m. Anne, sin and h of Jolin lord Wenlock, K.G., who 1 da. and co-heiress of John Mamiing, of 62 DAVIE. Hackney, co. Middlesex, esq., (remarried to sir John Glynne, knt.,) and had issue, 1. Sir Francis, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, whorf. unm. 3. Elizabeth, m. the hon. Vv^illiam Cecil, youngest son of William, earl of Salisbury. II. Sir FRANCIS, eldest son and suc- cessor, master of the jewel office, m. Anne, da. of sir Thomas Whitmore, bart., (by Elizabeth, da. and sole h. of sir William Acton, knt. alderman of London,) and left issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. 2. Francis, d. unm. 3. Richard, of Ealing, co. Middlesex. 4. Mary, m. John, 2d son of sir Richard Verney, bart., afterwards viscount Ferma- nagh, of Ireland. 0. Esther, m. Robert Palmer, esq., son of sir Lewis Palmer, bart. (3. Margaret, m., 1st, Leonard Powell, esq., younger son of sir Nathaniel Powell, bart., and 2dly, sir Nathan Wright, bart. Sir Francis rf. in Oct. 1(596, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir THOMAS, m., 1st, Rebecca, 2d da. and co-h. of sir Humphrey Winch, of Everton, co. Bedford, bart., by whom he had, besides 8 sons and 3 das. who d. young, 1. Sir Robert, 4th bart. 2. Anne, m. sir John Cheshire, knt., ser- jeant-at-law, who rf. 15 May 1738. 3. Elizabeth, m., 1st, Thomas Cotton, esq., who d. 10 June I71O, and 2dly, sir Ni- cholas Lawes, knt., governor of Jamaica. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, mrs. Elizabeth Per- kins, widow, by whom (who survived him, »(., 3dly, Mr. Halfpenny, andd. 28 Jan. 173^- 40) he had, 4. George-Bateman,?)*., June 1738, Ma- ry, da. of Tomlinson, esq. 5. Judith, m. the hon. Richard Conings- by, who, upon the death of the earl of Co- ningsby, his grandfather, succeeded him in the title of viscount Clanbrassil, in Ireland ; but he dying without issue, 18 Dec. 1729, she afterwards re-m. Joseph Butler, of the Temple, esq., whod. 3 Sept. 1737. Sir Thomas d. 31 Sept. 1729, and was suc- ceeded by his only son by the first marriage, IV. Sir ROBERT, m., 1726, Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir Lambert Blackwell, of Sprouston Hall, co. Norfolk, bart, by whom he had, 1. Sir Robert, 5th bart. 2. Belina, m. Paul Orchard, of Stoke Abbey, co. Devon, esq. 3. Jane. Sir Robert d. 1779, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir ROBERT, served in parliament, CO. Warwick, m. Jane, only da. of Beilby Thompson, esq., of Creech, co. York, by whom (who d. Nov. 1816) he had issue, 1. Sir Robert, 6th bart. 2. Sir Francis, 7th bart. 3. Paul-Beilby, who (in compliance with an injunction in the last will and testament of Beilby Thompson, esq.) took, by royal sign manual, the surname of Thompson only; m., 10 May 1817, the hon. Caroline Neville, youngest da. of Richard, lord Bray- brooke, and has issue, 1. Beilby-Richard, h. 21 April 1818. 2. Robert Neville, b. 30 Aug. 1819. 3. Jane, b. 5 Dec. 1820. 4. Stephen-Willoughby, h. 4 April 1823. 5. Francis-Charles, b. 24 May 1825. 4. Sarah-Betina. o. Jane, m., 1793, Henry, present lord Middleton. 6. Mildred-Rebecca, m. Marmaduke Dayrell, of Shayly Camps, co. Cambridge, esq., and d. 31 Oct. 1833. 7. Cordelia. Sir Robert d. 12 March 1793, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VI. Sir ROBERT, Gth bart., created ba- ron Wenlock of Wen'ock, co. Salop, 10 Sept. 1831, m., Sept. 1793, Maria, da. of Jo- seph Denison, esq., and dying without issue 10 April 1833, the barony became extinct ; but the baronetcy devolved on his next brother, VII. Sir FRANCIS, present and 7th bart. Arms — See Plate 6. Argent, a cross, forme, extended to the extremes of the shield, cheeky, or, and sable. Crest — A wolf, passant, sable. Scats — At Spoonbill, co. Salop, and Cran- well, CO. Stafford. DAVIE, of Credy, CO. Devon. 9 Sept. 1641. Sir riUI\IPHRY-PHINEAS DAVIE, Baronet, succeeded his nephew, sir John, 10 Sept. 1C24. This family is of great antiquity in the CO. of Devon, and descended from a Wil- liam DE LA Wave, who is said to have come over with William the Contiueror. In the year l(i23, there were not less than seven distinct families of Davy, descended from the above-named William, settled in De- vonshire; the head of the younger of which, and 13th in descent from William, I. Sir JOHN, of Samford and Credy, created a bart. 9 Sept. I(i41, /«., 1st, Julian, da. of William Strode, by whom he had, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. William, a coiinsellor-at-Iaw, /«. Mar- garet, da. of sir Francis Clark, knt., and had issue, 1. Sir Willia:\i, 4th bart. 2. Margaret, m. Roger Tuckfield. 3. iH. sir John Tremaine, knt.. serjeant-at-law. 4. Mary, »«. Christopher Spicer, esq., d. 24 Aug. 17-'8. 5. Julian, rf. nxm. 3. HiTMi'iiREY, a merchant in London, went over to New I'^ngland about 1()62, m., and had issue, sir John, .5th bart. 4. Mary, m. John Willoughby, esq. 5. Elizabeth, m. Arthur Coplestone, esq. 6. JCLIAN. 7. Margaret, m. Thomas Bear, esq. Sir Johnm., 2dly, Isabel, da of Hele, esq., by whom he had, 8. Isabel, m. sir Walter Yonge, bart. He was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, w. 3 wives; 1st, Eleanor, da. of sir John Ackland, bart., by wlioni he had no issue ; 2dly, Tryphcena, da. and co-h. of Richard UeyneL esii. (by Mary, da. TROLLOPE. and co-h. of John Perryham, esq.) ; by her he left issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Richard, d. an infant. 3. Tryphib.va, who d. luim. His 3d wife was Amy, da. of Edmund Par- ker, esq., by whom he had no issue. He was succeeded by his eldest son, HI. Sir JOHN, who, dying a bachelor, the dignity and estate descended to his cou- sin, William, son of William, son of sir John, 1st bart.* IV. Sir WILLIAM, m., 1st, Mary, da. and h. of Stedman, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Mary, m. Nicholas Hoojier, esq. He m., 2dly, Abigail, da. of John Pollexfen, esq., by whom he had issue, 2. Margaret, m. Stephen Northleigh, esq. 3. Frances, m. sir George Chudleigh. bart 4. TRTi PHCENA, d. twm. Sir William d. without male issue, and was succeeded by his cousin, V. Sir JOHN (only son of Humphry, 3d son of the 1st baronet, as above men- tioned,) in. mrs. Elisabeth Richards, of New England, and had issue, 1. Sir John, his successor. 2. Humphrev. 3. William, m. Ellen, da. of Nicholas Jackson, of Bristol, merchant, d. 14 Nov. 1757. 4. Marv, m. the rev. Thomas Bishop, of Barnstaple. 5. Sarah, rn. Christopher Savery, of Shilson, CO. Devon, esq. ('). Elizabeth, >n. Ebenezer Mussel, of London, esq. Sir John was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir JOHN, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir John Acland, of Killerton, co. Devon, bart., by whom (who d. 1738) he had issue, 1. John, 7th bart. 2. William, vicar of Axminster, co. Devon, who d. 1778, leaving issue. 1. John, killed on board La Nymphe frigate. 2. Thomas, who rf. in the West Indies. 3. Frances, m. William-Henry Beau- champ, esq. 4. Bridget, m., 29 Jan. 1799, Thomas Beaumont, esq. 3. Annk; 4. Jitlian'A. Sir John rf. in 1737, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JOHN, m. Catharine, da. of John Stokes, of Rill, co. Devon, esq., who d, 177*J> hy whom he had, 1. John, rf. young, 176f>. 2. Susannah ; 3. Anne, who both d. in- fants. 4. Catharine, ?n. Joseph Hunt, esq., and d. 3 Oct. 1833. 5. Juliana. 6. Elizabeth, d. 1792. 7. Fran(:es, rf. Mun. 11 March 1827. 8. Sir John, Oth bart. 9. William, rf. youn^. 10. Sir Humphry-Phineas, present bart. Sir John rf. 18 Sept. 1792, and was succeeded bv his son, "Vlll. Sir JOHN, m., 6 Sept. 17-%, Anne, eldest da. of sir William Lemon, bart., and by her (who rf. 7 Dec. 1812) had issue, 1. Sir John, late bart. 2. William, twin with his brother, John, b. 8 March 1798, rf. 2 June 1822. 3. Anne-Jane, b. 19 J^ane 1800, d. 3 Nov. 1809. 4. Francis-Juliana, ??2. to Henry-Ro- bert Ferguson, capt. in the 9th lancers. Sir John rf. 8 May 1803, and was succeed- ed by his son, IX. Sir JOHN, d. iinm., 18 Sept. 1824, and was succeeded by his uncle, X. Sir HUMPHRY-PHINEAS, present bart. Arms— See Plate 6. Argent, a chevron, gules, between three mullets, pierced, sable. Crest— The Holy Lamb. Motto — Auspice Christo. Seat— At Credy, co. Devon. TROLLOPE, of Casewick, co. Lincoln. 5 Feb. IG41. Sir JOHN TROLLOPE, Baronet, bor7i 6 May 1800, succeeded his father, sir John, 28 April 1820. L Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., m., 1st, Hester, da. of Nicholas Street, of Hadleigh, co. Suffolk, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Bridgkt, m., 29 July 1007, Edward Mainwaring, of Whitmore, co. Suffolk, esq. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, Mary, da. of sir Christopher Clitherow," by whom he had, besides other children, 3. Thomas, who, by Anne, da. of An- thony Collins, of Whitton, co. Middlesex, esq., had sir Thomas, 3d bart. 4. Anthony, a barrister-at-iaw, who d. toim. Sir Thomas rf. lOol, and was succeeded by his only son by the 1st marriage, II. Sir WILLIAM, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Robert Carr, bart., (chancellor of the exchequer to king Charles II.,) relict of William Thorold, esq., eldest son of sir William Thorold, bart. ; by whom he had, Elizabeth-Carr, m. Charles Fox, esq., eldest son of sir Stephen Fox, knt., (ances- tor of the earls of Ilchester, and the barons Holland) who rf. without issue, in 1702. * This is the account given by Collins and all succeeding authors on the subject. In a MS. collection of baronets' pedigrees made by Peter Le Neve, Norroy king of armsabout 1700, and very frequently quoted by Collins, it is stated that sir John, here called 2d bart., was the person originally created, with remainder to his nephews; that his sen, John, here called 3d bart.. died during his father's lifetime; and that on the death of Sir John, ist bart., he was succeeded by a John, eldest son of his bro- ther, William, and that John, in l(i92, by his brother, William, the same who is in the text called 4th baronet. The patent which was granted at Oxford is not enrolled, or the Editor would have been enabled to clear up the point. 64 KEMP. Sir William, dying; in 1078, without issue male, was succeeded by his nephew, III. Sir THOMAS (son of Thomas, 2d son of sir Thomas, 1st bart.,) '"• Susannah, one of the das. and co-heiresses of sir John Clobery, of Bradstone, co. Devon, knt., (niece and co-h. of sir William Cranmer, knt.,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 2. John. 3. Henry, of London, merchant, m. Elizabeth, da. of mr. John Barne, and had issue, 1. Thomas; 2 Henry. 3. John, m. Anne, da. of Guyon, esq., and by her had issue, Thomas, a col. in the army; and adm. sir Henry TroUope, K.C.B. Sir Henry was knighted for a series of gallant services, received the unanimous thanks of botli houses of parliament, and the merchants of Lon- don presented him with a piece of plate of the value of one hundred guineas. 4. Sarah. 5. Mary. 6. Diana. 4. William, fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, rf. umn. 5. Mary, rf. unm. G. Anne, m. Samuel Clarke, esq. 7. Elizabeth, m. William Noel, justice of the court of Common Pleas (brother of sir Clobery Noel, bart.,) and d. 1767. 8. Frances, (I. un>n. 9. Catherine. 10. Cranmer. Sir ThoiTias d. in Nov. 1/29, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV, Sir THOMAS, m. Diana, da. and co-h. of Thomas Middleton, of Stanstead, CO. Essex, esq., by whom he had. 1. Thomas-Middleton, m. Isabella, (eld- est da. of sir John Thorold, bart.,) and d. in the lifetime of his father, leaving by his wife, (whorf. 1803,) 1. Sir Thomas-William, 5th bart. 2. Sir John, Oth bart. 3. Charles ; 4. Henry. 5. Diana; 6. Elizabeth. 7. Anne; 8. Isabella. 2. Arthur; 3. William. 4. Anthony, in holy orders, m. Penelope, 2d da. of Adolphus Meetkirk, esq., and had, issue, 5. Isabella; 6. Susanna. Sir Thomas d. 7 Oct. 1784, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, V. Sir THOMAS WILLIAM, whorf. 13 May 1789, and was succeeded by his brother, VI. Sir JOHN, D.C.L., m., 24 March 1798, Anne, da. of Henry Thorold, of Crox- would, CO. Lincoln, esq., by v/hom he had issue, 1. Anne, m., 8 0ct. 1827, Thomas Tryon, of Bulwick Park, co. Northampton, esq. 2. Sir John, present bart. 3. Thomas, d. 29 Oct. 1822. 4. Caroline, d. 5 Aug. 1823. 5. Matilda; (i. Laura. 7. Charles; 8. Arthur. 9. A son, 6. July 1814. 10. Another son, 6. April 1817. Sir John d. 2{i April 1820, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JOHN, present bart. Anns— See Plate (J. Vert, three bucks, current, argent, armed, or, within a bor- dure, argent. Cre.s^— On a mount, proper, a buck, cur- rent , as in the arms, holding an oak leaf in his mouth, proper. Seat — At Casewick, co. Lincoln. KEMP, of GissiNG, CO. Norfolk. 14 March 1641. Sir WILLIAM-ROBERT KEMP, Baronet, in holy orders, rector of Gissing and Flordon, both co. Norfolk, born 14 Nov. 1791 ; succeeded his father, sir Wilham-Robert, 11 Oct. 1804. The ancestors of the baronet appear to have been settled at Weston, co. Sutfolk, as early as the 14th century, and at Gissing in the l(jth. Robert K.emp, of Vv^eston and Gissing, gent., d. 17 Sept. 1527, and 4th in descent from him was, I. Sir ROBERT, created a baronet as above, m. Jane, da. of sir Matthew Browne, of Bechworth Castle, co. Surrey, knt., and had issue, 1. Sir Robert, 2d bart. 2. Matthew, m., and left issue. .3. Richard. 4. Jane, ni. Thomas Waldegravc, of Smallbridge, co. Suffolk, esq. II. Sir ROBERT, 2d bart., b. 1027, M.P. for Dunwich, 1081; m., 1st, 1050, Mary, da. of Thomas Kerridge, of Shelley, co. .Suffolk, esq., by whom (who d. 1()55) he had no surviving issue; he m., 2dly, 20 Nov, 1057, Mary, da. and sole h. of John Sone, of Ubbeston, co. Suffolk, gent., and by her (whorf. 2') July 1705) had issue. :) July r/Oi 1, Sir Robert, .*Jd bart. 2. William, m., 1st, Jane Colman, by whom he had no issue ; and2dly, Elizabeth, only da. of Henry Shardelowe, alilerman of Norwich, and rf, 12 May 1744, leaving sur- viving is3ue by his 2d wife, (who d. 14 July 1720,) 1. Sir William, 8th bart. 2, Robert; and three das,, all wj. 3. Mary, m. sir Charles Blois, bart. 4. Jank, m. John Dade, of Ipswich, M.D. Sir Robert rf. 20 Sept. 1710, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir ROBERT, b. 25 June 1007, m., 1st, Letitia, da. of Robert King, of Great Thurlow, by whom he had issue, 1. Letitia, rf. an infant. 2. Mary, m. sir Edmond Bacon, of Gar- boldisham, bart. Sir Robert m., 2dly, Elizabeth, only da. and h. of John Brand, of Edwardstone, co. Suffolk, and by her (who rf. 1709) had issue, 3. Sir RouKRT, 4th bart. 4. Sir John, 5th bart. 5. Isaac, rf. unm. 6. Thomas, in holy orders, rector of Gissing, b. 1700, and rf. 1701, having m., 1st, Anne iVIarler, by whom lie had issue, 1. Anne, rf. an infant; and 2dly, Pris- cilla, da. and co-h. of Thomas Holden, of Penryn, co. Cornwall, by whom (who survived him, re-m. Anthony Merry, of Lindfield, co. Sussex, esq. and rf. 2 Nov, 1815, aged 84) he had, 2. Sir John, 0th bart. 3. Ifobert, rf, unni. 4. Mary, rf. tdtm. 1784. WILLIAMSON. 65 7. Edward, d. an infant. 8. Sir Benjamin, 7th bart. 9. Elizabeth, d. invn. 17C2. 10. Letitia, d. young. 11. Jaxe, m. William Blois, esq., eldest son of sir Cliarles Blois, above mentioned. Sir Robert m., 3dly, Martha, da. of Wil- liam Blackwell, esq., of Mortlake, co. Surrey, and by her (who d. 1727) had issue, 12. William, d. u»nu 13. Martha, d. an infant. 14. Martha, m. Darell Short, of Wad- hurst, CO. Sussex, esf4. Sir Robert m., 4thly, 9 July 1728, Amy, da. of Richard Phillips, esq., "and relict of John Borough, of Ipswich, by whom (who survived him, and d. 1745) he had no issue. Sir Robert d. 18 Dec. 1734, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, IV. Sir ROBERT, b. 9 Nov. 1699, M.P. for Orford, 1730, rf. xmm. 15 Feb. 1752, and was succeeded bv his brother, V. Sir JOHN", b. 19 Dec. 17OO, m. Eliza- beth, da. of Thomas Mann, esq., relict of John Colt, esq., but d. without issue, 25 Nov. I76I, and was succeeded by his ne- phew, VI. Sir JOHN, son of the rev. Thomas Kemp, 3d son of the 3d bart., b. 1754, d. unm, 16 Jan. 1771> and was succeeded by j his uncle, I VII. Sir BENJAMIN, 3d surviving son I of the 3d bart., was a physician, b. 29 Dec. 1703, m., but d. without issue, 1777. and was succeeded by his cousin, VIII. Sir WILLIAM, (son of William Kemp, 2d son of the 2d bart.,) b. 1717. ni. ISIary, da. of Ives, of Colteshall, esq., and hy her (who d. 17'>2) had issue, 1. Sir William-Robert, 9;h bart. 2. Thomas-Benjamin, of Swafield, Nor- folk, m., and has issue. 3. John. Sir William d. 5 Nov. 1799, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IX. Sir WILLIAM -ROBERT, 6.1744, >n., 9 Dec. 1788, Sarah, da. of Thomas Ad- cock, of Carleton, co. Norfolk, esq., and by her (who survived him) had issue, i 1. Sir William-Robert, present bart. 2. Thomas, b. 14 Oct. 1793. Sir Robert d. 11 Oct. 1804, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, X. Sir WILLIAM-ROBERT, present bart. Ai-mi—See Plate 6. Gules, 3 garbs within 1 a bordure, engrailed, or. ' Crest— On a garb, a pelican vulning her- 1 self, proper. Motto — Lucent spero. I Seat — Gissing, co. Norfolk. WILLIAMSON, of East Markham, co. Nottingham. 3 June 1 642. Sir HEDWORTH WILLIAMSON, Baronet, M.P. for the northern division of Durham ; born 1 Nov. 1707 ; succeeded his father, sir Hed- worth, March 1810; married^ 18 April 1826, the hon. Anne-EHzabeth Liddell, 3d da. of lord Ravensworth, and has issue, 1. HEDWORTH, b. at Florence, 25 March, and baptized there, 22 April 1827 ; 2. Wil- liam-Hexry, b. at Florence, 14 Oct. 1828; 3. Charles, b. at Whit- burn, 1 Sept. 1833. I. Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., suffered greatly for his loyalty in the civil wars, and paid £3400 to the sequestrators for his es- tate; «)., 1st, Jane, eldest da. of sir Ed- ward Hussey, bart., by whom he had several children, who all d. young except three sons and one da., viz., 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Sir Robert, 3d bart. 3. John, d. unm. 4. Jane, m. John White, esq. He nu, 2dly, Dionysia, da. of William Hales, esq., but by her (who survived her husband, and d. 1(J84) he had no issue. He d. Sept. 1657, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir THOMAS, 2d bart. b. 1636, m. Dorothy, youngest da. and co-h. of George Fenwick, esq., by whom he had no issue. The estate of Monkwearmouth, which the present bart. possesses, was given to the fa- mily by this lady, who d. 4 Nov. 1699. Sir Thomas d. 23 April 17U3, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir ROBERT, m. Rebecca, da. of John Burrows, merchant, by whom, among other children, he had a son. Sir William, 4th bart. Sir Robert d. 17u8, and was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir WILLIAM, m., 1st, 1703, EHza- beth, youngest da. and co-h. of John Hed- worth, of Harraton, co. Durham, esq., by whom (who d. 173(>) he had issue, 1. Fenwick, was an ensign in the guards, and d. 1737. 2. Sir Hedworth, ,5th bart. 3. William, D.D.,rf. in 1763, leaving issue, 1. William, d. unm. 1782. 2. Anne, m., 2(3 Oct. 1782, Robert Hop- per, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, barrister- at-law, who assumed the name of Wil- liamson, she d. 28 Sept. 1829. 4. Henry, a lieut.-colonel, m. Sarah Crook, but d. without issue, 1769. 5. Avne. m. William Wingfield. 6. Dorothy, d. itnm. Sir William m., 2dly, Mary, da. and h. of William Fetherstonehaugh, esq., by whom (who d. \^ April 1752) he had no issue. He d, April 1747, and was succeeded, by his son, V. Sir HEDWORTH, m.. 1748, Eliza- beth, eldest da. and h. of William Huddle- ston, of Millam Castle, co. C'umberland, esq., by whom (who d. 10 Oct. 1793) he had issue, 1. William-Huddlestox, d. 12 April 1782. 2. Sir Hedavorth, 6th bart. 3. Rev. Thomas, rector of Stoke Dama- rel, CO. Devon, d. Feb. 1828, m., and left issue, of whom Hedworth Huddlestone, lieut. 73d foot, youngest son, d. 11 Nov. 1828, xt. 21. Sir Hedworth d. 9 Jan. 1788 ; his lady 10 Oct. 1793. He was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, VI. Sir HEDWORTH, w?., 10 Oct. 1794, Maria, da. of sir James Hamilton, of Mo- naghan, in Ireland, knt., and liad issue, 1. Sir HedViORth, present bart. THOROLD. 2. Maria-Dorothea, b. 4 Nov. 1798, m., 20 Oct. 1818, David Barclay, esq., 2d son of Robert Barclay, of Berry Hill, co. Surrey, esq. 3. William-Hamilton, 6. 3 Aug. 1800. 4. Elizabeth-Anne, &. 11 Nov. 1801, d. unm. 17 March 1822. 5. Sophia-Jane, b. 21 Nov. 1803, »)., G Sept. 1823, the hon. Thomas Dundas, eldest son of lord Dundas. 6. Robert-Hl'Ddlkston, 6. 5 April ISifl' Sir Hed worth d. March 1810, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VII. Sir HEDVVORTH, present bart. Arrns—tiee Plate (i. Or, a chevron, gules, between three trefoils slipped, sable. Crest— Out of a mural crown, gules, a demi-wyvern, or. 5e«<.9— At Whitburn Hall, andMonkwear- mouth, CO. Durham. THOROLD, of Marston, co. Lincoln. 24 Aug. 1G42. Sir JOHN-CHARLES THOROLD, Baronet, born 2G June 1816, succeeded bis father, sir John-Hayford, 7 July 1831. This family is of considerable antiquity in the co. of Lincoln. Richard-Thorold was living ^emp. Edw, III., and was father of John, who rn. Joan, da. and heiress of Robert Hugh, of Marston, with whom he acquired that estate. William Thorold, lord of Marston and Blakney, (Oth in descent from John,) d. 15(0), leaving, besides other issue, 2 sons, of whom the youngest, Ro- bert, was ancestor of the Thorolds of the Heath, co. Lincoln, barts., extinct, and the elder, sir Anthony, was father of William Thorold, of Marston, esq., who m. Frances, da. of sir Robert Tyrwhitt, of Kettleby, co. Lincoln, knt., and had issue 2 sons, sir Anthony, (whose only da. and h. m. William, lord Widdrington, who was slain in the royal cause at the battle of Wigan) and, I. Sir WILLIAM, the 1st bart., created as above, received the honour of knight- hood from king James I., when but l(j years old. He suffered greatly for his loyalty to king Charles 1., having paid to the se- questrators for his estate, the sum of i,'4,460. He «i. Anne, da. of John Blythe, of Sroxton, near Grantham, esq., and had issue, 1. William, nominated by king Charles II. a knt. of the intended order of the Royal Oak; m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Robert Carr, of Sleaford and Aswarby, bart., but d. in his father's lifetime without issue, and his widow re-m. sir William Trollope, bart. 2. Anthony, m. Grisilla, da. of sir John Wray, of Glentworth, bart., and d. also in his father's lifetime, leaving issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Sir Anthony, 3d bart. .3. Sir John, 4th bart. 4. Thomas ; 5. Robert ; 6. Bethel, who all d. unm. 7. Elizabeth, d. young. 8. Anne, ni. sir Thomas Hodgson, of Bramwith, co. York, knt. .'). Mary; 10. Frances; 11. Ehzabeth. 12. Theodosia; 13. Catherine. 3. John, m., 1st, 1605, a da. of sir Wil- liam Treadway, knt., and had issue, sir William, .^th bart. ; he m., 2dly, the re- lict of Thomas Sanderson, esq., and had issue another son, sir John, 'Jih bart. 4. Robert; 5. Thomas, both d. without issue. 6. Elizabeth, m. sir Richard Wing- field, of Tickencote-house, co. Rutland, knt. 7. Margaret, to. William Beresford, of Leadenham, esq. 8. Anne, m., 1st, Robert Bateman, of London, esq., and, 2dly, Cutts, esq. 9. Catharine, d. unm. 10. Frances, m. sir Francis Leeke, of Sandy-acre, and of Newark, knt. and bart. 11. Mary, m. Thomas Pechel, of Nor- manton, esq. 12. Penelope, to. George Lucas, of Fen- ton, esq. Sir William was succeeded by his grand- son, II. Sir WILLIAM, the eldest son of An- thony, 2d son of sir William ; to. Mrs. Gar- rett, of London, but d. without issue, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir ANTHONY, to. the only da. of Thomas Harrington, of Boothby, near Grantham, esq., but also d. without issue, and was succeeded by his next brother, IV. Sir JOHN, to. Margaret, relict of the hon. Francis Coventry, 2d son of the lord keeper Coventry, and served many years in parliament for the co. of Lincoln, and for Grantham. He also d. without issue, and Thomas, Robert, and Bethel, his 3 younger brothers, having previously d. unm., the title devolved on his cousin, V; Sir WILLIAM, eldest son of John, 3d son of the 1st bart. He m., and left an only son, VI. Sir ANTHONY, who d. a minor in his 12th year, at school, 1721, whereupon the title fell to his uncle of the half blood. VII. Sir JOHN, 2d son of John, 3d son of the 1st bart., high-sheriff co. Lincoln, 1722, TO., 1st, Alice, only da. and h. of Wil- liam Samson, of Gainsborough, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir John, 8th bart. 2. William; 3. Elizabeth. And, 2dly, a da. of William Langley, co. York, esq., and had issue, 4. Charles. Sir John d. in Jan. 1748, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir JOHN, m. Elizabeth, da. and one of the co-hh. of Samuel Ayton, of West Harrington, co. Durham, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir John, Oth bart. 2. George, d. unm. 3. Samuel, to. the da. of Goodacre, esq., and d. 18 Jan. 1025, leaving issue 3 sons. 4. Isabella, w.MiddlctonTrollope.esq., eldest son of sir Thomas Trollope, of Case- wick, bart. .I. Elizabeth, to. Willoughby Wood, of Thoresby, esq., gentleman of the privy chamber. Sir John d. June 177'^> 'H^'l was succeeded by his eldest son, IX. Sir JOHN, b. 1734, who »?., March 1771. Jane, only child and h. of Millington llayford, of Millington, co. Chester, and AVROTTESLEY. 67 of Oxton Hall, co. Notts, esq., and by her (Who d. March 18U7) had issue, 1. Sir Johx-Hayford, loth bart. 2. W1X.LIAM, b. March 17/4, d. Sept. 1808, unm, 3. George, in holv orders, M.A., b. May 1776, m.. May 18(14, 'Elizabeth, only da. of Benjamin Baugh, of Portland Square, Bris- tol, esq., and d. Sept. 1823, leaving issue (5 sons, of which the eldest, the rev. Henry B. Thorold, m., 1 July 1829, Julia, youngest da. of John Thomas Ellis, esq., late of Wyddiall Hall, co. Herts. 4. Edward, in holy orders, M.A., b. Jan. 1781, m., June I8O9, Mary, only da. of Thomas Wilson, of Grantham, esq., M.D., and heiress of Thomas Bartholomew, ofBardney, esq., and has issue, 2 sons and 5 das. .5. Jaxe, b. March 1783, m., Jan. 1812, Charles Thorold Wood, ofThoresby, esq,, and late capt. royal regiment of horse guards 3, and dean of Worcester, April 1765. He d.29 July 1769, and was succeeded by his son, VIII. Sir JOHN, a major-general in the army, and col. of the 45th regiment of foot ; he was master of the horse to his late royal highness the duke of York, and member of parliament co. Stafford; m., 7 June 1770, Frances, da. of William, 1st viscount Cour- tenay, maid of honour to the queen, by whom (who d. 24 Feb. 1828, aged 80) he had issue, 1. Sir John, present bart. 2. Henry, d. unm. 17 Feb. 1825. 3. Hugh, a lieut.-col. on the Bengal esta- blishment, b. July 1782, d. 18 Oct. 1830. 4. Charles, b. 8 July 1783. 5. Edward, b. Oct. 1785, d. 29 July 1814. 6. Fanny, d. 26 April 1814. 7. Caroline, d. an infant. 8. Charlotte, »»., 14 Jan. 1822, the rev. John Heylar ; and, 2diy, 18 Dec. 1826, capt. Gordon, R.N. 9. Louisa. He d. 23 April 1787> and was succeeded by his son, IX. Sir JOHN, the present bart. ^rms— See Plate 6. Or, three piles, sable, and a canton, ermine. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, a boar's head, ermine, crined and tusked, or. Seat — At Wrottesley, near Wolverhamp- ton, CO. Stafford. THROCKIMORTON, of Coughton, co. Warwick. ] Sept. 1G42. Sir CHARLES THROCKMORTON, Baronet, born 2 Nov. I757 ; succeeded his brother, sir George, 27 July lo2G; married, 27 Dec. 1787, Mary, da. of Edmund Plowden, of Plowdea, co. Salop, esq. This family is descended, according to a pedigree drawn up by sir William Dugdale, from John de Throckmorton, lord of the manor of Throckmorton, in the parish of Flatbury, co. Worcester, 1130. His descend- ants continued seated at Throckmorton till the time of Henry VI., when John Throck- morton, chamberlain and under-treasurer of the Exchequer, m. Eleanor, da. andco-h. of Guy Spiney, of Coughton, co. Warwick, and removed to Coughton. He had two sons, 1. Sir Thomas, the eldest, ancestor of the present bart. ; 2. John, who m. the h. of Brydges, of Love, co. (iloucester; settled there, and was ancestor of sir William Throckmorton, of Tortworth, co. Glouces- ter, who was created a bart. 1611, in which title he was succeeded by his son, sir Bayn- ham ; he, by his son, another sir Baynham ; and he by bis 1st cousin, sir William, who was killed in a duel 1682, without issue, when the title became extinct. Sir Thomas Throckmorton (eldest son of sir John and Eleanor Spiney) was father of sir Robert, who d. 1510, leaving a son and h., sir George, who m. Katherine, da. of Nicholas, lord Vaux, and had issue, sir Robert, who, by his 1st wife, Muriel, da. of Thomas, lord Berkeley, had a son and h., Thomas, whose son and h., John, was father of I. Sir ROBERT, of Coughton, created a bart. as above, who, in the civil wars, had his estate sequestrated, and his house at Coughton plundered and made a garrison of by the parliament forces ; whereupon he was forced to secure himself at Worcester, and d. Jan. 1650. He Hi., 1st, Dorothy, da. of sir John Fortescue, of Salden, co. Bucks, K.B., by whom (who d. 3 Nov. 1617) he had no issue; and, 2dly, Mary, da. of sir Francis Smith, and sister to Charles, 1st baron Car- rington ; by her sir Robert had four sons and one da., whereof only, 1. Sir Francis, 2d bart., survivedhim. 2. Anna, m. p]dward Guildford, esq., fa- ther of sir Robert Guildford, bart. Sir Robert d. 1650, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir FRANCIS, m. Anne, da. and s«le BLOUNT. 69 h. of John Moiison, esq., (son of sir William Monson, knt., vice-admiral of England in the reign of James I.,) and had issue, 1. Francis, who d. 10 Sept. 1676, in Flanders, aged 16. 2. Sir Robert, 3d bart. 3. John. 4. George, d. 16 April 1705. 5. Anne, a nun of the order of St. Au- gustine, in Paris. 6. Mary, m. Martin Wollascot, esq. 7. Elizabeth, Sir Francis d. 7 Nov. 1680, and was succeed- ed by his son, III. Sir ROBERT, in. Mary, 2d da. and h. of sir Charles Yate, of Buckland, co. Bucks, bart., by whom (who rf. 1728) he had, 1. Robert, d. an infant, 14 Jan. 1688. 2. George, b. 7 Dec. 161)0, d. in his fa- ther's lifetime. .3. Sir Robert, 4th bart. 4. Anne, m. John Petre, of Fidlers, co. Essex, esq. 5. Mary, w. James Fermor, of Tusmore, CO. Oxford, esq. 6. Elizabeth; 7» Catharine, nuns at Paris. 8. Charlotte, m. sir Thomas Windsor Hunloke, bart. 9. Appollonia,?)?. sir Edward Blount. 10. Barbara, m. Peter Giffard, of Chil- lington, CO. Stafford, esq. Sir Robert rf. 8 March 1720, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, IV. Sii- ROBERT, b. 21 Aug. 1702, »;., 1st, Teresa, da. of William Herbert, mar- quess of Powis ; by whom (who d. 17 June 1723) he had, 1. Robert, who d. m France, rinm. 2. George, m., 1748, Anna-Maria, only da. of William Paston, of Hortcn, co. Glouces- ter, esq., (by his wife, da. and h. of John Courtenay, of Molland, co. Devon, esq.,) and d. in his father's lifetime, 30 Dec, 1762, leaving issue by h,er, (who if. 20 Oct. 1791,) 1. Robert, b. Aug. 1750, d. unm. 11 Nov. 1779. 2. Sir John-Courtenay, 5th bart. 3. Sir George, 6th bart. 4. Sir Charles, present bart. 5. Fiancis, 6. 21 Feb. 1761, d. at Lisbon, unm., 23 March 1788. 6. Willism, b. 8 May 1762, and d. 31 March 1819, having m., 19 Feb. 1798, Fran- | ces, only da. of the aforesaid Thomas ! Giffard, 'by Frances Stonor, his 3d wife, | and by her (who d. 3() May 1809) had issue, Robert-George, of Molland, co. De- von, esq., 6. 5 Dec. 18C0, M.P. for Berk- | shire, m., 16 July 1?29, Elizabeth, only da. of sir John Acton, of Aldenham, bart., and has issue, Robert-Charles-Courtenay, b. 1 April 1831 ; Mary-Elizabeth-Frances; Ni- cholas-John, b. 23 June 1802; J(.hn, b. 14 Oct. 1803, d. 29 Jan. 1804; William, b. 9 July 180(), dec; John-Jervis-St. Vincent, b. 10 Jan. 1808; Frances-Mary, b. 1 Dec. 1798, d. at Paris, 11 March 1825; Mary, b. 19 May 1805, m., 15 Oct. 1827, Thomas Rid- dell, esq., eldest son of Ralph Riddell, of Felton Park, co. Northumberland, esq. ; Gertri'de-Mmlel, b. 15 March 1809, dec. 7. Mary, b. 29 Aug, 1749, and d. at Paris, 30 Sept. 1763, unm. 8. Anne, b. 21 Nov. 1751, d. 6 Nov. 1783, at Caverleigh, co, Devon, unm. 9. Teresa, b. 28 Feb. 17.59, and m., 28 Aug. 1789, Thomas Peter Metcalf, esq., of Bath, who d. 21 Oct. 1793. 3. Mabv-Teresa, m. Thomas Fitzher- bert, of Swinnerton, co. Stafford, esq., and d. 26 Feb. 1791. Sir Robert m., 2dly, in Jan. 1737-8, Ca- tharine, da. of George CoUingwood, of Est- lington, CO. Northumberland, esq., and by her (who rf. July 1761) he had, 4. Barbara, »!. Thomas Giffard, of Chil- lington, CO. Stafford, esq., who d. 17 Mav 1764. Sir Robert w., 3dly, 1763, Lucy, 'da. of James Heywood, of Maristo, co. Devon, esq., by whom (who survived him, and d. 20 Nov. 1795) he had no issue. He d. 8 Dec. 1791, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving grandson, V. Sir JOHN-COURTENAY, b. 27 Julv 1753, J"., 19 Aug. 1782, Mary-Cathariua, da. of Thomas Giffard, of Chillington, co. Stafford, esq., by Barbara, da, of Robert, lord Petre, and by her (who d. Jan. 1821) had no issue. Sir John-Courtenay d. 3 Jan. 1819, and was succeeded by his next brother, VI. Sir GEORGE, b. 15 Sept. 1754, who, 1792, by royal sign manual, took the name and arms of Courtenay, havirg inherited from his mother the estates of the Cour- tenays, of Molland, co. Devon; m., 29 June 1792, Catherine, only da. of Thomas Stapleton, of Carlton, co, York, esq., and d. without issue, 27 July 1826, was succeeded by his next brother, VII. Sir CHARLES, present bart. ^rws— See Plate 6. Gules, on a chevron, argent, three bars, gemels, sable. Crest — A falcon rising, argent. Motto— Virtus solo nobilitas, or Moribus antiquis. Seats — At Buckland, co. Berks, and Cough- ton, CO. Warwick. BLOUNT, of SoDiNGTON, CO. Worcester. 5 Oct. 1642. Sir EDWARD BLOUNT, Baronet, D.C.L., born 3 I\farch 1795; sue ceeded his father, sir Walter, Oct. 1803; married., Sept. 1830, his cousin, Marv- Fran ces, da. of Edward Blount, esq., and has issue, WALTER- DE-SODINGTON, b. 19 Dec. 1833. This family is said to be descended from William, son of Blound, earl of Guisncs, one of the companions of AVilliam the C:onqueror, and is clearly traceable to a sir William Blunt, knt., who, if not actually a companion of the Conqueror, must have lived in the early Norman reigns, inasm^uch as his great-great-grandson, sir Walter, was living and at man's estate as early as 1 Edw. I. This Sir Walter Blunt m., 1st, Alianor, da. and co-h. of John dc Beauchamp, of Hache; and 2dly, Joan, sister and co-h. of sir William Sodington, of Sodiiigton. By his 1st wife he was ancestor of sir Walter Blunt, created lord Mountjoy by king Edw. IV. (and whose descendant in the 5th gene- ration, Charles, 8th lord Mountjoy, was advanced to the dignity of earl of Devon, but d. without legitimate issue, 1(;('6, when both titles became extinct : but his natural son. 70 HUNLOKE. Mountjoy Blunt, was created baron Mount- joy and earl of Newport, which titles also became extinct on the death of Henry, 4th earl, in 1(581 ;) of sir Thomas-Pope Blunt, of Osbaston, co. Leicester, who was created abart. 1679; and of several other families of Blount, settled in Shropshire, Hereford- shire, and the neighbouring counties. By his 2d wife, sir Walter had a son, John, who inherited from his mother the estate of So- dington, where his desretulants have re- mained till the present time. Seventh in descent from the said John was, I. Sir WALTER, created a bart. as above. He was a great sufferer for his loyalty during the civil war, and long imprisoned, first at Oxford, and afterwards in the Tower. His brothers and four of his sons were all at one time in the service of the king. He m. Elizabeth, da. of George Wylde, of Droit- wich, CO. Worcester, serjeant-at-law, and had issue, 1. Sir GEORGE, 2d bart. 2. John, col. in king Charles's 2d own regi- ment, when prince of Wales, m., and left issue. .3. William, major of the queen's regi- ment, m., but d. s.p. 4. Peter, also in the army, and present at the battle of Worcester. 5. Thomas; 6. Edward, both rf. ?<»»*. 7. Eleanor, m., 1st, Robert Knightley, esq. ; and 2dly, Walter, 3d lord Aston of Scotland. 8. Anne, m. James Anderton, of Birch- ley, CO. Lancaster, esq. 9. Elizabeth, ni. Henry Englefield, esq. 10. Frances, w. Andrew Windsor, esq. Sir Walter was succeeded by his eldest son, IL Sir GEORGE, tn. Mary, da and h. of Richard Kirkham. of Blagdon, co. Devon, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Walter-Kirkham, 3d bart. 2. George, »j., 1st, Mary, da. of Henry O'Bryen, 5th earl of Thomond, and widow of Charles Cockaine, viscount Cullen, by whom he had no issue; and, 2dly, Constan- tia, da. of sir George Cary, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 4th bart. 2. Constantia, m. sir John Smythe, of Acton Burnell, bart. 3. Mary, m. Edward Dickenson, esq. 4. Anne; 5. Elizabeth. G. Catherine : the das. all d. wun. 3. William; 4. John. 5. Charles; 6. John; 7- Richard, all d. young. 8. Edward, of Blagdon, m. Anne, da. of sir John Guise, bart., and d. 172G, leaving issue, 1. Elizabeth, m. Hugh, 4th lord Clifford, of Chudleigh. 2. Mary, m. Edward, duke of Norfolk, and d. 1773. 3. Anne, rf. unm. 1769. 4. Harriett, m., 1st, Peter Proli, of Ant- werp ; and 2dly, Philip Howard, esq., brother of the above-named Edward, duke of Norfolk. 9. Mary, m. Henry Howard, of Clun, esq., and d. 5 May 1732. 10. Anne, m, sir Francis Jerningham, bart. 11. Elizabeth, m. Beaumont Tasburgh, of Bodney, co. Norfolk, esq. 12. Catherine, m. Richard MinshuU, of Bourton, Bucks, esq. 13. Lucy, rf. young. Sir George d. I(j68, and was succeeded by his eldest son, in. Sir WALTER-KIRKHAM, twice w., but d. without surviving issue 12 May ]717» and was succeeded by his nephew, IV. Sir EDWARD, m. Apollonia, da. of sir Robert Throckmorton, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 5th bart. 2. Sir Walter, <)th bart. 3. Robert; 4. George, both rf. infants. 5. Apollonia; 6. Louisa; 7- Mary. Sir Edward rf. 1758, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir EDWARD, m., 1752, Frances, da. and h. of William Molineux, of Mosborough, CO. Lancaster, esq., by whom he had 1 son, Edward, who d. young ; and sir Edward dying in 17<)5, was succeeded by his brother, "VI. Sir WALTER, m., 176G, Mary, eldest da. of James, 5th lord Aston, in the Peerage of Scotland, and by her (who rf. Feb. 1805) had issue, 1. Sir Walter, 7th bart. 2. Edward, h. 18 July 1769, m., 20 April 18(13, Frances, da. of Francis Wright, co. Essex, esq., and by her has issue, 1. Mary-Frances, >»., Sept. 1830, her cousin, sir Edward Blount, bart. 2. Constantia-Catherine. 3. Walter- Aston, Chester herald, genealo- gist and blanc coursier herald of the Order of the Bath, and earl-marshal's secretary. 4. Edward-Charles, w., 18 Nov. 1834, Gertrude-Frances, youngest da. of William Jerningham, esq., niece of lord Stafford. 5. Herbert; (J. Apollonia; 7. Frances. 8. Laura; 9. George; 10. Henry. 3. George, b. 5 Feb. 1771, m., 1st, EHza- beth-Courtenay, da. of John Chichester, of Arlington, CO. Devon, esq., and by her (who rf. March 1H2II) had no issue: he m., 2dly, Fanny de Mansignv. Sir Walter rf. 5 Oct. 1785, and was suc- ceeded by his son, Vn. Sir WALTER, m., 25 Nov. 1792, Anne, youngest da. of Thomas Riddell, of Felton Park and Swinburne Castle, co. Northumberland, esq. Sir Walter rf. Oct. 1803, and was succeeded by his only sur- viving son, VIII. Sir EDWARD, the present bart. Arms — See Plate 6. Barry, nebule of six, or and sable. Crest — An armed foot in the sun. Motto — Lx.i tiia, via mea. Seats. — At Sodington, co. Worcester ; and Mawley Hall, co. Salop. HUNLOKE, of WiNGERwORTir, co. Derby. 28 Feb. 1G42. Sir HENRY HUNLOKE, Baronet, i-orH 30 Sept. 1812; succeeded his father, sir Windsor, 19 Jan. 181G. and was great-great-grand- Nicholas Hunloke, in the reign of king Henry VIII. , possessed a very consi- derable estate, co. Middlesex and' Notts. His son, Nicholas, purchased the estate of Wingerworth, father of Sir HENRY, the 1st bart., who, having levied at his own expense a troop of horse, HAGGERSTON. 71 50 distinguished himself at its head, in the battle of Edgehill, that the king knighted him on the field of battle, and soon after created him a baronet. He m. Marianna, da. of Dixie Hickman, esq., (by Elizabeth, da. of Henry, lord Windsor,) and had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 2. Mariana, a Benedictine nun at Brus- sels. 3. Thomas-Windsor, a posthumous son, who d. in Nov. 1672, being a volunteer in the French army against the Imperialists. Sir Henry rf. 13 Jan. 1G48, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HENRY, m. Catharine, only da. and h. of Francis Tyrwhit, esq., of Kettleby, CO. Lincoln, (by Catharine, 2d da. of An- thony-Maria Browne, 2d viscount Montagu, by Bridget, eldest da. of John Manners, the 4th earl of Rutland and baron de Ross, lineally descended from Anne, duchess of Exeter, and sister to king Edward IV.,) by whom he had, 1. Henry, d. at Paris. 2. Francis, d. young. 3. Sir Thomas-Windsor, 3d bart. 4. Robert; 5. Nicholas, who both d. infants. (i. Another Robert, /h. Anne, da. of Marmaduke Carver, gent., but had no issue. 7. Francis, d. at Amsterdam, «. Elizabeth, m. George Heneage, esq. i). Catharine; 10. Anne. 11. Teresa, d. imni. \2. Mariana, d. an infant. 1.3. Another Mariana, was lady abbess of the English Benedictine nuns, at Pon- toise, in France. Sir Henry d. 3Jan. 1714, and was succeed- ed by his 3d, but eldest surviving son, Ili. Sir THOMAS-WINDSOR, m. Char- lotte, 6th da. of sir Robert Throckmorton, of Buckland, co. Berks, bart., and by her (who d. 31 Dec. 1738) had, 1. Sir Henry, 4th bart. 2. Thomas-Windsor, d. 12 Oct. 1806. 3. Robert; 4. James, d. in Feb. 1807. 5. Catharine; 6. Charlotte. 7. Anne; 8. Mary. 9. Mariana ; 10. Barbara. II. Henrietta. Sir Thomas-Windsor, in 1726, rebuilt the family mansion, and, dying 30 Jan. 1752, was succeeded bv his eldest son, IV. Sir HENRY, nu, 21 Dec. 1/69, Mar- garet, eldest da. of Wenman Coke, of Long- ford, CO. Derby, esq., and by her, (who d. 22 Jan. 1821,) had issue, 1. Charlotte-Constance, d. 2. Margaret-Elizabeth. 3. Sir Thomas-Windsor, 5th bart. 4. Charlotte-Svsanna, m., 11 Feb. 1^2,. Charles-William, earl of Albemarle. 5. Henry-Edward, d. 6. Maria-Jane, d. 7. Georgiana, d. in Feb. 1805. 8. Anna-Sophia, d. 9. Henrietta-Frances, m. sir John Shelley-Sidney, of Penhurst, co. Kent, bart. Sir Henry d. 16 Nov. 1804, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir' THOMAS-WINDSOR, m., 10 Oct. 1807, Anne, eldest da. of Thomas Ec- cleston, of Scarisbrook-hall, co. Lancaster, esq,, and had issue, 1. Charlotte ; 2. Eliza-Margaret. 3. Sir Henry, present bart. Sir Thomas-Windsor d. 11) Jan. 1816, and was succeeded by his only son, VI. Sir HENRY, present bart. Arms— See Plate 6. Azure, a fesse, be- tween three heraldic tigers' heads, erased, or. Crest— On a chapeau, azure, turned up, ermine, a cockatrice, with wings expanded, proper ; comb, beak, and wattles, or. Seat — At Wingerworth, co. Derby. HAGGERSTON, of Haggerston-Castle, co. Nortliumberland. 15 Aug. 1643*. Sir THOMAS HAGGERSTON, Baronet, succeeded his uncle, sir Carnaby, 3 Dec. 1831 ; married ]Margaret, only child of William Robert- son, of Ladykirk, co. Berwick, esq., by whom (who d. 1823) he had issue 5 das., of whom Martanne.-Sauah, the eldest, m., 10 Sept. 1834, David Marjoribanks, of Dulwich, co. Surrey, esq., who thereupon took the name and arms of Robertson, of Ladvkirk. This family is supposed to have been ori- ginally of Scotland, but to have settled in the northern counties of England at least as early as the reign of Henry V., when Tho- mas Haggerston appears to have m. a da. and co-h. of sir Gilbert Umfreville. V\ iLLiAM Haggerston, of Haggerston Cas- tle, was slain in Scotland early in the reign of Henry VIII. His posthumous son, Hen- ry, was grandfather of I. Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., colonel of a regiment in the service of Charles I., and w. Alice, da. and h. of Henry Banaster, of Bank, co. Lancaster, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. John, slain at Ormskirk fight, in Lan- cashire, Oct. 1644. 2. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 3. Henry, killed by a fall from his horse, 1684; m. and left a da., m. abroad. 4. Ellkn, m. William Selby, of Bidle- ston, CO. Northumberland, esq. .5. Anne, m. William Blundell, of Crosby, CO. Lancaster, esq. 6. Margaret, m. William Hodson, of Hebbame, co. Durham, esq. 7. Alice, d. imm. He was succeeded bv his eldest surviving son, II. Sir THOMAS, ;h., 1st, Margaret, da. of sir Francis Howard, of Corby Castle, knt., and had issue, 1. Thomas, killed in Ireland, in the ser- vice of king James II., unm. 2. William, w. Anne, da. of sir Philip Constable, of Everingham, bart., and d. in his father's lifetime, leaving issue, sir Car- * Queere, Whether the date of the patent was not 15 Oct. 1642, as was stated by sir Thomas Haggerston, in a letter dated 12 July 1096. 72 HAMPSON. NABY, 3d bart., and three das., of whom Catharine, m. Salvin, esq. 3. Henry ; 4. John ; b. Francis, who all embraced religious lives. 6. Edward, m., 1st, Mary, da. of Gerard Salvin, esq. ; and 2dly, mrs. Fitzharbe. Sir Thomas nu, 2dly, Jane, da. and h. of sir William Carnaby, by whom he had no issue. He was succeeded by his grandson, HI. Sir CARNABY, m. Elizabeth, da. and at length heir of Peter Middleton, of Stockeld, CO. York, by whom (who d. Dec. 1769) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 2. William -Hagger&ton -Constable, m. Winifred, da. and h. of John, earl of Nithsdale and had issue, 1. Marmaduke - William - Haggerston- Maxwell-Constable, m. Theresa-Apollo- nia, da. of Edmund Wakeman, esq., and d. 'M June 181i), leaving issue. 2. William-Haggerston -Constable, m., Feb. 17S52, Clara-Louisa, only da. of Wil- liam Grace, of Ireland, esq., and has issue. 3. Charles Haggerston, nu, 21 July 1793, Elizabeth, da. of sir Rowland Stanlev, of Hooton, CO. Chester, bart., and took the surname and arms of Stanley only. 4. IMary, m. John-Webb Weston, esq. 5. Theresa. 3. Edward, of Ullingham, co. Northum- berland, d. 17 March 1804, aged ?!• 4. Anne ; 5. Mary, d. at Paris, unm., 13 Jan. 1829. (i. A DA., m. Thomas Clifton, of Sytham, CO. Lancaster, esq. Sir Carnaby d. 1756, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir THOMAS, m., 1754, Mary, da. of George Silvertop, of Ministeracry, co. NorthvuTiberland, esq[., and by her (who d. 22 May 1773) he had issue, 1. Sir Carnaby, 5th bart, 2. Thomas, of Sandoe, co. Northvimber- land, m. Winifred, da. of Edward Charlton, of Reedsmouth, co. Northumberland, esq., d. 1829, leaving issue, 1. Sir Thomas, present bart. 2. Edward; 3. William, d. unm., 1817, set. 26; 4. John, in the army. 5. George; 6. Mary, m., 23 Nov. 1829, Henry-S. Stephens, esq.; 7- Frances-Emily, m., 3 Jan. 18^:5, Henry-John-William Col- lingwood, of Lillington Tower, esq. 8. Winifred. 3. Edward; 4. Mary; 5. Bridget. Sir Thomas d. 1 Nov. 1777, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, V. Sir CARNABY, m. Frances, 2d da. of Walter Smythe, esq., brother of sir Ed- ward Smythe, of Esh, co. Durham, bart., by whom he had issue an only child, Mary, m., Jan. 1805, sir Thomas-Stanley- Massey Stanley, bart. Sir Carnaby d., without male issue, 3 Dec. 1831, and was succeeded by his nephew, VI. Sir THOMAS, present and 6th bart. Anns — See Plate 6. Azure, on a bend, cottized, argent, three billets, sable. Crest — A lion rampant, argent. Seat—kt Haggerston, co. Northumber- land. HAMPSON, of Taplow, co. Buckingliam. 3 June 1642. Sir GEORGE-FRANCIS HAMPSON, Baronet, horn 28 Sept. 1828; succeeded his father, sir George-Francis, 8 May 1833. Robert Hampson, alderman of London, and sheriff, 1598, was knighted on king James's entry into London. He d. 2 May 1607- By Catharine, da. of sir John Good, (who was re-m. to sir John Rotherham,) he had issue, 1. Nicholas, d. unm., 6 Oct. 1637, aged 59. 2. Sir Thomas, 1st bart. .3. Elizabeth, m., 1st, John Hewitt, esq. ; and 2dly, Gilbert Wakering, knt. ; and .3dly, sir Robert Bevill, K.B. 4. Rebecca, tii. sir Anthony Forest, knt., and d. 4 Sept. 1()3.5. I. Sir THOMAS, the 2d son, heir to his brother Nicholas, was created a baronet, 1642, m. Anne, eldest da. and co-h. of Wil- liam Duncombc, of London, esq., by whom (who d. 2 Feb. 1643, aged 47) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Robert, barrister-at-law, who left two das. 1. Elizabeth, m. Charles Bill, esq , 1703. 2. Mary, mrm. .3. Ambrose, d. without issue. 4. George, M.D., m. Grace, da. of Ed- ward, and sister of sir Robert Holtc, bart., and d. before Nov. 1677, leaving issue by her, who survived him, 1. Sir Georgk, 4th bart. 2. Anne; .3. Elizabeth. 5. Catherine, d. num., 22 June 1678. (i. Mary, m. sir John Laurence, bart., and d. 18 Aug. 1()77. 7. Elizabeth, h. 1624, d. unm., 1047. 8. Rebecca, m, Ambrose Bennet, esq.. and d. 1 May 1695. 9. Margaret, m. sir Giles Hungerford, knt., and d. 4 Dec. 1711. Sir Thomas d. 1655, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir THOMAS, m. Mary, eldest da. and co-h. of Anthony Dennis, of Orleigh, CO. Devon, esq., by whom (who d. July 1694) he had issue, 1. Sir Dennis, 3d bart. 2. Henry. 3. Robert, d. unm. in the lifetime of his father. 4. Mary d. unm., 14 Aug. 1677' Sir Thomas d. 22 March 1670, and was suc- ceeded by his son, III. Sir DENNIS, who d. without issue, April 1719, and was succeeded by his cousin, IV. Sir GEORGE, M.D., m. Mary, da. of John Coghill, of Blechington, co. Ox- ford, esq., by whom (wlio survived him, and was living a widow, 1729) he had issue, 1. Sir George, 5th bart. 2. Dennis; 3. Mary, both d. unm. 4. RKBKrcA,H?.,ist, James Walter, M.D.; and 2(lly, William Austen. 5. Ei/i/.ABKTH, m. George Cure, and d. without issue. 6. Jank, bedchamber woman to the princess dowager of Wales, m. Chaple Payne, esq, 7. Catherine-Margaret, m. John- Cope Freeman, esq. Sir George d. 9 Sept. 1724, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, V. Sir GEORGE, »i., 1st, Sarah, da. of ACTON. 73 Thomas Serocold, gent., who d. without issue, 10 Jan. 1737-«; and 2dly, Jane, da. of • Sill, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir George-Francis, 6th bart. 2. Francis, b. 1 Aug. 1740, d. an infant. 3. Jane-Louisa, living unm. IWH. 4. Elizabeth-Frances, m. Thomas Diggle, of Yatelv. co. Hants, who d. about 1794; sherf. Oct." 1798. Sir George rf. in Jamaica, 1754, and was succeeded bv his onlv surviving son, VI, Sir GEORGE-FRANCIS, b. 10 Nov. 1731; »!., 1739, Mary, eldest da. of Thomas Pinnock, of Pinnock, in the island of Ja- maica, esq., by whom (who rf. in Jamaica 1772) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Philip, 7th bart. 2. Mar-v, m. Samuel Stevenson, of Ri- verhead, Jamaica, esq. who rf. about 1795. Sir George-Francis rf. 25 Dec. 1774, and was succeeded bv his son, VII. Sir THOMAS-PHILIP, b. Oct. 1763; m., 25 June 1788, Jane, eldest da. and at length co-h. of Peter Hodson, of the city of London, and of Buck, co. Cumber- land, esq., and by her (who rf. 6 May 1791) had issue, 1. Sir George-Francis, 8th bart. 2. 3. Two Das., who rf. infants. Sir Thomas-Philip rf. 19 Feb. 1820, and was succeeded by his only son, VIII. Sir GEORGE-FRANCIS, 8th bart., 6. 22 Oct. 1788, m., 26 Aug. 1822, Mary-Fore- man, eldest da. of adm. William Browne, and had issue, 1. Sir George-Francis, present bart. 2. Mary-Allan, b. 5 Feb. 1825. 3. Jane, b. 19 March 1827. 4. A Son, b. Dec. 1830. 5. A Da., b. 25 Feb. 1832. Sir George Francis rf. 8 March 1833, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IX. Sir GEORGE FRANCIS, present and 9th bart. Arms — See Plate 7- Argent, three hemp brakes, sable. Crest — Out of a mural crown, argent, a greyhound's head, sable, collared, argent, rimmed, or. Motto— ISTMnc aut nunquam. ACTON, of Aldestha^i Hall, co. Salop. 17 Jan. 1643-4. Sir FERDINAND. RICHARD. EDWARD DALBERG -ACTON, Baronet, born 24 July 1801 ; succeeded his father, sir John-Francis-Ed- ward, 12 Aug. 1811; married, at Paris, 9 July 1832, Marie-Louise- Pelline, only child and heir of Ennerie-Joseph Dalberg, duke de Dalberg. Sir Ferdinand took the name of Dalberg in addition to and before Acton, by royal sign manual, 20 Dec. 1833. This family is descended from William de Acton Burnell, living 1340, who had two sons, John and Edicard ; John gave to his brother, Edward, all his lands in Acton Burnell and Acton Piggott, 1342. I. Sir EDWARD, 1st bart., created as above, nu Sarah da. of Richard Mitton, and had, 1. Sir Walter, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, d. 1677, leaving issue by Mabel, da. of mr. Clement Stoner, 1. Edward, rf. young. 2, Thomas ; 3. Clement. 4. Sarah, m. John Whitmore, esq. 5. Rachael. 3. William, rf. about 1657, but left issue by Mary, da. of Arthur Weaver, Jane, m. Walter Mosely, esq. 4. Robert, rf. ?/«m. 5. Richard, capt. R.N., rf. about 1675, leaving issue by Lydia, da. of mr. Pierson, one da., Lydia, m. John Darling. 6. 7. Two Das., both rf. young. Sir Edward d. 1(359, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WALTER, ?n. Catharine, da. of Richard Cresset, esq., by whom he had, 1. Edward. 2. Walter, ancestor of the present bart., of whom hereafter. 3. Richard, of London, twice m., but rf. without male issue. 4. William, rf. ttnm. 5. Robert, of Stepney, m., and left issue. 6. Thomas, of London, m., and had an only son, Thomas, rf. mun. I720. 7. Francis, rf. nnm. 1733. 8. Sarah, m. Thomas Gatacre, of Gat- acre, CO. Salop, esq. 9. Elizabeth, m., 1st, John Bethin; and, 2dly, Peter Crouch. 10. Catherine, m., 1st, capt. Robert Thomas; and, 2dly, Thomas Evans, of London. Sir Walter rf. 1665, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir EDWARD, w. Mary, da. and h. of Walter, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Whitmore, 4th bart. 2. Edward, who m. the widow of Bird. 3. John, LL.D., m. Beatrix, sister of Richard Fleming, of Sibdon, co. Salop, esq., by whom he had a son, Edward, who rf. July 1775. He m. Anne, da. and h. of Gregory, esq., by whom he had Ida., Susanna, m., 1773, John Stackhouse, of Pendarves, co. Cornwall, esq. 4. Sarah, m., 1st, Child, esq., and, 2dly, Robert Philips, D.D. 5. Elizabeth, m. Richard Fleming. 6. Frances, m. Timothy Collins, A.M.; she rf. 29 Oct. 17I8. 7. Catharine, m. Philips, gent. 8. Mary, twin with Whitmore. Sir Edward rf. 28 Sept. I7I6, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, IV. Sir WHITMORE, m. Ehzabeth, da. of the before-mentioned Matthew Gibbon. Sir Whitmore rf. 17 Jan. 1731-2, leaving, 1. Sir Richard, 5th bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. Robert Barnston. 3. Jane, rf. 4. Mary, »i. the rev. Samuel Wanley, D.D. Sir Whitmore rf. 1732, and was succeeded by his only son, V. Sir RICHARD, b. 1 Jan. 1711-12; m., Oct. 1744, Anne, da. of Henry, 3d earl of Stamford, by whom (who rf. 20 Nov. 1791) he had issue, 1. Frances, rf. unm. 1762. 2. Elizabeth, m. Philip Langdale, of Boughton and Stancton, co. York, esq. Sir Richard d. 20 Nov. 1791, and was sue- 74 WEBB. ceeded by his kinsman, sir John-Francis- Edward, great-grandson of Walter Acton, 2d son of the 2d bart., whose descent we now proceed to trace. Walter Acton, esq., above named, was a mercliant in London, governor of Bride- well and Bethlem hospitals, and d. 17I8, having m. (Catherine, da. of Oliver Pocli- lington, M.D., and having had issue by her (who d. 1727) 15 children, of whom 9 d. young, and the otliers were, 1. Edward. 2. John, of the Custom House, m. Young, da. of John Steventon, and d. 1721, having had issue by her, (who d, 1715,) 1. John, of Clapham, M.A. 2. Walter ; 3. Charles. 3. Richard, in the East India Company's service; m., but d. without issue. 4. Oliver, steward of Bridewell, and attorney-at-law, d. unm. 5. Anne, m. John Hopwood. 6. Frances, m. Thomas Goddard. Edward, eldest son of Walter, was a merchant in London ; m. Katherine, da. of John Steventon, (and sister of his brother John's wife,) and d. 3 May 1728, leaving issue by her, (whorf. 25 Sept. 1715,) 1. Edward. 2. John, sometime a captain in the naval service of the East India Company, and afterwards commodore in chief of the Ger- man Imperial navy in the Adriatic. 3. Katherine, m. John Darrell, of Rich- mond, CO. Surrey. Edward, eldest son of Edward, and grandson of Walter, was 6. 11 June I70!), and went to reside at Besan^on, in the pro- vince of Burgundy, in France. He m. Ca- therine, da. of Francis Boys de Gray, of Burgundy, by whom he had, 1. Sir John-Francis-Edward, 6th bart. 2. Joseph-Edward, b. 1737. living 1818, lieut.-general in the service of the king of Naples, and governor of Gaeta, m. Elea- nora, countess Berg de Trips, of Dussel- dorf, in Germany, (sister of the late princess of Hesse Phillipstall,) and had issue, 1. Charles, b. 178G, captain in the Nea- politan royal navy, m,, 12 April I8I7, Zoe, da. of count D'Albon, by the ba- roness Berg de Trips, by whom he has issue, Edward, b. March 1818. 2. Mary-Anne, m. her uncle, sir JOHN- Francis-Edward, 6th bart. 3. Henry, captain 12th royal lancers, m., 2 Sept. I8I7, Charlotte, sole da. of Dr. Clugston, late of Bombay. 3. Isabella, m., 1812, Henry, baron Da- chenhausen, brigade-major in the King's German legion. 4. Francis, b. 23 July 1706, lieutenant in the King's German legion, d. 2 April 1820. 3. Philip-Edward, sometime in the Neapolitan service, m., 2 Dec. 1820, Esther, relict of William Baker, esq., and da. of. Robert Fagan, esq. 4. Susanna-Catharine, b. 1738. VI. Sir JOHN-FRANCIS-EDWARD, succeeded his cousin, sir Richard, as above stated, b. 1736, m. (by permission of the pope) Mary-Anne Acton, da. of his 2d bro- ther, Joseph-Edward, and had issue, 1. Sir Ferdinand-Richard-Edward, present bart. 2. Charles-Januarius-Edward, 6. 6 March 1803. 3. Elizabkth, h. 20 Oct. 1806. Sir John-Francis-Edward attained the rank of commander-in-chief of all the land and naval forces in the service of the king of Naples, was several years prime minister, and was knight of St. Januarius, and other orders. He d. at Palermo, in Sicily, 12 Aug. 1811, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir FERDINAND-RICHARD-ED- WARD, present bart. Arms— See Plate 7. Quarterly, 1st and 4th. Gules, two lions passant, argent, be- tween nine crosslets, fitch^, or; Acton. 2d and 3d, Quarterly, 1st and 4th, azure, 6 fleur-de-lis, 3, 2 and 1 argent ; a chief dan- cetty of the last: 2 and 3. or, a cross pa- tonce gules ; over all an escutcheon of the 1st, thereon a tower of the 2d, and chief dancetty of the last ; Dalberg. Crest — A human leg and thigh in armour, couped, and dropping blood, all proper, garnished, or. Seats— At Aldenham, Round Acton, and Aldenham, co. Salop. WEBB, of Odstock, co. Wilts. 2 April 1644. Sir HENRY WEBB, Baronet, Lorn 27 April 1806, at Lyons, in France, (his father being detenu,) succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 26 March 1823. William Webb, of Salisbury, merchant, who lived temp. Henry VIII., is the first we find of this family. His grandson, sir John Webb, knighted on the accession of king James I., was father of, I. Sir JOHN, was created a bart., as a reward of his family's having both shed their blood in the king's cause, and con- tributed, as far as they were able, with their purses, in his defence, as the patent expresses. Me m. Mary, da. of sir Jolm Carryl, knt., and had, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Thomas; 3. William; 4. Peter, all d. num. Sir John d. 1680, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN, m. Mary, only da. of John Blomer, of llathrop, co. Gloucester, esq.. (by Frances, da. of Anthony Browne, vis- count Montague,) and had only 1 son. Sir John, 3d bart. He d. 1700, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir JOHN, m. Barbara, one of the das. and co-h. of John, lord Belasyse, (2d son of Thomas, viscount Fauconberg, by his 3d wife, Anne, da. to John Powlett, marquess of Winchester, and sister to Charles, duke of Bolton,) by whom (who d. 28 March 1740) he had, 1. John, m., 1st, Mabella, youngest da. of sir Henry-Josei)h Tichbourne, bart., by whom (who d. Sept. 1727) he had 2 das., Mary and Barbara; m., 2dly, Anne, da. of Henry, 8th lord Tcynham, by whom (who d, () July 1772) he had no issue. 2. Thomas, 4th bart. ACLAND. 75 3. Anna-Maria, m. James Radcliffe, earl of Derwentwater, and d. 1742. 4. Mary, m. James, 1st earl of Walde- grave, and d. 22 Jan. 1719. 5. Barbara, m. Anthony Browne, 6th viscount Montague. 6. Winifred, ni. sir Edward Hales, bart. 7. Bridget, d. znun. Sir John d. Oct. 1745, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, IV. Sir THOMAS, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of Thomas Gybson, esq., by whom he had 2 sons, 1. Sir John, 5th bart. 2. Joseph, ?«. Mary, da. of John White, by whom he had 2 sons, 1. Joseph, who rt. young. 2. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 3. Anne, m., 17Sfl, Anthony-James Rad- cliffe, 4th earl of Xewburgh. Sir Thomas d. 29 June 17G3, and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir JOHN, m. Mary, eldest da. of Thomas Salvin, of Easingwould, co. York, esq., and had an only surviving da. and h., Barbara, m., July 1786, Anthony, 6th earl of Shaftesbury. Sir John d. 1796, and was succeeded by his nephew, VI. Sir THOMAS, m., in 1799, the hon. Charlotte-Frances, da. of Charles, 12th viscount Dillon, by Henrietta, da. of Con- stantine, 1st lord Mulgrave, and by her {who d. 27 April 1819) had issue. Sir Henry, present bart. Sir Thomas ?»., 2dly, Martha-Matilda, only da. of sir Quaille Somerville, and widow of Gustavus, 5th viscount Boyne ; and dying 26 March 1823, was succeeded by his only son, VII. Sir HENRY, present bart. Anns — See Plate 7. Gules, a cross between four falcons, or. Crest— A demi-eagle displayed, issuing out of a ducal coronet, or. Seats— At Odstock, co. Wilts, and at Hathrop, co. Gloucester. ACLAND, of CoLUMB-JoHX, co. Devon. 21 Jan. 1677. (With precedency of 24 June 1644.) Sir THOMAS-DYKE ACLAND, Baronet, born 29 March 1787, suc- ceeded his father, sir Thomas Dyke, 17 May 1794 ; married, 7 April 1808, Lydia-Elizabeth, only da. of Henry Hoare, of Mitcham Grove, co. Surrey, esq., and has issue, 1. THOMAS-DYKE, b. 25 May 1809; 2. Arthiir-Henry-Dyke, b. 3 I\lay 1811; 3. Charles-Baldwyn- Dyke, b. 1 Nov. 1812 ; 4. Lydia-Dorothea, b. 18 April 1814; 5. Hexry-Wentworth, b. 23 Aug. 1815; 6. Harriett-Av- GEi.TNA, b. 30 Dec. 1816, d. May 1818; 7- Peter-Leopold-Dyke, b. 3 June 1819; 8. Agnes-Lucy, b. 18 Sept. 1821; 9. John- Barton-Arundel, b. 2 Nov. 1823. I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., engaged very zealously in the service of king Charles I., and greatly impaired his fortune, not only by raising, but supporting at his own charge, a party with which he gar- risoned his house at Columb - John ; which at one time, as lord Clarendon re- marks, was the only force the king had in the CO. of Devon, to control the power of the earl of Stamford, then at Exeter. Upon the decline of the king's affairs, his house was plundered, and himself fined for his de- linquency, by the commissioners at Gold- smiths' Hall, £l8i)0, which, not being thought sufficient, was afterwards, by vote in parliament, increased to ,£4001) ; but upon great application it was reduced to the first fine. He was, in consideration of his ser- vices, advanced to the degree of baronet ; but, amidst the confusion of the civil wars, the letters patent were destroyed, and new ones not being granted till 21 Jan. 1677, by reason of a long minority in this family, there was in them insertecl a special clause of precedency, from the date of the first, 24 June 1044. Sir John ?«. Elizabeth, da. of sir Francis Vincent, bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Francis, 2d bart. 2. Sir John, 3d bart. 3. Sir Hugh, 5th bart. 4. Eleanor, ?». sir John Davie, bart. 5. Susanna, m., 1st, Edward Helsall, esq., equerry to queen Catharine ; and, 2dly, ;«. John Carleton, esq., and d. 5 Feb. 1696. Sir John d. 24 Aug. 1647, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, II. Sir FRANCIS, d. vnm. 1649, and was succeeded by his next brother, III. Sir JOHN, 7n. Margaret, da. of Den- nys Rolle, of Stevenstone, co. Devon, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Arthur. 2. Margaret, m. John, lord Arundel, of Trerice. Sir John d. before he was of age, in 1655, and was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir ARTHUR, d. likewise in his mi- nority I672, whereupon the title came to his uncle, V. Sir HUGH, (3d son of the first sir John,) m. Anne, da. of sir Thomas Daniel, of Berwick Hall, co. York, knt., by whom he had, 1. John, d. 1702, before his father, leav- ing issue by Elizabeth, da. of Richard Ac- land, of Fremington, 1. Sir Hugh, 6th bart. 2. Richard, who, by a da. of Peter Burrell, esq., left 1 son and 1 da., m. Richard Hoare, esq. 3. John, rector of Broadclist, who, by a da. of Rawlin Mallack, left an only son, who m. a da. of dr. Oliver, of Bath. 4. Arthur, d. without issue. 5. Anne, m. sir John Davie, bart. 2. Hugh. 3. Thomas, in holy orders, rector of South Brent, in. and left issue. 4. Charles. £2 76 VYVYAN. 5. Arthur, m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Gilbert, of Exeter, gent., (who 7-e-m. Charles Brown, gent., and d. 20 Feb. 1754,) but d. s.p. 31 May 174(», a?t. 39. 6. Francis; 7. Elizabeth. Sir Hugh was succeeded by his grandson, VI. Sir HUGH, m. Cicily, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Thomas Wrothe, of Petherton Park, CO. Somerset, bart., by whom he had, 1. Sir Thomas, 7th bart. 2. John, who d. in his childhood. 3. Arthur, father of sir John-Palmer Acland, created a bart. 1«18 {see that title). 4. Hugh, who was born after his father's death. 5. Anne. .Sir Hugh was succeeded by his son, VII. Sir THOMAS, m. Elizabeth, only da. and h. of Thomas Dyke, by whom (who d. in 1753) he had issue, 1. John-Dyke, major of the 20th regt. of foot, col. of the 1st battalion of the Devon- shire militia, and M.P. for Callington, who d. 31 Oct. 1778. He m.,3 June 1750, Christian- Harriet-Caroline, da. of Stephen, 1st earl of Ilchester, by whom he left 1 son, sir John, «th bart., and 1 da., Elizabeth-Kitty, 6. Dec. 1772, m., 26 April 179(1, Henry-George, 2d earl of Carnarvon, d. 5 March 1813, leaving issue. 2. Sir Thomas, 9th bart., successor to his nephew. Sir Thomas d. 24 Feb. 1785, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, VIII. Sir JOHN, d. 15 April 1785, and was succeeded by his uncle, IX. Sir THOMAS, m., 4 July 1785, Hen- rietta-Ann, only da. of sir Richard Hoare, of Stourhead, co. Wilts, bart., by whom (who m., 2dly, the hon. capt. Matthew Fortescue, R.N., brother to Hugh, earl Fortescue,) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Dyke, present bart. 2. Hugh-Dyke, b. 10 March 1701, m., 12 June I8I7, Ellen-Jane, relict of rev. William Robinson, and da. of dr. Chappel Wood- house, dean of Lichfield, and d. 24 March 1834, leaving issue 1 son, Hugh, b. 1818. 3. Charles-Richard, capt. R.N., b. 3 Aug. 1793, d. at the Cape of Good Hope, 1828, m., 1819, Charlotte, da. of Templar, of Stover, co. Devon, esq. 4. Angelina, d. 5. Frances-Henrietta, 6. 28 Aug. 1788, m., 29 July 1812, the rev. John-Grover For- tescue, of Boxwell, Essex. 6. Elizabeth-Li'cy-Thkresa, b. 5 Sept. 1794, m., 1823, Henry Jenkinson, of Alveston, CO. Warwick, esq., capt. R.N. Sir Thomas rf. 17 May 1794, and was suc- ceeded by his son, X. Sir THOMAS-DYKE, present bart., was sheriff CO Devon, 1808, and M.P. for co. Devon 1812 and 1820. Arms— See Plate 7« Cheeky, argent, and sable, a fess, gules. Crest — A man's hand, couped at the wrist, in a glove, lying fesswise, thereon a falcon, perched, all proper. Motto — Inebranlable. Seats— At Kellerton and Acland, both co. Devon. VYVYAN, of Trelowarren, co. Cornwall. 12 Feb. 1G44.5. Sir RICHARD-RAWLINSON VYVYAN, Baronet, M.P. for the citv of Bristol ; bor7i 6 June 1800 ; succeeded his father, sir Vyell, 27 Jan. 1820. The ancient family of Vi/vyan was ori- ginally seated at Telkudrin, or Trivudrin, now called Treviddren, in the parish of Buryan, in Cornwall, which estate still con- tinues in the family. The first who is entered in the visitation books of the He- rald's Office, is, Sir Vyel Vyvyan, knt., who lived in the 13th century. Thirteenth in descent from him was, I. Sir RICHARD, 1st bart. He was master of the mint, at Exeter, during the Rebellion, and suffered greatly for his loy- alty, by imprisonment and sequestration of his estate; m. Mary, da. of James Bulteel, of Barnstaple, co. Devon, esq., and had issue, besides several das., 1. Sir Vyel, 2d bart. 2. Charles, of Merthan, co, Cornwall, esq., m., 1074, Mary, eldest da. and co-h. of Richard Erisye, of Trevarnon, co. Corn- wall, esq., and d. 1087, leaving issue, 1. Sir Richard, 3d bart. 2. C'harles, a capt. in the army. ,3. John, fellow of Exeter college, Ox- ford ; and rector of Tiverton, co. Devon. Sir Richard d. 3 Oct. 1055, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, II. Sir VVEL, twice m., but d. without issue 1(596, and was succeeded by his nephew, III. Sir RICHARD, m. Mary, only da. and h. of Francis Vyvyan, of Coswarth, co. Cornwall, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Francis, 4th bart. 2. Richard, m. Philippa, eldest of the 2 das. and co-hh. of Hugh Peper, of Tres- marrow, co. Cornwall, esq., and had, be- sides other issue, Philip Puran, of Tresmarrow, esq., who m. Mary, da. and sole h. of Sheldon Walter, of Tremeal, co. Cornwall, esq., and d, 1791, leaving issue bv her, (who d. 17.94,) sir Vyell, 7th bart. ' Francis, m. , da. of Tremenheere Johns, esq., but d. s.p. 1804. Harriett, m. Stephen Luke, esq., M.D. 3. Charles, in holy orders, m. and left issue. 4. Thomas, also m. and left issue. 5. John; O.James; 7- Loveday. 8. Bridget, ni. Richard Sawle, esq. 9. Annabklla ; 10. Anne, d. unm. 11. Frances. Sir Richard d. 9 March 1724, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir FRANCIS, m., .30 May 1730, Grace, only da. and h. of the rev. Carew Hoblyn, (son of Robert Hoblyn, of Nans- whiddon, co. Cornwall, csii., by Grace, eldest da. and co-h. of John Carew, of Pen- warne, co. Cornwall,) by whom he had, 1. Sir Richard, 5th bart. 2. Sir Careu-, Olh bart. 3. Catharink, b. 15 April 1733, and 4. Grace, b. 9 July 1734, both d. unm. Sir Francis's lady d. 3 Nov. 1740, and he in Nov. 1746, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir RICHARD, b, II March 1732, m.. EDWARDES. 77 6 Dec. 1754, Jane, da. of Christopher Haw- kins, of Trewinhard, co. Cornwall, esq., but rf. in 1781, without issue, and was suc- ceeded by his brother, VI. The rev. sir CAREW, who, dying 4 Oct. 1814, without issue, the title devolved upon his cousin, VII. Sir WELL, (son of Philip, and grandson of Richard, 2d son of the 3d hart, as before stated,) b. 12 July 17(;7, ?n., 14 Aug. 1799, Mary-Hutton, only child of Thomas- Hutton Rawlinson, of Lancaster, and by her (who d. 5 Sept. 1812) had issue, 1. Sir Richard, present bart. 2. Vyell-Fraxcis, b. 2 June 1801, in holy orders, »«., 19 July 1825, Anna, youngest da. of J. V. Taylor, of Southgate, co. Mid- dlesex, esq., and has issue two sons. 3. Thomas-Hutton, b. 3 March 1803. 4. Mary-Hannah, b. 19 June 1804. 5. Charles-Philip, 6. 19 April 1806, rf. an infant. 6. Edward-Walter, 6. 16 Oct. 1808. 7. Harriett - Elizabeth, 6. 10 May 1811, m., 3 Sept, 1^32, C. W. Pophara, of Trevarno, co. Cornwall, esq. Sir Vyell d. 27 Jan. 182(», and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, VIII. Sir RICHARD - RAWLINSON VYVYAN, present bart. Arms — See Plate 7» Argent, on a mount vert, a lion rampant, gules. Crest — A horse, passant, furnished, all proper. Seat—\t Trelowarren, near Helston, co. Cornwall. EDWARDES, of Shrewsbury. 22 April 1678. (With precedency before all baronets created after 1644.) Sir HENRY EDWARDES, Baronet, born 8 July 1798 ; succeeded his father, the rev. sir John-Thomas-Cholmondeley, 23 Feb. 1816 ; married, 19 June 1828, Louisa-Mary-Anne, only da. of John-Thomas Hope, of Netley, co. Salop, esq., and has issue, 1. HENRY-HOPE, b. 10 April 1829; 2. Trevor-Hope, b. 25 March 1831. This family, which is descended, in the direct male line, from the ancient kings or princes of Powysland, in Wales, became seated at Kilhendre, in Shropshire, at least as early as the reign of Henry V. The sur- name of Edwardes was first assumed by John ap David ap Madre, of Kilhendre, temp. Henry VII. ; and he was great-great- grandfather of I, Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., had only a warrant for that dignity, the disturbances of the times preventing the completion of the patent; ?»., 1st, Anne, da. of Bonham Nor- ton, of Shelton, co. Salop, esq., and had, 1. Anne, m. Herbert Westfaling, of Rud- hall, CO. Hereford, esq. He m., 2dlv, Cecily, da. to Edward Brookes, of Stretton, co. Salop, esq., by whom he had 5 das., who all rf. unm., and 6 sons. 2. Francis. 3. Thomas, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of John Haynes, esq., and dying, 28 Jan. 1726-7, left 1 son", sir Henry, 5th bart., and 1 da. 4. Benjamin, m. Sarah, da. of Richard Pooke, merchant, and left 1 son, Francis, and 1 da. 5. Herbert, d unm. 6. Jonathan, rector of Westbury, m. Mary, da. and co-h. of Thomas Bray, and had issue by her, 2 sons, Jonathan, who d. unm., and Thomas, rector of Greet, and vicar of Cherbury, co. Salop, who nu Mar- tha, da. and co-h. of Thomas Mathews, esq., and was father of sir Thomas, 7th bart. 7. Brookes, d. without issue. Sir Thomas d. April 1661, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir FRANCIS, to whom king Charles II., in April 1678, granted a patent for the title, with precedence, accordmg to the date of his father's warrant, and remainder to his brothers and their issue male. This sir Francis was a col. of foot in the service of king William; m. Eleanor, da. of sir George Warburton, of Arley, co. Chester, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir Francis, 3d bart. 2. Elizabeth, >«. Andrew Carbet, esq. 3. Eleanor, m. the rev. Drj'den Pigot. She d. without issue. 4. Hester, w. Davies, esq. 5. Diana, m. John Scrimshire, esq. Sir Francis d. in Ireland 1690, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir FRANCIS, m. Eleanor, da. of Harvey, esq., and left issue, 1. Sir Francis, 4th bart. 2. Eleanor, who m. sir Henry Edwardes, 5th bart. IV. Sir FRANCIS, succeeded his father, ?>!., 1st, Anne, da. and co-h. of Thomas Rocke, of Shrewsbury, esq., by whom he had no issue. She dying in 1726, ;»., 2dly, Hester, da. and co-h. of John Lacon, esq., and had 1 da., Hester, m. George, \iscount Malpas. Sir Francis dying without issue male, was succeeded by his cousin, V. Sir HENRY, (only son of Thomas Edwardes, esq., 2d son of sir Thomas, the 1st bart.,) m., in I727, Eleanor, da. of sir Francis, 3d bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Eleanor; 2. Diana, who both rf. in- fants. 3. Sir Thomas, 6th bart. 4. Francis, rf. young. 5. Francis, rector of Greet and Frodes- ley, CO. Salop, who d. unm. 24 Dec. 1767. 6. Benjamin, a capt. 11th regt. of foot, d. s.p. 7. Mary, m., 23 May 1759, to Thomas Mitton, esq., of Shipton Hall, and rf. 22 Feb. 1830, ffit. 92. Sir Henry rf. 26 March 1767, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VI. Sir THOMAS, m., 1760, Anne, sole da. and h. of John Barrett, of Eahng, co. Middlesex, esq., by whom (who rf. 28 April 1785) he had, Helen-Esther-Mary', m. John Thomas Hope, esq. Sir Thomas rf. 13 Nov. 1790, and was suc- ceeded by his cousin, VII. Sir THOMAS (grandson of the rev. 78 WHICHCOTE. Jonathan Edwardes, younger son of the 1st bart. as above stated). Sir Thomas was in holy orders, rector of Frodesley, co. Salop, and Tilston, co. Chester; b. 7 Jan. 1727, m. Juliana, only surviving da. of John Tho- mas, of Aston, CO. Montgomery, esq., by whom (who d. July 1778) he had issue, 1. Sir John- Thomas -Cholmondeley, his successor. 2. Benjamin, major in the army, m. Ca- tharine, eldest da. of John Smithcman, of West Coppice, co. Salop, esq., and has issue, Margaret, h. 30 March 1800; and John Tlio- mas-Smitheman, b. 28 July 18(»2. The rev. Sir Thomas d. about Aug. 1797, and was succeeded by his son, VIII. The rev. sir JOHN - THOMAS- CHOLMONDELEY, rector of Frodesley, CO. Salop, m. Frances, da. of John Gask, of Wellclose-square, London, esq., and had issue. 1. Frances. 2. Sir Henry, present bart. 3. Juliana. 4. Benjamin, in holy orders, m., June I8I7, Anne-Sophia, da. of J. H. Hall, of London, esq., and has issue, 1. Henry- John. 2. Herbert-Benjamin. 3. Francis. 5. Charlotte. Sir John-Thomas d. 23 Feb. 1816, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IX. Sir HENRY, present bart. Anns—^ee Plate 7- Gules, a chevron, en- grailed, between three tigers' heads, erased, argent. Crest — A man's head, jiroper, within a profile helmet, of the last, garnished. ■S'ert^— Cliolmondeley Frodesley, Shrews- bury, CO. Salop. WHICHCOTE, of the Inner Tebiple, London. 2 April IGGO. Sir THOMAS WHICHCOTE, Baronet, ceeded his father, sir Thomas, 23 Aug. 1 829. born 23 May 1813; sue This family was originally of Whichcote, CO. Salop, from thence denominated de Whichmte, for several generations, as ap- pears by two inquisitions taken 2 Edward II. and 44 Edward III. I. Sir JEREMY, the 1st bart., was a barrister-at-law, and solicitor-general to the prince elector Palatine. At the request of king Charles II., during his exile, he pur- chased the wardenship of the Fleet; and, by officiating sometimes himself, sheltered the king's agents. He m. Anne, eldest da. and co- h. of Joseph Grave, (by' Anne, da. of John Bre- reton, ofNantwich, co.Chester, esq., by Anne, da. of sir Paul Pindar, knt.) and had issue, 1. Sir Paul. 2. Francis. 3. Benjamin, d. iinm., 13 Oct. 1GG4. 4. Christopher, (remarkable for the ex- tent of his charitable donations, both during his lifetime and by his will,) d. 13 Oct. 1738. 5. Henry, m. Gertrude, da. of sir John Laurence, knt. lord mayor of London, relictof Richard Peacock, esq., by whom he had issue. 6. Samuel, d. unm., 24 July 1656". 7. Matthew, barrister-at-law. 8. Anne, m. sir Francis Pemberton, knt., lord chief justice of the King's Bench. y. Elizabeth, m. Richard Osborn, esq., barrister-at-law. Sir Jeremy d. 22 June 1G77. and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir PAUL, b. 5 March 1643, m. Jane, da. and co-h. of sir Nicholas Gould, bart., by whom (who d. 1698) he had four sons, and five das., of whom only one son and two das. survived him, 1. Sir Francis, 3d bart. 2. Jane, m. John Tregagle, esq. 3. Anna-Maria, m. Caesar Adamson, esq. .Sir Paul d. Dec. 1721, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, III. Sir FRANCIS, b. 4 Soi)t. 16.92, m., 1st, Mary, only da. of Joseph Banks, of Reves- by Abbey, co. Lincoln, es(|., (ancestor of the right hon. sir Joseph Banks, bart., and K.B.,) by whom (who (/. 19 Sept. 17i'6) he had no issue. Sir B'rancis »).,2dly, Feb. 1737, Frances, relict of sir Neville Hickman, bart., and da. of Edward Hall, esq. by whom (who d. 22 July 1772) he had, 1. Sir Christopher, 4th bart. 2. Francis, b. Aug. 1739, and d. Oct. 1784. Sir Francis d. 22 Oct. 1775, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir CHRISTOPHER, 6. Feb. 1738, m. Jane, da. of Thomas Whichcote of Harps- well, CO. Lincoln, esq., and by her (who d. 30 Jan. 1812) had issue, 1. Frances, b. 21 Oct. 1761, m., 1703, Wil- liam Manners, esq., and d. 23 Aug. 1794. 2. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 3. Jane, b. 27 April 1764, and d. 1773. 4. Francis, b. 14 June 1765, and d. 1766. Sir Christopher d. 9 March 1786, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir THOMAS, b. 5 March 1763, m., 24 June 1785, Diana, da. of Edmund Tumor, of Panton, co. Lincoln, esq., and'by her (who d. 4 Feb. 1826) had issue, 1. Diana, 6. 7 May 1786, m., 1st, 11 April 1810, Herman Gerard Hilbers, esq. ; and, 2dly, 24 Feb. 1829, George Hambleton, of Wallingford, Bucks, esq. 2. Sir Thomas, 6th bart. 3. Harriett, b. 26 Sept. 1788, m., 28 Nov. I8O7, James Atty, of Whitby, co. York, esq., and rf. 30 May 1810. 4. Henry, b. 21 Jan. 1790, d. an infant. 5. Caroline, 6. 15 April 1791, m., 4May 1814, Francis Willes, esq. 6. Benjamin, major in the anny, b. 19 May 1792. 7. Francis, in holy orders, b. 3 June 1793, »/., 4 Nov. 1826, Eliza, only da. of Robert Bree, M.D. 8. George, b. 21 Dec. 1794. 9. Catharine, b. 15 May 1796, m., 19 Sept. 1816, the rev. John Hanmer, M.A. son of sir Thomas Hanmer, bart. 10. 11. Charles and Robert, both d. in- fants. 12. Louisa, b. 5 June 1803, nu, 30 April 1829, rev. C. C. Wheet. 13. Rev. Christopher, in holv orders, b. 6 Feb. 1806, »/., 1832, Harriet, 'da. of T. Tryon, of Bulwick, co. Northampton, esq. Sir Thomas 9, d. young. 5. Charlotte, b. 30 July 1804, d. unm. 28 July 1821. Sir William ?n., 2dly, 19 May 1810, Au- gusta-Priscilla, only da. of the hon. William- CULLUM. 81 Henry Irbv, brother of Frederick, lord Boston, Sir William d. 8 March 1812, and was succeeded bv his only surviving son, IX. Sir WILLIAM - HENRY, who d. vnm. at Penzance, co. Cornwall, where he went for the recovery of his health, 12 May 1812, set. 16. He was succeeded by his uncle, X. Sir JAMES, b. 21 Aug. 177(5, nu, 26 May 18(K>, Elizabeth, da. of Francis Burdett, esq., sister of sir Francis Burdett, bart., and had issue, 1. Eliza-Juliana, b. 30 April 1801, 2. Sir Jajies-Hay, present bart. 3. Herbert, b. 12 June 1804. 4. Frederick, b. J) Sept. 1805, d. an in- fant. .5. Frederick-Musgrave, b. 2 March 1807, d. i) March 1832. 6. Henry-Burdett, b. 1 July 1810. 7- William-Samwell, b. 3 Sept. 1810. 8. Marianne, b. 1 Sept. 1813, d. imm, 18 May 1832. 9. A Da., (not baptized,) b. 18 Dec. 181(5, rf. soon after. 10. Henrietta, b. 25 Oct. 1818. 11. Richard-Newman, 6. 5 June 1821, d. Oct. following. Sir James d. 14 April 1833, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, XI. Sir JAMES-HAY, present bart. Arms — See Plate 7- Argent, three bears' heads, erased, sabled, muzzled, or, two and one. Crest — A bear's head, erased, as in tlie arms. Motto — Nee shut esseferos. Seats — At Glyndboum, co. Sussex, and Cot- tesbrooke and "Walgrave, co. Northampton. CULLUM, of Hawstead, and Hardwick House, co. Suffolk. 18 June 1660. Sir THOMAS-GERY CULLUM, Baronet, in holy orders, rector of Knoddeshall, co. Suffolk; born Oct. 1777; succeeded his father, sir Tho- mas-Gery, Sept. 1831; married, 27 Aug. 1805, Mary-Ann, only child of Henry Eggers, of Woodford, co. Essex, esq., by whom (who d. 29 Jan. 1830) he had issue, 1. Susanna-Arethusa, h. 11 Jan. 1814, wz., 23 Feb. 1832, Thomas Gibson, of Theberton, co. Suffolk, esq. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, 30 April 1832, miss Lloyd, of Kingston, co. Dublin. This family was seated at Thomdon, co. Suffolk, at least as early as the 15th century, as appears by the will of Walter Cidlum, proved 4 Oct. 1454, now extant in the arch- deacon of Sudbury's office, at Bury St. Ed- mund's. I. Sir THOMAS, alderman of London, and sheriff thereof in 1(547, son of John, and grandson of John Cullum, of Stanhill, co. Suffolk, was created a bart. as above. He m., 1623, Mary, the 2d of the four das. and co-heiresses of Nicholas Crispe, of London, merchant, and first cousin of sir Nicholas Crispe, knt., the celebrated loyalist, by whom (who d. in 1637) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. John, m. Anna, da. of Thomas Law- rence, esq., whod. March 1686, and had issue, 1. Thomas, d. 1717; m., 1st, Curtis, da. of Henry Hawley,esq., by whom he had Anne, who d. uitm. 1732; and 2dly, Sa- vilia, da. of colonel Strode, governor of Dover Castle, by whom he had two das., who both d. num. in 1737. 2. John, who had five das., Maiy, m. John Sherbrook, and d. 1681 ; Anna, m. Abraham Forster, esq. ; Deborah, m. Claude Hays; Elizabeth, and Rebecea, both d. young. 3. Lawrence. 4. Sir Jasper, 4th bart. 5. Stephen. 3. Rebecca, m. Job Throckmorton. 4. Mary, d. unm. 1749. Sir Thomas d. 6 April 1664, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir THOMAS, m. Dudley, 3d da. of sir Henry North, of Milden Hall, co. Suf- folk, bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Dudley, 3d bart. 2. Thomas, d. unm. 17(X1. 3. Mary, m., 1st, Henry North, of Ben- acre, CO. Suffolk, esq. ; and 2dly, Bc- dingfield, esq. 4. Elizabeth, m. the rev. mr. Boyse. Sir Thomas d. 1680, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir DUDLEY, m., 1st, Anne, da. of John, 1st lord Berkeley, of Stratton, who d. 1709, without issue ; and 2dly, Anne, da. of Weekes, esq., of Suffolk; but d. in 1720, without issue, the title and estate de- volved upon his 1st cousin, IV. Sir JASPER, son of John, 2d son of sir Thomas, 1st bart., ??). Anne, da. of Wil- liam Wyatt, of Buselden, co. Hants, esq., who d. Feb. 1736, by whom he had a son. Sir John, 5th bart. Sir Jasper d. 4 Nov. 1754, and was succeeded by his only son, V. Sir JOHN, m., 1st, 1728, Jane, da. and h. of Thomas Deane, of Freefolk, Hants, by whom (who d. 17i^0 he had an only da., Jane, d. in her infancy. He m., 2dly, 30 Nov. 1731, Susanna, one of the three co-heiresses of sir Thomas Gery, knt., one of the masters in Chancer^', (by Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Benn'et, an eminent bookseller in London, and da. of James, 2d son of sir John Wittewronge, of Rothamstead, co. Herts, bart.,) by whom he had issue, I. Mary ; 2. Anne ; 3. Jasper. 4. Henry; 5. Francis - Jacob, all d. young and unm. 6. Sir John, his successor. 7. Thomas-Gery, 7th bart. 8. James, prebendary of Lincoln, and rector of Nacton, and vicar of Great Thur- low, in Suffolk, b. Nov. 1754, m., 1786, Anne, da. and one of the co-hh. of Anthony Bla- grave, esq., of Calcot, co. Berks, by whom he had two das. 9. Susanna, b. April 1737, ni-, 7 Nov. 1775, Ashley Palmer, esq., of Bury St. Ed- munds, who d. s.p. May 1792, and she Sept. 1829. 10. Isabella, d. nmn. 28 March 180G. II. Jane, b. March 1754, tn. Henry Ver- non, esq., of Great Thurlow, Suffolk, (elder £3 82 ROBINSON. brother of Francis, earl of Shipbrook,) and d. his widow, 22 Oct. 182(J, aged 83. 12. Mary, b. March 1749, m. Abraham Jenkin, of Long Sutton, co. Lincoln. Sir John d. Itl Jan. 177-i, and was succeed- ed by his son, VL The rev. sir JOHN, M.A., rector of Hawstead and Great Thurlow, F.R.S. and F.S.A., h. 21 June 173,3; m., 1766, Peggy, da. of Daniel Bisson, of Westham, co. Essex, esq., and d. at Hardwick House, 9 Oct. 1785, leaving no issue, and was succeeded by his brother, VII. SirTHOMAS-GERY,7thbart.,F.R. and A.S. and F.L.S., b. 3i) Nov. 1741, m., 1 Sept. 1774, Mary, da. and at length heir of Robert Hanson, of Normanton, co. York, esq., by whom (who d. 13 Sept. 183U) he had issue. 1. Sir Thomas-Gery, present hart. 2. John-Palmer, Bath king of arms, b, 1783, m., 1809, Sarah Mantle, but d. s.p. Sept. 1829. 3. Susanna, b. March 1787, d. 2 May 1803. Sir Thomas-Gery d. Sept. 1831, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, VIII. Sir THOMAS-GERY, present and 8th bart. Anm—See Plate 7- Azure, a chevron, er- mine, between three pelicans, or, vulning themselves, proper. Crest — A lion, sejant, or, holding between his paws a column, argent, capital and base, of the first. Motto — Susfiiieatin: Seats— At Hawstead Place and Hardwick House, both co. Suffolk. ROBINSON, of London. 22 June IGGO. Rev. Sir GEORGE-STAMP ROBINSON, Barcnet, vicar of CraHford St. Andrew, co. Northampton ; born 29 Aug. 1797 ; succeeded his uncle, sir George, 23 Nov. 1833 ; married, 1827, Emma, Gth da. of R. W. Blen- cowe, of Hayes, co. Middlesex, esq., and has issue, 1. GEORGE- WILLIAM, b. 9 March 1828; 2. John-Blencowe, b. 16 May 1830 ; 3. Emma-Frances, b. 20 Aug. 1832, (/.an infant; 4. Edward- ViLLiERS, b. IT Jan. 1834. This family was originally seated in the north of England. William Robinson, the first we have any account of, was father of John Robinson, of Reading, co. Berks, who m. Lucy, da. of John, and sister to William Webb, knt., alderman and lord mayor of London 1591, by whom (who re-m, William Laud, of Reading, and was mother of archbishop Laud,) he had a son,William, D.D., rector of Long Watton, co. Leicester, and prebendary of Westminster, whose 3d son, I. Sir JOHN, knt., an alderman and lord mayor of London, was lieutenant of the Tower, and for the services he did king Charles II., towards his restoration, was advanced to the dignity of a baronet ; m. Anne, da. of sir George Whitmore, knt., {re-m. Shenton,esq.,) and had, besides Other issue, 1. Sir William, knighted, but d. with- out issue, 16 Feb. 1678. 2. Sir John, 2d bart. 3. Sir James, 3d bart. Sir John d. 1697, and was succeeded by his 2d, but eldest surviving son, II. Sir JOHN, m. Mary, da. of sir Wil- liam Dudley, of Clapton, co. Northampton, bart., by whom he had only 2 das., 1. Mary, wi. David, 3d earl of Wem.yss, in Scotland. 2. Anne, m., 17I8, to Richard Fitzpatrick, lord Gowran, and d. 14 Nov. 1744, leaving issue, John, lord Gowran, created carl of Upper Ossory, Oct. 1751 ; and another son, Richard. Sir John dying without issue male, the digiiity devolved upon his brother, III. Sir JAMES, m. Anne, da. of sir Wil- liam Jesson, of Newhousc, co. Warwick, knt., (by Penelope, da.of sir George Villiers, bart.,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, his successor. 2. George. 3. William, «i. a da. of Ludby, by whom (who d, 24 Oct. 1796) he had 2 sons, William, who was unfortunately drowned, 1768, by his horse plunging into the Serpentine river, in Hyde Park; and another son, who was killed in the same year in the East Indies. 4. Penelopk, m. Henry Hatsell, esq. bar- rister-at-law, son of sir Henry Hatsell, knt., one of the barons of the Exchequer. Sir James rf. Aug. 1731, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, w., 1st, Mary, da. of John Morgan, of Kingsthorpe, co. Northampton, esq., (by Tripliena, da. and h. of the hon. Robert Sheffield, uncle to John, duke of Buckingham,) by whom (who d. Feb. 1734) he had, 1. John, d. young. 2. Sir Gkorge, 5th bart. 3. Anne. Sir John ?n., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of Perkins, of Maston, co. Warwick, esq., and had, 4. William; 5. Elizabeth. Sir John d. 31 Aug. 1765, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir GEORGE, m. Dorothea, only da. of JohnChesrer, of London, esq., (by Eliza- beth, da. of sir William Chester, of Chick- by, CO. Bucks, bart.,) one of the co-hs. of William Wood, of Londham Hall, co. Suf- folk, esq., and sole h. of William Hewett, ofStretton, co. Leicester, esq. ; and by her (who d. 27 Jan. 1815) had issue, 1. Sir Gkoroe, 6th bart. 2. John, d. 14 Aug. 1790. 3. Rev. WiLLiAM-ViLLrERS, rector of Grafton-Underwood, and of Irchester cum Wollas'iOn, co. Northampton, m., 10 Dec. 1795, Anne, da. of Stamp Br.ioksbank, esq., and d. 14 Jan. 18:29, ;v;t. (i3, leaving issue, 1. Sir Geoisge-Stamp, present bart. 2. Frances, b. 4 June 1803, d. 2 Oct. 1823. 3. Henry-William, b. 3 Aug. 1805. 4. Edward, b. 14 Nov. 1807, d. 15 July 1824. ASTLEY. 83 5. Caroline-Penelope, J). 4 April 1809, »?,, 29 Oct 1834, Herman :SIerivale of the Inner Temple, esq., barrister at law. 6. Emma, b. 29 Jan. 1812. 7. Isabella-Anne, b. 11 June 1817, d. 1834. 4. Jamss-Chester, d. 25 July 1793. 5. Frances-Dorothea, m., 7 May 1790, Charles Hoare, of Fleet-street, London, esq. 6. Henry, d. 5 Feb. 1783. 7. Penelope, m., 12 Oct. 1789, Robert- Willis Blencowe, of Hayes, co. Middlesex, esq. 8. Edward, lieut,-col. 8G£h regiment, d. at Bombay, 5 Sept. 1800. 9. Charles, m., 28 Feb. 180.5, Charlotte, 3d da. of sir James Pennyman, bart. and d. 8 May following. Sir George d. 10 Oct. 1815, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, VI. Sir GEORGE, who dying without issue 23 Nov. 1833, set. 68, was succeeded by his nephew, VII. Sir GEORGE-STAMP, present and 7th bart. Arms— See Plate 7- 1st and 4th, quarterly embattled, gules and or; in the 1st quarter, a lion, passant, guardant, or, standing on the battlements of a tower, argent, (being a coat of augmentation granted to the 1st bart.,) 2d and 3d, vert, a buck, trippant, within an orle of trefoils, slipped, or. Crest— A buck, trippant, or, collared and lined, vert, the collar charged with three trefoils, slipped. Seats— At Cranford, co. Northampton; and Stretton Hall, co. Leicester. 25 June IGGO. Sir JACOB ASTLEY, Baronet, D.C.L., M.P. for the western division of Norfolk ; born 13 Nov. 1797 ; succeeded his father, sir Jacob-Henry, 2B April 1817 ; married, 19 3Iarch 1819, Georgiana-Caroline, da. of sir Henry- Watkin Dashwood, of Kirtlington Park, co. Oxon, bart., (sister to Anne-I\Iaria, marchioness of Ely,) and has issue, 1. JACOB-HENRY- DELAVAL, b. 21 31ay 1822; 2. Delaval-Loftus, b. 24 March 1825. Thomas de Astley, a baron in the reign of Henry III., who was killed in the barons' wars at Evesham, 12C4, was the ancestor of this family. By his 1st wife, Joan, da. of Emold du Bois, he was father of Andiew, from whence are descended the Astleys of Pateshull, co. Stafford. By his second wife, Editha, sister and co-h. of sir Robert Con- stable, of Melton Constable, co. Norfolk, knt., he had a son, Thomas, to whom he gave the lordship of Hill ?>Iorton, co. War- wick. Sixth in descent from this Thomas was Isaac Astley, m. Mary, da. of Edward Waldegrave, and had, bcsules other issue, 2 sons, 1. Thomas, of whom hereafter; 2. sir Jacob Astley, knt., who, having had several military commands in the service of foreign princes, and acquired considerable reputation for his bravery and conduct abroad, raised it to a much higher degree by the eminent and faithful services done to his sovereign Cliarles I., to whom he re- sorted in the beginning of the grand rebel- lion ; in consideration whereof he was de- serv'edly advanced to the degree of a baron, by the title of lord Astley, of Reading, which peerage became extinct in the 3d ge- neration, in' 1088. Thomas Astley, elder brother of the 1st lord Astley, m. Frances, da. and co-h. of George Deane, of Tilney, and had issue 3 sons, 1. sir Francis, knt., d. s.p. ; 2. sir Thomas, creatf d a bart., 21 Jan. 1641, but d. s.p. 7 Dec. 1659, whereupon that title became extinct; 3. sir Edward, knt., w. his cou- sin, Elizabeth, only da. and at length h. of the 1st lord Astley, and by her was father of I. Sir JACOB, who was created a bart., 12 Car. II., and upon the death of his uncle, sir Isaac Astley, bart., became heir to his estates, and also possessed all the entailed lands of Jacob, lord Astley. Sir Jacob m. Blanch, eldest da. of sir Philip Wodehouse, bart., (ancestor of the barons Wodehouse,) by whom he had. 1. Jacob, d. 9 June 1G81. 2. Sir Philip, 2d bart. 3. Edward, d. younj^, 7 Jan. 1672. 4. John, m. but d. without issue in I7IH. 5. Blanch, d. iinm. Sir Jacob d. in Aug. 1729, and was succeeded bv his eldest surviving son, II. Sir PHILIP, m. Elizabeth, da. and h^ of Thomas Brandsby, esq., who d. April 1738, by whom he hacl, 1. Sir Jacob, 3d bart. 2. Philip; 3. Edward, both rf. ?<»w. 4. Thomas, LL.B., ?«. Anne, sister of the rev. mr. Bedford, and d. 1743, without issue. 5. Elizabeth, m. Caleb Eiwin,of Thirn- ing, CO. Norfolk, esq. 6. Jemima, m. Christopher Metcalf, of Hawsted, co. Suffolk, esq. Sir Philip dying 7 July 1739, was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JACOB, m., 1st, Lucy, youngest da. of sir Nicholas Lestrange, of Hunstan- ton, CO. Norfolk, bart., and co-h. of her brother, sir Henry, and had issue by her, 1. Sir Edward, 4th bart. 2. John, in ho'y orders,??!. Catharine, da.- of Philip Bell, of Wallington, co. Norfolk, esq., and d. 13n3, leaving issue 2 das. 3. Blanch, m. Edward Pratt, of Ryston, CO. Norfolk, esq. Sir Jacob ?»., 2dly, Judith, da. of Isaac Watlington, esq.; and Sdly, Sarah, da. of Christopher Bedingfield, esq., but had no issue by either, and dying 1760, was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir EDWARD, h. 25 Dec. 1729, ♦»., 1st, 1751, Rhcda, eldest da. of Francis- Blike Delaval, cf Seaton Delaval, co. Northismberland, esq., and by her (who rf. 1757) had istue, 1. Sir Ja^cob-Henry, 5th bart. 2. Francis, h. I'jb'J, who was killed on board the Areth.usa frigate, in an engage-< ment with La Belle Poule, off the isle cf Bass, 1778, unm. 3. Rhoda-Editk. 84 BOWYER. 4. Edward, both d. infants. Sir Edward m., 2dly, 1759, Anne, youngest da. of Christopher Milles, of Nackington, CO. Kent, esq., and by her (who d. 1793) had issue, 5. A^NA-MARIA, d. 1768. G. Edward-John, 1st guards, d. unm., 1803. 7. Bernard, in holy orders, «*. Anne, da. of Edward Hase, of Sail, co. Norfolk, esq. ; d. 1789, without issue. 8. Henry-Nicholas, in holy orders, b. 1708, m., 1798, Sarah, da. of Samuel Pitman, esq. (who d. 1824,) and has issue, 1. Sarah-Maria, d. 1827; 2. Lucy. 3. Henry-Milles. 4. William, d. unm., 1824. 5. Jane, m., 1832, rev. F. Cubitt, rector of Fritton, co. Suffolk. 6. Anne, 9. WiLLiAM-CoKE, d. unm. 1790. 10. Louisa. 11. RrcHARD, both d. infants. Sir Edward d. April 1802, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir JACOB-HENRY, b. 12 Sept. 1756, m., 20 Jan. 1789, Hester, youngest da. and co-h. of Samuel Browne, of King's Lynn, CO. Norfolk, esq., and by her (who d. 1811) had issue. 1. Sir Jacob, present bart. 2. Rhoda, b. 1790, d. unm., 1808. 3. ANNE, b. 1791, w., 26 Sept. 1820, Tho- mas-Potter Macqueen, of Houghton Con- quest, CO. Bedford, esq., and d. 1833. 4. Editha, b. 1793, m., March 1825, War- den Sergison, of Cuckfield Park, Svissex, esq. 5. Blanche, b. 1795. 6. Edward, b. 1799. 7. Hester, b. 1800, m., 16 June 1825, rev. Augustus Dashwood, youngest son of sir Henry Watkin Dashwood, bart. 8. Sophia, b. 18(»2, d. 18(t7. 9. Agnes, b. 1805, m., 10 Sept. 1825, the rev. John-Henry Sparke, eldest son of the right rev. Bowyer-Edward Sparke, D.D., lord bishop of Ely. 10. Francis-L'Estrange, h. 1810. Sir Jacob-Henry d. 28 April I8I7, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir JACOB, present bart. Anns— See Plate 7. Azure, a cinquefoil, ermine, wiihin a border, engrailed, or. Crest — On a chapeau, gxiles, lined, ermine, a demi-pillar, gules, environed with a ducal coronet, or, out of which issues a plume of feathers, argent. Sm^5— Melton Constable, co. Norfolk; and Seaton Delaval, co. Northumberland. BOWYER, of Denham Court, eo. Bucks. 25 June 16G0. And BowYER, of Radley, co. Berks. IG Aug. 1794. Sir GEORGE BOWYER, Baronet, horn March 1783 ; succeeded his father, admiral sir George, 6 Dec. 1799 ; married, 19 Nov. 1808, Anne- Hammond, da. of the gallant and much lamented sir Andrew- Snape Douglass, (knt., who was capt. of the fleet in the memorable action fought by admiral earl Howe, K.G., on the 1st of June 1794, and died shortly afterwards, in consequence of a wound he then received,) and has issue, 1. GEORGE, b. 1811; 2. William, b. 1812; 3. Henry, b. 3 Jan. 1813; 4. Mary; 5. Caroline; 6. Frederick, d. young. This family is a younger branch of the Bowi/ers, anciently seated at Knippersley, CO. Stafford. Thotnas Boivyer, a younger son, settled in Sussex temp. Henry IV., from whom de- scended Francis Bowr/ei-, an eminent mer- chant in London, who raised a considerable estate by his assiduous attention to business, and acquiring the esteem of his fellow-citi- zens, became sheriff of London 1577, 19th of queen Elizabeth, and was afterwards elected alderman thereof; w. Elizabeth, da. of Wil- liam Tillesworth, of London, and d. 14 June 1581, leaving, besides other children. Sir William, of Denham, knt., who wi. Mary, da. and co-h. of Thomas Pierson, eso., and d. 1016, having had issue by her (who m., 2dly, James Ley, earl of Marl- borough) a son and heir apparent. Sir Henry, who d. in his father's lifetime, leaving issue 2 sons, Henry, killed in the civil wars; and L Sir WILLIAM, the 1st bart. He was particularly active in the Restoration, and was afterwards elected a representative, co. Bucks, in two parliaments; m. Margaret, da. of sir John Weld, of Arnolds, co. Mid- dlesex, knt., (son and h. of sir Humphrey Weld, lord mayor of London,) and had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, rector of Denham. 3. Henry. 4. Alice, m., 1st, William Buggins, esq. ; and 2dlv, to sir John Clayton, knt. Sir William d. 2 Oct. 1679, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, m. Frances, da. of Charles, viscount Cranbourne, son and h, of William, earl of Salisbury, and by her had issue, 1. Cecil, m. Juliana, da. of Richard, 2d son of sir tieorge Parker, bart., of Hedsor, CO. Berks, and d. 5 Dec. 1720, in his father's lifetime. Ipaving 1. Sir William, 3d bart. 2. Richard ; 3. Thomas ; 4. Orlando. .5. Frances, who d. 10 May 1783. 6. Charlotte. 2. William, m. Elizabeth, da. of the above Richard Parker, esc}., and had 2 sons and 1 da., Richard, William, and Juliana. 3. Diana, m. Phillip Jennings, esc). Sir William d. 13 Feb. 1721-2, and was succeeded by his grandson, III. Sir WILLIAM, m. Anne, da, of sir STANLEY. 85 John Stonhouse, bart., (who d. 22 May 1785,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir William, 4th bart. 2. Cecil, in the marine service of the East India Company, who was drowned in the East Indies. 3. Sir Georgk, 5th bart. 4. Hen'ry, a lieut.-gen. in the army, col. of the IGth regt. of foot, and commander-in- chief of the forces in the Windward and Leeward Islands, rf. 26 Aug. liiu'S. 5. Richard, who took the name of Atkins (pursuant to the will of the late sir Richard Atkins, of Claphani, co. Surrey, bart.) ; he d. 21 Nov. 182(1, leaving issue. 6. PENELOPK,»i., 1st, George-John Cooke, esq., son of George Cooke, esq., many years representative in parliament co. Middlesex, by whom she had several children ; and 2dly, heut.-gen. Edward Smith, and d. 9 June 1«2(). Sir William rf. in 17G8, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir WILLIAM, m., Sept. 177*3, mrs. Baker, widow of capt. Baker, R.N., by whom (who d. 1802) he had no issue. Sir William d. in April 1799, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir GEORGE, (who succeeded to the property of the Stonhouses of Radley ,) en- tered early into the royal navy, and having served in all the wars of his time, lost his leg, commanding as rear admiral under ad- miral earl Howe, on the memorable 1 June 1794 ; for his distinguished gallantry in which action he was created a bart., before he had succeeded to the family honour. He m., 1st, lady Downing, relict of sir Jacob Downing, bart., who rf. without issue ; and 2dlv, Henrietta, only da. of sir Piercy Brett, knt., admiral of the white, by whom he had, 1. Sir George, present bart. 2. William, b. 29 Dec. 1784. 3. Henry, b. 9 March 1786. 4. Henrietta, m., 10 Oct. 1812, Charles Sawyer, of Heywood Lodge, esq. 5. Eliza. 6. Frances-Dorothy, d. young. Sir George d. 6 Dec. 1799, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, 'VL Sir GEORGE, the present bart. Anns— See Plate 8. Or, a bend vaire, cottised, sable. Crest— On a ducal coronet, or, an heraldic tiger, sejant, argent. Motto — Coiitentement passe richesse. Seat— At Radley, co. Berks. STANLEY, of Alderley Park, co. Chester. 25 June IGGO. Sir JOHN-THOMAS STANLEY, Baronet, F.R. and A.S., bom 26 Nov. 1766, succeeded his father, sir John-Thomas, 29 Nov. 1807 ; married, 11 Oct. 17J^6, lady Maria-Joseph Holroyd, eldest da. of John, earl of Shef- field, and has issue, 1. EDWARD-JOHN, IM.P. for the northern division of Cheshire, b. Vd Nov. 1802, m. at Florence, 7 Oct. 1826, Hen- rietta-Maria, da. of Henry- Augustus, 13th viscount Dillon, and has a da., i. 30 July 1828 ; 2. William-Owen, twin with Edward-John, m., 14 Feb. 1832, Ellen, youngest sister of sir John Williams, of Bodelwyd- dan, bart. ; S.Alfred, b. 1808, d. young; 4. Maria-Margaret ; 5. Lucy-Anne, w., 24 Sept. 1833, Marcus-Theodore Hare, esq,; 6. Louisa-Dorothea; 7- Isabella-Louisa, m., 23 Oct. 1826, Sir Wilham-Edward Parry, knt., capt. R.N.; 8. Harriott-Ale- THEA ; 9. Matilda-Abigail, m., 6 Oct. 1828, Henry-John Adeane, of Babraham, co. Cambridge, esq. ; 10. Emmeline ; 11. Elfrida- Susanna, b. 1813, drowned 1817. This is a younger branch of the Stanleys, earls of Derby. Adam de Aldithley, or Audeley, lord of Stanlegh, co. Chester, and of Bagenhault, CO. Stafford, temp. Hen. I., had two sons, 1. Liulph, ancestor of the lords Audeley, of Heleigh, and 2. Adam, whose son William obtained the lordship of Stanley from his cousin, Adam de Audeley, and assumed the surname of Stanlev. Sixth in descent from William was sir John Stanley, K.G., who obtained a grant in fee of the Isle of Man, 14o(;, and was appointed lord-lieut. of Ire- land, 1413. His grandson, sir Thomas Stan- ley, also K.G., was father of Thomas, 1st earl of Derby, of sir William Stanley, K.G., and of John Stanley, who m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Thomas Weever, of Weever, CO. Chester, and became possessed of that estate, where his posterity remained for several generations. Sixth in lineal descent from him was I. Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., m. Elizabeth, da. of sir James Pytts, of Kyre, co. Wor- cester, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Peter, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, m. Penelope, da. of John Bradshaigh, esq., and had issue. 3. James, m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of John Byron, and had issue. 4. Jan e, d. num. 5. Elizabeth, m., 1st, John Leigh, esq.; and, 2dly, Robert Venables, esq. fi. Frances, d. iinni. 7. Mary, m. Peter Wilbraham, esq. 8. Margaret, m. Thomas Swetenham, esq. Sir Thomas d. 1672, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir PETER, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir John Leigh, of Northcourt, co. Hants, knt., bv whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. nc SHUCKBURGH. 2. Charles, m. Lucretia, grandda. of lord Plunket, of Ireland, and d. without issue. 3. Elizabeth, m. Weaver, esq. 4. Penelope, m John Perrot, esq. 5. Mary, m. George, eldest son of sir Henry Ingoldsby, of Lethenborough, co. Bucks, bart. 6. Anne, d. itnm. 7. Frances, m., 1st, sir Thomas Fother- ley, knt.; and 2dly, John Swetenham, esq. 8. Diana, d. rinnu Sir Peter was high sheriff of Cheshire, 1(178, d. 1/01, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir THOMAS, m. Christiana, da. of sir Stephen Lennard, of West Wickham, CO. Kent, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir James, 4th bart. 2. Sir Edward, of the Inner Temple, 5th bart. 3. Mary, d.nnm.; 4. Christiana. Sir Thomas d. 1721, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir JAMES, m., Nov. 1740, Frances, youngest da. of George Butler, of Balley- Ragget, CO. Kilkenny, esq., and by Qier (who d. April 171)0) he had no issue; he d. March 1746, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir EDWARD, m. Mary, only da. of Thomas Ward, of London, banker, (who d. 1770,) by whom he had issue, 1. James, b. 1734, d. umn. 2. Sir John-Thoma.^, (jth bart. Sir Edward d. 1755, and was succeeded by his surviving son, VI. Sir JOHN-THOMAS, a gentleman of his majesty's privy chamber, m. Marga- ret, da. and h. of Hugh Owen, of Penrhos, in Anglesea, and by her (who d. 1 Feb* 1816) had issue, 1. Sir John-Thomas, T'^h bart. 2. Edward, b. 1 Jan. 178O, in holy orders, rector of Alderly, d. 5 Jan. 1834, having m. Catherine, da. of the rev. Oswald Leycester, and had issue, 1. Owen ; 2. Arthur-Penrhyn. 3. Mary, and other children. 3. Mary, d. young. 4. Isabella-Elizabeth, m., 1.9 Oct. 1812, Charles Gibson, of Quermor Park, co. Lancaster, esq. 5. Margaret, d. young. 6. Louisa-Margarkt-Anne,w., 25 Nov. 1802, gen. sir Baldwin Leighton, bart. 7. Emma, m., June 1810, Digby-Thomas Carpenter, esq. Sir John d. 20 Nov, 1807, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JOHN-THOMAS, present bart. Arms—'iee Plate 8. Argent, on a bend, azure, three bucks' heads, caboshed, or ; a crescent for difference. Creit — On a chapeau, gules, turned up, ermine, an eagle, with wings expanded, or, preying upon an infant, proper, swaddled, gules, banded, argent. Motto— Sanx rhuni^er. Sprits— At Nether Alderley, co. Chester, and Bodewryd, co. Anglesea. SHUCKBURGH, of Shuckburgh, co. Warwick. 2G June IGCO. Sir FRANCIS SHUCKBURGH, Baronet, F.R.S., succeeded his father, sir Stukeley, 21 July 1809; married, 27 Oct. 1825, Anna-Maria-Draycott, only da. of the late Peter and lady Charlotte Denys, and sister of sir George Denys, bart., and has issue, 1. GEORGE-THOMAS-FRANCIS; 2. Charlotte-Georgiaisa-Amelia, 6.21 Aug. 182G, and other children, of whom, a Da., b. 11 Nov. 1833. This family is of great antiquity co. Warwick, where Simon de Shuckburgh held lands as early as 6 Edw. II., 1312. Sir Richard SJiuckburgh, knt., father to the 1st bart., was representative co. War- wick in parliament, 1641. Dugdale, in his History of Warwickshire, relates of him that, as king Charles I. marched to Edgcott, near Banbury, on 22 Oct. 1642, he saw him hunting in the fields ; upon which he fetched a deep sigh, and asked. Who that gentleman was that hunted so merrily that morning when he wns going to fight for his crown and dignity ? and being told it was sir Rich- ard Shuckburi^h, he was ordered to be called to him and was very graciously received; upon which he went immediately home, armed all Iiis tenants, and the next day at- tended on him in the field, where he was knighted, and v/as present at the battle of Edgehill. After his majesty's retreat from those parts, he went to his own scat and for- tified himself on the top of Sliuckburgh Hill, where, being attacked by some of the parliament forces, he defended himself till he fell, with most of his tenants about him ; but being taken up, and life perceived in him, he was carried away prisoner, first to Nortliampton, and from thence to Kenil- worth Castle, where he lay a considerable time, and was forced to purchase his liberty at a dear rate. He d. 13 June 1656. I. Sir JOHN, his eldest son, in considera- tion of his father's suffering, both in person and estate, and his own zeal, in defence of the royal cause, was soon after the Restora- tion advanced to the dignity of a bart. He m. Catharine, da. of sir Hatton Fermor, of Faston, co. Northampton, knt., (who, sur- viving him, re-m. sir Roger Norwich, of Brampton, co. Northampton, bart.,) by whom he had issue a son, II. Sir CHARLES, sheriff co. Warwick, in 1687, b. Nov. Km!); he was master of the buck and stag-hounds to queen Anne. He m., 1st., Cathaiine, da. of sir Hugh Stukeley, of Hinton, CO. Hants, bart., ('oy Catharine, da. and h. of sir John Trott, bart.,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Catharixe, Hi. sir William Boughton, bart., whom she survived, and d. in 1725. 3. Saliza, or Sarah, m. Charles Bentlev, esq. Sir Charles m., 2dly, Diana, da. of Rich- ard, lord Willoughby de Broke, by whom (who d. 1725) he hail issue, 4. Charlks, 6. 1694, m., 1718, Sarah, da. of col. Henry Hunt, and had issue, 1. Sarah, m. John Cleveland, esq. 2. Sir Charles, 5th bart. 3. Richard, a lieut.-colonel, m., 1750, STUART. 87 Sarah, relict of captain Edward Bate, and da. of Hayward, of Plumstead, co. Kent, esq., a capt. R.N., and had by her (who d. 1762) three sons, George-Augiis- Tus-WiLLiAM, (3th bart. ; Richard, a lieu- tenant in the navy, d. tonn. 16 Oct. 1794; and sir Stikeley, 7th bart. 5. Richard, a captain in the army, d. unm. 1724. 6. Edward, rector of Bromsall, co. Stafford, d. Feb. 1730, ujim. 7. Frances, b. 1686. 8. Grace, m. the rev. Mr. Crabb. 9. Sophia, m. Francis Loggin, gent., and d. March 1739, without issue. 10. Mariana, b. 1700. 11. Diana, 6. 1701, m. the rev. Nicholas Webb. Sir Charles d. 2 Sept. 1705, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JOHN, b. Aug. 1683, mi. Abigail, da. of George Goodinge, of Latchford, co. Oxford, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Stukeley, 4th bart. 2. Grace, m. sir Edward Houghton, of Lawford, co. Warwick, bart, and 2dly, Matthew Lister, esq. 3. Catharine, rf. 30 June 1730, num. 4. Elizabeth, m. Charles Jeaffreson, esq., and d. 1776. 5. Sarah, m., 1st, William Fielding, esq. ; 2dly, Henry St. Nicholas ; and 3dly, Francis Tatum. 6. Margaret, 6. 1706, m., 1753, the rev. Thomas Hall. 7. Jane, b. 1708, ni., 1744, the rev. Gil- bert Jackson. 8. Penelope, b. 1730, m., 1st, Plaistow, esq. ; 2dly, Bartholomew Hitche; and 3dly, Robert Clarke, gent. 9. Rachel, b. 1710, m., 1st, Altham Pack- hurst, esq.; and 2dly, the Rev. Slaughter Clarke. 10. HoNORA, m., 1740, John Hasker, esq. 11. JoHANNis, b. 1716, m. Thomas Plam- pin, esq. Sir John d. June 1724, and was succeeded by his only son, IV. Sir STUKELEY, b. 9 March 1711, who d. without issue in 1759, was succeeded in title and estate bv his cousin, V. Sir CHARLES, son of Charles, eldest son of the 2d bart., by his 2d lady, as before mentioned; b. March 1721, m., 5 May 1749, Anne, widow of Campbell Price, of West- bury, CO. Buckingham, escj., da. of Ro- binson, of Covent Garden, esq., by whom (who d. Oct. 1776) he had no issue. Sir Charles d. 10 Aug. 1773; colonel Richard Shuckburgh, his brother, having d. in 1772. Sir Charles was succeeded by his eldest ne- phew and heir, (son to the above-mentioned Richard,) VL Sir GEORGE -AUGUSTUS -WIL- LIAM, F.R.S. and F.A.S., m., 1st, 1/82, Sa- rah-Johanna, one of the two das. of John Darker, of Gayton, co. Northampton, esq., by whom (who d. a few months after her marriage) he had no issue; and 2dly, 6 Oct. 1780, Julia- Arabella, one of the two das., and at length sole h. of James Evelyn, of Fellbridge, co. Surrey, esq., (by his 1st wife, Annabelia Medley,) and by her had an only da., Jl-lia-Evelyn-Medley, of BuxtedPlace, CO. Sussex, /)!., 19 July 1810,j Charles-Cecil Cope, 3d earl of Liverpool, (see Debrett's Peemife of the United Kingdom,) and d. 8 April 1814. On the death of Mr. Evelyn, in 1793, sir George took that name in addition to his own, and d. 11 Aug. 1804, was succeeded by his brother, Vn. Sir STUKELEY, m. miss C. Tydd, and had issue, 1. Caroline-Anne, who was shot in Shuckburgh Park, in a fit of insanity, 26 March 1809, by lieutenant Sharpe, of the Bedford militia, who immediately afterwards shot himself. 2. Aaielta, >?i., Feb. 1820, Thomas L. P. Laugharne, commander R.N. 3. P. AL'GISTA, 4. Sir Francis, 8th bart. 5. T.-Stukelev; 6. R.-Charles. Sir Stukeley d. 21 July 1809, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir FRxVNCIS, present bart. Ainns — See Plate 8. Sable, a chevron, be- tween three mullets, argent. Crest — A Blackamoor, couped at the waist, proper, with a dart in his hand, or. Motto — H(ec mnnns oh patriam. Seat—Kt Shuckburgh, co. Warwick. STUART, of Harteley Mauduit, co. Hants. 27 June 16G0. Sir SIMEON-HENRY STUART, Baronet, horn 23 Oct. 1790, suc- ceeded his father, sir Simeon, 14 Jan. 181G ; married^ 25 Oct. 1815, Georgiana-Frances, youngest da. of George Gun, of Mount Kennedy, co. Wicklow, esq., and has issue, 1. Georgiana-Frances, b. 18 Feb. 1817; 2. a SON and heir, b. 7 June 1823 ; 3. a Da., b. 24 March 1825 ; 4. a Son, b. 27 Oct. 182G. This family is descended from Andrew Steward, who was great uncle of Robert, 1st king of Scotland of that house. Alex- ander Steward (son of Andrew) was knighted and received an honourable augmentation to his arms from Charles VI., king of Franc?. His son, John, is said to have been the first of the family settled in England; fourth in descent from him was Nicholas Steward, of Well in Norfolk, who had a numerous issue widely spread in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cam- bridge; Nicholas Steward, his 2d son, was grandfather to Elizabe.h Cromwell, mother of the Protector; and Simeon Stev.'ard, his 4th %^\\, was great-grandfather of I. Sir NICHOLAS, of Harteley, 1st bart., one of the chamberlains of the Exchequer. He m. !Mary, only da. of sir Mibs Sandys, of Missenden, co. Gloucester, knt., by whom he had, 1. Nicholas, d. unm. 2. Mjli:s, m. Jane, da. of Mr. Nicho'.as Johnson, but d. without issue, 16/0. 3. Charles, m. Clemence, da. and co-h. of sir William Hovell, of Hillington, co. Norfolk, knt. and d. in his father's lifetime, leaving an only son, sir SiiMeon, 2d bart. 88 HUDSON. 4. Mary, w. sir James Worsley, of Pile- well, CO. Hants, knt. 5. Elizabeth, >h. John Ady, esq. 6. Anne, w. John Smith, esq. 7. Jane, m. Thomas Pleydell, esq. 8. Sandys; U. Dorothea. 10. Arenabklla, who d. young. Sir Nicholas d. 15 Feb. IJU'J, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, 11. Sir SIMEON, who, in the parhament held 1/08, served for the town of Southamp- ton; and in that of 9 Anne, as one of the knights of the shire for Hants. He was also one of the chamberlains of the Exchequer. He nt. Elizabeth, only da. of sir Richard Dereham, knt. and bart., (by the hon. Frances Villiers, eldest da. of Robert, vis- count Purbeck, by Elizabeth, da. of sir John Danvers, knt., brother to Henry, earl of Dan by,) and sole h. to her brother, sir Tho- mas Dereham, bart., who d. Jan. 1738-9, and bv her had, 1. Sir Simeon, 3d bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. Hewer-Edgeley Hewer, esq. 3. Anne, m. George Bourne, esq. (she d. 7 Dec. 1739.) And several other children, who d. urnn. Sir Simeon d. 17(J1, and was succeeded by his son. III. Sir SIMEON, who m. and had issue, 1. Sir Simeon, 4th bart. 2. Elizabeth. He was member of parliament for Hamp- shire, and one of the chamberlains of the Exchequer for life. He d. about 1782, and was succeeded bv his son, IV. Sir SIMEON, m., 1789, Frances- Maria, only child of John Luttrell Olmius, earl of Carhampton, by the hon. Elizabeth Olmius, sole da. of John, lord Waltham, and sister and sole h. of the last lord Wal- tham, (which title became extinct 1787,) and had issue, 1. Sir Simeon-Henry, present bart. 2. Anne-Luttrell, b. 2 Dec. 1792, d. 9 March 1813. 3. VViLLiAM-pREDERirK, b. 30 May 1794. 4. Barclay-John, 6. 2(i June 17'M,d.20 Aug. 1813. Sir Simeon d. 14 Jan. 1816, and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir SIMEON-HENRY, present bart. ^;»i4— See Plate 8. Or, a fesse, cheeky, azure and argent, an inescocheon argent, charged with a lion rampant, gules, de- bruised by a bendlet raguly, or. Crest— \ roebuck, statant, argent, ducally gorged, gules. HUDSON, of Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester. 3 July IGGO. Sir CHARLES.VILLAVINCE HUDSON, Baronet, F.R.S., b(yrn 14 Sept. 1755, and succeeded his father, sir Charles, 18 Oct. 1773. The first we find of this family is Thomas Hudson, of Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester, who m. Anne, da. of Hugh Spencer, by whom he had Robert, who d. about KUl. I. HENRV, 2d son of the above Robert, was created a bart. He m., 1st, Mary, da. of sir Edward Bromfield, lord mayor of London, by whom he had, 1. Sir Edward, 2d bart. 2. Charles, who d. at Morocco, unm., about lG(i7. 3. Robert, d. aged 33, 1(187. 4. Jane, m. Richard Pitt, of Demelby, CO. Lincoln, esq. 5. Elizabeth. 6. Anne, both ?7(j.s— See Plate 8. Per chevron, embat- tled, argent and gules, three escallop shells, counter-changed. Crest— k griffin's head erased, argent, gorged with a mural coronet, gules, charged with three escallops of the first. Seat—i\t Wanlop Hall, co. Leicester. CLERKE.-BOOTHBY. CLERKE, of HiTCHAM, co. Bucks. 13 July 1G60. Sir WILLTAM.HENRY CLERKE, Baronet, born 13 Sept. 1793, succeeded his father, the rev. sir Wilham-Henry, 10 April 1818 ; married^ 2 May 1820, 3Iary-EKzabeth, eldest da. of George- Watkin Kenrick, esq., of Mertvn, co. Flint, and has issue, 1. \VILLIA3I-HENRY, h. 17 Nov. 1822; 2. Fraxcis-Carr, b. 18 June 1824; 3. Richard- WoLLASTON, b. 12 Oct. 1826 ; 4. Charles-Longueville, b. 19 April 1829; 5. a Da. The first person mentioned in the pedi- gree of this family is Richard Hamund, otherwise Clerke, of Willoughby, co. War- wick, temp. Henry VI. William Clerke, of Willoughby, great-grandson of Richard, had a younger son, sir John, who took the duke of Loiigueville prisoner at the battle of Spurs, for which he was rewarded with the canton of honourable augmentation borne in the arms of this family. He was seated at Weston, co. Oxford, and oth in descent from him was, I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., h. 1G24, m. Phila- delphia, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Edward Carr, knt., (by Jane, da. of sir Edward Onslow, knt.,) ancestor of the earls of Ons- low, by Elizabeth, da. of sir Thomas Shirley, knt., and by her (who d. Aug. WM) had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. John, 6. 1 April 1648, d. in Spain, 14 June 1(5(16. 3. Edward, h. 1653, d. 24 April 1G77. 4. Francis, b. 27 June 1655, thrice nu but d. s.p. 2 May 1715. 5. Richard, b. 7 Jan. 1658, d. 3 Feb. fol- lowing. 6. Richard, of whom hereafter. 7. Jane, b. 10 Aug. 1644, wife of sir Ed- Ward Norreys, knt. 8. PHtLADELPHIA, 6. 1645. 9. Grizell, b. 2 Dec. 1646, both d. infants. Sir John d. 7 Oct 1667> and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, b. 9 July 1643, m. Elizabeth, da. of William Muschamp, of Row-barn, co. Surrey, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir William, 3d bart. 2. John, m. Catherine, da. of Henry Jen- nings, and d. 17(i8, leaving an only son, sir Francis, 6th bart. 3. Elizabeth, m. John Walker, esq., clerk of the house of lords, and d. his widow 1734. Sir William d, 6 Sept. 1G78, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir WILLIAM, m., 11 July 1683, Ca- tharine, 2d da. of sir Arthur Onslow, of East Clandon, co. Surrey, bart., and sister of Richard, lord Onslow, by whom (who d. 14 March 1/41) he had issue, 1. Sir John. 2. Sir William, successive barts. 3. Catharine; 4. Elizabeth. 5. Mary. 6. Philadelphia, who all d. unm. Sir William d. 1699, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, d. 24 Feb. 1726-7, without issue, and was succeeded by his brother. V. Sir WILLIAM, m., but d. abroad, without issue, and was succeeded by his cousin, VI. Sir FRANCIS, only son of John, 2d son of sir William, 2d bart., b. 12 July 1682, and d. 12 Feb. 1769, nnm., when the title devolved on his kinsman, sir Francis Carr, great-grandson of Richard, 6th son of the 1st bart., whose descent we now proceed to state. Francis-Carr Clerke, only son, who left issue of the above named Richard, m., as above stated, his cousin, Catherine, da. of Henry Bertie, younger son of Montagu, earl of Lindsey, and d. 1730, leaving an only son, Francis, b. 23 Sept. 1724, d. He m., 1747, Susannah-Elizabeth, da. of Henry Ashurst, of Waterstock, co. Oxford, esq., and d. 3(J April 1760, having had, 1. Francis-Carr, 6th bart. 2. The rev. sir William-Henry, 8th bart. 3. Diana-Susanna, 6. 24 June 1750, m. the rev. Edward Willes, of Newbold, co. Warwick. 4. Susanna, 6. 30 April 1753, ;«., 17 Oct. 1806, sir Robert Peel, of Drayton, co. Staf- ford, bart. VII. Sir FRANCIS-CARR, (eldest son of Francis, only son of Francis-Carr, 2d son of Richard, 6th son of sir John, the 1st bart.,) b. 24 Oct. 1748, lieut. in the 3d regi- ment of foot guanis, and aid-de-camp to lieut. -gen. John Burgoyne, in Canada, shot in an action with the Americans at Saratoga 1777> and was succeeded by his brother, VIII. The rev. sir WILLIAM-HENRY, »!., 5 May 1792, Byzantia, eldest da. of Tho- mas Cartwright, of Aynho, co. Northamp- ton, esq., and by her (who d 30 April 1815) had issue, 1. Sir W^iLLiAiM, present bart. 2. Byzantia, b. 10 Jan. 1795. 3. Francis-Carr, d. an infant. 4. Francis, b. 10 Sept. 1797, in holy orders. 5. Charles-Carr, b. 30 Dec. 1793, in holy orders, B.D., archdeacon of Oxford. Sir William-Henry d. 10 April 1818, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IX. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. Amis—See Plate 8. Argent, on a bend, gules, between three pellets, as many swans, of the field. On a sinister canton, azure, a demi-ram, salient, argent, debruised of a baton, in bend, dexter, and in chief two fleurs-de-lys, or. Crest— .\ falcon rising, gules, winged, or, holding in the beak an ear of wheat. Residence— Bury, co. Lancaster. BOOTHBV, of Broadlow Ash, co. Derby. 13 July IGGO. Sir WILLIAM BOOTHBV, Baronet, Receiver-General of Customs 90 DIXIE. at the port of liondon, and Paymaster to the corps of Gentleman-at-arms ; born 25 JMarch 1782 ; succeeded his father, sir WilHam, 17 March 1824; married^ 19 Jan. 1805, Fanny, only da. of John Jenkinson, esq., and niece of Charles, 1st earl of Liverpool, by whom he has issue, 1. liOUiSA- Maria, i. 19 Jan. 180G, w., 1 Aug. 1833, hon. and rev. Charles Dundas, youngest son of viscount Melville; 2. Caroline-Mary, h. 18 Aug. 1807; 3. BROOKE-WILLIAM-ROBERT, h. 21 Jan. 1809; 4. Fanny-Charlotte-Anxe, b. 27 Feb. 1812; 5. Cecil-Brooke, b. 18 Nov. 1813 ; 6. Maria, b. 31 March 1815. Henry Boothby, esq., (son of William Boothby, citizen of London, and descended from a family of that name seated at ?.Iarch- ington, CO. Stafford,) is said to have had a warrant, under the privy signet, for the title of bart., dated 5 Nov. 1(544, but the civil wars prevented the passing of his patent. He m. Mary, da. of sir Thomas Hayes, lord mayor of London 1G15, and d. 3 Sept. 1648, leaving a da., Judith, who m. Thomas Fox, esq., and an only son, L Sir WILLLVM, created a bart. as above. He m., 1st, Frances, da. of col. Mil- ward, by whom he had, L Francis, who m. Anne, da. and co-h. of Thomas Child, gent., but d. during his father's lifetime, leaving one son, Sir Hknry, 2d bart. Sir William m., 2dly, Hill, eldest da. and co-h. of sir William Brooke, K.B.*, (by Penelope, da. of sir Miles Hill, earl marshal of Ireland) ; she was relict of the lord Wil- mot's eldest son, and afterwards in. to her 3d husband, Edward Russell, esq., brother to the earl of Bedford, and by him had seve- ral children ; and amongst the rest, Edward, earl of Orford, who defeated the French fleet under M. de Tourville, off Cape La Hogue, l(;i)2, and was first lord of the admi- ralty, UVM). By this lady (to v/hom and her two sisters king Charles II. granted, 1665, the precedency of baron's daughters) sir William had ten children, of whom two only survived, viz. 2. Sir William, 4th bart. 3. Brooke, who m., 1st, Anne, da. of Henry Cavendish, esq., by v/hom he had one son, William, who d. young ; and, 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of John Fitzherbert, esq., by whom he had, sir Brooke, 0th bart. Sir William d. and was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir HENRY, d. unm., and was suc- ceeded by his uncle, HI. Sir WILLIAM; hew. Frances, da. of sir Trevor Williams, bart., by whom he had one son, Gore, m. Elizabeth, da. of John Bury, esq., and d. in his father's lifetime, leaving an only son, IV. Sir WILLIAM, successor to his grand- father, was a major-general, and col. 6th regiment of foot. He d. 17«7. and was suc- ceeded by V. Sir BROOKE, son of Brooke Boothby, esq., brother of sir William Boothby, the 3d bart. He had issue, 1. Sir Brcoke, 6th bart. 2. Sir William, 7th bart. 3. Maria-Elizabeth. He d. 1789, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir BROOKE, 6th bart. ; m. Susanna, da. and sole h. of Robert Bristow, of Hamp- shire, esq., by whom he had an only child, Penelope, wjio d. young. Sir Brooke d. without surviving issue, and was succeeded by his brother, VII. Sir WILLIAM, 7th bart.; m., 14 May 1781, Rafela, da. of Miguel Delgardo, of Mahon, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. Henry-Brooke, h. 15 March 1784, in holy orders, rector of Kirby, co. Notts, and prebendary of Southwell, m., 4 Nov. 181(>, Louisa-Henrietta, da. of Henry, 3d lord Ver- non, and d. 4 Jan. 1829, leaving issue, 5 sons and 1 da. 3. Charles, h. 15 Feb. 1786, in the engi- neers, m. Mariana, da. of the rev. Basil Be- ridge, of Algar Kirk, co. Lincoln, and has issue, 2 sons and 1 da. 4. Louisa-Rakela, h. 18 April 1787. Sir William d. 17 March 1824, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VIII. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. Anns—'f>ee Plate 8. Argent, on a canton, sable, a lion's paw, erased, in bend, or. Cre.st — h. lion's pav/, erased, erect, or. Motto — Mors Christi, mors mortis mihi. Seats— At Ashbourne Hall, co. Derby; and Croperdy, three miles from Banbury, CO. Oxford. DIXIE, of Market-Bosworth, co. Leicester. 14 July IGGO. Sir WILLOUGHBY-WOLSTAN DIXIE, Baronet, born IG Oct. 181G, succeeded his father, sir WilIiam-^^illoughby-Wolstan, 20 Oct. 1827, and is unmarried. * This sir William Brooke was son and h. of George Brooke, esq., only brother of Henry, last lord Cobham, by Elizibeth, eldest da. and co-h. of Thomas, lord Burgh. George Brooke was attainted and executed, but sir Wiliinn was restored in blood, anno 1610, in the lifetime of his uncle, lord Cob- ham, to whose title, but for the attainder of his father, he would have been heir. The act of Restoration, however, contained a clause restricting him from enjoying •' the title of lord Cobh.im, williout the king's esjiecial grace," which was never conferred on him. DIXIE. 91 WooTTOv, in his Baronetage, 1727, says, there is a tradition that this ancient family is descended from Wolstan, earl of Ellenden, (now called Wilton,) who m. the sister of Egbert, the first English monarch. An- otner asserts, upon a relation of sir Walter Littleton, chancellor of Lichfield, that one of the Dixies m. the da. and h. of Wohtari, of Wolstan, co. Warwick, about 7"" years since; and in confirmation of the same, a piece of alabaster was, manv years ago, found under a pillar in Wolvey church, near Wolstan, with this inscription in old characters, viz., Wolstan DLrie, in the year of our Lord IKM). But Dugdale, in his " War- wickshire," intimates, that Wohian was so called (quasi Wulfricston) from some Saxon possessor named W^ulfric. The first men- tioned in the Herald's visitations is Wolstan DLrie, who was seated at Catworth, CO. Huntingdon, about the reign of Edward IIL L Sir WOLSTAN, at the breaking out of the rebellion, 1(J41, appeared early in the de- fence of the king, and was a great sufferer for the royal cause. When the gentry of the CO. of Leicester contributed £25,(J42 for his majesty, sir Wolstan gave himself towards that Slim, £ 183o ; for which signal service he had a warrant for a baronet's patent; but through the confusion of the times, it was not taken out till after the Restoration. He m., 1st, Barbara, da. and h. of sir Henry Beaumont, bart., (widow of John, eldest son of sir Richard Harpur, knt.,) by whom he had, 1. Sir Beaumont, 2d bart. 2. Wolstan. 3. Henry, m. Anne, da. of Stringer. 4. John, d. 30 Dec. 1714. 5. Wolstan. 6. Thomas, rf. young. 7. Elizabeth, «(. Thomas Cromwell, esq. a major in the service of king Charles L, son of sir Philip Cromwell, knt. 8. Frances, m., 1st, Giles Astley; and, 2dly, Charles Conquest, esqrs. 9. Barbara, m., 1st, Richard Pyot; and, 2dly, Thomas Pochin, esqrs. 10. Rosamond, m. John Ventris, esq. 11. Carola, m. Nicholas Denton, esq. 12. Lucy, m. mr. Finch. 13. Catharine; 14. Isabel, who both d. young. Sir Wolstan, m., 2dly, Frances, da. of Ed- ward Hcrsilridge, esq., soleh. to her brother, Bertine, and relict of Walter Chetwynd, esq. ; by her he had no issue, and rf. 13 Feb. 1682, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, IL Sir BEAUMONT, b. 1620, m. Mary, sister and sole h. of sir William Willoughby, of Selston, co. Notts, bart., by whom he had issue, besides four sons, and three das., who d. young or num., 1. Sir Wolstan, 3d bart. 2. Beaumont, m. Jane, da. of Anthony Eyre, esq., of Rampston, co. Notts. 3. John, rector of Bosworth ; d. 1719. 4. Elizabeth, m. Francis Godolphin, of Sparger, co. Cornwall, esq. 5. Mary, m., 1st, Charles, lord Willoughby, of Parham ; and, 2dly, Cockayne, son of lord Cullen. Sir Beaumont d. 1692, and was succeeded by his eldest son, in. Sir WOLSTAN, h. 16G7, m. Rebecca, da. of sir Richard Atkins, bart., and by her (who d. 1714) had issue, 1. Sir Wolstan, 4th bart. 2. Beaumont, rector of Bosworth ; m. Elizabeth, da. of Andrew Corbet, of Shrews- bury, and (/. 22 Feb. 174(», leaving an only son, Beaumont, rector of New Blossom- ville, CO. Bucks, and vicar of St. Peter's, Derby, who m. Margaret, da. of Richard She win, esq., and d. about 1780, leaving issue, 1. Sir Beaumont-Joseph, who became 6th bart. 2. Sir William-Willoughby Wols- tan, 7th bart. 3. Alexander, commander R. N., m. Rosamund-Mary, da. of the rev. Joseph Dixie Churchill", rector of Blickling, co. Norfolk, by whom (who d. 1831) he had issue, Alexander-Beaumont-Churchill, and five other children. 4. Richard-Thomas, capt. marines, nu, 3 July 18(19, Harriett, eldet da. of T. H. Wilson , of Pamcastle, CO. Carmarthen, esq. , and rf. 1834, leaving a numerous issue. 5. Margaret, m. the rev. Henry Small. 6. Clementina. 7. Elizabeth, m. Charles Dilke, esq., 2d son of William Dilke, of Montorle Castle, CO. Warwick, esq. 8. Caroline-Frances. 9. Dorothy, m. Edward-Mansel Dawkin, esq., and d. 1816. 3. Richard, rf. unm. 4. Rebecca-Maria, m. sir Henry Atkins, of Clapham, bart., and d. his widow 26 Aug. 1731. 5. Margaret, m. the rev. John Godwin, rector of Bosworth, and rf. his widow 1767. 6. Bridget, ?H. Thomas Baillie, of Derby, esq. Sir Beaumont rf. Dec. 1713, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir WOLSTAN, w., 1st, 1 May 17a5, Anna, heiress of Tobias Freer, governor of Barbadoes, who rf. July 1739, leaving issue, 1. Sir Wolstan, 5th bart. 2. Rebecca; 3. Anne, both rf. He w., 2dlv, Theodosia, youngest da. of Henry Offlev' Wright, esq., by Piirefoy, da. of sir Willoughbv Aston, bart., and by her (who rf. 14 May 1751) he had, 4. Willoughby, b. 1742, rf. 1802. 5. PuREFOY, b. 1743, rf. 1757. 6. Theodosia, b. 1744, rf. 1757. 7- Eleanor-Frances, b. 1746, «!. George Pochin, esq., of Bourne Abbey, co. Leicester, and rf. his widow 15 July 1823. 8. Rosamond, b. 1747, m. Clement Kin nersley, esq., rf. May 1814. 9. Juliana, b. 1749, rf. 1763. Sir Wolstan m., 3dly, 1758, Margaret, da. of \Villiam Cross, gent., by whom he had no issue. Sir Wolstan rf. 1767, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir WOLSTAN, b. 9 March 1737, rf. unm. 12 Jan. 1806, and was succeeded by his cousin, VI. Sir BEAUMONT-JOSEPH, grand- son of the rev. Beaumont Dixie, 2d son of the 3d bart. as above-mentioned. He was an officer in the navy, and rf. unm., 20 July 1814, at Bosworth Houes, (six days after his return from France, where he had been a rf(?to/i^ from the year 1802, at Verdun, Bitche, and Saar Louis,) was succeeded by his brother, VIL Sir WILLIAM-WILLOUGHBY- WOLSTAN, 7th bart., m., 21 Nov. 1815, Bella-Anna, da. of the rev. Thomas Adnutt, rector of Croft, co. Leicester, and by her (who rf. 28 Dec. 182(») had issue, 1. Sir Willoughby-Wolstan, present bart. 2. Beaumount, b. 6 Nov. 1817- 3. Eleanor-Frances-Anna, b. 12 Dec. 1818. 4. Juliaxa-Mary-Caroline, 6.1820. Sir William rf. 26 Oct. 1827, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir WILLOUGHBY-WOLSTAN, present bart. 52 H ON Y WOOD. Arms— See Plate 8. Azure, a lion, ram- pant, or, a chief of the last. Crest — An ounce, sejant, proper ducally gorged, or. Motto — Qiwd disi diri. Seat— At Bosworth House, co. Leicester. HONYWOOD, of EviNGTON, co. Kent. 19 July 16G0. Sir JOHN-EDWARD HONYWOOD, Baronet, born 16 March 1812, succeeded his father, sir John-Courtenay, 12 Sept. 1832; married, l^ April 1834, Mary, 2d da. of the rev. Charles-Hughes Hallett, of Higham, CO. Kent. The family of Honywood, anciently written Hone wood, take their name from the manor of Honewood, in the parish of Postling, CO. Kent, where they resided temp. Henry III., when Edmund de Hotiewood was a liberal benefactor to the priory of Horton in that neighbourhood, and is mentioned as such in the ledger-book there ; after which they resided at Hythe, for which port John Honywood served in parliament, 139(5, and Thomas Honywood, 14511. The nedigree begins with William Honywood, who d. in the latter end of the reign of Henrv II. I. Sir EDWARD, 1st bart,, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir John Maynard, of Tooting, co. Surrey, and had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. John, A.M., d. 1737. "* 3. Thomasine, d. unm. Sir Edward d. 1670, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, h. 22 Feb. 1675, m. Anna-Christiana, da. of Richard Newman, of Fifehead Magna, co. Dorset, esq., by whom (who d. 1786) he had issue, 1. William, of Cherdon, m. Frances, da. of William Raleigh, esq., and d. during the lifetime of his father, 1719, leaving, 1. Sir John, 3d bart., successor to his grandfather. 2. Frances-Newman, HI. Thomas Hodges, of the Lacon Warehorn, co. Kent, esq. 3. Martha, m. Thomas Andrews, of Hinkskul, co. Kent, est). 4. Thomasine, m. Thomas Randolph, D.D., president of Christ Church College, Oxford. 2. Edward, judge-advocate of the R.N., m. Mary, da. of Thomas Wearg, of Ken- sington, esq., (and sister of sir Clement Wearg, knt., solicitor-general to the king,) by whom (who rf. 1726) he had two das. and co-heiresses, 1. Mary, m. James, 3d son of Stafford Smith, esq. (by Gayson, da. of sir Robert Smith, of Upton, co. Essex, bart) 2. Anne. 3. Anna-Christiana, m., 1st, John Dodd, of Cheshire, esq. ; and, 2dly, Walter Brame, of Bridge, escj., and d. 1739. 4. Thomasink, //(. J()soi)h Burchett, esq., secretary to tho Admiraltv, and author of the History of the Royal Navy, and d. 1713. .5. Elizabeth, in. Joseph Dodd, esq., of Chatham. 6. Mary, d. unm.. 1708. Sir William d. 1748, and was succeeded by his grandson, III. Sir JOHN, who, on the death of his relation, Frazcr Honywood, of London, banker, 17(it. succeeded, under his will, to his seats at Malliui; Abbey, co. Kent, and at Hampstead, co. Niidillcscx; m., 1st, Anna- bella, da. of William Goodcnough, of Lang- ford, CO. Berks, esq., and by lier (who d. 1739) had issue. 1. William, of Mailing Abbey, co. Kent, esq., b. 1731, and d. during the lifetime of his father, 1764, having m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Clack, of Wallingford, co. Berks, and sister to Frances, viscountess Courte- nay, and by her had issue a da., 1. Annabella, m. Robert-George-Dobyns Yate, of Bromesbarrow, co. Gloucester, esq., and three sons. 2. Sir John, 4th bart. 3. William, of Leminge, co. Kent, and Markshall, co. Essex, who succeeded to the estates of his uncle, Filmer Hony- wood, esq., m. Mary, sister of James- Drake Brockman, of JBeechborough, esq., and has four sons and four das. 4. Edward, in holy orders, LL.D., rec- tor of Honiton, co. Devon, and prebend- ary of Exeter, d. 1 Dec. 1812, m. Sophia, da. of the rev. Long, of Suffolk, and has two sons and two das. 2. Edward, cornet of horse, d. at Nor- wich, 1752. .3. Mary, w., 1756, Edmund Filmer, in holy orders, rector of Crundal, co. Hants. 4. Christian. 5. Annabklla, rf. young. 6. Thomasine, m. William-Western Hu- gessen, of Provender, co. Kent, esq. Sir John w., 2dlv, 1742, Dorothy, da. of sir Edward Film'er, of East Sutton, co. Kent, bart., and by her (who rf. 1781) had issue, 7. Filmer, of Hull-place, Otterden, co. Kent, and Markshall, co. Essex, to which latter, as well as other large estates, he suc- ceeded on the death of his relation, gen. Philip Honywood, b. 1744, d. unm. 2 June 1809. 8. John, b. 1745, m., 1785, , da. of Charles Wake, D.D., prebendary of West- minster. 9. Mary, b. 1742, m. John Wiltshire Em- met, of Wiarton, esq., and rf. 13 Sept. 1825. Sir John rf. 26 June 1781, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, IV. Sir JOHN, m., Dec. 1778, Frances, da. of William, 2d viscount Courtenay, and had issue, 1. Frances - Elizabeth, m., 29 July 1892, Aubone Surteos, esq. 2. Charlottk - Dorothea, m., 7 Jan. 1805, col. Francis-Grey Clooper, son of the late sir Grey Cooper, of Gogar, bart.; d. July 1811. .3. Annabella-Christiana, m., 25 Aug. 1806, Edward, eldest son of sir Edward Knatchbull, bart., by Mary Hugessen, grandda. of sir John Honywood, 3d bart. above mentioned; rf. 4 Ajiril 1814. 4. Sir Joiin-Couktenay, .5th bart. 5. ('Aitoi, INK, »(., 29 April I807, Edward- Dalbic 'rciuplc, csc)., only son of the rev. dr. Temple, of Northwood Place, co. Suf- folk. 6. Eliza-Augusta. AUBREY. 93 7, Louisa-Catharine, m., 25 April 182ft, the rev. Henry-Read Quartly, of Wolverton, CO. Bucks, and d. 25 Jan. 1822. Sir John d. March 18(»6, and was succeeded by his only son, V. Sir JOHN-COURTENAY, b. 1787, m., 27 July 1808, Mary-Anne, eldest da. of the rev. sir William-Henry Cooper, bart. of N.S., and had issue, 1. Mary, b. 10 April 1810, d. irnm. 6 April 1829. 2. Isabella - Charlotte, d. 24 Feb. 1812. 3. Sir John-Edvvard, present bart. 4. Mary-Anne-Elizabeth, m., 4 Feb. 1834, Frederick Barne, esq., son of colonel Bame, of Sotterley Hall, co. Suffolk. 5., &c. other issue. Sir John Courtenay d. 12 Sept. 1832, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir JOHN-EDWARD, present bart. Arms — See Plate 8. Argent, a chevron between three parrots' heads, erased, azure. Crest — A wolf's head, couped, ermine. Motto — Onme bonum desuper. Seat— At Evington, near Canterbury. AUBREY, of Llantrithyd, co. Glamorgan. 23 July 1660. Sir THOMAS-DIGBY AUBREY, Baronet, succeeded his uncle, sir John, 1 March 1826 ; born 2 Dec. 1782; married, 9 Dec. 1813, Mary, da. of Thomas AYright, esq., niece of the rev. Robert Verney, (late Wright,) of Middle Clayton, Bucks, esq., by whom (who d. 2? Nov. 1817) he had no issue. A PEDIGREE of this family, drawn up by Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald, temp. queen Elizabeth, commences with •' Saint Aubrey, of the blood royal of France, came into England with William the Conqueror, anno KKiG, as the chronicles of All Souls College testify, which are there to be seen tyed to a chaine of iron." His son, sir Regi- nald Aubrey, accompanied Bernard New- march in the conquest of Brecon, 1()!)0, and had for his share the manors of Aberkynrigg and Slough, and other lands. Lineally de- scended from him was, William Aubrey, esq., LL.D., regius professor of law at Oxford, one of the coun- cil for the marches of Wales, and one of the masters of requests to Queen Elizabeth ; m. Wilgiford, da. of John Williams, of Teyn- ton, CO. Oxon, and d. 25 June 1595, leaving, besides other issue, two sons, 1. Sir Edward, knt. 2. Sir Thomas, who m. Mary, da. and h. of Anthony Mansell, of Llantrithyd, co. Glamorgan, esq., and was father of I. Sir JOHN AUBREY, knt., who was advanced to the dignity of a bart., 12 Car. II., 23 July l(J()(t. He m. the da. and h. of South, of London, by whom he had issue, 1. Lewis, d. s.p. 2. Sir John, 2d bart. 3. Mary, tn. the right hon. William Mon- tagu, lord chief baron of the Exchequer, youngest son of Edward, lord Montagu, of Boughton. 4. Elizabeth, wi. Ralph Freeman, of Aspedan Hall, Hertfordshire, esq. Sir John was succeeded by his only sur- viving son, II. Sir JOHN, nu, 1st, Margaret, da. of sir John Lowther, of Lowther Hall, co. Westmoreland, bart., the 1st lord Lonsdale, (by Elizabeth, his 2d wife, da. of sir John Hare, of Stow-Bardolph, co. Norfolk, bart., relict of Woolley Leigh, esq.,) by whom he had issue. Sir John, 3d bart. Sir John m., 2dly, Mary, da. and h. of Wil- liam Lewis, of the Van, co. Glamorgan, and Borstall, co. Buckingham, esq., by Marga- ret, his wife, da. and h. of Laurence Ba- nistre, esq., and Mary, his wife, da. and h. of sir John Dynham, of Borstall, co. Buck- ingham, knt., relict of William Jephson, esq. Sir John rf. at Borstall, co. Bucking- ham, in consequence of a fall from his horse, Sept. 17OO, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir JOHN, of Llantrithyd, co. Gla- morgan, and Borstall, co. Buckingham, b. 20 June 1680, M.P. in two parliaments for Cardiff; m., 1st, mrs. Mary Staley, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 3. Mary, rf. utim, 1708, buried at Borstall. 4. Elizabeth, m. Henry Lintot, of Hors- ham, CO. Sussex, esq., and rf. 1734. Sir John >»., 2dly, mrs. Frances Jephson, by whom he had issue, 5. Frances, m. Denham Jephson, of Mallow, CO. Cork, esq., and rf. 1775. 6. Margaret, rf. jmm. 1793. Sir John m., 3dly, mrs. Jane Thomas, by whom he had no issue, and rf. April 1743, was succeeded bv his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, who rf. umn., Oct. 1767, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir THOMAS, m. Martha, eldest da. of Richard Carlton, of Chilton, co. Bucks, esq., a Welch judge, and by her (who d. 1788) had issue, 1. Sir John, 6th bart. 2. Thomas, a major in the army, served during the whole war in America, where he greatly distinguished himself, and particu- larly when he was appointed to a command of the troops upon Diamond Island, where he acquitted himself so as to receive the thanks of the commander-in-chief. On his return to England, after the peace, he repre- sented the borough of Wallingford, for which he sat from the year 1/84 to 1790, and rf. 15 Jan. 1814. 3. Richard, col. of the Glamorganshire militia, rf. 31 March 1808, having tn. Frances, 3d da. of the hon. Wriothesley Digby, of Meredon, co. Warwick, by whom he had two children, 1. Thomas-Digby, present bart. 2. Julia-Frances, b. 31 Dec. 178(1, tn., 29 May 1810, William-Ralph Cartwright, of Aynho, co. Northampton, esq., M.P. and has issue. 4. Patty-Mary, rf. unm. Sept. 1774. Sir Thomas rf. 4 Sept. 1786, was buried at Llantrithyd, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir JOHN, m., 1st, Mary, eldest da. and co-h. of sir James Colebrooke, of Gat- 94 WHELER. ton, CO. Surrey, bart., by which lady (who d. 1781) he had one son, John, who d. an infant. Sir John m., 2dly, Martha-Catharine, da. and co-h. of George-Richard Carter, of Chil- ton, CO. Bucks, and Warlies, co. Essex, esq., and by her {whod. 3 Sept. 1815) had no issue. Sir John was elected M.P. for Aylesbury, 1774, and continued a member of the house of commons, without intermission, during eleven parliaments, till his death, at which time he was M.P. for Horsham, and father of the house. He d. 1 March 1826, aged 86, without issue, and was succeeded by his nephew, VU. Sir THOMAS-DIGBY, present bart. Ar7ns — See Plate 8. Azure, a chevron, be- tween three eagles' heads, erased, or. Crest — An eagle's head, erased, or. Motto— So/e»i fern. Seats— At Llantrithyd, co. Glamorgan; and at Chilton, Dorton, and Borstall, all in CO. Bucks. WHELER, of the City of Westminster. 11 Aug. 1660. TREVOR WHELER, Baronet, born 20 Dec. 1792, a major in the Sir army ; succeetled his father, sir Trevor, 4 Feb. 1830 ; married, 15 Oct. I8I7, Lucy, only da. of George Dandridge, of the Commandery, co. Wor- cester, esq., and has issue, 1. Trevor, b. 9 July 1818, rf. 22 April 1819; 2. Lucy-Penelope, b. 31 Jan. 1826; 3. Jane, b. 26 ISept. 1828. HiiiMPHREY Wheler, of Hussingtree, CO. Worcester, esq., m. Joan, da. of William Davies, and had issue two sons, 1. George, grandfather of the 2d bart, ; 2. Sir Edmund, of Riding Court, CO. Bucks, knighted 1G14, m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Richard Han- bury, of London, goldsmith, and had issue by her an only son, I. Sir WILLIAM, of Westminster, knt., was created a bart., with remainder to his cousin, Charles Wheler, of Martin Hus- singtree, CO. Worcester, andof Birberry, co. Warwick. He d. 6 Aug. 1G(J6, and was suc- ceeded by his said cousin, II. Sir CHARLES, son of William Whel- er. He was colonel of a regiment of foot, governor of the Leews.rd Islands, and a re- presentative in parliament for the University of Cambridge for some part of the long p liament, IGGl, having been formerly fellow of Trinity College ; from whence, with others, he was ejected, 18 April 1644, by the earl of Manchester, and was one of the gen- tlemen entrusted to carry the plate of tliat imiversity to king Charles I., m. Dorothy, da. of sir Francis Bindlos, by Cecilia, his wife, da. of Thomas, 8th lord de la Warr, and had issue three sons, 1. Trevor, major in his father's regt. of foot, d. in the lifetime of his father, 12 Oct. 1678. 2. SirWiLLfAM, 3d bart. 3. Sir Francis, knt. an admiral, m. Ara- bella, da. of sir Clifford Clifton, knt., a younger son of sir Gervase Clifton, 1st bart. of that name, and was wrecked on the Rocks of Scilly, 1693, leaving issue. 4. Cecily, m. Blount, of Salop, esq. 5. Dorothy-Elizabeth, m. count Nas- sau. Sir Charles d. 26 Aug. 1683, and was suc- ceeded by his 2d but eldest surviving son, III. Sir WILLIAM, m. Teresa, da. of the hon. Edward Widdrington, (2d son of Wil- liam, 1st lord Widdrington,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Trevor, 4th bart. 2. Sir William, 5th bart. 3. Charles, ?u. Frances, da. of John Shuckburgh, es(i., but d. without issue. 4. Edward, d. iintv. ,5. Arabella; 6. Theresa. 7. Catherine ; 8. Eleanor ; all d. young. 0. Sophia, d. urmi. about 1746. Sir William rf. 17t'8, and was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir TREVOR, who rf. 17I8, a month under age, and was succeeded by his bro- ther, V. Sir WILLIAM, w." Penelope, da. of sir Stephen Glynne, of Bicester, co. Oxon, and of Hawarden Castle, co. Flint, bart., (by Sophia, one of the das. and co-h. of sir Edv.-ard Evelyn, bart.,) by whom he had many children, 5 of whom survived him, 1. Sir William, 6th bart. 2. Francis, who was a captain in the guards, then major in the East India Com- pany's service, and d, at Madras, without issue. 3. Rev. Sir Charles, 7th bart. 4. Edward, m., 1st, Ilarriet-Chicheley Plowden, and by her (who rf. at Calcutta) left no issue ; he m., 2dly, her cousin, Charlotte, da. of George Durnford, of Win- chester, esq., by whom he had 1. Charlotte; 2. Penelope. He was a member of the supreme council in Calcutta, and rf. there, 10 Oct. 17«3. 5. Rev. John, prebendary of Westminster, rf. mun. 1818. Sir William rf. 1763, and was succeeded by his ek'.est son, VI. Sir WILLIAM, m. Lucy, da. and sole h. of Giles Knightley, esq., by whom (who rf. 180(1) he had several children, who all rf. young excepting, 1. Knightley-Wheler, who d. 1798, iinm. 2, Lucy, m., March 1777, Edward-Sa- cheverel-Wilmot Sitwell, of Stainsby, co. Derby, esq. Sir William rf. April 1799, and was suc- ceeded bv his brother, VII. The rev. sir CHARLES, M.A., pre- bendary of \'ork, and vicar of Leamington Hastang, co. Warwick, ?*/. Lucy, oneot the das. and at length co-h. of the right hon. sir John Strange, knt., master of the rolls, and had issue, 1. Sir Trevor, 8th bart. 2. Charles-John, w. Isabel, da. of John Close, of Eastby, co. York, esq., and has issue, 1. Stephen-Glynne; 2. Henry-Trevor. 3. Thomas; 4. Frederick. 5. Edward; 6. Charles-John, rf. SWINBURNE. 95 7. Sophia, »H. rev. H. W. Sitwell. 8. Emma; 9. Elizabeth. 10. Isabella- Penelope, in. rev. Percy Powlett. 3. William, in holy orders, rector of Laddock, co. Cornwall, m. Charlotte, da. of William Harding, of Baraset House, co. Warwick, and d. 30 ^lay 1834, having had issue, 1. William ; 2. Teresa ; 3. John. 4. George, rf. ; 5. Charlotte. 4. Penklope, Hi. William -Wilberforce Bird, of the Spring, Kenilworth, co. War- wick, esq. 5. Jan'e, m. George Dandridge, of the Commandry, co. Worcester, esq. 6. Sarah, m. Abraham Hume, of Bilton Grange, co. \^'arwick, esq. 7. Lucy, m. rev. John Wise, 2d son of Matthew Wise, of Leamington Priors, co. Warwick, esq. 8. Sophia, ?w. rev. John Biddulph, 2d son of sir Theophilus Biddulph, of Birbury, CO. Warwick, bart. Sir Charles rf. 12 July 1821, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son. VIII. Sir TREVOR, 8th bart., m. Har- riet, da. of Richard Beresford, of Ashbourne, CO. Derby, esq. and had issue, 1. Sir Trevor, present bart. 2. Fraxcis, b.9 Nov. 18()1, a capt. 2nd Bengal C!avalrv, m. Caroline, da. of rev. Palmer, (who d. Jan. 1833,) and had issue, 1. Trevor, b. 1828. 2. Harriet, 6. 1829. 3. Harriet, 6. 2 » Sept. 1794. 4. Lucy, b. 1 Feb. 1796, m., 15 May 1828, James Malony, of Kiltannon, co. Clare, esq. 5. Maria, b. 18 Sept. I797. 6. Charlotte-Teresa, 6. 8 April 1 800. 7- Agxes, 6. 29 June 1805. Sir Trevor d. 4 Feb. 1830, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IX. Sir TREVOR, present bart. Anns—See Plate 8. Or, a chevron, be- tween three leopards' faces, sable. Crest — On a ducal coronet, or, an eagle displayed, gules. Motto — Facie tenus. Seat — At Torrington, Devon. SWINBURNE, of Capheaton, co. Northumberland. 2G Sept. IGGO. Sir JOHN SWINBURNE, Baronet, F.R. and A.S., horn 1762, sue ceeded his father, sir Edward, 178C ; married^ 13 July 1787, Emma, da. of Richard -Henry-Alexander Bennet, esq., of Brabraham, co. Cambridge, (niece to Frances-Julia, late dowager duchess of Northumberland,) by whom he has issue, 1. EDWARD, h. 24 June 17^8, ?«., 13 Dec. 1819, Anne-Nassau Sutton, and has issue, Henry., b. 15 Feb. 1821 ; and JSIary., b. 2 Nov. 1823; 2. Charles-Henry, b. 2 April 1797-, commander R.N. ; 3. Elizabeth, 6. and rf. 1790 ; 4. Julia, i. 25 July 1795 ; 5. Emily-Elizabeth, b. 9 April 1798, m., 8 April 1824, Henry. George Ward, esq., M.P. ; G. Frances, b. 4 Oct. 1799, d. unm. 21 July 1821 ; 7- Elizabeth, b, 23 Dec. 1805, m., 7 June 1828, John- William Bowdeu, esq. This family is descended from William DE SwrNBURNS, who was lord of Haighton and Cholverton, co. Northumberland, by gift of Gilbert de Umfravile, earl of Angus, confirmed by king Henry III. in the 53d year of his reign. His son sir Williaji ap- pears to have been possessed of Capheaton as early as 1300. Twelfth in lineal descent from him was John Sicinburne, of Capheaton, esq., who had abaronet's patent granted him by Charles I., but it was never taken out. He m. to his 2d wife, Isabella, da. of sir Thomas Tem- pest, of Stella, CO. Durham, bart., and rf. 1G52, leaving issue by her, I. Sir JOHN, who was created a bart. 2G Sept. 1G60, m. Isabel, da. and h. of Henry Lawson,of Brough, esq., (by Catharine, da. and co-h. of sir William Fenwick, bart.,) by whom he had 24 children, all of whom rf. Mwni. except 1. Sir William, his successor. 2. Anne, m. Nicholas Thornton, of Wit- ton, CO. Northumberland. 3. Troath, in. William Dacre, of Leonard Court, CO. Cumberland. Sir John rf. 19 June 170fi, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir WILLIAM, r,i., IttM), Marv, da. of Anthony Englefield, of White Knights, co. Berks, esq., by whom lie had issuej 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Matthew, 6. 1700, m., 1738, Eleanora, da. and h. of William Thirlwall, of Thirl- wall Castle, co. Northumberland, esq., but rf. s.p. 3. Thomas, m. INIary, da. and co-h. of An- thony Meaburne, arid relict of Thomas Thornton, esq., and rf. 1 Feb. 1772, leaving issue by her, (who rf. 1781),) 1. Thomas, who m. and left issue. 2. IMary. 4. Mary, rf. young. Sir William rf. 17 April I7I6, and was suc- ceeded by his son, III. Sir JOHN, b. 1698, in., 1721, Mary, da. and h. of Edward Bedingfleld, of Gray's Inn, esq., 3d son of sir Henry Bedingfleld, bart., and by her (who rf. 7 Feb. 17(jl) had issue, 1. William. 2. IMary, who rf. voung. 3. Sir John, 4th bart. 4. Sir Edward, oth bart. 5. Henry-, of Hamsterley, co. Durham, b. 1743, author of the celebrated Travels in the Two Sicilies and Spain, rf. in Trinidad, April 18(13, m. Martha, da. of John Baker, of Chichester, co. Sussex, esq., solicitor- general to the Leeward Islands, and left issue. 6. Teresa, m. Edward Charleton, esq. 7. Mary, m. Edward Bedingfieldj of Ox- 96 ANDERSON. brough, CO. Norfolk, esq. 8. Catharine, d. 12 Feb. 1747. 9. Isabel, »h. Thomas Grathorn, esq. 1(». Anne, a nun at Montargis, in Gati- nois, d. 1819. 11. Eleanora, d, tinm. 7 Jan. 1787- Sir John d. 1744-5, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, IV. Sir JOHN, b. July 1724, d. 17G3, unm., and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir EDWARD, b. 173ij, m. Christiana, da. of Robert Dillon, esq., (by Martha, da. of William, son of sir George Newland, knt.,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, (Jth hart. 2. Robert, b. 1703, a general in the Aus- trian service, and governor of Milan, m., 4 Oct. IJiOn, Frances Malowetz, a baroness of the H. R. E., da. of John, baron Mal- owetz, chamberlain to the emperor of Aus- tria, and has issue. 1. Emily-Christina -Alexandrina - Fran- cis de Paula, b. 22 Oct. 1823. 2. Edward-Robert -Francis -Felix, b. 29 Dec. 1825. 3. Henry, b. 1704, d. 1767- 4. Edward, b. 3 Sept. 1705, living 1825. 5. Thomas, b. I707, d. 1774. 0. Christina, 6. 28 June 17O8, m., 1791, John Clavering, of Callaley, esq., and d. 8 Jan. I8I7. Sir Edward d. 1786, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms—iiee Plate 8. Per fess, gules and argent, three cinquefoils, counterchanged. Crest— 0\ii of a ducal coronet, or, a demi- boar, rampant, argent, crined, or. Motto — Semi'l et semper. Seats — Capheaton, near Newcastle, and Edlingham, near Alnwick, both co. North- umberland. ANDERSON, of Broughton, co. Lincoln. 11 Dec. 1G60. The Rev. Sir CHARLES-JOHN ANDERSON, Baronet, in holy orders. Prebendary of Lincoln and Rector of Lea, co. Lincoln ; born 5 Oct, 1767 ; succeeded his father, sir William, 9 Blarch 1785 ; married,, 15 Dec 1802, Frances-IMary, youngest da. of sir John Nelthorpe, bart., and has issue, 1. CHARLES-HENRY-JOHN, b. 25 Nov. 1804; 2. Wil- liam-Edmund, d. 31 May 1815 ; 3. Fannv-Maria, Z». 4 May 1809 ; 4. Emily-Margahet-Charlotte, b. 18 Aug. 1817. Sir Edmund Anderson, descended of Scotch ancestry, was bred to the law, and a member of the Inner Temple. In 1.572 he was appointed lord chief justice of the Com- mon Pleas, and in that capacity sat in judge- ment upon Mary, queen of Scots, 1580. He TO. Magdalen, da. of Nicholas Smith, of the exchequer, esq., and d. 11 Aug. 10(15, leav- ing, besides das., two sons, 1. sir Francis, ancestor of the present lord Yarborough ; 2. William, who, by his 1st wife, Joan, da. of Henry Essex, of Lamborne, left an only son, I. Sir Edmund, created a bart. as above, TO., 1st, Mary, da. of Thomas Wood, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. William, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir John Baker, bart., by whom he had no issue; his widow afterwards m. sir Jonathan Atkyns, knt. 2. Edmund, rf. an infant. 3. Sir John, 2d bart. 4. Sir Edmund, 4th bart. 5. Francis, m., 1st, Helen, da. of Wil- liam Anderson; and 2dly, Frances, da. of . Staresmore, esq., and had issue. 6. Charles, rf. ?fwwj. 7. Stephen, m. Mary, da. of mr. Luckyn, and rf. without issue. 8. Susan; 9. Frances, both rf. young. 1(1. Mary, m. Thomas Norton, esq. Sir Edmund m., 2dly, Sybilla, da. of sir Rowland Egerton, of Farthinghoe, co. Northampton, bart., and relict of Edward Bellot, es(i., but by her he had no issue. He was succeeded by his 3d, but eldest sur- viving son, II. Sir .JOHN, m. Elizabeth, da. of Hugh Snawsell, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Edmund, 3d bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. Collins, of St. Martin's in the Fields, Westminster, esq. 3. Catharine, m. Thompson, esq. 4. Mary, to. Vesey, esq. 5. Frances, rf. U7ini. Sir John rf. March IO70, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir EDMUND, who rf. at the uni- versity, unm., 17 Dec. 1(370, and was suc- ceeded by his uncle, Edmund, 4th son of the 1st bart. IV. Sir EDMUND, m., 1st, , da, and co-h. of William Cox, of Porters, co. Herts, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. William, rf. young. 2. Edmund, to. Carr, da. and h. of John Shaw, esq., and d. 17 Sept. 1085, without issue. 3. Mary, d. young. Sir Edmund to., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of sir Anthony Deane, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Edmund, 5th bart. 2. Elizabeth, »i. Stephen Croft. 3. Susan, rf. an infant. V. Sir EDMUND, his son and successor, TO. Mary, da. of William Harvey, of Rolls, in the parish of Chigwell, co. Essex, esq., (by Dorothy, da. of sir Robert Dicer, of Ui)hall, bart.,) and had issue, 1. Edmind, rf. loim. 2. Sir William, (Jth bart. 3. Elizabeth, to. Henry-Brewster Bar- ley, esq. 4. Dorothy, m. William Burton, esq. 5. Mary. Sir Edmund TO., 2dly, Frances, da. of Batty, of Tadcaster, co. York, by whom he had issue, (). FiiAN( rs; 7- Elizabeth; 8. Dorothy. Sir Edmund rf. 3 May 17(i5, and was suc- ceeded bv his only surviving son, VI. Sir WILLIAM, to. Anne, da. of John Maddison, of Stamford, co. Lincoln, esq., who rf. 31 Aug. 1782, bv whom he had issue, 1. Anne, b. 28 May 1753, m. Samuel Tho- FAGG.— FRANKLAND. 97 rold, esq., of Harrington Hall, Lincoln: she m., 2dly, Ros, and d. 12 July 1830. 2. Catharine, b. 16 March 175G, m. Ar- thur-Lemuel Shuldham, esq. 3. Theodosia-Dorothy, b. 4 April 1757, m. the rev. Richard Vevers, and d. 5 May 1831. 4. Edmund, 6. 11 Sept. 1758, m. Catha- rine, da. of Thomas Plumer, esq., and d. without issue. 5. George, b. 10 Nov. 1759, m, Lucy, eldest da. of Thomas Plumer, esq., and d. without issue. 6. Henrietta-Jane, 6.23 May 17(31, nu the rev. Naunton-Thomas-Oyill Lemon. 7. Charlotte, b. 24 June 1763, m. Ro- bert Rede, esq., and d. 9 Oct. 1822. 8. Frances, b. 15 April 1766. 9. Sir Charles-John, present hart. Sir William d. 9 March 178.5, and was suc- ceeded bv his only surviving son, VII. The rev. sir CHARLES-JOHN, pre- sent bart. Arms — See Plate 9. Argent, a chevron, between three crosses, flory, sable. Crest — A water-spaniel, passant, or. Seat — Lea Hall, co. Lincoln- FAGG, of Wist ox, co. Sussex. 11 Dec. 1660. Sir JOHN FAGG, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John, Sept. 1822. John Fagg, of Brensett, co. Kent, esq., m. Adryn, da- and h. of Clement Cobb, and had John Fac!g; of Rye, co. Sussex, the first settler in that countv, who m. Elizabeth, da. of Hudson, of the same county, by whom he had issue, I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., m. Mary, da. of Robert Morley, of Glynde, co. Sussex, esq., by whom he had 16 children, whereof only 5'lived to be m., viz. 1. Sir Robert, 2d bart. 2. Charles, >«. Mary, da. of Hy- land, by whom he had, besides other issue, a son, Charles, who tn. Eizabeth, da. of William Turner, esq., and had issue by her, sir William, 5th bart. ; Sarah, ;h. sir Wil- liam Young, bart. ; and other children. 3. Thomas, ?m. Elizabeth, widow of John Meres, and had issue, John Meres, who ?n. and left issue. 4. Elizabeth, m. sir Philip Cell, bart 5. Marv, m. John Spence, esq. Sir John d. 18 Jan. 1700, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IL Sir ROBERT, m., 21 Sept. 1671, Eli- zabeth, da. of Benjamin Culpepper, of Lind- field, CO. Sussex, esq. He d. 26 Aug. 1715, and left an onlv son, ilL Sir ROBERT, &. 1673, W.Christian, da. of sir Cecil Bisshopp, of Parham, co. Sussex, bart., by whom (who d. 22 Aug. 1763) he had issue, 1. Sir Robert, 4th bart. 2. Elizabeth, ?n., 1743, sir jCharles-Mat- thew Goring, bart. 3. Margaret, w., 1723, Gawen-Harris Nash, of Petworth, co. Sussex, esq. 4. 5. Christian and Margaret, d. unm. Sir Robert d. 22 June 1736, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, iV. Sir ROBERT, n2., 1729, Sarah, da. of William Ward, M.D., and rf. 14 Sept. 1740, without issue; left his estates in Kent and .Sussex to his sister, lady Goring, and was succeeded in title bv his cousin, V. Sir W1LLL\M, grandson of Charles, 2d son of sir John, the 1st bart.; m. Eliza- beth, da. of Abraham le Grand, of Canter- bury, esq., by whom (who d. 1785) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 6th bart. 2. Elizabeth, d. an infant. 3. Helen-Ward, m. the rev. Philip Williams, prebendary of Winchester, &c. and d. his widow, 1833, ast. 85. 4. Sarah, m., 2 Feb. 1777, Edwyn-Hum- phrey Sandys, esq., d. 1782. Sir William d. 14 Nov. 1791, and was suc- ceeded by his onlv son, VL The rev. sir JOHN, rector of Chart- ham, CO. Kent, tn., 27 Aug. 1789, Anne, only da. and h. of Daniel Newman, esq., of Can- terbury, by whom he had issue, 1. John-Willia.-m-Charles. 2. John-Arnott, both d. young. 3. Sir John, present bart. 4. Sarah-Anne-Augusta. 5. John-William-Thomas, m., 24 July 1824, Frances, youngest da. of William Car- ter, of Canterbury, M.D., d. 6. Lucy; 7- Jemima. 8. John-Charles. 9. A son, b. 5 Oct. 1814. Sir John d. Sept. 1822, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, VII. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 9. Gules, two bends, vaire. CVr.9^— An ostrich, with wings expanded, argent, beaked, legged, and ducally gorged, or, holding a horse-shoe proper. Seat— At Mystole, near Canterbury. FRANKLAND, of Thirkelby, co. York. 24 Dec. 1660. Sir ROBERT FRANKLAND, Baronet, born July 1784, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 4 Jan. 1831 ; married^ .30 Nov. 1815, Louisa-Anne, 3d da. of the late lord George Murray, bishop of St. David's, sister to Caroline-Leonora, late countess of Ilchester, and has issue, 1. Au- gusta-Louisa ; 2. Carolixe-Adelaide ; 3. Emily-Anne ; 4. JuLiA-RoBERTA, b. 19 May 1825; 5. Rosalind-Alicia. 98 FRANKLAND. William Frankland, of Rye, co. Herts, quitted that county, and settled at Thirkelbv, in Yorkshire; m. Lucy, da. of sir Henry Butler, of Hatfield Woodhall, Herts, and had issue, Sir Henry, knt., b. IGOO, m. Anne, da. of sir Arthur Harris, knt., and had, besides other issue, 1. Sir WILLIAM, created a bart. as above, m. A.i-abella, da. of Henry Bellasyse, eldest son of Thomas, viscount Fauconberg, by whom he had, J. Sir iHOMAs, 2d bart. 2. Henry, clerk of the peace for the North Riding, co. York, d. in 1736, uttm. 3. John, dean of Gloucester, master of Sydney College, Cambridge, promoted to the deanery of Ely, 25 April 172.'), d. Sept. 1730. He m. Mary, da. of mr. Turton, by whom he left I son, John, late fellow of St. John's College, Cambrit>ge, residentiary of Chichester, vicar of East Bourne, co. Sussex, and rector of Sundridge, co. Kent ; m., 1st, Margaret, da. of dr. Green, dean of Ely, by whom he had 1 son, who d. in his infancy ; Sdly, Mary, widow of Pierson. 4. Grace, jw. Leonard Smelt, of Kirkby Fleetham, esq. Sir William was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir THOMAS, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir John RuJ-sell, bart., (by Frances, da. of Oliver Cromwell,) by whom (who d. in 1/73) he had issue, 1. Thomas, 3d bart. 2. William, who va-'.s made treasurer of the stamp office, and ?w., 1st, Margaret, da. and h. of Ascough, esq., by whom he had a son and a da., who both rf. infants; 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of Dawdowin, by whom he had a da., Elizabeth, d. unm. : he d. himself, 28 Nov. 1714. 3. John, d. young. 4. Henry, d. governor of Bengal, 28 Aug. 1738, having m. Mary, da. of Alexander Cross, merchant; she d. 28 Nov, 1739: by her he had issue, 1. Sir Charlrs-Henry, 4th bart. 2. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 3. William, of Muntham, co. Sussex, d. 28 Dec. laos, aged 84. 4. Richard, d. an infant. 5. Robert, who d. capt. of a man-of-war, at Bombay, Dec. 1757- 6. Frederic, d. 15 July 1752, at Lisbon, a major in the army. He m. Melissa, da. of the rev. mr. Long, and left issue. Me- lisfsa 7. Harriott, d. an infant. 5. Richard, LL.D., of Jesus College, Cambridge; he was commissioner of the salt-office, and d. 21 Sept. 17^1, unm. 6. Frederick, barrister-at-law, one of the commissioners of the revenues in Ire- land, afterwards a commissioner of excise in England, and then a comptroller of the ac- counts in that office ; d. 8 March 17(18, having been twice in.', 1st, to Elizabeth, relict of Adam Carbonel, esq., secretary to John, the great duke of Marlborough. She d, 27 Jan. i73(i-7, by whom he had issue, 1. Frederic; and 2. Arthur, who both d. young. 3. Anne, and 4. Frances, both d. young. 5. Another Anne, ?n. Thomas, earl of Chichester, by whom he had 7 children. He m., 2dly, Anne Lumley, da. of Richard, 1st earl of Scarborough, who d. 28 Feb. 173!)-40, without issue. 7. RoREiiT, who was supercargo of his brother (the g()vernor)'s ship from Calcutta to the Persian gulf. Me had finished his trading voyage, and was ready to return to Bengal, but was murdered at Judda, and d. unm. 8. Mary, m. Thomas Worsley, esq. 0. Frances, m. Roger Talbot, esq. Sir Thomas d. 29 Oct. 1726, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir THOMAS, many years one of the lords commissioners of the admiralty, m. Dinah, da. and h. of Francis Topham, esq.; by her (who d. 2 Feb. 1740-1) he had 2 das., 1. Betty, m, John Morley Trevor, of Glynne-Bourne, co. Sussex, esq. 2. Dinah, nu George-Henry Lee, earl of Lichfield : she d. in 1772. Sir Thomas m,, 2dly, 1741, Sarah, da. of Morseley, co. Worcester, by whom (who d. 1783) he had, 3. A SON, d. an infant 1743. Sir Thomas d. in 1747, and was succeeded by his cousin, IV. Sir CHARLES-HENRY, eldest son of Henry, governor of Bengal. He was many years collector of his Majesty's cus- toms for the port of Boston, in North Ame- rica, and was afterwards consul-general at the court of Portugal. He m. Agnes, da. of Browne, and d. 1 1 Jan. 1768, without issue, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir THOMAS, who was, 31 March 1775, promoted to be admiral of the white. He m. in May 1743, in South Carolina, Sarah Rhett, grandda. to the chief-justice of that province, and by her (who d. 20 April 1808, aged 84) he had 19 children, amongst whom were, 1. Henry, d. an infant. 2. Mary, m. sir Boyle Roche, bart., of Dublin. 3. Sarah, d. young. 4. Henrietta, d. 9 Jan. 1808. 5. Sir Thomas, 6th bart. 6. Hugh, d. an infant. 7- Anne, m., 1st, in March 1778, John Lewis, esq.; and 2d!y, in 1810, the rev. R. Hare, of Hurstmonceaux, co. Sussex. 8. Dinah, m., in Aug. 1779> William Bowles, esq., d. in 1/95. 9. Catharine, m. Thomas WhLnyates, esq. 10. Charlotte, «?., in 1778, Robert Ni- cholas, esq., d. in 1800. 11. William, fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford, col. of the North York regt. of militia, member for Thirsk, and, in 1806, a lord of the admiralty, d. 10 June 1816. 12. Roger, in holy orders, rector of Yar- lington, CO. Somerset, and canon-residen- tiary of Wells, m., in June 1792, Catharine, da. of John, 7th lord Colville, and d. 25 March lH2(i, having had issue, 1. Frederick-William. 2. Edv/ard-Augustus. 3. Charles-Colville. 4. George, lieutenant in the fioth regt. of foot, m., 18 July 1822, Anne, 3d da. of Thomas Mason, esq., of John Street, Bed- ford Row, .'">. Arthur; 6. Emma; 7- Matilda. 8. Catharine-Henrietta; 9. Octavia. 10. Louisa. 1,3. Gkace, m., in 1793, Matthew Gosset, es(i., and d. in ]8iil. Sir Thomas d. 20 Nov. 1784, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VI. Sir THOMAS, b. Sept. 1750, w., March 1775, Dorothy, da. of William Smelt, estp, (ni(;ce of Leonard Smelt, esq., sub- governor to his late majesty king George IV., when iiriiice of Wales,) by v/hom (who d. 19 May 1!!2(») he had an only surviving child, 1. .Sir Rounii'j-, present bart. Sir Thomas (/. 4 ,lan. 1831, and was succeeded bv his only child, VII. Sir ROBERT, present and 7th bart. LEGARD.— BEDINGFELD. 99 Arms— See Plate 9. Azure, a dolphin, naiant, embowed, or, on a chief, of the se- cond, two saltires, gules. Crest— A dolphin, haurient, argent, en- twined round an anchor, erect, proper. Seat— Great Thirkelby Hall, near Thirsk, in the North Riding, co. York. LEGARD, of GantoNj co. York. 29 Dec. 1660. Sir THOMAS-DIGBY LEGARD, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 5 July 1830 ; boim 30 May 1803, married, 31 May 1832, the hon. Frances Duncombe, da. of Charles, lord Feversham, and has issue, . FRANCIS-DIGBY, b. 8 May 1833. This family is of great antiquity in the county of York, and became possessed of the manor of Anlaby as early as the 12th century. I. Sir JOHN, Istbart., m., 1st, Grace, da. of Conyers, earl of Holderness, by whom he had, 1. Grace, m. John Hill, esq. He m., 2dly, Francis, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Thomas VViddrington, knt., serjeant-at- law, (by Frances, eldest da. of Ferdinando, lord Fairfax, and Mary, his wife, da. of Ed- mund Sheffield, 1st earl of Mulgrave, K.G.,) by whom he had, 2. Sir John, 2d bart. 3. Thomas, d. unm. 4. WILLIA3I, m. and left children, who all d. s.p. 5. WiDDRINGTON, d. imm. 6. Dorothy, m. Thomas Grimston, esq. 7. Frances, m. George Bowes, esq. Sir John d. 1G78, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, m. Elizabeth, da. of Leo- nard Wastell, esq., by whom he had, 1. John, d. young. 2. Sir John, 3d bart. 3. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 4. Saville, d. young. 5. William. 6. Christopher, d. 11 Oct. 1765, mmu 7. Richard, d. unm. 8. Elizabeth, m. captain Moor, who d. in 1720. 9. Frances, d. 5 Feb. 1738. Sir John m., 2dly, Dorothy, da. of sir Wil- liam Cayley, bart., by whom (who d. llJuly 1735) he had, 10. Barnabas, d. Nov. 1766. 11. Robert, d. 28 June 1735. 12. James; 13. Edwaijd. 14. Dorothy, m. mr. Oats. 15. Mary, m, Roger Nowell, esq., and d. 1 April 1770. 16. Esther, d. young. Sir John d. 5 May 1715, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JOHN, who d. unm. 14 April 1719, and was succeeded by his brother, IV. Sir THOMAS, w.,1726-7, Frances, da. of John Digby, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Digby, 5th bart. 2. Frances. 3. Elizabeth, d. young. 4. Jane, m. John Grimston, esq., and d. 1758. Sir Thomas d. 1735, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir DIGBY, m., Aug. 1755, Jane, 3d da. of George Cartwright.co. Nottingham, esq., and one of the co-heiresses of her brother, William Cartwright, by whom (who d. in Sept. 1811) he had, 1. Sir John, 6th bart. 2. Sir Thomas, 7th bart. 3. George, lieut.-col. in the army, m. Jane, da. of John Grimston, of Kilnwick, co. York, but d. s.p. at St. Domingo. 4. William, in holy orders, vicar of Gan- ton, CO. York, ;«., 7Feb. 1803, Cecilia-Eliza- beth, da. of James Oldershaw, M.D., of Stamford, co. Lincoln, d. 1818, leaving issue. 5. Digby, m. Frances, da. of Ralph Creyke, of Marton, esq., and had issue. 6. Richard, collector of the customs at Jamaica, m. Elizabeth, da. of Brown, esq., and d. at Jamaica, s.p., 6 June 1818. 7. Jane, m. Smith, of , co. York, who re-m. Henrietta-Charlotte, her sister. 8. Frances, m., Feb. 1780, Thomas Grim- ston, of Kilnwick, esq. 9.HENRIETTA-CHARLOTTE,m. Smith, of , CO. York. Sir Digby d. 4 Feb. 1773, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir JOHN, m., 22 June 1802, Jane, da. of Henry Aston, of Aston, co. Chester, esq., (who d. 19 Dec. 1833,) and dying without male issue, v/as succeeded by his brother, VII. Sir THOMAS, capt. R. N., b. 1763, m., 26 Dec. 1802, miss Sarah Bishop, by whom (who d. 26 Jan. 1814) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Digby, 8th bart. 2. Henry-Willoughby, in the army, unm. 3. Matilda, to., 26 Oct. 1829, Robert Alexander, esq. barrister-at-law, and F.S.A. 4. Harriett, m., 14 Aug. 1820, Edward Nelson Alexander, of Halifax, co. York, esq., F.S.A. 5. Catharine. Sir Thomas d. 5 July 1830, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir THOMAS-DIGBY, present bart. Arms—See Plate 9. Argent, on a bend, between six mullets, pierced, gules, a cross pat6e, or. Crest — A greyhound, or, collared, sable. Mutto — Per crucem ad stellas. Seat— At Ganton, near Scarborough, co. York. BEDINGFELD, of Oxburgh, co. Norfolk. 2 Jan. 1660-1. Sir HENRY-RICHARD BEDINGFELD, Baronet, horn 1800, sue- ceeded his father, sir Richard, 22 Nov. 1829; married, 30 Aug. 1826, F 2 100 COLLETON. Margaret-Anne, only da. of Edward Paston, of Appleton, co. Norfolk, esq., and has, Matilda-Charlotte, b. 15 Oct. 1827. Ogerus de Pugkys, a Nonnan, came into England with the Conqueror, and was one of the four knights of the lord Mallett, lord of the honour of Eye, in Suffolk, who gave him the manor of Bed'm^feld, in con- sequence of which he assumed the name of Bedingfeld, of Bedingfeld, Sir Henry Bedwg-fdd, knt., m., 1st, Mary, da. of lord William Howard, of Naworth Castle, CO. Cumberland, 3d son of Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk, and ancestor to the earls of Carlisle (by whom he had a son, Thomas Howard, of the duchy of Lancaster, who m. Mary, da. of Robert Brooksby, of Sheffield, co. Leicester, and d. 20 April l(j(J5, in consequence of some wounds he received in the head during the civil wars) ; and 2dly, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Peter Hoghton, of Hoghton Tower, co. Lancaster, esq., al- derman and sheriff of London, by whom he had 4 sons and 4 das., 1. Sir Henry, created a bart. 2. William, capt. in the guards. 3. Edmund, a canon at Lier, in Brabant, where he d. 4. John, d. unm. 1. Sir HENRY, eldest surviving son of sir Henry, a distinguished loyalist in the civil wars, was created a bart. After the restoration of Charles H., he laid before that prince a calculation of the sufferings of the family, which appeared to be ,;f47,]!)4 life. 8rf. His majesty replied, with concern, that it was too great for him to recompense. To which mr. Bedingfeld answered, that all he begged of his majesty was, that he might hope, for the future, to enjoy in quiet that little which was left. He m. Margaret, da. Hnd h. of Edward Paston, esq., and had issue, L Henry. 2. John, m. Dorothy, da. and co-h. of John Ramsay, and d. Aug. 1093, leaving issue, L Henry; 2. John. 3. Frances; 4. Mary. 3. Edward, a barrister, m. Mary, young- est sister of sir Clement Fisher, bart., by whom he had 2 sons and 1 da., Mary, m, .sir Jolm Swinburne, bart. 4. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Weetenhall, esq. : she had the reputation of being one of the most perfect beauties of the age. 5. , m. Richard Caryll, esq. 6. Mary, m. Thomas Eyre. 7. Margaret, abbess of the Carmelite nuns at Lier. 8. Anne, a nun. Sir Henry d. Feb. 1685, and was succeeded by his eldest son, n. Sir HENRY, m., 1st, Anne, only da. and h. of Charles, viscount Andover, after- wards the 2d earl of Berkshire, by whom he had no issue; and, 2dly, Elizabeth, youngest da. of sir John Arundell, of Lang- hern, CO. Cornwall, bart, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Henry-Arxjndell, 3d bart. 2. Elizabeth, d. young. 3. Margaret, m. sir John Jerningham, 4. Frances, m. sir Francis Anderton, of Lostock, CO. Lancaster, bart. Sir Henry d. 14 Sept. 17U4, and was suc- ceeded by his son, III. Sir HENRY-ARUNDELL, m., Aug. 171!», Elizabeth Boyle, eldest da. of Charles, earl of Burlington, by whom (who d. 25 Nov. 175] ) he had six sons, the four eldest of whom d. young. 5. Sir Richard, 4th bart. C. Edward, h. 1730, m., 1754, Mary, da. of sir John Swinburne, bart., by whom he had ten children, 1. John, R.N., h. 1754. 2. Mary, a nun, d. 3. Anne, m. Thomas Worterton, co. York. 4. Thomas, d. 1790; 5. Edward, d. 1802. 0. Anthony, d. young; 7. Peter, d. 8. Frances, d.; 9. Helen; 10. Isabella. 7. Elizabeth, m. Charles Biddulph, of Burton, co. Sussex, esq. 8. Mary, d. young. Sir Henry d. 15 July I7OO, and was succeeded bv his eldest surviving son, 'IV. Sir RICHARD, 6. 14 Sept. 1720, »n., 30 March I7OI, Mary, only da. of Anthony Brown, viscount Montagu, of Coudray, co. Sussex, h. 27 May 1733, and by her (who d. in childbed, 23 Sept. 1707>) had one son. Sir Richard, 5th bart. Sir Richard d. 17 March 1795, and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir RICHARD, 5th bart., b. 23 Sept. 1707, in., 17 June 1795, Charlotte-Georgiana, da. of sir William Jerningham, bart., and sister to George-William, lord Stafford, by whom (who is woman of the bedchamber to the queen, and was raised to the rank of a baron's da., by royal sign manual, Oct. 1831,) he had issue, 1. Frances-Charlotte, h. 13 April 1796, m., 2 June 1815, William-Francis-Henry, lord Petre, and d. 29 Jan. 1822. 2. Matilda-Mary, b. 6 April 1/97, nt., 30 Nov. 1820, Stanley Cary, of FuUaton, CO. Devon, esq. 3. Agnes-Mary, b. 1798, m., 3 Oct. 1823, Thomas Molyneux Seele, of Hurst House, CO. Lancaster, esq. 4. Sir Henry-Richard, present bart. 5. Charlotte-Eliza, b. 5 Jan. 1802, a nun at Bruges, in Flanders. G. Charles-Richard, 6. 8 Sept. 1803, an ofRcer in the Austrian service. 7. Edward-Richard, 6. Jan. 1805, R.N., drowned at sea, 1823. 8. F KLix -W iLLiAM- George - Richard, b. 12 Aug. 1808. Sir Uichard d. 22 Nov. 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir HENRY -RICHARD, present and (ith bart. Anns—Hee Plate 9. Erm.ine, an eagle displayed, gules. Crest — An eagle, as in the arms. Motto — Dcspirio terrenn soleni contemplw. Seat—Xt Oxburgh, co. Norfolk. COLLETON, of London. 18 Feb. lGGO-1. Sir JAMES-ROUPELL COLLETON, Baronet, Lieut.-Col. in the Army, succeeded his father, sir James-Nassau, IG Jan. 1815 ; horn 22 BEAUMONT. 101 Dec. 1783; married, 12 Dec. 1819, Septima-Sexta-Colleton, da. of rear- admiral Richard Graves, of Herabury Port, co. Devon, by whom (who d. in America, 14 Dec. 1831) he has issue, 1. Nassau-Willtam- Charles, b. .30 March, d. 10 April 1821 ; 2. FREDERICK- NASSAU- WILLIAM-GRAVES, b. 4 Aug. 1822; 3. Robert-Augustus- Fulford-Graves, b. 19 Sept. 1824 ; 4. Gertrude-Hawise-Ela- de-Ralegh ; 5. Alswitha-Plantagenet. I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart, had been very active, and expended large sums in the ser- vice of Charles I.; and in recompense of his great services, G7> leaving four sons, 1. Sir Peter. 2. Thomas, nu, and had issue. 3. John, d. tinm., 1068. 4. James, m., and had issue. 5. Anne, m. Humphrey Selwood. 6. Katherine ; 7- Elizabeth. II. Sir PETER, m. Elizabeth, relict of William Johnson, and had issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Catharine, m. Robert Richardson. 3. Anne, d. umn. 1741. Sir Peter d. 24 March 1694, and was suc- ceeded by his son, III. Sir JOHN, m., 10 Dec. 1700, Eliza- beth, da. of John Snell, esq., and had issue, 1. John, of Fair Lawns, South Carolina, »»., 21 July 1730, Susanna, da. of the rev. John Snell, canon of Exeter, by whom he had, 1. Peter, d. v.p. 2. Sir John, 4th bart. 3. Elizabeth-Mary-Anne, m., 31 Dec. 1770, Joseph Cooke, M.D. 4. Susanna, d. yoiuig, 1761. 5. Hannah, d. unm. 1747. 2. Peter, of South Carolina, d. unm. 1754. 3. Robert, capt. in the army, m., 24 Sept. 1748, miss Anne Colleton, of South Carolina, and d. 1755, leaving issue. Sir James Nassau, 6th bart. 4. Elizabeth, b. 11 June 1704, m., 1st, John Browne, 2dly, Edward Hawley, esq. He rf. 1754, and was succeeded by his grandson, IV. Sir JOHN, m., 1st, 10 Feb. 1759, Anne, da. of Francis Fulford, of Great Ful- ford, CO. Devon, esq., (which marriage was dissolved by act of parliament, March 1772,) by whom he had issue one da., Louisa-Caroline, who Hi.,23Sept. 1787. rear-admiral Richard Graves, and d. 25 Dec. 1822. He nu, 2dly, 21 April 1774, Jane Mutter, by whom he had one son, V. Sir JOHN-SNELL, rf, July 1801, leaving no issue, by which event the title devolved on his father's 1st coushi, VI. Sir JAMES-NASSAU, clerk in the secretary of state's office for the home de- partment, 6. 23 March 1752, nu, 3 Dec. 1778, Susanna, da. of William Nixon, of Lmcoln, by whom (who rf. 31 Jan. 1830) he had issue, 1. Sir James-Roupell, present bart. 2. Thomas-William, in the army. 3. Nassau-Charles, rf. a minor, 15 June 1815. 4. Lucy-Anne-Wtlhelmina-Pitt, rf. an infant, March 1780. 5. SusANNA-BooNE, rf. imm. 6 Dec. 1816. 6. Augusta-Henrietta, rf. 1810, urmu 7. Anne-Elizabeth, rf. wun. 1817. 8. Mary-Sarah, rf. an infant. 9. Carolina-Berkeley', rf. unm. Sir James rf. 16 Jan. 1815, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JAMES ROUPELL, present bart. Anns— See Plate 9. Or, three stags' heads, couped, proper. Crest-— A stag's head, as in the arms. BEAUMONT, of Stoughton-Grange, co. Leicester. 21 Feb. 1060.1. Sir GEORGE - ROWLAND - WILLOUGHBY BEAUMONT, Ba- ronet, bor7i 1(5 Dec. 1799 ; succeeded his cousin, sir Georp^e-Howland, G Feb. 1827 ; married., 16 June 1825, Mary- Anne, eldest da. of "William Howley, D.D., lord archbishop of Canterbury, and has issue, 1. GEORGE-HOWLAND, b. 12 Sept. 1828 ; --^2. Rayjiond-Curzon, b. 8 April 1830, d. 7 May following ; 3. William-Beresford, b. 31 March 1831; 4. Willoughby-Hastings, b. 15 Aug. 1832; 5. Mary-Susax, 5. Aug. 1827, rf. an infant; 6. Constakce-Mary, b. 25 July 1834. This family may vie with the proudest of our nobility in illustrious extraction, being descended, in a direct paternal line, from Louis Vll I., king of France. Charles, yoimger son of Louis VIII., was called king of Jerusalem and Sicily. His 2d son, Louis, tn. Agnes, heiress of Beaumont, in France ; and the sons of that marriage took the name of Beaumont; and to their paternal arms, viz., France ancient, added those of their mother, viz., alioti rampant, or, as now borne. The eldest son of Louis and Agnes enjoyed the French inheritance; Theobald, the 2d, was archbishop of Paris; Louis, the 3d son, came to England, and was bishop of Durham. Henry, the 4th son, also seated himself in England, and was earl of Buchan, in Scotland. He rf. 1340. His son, John, lord Beaumont, yn. Eleanor, 5th da. of Henry Plantagenet, earl of Lan- 102 SMYTHE. caster, grandson to king Henry III. The eldest branch of his descendants became ex- tinct on the death of William, viscount Beaumont. A younger branch settled at Cole Orton, CO. Leicester, temp. Edward IV., of which was Nicholas Beaujiont, who d. 1585, leaving, besides other issue, two sons, 1. Sir Henry, whose son, sir Thomas, was created a bart., 17 Sept. 161!), and after- wards created, 1622, viscount Beaumont, of Swords, CO. Dublin, which titles became ex- tinct on the death of his grandson, Thomas, 3d viscount, 1702 ; and, 2. Sir Thomas, of Stoughton, who was grandfather of I. Sir THOMAS, created a bart. as above, m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of sir Nicholas Trott, knt., by Mary, da. and h. of sir George Perient, knt., and had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, in holy orders, m. Susannah, da. of William Oldys, D.D., and had two das., 1. Elizabeth, m. William Hayley, M.D. 2. Arabella ; and four sons, of which one only left a da. Hed. 15 Jan. 1710, aged 71. 3. William, of Great Dunmow, co. Es- sex, ancestor to the present bart., of whom hereafter. 4. Jane; 5. Mary. Sir Thomas was succeeded by his son, II. Sir HENRY, m. Elizabeth, da. of George Farmer, esq., prothonotary of the Common Pleas ; and had, (besides 6 sons that d. in their infancy,) 1. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. 2. Sir George, 4th bart. 3. Henry, d. untn. 4. Basil, who was brought up to the sea service, and perished in the great storm, 27 Nov. 1703, on the Goodwin Sands. 5. Sir Lewis, 5th bart. 6. WiLLiAM-ViLLiERS, rf. 17 July 1607. 7. Charles, was blown up in the Downs, 19 Sept. 1700, in the Carlisle man-of-war. 8. James, d. iinm. 9. Elizabeth, d. Feb. 1726-7. 10. Anne. 11. Diana, d. 1694. 12. Henrietta, m. John Styleman, esq., and d. 10 March 1724-5. 13. Catherine, m. William Busby, and d, 1 April 1726. 14. Arabella; 15. Christiana. Sir Henry d. 1688, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir THOMAS, d. 1690, unm., and was succeeded by his next brother, IV. Sir GEORGE, and being also heir- male in blood to Thomas, viscount Beau- mont, of Cole-Orton, (an ancient seat and inheritance of the family,) succeeded to that, and all other his estates, by the will of the said viscount. In the year 1712 he was made a commissioner of the privy seal, and 1714, one of the lords of the admiralty ; and d. unm. 9 April 1737, was succeeded by his next surviving brother. V. Sir LEWIS, rector of Pycomb, in Sussex, and prebendary of Chichester, m. Elizabeth, da. of mr. Courtnay, and relict of the rev. mr. Temple, by whom he had no issue; and rf. 23 Dec. 1738, aet. 64, the title, and viscount Beaumont's estates at Cole Orton, and in other counties, went to his cousin, sir George Beaumont, in the fol- lowing manner : William, 3d son of sir Thomas, the 1st bart. of this branch of the family, was seated at Dunmow, co. Essex, where he was buried in 1719; and having m. Jane, da. of John Watts, esq., by Jane, da. of sir Thomas Burton, bare, had two sons, Wil- liam and Henry (who had a son, Thomas) ; and three das., Henrietta, Jane, and Mary. William, the elder son, m. Elizabeth, da. of William Jordain, of Charlton, co. Surrey, esq., by whom he had three sons, 1. Sir George, successor to his cousin, sir Lewis, and 6th bart. 2. William, d. nnm. 3. Thomas, of Buckland, near Reigate, in Surrey, 711. miss Mary Silver, and had issue, 1. William, d. youngo 2. Thomas, m. 29 Jan. 1799, Bridget, youngest da. of the rev. William Davie, youngest brother of sir John Davie, bart., of Creedy, co. Devon, and had issue; 1. sir George - Howland - Willoughby, present bart. ; 2. Thomas - Davie, b. 9 March 1801, d. 1824; 3. William-Franeis Bertie, of Buckland, co. Surrey, m.. May 1833, Frances-Mary-Caroline, da. of John Smith, of Bury St. Edmunds, esq., by whom (who d. July 1834) he had issue, a son, b. April 1834; 4. Manz-Anne-Brid^^et ; 5. Marffaret-Sop/iia, m., 1833, rev. James Beauchamp ; 6. Alice - Eleanor, d. April 1833, nnm. VI. Sir GEORGE, the eldest son of Wil- liam, who succeeded sir Lewis, before men- tioned, Dec. 1738, m., 26 March 1751, Ra- chael, da. of Michael Howland, of Stone- hall, in Dunmow, esq., and by her (who d. April 1814) he had issue, 1. William, d. an infant, 1757. 2. William, d. 1758. 3. Sir George-Howland, 7th bart. Sir George d. 1762, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, VII. Sir GEORGE-HOWLAND, D.C.L. and F.S.A., m., 6 May 1/78, Margaret, da. and h of John Willes, of Astrop, co. Northampton, esq., but by her (who d. 14 July 1829, a-t. 73) had no issue. Sir George rf. 6 Feb. 1827, and was suc- ceeded by his cousin, VIIL Sir GEORGE -HOWLAND -WIL- LOUGHBY, present bart. Arnh'< — See Plate 9. Azure, sem(5e de lys, and a lion rampant, or. Crest— On a chapcau, azure, semtje of flcur de lis, and turned up, ermine, a lion passant, or. Motto — ErectHs, non elatus. Seat— Co\e Orton, co. Leicester. SMYTHE, of EsHE, co. Durliam. 23 Feb. IGOO-l. Sir EDWARD- JOSEPH SMYTHE, Baronet, horn 1787, succeeded his father, sir Edward, April 1811 ; married., 23 Oct. 1800, Frances, da. of sir Edward Bellew, of Barmeath, co. Louth, bart., and has a SON and a Da.j b. Sept. 1812; and another Da., b. May 181G. WILSON. 103 This family is descended from John Smythe, of Staintoii, co. Durham. Sixth in descent from him was 1. Sir EDWARD, 1st bart., m. Mary, da. and co-h. of sir Richard Lee, bart., by whom (who d. 1677) he had issue, J. Sir Richard, 2d bart. 2. Rowland, slain in Ireland, s.p. 3. Sir John, 3d bart. 4. Elizabeth ; 5. Margaret, both d. ttnm. 6. Mary, in. sir George Southcote, bart., andd. 1719. Sir Edward d. 12 Oct. 1714, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, II. SirRICHARD, m. Grace, da. and h. of Caryll Smyth, esq., (niece to lord Car- ringtou,) by whom he had a da., Clara, rf. unm., 29 March 1750. Sir Richard d. 17 Dec. 1736, and was suc- ceeded by his brother, III. Sir JOHN, m. Constantia, da. of George Blount, esq., and sister to sir Ed- ward Blount, bart., by whom (who d. 8 May 1733) he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 4th bart. 2. Walter, m. Mary, da. of John Erring- ton, esq., by wliom he had issue, 1. Walter, 6. 4 Oct. 1757. '"•, 16 March 1807, Louisa, youngest da. of Thomas Boycott, of Rudge, co. Salop, and d. 14 Nov. 1822, leaving two das., Louisa-Mar!/, b. 10 June 1810, /»., 14 May 1832, sir Frederick - Hervey Bathurst, bart., and Charlotte- Georgina-Harriott, b. 26 July 1814. 2. John, b. 1758. 3. Charles, b. 1760. 4. Henry, b. 1761. 5. Mary-Anne, b. 26 July 1756, m., 1st, Edward Weld, of LuUworth Castle, co. Dorset, esq.; and 2dly, Thomas Fitzher- bert, esq., of Norbury, co. Derby. 6. Frances, b. 1762, m. sir"Caniaby Haggerston, bart. 3. Constantia, m. Marmaduke Lang- dale, esq. Sir John d. 17 Sept. 1737, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir EDWARD, m., 1st, 25 July 1743, Mary, da. of Peter Giffard, esq., by whom (who d. 30 May 1764) he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 5th bart. He m., 2dly, Mary, da. of Hugh, 4th lord Clifford, bv whom (who rf. 1/97) he had issue, 2. George-Walter, 6. 1767. 3. Hugh -Philip, b. 1769, m., 1803, Lucy, 2d da. of the late Edward Sulyarde, esq.," of Hawley Park, co. Suffolk, and d. 17 May 1822, leaving by her (who d. 15 March 1830) an only child, Lucy, »i., 8 Aug. 1826, Henry-Benedict Arundel, after- wards 11th lord Arundel of Wardour, andrf. March 1827- 4. William, b. 177^^, slain in battle, unm, 5. Elizabeth-Mary-Anne, 6. 1774, m. Thomas-Raymond Arundel, of Bathford, CO. Somerset, esq. Sir Edward was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir EDWARD, m., 15 Oct. 1781, Ca- therine-Maria, da. and sole h. of John Hol- ford, of Wootou Hall, co. Warwick, esq., and had issue. Sir Edward-Joseph, 6th bart. Sir Edward rf. 11 April 1811, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, VI. Sir EDWARD -JOSEPH, present bart. Arms— See Plate 9. Sable, three roses, argent. Crest — A buck's head, erased, gorged, with a chaplet of laurel, all proper. Motto — Hegi semper fidelis. Seats — Eshe Hall, near Durham ; Acton- Burnell, co. Salop ; and Wooton Hall, co. Warwick. WILSON, of East-Bourne, co. Sussex. 4 March 16G0-L Sir THOIMAS-MARYON WILSON, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Thomas-Maryon, 22 July 1821, and is unmarried. 6. Judith, m., 1st, Benjamin, son and This baronet is descended from an ancient family, co. York, which has spread itself into many branches. The first we find is Tho- mas Wilson, seated at Elton, co. York, 1260, who bore the same arms as are now used. John Wilson, son of John Wil.-oii, of Tock- with, CO. York, settled at Sheffield, in the parish of Fletching, co. Sussex, and was grandfather of I. Sir WILLIAM, the 1st bart., who was a distinguished loyalist; m. ^lary, da. of Francis Haddon, (by Judith, da. of Carter, re-m. to Edward Burton, D.D., eldest son of sir Edward Burton, knt.,) by whom (who rf. 1661) he had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. John, a counsellor - at - law, m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Robert Pickering, gent. ; and 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Roots, esq., and rf. without issue, 1700. 3. Francis, rf. \oung. 4. Thomas, m. Anne, eldest da. of George Courthope, of the Middle Temple, of Seven Oaks, co. Kent, and of Wadhurst, CO. Sussex, gent., and rf. 27 June 1684, leav- ing issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 2. Philadelphia, m. Richard Knight. 5. Edward, rector of Blachington, co. Sussex, ni. Catharine, da. of Sackville Graves, esq. heir-apparent of sir William Culpeper, bart. and 2dly, Christopher Mason, esq., capt. R.N., and rf. 9 May 1635. 7. Philadelphia, ni. sir James Smythe, knt., lord mayor of London in 1686, and rf. March I7IO. Sir William rf. 1685, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, m. Rechard, 2d da. and co-h. of Richard Pecock, esq., by whom (who rf. Tvlarch 1686) he had issue, 1. William, rf. young. 2. V/iLLiAM, m. Jane, only da. and h. of Nicholas Townley, esq., barrister-at-law, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir William, 3d bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. the hon. James Glen, governor, &c. of South Carolina. 3. Christopher, rf. an infant. 4. Philadelphia, ?n., 1st, 10 Dec. 1800, John Nutt, of Marshalls in Maresfield, co. Sussex, gent, (who rf. 31 Jan. 1703) ; and 2dly, 28 Sept. 1704, lieut.-colnncl Joseph Ferrers, of Isleworth, co. ^liddlesex, and Fletching, co. Sussex, esq., whom she sur- vived, and rf. 1744. 5. Rechard, ?». mr. William Exeter. Sir William rf. 26 Dec. 17I8, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, III. Sir WILLIAM, rf. loim. 23 Jan. 1753, 104 READE. upon whose death the male issue failing in this branch, the dignity, and a considerable part of the family estate, devolved upon his cousin, IV. Sir THOMAS, (only son of Thomas, 4th son of sir William, the 1st bart.,) m. Elizabeth, da. of mr. William Hutchinson, of Uckfield, CO. Sussex, and had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 5th bart. 2. Sir Thomas-Spbncer, (jth bart. 3. SPENCf;R ; 4. Anne ; 5. Barbara, all d. yoimg. Sir Thomas d. 6 Oct, 1759^ and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir EDWARD, who d. unm. 1 June 1760, and was succeeded by his only bro- ther, VI. Sir THOMAS-SPENCER, lieut.-ge- neral in the army, and colonel 5uth regiment of foot, W.Jane, da. of John Badger, esq., and by her (who d. Aug. 1818) had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Maryon, 7th bart. 2. MARGARKTTA-ELizABETH,m., 1 March 1787, Charles-George, lord Arden. 3. Jane, w*., 1st, Aug. I7IK), the right hon. Spencer Perceval, brother to John- James, earl of Egmont, chancellor of the ex- chequer and of the duchy of Lancaster, who was assassinated by John Belli ngham, of Liverpool, in the lobby of the house of commons, 11 May 1812; and2dly, 22 Jan. 1815, lieut.-colonel sir Henry W. Carr, K.C.B. and K.T.S.. who d. 18 Aug. 1821. 4. Marfa, nu, Aug. 1791, sir John Tre- velyan, bart. Sir Thomasd. 1798, and was succeeded by his son, VII. Sir THOMAS-MARYON, w., Oct. 1799, Elizabeth, da. of captain James Smith, R.N., by whom (who d. before her husband) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Maryon, present bart. 2. John-Maryon, of Fitzjohns, in Es- sex, esq., m., 22 Dec. 1825, Julia, 5th da. of George Wade, of Dunmow, esq. 3. Spencer -Maryon, b. 1804, d, unm. 31 Aug. 1826. 4. Wii-liam-Maryon, d. young. 5. Jane-Elizabeth. 6. Caroline, d. 15 Sept. 1821. 7. Margaretta - Maria, m., 13 May 1830, rev. Arthur Drummond. 8. Julia. Sir Thomas-Maryon d. 22 July 1821, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir THOMAS-MARYON, present bart. Arms— See Plate 9» Sable, a wolf, sa- liant, and in chief, three estoils, or. Crest — A demi-wolf, as in the arms. Motto — Pro legibus ac regibus. Sm^— Charlton, co. Kent. READE, of Shitton Court, co. Oxon- 4 March 1660-1. Sir JOHN-CHANDOS READE, Baronet, horn 18 Jan. 1785, suc- ceeded his father, sir John, 18 Nov. 1789 ; married^ 6 Jan. 1814, Louisa, da. of the late hon. David Murray, brother of Alexander, 7th lord Elibank, and by her (who d. 6 Jan. 1821) had issue, 1. COMPTON, h. 17 Oct. 1814; 2. John-Chaxdos, b. 1816, d. an infant; 3. Louisa- Jane, h. 20 July I8I7 ; 4. Emily, b. 30 April 1810 ; 5. Clara- Louisa, b. 25 Jan. 1821. L Sir COMPTON READE, 1st bart., created as above, m. Mary, da. of sir Gilbert Cornwall, by whom he had issue, 1. Thomas, d. unm. 2. Sir Edward, 2d bart. 3. Anne, >w. sir Fairmeadow Penniston, of Cornwall and Oxfordshire, bart. 4. Mary, nu Cornelius Vermooden, of Cornwall, esq. Sir Compton d. 29 Sept, 1679, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving sou, II. Sir EDWARD, m. Elizabeth, da. of Francis Harby, of Adston, co. Northamp- ton, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir WiNvvooD, 3d bart. 2. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 3. Edward, d. young. 4. George, colonel of a regiment of foot, m. Jane, da. of Charles Nowis, of Wood Ditton, CO. Cambridge, esq., and d. 1755, without issue. Sir Edward d. 4 Sept. 1G91, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IH.Sir WINWOOD.d. aminor,lC92, and was succeeded by liis next brother, IV. Sir TIloSlAS, gentleman of his ma- jesty's privy chamlx-r, afterwards one of the clerks of the household ; m. Mary, da. of sir Ralph Dutton, of Sherborne, co. Glou- cester, bart., by whom he had a son. Sir John, 5th biirt. Sir Thomas d. 1752, and was succeeded by V. Sir JOHN, »)., 1759, Harriet, da. and h. of William Barker, esq., and by her (who d. 23 Dec. I8II) had issue, 1. Sir John, 5th bart. 2. Thomas, twin with his brother,, m. Catharine, da. of sir John Hill. 3. StJSAN, 7«. capt. Irvine, R.N. 4. Harriott; 5. Lucy. Sir John d. 9 Nov. 1773, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir JOHN, 6. 8 March 1762, m., 18 Jan. 1784, Jane, da. of sir Hungerford Hoskyns, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir John-Chandos, his successor. 2. George-Compton, 6. 8 Jan. 1788, she- riff CO. Oxford, 1812, m., 6 March 180;), Ma- ria-Jane, youngest da. of sir Hungerford Iloskyns, bart., and luas issue, 1. Cieorge; 2. John-Stanhope. 3. Chaudoa-Stanhope, d. 11 Sept. 1833, a?t. 19. 4. Catherine-Julia. 5. Maria-Louisa; 6. Caroline-Jane. 3. Julia-Jane, ;*. 6 Aug. 1789. 4. Harriet; 5. Louisa, twins, rf. young. Sir John d. 18 Nov. 1789, and was succeeded by his son, VII. Sir JOHN-CHANDOS, present baJt. Ar>^,i—Sce Plate 9. Gules, a saltiie, be- tween four garbs, or. Crest— On the stump of a tree, vert, a falcon, rising, proper, belled and jessed, or. Motto — Cfddiit ttrnia toga:. Srat — At Sliipton Court, Burford, co. Oxon. BROUGHTOX. 105 BROUGHTON, of Brought ox, co. StaflPord. 10 March lfi60-l. Sir JOHN-DELVES BROUGHTON, Baronet, a Gen. in the army, succeeded his father, the rev. sir Thomas, 23 July 1813 ; married Mary, sister of sir John Egerton, of Oulton Park, co. Chester, hart., and by her has no issue. This family is descended in the direct male line from Htgh dk Verxon, who was baron of Shipbrooke temp. William the Conqueror. The name of Broughion was assumed from the manor about temp. Ed. I. Fifteenth in lineal descent from Hugh de Vernon was, Thomas Bi-oKghton, esq., who founded and endowed a chapel at Broughton, m. Frances, da. of Walter, and sister of sir Harvey Bagot, of Blithfield, co. Stafford, bart., (ancestor of the barons Bagot, so created 17 Oct. 178(i,) and bv her had, 1. Sir Brya.v, created a bart. 2. Peter, who v/as of Lowdham, co. Nottingham, m. Anne, da. of William Staunton, of Staunton, in the same county, esq., and possessed Bilsthorpe, and other manors, co. Northampton. 3. Elizabeth, d. unnu 4. Dorothy, m. Francis Cavendish, of Doveridge, co. Derby, esq. 5. Mary, m. John'OfHey, of Madely, co. Stafford, esq. His eldest son, I. Sir BR VAN, was knighted, and created a bart., as above, m. Bridget, da. of sir Thomas Lucy, of Charlecot, co. Warwick, knt., by whom he had, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Peter, m. Mary, da. of Os- borne, andrf. 1708, without issue: he was a bencher of the Middle Temple. 3. Bryax, was a doctor of laws, and fel- low of All Souls' College, Oxford, where he d. Oct. 1710, unm. 4. Spexcer, was a lieut.-col. and gover- nor of Cabo Corso Castle, &c., on the coast of Africa, and d. in his voyage thither, 1 Feb. 1702, unm. .'). Harvey, m., but had no issue. 6. Charles, tn. a da. of Thomas, by whom he had, 1. Charles, who m. Anne-Elizabeth, da. of , baron de Hertoghe, a very an- cient Brabant family, by whom he had, Charles, m. , da. of , by whom he had issue, C//f3;7e.s, of the audit office, Somerset Place; William-Robert, com- modore R.N., C.B., ?n. Jemima, da. of sir Thomas Broughton, bart., and sister of sir John-Delves, the present bart., and rf. March 1821, leaving issue, Brian, in holy orders, rector of Long Ditton, co. Surrey; Anne-Elizabeth; Charlotte-Maria; Har- riet, m. Daniel Stow, of the general post- office, London ; Caroline ; Penelope, youngest da., m., 18 May 1829, rev. W. Spencer Philipps, B.D., minister of St. John's Church, Cheltenham. 7. 8. Two Das., whorf. ronn. Sir Bryan rf. 13 July 17O8, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir THOMAS, m. Rhoda, da. of John Amcoats, of Aystrop, co. Lincoln, esq., and had issue, 1. Amcoats, d. without issue, 14 Sept. 1700, aged 25, 2. Sir Bryax, 3d bart. 3. Thomas, d. unm. 4. JoHx, m. , and left one son, Bryan. 5. Rhoda, m. sir John Huband, of Ipsley, CO. Warwick, bart. 6. Mary. Sir Thomas d. 17IO, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, III. Sir BRYAN, ?)4. Elizabeth, only da. of sir Thomas Delves, of Doddington, co. Chester, bart., (by his 1st lady, Jane, da. of sir Richard Knightley, K.B.,)by whom he had, 1. Ja NK, b. 26 Oct. 1714, m., June 1725, sir Rowland Hill, of Hawkstone, co. Salop, bart. 2. Elizabeth, b. 23 Nov. 1715, d. 11 May 1725. 3. Sir Bryan, 4th bart. Sir Bryan d. 12 Sept. 1724, and was succeed- ed by his son, IV. Sir BRYAN, b. 6 Jan. 1718-19, m., May 1738, a da. of William Forrester, esq., member forWenlock. He took the surname of Delves, in addition to and after Brough- ton, on succeeding to an estate in Cheshire (which sir Thomas Delves, his grandfather, settled on him and his issue on that condi- tion). He d. 11 Aug. 1744, leaving two sons, 1. Sir Bryax, 5th bart. 2. Sir Thomas, 6th bart. He was succeeded bv his eldest son, V. Sir BRYAN BROUGHTON -DEL- VES, m. :Mary, da. of Thomas Hill, of Tern, co. Salop, esq., and d. without issue, 16 Jan. 1766, and was succeeded by his bro- ther, VI. Sir THOMAS, in holy orders, m., 1st, 1776, Mary, da. of John Wicker, of Hashara, esq., and' by her (who w. 2dly, Henry Er- rington, of Redrice, Andover, Hants, esq., d. 8 Jan. 1813,) had issue, 1. Delves, d. without issue. 2. Sir Johx-Delves, present bart. 3. Hexry-Delves, m. the da. of Pigott, of Beveres, near Vv'orcester, esq., and has issue, 4. Thomas-Delves, m. Hester, da. of RowUs Leigh, of Adlington Hall, co. Ches- ter, and by her (who d. 15 Nov. 1821) had issue, of whom Mary-Magdalene, m., !<• April 1834, Archibald M'Blane, esq., member of the council and collector of customs at Mauritius. 5. Charles-Delves, m. Marianne, da. of M. Atkinson, of Maple Hayes, near Lichfield, esq., who d. 6 Jan. 1822; and 2dly, 6 Oct. 1825, Caroline, 2d da. of col. William Greene, auditor general in Ben- gal, d. 6. Edward-Delves, m. the da. of John Batt, of Moditonham, co. Cornwall. 7. Spexcer, rf. without issue. 8. Richard, rf. without issue. 9. Maria, m. Thomas-Langford Brooke, of Mere-Hall, co. Chester. 10. Emma, m. lieut.-gen. Coghlan, and d. 22 :March 1820. 11. Haxxah, m. Trafford Trafford, of Chrightriiigton Hall, co. Chester, esq. 12. Eliza, yn. John Clough, of Oxted Hall, CO. York, esq. 13. Jemima, m. her cousin, captain W. R. Broughton, R.N., C.B., who d. 12 March 1821. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, 6 June 1789, Anne Windsor, da. of Other-Lewis, 4th earl of Plymouth, and bv her (who rf. 9 Aug. 17r»3) had no iisue. Sir Tlioraas m., 3dlv, 17^4, F 3' 106 CAYLEY. the relict of Scott Jackson, esq. He rf. 23 July 1!J13, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JOHN-DELVES, present bart. Arms— See Plate 9. Argent, two bars, gules, on a canton of the second, a cross, of the field. Crest — A sea-dcg's head, gules, eared and finned, argent. Seats— At Broughton, co. Stafford, and Aystrop, CO. Lincoln. CAYLEY, of Bromptox, co, York. 26 April 1661. Sir GEORGE CAYLEY, Baronet, F.R.S., M.P. for Scarborough, and President of the Philosophical Society at Manchester, born 27 Dec. 1773, succeeded his father, sir George, 1702 ; married^ 9 July 1795, Sarah, da. of rev. George Walker, F.R.S., President of the Philosophical Society at Manchester, and has issue, 1. Anne, b. 6 June 1796 ; 2. Isabella, b. 8 Nov. 1797, w., 28 Oct. 1822, sir Thomas- Charles Style, bart.; 3- Emma, b. 6 June 1709, m. Edward-Stillingfleet Cayley, of Wydale House, CO. York, esq., M.P., son of John Cayley, esq., only son of rev. John Cayley, who m. Frances, da. of the 4th bart. ; 4. George, b. 9 June 1802, d. an infant ; 5. Sarah-Philadelphia, i. 21 Oct. 180.3, w., 18 Jan. 1827, William Worsley, of Hovingham, co. York, esq. ; 6. Frances, ^*. 28 April 1805, d. an infant; 7- DIGBY, b. 13 March 1807, »«•» 8 July 1830, Dorothy, 2d da. of the late rev. George Allanson, of Ripon ; 8. Thomas, (/. an infant ; 9. Catherine, b, 28 Feb. 1812, TO., 19 May 1831, Henry R. Beaumont, esq. ; — —10. Mary-Agnes, b. 1 April 1815. This is a family of great antiquity and originally of Norfolk, where Hugh de Cailly was lord of Owby, temp. Ed. I. A younger brother of the Norfolk family, John Cayley, (great-grandson of Hugh above named,) settled in Yorkshire, and 10th in descent from him was, I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., m. 1668, Do- rothy, eldest da. of sir William St. Quintin, a£ Harpham, co. York, and had issue, 1. Edward, who d. young. 2. Sir William, 2d bart. 3. Arthur, m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Shipton, and left issue: his present repre- sentative is Edward-Stillingfleet (Jayley, esq., who m. as above mentioned, Emma, da. of the present bart., and has issue three sons, 1. Edward-Stillingfleet. 2. George-John. 3. Charles-Digby. 4. CoRNELiiis, m. Anne, da. of iTyrwhit, of Commeringham, co. Lincoln, esq. 5. Hugh, d.wim. 6. , m. Thomas Simpson. 7. Anne, m.. Francis, 2d son of sir Chris- topher Wyvill, bart. Sir William was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir WILLIAM, m. Mary, da. and sole h. of Barnaby Ilolbeck, of liirchlcy Hall, CO. Warwick, esq., by whom he had, 1. William, (/. without issue. 2. Sir Arthur, 3d bart. 3. Edward; 4. Barnabas. 5. Thomas; 6. Charles. 7- SriMON, in holy orders, rector of Ampt- hill, CO. Bedford, m , da. and co-h. of Billingsby, of Condicot, near Stow- in-thc-Wolds, co. Gloucester, esq., by whom he had, ^ 1. WilliJlrn, or Scampton, co. Lincoln, esq., secretary of embassy, and eharij^c ^^iffaires, at the court of Lisbon, member for Dover in 1752 and 1754, a commis- sioner of excise in 1756, and d. in 1756. 2. Arthur, in holy orders, d. without issue. 3. Mary, m. William Hillingworth. 8. Henry; 9. John, rf. without issue.' 10. Dorothy, m. sir John Legard, of Ganton, co. York, bart. 11. Mary, d. young. 12. Esther, m. Reginald Heber, of Mar- ten, CO. York, esq. Sir William was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, III. Sir ARTHUR, m.. May 1699, Eve- rilda, da. of George Thornhill, of Fixby, co. York, esq., by whom (who d. 12 April 1753) he had, 1. William, d. 1719, aged 19. 2. Arthur, d. young. 3. Sir Gkorge, 4th bart. 4. Mary, m., 19 Jan. 1726-7, Henry Mais- ter, esq. Sir Arthur d. 19 May 1727, aged 74, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, IV. Sir GEORGE, m., 31 May 1730, Phi- ladelpliia, da. of John Digby, of Mansfield Woodhousc, CO. Notts, esq., by whom (who d. 14 Jan. X't^',:,) he had, 1. Sir Tho.mas, 5th bart. 2. EvERiLDA, d. an infant. 3. Jane, (twin with Everilda,) d, unm. 4. Philadelphia, d. an infant. 5. Mary, rf. an infant. 6. Geurge-William, R.N., d. unm., 3 Jan. 1«(»1. 7. Dorothy, d. unm. 8. Frances, m., Feb. 1775, the rev. John Cayley, of Brompton, LL.B., and rector of Terrington, co. York (descended from Ar- thur, 3d son of sir William Cayley, the 1st bart.). 9. Arthur, m. Anne-Elcanor Shultz. 10. Philadelphia, rf. an infant. 11. William, d. unm. 12. Rkbkcca, d. an infant. COOKE. 107 13. DiGBV, in holy orders, rector of Thor- manby, m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Robin- son, of Welbum, esq., and left 3 das., 1. Lucy, m. Arthur Cayley, esq. 2. Dorothy, m. Francis Wrangham, of Hunmanby, A.M. and F.R.S. 3. Frances-Elizabeth, m. Thomas Smith, M.D. 14. John, m. Catharine, da. of Richard Langley, of Wykeham Abbey, esq., and d. 14 Nov. 1818, leaving issue, 1. George-St.-Luke ; 2. Catharine. 3. Harriett. 15. Edward, rf. young. Sir George rf. 1701, aged 84, and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir THOMAS, m.,3 Oct. 17C3, Isabella, da. of John Seton, of a very ancient family in North Britain, esq., and by her (who d. 30 July 1828) had issue, 1. Sir Geokge, tith bart. 2. Elizabeth, b. 1 Oct. 17G4, m. Benja- min Blackden, of High Wycombe, co. Bucks, esq. 3. Philadelphia-Sarah, b. 21 Oct. 1765, m. Barry Slater, esq., M.D., and d. 4 Feb. 1829. 4. Isabella, b. March 1767. m. the right hon. sir Launcelot Shadwell, knt., vice- chancellor of England. 5. Anxe, 6. -26 Sept. 1768, tn. the rev. George Worseley, rector of Stonegrave. Sir Thomas d. March 1792, aged GO, and was succeeded bv his son, VI. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Arm,^—See Plate 9. Quarterly, argent and sable, a bend, gules, charged with three mullets, of the first. Crest— A demi-lion, rampant, or, charged with a bend, gules thereon, thiee mullets argent, in the paws a battle-axe, proper. Seat— At Brompton, near Scarborough, CO. York. COOKE, of Wheat LEY, co. York. 10 May 16G1. Sir WILLIAM. BRYAN COOKE, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir George, 2 June 1823; ^/or?i 3 March 1/82 ; married, 8 April 1823, Isa- bella-Cecilia-Viviana, da. of the late sir William JMiddleton, of Belsay Castle, bart., and has issue, 1. Louisa-JaNetta, b. 19 April 1824; 2. Isabella-Cecilia, h. 29 Dec. 1825; 3. WILLIAM-RID^ LEY-CHARLES, b. 5 Oct. 1827 ; 4. Charles-Edward-Stephex, b. 1 Aug. 1829. Bryan Cooke, of Sanvill, near Doncas- ter, CO. York, was father of Bryan Cooke, esq., who was a great loyalist in the civil wars, and fined by the sequestrators £l4G0. I. Sir GEORGE, his 2d son, was ad- vanced to the dignity of a bart., with re- mainder, in failure of issue male of his body, to his next brother, Henry, and the heirs male of his body. Sir George d. wiin., and was succeeded, according to the remain- der in his patent, by his brother, II. Sir HENRY, who succeeded his bro- ther, according to the special entail in the patent, m. Diana, sister to Charles Butler, of Coats, CO. Lincoln, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir George, 3d bart. 2. Henry, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of the rev. Eaton, by whom he had, 1. Henry, d. unm ; 2. Bryan, d. unm. 3. Ralph, d. imm. 4. Anthony, who m. and left issue. 5. George, d. unm. 3. Antho.vy, d. without issue. 4. Sarah, d. young. 5. Catharine, m. Gervase Eyre, of Rampston, co. Nottingham, esq. Sir Henry d, 1G89, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir GEORGE, m. Catharine, da. of sir Godfrey Copley, bart., by whom (who d. 1703) he had issue, 1. Sir Bryan, 4th bart. 2. George, of Doncaster, m. and left issue. 3. William, d. young. 4. Henry, in holy orders, rector of Stokesley, twice m., but d. without issue about 1750. 5. Alexander, M.D., d. unm., 1757» 6. John, of Doncaster, m. and left issue. 7. Sarah, rf. young. 8. Diana, d. num. 9. Elizabeth, m., 1726, Richard Acklam, esq. Sir George d. 18 Oct. 1732, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir BRYAN, m. Priscilla, da. and co-h. of Robert Squire, esq., by whom (who d. 14 Feb. 173(1) he had issue, 1. Sir George, 5th bart. 2. Sir Bryan, Gth bart. 3. Priscilla; 4. Catharine. 5. Elizabeth, all fi. unm. Sir Bryan rf. Dec. 1734, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir GEORGE, m. Catharine, da. and co-h. of John Sunderland, of Doncaster, co. York, esq., by whom (who d. April 1792) he had 2 das., his co-heiresses, 1. Priscilla, d. num., 1800. 2. Catharine, m. John Cooke, of Lon- don, esq., and had issue, John, m. Harriett, da. of sir George Cooke, the 7th bart., and d. 1827. leaving 4 das., 1. Harriet; 2. Charlotte, m. rev. Jonathan Trebeck; 3. Louisa; 4. Mary- Anne. Sir George d. IG Aug. 175G, without issue male, and was succeeded by his brother, VI. Sir BRYAN, m. Mary, da. of col. Foley, and had issue, 1. MARY.rf. inim., 30 May 1825. 2. Sir George, 7th bart. Sir Bryan rf. 4 March 1769, and was sue ceeded'bv his son, VII. Sir GEORGE, m., in June i77<», Francis-Jory, da. of sir John-Lpmbert Mid- dleton, of Belsev castle, co. Northumber- land, bart., and by her (who rf. Dec. 1796) had issue, 1. George-Augistcs, b. 22 Oct. 1780, w., 18 June 1807, Elizabeth, da, and co-h. of Charles Mellish,of the Blythe, co. Notts, esq., and rf. without issue, 5 May 1800. 2. Sir William-Bryan, present bart. W8 ASHBURNHAM. 3. FftAJfcES-EiiZABETH, tn. rev. John Ramsden, vicar of Arksey, who d. 1807. 4. Katherinb - Priscilla, b. 1772, d. unm., 15 Nov. 1824, 5. Sophia, d. ttnm. 6. Harriet, m., 1798, her cousin, John Cooke, of Bedford Square, and of Maltby, CO. York, esq., wlio d. 1827- 7. Charlotte - Bui,strode, rra., 1821, Bryan Cooke, of Owston, esq., whod. same year, s.p. 8. Louisa -Lucia, to. sir Charles-Miles- Lambert Monck, bart., and d. 5 Dec. 1824. 9. Georgiana, to. admiral sir George Eyre, K.C.B. 10. Julia. 11. Sophia-Anne-Eliza, Sir George to., 2dly, Harriet, da. of James Farrer, of Baronbofough Grange, and wi- dow of Thomas Hewet, of Bilham, esqrs., but by her (who d. in July 1814) has left no issue. Sir George d. 2 June 1823, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, VIll. Sir WILLIAM - BRYAN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 10. Or, a chevron, gules, between two lions, passant, guardant, sable. Cre.?t — Out of a crown, embattled, ar- gent, a demi-lion, issuant, as in the arms, gorged with a ducal coronet, or. Seat— At Wheatley, near Doncaster, co. York. ASHBURNHAM, of Bromham, co. Sussex. 15 May IGGl. Sir WILLIAM ASHBURNHAM, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir William, 21 Aug. 3823 ; born 21 June 17GD ; married, 7 July 1825, Ju- liana, 3d da. of the late rev. William Humphry, rector of Sele, and vicar of Kemsing, co. Kent. This family, denominated from the town of Ashburnham, anciently written Esse- buniham, in the co. of Sussex, is of great antiquity. Bertram de Ashburnham, son of Anchitel, JBon of Piers, lord of Ashburnham, was sheriff of the counties of Surrey, Sussex, and Kent, and constable of Dover Castle, temp. Harold ; which castle he defended against William the Conqueror ; wherefore William, on his accession to the crown of England, caused his head to be struck off, tc^'ether with the heads of his sons, Philip and Michael de Ashburnham. Philip de Ashburnham had 1 son, from whom descended, in the l!)th generation, L Sir DENNY, created a baronet; he was a commissionerof the excise, afterwards victualler of the navy, and member of par- liament for Hastings ; m., 1st, Frances, da. of John Ashburnham, esq., lord of the bed- cliamber to king Charles I., and sister to John, lord Ashburnham, by whom he had, 1. John ; 2. Denny. 3. Dennv ; 4. Laurence. .'), Anne, all d. in their father's lifetime, vmn. 6. Bridget, to. rev. mr. Bradshaw, rector of Pett, and vicar of Gostling, co. Sussex. He TO., 2dly, Anne, da. of sir David Wat- kins, knt., by whom he had, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Fleetwood, d. an infant. 3. Sir Charles, 3d bart. 4. Honour, d. unm. Sir Denny d. 1097, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, one of the commis- sioners of the alienation-oifice, and one of the chamberlains of the exchequer, ni. Mar- garet, da. of sir Nicholas Pelham, of Cats- field, CO. Sussex, knt., but by her (who d. April 1742) had no issue. Sir William d. Nov. 1750, and was succeeded by his bro- ther, in. Sir CHARLES, to , and had. 1. Anne, d. young. 2. Denny, d. young. 3. Sir William, 4th bart. 4. Bridget. 5. John. (3. Charles, in holy orders, d. in 1800. Sir Charles d. 3 Oct. i7fi2, and was succeedeti by his eldest surviving son, IV. Sir WILLIAM, who, in Nov. 1741, was promoted to the deanery of Chichester; in Aug. 1753, appointed canon residentiary of St! Paul's Cathedral ; and in Feb. fol- lowing consecrated bishop of Chichester. He ?«., 17(Jb', Margaret, da. of Thomas Pelham, of Lewes, co. Sussex, esq., by whom (who d. 29 Aug. 1780) he had, 1. Sir William, 5th bart. 2. John, d. unm. 1768. 3. Margaret; 4. Frances. 5. Catharine.^ nw Fitzgerald, an officer in the army. Sir William d. 4 Sept. 1797j and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir WILLIAM, m. Anne, da. of the rev. Francis Woodgate, of Mountheld, eo. Sussex, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. John, in holy orders, chancellor and prebendary of Chichester, b. 20 Dec 1770, TO., 4 July 1804, Fanny, 4th da. of William Foster, of Hollington, co- Sussex, esq, 3. Denny, b.2^) May 17/3, to., July 1802, Nancy, relict of T. F. Bancroft, esq., ajui only child of Joseph Dickson, of Calcutta, esq. 4. George, b. 12 Aug. 1774. 5. Alicia, b. 10 Jan. 1777, to., Dec. 1804, James-Elridge West, of Poston Park, co. Kent, esq. Sir William d. 21 Aug. 1823, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. Arm-t—Sce Plate 10. Gules, a fess, be- tween six mullets, argent. Crest— Ont of a ducal coronet, an ash tree, i)roper. Seat— At Bromham, co. Sussex. GLYNNE.— CLAVERING. 109 GLYNNE, of BissETER als Burxcester, co. Oxon. 20May 16G1. Sir STEPHEN-RICHARD GLYNNE, Baronet, M.P. for Flint, born 22 Sept. 1807, succeeded his father, sir Stephen-Richard, 5 March 1815. This family claims a descent in the male ' line from Cilmin Droed Dir, chief of one of ! the fifteen tribes of North Wales in the 9th century, I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., (son of sir John Glynne, knt., serjeant-at-law, who rf. 1666, and grandson of sir William Glynne, of GhTillifon, CO. Caernarvon,) ?n. Pene- lope, da. of Stephen Anderson, of Eyeworth, CO. Bedford, esq., bv whom he had, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Sir Stephen, 3d bart. 3. Catharixe, ?n. Thomas Lister, esq., cup-bearer to queen Mary. 4. Frances. 5. Penelope, m. mr. Arnold. G. Elizabeth, ;n. mr. Crackenthorp. 7. Anxe, m. Edward Hill, esq. Sir William d. about 16iK>, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, successor to his fa- ther, m. ]Mary, 2d da. and co-h. of sir Ed- ward Evelyn, of Long Ditton, co. Surrey, ; bart., by whom he had, ■ 1. William, d. unm. before his father. | 2. Mary. Sir William d. 3 Sept. 1721, without issue male, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir STEPHEN, ?h. Sophia, youngest da. and co-h. of sir Edward Evelyn, bart., by whom he had, I 'l. Sir Stephens 4th bart. 2. Francis, rector of Hawarden, co. 1 Flint, who d. without issue. I 3. Sir William, oth bart. 4. Sir John, tith bart. I 5. Sophia, m. Henry Belasysse, esq., d. 177a ! 6. Penelope, m. sir William Wheler, of ; Lemington Hastang, co. Warwick, bart., d. 23 Jan. 1739-40. 7. Mary, m. John Welden, of Ireland, esq. 8. Catharine. Sir Stephen d. April 1729, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir STEPHEN, whorf.?/«?n. in Sept. following, and was succeeded by his next surviving brother, V. Sir WILLIAM, who d. unm. in Aug. 1/30, and was succeeded by his only sur- viving brother, VI. Sir JOHN, w., Aug. 1731, Honora, da. of Henry, son and h. of sir John Con- way, of Boadrydden, co. Flint, bart., (by Margaret-Maria, da. and co-h. of John Digby, esq., only surviving son of the cele- brated sir Kenelm Digbv and lady Venetia Stanley,) by whom (who d. 10 Feb. 1769) he had issue, 1. A son, who d. young. 2. JoHN-CoNMVAV, m. Sarah, da. of Charles Crewe, esq., and d. May 1774, without issue. 3. Sir Stephen, 7th bart. 4. William, d. unm. 1777' 5. Francis. 6. Henry, who d. an infant. 7. Honor A, d. unm. 8. Sophia, m. John York, of Richmond, esq., and d. I766. 9. Penelope, m. Wllliam-Earle Welby, of Denton, co. Lincoln, (created a bart. of Great Britain, 27 June 1801,) andd. in 1771- 10. Catharine, d.unm.', 11. Anne. 12. Frances, m. the rev. Randolph Crewe, and d. 25 Nov. 1814. 13. LrcY, »i. James Gordon, esq. 14. Mary, m. Simon Gordon, esq. Sir John m., 2dly, in 1772, Augusta Beau- mont, by whom (who re-m., 1780, Peregrine Courtenay, esq.,) he had no issue. Sir John rf. 1 June 1777> and was succeed- ed bv his eldest surviving son, VII. The rev. sir STEPHEN, who, in Aug. 1779, w. Mary, only da. and h. of Richard Rennet, of Farmcot, esq., (who d, 1 June 1812.) Sir Stephen d. 1 April 1780, and was suc- ceeded by his only and posthumous son, VIII. Sir STEPHEN-RICHARD, b. May 1780, m., 11 April 180(3, the hon. Mary Ne- ville, da. of Richard-Aldworth, lord IBray- brooke, (by Catharine, sister of George, 1st marquess of Buckingham, K.G.,) and by her had issue, 1. Sir Stephen-Richard, present bart. 2. Henry, b. 9 Sept. 1810. 3. Catharine, b. Jan. 1812. 4. Mary, b. 22 July 1813. Sir Stephen-Richard d. at Nice, 5 March 1815, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, IX. Sir STEPHEN-RICHARD, present bart. Anns—See Plate 10. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent, an eagle displayed,' with two heads, sable ; 2d and 3d, "argent, three brands, ragule, sable, fired, proper ; on an escocheon of pretence, argent, a human leg, couped at the thigh, sable. Crest— An eagle's head, erased, sable, hold- ing in the beak a brand ragule, sable, fired, proper. Seat — Hawarden Castle, co. Flint. CLAVERING, of Axwell, co. Durham. 5 June 16G1. Sir THOMAS-JOHN CLAVERING, Baronet, bor7i G April I77I, succeeded his uncle, sir Thomas, 14 Oct. 179-4; married, 21 Aug. 1791, Clara, da. of John de Gallais de la Bernardine, (by his lady, Petronella,) the count de la Sable, of Anjou, in France, bv whom he has 6 children, 1. James, b. 12 Feb. 1793, fZ. 23 Jan. 1824 ; 2. Clara-Axxa- IMartha, b. 7 Feb. 1794, m., 12 Feb. 182G, general de Knyff, of Brussels; 3. Agatha-Catherine, b. b Aug. 1795, m.., 8 Feb. 1821, the baron no STANLEY. de Montfaucon, of Avignon ; 4. Thomas-ChahleS; b. 5 Oct. 1796, d. 17 June 1802; 5. Augustus-George, b. 24 Jan. 1799, d. March 1802 ; G. WILLIAM-ALOYZIUS, b. 21 Jan. 1800. Eustace, a noble Norman, was the first of this ancient family. He had 2 sons, who came into England with William the Con- queror; the elder was Serlo de Burgo, who built the castle of Knaresborough, and rf. without issue. John Monoculus, the 2d son, heir to his brother, had 3 sons, 1. Pagan, who d. with- out issue; 2. Eustace; and 3. William; these 3 brothers were living 1133, 33 Hen. I., and were witnesses to the royal foundation of the priory of Cirencester, in Gloucester- shire. From Eustace, the eldest surviving son, descended, 1. Sir JAMES, created a bart. 5 June 1661, m. Jane, da. and h. of Charles Mad- dison, of Sutwell Side, co. Durham, esq., by whom he had 13 children, whereof only 2 survived and m. 1. John, m. Dorothy, da. of Henry Sa- vile, esq., and d. in his father's lifetime, leaving issue, 1. Sir James, 2d bart. 2. Sir John, 3d bart. 3. Sir FRANcrs, 5th bart. 4. Sarah, m. Edward Harrison. 5. Dorothy, m. Charles Waite. 6. Anne, m. Hawksley. 7. Elizabeth, d. unm. 2. James, of Greencroft, co. Durham, m. Jane, da. and co-h. of Benjamin Ellison, esq., merchant, and had 2 sons, sir James, 6th bart.; and Benjamin, who d. an infant; and 6 das., of whom Jane, the eldest, m. Thomas Liddell, esq., father of Henry, lord Ravensworth. Sir James was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir JAMES, the eldest son of John, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir William Middieton, of Belsay Castle, co. Northumberland, bart., by whom he had 2 sons, who d. infants, and a da., m. Nicholas Eenwick, esq. Sir James dying without issue male, was suc- ceeded by his brother, III. Sir JOHN, m. Jane, da. of Robert Mallabor, by whom he had, 1. John, d. an infant. • 2. Sir James, 4th bart. 3. Alice, m. lord Windsor. 4. Elizabeth, wi., 21 April 1737, .lames, viscount Dunkerron, only son of Henry, 1st earl of Shelburne, and d. 11 Aug. 1742. Sir John was succeeded by his only son, IV. Sir JAMES, who d. abroad on his travels, 1726, and was succeeded by his uncle, V. Sir FRANCIS, m. Susan, da. of Sells, by whom he had no issue, and dying 31 Dec. 1738, was succeeded by VI. Sir JAMES, eldest son of James, 2d surviving son of sir James, 1st bart., h. 1 Sept. 1676, m., 1st, Catharine, da. of Tho- mas Yorke, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Thomas, 7th bart. 2. George, of Greencroft, b. 19 Oct. 1719, m., 1st, 1746, Elizabeth, da. of Brow- ell, 2dly, Mary, relict of sir John Pole, bart., who d. 3 March 1776, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-John, present bart. 2. Catharine, d. mini., 29 April 1785. He m., 3dly, 1777> Peggy, da. of the rev, John Ellison, and d. suddenly, 23 May 1794. 3. Sir John, K.B., lieut.-gen. of his ma- jesty's forces, col. .52d rcgt. of foot, 2d in council and commander-in-chief of the forces in Bengal, and governor of Berwick; he ?»., 9 Nov. 1756, Diana West, da. of John, 13th baron, and 1st earl Delawarr, by Charlotte Macarthy, da. of Donogh, earl of Clancarty, (which title is extinct,) who d. 1766, by whom he had issue, 1. Charles, who, 'n 1801, m. Diana, da. of Robert Adair, esq., by whom he has 1 da., Diana, b. 18(il, m., 30 Sept. 182(», lieut.-col. James Elphinstone, 3d son of the hon. James Elphinstone. 2. Henry, brigadier-general in the army, m. Augusta Campbell, da. of John, 5th duke of Argyle, and has issue, Charlotte- Catharine, sole da., m., 27 Dec. 1817» Miles Fletcher, esq., advocate. 3. Maria-Margaret, vu, 13 April 1784, Francis, 7th lord Napier, and d. 29 Dec. 1821. 4. Charlotte, nu, April 1783, sir Thomas Pechell, bart. 5. Caroline, m. the right honourable sir John Borlase Warren, bart., G.C.B. and K.C., and d. 30 Sept. 1815. Sir John m., 2dly, Catharine, da. of Thomas Yorke, of Richmond, esq., by whom he had no issue, and d. at Calcutta, 30 Aug. 1777. Sir James m., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of Lionel Vane, of Long Newton, co. Durham, esq., v/ho d. 1747» by whom he had no issue. He d. 18 May 1748, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir THOMAS, LL.D., m. Martha, da. of Joshua Douglas, of Newcastle, who d. 16 Aug. 1792, without issue. Sir Thomas d. 14 Oct. 1794, and was succeeded by his nephew, Vin. Sir THOMAS-JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 10. Quarterly, or, and gules, a bend, sable. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, or, a demi- lion issuant, azure. Seats— At Axwell, Whitehouse, and Green- croft, aU CO. Durham. STANLEY, of IIooton, co. Chester. 17 June IGCl. Sir TIIOi^rAS-STANLEY-MASSEY STANLEY, Baronet, sncceeded his brother, sir IMassey, in 1803 ; married, Jan. 1805, Mary, only child of sir Carnaby Haggerston, of Haggerston Castle, co. Durham, bart., and has issue, 1. WILLIAM-THOMAS, b. 1807; 2. Maria-Fuances, b. 1808, m., 2 Aug. 1832, sir Kichard-Eulkeley AVilliams-Bulkeley, bart.; 3. RowLAXD, b. 1809, took, by royal sign manual, 20 June 1820, the name and arms of Errinylon only, pursuant to the will of Henry p]rrington, WILLIAMS-BULKELEY of Red Rice, co. Southampton, esq. ; 4. Johx,5. 1810 ;- b. 1813, d. at Syra, in Greece, 15 Sept, 1831. 5. Charles, This is the elder branch of the house of Stanley, earls of Derbv. Sir William Stanley, of Stanley, temp. Edw. III., had 2 sons, 1. sir William, who acquired the estate of Hooton by marriage with Mar- garet, da. and h. of William de Hooton; and 2. sir Jo}i», K.G., ancestor of the earls of Derby. Eleventh in lineal descent from sir William was, 1. Sir WILLIAM, 1st hart., m. Charlotte, eldest da. of Richard, 1st viscount Moly- neux, of Ireland, by whom he had, 1. William, d. v.'p. 2. Sir Rowland, 2d bart. 3. Richard; 4. John. 5. Mary, m. sir John Gage, bart. 6. Charlotte; 7. Philip. 8. Agnes. Sir WiUiam was succeeded by his eldest sur- viving son, 11. Sir ROWLAND, w. Anne, da. of Cle- ment Paston, of Berningham, co. Norfolk, esq., by whom (who d. :March 1593) he had, 1. Mary, ?n. Charles Harrington, of Heighton-Hey, co. Lancaster, esq. 2. Anne; S.Charlotte. 4. Sir William, 3d bart. 5. Rowland. 6. Dorothy ; 7. Elizabeth. 8. Winifred. 9. Rowland. 10. Catharine; 11. Agnes. 12. Catharine, m. Robert Blundell, esq. Sir Rowland d. ISlay 1737, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir WILLIAM, m. Catharine, da. of Rowland Eyre, of Hassop, co. Derby, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Rowland, 4th bart. 2. William. 3. Elizabeth, who d. young. 4. Sir John-Stanley-Massey", Gth bart. 5. Henry-; 6. Anne. 7- Thomas, in holy orders, (who took the surname of Massey, being adopted h. to William Massey, esq.,) and d. in 18U5. 8. Charles; 9. James. Sir William was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir ROWLAND, m. Elizabeth, eldest da. and h. of Thomas Parry, of Pyrthy- mean, co. Flint, esq., who d. 1761, and left. besides other children who d. young, 1. William, 5th bart. 2. Elizabeth, >»., Sept. 1793, Charles- Haggerston Constable, esq., who thereupon took the surname of Stanley ; she d. 23 June 1797. He was succeeded by his son, V. Sir WILLIAM," m. Barbara, da. of John Townley, of Townley, co. Lancaster, esq., and dying, 1792, without issue, was succeeded bv his uncle, VI. Sir JOHN-STANLEV-MASSEY,3d son of sir William, 3d bart., (who assumed the additional surname of Massey, under the will of the said sir William Massey, as his 2d adopted h., and the additional sur- name of Sfanlei/, under the will of his ne- phew, sir William) ; w. Mary, da. of Tho- mas Clifton, of Lytham, co. Lancaster, esq., and by her (who rf. 21 May 177U) had, 1. William, b. 1750, d. s.p. 2. Sir Thomas, 7th bart. 3. John, b. 17i. Maria, da. of the rev. Fownes, and had issue, 1. Henry; 2. Anne-Cowell. 3. Harriet; 4. Charlotte. 5. William-Somerville; (>. Elizabeth. 7. George; 8. John-Duntze. t». Frances; 10. Dorothea. Sir John was succeeded bv his eldest son, VI. Sir THOMAS, w.,'June 1777, Jane, da. of the rev, Charles Smalwood, of Bich Oswald, CO. Cumberland, and had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 7th bart. 2. Charles, 6. 17«7, d. 3. Thomas, in holy orders, h. 15 Feb. 1788, B.D., m., Dec. 1820, Holwav, only da. of the late Robert Baker, of Col- lumpton, CO. Devon, esq,, and has issue, 1, Thomas; 2. Robert. 3. Francis ; 4. A da. 4. Elizabeth, 6. 22 Jan. 1780. 5. Dorothea, 5.1781, m., June 1804, sir John Duntze, bart. 6. Marcella-Cowell, b. 7 May 1784, m., 3 Aug. 18U5, the rev. James Coles. 7. Frances, b. 3 Sept, 1789, m., lu Sept. 1810, John - Ware Clarke, of Bridwell- House, CO. Devon, esq. 8. Jane, h. 3 May 1793, m., June 1816, the rev. William Rayer, rector of Tid- combe. Sir Thomas d. April 1805, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir HENRY, b. 10 Jan. 177?), '«•, 3 Oct. 18(W), Elizabeth, only child of Walter Palk, of ]Mailey, co. Devon, esq., and bad issue, 1. Sir W\'\lter-Palk, present bart. 2. Henry, 6. 24 Oct. 1808. 3. Thomas, b. 3 May 1810. 4. Elizabeth-Palk, 6. 4 Dec, 1813, d. 16 Aug. 1818. 5. Robert-Palk, b. 20 Oct. 1818. Sir Henry d. 1830, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir WALTER -PALK, present and 8th bart. Arms — See Plate 10. Or, three lioncels, passant, in pale, sable. Crest— On a wreath, a main-mast, the round-top set ofi' with pallisadoes, or, a demi-lion issuant thereout sable. Motto — yH cotiscire sibi. Seat — At Haccomb, near Chudleigh, co. Devon, MILBANKE, of Halxaby, co. York. 7 Aug. 16G1. Sir JOHN-PENISTON MILBANKE, Baronet, born 20 Aug. 1775, succeeded his uncle, sir Ralph Noel, 19 March 1825 ; married, 1 Sept. 1799^ Eleanor, youngest da. of Julines Herring, of Jamaica, esq,, and by her (who d. July 1819) had issue, 1. JOHN-RALPH, b. 5 Nov. 1800, secretary of legation to the Germanic Confederation; 2. Eleaxor- JuDiTii, b. 4 Feb. 1802, 7n., 22 May 1828, Burman Lauga, son of Thomas Lauga, of Bath, esq.; 3. Elizabeth-Catherixe, b. 7 Sept. 1803, d. 114 SMIJTH. 13 Sept. 182G ; 4. Anna-Maria, h. 30 April 1805, m., 2 May 1825, Arthur Moore, esq., youngest son of the hon. Arthur Moore, of Queen's County, judge of the Common Pleas in Ireland ; 5. Emily-Mary, b. 8 Sept. 1806, m., 3 Aug. 1826, Edward. Thomas Copley, of Nether Hall, CO. York, esq. ; 6. Louisa-Dorothy, b. 25 Dec. 1807; 7- Har- riett-Laura, b. 31 Jan. 1809. Sir John m.. 2dly, 2 Jan. 1821, Eliza- beth, da. of capt. James Fenwick, half-pay independent corps, and widow of Thomas Grey, M.D. Ralph Milbanke, cup-bearer to Mary, queen of Scots, fighting a duel in Scotland, was obliged to retire into England, where he purchased an estate called Chirton, near North Shields, co. Northumberland, where herf. I. Sir MARK, his great-grandson, was created a bart. 7 Aug. KiGl. He m. Eliza- beth, da. and h. of John Acclome, of Moorby, co. York, esq., by whom he had 1. Sir Mark, 2d bart. 2. Acclome, m., 1st, , of Cam- bridge, and had issue, 1. Mary; 2. Elizabeth. And, 2dly, Anne, da. of Timothy Da- vison, esq. and left, 3. Mark. 3. Ralph, >». Anne, da. of dr. Martin, and left issue, 1. Mark. 2. Dorothy ; both d. without issue. 4. John, m. Mary, da. and h. of Timothy Robson, and left issue, 1. John ; 2. Elizabeth. 6. Elizabeth, m. Nicholas Cole, eldest son of sir Ralph Cole, bart. Sir Mark m., 2dly, Faith, da. of Tho- mas Acclome, of Bon wick, co. York, esq., (cousin to his 1st wife,) but by her he had no issue; and d. June 1G80, was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir MARK, m, Jane, only da. of sir Ralph Carr, of Cocken, co. Durham, knt. (by Jane, da. of sir Francis Anderson, knt.,) by whom (who rf. May 1704) he had issue, 1. Sir Mark, 3d bart. 2. Ralph, 4th bart. 3. Acclome; 4. William. 5. John ; 6. Jane. 7. Elizabeth, rf. unm. 8. Judith, m. Cuthbert Routh, esq. 9. Dorothy, m. John Milbank, esq., her cousin. Sir Mark d. May 1698, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir MARK, d. May 1705, unm., and was succeeded by his brother, IV. Sir RALPH, m., 1st, May 17O8, Eli- zabeth D'Arcy, eldest sister of Robert, earl of Holderness, by whom he had issue, 1. Bridget, m., 1st, sir Butler-Cavendish Wentworth, bart.; and 2dly, mr. Murray. Sir Ralph m., 2dly, Anne, da. of Edward Delaval, of South Dissington, co. North- umberland, es(j., by whom he had issue, 2. Sir Ralph, .''.th bart. 3. Edward, m. Mary Terry, by whom he had issue, 1. Edward, d. without issue. 2. Ralph, capt. R.N., rf. 2H Nov. 1023. 3. Mary, m. the rev. John Nelson. 4. Anne, m. William Russell, of Bran- ceth Castle, co. Durham, esq. 5. Judith, m. J. Nelson, esq., R.N. 4. Mark, rf. March 1805, admiral of the white, and ambassador to Morocco, 17(>0; m. Mary Webber, by whom (wlio d. Dec. 1812) he had issue, 1. Ralph, lost at sea, 1790. 2. Harriet, m. Tilman, esq., of Philadelphia. 3. Elizabeth -Emily, m. the right hon. William Huskisson, esq., M.P. 5. John, m. Mary Wentworth, (sister to Charles, marquess of Rockingham,) by whom he had issue, Mary, m. John Gage, esq., brother to lord Gage, and son of the hon. gen. Thomas Gage, and rf. 2 April 1798, leaving issue several children. 6. Rev, Francis, rector of Croft, co. York, rf. mim. 7. Acclome, a major, d. unm. at the Ha- vannah. Sir Ralph rf. May 1748, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir RALPH, m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of John Hedworth, of Chester-le- Street, co. Durham, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Ralph, 6th bart. 2. John, rf. 12 March 1800; m. Cornelia, da. of sir William Chambers, knt., who rf. 1 March 1795, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John-Peniston, present bart. 2. Henry-Ralph, in the army, &. Feb. 1787, d.rinm., July 1811. 3. William, b. Aug. 1777. d. unnu 4. Cornelia, 6. 1779, rf. young. 3. Elizabeth, m., 13 April 1769, Pennis- ton Lambe, viscount Melbourne, and d. 6 April 1818. Sir Ralph rf. 8 Jan. 1793, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, VI. Sir RALPH, ???., 1777, Judith, sister and co-h. of Thomas Noel, last viscount Wentworth, and by her (who d. 28 Jan. 1822) had an only child, Anne-Isabklla, b. 17 May 1792, m., 2 Jan. 1815, George, lord Byron, who d. 28 April 1824. Sir Ralph took the surname and arras of NoKL only, by royal sign manual 1815; d. without issue male, 19 IVlarch 1825, and was succeeded by his nophew, VII. Sir JOHN-PENISTON, present bart. ^rni.9— See Plate 10. Gules, a bend, er- mine, on a canton, or, a lion's head erased of the field. Crrsf — A lion's head, gules, charged with a bend, ermine. Srnt— At Hcilnaby, near Darluigton, co. York. SMIJTH, of Hill Hall, co. Essex. 28 Nov. 1661. Sir JOHN SMIJTH, Tiaronet, Commander R.N., bom 8 June 1782, succeeded his brother, sir Thomas, Oct. 1833, and is unmaiTied. TREVELYAN. 115 JOHX S.MiJTH was high sheriff of the cos. of Essex and Hertford, 3(i Hen. VHI.; m. Agnes, da. and co-h. of Charnock, and had, besides other issue, 1. George, his son and h. ; 2. Sir Thomas, who was chancellor of the garter temp. Edw. VI. George Smijth, eldest son of John, was father of Sir William, knt., who was father of I. Sir THOMAS, created a bart., 28 ^ov. 1661; m., 1st, Johanna, da. of sir Edward Altham, of ^lark Hall, co. Essex, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Thomas, d. young. 2. Sir Edward, 2d bart. 3. James, m. EUzabeth, da. of sir Robert Parkhurst, knt. 4. Charles, in holy orders, d. without issue. 5. William, a merchant. 6. John, m. Anne, da. of mr. Linch, by whom he had issue, Amie, m. Thomas Mil- ner, esq. 7. Hexry. 8. Leventhorp, d. young. 9. Altham, barrister-at-law ; m., 1st, Susan, da. of mr. Gore, relict of sir Richard Munden, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Althamia,'^. 1683, m. Nathan, eldest son of John Parkhurst: hem., 2dly, Lucy, da. of Hatton, relict of Thomas Steward, esq., by whom be had, 2. Lucy, 6. 16y2. 10. George. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, Beatrice, 3d da. of Francis-Annesley, viscount Valentia, and relict of sir John Lloyd, knt. ; by her he had no issue. He d. 1668, and was suc- ceeded by his son, 11. Sir EDWARD, m. Jane, da. of Peter Vandeput, of London, esq,, by whom he had four sons and two das., of whom five d. in their infancy. He d. 1713, and was succeeded bv his only surviving son, III. Sir EDWARD, b. 168(;, m., 1st, Anne, da. of the right hon. sir Charles Hedges, knt., LL.D., (judge of the high court of admiralty, and one of the secretaries of state to king William III. and queen Anne,) who d. 18 Oct. 17iy> by whom, he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 4th bart. 2. Sir Charles, 5th bart. 3. Thomas, rf. umn., Dec. 1752. 4. Peter, rf. an infant. 5. The rev. sir William, 6th bart. 6. AxNE, rf. unm. Sir Edward m., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of John Wood, esq., who rf. without issue, 23 May 1748. Sir Edward rf. Aug. 1744, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir EDWARD, b. 12 Nov. 1/10, m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Thomas Johnson, of Milton Bryant, co. Bedford, esq., who d. 22 June 1770. Sir Edward rf. 4 March 1760, without is- sue, and was succeeded bv his brother, V. Sir CHARLES> w., 11 April 1760, Elizabeth, da. of John Burgess, of London, esq., who rf. Feb. 177'*' Sir Charles rf. without issue, 24 March 1773, and was succeeded bv his brother, VI. The rev. sir WILLIAM, rector of Theydon Mount, and of Stapleford Taw- ney, co. Essex; m. Abigail, da. of Andrew Wood, of Shrewsbury, esq., and by her (who rf. 28 Feb. 1787) he had issue, 1. Sir William, 7th bart. 2. Charles, m. Philadelphia, da. of sir George Vandeput, bart., by whom he had two das., and rf. May 1792. 3. Rev. Richard, rector of Great War- ley, 6. 4 March 175(;, m. Charlotte, da. of James Montague, of Lackham House, co. Wilts, esq., and rf. Nov. 1811. 4. Elizabeth, m., 1776, George Hand- field, esq., capt. in the army, of Serlby Hall, CO. Notts. 5. Mary-Anne ; 6. Emma, both rf. in- fants. Sir William rf. 25 Jan. 1777, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir WILLIAM, col. of the West Essex militia, b. 23 April 1746, m., 22 ^Nlarch 1779, Anne, only da. of John Windham, of Waghen, co. York, who took the name of Bovvyer, and by her (who rf. 20 Dec. 1815) had issue, 1. William, b. 4 June 1780, rf. unm. 1802. 2. Sir Thomas, 8th bart. 3. Sir John, 9th bart. 4. Edward, b. 1 March 1785, in holy or- ders, sometime vicar of Camberwell, and chaplain in ordinary to his majesty; m., 29 May 1813, Letitia-Cicely, younge'st da. of John Weyland, of Woodeaton, co. Oxen, esq. 5. Joseph, b. 19 May 1792, took the sur- name of Windham, in addition to and after Smijth, and also the arms of Windham, by royal sign manual, 1823; w., 10 Aug. 1824, Katherine, da. of John Trotter, of Dar- ham Park, Middlesex, esq. 6. Charlotte, b. 20 Dec. 1790. 7. Caroline, b. 12 April 1796, »n., 29 May I8I7. Augustus-James-Champion de Cres- pigny, esq., sen of sir WilUam-Champion de Crespigny, bart. Sir William rf. 1 May 1823, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, Vin. Sir THOMAS, 8th bart., 6. 6 Feb. 1781, rf. s.p. 5 Oct. 1833, and was succeeded by his next brother, IX. Sir JOHN, present and 9th bart. ^)-»is— See Plate 10. Sable, a fess, dan- cette, argent, billety between three lioncels, rampant, guardant, argent, each supporting an altar, or, flaming proper. Crest — A salamander in flames, proper. Seafs— Hill Hall, and Horthara Hall, both CO. Essex. TREVELYAN, of Nettlecombe, co. Somerset. 24 Jan. 16G1-2. Sir JOHN TREVELYAN, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John, April 1828; married, Aug. 1701, Maria, da. of sir Thomas-Spencer \Vil- son, of Charlton, co. Kent, hart., and has issue, 1. John-Wilson, ft. 1794, d. an infant; 2. George-Thomas, b. 1795, d. an infant ; 3. Maria-Jane, m. rev. Noel-Thomas Ellison, rector of Huntspill, co. Somer- set ; 4. WALTER-CALVERLEY, b. 1797-: 5. Julia, ft. 1798 ; 6. Raleigh, ft. 1800, d. 1814 ; 7. Emma, ft. 1801, m., 22 June 116 OSBORN. 1830, Alexander-Wadham Wyndham, esq., 2d son of William Wyndham, of Dinton Park, co. Wilts, esq.; 8. Arthur, b. 1802; 9. Ed- ward-Spencer, b. 1805, m., 1833, Catherine-Anne, da. of John Forster, esq. ; 10. Beatrice, b. 1809, «?., 13 May 1830, Ernest- Augustus Perceval, capt. 15th hussars, youngest son of the right hon. Spencer Per- ceval ; 11. Alfred-Wilson, b. 1807, m. Matilda-IMargaret, da. of John Boyce, of Limerick, esq., and d. 1831, leaving issue, one son, Alfred. Wilson, ^.1831; 12. Laura-Agnes, b. 1811; 13. Helena-Ca- "BOLINE, b. 1815. This ancient family is said to take its name from Treveli/an, in the parish of St. Veepe, near Fowey, co. Cornwall : it ap- pears, however, to have been settled at Net- tlecombe, at least as early as the 14th cen- tury. I. Sir GEORGE was created abart. 24 Jan. 16(jl ; m. Mary, da. and sole h. of John Wil- loughby, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Mary, m. Edmund Wyndham, of Kentsford, co. Somerset, esq. 3. Margaret, m. sir Thomas Putt, bart. He was succeeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir JOHN, b. Ki/O, m., 1st, Urith, da. of sir John Pole, bart., by whom he had issue, 1. A DA., d. an infant. He m,, 2dly, Susanna, da. and h. of Wil- liam Warren, of Stallensthom, co. Devon, esq , by whom he had issue, 2. John, rf. unm. 3. Francis, d. an infant. 4. Sir George, 3d bart. 5. Margaret, m. Alexander Luttrell, of Dunster Castle, co. Somerset, esq. 6. Mary; 7- Elizabeth, both d. young, 8. Susanna; 9. Anne. Sir John d. 25 Sept. 1755, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, "HI. Sir GEORGE, b. 1707, w. Julia, only da. of sir Walter Calverley, of Calverley, co. York, bart., (and h. of her brother, Walter Calverley, who took the surname of Blacket 1734, and (/. 1777,) and by her (who d. 28 Dec. 1787) had issue, 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Julia, b. 1734, m., 175G, sir William Yea, bart. 3. Susanna, m., 17(54, John Hudson, of Bessingby, co. York, esq. 4. Cha rlotte, m., 1st, 17.57, Tobias Freer, esq., and 2dly, mons. de Colaseau. 5. Frances, m., 1761, capt. James Field. (J.Walter, m., 1st, 1772, Charlotte, eldest da. and co-h. of James Thornton, of Ne- therwitton,esq., and had issue, 1. Walter-Blackett,f/. IHU!. 2. Raleigh, m., IHIO, Elizabeth, da. of Robert Grey, of Shorestone, co. North- umberland, and has issue. He m., 2dly, Margaret-Hitchen, of Corn- wall, and had issue, 3. Walter-Calverley, m. 4. Julia-Anne, m. Johns, esq,, of Cornwall ; 5. Frances. Sir George rf. 28 Dec. 1768, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IV. Sir JOHN, 4t.h bart., b. G Feb. 1735, m,, April 1757, Louisa-Marianna, da, and co-h. of Peter Symond, esq., merchant in London, and by "her (who d. 1772) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 5th bart, 2. Rev. Walter, vicar of Henbury, and rector of Nettlecomb, co, Somerset, m. Charlotte, 3d da, of the late John Hudson, of Bessingby, co. York, esq., by whom he had 5 sons, and 5 das. : of whom Louisa, eld- est da., m., 23 Sept. 1813, Horace Mann, of Linton Place, co. Kent, esq. ; Julia, 2d da., m., 2 April 1834, G, Lowther, of Ashley, in the New Forest, esq, : Anna, m., July 2(5, 182.5, Bickham, eldest son of rev. Thomas Escolt, of Ilartrow-house, co, Somerset ; rev, Walter rf, 3 Nov. 183(1, ffit, 67. 3. George, in holy orders, archdeacon of Bath, and canon residentiary of the cathe- dral of Wells, m. Harriet, 3d da. of sir Rich- ard Neave, bart,, and rf, 1827, leaving issue, 6 sons and 3 das., of whom George, the eld- est, m., 2 April 1833, Frances-Anne, only da. of lieut.-col, Lumsden. 4. William-Pitt, rf. 5. WiLLOUGHBY, rf. 1785. 6. Edward ; 7- Julia, both d. 8. Louisa, rf. 1811. Sir John rf. April 1828, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir JOHN, present bart. Anns—SeG Plate 10. Gules, a demi-horse, argent, hoofed and maned, or, issuing out of water, in base, proper. Crest — Two arms, counter embowed, pro- per, habited, azure, holding in the hands a bezant, Miittn—Time trieth troth. Seats — At Nettlecombe, near Taunton, CO. Somerset, and Leahill, near Honiton, CO. Devon. OSBORN, of Chicksand, co. Bedford. 11 Feb. lGGl-2. Sir JOHN OSBORN, Baronet, D.C.L., succeeded his father, sir George, 29 June 1818; a Commissioner for auditing the Public Accoimts, Colonel of the liedfonlshire Militia, and some time Knight of the Shire for Bedford; born, [i Dec. 1772; married, 14 Sei)t. 1809, Frederica-Louisa, da. of sir Charles Davers, bart., and has issue, 1. Elizareth- Heneage, b. 4 Sept. 1811 ; 2. Louisa-Anne, b. 30 Aug. 1812; 3. GEORGE-ROBERT, b. 29 Oct. 1813 ;— 4. Ciiarles-Davers, b. 17 April 1819; 5. Joiin-Brownlow, b. o April 1822; G. MoN- GAGE. Tagu-Francis-Fikcii, h. 20 May 1824 5 Aug. 1827. 117 -7- Danvers-Hexry, b. 25 Peter Osborn, esq., son of Richard Os- born, of Tyld Hall, co. Essex, was trea- surer's remembrancer of the Exchequer, and keeper of the privy purse to king Ed- ward VI., and a high commissioner for ec- clesiastical affairs in the reign of queen Elizabeth. He purchased Chicksand abbey, 1576, which property has continued in the family, descending regularly from father to son, ever since. He m. Anne, da. of dr. Blythe, (by Alice, sister to sir John Cheeke,) by whom "he had eleven sons and eleven das. ; his eldest son was, I. Sir JOHN, the 1st bart., m. Eleanor, da. of Charles Danvers, and niece of sir John Danvers, of Dauntzey, co. Wilts, knt., by whom (who d. 16 Nov. 1673) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Margaret, m. William Stroud, of Harrington, co. Somerset, esq. 3. Elizabeth, m. Leonard Diggs, of Chilham Castle, co. Kent, esq. Sir John rf. 5 Feb. 1698, aged 83, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN, b. 1659, w., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of William Stroud, of Barrington, above named, and by her (who d. 1683) had issue, 1. Elizabeth, rf. young. 2. John, rf. 1719, during the lifetime of his father; m. Sarah, only da. of George Byng, viscount Torrington, first lord of the admiralty, and admiral of the fleet of Great Britain ; and by her (who rf. Nov. 1775) he had, 1. Elizabeth; 2. John; 3. George. 4. John, who all rf. young. 5. Sir Danvers, 3d bart. Sir John m., 2dly, Martha, da. of sir John Kelynge, knt., serjeant-at-law, by whom (who rf. 1713) he had issue, 3. Charles, b. 1688, rf. 1708, unm. 4. Peter, b. 1690, was captain of the royal hospital at Greenwich; rf. 1754, m. Mary, eldest da. of Francis, lord Brudenell, and relict of Richard, 5th viscount Moly- neux, by whom he had, 1. George, b. 1722, rf. young. 2. Charles, b. 1723, an officer in the 90th regt. of foot. 3. Frances-Maria, b. 1720. 5. Robert, who was chief clerk of the admiralty and one of the commissioners of the navy; m. Anne, da, of Morley, and had, 1. George, b. 1726. 2. Lydia-Maria, m, William Lowndes, esq., commissioner of the excise; rf. in childbed, 22 Jan. 1773. 3. Anne; 4. Margaret. 6. Henry, admiral of the white; w. Mary, da. of Richard Hughes, esq., com- missioner of the navy, by whom he had, 1. Henry, page to George II., who rf. unm. 2. William ; 3. Louisa. 4. Charlotte, m., 1784, Benjamin, after- wards sir Benjamin Caldwell, G.C.B., and rf. 1819. 5. Mary. 7. Thomas, D.C.L., rector of Campion and Clifton, co. Bedford, prebendary of Salisbury and Lincoln; m., 1st, Mary, da. of sir John Willys, bart., and relict of Ed- ward Snagg, esq. ; she rf. 1756, and he re-m. Elizabeth", da. of dr. Green, bishop of Ely, and rf. 12 March 1790. 8. Henry; 9. Thomas, both rf. young. 10. Philippa, b. Feb. 1692, rf. 1709. 11. Eleanor, m. John Hewett, of Wor- sley, CO. Huntingdon, bart., rf. 1728. 12. Elizabeth, b. 1691, rf. unm. 1734. 13. Margaret, b. Oct. 1698. Sir John rf. 28 April 1720, and was succeeded by his grandson, in. Sir DANVERS, b. 17 Nov. 1715, m., Oct. 1740, lady Mary Montagu, 3d da, of George, earl of Halifax, by whom (who rf. 23 July 1743) he had issue, 1. Sir George, 4th bart. 2. John, 6. Hi July 1743, M.P. in several parliaments for co. Bedford. Sir Danvers was appointed governor of New York, 1753, but rf. that year, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, IV. Sir GEORGE, groom of the bed- chamber to king George III., b. 19 May 1742, m., 1st, 1771, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of John Bannister, esq., and by her had issue. Sir John, present bart. Sir George m., 2dlv, 22 Aug. 1788, Heneage Finch, da. of Daniel, 7th earl of Winchilsea, and by her (who rf. 4 May 1820) had no issue. Sir George acted as proxy to his royal high- ness the duke of York, at his installation as principal knight companion of the Bath, 1772; on which occasion he had supporters assigned to him for life, viz. two griffins, argent, gutt6 de sang, winged, gules, gorged, with a chain ; and pendent thereto a port- cullis, sable. Sir George rf. 29 June 1818, and was succeeded by his only son, V. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 10. Argent, a bend, be- tween two lions rampant, sable. Crest — A lion's head, argent, ducally crowned, or. Motto — Quantum in rebus inane f Sear— Chicksand Priory, co. Bedford. GAGE, of Hengrave, co. Suffolk. 15 July 1662. Sir THOMAS GAGE, Baronet, born 5 Sept. father, sir Thomas, 27 Dec. 1820. 1810, succeeded his The family of Gage, of Hengrave, co. Suffolk, is a younger "branch of the family of viscount Gage, whose ancestors have been seated at Firle, co. Sussex, from the period of their marriage with an heiress of St. Clere, in the reign of Henry VI., and among whom are distinguished, sir John Gage, knt. of the Garter, temp. Henry VIII. ; sir Edward Gage, knt. of the Bath, teynp. queen Mary; and sir Henry Gage, go- vemor of Oxford temp. Charles I. Sir John Gage, of Firle, great-grandson and h. of sir Jofin Gage, K.G., was created a bart. 22 March 1622 ; he m. Penelope, da. 118 GAGE. and co-h. of Thomas Darcy, earl Rivers, by Mary, surviving da. and h. of sir Thomas Kytson, of Hengvave, (Margaret, the eldest da. of sir Thomas Kytson, who m. sir Charles Cavendish, brother of William, earl of Devonshire, having rf. without issue,) which Penelope was widow of sir George Trenchard, of Wolverton, co. Dorset, and surviving sir John Gage, her 2d husband, m., lastly, sir William Harvey, of Ickworth.co. Suffolk (grandfather of John, earl of Bris- tol). Sir John Gage d. 1G33, leaving by Penelope four sons; 1. sir Thomas Gajfe, bart., of Firle, the eldest son, from whom are descended the viscounts Gage; 2. Johii Gage, who d. without issue; 3. sir Edward Gage, of H engrave; 4. Henry Gage; and five das. I. Sir EDWARD, (the 3d son,) who ac- quired Hengrave from lady Penelope, his mother, was knighted at the coronation of Charles II., and created a bart., 15 July 1662, and was five times m. By his 1st wife, Mary, da. of sir William Hervey, liis step-father, he had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Penelope, m. Edward Sulyard, of Haughly Park, co. Suffolk. 3. Mary, m. William, brother of sir Tho- mas Bond, bart. By his 2d wife, Frances, da. of Walter, lord Aston, he had issue, 4. Francis, m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of John Devereux, of Montserrat, and d. 6 Sept. 1720, leaving a son, Devereux Gage, who d. without issue. By Anne Watkins, his 3d wife, he had issue, 5. Edward, rf. unm. By his 4th wife, Elizabeth, da. of George Feilding, earl of Desmond, younger soa of William, earl of Denbigh, he had issue, C>. George; 7. James; 8. John. y. Henry. 10. Catharine, d. abroad. 11. Basilia, maid of honour to Mary, queen of James II. His 5i:h wife was Bridget Feilding, of the Denbigh family, widow of Slaughter, by whom he had no issue. He d. 1707, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, m., 1st, Mary-Char- lotte, da. of sir Thomas Bond, of Peckham, CO. Surrey, bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Thomas, m. Delariviere, da. and co-h. of sir Symond D'Ewes, bart., (by Delari- viere, da. and co-h. of Thomas, lord Jer- myn,) and rf. in his father's lifetime, 1 March 17I6, leaving issue, 1. Sir TiioAiAS, 3d bart. 2. Sir William, 4th bart. 3. Edward, in the Austrian service, killed 1741. 2. John, m. Elizabeth, only child and h. of Thomas Rookwoo'', of Coldham Hales, CO. Suffolk, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Rookwood, 5th bart. 2. John, a Catholic priest. 3. Chaislotte, m. Fitznun Lambe, of Throston, co. Suffolk. 4. IIknrietta, d. unm,. 1757. 5. Mary, m. Henry lluddleston, of Dur- ham. C. Penelope, a nun. 7. Catharink, m. Hcnrv Sorrel, of Bury St. Edmund's, M.D. 8. Anne, d. unm.., I76O. Sir William m., 2dly, Merelina, widow of sir Thomas Spring, bart., and da. and co-h. of Thomas lord Jermyn, nephew and h. of Henry Jermyn, earl of St. Alban's, and also niece and co-h. of Henry Jermyn, lord Do- ver, by whom he had no issue. He d. 8 Feb. 1727, and was succeeded by his grandson, III. Sir THOMAS, d.iinm., 1 Sept. 1741, and was succeeded by his brother, IV. Sir WILLIAM, m., 14 June 1741, Frances, widow of John Ellis, of Cotton, CO. Suffolk, and sister of admiral sir Robert Harland, bart., and d. without issue, 17 May 1767, was succeeded by his cousin, V. Sir THOMAS-ROOKWOOD, the eldest son of John, 2d son of the 2d bart., m., 1746, Lucy, da. and h. of William Knight, of Kingerby,co. Lincoln, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 6th bart. 2. Lucy, m. George Maxwell, of Munches, CO. Dumfries. .3. Elizabeth, m. Henry Darell, of Cale Hill, CO. Kent. 4. Mary, m. John Dalton, of Thurnham Hall, CO. Lancaster. He m., 2dly, Maria, da. of Patrick Fergus, of Mountserrat, by whom he had no issue. Sir Thomas d. 21 March 1796, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, VI. Sir THOMAS, m., 1st, 22 Nov. 1779, Charlotte, da. of Thomas Fitzherbert, of Swinnerton, co. Stafford, (by Maria-The- resa, da. of sir Robert Throckmorton, bart.,) by whom (who d. 29 Aug. 1790) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 7th bart. 2. Robert -Joseph, of Coldham, took the name of Rookwood 1799, m., 1st, 18 Feb. 1804, Mary, da. of Thomas Worswick, of Lancaster, by whom (who d. 27 Sept. 1807) he had issue, 1. Mary-Charlotte, d. unm. 19 Dec. 1813; he m,, 2dly, 12 April 1809, Eliza, only child of Manes O'Donnel, a general in the Austrian service, and count of the holy Roman empire, by whom (who d. 18 Aug. 1827) he had issue, 2. Robert; 3. Robert-Nugent. 4. Thomas- Ambrose, all d. infants. 3. William, b. 19 Nov. 1785, a major in the army, d. in the East Indies, 25 March 1828, uum. 4. John, of Lincoln's Inn, barrister-at- law, F.R. and S.A., h. 13 Sept. 1786. 5. Charlotte, d. an infant. Sir Thomas m., 2d!y, 22 Sept. 1796, Char- lotte, da. of John Hook Campbell, of Ban- geston House, co. Pembroke, uncle to John, 1st lord Cawdor, and had issue, 6. Lucy, b. 30 June 1797- 7. Em.-ma,6. 10Sept.l7<)8,m., 31 July 1826, John Collett, esq., eldest son of Ebenezer- John Collett, of Locker's House, Hemel Hempstead. He d. 1 Dec. 1798, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir THOMAS, 6. 2 March 1781, m., 9 Jan. 180!), lady Mary-Anne Browne, da. of Valentine, earl of Kenmare, and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, present bart. 2. Edward, b. 20 March 1812, in the army. He d. at Rome, 27 Dec. 1820, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VIII. Sir THOMAS, present bart. ^;v)(.s— Sec Plate 10. Per saltire, azure, and argent, a saltire g\iles. Crest— \ ram passant, argent, armed, or. &«U— Hengrave Hall, Suffolk. MONCK.—GRAHAM. 119 MIBDLETON, (now MONCK,) of Belsey Castle, CO. Northumberland. 24 Oct. 16G2. Sir CHARLES.MILES-LA]MBERT MONCK, Baronet, lorn 7 April 1779, succeeded his father, sir William, 7 July 1705 ; took the surname and arms of IMonck only, by royal sign manual, 13 Feb. 1799, pursuant to the will of his maternal grandfather, Laurence Monck, of Caenby, co. Lincoln, esq.; married^ 11 Sept. 1804, Louisa-Lucia, 5th da, of sir George Cooke, bart., of AVheatlev, co. York, and by her (who d. 5 Dec. 1024) had issue, 1. CIIARLES-ATTICUS, b. at Athens, 18 July 1805; 2. Louisa, b. 25 Feb. 1807; 3. Julia, b. 23 April 1808, ot., 1 May 1830, sir Edward Blackett, bart.; 4. William, b. 13 July 1809; 5. Louisa-Maria, b. 1 Aug. 1810, and d. 12 June 1821 ; C. Char- lotte, b. 12 Dec. 1811, d. 22 Jan. 1822. Sir Charles m., 2dly, 26 July 1831, lady Maiy-Elizabeth Bennett, sister of the earl of Tankerville. This family is of great antiquity in the county of Northumberland, and is said to have acquired the estate of Belsey Castle by the marriage of sir John Middleton with Christiana, da. and h. of sir John de Stryvelyn, who was summoned to parlia- ment among the barons of the realm, temp. Edward IIL I. Sir WILLIAM, of Belsey Castle, co. Northumberland, was created a bart., 24 Oct. 1662, ar>d was high sheriff co. North- umberland, 1666; m., 1st, Mary, da. of Tho- mas Wentworth, esq., of Elmsall, co. York, and had issue by her (who d. 16 Sept. 1667) four children, who d. mun. ; and 2dly, Eliza- beth, da. cf John Munday, esq., of Mark- heaton, co. Derby, and by her (who d. 23 Feb. 168(1) had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. Clavering, esq. 3. Mary ; 4. Martha. 5. William, all d. without issue. Sir William d. March 1690, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN, b. March 16/8, m. Frances, da. and sole h, of John Lambert, esq., of Calton, in Craven, co. York, (descended from general Lambert, who commanded the parliament army during the usurpation; by this marriage the Lennbert estates were con- veyed to the Middleton family,) and had issue, 1. Sir W' iLLTAiM, 3d bart. 2. Sir John-Lameert, 4th bart. 3. Robert; 4. Barbara; 5. Elizabeth. 6. Frances; 7- Catharine, all d. tmm. 8. Thomas, of Maiden, co. York, d. 27 Feb. 1702, m. Barbara, da. of Guy, esq., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and had issue, Barbara, m. the rev. Hugh Nanney, vicar of Halfwhistle, co. Northumberland. Sir John d. 1721, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir WILLIAM, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of William Ettrick, of Silksworth, CO. Durham, and by her (who d. 12 Dec. 1763) had no issue. Sir William d. Sept. 1/57, and was succeeded bv his brother, IV. Sir JOHN-LAMBERT, m. Anne, da. of sir Nathaniel Hodges, of the city of London, knt., widow of Charles Perkins, esq., and by her (who d. 1762) had issue, 1. Sir William, .0th bart. 2. Thomas, d. 1772, utnn. 3. Elizabeth, m. Jacob Reison, esq., and d. without issue. 4. Frances-Jorv, m., 1770, sir George Cooke, bart., of Wheatley, co. York. d. 5. John, m. Catharine, da. of Amos Thome, esq., of Cork, and d. Nov. 1778, leaving issue 4 sons and 5 das. Sir John-Lambert d. 22 March 1768, and was succeeded bv his son, V. Sir WILLIAM, b. 6 June 1738, m. Jane, only surviving da. and sole h. of Law- rence Monck, esq., of Caenby, co. Lincoln, and by her (who d. June 1794) had issue, 1. WiLLiAsi-LAWRJiNCE, 6. 21 Feb. 1775, d. 29 Nov. 1789. 2. Thomas-Ogle, h. 29 Jan. 1779, d. 10 March 1784. 3. Sir Charles-Miles-Lambert, pre- sent bart. 4. Jane-Maria, h. 16 Jan. 1782. 5. Isabella-Cecilia-Viviana, h. 30 Oct. 1785, m., 8 April 1823, sir William-Bryan Cooke, bart., of Wheatley, co. York. Sir William d. 7 July 1795, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, VI. Sir CHARLES-MILES-LAMBERT, present bart. Arms—Hee Plate 11. Argent, a chevron, cheeky, or, and sable, between three tigers' heads, erased, azure, collared and chaiiied, or. Crest — A griffin, extended, azure, with wings erect, or, erased at the loins, on a mount vert. Se«i— Belsey Castle, co. Northumberland. GRAHAM, of NoRTON-CoNYERS, CO. York. 17 Nov. 16G2. Sir BELLINGHAM GRAHAM, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir BelHnghani, 13 April 1790; born 3 Nov. 1789; married, 10 Nov. 1810, Henrietta, 3d da. of the late George Hatch, of West- Hatch, co. Essex, esq., and by her (who d. 9 Oct. 1830) has issue, 1. GEORGE-BELLING- HAM, i. 8 Jan. 1812; 2. Reginald, b. July 1814, d. May 1820; 120 TANCRED. 3. Harriet, (only da.,) m., 29 Oct. 1833, lieut.-col. Ashworth, Sir Bellingham m., 2dly, 28 June 1831, Harriett, 3d da. of rev. Robert Cot- tam, deceased, and has issue, a Da., b. 9 May 1834. For the earlier part of the genealogy of this family see the title Graham of Eske, created 1(52!). Sir Richard Graham, of Eske, 1st bart. of that branch, had, besides his eldest son and successor, sir Georqe, a second son, 1. Sir RICHARD, who, for his services to the royal cause during the rebellion, and in consideration of the general loyalty of his ancestors, was created a bart., 17 Nov. 1662, m. Elizabeth, da. of colonel Chichester Fortescue, of Dromesken, in Ireland, knt., (son and h. of sir Faithful Fortescue, of Fremilked, in Ireland, knt.,) by whom he had issue, L Richard, d. without issue. 2. Chichester, m. the da. of ;- Tweng, esq., but d. without issue; his wi- dow re-m. Tully, esq. 8. Sir Reginald, 2d bart. 4. Richard, m. a da. of William Cha- loner, of Oisborough, co. York, esq. 5. Barbara, d. unm. 6. Elizabeth, m. sir Robert Fenwick, of Morpeth, co. Northvunberland, bart. 7. Susan, m. the rev. dr. Younger, dean of Sarum. 8. Mary, m. Mr. Fenwick. 9. Jane, m. the rev. James Musgrave, 3d son of sir Richard M., bart, 10. Anne, m. Thomas Hesketh, esq. Sir Richard was succeeded by his eldest sur- viving son, 11. Sir REGINALD, who was page of honour to king James II., m., 1st, Frances, da. and h. of Henry Bellingham, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Bellingham, 3d bart. 2. Sir Reginald, 4th bart. 3. Richard. He m., 2dly, Anne, da. of sir David Foulis, bart., by whom he had no issue. Sir Regi- nald d. 20 May 1728, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir BELLINGHAM, who d. unm., 11 April 173(t, and was succeeded by his next brother, IV. Sir REGINALD, m. a da. of colonel Graham, aid-de-camp to John, duke of Marlborough, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Bellingham, 5th bart. 2. Reginald, capt. royal marines, m. a da. of general Jackman, royal marines. 3. Mitchell, admiral R.N., d. 8 March 1795, m., 1st, another da. of the above ge- neral Jackman ; and 2dly, Maria- Rebecca, youngest da. of mrs. Mary Bowater, of Hampton Court Palace, and by her had issue, 1. Maria. 2. John-Bellingham, captain royal ma- rines. 3. William, d. Sir Reginald d. 4 Nov. 1755, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir BELLINGHAM, m., 27 June 1763, a da. of Hudson, of Bridlington, CO. York, esq., by whom (who d. h May 1767) he had issue, 1. A Da., h. April 1764, m., Aug. 1791, Henry-Fulke Greville, esq. 2. Sir Bellingham, 6th bart. 3. Elizabeth, m. major-general John Smith, and d. his widow, 15 Jan. 1826. Sir Bellingham d. 2 Oct. 1790, and was succeeded by his only son, VI. Sir BELLINGHAM, m. Priscilla, da, of sir Charles Whitworth, knt., and sister to Charles, earl Whitworth, G.C.B., by whom (who re-m., Jan. 18(»0, Francis, 2d viscount Lake) he had issue, 1. Sir Bellingham, present bart. 2. Priscilla - Elizabeth, m., 1st, 11 April 1812, lieut.-col. Simon George New- port, and 2dly, 15 March 1830, lieut.-col. Bellingham- John Smith, eldest son of ma- jor-general John Smith. 3. Caroline, m., Dec. 1813, Algernon Greville, esq. Sir Bellingham d. 13 April 1796, and was succeeded by his son, VII. Sir BELLINGHAM, present bart. Arms — See Plate 11. Or, on a chief, sable, three escallop shells, of the first, a crescent on a crescent for difference. Crest~i\ pair of wings addorsed, gules, charged with a crescent on a crescent for difference. Seats — Norton Conyers, in the North Riding, and Kippax, in the West Riding, CO. York. TANCRED, of Boroughbridge, co. York. 17 Kov. 1GG2. Sir THOMAS TANCRED, Baronet, horn 1780, succeeded his father, sir Tliomas, 1782 ; married., 25 April 1805, Henrietta, 2d da. of the rev. Offley Crew, of JMuxton, co. Stafford, and has issue, 1. a SON, b. 16 Aug. 1808 ; 2. a Son, b. March 1811 ; 3. a Da., b. 17 Feb. 1813. This family descended from Richard, who, soon after the Conciucst, was pos- sessed of lands in I!ormi{;iil)ri,lfrc, where still remains the ancient family-house. The name has been variously written, as Tanc- kard. Tankard, Tankred, and Tancred. I. Sir THOMAS, the 1st bart., m. Fran- ces, da. and co-h. , that is of the i?K>o/t, for doet in French is a brook in English; and under the said manor-house of Leighton a brook runneth, from whence their posterity as- sumed the surname of Del Brook. Thomas Brook, of Leighton, the last of that family in the direct line, d. about 1(J52, very aged, having issue 4 das. ; but he sold away the reversion of his lands to the lady Mary Cholmondeley, 6 Jacobi, lfi(j8, which after- wards came to Francis Cholmondeley, of Vale Royal, esq., who now enjoyeth the same, KM)." Richard Brooke, a younger son of Brooke of Leighton, purchased Norton anno 1545. Third in descent from him was, I. Sir HENRY, the 1st bart., m. Mary, da. of Timothy Pusey, of Selston, co. Not- tingham, by whom he had, 1. Sir Richard, 2d bart. 2. Henr\, m. Mary, da. and h. of Phihp Prichard. 3. Pi SEY, living 1G66, m. Anne, da. of Henry Legh, of High Legh, esq. Sir Henry d. 11)64, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir RICHARD, m. Francisca-Posthu- ma, (so called, being born after the death of her father,) da. of Thomas Legh, son of sir Peter Legh, knt.-banneret, by whom he had, 1. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. 2. Henry, m. mrs. Hesketh, but d. with- out issue. 3. Richard, a captain in the army. 4. George. 5. Legh, fellow of Brazenose College, Oxford. 6. Mary, m. Randle Wilbraham, of Townshend, near Namptwich, co. Chester, esq. 7. Letitia, m. Henry Legh, esq. 8. Frances, m. Silvester Richmond, gent. 9. Sarah, d. imm. Sir Richard d. Feb. 1709-10, and was suc- ceeded by his son, III. Sir THOMAS, who was, during a great part of the reign of queen Anne, go- vernor of Chester Castle, m. Grace, da. of Rnger Wilbraham, of Townsend, near Namptwich, co. Chester, esq., and by her had, 1. Richard, d. in the lifetime of his father 1720, leaving, by Margaret, the da. of John Hill, esq., I son, sir Richard, 4th bart. 2. Thomas, rector of St. Mary's in Ches- ter, and vicar of Walton, co. Lancaster. .3. Henry, D.C.L., king's professor of civil law in the university of Oxford. 4. Roger; 5. Pisey. (i. John, who, by Eleanor, relict of sir Holland Egerton, bart., and da. of sir Roger Cave, bart., had 1 da., Frances. 7. Frances; 8. Alice, who both d. young. 9. Elizabeth-Alicia, m. Roger WiU braham, esq., d, 1737. G 122 D'OYLY. Sir Thomas was succeeded by his grand- son, IV. Sir RICHARD, m. Frances, only da. of Thomas Patten, of Bank, co. Lan- caster, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir Richard, .^th bart. 2. Thomas, of Church MinshuU, co. Chester, m. Margaret, the youngest da. of sir Robert Cunlitfe, bart., by whom (who d. his widow IG Dec. 182G) he had, 1. Henry. 2. Frances, m. rev. Charles Luxmoore. 3. Emily, m., 9 July 1825, Henry ShiiT- ner, esq., R.N., eldest son of sir George Shiffner, bart. 4. Harriet, m. Robert-Townley Parker, of Cuerden Hall, co. Lancaster, esq. Also another Henry, and Thomas, who d. young. 3. Margaret, m., 1782, the rev. Thomas Blackburne, D.C.L., brother to John Black- burne, sometime M.P. for Lancaster. 4. Letitia, m. William Assheton, of Cundale and Downham, esq. 5. Frances, m., 1783, Robert Denison, of Kilorwick Percy, co. York. Sir Richard d. 1781, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir RICHARD, m. Mary, 2d da. of sir Robert Cunliffe, (and sister to his bro- ther's wife,) by whom he had, 1. Sir Richard, present bart. 2. Thomas, b. 1784. 3. Robert, who d. in 1802. 4. Louisa, d. young. 5. Charlottk-Frances. 6. Mary; 7. Harriet, both d. young. 8. Mary, m., 27 March 1822, sir James- Milles Riddel, of Ardnamurchen, bart. Sir Richard d. 1796, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VL Sir RICHARD, present bart. Arms — See Plate 11. Or, a cross, en- grailed, per pale, gules and sable. Crest— A brock or badger, proiier. Seat — At Norton Priory, co. Chester, four miles from Warrington, and ten from Ches- ter. D'OYLY, (formerly D'OYLEY,) of Shottisham, co. Norfolk. 29 July 16G3. Sir CHARLES D'OYLY, Baronet, in the civil service of the East India Company, a senior Merchant and senior Member of the Board of Customs at Calcutta ; succeeded his father, sir John-Hadley, in Jan. 1818 ; married miss Greer. I. Sir WILLIAM, the 1st bart., was knighted by Charles II., for his gallant be- haviour in the service of Gustavus Adol- phus, of Sweden, and was among the most zealous for the king's rei'toration. He m. Margaret, da. of Randall, esq., of Pul- ham, CO. Norfolk, by whom he had, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Edmund; 3. Charles. 4. Catharine, m. Edward Stafford, of Marlwood, co. Gloucester, esq. 5. Margaret, m. col. Suckling. 6. Mary, m. Lane. 7. Elizabeth, m. Adam Banks. 8. Anne, d. single. 9. Philippa, m. dr. Edward Wetenhall, lord bishop of Cork and Ross, and after- wards of Kilmore and Ardagh. Sir William d. 1(577, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir WILLIAM, who was knighted 1664, in the lifetime of his father ; (he was one of the tellers of the exchequer;) ?«. Mary, da. of Hadley, esq., (sister to the 1st wife of Arthur Herbert, earl of Tor- rington,) by whom he had, 1. Sir Edmund, 3d bart. 2. Henry, d. an infant. 3. Hadley, m. Elizabeth, da. of Yallop, son of sir Robert Yallop, knt., by whom he had, 1. Edward, m. the relict of Budd, esq., and rf. about 1732, without issue. 2. John, Mi. in Jamaica, where he d. about 1746, leaving a da., m. Cargill. 3. Sir Hadley,' 5th bart. 4. Thomas, who d. in 1761, having had, by Jane, da. of Richard Walker, of Pet- worth, CO. Sussex, esc}., 1. Edivard ; 2. FAizaheth; .3. Jave;A. Mary; 5. John ; 6. Thomas ; 7. Hadlc;/ ; 0. Jane: the last 5 all d. young. 5. Mary, m. Henry Benfield, esq. 4. Roisert; .5. George, d. infants. 6. Mary. lie was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir EDMUND, m. Dorothy, da. of Philip Bedingfield.of Ditchingham, co. Nor- folk, esq., (who d. I7I8,) by whom he had, 1. Sir Edmund, 4th bart. 2. William, d. 1737, imm. 3. Jane, d. young, 1699. Sir Edmund d. Oct. 1760, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, IV. Sir EDMUND, who, dying in 1763 iwm., was succeeded by his cousin, V. Sir HADLEY, 3d son of Hadley, 3d son of sir William, 2d bart. ; he was rector of Wooton and Felix Stow, co. Suffolk ; m. Henrietta Maynard, da. of the rev. ^ Osborn, vicar of Thaxted, co. Essex, by whom he had, 1. Sir John-Hadley, 6th bart. 2. Hadley. 3. Elizabkth, d. 26 Jan. 1818. 4. Catharine ; .5. Harriet. 6. Charlotte; 7- Anne. Sir Hadley d, June 1765, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir JOHN-HADLEY, a senior mer- chant on the Bengal Establishment, b. Jan. 1754, m., March 1780, Diana, da. of William Rochfort, esq., brother of Robert, 1st earl of Belvedere, relict of William Coats, of Calcutta, esq., and bv her (who d. 6 Sept. 1803) had issue, 1. Sir Charles, present bart. 2. Maynard, »»., 6 March 1805, Walter Farquhar, esq., youngest son of sir Walter Faripihar, bart.; who d. at St. Helena, 9 Feb. 1813. X Harriet, m. George Baring, esq., son of sir Francis Baring, bart. 4. Maynard. .I. Joiin-Hadlky, magistrate and col- lector of Midnapore, in the East Indies, m., Dec. 1819, Charlotte, da. of George-Nesbitt Thompson, of Penton Lodge, Hants, esq., some time secretary to the right hon. Warren Hastings when governor-general of India. Sir John-Hadley dropped the e in his PENNYMAN.— LORRAINE. 123 name; d. at Calcutta Jan, 1818, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms — See Plate 11. Gules, three bucks' heads, caboshed, argent. Crest— A buck's head, as in the arms. Motto — Do no yll, quoth d'Oyle. PENNYMAN, of Ormsby, in Cleveland, co. York. 22 Feb. 1663-4. Sir WILLIAM-HENRY PENNYMAN, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir James, 27 iMarch 1808 ; married Charlotte, da. of Bethel Robinson, of Calwick, in Holderness, co. York, esq. This family appears to have been settled at Ormsby at "least as early as tne IGth cen- tury. James Pennj-man, of Ormsby, esq., living 1599, had a natural son, William, who was a master in Chancery, and father of sir William Pennyman, governor of Oxford for king Charles 'I., who was created a bart. 1643, but d. s.p., when that title became ex- tinct. James Pennyman left also a legiti- mate son, James, whose son and heir, I. Sir JA?kIES, was created a bart. as above, m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Ste- phen Nortcliff, esq., and d. 1680, leaving issue bv her a son and heir, II. Sir THOMAS, m. Frances, da. of sir John Lovv-ther, (grandfather to James, earl of Lonsdale, K.(j.,) lord privy-seal to king William, by whom he had, 1. Sir James, 3d bart. 2. JoHx; 3. Thojias; 4. William. 5. Charles; 6. Hexry. 7. Elizabeth; 8. Catharixe. III. Sir JAMES, his eldest son, succeeded his father 17<)8 ; m. Mary, da. of Michael Warton, of Beverley, co. York, esq., (by Susanna, da. of John, lord Poulet,) by whom he had, 1. James, m. Dorothy, da. of dr. William Wake, archbishop of Canterbury, and d. in his father's lifetime, 1743, without issue. 2. Sir William, 4th bart. 3. Thomas. 4. Sir Warton -Pennyman -Warton, 5th bart. 5. Ralph, m. and had issue, sir James, 6th bart. G. Catherine. 7. Elizabeth, both d. num. Sir James d. 17 Nov. 1745, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, IV. Sir V*'ILLIAM, who d. unm. 17 April 1768, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir WARTON-PENXY!\IAN-WAR- TON, m. Charlotte, da. of sir Charles Ho- tham, of Scarborough, co. York, bart., by whom he had 2 sons and 9 das., of whom only 6 das. survived, viz., 1. Charlotte, m. Francis, son of sir Francis Boynton, bart. 2. ]Mary, m. William Berry, esq. 3. Margaret, m. Henry Haister, esq. 4. Harriot, m. Henry Stapylton, esq. 5. Caroline, m. Roger Gee, of Bishop- Burton, CO. York, esq. 6. Diana, ni. general George Hotham, (brother of William, lord Hotham, and great uncle of Beaumont, present lord Ho- tham,) who d. 16 Dec. 1769. Sir Warton d. 14 Jan. 1770, without issue male, and was succeeded by his nephew, VI. Sir JAMES, served in 4 parliaments for the borough of Beverley, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Henry Grey, of Howick, co. Nor- thumberland, bart., and by her (who d. 14 Sept. 1815) had issue, 1. Sir Vv^lliam-Henry, present bart. 2. James; 3. Ralph; 4. Kenry-Grey, 5. Charles; 6. Frederick; all of whom d. during the lifetime of their father. 7. Elizabeth; 8. Hannah. 9. Charlotte, m., Feb. 1805, Charles, son of sir George Robinson, bart. ; and 2dly, 1812, John-George Boss, esq., R.N., and d. 11 Sept. 1832. 10. Frances-Harriot, m., 1st, 29 Nov. 1808, Charles-John Berkeley, M.D., of Be- verley, CO. York ; and 2dly, 26 Aug. 1820, J. W. C. Robinson, esq. Sir James d. 27 March 1808, and was suc- ceeded by his son, Vll. Sir WILLIAM - HENRY, present bart. Arms— See Plate 11. Gules, a chevron, ermine between three half spears, broken, the staff or, head argent. Crest— Out of a mural crown, gules, a lion's head, erased, or, pierced through the neck with a broken spear, as in the arms. Motto — Fortiter et fideli ter. Seats— At Ormsby and Thornton, both in Cleveland, in the North Riding, co. York. LORRAINE, of Kirk-Harle, co, Northumberland. 26 Sept. 1664. Sir WILLIAM LORRAINE, Baronet, born 9 April 1801, succeeded his father, sir Charles, 18 Jan. 1833. Robert, the first of this family in Eng- ! land, came over with William the Con- queror ; and, as well for his service in that expedition as afterwards against IMal- colm, king of the Scots, was rewarded with lands CO. Durham. Kirk-Harle came into the family temp. Hen. IV., by the marriage of William Lorraine, with Johanna, heiress of William del Strother : the ancestor of thisStrother got the estate of Wallington, by marriage A\dth Joanna, da. and sole heir- ess of Robert, of Wallington East and Wal- lington West, as is expressed in ancient deeds. I. Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., m. Grace, eldest da. of sir Vv'illiam Fenwick, of Wallington, bart., and sister of sir John Fenwick, bart., who was attainted temp. William III. ; by 124 BIDDULPH. whom he had 14 sons and 5 das., d. Jan. 1717. and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM. He was of Lincoln's Inn, and practised some years as a barrister ; m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of sir John Law- rence, knt., alderman and lord mayor of London (who rf. s.p.) ; he m., 2dly, Anne, only da. of Richard Smith, of Preston, co. Bucks, esq., by whom he had 5 sons and 4 das. Sir William d. 24 Jan. 1743, a?t. 84, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, III. Sir CHARLES, m., 1st, Margaret, da. of Ralph Lambton, of Lambton-Hall, CO. Durham, esq., (who d. 30 June 1746,) by whom he had, i. Dorothy, d. an Infant. He m., 2dly, Dorothy, da. of Ralph Milott, of Whitehall, co. Durham, esq., (who d. March 1787.) by whom he had, 2. Sir William, 4th bart. 3. Charles, (who took the name of Smith,) m. Elizabeth-Anne, da. of William Skvine, of Westminster, by whom he had two sons, 1. Charles-Crayle, h. 19 Feb. 1782, who d. young. 2. Lorraine, b. 20 Feb. 1/84. 4. Lambton, in holy orders, m. Isabella, 2d surviving da. of sir Launcelot Algood, of Nun wick, co. Northumberland, by whom he had, 1. Dorothy- Jane. 2. Elizabeth, m. lieut.-col. John Bald- win. .". Richard - Lambton, R.N., d. unm. Sept. 1801. 4. Isabella-Charlotte. 5. Georgiana. 5. James-Thoaias, nu, 1777, Margaret, da. cf John Haigh, of Hightown, co. York, esq., by whom he had, 1. Eleanor-Susan; 2. Jemima. 3. Margaret. Sir Charles d. 29 April 1775, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir WILLIAM, m., 19 Oct. 177G, Hannah, eldest surviving da. of sir Launce- lot Algood, of Nunwick, co. Northumber- land, knt., (who d. 1797,) and had issue, 1. Sir Charles, 5th bart. 2. William, of Newcastle, b. 10 Oct. 1780. 3. John-Lambton, h. 31 July 1784. 4. Edward-Fenvi'ick, h. 15 Oct. and d. Dec. 1786. 5. Jane, b. 27 Nov. 1777, d. July 1789. 6. Isabella, b. 8 March 1782, m., 29 Nov. 1811, Thomas Emmerson Headlam, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, M.D. 7. Anne-Eliza, b. 22 Dec. 1789. 8. Hknrietta, 6. 15 April 1793. Sir William m., 2dly, 5 Nov. 1799, Frances, da. and sole h. of Francis Campart, of Ken- sington, CO. Middlesex, esq., by whom (who d. 21 Oct. 1811) he had issue, 9. Henry-James, b. 18 Sept. 1801. 10. Edward, h. 9 Nov. 1803. 11. Vincent, b. and d. 18()(). 12. Frances-Vere, 6. 12 Aug. 1800, m., 8 Nov. 1829, William-Henry Ord, esq., only son of William Ord, of Whitfield-Hall, co. Northumberland, esq. 13. Caroline, b. 28 Aug. 1802. 14. Emily, b. 16 March 1810, m., 15 Jan. 1833, Charles-Bacon Grey, of Styford, co. Northumberland, esq. Sir William d. 19 Dec. 1809, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir CHARLES, b. 10 April 17/9. m.,2\ June 1800, Elizabeth, only da. of Vincent Campart, of St. Marylebone, co. Middlesex, esq., by whom (who d. 5 Aug. 1829) he had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. Isabella Elizabeth, b. 14 Aug. 1805, m., 19 Nov. 1828, rev. John Bell, B.A., of University College, Oxford. 3. Chari^es Vincent, 6. 20 July 1807. 4. Henry Claude, b. 4 April 1812. Sir Charles d. 18 Jan. 1833, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir WILLIAM, present and 6th bart. Arms — See Plate 11. Argent, five lo- zenges conjoined in pale, azure; in the dexter chief point, an escocheon of the second. Ciest — A palm-tree proper ; hanging to the dexter side thereof by a belt, gules, edged and buckled, or, a shield, azure. Motto — Lam-o sciitoque resurgo. Seat— At Kirk-Harle, co. Northumber- land. BIDDULPH, of Westcombe, co. Kent. 2 Nov. 1664. Sir THEOPHILUS BIDDULPH, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Theophikis, 1801 ; married Hannah, da. of Edward Prestridge, esq., by whom he has, 1. THEOPHILU8, w., 12 April 1825, Jane-Rebecca, 2d da. of Robert Vyner, of Eastliorpe, co. AVarwick, esq.; 2. Charles; 3. Edward; 4. Charlotte; 5. Frances-Anne, m., 9 June 1810, Captain William Parker, R.N. ; 6. Sijjon ; 7' Henry, in holy orders, m., 1 July 1834, Ennna-Susan, only da. of J. Nuttall, of AVorley Bank, Worcester, esq. This ancient family, originally of co. Stafford, is denominated from Biddi/lpli, a village in the north part of that county, of which they have been lords from the Con- quest. I. Sir THEOPHILUS, 1st bart., m. Su- sanna, da. of Zachary Highland, alderman of London, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Mi( hael, 2d bart. 2. Theophilus, d. 20 May 1650, ut^m. 3. John. 4. Simon, of Birdlngbury, co. Warwick, m. Jane, eldest da. of Edward Birch, esq., serjeant-at-law, by whom he had, 1. Edward, who m. Anne, eldest da. of Edward, 2d son of serjeant Birch, by whom he had, 1. sir Thkophihis, 4th bart. ; 2. Edward ; .'$. John ; 4. William ; 5. Charles; 6. Jane; 7- Atme, 2. John, m. Jane, da. of Thomas Birch, esq., cliiestson of serjeant Birch. .3. Michael, who had one da., Jane, wife of the late Theophilus Biddulph. 4. Charles, of London. SMYTH. 125 5. Walter, who had one son, and seve- ral das. ; one m. the rev. James Capper ; another m. the rev. mr. Greaves; and a third m. Samuel-Pipe Wolferstan, esq. ; Susanna; Jane; Mary; Anne; Mar- garet. 5. Elizabeth, m. sir John Napier, bart. 6. Susanna., m. sir Edward Littleton, of Pillaton Hall, co. Stafford, bart. /. Mary. 8. Rachel, m. sir William Basset, of Claverton, co. Somerset, knt. Sir Theophilus was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir MICHAEL, m., 1st, Henrietta- Maria, da. of Colonel Richard Whitley, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Theophilus, 3d bart. 2. SijSanna; 3. Charlotte. He m., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of William D'Oyley, esq., who d. April 1740, by whom he had issue, 1. Arabella; 2. Sarah ; 3. Bridget. Sir Michael d. 20 April 1718, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, III. Sir THEOPHILUS, m. Carew, da. of sir Charles Lyttleton, of Frankley, co. Worcester, bart., (ancestor of the barons Lyttleton, in England, and Westcote, in Ireland,) who d. 18 April 1741, by whom he had no issue. Wed. l(j May 1743, and was succeeded bv IV. Sir THEOPHILUS, eldest son of Edward, son of Simon Biddulph, of Bird- ingbury, 4th son of the 1st bart. ; m. Jane, only child of Michael, son of the above-men- tioned Simon, by whom (who d. 14 Aug. 1818) he had issue, 1. Sir Theophilus, present bart. 2. John, m. Sophia, da. of the rev. sir Charles Wheler, bart., by whom he has issue. 3. William. 4. Jane, d. 5. Susanna ; 6. Elizabeth. 7. Charlotte-Mabella. Sir Theophilus d. 1801, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir THEOPHILUS, the present bart. ^)-ms— See Plate 11. Vert, an eagle, dis- played, argent. S'eat—kX Bisbury, co. Warwick. SMYTH, of Upton, co. Essex. 30 March 1G65. Sir GEORGE-HENRY SMYTH, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Robert, 12 April 1802 ; ^»om 30 Jan. 1784 ; married, 20 July 1815, Eve, daughter of G. Elmore, of Penton, co. Hants. I. Sir ROBERT SMYTH, citizen of London, h. 1594, was created a bavt. as above, in. Judith, da. of Nicholas Walmis- ley, esq., brother to the lord chief justice of that name, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Robert, 2d bart. 2. James, from whom are descended the Smyths of Isfield, co. Sussex. 3. Anthony, who d. without issue. 4. Hester, m. Robert Fleetwood, esq. 5. Judith, m. Thomas Brand, esq. 6. Anne, m. William Palmer, esq. 7. Mary, m. sir Edward Selwyn, knt. Sir Robert m., 2dly, Rebecca, da. of sir William-Rowney, sheriff of London, by whom he had issue, 8. Margaret, m. Granado Pigot, of Abington, co. Cambridge. 9. Rebecca, nu WiUiam Robinson, of London. Sir Robert d. 12 June 16(59, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ROBERT, m. Jane, eldest da. of John Trafford, esq., by whom he had i.sue, 1. Sir Robert, 3d bart. 2. James, of the Middle Temple, barris- ter-at-law. 3. Jane, m. John Pyott, esq. IIL Sir ROBERT, successor to his father, was member of parliament for Andover, i(j95, and m. Anne, da. of Henry White- head, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Trafford, of the Middle Temple, barrister-at-law, who m., 1st, Conway, da. and h. of Thomas Hackett, bishop of i3own and Connor, by whom he had, 1. Sir Trafford, 4th bart. 2. Robert, who d. without issue. 3. James, who m. Mary, grandda. of sir WiUiam Honywood, bart., by whom he had one da., Jane, who d. without issue. 4. John, who rf. without issue. 5. Conway, m. Hugh Mills, gent. Trafford Smith, esq., m., 2dly, Anne, niece to sir John Whatton, knt., by whom he left no issue, and d. Jan. 1731-2. 2. Robert, 2d son of sir Robert, was vicar of Woolavington and East Dean, co. Sussex, m. Dorothy, da. of Thomas Lloyd, esq., of North Wales, by whom he had Sir Robert, 5th bart. .3. Henry, m. Elizabeth, da. of Edward Pattle, merchant, by whom he had, 1. Robert; 2. James. 3. Elizabeth ; 4. Anne ; 5. Jane. Sir Robert rf. 29 Jan. 1744, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, IV. Sir TRAFFORD, who d. mini., 8 Dec. 1765, when the title devolved on his cousin, V. Sir ROBERT, b. 10 Jan. 1744, some time M.P. for Colchester, »!., 20 Sept. 177avies Bovey; and 2dly, John Spencer, esq., paymaster to the E. I. C. 10. Mary. 11. Rebecca, m. George Coldham, sur- geon. 12. Jane. 13. Anne, m. Samuel Tomkins, of Lon- don, mercer. Sir John d. 1722, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JOHN, m., Sept. 1710, Anna- Maria, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Thomas Barnardiston, of Brightwell Hall, co. Suf- folk, bart., (by pAnne, da. of sir Richard Rothwell, bart.,) by whom (who d. 1743) he had issue, 1. John, d. an infant. 2. Sir John, 4th bart. 3. Anna-Maria, m. Peter Delme, esq., son and h. of sir Peter Delme, knt., lord mayor of London, and d. 24 Mav 1740. Sir John d. 4 March 1733-9, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, IV. Sir JOHN, D.C.L., 6. 22 Nov. 1728, m., 4 Feb. 1750, Elizabeth, da. of William Hedges, of Alderston, co. Wilts, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. John, b. 22 Dec. 1750, and d. 16 May 1761. Sir John in., 2dly, 1752, Martha, da. and h. of John Kenward, of Kenward, co. Kent, esq., (niece by marriage of the 2d sir Gre- gory Page,) by whom (who d. his widow 1794) he had issue, 2. Sir John-Gregory, 5th bart. 3. The rev. John-Kenward, vicar of Eltham. 4. John-Barnardiston, d. young, 1757. Sir John d. 1779, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir JOHN-GREGORY, h. 25 July 1756, m., 9 ISIarch 1782, Theodosia-Mar- garet, 3d da. of John, 2d lord Monson, by whom he had, 1. Sir John-Kenward, present bart. 2. Theodosia, d. an infant. 3. Charles, h. 18 Aug. 1785, R.N., rf. 3 May 1829; m., 20 April 1822, Frances-Anne, 4th da. of sir Henry Hawley, bart., by whom he had issue, a son, h. 30 Dec 1823, and a da., b. March 1825. 4. Catharine-Elizabeth, b. 29 Jan. 1787, m., 29 Nov. 1806, sir Henry Hawley, of Leybourne Grange, co. Kent, bart. 5. Henry-Thomas, b. 21 Feb. 1788, a lieut.-col. in the army, d. at Madras, 20 June 1832. 6. Augusta-Anne, 5. 22 June 1790, d. itnm. 15 June 1833. 7. Theodosia-Martha, 6. 28 April 1792, d. young. 8. Lewis-James, 6. 20 Nov. 1793, d. 15 May 18(17. 9. Anne-Maria, 6. 12 Dec. 1795, m., 8 May 1819, Maximilian Dallison, esq., of Hamptons, co. Kent. 10. Emma-Margaret, b. 18 Sept. 1797. 11. HoRATiA, b. 19 Ma\ 1799, m., 31 Jan. 1825, the hon. Walter Forbes, capt. in the Coldstream guards, 2d son of lord Forbes. 12. Charlotte-Susan, b. 23 Feb. 1801, m., 5 Dec. 1820, John Cornwall, esq., of El- stead, CO. Surrey, commander R.N. 13. Caroline-Alicia, b. 22 March 1803. 14. Horert-William, b. 4 Oct. 1804, in holy orders, m., Feb. 1830, Sophia, young- est da. of the hon. Mrs. Cornwall. 1,5. Harriet-Grack, b. 24 April 1806. Sir John-Gregory d. 28 Oct. 1831, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir JOHN-KENWARD, present and Gth bart. Anns— See Plate 11. Argent, a chevron, between three fusils, ermines. (Vcv^— Six arrows, interlaced, saltierwise, or, tied togcllicr, with a belt, gules, the butklo and pendant or. Motto— J'iiicit qui patitar. S>mt.s—At Eltham Lodge, co. Kent, and Coltshall, CO. Sullblk. DUKINFIELD.—BURDETT. 127 DUKINFIELD, of Dukinfteld Hall, co. Chester. 16 June 1GG5. Sir JOHN-LLOYD DUKINFIELD, Baronet, horn 3 Feb. 1785, suc- ceeded his father, sir Nathaniel, 20 Oct. 1824. This family appears to have been seated at Dukinfield, co. Chester, at least as early as temp. Edward I. I. Sir ROBERT, 1st bart., was the son of Robert Dukinfield, of Dukinfield, a cele- brated officer of the parliainentary army, by Martha, da. of sir Miles Fleetwood. He nu, 1st, Jane, da. of sir Thomas Estcourt, knt., one of the masters in Chancery, by whom he had issue, 1. RiiBERT, rf. uyim. 1680. 2. Sir Charjles, 2d bart. 3. John, a merchant of Bristol, r;i. a da. of capt. Andrews, by whom he had several children, of whom sir Samuex., 4lh bart., survived him. 4. Elizabeth, m., 1st, John Molyneux; and, 2dly, dr. Samuel Done. 5. Anxe ; G. Jane. 7. Martha, d. infants or unm. Sir Robert nu, 2dly, Susanna, da. of Robert Thompson, of Culpho, co. Suffolk, esq., and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir WILLIAM, b. 8 July 1733, m., ■21 Dec. 1765, Sukey, da. of Peter Serle, of Testwood, near Southampton, esq., (by his 2d w'fe, Susanna, da. of sir John Ston- housc, bart., of Radley, co. Berks,) and by her (who d. July 18(»4) had issue, 1. JoHX, who d. an infant. 2. Sir WiLi-iAM, present bart. 3. Henry, d. an infant. 4. JOH.v, fellow of Merton College, Ox- ford, d. 30 Oct. 1825. 5. Peter, rector of East Stoke, co. Dor- set, d. 181)7. 6. Richard, of Fairlee, in the Isle of Wight, sometime consul at Tunis, /»., 2/ Jan. 1811, Caroline, da. of Charles Tulin, Swedish consul at Tunis, by whom (who »., 1807, Margaret, da. of James Duthie, co. Stirling, N.B., esq., but d. without issue, 12 May 1830, and was succeeded by his ne- phew, VIII. Sir JOHN, present and 8th bart. G '6 130 TWISDEN.— MARTIN. Arms—See Plate 12. Argent, on a pale, sable, a sword, erect, of the first, hilt and pommel, or. Crest — Out of clouds, an arm., couped. lying fessewise, holding in the hand a sword erect, argent, hilt and pommel, or. Seat — At Sealby, co. Lincoln. TWISDEN, of Bradbourn, co. Kent. 13 June IGGG. Sir JOHN TWISDEN, Baronet, born in June 1785 ; succeeded Lis father, sir John-Papillon, 10 Feb. 1810 ; married^ 25 Feb. 1811, Catharine- Judith, da. of the rev. William Coppard, rector of Graveley, co. Cam- bridge, and by her (who d. 29 April 1819, set. 29,) had no surviving issue. Sir Thomas Twisdev, Istbart., (of this branch,) was 2d son of sir William Twys- den, of East Peckham, bart., (see that title,) by lady Anne Finch, da. of the 1st countess of Winchilsea. He was bred to the law, and became one of the justices of the King's Bench 1(3()0. He altered the speUing of his name from Tivi/sden, as it was spelt by his ancestors, (and is still by the Twysdens, of East Peckham, barts.,) to Tw;;*rfeii, to dis- tinguish the two families; and this alter- ation has been followed by his descendants to the present time. He ni. Jane, da. of John Tomlinson, esq., by whom (who sur- vived him and d. 17<>^) he had, 1. Sir Roger, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, who had issue. 3. William. 4. Henkage, d. without issue. 5. Francis, m. Rebecca, da. of Philip Lemon, esq., widow of mr. Hale, son of sir Matthew Hale, knt., and d. 20 Nov. 1721; by her he had 5 children, of which only 2 das. survived him ; Jane, m. sir William Twysden, bart.; and Isabella, d. unni. 6. Jane, the eldest da. of sir Thomas, m. sir John Simpson, knt., serjeant-at-law, and d. 7 Dec. 1690. 7. Anne, d. without issue. 8. Margaret, was the 2d wife of sir Thomas Style, bart. 9. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Dalyson, esq. 10. Eleanor, m, sir Felix Wylde, bart. 11. Isabel, d. without issue. Sir Thomas d. 2 Jan. 1G83, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, II. Sir ROGER, m. Margaret, da. of sir John Marsham, bart., and aunt to the late lord Romney, by whom he had, besides other issue, 1. Sir Roger, 3d bart. 2. Elizabeth, wi. sir Richard Newdigate, bart. Sir Roger d. 28 Feb. 1702-3, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son. III. Sir ROGER, »m. Anne, da. of Jolin Musters, esq., by whom (who survived her husband, and d, Oct. 1729,) he had, 1. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 2. Sir Roger, 5th bart. 3. William; 4. John. Sir Roger d. 12 Sept. 1728, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir THOMAS, who, going abroad in 1730, rf. at Grenada, in Spain, in Aug. 1737> unm., and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir ROGER, m. Elizabeth, da. and h, of Edmund Watton, of Addington, co. Kent, esq., and widow of Leonard Bartho- lomew, esq., and by her (who survived him, and d. 1775,) he left, 1. Sir Roger, 0th bart. ; 2. William. 3. Sir John-Pa piLLON, 7th bart. Sir Roger d. 7 March 1772, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir ROGER, who, 25 Jan. 1779. »?. Elizabeth, da. of mr. Waldash, by whom (who d. 3 Feb. Ili33) he had 1 da., h. 1730, after the death of her father, and m. Tho-i mas-Law Hodges, of Hempsted Place, co. Kent, esq., M.P. Sir Roger d. Oct. 1779. and was succeeded by his next surviving brother, VII. Sir JOHN-PAPILLON, nu, 8 April 1782, Elizabeth, da. of sir Francis Geary, bart., and by her (who d. Jan. 181G) had issue. Sir John, present bart. Sir John-Papillon d. 10 Feb. 1810, and was succeeded by his only son, VIII. Sir JOHN, present bart. ^» ms— See Plate 12. Per Saltire, argent and gules, a saltier, between four cross crosslcts, all counterchanged, a crescent for difference. Crest— X cockatrice, azure, with wiugs dis]ilayed, or. Motto — Prcpvisa mala pereunt. Seat— At Bradbourn House, five miles from Maidstone, co. Kent. MARTIN, of Long-Melford, co. Suffolk. 28 March 1GG7. Sir ROGER MARTIN, Baronet, born 22 Feb. 1778, succeeded his father, sir JMordaunt, Oct. 1815 ; sometime senior judge of the court of appeal at ]\Ioorshedabad, on the Bengal establishment. This family is of considerable antiquity of sir Roger Martin, knt., m., 16G3, Trm- in the county of Suffolk, having been seat- worth, da. of Edward [loiner, esq., by c.l at Long Melford, at least as early as whom (who rf. 15 Aug. lO!)!!) he had issue, temp. Edw. IV. 1. Rogeh, h. HiW!, d. an infant. I. Sir ROGER, 1st bart., so created, as 2. Sir Rogi^k, 2d bart. above, was sou of Richard, and grandson 3. Edward, b. 1(373. HANHAM. 131 4. Henry, b. 1(3/4. 5. JoHX, 6. 1670. 6. Francis, b. 1C33, rf. an infant. 7. Jerjiyn, 6. 1()B5, d. young. 8. Joseph, b. 1(388. 9. Tajiwouth, 6. im-i, w. Thomas Rook- wood, esq., (butrf. in childbed of her only da. Elizabeth, who m. John, sou of sir Wil- liam Gage, bart.) 10. Catharine: 11. Jane. Sir Roger d. 8 July 1712, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, 11. Sir ROGER, b. 1667. nu Anna-Ma- ria Harvey, by whom (who d. 15 May 1739) he had issue, 1. Sir Roger, 3d bart. ; 2. Richard. Sir Roger d. May 1742, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir ROGER, m. Sophia, da, of brig.- gen. Lewis Mordaunt, brother to the earl of Peterborough, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Mordaunt, 4th bart. 2. Anna-Marie, /h. Louis Vigoreux, esq. Sir Roger rf. 12 June 1762, and was succeeded by his only son, IV. Sir MORDAUNT, b. 1/40, marshal of the Vice-Admiralty Court, Jamaica, in., 1st, 5 Aug. 1765, Everilda-Dorothea, 3d da. of the rev. William Smith, rector of Bum- ham, CO. Norfolk, and by her (who d. Sept. 1800) had ifsue, 1. Sir Roger, present bart. 2. Sophia, d. umn. 18 Nov. 1827. 3. EvERiLDA, m. the rev. Thomas Ber- nard. 4. Anna-Maria, m., 23 Jan. 1805, the rev. John Glasse, rector of Bumham, co. Norfolk. 5. Louisa ; G. Catharina. 7. Frances, d. 1802. 8. Caroline, »>., 22 Oct. 1805, James Monroe, of Hadlev, co. Middlesex, esq. Sir Mordaunt //?., 2d!y, 4 Aug. 1808, the relict of the rev. Edward North, and da. of the rev. Armine Styleman, of Snettishara, CO. Norfolk, by v;hom (who survived him and d. 29 April 1825) he had no issue. Sir Mordaunt d. Oct. 1815, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, V. Sir ROGE R, present bart. Ann^—See Plate 12. Argent, a chevron, between three mascles, sable, all within a border, engrailed, gules. C/est — A demi-cockatrice. Motto — Iniihonsapientice est timor Dommu Seats — At Bumham, co. Norfolk, and Long-Melford, co. Suffolk. HANHAM, of "S^'iNBOURNE, co. Dorset. 24 May 1GG7. Sir JAMES HANHA?.!, Baronet, in holy orders, rector of Winter- borne Selston, CO. Dorset, succeeded his father, the rev. sir James, 11 March 180G; married., 1st, 16 April 1793, Anne, da. of the late lieut. Edu-ard Pike, K.N., by whom (who d. lb July 1801) he had issue, 1. James, d. 4 Dec. 1798; 2. Jaxe-Pexelope, d. 24 Aug. 1830; 3. Edward, d, 19 Sept. 1807; 4. WILLIAM, m., (> Nov. 1823, Harriett, da. of Morgan, esq., of Mount Clare, co. Surrey ; 6. Axxe-Price, d. 23 March 1818; 6. Phelips. Sir James /n., 2dly, 14 Dec. 1815, miss Eliza Pattey, of Winbourne, co. Dorset. This family is said to have come ori- finally out of Gloucestershire, and to be enominated from Hanham, in that county. P-iter de Hanham, who lived in the 13th century, is the first we find mentioned. I. Sir WILLIAM,!, created a bart. as above, /;(,, 16G0, Elizabeth, da. of George Cooper, of Clarendon Park, co. V/ilts, esq., brother to Anthony Ashley, 1st earl of Shaftesburj% lord chancellor of England, d. 1671, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir JOHN, Hi. Jane, da. and sole h. of William Eyre, of Newstone Park, co. Wilts, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir WILLIAM, 3d bait. 2. John; 3. Thomas; 4. Charles. 5. Edward, d. young. (}. Elizabeth, d. young. III. Sir WILLIAM, m., June 1717, Mary, eldest da. of William Norris, of Nonsuch, CO. Wilts, esq., (by Elizabeth, da. of Jacob Selfe, of Bean Acre, in the same county, esq.,) and had issue, 1. Sir V*''iLLiAM, 4th bart. 2. Thomas'; 3. John, d. 1746. 4. Sir James, 6th bart. 5. Eleanor, m. John Grove, of Ferns, CO. Wilts, esq. 6. Elizabeth; 7- -A.nother Elizabeth; 8. Maria, all d. young. Sir William d. March 1762, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IV. Sir WILLIAM, m., 1st, March 1744, Anne, da. of James Jennings, of Shiplake, CO. Oxon, esq., by whom he had no issue : he m., 2dly, June 1762, Mary, 3d da. of dr. William Lynch, dean of Canterbun,-, (bv Mar>', youngest da. of archbishop Wake,) and by her (who d. Oct. 1/64) he had issue. Sir William-Thomas, 5th bart. He m., 3dly, Dee. 17(35, Harriot, 3d da, of Henrj' Drax, esq., (by Elizabeth, da. and h. of sir Edward Erie, of Macldington, eo. Wilts, bart.,) by whom he had no issue. Sir William rf. 11 Feb. 1776, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir WILLIAM-THOMAS, b. June 1763, d. 19 Aug. 1791, and was succeeded by his uncle, VI. Sir JAMES, in holy orders, m., 1757, Jane, niece and sole h. of William Phelips, of Corfe Mullen, co. Dorset, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir James, present bart. 2. Jane-Penelope. 3. Elizabeth, d. 1783. 4. William, d. 1808; 5. Anne. G. Edward, lieut. R.N., d. at Bermuda, 1808. 7. Harriet, (f. 1800; 8. Eleanor. 9. Charles, m. Anne, da. of Philip Ahire, or Ahrie, of Jersey, esq. 10. John, d. at Seringapatam IGOO. 11. Maria, m. Richard Bentley, esq., grandson of dr. Richard Bentley, master of Tiinity College, Cambridge, and d. 23 Nov, 1811. 132 MOSTYN. 12. Penelope. Sir James d. 11 March 1806, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JAMES, present bart. A/-)m — See Plate 12. Quarterly, or, and gules, on abend, sable, three crosses patee, filched, of the first. Crest— A gryphon's head, or. Seats— At Dean's Court, near Winbourn, CO. Dorset ; and Neston Park, co. Wilts. MOSTYN, of Talacre, co. Flint. 28 April 1 C70. Sir EDWARD MOSTYN, Baronet, Custos Brevium of the Court of Common Pleas, succeeded his father, sir Pyers, 29 Oct. 1823; born 10 April 1785; married, 20 Oct. 1808, a da. of Nicholas Blundell, of Crosby Hall, CO. Lancaster, esq., by Avhom (who died in consequence of jumping from her carriage, with which the horses had run away, 31 Jan. 1825,) he had issue, 1. Pyers, b. 20 Aug. 1809, d. 1810; 2. Barbara, b. 15 Sept. 1810, m., 22 Oct. 1829, Charles Stanley, esq., brother of sir Thomas Stanley, of Hooton, bart.; 3. PYERS, b. 25 Sept. 1811 ; 4. Edward-Henry, in the army, i. 14 Jan. 1813; 5. Charles, b. 22 Dec. 1813; 6. Thomas, b. 28 March 1815; 7- Llewellyn, b. 22 June 181G ; 8. Walter, b. 22 June 1818 ; 9. Frances, b. 23 April 1819; 10. Clementina, b. 2 May 1820; 11. Mary, b. 13 July 1821; 12. William, 6. 2 Aug. 1823. Sir Edward m., 2dly, 1 Aug. 1826, Constantia, 3d da. of the late Henry Slaughter, esq., and the dowager viscountess INIontagu, and has, 13. George, b. 20 June 1827, d. 20 Jan. 1828; 14. Constantia, b. 1 Feb. 1829; 15. WiNi- FRED, b. 20 June 1830 ; IG. Teresa, b, 16 Oct. 1831 ; 17- Mary- Lucy, b. 26 May 1833. This is one of the numerous Welch fa- milies which descend from Tudor Trevor, (the ancestor of the royal house of Tudor,) who is said to have been earl of Hereford, in the early part of the loth century. Ri- chard ap Howell, a lineal descendant in the 18th generation from Tudor Trevor, was seated at Moston (or, as it is now called, Mostyn) temp. Hen. VIII.; he m. Catha- rine, da. of sir Thomas Salusbury, knt., and d. 1539, leaving two sons, 1. Thomas, who adopted the name of Mostyn, and was great-grandfather of sir Roger ]\Iostyn, of Mostyn, created a bart. .'5 Aug. 1()()<), wliich title became extinct on the death of sir Thomas Mostyn, 6th bart. •2. Pyeus, of whom hereafter. Pi/ers Mostyn, of Talacre, co. Flint, esq., (second son of Richard ap Howell,) m. He- len, da. of Thomas Griffith, of Panty- Lundy, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. sir Pijers, his successor, m. Lowry, da. of John Conway, of Botroddan, esq., and rf. without issue; 2. William; ,'5. Jane, m. John Eger- ton, of Egerton and Oulton, co. Chester, esq. William, 2d son, and successor to his brother, m., about l.'J40, Anne, sole da. and h. of Henry ap Harry, of Uassiii'^w.ukc, or Greenfield, with whom he ai(|uiitil the houses and lands in the neighbourhood of Bassingwarke Abbey, (which are still in the family,) and had issue, Edward, of Bas- singwarke, m. Elizabeth, da. of Edward Morgan, of Golden Grove, esq., and had John, of Talacre and Greenfield, who by Anne, da. of Henry Fox, of Lehurst, co. Salop, esq., was father of I. Sir EDWARD, the 1st bart. of this branch, m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Robert Diwns, of Bodney, co. Norfolk, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. John, d. young. 2. Sir PvERs, 2d bart. ■i. John; 4. Edward; 5. Andrew, allrf. 6. Margaret, m. Fettiplaee, esq. 7. Elizabeth; 8. Anne. He nu, 2dly, Ellen, da. of Draycot, esq., and widow" of Thomas Pool, esq. ; and .3dly, Mary, sister of Richard, viscount Moly- neux, of Ireland, and widow of sir George Selby, but had no issue by either. Sir Ed- ward was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir PYERS, m. Frances, da. and co-h. of the above-mentioned sir George Selby» by whom he had issue, 1. Edward, rf. unm. 2. Sir Pyers, 3d bart. 3. Sir George, 4th bart. 4. Thomas. 5. Mary, m. John Hornyhold. 6. Frances, m. John Dalton. 7. Anne, m. Thomas Culcheth, esq, 8. Winifred; 9. Juliana, both d, unm. Sir Pyers d. 15 Nov. 1720, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir PVERS, who d. tinm. 1735, and was succciiltil hv his brother, IV. Siv (;K()U(7E, 7)1., 1st, Mary, da. of Thomas ( iiftou, of Litham, co. Lancaster, esq., by whom he had no issue; and 2dly, Teresa, da. of Charles Townly, of Townly, CO. Lancaster, esti., by wlioin (who d. 27 March 17(i()> he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 5th bart. 2. Pyers, h. 1 Jan. 1727. 3. Charles, (/. an infant. 4. Thomas, h. 2 March 1732, m., 1773, Mary-Catharine, eldest da. of Henry Roper, loth lord Teynham. 5. Mary, »?., 1752, Charles, 2d son of George, 13th earl of Shrewsbury. (1. TicRESA, d. an infant. 7. Elizabeth, h. 21 July 1733, m. Henry Blundell, esq., and d. March 17(57' Sir George d. 30 Sept. 1740, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son. STONHOUSE.— CROFT. 133 V. Sir EDWARD, h. 27 April 1725, m., June 1748, Barbara, da. and h, of sir George BrowTie, bart., by Barbara, da. of Edward- Henr^' Lee, 1st earl of Lichfield. By this lady (who re-m. Edward Gore, esq.) he had issue, 1. Sir PvERS, 6th bart. 2. Charles, d. an infant. 3. Charles, b. 21 Nov. 1753, who, pur- suant to the will of sir George Browne, bart., assumed the name and arms of Browne, and m., 1st, July 1775, a sister of William Witham, esq., and had issue, 1. William ; 2. Winifred, both dec. He m., 2dly, miss Tooker, and had issue, 3. Charles, m. Maria, da. of Charles BuUer, of Ballyragget, esq., and d. 1811, leaving issue. 4. Barbara, d. an infant. Sir Edward d. March 1755, and was suc- ceeded by his son, VI. Sir PYERS, b. 23 Dec. 1749, m., 1780, Barbara Slaughter, of Ingatestone, co. Es- sex, and by her (who d. 2 Oct. 1815) had issue. Sir Edward, present bart. Sir Pyers d. 29 Oct. 1823, and was succeeded by his son, VII. Sir EDWARD, present bart. Anns—See Plate 12. Per bend sinister, ermine and ermines, a lion rampant, or. Crest — 1st, on a mount vert, a lion as in the arms, 2d, a trefoil slipped, vert. Seats— At Talacre and Greenfield, both CO. Flint. STONHOUSE, of Radley, co. Berks. 5 May 1670. (See STONHOUSE, of Radley, co. Berks, 7 May 1628.) CROFT, of Croft Castle, co. Hereford. 18 Nov. 1671. Sir THOMAS-ELMSLEY CROFT, Baronet, F.S.A., bor7i 2 Sept. 1798, succeeded his father, sir Richard, 13 Feb. 1818; married., 9 Sept. 1824, Sophia- Jane-Lateward, only child of Richard-Lateward Lateward, esq., of Grove House, Ealing, Middlesex, and has, Grace, b. 3 June 182G. It has been remarked that this family " presents one of the very few instances in which property has descended from father to son for more than seven hundred years", and that "in almost every generation, from the commencement of the 14th century, re- cords exist of the public services of its re- presentatives." The name is undoubtedly Saxon ; and in Doomsday Book, Bernard de Croft is stated to have held the tenement of Croft in Here- fordshire, which continued in the possession of his descendants until the last century. In 1274, Roger de Croft was sub-escheator for that county. Sir Hugh de Croft, lord of Croft, was created a knight of the Bath, 33 Edw. I. ; was M.P. for the county of Here- ford 1315; and in a contemporary roll of arms he is said to have used the same bear- ings as have been borne by his descendants, but his ancestors bore that coat withovit the lion. His son, Hugh, was a justice of assize 1338, and was succeeded by his son, sir John de Croft, who was frequently employed in negotiations in Flanders, between 1402, when he was captain of Merk Castle, near Calais, and 1404. By Janet, 3d da. and co- h. of the renowned Owen Glendower, he had issue William, whose son, sir Richard, was one of the most distinguished soldiers of his times, and a zealous partisan of the House of York. At the battle of Tewkes- bury he took the Prince of Wales prisoner, and"having brought him before Edward-, the young prince was barbarously murdered, though without sir Richard's participation in the deed. He was sheriff co. Hereford in tlie IKlh, and knight of the shire for that county in the 17th Edw. IV. In 1 Hen. VII. he was treasurer of the king's house- hold ; and at the battle of Stoke, 1487, was created a knight banneret : at the death of Prince Arthur, 1502, sir Richard was steward of his household; and d. very aged in 1509. His son, sir Edward, was several times sheriff of Herefordshire ; and was one of the counsel to the princess Mary; he d. 1547, and was succeeded by his son, Richard, the father of sir James Croft, whose name so frequently occurs in the history of the reigns of Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, as governor of Haddington, and lord de- puty of Ireland, 1551 ; deputy constable of the Tower, 1.552; governor of Berwick, 1559; comptroller of the household, and privy counsellor, 1570 ; knight of the shire CO. Hereford 5th, 13th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and 35th Eliz., and a commissioner to treat with the agents of the king of Spain at Bour- bourg in 1588. Sir James d. 1591. Ed- ward, his son, was M.P. for Leominster, 1571 and 1586, d. 1601, leaving a son, sir Herbert, M.P. co. Hereford, tewp. Eliz. and Jas. I., who had four sons, of whom sir William, sir James, and Robert were colo- nels in the service of Charles I., and were conspicuous for their eminent loyalty. The two first mentioned d. s.p. ; Herbert, the 3d son, and eventually h. of sir Herbert, b. 1608, having entered into holy orders, be- came celebrated as a divine and a scholar : he Was appointed bishop of Hereford 1662, and d. 1692. His only child, I. Sir HEBERT, 1st bart., was so created 18th Nov. 1671, >n. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Archer, of Umbersdale, co. Warwick, esq., aunt of the 1st lord Archer, by whom (who d. 1709) he had issue, 1. Sir Archer, 2d bart. 134 ST. AUBYN. 2. Francis, of London, merchant, h. 1687, m. Grace, da. and eventually sole h. of Thomas Bramston, of Water House, co. Essex, esq., by whom he had an only son, Herbert, b. 1(» June 1722, m., 1st, 10 May 1741), Elizabeth, da. of Richard Young, of Midhurst, co. Sussex, esq., who. d. 17*53, leaving, besides other issue, I. sir Herbert, 5th bart. ; 2 sir Richard, Gth bart.; 3. Mari/, m. Thomas Ryder, of Hendon, co. Middlesex, esq., and d. 27 March 1821 ; 4. Grace, b. 9 Dec. 1753, d. 1810, tinm. He m., 2dly, Mary, da. of Thomas Chawner, of Sudbury Wood, co. Derby, esq., by whom he had, 5. Eliza- beth, unm.; and d, 7 July 1785. 8. Elizabeth, b. 1678, w., 1712. Acton Moseley, of Enfield, co. Stafford, esq. 4. Margaret, m., 1703, Richard Oakley, of Oakley, co. Salop, esq. 5. Frances, m., 1720, Robert Dyer, of Llangathan, co. Caernarvon, esq. Sir Herbert d. 3 Nov. 1720, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir ARCHER, b. 1683, M.P. for Leo- minster 1722, and for Beeralston 1727, was appointed a commissioner of trade and plantations in 17.30, m., 10 Jan. 1723, Frances, da. and sole h. of brigadier-general Richard Waring, and had issue, • 1. Sir Archer, 3d bart. 2. Herbert, d. 1757, unm. 3. Sir John, 4th bart. 4. Frances, tn., 1st, Richard Brooke, of Chelsea, esq.; and 2diy, the rev. Seth Thompson, of Kensington, and d. 1 Jan. 1816. Sir Archer d. 10 Dec. 1753, and was suc- ceeded by his son, III. Sir ARCHER, (who cut offtheentail, andsoldCroftCastletoThomasJohnnes,esq,,) b. 1731, nu, 24 April 17.5i), E!izabeth-Char- lotta, da. of Ashley Cooper, esq., one of the clerks of the house of lords, by whom he had issue, 1. George-Thomas-Hsrbebt, d. an in- fant, 1766. 2. Elizabetk-Charlotte, b. 1760, m., 1778, James Woodcock, of Berkhampstead, CO. Herts, esq., who assumed the name and arms of Croft, by royal licence 1792, and d. his widow, 9 Sept. 1832. 3. Frances-Dorothea, m., 1784, Harry Mount, esq.<> 4. Harriet, m. Richard Ryland, of Tower Hill, London, esq. Sir Archer d. without issue male, 30 Nov. 1792, and was succeeded in his title by his brother, IV. Sir JOHN, who d. 4 Dee. 1797, with- out legitimate issue, and the title devolved on, V. Rev. sir HERBERT, (son of Herbert, son of Francis, younger son of sir Herbert, 1st bart.,) in holy orders, B.D., b. 1 Nov, 1751, ni., 1st, Sophia, da. and h. of Richard Cleave, esq., and by her (who d. 8 Feb. 1792) had issue, 1. Sophia; 2. Mary-Anne; 3. Eliza- beth, all unm. He /«., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of David Lewis, of Malvern, co. Warwick, esq., and by her (v^fho d. Sept. 1815) had no issue. Sir Herbert d. 25 April 1816, without male issue, and was succeeded by his brother, VI. Sir RICHARD, M.D., b. Jan. 1762, m., 3 Nov. 1789, Margaret, da. of Thomas Denman, M.D., sister of Thomas, lord Den- man, and had issue, 1. Herbert, 5. 10 Feb. 1/93, d. 25 Aug. 1802. 2. Richard, b. 9 Feb. 1797, d. 19 Dee. 1798. 3. Sir Thomas-Eljisley, present bart. 4. Archer-Denman, b. 7 Dec. 1801, de- puty to the marshal of the court of common pleas. 5. Joseph, b. 17 Nov. 1804, rf. the same year. 6. Richard, b. 22 Aug. 1808. 7. Frances-Elizabeth, b. 16 June 1800, m., at Lisle, 19 Sept. 1822, Louis-Marie de Chanteau, member of the legion of honour, knight of St. Louis, and of other orders. Sir Richard rf. 13 Feb. 1818, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VIL Sir THOMAS-ELMSLEY, present bart. Arms— See Plate 12. Quarterly, per fesse indented, azure and argent; in the first quarter, a lion passant guardant, or. Crest— A wyvern sable, vulned in the side, gules. ST. AUBYN, of Clowakce, co. Cornwall. 11 Dec. IG7I. Sir JOHN ST. AUBYN, Baronet, F.R.S. F.S.A. F.L.S., born 1758, succeeded his father, sir John, 12 Nov. 1772; M.P., 1807, for Helston, co. Cornwall ; married, 1 July 1822, mrs. Juliana Vinicombe. The family of St. Aubyn is one of the most ancient in the counties of Devon and Cornwall. Mauger de St. Aubyn held the manor of Mattingho, co. Devon, early in the reign of Henry III. The pedigree in the Heralds' Visitations commences with mr Gujj St. Aubi/n, of Clov/ance, co. Cornwall, knt., temp, Hen. IV. Ninth in lineal descent from whom was I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., w. Anne, da. and co-h. of James Jenkyn, of Tresseny, co. Cornwall, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Anne, m.., 1st, George, son and h. ef sir Peter Killigrew, bart.; and, 2dly, Thomas Goslyn, of Westminster, esq., master of the signet office. 3. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Northmore, of Cleave, near Exeter, es(|.,whorf. 1 Aug. 1735. Sir John d. 20 June 1714, and was suc- ceeded by his son. II, Sir JOHN, m., 1725,Mary,da.andco-h.of Peter de la Hay, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Petkr. .3. James, d. 28 Feb. 1753. 4. Mary, rf. 7 Dec. 1729. .5. Martha, rf. 15 Jan. 1770. Sir John was succeeded by his son, III. Sir JOHN, M.P. for the county of Cornwall, m., 1725, Catharine, da. and co-h. of sir Nicliolas Moricc, of Werrington, co. Devon, bart., by whom (who d. 16 June 174(0 he had issue, 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Catharine, rf. mim. 3. Mary, m. John Duller, of Morval, co. Cornwall, esq., one of the lords of the trea- sury. 4. Margaret, m, Francis Basset, eoq., father to the present lord de Dunstanville. 5. Barbara, m. sir John Molesworth,bart. JOHNSON-EDEN. 135 Sir John d. 25 Aug. 1744, and was succeeded bv his son, 'IV. Sir JOHN, h. 12 Nov. 1726, ?n. a da. of WUliam Winofield, esq., by whom (who »!., 2dly, 1782, John Baker, esq.) he had issue, r. Sir JoHX, present bait. 2. Richard-Thomas, in holv orders, m., Jan. 1813, Frances, 2d da. of the rev. Fleming St. John. 3. Elizabeth, m. Humphrey Prideaux, esq., d. 21 June 1G04. 4. Catharine, m. the rev. John Moles- worth, brother to sir William Molesworth, hart. 5. Anne, m. Robert White, esq. 6. Dorothy, m., 1787, sir Thomas-Barret Lennard, of Bellhouse, co. Essex, bart. Sir John d. 12 No%-. 1772, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, V. Sir JOHN, present bart, ^/•,»i.s— See Plate 12. Ermine, on a cross, gules, five bezants. Crest— Ou a rock, a Cornish chough rising, all proper. Seats— AX Clowance, co. Cornwall; and Wobum Farm, Weybridge, co. Surrey. JOHNSON-EDEN, (late EDEN,) of West Auckland, co. Durham. 13 Nov. 16/2^ Sir ROBERT JOHNSON-EDEN, Baronet, horn 25 Oct. 1774, took the surname and arms of Johnson in addition, by royal sign manual, succeeded his father, sir John, 23 Aug. 1812. 181] This family was resident co. Durham for several generations prior to the close of the 14th century ; and there is no reason to doubt that the name is local, and derived either from CaMle Eden, or Little Eden, in the same county. We are unable to trace the family to an earlier period than 1413, when, by an inquisition of Thomas Lang- ley, bishop of Durham, it appears that Robert de Eden died possessed of 3 mes- suages and 10 ox-gangs of land, with their appurtenances, in Preston-on-Tees, held of the bishop in capite, by knight's service. He was succeeded by hisson WiUiam, who d. seised of the same estate, 1475 ; his son and heir was Thomas Eden, father of John, of Belsis, CO. Durham, esq., »i. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Perceval Lambton, of Dur- ham, esq., by whom he had Robert Eden, of West Auckland, and of Windleston, esq., where the family appear to have been resi- dent from the commencement of the reign of queen Elizabeth. He was living in 1575, and m. Jane, da. and co-h. of John Hutton, of Hinmch, co. Durham, by whom he had John Eden, who d. about 1625, leaving issue by Margery, da. of Welbury, of Castle Eden, co. Durham, and coloiiel Robert Eden, of West-Auckland, and of Windle- ston, who d. about 1662, and was father of I. Sir ROBERT, 1st bart., m. Margaret, da. and h. of John Lambton, of the city of Durham, esq., by whom (whorf. 2 July 1730) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Robert. 3. William. 4. Thomas, D.D., prebendary of Dur- ham, and rector of Winston, co. Durham, and d. without issue, 3 March 1754, having 771. the hon. Dorothy Dawney, 2d da. of Ilenrv, viscount Downe, of Ireland, relict of Robert Shafto, esq., who d. Nov. 1734. 5. Lambton, d. young, 6. George ; 7- Henry ; 8. Lameton, ail d. unm. 9. Margaret, d. 1727, unm. 10. Catharine. 11. Elizabeth, m. Matthew Whitfield, of Whitfield, CO. Durham, esq. 12. Anne. 13. Hannah, ;if. James Micldeton, of the city of Durham, esq. 14. Mary, d. loim. Sir R.obert d, March 1720, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN, m. the da. of Mark Shafto, of Whitworih, esq,, by vdiom he had 1 son. Sir Robert, 3d bart. Sir John d. 2 May 1728, and was succeeded bv his onlv son, "III. Sir ROBERT, m., 8 May 1739, Mary, yoimgest da. of W^iliiam Davison, late of Bemish, co. Durham, esq., by whom he had issue, besides other children, who d. young and laim., 1. Sir John, 4th bart, 2. Sir Robert, created a bart. in 1776, and d. in 1786 (see Eden, of Truir). 3. Catharine, m. dr. John Moore, late archbishop of Canterbury, and d. 18 April 1800, leaving a numerous family. 4. William, who after Iia^ing filled many diplomatic situations of great importance, was created baron Auckland, in Ireland, and on 18 May 1793, was made a British peer by the same title, (vide Debretfs Peerage of the United Kingdom,) d. 28 May 1814. 5. Thomas, deputy auditor of Greenwich Hospital, d. May 1805, having m. T>lariana, da. of Arthur Jones, esq., and had issue, 1. Thomas, m., 4 Jan. 1810, Frances, da. of the hon. Jolin Rodney. 2. John, major in the anny. 3. i\ithur, assistant comptroller of the exchequer, m. Frances, da.of John Thomp- son, esq., and has issue. 4. Henry, captain R.N. 5. Robert, principal collector and ma- gistrate of Tinnavelly, in the East Indies, m. Frances, da. of Rowland-Egerton War- burton, esq., and has issue. 6. Mary-Anne, m., 1st, John Spalding, esq. ; and, 2dly, 1 April 1819, Heniy, lord Brougham. 7. Dora, m. vice-admiral sir Graham Moore, K.C.B. 6. Dulcibella, m, Matthew Bell, esq. 7. Sir Frederick-Morton, K.B., created 1799, baron Henly, of Chardstock, in the peerage of Ireland. 8. Mary, m. Richard Richardson, D.D., chancellor of St. Paul's, rector of Elwick and Vv'ittop Gilbert, co. Durham, and in- cumbent oi Whitton. Sir Robert d. 25 June 1755, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, m., 1st, 26 June 1764, Catharine, da. of John Thompson, of Kirby- hall, CO. York, esq., and by her (who d. 12 March 1766) had no issue; and, 2dly, 9 April 1767, Dorothea, sole da. of Peter Johnsoa,esq. , recorder of York, and had issue, 1. Dorothy, b. 14 March 1768, nu, Nov, 1803, R. E. Duncomb Shafto, esq. 2. Maria, b. 6 Dec. 1769, m., 1st, 11 Nov. 136 BLACKETT. 1800, Frederick, 7th earl of Athlone; and, 2tlly, sir William-Johnstone Hope, G.C.B. 3. Catharine, b. 10 Feb. 1771, m., Feb. 1813, the rev. T. F. Wilson. 4. Elizabeth, d. 30 May 1780. 5. Sir Robert, present bart. 6. Caroline, d. April 1805. 7. DuLCiBELLA, b. 25 March 1777. d- ». Anne, da. aiul sole h. of (Jley Douglas, of Metfen, co. Northumberland, sometime M.P, for Mor- peth, and had issue. FILMER. 137 1. Edward, d. young and num. 2. Sir William, 5th bart. 3. Anne, m. lieut. -general Scott. Sir Edward d. Jan. liJU4, aged U5, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, V. Sir WILLIAM, m., 8 Aug. 1801, Mary- Anne, da. of Benjamin Keene, of Westoe Lodge, CO. Cambridge, esq., (only son of Edmund Keene, lord bishop of Ely,) and had issue, 1. William-Douglas, d. 1805. 2. Sir Edward, present bart. 3. Henry-Collingwood. 4. John-Charles; 5. Charles-John. 6. Patience-Maria. 7. Frances, d. 1 June 182<;. Sir Edward rf.27 Oct. 181 (j, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, VI. Sir EDWARD, present bart. Anns—Sec Plate 12. Argent, on a chevron, between three mullets, pierced, sable, three escallops, of the field. Crest— A hawk's head, erased, proper. Motto — Nulls travnillenms en Vesperance. Scat— At Matson Hall, co. Northumber- land. FILMER, of East Sutton, co. Kent. 26 Dec. 1674. Sir EDMUND FILMER, Baronet, succeeded his uncle, sir John, 15 July 1834. This family originally wrote their name Finmere, Fylmere, Filmour, and Filmor, temp. Edward III., and were seated co. Kent, at a place called Finmore, where they were possessors of the manors of Herst, and divers lands. Sir Robert Filimer, knt., was a great sufferer in the rebellion ; had his house many times plundered, and was imprisoned in Leeds castle by the parliamentary forces ; m. Anne, da. and co-h. of Martin Heton, bishop of Ely, and d. 1(J53, leaving several children, of whom his 2d, but eldest sur- viving son, I. ROBERT, barrister -at -law, was, in consequence of his father's sufferings and loyalty, created a bart., d. 22 March 1075, having had issue, by Dorothy, his wife, da. of Maurice Juke, esq., who d. 10 June 1671, four sons and three das. ; of whom II. Sir ROBERT, the eldest son, suc- ceeded him. He in. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of sir William Beversham, knt., one of the masters in chancery, who d. 4 May 1717> by whom he had five sons and four das. Sir Robert d. 14 April 1720, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir EDWARD, m. Mary, da. of John Wallis, esq., son of the celebrated dr. Wal- lis, of Oxford, by whom (who d. 5 Jan. 1701, set. G2) he had twenty children; of whom six only survived, viz. 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Sir Beversham, 5th bart. 3. Sir Edmund, 6th bart. 4. Francis, barrister-at-law of Lincoln's Inn, d. 30 Dec. 1807, vnm. 5. Dorothy, m. sir John Honywood, bart. 6. Amy'. Sir Edward d. 10 Feb. 1755, aged 72, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, m., April 1757, Dorothy, da. of the rev. Julius Deedes, prebendary of Canterbury, and by her (who rf. 2 July 1818) had no issue. Sir John d. 22 Feb. I797> and was suc- ceeded by his brother, V. Sir BEVERSHAM, m. Dorothy, da. of William Hendley, of Gore Court, co. Kent, esq. ; d. 31 Dec. 18(15, without issue, and was succeeded by his brother, VI. Sir EDMUND, in holy orders, m., May 1756, Annabella-Christiana, eldest da. of sir John Honywood, bart., (by Annabella, da. of William Goodenough, esq.,) and had issue, 1. Sir John, 7th bart. 2. Mary, m., 13 July 1706, sir John- Charden Musgrave, of Edenhall, co. Cum- berland, bart. 3. William, in holy orders, rector of Lower Heyford, co. Oxon, d. 17 July 1830. 4. Edmund, capt. in the army, m. Emily, da. of Kene, M.D., of Aberdeen, and d. 30 March 1810, leaving issue, 1. Sir Edmund, present bart. 2. Margaret, m. Robert Sullivan, of the Inner Temple, esq., son of the late sir Benjamin Sullivan. 3. Charlotte, m. John-Thomas Anstey, esq.. East India Company Civil Service. 4. Emily, m., 24 April 1823, William Blaythwayt, esq. 5. Annabella, d. unm. 6. Caroline-Anne, m. John-Jervis Gre- gory, esq., R.N. 7. Mary-Cieorgina, m., 27 July 1829, John-Hampden, esq. 8. Anne, m., 30 April 1829, William- Henry Edmonde, esq. 5. Anne, m., 19 May 1809, William Lewis, of Walbrook, esq. 6. Robert, m., and d. 1824, without issue. 7. Francis, in holy orders, rector of Crundell, co. Kent, «»., 25 Aug. 18(X), Mary- Anne, 2d da. of the rev. Henry-Jackson Hoste, rector of Bentworth. Sir Edmund d. Tt June 1810, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir JOHN, in holy orders, vicar of Abbott's Langley, co. Herts, m., 1st, 12 Feb. 1795, Charlotte, da. of Joseph Portall, of Freefolk, co. Hants, esq., (who d. Aug. 1818,) and 2dly, May 1821, Esther, da. of mr. John Stow, of Tennements St. Ste- phen, but d. s.p. 15 July 1834, and was suc- ceeded by his nephew, VIII. Sir EDMUND, present and 8th bart. ^rms— See Plate 12. Sable, three bars, and as many cinquefoilsj, in chief, or. Crest— A falcon, volant, proper, beaked and legged, or, standing on a broken castle. Seat— At East Sutton Park, co. Kent. 138 HEAD, HEAD, of Hermitage, near Rochester, co. Kent. 19 June 1G70. The Rev. Sir JOHN HEAD, Baronet, in holy orders. M.A., Perpetual Curate of Egerton, co. Kent, and Rector of Rayleigh, Essex, horn 3 Jan. 1773, succeeded his father, sir Edmund ; married^ 8 Oct. 1801, Jane, only child and h. of Thomas Walker, of Russell Place, Fitzroy Square, London, esq., and has issue, 1. EDMUND-WALKER, h. at Wiarton Place, near Maidstone, 1805 ; 2. Anne, h. at Wiarton, I8O7. Richard Head, of Rochester, co. Kent, esq., (son of Richard Head, of Ramham, in the same co.,) m. Anne, da. of William Hartridge, of Cranbroolie, and liad issue, besides other children, I. Sir RICHARD*, 1st bart., m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Francis Mer- rick, alderman of Rochester, by whom he had issue, 1. Francis, barrister-at-law, d. in his fa- ther's lifetime, 1G78, having m. Sarah, only da. of sir George Ent, M.D., president of the college of physicians, and leaving issue by her, (who m., 2dly, sir Paul Barrett, knt., and,rf. 1711,) 1. Sarah, m. John Lynch, of Grove, co. Kent. 2. Elizabeth. 3. Sir Francis, 2d bart. 2. Henry, m. Elizabeth, da. of Richard Summers, esq., and d. l(i/3, leaving an only surviving son, Richard, who d. unm. 1/10. 3. Merrick, D.D., m. Elizabeth, da. of Robert Jackson, D.D., prebendary of Ro- chester, and left Elizabeth, who m, Theo- philus De 1' Angle, esq. 4. Elizabeth, m. sir Robert Faunce, knt. Sir Richard m., 2dly, Elizabeth, co-h. of Willy, esq., by whom he had issue, 5. John, ancestor to the present and 6th bart., of whom hereafter. 6. Richard, baptized 1G61. 7. Anne, baptized lGtt3. 8. Jane, nu, 1st, Herbert Price, esq. ; and, 2dly, John Boys, esq. 9. Frances, m., 1st, Thomas Poley, esq.; and, 2dly, Adam Lawrey. Sir Richard m., 3dly, Aniie, da. of dr. William Kingsley, archdeacon of Canter- bury, and relict of John Boys, esq., by whom he had no issue. He d. 18 Sept. l(i8D, and was succeeded by his grandson, H. Sir FRANCIS, m. Margaret, da. and co-h. of James Smithsbye, esq., son of sir Thomas Smithsbye, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 3d bart. 2. Sir Francis, 4th bart. 3. James, barrister-at-law, d. unm. 1727. 4. Sir John, 5th bart. 5. Anne, »«. the rev. William Egerton, LL.D.j prebendary of Canterbury, grand- son of John, earl of Bridgewater, and d. mi- Sir Francis d. 17IC, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir RICHARD, who d. unm. May 1721, and was succeeded by his next bro- ther, IV. Sir FRANCIS, in holy orders, m„ June 1720, Mary, da. and co. h. (with Anne, 1st wife of Thomas Barret, of Lee, Jekham, esq.) of sir William Boys, knt., M.D., an eminent physician at Canterbury, and youngest son of John Boys, of Hond Court, Bleane, esq., a branch of those of Fredville, (by Anne, da. of sir Paul Barret, of Lee, knt., serjeant-at-law, by the relict of Francis Head, eldest son of sir Richard Head, 1st bart.,) by whom (who d. 29 Oct. 1792) he left three co-heiresses, 1. Maria-Wilhelmina, m. Henry Ro- per, afterwards 11th lord Teynham, and d. in childbed, Oct. 1758. 2. Anne-Gabriella, who took the name of Head by royal licence, 11 May 1770, m., 1st, Moses Mendcz, of London, esq. ; and, 2dly, capt. John Roper, 2d son of Henry, loth lord Teynham, and d. in France, on her journey to Italy, 11 Dec. 1771. 3. Elizabeth-Campbell, m. the rev. dr. Lill. Sir Francis d. 27 Nov. 17G8, without male issue, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir JOHN, archdeacon of Canterbury, and clerk of the closet to king George II. He was twice >»., but d. without surviving issue, 4 Dec. 17i)9, and was succeeded by his kinsman, sir Edmund Head, whose descent we now proceed to state. John Head, esq., 4th son of the 1st bart., was a merchant in London ; m. Anne, da. and co-h. of John Dawes, of London, and d. 1()87, leaving an only son, Dawes Head, of Ravenstonedale, co. Westmoreland, esq., b. 1G82, m. Jane Tay- lor, and d. 1705, leaving issue, three das. and one son, John Head, of Liverpool, merchant, h. 1701, m. Hannah, da. of the rev. Edmund Wickins, rector of Kirby Thore, co. West- moreland, and d. 1739, leaving issue, John, d. num., 1752, and VI. Sir EDMUND, m., 1st, at Charles- town, South Carolina, Mary, only da. of Daniel Raineaux, of Dublin, esq., by whom (who d. 12 June 177-'') he had issue, 1. Edmcnd, 6. 7 Dec. 1771> and d. in the May following. 2. Sir John, 7lh and present bart. 3. Hannah, (/. young. He /)!., -Idly, 11 May 1796', Dorothy, da. of Maximilian Western, of Coke Thorpe, co. Oxon, and late one of the directors of the East India Company, esq., by whom (who d. 1807) he had no issue. He d. 21 Nov. 179(1, and was succeeded by his only sur- viving son, VII. Sir JOHN, present bart. ^>n?s— See Plate 12. Argent, a chevron, ermines between three unicorns' heads, coupcd, sable. Crc.-it—.\ unicorn's head, couped, sable, gutto de larmcs. Motto — St ltd 1/ qideS Scat— IhxiWcy , near Rayleigh, Essex. * This sir Richard, who was then M.P. for, and resided in Rochester, received king James II. on his abdication, and was pre- sented by that monarch with a valuable emerald ring. HOSKYNS.— DYKE. 139 HOSKYNS, of Harwood, co. Hereford. 18 Dec. 1676. Sir HUNGERFORD HOSKYNS, Baronet, horn July 1776, succeeded his father, sir Hungerford, July 1802; married, 5 Aug. 1803, Sarah, youngest da. of John Philips, of the Bank, near Stockport, co. Chester, esq., by whom he has, 1. HUNGERFORD, b. 19 Sept. 1804; 2. Catharixe-Sarah, c?. ; 3. Sarah, w., April 1830, John Ark wright, esq., 4th son of Richard Arkwright, of Willersley Castle, co. Derby ; 4. a Da., b. 10 Nov. 1810. John Hoskyns was M.P. for Hereford, 1602 and 1613 ; m. Margery, da. of William Jones, of Llanwarren, co. Hereford, esq., by whom, amongst other children, he had, John, his youngest son, a serjeant-at-law, who was returned to the house of commons, for the same city of Hereford, 1627, in which it appears he had previously sat ; because, it is related, that he was committed to the Tower of London, by order of king James I., for a speech made in that house, reflecting upon mercenary Scottish favour- ites. He ;". Benedicta, da. of Robert Aloyle, of Buckwell, co. Kent, esq., by whom he had issue, Benedicta, m. John Markey, of Alton, co. Hereford, esq., and a son and heir, I. Sir BENNET, created a bart., Ill Dec. 1676, m. Anne, da. of Sir Henry Bingley, of Temple Coombe, co. Somerset, knt., au- ditor of the exchequer, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. William, of Kingston. II. Sir JOHN, F.R.S., was knighted during the lifetime of his father, sat as member for Hereford during the reign of James II., and was a master in the court of Chancery, m. Jane, da. of sir Gabriel Law, of Newark, co. Gloucester, knt., (a lineal descendant, by his mother's family, from Walter, lord Hungerford, K.G., in the reign of Henry VI.,) by Anne, da, of sir Stephen Soame, of Haidon, co. Essex, knt., by whom he had, besides other issue, 1. Sir Bennet, 3d bart. 2. Sir Hungerford, 4th bart. III. Sir BENNET, his eldest son and successor, m. Gertrude, da. of lord Arundel, of Trerice, by whom he had no issue; when the title and estate devolved upon his next brother, IV. Sir HUNGERFORD, who, while a younger brother, served in several cam- paigns under the duke of Marlborough; m. Mary, da. of Theophilus Leigh, of Addle- strop, CO. Gloucester, esq., (by Mary Brydges, sister to the duke of Chandos,) by 'whom he had two sons and five das. He d. Dec. 1766, and was succeeded by his eldest son, V. Sir CHANDOS, m. Rebecca, da. of Joseph May, of the city of London, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Jane, m. sir John Reade, bart. 2. Sir Hungerford, 6th bart. He c. 29 May 1773, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir HUNGERFORD, m., 1774, Ca- tharine, da. of sir Edwyn-Francis Stanhope, of Stanwell House, co. Middlesex, bart., (bv Catharine, da. of John, 1st marquess of Carnarvon,) by whom (who d. 17'J0) he had issue, 1. Sir Hungerford, present bart. 2. Catharine, m., 6 March 1809, George Reade, esq., brother of sir John-Chandos Reade. 3. Carolinh-Rebecca. 4. Chandos, 5. Bennet, in holy orders, m., Sept. 1815, Amelia, 2d da. of the late admiral Chamber- lain, of Critkhowell. 6. John, 7. Maria-Jane, m., 6 March 1809/ her cousin George Ccmpton Reade, esq. Sir Hungerford d. 10 July 1802, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VIL Sir HUNGERFORD, present bart., sheriff CO. Hereford 1814. Anns— See Plate 13, Per pale, gules and azure, a chevron, between three lions ram- pant, or. 0-e.sf— A lion's head erased, or, with flames of fire out of his mouth, proper, and crowned, or, Seats— At Morehampton Park, and Har- wood, CO. Hereford. DYKE, of HoREHAM, CO. Sussex. 3 March 1676-7- Sir PERCIVAL-HART DYKE, Baronet, succeeded his brother, sir Thomas, 22 Nov. 1831 ; married Anne, da. of Robert Jenner, of Chisle- hurst, CO. Kent, esq., and has issue, 1. PERCIVAL-HART; 2. Anne-Jenner ; 3. Thomas-Hart, in holy orders, m., 4 Feb. 1833, Elizabeth, 2d da. of Thomas Fairfax, of Newton Kyme, co. York, esq., and has issue, Thomas, b. 1 April 1834; 4. John-Dixon ; 5. Francis-Hart; 6. George-Hart ; 7- Peche'-Hart ; 8. Harriet-Jenxer ; 9. William-Hart, d. in the East Indies ; 10. Octavius-Hart ; 11. Georgiana-Fraxces ; 12. Augus- tus-Hart ; 13. Laura; 14. PniLADELrHiA ; 15. Deci- 3IUS-T0WNSII£XD. 140 OXENDEN. Sir Thomas Dyke, of Horeham, co. Sussex, knt., descended from a family of that name seated at Pepenbury, co. Kent, m. Catharine, one of the das. of sir John Bramton, of Skreenes, co. Essex, knt., lord- chief-justice of the King's Bench, and had, besides other issue, a son and h., I. Sir THOMAS, 1st hart., was so created 3 March in7G; ?h. Philadelphia, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Thomas Nutt, knt., by Ca- therine, da. of sir Thomas Parker, of Rat- ton, CO. Sussex, knt., by whom he had, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. A SON, d. youncr. 3. Catharink, d. young. 4. Philadelphia, in. Lewis Stephens, D.D., Rector of Droxford, co. Hants, and archdeacon of Chester, but d. s.p. 5. Elizabeth, m. John Cockman, M.D., of Beakesbourn, co. Kent, and d. s.p. 24 Aug. 1739, aet. 50. Sir Thomas d. 31 Oct. 170G, set. 57, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir THOMAS, m. Anne, only child of Percival Hart, of LuUingstone, co. Kent, esq., relict of John Bluet, by whom (who d. 17G3) he had, 1. John, who d. in his father's lifetime. 2. Sir John-Dixon, 3d bart. 3. Percival, who rf. July 1740. 4. Philadelphia, rn. William Lee, esq., of Totteridge Park, co. Herts, son of the late lord-chief -justice Lee, and d. 5 March 1799. Sir Thomas d. 1756, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, III. Sir JOHN-DIXON, tn., 1756, Phila- delphia-Payne, da. of George Home, of East Grinstead, co. Sussex, esq., by whom he had, 1. Philadelphia, m., 20 May 1790, the hon. Beaumont Hotham, eldest son of Beau- mont, 2d lord Hotham, and was mother of Beaumont, the present lord Hotham, {vide Dfbrett's Peerai^e of the United Kirifrdom.) 2. Anne, ?)i.,'l7 July 1802, colonelHeneage Twysden, brother to sir William Twysden, bart. 3. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 4. Sir Percival-Hart, present bart. 5. Harriet, m., 1792, Charles Milner, of Preston Hall, co. Kent, esq. .6. George-Hart, lieutenant-col. in the guards, in., 22 April 1822, Louisa, 3d da. of sir William Lemon, bart. Sir John d. G Sept. 1810, and was succeed- ed by his son, IV. Sir THOMAS, d. iinm. 22 Nov. 1831, and was succeeded by his next brother, V. Sir PERCIVAL-HART, present and 5th bart. ^,.,„.,_See Plate 13. Or, three cinque- foils, sable. Crcs/;— A cubit arm, m armour, proper, garnished, or, holding a cinquefoil, slit ipped. in the arms. Seat—Kt LuUingstone Castle, co. Kent. OXENDEN, of Dene, co. Kent. 8 May 1G78. Sir HENRY OXENDEN, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Harry, 15 June 1803; born 14 May 1756 ; married, 20 June 1793, Mary, da. of colonel Graham, of St. Lawrence, near Canterbury, and has issue, 1. Mary-Graham, b. 8 May 1794, m., 15 July 1815, William-Osmund Hammond, esq.; 2. HENRY-CHUDLEIGH, b. 24 June 1795; 3. George-Chichester, b. 21 March 1798; 4. Moxtaoue, i. 30 April 1799, in holy orders, ?«., 1824, Elizabeth, da. of Robert Wilson, esq., and has issue; 5. Charles, b. 23 May 1800, m., June 1823, Eliza- beth-Catherine, only da. of the rev. dr. Holcombe, prebendary of West- minster ; C. Graham, b. 23 Jan. 1802, d. ?mw., 8 Dec. 182G; ?• Frances, b. 1 Sept. 1804, m., 8 Sept. 1825, Thomas Papillon, of Acrine Place, esq. ; 8. Charlotte, b. 9 Feb. 1800; 9. Ashton, b. 28 Sept. 1808. the archbishop of Canterbury, master of Trinity Hall, in Cambridge, and member for that university; m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Basil Dixwell, bart., by whom he had 3 sons, 1. llENRv, 4th bart. 2. James, d. an infant. .3. Gkokck, 5th bart. Dr. Oxoiulcn d. 21 Feb. 1702, and his re- lict in Sq)t. 1704. 5. Ri( iiAiu), m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Henry Oxenden, es(|., by whom he had only 1 da., Elizabeth, m. Strensham Mas- ters, esq., a captain R.N. G. William ; 7- William, d. infants. 8. Christopher, who (/. in the East Indies. 9. Susan, ?»). sir Robert Booth, knt., chief- justice of Ireland. 10. ELIZAIihTII. 11. Maikjakkt, both d. unm. 1-2. Jane, in. William Penrice. 13. Annk, »i. Thomas Belke, D.D., pre- bendary of Canterbury. 14. Mary, ?n. dr. John Battley, archdea- con of Canterbury. The family of Oxenden have been resi- dent at Dene, in Kent, from the reign of Edw. HI. Richard de 07Y,';(d6'», was prior of Christ (Jhurch, Canterbury, in that reign. Sir Hknry-Oxenden, knt., m. Eliza- beth, only da. and h. of James Brooker, of Maydekin, in the parish of Barhain, co. Kent, and was father of Sir James, knighted 1G()8, and d. Sept. 1G57, leaving issue by Margaret, da. of Tho- mas Nevison, of Eastry, Co. Kent, esq., I. Henry, 1st bart.; 2. sir George, knt., go- vernor of Bombay; and other issue. I. Sir HENRY, 1st bart., had been knight- ed in IG'iO: m., 1st, Mary,*da. and h. of Ro- bert Baker, esq., by whom he had a da., 1. Mary, d. young. He »>/., L'dlv, Elizabeth, da. of sir William Meredilh, of Leeds Abbey, co. Kent (who d. 1G59) by whom he had, 2. Sir James, 2d bart. 3. Sir Hknry, 3d bart. 4. George, LL.D., ofHcial of the arches, dean of the peculiars, and vicar-general to DYER.— STAPLETON. 141 Sir Henry m., 3dly, Elizabeth, da. andco- h. of Matthew Read, esq., and relict of Mark Dixwell, esq., by whom he had no issue. Sir Henry was succeeded by his eldest son, n. Sir JAMES, knighted 22 March 1G71, m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. and at length h. of Ed- ward Chute, of Bethersden, co. Kent, esq., 2dly, Arabella Watson, sister of Lewis, earl of Rockingham; but rf. without issue, 1708, and was succeeded bv his next brother, HI. Sir HENRY, deputy-governor of Bombay, rf. Feb. 17(»8-fl, without issue, and was succeeded by his nephew, IV. Sir HENRY (eldest son of Dr. George Oxenden before mentioned). He m. Anne, da. of John Halloway, esq., and grandda. of judge Halloway, by whom (who survived him, and re-m. Richard-Coote, earl of Bel- lamont, in the Peerage of Ireland) he had no issue ; whereupon the dignity and estate devolved upon his only surviving brother, V. Sir GEORGE, b. 26 Oct. 1694, m., 1729, Elizabeth, eldest da. and co-h. of Ed- mund Dunch, of Little Wittenham, co. Berks, esq., then master of the household to king George I., and by her (who rf. in Feb. 1779) he had, besides one son and two das., who rf. infants or unm., 1. Sir Henry, 6th bart. 2. George, who took the name of Dix- well on inheriting the estate of sir Basil Dix- well, bart., and rf. 20 Oct. 1753. Sir George was made a commissioner of the Admiraltv, 1723, and, by George II., a lord of the treasury, at which board he sat upwards of 10 years. Sir George rf. 20 Feb. 1775, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir HENRY, m., July 17.'55, Marga- ret, younger da. and co-h. of sir George Chudleigh, of Halden, co. Devon, bart., (who rf. March 1803.) Sir Henry rf. 15 June 1803, leaving one son, VII. Sir HENRY, present bart. Anns—^ee Plate 13. Argent, a chevron, gules, between three oxen, passant, sable. Crest— 0\i\. of a ducal coronet, gules, a lion's head, affrontee, or. Seats — At Wingham and Broome Park, in Barkham, both co. Kent. DYER, of Tottenham, co. Middlesex. 6 July 1G78. Sir THOMAS - RICHARD - SWINNERTON DYER, Baronet, a Lieut.-Gen. in the army, succeeded his father, sir John-Swinnerton, 1801 ; married Ehzabeth, da. of the late James Standerwicke, of Ovington House, CO. Hants, esq. I. Sir WILLIAM, created a bart. as above, was a younger brother of a family of that name, at Heytesbury, co. Wilts. He was bred to the law, and was of the Inner Temple, Loiidon ; m. Thomasine, sole da. and h. of Thomas Swinnerton, of Stanway Hall, CO. Essex, esq., 3d son and h. of sir John Swinnerton, knt., lord mayor of Lon- don, and by her (who m., 2dly, John Hop- wood, esq., and rf. 13 Aug. 1697,) he had seven children, of which only four survived him, 1. Sir JoHN-SwiNNERTON, 2d bart. 2. William, m., 1st, Mary, da. of Howard, by whom he had one child, rf. young; and 2dly, Anne, youngest da. of sir Thomas Hooke, of Tangier Park, Hants, bart., and co-h. of her brother, sir Hele Hooke, and had issue, three sons and two das. 3. Joanna, m. Thomas Griffin, esq. 4. Sarah, m. John Hooke, barrister-at- law. Sir William rf. 27 Jan. 1680, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son , II. Sir JOHN-SWINNERTON, m. Eli- zabeth, da. of Rowland Johnson, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. JoHN-SvviNNERTON, rf. an infant. 2. Sir Swinnerton, 3d bart. 3. Sir John-Swinnerton, 4th bart. 4. William; 5. Thomas. 6. Elizabeth; 7- Joanna. 8. Anne ; .0. Mary. Sir John-Swinnerton rf. 17 May I7OI, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir SWINNERTON, w., 1st, Anne, 4th da. of Edward Bolitho, esq., by whom (who rf. 21 Aug. 1714) he had issue, Anne, m. Paul Whitehead, gent. He m., 2dly, Dec. 1727, a sister and h. of John Kempe, of Finehinfield, co. Essex, esq., by whom he had no issue. She rf. Oct. 1730 ; and sir Swinnerton 4 March 1735-<), and was succeeded by his next brother, IV. Sir JOHN-SWINNERTON, m. Eli- zabeth, da. of major Jones, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John-Swinnerton, 5th bart. 2. Thoaias, m. miss Grant, by whom he had three children, and rf. 1800. 3. Elizabeth, rf. 16 March 1825, aged 85. Sir John Swinnerton rf. Sept. 1780, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir JOHN-SWINNERTON, who was colonel in the army, and groom of the bed- chamber to the prince of Wales, m. a da. of mr. Vicarv, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas- Richard -Swinnerton, 6th bart. 2. Eleanor. Sir John-Swinnerton rf. 31 March 1801, and was succ3eded by his only son, VI. Sir THOMAS- RICHARD -SWIN- NERTON, present bart. At-ms—See Plate 13. Or, a chief, indented, gules. G-e*^— Out of a ducal coronet, or, a goat's head, sable, armed of the first. Sent— 0\'mgton House, near Alresford, Hants. STAPLETON. 20 Dec. 1079. The Hon. and Rev. Sir FRANCIS-JERVIS STAPLETON, Baronet, in holy orders, born 6 Aug. 1807, succeeded his father, Thomas, lord Le De- 142 BUNBURY. spencer, as 7tli bart., 1 Oct. 1831 ; married^ 17 May 1830, ]\Iargaret, eldest da. of lieut.-gen. sir George Airey, K.G.H., and has issue, 1. FRANCIS- GEORGE, b. 19 March 1831 ; 2. and 3. Catherine-Elizabeth, and Florence-Maria, twin das., h. 5 Nov. 1832; 4. Richard- Talbot-Plaktagenet, b. 27 April 1834. Sir John Stapleton, of the Yorkshire family of that name, settled in Ireland in the reip;n of Henry II., and received a grant of lands there from king John, which was confirmed by Queen Elizabeth to his lineal descendant, Richard Stapleton, anno 1566. Fifth in descent from this Richard was, 1. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., so created as above, and governor of the Leeward Islands, m. Anne, da. of colonel Randolph Russell, governor of Nevis, and had issue, 1.- Sir James, 2d bart. 2. Sir William, 3d bart. 3. Miles, m. and left issue. Sir William d. 3 Aug. 1686, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JAMES, 2d bart., d. s.p., and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir WILLIAM, 3d bart., 6. 14 Nov. 1674, m. his cousin Frances, da. of sir James Russell, and had issue, 1. Sir William, 4th bart. 2. James-Russell, m. but d. without male issue. Sir William was succeeded by his eldest scm, IV. Sir WILLIAM, 4th bart., h. 1700, M.P. for CO. Oxon, m. Catharine, da. and h. of Wil- liam Paul, of Bromwieh, co. Berks, esq., (by lady Catharine Fane, da. of Vere, 4th earl of Westmorland, and co-h. of her bro- thers, Vere, Thomas, and John, 5th, 6th, and 7th earls,) and by her ( who d. 27 June 1753) had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 2. Catherine, m. sir James Wright, bart. Sir William d. 12 Jan. 1740, and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir THOMAS, 5th bart., h. 24 Feb. 1727» m., 27 Nov. 1765, Mai^, da. of Henry Fane, of Wormeley, co. Oxon, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 7th bart., and baron Le Dcspencer. 2. William, h. 6 June 1770, gen. in the army, m., 1790, Anna-Maria, da. of the hon. Frederick Keppell, bishop of Exeter, and d. 5 March 1826, leaving an only son, John- Horace-Ferdinand, m., 2 June 1814, Geor- giana-Maria, da. of George, 2d lord South- ampton (who d. 3 Aug. 1830). -3. James-Henry, b. 20 June 1777- 4. Maria, b. 13 Jan. 1768. 5. Catherine, b. 15 Jan. 1769. Sir Thomas d. 1781, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir THOMAS, 6th bart., who, in 1788, was summoned to parliament as baron Le Desnencer; {see Debrett's Peerae^e;) b. 10 Nov. 1766, m., 1 July 1791, Elizabedi, da. of Samuel Eliot, of Antigua, esq., and had issue, 1. Thomas, b. 24 April 1792, m., 2 Feb. 1816, Maria Wynne, da. of Henry Bankes, of Kingston House, Dorset, esq., and d. Jan. 1829, leaving issue by her (who d. 15 Oct. 1823) an only da., Mary-Frances-Eli- zabeth, now baroness Le Despencer. 2. William, h. 2 Dec. 1797> d. unm., in India, 2(i Sept. 1826. 3. MiLES-JoHN, in holy orders, rector of Mereworlh, Kent, b. 21 March 1801, m., 2.9 Dec. 1820, Anne-Byam, only child of the hon. Thomas-Norbury Kerby, of Antigua, and (L 11 June 1830, leaving issue, 1. Adelaide, b. 25 Oct. 1822. 2. Anne-Bvam, b. 29 Oct. 1823. 3. Jane-Elizabeth, b. 14 July 182.5. 4. Maria-Catherine, b. 3 Jan. 1827. 4. Sir Francis-Jebvis, present and 7th bart. 5. Elizabeth-Mary, 6. 22 March 1793, rf. v»m. 30 Dec. 1823. 6. Maria - Frances -Catherine, b. 22 Sept. 1794, m. Robert, earl of Roden. 7. Emma, b. 27 Feb. 1796, m., 5 May 1825, Charles Brodrick, esq., son of the archbishop of Cashel, and nephew of viscount Midle- ton. 8. Emily, b. 8 Dec. 1798, m., Nov. 1817, the hon. lieut.-col. Hercules-Robert Paken- ham. 9. Frances, b. 23 Jan. 1803. 10. Anna-Frances-Esther, b. 15 April 1805, ?H„ 3 Dec. 1828, Henry Maxwell, esq., eldest son of rev. Henry Maxwell, heir pre- sumptive to lord Farnham. Sir Thomas Stapleton, lord Le Despencer, d. 6 Oct. 1831, when the barony descended to his grandda., as above-mentioned, and the baronetcv to his eldest surviving son, VII. Sir FRANCIS -JERVIS, present and 7th bart. Anns— See Plate 13. Argent, a lion ram- pant sable. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a Moor's head affront^;, wreathed about the temples argent and sable. Motto — Pro Magna Charta. BUNBURY, of BuNBURY and Stanney, co. Chester. 29 June 1081. Sir HENRY-EDWARD BUNBURY, Baronet, K.C.B. F.S.A., Lieut.- General in the Army, succeeded his uncle, sir Thomas-Charles, 31 IMarch 1821 ; born A May 1778; married^ 4 April I8O7, Ijouisa-Amelia, da.ofthehon. Henry-Edward Fox, son of Stephen, 1st lord Holland, and by her (who (L at Genoa, 1828) has issue, 1. Henry-Edward, b. Feb. 1808, d. au infant; 2. CIIARLES-JAMES-FOX, b. Feb. 1809; 3. Mary, rf. an infant; 4. Edward-Herbert, b. July 1811: 5. Henry- WiLLiAM-St. Pierre, b. Sept. 1812; C. Riciiard-Hanmer, b. Dec 1813, R.N. ; 7- Emily-Georgina, d. young. Sir Henry w., 2dly, 2 Oct. 1830, Emily-Louisa, da. of the hon. col. George Napier. PARKER. 143 The family of B?/w6!/jv/ traces its origin to a younger brother of the Norman House of St. Pierre, who came over to England with the Conqueror, and following the fortunes of Hugh Lupus, earl Lupus, 1st Norman earl of Chester, obtained amongst other pos- sessions the manor of Bunbuiy, co. Chester. In the reign of Edward III. David de Bun- Ei'RY, 7th in descent from St. Pierre, ac- quired by marriage with the da. and sole h. of David de Stanney, the manor or lordship of Stannev, still in the possession of the family. Tenth in descent from the above- mentioned David, was Henry Bixeury, of Stanney, esq., m. Ursula, da. of sir John Bayley, of Hoddes- don, CO. Salop, knt., and d. 1664, leaving, besides other issue, a son and heir, L Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., w., 1st, Sarah, da. of John Chetwood, of Oakley, co. Staf- ford, esq., by whom he had several chil- dren, two only of which survived, 1. Sir Hkxry, 2d bart. 2. Ursula, m. Edward Green, of Pulton- cum-Spittle, co. Chester, esq. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, Mary, da. of Hum- phrey Kelsal, esq., by whom he had issue, 3. 'Priscilla, m. Edmund Entwistle, D.D., archdeacon of Chester. 4. Lucy. Sir Thomas d. 22 Aug. 1682, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir HENRY, m. Mar>-, da. of sir Kendriek Evton, of Eyton, co. Denbigh, knt., jud^e of North Wales : he d. 20 Dec. 1687, havmg had seven sons and one da., of whom only two survived, 1, Sir Henry, 3d bart. 2. William, was attorney-general for the county palatine of Chester, and lu. Sarah, da.' of sir James Evton, by v.'hom he had six das. ; three of whom, Mary, Isa- bella, and Susanna, d. young and imm. ; Sarah, the eldest, m. Edvvard Mainwaring, esq. ; Elizabeth, 7n. Edward Flemming, esq., barrister-at-law ; shed. 12 Nov. 1735 ; ancl Elea- nor, the youngest, m. George Wilson, gent. Sir Henry d. 20 Dec. 1687, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir HENRY, m. Susanna, only sur- viving da. of William Hanmer, esq., and sister to sir Thomas Hanmer, bart., who d. 30 Sept. 1744, by whom he had issue, 1. Thomas, d. an infant. 2. Henry, d. in the 19th year of his age, 29 April 1722. 3. Sir Charles, 4th bart. 4. Sir William, 5th bart. 5. Susanna, m. col. William Handasyde, 3d son of gen. Handasyde, of Gains," co. Huntingdon. 6. Isabella, m. col. John Lee. 7. Mary, d. unm. 8. Frances, m. Kyffyn Williams, esq., M.P. for Kent. 9. Elizabeth, m. gen. Armiger. Sir Henry was, 1711, appointed one of the commissioners of the revenue in Ireland : he d. 12 Feb. 1732-3, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, IV. Sir CHARLES, d. unm., 10 April 1742, and was succeeded by his brother, V. The rev. sir WILLIAM, in holy or- ders, vicar of Milden Hall, co. Suffolk, m. Eleanor, da. of Thomas Graham, of Holbrook Hall, co. Suffolk, esq., (by a da- and co-h. of Samuel Warner, of Holbrook Hall, esq..) by whom (who d. 6 Feb. 182t)) he had issue, 1. Susan, 6. 1737, m. rev. Henry Soarae, of Thurlow Hall, co. Suffolk. 2. Sir Thomas-Charles, 6th bart. 3. Annabella, 6. Feb. 1745, ?«., 1st, sir Patrick Blake, bart., and, 2dly, George Boscawen, of St. Peter's, Isle of Thanet, esq. 4. Henry-William, the celebrated artist, 6. July 1750, and d. 7 May 1811, having ni,, 1771, Catharine, da. of Kane-William Hop- neck, esq., lieut.-col. in the army of Sicily, and quarter-master-gen. at the battle of Mai- da, by whom he had, 1. Charles-John, in the army, b. Nov. 1772, m. Frances Davison, (who re-m. Tho- mas Sydenham, esq.,) and d. at the Cape of Good Hope, May 1798, without issue. 2. Sir Henry-Edward, present bart. Sir William rf. 11 June 1764, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir THOMAS-CHARLES, b. May 1740, m., 2 June 1762, Sarah Lennox, da. of Charles, 2d duke of Richmond, which marriage was dissolved by act of parliament in 1776. He d. without issue, 31 March 1821, and was succeeded by his netihew, VII. Sir HENRY-EDWARD, present bart. Anm—See Plate 13. Argent, on a bend, sable, three chess rooks, of the field. Crest — Tvvo swords, saltirewise; through the mouth of a leopard's face, or, the blades, proper, hilted and pomelled, gold. Motto — Firmum in vita nihil. Sea^— Barton, co. Suffolk. PARKER, of London. 1 July 1681. Sir HYDE PARKER, Baronet, M.P. for the western division of Suf- folk, horn 1780, succeeded his brother, sir William, 21 April 1830. This family is a junior branch of the Parkers, of North ISIolton, co. Devon, who appear to have settled there about the end of the 14th century, from the elder line of which descends the present earl of Morley. The immediate ancestor of the baronet was William Parker, of Hoberton, co. De- von, and Shoreditch, co. Somerset, esq., living towards the end of the 16th century, whose 6th son, Hugh Parker, of Shoreditch, esq., m. Mary, only da. of Thomas Hutchins, of Holway, co. Somerset, and d. 1627, leaving three sons, 1. Thomas, of Gray's Inn, ni., and d. 1650, without suniving male issue ; 2. sir Hugh, 1st baronet; Z, Hemtj, of Lon- don, m, Margaret, da. of John White, of London, and d. 1670, leaving four das. and an only son, sir Henry, 2d bart. I. Sir HUGH, the 1st bart., b. 1605, was an alderman of London, m. Rachel, da. of Brown, of Louth, co. Lincoln, by whom he had no issue; and d. 5 ^March 1696-7, aged 89, was succeeded in the title, according to a special limitation in the patent, by his ne- phew, II. Sir HENRY, m. Margaret, da. of dr. Alexander Hyde, bishop of Salisbury, son of sir Lawrence Hyde, of Dvnton, co. Wilts, knt., and by her"(who rf. 6 Jan. 1728-9) he had issue, 1. Hugh, m. Anne, da. of John Smith, 144 DASHWOOD. esq., commissioner of excise, and d. 2 Feb. 1712, in his father's lifetime, leaving issue by her, (who re-m. Michael, 10th earl of Clanricarde,) 1. Sir Henry-John, 3d bart. 2. Hugh ; 3. John-Smith. 4. Hyde, who d. unm. 5. Margaret, m. Thomas Nugent, count de Valdesoto, in Sjiain, and major-general in the Spanish service. 6. Anne, m. Austin Park Goddard, esq., knt. of St. Stephen, in Tuscany. 7. Sophia, m. Edward Cole, of Euston, CO. Oxford, esq. 2. Harry, m. a da. of dr. Harrison, mas- ter of St. Cross, at Winchester, by whom he had no issue. ,3. Hyde, who was rector of Tredington, CO. Worcester, and m. a da. of mr. Reeves, and d. 24 May 1726, leaving issue, 1. Sir Henry, 4th bart. 2. Sir Hyde, Sth bart. 3. Anne ; 4. Beata. 4. Frances, m. sir John Pakington, bart. 5. Margaret, m. John Banks, esq. fi. Beata, m. sir Thomas-Cookes Win- ford, bart. Sir Henry d. 25 Oct. 1713, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, HI, Sir HENRY-JOHN, eldest son of Hugh, m., 1st, 23 Oct. 1728, Anne, da. and h. of Simon Barwell, of Leicester, esq., by whom (who d. 1733) he had issue, 1. Margaret. 2. Anne, d. wrm. 27 Jan. 1814. Sir Henry m., 2dly, Catharine, da. of John Page, esq., by whom he had issue, .3. John, d. 1707, in the lifetime of his father, unm. 4. Catharine, m. Chichester-Fortescue Garstin, esq. 5. Margaret-Sophia, m. John Strode, of South Hill, CO. Somerset, esq. Sir Henry d. 1771, and was succeeded in the title by his cousin, IV. Sir HENRY, in holy orders, D.D., rector of Rotherfield Greys, co. Oxford, eldest son of Hyde, rector of Treddington, who d. 1726. Sir Henry d. unm. 1781, was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir HYDE, vice-admiral of the blue, who distinguished himself upon many occa^ sions, particularly on 5 March 178", when he commanded at St. Lucia, and in the me- morable action with the Dutch on the Dog- ger Bank, 5 Aug. 1781. The impression made on the public mind from this hard- fought battle was such as to induce the king, attended by the prince of Wales, to pay the admiral a visit at the Nore. In the follow- ing year the vice-admiral was appointed commander-in-chief of his majesty's fleet in the East Indies : he left England in the Cato, in Sept., and having wooded and watered at Rio Janeiro, sailed from thence on the 12th of Dec, from which period no information whatever has been received of the ship, which is presumed to have been burned at sea. In 1734 he m. Sarah, da. of Hugh Smithson, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Harry, Gth bart. 2. Admiral sir Hyde, h. 1739, knighted for his services in the American war, 21 April 1779, m., 1st, Anne, da. of John-Palmer Bo- teler, esq., of Henley, by whom he has issue, 1. Hyde, capt. R.N., w., 16 July 1821, Caroline, da. of sir Frederick-Morton, Eden, bart. 2. John, col. in the army ; 3. Richard. 4. Fanny-Sophia, m., 22 Feb. 1825, lieut.- col. Robyns. 5. Anne-Catherine, m., 27 Oct. 1830, Bernard-Court Granville, esq. Sir Hyde nu, 2dly, Frances, da. of admiral sir Richard Onslow, bart., and d. (admiral of the white) 16 March I8O7. Sir Hyde was succeeded in his title by his eldest son, VI. Sir HARRY, (assumed the title about 1783,) 5. 1735, m., 1765, Bridget, da. of Wil- liam Cresswell, of Cresswell, co. Northum- berland, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir William, 7th bart. 2. Louisa, b. 1777. ni. George-Robert Eyres, esq. 3. Edmund, b. 1779, d. 1809. 4. Sir Hyde, 8th bart. 5. Sophia, b. 1787, d. unm., June 1820. Sir Harry d. 15 Jan. 1812, and was succeed- ed bv his eldest son, VII. Sir WILLIAM, d. unm., 21 April 1830, and was succeeded by his brother, VIII. Sir HYDE, present and 8th bart. Arms— See Plate 13. Sable, a buck's head caboshed, between two flanches, argent. Crest — A dexter hand and arm, in a slashed sleeve, gules, with a little cuff, argent, with the shirt seen through the slashes ; proper, holding a buck's horn, erect, gules. Seai-Melford Hall, co. Suffolk, DASHWOOD, of NoRTHBROOK, CO. Oxford. IG Sept. 1G04. Sir GEORGE DASHWOOD, Baronet, and C.B., succeeded his father, Henry- Watkin, 10 June 1J;20 ; horn 17 Sept. 17«G ; married, 8 Sept. 1815, Marianne-Sarah, eldest da. of sir AVilliam Kowlev, l)art., and lias issue, • 1. HENRV-WILLIA3I, b. IG Oct. IJilG;-^ — 1. George-Astley- Charles ; 3. IMarianne-Georgiana; 4. Frederick-Loftus; 5. EMMA-PiiiLADELniiA; G. Susan-Caroline. George Dashvvood, esq., alderman of Lond(m, younger brother of Francis Dash- wood, of London, who was father of sir Francis Dashwood, of West Wycombe, co. Bucks, created a bart 17<>7, (sn- that title,) undertook (witli other i)orsons) tlie farming the wliole rcxcnue of tlie kiugdoiii of Ire- land, trmii. ('li.arks II., and afterwards was one of tliosc wlio farmed the whole re- venues of excise and hearth-money in Eng- land, so long as those revenues were con- tinued in farm; and was (when they were managed by commission) one of the com- missioners, till his death in 1682. His eldest son was I. Sir ROBERT, 1st bart., was seised, in fee-simple, of divers messuages, farms, lands, &c. in Kirtlington, Blechingdon, Big- BLOIS. 145 nel, Banbury, Dunsten, North Aston, Bi- cester, Wigginton, and Tackley, co. Oxford, and also or divers fee-farm rents, tenths, and pensions, arising in the counties of Ox- ford and Nottingham, as well as other counties in England ; he was created a bart. 16 Sept. 1(384, with remainder (in default of issue male) to the issue male of GforgeDash- u-ood, esq., his father, which favour was granted in consideration that the said George Dashwood had, for some time, in his pos- session, a baronet's patent, which he did not take out, as is fully expressed in the patent ; m. Penelope, da. and co-h. of sir Thomas Chamberlayne, bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Chamberlayxe, d. itnm. 2. George ; 3. Charles, d. infants. 4. Robert, ;h. Dorothea, da. and co-h. of sir James Read, of Brocket Hall, co. Herts, bart., and d. at Paris in his father's lifetime, 1728, leaving three sons and one da., who all d. young except the 2d son, sir Ja.mes, who succeeded his grandfather, and was 2d bart. 5. Richard, of Leadwell, co. Oxon, esq., m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Lewes, of Stanford, co. Notts, esq., and d. April 1737, lea^ing issue, 1. Robert, in., and had issue. 2. Chamberlayne, d. unnu 6. Margaret, d. an infant. 7. Penelope, m. sir John Stonhouse, bart. 8. Catharine, m. sir Robert-Banks Jen- kinson, bart. 9. Anne, m. Anthony, brother to sir Jonathan Cope, bart. Sir Robert d. July 1734, and was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir JAMES, D.C.L., high steward of the university of Oxford, which county he represented in several parliaments; 7w.,Feb. 1738-9, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Ed- ward Spencer, of Rendlesham, co. Suffolk, esq., (the other da. and co-h. m. James, 4th duke of Hamilton,) by whom he had issue, 1. James, d. an infant. 2. Elizabeth, b. 2Jan. 1741, ni. George, 4th duke of Manchester, and d, 26 June 1832. 3. Anne, 6. 21 June 1742, m. John Stewart, 8th earl of Galloway, K.T., and rf. 8 Jan. 1830. 4. Catharine, h. 18 March 1744, m. Lucy Knightly, of Fawsley, co. Northampton, esq., d. 27 June 1809. 5. Henry-Watkin, 3d bart. 6. Thomas, of the Bengal civil service, rf. 20 Dec. 1825, having m., 23 Feb. 1782, Char- lotte-Louisa, da. of J. Auriol, esq., and had issue. 1. Charlotte-Sophia, m., 1st, 20 Jan. 1802, the hon. Charles-Andrew Bruce, brother of Thomas, earl of Elgin (who d. T, Dec. 1810); and, 2dly, 18 Feb. 1813, James Alexander, of Somerhill, co. Kent, esq. 2. Edward, h. Dec. 1783, d. 23 Dec. 1802. 3. Eliza, h. Jan. 1785, d. 28 April 1795. 4. Anne-Amelia, h. Jan. 1789, ?»., 1st, 16 Oct. 1806, Charles Murray, esq., son of lord George Murrav, bishop of St. David's (who d. Jan. 1808); and, 2dly, George Warde, esq. 5. Louisa-Hay, h. Sept. 1791, m., 12 Jan. 1811, William Fane, esq., grandson of Thomas, 8th earl of Westmoreland. 6. Thomas-John, h. 27 Nov. 1792, m., 13 June 1822, Susan, da. of Thomas Wodehouse, esq., and has issue. 7. Charles-Alexander, h. 29 May 1794, d. 22 Feb. 1795. 8. Alexander-Wilton, major in the army, h. Sept. Vim, m.. May 1827, Marian, da. of Peter Still, of Harley-street, esq., and has issue. Sir James d. 10 Nov. 1779, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, in. Sir HENRY-WATKIN, 3d bart., b. 30 Aug. 1745, m., 17 July 1780, Mary-Eilen, da. of John Graham, esq., a member of the council in Bengal, and had issue, 1. Henry-George-Mayne, 6. 26 June 1782, d. 24 Nov. 1803. 2. Anna-Maria, b. 16 Feb. 1785, w., 22 May 1810, John, marquess of Ely, K.P, 3. Sir George, present bart. 4. Charles, b. 9 Dec. 1787, lieut.-col. and capt. 3d guards, C.B., m., March 1822, Caro- line, 4th da. of sir Robert Barlow, K.C.B., and d. 20 April 1832. 5. Caroline, b. 31 Oct. 1790, d. 21 April 1794. 6. Montagu-Spencer, b. 10 April 1793, d. 12 April 1794. 7. Rev, Augustus, b. 25 Feb. 1795, m„ 16 June 1825, Hester, 4th da. of the late sir Jacob Astley, bart., and has issue, 1. Georgiana-Helen ; 2. Augustus. 3. Charles-Henry. 8. Georgiana-Caroline, b. 16 March 1796, m., 19 March 1819, sir Jacob Astlev, bart. Sir Henr\-Watkin d. 10 June 1828, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, IV. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Anns— See Plate 13. Argent, on a fess, double cottised, gules, three griffins heads, erased, or. Ci-est—A. griffin's head, erased, per fess, erminois and gules. Seat — Kirtlington Park, near Woodstock, CO. Oxford. BLOIS, of GiiuNDiSBiJRGH Hall, CO. Suffolk. 15 April 1686. Sir CHARLES BLOIS, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John, 17 Jan. 1810 ; married, 30 Dec. 1789, Clara, da. of Jocelyn Price, of Cambles- worth, CO. York, esq., by whom he has issue, 1. CHARLES; 2. John, commander R.N.,' m., 15 Feb. 1827, Eliza-Knox, 2d da. of the rev. John Barrett, rector of Inniskeel, co. Donegal ; 3. "William; 4. Henry-Jocelyn, rf. March 1817; 5. Thomas; G. Frances- Mary, m., 14 Dec. 1815, the rev. Eardley Norton, vicar of Arnecliff, co. York; 7. Clara, TO., 14 Dec. 1815, William Palmer, of Ladbrooke, CO. Warwick, esq.; 8. Lucy-Anne, to., 6 Jan. 1817, Joshua, lord Huntingfield. H 146 WILLIAMS-WYNN. The name of Blois, said to be derived from Blois, a city of France, is of great an- tiquity in the county of Suifolk. Galfridus de Blois held lands in Walpole, in that county, in the time of Richard I. or John ; their residence was at Norton, co. Suffolk, till the reign of king Henry VII., when it was removed to Grundisburgh Hall, now in possession of the present bart. Thonias Bhns, m. Margery, da, of William Styles, of Ipswich, d. 1528, leaving issue, from whom descended I. Sir CHARLES, 1st bart., m., 1st, Mary, da. of sir Robert Kemp, of Gissing, co. Nor- folk, bart., by whom he had, 1. Robert, m. Amy, sole da. of John Burrough, of Ipswich, esq., d. 1728, without issue. 2. William, m. Jane, 3d da. of sir Robert Kemp, of Ubbeston, co. Suffolk, bart., d. 1738, leaving an only son, 1. Sir Charles, 2d bart. 2. Mary, d. imm. 1766. 3. Sir Charles, 3d bart. 4. Mary, d. nnm. 1730. Sir Charles m., 2dly, Anne, da. of Ralph Hawtrey, of Riselip, co. Middlesex, esq., and had issue, .5. Anne, m. Samuel Thompson, of Uf- ford, CO. Suffolk, esq. 6. John, of Gray's Inn, esq.,d. unm. 1745. 7. Sir Ralph, 4th bart. Sir Charles d. 9 April 1733, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, II. Sir CHARLES, who d. unm., and was succeeded by his uncle, III. Sir CHARLES, 3d son of sir Charles, the 1st bart. He d. without issue 1761, and was succeeded by his half-brother, IV. Sir RALPH, m. Elizabeth, eldest da. of Reginald Rabett, esq., and by her (who d. Jan. 1780) had issue, 1. John; 2. Ralph; both d. infants. 3. Sir John, .5th bart. 4. Lucy, m. Robert Lawton, esq. Sir Ralph rf. 1762, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, V. Sir JOHN, m., 1st, Sarah, youngest da. of George Thornhill, of Diddington, co. Huntingdon, esq., and sister to Thomas Thornhill, of Fincliley, co. York, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Charles, present bart. 2. Sarah. Hew.,2dly,21 April 1772, Lucretia.da.of Ottley, of the Islandof St. Christopher's, esq., and by her (who d. 11 Jan. 1808) had issue, 3. LucRETiA, m., 14 Jan. 1805, dr. Tho- mas Turner, eldest son of Samuel Turner, esq., and d. 23 Dec. 1826. 4. Lucy- Anne, to., 25 Sept. 1817» rev. Charles -Thomas Johnson, rector of En- borne, and Hemsted-Marshal, co. Berks. 5. Ralph-John, d. 1818. Sir John d. 17 Jan. 1810, and was succeeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Anns— See Plate 1.3. Gules, a bend, vaire, between two fleurs-de-lys, argent. Crest— A gauntlet, proper, holding a fleur- de-lis, argent. Motto — Je me fie en Dieu. Smts — At Grundisburgh and Cockfield Hall, CO. Suffolk. WILLIAMS, (now M^LLIAMS-WYNN,) of the Isle of Anglesey, and of Gray's Inn, co. Middlesex. G July 1G88. Sir WATKIN WILLIAMS-WYNN, Baronet, borti 26 Oct. 1772; succeeded his father, sir Watkin, 29 Julyl7<"9; Lord-Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum cos. Denbigh and Merioneth, Knight of the Shire for the former county, and Aide-de-camp to his Majesty ; married, 4 Feb. 1817, lady Harriet Clive, eldest da. of Edward, earl of Powis, and has issue, I. Henrietta-Charlotte, b. 16 Aug. 1818; 2. WATKIN, 6. 22 May 1820 ; 3. Herbert -Wat kin, b. 20 April 1822. thousand pounds for licensing the said in- formation to be printed, ,£'8,000 of which sum he was compelled to pay. After the Re- volution, thisjudgnient was declared by the House of C'ommons to be illegal, and against the freedom of parliament. He was made, by king James II., solicitor-general, knight- ed in l(i87, and in 1688 created a bart. Soon after the Revolution he was appointed one of the king's counsel. He m. Margaret, da. and co-h. of Watkyn Kylfin, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. John, liarrister-at-law, m. Catharine, eldest da. of sir Hugh Owen, bart., by whom he left, 1. Elizabeth, m. William Owen, eldest son of sir Arthur Owen, bart. 2. Hugh, who was member for Anglesea in two parliaments, ?)>., lst,Ursula,da.of sir John Ilridgman, bart. ; 2(lly, , da. of Edward Norris, esq., M.D., formerly M.P. for Liveri)Ool, and d. s.ji. 3. Kyflin, m. Mary llunbury, who d. without issue. 4. John, a Welsh jud^^e, m. Judith, da. of alderman Bennet, of Chester, and was William Williams, of Chwaine Issa, CO. Anglesea, esq., was the 14th in lineal descent from Cadrod Hardd, or the Hand- some, a British chieftain, who resided at Tremadog, in the parish of Llanfaithley, in the same co., and was lord of Tallyboiion, about the year lloO. Hew. Margaret, da. and h. of John Owens, of Llanfaithley, csi]., by whom he had two sons, 1. John, whose issue in the male line is extinct; 2. Hugh, D.D., vicar of Llantrisant, m. Emma, da. and h. of John Dolbcn, of Cae Gwynnion, esq., and rf. 1670, leaving issue, two' sons and two das., 1. sir William, 1st bart. ; 2. David, m. Anne, da. and h. of Wil- liam Maurice, of Llansilin, esq.; 3. Mar- garet, m. John Owen, of Penrhos, esq.; 4. Emma, in. Iliit^h Lloyd, esq. I. Sir WILLIAM, knt., the 1st bart., was a barrister, and recorder of Chester, which city he rei)resented in three parliaments, in the latter two of which he was chosen speak- er. In 36 Car. II., he was tried for a libei, in causing to be ])rinted the information of Thomas Dangerfield. gent. ; and although he pleaded the law and custom of parlia- ment in his favour, the court fined him ten MOLESWORTH. 147 grandfather of sir John Williams, of Bodl- lewyddan, co. Flmt, created a bart. 1/98 (see that title.) 5. Arthur, archdeacon of St. David's, and rector of St. Mary's, Chester, d. Aug. 1737. uum, 6. Edward, m., May 1739, , relict of Richard, 5th viscount Bulkeley, and da. and h. of Lewis Owen, of Penmarth, esq., (by a da. of sir William Williams, bart.,) and left by her three das., the eldest of whom tn, Wilham Wynne, of Wern, esq. 3. Emaia, m. sir Arthur Owen, bart. Sir William d. 11 July 170O, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir'WILLIAM, 7H. 1st, Jane, da. and h. of Edward Thelwall, esq., (by Sydney, da. and h. of William Wynne, esq., prothono- tary of North Wales," and 4th son of sir John Wynne, of Gwedyr, bart.,) by whom he left issue, 1. Sir Watkin-William, 3d bart. 2. Robert, m., Margel, da. of Arthur Williames, of Vstymcolwyn, esq., and rf. s.p. 3. Richard, who m., 1st, Hesther, da. of • Thelwall, esq. ; 2dly, Charlotte, da. and co-h. of Richard Mostyn, of Penbedw, 3d son of sir Roger Mostyn, bart., by whom he had, 1. Richard, who d. young. 3dly, Annabella, da. and h. of Charles Lloyd, of Drenewydd, co. Salop; by the last of whom he left issue, 2. Watkin, m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. ofJames-RussellStapleton, ofBodryddan, esq., and rf. s.p. 3. Annabella, m. the rev. Philip Pule- ston, D.D. 4. Jane, m. Robert Lloyd, of Swan Hill, esq. 5. Annabella, m. Edward Gatacre, esq. 6. Jane, loim. ; 7- William. 8. Charles ; 9. Richard. 10. Robert, who all d. u?un. Sir Wilham nu, 2dly, Catharine, da. of Mut- ton Davies, of Gwysanney, co. Denbigh, esq., by whom he had no issue. He d. 20 Oct. 174U, and was succeeded by his eldest son, in. Sir WATKIN, of Wynnstay, co. Denbigh, bart., (which seat and estate he inherited from sir John Wvnn, bart., in right of his grandmother, Sydney, da. to WiUiam Wynn, esq., as above mentioned, and took the surname of Wvnn in addition to and after 'Williams.) Sir Watkin m., 1st, Anne, da. and co-h. of Edward Vaughan, esq., by whom he had several children, who all d. young. He »>., 2dly, Frances, da. of George Shakerly, esq., who d. April 1803, by whom he left. 1. Sir Watkix-Williams, 4th bart. 2. Wilham-Watkix, who d, 12 April 1759, u»ni. Sir Watkin d. 26 Sept. 1749, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IV. Sir WATKIN, w., 6 April 17G9, Hen- rietta, 5th da. of Charles-Noel, 4th duke of Beaufort, who d. the 24th of July following. Sir Watkin m., 2dly, 21 Dec. 1771, Char- lotte, da. of the right hon. George Gran- ville, and sister of George, 1st marquess of Buckingham, K.G., by whom (who d. 29 Sept. 1832, aet. 79,) he had issue, 1. Sir Watkin- Williams, present bart. 2. William-Watkin, b. 28 Dec. 1773, d. young. 3. Right Honourable Charles -Wat- kin, chancellor of the duchy court and countv palatine of Lancaster, M.P. co. Montgomery, P. C. D. C. L. F.S.A., for- merly president of the board of control for the affairs of India, and for a short period secretary at war ; b. 9 Oct. 1775, tn., 9 April 1!!06, Mary, the eldest da. of sir Foster Cunliffe, bart., of Acton Park, co. Den- bigh, and has issue, 1. Watkin-Henry, b. 29 June 1816, d. 9 July 1832. 2. Charles- Watkin, b. 4 Oct. 1822. 3. Charlotte, 6. 16 Jan. 18i»7. 4. Mary, m., 16 May 1832, Benjamin Gaskell, esq., of Thomas House, co. York. 5. Harriot-Hester ; 6. Sydney. 7. Emma, d. 30 July 1824. 4. Maria, 5. 24 April 1777, d. young. 5. Frances, b. 3 April 1779. 6. Charlotte, b. 9 Dec. 1780, nu, 13 Nov, 18(16, lieut.-col. William Shipley, eldest son of the dean of St. Asaph. 7. The right honovirable sir Henry Wat- kin, K.G.H., b. 16 March 1783, minister- ple- nipotentiary to the Court of Denmark ; m., 30 Sept. 1813, Esther Smith, 4th da. of Ro- bert, lord Carrington, and has issue 3 sons and 3 das. 8. Henrietta-Elizabeth, &. 6 Feb. 1786, m., 17 Dec. 1810, Thomas Cholmondeley; created 1821, baron Delamere. 9. Grenville-Watkin, b. m I787, d. 1791. 10. Catharine, d. in 1789. Sir Watkin d. 29 July 1789, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir WATKIN, the present bart. Arms—See Plate 13, Quarterly 1st and 4th, Wynn, vert, three eagles, displayed, in fess, or; 2d and 3d, Williams, argent, two foxes, counter salient, in saltire, gules, the dexter surmounted of the sinister. Crest — An eagle displayed, or. Sea^s— Wynnstay, co. Denbigh; andLlan- gedwin and Glanllyn, co. Merioneth. MOLESWORTH, of the Island of Jamaica. 19 July 1689. Sir WILLIA3I MOLESWORTH, Baronet, M.P. for East Cornwall, succeeded his father, sir Arscott-Ourry, 30 Dec. 1823. The family of Mnlestrorth anciently re- sided in the coimties of Northampton and Bedford, where they flourished in the reigns of Edward I. and II. Sir Walter de Moles- worth aUended king Edward I. in his expedi- tion to the Holy Land, and was sheriff" cos. Bedford and Bucks for the space of 10 years. In 1306, when the king, on a grand Whit- suntide festival, to augment the glory of his intended expedition into Scotland, knighted Edward, earl of Carnarvon, his eldest son, the young prince, immediately after that ceremony, at the altar, in Westminster Abbey, conferred the same honour on near 300 gentlemen, the sons of earls, barons, and knights, of which number was sir Walter de Molesicorth. His descendants were of great note and consideration, and at length the dignity of bart. was conferred on two branches of the H 2 ]48 RAMSDEN. family, nearly at the same time, both of them being zealous in favour of the Revo- lution, John Molesworth, of Melpeston, co. Northampton, temp, queen Elizabeth, left, besides other issue, 2 sons, Anthoni/, whose great-grandson, Robert, was first created a bart. by king George I., and subsequently made a peer of Ireland, {171'i.) by the title of viscount Molesworth, which dignity his descendant now enjoys (vide Debrett's Peer- age ;) and John, who »». to his first wife, Catherine, da. and co-h. of John Hender, of Botreaux Castle, CO. Cornwall ; settled himself at Pen- carrow, in that county, and was father of Hender Molesworth, who was father of I. Sir HENDER, 1st bart., so created as above, with limitation, on failure of issue male of his body, to his elder and only sur- viving brother, sir John Molesworth, of Pencarrow, knt. Sir Hender was bred a merchant, and settled in Jamaica, was president of the council of that island in the reign of king Charles II. He m., 1st, a da. of mr. Mangey, a goldsmith, of London, widow of Thomas Tottle, a merchant in Jamaica ; and 2dly, Mary, da. of Thomas Temple, esq., and widow of sir Thomas Lynch, knt., but byneither of themhadany issue. He d. I(i8!), and was succeeded, pur- suant to the above-recited limitation, by his brother, II. Sir JOHN, of Pencarrow, knt., m., 1st, Margery, eldest da. of Thomas, son of sir Thomas Wise, K.B., by whom he had, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Hender; 3. Spark. 4. Mary ; .5. Margery. 6. Prudence. Hew., 2dly, Margaret, eldest da. to Ni- cholas Slaning, of Maristow, co. Devon, knt., but by her had no issue. III. Sir John, eldest son and successor to his father, m. a da. of John Arscott, of Tetcott, CO. Devon, esq., and by her had, 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Hender, d. 6 Feb. 1732-3, nnm. 3. Spark, rf. at Naples, 9 June 1739. 4. Prudence; .5. Margaret; 6. Mary, all d. nnm. 7. Prudence, m. Hugh Gregor, esq. IV. Sir JOHN, eldest son and successor to his father. In 1728 he m. Barbara, 2d da. of sir Nicholas Morice, of Werrington, CO. Devon, bart., who d. 17 May 1735, leaving. 1. Sir John, 5th bart. 2. William, who d. 9 Feb. 1762, having m. Anne, da. and co-h. of James Smyth, of St. Audries, co. Somerset, esq., and had issue, Frances, who m., 31 Dec. 1785, John- Jeffreys Pratt, marquess Camden, K.G., and has issue. Sir John d. 4 April 176fi, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, V. Sir JOHN, m., 28 Sept. 1755, Frances, da. and co-h. of James Smyth, of St. Au- dries, CO. Somerset, esq., by whom he had 1 son, 1. Sir William, 6th bart. He m., 2dly, 22 June 17fi2, Barbara, da. of sir John St. Aubin, of Clowance, co. Corn- wall, bart., by whom he had, 2. John, in holy orders, m. Catharine, sister of sir John St. Aubin, bart., and had issue, of whom Barbara, «?., 29 Sept. 1830, the rev. William Gilbee, vicar of St. Josey and St. Aubyn; m., Jan. 1833, Isabella, da. of Richard Waring, of Belfast, esq. 3. Hender; 4. Barbara. Sir John d. 31 Oct. 1776, and was succeeded by his son, VI. Sir WILLIAM, >n., 1786, Caroline- Treby Ourry, da. of Paul-Henry Ourry, esq., commissioner of the navy office, and had issue, 1. Sir Arscott-Ourry, 7th bart. 2. William, in holy orders, rector of St. Breoke Cornwall, m., 1(1 Feb. 1829, Susanna, da. of James Buller, of Downes, co, Devon, esq. , deceased. 3. Frances; 4. Caroline. Sir William d. 22 Feb. 1798, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VII. Sir ARSCOTT-OURRY, 7th bart.; ?«., 7 July 18(»9, Mary, eldest da. of Pa- trick Brown, of Edinburgh, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. A DA., b. 13 July 1811. 3. 4. A Son and a Da., twins, 6. 4 Sept 1813. 5. A Da., 6. Feb. 1816. 6. A Son, b. May 1818. Sir Arscott d. 30 Dec. 1823, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VIIL Sir WILLIAM, present bart Arms—Hee Plate 13. Vaire, a bordurCj gules, charged with eight cross-crosslets, or. Cve.?f — An armed arm, embowed, proper, holding in the hand a cross-crosslet, or. Motto — Sicfidem teneo. Seat — At Pencarrow, co. Cornwall, RAMSDEN, of Eyrom, co. York, 30 Nov. 1689. Sir JOHN RAMSDEN, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John, in I7OO; married,, 7 J'lly IV^'Ti the hon. Lcniisa Ingram, oth da. and co-h. of Charles, viscount Irwin, sister to Isahelhi-Anne, marchioness of Hertford, (which title became extinct in 17Jj2,) and has issue, 1. JOHN- CHARLES, M.P. for Malton, to., 4 May 1814, Isabella, youngest da. of Thomas, 1st lord Dundas, and has issue, a da., h. 19 IMarch 1818, and John-William, h. 27 July 1824, d. 23 April 18.30 ; 2. William, capt. R.N., TO., G Aug. 1827, Ifidy Annabella-Paulet, eldest da. of the marquess of Winchester ; 3. Hknuy-James, in the army, to., 8 Aug. 1829, the hon. Frederica Law, da. of Edward, 1st lord Ellenborongh, and has a S07i, b. 9 June 1830; 4. Ciiaules, in the army, 7/?., 14 June 1828, Harriett- Frances, da. of lieut.-gen. rt. hon. sir John Byng, (i.CB. and O.C.H.; 6. Louisa; G. Elizabeth, w., 2 Aug. 1821, hon. Edward-William, lord LEIGHTON. 149 Hawke, and c?. 26 Aug. 1824; 7. Carolixe-Margaret, wi., 18 Aug. J 831, the rev. lord Charles Paulett, 2d son of the marquess of Winchester ; 8. AxxE ; 9. Frances-Catherine, m., Dec. 1828, Lowther- Augustus-John, lord Muncaster. Robert Ramsdex, esq., appears to have been seated at Longley Hall, near Hudders- field, CO York, as early as the reign of queen Elizabeth ; his great-grandson. Sir JoHX Ramsden, of Longley and of Byrom, was sheriff of Yorkshire, 13 Car. 1.; a noted loyahst and colonel of a regiment in the service of that king: m. Margaret, da. of sir Peter Frescheville, of Staveley, CO. Derby, knt. (and sister of John, lord Frescheville, who was so created, (j March 1664, but d. without male issue, 1682, when the title became extinct.) Sir John d. at Newark Castle, in the service of king Charles I., leaving 2 sons; John, who d. v.nm., and William, the eldest, m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of George Palmes, of Lindley, co. York, esq., and had, 1. John, 1st bart. 2. Fkescheville ; 3. Peter, both d. unm. 4. Browne, m., 1st, sir George Dalston, of Heath, co. York, bart.; 2dly, Edward Andrews, of Westminster, esq. ; and, 3dly, sir Richard Fisher, of Islington, co. Middle- sex, bart., and d. 15 March 1739-40. 5. Frances, m. Charles, 2d duke of Bolton, by whom she was mother of 1. Charles; 2. Harry, successively dukes of Bolton. 6. Mary, m. Thomas Wilkinson, of Kirk- heaton, co. York, esq. 7. Elizabeth, m. John Anderson, esq. I. Sir JOHN, the eldest son, for the essential services and distinguished zeal ex- hibited at the Revolution, was created a bart., 30 Nov. 1689; >n. Sarah, only d. and h. of Charles Butler, of Coates, co. Lincoln, esq., by whom he had 8 sons, all of whom d. num., except the eldest, SirWiLLiAJi, 2d bart. Sir John rf. 1691, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir WILLIAM, m. Elizabeth, 2d da. of John Lowther, viscount Lonsdale, and by her (who d. I'iCA) had issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. William, d. 177U, unm. 3. James, a commissioner of the Wine Licence Office, d. 177(», unm. 4. Thomas, who was of the secretary of state's office, and m. , da. of sir Philip Meadows, and had no issue. 5. Robert, an officer in the army, who served in Flanders, at the battles of Det- tingen and Fontenoy, m. Elizabeth, sole da. and h. of John Smyth, of Heath, co. York, esq., by whom he had several chil- dren, and d. 1769. 6. Fkescheville, in the army, who participated with his brother in the battles before alluded to, and subsequently con- tinued his services in Germany, under prince Ferdinand. He attained the rank of lieut.-col. in the horse grenadier-guards, was several years equerry to his majesty, and became lieut.-govemor of Carlisle: he m. Isabella, sister to Charles Ingram, vis- count Irwin, by whom he had one son, and d. 1804. 7. Catherine, m. sir William Lowther, of Swillington, bart. 8. 9. 10. 11. Four Das., all d. unm. Sir William d. June 1736, and was succeed- ed bv liis son. Hi. Sir JOHN, m. Margaret, da. of Wil- liam Norton, of Sawiey, esq., (niece and heiress of John Lowther, of Ackworth, esq., and widow of Thomas-Liddel Bright, of Badsworth, esq.,) by whom (who d. 1775) he had issue, 1. Sir John, present bart. 2. Elizabeth, m., 1771, William Wed- dell, of Newby, esq. 3. Mahgaret, nu, 11 Feb. 177-ij Thomas Reynolds, 3d lord Ducie. Sir John d. 10 April 1769, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IV. Sir JOHN, present bart. Anns—^ee Plate 13. Argent, on a chev- ron, between three fleurs-de-lis sable, three rams' heads erased, of the first. Crest — An armed arm, couped at the el- bow, and erect, proper, holding a fleur-de- hs sable. Seat—Xt Byrom, co. York. LEIGHTON, of Wattlesboroiigh, co. Salop. 2 March 1602-3. Sir BALDWIN LEIGHTON, Baronet, bom 14 May 1805, succeeded his father, sir Baldwin, 13 Nov. 1828 ; married, 9 Feb. 1832, 3Iary, da. of T. N. Parker, esq., of Sweeney Hall, co. Salop, and has issue, 1. Frances-Christina, b. 24 Dec. 1832 ; 2. Isabella, b. March 1834. This family was in England as early as the Norman Conquest, as appears by Dooms- day-Book. Sir Titus de Leighton, knight of the Sepulchre, son and h. of Cuthbert, giandson and heir of Totilus de Leighton, was one of those who went to the wars in the Holy Land, and at his return was a co- founder' of the abbey of Buldewas, Shrop- shire. William Fitz-Allen, soon after the Conquest, re-conveyed the manor of Leigh- ton to sir Richard de Leighton, knt., son and h. of sir Titus. I. EDWARD, of Wattlesborough, co. Salop, was created a bart. as above ; m., 1st, 1679, Dorothy, da. of sir Job Charlton, of Ludford, co. Hereford, bart., by whom (who d. 1688) he had issue, 1. Robert, d. young, 1690. 2. Sir Edward, 2d bart. 3. Job, 6. 1682, d. 1704. 4. Lettice, d. unm. 1758. 5. Dorothy; 6. Jane; 7. Dorothy; all d. voung. Sir Edward m., 2dly, 1(593, Jane, da. of Daniel Nichol, esq., by whom he had issue, 8. Daniel, b. l6iU, a lieut.-col., m. Jane, da. of Nathaniel Thorold, of the city of Lincoln, esq., and d. 1765, having had issue, 1. Herbert, page to the princess-dowager of Wales. 150 COLT. 2. Edward, lieut. R.N., d. unm. 3. Jane, m., 1st, captain Cathcart ; 2dly, Jonathan, eldest son of sir Jonathan Cope, bart. 4. Another da. m. lieut.-col. Sabine Daniel, d. 1765. 9. Frances, b. 1696, lieut.-gen. and col. of the 32d regt. of foot, m. da. of Pinfold, esq., and d. 1773, having had issue, 1. A son, who d. young. 2. Charlotte, d. unm., 1820. 3. Frances, w., 16 May 1783, Sir Hew Whiteford Dalrymple, bart. 10. Gerard, a captain in the army. 11. Jane, m., 1st, Thomas Jones, esq.; and 2dly, sir Charles Lloyd, bart. 12. Frances; 13. Anne; 14. Elizabeth, all d. young. Sir Edward d. 1711, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir EDWARD, h. 1681, m., 1st, Rachael, da. of sir William Forester, (by Mary, da. of James-Cecil, 3d earl of Salisbury, by Mar- garet, 5th da. of John-Manners, 8th earl of Rutland,) by whom (who d. 1720) he had issue, 1. Forester, d. vit. pat. 2. Sir Charlton, 3d bart. 3. Baldwin, b. 1717. »?• Anne, da. of cap- tain Smith, by whom he had issue, 1. Edward, b. 1745, d. s.p. 1804. 2. Sir Baldwin, 6th bart. 3. Mary, b. 1748, d. 1771- 4. Ann, b. 1749, m. rev. Thomas Holme, but d. s.p. 1820. 5. Thomas, b. 1751, gen. E.I. C. service, m, Mary-Louisa Everett, and had issue, Francis, d. 1808. '6. Rachael, b. 1753, d. 1757. 7. Emma, b. 1755, d. 1832. 8. Francis, b. 1757, d. 1808. 9. Burgh, b. 1760, n>. Jane, da. of rev. Thomas Holme, of Winstanley, co. Lane. 10. Victoria, b. 1762, m. rev. Francis Leighton, but rf. s.p. 1832. 11. Forester, b. 1763, »?. Honoria, da. of general Barclay, and had issue, 1. Furester- Owen; 2. Edivard-Barday, d. young; 3. Baldwin-Francis, d. 1807. 12. Belinda, 6. 1767, d. 1834. 4. Rachael, m. Thomas Jenkins, esq. 5. Burgh; 6. Cambray; 7- Mary; 8. Dorothy; 9. Emma, all d. young. Sir Edward m., 2dly, Judith, da. of John Ellick, esq., sister of governor Ellick, and relict of captain Thwaites, in the East India Company's service, but by her (who d. 1764) he had no issue. Sir Edward d. 6 March 1756, and was succeeded by his eldest son, in. Sir CHARLTON, b. 1715, m., 1st, Anna-Maria, da. of Richard Mytton, (by Letitia, sister and h. of Thomas Owen, of Condover, esq.,) who d. Aug. 1750, leaving issue, 1. Sir Charlton, 4th bart. 2. Anna-Maria, m. N. Smith, 3. Honor, d. young. 4. Anna-Bella, m. William Childe, of Kinlet, esq. Sir Charlton m., 2dly, 22 Oct. 1751, Emma, eldest da. of sir Robert Maude, bart., and sister of Cornwallis, viscount Hawarden, by whom he had issue, 5. Sir Robert, 5th bart. 6. Emma, m., 1774, John Corbet, esq., and d. 1799. 7. Louisa; 8. Charlotte; 9. Harriott. 10. Rachael; 11. Mary; both d. young in 1765. Sir Charlton d. 5 May 1780, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IV. Sir CHARLTON, b. 1747, d. unm. Dec. 1784, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir ROBERT, b. 1752, rf. xmm. Feb. 1819, and was succeeded by his cousin, VI. Sir BALDWIN, son of Baldwin, 2d son of the 2d bart., a general in the army, m., 1st, Anne, da. of the rev. William Pigot, by whom he had no issue ; and 2dly, Anne, da. of sir ThomasStanley,of Alderley, bart., and d. 13 Nov. 1828, leaving by his second marriage an onlv son, VII. Sir BALDWIN, present and 7th bart. Arms— See Plate 14. Quarterly per fesse indented, or and gules. Crest — A wyvern, with wings expanded, sable. Motto — Dread shame. Seat— At Loton, co. Salop. COLT, of St. James, Westminster. 2 March 1693-4. Sir JOHN-DUTTON COLT, Baronet, bor7i 8 Oct. 1772, succeeded his father, sir John-Dutton, 1809, and is unmarried. This family was formerly possessed of very considerable estates in Suffolk and Essex. They are deseenilcd from 'IVioiucw Colt, of Carlisle, who was father of Thomas Colt, chancellor of the exclic(iuer,andof the privy council to kiiu; KihvanI IV. L HARRY-DUTTOX COLT, 4th son of George Colt, and Eliz:it)Llli Dutton, his wife, was advanced to the dignity of a bart. for his services at the Revolution, with remain- der to his brother, John-Dutton Colt, and to his 3 sons, John, William, ami Ilaiiy, and other remainders over. He /)/. (Ccilia, da. of Francis Brewster, esn., relict of sir Thomas Hatton, knt., by whom lie left no issue: she rf. Oct. 1712, and sir Uarry-nulton, 25 April 1731, when the title and estate de- scended, according to the remainder in tJie patent, to his great nepliew, IL Sir JOHN-DUTTON, only son of John-Dutton Colt, who was the eldest son of John-Dutton Colt, esq., elder brother to sir Harry, m. Mallet, eldest da. of George Langlcv, of Goulding Hall, co. Salop, esq., and by "her (who (/. 24 Jan. 1824) had issue, 1. Sir John-Dutton, present bart. 2. William-Arnold, major in the East India Company's service, rf. unm., at. 35. 3. Edward- Vaughan, b. 1775. 4. Thomas-Langley, lieut. 80th foot, rf. unm. in India. 5. Jajmks, rf. Nov. 1826. 6. Anx-Soi'hia. Sir John d. 1809, and was succeeded by his eldest son, HI. Sir JOHN-DUTTON, present baft. Arms—Svii Plate 14. Argent, a fess, be- tween throe colts, in full sjieed, sable. CV,;,s-^_A colt in full speed, as in the arms. Mdtto — I'incit (jiii patitur. Seut—i\i Leominster, co. Hereford. THOMAS— BUCKWORTH-HERNE-SOAME. 151 THOMAS, of Wenvoe Castle, co. Glamorgan. 24 Dec. 1694. Sir JOHN-GODFREY THOMAS, Baronet, ia holy orders. Vicar of Wartling and Bodiam, co. Sussex; born 1 Sept. 1784, succeeded his father, sir John, 14 Dec. 1828; married, 1st, April 1808, Frances, da. of Stephen Ram, of Rams Fort, co. Wexford, and Portswood Lodge, co. Southampton, esq., bv whom (who d. Jan. 1816) he had issue, 1. EDMUND- STEPHEN, 6. G Feb. 1810 ; 2. Charlotte-Gertrude, b. 19 Oct. 1811, d. June 1824; 3. Mary, b. 14 Jan. 181.3; 4. Frances-So- PHIA (twin with 3Iary); 5. Louisa. Elizabeth, b. 18 Aug. 1814; 6. Godfrey, b.' 12 Dec. 1815, d. June 1816. Sir John- Godfrey ?w., 2dly, April 1817, Elizabeth-Anne, eldest da- of the rev, John Vignoles, of Cornalier House, co. ^Vestraeath, and relict of lieut.-col. Grey, and has issue, 7' Eliza-Julia, b. 2 Feb. 1818; 8. Letitia, b. 24 Jan. 1819, c?. April 1831; 9. Julia, b. 28 Aug. 1820 ; 10. Caroline, b. 24 Jan. 1822; 11. Paulixa, b. 21 May 1823; — 12. Godfrey- John, b. 16 June 1824 ; 13. John, b. 28 Feb. 1826 ; 14. Charles, b. 16 Aug. 1828. JEVA^r Ap HARPWAYE.of Tresimoiit, co. Hereford, m. Catharine, da. and sole h. of Thomas ap Thomas, of Wenvoe Castle, and took the name of Thirnvis, which his de- scendants have ever since continued. I. Sir JOHN, was advanced to the dignity of a bart., with remainder in his patent to his brothers, Edmi'xd, 2d bart., and William, M^ Elizabeth, relict of the republican Ueut.- gen, Edmund Ludlow. He d. 17 Jan. 17(i2-3, without issue, and was succeeded by his next brother, II. Sir EDMUND, m. Mary, da. of John Howe of Stowell, co. Gloucester, esq., (by Annabella, 3d da. of Samuel Scrope, earl of Sunderland,) and had issue, 1. Sir Edmund, 3d bart. 2. JoH.v, a gen. in the anny, who m. Sophia Keppel, da. of Amold-Joost-Van Keppel, 1st earl of Albemarle, and left Charles-Nassau, vice-chamberlain to the Prince Regent, and other issue. Sir Edmund d. 1723, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir EDMUND, w.. May 1750, Abi- gail, da. of sir Thomas Webster, bart., and -relict of William, son and h. of sir Edward Northey, kiit., attorney -general, by whom and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, d. iinm. at Brussels, 20 June 1801, and was buried there, and was succeeded by his brother, V. Sir EVERARD BUCKWORTH, who took the name of Heme in addition to that of Buckworth, having m. Anne, natural da. of the late Paston Heme, of Hevesland Hall, CO. Norfolk, esq., by whom (who d. Oct. 1806) he had issue, 1. Mary-Eltzabeth, m., 1st, James Vaughan, of Leicester, esq. ; 2dly, the rev. Calverly Bewicke; and, 3dly, John Buck- worth, captain in the 64th infantry. 2. Charlotte, m. Henry Lucas. 3. Sir Buckworth, 6th bart. 4. John, in holy orders, rector of Heydon and Chishall, co. Essex, m. Mary-Anne, da. and h. of sir Charles Price, of Blount's Court, CO. Oxon, knt. Sir Everard d, 21 Jan. 1822, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, VI. Sir BUCKWORTH, took the name of SfMrne, in addition to and after Buckworth- Herne, by royal licence, 12 Dec. 1806, in compliance with the will of sir Peter Soame, of Heydon House, co. Essex, bart. ; m. Susan, da. of Simperingham, of Cambridge, esq., by whom (who d. 6 Dec. 1819) he had issue, 1. Sir Peter, present bart. 2. John, in holy orders, vicar of West Hendrid, co. Berks. 3. Charles. Sir Buckworth d. , and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, VII. Sir PETER, present and 7th bart. Arms— See Plate 14. Quarterly, 1st and 4th gules, a chevron, between three mallets, or, and a canton, argent, for difference— Soame. 2d and 3d sable, a chevron, between three crosslets, fitchy, argent— Buckworth. Crests — 1st, Soame, a falcon, close, or, standing on a hawk's lure, argent, stringed gules: 2d, Buckworth, a man's head, full- faced, armed with a helmet, the beaver open, all proper. Seat — Heydon, co. Essex. ROGERS, of WisDOME, co. Devon. 21 Feb. 1698-9. Sir JOHN-LEMON ROGERS, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Fre- derick- Lemon, June 1797' This family is descended from the rev. Vincent Rogers, minister of Stratford-le- Bow, 1586 (which Vincent is supposed to have been son of the rev. John Rogers, pre- bendary of St. Paul's, who was the first martyr in queen Mary's reign, and was burnt in Smithfield, 4 Feb. 1555). Third in de- scent from the said rev. Vincent Rogers was I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., who was bred a merchant ; m. Mary, da. of William Spencer Vincent, of London, (who, after his decease, m. sir Edmund Prideaux, bart.,) andrf. I7IO, leaving one son, II. Sir JOHN, TO. Mary, da. of sir Robert Henley, knt., (ancestor of the earls of North- ington,) by whom he had, besides other issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Sir Frederick, 4th bart. Sir John d. Jan. 1743-4, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JOHN, m. Hannah, da. of Tho- mas Trefusis, esq., by whom he had no issue. Sir John was succeeded by his brother, IV. Sir FREDERICK-LEMON, who was a commissioner of the navy, m. Jane, da. of Lilbecrop, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir John, present bart. 2. Frederick-Lemon, m., 12 April 1810, Sophia, da. of the late col. Charles-Russell Deare, of the Bengal Artillery. 3. Frederick-Henley, capt. R.N. 4. Harriet, m., 1st, Jan. 1811« the rev. Richard Strode, of Newnham Park, co. De- von; and 2dly, 29 May 1830, major-geri. sir Charles Phillips, of Lyndhurst, Hants. 5. Anne, rf. unm. 24 April 1825. Sir Frederick d. June 1797, and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir JOHN-LEMON, present bart. Arms — See Plate 14. Argent, a chevron, gules, between three roe-bucks, current, sable, attired and gorged with ducal coro- nets, or. Crest — On a mount, vert, a roe-buck, cur- rent, proper, attired and gorged with a diical coronet, or, between two branches of laurel, vert. Motto — Nos nostraque Deo, Seats— At Wisdom* and Blachford, both CO. Devon. CHETWODE, of Oakley, co. Stafford. G April 1700. Sir JOHN CHETWODE, Baronet, born 11 May 17G4, succeeded his father, sir John, 25 May 1779 ; married, 2G Oct. 1785, Henrietta Grey, eldest da. of George-Harry, 5th earl of Stamford and ^Varrington, (by Henrietta-Cavendish Bentinck, 2d da. of WilHam, 2d duke of Portland, by Margaret-Cavendish Harley, da. and h. of Edward, earl of Oxford and Mortimer,) by whom (who d. 12 July 182G) he had issue, 1. Hen- RiETTA-DoHOTHY, b. 10 Aug. 178G, m., 9 Feb. 1808, sir John-Fenton Fletcher-Boughey, bart. 5 2. Anna-Maria, b. 1 Sept. 1787, m., 23 WEBSTER. 153 Dec. 1811, the rev. Richard Farrer, of Ashlev, co. Northampton ; 3. JOHN, b. 12 Nov. 1788, m., 16 Oct. 1821, Elizabeth- Juliana, eldest da. and co-h. of John-Newdigate Ludford, of Ansley Hall, co. Warwick, esq., and took the surnames of Newdigate-Ludford in addition to and be- fore Chetwode, by royal sign manual, 1826; 4. George, b. 1 Nov. 1791, in holy orders, rector of Ashton-under-Line, co. Lancaster, m., 26 Aug. 1818, Charlotte-Anne, 2d da. of Moreton Walhouse, of Hatherton, esq., and has issue, George-Morton ; Emily-Harriett- Anne ; 5. Charles, b. 6 June 1794; 6. Henry, b. 26 Nov. 1798; 7- Richard, b. 15 Jan. 1804; 8. Philip, b. 16 May 1805; 9. Frederick, b. 24 June 1810; 10. Elizabeth, b. 2 Feb. 1793; 11. Louisa, b. 8 Oct. 1796; 12, Charlotte, b. 6 Nov. 1797; 13. Sophia, b. 15 June 1801 ; 14. Caroline, b. 22 March 1808. Sir John w., 2dly, 1827, Elizabeth, da. of John Bristow, esq. This family was seated at Chetwode, co. Bucks, as early as the Conquest. John Chet- wode, from whom this pedigree is clearly deduced, was a knight and lord of the manor of Chetwode. His son Robert founded the priory of Chetwode, in the lifetime of his father. After the family had continued of great note for upwards of twenty genera- tions, Philip Chetwode, youngest but only sur- viving son of John Chetwode, {by Eleanor, da. of William Steventon, of Dotliill, co, Salop, esq.,) m. Hester, da. and h. of Wil- liam Touchet, of Whitley, co. Chester, esq., and by her had, I. Sir JOHN, the 24th in direct lineal suc- cession from sir John Chetwode, knt., above mentioned, was created a bart. as above, m., 1st, Mary, da. of sir Jonathan Raymond, knt., alderman of London, by whom (who d. 12 Jan. 17ii2) he had issue, 1. Philip-Toichet, 2d bart. 2. AxNE, ni. Thomas Whitley, of Aston, CO. Flint, esq. 3. ^Iary, d. unm. 4. Abigail, m. Thomas Jones, of Churton, CO. Chester, esq. Sir John m., 2dly, Catherine, da. of John Tavleur, esq., by whom (who d, 14 Oct. 17r7) he had no issue. He d. 22 April 1733, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir PHILIP-TOUCHET, m., 1727, Ehzabeth, only da. and h. of George Vena- bles, of Agden, co. Chester, esq., by whom (whorf. 14'Sept. 1745) he had twelve children, six of whom only survived their infancy, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. 2. Philip, in holy orders, m. Anne, da. of William Dickenson, and relict of Thomas- Gunter Browne, esqrs. ; d. 17G9, leaving issue, 1. Anne, h. 1766, m, Augustus Browne, esq. 2. Philip, h. 1767, was in the memorable engagement between Rodney and Corate de Grasse, 12 April 1782, and perished in the Yille de Paris, a captured French ship, which foundered at sea. 3. George-Venables, an officer in the army, d. 1761. 4. Charles, m. Anne, only da. of Wil- liam Bates, d. 1768, leaving issue, Anne, h. 1768, m Rose, esq. 5. Anne, m., 1st, Robert Davison, esq., and, 2dly, Edward Mainwaring, esq., d. 7 Feb. 1816. 6. Elizabeth, d. unm. 1776. Sir Philip d. 15 Nov. 1764, and was suc- ceeded by his son, in. Sir JOHX, m., 1756, Dorothy, 3d da. and co-h. of Thomas Brentland, of Thorn- cliflfe, CO. Chester, esq., who d. 1/69, by whom he had eight children, who all died in the lifetime of their father, except Sir John, present bart. Sir John d. 25 May 1779, and was succeeded by his only son, IV. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 14. Quarterly argent, and gules, four crosses, forme, counter- changed. Cre-'^t— Out of a ducal coronet, or, a demi- lion, issuant, gules. Motto — Corona mea Christus, Seats— At Oakley, co. Stafford; Chetwode and Agden, co. Bucks ; and Whitley, co. Chester. WEBSTER, of Copt-Hall, co. Essex. 21 3Iay 1703. Sir GODFREY-VASSAL WEBSTER, Baronet, born Oct. 1789, suc- ceeded his father, sir Godfrey, 3 June 1800, M.P. co. Sussex, in 1812 and 1818 ; married, 23 Aug- 1814, Charlotte, eldest da. of Robert A damson, of Hill Street, Berkeley Square, esq., and has issue, 1. Harold, d. an infant, March 18 17 ;— — 2. Nor3Ian, d. aa infant, 2 April 1818; 3. a SON, b. 17 April 1819 ; 4. a Son, b. at Berne, Aug. 1821. The Websters are descended from an an- and had issue, cientfamily seated at Lockington, CO. York, I. Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., was verderer temp. Richard II. of the forest of Waltham ; m. Jane, da. and Sir Godfrey Webster, knt., a merchant of h. of Edward Cheek, esq., (by Mary, da. London, m. Abigail, da. and co-h. of Tho- and co-h. of Henry Whistler, esq.,) by whom mas Gorden, of Mere, co. Stafford, esq., (who d. 1760) he had issue, H 3 154 DOLBEN. 1. Sir Whistler, 2d bart. 2. Sir Godfrey, 3d bart. 3. Abigail, ?m., Ist, William, son and h. of sir Edward Northey, knt., attorney-ge- neral to the king ; and, 2dly, sir Edmund Thomas, bart. 4. Jane, m. the rev. Bluett. 5. Elizabeth, m. Webster, an of- ficer of the army. Sir Thomas d. 1750, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WHISTLER, m. miss Nairne, da. of the dean of Battle, (who d. 25 Dec. 181(i.) Sir Whistler d. Sept. 177^, and was suc- ceeded by his brother, III. Sir GODFREY, m. Elizabeth, da. of Gilbert Cooper, of Lockear, co. Derby, esq., and by her had one son, IV. Sir GODFREY, m., 27 June 1786, Elizabeth, da. of Richard Vassal, of the island of Jamaica, esq., (which m. was dis- solved by act of Parliament ; she m., 2dly, 9 July 1797, Henry-Richard, lord Holland,) and by her had issue, 1. Sir Godfrey- Vassal, present bart. 2. Henry, a col. in the army. 3. Harriet, m., 5 June IBlf), the hon. Fleetwood Pellew, 2d son of Edward, 1st viscount Exmouth. Sir Godfrey took the surname of Vassal only, by royal sign manual, 1793, but drop- ped it again after the dissolution of his mar- riage. He d. 3 June 1800, and was succeed- ed by his son, V. Sir GODFREY-VASSAL, present bart. Arms— See Plate 14. Azure, on a bend, argent, cottised, or, between two demi- lions, rampant, ermine, a rose, gules, seed- ed and leaved, proper, between two boars' heads, couped, sable. Crest- A dragon's head, couped, regard- ant, quarterly, per fess, embattled, vert, and or, with "flames of fire issuing out of his mouth, proper. Seat— At Battle Abbey, co. Sussex. DOLBEN, of Thingdon", alias Finedon, co. Northampton. 1 April 1704. Sir JOHN-ENGLISH DOLBEN, Baronet, F.A.S., born 4 INIay 1750, succeeded his father, sir William, 20 March 1814; married^ Oct. 1779'» Hannah, da. of William Hallett, jnn., of Cannons, co. Middlesex, esq., and has issue, 1. William-Somerset, b. 22 July 17^0, ?«., 19 Nov. 1812, Frances, da. of capt. VFalter Saunders, and d. 1 Feb. 1817-( leaving issue, Anne-JuUa, b. 9 Jan. 1814, and Frances, b. 20 July 181C; 2. Cako- LiNE, b. 1781, d. 1789; 3. Juliana, b. 9 Sept. 1783; 4. Har- riett, b. 1785, d. 1786 ; 5. Charlotte, b. 5 Dec. 1787, m., 11 Sept. 1806, the rev. Samuel Woodfield Paul, vicar of Finedon ; G. Louisa, b. 5 Feb. 1789. This family is very ancient co. Denbigh, and has branched into several houses. The name is presumed to be taken from Dol- Ben-Maen, a place between Caernarvon and Pemnorfa. John Dolben, father of the 1st bart., after serving as a military officer, and having been twice severely wounded in the service of Charles I. in the civil wars, became a clergyman, and after several successive pro- motions, was finally translated to the arch- bishoprick of York, in 1083, and d. in 1006. His younger brother, sir William, was one of the justices of the court of King's Bench, and d. in 1093. I. Sir GILBERT, eldest son and heir of the archbishop, 1st bart., was one of the justices of the court of Common Pleas, in Ireland, and M.P. for Ripon, Peterborough, and S. Yarmouth; nu Anne, eldest da. and co-h. of Tanfield Mulso, of Finedon, co. Northampton, esq., by whom he had issue. Sir John, 2d bart. He d. 22 Oct. 1722, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN, D.D., and prebendary of Durham, b. 12 Feb. 1683-4, ni. Elizabeth, 2d. da. of William, lord Digby, in Ireland, by whom (who rf. 4 Nov. 173(i) he had, be- sides other children who d. young, 1. Sir William, 3d bart. 2. Elizabeth, m. John-NichoUs Rayns- ford, of Brixworth, co. Northampton, esq., and (/. his widow, Feb. 1810. 3. Frances, b. 23 July 1723, d. unm. I 4. Anne, b. Sept. 1725, d. zinm. Sir John d. 20 Nov. 1750, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, III. Sir WILLIAM, w., 1st, 17 May 1748, Judith, da. and sole h. of Somerset English, esq., (by Judith, da. and h. of Hugh Rea- son, of Hampnells, co. Sussex, by his wife, da. and sole h. of sir Joseph Sheldon, knt., lord mavor of London,) and had issue, 1. SirJcHN-ENGLiSH, present bart. 2. Anna-Ji'liana, rf. 25 Nov. 1804. Sir William m., 2dlv, 14 Oct. 1789, Char- lotte, da. of Gilbert Affleck, of Dalham Hall, CO. Suffolk, esq., relict of John Scotch- mer, esq., and by her (who d. 12 March 1820) had no issue. Sir Williaiu d. 20 March 1814, and was succeed chI by liis only son, IV. Sir JOHN-ENGLISH, present bart. Arms—Svi' Plate 14. Sable, a helmet, close, between three jiheons, their points towards the centre, argent. Crest— A griftin, sejant, resting the dexter fore foot on a pheon, point downwards. Seat— At Thingdon, aUas Finedon, co. Northampton. FLEMING.— MILLER, 155 FLEMING, of Rydal, co. Westmoreland. 4 Oct. 1705. Sir RICHARD FLEIMING, Baronet, in holy orders, Rector of Grass- mere and Windermere, co. Westmoreland, succeeded his brother, sir Daniel, 1821 ; born 4 Nov. IJOl ; married, Oct. 1825, Sarah, da. of W. B. Brad- shaw, of Alton Hall, co. Lancaster, esq,, and has issue, 1. Elizabeth- Sarah-Axne-Bradshaw, b. 12 Nov. 182G; 2. MICHAEL, J. 6 April 1828; 3. Isabella-Maria, b. 17 Dec. 1829; 4. WilliaxM, b. 17 Oct. 1832. This family derives its descent from sir Michael le Fleming, knt., who, being related to Baldwin V., earl of Flanders, was sent to assist William the Conqueror, his son-in- Jaw, who sent him some years after, with some of his countrymen, into Cumberland, to oppose Lhe Scots, for which services the Conqueror gave him the castle of Gleaston, and other estates in Lancashire and Cum- berland, and also the castle of Caernarvon. The present family of Rt/dal proceeds from Richard, 2d son of sir Michael, who was settled in Cumberland. The elder branch, which was seated in Lancashire, ended in an heir-female, m. to Cancefield, temp. Hen. Sir Daniel Fleming, of Rydal, knt., 21st in descent from Michael betbre named, m. Barbara, eldest da. of sir Henry Fletcher, of Hutton, bart., and d. 1/01, leaving, be- sides other issue, 1. Sir William, 1st bart. 2. Sir George, 2d bart. 3. Michael, m. Dorothy Benson, and left issue a son, sir William, who became 3d bart. 4. Roger, ancestor of the late bart. 1. Sir Wli-LL-VM, 1st bart., was so creat- ed 1705, with remainder to the issue male of sir Daniel Fleming, his father; m. Do- rothy, da. of Thomas Rowlandson, by whom he had issue, 1. Dorothy, m. Edward Wilson, esq. 2. Barbara, m. Edward Parker, esq. 3. Catharine, m. sir Peter Leicester, bart. Sir William d. 29 Aug. 1736, and was suc- ceeded by his brother, H. Sir GEORGE, in holy orders, and successively archdeacon, dean, and bishop of Carlisle; m. Catharine, da. of Robert Jefferson, by whom he had issue, 1. William, M.A., archdeacon of Car- lisle, m., 173.0, Dorothy, da. of Daniel Wil- son, of Dalham Tower, esq., and d. in his father's lifetime, leaving an only da., Ca- rherine, who m. Thomas Ayscough, esq. 2. Mary, m. Humphrey Senhouse, esq. 3. Barbara, d. young. 4. Catharine, w.Joseph-Dacre Appleby, of Kirkhngton, esq. j3. Mildred, m. Edward Stanley, of Pon- sonby Hall, co. Cumberland, esq. (j. Elizabeth, d. in her infancy. Sir George d. 2 July 1747, without suryivnig male issue, and was succeeded by his ne- phew and heir in tail, III. Sir WILLL\M, ?n. Elizabeth, da. of Christopher Petyt, esq., of Skipton ni Craven, co. York, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Michael, 4th bart. 2. Amelia, d. unm. 3. Barbara, m. Edward Parker, of Bromsholme, co. York, esq., and d. 23 April 1313. 4. Elizabeth, m. Andrew Huddlestone, of Hutton-John, co. Cumberland, esq. 5. Dorothy, m. George-Edward Stanley, esq. This sir William, being desirous to re- store the primitive orthography of the fa- mily name, by inserting the particle le, attained his object by adding that particle at the end of his son's Christian name, at his baptism. Sir William was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir MICHAEL-LE, »)., 23 Nov- 1/82, Diana Howard, da. and sole h. of Thomas, 14th carl of Suffolk, and by her (who d. June WKi) had issue, Anne-Frederica-Elizabeth, )n.,4 Feb. I8O7, sir Daniel le Fleming, late bart. Sir Michael d. 19 May 1806, and was suc- ceeded by V. Sir DANIEL, 5th bart., descended from Roger Fleming, A.M., brother of the 1st bart., m., 4 Feb. I8O7, his cousin, Anna- Frederica-Elizabeth, as above stated, d. 1821, and was succeeded by his brother, VI. Sir RICHARD, present bart. Arms— See Plate 14. Gules, a fret, argent. Crest — A serpent, nowed, holding in his mouth a garland of olives and vines, all proper. Motto — Pa.r, copia, sapientia. 6ea«— Rydal Hall, co. Westmoreland. MILLER, of Chichester, co. Sussex. 29 Oct. 1705. Sir THOMAS MILLER, Baronet, in holy orders, Vicar of Froyle, CO. Hants, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 4 Sept. 1816; married, 5 May 1824, Martha, eldest da. of the rev. John Holmes, of Bungay, co. Suffolk. L Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., m. Hannah, da. of , by whom he had sir John, 2d bart., and other children ; Elizabeth, one of his das., m. John, eldest son of sir Rich- ard Farrington, of Chichester, bart. Sir Thomas d. 2 Dec. 1705, and his lady 11 Jan. 1706. II. Sir JOHN, eldest son and successor to his father, m., 1st, Margaret, da. of John Peachey, of Chichester, esq., by whom (who d. 23 Sept. 1701 ) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. 156 DASHWOOD-KING. 2. Emblem, d. 6 Jan. 1718. He m., 2dly, Anne, da. of William Elson, of Groves, co. Sussex, by whom (who d. (i May 1709) he had two children ; and 3dly, Eliza- beth, eldest da. of sir William Meux, of Kingston, Isle of Wight, bart., and by her (who d. his widow, 22 April 1756) had issue, 3. Elizabeth, m., 10 Jan. 1737, sir Ed- ward Worsley, of Gatcombe, knt., and d. March 1774. 4. Anne, d, unm. 5. Jane, m. capt. Bockland. Sir John had a son, 6. John , m. Mary, only da. and h. of Rich- ard Challen, of Oving, co. Sussex, (who re-m. rev. Thomas Turner, of Betchworth, CO. Surrey,) and d. 173.5, leaving issue. And other das., of whom, 7. Hannah, m. Thomas Gooch, D.D., bishop of Norwich. 8. Mary, m. the rev. John Backshell, and d. 2 May 1738. 9. Margaret, m. Thomas Yates, esq. but whether these were by the 1st or 2d wife is unknown. Sir John d. 29 Nov. 1721i and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir THOMAS, m. Jane, da. of Fran- cis Gother, alderman of Chichester, by whom (who d. Dec. 1734) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 4th bart. 2. Thomas, d. unm., aged about 21. 3. Henry ; 4. Jane, m Bye. Sir Thomas d. Nov. 1733, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, m. Susan, da. of Matthew Combe, of Winchester, M.D., and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 5th bart. 2. George, d. unm., 1755. 3. Combe, M;A., dean of Chichester, b. 1745, m. Joan, da. and sole h. of the rev. Green, of Eccles, co. Norfolk, and d. without issue. 18 Feb. 1814. 4. Charles, b. 1750, >»., and left a da., Eleanor, m. John Heberden, M.D. S.Jane, b. 1735, nu, I757, Henry-William Wilson, esq., father of Robert Wilson, Lord Berners. 6. Margaret, b. 1742, m. Charles Gar- nier, of Wickham Corner, co. Hants, esq. 7. Susannah, 6. 1737. 8. Anne, b. 1743, m., 20 April 177", George, 3d earl of Albemarle, K.G., and d. 3 July 1824, leaving issue, William-Charles, present and 4th earl. Sir John rf. 19 April 1772, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir THOMAS, m. 1st, Hannah, da. of alderman Black, of Norwich, and had issue, 1. Susannah, in. sir John St. Leger Gil- man, of Cork, bart., d. 180S. 2. Hannah. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. and sole h. of Edwards, esq., and had issue, 3. John, rf. unm. 22 April 1804. 4. Sir Thomas, present bart. 5. Frances; 6. Mary. 7. Elizabkth. Sir Thomas rf. 4 Sept. 1816, aged 85, and was succeeded by his only son, VI. Sir THOMAS, in holy orders, present bart. Arms — See Plate 14. Argent, afesswavy, azure, between three wolves' heads, erasea, gules. Seat— hi Froyle, near Alton, co. Hants. DASH WOOD, (now DASHWOOD-KING,) of West-Wycombe, co. Bucks. 28 June 1707. Sir JOHN DASHWOOD-KING, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John, G Dec. 1793; married, 1789, Mary-Anne, da. of Theodore-Henry Broadhead, esq., by whom he has issue, 1. Mary, m., Sept. 1815, Au- gustus-Fitzhardinge Berkeley, esq.; 2. GEORGE-HENRY, m., 25 March 1823, his cousin, Elizabeth, da. of Theodore-Henry Broadwood, esq. ; 3. Francis, d. unm. 27 Feb. 1817 ; 4. Elizabeth, m., Oct. 1821, W. H. Sober, of White Staunton, co. Wilts, esq. ; 5. John ; 6. Ed- ward, in the army, m., 12 June 1821, Amelia, 2d da. of the rev. Robert Hare, of Hurstmonceaux, co. Sussex ; 7' Henry, in holy orders, wj., 19 Sept. 1826, Anne, 3d da. of William Leader, of Putney Hill, esq. This family is descended from Francis Dashwood, of London, elder brother of al- derman George Dashwood, who was father of sir Robert, of Kivtlington, co. Oxon, created a bart. l(i}!4 (see that title.) This Francis had, besides other issue, 2 sons ; sir Samuel, alderman of London, ancestor of the Dashwoxisof SuiTolk and Lincoln, and I. Sir FRANCIS, 1st bart., m., 1st, Mary, only da. of John Jennings, gent., by whom he had 2 das., 1. Mary, m. sir Ful war Skipwith, bart. 2. Susanna, m, sir Orlando Bridgeman, bart. He m., 2dly, Mary, da. of Vere, 4th earl of IVestmoreland, and co-h. of her brothers, v'cre, Thomas, and John, 5th, Cth, and 7th earls, and of the ancient barony of Le De- spcncer, by whom he had, 3. Sir Francis, 2d bart. 4. Rachabl, m., Nov. 1738, sir Robert Austin, bart., and rf. 19 Aug. 17IO. Sir Francis ?».,3dly, Mary, da. of major King, by whom he had, 5. Sir John, 3d bart. 6. Charles, 6. 4 Nov. 1717. and d. at Paris, unm. 7. Henri ETTA, rf. young. 8. Mary,???. John vv'alcott.esq. He ??)., 4thly, Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Windsor, 1st earl of Plymouth, by whom he had no issue. Sir Francis rf. 4 Nov. 1724, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir FRANCIS, b. Dec. 17O8. On the death of John, 7th earl of Westmoreland, 15 Aug. 17<»2, he succeeded, in right of his mother, to the baroni/ of Le Di'sjcnrer, (vide baron Le Dcxpcneer /?? Dchrctt'n Peerage of the United Kingilom,) and had confirmation of the barony, and writ of summons, 19 April 17(i3. He was made keeper of the great wardrobe, 29 April 17G3, and, in May LAMBERT—LAKE. 167 following, lord lieutenant co. Buckingham. He was likewise chancellor of the exchequer from 29 May 17fE, m. Archibald Stewart, advocate, son of sir Thomas Stewart, bart. 6. 7. 8. 9. Four other das. Sir George was succeeded by his eldest son, IL Sir JOHN, m.,1720, Harriet, da. of sir Patrick Johnston, lord Provost of Edin- burgh, and had issue, 1. George, in the army served during the 7 years' war in Germany as major in the royal regt. of horse guards, and d. in Ger- many. 2. 'Sir Patrick, 3d bart. 3. Grizel, b. 1723, m. the hon. Charles Napier, son of Charles, 5th lord Napier, and d. without issue. 4. Margaret. 5. Henrietta, both ri. ?/w)?<. 6. Jane, m. the rev. Charles Lorimer. 7. Joan, b. 1733, d. imm. Sir John d. in Jan. 1773, and was succeeded by his son, "III. Sir PATRICK, b. 7 March 1731, king's remembrancer in the Court of Ex- chequer, m., 1780, miss H. Blair, and had issue, 1. Charlotte, b. Sept. 1784, /«., Aug. 1806, colonel John Dalrymple, of the 22d regt. of foot, next brother to sir Hugh-Dal- rymple Hamilton, of Bargany, co. Berwick, bart. 2. Sir George, present bart. 3. John, b. March 1786, w., 1st, 10 April 1823, lady Julia-Jane, youngest da. of James, earl of Lauderdale, and 2dly, 25 June 1831, Frances-Henrietta, da. of Richard-Pepper, 1st lord Alvanley. Sir Patrick d. m 1799, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Arms — See Plate 15. Argent, on a bend, wavy, between six roses, gules, three plates. Ci-fist—A hare, passant, proper. Motto — Tndustria. Seat — At Lochend, in East Lothian, Scot- land. MILNER, of Nun Appleton Hall, co. York. 26 Feb. 171 6-7. Sir WILLIAM-MORDAUNT-STURT MILNER, Baronet, bom 21 Oct. 1779, succeeded his father, sir William -Mordaunt, 9 Sept. 1811 ; married, 1st, in 1803, , da. of the right hon. Henry-Theophilus Cle- ments, brother of Robert, 1st earl of Leitrim, and grandda. of the right hon. John Beresford, and by her (who d. 23 IMay 1805) had issue, 1. Selina-Catherine-Diana, d. uum. 1 Sept. 1834; 2. Catherine- Frances-Naxnette, m., 30 Aug. 1827, rev. David Markham, canon of AVindsor, and vicar of Stillingfleet. He m., 2dly, 8 IMay 1809, Harriet- Elizabeth, da. of lord Edward Bentinck, son of William, 2d duke of Port- land, and by her has issue, 3. Harriet-Emily-Mary, m., Dec. 160 ELTON. 1828, George-Saville Foljambe, of Osberton, co. Nottir^ham, esq., and d. 28 Dec. 1830, aged 20; 4. Charlotte-Catherine; 5. Caro- line-Elizabeth-Mary ; 6. Faxny-Frederica-Sophia; 7' Georgina-Selina-Septima; 8. Louisa; 9. WILLIAM-MOR- DAUNT-EDWARD, b. 20 June 1820 ; 10. Henry-Beilby-Wil- liam, b. 17 Dec. 1823 ; 11. Laura-Emma. Sir William was many years receiver-gene- ral of the excise: he d. 1774, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir WILLIAM -MORDAUNT, nu, I774, Diana, da. of Humphrey Sturt, of Critchill House, co. Dorset, and by her (who d. Jan. 1805) had issue, 1. Sir William-Mordaunt-Sturt, pre- sent and 4th bait. 2. Charles-William, b. 20 May 1788, in the army. 3. Geokge-William-Thomas,6. 27June 1793, in holy orders, m., 4 Sept. 1816, Sarah- Georgiana, 2d da. of the rev. George Buck- stone, of Ashbourne, co. Derby, and d. Dec. 1824. 4. Dtana-Elizabeth, b. 16 Dec. 1778, tm., 2 June 1804, sir Francis-Hastings Doyle, bart., and rf. 14 Jan. 1828. 5. Emily-Mary, b. 16 Aug. 1783. Sir William-Mordaunt, d. 9 Sept. 1811, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, IV. Sir WILLIAM-MORDAUNT. STURT, present bart. Amis—See Plate 15. Per pale, or and sable, a chevron, betv.'een three horses' bits, counterchanged. Crest— A horse's head couped, argent, bridled and maned, or, and charged on the neck with a bezant, between two wings, gold. Sefl^— At Nun Appleton, near Tadcaster, CO. York. Richard MiLNER, merchant and alder- man of Leeds, (son and heir of Marmaduke Milner, of Calvet House, in Swaledale,) d. 1659, leaving a son and heir, William, whose 3d son, William, was mayor of Leeds 1697; and by Mary, da. of Joshua Ibbetson, esq., also mayor of Leeds, had, besides other issue, a son and heir, I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., m. Elizabeth, da. of sir William Dawes, bart., archbishop of York, by whom (who d. 9 March 1782) he had, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Mary, m. sir John Lindsey, bart. Sir William d. 23 Nov. 1745, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir WILLIAM, m., 1747, Elizabeth, youngest da. and co-h. of the rev. George Mordaunt, younger brother to Charles, earl of Peterborough, by whom (who d. his wi- dow in 1785) he had issue, 1. Elizabeth, d. unm. 1829. 2. Anastasia-Maria. 3. Sir William-Mordaunt, 3d bart. 4. George, b. 1760, a general in the army, m, Charlotte, widow of Fitzgerald, esq., but has no issue. 5. Louisa-Sarah, m., 1789, the rev. Ed- ward .Townshend, nephew to Charles, 1st marquess Townshend. 6. Henry-Stephen, b. 1674, in holy or- ders, D.C.L., treasurer of St. Asaph, and rector of Thrybergh, co. York. 7. Henriktta-Maria. ELTON, of the City of Bristol. 31 Oct. 1717. Sir ABRAHAM ELTON, Baronet, in holy orders, born 23 March 1755, succeeded his father, sir Abraham-Isaac, in 1790 ; married, T Nov. 1776, EHzabeth, eldest da. of sir John Durbin, of Walton, knt., merchant and alderman of Bristol, by whom (who d. April 1822) he had issue, 1. CHARLES-ABRAHAM, h. 31 Oct. 1778, m., in 1804, Sarah, eldest da. of Joseph Smith, esq., merchant, of Bristol, and has issue, Abraham and Charles (both drowned in 1819); Arthtlr, b. 1818; Edmond, b. 1821 ; Henry ^ b. G May 1825; Julia; Caroline; Lvcy, w., 2 Jan. 1828, the rev. William-Tierney Elton, rector of White Stanton, co. Somerset, and 3d son of Isaac Elton, of Stapleton House, co. Gloucester, esq. ; Laura ; Maria- Catherine^ m., 28 May 1833, George Robbins, esq., late capt. 17th lancers ; Mary, and Jane; 2. Julia-Maria, b. 28 March 1783, m., 1807, Henry Hallam, esq.; 3. William, lieut.-col. in the army, b. 6 Jan. 1785; 4. Henry, capt. R.N., b. IG July 178G, ?n., 20 July 1816, Mary, da. of the late sir Francis Ford, bart., and relict of Peter Touchet, esq., by whom he has issue, Julia and Sophia, and another da.; 5. Frances-Elizadeth, b. 15 April 1797, d. 1822. Sir Abraham m,, 2dly, 29 March 1823, Mary, eldest da. of the late William Stewart, esq., of Castle-Stewart, co. Wigtoun. This baronet is descended from a very George I., of which city he was mayor in ancient family, of the Hazels, cos. Hereford 1710; m. Mary, da. of Robert Jeffries, of and Gloucester. Pilegreen, co. Gloucester, by whom he had I. Sir ABRAHAM, the 1st bart., was is.sue, member for Bristol, in the 2d parliament of 1. Sir Abraham, 2d barti BRIDGES. 161 2. Isaac, a merchant, d. 22 Oct. 1714, having had 2 das., both named Mary. 3. Jacob, who was mayor of Bristol in 1733. He d. 15 June 17(i5, having been twice married, 1st, to miss Small; 2dly, April 1739, to Elizabeth, relict of George Bridges, by whom he had no issue. By his 1st wife he had, 1. Abraham, mayor of Bristol, 1753, m. Mary, da. of mr. Thrubshaw, and rf. 17t)2, leaving issue by her (who d. 1768) one da., Mari/. 2. Isaac, was mayor of Bristol in 1761 ; he m. Mary, da. of Edward Mortimer, by whom he had, Abraham, d. ttnm. 30 Jan. 1762; Isaac, m., 1st, Sarah, da. of Samuel Peach, esq., by whom he had 1 son, Abra- ham, and 2dly, a da. of James Ferney; Jacob, d. 8 March 1702, having m. miss Elizabeth Matthews, who after his death m. the rev. John Casberd, D.D. ; Edward, b. 21 Oct. 1742; Mart/, b. 10 Dec. 1743, m. 1762, Michael Miller, esq. ; Elizabeth, d. unm. March 1767. 3. Mary, m. mr. Prescott. 4. Elizabeth, m. Peter Day, of Bristol, esq. Sir Abraham d. 9 Feb. 1727-8, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ABRAHAM, M.P. for Taunton in the last parliament of king George I., and for Bristol 1727; m. Abigail, da. of Edmund Bayley, of Frome Selwood, co. Somerset, esq., and had issue. 1. Sir Abraham, 3d bart. 2. Jacob, a capt. R.N., who was killed in a sea-fight, 29 March 1745, ?w. Caroline, da. and co-h. of Charles Yate, esq., by whom he had no issue. 3. Sir Abraham-Isaac, 4th bart. 4. Mary, m. James Heywood, of Maris- tow House, CO. Devon, esq. 5. Elizabeth, m. capt. Forster. Sir Abraham rf. Oct. 1742, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir ABRAHAM, who d. unm., 29 Nov. 17*31, and was succeeded by his only surviving brother, IV. Sir ABRAHAM-ISAAC, m., 26 Dec. 1747, Elizabeth, da. of James Read, m.er- chant, by whom he had, 1. Sir Abraham, present bart. 2. Mary, b. 175], m., 1770, Oldfield Bowles, of North Aston, co. Oxford, esq. 3. Sarah, b. 1752, m., 1782, the rev. Hector Munro, of Ireland. 4. Elizabeth, rf. an infant. Sir Abraham-Isaac rf. in 1790, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, V. The rev. sir ABRAHAM, present bart. Arms— See Plate 15. Paly of six, gules and or, on a bend, sable, three mullets, ar- gent. Crest — An arm embowed m armour, pro- per, holding in the gauntlet a scimitar, ar- gent, hilt and pommel, or tied round the arm wilh a riband, vert. Seat—\t Clevedon Court, near Bristol. BRIDGES, of GooDXESTON, co. Kent. 19 April I7I8. Sir BROOK-WILLIAM BRIDGES, Baronet, M.A., horn 2 June 1801, succeeded his father, sir Brook-William, 21 April 1829 ; married, 4 July 1834, Fanny, eldest da. of the late Lewis Cage, esq., of Alilgate, co. Kent. This family is of considerable antiquity in Ireland, where several of the branches have now considerable estates; but the first that settled in England was John Bridges, of South Littleton, co. Worcester, who, in Nov. 1578, purchased a house and lands at Alcester, co. Warwick. Fifth in descent from him was, 1. Sir BROOK, the 1st bart., who for many years was one of the auditors of the imprest, m., 1st, in I707, Margaret, da. of sir Robert Marsham, bart., afterwards lord Romney, (ancestor of the earls of Romney,) by whom he had, 1. Sir Brook, 2d bart. 2. Margaret. Sir Brook m., 2dly, Mary, 2d da. of sir Tho- mas Hales, bart., by whom he had, 3. Thomas, rf. an infant. Sir Brook rf. 16 March I727-8, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir BROOK, w. Elizabeth, da. and one of the three co-h. of sir Thomas Pal- mer, bart., by whom (who survived him and re-m. the hon. col. Charles Feilding, brother of Basil, 4th earl of Denbigh) he had one posthumous son. Sir Brook, 3d bart. Sir Brook rf. 23 May 1733, and was succeed- ed by his son, III. Sir BROOK, m., 1765, Fanny, da. of Edward Fowler, of Graces, co. Essex, esq*, and by her (whorf. 16 March 1825) had issue, 1. Brook, rf. 9 July 1781. 2. Sir William, 4th bart. ( 3. Henry, b. 1 June 1769, who assumed the name of Brook, w!., 1 July 1769, Jane, 2d da. of sir Thomas-Pym Hales, of Beakesbourne, co. Kent, bart., by whom he has, 1. Jane, b. 13 Oct. 1797- 2. Brook-Henry, 6. 14 Feb. 1799, barrii- ter-at-law, rf. 17 June 1829. 3. Mary, b. 13 April 1803. 4. Thomas-Pymm, b. 22 Oct. 1805. 5. Ameha, b. 22 April 1812. 4. Charles, rf. young. 5. Brook-Edward, b. 7 Sept. 1779, m,, 22 Nov. 1809, Harriet, 2d da. of the late John Foote, esq., rf. 23 April 1825, leaving issue, 1. Eleanor-Harriet, b. 5 March 1811. 2. Fanny, b. 13 March 1812. 3. Louisa, b. 7 March 1813. % 4. Brook-Edward, b. 1 May 1814. 5. Charles, b. 31 July 1815.' 6. John-Emilius, b. 6 Feb. 1817- 7. George-Talbot, b. 10 May 1818. 8. Harriett, b. 19 June 1820. 6. Brook-John, in holy orders, 6.22 Nov* 178?, m., Dec. 181(», Charlotte, 3d da. of sir Henry Hawley, bart.; he rf. 12 July 1812 without issue, 7. Brook-George, rf. in the West Indies, 4 April 1807. 8. Fanny, b. 1771, m., 14 Dec. 1791, Lewis Cage, esq., both rf. 9. Sophia, b. 9 May 1772, m., '■I'J Dec. 1791, William Deddes, of Hythe-Mow, co. Kent, esq. 10. Elizabeth, 6. 23 May 1773, m., on the 162 BLUNT. same day with her preceding sister, Edward | Austen.of Godmersham Park, co. Kent, esq. 11. MARiANNis, b. 19 Nov. 1774, d April 1811. 12. Louisa, b. Aug. 1777. 1:3. Harriet-Mary, b. 20 Feb. 1781, m., 11 Oct. 18(i(i, the rev George Moore, M.A., rector of Wrotham, co. Kent, eldest son of dr. John Moore, archbishop of Canterbury. Sir Brooli d. Sept. 1791, and was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir BROOK-WILLIAM, 4th bart., who assumed the name of Brook before his baptismal name of William*, b. 22 June 1767, m., 1st, 14 Aug. 1800, Eleanor, eldest da. of the late John Foote, of Lombard Street, London, esq., and by her (who d. 29 Jan. 1806) had issue, 1. Sir Brook-William, 5th and present bart. 2. Brook-George, 6. 12 Oct. 1802, in holy orders, m., 15 Nov. 1832, Louisa, da. of Charles Chaplin, of Blankney, co. Lincoln, esq. 3. Brook-John, b. 2 Sept. 1804, d. an infant. 4. Eleanor, 6. 13 Nov. 1805, m., April 1828, rev. Western Plumtre, rector of East- wood, CO. Notts. Sir Brook >n., 2dly, 15 Dec. 180P, Dorothy- Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir Henry Hawley, bart., (which lady rf. 17 May 1810, without issue,) and dying 21 April 1829, was suc- ceeded by his son, V. SirBROOK-WILLIAM, present bart. Arms— See Plate 15. Azure, three water bougets, or, within a border, ermine. Crest— 0\xt of a ducal coronet, or, a Moor's head, sable, banded, argent. Seat — At Goodneston, co. Kent. BLUNT, of London. 17 June 1720. Sir CHARLES-RICHARD BLUNT, Baronet, IM.P. for Lewes, co. Sussex, born G Dec. 1775? succeeded his fatlier, sir Charles-W'illiHm, 29 Aug. 1802 ; married, 20 March 1824, Sophia, da. of Richard Barker, of London, esq., and widow of Richard Aehmiity, esq., and has issue, WALTER, b. 16 March 1826. This family is supposed to be descended from a junior branch of the Blounts, of Sod- ington. which was seated at Eye and Stret- ton, CO. Hereford. Sir John Blunt, the 1st bart., was summoned before the Court of Chivalry, 1732, and fined for using the arms of the above family without right ; he ap- pealed however from the sentence, and a day was appointed for hearing his appeal; but no farther proceedings took place. I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart, ni., 1st, mrs. Eliza- beth Court, IG July 1089, who d. 22 March 1707-8, m., 2dly, 22 Dec. 1713, Susannah, da. of Richard Craddock, esq., some'time gover- nor of Bengal, and relict, 1st, of John Ban- ner, and afterwards of Benjamin Tudman, esq., and by her had no issue : she d. 21 Dec. 1752: but by his first wife he had 13 children, whereof five sons and two das. survived him, 1. John, b. 23 July 1G94, d. unm. 2. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 3. Charles, 6. 4 Nov. 17OO, in the army, d. 1747, having m. Mary, da. of Peter Short, of Tenterden, co. Kent, esq., and had issue, an only son, Harry, of Ringiner, co. Sussex, m. and had issue an (mly son, sir Charles-Bur- rell Blunt, K.M.T., who w., 1st, Eliza- beth-Anne, da. of John Wyche, of Salis- bury, esi]., and 2dly, liis cousin, Elizabeth Blimt, hereafter mentioned. 4. William, b. 4 July 1704. 5. Thomas, b. March I707-8. 6. Rachael, the eldest da., b. 21 Jan. 1697-8, m. Samuel, son of Charles-Blunt, esq., cousin-german to sir John, and sur- viving him was re-m., May 1739, to John Parkes. 7. Elizabeth, b. 9 Dec. 170.5. Sir John d. 24 Jan, 1732-3, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IL Sir HENRY, m., 172-1, Dorothy, eldest da. of William Nutt, esq., and had issue. 1. Sir Charles-William, 3d bart. 2. Henry, of Freshford, co. Somerset, esq., w. and had, 1. Walter ; 2. Harry, both rf. unm. 3. Walter, of Croydon, twice m., and left issue by both marriages. Sir Henry d. 12 Oct. 1759, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir CHARLES-WILLIAM, w., 22 July 17G4, Elizabeth, only da. of Richard Peers, esq., alderman of London, and sister and h. of sir Richard Peers, bart., who as- sumed the surname and arms of Simons, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Charlks-Richard, present bart. 2. Richard-Charles, b. 2 June 1776, m., 15 Nov. 1809, Eliza-Forbes, da. of the late captain Mercer, of the royal cavalry, and has, 1. Charles-Richard. 2, &c. Other children. 3. William, b. 7 Dec. 1780, m. Eliza, da. of General Richards, and has, 1. Charles. 2, &c. Other children. 4. Anna-Sophia, b. 13 May 1765, rf. tinm. 5. Elizabeth, b. and d. April 1766. 6. Louisa, b. 31 May 1767, m. William Dent, of Brickindonbury, Herts, esq., and d. 9 Marrli l!i:!3. 7. ^lARiA Thvphena, 6. 6 June 1768, m. sir Charles CockerelUof Sezincott, co. Glou- cester, bart., d. 8 Oct. 1789. 8. Elizabeth, b. 29 Sept. 1769, m. sir Charles-Burrell Blunt, 01 Ringmer, co. Sussex, K.M.T. 9. Charlotte, 6. Sept. 1772, w. lieut.-gen. sir Charles Inhoff, knt. 10. Lyuia, b. 25 Sept. 1773, m. sir Alex- ander Scton, bart. 11. Anna-Maria, b. 19 Aug. 1774, m. the hon. C. A. Bruce. 12. Dorothea, b. 23 Nov. 1778, m. Ed. ward Fletcher, of Alresford, co. Hants, esq * In Betham's Baronetage, and the former editions of this work, it has been said that this assumption was by licence from the archbishop of Canterbury. But this is im- possible, an act of parliament being theonly authority by which a baptismal name can be added to, or altered. CODRINGTON.— FREDERICK. 163 Sir Charles-William d. at Calcutta, 29 Aug. 1802, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir CHARLES-RICHARD, present bart. Anns— See Plate 15. Barry nebulee of six, or and sable, a crescent for clifference. Cre.st — The sun in glory, charged on the centre with an eye issuing'tears, all proper. Motto — L'f.r tun, vita mea. Sec//.?— Heathfield Park, Sussex ; Croydon, Surrey ; Lydiard Millicent, Wilts. CODRINGTON, of DodinCxTON, co, Gloucester. 21 April 1721. Sir WILLIAM-RAIMOND CODRINGTON, Baronet, born at Rennes in France, 25 Jan. 1800, succeeded his father, sir ^Villiam, 5 Sept. 1816; married Anne-3[arie, da. of mons. Joseph Le Fer Bonaban, of St. Maloes, and has a SON and heir, b. 2 March 1829. This family is a younger branch of the Codnngto)is, of Codringtoh, eo. Gloucester, which was a family of considerable import- ance in this county, temp. Hen. IV., John Codrington, esq., being standard-bearer to king Hen. V. in his wars with France. Christopher Codrington, a younger son of this family, went with his fortune to Barba- does, teinp. king Charles I., where he m. and d., leaving two sons, Christopher and John. Christopher became lieut.-gov. of the island of Barbadoes, and afterwards capt.-gen. of the Leeward Islands, in which post he d., leaving only two sons, one of them of his own name. John, his brother, was colonel of the life-guards in Barbadoes, treasurer, and pri\-y-counsellor; m. a da. of col. Bates, of that island, by whom he had two sons, WilUam and John. Christopher, son of the capt.-gen., was a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford ; but afterwards betaking himself to a martial life, attended king William in the wars of Flanders, where he eminently sig- nalized himself, and afterwards succeeded his father in the government of the Leeward Islands. This gentleman is celebrated for his noble benefactions, ha\'ing bequeathed to the col- lege of All Souls the sum of £ 10,000 for the building of a library, and furnishing it with books, besides his own inestimable "library : he also gave an estate of .t'2( MM) per annum to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, for the building and endowment of a college at Barbadoes. He d. 7 April I7IO. I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., m., 12 March 17I8, Elizabeth, da. of William Bethell, of Swindon, by whom (who d. 5 Feb. 1761) he had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Johx-Archibald, m., but d. s.p. 1759. 3. Christopher, m., but d. s.p. 1797. 4 Edward, b. 22 June 1732, w. Rebecca L'Esturgeon, d. 1775, leaving issue, 1. Christopher, who took the surname of Bethell, 1797, >n., 15 Aug. 1796, Caro- lina-Georgiana-Harriot, da. of Thomas, 2d lord Foley, (by Harriot, 4th da. of William, 2d earl of Harrington, by Caro- line Fitzroy, eldest da. of Charles, 2d duke of Grafton, K.G.,) and has issue, Han-iot, b. 2 July 1797, d. 12 May 1831 ; Aima-Maria- Caroline, b. 11 July 1798, m., 3 Jan. 1826, the hon. Aithur-Thellusson, 4th son of the late lord Rendlesham ; Georgiana-Eli:a- beth, b. 16 July 1799, m., 18 April 1827 Henry Peyton, esq., only son of sir H Peyton, bart.; Man/, b. 30 Jan. 1801 Arma-Mai-ia, d. 1802 ; Anna-Maria, b. 1 Oct. 1803, rf. 20 May 1823; Christopher-William b. 12 March 1805; Cecilia, b. 19 Feb. 1807 Charles-Beth ell, b. 19 Sept. 1808; Elizabeth b. 18 Nov. 1809; Charlotte-Octavia, b. 5 Feb 1811, /«., 10 Dec. 1833, Henry-Lannoy Hun- ter, of Beach-hill, co. Berks, esq. ; Isabella d. an infant; Edward, b. 6 Aug. 1813; Em ma, b. 15 Dec. 1814, 2. William-John, took the name of Bethell, m. Anna -Maria, sister of -^— Challoner, of Gisborough, co. York, esq. 3. Sir Edward, vice-admiral of the white, G.C.B. K.S.L. K.S.G. F.R.S. and M.P. for Devonport, m. miss Hall, and has issue, Elizabeth, d. iinm.; Caroline, )»., Joseph- Lyons AValrond, of Antigua, and d. his widow, 6 Nov. 1833. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Five das. Sir William d. 17 Dec. 1738, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir "WILLIAM, ;»., 22 Feb. 1736, Anne, da. of Acton, and had issue, 1. Sir William, 3d bart. 2. Mary, m.^ 2 June 1745, George Ber- nard, captain of the 9th regt. of infantry, 4th son of Arthur Bernard, of Palace Anne, CO. Cork, younger brother of Francis Ber- nard, of Castle Mahon, great-grandfather of the 1st earl of Bandon. Sir William d. 11 March 1792, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir WILLIAM, b. 1739, m., 1st, Mary Kirke, by whom (who d. 20 April 1789) he had no issue. He m., 2dly, in France, Eleanor, da. of Godfrey Kirke, by whom (who d. at Rennes in France, 13 Feb. 1816) he had issue, 1. Sir Williaai-Raijioxd, present bart. 2. Mary-Anxe-Eleanor, b. 3 Feb. 1807- Sir William d. at Rennes, 5 Sept. 1816, and was succeeded by his only son, IV. Sir WILLIAM-RAIMOND, present bait. Arms— See Plate 15. Argent, a fess em- battled counter embattled sable, fretty gules, between three lioncels, passant, gules. C/-e^— A dragon's head, couped, gules, be- tween a pair of (dragon's) wings, cheeky, or and azure. FREDERICK, of Westminster, co. Middlesex. 10 June 1723. Sir RICHARD FREDERICK, Baronet, born 30 Dec. 1780, succeeded his father, sir John, 16 Jan. 1825. 1^4 FARNABY. Sir John Frederick, knt., (son of Chris- topher Frederick, serjeant-surgeon to king James I.,) was lord mayor of London 1662, and M.P. for that city 1663, and d. 1685, leaving a numerous issue : his eldest surviv- ing son and heir, Thomas Frederick, of Westminster, esq., m. Leonora, da. and h. of Charles Marescoe, of London, merchant, andrf. 1720, leaving issue by her (who d. 1730) several das. and two sons, 1. Sir John, 1st bart. 2. Sir Thomas, governor of Fort St. David in the East Indies, m., 11 Jan, 1704-5, Mary, da. of Moncrief, of Scotland, and rf. 1730, by whom (who re-ni. William Poynts, of Midgham House, co. Berks, esq.) he had issue, 1. Thomas, 6. 25 Oct. 170?, d. 29 Aug. 1740, unm. 2. Sir John, 4th bart. 3. Charles, K.B., b. 21 Dec. 1709, sur- veyor-general of the ordnance, m., 18 Aug. 1746, Lucy, da. of Hugh, 1st vis- count Falmouth, by whom hehad, Charles, b. 9 Oct. 1748; Thomas-Lenox, b. 25 March 1/50, captain R.N., who m. Anne Greig- son; John-Montague, b. 21 Feb. 1754, d. July following; Edward-Boscawen, b. 23 May, 1/62, col. in the army, and esquire to the late duke of York at the installa- tion, 1772; Augusta, b. 25 July 1747, »«• Thomas, son of sir George Prescott, knt. ; Luct/, b. 7 July 1752. 4. Marescoe, major-gen., b. 7 Dec. 1725, m., 1st, 12 June 1760, Sarah, da. of Ro- bert Pickering, by whom he had, Thomas, b. 22 April 1761 ; Robert, b. 1774 ; and m., 2dly, Sarah, da. of Davis. 5. Leonora, d. an infant. 6. Mary, m. Alexander Hume, esq., who d. 15 Sept. 1765. 7. Henrietta, m. Luke Spence, d. 1777- 8. Leonora, d. young. 9. Jane, d. young. 10. Hannah, m., 25 Aug. 1772, sir Abra- ham Hume, bart. (see that title.) I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., was so created, 1 June 1723, with remainder, on failure of issue male of his body, to his brother sir Thomas, and the heirs male of his body ; m., July 1727, a da. of Thomas Kinnersley, esq., by whom (who d. 31 Aug. 1749) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. Sir John d. Oct. 1755, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, d. unm. 24 March 1757, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir THOMAS, m. Elizabeth, da. of Peter Bathurst, of Clarendon Park, co. Wilts, esq., by whom (who d. 11 Sept. 1764) he had issue, 1. Elizabeth, b. 1758, m., 1778, sir John Morshead, bart. 2. Selina, b. 30 Jan. 1760, m. Robert Thistlewaite, esq. Sir Thomas d. without issue male, 16 Dec. 1770, when the title devolved, pursuant to the limitation, on his cousin, IV. Sir JOHN, eldest son of sir Thomas, brother of the 1st bart. He was one of the conmnissioners of his majesty's customs; ni., 22 Oct. 1741, Susannah, da. of sir Roger Hudson, of Sunbury, co. Middlesex, knt., by whom (who d. 29 June 1787) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 5th bart. 2. Susannah; 3. Mart; 4. Anne, all d. young. Sir John d. 9 April 1783, and was suc- ceeded by his son, V. Sir JOHN, 6. 18 March 1749, w. Mary, youngest da. and co-h. of Richard Garth, of Morden, esq., and by her (who d. Dec. 1794) had issue, 1. John, b. 20 Sept. 1779, a lieut. Cold- stream regt, of foot-guards, who was mor- tally wounded at the landing at Aboukir, in Egypt, and was buried on Nelson's Island. 2. Sir Richard, present bart. 3. Mary, d. young. 4. Thomas-Nathan, R.N., b. 11 July 1783, m., 12 Aug. 1816, Charlotte, da. of Robert Berney, of Annhigsley, co. Surrey, d. 21 Nov. 1818. 5. Susan-ELizabeth, 6. 6 Sept. 1784, m., Dec. 1824, Robert Jenkins, esq. 6. Christopher, in holy orders, b. 10 Dec. 1785, rector of Leotton, co. Lincoln. 7. Charlotte, b. 6 Feb. 1787, m., 13 May 1824, the rev. Richard St. Leger, of Star Cross, near Exeter, nephew of Hayes, viscount Doneraile. 8. Edward-Henry, in the army, b. 6 Aug. 1788. 9. Mary, b. 16 March 1790, m., 19 June 1815, James-Chamness Fyler, of Twicken- ham, CO. Middlesex, esq., and d. 2 April 1823. 10. Roger, in the army, b. 28 Nov. 1791. 11. Frances, b. 25 April 1793, m., 5 April 1811, Robert, 2d son of Robert Fellowes, of Shottisham, co. Norfolk, esq. Sir John d. 16 Jan. 1825, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, VI. Sir RICHARD, present bart. Arms—See Plate 15. Or, on a chief, azure, three doves, argent. Crest— On a chapeau, azure, turned up, ermine, a dove, as in the arms, holding m his beak an olive branch, proper. Heat — Burwood House, Surrey. FARNABY, of Kippington, co. Kent. 21 July 1726. Sir CHARLES-FRANCIS FARNABY, Baronet, lorn 17 Oct. 1787, succeeded his father, sir John, 1802; married, 29 Dec. 1810, Eliza, youngest da. of Thomas Morland, of Court-Lodge, Lamberhurst, co. Kent, esq., but has no issue. Of this family (which originally was seated in Cornwall) was Henri/ Farnabi/, esq., some time mayor of Fowey, co. Corn- wall, whose son, Thomas Farnabij, m. Do- rothy, da. of Thomas Foxcroft, of Bate- ly, CO. York, esq., and had issue, Thomas Farnaby, who was the first that settled at Kippington, co. Kent. He was very zealous ^\ in defence of his sovereign, king Charles I., and being suspected to have favoured the rising of the co. for the king, in the neigh- bourhood of Tunbridge, in 1643, he was first imprisoned in Newgate, and afterwards at Ely-House, Holborn. He d. 2 June 1647, leaving issue by his 1st wife, , da. of John Pierce, of Lascelles, esq., a son, HILL. 165 John; and by his 2d, Anne, da. of John Howson, bishop of Durham, 2 sons, Charles, who rf. without issue, and Francis (the elder) ?». Judith, da. of Richard Nicoll, of Highgate, co. Middlesex, esq., and had issue, 2 sons, 1. sir Charlks, the 1st bart. ; and 2. Francis, who was a student of Lin- coln's Inn, (/.during his father's lifetime, i/»m. I. Sir CHARLES, was knighted in 1715, and on 21 July 1726, was created a bart.; he 711. Elizabeth, da. of Nathaniel Letten, of Loudon, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Letten. 3. Sarah, m. sir Sydney-Stafford Smyth, knt., chief baron of the court of Ex- chequer. 4. Elizabeth, m. William Hale, of King's-Walden, co. Herts, esq. Sir Charles d, 27 April 1741, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, II. Sir' THOMAS, m. Mary, da. and co-h. of Montague Lloyd, D.D., and had issue, 1. Sir Charles, 3d bart. 2. Thomas, d. 3. Sir John, 4th bart. 4. Elizabeth, m. Charles Bering, of Barham Court, co. Kent, esq. Sir Thomas d. in 1700, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir CHaRLES, m. Penelope, rehct of Richard Charleton, of London, merchant, sister and co-h. of John Radcliffe, of Hit- chen Priory, co. Herts, esq. ; on succeeding to whose property, sir Charles assumed the name of Raddiffe, in addition to his own. Sir Charles d. in 175^2, and was succeeded bv his brother, 'IV. Sir JOHN, who was lieut.-col. of the 2d regt. of life-guards, nu Mary, sole da. and h. of Samuel Lennard, esq., and grand- da. of sir Samuel Lennard, of WicKham- Court, CO. Kent, bart., and by her (who d. 9 May 1833, at;, 83) had issue, 1. Sir Charles-Francis, present bart. 2. John-Samuel, b. 22 Oct. 1790, d. unm. 3 Dec. 1813. 3. Lennard-Motley, 6. 13 May 1792, killed at the storming of Fort Cornelius, in the island of Java, 11 Aug. 1811. 4. William-Thomas, b. 31 Oct. 1793, d. 20 Nov. 1809, unm. 5. Penelope-Annk, b. 19 May 1789, m., 30 March 1815, lieut.-col. William Cator, and d. 6 Dec. 1833. Sir John d. iu 1802, and was succeeded by his son, V. Sir CHARLES-FRANCIS, the pre- sent bart. Arms— See Plate 15. Argent, three bars, gemels, gules ; on a bend, or, a lion passant, of the 2d. Crest— On a mural coronet, or, a stork, holding in its bill a snake, all proper, and charged on the neck with three bars ge- melles, argent. Seat— At Wickhara-Court, near Bromley; CO. Kent. HILL, of Hawkestone, co. Salop. 20 Jan. 1726-7. Sir ROWLAND HILL, Baronet, M.P. co. Salop, born 10 May 1800, succeeded his grandfather, sir John, 21 May 1824 ; married., 21 July 1831, Ann, onlv surviving child of Joseph Clegg, of Peplow Hall, co. Salop, esq., ^nd has issue, ROWLAND-CLEGG, b. 5 Dec. 1833. 1. Sir Richard, 2d bart. 2. Rowland ; 3. John, both d. young. 4. Jane, d. num. .5. Elizabeth, b. 20 Feb. 1739, m., 7 June 1762, Clement Tudway, of Wells, co. Sor merset, esq., who represented that city for more than 50 years, ui 1 1 successive parlia- ments. 6. Sir John, 3d bart. 7. Thomas, rf. 20 June 1817- 8. Rowland, in holy orders, A.M., h. 12 Aug. 1744, d. s.p. 11 April 1833, m. Mary, sister to Clement Tudway, esq., above The family of Hill, or, as it was anciently spelt, Hull, is of great antiquity in the county of Salop. Hugh Hull, or Hill, lived temp. Edward II., and m. the eldest co-h. of Hugh de Wlonkeslowe. His great- grandson, HumphreyHill, lived tinm- 4. SirRowLAND, G.C.B; G.C.H. K.M.T. K.S.G. and K.T.S., created, 17 May 1814, baron Hill, of Almaraz and of Hawkestone, and, 16 Jan. 1816, baron Hill, of Almaraz and of Hardwicke, co. Salop, with remain- der to the issue male of his deceased bro- ther, John, fsee DebretVs Peerage,) b. 11 Aug. 177^) gen. inthearmy,col. of the horse- guards, and governor of Plymouth. 5. Richard, in holy orders, b. 17 Sept. 1773, d. 3 Sept. 1821. 6. Elizabeth, d. young, 7. Elizabeth, b. 11 Jan. 1776, m., 20 Nov. 1807, the rev. Edward Nevile, vicar of Prees, co. Salop. 8. Harriet, h. Feb. 1777. unm. 9. Sir Robert-Chambre, lieut.-col. in the army, was i)roxy for his brother, lord Hill, at the installation of the knights of the Bath, on which occasion he received the honour of knighthood, h. 25 March 1778, m., 5 Feb. 1801, Eliza, da. of the late Henry Lumley, by whom he has issue, 1. George-Staveley, 6.20 Nov. 1801, m., 3 May 1832, Jane, da. of Thomas Bo- rough, esq. 2. Mary- Julia, b. 28 May 1805. 3. Alfred-Edward, b. 19 March 1810. 4. Percy, 6. 24 Dec. 1817- 10. Sir Francis -Brian, K.T.S., b. 21 April 1779, m., 1st, April 1804, Hannah, da. of Christian Faldo, of Copenhagen, coun- sellor-at-law, by whom (who d. in childbed 1806) he had issue, 1. Emma-Maria, b. 1805, d. an infant. 2. John - Francis - Richard, b. 21 Oct. 1806. He m., 2dly, 6 Oct. 1819, Emily-Lissey, youngest da. of thelate Thomas-Jelf Powys, of Berwick House, co. Salop, and has issue, 3. Arthur-William, b. Nov. 1820. 11. Emma, b. 18 Nov. 1780. 12. Clement, lieut.-col. in the royal regt. of horse-guards, b. 16 April 1782. 13. Charlks, d. an infant. 14. Sir Thomas - Noel, knt., K.C.B. and K.T.S., b. 14 Feb. 1784, lieut.-col. in the army, and capt. 1st or grenadier-guards, TO., 27 July 1821, Anna-Maria-Shore, 2d da. of lord Teignmouth, and by whom (who d. 1831) he had issue, 1. Anna-Maria, b. 19 June 1822. 2. Louisa-Charlotte, b. 6 July 1823. 3. Henrv-Noel, b. 27 Aug. 1824, d. 22 June 1833.' 4. Horace-Frederick, b. 1827. 5. Charles, b. 1829. (j. Caroline, b. 1831. 15. William-Henry, b. 1785, d. an in- fant. 16. Edward, b. 3 Nov. 1786, a lieut. in the royal horse guards, d. 29 Aug. 1821. Sir John rf. 21 May 1824, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, IV. Sir ROWLAND, present bart. Arms— See Plate 15. Ermine, on a fess, sable, a castle, triple-towered, argent. Crest— \ tower, argent, surmounted with a garland of laurel, proper. Seat— At Hawkestone-Hall, near Hodnet, CO. Salop. CLAYTON, of Mo'RDEN, co. Surrey. 13 Jan. 1731-2. Sir WILLIAM-ROBERT CLAYTON, Baronet, M.P. for Great Marlow, Lieut.-Col. in the Army, and a Deputy Lieut, for co. Bucks ; horn 28 Aug. 178G; succeeded liis father. Sir \Villiam, 2G Jan. 1834, married, 10 May 1817, Alice-IIugh-Massy, da. and sole h. of col. Hugh O'Donel, eldest son of sir Neil O'Donel, hart., and has issue, 1. WIL- LIAM-CAPEL, b. 14 April 18U5; 2. Alicia-Charlotte, 6. 16 /^ept. 1819; 3.CAiiOLiNE-MAROAnET,/>.jy?Julyl821 ; 4. Hexry- /^ HuGH-0'DoNEL, l>. 2 April 1823; 5. Mary-Louisa, b. 19 June 1827, (/. 25 June 1829. ceeded also to several valuable estates, as heir to his uncle, sir Robert, including Hambled()n,Harleyford, Widmer, and Mar- den, and purchased the manor of Marlow, 173(), which is still the property of his de- scendants: TO. Martha, eldest da. of John Kenrick, of Flore, co. Surrey, esq., and had issue, 1. Robert; 2. William, rf. young, 3. Sir Kenriciv, 2d bart. This family is descended from the Cla,iy- tons, CO. Northampton. Sir Robert Clay- ton, knt., was, l(;7lt, lord mayor of Lon- don; for which city, after serving in several parliaments for the borough of Bletchingley, he was nearly thirtv years one of the re- presentatives. Sir Robert rf. Ki July 1707, set. 78, and leaving no issue, was succeeded in his estate by his nephew, L Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., who sue- HEATHCOTE. 167 4. William, d. 3 July 1/83, having tn. three wives, viz., 1st, IVIary, da. of John Warde, of Squerries, co. Kent, esq., and by her (who d. 3 Jan. 17(;()) had issue, 1. Catherine, m. sir John-Griffin Griffin, K.B., afterwards lord Howard de Walden and lord Braybrooke; 2dly, 3 May 1761, Maria, da. of 'Rice Lloyd, of Atty Cadno, CO. Caermarthen, and by her (who d. Dec. 1763) had, 2. Sir William, 4th bart. 3. INIarianne, b. 5 Nov. 17'i3, m. the hon. general Henry-Edward Fox, son of Henry, 1st lord Holland ; and, 3dly, Sept. 1767, Louisa Fermor, da. of Thomas, 1st earl of Pomfret, and by her (who d. 30 June 1809) he had issue, 4. George, of Stonehall, near Godstone, CO. Surrey, m. Frances Hinchliflfe, da. of John, lord bishop of Peterborough, and had issue, five children, 5. Martha. 6. SrsAX.VAH, both rf. young. 7. Mary, m. Jonathan Rashleigh, of Me- nabilly, co. Cornwall, e-q. 8. AxxE, Hi., 1st, sA. Charles-Lambert Blackwell, bart. ; and, Sily, dr. John Tho- mas, lord bishop of Rochester, and d. 7 July 1772. 9. Sarah. Sir William d. Dec. 1774, and was succeeded bv his son, '11. Sir KENRICK, m. Henrietta-Maria, eldest da. and co-h. of Henry Herring, esq., by whom (who d. 25 July 1774) he had issue, 1. Sir Robert, 3d bart. 2. Henkietta-Maria, m. sir John Gre- sham, bart. 3. Martha, d. mim. Sir Kenrick d. 10 March 1769, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, III. Sir ROBERT, m., 1 June 1767, Mary, eldest da. of Frederick Standert, of London, merchant, bv Marv, da. of sir Harcourt Masters, knt. (who d. 27 Feb. 1803). Sir Robert d. 10 May 179i*, and was succeeded by his cousin, IV. Sir WILLIAM, 4th bart., (son of William, 2d surviving son of sir William, 1st bart., by his 2d lady,) h. 16 April 1762, nu, iG July 1785, Mary, da. of sir William East, bart., by whom (who d. 9 Aug. 1833) he had issue, 1. Sir William-Robert, present bart. 2. Cathkrine-Emilia, ?;. 13 Nov. 1789, »!., 16 July 1821, at Florence, andre-w. in England, 29 Oct. following, John Shawe Manley, only son of admiral Manley, of Braziers, co. Berks. 3. East-George, LL.D., of Hall Place, CO. Berks, b. 9 April 1794, took the surname and arms of East in addition to and after Clayton, by royal sign m.anual, 6 April 1829 ; m., 20 June 1815, Marianne-Frances, eldest da. of Charles Bishop, his majesty's procu- rator-general, and has issue, 1. Gilbert-East, b. 13 Nov. 1823. 2. Augustus- Henry, b. 10 Feb. 1825. 3. Marianne-Gilberta, b. 2 Sept. 1818. 4. Augusta-Frances, b. 7 Feb. 1820. 5. Selina-Louisa, b. 19 March 1822, and 4 other children. 4. John-Lloyd, lieut. R.N., b. 19 Aug. 1796, m., 10 April 1832, Louisa-Sophia, da. of Charles Littledale, of Portland Place, esq., and has issue, 1 son. 5. Rice-Richard, b. 15 Nov. 1797; m., 31 July 1832, Maria-Emilia, 2d da. of gen. sir George Nugent, bart., and has issue, 1. Richard-Nugent, b. 3 Sept. 1833. 2. A Da., b. 10 Dec. 1834. 6. Aigistls-Philip, in holy orders, rec- tor of Garboklisham, co. Norfolk, w., 4 Sept. 1828, Georgiana-Elizabeth, da. of Charles Talbot, D.D., dean of Salisbury, (by lady Elizabeth Somerset,) and has issue, 1 son. 7. Mary'-Caroline, 6. 29 June 1800, d. 29 Oct. 1812. Sir vv illiam d. 26 Jan. 1834, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, V. Sir WILLIAM - ROBERT, present bart. Arms— See Plate 15. Argent, a cross, sa- ble, between four pellets. Crest— \ leopard's jambe erased and erect, argent, grasping a pellet. Motto — Virtus in actiune consistit. Seats— At Morden, near Godstone, co. Sur- rey ; Harleyford, near Great Marlow, co. Bucks; the Cottage, Marlow; and White Hall, CO. Norfolk. J^C -^'f"' HEATHCOTE, of London. 17 Jan. 1732-3. Sir GILBERT HEATHCOTE, Baronet, M.P. for the County of Rut- land, horn Oct. 1773, succeeded his father, sir Gilbert, 4 Dec. 17i^5 ; married Catharine-Sophia, 2d da. of John Manners, esq., (by Louisa ToUe- mache, in her own right countess of Dysart,) sister to sir William Man- ners, bart., lord Huntingtower, and to Louisa-Grace, late duchess of St. Alban's, by which lady (who d. 28 May 1825) he had issue, 1. GIL- BERT-JOHN, M.P. for liincolnshire, (parts of Kesteven and Holland,) h. 16 Jan. 1793, m., 8 Oct. 1827, the hon. Clementina, eldest da. of lord Willoughbv de Eresby, and has issue; 2. Lionel-Edward; 3. M^illiamIIIenry, w., I7 Dec. 1833, Sophia-Matilda, only da. of Thomas WrigBrt, of Upton Hall, co. Nottingham, esq. Sir Gilbert m., 2dly, 10 Aug. 1825, mrs. Eldon, of Park Crescent, Portland Place. This family was of ancient residence co. Derby, where we find them settled about the end of the 16th century, but from their great possessions in the cos. of Lincoln and Rutland, have, for near a century, become residents there ; where they are still, as for- merly, distinguished for their great riches and extensive landed property. Gilbert Heathcote, esq. , alderman of Ches- terfield, m. Anne, da. of Thomas Dickens, esq., three times mayor of that place, by whom he had seven sens, I. Sir Gilbert, 168 HEATHCOTE. 1st bart. ; 2. John ; 3. Samuel, from whom descended the Heathcotes, of Hursley, co. Hants; 4. Josinh ; 5, William; 6. C'aZe6; 7, Gem-ge. The eldest son, I. Sir GILBERT, who was knighted by queen Anne, was one of the directors and first founders of the bank of England, and lord mayor of London, which he represented in four successive parliaments in the reign of queen Anne. He was afterwards advanced to the dignity of a bart. as above ; m. Hester, da. of Christopher Rayner, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Anne, n?,. sir Jacob Jacobson, knt. .3. Elizabeth, m. sir Sigismund Trafford, of Dunston's Hall, co. Lincoln, knt. Sir Gilbert d. 25 Jan. 1732-3, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN, ?»., July 1720, Bridget, da. of John White, F.R.S., of Wallingwells, co. Notts, by whom (who d. 5 May 1772) he had issue, 1. Sir Gilbert, .3d bart. 2. John, m. Lydia, da. and h. of John Moyer, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. John, m. miss Thornhill. 2. Julia, m. the hon. John Dawney, brother to viscount Down. 3. Bridget, m. James, 14th earl of Mor- ton, and d. 3 March 1805. 4. Anne, m. sir Archibald Edmonston, bart. and d. 1796, without issue. 5. Hester, m., 30 Nov. 1775, sir Robert Hamilton, bart., and d. 11 March 1816. 6. Henrietta, w?. Henry-Courthope Cam- pion, of Hurst Pierpoint, co. Sussex, esq. Sir John d. 5 Sept. 1759, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir GILBERT, m., 22 June 1749, Margaret, youngest da. of Philip, earl of Hardwicke. Sir Gilbert nu, 2dly, 27 March 1770, Elizabeth, da. of Robert Hudson, esq., of Teddington, co. Surrey, by whom (who d. 14 July 1813) he had issue, 1. Sir Gilbert, present bart. 2. John, d. 1802. .3. Robert, m., April I8O7, miss Searle, and d. March 1823, leaving issue, two sons. 4. Elizabeth, m., 6 April 1797, Thomas Grosvenor, esq., cousin to the marquess of Westminster, a general in the army, and colonel of the 97th foot. Sir Gilbert d. 4 Dec. 1785, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir GILBERT, the present bart. ^;.,^s_See Plate 16. Ermine, three pomeis, each charged with a cross, or. Crest— On a mural crown, azure, a pomeis, charged with a cross, or, between two wings, displayed, ermine. Seats— Normanton Park, co. Rutland ; Stoken Hall, co. Lincoln ; and Durdlings, CO. Surrey. HEATHCOTE, of Hursley, co. Hants. 16 Aug. 1733. Sir WILLIAM HEATHCOTE, Baronet, succeeded his uncle, sir Thomas, 22 Feb. 1825 ; some time a fellow of All Souls College, Oxford ; married^ 8 Nov. 1825, the hon. Caroline-Frances Perceval, youngest da. of Charles-George, lord Arden, and has issue, 1. WILLIAM-PERCE- VAL, b. 7 Sept. 1826; 2. George-Parker, h. 24 July 1828; 3. Gilbert-Vyvyan, b. 12 July 1830; 4. Caroline-Elizabeth, b. 6 May 1 833. baron Parker. By this lady he had issue, 1. Thomas, 2d bart. 2. William, in holy orders, d. 22 Dec. 1748, imm. 3. Saimuel, d. without issue, 1797. 4. Gilbert, d. 1801. 5. George, d. young. 6. Henry, in holy orders, m., 1st, a da. of Thomas Diggle of Vately, co. Hants, esq., by whom he had three children : and, 2dly, rriiss Statham, by whom he had five chiidren, and d. 1803. 7. Mary, m, Thomas, 3d earl of Maccles- field. 8. Elizabeth, w. admiral Francis-William Drake. 9. Gfnktta, d. 17 Oct. 1809. Sir William d. 10 May 1751, and was suc- ceeded bv his oldest son, II. SirTHOMAS, /,/., 1st. Elizabeth Hen- ton, and by her (who d. 174!)) he had issue, 1. Elizabeth, m. William Wyndliam, of Denton, co. Wilts, esq. 2. Sir William, 3d bart. .3. Rev. Thomas, rector of Stone, co. Kent, m., 20 Aug. 1772, Leititia, da. of sir Thomas Parker, knt., lord chief baron of the i::xchequer, and rf. July 1811. 4. GiooiuiK. Sir Thomas »/., 2dly, Anne, da. of the rev. Toilet, of Westminster, by whom he had issue. 5. Anna-Sophia. This branch of the Heathcotes derive their descent from Samuel Heathcote, esq., (3d son of Gilbert Heathcote, of Chesterfield, co. Derby, esq.,) who, in the early part of his life, went to Dantzic, where he acquired a considerable fortune with an unsullied cha- racter; he returned to England, and en- joyed the esteem of all who knew him, being a man of uncommon understanding, great commercial knowledge, and unquestionable integrity. He had the honour of being the intimate friend of the celebrated John ij^irke, who consulted with and had much valuable assistance from him, in that useful under- taking, the regulation of the coin of Great Britain, as well as in several other public affairs: m., 22 Jan. 16(M)-1, Mary, 2d da. of William Dawsonne, of Hacknev, esq., and by her (whor/. 10 Feb. 1710-20) had four sons and two das., of whom three only lived to maturity, viz. ,sir William, 1st bart.; Samuel, m,., 1721, Eliza Holdsworthy ; and Anne, h. 1702, m. sir Francis-Henry Drake, of Buck- land Monachorum, co. Devon, bart., and d. Nov. 17()8. Mr. Heathcote d. universally lamented, 13 Nov. I7O8. I. Sir WILLIAM, created a bart., 16 Aug. 173;j, m., 7 Ai)ril 1720, Elizabeth, only da. of Thomas Parker, 1st earl of Macclesfield, lord high chancellor of Great Britain ; on whom and her issue male (failing the issue male of his lordshii))are eiitaikd tlie honours of earl of Maccle: 'ield, and viscount and PAGE-TURNER. 6. Samukl, m. Elizabeth Stone, by whom he had five children. 7. Gilbert, in holy orders, archdeacon of Winchester, and fellow of Winchester col- lege, b. 17'i2, m., 3 Jan. 1805, Sophia-Eliza- beth, 2d da. of Martin Wall, M.D., clinical professor in the university of Oxford, and d. 19 Oct. 1829. 8. Hexry, d. young. Sir Thomas d. 27 June 1787, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, III. Sir WILLIAM, h. 1746, m. Frances, da. and co-h. of John Thorp, of Emblv, co. Hants, esq., by whom (who d. 19 Aug. '1816) he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 4th bart. 2. Frances-Sophia, b. Sept. 1770, d. 1781. 3. William, in holy orders, prebendary of Winchester, ?). 1772, w., 1798, Elizabeth, da. of Lovelace-Bigg Wither, of Marydown, CO. Hants, esq., and d. 1802, leaving one son. Sir William, present bart. 4. Samuel, 6. 1773, »!., 1st, Catherine, da. of Isaac Pickering, of Foxlease, co. Hants, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Thomas; 2. Arthur; and 3 das. He m., 2dly, Anne, eldest da. of Francis- Brownswood Bullock, of Ardington, co. Berks, esq. 5. Harriet-Hersant, 6. July 1775, m., 18 April 1798, Langford Lovel, esq., of the island of Dominica. 6. Sir Henry, knt., rear-admiral of the red, b. 1777. '»• Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Guscott, esq., by whom he has issue, 1. Frances-Sarah, m. Henry Somerset, esq., capt. in the army. 2. William-Lovel, in the army. 3. Henry, major 88th foot, d. 5 May 1829. 4. Thomas-Hamilton ; 5. George-Gage. 6. Leonora-Macclesfield. 7. Susanna-Maria-Ousely. 8. Anne-Forbes ; 9. Harriet-Forbes. 10. Maria- Frances. 11. Georgiana-Jamesina-Somerset. 7. Gilbert, in the R.N., b. 1779, m. Anne, da. of Charles Syell, of Kinnardy, co. Angus, N.B., esq., and has issue. 8. Maria-Frances, b. 1787. m., June 1824, Charles Wyndham, of Sunbury, co. Middlesex, esq. Sir William d. 26 June 1819, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir THOMAS, b. 3 Sept. 1769, m., 27 June 1799, Elizabeth, only da. of Thomas- Edwardes Freeman, of Batsford, co. Glou- cester, and thereupon assumed the surname of Freemati before that of Heathcote. By this lady (who d. 16 March 1808) he had no issue. Sir Thomas d. without issue, 22 Feb. 1825, and was succeeded by his nephew, V. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. Anns — See Plate 16. Ermine, three po- meis, each charged with across, or. Crest — On a mural crown, azure, apomeis, charged with a cross, or, between two wings, displayed, ermine. Sea^'— Hursley Lodge, near Winchester, and Embley, near Rumsey, both co. Hants. TURNER, (now PAGE-TURNER,) of Ajibrgsden, co. Oxford. 24 Aug. 1733. Sir GREGORY-OSBORNE PAGE-TURNER, Baronet, D.C.L., bor7i 28 Sept. 1785, succeeded his father, sir Gregory, 4 Jan. 1805 ; married, 28 April 1818, Helen-Eliza, only da. of John-Wolsey Bayfield, esq., and has issue, 1. Gregory-Osborne-Page, b. 23 Jan. 1822, d. 30 March 1823; 2. Eliza-Helen, b. 7 Feb. 1820. L Sir EDWARD TURNER, a member of Lincoln's Inn, descended from the Tur- ners of Leicester and London, was a director and chairman of the East India Company, and created a bart. as above: m., May 17I8, Mary, eldest daughter of sir Gregory Page, of East Greenwich, co. Kent, bart., and by her had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 2d bart. 2. Gregory; 3. William both rf. young. Sir Edward d. 19 June 173.5, at Lincoln's Inn, and was succeeded by his only surviv- ing son, II. Sir EDWARD, D.C.L., b. April 1719, and a member of Lincoln's Inn (in whom centered a considerable part of the property of his great uncle and godfather, Edward Turner, of Gray's Inn, esq., which was vested in lands, co. Oxford) ; ?«., April 1739. Cassandra, eldest da. of William, son of Theophilus Leigh, (by Mary, da. of lord Chandos, whoseonlysurvivingson was after- wards duke of Chandos,) and by her (who d. Oct. I770) had issue, 1. John-, b. 1742, d. July 1743. 2. John, b. Oct. 1744, d. May 1751. 3. Sir Gregory, 3d bart. 4. Edward, b. 1749, d. March 1755. 5. William, 6.25 Sept. 1750, d. 19 Nov. 1819. 6. Mary, 6. Oct. 1753, d. Jan. 1754. , 7- John, b. 1/52, took the name and arms oiDri/den only, 16 Dec. 1/91, and was created j a bart. 1795 (see that title). 8. Elizabeth, b. 19 Feb. 1741, m., 12 Dec. I 1767. Thomas, late lord Say and Sele, and i d. 1 July 1788. 9. Cassandra, 6. 28 Feb. 1746, m., Feb. 1771, Martin-Bladen, 2d lord Hawke, and d. 19 Nov. 1813. Sir Edward d. 31 Oct. 1766, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, III. Sir GREGORY, 6. K! Feb. 1748, suc- ceeded to the estates of his great-uncle and j godfather, sir Gregory Page, of Wrickle- ; marsh, co. Kent, bart., and in compliance I with his will took the name and arms of Page, in addition to those of Turner, by ■ royal sign manual, 15 Nov. 1775. Sir Gre- ; gory was sheriff CO. Oxford, 17H3, and was j chosen M.P. for Thirsk, co. York, 1784, I which place he represented until his decease ; m., 2 Jan. 1785, Frances, da. of Joseph Howell, of Elm, CO. Norfolk, esq., and by her (who d. 12 Feb. 1828) had issue, 1. Sir Gregory-Osborne, present bart. 2. Frances-Stackpoole, 6. 15 Jan. 1787. d. 14 March 1804. 3. Mary, h. 28 May 1788, d. a few days afterwards. 4. Edward-George-Thomas, b. 12 Sept. 1789, m., Nov. 1818, miss WUliams, da. of 170 ARMYTAGE. — HULSEc ■Williams, esq., of Southamp- the late • ton. 5. Anne-Lkigh-Guy, b. 9 Aug. 1791, m. H. Winston Barron, esq., of Mount-Barron, CO. Waterford. 6. Francis-William-Maktin, b. 15 Feb. 1/94, (I. unm. 28 April 1818. Sir Gregory d. 4 Jan. 1805, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir GREGORY-OSBORNE, present bart. Arms— See Plate 16. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Turner, argent, a fer-de-mouline, pierced, sable; 2d and 3d, Page, azure, a fess indented, between three martlets, or. Crests — 1. Turner, A lion, passant, guardant, argent, ducally crowned, or, hold- ing in his dexter paw a fer-de-mouline, as in the arms; 2. Page. A demi seahorse, per pale, indented, or, and azure. Seaf— Battlesden, co. Bedford. ARMYTAGE, of Kirklees, co. York. 4 July 1738. Sir GEORGE ARMYTAGE, Baronet, B.CoL., succeeded his father, sir George, 1783, born 1761 ; married, 1st, 12 Aug. 1783, Mary, eldest da. of Harbord, 1st lord Suffield, and by her (who d.lo Aug. 1790) had issue several children, who all d. young or unm. Sir George m., 2dly, 1791, Mary, da. of Oldlield Bowles, esq., by whom (who d. 25 July 1834, aet. 62) he had issue, 1. JOHN, m., 2 Oct. 1818, Mary, only da! of WilHam Assheton, of Downham Hall, co. Lancaster, esq.; 2. Henry, in the array, w., June 1819, Charlotte-Legendre Starkie, only da. of the late Legendre Starkie, of Huntroyd, co. Lancaster, esq.; 3. another Son; 4. Mary, m., I May 1815, William- Ponsonby Johnson, of Wolton House, CO. Cambridge, esq. ; 5. Henrietta, m. Charles-John Brandling, esq. This family is of great antiquity, being derived from a John. Armiytage, of Wrig- bowls, living temp, king Stephen, and two branches of it have been at different times elevated to the baronetcy. John Armytage, of Kirklees, esq., temp. queen Elizabeth, had, besides other issue, two sons, JnJm, father of sir Francis, who was created a baronet by king Charles I. ; and Edward, ancestor of the present baro- net. Sir Francis, who was created a bart., as above mentioned, by king Charles I., was succeeded by his eldest son, (and only one who left issue,) Sir John, who rl. 1^77> leaving three sons, sir Thomas, sir John, and sir George, successive baronets, who all d. unm., and the last of whom left his estate to his kinsman, I. Sir SAMUEL, (son of George Army- tage, of Kerrisforth Hill, esq., descended from Edward Armytage, of Kerrisforth Hill, CO. York, esq., 3d son of John Army- tage, of Kirklees above named.) He was created a bart., 4 July 1738, m. Anne, da. of Griffith, and by her (who d. Nov. 1738) had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Sir George, 3d bart. .3. Samuel, d. num. 4. Rachael, m. James Farrer, of Barn- borough Grange, co. York, esq. 5. Mary, m. the rev. Francis Hull. 6. Anna-Maria, «*., 1st, Thomas Carter, who d. in 17(J5; and 2dly, Nicholson, esq. Sir Samuel d. 1747, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, who went a volunteer with general Blythe to the coast of France, and was slain at St. Cas, Sept. 1758, unm. He was succeeded bv his brother, III. Sir GEORGE, w., 17til, Anna-Maria, eldest da. and co-h. of Godfrey Wentworth, of Wadley Park, and Hickleton, co. York, esq., by whom (who d. 21 March 1788) he had issue, 1. Sir George, 4th bart. 2. John, m., 1790, Anne, da. of John Harvey, of Thursby, co. Northampton, esq., and has issue. 3. Godfrey, b. 9 May 1773, who upon the death of his maternal grandfather, and in pursuance of his will, assumed the name and arms of Wentworth ; m. Amelia, sister of Walter Fawkes, late M.P. co. York, esq., by whom he has issue. 4. Anna-Maria, b. 9 May 1762, ni., 1st, 1787, William Egerton, of Tatton Park, co. Chester, esq., but d. s.p. 4 Sept. 1799. 5. Henrietta, b. Kj July 17G5, m. Tho- mas Grady, esq., and 2dly, Jacob Bosan- quet, esq. G. Charlotte, b. 1 July 1767, m. rev. John Eyre, rector of Babworth, co. Notts. Sir George represented the city of York in parliament, d. 1783, and was succeeded by his son, IV. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Arms— See PI; te 16. Gules, a lion's head, erased, between three cross-crosslets, ar- gent. Crest — A dexter arm, embowed, couped at the shoulder, habited, or, the cuff, argent, holding in the hand, proper, a staff, gules, headed and pointed, or. Seat — At Kirklees, (formerly a Benedictine nunnery,) near Muddersfield, co. York. HULSE, of Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, co. Middlesex. 7 Feb. 1738-9. Sir CHARLES HULSE, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Edward, 3 BEAUCHAMP-PROCTOR. 171 Sept. 1816 ; married, 5 July 1808, Maria, 2d da. of the late John Buller, of JMorval, co. Cornwall, esq., and has issue, 1. EDWARD, b. 2 April 1809; 2. Charles; 3. Richard-Samuel, in the army; 4. Maria; 5. John-Buller ; 6. Henry-Gore. Edward Hulse, b. 1638, m. Dorothy, da. of Thomas Westrow, esq. (by Anne, half-sister of Arthur, lord Capel, beheaded in 1648.) He settled in London, and prac- tised physic there for forty years ; he rf. 1711, leaving two sons and two das., 1. sir Edward, 1st bart. ; 2. William, d. 22 Aug. I76I ; 3. Anne ; 4. Mary. I. Sir EDWARD, M.D., created a bart. as above, was first physician to king George II., b. 1682, m., 1713, Elizabeth, da. of sir Richard Levett, knt., lord mayor of Lon- don, 1700, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 2d barU 2. Westrow, captain of a troop of dra- goons, d. 22 Nov. 1746. 3. Richard-Tho.mas, barrister-at-law, d. 27 Oct. 1805. 4. Rev. John, d. 1800, and bequeathed some considerable estates to the university of Cambridge for the advancement of reli- gious learning. 5. Elizabeth, m. John Calvert, of Al- bury Hall, co. Herts, esq. Sir Edward d. 10 April 1739, and was suc- ceeded by his son, 11. Sir EDWARD, of Bremore, co. Hants, m. Hannah, da. of Samuel Vanderplank, merchant, by whom he had issue, L Sir Edward, 3d bart. 2. Right hon. sir Samuel, P.C. K.G.H. field marshal of the army, colonel G2d regiment of foot, and governor of Chelsea Hospital, ranger of Home Park. 3. Rev. Westrow, chaplain to the East India Company, d. April 1787. 4. Hannah, m., i Sept. 1767, Richard Ben- yon, of Gidea-Hall, co. Essex, esq. 5. Elizabeth, tn., 1772, Joseph Berens, esq. 6. Mary-Anne, m. general Edmund Stevens. 7. Dorothy, d.nnni. 8. Charlotte-Matilda, m. sir Thomas Bernard, bart., of Nettleham, co. Lincoln. Sir Edward d. 1 Dec. 1800, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir EDWARD, b. 1744, >»., May 1769, Mary, da. of John LethieuUier, esq., and by her (who d. 29 March 1813) had issue, 1. Sir Charles, present bart. 2. Richard, major-general, Coldstream guards, who d. at St. ildefonso, in Spain» Sept. 1812. 3. Thoaias, fellow of All Souls College. Oxon. 4. Mary, m., 22 March 1816, Edward- Berkeley Portman, of Bryanston House,, CO. Dorset, esq. .5. Eliza, d. April 1807. 6. Frances, tn., June 1803, George Eyre, of Bramshaw, co. Hants, esq., and d. 29 April 1820. 7. Harriett, m. John Buller, of Morval, CO. Cornwall, esq. 8. Charlotte. Sir Edward d. 30 Sept. 1816, and was suc- ceeded by his son , IV. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Aryns—^ee Plate 16. Per fess, argent and ermine, three piles, one issuant from the chief, and two from the base, sable. Crest — A buck's head, couped at the neck, proper, the neck charged with a plate, sur- mounted by two bezants, between the attires or, the sun in splendour. Seat — Bremore House, Fordingbridge, Hants. BEAUCHAMP-PROCTOR, of Langley Park, co. Norfolk. 20 Feb. 1744-5. Sir WILLIAM BEAUCHAMP-PROCTOR, Baronet, born 14 Oct. 1781, Post-Captain R.N., succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 29 June 1827; married, 19 May 1812, Anne, eldest da. of Thomas Gregory, esq., and niece and h. of Thomas Brograve, esq., and has issue, 1. Mary-Anne, 5. 16 April 1813; 2. Harriet-Elizabeth, b. 24 April 1814; 3. THOMAS-WILLIAM-BROGRAVE, 6. 2 July 1815; 4. Julia, b. 24 Sept. 1816, d. 3 Oct. 1828 ; 5. William-Henry, b. 16 March 1818; 6. Rorert, b. 16 Oct. 1819, R.N. ; -1. Emjia, 6. 31 Aug. 1821, d. 4 Feb. 1827; 8. Caroline, b. 2 Jan. 1824; 9. Jane- Frances, b. 24 April 1825. Ephraini Beauchamp, of London, and of Tottenham, gent., m. Letitia, da. of John Coppin, esq., and d. 16 Sept. 1728, leaving two das., Mrn-y and Letitia ; and an only son, Thomas, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of William Proctor, of Epsom, co. Surrey, by whom he left three das. and an infant son, I. Sir WILLIAM, K.B., created a bart. 20 Feb. 1744-.'5 : in pursuance of the v/ill of his uncle, George Proctor, took the name and arms of Proctm- in addition to those of Beauchamp. In March 1761, he was elected a K.B. Sir William m., 1st, Jane, da, of Christopher Tower, of Huntsmore, co. Bucks, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Anne, b. 8 Aug. 1749, m., 28 Jan. 1778, sir Edmund Bacon, premier bart. of Eng- land. 2. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 3. Frances, b. 21 Nov. 1757, m. John Custance, of Weston House, co. Norfolk, esq. 4. George, b. 22 Jan. 1759, m., 20 Oct. 1789, Charlotte, eldest da. of Robert Pal- mer, of Sunning, co. Berks, esq. 5. Mary, d. umn. 1776. Sir William m., 2dly, Letitia, eldest da. of Henry Johnson, of Great Berkhampstead, CO. Herts, esq., (and co-h. with her sister Ag- netta, 2d wife of the right hon. Charles I 2 172 GOOCH. Yorke, 2d son of Philip. 1st carl of Hard- wicke, lord high chancellor of Great Bri- tain,) by whom he had issue, (). Lktitia, b. 20 March 1703, d. 19 March 1780. 7. Henrietta, b. 5 Dec. 1764, d. an in- fant 8. VVrLLiAM-HENRY, b. April 17(59, and d. 9 May 18(H), having ;>/., June 17!K), Frances- Mary, niece of sir John Davie, bart., and leaving issue, 1. William-Henry-Johnson, b, 28 July 1793. 2. Letitia, b. 1795. 3. Christopher-Beauchamp, b. (! May 1796. 4. Joseph-Sydney, b. 2 Oct. 1797. 9. Christopher, b. 13 Sept. 1771- 10. Sidney. 11. TiioiMAs, posthumous son, b. 18 Feb. 1774, d. an infant. Sir William d. 16 Sept. 1773, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir THOMAS, 2d bart., b. 29 Sept. 175(;, m., March 1778, Mary, 2d da. of Ro- bert Palmer, of Sunning, co. Berks, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Makv, b. 21 Oct. 1770, m., .'> May 1800, the rev. llt'iiiy llobart, son of the late lion. Henry llobart, and nephew of Robert, carl of Buckiuglianishire. 2. Sir William, present bart. 3. Harriet, b. 28 Oct. 1782, m. Christo- pher-Tlioinas Tower, of Weald Hall, co. Essex , es(i. 4. TnosiAS, d. 17 June 1789. 5. Gkoroe-Edward, b. 23 July 178.'5, >»., 23 July 1808, Ellen-Louisa, da. and h. of Robert llalhed, of the Priory, near Read- ing, CO. Berks, esq., and has issue. 6. RouKRT, b. 1 April 17tJ7, a capt. of ar- tillery, on the Madras establishment, rf. 23 May 1813. 7. Tiiomas-William-Henry, b. 11 June 1790. 8. Amelia, b. 1791, m., 23 Dec. 1815, the lion, and rev. Armine Wodehouse, 3d son of John, 1st lord Wodehouse. 9. Richard, lieut. -col. in the army, b. 30 Jan. 1793, /)(., 4 Oct. 1828, Sophia, youngest da. of Ik'iiianiin Ball, of Mcrion ' Square, Dublin, r/. and has issue, (1834,) a son and da. Sir Thoiiias d. 29 June 1827, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir WILLIAM, present and 3d bart. Aniis—Soc Plate Ki. 1st and 4th, Proc- tor, argent, a dievroii, between three martlets, sable: 2d and 3d, Beaichamp, gules, a fess, between six billets, three and three, or, a canton, ermine. Crest — On a mount, vert, a greyhound, sejant, argent, spotted brown, collaret!, or. Miitto — Toirjoiirsjidcle. Sm^— Langley Park, co. Norfolk. GOOCH. 4 Nov. ] 740. Sir THOMAS-SHERLOCK GOOCH, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 7 April 182 (J ; marne, iMariana, da. of Abraliam Whi- taker, of Lvster House, co. Hereford, esq,, (and sister of the countess of Stradbrooke,') and has issue, 1. KDWAKD-SHERLOCKE, w., 23 Jan. 1828, Louisa, 2d da. of sir George-Beeston Prescott, bart. ; 2. Chaules-Joiin, in holy orders, rector of South Cove and Toppesfield, Essex, «/., 17 July 18li2, Agatha, youngest da. of Charles Hanbury, of Sloe Farm, Halstead, co. Essex, esq., deceased; 3. ThO]V[as-Le\vis, 7?!., 20 Feb. 182!), Anne-Europa, eldest da. of col. the hon. "W. H. Gardner, and niece of admiral 1st lord Gardner; 4. Anna-Maria, w., 1 Feb. 1823, Andrew Lawson, of Aldborough Lodge, co. York, esq. ; 5. Ciiah- lotte-Matilda, m., 17 June 1824, Stephen Clissold, esq., of Hill House, CO. Gloucester; G. another Da. Robert Gwrh, of Bungay, co. Suffolk, is the first of this family we have any account of. He left one son', William, who was father of another William, father of Thomas, m. Frances, da. and co-h. of Thomas Lane, of Worlingham, co. Suffolk, and d. Um, leaving issue by lier (who d. um) two sons, 1. sir Thomas, 2d bart.; and I. Sir WILLIAM, 2d son and 1st bart.,/). 21 Oct. 1(181. created a l)an)\ict as above, with limitation, on I'ailuivor issue male of lus own bodv, to Ins brother Tlionias. lie was licu- tcJiant-govenior of Virginia; ni. Rebecca, da. of Robert Staunttm, est]., by whom he had no issue, and d. 17 Dt c. 1 7.". I, whereupon the title, agreeably to limitation, devolved on his biotner, II. Rev. sir THOMAS, head of Cains College, Cambridge, 171(;, vice-chancellor of that university 1717. bishop of Bristol 17-''7, translated to Norwich 17.38, and thence to Ely 1747. He m., 1st, Mary, sister of Tho- mas Sherlock, lord bishop of London 1748, by wliom lie had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. He ;»., 2dly, Harriet, da. of sir Thomas Miller, of P^royle Place, co. Hants, bart., by whom he had issue, 2. John, D.D., rector of Ditton and Wel- lingham, CO. Cambridge, and prebendary of Ely, in. Mary, da. of George Sayer, esq,, by whom he had issue, 1. Mary, »i. the rev. dr. Ratcliffe, pre- bendary of Canterbury, and rector of Gilliiigliani, co. Kent. 2. Rachael, ni. dr. Beadon, bishop of Bath and Wells. The bishoi) ni., 3(lly. Mary Compton, niece of Henry Compton', lord bishop of London 1()7.'), anil earl of Northampton, by whom (who (/. 1.") May 1780) he had no issue. The bishop (/. 17.")4", ami was succeeded by his son , 111. Sir THOMAS, m. Anne, da. and h. of John Atwood, esq., and widow of Bates, and by her (who d. Aug. 1814) had issue. FETHERSTONHAUGH. 173 1. Sir Thomas, 4th bait. 2. William-Thomas, d. 1 J Oct. lail. :\'t. Jto, having /»., May 177-">. Elizabeth -Saiali, da. and h. of Villa lieal, of Edwinston, CO. Notts, esq., and nieee to Elizabeth, vis- countess Galway, and liad issue, 1. William,';)!. , da. of More, in the Isle of Man, esq. 2. Henrv-Robert, eaptain in the arinv, rf, 30 Sept.' l!tL>!), ;vt. :.(). 3. John, aiehdeaeon of Sudbury, reetor of Benaere, eo. Surtblk, and Saxlinsi;hani Nctherijate with Thorpe, eo. Norfolk, in, Barbara, da. of Ualph Snevd. of Kcele Hall, eo. Staftbnl. esq., (bv Barbara, da. of sir Walter Bajjot, bart.. father of William, 1st lord Biiijot.) and »., 28 July 181.'!, tlie rev. Walter Davenport, youngest son of Da\is ^a^■enport, of 'Caperthonne Hall, CO. Chester, esq. 4. George-Thomas. 5. Charles-Francis. G. Frances-Charlotte, d. 4 June 1813. 4. Robert, rf. 17!»t>. 5. Matilda, w., 1776, Paul Cobb Me- thuen, of Corsham House, co. Wilts, esq., and had issue. Sir Thomas w., 2dly, 1771, Phtfbe, wi- dow of John Birtles, consul at Genoa, and da. of Norton, by whom he had issue. 6. Georgiana, hi. Thomas Farr, of Bec- cles, CO. Norfolk, esq., and d, 29 Sept. 1828. Sir Thomas d. Sept. 1781, and was suc- cccdcil In his son, IV. Sir rilOM.VS. m. Anne-Mana, da. of William Havward, of Surrey, esq., and by her (who d. i>8 Sept. 1814) had issue, 1. Sir Tho.-ma.s-Shkklock, present bart. 2. Wii,i.ia:\i, lieut.-col.. m. Jane, da. of James ^\'ilkins()n, of Nowi'astlc-iii>on-Tyne, esq., anil has issue, of whom Matilda-Mary »)., 11 July 1!!24. the rev. William-\ enables Vernon, son of the archbishop of ^■ork. .3. Thomas. lieut.-i\)l., »i. Hannah, da. of sir Robert Barker, knt., late connnander-in- chief in India, and widow of Philip Webb, of Milford House, co. Surrey, esq. 4. Richard; 5. Pail. (5. Elizareth. 7. Matilda, d. num., 17 May 1834. 8. Sophia, »i., March 1818, eapt. G. W. Manbv, barrack-master at Yarmouth. Sir Thomas ,/. 7 Ainil l;!2(i, and was suc- ceeded bv liis chicst son, V. Sir" THOMAS-SHERLOCK, present bart. Arnuo — See Plate 1(1. Per pale, argent and sable, a chevron, between three" talbots, passant, countcrchanged; on a chief, gules, three leopards" heads," or. Crest— \ talbot, passant, per pale, argent and sable. Motto— Fide et vh-titte. Se(7^— Benaere Hall, co. Suffolk. FETHERSTONHAUGH, of Fetherstonhaugh, CO. Northumberland. 3 Jan. 1747. Sir HENRY FETHERSTONHAUGH, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Matthew, 24 IMay 1774 ; married, 12 Sept. 1825, miss Mary. Anne Bullock. The name of Fetheratonliauf^h is of great antiquity in the co. of Durham, and de- scended from a William dk Monte, who lived temp, king Stephen. His immediate descendants were called " de Stanhope," and the name of Fetherstonhaugh was assumed by his great-great-grandson, Robert de Stan- hope, temp. Edward III. The last of this line of the family was a colonel Fetherston- haugh, killed at the battle of Blenheim, after whose death the Stanhope estate was sold to the earl of Carlisle. Younger branches appear to have settled at an early period in ditVcront parts of Dur- ham and "the ncighbouving counties. One, which was seated at Kirkoswald, co. Cum- berland, continued till 17il7, when it be- came extinct on the death of Timothy Fe- therstonhaugh, who left his estates to his nephew, Charles Smallwood, esq., on con- dition of taking his name. Cuthbert Fentherstone. of HatheryClough, in the parish of Stanhope, co. Durham, settled in London towards the latter end of the IGth century, and was grandfather of sir Ileneage Featherstone, created a bart. 1()()0, whose last surviving son and lieir, sir Henry, d. s.p. 174(i, and left a considerable portion of his estates (with an injunction to obtain a revival of the baronetcy) to I. Sir MATTHEW, 1st baronet of this line, who was created as above. His imme- diate ancestors had been seated at Aston Moor, CO. Northumberland. He /»., 24 Dec. 174(). Sarah, only da. of Christopher LethieuUier, of Belmont, co. Hants, esq., and by her (who d. 27 Aug. 1788) had an only son, Sir Hknry, 2d bart. Sir Matthew (/. 24 May 1774, and was suc- ceeded bv his only son, II. Sir'HENRY, present bart. Arms— Sec Plate Hi. Gules, on a chevron, between three ostriches' feathers, argent, a pellet. C/-c«^— An antelope's head, erased, argent, armed, or. Seats— V-^ Park, co. Sussex; Harring- brook, CO. Essex; and Fetherstonhaugh Castle, CO. Northumberland. 174 IBBETSON,— GIBBONS. IBBETSON, of Leeds, co. York. 12 May 1748. Sir CHARLES IBBETSON, Baronet, succeeded lii's brother, sir Henry- Carr, 5 June 1825; born Sept. 1779: married^ 4 Feb. 1812, Charlotte- Elizabeth, 2d da. of Thomas Stoughton, of Ballynorgen, co. Kerry, esq., by whom (who d. 15 Jan. 1827) he had issue, 1. CHARLES-HENRY, h. 24 July 1814; 2. Frederick-James, b. 28 April 1822; 3. Laura, b. 9 Jan. 1824. Sir Charles took the surname and arms of Sehvyn by royal sign manual, 1817, on succeeding to the estates and pursuant to the will of his maternal gieat-uncle, Thomas Selwyn, of Down Hall, co. Essex, but resumed his paternal name of Ibbetson on inheriting the title. This family is of great antiquity co. York. Henrji Ibbetnon, of Red Hall, esq., m. , da. and co-h. of James Nicholson, esq., and sister to Jane, wife of Ihomas, 8th earl of Strathmore, and had issue, 1. Samuel, of Denton Park, co. York, m. miss Cholmon- deley, and had issue, Alice, »n. Francis- Vernon, 1st earl of Shipbrooke (which title became extinct 1783); 2. sir Henry, 1st bart.; and 3. Jane, m. sir Henry Every, bart. I. Sir HENRY, 2d son, raised one hun- dred men, and clothed them during the re- bellion 1745, served the office of sheriff for CO. York, 1746, and as a reward for his loyalty, was created a bart. as above : m., 1740, Isabella, da. of Ralph Carr, of Cocken, CO. Durham, esq., and had issue, 1. Isabella, m., 1764, major Thomas- Rea Cole, 2d son of Stephen Cole, of Heatham Place, co. Middlesex, esq.> and by him (who rf. 1807) left issue. 2. Harriet. 3. Sir James, 2d bart, 4. Elizabeth, rf. 1752. 5. Henry, m. miss Morton, by whom he had issue, 1. Isabella, m. Cuthbert Ellison, of Hebburn, co. Durham, esq. 2. Sarah, m. John Smyth, esq., of Heath, near Wakefield, co. York, eldest son of the right hon. John Smyth, and nephew to the dukeof Grafton, andrf. 1812. 6. Margaret. 7. Carr, a captain of dragoons, m. miss Fletcher, niece to sir Hugh Palliser, bart. 8. Catharine. !). Denztl, who was killed by an acci- dental discharge of his gun, while on a shooting party near Durham, at the seat of his uncle, 2 Feb. 177fi. 10. Thomasine, m. James Fenton, of Loversal, co. York, esq. Sir Henry rf. 22 June 1761, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir JAMES, tn., 1768, Jane, da. of John Caygill, of Shaw, co. York, esq., (by- Jane, sister of Charles Selwyn, of Down Hall, CO. Essex, esq.,) and by her (who d. 21 Aug. 1816) had issue, 1. Sir Henry-Carr, 3d bart. 2. Anne-Frances, m., June 1814, T^ Iredale, of Wentworth, esq. 0. Isabella ; 4. Harriet. 5. Sir Charles, present bart. 6. James, accidentally killed by a fall from his horse, 1801. 7. John-Thomas, took the surname and arms of Sehvjjn, on succeeding to the estates of his maternal great-uncle in 1825; m., 8 Sept. 1825, Isabella, 2d da. of general John- Leveson Gower, of Bill-Hill, co. Berks, and has issue, Henry, 6. 26 Sept. 1826, Sir James served the office of high sheriff of Yorkshire 176.9, rf. 4 Sept. 1795, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir HENRY-CARR, m., 14 Nov, 1803, Alicia-Mary, only da, of William- Fenton Scott, of Woodhall, co, York, esq., and niece of sir John Lister-Kaye, bart., but rf. without issue, 5 June 1825, and was succeeded by his brother, IV. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms— See Plate 16, Gules, on a bend, cottised, argent, between two fleeces, or, three escallops, of the field, Cre.st — A unicorn's head, erased, per fess, argent and gules, and charged with three escallojis, counterchanged ; two and one, of the last. Motto — Vlvi liber et moi'iar. Seat — Denton Park, co. York. GIBBONS, of Stanwell Place, co. Middlesex. 21 April 1752. Sir JOHN GIBBONS, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir William, Dec, 1814 ; married, 27 Oct. 1795, Elizabeth, da, of the late Richard Tay- lor, of Charleton H(nise, co. Middlesex, esq,, and has issue, 1. JOHN, w., 22 July 1824, Charlotte, Gth da. of sir Charles Watson, of Fuliner, CO. Bucks, bart.; 2. liOUisA, m., 11 July 1827, John Keurick Gib- bons, esq. ; and other children. WINNINGTON.— SHEFFIELD. 175 I. Sir WILLIAM, speaker of the house of assembly in the island of Barbadoes, was created a bart. as above; he rf. May 1760, and was succeeded by his son, IL Sir JOHN, of Stanwell, co. Middle- sex, K.B., m. Martha, da. of the rev. Scawen Kenrick, D.D., and d. 9 July 1776, and was succeeded bv his son, III. Sir WILLIAM, LL.D., commis- sioner of the sick and hurt office, m., 3 Sept. 1771> Rebecca, da. of admiral Watson, and sister to sir Charles Watson, of Fulraer, CO. Bucks, bart., and by her (who d. 26 April 1811) had issue, 1. Sir John, present bart. 2. William. 3. George, killed at the battle of Al- buera, in Spain, while commanding the light company 34th regiment of foot, 16 May 1811. 4. Edward. 5. Rebecca, m., 13 July 1807. the rev. Charles May, of Braemore, co. Hants. 6. Frances. 7- Martha, m., Nov. 182/, the rev, Roger Hitchcock. 8. Jl-LIANA. Sir William d. Dec. 1814, and was succeed- ed bv his eldest son, IV. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms — See Plate 16. Gules, a lion ram- pant, or, debruised by a bend, argent, charged with a torteau, between two cross crosslets, patee, fitchee, sable. C/r«f— A lion's jamb, erased and erect, gules, charged with a bezant, and holding a cross crosslet, as in the arms. Seat — At Stanwell Place, co. Middlesex. WINNINGTON, of Stanford Court, co. Worcester. 15 Feb. 1755. Sir THOMAS-EDWARD WINNINGTON, Baronet, M.P. for Bewd. ley, succeeded his father, sir Edward, in Jan. 1805; viarried^ 11 Nov. 1810, Isabella, 2d da. of John Taylor, of JMoseley Hall, co. Worcester, esq., and has issue a SON, h. 24 Jan. 1814. Anne-Sarah, 2d da. d. June 1830. This family is of great antiquity co. Chester; in the reign of Edw. I., 1275, they were lords of the manor of Wlnnington, near Namptwich, where they continued to reside till the beginnuig of the last century, and intermarried with many of the princi- pal families in tliat county. A younger branch settled in the county of Worcester, of which was Sir Francis Winnington, of Stanford Court, appointed, 1678, solicitor-general to king Charles II., which post he resigned, that he might act consistently with his con- science, by supix)rting the Exclusion Bill, and d. 17 Arthur Shakespeare, esq., of Stepney, and d. in Feb. 1804; 11. Mary, who d. in Oct. 1797. I. Sir MATTHEW-WHITE, 1st bart., was sheriff of Northumberland 1756, and the same year created a baronet, with remainder to the issue male of his sister, mrs. Ridley. He d. unm. 21 March 17()3, and was suc- ceeded accordingly by his nephew, II. Sir MATTHEW-WHITE, w., 12 July 1777. Sarah, da. and sole h. of Benjamin Colburne, of Bath, esq., and by her (who d. 3 Aug. 1806) had issue. 1. Sir Matthew, present bart. 2. Nicholas-William, who succeeded to the property of his maternal uncle, Wil- ham Colburne, esq., and who has assumed the name and arms of Colburne, in addition to that of Ridley, ?»., 14 June 18(i8,Charlotte, the eldest da. of the right hon. Thomas Steele, and has a son and h., b. 24 July 1814, and other issue, of whom Henrietta, eldest da., m., 12 Aug. 1828, Brampton Gurdon, of Letton, CO. Norfolk, esq., and Maria-Char- lotte, 2d da., m., 13 July 1830, George-Ed- mund Nugent, esq., eldest son of sir George Nugent, bart. 3. Henry-Colburne, in holy orders, rector of Hambledon, co. Bucks, m., 21 April 1808, the eldest da. of James Farrer, of Lin- coln's-Inn-Fields, esq. 4. Richard, in holy orders, m., 8 Nov. 1810, the sole da. of the rev. R. P. Johnsors of Ashton-upon- Mersey, co. Chester. 5. Charles-John. 6. Henrietta-Elizabeth, m., 1st, 22 Aug. 1804, the hon. John Scott, eldest son of John, earl of Eldon, who rf. 24 Dec. 1805 ; and 2dly, 7 July 1811, William Farrer, of Lincoln's Inn, esq. Sir Matthew d. 9 April 1813, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir MATTHEW-WHITE, present bart. Ar7ns—See Plate 17. Quarterly ; 1st and 4th, Ridley, gules, on a chevron, between three falcons, argent, as many pellets : 2d and 3d, White, argent, three cocks' heads, erased, sable, combed and wattled, gules. Crest— A bull passant, the tail turned over the back, gules. Motto over the Crest — Constans fidei. Seats— At Blagdon and Heaton, co. Nor- thumberland.v SMITH, (now BROMLEY,) of Nottingham and of East Stoke, CO. Nottingham. 31 Oct. 1757. Sir ROBERT-HOWE BROMLEY, Baronet, captain R.N., born 28 Nov. 1778; succeeded his father, sir George, 1? Aug. 1808; married., 8 June 1812, Anne, 2d and youngest da. and co-h. of Daniel Wilson, of Dalham Tower, co. Westmoreland, esq., and has issue, 1. Anne, A. 21 June 1813; 2. Caroline, b. Sept. 1814; 3. ROBERT, 6. 13 Nov. 1815; 4. Henry, b. Dec. 181G ; 5. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 1818; 6. Charles, b, Feb. 1820; 7- William, b. July 1821; 8. Thomas, b. Nov. 1822; 9. Mary, b. Jan. 1824; 10. So- phia, b. 1825. Thomas Smith, of Nottingham, esq., was, in the 17th century, possessed of the manor of Keyworth, and other estates in that county. He had two sons, 1. Thomas, who succeeded at Keyworth, and was an- cestor of Thomas Smyth, of Keyworth, whose only da. and h., 'Elizabeth, »';., 1775, sir PhiUp Hales, bart. : 2. Abel, m. Jane, I 3 178 LADE.-WILMOT. da. of George Beaumont, esq., by whom he had two sons, Abel, who was father of the present lord Carrington, and, 1. Sir GEORGE, created a bart. as above, 7n., 1st, Mary, only da. and h. of major William Howe, (eldest son of Emanuel- Scrope Howe, esq., by Ruperta, his wife, a natural da. of prince Rupert,) by Elizabeth, 3d da. and co-h. of William Pauncefote, esq. By this lady sir George had issue, 1. Howe; 2. Mary; 3. Jane, all d. young. 4. Sir George, 2d bart. Lady Smith d. 1761, and sir George m., 2dly, 1768, Catharine, eldest da. of the rev. William Vyse, archdeacon of Lichfield, by whom he had no issue, and dying was suc- ceeded by his son, 11. Sir GEORGE, b. 18 Aug. 1753, m., 8 Jan. 1778, Esther, eldest da. of Asheton, present viscount Curzon, and had issue. Sir RoBERT-HowE, present bart. Sir George assumed the name of Bnrn^ey, 7 Feb. 1778, by royal license, and d. 17 Aug. 1808, and was succeeded by his only son, HI. Sir ROBERT-HOWE, present bart. ^/•;>w— See Plate 17. Quarterly per fess, indented, gules, and or. Crest— X pheasant, sitting, proper. Motto — Pemez forte. Seat—M Carswalls, co. Gloucester, and Stoke Hall, near Newark, co. Nottingham. LADE, of Warbleton, co. Sussex. 17 March 1758. Sir JOHN LADE, Baronet, was the only and posthumous son of the late Baronet, sir John, d. 21 April 1759. Sir John married mrs. Smith, by Avhom (who d. 5 May 1825) he had no issue. Thomas Lade, of Warbleton, co. Sus- sex, m. Mary, da. of the rev. John Nutt, of Mayes, in Selmston, co. Sussex, clerk, and d. Dec. 1668, leaving issue by her (who d. 1673) two sons, 1. Vincent, who had, besides other children, two das., Elizabeth, m. John Whithorne, of Jamaica ; and Philadelphia, m. Edward Inskipp, of Uckfield, co. Sus- sex; 2. Sir John, created a bart. I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., was brought up to trade, which he carried on many years as an eminent brewer in the borough of South- wark, whereby he raised a very considerable fortune, created a bart. 1730, with limitation to his great-nephew John Whithorne, son of Elizabeth above named. ' Sir John d. .30 July 1740, unm., sat. 78, and was succeeded in title by his grand-nephew. II. Sir JOHN-WHITHORNE, vyho as- sumed the name of Lade, was a lieut. of marines, and d. unm. 1747, on whose death the title was extinct. I. Sir JOHN INSKIP, son of Philadel- phia above named, inheriting the bulk of the 1st bart.'s fortune, assumed the name of Lade, and was created a bart. 1758, m. Ma- ry, da. of Ralph, and sister of Henry Thrale, of Streatham, co. Surrey, esq., who d. 22 April 1802. Sir John d. 21 April 1759, in consequence of a fall from his horse, leaving her enceinte of a son, II. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 17. Argent, a fesse wavy, between three escallops, sable. Crest— 0\xt of a ducal coronet or, a leo- pard's head, gardant, sable, bezantee. WILMOT, of Chaddesden, co. Derby. 15 Feb. 1759. Sir ROBERT WILIMOT, Baronet, horn 5 June 17G5 ; succeeded his father, sir Robert, 9 Sept. 1793; married, 29 March 179(>, Lucy, eldest da. of Robert Grimston, of Neswick, co. York, esq , and by her (who d. May 1812) had issue, 1. Lucy-Maria, b. 13 April 1797, m. rev. Samuel Rickards ; 2. Harriett, h. 1 7 June 1798, m. rev. George Cornish, eldest son of George Cornish, of Salcolm Hill, co. Devon, esq. ; 3. Ro- bert-Roberts, b. 2 July 1799, d. 24 Feb. 1822; 4. HENRY- SACHEVEREL, b. 11 Fei). 1801, w., 13 Dec. 182G, Maria, eldest da. of Edward-Miller Muudy, of Shipley Hall, Notts, esq.; 5. Richard- Coke, b. 18 May 1802, m., 3 July 1828, Ellen, 2d da. of the rev. Kyrle- Ernle Money; G. Maria-Anne, h. G May 1804; 7. Anlaby- Mead, b. 14 Dec. 1805 ; 8. John, b. 17 May 1807 ; 9. Edward- WooLLET 6. 3 Aug. 1808 ; 10. Edmund, //. 15 Oct. 1809. Sir Robert w., 2dly, 20 IMay I8I7, Bridget, widow of Daniel Craufurd, esq., son of sir Alexander Craufurd, bart., and has issue; 11. Ellen-Frances, b. 1 Aug. 1819. CUNLIFFE. 179 This family, as appears by deeds still in their possession, settled soon after the Con- quest at Sutton-upon-Soar, and BonyTigton, adjoining thereto, and since called " Sutton Bonyngton, co. Nottingham. Robert Wilmot, esq., the first of the family who appears to have been seated at Chaddesden, in. Dorolhv, da. of Laurence Shrigley, of Shrigley, co. Chester, and d. 163H, leaving, besides other issue, Edward, D.D., ancestor of this family, and Nicholas, of Osmaston, co. Derby, from whom de- scended sir Robert Wilmot, of Osmaston, created a bart., 1772 (see that title). Edward Wiljiot, D.D., above named, left issue a son and h., Edward, of Chad- desden, who was father of Robert, father of I. Sir EDWARD, 1st bart., b. 13 Oct. 1693, one of the naost celebrated physicians of his time ; physician general to the army, and physician in ordinary to king George II., m. Sarah-Marsh, da. of Richard Mead, M.D., physician in ordinary to George II., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Robert-Mead, 2d bart. 2. AxNE, )u., 5 Feb. 1760, Thomas Heron, esq., and d. 30 April 1767- 3. Jaxe, tn. Thomas Williams, esq. Sir Edward d. 21 Nov. 1786, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir ROBERT-MEAD, tn. Mary, da. and h. of William Wollett, esq., and by her (who d. 18 March 1811) had issue, 1. Edward, b. 16 Dec. 1761, d. 17G2. 2. Mary, b. 10 July 1762. 3. Sir Robert, present bart. 4. Edward -Sacheverell, b. 16 Sept. 1766, w., April 17i>7. Anne, only child of dr. Chambers, of Stretton, and d. leaving issue, 1. Edward ; 2. James ; 3. Francis. 4. Arthur. 5. Emm.a-Matilda, 2d da., ni., 24 Dec. 1829, Henry Dixon, of Gledhow, co. York, esq. 5. Richard-Roberts, b. 11 Sept. 1767, d, the same vear. 6. Harriett-Sydney, b. 28 Nov. 1768. 7. Charlotte-Sarah, 6. 30 Dec. 1769. 8. Louisa, b. 8 Feb. 1771, m. William- Cave Brown, esq. 9. Elizabeth, b. 25 May 1772, m. Fran- cis Bradshaw, of Holbrooke, co. Derby, esq. Sir Robert d. 9 Sept. 1793, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir ROBERT, present bart. ^JVH*— See Plate 17. Sable, on a fess, or, between three eagles' heads, couped, argent, as many escallops, gules, a canton, vairy, ermine and gules. Crest— An eagle's head, couped, argent, gorged with a mural coronet, sable ; in the beak an escallop, gules. Seat— At Chaddesden, near Derby. CUNLIFFE, of Liverpool, co. Lancaster. 20 :March 1759. Sir ROBERT-HENRY CUNLIFFE, Baronet, fmm 22 April 1785, succeeded his father, sir Foster, 15 June 1834 ; married twice in India, and has issue, 1. ROBERT; 2. Louisa; 3. Harriot;^ — 4. Emjia-Rhcda ; 5. George; 6. David; 7. Charlotte; 8. Hl^lJRY. Robert Cunliffb, ancestor of this fa- mily, appears to have been seated at Hol- linges, CO. Lancaster, about the 15th century. JoHX Cuxliffe, of HoUinges, 6th in de- scent from him, had, besides other issue, I. Nicfiolas, who continued the line at Hol- linges. 2. Ellis, in holy orders, rector of Etwall, CO. Derby, m. Jennet, eldest da. and co-h. of Anthony Foster, of iVirton, co. York, and by her was father of Foster Cuxliffe, esq., M.P. for Liver- pool, m., 19 June 1714, Margaret, da. of Ro- bert Carter, esq., alderman of Lancaster, and d. 11 April 1758, aged 73, leaving issue, sir Ellis and sir Robert, successive barts. I. Sir ELLIS, 1st bart., was M.P. for Liverpool, and knighted 1756, created a bart. as above, with remainder, on failure of issue male of his body, to his brother Robert and the heirs male of his body, b. 12 April 1717, tn., 19 Dec. 1760, Mary, da. of Henry Ben- net, of Moston, CO. Chester, esq., by whom (who d. 8 Oct. 1814) he had issue, 1. IMary, nu, 1786, sir Drumraond Smith, of Tring Park, co. Herts, and d. 27 Feb.1804. 2. Margaret-Elizabeth, m. William Gosling, of Roehampton Grove, co. Surrey, esq., d. Dec. 1803. Sir Ellis d. 16 Oct. 1767, without male issue, and was succeeded, pursuant to the limitation of the patent, by his brother, n. Sir ROBERT, b. 17 May 1719, m., 1750, Mary, da. of Ichabod Wright, of Not- tingham, banker, esq., and by her (who d. 19 Feb. 1791) had issue, 1. Sir Foster, 3d bait. 2. Elizabeth, b. 23 Dec. 1752, m., April 1782, col. M.-Clement-Stafford Courtenay, esq. 3. Mary, b. 4 Aug. 1760, m., 2 May 1780, sir Richard Brooke, of Norton, co. Chester, bart. 4. Margaret, b. 16 Feb. 1762, w. Thomas Brooke, of Church Minshull, co. Chester, esq., and d. his widow, 16 Dec. 1826. Sir Robert rf. 1778, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir FOSTER, b. 8 Feb. 1755, m., 1 Oct. 1781, Harriot, youngest da. of sir David Kinloch, of Gilmerton, N.B., bart., by whom (who d. 11 Sept. 1830) he had issue, 1. Foster, b. 17 Aug. 1/82, took the sur- name of Offlei/, in addition to, and after that of C*f»Z|#e, by royal license, 18 Dec. 1829, m., 19 April 1809, Eliza-Emma, only da. of John, 1st lord Crewe, but d. s.p. 18 April 1832. 2. Sir Robert-Hexry, present bart. 3. Ellis- Watkix, 5. 5 Sept. 1787, ')>■, 14 June 1822, Caroline, yoimgest da. of John Kingston, esq., and has issue, Caroline. 4. Francis-Kixloch, d. young. 5. Brooke, principal collector, and a magistrate at Arcott, m., and has issue. 6. George, in holy orders, w., 8 Feb. 1821, Dorothea, da, of T, S. Townshend, of Tre- 180 YEA._GLYN. vallyn, co. Denbigh, esq. 7. Thomas, deceased. 8. Mary, w., 9 April 18(16, the right hon. Charles- Watkin-Williams Wynn, brother of Sir Watkin-Williams Wynn, bart. 9. Harriot, m., 4 Dec. 1809, sir Richard Brooke, of Norton, co. Chester, bart., and d. 13 April 1825. Sir Foster d. 15 June 1834, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son. IV. Sir ROBERT-HENRY, present and 4th bart. Arms—See Plate 17- Sable, three conies, current, argent, two and one. Crest — A greyhound, sejant, argent, col- lared, sable. Motto — Fideliter. Seat — At Acton, near Wrexham, co. Den- bigh. Yea, of Pyrland, in Taunton St. James, co. Somerset. 18 June 1759. Sir WIIiLTAM-WALTER YEA, Baronet, born 19 April 1784, suc- ceeded his grandfather, sir WilHam, 25 Nov. 1806, married, 24 June 1806, Anne-Hechstetter, younger da. of David- Robert JMichell, of Dawhsh, co. Devon, esq., and by her has issue, 1. Eleanor-Anne-Hechstetter, b. 16 April 1807, d. ; 2. LACY-WALTER- GILES, b. 20 31 ay 1808, in the army; 3. William-Walter-Raleigh, d. May 1814; 4. Julia-Eliza, b. 5 April 1815; 5. Raleigh-Henky, 6. 2 June I8I7. This family have, for several generations, possessed considerable estates co. Somerset. I. Sir WILLIAM, created a bart. as above, was third and only surviving son of David Yea, of Brompton Ralph, co. Somerset, esq. He m. Julia, eldest da. of sir George Trevelyan, bart., by Julia, da. of sir Walter Calverley, bart., and had issue, 1. William-Walter, b. 1756, m., 1 May 1783, Jane, da. of Francis Newman, of Cad- bury-House, co. Somerset, esq., and d. during his father's lifetime, 27 Dec. 1804, leaving issue by her, who d. 31 Jan. 1829, 1. Sir William-Walter, 2d bart. 2. Lacy, d. young. .3. Henry-Lacy, b. 17.98. 4. Jane-Newman, b. 25 Aug. 1785. 5. Georgiana, 6. 2 Sept. 1786, »n., 21 May 1804, Haynes-Gibbes Allen, of the island of Barbadoes, esq. 6. Julia, d. young. 7. Julia-Eleanora, b. 14 Nov. 1792. 8. Louisa, b. 15 Jan. 1794. 9. Charlotte, b. 2 May 1795, ni., 14 March 1820, Robert Grant, esq., of the 4th light dragoons, son of sir Archibald Grant, of Monymusk, co. Aberdeen. 2. Lacy, b. 14 Dec. 1757, d. 1758. 3. Lacy, &.21 Jan. 1759, m., 28 Sept. 1808, Margaret Duff. 4. George, 6. 1 April 1760. 5. Thomas-Freer, d. unm. 6. Julia, d. im7n. Sir William d. 25 Nov. 1806, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, IL Sir WILLIAM- WALTER, present bart. Arms— See Plate 17. Vert, a ram passant, argent. Crest — A talbot, passant, argent. Motto — Esto semper fidelis. Seats— At Pyrland, &c., co. Somerset. GLYN, of LoNDOJf. 29 Sept. 1759. Sir LEWEN-POWELL GLYN, Baronet, the rev. sir George, 4 Sept. 1814. born Aug. 1801, succeeded Rorert GLYN,of Ewell.co. Surrey, esq., (son of the rev. Robert Glyn, rector of Little Rissington, co. Oxon, and grandson of the rev. Christopher Glyn, rector of Burford in the same county,) b. 1()73, m. Anne May- nard, niece of sir William Lewen, lord mayor of London, and d. 1746, leaving an only sur- viving son, I. Sir RICHARD, 1st bart., b. 1712, was an alderman and banker of London, and lord mayor in 1758; m., 1st, Susannah, only da. and h. of George Lewen, of Ewell, co. Surrey, esq., by whom he had. 1. Robert-Lewen, b. 1737, d, unm. 2. Sir George, 2d bart. 3. Richard, b. 1741, d. unm. Sir Richard m., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. and co- ll. of Robert Carr, esq., by whom (who d. 14 A))ril 1814) he had, 4. Richard-Carh, b. 17.55, created a bart. 1800 (see sir Richard-Oirr Gli/ti, bart.). 5. Thomas, col. in the army, b. 1756, wi. Henrietta-Elizabeth-Sackvillc, da. and h. of Thomas Hollingbcry, archdeacon of Chi- chester, and by her (who d. 24 Aug. 1813) he had. COLEBROOKK— FLUDYER. 181 1. Thomas-Clayton, 6. 1789, in holy or- ders, m., and has issue. 2. Richard-Carr, a writer in India, &.1794. 3. George-Henry, b. 1796. 4. Robert-Spencer, b. 1798. 5. Henrietta-Elizabeth, b. 1791. 6. Amelia-Mary, b. 1801. He m., 2dly, 20 April 1820, Jemima-Julia, youngest da. of William Hammond, esq., of St. Alban's Court, co. Hants. (J. Edward, 6. 1757, a. young. Sir Richard d. 31 Dec. 1/72, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir GEORGE, in holy orders, rector of Ewell, CO. Surrey, b. 1739, m., 1st, Jane, da. of the rev, Watkin Lewes, of Tredeved, CO. Pembroke, and had issue, 1, Richard-Lewen, major in the army. d. iinm. at St. Domingo, 1795. 2. William-Lewen, d. an infant. And 2dly, 1795, Catharine, youngest da. and co-h. of the rev. Gervas Powell, otLanharan, CO. Glamorgan, and had issue, 3. Anne-Margaret, b. 1797- 4. Sir Lewen-Powell, present bart. 5. George-Lewen, b. 1803. 6. William, b. 19 Sept. 1804, d. Sir George d. 4 Sept. 1814, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir LEWEN-POWELL, present bart. Arms— See Plate 17- Argent, an eagle, displayed, with two heads, sable, gutteed'or. Crest — An eagle's head, erased, sable, guttee d'or, holding in the beak an escallop, argent. Seat—M Ewell, co. Surrey. COLEBROOKE, of Gatton,co. Surrey. 12 Oct. 1759. Sir JAMES-EDW^ARD COLEBROOKE, Baronet, horn 7 July 1761, succeeded his father, sir George, 5 Aug. 1809, sometime senior Merchant on the Bengal Establishment, and Provisional Member of the Council in Bengal ; w., 31 Jan. 1820, mrs. Louisa-Anne Stewart. Gaynor, of the island of Antigua, esq*, and had issue, 1. Mary, h. 26 Oct. 1757, m. the chevalier Charles-Adrien de Peyron, in the service of Gustavus, king of Sweden, who was killed in a duel, in 1784, by the count de la Marck, upon which melancholy occasion the king of Sweden took his son under his immediate protection. 2. Louisa, 6. Jan. 1764, m. Andrew Su- therland, esq., captain R.N. ; he d. at Gibraltar, 1795, commissioner of that port* 3. George, b. 2 Aug. 1759, m. Belinda, da. of , who, after his decease, »i. Wil- liam Taafe, esq. ; he left issue, Belinda and Georgiana-Harriet. 4. Sir James-Edward, present bart, 5. Henry - Thomas, F.R.S., chirogra- pher of the court of Common Pleas, 6. 15 June 1765, some time president of the board of revenue, and a member of the su- preme council, Bengal. Sir George d. 5 Aug. 1809, and was suc- ceeded by his son, III. Sir JAMES - EDWARD, present bart. Arms — See Plate 17, Gules, a lion ram- pant, argent, ducally crowned, or, on a chief, of the last, three Cornish choughs, proper. Crest — A wyvern, with wings expanded, or, resting his foot upon a plain shield, gules. Motto — Sola bona qua honesta. Seai;— Colebrooke Park, Tunbridge, Kent, James COLEBROOKE, esq,, (son of Tho- mas Colebrooke, of Anmdel, co, Sussex,) was b. 12 May 1680, m. Mary Hudson, and d, 18 Nov, 1752, having had issue, 1. Robert, minister to the Swiss can- tons, m., 1st, Henrietta, da. of Henry, duke of Bolton, and 2dly, Elizabeth, da. andco-h. of John Thresher, esq., but d. s,p. 2. Sir James, 1st bart, 3. Sir George, 2d bart. 4. Dyonisia, m. John Walker, esq. 5. Mary, d. unm. 6. Anne, m. John Symonds, esq., d. 1764. 7. Anna-Maria, m., 1st, William-Payne King, esq., and 2dly, Edwin, lord Sandys, of Ombersley. 8. Sarah, m. Jeremiah Gray, esq. 9. Charlotte, m. John Wicker, esq. 10. Rachel, I. Sir JAMES, the 2d son, 6. 21 July 1722, ■was advanced to the dignity of a bart., and in failure of issue male, with remainder to his brother, George, of Southgate, co. Mid- dlesex. He m. Mary, eldest da. and co-h. of Stephen Skinner, of Layton and Wal- thamstow, co. Essex, esq., who d. 1754; he d. 12 May 1761, leaving only two das., 1. Mary, 6. 10 March 17o0, m. John Au- brey, esq., now sir John Aubrey, bart., but d. 1781. 2. Emma, b. 22 Dec. 1752, m., 1772, Charles, 4th earl of Tankerville, (vide De- brett's Peerage of the United Kingdom.) Sir James was succeeded by his brother, H. Sir GEORGE, b. 14 June 1729, w., 23 July 1754, Mary, sole da. and h. of Patrick FLUDYER, of London. 14 Nov. 1759. Sir SAMUEL FLUDYER, Baronet, born 31 Jan. 1800, succeeded his father, sir Samuel-Brudenell, 17 Feb. 1833, and is unmarried. ]82 WATSON. Samuel Fludyer, an eminent clothier in London, left two sons, sir Samuel, 1st bart., and Thomas, who was knighted at Guildhall, 9 Nov, 176I, when their majesties king George III. and queen Charlotte ho- noured his brother, sir Samuel, (v.'ho was then lord-mayor,) with their presence. Sir Thomas m. Maty, da. of sir George Cham- pion, knt., and alderman of London, (who d. 3 Dec. 1769, act. 41) ; he d. 19 March IJCQ, leaving an only da. andh., Mary, b. in June 1755, who m., 2 March 1773, Trevor-Cliarles Roper, who afterv/ards succeeded to the ancient barony of Dacre. (Vide Debrett's Peerage of the United Kingdom.) I. SAMUEL, the elder brother, alderman and sheriff of London, was knighted 19 Sept. 1735, and afterwards created a bart. Sir Samuel was lord-mayor of London, 1761, ni. Jane, da. of Clarke, by whom (who d. 20 March 1757, st. 53) it does not appear he had any issue. He m., 2dly, Caroline, da. and co-h. of the hon. James Brudenell, master of the jewel office, and commissioner of trade, and brother to George, earl of Cardigan, by whom (who d. Oct. 1803) he had, 1. SirSAMUEL-BRUDENELL, 2d bart. 2. George, of Ayston, co. Rutland, b. Sept. 17(il, m., 16 Jan. 1792, Mary-Fane, da. of John, 9th earl of Westmoreland, (by his 2d wife, lady Susan, da. of Cosmo, duke of Gordon,) and had issue, 1. Mary, m., 21 July 1818, Arthur- George, earl of Onslow, and d, 1 March 1830. 2. Caroline, »?., 22 Sept. 1818, John, earl Brownlov/, and d. 1824. 3. Elizabeth, m., 21 Oct. 1824, sir Philip Musgrave, bart. 4. George. 5. Katharine. 6. William. 7. John-Henry, in holy orders, m., 7 May 1832, Augusta, da. of sir Richard Borough, bart. Sir Samuel d. 18 Jan. 1768, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, XL Sir SAMUEL - BRUDENELL, 2d hart., 6. 8 Oct. 1759, m., Oct. 1784, his first cousin, Maria, da. of Robert Weston, esq., (by Louisa, da. of the hon. James Brude- nell,) by whom (who d. 23 Nov. 1818) he had issue, 1. Marta, b. 3 Nov. 1795. 2. Caroline-Louisa, 5. 29 April 1793, m., 13 Nov. 1828, Cobbett Derby, jun. esq. 3. Sir Samuel, present bart. 4. Charlotte, b. Mayl8ii2, d. Sir Samuel Brudenell d. 17 Feb. 1833, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir SAMUEL, present and 3d bart. Arms — See Plate 17. Sable, a cress pa- tonce, between four escallops, argent, each charged with a cross patonce of the field. Crest — An escallop, as in the arms, be- tween a pair of wings, elevated, argent. Sert^— Felixstowe, Suffolk. WATSON, of FuLMER, CO. Bucks. 21 March 1760. Sir CHARLES WATSON was created a Baronet, as above, being then but nine years of age, born 9 June 1751 ; married, 10 July 1789, Juliana, da. of sir Joseph Copley, bart., by whom (who d. 24 May 1834) he had issue, 1. Charles, 6. and d. 1790; 2 Charles, 6. 1/91, d. 1810; 3. CHARLES-WAGEH, b. 4 Jan. 1800, m., 19 June 1827, Jemima- Charlotte, eldest da. of Charles-Garth Colleton, of Haines Hill, Berks, esq., and has issue, I.Charles, i. 7 April 1828 ; 2. Jemima; 3. Selina-Harriet ; 4. Caroline- A line ,• 4. Juliana, m., 24 Sept. i824, the rev. Thomas Calvert, D.D., vrarden of Christ's College, IManchester, and vicar of Holme on Spalding; 5. Cecil, w., 22 Aug. 1821, Richard^Greaves Townley, of Fulborne, co. Cambridge, esq. ; 6. Anna-Maria, m., 21 Oct. 1833, John Bendyshe, of Barrington and Kneesworth, co. Cambridge, esq. ; 7. Caroline, rf. C Aug. 1819, ««m.,- 8. Henrietta, w., 9 Dec. 1823, the rev. William Acton, rector of "Weston Colville, co. Cambridge ; 9. Catherine-Harriet ; 10. Charlotte, nu, 22 July 1824, John Gibbons, esq-, eldest son of sir John Gibbons, bart., and d. 28 Oct. 1833 ; 11. Marianne, «?., 15 Aug. 1833, Alexander Cotton, esq., rector t)f Girton, co. Cambridge. Charles Watson, b. March 1714, (son of dr. John Watson, prebendary of West- minster, and rector of Castle Camps, co. Cambridge, by a half-sister of admiral sir Charles Wager,) entered the naval service, and was made a post-captain 1737. He highly distinguished himself in the action 3 May 1747, when even the French admiral made the most honourable mention of his ship, the Princess Louisa. In the follow- ing action, the same year, in whicli sir Edward Hawke commanded, captain Wat- son again displayed his intrepidity ; and on 12 May 1748, was raised to the rank of rear- admiral of the blue, and sent to Cape Bre- ton. He afterwards commanded the naval forces with singular honour, in the East Indies, where he d. 15 Aug. 1757- He m., 1741, Rebecca, eldest da. of John-Francis Buller, esq., by whom (who d. I8OO) he had, 1. Sir C;har'les, created a bart. as above. 2. Rebecca, m. sir William Gibbons, bart. 3. Martha, (twin with sir Charles,) ?»., 5 Nov. 1772, James Cocks, esq., brother of Charles, 1st lord Sommers. Arms—See Plate 17- Argent, on a chev- ron, engrailed, azure, between three mart- lets, sable, as many crescents, or. Crest— A griffin's head, erased, argent, ducally gorged, or. Sea«—\V ratting Park, Cambridge. HESKETH.— S3IYTH. 183 HESKETH, of Rufford, co. Lancaster. 5 May 1761. Sir THOMAS DALRYMPLE HESKETH, Baronet, born at New York, in North America, 13 Jan. 1777, succeeded his grandfather, sir Robert, 30 Dec. 1796; married, Feb. 179o, Sophia, only da. of the rev. Nathaniel Hinde, vicar of Shifnal, co. Salop, and bv her (who d. 8 Feb. 1817) he has issue, 1. THOMAS-HENRY, h. 11 Feb. 1799, 7«.,3 April 1824, Anna-Maria, da, of R. Bamford, of Batherston House, co. Meath, esq. ; 2. Harriet, b. 10 May 1802 ; — —3. Sophia-Elizabeth, b. 9 Nov. 1808; 4. a Da., b. 26 Jan. 1817- Sir Thomas m., 2dly, 15 Sept. 1821, miss Louise Allamund, by whom (who d, at Lausanne, 6 Sept. 1 832,) he also has issue. This family derives its name from the family of Hesketh, in Lancashire, of which they have been possessed from the Con- quest. The pedigree is regularly deduced from Richard de Uaskat/tlie, who lived in the 13th century, and whose descendants for several generations were knights. Thomas Hesketh, esq., lord of the ma- nors of Hesketh, Rufford, &c., was one of the representatives for the town of Preston, in the 6th parliament of Great Britain ; and tn. Martha, only da. of James St. Amand, esq., (by Elizabeth, da. of sir William Jux- ton, bart.,) by whom he had four sons, 1. Robert; 2. Thomas, who both d. infants; 3. sir Thomas; 4. sir Robert, successive barts. I. Sir THOMAS, the eldest surviving son, was created a bart., 5 May l/Gl, with limitation, in default of issue, to his bro- ther, sir Robert, 2d bart. Sir Thomas m. Harriet, da. and h. of Ashley Cooper, esq., by whom (who d. 15 Jan. 1807) he had no issue. He rf. 4 March 1778, and was suc- ceeded by his brother, n. Sir ROBERT, who, in 1/92, took the surname and arms of JrxoN, which he used during his life, b. 23 April 1728, m., 19 April 1748, Sarah, da. of William Plumbe, of Wavertree, co. Lancaster, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Thomas, b. 25 March 1749, d. 1781, m. Jacintha, da. of Hugh Dalrymple, esq., at- torney-general of the island of Grenada, and had issue, 1. Thomas, d. young. 2. Harriet-Anne, ni. John Despard, of Ireland, esq., a lieut. -general in the army. 3. Dorothea, m. Arthur-Barry Shears, of Ireland, esq. 4. Jessy-Catharine, m., 14 May 1796, sir Thomas-Buckler Lethbridge, of Sand- hill Park, CO. Somerset, bart. 5. Sir Thomas-Dalrymple, present bart. 6. Charlotte, m., 22 Feb. 1790, the hon. End rev. Edmund Knox, lord bishop of Limerick. 7. Lucy, m. Edward Pearson, of Liver- pool, esq. 2. Robert, b. 23 July 1751, capt. in the army, who was killed at the battle of Bun- ker's Hill, North America, in which en- gagement he was a volunteer. Sir Robert d. 30 Dec. 179(j, and was suc- ceeded bv his grandson, III. Sir THOMAS-DALRYMPLE, pre- sent bart. Arms — See Plate 17. Argent, on a bend sable, three garbs, or. Crest— A garb, or, banded azure. Seat— At Rufford Hall, near Orrnskirk, CO. Lancaster. SMYTH, of LoxG Ashton, co. Somerset. 27 Jan. 1763. Sir JOHN SMYTH, Baronet, born 9 Feb. 1776, succeeded his brother, sir Hugh, 28 Jan. 1824. without issue ; 5. Florence, d. unm. 1C82 ; 6. Anne, d. an infant. Sir Hugh d. 28 July 1680, and was succeeded by bis eldest son. Sir John Smyth, b. 13 Dec. 1659, m. Elizabeth, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Samuel Astry, knt., and by her (who d. 15 Sept. 1715) had issue, 1. sir John, his successor; 2. Hugh, d. unm. 26 Aug. 1735; 3. Samuel, d. 2 Dec. 1719; 4. Anne; 5. Elizabeth, both d. unm.; 6. Astrea, m. Thomas Coster, esq., d. without issue; 7. Florence; 8. Arabella, m. Edward Gore, esq., d. 27 Oct. 1748. Sir John, the eldest son, b. 24 Ju^y 1669, d. 18 July 1741, having m. Anne, da. of mr. Pynn; she d. Sept. 1733, without issue, whereby the title became extinct, and the estate descended to his three surviving sis- This family was long seated at Ayleber- ton, in the forest of Dean, co. Gloucester. John Smyth lived there in the year 1442, 1 Henry VI. In 1547, the family purchased the manor of Long Ashton, near Bristol, where they have ever since been seated. In the 17th century they were frequently knights of the shire for co. Somerset. Hugh Smyth was, IG'U, created a bart. He m. Anne, 2d da. of John Ashburnham, groom of the bedchamber to Charles II., and knight of the shire co. Sussex, 1661, by whom (who m., 2dly, col. John Ramsav, and d. 26 June 1697) he had issue, 1. sir John ; 2. Hugh, d. unm. 26 Sept. 1681 ; 3. Charles, d. unm. June 1717; 4. Elizabeth, m. Richard Gernoen, esq., d, Dec. 1717> 184 BLAKISTON. ters, Anne, Florence, and Arabella. Florence, 4th da. of sir John, sister and co-h. of the last sir John, m., 1st, John Pigot, esq., who d. without issue, 30 April 1730; and, 2dly, I. Sir JARRIT-SMYTH, (only son of John Smyth, of Bristol,) who was created a bart. as above, and had issue by the said Florence, 1. Sir John-Hugh, 2d bart. 2. Thomas, of Stapleton, m., 11 Aug. 1767, Jane, sole da. of Joseph Whitchurch, of Stapleton, esq., and by him (who d. 11 March 1800) left issue, 1. Sir Hugh, 3d bart. 2. Sir John, present bart. 3. Florence, 6. 27 May 1769, m. John Upton, of Ingmire Hall, co. Westmoreland, esq. 4. Mary, 6. 2 Aug. 1778, m. iBenjamin Way, of Denham Place, co. Bucks, esq. Sir Jarrit d. 25 Jan. 1783, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN-HUGH, nu, I Sept. 1757, Elizabeth, sole da. and h. of Henry-Wool- nough, of Pucklechurch, co. Gloucester, esq., by whom (who d. March 1825, aged 87) he acquired the manor of Lodbury, d. 30 March 1802, without issue, and was suc- ceeded by his nephew, III. Sir HUGH, 3d bart., h. 3 July 1772, m., 20 May 1797, Margaret, 5th da. of Christopher Wilson, lord bishop of Bristol, by whom (who d. 30 Nov. 1819) he had no issue. He rf. 28 Jan. 1824, and was succeed- ed by his brother, IV. Sir JOHN, present bart. Anns— See Plate 18. Gules, on a chevron, between three cinquefoils, argent, as many leopards' faces, sable. Crest— X griffin's head erased, gules, beak and ears, or, charged on the neck with two bars, of the last. Motto — Qm* capH capitur. Seats— M Ashton Court, near Bristol; Wraxall House, co. Somerset ; Heath House, Stapleton, co. Gloucester; and Rockley House, CO. Wilts. BLAKISTON, of London. 22 April 1763. Sir MATTHEW BLAKISTON, Baronet, Jom 13 May 1783, sue- ceeded his father, sir Matthew, 20 Sept. 1806; married^ 12 April 1810, Lucy, eldest da. of James Mann, of Linton Place, co. Kent, esq., (by Lucy, da. of sir Horatio Mann, bart., and lady Lucy Noel, his wife, 6th da. of Baptist, 4th earl of Grainsborough,) and has issue, 1. MATTHEW, b. 15 Jan. 1811 ; 2, Rosamond, b. 9 June 1813 ; 3. Henry-James, b. 19 Dec. 1814 ; 4. Lucy, b. 2 Oct. 1816; 5. John-Edward, b. 14 April 1818, d. 23 Sept. 1822; 6. Horace-Mann, b. 10 Dec. 1819 ; 7. Anne-Sophia, b. 27 Dec. 1820 ; 8. Emii.y, b. 13 March 1822, d. 1831; 9. Harriet-Jane, b. 15 Feb. 1824;— 10. Charles- Robert, b. 6 July 1825; 11. Henrietta, b. 6 Sept. 1827, d. same month; 12. Augustus-Frederick-Noel, 6. 15 Jan. 1829. Georgk BLAKISTON, of Stapleton, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, had issue (besides other children, who d. unm.) a 3d son, George Blakiston, a merchant in Lon- don, who was father of, I. MATTHEW BLAKISTON, esq., an eminent merchant in the said city, was b. 1702, elected an alderman of London, 1750, sheriff 1753, and lord mayor 17(50. In 1759 he was knighted, and afterwards created a bart. as above. By his 1st marriage he had issue, 1. Charles-George, d. rmm. 1758. In 1760, he m., 2dly, Annabella Baillie, by whom (who »t., 2dly, lieut.-col. Hugh Cane, and d. 1783) he had issue, 2. Sir Matthew, 2d bart. Sir Matthew d. 14 July 1774, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, 11. Sir MATTHEW, h. in the Mansion House, during the mayoralty of his father, nu, Sept. 1782, Anne, da. of John Rochford, of Clogbreanan, co. Carlow, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Matthew, 3d bart. 2. John, some time capt. 27th foot, h. Feb. 1785, m., Sept. 1814, Jane, da. of rev. Tho- mas Wright, of Bosworth, co, Leicester, and has issue, 2 sons and 2 das. 3. Charles, b. 12 April 1780, >»., Aug. 1820, Harriett, da. of Nicholl, of Wat- ford, esq., and had issue, one da. 4. Thomas, b. Dec. 1790, commander R.N., m., 9 Aug. 1827, Harriett, 4th da. of lieut.-col. Harvey, of Thorpe, co. Norfolk, and has issue, 3 das. 5. Hi( hard-Bayly, b. 13 May 17.93, tn., 11 July 1827, Mary-Isabella, eldest da. of John-Holmes Houstoun, of Orangefield, near Belfast, esq., and has issue, 3 sons and 1 da. (). Peyton, b. Sept. 1801, m., Sept. 1825, Fanny, da. of Foliott Powell, esq., and has issue, 3 sons and 1 da. Sir Matthew d. 20 Sept. 180(), and was suc- cee leaving a numerous family, of whom, Richard Pigot, of Westminster, esq., 7th son, m. Frances, da. of Peter Goode, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir George, 1st hart. 2. Sir Robert, 2d bart. 3. Hugh, vice-admiral, R.N., m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Peter le Neve, esq., and had issue, 1. Henry; 2. Isabella. And 2dly, Frances, da. of sir Richard Wrottesley, hart., and had issue, 3. Hugh, capt. R.N. ; 4. Frances. 5. Caroline, m. lord Henry Fitzroy, 3d son of Augustus-Henry, 3d duke of Graf- ton, K.G. 4. Margaret, m., April 1755, Thomas Fisher, esq. Richard Pigot, esq., d. 31 Dec. 1729. I. Sir GEORGE PIGOT, wasgovernorof Fort St. George, Madras, in the East Indies, was created a baronet as above, with re- mainder to his brothers, sir Robert, 2d bart., and Hugh, and their heirs male : he was afterwards created a peer of Ireland, in 1765, by the title of baron Pigot, of PatshuU, and d. at Madras, 1703, without issue male, when the barony became extinct; but was succeeded in the baronetage, agreeably to the patent of liir;itation, by his brother *, II. Sir ROBERT, a brigadier-general in the army in America, who distinguished him- self so highly at the battle of Bunker's Hill, that his majesty was pleased to give him the 38th regiment of foot. He m., 18 Feb. 1765, Aime, da. of Allen Johnson, of Kilternan, CO. Dublin, esq., father of general sir Henry Johnson, bart., and by her (who d. July 1772) had issue, 1. SirGEORGK, present bart. 2. Hugh, R.N. 3. Robert, sometime lieutenant-colonel in the anny. 4. Anne, b. 1771. Sir Robert d. 1 Aug. 179G, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Arms — See Plate 18. Ermine, three lo- zenges, conjoined in fess, sable. Crest — A wolf's head, erased, argent. Sea<— Patshull, co. Stafford. KNOWLES. 31 Oct. 1765. Sir FRANCIS^CHARLES KNOWLES, Baronet, 6. 10 June 1802; succeeded his father, sir Charles- Henry, 28 Nov. 1831, w., 26 May 1831, Emma, da. of sir George Pocock, bart., and has, 1. CHARLES- GEORGEoFREDERlCK, b. 14 March 1832 ; 2. Geraldine-Sophia- Elizabeth, 6. 1) May 1834. I. Sir CHARLES KNOWLES, 1st bart, was in the naval service, and obtained a cap- tain's commission, 4 Feb. 173(1-7. In 174G he was appointed rear-admiral of tlie blue, go- vernor of Cape Breton, and commander of his majesty's sliips on that station. In 1752 he was governor of Jamaica, but resigned in 1758. He was promoted to the rank of vice- admiral of the blue,!! Feb. 1755; admiral of the blue, 7 Feb. 1758 ; and promoted to be rear-admiral of Great Britain, 5 Nov. 1765; in 1770, he was appointed chief president of the admiralty to the empress of Russia. Sir Charles m., 1st, Mary, da. of John-Gay Al- leyne, esq., (who was created a baronet in 17(ii),) by whom he had one son, who was captain of a man-of-war, and perished in a storm at sea. He m., 2dly, Maria-Magdalena- Theresa Bouquet, b. in Germany, by whom he has left issue, 1. Sir Charles-Henry, 2d bart. 2. Anna-Charlotte-Christjna, 6. in * The celebrated diamond, called the Pigot diamond, which was esteemed by skilful la- pidaries to be but little inferior in weight, and equal in water and brilliancy to any known diamond in Europe, and worth a sum little short of 30,()U(»/., lord Pigot bc'iueathed to his brothers, sir Robert, and admiral Pigot, and his sister, Margaret Fisher. On the decease of the two former it solely vested in sir George Pigot, present bart., Frances, relict of admiral Hugh Pigot, and Margaret Fisher ; by whom it was disposed of under an act of parliament, in J800, by way of lot- tery, for 23,998/. Kk., in eleven thousand four hundred and twenty-eight tickets, at two guineas each. THOMAS.— WOLFF. 187 Jamaica, 22 Nov. 1752, m., 1780, John Win- der, of Vaynor Park, co. Montgomery, esq. Sir Charles d, S) Dec. I777> and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir CHARLES-HENRY, 2d bart., b. 24 Aug. 1/54, G.C.B., admiral of the red, m., 10 Sept. 1800, Charlotte, da. of Charles Johnstone, of Ludlow, esq., and niece of sir Richard- Vanden-Bempde Johnstone, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir Frances-Charles, present bart. 2. Henry-Cosby-Roddam, b, 16 June 1803, d. 7 June 1808. 3. Charlotte-Laura, b. 28 Nov. 1807. 4. Georgina-Henrietta, b. 20 June 1809. 5. Agn'Es-Louisa, b. 28 Sept. 1810, d. 19 Feb. 1811. 6. Edward-Richard-Johnstone, b. 20 March 1818. 7. Maria-Louisa-Theresa, b. 15 Oct. 1825. Sir Charles-Henrj- d. 28 Nov. 1831, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir FRANCIS-CHARLES, present and 3d bart. Arm^—See Plate 18. Per pale azure, and gules crusilly, and a cross moline, voided, or, over all, in the centre point, a terrestrial globe, proper. Cre.it — An elephant, statant, argent, in front of an anchor, sable. Motto — Semper parafus. Seat— At Level Hill, near Windsor, co. Berks. THOMAS, of Yapton Place, co. Sussex. 6 Sept. 1706. Sir WILLTAM-LEWIS-GEORGE THOI\IAS, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir George, 6 May 1815 ; married, Eliza, da. of Richard Welch, esq., and has issue, 1. Sophia; 2. George, midshipman of the Leander, d. at Trincomalee, 11 July 1820; 3. Eliza; — m., 8 May 1830, James Brymer, esq.; 5. WILLIAM; TAGUE. 4. Helen, 6. MoN- I. Sir GEORGE THOMAS, 1st baronet, was descended from a Monmouthshire fa- mily ; he was nine years governor of Penn- svlvania, and thirteen years governor in chief of the Leeward Islands. On his return to England he was created a baronet as above, and settled at Yapton Place; m. Ly- dia, da. of John King, esq., of Antigua, and had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Elizabeth, d. unm. 3. Margaret, m. Arthur Freeman, of Antigua, esq., and d. his widow, 1797- 4. LYDiA,m. John White, of Chichester, esq., and d. his widow, 1794. Sir George d. 31 Dec. 1774, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir WILLIAM, 2d bart.. m. Margaret, da. of Walter SyderfFe, of Dean Street, Soho, esq., by whom (who d. 1763, aet. 69) he had issue, 1. Sir George, 3d bart. 2. Anne, m. Stephen Popham, of Madras. 3. Elizabeth, m. Andrew Lyon, of Edin- burgh, esq. 4. Maria, rf. unm. 5. Margaret, m, William Roe, of Lou- don, esq. 6. Lydia, m. Alexander Adair, of Hexton Hall, CO. Suffolk, esq. 7. Frances, w. John Williams, of Chi- chester, esq., and d. his widow, 14 Dec. 1829, having survived all her sisters. Sir William d. 28 Dec. ]777j and was suc- ceeded by his only son, III. Sir GEORGE, 3d bart., m., 1st, at Geneva, matiemoiselle Sales, of Pregny-la- tour, by whom he had an only son. Sir William-Lewis-Geoege, 4th bart. And 2dly, Sophia, da. of admiral John Montagu, by whom (who survived him) he had no issue. Sir George d. 6 May 1815, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, IV. Sir WILLIAM-LEWIS-GEORGE, present and 4ih bart. Anns—Hee Plate 18. Argent, three lions, rampant, two and one, gules, a chief, azure. Crest — A demi lion, rampant, gules. Motto — Hvncsti/ is the best policy. Seaf— Dale Park, IMadehurst, co. Sussex. WOLFF, of Towx-HiLL, co. Southampton. 27 Oct. 17C6. Sir JAMES-WILLIAM-WESTON WOLFF, Baronet, a baron of the Holy Roman Empire, born 24 Nov. 1778 ; succeeded his father, sir Jacob, 20 Jan. 1809, married., 4 Jan. 1800, Frances, da. of Joseph Adkins, of Jiincolnshire, esq., and by her (who d. \A April 1808) had issue, 1. EDWARD, b. 2 Sept. 1801, d. 4 May 1807. Sir Charles, son of sir Charles-Godfrey Wolff, of St. Petersburgh, was descended, on the father's side, from a noble Silesian family, that had a fief under the emperors of Germany, near Breslau ; but when the religious troubles commenced in Silesia, they were forced to quit that country, and seek an asylum in Sweden, where the Lu- theran religion prevailed. When Peter the Great conquered Livonia, this Charles-God- frey was carried, being then an infant, 1704, in captivity, into Wologda, a town in the 188 MOSTYN-CHAMPNEYS — HORT. interior parts of the Russian empire, and, arriving at the age of maturity, settled at Moscow, where, on 27 Jan. 1739, O.S., the first bart. was born. I. Sir JACOB, created a bart. 27 Oct, 1766, h, 27 Jan. 1739, O.S., succeeded his uncle, baron Jacob Wolff, in 1759, in his estates ; and the emperor of Germany, Francis I., honoured him with the patent of a baron July 1761, (wherein he is styled Jacob Van Wolff, knt., and baron of the Holy Roman Empire,) and likewise to all his lawful chil- dren, and their issue, males and females. Sir Jacob, being naturalized, settled in Hampshire, and was created a bart. as above. He m. 11 Dec. 176G, Anne, only da. of the right hon. Edward Weston, secretary of state in Ireland, 2d son of dr. Stephen Weston, lord bishop of Exeter 1724, and by her (who d. 13 March 1815) he had issue, 1. Sir James-William-Weston, present bart. 2. 3. 4. 5. Four das., the 2d and only sur- vivor of whom, Lucy, h. 8 Oct. 1771, m., 1st, 29 Nov. 1792, major Parslow, of the king's own regt. of dragoons; 2dly, in 1800, Philip Ditcher, of Reading, co. Berks, esq. Sir Jacob rf. 20 Jan. 1810, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir James-William-Weston, present bart. Arms, Crest, Sic.—See Plate 18. As de- scribed in the German patent of baron — A shieki, erect, divided into four quar- ters; in the centreof which, an escutcheon, with the arms following: vert, a wolf, pas- sant, proper, and in chief three fleurs-de-lis, argent, the arms of Van Wolff. In the 1st quarter of the achievement, or, an eagle displayed, sable, ducally crowned, gules; in the 2d quarter, azure, an armed arm issuing out of the clouds from the sinister, grasping a sword, in the attitude of striking, proper; in the 3d quarter, argent, a naked arm is- suing out of the clouds from the sinister, holding a palm branch, proper ; and lastly, in the 4th quarter, or, a triangle, sable. The whole achievement is illustrated with an imperial baron's crown, or, set with Jive large pearls, upon which are three open tilting helmets, azure, ducally crowned, or, lined, gules, ornamented with jewels, pen- dant, or, the dexter mantling, green and silver, and the sinister, black and gold, in- termixed ; from the middle coronet issuant a demi wolf rampant ; on the dexter helmet, from a ducal coronet a fleur-de-lis, argent, between two wings of a Saxon eagle dis- played, tawney ; and on the sinister, stand- ing on a ducal coronet, an eagle, displayed, sable, crowned as in the 1st quarter of arms; and lastly, for his supporters, two lions, rampant, regardant, with double tails, or, tongues, gules. Motto — Dante Deo. Sea<— Chulmleigh, Devon. CHAMPNEYS, (now MOSTYN-CHAMPNEYS,) of Orchardley, co. Somerset. 26 Jan. 1767- Sir THOMAS-SWYMMER MOSTYN-CHAMPNEYS, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 2 July 1821 ; born 31 May 1709, took the name of JNIostyn in addition to, and before that of Champneys, by royal sign manual, 1831 ; married, 21 April 1792, Charlotte-Margaret, 2d da. and co.-h. of sir Roger Mostyn, bart., by Avhom he has no issue. This family claims, through a match with a da. of Courtenay, descent from the royal house of France, and the tradition in Somersetshire is, that it has been seated at Orchardley, near Frome Selwood, in that county, from the time of the Norman con- quest. Sir Aniian Champnai/s, knt., lived in the reign of Henry II.; he had one son, sir Amian Champneys, knt., who m. Anne, da. of Courtenay, earl of Devonshire (by his wife, Blanch, da. of Louis, king of Franc ). Richard Champneys, of Orchardley, esq., slieriff of Somersetshire 172H, m., 1st, Sarah, da. and co-h. of sir William Daines, of Bristol, knt., by whom he had, 1. Catharine-Chandler, tn. Elias de la Fontain, rf. 1777- 2. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Missing, esq. He in., 2dly, Jane, only da. and eventually sole h. of Anthony-Langley Swymmer, by whom (who rf. 1752) he had, 3. Jane, m. John Child, esq., d. 1768. 4. Richard-Chandlek, b. 13 July 1743. 5. Sarah, m. J. Gamm, esq., d. 1771. 6. Richard, rf. an infant. 7. Sir Thomas, 1st bart. I. Sir THOMAS, b. 9 Oct. 1745, created a bart. as above, 26 Jan. 1767, m. Caroline- Anne, da. of Richard Cox, of Quarley, co. Hants, esq., and by her (who rf. 1791) had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Swymmer, present bart. 2. Catharine-Harriet, b. 1776, m. I. Butcher, esq., rf. 1812. Sir Thomas wi.,2dly, Henrietta, da. of Humphry Minchin, of Stubbington, co. Hants, by whom (who rf. Jan. 1827) he had no issue, and dying 2 July 1821, was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir THOMAS-SWYMMER, present and 2d bart. Anns — See Plate 18. Per pale, or and sable, within a border, engrailed and coun- terchanged, a lion, rampant, gules. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, a sword, erect, between two wings, expanded. Motto — Pro patrid nan timidus perire. Seat— At Orchardley, co. Somerset. HORT, of Castle Strange, co. Middlesex. 8 Sept. 1707. Sir JOSIAH-M^ILLIAM HORT, Baronet, bornG July 1791, succeeded his father, sir John, 23 Oct. 1807 ; married, 31 March 1823, Louisa- BURNABY. 189 Georgina, youngest da. and co.-li. of sir James Caldwell, of Castle Cald- well, co. Fermanagh, bart., and has issue, 1. JOHN-JOSIAH, b. 14 Jan. 1824; 2. Georgtana-Louisa, 6. 8 Jan. 1825; 3. William- FiTZMAURiCE-JosiAH, b. 20 Jan. 1827. JosiAH HORT, D.D., archbishop of Tuam, (son of John Hort, of Markfield, co. Glou- cester, esq.,) m., 19 Feb. 1725, the hon. Elizabeth Fitzmaurice, 3d da. of William, 20th lord Kerry, and sister of Thomas, 1st earl of Kerry, (grandfather of William, 1st marquess of Landsdowne, K.G.,) and by her (who d. 25 Jan. 1745) had issue, 1. Josias-George, b. 1732, m., 14 June 1766, Jane-Maria, da. and co-h. of John Hawks, of Pontenive, co. Longford, esq., and d. Feb. 1786, s.p. 2. Su- John, 1st bart. 3. Edmund, d. young. 4. Charles, d. 1731. 5. Anne. 6. Anne-Mary, d. 7. Elizabeth, b. 1729, m. sir James Caldwell, of Castle Caldwell, co. Ferma- nagh, bart., and d. Sept. 1778. 8. Frances, b. 5 July 1731, nu, 10 Jan. 1763, John Parker, 1st lord Boringdon, and d. 1764, s.p. 9. Mary, b. 1737, ?«. John Cramer, of Bellaville, co. Meath, esq., who assumed the name of Coghill, and was created a bart. of Great Britain, 1778 (see that title). The archbishop rf. 14 Dec. 1751. I. Sir JOHN, 2d son of the archbishop of Tuam, b. 8 Aug. 1735, appointed consul at Lisbon, 9 June 1767> and created a bart. of Great Britain, 8 Sept. 1767 ; m., Oct. 1789, Margaret, da. of sir Fenton Aylmer, of Doneda Castle, co. Kildare, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir Joshua-William, 2d bart. 2. John, b. 4 Aug. 1792, d. young. 3. Fenton, b. 3 Aug. 1794, m., April 1825, Anne, eldest da. of the rev. Anthony Collett, of Kelsall Hall, co. Suffolk. 4. Elizabeth, b. 25 Nov. 1795, d. young. 5. Mary-Anne, 6. 24 May 1797, d. Sept. 1821. 6. Elizabeth, b. 1800, d. young. Sir John d. 23 Oct. 1807, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, "IL Sir JOSEPH -WILLIAM, present bart. Arms — See Plate 18. Azure, a cross, or, in the 1st quarter, a rose, argent. Crest— An eagle, regardant, with wings expanded, proper, in his beak a chaplet, vert. Sea^— At Hortland, in Kildare, Ireland. BURNABY, of Broughton Hall, co. Oxford. 31 Oct. 1767. Sir WILLIAM-CRISP-HOOD BURNABY, Baronet, commander R.N., succeeded his father, sir William -Chaloner, 19 Feb. 1794 ; married, at Bermuda, 2 May 1818, the relict of Joseph Wood, esq. John Burnaby, of Kensington, esq., m. Clara, da. of sir Edward Wood, knt., by whom he had 6 sons and 3 das. 1. John, who was manv years minister to the Swiss Cantons, and secretary to the earl Waldegrave, when ambassador at the court of France. 2. Edward, one of the chief clerks of the treasury, m. Mary, da. and h. of Thomas Green, esq., by w hom he had issue, 1. Edward, m. miss Carteret. 2. WMUiam - Pitt, a lieutenant R.N., and other children. 3. Sir William, 1st bart. 4. Daniel, rector of Hanwell, co. Mid- dlesex, and fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. 5. Robinson ; 6. Thomas, both d. young. 7. Clara. 8. Bathshua. 9. Carolina, m. James Waldo, of Har- row, CO. Middlesex, esq. I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart. rear-ad- miral R.N., (3d son of John,) was of Broughton - Hall, co. Oxford, knighted 9 April 1754, and afterwards admiral and com- mander-in-chief at Jamaica, and in the Gulf of Mexico. Sir William m., 1st, Margaret, relict of Donovan, of the island of Jamaica, esq., by whom he had, 1. Sir William-Chaloner, 2d bart. 2. Elizabeth. He m., 2dly, Grace, da. of Drewry Ottley, esq., by whom (who d. 3 March 1823) he had, 3. Drewry, d. an infant. 4. Edward-Augustus-C.e.sar, 5. Henry. 6. George. 7. Georgian a-Grace, m. John Cham ier, esq., and d. 14 May 1826. 8. Charlotte, to. Josias-Du-Pre Porch- er, esq. 9. Harriet - Emma, to. lieut.-colonel Richardson, d. Sir William d. 1777, and was succeeded bv his son, IL Sir WILLIAM-CHALONER, nu, 29 June 1783, Elizabeth, 2d da. of Crisp Mo- lineux, of Garboldesham, co. Norfolk, esq., by whom (who rf. 28 Feb. 1816) he had, 1. Harriet-Emma, m. general William- M. Richardson, and rf. 6 Sept. 1811. 2. Sir William -Crisp - Hood, present bart. Sir William-Chaloner rf. 19 Feb. 1794, and was succeeded by his only son, 111. Sir WILLIAM-CRISP-HOOD, pre- sent bart. Arms— See Plate 18. Argent, two bars, gules ; in chief, a lion, passant, per pale, of the second, and vert. Crest— Out of a naval crown, a demi lion, rampant, gardant, or, in the dexter paw a staff, proper, thereon a flag gules. Motto — Pro rei^e. Seat-XX. Broughton Hall, co. Oxford. 190 NEALE.— HUME. BURRARD, (now NEALE,) of Walhampton, co. Hants. 3 April 1769. Sir HARRY NEALE, Baronet, Admiral of the Blue, G.C.B., succeeded his uncle, sir Harry Burrard, 12 April 1791 ; married, 15 Aprill795, Grace- Elizabeth, eldest da. and co-h. of Robert Neale, of Shaw House, co. Wilts, esq., and took the name of Neale^ by royal sign manual. 4. Paul, d. young. 5. George, m., 19 Aug. 1751, Madelaine, da. of John Durell, of the island of Jersey, by whom he had i?sue, 1. Anne, m. Charles Bowles, of Enfield, CO. Middlesex, esq. 2. Sir Harry, created a bart. 1807 (see that title). 3. Philip, m. and had issue. 6. Mary, d. young. I. HARRY, eldest son of Paul, was created a bart. 3 April 1769, with li- mitations to his brothers, William and George, and their issue male successively. Sir Harry m., 1st, Alicia, da. of John Snape, who d. without issue ; he m., 2dly, 1754, Mary-P'rances, da. of James Clarke, of Wharton, co. Hereford, esq., by whom (who d. Sept. 1777) he had, 1. Louisa. 2. Charles-Robert, both rf. young. Sir Harry d, 12 April 1791, and was suc- ceeded by his nephew, II. Sir HARRY, present bart. Arms — See Plate 19. Argent, a lion, rampant, and in chief, two dexter hands gules ; over all, a fess or, charged with two lions, counter-rampant, and supporting between them a dexter hand, all of the second. Crests— l&t (of honourable augmentation granted 1815.) Out of a naval crown or, a cubit arm erect, encircled by a branch of oak, proper, the hand grasping a trident, in bend sinister, point downwards, gold. 2d, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword, all proper. Supporters— (S.% grand cross of the Bath.) On either side, a lion reguardant, argent, standing upon an anchor proper, supporting a trident erect, or, gorged with a naval crown, therefrom, a chain reflexed over the back, azure. Motto — Persevere. Seat— At Walhampton, co. Hants. Thomas Burrard, of Lymington, co. Hants, b. 1611, m. Elizabeth, da. of Gregory Isham, of Barby, co. Northampton, by whom he had 1 da. Anne, d. unm. ; and 4 sons, 1. Thomas, d. unm. ; 2. John, m. and had issue ; 3. Sidney/, d. unm. ; and 4. Paul, the younger son, m., 20 March 1G78, Anne, da. and co-h. of John Button, by whom he had, John and Sidney, twins, who d. young, and an only surviving son, Paul, m,, 17 Oct. 1704, Lucy, da. of sir William-Dutton Colt, bart., envoy extra- ordinary to the courts of Dresden, Lunen- burg, Zell, and Hanover, by whom (who d. 1750) he had issue, 1. Sir Harry, 1st bart. 2. Paul, d. young. 3. William, col. in the army, 6. 1712, d. Nov. 1780, m., 1st, Elizabeth-Jacintha, da. and co-h. of De la Rose, minister from the court of Spain to Great Britain, by whom he had issue, 1. Lucy; 2. Leonora-Sophia, bothrf. unm. He m., 2dly, Mary, da. of Joseph Pearce, of Lymington, by whom he had issue, 3. Sir Harry, present bart. 4. George, in holy orders, chaplain to the king, rector of Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, and Middleton-Tyas, co. York, m„ 1st, 18 Sept. 1804, Elizabeth-Anne, da. and h. of William Coppell, of Jamaica, esq., by whom (who d. 11 April 1815) Ire had issue, 1. George, b. 13 Oct. 1805; 2. Susan, 6. 2, and d. (i March 1807- He m., 2dly, 1 May 1816, Emma, da. of admiral Joseph Bingham, and had issue, 3. Harry, b. 13 Oct. 1818 ; 4. Sidnei/, b. 4 Nov. 1826; 5. Harriet, b. 23 Jan. 1817 5 6. Emma, b. 21 Feb. and d. 10 May 1820 ; 7. Emma-Selina, b. 31 Oct. 1821, d. 6 March 1822 ; 8. Theresa, b. 24 Aug. 1824. 5. Harriet-Sophia, m. the hon. mr. Justice Rooke. 6. Marianne, m. William Rooke, esq., East India Company's civil service. HUME, of WoRMLEYBURY, CO. Ilerts. 4 April 1709. Sir ABRAHAM HUME, Baronet, F.R.S. and S.A., horn 20 Feb. 1749, O.S., succeeded his father, sir Abraham, 10 Oct. 1772; married, 25 April 1771 5 Amelia, da. of John Egertcm, D.D. bishop of Durham, and sister of John Egerton, 9th and last earl of Bridgewater, and da. of the right rev. dr. John Egerton, lord bishop of Durham (by So])hia de Grey, youngest da. of Henry de Grey, duke of Kent, by his 2d wife, Sophia Bentinck, da. of William, the 1st earl of Portland) ; and by her (who d. 8 Aug. 1809) had issue 2 das., 1. Amelia, b. 29 Jan. 1772, w., 28 May 1793, the right hon. Charles, lord Farnborough, G.C.B. ; 2. Amelia-Sophia, A. 31 July 1788, m., 24 July 1810, John, earl Brownlow, and d. 21 Feb. 1814, leaving issue. From records in this family it appears to be a branch of the family of the earls of Home, which settled in the co. East Lo- thian ; a descendant of whom was Alexander Home, of Kimmergham, and Redhaugh, co. Berwick, which lands he exchanged for those of Houndwood, and Fernyside, who rf. 1622, and was succeeded by his son, Alex- BERNARD-MORLAND. 191 ander Home, of Houndwood and Fernyside, in the barony of Coldingham, and parish of Ayton, CO. Berwick, who m. , da. of Andrew Ker, of Morrison, by , eldest da. of sir Robert Stuart, of Allanbank, bart. RoBKRT Home came from Scotland to London, styled himself Hume, and d. in 1732 ; m. Hannah, da. of Curtis, esq., by whom he had, 1. Alexander, m., 5 April 1733, Mary, eldest da. of sir Thomas Frederick, knt. He was a member in three parliaments for the bo- rough of Southwark, and several years an East India director, and rf, 15 Sept. 1765 ; he had one da., Mary, d. tinm. 2. Peter, m., and had 2 sons, Alexander and Robert ; Alexander was many years chief of the English factory at Canton, and TO., 1st, Anne, da. of William Boughton, esq., by whom he had 2 sons and 2 das. ; and, 2dly, Anne, da. of Schrceder, esq., by whom he had 2 sons and 3 das. 3. Robert, of Charles Town, South Caro- lina, m. Sophia, da. of Wigginton, by whom he had issue, 1. Alexander, cap- tain in the East India Company's service, d. unuu; 2. Robert, 6. 4 Dec. 1724; S.Susanna, 6. 15 Sept. 1722, m., 1st, mr. Ross, and 2dly, Alexander Macleod, es(|., by whom she had I son, Alexander, who was in the civil ser- vice of the East India Company at Madras, and took the name and arms of Hume, by royal sign manual, dated 25 Nov. 1802, pur- suant to the will of his maternal uncle, Alexander Hume, esq. ; m. Sophia, da. of William Wrangham, of St. Helena, esq., by whom he has issue ; the das. were, Sophia, m. the rev. dr. William Fotheringham, of Scotland, by whom she has issue ; and Eli- zabeth, m. Robert-Bruce-Eneas Macleod, of Cadboll, in North Britain, esq., by whom there is issue. 4. Sir Abraham, 1st bart. 5. Hannah, m. William Black, esq. 6. , m. Dunn, esq. I. Sir ABRAHAM, created a bart. 4 April 1769, was commissary-general of the army, and representative in parliament for Steyn- ing and Tregony ; »?., 9 Oct. 1746, Hannah, youngest da. of sir Tliomas Frederick, knt., d. 23 Jan. 1771, by whom he had, 1. Sir Abraham, 2d bart. 2. Alexander, of St. Clere, co. Kent, esq., who took the name and arms of Evelyn, by royal sign manual, dated 22 July 1797; he w. Frances, da. and onlv remaining child of William Evelyn, esq., M.P. for Hythe. 3. Hannah, w. James Hare, esq., M.P. for Knaresborough, who d. March 1G04 : she d. 6 INIav 1827. Sir Abraham d. 10 Oct. 1772, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ABRAHAM, present bart. Arms— See Plate 19. Vert, a lion, ram- pant, argent. Crest — A lion's head, erased, argent. Motto — Trtte to the end. Seats — At Wonnleybury, Waitham Cross, CO. Herts. BERNARD, (now BERNARD-MORLAND,) of Nettleham, co. Lincoln. 5 April 17G9. Sir FRANCIS BERNARD-MORLAND, Baronet, born 7 June 1790 succeeded his father, sir Scrope, 18 April 1830. This family has flourished in co. North- ampton, and the neighbouring counties, in different branches, for many centuries, de- riving its origin, however, from Godfrey Bernard, of Wanford, in the East Riding co. York, who was living there in the reign of Henry III. The 13th in lineal descent from him was, I. Sir FRANCIS BERNARD, who was a bencher of the Middle Temple, and prac- tised at the bar some years. In 1758, he was appointed governor of New Jersev, and in 1760, of Massachusett's Bay, of which last province he continued governor ten years. In 1741, m. Amelia, da. of Stephen Offley, of Norton Hall, CO. Derby, esq., (by Mary, sister to John, viscount Barrington,) by whom (who d. 26 May 1778) he had issue, 1. Francis, d. unm., Mav 1770. 2. Sir John, 2d bart. 3. Jane, m., 1774, Charles White, of Lin- coln, esq., whom she survived, and d. 2 Feb. 1823. 4. Sir Thomas, 3d bart. 5. Shute, d. under age. 6. Amelia, m., 1783, captain Benjamin Baker, and d. Feb. 1795. 7. William, a lieutenant in the 29th regiment, who was lost in the expedition to Canada, 1776, d. unm. 8. Frances-Elizabeth, w. the rev. Ri- chard King, rector of Worthcn, co. Salop, whom she survived, and d. 28 Dec. 1821. 9. Sir Scrope, 4th bart, 10. Julia, m. the rev. Joseph Smith, pre- bendary of Salisbury, and vicar of Melk- sham, CO. Wilts, who d. 3 June 1825. Sir Francis d. 16 June 1779, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, d. at Dominica, in the West Indies, 16 Aug. 1809, tmm., and was succeeded bv his brother, in. Sir THOMAS, D.C.L., chancellor of the diocese of Durham, distinguished for his attention to the public charities and useful in- stitutions of the metropolis, several of which were founded by him, m., 11 ^lay 1782, Margaret, one of the two das., and at length sole'h. of Patrick Adair, esq., who d. 6 June 1813; and, 2dly, Charlotte-Matilda, youngest da. of sir Edward Hulse, bart. Hed. 1 July 1818, and, leaving no issue, was succeeded by his only surviving brother, IV. Sir SCROPE, 4thbart., D.C.L., took the name of Morland, in addition to that of Bernard, by royal sign manual, 15 Feb. 1811, m., 26 July 1785, Harriet, only child of Wil- liam Morland, of Lee, co. Kent, esq., by whom (who d. 4 March 1822) he had issue, 1. William, b. 7 July 1786, sheriff of Bucks, 1811, d. unm. at Caen, in Normandy, 21 Nov. 1820. 2. Thomas, d. voung. 3. Margaret,'?). 22 Dec. 1788, m, captain Henry Pigott. 4. Sir Francis, present bart. 5. Thomas-Tvringham,^. 15 Sept. 1791, m., 26 July 1819, Sophia-Charlotte, only child of sir David Williams, of Sarratt, co. Herts, and Clifford Court, co. Hereford, bart., and has issue, 1. Laetitia-Charlotte, b. 11 Sept. 1820. 192 ALLEYNE.-YOUNG. 2. Sophia-Elizabeth, 6. 8 July 1829. 3. David-Williams, &. 5 Dec. 1830. 6, RicHARD-ScROPE, capt. Bengal artil- lery, b. 13 Aug. 1793, d. in India, u)im., 15 Oct. 1833. 7. Mary-Anne, b. 11 Feb. 1797, m., 6 Oct. 1823, rev. Frederick Charles Spencer, rector of Wheatfield, CO. Oxford, only son of John Spencer, of Wheatfield, esq., by lady Elizabeth, da. of George, 3d duke of Marlborough. Sir Scrope d. 18 April 1830, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son. V. Sir FRANCIS, present and 5th bart. Arm.'i — See Plate 19. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, MoRLAND, azure seme of leopards' faces, jessant de lis, and a griffin segreant, or: 2d and 3d, Bernard, argent, a bear rampant, sable, muzzled, and collared, or. Crests — 1st, Morland, a demi-griffin, azure, seme of fleurs-de-lis and cross cross- lets, or; 2d, Bernard, a demi-bear, as in the arms. Motto — Bear and forbear. Seats — At Nether Winchendon and Kim- ble, CO. Bucks. ALLEYNE, of the Island of Barbadoes. G April 17Ga. Sir REYNOLD-ABEL ALLEYNE, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John-Gay, 1801 ; married , da. of Olton, of Barbadoes, and has issue, — ^1. Philippa, m., July 1831, Hampden Clement, of Barbadoes, esq.; 2. Anne; 3. Rebecca; 4. NEWTON; 5. Eliza- beth; 6. Fitz-Herbert. This family is said to be descended from a John Allyn, esq., (who was living, as appears by his deed, in the 9th year of Richard II.,) and was settled in Lincoln- shire early in the IGth century. The rev. Richard Alleyne, (of the Lincolnshire family,) was rector of Stowting, co. Kent, and d. 1(J51, leaving, besides other issue, a son, Reynold, who settled in Barbadoes, where he commanded Oliver Cromwell's forces, and left a son and h., Abel, whose eldest son, Thomns, was ancestor of a fa- mily of Alleyne, of Mount Alleyne and Rock Hall in that island, and his 2d son, Rey- nold, of the Four Hills, was grandfather of L Sir JOHN-GAY, 1st bart., 6. 28 April 1724. He was many years member, and afterwards president, of the assembly of St. Andrew's, in Barbadoes, which office he filled 30 years. He m. Christian, 4th da. and co-h. of Joseph Dotin, of Black Rocks and Nicholas's, by Anne, sole da. and h. of Ed- ward Jordan, by whom he had issue. 1. John-Gay, who d. young. He m., 2dly, 29 June 1786, Jane- Abel, da. of Abel Alleyne, by whom he had issue, 2. John -Gay-Newton, who d. before his father. 3. Sir Reynold-Abel, present bart. 4. Mary-Spire, m. admiral sir Charles Knowles, bart. 5. Jane-Gay. C. Rebecca-Braithwaite. 7. Christian-Dotin ; 8. Abel. Sir John Gay d. 1801, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir REYNOLD-ABEL, present bart. Anns — See Plate 19. Per chevron, gules and ermine, two lions' heads, erased or, in chief. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, a horse's head, argent. Motto — Noti tua te moveant, sed publico vota. Seats — At Mount Alleyne, Barbadoes, and Mesner Hall, Essex. YOUNG. 3 May 17C9. Sir WILLIAM-LAURENCE YOUNG, Baronet, Lieut. 8th Hussars ; succeeded his father, sir William-Laurence, 3 Nov. 1824 ; horn 20 Sept. 1806; married., 27 March 1832, Caroline, da. of John Norris, of llughenden-House, CO. Bucks, esq., and has issue, 1. M'ILLIAM-NORRIS,6. 15 Jan. 1833; 2. Sophia-Eltzabeth, b. 17 Feb. 1834. Sir John Young came over from France as chamberlain to Mary, queen of Scots, on the return of that princess to her native country, in 1:M, and received from her the grant of the manor of Lony : third in de- scent from him was William Young, who, bearing arms for the Stuarts, was (le])rivcd of his estate, and retired to the West Indies : his son, I. Sir WILLIAM, b. 1725, was created a bart. 3 May ]7sburgh, to., Aug. 1811, John Ward, esq. Sir Egerton d. 27 April 1818, without issue male, and was succeeded by his nephew, III. Sir SAMUEL, present bart. Arms— See Plate 19. Or, a lion rampant, gules. Crest — A cubit arm, erect, vested, or, and charged with two pallets, sable, holding a tilting spear, or, pointed azure. Seat — At Brownsover House, co. Warwick- HUGHES, of Portsmouth, co. Southampton. 17 July 1773. Sir RICHARD HUGHES, Baronet, Barrister-at-law, born 10 Oct. 1803, succeeded his father, sir Richard, 3 Jan. 1833. This family is paternally descended from Gwaithvoed, king of Gwent and Cardi- gan, in South Wales; sixteenth in lineal descent from whom was Thomas ap Hugh ap John, who assumed the surname of Hughes, and was father of Sir Thomas Hughes, of Gray's Inn, and recorder of the city of Bath, "knighted at Whitehall, 4 Nov. KJIO, m. Frances, da. of Nicholas Mynne, of Norfolk, esq., and had issue, Thomas Hughes, of Tichfield, co. Hants, esq., whose 3d son, Henry, was father of Richard Hugh es, of Deptford, co. Kent, esq., a naval officer, m. Mary, da. of Isaac Loder, esq., and had two son's, of whom the youmgest, Robert, attained the rank of ad- miral in the navy, and the eldest, I. Sir RICHARD, was created a baronet 17 July 1773. He attained the rank of capt. R.N. in 1729, and after serving for many years, was appointed commissioner of the dock-yard at Portsmouth. When king George III. first visited that naval arsenal, his majesty resided at the commissioner's house, and created him a baronet. Sir Richard m. Joanne, da. of William CoUyer, esq., capt. R.N., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 2d bart. 2. Sir Robert, 3d bart. 3. Mary, m., 1st, Thomas Collingwood, capt. R.N.; and 2dly, Nathaniel Heywood, esq., col. in the army, and gent, of the bed- chamber to H.R.H. William-Henry, duke of Gloucester. 4. Sarah, d. vnm. Sir Richard d. 1780, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir RICHARD, admiral of the red, b. 1729, m. Jane, da. of William Sloane, of South Stonehara, Hants, esq., and had issue. 1. Richard, capt. R.N., d. 1810. 2. John-Thomas, d. in his father's life- time, unm. 3. Louisa, d. unm. 4. Rose-Mary, m. major John-Browne. Sir Richard d. 5 Jan. 1812, and was succeed- ed by his brother, III. Sir ROBERT, in holy orders, forty- five years rector of Frimley St. Mary, Suf- folk, m., 1st, Gratiana, da. of Thomas Man- gles, esq., and by her had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 4th bart. 2. Robert, in holy orders, rf. 1828, having m. Judith, da. of Robert Porteus, esq., and had issue, 1. Robert; 2. Frederick; 3. Emily. Sir Robert m., 2dly, Bethia, da. of Tho- mas Hiscutt, esq., and by her had issue, 3. Thomas-Colling\vood, m. Elizabeth, da. of Butcher, esq., and has issue, 3 sons and 1 da. 4. William; 5. Arthur; 6. Mary. Sir Robert rf. 1814, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir RICHARD, 4th bart., in holy orders; b. 2 June 17()8, nu, 8 Dec. 1798, Sarah-Perring, da. of the rev. Richard Slee- man, vicar of Tavistock, co. Devon, and had issue, 1. Sir Richard, present bart. 2. Edward, b. 31 March I8O7, 3. Sarah-Catherine, 6. 26 July 1800. 4. Gratiana-Mary, b. 23 Oct. 1806. 5. Alice-Rose, b. 17 Oct. 1815. Sir Richard rf. 3 Jan. 1833, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, V. Sir RICHARD, present and 5th bart. Arms — See Plate 20. Azure, a lion ram- pant, or. Crest— A lion couchant, or. Sea^— At East Bergholt Lodge, co. Suf- folk. PALLISER, of Deptford, co. Kent. 6 Aug. 1773. Sir HUGH PALLISER, Baronet, born 8 May 1796, succeeded his father, sir Hugh, I7 Nov. 1813. John Palliser, of Newby-super-Wiske, in the North Riding of York, m. Anne, da. of Michael Meeke, esq., by whom he had six children. From Thomas, the eldest son, descended, in the third generation. Hugh Palliser, of Kirk Deighton, co. York, esq., capt. in the army, b. 1671, »w. Mary, da. of Robinson, of Thicket Priori', CO. York, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Hugh, 1st bart. 198 COOTE— CLAYTON. 2. Rebecca, m. major William Walters, and had issue, 1. Mary, m. rev. John Hinde, of Ripon, CO. York. 2. Ursula, m., 1st, Easterfield, and, 2dly, William Smith. 3. George-Robinson-Walters, m. Mary, 2d da. and co-h. of John Orfeur, co Wex- ford, esq., by whom he had, l.sir Hugh, 2d bart. ; 2. William, lieut. in the army, d. 1790; 3. Catharine, d. an infant ; 4. Ju- liana, d. an infant. 3. Alice, w. John C lough, of York, esq. 4. Ursttla, m. John Fletcher, esq. I. Sir HUGH, eldest son, after passing through every inferior gradation of rank in the navy with distinguished reputation, was at length promoted to the admiral of the white, and was many years governor of Greenwich Hospital. He was created a bart., as above, with remainder to his ne- phew, George-Robinson-Walters above named; whom, however, he survived, and dying unm. 19 March 1796, was succeeded, pursuant to the limitations of the patent, by his great nephew, II. Sir HUGH WALTERS, of Barry- forth, CO. Wexford, and of Lee, co. Kent, and who by royal sign manual, dated 18 Jan. 179B, was authorized to take and use the surname and arms of Palliser, only ; 6. 27 Oct. 1776; m. Mary, youngest da. and co-h. of John Yates, of Dedham, co. Essex, esq., by whom (who d. 5 Aug. 1823) he had issue, 1. Sir Hugh, present bart. 2. Marv-Anne-Rachael, b. 16 March 1798, rf. unm. 10 Dec. 1826. 3. Marv-Jane, b. 19 Nov. 1801, m., 16 April 1822, William Lockhart, esq., of Ger- miston, co. Lanark. Sir Hugh d. at Troyes, in Champaign, 17 Nov. 1813, was succeeded by his son, III. Sir HUGH, present bart. Aryns — See Plate 20. Per pale, sable and argent, three lions rampant, counterchanged. Ci-est — Out of a ducal coronet, gules, a demi-eagle, with wings elevated, or. COOTE, of DoNNYBROOKE, DubHn. 18 May 1774. Sir CHARLES COOTE, Baronet, succeeded to the title, pursuant to a special limitation, on the death of Charles Coote, the last earl of Bella- rnont, K.B., Nov. 1800, when the earldom became extinct, on failure of the earl's legitimate issue. Arms — See Plate 20. Argent, a chevron between three cootes within a bordure, wavy, sable. Crest — A coote, sable. Seat — Bellamont Forest, Ireland. CLAYTON, of Adlington, co. Lancaster. 19 May 1774. Sir ROBERT CLAYTON, Baronet, Major in the Army; horn 1746, succeeded his brother. Sir Richard, April 1828; married., 1786, Chris- tophora, da. of the rev. Roger Baldwin, D.D., prebend of Carlisle, and rector of Aldingham, but has no issue. This family is of great antiquity, and said to be descended from a Robert de Clay- ton, who came into England with the Con- queror, and had the manor of Clayton as the reward of his services. In the reign of king John, Robert de Byron, ancestor of the lords Byron, m. Cecilia, da. and h. of Richard de Clayton, of Clayton, and had with her the manor. The immediate ancestor of the baronet was Ralph Clavton, of the Crook, co. Lancaster, living about the reign of Henry VIII., and had two sons, 1. Joltn, whose eldest son, Richard, was D.D., master of St. John's College, Cambridge, and dean of Peterborough, and rf. 1612 ; 2. Thomas, who was father of William, father of Thomas Clayton, of Old Crook and Fulwood, h. lo86, m. Anne, da. of Robert Blundell, oflnce, esq., and had issue two sons, 1. Robert, m. Eleanor, da. of John Atherton, of Atherton, esq., and had issue a son, Thomas, who was father of Robert Clayton, D.D., bishop, successively, of Killala, Cork, and Clogher, to which last he was translated 1745, andrf. 1758, without issue. leaving the family estate of Fulwood to his cousin, Richard, lord chief justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland ; 2. Thomas, citizen of London, ni. Anne, another da. of John Atherton, esq., above named, and had, besides other issue, a son and heir, Thomas, of Adlington, co. Lancaster, m., 1(!.')7, Martha, da. of Joshua Horton, of Chaderton, CO. Lancaster, esri., and by her (who d. 1723) had issue, 1. Thomas, d. unm. 17I!). 2. William, d. innti. 1735. .3. HrciiAui), brought up to the bar, and advant ed to the dignity of chief justice of the Connnon Ple.is in Ireland, 1765, which office lie resigned 1770, and d. without issue, 8 July tliat year. 4. Edward, major in the army, d. unm. 1772 ; and 5. Robert, who w., and was father of John, ni. Elizabeth, 2d da. of the rev. dr. Goodwin, rector of Tankersley, co. York , by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 1st bart. 2. Sir Robert, present bart. 3. WlLLIAM-EVfiRSUOT, d. EDMONSTONE. 199 4. John, in holy orders, rector of Frome St. Quintin, co. Dorset, m. Catherine, da. of Edward Fisher, esq. I. Sir RICHARD, eldest son of John, was sometime consul-general at Nantes in France, and created a baronet, as above, with remainder to the heirs male of the body of his father, m., 1780, Anne, da. of Charles White, of Manchester, esq., by whom he had an only da., Henrietta, b. 12 Feb. 1782, tn., 1803, lieut.-gen. Robert Browne, of Kulwood Hall, CO. Lancaster, and of Courtaile, co. Wex- ford, in Ireland, who took the name and arms of Clayton, by royal sign manual, C April 1832. Sir Richard d. April 1828, and w^as suc- ceeded, pursuant to the limitations of the patent, by his brother, II. Sir ROBERT, present and 2d bart. Anm — See Plate 20. Argent, a cross, engrailed, sable, between four torteauxes. Crest — A dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a dagger, the point downwards, all proper. Motto — Probitatem qudm divitias. Seat—\i Adlington, co. Lancaster. EDMONSTONE, of Duntreath, co. Stirling. 20 May 1774. Sir ARCHIBALD EDMONSTONE, Baronet, horn 12 March 1795, succeeded his father, sir Charles, 1 April 1821 ; married, 10 Oct. 1832, Emma, da. of Randle Wilbraham, of Rode Hall, co. Chester, esq., niece of lord Skelmersdale, and has issue, 1. a Da., b. 17 July 1833; 2. a Da., b. 16 Sept. 1834. of Angus, by a charter dated 1452. This, which had been previously part of the for- feited estate of the earls of Lennox, has ever since remained the chief seat of the family. Archibald Edmonstone, of Duntreath, 8th in descent from the above-mentioned sir William, m., 1st, the hon. Anne Ers- kine, da. of David, 3d lord Cardross, an- cestor of the present earl of Buchan, by whom he had one da.; and 2dly, Anne, da. of the hon. John Campbell, of Mam- more, (second son to the unfortunate earl of Argyll, who was beheaded 1685,) and sister to John, 4th duke of Argyll, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Archibald, 1st bart, 2. John-Campbell, lieutenant-governor of Dumbarton Castle, m. a da. of Alexander, esq., merchant, and had 4 sons, all d. ; and 6 das. 3. Charles, in the army, m., but d. with- out issue. 4. 5. Two Das. L Sir ARCHIBALD, the eldest son, was created a baronet, 20 May 1774 ; b. 10 Oct. I717, m., 1st, Susanna-Mary, only da, of Roger Herenc, esq., and sister of Benjamin Herenc, of Foots Cray Place, co. Kent, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Archibald, a lieutenant 1st regiment of foot-guards, d. July 1780. 2. William-Archibald, d. at Calcutta, Sept. 1803, unm. 3. Sir Charles, 2d bart. 4. George, in holy orders. 5. Neil-Benjamin, sometime one of the members of the supreme council in Bengal, m. miss Charlotte Frele, and had issue, 1. William-Archibald. 2. Neil-Benjamin, resident at Rajpoo- tana, in the East Indies. 3. Charles-Welland. 4. George; 5. James. 6. Charlotte-Anne. 7. Henrietta-Dashwood. 8. Susanna; 9. Louisa-Macleod. 10. Anne-Craigie. 11. Alicia- Augusta. (5. Susanna-Margaret, nu, Feb. 1777, James Trecothick, of Addington Place, co. Surrey, esq. 7. Anne -Mary, m. Henry Read, of Crowood, CO. Wilts, esq., a major-general in The family of Edmonstone originated about the latter end of the 11th century. Margaret, da. of Edgar Atheling, previous to her marriage with king Malcolm Can- more, A.D. 1070, was attended to Scotland by (among several other foreigners, who afterwards rose to distinction) Edmundus, supposed to be a younger son of the counts Egmont of Flanders. This person had a grant of land in the county of Edinburgh, to which he gave his narne ; and as sur- names began at this period to be generally adopted, those lands called Edmundestoun thus became the distinctive appellation of the family. Sir John Edmonstone, of Edmonstone, appears to have been a person of great possessions and considerable importance in the reigns of king David II. and his suc- cessors ; and his son of the same name was employed during the reigns of Robert III. and James I. as a joint commissioner on three different occasions for arranging a truce with England, 1407, &c. Sir John TO. the princess Isabel Stewart, da. of king Robert II., and widow of James, earl of Douglas and Marr, who was killed at the battle of Otterburn. By this lady he had two sons, 1. sir David, who succeeded him; 2. Sir William Edmonstone, of Cul- loden, and first of the family of Duntreath. Sir David left two sons, of whom sir James, the eldest, rf. without issue male, and John, the younger, carried on the branch of the Edmonstones of Ednam, who be- came the chief of the family, and are but lately extinct. Sir William Edmonstone, of Culloden, m. his first cousin, the princess Mary Stew- art, da. of king Robert III. This lady had been three times previously married : 1st, to George, earl of Angus, ancestor of the Douglas family; 2dly, to sir James Ken- nedy, of Dunure, from whom the marquis of Ailsa descends; 3dly, to sir William Graham, of Kincardine, the immediate an- cestor of the dukes of Montrose ; and 4thly, " being still a young woman," to sir Wil- liam Edmonstone, of Culloden, from which marriage the present family are immediately descended. King James II. conferred a grant of the lands and barony of Duntreath to sir William Edmonstone and the countess HANMER. the army, and d. in 1791. 8. Sarah, d. young. Sir Archibald m., 2dly, Hester, da. of sir Gilbert Heathcote, of Normanton, co. Rut- land, bart., by whom (who rf. 179(3) he had no issue. Sir Archibald sat in parliament twenty-five years for co. Dumbarton and the Irvine district of boroughs, and dying July 1807, was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir CHARLES, b. .9 Oci. 1764, m., 1st, June 1794, Emma, 5th da. of Richard-Wil- braham Bootle, of Lathom House, co. Lancaster, esq., and by her (who d. Nov. 1797) he had issue, 1. Sir Archibald, present bart. 2. Mary-Emma. Sir Charles m., 2dly, 4 Dec. 1804, Louisa Hotham, youngest da. of Beaumont, 2d lord Hotham, and had issue. 3. William, h. 20 Jan. 1810. 4. Charles-Henry, 6. 30 Oct. 1812. 5. Louisa-Henrietta, b. 12 July 1807, m., 15 Dec. 1829, John Kingston, of Clair- mont, in Demerara, esq. 6. Amelia-Frances, b. 9 May 1814. 7. George, b. 29 Jan. 1816. 8. Frederick-Neil, b. 9 Sept. 1818. Sir Charles d. 1 April 1821, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III, Sir ARCHIBALD, present bart. Arms — See Plate 20. Or, three crescents, within a double tressure, flory, counterflory, gules. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, a swan's head and neck, proper. Supporters — Two lions rampant, gules. Motto — Virtus auget hotiorem. Seat — At Duntreath, co. Stirling, HANMER, of Hanmer, co. Flint. 21 May 1774. Sir JOHN HANMER, Baronet, M.P.for Shrewsbury ; born Dec. 1809, succeeded his grandfather, sir Thomas, 4 Oct. 1828 ; married, 3 Sept. 1833, Georgiana, youngest da. of sir George Chetwynd, bart. This family is of great antiquity in the county of Flint, being descended from sir John Hanmer, of Hanmer, knt., who was constable of Carnarvon Castle under king Edward I. His great-grandson, sir Jenkin Hanmer, joined Owen Glendower (who had married his sister, Margaret) in his rebellion against king Henry IV., and was slain at the battle of Shrewsbury, 1403. He was twice married: by his 1st wife, Margaret, da. of David ap Blethyn Vychan, he had a son, Griffith, who continued the elder line of the family ; and by his 2d wife, Eva, da. and h. of David ap Grono ap Jer- worth, he had, besides other issue, a son, Edward, who settled at the Fennes, in the parish of Hanmer, and was ancestor of the present bart. Sir John Hanmer, of Hanmer, Cth in descent from Griffith, eldest son of sir Jen- kin, was created a bart. 8 July 1G20, and dying 1C>2A, was succeeded by his son, Sir Thomas, who left two sons, 1, sir John, 3d bart., who rf. without issue; 2. William, who was father of sir Thoaias, 4th and last bart. of this line of the family. This last sir Thomas was member for the county of Suffolk in five parliaments, and speaker of the house of commons in the parliament which met 1714. He was twice 7M., but rf. without issue, 1746, when the family of Hanmer, of Hanmer, became ex- tinct; but sir Thomas executed a settle- ment, 1733, by whicli the estate was secured to his kinsman, Thomas Hanmer, then head of the family of Hanmer of the Fennes, and his heirs, and thus nearly the whole estate of sir Jenkin Hanmer, which had been divided for more than three cen- turies, was re-united. Thomas Hanmer, of the Fennes, esq., 10th in descent from sir Jenkin, rf. 170I, having m. Jane, da, of sir Job Charlton, of Ludford, co. Hereford, bart., and leaving issue two surviving sons, 1. WiUinin ; 2. Job, who ))u Susanna, da. and h. of Thomas Walden, of Simpson Place, co. Bucks, esci., and was father of sir Walden, 1st bart. of this line. William Hanmer, eldest son of Tho- mas, rf. 1724, leaving three sons and three das.: the sons were, \. Thomas, mentioned above as party to the settlement of 1733, m.. but rf. without issue, 1773 ; 2. William, suc- ceeded to the Hanmer estate on the death of sir Thomas, 1746, but rf. without male issue ; 3. Hiimphry, succeeded his brother William, m., but rf. without issue, Aprii 1773^, when the estates deYolved, pursuant to the settlement of 1733, upon his cousin, I. Sir WALDEN, (only son and h. of Job above mentioned,) who was of Lincoln's Inn, and called to the bar about 1745. He sat for two parliaments as burgess for Sud- bury, and was created a bart., 21 May 1774. He m. Anne, youngest da. and co-h. of Henry-Yere Graham, esq., and by her (who rf. Feb. 1778) had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. Job, capt. R.N., d. April 1814, having m. Maria, da. of John Syer, esq., leaving issue, 1. William-Walden, rf. 4 Feb. 1823. 2. Job, captain R.N., w., 13 May 1823, Harriett, youngest da. of the late Thomas Dawson, of Edwardstone Hall, co. Suf- folk, esq., (who rf. 10 Oct. 1831). 3. A Da., m., 1st, Waring, esq., of Edwardstone Grove, co. Suffolk; and, 2d]y, 11 May 1826, William Fowke, of Chelsworth, in the same county, esq. 3. Graham, in holy orders, rector of Sympson, co. Bucks, and vicar of Hanmer, m. Elizabeth, da of John Child, clerk, and had issue. 4. Edward, a barrister-at-Iaw, m. Ara- bella, da. of Thomas Pennant, esq., rf. July 1821. 5. Walden-Henry, sometime one of the six clerks in Chancery. (). Anne-Eleanoha, a>i. the rev. George Tumor. Sir Walden rf. 1783, and was succeeded by his eldest son and heir, II. Sir THOMAS, steward of his ma- jesty's lordship of Englefield, co. Flint; w„ 1779, Margaret, eldest da. and co-h. of George Kenyon, of Peel, co. Lancaster, esq., cousin-gernian of Lloyxl, lord Kenyon, by whom (who rf. 6 Nov. 1830) he had issue, 1. Thomas, b. 1781, m., 14 July 1808, Arabella-Charlotte, eldest da. and co-h. of the late Thomas-Skipp-Dyott Bucknall, of Hampton Court, co. Middlesex, esq., d, 5 Nov. 1818, leaving issue, 1. Sir John, 3d bart. LEMON.— BLAKE. 201 2. Wyndham-Edward ; 3. Charlotte. 4. Thomas; 5. Margaret; 6. Maria, d. 7. Henry ; 8. Caroline. 2. Job-Walden, barrister-at-law, of Lin- coln's Inn, esq. 3. John, in holy orders, m., 1816, Catha- rine, da. of sir Thomas Whichcote, bart., and has issue, 1. Anthony-John ; 2. Francis. 3. Humphry. 4. Sophia; 5. Catherine; 6. Frances. 4. GEORGE-ED\rARD, in holy orders. 5. Hexry, lieut.-col. in the army, and major in the royal horse-guards (blue), nu, 1815, Sarah,da. "of sir Morris Ximenes, knt. 6. William, of the Inner Temple, bar- rister-at-law, w., 7 Feb. 18:20, Euphemia- Maria, only da. of John Forbes, of Bodnod, CO. Denbigh, esq., and has issue, 1. William; 2. Thomas; 3. John. 4. Euphemia. 5. Margaret; 6. Charlotte. 7. A Son, b. 6 Aug. 1829. 7. Margaret-Emma, b. 1785, m., 1 Feb. 1803, the right hon. George, lord Kenyon, d. 24 Feb. 1815. Sir Thomas d. 4 Oct, 1828, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, III. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 20. Argent, two lions passant, guardant, azure. Crest— On a chapeau, azure, turned up, ermine, a lion guardant, sejant, argent. Motto— Gardez fhonneur. „ , , „ , Sea<«— Hanmer Hall and Bettisfield Park, Ellesmere, both co. Flint. LEMON, of Carclew, co. Cornwall. 24 3Iay 1774. Sir CHARLES LEMON, Baronet, M.P. for the Western Division of Cornwall, succeeded his father, sir William, 11 Dec. 1824; born 3 Sept. 1784; married^ 5 Dec. 1810, Charlotte, youngest da. of Henry-Thomas, 2d earl of Ilchester, and by her (who d. 27 May 1826) had issue, 1. Charles-William, h. 4 Nov. 1811, d. 23 Nov. 1812 ; 2. Charles- William, i. 10 May 1813, drowned at Harrow School, 18 April 1826; 3. Charlotte-Augusta-Caroline, b. 10 Jan. 1816, d. 20 May 1825. William Lemox, esq., of Carclew, an- cestor of this family, had very extensive mining and commercial concerns, co. Corn- wall. His son, William, nu Anne, da. of John Wil- liams, of Carnanton, co. Cornwall, esq., by Anne, only da. of John Oliver, of Falmouth, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. sir Wil- liam, 1st bart. ; 2. a da., who rf. young ; 3. Anne, m. John Duller, of Morval, co. Cornwall, esq.; 4. John, col. of the Corn- wall and Devon miners, who was formerly in parliament for Westloo and Saltash, but after the year 1796 represented the borough of Truro ; d. April 1814. I. Sir WILLIAM, eldest son, was created a bart. 24 May 1774. He served in parlia- ment for Penrhyn, from Dec. 1709 to 17/4, and at the general election, 177-i> he was re- turned for CO. Cornwall, which he repre- sented till his death. He m. Jane, eldest da. of James Duller, of ISIorval, co. Cornwall, esq., (by Jane, da. of Allen, 1st earl Ba- thurst,) by whom (who rf. 16 June 1823) he had issue, 1. Anne, m., 6 Sept. 1796, sir John Davie, bart. 2. Maria, m., 24 June 1807, Francis Jodrell, of Henburv, co. Chester, esq. 3. William, b. 1774, d. March 1799. 4. Louisa, m., 22 April 1802, lieut.-col. George-Hart Dyke, of the guards, 3d son of sir John Dyke, bart. 5. Harriet, m., 13 July 1824, Francis, lord de Dunstanville. 6. John, b. 1779. rf. young. 7. Emma, nu 8. Frances. 9. Isabella-Jane, m., 4 Feb. 1805, An- thony Duller, esq., (who was knighted, 181(), on being appointed a judge in Bengal,) and rf. 1823. 10. Sir Charles, present bart. 11. Tryphena-Octavia, rf. young. 12. Caroline-Matilda, ml, 11 Jan. 1813, John-Hearle Tremayne, esq. Sir William rf. 11 Dec. 1824, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, 11. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms— See Plate 20. Argent, on a chev- ron, between three mullets, gules, an eagle displayed, or. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a lien passant, gules, the body charged with three mullets in fesse, or. Sea?— Carclew, co. Cornwall. BLAKE, of TwisEL Castle, co. Durham. 25 May 1774. Sir FRANCIS BLAKE, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Francis, 22 May 1818 ; married Jane, da. of mr. WilHam Neale, which lady d. 3 April 1827. Robert Blake, esq., a native of Ireland, (descended from Richard Blake, who went over to that country with king John,) m. Sarah, da. and co-h. of sir Francis Blake, of Ford Castle, co. Northumberland, knt., and by her had issue, 1. Eleanor, m. Alexander Collingwood, of Unthank, co, Northumber- land ; 2. Anne, m. William Stowe, of Ber- wick-upon-Tweed; 3. Elizabeth, m. Stan- wix Nevinson, of Newby Stones, co. West- moreland, esq. ; 4. a son, I. Sir FRANCIS BLAKE, created a bart. 25 May 1774, took a very active part in support of government during the rebellion, k3 202 FOLKES.-GIBBES. 1745. He m. Isabel, da. and co-h. of Samuel Ayton, of West Harrick, co. Durham, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Robert, d. 25 Jan. 1754. 2. Sarah, m. Christopher Reid, of Chip- chase Castle, CO. Northumberland, esq. 3. Isabella, d. unm. 4. Sir Francis, 2d bart. 5. Sarah ; 6. William. 7. Eleanor-Ann; who all d. infants. Sir Francis d. 30 March 1780, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir FRANCIS, m. Elizabeth, only da. of Alexander Douglas, esq., late of the British settlement at Bussorah, in Persia, by whom (who d. 23 March 1827) he had issue, 1. Elizabeth. 2. Sir Francis, present bart. 3. Robert-Dudley, lieut.-gen. in the army. 4. Isabella; 5. Sarah. 6. William. 7. Eleanor, m., 23 Feb. 1805, Bethell- Earnshaw Stag, of Holmforth, co. York, esq. Sir Francis d. 22 May 1818, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, III. Sir FRANCIS, present bart. Arms— See Plate 20. Argent, a chevron, between three garbs, sable, on a canton, azure, a fret, or. Crest— On a chapeau, a martlet, argent, charged in the breast with a fret, gules. Seats — Twisel f!astle, Durham and Fow- berry Tower, co. Northumberland. FOLKES, of HiLLiNGTON, CO. Norfolk. 2G May I774. Sir WILLIAM-JOHN-HENRY-BROWNE FOLKES, Baronet, M.P. for the western division of Norfolk, born 30 Aug. 1786, succeeded his father, sir Martin-Browne, 11 Dec. 1821 ; married^ at Florence, 21 April 1818, Charlotte, youngest da. of Dominick-Geffry Browne, of Castle IM'Garrett, Ireland, esq., and has issue, 1. MARTIN-WILLIAM, b. 16 Jan. 1819; 2. William-John, b. 13 Jan. 1820; 3. Henry- Edward, b. 20 Dec. 1823; 4. Margaret-Charlotte, b. 2 July 1825; 5. George-Howe, b. 16 Feb. 1834. Martin Folkes, esq., was a barrister-at- law, and afterwards attorney-general temp. queen Anne. He had a son, Martin, whose son, Martin Folkes, esq., barrister-at-law, m. Dorothy, 2d da. and co-h. of sir William Hovel, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Martin, m , and had issue, 1. Martin, who d. young. 2. Dorothy, m. William Richton, esq. 3. Lucretia, wt. sir William Bettenson, bart. 2. William, father of the 1st bart. 3. Henry, who had issue, 1. Henry, d. without issue. 2. Lucretia-Elizabeth, m. Griffith Phi- lips, esq. 4. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Payne, esq. William, 2d son of Martin Folkes, m., 1st, Ursula, da. of Samuel Taylor, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Ursula, m. admiral John Macbride. 2. Dorothy, m. Edmund Rolfe, of Hen- cham, CO. Norfolk, esq. 3. Mary, m. John-Balchen West, esq. 4. Elizabeth, m. Maximilian Western, of Colnethorpe Park, co. Oxon, esq. He m., 2dly, Mary, only da. of sir William Browne, M.D., by whom he had. I. Sir MARTIN-BROWNE, F.R.S., created a bart. 26 May 1774, m., 28 Dec. I777, Fanny, da. and co-h. of sir John Tumor, of Warham, co. Norfolk, bart. ; and by her (who d. 30 Nov. 1813) had issue, 1. Martin-Wjlliam-Brownb, d. with- out issue 1798. 2. Fanny-Mary, »w.. May 1802, Gilbert- Harvey West, esq., d. 23 April 1813. 3. Anna-Martina. 4. William; 5. Henry; both d. young. G. Caroline, d. young. 7. Sir William-John-Henby-Browne, present bart. 8. Lucretia-Georgiana, m., 26 Aug. 1822, sir Edward West, recorder of Bombay; both d. at Bombay, Oct. 1828. Sir Martin Browne d. 11 Dec. 1821, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir WILLIAM-JOHN-HENRY- BROWNE, present bart. Arms—See Plate 20. Per pale, vert, and gules, a fleur-de-lis, ermine. Crest — A dexter arm, em bowed, habiteti. Anne, da. of Thomas Packer, of Cheltenham, (cousin to sir Thomas White, founder of St. John's College, Oxford,) and ri. 1636, having had issue, 1- William, m. and d. about 1634, leaving issue ; 2. Henri/, of Bristol, esq., d. 1667; 3. Philip, settled m St. James's, in the island of Barbadoes, and d. 1648, leaving a son, PHiLir, who rf. in July 1697, having m. twice. By his first wife he had 3 das.; by his 2d, Willoughby, da. of Yeamans, esq., and widow of Smith, esq., he had issue, 1. Philip; 2. Yeamans; 3. John; and four das. Philip, eldest son and heir of Philip, d. 6 Oct. 1726, leaving by Elizabeth, his wife, da. and h. of Samuel Irish, esq., 3 sons; 1. Philip; 2. Samuel; 3. John ; and 3 das. Philip, eldest son and h. of the said Philip and Elizabeth, held several of the most considerable situations in the island of Barbadoes. He d. in Dec. 1763, having had by Elizabeth, his wife, da. of John Harris, esq., 1. sir Philip, 1st bart. ; 2. Reynold; 3. William ; 4. William, d. infants ; 5. Mary. I. Sir PHILIP, eldest son, was created a bart. 30 May 1774, m., 1 Feb. 1753, Agnes, da. and h. of Samuel Osborne, of Barbadoes, esq., and by her (who d. 5 Jan. 1813) had issue, 1. Philip, m., 19 March 1807, Maria, 3d da. of Robert Knipe, of New Lodge, near Berkhamstead, esq., andd. 14 Dec. 1812. 2. Sajhel-Oseorne, m. miss Bishop, of Exeter, and d. in Grenada, Jan. 1807, leaving issue by her (who d. 30 Aug, 1804) sir Sa- muel Osborne, present bart. 3. Elizabeth, m., 29 Dec. 1796, the right hon. Charles Abbot, created baron Colches- ter. (See Debretfs Peerage.) 4. Ag.ves. Sir Philip d. 1816, and was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir SAMUEL-OSBORNE, present bart. ^;-w*— See Plate 20. Per fess, argent and ermine, three battle-axes, sable. Crest — An arm embowed in armour, gar- nished, or, and charged with a cross, couped, gules ; in the hand proper, a battle-axe, as in the arms. Motto— Tenax propositi. RAYMOND, (now BURRELL,) of Valentine House, co, Essex. 31 May 1774. Sir CHARLES-MERRIK BURRELL, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir William, 179G; M.P. for New Shoreham ; married to Frances, eldest natural da. of the earl of Egremont, by whom he has 1. Charles- Wyndham, d. 11 July 1827; 2. Percy; 3. Walter; 4. Julia. This family is said to have been originally of Northumberland; but Randolphus Bur- rell having m., 1325, Sermonda, da. and co-h. of sir Walter Woodland, of Devon, settled in that county. From him descended JoHX Burrell, of Woodland, who, in 1414, furnished at his own charge a ship, 20 men at arms, and 40 archers, "for the war with France : he left issue several sons, of whom, Walter, the eldest, succeeded to the estate ; and Gerardus, the youngest, being bred to the church, became archdeacon and residentiary of Chichester, and \'icar of Cuckfield, CO. Sussex, where he acquired a considerable estate, which, at his death, 17 April 1508, he left to his nephew, Ralph Burrell, of Cuckfield, whose son, Thomas Burrell, 7v. Dorothy Wes- ton, and had issue, Ninian Burrell, of Cuckfield, who d. 4 Sept. 1614, leaving issue by Jane, da. of Henry Smith, of Pepper Harrow, co. Surrey, esq., (who ?-e-?«. Peter Courthope, of Danny Place, in Hurst-per- point, CO. Sussex,'^esq.,) five sons, of whom, Walter, the eldest, m. Frances, da. of John Hooper, of Stockbury, Kent, esq., and had issue nine sons, of whom, Timothy Burrell, 6th son, left issue, an only child and h., Eli- zabeth, who m. Thomas, 2d lord Trevor ; and Peter Burrell, of Beckenham, eo. Kent, 9th son of Walter Burrell, of Cuck- field, CO. Sussex, by Frances Hooper, set- tled at Beckenham, 1084, m. Isabella, 2d da. of John Merrick, of Stubbers, co. Essex, esq., and d. 1 March 1671, leaving issue, 1. Peter. 2. Sir Merrick, of West Grinstead Park, governor of the Bank of England, member m several parliaments for Marlow and Gram- pound, created a bart. 15 July 1765, with re- mainder to his eldest brother, Peter Bur- rell, of Beckenham, and d. 1/87, without issue. 3. Frances, m. Richard Wyatt, of Eg- ham, CO. Surrey, esq. 4. Isabella, m. Thomas Dalyson, of Plaxtool and Hamptons, co. Kent, esq. 5. Anne, m. Richard Acland, esq., bro- ther to sir Hugh Acland, of Killeton House, CO. Devon, bart. Peter Burrell, of Beckenham, the eldest son, was an eminent merchant, and sub-governor of the South Sea Company ; he represented Haslemere and Dover in par- liament ; m. Amy, eldest da. of Hugh Ray- mond, of Sailing-Hall, co. Essex, and of Langley, co. Kent, esq., and d. 16 April 1756, having had issue, 1. Peter, father of the 1st baron Gwydir (see baroti Willoughby de Eresby, in Debrett's Peerage). 2. Raymond, d. young. 3. Sir William, m. Sophia, da. and co-h. of sir Charles Raymond, of Valentine House, CO. Essex, bart., and succeeded to that title on the death of his father-in-law, as hereafter stated. 4. John, rf. young. 5. A.MELiA, m. Tobias Frere, esq. 6. Isabella, rf. young. L Sir CHARLES-RAYMOND, of Va- lentines, and of Highland House, co. Essex, was created a bart. 31 May 1774, with limit- ation of the title to his son-in-law, Wilham Burrell, esq. Sir Charles had two das., 1. Sophia, m. WUliam Burrell, esq. 2. m. Henry Boulton, of Leatherhead, CO. Surrey, esa. Sir Charles d. 24 Aug. 1789, and was sue- 204 SMITH. ceeded, pursuant to the limitation of his patent, by his son-in-law, II. Sir WILLIAM BURRELL, LL.D. F.S.A., commissioner of excise, m., 13 April 1773, Sophia Raymond, as above stated, by whom (who d. June 1802) he had issue, 1. Sir Charles-Merrick, present bart. 2. WrLLiAM-RAYMOND, d. youug. 3. Walter, sometime member for Sussex in three successive parliaments. 4. Percy, captain in the (Jth regiment of dragoon guards, killed at Buenos-Ayres, 5 July I8O7. 5. Algernon-Peter, d. young. 6. Juliana, m., 14 April 18(i6, George- Henry Crutchley, esq., of Sunning Hill Park, CO. Berks. 7. Emily-Elizabeth, »h., 30 Jan. 1819, lieut.-colonel T. Kinneir, C.B. Sir William d. 20 Jan. 17%, and was suc- ceeded by his son, 111. Sir Charles - Merrick, present bart. Arms—See Plate 20. Vert, three plain shields, argent, each having a bordure, en- grailed, or. Crest— On a v/reath, a naked arm, em- bowed, and holding a branch of laurel, both proper. Motto— Sub libeHate quietem. Seat— Knipp Castle, co. Sussex. SMITH, of Sydling St. Nicholas, co. Dorset. 1 June 1774. Sir JOHN-WYLDBORE SMITH, Baronet, iom 19 May I77O, sue ceeded his father, sir John, 13 Nov. 1807; married, 13 May 1797, Eliza- beth Anne, second da. and co-h, of the rev. James Marriott, D.C.L., of Horsmonden, CO. Kent, and has issue, 1. JOHN-JAMES, b. 10 April 1800, m., 11 Nov. 1828, Frances, eldest da. of John-Frederick Pinney, of Somerton House, co. Somerset ; 2. William-Marriott, in holy orders, rector of Horsmonden, co. Kent, (took the name and arms of Mar- riott, in addition to those of Smith, by royal sign manual, 1811,) b. 31 Aug. 1801, m., 29 Dec. 1825, Julia-Elizabeth, 4th da. of Thomas-Lav/ Hodges, of Hemstead, co. Kent, esq., and has issue, 1. Anna-Rebecca, b. 20 June 1832; 2. Catherine-Twisden, b. 10 Dec. 1833; 3. Anne-Eliza, b. \l May 1803, m., 20 April 1826, the rev. John-Digby Wingfield, prebendary of Kildare, and rector of Geeshill, 2d son of William Wingfield, esq., mas- ter in chancery, and nephew of earl Digby ; 4. George-Roxburgh, b. 15 Oct. 1804, d. 24 May 1805 ; 5. Henry-Curtis, in holy orders, b. 25 Jan. 180G, m., 25 Oct. 1832, Elizabeth, only surviving da. of Edward Green, of Hinxton Hall, Cambridge, esq., deceased ; 6. Lydia-Bos- woRTH, b. 6 March 1808 ; 7- Reginald-Southwell, in holy or- ders, i. 18 Aug. 1809; 8. Francis, b. 28 Dec. 1810, d. Dec. 1834; 9. Edavard-Heathcote, b. 18 May 1813, in the army. This family, according to tradition, is de- scended ft-om the same common ancestor with that of sir George Smith, knt., who was sheriff of Exeter in 1583, and whose da., Eli- zabeth, m. sir George Monk, of Potheridge, CO. Devon, knt., and was the mother of ge- neral Monk, afterwards duke of Albemarle. The lineal ancestor of the present bart. was Robert Smith, of Ilminster, co. Somer- set, who, by his will, dated 20 July 10.55, bequeathed a large property amongst his children, who became the founders of several respectable families, viz. ; 1. Edminid, from whom descended Edmund, of Kilmiston House, CO. Hants, esq.; 2. George, ances- tor of the present bart.; 3. Robert; 4. fVil- linm, ancestor of the late sir William Smith, knt.; 5. Thomas; and several das. George Smith, 2d son of the above Ro- bert, acquired considerable proy)erty in the hamlet of Woolliam, within the parish of West Dowlisli, co. Somerset, and dying in 1700, left issue, two sons and three das. John, his 2(1 son and h., of West Dow- lisli, aforesaid, left, besides other issue, 1. Georife, settled in London, aiid left issue, three son's and a da. 2. Henry. Henry, 2d son of John, was of Wind- sor, CO. Berks, 711, Mary, da. of John Hill, esq., and d. 31 Jan. 17(58, leaving issue. 1. Sir John, 1st bart. 2. Edmund, D.C.L., rector of Godmanstone and Meleombe Horsey, co. Dorset, d. 17 Nov. 1814. 3. Elizabeth, first wife of George Gould, of Upway, CO. Dorset, esq. 4. Susannah, m. Benjamin Bachinoe, esq., captain R.N., (by whom she was mother of Mary, duchess dowager of Roxburgh, and now wife of the hon. John Tollemache, 2d son of the countess of Dysart,) and d. 30 Nov. 1804. I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., who was LL.D. in the university of Oxford, A.M. in the uni- versity of Cambridge, as also F.R. and A.S., derived, when an mfant, considerable pos- sessions under the will of his kinsman, sir William Smitli, knt., and alderman of the city of London, whose remains, with those of his family, are deposited in a vault be- neath the ciiancel which he built, adjoining the i)arish church of Sydling St. Nicholas. SirJolm was 6. 10 April 1744, and m., 1st, Elizahetli, da. and h. of Robert Curtis, of Wd8thori)e, co. Lincoln, esq., by whom, who (/. 13 Feb. 17i«i, (besides nine children who d. infants,) he left issue, 1. Sir Joun-Wyldhore, present bart. 2. Elizabeth, b. IG Jan. 1776, d. unm. 6 Nov. 1811. 3. Amelia, b. 2G May 1782, m., 7 Sept. DUNTZE.-.BOYD. 205 1813, the hon. Richard-George Quin, 2d son of the 1st earl of Dunraven, in the kingdom of Ireland, Sir John m., 2dly, Anna-Eleanora, eldest da. of the late Thomas Morland, of Court Lodge, Lamberhurst, co. Kent, esq., by whom he left no issue. He d. 13 Nov. 1807, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN-WYLDBORE, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 20. Sable, a fesse ermi- nois, cottised, or, between three martletts of the last, each charged with an ermine spot. Crest — A greyhound, sejant, gules, collar- ed, and line reflexed over the back, or, charged on the shoulder with a mascle, argent. Motto — Semper Jidelis. Seats— At Sydling St. Nicholas, and the Down House, co. Dorset. DUNTZE, of Tiverton, co. Devon. 8 Nov. 1774. Sir JOHN-LEWIS DUNTZE, Baronet, born 1 Oct. 1806, succeeded his father, sir John, 21 June 1830; married, 15 March 1834, Frances- Elizabeth, da. of the rev. J. Coles. I. Sir JOHN DUNTZE, a merchant in Exeter, was a representative in parliament for Tiverton, and was created a bart. as above ; m. and had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. James-Nicholas, paymaster -general to the forces in Sicily, m., 3 June 1794, Jane- Harriet, da. of sir James Cockburn, of Langton, bart., and had issue. 3. Samukl-Lewis, an officer 62d regi- ment of foot ; m., in Jamaica, Jane, da. of William Shaw, esq., secretary to the gover- nor of that island, and d. in Dec. 1794, leaving issue, one son. 4. Frances, m. John Burridge Cholwich, of Farringdon House, co. Devon, esq. 5. Charlotte-Lewis, m. Edmund-Pusey Lyon, esq., agent to the island of Jamaica. 6. Elizabeth, m. the rev, William Chol- wich, rector of Ermington, eo. Devon. Sir John d. 5 Feb. 1795, and his lady 31 March 1801 ; he was succeeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN, receiver-general of the land and assessed taxes for the co. of Devon ; «i., June 1H04, Dorothea, da. of sir Thomas Carew, of Tiverton Castle, co. Devon, bart,, by whom (who d. 4 Nov. 180G) he had issue, Sir John-Lewis, present bart. Sir John d. 21 June 1830, a;t. 65, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir JOHN-LEWIS, present and 3d bart. ' Amis— See Plate 21, Argent, a holy lamb, passant, or. Crest— A mullet, between two eagles' wings. Seat— At Payford, co. Devon. BOYD, of Danson, co. Kent. 2 June 1775. Sir JOHN BOYD, Baronet, borri 5 June 1786, succeeded his father, sir John, 30 May 1815; married, 22 Sept. 1818, Harriett, 2d da. of the late Hugh Boyd, of Bally Castle, co. Antrim, esq,, and has issue, 1. John-Augustus-Hugh, b. 30 July 1819; 2. Frederick, 6. 13 Aug. 1820; 3. Henrietta, b. Jan. 1825. II, Sir JOHN, b. Nov, 1750, m., 26 Feb. 1784, Margaret, 5th da. of the right hon. Thomas Harley, son of Edward, 3d earl of Oxford and Mortimer, and by her (who d. 20 Nov. 1830) had issue, 1. Sir John, present bart. 2. Augustus, b. 1 March 1780, d. young. 3. Margaret, b. 4 April 1791. 4. George, b. 10 March 1793, m., 10 Feb. 1828, Mary Elizabeth, da. of George Black- shaw, esq., and has issue, 1. Mary, 6. 4 Jan. 1829. 2. Augusta, b. 20 April 1830. Sir John d. 30 May 1815, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JOHN, present bart. Arms — See Plate 21. Azure, a fesse, cheeky, or, and gules, in chief, three mul- lets, and in base, a crescent, or. Crest— Three ostrich feathers, sable. Motto — Conjido. John-Adgustus-Bovd, m., 3 Jan. 1717. Lucy, da. of judge Peters, of the island of St. Christopher, by whom he had an only son, I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., b. 29 Dec. 1718, m., 27 June 1749, Mary, da. of William Bum- sted, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John Boyd, 2d bart, 2. Augustus, d. young, 16 Dec. 1772. 3. Elizabeth, b. 27 Jan, 1751-2, ???, John Trevanion, esq., M,P, for Dover in several parliaments, and d. 1798. 4. Lucy, b. 22 Feb. 1753, d. unm. 1803. Sir John m., 2dly, 1 Aug, 1766, Catherine, da. of the rev, John Chapone, by whom (who d, March 1813) he had, 5. James, b. 4 April 1767, m., 22 Jan, 1802, Anne, da. of major-gen, Douglas, d. s, p, Nov. 1811, 6. Sarah, b. 31 Aug. 1768, d. unm. at Lis- bon, 16 May 1802. Sir John was succeeded by his eldest son. 206 LEITH.-HAMILTON. LEITH, of Burgh St. Peter's, co. Norfolk. 21 Nov. 1775. Sir GEORGE.ALEXANDER-WILLIAM LEITH, succeeded his father, sir Alexander, .3 Oct. 1780 ; a major-general in the army, and co- lonel of the 9th royal veteran hattalion ; married^ 10 Dec. 179^5 Albinia, youngest da. of Thomas-Wright Vaughan, of Moulsey, co. Surrey, esq., and has issue, 1. ALEXANDER- WELLESLEY-WILLIAM, b. 30 Oct. 1806, 7»., Oct. 1832, Jemima, 2d da. of Hector-Macdonald Buchanan, of Ross, CO. Dumbarton, esq., and has issue, 1. George-Hector^ b. 10 Aug. 1833; 2. Georgina-Margaret, b. 17 May 1808, d. 19 March 1828 ; 3. George-Gordon-Brown, b, 20 Jan. 1812; 4. Albina-Mary- Campbell, b. 17 Mav 1814, d. July 1815 ; 5. Henrietta-Frances, h. 17 Jan. 1816, (/. 5 June 1828. This family is of considerable antiquity in Scotland, and is descended from Wil- liam Leith, who was provost of Aberdeen 1350, and ?«. a da. of Donald, 12th earl of Mar. His descendants ramified widely, and, according to Douglas, there were at the latter end of the last century six distinct fa- milies of the name, all tracing their origin to the above William ; among them Leith of Bucharne, from whence the present baro- net, and Leith of Freefield, whence sir Alex- ander Leith, K.C.B., &c. Alexander Leith, esq., (eldest son of Alex- ander Leith of Bucharne,) 13th in descent from the provost of Aberdeen, commanded tlie artillery at the siege of the Havannah, where he was slain, anno 1763 ; he m. Anne, widow of John Milet, esq., of co. Antrim, in Ireland, by whom he had issue, a da., Anne, m, Lucius-Ferdinando-Carey, eldest son of Lucius-Charles, (jth viscount Falkland, and a son, L Sir ALEXANDER-CHARLES- GEORGE LEITH, lieut.-col. 83th foot, created a bart. as above, m. Margaret, eldest da. of Thomas Hav, of Huntington, esq., a senator of the College of Justice in Scot- land, and had issue, 1. Sir George-Alexander-William, present bart. 2. Thomas-Fbancis-Henry-William- SON, rf. young. Sir Alexander d. in Jamaica, 3 Oct. 1/80, in consequence of excessive fatigue, whilst commanding an expedition to the Spanish Main, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir GEORGE-ALEXANDER-WIL- I,IAM, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 21. Or, a crosslet, fitchy, sable, between three crescents in chief, and as many lozenges in base, gules. Crest — A cross crosslet, as in the arms. Seats— At Sanbant, and Burgh, St. Peter's, both CO. Norfolk. HAMILTON, of Marlborough-House, Portsmouth, CO. Southampton. 24 Aug. 177c. Sir CHARLES-HAMILTON, Baronet, K.C.B., Admiral of the Blue, succeeded his father, sir John, 24 Jan. 1784; iom 25 Aug. 1767; mar. ried^ 19 April 1803, Henrietta-Martha, only da. of the late George Drum- mond, of Stanmore, co. Middlesex, esq., and has issue CHARLES- JOHN-JAMES, b. 3 April 1810, in the army. This baronet is descended from William Hamilton, of Chilston, co. Kent, younger brother of James, 6th earl of Abercorn. L Sir JOHN HAMILTON, capt. R.N., of Marlborough House, near Portsmouth, was created a bart. for his very judicious and gallant conduct during the siege of Quebec, 1775, by landing the guns and men of his majesty's ships in the river St. Lawrence, and thereby materially assisting in the pre- servation of that place, under the command of sir Guy Carleton, 1st lord Dorchester, K.B. ; m., 4 Oct. 1763, Cassandra, 3d da. of Edward Chamberlaine, of Maugersbury, co. Gloucester, and had issue, 1. Sir Charles, 2d bart. 2. Sir Edward, created a bart. 20 Oct. 1818 {see that title). Sir John d. 24 Jan. 1784, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, II. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms— Sec Plate 21. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, gules, three cinciuefoils, ermine, second and third, argent, a lymphad, with her sails furled, sable. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, or, an oak tree, proper, fructed gold, and penetrated transversely in the main stem by a frame saw, proper, the frame or, and the blade in- scribed v.'iththe word " Through." Motto— Throui^^h (on the saw of the crest). Residoire- Hamilton Spring, near Mid- hurst, Sussex. MACKWORTH.— PEYTON. 207 MACKWORTH, of Gnoll, co. Glamorgan. 16 Sept. 177c. Sir DIGBY MACKWORTH, Baronet, succeeded his brother,! 794, for- merly in the royal navy, colonel of the Oxford volunteers in 1798, and again in 1803, which he resigned in 1804 ; horn 14 May 17G6 ; married^ 1st, 1788, Jane, only da. and h. of the rev. Matthew Deere, by JMargaret his wife, da. and co-h. of Anthony Maddox, of Kevenydva, co. Glamorgan, esq., by whom (who d. Jan. 1808) he had issue 1. DIGBY, h. 23 June 1789, a major in the army, w., 3 April 1823, Sophia-Noel, da. of James Mann, esq., and grandda. of sir Horace Mann, bart. ; 2. Herbert, b. 1 Oct. 1791 ; 3. Charlotte-Harriet, i. 5 Aug. 1796; 4. Arthur-Francis- JoHN, b. 7 Sept. 1804 ; 5. Willtam-Harcourt-Isham, b. 15 Oct. 1810; 6. Frances-Juliana, b. 14 Oct. 1790; 7- Mary, b. 6 Oct. 1797-. WJ-, 9 Feb. 1819, the rev. dr. Cleaver, eldest son of the arch- bishop of Dublin ; 8. Augusta ; 9. Anna-Maria, b. 19 June 1802, d. 13 April 1819; 10. Georgiana-Lucy, b. 14 Aug. 1803, d. 11 Feb. 1824; 11. Matilda-Jane, d. May 1814. Sir Digby 7«., 2dly, 16 July 1821, Penelope, sister to sir James Affleck, of Dalham Hall, co. Suffolk, bart., by whom he has no issue. This family is of considerable antiquity in Shropshire and South Wales. Thomas MACKWORTH, of Bettou Grange, co. Salop, (5th in descent from John Mackworth, with whom the pedigree begins,) lived temp. Eliz. and was great-grandfather of Thomas Mackworth, ot Betton Grange, whose Sir Humphry Mackworth, was a lawyer of eminence, and knighted 1G82, m. the da. and h. of sir Herbert Evans, of Neath, co. Glamorgan, knt., and had, be- sides other issue, two sons, of whom the younger, William, assumed the name of Praed, and was ancestor of Mackworth Praed, esq., of Trevetho, co. Cornwall ; and the elder, Herbert, w., 1730, Juliana, da. of Wil- liam, 5th lord Digby, and d. Aug. 1765, leav- ing issue, 1. Sir Herbert, 1st bart. 2. Frances, m,, 1st, lord Halkerton, of Scotland; and, 2dly, Antony-Joseph, 7th viscount Montague, and d. 3 March 1814. 3. Juliana; 4. Jane; both d. unm. 5. Catherine, to. the rev. James Stillingfleet. 6. Susanna, m. dr. John Hotham, bishop of Clogher. 7. Ma)-7/, d. imm. I. Sir HERBERT, 1st bart., so created as above, m. Juliana, da. of William, 5th lord Digby, and had issue, 1. Sir Robert-Humphrey, 2d bart. 2. Sir Digby, 3d bart. 3. Eliza-Anve, 771. Francis Drake, es'. Sir Robert was succeeded by his sole brother, III. Sir DIGBY, present bart. Ar77is — See Plate 21. Per pale, indented, sable, and ennine, on a chevron, gules, five crosses patee, or. Crest— A cock proper. Motto — Givell aiigau na chi/wyldd — Rather death than shame. Seae— Gnoll Castle, Glamorgan. PEYTON, of DoDDiNGTON, CO. Cambridge. 18 Sept. 1776. Sir HENRY PEYTON, Baronet, born 1 July 1779, succeeded his father, sir Henry, May 1789 ; married., 8 July 1803, Harriet, da. of Tho- mas Fitzhugh, esq., and relict of James Bradshaw, of Portland Place, esq., and has issue 1. HENRY, b. 30 June 1803, 7«., 10 April 1827, Georgiana-Elizabeth, 3d da. of Christopher-Bethel Codrington, esq. ; 2. Algernon, b. 20 Sept. 1804, and d. Jan. 1806. George Dashwood, 3d son of George Dashwood, alderman of London, and brother of sir Robert Dashwood, of Kirtlington, co. Oxon, created a bart. 1(384, (see that title,) was a colonel in the army, and d. 170G, having m. Algemina, 2d da. of sir Algernon Peyton, (who was created a bart, 1666, being a younger branch of the Peytons, of Isleham, co. Cam- bridge, who were advanced to that dignity 1611,) leaving a son and heir, George, to. his cousin, Margaret, da, of sir Sewster Peyton, only son of sir Algernon above named, and d. March 1762, leaving issue. 208 BAKER.— EDEN. 1. Sir Henry, 1st bart. 2. James, in holy orders, m., 1st, lady Martha Knollis ; and, 2dly, miss Lloyd, by whom he left issue one son, 3. Margaret, d. unm. 4. Penelope, m. Pell Heigham, of Hunston, CO. Suffolk, esq. I. Sir HENRY, the elder son of the last- named George, assumed the surname of Pey- ton, pursuant to the will of his uncle, sir Thomas Peyton, only son of sir Sewster above named, (on whose death the title con- ferred, lb"66, became extinct,) and was him- self created a bart. 18 Sept. 177(). In Dec. 1771, m. Frances, eldest da. of sir John Rous, of Henham Hall, co. Suffolk, ban., and sister of John, earl of Stradbrooke, and by her (who d. 27 May 1808) he had issue, 1. Sir Henry, present bart. 2. Algernon, in holy orders, h. If) Aug. 1786> m., 22 June 1811, Isabella-Anne, youngest da. of Thomas Hussey, of Galtrim, Ireland, esq., and has issue, 1. Isabella- Anne-Frances, 6. 9 June 1812, d. young. 2. Algernon, b. 'TJ Sept. 1814. 3. Thomas. 4. John, d. 24 April 1825. 5. Francis, h. 1823. 6. Elizabeth. 3. Frances, 6. May 1773, ra., Nov. 1810, the rev. John Haggit, of Ditton, co. Cam- bridge. 4. Louisa, 6. 17 June 1774, m. David Pen- nant, of Downing, co. Flint, esq. 5. Charlotte, h. May 1776, d. young. 6. Harriet, h. 30 Nov. 1777, »»., Oct. 1794, Thomas Kingscote, of Randalls, co. Surrey, esq., brother to Colonel Kingscote, of Kingscote, co. Gloucester. Sir Henry was elected representative in parliament for the co. of Cambridge, May 1782, and was re-elected in the parliament of 1784. Sir Henry d. May 1789, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IL Sir HENRY, present bart. ^WM— See Plate 21. Sable, a cross, en- grailed, or ; in the 1st quarter a mullet, ar- Crest — A grifnn, sejant, or. Motto — Patior, potior. Sertf— Swift's House, Bicester, Oxon. BAKER. 19 Sept. 1776. Sir GEORGE BAKER, Baronet, born 10 June 1816, father, sir George, 1 Oct. 1830. succeeded his I. Sir GEORGE, 1st bart., was so created as above, appointed physician to their ma- jesties, m. Jane, da. of Roger Morris, esq., and by her (who rf.30 July 1813) had issue, 1. SirFREUKRiCK-FRANCis, 2dbart. 2. Maria-Charlotte, m., 1st, May 1821, lieut.-col. sir J. Hutton Cooper, bart., groom of the bedchamber to his maiesty,when duke of Clarence, who d. 24 Dec. 1828. Sir George d. 15 June 1809, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir FREDERICK-FRANCIS, m., July 1814, Harriett, 3d da. of sir John Simeon, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir George, present bart. 2. Frederick-Francis, b. 29 Jan. 1822. 3. A Da., b. 23 June 1824. 4. A Son, b. 8 Jan. 1826. Sir Frederick-Francis was killed by the acci- dental blow of one of the fans of a windmill, 1 Oct. 1830, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir GEORGE, present and 3d bart. Arms— See Plate 21. Argent, on a saltire, engrailed, sable, five escallops of the field ; on a chief, of the 2d, a lion passant, of the 1st. Crest — A dexter arm, embowed, vested, azure, cuffed, argent, holding in the hand, proper, an arrow, of the last. Seat — At Loventor, co. Devon. EDEN, of Maryland. 19 Oct. 1776. Sir WILLIAM EDEN, Baronet, Gustos Brevium of the Court of Common Pleas, bo)-)i 31 Jan. 1803, succeeded his brother, sir Frederick, 24 Dec. 1814. For an account of this family, see sir Ro- bert-Johnson Eden, of Windleston, co. Dur- ham, bart. I. Sir ROBERT, 1st bart. of this line, was 2d son of sir Robert, 3d bart. of Win- dleston, and brother of sir John Eden, of Windleston, and of Lords Auckland and Henley. He was governor of the province of Maryland, and created a bart. as above; M>. Caroline Calvert, sister and co-h. to the last viscount Baltimore (which title became extinct in 1774,) by whom he had, 1. Sir FRi!:DERicK-MoiiTON,2d bart. 2. William, a lieut.-gen. and member of the board of general officers. 3. Catherine, m., 1st., John Holland, esq., and 2dly, George Simpson, esq. Sir Roberta. 17JW, and was succeeded by II. Sir FREDERICK-MORTON, w., Jan. 1792, Anne, da. and h. of James-Paul Smith, of New Bond Street, esq., and by her (who d. 14 July 18(18) had issue, 1. Willia.m-Henry, d. 18 Nov. 179.3. 2. Maimannk, b. 27 July 1794, w., Nov. 1812, iTancis-Mallet Spong, esq. 3. JAAIKS, d.r, Feb. 1800. 4. Sir Frkde RICK, 3d bart. 5. CAitoLiNE, b. 10 Jan. lilOl, m., 11 July 1821, Hyde Parker, esq., capt. R.N. (!. Sir"WiLMAiM. ])rcsent bart. 7. RoiiKUT, b. 2 Sept. I,'i(l4, m., 27 Sept, 1027, Emma, 3d da. of sir James-AlJan Park, DOUGLAS.— HERON. 209 one of the judges of the court of common pleas. 8. George-Morton, 6. 10 May 1806, in the army. 9. Charles, 6.3 July 1808, m., 17 Aug. 1829, Emma, 2d da. of sir Robert Williams, of Fryars, co. Anglesey, bart. Sir Frederick rf. 14 Nov. 1809, and was succeeded bv his eldest surviving son, III. Sir FREDERICK, ensign 85th foot, killed in action at New Orleans, North America, 24 Dec. 1814, and was succeeded by his next brother, IV. Sir WILLIAM, present bart- Arms— See Plate 21. Gules, on a chevron, between three garbs, or, banded, vert; as many escallop shells, sable, and a crescent for d'iflFerence. Cre^t — A dexter arm, embowed, in ar- mour, proper, the hand grasping a garb, as in the arms. Seat—Tiu\i, co. Durham. DOUGLAS, of Carr, co. Perth. 23 Jan. 1777- Sir HOWARD DOUGLAS, Baronet, K.S.C. and C.B., F.R.S., Major- General in the Army, and late Groom of the Bedchamber to H.R.H. the duke of Gloucester, Commissioner of the Royal Military College, succeeded his brother, sir ^Vilham-Henry, 23 3Iay 1809 ; married, 1799, Anne, eldest da. of James Dundas, esq., and has issue, 1. CHARLES ; 2. James- DuNDAS ; 3. Howard, d. 11 Aug. 1820; 4. Robert-Percy; — ^5. William-Frederick ; and four Das. This family is a branch of the noble family of Morton. The following is the descent : sir Archibald Douglas, knt., first of Kirkness, 2d son of William Douglas, of Lochleven, 6th earl of Morton; 2. Archi- bald, eldest son of sir George ; 3. sir Wil- liam Douglas, knt., only son of Archibald, killed at the battle of Dunbar 1G50 ; 4. Wil- liam, of Kirkness, (eldest son of sir William,) who left issue, sir Robert, of Kirkness; and WiUiam, of Kinglassie: sir Robert had 2 sons, William arid Robert, both of whom d. without male issue; 5. William, of Kinglassie; 6. Charles, of Kinglassie, eldest son of William; 7. Charles, 1st bart., 3d son of Charles, of Kinglassie. From the 1st and 2d sons there is no male issue, so that the present baronet is the representative of this branch of the family of Morton. I. Sir CHARLES, was created a bart. for his distinguished services in the com- mand of the squadron which forced its way up the river St. Lawrence, at an unusually early period of the year, and relieved Que- bec, then besieged by the Americans, 1/76. Sir Charles was capt. of the fleet in Rod- ney's action with Count de Grasse 1782, and afterwards commanded a squadron on the coast of America: he m. Jane, da. of John Bailie, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir William-Henry, 2d bart. 2. Charles, d. in his elder brother's life- time, s.p. 3. Sir Howard, present bart. 4. Lydia-Mariaxna ; 5. Anxe-Irvine. Sir Charles d. 10 March 1789, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, n. Sir WILLIAM -HENRY, vice-ad- miral of the blue, who d. toim.23 May 1809, and was succeeded bv his brother, III. Sir HOWARD, present bart. Anns—See Plate 21. Argent, a man's heart, ensigned with a regal crown, both proper; on a chief, azure, three mullets of the first. Crest— A wild boar between two clefts of an oak tree, held together by a chain and lock, all proper. Motto — Lock sicker. HERON, of Newark-upon-Trent, co. Nottingham. 25 Aug. 1778. Sir ROBERT HERON, Baronet, 31. P. for Peterborough, born 27 Nov. 1765, succeeded his uncle, sir Richard, in Jan. 1805 ; married, 9 Jan. 1792, Amelia, da. of sir Horace Mann, bart., by Lucy, da. of Baptist Noel, earl of Gainsborough. The names of Herioun and Hern are in the Battle Abbey Roll, " of such noblemen and gentlemen of marque, as came into England with the duke of Normandy." The duke not having fully reducedNorth- umberland, Henry I., his son, to effect the reduction, and create a barrier against Scot- land, divided Northumberland into feudal baronies, one of which, the Barony of Heron, whereof Haddeston, was the head, he granted, in 1100, to the ancestor of sir Richard. In 1296 it descended to Emeline, the heiress-general of William, lord Heron, her grandfather. She m. John, lord Darcy ; and in 1536, the baronies of DrtJtv/ and Heron were forfeited by the attainder of their de- scendant, Thomas, lord Darcy. Upon the descent of Haddeston to Eme- line Heron, Ford Castle became the chief seat of this family, which divided into many branches; particularly those of Ford Castle, BoKENFiELD, Chipchase, Applynden, Cres- sy, and Newark, several of whom had summons to parliament in temp. Edw. III., Rich. II., and Hen. IV. Camden, in his " Britannia," calls this bellicosa et clarafa- milia Heronorum. It is one of the 270 most ancient and noble families of England (the 210 WOMBWELL. barons by tenure,) of which there remained only twenty-four male branches in 1675, when Dugdale published his History of the Feudal Barons. Some of the branches at length failed for want of male heirs, and others united again the ancestors of the baronet. The pedigree is curiously pre- served through all the branches, and it ap- pears that in 1682, on the death of John, tlie last Heron of Bokenfijeld, without issue male, Robert Heron, of Newark, his first cou- sin, became chief of the family. He m. Mary Hobman, of Newark, co. Notts, and rf. 16 May 17o0; John Heron, his son, m. Jane, da. of Richard Crayle, of Newark, and d. 10 Dec. 1727j leaving an only sur- viving son, Robert Heron, sometime town-clerk, and afterwards recorder of Newark, m. Eli- zabeth, da. of Thomas Brecknock, of Thorney Abbey, and*/. 10 Aug. 1753, having had issue four sons, viz., 1. Jofm, recorder of Newark, rf. at Paris, 8 Sept. 1753, having m. Margaret, da. of John Green, esq., of Sutton-on-Sound, and leaving issue, 2 das., both m. ; 2. Thomas, of Chilham Castle, co. Kent, recorder of Newark, m., 1st, Anne, da. of sir Edward Wilmot, bart., physician to the king, by whom he had issue, sii Robert, 2d bart., and two das., Anne and Elizabeth : he m., 2dly, miss Sawbridge, of the CO. Kent : 3. Robert, in holy orders, ni. Anne Pechell, and d. 19 Jan. 1813, without issue ; and 4. I. The right hon. sir RICHARD HERON, created a baronet, 25 Aug. 1778, with re- mainder to the issue male of his brother, Thomas Heron, of Chilham Castle, co. Kent, esq., youngest son of Robert Heron, of Newark. He was sworn a privy-counsellor of Ireland in 1777. and held the office of chief secretary nearly four years under the viceroyalty of John, 2d earl of Bucking- hamshire. Sir Richard m. Jane, da. and co-h. of Abraham Hall, M.D., and relict of Stephen Thomson, esq., and by her (who d. 6 Oct. 1814) had no issue; and d. Jan. 1805, was succeeded by his nephew, II. Sir ROBERT, present bart. ^/•m.s— See Plate 21. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, azure three herons, two and one, ar- gent ; 2d and 3d, gules, a chevron between three herons, argent. 0-e.?e«— 1st, aheron statant proper ; 2d, out of a ducal coronet, or, a heron's head proper. Motto — Ardita petit ardea. Seat— At Stubton Hall, co. Lincoln. WOMBWELL, of Wombwell, co. York. 26 Aug. 1778. Sir GEORGE WOMBWELL, Baronet, born 4 March 1769, succeeded his father, sir George, 2 Nov. 1780 ; married, 19 July 1791, Anne-Belasyse, da. of Henry, 5th viscount and 2d earl Fauconberg, (by Charlotte, sister of Peniston-Lamb, viscount ]\Ielbourne,) and by her (who d. 7 July 1808) he has issue, 1. GEORGE, b. 13 April 1792, w., 23 June 1824, Geor- giana, youngest da. of Orby Hunter, of Crowland Abbey, co. Lincoln, esq. ; 2. Henry-Walter, b. 24 May 1795 ; 3. Frederick-Richard- Henry, b. 13 April 1797, d. 24 Aug. 1807. Sir George m. a second lady, by whom he also has had issue, of whom Alfred-D'Arcy, b. 20 Nov. 1829, d. 31 Dec. 1834. The first of this family was Robert de Wombwell, living in the 2d of king Stephen. From him the pedigree is regularly brought down, for seventeen generations, to George Woimbwell, of Leeds, attorney- at-law, who rf. 17 May 1682. He m. Hannah, da. of William Waugh, by whom he had two sons; of whom John, the youngest, was grandfather of the 1st bart., and Wil- liam, the eldest, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Michael Wentworth, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. William, b. I700, d. 1733; m. Margaret, da. of Sir Thomas Standish, bart., by whom he had two das. 1. Margaret, m. Anthony St. Leger, esq. 2. Elizabeth, m. Charles Turner, esq., afterwards sir Charles Turner, bart. 2. George, vicar of Norton, co. Derby, d, 175fi, unm. 3. Michael, an attorney at Wakefield, killed by a fall from his horse, Feb. 1742, v.nm. John Wombwell, 2d son of George, was b. 1672, d. 21 Feb. 1733; m. Elizabeth, da. of Richard Nottingham, by whom (who d. 1745) he had issue, 1, George, b. 2 Sept. 170I, a merchant in London, and some time consul at Alieant, in Spain, d. 8 Oct. 1763 ; m. Anne, da. and h. of John Nottingham, gent., by whom (who d. 2 May 1758) ne had issue, 1. John, b. 4 Aug. 1748, last male heir of the elder branch of this family. 2. Anne, b. 25 March 1750, m. John Strachey, LL.D., F.S.A., chaplain to the king, rector of Erpingham and Thwaite, CO. Norfolk, and archdeacon of Sufltblk. 2. William, b. July 1705, d. unm. about 1760. 3. Roger, father of the 1st bart. 4. Thomas, 6.4 Jan. 170.'), an attorney at Leeds, d. 1740, Roger, 3d son of John, 6.31 May 1708, lived at Barnslcy, d. at sea, on a voyage to Gibraltar, 17-10; m. Mary, da. of J. Chad- wick, by 'vhom he had issue, 1. Sir George, 1st bart. 2.. John, 6. Jan. 1737, some time a mer- chant at Alieant, in Spain, but rcsidinq in London 1788; m., 1st, 24 Oct. 17«3, Eliza- beth, eldest da. of Joshua Grigsbv, esq., knight of the shire for Suffolk, by whom ne had no issue ; and 2dly, Frances, da. of Richard Baker, esc]., merchant in London, by whom (who d. 28 Dec. 180!)) he had a da. . Frances, b. 7 Feb. 1787- 3. Dorothy, d. an infant. I. Sir GEORGE, the eldest son of Roger, was a director and chairman of the East India Company ; M.P. in 1774 and 1 780 for Huntingdon, and was raised to the dignity of a baronet, 26 Aug. 1778; m. Susannah, only da. of sir Thomas Rawlinson, knt, alderman of London, by whom (who d. 2f) Sept. 1816) he had issue, 1. Sir George, present bart. 2. Susannah, 6. 24 March 1776, m. Ed- COPLEY.— COGHILL 211 ward Roche, esq. 3. Caroline-Frances, 5. 3 Oct. 1767, m. Richard Clav, esq. 4. Emma, b. 7 Aug. 1770, d. 4 June 1775. Sir George d. 2 Nov. 1780, and was suc- ceeded bv his onlv son, II. Sir'GEORGE, present bart. Anns—See Plate 21. Gules, a bend, be- tween six unicorns' heads, couped, argent. Crest— An unicorn's head, couped, argent, armed and crined, or. Motto — In well beware. Seat— At Wombwell, co. York. COPLEY, of Sprotborough, co. York. 28 Aug. 1778. Sir JOSEPH COPLEY, Baronet, succeeded his brother, sir liionel, 11 April 1801 ; married, 23 May 1790, Cecil Hamilton, (to whom his majesty granted the precedence of an earl's daughter, 1789,) 8th da. of the hon. and rev. George Hamilton, 4th son of James, 7th earl of Abercorn. Het" ladyship's maiTiage with her first cousin, John-James, marquess of Aber- corn, K.G., was dissolved by act of parliament in 1798. Bv her (who d. 19 June 1819) he had issue, 1. JOSEPH -WILLIABI, b. 27 July 1804 ;— ^ — 2. Maria, m., 9 Aug. 1832, Henry, viscount Howick ; 3. another Da. The family of Coplei/ is of great antiquity in the county of York. Sir William Cop- ley, (2d son'of John Copley, of Batley, co. York,) m., circa 1528, Dorothy, da., and at length co-h. of sir William Fitzwilliam, knt., of the elder line of earl Fitzwilliam's family, and acquired with her the estate of Sprotborough, which has ever since been the residence of his descendants ; 4th in de- scent from sir William was. Sir Godfrey-Copley, of Sprotborough, created a baronet, 17 June 1G62, and left an only son and successor. Sir Godfrey, who d. 9 April 1709, leaving an only da. and h., Catherine, v.ho m. Joseph Moyle, esq., 2d son of sir Walter Moyle, of Beke, co. Cornwall, knt., and had issue by him, I. Sir JOSEPH, who was created a ba- ronet as above ; succeeded to the estate of Sprotborough on the death of Lionel Cop- ley, a distant relation of sir Godfrey, m 176r!, pursuant to an entail made by the said sir Godfrey, and took the name of Cop- ley by act of parliament, 17(i7 ; m. Mary, da. of John-Francis Buller, of Morval, co. Cornwall, esq., and by her (whorf. 10 March 1787) had issue, 1. Sir Lionel, 2d bart. 2. Sir Joseph, present bart. 3. Catharine, m., June 1777> John- James, marquess of Abercorn, K.G., and d. 13 Sept. 1791 (vide Debrett's Peerage of the United Kingdom). 4. Juliana, m., 16 July 1789, sir Charles Watson, of Fulmer, Bucks, bart., and d. 24 May 1834. 5. Anne, m., 4 Nov. 1803, sir Thomas Manners-Sutton, knt., created 20 April 1807, baron Manners, of Foston, co. Lincoln, and lord high chancellor of Ireland 1807, d. 5 Aug. 1814. Sir Joseph d. 11 April 1781, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir LIONEL, upon whose decease, imm. 11 April 1801, the title devolved on his brother, III. Sir JOSEPH, present bart. Arms— See Plate 21. Argent, a cross mo- line, sable. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, or, a plume of five ostrich feathers, argent. Ssrtf— Sprotborough Hall, Doncaster, co. York. COGHILL, of CoGHiLL Hall, co. York. 31 Aug. 1778. Sir JOSIAH COGHILL, Baronet, Post Captain R.N., succeeded his brother, sir John-Thomas, 21 May 1817, took the surname of Coyhill only by royal sign manual, 7 June 1817; married., 1st, 1812, miss Dobson, and has issue a da. ; and 2dly, 27 Jan. 1819, Anna-Maria, eldest da. of Charles- Kendal Bushe, esq., sohcitor-general in Ireland, and has issue a da., b. 9 Dec. 1819. JohnCockhill, of Cockhill, gent., lived at Knaresborough, co. York, in the reigns of Richard II. and Henry IV., as appears by ancient records remaining in the castle, where the family continue to this day. The 7th in lineal descent from him was John Coghill, D.C.L., a,1naster in the high court of Chancery in Ireland, and was knighted 1086; m. Hester, da. of Tobias Cramer, sheriff of the city of Dublin, (son of Balthazar Cramer, and grandson of To- bias Cramer, or Kramer, of Lower CJer- many, who commanded a regiment abroad, and was made a free denizen of Ireland, 28 May 1639,) by whom he had, besides other issue, two sons and one da, viz., Marma- duke, viho d. inun. 1/39; James, who left an only da., Hesther, m., 1st, Charles Moore, 1st earl of Charleville, invlreland, and, 2dly, major John Mayne, who took the 212 RIDDELL. surname of Coghill by royal sign manual, 1779, and was created a baronet, 8 June 1781, but d. s.p. : the da. of John Coghill was Hestlier, who m. Oliver Cramer, (son of Balthazar Cramer, and grandson of Tobias Cramer above named,) and by him had issue two sons, Oliver, who m. and left issue; and Balthazar-John-Cramkb, tn, Judith, only da. of Brinsley-Butler, 1st viscount Lanesborough, of Ireland, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 1st bart. 2. Oliver, di. Jane HoUaid, and d, leav- ing an only da., Jane. 3. Marmaduke. 4. Catherine, m. Ralph Smith, esq. I. Sir JOHN COGHILL, assumed the name of Coghill, pursuant to the will of his great uncle, Marmaduke Coghill, esq., and the desire of Hesther, countess of Charle- vlUe, to whose estates he succeeded : created a baronet 31 Aug. 1778, ?h. Maria, da. of Josiah Hart, D.D., lord archbishop of Tuam, and by her (who d. 14 Dec. 1815) had issue. 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Mary. 3. Judith, m. rev. W. F. Mitchell, rector of St. Martin's by Looe, Cornwall, who d. s.p. 1(!2G. 4. Eliza, m., 10 Dec. 1812, the rev. N. Hinde, of the co. Salop. 5. Frances. 6. Priscilla, m. Ottley, esq. 7. Sir Josiah, present bart. 8. Sophia, tn., 1801, major Charles Doyle, and has issue. 9. Theodosia. Sir John d. March 1790, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, d. 21 May 1817, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir JOSIAH, present bart. Anns— See Plate 22. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, gules on a chevron, argent, three pel- lets, a chief sable, for Coghill ; 2d and 3d, or, on a chief indented, azure, three fleurs- de-lis, or, a canton, ermine, for Cramer. Crest— On a mount, vert, a cock, with wings expanded, or, ducally crowned, gules. Motto — Noti dormit qui custodit. RIDDELL, of Ardnamurchan and Sun art, co. Argyll. 2 Sept. 1778. Sir JAMES-MILLES RIDDELL, D.C.L., born 3 June 1787, succeeded his grandfather, sir Thomas, 1st bart., 1797 ; married, 22 March 1822, Mary, da. of the late and sister to the present sir Richard Brooke, of Nor- ton Priory, co. Chester, by whom he has issue, 1. THOMAS-MILLES, b. 25 Dec. 1822 ; 2. Richard-Brooke, />. 6 April 1825; -S.Mary- Augusta, b. 5 April 1827. Richard Bassett, justiciar of England, temp. Hen. I., m. Matilda, da. and h. of Geffry de Riddell, by whom he had several sons. Geott'ry, the eldest, assumed his mo- ther's name of Riddell, m. to his 2d wife Si- billa, sister of William Mauduit, lord of Hanslop, and had issue by her, Hugh. Douglas, in his Baronage of Scotland, art. " Riddell of that ilk," derives the Riddells of Scotland from a brother of Maud, wife of Richard Basset, who, according to his statement, surrendered his estates in Eng- land to his sister, and established himself in Scotland. Betham, in his Baronetage (1806), on the other hand, derives this fa- mily from the above-named Hugh, son of Geffry de Riddell, by Sibilla Mauduit. There does nut appear, however, any suffi- cient proof to establish either of these ac- counts. The name of Riddell is undoubt- edly of very great antiquity in Scotland, but Nisbett, who gives proofs of its anti- quity, does not say a word of its English origm, and until the present family assumed tJie arms of Geffry de Riddell as their pa- ternal coat, the Riddells of Scotland bore very difflient armorial ensigns, (viz., a chev- ron between tlirce stalks of rve,) which are used by the Riddells of Riddell to this day. The immediate ancestor of the present bart. was George Riddell, of Kinglass, who tn. Jane, da. of John Taylor or Tailzeour, and left an only surviving son. Gborge, also of Kinglass, m. Christiana, da. of Andrew Paterson, and left a numerous family, of whom the 3d son, I. Sir JAMES, D.C.L., settled in Suffolk, and was created a bart. as above, m., 1st, Mary, da. and h. of Thomas Milles, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Thomas-Milles, >n., 1784, Margaret, da. of Dugald Campbell, of Lochnell, co. Argyll, and rf. 17 July 179G, leaving issue, 1. Sir James-Milles, 2d bart. 2. Christina-Drummond, 6. (j Aug. 1788. 3. Sarah-Burdon, b. 23 July 1791. 4. Campbell - Drummond, 6. 9 Jan. 17JX). 2. George-James, capt. horse grenadier guards, killed in a duel 23 April 1783. Sir James m., 2dly, 1775, Sarah, da. and h. of Thomas Burdon, esq., by whom (who survived him, and d. 1817) he had no issue. Herf. 2 Nov. 1797> and was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir JAMES-MILLES, present bart. Artns—See Plate 22. Or, three piles in point, gules, surmounted by a bend, azure. Crest — A hand, issuing from a count of France's coronet, holding a baton, all pro- per. Motto, over the crest — De Apulia. Motto— Utile et dulcc. Seat — Ardnamurchan and Sunart, co. Argyll. HAWKINS.— GUNNING. 213 HAWKINS, of Kelston-, co. Somerset. 3 Sept. 1778. Sir JOHN.CiESAR HAWKINS, Baronet, horyi 9 Feb. 1782; suc- ceeded his brother, sir Caesar, 2 July 1793; married, 11 Aug. 1804, Char- lotte, eldest da. of William Surtees, of Seaton-Burr, co. Northumberland, esq., and has issue, 1. JOHN-C.ESAR, b. 2 Dec. 1805 ; 2. George- C^SAR, b. 18 March 1807 ; 3. Elizabeth-Anne, b. 19 April 1808; 4. Henry-Cesar, b. 19 May 1809; 5. Charles, b. 1 April 1810, d. March 1817 ; 6. a Son, b. April 1814 ; 7- a Son, b. July 1816. I. Sir CiESAR, 1st bart., so created as above, was a member of the College of Sur- geons, and serjeant-surgeon to the king, and afterwards of Kelston, co. Somerset ; nu miss Cox, by whom (who d. 17 April 185, sir Drummond Smith, of Tring Park, Herts, bart.) he had issue. 3. Elizabeth, h. 14 Aug. 1775, and d. 29 Oct. 1822, having m., 1791, Richard Ben- yon, esq., who took the name of De Beau- voir. Sir Francis rf. 11 Jan. 1804, and was suc- ceeded by his son. II. Sir FRANCIS- WILLIAM, m., 10 Nov. 1798, Anne, eldest da. of major Hen- niker, and niece of John, 2d lord Henniker, by whom (who d. 27 Feb. 1804) he had issue, 1. Sir Francis-William, present bart. 2. William, m., 7 Dec. 1821, Anna- Maria-Heath, only da. of Edward Gattey, of Harefield House, co. Devon, esq. 3. Catharine, d. 16 May 1807. Sir Francis d. 7 March 1804, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir FRANCIS-WILLIAM, present bart. Anns— See Plate 22. Argent, an eagle, rising proper, between three fountains ; on a canton gules, a caduceus, proper. Crest — A demi-female in profile, in the habit of a Bengal woman, holding in the dexter hand a rose slipped, all proper. &««<— Basildon ParJv, near Reading, co. Berks. MOSLEY, of Ancoats, CO. Lancaster. 8 June 1781. Sir OSWALD MOSLEY, Baronet, born 27 March 1785, M.P. for the Northern Division of Staffordshire, succeeded his grandfather, sir John- Parker, 29 Sept. 1798 ; married, 31 Jan. 1804, Sophia-Anne, 2d da. of the late sir Edward Evei-y, bart., and has issue, 1. OSWALD, 6. 2 Dec 1804; 2. Sophia-Anne, b. 15 Oct. 180G; 3. Emily, b. 8 Feb. 1808; 4. Sarah-Elizabeth, b. 1809, d. Jan. 1826; 5. Frances, b. 1811, m., 9 Oct. 1827, James-Heath I^eigh, of Lincoln's Inn, esq., eldest son of .Joseph Leigh, of Belmont, co. Chester, esq. ; 6. Tonman, (a son,) 6. 9 Jan. 1813; 7- Penelope, b. 9 Nov. 181 G, rf. 28 Aug. 1833 ; 8. John, b. 15 Dec. 1814, d. 14 March 1815; 9. Caroline, b. 27 July 1818; — 10. OcTAviA, b. 14 Feb. 1820; 11. Ernald, b. 13 Aug. 1821 ; 12. Letitia, b. 27 May 182G. Edward Moseley, of the Hough, co. Lancaster, (son of James, and grandson of Jenkin Moseley of the same place,) m. Margaret, da. of Alexander Elcock, of Hill Gate, CO. Chester, and had issue, 1. Sir Nicholas, who was lord mayor of London, l.'j99, and knighted during his mayoralty, m. Margaret, da. of Hugh Whit- brake, of York, and d. 1()12, aged 85, leaving issue, a son, Rowland, whose son and lieir, sir Edward, of the Hough, was created a bart. 1(540, and left an only son, sir Ed- ward, 2d bart., who d. without issue, when that title became extinct. 2. Anthony. 3. Oswald, of Garrett, co. Lancaster, m. and left issue. Anthony Moseley, 2(1 son of Edward, was of Ancoats, co. Lancaster, m. Alice, da. of Richard Webster, and liad issue, Oswald, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of Ralph Lowe, of Myle End, co. Chester, esq., and had, besides other issue, a son and heir. Nicholas, m. Jane, da. of John Lever, esq., and had issue, 1. Oswald, whose son, sir Oswald, of Rolleston, co. Stafford, was created a bart. 1720, and d. 1751, leaving two sons, 1. Sir Oswald, 2d bart., who rf. itmtu 26 Feb. 17.''.7. 2. Sir John, in holy orders, 3d bart., who also d. lumi.. May 1777. leaving his estates to his cousin, John Parker Mose- ley, wlio was created a bart. as above, 2. Nicholas, )ii. and left a son, Nicholas, m. Elizabeth, da. of William Parker, of Derby, gent., and had, besides otlicr issue, a sou and luir, I. Sir JOIIN-I'AUKKI} MOSLEY, bart., above iiR'ntiniiiMi, who succeeded his cousin, sir Jolni, M l);ut., of tlie creation of 1720, in tlu- family estates, and was himself created a bart., it June 17!!! ; he was sheriff, CO. Lancaster, 17ii74, possessing an estate of the value of above it'20,()(Ml, and leaving issue, 1. William, ancestor of the Fletchers of Moresby. 2. Lancelot, ancestor of the Fletchers of Tallantire. .3. Jamks ; 4. John, both d. wwm. 5. Henry, d. unm. 6. T no MAS. 7. KonEiiT, of the Isle of Man. THOMA.S, ()th son of Henry, m. Jane, da. and h. of Bollen, and had issue, 1. Sir Richard, whose son, sir Henry, was created a bart. IfMO, raised a regiment at his own expense for the service of king Charles I., ancl was slain at Rawton Heath, near Chester, 1(;45, leaving an only son. Sir George, 2d bart., who d. 23 July 1700, leaving a son, sir Hknry, 3d and last bart. of this branch, who d. a monk at Douay, and three das., 1. Ijk-j/, ni. Francis Bowes, escj. ; 2. Alii-e, . George, a captain of grenadiers ; after some years' ser\ ice in North America, he was shot througli the heart, in the battle near Quebec, 17.">!). (). Lowtlier, lieiit. R.N., lost at sea, 1756. 7. Sir IIknrv, 1st bart. H. Ch.irles, a cajUain of marines, served duriiit,' the se\cn years' war in North Ame- rica and the West" Indies, and d. there of tlie yellow fever, 17(;;i. !>. (irace, m. William Taylor, esq. 10. Jane, m. Thomas Benson, esq. 2. Philip, many years surveyor-genera] of the province of Ulster, whicli office he held till his death in 17.'->3. He /*/. Mary, da. of the rev. Twigg, by whom he had, 1. Philij), d. at Bengal, num. PALK.— AFFLECK. 219 2. Thomas, killed at the battle of Det- tingen. 3. Richard, m. Anne-Helena-Scott Ed- monstone, da. of Archd. Edmonstone, esq. ; he d. 1/82, leaving one son, Philip, M.D., b. 1757. 4. Edward, in holy orders, lived at Lis- bum, in Ireland, and m. Jane Murray ; he d. Jan. 1777. leaving three sons ; 1. Phi- lip, b. 26 Nov. 1754, in holy orders, suc- ceeded his father in his livings near Lis- bum ; 2. Edward, b. 7 April 17(>3, late chief of Santipore, in Bengal, in the service of the East India Company ; 3. James, b. 29 July 1768. .3. Elizabeth, m. Humphrey Pearson, d. 1736. I. Sir HENRY, 7th son of John, was created a bart. 20 May 1782, b. 1727, bred in the service of the East India Company, and commanded two of their ships ; the Stor- mont, 1759, and the Earl of Middlesex, 1763. In 1766, was chosen a director, and continued one of that board until 1784. He was elected M.P. for co. Cumberland, I76B, 1774,1780,1784, 17JKI, 1796, and 1802; nu, Oct. 1768, Catharine, da. and sole h. of Henry Lintot, of Southwater, co. Sussex, esq., (son of Bernard Lintot, the celebrated bookseller,) by Elizabeth, da. of sir John Aubrev, bart., and by her (who d. 17 Oct. 1816) had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 2. Catharine, b. 7 July 1770. Sir Henry d. 29 March 1807, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir HENRY, b. 4 Feb. 1772, m., 19 March I80I, Frances-Soiihia, 4th da. of Tho- mas Vauglian, of Woonstone, co. Lincoln, esq., and by her (who d. 9 Feb. 1828) had issue, 1. A DA., d. an infant. 2. Sir Henry, present bart. 3. Sophia-Catharine, d. 4 Jan, 1822. 4. John-Philip, b. 31 March 1815. 5. Frances-Charlotte, d. 7 Feb. 1829, aged 15. Sir Henry d. 10 Aug. 1821, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir HENRY, present bart. Anns— See Plate 22. Argent, a cross en- grailed, sable between four pellets, each charged with a Pheon argent. Crest— A horse's head, argent, charged with a trefoil, gules. Motto — Martis, non Cupidinis. Seat — Ashley Park, co. Surrey. PALK, of Haldon-House, co. Devon. 19 June 1782. Sir LAURENCE-VAUGHAN PALK, Baronet, born 24 April 1793, succeeded his father, sir Laurence, 20 June 1813; married, 9 Dec. 1815, Anna-Eleonora, eldest da. of sir Bourchier Wrey, bart., and relict of Ed- ward Hartopp, of Dalby House, co. Leicester, esq., and has issue, 1. a Da., b. 11 Feb. 1817 ; 2. a SON, b. Jan. 1818; 3. a Da., b.26 Feb. 1819 ; 4. a Son, b. Sept. 1822. The family of Palk is descended from Henry Palk, who was possessed of Am- brooke, co. Devon, temp. Henrv VII. I. Sir ROBERT, 1st bart., was governor of Madras 1763, m. Anne. da. of Arthur Vansittart, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Laurence, 2d bart. 2. Anne, m. sir Bourchier Wrey, of Taw- stock Court, near Barnstaple, bart., and d. 1791. 3. Catharine. 4. Amelia, d. young. 11. Sir LAURENCE, m., 1st, 1789, Mary Bligh, eldest da. of John, 3d earl of Dam- ley, and by her (who d. 1791) had issue, 1. Robert, who d. in the vear following. And2dly, 1792, Dorothy-Elizabeth Vaughan, eldest da. of Wilmot, 4th viscount and 1st earl of Lisbume, and had issue, 2. Sir Laurence-Vaughan, present bart. 3.RoBERT-JoHN-MALET,barrister-at-law, counsel to the chairman of committees of the house of peers : b. 15 May 1794, m., 5 Aug. 1828, Harriette, youngest da. of George Hibbert, esq., of Portland Place. 4. Elizabeth-Malet, 6.24 May 1795, m„ 15 May 1818, Horace Seymour, esq., 3d son of lord Hugh Seymour, and d. 18 Jan. 1827. 5. Wilmot-Henry, 6.24 Oct. 1796. 6. Mary, b. 14 May 1799. 7. John, 6. 25 April 1801. 8. Edward, 6. 2 June 1804, d. 22 July 1821. 9. Arthur-George, b. 10 July 1806. Sir Laurence d. 20 June 1813, and was suc- ceeded by his son, in. Sir LAURENCE-VAUGHAN, pre- sent bart. Arms— See Plate 23. Sable, an eagle dis- played, argent, beaked and legged, or, with- in a bordure, engrailed, of the second. Crest— On a semi-terrestrial globe, of the northern hemisphere, proper, an eaglerising, as In the arms. Sents—\t Haldon House, near Exeter; and Torquay, co. Devon. AFFLECK, of Colchester, co. Essex, 10 July 1782. The rev. sir ROBERT AFFLECK, Baronet, M.A., in holy orders, rector of Treswell, co. Notts, vicar of Silkstone, co. York, and pre- bendarv of York, born 27 Jan. 17G5, succeeded his brother, sir James, 10 Aug. 1833 ; married, IG May 1800, Maria, 2d da. of sir Elijah Impey, of L 2 220 AFFLECK. Newick Park, co. Sussex, knt., late chief justice of Bengal, by whom (who d. 12 March 1825) he has issue, 1. GILBERT, b. 9 June 1804, m., 20 Dec. 1834, Everina-Frances, eldest da. of Francis Ellis, of the Royal Crescent, Bath, esq. ; 2.'Robert, b. 28 July 1805 ; 3. Edmtikd-Danby, 6. 2 Dec. 1808, d. 2 March 1809 ; 4. James-Danby, b. 16 Feb. 1810 ; 5. Edmund, b. 28 April 1812, d. 4 March 1813; 6. John, (twin with Edmund,) b. 28 April 1812; 7- Geouge, b. 27 June 1818; 8. Mary-Philippa, b. 20 Aug. 1801; 9. Charlotte, b. 27 March 1803; 10. Harriett-Elizabeth, b. 5 April 1807, m., 23 May 1829, John-Thomas Bridges, of St. Nicholas Court, in the Isle of Thanet, co. Kent, esq. ; 11. Marian, b. 30 Dec. 1814. This family is of Scotch extraction, and possessed formerly, during a long hereditary succession, an estate from which it derives its name, at Auchinleck, in Ayrshire. Gilbert Affleck, of Dalham'llall, co. Suf- folk, esq., M.P. for Cambridge, 5th in de- scent from sir John Auchinleck, 2d son of Gilbert Auchinleck, of Auchinleck, m. Anne, da. of John Dolben, esq., brother of sir Gilbert Dolben, bart., and had issue, 1. John, b. 13 Feb. 1708, rf. 27 March 1709. 2. John, of Dalham Hall, esq., M.P. for Suffolk, b. 12 Feb. 17IO, >n. Sarah, only da. of James Metcalfe, of Roxton, co. Bedford, esq., and d. 17 Feb. 177 leaving issue by her, (who d. 5 March 1774,) 1. Sir Gilbert, 2d bart. 2. John, in holy orders, rector of St. Columb, CO. Cornwall, b. 22 Jan. 1743, d. tmm. 17{fl. 3. William, capt. R.N., h. 19 Jan. 1744, TO. Harriett-Anne, da. of Crawley, esq., H. M. consul at Smyrna, but rf. s.p. 1792. 3. Rev. Gilbert, in holy orders, rector of Dalham, b. 15 Nov. 1711, m., 22 Feb. 1746, Elizabeth, da. of Richard Clopton, and d. 24 April 1763, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1. Elizabeth, d. unm. 24 Aug. 1773, set. 21. 2. Charlotte, m., 1787, rev. Thomas Sheriffe, M.A., rector of Uggeshall, co. Suffolk, and d. 7 Aug. 17!«. 4. Charles, b. 6 Dec. 1712, d. 10 Oct. 1731. 5. Thomas, 6. 13 April 1715, d. 25 Dec. 1729. 6. James, in holy orders, M.A., vicar of Finedon, co. Northampton, perpetual cu- rate of Daventry, and prebendary of South- well, b. 18 Aug. 1716, m., 17"»7> Mary, only da. of Proctor, of Clay Coton, co. Northampton, and d. Nov. 1784, leaving issue by her, (whorf. 1772,) 1. Sir James, 3d bart. 2. Thomas, capt. R.N., b. 21 Aug. 17G2, d. unm. 1805. 3. Edmund, b. 25 July 1763, d. 1766. 4. Sir Robert, present bart. 5. Charles, b. 15 July 1768, d. an in- fant. 6. Edmund, capt. 43d regiment, b. 21 Dec. 1771, d, unm. m the West Indies, 1795. 7. Mary, 6.3 May 17.'>8, d. 1773. 8. Anne, b. 3 April 1766, d. Aug. 1832. 0. Philippa, b. 30 June 1767, m., July 1821, sir Digby Mackworth, bart. 7. William, in holy orders, B.D., rector of North Luftenham, co. Rutland, and vicar of Potton, CO. Beds., b. ."SO Oct. 1717. m. Catherine, only da. of Richard Daston, esq., and '/. 8Sei>t. lilDIi, lea\ in;^ issue, 1. Gilbert, lleut.-col. Suffolk mihtia, m., 1st, Mary Smith, of Stamford, co. Lincoln, and had issue; 1. Mary, m. Peacock, esq. : he m., 2dly, Jane, da. of Edward Smythies, of Colchester, esq., and d. 26 April 1831, leaving issue by her, 2. Gilbert; 3. Mary. 2. William, capt. R.N., d. iinm. 1794. 3. Charlotte, m. rev. Septimus Hodson, D.D., rector of Thrapston, co. North- ampton. 4. Frances, d. xmm. 1799. 5. Elizabeth, m. baron Fyffe, of the German empire. 8. Samuel, b. 11 Aug. 1821, d. in Bengal, 25 Jan. I747. 9. Robert, 6. 26 Aug. 1722, d. 9 March 1735. 10. Sir Edmund, created a bart. 11. Philip, vice-admiral of the white, b. 2 May 1726, d. unm. 22 Dec. 1799. 12. Jermyn, b. 26 March 1729, d. April 1743. 13. Anne, b. 26 July 17O6, d. unm. 1794. 14. Elizabeth, b. 14 Jan. 1714, sn., 8 March 1737, Robert-Cotton Trefusis, of Trefusis, co. Cornwall, esq., ancestor of lord Clinton. 15. Catharine, b. 4 Feb. 17I8, m. Wil- liam Metcalfe, of Fordham Abbey, co. Cambridge, esq., and d. May 1760. 16. Mary, b. 18 March 1723, m. William Danby, of Swinton Park, co. York, esq. 17. Louisa, b. 27 Nov. 1727, d. 23 Aug. 1737. 18. Charlotte, 6. 9 April 1737, rn., 1st, John Scotchmer, of Troston Hall, co, Suf- folk, and 2dly, sir William Dolben, of Finedon, co. Northampton, bart., and d. his widow, s.p., 12 March 1820. L Sir EDMUND AFFLECK, bart., 10th son; b. 19 April 1725; an admiral of the red, entered at an early age into the navy, and distinguished himself in his profession; he received the thanks of both houses of parliament, and was created a bart. 28 May 1782, with remainder to the issue male of his father, in acknowledgement of his ser- vices in leading the centre division of the fleet commanded by admiral sir George Rodney, on the 12 April 1782, in the success- ful engagement with the French fleet under Le Compte de Grasse. Soon after his re- turn to England, he was elected M.P. for Colchester: he m., 1st, Esther, da. of John Ruth, esq., (who d. 15 Dec. 1787,) and 2dly, 14 May 1788, Mary, widow of William Smythies, of Colchester, esq., but d. s.p. lit Nov. 1789, was succeeded, according to the limitations of the patent, by his ne- phew, II. Sir GILBERT, b. 24 Dec. 1740, m. Mary, da. of Tlionias Clark, of New York, widow of Richard Vassall, of Jamaica, esq., and mother of" Elizabeth, baroness Holland, but d. without issue, 17 July 1808, was suc- ceeded by his cousin, HI. Sir JAMES, lieut.-gen. in the army, and lieut.-col. 16th dragoons; 6.29 April 1759, BRTSCO.— APREECE. 221 rf. unm. 10 Aug. 1833, and was succeeded by his brother, IV. Sir ROBERT, present and 4th bart. Amis — See Plate 23. Argent, three bars, sable. Crest — An ear of wheat bearded, proper. Motto — Pretiosum quod utile. BRISCO, of Crofton Place, co. Cumberland. 11 July 1782. Sir WASTELL BRISCO, Baronet, horn 1778, succeeded his father, sir John, 27 Dec. 1805, sheriff of Cumberland, 1813; married, 18 Nov. 1806, miss Sarah Lester, by whom he has issue, 1. a Son, i. 3 and d. 11 Sept. 1807 ; 2. ROBERT, b. 17 Sept. 1808, m., 10 July 1832, Anne, 3d da. of George Rimington, of Tyne-Field House, co. Cumberland, esq. ; 3. Hylton-Harvey, b. 24 March 1810 ; 4. Wastell, b. 26 Oct. 1812. This family is of great antiquity in the county of Cumberland, and acquired the estate of Crofton Hall by the marriage of Isold Briskoo with Margaret, da. and sole h. of John Crofton, of Crofton, temp. Ric. II. In IGijo the pedigree of the family was recorded at the visitation of Cumber- land by William Brisko, then of Crofton, and of' Lincoln's Inn, lineal descendant of Isold above named. He was great-grand- father of John Brisco, of Crofton, D.D., rector of Orton, and vicar of Aspatrie, m. Catha- rine, da. of John Hylton, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 1st bart 2. Richard, a lieut. in the army, killed in Germany. 3. HoRTON, a colonel in the East India service. 4. WiLLiAM-MusGRAVE, an officer in the army. 5. James, in holy orders, rector of Orton. 6- Dorothy, m. Jacob Morland, esq. 7. Margaret, d. unm. I. Sir JOHN, the eldest son, was created a bart. as above, m. Caroline-Alicia, da. of Gilbert-Fane Fleming, esq., and by her (who d. 27 Dec. 1822) had issue, 1. Camilla-Caroline, b. 1777' 2. Sir Wastell, 2d bart. 3. Caroline, h. 1779. 4. Frances, b. m 1780, d. unm. 8 Aug. 1817. 5. Fleming-John, 6. 1781. 6. Augusta, b. 1783; 7- Emma, 6. 1784. 8. Frederick-William, d. 19 April 181U. Sir John d, 27 Dec. 1805, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WASTELL, present bart. Arms — See Plate 23. Argent, three grey- hounds, current, in pale sable. Crest — A greyhound, current, sable, seiz- ing a hare, proper. Seat — At Crofton Hall, co. Cumberland. APREECE, of Washingley, co. Huntingdon. 12 July 1782. Sir THOMAS-GEORGE APREECE, Baronet, born 19 Aug. 1791, ceeded his father, sir Thomas-Hussey, 27 May 1833. This family is of great antiquity, being descended from Gruffyth ap Rees, prince of South Wales. He m. Maud, da. of Walter de Bruce, lord of Brecknock, from whom descended Blethen ap Maynerch, lord of Brecknock, who m. Oten, da. of Tudor, king of South Wales. The 4th in descent from him was Rees ap Howell, whose pos- terity were denominated ap Rees for several generations, but at length'the present mode of writing it was adopted by Robert Apreece, esq., who was col. in the royal army, and was killed at Lin- coln in the civil wars. He m. Jane, da. of sir Henry Bedingfield, knL, by whom he had Robert, who d. 25 Feb. 1723. He m. Frances, da. and h. of Henry Bexwell, esq., and had issue, Robert, m. Sarah, da. and co-h. of sir Thoinas Hussey, bart., by whom he had Thomas-Hussey, who m. Dorothy, da. and co-h. of sir Nathan Wright, bart., and liad issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Hussey, created a bart. 2. Charles, m, and had issue. Sir THOMAS-HUSSEY, b. 15 Nov. 1744, created a bart. 12 July 1/82, m. Dorothea, youngest da. and co-h. of Shuckburgh Ashby, of Queenby, co. Leicester, esq., by whom (who d. 26 Dec, 1822) he had issue, 1. Emily', m. George-Sandford Peacocke, esq. 2. Shuckburgh-Ashby, 6. 17 Dec. 1773, d. 6 Oct. 1807, having m., 3 Oct. 1799, Jane, da. and h. of Charles Kerr, esq., (who m., 2dly, 11 April 1812, sir Humphry Davy, bart.) 3. Sir Thomas-George, present bart. 4. Lucy, m., 24 Feb. 1817, Hildebrand- Meredith Parratt, esq., R.A. Sir Thomas-Hussey d. 27 May 1833, and WR3 succeeded by his only surviving son, li. Sir THOMAS-GEORGE, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 23. Sable, three spears' heads, argent, embrued. Crest — A spear's head, as in the arms. Motto — Labora ut in eeternum vivas. Seats— At Washiugley, co. Huntingdon ; Honnington, co. Lancaster ; Effingham House, CO. Surrey. 222 KENT— GEARY.— PARKER. KENT, (now EGLETON-KENT,) of Fornham St. Genevieve, CO. Suffolk. 16 Aug. 1782. Sir CHARLES EGLETON-KENT, Baronet, born 15 Feb. 1819, sue ceeded his father, sir Charles, 5 Dec. 1834. Sir Charles Egleton, sheriff of Lon- don 1743, received the honour of knight- hood during his shrievalty; >»., Ifl Jan. 1743, Sarah, only da. of Samuel Kent, of Fornham St. Genevieve, co. Suffolk, esq., M.P. for Ipswich, (son of Thomas Kent, a Norway merchant, and grandson of Grifiith Kent, also a Norway merchant,) and sister and h. of Samuel Kent. He d. 25 April 176!), leaving issue by her (who d. 4 Dec. 1790) a son, I. Sir CHARLES, who assumed the name of Kent after that of Egleton, in pursuance of the will of his maternal grandfather, and was created a bart. as above, m. Mary, da. and co-h. of Josiah Wordsworth, of Words- worth, CO. York, esq., and by her (who d. 17 Sept. 1817) had issue, 1. Sir Charles, 2d bart. 2. Mary, m., 1 Oct. 1811, sir John-Hey- ford Thorold, bart., and rf. Dec. 1829. 3. Sarah-Anne, m., March 1807, Leonard- Walbanke Childers, esq. 4. Louisa-Elizabeth, nu, Dec. 1820, sir J. Litchford, of Boothby Pagnall, co. Lin- coln. Sir Charles d. 14 March 1811, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir CHARLES, m., 4 March 1818, Sophia-Margaret, da. of William, 1st earl Beauchamp, by whom (who d. 16 Nov. 1834) he had issue. Sir Charles, present bart. Sir Charles d. 5 Dec. 1834, aet. 50, and was succeeded bv his son, III. Sir CHARLES, present and 3d bart, Anm—See Plate 23. Gules, three cinque- foils, ermine. Crest — A lion's head, erased. Sea^— Little Poynton House, Grantham, CO. Lincoln. GEARY, of PoLESDEN, CO. Surrey. 17 Aug. 1782. Sir WILLIAM-RICHARD-POWLETT GEARY, Baronet, M.P. for the western division of Kent ; boi'n 13 Nov. 1810, succeeded his father, sir Wilham, Aug. 1825. Francis Geary, of Cheddington, co. Bucks, afterwards of Arcall Magna, near Wellington, co. Salop, m., 10 Nov. 16()3, Judith, da. and h. of Robert Barker, and by her (who d. 1685-6) he had Corbetta, Susannah, Robert, and John, who all d. without issue; and I. Sir FRANCIS, 1st bart., b. 1700. He was admiral of the white, commander of the grand fleet 1780, and was created a bart. as above; m. Mary, only child of Philip Bartholomew, by Mary, his 2d wife, da. of Leonard Thomas, by whom (who d. 28 Aug. 1778) he had issue, 1. Francis, a cornet in gen. Burgoyne's light dragoons, killed in an action in Ame- rica. 2. Sir William, 2d bart. 3. Mary, b. 1749, m. sir Thomas Hare, bart., and d. Dec. 1801. 4. Judith, 6. 1750. 5. Elizabeth, b. 17-'>4, m., 8 April 1782, sir John-Papillon Twisden, bart., and d. Jan. 1816. Sir Francis d, 1796, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir WILLIAM, 2d bart., M.P. forco. Kent, in 1796 and 1802, and a director of Greenwich Hospital ; nu, 15 Jan. 1810, Henrietta, widow of Edward Dering, esq., eldest son of sir Edward Dering, bart., and da. and co-h. of Richard Neville, of Fur- ness, CO. Kildare, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir William-Richard-Powlett, 3d bart. 2. Francis, 6. 12 April 1816. Sir William d. Aug. 1825, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir WILLIAM-RICHARD-POW- LETT, present and 3d bart. ^/•))is— See Plate 23. Gules, two bars, or, charged with three mascles, two and one; azure, on a canton, argent, an anchor, sable. Crest— Out of a naval crown, a dexter arm embowed, in naval uniform, supporting a flag, argent, thereon a cross, couped, gules. Motto— C/ince. Seat— At Oxon-Hoath, co. Kent. PARKER. 13 Jan. 1783. Sir PETER PARKER, Baronet, bor7i 2 Nov. 1809, succeeded his father, sir Peter, 30 Aug. 1814. 1. Sir PETER PARKER, 1st bart., so created as above, was son of rear-admiral Christopher Parker, a native oi En^dand, (who d. in Henry-street, Dublin, 1 Feb. 1765, leaving issue, sir Peter, 1st bart.. and George d. 1791,) was bred to the navy, I Jan. 1802) had issue, and proceeded through every step of his profession till, in 1779, on the death of earl Howe, he was appointed admiral of the fleet; m. miss Nugent, of the family of the earls of Westmeath, and by her (who d. 18 WHALLEY-SMYTHE-GARDTNER. ^3 1. Christopher, vice-admiral of the blue, who d. during the lifetime of his fa- ther, 20 May 181)4, having m. Augusta- Barbara-Charlotte, da. of admiral the hon. John Byron, son of WiUiam, 4th lord By- ron, and by her (who d. 10 March 1784) left issue, 1. Sir Peter, 2d bart. 2. John-Edmund-George. 3. Charles-Christopher, captain R.N. 4. Julia-Maria, m., 5 May 1817, captain Charles- Parker Ellis, of the grenadier guards. 2. Walter, d. young. 3. Antoinette, m., 1795, John Ellis, of Hurlingham, co. Middlesex, esq., sometime of Jamaica, (brother of the 1st lord Sea- ford,) and d. Sept. 1829. 4. Anne, nu, 10 Sept. 1800, George Ellis, esq., of Sunning Hill, co. Berks, cousin of lord Seaford. Sir Peter rf. 21 Dec. 1811, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, II. Sir PETER, captain R.N., m., II Feb. 1809, Marianne, 2d da. of sir George Dallas, of Petsall, co. Stafford, bart., (by the hon. Catharine Blackwood, da. of Dorcas, baroness Dufferin and Claneboye,) and by her (who m., 2dly, 15 Aug. 1818, Michael Bruce, eldest son of Crawford Bruce, esq., of Geneig, North Britain) had issue, 1. Sir Peter, 3d bart. 2. Edimund-Charles-John, b. July 1812, d. 28 May 1823. 3. George, b, 20 Feb. 1814, d. 13 Nov 1816. Sir Peter was mortally wounded while commanding a party of seamen and marines, at the storming of the American camp at Bellaire, near Baltimore, 30 Aug. 1814, aged 29. He was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir PETER, present bart. Arms — See Plate 23. Gules, on a chevron, argent, between three keys erect, or, as many fleurs-de-lis, azure. Crest— An elephant's head and neck, ar- gent, eared gules. Seat— At Chaurand, co. Essex. WHALLEY - GARDINER, (now WHALLEY - SMYTHE - GAR. DINER,) of RocH-CouRT, Fareham, co. Hants. 14 Jan. 1783. Sir JAMES WHALLEY-SMYTHE-GARDINER, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir James, 21 Aug. 1805, and was High-Sheriff co. Hants, 1810, horn 2 Sept. 1785 ; married, Aug, 1807, Frances, 2d da. of the late Oswald Mosley, of Bolesworth Castle, co. Chester, esq., and sister of sir Oswald Mosley, bart., and has issue, 1. Francis, b. 12 and d. 23 May 1808; 2*. Frances-Elizabeth, b. 16 April 1809 ; 3. Barbara, b. 29 June 1810; 4. JAMES, b. 5 Sept. 1812; 5. John-Brocas, 6. 18 March 1814; 6. Grace-Emily, b. 30 Sept. 1815; 7. Mary- Anna, b. 6 Aug. 1817 ; and two children who d. infants. Thomas Whalley, of Sparth, in the parish of Whalley, co. Lancaster, m. Ellen, da. of Barton, and had issue, 1. Thomas, d. unm. ; 2. James, of Clerkhill, also d. unm. 1734; and 3. John, of Blackburn, d. 1 April 1733, having m. Anne, da. of Randle Sharpies, gent., and leaving issue, (besides several children who rf. infants or unm,,) 1. Robert, M.D. 2. John, of Blackburn, m. and left issue, two das. 3. James, of Clerkhill, a bencher of the Middle Temple, rf. ?«?m. 20 Feb. 1780. 4. Esther, m. John Starkey, of Hey- wood Hall, CO. Lancaster, esq. Robert Whalley, eldest son of John, was of Oxford, M.D., m., 1742, Grace, only surviving child and h. of dr. Bernard Gar- diner, warden of All Souls, Oxford, (youngest son of sir William Gardiner, of Roch Court, CO. Hants, who was created a bart. 1660, brother of sir Brocas Gardiner, bart., who rf. 1739, and uncle of sir William Gar- diner, 3d and last bart. of the family, who d. unm. 1747,) by Grace, da. and at length, on failure of her brother's issue, co-h. of sir Sebastian Smythe, of Cuddesden, co. Oxon, knt., and rf. 2 April 1769, leaving issue by her, (who rf. 5 Jan. 1777>) 1. Sir John, created a bart. as above. 2. Sir James, heir and successor to his brother, 3. Thomas-William, &. 2 Sept. 1754. 4. Grace, m. sir William-Henry Ash- hurst, knt., justice of the King's Bench. Sir JOHN, D.C.L,, of Tackley, co. Oxford, his eldest son, b. 26 May 1743, served in parliament for Westbury, co. Wilts, 1781 to 1784, and was sheriff co. Hants, 1785, succeeded to the estates of Roch-Court, upon the death of sir William Gardiner, bart., 1779, and in pursuance of his will assumed the name and the arms of Gardiner, 11 Nov. 1779, and that of Smi/the between Whalley and Gardiner, by royal sign manual, 1787 : he was created a bart. 14 Jan. 1783, with remainder, on failure of issue male of his body, to his brothers, James and Thomas-William, and the heirs male of their bodies: m., 7 July 1787, , da. of Benjamin Newcombe, dean of Rochester, but dying without issue, 18 Nov. 1797, was succeeded by his brother, II. Sir JAMES, A.M., of Clerk-Hall, co. Lancaster, was b. 1 Oct. 1748; entered Mag- dalen, Oxon, 1764, and Middle Temple, London, 30 Nov. 1768; sheriff for co. Lan- caster 1783, and a justice of the peace ; tn., 28 Oct. 1784, Elizabeth, 2d da. of the rev. R. Assheton, D.D., of Middleton, co. Lan- caster, by whom (who rf. in childbed of her only child, 8 Sept. 1785, aged 24) he had issue, 1. Sir James, present bart. He m., 2dly, 3 Dec. 1789, Jane, eldest da. of the rev. R. Master, D.D., of Croston, co. Lancaster, by whom he had, 2. Robert, b. 7 Oct, 1790, who inherited the Lancashire estate. 3. Elizabeth, 6. 29 Jan. 1792. 4. John, b. 1 Jan. 1793. 5. Barbara, b. 14 Feb. 1794. 6. GRACE, b, 11 May 1795. 224 GRAHAM.— BALLING. 7. William, b. 29 July 1796. 8. Thomas, 6. 18 Aug. 1797, d. 28 April 1800. 9. Caroline, b. 17 Oct. 1798. Sir James d. 21 Aug. 1805, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JAMES, present bart. Artm—See Plate 23. Or, on a chevron, gules, between three griffins' heads, erased, azure, two lions, counter-passant, of the field. Cre.st — A Saracen's head, couped at the shoulders, proper. Seat — At Roch-Court, co. Hants. GRAHAM, of Nether Br, co. Cumberland. 15 Jan. 1783. Right hon. sir JAMES-ROBERT-GEORGE GRAHAM, P.C, M.P. for the eastern division of Cumberland, and late first Lord of the Admi- ralty, born 1 .Tune 1792, succeeded his father, sir James, 13 April 1824; married^ 8 July 1819, Fanny-Calendar, youngest da. of sir James Camp- bell, of Ardinglass, and has issue, 1. FREDERIC-ULRIC, b. 2 April 1820; 2. Constakce-Helen, and other issue, of whom a Son and Da. (twins) b. 15 Feb. 1833, and a Da., b. 2 Oct. 1834. For the earlier part of the genealogy of this family, see Graham, of Esk, created a bart. 1629. Sir George Graham, of Esk, 2d bart. left, besides his successor, sir Richard, a 2d son, William, D.D., dean of Carlisle and Wells, and clerk of the closet to queen Anne, who rf. 1712, leaving two sons, Charles, ancestor of the present sir Robert Graham, of Esk, and Robert, M.A., to whom his aunt, Ca- therine, lady Widdrington, last surviving sister of sir Richard Graham, of Esk, 1st viscount Preston, on her death without issue in 17.''i7, devised her estates. He m. , da. of Reginald Graham, and had issue, 1. Charles, w. , da. of Richard Gorges, of Ely, M.P., and d. U Feb. 1782, leaving an only da., m., 5 Dec. 1811, John Webbe- Weston, of Sutton Place,and Sarnes- field, both CO. Hereford, esq. 2. Sir James, 1st bart. 3. William, who was a capt. 55th regi- ment of foot, m. miss Herffy, and d. leaving a son. 4. Fergus, LL.B., rector of Arthuret and Kirk Andrews ; m., 1st, 1792, Johanna Gale, niece of Humphrey Senhouse, esq., and has issue ; and 2aly, 21 Feb. 1809, Jane, eldest da. of the late William Paley, D.D., archdeacon of Carlisle, and subdean of Lincoln. 5. Catharine, m., 2 June 1785, Thomas Garforth, esq. I. JAMES, his 2d son, was created a bart. as above, h. in April 1761, m., 1785, lady Ca- therine, eldest da. of John-Stewart, 7th earl of Galloway, K.T., by whom he had issue, 1. James-Robert-George, present bart. 2. William, in holy orders. 3. Charles; 4. George. 5. Elizabeth-Frances, d. 7 Sept. 1810. 6. Elizabeth-Anne, ?k., 14 March 1816, rev. William Vv'addilove, only son of the dean of Ripon. 7. Catherine-Maria. 8. Caroline, m., June 1821, Wilfrid Law- son, of Broughton House, co. Cumberland, esq. 9. Georgiana-Susan. 10. Harriet-Anne, m., lOJuly 1832, cai>- tain Frederick Madan, E. I. C. S. 11. Charlotte, m,, 26 June 1828, sir George Musgrave, bart. 12. Caroline. Sir James d. 13 April 1824, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IL Sir JAMES-ROBERT-GEORGE, second and present bart. Arms — See Plate 23. Or, on a chief, sable, three escallops of the field. Crest — A pair of wings addorsed, or. Motto — Reaso7i contents me. Seat— At Netherby, co. CumberlancL DALLING, of BuRwooD Park, co. Surrey. 11 March 1783. Sir WILLIAIM-WINDIIAM DALLING, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John, Jan. 1798. This family was originally of Norfolk. John Dalling, of Bungay, eo. Suffolk, ni., 1762, Anne, da. of col. William Wind- ham, of Ersham-House, Norfolk, by whom he had, 1. Sir JOHN, created a bart. as above, governor of Jamaica, commander-in-chief in the Carnatic, and col. 37th rcgt. of foot ; m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Philip Pinnoth, es(j., by whom he had no issue ; 2dly, Louisa, da. of Excellcs Lawford, esq., and by her (who il. 28 March 1824) had issue, I. John-Windham : 2. William. .3. Charles-Lawkord. 4. Jami-s. all (/. young. .'■>. Sir William-Windham, 2d bart. 6. Rachkl-Lawkoki), m. George Pea- cock, esq., and d. 23 Feb. 1808. 7. Edwa'sd-Lawkoui), in the army. 8. Annh-Louisa, >ii., 20 June 1808, the hon. gen. l{(>l)irt Meade, 2d son of John, e.irl ot" Clan William. 9. JoHN-WiNOHAM, post-captain, R.N. Sir John d. .Jan. 1798, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM-WINDHAM, present SYKES.— GUISE. 225 bart. Arms— See Plate 23. Ermine, on a bend, sable, three acorns, proper. Crest— A cubit arm, erect, holding a branch of oak, fructed, proper. Seat— Eaxsham House, Bungay, Suffolk. SYKES, of Sledmere, co. York. 28 March 1783. Sir TATTON SYKES, Baronet, succeeded his brother, sir Mark, 16 Feb. 1823; born 22 Aug. 17/2 ; married, 22 Jan. 1822, IMary-Anne, 2d da. of the late and sister of the present sir \\'illiam Foulis, bart., and has issue, — — 1. Mary-Elizabeth, b. 12 Feb. 1823; 2. Katharine-Lucy, b. 12 Nov. 1824; 3. TATTON, b. 13 March 182G; 4. SorniA- Frances, b, 17 Aug. 1827; 5- Elizabeth-Beatrice, b. 11 Jan. 1829; 6. Christopher, b. 10 Jan. 1831. Richard Sykes, an alderman of Leeds, (great-grandson of Richard, of Sykes Dyke, near Carhsle,) m., loil'S, Elizabeth Mawson, by whom he had 8 children. William, 4th son, (who d. 1652,) m. Grace, da. of Josiah Jenkinson, who d. 1GH5, by whom he had 4 sons and 2 das, Daniel, his 4th son, b. 1632, twice mayor of Hull, m. Deborah, da. of William Otes, by whom he had Josiah, who d. without issue ; and Richard, merchant at Hull, b. 1658, m. Mary, da. and co-h. of Mark Kirby, esq., by whom he had, 1. Richard, m., 1st, Jane, da. of Hesketh Hobman, gent., d. without issue ; 2dly, Eli- zabeth, da. of William Collins, esq., and relict of Thom?^ Edge, esq. 2. Sir Mark, 1st bart. 3. Mary, d. I April 1744. 4. Jane. 5. Deborah, d. 1707- I. Sir MARK, D. D., created a bart. 28 March 1783, rector of Roos, b. July 1711, m., 1735, Decima, da. of Twiford Woodham, of Elv, gent., by whom (who d. 9 March 1793) he had, 1. Mark, d. without issue. 2. Richard, d. young. 3. Richard, rf. without issue. 4. Josiah, d. an infant. 5. Sir Christopher, 2d bart. ti. Mary, »n. John de Ponthieu, esq. Sir Mark d. 14 Sept. 1783, and was suc- ceeded bv his only surviving son, 11. Sir CHRISTOPHER, D.C.L., b. 23 Mavl749, m., 20 Oct. 1770, Elizabeth, da. of William Tatton, of Whiteshaw, co. Chester, esq., (by Hester, da. of John Egerton, of Tatton Park, co. Chester, esq., which Hester was h., 1780, of Samuel Egerton, esq., her brother,) and by her (who d. 1803) he had, 1. Sir Mark, 3d bart. 2. Sir Tatton, present bart. 3. Christopher, in holy orders, b. 18 Oct. 1774, m., 14 May 1799, Lucy-Dorothea, da. and co-h. of Henry Langford, of Stockport, CO. Chester, esq., and by her (who d. I7 Dec. 1828) has issue. 4. Decima-Hester-Beatrix, b. 15 Dec. 1775, m., 16 Nov. 1795, John-Robinson, 2d son of sir William Foulis, of Ingleby Manor, co. York, bart. 5. Elizabeth, ?n., 11 Jan. 1806, Wilbra- ham Egerton, of Tatton Park, co. Chester, esq. Sir Christopher d. Sept. 1801, and was succeeded by his eldest son, TIL Sir MARK, 3d bart., b. 10 Aug. 1771. 7)1., 1st, 11 Nov. 1795, Henrietta, da. and h. of Henry Masterman, of Settrington, co. York, esq., on which occasion he took the surname of Masterman, in addition to and before that of Sykes. By her (who d. July 1813) he had no issue. He m., 2dly, 2 Aug. 1814, Mary-Elizabeth, sister of Wil- braham Tatton, esq., of Tatton Park, co. Chester, by whom (who re-m. 16 Sept. 1834, Dugdale-.Stratford Dugdale, of Merivale, CO. Warwick, esq.) he had no issue, and dying 16 Feb. 1823, was succeeded by liis brother, IV. Sir TATTON, present bart. Arms— See Plate 23. Argent, a chevron, sable, between three fountains. Crest — A demi river deity rising from reeds, blowing a shell, and wreathetl about the temples with wreaths, proper. Seat — Sledmere, co. York. GUISE, of HiGHxVAM, CO. Gloucester. 9 Dec. 1783. Sir JOHN-WRIGHT GUISE, Baronet, K.C.B., a major-general iu the army, boi-n 20 July 1777, succeeded his brother, sir Berkeley- Willi am, 23 July 1834; married, 12 Aug. 1815, Charlotte-Diana, youngest da. of John Vernon, of Clontarf Castle, co. Dublin, esq., and has issue, 1. WILLIAM-VERNON, b. 19 Aug. 181(> ; 2. Hexry-John ; 3. Francis - Edward ; 4. Georgiana - Maria ; 5. Vernox- George ; 6. Jaxe-Elizabeth ; 7. John-Christopher. William Guise, esq., of Elmore, co. Gloucester, (/. about 1653 ; ?». Cicely, da. of John Dennis, by whom he had issue. 1. Cltristopher, who was created a bart. 10 July 1661, and m. Rachael Corselis, de- scended from a noble Italian family of that l3 226 HAMOND. name, by whom he had 1 son, John, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir John-Grubham Howe, bart., from whom descended the late sir Wil- liam Guise, bart., who rf. 1783, without issue, when the title became extinct. 2. John, m. Hester, da. of major William Stratford. 3. William, d. unm. 4. Henry. 5. Elizabeth, m. William Horton. 6. Eleanor, m. Lawrence Washington, esq. 7. Frances, m, John Codrington^ esq. Henry, 4th son of William, m. Philippa, sister of sir Thomas Brydges, knt., by whom (who d. 4 Feb. 1765) he had, 1. William. 2. Henry, d. unm. 3. Christopher, m. Elizabeth, da. of col. Long, by whom he had 1 da., Eleanor, m. Robert Mann, of Linton, co. Kent, esq. 4. Elizabeth ; 5. Philippa ; 6. Anne. William Guise, esq., eldest son of Henry, m. Doiothy, da. and heiress of John Snell, of Uffeton, CO. Warwick, esq., and d. 28 Aug. 1716, leaving issue by her, (who d. 12 June 1728,) 1 da., Tfieodosia, m. Denis Cooke, of Highnam, co. Gloucester, esq. ; and 3 sons, John and William, both rf. unyn. ; and Henry, m. Mary, sister and co-heiress of the above-named Henry Cooke, and rf. 23 Oct. 1749, leaving issue by her (who rf. 21 Aug. 1750) an only surviving son, I. Sir JOHN, b. June 1733, was created a bart. 9 Dec. 1783, »«. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Thomas Wright, esq., brother and h. of sir Martin Wrignt, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Berkeley-William, 2d bart. 2. Sir John-Wright, 3d bart. 3. Povvel-Colchester, in holy orders, h. 18 Dec. 1778, m., 13 Oct. 1808, Maria, 2d da. of Nathaniel Clifford, of Frampton Court, CO. Gloucester, esq., and has, 1. William-Christopher, d. 2 Feb. 1834, £et. 22, and other children. 4. Martin-George. 5. Christopher-William, d. Oct. 1803. 6. Elizabeth, d. 26 Aug. 1811. 7. Maria, 8. Jane-Mary-Catharine, m., 27 July I8O7, Edward Webb, of Stoke-Bishop, and of Norton Court, co. Gloucester, esq., and d. 1814. Sir John d. 1794, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir BERKELEY-WILLIAM, b. 14 July 1775, M.P. for Gloucester ; rf. 23 July 1834, and was succeeded by his next brother, III. Sir JOHN-WRIGHT, present and 3d bart. Arms—See Plate 23. Gules, seven lozenges conjoined, three, three and one, vaire, on a canton, or, a star of six points, pierced, sable. Ci-e^t — Out of a ducal coronet, a swan ris- ing, proper, charged on the breast with a lozenge, as in the arms. Motto — Quo honestior, eo tutior. Sect?— Highnam Court and Redcomb Park, CO. Gloucester. tiAMOND, of Holly-Grove, co. Berks. 18 Dec. 1783. Sir GRAHAM-EDEN HAMOND, Baronet, b. 30 Dec. 1779, a rear- admiral of the white, and K.C.B., deputy-lieutenant of the co. of Norfolk, and of the Isle of Wight, succeeded his father, sir Andrew-Snape, 12 Sept. 1828; married, 30 Dec. 1806, Elizabeth, eldest da. of John Kimber, of Fowey, co. Cornwall, esq., and has issue, 1. Anne, b. 15 July 1810; 2. ANDREW-SNAPE, b. 3 Oct. 1811 ; 3. Graham-Eden-Wil- LiAM, b. 3 March 1814 ; 4. ELizABETH-JAifE, b. 13 Sept. 1815 ; 5. Caroline, b. 25 Jan. 181 7* Samuel Hamond, of Blackheath, co. Kent, esq., d. in 1750, having m. Lydia, da. of William Meadows, esq., by miss Rudsby, and left issue, 1. Robert. y 2. Anne, also b. there Jan. 1698, m. Henry Middleton, esq. Robert, only son, {b. at Wisbeach, co. Cambridge, Feb. 1694,) was a merchant, and a considerable ship-owner, m. about 1732, at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Susannah, da. and sole h. of Robert Snape, of Lime- kilns, near Blackheath, esq., brother of dr. Andrew Snai)e, who was one of queen Anne's chai>lains, and who d. nrovost of King's College, Cambridge, by wliom (who 4, 28 Nov. 17G3) he had issue, 1. Lydia, d. 8 Dec. 1802, having in. Wil- liam Douglas, esq., of Leith, leaving issue, 1. Susannah, m., 5 May 1791, capt. Ro- bert Redmill, R.N. 2. Sir Andrew -Snape, b. in Edin- burgh, 28 Aug. 1761. He commanded the Southampton frigate, stationed at Wey- mouth, 1789, toattend si)c'cially on liislate majesty, George 111., from wlioiii he then received the honour of knii^htliood, 14 Sept. of that year. He was a distinguished officer in the royal navy, and gained great honour in the glorious victory of the 1st of June 1794, under earl Howe, as capt. of his lordship's flagship, the Queen Char- lotte, when he received a severe wound on the forehead, which was the ultimate cause of his death on the 4th of June 1797, after holding the appointment of a colonel of marines. He likewise, in the same ship, distinguished himself on the 23d of June 179.5, under viscount Bridport, who was mainly indebted to his exertions in bring- ing the French fleet to action, and com- pleting the victory obtained by his lord- ship on that day. Sir Andrew-Snape m., 1781, Anne Burgess, of New VorK, and had issue, 1. Anne-Hanumd,b. in Lon- don, 7 July 1784, m., 19 Nov. 1808, sir George Bowver, hart., of Radley, co. Berks; 2. Ilnrriftt, b. at Chatham, 13 July 1786; 3. ^/«//v7c-.S;/,^/;«', /). at Portsmouth, (5 Jan. 1788, somethne secretary of em- bassy at the court of the king of the Ne- therlands. 2. Jank, rf. u}it>i. March 1806. 3. Hri)i)i.\, h. June 17.'!7. '«. Thomas Hun- ter, es(|., a lieut. in the army, (whorf. 17 Feb. I8I7,) i^aving 110 issue. 4. Sir Andhkw-Snape, h. 17 Dec. 173f{, R.N. ; commanded H. M.S. Roebuck, of 44 guns, during the priiuii)al part of the American war, and was knighted at the close BOE V Y._MORSH EAD. 227 of 1778> for his very distinguished conduct, having been constantly employed in the most arduous services against the enemy. After the siege of Charlestown, he was ap- pointed lieut.-gov. of Nova Scotia, and a commissioner of the navy at Halifax, which posts he held till the peace, when he was created a bart.18 Dec. 1783, with remainder, in default of issue male, to his nephew, capt. Andrew-Snape- Douglas : he was com- modore and commander-in-chief in the river Medway from 1785 to 1788; he was appointed deputy-comptroller 1793, and in the following year, succeeded to the office of comptroller, which he resigned in 18(K); m., 8 March 1779, Anne, only da. and h. of Henry Grasme, of Hanwell Heath, co. Mid- dlesex, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Graham-Edex, present bart. 2. Caroline, b. 7 March 1781, m., 11 Oct. 1804, lieut.-col. the hon. Francis-Wheeler Hood, son of Henry, viscount Hood, who was killed at the battle of Orthes, in France, 1 March 1814. Sir Andrew-Snape rf. 12 Sept. 1828, a;t. IRi, and was succeeded by his only son, n. Sir GRAHAM-EDEN, present and 2d bart. Anm—See Plate 24. Argent, a chevron, sable, charged with three escallops, or, be- tween two pellets, each charged with a martlet, argent, in chief; and in base, a wreath of oak leaves, proper ; all within a bordure, engrailed, vert. Oe.?^— Out of a naval crown, or, an eagle's head, sable. Motto — Paratus etfideli.s. Seat — Haraond Lodge, near Lynn, co. Norfolk. CRAWLEY-BOEVY, of Fi.axley Abbey, (heretofore BARROW, of Hygrove,) CO. Gloucester. 22 Jan. 1784. Sir THOMAS CRAWLEY-BOEVY, Baronet, lorti 28 Nov. 1769, succeeded his father, sir Thomas Crawley, Aug. 1818 ; married, 28 Oct. 1807, Mary-Albina, da. of the late sir Thomas-Hyde Page, knt. Thomas Barrow, of Field Court, co. Worcester, esq., m. Margaret, da. of John Knight, esq., mayor of Bristol, and sister of sir John Knight, who was sheriff of that city 1682, and had, besides other issue, two sons, 1. Thomas, of Field Court, who d. 1736, leaving an only da. and h., Eleanor, nu rev. Thomas Savage, of Broadway, co. Worcester, and had a numerous issue, of whom Anne, 2d da., m. Thomas Crawley- Boevy, esq. ; 2. Charles, of St. Christopher's, whod. 1743, leaving an only son, L Sir CHARLES BARROW, created a bart. as above, with limitation, on failure of heirs male of his body, to the before-men- tioned Thomas Crawley-Boevy. He was M.P. for the city of Gloucester, in six suc- cessive parliaments, from 1751 till his death. He d. without issue Jan. 1789, when the title devolved, pursuant to the limitation, on H. Sir THOMAS CRAWLEY-BOEVY (who was son of Thomas Crawley-Boevy, of Flaxley Abbey, co. Gloucester, and grandson of Thomas Crawley of the same place, esq., who took the name of Boevy, pursuant to the will of William Boevy, esq., under which he inherited the Flaxley es- tate). Sir Thomas m., as before mentioned, 20 Feb. 1769, Anne, 2d da. of the rev. Thomas Savage, rector of Standish, co. Gloucester, (by Eleanor, only da. and sole h. of Thomas Barrow, uncle to sir Charles Barrow,) and by her (who d. Sept. 1816) had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Crawley, present bart. 2. Anne, d. unm. 3. Susannah, 6. Feb. 1772. 4. Catherina, m., 2 Dec. 1822, rear-ad- miral Ballard. 5. John-Lloyd, h. Feb. 1775. 6. Eleonora, h. Nov. 1776, m., June 182, d. young. 3. Sir Nelson, 2d bart. 4. Henry, b. 10 Jan. 1770, was knighted on being appointed knight-harbinger to his majesty, 1810, m. Jane, da. of Tra- vell, esq., and relict of W. Lennox-Dutton Napier, esq., brother of Lord Sherborne. 5. Richard, b. 14 Oct. 1771. d. young. 6. Penelope, 6. 24 March 17()4, m. Na- thaniel-Lee Acton, esq. 7. Margery, b. 12 Nov. 1707. m. James Bouwens, esq. 8. Mary, b. 12 April 1709, w., 13 Dec. 1792, the hon. and rev. George Pelham, D.C.L., lord bishop of Lincoln, youngest son to Thomas, 1st carl of Chichester. 9. Charlotte, b. 9 Oct. 1773, in. Charles- Edward Pigou, of Slieriifold, co. Sussex, esq., and d. March 1813. 10. Esther, b. 23 March 1775, m., 5 June 1800, Henry Harford, esq. 11. Elizabeth, b. 5 July 1777. »>'.> 20 Oct. 1831, Adam Ashew, of Redheugh, co. Durham, esq. Sir Richard d. 1780, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir NELSON, 2d bart., t. 15 Feb. 1701, m., 1st, 11 July 1791, Charlotte, da. of Henry Read, of Crowood, co. Wilts, and by her (who d. 28 May 1803) had issue, 1. William-John, 6. 21 Nov. 1792, d. young. 2. Sir Richard- Henry -CharioES, 3d bart. 3. Charlotte, b. 4 Dec. 1795. 4. Henry, b. 27 Feb. 1797- 5. Harriett, b. 9 May 1803, w., 15 Aug. 1833, capt. Charles-IIamlvn Williams, R.N. Sir Nelson ?«., 2dly, 3 May 1808, Margaret, youngest da. of Robert Mandeville, esq., d. 1 Oct. 1827, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir RICHARD-HENRY-CHARLES, present bart. Anns—^ec Plato 24. Per bend, or and azure, thee griffins' heads, erased, counter- changed; on a chief, ermine, a tleur-de-lis between two roses, gules. Crest— \ griffin's head, erased, per bend, or and azure, charged with two fleurs-de-lis counterclianged. Sent — Marydown Park, Basingstoke, Hants. SMITH, (now DODSWORTH,) of Newland Fark, co. York. 22 Jan. 1784. Sir EDWARD DODSWORTH, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John.Sylvester, 15 June 17<*^9 ; born 13 Aug. 1708; married, 20 Sept. JODRELL. 229 1804, Susan, youngest da. of Henry Dawkyns, of Standlynch, co. Wilts, esq., (who d. 12 March 1830,) by lady Jane Colyear, da. of Charles, 2d earl of Portmore. Sir Edward obtained the royal sign manual 1821, per- mitting him to take the name of Dodsworth only, and bear the arms of Dodsworth, with those of Smith quarterly. 6. Charlotte, h. 21 July 1770. 7. Eliza, h. 17 June 177-1> d- ttnm, 21 May liL>2. Sir John d. 15 June 1789, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, 11. Sir EDWARD, present hart. Anns—Hee Plate 24. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, Dodsworth, argent, a bend between three annulets, sable; 2d and 3d, Smith, per saltire argent and sable, two trefoils slipped in pale gules. Crests — 1st, Dodsworth, a cubit arm in chain mail, or, the hand proper, grasping a broken tilting spear, or: 2d, Smith, out of 3 ducal coronet, or, a boar's head couped at the neck azure. Seaf— Thornton Hall, co. York. John Smith, of Newland Park, co. York, (son of John Smith, of Eccleshall, in the same county, esq.,) ni. Anne, da. of Chris- topher Hodgson, of Westerton, esq., and d. 1746, leaving, besides other issue, a son and heir, I. Sir JOHN-SYLVESTER, b. 1734, created a bart. as above, m., 1761, Hen- rietta-Maria, da. of John Dodsworth, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 2d bart. 2. George, in holy orders, vicar of Urch- font, Alderbury Pitton, and Farley, co. Wilts, b. 25 Sept. 1772, '/. Feb. 1811. 3. Charles, b. 22 Aug. 1775. 4. Anna-Maria, b. 14 May 1766. 5. Harriet, 6. 20 June 1/67. JODRELL, of Saxlingham, co. Norfolk, (heretofore LOMBE, of Great Melton.) 22 Jan. 1784. Sir RICHARD.PAUL JODRELL, Baronet, A.M., succeeded his ma- ternal great uncle, sir John Lombe, bart., 27 May 1817, (and to whom he was also allied in the paternal line,) by virtue of a limitation in the patent of creation, dated 10 Dec. 1783; warrjec? Amelia-Caroline-King, da. of the right hon. the earl of Kingston, 12 Dec. 1814, by whom he had issue, 1. RICHARD-PAUL-HASE, J. 3 Aug. 1818; 2. Amelia-Virtue, b. 15 Dec. 1821 ; 3. William-George, b. 18 May 1823, d. 20 Jan. 1824; 4. Edward-Repps, b. 20 June 1825; 5. Henry -Shel- DON, b, 15 May 1827, d. 9 Aug. 1832. The family of Jodrell is of great anti- quity, being descended from Peter Jod- rell, who held lands in the Peak, co. Derby, 1286. His great-grandson, William, served as an archer under the Black Prince, and was father of Roger, who was of Yeardsley, co. Chester, where the elder line of the family continued till the latter end of the 18th century, when it ended in co-heirs, one of whom m. John Bower, of Manchester, esq., who assumed the surname of Jodrell, and was father of Francis Jod- rell, sheriff of Cheshire, 1813. Thomas Jodrell, (son of John, a younger brother of the house of Yeardsley,) settled at Moor House, co. Stafford, at the latter end of the 16th century, and 4th in descent from him, was Paul Jodrell, of Sion Hill, co. Middlesex, and of Duffield, co. Derby, who was for 43 years clerk of the House of Commons ; w., 8 Jan. 1673, Jane, eldest da. of Thomas Rolles, of Lewknor, co. Oxford, esq., and d. 31 July 1728, aged 82, having had issue, besides seven sons and two das., who rf. young or iinm., 1. Paul, his heir. 2. Henrv, m. Mary Davenport, and left three das. 3. Anne, w. Francis Nourse, esq. 4. Elizabeth, «;. Henry Shallcross. Paul Jodrell, son and h. of Paul and Jane Rolles, b. 23 June 1670, m., 7 Oct. 1712, Judith, da. and co-h. of Gilbert Shel- don, esq., (a descendant of archbishop Shel- don,) and d. 25 Jan. 1744, having had issue by her, (who d. 30 Jan. 1768,) 1. Paul. 2. Thomas, lost in the Pelham, India- man, unm. 3. Daniel, m. Elizabeth Breeze. 4. Gilbert, twice nu, and left four das., his co-heiresses. 5. Philip, m., but d. without issue, 1763. 6. Sheldon, d. an infant. 7. Judith, m. her cousin, John Nourse, esq. 8. Elizabeth, m. John Morton, esq., chief-justice of Chester. 9. Lvdia-Catherine, d. an infant. Paul Jodrell, son and h. of Paul and Judith Sheldon, was solicitor-general to Frederick, prince of Wales, b. 20 Feb. 1713, ni. Elizabeth, da. of Richard Warner, of North Elmham, co. Norfolk, (by Elizabeth, his wife, da. of Edward Lombe, of Weston, and sister and co-h. of Edward Lombe, also of Weston, who was sheriff of Norfolk, 1714,) and d. 30 June 1751, leaving issue, 1. Richard-Paul. 2. Sir Paul, ISI.D., physician to the na- bob of Arcot, knighted 26 Oct. 1787, m. Jane Bewicke, and d. at Madras, 1803, leaving one da, 3. Henry, of Bayfield Hall, co. Norfolk, M.P., m. Johanna, eldest da. of John Wey- land, and rf. without issue, 11 March. 1814. 4. Elizabeth, n;. Richard-Warburton Lytton, esq. Richard-Paul Jodrell, esq., F.R.S., F.A.S., D.C.S., sometime M.P. for Seaford, son and h. of Paul and Elizabeth Warner, b. 13 Nov. 1745, m., 19 May 1772, Vertue, eld- est da. and co-h. of Edward Hase, of Sail, 230 DURRANT.— LESLIE. CO. Norfolk, esq,, (2d son of John Hase> of Great Melton, eo. Norfolk, esq., by Mary, da. of Edward Lombe, and sister of Eliza- beth Warner, above named,) and d. 26 Jan. 1831, having had issue by her, (who d. 23 karch 1800',) 1. Paul ; 2. Paul, both d. infants. 3. Sir Richard-Paul, present bart. 4. Edwakd, m., 9 Oct. 1812, Mary, 4th da. of William-Lowndes Stone, of Bright- well, CO. Oxford, and has issue. 5. Sheldon, in holy orders. 6. Sophia. 7. Louisa, (twin with Sophia,) m. Richard Jennings, esq., and d. 22 July 1826. I. Sir JOHN HASE, (brother of Edward Ha?e, above mentioned, the father of mrs. Vertue Jodrell,) took the surname of Lombe only, by act of parliament, 1762, on succeeding to the estates of his uncle, Ed- ward Lombe, above mentioned, and was created a bart. 22 Jan. 1784, with remainder severally to his brother, Edward Hase, of Sail, in the above co., esq , and the heirs male of the body of Vertue, wife of Ri- chard-Paul Jodrell, of Saxlingham, co. Norfolk, esq., niece of the said sir John Lombe. Sir John dying utim. at the ad- vanced age of 86, 27 May 1817, and having survived his said brother, (who d. 18(t4,) was succeeded, agreeably to the limitation of the patent of creation, by his great-nephew, II. Sir RICHARD-PAUL, present bart. Arms— See Plate 24. Ermmes, a trefoil slipped, or, between three round buckles, argent, tongues pendent. Crest — A demi cock, wings erected, or, combed and wattled, gules, issuant out of a wreath of roses gules seeded, or. Motto — Non sibi, sed patricB natus. Seate— Sail Park, Norfolk; Nethercott House, Oxfordshire. DURRANT, ofScoTTOWE, co. Norfolk. 22 Jan. 1784. Sir HENRY-THOMAS-ESTRIDGE DURRANT, Baronet, horn 4 May 1807, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 22 May 1829; married, 23 June 1830, Agnes, da. of Robert Marsham, of Stratton Strawless, co. Nor- folk, esq., which lady d. 28 April 1831, jet. 18: he w., 2dly, 31 Jan. 1833, Julia, da. of T. H. Stracey, esq., and niece of sir Edward StraCey, bart. William Durrant, descended from the Durrants, co. Derby, settled at Scottowe, CO. Norfolk, in the beginning of the 17th century. William Durrant, his 3d son, was b. about 1616, and d. 17* 10, leaving, 1. Thomas, b. 1656, and d. 1727. By his rjd wife, Anne, widow of John Coker, and da. of Thomas She well, he had one da., Margaret, b. 1715, m, her cousin, Davy Durrant ; she d. 1742. 2. Daniel, m. Susan, da. of Jehoshaphat Postle, by whom he had an only son, Davy, who m. his cousin, Margaret, and d. 1759, leaving one da., Smmniah, m. the late sir Randal Ward, and two sons ; 1. sir Thomas, 1st bart. ; 2. Daniel, who d. unm. I. Sir THOMAS, the eldest son, was cre- ated a bart. 10 Dec. 1783, m. Susannah, eld- est da. of Hambleton Custance, of Wes- ton, CO. Norfolk, esq., and had issue, 1. Thomas, b. 11 Jan. 1774, and rf. an in- fant. 2. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 3. William, b. 14 Jan. 1779- 4. Susannah, h. 20 Sept. 1776, w., 19 May 1795, Samuel, eldest son of John Swin- fen, of Swinfen, co. Stafford, esq. Sir Thomas d. 1790, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir THOMAS, 2d bart., b. 1775, /«., 1799, Susanna, da. of J. Steenbergen, by whom (who d. 9 Dec. 1833, aet. 82) he had issue, 1. Sir Henry-Thomas-Estridge, pre- sent bart. 2. A Da. 3. Emily-Mary-Swinfen, m., 18 June 1821, rev. Thomas-Lovick Cooper, rector of Ingoldesthorpe, co. Norfolk. Sir Thomas d. 22 May 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his son, in. Sir HENRY - THOMAS - EST- RIDGE, 3d and present bart. Arms— See Plate 24. Or, a cross crosslet, ermines between four ermine spots, sable. Crest — A boar per fess, wavy, argent, and gules, pierced in the side with a broken spear, proper. Seat — At Scottowe, co. Norfolk. PEPYS. (now LESLIE.) 22 Jan. 1784. Rev. Sir HENRY LESLIE, Baronet, in holy orders, M.A., rector of Sheep-hall, co. Herts, and Wetherden, cov. Suffolk, prebendary of Exeter, and one of his mnjesty's chaplains in ordinary ; born 21 Sept. 1783 ; married^ 15 Feb. 1816, Elizabeth-Jane, youngest da. of the rev. James Oaks, of Tostock, CO. Suffolk, (who (/. 12 Dec. 181C.) The family of Pepys is of considerable antiquity in the county of Cambridge. Ri- ■CHARD Pepys, 2d son of John Pepys, of Cottenham, in that co., was bred to the bar. and appointed lord-chief-justice of Ireland, 1665; his great-grandson, William-Pki'ys, of London, banker, m. Hannah, da. of dr. Richard Russell, and WOOD. ^1 widow of Alexander Weller, and d. 1741, leaving issue by her, (who rf. Nov. 1/02,) two sons, 1. Sir WILLIAM-WELLER, created a bart. 1801, {see that title,) and 2. Sir Lucas, M.D. F.R.S., physician general to the amciy, created a bart., as above, with remainder to his brother Wil- liam-Weller Pepvs, esq., afterwards sir William-Weller Pepys, bart.; m., 1st, 30 Oct. 1772, Jane-Elizabeth Leslie, countess of Rothes, in the peerage of Scotland, by whom (who d. 2 June 1810) he had issue, 1. Sir Charles, 2d bart. 2. Henrietta, b. 1 June 1777, m., 29 Nov. 1804, William Courtenay, esq., clerk-as- sistant of the parliament, eldest son of Henry-Reginald, late lord bishop of Exe- ter. 3. Sir Henry, present bart. Sir Lucas w., 2dly, 7 July 1813, Deborah, da. of dr. Askew, and sister of Adam Askew, of Redhugh, co. Durham, esq., and dying 17 June 1830, was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir CHARLES, 6. 28 Sept. 1774, d. s.p. 1832, and was succeeded by his next bro- theri III. Sir HENRY, present and 3d bart. Anns—See Plate 24. Sable, on a bend, or, between two nags' heads, erased, argent, three fleurs-de-lis, of the field. Crest— A camel's head, erased, or, bridled, lined, ringed, and gorged with a ducal co- ronet, sable. Seat— At Box-Hill, co. Surrey. WOOD, of Barnsley, co, York. 22 Jan. 1784. Sir FRAxNCIS-LINDLEY WOOD, Baronet, born IC Dec. 1771, suc- ceeded his uncle, sir Francis, 9 July 1795; married^ 15 Jan. 1798, Anne, eldest da. and co-h. of Samuel Buck, of New Granges, esq., barrister-at-law, and recorder of Leeds, and has issue, 1. CHARLES, b. 20 Dec. 1800, M.P. for HaHfax, and late joint secretary to the Treasury, m., 30 July 1829, lady Mary, 4th da. of Charles, earl Grey, K.G., and has issue, Mary. Frances- Louisa^ b. 15 July 1833; 2. Samuel-Francis, b. 1 Aug. 1809 ; 3. Anne, b. 28 Jan. 1802, w., 20 March 1824, John^-Walbanke Childers, of Cantley, near Doncaster, esq. George Wood, settled at Burton, or Monk's Bretton, co. York, in the reign of queen Elizabeth. His son, George Wood, of Monks Bretton, d. 1638, lea\ing, besides other issue, two sons ; 1. Robert; 2. John, who settled at Smi- thies, CO. York, and was ancestor of sir George Wood, knt., late baron of the ex- chequer. Robert Wood, of Monk's Bretton, eld- est son of George, d. 1676, having had a numerous issue, of whom, William, eldest surviving son, continued the line at Monk's Bretton, and Henry, 7th son, was ancestor of the present bart. Henry Wood, above named, settled at Barnsley, and d. 4 May 1720 ; he m. three wives; 1st, Anne, da. and co-h. of John Fox, by whom he had no surviving issue ; 2dly, Dorothy Woodhead, by whom (who d. 1686) he had a da., Dorothi/, ?n. John Cun- liffe, of Hollings, co. Lancaster, esq. ; and 3dly, Elizabeth, da. of William Simpson, of Babworth, co. Notts, esq., by whom (who d. 31 Dec. 1748) he had thirteen children, of whom, Henri/, of Barnsley, barrister-at-laV?, eldest son, d. iinni. 28 April 174I ; and Francis, 2d son ; he m., 1st, Dorothy, da. of Charles Palmer, D.D., prebendary of York, (by Anne, da. of sir Stephen Thomp- son,) by whom he had, 1. Henry, D.D., rector of Hemsworth, and vicar of Halifax, b. 1726, m. Elizabeth, da. of Charles Gore, of Horkstow, co. Lin- coln, esq., and d. 27 Oct. 1790, without sur- viving issue. 2. Sir Francis, 1st bart. 3. Charles, of Bowling Hall, which he acquired by gift of his relative, Thomas Pigot, esq. He was captain of the Hero, and afterwards of the Worcester man-of- war, and d. 9 Oct. 1782, of the wounds he received in the engagement with Suffrein, the French admirm, in the East Indies, 3 Sept. preceding. He m. Catharine, da. and co-n. of Thomas-Lacon Barker, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Francis-Lindley, 2d bart 2. Henry, of Bushy Lodge, co. Herts, esq., late major 3d dragoons. 3. Caroline, b. 1773, m., 180O, William Busfield, esq., late major 1st W^est York militia, and deputy-lieutenant of that county. 4. Dorothy, m., 1805, Charles Arm- strong, of Twyford, co. Berks, esq. 5. Elizabeth, m., 1806, Edward O'Reilly, esq. 4. John, was an officer in the army, and killed in an engagement in Nova Scotia, S June 1760, wun. 5. Elizabeth, d. iinm. 18 Nov. 1803. 6 Maria-Dorothea, d. iinm. Aug. 1759. Francis Wood, esq., m., 2dly, miss Rebecca Ellison, by whom he had no issue, and d. about 1776. I. Sir FRANCIS, the 2d son, b. 2 Jan. 1729, was created a bart., with remainder tt) his brother, Henry Wood, D.D., and his nephews, Francis-Lmdley and Henry. He m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Anthony Ewer, of the Lea and Bushy-Hall, co. Hertford, esq., by whom he had no issue. He d. with- out issue, 9 July 1795, and was succeeded by his nephew, il. SirFRANCIS-LINDLEY, present bart. Arms— See Plate 24. Azure, three savage men of the wood, passant, in fess, proper, each holding in his left hand a club, which rests on his left shoulder, all proper, and on his right arm, a shield, argent, charged with a cross, gules, on a canton ermine, three lo- zenges conjoined in fess sable. Crest— A savage, as in the arms, except that the shield is sable, charged with a grif- fin's head, erased, argent. Seai— Hickleton, near Doncaster, co- York. FITZHERBERT— BEEVOR. FITZHERBERT, of Tissington, co. Derby. 22 Jan. 1781. Sir HENRY FITZHERBERT, Baronet, born 4 Aug. 1783, succeeded his brother, sir Anthony, 1708; married, 27 Dec 1805, Agnes, 2d and youngest da. of the late rev. WiUiam Beresford, vicar of Sunning, co. Berks, and has issue, 1. Selina, b. 22 Nov. 180(), m., 12 Aug. 1830, Francis Wright, of Lenton House, co, Notts, esq. ; 2. WILLIAM, b. 2 June 1808; 3. Richard-Henry, b. 29 Oct. 1809; 4. Agnes-Louisa, i. 12 Sept. 1812, c?. 12 Sept. 1817; 5. Alleyne, 6. 9 May 1815 ; — 6. Harriett-Maria, b. 31 Oct. 1810; 7- Anthony, b. 10 3Iay 1818; 8. John-Knight, b. 27 March 1820; 9. Judith, 6.2 June 1821; 10. Frances-Rafela, b. 23 Nov. 1823; 11. Au- gusta-Isabella, b. 3 Sept. 1828. The ancestor of this family, Herbert Fitz- herhert, came into England with William the Conqueror, and his descendants have been settled co. Derby since the reign of Henry I. William Fitzherbert, of Tissington, esq., who d. 1772, was a member for the bo- rough of Derby in several parliaments, and a lord of trade and plantations : he m. Mary, da. of Littleton-Poyntz Meynell, esq., by his wife, Judith, da. of Thomas Alleyne, esq., of the island of Barbadoes ; by which lady (who d. 1753) he had issue, 1. William, 1st bart. 2. John, who d. young in the East Indies. 3. Thomas, a lieutenant in the army, d. nnm. 4. Selina, in. Henry-Galley Knight, of Langold and Firbeck, co. York, esq., bar- rister-at-law. 5. Alleyne, created baron St. Helen's, in the Isle of Wight, co. Southampton, 15 July 1801 : his lordship is also baron St. Helen's, in Ireland, (see Bebrett's Peerage.) 6. Catherine, m., 1755, Richard i3ate- man, of Hartington-Hall, co. Derby, esq., and was mother of sir Hugh, created a bart. 18()G. I. Sir WILLIAM, 1st bart., eldest son of William, was recorder of the borough of Derby. He was created a bart. as above, and m. Sarah, da. of William Perrin, esq., v/ho d. 17!'5, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Anth'ony-Perrin, 2d bart. 2. George, b. 25 Nov. 1780, d, March 1795. 3. Frances, h. 20 June 1782. 4. (Charlotte, twin with Frances, rf. 1784. 5. Charles, b. 4 Aug. 1783, d. same year. 6. Sir Henry, 3d bart., twin with Charles. Sir William d. 30 July 1791, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ANTHONY-PERRIN, b. 21 July 1779, d. 2 April 1798, unm., and was suc- ceeded by his brother, III. Sir HENRY, present bart. Arms — See Plate 24. Gules, three lions rampant, or. Crest— A dexter hand erect, in an open gauntlet, all proper. Seat— At Tissington, co. Derby. BEEVOR, of Hethel, co. Norfolk. 22 Jan. 1784. Sir THOMAS-BRANTHWAYT BEEVOR, Baronet ; borii 7 April 1798, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 10 Dec. 1820; married, 9 Dec 1819, EHzabeth. Bridget, da. of Richard Lubbock, of Norwich, JM.D., and has issue, 1. Elizabeth-Bridget, b. 9 Nov. 1820 ; 2. THOMAS, b. 23 Aug. 1823. The name of Reemr is of considerable antiquity in the parish of Peniston, co. York ; but the register of that place being destroyed, the pedigiee cannot be traced higher tlian William Ueevor, esq., who d. 1(!0(J : he left two sons, William, ancestor to \\\e Ber.vors, CO. York; and Abraham, who was of Heckmundwvke, co. York, esq., and d. 1G(JG: he m. Elizabeth, da. of Sa- ville, esq., by whom he had several children. His 2d son, the rev. William Heevor, was rector of South Walsham, co. Norfolk, and d. I7I8; he m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Wil- liam Datte, of Okewell, co. York, esq., by whom he had two sons and several (ias. Thomas Bekvor, of Norwich, esq., (2d son,) ni. Hesther, da. of John Sharpe, of Norwich, esq., by whom he had four sons, of whom, I. Sir THOMAS BEEVOR, his eldest son, was created a bart. as above; m., 7 July 1750, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Miles Branthwayt, of Hethel, co. Norfolk, and by her (whorf. 21 July 1810) he had, 1. Anne-Bettina, m., 1777, Finch Finch, of Shelford, co. Cambridge, es(i., and rf. 1780. 2. Jkliana-Mary, m. sir Robert-John Buxton, of Shadwell Lodge, co. Norfolk, bart. 3. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 4. John, a major in the army, b. 1751, d. Oct. 18l'8, .x't. 73. 5. Milks, D.D., rector of Bircham New- ton, and Hethel, and vicar of Ketteringham, CO. Norfolk, H(. Mary Beevor, of Norwich, and d. 29 Dec. 1834, having had issue, 2 das. 0. Arthur, captain of infantry, jn., 1797. Mary, 2d da. of the rev. Arthur Branth- wayt, of Stiff'key, co. Norfolk, and has issue, two das. 7. Gkorge, iu holy orders, rector of SINCLAIR COLQUHOUN. 233 Cove and Willingham, co. Suffolk, m., 1791, Jane, eldest da. of the rev. Arthur Branth- of Stiffkey, co. Norfolk, and d. 1810, leaving issue, five sons and three das., of whom, Mary, youngest da. nu, 15 May 1832, Frederick-Balders Beevor, of Chancery Lane, Sir Thomas rf. Jan. 1814, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II, Sir THOMAS, b. 15 Nov. 1753, m., 24 Aug. 1795, Anne, da. and sole h. of Hugh Hare, of Hargham Hall, co. Norfolk, esq., and hatl issue, 1. Sir Thomas, present bart. 2. Mary-Ann, b. 18 Feb. 1800, ?«., 1819, Isaac Preston, of Norwich, esq., barrister- at-law, andrf. 1823. 3. Juliana-Bktina, b. 29 March 1801, m., 1810, rev. Henry Howard, of Savvbridge- worth, Herts, and d. Dec. 1828. Sir Thomas d. 10 Dec. 1820, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, III. Sir THOMAS-BRANTHWAYT, present bart. A7-nis—See Plate 24. Per pale, or and ar- gent, on a chief indented sable, three lions rampant, of the first. Crest — A beaver, passant, proper. Seat — At Hargham, co. Norfolk. SINCLAIR, of Ulbster, co. Caithness, Scotland. 14 Feb. 1786. The Right Hon. Sir JOHN SINCLAIR, P.C., D.C.L., F.R. and A.S., was created a Baronet as above, with remainder, in default of issue male of his body, to the issue male of his das. successively and respectively ; Cashier of the Excise-Office in North Britain : married, 1st, 26 IMarch 1776, Sarah, da. of Alexander Maitland, of Stoke Newington, esq., (nearly allied to the earls of Lauderdale,) bv whom he had, 1. Hannah, b. 1 Feb. 1780, d. 22 May 1818 ; 2. Janet, b. \^ April 1781, m. sir James Colquhoun, bart. Sir John m., 2dly, 6 March 1788, Diana, da. of Alex- ander, 1st lord Macdonald, by whom he has, 3. GEORGE, b. 28 Aug. 1790, m., 1 May 1816, Catha'rine-Camilla, 2d da. of William, lord Huut- ingtower, and has issue ; 4. Elizabeth, b. 6 Nov. 1791 ; 5. Mar- garet, b. 7 March 1793; 6. Alexander, b, 17 June 1794; 7. Julia, h. 16 June 1796, m., 13 Nov. 1824, George, earl of Glasgow ; 8. John, b. 20 Aug. 1797 ; 9. Catharine, b. 17 April 1800; 10. Archibald, b. 20 Sept- 1801 ; 11. Jane, b. 10 Aug. 1803, nz., 18 Sept. 1822, Patrick Wallace, esq., capt. East India Company's service ; 12. William, b. 4 Sept. 1804; 13. James, b. 18 Nov. 1805, in the military service of the East India Company, d. 20 June 1826 ; 14. Helen, b. 5 May 1807, m., 10 Aug. 1826, Stair Stewart, of Physgill and Glasserton, N.B., esq. John Sinclair, of Ulbster, co. Caith- ness, esq., heritable sheriff of that county, and descended from the noble family of Sin- clair, earls of Caithness, d. 173(j; ?h. Hen- rietta, sister of Alexander Brodie, esq., lord lion king at arms, by whom he had issue, 1. George. 2. James, m., 1st, Margery, da. of David Sinclair, of Southdun, esq., and by her he had 2 das., both /h. ; 2dly, Marv, da. of Sutherland, of Clyne, esq., and had by her 1 son, Alexander ; 3dly, Catharine, da. of John Sinclair, of Lybster, eso., by whom he had 2 das. 3. John, a major in the army, m. Eliza- beth, widow of John Wilmer, esq. 4. Emilia, m, John Sutherland, esq. George Sinclair, esq., (eldest son,) w. Janet, da. of William, lord Strathnaver, eldest son of John, earl of Sutherland, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 1st bart. 2. James, d. num. 3. Helen, m. Alexander Campbell, of Barcaldine, by whom she had several chil- dren, among whom, Jane, 2d da., w., in 1784, James Sinclair, eail of Caithness, and by him (who d. Sept. 1823) had issue the present earl. 4. Marv, m. James Homerigg, of Gamel- shiels, esq. 5. Janet. George Sinclair, esq. d. 1766, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, I. The right hon. sir JOHN, created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 24. Quarterly: azure and or, a cross engrailed, sable, between, in the 1st quarter, a lymphad within a double tressure, flory, counterflory, or : in the 2d and 3d, a lion rampant, gules; and in the 4th, a ship, with three masts, under sail to- wards the sinister, or : the whole within a bordure compony, argent and sable. Crest — Out of clouds, proper, an estoile, or. Se«^— At Thurso, co. Caithness. COLQUHOUN, of Luss, co. Dumbarton. 27 June 1786. Sir JAMES COLQUHOUN, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir James, 234 SCOTT-DOUGLAS. in 1805, M.P. co. Dumbafton 1802 ; married, in 1802, Janet, da. of the right hon. sir John Sinclair, of Ulbster, bart., and has issue, 1. JAMES ; 2. John, m., 29 Jan. 1834, Frances-Sarah, 4th da. of E. Fuller Maitland, of Henley-on-Thames, co. Middlesex, esq. ; 3. William ; 4. Sarah- Maitland ; 5. Helen, m., 9 April 1829, John-Page Read, esq., of Crow Hall, co. Suffolk. The immediate ancestor of this family WasUMTHRIDUS DE KlLPATRlCK,who,«enip. Alexander II., king of Scotland, obtained a grant of the lands and barony of Colquhoun, CO. Dumbarton, whereupon he relinquished the name of Kilpatrick, and assiuned that of Colquhoun. Ingelramus de Colquhoun, his son, lived temp. Alexander III. Sir John, the 7th in descent from Umphridus, was highly esteemed by James III., who, 1463, appointed him custos rotuloriim, or clerk registrar, for Scotland : 1474 he was prefer- red to be lord high chamberlain of that king- dom, and was afterwards constituted gover- nor of the castle of Dumbarton for life. Sir John Colquhoun, of Luss, 14th in descent from Umphridus de Kilpatrick, was, by king Charles I., created a bart. of Nova Scotia. He was a great loyalist, and was fined by Oliver Cromwell the sum of £2000 sterling 1654 ; m. Lilias Graham, da, of John, 4th earl of Montrose, brother to the marquess, by whom he had 3 sons and 2 das. He was succeeded by his son. Sir John, m. Margaret, da. and h. of sir Gideon Baillie, of Lochend, co. Hadding- ton, by Magdalene, da. and co-h. of David, lord Carnegie; but having no surviving male issue, was succeeded in 1676 by his brother. Sir James, m. Penuel, da. of sir William Cunningham, (by Catharine, his wife, da. of James, 7th earl of Glencairn,) by whom he had, 1 son, Humphry, and I da. He was succeeded by his son. Sir Humphry, who was a member of the union parliament, and strenuously opposed and voted against every article of it. He m. Margaret, da. of sir Patrick Houston, bart., by Anne Hamilton, his wife, da. of John, lord Bargeny, by whom he had only 1 da., Anne, m., in 1702, James Grant. Sir Humphry wishing that his da. and her hus- band should succeed him in his estate and honours, made, in 1704, a resignation of his baronetship, &c. for a new patent to himself in life-rent, with remainder to his son-in-law and his heirs, on condition of carrying the name and arms of Colquhoun. Sir Hum- phry d. 171fi, and was succeeded in his estate and honours by James Grant, his son-in- law, under the name and designation of sir James CoUjuhoun, of Luss, who enjoyed that estate and title till his elder brother, Alexander Grant, died without issue in 1719, he then succeeded to the estate of Grant, relinquished the name and title of Cohju- houn of Luss, and resumed that of Grant, but claimed the baronetcy, it being by the last patent invested in his person. By the said Anne he had issue, I. Humphry, rf. itnm. 1732; 2. Ludovic ; 3. James; 4. colonel Francis; 5. captain Charles, of the R.N.; 6. Jean, countess-dowager of Fife ; 7- Anne, m. sir Henry Innes ; 8. Sophia; 9. Penuel, m. capt. Alexander Grant ; 10. dementia, m. sir William Dunbar, of Durn. Sir James d. 1() Jan. 1747, and was succeeded in his estate of Grant, of Bellindallach, by his eldest surviving son, Ludovic, who had possessed the estate of Luss till the death of his elder brother 1732, which then devolved upon his imme- diate younger brother, Sir James, who enjoyed the estates and honours of sir Humphry Colquhoun, his grandfather, as heir of provision and entail, and carried the name and arms of that an- cient family accordingly. He m. Helen Sutherland, (who d. 7 Jan. 1791, da. of Wil- liam, lord Strathnaver, son and heir-appa- rent of John, 19th earl of Sutherland,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir James. 2. William, col. in the army, m. and had issue. 3. Ludovic, col. in the army, m. and had issue. 4. Catharine, m. sir Roderick M'Ken- zie, bart. 5. Mary, m. gen. John Campbell. 6. Anne-Sutherland, d. young. 7. Margaret, m, William Baillie, one of the senators of the College of Justice and afterwards a lord of session, on which oc- casion he took the title of lord Polkemmet, and was father of sir William Baillie, created a bart. 1823 (see that title). 8. Helen, m. William Colquhoun, of Garscadden, esq., and d. 27 May 1834, aet. 81. 9. Janet, m. Ebenezer Marshall, esq. Sir James rf. 16 Nov. 1786, and was succeed- ed by his son, I. Sir JAMES, 8th bart. of Nova-Scotia, created a bart. of Great Britain as above, ni., July 1772, Mary, one of the co-hs. of James Falconer, (by his wife, da. of lord Falconer,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir James, 2d bart. 2. William, rf. young. 3. Patrick-Ludovic. 4. Ludovic, rf. young. 5. John-Campbell, sheriflf depute, co. Dumbarton. 6. Sutherland-Morrison. 7. roderiuk. 8. Jane-Falconer; 9. Helen. 1(». Wilhelmina; 11. Catharine. Sir James rf. 1805, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JAMES, present bart. yjrm.s— See Plate 25. Argent, a saltire, engrailed, sable. Crest— i\ hart's head, erased, gules. Motto — Sije puis. Heat—Xt Rosedow, co. Dumbarton. DOUGLAS, (now SCOTT-DOUGLAS,) of SrniNGwooD-PARK, co. Roxburgh. 27 June 178C. Sir JOHN-JAMES SCOTT-DOUGLAS, Baronet, born 18 July 1792, succeeded his father, sir George, 4 June 1821 ; married^ 15 Aug. 1822, ROWLEY. 235 Hannah-Charlotte, sole issue of Hen ry Scott^ of Horsley Hall, co. Rox- burgh, esq., (on which occasion he took the surname and arms of Scott^ in addition to those of Doviglas, by royal sign manual, 10 July 1822,) and has issue, 1. Catherike-Elizabeth-Isa bella, h. 23 JMarch 1824 ; and 2. GEORGE-HENRY, b. 19 June 1825, and other issue, of whom a da. b. 28 Oct. 1834. AxDREW Douglas, of Friarshaw, m. Jane Home, of the family of the earls of Marehmont, by whom he had, Hen'ry, tn. Martha, da. of sir James Lock- hart, of Lee, bart., whose son, George, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Patrick Scott, of Ancrum, bart., by whom he had, besides other issue, I. Sir JAMES, a younger son, who entered into the R.N., and was knighted for bring- ing home the news of the surrender of Que- bec, in 1/59 : he commanded a fleet at the Leeward Islands in 1761 ; took Dominica, and had a broad pendant at the siege of Martinico in 1761. He was created a bart. 27 June 1786 ; m., 1st, 1753, Helen, da. of Thomas Brisbane, of Brisbane, co. Ren- frew, by whom (who d. 1765) he had issue, 1. Sir George, 2d bart. 2. James, admiral of the red, 6. 3 June 1755, m., 1st, Nov. 1793, Elizabeth, da. of Robert Scott, capt. R.N., and widow of Am- brose Riddall, capt. R.N., by whom, (who d. 2 May 1819) he had 1 son, James, b. 4 Jan. 1798, d. unnu, in India, 11 Oct. 1818; 2dlv, 1 June 1820, Frances, da. of William Scott, of Great Barr, co. Stafford, esq., and widow of William Blathwayt, of Dyrham Park, co. Gloucester, esq. 3. Thomas, h. 18 Nov. 1756, d. in India, 1780. 4. Hexry, 6. 25 Oct. 1753, sometime a judge at Patna. 5. Mary, 6. 23 June 1758, d. \^ Feb. 1818. 6. Isabella, b. 28 Oct. 1759, m. sir Henry- Hay Macdougal, bart., and d. 1796. Sir James m., 2dly, lady Helen Boyle, da. of John, earl of Glasgow, by whom ("who d. 1794) hehadno issue. Sir James d. Nov. 1787, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir GEORGE, 2d bart. b. 1 March 1755, m., 16 Oct. 1786, lady Elizabeth Boyle, da. of John, 3d earl of Glasgow, and by her (who d. 15 Feb. 18(il) had issue, 1. Elizabeth-Georgiana, 6. 20 Sept. 1787, d. 22 Aug. 1795. 2. Helen, b. Dec. 1790, d. Jan, 1791. 3. Sir John-James, present bart. Sir George d. 4 June 1821, and was succeeded by his son, in. Sir JOHN-JAMES, present bart. Anns — See Plate 25. 1st and 4th, Douglas, argent a human heart, gules, imperially crowned, or ; on a chief azure three mullets argent, the whole within abordure nebulyof the fourth ; 2d and 3d, Scott, or, on a bend, azure, an estoile between two crescents of the field ; a canton ermine, and in the centre chief point, a sword erect, proper. Crests — 1st, Douglas, a cubit arm erect, grasping a broken tilting spear, all proper ; 2d, Scott, a lion's head erased, in the mouth a thistle slipped, all proper. Se«^— Springwood Park, Roxburghshire. ROWLEY, of Tendrixg Hall, 27 June 1786. CO. Suffolk. Sir JOSHUA-RICKETS ROWLEY, Baronet, Post Captain R.N., succeeded his father, sir William, 20 Oct. 1832 ; married^ 10 Aug. 1824, Charlotte, da. of John Moseley, esq. Sir William Rowley, K.B., distinguished himself greatly in the sea-fight off Toulon, 4 Feb. 1744, arid was appointed a lord of the admiralty 1751 ; K.B. 1753 ; admiral of the fleet 1/62; and d. 1768; Hi. Arabella, da. and h. of capt. Dawson, of the army, by whom (who d. Feb. 1784) he had issue, 1. Thomas, d. unm. 2. Sir Joshua, 1st bart. 3. William, a general in the army, d. vnm, 4. Clotworthy, barrister-at-law, and M.P. for Downpatrick in Ireland, m. and had issue, besides other children, sir Josias, created a bart. 1813 (see that title). 5. Arabella, m., 1st, William Martin, capt. R.N. ; and 2dly, Samuel Gibbs, of Horsley Park, co. Sussex, esq. I. Sir JOSHUA, 1st bart., was rear-ad- miral of the red, and gave many proofs of courage and conduct during his long ser- vices, for which he was created a baronet 5 wu, 18 April 1759, Sarah, only surviving child of Bartholomew Burton, of Petersham, CO. Surrey, esq., and by her (who d. 26 Dec. 1812) had'issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Bartholomew-Samuel, admiral of the blue, commander-in-chief at Jamaica, where he d. 7 Oct, 1811, having m. mrs. W^ade. 3. Rev. Joshua, w. Mary, da. of Henry Scorfield, and has issue. 4. Sir Charles, K.C.B. K.M.T., vice- admiral of the white, one of the lords com- missioners of the admiralty, and groom of the bedchamber to his majesty ; m. Eliza- beth, youngest da. of the late sir Richard King, bart., and has issue, of whom, 1. Charles, eldest son, ?«., 31 Aug. 1822, Frances, only da. of John Evelyn, of Wot- ton, CO. Surrey, esq. 2. Elizabeth'-Sophia, eldest da., »;., 1 July 1818, Peter-Langtord Brooke, of Moore Hall, CO. Chester. 3. Louisa, youngest da., m., Aug. 1824, Thomas- Robert, earl of Kinnoul. 4. Richard-F.w., 12 July 1828,Elizabeth- Julia, da. of John Angerstein, esq. 5. George. 6. Philadelphia, w., sir Charles Cotton, bart. 7. Sarah ; 8. Arabella. Sir Joshua d. Feb. 1790, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, w„ March 1785, Su- sannah-Edith, sister of sir Robert Harland, bart., and had issue. 236 FLETCHER-VANE. 1. William -Harland- Harrington, b, 9 March 17a7, m., 1819, Marianne, da. of J. Hart, esq., but d. s. p. 2. Sir Joshua-Rickets, present bart. 3. Edward, capt. R.N., d. at Nassau, New Providence, 1817- 4. Robert-Charles, m., 14 Sept. 1830, Mai-ia Louisa, eldest da. of Joshua, lord Huntingfield, and d. Oct. following. .5. George, d. an infant. 6. Marianne-Sarah, m., 8 Sept. 1815, sir George Dashwood, bart. 7. Sarah-Isabella, vi., 2 Nov. 1820, Douglas Mercer, esq., col. in the army. 8. Emma-Letitia ; 9. Georgiana. 10. Charlotte-Philadelphia, d. 7 Feb. 1828. 11. Jane, m., 31 March 1823, Charles Cal- vert, of Oakley Court, co. Surrey, esq., who d. 8. Sept. 1832. Sir William d. 20 Oct. 1832, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, 111. Sir JOSHUA- RICKETS, present and 3d bart. Arm^ — See Plate 25. Argent, on a bend, engrailed between two Cornish choughs sable, three escallops of the field. Cre.it — A mullet pierced, or. Seat—At Tendring Hall, co. Suffolk. FLETCHER-VANE, of Hut ton Hall, co. Cumberland. 27 June 1786. Sir FRANCIS FLETCHER-VANE, Baronet, horn 29 March 1797, succeeded his father, sir Frederick, March 1832 ; married, 10 April 1823, Diana-Olivia, da. of Charles Beauclerk, esq., of St. Leonard's liodge, Hor- sham, CO. Sussex, and has issue, 1. HENRY-RALPH, b. 13 Jan. 1830 ; 2. Gertrude-Elizabeth, b. 29 June 1831 ; 3. Frede- rick-Fletcher, b. 12 Dec. 1832. had issue, 1. William-Walter; 2. George. 3. Godfrey; 4. Sarah. 3. Walter, of London, d. unm. 4. Catharine, in., Sept. 1764, Arthur Molesworth, of Bath, esq. 5. Frances, »«., April 17fi5, Charles Pal- mer, esq., and d. 21 Aug. 1777. 6. Mary-Anne, d. ninn. I. Sir LIONEL-WRIGHT, of Hutton, the eldest son, 6.28 June 1723, was created a bart. as above, m. Rachel, da. of David Griffith, of lylandkennen, co. Carmarthen, esq., and by her (who d. Jan. 1802) had issue, 1. Sir Frederick, 2d bart. 2. Walter, d. unm. 3. Henry, rf. an infant. 4. Catharine. 5. Rachael, W.William-Walter Vane, of Canfield Hall, co. Essex, esq. Sir Lionel-Wright Fletcher- Vane, d. 19 July 1786, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IL Sir FREDERICK, 2d bart., h. 27 Feb. 1760, m., 9 March 17!>7, Hannah, da. of John Bowerback, of Johnby, co. Cumberland, esq., and had issue, 1. Walter, d. of wounds received in the sortie from Bayonne, 1814. 2. Sir Francis, 3d bart. 3. Hannah. 4. Sophia-Mary, h. 18 March 1802. 5. FiiKiiKKirK-HKNRY, f). 18 May I8O7. Sir Frederick «/. March 1832, and was suc- ceeded bv Iiis eldest surviving son, IH. Sir FHANCIS, present and 3d bart. Arms— Hoe Plate 2r). Or, three gauntlets, azure, and a canton, gules. CrfM — An armed arm, embowed, couped at the shoulder, grasping a sword, all proper. Smts — Hutton Hall, and Armathwaite, both CO. Cumberland. This family descends from the same com- mon ancestor as the earl of Westmoreland. John Fane or Vane, of Tunbridge, co. Kent, who d. 1488, left, besides other issue, Ri- chard, from whom the earl of Westmoreland descends ; and John, v/hose great-grandson, sir Henry, was of Raby Castle, co. Durham, and cofferer and comptroller to king Charles I., and father of sir Henry Vane, ancestor of the present duke of Cleveland, and of sir George Vane, whose 3d son, Lionel Vane, was of Long Newton, co. Durham, m. Catherine, da. of sir George Fletcher, of Hutton, co. Cumberland, and by her had issue, 1. George, whose only son, the rev. Henry Vane, was created a bart. 1782, m. Frances, da. and h. of John Tempest, of Sherburn, eo. Durham, and by her had an only son, sir Henry, who took the name of Tempest, amid. 1 Aug. 1813, leaving an only child, Frances-Anne, m. Charles-William, 3d marquess of Londonderry. 2. Henry, who inherited the estates of his mother's family, and tliereupon took the name of Fletcher, and d. nnin., 1761. .3. Walter, of whom hereafter. 4. Lionel, m. and had issue. 5. Mary, m. John Spearman of Sedge- field, CO. Durham, esq. Walter Vane, of Hutton, co. Cumber- land, esq., 3d son of Lionel, b. 27 Oct. 1692, assumed the surname of Fletchfi-, on the death of his brother Henry, ni., 1st, Mary, da. of Samuel Wright, of Wanstead, co. Essex, esq., and by her (who d. July 1723) had issue, 1. Sir Lionel-Wright, 1st bart. Hem.,2dly, Mary-Anne, only da. and h. of Godfrey Woodward, of Putney, co. Sur- rey, esq., and had issue, 2. Godkrey-Woodv.'ard, of Twyford, CO. Hants, m., April ]7()3, Sarah, da. of James Birch, of Coventry, esq., and by her HOARE. 237 HOARE, of Barn-Elms, co. Surrey. 27 June 1786. Sir RTCHARD-COLT HOARE, Baronet, F.R. and A.S., born 9 Dec. 1758, succeeded his father, sir Richard, 17 Oct. 1787 ; married^ 18 Aug. 1783, the hon. Hester Lyttehon, eldest da. of Wilham-Henry, 1st lord Lyttelton, and bv her (who d. 22 Aug. 1785, aet 23) he had issue, 1. HENRY, w., 20 'Feb. 1808, Charlotte, only da. of sir Edward Bering, of Surrenden-Dering, bart., and has issue, 1. Anne, b. 1808 ; 2. Richard^ d. an infant. Henry Hoare, of St. Botolph's, Aid- gate, (son of Henrv Hoare, of Walton, co. Bucks, who d. 1C55,) d. 1069, leaving a son. Sir Richard, lord mayor of London, 1713, and M.P. for that city 1710—1713, d. 6 Jan. 1718-19, having m. Susannah, da. of John Austen, of Brittens, co. Essex, esq., and by her (who d. 172(1) had issue, 1. Richard, m. and left issue, of whom, William Hoare, esq., of Mitcham Grove, CO. Surrey, is representative. 2. John, m. and d. 1721, leaving a son, John, who d. unm., 1749, and three das. 3. Henry. 4. Benjamin, w. and left issue. 5. Mary, m. sir Edward Littleton. Henry Hoare, 3d son of sir Richard, was a banker in London, and in 1750 pur- chased the estate of Stourhcad from lord Stourton, m. Jane, da. of sir William Benson, of Bromley, co. Middlesex, knt., and by her (who d. June 1741) had issue, 1. Henry, b. 7 July 17"5, succeeded his father as a banker, and d. Sept. 1785, having m., 1st, 11 April 172(j, Anne, eldest da. of Samuel, lord Masham, by whom he had issue, 1. A da., d. an infant. And 2dly, Susan, da. and h. of Stephen Colt, esq., by whom he had, 2. Henry, h. 1730, d. unm., 1751. 3. Colt, b. 1 733, d. 1740. 4. Susannah, m., 1st, Charles, viscount Dungarvon, son of the earl of Cork ; and 2dly, Thomas, 1st earl of Aylesbury. 5. Anne, m. her cousin, sir Richard Hoare, 1st bart. 2. Sir Richard, father of the 1st bart. Henry Hoare, esq., d. 12 March 1724-5. Sir Richard, 2d son of Henry Hoare, of Stourhead, was b. 2 March 1709. He was lord mayor of London in the year of the Scotch rebellion 1745-6, and was knighted 31 Oct. 1745: m., 1st, Sarah, da. of James TuUy, esq., by whom (who rf. 20 Sept. 1736) he had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 1st bart. He w., 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of Edward Rust, esq., by whom he had issue, 2. Henry, b. 13 June 1744, m. Mary, da. of William Hoare, of Bath, esq., and d. 1785, having had an only son, Henry-James, %vho d. young. 3. Jane, d. unm. 4. Elizabeth, d. unm. Sir Richard d. 12 Oct. 1754. I. Sir RICHARD, eldest son, was created a bart. as above; b. j March 1734-5, m., 1st, 20 March 1756, his 1st cousin, Ann, da. of Henry Hoare, of Stourhead, esq., by whom (who d. 5 May 1759) he had, 1. Henry-Richard, d. young. 2. Sir Richard-Colt, present bart. Hew., 2dly, 7 May 1761, Frances-Ann, da. of Richard Acland, of London, merchant, by whom (who d. 1800) he had issue, 3. Henry-Hugh, b. 27 Feb. 1762, m., 25 Aug. 1784, Maria-Palmer, da. of Arthur Acland, of Fairfield, co. Somerset, esq., by whom he has had sixteen children, only seven of whom are now surviving, viz. 1. Hugh-Richard, b. 27 Nov. 1787, m., 22 April 1819, Anne, da. of Thomas Tyrwhitt-Drake, of Shardeloes, co. Bucks, esq., living, but had no issue in 1827. 2. Henry-Charles, b. 29 Jan. 1790, m., Oct. 1821, Anne-Penelope, da. of general Ainslie, and widow of Prince, by whom he has issue, 3. Richard, b. 1 Sept. 1793, capt. R.N., m., 15 March 1823, Matilda, da. of rear- admiral sir W. Charles Fahie, K.C.B., by whom (who d. 1826) he had issue two das. and one son: hem., 2dly, 27 March 1834, Elizabeth, eldest da. of William Praed, esq. 4. Henry -Arthur, b 20 March 1804, unm. 5. Henrietta - Maria, b. 24 Feb. 1791, unm. 6. Julfa, b. 9 Jan. 1800, m., 15 March 1827, T. H. Lethbridge, eldest son of sir Thomas Lethbridge, bart. 7. Francis-Ann, b. 11 May 1801. 4. Charles, b. 25 Aug. 1767, banker in Fleet Street, m., 7 May 1790, Frances-Do- rothea, da. of sir George Robinson, of Cranford, co. Northampton, bart. 5. Henry-Merrick, b. 20 July 1770, m., 13 Aug. 1807, Sophia, 3d da. of Henry Thrale, of Streatham, co. Surrey, esq. ;, she d. 1826, leaving no issue. 6. Peter-Richard, b. 13 Oct. 1772, w., 23 Sept. 1799, Arabella-Penelope-Eliza,' 2d da. of James Greene, of Turton, co. Lan- caster, esq., and has issue. 7. Henrietta-Ann, ?»., 1st, sir Thomas- Dyke Acland, of Killerton, co. Devon, bart., who d. 17 May 1794 ; and 2dly, 5 June 1795, the hon. Matthew Fortescue, capt. R.N., brother of Hugh, earl Fortescue, Sir Richard d. 17 Oct. 1787. and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir RICHARD-COLT, present bart Arms. — See Plate 25. Sable, an eagle, displayed, with two heads, argent, charged on the breast with an ermine spot, all within a bordure, engrailed, of the second. Crest — An eagle's head and neck, erased, argent, charged with an ermine spot. Seat — Stourhead-House, co. Wilts. 238 HUNTER-BLAIR.— SKEFFINGTON. HUNTER-BLAIR, ofDunsxEY, co. Wigtown. 27 June 1786. Sir DAVID HUNTER-BLAIR, Baronet, succeeded his brother, sir John, 1800, Vice- Lieutenant and Convener of co. Ayr, and late Colonel of the Ayrshire Militia ; married, 1st, 2 July 1813, Dorothea, 2d da. of Ed- ward-Hay Mackenzie, of New Hall and Cromartie, esq., brother of George, 7th marquess of Tweeddale, (by Maria, eldest da. of George, 6th lord Eli- bank, and lady Isabella, his wife, da. of George, 3d earl of Cromartie,) by which lady (who d. 22 ]May 1820) he had issue, 1. Maria-Dorothea, 6. 25 Jan. 1816; 2. JAMES, b. 22 March 1817; 3. Edward, 6. 24 March 1818. Sir David m., 2dly, 5 Jan. 1825, Elizabeth, 2d da. of sir John Hay, of Smithfield, and Hayston, co. Peebles, bart., (by Mary-Eliza- beth, 2d da. of James, 16th lord Forbes,) and has issue ; 4. John, h. 18 Oct. 1825; S.David, b. 22 Jan. 1826; 6. a Son, 6. 15 May 1829 ; 7. a Son, b. 18 June 1833. The family of Blair, of Dunskey, (a branch of the ancient family of Blair, of Blair, co, Ayr,) acquired the lands of Dunskey, by purchase, from Hugh Mont- gomery, viscount Airds, 1658. After several descents, the estate devolved on John Blair, who m. Anne Kennedy, sister and co-h. of Thomas and David, 9th and lOth earls of Cassilis, by whom he had, 1. John, d. unm. 1773 ; 2. David, d. iinm. 1774 ; 3. Jane, m. sir James Hunter- Blair, bart. ; 4. Clementina, m, John Bell, esq. I. Sir JAMES HUNTER, created a bart. as above, b. Feb. 1741, took the name of Blair on his marriage, in 177fl, with Jane, da. and h. of John Blair, of Dunskey, esq., above named, and by her (who d. 2 Feb. 1817) had issue, 1. Annk, m., 1791, William Mure, of Caldwell, esq. 2. Sir John, 2d bart. 3. William, d. young. 4. William, rf. young. 5. Clementina, m., 1808, col. John- Francis Birch, royal engineers. 6. Sir David, present bart. 7. James, who inherited the estates of Dunskey and Robertland, col. of the Ayr- shire militia, and thrice elected M.P. for CO. Wigtown, d. unm. July 1822. 8. Robert, capt. 91st regiment, d. unm. 1799. 9. Forbes, succeeded his brother, James, in the estates of Dunskey and Robertland. 10. Thomas, lieut.-col. in the army, wounded at Talavera and at Waterloo, m., 1820, miss Eliza Nouris. 11. Archibald, in the East India Com- pany's sea service, d. 1798. 12. Jane. 13. Henrv-Dundas, d. young, 1799. 14. Jemima. Sir James d. \^Q^, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, d. 1800, without issue, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir DAVID, present bart. Arms— See Plate 25. Quarterly : 1st, argent, a chevron, gules, between three bugles, vert, garnished, gules, for Hunter ; 2d, argent on a chevron gules, between three cross crosslets, fitch^, sable, three fleur- de-lis, or, all within a double tressure for Kennedy, of Culrean ; 3d, argent on a saltire, sable, nine masdes of the field, and in chief, a star of eight points, gules for Blair, of Dunskey; 4th, argent, a shake fork sable and in chief, a rose gules for CuNNiNGHAME, of BrownhiU. Crest — A stag's head, caboshed, proper. Supporters — Dexter a greyhound; Sinis- ter,an antelope ducally collared and chained. Seat — Blairquhan Castle, Ayrshire, Scot- land. SKEFFINGTON, of Skeffington Hall, co. Leicester. 27 June 1786. Sir LUMLEY-ST.-GEORGE SKEFFINGTON, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir William-Charles-Farrell, 26 Jan. 1815. The family of Skeffington derives its name from the village of Skeffington, co. Leicester, where it appears to have been seated as early as temp. Richard I. Sir William SKEPFrNGTON, of Skeffington, was master of the ordnance, and deputy to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland, tnmii. Henry VIII., and left two sons, of whom the youngest was ancestor to the viscounts Massereene, in Ireland, and the eldest con- tinued the line at Skeffington. John Skkkkington, of Skeffington, the last male of the elder branch, was unfor- tunately killed, 1()13, by one Michael Bray, husband of his elder brother (sir William Skeffington's) widow, leaving four sisters, his co-hs., the 3d of whom, Catherine, ni. William Brome, of Woodlaw, co. Warwick, esq. ; and her grandson, Thomas Brome, assumed the name of Skeffincfto?}, and d. 17'i!*, leaving a son, Thonias, who rf. mm»i. 1729, and two das. ; Elizabeth, m. Charles Farrell, of Dublin, esq., and Bridget, ni. sir Thomas Peyton, bart., and d. without issue. I. Sir WILLIAM-CHARLES, 1st bart., was grandson of the above Elizabeth, and inheriting, vuider the wills of sir Thomas and lady Peyton, their share of the Skef- fington estates, in addition to his grand- mother's, took the name and arms of Skeffington by royal sign manual, 1772, and MILLER.— LAFOREY. 239 was created a bart. 27 June 1786 ; h. 27 June 1742; m., 9 Dec. 1765, Catherine-Josepha, eldest da. of Michael Hubbert, of the island of Teneriffe, esq., and by her (who d. 26 July 1811) had issue, 1. Charles-Thomas, d. an infant. 2. Sir Ll'mley - St. - George, present bart. Sir William-Charles, d. 21 Jan. 1815, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir LUMLEY- ST. -GEORGE, pre- sent bart. Arms—See Plate 25. Argent, three bulls' heads, erased, sable, two and one. Crest — A mermaid, proper, comb, mirror, and fins, or. Seaf— Skeffington Hall, co. Leicester. MILLER, of Glenlee, co. Ayr. 3 March 1788. Sir WILLIAM IMILLER, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 17^9. He is one of the Lords of Session in Scotland, and has taken the title of Lord Glenlee. He married his cousin, Grizel, da. of George Chal- mers, esq., by Grizel, da. of William Miller, esq., and sister to tiir Thomas Miller, the 1st bart., by whom he has issue, 1. THOMAS ; 2. William; 3. Grizel, m., 19 July 1808, William Macdonald, jun., of St. Martin's, advocate; 4. Margaret ; 5. Lockhart. I. Sir THOMAS, 1st bart., was lord pre- sident of the college of justice in North Britain ; and created a bart. as above. He m., 1st, Margaret, eldest da. of John Mur- doch, of Rose Bank, esq., provost of Glas- gow, by whom he had, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Janet, m. John Dunlop, of Camgle, Glasgow, merchant. He m., 2dly, Anne, da. of John Lockhart, of Castle Hill, esq., by whom he had no issue. He d. 1789, and was succeeded by his onlv son, li. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. Arms — See Plate 25. Argent, a cross moline, azure ; in chief a lozenge between two mullets of the last, in base a bar, wavy, vert. Crest — A human hand, couped at the wrist, with the third and fourth fingers folded in the hand, argent. Seat — At Glenlee, Kirkcudbright, North Britain. Matthew Miller, of Glenlee, in the stewartry of Kirdcudbright, esq., (erected into a barony by King Charles II.,) also of Barskiming, co. Ayr, m. Agnes, da. of the rev. William Guthrie, minister of Fenwick, by whom he had issue, 1. John, m. Grizel, da. of sir Hugh Cath- cart, bart., and d. without issue. 2. William. 3. Patrick, an officer in the army, m. mrs. Lucy Webb, and had issue. 4. Martha, m. John Luke. 5. Mary, yn. Robert Bogle, esq. 6. Janet, tn. John Bogle, esq. William, the 2d son, succeeded his bro- ther John, and m. Janet, eldest da. of Thomas Hamilton, esq., by whom he had, 1. John, d. unm. 2. Sir Thomas, 1st bart. 3. Patrick, m. and had issue, 1. Peter; 2. William; 3. Thomas. 4. and 5. Two das. 4. Grizel, m. George Chalmers, esq. 5. Martha, m. John Davison, esq. LAFOREY, of Antigua. 2 Dec. 1789. Sir FRANCIS LAFOREY, Baronet, K.C.B., Admiral of the Blue, succeeded his father, sir John, 14 June 179G ; bom 31 Dec. 17C6, and is unm. John Laforey, esq., (only son and h. of Louis Laforey, of a noble house in Poi- tou, and nephew of the marquis de la Forest, who came into England with king William III.,) was a lieut.-col. in the army, governor of Pendennis Castle, m. Mary, da. and h. of lieut.-general Jasper Clayton, of Femhill, co. Berks, by Juliana, 'da. and co.-h. of sir Nicholas Loftus, of Fethard, in Ireland, uncle of the 1st viscount Ely, of that kingdom. He d. 1753, having had issue by the said Mary, (who rf. about 1741,) 1. Jasper, d. unm. in America, 1754. 2. Sir John, 1st bart. 3. Francis, an officer in the army, slain at the siege of Pondicherry, 1748. 4. Loftus, a lieut. R.N., d. unm.. 1769. .5. Mary, d. unm. I. Sir JOHN, 2d son, entered the naval service, and attained the rank of post-cap- tain, 1758; was appointed commissioner for his majesty's naval ait'airs in the Leeward Islands, 1772, and removed from thence to be resident-commissioner at Plymouth, 1784. He was created a bart. as above, and be- came an admiral of the blue, 1795. He m. Eleanor, only surviving da. of Francis Far- ley, col. of the corps of royal artillery ; a member of tlie council, and one of the judges of the island of Antigua ; by whom (who d. 24 Feb. 1823) he had, 1. Sir Francis, 2d bart. 2. John, b. 17 Sept. 1768, d. young. 3. Juliana, »;. Anthony-James-Pye Mol- loy, esq., capt. R.N. 4. Eleanor, 6. 3 Nov. 1769, d. unm. 11 Jan. 1806. 5. Elizabeth, b. 5 June 1772, d. young. 240 YARDE-BULLER. Sir John d. 14 June 1796, on his voyage from the West Indies, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir FRANCIS, present bart. Anm—See Plate 25. Argent, on a chev- ron, azure, between two fleurs-de-lis, of the second in chief, and in base an anchor, sable, three mullets, or. Crest — A lion rampant, regardant, in his right paw a firebrand, all proper. Motto — Loj/nl a nvyrt. Seat — At Whitby, co. Devon. BULLER, (now YARDE-BULLER,) of Lupton, co. Devon. 13 Jan. 1790. Sir JOHN-BULLER YARDE-BULLER, Baronet, M.P. for the southern division of Devonshire; horn 12 April 1799 ; married^ 24 Jan. 1823, Elizabeth, da. of Thomas-Wilson Patten, of Bank Hall, co. Lan caster, esq., by whom he has issue, BULLER, h. 23 Dec. 1823 ; JOHN-BULLER YARDE- 2. Bertha, h. 9 Jan. 1825. Ralph Duller was, at an early period, seated at Woode, a manorial property in the hundred of South Petherton, in the CO. of Somerset, and was great-grand- father of Nicholas Bullbr, esq., who, by his in- termarriage with Alice, da. and h. of John Beauchamp, of Lillesdon, in the same county, esq., (a younger branch of the ba- ronial house of Beauchamp of Hache,) ac- quired the estate of Lillesdon, which also became the seat of his posterity. John, the son and heir of Nicholas Bul- ler, m. Anne, da. and h. of Nicholas Ched- ington, of Chedington, co. Dorset, esq. and was father of John Duller, esq., who m. Thomazine, da. of Walter Portman, of Orchard, esq., by whom he had issue, John, who died in his father's lifetime, leaving issue by Alice, his wife, da. of John Sydenham, of Brimp- ton, CO. Somerset, Alexander Duller, who was found heir to his grandfather's possessions in 1485. He m., 1st, Anne, da. of Giles, lord Dau- beney, by whom he had issue, John, his son and heir, whose immediate descendants con- tinued seated at Lillesdon down to the reign of James I. ; and 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of sir John Horsey, of Clifton Malbanke, in the CO. of Dorset, knt., by whom he had several children, the eldest of whom, Richard Buller, esq., settled in Corn- wall, where he died in Nov. 1.555, seised of the manors of Shillingham and Trehane, together with other lands: m. Margaret, one of the das. and co-heiresses of Thomas Trethurffe, of Trethurffe, in the county of Com wall, esq., (and cousin, and at length one of the co-heiresses of Edward-Courte- nay, the last earl of Devon, and marquess of Exeter, who died at Padiui in the reign of Philip and Mary, 1550,) by whom he had an only son, Francis Buller, of Shillingham and Tregarrick, esq., m. Thomazine, da. of Tho- mas' Williams, of Stowford, in the county of Devon, esq., speaker of the house of com- mons in the reign of Elizabeth, and d. in 1615, leaving a numerous issue, of whom. Sir Richard Buller, knt., the eldest son, sometime M.P. for the county of Corn- wall, m. Alice, da. of sir Rowland, and co-h. of her brother, sir John Hay ward, of Roch- ester, in the county of Kent, knt., and had issue, Francis Buller, also of Shillingham aforesaid, and of Surbiton, in the county of Surrey, and Ospringe, co. Kent, esq., who m. Thomazine, da. of sir 'J'homas Honey- wood, of Evington, knt., and rf. I()77> hav- ing had issue by Thomazine, his wife, Fran- cis Buller, of Shillingham, esq., whose male descendants became extinct on the death of his grandson, James Buller, esq., sometime M.P. for Cornwall, in 1710, and a younger son, John Buller, of Morval, co. Cornwall, esq., who, upon the death of his great-ne- phew, James Duller, before mentioned, be- came the representative of the family ; m. Anne, da., and at length sole h. of John Code, of Morval, esq., and had issue John, who d. in his father's lifetime, leaving issue, by Mary, his wife, da. and at length co-h. of sir Henry Pollexfen, knt., chief justice of the Common Pleas, an only son, John-Francis Duller, esq., who suc- ceeded to the estates of his grandfather, m., 22 July 1716, Rebecca, da. and at length co-h. of sir Jonathan Trelawny, bart., lord bishop of Winchester, and d. 1751," leaving issue by her, (who d. 1743,) 1. James, father of the 1st bart. 2. Francis, sometime M.P. for West Looe, m. Mary, da. of sir Coplestone-War- wick Dampfylde, of Poltimore, co. Devon, bart., and relict of sir Coventry Carew, of Antony House, co. Cornwall, bart., and d. s.p. 1764. 3. John, sometime M.P. for East Looe, and one of the lords of the treasury, nu, 1st, 3 March 1760, Mary, da. of sir John St. Aubyn, of Clowance, co. Cornwall, bart., by whom he had issue three sons, of whom sir Edward Buller, vice-admiral of the red, was created a baronet 3 Oct. 180!}, and rf. April i;!24, s.p.m., whereby the said honour became extinct, and leaving an only child, Anna-Maria, »(., 1824, colonel James-Drum- mond Klphinstone, who on his marriage, took by royal sign manual the name of Duller before that of Elphinstone. John Buller, eso., »;., 2dly, 4 Nov. 1768, Elizabeth- Caroline, da. of John Hunter, esq., by whom (who d. 17 Jan. 17!)H) he also left issue. 4. William, lord bishop of Exeter, m.. If) April 17()2, Anne, da. and co-h. of John- Thomas, D.D., lord bishoj) of Winchester, and (i. .3 Dec. 17!)6, leaving issue. 5. Rh:iiK((A, ill. vice-admiral Charles Watson, fat her of sir Charles Watson, bart. (i. A.\Ni:, ),i. Reginald I'ole, of Tyward- reth, CO. Cornwall, and Stoke, co. Devon, esq. 7. Mary, w. sir Joseph Copley, of Sprot- borough, CO. York, bart. 8. Elizareth, m. the rev. John Sturges, D.D. James Bitller, esq., the eldest son and h. of John-Francis Buller before mentioned, was sometime M.P. for Cornwall, and' dx 30 April 17()4, having m., 1st, Oct. 173!), Eliza- beth, tla. and at length sole h. of William OAKELEY. 241 Gould, of Downes, co. Devon, esq., by whom (who d. March 1742) he had an only son, 1. James, of Shillingham and Downes, esq., the father of James Buller, now of Shillingham and Downes, sometime M.P. for the city of Exeter, the representative of the elder branch of this familv. He m., 2dly, April 1744, Jane, 3d da. of Allen, 1st earl Bathurst, by whom he had issue, 2. John, who, under his father's will, suc- ceeded to the Morval estate, was M.P. for West Looe, m. Anne, da. of William Le- mon, esq., and sister of sir William Lemon, bart., and d. Dec. 1703, leaving issue by her, John Buller, of Morval, esq., sometime also M.P. for West Looe, and one of the com- missioners of his majesty's customs, his eld- est son and heir, and other children. 3. Sir Francis, 1st bart. 4. Edward, tn. Harriet, da. of John Hos- kyns, esq., and left issue. 5. William; (j. Rebecca, both rf. young. 7. Jane, m. the late sir William Lemon, bart., M.P. co. Cornwall. 8. INlARY, m. James Templer, of Stover Lodge, CO. Devon, esq. 9. Catherine, »;. lieut.-general William Macarmick, both d. L Sir FRANCIS BULLER, the 1st bart., b. 17 March 1745-6, was bred to the law, and in 1778 appointed one of the judges of the court of King's Bench, from which court he afterwards removed to the Common Pleas. He was created a baronet 13 Jan. 1790, m. at the age of seventeen, Susa.ma, da. and sole h. of Francis Yarde, of Churston Ferrers, CO. Devon, esq., by whom (who d. 21 June 1810) he had issue, 1. Edward, 6. 17G5, d. 1782. 2. Sir Francis, 2d bart. 3. 4. Two Das., both d. in their infancy. Sir Francis rf. 3 June 18(X», and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, IL Sir FRANCIS BULLER-YARDE, b. 28 Sept. 17(57, assumed the surname of Yarde, pursuant to the will of his maternal uncle, but subsequently, by royal license, 26 June 18(M>, added to it his original sur- name of Buller, m., 2 June 1791, Eliza- Lydia, only da. and h. of John Holliday, of Lincoln's Inn, and Dilhorne Hall, co. Stafford, esq., and had issue, 1. Susan-Elizabeth, m., 1st, 13 Aug. 1814, George, 16th earl of Morton, K.T., and 2dly, 17 Sept. 1831, Edward Godfrey, esq., of Old Hall, co. Suffolk. 2. Francis, rf. young. 3. Sir John-Bl'ller, present bart. 4. Edward, b. 19 July 1803, w., 12 Aug. 1824, Mary-Anne, da. of the late major-ge- neral Coote Manningham, and had issue, Morton-Edward, b. 7 July 1825. 5. Elizabeth, iDim. Sir Francis-Buller rf. 1834, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir JOHN-BULLER, present and 3d bart. Arms— See Plate 25. Sable on a cross ar- gent, quarterly pierced of the field, four eagles displayed, of the 1st. Crest — A saracen's head, couped, proper. Seats— At Churston Ferrers, and Ottery St. Mary, both co. Devon ; and Lupton House, CO. Devon. OAKELEY, of Shuewsbury, co. Salop. 5 June 1790. Sir HERBERT OAKELEY, Baronet, in Holy Orders, Prebendary of St. Paul's, Dean of Booking, and Vicar of Ealing, co. Middlesex ; born 10 Feb. 1791, succeeded his brother, sir Charles, 30 June 1829; married, 5 June 1826, Atholl Keturah, 2d da. of the right hon. and rev. lord Charles Aynsley, son of the 3d duke of Atholl, and has issue, 1. Charlotte- Mary-Atholl, b, 25 June 1827; 2. CHARLES-WILLIAM- ATHOLL, b. 25 Oct, 1828 ; 3. Herbert.Stanley,/>. 22 July 1830; 4. Henry-Evelyn, b. 23 Nov. 1833. The family of Oakeley was resident at an early period at Oakley, co. Salop. The first of the family of whom there is any au- thentic account is Rowland, b. about the year 1550, rn. Mary, da. of William Crowther, of Betson, CO. Salop, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Richard. 2. Samuel, a merchant in London. 3. John, of Westminster, and of Fawley Court, CO. Bucks. 4. Jeremy, in holy orders, rector of Main- stone or Mindstov/n, co. Salop, and \-icar of Cardington. 5. 6. 7. Three Das. Richard, eldest son and h. of Rowland, m., 1st, Mary, sister of John Combes, of Gray's Inn, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. William; 2. Rowland. .?. 4. .5. 6. 7. Five Das. He in., 2dly, Margaret, da. of Wormall, esq., by whom he had no issue: he was M.P. for Bishop's Castle in 1623, and greatly dis- tinguished for his zeal in the royal cause ; he rf. in 1653, and was succeeded in his estates by his eldest son. William, who was M.P. for Bishop' Castle, 1660 to 1681, and sheriff of Salop 1660, and rf. 28 Jan. 1694, having m., 1st, Mary, 2d da. of Walter Waring, of Old- bury, CO. Salop, esq., by whom (who rf. Sept. 1660) he had no surviving issue ; and 2dly, Barbara, eldest da. of John Walcot, of Walcot, CO. Salop, esq., by whom (who rf. 1724, having w., 2dly, sir William Gresley, bart.) he had issue, 1. Richard, sheriff of Salop 1734, w. Margaret, da. of sir Herbert Croft, of Croft Castle, bart., and rf. 1/38, leaving issue, 1. Richard, who was twice m., but d, s.p. 2. Herbert, in holy orders, rector of Lydham, and vicar of Lydbury, m. Anne, da. of Robert Loder, of Lechlade, and d. 4 May 1778, leaving issue, John Oakley, of Firgrove, near Bishop's Castle, m. and had, besides other issue, Herbert, in holy orders, rector of Lydham, and prebendary of Worcester, who rf. 1829. 2. John, of the Middle Temple, rf. nnm, 3. William, grandfather of the 1st bart., of whom presently. 242 ORDE. 4. Barbara, »n. Thomas Dowries. 5. Elizabeth; 6. Samuel; 7. Charles, all rf. unm. William, 3d son of William, who d. in 1694, was b. 22 Aug. 1684, m. Catharine, da. of Walter Moseley, of the Meer, co. Staftbrd, esq., by whom he had issue, William, in holy orders, rector of For- ton, CO. Stafford, and vicar of Holy Cross, Shrewsbury, »i. Christian, da. and h. of sir Patrick Strahan, knt., by whom he had issue, 1. William, b. Feb. 1750, w. Margaret, dx. and h, of Evan GryflPydd, of Tanybwlch, CO. Merioneth, esq., d. Aug. 1811, leaving an only son, William-Gryffydd. 2. Catharine, unm. a. Sir Charles, 1st bart. I. Sir CHARLES, 1st bart., created as above, b. 16 Feb. 1751, entered the East In- dia Company's civil service in 1766 ; after being employed in vaiious important offices in that country, he returned to England in 1789, and in the following year was appoint- ed governor of Madras, which situation he held until Sept. 1794, when he resigned it, haA'ing received repeated thanks from the governor-general of India, and from the highest authorities in this country : he ni., 19 Oct. 1777, Helena, da. of Robert Beat- son, of Killeric, co. Fife, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Charles, 2d bart. 2. Helena, b. 24 March 1780. 3. Henrietta, b. 21 Jan. 1782, m.. May 1814, John Mott, of the Close, Lichfield, esq. 4. Georgina, b. 19 Feb. 1785, m., 6 Dec. 1804, Roger Kynaston, of Witham Grove, CO. Essex, esq., d. 18 Dec. 1816. 5. Louisa, b. 15 April 1786, w., 26 Nov. 1805, George Reid, jun.,of Watlington Hall, CO. Norfolk, esq. 6. Henry, b. 6 Dec. 1787, judge of the district of Moorshedabad, Bengal, m, Laura, da. of col. Ravier, but d. without issue, 3 May 1826. 7. William, (twin with Henry,) d. an in- fant. 8. Amelia, b. 1 Oct. 1789, m., 12 Jan. 1812, Chappel, only son of dr. John-Chap- pel Woodhouse, dean of Lichfield. 9. Sir Herbert, 3d bart. 10. Emma, b. 2 Sept. 1793, d. an infant. 11. Edward, b. 9 Nov. 1796. 12. William, b. 12 May 1798, m., 25 Oct. 1827, Mary-Maria, only da. of col, sir Ed- ward Miles, knt., C.B. and K.T.S., and rf. 11 Dec. 1834, leaving issue, William-Edward, b. 1 Aug. 1828. 13. Cornwallis, 6. 16 June 1801, d. an infant. 14. Frederick, b. 5 Sept. 1802. Sir Charles d. 7 Sept. 1826, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir CHARLES, 2d bart., b. 25 Sept. 1778, sometime secretary of legation and charge d'affaires successively in Bavaria, Sweden, and the United States, m., 1820, Charlotte-Augusta Ramadier de Lomet, only da. of col. de Lomet, of Meysenbrock, in the Netherlands, and had issue, 1. Helena, b. 1821. 2. Augusta, 6. 1824. 3. Georgina, (posthumous,)?). 6Feb. 1830. Sir Charles rf. at Huy, in the Netherlands, 30 June 1829, and was succeeded by his bro- ther, III. Sir HERBERT, present and 3d bart. Anns — See Plate 25. Argent, on a fesse, between three crescents, gules, as many fleurs-de-lis, or. Cre-it—A dexter arm, embowed, in armour, proper, charged with two fleurs-de-lis, or, each in a crescent, gules ; in the hand a sci- mitar, proper, hilt, or. Motto — Paterni nominis patrimonium. ORDE. 9 Aug. 1790. Sir JOHN-POWLETT ORDE, Baronet, born 9 June 1803, succeeded his father, sir John, 19 Feb. 1824; married, 15 June 1826, Eliza, da. of Peter Campbell, of Kilmorrey, esq., and by her (who d. \3 June 1829) had issue, a SON, b. 23 Feb. 182? ; a Da., b. 3 Feb. 1828; a Da., b. 24 May 1829. Sir John m., 2dly, 14 June 1832, Beatrice-James, youngest da. of James Edwards, of Pall Mall, and of Harrow-on-the-Hill, esq., and has issue, a Da., b. 31 Oct. 1833, d. 1834. The family of Ordfi appears to be of great antiquity, and was long possessed of consi- derable landed estates in the counties of Northumberland and Durham, which, in the latter county, were held in capite, under the bishop, in right of his ])alatinate, espe- cially at and in the neighbourhood of Orde, near Berwick-upon-Tweed. Most of these, in both counties, still remain in the family; and part of them, viz. at Orde, Moreham, Grindon, &c., descended to Ji,/in Ordi;, esq., father of William Orde, est]., of Morpeth and Nunnykirk, co. Northumber- land ; of Thomas, 1st lord Bolton; of sir John Orde, bart., vice-admiral, &c. ; of two das. ; as heir-male of his cousin, Wil- liam Orde esq., of Sandy Bank House, M.P. for Berwick-upon-Tweed. William Orde, of Sandy Bank, left three das.; the eldest ?H., 1st, Henry Ogle, of Cawsey Park, CO. Northumberland, esq. ; and 2dly, sir W. Carr, of Hall House, in the said county, bart. The second >;/., 1st, Thomas Forster, of Atherston, in that coimty, esq.; and, 2dly, Robert Fenwick, of Lemmington, in the same county, esq. The third w. Walter Ket- tleby, of Athold, in the same county, esq. These das. inherited other considerable estates not entailed, viz., Noreham Castle and its demesnes; Sand;/ B«/)/r, &c., which continued m the heirs of mrs. Fenwick, who alone left children. .loiiN OitDK, es(i. (father of sir John Orde) lived chiefly at Morpeth, and acted for many years as a magistrate and deputy-lieut. of the CO. Northumberland, and d. in 1784. He m., 1st, Ann, da. of Edward Ward, of Nunnykirk, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. William, of Morpeth, and of Nunny- kirk, who inherited the family estates, and also those of the Wards, of Nunnykirk, by MALET. 243 his marriage with his cousin, Anne, da. and heiress of William Ward, esq. He jn., 2dly, Anne, da. of R. Marr, of Morpeth, esq., and widow of the rev. Wil- liam Pye, of the same, and by her had, 2. Thomas, created, 20 Oct. 1797. baron Bolton, d. 18U7. leaving William, lord Bol- ton, and other issue. 3. Sir John, 1st bart. 4. Anne. 5. Mary, m. Robert Lisle, of Acton House, CO. Northumberland, esq., and rf. 17!)0. I. Sir JOHN, b. 1751, entered the navy in 1772, and attained to the rank of post-cap- tain 1778, and subsequently to that of admi- ral of the red. In 1783 he was appointed governor of Dominica, and was created a barU as above; nu, 1st, 1780, Margaret, da. and co-h. of Richard Stephens, of St. He- lena, in South Carolina, esq., by whom (who rf. 13 Sept. 17.')0) he had, 1. John, rf. an infant. He m., 2dly, Jane, eldest da. of John Frere, of Finningham, co. Suffolk, esq., by whom (who rf. Hi Sept. 1829) he had, 2. Sir JoHN-PowLETT, present bart. 3. Anna-Maria-Fenn, b. 23 May 1806. Sir John rf. 19 Feb. 1824, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir JOHN-POWLETT, 2d and pre- sent bart. Arms — See Plate 25. Sable, three salmons, haurient, in fesse, argent. Crest— \\\ elk's head, or, charged with a collar invecked, sable. Seat— At Bognor, co. Sussex. MALET, of PooNAH, in the East Indies. 24 Feb. 1791. Sir ALEXANDER MALET, Baronet, horn 23 July 1800, succeeded his father, sir Charles-Warre, 24 Jan. 1815 ; married^ 22 Dec. 1834, Mary- Anne- Dora, da. of John Spalding, of the Holm, esq., by Mary-Anne, his wife, now lady Brougham and Vaux. The family of Malet is one of the most ancient in the kingdom, as it derives its ori- tin from William Malet, who came into Ingland with William the Conqueror. The elder branch were barons by tenure; and William Malet, lord of Cory Malet, co. So- merset, was one of the celebrated twenty- five barons appointed to enforce the ob- servance of Magna Charta; he rf. with- out male issue, and his immense possessions were divided between his two daughters and co-heiresses, Mabel, m. Hugh de Vivonia or Fortibus, and Halewise, m. sir Hugh Pointz. A younger branch was seated at the same time at Enmore, co. Somerset. Thomas Malet, of Enmore, teynp. Henry VII., left two sons, William, who continued the line at Enmore, which estate was at length conveyed to Wilmot, earl of Roches- ter, by his marriage with Elizabeth Malet ; and Baldwin, who was solicitor-general fe»"/>. Henry VIII., and settled at St. Audries, co. Somerset : he had issue four sons, Michael, the eldest, continued the line at St. Audries; John, the second, m. Alice, da. of Anthony Monke, of Potheridge, co. Devon, and was grandfather of Sir Thomas Malet, who was knighted and made a judge of the King's Bench by Charles I., in whose service he lost a son, was himself imprisoned two years in the Tower, and sustained great injury to his property. After the Restoration he sat as judge on the trial of the regicides ; and in consideration of his inflexible loyalty and severe sufferings, was distinguished by Charles II. with the grant of a pension of £1000 per annum; and a warrant for a pa- tent (vide Kimher and Johnson's Barimetage, vol. iii. p. 322) of baronetage, dated 1G()3, under the royal sign manual, now in the pos- session of his descendant; but dying soon after, at the age of 83, the patent never pas.?ed. Sir Thomas m. Jane, da. of Francis Mills, of Southampton, and had issue, be- sides other children, a son and heir. Sir John, knighted IGW, m. Florentia, da. of John Wyndham, of Orchard, co. Somerset, esq., and had issue a son and heir, Baldwin, who d. 1724, having m., 1st, , da. of sir George Horner, of Mells, CO. Somerset, by whom he had several chil- dren, who all rf. s.p. ; 2dly, Anne, da. of John Harbin, of London, by whom he had, John, Francis, Anne, and Jane, who all d. unm,', and Alexander, 3d son, in holy orders, rec- tor of Comb-Flory, co. Somerset, and of Maiden- Newton, cb. Dorset, and prebendary of Gloucester and Wells; b. 17(4, m. Anne, da. of Lawrence St. Lo, D.D., rector of Pulham and Stoke-Gaylard, co. Dorset, and rf. 19 Nov, 1775, leaving issue by her, 1. Sir Charles, 1st bart. 2. Alexander, b. 21 Nov. 1756, m. at Barbadoes, 4 April I788, Alice, da. of Na- thaniel Lucas, of Bridge-town, Barbadoes, and rf. s.p. 3. Margaret, rf. unm. 4. Catherine, m., 18 Dec. 1780, William Dansey, of Brinsop Court, co. Hereford, esq., col.49thregimentof foot, and isdeceased. 5. Elizabeth, m., 30 Dec. 1773, Thomas Charter, of Bishop's Lideard, co. Somerset, esq., and is deceased. t). Anne. I. Sir CHARLES-WARRE MALET, F.R.S. and F.S.A., the 19th in lineal descent from William Malet, who first settled in England with William the Conqueror, was created a bart. as above. Sir Charles en- tered into the service of the East India Com- pany, and held several offices of great trust and responsibility. In 1785 he was appointed plenipotentiary to the court of the Peishwa of the Mahrattas; previous to which he had visited the Great Mogul, and been created one of the nobles of his empire : left Bom- bay, Feb. 1798, in which place he had been acting-governor, and reached England in July of the same year, bringing over the first testimonials of personal attachment and respect that had ever been transmitted direct from the Peishwa to the king and the East India Company, consisting of jewels and rich cloths, the produce and manufac- ture of that country ,'which his majesty was pleased graciously to receive. He »?»., 17 Sept. 1799, Susannah, eldest da. of mr. James Wales, and had issue, M 2 244 KENNAWAY.— LUSHINGTON. 1. Sir Alexander, present bart. 2. Charles-St.-Lo, in the army. 3. William-Wyndham, in the" civil ser- vice of the East India Company at Bombay. 4. Geop.ge-Grenville, in the military service of the East Inda Company. 5. Arthur, in the civil service of the East India Company at Bombay. 6. HuciH-PoYNTz, in the civil service of the East India Company. 7. Octavius-Warre, in the civil service of the East India Company. 0. Alfred-Augustus. Sir Charles-Warre d. 24 Jan. 1815, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, II. Sir ALEXANDER, present bart Arms — See Plate 26. Azure, three escal- lops, or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a grif- fin's head, ermine. Motto — Ma f wee (fen hcnit. Seat — Wilbury House, Amesbury, Wilts. KENNAWAY, of Hydrabad, in the East Indies. 25 Feb. 1791. Sir JOHN KENNAWAY, Baronet, born 1758, entered into the service of the East India Company in 1772, as a Cadet ; and, after serving through the whole war against Hyder Ali, in the years 1701, 82, and 83, was appointed Aide-de-Camp to Charles, marquess CornwalHs, K.Gr. In 1788 he was appointed Resident at the Court of the Nizam, with whom, on the breaking out of the war with Tippoo Sultaum in 1790, he conckided a treaty of alHance, for which service he was advanced to the dignity of the Bai-onetage. Under the auspices of the marquess Cornwallis, he conducted, in 1792, the negotiations for, and conchided the preliminary and definitive treaties of peace between the aUied powers and Tippoo, by which half the dominions of the latter were ceded, and £3,300,000 paid to the allies. In 1796 the East India Company settled on him an annuity of £500. He returned to England 1794, and, Feb. 1797, married Charlotte, 2d da. of James Amyatt, esq., (formerly member for Totness, and 1784, 1790, 1796, and 1802, for Southampton.) by whom he has issue, 1. JOHN, «i., 28 April 1831, Emily- Frances, da. of Thomas Kingscote, of Kingscote Park, CO. Gloucester, esq. ; 2. Charles-Edward, in holy orders, w., 17 June 1830, Emma, 4th da. of the hon. and rev. Gerard Noel; 3. Lawrence, of the Bengal civil service, d. at Allahabad, 8 April 1822 ; 4. William-Richard, to., I7 IMay 1831, Eliza, da. of George-Poyntz Ricketts, esq., Bengal civil service; 5. Charlotte-Eliza, w., 13 Jan. 1835, George Templer, of Whitehill, co. Devon, esq. ; 6. Maria; 7. Frances; 8. Augusta; 9. Susan. William Kennaway, of Kingsbridge, CO. Devon, merchant, (son of Robert Ken- naway, of Kennaway, co. Fife,) m. Joyce, da. of mr. Bastard, of Greston, and rf. 1710, leaving a son and heir, William, of Exeter, merchant, h. W.)2, W.Joan, da. of Robert Abraham, of Gur- rington, co. Devon, and d. 17(3!*, havhig had issue, Robert ; Abraham, of Exeter, mer- chant, m. and had issue ; ElirMbeth ; and William Kennaway, (father of the pre- sent bart.,) b. 1717j »«•> 1750. Frances, da. of Aaron Tozer, of Exeter, and d. ITSd, leaving issue by her, who d. 9 Aug. 178!t, 1. William. 2. Richard, some time member of the Board of Trade at Calcutta, d. 1!W2. 3. Sir John, present bart. 4. Robert, d. July 1829. 5. Thomas, m., 1788, Anne, da. of Tho- mas Glasse, and had issue. (). Frances. 7' Susan, m. the rev. Robert-Palk Wel- land. Arms— See Plate 26. Argent, a fess, azure, between two eagles displayed, in chief, gules, and in base, through an annulet of the third, a slip of olive, and another of palm, in saltire, proper. Crest — An eagle rising, proper, from the beak an escutcheon, p- lulant, azure, charged with the sun in splendor, pr()i)cr. Heside>ice — At Escott, near Ottery St. Mary, eo. Devon. LUSHINGTON, of Soijth-Hill Park, co. Berks. 2G April 1791. Sir HENRY LUSHINGTON, Baronet, some time Consul-General at Naples, horn 27 Oct. 1775, succeeded his father, sir Stephen, 12 Jan. 1807; married., 8 April 1799, Fanny- I\l aria, eldest da. of IMatthew Lewis, of the War Office, esq., and has issue, 1. JMaria, />. \G July 1800; 2. Louisa, b. 31 July 1801, w., 8 April 182G, sir Charles Burrard, bart.; 3. HENRY, b. 10 Oct. 1802; 4. Stephen, 0. 12 Dec. 1803; JAMES. 245 5. Charles, h. 29 Nor. 1805; 6. Sophia, h. 26 Nov. 1806; 7. Matthew, 6. 5 Oct. 1808; 8. Fraxklin, b. 20 April 1811; 9. a Son, b. 1 Nov. 1815 ; 10. Esiily, d. 12 March 1822. Thomas Lushington, of Sittingboume, CO. Kent, (son of Augustine Lushington, or Lessenden, of the same place,) was 6. 1628, and d. 13 Oct. 1688, having m. Anne, da. of Stephen Toralvn, of Chillon, by whom (who d. 11 March 1678, on the birth of three children) he had a numerous family, of whom, Stephen', 4th son, (but only one who left issue,) was 6. 1675j '"•, 1st, Catherine, only da. of Benjamin Godfrey, esq., by whom (who d. 28 Aug. 17(Hi) he had an only son, 1. Thomas-Godfrey, twice m., and d. 1757, lea\-ing issue by his 1st wife, Dorothy, da. of John Gisbume, besides other children, a son, the rev. James-Stephen Lushington, sometime vicar of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and prebendary of Carlisle, m., 1st, Mary, da. of Edmund Law, bishop of Carlisle, arid sister of the 1st lord EUenborough ; 2dly, Mary, da. of the rev. Humphrey Christian, and left issue by both. Stephen m., '2dly, Jane, da. of Pet- ley, and widow of Edmund Fowler, esq., by whom (who ??)., 3dly, John Xicoll) he had, 2. Stephen, who d. without issue. 3. Hexry, of whom hereafter. 4. Franklix, capt. of the Burford man- of-war, killed at the siege of La Guyra, 19 Feb. 1743. 5. William, col. in the army, nu Jane, da. of col. William Southwall, of Ireland, by whom he had issue. 6. Jane, m. John Perry, D.D., rector of Ash, CO. Kent. 7- Catharixe, m. Roger Altham, esq., barri5ter-at-law. 8. Jaxe, d. an infant. Stephen Lushington, esq., d. 4 March 17I8. The rev. Hexrv, D.D., 2d son of Stephen by the 2d wife, was vicar of East-Bourne, arid m., 1st, Mary, da. of Roger Altham, D.D., archdeacon of Middlesex, by whom he had, 1. Henry, who was massacred by Cossim Ali Kawn, at Patna, in the East Indies. 2. Matthew, d. a minor unm. 1754. 3. Sir Stephen, 1st bart. 4. William, of Marks Hall, Essex, some- time IM.P. for the city of London, m. Pau- lina, only child of Thomas French, esq., by whom he' had issue. 5. Maria, h. ^) March 1742, m. John Tilson, of Watlington Park, co. Oxon. 6. Charlotte, b. 9 July 1745, m. Ralph Leycester, of Toft, co. Chester, esq. 7. Catharine, d. an infant. 8. Jane, b. 14 Dec. 1739, m. the rev. Thomas Altham, LL.D., vicar of Latton. Dr. Henry Lushington nu, 2dly, Mary, da. of Nicholas Gilbert, by whom he had no issue. He d. 13 Jan. 1779. I. Sir STEPHEN, the 3d son, was created a bart. 26 April 1791, b. 17 June 1744, was many years a director of the East India Company, and more than once filled the chair'; m,, 6 June 1771j Hester, da. of John Boldero, of Aspenden Hall, co. Herts, esq., by whom (who d. 6 Dec. 183(») he had, I. Henry ; 2. Stephen, both d. infants. 3. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 4. Stephen, b. 14 Jan. 1782. 5. Charles, b. 14 April 1785. 6. Mary, b. 14 May 1772. 7. Hester, b. 29 April 1773, m. Thomas Butler, of Berry Lodge, Hambledon, co. Hants, esq. 8. Sophia, b. 15 June 1778, m., 20 Sept. 18(H), general Onslow, son of Middleton Onslov/, esq. 9. Amelia, b. 6 Aug. 1780. 10. Caromne, b. 11 April 1790. Sir Stephen d. 12 Jan. 1807j and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, II. Sir" HENRY, present bart Arms — See Plate 26. Or, on a fess wavy, between three lions' heads, erased, vert, as many ermine spots, or. Crest — A lion's head, erased, vert, charged on the erasure with three ermine spots, or : ducally gorged, argent. JAMES, of Langley Hall, co. Berks. 28 July 1791. Sir WALTER JAMES, Baronet, born 3 June 1816, succeeded hi; grandfather, sir Walter- James James, 8 Oct. 1829. Richard Head, of Langley Park, co. Berks, left issue a son, Richard, and ada., Elizabeth, who m. John James, of Denford, in the same county, esq., who, on his de- cease, left his estates to his great-nephews, William and Walter Head, hereafter named, on condition of their taking of the name and arms of James only. Richard Head, son of the above Rich- ard, m. Elizabeth, da. of John Wallis, of Soundness House, co. Oxford, esq., (only son and heir of the learned dr. John Wallis, Savilian Professor in the university of Ox- ford, and one of the most celebrated mathe- maticians T>f his time,) and by her had, be- sides other issue, sir Thomas, grandfather of the present baronet, and Richard, who ?>?. and left issue an only child and heiress, Har- riott, m. the rev. Morgan Graves, of Red- grave, CO. Suffolk. Sir Thomas Head, eldest son of Richard and Elizabeth Wallis, was high sheriff of Berks 1744, and knighted the same vear ; >n., 1750, Jane, sister to Marv, countess of Haddington, and da. of Rowland Holt, esq., of Redgrave Hall, co. Suffolk, nephew and heir to the right hon. sir John Holt, knt., lord chief justice of the Court of King's Bench, by whom he had issue, 1. William, who, in 1772, became sole heir to his great-uncle, John James, esq., of Denford Court, and, in compliance with the will of the said John James, esq., as- sumed the name and arms of James only, by act of parliament ; he d. mim. 2. Sir Walter-James, the 1st and pre- sent bart. 3. Jane, m. George Osbaldeston, esq., of 246 ERSKINE. Hutton Bushell, co. York, M.P. for Scar- borough ; she r/. 19 Feb. 1821. I. SirWALTER-JAMES, 2d, but only sur- viving son, was created a bart. as above, and took the name and arms of James only, by act of parliament, 1778, on succeeding (by the death of his elder brother, num.) to the es- tates of his great-uncle, John James, of Denford, esq. ; m., 25 April 1780, Jane, youngest da. of Charles, 1st earl Camden, and sister to the present marquess Camden, K.G., by whom (who d. 1 Sept. 1825) he had issue, 1. Francis, capt. in the 81st regt. of foot, who d. of the wounds he received at the siege of Badajos, 14 April 1812. 2. John, secretary of embassy, and mi- nister plenipotentiary at the court of the Netherlands, m., 29 June 1814, his 1st cou- sin, lady Emily-Jane Stewart, da. of Ro- bert, 1st marquess of Londonderry ; he d. at Dublin, 4 June 1818, leaving issue by her ladyship (who re-w., 11 Dec. 1821, major- general sir Henry Hardinge, K.C.B.) an only son, Sir Walter, present bart. 3. Jane, m., 1803, John Trower, esq., of Berkeley Square, and is since d. 4. Mary-Anne, m. lieut.-gen. sir John Byng, K.C.B. , cousin to viscount Torring- ton. 5. Frances, m., 4 June 1823, Horatio Davis, esq., only son of the late sir John Davis, knt. 6. Charlotte-Elizabeth, m., 29 July 1817. Francis-Frederick de Lerber, a mem- ber of the Sovereign Council of the Republic of Berne, and d. at Geneva, 2 June 1820. Sir Walter-James d. 8 Oct. 1829, and was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir WALTER, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 26. Gules, a dolphin naiant, in fesse, or. Crest— An ostrich, proper, beaked, and legged, or. Motto — J'aime ajamuM. Seat — At Langley Hall, near Newbury, CO. Berks. ERSKINE, of ToRRiE, co. Fife. 28 July 1791. Sir JOHN-DRUMMOND ERSKINE, Baronet, succeeded his brother, John Erskine, earl of Mar, high trea- surer of Scotland, son to the regent, m., 1st, Anne, da. to the earl of Perth, and had 1 son, by whom the line of Mar was con- tinued. He »?., 2dly, lady Mary Stewart, da. and sole heiress to Esme, duke of Len- nox, by whom he had 7 sons and 4 das. ; James, the eldest, m. lady Mary Douglas, countess of Buchan, and in her right be- came earl of Buchan, with remainder to his heirs male whatever. Henry, the second son, was created lord Cardross, during his father's lifetime : he m. Margaret, da. of sir James Ballandon, and sister of the first lord Ballandon, and died 1636, leaving an only son, David, his successor, m., 1st, Anne, da. of sir Thomas Hope, of Craig Hall, by whom he had, 1. Henry, col. of dragoons, whose son, David, became earl of Buchan, and was ancestor of the present earl. He m., 2dly, Mary, da. of sir George Bruce, of Carnock, (who was descended from king Robert Bruce,) and sister of Edward and Alexander, earls of Kincar- dine, by whom he had, 2. Alexander, d. young. 3. William. 4. John, a col. of foot; he was a very eminent person, and much attached to the cause of religion and civil liberty : he was in great favour with king William, who ap- pointed him governor of Stirling and Dum- barton castles, and was i)rincipal manager of the Scots' East India and African com- pany. 5. Charles, a capt. of foot, killed at the battle of Steinkirk, 24 July 16;»2. 6. Veronica; 7. Magdalene. 8. Mary. David, lord Cardross, d. 1671. William Erskine, of Torrie, co. Fife, 2d son to David, lord Cardross, was a co- lonel in the army : he served in the cavalry with distinguished reputation, and was ap- pointed deputy-governor of Blackness cas- tle; he m. Magdalene, da. to sir James Lumsdane, of Innergelly, co. Fife, major- general in the service of Gustavus-Adol- phus, king of Sweden, and had issue two sons, William and James, the latter of whom was capt. in the Greys, and lost his life on service in Flanders. William, the eldest, who succeeded his father, was a col. in the army, and lieut,- col. of the 7th light dragoons, which regt. he commanded during the Flanders war, and was severely wounded at the battle of Fontenoy, from which he never reco\'ered; he m. Henrietta, da. and co-h. to William Baillie, of Lamington, by lady Henrietta Lindsay, eldest da. to William, the 15th earl of Crawford, and d. 1754, by whom (who rf. 1753) he had issue, 1. Sir William, 1st bart. 2. Margaret. 3. Henrietta, m, Stirling, of Keir, esq. I. Sir WILLIAM, who succeeded his father, entered the army at an early period. He served in various parts of the world for the period of half a century, seventeen years of which were employed in the most active campaigns, having served in the Flanders, German, and American wars, and that of the French revolution. After the war of Germany he laid at the king's feet 16 stand of colours, taken by the regiment which he commanded (tlie 15th light dragoons) alone ; upon which occasion, his majesty was gra- ciously pleased to confer on him the ho- nour of knighthood. He was created a bart., as above, 28 July 1791. He attained the rank of lieut.-gen. in the army, and col. of the 26th regt. of foot; but his most distinguished services were with the ca- valry. He had received his majesty's com- mission to i)rocced to Ireland, to take upon liiniself the command of the troops in that kingdom, and was preparing to depart, when he d. after a short illness, in the 68th year of his age. He w., 1st, Magdalene, only child of sir Robert Myrton, of Gogar, by whom he had one child, who d. in in- fancy. He m,, 2dly, Frances, da. of James MARTIN, 247 Moray, of Abercaimev, by Christian, his wife, da. of Alexander, earl of Eglinton < James Moray was chief of that name, and descended from the earls of Strathern). By this second marriage he had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Sir James, 3d bart. 3. Sir John'-Drcmmoxd, 4th bart. 4. Frances, m. lieut.-gen. William We- myss, of Wemyss Castle. 5. Christian-, who d. young. 6. Henrietta, d. unm. 7. Elizabeth, m. her cousin, James Mo- ray, of Abercaimey, esq. 8. Magdalene.' Sir William d. April 1795, and was suc- ceeded in his title and estates by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, lieut.-gen. of cavalry, who served in the war of the French re- volution, in the expedition to Flushing, and three years in Spain and Portugal. He was much" distinguished by a quickness of apprehension and precision of judgment on most subjects, but particularly on mi- litary matters. He was intrusi«2d with the command of the advanced guard in the pursuit of the French from the lines of Lisbon, in which he acquitted himself to the high satisfaction of the commander of the forces; and after enduring the most fatiguing operations of the campaign in 1812, he was seized with a pleurisy, termi- nating in a fever, of which he d. at Brozas, in Spain, 13 Feb. 1813, being at that time in command of the British cavalry, umn., and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir JAMES, 2d bart., lieut.-gen. in the army, m. lady Louisa Paget, 3d da. of Henry, 1st earl of Uxbridge, and sister to the marquess of Anglesey, K.G., butd. with- out issue, 3 March 1825, and was succeeded bv his brother, "IV. Sir JOHN-DRUMMOND, present bart. Arms— See Plate 26. Argent on a pale sable, three cross crosslets, fitch^, or, the whole within a bordure azure, charged with ten mullets of the third. Crest— A cubit arm erect, in armour, proper, grasping a sword, argent, hilted, or. Seat— At Torrie, near Alloa, co. Fife. MARTIN, of LocKYNGE, CO. Berks. 28 July 1791. Sir HENRY-WILLIAM MARTIN, Baronet, born 20 Dec. 1768, succeeded his father, sir Henry, 1 Aug. 1794; married, 23 June 1792, Catharine, da. of Thomas Powell, of the Chesants, Tottenham, co. Middle- sex, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Henry, who d. young; 2. HENRY, 6. 3 Oct. 1801, m., 8 March 1825, Catharine, da. of admiral sir Thomas-Byara Martin, K.C.B. ; 3. Cathartne-Elizabeth, 0. 19 Feb. 1808. Samuel Martin, of Green Castle, (son of Samuel Martin, co. Dublin,) 5th in de- scent from Josiah Martin, also of co. Dub- lin, m. Lydia, da. of col. George Thomas, of Antigua, and aunt of sir George Thomas, bart., and by her (who m., 2dly, Edward Byam,esq., governor of the Leeward Islands) had issue, 1. Samcel, of whom presently. 2. JosiAH, of Long Island, near New York, rn. Mary Yeamans, of Antigua, and had issue, 1. Samuel. 2. Charles- Yeamans, m,, but d. s.p. 3. William. 4. Elizabeth, m. her cousin, Josiah Martin, governor of North Carolina, 5. Alice. 6. Rachael, m. mr. Bannister, of Long Island. 3. William, of London, M.D., m. and left a son, William. Samuel Martin, (eldest son of Samuel and Lydia Thomas,) was of Antigua, tn., 1st, Frances, da. of John Yeamans, attorney- general of Antigua, and by her had issue, 1. Samuel, manv years joint-secretary to the Treasury, and treasurer to the prin- cess dowager of Wales; M.P. for Camelford 1747 to 1768, and for Hastings 17(iB to 1774, d. unnu Nov. 1789. 2. Henrietta, w. John- Austen Fitz- gerald, esq., a col. in the Dutch service, and d. 15 April 1787- He m., 2dly, Sarah, da. of Edward Wyke, lieut.-gov. of Montserrat, and relict of Wil- liam Irish, esq., of Montserrat, and by her (who d. Aug. 1748) had issue, 3. Sir Henry, 1st bart. 4. Josiah, col. in the army, and governor of North Carolina 177<'. d- 13 April 1786, ha^'ing ?h. his cousin, Elizabeth, da. of Jo- siah Martin, esq., of Long Island, and leav- ing issue, 1. Josiah-Henry, who d. in India 1799j tinm. 2. Mary-Elizabeth ; 3. Sarah ; 4. Alice. 5. William-Byam, of White Knights, CO. Berks, m. Charlotte, da. of col. Yorke, of the royal artillery, and had issue, 1. Samuel, col. in the 1st guards, killed at St. Sebastian, 1814. 2. William-Byam, sometime governor of Amboyna. 3. Henry-Yorke, d. in the East Indies, 1803. Samuel IMartin, esq., d. Nov. 17/6, aged 85. I. Sir HENRY, 1st bart., so created as above, sometime commissioner of the navy at Portsmouth, afterwards comptroller of the navv, b. 29 Aug. 1735, m., 26 Nov. 176I, Ehzabeth, da. of Harding Parker, of Kil- brook, CO. Cork, esq., and widow of St. Leger-Haward Gillman, of Gillmanville, CO. Cork, esq., and by her (who d. (i March 1808) had issue, 1. Samuel, d. voting. 2. Sir Henry-William, present bart. 3. Josiah, collector of the customs at Antigua. 4. Sir Thomas-By-am, admiral of the blue, K.C.B. and K.S., late comptroller of the navy, m. and has issue. 5. Eliza-Anne; 6. Sarah-Catherine. 248 BOUGHTON.— CALL DUCKETT. 7. Judith-Anne, m., 2 July 1809, John- Pollexfen Bastard, of Kitley, co, Devon, esq. 8. Lydja. Sir Henry d. 1 Aug. 17D4, and was succeed- ed by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir HENRV-WILLIAM, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 26. Gules, on a chev- ron, between three crescents, argent, an anchor, with a piece of cable, proper. Crest — On a wreath, a dexter hand brand- ishing a sabre, trenchant, proper, hilt and pommel, or. Motto to the crest — Pro pa' trid. Motto — AuxUium ah alto. Seat— At Lockynge Park, Wantage, co. Btrks. BOUGHTON, of Rouse-Lench, co. Worcester, and DowNTON Hall, co. Salop. 28 July I7OL (See Bought ON, of Lawford, 4 Aug. 1641.) CALL, of Whiteford, Cornwall. 28 July 1791. Sir WILLIAM-PRATT CALL, Baronet, bom Nov. 1781, succeeded his father, sir John, 1 March 1801 ; married, 19 June 1806, lady Louisa- Georgiana Forhes, da. of George, 5th earl of Granai-d, (by Georgiana-Au- gusta, da. of Augustus, 4th earl of Berkeley,) and by her (who d. 25 Jan. 1830) had issue, 1. Phillida; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Georgi- ana-Mary; 4. WILLIAM-BERKELEY, b. 10 May 1815; 5. a Da., b. March 1817- I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., created as above, was the eldest son of John Call, of Laun- cells, in the north of Cornwall, by Jane Mill. Sir John went to India 1750, where he was very eminent as a military engineer, and in 17G8 he held the offices of commis- sary-gen., military storekeeper, and accompt- ant-general of the revenues and expenses under the presidency of Madras. He re- turned to England 1770 : in 1786 he was ap- pointed one of the commissioners of the crown lands ; 1784, 17^0, and 1796, he was elected member for Callington. He m., 28 March 1772, Philadelphia, da. and co-h. of William Battle, M.D., and by her (whod. 29 Sept. 1822) had issue, 1. Sir William-Pratt, present bart. 2. George-Cotsford. 3. Phillida, m., 25 May 1805, Benjamin Bathurst, esq., (son of Henry, lord bishop of Norwich,) sometime secretary of legation at the court of Stockholm, 1805; and also minister-plenipotentiary to the court of \ i- enna, 1809. 4. Louisa-Anne, m., 4 Aug. 1801, Mat- thew, present and 4th baron Aylmer, in the peerage of Ireland. 5. Frances, m., 10 June 1806, Charles, son of sir William Cunningham, of Robert- land, bart. 6. Catharine, m., 1st, 4 Oct. 1804, col. Henry M'Kinnon, 2d regt. of foot guards, who was killed at the battle of Ciudad Rod- rigo, in Spain ; and, 2dly, 17 March 1814, Andrew-Redmond Prior, esq. Sir John d. 1 March 1801, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM-PRATT, present bart. Arins—See Plate 26. Gules, three trum- pets, fesswise, in pale, argent. Crest— A demi-lion, rampant, holding a trumpet in his paw, as in the arms. Motto — Qratd manu. Seat— At Whiteford House, Callington, CO. Cornwall. JACKSON, (now DUCKETT,) of Hartham House, co. Wilts. 28 July 1791. Sir GEORGE DUCKETT, Baronet, F.R. and A.S., Lieut.-Col. of the West Essex MiHtia, born 1777, succeeded his father, sir George, 15 Dec. 1822; married, 17 July 1810, miss Isabella Floyd, and has issue, 1. GEORGE-FLOYD, b. 27 March 1811 ; 2. Isabella, b. 8 June 1813. George Jackson, of Richmond, co. York, esq., (who d. 1758,) m. Hannah, da. of William Ward, esq., by whom (who (/. 1769) he had issue, 1. William, rf. Mww?. 2. Edward, drowned at sea, unm. 3. SirGEoiujE, 1st bart. 4. Rali'h, of Normanby, co. York, ?n. Mary, da. of Richard Lewin, of Eltham, co. Kent, est}., and d. 17«9, leaving a son, Wil- liam-Ward-Jackson, m. find had issue. 5. Rachakl, m. William Wilson, of Ay- ton, CO. York, esq. 6. Dorothy, w. Jeffery Jackson, of Woodford Bridge, co. Essex, esq. I. Sir GEORGE, 2d, but eldest surviving POLE.— VAUGHAN. 249 son, created a bart. as above, was of Har- tham House, co. Wilts, judge-advocate of the royal navvj took the name and arms of DucKETT, ifuy, pursuant to the will of Thomas Duckett, of Hartham, co. Wilts, esq., maternal uncle to his 2d wife, m., 1st, INIary, da. of William Ward, his uncle, by whom he had issue, 1. 2. 3. Soxs, who allrf. young. 4. Marv, >n., 1st, general Mathews, and, 2dly, Richard Church, esq., late of the su- preme council of Bombay. 5. Catherine, m. Francis Longe, of Spixworth Park, co. Norfolk, esq. G. Elizabeth, m. Thomas-French Ber- ney, of Bracon House, co. Norfolk. He m., 2dly, Grace, da. and h. of Gwyn Goldstone, of London, merchant, by Grace, da. and at length co-h. of George Duckett, of Hartham House, and relict of Robert Neale, of Shaw House, co. Wilts, esq., by whom he had issue, 7. Sir George, present bart. 8. Esther, rf. unm. 1798. Sir George Duckett rf. 15 Dec. 1822, and was succeeded bv his onlv son, n. Sir GEORGE.'present bart. Anm—See Plate 2(j. Sable, a saltire, ar- gent, being the arms of Duckett. The arms of Jackson are azure, a fesse erminois, between three sheldrakes proper. Crest— A garb of lavender, vert. Motto — Je veux le droit, &ea^5— AtRoydon,co. Essex, and Hartham House, CO. Wilts. POLE, of WOLVERTON, CO. Hatits. 28 July 179L Sir PETER POLE, Baronet, lor7i 20 Oct. 1770, succeeded his father, sir Charles, 10 June 1813; married., 24 Dec. 1798, Anna-Guilherlmina, eldest da. of Richard Buller, esq., and has issue, 1. Axna, b. 7 Dec. 1799, d. 3 Sept. 1822 ; 2. PETER, b. 11 Feb. 1801, w., 28 July 1825, lady Louisa Pery, 4th da. of Edmund-Henry, earl of Limerick, and has issue, Cecil- Charles, b. Dec. 1829; Alice-Louisa-Chatidos^ b. Jan. 1832; Margaret-Caroline-Chandos, b. June 1834; 3. Richard, in holy orders, h. 21 Jan. 1802; 4. Samuel, b. 28 Dec. 1802, in the army; 5. Amelia, d. 9 June 1818 ; G. Edward, b. 26 Aug. 1805, in the army ; 7- Matilda, b. 1 Jan. 1807 ; 8. Wilhelmina, b. 27 April I860, VI., 19 Jan. 1832, Thomas-Eaton Swettenham, esq.; 9. Maria, Z/. 9 May 1811, m., 19 Jan. 1832, Edward, earl of Winterton. Peter Van Notten, of Nemwegen, in Guelderland, m., 10 July 16.37, Maria-Jante Vander-Stengh, by whom he had Laimbert- Van-Notten, nu Amelia, da. of Nicholas Arnouds, by whom he had Abraham, h. at the Hague, m. Susannah, da. of Braine, originally of Braine le Compte, in Flanders, by whom he had a son, Charles- Van-Notten, h. at Amsterdam, "Nov. 1702, settled in London about 1/20, and d. 1 March 1750-1 ; m. Susannah, da. of David Bosanquet, of London, merchant, (who rf. 2 April 1774,) by whom he had se- veral children, who rf. young; a da. m. the rev. Vickars; and a son, I. Sir CHARLES-VAN-NOTTEN, took the name and arms of Pole by royal sign manual, 7 March 1787, created a bart. 28 July 1791, to him and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Susannah Pole, his da., and her issue male; m., 1769, Milli- cent, eldest da., by the 2d wife, of Charles Pole, of Holcroft, co. Lancaster, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Peter, present bart. 2. Charles, m., Felizarda - Matilda, 2d da. of Richard Buller, esq., and has issue, (.: sons and 2 das. 3. Abraham. 4. Henry, in holy orders, m., 19 July 1814, Anne, 2d da. of John Blagrave, of Cal- cott Place, CO. Berks, esq., and has issue, I son and 3 das. 5. Susannah, m. Isaac Minet, of Bald- wyns, CO. Kent, esq. Sir Charles rf. 18 June 1813, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IL Sir PETER, present bart. Arms — See Plate 26. Argent, a chevron, between three crescents, gules ; a mullet, for difference. Crest— An eagle rising, proper, charged on the breast with a mullet, azure. Seo^— Wolverton Park, co. Hants. VAUGHAN, of Nannau and Hengwrst, co. Merioneth. 28 July 1791. Sir ROBERT-WILLIAMES VAUGHAN, Baronet, M.P. co. Me- rioneth since the year 1792, succeeded his father, sir Robie'rt-Howell, 179C ; married, Sept. 1801, Anna-Maria, da. of the late sir Roger, and sister and co-h. of sir Thomas Mostyn, of ^lostyn, co. Flint, the last bart., and has issue, ROBERT-WILLIAMES, b. 25 June 1803. 31 3 250 RICH PALMER. This family is descended from Ynyr Vaughan, lord of Nannaw, a descendant of Cadwgan, lord of Nannaw, son of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, prince of Powis. The 13th in descent from Ynyr was Robert Vaughan, of Hengwrst, co. Merioneth, who w. Janet, 3d da. and co-h. of Hugh Nanney, of Nanney, esq., and d. Jan. 1750, having had issue by her, (who d. Oct.1728,) 1. HufiH, rf. unm. 2. Sir RoBERT-HowKLL, Istbart. 3. Griffith, d. 17G9, s.p. 4. Catharine; .5. Sydney; 6. Janet. I. Sir ROBERT-HOWELL, the 2d son, was created a bart. as above ; m. Anne, da. of Edw. Williames, of Ystymcollwyn, esq., and had issue. 1. Sir Robert-Williames, present bart. 2. Edward - Williames, who assumed the name of Salkbury, in addition to his own, 21 May 1791, lieut.-col. 1st reg. of foot- guards, d. at Syren, 15 Sept. 18(i7. 3. Griffith, h. 177<>. who possesses the Rug and Hengwrst estates. Sir Robert- Howell d. in 1796, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir ROBERT-WILLIAMES, present bart. ^,.,ns— See Plate 26. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, erminois, a lion rampant, gules ; 2d and 3d, gules, a lion rampant, erminois. Crest— A lion rampant, azure, gorged with an antique coronet, or. Seato—Nannau and Ystymcollwyn, CO. Merioneth. RICH, of Rose Hall, co. Suffolk. 28 July 1791. Sir CHARLES. HENRY RICH, Baronet, horn 19 April 1784, suc- ceeded his father, sir Charles, 12 Sept. 1824 ; married^ 6 Nov. 1806, Frances-Maria, youngest da. of sir John Lethbridge, bart., and has issue, 1. Frances-Maria-Dorothea, b. 1 Nov. 1807; 2. Louisa- Anne, 6. 5 Oct. 1808 ; 3. Caroline-Jessinthia, b. 9 April 1810, w., 2 June 1831, Philip-Augustus Browne, esq.; 4. CHARLES- HENRY-JOHN, b. 22 Dec. 1812; 5. Emily-Catherine, b. 27 April 1814; G. Robert-Edwin, b. 16 June 1816; 7. Frede- rick-Dampier, b. 7 March 1818; 8. Henry-George-William, b. 7 July 1819; 9. Arthur-Newbolt, b. 5 March 1821; 10. Francis-Astley, b. 4 May 1823, d. 4 Dec. 1825; 11. Ambrose- Langton, b. 23 July 1827. John Bostock, of the collegiate church of Windsor, and rector of Clewer, co. Berks, esq., m. Mary, da. of John Hopson, esq., by whom he had a da., Anne, who m., 1st, George Wingfield, of Leopard, co. Wor- cester, and 2dly, the rev. John Morton, rec- tor of Ridmerly, co. Worcester ; and 3dly, Sumner, D.D., rector of Dunton, co. Essex; and two sons, the rev. John, rector of Beenham, and vicar of New Windsor, CO. Berks, and I. Sir CHARLES, created a bart. as as above, in holy orders, m., 4 Jan. 1784, Mary-Frances, da. and sole h. of sir Robert Rich, of Waverley, co. Warwick, and of Rose Hall, co. Suffolk, bart.; and took the surname and arms of Rich, by royal sign manual, 28 July 1791. By the above lady, who d. 20 May l!t3.'J, he had issue, 1. Sir Charlks-Hknry, 2dbart. 2. Sir George, knighted in Ireland, chamberlain of the household to the mar- quess of Wellesley when lord-lieut., »«., 10 July 1816, Catherine, eldest da. of Dudley- Loftus, of Killyan, co. Westmeath, esq., and niece of the earl of Arran, and has is- sue. 3. William-Osborne, m., 15 Dec. 1819, Elizabeth-Sarah, da. of George - William- Frederick Newcome, esq., and has issue. 4. John, in holy orders, m. and has issue. 5. Edwin-Ludlow, commander R.N., m., 6 July 1829, Sophia, da. of captain G. F. Angelo, of Hill House, Southampton, 6. Robert - James - Evelyn, in the army. 7. Mary-Frances, d. 18 Dec. 1825. 8. Louisa. 9. Caroline, d. 6 March 1815. Sir Charles d. 12 Sept. 1824, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, II. Sir CHARLES-HENRY, 2d and pre- sent bart. Amis— See Plate 26. Gules, a chevron, erminois, between three crosses, botony, or. Crest— A. wyvern, argent, with wings ex- panded, ermine. &'«<— Rose Hall, co. Suffolk. HUDSON, (now PALIMER,) of Wanlip, co. Leicester. 28 July 1791. Sir GEORGB-JOSEPH PALMER, Baronet, iom 20 Dec. 1811, sue- ceeded his father, sir Charles-Thomas, 30 April 1827. Joseph Hudson, of Boutherbeck, co. Cumberland, escj., (son of c:harlcs Hudson, and first cousin of dr. George Hudson, sometime rector of Stanmore,) was Dutch consul at Tunis, m. Sarah, da. of William Plowman, of Leghorn, merchant, and d, at TAPPS.— CHAD. 2ol Port Mahon in Minorca, 1754, aged 86, leav- ing issue by her (who d. 1770) one da. June- Catharine, m. Geo. Peate, of London, esq. ; and a son, I. Sir CHARLES-GRAVE, 6. at Tunis, 3 April 1730, created a bart. 28 July 1791 ; m., 1st, Catharine-Susannah, eldest da. and co- h. of Henry Palmer, of Wanlip, co. Lei- cester, esq., and by her (who d. 24 Jan, 1805) had issue, 1. Catherine-Charlotte, b. Nov. 176(5, d. 8 April 1825. 2. Charles-Stevenson, d. young. 3. Sir Charles-Thomas, 2d bart. 4. George-Joseph. 5. Harriet, 6. April 1774, m., 31 Aug. 18<>4, sir John Richardson, knt. 6. John-Samuel, of Wimbledon, Sur- rey, b. 18 Dec. 1775, m., 1822, Maria, da. of Ralph Allen, esq., but d. s.p. 17 May 1832. 7. Louisa, h. 10 April 1777, d. Sept. 1802. 8. Mary-Anne, d. 1803. Sir Charles m., 2dly, 18 Jan. 1806, , eldest da. of Peter Holford, esq., late a master in Chancery, and by her (who d. 5 Sept. 1811) had no issue. Sir Charles d. 24 Oct. 1813, and was succeeded by his son, IL Sir CHARLES - THOMAS, 2d bart., took the surname and arms of Palmer only, by royal sign manual 1813, pursuant to the will of his maternal grandfather, Henry Paliier, esq. above named, m., 14 July 1802, Harriett, da. of sir William Pe- perell, bart., and had issue, 1. Louisa Catherine, b. 26 Dec 1803. 2. Mary-Anne, b. 28 Jan. 1806. 3. Caroline-Harriott, b. 25 May 1809. 4. Sir George-Joseph, present bart. 5. Charles Archdale, b. 1 Oct. 1813. 6. William-Henry, 6. 11 July 1815, d. 2 Sept. 1823. Sir Charles-Thomas d. 30 April 1827, and was succeeded by his eldest son, III. Sir GEORGE-JOSEPH, present and 3d bart. Amis— See Plate 26. Argent, two bars sable, charged with three trefoils slipped, of the field, m chief a greyhound, current, sable, collared, or. Crest— On a mount vert, a greyhound se- jant sable, gorged with a collar or rimmed gules, and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped argent. Seat— At Wanlip, co. Leicester. TAPPS, of Hinton-Admiral, co. Hants. 28 July 1791. Sir GEORGE-IVISON TAPPS was created a Baronet, as above; married, 29 July 1790, Sarah, da. of Barrington Biggin, esq., and by her (who(^. 11 July 1813) had issue, GEORGE-WILLIAM, b. 24 May 1795, M.P. for Christchurch, Hants, m., 26 Sept. 1826, Clara, eldest da. of Augustus-Eliott Fuller, of Ashdown House, co. Sussex, esq. Richard Tapps, of the city of London, m. Catharine, da. and co-h. of Geo. Jarvis, of Islington, esq., by whom he had 2 sons ; George-Jarvis ; Richard, d. young ; and a da., Mart/, m. Timothy Buck. George-Jarvis, eldest son, was of North Church, CO. Hertford, esq., m. Jane, da, of , Ivison, of Carlisle, co. Cumberland, esq., and d. 14 May 1774, leaving issue, Ja;je, m. George Buggon, esq., and a son. L Sir GEORGE-IVISON, present bart. Arn\s—See Plate 27. Azure, on a fesse, or, between three rhinoceroses, argent, as many escallops, gules. Crest — A greyhound couchant, per pale, argent, and sable, charged on the body with two escallops, fessewise, counter-changed. Seats — Hinton-Admiral, Christchurch, and Stourfield-House, co. Hants. CHAD, of Thursford, co. Norfolk. 28 July 1791. Sir CHARLES CHAD, Baronet, horn 24 April 1779, succeeded his father, sir George, 24 Nov. 1815 ; married, 14 June 1810, Anne-Turnour, 2d da. of Edward, 2d earl of Winterton, by whom (who d. 2 Feb. 1832) he had issue, EDWARD-HENRY, b, 5 Sept. 1811. Robert Chad, of Wells, co. Norfolk, m., 1676, Frances, only child of Nicholas Tidd, esq., by whom he had a son, Robert, (who d. Dec. 1736,) m. Elizabeth, da. of Charles Wright of Kilverstone, co. Norfolk, esq., (son of Thomas Wright, by Catharine, da. of sir Charles Harbord, sur- veyor-general to king Charles II.,) by whom be had issue, 1. Sir George, 1st bart. 2. Frances, m. Harbord Wright, of Nor- wich, esq. 3. Susan, m. the rev. William Norris, of Woodnorton, co. Norfolk. I. Sir GEORGE, only son, was created a bart. as above ; m., 1st, Sarah, da. of John Rowls, of Kingston, co. Surrey, esq., and by her (who d. 17 Jan. 1786) had issue, 1. Robert-John, b. 177», d. 1793. 2. Sir Charles, present bart. 3. George-William, b. 1784, sometime envoy extraordinary and minister plenipo- tentiary to Dresden, and late to Colombia. 4. Frances-Mary, b. 1776, m., 5 April 1803, John-Winn Thomlinson, of Cley, co. Norfolk, esq, 5. Cecilia-Rachael, b. 1777, d, unm., 28 June 1828. Sir George m., 2dly, Mary, sole h. of Ed- ward Fletcher, of Riclunond, co. Surrey, 252 KING. esq., and by her (who d. 1794) had no issue. Sir George d. 24 Nov. 1815, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms — See Plate 27- Per pale, gules and argent, a cross, potent quadrated, in the first and fourth quarters, a rose, in the second and third, a cross patee, all counterchanged. Crest— A falcon, with wings expanded, proper, beaked, legged, and membered, or, resting the dexter claw on a cross, potent, as in the arms. &'e«if— At Thursford and Pinkey Hall, co. Norfolk. KING. 18 July 1792. Sir RICHARD-DUCKWORTH KING, Baronet, horn 12 Sept. 1804, succeeded his father, sir Richard, 4 Aug. 1834. John King, of Bromley, co. Kent, citizen and cloth-worker of London, (who (/. Sept. 1603,) ni. Susan Woodward, and by her had 3 sons and a da., Elizabeth. Henry, the eldest son, m. Avis, da. of William Priest, of Bromley, by whom he had a son Ed- ward, (who d. May 1710,) having m. Mary, da. and co-heiress of Richard Gatwicke, of Bromley, gent., by whom he had, besides other issue, a son, Richard King, of Romney, co. Kent, gent., m. Anne Curtis, by whom he had issue, 1. Edward, d. young. 2. Curtis. 3. Anne ; 4. Mary ; both d. young. 5. Mary, m., 1st, William Ansell, esq. ; and, 2dly, Edward Crayford, esq., by both of whom she had issue. 6. Kezia, rf. young. 7. Kerenhappuck. 8. Jemima. Curtis King, only surviving son of Ri- chard, was master of the Torbay man-of- war, afterwards lieut. R.N., and a master- attendant at Woolwich, m. Mary, da. of Benjamin Barnett, lieut. R.N., lost in the Stirling Castle in 1704, sister of commodore Curtis Barnett, and d. 1 May 1745, leaving issue, 1. Sir Richard, 1st bart. 2. Curtis, d. at Madagascar 1754, unm. 3. Mary, m. Thomas Orton, M.D. I. Sir RICHARD, eldest son of Curtis, was created a bart., 18 July 1792, b. 10 Aug. 1730, entered early into the R.N., and in 1738 accompanied his maternal uncle, com- modore Curtis Barnett, commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean ; afterwards, 1744, in the East Indies. In 1759 he was made post- captain. On the commencement of hostili- ties with Spain, 1762, lord Anson particularly recommended capt. King to his majesty, as an officer on whom he could depend, to con- vey the earliest intelligence of that event to the East Indies. Gen. (afterwards sir Ed- ward, K.B.) Draper, who was appointed to command the land forces against Manilla, embarked with him on board the Argo, which sailed from Plymouth, 22 Feb. Capt. King had the good fortune to make a very expeditious passage to India ; which, if he had not eftected, the enterprise against Ma- nilla must have failed, as the sciuadron arrived there only a few days previously to the changing of the monsoon. 1763 he was apiiointed to the Grafton, of 68 guns, in which he arrived in England, in July 1764, with the galleon which he had captured in company of the Lennox. 1771 he was ap- pointed to the Ardent, and afterwards to the Asia, which was stationed guardship at Portsmouth. In 1779 he was appointed to the Exetej, of 64 guns, and by the desire of lord Mulgrave and sir William James, the chairman of the East India company, lie was nominated to proceed, as 2d officer in command, under rear-admiral sir Edward Hughes, to the East Indies. After his ar- rival there, in 1780, he was promoted to the rank of commodore. On this station he continued during the whole of the war, and was engaged in all the actions with the French squadron commanded by M. de Suf- frein. In 1784 he received the honour of knighthood. In 1787 he was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral of the white, and 1790 he was appointed commander-in-chief in the Downs. 1791, he was made rear- admiral of the red, and appointed to com- mand the 3d division of the fleet at Spithead. 1792 he was created a bart., and appointed governor and commander-in-chief at New- foundland. 1793 he was promoted to the rank of vice-admiral of the blue ; he was elected to represent Rochester in 1794, 17.96, and 1802. 1794, bein^ vice-admiral of the red, he was appointed commander-in-chief at the port of Plymouth ; and in June 1795, he was promoted to the rank of admiral of the blue. 1799 he became admiral of the white. Sir Richard m. Susannah-Margaret, da. of William Coker, of Maypowder, co. Dorset, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Richard, 2d bart. 2. Robert-William-Henry, d. unm. 1792. 3. Henrietta, m. lieut.-gen. William Burnet. 4. Louisa, m. sir Thomas Hammond, G.C.H., lieut.-gen. and chief equerry to king George IV. 5. Elizabeth, m. vice-admiral sir Charles Rowley, K.C.B. Sir Richard d. Nov. 1806, and was suc- ceeded by his only survi\'ing son, II. Sir RICHARD, G.C.B., vice-admiral of the red, and commander-in-chief at the Nore; b. 28 Nov. 1771, w., 29 Nov. 1803, Sarah-Anne, sole da. of admiral sir John- Thomas Duckworth, G.C.B., by whom (who rf. 20 March 1819) he had issue, 1. Sir Richard - Duckworth, present bart. 2. Anne-Maria, b. 19 March 1808, m., 1 May 1833, sir James S. Lake, bart. .3. George-St.-Vincent, b. 15 July 18<^, R.N. 4. Henry-Robert-Cornwallis, ft. June 1812. 5. John-Thomas-Duncan, b. Aug. 1815. Sir Richard »»., 2dly, 16 May 1822, Susanna- Maria, second da. of admiral sir Charles Cotton, bart., and had issue, 6. Maria-Philadelphia, b. 26 April 182.3. 7. Charles-Cotton, b. 22 March 1824. 8. Fannv-Rowlev, b. 18 May 1825. 9. John-Hyndk, b. 19 Dec. 1826. 10. &c. Other children. Sir Richard d. 4 Aug. 1834, and was sue- STIRLING.— GOULD-MORGAN. 253 ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir RICHARD-DUCKWORTH, pre- sent and 3d bart. Amhs—See Plate 27. Sable, a lion ram- pant, erminois, between three crosses, patee, fitcliy, at the foot, or. Crest' — A lion's gamb, erased and erect, sable, grasping a cross pat^e, as in the arms. STIRLING, of Mansfield, co. Ayr. 19 July 1792. Sir GILBERT STIRLING, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir James, Feb. 1805. The family of Stirling of Keir has always been considered the principal of the name in Scotland, and thought to be descended from Walter de Strivelin, who lived in the time of king David I. in the early part of the 12th century. Descended from this house was Gilbert Stirling, esq., who m. Mar- garet, da. of Alexander Comyn, of Bimess, CO. Aberdeen, esq., and had issue, John Stirling, of Edinburgh, merchant, m. Joan, da. of James Moir, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir James, 1st bart. 2. Gilbert, a merchant in London, d. unm. 3. Janet, m. George M'Queen, esq., Edinburgh. 4. Alexander ; 5. Seasa. 6. Elizabeth, all rf. iinm. 7. Margaret, m. Charles Robertson, esq. I. Sir JAMES, eldest son of John, was created a bart. 19 July 1792, late lord pro- vost of the city of Edinburgh ; m. Alison, da. of James Mansfield, baiiker in Edin- burgh, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Gilbert, present bart. 2. George, m., 25 Dec. 1H20, Anne-Hen- rietta, da. of William Gray, of Oxgang, esq. 3. Janet; 4. Joan. Sir James d. 17 Feb. 1805, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir GILBERT, present bart. Arms — See Plate 27. Argent, a fess cheeky, argent and azure, surmounted by a bend engrailed, azure charged with three buckles, or, between a lion rampant, gules, and a Moor's head couped in profile, proper, in chief, and a garb azure in base. Crest — A demi Moor, couped in profile ; in the dexter hand an arrow, in fesse, at hi? back a quiver of arrows, all proper ; over the crest, in a scroll, the word Forward. Seat— At Uppal, co. Edinburgh. GOULD, (now GOULD-MORGAN,) of Tredegar, co. Monmouth. 15 Nov. 1792. Sir CHARLES GOULD-MORGAN, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Charles, in Dec. 180G; married Mary-Magdalen, da. of George Storey, esq., and by her (who d. 24 March 1807) has issue, 1. CHARLES- MORGAN-ROBINSON, b. 10 April 1792, m., 6 Oct. 1827, Rosamond, only da. of gen. Godfrey-Basil Mundy, by the hon. Sarah-Brydges, his wife ; 2. George, M.D., wi., 7 July 1824, Eliza, da. of the rev. Wil- Ham Beville; 3. JMaria-Margaret, eldest da., ??i., 8 March 1817, lieut.-colonel Francis-Miles, 2d son of sir Francis Millman, bart. ; A, Charlotte-Georgiaxa, 2d da., ?w., 27 Feb. 1819, George, present lord Rodney; 5. Angelina-Cecilia, youngest da., m., 12 April 1825, Hugh Owen, esq., only son of sir John Owen, of Orielton, bart. ; 6. &c. other children. King Gould, esq. deputy judge-advocate of the army, m. Elizabeth, da. of Charles Shaw, of Besthorpe, co. Norfolk, esq., and d. 1756, having by her (who d. 1744) had issue, 1. Sir Charles, 1st bart. 2. Paston, a col. in the army, who m. Anne, da. of Benjamin Hollowell, of Bos- ton, in America, and d. 1782, leaving a son, James, an officer in the East India Com- pany's service. 3. Anne, m Gee. I. Right hon. sir CHARLES GOULD, LL.D., was bred to the law, and in June 1762 was appointed judge-advocate-general and judge-martial of the forces; which em- ployment he held till Feb. 1800. In April 177y. he was knighted, and created a ba- ronet 15 Nov. 1792. He was four times elected M.P. for co. Brecon, and appointed a privy counsellor ; took the surname and arms of Morgan in addition to those of Gould, pursuant to the will of his wife's brother, John Morgan, esq.; m. Jane, eldest da. of Thomas Morgan, of Ruperra, CO. Glamorgan, esq., (who was lord-lieut. co. Monmouth and of Brecon, and younger brother of sir William Morgan, of Tre- degar, K.B.,) by which lady (who d. Feb. 1796) he had issue, 1. Sir Charles, 2d bart. 2. John, a midshipman, killed in action during the memorable engagement of lord Rodnev. 3. Jane, m., 1st, Henry Ball, capt. R.N. ; and 2dly, Samuel Homfray, of Penny- 254 TALMASH.— FORD. darron, co. Glamorgan, and Cerveth Park, CO. Berks, esq., M.P. for Stafford, and high- sheriff of Glamorgan. 1813. 4. Elizabeth, m. Rowley Lascelles, esq., 2d son of lieut.-gen. Lascelles. Sir Charles d. Dec. 1806, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Ar?ns—See Plate 27. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, Morgan : or, a griffin, segreant, sable. 2d and 3d, Gould: or, on a chevron, be- tween three roses, azure, as many thistles of the field. Crests— 1st, Morgan: a reindeer's head, couped, or, attired, gules. 2d, Gould : an eagle rising proper, holding in the beak a pine cone. Sea«— Tredegar House, Newport, co. Mon- mouth. MANNERS, (now TALMASH,) of Hanby Hall, co. Lincoln. 12 Jan. 1793. Sir LIONEL-JOHN-WILLIAM TALMASH, commonly called lord HuNTiNGTOWER, boni 18 Nov. 1794, succeeded his father, sir William, lord Huntingtower, 11 March 1833; married^ 23 Sept. 1819, Maria-Eliza- beth, eldest da. of Sweeney Toone, of Keeston liodge, co. Kent, esq., and has issue, 1. WILLIAM-LIONEL-FELIX, b. 4 July 1820. John Manners, of Buekminster-Park, CO. Leicester, esq., natural son of lord Wil- liam Manners, (2d son of the 2d duke of Rutland,) m., 1766, Louisa-Tollemache, now countess of Dysart in Scotland, and d. 23 Sept. 1792, leaving issue, 1. Sir William, 1st bart. 2. John, took the name and arms of Tol- lemache, 1821, m., 19 Aug. 1806, Mary, relict of William, 4th duke of Roxburgh, and da. of Benj. Bechinoe, capt. R.N. 3. Charles, took the name and arms of Tollemache, 1821, m., 1st, 1797, Frances Hay, neice of George, 7th marquess of Tweeddale, by whom (who d. 29 March 1801) he had issue, 1. Arthur. 2. Wilbraham-Frances, R.N. 3. Louisa-Grace. He m., 2dly, 8 Aug. 1803, Gertrude-Flo- rinda, eldest da. of gen. William Gardiner, next brother of Luke, viscount Mountjoy, and relict of Charles-John Clarke, of Hit- chin Priory, co. Herts, esq., and has issue, 4. Louisa; 5. Charles; 6. George. 7. Lionel, in the army. 8. Maria, m., 20 Aug. 1833, Charles, present marquess of Ailesbury. 10. Henry, in the army. 4. Catharine-Sophia, b. 1769, m., 15 Aug. 1793, sir Gilbert Heathcote, of Nor- manton Park, co. Rutland, bart., and d. 28 May 1825. 5. Maria-Carolina, m., 9 Sept. 1799, James Duff, present and 4th earl of Fife, and d. 20 Dec. 1805, without issue. 6. Louisa-Grace, b. 1777, m., 15 Aug. 1802, Aubrey-Beau clerk, 5th duke of St. Albans, d. his widow, 19 Feb. 1816. 7. Laura, 6. 1788, m., 3 June 1808, John, present and 7th earl of Stair, which mar- riage was dissolved, in consequence of a previous Scotch contract on the part of the earl; shed. 11 July 1834. I. Sir WILLIAM, commonly called lord Huntingtower, who was created a bart. 1793, took the name of Talmash only by royal sign manual, 1821, m., 1789, Catherine- Re- becca, da. of Francis Grey, of Lehcna, co. Cork, esq,, and had issue, 1. Sir Lionel- John -William, lord Huntingtower, present bart. 2. Felix-Thomas, 6. 1796, m., 1st, 1 Oct. 1825, his first cousin Sarah, only child of James Grey, esq., of Ballincar, King's CO., Ireland, and had issue, 1. Felix, 5. 12 Jan. 1827. 2. A son, b. 21 Sept. 1830. He m., 2dly, 27 April 1833, Francis-Julia, youngest da. of Henry Peters, of Betch- worth Castle, co. Surrey, esq. 3. Arthur-C-Esar, b. 1 Sept. 1797, m. miss Shepherd, and has issue, Arthur, b. Sept. 1825. 4. Hugh-Francis, m., 22 June 1824, Ma- tilda, 5th da. of Joseph Hume, of Ken- sington, CO. Middlesex, esq., and has issue, 1. Matilda, b. March 1825. 2. A son, b. 1826. 5. Frederick, m., Nov. 1831, , da. of James Atkinson, esq., by whom (who d. 1834) he had A da., b. 29 Aug. 1^32. 6. Algernon-Grey, M.P. for Grantham, b. 1805. 7. Louisa, «j., 9Aug. 1816, Joseph Burke, esq., only brother of sir John Burke, of Glinsk Castle, co. Roscommon. 8. Catherine-Camilla, tn., 1 May 1816, George Sinclair, esq., eldest son of the right hon. sir John Sinclair, bart. 9. Emily-Frances. 10. Carolina, 6. 1799, d. iirnn. 18 March 1825. 11. Catherine -Octa via, b. 28 Sept. 18(«». 12. Laura-Maria, b. Feb. 1807. Sir William, lord Huntingtower, d. 11 March 1833, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir LIONEL-JOHN-WILLIAM, lord Huntingtower, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 27. Argent, a fret sable, a label of 3 points. Crest— A horse's head, erased gules be- tween two wings, or, pellatty, a label for difference. Seat— At Buckminster, co. Leicester. FORD, of Ember Court, co. Surrey. 22 Feb. 1793. Sir FRANCIS FORD, Baronet, bom 15 Feb. 1787, succeeded his BARING. 255 father, sir Francis, 7 June 1801 ; married, Aug. 1807, Eliza, sole da. of the late Henry Brady, of Limerick, esq., and has issue, a SON, I/. 14 Aug. 1818 ; -^ and another Son, b. in Dec. 1821. Thomas Ford, of the Ridge, in Bar- badoes, gent., (descended from a family eo. Devon,) was father of Fraxcis Ford, member of the assembly of that island, who m. Martha, da. of mr. Barrow, by whom he had Fraxcis Ford, of the Lears, in Bar- badoes, esq., a member of council in that island, m. Elizabeth, da. of John Hother- sall, esq., and relict of Samuel Osborne, esq., both of the same island, and rf. 1772, leaving issue, 3 das. 1. Martha, in. Wm. Becher, of How- bury, CO. Bedford. 2. AxxE, m. John Swinfen, of Swinfen Hall, CO. Staiford, esq. 3. Elizabeth, m., Oct. 1790, John, lord Colville; and a. son, I. Sir FRANCIS -FORD, of Ember Court, CO. Surrey, one of the council in Barbadoes, and M.P. in 179M., 12 April 1823, Harriett-Mary, eldest da. of George- John, (Jth earl of Sandwich. 2. Francis, M.P, for Thetford. 3. Frederick, in holy orders, rector of Itchingstock, co. Hants, tyi. Lucy, da. of ■ Aston, esq., and has issue. 4. Alexander, R.N., d. unm. 1831. 5. Arthur. 6. Anne, m. 7. Harriett, Henry-Frederick Thynne, son of thi; marquess of Bath. 8. Louisa ; 9. Emily. 3. Henry, m., 1802, Maria, 2d da. of William Bingham, esq., from whom he was divorced; and he m., 2dly, Cecilia, da. of admiral Wyndham : he ha's issue, by his 1st wife, 1. Henry-Bingham, major in the army, and M.P. for Marlborough, m., 30 June 1827, lady Augusta, da. of Robert, earl of Cardigan, and has issue. 2. William-Drummond. 3. Anna - Maria, m. William - Gordon Coesvelt, esq. 4. Emily, m. Henry Bridgeman Simp- son, esq. 4. William, h. 1779, m., 19 July 1810, Frances, 4th da. of William Thompson, of Waverley-Abbey, co. Surrey, esq., and d. 9 July 1820. 5. George, 6. 1781, m. Harriet, 2d da. of Sir John D'Oyley, bart. 6. Harriet, m. Charles Wall, esq. 7. Maria, m. Richard Stainforth, esq. 8. Dorothy-Elizabeth, m. P. C. La- bouchere, esq. 9. Frances, m. Thomas-Read Kemp, esq. 10. Lydia, m., 20 Dec. 1806, the rev. Phi- lip-Laycock Story. Sir Francis d. 12 Sept. 1810, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, 11. Sir THOMAS, present bart. Anns— See Plate 2?. Azure, a fesse, or, in chief, a bear's head, proper, muzzled and ringed, or. Crest — A mullet, erminois, between two wings, argent. &(,'«<— Stratton Park, co. Hants. SAXTON, of CiRcouRT, co. Berks. 26 July 1794. Sir CHARLES SAXTON, Baronet, horn 2 Oct. 1773, succeeded his father, sir Charles, Nov. 1808. Edward Saxton, of London, merchant, and of Goosey, co. Berks, (son of Clement Saxton, of Abingdon, who d. about 173(;, by Joan Justice, his wife,) m. Elizabeth, eldest da. of Thomas Bush, of Burcot, co. Oxon, esq., and d. 1755, leaving issue, 1. Clement, lieut.-col. of the Berkshire militia, d. May 1810. 2. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Prince, of Abingdon, co. Berks. 3. Edward, d. unm. 4. JoHN,d. unm. at Valence, in France. 5. Mary, m, Jolm Brome, of Town-Mail- ing, CO. Kent. 6. Sir Charles, 1st bart. 7. Mary, d. unm. I. Sir CHARLES, created a bart. as ab.ove, nu, 11 May 1771, Mary, only da. of^ Jona- than Bush, of Burcot, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Charles, present bart. 2. John, in the army ; 3. Clement. 4. Philadelphia-Hannah, in., 19 June 1805, Robert-Dudley Oliver, esq., vice-adm. of the blue. 5. Anne, d. young. 6. Mary, d. 7. Sophia, d. young. Sir Charles was for many years- commis- sioner of the royal dockyard, Plymouth ; he d. Nov. 1808, and was succeede'd by his son, II. Sir CHARLES, present bavt. Anns— See Plate 27. Per bend, argent, and or, on a bend, engrailed, sable, between two wings elevated, gules, a plain bend, covmterchanged, of the field, charged with three garlands of red roses, leaved vert. Crest— On a mount, vert, a hind's head, erased, sable, and ducally gorged, or, be- tween two wings per fess, gules and or. Seat — At Circourt, co. Berks. BOWYER, of Radley, co. Berks. 8 Sept. 1794. Merged into Bowyer, of Denham Court, co. Bucks, 1799. (See that title.) PASLEY. 1 Sept. 1794. Sir THOMAS-SABINE PASLEY, Baronet, horn 2G Dec. 1804, suc- ceeded his grandfather, admiral sir Thomas, 29 Nov. 1808, took the sur- name and arms of Pasley only, by royal sign manual, 1809, in pursuance of the will of his grandfather, sir Thomas Pasley ; married., 10 June 182G, Jane-Matilda-Lilley, eldest da. of the rev. Montagu-John "V^^'ynyard, rector CURTIS. 257 of West Rouuton, and of St. Martin's, in Micklegate, co. York, and ha& issue, 1. Jane-Matilda, b. 14 May 1827; 2. THOMAS-MAL- COLM-SABINE, b. 23 July 1829; 3. Rodxey-Stuabt-Lyons- Sabine, b. 27 April 1832 ; 4. Georgina-Sophy, b. 19 June 1833; 5. Maitland-AVarren-Bouverie-Sabine, b. 17 July 1834. James Pasley, of Craig, co. Dumfries, (son of James Pasley, of Langholme, in the same shire,) d. 1773, aged 80 ; m. Magdalene, da. of Robert Elliott, of Middlehomemill, eOi^Roxburgh, esq., and left issue, 1." Robert, m. Christian, da. of mr. Prin- gle, and left issue. 2. James, d. without issue. 3. John, of Colney-Hatch, co. Middlesex, esq. 4. Gilbert, surgeon-general at Madras, m. Hannah Dashwood, and d. there 1781. 5. Sir Thomas, 1st hart. 6. William, d. vnm. 7- Charles, of London, merchant, m. Jane, da. of John Carlyle, co. Dumfries, esq., and left issue, two sons and three das. 8. Elizabeth, d. loim. 9. Helen, »n. Matthew Little, of Lang- holme. 10. Magdalen, m. [Stephen Brigg, esq., chief surgeon at Madras. 11. Margaret, m. George Malcolm, of Bamiforth, co. Dumfries, esq. L Sir THOMAS, 5th son, after having served nearly half a century in the royal navy with high reputation, was promoted to a flag, and had a command in the fleet of admiral earl Howe, on the 1st of June 1794 : he was soon afterwards created a bart., with remainder, in case of failure of male issue of his body, to the issue male of his das. successively ; he m. Mary, da. of Tho- mas Heywood, chief-justice of the Isle of Man, esq., and had issue, 1. Maria, m. John Sabine, esq., major in the guards, and had issue an only son, sir Thomas-Sabine, 2d bart. 2. Magdalena, m., 1798, lieut.-general Thomas Dowdeswell, and by him (who d. Nov. 1811) had no issue. Sir Thomas d. (admiral of the white) 29 Nov. 1808, and was succeeded, agreeably to the limitation of the patent, by his grand- son, H. Sir THOMAS-SABINE, present bart. Arms — See Plate 27. Azure, on a che^Ton, argent, between two roses in chief, of the last, and in base, an anchor, or, three thistles slipped, proper. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a dexter arm in armour, proper, grasping in the hand a staff, thereon a flag, argent, charged with a cross, gules, and on a canton, azure, a human leg, or. Motto — Pro rege et patrid pugnans. Seat — Flimby, Maryport, Cumberland. CURTIS, of Gatcombe, co. Hants. 10 Sept. 1794. Sir LUCIUS CURTIS, Baronet, C.B., Post Captain R.N., borii 3 June 1786, succeeded his father, sir Roger, 14 Nov. 1816; married, 1 June 1811, Mary-Figg, da. of Moses Greetham, of East Cossham, Hants, esq., some- time deputy-judge-advocate of the fleet, and has issue, 1. ROGER, 6. 9 Nov. 1812;— 2. Mary, b. 20 Feb. 1815; -3. Roger-Lucius, b. 8 May 1816; 4. Roger-Wii.liam, b. 15 April 1817; 5. Roger-Frederick, 6. 26 April 1819; 6. Howe, b. 1 June 1820, d. 30 Jan. 1824 ; 7. George-Henville, b. 28 Aug. 1821, d. 6 Feb. 1824; 8. Septimus, b. 3 April 1823; 9. Elizabeth-Cathe- rine, b. 18 Feb. 1825 ; 10. Frances-Anne, b. 10 Dec. 1827. Roger Curtis, of Downton, co. Wilts, esq., m. Christabella Blachford, and had issue, 1. Sir Roger, 1st bart. 2. Randall ; 3. James. 4. Mary ; 5. Sarah ; 6. Susannah. I. Sir ROGER, eldest son, admiral of the red, and G.C.B., was knighted for his ser- vices at the raising of the siege of Gibraltar 1782; and created a bart. for his distinguish- ed conduct as captain of the Queen Char- lotte, lord Howe's flag ship, in the battles of 29 May, and 1 June 17!>4. In 1801 he was appointed commander-in-chief at the Caps of Good Hope: m. Sarah, youngest da. of Matthew Brady, of Gatcombe-House, in the Isle of Portsea, co. Hants, esq., and by her (who d. 10 April 1801) had issue, 1. Roger, post-captain R.N., b. 10 March 1780, ri. icnm. 12 July 1802. 2. Sir Lucius, C.B., present bart. 3. Jane, h. 23 Dec. 1784. Sir Roger d. 14 Nov. 1816, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir LUCIUS, C.B., present bart. Arms— See Plate 27. Per fesse, wavy, argent and sable, in chief, the rock of Gib- raltar surrounded by fortifications and the sea, and in base three fleurs-de-lis, of the first; on a canton, gules, a sword erect, pro- per, hilted and pomelled, or, entwisted with a palm-branch, vert. Crest — Out of a naval coronet, or, an arm, habited azure, cuffed argent, supporting a flag - staflf", proper, thereon a flag, azure, charged v/ith a wolf's head, or ; in the canton , gyronny of four gules and azure, a cross, argent, all within a bordure, or. Motto — Per ardua. Sea^— Gatcombe-House, in the Isle of Port- sea, CO. Hants. 258 WILLOUGHBY.— PRESCOTT. WILLOUGHBY, of Baldon-House, co. Oxford. 8 Dec. 1794. Sir HENRY-POLLARD WILLOUGHBY, Baronet ; born 17 Nov. 1796, succeeded his brother, sir Christopher, 24 June 1813, and is un- married. John Willoughby, esq., mayor of Bris- tol 1655, (grandson of John Willoughby, of Beverstock, co. Wilts, esq.,) d. 1672, m., 1st, Anne, da. of Henry Elliott, esq., by whom he had three sons and six das. ; and, 2dly, Mary, da. of Richard Aldworth, of Bristol, by whom he had one son, Benjamin, of Bristol, esq., who d. June 1725: m. Mary, da. and h. of Christopher Cole, esq., by whom (who d. 1752) he had issue, Christopher, m., 1st, Mary, 2d da. of Abraham Bickens, of the city of Bristol, esq., who rf. without issue 1744 ; 2dly, April 1746, Rebecca, only da. and h. of James Fisher, of Somerton, co. Somerset, esq., by whom he had three sons, Hugh and Be)ija- ndn, who d. infants ; and I. Sir CHRISTOPHER, D.C.L., created a bait, as above, b. Nov, 1748, m., 1st, 8 July 1776, Juliana, da. of the rev. John Burville, and by her (who d. .SO April 1777) had, 1. Juliana, b. on the day of her mother's He m., 2dly, 29 Jan. 1789, Martha, da. of the late Monce Evans, esq., and had issue, 2. Sir Christopher-William, 2d bart. 3. Maria-Selina, b. 9 Aug. 1793, m., Sept. 1827, Thomas Davies, of Llangattock, CO. Brecon. 4. Frances-Elizabeth, b. 14 July 1794. 5. Sir Henry-Pollard, present bart. 6. John, m., 24 July 1822, Eliza, only da. of colonel Kennedy, of the honourable East India Company's service. 7. Maria, nu, 20 May 1829, T. Gabb, esq., of Abergavenny. 8. Albinia, m., 14 April 1831, James C. Somerville, M.D. 9. Cecily, m., 14 April 1831, rev. Charles- Dilnott Hill, of Felcham, co. Surrey, M.A. Sir Christopher rf. 5 Feb. 1808, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir CHRISTOPHER-WILLIAM, b. 4 Sept. 1793, d. unm. 24 June 1813, and was succeeded by his brother, III, Sir HENRY-POLLARD, present bart. Arms— See Plate 27. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, sable, a cross, engrailed, or ; 2d and 3d, gules, a cross moline, argent, all within a bordure, gobony, argent and gules. Crest— A Saracen's head, couped, proper, ducally crowned, or. Seat— Buldon House, eo. Oxford, and Ber- wick Lodge, CO. Gloucester. PRESCOTT, of Theobald's Park, co. Herts. 9 Dec. 1794. Sir GEORGE-BEESTON PRESCOTT, Baronet, horn 11 Feb. 1775, succeeded his father, sir George- William, 22 July 1801 ; married, 20 Aug, 1799, Catherine-Creighton, 2d da. of sir Thomas Mills, governor of Que- bec, and by her (who d. 6 April 1832) had issue, 1. GEORGE-WIL- LIAM, b. 14 Nov. 1800, m., 10 July 1827, Emily, da. of col. Symes, of Bally Arthur, co. Wicklow, deceased, which lady d. 3 Jan. 1829 ; 2. Eliza-Charlotte, b. 9 April 1806, m., 22 Dec. 1827, James Duff, esq., only son of general sir James Duff, of Funtington, co. Sussex ; 3. Louisa-Anna-Maria, 6. 20 Jan. 1810, m., 23 Jan. 1828, Edward-Sher- lock Gooch, esq., eldest son of sir Thomas S. Gooch, bart. ; 4. Catha- rine-Hale, h. 20 Feb. 1814, m., July 1831, Henry Decie, of Clonakelty, CO. Cork, esq. ; 5. Alfred-George, b. II Feb. I8I7. The ancestor of this family was William Prescott, of Copul and Eccleston, co. Lancaster, who d. 1605, leaving five sons, the eldest of whom, Thomas, was grand- father of Thomas, of Ightficld Hall, co. Salop, tn., 1st, Anne, da. of George Kindley, by whom he had issue, 1. George. 2. Thomas, of Ightfield, m. Anne Adams, and rf. before his father. 3. Samuel; 4. Daniel; 5. John. 6. Anne, m. Thomas Adams, clerk, rec- tor of Ightfield, Thomas Prescott m., 2dly, Anne Taylor, by whom he had no issue. GEORCiE Prescott, eldest son, was of the city of Chester, b. 1080, m. Anne, da. of Francis Rogers, esq., by whom he had issue. 1. Thomas, d. unm, 2. George. 3. Dani el, a merchant of St. Petersburg, Russia. 4. Gregory, d. young. 5. Anne, m. Joseph Chamberlain, esq., by whom she had issue. (J. Elizabeth; 7. Susannah; both d. young. George Prescott rf. 16 March 1747. _ George, 2d son, tn, Mary, da. of sir Jacob Elton, of Bristol, bart., and rf, 179(», leaving issue by her, (who rf, 1792,) 1. Sir George-William, 1st bart. 2. Marv, rf, unm. 3. Thomas, of Vienna, esq.,w. Augusta, da. of sir Charles Frederick, K.B., surveyor- general of the ordnance, by whom he had three sous and two das., CHETWYND. 259 1. George-Frederick, d. 10 May 1801, leaving issue. 2. Charles-Elton. 3. Thomas-Lev ison, m. and had issue. 4. Augusta-Frances, m. major Michael Browne, of the Saxon service. 5. Sophia-Harviet, in. count Markowist. I. Sir GEORGE -WILLIAM, of Hard- shaw Hall, co. Chester, and of Theobald's Park, CO. Hertford, the eldest son, was created a bart. 9 Dec. 1794, m., 23 April 1774, Sarah, da. of Beeston Long, of Carshalton, CO. Surrey, esq., by whom (who d. 18 July 1817) he had, 1. Sir George-Beeston, 2d bart. 2. WiLLiAM-AVfLLOUGHBY, b. 16 Dec. 1776, m., 11 June 1799, Harriet, da. of Tho- mas Blackmore, of Briggins, co. Herts, esq., and had issue, 1. William-George, b. 16 Dec. 1800. 2. Henry-James, b. 5 July 1802. 3. Charles, 6. 9 Sept. 1803. 4. George-Edward, b. 29 Nov. 1804. 5. Richard, 6. 6 Oct. 1807. 6. Arthur, 6. 11 July 1810. 7. Harriett-Maria, b. 29 Aug. 1811. 8. Francis, b. 2 Sept. 1813. 9. Caroline, b. 5 Aug. 1817. 10. Amelia, b. 7 Sept. 1820. 3. Maria-Charlotte, b. 11 June 1780, m., 20 Jan. 1810, William-Henry Spicer, esq. Sir George-William d. 22 July 1801, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir GEORGE-BEESTON, present bart. ^;-m5— See Plate 28. Sable, a chevron, between three owlets, argent. Crest — A human arm, couped and erect, vested, gules, cuffed, ermine, holding in the hand a pitch-pot, (or hand-beacon,) sable, fired, proper. Seat — Theobald's-Park, Cheshunt, co. Herts. CHETWYND, of Brocton Hall, co. Stafford. 1 May 1795. Sir GEORGE CHETWYND, Baronet, bom 23 July 1783, succeeded his father, sir George, 24 IMarch 1824 ; married, 30 Aug. 1804, Hannah- Maria, eldest da. and co-h. of John Sparrow, of Bishton, co. Stafford, esq., and has issue, 1. GEORGE, b. 6 Sept. 1809 ; 2. Williaji- Henry, b. 17 Sept. 1811 ; 3. Maria-Elizabeth, b. 2 Aug. 1806 ; 4. Charlotte, b. 21 Dec. 1807, w., 1 Aug. 1830, Richard Ellison, esq. : 5. Georgiaxa, b. 12 July 1813, m., 3 Sept. 1833, sir John Hanmer, of Hanmer, co. Flint, bart. This is a younger branch of the family of Chetwynd, which was of great antiquity co. Salop. The first, who resided in Stafford- shire, was sir John de Chetwynd, temp.VAng Henry III., who, marrying the h. of Philip de Mutton, became possessed of the manors of Ingestre, Salt, and Gratwich : to him succeeded William, his son, who resided at Oddeston, co. Leicester : he had issue, sir Roger, who m. Joan, the eldest da. of sir Ralph de Grendon, and with her he had the lordship of Grendon, co. Warwick, (in possession of the present bart.,) and had issue, sir William Chetwynd, of Inges- tre. Richard, his eldest son, m. Tomasine, da. of William Frodsham, esq., and by her he had sir Philip Chetvvynde, who m. Elea- nor, relict of Edmund, lord Ferrers, of Chartley, da. and h. of sir Thomas de la Roche, and by her had William, who, dying before his father, left a son, William, who succeeded his grandfather, and was assassi- nated on Tixal Heath, temp. Henry VI. : from him descended the 1st viscount Chet- wynd, and also Walter Chetwynd, of Brocton, in the parish of Baswich, co. Stafford, esq., m. Mary, da. of William Sneyd, of Keel, co. Stafford, esq., and d. 7 Nov. 1750, having had issue by her, (who d. 26 Dec. 1761,) 1. William. 2. Walter, d. unm. 1797. a SNEVu,f/. young. 4. Charles, who went abroad, and was never after heard of. 5. Elizabeth ; 6. Frances, both d. unm. 7. Mary, m. Hollis. William Chetwynd, of Brocton, afore- said, esq., eldest son of Walter, m. ^lartha, only da. of James St. Amand, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, co.]Middlesex,(by Elizabeth, da. of sir William Juxon, of Little Compton, CO. Gloucester, bart.,) and relict of Thomas Hesketh, esq., father of sir Robert Hesketh, bart., (who took the name and arms of Juxon, 13 May 1792,) by whom he had two sons, 1. James, rf. x(nm. 1774, and. Sir GEORGE, created a bart. as above, b. 26 July 1739, knighted 19 Jan. 1787, many Years clerk of the privy council, m., 5 June I 1783, Jane, da. of Richard Bantin, of Little ; Farringdon, co. Berks, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir George, present bart. 2. William-Fawken'er, b. 15 Oct. 1788, capt. 1st lifeguards, and M.P. for Stafford. 3. James-Read, d. unm. 19 May 1808. 4. Henry, of Brocton Lodge, co. Stafford, esq., b. 15 Aug. 1791, ni., 6 Sept. 1827, Mary- Aune, 2d da. of the late rev. John-Hayes Petit, of Hilton, CO. Stafford. 5. Caroline, b. 20 Feb. 1786, m., 1" Nov. 1808, Lancelot Rolleston, of Watnall, co. Notts, esq. Sir George d. 24 March 1824, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Anns— See Plate 28. Azure, a chevron, between three mullets, or. Motto — Quod Dens vttlt,fiet. Sea^— Grendon Hall, near.Atherstone, co. Warwick. 260 DRYDEN— SALUSBURY. DRYDEN, of Canons-Ashby, co. Northampton. 2 May 1795, Sir HENRY DRYDEN, Baronet, in Holy Orders, vicar of Leeke Wootton, CO. Warwick, born C July 1787, succeeded his brother, sir John- Edward, 29 Sept. 1818 ; married, 31 July 1817, Elizabeth, 3d da. of the late rev. Julius Hutchinson, of Woodhall Park, co. Herts, and by her has issue, 1. HENRY-EDWARD-LEIGH, b. 17 Aug. 1818; 2. Elizabeth-Matilda, i. 22 April 1820; 3. Alfred-Erasmus, b. 14 Oct. 1821. For the paternal descent of Sir Henry, see Turner, of Ambrosden, co. Oxon, 1733. Erasmus Dryden, esq., was created a bart. 15 Nov. 1619. He m. Frances Wilkes, by whom he left three sons : I. John ; 2. William ; 3. Erasmus. Sir Erasmus d. 22 May 1632, and was succeeded by his son, sir John, who was sheriff co. Northampton, and knight of the shire 1640. Hem., 1st, Priscilla Quarles; 2dly, Anne Parvis; by neither of whom he had any issue; 3dly, Honoria, da. of Sir Robert Bevill, by whom he had six sons: 1. Robert; 2. John, who was several years member co. Huntingdon, and d. imm., Jan. 1707; 3. Erasmus; 4. Richard; 5. Bevill; 6. Benjamin, who all d. without issue. Sir John had also four das. He rf. 1664, and was succeeded by his eldest son, sir Robert, who outlived all his brethren, and d. 1703, aged 76, whereupon the title of bart. devolved on sir John, son and h. of William, 2d son of sir Erasmus, 1st bart.; which sir John m. Elizabeth Luck, and had one son, John, killed in his father's lifetime, by a fall from his horse, and two das. Sir John was succeeded by sir Erasmus-Henry, 3d son of John, (the ce- lebrated poet, ) eldest son of Erasmus, who was 3d son of the 1st bart. Sir Erasmus dying U7im. 1711> was succeeded by sir Eras- mus, his vmcle, the 2d son of Erasmus, be- fore mentioned. This sir Erasmus m. Eli- zabeth Martyn, by whom he had one son, Edward, and two das. Edward, his only son, d. a year before his father, 3 Nov. 1717- He m. Elizabeth Allen, by whom he had five sons, John, Robert, Erasmus, Edward, and Bevill ; and three das., Elizabeth, Mary, and Anne. Sir Erasmus d. 1718, and was succeeded by his grandson, sir John, who m., 1st., Frances, da. and h. of Thomas Ingram, esq.; 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of John Roper, esq., but had no issue by either. Bevill, his brother, of Ore, co. Berks, esq.. m. Mary, da. of Dubber, esq,, of Ciren- cester, CO. Gloucester, who d. 1 April 1791 : by her he had four das., 1. Elizabeth, b. 18 July 1753, of whom hereafter ; 2. Maria, m. William Ramsay, of Inveresk, North Bri- tain, esq., and d. 5 March 1830 ; 3. Philippa, ni. Steele ; 4. Anne, d. vnm. 1. Sir JOHN TURNER, m., 14 June 1781, Elizabeth, (above named,) eldest da. and co-h. of Bevill Dryden, took the name and arms of Dryden only, by royal sign manual, 1791. He was sheriff co. Northamp- ton, 1792, knighted 1793, and created a bart. 1795. By his said lady (who survived him, and »»., 2dly, Godfrey .Scholey, esq., who d. 1819, and a'fter whose death she, by royal sign manual, resumed the surname of Dry- den, and d. 5 Nov. 1824) he had issue, 1. Sir John-Edvvard, 2d bart. 2. Eliza-Maria-Cassandra, b. 15 Feb. 1785, d. 3. Harriet-Eliza, b. May 1786, d. April 1788. 4. Sir Henry, present bart. 5. Caroline-Julia, b. 21 Nov. 1789. 6. Matilda, 6. March 1791, d. an infant. 7. Leopold-Erasmus, b. 24 Nov. 1792, in holy orders. 8. Lfmpster-George- Gregory, b, 24 Feb. 1794, in holy orders. 9. Charles-Bevill, 6. 1796. Sir John d. 14 April 1797> and was succeeded by his eldest son, II, Sir JOHN-EDWARD, b. 17 Sept. 1782, d. unm. 29 Sept. 1Q18, and was suc- ceeded by his brother, III. The rev, sir HENRY, present bart. Amis— See Plate 28. Azure, a lion ram- pant, and in chief, a sphere, between two etoiles, or. Crest— A demi-lion, sustaining in his right paw a sphere, as in the arms. Seat— At Canons- Ashby, co. Northampton, SALUSBURY, of Llanwern, co. Monmouth. 4 May 1795. Sir THOMAS.ROBERT SALUSBURY, Baronet, bor7i 18 May 1783, succeeded his father, sir Robert, 15 Nov. 1817 ; married, 1 Oct. 1833, Elizabeth. Mary, da. of the rev. Lynch Burroughs, of Offley Place, co. Herts. This family is of very high antiquity, and descended from Adam de Salusbury, who is said to have been captain of the castle of Denbigh, at a period little subse- quent to the Norman conquest, inasmuch as his great-grandson, John Salusbury, of Llewenny, co. Denbigh, d. anno 18 Edw, I. 1289, Eighth in descent from the said John, Sir John, of Llewenny, who m. Jane, da, and co-h, of David Middleton, of Chester, esq,, and had issue, besides many other cliildren, John, his eldest son, whose grand- son, Henry, was created a bart, 1619, and RoGiCR, his 6th son, of whom hereafter, ancestor of the present bart. Sir Henry Salusbury, who was created a bart. 1619, d. 1632, and was succeeded by GRACE. 261 •his only sun'i\ing son, sir Thomas, who m. Hesther, da. of sir Edward Tirrell, of Thomdon, co. Bucks, knt., and had issue two sons, sir Thomas and sir John, suc- cessive barts., (on the death of the last of whom, 23 May 1684, without issue, the title became extinct,) and a da., Hesther, who became h. of this branch of the family, and w. sir Robert Cotton, of Combermere, bart. Roger Salusbury, before mentioned, 6th son of sir John, by Jane Middleton, was of Bachecraig, co. Flint, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of sir Richard Clouijh, of Bache- craig, and had several das. and an only son, JoHx, of Bachecraig, ?n. Elizabeth, "da. of Thomas Ravenscroft, and had issue, John, of Bachecraig, m. Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Norris, of Speke, co. Lancaster, and had issue, 1. John, who d. without male issue, and 2. Thomas, of Bachecraig, w. Anne, only da. and h. of Thomas Percival, of North Weston, CO. Somerset, and rf. 1700, leaving issue, 1. Thomas, m. his cousin, Lucy, da. and co-h. of his uncle, John Salusbury, esq., and d, 1714, leaving issue two sons, L John, (who /«. a da. of sir Robert Cotton, by Hesther Salusbury, before mentioned, and left an only da. and h., Hesther-Lynch, ni., 1st, Henry Thrale, and, 2dly, "Gabriel Piozzi, esqs.) 2. Sir "Thomas, knt., judge of the ad- miralty court, twice m., but d. without issue 1773. 2. Norfolk. Norfolk, of Place y Werd, co. Denbigh, 2d son of Thomas, by Anne Percival, m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Robert Williams, of Green, co. Denbigh, and d. 173G, leaving two sons, 1. Robert, father of the 1st bart. 2. Thelwall, in holy orders, m. Anne, natural da. of James Cecil, earl of Salis- bury, and had issue, "1. Thomas; 2. Robert; S.James. 4. Anne. Robert, of Cotton Hall, eldest son of Norfolk, 7n. Gwen, da. and h. of Ellis Da- vies, of Nantyrerwhaid, co. ISIerioneth, esq., and d. 177G, having had issue by her, (who d. 1790,) 1. Sir Robert, 1st bart. 2. John, d. unm. 3. Thomas, in the army, m. Sarah, da. of Bulkeley Hatchett, of Lee Hall, co. Salop, esq. 4. Lynch, vicar of OfHey, co. Herts, took the surname and arms of "Burroughs only, 1804, 711., 1790, Jane, da. of William Offley, of Great Ormond Street, esq., and has issue, 1. William ; 2. Samuel ; 3. Gwen, all three dec. 4. Elizabeth-Mary, m., 1 Oct. 1833, sir Thomas-Robert Salusbury, bart. 5. Thelwall, in holy orders, rector of Gravely, co. Herts, m. Elizabeth, da. of the above-named William Offley, and d. 1814, leaving issue, 1. 'Robert, rf. 2. Mary-Elizabeth, m. Charles Payne, of CO. Bedford, esq. 3. Rev. Thelwall in holy orders. 4. Anne, d. I. Sir ROBERT, created a bart. 4 May 1795; h. 10 Sept. 1756; m., 16 May 1780, Catharine, da. and co-h. of Charles Van, of Llanwem, esq., and had issue, 1. Thomas, d. an infant. 2. Sarah-Katherine, h. 26 Jan. 1782. 3. Sir Thomas-Robert, present bart. 4. Charlotte-Gwen, b. 6 Feb. 1786, nu, 28 May 1811, Thomas-Bates Rous, of Cour- tyrala, co. Glamorgan, esq. 5. Elizabeth-Jane, h. 26 June 1787. 6. Charles-John, b. 7 Feb. 1792. 7. Henry-Vanne, D.C.L., b. 15 Nov. 1796, m., June 1825, Elinor, 2d da. of John de Mierre, esq., and d. 17 Dec. 1830. Sir Robert d. 17 Nov. 1817, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son , II. Sir" THOMAS - ROBERT, present bart. Arms— See Plate 28. Gules, a lion ram- pant, argent, crowned, or, between three crescents, of the last. Crest — A dcmi - lion rampant, argent, crowned, or, holding in his paws a crescent, of the last. Seat — At Llanwem, near Penhowe, co. Monmouth. GRACE, of Rahin, Qvieen's County, Ireland, heretofore GA3I0N, of MiNCHEN House, co. Middlesex. 11 May 1795. Sir WILLIAM GRACE, Baronet, succeeded his kinsman, sir Richard Gamon, 8 April 1818. The " Memous of the Family of Grace," by Sheffield Grace, esq., brother of the pre- sent bart., derive this family from Ray- mond Crassus, or le Gros, who is said to have been brother-in-law of Richard Strong- bow, earl of Pembroke, and one of his com- panions when he invaded Ireland. This Raymond Crassus was 4th in descent from Walter Fitz-Otho, castellan of Windsor, 1078, and common ancestor of the Wind- sors, Carews, Fitzgeralds, Fitzgibbons, Fitz- maurices, and several other noble families in England and Ireland. He is said to have acquired a large tract of land, co. Kilkenny, denominated Grace's country, where the elder branch of his descendants remained till about 1674, and were entitled barons of Courtstown. Sir Oliver Grace, a younger brother of Grace of Courtstown, settled at Ballylinch, CO. Kilkenny, towards the middle of the I6th century, m. Mary, sister of sir Maurice Fitzgerald, viscount I)ecies, and d. about 158(1, leaving a son and heir, Gerald, m. Margaret, da. of sir Robert Hartpoole, of Shrule Castle, Queen's Coun- ty, and d. 4 IVIarch 1618, leaving issue by her (who d. 11 Feb. 1619) a son and heir, Oliver, m. Margaret, da. of Edmund Butler, 2d viscount Mountgarret, and d. 27 Aug. 1626, leaving a son and heir, Gerald, m. Ellen, eldest da. and even- tually co-h. of Edmund Butler, 3d lord Dunboyne, and widow of James Butler, eldest son of Pierce, 1st \'iscount Ikerrin. He was slain at the battle of Kilrush, 15 April 1642, leaving two sons, of whom, John, the eldest, d. s.p., and William, 2d bart., m. Elinor, sister of Edward-Butler, 2d viscount Galmoy, and d. 1669, leaving issue, 1. Oliver, of whom hereafter. 262 DARELL. 2. John, of the Grange, m. Anne, da. and h. of John Grace, of Thomastown, and had issue an only da. and heiress, Elizabeth, ?h. Richard Gamon, of Datchworthbury, co. Herts, by whom she had a da., Anne-Eliza, m. James, last duke of Chandos, (and was mother of Anna - Eliza, duchess of Buckingham and Chandos,) and a son, sir Richard Gamon, who was created a bart. 11 May 1795, with remainder, on failure of issue male of his own body, to Richard Grace, of Boley, esq., hereafter mentioned, (great-grandson of the above William,) and his issue male. Sir Richard m., 1st, Grace, da. of James Jeffreys, esq., by whom he had no issue; and, 2dly, lady Amelia Murray, da. of John, 3d duke of Athol, by whom he had an only da. He d. without issue male 8 April 1818, and Richard Grace, esq., hav- ing pre-deceased him, was succeedecl by the present bart. Oliver, son and h. of William, was of Shanagah, now called Gracefield, m. Ur- sula, only surviving child of John Bryan, of Bawnmore, (by Ursula, his 2d wife, 2d da. and co-h. of Walter Walsh, of Castle- hoel, by lady Magdalen Sheffield, sister of Edmund, 2d earl of Mulgrave, and great- aunt and eventual sole h. of Edmund Shef- field, last duke 'of Buckingham of that fa- mily,) and by her (who d. 13 June 1736) had issue, 1. Michael. 2. Anne, to., 1st, Richard Nagle, esq.; and 2dly, Edmund Butler, 8th lord Dun- boyne. Oliver Grace d. 8 June 17O8, and was suc- ceeded at Gracefield by his only son, Michael, b. 1682, m. Mary, da. of John Galway, of Lota House, (by Elizabeth, sister of sir John Meade, grandfather of the 1st earl of Clanwilliam,) and by her (who d. 28 Nov. 1736) had issue, 1. Oliver, of Gracefield, m. Mary, da. and h. of John Dowell, of Mantua House, CO. Roscommon, and d. 25 Aug. 1785, leav- ing issue by her (who d. 14 Nov. 1765) 2 sons, 1. Michael, of Gracefield, m. Mary, da. and co-h. of Nicholas Plunkett, of Dun- soghly Castle, and d. 25 Aug. 1785, leaving an only da. and h., Alicia, m. Morgan Ka- vanagh, esq. 2. John-Dowell, of Mantua House, m. Mary, da. and co-h. of P. Hussey, of Ar- dimore, esq., and d. 25 April 1811, leaving an only son, Oliver-John-Dowell Grace, of Mantua-House. 2. William, of whom presently. 3. Sheffield, m. Frances, da. of John Bagot, of Castle Bagot, and d. 5 Sept. 1746, leaving a son, Raymond, who d. imm. 1764. William, 2d son of Michael, resided chiefly in France, m. Mary, da., and even- tually sole h., of Richard Harford, of Marshfield, esq., and by her (who d. 10 April 1799) had issue, 1. Richard. 2. John, in the Austrian service, d, at Belgrade, 31 Oct. 1789, umn. 3. Clara-Louisa, m. William Middleton, of Stockeld Park, co. York, esq. William Grace d. 23 Nov. 1777. Richard Grace, eldest son of William, was of Boley and Southville, a barrister-at- law, and member of the Irish parhament. On him and his issue male the baronetage granted to sir Richard Gamon was limited in remainder. He m. Jane, da. of the hon. John Evans, of Bulgaden Hall, son of George, 1st lord Carbery, and by her (who d. 24 March 1804) had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. Sheffield, barrister-at-law, LL.D. and F.S.A., sometime of St. Mary Hall, Ox- ford, and of Lincoln's Inn, received the honorary degree of LL.D. at the annual commemoration at Oxford, 1827, "*•. 29 June 1829, Harriet Georgiana, 2d da. of lieut.- gen. sir John Hamilton, of Woodbrook, bart. 3. Percy, post captain R.N. 4. Jane, m. George-Frederick Brooke, esq., brother of sir Henry Brooke, bart. 5. Louisa-Caroline. Richard Grace, esq., d. 9 Jan. 1801, dur- ing the lifetime of sir Richard Gamon, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, who, on the death of sir Richard Gamon, in 1818, as above stated, succeeded to the title, and became 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 28. Gules, a lion ram- pant, per fess, argent and or. Crest— On a wreath a lion rampant, as in the arms. Mottoes — Above the crest ; En grace affie. Under the arms ; Concordant nomine facta. Seat— Grace Castle, Kilkenny. DARELL, of Richmond, co. Surrey. 12 May 1795. Sir HARRY-FRANCIS-COLVILLE DARELL, Baronet, Nov. 1814, succeeded his father, sir Harry, 13 April 1828. This family derives its origin from a William Darell, who was seated at .Sesay, co. York, in the reign of king John : tlie elder branch continued at Sesay till the time of Henry VII., when it enticd in a heir-female, who >». sir Guy Dawney, knt. A younger branch was elevated to the ba- ronetcy, 1622, in the person of sir John Darrell, of West Woodhay, co. Berks, which title has been long extinct. William Darell, of Sesay, 6th in descent from the William above named, d. 42 Ed. III., leaving a younger son, John, who settled at Calchill, co. Kent, and was the immediate ancestor of the pre- sent bart. ; his son and heir, Thomas, re- moved to Scotney, co. Sussex. Fourth in borrh 17 descent from him was sir Marmaduke, of Fulinere, co. Bucks, cofferer to king Charles I., and 4th in descent from sir Marmaduke, was Lionell Darell, of Bedford-row, 6. 1708, d. 1!> Oct. 1783, m. Honoria, da. of Hunqihrcy Ilardwick, vice-consul at Lis- bon, by wlioin he had Jo/m, a major in the East India Coinpany's service, b. 21 March 1744; d. April 17f(l), innti.; and I. Sir LIONEL, M.P. for Heydon, co. York, created a bart. 12 May 1795; b. 25 Se])t. 1742; w., 30 July 1766, Isabella, da. of Timothy Tullie, esq., a director of the East India Company, by whom he bad, 1. Sir Harry-Verelst, 2d bart. 2. Lionel, d. an infant. NEAVE. 263 3. Isabella, 6. 1767, d. 20 June 1793, unm. 4. HoNORiA, b. 1771, d. 4 July 1787- 5. Amklia, b. 1773. 6. Florentia-Elizabeth, b. 1717- 7. Clarissa, 6. 1780, ?>(., 3 Jan. 18(>7. James Sharpe, a capt. in the 21st regt. of native infantry, Bengal, d. 29 Aug. 1812. He was a director, chairman of the court of directors, and colonel of one of tlie regi- ments of the India House volunteers. Sir Lionel d. in 1803, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HARRY-VERELST, b. 25 Dec. 1768, a senior merchant in Bengal, and commercial resident of the East India Com- pany at Etawah and CalpUjW., 2 June 1809, Amelia-Mary-Anne, only da. of William Becher, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Harry- Francis- CoLViLLE, 3d bart. 2. &c. other children. Sir Harry d. at Culpu, 13 April 1828, and was succeeded by his son, III. Sir HARRY -FRANCIS -COL- VILLE, present bart. Arm.s—See Plate 28. Azure, a lion ram- pant, or, ducally crowned, argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, or, a Sa- racen's head couped at the shoulders proper, bearded sable, wreathed about the temples, argent and azure, on his head a cap azure, fretty argent, tasselled, or, turned up er- mine. NEAVE, of Dagxam Park, co. Essex. 13 May 1795. Sir THOMAS NEAVE, Baronet, F.R. and A.S., born 1761, succeeded his father, sir Richard, 28 Jan. 1814 ; married^ 13 June 1791, Frances- Caroline, 4th da. of the late rev. William Digby, dean of Durham, (brother to Henry, 1st earl Digby,) and sister to Juliana, dowager countess of II- chester, and has issue, 1. FraxcesCaroline ; 2 RICHARD- DIGBY, b. 9 Dec. 1793, w., 7 Aug. 1827, hon. Mary Arundell, youngest da. of James Everard, 9th lord Arundell, of Wardour, and sister of the present lord, and has issue, '1. Arundell-Neave, b. 4 June 1828 ; 2. Ed- icard-Digby, b. 11 Aug. 1829; ^. Mary. Blanche, b. 20 Nov. 1833; 4. Wyndham, b. 21 Nov. 1834 ; 3. Henrv-Lyttleton, b. 21 March 1798, 7w., 31 Aug. 1823, Agnes-Anne, eldest da. of sir Robert Sheffield, bart.; 4. Sheftield, b. 11 April 1799, a director of the Bank of England; 5. Charlotte-Maria ; 6. William-Augustus, b. 5 Feb. 1802. Richard Neave, of London, esq., who was possessed of lands in Suffolk and Essex, (and was, according to family tradition, descend- ed from the Le Neves of Norfolk,) b. 25 July imC}, m. Elizabeth Bradford, of the fa- mily of Samuel Bradford, D.D., bishop of Rochester, by whom he had a son, James Neave, esq., of London, 6. 7 Aug. 17<'0, and d. \"iCA, having m. Susannah, da. of Thomas Trueman, es(|., receiver-ge- neral for the CO. Nottingham, by whom (who rf. 1703) he had issue„ I. Sir RICHARD, created a bart. 13 May 1795, F.R.S. and F.A.S., a governor of the Bank of England in 1780 ; one of the com- missioners of public accompts ; a director of the Hudson's Bay company; chairman of West India merchants; and of the Rams- gate Harbour Trust ; m., 16 Feb. 1761, Fran- ces, 4th da. of John Bristow, esq., and by her (who d. 18 Jan. 1830) had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 2d bart. 2. John, b. 2 Jan. 1763, sometime judge at Tirhoot, and chief-judge at Benares, both in Bengal, nu, 9 Sept. 1789, Catharine, da. of col. Smith, of the kingdom of Ireland, by whom (who d. 3 May 1822) he had issue, 1. Anna-Frances, b. 9 Nov. 1791. 2. Caroline-Mary, 6. 21 Nov. 1793, m., 1819, the rev. William Cookson, vicar of Hungerford. 3. Eliza, b. 26 March 1796, m., 16 Dec. 1817. John Milford, of Exeter, esq. 4. John, b. II July 1799, judge and ma- gistrate at AUyhur, in Bengal. 5. Robert, b. 11 March 1805, magistrate and collector of revenue at Delhi. 6. Edgar, b. 30 Dec. 1815. 3. Richard, of Lincoln's Inn, esq., bar- rister-at-law, b. 18 Dec. 1773. secretary and registrar of the royal hospital at Chelsea, m., 2 July 18(t7, Sarah, da. of Alexander Irvine, esq., andgrandda. of George Peters, esq., by whom (who rf. 31 Aug. 1826) he had issue, 1. Richard, b. 31 May 1808. 2. George-Peters, b. If! Nov. 1809. 3. Frances; 4. Elizabeth. 4. Henry-Frazer, rf. young. 5. Frances-Louisa, in., 10 July 1786, Beeston Long, esq., director and sometime governor of the Bank. 6. Catharine-Mary, wi. Henry Howard, of Corby Castle, co. Cumberland, esq. 7. Caroline, d. young. 8. Harriet, m. the rev. George Treve- lyan, archdeacon of Bath, 3d son of sir John Trevelyan, of Nettlecombe, co. Somerset, bart. 9. Caroline-Hannah. Sir Richard rf. 21 Jan. 1814, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir THOMAS, present bart. Arms— See Plate 28. Argent, on a cross sable, five fleurs-de-lis, or. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a lily, stalked and leaved, vert, flowered and seed- ed, or. S(?a<— Dagnam Park, Romford, co. Es- sex. 264 HAWLEY. HAWLEY, of Leybourne Grange, co. Kent. 14 May 1795. Sir JOSEPH-HENRY HAWLEY, Baronet, born 27 Oct. 1813, suc- ceeded his father, sir Henry, 29 March 1831. John Hawley (son of William and grandson of John, who d. about 1502) was of Aiiler, CO. Somerset, and first of the fa- mily who settled in that county ; m. Doro- thy, sister of Wilham Walnot, of Shapwick, and had issue two sons, 1. William, of Auler, whose great-grand- son, Francis Hawley, of Buckland-House, CO. Somerset, was created a bart. 14 March 1643, and a peer of Ireland by the title of baron Hawley, of Donamore, co. Meath, 8 July 1646, d. 2-2 Dec. 1684, aged 76, and was succeeded by his grandson, Francis, 2d lord, who d. 1743, leaving a son, Francis, 3d lord, on whose death, 17/5, the title became ex- tinct. 2. Jeremy. Jeremy Hawley, 2d son of John, was of Boston, near Brentford, co. Middlesex, and rf. 1593; m. Kynburgh, da. of Valentine Saunders, of Sutton Court, co. Middlesex, by whom (who d. Feb. 1575) he had issue, besides several children, who d. infants, 1. James. 2. William, rf. Mwm. 3. John, D.D., principal of Gloucester Hall, Oxford, m. Amy, da. of Thomas Stud- ley, and had issue, 4. Henry, a merchant, rf. unm. 5. Francis. 6. Mary, m. John Gaynsford, of Carshal- ton, CO. Surrey. 7. Kynburgh, m. Richard Wroth. James, son and heir of Jeremy, was also of Brentford, b. 1558, d. Sept. 1622, having m., 1st, Susanna, da. of Richard Tothill of Amersham, by whom (who rf. 1602) he had issue, 1. Jeremy, rf. in Maryland, without male issue. 2. William, rf. tinm. 3. Richard. 4. James, m. but rf. s.p. 1667- 5. Gabriel, rf. unm, 6. Henry, of Barbadoes, m. and had issue. 7. Johanna, m. George Dethick, esq., son of sir William Dethick, knt., garter king of arms. 8. Catharine, m. William Thornbo- rough. 9. Susanna, m. sir Richard Piers, of Bar- badoes. James Hawley, esq., m., 2dly, Elizabeth Burnell, by whom (who rf. 1621) he had issue, 10. Henry, a Spanish merchant, rf. umn. 1675. 11. Valentine, of Barbadoes. 12. Thomas, of London, merchant, twice TO., but rf. s.p. 1680. Richard, 3d, but eldest surviving son of James, was of London, M.D., b. 1592, m. Dorothy, da. of Henry Ashworth, of Oxford, M.D., and by her (who rf. J 672) had issue, l)esides one son and three das. who rf. infants, 1. Henry. 2. John, of London, surgeon, b. 1631, rf. unm. 1658. 3. Richard, drowned at sea, a minor, and u»m. 4. Dorothy, w?., 1st, Samuel Torshell, and 2dly, Richard Price. Henry, son and h. of Richard, was of Brentford, b. 1629, and d. 15 Dec. 1706, hav- ing m., 1st, Judith, 3d da. of Thomas Allen, of Goring, co. Oxon, by whom (who rf. 1670) he had no issue ; he m., 2dly, Alice, da. and co-h. of Robert Curtis, of Tenterden, co. Kent, by whom (who rf. 1714) he had issue, 1. James. 2. Richard, rf. s.p. 3. Curtis, to. Thomas Cullum, esq. 4. Susanna, to. Anthony Lybbe, esq. James, son andh. of Henry, was of Brent- ford, 6. 1676, TO. Dorothy, 2d da. of sir Christopher Musgrave, of Edenhall, bart., and rf. 1734, leaving issue by her (who rf. 1729) two sons, Henry, b. 1703, m. but d. without issue 1756, and 2. James, of Leybourne Grange, co. Kent, 6. March 1705-6, rf. 22 Dec. 1777. »'• Eliza- beth, eldest da. of Joseph Banks, of Revesby Abbey, co. Lmcoln, esq., (by Anne, his 1st wife, only child and h. of William Hodgkin- son, and aunt to the right hon. sir Joseph Banks, bart., and G.C.B.,) by whom he had a da., Elizabeth, m. John Crawley, of Stock- wood, CO. Bedford, esq., and rf. 31 Jan. 1826, aged 80, and a son, I. Sir HENRY, created a bart. as above, b. 12 Nov. 1746, m., 1st, 10 Aug. 1770, Doro- thy, only da. and h. of John Ashwood, of Madeley, co. Salop, esq., and by her (whp rf. 4 Dec. 1783) had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 2. Dorothy-Elizabeth, 6. 2 Sept. 1778, TO., 16 Dec. 1809, sir Brooke - William Bridges, bart., andrf. 17 May 1816. 3. Harriott. 4. Charlotte, to., 1st, Dec. 1810, the rev. Brooke John Bridges, brother of sir Brooke above named, who rf. 12 July 1812; and, 2dly, 18 Nov. 1823, Thomas-Gardner Bramston, of Skreens, co. Essex, esq. Sir Henry to., 2dly, 5 Sept. 1785, Anne, eldest da. of William Humphrey, of Llewyn, CO. Montgomery, esq., and by her (who rf. 7 Nov. 1829, at. 72) had issue, 5. Frances-Anne, w.,20 April 1822, capt. Charles Shaw, 2d son of sir John-Gregory Shaw, of Kenward, co. Kent, bart. 6. Rev. James Hawley, clerk, to., 13 Oct. 1831, Henrietta-Margaretta, eldest da. of the late Peter Pegus, esq. 7. Eliza. 8. Louisa, m., 1825, the rev. Tatton Brockman. Sir Henry rf. 20 Jan. 1826, aged 81, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HENRY, 2d bart, b. 20 Oct. 1776, TO., 29 Nov. 1806, Catharine - Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir John-Gregory Shaw, bart., and liad issue, 1. Catherine-Anne, 6. 4 Jan. 1808, m., 7 Sept. 1831, George-John Smart, esq., capt. in the army. 2. Theodosia, b. 12 June 1809. 3. Marianne -Dorothy, b. 26 Nov. 1810. 4. Augusta-Harriet, b. 20 April 1812. 5. Sir Joseph-Henry, present bart. 6. Henry-James, b. 14 July 1815. 7. Frances-Charlotte, 6. 19 Oct. 1817- 8. Emma-Grace, b. 12 Dec. 1818, rf. I7 May 1819. 9. Caroline-Elizabeth, 6. 17 Oct. 1820, rf. 19 July 1832. 10. Henrv-Charles, b. 31 July 1823. 11. Ellen-Catherine, b. 6 Aug. 1826. POLLEN.— WENTWORTH. 265 Sir Henry d. 29 March 1831, and was succeed- ed bv his eldest son, III. Sir JOSEPH-HENRY, present and 3d bart. Anns— See Plate 28. Vert, a saltire, en- grailed, argent. Crest— A goat's head with a sprig of holly in the mouth. Seat — Leyboume Grange, co. Kent. POLLEN, of Redenham, co. Hants. 15 May 1795. Sir JOHN-WALTER POLLEN, Baronet, M.P. for Andover, born 6 April 1784, succeeded his father, sir John, 17 Aug. 1814; married^ 9 Sept. 1819, Charlotte-Elizabeth, only da. of the late rev. John Craven, of Chilton House, co. Wilts, but has no issue. Edward Paulyv, of London, merchant, descended from a family of that name, co. Lincoln, d. about 1636; he had three sons, Edward and T?iomas, who d. num., and John Paulyn, or Pollen, of London, merchant ; m. Anne, da. of William Ber- nard, and relict of Nicholas Venables, esq., by whom he had William, who d. young, and John, M.P. for Andover: he had three wives, 1st, Frances, da. and h. of Edward Exton, by whom he had Aynie, who d. voung, and Edward, from whom the Pol- lens of Little Bookham, in Surrey, are de- scended; 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of Philip Jack- son, of London, merchant, by whom he had several children, whorf. infants ; 3dly, Mary, da. of Edward Sherwood, esq., by whom he had Mart/, Hannah, and Richaid, who d. young ; Elizabeth, m. Ellis St. John, clerk, and John, a Welsh judge, M.P. for Andover, m. Hester, da. of Paulet St. John, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 1st bart. 2. Rev. Richard-Pollen, clerk, m. Su- sannah, da. of mr. Hankie, of Bath, d. with- out issue, 3. Sarah, rf. 22 Feb. 1818. 4. Mary, d. umn. 1812. 5. Elizabeth, 2d wife of George Hun- gerford, of Studley House, co. Gloucester, esq. 6. Hester, m. the rev. Oliver-Goodyere St. John, of Mottisfont, co. Hants. I. Sir JOHN POLLEN, of Andover, and of Redenham, co. Hants, was created a bart. as above, w., Feb. 1/88, Louisa, sole da. of Walter Holt, of Redenham, esq., and by her (who d. 16 Jvily 17r"8) had issue, 1. Sir John- Walter, present bart. 2. Richard, of Rodbourn, co. Wilts, and of Lincoln's Inn, b. 17 April 1786, nu, 14 Jan. 1815. Anne, da. of Samuel-Pepys Cock- erell, of Westbourne Green, co. Middlesex, esq., brother to sir Charles Cockerell, bart., and has issue, 1. Hungerford-Richard, b. 19 Oct. 1815. 2. John-Hungerford, 6. 19 Nov. 1820. 3. Charles -Hungerford, b. 28 March 1822. 4. Louisa-Jane, b. 19 Nov. 1816. 5. Laura-Susan, b. 27 Jan. 1818. 6. Jessica-Elizabeth, b. 20 Aug. 1819. Sir John m., 2dly, Charity-Anne, da. of J. Sovithby, of co. Wilts, esq., by whom (who d. July 183(») he had no issue; he rf. 17 Aug. 1814, and was succeeded bvhis son, II. Sir JOHN-WALTER, present bart. Arms — See Plate 28. Azure, on a bend, cottised, or, between six lozenges, argent, each charged with an escallop, sable, five escallops, vert. Crest — A pelican, with wings expanded, in her nest, per pale, or and azure, vulning herself, proper, charged on the wing with a lozenge, argent, theron an escallop, sable. Seat — At Redenham, co. Hants. WENTWORTH. 16 May 1795. Sir CHARLES-MARY WENTWORTH, Baronet, D.C.L., horn 18 Jan. 1775, succeeded his father, sir John, 1820. This family derives its immediate origin from William Wentu'ORTh, who emi- grated from Yorkshire to Boston, in New England, 1628, and subsequently removed to New Hampshire, in the same country : he was grandfather of John Wentworth, esq., lieut. -governor of New Hampshire, m. Sarah, da. of Mark Hunkyn, esq., (the descendant of a family of the same name in Devonshire,) and d. 12 Dec. 1730, leaving issue, 1. Benning, governor of New Hamp- shire, m. and had issue. 2. HuNKiN, m. and left issue. 3. John, m. and had issue. 4. William, m. and had issue. 5. Samuel, m. and had issue. 6. Mark-Hunkyn, father of the 1st bart. 7. Dan [EL, m. and had issue. 8. George, rf. <' V. and VI. ; m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Richard Tunstall, knt,, and had issue 2 sons; 1. sir Henry, whose son sir Roger was made a banneret at the battle of Stoke, 1487, and left an only son, sir Robert, who d. without male issue ; and 2. Alan, who was father of Thomas, father of Alan, of Helsington, co. Westmoreland, a bencher of the Middle Temple, and one of the king's council at York, and M.P. for CO. Northumberland, 157<', who d. 7 May 1577; having m. Dorothy, da. of Thomas Sandford, of Askham, aiid leaving, besides other issue, a son and heir. Sir James, knighted by king James I., on his coming into England, KJU.J, and rf. 1641, having m. Agnes, da. of sir Henry Curwen, knt., and leaving, besides other issue, 2 sons ; 1. Sir Henry, created a bart. l(J2t), and left 3 das. and 1 son, sir James, on whose death without issue, in 1650, the title became ex- tinct ; 2. Alan, of Levens, co. Westmoreland, 6. 1596, m. Susan, da. of Marmaduke Con- stable, of Marham, co. York, and d. 1 Feb. 1€72, having had issue by her, 1. James, of Levens, m. and left issue. 2. Henry. 3. Thomas, rf. iinm. 4. Mary. 5. Dorothy, m. Henry Marwood, of Little Bushby, co. York, esq. Henry, 2d son of Alan Bellingham, of Levens, was an officer in a regiment of cavalr^' raised in the North for suppressing the rebellion in Ireland; and at the tenuina- tion of that rebellion had lands granted him CO. Louth, (which county the Bellinghams represented from 1660 to about 1755, without intermission,) now called Castle Bellingham. These lands were confirmed to him by pa- tent from king Charles II., and he added to them very considerably by purchase : he d. 18 Feb. 1676, was buried at Castle Belling- ham, having m. miss Sibthorpe, and by her (who rf. Dec. KMf) had Anne, who m. Robert Bickerton, of CantilufF, co. Armagh, brother of Jane, duchess of Norfolk, 2d wife of Henn', 6th duke of Norfolk ; and Thomas, of Castle-Bellingham, esq., raised a regiment of cavaln,', and served as its colonel with king William in Ireland, where he acted as his guide during the march of the army from Dundalk to the Boyne, ser\'ed in that action, and after it accom- panied the king, and put him in his carriage at Dulek. For these proofs of attachment to king William, king James's army in their retreat towards the Boyne, destroyed Bel- lingham Castle by fire ; he m., 18 Feb. 1671, Abigail, da. of Handcock, and rf, 15 Sept. 1721, leaving issue by her (who d. 6 Jan. 172O) 2 das., who both d. nnnu, and 1 son, Henry Bellingham, esq., who was mem- ber for Dundalk ; m., 15 Aug. 17', da. and co-heiress of Thomas Moore, esq., and sister of Elizabeth, wife of Dacre Len- nard, afterwards Barret, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Henry, knight of the shire for the county of Louth, m. Margaret, da. of Hugfi Henry, of StrafFan, co. Kildare, esq., and d. without surviving issue, May 1755. 2. Alan. 3. Elizabeth, m. the rev. John For- tescue, uncle to WiUiam-Henry, the lasi earl of Clermont. 4. Anne, d. unm. 5. , m. the rev. William Coddington, of Monaghan. 6. Abigail, m. Thomas Aston of Drog- heda, esq. 7. Jane, m. Thomas Wilson of Newry, esq. Alan Bellingham, of Castle Bellingham, the youngest son of Henry, above named, m. Alice, da. and co-h. of the rev. Hanse Montgomery, rector of Killinshee, vicar of Ballywalter, and curate of Grey Abbey, and d. 19 Jan. 17tX3, aged 89, having had issue by her, (who d. in 178:?,) 1. Henry, d. 8. Sept. 1800, having w. Elizabeth, natural da. of Richard Tennison, of Thomas Town, co. Louth, esq., and leav- ing issue male, which became extinct on the death of his grandson, William -Henry, in 1822. 2. Alan, d. Nov. 180 per annum. He d. I(jl5, aged 8^2, having ni., 1st, Mary, da. of Richard Fermor, esq.; and 2dly, lady Elizabeth Seymour, da. of Edward, duke of Somerset, and left a numerous issue by both wives, which, however, became extinct in the 2d generation, and the estate of Fawsley de- volved upon Richard Knightley, esq., eldest son of Thomas, of Burgh Hall, 2d son of sir Va- lentine, tn. Jane, da. of Sir Edward Little- ton, of Pillaton Hall, co. Stafford, and d. Sept. 1650, leaving (besides several others who d. young) 4 surviving sons, 1. Sir Richard, K.B. at the coronation of Charles H., twice in., and left 2 das. and 1 son, Essex, who d. without male issue, 1(570. 2. Edward, m., but d. s.p., 1655. ."?. Devereux, m., and left one son, De- vereux, who d. s.p. 4. Lucy. Lucy Knightley, 4th son of Richard Knightley, esq., (b. 23 April 1623, d. in Oct. Km,) m. Elizabeth, da. of Giles Dent, al- derman of London, by whom (who d. 21 Jan. 1710) he had, 1. Lucy, d. imm., 1681. 2. Giles. 3. Richard, of whom hereafter. 4. John; 5. Devereux ; who both d. young. 6. Valentine, 7. Giles, of Charwelton, co. Northamp- ton, b. 10 Aug. 1774, d. 1783. 8. Elizabeth, m. John Stratford, esq. 9. Mary, m. Jacob Turner. 10. Jane, m. William Strudwick, esq. 11. Rebecca, m. John Mapletoft, M.D. 12. Susannah, m. John Ashford, esq. 13. Lucy, m. Thomas Gary, esq. 14. Dent, m. Malachy Tliurston, esq. Richard Knightley, of London, (and afterwards of Fawsley, esq., on the extinc- tion of male issue of his uncles,) 3d son of Lucy, m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Henry Wal- den, esq., a judge in the island of Barbados, by whom he had issue, 1. Lucy, hereafter mentioned. 2. Richard, m. Anne, da. of John An- drews, esq. 3. Elizabeth; 4. Deborah. Hem., 2dly, Mary, da. of John Upton, by whom he had no issue, and d. 1728. Lucy, son and h. of Richard, m., 1st, Jane-Grey, da. and co-h. of Henry Benson, of Dadford, co. Northampton, esq., by Elizabeth, sister of Thomas, earl of Stam- ford, by whom he had issue, 1. Valentine, his successor. 2. Hichard, d. young. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Jane, m. Richard Williams, esq. 5. Lucy, m. Joseph Smith, of Stow Park, CO. Northampton, esq. 6. Deborah, d. young. He m., 2dly, Anne, da. of the rev. Wil- liam Adams, by whom he had no issue, and d. in Aug. 1738, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, Valentine, of Fawsley, esq., M.P. co. Northampton, b, 9 Sept. 1718; m. Eliza- beth, da. of Edward Dummer, of Swaith- land, CO. Hants, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Lucy, m. Catharine, da. of sir James Dash wood, bart., but had no issue. He represented co. Northampton in 3 parlia- ments. 2. Valentine, d. unm. 3. Sir John, 1st bart. 4. Charles, in holy orders, b. 1753, d, about 1787. having m. Elizabeth, only da. of Henry Boulton, the elder, of Molton, co. Lincoln, and Uppingham, co. Rutland, esq., and left issue, 1. Sir CHARLES, present bart. 2. Valentine, b. 1782. 3. Henry, m. Jane, da. of the rev. Phi- lip Storey. 4. Elizabeth, »?., 5 Aug. 1822, William Lee, esq. 5. Sophia, b. in June 1787, ni., 1807, John Story, of Leckington, co. Leicester, esq., who was accidentally killed on board a steam-boat on the lake of Geneva, 26 May 1827. 5. James, m. Mary Davies, but has no issue. 6. Elizabeth, m. John-Willis Fleming, of Stoneham Park, co. Hants, esq. 7. Jane, m. John Kingston, of Belmont, esq L Sir JOHN, 3d son, b. 17 Feb. 1746, in holy orders, was created a bart. as above, with remainder, in default of issue male of his body, to that of his next brother, the rev. Charles Knightley, deceased. Sir John m. Mary, only da. of John Baines, esq., (which lady survived him, and d. 22 Sept. 1830,) d. 29 Jan. 1812, witliout issue, and was succeeded by his nephew, H. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Anns— See Plate 30. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, ermine; 2d and 3d, paly of six, or and gules, all within a bordure azure. Crest— A buck's head, couped, argent, at- tired, or. Se«^— Fawsley Park, Daventry, co. North- ampton. HAY, (now DALRYMPLE-HAY,) of Park Place, co. Wigton. 7 April 1798. Sir JAMES DALRYMPLE-HAY, Baronet, born 26 July 1709, suc- ceeded his father, sir John, 1812; married, 1st, Sept. 1819, EHzabeth, da. of sir John Heron Maxwell, of Spriugkell, l)art., by whom (who d. Feb. 1821) he had issue, 1. JOHN-CHARLES, />. 11 Feb. 1821. Sir John m., 2dly, March 1821^, Anne, da. of George liathorn, of London, esq., and has issue, 2. Saraii-Georgina, b. May 182G; 3. Susan, b. Nov. 1827; 4. James, 6. Sept. 1829 ; 5. Grace-Maria, b. Sept. 1830 ; C. Mary-Heron, b. Jan. 1832; 7- Houston, (a da.,) b, 2 April 1833. ANSTRUTHER. 279 James Dalrymple, of Dunraget, in the parish of Old Luce, Wigtonshire, esq., m. Grace, da. of M'Dowall, of Freagh, esq., and d. about 17C6, aged (iff, having had issue, (besides one son, and three das., who d. young,) Grate, m. sir Alexander Gordon, of Greenlaw, in the stewartry of Kircud- bright, and d. 1820, and a son and heir. Sir JOHN, created a bart., as above, took the name and arms of Hay, by royal sign manual 1798; h. 14 April 174(J, m., 29 March 1779, Susan, only da. of sir Thomas Hay, of Park, bart., (and h. of her brother sir Tho- mas, who d. s.p. 1794,) and by her (who sur- vived him, and d. Jan. 1825,) had issue, 1. Jean, b. 26 Jan. 178O, m., 1814, Vans Hathorn, of Garthland, co. Wigton, esq., and rf. May 1824. 2. Grace, b. 24 Feb. 1781. 3. Elizabeth, b. 26 April 1784, m., 18i>8, Levison Stewart, of Glasserton, co. Wigton, esq., R.N. 4. Susan, h. 10 Oct. 1786. 5. Sir James, 2d bart. 6. Margaret, b. 1792, d. young. 7. Mary, h. 179(3, d. 1798. Sir John d. 1812, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir JAMES, present and 2d bart. Arms—^ee Plate 30. Argent, between .'» escutcheons, gules, in base, and in chief, a yoke, proper, a crescent, azure. Crest— \ falcon, proper, charged on tlie breast with an escutcheon, gules. Motto— Servajugimi. Seats— DnnraQet, Glenluce ; and Park Place, CO. Wigton. ANSTRUTHER, of Fort William, Bengal. 18 May 1798. Sir WYNDHAM-CARMICHAEL ANSTRUTHER, Baronet, of Great Britain and of Nova Scotia, Heritable Carver of the King's House- hold in Scotland, born 1790, succeeded his nephew, sir John, Nov. 1831 ; married^ 1824, Meredith-IMaria, youngest da. of Charles Wetherell, esq., and has issue, WYNDHAM. This family is descended from William DE Candela", who was lord of the lands and barony of Amindher, co. Fife, in the time of Malcolm, 4th king of Scotland, who ascended the throne of that kingdom, 1153. His grandson, Henry, appears to have first assumed the surname of Anstruther, from the said lands, and issonamedin a deed 1221. Sir James Anstruther, the 12th in descent from William de Candela, was appointed heritable carver to James VI. 1585, and was constituted one of the masters of the house- hold to his majesty 1592, with all the profits and privileges belonging to these offices, which are hereditary in the family. He d. 1606, having m. Jean, da. of Thomas Scott, of Abbotshall, lord-justice-clerk in the reign of James V.,by whom he had two sons, sir William, K.B., so created at the coronation of king James I., 1603, m., but d. without issue, 1649, and Sir Robert, h. to his brother, was em- ployed in many diplomatic services by kings James and Charles I. ; m. Katharine, da. of sir Edward Swift, of Yorkshire, and had 2 sons, Robert, who d. without issue male, and Sir Philip, who was a zealous royalist, and taken prisoner at the battle of Wor- cester, m. Christian, da. of major-general Lumsdain, of Innergelly, and d. 1702, leav- ing 5 sons, all barts. or knights. 1. Sir William, his heir. 2. Sir Robert, of Balcaskie, created a bart. of N. S. 1694, m., and left issue. 3. Sir Philip, of Anstrutherfield, m., and left issue. 4. Sir James, of Ardrie, d. unm. 5. Sir Alexander, m. Joan, da. and co- h. of David Leslie, 2d lord Newark, and left issue, who claimed the title of baron New- ark, but the claim was decided against by the house of lords, 1793. Sir William Anstruther, son and heir of sir Philip, was created a bart. of Nova Sco- tia, 1694, and d. I7II, having m. Helen, da. of John-Hamilton, 4th earl of Haddington, and leaving a son and heir. Sir John, appointed master of the king's works in Scotland, 1717. «'• Margaret, da. ot James-Cannichael, 2d earl of Hyndford, and d. 1746, having had two children who d. young, and a surviving son. Sir John, h. 27 Dec. 17I8, nu, 4 Oct. 1750, Janet, da. of James Fall, of Dunbar, and d. 1799, having had issue, 1. Sir Philip, succeeded his father as bart. of Nova Scotia, h. 13 Jan. 1752: m., 19 Feb. 1778, Anne, da. of sir John Pater- son, bart., but d. without issue, 5 Jan. 18(t8, and was succeeded by his next brother, 2. Sir John, 1st bart. of Great Britain. 3. James; 4. William, who d. young. 5. Robert, colonel of the Tay Fencibles. 6. Margaret, d. young. 7. Jean, m. Charles Parker, esq. I. The right hon. sir JOHN, 2d son, was created a bart. of Great Britain, 18 May 1798, and succeeded his brother sir Philip in the baronetcy of Nova Scotia, 1799, b. 27 March 17-53, was bred to the law, and in 1798 was appointed chief-justice of the su- preme court of judicature in Bengal, which office he resigned in 1806; m. Maria, da. of Edward Brice, of Berners Street, esq., and by her (who d. 14 June 1833) had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Sir Wyndham, 4th bart. 3. Marianne, nu, 27 March 1823, James Anstruther, esq. Sir John d. 26 Jan. 1811, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir'jOHN, assumed the surname and arms of Carmichael, in addition, on suc- ceeding as heir of entail to the last earl of Hyndford, 1817, '«., 11 Feb. 1817, Jessee, .3d da', of major-general Dewan, of Gelstown, N.B., by whom (who re-m., -IJ March 1828, Robert Marsham, esq., warden of Merton College, Oxford, eldest son of the hon. and rev. dr. Marsham, and cousin to the earl of Romney)hehad issue, a posthumous son, sir John, 3d bart. Sir John d. Feb. 1818, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir JOHN, b'. Q Feb. 1818, accident- ally killed while on a shooting excursion in Nov. 1831, unm., and was succeeded by his uncle. ^80 WILLtAMS.— DALLAS. IV. Sir WYNDHAM, present bart. Amis — See Plate 3D. Argent, three piles, sable. Crest — Two arms embowed in armour, holding a pole-axe with both hands, proper. Motto — Periissem ni periissem. Suppo)-ters— Two falcons, with wings ex- panded, proper, jessed and belled, or. Residences— Elie-House, eo. Fife, Carmi- chael-House and Westraw-House, co. La- nark, North Britain. WILLIAMS, of BODLLEWYDDAN, CO. Flint. 24 July 1798. Sir JOHN WILLIAMS, Baronet, bor7i 9 Jan. 1794, succeeded his father, sir John, 9 Oct. 1830. (For the earlier part of this family see Williams-Wynn, of Wynnstay, bart.) John Williams, of Chester, esq., bar- rister-at-law, and a Welch judge, was 2d son of sir William Williams, of Glascoed, 2d bart of that line ; he d. 1737 ; m. Catharine, da. of sir Hugh Owen, bart., by whom he had issue, 1. Hugh, m., 1st, Ursula, da. of sir John Bridgman, bart.; and, 2dly, , da. of Edward Norris, M.D., but d. without issue. 2. KvFFiN, m. Frances, da. of sir Henry Bunbury, bart., but d. without issue. 3. John, of whom hereafter. 4. Arthur, archdeacon of St. David's, and rector of St. Mary, Chester, d. unni. 1737. 5. Edward, m. the da. and h. of Lewis Owen, esq., and widow of viscount Bulke- ley. 6. Elizabeth, m, sir William Owen, bart. John, the 3d son, was chief justice of Bre- con, Glamorgan, and Radnor, 174I, (b. 2 March 170O, d. 4 May 1787.) m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Henry Bennet, esq., by whom he had a son, Bennet, b. 173.5, d. 24 March 1786; he m. Sarah, da. of Robert Hesketh, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir John, 1st bart. 2. William, rector of St. George's. 3. Roger-Hesketh-Fleetwood. 4. Emma, m. the rev. Hugh-Davies Grif- fiths. 5. Margaret. L Sir JOHN, eldest son, was created a bart. as above, b. 22 Dec. 1761, m., 21 Oct. 1791, Margaret, da. and h. of Hugh Wil- liams, of Tyfry, co. Anglesea, esq.j and had issue, 1. Bennet, b. 30 Nov. 1792, d. May 1796. 2. Sir John, present bart. 3. Harriett, b. 4 June 1796. 4. Emma, b. 7 May 1798. 5. Margaret, b. 1799, m., March 1829. Henry-Peyto, lord Willoughby de Broke. 6. Hugh, b. 1802. 7. Mary-Elizabeth, b. 1803, m., 2 Dec. 1823, George Lucy, of Charlcote, co. War- wick, esq. 8. William, b. 20 Sept. 1805, in holy or- ders. 9. Ellin, b. 1810, m„ 14 Feb. 1832, Wil- liam-Owen Stanley, 2d son of sir John-Tho- mas Stanley, bart. Sir John d. 9 Oct. 1830, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 30. Argent, two foxes counter saliant, in saltire, gules, with a crescent for difference. Crest— A fox's head erased. Sefl«— Bodllewyddan, co. Flint. DALLAS, of Harley Street, co. Middlesex. 31 July 1798. Sir ROBERT-CHARLES DALLAS, Baronet, bom 23 Dec. 1804, siicceeded his father, sir George, 14 Jan. 1833, and is unmarried. Willidnnts de Dnllns, according to Doug- las's Baronage of North Britain, was wit- ness to an indenture between Simon, prior of Plascardine, and Willielmus, dominus de Innes, about 1298. William Dalas, of Can- try, or Cantra, co. Ross, m. Stewart, da. of sir Alexander Mackenzie, r,th l)aron of Coul ; and Thomas Dallas, w. Eii|)heiTna, 2d da. of Hugh Clerk, 3d scm of sir John Clerk, of Pennycuick, (created a bart. by Charles II.,) by his 2d wife. Christian, da. of the rev. mr. Kilpatrick. Robert Dallas, of Kensington, co. Middlesex, esq., d. 1 "» April 1796, having m. Elizabeth, da. of James Smith, clerk, mi- nister of Kilberney, in Ayrshire, (living in 1798,) bv whom he had, 1. Sir'RoBERT, chief justice of the Com- mon Pleas, m., 1st, Charlotte, da. of the late Alexander Jardine, esq., lieut.-col. in the army, and consul at Corunna, and 2dly, Justina, da. of Henry Davidson, of TuJ- loch Castle, co. Ross, esq., and d. 25 Dec. 1824, having had issue, 1. Robert-William, in the army, m., 9 May 181H, Lucy, eldest da. of H. David- sou, I'l" Ik'dford S([iiare, esq. 2. Cliarlolte, //(., 31 May 1817, captain Gowan Uoherts, R.N. 3. Madi-line, in., June 1828, capt. Gus- tave HliuiuT von Wolhstat, grandson of the late field-marshal Blucher. 4. Giustina; .5. Eliza. 6. Lucy-Sarah, m., Dec. IRIS, I. Mar- ton, of Capemwray-Hall, co. Lancaster, esq. 7. Catherine. 2. Harriet, d. nmn., 30 July ia^3. 3. IsAHELLA, m. William Rae, surgeon. 4. Sir Gkorgk, 1st bart. 5. Mary, m. lieut.-col. Thomas Huxley. 6. Elizabeth ; 7- Annb. BOUGHEY-FLETCHER. 281 8. Lucy, m. capt. West. I. Sir GEORGE-DALLAS, who distin- guished himself much in the civil service of the East India Company, was created a bart. as above, m., June 1788, Catharine, 4th da. of sir John Blackwood, bart., of Ire- land, (by Dorcas, baroness Dufterin and Claneboye,) and had issue, 1. Catherine-Sophia, b. 31 Aug. 1789, m., 9 Dec. 1811, the hon. capt. George Pou- lett, R.N., 2d son of John, 4th earl Pou- lett, K.T., and d. 11 April 1831. 2. William-Gemmell, b. 11 April 1792, rf. 7 Nov. 1799. 3. Marianne, b. 6 Aug. 1790, m., 1st, 11 Feb. 1809, sir Peter Parker, bart., capt. R.N., (who was slain whilst storming the Ame- rican camp at Bellair, near Baltimore, 4 Aug. 1814,) and 2dly, 15 Aug. 1818, Michael, eldest son of Michael Bruce, of co. Inver- ness, esq. 4. George, b. .31 Dec. 1797, killed, 14 Feb. 1816, by the accidental discharge of a gun. 5. Henrietta. 6. Henry, capt. 37th foot, b. 31 July 1802, d. 10 Aug. 1830. 7. Sir Robert-Charles, present bart. Sir George d. 14 Jan. 1833, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir ROBERT-CHARLES, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 30. Argent, a bend, azure, between three mullets, sable. Ci-est — A crescent, per pale, or and gules, quarterly, counter-changed. Seat— At Petshall, co. Stafford. FLETCHER, (now BOUGHEY-FLETCHER,) of Newcastle-under- Lyne, and Bet ley, co. Stafford. 24 Aug. 1798. Sir THOMAS- FLETCHER. FENTON BOUGHEY-FLETCHER, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John-Fenton, Sept. 1828; bor7i 22 Jan. 1809; married., 27 Dec. 1832, Louisa- PauHna, youngest da. of Thomas Gitford, of ChilHngton, co. Stafford, esq., and has issue, 1. Henrietta- Charlotte, b. 22 Oct. d. 1 Dec. 1833. The family of Fletcher is of Irisli extrac- tion, and settled at Earls Steamdale, co. Derby. Anno 13 Eliz., James Fletcher, and his son John, joined in settling his estates there on the said John and his heirs by Agnes his wife, from whom descended William, of Earls Steamdale, »i., 1st, Elena, and 2dly, Dorothea, by one of whom he had issue, 1. John, from whom descended the Fletchers of Ashborne; he m., 3dly, Anne, da. of John Rouse, esq., by whom he had, 2. William, d. 1728, having m. Esther Hall, by whom he had issue three das., Elizabeth, Sarah, and Esther ; 3. Thomas, (to whom his father left his estate at Earls Steamdale,) ri. 1731, having /«. Lydia, da. of Robert Mellor, of Alsop, co. Derby, esq., by whom he left issue, William, d. mmu, and Thomas, a banker, at Newcastle, 6. 23 Jan. 171t)-7. m. Elizabeth, .3d da. and co-h. of John Fenton, esq., (by Jane, co-h. of Thomas Hippesley, of Hampton, co. Wilts, esq.,) and by her (who d. 15 June 1775) had issue, several children, who all d. unm., and I. Sir THOMAS, of Betley Court, sheriff CO. Stafford 1788-9, created a bart. 24 Aug. 1798, b. 25 Nov. 1747, >'<■ Anne, da. and co-h. of John Fenton, of Newcastle, esq., by Ana- stasia, da. of John Cradock, of Betley, esq., (which John was son of Thomas Fenton, barrister-at-law, and recorder of Newcastle. CO. Stafford, esq., son of John Fenton, of Fenton Park, co. Stafford, brother of Elijah Fenton, the poet,) and by her (who d. 22 Oct. 1821 ) haci issue, 1. Sir John-Fenton, 2d bart. 2. Anastasia. 3. Elizabeth, m., 21 June 1814, F.Twem- low, of the Hill, co. Chester, esq. Sir Thomas d. 14 July 1812, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN-FENTON, bart., succeeded his father, sir Thomas Fletcher, 7 July 1812, took the surname of Boughey in ad- dition by royal sign manual 1805, pursuant to the will of his kinsman, George Boughey, of Audley, co. Stafford, esq., who rf. 1808, son of George Boughey, of Audley, (by Eliza- beth Cradock, a sister of his maternal great- grandfather, John Cradock, of Betley, above-mentioned,) w., 9 Feb.1808, Henrietta- Dorothy, eldest da. of sir John Chetwode, of Oakley, co. Stafford, bart., and grandda. of the 5th earl of Stamford, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Fletcher-Fenton, pre- sent bart. 2. John-Fenton, b. G June 1811. 3. George-Fenton, b. 9 Sept. 1813. 4. William-Fenton, b. 9 Nov. 1814. 5. Richard-Fenton, b. 12 Jan. 1816, d. 1 June 182.3. 6. Edward-Fenton, b. 4 July 1818. 7. Anchitel-Fenton, b. 4 Dec. 1819. 8. Robert-Fenton, b. 18 Sept. 1822. 9. Charles-Fenton, 6. 12 Dec. 1823. 10. Anne-Henrietta, b. 27 Feb. 1810, m., 21 June 1832, the hon. and rev. Everard- Robert-Bruce Feilding. 11. Henrietta-Dorothy, 6.12 Aug. 1812. 12. Anastasia-Elizabeth, b. 3 March 1817. 13. ELIZABETH, b. 29 June 1821. Sir John-Fenton rf. Sept. 1823, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III. Sir THOMAS-FLETCHER-FEN- TON, present bart. Anns— See Plate 30. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Fletcher, sable, a cross wavy, ermi- nois, between four plates, each charged with an arrow, in bend sable ; 2d and 3d, argent, three bucks' heads erased, and affront^e er- mines, for Boughey. Crests— 1st, Fletcher, a plate charged with a pheon, per pale ermine, and sable. 2d, Boughey, out of an eastern crown, gold, the points alternate, or and argent, a buck's head, ermines, attired and collared of the first. Motto — Nee qiujerere iwc speiTiere hotwrem. Sert^— Agualate, Newport, co. Stafford. 282 TROWBRIDGE.— GLYN. TROWBRIDGE, of Plymouth, co. Devon. 30 Nov. 1799. Sir EDWARD-THOMAS TROWBRIDGE, Baronet, Post-Captain R.N., and M.P. for Sandwich, Naval Aide-de-camp to his Majesty, suc- ceeded his father, admiral sir Thomas ; married^ 19 Oct. 1810, Forrester, da. of admiral the lion, sir Alexander-Inglis Cochrane, G.C.B., and niece to the late earl of Dundonald, and has issue, INGLIS, b. G Dec. 1816, and other issue. I, Sir THOMAS TROWBRIDGE (son of Richard Trowbridge, of Cavendish Street, Mary-le-bone, esq.) was created a bart. as above, K.F., admiral R.N., m. Frances, re- lict of Richardson, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Edward-Thomas, present bart. 2. Charlotte, m., 29 Nov. 1809, major- general Charles Bulkeley Egerton, brother of sir John-Grey Egerton, of Oulton Park, CO. Chester, bart. Sir Thomas was brought up in the naval service of his country by admiral sir Edward Hughes, K.B., in the East Indies, and ob- tained his lieutenancy 178(1, was made a commander and post captain \^i\•2, and re- turned to England as captain of the admi- ral's ship 1785, having served in all the ac- tions against the French in India, and was soon after selected to accompany commo- dore, afterwards admiral Blankett, upon a particular service in the Indian seas ; on his return was captured by the French fleet, in the Castor frigate, and being a prisoner on board the Sans Pareille of 80 guns, in the glorious victory of lord Howe, 1 June 1794, was named by his lordship, upon her capture on that day, to command her; the admiralty immediately after appointed him to the Culloden, which he commanded under the earl St. Vincent in the action with the Spanish fleet, 14 Feb. 1797. Captain Trow- bridge was despatched by lord St. "Vincent to lord Nelson, with eight sail of the line in the Mediterranean, and those ships, with the four Nelson had, destroyed the French fleet of superior force at the battle of the Nile, 1 Aug. 1798. Commodore Trowbridge was then separately and successfully em- ployed on various and important services ni the Mediterranean, and for his distin- guished gallantry on various occasions was created a baronet of Great Britain, 3(» Nov. 1799, with an honourable augmentation to his armorial bearings allusive to his services. On his return to England in the Culloden, 1801, he was selected by earl St. Vincent to be his lordship's captain of the channel fleet, and was afterwards appointed a lord of the admiralty, with his chief, the earl being appointed first lord thereof. On the promo- tion of flag officers, 23 April 1804, sir Tho- mas was made an admiral, and sent 1805, to the East Indies, and returning from that station was lost at sea in the Blenheim of 74 guns. Sir Thomas was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir EDWARD -THOMAS, present bart. Arn-is — See Plate 30. Or, on a bridge em- battled, of three arches, through which water is flowing towards the base proper, a tower of the second, thereon hoisted a broad pendant flying towards the sinister; on a canton azure two keys in saltire, the wards upwards, or. Crest — A dexter arm embowed, habited azure, holding a flag-staff; therefrom a flag, azure, charged with two keys, in saltire, or. GLYN, of Gaunts, co. Dorset. 22 Nov. 1800. Sir RICHARD-CARR GLYN, created a Baronet as above, 2d sur- viving son of sir Richard Glyn, bart., and eldest son by his 2d wife, Eliza- beth, da. and co-h. of Robert Carr, esq., (brother to sir William Carr, of Etall, CO. Northumberland, bart.,) born 17'>o ; Alderman and Banker of London, late IVIember for St. Ives, President of Bridewell and Bethlem Hospitals, Lord Mayor of I^ondon 1798 ; married^ 2 July 1785, Mary, only da. of John Plumtree, of Nottingham, and of Fredville, co. Kent, esq., by whom (who r/. 2 Aug. 1832, ajt. 72) he had issue, 1. Mary-Elizabeth, b. May 1780, m., 14 Aug. 1811, Edward Greathed, of Uddings House, co. Dorset, esq. ; 2. RICHARD-PLUMTREE, b. Ki June 1787, gent, of the privy-chamber ; 3. Rokeu t-Thomas-Joiin, b. 5 Sept. 1788, m., 30 June 1829, Frederica-EHzabeth, third da. of Henry Harford, esq., of Down Place, Berks, and has issue; 4. Tiiomas-Ciiristopiier, b. 5 Oct. 1789, w., 24 March 1817, Julia-Grace, da. of the late Thomas-Charles Bigg, of Benton House, CO. Northumberland, esq., and (/. 19 Aug. 1827, having had issue, Richard-Henry, b. 20 June 1818, and two other sons ; 5. Cahr-John, />. 1791, d. the same year; 0. George-Carr, 6. 27 March 1797, m., 13 March 182,3, Marianne, da. of Pascoe (irenfell, esq., of Taplow House, Berks, and has issue; 7* Carr-John, b. 25 June 1799, in holy orders, rector of Witchampton, Dorset, m., 21 June 1831, BUXTON.— ELFORD. 283 Augusta, da. of John Granville, esq., of Cadogan Place, Chelsea, and has issue, 1. a da., b. 1? July 1832; 8. Elizabeth, b. July 1802, d. May 1805. For the pedigree of this family, see sir Lkwen-Powell Glvn, Bart., ofEwell, co. Surrey. Arms—See Plate 31. Argent, an eagle displayed, with two heads, sable, gutte d'or, with a crescent, for distinction. Crest— On a wreath of the colours an eagle's head erased, sable, gutte d'or, and holding in the beak an escallop, argent. Motto — Firm to my trust. Seaf— Gaunt's House, Wimbome, CO Dor- set. BUXTON, of Shadwell Lodge, co. Norfolk. 25 Nov. 1800. Sir ROBERT-JOHN BUXTON, Baronet, born 2^ Oct. 1753, married, 22 May 1777, Juliana-3Iary, 2d da. of sir Thomas Beevor, hart., by whom he has issue, 1. JOHN-JACOB, b. 13 Aug. 1788, m., 5 Aug. 1825, Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir ^Montague Cholmelev, bart., and has issue, 1. Robert-Jacob, b. 13 March 1829; 2. Elizabeth. Julia, b. 23 Feb. 1831; 3. a da., still born, 3 June 1833; 2. Anne-Elizabeth, b. 31 Jan. 1782, m., 17 March 1806, rev. Frederick Bevan, clerk; 3. Juliana-Fran- ces, 6. 28 July 1791, m., 18 July 1818, rev. Henry Dawson, M.A., 2d son of William Dawson, of St. Leonard's, co. Berks, esq., and d. 7 Aug. 1825. John Buxton, of Dickleborough, co. Norfolk, son of John Buxton, was a bene- factor to the church there, in the reign of Edward IV. The 9th in descent from him was John Buxton, of Channons Hall, in Ty- benham, co. Norfolk, esq., who d. 27 Oct. 1731, aet. 47; m., 1709, Anne, only surviving child of Clement Gooch, of Earsham, co. Norfolk, esq., by whom (who d. 16 Aug. 1749, set. 58) he had seven sons and four das. John, of Topcroft and Channons Hall, aforesaid, the eldest surviving son, 6. 1717. d. Feb. 1782 : he m. Elizabeth, da., and at length h. of John Jacob, of Norton, co. Wilts, by whom (who rf. 10 Nov. 1765) he had two sons, Robert- John, 1st bart., and Joh)}, rector of Carleton and Bern well, co. Norfolk. L Sir ROBERT-JOHN, the eldest son, was created a bart. as above. ^;-»i.s— See Plate 31. Argent, a lion ram- Eant, the tail elevated, andf turned over the ead, sable. Crest — A buck's head, couped, gules, at- tired, or. Se«^— At Shadwell Lodge, co. Norfolk. ELFORD, of BiCKHAM, co. Devon. 26 Nov. 1800. Sir WILLIAM ELFORD, Baronet, F.R. and L.S., Recorder of Ply- mouth, and one of the Representatives for the same place, 1802; Lieut.- Col. of the South Devon Militia ; married Mary, da, of the rev. John Davies, of Plympton, co. Devon, (by Mary, da. of John Chard, of Tracey, CO. Devon, esq.,) and by her (who d. 2 Aug. 1807) has issue, 1. Jo- nathan, b. 5 Nov. 1776, m., 10 IMay 1810, Charlotta, sole h. of John Wynne, of Abercynlleth, CO. Denbigh, esq., and d. without issue, 11 March 1823; 2. Grace-Chard; 3. Elizabeth, d. 19 Oct. 1821. Sir William m., 2dly, 5 July 1821, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Humphry Hall, of Manadon, co. Devon, esq., (by Elizabeth, da. of John, 10th lord St. John,) and relict of col. Walrond. This family is of considerable antiquity In Devonshire, and acquired the estate of Sheepstor in that county, by marriage with Joan, da. and co-h. of John Scudamore of that place, whose ancestors appear by deeds to have been seised of it as early as temp. Rich. n. John Elford, of Sheepstor, son of Joan Scudamore, rf. 6 Feb. 1517, and 5th in descent from him was John Elford, of Sheepstor, b. 1(104, m. to his 2d wife, Anne, da. of John North- cote, of Hayne, co. Devon, and by her had issue, 1. Walter, of Sheepstor, whose son, John, rt. without surviving issue 1748, when that line becan\e extinct; 2. Jonathan, of Bickham, co. Devon, esq., rf. Dec. 1690, whose only surviving son, John, M.P. for Saltash, rf. without issue Nov. 1755, and 3. William, of Plymouth, merchant, m. Mary, da. of John Tollard, esq., and had issue, 1, William, capt. R.N., d. 1726, 284 MTLMAN.— I*EEL. leaving an only son, Henry, d. unm. 1749, and 2. John, of Plymouth, gent., d. March 1732, having ni. Jenny, da. of Thomas Cramphorne, and leaving issue, besides three sons who d. young, 1. Jonathan, b. 1717, d. unm. 1755. 2. Lancelot. 3. Agnes, m. William VVyatt, surgeon. 4. Jenny, m. Thomas Seale, of CofHeet. 5. LucRETiA, m. rev. John Bedford. 6. Sarah. 7. Amy, d. unm. Lancelot, 2d son of John, was in holy orders, and vicar of Plympton, co. Devon, m. Grace, da. of Alexander Wills, of Kings- bridge, CO. Devon, and d. Feb. 1782, leaving issue, 1. Sir William, created a bart. 2. Jonathan, of Devonport, attorney, m. Mary, da. of Henry Luxmore, of Oak- hampton, co. Devon. 3. Jenny, m. George Leach, of Ply- mouth, esq. Sir William, the eldest son, was created a bart. 2(j Nov. 1800. ^>ms— See Plate 31. Per pale, wavy, ar- gent and sable, a lion rampant, gules. Crest— \ demi-lion rampant, per pale, wavy, argent and sable, ducally crowned, or. Motto— Difficilia quce pulchra. Sea^s — Bickham, near Plymouth; and Kenniton, near Dartmouth, co. Devon. MILMAN, of Levaton, in Woodland, co. Devon. 28 Nov. 1800. Sir WILLIAM-GEORGE MILMAN, Baronet, horn 19 April I78I, succeeded his father sir Fi'ancis, M.D., 27 June 1821; married., 23 Oct. 1809, Elizabeth-Hurry, only da. of Robert Alderson, esq., recorder of Nor- wich, Ipswich, and Yarmouth, and has issue, 1. FRANCIS, b. 21 July 1811; 2. Isabella, b. 21 Aug. 1812, d. unm. 30 Sept. 1832; 3. William, b. 21 Nov. 1813 ; 4. Robert, b. 25 Jan. 1816 ; 5. Ed- ward-Augustus, b. 19 Aug. 1817; 6. Emtly-Matilda, h. 15 Oct. 1819; 7. Elizabeth -Hurry, b. 20 Jan. 1821 ; 8. Frances- Maria, b. 18 Oct. 1822. 2. Francis-Miles, capt. and lieut.-coL Coldstream-guards, b. 1783, n\, 8 March I8I7, Maria - Margaret, eldest da. of sir Charles Gould-Morgan, of Tredegar, bart., and has issue, 5 sons, and 2 das. 3. Henry-Hart, 6. 1791, m. Mary-Anne, da. of lieut.-gen. William Cockell, and has issue. 4. Frances-Emily. Sir Francis d. 27 June 1821, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM - GEORGE, present bart. ^;-ni,,_See Plate 31. Azure, in the centre a snake, nowed proper, between three sinister gauntlets, two in chief, and one in base, argent. Crest— \ hart, lodged, per pale, ermine, and ermines charged on the body with two hurts, fesswise. Seats — At Levaton, Woodland, co. Devon ; and Pinner Grove, co. Middlesex. The rev. Francis Milman, was rector of Maredon, and vicar of Paington, both CO. Devon. He had two sons, 1. Francis ; 2. Thomas, m. and had issue. The rev. Francis, M.A., was rector of East Egwell, and vicar of \bbot's Kerswell, CO. Devon, m. Sarah, da. of Dyer, esq., (a descendant from the ancient family of the Dyers, of Levaton, in that county,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Francis, 1st bart. 2. Mary, d. 1799. 3. Anne. 4. Sarah, living 1804. The rev. Francis d. 1773, leaving one son, I. Sir FRANCIS, who was created a bart. as above, M.D., F.R.S., physician to George III., and to his household, m. Frances, da. and sole h. of William Hart, of Stapleton, co. Gloucester, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir William-George, present bart. PEEL, of Drayton Manor, co. Stafford, and Bury, co. Lancashire. 29 Nov. 1800. The Right Hon. Sir ROBERT PEEL, Baronet, First Lord of the Treasury, and Chancellor and IJiuler Treasurer of the Exchequer, a Lord of Trade and Plantations, and a Commissioner for the Affairs of India, P.C, M.P. for Tamworth, and a Governor of the Charter House ; borii 5 Feb. 1788, was Secretary of State for the Home Department from 1823 to 1830, and in Dec. 1834, called to the head of his sovereign's councils, upon the dissolution of the Whig administration ; married, 8 June 1820, Julia, youngest da. of gen. sir John Floyd, bart., and has issue, 1. Julia, b. 30 April 1821; 2. ROBERT, b. 4 May 1822; 3. Frederick, b. 2G Oct. 1823; 4. William, b. 2 Nov. 1824; 5. John-Floyd, STIRLING. b. 24 May 1827; 6. Arthur-Wellesley, b. 3 Aug. 1829;- Eliza, b. 17 April 1832. 285 Robert Peel, of Oswaldtwistle, co. Lancaster, m. Anne, da. of , and d. 1736, leaving issue, William Peel, of the same place, who, by his wife, Jane, da. of Laurence Walmesly, of Darwin, co. Lancaster, esq., had besides other issue, a son and h., Robert Peel, also of Oswaldtwistle, m. Elizabeth, da. of Edmund Howorth, of Blackburne, and had issue, 1. William, of Church Bank, co. Lan- caster, b. 174.5, m. Mary, da. of Thomas Howorth, of Blackburne, and had issue eight sons and three das. 2. Edmu.vd, m. and had issue. 3 Sir Robert, 1st bart. 4. Jonathan, of Acrington, co. Lancas- ter, twice m., and d. 3 Dec. 1834, aet. 82, leaving issue by both wives. 5. Lawrence, of Manchester, m. and had issue. 6. Joseph, of London, m., and d. 24 March 1820, leaving issvie. 7. John, of Burton-upon-Trent. 8. Anne, m., 1st, rev. Borlase Willock, of Harwood, co. Lancaster; 2dly, rev, George Park, of Hawkshead, co. Lancaster, and rf. 1(1 Dec. 182(j. L Sir ROBERT, bart., M.P. for Tam- worth, CO. Stafford, in 1700, 1796, 18(»2, ]80(), I807, 1812, and 1818, a governor of Christ's Hospital, and vice-president of the literary-fund, 6. 25 April 1750, )»., 1st, 8 July 1783, Ellen, da. of William Yates, of Bury, co. Lancaster, and had issue, 1. Sir Robert, present bart. 2. Right hon. William - Yates, P.C, one of the lords commissioners of the trea- sury, and M.P. for Tamworth, 6. 3 Aug. 1789, m., 17 June 1819, Jane-Elizabeth, 2d da. of Stephen, 2d earl of Mount Cashell, and has issue, 1. A da., h. 10 March 1821. 2. A son, b. 9 Feb. 1822. 3. A son, b. 19 June 1823. 3. Edmund, M.P. for Newcastle-under- Lyne, b. 8 Aug. 1791, m., 2 Jan. 1812, Jane, 9 Jan. Castle 30 2d da. of John Swinfen, of Swinfen, co. Stafford, esq. 4. John, b. 22 Aug. 1798, in holy orders, prebendary of Canterbury, m., 6 May 1824, Augusta, da. of John Swynfen, of Swyn- fen, CO. Stafford, esq. 5. Jonathan, lieut.-col. and M.P. for Huntingdon, b. 12 Oct. 1799, m., 19 March 1824, Alicia-Jane, da. of Archibald, mar- quess of Ailsa, K.T., and has 1. A son, b. 30 May 1825. 2. A son, 6. 24 July 1826. 3. A son, b. 23 Jan. 1828. 4. A son, b. 11 April 1829. 5. A da., b. 13 July 1831. 6. A son, b. 27 Nov. 1833. 6. Mary, b. 17 June 1784, m., 1816, George - Robert Dawson, of Dawson, co. Londonderry, esq. 7. Elizabeth, b. 13 April 1/86, Dec. 1805, the rev. William Cockburn, dean of York, and d. 16 June 1828. 8. Eleanora, b. 25 March 1794. 9. Anne, d. young. 10. Lawrence, m., 20 July 1822, Jane, da. of Charles, 4th duke of Richmond, and has issue. 11. Harriett, m., 11 March 1824, Ro- bert-Henley, lord Henley. Sir Robert m„ 2dly, 18 Oct. 1805, Su- sannah, youngest sister of the rev. sir Wil- liam-Henry Clerke, of Bury, co. Lancaster, bart., by whom (who d. 19 Sept. 1824) he had no issue. Sir Robert d. 3 May 1830, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir ROBERT, present bart. ^rws— See Plate 31. Argent, three sheaves, of as many arrows, two and one proper, banded, gules; on a chief, azure, a bee, volant, or. Crest — A demi-lion rampant, argent, gorged with a collar, azure, charged with three bezants, holding between the paws a shuttle, or. Seats — At Bury, co. Lancaster ; and Drayton Park, co. Stafford. STIRLING, of Faskine, co. Lanark. 15 Dec. 1800. Sir WALTER-GEORGE STIRLING, Baronet, Deputy-Lieutenant for CO. Middlesex ; born 15 March 1802; succeeded his father sir Walter, 25 Aug. 1832. The surname of Stirling, anciently written Strt/vefhi, is of great antiquity in Scotland; Walter de Stryvelin appearing as witness to a charter of prince Henry, son of king David I., in the 12th century. Nu- merous families of the name have flou- rished in various parts of that country, and four have been at different periods elevated to the baronetcy. The immediate ancestor of the present bart. was Walter Stirling, ofBalquha- rage, in the shire of Stirling, a collateral branch of the Slirlings of Calder ; his great- grandson, John Stirling, of Glasgow, esq., lord provost of that city, was b. 1640, and d. 1709, leaving by his wife, a da. of John Campbell, of Ballochyle, co. Argyll, (killed in command of a troop of horse at the battle of Worcester,) besides other issue, a 3d son, Walter Stirling, of Faskine, CO. Stirling, esq., b. 1686, w. Janet, da. of J. Ruthven, of Sherva, co. Stirling, esq., and rf. 1732, leaving an only son. Sir Walter Stirling, of Faskine, capt. R.N., 6. 18 May I7I8, knighted 23 March 1781, jw., 30 Oct. 1753, Dorothy, da. of Charles Willing, of Philadelphia, esq., and rf. 24 Nov. 1786, leaving issue by her, (whorf. 25 Sept. 1782,) 1. Sir Walter, created a bart. as above. 2. Charles, vice-admiral of the white, m., 1789, Charlotte, da. of Andrew Grote, esq., and had issue. 3. Anne, b. 1762, m. her 2d cousin, An- drew Stirling, of London, and of Drumpel- lier, CO. Lanark, esq., and d., his widow, 1 June 1830. I. Sir WALTER, eldest son, created a bart. 15 Dec. I800, F.R. and A.S., sometime sheriff of Kent, and M.P. for St. Ives, in 286 VAVASOUR — MILNES. Cornwall ; b. 24 June 1758, m., 28 April 1794, Susannah, da andsoleh.of George-Trench- ard Goodenoufth, of Borthwood, co. South- ampton, esq., by whom (whorf. 8 June 180(3, in childbed) he had issue, 1. Mary-Jane, 6. 28 March 1795, m., 2 Jan. 181G, sir James Flower, bart. 2. Dorothy-Anne, b. 2 May 1796, m., 23 July 1814, John-Barrett Lennard, esq., 2d son of sir Thomas Lennard, bart. 3. Georgina-Mathilda, &. 27 Feb. 1798, nu, 1st, 3 Aug. 1816, Henry-Dawkins Milli- gan, esq., and 2dly, 2(1 June 1833, sir Tho- mas-Barrett Lennard, bart. 4. Sir Walter-George, present bart. 5. Susannah-Maria, b. 6, and d. 7 June Sir Walter d. 25 Aug. 1832, and was suc- ceeded bv his only son, 11. Sir'WALTER-GEORGE, present and 2d bart. ^;m,s— See Plate 31. Argent on a bend engrailed, azure between two roses, gules, seeded, or, and barbed, vert, three buckles, of the fourth, all withinabordure of the fifth. C/est— Out of a ducal coronet, a dexter arm em bowed in armour, the hand grasping a dagger, all proper. Supporters — On either side a hind, sem^ of estoiles, and ducally gorged, or. Mo tto — Gang forward. Seats — At Faskine, co. Lanark, and Shore- ham, CO. Kent. VAVASOUR, of Spaldington and Melbourne, co. York. 20 March 1801. Sir HENRY-MAGHULL-MERVYN VAVASOUR, Baronet, a Lieut.- General in the Army, succeeded his father, sir Henrj', 15 March 1813, bom 19 July 1767, married, 28 Nov. 1807, Anne, eklest da. of WiUiam Vavasour, of Dublin, esq., LL.D., and has issue, 1. Mervinia, b. 11, and d. 12 Feb. 1809; 2. Anna-Mervinia, b. 11 Sept. 1812; 3. HENRY- MERVYN, b. 17 June 1814; 4. Caroline-Susanna, b. 26 July 1816 : 5. Emma-Matilda, b. 26 Sept. 1818. nora, to. Robert Campbell, of Asknish, co. Argyll, esq. I. Sir HENRY VAVASOUR, (2d son of Henry Noth, esq., by Bridget, eldest da. and co-h. of John Mervyn, co. Dorset, esq.,) lieut. -colonel in the army, assumed the name and arms of Vavasour, by royal li- cence, 1791, agreeable to the will of his wife's ancestor, Thomas Vavasour, of Spaldington, co. York, esq., b. 1741, and created a bart. as above, ni., as above men- tioned, Anne Asheton, eldest da. and co-h. of Maile Yates, of Maghull, esq., and had issue, 1. Edward-Trafford, d. at Calcutta, tinm, 5 Nov. 17(>9. 2. Sir Henry-Maghull-Mervyn, pre- sent bart. Sir Henry d. 15 March 1813, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir HENRY-MAGHULL-MERVYN, present bart. ^n7i,s— See Plate 31. Or, a fesse dancette sable, thereon a fleur-de-lis, argent. Crest — A cock, gules, legs and comb, or, on the breast, a fleur-de-lis, argent. Seats — At Spaldington and Melbourne- Hall, both in the East Riding, co. York. The family of Vavasour came into Eng- land with William the Conqueror. They took their name, says Camden, from their office, being the king's vavasours, a degree then little inferior to the dignity of a baron, and anciently had the article Le affixed to their name. Thomas Vavasour, esq., the 19th in descent from Manger le Vavasour, who first settled in England, ?h. Dorothy, da. of sir Ferdinando Leghe, of Middleton, knt., who d. in 1679, settling his estate on his sole da., Mary Vavasour, and her de- scendants, on condition of their assuming the name and arms of Vavasour. She m. in 1680, sir Ralph Asheton, bart., and had is- sue, two sons, who d. young ; and three das. Anne, the eldest of these inherited her mother's estate at Spaldington, and m. in 1701, Humphrey Trafford, of Trafford, esq., and had issue, Humphrey, Cecil, Sigismund, Anne, and Elizabeth, who all d. without issue, except Elizabeth, who d. in 1788, having m. Maile Yates, of Maghull, esq., and had issue, 1. Anne-Asheton, m. sir Henry Vavasour, 1st bart. ; 2. Mary, «!., 1st, John Aspinall, esq., serjeant-at- law; and 2dly, Henry Aspinall, of Lincoln's Inn, esq., and d. 1794 ; 3. Catharine-Elea- MILNES. 21 March 1801. Sir ROBERT-SHORE MILNES, Baronet, created as above, born 1747 ; married^ 13 Nov. 1785, Charlotte-Frances, 3d da. of John-Albert Ben- tinck, esq., captain R.N., (grandson of William, 1st earl of Portland, by his 2d wife,) and has issue, 1. JOHN-BENTINCK, b. 19 Sept. 1786 ; 2. William-Henrv, ^». 8 March I788, a lieut. 1st regt. of foot-guards, killed at Waterloo, 18 June 1815 ; 3. Henry-Banks-Oldenburgh, b. 17 Oct. 1790, aid-de-camp to general sir George Prevost, bart., d. 21 Aug. 1813, of the wounds he received in the action Avith the American army in Upper Canada; 4. Charlotte-Hareiet-Martinique, 6. STRACHEY.— PEPYS. 287 23 June 1798; 5. Sophta-Mary-Anne, h. 9 Oct. 1799. Sir Robert was, in the early part of his life, an officer in the royal regiment of Horse Guards, Blue; in 1795, Governor of the Island of Martinique; and in 1798, was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Lower Canada. This family was formerly seated at Ash- ford-on-t he-Water, by Mornsal Dale, in the hundred of High Peak, co. Derby. John Milnes, of Wakefield, esq., was in the commission of the peace, and a de- pnty-lieut. for the West Riding, co. York ; m., 9 Feb. 1/37, Mary, da. of Samuel Shore, of Sheffield, esq., (by Jane, da. and h. of George Sykes, of Norton, co. Stafford, esq.,) d. 2 Oct. 1771, and by her (who d. in 1791) had issue, 1. Sir Robert Shore, present bart. 2. Samuel, d. Feb. 1707. 3. John, of Page Hall, esq., and after- wards of Lower Canada, m. Catharine, da. of Edward Carr, of Cledraond, co. Carlow, and had issue, I. Alfred-Shore, b. 21 May 1792, lieut. royal artillery. 1773, Edward 1774, James esq., and d. 2. William-Pole, b. 25 March 1796. 3. John, 6. 13 Aug. 1799. 4. Caroline, rf. 12 April 1800. 4. Hannah, d. 7 Oct. 1802. 5. Jane, d. young. 6. Mary, m., 18 Nov. Whitwell, esq., and rf. 1803. 7. Esther, m., 22 Aug Torre, of Syndale, co. Yorl 14 June 1802. I. Sir ROBERT, the eldest son, was created a bart. as above. Anns— See Plate 31. Azure, a chevron, between three windmills' sails, or, a mullet for difference. Crest— A garb, or, banded by a fesse, dancette, azure, charged with thr^e mulletts pierced, or. Seat— Cockle Hall, on Sherwood Forest. STRACHEY, of Sutton Court, co. Somerset, and Rook's Nest, co. Surrey. 15 June 1001. Sir HENRY STRACHEY, Baronet, born 7 Dec. 1772, succeeded his father, sir Henry, 1 Jan. 1809. This family was originally seated at Wal- den, CO. Essex, where a William Strachey was living in the reign of Edward VI. From Essex they migrated to Surrey, and finally settled at Sutton Court, co. Somerset, which was the property of John Strachey, of Gray's-Inn, barrister, in 1G'J3: his grandson, Henry Strachey, of Sutton Court, esq., father of the 1st bart., m., 1st, Helen, da. of Robert Clerk, of Listonfield, in ISIid-Lo- thian, and of Edinburgh, M.D.; and 2dly, Frances, da. of Quarne, of Truro, in Cornwall, esq. By his first wife he had issue, 1. John; 2. RoBERT-PRiiMROSK. 3. William; 4. Agnes. 5. Mary; 6. Elizabeth. 7. Magdalene, all d. young. 8. Sir Henry, 1st bart. 9. John, in holy orders, LL.D., sometime archdeacon of Suffolk, and chaplain in ordi- nary to his majesty, m. Anne, da. of George Wombwell, of London, merchant, by whom he had a numerous issue, 10. HlMR, (/. L Sir HENRY, eldest surviving son, was created a bart. as above, b. 23 May 1737; m., 23 May 1770, Jane, da. of John Kelsal, of Greenwich, co. Kent, esq., relict of Thomas Latham, esq., capt. R.N., and by her (who d. 12 Feb. 1824, aged 8«) had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 2. Edward, of Blackheath, co. Kent, b. 18 Dec. 1774, sometime a senior merchant on the Bengal establishment, w., at Calcutta, Oct. 1808, miss Kirkpatrick, youngest da. of col. William Kirkpatrick, of' the Bengal es- tablishment, and d. 3 Jan. 1832. 3. Richard, of Ashurch Grove, co. So- merset, b. 21 May 1781, sometime resident at the court of his highness Dowlut Rao Scin- diah, m., 1 June 1830, Anne-Maria, da. of Alexander Powell, of Hurdcott House, Wilts, esq. 4. Charlotte, rf. rmm. 5. LvcY,m., 29 July 1817, Frederick-Wil- liam Wallaston, of Shenton-Hall, co. Lei- cester, esq. Sir Henry was private secretary to lord Clive in his'last expedition to India in 1764; M.P. for Pontefiact 1770, and 177-i for Bi- shop's Castle ; secretary to the commision- ers for restoring peace to North America ; in 1774 clerk of the deliveries of his ma- jesty's ordnance; and M.P. 1776 for Saltash ; for Bishop's Castle from I78O to 1802 ; joint secretary to the treasury in 1802; and after- wards, in the same year, one of the under- secretaries of state ; in the negociations for peace with North America, he assisted the king's commissioners at Paris; again store- keeper of the ordnance in 1783; and master of the king's household in 1794. Sir Henry rf. 1 Jan. 1809, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HENRY, present bart. ^jm.9— See Plate 31. Argent on a cross en- grailed between four eaglets, displaved gules, a fleur-de-lis between four cinquefoils, or. Crest— A lion rampant, ermine, ducally crowned, or, supporting a cross patee fitchy, of the last. Seats— Sutton Court, CO. Somerset; and Rook's Nest, co. Surrey. PEPYS, of WiJiPOLE Street, co. Middlesex. 23 June 1801. Sir WILLIAM-WELLER PEPYS, Baronet, born 4 May 1778, suc- ceeded his father, sir William- Weller, June 1 825, and is unmarried. 288 BALL.— INGLIS. For an account of this family see Pepys of Boxhill, CO. Surrey, 19 Dec. 1783. I. Sir WILLIAM -WELLER PEPYS, sometime one of the masters in chancery, (brother of sir Lucas Pepys, of Boxhill,) created a bart. as above ; m. Elizabeth, eldest da. of the right hon. William Dowdes- vvell, chancellor of the exchequer, and by her (who d. 21 Oct. 18.30) had issue, 1. Sir William-Weller, present bart. 2. Right hon. Sir Charles-Christophkr, P.C, M.P. for Malton, and master of the rolls in the high court of chancery ; h. April 1781, m., 30 June 1821, Caroline, da. of Wil- liam Wingfield, esq., of Lincoln's-Inn, a master in Chancery, and has issue, 1. Charlotte; 2. Frances. 3. Charles; 4. William. 5. Caroline; (5. Emily. 7. Henry; 8. George. 3. Henry, 6. April 1783, in holy orders, B.D., prebendary of Wells, rector of Aspe- den and Westmill, co. Herts, and Moreton, CO. Essex, m., 27 Jan. 1824, Maria, da. of the right hon. John Sullivan, and has issue, 1. Henry; 2. Louisa. 3. Albinia; 4. Herbert. 5. Georgiana ; 6. Emily. 4. Maria-Elizabeth. 5. IsABELLA-SoPHiA, m., 12 Jan. 1813, the rev. Thomas Whateley, vicar of Cookham, CO. Berks. (3. Anne-Louisa, Sir William d. June 1825, and was succeeded by his eldest son, n. Sir WILLlAM-WELLER.presentand 2d bart. Arms—See Plate 31. Sable, on a bend, or, between two nags' heads, erased, argent, three fleurs-de-lis, of the field. Crest — A camel's head, erased, or, bridled, lined, ringed, and gorged with a ducal coro- net, sable. Motto— Mens cujusque is est quisqiie. BALL. 24 June 1801. Sir WILLIAM-KEITH BALL, Baronet, born 27 Oct. 1791, succeeded his father, sir Alexander, 25 Oct. 1809. Robert Ball, of Ebv/orth, and Stoneham, CO. Gloucester, esq., d. 1765, having ??j. Mary, da. of Mark Dickinson, esq., alderman of London, and had issue, 1. Ingram, m. Couts, of Montrose, esq., and had issue a son. 2. George, a major royal marines. 3. Sir Alexander-John, 1st bart. 4. Lew, d. in May 1807. 5. Henrietta. fi. Charlotte, m. William Smith, of St. Helen's, esq. L ALEXANDER-JOHN, 3d son, was created a bart. 24 June 1801, being then a capt. R.N. ; rear-admiral of the blue; ob- tained his majesty's permission to accept the cross of commander of the royal Sicilian Order of St. Ferdinand and of Merit; he was commander of the blockade of Malta, and after its capture, governor of that island; m., 7 July 1785, Mary-Smith, da. of John Wilson, of Westminster, esq., and (by her, who d. 27 Sept. 1832) had issue. Sir William-Keith, 2d bart. Sir Alexander-John d. at Malta, 25 Get. 1800, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir WILLIAM-KEITH, present bart. Anns— See Plate 31. Ermine, a lion ram- pant, sable, between two torteaux in chief, and in base a hand grenade bursting, pro- per. O-e.9^— Out of a naval coronet, a cubit arm erect, in naval uniform, grasping a hand grenade bursting, proper. Sm<— Blofield, co. Norfolk. INGLIS, of Milton Bryant, co. Bedford. 2G June 1801. Sir ROBERT-HARRY INGLIS, Baronet, LL.D. and F.R.S., and M.P. for the University of Oxford, succeeded his fatlier sir Hugh, 21 Aug. 1820; born 12 Jan. 1780; married, 10 Feb. 1807, Mary, da. of Joseph- Sevmour Biscoe, of Penhill, co. Surrey, esq. The family of Ini^lis is of great antiquity in Scotland ; the chief branch was seated at Mannor, or Manour, which was granted in 1395, by king Robert III. to William Inglis, in reward of his having slain an English- man, named sir Thomas Struther, in single combat on the borders. Alexander Inglis, of Edinburgh, esq., a younger son of Inglis, of Cramound, de- scended from the family of Manour, was the immediate ancestor of the present bart. He is said to have been one of 3!) children, and to have had 3(i children himself; his eldest son and h. was Robert Inglis, sometime M.P. for Edin- burgh, m. Janet, da. of Edward Cleghorn, of Edinburgh, esq., and had 19 children, of whom, Robert Inglis, son and h. was b. 1699, »w. 1725, Mary, sole da. and h. of James Russell, esq., (by Anne, sister and h. of John Wight- man, of Maulslie, sometime lord provost of Edinburgh,) and d. 1748, having had issue 13 children, of whom only three sons lived to man's estate, viz. 1. John, who took the surname of Wight- man, on succcoiiing to the estates of his great uncle, John W'if^htman, of Maulslie, esq., twice ni. and had issue. 2. Robert, a surgeon in the army, d. 1796, s.p. 3. Sir Hugh, 1st bart. WELBY 289 I. Sir HUGH, a director of the East India Company, and chairman 17il8 and 1801, was created a bart. as above, b. 1744, ?«., 1st, 14 Dec. 1784, Catharine, da- and at length sole heir of Harry Johnson, of Milton Bryan, CO. Bedford, esq., and by her (who d. 1 May 1793) had issue, 1. Sir Robert-Harry, present bart. Stephana-Anxe, b. ti July 1787. 3. Mary-Loi-isa, b. 28 Dec. 1788. He m., 2dly, 8 May 1794, Mary, only sur- viving da. and h. of George Wilson, esq. Sir Hugh d. 21 Aug. 1820, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ROBERT-HARRY, present bart. Arms — See Plate 32. Azure, a lion ram- pant, within a bordure, argent, on a chief, or, three stars of six points, of the field. Crest— A demi-lion rampant, proper, in his dexter paw a star of six points, or. Motto — Recte faciendo seen r us. Seat — Battersea-Rise, co. Surrey, and Mil- ton Bryan, co. Bedford. WELBY, of Denton House, co. Lincoln. 27 June 1801. Sir WILLIAM-EARLE WELBY, Baronet, born 14 Nov. 1759, suc- ceeded his father, sir William -Earle, 6 Nov. 1815 ; married^ 30 Aug. 1792, Wilhelmina, da. and sole h. of William Spry, esq., governor of the island of Barbadoes, and has issue, 1. GLYNNE-EARLE, M.P. for Grantham, b. 26 June 1806, m., 6 March 1828, Frances, da. of sir Montague Cholmeley, bart., and has issue, 1. William-Earle, b. 4 Jan. 1829; 2. Henry'Glynne- Earle, b. 15 Oct. 1830 ; 3. Frances- Wilhelmina, b. 13 April 1832 ; 2. Wilhelmina, b. 1795, w., 17 May 1825, the rev. Frederick Browning, prebendary of Salisbury; 3. Penelope, b. 1797, ?n., 2 May 1825, Clinton-Fynes-James Clinton, esq., barrister-at-law, and d. his widow, 5 June 1834; 4. Catharine, b, 1798, m. rev. Thomas- Welby North- more, vicar of Winterton, co. Lincoln, who d. 16 July 1829 ; 5. Jane, b. 21 Jan. 1800, d. unm. 14 Dec. 1832 ; 6. Caroline, b. 3 March 1801 ; 7. Elizabeth, b. 31 Dec. 1803, m., 17 Feb. 1829, Northmore- Thomas-James Ireland, esq.; 8. Augusta, b. 23 Aug. 1807. The family of Welby is of great antiquity in the co. of Lincoln, being descended from John, lord of Castleton, who was living in the time of William the Conqueror, and is said to have assisted Robert de Todeni, baron of Belvoir, in the defence of his castle. Several of this family have represented their native county in parliament, viz. Richard Welby, 9th Hen. V. ; Nicholas, 29th Hen. VI.; Richard, 12th Edw. IV.; and William in 1654 and 1656; and many of them have ser\'ed the office of sheriff co. Lincoln. Of the sheriff's were, Roger Welby, 20th Rich. II.; Richard, 11th Edw. IV.; Thomas, 7th Hen. VII. ; Richard, 3d Eliz. ; sir William, K.B., 4th James I.; William, Charles II., 1667; Richard, 1704; William, 1746 ; and William-Earle, 1st bart. 1796. Richard Welby, of Denton, esq., grand- father of the 1st bart., was high sheriff" co. Lincoln, 1704, m. Mary, da. and h. of John Towers, of Hadenham, in the Isle of Ely, esq., and d. on Easter Sunday, 1713, leaving issue, 1. William. 2. Richard, of Welboume, near Grant- ham, 5. 1712, m. Anne, da. of Neville King, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, esq., and d. 8 March 1780, leaving issue, Richard-Earle Welby, of Welbourne, esq. (who d. 1 May 1828, aged 73,) and other children. 3. Selina, W1. Humphrey Monoux, esq. 4. Eleanor, »h. William Gery, of Bush- mead, CO. Bedford, esq. William Welby, eldest son of Richard, m. Catherine, da. of James Cholmondeley, of Easton, co. Lincoln, esq., and d. 29 June 1792, leaving issue by her (who d. 23 Jan. 1773) an onlv surviving child, L Sir WILLIAM-EARLE, created a bart. 27 June 1801 ; b. 1734 ; in 1802 he was elected for the borough of Grantham, and for many years was an acting magistrate for the parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln, m,, 1st, Penelope, da. of sir John Glynne, of Hawarden-Castle, co. Flint, bart., and by her (who d. Feb. 1771) he had issue 2 das., who d. infants ; and, 1. Sir William-Earle, present bart. 2. Penelope, m. Thomas - Augustus Northmore, of Cleve, co. Devon, esq., and d. 7 Nov. 1792. Sir William m., 2dly, March 1773, Eliza- beth, da. and sole heir of Robert Cope, of Spondon, co. Derby, esq., and relict of Thomas Williamson, of Allington, co. Lin- coln, esq., and by her (who d. 18 Feb. 1825, aged 83) had, 3. Thomas-Earle. 4. Charles-Cope, b. 23 Dec. 1777* 5. Montague-Earle, in holy orders, rector of Long Bennington, co. Lincoln, and Newton-Harcourt, co. Leicester. 6. Richard-Earle, b. 1779, sometime in the life-guards, m., Oct. 1812, the widow of Henry Penton, esq., M.P. for Winches- ter, and d. 3 Oct. 1834, ast. 55. 7. John-Earle, in holy orders, b. 9 Sept. 1786, m., 20 May 1819, Felicia-Eliza, da. of the rev. H. Hole. 8. Catherine, b. 1776. 9. Elizabeth, b. 1782. 10. Selina, d. young. 11. Eleanora-Charlotte, b. 1783. 12. Maria-Rebecca, b. 1788. Sir William d. 6 Nov. 1815, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM-EARLE, present bart. Anns— See Plate 32. Sable, a fesse, be- tween three fleurs-de-lis, argent. Crest — An arm, in armour, issuing fess- wise from clouds, proper, holding a sword, O 290 BAYNES BARRETT-LENNARD. argent, hilt and pomel, or, over flames of fire, proper, issuing from the wreath. Motto (round the crest)— Per ig-nem, per gladium. Seat — Denton House, co. Lincoln. BAYNES, of Harefield Place, co. Middlesex. 29 June 1801. Sir CHRISTOPHER BAYNES, created a Baronet, as above ; born 6 Aug. 1755; married, 1 March 1788, Nanny, da. of William Gregory, of Ryde, in the Isle of Wight, esq., and has issue, 1. WILLIAM, L 28 Nov. 1789, m., 14 Dec. 1815, Julia, youngest da. of gen. John Smith, R.A., and has issue, William ; John- Waller ; Walter-Francis ; Julia ; a da. b. 1827; 2. Walter-Geokge, 6. 22 Nov. 1792, m. Claudia Velera, a Roman lady, and has issue, Horace-Christopher; 3. Donald-Chris- topher, b. 4 Nov, 1807, C7th foot, m., 27 July 1830, Anne-Maria, youngest da. of the late H. Boulton, of Geddington, co. Northampton, esq. ; 4. Mary, b. 19 July 1791. Christopher Baynes, of Kilburn, co. York, (descended from an ancient family of Bayne, or Baine, of Middlemore in the same county,) was h. about 1()(I3, m., 1st, Margaret, widow of James Baine, of Ra- vensthorpe, co. York, and, 2dly, Elizabeth Dawson. He d. Aug. 1678, leavmg issue by his 1st wife a son, Christopher, who d. 1695, s.p., and 3 das. ; and by his 2d, 4 das. and a son, William Baynes, succeeded his half- brother, Chi-istopher, at Kilburn, b. 1661, m., 1719, Tabitha, da. of George Prickett, of York, esq., sergeant-at-law, and had issue one son, William, b. 19 Jan. 1729, who was bred to commerce ; he was one of the gentlemen of the privy chamber to George II. and III. ; he m. Mary, 2d da. of Christopher Roberts, of London, esq., and d. Nov, 1798, leaving issue by her, (who d. in 1797,) 1. Walter, who d. young. 2. Sir Christopher, j)resent bart. 3. Tabitha-Mary, b. in 1747. 4. Anna-Frances, d. in infancy. 5. Jane, b. in 1751. 6. Anna-Frances, b. in 1761, m. Joseph Shawk, then of Preston, but afterwards of Bath, esq. I. Sir CHRISTOPHER was create leaving, besides other issue, two sons, Robei-t, who was of King's Newton, (and whose only son, John, of King's Newton, remembrancer of the ex- chequer, d. s.p. 1728,) and Gideon, in holy orders, ^icar of King- ston, Surrey, d. 1712, lea%ing issue, 1. Nicholas. 2. Saleb, M.D., physician to the queen, d. s.p. 3. Mary, m. sir John Stracey, knt, alder- man of London. Nicholas Hardixge, eldest son of Gi- deon, was a barrister-at-law, clerk of the house of commons, secretary of the trea- sury, and recorder of Kingston, b. 7 Feb. 16CW, m., 19 Dec. 1738, Jane, da. of sir John rratt, lord chief justice of the king's bench, and sister of the 1st earl Camden, and d. 1/58, having had issue by her, (who survived him,) besides six sons who d. young, 1. George, attorney-general to the queen, and chief-justice of tne Brecon circuit, h. 1743, ?«. Lucy, da. and co-h. of Richard Long, esq., but d. s.p. 26 April 1816. 2. Hexry, in holy orders, rector of Stan- hope, CO. Durham, b. 2 Sept. 1754, m., 4 June 1779, Frances, da. of James Best, of Chatham, esq., and d. 7 Sept. 1820, having had issue, 1. Charles, present bart. 2. George, capt. R.N., b. 11 April 1781, killed in an action, in %vhich, with an in- ferior force, he had captured the Pied- montaise French frigate, 18T1, knt., of Rooskey Park, and had issue; 1. Peter; 2. Thomas-Henry ,- 3 James; 4. Amy; 5. Maria; 6. Bridget. Wed. 10 March 1()35, and was succeeded by his eldest son, Peter Bathe, of Knightstown, who m. Mary, da. of Thomas Taaffe, of Dowan- stowe, CO. Meath, by whom he had issue, Thomas, of Drogheda, who d. without issue in 1639, and Peter, also of Drogheda, who m., 1685, Anne, da. of John Gibbon of Dublin, esq., he d. 1690, leaving issue, James, heir to his uncle Thomas, m. Frances, da. of col. Francis Nangle, of May- met, CO. Meath, (by Elizabeth, da. of John Plunkett, esq., who m. Elizabeth Ledwick, of Tullagana, co. Meath, a descendant of lord Killeen,) and had issue, 1. Frances, m. Patrick Cusack, of Rathraldon, co. Meath, esq. ; 2. Chi-istopher, who d. at Nanci, in Lor- raine, and 3, Peter, his successor, who d. in 1777> hav- ing m., in 1754, Bridgett, da. and h. of Ed- mund de Fonte, of Boyle, co. Roscommon, esq., by whom (who d. 1780) he had issue, 1. Sir James-Michael, 1st bart. 2. Axna-Maria-Laura, b. in Dublin, 25 J'Uly 1763, styled countess, from having been created by Maria Antoinette, queen of France, a chanoinese of the chapter of Vienne, in Dauphiny, belonging to the order of Malta, the insignia of which noble order this lady was empowered to wear. She d. at Brussels, 18 April 1822. I. Sir JAMES-MICHAEL DE BATHE, bart., of Knightstown, co. Meath, reassumed by his majesty's sign manual, the ancient bearings of the name, and was created a bart. as above, b. 12 Dec. 1759, tn. Anna- Maria, da. and heiress of William Wynne, esq., and by her (who d. 20 Jan. 1790) had issue, 1. Sir James-Wynne-Butlbr, 2d bart. 2. Sir William-Plunkett, present and 3d bart. Sir James Michael d. 22 Feb. 1808, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IL Sir JAMES-WYNNE-BUTLER, 2d bart., 6.25 Oct. 1792; d. unm., Aug. 1828, and was succeeded by his brother, HL Sir WILLIAM PLUNKETT, pre- sent and 3d bart. Arms— See Plate 33. Gules, a cross, be- tween four lions rampant argent. Crest — A lion rampant, argent, supporting in its paws a dagger, of the first, hiked, or. Motto — 'Nee parvis sisto. Seats — Knightstown, Cashel, and Lady- rath, in the county of Meath, Ireland. SYNGE, of Kilt ROUGH, co. Meath, Ireland. 12 Aug. 1801. Sir EDWARD SYNGE, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Robert, 1804, born 6 April 1786 ; married, 19 Jan. 1809, Mary-Helena Welsh, eldest da. of Robert Welsh, barrister-at-law, Dublin, esq., and niece of Noah-Hill Neale, of Gloucester, esq., and has issue, I.EDWARD, b. 19 Nov. 1809; 2. Noah-Hill-Neale, h. 5 Feb. 1811; 3. Robert, h. 8 July 1812; 4. Hutchinson-Francis, b. 2 July 1820; 5. Mil- lington-Henry, b. 1 Dec. 1823; 6. Allen, b.6 Jan. 1824. This family was seated at Bridgenorth, CO. Salop, at least as early as the commence- ment of the 16th century : the original name is said to haje been MilUngton, but changed to Synge from the circumstance of one of the family being a canon or chantry priest ; this tradition however, though at least 200 years old, (for it is borne out by a pedigree of the date of 1623,) seems not a very pro- bable one. Richard Synge, of Bridgenorth, who was living 1623, had two sons, who both at- tained the mitre in Ireland; George, the eldest, was bishop of Cloyne, and d. 1653, leaving issue ; and Edward, the youngest, was successively bishop of Ardfert, Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, and d. 1678, leaving two sons, Samuel, dean of Kildare, and Edward, bishop of Raphoe, and arch- bishop of Tuam, d. 1741, lea\'ing two sons, 1. Edward, successively bishop of Clonfert, Cloyne, Ferns, and Leighlin, and d. 1762, leaving an only child, Alicia, m. the right hon. Joshua Cooper, of Mercury, co. Sligo, and 2. Nicholas, bishop of Killaloe 1746, m. Elizabeth, da. of Richard French, of Gar- bally, (grandfather of the 1st earl of Clan- earty,) and d. 1 Feb. 1771, leaving several das. and one son, Edmund Synge, A.M., of Syngefield, in King's County, m., 1753, Elizabeth, da. of Samuel Hutchinson, lord bishop of Kil- lala, and d. 1792, having had issue by her, (who f/. 1799,) 1. Edward, D.D., h. 1753. 2. Samuel, M.A., archdeacon of Killala, m., 1st, Frances, da. of Wood, of Ross- meed, in Westmeath, esq., by whom he had a da., Frances; and, 2dly, Dorothy, da. of John Hatcli, of Dublin, esq. 3. George, of Rathmore, King's County, esq., m. Mary, 2d da. of Macdonal, of New Hall, in Clare, esq., and has issue. 4. Sir Robert, 1st bart. 5. Francis, of Roundwood, in Wicklow, esq., m. Elizabeth, eldest da. of John Hatch, of Dublin, esq., and had issue. I. Sir ROBERT (4th son of the above- named Edward) was created a bart. as above, 6. 1759; m., 1784, Margaret, da. of Theobald Wolfe, of Newtown, co. Dublin, esq., and cousin-german of Arthur Wolfe, viscount Kilwarden, chief justice of the court of King's Bench, who was assassinated while pre- paring to attend the privy council at the castle of Dublin, 23 July 1803, and had issue, 1. Sir Edward, 2d bart. 2. Francis-Hutchinson, b. 30 April 1788, m. Mar^--Anne, 2d da. of John Paget, of Newbury House, co. Somerset, esq. 3. Robert, b. 31 Oct. 1791, in holy orders, m., Aug. 1820, Anna, eldest da. of Benjamin Follett, of Topsham, co. Meath, esq. o 3 298 FERGUSON.— NEPEAN. 4. Elizabeth, d. young. 5. Sophia, b. 31 Jan. 1785, d. unm. 30 May 1830. 6. Charlotte, b. 28 May 1789. 7. Margaret, b. 13 Aug. 1790. 8. Mary-Anne, b. 8 Feb. 1794, d. 13 May 1816. 9. Anne-Sophia, 6.29 Dec. 1797, m., 8 Dec. 1829, James Greenwood, esq., of Gol- den Square. Sir Robert d. 1804, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir EDWARD, present bart. Arms— See Plate 33. Quarterly: 1st and 4th azure, three plates, each charged with a millrind, sable ; 2d and 3d, argent, an eagle displayed, with two heads, sable. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, an eagle's claw, proper. Motto — Ccelestia canimns. Sea<— Kiltrough, co. Meath. FERGUSON, of Londoxderry. 7 Oct. 1801. Sir ROBERT-ALEXANDER FERGUSON, Baronet, IM.P. for Lon- donderry, succeeded his father, sir Andrew, 1811, and is unmarried. I. Sir ANDREW FERGUSON, of Lon- donderry, (son of John Ferguson, of Lon- donderry, and grandson of the rev. Andrew Ferguson, of Brurt, co. Donegal,) was created a bart. as above, m. Eliza, da. of Robert Alexander of Broomhall, near Lon- donderry, esq., and niece to the earl of Caledon, and had issue, 1. John, d. young. 2. Sir Robert - Alexander, present bart. 3. Harvey, d. s.p. 4. Anne, m. lieut.-col. William Blacker, of Carrick, co. Armagh. 5. Jane, m., 5 March 1819, Hugh Mont- gomery, of Benvarden, co. Antrim, esq. 6. Sarah, m., 24 June 1811, rev. William Knox, son of the hon. and rev. William Knox, bishop of Derry. 7. Eliza, m. John-George Smyly, esq. Sir Andrew d. 1811, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir ROBERT, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 33. Azure, an arming buckle, argent, between three boars' heads, or. Cre*^— On a thistle, leaved and flowered, proper, a bee, or. Motto — Dulcis ex aspei'is. NEPEAN, of LoDXJS, and of Bothenhampton, co. Dorset. 16 July 1802. Sir MOIilNEUX-HYDE NEPEAN, Baronet, born 20 Sept. 1783, suc- ceeded his father, sir Evan, 2 Oct. 1822; married, 30 Aug. 1813, miss Charlotte Tilghman, and has amongst other issue, a Da. b. 29 Jan. 1829 ; —Margaret -Harriet, d. 28 Feb. 1830, set. 8. Nicholas Nepean, of Saltash, co. Corn- wall, esq., (eldest son of Nicholas Nepean, of St. Stephen's, Cornwall, esq.,) 7n. Mar- garet, da. of Jones, of Allagadno, CO. Glamorgan, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Thomas, major-general in the army, d. 1816. 2. Sir Evan, 1st bart. 3. Nicholas, a colonel in the army, m. Widekin, of Hanover, and by her had issue, 1. Charles -Wideland, m., April 1818, Anne, 3d da. of Alexander Beecner, capt. R.N. 2. Caroline, m., 4 April 1812, Francis- Moss Smith, esq. I. The right hon. sir EVAN was created a bart. 16 July 1802 ; he was a privy counsellor in Great Britain and Ireland, clerk of the crown and courts in Jamaica, sometime secretary to the admiralty, and secretary of state in Ireland ; ni. Margaret, da. of Wil- liam Skinner, esq., capt. in the army, by whom (who d. 26 Dec. 1833) he had is- sue, 1. Sir Moltneux-Hyde, present bart. 2. Harriet, b. 30 Oct. 17«8. 3. Frederick, b. 4 March 1794, m., at Calcutta, the eldest da. of capt. Alexander Beecher, R.N., and d. at Calcutta, 17 Sept. 1833. 4. William, major in the army, b. 20 Sept. 1795, «!., Dec. 1820, Emilia, da. of col. York. 5. Evan, in holy orders, b. 20 April 1800, m., 5 Sept. 1832, Anne, 2d da. of sir Herbert Jenner, knt., advocate - general, and has issue, A son, b. 1 Oct. 1834. 6. Caroline, m., 1812, Francis - Moss Smith, esq. Sir Evan d. 2 Oct. 1822, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir MOLINEUX - HYDE, present bart. Arms — See Plate 33. Gules, a fesse, wavy, erminois, between three mullets, ar- gent. Crest — On a mount, vert, a goat passant, sable, charged on his side with two ermine spots in fesse, or, collared and attired, or. Seats — Loders, Bothenhampton, and Mapperton House, co. Dorset. BAKER.— DICKSON. ^9^ LITTLEHALES, (now BAKER,) of Wembley, co. Middlesex. 2 Sept. 1802. Sir EDWARD-BAKER BAKER, Baronet, horn 4 Nov. 1806, sue- ceeded his father, sir Edward, 1st bart. 4 March 1825. Sir Edward is descended from an ancient family in the neighbourhood of Bridgnorth, CO. Salop, the representative of which is Johti Littlehules, of Winchester, M.D. Joseph Littlehales, grandfather of the 1st bart., m. Elizabeth, sister of William Baker, of Portman Square, (and aunt of Peter -William Baker, of Ranstone, co. Dorset, esq., and M.P. for Corfe Castle, who d. Aug. 1815,) and d. 1792, leaving a son and heir, Baker-John Littlehales, of Moulsey, CO. Surrey, esq., m. Maria, da. and sole h. of Bendal Martyn, esq., by whom he had issue, (besides three sons who d. in their in- fancy,) 1. Sir Edward, 1st bart. 2. Bendal-Robert, a capt. R.N., m. Mary-Anne, da. of Thomas Cleather, of Plymouth, esq. 3. Vernev-Peter, in holy orders, M.A. 4. Randall-William, d. unm. 1789. 5. Stour-Charles, in holy orders, A.M., prebendary of St. Patrick's, Dublin. . 6. Elizabeth-Laura, m., 1788, Thomas Willats, of Kidmore End, co. Oxford, esq. 7. Maria, m. the rev. T. H. Noyes, A.M., vicar of Bath Easton, co. Somerset. L Sir EDWARD, 1st bart., took the surname of Baker only, and the arms of Baker quarterly with those of Littlehales, by royal sign manual 1817, nu, 22 July 18U5, lady Elizabeth-Mary Fitzgerald, 3d da. of William-Robert, 2d duke of Leinster and had issue, I. Sir Edward-Baker, present bart. 2. William-Leinster-York, b. 14 May 1813. 3. Wellington-Charles-Cecil, h. 31 March I8I7. 4. Talbot - Hastings - Bendall, 6. 9 Sept. 1820. 5. Charlotte-Elizabeth, 6. 13 March 1808. 6. Emilia-Maria, b. 29 Dec. 1809, nu, 22 July 1828, Thomas-Mills Goodlake, of Wadley House, co. Berks, esq. 7. Geraldine-Laura, f). 29 Aug. 1811. 8. Louisa-Isabella, b. 11 June 1814. Sir Edward d. 4 March 1825, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir EDWARD-BAKER, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 33. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, Baker, argent, a castle between two crosses, pat^e, in chief, and a key in base sable, on a chief, azure, two keys erect, or ; 2d and 3d, Littlehales, argent, on a bend, cottised, sable, three cinquefoils, or, a chief, gules, charged wih three arrows erect, points downwards, proper. Crest — 1st, Baker, a nag's head erased, argent, charged on the neck with a cross, patee, fitche, gules, in the mouth a trefoil, slipped, vert : 2d, Littlehales, between two wings, elevated, or, an armed arm, embowed, proper, garnished, or; the hand in a gauntlet, graspmg an arrow, entwined by a branch of olive, proper. Motto — Finis coronat opus. Seat — Ranston House, Blandford, cOj Dorset. DICKSON, of Hardingham Hall, co. Norfolk. 21 Sept. 1802. Sir WILIilAM DICKSON, Baronet, commander R.N., horn 10 June [798, succeeded his father, sir Archibald-CoUingwood, 18 June 1827. 7. James, who d. young. 8. David-John, commander R.N. 9. Mary-Anne. 10. Rowland; 11. Robert. 12. Louisa. The admiral d. in May 1803. 2. Sir Archibald, 1st bart. 3. JOHN, a major-gen., tii. Elizabeth, da. of Alexander Collingwood, of Unthank, by whom he had, 1. Archibald, capt. R.N., m. his cou- sin, Jane, aforesaid. 2. Eleanor, m. capt. Soane. 3. Elizabeth, m. Burdon, esq. 4. Mary, m. Archibald Smith. 5. Elizabeth, m. capt. Ball. I. Sir ARCHIBALD, admiral of the blue, 2d son of the first-mentioned Archi- bald, was created a bart. as above, with remainder in default of issue male to his nephew, sir Archibald Collingwood, 2d bart., m,, 1st, Elizabeth Porter, by whom (who rf. 1779) he had issue, Elizabeth, 1st m. to her aforesaid cousin, William : 2dly, in 1804, to rear-admiral John-Child Purvis, esq., of Vicar's-Hill-House, in Hampshire : he m>, 2dly, Frances-Anne, da. of the rev. Archibald Dickson, (of a Scotch fa- mily,) father of the 1st bart., m , and had issue, 1. William, admiral of the blue; m., 1st, Jane, da. of Alexander Collingwood, esq., of Unthank, co. Northumberland, by whom he had, 1. James, d. aged 15. 2. William, a capt. in the 22d regt. of foot, 771., in 1791, his cousin, Elizabeth, sole da. of his uncle, sir Archibald, the 1st bart., and d. s.p. 1795. 3. Sir Archibald- Collingwood, 2d bart., who succeeded his uncle, Archi- bald. 4. Sir Alexander, K.C.B. and K.C.H., col. in the royal artillery, and aide-de- camp to the king, tn., 1803, miss Brion^s, of the island of Minorca, by whom he has, Jane; William; Eliza; Alexander; and Collingwood. 5. Jane, m. her cousin, Archibald, a capt. R.N., son of general John Dickson. 6. Eleanor. Jane, his 1st wife, dying, the admiral >»., 2dly, in 1786, Elizalieth Charteris, by whom he nad, 300 WHITE. Williams, of Norwich. Sir Archibald deceasing in 1803, his widow m. lieut.-col. O'Brien, and he was succeeded by his ne- phew, II. Sir ARCHIBALD-COLLINGWOOD, 2d bart., admiral R.N., b. 30 Jmie 1772, m., 17 Aug. 1797, Harriett, da. of admiral John Bourmaster, of Tichfield, Hants, and had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. Harriet, 6.27 Sept. 1800, m. Thomas- Wren Carter, capt. R.N. 3. Archibald, b. 24 Nov. 1802, in the army. 4. Colpoys, 6. 21 Aug. 1807. E. I. C. military service in Bengal. 5. Mary - Magdalen, tn., 7 Dec. 1826, Olaude Douglas, esq., of the East India Company's service. 6. Alexander-Collingwood-Thomas, b. 1 Aug. 1810, R.N. 7. Augusta-Caroline, b. 9 Oct. 1813. 8. John-Bourmaster, b. 29 April 1815. 9. George-Collingivood, b. 1817* 10. Francis, 6. 29 Sept. 1822. Sir Archibald rf. 18 June 1827, and was suc- ceeded by his son, III. Sir WILLIAM, present and 3d bart. Arms— See Plate 33. Azure, an anchor, or, encircled with an oak wreath, vert, between three mullets, pierced, or, on a chief, or three pallets, gules, the centre one sur- mounted by a mural coronet, argent. Crest — A trident and a spear, in saltire, or, surmounting an armed arm, brandishing a falchion, proper. Motto — Fortes fm-tuna juvat. Seat— At Sydenham, co. Roxburgl^. WHITE, of TuxFORD, CO. Nottingham, and of Wallingwells, co. York. 20 Dec. 1802. Sir THOMAS-WOOLLASTON WHITE, Baronet, born 3 Oct. ISOlf succeeded his father, sir Woollaston, 28 Oct. 1817; married, 4 March 1824, Georgina, da. of George Ramsay, of Barnton, near Edinburgh, esq., by •whom (who (^. 2 Dec. 1825) he had issue, 1. Georgina, 6. 18 Nov. 1825. Sir Thomas, m., 2d]y,21 March 1827, Mary-Euphemia, da. of WilHam Ram- say,ofEdinburgh,baiiker, and has issue, 2. THOMAS-WOOLLASTON, i. 7Feb. 1828; 3. Mary-Elizabeth, b. IG July 1829; 4. Be- thia-Hamilton, b. 22 Nov. 1830, d. 31 Jan. 1834 ; 5. Fanny-Lucy- Fowke, b. 31 May 1832 ; C. William-Knight-Habiilton-Ram- SAY, b. 23 Jan. 1834. This family is descended from Thomas White, of Tuxford, co. Notts, (son of Ni- cholas White, of Sutfolk,) who m. Anne Cecil, sister of the great lord Burleigh, their son and heir. Sir John White, of Tuxford, m. Doro- thy, da. of sir John Harpur, of Swarkeston, CO. Derby, knt., and d. 25 Dec. I(i25, leaving, besides other issue, a son and heir, Thomas, m. Anne, da. of sir Edmund Hartopp, bart., and d. 1638, leaving, besides other issue, a son and heir, John, who m. Jane, da. of sir Thomas Williamson, of Great Markham, bart., and left an only surviving son, Thomas, of Tuxford and Wallingwells, M.P. for East Retford, in the parliaments of 1714, 1722, and 1727, m., in July 1798, Bridget, sole da. and h. of Richard Taylor, of Wallingwells, esq., member for East Retford, and sheriff' co. of Nottingham, 1799, (by Bridget, da. of sir Ralph Knight, of Warsop and Langold, co. Nottingham,) and by her (who rf. 7 Jan. 17()1) had issue, 1. John, 6. 2 Dec. 1699, d. iinm., 1709. 2. Taylor. 3. Bridget, b. 27 Feb. 1703-4, m., in July 1720, sir John Heathcote, of Normanton, CO. Rutland, bart., and d. .5 May 1772. 4. Anne, b. 30 Dec. 1709, m., 6 April 1742, sir Griffith Boynton, of Burton Agnes, co. York, bart. 5. Mary, rf. tmin. in 1788. Taylor White, 2d but eldest surviving son of Thomas, was of Lincoln's Inn, and judge of the county palatine of Chester, d. in 1772, m., 1st, Anne, da. of Tliomas Er- rington, of Beaufort, esq. ; and 2dly, Fran- ces, da. and co-h. of major-general John Armstrong, by whom he had issue, 1. Taylor. 2. Thomas, recorder of Stamford, d. in 1786, unm. 3. Stephen, of Castor, co. Northampton, LL.D., m. Elizabeth-Hannah, eldest da. of the rev. William Sellon, minister of Clerk- enwell, London, and had a numerous issue. 4. Anne, rf. unm. 18 June 1819, aged 77. 5. Frances. Taylor White, son and h. of the above Taylor, b. in 1743, rf. 1795, m. Sarah, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Isaac Woollaston, bart., and had issue, 1. Lydia, b. 18 Jan. 1768, m. James Wors> ley, esq., in the army. 2. Thomas, created a bart. as abo\'e. 3. Sarah, b. 4 June 1769, rf. April 1827. 4. Elizabeth, b. 21 Aug. 1770, m., 1801, Richard Worsley, esq., captain R.N., bro- ther to the above James Worsley, esq. 5. Taylor, b. 21 Aug. 1771, m., 1803, So- phia, da. of Jewell, esq., and had is- sue, 8 sons and 4 das. 6. Frances, b. 13 March 1777; nu, 15 Jan. 1822, lieut.-col. George O'Halloran. 7. Charles-Lawrence, b. 19 Sept. 1782, rf. 15 April 1814, in consequence of wounds recei\'ed in a sortie made on the {ireceding day by the French from Bayonne. I. Sir THOMAS WOOLLASTON, cre- ated a bart. 20 Dec. 1802, (with remainder to the issue male of his brothers, Taylor and Charles-Lawrence White,) b. 20 Jan. 1767, w., 3Jan. 18(tl, Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Blagg, of Tuxford, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Woollaston, 2d bart. 2. Sarah, b. 27 Nov. 1802, rf. 3 Feb. 1810. 3. Anne, b. 15 June, d. 11 Aug. 1804. METCALFE.— SMITH. 301 4. Taylor, b. 9 June 1805, m. Dorothy- Letitia, da. of col. Kirke, of Markham, co. Notts, and has issue, 1. Thomas- WoUaston, 6. 1829. 2. Elizabeth. 5. Anne, b. 15 June 1807. w., 1827, Wil- liam Kirke, of Markham, co. Notts, esq. 6. Frances, b. 2 AprU 1809, d. 11 Feb. 1810. 7. Lydia, (twin with Frances,) d. 6 Feb. 1810. 8. Sarah, b. 24 Jan. 1811. 9. Lydia, b. 24 May 1814, d. Nov. 1827. 10. Charles-Lawrence, 6. 30 April 1815, d. young. Sir Thomas d. 28 Oct. 1817, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, 11. Sir THOMAS-WOOLLASTON, pre- sent bart. Anns— See Plate 33. Gules, a chevron, vaire, between three lions rampant, or. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, argent, a demi-eagle, displayed, sable. Seat — At WaUingwells, near Worksop, co. Nottingham. METCALFE, of Chilton, co. Berks. 21 Dec. 1802. Sir CHARLES-THEOPHILUS METCALFE, Baronet, Member of the Supreme Council, Bengal, Governor of the Presidency of Agra, and late Resident at Hydrabad, born 30 Jan. 1785, succeeded his brother, sir Theo- philus-John, 15 Aug. 1822. Theophilus Metcalfe, grandfather of the 1st bart., was bred to the law, and set- tled in Ireland about 1690, and d. there, leaving three sons, William and Theophilus, who both d. unm., and Thomas, an officer in the army, h. about 1695, m. Margaret, da. of the rev. John Wil- liams, and d. 1778, leaving an only surviving son. I. Sir THOMAS, of Chilton and Fern- hill, a director of the East India company, was created a bart. 21 Dec. 1802; m., 1782, Susannah-Sophia-Selina, da. of John De- bonnaire, esq., relict of major John Smith, and by her (who d. 10 Sept. 1815) had issue, 1. Sir Theophilus-John, 2d bart. 2. Sir Charles - Theophilus, present bart. 3. Thomas-Theophilus, b. 2 Jan. 1795, judge of the Delhi territory in India. 4. Henry-Theophilus, b. 12 Feb. 1796. 5. Emily-Theophila, 6. 16 June 1790, m., 22 June 1812, Henry Flower, viscount Ashbrook (vide Debrett's Peerage of the United Kingdom). 6. Gbobgiana-Theophila, 6. 31 Jan. 1792, m., 19 Nov. 1822, the rev. Thomas Scott Smyth, of St. Austle, co. Cornwall. Sir Thomas d. 17 Nov. 1813, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir Theophilus-John, president of the select committee at Canton, b. 19 Sept. 1783, m., 1802, Selina-Sophia, da. of Thomas Russell, esq., of Denon, and niece of sir Henry Russell, bart., and by her (who d. in China, 30 Oct. 1809) had issue, one da., Eliza-Debonnaire, m., 8 June 1826, Pe- ter Hesketh, of Rossall, co. Lancaster, esq. Sir Theophilus-John d. 15 Aug. 1822, and was succeeded by his brother, in. Sir CHARLES-THEOPHILUS, present bart. Arms— See Plate 33. Argent, on a fesse, wavy, gules, between three calves, two and one, sable, a sword fessewise, the point to the sinister, proper, pommel and hilt, or. Crest — A talbot, sejant, sable, the dexter paw supporting an escutcheon, or, charged with a hand issuant from the clouds, on the sinister, and holding a pen, all proper. Motto — Cvnqidesco. Seat— At Ham Common, co. Surrey. SMITH, of Hadley, co. Middlesex. 22 Dec. 1802. Sir CULLTNG-EARDLEY SMITH, Baronet, born2l April 1805, sue ceeded his father, sir Culling, 30 June 1829; married, 9 Feb. 1832, Isa- bella, da. of the late Thomas-William Carr, esq., of Hampstead Frognall, and Eshott, co. Northumberland, esq., and has issue, 1. Fiiaxc£S-Se- LiNA, b. 21 Nov. 1832 ; 2. a Da., b. 15 Dec. 1834. This family is of French extraction ; set- tled in England about the reign of Eliza- beth, and changed the name from Le Fevre to Smith. Thomas Smith, of Alcester, co. War- wick, barrister-at-law, living 1728, had issue, Thomas, of Hadley, co. Middlesex, esq., who d. 1740, leaving an only son, Thomas Smith, of Hadley and of Lon- don, merchant, b. 1700, m. "Culling, sister and co-h. of John Home, esq., governor of Bombay, and d. May 1744, leaving issue by her, (who d. May 1775,) 1. Thojias, of Evesham, co. Worcester, d. without male issue, 1789. 2. Sir Culling, 1st bart. 3. William, a capt. in the naval service of the East India Company, m. Sarah, da. of Humphrey Sumner, D.D., provost of King's College, Cambridge, and had issue, 1. Sumner, in holy orders. 2. William-Richard, R.N. 3. Sarah, m. William Stackhouse, of Modbury, co. Devon, clerk. 4. Anna-Maria. 5. Charlotte. 4. Charles, sometime governor of Ma- dras, d. 1784, leaving an only son, Culling- Charles, who m. lady Anne Wellesley, sister of the marquess Wellesley, and widow of 302 CURTIS. the hon. Henry Fitzroy, and has issue, 1. Frederic. 2. Emily - Frances, m., 29 June 1822, Henry, marquess of Worcester. 5. Anne, d. unm. 6. Elizabeth, m. John Monro, M.D. 7. Maria, m. rev. John Burrows, LL.D., rector of Hadley. 8. Frances, m. rev. Charles- Jeffreys Cottrell, rector of Hadley. I. Sir CULLING, 2d, but eldest surviving son, was created a bart. 22 Dec. 18(i2; h. 20 Nov. 1731 ; m. Mary, da. of John Burrows, LL.D., rector of Hadley, co. Middlesex ; and by her (whorf. 5 April 1782) had issue, 1. Sir Culling, 2d bart. 2. Maria, d. unm. 7 July 1708. 3. Louisa, m. rev. T. Rivett, and d. 1797' Sir Culling d. 19 Oct. 1812, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir CULLING, 2d bart., h. 10 July 1768, m., 22 Sept. 1792, Charlotte-Elizabeth, 2d da. and co-h. of Sampson, lord Eardley, by whom (who d. 15 Sept. 182G) he had issue, 1. Maria-Charlotte, b. 24 Oct. 1793, »)., 30 Oct. 1826, her cousin, the rev. Eard- ley Childers. 2. Louisa-Selina-Culling, h. 21 June 1800. 3. Sir Culling-Eardley, present bart. Sir Culling d. 30 June 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, III. Sir CULLING-EARDLEY, present and 3d bart. Arms— See Plate 34. Quarterly ; 1st and 4th, vert, three acorns slipped, or; Smith, 2d and 3d, argent, on a chevron engrailed, gules, between three bugle-horns stringed, sable, as many mullets of the field, Horne. Crest — An eagle with wings endorsed, pro- per, in his mouth an acorn slipped and leaved, proper. Motto — Spes, decitJi, et robur. Seats — At Bedwell Park, co. Herts ; Net- tleton Moor, Caistor, Lincoln. CURTIS, of Culland's Grove, Southgate, co. Middlesex. 23 Dec. 1802. Sir WILLIAM CURTIS, Baronet, torn 2 March 1782, succeeded his father, sir William, 18 Jan. 1829; married, 19 Nov. 1803, Mary-Anne, only child of George Lear, of Leytoiistone, co. Essex, esq., and has issue, 1. WILLIAM, b. 26 Aug. 1804; 2. George-Lear, b. 15 Sept. 1805, TO., 21 Jan. 1832, Augusta-Elizabeth, da. of Charles-B. Cotton, of Kingsgate, co. Kent, esq.; 3. Mary-Anne, i.23 Sept. 1806; 4. Emma, b. 25 Nov. 1807, to., 31 Aug. 1820, George-Savage Curtis, esq. ; 5. Sabine-Louisa, ^z. 4 Dec. 1808; O.Charlotte, b. 18 Jan. 1810; 7- Louisa-Anne, to., 29 April 1832, rev. Montagu-James Taylor, vicar of Harold, co. Bedford; 8. Henry-Charles; 9. Georgiana ; 10. Augustus-John ; 11. Edward-Constable ; 12. GuiLHERMiNA ; — — 13. Anne-Augusta ; 14. Alexan- der-Kidd; 15. Julia-Henrietta ; 16. Horace-Good. James Curtis, of St. John' CO. Middlesex, a descendant from a family which has been seated for a considerable period, co. Nottingham ; he d. in 1731-2, having >n. 2 wives; 1st, Sarah Clouden, of Croydon, co. Surrey, by whom he had 1 son, Joseph, and 3 das.; 1. Elizabeth, m. Cornelius Wildbore, of Nottingham, esq., by whom she had Elizabeth, who m* her cousin, Timothy Curtis ; 2. Sarah, m. Lambe; and 3. Frances, m. James Bush, of London, esq., by whom slic left issue: he >«., 2dly, Anne Phelps, of London. Joseph Curtis, of St. John's, Wapping, esq., only son of James by his 1st marriage, d. 1771, having m. Mary, da. of Timothy Tennant, of Wapping, esq., and by her (who d. 1756) he had issue, 1. Timothy, of Hackney, esq., m. his cousin, Elizabeth Wildbore, by whom he had Joseph Curtis, of I3ath, cs((. ; who m. Eugenia-Maria Jackson, of Grange, in King's County, Ireland, and had issue ; and a da., Mary, deceased, 711., 1st, John f-Iaitland, of London, merchant; and 2dly, her cousin, William Curtis. 2. James-Curtis, of the Old South Sea House, and distributor of sea-policy stamps. 3. Sir William, 1st bart. 4. Gkorge-Curtis, of Cardington, co. Bedford, cscj., m. Anne-Delicia, da. of Richard Windsor, esq., (by Anne, his 3d wife, da. of Richard Bridgman, deputy of Portsoken ward,) and d. UilD, leaving issue by her, (who d. in 1795,) 1. George-William ; 2. Anna-Delicia, m. John Johnstone, of Birmingham, M.D. 5. Charles Curtis, in holy orders, M.A., rector of St. Martin's Birmingham, and Solyhull, CO. Warwick, d. Jan. 1829, having m., 1st, Dorothy, 2d da. of the rev. John Wilde, of Bell Broughton, co. Worcester, by whom he hail, 1. William, in. his cousin, Mary, da. of Timothy Curtis, his father's eldest brother, by whom he had 1 son; the rev. C. Curtis m., 2dly, Waring, da. of Waring, of Hackney, esq., by whom he has issue, 2. Charles, »i. Char- lotte, da. of Hcmeley, of Hackney, esq., by whom he has issue; 3. John, an officer of the artillery in India; 4. James, a senior merchant and judge of the provincial court of appeal at Calcutta; 5. Timothy, capt. R.N., »i. his cousin, Ucbccca-Mary, da. of sirWilliam Curtis, bart., and i/.l 5 Oct. Um, itt. 41 ; (i. Dorothy. Tlic rev. Charles ?>i., 3dly, Sarah, 4th da. of Thomas Wilkinson, of London, merchant, and by her had, 7- Tho- mas; !i. Henry, capt. 2d dragoon-guards, d. July 1832: 9. a son. 6. Mary, m. John Yates, of St. Sepul- chre's, London. I. Sir WILLIAM, 3d son, created a bart. 23 Dec. 1002, b. 14 Jan. 1752, lord mayor of PEACOCKE — DE.CAPELL-BROOKE. 303 London in 1796, M.P. for the city of Lon- don in 1790, 1796, 1802, 18(»6, 1807, and 1812, m., 9 Nov. 1776", Anne, posthumous da. and co-h. of Edward Constable, esq., by whom (who d. 7 Aug. 1833) he had issue, 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. George, d. in India, Sept. 1806. 3. Timothy-Abraham, a director of the Bank of England, b. 3 Jan. 1786, w., 25 April 1809, Margaret-Harriet, youngest da. of the late Young Green, of Poole, co. Dorset, esq., and has issue, 1. William-Frederick. 2. Harriett-Anne; 3. Emma-Charlotte. 4. Sophia; 5. Alfred-John. 6. James-Charles. 7. Frances- MonctoD. 8. Arthur-Henry. 9. A Da., b. 29 July 1828. 4. Charles-Berwick, »j. Henrietta, da. of -, and has issue, 1. Charles-William. 2. Henrietta-Mary-Anne. 3. and 4. James-Falconer, and Francis- Tunis, 5. Emma, w). Henry-Cadwallader Adams, of Amsty Hall, near Coventry', esq. 6. Rebecca-Mary, m., 29 March, Ti- mothy Curtis, esq., capt. R.N., son of rev. Charles Curtis. Sir William d. 18 Jan. 1829, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, II. Sir" WILLIAM, present and 2d bart. Arms—See Plate 34. Paly of six, or and azure, a fesse, cheeky, argent and sable; on a canton, gules, a dragon's wing erect, of the third, in base a sword, proper, pom- mel and hilt, or, surmounting a silver key in saltire. Crest — A ram's head, couped, argent, be- tween two branches of oakj in saltire, proper. Motto — Gradatim inticimu^s. Seat— CuUund's Grove, Southgate, co. Middlesex. PEACOCKE, of Barntic, co. Clare, Ireland. 24 Dec. 1802. Sir NATHANIEL-LEVETT PEACOCKE, Baronet, late a col. in the army, born 3 Oct. 1701), succeeded his father, sir Joseph ; married, 20 June 1803, Henrietta, eldest da. of sir John JMorris, of Clasemont, co. Glamor- gan, bart., by whom (who tl. 4 June 1825) he had issue, 1. JOSEPH- FRANCIS, b. 1 Feb. 1805 ; 2. Elizabeth, b. 18 April 1804 ; 3. and 4. twin daughters, b. Jan. 1814. Marmaduke Peacocke, m. a da. of Thomas Goodriche, co. York, esq., and had issue, Edmund Peacocke, who m., 17 Sept. I7I8, Alice, da. of Thomas Ponsonbv, of Crotto, esq., a younger branch of the'Bes- borough family, and by him (who d. in 1734) had issue George Peacocke, b. 5 Feb. 1701, ?n., 1st, July 1729, Mary, da. of alderman Joseph le Yit, of Cork, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Joseph, 1st bart. 2. Marmaduke, in the army, b. 1735, and d. 1795, having m. Mary, da. of John Leslie, of Cork, esq., and had issue, Mary. 3. William, b. 1737, m. Emma, da. of col. Jones, of Anglesea. 4. George, capt. in the army, who d. in North America. 5. Mary, d. 1773. He m., 2dly, miss Warren, of Warren's- Town, CO. Kilkenny, and had issue, 6. George, in the army, d. iinm. 7. Mary, m. her cousin, George Pea- cocke, esq. L Sir JOSEPH, the eldest son, was creat- ed a bart. as above; 6. 1734; m., 176I, Elizabeth, sole da. of Thomas Cuffe, of Grange, co. Kilkenny, esq., a 3'ounger branch of the earls of Desart, and half sister to lord Castlecoote, and bv her (who d. Nov. 1808) had issue, 1. Sir Nathaniel-Levett, present bart. 2. William, in holy orders. 3. Elizabeth, m., in 1800, capt. J. O'Beime, brother of Lucius Thomas, lord bishop of Meath. 4. Grace ; 5. Philippa. 6. Mary, m. major-gen. Daniel O'Meara, late of the 12th West-India regt. 7. Catharine, m., in 1797, Francis Gore, of Dorymore, co. Clare, esq. 8. Georgia XA, d. of a fall from her horse, 16 May 1811. 9^ Alicia-A.vne, m., Oct. 1815, T. Law- rence, of Bristol, esq. Sir Joseph deceasing, was succeeded by his eldest son, II. SirNATHANIEL-LEVETT, present bart. Arms— See Plate 34. Quarterly, or and azure; four lozenges, conjoined in cross, between as many annulets, all counter- changed. Crest— \ cockatrice, vert. Motto — Vincit Veritas. Seat — Grange, co. Limerick, Ireland. DE-CAPELL-BROOKE, of Great Oakley, co. Northampton, and Ahadoe and Roxburgh, co. Cork. 20 June 1803. Sir ARTHUR DE-CAPELL-BROOKE, Baronet, captain in the army, F.R.S., borji 22 Oct. 1791, succeeded his father, sir Richard, 27 Nov. 1829. The Brookes are a family of great an- tiquity, settled originally co. Chester. Wil- liam Broke (for so this family spelt their name till the 17th century) was living in 1159; he was the immediate ancestor of the Oakley branch of this family : the 7th in descent from him was sir Xirhola-s Broke, who is stated in the county visitations in the herald's office to have m. the da. of sir John Bush, knt., and to have been lord of 304 DE-CAPELIi-BROOKE. the manor of Chester-waver, co. Warwick, where he was buried, 10 Sept. 1271. An- cient pedigrees state that Roger Broke, or de Broke, as Bridges styles him in his " History of Northamptonshire," m., temp. Edward I., Agnes, one of the das. and co- heiresses of Philip de Coveley, who pos- sessed the manors of H olden by and Ravens- thorp ; and that Edward Broke, temp. Ed- ward II., m. the heiress of sir Edward Gour- nay, knt. The visitations in the college of arms state that William Broke (4th in de- scent from sir Nicholas) m. the niece of sir Thomas Billinge, lord chief justice, 6 Ed- ward IV. He appears by various family- deeds, copies of which are in the British Museum, (vide Harleian Catalogue, No. 4(128, p. 166, 170— 175,) to have exchanged the manors of Astwell, Fawcote, and Wappen- ham, CO. Northampton, (24 April, 11 Ed- ward IV.,) with Thomas Lovett, for the manors and towns of Great Oakley and Rushton, and other considerable estates in the parishes of Bulwick, Henswicke, Sta- nion, Newton, Weekly, and Little Oakley, in the same county. This exchange took place on the marriage of his son, John, with Margaret Lovett. The said John m., 2dly, Isabel, da. of Thomas Wake, of Blisvvorth, styled the great Wake, who was representa- tive CO. Northampton the greater part of his life : by this 2d marriage, he had issue, Thomas Broke, who m. the da. of Giles Poulton, of Desborough : his son, Thomas Broke, m. Jane, h. of Thomas Moore, of Bourton, co. Bucks, who was descended, through the Paulets, from Joan, wife of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, the da. of Edward I. : his son, Arthur Broke, m. Catharine, da. of sir Edward Watson, of Rockingham, grandda. of sir Edward Mon- tague, of Boughton, chief-justice of Eng- land, which said Catharine was also de- scended from the above-named Joan, by her 2d husband, Ralph de Monthermer. Sir Thomas Broke, son of Arthur, m, Judith Shugburgh, descended from Guy, earl of Warwick, and William the Con- queror, Edward Broke, his brother, m. the da. of sir William Pelham, knt., and settled in Ireland, where he was muster- master-general. Arthur, son of sir Thomas, m. Dorothy, eldest da. of sir Thomas Ne- ville, knt., of Holt, CO. Leicester, descended from Neville, lord-high-admiral to William the Conqueror. Thomas, son of Arthur, was member co. Northampton, 5th, ()th,and 7th Charles II., and m. Margaret, da. of sir John Walter, CO. Oxford, knt., lord-chief-baron of the exchequer. Arthur, son of Thomas, m. Dorothy, da. and h. of William Wheelows, of Gay ton, esq., who was gentleman of the privy chamber to Charles II. Arthur, his son, 22d in lineal descent from William, 1st mentioned, m. Mary, only surviving child of that very eminentdivine, Zaccheus Isham, D.D., prebendary of St. Paul's, &c., and had issue 2 das.; Mary, the eldest, and Do- rothy, the wife of Thomas-Cecil Maunscll, of Thorpe Malsor, esq., who d. without issue; Mary, ?w. Richard Supple, of Ahadoe, CO. Cork, es(i., and had issue one child, sir RirHAUD-BRooKK Dk - Capkll-Hrook K, 1st bart., who, on the death of his father in ]7!)7, changed his name to Brooke, as direct- ed by the will of his great uncle, Wheeler Brooke, esc)., and at the same time obtained the royal licence to re-assume the name of De Capell, the original paternal name of this family : his ancestor, Pliiliit-dr-Cdiicll, hav- ing gone over to Ireland with Hobert Fitz- stephen in the reign of Henry II., and hav- ing been present with liiin at the concjucst of the kingdom of Cork, who, for his ser- vices, granted to him and his heirs the estate of Ahadoe and other considerable property in that county, held by knight's service, and the payment of a pair of spurs annually at Easter (vide the grant in Birmingham Tower). This estate, subject to the same quit-rent, has been in ^)ossession of the family to the present tmne; and it ap- pears by the Down survey in the castle of Dublin, to be described as the property of William Supple, esq., English Protest- ant. Keating, in his " History of Ireland," p. 552, mentions the name of Supple, as one of those remaining who were descended from the English who first settled in Ireland. Edward Grimstone, serjeant-at-arms 1615, published a translation from the French of a work relative to Ireland, in which this family are mentioned as gentlemen of note at that period, and as descended from Eng- lish ancestors. An ancient MS. in the Bri- tish Museum gives a list of English families who came into Ireland in the reign of Henry II., Richard I., and king John (vide No. 4814, Plut. D. ;) and among these names occurs James Chappell, otherwise Capell, otherwise Supple, baron. William-Supple Fitz Edmund, 1628, m. Catharine, da. of sir Richard Smythe, of Ballynatra, and grandda. of Roger Boyle, father of the 1st earl of Cork, and from whom are descended the earls of Cork and Shannon. William-Supple, his son, m. the sister of sir William Fitzgerald ; and, 2dly, Uniacke. William, his son by the 1st wife, m. the da. of Garret Fitzgerald, of Lesquin- land, esq. By these intermarriages, the fa- mily became nearly allied with the Desmond family and the Fitzgeralds of Cloyne. Wil- liam, his son, m. the eldest da. of sir Richard Hull, one of the justices of the court of common pleas in Ireland, and had issue, Richard, who m. Mary, da. and co-h. of Richard Fitzgerald, of London, esq.: their issue was, Richard, before-mentioned, father of sir Richard -Brooke De- Capell Brooke, the 1st bart.; Mabella, d. unm.', and Anne, who m. William Bull, of Dublin, esq,, and has issue, 1 son, who 7n. miss Mott, and d. without issue, and 4das. ; 1. Anne, m. William Vavasour, of Kildare Street, Dublin, esq.; 2. Mary, m. Robert Graydon, co. Kildare, esq.; 3. Sophia, m. William Pollard, of the county of West- meath, esq.; 4. Catharine, in. Edward Great- rakes, esq. I. Sir RICHARD, created a bart. 20 June 1803, b. 1757, m., 18 Aug. 1788, Mary, only child and h. of major-gen. Richard Worge, col. 36th regt. of foot, and had issue, 1. Sir Arthur, present bart. 2. William, 6. 12 June 1801, m., 23 April 182!), Catherine, youngest da. of Lewis, 2d lord, and sister of the present lord Sondes, and has issue, 1. Richard-Lewis, b. 7 April 1831. 2. Willjam-Henry-Worge, b. 31 March 1833. 3. Marv-Annk. 4. Sophia, m., 7 April 18,31, William Mil- house, of Pelton House, co. Warwick, esq. 5. Louisa, m. rev. Henry-Berners Shelly. 6. Augusta. Sir Richard-Brooke d. 27 Nov. 1829, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ARTHUR, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 34. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, or, on a fesse, azure, three escallops of the field ; 2d and 3d, or, an anchor, azure, on a chief of the second, three arming buckles, of the first. STEWART.— STRONGE. 305 Crest — A demi-sea-horse, and maned, or. argent, finned Seats — At Great Oakley, Kettering, co. Northampton ; and Ahadoe, co. Cork. STEWART, of At HENRY, co. Tyrone, Ireland. 21 June 1803. Sir HUGH STEWART, Baronet, joint lord treasurers' remembrancer of the court of exchequer in Ireland, born 14 May 1792, succeeded his father, the late right hon. sir John, 1 June 1825 ; married^ 19 Jan. 1826, Julia, 2d da. of the late Marcus Gage, of Bellarena, near Newtown, Limavedy, co. Derry, esq. Andrkw Stewart, (commonly styled capt. Andrew Stewart,) who, with lord Castle Stewart, to whom he was related, and his (Andrew's) brother James, who after- wards fixed his residence at Ballymona, co. Tyrone, went from Scotland to Ireland about the year 1027: on his marriage, (as hereafter mentioned,) he obtained from lord Castle Stewart, the greater part of the ma- nor of Castle Stewart ; but he afterwards built, and resided at another seat, called Gortigill, near Stewart's Town, co. Tyrone, (at a spot immediately adjoining the present residence of the Castle Stewart family,) which has ever since been in possession of capt. Stewart's descendants ; he served with col. Robert Stewart, of Fry, in defence of the forts of Dungannon and Mountjoy in 1641; and at the rising of the rebels at Artrea, or Ardtreigh, co. Tyrone, for the purpose of destroying the Protestant fami- lies of that county, his house was attacked, but with a few Scots followers he defended it for two days, when assistance was sent to him from Mountjoy Fort. Captain Stetvart m. Sarah, eldest da. of lord Castle Stewart, (commonly styled lord Ochiltree, and sister to Mary, countess of Suffolk,) by whom (who survived him and d. in 1687) he had issue, 1. Robert, who had an only child, Janet, who m., 1684, John Bell, of Mulluntear, esq. 2. Hugh, of whom hereafter. 3. James, an officer R.N., m , da. of admiral sir Cloudesley Shovel, and was killed in battle. Captain Stewart having long been an ob- ject devoted to vengeance, for the zeal and loyalty he evinced in the royal cause, was at length put to death by rebels about the year 1650. Hugh, the 2d son, m. Margaret, da. of Thomas Morris, of Mountjoy Castle, esq., and had issue, 1. Hugh. 2. John, of Gortigal, m. Mary, da. of Kennedy, and had issue, James, and several das. Hugh, the eldest son, was in holy orders, rector of Tuman, co. Tyrone, m. Sarah, da. of the rev. Andrew Hamilton (rector of Toboyne and Donogheady, both in the pre- sentation of the Abercorn family in Ireland) by his 1st wife, the sole da. and h. of sir William Cunningham, of Cunningham Head, in North Britain, and of Castle-Co- nyngham, co. Donegal, bart.,and had issue, 1. Sir John, created a bart. 2. Andrew, an officer in the service of the East India Company, who fell in an en- gagement in India. 3. Henry, D.D., rector of Loughgilly, CO. Armagh, m. Sophia, da. of Ciossy, of Dublin, esq., and has issue, 1. Henry; 2. John; 3. William, d. 4. Bagnall, d. ; 5. Hugh ; 6. Mathew. 7. Fitzgibbon ; 8. Sophia ; 9. Harriett. 10. Emily; 11. Louisa. 4. Anne, m. Humphrey Nixon, of Nixon Lodge, CO. Cavan, esq. 5. Sarah, m. William Baillie, of Term- sker, CO. Tyrone, esq. 6. Amelia, d. iinm. I. The right hon. sir JOHN, the eldest son, was created a bart. 21 June 1803. Sir John was sometime attorney-general in Ire- land, and M.P. for co. Tyrone, m. Mary, da. of Mervin Archdall, of Castle Archdal!, CO. Fermanagh, esq., (by Mary, da. of vis- count Carlton,) and by her (who d. J 795) had issue, 1. Mary, b. 1791, d. tmnu 1810. 2. Sir Hugh, 2d bart. 3. Mervvn, b. 27 May 1794, joint lord treasurers' remembrancer of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, in., 17 June 1822, Frances, da. of the rev. dr. Vesey, of Dub- lin, and has issue, 1. John; 2. Mervyn (a da.) ; 3. Barbara. Sir John d. 1 June 1825, of hurts received by being thrown out of his carriage the 22d May previous, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HUGH, present and 2d bart. Arms—See Plate 34. Or, a lion rampant, within a double tressurecounterflory, gules, all within a bordure, gobony, argent and azure. Crest— An unicorn's head, couped, argent, crined, or, between two olive branches, proper. Motto — Forward. Seat— At Athenry, co. Tyrone. STRONGE, of Tynan, co. Armagh, and Thornhill, co. Dublin. 22 June 1803. Sir JAMES-MATTHEW STRONGE, Baronet, D.C.L., Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, bo7'n G Api-il 1780, succeeded his father, the rev. sir James, 1 Dec. 1804 ; married, 5 Sept. 1810, Isabella, da. of Nicolson Cal- vert, of Hunsdon House, co. Herts, esq., (by Frances Pery, da. and co-h. of 306 BARLOW. Edmund Sexton, viscount Pery, in the Peerage of Ireland,) and has issue, 1. JAMES-MATTHEW, b. Nov. 1811; 2. John-Calvert ; 3. Charles-Walter; 4. Edmund-Robert-Francis; 5. Maxwell-Dupre; 6. Frances-Helen; 7. Pauline; 8. Catherine. John Strongk, in holy orders, rector of Tynan, co. Armagh, m. Eleanor, eldest da. and co-h. of James Mamon, of Fairview, co. Armagh, and d. 1744, having had issue by her, (whorf. 1750,) 1. James, D.D., d. without issue. 2. Matthew, of Liverpool, merchant, m. Elizabeth, da. of Samuel Powell, esq., son of Samuel Powell, of Stanage Park, co. Radnor, by the hon. Elizabeth Folliot, da. of Thomas, lord Folliot, of Ireland, and co-h. of her brother, Henry, last lord Fol- liot, (whose title became extinct in 1716,) and had issue, 1. Eleanor, ni. John Blackburn, esq., of Wavertree Hall, co. Lancaster. 2. Rev. sir James, 1st bart. 3. John, d. without issue. 4. William, rf. 1784, m. Anne, da. of Warre, of Dublin, esq., and had issue, Margaret, who m. James O'Brien, of Castle-Fergus, co. Clare, esq. 5. Mary, m. Arthur Benson, D.D., rector of Monaghan. L Rev. sir JAMES, M.A., rectorof Tynan, CO. Armagh, created a bart. 22 June 1803, m., 21 May 1785, Helen, da. of John Tew, esq., (by Margaret, da. of Robert Maxwell, of Fellows Hall, co. Armagh, esq., and niece to John, 1st lord Farnham,) and had issue, 1. The rev. sir James-Matthew, pre- sent bart. 2. Elizabeth, h. 1789, d. 1808. Sir James rf. 1 Dec. 1804, and was succeeded by his only son, II, The rev. sir JAMES-MATTHEW, present bart. Arms— See Plate 34. Argent, a chevron, wavy, sable, between three lozenges, azure, in the centre chief point, an etoile, gules. Ciest—Am eagle, displayed, with two heads, sable, beaked and legged, azure, langued, gules. Seats— M Tynan, co. Armagh ; and Thorn- hill, CO. Dublin. BARLOW, of Fort-William, Bengal. 29 June 1803. Sir GEORGE-HILARO BARLOW, G.C.B., created a Baronet as ahove, was appointed Governor-General of India on the death of Charles, marquess Cornwallis, 5 Oct. 1805 ; and 13 May 1807, appointed Governor of Fort St. George, Madras ; married^ April 1789, at Calcutta, Elizabeth, da. of Burton Smith, of Westmeath, esq., (which marriage was dissolved by- act of parhament, 30 April 181(),) and has issue, 1. George-Ulrick, capt. 4th dragoons, b. 8 Oct. 1791, w., 27 Feb. 1817, Hilare, 3d da. of sir Robert Barlow, capt. R.N. K.C.B., d. in India 1824, and his widow re-wj., 26 March 1829. William, earl Nelson ; 2. William, b. 18 Dec. 1792, R.N., d. 26 July 1811 ; 3. JOHN-HENRY, b. 7 Dec. 1795, a senior merchant, and salt agent at Jessore, in Bengal ; 4. Rorert, b. 24 Sept. 1797, a senior merchant, Bengal; 5. Charles-Anstruther, b. 5 Feb. 1800; 0. RiChard-Wellesley, b. 10 Sept. 1804, a junior merchant and magistrate and deputy collector at Monghyr, in the East Indies ; 7. Edward, b. 18 June 1807 ; 8. Frederick, b. 23 May 1810; 9. Elizabeth-Harriet, b. 21 Jan. 1790, w., 1 Oct. 1808, Pownoll- Bastard Pellew, afterwards 2d viscount Exmouth, which marriage Avas dis- solved by act of parliament, July 1820 ;- 10. Charlotte, b. 29 Sept. 1794; 11. Ijcuisa, d. 24 Aug. 1821; 12. Frances ; 13. Anne-Caroline ; 14. Harriet ; 15. Em3IE, d. 8 Aug. 1818. William Barlow, of South Audley Street, (son of Hugh Barlow, of Forbridge, CO. Stafford,) m. Elizabeth, da. of William Ford, of St. Mary-le-bonne, gentleman, and had issue, 1. John, rf. 1757, leaving issue. 2. Thomas, rf. 1784, leaving issue. 3. William, father of sir George-Hilaro, of whom presently. 4. Elizaketh, w. Robert Duncomb, esq. William Baulow, 3d son, was of Bath, m. Hilare, da. of Robert Butcher, of Wal- thamstow, esq., andrf. I7!i8, having had issue by her, (whorf. 1774,) 1. Sir RoiiERT, knt-, rear-admiral R.N., and late resident commissioner at Chatham, knighted 16 June 1801, for his gallant con- duct in capturing the Africaine French fri- gate, m., 8 Sept. 1785, Elizabeth, 2d da, of William Garrett, of Wortington, Hants, esq., and by her (who rf. 17 Sept. 1817) had issue, 1. Robert, h. 2(} Dec. 1788, a senior mer- chant in Bengal. 2. William, ^. 4 Dec. 1809. 3. George, h. and rf. 17!«). 4. Elizabi'tli-Anne. 5. FraiKC's, »/., r, Oct. 1811, George, pre- sent viscount Torrington. (j. Hilare, m., 1st, 1817, her cousin, George-Ulrick, eldest son and heir-ap- parent of the baronet; and 2dly, 2(J March 1821), William, earl Nelson. WEDDERBURN.— KAY. 307 7. Caroline, m. lieut.-colonel Charles Dashwood, son of sir H. W. Dashwood, bart., whorf. 20 April 1832. 8. Maria. 2. William, of Streatham, eo. Surrey, esq., m., 1st, Harriett, da. of major John Fleming; and 2dly, Louisa, da. of Richard Harris, of Esher, esq., but has no issue. 3. Thomas-William, in holy orders, pre- bendary of Bristol, and vicar of Halberton, b. 12 Oct. 17GO, 7)1. Frances, da. of John Brockett, of South Mimms, and had issue, 1. John, b. 2(1 Nov. 1798. 2. Thomas- Wotton, b. 21 Feb. 1800. 3. George, b. 1806. 4. Anne-Frances. 4. Sir George-Hilaro, created a bart. 1803. 5. Samuel, d. mini. 6. Frances-Charlotte-Hilare, m., 5 June 1784, Thomas Coulthard, of Chaw- ton, Hants, esq. 7. Harriett-Hilare, m. Henry Man- ning, of Sidmouth, esq. 8. Caroline-Rebecca, rf. an infant 1775. Arms — See Plate 34. Argent, on a chevron, engrailed gules, between three cross cross- lets, fitchy, azure, two lions passant, coun- ter-passant, supporting an eastern crown, or. Crest — Out of an eastern crown a demi- lion, argent, the paws supporting a cross crosslet, as in the arms. WEDDERBURN, of Ballendean, co. Perth. 10 Aug. 1803. Sir DAVID WEDDERBURN, created a Baronet as above, with re- maindei-, in default of issue male, to the heirs male of the body of his father, sir John Wedderburn, bart. ; married., Sept. 1800, Margaret, da. of George Browne, of lllerton, co. Roxburgh, esq., and had issue, John, 6. 1G Oct. 1802, d. 28 May 1823. sides other issue, a son and heir, John, who assumed the title of baroiiet notwithstanding his father's forfeiture; m. Margery, eldest da. of DavidOgilvy, common- ly called earl of Airley, (which title became forfeited in 1715,) by whom he had issue, 1. John, d. 1783. 2. Sir David, present bart. 3. Margaret, m. Philip Dundas, esq., governor and treasurer of Prince of Wales's Island, and d. 18(K3. 4. Jane, m. John-Hope Oliphant, esq. He TO., 2dly, Alicia, da. of colonel James Dundas, by Margaret, da. of lord Forbes, by whom (who d. 1831) he had issue, 5. James. 6. John, accountailt-general at Bombay, m., and has issue. 7. Alexander, lieut.-col. in the army. 8. Mary; 9. StSAN. 10. Louisa-Dorothy, m. John, 4th earl of Hopetoun, G.C.B. 11. Anne, m. Sir John Hope, of Craigie Hall, bart. John, father of the present bart., d. 13 June 1803. L Sir DAVID, created a baronet, 10 Aug. 1803. Arms— See Plate 34. Argent, a chevron, between three roses, gules, barbed, vert. Crest— An eagle's head, erased, proper. Seafs—Ballendean House and Blackness, both CO. Perthi This family has been created baronets of North Britain in two branches, viz. the Wedderburns of Gosford, created in 1697. (from whom descended Alexander Wedder- burn, 1st earl of Rosslyn, lord high chan- cellor of England, see Debretfs Peerage of the United Kingdom,) and the Wedderburns of Ballendean, also created in 1697, which latter title was forfeited by sir John Wedder- burn, bart., who engaged in the rebellion of 1745, and was executed 28 Nov. 1746. Sir Alejcamler Wedderburn, knighted by Charles I., in. Matilda, da. of- Fletcher, of Inner Pesser, esq., and had issue, John and James ; John, the elder, had a charter of the lands of the barony of Blackness, in 1668, and was created a baronet of Scotland 1704 ; his eldest son, sir Alexander, m. Eliza- beth, eldest da. of sir Alexander Seton, bart., by whom he had a son, John, who succeeded him, and d. unm. 1772. James Wedderburn, esq., 2d son of the above-named sir Alexander Wedderburn, knt., m. Elizabeth, da. of Ro- bert Davidson, of Balgny, co. Angus, esq,, by whom, among other issue, he had a son, Alexander, who purchased the estate of Blackness of his cousin, sir John, and, on his decease, assumed the title of baronet ; he m. Catharine, da. of John Scott, of Dundee, esq. : his eldest son, John, assumed the title of baronet on his father's death, but was forfeited, and d. 1746, havingwi. Jane, eldest da. of John Fullarton, esq., and leaving be- WATSON, (now KAY,) of East Sheen, co. Surrey. 5 Dec. 1803. Sir WILLIAM KAY, Baronet, sometime Deputy Commissary-General to the Army, born 5 Dec. 1777, succeeded his great-uncle, sir Brook Watson, 2 Oct. 1807, agreeably to the limitation of the patent. John Watson, of Hull, father of the 1st baronet, m., 1st, Elizabeth, sister of Tho- mas Meals, of York; and 2dly, Sarah, da. of Joseph Schofield, of Wakefield, and d. 1740. By his first wife he had three das., of whom one only left issue, viz. 1. Elizabeth, m. Richard Webber, of Plymouth, and had several children, who all d. num. or without issue, except Anne, who m. William Kay, of Montreal, and had 308 PRICE. issue, 1. sir William, present bart. ; 2. Brook-Kay, an officer in the naval service of the East India Company ; 3. Sarah, m. John Harrison. By his 2d wife mr. Watson had issue, 2. Sir Brook, 1st bart. 3. Mary, m. William Pitt, of Mortlake, CO. Surrey, esq. I. Sir BROOK WATSON, b. 7 Feb. 1/35, alderman of London ; sheriff of that city 1785, and lord mayor 1790; commissary-ge- neral of the army in Flanders 1793, and of the whole army 17!»,'j to 1806 ; created a bart. as above, with remainder severally and suc- cessively to his great-nephews, William and Brook Kaij, and the heirs male of their bo- dies ; m., 1760, Helen, da. of Colin Camp- bell, of Edinburgh, merchant, but d. with- out issue, 2 Oct. 1807. and was succeeded, pursuant to the above said limitation, by his eldest great-nephew, II. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. Arms— See Plate 34. Argent, on a bend engrailed, azure, between two griffins' heads erased, gules, an annulet between two crescents, or ; on a canton ermine, a mart- let, sable. Crest — A griffin's head erased, or, gorged with a plain collar, azure, charged with three crescents or, in the beak a key ih pale, wards downwards, argent. Motto — Simto divino. Seat— East Sheen, co. Surrey. PRICE, of Spring Grove, Richmond, co. Surrey. 2 Feb. 1804. Sir CHARLES PRICE, Baronet, born 3 Sept. 1776, succeeded his father, sir Charles, 19 July 1818; married, 3 May 1798, Mary-Anne, da. of William King, of King Street, Covent Garden, esq., and has issue, I. Mary, b. 7 July 1800, m., 4 Nov. 1823, WilHam Pott, of New Bridge Street, esq. ; 2. CHARLES^RUGGE, b. 28 Sept. 1801 ; 3. Caro- LiNE-LucY, b. 24 Jan. 1803, c?. 23 Oct. 1 807 ; 4. Harriett, b. l^ June 1804; 5. Louisa, b. 4 Sept. 1805, d. 5 Dec. 1810; 0. Fre- DERiCK-PoTT, b. 5 Sept. 1806 ; 7- Arthur-James, b. 22 Sept. 1808; 8. Eltza-Albinia, b. 2 Oct. 1809 ; 9. TiioaiAS, b. 8 July 1811, d. 24 April 1815 ; ^10. Charlotte- Elizabeth, b. 9 April 1814; II. Emily-Harriett, b. 8 April 1817. 7. Mary, d. iinm. 8. Catharine, m. Valentia Robins, esq. 9. Elizabeth, m. John Series, of the island of St. Kitts, esq. Ralph Price, 5th son, was in holy orders, patron and incumbent of Farnborough, co. Berks, and Lymlnge, co. Kent, >ii. Sarah, da. and co-h. of William Richardson of Derby, esq., and had issue, 1. Ralph, in holy orders, succeeded his father in both the livings of Farnborough and Lyminge, m. Albinia, da. of the rev. George Woodward, of East Hendred, co. Berks, and d. July 1811, having had issue by her, (who d. Aug. 1827,) 1. Ralph, in holy orders, patron and rector of Lyminge, m. Maria, da. of Tylden, of Milsted, co. Kent, esq. 2. George, in holy orders, patron of Farnborough, and rector of Fryerning and Eastwood, Essex. 3. Charles ; 4. Henry, both of London, merchants. 5. William, m. Eliza, da. of Edmund Balfour, esq. 6. Albinia, m. B. Andrews, esq. 7. Mary; 8. Catharine, rf. 1812. y. Sarah, m. William Bland, esq. 10. Charlotte. 11. Elizabeth, m. George Gregory, esq. 2. Sarah, m. George Evans, of Balham, in Surrey, es(i., and d. 2(» May 1812. 3. Catharink, m. Thomas Goodlake, of Lutcombe Regis, co. Berks, esq., iL 3 May 1821. 4. Sir Charlks, 1st bart. I. Sir CHARLES, created a bart. 2 Feb. 1804, alderman of the ward of Farringdon Without, lord-mayor in 1803, representative in parliament for the city of London in 1802, 18(K), 1807, and 1812, colonel of the 4th regiment of city volunteers ; m. Mary, da. of John Price, (descended from Welsh an- cestry,) purchased estates at Farnborough and Lockinge, co. Berks, and rf. 1646, leav- ing issue four sons, I.John; 2. William; 3. Edmund; 4 Bartholomew. Bartholojiew, surviving his brothers, inherited his father's estates, and rf. April 1677> having m. the da. of Petley Garnham, esq., and had issue, 1. Bartholomew, rf. young. 2. William ; 3. Ralph. 4. John, m. the widow of Hobbs, esq. 5. Charles, m. and had issue one da. and four sons, who all rf. young, except the eldest, who m. Mary, da. of Worley, of Henby, esq., and had issue, sir Charles Price, of Blount's Court, co. Oxon, knt., rf. 1803. 6. Edward, rf. tium. 7. Petley, of whom presently. 8. Robert, m. the widow of Evan, esq. i). Bartholojiew, who possessed the living at P\arnborough, and dying u?im., left it to his nephew Ralph. 10. Mary. Petley Price, esq., of Ham, in the pa- rish of Wantage, 7th son of Bartholomew, m. Joan, da. and h. of sir Smith, bart., CO. Bedford, and had issue, 1. Petley-Garnham, m. Mary, da. of Richard Richardson, of Mansfield, co. Notts, and of Derby, esq., (co-h. witli her sister, Sarah, afterwards mentioned,) by whom he left no issue. 2. John, m. Anne Robins. 3. Charles, rf. unm. 4. Bartholomew, m. the da. of dr. Sa- vary, of Marlborough, M.D. 5. Ralph. (j. William, m. Mary, da. of Henry Col- lins, esq., proctor. HONYMAN.— CUMMING-GORDON. 309 William Rugge, of Conduit Street, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Charles, present bart. 2. George-Rugge, b. 27 Feb. 1778, d. 1786. 3. Ralph, b. 8 Feb. 1780, m., 3 Sept. 1805, Charlotte Savory, da. of the late colonel Hardy, and had issue, 1. Charlotte-Marv, b. 25 June 1806. 2. Ralph-Charles,' b. 25 Julv 1808. 3. Sarah-Anne, b. 27 June 1810, nu, 19 March 1829, Simon Adams, eldest son of James Beck, esq., of Allesley Park, co. Warwick. 4. George, b. 24 Sept. and d. 7 Oct. 1811, 5. Robert, b. 13 July 1813. 6- Frederick- Adams, b. 9 June 1815, d. 14 Feb. 1816. 7. Laura, b. 25 June 1818. 8. Francis, 6. 27 Dec. 1819. 4. Richard, m., 12 Oct. 1805, Elizabeth- Engel, da. of Henry Heyman, esq., consul general from the Hanse Towns, and has issue, 1. Mary ; 2. Augustus, E.I.C. service. 3. Elizabeth-Kay ; 4. Rosina-Mary. 5. Charlotte-Augusta. 6. Edward-Ralph ; 7- Richard. 8. George-Uvedale. 9. Frances-Henrietta; 10. Anna-Maria. 11. Catherine-Harriett. 5. Thomas, w;., 16 March 1814, Eliza, da. and co-h. of Hall Plumer, of Stockton Hall, CO. York, esq., and has issue, 1. Thomas-Charles. 2. Edwin-Plumer. 3. Spencer-Cosby ; 4. Hall-Rokeby. 5. Clement-Uvedale ; 6. Eliza-Caroline. 6. Mary-Anxe, m., 1803, William Moore, esq., proctor in Doctors' Commons, who d. April 1828. 7. Lucy-Henrietta, m., 2 Nov. 1807, John Harrison, esq., who d. 1811. 8. Anne, m., 30 April 1823, David Holmes, esq. 9. Catharine. 10. Elizabeth-Caroline. 11. Sarah, d. 1794. Sir Charles d. 19 July 1818, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms— See Plate 34. Gules, a lion ram- pant, regardant, argent. Crest — A lion rampant, argent, in his dex- ter paw a sprig of roses, proper. Motto — Vive ut vivas. Seat— Spring Grove, Richmond, co. Sur- rey. HONYMAN, of Armadale, co. Orkney, and Grjemsay, CO. Linlithgow. 19 May 1804. Sir RICHARD-BEMPTDE-JOHNSON HONYMAN, Baronet, born 6 May 1787, succeeded his father, sir William, 5 Jan. 1825. William Honyman, of Graemsay, esq., (who d. in 1758,) m. Cecilia, da. of Patrick Graham, of Graham Hall, esq., and had is- sue a son, Patrick, who d. 1797. m-, 1st, Margaret, da. of John Mackay, of Strathsay, esq., and 2dly, Margaret, da. of Patrick Sinclair, of Durvin, esq., by whom he had issue, Robert, captain R.N. , w. and has issue; and John, a merchant in London. By Margaret, his 1st wife, (who d. April 17G3,) he had, I, Sir WILLIAM, created a baronet 19 May 1804, was one of the lords of session in Scotland, under the title of lord Armadale, which office he resigned in 1803; b. 6 Sept. 1756, m. Mary, eldest da. of the right hon. Robert M' Queen, lord-chief-justice-clerk, and had issue, 1. Peter, 6. 27 May 1782. 2. Robert, both d. in their father's life- time. 3. Sir Richard-Bemptde-Johnson, 2d bart. 4. Orde-John, in the army, m., 7 April 1818, EHzabeth-Essex, da. of admiral Bowen. 5. William, m., 1 July 1815, miss Thomp- son, of Mansfield, co. Nottingham. 6. Mary, d. 6 April 1829, aet. 18. 7. Catherine ; 8. Margaret. 9. Sarah-Jemijia. Sir William d. 5 Jan. 1825, and was succeeded by his eldest son, n. Sir RICHARD-BEMPTDE-JOHN- SON, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 34. Argent, on a bend, engrailed, gules, a bendlet of the field. Crest— An arrow, in pale, point down- wards, or, feathered, argent. Supporters — Two lions rampant, guardant, proper. Seats— At Armadale, co. Orkney; and Graemsay, co. Linlithgow. CUMMING-GORDON, of Altyr, in Elgin, and Gordonstone, CO, Perth. 21 May 1804. Sir WILLIAM-GORDON CUMMING-GORDON, Baronet, horn 20 July 1787, succeeded his father, sir Alexander-Penrose, 10 Feb. 1806, and is head of the ancient family of Comyn, who disputed the succession to the Scottish crown with that of Bnice, and in that character his ancestor gave band {Ang. bond) to the lords of the council for the peace of the Highlands, 1G72; married, 11 Sept. 1815, at Zurich, Eliza-Maria, da. of John Camp- bell, of Islay, (by lady Mary-Charlotte-Maria Campbell, da. of John, duke of Argyll,) and has issue, 1. ALEXANDER-PENROSE, b. 17 310 SULLIVAN. Aug. 181G; 2. Anna-Seymour-Conway, b. 5 March 1818; 3. Ronaleyn-George, h. 13 March 1820; 4. Henry, b. 14 Nov. 1822; 5. Adelaide-Eliza, b. 22 March 1825; 6. John Ran- dolph, 6.21 June 1826. The family of Cummin f( is said to be de- scended from the ancient family of the Co- mines in France. Robert Cumine, earl of Northumberland, was employed against the rebels in Northumberland, as they were then termed, anno 1(»{J8. William Cumine was lord high chancellor of Scotland in the reign of king David I., who succeeded to the throne in 1124. It is agreed that the Cumines had large possessions in lands, and much greater power, than any other name in Scotland, from the reign of Malcolm III., stvled Canmore, to that of king Robert Bruce. The Cumines, lords Badenoch, were undoubtedly chiefs of the whole clan. From them were descended the Cumines, earls of Biichan, earls of Monfeith, &c. The Cumines of Altyr, descended from a younger son of the lords of Badenoch, appear now to be the representatives of that great and once flourishing family. Alexander Gumming, of Altyr, (15th in descent from sir John Cuming, lord of Badenoch, who d. 1249,) m. Anne, da. of John Wortley, esq., and had issue, Elizabeth, d. unm., and an only son, Alexander, m. Grace, da. of Pen- rose, esq., and niece and sole h. of John Penrose, of Penrose, Cornwall, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Alexander, 1st bart. 2. John-Penrose, fellow of Winchester College, d. 3. Edward-Penrose, captain naval ser- vice, East India Company, d. 4. George, M.P. in several parliaments for Inverness, d. 1 May 1834, «t. 81. .5. James, fellow of New College, Oxon. (j. William, in the civil service of the East India Company, d. 7. Jane, m. Jonathan Rashleigh, of Sil- verton, co. Devon, esq. 8. Mary, m. William Veale, co. Cornwall, esq. 9. Amelia, m. John Quick, of Newton House, CO. Devon, esq. I. Sir ALEXANDER-PENROSE, eldest son, was created a bart. as above. He as- sumed the name and arms of Gordon, agreeably to the will of sir William Gordon, bart., to whom he was heir of entail; m. Helen, da. of sir Ludovick Grant, and sister of sir James Grant, bart., and left issue, 1. George, h. 22 Nov. 1774, d. at St. Helena, 23 Dec. 1800, in the service of the honourable East India Company. 2. Margaret, b. 29 Nov. 1775, m. major Samuel Madden, 15th regiment, d. 3. Helen, b. ':t2 April 1777, m. sir Archi- bald Dunbar, bart., of Northfield, d. 4. Louisa, b. 4 Aug. 1778, m. John-Hay Forbes, lord Medwyn, a lord of session. 5. Alexander-Penrose, b. 14 Dec. 177.^, d. at Edinburgh, 13 June 1780. 6. Sir William, present bart. 7. Jane-Marianne. 8. Mary-Elizaheth. 9. Emilia-Anne. 10. Sophia. 11. Edwina, m. Thomas Miller, esq., of Glenlee, son of sir William Miller, of Glen- lee, bart., lord Glenlee. 12. James, b. 20 Sept. 1788, d. at Forres, 9 Aug. 1792. 13. Charles-Lenox, 6. 20 Feb. 1790, m. Mary Bruce, of Kinnaird, grandda. of James Bruce, the famous Abyssinian traveller, and had issue, Elizabeth-Mary, b. 13 April 1821. 14. Charlotte, b. 9 April 1791, d. at Clif- ton, 17 June 180(i. 15. John-Penrose, b. 23 Dec. 1792, d. at Forres, 9 March 1794. 16. Edward-Penrose, b. 12 Nov., d. at Forres, 30 Nov. 1794. Sir Alexander-Penrose d. 10 Feb. 18(K), and was succeeded bv his son, II. Sir WILLIAM-GORDON, present bart. Arms— See Plate 35. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, azure, three garbs, or ; 2d and 3d, argent, three bendlets, sable, each charged with three roses of the field, barbed, or. Crest — A lion rampant, or ; in his dexter paw a dagger, nroper. Motto (over the crest)— Courage. Supporters — Two horses, proper. Seats— At Altyr, in Elgin ; and Gordons- toun, CO. Perth. SULLIVAN, of Thames DiTTON, co. Surrey. 22 May 1804. Sir CHARLES SULLIVAN, Baronet, Captain R.N., born 28 Feb, 1789, succeeded his brother, sir Henry, 14 April 1814, married., 21 Nov. 1818, Jean-Anne, only da. of Robert Taylor, of Ember Court, co. Surrey, esq., and has issue, 1. CHARLES, b. 13 Jan. 1820 ; 2. Mary- Margaret, b. C Jan. 1821; 3. Jean, b. 11 March 1822; 4. Eliza-Sophia, b. April 1824 ; 5. Edward-Robert, b. 29 Oct. 1826. The family of O'Sidlivan were formerly possessed of large territory, co. Cork, over which they ruled as hereditary cliieftains, and the head of the family bore the distinc- tive apiiellation of (ysidlhmi More (or great). The elder line became extinct on the death, in 1754, of Daniel O'Sullivan More, of To- raies, and the rci)rcscntati()n of the family and right to the name of More tliereiipon became vested in John Sullivan, of Cork, uncle of the 1st bart. ; descended from him to his son Philin, a cai)tain in the East In- dia service; ana, on his death, without issue, in 1793, devolved on the late sir Benjamin Sullivan, elder brother of the 1st bart. Benjamin Sullivan, of Cork, attorney- at-law, and clerk of the crown for the coun- ties of Cork and Waterford, was father of the 1st bart.; he was b. 15 June 1720, m., 3 Jan. 1742, Bridget, da. of rev. Paul Limrie, MAINWARING. 311 of Scull, CO. Cork, D.D., and rf. 4 Jan. 1767, having had issue by her, (who survived him, andd, 8 July 1802,) 1, Sir Benjamin Sullivan, knt. h. 1747, one of the puisne judges of the supreme court of judicature at Madras, m. Elizabeth, da. of admiral sir Digby Dent, knt., andd. 12 Oct. 1810, leaving issue two sons and two das. 2. Right hon. John, of Richings Park, co. Berks, P.C, h. 7 April 1749, m., 23 May 1789, ladv Henrietta-Anne-Barbara Hobart, da. of John, 2d earl of Buckinghamshire, and by her (who d. 12 Dec. 1828) has issue, 1. John-Augustus, provost-marshal of Jamaica, and secretary and registrar of Demerara, h. 19 Oct. 1798, m., 15 July 1816, Maria-Holmes Oldaker, natural da. of mr. Thomas Oldaker, which m. was dis- solved by act of parliament, and he m., 2dlv, Jane, da. of admiral sir Charles Tyler, K.C.B., and has issue. 2. Robert, d. 31 Oct. 1799. 3. Albina, b. 28 March 1790, m., 1st, 181 17, John-James Stuart, esq., R.N., bro- ther of Lord Stuart de Rothesay, who d. 1811; and 2dly, Sept. 1825, rev. Marma- duke Thompson, and d. June 1827. 4. Henrietta-lMaria, b. 30 Aug. 1794, nu, 1819, George Tyler, esq., R.N., eldest son of admiral sir Charles Tvler, K.C.B. 5. Maria, >«., 27 Jan. 1824, rev. Henry Pepys, prebendary of Wells, &c., son of sir VVilham Pepys. 6. Louisa-Eleanor, b. 1800. 7. Georgina-Vere, m., 1826, Robert Gos- ling, of Roeharapton, esq. 8. Anne, »»., Sept. 1829, the rev. T. G. Tvndall, rector of Holton, Oxon, and vicar of Wobum, Bucks. ,3. Sir Richard-Joseph, 1st bart. 4. Henry-Boyle, d. at Madras, in 178,3. 5. Margaret, b. 1747, »*., 1770, lieut.-gen. Gordon Forbes. 6. Elizabeth, m. Patrick Lawson, esq., and d. on her passage from India, 1778. 7. Sophia, ?h. John-Otto Bayer, of Anti- gua, esq., and d. 1784. 8. Henrietta, m., 1st, col. Alexander Maclellan ; and 2dly, John Balfour, esq. 9. Anne, m. George Hallam, esq., late lieut.-col. in the army. I. Sir RICHARD-JOSEPH was created a bart. 22 May 1804, M.P. for Seaford; b. 10 Dec. 1752; '?«., 3 Dec. 17/8, Mary, only surviving da. of Thomas Lodge, of Leeds, esq., and by her (who d. 24 Dec. 1832) had issue, 1. Richard, d. at Paris in 1789. 2. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 3. Sir Charles, present bart. 4. Edward-Richard, h. 8 June 1791, m., 1815, Maria, only da. of col. Caldwell, C.B., andrf. at Madras, 1823, leaving issue two sons and one da. 5. Thomas, d. 5 March 1796. 6. Frederick, b. 1 Feb. 1797, in holy orders, m., 3 Jan. 1821, Arabella-Jane, da. of the late V. H. Wilmot, of Farnborough, co. Hants, esq., and has issue one son and two das. 7. Arthur, b. 28 July 1801, major in the army, d. 7 June 18,32. 8. William, b. 10 Oct. 1804, in the army. 9. Maria, b. 3 Nov. and d. 28 Dec. I786. 10. Charlotte, b. 4 Nov. 1787, m., 28 Dec. 1824, William Hale, jun., esq., of King's Walden, Herts. 11. Eliza, b. 14 April 1790, m., 1 Feb. 1814, the hon. and rev. Frederick-Pleydell Bouverie, 4th son of Jacob, earl of Radnor. Sir Richard-Joseph d. 17 July 1806, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HENRY, b. 13 March 1785, lieut.- col. of the Coldstream regiment of foot- guards, and M.P. for Lincoln, killed in a sortie from the garrison of Bayonne, 14 April 1814, and was succeeded bv his brother, III. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms— See Plate 35. Per fesse ; the base per pale ; in chief, or, a dexter hand, couped at the wrist, grasping a sword, erect, pomel and hilt, gules, the blade entwined with a serpent, proper, between two lions ram- pant, respecting each other, of the second, the dexter base, vert, a buck trippant, or; the sinister base, per pale, argent and sable, a boar passant, counter-changed. Crest — On a ducal coronet, or, a robin, in the beak a sprig of laurel, proper. Motto — Lamh fuisdineavh an uachtar — i. e. " What we gain by conquest, we secure by clemency." Seat— Ember Court, Kingston, co. Surrey. MAINWARING, of Over-Peover, co. Chester. 26 May 1804. Sir HENRY-IVIAIN WARING MAINWARING, created a Baronet, as above; 60m 25 April 1782; married, 29 Dec. 1803, Sophia, da. of sir Robert -Salusbury Cotton, of Combermere, co. Chester, bart., and sister of Stapleton, viscount Combermere, and by her has issue, 1. HARRY, b. 3 Nov. 1804; 2. Sophia-Frances, i. 1 March 1800; 3. Hesther- Salusbury-Maria, b. 26 April 1807; 4. Thomas, b. 30 Dec. 1808 ; S.Philip, b. 9 May 1810, d. 22 Sept. 1825; 6. Charlotte- Augusta, b. 15 March 1812, m., 21 Feb. 1832, Rev. George Pitt, youngest son of Thomas Pitt, esq., of Wimpole Street ; 7- Katherine, b. 9 Sept. 1813 ; 8. Arthur, b. 15 July 1815 ;— 9. Mary, b. 28 Sept. 1817 ; 10. Caroline, b. 24 May 1820. younger son of sir John Mainwaring, of Over-Peover, bart., and grandson of sir Thomas Mainwaring, who was created a bart. 1660. This lady had by her 1st hus- This family is descended from Gilbert DE Wetenhall, who was lord of Weten- hall, CO. Chester, temp. Ric. I. A younger branch settled at a very early period at Nantwich, of which was The rev. Thomas Wetenhall, rector of Wahhamstow, co. Essex, b. I708 and band an only son, sir Henry Mainwaring, bart., who d. u»/n. 6 April 1797, when the title became extinct, and by her 2d husband d. 1776, having m. Diana, da. of William i also an only son, Blackett, esq., and widow of Henry Main- Thomas Wetenhall, to whom his ute- waring, of Over-Peover, co. Chester, i rine brother, sir Henry Mainwaring, be- 312 MIDDLETON— MAXWELL. queathed his estates, on condition of his taking the surname and arms of Main- waring only, which he accordingly did, by royal sign manual; m. Catherine, youngest da. of William Watkins, of Namptwich, esq., by whom (who d. in 1804) he had issue, 1. Sir Henry, present bart. 2. Catherine-Maria, b. 21 April 1783, d. 8 Oct. 1787. 3. William, h. 28 March 1785, m., 9 June 1817, Charlotte-Murray, da. of admiral sir Charles Penrose, and d. s.p. 19 June 1821. 4. Diana, b. 14 March 1787- 5. Edward, b. 22 Nov. 1792, m., 1 Feb. 1820, Elizabeth, da. of James Fenton, of Doncaster, co. York, esq., and has issue, 1. Edward-Francis, 6. 27 Jan. 1821. 2. William-George, b. 24 April 182a 6. Mary-Anne, b. 22 April 1795, d. unm. 28 Oct. 1818. He d. 4 July 1798. I. Sir HENRY, eldest son, was created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 35. Argent, two bars, gules. Crest— An ass's head, proper, bridled, or. Motto — Devant si je puis. Seats— At Over-Peover, and Baddily, both CO. Chester. MIDDLETON, of Crowfield Hall, co. Suffolk. 8 June 1804. Sir WILLIAM FOWLE-MIDDLETON, Baronet, born 19 Aug. 1784, succeeded his father, sir William, late bart., 2C Dec. 1829 ; married.^ 2 Aug. 1825, Anne, da. of Brownlow, 1st lord Brownlow, and sister of John, earl Brownlow. William Middleton, of Crowfield Hall, CO. Suffolk, esq., (eldest son of Arthur Middleton, sometime governor of South Carolina, who d. about 1737,) »'• to his 3d wife, Sarah, da. of Morton Wilkinson, of South Carolina, and d. 7 Sept. 1785, aged 75, having had issue by her, (who d. 1763,) 1. Sir William, 1st bart. 2. Thomas, d. in South Carolina. 3. John, m. Mary Mott, and had issue, John, who m., 14 June 1806, miss Mary Burroughs, of Elmore House, co. Hertford. 4. Arthur, d. an infant. I. Sir WILLIAM, eldest son, was created a bart. as above, b. 19 Sept. 1749, took the surname of Fowle in addition to and be- fore that of Middleton, by royal sign ma- nual, 1822, m., 1774, Harriet, da, of Natha- niel Acton, of Bramfield Hall, co. Suffolk, esq., and had issue. 1. Sir William, present bart. 2. Harriet, m. Charles A. Dashwood, of Stanford Hall, co. Leicester, esq., lieut.-col. in the army, dec. 3. Louisa-Sarah, m. sir Philip-Bowes- Vere Broke, of Nacton, co. Suffolk, bart.. Sir William d. 26 Dec. 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 35. Argent, fretty, sable, on a canton per chevron, sable and or, a unicorn's head, per chevron, or and gules, the horn, or and sable. Crest— A garb, erminois, between two wings, sable. Motto — Reqardez mon droit. Seate—Crdwfield and Shrubland Halls, CO. Suffolk. MAXWELL, of Caudiness, co. Kirkcudbright, North Britain. 9 June 1804. Sir DAVID MAXWELL, Baronet, born 18 June 1773, succeeded his father, sir David, 1825. The family of Maxwell, of Cardines, is a cadet of the ancient house of Maxwell, of Calderwood, co. Lanark, from which it branched off towards the end of the 14th century, in the person of William Maxwell, of Newlands, younger son of John Maxwell, of Calderwood, whose elder son, sir Robert, was grandfather of sir James Maxwell, first bart. (of N. S.) of that family, who was so created, 1627. Lineally descended from the said William, of New lands, was, I. Sir DAVID, created a bart. as above in reward of his military services, m. Hen- rietta, da. of his uncle, David Maxwell, of Kamsmoor, co. Kirkcudbright, esci., and by her (who d. 29 July 179;>) liad issue, 1. William, drowned on his passage to Minorca, 17 Feb. 1801. 2. Sir David, present bart. 3. John, b. 2 Dec. 1774, d. 30 March 1792. 4. Christopher, late lieut.-col. 30th foot. 5. Nicholas. (1. Aon Ks, m. Alexander Blair, esq., writer of the signet, Edinburgh. 7. Hahriktt. 8. Grace. Sir David d. 1825, and was succeeded by his son, II. Sir DAVID, present and 2d bart. ^l;-,(/.s— See Plate 35. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent, a saltire, sable, within a bor- dure cheeky, argent and sable; 2d and 3d, argent, a bend azure, the whole within a border, embattled, gules. Cn:st—\ s;iv;ige's head, affrontee, proper, between two branches of laurel. Motto (above the cxe&i)— Think on. SMITH— FETTES— WALSH. 313 SMITH, of Tring Park, co. Herts. 11 June 1804. Sir CHARLES-CUNLIFFE SMITH, Baronet, horn 13 Sept. 1827, succeeded his father sir Charles, 14 Jan. 1831. Smith, of Suttons, co. Essex, esq., m., 1st, Mary, eldest da. of sir Ellis Cunliffe, bart. ; and 2dly, April 1805, Elizabeth Moncton, eldest da. of William, 2d viscount Galway, relict of sir Francis Sykes, of Bas- sildon Park, co. Berks, bart. Sir Drum- mond d. 22 Jan. 181*i, without issue, and was succeeded, agreeably to the limitation of the patent of creation, by his great ne- phew, II. Sir CHARLES, h. 31 May 1800, m., 28 Oct, 1823, Belinda, da. of George Cole- brooke, esq., and grandda. of sir George Colcbrooke, bart., by whom (who d. in childbed, 22 Jan. 1825) he had issue, 1. A Da., &. 18 Jan. 1825, d. an infant. Sir Charles m., 2dly, 20 July 1826, Mary. 2d da. of William Gosling, of Portland Place and of Roehampton, co. Surrey, esq., and had issue, 2, Sir Charles - Cunliffe, present bart, 3, A Da., h. 20 Nov. 1828. 4. A DA.,6.2(i July 1830. Sir Charles d. 14 Jan. 1831, and was succeeded by his only son, III. Sir CHARLES-CUNLIFFE, pre- sent and 3d bart. Arms— See Plate 35. Ermine, on a sal- tire, between three crescents, and (in base) a dolphin emtaowed, azure, an escallop, or. Crest — Between a pen, in bend, or, fea- thered, argent, surmounted by a sword, proper, hilt and pomel, or, an escutcheon, pendent, azure, thereon an escallop, or, riband, gules. Motto — Marte et ingenio. Seat — At Suttons, co. Essex. John Smith, 4th son of James Smith, of Camno, in North Britain, esq., was a mer- chant in London, m. Mary, da. of Griffin Ransom., of Lambeth, esq., and d. 27 July 1787, aged 84, leaving issue by her, (who d. 26 March in the same year,) 1, Joshua, of Stoke Park, co, Wilts, esq., m. Sarah, da. of Gilbert, esq,, and had issue, 1. Maria, m., 1787, Charles, marquess of Northampton (see Debretfs Peerage of the United Kingdom). 2. Elizabeth, m. William Chute, of the Vine, CO, Hants, esq. 3. Augusta, m. Charles Smith, of Sut- tons, CO. Essex, esq., and had issue by him, sir Charles, 2d bart.; Spencer; Drum- niond; Augusta; Emma; Fanny; Eliza; Charlotte ; and Maria. 4. Emma, m., 7 Aug. 1800, Randall Plunkett, lord Dunsany, and d. his wi- dow, June 1828, 2, Sir John Smith, of Havering-Bower, CO, Essex, who assumed the name and arms of Burgess, 1790, and was created a bart, 1793; yn. Margaret, only da. of Ynyr Bur- gess, esq., (who m., 2dly, 23 Julv 1816, John, earl Poulett, K.T.,) and d. 1803, without issue, when the title became extinct, 3, SirDRUMMOND, 1st bart. 4, Thomas, of Fonthill, in Jamaica, m. Susan, da. of Praed, esq. 5, Elizabeth, m. Andrew Jelfe, of Pen- hill, CO. Surrey, esq. I. SirDRUMMOND SMITH, of Tring Park, CO. Herts, 3d son, was created a bart. 11 June 1804, and, in default of issue male, remainder to the male issue of Charles FETTES, of WHA3IPFREV, CO, Dumfries, and Comely-Bank, co. Edinburgh. 13 June 1804. Sir WILLIAM FETTES, Baronet, iom 25 Jan. 1750, married Maria, 3d da. of John Malcolm, of Air, M.D,, but has no surviving issue. W'illiam Fettes, of Edinburgh, merchant, (rf. 1798,) m., 1749, Margaret, da. of James Rae, of Edinburgh, esq., and had issue, 1. Margaret, m. Adam Bruce, writer to the signet ; 2. AleMtnder, d. young ; 3, I, Sir WILLIAM, created a bart, 13 June 18U4. Arms—See Plate 35. Or, a chevron, be- tween two mullets, in chief, and in base, a crosslet, fitchy, gules. Crest — A bee volant, proper. Supporters — On the dexter side a lion ; on the sinister, a stag collared and chained, or. Motto — Industria. Seats — At Whampfrey, co, Dumfries; and Comely Bank, co. Edinburgh. WALSH, of Ormathwaite, co. Cumberland, and of Warfield, co. Berks. 14 June 1804. Sir JOHN-BENN WALSH, Baronet, born 9 Dec. 1798, succeeded his father, sir John, 7 June 1825; married, 8 Nov. 1825, lady Jane Grey, da. of George-Harry, earl of Stamford and Warrington, and has issue, 1. ARTHUR, b. 14 April 1827 ; 2. a Son, b. April 1829. 314 LETHBRIDGE. The baronet's grandfather, John Benn, ofWhitehaven, CO. Cumberland, m. Mary, da. of William Graysen, esq., and d. 1729, leaving issue, Mary, m. John Bell, of Lon- don, merchant, and a son, William, of Moor Row,co. Cumberland, esq., who m. Mary, da. of Timothy Nichol- son, and rf. 1750, leaving issue by her (who survived him, and rf. 18U4) a da., Mary, m. the rev. Clement Watts, B.D., and one son, I. Sir JOHN, created a bart. as above, m., July 1778, Margaret, da. of Joseph Fowke, of Bexley, co. Kent, esq., (by Eliza- beth, da. of Joseph Walsh, esq., governor of Madras, and sister of John Walsh, of War- field, CO. Bucks, esq.,) and took the sur- name and arms of Walsh only, by royal sign manual, 4 April 1795, pursuant to the will of the said John Walsh. By this lady sir John had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Elizabkth, 6. 21 May 1795, m., 13 Sept. 1821, capt. Charles - George Digby, R.N., nephew of Henry, 1st earl Digby. Sir John rf. 7 June 1825, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 35. Argent, a fesse, sable, cottised, wavy, gules, between six martlets, of the second. Crest — A griffin's head erased, per fesse, wavy, argent, and ermine, beak and ears, or. Seats — At Ormathwaite, co. Cumberland, and at Warfield, co. Berks. LETHBRIDGE, of Westaway House, Winckley Court, co. Devon, and Sandhill Park, co. Somerset. 15 June 1804. Sir THOMAS-BUCKLER LETHBRIDGE, Baronet, honi 21 Feb. 1778; succeeded his father, sir John, 15 Dec. 1815, M.P. co. Somerset, 1806 and 1807; married, 1st, 14 May 170G, Jessy-Catherine, da. of sir Thomas-Dalrymple Hesketh, bart., of Rufford, co. Lancaster, and had is- sue, 1. JOHN-HESKETH, m., March 1817, Harriet-Rebecca, only da. of John-Mytton, of Halston-Park, co. Salop, esq., by whom (who d. 13 March 182G) he had six children ; he m., 2dly, 15 March 1827, Julia, 2d da. of Hugh Hoare, of Wansdown, co. Bedford, esq., and has issue, of whom a Z)a., b. 11 July 1834; 2. Jesse-Dorothea, m., 1 Aug. 1818, Ambrose Goddard, of Swindon House, co. Wilts, esq. Sir Thomas m., 2dly, Anne, 2d da. of Ambrose Goddard, of Swindon, co. Wilts, esq., and has issue, 3. Ambrose-Goddard ; 4. Thomas Prowse, wj., 10 April 1834, Isabella, youngest da. of rev. Thomas-Sweet Escott, of Hartrow, co. Somerset, clerk ; 5. Anna-Maria ; C. Lucy- Sarah, m., 9 Aug. 1831, capt. Hugh Fitzroy, 2d son of lord Henry Fitzroy; 7" Emma-Dorothea, m., 18 Nov. 182C, Francis -Dugdale Astley, esq., only son of sir John-Dugdale Astley, bart. had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Buckler, present bart. 2. Dorothea, 7w. Powell Collins, of Hatch Court, CO. Somerset, esq. 3. Francks-Maria, m,, Nov. 180C, sir Charlcs-Bostock Rich, bart. Sir John rf. 15 Dec. 1815, and was succeed- ed by his only son, II. Sir THOMAS -BUCKLER, present bart. Arms — See Plate 3.5. Argent, over water proper, a bridge of five arches, embattled, and over the centre arch a turret, gules, in chief an eagle displayed, sable, charged on the breast with a bezant. Crest— From a bridge, embattled, of one arch, gules, a demi eagle displayed, sable, wings, erminois, charged on the breast with a leopard's face, or. Motto — Spes men in Deo. Sertf.v— Westaway House, Winckley Court, CO. Devon ; and Sandhill Park, co. Somer- This family has been settled for several generations in the co. of Devon. Thomas LETHBRIDGE, esq., of Clement's Inn, m. Sarah, da. of John Periam, of Mil- verton, co. Somerset, esq., (descended from sir William Periam, of the Middle Temple, knt., appointed lord-chief-baron of the court of Exchequer, by queen Elizabeth,) and had issue an only son. His elder brother, Christopher Lethbridge, of Wcst- away House, co. Devon, rf. 1713, leaving, besides other issue, two sons, viz. 1. Clirl.s- topher, of Westaway House, who rf. 174(i, leaving an only da. and heiress, Elizabeth, m. the hon. Hugh Somerville; and 2. John, of Westaway House, and Winck- ley Court, CO. Devon, esq., m. Grace, da. of Amos Carder, of Westdown House, in the same co., esq., and rf. 8 Dec. 17 Dorothea, eldest da. of William Buckler, of Boreham, co. Wilts, esq., and by her (who d. Nov. 1831, a;t. 81) COFFIN.— RAE. 315 COFFIN, of the Magdalen Islands, Gulf of St. Lawrence, Lower Canada, British North America. IG June 1804. Sir ISAAC COFFIN, Baronet, K.G.H., Admiral of the Red, entered the navy at Boston, 1773, and attained the rank of Post Captain, 1795. He was subsequently Naval Commissioner at Corsica, Elba, Lisbon, Halifax, and Sheerness ; born \G May 1759, at Boston; married, March 1811, Elizabeth-Browne, only child of the late W. Greenly, of Titley Court, CO. Hereford, esq. This family was settled at Portledge, co. Devon, and the branch from which the bart. descends, went from Brixham, Torbay, to North America, and on account of their loyalty during the American revolution, were driven from thence by the republicans. Nathaniel Coffin, of Boston, esq., was educated at Haward College, Cambridge, North America, and appointed cashier of the customs at Boston, m., 20 March 1748, Elizabeth, da. of Henry Barnes, of Boston, merchant, and had issue, 1. Nathanikl, provost-martial of the ceded islands, and collector of the customs at St. Christopher's. 2. William, of New Brunswick, mer- chant, d. unin. 3. John, a general in the army, distin- guished himself during the American war, m severe conflicts with the republican troops ; m. Anne, da. of William Matthews, of St. John's Islands, South Carolina, and had issue, 1. Guv-Carleton, major in the royal ar- tillery', in., 3 March 1808, , da. of the late William Larkins, of Blackheath, co. Kent, esq. 2. Nathaniel, who d. young. 3. John-Townsend, capt. R.N. 4. William-Henry, R.N. 5. Caroline. 6. EUzabeth, m. capt. Kirkwood. 7. Anne, m. capt. Pearson. 4. Sir Isaac, present bart. 5. Jonathan-Perky, of the Inner Tem- ple, barrister-at-law. 6. Anne, m. Philip Colbeck, esq., attor- ney-general of the island of St. John, and rf. his widow, Oct. 1826. 7. Elizabeth, m. Barwell Brown, of Baker Street, Portman Square, esq. 8. Catharine, ;h., 1st, Richard Barwell, of Stansted Park, co. Sussex, esq.; andSdly, Oct. 1811, Edward-Miller Mundy, of Ship- ley, CO. Derby, esq. 9. Christian, ;n. mr. Lewis, of Bristol. I. Sir ISAAC, created a bart. 16 June 1804. Arms — See Plate 35. Azure, semee of cross- lets, or, two batons, in saltire, encircled with- in two laurel branches, or, between three plates, with a mullet for diiference. C/-e^— On the stern of a ship, or, a pigeon, with wings endorsed, argent, with a sprig of laurel in his beak, proper, a mullet for dif- ference. Motto — Exstant rectefactis prcemia. RAE, of EsKGROVE, CO. Mid-Lothian. 27 June 1804. Right hon. sir WILLIAM RAE, Baronet, P.C, M.P. for the Shire of Bute, and Lord-Advocate of Scotland, succeeded his brother, sir David ; married Mary, da. of Charles Stuart, esq. The rev. David Rae, of St. Andrews, M.A., (son of Patrick Rae, of Ely, co. Fife, esq.,) m. Abigail, da. of sir David Forbes, of Newhall, bart., a celebrated advocate, and brother to the celebrated Duncan Forbes, of Culloden, lord-president of the court of ses- sion, (who tendered such important services to the house of Brunswick during the re- bellion 1745,) bv whom he had a son, I. Sir DAVID RAE, created a bart. 27 June 18<)4, b. 1729, was an eminent Scot's advocate. In Nov. 1782, he was promoted to the bench of the court of session, and took his seat under the title of lord Esk- grove ; and 1799 was nominated lord-chief- justice clerk; m., 1761, Margaret Stuart, da. of John Stuart, of Blair Hall, esq., brother of the earl of Bute, by lady Anne, youngest da. of Francis, 8th earl of Moray, and sister of John Elphinstone, lord Balmerino, and by her (who d. 7 June 177O) he had issue, 1. Sir David, 2d bart. 2. Sir William, present bart. 3. Margaret, m. Thoraas-Phipps Howard, esq., capt. in the army. Sir David d. and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir DAVID, 2d bart., ?». Mary, da. of Oliver Colt, of Auldhame, esq., (by Helen, da. of Robert, 7th lord Blantyre,) and had issue, 1. Helen. 2. Margaret-Stuart. 3. Grace-Dundas. 4. Elizabeth-Colt. Sir David d. without male issue, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir WILLIAM, present bart. Anns— See Plate 36. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, vert, three stags, current, in pale, ar- gent ; 2d and 3d, azure, a fess cheeky, argent and vert, between three boars' heads, argent, muzzled, gules. Crest— \ stag, statant, proper. Seat— At Eskgrove, co. Mid-Lothian. p 2 316 CLARKE.— BRUCE. CLARKE, of Cresses-Green House, near Cork. 28 June 1804. Sir WILLIAM-HENRY-ST.-LAURENCE CLARKE, horn at Goa, 3 Aug. 1801, succeeded his father, major-general sir Wilham, 7 Feb. 1808 ; married^ 4 Sept. 1827, Elizabeth-Barbara, only child of John-lMoore Travers, of Clifton, co. Cork, esq., and has issue, 1. WILLIAM- HENRY-TRAVERS, i. 30 Nov. 1828; 2. Lucia-Margaret, b. b Sept. 1830 ; 3. Elizabeth-Barbara, h. 3 Aug. 1832 ; 4. John- Moore-Travers, 6. 11 Jan. 1834. William Clarke, an officer in the army under king William III., m. Diana, da. of Busked, of Castle Maghan, in Cork, esq., and had issue, William, who d. without issue, and Silvester, a citizen of Cork, m., 173(>, Catharine, da. of Robert Atkins, of Highfield, in Cork, esq., and d. 1797. leaving issue, Helena, Margaret, and William, of Cresses-Green House, Cork, merchant, m., 1761, Anne, da. of James Fo- garty, of Cork, and had issue, 1. Major-gen. sir William, 1st bart. 2. Frederick, b. 1769, m. Elizabeth Bo- Jand, and d. 1825. 3. Henry-Sylvester, m., 1797. Hen- rietta Berkenhout, and d. 1823. 4. Charles-William, b. 1785, major 35th foot, killed at the taking of Santa Maura, in the Ionian Islands. 5. Anne, b. 1783, m. the rev. Thomas Walker, rector of Kilmaloda, co. Cork. I. Sir WILLIAM, the eldest son, was created a bart. 28 June 1804, b. 1 Sept. 1762 : he entered early into the army, and became commandant of the British forces at Goa, 1799 : during his residence there, he re- ceived the repeated thanks of the governor- general and council of India, for his ability, zeal, prudence, and conciliatory conduct; the rank of major-general in the Portuguese service was conferred upon him by the prince-regent of Portugal, in virtue of which he commanded the troops of Por- tugal nearly seven years. Jan. 1, 1805, he was appointed a major-general in the Bri- tish service: Jan. 1806 he returned to Eng- land on his quitting Goa : he received the most marked testimonials of the appro- bation of the Portuguese government, and was presented with a valuable sword. In 1C(»7 sir William returned to India on the military staff of that country, being par- ticularly selected by the governor-general in council : he was next appointed to the com- mand in the Mysore, but d. at Seringapa- tam 7 Feb. 1808, having m., 1799, Margaret, da. of Thomas Prendergast, of Dublin, esq., and by her had issue, 1. Sir William-Henry-St.-Laurence, present bart. 2. Guy-Prendergast, b. 10 Sept 1802, capt. 77th foot. 3. Francis-Antoine, b. 17 Sept. 1803, in the military service of the East India Company. 4. Henry, b. 18 Nov. 1804, rector of Northfield, co. Worcester, and chaplain to the duke of Sussex, «?., 24 June 1834, Agnes- Mary, youngest da. of John Johnstone, esq., M.D., of Monument House, Birmingham, and Gala Bank, N.B. 5. Charles-William, b. Jan. 1806, in the army, d. July 1830. 6. MarttAret, b. 26 June I8O7. 7. JoHN-WiLLiAM, b. 22 May 1808, in holy orders. Sir William d. as above, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM-HENRY-ST.-LAU- RENCE, present bart. Arms— See Plate 36. Argent, on a bend cottised gules, an eastern crown, or, be- tween two swans, proper, the whole within a bordure, vert. Crest— Ont of an eastern crown, gules, a demi-dragon, wings elevated, or. Motto — Cunstatitia et fidelitate. Seat — At Rossmere, co. Cork. BRUCE, of Down Hill, co. Londonderry. 20 June 1804. Sir JAMES-ROBERTSON BRUCE, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Henry-Hervey-Aston, 17 Oct. 1822; born 4 Sept. 1788; married, 19 Sept. 1819, Ellen, youngest da. of Robert Bamford Hesketh, of Gwych Hall, CO. Denbigh, and of Buniford Hall, co. Lancaster, esq., and has issue, 1. HENRY -HERVEY, b. 22 Sept. 1820 ; 2. James- Andrew, b. 13 April 1822; 3. Anna-Maria, b. 2 June 1823; 4. Robert, b. 17 Eeb. 1825; 5. Ellen-Letitia, b. 20 Sept. 1827. Sir Alexander Brite, of Airth, knt., (descended from the royal house of Bruce,) »n. Janet, da. of Alexander, fitli lord Living- stone, and had, among other issue, 1. sir John, of Airth, knt., who obtained a grant under the great seal from James VI. Kill), and whose male line is now extinct ; 2. William, from whom the family of Sten- hoitae are descended ; and 3. Robert, h. l.'S.M, in holy orders; during the reign of James VI. he was, for his dis- tinguisned piety and learning, selected to crown his (pieen ; rf. 1631, leaving, among several other children, Mu:nAKL, his younger son, in holy orders, settled as a minister at Killinchy, CO. Down, in Ireland ; but was driven from thence to Scotland, with the other ministers LEES.—O'MALLEY. 317 of that part of the north of Ireland 1651, by colonel Venables and the parliament party, for fidelity to their sovereign ; in 1(3(38 he was sent prisoner to Westminster for offi- ciating in private as a minister of the gospel, but his confinement was short, for in 16(39 he returned to Killinehy, where, after suf- fering great troubles, and a long confine- ment in Scotland and England, he d. about 1692, and left a son, James Bruce, in holy orders, minister of Killeleah, co. Down, d. 1726, having m., •25 Sept. 1(385, Margaret, da. of lieut.-col. James Trail, of Killeleah, and had, among other issue, Patrick Bruce, 2d son, b. 11 April 1692, in holv orders, minister of Killeleah ; m., 1718, Margaret, da. of James Hamilton, of Ladyland, co. Galloway, North Britain, esq. James, his eldest son, b. 172(i, d. 1783, having m., 17(32, Henrietta, youngest da. of the hon. and rev. Henry-Hervey Aston, D.D., 4th son of John, 1st earl of Bristol, (by Catharine, sister and sole h. of sir Thomas Aston, bart.,) by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Hexry-Hervev-Astox, 1st bart. 2. Sir Stewart, created a bart. 1812 (see Bruce of Dublin). 3. Frideswide, b. 1766, m., 1781, Daniel Mussenden, of Larchfield, co. Down, esq., and d. 1785. I. The rev. sir HENRY-HERVEY-AS- TON, was created a bart. as above, ?«., 10 Nov. 1786, Letitia, da. of the late rev. dr. Henr\' Barnard, of Bovagh, co. London- derry", (2d son of William, late bishop of Derry, and brother to Thomas, late bishop of Limerick, by Mary, da. of Stratford Canning, of Bovagh, in the same co., esq.,) by whom (who d. 11 April 1816) he had issue, 1. Frederick-Hervey, b. 20 Aug. 1787» d. loun. 2. Sir James-Robertson, present bart. 3. Hexry-William, b. 2 Feb. 1792, m., 9 Feb. 1822, Jane, 2d da. of sir Alexander- Inglis Cochrane, and has issue, 1. Jane-Letitia-Trowbridge, b. 18 Feb. 1823. 2. Henry-Stewart-Beresford, 6. 6 June 1824. 3. Alexander-Her^'ey, b. Oct. 1826. 4. Letitia, b. 2 Feb. 17.96, d. unm. 5. Henrietta-Mary, b. 20 Nov. 1797, d. unm. 6. Frideswide-Sarah, 6. 20 Aug. 1799, d. ith.n. 7. Steuart-Crawfurd, b. 20 Jan. 1801, m. at Florence, 1828, Helen-Baillie, da. of William Alves, of Enham Place, Hants, esq. 8. Frances-Elizabeth, b. 13 July 1802. 9. Elizabeth-Louisa, 6. 2 March 1806. 10. Anne-Isabella, b. 2 Aug. 18ti8. Sir Henry d. 17 Oct. 1822, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, 11. Sir JAMES-ROBERTSON, present bart. Arms — See Plate 36. Or, on a saltire, gules, a harp, of the field, on a chief of the second, a canton argent, charged with a lion rampant, azure. Crest — A lion passant, azure, holding in his dexter paw a trefoil , slipped, proper. Sea^— Down Hill, Coleraine. LEES, of Black Rock, near Dublin. 30 June 1804. Rev. Sir HARCOURT LEES, Baronet, in Holy Orders, born 29 Nov. I77G, succeeded his father, sir John, Sept. 1811 ; married, Oct. 1812, Sophia, da. of col. Lyster, of Grange, CO. Roscommon, and has a SON and heir, b. 30 Dec. 181G; another Son, b. Nov. 1819 ; and a Da., b. 24 Jan. 1824. Adam Lees, ofCamnock, co. Ayr, esq., son of James Lees, of Shaw, in the same county, w. Agnes Goldie, of Glasgow, and d. 1782, leaving issue, I. Sir JOHN, b. at Camnock, 14 Feb. 1739, created a bart. as above, m., 20 Oct. 1766, :\Iary, eldest da. of Robert Cathcart, of Glandusk, co. Ayr, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Harcourt, present bart. 2. John-Cathcart, 6. 21 Oct. 1777. ««• Mary, da. of Robert Shaw, esq., and sister of sir Robert Shaw, bart., and has issue. 3. TowxsHEND, b. 3 Aug. 1779. 4. Sir Edward-Smith, knt., b. 30 March 1783, sometime secretary to the postmaster- general of Ireland. 5. William-Eden, b. 12 Aug. 1784. 6. Tho.mas-Orde, b. 30 June 1788. 7. Charlotte, b. 12 May 1787. Sir John d. Sept. 1811, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HARCOURT, in holy orders, present bart. Arms — See Plate 36. Azure, a fesse, cheeky, argent, and sable, between three billets, argent, and six crosslets fitchy, or. Crest— A cubit arm, erect, proper, grasp- ing a crescent, or. Motto — ExegL O'MALLEY, of Rose Hill, co. Mayo. 2 July 1804. Sir SAMUEIj 0'3IALLEY, Baronet, born 26 Dec. 1779, married Jane, da. of Reilly, and has issue, 1. Samuel, 6. 16 July 1805, acci- dentally shot, May 1833, by his younger brother ; 2. WILLIAM ; 3. Henry; -4. Frederick; 5. Elizabeth, 6. 30 April 1808 ; —6. Maria. 318 AINSLIE.— HARTWELL. Owen Malley, of Burrishowle, co. Mayo, esq., (a descendant from Brt/an M'Cormick O'Mnlie, who inherited the castle of Morske, and the manor of Strade, co. Mayo, from his father, Cormacies O'Maley, who held from the crown, for military ser- vices, andrf. abroad, in the service of queen Elizabeth, in 158!),) m. Martha, da. of sir George Brown, of the Neal, co. Mayo, bart., and had issue, George, who in 171O, m. Mary Magdalen, sister of Richard Blake, of Ardfry, co. Galway, esq., and had issue, 1. Martha, d. unm. 2. Owen, his heir. 3. Patrick, who fell in an engagement under field-marshal Browne, in "the Aus- trian service. Ow^EN O'Mally, of Burrishowle, m., 1st, 17'>3, Anne, sister of John Chambers, of Kilboyne, co. Mayo, esq., and relict of John Mills, of Galway, esq., by whom he had no issue; and, 2dly, in 1777. Anne, da. of Samuel M'Geough, of Newry, esq., by whom he had George, who d. young; and I. Sir SAMUEL, of Rosehill, created a bart. 2 July 1804. Ai-ms — See Plate 36. Argent, a boar pas- sant, gules, crined, or, between three long bows, charged with arrows and bent, point- ing in centre, one in middle, chief, one in dexter base, and one in sinister base, points, or ; in centre base point, a skiff, with oars, sable. Crest — A horse in full speed, argent. Motto — Tend marique potens. Seat — At Rosehill, co. Mayo, Ireland. AINSLIE, of Great Torrington, co. Lincoln. 19 Nov. 1804. Sir ROBERT-SHARPE AINSLIE, Baronet, F.S.A., succeeded his uncle, sir Robert, 22 July 1812. George Ainslie, esq. (eldest son of Alexander Ainslie, merchant in North Bri- tain, by a descendant of the ancient family of Gray, and said to be 14th in descent from Thomas de Ainslie, who was living 1214) was a merchant at Bourdeaux ; he returned to Scotland 1727, purchased the estate of Pilton, CO. Edinburgh, and rf. 1773, having m. Jane, da. of sir Philip Anstruther, of Anstrutherfield, bart., and had issue, 1. Sir Philip, knt., b. 1728, and d. 1802, having m., 1772, Ehza, 5th da. of John, lord Gray, (in the Peerage of Scotland,) by whom he had issue, 1. George- Robert, 6.1774, in the amny, m., 1802, Sophia-Charlotte, da. of Chris- topher Neville, of Wellingore, esq. 2. John, d. young. 3. Charles - Philip, h. 1779> sometime capt. 4th dragoons. 4. Francis-Stuart, d. young. 5. Philhp-Barrington, b. 1785. 6. Margaret-Jane, nu, 7 Jan. 1801, Fran- cis, earl of Moray. 7. Charlotte-Eliza. 8. Louisa-Barbara, b. in 1782, m., 1803, John-Lee Allen, of Errol House, co. Perth, esq. 9. Christian-Penelope, and 10. Christiana, both deceased. 2. George, a gen. in the army, col. 13th regt. of foot, and lieut.-gov. of the Sciily Islands, who d. 1804, having ?n. in J 774, Anne, da. of Samuel Sharpe, esq., by whom he left issue, 1. Sir Robkrt-Sharpe, present bart. 2. George-Ralph, 6. 1778, a lieut. R.N., lost his life in the Courageux, 1796. 3. Eleanor-Jane, b. in 1775, m., 1794, William Corbet, esq., and has issue. 4. Frances-Anne, b. in 1781, m., 1798, George-Robert Heneage, of Hainton Hall, CO. Lincoln, esq. 5. Mary-Christiana, b. 1785. 6. Anne-Penelope, 6. 1786, m., 30 April I8I7, John Prince, esq., capt. in the Coldstream regt. of foot-guards. 3. Sir Robert, 1st bart. 4. Elizabeth, m. Jacob Sandilands, esq., merchant in Bourdeaux. 5. Christiana. 6. Jane, m., count Montalbert, of Gui- enne, in France. 7. Penelope, m. seigneur de Monbiison, in France. George Ainslie, esq., d. 1773. I. Sir ROBERT, 2d son of George and Jane Anstruther, as above mentioned, re- sided in the earlier part of life at Bour- deaux, received the honour of knighthood, and was, for nearly 20 years, ambassador to the Sublime Porte : he was elected for Mil- borne Port, in 1796, and created a bart. 19 Nov. 1804, with remainder, in default of issue male of his body, to his nephew, sir Robert - Sharpe Ainslie, the present bart. Sir Robert d. 22 July 1812, and was succeeded by his nephew, II. Sir ROBERT-SHARPE, the present bart. Anns— See Plate .36. Or, a cross, flory, gules ; with a mullet for difference. Crest— \ dexter hand and arm grasping a scimitar, proper. Motto — Pro rege et patria. Seat— At Great Torrington, co. Lincoln. HARTWELL, of Dale Hall, co. Essex. 2G Oct. 1805. SirBROBRICK HARTWELL, Baronet, io?» 17 July 1813, succeeded his grandfather, sir Francis-John, 28 June 1831 ; married^ 28 Oct. 1834, AHcia, eldest da. of the rev. William Gunthorpe, of Antigua. This family is descended from Samuel I his grandson, Hartwell, esq., acapt. in thearmy, whowas Broorick IIartwkll, esq., was born at killed at the battle of Landen, 19 July 1693 ; | Castle Connel, co. Cork, served in the navy, FITZ-WYGRAM. 319 and became lieut-gov. of Greenwich Hos- pital, where he d. 15 March 1784, leaving issue, a da., Mary, m., 1st., George Logan, capt. of marines, and 2dly, major Richard Baylv, deputy quarter-master-general, and 3 sons, 1. Brodrick, of Plymouth, who d. 1789, leaving issue; 2. George, of London, merchant, m., and had issue; and 3. L Sir FRANCIS-JOHN, knt., created a bart, as above, capt. R.N., h. 1757, m., 1st, 12 May 1781, Anna-Charlotte-Maria, eldest da. of John Elphinstone, capt. R.N., com- mander-in-chief of the Russian fleet, by whom (who d. 6 June 1809) he had issue, besides five other children, who d. young or unm., I. HouLTON, h. 12 Feb. 1783, vicar of Loders, Bradpole, and Rotherhampton, co- Dorset, chaplain to the Prince Regent ; m., 29 Feb. 1812, Ruth, da. of David Ball, of Bishop's Hall, esq., and d. 24 Feb. 1819, leaving issue by her, (who re-nu Joseph Jackson, of St. Vincent's, esq.,) 1. Sir Brodrick, present bart. 2. Sydney-Houlton, b. 25 May 1817- 3. Edward-Hughes, b. 2(j Nov. 1818, d. 1819. 4. Charlotte-Ruth, b. 23 Sept. 1814, d. Sir Francis-John m., 2dly, 27 Jan. 1812, Louisa, da. of John Aldridge, of New Lodge, CO. Sussex, and had issue, 2. Louisa, b. 20 June 1813. Sir Francis-John d. 28 June 1831, and was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir BRODRICK, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 3(j. Sable, a buck's head caboshed, argent, attired, or; between the attire, a cross pattee, fitchy, of the third, in chief, a lion passant, guardant, per pale* argent, and or; on a canton, ermine, two bars, per pale, azure, and gules. Crest — On a mount, vert, surrounded with seven pales, the 2d and 5th charged with a spear's head, argent, embrued, a hart lodged, with his dexter foot on a well argent, with a sprig of oak in his mouth, vert. Motto — Sorte sua contentus. Seat — Dale Hall, co. Essex. WIGRAM, (now FITZ-WYGRAM,) of Walthamstow House, CO. Essex. 30 Oct. 1805. Sir ROBERT FITZ-WYGRAM, Knight and Baronet, born 25 Sept. 1773; succeeded his father, sir Robert, G Nov. 18.30 ; took the surname of Fitz-Wygram by royal license granted in Dublin, 1832; married^ 3 Aug. 1812, Selina, da. of sir John Hayes, of Clare, in Ireland, bart., and has issue, I.ROBERT, b. 7 Aug. 1813; 2. George-Augustus-Frede- rick, (to whom his late Majesty and the present King stood sponsors ;) 3. Frederick-Wellingtox, (to whom the Dukes of York and Wel- lington stood sponsors ;) 4. Fitzroy; 5. LoFTUs; 6. Selina- Frances; 7« Augusta-Catherine. JoHN-WiGRAM, of Brlstol, merchant, (son of John Wigram, also of Bristol,) b. 1712, »!., 1742, Mary, da. of Robert Clifford, of Wexford, esq., (grandda. of Highgate Boyd, esq., of Roplare, by Margaret Lof- tus,) and d. 174(3, leaving issue by her (who d. 1778) an only son, I. Sir ROBERT, created a bart. 30 Oct. 1805; b. .30 Jan. 1743, ni., 1st, Catherine, da. of Francis Broadhurst, of Mansfield, CO. Notts, esq., by whom (v^ho d. 23 Jan. 1786) he had issue, 1. Sir Robert, presentbart. 2. Catharine, m. Charles Tottenham, of Ballycurry, esq., cousin to the marquess of Ely. - 3. John; 4. William; S.Maria. Sir Robert Wigram, bart., nu, 2dly, Eleanor, da. of John Watts, of Southampton, esq., and by her had, 6. Eleanor, b. 21 July 1788, m. Unwin Heathcote, of Shephalbury, co. Herts, esq. 7. Money, b. 14 March i790, m., 19 April 1822, Mary, da. of C.-Hampden Turner, esq., and has issue. 8. Henry-Loftus, b. 20 July 1791. 9. Harriet, b. 14 Aug. 1792, d. 16 July 1823. 10. James, b. 5 Nov. 1793, nu, 28 Oct. 1818, Anne, da. of Richard Arkwright, esq. 11. Octavius, h. 18 Dec. 1794, ?>?., 24 March 1824, Isabella-Charlotte, da. of Wil- liam Knox, bishop of Derry, and niece of the earl of Ranfurly, and has issue. 12. Anne, b. 22 Feb. 1796, m. rev. Jo- seph Arkwright, of Mark Hall, co. Essex. 13. Charles-Laird, 6. 12 April 1797- 14. Joseph-Cotton, b. 26 Dec. 1798. 15. Richard, b. 1 April 1800, d. 24 April 1819. 16. Ely-Duodecimus, b. 16 Sept. 1801, in the army. 17. Edward, b. 30 Sept. 1802, nu, 10 Aug. 1830, Catherine, da. of George Smith, esq., and niece of lord Carrington, and has issue. 18. Loftus-Tottenham, b. 6 Nov. 1803. 19. George-Vicesimus, b. 24 March 1805, m., 23 March 1830, Fanny, da. of Tho- mas and lady Theodosia Bligh, and niece of the earl of Damley (who d. 11 March 1834). 20. William-Pitt, in holy orders. Sir Robert d. 6 Nov. 1830, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ROBERT, present and 2d bart. Ar7ns — See Plate 36. Argent, on a pale, gules, three escallops, or ; over all a chev- ron, engrailed, countercharged, and on a chief, waves of the sea, thereon a ship, re- presenting an English vessel of war of the 16th century, with four masts, sails furled, proper, colours flying, gules. Crest — On a wreath of the colours on a mount, vert, a hand in armour in fesse, couped at the wrist, proper, charged with an escallop, holding a fleur-de-lis, erect, or. Supporters — On either side an eagle, with wings elevated argent, collared gules, and charged on the breast with a shamrock, vert; granted to sir Robert by an especial 320 DE CRESPIGNY.— LOPES. warrant under the king's royal signet and sign manual. Sert^9— Walthamstow House, co. Essex ; and Belmont Lodge, co. Worcester. DE CRESPIGNY, of Champion Lodge, Camberwell, co. Surrey. 31 Oct. 1805. Sir CLAUDE-WILLIAM-CHAMPION DE CRESPIGNY, Baronet, horn 25 June 1818 ; succeeded his grandfather, sir William, 28 Dec. 1829. This family is originally of Normandy, where Maheus Champion was lord of Crespigny about 1350. The 8th in descent from him was Claude-Champion de Cres- pigny, whose 2d son, Thomas -Champion de Crespigny, came into England, and was an officer in the British army. He d. 17 July 1712, leav- ing issue two sons, William, d. num., and Philip, proctor of the court of admiralty, m. Anne, da. of Claude Fonnereau, of Lon- don, esq., and d. 1705, leaving issue, 1. Sir Claude, 1st hart. 2. Philip, sometime king's proctor, and M.P. for Aldborough, d. IfiOS, leaving issue, 3. Susan, m. Sir Richard Sutton, of Nor- wood, bart. 4. Anne, m., 1st, Bonouvrier Glover, eeq., and 2dly, James Vernon, esq. 5. Jane, m. Hugh Reveley, esq. L Sir CLAUDE -CHAMPION, D.C.L., created a bart. 31 Oct. 1805, b. 19 Dec. 1734, TO., 1764, Mary, only child and sole h. of Joseph Clarke, esq., and by her (who d. 20 July 1812) had issue. Sir William-Champion, 2d bart. Sir Claude-Champion d. 28 Jan. 1818, and was succeeded by his son, IL Sir WILLIAM-CHAMPION, b. 1 Jan. 1765, 7n., 4 Aug. I78G, lady Sarah Hick- man, da. of Other Lewis, 4th earl of Ply- mouth, and by her (who d. 22 Sept. 1825) had issue, 1. Claude, lieut. R.N., d. 1813. 2. William-Other-Robert, lieut. R.N., d. 24 June 1816. 3. Augustus- James -Champion, capt. R.N., b. 1791, m., 29 May 1817, Caroline, youngest da. of sir William Smith, of Hill Hall, Essex, bart., and d. 24 Oct. 1825, leav- ing issue, Sir Claude-William-Champion, pre- sent bart., and other children. 4. Heaton-Champion, in holy orders, m., 19 July 1820, Caroline Bathursl, young- est da. of the lord bishop of Norwich, and has issue. 5. Mary, d. 6. Patience-Anne, to., 2 Dec. 1814, the hon. and rev. Paul-Anthony Irby, 4th son of Frederick, lord Boston, arid d. 22 March 1831. 7. F ranges, d. an infant. 8. Mary-Catherine, m., 20 July 1830, the rev. J. Brigstock. 9. Emma-Honoria. 10. Herbert, barrister-at-law. Sir William rf. 28 Dec. 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, in. Sir CLAUDE-WILLIAM-CHAM- PION, present bart. Arms— See Plate 36. 1st and 4th, argent a lion saliant, sable, armed and langued, gules ; in dexter base, a fer de moulin, pierced, sable ; 2d and 3d, azure, three bars, argent. Seat — King's Rew. near Southampton. LOPES, of Maristow House, co. Devon; and Westbury, co. Wilts. 1 Nov. 1805. Sir RALPH LOPES, Baronet, M.P. for Westbury, co. Wilts ; suc- ceeded his uncle, sir Manasseh, 20 IMarch 1831, and thereupon took the name of Lopes instead of that of Franco and the arms of Franco, quarterly with those of Lopes by royal license in JMay following ; bo)'n 10 Sept. 1788; married., 4 May 1817? Susan Gibbs, eldest da. of A. lAidlow, of Heywood House, CO. Wilts, esq., and has issue, 1. MASSEY-LOPES, b. 14 June 181g . 2. Ralph-Ludlow, b. 9 Sept. 1820 ; 3. Henry-Charles, b. 3 Oct. 1827; 4. Edmund-Francis, b. 19 Oct. 1833; three others died in their infancy. The family of Lopes derives its imme- diate origin from Morat Lopes, of the island of Jamaica, escj. MoRDECAi-UoDRiGUES LoPES, of Clap- ham, CO. Surrey, es(|., son of Abraham Lopes, of Jamaica, d. 29 Ai)ril 1795, having 7)1., 1751, Rebecca, da. of Manasseh Perera, of Jamaica, esq., by whom (who rf. 29 April 1795) he had issue,' 1. Sir'MANASSEH. 2. Rachael,»j. Isaac Perera, of Jamaica, esq. 3. Esther, m., 1785, Abraham Franco, of London, merchant, and had issue, 1. Sir Ralph, 2d bart.; 2. Lydia ; 3. Rebecca; 4. Abbv-Emma, tn., 1 Feb. 1812, rev. Walter Radcliffe, of Warleigh, co. Devon; 5. Esther. I. Sir MANASSEH, only son, b. in Ja- maica, 27 Jan. 1755, was created a bart. 1 Nov. 1805, with remainder to his nephew, Ra!])h Franco, only son of his sister Esther, w. Charlotte, da. of John Yeates, co. Mon- mouth, esq., (who d. 23 March 1833,) but COTTERELL.— HILLARY. 321 dying without issue, 2C> March 1831, was succeeded, pursuant to the limitation of his patent, by his nephew, II. Sir RALPH, present and 2d bart. Anm — See Plate 36. 1st and 4th. Azure, a chevron, or, charged with three bars ge- melles, gules, between three eagles rising, of the second; on a chief, of the second. five lozenges, of the first. 2d and 3d. In a field, a fountam, thereout issuing a palm- tree, all proper. Crest— A lion sejeant, erminois, gorged with a collar, gemel gules, the dexter fore- paw resting on a lozenge, azure. Se«^!>— Maristow House, near Plymouth; and Westbury, co. Wilts. COTTERELL, of Garnoxs, co. Hereford. 2 Nov. 1805. Sir JOHN-GEERS COTTERELL, of Garnons, co. Hereford, created a Baronet, as above, M.P. in several parliaments for co. Hereford, born 21 Sept. 1757 ; a col. in the army 179C, col. of the Herefordshire militia from 1796* to 1803, and of two battalions of the Herefordshire volunteers. Sir John married, 4 Jan. 1701, Frances- Isabella, only da. and h. of Henry-Michael Evans, of St. George's, Hanover Square, esq., (l>y his wife, Mary, da. and h. of Benjamin "Wellington, of Hereford, esq.,) and bv her (who rf. 3 July 1813) he has issue, 1. JOHN-HENRY, b. 15 April 1800, m., 12 Aug. 1828, Pyne-Jessy, eldest da. of major-gen. Henry. Otway Brand, brother to lord Dacre, and d. 3 Jan. 1834, leaving issue, of whom, Geers-Thomas^ 7. Heut- gen. in the army, col. of the Itjth regt., gov,- gen. and commander-in-chief of the forces in North America; nu, If) May 178!), Catha- rine-Anne, da. of John Phipps, esq., major- gen., and col. royal engineers, and by her (who survived him, and d. 1 May 1821) had issue, 1. Constance, d. an infant. 2. Anne-Elinor, b. 1 Jan. 1795. 3. Georgina, d, an infant. 4. Harriet, b. 27 April 1803, d. 20 Feb. 1824. 5. Sir George, present bart. C. Edward, d. an infant. Sir George d. 5 Jan. 1816, and was succeeded by his only son, n. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Arms— See Plate 37- Azure, a dexter arm in fess, issuing from the sinister fess point, the hand grasping a sword, erect, proper, pomel and hilt, or; in chief, two mullets argent. Crest — A deml-lion rampant, azure charg- ed on the shoulder with a mural crown, or, the sinister paw grasping a sword, erect, as in the arms. Supporters— Two grenadiers of the 16th foot, each supporting a flag, gules, the dex- ter Hag inscribed West Indies; the sinis- ter Canada, granted by royal warrant I8I7. Se«<— Cwmeynfelin, Aberystwith, Cardi- ganshire. HARDY.— BROMHEAD. 323 HARDY. 4 Feb. 1806. Sir THOMAS-MASTERMAN HARDY, Baronet, G.C.B., Rear-Ad- miral of the White, and Governor of Greenwich Hospital, Captain of the Victory (lord Nelson's flag ship) in the glorious and decisive victory off Cape Trafalgar, was created a bart. as above for his conduct on that dis- tinguished occasion ; born 5 April 1769; married., 17 Nov. 1807, Louisa- Emily, da. of the hon. admiral sir George-Cranfield Berkeley, G.C.B., and has issue, 1. Lotiisa-Georgina, b. 7 Dec. 1808; 2. Emily- Georgina, b. 30 Dec. 1809; 3. Mary-Charlotte, b. 20 March 1813, m., 14 Nov. 1833, John-Atholl-Murray M'Gregor, esq., eldest son of sir Evan M'Gregor, bart. Joseph Hardy, of Portesham, co. Dor- set, esq., m. Elizabeth, da. of Robert Weare, of the same county, esq. ; and had Eliza- beth, b. Ir29, d. 1819; and Joseph, of Portesham, m. Nanny, da. of Thomas Masterman, of Kingston, co. Dor- set, esq., and d. April 1785, leaving issue by her, (who rf. March 1799,) 1. Joseph, b, 15 April 1764, m., 1818, miss Mary White; s.p. 2. Sir Thomas, present bart. 3. John, b. 7 Aug. 1771, d. mini. 1821. 4. Elizabeth, b. 1756, m., 1782, John Thresher, of Upwav, co. Dorset, gent. 5. Anne, b. 25 Oct. 1758. 6. Mary, b, 1 June 1760, m., 1785, James Balston, of Martinstown, co. Dorset, gent., and d. 1819. 7. Catharine, b. 27 April 17G2, m., 1787, John-Callard Manfield, of Dorchester, at- tomey-at-law. 8. Martha, b. 15 June 1766, 9. John, b. 1772, d. 1822. 10. Augusta, 6. 23 Aug. 1777* I. Sir THOMAS-MASTERMAN, 2d son, was created a bart. as above. Anm—See Plate 37.— Pffian, on a chevron, or, between three escallops, argent, as many griffins' heads, erased, of the field. Crest — Out of a naval coronet, or, a grif- fin's head, as in the arms. Seat — At Portesham, co. Dorset. BROMHEAD, of Thurlby Hall, co. Lincoln. 19 Feb. 1806. Sir EDWARD-FFRENCH BROMHEAD, Baronet, M.A., of Gon^ viUe and Caius College, Cambridge, F.R.S., Lond. and Ed., and High Steward of the city of Lincoln, bo7-n 26 March 1789, succeeded his father, sir Gonville, 11 May 1822. This family was originally of Bromhead, in the district of Hallamshire, but the pro- perty passed from the name, by the m. of Ju- liana, da. and co-h. of John, son of Henry de Bromhead, with John Wilson, of West Thorpe, 8 Richard II., and continued in the possession of their descendants, to John Wilson, of Bromhead Hall, esq., the well known antiquary. The male branch re- moved, at an early period, into Lincoln- shire, and possessed property there, and in the adjoining parts of Nottinghamshire; Thoroton, in his history of the latter county, mentions Henri/ Bromhead, and others, as land-owners in 1612, at Bole, Littleborough, South Wheatley, Wiseton, Everton, &c. ]3enjamin, sonof Benjamin Bromhead, esq., of Bole, devised his estates in Lincolnshire to his son, Edward Bromhead, of Thurlby, esq., b. at Bole, 1683, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of Anthony Eyre, esq., and left issue, Benjamin Bromhead, who ?»!. Marga- ret, da. and co-h. of James Bordman, esq., by Judith, da. of sir John Turner, by whom he had issue, 1. Edward, an officer of dragoons, killed at Falkirk. 2. Bordman, father of the 1st bart., of whom presently. 3. Benjamin, a major in the army, and lieut.-col. of the R. S. Lincoln militia, twice m., but d. without issue, 1802, 4. James, in the army, rf. without issue, 1804. 5. John, in the army, and lieut.-col. of the R. S. Lincoln militia, m. Anne, da. of Darwin, and d. 1818, leaving issue 2 sons, 1. Benjamin, m. miss Eliza Hunt ; and 2. John, col. in the army, and C.B., /«. a da. of Robert Barclay, of Bury Hill, esq. 6. Edward, b. 17-^3, in holy orders, vicar of Repham, co. Lincoln, m. Katherine Eyre, and d. 1802, leaving issue, 1. Thomas-Eyre, M.B. 2. Catherine, m , 1st, James Edwards, of Verulam, near St. Alban's, esq. ; and 2dly, rev. Thomas Ball. 3. Maria, m. major Edward Bracken- bury, K.T.S. 7. Anne, jh, Richard Gardiner, esq., of Mount Amelia, co. Norfolk, and d. \V.()-2. Bordman Bromhead, (2d son of the above-named Benjamin Bromhead, and JIargaret Bordman,) a major in the army, and lieut.-col. of the R.N. Lincoln militia, 711. Frances, sole issue of William Gonville, esq., (the last heir male of the ancient fa- mily of Gonville, founders of Gonville College, Cambridge,) and d. 1804, leaving issue, 1. Sir Gonville, 1st bart. 2. Frances, m. James Wood, D.D., rec- tor of Marston, co. Bedford, and Wyfordby, CO. Leicester, who d, 1815. 324 ABNEY-HASTINGS.— SHELLEY. I. Sir GONVILLE, only son, lieut.-gen. in the army, was created a bart. as above ; »». the hon. Jane, youngest da. of sir Charles Ffrench, of Castle Ffrench, bart., by Rose, in her own right baroness Ffrench, and had issue, 1. Sir Edward-Ffrench, b. 26 March 1789. 2. Edmund-Gonville, major in the army, b. 22 Jan. 17!»1, m., 15 Sept. 182;$, Ju- dith Coriston, youngest da. of James Wood, of Woodville, cb. Sligo, esq., and has issue, 1. Frances-Judith. 2. Ellen-Morrisson. 3. Charles-Ffrench, b. 18 May 1795, in holy orders, a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 4. Catherine, b. 30 Oct. 1792, d. 1796. Sir Gonville d. 11 May 1822, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir EDWARD-FFRENCH BROM- HEAD. Anns — See Plate 37. Azure, on a bend, argent, between two leopards' faces, or, a mural crown, gules, between two fleurs-de lis, sable. Crest — Out of a mural crown, gules, a unicorn's head, argent, horned, or, in the mouth a rose, gules, slipped and leaved, proper. Motto — Concordia res crescunt. Sea;— Thurlby Hall, near Lincoln. HASTINGS, (now ABNEY-HASTINGS,) of Willesley, co. Derby. 28 Feb. 180G. Sir CHARLES ABNEY-HASTINGS, of Willesley, in co. Derby, Baronet, born I Oct. 1792, succeeded his father, gen. sir Charles, G.C.H., 30 Sept. 1823; served the office of High Sheriff of Derbyshire 1825, and sometime M.P. for Leicester. Sir Charles, out of respect to the memory of his maternal grandfather, Thomas Abney, of V\^illesley, co. Derby, esq., and as being the representative of the elder branch of the ancient family of Abney, of Willesley, obtained his majesty's royal license and authority that he and his descendants might take and use the surname, and bear the arms of Abney, in addition to his own, and that his brother, Frank Hastings, esq., might likewise use the same*. I. Sir CHARLES HASTINGS, bart, so created as above, was a reputed son of Fran- cis, loth earl of Huntingdon, gen. in the army, col. of the 12th regiment of foot, and grand cross of the royal order of the Guelphs of Hanover, m. Parnell, da. and sole h. of Thomas Abney, of Willesley, co. Derby, esq., 'by Parnell, da. and co-h. of George Vil- liers, of Hanbury, co. Stafford, esq., by whom (who d. 11 Feb, 1834, aet. 78) he had issue, 1. Sir Charles, present bart. 2. Frank, b. 14 Feb. 1794, rf. at Zante, unm., of a wound received in an action with the Turks. 3. Selina-Abney, d. young. Sir Charles d. 30 Sept. 1823, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Arms—i^ee Plate 37. 1st and 4th, Hast- ings; argent, a maunch within a border engrailed, sable. 2d and 3d, Abney ; or, on a chief, gules, a demi-lion, issuant, argent. Crest— \. Hastings; a buffalo's head, erased, ermines, armed and gorged with a ducal coronet, argent. 2. Abney ; a demi- lion, rampant, or, resting the left paw on an antique shield, charged with the arms of Hastings above described. Motto — In veritate victoria. Sm«— Willesley Hall, co. Derby. SHELLEY, of Castle Goring, Sussex. 3 March 1806. Sir TIMOTHY SHELLEY, Baronet, born Sept. 1753, succeeded his father, sir Bysshe, 5 Jan. 1815; married, Oct. 1701, Elizabeth, da. of Charles Pilfold, of Effingham, co. Surrey, esq., and l)y her has issue, 1. Percy-Byssiie, b. 4 Aug. 1702, drowned off the coast of Italy, 8 July 1822, having m., 1st, Harriet, da. of AYestbrook, of co. JMiddlesex, and had issue, 1. Charles-Bysshe^ d. Aug. 1826, aet. 11 ; 2. lanthe; hem., 2dly, * The family of Abney is of great anti- quity in CO. Derby ; they were seated at Abney in the Peak (from whence they take their name) about the time of the Con- quest. The first of the family that is men- tioned as living at Willesley, is John Abbe- ney, or de Abeney, in 1318, and the family continued there in a direct line till the death of lady Hastings' father. Among the most celebrated individuals of it may be enume- rated, at the commencement of the 18th century, sir Edward, of Willesley, D.('.L., and his younger brother, sir Thomas, who was lord mayor of London 1700, many years M.l*. for that city, of which he died father, at the age of 83. Sir Edward Abney, left a son, sir Thomas, .judge of the Coannon Pleas, who was grandfather of lady Hastings. CHOLMELEY. 325 30 Dec. 1816, Mary-Woolstoncroft Godwin, of Bath, and had issue, 3. William, d. an infant ; 4. PERCY-FLORENCE, b. at Florence, 12 Nov. 1819; 2. Elizabeth, b. 1796, d. unm. l^ Dec. 1831 ; 3. Helen, d. an infant, 1796 ; 4. Mary, m.. May 1819, Daniel F. Haynes, esq., of Lonesome, Surrey ; 5. Helen; 6. Margaret; 7* John, b. 15 March 1806, w., 24 March 1827, Ehzabeth, eldest da. of Charles Bowen, of Kilnacourt, Ireland, esq., and has issue, Edward, b. Dec. 1827. For the origin of this family see Shelley, of Maresfield Place, Sussex, created Itill. John Shelley, of Michelgrove, co. Sus- sex, living temp. Henry VII. had two sons, sir William, ancestor of the Shelleys, of Michelgrove, and now of Maresfield, and Edward, who settled at Worminghurst, CO. Sussex, and was immediate ancestor of the present bart. Henry, son and heir of Edward, m. Anne, da. and h. of Richard Sackville, esq., great uncle of Thomas, earl of Dorset, and 5th in descent from him was John Shelley, who m., 1692, Helen, youngest of the two das. and co-h. of Roger Bysshe, of Fen Place, co. Sussex, esq., and d. 1739, leaving a numerous family, of whom Timothy, 3d but eldest surviving son and h., d. 1770, leaving two sons, Jofni, (the eldest,) m. but d. without issue, 4 Oct. 1799, and, L Sir BYSSHE, who was created a bart. 3 March ISWi; b. at Christchurch, North America, 21 June 1731; >«., 1st, 1752, Mary- Catharine, da. and sole h. of the rev. Theo- bald Mitchell, of Horsham, co, Sussex, and by her, (who d. 7 Nov. 17., 12 Oct. 1771, Elizabeth-Christiana, da. of Frederick Com- merell, of Hanwell, co. Middlesex, esq. Sir John d. 24 Feb. 1816, without issue, and was succeeded, pursuant to the limitation of the patent, by his nephew, II. Sir JOHN-WILLIAM, present bart. Ann^—Scc Plate 37. On a mount, vert, a heron, close, ennine, on a chief, gules, three estoiles, argent. Cre.st — A heron, wings elevated, ermine, supporting an antique shield, azure, bor- dered, or, charged with a lion rampant, gardant, argent. Seat — At Mitcham Grove, Surrey, High Elms, Famborough, Kent. SCOTT, of Great Barr, co. Stafford. 30 April 1806. Sir EDWARD-DOLMAN SCOTT, Baronet, M.P. for Lichfield, sue- ceeded his father, sir Joseph, 17 June 1828 ; harried, 1 April 1815, Cathe- rine-JuHana, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Hugh Bateman, bart., and has issue, 1. Sir FRANCIS-EDWARD, 6. 25 Feb. 1824, who inherited at his birth the dignity of a baronet, pursuant to the limitation of a patent granted to his maternal grandfather, sir Hugh Bateman, who d. 28 Jan. 1824; (See Scott, late Bateman, p. 332;) 2. Edward-Dolman, 6. 12 Feb. 1826; 3. William-Douglas, b. 10 April 1828. This family appears to have been seated at Great Barf as early as the latter end of the 16th century. John Scott, of Great Barr, ancestor of the bart., m. Eleanor, da. of the rev. Thomas Jordan of Whitney, and d. 4 March 1755, leaving three das., 1. Eleanor, m. Ro- bert Croxall, of Shustock, co. Warwick, esq. ; 2. Frances, m. Miller Sadler, of Whit- acre, CO. Warwick, esq. ; 3. Elizabeth, m. Edmund Cradock, of Walsall, co. Stafford, esq. ; and a son and heir, William Scott, of Great Barr, esq., m., 27 Dec. 1744, IVIary, da. of Thomas Whitby, of Great Haywood, co. Stafford, esq., and'rf. 1753, leaving issue by her (who survived him, and d. 1795) three das., Fra:'ce.Iacdonald, of Largie, co.Argyle, esq., and had issue, 1. George, d. young. 2. John, who d. at the siege of Manga- lore. 3. James. 4. Sir Alexander -Macdonald, first bart. .5. Norman ; 6. Elizabeth. 7. Helen, d. young. 8, Clementina; 9. Matilda. 10. Mary ; 11. CnARLES-SMrTH. 12. Euphemia. I. Sir ALEXANDER -MACDONALD, eldest surviving son, was created a bart. as above: m. Jane, da. of Daniel Macniell, of Gallcorhally, co. Argyle, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Charles-Macdonald, 2d bart. 2. Alexander; 3. Norman, twins, d. young. 4. Sir Daniel, present bart. 5. Alexander. 6. Jane, d. young. Sir Alexander rf. 22 June 181G, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IL Sir CHARLES, 6.8 Feb. 1799, m., 29 Feb. 1820, Emilia-Olivia, da. of sir Charles Ross, of Balnagowan, (by lady Mary Fitzge- rald, da. of William-Robert, 2d duke of Leinster,) and had issue, 1. Mary-Jane, b. April 1822. Sir Charles-Macdonald d. without male is- sue, 8 Dec. 1832, and was succeeded by his brother, III. Sir DANIEL, present and 3d bart. Arms — See Plate 38. Argent, a man's heart, gules, within a fetter-lock, sable ; on a chief, azure, three boars' heads, erased, of the first, or. Crest — A boar's head, argent. Supporters — Dexter, a chevalier, armed at all points, his vizor up, holding a spear in his hand, a sword by his side, and a gold chain about his neck, thereat a man's heart, pendent, gules, ensigned with an imperial crown, or, and on his helmet a plume of feathers, the centre gules, the others argent ; sinister, a buck, proper. Motto (above the crest) — Corda serrata pando; below the shield — Semper paratus pugnare pro pdtria. FRASER, of Leadclune, co. Inverness. 27 Nov. 1806. Sir WILLIAM- AUGUSTUS FRASER, Baronet, bom 1825, suc- ceeded his father, sir James- John, 5 June 1834. The family distinguished by the surname of Fraserare of great antiquity in Scotland, although they are unquestionably of Celtic or Gaelic origin, and came from Provence and Languedoc at one era, and from Bri- tanny and Normandy at another. French history mentions, that Julian de Berrie, on the Kith of April 916, presented Charles, king of France, at Au Bergne, near Bour- bon, a basket of ripe strawberries, which were so much thought of, that he gave him the surname of Frme, afterwards written Fraisau, and Fraizel, in France, by the great families of Guise and Froizeller, dukes of that kingdom, the marquess Montagnard, and many others, whose armorial bearings are distinguished by strawberries on their shield, in like manner as they are sculptured, and remain to this day, on the cross of Peebles. Sir George M'Kenzie, lord-advocate of Scotland, and other antiquaries, say, that one of this family came into Scotland with the embassy from Charlemagne in 8(»7, and was created the 1st thane of Man, the lineal ancestor of Oliver Eraser, or Frizel, 13th thane of Man, who built Oliver Castle, in Tweed's Muir, and erected it into a con- stabulary, and is to this day first called over in the roll of Peebles. Sir Simon Frmer having thrice saved the life and remounted king Robert de Brus, in the battle of Methven, had the three crowns quartered into his armorial bearings. The loyalty, fidelity, and martial achieve- ments acquired by the Erasers at Roslin, In- verness, Perth, Edinburgh, Bannockburn, &c., are well recorded in history, and led to the alliance with king Robert's sister, who I was twice married ; by which marriages, sir 1 John Campbell, ancestor of Argyll, and sir I Alexander, son of sir Simon Fraser, an- j cestor of Lovat, were uterine brothers, and : related to all the nobility of both kingdoms, ! as appears by the grants and charters pre- i served and described by Mr. Robertson, in the register-office, Edinburgh, page 19, Re- gister, No. 145, Charters of king Robert de Brus; "Marie, sponse Alexandri Fraser, militis sorori nostri dilecte, et Johanne Campbell, filio suo nepoti nostro, pro he- rangio et servitio, omnes terras et tenementa, que fuerunt, Davidis, Comiti Atholias, in comitatu Athole, que idem Da\id Foris fecit." In the reign of king Alexander III., sir Simon Fraser, son of sir Bernard Fraser, lineally descended from thane Oliver, was gifted with the lordship of Loveth (vulgo, \oruich) by charter, dated at Dunfermhne, 1253, and appointed, with his brother, sir Francis Fraser, and William Fraser, arch- bishop of St. Andrew's, and lord-chancellor of Scotland, along with his cousin sir Ri- 330 NUGENT. chard Fraser, auditors in the competition for the crown of Scotland between Bruce and Baliol, 1291. From lord Hugh Fraser, created by king James I. of Scotland, lord Fraser, of Loveth, 3 March 1426, descend lineally the lords Loveth, or Lovat; and from Alex- ander, 2d son to lord Hugh Fraser, of Lo- vat, descended Alexander Fraser, of Farra- line, father of Hugh Fraser, of Leadclune, esq., called Hustan More, father of Hugh Fraser, called Huston Oge, who d. 1717. leaving three sons, 1. Hugh, of Lon- don, «i. and left issue, who all d. mim. ,- 2. Alejcaiider, m., and left, besides other child- ren, Hugh, of Leadclune, and William, of Parke, co. Aberdeen, who both m,, and left issue ; and 3. William, who d. 1744, leaving issue by his 2d wife, of the family of Keith Mari- schall, sir William, 1st bart., and an only da., Jane, m., 1763, the hon. col. Archibald- Campbell Fraser, of Lovat. L Sir WILLIAM, created a bart. 27 Nov. 18(X), F.R.S., and an elder brother of the Trinity-House, m., 26 Sept. 17!i6, Elizabeth, da., by the 1st marriage, of James Farqu- harson, of the city of London, merchant, and by her (who d. 23 June 1834) had issue, 1. Sir William, 2d bart. 2. Sir James-John, 3d bart. 3. Keith, capt. 6th dragoons, d. 28 May 1826. 4. Eliza-Anne-Roberta. 5. Jemima - Maria, m., July 1820, the rev. Joseph-Henry Tayler, of Brighton. 6. Anna, m., 17 Jan. 1818, major Henry- Edward Keane, 3d son of sir John Keane, of Belmont, co. Cork, bart. 7. Jean-Helen, m., on the same day, John Grove, M.D , 2d son of Thomas Grove, of Fen, co. Wilts, esq. 8. Henrietta-Sophia, m., 31 Aug. 1819, James Montresson Standen, esq. 9. Eleanor-Caroline. 10. Mary-Octavia, m., 7 July 1825, the rev. Henry Cookeran, of Beckenham, co. Kent. 11. Elizabeth-Amelia, d. unm., 23 Feb. 1833. 12. Emma. 13. Louisa-Albina. 14. Georgiana-Harbiett. Sir William rf. 16 Feb. 1818, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLIAM, 2d bart., president of the select committee in China, d. there, unm., 23 Dec. 1827, and was succeeded by his next brother, III. Sir JAMES -JOHN, m. Charlotte- Anne, da. of , and d. 5 June 1834, aet. 45, leaving issue, 1. Sir William-Augustus, present bart. 2. Charles ; .3. James. Anns— See Plate 38. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, azure, a bend, engrailed, between three cinquefoils (or frasers) argent; a canton girony of eight, or and sable: 2d and 3d, argent, three antique crowns, gules. Crest— Or\ a wreath of the colours, a buck's head, erased, gules. Siippoi-ters*— Two stags proper, armed and unguled, or, collared, azure, and pen- dent from each collar an inescocheon, gi- rony of eight, or and sable, each supporter resting one foot on an anchor, sable. Motto — Je suis prest. Seat — Udden's House, Dorset. NUGENT, of Waddesdon, co. Berks. 28 Nov. 1806. Sir GEORGE NUGENT, Baronet, G.C.B., D.C.L., a General in the Army, Colonel Cth Regiment of Foot, and Governor of St. Mawes, co. Cornwall, born 10 June 1757, married., at Belfast, 15 Nov. 1797, Maria, 7th da. of Cortland Skinner, esq., attorney-general, and speaker of the House of Assembly, of New Jersey, North America, by whom (who d. 24 Oct. 1834) he has issue, 1. GEORGE-EDIMUND, capt. in the grenadier guards, b. 12 Oct. 1802, m., 13 July 1830, Maria-Charlotte, da. of N. W. Ridley Colborne, esq., of West Harling, co. Norfolk; 2. Louisa-Elizabeth, b. in Jamaica, 8 Sept. 1803, to., 24 Nov. 1824, sir Thomas -Francis Freemantle, bart. ; 3. EdxMUnd-Robert, b. and d. Dec. 1807; 4. Maria-tEmilia, b. 17 Nov. 1809, ra., 31 July 1832, Rice Richard, 4th son of sir William Clayton, bart. ; 5. Charles- Edmund, b. 15 June 1811. Sir George is the reputed son of the hon. Edmund Nugent, lieut.-col. of the 1st regi- ment of foot-guards, (who d. unm. 7 May 1771.) only son of Robert, viscount Clare, afterwards earl Nugent, by his 2d wife, Anne, da. of James Craggs, esq., postmaster- general, sister and sole h. of the right hon. James Craggs, and relict of Robert Knight, of Gorfield Hall, co. Essex, esq. Arms — See Plate 38. Ermine, two bars, within a bordure, engrailed, gules; on a canton, of the last, a dagger erect. Crest — A cockatrice, wings elevated, vert, gorged with a plain collar, or, pendent therefrom an escocheon, gules, chargedwith a dagger, erect, proper, pomel and hilt, or. Sitpjmrters— Two cockatrices, wings ad- dorsed, co' larcd, or, thereto hanging a shield, gules, cli.irgc'd with a dagger, as in the can- ton, granted by royal warrant, 20 Feb. 1807. Seat — At Waddesdon, co. Berks. * Ratified and confirmed to the first bart. by patent from the Lion-ofRce, dated 3 Jan. IH07, by the lord lion king of arms, of Scot- land. THOMPSON.— SCOTT. 331 THOMPSON, of Hartsbourne, Manor-Place, co. Herts. 11 Dec. 1806. Sir THOMAS-RAIKES-TRIGGE THOMPSON, Baronet, horn 1 April 1804, Commander R.N., succeeded his father, sir Thomas-Boulden, 3 March 1828. I. Sir THOMAS-BOULDEN THOMP- SON, knt., bart., G.C.B., 6. 28 Feb. 1768; an admiral and treasurer of Greenwich Hos- pital ; was the son of captain Edward Thompson, R.N., by miss Sarah Boulden, of Kent, and grandson of Richard Thomp- son, of Hull. He entered the navy in 1778, and was made post in Nov. 17!K». In 1797 he was engaged under lord Nelson in the unsuccessful attack upon Teneriffe. At the Nile he commanded the Leander, 50 guns, which ship, it will be recollected, he was afterwards compelled to surrender (while still in a crippled condition from da- mages received in the battle of the Nile) to the superior force of the French 74, Le Ge- nereux. On his return to England after being exchanged, he was knighted, and re- ceived a pension of ^3(X» per annum ; and for his services at the battle of Copenhagen, received an additional pension, and was advanced to the baronetcy. He m., 25 Feb. 1799, Anne, eldest da. of Robert Raikes, of Gloucester, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Anne, b. 17 June 18(X). 2. Thomas-Boulden, d. young. 3. Sir Thomas-Raikes-Triggk, present bart. 4. Thomas-John, rf. in I8O7. 5. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 1810. 6. Mary. Sir Thomas d. 3 March 1828, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, H. Sir THOMAS-RAIKES-TRIGGE, 2d and present bart. ^;.;„^_See Plate 38. Per fess argent and sable, a fess embattled, counter-embattled between three falcons, jessed and belled, all within a bordure, engrailed and counter- changed ; in the chief point an anchor erect, azure, the cable proper. Crest— Out of a naval coronet, or; an arm embowed in armour, proper, garnished, or; the hand supporting a lance, erect, proper. SCOTT, of DuNiNALD, CO. Forfar, (heretofore SIBBALD, of Sillwood Park, co. Berks.) 13 Dec. 1806. Sir DAVID SCOTT, Baronet, born 25 July 1102, succeeded his uncle, sir James Sibbald, 17 Sept. 1819, agreeably to the limitation of the patent ; married, 28 March 1807, Caroline, da. of Benjamin Grindall, esq., of the Bengal Civil Service, and has issue, 1. JAMES-SIBBALD- DAVID ; 2. Moktague-David ; 3. Caroline-Louisa; 4. Char- lotte-Agnes-Maria ; 5. Ellen-Annette. This family is a vounger branch of the house of Scott, of Balweiry. Douglas, in his peerage, says there was at a very early period of Scottish history two families of Scott, that of Buccleuch, (from the heiress of which the duke of Buccleuch descends,) seated in the southern and western parts of the kingdom, and that of Balweiry, co. Fife. That their families were of distinct origin, Douglas assumes from the great difference of their armorial ensigns. Other Scottish genealogists assert that they de- scended from the same common ancestor, that the house of Balweiry is the eldest, and that Scott, of Buccleuch, a younger son, assumed at a very early period the arms of an heiress, whose lands he had inherited. The earliest ancestor to which the house of Scott, of Balweiry, is traced, is a Mi- chael Scott, who lived in the middle and latter end of the 12th century. His present representative is Scott of Ancrum, bart. of Nova Scotia. James Scott, a younger son of Scott, of Balweiry, settled, about the end of the 16th century, at Logic, near Montrose, co. An- gus, and left an only son. James, b. 1593, had six sons, on each of whom he settled a separate estate, viz, 1. James, who succeeded his father at Logie ; 2. Robert, of Benholme ; 3. Hercules, of Bro- therton; 4. Patrick, of Craig ; 5. John, of Commiston ; 6. David, of Hedderwick. Patrick Scott, of Craig, 4th son of James, was b. 1623, and d. 16W, leaving, be- sides other issue, a son and heir, Patrick, of Rossie, m. Margaret, da. of sir Archibald Hope, of Rankeilour, bart., and d. 1731, leaving issue, 1. Archibald, twice m. and d. 1770, leaving issue ; and 2. Robert, of Duninald, co. Forfar, b. 1705, 171. Anne, da. of George Middleton, of Seaton, co. Aberdeen, esq., and d. 1780, leaving, besides other issue, 1. Archibald, of Duninald, m. and left issue. 2. Robert. 3. George, d. s.p. 4. David. David, 4th son, m. Louisa, da. and eo-h. of William Delegard, esq., after-mentioned, and d. 5 Oct. 1805, leaving issue, 1. Sir David, present bart. 2. Diana, m. J. H. Stracey, esq., son of 332 SCOTT. sir Edward Stracey, bart. 3. Louisa, m. lieut.-col. Salmond, and d. 1805. 4. Amblia-Sibbald, d. unm. 9 May 1829. I. Sir JAMES SIBBALD, 1st bart., m. Eliza, eldest da. and co-h. of William De- legard, esq., sometime a member of the council at Bombay, wliich lady d. 12 April 18()9. Sir James was created a bart. as above, with remainder, on failure of issue male of his body, to tlie issue male of Da- vid Scott, of Duninald, esq., by Louisa, 2d da. and co-h. of the same William Dele- gard, esq. Sir James d. without issue, 17 Sept. 1819, and was succeeded, pursuant to the limitation of the patent, by the only son of the said David Scott, IL Sir DAVID SCOTT, present and 2d bart. Arnis—^ee Plate 38. Argent, a fess em- battled, counter-embattled, between three lions' heads, erased gules. Crest— A lion's head as in the arms. Motto — Spe vires augentur. Seat — At SiUwood House, Brighton, co. Sussex. SCOTT, (heretofore BATEMAN,) of Hartington-Hall, co. Derby. 15 Dec. 1806. Sir FRANCIS-EDWARD SCOTT, horn 25 Feb. 1824, inherited the title of Baronet, by virtue of the Hmitations in the patent granted to his maternal grandfather sir Hugh Bateman, who d. 28 Jan. 1824. This family appears to have been seated at Great Barr as early as the latter end of the l(Jth century. John Scott, of Great Barr, ancestor of the bart., m. Eleanor, da. of the rev. Thomas Jordan of Whitney, and d. 4 March 1755, leaving three das., 1. Eleanor, m. Ro- bert Croxall, of Shustock, co. Warwick, esq. ; 2. Frances, m. Miller Sadler, of Whit- acre, CO. Warwick, esq. ; 3. Elizabeth, m. Edmund Cradock, of Walsall, co. Stafford, esq. ; and a son and heir, William Scott, of Great Barr, esq., m., 27 Dec. 1744, Mary, da. of Thomas Witby, of Great Haywood, co. Stafford, esq., and rf. 1753, leaving issue by her (who survived him, and d. 1795) three das., Frances, in., 1790, William Blathway t, of Dyrham-Park, CO. Gloucester, esq. ; Jane, m., 17C&, John Addyes Hackett, of Moor Hall, co. War- wick, esq., and d. 177I ; Mart/, m., 9 Sept. 17t>8, Charles Armett, of Toft-House, co. Stafford, esq., andd. 1798; and one surviv- ing son, L Sir JOSEPH, b. 1752, created a bart. 30 April 1806, m., 1777, Margaret, da. and h. of Edward Whitby, of Street End, co. Staf- ford, esq., by whom (who d. 8 Oct. 1822) he had issue, 1. Sir Edward-Dolman, 2d bart. 2. William, in holy orders, rector of Aldridge, co. Stafford, b. 3 May 1795, m., 18 July 1818, Maria, .3d da. of the rev. Dr. Gabel, of Winchester College, and d. 3 Feb. 1829, leaving issue, I. William-Henry ; 2. Mary, d. 3. Frances; 4. Edward. 5. Lucy ; (5. Douglas. .3. A Da., d. utim. before her father. Sir Joseph d. 17 June 1828, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir EDWARD-DOLMAN, m., 20 Feb. 1815, Catherine-Julia, eldest da. of sir Hugh Bateman, bart., and has issue, sir Fiiancis- Edwaud, present bart., who inherited the dignity at his birth pursuant to the limita- tion of a patent granted to his maternal grandfather, sir Hugh Bateman, who d. 28 Jan. 1824. Family of Batkman. The family of Bateman, from which the late bart. descended, is of considerable an- tiquity m the county of Derby, and derived from Robert Bateman, of Hartingtori, in that county, who was living in the 15th century ; his grandson, Richard, was living 1561, and had 2 sons, Hugh, of Har- tington, who continued the line, and Ro- bert, who was chamberlain, and sometime representative in parliament for the city of London, and was an eminent merchant there. He founded and endowed the di- vinity lectureship of Ashbourne, co. Derby, and, dying 1645, bequeathed lands in the counties of Essex, Dorset, and Denbigh, amongst his 4 sons; viz. 1. Robert, styled of Rotterdam, in Holland; 2. sir Anthony Bateman, M.P. for the city of London, 1664 ; 3. sir William Bateman, knt. ; and 4. sir Th07nas Bateman, created a bart., 1664, and styled of How-Hall, co. Norfolk, from the lands which he had purchased in that county of sir Thomas Foote. The last three sons were aldermen of the city of London, and suffered considerable losses from the great fire in 1666, when the Duke of York, (amongst other efforts for the as- sistance of the public upon that melancholy occasion,) exerted himself much to save sir Thomas Bateman's house, in Coleman- street, from the flames. Sir Thomas d., leaving no issue. Robert Bateman, grantl- son of the above-named Hugh, m. Anne, 3d da. of sir William Thorold, then of Mars- ton, CO. Lincoln: he was grandfather of Hugh Bateman, of Derby, and of Harting- ton-Hall, esq., who m. Elizabeth, 2d da. of William Sacheverell, of Morley, co. Derby, and of Barton, co. Nottingham, esq., and representative in several parliaments, co. Derby ; and his brother, Robert Bateman, was first doctor of i)hysic in the university of Cambridge, and afterwards rector of St. Columb, CO. Cornwall, and deceasing left two das. Richard Bateman, eldest son of the last-named Hugh, m. Catharine, sister of William Fitzherbert, of Tissington, co. Derby, esq., (father of Alleyne Fitzher- bert, lord St. Helen's ; vide Deln-ett's Peerage of thf I'liitrd Kingdom;) and left issue, 1. sir llr(;ii, 1st bart. ; and 2. Richard Bate- man, barn,stcr-at-law, b. 13 March 1757, d. 29 March 1821. I. Sir HUGH, eldest son, was created a bart. as above, with remainder, on failure of issue male of his body, to the heirs male JONES-BRYDGES.— BURRARD. 333 of the bodies of his daughters : 6. 21 March 1756, m., 4 Feb. 1786, temperance, da. of John Gisbome, of Derby, and of Yoxall Lodge, CO. Stafford, esq., and had issue a son, Richard-Sacheverell, b. 1788, d. 17 June 1794, and two das. ; 1. Catherine-Juliana, b. 10 Nov. 1796, m., 1 April 1815, sir Edward-Dolman Scott, bart., and has issue a son. Sir Francis-Edward Scott, present bart., b. 25 Feb. 1824. 2. Amelia-Anne, 6. 28 Sept. 1798, m., 24 Dec. 1814, sir Alexander Hood, bart. Sir Hugh d. 28 Jan. 1824, and his title. pursuant to the above-recited limitation, is mherited bv his grandson, II. Sir FRANCIS-EDWARD SCOTT, present and second bart. Arms — of Bateman— See Plate 39. Or, three crescents, with an estoile of six points, above each crescent, gules, a canton, (for difference) azure. For the arms of Scott, see Scott, of Great Barr, p. 327. Crest — A crescent and estoile above it, with six points, gules, between two eagles* wings, or. Motto — Sidit-s adsit amicum. Seat — Hartington Hall, co. Derby. JONES, (now JONES-BRYDGES,) of Boultibrook, co. Hereford. 9 Oct. 1807. Sir HARFORD JONES-BRYDGES, K.C., Baronet, born 12 Jan. 1764; took the surname of Brydges, in addition to, and after Jones, by- royal sign manual, 4 May 1826; sometime resident at Bagdad ; married, 16 Feb. 1796, Sarah, eldest da. of sir Henry Gott, of Newland-Park, co. Bucks, knt., and relict of Robert Whitcombe, esq., of the Whittern, co. Hereford, by whom he has issue, 1. Sahah-Laura, b. 19 Jan. 1797, m., 27 Nov. 1822, John-Lucy Scudamore, of Kent -church Court, co. Here- ford, esq.; 2. Sarah, b. 28 Jan. 1798, m.j 11 April 1833, George Bentham, esq., only son of late sir Samuel Bentham ; and 3. HAR- FORD-JAMES, i.'24 May 1808. James Jones, of Kington, co. Hereford, esq., great-grandfather of the bart., was a colonel in the army, and sometime governor of Antigua, »t, Mary, da. and h. of Brid- stock Harford, esq., M.P. for Hereford, and d. 1713, leaving issue by her, (who m., 2dly, Edward Broughton, M.D., and d. 1755,) a son and heir, Harford Jones, of the Whittern, co. Hereford, esq., b. 17116, ?h. Elizabeth, da. of William Bridges, of Old Colwall, co. Here- ford, esq., and d. Nov. 1744, leaving issue by her, (whorf. 1760,) 1. Harford. 2. Mary, m. Edward Chinn, of the Moat in Newent, co. Gloucester, esq. 3. Elizabeth, m. rev. William Whit- combe, prebendary of Lincoln. 4. Catherine, ;n. John Maurice, of Worcester, esq. 5. Margaret, d. nnm^ Harford Jones, of Presteign, co. Rad- nor, only son of Harford, above named, was high sheriff of that county, m. Wi- nifred, da. of Richard Hooper, of the Whittern, co. Hereford, esq., and d. March 1798, having had issue by her (who survived him) one da., Elizabeth, b. 1766, who d. unm. I79"2, and one son, I. Sir HARFORD, created a bart. 9 Oct. 1807. Arms— See Plate 39. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, argent, a chief, gules, over all a bend engrailed, sable, charged on the chief point with a chaplet, or, Brydges ; 2d and 3d, argent, a chevron, between three crows, sable ; in chief, the star of the order of the crescent, on a chief of augmentation, vert, a lion couehant in front of the sun in splen- dour, proper, being the royal arms of Persia, granted to sir Harford, by Fateh All Shah, king of Persia, and confirmed by royal warrant, 1810, Jones. Crests — 1st, two wings addorsed, argent, charged with a bend, engrailed, sable, Brydges; 2d, on a cushion, gules, gar- nishetl and tasselled, or, a representation of the royal crown of Persia, augmentation ; 3d, a crow, sable, resting the dexter claw on the star of the order of the crescent, Jones. Supporters — Dexter, a lion proper, gorged with an eastern crown, vert ; sinister, a wyvem, vert, gorged with an eastern crown, or ; granted by royal warrant 1810. Motto — Deus pascit corvos. Seat— At Boultibrook, Hereford. BURRARD, of Lymit^gton, co. Hants. 12 Nov. I8O7. Sir CHARLES BURRARD, Baronet, Post-Captain R.N., born 2 March 1793, succeeded his father, sir Harry, 18 Oct. 1813, m., at Naples, 334 STANHOPE. 8 April 1826, Louisa, 2d da. of sir Henry Lushington, bart., and has issue, I. Maria, b. 6 Oct. 1828; 2. Louisa-Fanny, b. 8 July 1830 ; 3. Laura, b. 13 Aug. 1832; 4. Emily, b. 10 Oct. 1833. Paul Burrard, of Lymington, co. Hants, esq., m., 17 Oct. 1704, Lucy, da. of sir William Button Colt, bart., and d. 1735, leaving issue, 1. Sir Harry, created a bart. 3 April 1769, with limitation to his brothers, Wil- liam and George, and their issue male, d. s.p.. 1791. 2. Paul, d. young. 3. William, of Lymington, whose son Harry succeeded his uncle, sir Harry, as bart., and has taken the name of Neale. (See Neale of Lymington, 1769.) 4. Paul, d. young. 5. George. 6. Mary, d. young. George Burrard, of Lymington, co. Hants, esq., 5th son oiPaul, b. 28 June 1718, m., 19 Aug. 1751, Madelaine, da. of John Durell, of Jersey, esq., and had issue, 1. Anne, b. 12 March 1753, m. Charles Bowles, esq., rf. 22 Jan. 1817- 2. Sir Harry, 1st bart. 3. Philip, of the Manor Place, Chelsea, CO. Middlesex, esq., b. 5 Aug. 1762. By his 1st wife he had, 1. PhiUp; and by his 2d, , da. of Naylor, of Canterbury, co. Kent, he had, 2. Naylor. I. Sir HARRY, eldest son, was created a bart. 12 Nov. 1807, lieut.-gen. in the army. lieut.-col. 1st foot-guards, b. 1 June 1755, m., 20 Feb. 1789, Hannah, da. of Harry Darby, of London, merchant, by whom (who d. 29 July 1833) he had issue, 1. Paul-Harry-Durell, b. 17 Feb. 1790, d. 21 Jan. 1809, of a wound he received at the battle of Corunna, as aide-de-camp to sir John Moore, K.B. 2. John Thomas, b. 4 March 1792, R.N., who was unfortunately drowned by the upsetting of a boat at Weymouth, 9 Oct. 1809. 3. Sir Charles, present bart. 4. William, b. 31 Dec. 1794, ensign 1st foot-guards, d. of wounds received in the assault on St. Sebastian, in Spain, in Aug. 1813. 5. Edward, b. 21 Nov. 1797, in the army. 6. Laura, b. 22 Feb. 1796, wun. 7. Frances-Hannah,6.24 Jan.1800, unm. Sir Harry d. 18 Oct. 1813, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir CHARLES, present bart. ^,.„i^— See Plate 39. Per fesse, embattled, gules and azure, a lion passant, erminois, between three stars, of six points, or ; on a canton, argent, a sword, erect, proper. Crest— Out of a mural crown, per pale, or and argent, an arm in bend, the hand grasp- ing a sword; about the arm, a wreath of laurel, all proper. Seat— At Olsden, co. Hants. STANHOPE, of Stanwell, co. Middlesex. 13 Nov. I8O7. Sir EDWYN-FRANCIS SCUDAMORE-STANHOPE, Baronet, born 15 Dec. 1793, succeeded his father, sir Edwyn, 20 Dec. 1814; took the surname and arms of Scudamore in addition to Stanhope, by royal sign manual, 17 Jan. 1827, being eldest co-heir and representative of the ancient and noble family of Scudamore, the greater part of whose ancient inheritance devolved upon him by the death of Frances, duchess of Norfolk ; married^ 20 Jan. 1820, Mary, da. of Thomas Dowell, of Parker's "S^'ell, CO. Devon, a major in the army, and has issue, 1. HENRY-EDM^YN- CHANDOS, b. 8 April 1821 ; 2. Chandos-Scudamore, b. 19 Jan. 1823; .3. Berkeley-Lionel, b. 13 May 1824; 4. Edwyn- Francis-Brydges, b. 6 March 1826; 5. Williabi-Pitt, b. 28 May 1827; 6. Anne-Eliza, b. 28 Jan. 1829, d. 8 Feb. 1830 ; 7- Ar- thur-Chesterfield, b. 18 March 1833. This is a younger branch of the Stan- hopes, earls of Chesterfield. Arthur Stan- hope, 11th son, (but 2d from whom there was any surviving issue,) of the 1st earl of Chesterfield, was father of Charles Stan- hope, who had, besides other issue, Mi- chael, D.D., grandfather of the 6th earl, and Charles Stanhoi'R, 4th son, (but 2d from whom there is any male issue,) m. Ce- cilia, da. of Dutton Stede, of Stede Hill, CO. Kent, esq., and d. 1759, leaving an only son, Edwyn-Francis, equerry to queen Char- lotte, m. Catherine, eldest da. and co-h. of John, marquess of Caernarvon, eldest son of James, 1st duke of Chandos, and rf. 16 May 1807, having had issue by her (who rf. 12 Feb. 181(») one da., Elizabeth, b. 2 Aug. 1755, m. sir Hungerford Hoskyns, bart., and rf. 5 Feb. 1790 ; and one son, I. Sir HENRV-EDWYN, admiral of the blue, created a bart. 13 Nov. 18(»7; b.2l May 1754, m., 14 Aug. 1803, Peggy, da. of Francis Malbonc, of Newport, Rhode Is- land, in Nortli America, esq., and by her (who rf. 8 Aug. 18(19) had issue, 1. Sir Euu'yn-Francis, present bart. 2. Peggy, b. 6 June 1785, rf. unm. 5 Sept. 1812. BLOMEFIELD.- CAMPBELL. 335 3. Catherine, b. 5 July 1786. 4. Anna-Eliza, 6. 22 April 1789, d. unm. 9 June 1819. 5. Caroline, b. 4 May 1791, d. 22 July \m). Sir Henry d. 20 Dec. 1814, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir EDWYN- FRANCIS, present bart, Arma—See Plate 39. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, quarterly ermine and gules. Stan- hope ; 2d and 3d, gules, three stirrups with leathers or, Scudamore. Crests ■ — 1st, a demi-lion, or, ducally crowned gules, issuant out of a castle azure, and holding a fire-ball. Stanhope ; 2d, out of a ducal coronet, or, a bear's paw erect sable, Scudamore, Seats — Stanwell House, co. Middlesex, and Holme Lacy, co. Hereford. BLOMEFIELD, of Attleborough, co. Norfolk, and of Shooter's Hill, co. Kent. 14 Nov. 1807. Sir THOMAS-WILLIAM BLOMEFIELD, Baronet, succeeded his father, 24 Aug. 1822; born 24 March 1791 ; married, 11 Nov. 1819, Sa- lome, da. of the late Samuel Kekewich, of Peamore, co. Devon, esq., and has issue, 1. THOMAS-EARDLEY-WILMOT, b. 3 Aug. 1820 ; 2. William, b. 19 Feb. 1822, d. 14 April 1829 ; 3. Samuel-Ed- ward, b. 22 April 1823; 4. Johx, b. 27 Oct. 1824; 5. Robert- Allan, b. 22 March 1826; 6. Salome, b. 31 Aug. 1827. This family has been long seated, co. Norfolk. Francis Bloojifield, grand- father of the 1st bart., was of Attleborough, in that county, and left issue, by Elizabeth, his wife, da. of Joseph Sharpe, of Thetford, in the same county, esq., The rev Thomas Blomefield, A.M., rector of Hartley and Chalk, both co. Kent, patron of the former, and chaplain to his grace the duke of Dorset; he m., 1st, Eli- zabeth, da. of James Hales, of Chatham, CO. Kent, esq., who d. without issue ; and 2dly, Mary, da. of John Mathews, and widow of William Branch, esq., by whom he had issue a da., Aime, who d. unm. 20 June 1833, ast. 82, and I. Sir THOMAS, a major-gen., entered the army at the early age of 14, and after numerous other services, commanded the artillery at the capture of Copenhagen, 1807, on his return from which expedition, he was rewarded with the title of bart., 6. 16 June 1744, m., 27 July 1788, Elizabeth, 2d da. of the right hon. sir John-Eardley Wilmot, knt., chief-justice of the Common Pleas, by whom (who survived him, and d. 21 Aug. 1826, aged 81) he had issue. Sir Thomas-William, present bart. He d. 24 Aug. 1822, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir THOMAS -W^ILLIAM, present bart. Anns — See Plate 39. Sable, on a chevron, argent, a branch of laurel between two bomb-shells, fired, proper, and in a canton, or, a spear-head, embrued, proper. O-es?— Issuant from a mural crown, ar- gent, a demi-heraldic tiger, azure, armed and tufted, or, collared, argent, and holding a sword, broken in the middle, proper. Seat—\.t Shooter's Hill, co. Kent. CAMPBELL, of Succoth, co. Dumbarton. 17 Sept. 1808. Sir ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, Baronet, born 1 Aug. 1769, sue ceeded his father, sir Hay, 1823. Sir Archibald was bred to the Scottish Bar, appointed a Lord of Session, 1809, when he assumed the title of Lord Succoth, and afterwards a I^ord of Justiciary, both Mhich situations he resigned in 1824; married, Aug. 1795, Elizabeth, eldest da. of John Balfour, of Balbirnie, co. Fife, and has issue, 1. ARCHIBALD, b. 19 June 1795, d. ; 2. John, b. 28 May 1798, m., 12 July 1824, Jane, da. of F. Sitwell, of Barmon Castle, esq., and has issue, Archibald, b. 16 May 1825 ; 3. George, b. 25 March 1800; 4. Susan, b. 13 Nov. 1801 ; 5. Elizabeth, b. 10 Aug. 1804, w., 21 June 1824, David, earl of Leven and Melville; 6. James, b. Oct. 1806; 7- Mary, b. 1807, d. ; 8. Catherine-Amelia, b. May 1810; 9. Andrew-Ramsay, 6. 2 Aug. 1813. 336 MONTGOMERY—JONES. Archibald Campbell, of Succoth, esq., »>?. Hellen Wallace, heiress of EUerslie, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Ilay, 1st bart. 2. William, d. in India. 3. John, reeeiver-gen. of the customs in North Britain, m. Elizabeth, da. of Alex- ander Houstoun, of Jordan Hill, co. Ren- frew, esq., and had issue, 1. Ilay ; 2. Elizabeth ; 3. Helen. 4. Lilias; 5. Susan. 4. James, a lieut.-col. in the East India Company's service. 5. 6. Two das. Archibald, d. 1790. I. Sir ILAY, D.C.L., president of the college of justice in Scotland, on which oc- casion he assumed the title of lord Succoth, created abart. 17 Sept. 1808, m., 1766, Susan- Mary, da. of Archibald Murray, of Cringally, esq., one of the commissioners of Edin- burgh, by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Archibald, present bart. 2. Jane, d. unm. 3. Margaret, m. John Connell, esq., procurator of the kirk of Scotland. 4. Anne, m. Francis Sitwell, of Barmoor Castle, CO. Northumberland, esq. 5. Susan, tn. Craufurd Tate, of Harrie- ston, CO. Clackmannan, esq. 6. Mary. 7. Elizabeth, ni. William Dalziel Colqu- houn, esq. Sir Ilay d. 28 March 1823, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir ARCHIBALD, present bart. Anns— See Plate 3!). Quarterly: 1st and 4th, gironny, of eight invecked, orand sable; 2d and 3d, azure, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure counter, compony, argent and azure. Crest— A camel's head, couped, proper. Seat — At Succoth, co. Dumbarton. MONTGOMERY, of the Hall, co. Donegal. 3 Oct. 1808. Sir HENRY-CONYNGHAM MONTGOMERY, Baronet, born 10 June 1803, succeeded his father, sir Henry-Conyngham, 21 Jan. 1830, married^ 3 March 1827, Miss Pigot, only da. of Major-General Pigot. Sir Henry is in the Civil Service of the East India Company at Madras, a senior Mer- chant, and Sub-Collector and Magistrate of Tanjore. The Montgomerys have been long settled in the north of Ireland, descended from various branches of the Eglintoun family, who have come over at different periods with the troops sent from the west of Scotland, to support the English interest in Ireland. The branch from which the present bart. is descended has been established co. Donegal for more than two centuries. Robert Montgomery, of Bonyglyn, co. Donegal, esq., left six sons, to the eldest of whom, James, he bequeathed the family estate, now in the possession of the rev. Alexander Montgomery. His second son was, Alexander Montgomery, of the Hall, CO. Donegal, esq., b. IJSJ; m., 19 Nov. 1762, Mary, only da. of James Allen, of Castle- Dobbs, CO. Antrim, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 1st bart. 2. James, of Sea- View, co. Donegal, b. 1 March 1771. m., 1 Jan. 1806, Jemima, da. of James Glasgow, of Aughadenvarn, co. Lei- trim, esq., by whom he has Convngham, b. 2 Jan. 1809 ; and Jemima, h. 23 Oct. 1807- .3. Martha, m., 1732, Anthony Coane, of Higginstown, co. Donegal, esq. 4. Anne, m. the rev. John Hawkins, son of the late bishop of Raphoe. I. Sir HENRY-CONYNGHAM, created a bart. as above, lieut. -colonel of cavalry, and inspecting-field-officer in the East India Company's service, b. 15 March 1765, m., at Calcutta, 21 June 1800, Sarah-Mercer, 3d da. of Lesley Grove, of Grove-Hall, co. Done- gal, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Henry-Conyngham, present bart. 2. Alexander-Leslie, 6. 15 March 18(>7. lieut. R.N. .3. Hugh, b. 13 March 1809, lieut. horse ar- tillery, at Madras. 4. Alfred. 5. Maria-Emily, m., 10 March 1830, Grantham-Munton Yorke, esq., youngest son of sir Joseph-S. Yorke, K.C.B. 6. Matilda; "]. Isabella-Eliza. Sir Henry Conyngham d. 21 Jan. 1830, and was succeeded bv his eldest son, IL Sir HENRY-CONYNGHAM, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 39. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, azure, three fleurs-de-lis, or ; 2d and 3d, gules, three rinj^s gold, gemmed azure ; on an escocheon ot pretence, argent, a sword in bend, surmounted by a tilting spear in bend sinister, proper; the whole within a border argent, charged with eight trefoils slipped, vert. Crest — On a chapeau a dexter arm in ar- mour, the hand grasping a tilting spear, broken and the point hanging down, all proper. Seat— The Hall, co. Donegal. JONES, of Stanley-Hall, co. Salop. 3 Oct. 1808. Sir THOMAS-JOHN-TYRM^HITT JONES, Baronet, born 12 July 1793, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 24 Nov. 1811, sometime M.P. for CORBET. 337 Bridgenorth ; married Elizabeth Walwyn, youngest da. of the late John Macnamara, of the Island of St. Christopher, esq., and has issue, 1. a SON, i. April 1824 ; 2. a Son, b. 16 Oct. 1825. This family descends in a direct male line from sir Hercules Tyrwhitt, who was living anno 1(K37. The elder branch settled at an early period at Kettleby, co. Lincoln, where it continued till the latter end of the 17th century, and ended in Francis Tyrwhitt, of Kettleby, <2(>th in de- scent from sir Hercules,) who rf. I(j73, leaving an only da., Catharine, nu sir Henry Hun- loke, bart. The immediate ancestor of this branch of the family was Marma'duke Tyrwhitt, of Scotter, co. Lincoln, esq., a younger son of sir William Tyrwhitt, of Kettleby, 15th in descent from sir Hercules. He m. Eleanor, da. of sir Lionel Reresby, of Thriberg, co. York, and d. 1599, leaving a son and heir, Robert, of Cameringham, co. Lincoln, nu Anne, da. of Edward Bassett, of Fled- borough, Notts, and d, 1626, leaving a son and heir, Marmaduke, rf. 1637> and was succeeded by his son and heir, Cecil, m. Anne Townshend, and rf. 1694, leaving issue, Robert, m. Ellen, sister of Thomas Lister, of Coleby, co. Lincoln, and d. 1703, leaving issue, Robert, D.D., residentiary of St. Paul's, canon of Windsor, and rector of Kensing- ton, andof St. James's, Westminster, b. 1()98, m. Elizabeth, da. of Edmund Gibson, D.D., bishop of London, and d. 1742, leaving issue, 1. Thomas, d. unm. 17}{fa". 2. Edmund, in holy orders, prebendary of .St. Paul's, m. Margaret, da. of Th(;mas Gilbert, esq., and niece of John Gilbert, archbishop of York, and had issue, \. Sir Thomas, knt., D.C.L.and K.S.A., gentleman usher of the black rod, &c., d. at Calais, 24 Feb, I«33, a?t. 71, 2. Edmund, d, unm., 182G, 3. Robert, in holy orders, of Jesus Col- lege, Cambridge, rf. 1817. 4. William, d. unm. 5. John. 6. Margaret, d. unm. John, (5th son of dr, Robert,) was of Ne- therday- House, co, Somerset, m. Catherine, only child and h. of Peniston I3ooth, D.D., viscountess ConTiTt.T ioxWie,) 1. Sir Vincent, 2d bart., m. Elizabeth, da. of Francis Thomas, and d. 1680, leaving an only son, sir Vincent, 3d bart., who d. 1688, aged 19, when the baronetcy became extinct. 2. Richard. Richard, 2d son of sir Vincent, 1st bart., was first of Shrewsbury, but surviving his great-nephew, sir Vincent, 3d bart., suc- ceeded him at Moreton Corbet; m. Grace, da. of sir William Noel, of Kirkby Malory, CO. Leicester, and d. 1690, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1687,) a son and heir, Richard, of Moreton Corbet, and of Shawbury, co. Salop, m. Judith, da. of sir John Bridgman, of Castle Bromwich, bart., and d. 1718, leaving a son and heir. Andrew, of Moreton Corbet, m. Frances, da. of William Prynce, of Shawbury, and d. 1757, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1760,) 1. Andrew, of Shawbury Park, b. 1720, d. unm. April 1796. 2. Elizabeth, b. 1722, m. Rev. Wash- ington Cotes, dean of Lismore, and d. May 1790. 3. Judith ; 4. Charlotte, both d. tmm. 5. Catherine, m. rev. William Clarke, rector of Moreton Corbet, and vicar of Stanton, and d. 1800. 6. Richard-Prynce. Richard-Prynce Corbet, 2d son of Andrew, m. Mary, da. andh. of John Wick- stead, of Wem, CO. Salop, esq., and d. 30 Jan. 1799, leaving issue, 1. Sir Andrew. 2. Mary, 6. Oct. 1764, m., Aug. 1793,^ Moreton-Aglionby Slaney, of Sheffnall, ctC Salop, esq. L Sir ANDREW, only son of Richard- Prynce Corbet, was created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 30. Or, a raven, sable. Crest — An elephant and castle, proper. Motto — Deus pascit corvos. Se«?s— Moreton-Corbet, co. Salop; and Linslade, co. Bucks. WOOD, of Gat TON, co. Surrey. 3 Oct. 1808. Sir MARK WOOD, Baronet, born 14 Dec. 1794, succeeded his father, sir I\Iark, 1st bart., 6 Feb. 1829; married, 18 June 1833, Elizabeth, eldest da. of William Newton, esq. Alexander Wood, of Perth, co. Fife, esq., a lineal descendant from the Woods of Largo, d. 1778, leaving issue, 1. Sir Mark, 1st bart. 2. Sir George, K.C.B., of Ottershaw Park, CO. Surrey, major-gen. in the East India Company's service, d. 1824. 3. Rear-admiral sir James-Atholl, knt., C.B., b. 1755, entered at an early age into the R.N. ; in Dec. 1806 he was appointed to assist in the expedition destined against Curafoa, which surrendered to the British arms in Jan. I8O7 : he was second in com- mand on this gallant enterprize; for his spirited conduct in which he received a gold medal and the honour of knighthood, d. July 1829, aet. 74. 4. Andrew, who entered into the R.N. at the same time with his brother, sir James, and went to India some time subsequent to the peace in 1783. At the period when a war was expected with Spain, he was sent, by order of government, in the command, as a lieutenant, of a small vessel, to the Straits of Sunda, for the purpose of in- forming thirty rich East India ships of the circumstance. Unfortunately his ship was wrecked at the entrance of the Straits, and with difficulty he and his crew escaped to the shore: impressed, however, with a strong sense of the importance of his mis- sion, he took an open boat, and, in defiance of the elements and of the Malays, (who murdered more than half of his crew,) he cruised in the Straits during three months, and succeeded in giving the necessary in- formation to twenty-nine sail out of the thirty. Approving highly of his diligence and intrepidity, marquess Cornwallis, sir Archibald Campbell, and sir William Mea- dows, K.B., concurred in recommending him for promotion. Anxious to reach Eng- land, Mr. Wood bought a boat of less than five tons, had her decked, and, with three lascars on board, embarked for the Cape of Good Hope, where he safely arrived after a passage of sixty-three days. Not finding any ship at the Cape that was proceeding to England, conceiving the most perilous part of his voyage to be over, he again embarked in his small boat with three foreign seamen ; but, to the deep regret of all who knew him, he has never since been heard of. 5. Thomas, who d. at Madras, leaving an only da., Ann-Elizabeth, m. at Berne, 23 Sept. 1829, the rev. Horatio Montagu. I. Sir MARK, the eldest son, was creat- ed a bart. as above, m., 17 May I786, Ra- chel, da. of Robert Dashwood, esq,, and by her (who d. June 1802) had issue, 1. Alexander, cornet 11th dragoons, b. 16 March 1790, d. Oct. 1805. 2. Sir Mark, present bart. 3. Eliza-Georgiana, b. Nov. 1787. 4. Rachel, m., 13 June 1816, William- Joseph Lockwood, of Dews Hall, Essex, esq. Sir Mark d. 6 Feb. 1829, and was succeed- ed by his onlv surviving son, 11. Sir MARK, present and 2d bart. Ar)m—See Plate 39. Argent, a tree era- dicated and erect, proper. Crest— On waves of the sea, a ship in full sail, proper. Supporters— On either side, a sailor ha- bited, proper. Motto — Tnttis in undis. Ser/As— Gatton Park, co. Surrey; Llan- thony-Abbey, and Penyeoyd Castle, co. Monmouth. GRAHAM.— SITWELL. 339 GRAHAM, of KiRKSTALL, CO. York, and Edmond Castle, CO. Cumberland. 3 Oct. 1808. SirSANDFORD GRAHAM, Baronet, F.S.A. ; horn 10 March 1788, succeeded his father, sir James, late bart., 21 March 1825; married^ 11 May 1819, Caroline, 3d da. of John Langston, of Sarsden House, co. Ox- ford, esq., and had issue, of whom, James, d. 15 July 1828; William -Hekry, 2d son, d. 1833, aet. 8; a SON, b. 6 March 1834. Thomas Graham, of Edmond Castle, CO. Cumberland, esq., m. Margaret, da. of Thomas Coulthard, of Scot by, esq., and by her (who d. 13 July 181(3, aged 91) had issue, 1. Thomas, of Lincoln's Inn, b. 1751, m. Elizabeth-Susannah, da. of John Daven- port, of Clapham, co. Surrey, and has issue, I. Thomas, b. 17!»3; 2. John; 3. Elizabeth- Maria; 4. Emily; 5. Harriett; 6. Anne. 2. Sir James, 1st bart. 3. Will/am. 4. Mary, m. Richard Graham, of Stone- house, esq. 5. Elizabeth; 6. Margaret. I. Sir JAMES, 2d son, created a bart. as above, was recorder of Appleby, and M.P. for Carlisle; b. 18 Nov. 17.53, m., 17 June 1781, Anne, only da. of the rev. Thomas Moore, of Kirkstall, and h. of her brother, major Thomas Moore, and by her (who d. 28 Aug. 1821) had issue, 1. James, d. an infant. 2. Margaret-Frances, d. young. 3. Thomas, d. 29 March 1807. 4. Sir Sandford, 2d bart. 5. Anne, m., 23 June 1812, lieut.-col. sir Adolphus-John Dalrymple, bart. 6. Margaret. Sir James rf. 21 March 1825, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir SANDFORD, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 40. Per pale, indented, erminois and sable; on a chief, per pale, sable and or, three escallop shells, counter- changed. Crest— T-vio arms embowed, in armour, issuing out of a tower, and holding an escallop shell. Seats— M Kirkstall, co. York; and Ed- mond Castle, CO. Cumberland. SITWELL, of Reinshaw, co. Derby. 3 Oct. 1808. Sir GEORGE SITWELL, Baronet, horn 20 April 1797, succeeded his father, sir Sitwell, 14 July 1814; married, 1 June 1818, Susan-Murray, eldest da. of Crawfurd Tait, of Harvieston, co. Clackmannan, esq., and has issue, 1. Susan -Alice, h. 2 April 1819; 2. SITWELL RERESBY, b. 6 Oct. 1820; 3. Mary-Elizabeth-Anne, b. 24 Jan. 1822; 4. Georgiana-Caroline, b. 30 Aug. 1823; 5. Char- lotte-Lucy-Hurt, b. 11 Dec. 1826; 6. a Son, b. 7 July 1828; 7. a Son, b. 6 April 1831. Jonathan Hurt, of Sheffield, co. York, esq., m. Catherine, da. of William Sitwell, of the same place, gent., andd. 1732, leaving issue by her a son and heir, Francis Hurt, who inherited the estates of his maternal uncle, William Sitwell, of Reinshaw, near Chesterfield, co. Derby, esq., and, in compliance with his will, took by royal license the surname and arms of Sitwell; m. Mary, da. of the rev. dr. Warnford, of York, and by her (who d. 13 July 1792) had issue, 1. Sir Sitwell, 1st bart. 2. Francis, of Barmoor Castle, co. Nor- thumberland, esq., m. Anne, 2d da. of sir Hay Campbell, of Succoth, bart., and d. 19 Feb. 1813, having had issue, 1. Francis, b. 1798; 2. William-Denzill, b. 1803; 3. Su- san-Anne; 4. Mary- Amelia; 5. Anne- Jane. 3. Hurt, of Turney Hall, co. Salop, m. Anne, da. of Simon-Francis Hardy, of Huntingdon, esq., and d. in Portugal, leav- ing one son, Hurt, m. Harriett, 3d da. of sir Joseph Hoare, which lady d. 8 Oct. 1827. 4. Mary, m., 1790, sir William Wake, bart., and d. 1791. Francis Hurt d. 16 Aug. 1793. I. Sir SITWELL, eldest son, was created a bart. as above, m., 1st, Alice, da. of Thomas Parkes, of Hughfield House, near Liverpool, esq., and by her (who d. May 1797) had issue, 1. Mary-Alice, b. 10 July 1790, m., 22 Aug. 1815, Charles Wake, esq., eldest son of sir William Wake, bart., and d. 3 Sept. 1816. 2. Anne-Elizabeth, b. 15 July 1793, m., 4 Oct. 1815, col. sir Frederick Stovin, K.C.B. 3. Sir George, 2d bart. Sir Sitwell w., 2dly, Sarah-Caroline, young- est da. of James Stovin, of Whitgift Hall, CO. York, esq., and by her (who m., 2dly, 19 Aug. 1821, John-Smith Wright, esq., of Bulcote, CO. Nottingham) had issue, 4. Caroline, d. an infant. Sir Sitwell d. 14 July 1814, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II. Sir GEORGE, present bart. Arms— See Plate 40. Barry of eight, or and vert ; three lions rampant, sable. Crest — A demi-lion rampant, sable, hold- ing between his paws an escutcheon, per pale, or and vert. Seat — At Reinshaw, co. Derby. q2 340 MEDLYCOTT.— PEERING. MEDLYCOTT, of Venn House, co. Somerset. 3 Oct. 1808. Sir WILLIAM-COLES MEDLYCOTT, Baronet, 5om 22 Oct. 1767; married^ 28 Jan. 1796, Elizabeth, only da. of William Tugwell, of Brad- ford, CO. Wilts, esq., and has issne, 1. Elizabeth, c?. 15 May 1805 ; . 2. Thomas, d. 25 Jan. 1798; 3. WILLIAM-COLES, b. 31 July 1806, w., 16 March 1830, Sarah- Jeffery Bradford, only da. of the rev. E. Bradford, rector of Stalbridge, Dorset, and has issne, 1. a Son^ b. 6 June 1831 ; 2. a Da.^ b. 24 Jan. 1834 ; 4. Mary-Hutchings, b. 23 Aug. 1804. law. 2. Sir WiLLTAM-CoLES, present bart. 3. Thomas-Meryvyn, an officer in the Inniskillen regt. of dragoons, 6. 1774, d. 4 July 1793. I. Sir WILLIAM-COLES, created a bart. cs ab(jv e. Arms — See Plate 40. Quarterly, per fess, indented, gules and azure, three lions ram- pant, two and one, argent. Crest— Out of a mural crown, gules, a demieagle, with wings elevated, or. Seat — Venn House, Milborne Port, co, Somerset. Thomas Hutchings, esq., son of John Hutchings, of Sherborne, co. Dorset, esq., (by Elizabeth, eldest da. and only child who left surviving issue of James Medlycott, of St. Clement Danes, co. Middlesex, esq.,) assumed the name and arms of Medli/cott, in compliance with the will of his uncle, Thomas Medlycott, of Venn House, esq., 1 Jan. 17(«; m. Jane, only child of William Coles, of Salisbury, co. Wilts, esq., (by Jane, eldest da. of Peter Walter, of Stal- bridge, co. Dorset, esq.,) and had issue, 1, Jane-Paget, m., 22 May 1794, Philip Ainslie, of Lincoln's Inn, esq., barrister-at- PERRING, of Membland, co. Devon. 3 Oct. 1808. Sir JOHN PEERING, Baronet, F.S.A., born 25 Sept. 1794, succeeded his father, sir John, 30 Jan. 1831, and is unmarried. This family has been seated for several generations at Modbury, co. Devon. Philip Peering, of Modbury, d. 23 April 171(), leaving issue, Philip, of Modbury, m, Susanna, da. of Pascoe Legassick, esq., and d. 3 June 1771. having had issue by her, (who d. 19 Aug. 1786,) i. Richard, d. 24 Feb. 1790. 2. Philip, father of the 1st bart. 3. Thomas, of London, merchant, m. Elizabeth Pawling, and d. 1791, having had issue, 1. Richard, who d. young in India. 2. Elizabeth, m. John Bulteel, of Fleet and Lineham, co. Devon, esq. 4. Peter, of Membland, co. Devon, sometime senior merchant, and one of the council at Madras, m. Lucinda, da. of the rev. Henry Manning, rector of Stocken- teignhead, CO. Devon, and d. 11 Dec. 1/9(3. 5. John, of Combe Flory, co. Somerset, sometime a judge of one of the circuits in Bengal, m. Charlotte, da. of the rev. Tho- mas Manning, vicar of Kensington, and had issue, 1. Peter, of Combe Flory. 2. 3. 4. .'j. Four das. 6. Alice, m. the rev. Richard Slecman, vicar of Tavistock. 7. Sarah, d. mmi. 27 June 17(54. Philip Perring, 2d son of Philip above named, (and heir of his brother Peter,) m. his 1st cousin, Susannah, da. of Richard Legpssick, esq., and d. 7 July 1797» leaving issue by her, (who d. 7 June 1825,) 1. Sir John, created a bart. 2. Richard, of Modbury. 3. Charles, d. 2fi April 1C25. 4. Philip, m. Sarah, only child of The- mas Jackson, of Camberwell, co. Surrey, esq., and has issue, 1. Jackson, master in Equity, and 2d Fiscal of Ceylon. 2. Emma, d. 21 June 1829. 3. Charles, in holy orders. 4. Claude, of the Inner Temple. .5. Ellen; (i. Blanche. 5. Peter, in holy orders, rector of North Huish, CO. Devon. C. Sarah, m. Richard Swift, esq., and d. 1013. 7. Susannah, d. iinm. 27 March 1834. L Sir JOHN, eldest son, a banker and ahk'rman of London, lord mayor in 1803, >»., Elizabeth, da. of John Cowell, of Strat- ford, CO. Essex, esq., by whom (who d. 13 Dec. 1811) he had issue, 1. Sir John, 2d bart. 2. Philip, in holy orders, rector of North Huish, CO. Devon, b. 15 Jan. 1797, m., 31 March 1825, Franccs-Mary, only da. of Henry Roe, of Gnaton, co. Devon, esq., and has issue, 1. John; 2. Philip. 3. Frances; 4. Susan. 3. Elizabeth, m., 19 July 1822, rev. John-George Storie, vicar of Camberwell, CO. Surrey. 4. Jane ; 5. Laura. Sir John d. 30 Jan. 1831, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN, present and 2d bart. Arms~^ce Plate 40. Ermine, on a chev- ron, azure, between three pine-apples, slip- ped, proper, as many leopards' faces, or ; on PIGOTT.— OUSELEY. 341 a canton, gules, a sword, and key in sal- I front of a sword, and key in saltire. tire. I Sea^— Membland House, co. Devon. Crest — A pine-apple, slipped, proper, in PIGOTT, of Knapton, Queen's County. 3 Oct. 1008. Sir GEORGE PIGOTT, Baronet, born 1764; married, 15 Feb. 1794, Annabella, da. of the right hou. Thomas Kelly, of Kellyville, Queen's County, esq., (late one of the judges of the court of Common Pleas in Ire- land,) and has issue, 1. TH03IAS, 6. 12 Oct. 179G, capt. royal horse- guards, rn., 24 Oct. 1831, Georgina-Anne, da. of William Brummell, of Wpanhoe, co. Essex, esq.; 2. George-Francis, b. 8 Sept. 1800; 3. William, b. 29 Oct. 1004, m., 23 June 1827, Harriett, sole da. and h. of the late gen. Christopher Jeaffreson, of Dullingham House, co. Cambridge, (by Honnetta, viscountess dowager Gormauston,) and uterine sister of the present viscount Gormanston ; 4. Wellesley-Pole, b. 30 March 1808; 5. Frances; 6. Annabella; 7. Jane; 8. Charlotte; 9. Salisbury. George Pigott, of Chetwynd, co. Cork, m. Jane, da. of John Warburton, of Gar- rahinch, Queen's County, esq., and was father of Thomas Pigott, of Knapton, in the above-named county, esq., b. 13 Oct. 1734. This gentleman entered the British army 3. Alexander, barrister-at-law in Ire- land, m. Ellen, da. of Carey Williams, esq. 4. THOi\rAS, in holy orders. Mi., 30 July 1813, Mary, eldest da. of Richard Croasdale, of Ryon, Queen's County, esq. L Sir GEORGE, eldest son, was created a bart. as above. in which he attained the rank of major- j Arms— See Plate 40. Ermine, three lo- gen.; he of. 13 Oct. 1703, having m., 13 Sept. ] zenges conjoined in fesse, sable, a crescent 1763, Priscilla, da. of John Carden, of Les- i for difference. more, in Queen's County, esq., and had is- ' Crest— \ wolPs head erased, proper, gorg- sue, ed with a plain collar, or, thereon a crescent 1. Sir George, present bart. for difference. 2. William, an officer 7th regt. of foot, d. I Seat—\t Knapton, in Queen's County, without issue. I Ireland. OUSELEY, of Claramont, co. Herts. 3 Oct. 1808. Right Hon. Sir GORE OUSELEY, Bart., F.R. and A.S., Knight of the Russian Order of St. Alexander Newski, Knight of the Sun and Lion of Persia of the first class, and a Privy Counsellor, born 24 June 1770 ; mar' Tied, 12 April 1806, Harriet- Georgiana, da. of John Whitelocke, esq., and has issue, 1. Mary-Jane, b. 20 March 1007; 2. Eliza-Shei- REEN, 6. at Sheras in Persia, 13 June 1011, d. 22 April 1012; 3. Wellesley-Abbas, b. at Tabriz in Persia, 4 Aug. 1813, d. 9 March 1824; 4. Alexandrine-Perceval, b. 24 Oct. 1814, at St. Peters- burgh, and is goddaughter to the late emperor Alexander and the empress dowager Marie, his mother, who held her at the font at the Winter Palace. (The ceremony of the baptism was performed 30 Nov. in the palace of the empress dowager of all the Russias, who was one of the sponsors.) 5. Frewerick-Arthur Gore, b. 12 Aug. 1025, whose sponsors were H.R.H. the late duke of York, and the duke of Wellington. Sir Gore was (10 March 1010) appointed ambassador extraordinary and minister pleni- potentiary at the court of his majesty the king of Persia, and subsequently to that of St. Petersburgh. From the Shah of Persia he received the Order of the Lion and Sun, and a grant of Supporters; and from the emperor of Russia, in conseipience of his successful mediation of peace between Russia and Persia, 1819, the Order of St. Alexander Newski in diamonds. The family of Onselet/ is of considerable I elder line, seem to have fixed themselves in antiquity, and was formerly divided into Shropshire; and to have intermarried with many branches. The principal stock, or | several ancient houses, as the Brays, Con- 342 HOOD. ways, Stqffbrds, Salisbicri/s. The immediate ancestor of the present branch was RiCHAND OusELEY, of Courtcn Hall, co. Northampton, which he had as a grant from the crown for fifty years' service, as appears by his will; m., 1st, Jane, da. of Arden, of Kent, and widow of sir Miles Partridge, knt., by whom he had no issue; and 2dly, Magdalen, da. of John Wake, (who was son of Richard, son of Roger Wake, of Ells- worth, called the Great Wake,) and d. 10 July 1580, having had issue by her four sons and five das., of whom, Sir John, eldest son, was knighted by king James I., 23 July 1(303: was a military man, and was sent ambassador, by the earl of Essex, (then commanding in Portugal,) to the emperor of Morocco : m. Martha, da. of Bartholomew Tate, of Delapre Abbey, CO. Northampton, esq., and had, besides other issue, a son and heir, Richard, who sold Courten Hall about 1650, m. Mary, da. of Mark Parker, of Ol- ney or Underwood, Bucks, and had, besides other issue, Richard, who d. s.p., and Jasper, who became heir of his father, m. Sarah Chambers, of Ireland, and had a son and heir, Jasper, b. IfidO, m. Dorothy, da. of the rev. James Johnstone, of North Britain, and d. 17l'5, leaving issue, William, of Dunmore Castle, co. Gal- way, b. 1(393, m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Morley, of Carmarthenshire, and had issue, 1. William, 6. 1727, ni. Priscilla, da. of William Gray, esq., and had a da., Eliza- beth, m. Robert Wills, esq. He nu, 2dly, 7 Feb. 1740, Margaret, da. of George Lee, of Yorkshire, esq., and by her had, among other issue, Ralph, 2d son, ?)i., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Henry Holland, of Limerick, and d. 18 Feb. 1803, leaving issue, 1. Sir William, LL.D., author of several learned oriental works, was knighted by the marquess Cornwallis, lord-lieut. of Ire- land, in Feb. IfiOO, and accompanied his brother, sir Gore, in his embassy to the court of Persia; m., 6 March 179(3, Juha- Frances, da. of the late lieut.-col. John Ir- ving, by Judith, sister of sir Paul Emilius Irving, bart., and has issue, 1. William-Gore, 6. 2(3 July 1797, some- time attache to the embassy to the United States. 2. Julia-Frances, b. 18 June 1799, m. John-Augustus Scott, esq., in the service of the East India Company. 3. John-Ralph, b. 12 May 1801. 4. Eliza-Martha-Maria, 6. 28 May 1803, m. John Bradford, esq., in the East India Company's service. 5. Amelia, 6. 5 Jan. 180fi. 6. Richard, b. 29 June 1809. 7. Frederick; 8. Henry-Chambers. 9. Cordelia-Magdalena; 10. Reginald. 2. Sir Gore, present bart. 3. Eliza, m. the rev. Robert Warren, and left issue. 4. Alice, tinm. Ralph Ouseley, esq., m., 2dly, •, da. of Collins, and had issue, 5. Joseph-Jasper, captain in the East India Company's service. 6. Jane. I.SirGORE,2dson,createdabart.asabove. Anns — See Plate 40. Or, a chevron, sable, between three holly-leaves, vert; a chief, of the second. Crest — A wolf's head, erased, sable, out of a ducal coronet, holding in his mouth bleeding hand, gules. Motto — Mors luiji agnis vita. Seat — Woolmers, Herts. HOOD. 13 April 1809. Sir ALEXANDER HOOD, Baronet, born 5 July 1793, succeeded his uncle, sir Samuel, 13 June 1815; married, 3 Aug. 1815, Amelia-Anne, youngest da. and co-h. of sir Hugh Bateman, bart., and has issue, 1. Samuel-Bateman-Periam, b. 24 Sept. 1816, d. 18 Feb. 1817; 2. Emily-Periam, b. 4 Feb. 1818; 3. ALEXANDER-BATEMAN- PERIAM, b. 20 April 1819 ; 4. Sophia-Mary, b. IG Nov. 1820; 5. Arthur-William-Acland, b. 14 July 1824; 6. a Da., b. 24 Aug. 1829. Alexander Hood, of Mosterton, co. Dorset, esq., (in which county the Hoods possessed considerable landed property at the period of the civil wars,) m. Elizabeth, da. of the rev. mr. Beach, and had issue, 1. Alexander, his heir. 2. Arthur, in holy orders, rf. unm. 3. Samuel, in holy orders, m. Mary, da. of Richard Hoskins, of Beaminster, co. Dorset, and had, besides other issue, 1. Samuel, created viscount Hood, G.C.B. &c. 2. Alexander, created viscount Brid- port, K.B., &c. 4. Elizabeth; .5. Hannah. Alexander Hood, eldest son, succeeded his father at Mosterton, and had issue two sons, Arthur, who sold the Mosterton estate, and rf. unm., and Samuel Hood, of Kingsland, co. Dorset, esq., nu Anne, da. of James Berne, of West- bury, CO. Wilts, esq., and had issue, 1. Arthur, lieut. H.M.S. Pomona, lost in a hurricane in the West Indies, 1776. 2. Alexander, capt. R.N., accompanied captain Cook in one of his voyages round the world, and after a long scries of services in the American and revolutionary war, was slain in the moment of victory, on board his ship the Mars, at the close of a hartUy contested action with the French shipl'Her- cule; HI. Elizabeth, da. of John Periam, of Butley Woottoh, co. Somerset, esq., and had issue by her, who survived him, 1. Sir Alexander, present bart. 2. John-Periam, b. 3 Feb., and d. 27 Marcli i7;h;. .i. Kliza))vth-Pcriam, b. 16 Jan. 1797. 3. Sir Sa.mikl, 1st bart. I. Sir SAMLIKL HOOD, 3d son, K.B. and K.F.M., was created a bart. as above. He entered the navy at the age of 14 under the protection of his father's 1st cousin, Sa- muel, viscount Hood, and passed through BAIRD. 343 the several subordinate grades to the rank of post captain. In 1794 he joined the Me- diterranean fleet, immediately after the eva- cuation of Toulon, and distmguished him- self at the reduction of Corsica, and block- ade of Toulon. In 1798 he took his full share of the glories of the 1st of August, and was next year actively employed in the recovery of Sicily and Naples from the French annies. For these services he re- ceived the orders of Maria Theresa, and St. Ferdinand and Merit. In 18(il he com- manded the Venerable, 74, at the battle of Algesiras; and IW2, was appointed a joint commissioner of the island of Trini- dad, in which capacity, on the recommence- ment of hostilities, he captured successively the enemy's islands and settlements of To- bago, St. Lucia, Demerara, Essequibo, Berbiee, and Surinam, In 1807 he served as commodore at the reduction of Copen- hagen, and afterwards, as rear-admiral of the blue, commanded the squadron which took possession of the island of Madeira. For this long series of services his late m.a- jesty was pleased to confer on him the order of the Bath, and 13 April 1809, to create him a baronet, with remainder, on failure of issue male of his own body, to his ne- phew, sir Alexander, present bart. Sir Sa- muel was also elected M.P. for Westminster, 18(»9. He /n. the hon. Mary-Frederica-Eli- zabeth Mackenzie, da. of Francis-Humber- stone, lord Seaforth, but by her had no issue. He rf. at Madras, 13 June 1815, and was succeeded, pursuant to the limitation of the patent, bv his nephew, II. Sir ALEXANDER, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 40. Azure, a frett, ar- gent ; on a chief, or, three crescents, sable. Crest — A Cornish chough, proper, in front of an anchor, or. Motto — Zealous. Seat — At Wootton, near Glastonbury, co. Somerset. BAIRD. 13 April 1809. Sir DAVID BAIRD, Baronet, succeeded his uncle, sir David, 18 Aug. 1829 ; married, 10 Aug. 1821, lady Anne Kennedy, da. of Archibald, Mar- quess of Ailsa, K.T., and has issue, three Sons, and three Das. This family is of considerable antiquity in Scotland, and the principle branch seated at Auchmedden, co. Banff. James Baird, a 2d son of Baird, of Auchmeddan, was a commissary of the Ec- clesiastical Court, temp. Car. I. It is said that a warrant was issued for creating him a Eeer,by the title of lord Doveran, but that e died before the patent passed. He had two sons, 1. sir John, a lord of session, by the title of lord Newbyth, whose son, sir William, was created a bart. of N. S. 1695, and left an only son, sir John, who d. s.p. 1746, having settled his estates on his 2d cousin, William Baird, immediate ancestor of the present bart. ; 2. sir Robert, of Laugh- ton Hall, CO. Midlothian, created a bart. of N. S. 1680, and had, besides other issue, sir James, his successor, ancestor of the barts. of Laughton Hall, and William, a merchant in Edinburgh, who was father of William Baird, esq., (heir, by settlement, of his 2d cousin, sir John Baird, of New- byth, bart.,) m. Alicia, 4th da. of John- stone, of Hiltown, CO. Berwick, esq., and by her had issue, 1. William, d. imm. 1769. 2. Robert, of Newbyth, on whom and his issue male the baronetcy is entailed, m. , da. of David Gavin, of Langton, by Elizabeth, sister of James Maitland, 7th earl of Lauderdale, and had issue, 1. Sir David, present bart. 2. William. 3. John, midshipman of the Glasgow, rf. a few days after the attack on Algiers, of a wound on the head, Sept. 1816. 4. James; 5. Elizabeth. 3. John. 4. James, d. unm. 5. Sir David, G.C.B. and K.C., 1st bart. 6. Joseph, major-gen. in the army, d. at the Cape of Good Hope, 4 April 1816, hav- ing m., 27 Feb. 1802, the hon. Esther-Char- lotte, eldest da. of William, lord Rivers- dale, (by Rose Bernard, eldest sister of Francis, earl of Bandon,) and has issue, 1. William, b, 5 Feb. 1803. 2. Charlotte, b. 4 June 1804. 3. Alicia ; 4. Esther. 5. Sidney; 6. David. 7. Mary, m., 2 Feb. 1770, John Erskine, of Dunnotar, esq., by whom she was mother of Margaret, marchioness of Ailsa. 8. Catherine, m., 30 Dec. 1776, James Rainie, esq. 9. Janet. 10. Alicia, m., 26 Sept. 1776, capt. An- drew Wauchope, of Niddery. 11. Sydney. 12. Susan, m. lieut.-col. H. Cerjat, and d. 30 April 1822. 13. Anne, m., 17 Jan. 1790, George Gor- don, of Halhead, esq. 14. Charlotte, m., 18 June 1782, George, lord Haddo, son of George, 3d earl of Aber- deen, and d. 8 Oct. 1795. I. Sir DAVID, 5th son, was created a bart. as above, (with remainder, in default of issue male, to his brother Robert, of Newbyth, co. East Lothian,) G.C.B. and K.C., a general in the army, and colonel 24th regiment of foot; m., 4 Aug. 1810, miss Preston Campbell, of Fernton and Locklane, co. Perth. Sir David having chosen the military profession at an early Eeriod, passed througn its gradations until e attained the rank of major-gen. 23 June 1798, being then lieut.-col. 71st foot : 2 Nov. 1805, he became a lieut.-gen. ; and in 1814 he attained the rank of a general. Sir David distinguished himself on several im- portant occasions. At the capture of Se- ringapatam he headed the storming party. As commander-in-chief he captured the Cape of Good Hope : his services in Egypt procured for him the order of the Bath, (18 Aug. 1804,) and the insignia of the order of the Crescent from the Ottoman Porte. At the bombardment of Copenhagen he was wounded in the shoulder and arm : and in the battle of Corunna he lost his arm im- mediatelv after the fall of sir John Moore, K.B. He d. without issue 18 Aug. 1829, and was succeeded, pursuant to the limitations of the patent, by his nephew, 344 SEYMOUR.— GEORGE. II, Sir DA VID, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 40. Gules, a boar pas- sant, or. Crest — A boar's head erased. Motto — Vi et virtute. Seat— Femton, co. Perth. SEYMOUR, of High Mount, co. Cork ; and of Friery Park, CO. Devon. 31 May 1809. Rev. Sir JOHN-HOBART SEYMOUR, Baronet, in holy orders, M.A., Prebendary of Lincoln and Gloucester, Vicar of Horley-cum-Horn- ton, Oxford, and Rector of North Church, Herts; ^>om 24 March 1800, succeeded his father, sir Michael, 9 Aug. 1834, married^ 12 April 1833, Elizabeth, eldest da. of rev. Thomas Culme, of Tothill, co. Devon. John Seymour, rector of Palace, co. Limerick, m. Grizzel, youngest da. and co-h, of William Hobart, of High Mount, CO. Cork, and had issue, 1. WlLLIAM-HOBABT, (l. 1797- 2. Sir Michael, 1st bart. 3. John, in holy orders, m., and had issue. 4. Frances, m. capt. Ormsby, of the Sligo militia, and d. 1805. 5. Richard, killed in March 1800, at the dose of the action between the Amazon frigate, capt. Parker (of which he was the 1st lieut.) and the Belle Puule, French frigate. I. Sir MICHAEL, 2d son, created a bart. as above, rear-admiral of the blue, K.C.B., and commander-in-chief of the South Ame- rican station, b. 8 Nov. 1768. He entered the R.N. 1780, and, in earl Howe's action, 1 June 1794, was junior lieut. of the Marl- borough, commanded by the hon. George Berkeley. In 1806, he was appointed to the command of the Amethyst frigate: this frigate had been cruizing off I'Orient 14 weeks, when, on the night of 10 Nov. 1808, the French frigate. La Thetis, was disco- vered, which, after a gallant resistance, was captured ; which action, for gallantry, skill, and courage, has never been ex- ceeded; and of which his Majesty was pleased to signify his approbation by pre- senting captain Seymour with a gold medal ; the committee of the patriotic fund at Lloyd's coffee-house voted him 100 guineas. The next instance of naval gallantry ex- hibited by captain Seymour, was the cap- ture of Le Nienien French frigate of 44 guns, on the Kith of April 1809; and in 1809 he was created a bart. of Great Britain, for his gallantry in capturing two of the enemy's frigates of suiierior force ; m. Jane, 3d da. of capt. James Hawker, R.N., and had issue, 1. Jane-Ward, b. 26 Oct. 1798. 2. Sir JoHN-HoBART, present bart. 3. James, b. 17 July 1801. 4. Michael, b. 5 Dec 1802, capt. R.N., m., 22 June 1829, Dorothea, eldest da. of sir William Knighton, bart. 5. Edward, commander R.N., b. 6 Oct. 1804. 6. Richard, b. 2 March 1806, in holy orders, rector of Kinwarton, co. Warwick, m., 30 Oct. 1834, Fiances, da, of Charles Smith, of Sutton, co. Essex, esq. 7. Frances-Anne, 6. 14 Aug. 1807. 8. Dorothea, 6. 4 Sept. 1809. 9. A Da. 10. Mary-Dora, m., 22 June 1830, Or- lando Gunning, esq., capt. R.N., 4th sou of the late sir George Gunning, bart. Anns — See Plate 40. Azure, a pair of wings conjoined in pale, surmounted of a naval crown, or ; on a canton, argent, an anchor, sable. Crest — On a naval crown, or, two brands in saltire, inflamed at the ends, proper, thereon an eagle rising, also proper, looking at a sun, or. Seats— At High Mount, co. Cork ; and Friery Park, co. Devon. GEORGE, of Park Place, co. INIiddlesex ; and St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. 18 Sept. 1809. Sir RUPERT-DENNIS GEORGE, Baronet, succeeded his father sir Rupert, 25 Jan. 1823; ^-or/i 9 Oct. 179(!. Sir Rupert is Secretary of the province. Receiver and Clerk of the Council in the province of Nova Scotia. Irish artillery, d. 1770, having m. , da. of Dawson, esq., by whom lie had, George, capt. royal artillery, d. imm. 2. Luke, in holy orders, rector of Kil- laney and Esscxford, both co. Louth, and also of Ballyadanis, yurcn's Clounty, b. in 174.5, d. 3Juncl8(M), having tu., 178,3, Do- rothea, da. of Maxwell, of Falkland, archdeacon of Clogher, by whom he had, Catherine, and four other das. ; and two sons, viz. Edward, d. an infant, and This family is of Irish extraction. JortiirA (iKoHciK, of Clophook, in the Queen's County, Irelaiul, d. l/.'iO ; m. , da. of Luke Dehuicy, of the same county, esq., and sister to the rev. the dean of Down, by whom he had, among other issue, Dknnis- George, of Clophook; his youngest son, b. 1718, in. Sarah, da. of Young, esq., by whom (who rf. 1783) he had issue, 1. Delanev, b. 1743, capt. in the royal IRVING.— ROBERTS. 346 Lucius, living 1809. 3. Sir Rupert, 1st bart. 4. Edward, in the law, d. 1/74. 5. Denxis, b. 21 Dec. 1752, sometime re- corder of Dublin, and afterwards a baron of the Exchequer in Ireland; m., about 1785, Dorah, da. of the rev. Edward Moore, of Moore's Fort, co. Monaghan, and had issue, 1. Edward, living in 18l»9. 2. Rupert, d. young. 3. William, d. young. 4. Dennis, living in 1809. 5. Ellen ; 6. Sarah. 7. Dorah, d. 29 May 1814. . Anne ; 4. Hesther. 5. Mary ; G. Henshaw. 3. Sir Henry, created a hart, as above. 4. Thomas, of Dover, merchant, m. Eliza- beth, da. of Thomas Boyton, of Dover, and had issue, 1. Henry, only surviving son. 2. Hannah, ni. sir Theophilus-John Metcalf, bart., (who d. 1822,) and rf. 1809. 3. Anne-Saunders, m. at Calcutta, 1808, George Saunders, esq. 4. Susanna: 5. Frances. Arms— See Plate 42. Argent, a che\Ton, sable, between three cross crosslets, fitchee, azure ; a bordure engrailed, gules, semee of bezants and escallops, or, alternately. Crest — A demi-lion, ermine, holding in his dexter paw a cross crosslet, fitchee, in bend, sinister, sable, and charged on the shoulder with the fasces, proper. Smt — At Swallowfield, co. Berks. FLETCHER. 14 Dec. 1812. Sir RTCHARD-JOHN FLETCHER, Baronet, born 3 Feb. 1805, Cap. tain in the Army, succeeded his father, sir Richard, Aug. 1813. The rev. RrcHAPD Fletcher, of the Blackestone, esq., (who rf, 1 July 1799,) and city of Rochester, d. 17^0, having m. Mary, had, besides other issue, da. of John Hare, of Woolwich, co. Kent, I. Sir RICHARD, created a bart. 14 Dec. esq., and by her (who rf. 8 Sept. 17-%) left 1812, K.T.S., lieut.-col. in the royal engi- issue a da., Mar;/, and neers, and chief engineer with the arm^ m The rev. Richard Fletcher, who d. Spain and Portugal, w., 27 Oct. 1796, Eliza- 1814, having m, Elizabeth, da. of beth, da. of John Mudge, of Plymouth, HUNTER.— HOBHOUSE. 355 M.D., (sister of col. Mudge, of the artillei-y, and capt. Mudge, R.N.,) and by her (who cL 25 May 1808) had issue, 1. Sir RicHARD-JoHX, present bart. 2. Charles-Orlando, b.ll March 1806. 3. Elizabrth-Mallock. 4. Harriet. 5. Jane-Mudge, »!., 27 Oct. 1829, George Broadrick, of Hamphall Stubbs, co. York, esq, bir Richard was killed before St. Sebas- tian, Aug. 181.3, and succeeded by his son, II. Sir RICHARD-JOHN, present bart. ^r»i*^— See Plate 42. Sable, on a cross engrailed, ermine, between four plates, each charged with a pheon erect, azure, a sword erect, proper, on a canton, or, a wreath of laurel, vert. Crest — On a wreath, out of a mural crown, or, a horse's head ermine, gorged with a wreath of laurel, vert. Seat— At Carrow, co. Cork. HUNTER, of the City of London. 15 Dec. 1812. Sir CLAUDIUS-STEPHEN HUNTER, Baronet, D.C.L., elected 1804 Alderman of London, and Lord Mayor 1811, born 24 Feb. 1775 ; married^ 15 July 1797? Penelope- Maria, only da. of John Free, of London, merchant, and has issue, 1. JOHN, 6. 26 May 1798, m., 1820, Sarah, da. of W. N. W. Hewett, of co. York, esq., and by her (who d. Nov. 182C) had issue, three das., who d. infants, and one son, Claudius -Stephen- Paul, b. 21 Sept. 1824; 2. Maria, b. 20 Aug. 1800, d. unm. 21 June 1825; 3. Eleanor, b. 1802, d. an infant; 4. Thomas-Claude, b. 10 April 1804, d. Feb. 1832 ; 5. Samuel, b. 8 Aug. 1806, d. 17 Feb. 1834. The paternal ancestors of the bart. were citizens and merchants of L/judon, of con- siderable eminence, in the reign of Charles I., as appears from records in the college of heralds, and more particularly from the deed of settlement of estates after the fire of London ; by which certain property in the city of London was assigned to sir Clau- dius's ancestors, and is now vested in Heni-y Hunter, of Beech Hill, esq., his elder and only brother, lineally descended from Henry Hunter, esq., on whom the property was settled by that deed. John Hunter, grand- son oi Henry, having made a considerable addition to the fortune he inherited from his father, purchased the family estate of Beech Hill, above mentioned, where himself and his descendants chiefly resided ; and from that period of his retirement we do not find any of the family engaged in mercantile speculations. Henry Hunter, of Beech Hill, co. Berks, esq., was called to the bar, and shortly after m. Mary, 3d da. of William Sloane, esq., great nephew of the celebrated sir Hans Sloane, bart., physician to queen Anne and king George I., and by her (who d. 19 May 1822) had issue, 1. Henry-Lannoy, of Beech Hill, h. Nov. 1774, m., 1801, Harriett, da. of Thomas Boy- cott, of Rudge, CO. Salop, esq., and has issue, 1. Henry-Lannoy, b. 2 April 1802. 2. Charles, b. 22 Aug. 1803, d. unm. Oct. 1825. 3. Mar>-Jane, b. 20 April 1806, m., 10 Dec. 1828, John Forbes, esq., eldest son of sir Charles Forbes, bart. 4. Harriett-Louisa, b. 22 May 1808. 2. Sir Claudius, 1st bart. 3. Eleanor, w., 1805, John Cumming, of Trent Park, Middlesex, esq., and d. 23 June 1828. 4. Mary, m., 1792, William Manning, of London, merchant, and of Comb Bank, Kent. 1. Sir CLAUDIUS, the youngest son, was created a bart. as above. ^/•»!*— See Plate 42. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, or, a lion rampant, gules, between eight cross crosslets, patee, ntchee at the foot, sable; 2d and 3d, argent, a bear saliant, sable, muzzled, or. Crests — \si, a demi-lion, holding in his paws a cross crosslet, as in the arms ; 2d, a demi-bear, as in the arras. HOBHOUSE, of Chantry House, co. Wilts, and of Westbury College, co. Gloucester. 22 Dec. 1812. The Right Hon. Sir JOHN-CAM HOBHOUSE, Baronet, P.C, F.A.S., M.P. for Nottingham, and for a short period, in 1834, First Commissioner of Woods and Forests, succeeded his father, sir Benjamin, 14 Aug. 1831 ; married, 28 July 1828, lady Julia Hay, da. of the late marquess of Twed- dale, and has a Da., b. Oct. 1829; a Da., b. 1832. The family of Hobhouse has been long resident in the West of England. Benjamin Hobhouse, the ancestor of the present bart., b. at Minehead, co. So- merset, 1G82, m. Mary, da. and h. of Spragge, (by the da. and h. of SaflSn,) by whom he had issue. 1. John. 2. Henry, of Clifton, near Bristol, b. 1714, left issue by his 1st wife, Jane, da. of Banister, esq., of the citv of Bristol. 1. Henr^-, m. Sarah, da. of the rev. Richard Jenkyns, canon of Wells, and left issue, Sarah, d. unm. ; and the right 356 BRUCE.— BRENTON. hon. Henry, of Hadspen House, co. So- merset, a privy-counsellor, and sometime under-secretary of State for the home department, b. 12 April 177(>, m., 7 April 18U(i, Harriett, da. of John Turton, of Sugnall, CO. Stafford, esq., and has issue, of whom Harriet, eldest da-, m., 31 March 1834, rev. Henry Jenkyns, fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 2. Jane, m. John Freeman, of Letton House, CO. Hereford, esq. 3. Betty, m. J(jhn Maiciman. John, the eldest son of Benjamin and Mary, was of Westbury CoUct^e, co. Glou- cester, b. 1712, ni., 1753, Mary, da. of Medley, of Hereford, by whom he had issue, Isaac, b. Nov. 17.'54, and d. 2\) Sept. 1810, leaving no issue ; and I. Sir BENJAMIN, created a bart. as above, was chief secretary of the Board of Control for the affairs of India 1803 ; chair- man of Ways and Means in the Imperial Parliament 1800 : and first commissioner for investigating, under the sanction of an act of the legislature, the debts of the Carna- tic, b. 1757, m., 1st, Sept. 1785, Charlotte, da. of Samuel Cam, of Chantry House, near Bradford, co. Wilts, esq., and by her {who d. Nov. 17.04) had issue, 1. Sir John-Cam, present bart. 2. Benjamin, capt. in the (JOth regiment of foot, killed at Waterloo. 3. Henry-William, m. in Calcutta, and has issue a son, b. 27 Dec. 1822. 4. Charlotte. 5. Mary, d. young. Sir Benjamin m., 2aly, April 1798, Amelia, da. of the rev. Joshua Parry, of Cirencester, CO. Gloucester, by whom he has issue, 6. Amelia. 7. Isaac, d. 8. Mary, d. 9. Sophia-Elizabeth, m., 17 Jan. 1828, Boyd Alexander, esq., 3d son of Claud Alex- ander, of Ballochmyle, co. Ayr. 10. Harriet -Theodora, m., 27 May 1823, the rev. George-Trevor Spencer, rector of Leaden Roding, co. Essex, and perpetual curate of Buxton, co. Derby, son of Wil- liam-Robert Spencer, esq., youngest son of the late lord Charles Spencer. 11. Julia, m., 31 July 1830, the rev. Cal- vert- Fitzgerald Moore, chaplain to the king. 12. Sarah-Matilda, m. at Rome, May 1827, count Ranghiaschi Brancaleone. 13. Catharine, m., .30 Nov. 1826, John Fane, esq., eldest soti of John Fane, some- time M.P. for Oxfordshire, and d. 6 Nov. 1828. 14. Isaac. 15. Joanna, m., 10 June 1834, rev. Fred. A. S. Fane. 16. Thomas-Benjamin. 17. Elizabeth-Mary. 18. Henrietta-Amelia. 1!). Frederick-Benjamin. The last three d, young. Sir Benjamin d. 14 Aug. 1831, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir JOHN-CAM, present bart. Arms— See Plate 42. Per pale, azure and gules, three crescents, (two and one,) argent; issuing therefrom as many estoiles radiated, or. Crest— Oni of a mural crown, per pale, azure and gules, an estoile, as in the arms. Motto — Spes vitce melioris. Seats — Westbury College, co. Gloucester ; and Chantry House, co. Wilts. BRUCE, of Dublin. 24 Dec. 1812. Sir STEWART BRUCE, created a Baronet as above, Gentleman- Usher of the Castle of Dublin, and Registrar of the most ilhistrious Order of St. Patrick. Sir Stewart is the younger son of James Bruce, esq., (by Henrietta, youngest da. of the hon. rev. Henry-Hervey Aston, 4th son of John, 1st earl of Bristol,) brother of sir Henry-Hervey-Aston Bruce, of Down Hill, created a bart. 1804, {see that title,) and uncle of the present sir James-Robertson Bruce, of Down Hill. Arms— See Plate 42. Or, a chief and sal- tire, gules; on the last, a harj), gold, stringed argent ; on a canton of the last, a lion rampant, azure; a crescent for difference. Crest — A lion passant, azure, holding in the dexter paw a trefoil, vert ; a crescent for difference. BRENTON. 24Dec.l812. Sir JAHLEEL BRENTON, Baronet, K.C.B. and K.S.F., Rear Ad- miral of the Blue, and Lieut. -Gov. of GreeuAvich Hospital, born 22 Aug. 1770 ; married^ 1st, li) April 1802, Isabella, da. of Anthony Stewart, of Halifax, N.S., esq., by wliom (who d. 1819) he had issue, 1. John- Jervis, b. 19 Jan. 1803, d. 27 Aug. 1817; 2. LAUNCELOT- CHARLES-LEE, /;. IG Feb. 1807 ; 3. Frances-Isabella, 6. 15 Jan. 180C, 7H., 2 Aug. 1831, her cousin, Edward-Brenton Stewart, esq. Sir Jahleel m., 2dly, 9 Oct. 1822, Harriett, youngest da. of the late James BLANE. 357 Brenton, esq., of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and has issue, 4. Harriet- Marit, b. lU Jan. 1024. Jahleel Brenton, of Newport, in Rhode Island, N.A., d. 1766, having been twice m. By his first wife he had issue 13 children, of whom, 1. William, of Newport, m„ and left issue. 2. Jahleel, father of the bart., of whom hereafter. 3. Samuel, of Newport, m,, and had issue. 4. James, judge of the high court of ad- miralty at Halifax, d. 18c>6, twice m., and left issue. 5. Benjamin, of Newport, m., and had issue. By his 2d wife he had 11 children, of whom William, d. about 181)6, leaving 2 sons, 1. William, in the navy, d. 2. John, capt, R.N. Jahleel Brenton, 2d son of Jahleel above-named, entered the naval service of Great Britain, and advanced to the rank of rear-admiral of the blue, 6, 23 Oct. 1729, m., 1765, Henrietta, da. of Joseph Cowley, of Wolverhampton, (by Penelope, da. and h. of Edward Pelham,) and d, 31 Jan. 1802, having had issue by her, (who d. Jan. 1820,) 1. Sir JAHLEEL, created a bart. as above. 2. Edward-Pelham, capt. R.N., b. 28 July 1774, m., 29 March 18(13, Margaretta- Diana, da. of major-general Thomas Cox. 3. John, h. 1776, rf. 1782. 4. James-Wallace, lieut. R.N., b. 1778, rf. of his wounds, 1799. 5. Thomas-Cranstown, b. 1782, d. 1786. 6. Elizabeth, b. 1766. 7. Mary, b. 1768. 8. Martha, b. 1772. 9. Henrietta, b. 1783, nu, 1815, capt. John Brenton, R.N. 10. Frances, b. 1786, nu, 27 March 1805, her cousin, John Brenton, esq., 2d son of James, judge of the admiralty at Halifax, above-mentioned. Anns— See Plate 43, Gules, a lion ram- pant, double queued between three mart- lets, argent ; on a canton, or, the stem of a ship of the line, proper. CVf*^— Within a naval crown, or, the cir- cle inscribed with the word " Spartan" a swan, argent, gutte de sang. Motto — Go thorough. BLANE, of Blanefield, co. Ayr ; and Culverlands, co. Berks. 2G Dec. 1812. Sir HUGH-SEYMOUR BLANE, Baronet, Lieut.-Col. in the Army, succeeded his father, sir Gilbert, 27 June 1834; married^ 23 Jan. 18.32, Eliza, eldest da. of John Armit, of Dublin, esq., and has issue, 1. A SON, b. 1 Feb. 1833 ; 2. A Da., b. 25 July 1834. This family is of some antiquity in the west of Scotland. Thomas Blane, the baronet's immediate ancestor, m. a da. of Andrew Ross, of Trowier, esq., and d. be- fore 1630, leaving several sons, of whom, Thomas settled at Girvan, and carried on a trade with Ireland, m. Helen Ross, of Chappel Donan, and had two sons, Thomas, of Brunston Poundland, co. Ayr, d. s.p., and Andrew, m. Jane, da. of Alexander M'Kie, and had issue, 1. Thomas, d. s.p. 2. Gilbert. 3. William, an officer of engineers, d. in Jamaica, 1740, s.p. 4. John, a merchant at Antigua, d. 1759, Gilbert, (2d but eldest surviving son of Andrew,) »;., 1st, Hannah, da. of Bin- ning, of Dalvening and Machrimore, by whom he had no surviving issue, and, 2dly, Agnes Macfadzcn, by whom he had, 1. Andrew, who on his father's death, 1771, succeeded to the estate of Blanefield. 2. James, a merchant in the West Indies, d. unm. 3. Thomas, of New York, and afterwards of London, merchant, m. Elizabeth Oli- phant, and had issue, 1. Archibald, sometime superintendent of police at the Mauritius. 2. Elizabeth ; .3. Agnes. 4. Sir Gilbert, 1st bart. 5. William, of Grongar, co. Ayr, and of Wingfield Park, Berks, m. Honoria, da. of Thomas Neevenham, esq., and had seven sons and two das. 6. John, a merchant in the West Indies, d, unm. 7. Catherine, m. Alexander Hutchin- son, of Southfield, co. Renfrew, esq. I. Sir GILBERT, 4th son of Gilbert Blane, was created a bart, as above, M.D., F.R.S., member of the Royal College of Physicians in London, Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh, and a member of the Imperial Academy of Sci- ences of St. Petersburg, b. at Blanefield, CO. Avr, 29 Aug. 1749, (O.S.,) m. 11 July 1786, Elizabeth, only da. of Abraham Gar- diner, merchant, and bv her (who d. 9 July 1832) had issue, besides three sons and two das. who d. young, 1. Gilbert-Gardiner, d. 20 Feb. 1833, a-t. 45. 2. George-Rodney, lieut. of engineers on the Bengal establishment, d. 18 May 1821. 3. Sir Hugh-Seymour, present bart. 4. Charles-Collins. 5. Louisa, unfortunately drowned in a piece of water on her father's estate, 24 Aug. 1813, aged 19. Sir Gilbert d. 27 June 1834, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir HUGH-SEYMOUR, present and 2d bart. Anns— See Plate 43. Argent, on a fess sable, a mullet between two crescents of the 358 LISTER-KA YE.— LEEDS. field ; in base, a rose, gules ; in the centre chief point an anchor, erect, entwined by a serpent, proper. Crest — A sword erect, proper, pommel and hilt, or. Motto — Paritnr pruc hello. Seats — At Blanefield, co. Ayr ; and Bur- field, Reading, co. Berks. LISTER-KA YE, of Grange, co. York. 28 Dec. 1812. Sir JOHN-LISTER LISTER-KAYE, Baronet, horn 18 Aug. 1801, succeeded his father, sir John, late bart., 28 Feb. 1827; married^ 21 Oct. 1824, Matilda, only child and h. of George Arbuthnot, esq., and niece of the right hon. Charles Arbuthnot, and has issue, 1. Emma, 6. 18 July 1825; 2. LISTER, h. 3 Sept. 1827; 3. A Da., 6. 1830; 4. Rosa, d. an infant, 19 Feb. 1833; 5, G. A Son and Da., (twins,) h. 2 Jan. 1833 ; 7- A Son, h. 12 May 1834. I. Sir JOHN LISTER-KAYE, of Grange, iji the parish of Kirkheaton, co. York, hav- ing inherited by will the estates of his re- puted father, sir John Lister-Kaye, of the same place, bart., (whose ancestor had been raised to that dignity in 1(541,) took the sur- name of Lister m addition to Kaye by royal sign manual 1806, and was himself created a bart. 28 Dec. 1812; m., 18 Oct. 1800, lady Amelia Grey, 6th da. of George-Harry, earl of Stamford and Warrington, and had issue, 1. Sir John-Lister, present bart. 2. Amelia-Mary, b. 29 Dec. 1802, d. 17 Aug. 1826. 3. George-Lister, 6. 14 Nov. 1803, capt. 10th dragoons. 4. Arthur-Lister, h. 14 Jan. 1805, rector of Thornton, co. York, d. 20 Feb. 1834. 5. Sophia, b. 23 Sept., and d. 19 Dec. 1806. 6. Sophia-Charlotte, 6. 31 March 1809, m., 18 Oct. 1831, the rev. Henry-Spencer Mackham, of Clifton Rectory, Notts. 7. Louisa, h. 28 Sept. 1810. 8. Henrietta, b. 28 Dec. 1811. 9. Maria, 6. 17 March 1813. 10. Henry-Lister, b. 14 June 1814. 11. Georoina, b. 11 Sept. 1815. Sir John d. 28 Feb. 1827, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN LISTER, present and 2d bart. Arrm—See Plate 43. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Kaye ; argent, two bendlets, sable ; 2d and 3d, Lister : ermine, on a fess, sa- ble, three mullets, or ; the whole within a bordure, wavy, azure. Crests— Ka\:^ ; on a wreath of the co- lours a Java sparrow, proper, charged on the breast with a rose, gules. Lister; on a wreath of the colours a buck's head, proper, erased, wavy, or, attired sable, and in the mouth a bird bolt, bendwise, of the 2d, flighted, argent. Motto — Kynd kyjm Tcnaivne kepe. Seat— At Grange, co. York. LEEDS, of Croxton Park, co. Cambridge. 31 Dec. 1812. Sir GEORGE-WILLIAM LEEDS, Baronet, Equerry to H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex ; married^ 5 Jan. 1797, IMaria, da. of the rev. William Sanderson, of Morpeth, co. Northumberland, and by her (who d. 1 May 1817) has issue, 1. JOSEPH-EDWARD, b. 31 Oct. 1798; w., 9 Sept. 1822, Marian, da. of William-Thomas Stretton, esq.; 2. Ed- ward-William, b. 14 Sept. 1804 ; 3. George, b. 20 Feb. 1807 ; 4. Samuel, b. 19 May 1809, d. 15 Sept. 182G; 5. Elizabeth, w., 29 July 1819, the rev. Robert-Elliot Graham, of Hendon, co. Middlesex ; C. Maria; 7- Anne, w., 19 Aug. 1823, capt. M^illiam-Augustus Montague, R.N., C.B. ; 8. Georgiana; 9. Emily. Sir George w., 2dly, 31 July 1819, Eleanor, 2d da. of Owsley Rowley, of the Priory, St. Neot's, and has issue, 10. Augustus-Frederick, b. May 1820. Arms— See Plate 43. Argent, a fess, gules, between three eagles displayed, sable, within a bordure, wavy, of the second. Crest— A staff raguly vert, thereon a cock, gules, wings expanded, combed, wattled. beaked, and legged, or; debruised by a bendlet, wavy, sinister, ermine. Mtitto—f'if^nlute. Seat—At Croxton, co. Cambridge. KNIGHTON.—HOME.— NAGLE. 359 KNIGHTON, of Hanover Square, co. Middlesex. 1 Jan. 1813. Sir WILLIAM KNIGHTON, G.C.H., created a Baronet as above, Receiver-General, and a Special Commissioner for managing the Affairs of the Duchy of Cornwall, and Receiver-General for the Duchy of Lancaster ; married Dorothea, da. of James Hawker, esq., capt. R.N!, and has issue, 1. Dorothea, b. May 1807, w., 22 June 1829, capt. Michael Seymour, R.N., 3d son of sir Michael Seymour, ban. ; 2. WILLIAM-WEL- LESLEY, b. Jan. 1811. Arms— See Plate 43. Barry of eight, per I Crest — Two dragons' heads in saltire, pale, azure and argent, eounterchanged, a couped at the shoulder; the dexter, gules; bend, erminois ; on a chief, gules, a dra gon's head erased, between two annulets. and sinister, or ; wreathed about the necks by a chain of the last. Seat— AX. Charlston, co. Dorset. HOME, of M''ell-Manor Farm, co. Southampton. 2 Jan. 1813. Sir JA3IES-EVERARD HOME, Baronet, Commander R.N., born 25 Oct. 1798, succeeded his father, sir Everard, 31 Aug. 1832. William Home, of Greenlaw Castle, co, Berwick, esq., m. Anne, da. of sir Alexander Purvis, of Purvis Hall, in the same county, and had issue, Robert, who m. Mary, da. of Alexander Hutchinson, col. in the army, and d. 1786, leaving issue 3 das., yl««e, 7n. John Hunter, esq., surgeon-general to the army ; Mat-y, m. Robert Milne, esq., architect; and Eli- zabeth, d. unm. ; and 4 sons, 1. Hutchinson; 2. Robert, m. Aime Paterson, and had issue ; 3. William, capt. in the military service of the East India Company, m., and had issue; and 4. I. Sir EVERARD, created a bart. 2 Jan. 1813, F.R.S., sergeant-surgeon to his Ma- jesty; b, 6 May 1756, w., 3 Nov. 1792, Jane, da. and co-h. of James Tunstall, D.D., (re- lict of Stephen Thompson, esq.,) and had issue, 1. Sir James-Everard, present bart. 2. William-Archibald, in holy orders, 6. 17 June 1800. 3. Jane, b. 23 Sept. 1793, m., 28 Sept. 1822, Henry Forbes, capt. R.N., 3d son of general Forbes, of Ham, Surrey. 4. Mary-Elizabeth, 6. 19 June 1795, m., 28 Oct. 181.5, Charles-Powlett Rushworth, esq., son of Edward Rushworth, of Farring- ford Hill, Isle of Wight, esq. 5. Harriett-Catharine, b. 7 July 1796. 6. Charlotte, b. 26 Dec. 1802, m., 3 Nov. 1823, Bernard Yeoman, esq., capt. R.N.,3d son of Bernard Yeoman, of Woodlands, co. York, esq. Sir Everard rf. 31 Aug. 1832, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JAMES-EVERARD, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 43. Vert, a lion rampant, between two piles engrailed, issuing from the chief, argent ; all within a bordure en- grailed of the last, charged with six pepin- goes of the 1st, beaked and membered, giiles. Crest — A lion's head, erased, proper, charged with a label of three points, argent, the middle charged with a fleur-de-lis, azure ; and each of the other points with St. George's cross. Seo^— Well-Manor Farm, co. Southamp- ton. NAGLE, of James' Town House, and Westmeath. 4 Jan. 1813. DoNOWER Castle, co. Sir RICHARD NAGLE, Baronet, M.P. co. Westmeath, born 12 Aug. 1800, succeeded his father, sir Richard, 1st bart., about 1827. Richard Nagle, of Nagle, co. Cork, esq., d. about 17()4, having m. Bridget, da. of M'Mahon, co. Clare, esq., and had issue, Thomas, who m. Mary, da. of , and h. of Kedah Geoghegan, co. Westmeath, esq., and had issue, Anne, who m. sir Piercy Gethin, bart. ; and I. Sir RICHARD, created a bart. as above ; m., 1st, 1792, Catharine, da. and co- h. of Maurice Fitzgerald, of Punchead, co. Kildare, esq., and had issue by her, an only surviving da., 1. Franc KS, m. at Bath, 3 Sept. 1819, Oliver-Dowell Grace, of Mantua-House, co. Roscommon, and d. 1 June 1828. Sir Richard w., 2dly, in 1798, Mary- Bridget, da. and sole h. of Owen Geoghegan, of Rosemount, and Ballybrickoque, esq., and had issue, 2. Sir Richard, present bart. 3. Joseph, 6. 12 Nov. 1808. 360 OWEN SHEAFFE. Sir Richard d. about 1827. and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir RICHARD, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 43. Ermine on a fess, azure, three fusils, or. Crest — A nightingale proper. Motto — Non vox sed votum. Seats — James'-Town House and Castle Donower, co. Westmeath. OWEN, of Orielton, co. Pembroke. 12 Jan. 1813. Sir JOHN OWEN, Baronet, M.P. co. Pembroke, from 1812 to the present time, Lord-Lieutenant of Pembroke, and Governor of Milford Ha- ven ; married Charlotte, da. of the rev. John-L. PhilHps, and by her (who d. 1 Sept. 1829) had issue, 1. HUGH, M.P. for the town of Pembroke ; W2., 12 April 1825, Angelina-Maria-Cecilia, da. of sir Charles Gould-Mor- gan, of Tredegar, bart., and has issue, 1. Hugh-Charles ; 2. John; 3. Arthur; 4. Angelina; 5. William; a Da., b. T Nov. 18.j4 ; 2. Char- lotte, m., 2 Aug. 1819, John Meares, escj., of Eastington, co. Pem- broke ; 3. Alice-Maria, m., 20 May 1830, Edward Marcus Why te, of Hotham, co. York, esq. ; 4. Ellen, w., 31 July 1831, George-Bow en- Jordan Price, of Pigeonsford, co. Cardigan, esq. ; 5. Eliza, w., 29 Oct. 1831, Charles-Porcher Lang, of Sand Rock, co. Surrey, esq. Sir John w., 2dly, 21 Oct. 1830, Mary-Frances, 3d da. of Edward Stephenson, of Farley Hill, co. Berks, esq., and has, 6. John, b. 19 Sept. 1831 ; ■ 7. a Son, b. 4 Sept. 1834. Joseph Lord, of Orielton, co. Pembroke, esq. m. Corbetta, da. of lieut.-gen. John Owen, (son of sir Arthur Owen, 3d bart.,) and by her had issue, sir John, the present bart., who, in compliance with the will of sir Hugh Owen, bart., (who d. 1 Aug. 1W9,) assumed the name and arms of Omen only ; and Maty-Aiine, who m., 1st, Charles Mor- gan, esq., and2dly, 19 Nov. 1822, the rev. William Seaton, of Wandsworth. ^,-„w— See Plate 43. Gules, a chevron, between three lions rampant, or. Crest— A lion rampant, or. Motto — Honestas optima politia. Seats— At Orielton and Lanstinan, co. Pembroke. SHAW, of Kilmarnock, co. Ayr, and Polmadie, co. Kirkcudbright. 2d Patent, 14 Jan. 1813. {See Shaw, of London and Kilmarnock, 21 Sept. 1809.) SHEAFFE. 16 Jan. 1813. Sir ROGER-HALE SHEAFFE, Baronet, a lieut.-general in the army, and colonel of the 3Cth foot ; born at Boston, North America, 15 July 1763 ; married, 31 Jan. 1810, Margaret, da. of John Coffin, of Quebec, esq., uncle of admiral sir Isaac Coffin, bart., and has issue, 1. Frances-Julia, b. 17 Nov. 1811, d. unm., 2 April 1834 ; 2- a Da., b. and d. Aug. 1814 ; 3. Percy, /a 6 Aug. 1815, d. 20 May 1834; 4. Agnes-Emily, h. 13 Jan. 1817, d. 20 May 1832 ; 5. a Da., b. and d. Dec. 1817 ; 6. William-Percy, b. 15 Feb. 1819, d. 14 Jan. 1820. William Sheaffe, esq., deputy-collec- tor of the customs at Bostcm, as above, d. 1772, having m. Susannah, eldest da. of Thomas Child, of Bost(m ; rf, Aug. 1810, and left issue, besides two sons and a da., who d. young, 1. Nathaniel, a merchant in Jamaica, d. iinm. 1775. 2. Thomas, a merchant at Boston, also d, unm. 3. Sir Roger, present bart. 4. William, sometime a surveyor of the excise at Mallow, in Ireland, »n. Mary Wright, and left issue, 1. Roger-Hale, b. 31 March 1797, capt. 55th regt., d. 3 Aug. 1!!34. 2. William, b. 11 Sept. 1798. 3. Susannah, b- 27 l^ec. 1802. 4. John-Livingston, b. 25 Jan. 1803. 5. Susannah, m. Ponsonby Molesworth, esq., capt. in the army, 5th son of the hon. Bysshe Moleswortli, and d. 7 Aug. 1834, (I. Margaret, m. John R. Livingston, of New York, esq. 7. Mary, m. Benjamin- Clarke Cutler, esq., merchant, of Boston. };. Anne, m. John Erving, of Boston, esej. J). Helen, m. James Lovell, of Boston, es(i. I. Sir ROGER-HALE, 3dson,wascreated a bart. as above. Arms— Sec Plate 43. Azure in chief, two lions' heads erased, erminois, in base, a mullet argent, and in fess, three garbs, or, between two barrulets of the third. ANDERSON.— JACKSON.— DU CKWORTH. 361 Ci-est — Issiiant out of a mural crown, a cubit arm vested, gules, cuff vert, the hand grasping a sword in bend, sinister, proper. pommel and hilt, or, between a branch of laurel and a branch of oak, also proper. ANDERSON, of Fermot, co. Cork. 22 March 1813. Sir JAMES-CALEB ANDERSON, Baronet, so created as above, horn 21 July 1792; married^ 20 April 1815, Caroline, da. of Robert Shaw, of Dublin, esq., and half sister to sir Robert Shaw, of Bushy Park, co. Dub- lin, bart., and has issue, 1. Elizabeth-Cecilia, h. March 1816; 2. Maria, ^. 1817 ; 3. Georgina; 4. Anxe-Carolixe ; 5. CHARLES-GRANT, J. 1823; 6. Frederica-York; 7. Johx- William-31axwell, h. 1827. David Anderson, of Portland, in North Britain, esq., m. Isabella Mackay, of Blank- head, and had issue, Joh: , of Fermoy, co. Cork, esq., who m. Eli2abeth Semple, and had issue, 1. Sir James-Caleb, the present bart. 2. JoHN-WiLLiAM, b. 21 Feb. I7?., 1690, miss Gorges, of Kel- brew, CO. Meath, by whom he had issue, William, m., 1729, Frances, da. of George Eyre, of Eyre Court, co. Galway, esq., (by Barbara, 2d da. of Thomas, earl of Coningsby, and sister of John, lord Eyre,) and had issue, a da., Mar//, m. the rev. Ed- ward Goulding, of Coleraine, archdeacon of Derrv, and a son, Richard, M.P. in 7 parliaments for Cole- raine, and in one for the borough of Orford, CO. Suffolk, and secretary to the marquess Townshend, and earl of Harcourt, when lords-lieut. of Ireland, m., 1st, Lydia, niece DUCKWORTH. 2 Nov. 1813. Sir JOHN-THOMAS-BULLER DUCKWORTH, Baronet, born I7 March 1809, succeeded his father. Aug. I8I7. Admiral sir John-Thomas, G.C.B., 31 3G2 HISLOP.— ROWLEY. Henry Duckworth, A.M., vicar of Stoke Poges, co. Bucks, and one of the minor canons of Windsor, b. 22 Jan. 1711-12, «i., 1744, Sarah, da. of Johnson, of Ickenham, co. Middlesex, esq., and had, among other issue, I. Sir JOHN-THOMAS, created a bart. 2 Nov. 1813, admiral of the white, G.C.B. Sir John was commander-in-chief jointly with the hon. sir Charles Stewart, K.B., at the taking of the island of Minorca, Nov. 1798; commander-in-chief at Barbadoes, at the Leeward Islands, and at Jamaica, from 1800 to 1805; b. Feb. 1747, m., 1st, Aime, only child and h. of John Wallis, of Fenton- woon, in the parish of Lanteglos, co. Corn- wall, esq., and by her (who d. 21 Aug. 1797) had issue, T. George-Henry, b. 25 June 1782, col. 48th foot, killed at the battle of Albuera, 16 May 1811, at the head of his regiment, hav- ing m. Penelope, da. of Robert Fanshawe, esq., commissioner R.N., and had issue, 1. George-Wallis, d. an infant. 2. Penelope-Fanshaw, also d. young. 3. Anne, his only surviving child and heir. 2. Anne-Sarah, m., Nov. 1803, sir Richard King, bart., G.C.B., and d. 20 March 1819. Sir John-Thomas m., 2dly, 14 May 1808, Susannah-Catharine,da. of the right rev. Wil- liam BuUer, bishop of Exeter, and had issue, 3. Sir John-Thomas-Bullek, present bart. 4. William, rf. an infant. Sir John-Thomas d. 31 Aug. 181 7> and was succeeded by his 2d and only surviving son, II. Sir JOHN-THOMAS-BULLER, pre- sent bart. Arms— See Plate 44. Argent on a chevron, azure, between two ducks, proper, in chief, and a naval crown of the second, in base, a bomb fired between two estoiles, or ; on a chief wavy, of the second, the words " St. Domingo," within a branch of laurel en- twined with another of oak, gold. Ct-est — A tower, the battlements partly de- molished, from the top flames issuant, proper; on the sinister side, a sea-lion, erect, azure, the paws pressing against the tower. Supporters — (Granted to be borne by the 1st bart. and his successors in the title, by royal warrant, 1814.) On the dexter side, a human figure, holding in the exterior hand a sword erect, proper, pommel and hilt, or, around behind the head a halo composed of seventeen estoiles of the last; across the dexter shoulder a belt, azure, fimbriated, and charged with three estoiles, gold, the waist invested by a vest, argent, pendent under the feet, the hide of an ox, also proper: on the sinister side, a British sailor habited, proper, the exterior hand support- ing a flag-staff, thereon hoisted the flag of a rear-admiral of the white squadron, also proper, with the word •' Minorca" in- scribed thereon in letters of gold. Motto — Diseiplind, fide, pei'severantid. Seat — At Wear House, near Exeter, co. Devon. HISLOP. 2 Nov. 1813. Sir THOMAS HISLOP, Baronet, G.C.B., Lieut.-Gen. in the Army, Col. of the 48th Regt. of Infantry, and Equerry to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, bor7i 5 July 1764 ; married^ 30 Oct. 1823, Emma, da. of the right hon. Hugh ElHot, governor of Madras, and has Emma-Eleanor- Elizabeth, b. 26 Nov. 1824. William Hislop, of Dunisdier, North Britain, by Jane, da. of Stott, had issue a da., Catherine, m. William Maitland, of Dunnotar, esq., and 2 sons, of whom, Joseph, the youngest, d. about 1787, leaving 2 das. since deceased, and the eldest, William, lieut.-col. royal artillery, d. 28 Dec. 1779, having m. Sarah, da. of Mercantry, and had issue, 1. James, 6. 1752, aid-de-camp to sir Eyre Coote, K.B., killed at the battle of Polilore, 27 Aug. 1781, imm. 2. William, h. 1754, capt. royal artil- lery, killed in the East Indies, 2 Feb. 1782. 3. Anne, h. 1751, m. gen. William Stewart, both d. 4. Sir Thomas, created a bart. I. Sir THOMAS, the youngest son, created a bart. 2 Nov. 1813. Arms — See Plate 43. Argent, on a mount, a stag couchant under a tree, all proper; and for augmentation (granted by royal sign manual, 1822) on a chief, azure, a mount, vert, thereon a lion in the act of tearing the standard of the Mahratta prince Holkar, and beneath the word, " Madhi- porp:." Crests — 1st, (of augmentation granted as above,) a soldier of the 22d light dragoons mounted and in the position of attack, proper; 2d, on a wreath, a mural coronet, or, issuant therefrom a stag's head proper, attired gold. Motto— Over the 1st crest, " Deckan." Seat—Ki Charlton, Kent. ROWLEY. 2 Nov. 1813. Sir JOSIAS ROWLEY, Baronet, K.C.B., Vice-Admiral of the White. (Fw descent, see Rowley, of Tendrincr, 178(5.) Clotvvorthy Rowley, esq., brother of sir Joshua Rowley, of Tendring, and 3d son of admiral sir William Rowley, K.B., was a barrister and M.P. for Downpatrick, BROKE. 363 in Ireland, b. 1731, m. Letitia, da. and co-h. of Samuel Campbell, of Bath, and of Mount Campbell, co. Leitrira, and d. 1805, lea\ing issue by her, (who rf. 1776,) 1. William, commissioner of customs, and recorder of Kinsale, in Ireland, d. unm. 1811. 2. Sir JosiAS, present bart. 3. Samuel-Campbell, capt. R.N., m. Mary, da. of Thompson, of White Park, CO. Fermanagh ; and, 2dly; 4 Nov. 1830, Mary, only da. of Edmund Cronyn, of Newtown, co. Kilkenny, esq., dec. 4. JoHX, in holy orders, prebendary of Christ Church, Dublin. 5. Mary, m. Charles Vigogne, of Wick- low, esq. Sir JOSIAS, 2d son, was created a h.irt. as above. Anns — See Plate 44. Argent, on a bend engrailed, between two Cornish choughs, sable, three escallops of the field. Crest— \ mullet voided, or. BROKE. 2 Nov. 1813. Sir PHTLIP-BOWES-VERE BROKE, K.C.B., Rear-Admiral of the Blue, born 8 Sept. 1776, created a Baronet as above in consideration of the distinguished zeal, courage, and intrepidity in his brilliant engagement, when capt. of his Majesty's ship, Shannon, with the United States' frigate, the Chesapeake, off Boston, 1 June 1813 ; married^ 25 Nov. 1802, Sarah- Louisa, da. of sir Williara-Fowle Middleton, bart., and has issue, 1. PHILIP, commander R.N., b. 15 Jan. 1804; 2. Louisa, b. 16 Dec» 1804, d. an infant; 3. Louisa, b. 22 Dec. 1805; 4. AVilliam- Henry, b. 20 Dec. 1807, d. 1823 ; 5. Harriot-Elizabeth, d. 181 1^ set. 2; 6. Charles, d. an infant, May 1811; 7- George-Na- THAXiEL, R.N., b. 26 April 1812; 8. Harriot-Elizabeth, (/.an infant; 9. Harriot-Axxe, r/. an infant ; 10. Charles-Acton-, h. 30 June 1818; 11. Edmund-Turnor, b. 8 April 1821, d. 12 Julv ] 829. William de Doyto del Broke was lord of Laughton, co. Chester, about the time of king John. The 11th in lineal de- scent from him was Thomas Broke, of Leighton, who m. the h. of John Parker, of Copenhall, esq., and had issue, 1. John, of Leighton, an- cestor of the Brookes of Leighton, the Brookes of Norton, created barts. 16'02, the Brookes of Meire, &c. ; 2. Ralph Broke, of Namptwich, who had issue ; 3. Robert, m. Jane Scudamore, of Herefordshire ; 4. Sir Richard Brooke, of London, knt., chief baron of the exchequer in the reign of Henry VIII., immediate ancestor of the present family. Robert Brooke, son and heir of the chief baron, settled at Nacton, co. Suffolk, and by Elizabeth, h. of the family of Hol- grave, of Sussex, had issue, Richard, also of Nacton, who (by Elizabeth, da. of sir John Jermy, of Brightwell, eo. Suffolk, knt.) was father of Robert Brooke, of Nacton, who m., about 1602, Elizabeth Waters, of Wimbledon, co. Surrey, and had issue, sir Richard, of Nacton, who, by Mary, da. of sir John Packington, knt., had, besides other issue, sir Robert Brooke, of Nacton, who was created a bart. 21 May HJ61, m. Anne, da. of sir Lionel Tollemache, bart., ancestor of the earls of Dysart, but dying in 1G93-4, with- out male issue, the title became extinct: he left issue three das. and co-heirs. William Brooke, of Dartford, co. Kent, the 3d son of sir Richard Brooke, of Nacton, and miss Packington, was father of Robert Brooke, who succeeded his uncle, sir Robert, at Nacton, and m,, 1st, his cousin, Anne, youngest da. and co-h. of the said sir Robert 'Brooke, bart., by whom he had no surviving male issue;" he m., 2dly, Elizabeth, 6th da. of sir John Hewytt, of Waresley, co. Huntingdon, bart., and had issue, 1. Robert, d. unm. 2. Philip, of Nacton, grandfather to sir Philip, present bart. 3. John, who was rector of Hintleham, and from whom there are descendants in existence. Philip Broke, of Nacton, 2d, but eldest surviving son of Robert Brooke and Eli- zabeth Hewytt, d. 1762, having m., 1732, Anne, da. and co-h. of Martin Bowse, of St. Edmundsbury, esq., and by her (who d. 1754) had issue, 1. Philip. 2. AxxE, m. Edward Jermv, esq., of Dud- field House, Suffolk, and d. 1821. 3. Elizabeth, m. the rev. John Free- man, rector of Creeting, co. Suffolk. 4. Sarah, b. 28 Oct. 1741, d. unm. xt. 38. 5. Isabella, b. 27 Nov. 1742, m. Thomas Kerrick, of Gelston, co. Norfolk, esq. 6. Thurland, 6. 3 Dec. 1746, m. T. Mav, esq. 7. Priscilla, b. 20 April 1748, ?n. the rev. Orbell Ray, of Tostock, co. Suffolk. Philip Broke, of Nacton, esq., only son of the last-named Philip, b. 18 May 1749, w. Elizabeth, da. and at length h. of the rev. Charles Beaumont, of Witnesham, CO. Suffolk, and d. 22 Aug. 1801, leaving issue by her, (who d. 25 June 1822,) 1. Sir Philip-Bowes-Vebe, created a bart as above. 2. Sir Charles, col. in the army, K.C.B. K.T.S., M.P. for the eastern division of Suffolk, b. 21 Feb. 1779: took the name of J'ere in addition to that of Broke, by royal sign manual, 1822. 3. Horatio-George, major in the army, b. 4 June 179(1, m., 13 Dec. 1825, Frederica- Sophia, da. of Samuel Mure, esq. r2 364 PULESTON.— RADCLIFFE. 4 Elizabeth, b. 30 March 1773, m., 7 Mav 1795, Edmund Tumor, of Stoke Roch- ford, esq., andrf. 1801. 5. Isabklla-Mary, h. 6 Aug. 177>'5> m., 27 Dec. 17W5, general John Leveson-Gower, and-rf. 28 May I8I7. 6. Thurland, a da., h. 1789, d. unm. 1805. 7. Anna, b. 24 April 1780. I. Sir PHILIP-BOWES-VERE, created a bart. as above. Amis— See Plate 44. Or, a cross engrailed, party per pale, sable, and gules. Crest of honourable augmentation — Out of a naval crown, or, a dexter arm em- bowed, encircled with a wreath of laurel, proper, and grasping a trident of the first. Crest — A brock or badger passant, proper. Motto — So'viimque tridentem servamus. &e«(— Nacton, Ipswich, Suffolk. PULESTON, of Emral, co. Flint. 2 Nov. 1813. Sir RICHARD PULESTON, Baronet, born 3 Sept. 17C5, took the name and arms of Puleston, pursuant to the will of his maternal uncle, John Puleston, of Emral, co. Flint, esq., by royal sign manual, 1812; married^ 1st, Ellen, da. of John Boats, esq., and has issue, 1. RICHARD, b. 20 June 1789, m. Anne, da. of lieut.-gen. England, and has one son, Richard. P rice, b. 27 Dec 1813 ; 2. Charlotte-Anne, b. 16 Jan. 1791, m. John-George Norbury, of Fulmer, co. Bucks, esq. He7?i., 2dly, 1796, Emma-Elizabeth, da. of John Corbet, of Sund^rn, co. Salop, esq., by his 1st wife, Emma-Elizabeth, da. of sir Charleton Leighton, bart.- Sir RICHARD is the only son and h. of Richard-Parry Price, of Bryn-y-pys, CO. Flint, and Castle Lions in Ireland, by Anne, da. of John Puleston, of Peckhill, and sister and h. of John Puleston, esq., above named. In 1806 sir Richard had the honour of receiving his late majesty, George IV., then prince of Wales, into the principality, in commemoration of which he had a grant of the crest below described. Arms— See Plate 44. Sable, three mul- lets, two and one, argent. Crests — 1st, (of augmentation granted 1815,) a mount, vert, thereon an oak proper, fructed, or, therefrom pendent by a band, azure, an escocheon gules, charged with three ostrich feathers, issuant from a prince's co- ronet; 2d, on a chapeau, gules, a buck statant proper, attired, or. Motto — Clariwes e tenehris. Seat — At Emral, co. Flint. RADCLIFFE, of Milnes Bridge House, co. York. 2 Nov. 1813. Sir JOSEPH RADCLIFFE, Baronet, born 5 June 1799, succeeded his grandfather, sir Joseph, 19 Feb. 1819 ; married^ 29 Oct. 1819, Jacobina- Maria, youngest da. of the late capt. John Macdonnell, of Leagh, co. In- verness, and has issue, 1. Jacobina-Maria-Sophia ; 2. Eliza- Mattlda-Mary; 3. Amelia-Frances; 4. JOSEPH-PER- CIVAL PICKFORD, b. 4 Oct. 1824; 5. Flora-Macdonnell ; 6. Alpina-Isarella ; and other issue, of whom a Son, b. 1829; — -a Da., 6. 1834. Joseph Pickford, of Althill, in the parish of Ashton-under-line, co. Lancaster, m. Mary, da. of William Radcliffe, of Milnes Bridge, esq., (and sister of William Radcliffe, also of Milnes Bridge, esq., who d. s.p. 2() Sept. 1795,) and by her had issue, 1. Sir Joseph, created a bart. 2. William, in the army, b. 1746, d. unm. 1769. X Mary, b. 1740, rf. 1754. I. Sir JOSEPH, eldest son, b. 8 May 1744, took the surname and arms of Radclikkk, by royal sign manual 1795, pursuant to the will of his maternal uncle above named, and was created a bart. as above; m., 1st, 3 March 1763, Catharine, da. of Thomas Per- cival, of Royston, co. Lancaster, esq., and by her (who d. 15 May 1765) he had an only son, 1. WlLLIAM-PERnVAL, d. S.p. 1816. He m., 2dly, 16 Nov. 17«5, Elizabeth, da. and sole h. of Richard Sunderland, esq., and by her (who d. 26 March 1796) had issue, 2. The rev. Joseph-Pickkord, M.A., b. 31 Aug. 1766, d. 17 May 1804, having nu Mary, sole da. of sir John-Archibald Grant, of Money Musk, co. Aberdeen, bart., by whom (who d. his widow, 1834) he left an only child. Sir Joseph, 2d bart. 3. Elizabeth, d. unm., 9 Jan. 1810. 4. Charles-Pickford, capt. R.N., h. 21 July 1769. 5. Mary, b. 9 Aug. 1771j m., 1st, 1796, BECKETT.— HENNIKER. 365 Joseph Starkie, of Redivals, eo. Lancaster, esq., whorf. without issue, 8 July 1803; and, 2dlv, 19 July 1805, John-David Macbride, D.C.L., F.S.A., principal of Magdalen Hall, and professor of Arabic in the university of Oxford, only son and h. of the late gallant admiral Macbride, and has issue. 6. Catharine, d. u»m. 6 Nov. 1800. 7. Harriet, b. 20 Jan. 1773, m., 5 July 18<»3, William Alexander, of Halifax, M.D., d. without issue. 17 March 1808. 8. Hanxah, b. 13 Jan. 1776, ni. William Wilcock, and has issue, S. Frances. Sir Joseph m., 3dly, 8 April 1807, Elizabeth, youngest da. of Richard Creswick, of Shef- field, CO. York, merchant, and by her had no issue. Sir Joseph d. 19 Feb. 1819, and was succeeded bv his grandson, II. Sir JOSEPH, present bart. Arms — See Plate 44. Argent, a bend en- grailed, sable, charged with a crescent of the field for difference. Crest — A bull's head sable, the horns ar- gent, tipped, or, gorged with a ducal coro- net, argent, and charged with a crescent for dilference of the 2d. Motto — Virtus propter se. Seats — Milnes Bridge House, near Hudders- field, eo. York; and Roy ston, near Oldham, CO. Lancaster. BECKETT, of Leeds, co. York, and Somerby Park, co. Lincoln. 2 Nov. 1813. The Right Hon. Sir JOHN BECKETT, Baronet, P. C, Judge Ad- vocate General to the Army, F.R.S., M.P. for Leeds ; succeeded his father, sir John, 18 Sept. 182C ; married^ 20 Jan. 1817, lady Anne Lowther, 3d da. of William, earl of Lonsdale, K.G. Gervase Beckett, of Bamsley, co. York, esq., m., 30 Dec. 17, having m., 21 July 1787. lady Charlotte Fermor, only da. of George, 2d earl of Pomfret, and by her had issue, 1. Sir George-William, present bart. 2. Charles, d. an infant. 3. Anna-Maria-Draycott, b. 12 Aug. 1792, tn., 27 Oct. 1825, sir Francis Shuck- burgh, bart. 4. Charlotte, b. 24 Dec. 1800, d. unm. 15 July 1815. L Sir GEORGE-WILLIAM, only son, created a bart. as above. Arms— 'See Plate 45. Argent, a cross pa- tonce, gules, between four fleurs-de-lis, vert, on a chief azure, a greyhound current of the field. Crest— Pi. demi-lion erminois, collared gules, holding between the paws a French lily slipped, proper. Motto — Hora e sempre. Seai— Easton Neston, co. Northampton. YOUNG, of Formosa Place, co. Berks. 24 Nov. 1813. Sir GEORGE YOUNG, Baronet, Commander R.N., born 19 Aug. 1797? succeeded his father, sir Samuel, 14 Dec. 182G. The rev. George Young, of Bere Regis, CO. Dorset, m. Eleanor, da. of Joseph Knowles, of Frocester-Downtain, co. Glou- cester, esq., and had issue. Sir George Young, knt., admiral of the white, b. 18 June 1732, knighted 24 Aug. 1781, m., 1st, Elizabeth,da. of Samuel Brad- shaw, of Marlow, co. Bucks, esq., by whom (who d. 19 Feb. \Ti'->) he had issue, 1. Sir Samuel, 1st bart. 2. George -Forbes -Freeman, lieut. R.N., d. unm. 1799. 3. Lucia-Maria, d. Feb. 1786. 4. Maria. Sir George m., 2dly, 11 Nov. 1779, Anne, da. of William Battle, M.D.,by whom (who survived him) he had no issue. Sir George d. 28 June 1810. I. Sir SAMUEL YOUNG, eldest son, was created a bart. as above; »»., 28 April 1796, Emily, da. of Charles Baring, of Ex- mouth, e^q., and had issue, 1. Sir George, present bart. 2. Emily, b. 20 Jan. 1800. 3. Charles-Baring, b. 7 Nov. 1801. 4. Henry, b. 10 Oct. 1803, in the civil service of the East India Company. 5. Horatio-Beauman, 6. 24 April 1806. 6. William-Jackson, b. 10 July 1809. 7. Lucia, b. 19 Jan. 1813. 8. Louisa-Caroline, b. 2 Jan. 1816. Sir Samuel d. 14 Dec. 1826, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sur GEORGE, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 45. Per fess, sable and argent, in chief, two lions rampant, guard- ant; in base an anchor erect, with cable, all coimterchanged. Crest — A demi-unicorn couped, ermine, maned, armed, and hoofed, or, gorged with a naval crown, azure, supporting an anchor erect, sable. Seat — Formosa Place, Maidenhead, co. Beriis. r3 370 MACDONALD.-WRAXALL. MACDONALD, of East Sheen, co. Surrey. 27 Nov. 1813. Sir ARCHIBALD-KEPPEL MACDONALD, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir James, 29 June 1832. The baronet is descended from and stands next to his cousin, lord Macdonald, in the representation of the very ancient house of Macdonald, lords of the Isles, a family of Norwegian origin, and long independent of the Scottish kings. In the time even of king Richard II. of England, Duncan Mac Donald, then lord of the Isles, entered into a treaty with that monarch on the independ- ent footing of a sovereign prince. He m, Margaret Lesley, only da. of Euphemia, countess of Ross, and assumed the title of earl of Ross, which was also enjoyed by his son Alexander, and his grandson John, which latter was outlawed, and his earldom forfeited. From Hugh Macdonald, next brother of John, earl of Ross, descended in the 6th degree, Sir Donald Macdonald, of Slate, who was created a bart. of Nova Scotia, 1639; and 4th in descent again from him was Sir Alexander, 7th bart., w. lady Mar- garet Montgomery, da. of Alexander, 9th earl of Eglintoun, and had issue, sir James, 8th bart., whofZ. unm. ; Alexander, creat- ed, 1776, baron Macdonald; and I. The right hon. sir ARCHIBALD, h. 1747, called to the bar; appointed solicitor general I7!>4, attorney general 1788, and in "1793, lord chief baron of the Exchequer, which high office he resigned in 1813, and was created a bart. 27 Nov. in that year ; »n., 25 Dec. 1777. lady Louisa Gower, eldest da. of the 1st marquess of Stafford, K.G., and by her (who rf. 29 Jan. 1827) had issue, 1. SirJAMKS, 2d bart. 2. Francis, R.N., rf. 28 June 1804. bor7i 1820, 3. Carolinb-Marcaret, b. 26 Nov. 1778. 4. Susan, b. 1780, d. inun. 1803. 5. Louisa, b. 23 Aug. 1781. 6. Levison, d. Sept. 1792. 7. Caroline-Diana, b. 7 July 179*^', m., 28 May 1813, the rev. Thomas Randolph, rector of Hadham, co. Herts. Sir Archibald d. 18 May 1826, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir JAMES, 2d bart., 6. 14 Feb. 1784, sometime clerk to the Privy Seal, and ap- pointed Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian islands four weeks previous to his decease ; m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of John Si)arrow, of Bishton, co. Stafford, esq. ; 2dly, 10 Aug. 1819, Sophia, da. of William- Charles, earl of Albemarle, by whom (who d. 29 Sept. 1824) he had issue, 1. Sir Archibald-Keppel, 3d bart 2. Granville, d. Dec. 1831, set. 10 years. Sir James m., 3dly, 20 April 1826, Anne- Charlotte, da. of the rev. J. S. Ogle, of Kir- ley Hall, CO. Northumberland, and dying 29 June 1832, was succeeded by his only sur- pre- sent and 3d bart. Arms— See Plate 45. Quarterly : 1st, ar- gent, a lion ramjiant, gules ; 2d, or, a hand in armour, holding a cross crosslet, fitch^, gules; 3d, or, a row-galley, (or lymphad,) the sails furled up, sable; 4th, argent, a salmon naiant in fess, proper. Crest— On a wreath a hand in armour, holding a cross crosslet, fitch^e, gules. Motto — Per mare, per terras. Seat—Kt East Sheen, co. Surrey. WRAXALL, of Wraxall, co. Somerset. 21 Dec. 1813. Sir WILLIAM-IiASCELLES WRAXALL, Baronet, horn 5 Sept. 1791, succeeded his father, sir Nathaniel- Wilham, Nov. 1831. Nathaniel Wraxall, of Mayse Hill, near Bristol, merchant, h. 1687, «'•. 1708, Anne, da. of John Goddard, of Cork, and d. 1731, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1764,) 1. Nathaniel. 2. Sarah, m. Joseph Eiles, esq., of Mayse Hill, and d. 1747- 3. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Dcane, esq., and d. 1784. 4. Mary-Anne, m. William Jenkins, of Shepton Mallet, esq., and d. his widow, 1794. .5. Martha, d. untn. Nathaniel Wraxall, only son, was also of Mayse Ilill, b. 1725, »h., 1749, Anne, da. of William Thornhill, of Bristol, esq., and great niece of sir James Thornhill, knt., and d. 1781, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1800,) 1. Sir Nathaniel-William. 2. Catherine. 3. Rebecca, m. James Robertson, esq., capt. in the army, andd. 178(). I. Sir NATHANIEL- WILLIAM, only son, created a bart. as above; in the civil service of the East India Company, judge advocate and paymaster to the forces on the ex})edition sent into Guzerat, and against Baroche in 1771 ; b. 8 April 1751, m., 3i» March 178!), Jane, da. of Peter Lascelles, of Knight's House, co. Herts, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir William - Lascelles, present bart. 2. Charles-Edward, in the royal artil- lery, b. 9 Aug. 1792, m., 1827, miss Matlden, and has issue, Charles -Lascelles -Frederic, 6. 2 Jan. 1828. 3. Emilie-Fannik. Sir Nat ban id- William d. Nov. 1831, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WILLLVM-LASCELLES, present and 2d bart. Amis— Sec Plate 45. Lozengy, erminois and azure, on a chevron, gules, three es- toiles, of eight points, or. Crcst—X buck's head caboshedand erased, gules, charged on the breast with two lo- zenges in fess, and between the attires an estoile, or. FOWKE.— BERESFORD. 371 FOWKE, of Lowes BY, co. Leicester. 7 Feb. 1814. -Sir FREDERICK-GUSTAVUS FOWKE, Baronet, Gent, of the Privy Chamber, horn 24 Jan. 1782 ; married^ 12 Oct. 1814, Mary-Anne, sole da. of the late Anthony Henderson, esq., M.P. for Brackley, and has issue, 1. FREDERICK-THOMAS, 6.29 June 181G ; 2. Gustavus- WocLLASTON, b. 9 April 1818; 3. Anthony-Henderson, 6.25 Sept. 1819; 4. MARY-SorniA, h. 22 Oct. 1822 ; 5. George-Au- GUSTUS-FiiEDERiCK, b. 12 Aug. 1824, to whom his R. H. the duke of York stood in person as one of the sponsors ; 6. Laurence-Wool- LASTON, b. 1 July 1827; 7- Ann-Elizabeth, b. 12 Nov. 1829. John Fowke, esq,, (a junior descendant of the family of Fowke of Brewood and Gunston, co. Stafford,) m. Joyce, da. of Richard March, of Limehouse, esq., master of the ordnance in the Tower of London, and keeper of arms and ammunition to Charles I. and II. ; and in consequence of that match, (by which he acquired certain estates in Stepney, co. Middlesex,) settled in that parish, and was buried there IG March 1669. He had issue, 1. RoGER-FowKE, of Gunston Hall, esq., (which he seems to have acquired by pur- chase from the elder branch of his family,) d. unm. 1698. 2. John ; 3. Richard. 4. Thomas, the great-grandfather of the present bart. 5. George. 6. Dorothea, m. Wroth. 7. Sarah ; 8. Mary ; 9. Anne. 10. Elizabeth. Thomas, 4th son, by Mary, his wife, had an only son, Thomas, who became a distinguished military character, d. a lieut.-gen. in the army, and was buried in the family vault at Stepney, having m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of sir William Ingoldsby, bart., by v/hom he had no issue ; 2dly, Dorothy, da. of Edward Randall, of Salisbury, co. Wilts, esq., by whom he had an only son, Thomas, who was knighted at St. James's, 5 May 1779, and was, m 1784, appointed groom of the bed-chamber to his late royal highness Henry-Frederick, Duke of Cum- berland; he»n., 13 Aug. 1772, Anne, 2d da. andco-h. of sir Isaac WooUaston, of Lowesby Hall, CO. Leicester, bart., and by her (who d. 25 Nov. 1803) had issue, four sons and three das. 1. Thomas, h. 9 Dec. 1774, d. 22 Oct. 1779. 2. William -WooLLASTON, 6. 22 June 1778, d. 27 Nov. 1780. 3. Sir Frederick-Gustavus, created a bart. as above. 4. Orlando, d. an infant 1784. 5. Henry-Anne, a da., (who received those names in baptism from her sponsors, their royal highnesses the late duke and duchess of Cumberland,) m. col. John-Dick Burnaby, (3d son of the late rev. dr. Bur- naby, archdeacon of Leicester, &:c.,) late of the 1st regiment of foot guards. 6. Anne-Woollaston, d. 18 June 1790. 7. Anne-William, rf. 23 Nov. 1785. Sir Thomas d. 30 Nov. 1786. I. Sir FREDERICK-GUSTAVUS, was created a bart. 7 Feb. 1814. Anns— See Plate 45. Vert, a fleur-de-lis, argent. Crest— 1^ dexter arm embowed, habited vert, cuff argent, holding in the hand an arrow, or, barbed and flighted of the se- cond, point downwards. Motto — Arma tuentur pacem. Seat — Lowesby Hall, co. Leicester. BERESFORD. 21 May 1814. Sir JOHN-POO BERESFORD, created a Baronet, as above, Vice-Ad- miral of the White, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, K.C.B. K.T.S. and M.P. for Chatham ; married., 1st, Mary, da. of captain Anthony-James Pye IMolloy, R.N., and by her (who d. in the West Indies, 1813) had issue, 1. GEORGE. Sir John-Poo m., 2dly, 17 Aug. 1815, Henrietta, youngest da. of Henry Peirse, of Bedale, co. York, esq., (by Charlotte-Grace, da. of John, 2d lord Monson,) and by her (who d. 28 Feb. 1825) had issue, 2. Henry, b. 27 Sept. 1820 ; .3. John, b. 28 Sept. 1821 ; 4. Araminta, 6. Aug. 1817, d. 2 Aug. 1818 ; 5. Har- aiET ; G. Charlotte; 7- Georgiana; 8. Mary-Anne. the lower part of the neck transfixed by a broken tilting spear, and in the mouth the remaining part of the spear, the point up- wards, or. Seat — At Bagnall, co. Waterford. Arms— See Plate 45. Argent, semee of cross crosblets, fitchee, three fleurs-de-lis, two and one, sable, within a bordure, wavy. gon's head per fess, wavy, azure and gules, 372 DOMVILLE.— GREY. DOMVILLE, of St. Alban's, co. Herts. 28 July 1814. Sir WILLIAM DOMVILLE, Baronet, born 22 March 1774, sue ceeded his father, sir WilHam, 8 Feb. 1833; married, 15 Sept. 1807, Maria, one of the das. of Isaac Solly, late of Walthamstow, co. Essex, esq., and has issue, 1. Maria, b. 7 July 1808, d. 14 June 1822 ; 2. Ann, b. 17 Sept. 1809, m., 1832, Dr. F. W. Horn, of Bremen ; 3. Sarah, b. 15 Jan. 1811 ; 4. JAMES-GRAHAM, b. 29 June 1812 ; 5. Eli- zabeth, b. 11 July 1814; 6. Frances, b. 24 Oct. 1815; 7. Wil- liam-Henry, b. 9 Nov. 1819. This family is of great antiquity in the county of Chester, in which county Mat- thew Domville held the manor of Brun- stath as early as the reign of Henry III. The eldest line of his descendants termi- nated in an heiress, about the time of Henry IV. ; but a younger branch continued in uninterrupted male descent at Lyme, or Lymme, till the beginning of the 18th century, William Domvillk, 5th son of Peter Domville, of Lymme Hall, co. Chester, d. 1624, leaving two sons, 1. William, ancestor of the present bart. 2. Gilbert, settled in Ireland, was clerk of the Hanaper there, and M.P. for Dublin, w. Mary, da. of Thomas Jones, archbishop of Dublin, and lord chancellor of Ireland, and had issue, Sir William, attorney-general of Ire- land, &c., m. Bridget, da. of sir Thomas Lake, of Cannons, co. Middlesex, by whom he had issue, i. Sir William, M.P. for Armagh, and afterwards for Dviblin. 2. Sir Thomas, of Templeoge, created a bart. of Ireland 1686, whose da. m. Christo- pher Pocklington, of Stutlow, co. Hunts, esq., ancestor of the present sir Compton- Charles Pocklington-Domvile, of Temple- oge, bart. (see that title.) Charles Domville, son of the rev. Charles Domville, of Lyme, and grandson of William, elder brother of Gilbert, was a citizen and cloth-worker of London, and d. 1704, leaving issue, Charles, also of London, and afterwards of St. Alban's, in., 1st, Anne, da. of John Heath, of London ; and, 2dly, Sarah, da. of the rev. John Cole, archdeacon of St. Alban's, (by whom he had no issue,) and d. 27 July 1733, leaving issue by his 1st wife, John, d. withoutissue 1787* and Charles, m. Eleanor, da. of William Carr, esq., alderman of St. Alban's, and d. 27 July 1775, leaving issue by her, (who d. 6 May the same year,) 1. Charles, of Gray's Inn, d. unm. 1794. 2. Elizabeth, rf. M?i»?. 1798 ; 3. I. Sir WILLIAM, created a bart. as above, h. 26 Dec. 1742, served the office of sheriff'of London 1804-5, elected alderman 1806, and lord mayor 1813-14. During his year of mayoralty the city entertained his R. H. the Prince-Regent, the emperor of Russia, and king of Prussia, at a splendid banquet, 18 June 1814 ; m., 20 May 1769, Sally, da. of Archibald Finney, gent., and by her (who d. 29 Sept. 1793) had issue, two sons and five das., of whom only three sur- vived their infancy. I. Eleanor ; 2. Elizabeth, 3. Sir William, present bart. Sir William d. 8 Feb, 1833, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, II, Sir WILLIAM, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 45. Quarterly : 1st, azure, a lion rampant, argent, supporting a sword erect, representing the sword of the city of London, proper; and (as an augment- ation) on a chief of the second, three ori- ental crowns two and one, the points al- ternately radiated gold, encircled by two branches of olive, also proper. 2d, azure, a lion rampant, argent, gorged with a plain collar, gules. 3d, argent, six lozenges con- joined in bend sable; 4th, argent; five lozenges conjoined in pale gules. Crests—Ut, (of augmentation,) out of a mural crown gules, a demi-lion issuant, ar- gent, supporting between the paws an es- cutcheon azure, charged with three crowns as in the arms ; 2d, two lions' jambs, erased argent. Motto — Pax alma redit. Seat— At St, Alban's, co. Herts, GREY. 29 July 1814. Sir GEORGE GREY, Baronet, M.P. for Devonport, and late under Secretary of State for the Colonies, born 11 May 1799; married, 16 Aug. 1827, Anna-Sophia, eldest da, of Henry, lord bishop of Lichfield, and nephew of Dudley, earl of Harrowby. (For Sir George's ancestry, see Debrett's Peerage.) I, Sir GEORGE GREY, bart., (.3d sur- viving son of Charles, 1st carl Grey,) created a bart., G.C'.B., eapt. R.N., and resident commissioner of Portsmouth dock yard, marshal in the island of Barbadoes, b. 10 Oct. 17()7. m„ 18 June 1795, Mary, da, of the late Samuel Whitbrcad, esq., and sister to Sanniel Whitbrcad, esq., M.P, for Bedford, and had issue, 1, Mary, b. 3 April 1796, m., 26 Nov. 1823, Thomas-M, Mason, capt. R.N. 2, Sir Geokue, present bart. WYLTE.— BLACKWOOD.— DUNBAR. 373 3. Elizabeth, b. 3 Dec. 1800, and d. 20 Sept. 1818, nu Charles-Noel Noel, afterwards lord Barham, and d. Oct. 1818. 4. HARRIETT-C'AROLINE-AUGrSTA, b. 25 Jan. 1802, nu, 17 March 1830, rev. John S. Jenkinson. 5. Hanvah-Jeax, b. 10 Sept. 1803, nu, 26 Feb. 1828, sir Henrv Thompson, bart., and d. 12 June 1829. 6. Charlotte, d. June 1814. 7. Jane, b. 20 Oct. 1804, m., 7 April 1825, Francis-T. Baring, esq., M.P., eldest son of sir Thomas Baring, bart. 8. Charles, b. 24 Jan. 1811. Sir George d. 3 Oct. 1828, and was succeed- ed bv his son, II.' Sir GEORGE, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 45. Gules, a lion ram- pant, within a bordure engrailed, argent. Crest — A scaling-ladder, argent. Motto — De boil vouloir servir le roi. WYLIE. 30 July 1814. Sir JAIMES WYLIE, created a Baronet as above, First Physician to his Imperial ^Majesty the Emperor of Russia ; Knight of the Russian Order of St. Waldemir, Second Class ; St. Anne, First Class ; also a Commander of the Order of Leopold, of Austria ; of the Red Eagle of Prussia ; and of IMerit, of Bavaria and Wirtemburg ; conferred upon him for his services during the late campaigns on the continent. Sir James was knighted at Ascot Heath races 1814, by his R. H. the Prince Regent with the sword of the Hetman Count PlatoiF. Arms — See Plate 45. Azure, a bend ar- gent, between a fox, proper, in chief, and in base two mullets of the 2d, and in honour- able augmentation, (granted to sir James by the emperor of Russia, and confirmed by royal sign manual 1819,) on a chief, or, the imperial eagle of Russia. Crest — A cossack mounted, and in the act of charging at full speed, proper. Supporters— (Cirax\tedi by the emperor of Russia, and confirmed by royal sign manual, 1810) two Russian foot soldiers in the atti- tude of attention. Motto — iMbore et scientid. BLACKWOOD. 1 Sept. 1814. Sir HENRY-MARTIN BLACKWOOD, Baronet, Captain R.N., born 11 June 1801, succeeded his father, sir Henry, 14 Dec. 1832 ; married, 19 Aug. 1826, Harriet-Louisa, youngest da. of J. M. Bulkelev, esq., and has issue, 1. a SON, b. 7 May 1828; 2. Louisa, d. an "infant, 28 Feb. 1832. (For sir Henry's ancestry, see Debrett's Peerage.) I.Thehon. sir HENRY BLACKWOOD, bart., (5th surviving son of sir John Black- wood, of Ballyliddy, co. Down, bart., by Dorcas, baroness Dufferin and Claneboye,) K.C.B., commander-in-chief in the East Indies, vice-admiral of the blue ; created a bart. as above; b. 28 Dec. 177"'; »'•> 1st, 12 Jan. 1795, Jane-Mary, 2d da. of Launcelot Crosbie, of Tubrid,"esq., and by her (who d. 19 Jan. 1/98) had no issue. Sir Henry nu, 2dly, 3 June 1799, Eliza, 4th da. of Martin VVa'ghorn.esq., capt. R.N., and by her (who d. 30 Oct. 1802) had issue, 1. Sir Hex ry-Marti.v, present bart. Sir Henry m., 3dly, 9 May 1803, Harriet, da. of Francis Gore, esq., and by her had issue, 2. ARTHIR-JOHXSTOME, b. 7 April 1808, a clerk in the foreign office, m., 2 March 1830, Cecilia-Georgina, widow of the late John Wright, esq., and has issue, Alice, 6. Dec. 1830. 3. Fraxcis-Price, 6. 25 May 1809. 4. Harriet, 6. 4 March 1813. Sir Henry d. 14 Dec. 1832, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HENRV-MARTIN, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 46. Argent, a saltire, sable ; on a chief of the last, three holly- leaves of the field. O-e*^— Out of clouds, proper, a sun in splendour, or. Motto — Per via^ rectas. DUNBAR, of BoATH, co. Nairn. 19 Sept. 1814. Sir JAMES DUNBAR, Knt., created a Baronet, as above. Captain R.N., bor7i 12 Feb. 1770, knighted 30 31arch 1810; married, 2 Feb. 1814, 374 HOSTE. Helen,-da. of James Coull, of Ashgrove, co. Elgin, esq., niece to sir Ar- chibald Dunbar, of Northfield, bart., and cousin to John, viscount Ar- buthnot, and has issue, 1. Jane, b. 1 Jan. 1815; 2. Helen-Pa- tricia, b. 12 Aug. 1817; and other issue. This family is derived from Cospatric, earl of Northumberland, at the time of the Conquest; his 2d son, also named Cospa- tric, was earl of Dunbar, in Scotland, 1130, and from him descended George, 10th earl of Dunbar and March, d. 1420, leaving, be- sides his successor, George, 11th earl, and other issue, a son, John Dunbar, who m. Marjory Stuart, da. of king Robert II., and had issue, Thomas, created earl of Murray, and Alexander, ancestor of the Dunbars, of Westfield. Alexander Dunbar, of Boath, co. Nairn, esq., (descended from the house of Westfield,) m. Janet, da. of James Brodie, of White Hill, co. Elgin, esq., and d. Feb. 1774, leaving issue, 1. Alexander. 2. James, LL.D., professor of philosophy at Aberdeen, d. utim, 3. William, writer to the signet, d. nnm. 4. Magdalen, m. lieut. Fordyce, R.N. 5. Marjory, m. Alexander Dunbar, of Nairn. Alexander Dunbar, eldest son and heir of Alexander above named, m. Jane, da. of Alexander Burnett, of Kemney, co. Aberdeen, esq., and d. 17^3, leaving issue, 1. Alexander, of Boath, d. imm. 29 Sept. 1808. 2. George, M.D., d. unm. in India. 3. Sir Jambs, present bart. 4. William, d. unm. in Jamaica, 11 Oct. 1807. 5. Peter, an officer in the East India Company's service. 6. Helen. Arms—'iee Plate 46. Gules, a li leaving issue, 1. Derick, of Barwick House, 6. 2 Jan. 1799, m., Nov. 1H28, his cousin, Anne, youngest da. of Dixon Hoste. 2. Louisa-Sophia, b. 11 May 1801. Dixon, 2d, but eldest surviving son of Theodore, m. Margaret, da. of Henry Stan- forth, of Salthouse, co. Norfolk, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Marianne, rf. t »«• Mary, eldest da. of Walter-Hill Coyney, of Weston-Coyney, co. Stafford, esq., and has issue, Charles, b. 1 Jan. 1813. 9. Barbara-Elizabeth, 6. 11 Nov. 1763, rf. unm. 1792. 10. Mary, b. 31 March 1765, m., 13 Dec. 1792, sir Charles Wolseley, bart., and d. 16 July 1811. 11. Anne, 6. 28 April 1770. 12. Lucy-Bridget, b. 19 July 1771, '»•» 14 June 1796, Thomas Weld, of I-ullworth Castle, CO. Dorset, esq., and rf. 1815. I. Sir THOMAS-HUGH, created a bart. as above, at the particular request of Louis XVIII., King of France, as the testimony of the services and attentions received by him from that gentleman during his long residence in this country : he took the name of Constable only by royal sign manual 1821 ; b. 4 Dec. 1762 ; »»., 7 June 1791, Mary- Macdonald, 2d da. of John Chichester, of Arlington, co. Devon, esq., (by his 2d wife, Mary Macdonald, of Teindrish, North Britain,) and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Ashton, present bart. 2. Mary-Barbara, 6. 29 Oct. 1801, m., 13 April 1826, lieut.-col. Charles Chichester, 2d son of Charles Chichester, of Calver- leigh Court, CO. Devon, esq. 3. Marv-Isahella, b. 2 Sept. 1804; m., 27 Sept. 1808, Henry Arundel, esq., eldest son of Raymond Arundel, of Kenilworth, cousin to lord Arundel, and d. 2 Oct. 1828. SIMEON.— CAMPBELL. Sir Thomas-Hugh d. 25 Feb. 1823, and was succeeded by his only son, II. Sir THOMAS-ASTON, present bart. Arms— See Plate 46. Barry of six, or and azure; on a canton argent, a teazle proper. Crest — A dragon's head, barry of six, ar- 379 gent and gules, charged with nine lozenges three, three, and three, or ; in the mouth a teazle proper. Motto — Semper paratus. Seat— At Tixall, co. Stafford. SIMEON, of Grazely, co. Berks. 22 May 1815. Sir RICHARD-GODIN SIMEON, Baronet, M.P. for the Isle of Wight, succeeded his father, sir John, Feb. 1824, born 21 May 1784 ; married, 8 April 1813, Louisa-Edith, eldest da. and co-h. of sir Fitzwil- liam Barrington, bart., and has issue, 1. Louisa-Mary, b. 2 Jan. 1814; 2. JOHN, b. 5 Feb. 1815; 3. Charles, b. 9 Dec. 1816; 4. Jane-Elizabeth, b. 5 Oct. 1818 ; 5. Cornwall, b. 5 Feb. 1820. I. Sir JOHN SIMEON, bart., was ap- pointed recorder of Reading 1779, and M.P. for that borough 1812. He was senior mas- ter of the court of Chancery, and in 1811 was placed at the head of the commission, in conjunction with count Munster and sir Herbert Taylor, for putting the real and personal estates of king George III. in trust during his melancholy indisposition; m. Rebecca, eldest da. of John Cornwall, of Hendon House, co. Middlesex, esq., and by her (who d. 20 Oct. 1830) had issue, 1. Sir Richard, present bart. 2. Edward, b. 1788, m., Sept. 1814, So- phia, 2d da. of Philip-Lybbe-Powys, of Hardwick House, co. Oxon, esq. 3. Charles, captain R.N., b. 1791, ?h. Frances, da. of T. Woore, esq., and has issue, 4 sons and 4 das. 4. Eleanora-Elizabeth, m. col. Web- ber Smith, C.B., of the royal artillery. 5. Charlotte, m. Thomas - Browne Evans, of Tuddenham, co. Norfolk, esq. 6. Harriet, m., July 1814, sir Frederick Baker, of Loventor, co. Devon, bart. Sir John received from his majesty, a royal grant of supporters to be borne by him and his successors in the title of bart. He d. Feb. 1824, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir RICHARD, present bart. Art7is—See Plate 47- Per fess, sable, and or, a pale, counterchanged ; three trefoils slipped two and one, of the second, and three ermine spots, one and two of the first. Crest — A fox passant regardant, proper, in the mouth a trefoil slipped, vert. Supporters — Granted by royal warrant 1820, dexter, a fox regardant proper, in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert ; sinister, a lion gules ducally crowned, or. Motto — Serviendo — and — nee temere, nee timide. Seat— St. John's, and Swainton in the Isle of Wight. CAMPBELL. 22 May 1815. Sir GUY CAMPBELL, Baronet, C.B., Col. in the Army, and Deputy Quarter-Master-General of the Forces in Ireland ; married^ 1st, 13 Jan. 1817, Frances-Elizabeth, eldest da. and co-h. of Montagu Burgoyne, of Marks Hall, co. Essex, esq., by which lady (who d. 7 May 1818) he had issue, 1. Frances-Elizabeth. Hem., 2dly, 21 Nov. 1820, Pamela, da. of the late lord Edward Fitzgerald, son of James, 1st duke of Leinster, and has issue, 2. a SON, b. 25 Oct. 1822 ; 3. a Son, b, 17 April 1824 ; and other children. John Campbell, of Edinburgh, esq., m. Anna-Caroline, da. of James Campbell, of Tofts, esq., and had issue, Colin, lieut.-gen. in the army, lieut.gov. of Gibraltar, and col. of the 55th regt. of foot ; m. Mary, eldest da. and co-h. of col. Guy Johnson, superintendent of India af- fairs in North America, and d. 2 April 1814, aet. .59, leaving issue, 1. Sir Guy,' present bart. 2. John, major in the army. 3. William, captain in the anny. 4. Colin, in holy orders, >»., Dec. 1820, Beatrice, da. of admiral George viscount Torrington. .5. James; 6. Frederick. 7. Mary. 8. Caroline, m., 20 Oct. 1812, George- Horatio, present marquess of Cholmon- deley, d. without issue, 12 Oct. 1815. 9. Ji lia-Frances; 10. Arabella. 11. Julia. I. Sir GUY, created a bart. as above. Arms—See Plate 46. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, girony of eight pieces, or and sable ; 2d, argent, a lymphad, sable, with a flag and pennants flying, gules ; 3d, or, a fess, cheeky, argent and azure, all within a bordure, em- 380 POCKLINGTON-DOMVILE.— JACKSON. battled, ermine. Ci-est — On a wreath, a boar's head, couped, Motto, (over the crest,) — Follow me. POCKLINGTON-DOMVILE, of Santry House, co. Dublin. 22 May 1815. Sir COMPTON POCKLINGTON-DOMVILE, created a Baronet as above ; married., 1st, Elizabeth- Frances Lindsay, da. of the hon. and rev. Charles, lord bishop of Kildare, and niece of the earl of Balcarres, and by her (who d. Aug. 1812) had issue an only son, 1. COMPTON- CHARLES, b. Aug. 1812. He m., 2dly, 7 Dec. 1815, Helena-Sarah, da. of Frederick French, of Heywood, Queen's County, esq., and has issue, 2. a Son, b. 28 Feb. 1821 ; and other issue. Christopher Pocklington, of Stut- low, CO. Hunts, rear-admiral R.N., m. Eli- zabeth, only da. of sir Thomas Domvile, of Templeoge, co. Dublin, bart. of Ireland, (see Domville of St. Alban's, co. Herts,) by his 2d wife, Anne, da. of sir Charles Comp- ton, and only sister of the whole blood of sir Compton Domvile, bart., who rf. s.p. 13 March 17(>8, when the title became extinct. He d. in Dublin, Oct. ITtiti, leaving issue by the above lady, a son and heir, Charles, who, on the death of his un- cle, sir Compton Domvile, assumed the surname and arms of Domvile, and had issue, 1. Sir Compton. 2. Henry-Barry, in holy orders, rector of Leigh, CO. Worcester, m. Mary, da. and h. of William Russell, of Powick Court, CO. Worcester, and has issue. 3. William, in holy orders, rector of Winforton and Munsley, co. Hereford, m. Abigael, da. and co-h. of John Freeman, of Letton, CO. Hereford, esq., and has issue. 4. Christopher. 5. Elizabeth, m., 1814, rev. George Mont- gomery. 6. Margaret, m., Oct. 1812, rev. G. Wheeler, of Steple Ashton, co. Wilts. 7. Anna-Maria, m. 8. Caroline, m,, 1817) George Wade, esq. 9. Louisa, m. 10. Mary, m., 25 March 1811, D. A. P. Wilson Philip, of Worcester, M.D. 11. Bridget, m. I. Sir COMPTON, eldest son, was created a bart. as above. Arms — See Plate 47- Azure, a lion ram- pant, argent, collared, gules. Crest — A man's head, affronts, wreathed about the temples. Seats — At Templeoge and Santry, co. DubUn. JACKSON, of Arsley, co. Bedford. 22 May 1815. Sir KEITH-ALEXANDER JACKSON, Baronet, in the Army, horn 8 Jan. 1798, succeeded his father, sir John, 17 May 1820 ; married^ 4 Feb. 1834, Amelia, only da. of the late George Waddell, esq., East India Com- pany's civil service. Robert Jackson, of Jamaica, esq., d. 1777, having m. Hannah, da. of Nathaniel Coverley, of Jamaica, esq., and had issue by her, (who d. 17!W,) 1. Samuel-Coverley, d. 1788. 2. William, rf. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Rosanna, m. • Grosciard, esq. 5. Mary-Annf, rf. unm. 6. Sir John, 1st bart. 7. Robert, b. April 17(35, capt. R.N. 8. Joseph. 1. Sir JOHN, created a bart. as above, h. 30 Dec. 1763, m., 13 Feb. 17<)7, Charlotte, da. of gen. Goreham, of Cforoham Point, Nova Scotia, and had issue by her, L Sir Keith-Alexandkr, present bart. 2. John, h. 28 April 17!»1», m., 8 March 1832, Honoria-Anna-Maria, 7 th da. of James Daniell, esq. 3. Welby-Browne, h. 30 Dec. 1802, re- gister of Allahabad, in the civil service of the East India Company in Bengal. 4. Colvillk-Coverley, b. 7 May 1804, joint magistrate and deputy-collector of Moorshedabad, in the E. L C. service in Bengal. 5. Charlotte, b. 25 June 1801, rf. 8 Oct. 1819. C. Margaretta-Anne, b. 25 Jan. 1806, m., 24 April 1828, George Rennie, esq. Sir Johnrf. 17 May 1820, and was succeed- ed by his eldest son, II. Sir KEITH-ALEXANDER, present bart. Arm.t—^ee Plate 47. Argent, on a fess between a goat's head, couped in chief, gules, and a ship in full sail in base, proper, a greyhound current, between two pheons, or, within a border, gules, charged with eight bezants. Crest— Oa a wreath of the colours, a goat's STEUART.— GRIFFIES-WILLIAMS. 381 bead couped argent, gutte de sang, armed and bearded, or, gorged with a collar, gules, charged with three bezants from the collar. a line reflexed of the third, the rings gold. Seat — At Arsley, co. Bedford. STEUART, of Allanton, co. Lanark. 22 May 1815. Sir HENRY STEUART, LL.D., F.R.S., and A.S.E., born 20 Oct. 1759, created a Baronet as above, with remainder to the heirs male of the body of his only surviving daughter, Elizabeth ; married, 1787, Lillias, da. of Hugh Seton, of Touch, esq., (in right of his wife,) hereditary armour- bearer to his majesty for Scotland, and has issue, 1. Elizabeth- Seton, b. 1788, d. the same year; and 2. Elizabeth, b. 31 Oct. 1789, w., 23 Jan. 1812, Reginald-Macdonald, of Staffa, esq., by whom she has issue, Henry-James, b. 5 Nov. 1812; Archibald, b. 18 3Iay 1814; Isa- bella, b. 10 Feb. 1816; John-Reginald, b. 21 Dec. 1818; Lilli'as-Margaret, b. 14 April 1821. This family is of great antiquity in co. | Lanark, and is at the head of one of the most extensive branches of the house of Bonkle, being lineally descended from sir Robert Stewart, of Daldowie, Gth son of sir Robert Stewart, of Bonkle, or Bonkhill, son to Alexander, rith lord high steward of Scotland, great-grandfather of king Robert II., the first prince of the Stewart line. About 1290, sir John bestowed the estate of Daldowie, on the river Clyde, part of his extensive possessions co. Lanark and co. Renfrew, in patrimony, on his son, sir Ro- bert, and was himself killed at the battle of Falkirk, anno 1298, against Edward I., with many other of the Scotch nobility : sir Ro- bert "probably fought at Bannockbum, with the lord high steward, and the rest of his family, under king Robert Bruce ; and we find that in the following year he, with three of his brothers, sir Alan, sir Walter, and sir Hugh, accompanied Edward Bruce in the expedition to Ireland, 1315 ; and he was also present at the battle of Dundalk, 1318, where that adventurous prince at length terminated his career ; from whom descended James, 10th baron of Allanton, and I3th in descent from the lord high steward of Scotland, b. 1715, m., 1754, his cousin Mar- garet, da. of Henry-Steuart Barclay, of Col- lernie, co. Fife, esq., younger brother to sir James Steuart, of Goodtrees, bart., M.P. for Mid-Lothian, in the 1st parliament after the Union, and afterwards solicitor-gene- ral in the reign of George II., and had issue, 1. James, b. 1755, rf. 17.5(3. 2. Sir Henry, present bart. 3. William; 4. Axtonia, bothd. 17/5. James, deceasing, was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, I. Sir HENRY, the 15th in descent from the lord steward of Scotland. Arms— See Plate 47- Or, a fess cheque, azure and argent, surmounted of a bend, gules, charged v.ith three buckles of the field ; on a sinister canton, gules, a lion pas- sant guardant, or, pierced with a dart pro- per, (by special grant from king Robert II.,) and in base, a brokt^n spear, surmounted of a helmet, both pro ,.-r. Crest — A dexter l;r..id, grasping a thistle, proper, issuantfrrra an earl's coronet. Supporters — T\>o lions rampant, gardant, proper, armed and langued, gules, collared of the last, each collar charged with three buckles, or. Mottoes (above the crest) — Juvant aspera fortes; (below the shield) — Virtutis in bello pi'CBmiiim. Sea^— Allanton House, co. Lanark. GRIFFIES-WILLIAMS, of Llavyxy-Wormwood, co. Carmarthen. 22 May 1815. Sir GEORGE GRIFFIES-WILLIAMS, Baronet, took the surname of Williams, in addition to his paternal name of Griffies, by royal sign manual, 21 May 1785; married, 1st, Jane, only child and sole h. of the rev. dr. John Lewis, of Tredeved, co. Pembroke, (brother to the late sir Watkin Lewis, knt., and alderman of London,) and by her, who \%dec., had no living issue, and 2dly, Anna-Margaret, da. of Herbert Evans, of Highmead, co. Cardigan, esq., and has issue, 1. JOHN-GEORGE- HERBERT, m., 4 June 181G, Mary-Anne, only da. of Joseph Shawe, of the Circus, Bath, esq., and has issue, George- Herbert, b. 26 Dec. 1817 ; 2. Eras3IUS-Henry, m., 1819, Caroline, only da. of Henry Griffiths, late of Beaumont Lodge, 'NVindsor, esq., and has issue, 1 . George-Henry, d. an infant; 2. Caroline ; ^.Juliana; 3. Frederick-Lewis; 4. Watkin-Eltas ; 5. David-Herbert-Thackeray, in holy orders, 382 DUNDAS.— LEIGH. w., 9 Sept. 1830, Anne-Frances-Gertrude Davies, eldest da. of the late J. Davies, of Penlan, esq. ; 6. Anne, to., 1st, 20 June 1820, Lewis Grant, of the East India Company's service, esq., who d. 1823 ; and 2dly, S. Kent, esq. ; 7- Anna-Margaret ta, to., 11 June 1833, H. Har- court Lyons, of Tenby, esq.; 8. Jane-Isabella; 9. Eliza- Maria-Decima, to., 12 April 1831, William -Hoi well Short, esq.; and 10. Mary-Anne-Caroline-Catherine. John Griffies, of Coed, co. Carmarthen, esq., m. Mary, da. of George Lewis, vicar of Aberguilly, co. Carmarthen, (sister to Eras- mus Lewis, esq., under-secretary of state temp, queen Anne,) and had, among other issue, Anna, m. David Williams, of St. Peter, co. Carmarthen, esq.; and John Griffies, of Croydon, in holy carders, rector of Chipsted, co. Surrey, m. Anne, da. of dr. Thomas Thackeray, some- time head-master of Harrow school, and had issue, 1. Sir George, present bart. 2. Elias-Erasmus, in holy orders. .3. William. 4. Anne, m. Henry Griffiths, late of Beau- mont Lodge, near Windsor, esq. I. Sir GEORGE, created a bart. as above. Anns—SQe Plate 47. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, Williams, argent on a chevron, en- grailed gules, between three bulls' heads, caboshed sable, a rose between two fleurs- de-lis of the field: 2d and 3d, Griffies, azure, a fess dancette ermine, between four griffins segreant, or. Crest of Williams— A bull's head erased at the neck, pean, armed or, in the mouth a spear, the staff broken, proper. Crest of Griffies — A griffin segreant azure, beaked and armed, or, wings elevated er- mine, the claws supporting a scaling ladder of the second. Seat—Kt Llwyny-Wormwood, co. Carmar- then. DUNDAS, of Richmond, co. Surrey, and Llanelly, co. Carmarthen. 22 May 1815. Sir WILLIAM DUNDAS, Baronet, horn 10 Dec. 1777, succeeded his father, sir David, 10 Jan. 1826. Sir William Dundas, of Dundas, (the 14th generation of that family,) living 1494, left a younger son, William, who settled at Dudingston, in West Lothian, and his grandson, David Dundas, of Dudingston, left a younger son, George, of Manour, in Perth, who was the immediate ancestor of this family. Ralph Dundas, of Manour, grandson of the above George, m. Helen, da. of sir Tho- mas Burnett, physician to Charles and James II., king William and queen Anne, and d. 1729, leaving issue, John Dundas, of Manour, his son and heir, twice m. and had issue; Thomas Dundas, M.D., m. and had issue; and Ralph Dundas, of Edinburgh, mer- chant, 3d son, m. Mary, da. of William Berry, of Edinburgh, and d. 1789, leaving issue, 1. Ralph, captain R.N., d. iinm. 2. James, of Edinburgh, under clerk to the signet, m. Elizabeth, da. of William Graham, of Airth, and had issue five sons and five das. 3. Sir David, created a bart. as above. 4. George, rear-admiral, d. at the Cape of Good Hope, Aug. 1814, leaving issue, William-Boulden Dundas, major R.A., and other children. L Sir DAVID, created a bart. as above, b. 7 Dec. 1749, m. Isabella, da. of William Robertson, of Richmond, esq., and by her (who survived him, and d. 1 March 1827) had issue, 1. William, d. an infant. 2. Sir William, 2d bart. 3. George ; 4. Ralph, both d. young. 5. James-Fullarton, lieut.-col. Bengal artillery. 6. John-Burnet, capt. R.N., m., 30 Dec. 1828, Caroline, 3 da. of the rev. John Jef- freys, rector of Barnes, Surrey. 7. Edward, d. an infant. 8. Mary; 9. Elizabeth. 10. Margaret; 11. Isabella. Sir David d. 10 Jan. 1826, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, 11. Sir WILLIAM, 2d and present bart. Ar7ns—See Plate 47. Argent, a lion ram- pant, holding between the paws a human heart, gules, in the centre chief point, a crescent azure, thereon a mullet, argent for dilTerence. Crest— On a wreath, a dexter hand, hold- ing a mullet, azure. Supporters (as used by the baronet) —Two lions regardant, proper, collared gules, and pendent from each collar, a man's heart of the last. Motto — Essat/ez. Seats— At Richmond, co. Surrey, and Llanelly, co. Carmarthen. LEIGH, of Whitley, co. Lancaster. 22 May 1815. Sir ROBERT-HOLT LEIGH, Baronet, created as above, with re- mainder to the issue male of his father, Holt I^eigh, of Whitley, esq., deceased. ANTROBUS. 383 This family has been long resident at Bretherton, co. Lancaster. Alexander Leigh, of Bretherton, co. Lancaster, esq., m., as his 2d wife, Dorothy, 2d da. of Robert Holt, of Sherrington, cb. Lancaster, esq., co-h. of her brother, J{o^e>/- Holt, of Wigan Park Hall, Ince, and Sher- rington, esq. This Alexander Leigh began and completed a work of great public spirit and utility, the canal from Wigan to the Ribble, which he completed about the year 1735. He had, among other issue, a son and heir, Holt Leigh, of Whitley, b. 3 Jan. 1730, and d. 11 March 1785, having m. Mary, youngest of the two das. and co-heiresses of Thomas Owen, of Up Holland Abbey, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir RoBERT-HoLT, present bart. 2. JOHAXNAH. 3. Alexander, of Leeds, unm. 4. Roger-Holt, d. 13 May 1831, on both of whom the title is entailed in remainder. I. Sir ROBERT-HOLT, created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 47. Gules, a cross en- grailed, argent, between four lozenges er- mine. Crest — A demi-lion, gules, holding be- tween the paws a lozenge argent, charged with a rose of the first. Seat — At Whitley, co. Lancaster. ANTROBUS, of Antrobus, co. Chester CO. Roxburgh. 22 May 1815. and of Rutherford, Sir EDMUND-WILLIAM ANTROBUS, Baronet, born 17 May 1792, succeeded his uncle, sir Edmund, 6 Feb. 1826; married., 16 Oct. 1817> Anne, only da. of the hon. Hugh Lindsay, brother of the 6th earl of Bal- carres, and has issue, 1. EDMUND,' b. 3 Sept. 1818; 2. Jaxe, b. 20 Nov. 1819; 3. Anne, b. 30 May 1821 ; 4. Hugh-Lindsay, b. 1 Jan. 1823; 5. Harriot, b. 31 Aug. 1824, d. 27 April 1826 ; 6. Caroline, b. 22 March 1827; and other issue. Antrohus Hall, and its demesnes, was the seat of the family of Antrobus from an early period till the reign of Henry VL, 1460, when it was sold by Henri/ Antrobus, esq., (of whom hereafter',) to Thomas Ve- nables, esq., nephew to sir William Ve- nables, of Bolyn, knt. This branch of the Venables family resided for several genera- tions at Antrobus, and subsequently re- moved to Wincham. The Antrobus e'state was purchased, in 1808, of Edward Town- shend of Chester, esq., by sir Edmund An- trobus, the first bart., w'ho was descended from Henry Antrobus, esq., who alienated the family estates and demesnes as above. William Antrobus, of Antrobus, co. Chester, esq., m. Felix, da. of Con- stantine, of Whitchurch, esq., and had issue, Thomas, of Antrobus, who m. Mary, da. of Richard Fitz waiter, esq., and had issue, 'Henry, who sold the manor of Antrobus to Thomas Venables, as above stated; m. Elizabeth, da. of John Mackelfield, esq., and left a numerous issue. Edmund, or Edward Antrobus, of Od- rode, in Astbury, co. Chester, great-grand- son of Henry, m. and had issue, Edmund, of Odrode, m. and had issue, 1. Edmund, m. Mary, da. of Thomas Webb, of Blackenhall, co. Stafford, esq., and had issue, Edmund, d. won., 1787; Thomas; William, both d. imm. ; and Maria, m. Ed- mund Sanxay, of Cheam, co. Surrey, esq. ; 2. Philip, of Congleton, co. Chester, m. Anne, da. of John Vardon, of Congleton, and had issue, 1. J olui- Antrobus, m. Hannah, da. of the rev. Daniel Sanxay ; 2. Edmund, d. unm. ; 3. Philip, of Congleton, co. Chester, m., 1745, Marv, da. of Thomas Rowley, of Overton, cb. Stafford, and had issue, 1. William; 2. Mary, both rf. unm. 3. Jane. 4. Sir Edmund, 1st bart. 5. Frances, d. unm. 6. Philip. 7- Thojias, d. at Canton, unm. 8. John, m., 1791, Anne, only da. of Gibbs Crawfurd, esq., M.P. for Qiieenborough, and had issue, 1. Sir Edmund-William, present bart. 2. Gitabs-Crawfurd, b, 27 May 1793, of Eaton Hall, co. Chester, esq., m., 1st, 25 June 1827, Jane, 2d da. of sir Coutts Trotter, bart., which lady d. 19 Nov. 1829, in childbed, of a son, John-Coutts ; and he re-m., 12 Jan. 1832, Charlotte, sister of Edward, lord Crofton. L Sir EDMUND, 4th son, created a bart. as above, with remainder to his nephews, Edmund- AVilliam, and Gibbs-Crawfurd An- trobus, and the heirs male of their bodies : he d. unm. 6 Feb. 1826, and was succeeded bv his nephew, '11. Sir EDMUND-WTLLL\M, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 47. Lozengy, or and azure, on a pale, gulos, three estoiles, of the 1st. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, issuing out of rays proper, an unicorn's head, couped, argent, horned and maned, or, gorged with a wreath of laurel, vert. Supporters — Two horses, proper, being the supporters used and borne by the lords Rutherford, in the county of Roxburgh, descended from Andrew, the 1st lord, who was created baron Rutherford, 19 Jan. 1660, with remainder to his issue male ; and, in default of such issue, to such person or persons as he should nominate to be his successor in the said barony of Rutherford. I This title having become extinct in 1730, j the supporters were granted to sir Edmund Antrobus, 1st bart., who purchased the I barony and estate of Rutherford. j Motto — Dei memor, gratus a/nicis, I Sea^s— Cheam, Epsom, Surrey; Ames- I bury, Wilts. 384 BRYDGES. BRYDGES, of Denton Court, co. Kent. 27 May 1815. Sir SAMUEL-EGERTON BRYDGES, Baronet, born 30 Nov. 1762, M.P. for Maidstone, 1812 ; married^ 1st, Jan. 178G, Elizabeth, sole da. and h. of the rev. William-Dejovas Byrche, (by Elizabeth, only sister of the late Thomas Barrett, esq., of Lee Priory, near Canterbury,) and by her (who d. July 1790) had issue, 1. THOMAS, b. 20 June 1789, capt. in the grenadier guards, took the name of Barrett^ in addition to and before that of Brydges, 1803, and d.unm. 1 June 1834; 2. John-William- Egerton, b. Nov. 1792, late lieut. 14th dragoons ; 3. Elizabeth- Jemima, m., 10 July I8I7, lieut. -colonel George Holmes, C.B., 3d dragoon guards; 4. Jemima-Anne-Deborah, w., 4 Feb. 1817, Edward Quil- linan, esq., 3d dragoon guards, d. 24 June 1822; 5. Charlotte-Ka- THERiNE, m., Nov. 1820, Frederick- Dashwood Swann, esq., capt. in the grenadier guards. Sir Samuel m., 2dly, Mary, da. of the rev. Willium Ro- binson, rector of Burfield, co. Berks, brother to Matthew, 2d lord Rokeby, of Ireland, by whom he has issue, 6. Grey-Matthew, b. Oct. 1797» d. Feb. 1812, at Minorca, a midshipman R.N. ; 7« Anne-Mary ; 8. Edward-William-George, b. 1800, d. 13 June 1816; 9. Eger- ton-Anthony', ?>. Jan. 1802, rector of Denton, co. Kent ; 10. An- thony-Rokeby, b. 1803; 11. Ferdinand-Stanley-Head, b. 1804; 12. Mary-Jane, to., 28 Aug. 1827, George Todd, esq., capt. 3d dragoon guards; 13. Ellen; 14. Frances-Isabella; 15. Jane-Grey. John Brydges (alleged in the case laid before the house of lords in support of the claim of his grandson, the rev. Edward Tymewell Brydges, to be descended from Anthony Brydges, 3d son of the 1st lord Chandos ; but said in the counter case on behalf of the crown to have been of a per- fectly distinct family, and grandson of John Bridges, of Harbledown, near Canterbury) was b. at Canterbury, l(j80; entered a stu- dent at Gray's Inn, 1699, and called to the bar, I7M; m., 1704, Jane, da. and h. of Ed- ward Gibbon, of Westcliffe, near Dover, esq., by Martha, da. of sir John Roberts, knt., and d. July 1712, aged 32, leaving issue, 1. Deborah, m. Edward Tymewell, esq, 2. John-Brydges, b. 171O, of Wootton Court, CO. Kent,, esq., d. itnm. April 1780, aged 70. 3. Edward. Edward, 3d son, succeeded his brother at Wootton-court, esq., b. Jan. 1712, and d. 1780, ni., March 1747, Jemima, da. and co-h. of William Egerton, LL.D., prebendary of Canterbury, chancellor of Hereford, and rector of Penshurst, co. Kent, youngest son of the hon. Thomas Egerton, of Tatton Park, CO. Chester, who was 3d son of John Egerton, 2d earl of Bridgewater, by whom (who survived him, and d. Dec. 1809, aged 82) he had issue, 1. Edward-Tymewell, in holy orders, b. 1749, ni. Caroline, da. of Richard Fair- field, of Streatham, and d. s.p. Oct. I8O7. He claimed the barony of Chandos, in right of the alleged descent of his family from Anthony, .3d son of the 1st lord Chandos, above noticed; but after an investigation which lastc' some years, the house of lords decided that he had not made out his claim. 2. Sir Samuel-Egerton, present bart- 3. Sir John-William-Head, knt., b. July 1764, captain of Sandgate Castle, m., 14 April 1812, lady Isabella-Anne Beresford, eldest da. of George, 1st marquess of Wa- terford, and has issue, John, b. 6 Sept. 1814, and two das. 4. Anne, m. the rev. George Lefroy, rector of Ash and Compton, and d. Dec. 1804. 5. Jane, d. unm, 1788. 6. Deborah, m. Henry Maxwell, of Ewshot House, co. Hants, esq., and d. March 1789. 7. Jemima, d. unm. 1819. 8. Charlotte, m., 1st, Champion Bran- fill, of U[)minster Hall, co. Essex, esq. (who d. Oct. 1792); and 2dly, John Har- rison, of Dennehill, near Canterbury, esq. I. Sir SAMUEL-EGERTON, 2d son, was created a bart as above. Arms—See Plate 47. Argent, a cross sable, charged in the centre with a leopard's face, between two pheons in pale, the points towards each other, and piercing the face, or; in the first quarter, a lion rampant, gules, holding in the paws a pheon, the point downwards of the second. Crest — The bust of a man, the head pro- per, hair and beard sable, vest argent, collar gules, cap or, band and tassel of the 3d ; the cap and vest charged each with a pheon, point downwards of the first. Motto — Ma'uiticn le droit. Seats— Hewion Court and Lee Priory, eo. Kent. WALLER.— PRESTON. 385 WALLER, of Braywick Lodge, co. Berks; and Twickenham, CO. Middlesex. 30 May 1815. Sir JONATHAN-WATHEN WALLER, Baronet, G.C.H., Groom of the Bedchamber to his Majesty, took the name and arms of Waller only, instead of his paternal name of Phipps, by royal sign manual, 7 ^Jarch 1814; born 6 Oct. 1769 ; married^ 1st, Elizabeth-Maria, da. of Thomas Slack, of Braywick Lodge, co. Berks, and by her (who d. 20 Jan. 1809) he had issue, ^1. TH031AS-WATHEN, sec. of legation in Greece, b. 26 June 1805 ; 2. Ernest-Adolphus, to whom their royal highnesses the dukes of Cumberland and Cambridge, and the princesses Sophia and Mary (duchess of Gloucester) stood sponsors, b. W Dec. 1807, w., 15 Jan. 1835, Louisa, youngest da. of the rev. Henry Wise, of Oifchurch, co. Warwick ; 3. Georgiana, b. 18 June 1799, m., 16 July 1830, the rev. Sainsbury- Langford Sainsbury ; 4. Anne-Eliza, b. 25 Feb. 1803, ra., 15 July 1823, John Jarrett, esq., of Morelands, co. Hants, and of Camerton House, CO. Somerset. Sir Jonathan m., 2dly, Oct. 1812, Sophia-Charlotte, baroness Howe in her own right, eldest da. of the late admiral Richard, earl Howe, K.G., of Langar Castle, co. Nottingham, and relict of the hon. Penn- Assheton Curzon, eldest son of Assheton, viscount Curzon. Joshua Phipps, of London, h. heir of John Allen, of Lon- 1743, m. Mary, da. and don, esq., (by Anne, da. of Thomas Waller, and sister and eo-heiress of James Waller, of Farriers, near High Wycombe, co. Bucks, esq.,) and d. 22 Jan. 1773, leaving issue by her (who d. 1804) a da., Mary, m. Thomas Blunt, of Chelsea ; and I. Sir JONATHAN-WATHEN, created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 48. Sable, on a bend engrailed argent cottised or, three walnut leaves proper. CV-e*; — On a mount vert a walnut tree fructed proper, pendent therefrom, by a riband, gules, a shield azure, charged with a fleur-de-lis, or. Motto — Hie fntcttis virtutis. Seats — Braywick Lodge, co. Berks; and Pope's Villa, Twickenham, co. Middlesex. PRESTON, of Beeston St. Lawrence, co. Norfolk. 30 May 1815. Sir JACOB-HENRY PRESTON, Baronet, born 25 Jan. 1812, suc- ceeded his father, sir Thomas, 21 April 1823. Henry Hulton, of Andover, co. Hants, esq., commissioner of the customs at Bos- ton, North America, from 1768 to 1775, d. 15 April 1805, having m. Elizabeth, da. of Isaac Preston, of Beeston, co. Norfolk, esq., and by her had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, 1st bart. 2. Henry, of Lincoln's Inn, barrister-at- law, and recorder of Lynn, co. Norfolk, h. 18 May 1769, m., 1797, Sophia, da. of the rev. Whitley Heald, and had issue. .3. Edward, in holy orders, b. Oct. 1771, »)i, Pleasance Bagge, sister to Jane, wife of his brother sir Thomas, and has issue. 4. Preston, m. Alice Leigh, of Bamfield, CO. Hants, but d. s.p. 5. George, capt. 1st dragoons, d. in Spain, unm, I. Sir THOMAS, eldest son, created a bart. as above ; took the surname and arms of Preston only by royal sign manual 1805, b. 29 Aug. 1767; m., 1st, Eliza, da. of George Adams of Litchfield, co. Stafford, esq., and by her had no issue ; 2dly, March 1799. Jane, youngest da. of Thomas Bagge, of King's Lynn, co. Norfolk, esq., and had 1. Sir Jacob-Henry, present bart. 2. Thomas-Edward, b. 17 Nov. 1816 3. Jane-Mary, b. 13 Jan. 1800. 4. Eliza, b. 27 July 1801, m., 9 Dec. 1834, William Webber, esq., son of the late Joseph Webber, of Friston, co. Suffolk, esq. 5. Pleasance, b. 30 Oct. 18(i2, m., 31 July 1828, rev. Jeremiah Burroughs, of LingwooS Lodge, CO. Norfolk. 6. Frances, 6. 31 March 1804, m., 11 July 1833, William Bagge, of Stradset HaU, co. Norfolk, esq. 7. Anne. 8. Emilia. 9. Sophia. 10. Octavia-Thomazina. 11. Louisa. 12. Ellen. Sir Thomas d. 21 April 1823, and was suc- ceeded by his son, II. Sir JACOB-HENRY, present bart. Arms— See Plate 48. Ermine, on a chief, sable, three crescents, or. Crest — On a wreath, a crescent, or. Motto — PriJitimim spero lumen. Seat— At Beeston St. Lawrence, co. Nor- folk. 386 PRICE JEPHSON. PRICE, of Treiggwainton, co. Cornwall. 30 May 1815. Sir CHARLES-DUTTON PRICE, Baronet, iom 7 Dec. 1800, suc- ceeded his father, sir Rose, 29 Sept. 1834. Francis Price, of Wales, is said to have gone out to Jamaica, a captain in the army under Penn and Venables, which first re- duced that island under English sovereignty 1655. He settled in Jamaica, and left a da., Elizabeth, m. Thomas Rose, of Rose Hall, and three sons, Francis, Thomas, and Charles, 6. 1678, in. Sarah, da. of Philip Edmonds, of Jamaica, and had issue, 1. Francis, d. in England, young. 2. Sir Charles, many years speaker of the house of assembly, on his resignation of which office, 1763, his eldest son was imme- diately and unanimously elected in his stead. He was created a bart. 7 Oct. 1768, m. Maria Sharp, and d. 26 July 1772, leaving issue, 1. Sir Charles, 2d bart., speaker of the house of assembly, >«. Elizabeth, da. of John Guy, and widow of John Woodcock, but d. s.p. 1788, when the baronetcy be- came extinct. 2. John, d. unm. 3. Rose, d. young. 4. Rose, m. Lydia Fagan, but d. s.p. 5. Sarah. .3. Thomas, m. Anne Moor, but d. s.p. 4. John. John, 4th son of Charles Price, m., 6 Feb. 1737, Margery, da. of Henry Badcock, of Penzance, by whom (who d. 8 Oct. 1765) he had an only son, John, b. 25 June 1738, m., 3 Aug. 1764, Elizabeth, da. of John Brammer, of St. John's, Jamaica, and d. at Penzance, 3 Jan. 1707, having had issue, Charles-Godolphin, h. 7 June 1765, d. an infant, and I. Sir ROSE, created a bart. as above, h. 21 Nov. 1768, nu, 1798, Elizabeth, youngest da. and co-h. of Charles Lambart, of Beau- pare, CO. Meath, esq., (and sister of Thoma- sine, countess Talbot,) and by her (who <^, 2 Dec. 1026) had issue, 1. Rose-Lambart, 6. 4 July 1799, m.,2G March 1824, Catharine, coimtess dowager of Desart, and d. Jan. 1826, leaving an only child, Maria, b. 15 Jan. 1825. 2. Sir Charles-Dutton, present bart. .3. Francis, b. 11 March 1804, lieut. 19th foot. 4. Eltzareth-Mary, 6. 9 March 1805, m., 26 June 1830, John Bassett, esq. 5. Charlotte, b. 16 May 1006. 6. Emily, b. 14 Sept. IOO7. 7. John, 6. 20 Oct. 1808. 8. Agnes, b. 20 Jan. 1010. 9. Anna, b. 20 Jan. 1811. 10. George, b. 10 April 1812. 11. Julia, 6. 23 July 1813. 12. Louisa-Douglas, 6. 22 Dec. 1814. 13. Thomas, 6. 3 Nov. I8I7. 14. Jane-Frances, b. 11 March 1819. Sir Rose d. 29 Sept. 1834, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir CHARLES - DUTTON, present and 2d bart. Anns—^iiQ Plate 48. Sable, a chevron, ermine, between three spear-heads, argent, embrued at the points, proper. Crest— Ox\ a wreath of the colours a dragon's head vert, erased, gules, holding in its mouth a sinister hand erect, couped, dropping blood from the wrist, all proper. Seat — At Treiggwainton, co. Cornv>^alL JEPHSON, of Springvale, co. Dorset. 1 June 1815. Sir RICHARD-MOUNTENEY JEPHSON, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir Richard-Mounteney, 1st bart., 1825. youngest da. of Richard Mountcney, esq., and sister of Richard Mounteney, sometime baron of the exchequer in Ireland, and had issue, 1. John, in holy orders, m., 1st, Charlotte, da. of Nicholas Smith, of Castle Park, co. Limerick; and 2dly, Anna-Maria, da. of David Burleigh, esq., and has issue by both. 2. Sir Richard-Mounteney, 1st bart. 3. William. 4. Robert, m. Sarah Codrington, of Drogheda, and d. 1004. I. Sir RICHARD-MOUNTENEY, 1st bart., so created as above, was sometimejudge of the adiniraltv, and judge-advocate at Gib- raltar, 1)1., 1st, Catherine, da. of Joliffe, of Wolverton, in the Isle of Wight, esq., and by her had issue, 1. Sir Richard-Mounteney, present bart. 2. James-Saumarez. .3. William; 4. Edmitnd; bothrf. infants. He m., 2dly, Charlotte Rochford, eldest da. of lieut.-gen. John Smith, of the royal ar- tillery, and by her (who .survived him) had issue, 5. William-Malone. 6. Stanhope-William. This family is descended from Richard Jephson, esq.,towhom Henry VHI. granted the manor of Froyle, co. Hants. His grand- son, sir John Jephson, of Froyle, and of Mallow, CO. Cork, was father of major-gen. Willimn Jephson, whose 5th son, William Jephson, in holy orders, D.D., was dean of Lismore, m. Anne, da. of Red- mond Barry, of Rathcormac, co. Cork, and had issue, 1. John. 2. Mary, m. thehon. James O'Bryen, and was mother of the 1st marquess Thomond. 3. Anne, m. sir Winwood Mowct, bart., of Ireland. John, only son of the dean, was also in holy orders, and archdeacon of Cloyne, he m. and had issue, 1. John, d. young, unm. 2. William. 3. Robert, 6. 1736, m. Anne, da. of sir Edward and sister of sir Nathaniel Barry, of Dublin, barts. 4. Michael. 5. Mary. 6. Anne, m. the rev. George Baker, D.D. William, eldest surviving son and h. of the archdeacon, was b. 1734, m. Thomasine, OAKES.— KING. 387 7. JoHX, d. an infant. 8. Charlotte-Julia, m., 14 Dec. 1831, Edward Fitzgerald, esq. 9. JlLIA. 10. Georgk. 11. Eliza. Sir Richard d. 1825, and was succeeded by his eldest son. II. Sir RICHARD-MOUNTENEY, 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 48. Azure, a fess em- battled, or, between three cocks' heads erased, argent. Motto — Veritas ma^na est. Seat— At Springvale, co. Dorset. OAKES, of St. George, Haxover Square, co. Middlesex. 1 June 1815. Sir HENRY-THOMAS OAKES, Baronet, born 4 July 1795, suc- ceeded his father, sir Henry, Oct. 1827; married, I May I8I7, Frances- Jane, 5th da. of William Douglas, of Sloane Street, esq., and has issue, 1. HENRY-FREDERICK, b. 8 March 1818; 2. Frances-Char. LOTTE, b. 14 May 1819; 3. Henrietta-Matilda, b. 10 Jan. 1821 ; 4. Georgiaxa, b. 7 Oct. 1822; 5. Dorothea-Maria, b. 21 Nov. 1824; 6. Sophia-Louisa, b. 30 Jan. 1827; 7- Hilde- brand-Henry, b. 26 Jan. 1829; 8. Stuart-Windsor, b. March 1831. Abraham Oakes, LL.D., vicar of Shed- dy Camps, co. Cambridge, and rector of Long Melford, co. Suffolk, m. Catharine, eldest da. of sir John Jacob, of West Wrat- ting, CO. Cambridge, bart., and d. 22 June 1756, leaving, besides other issue, two sons, 1. Rev. John-Jacob, rector of Long Mel- ford, and afterwards of Bluntisham, co. Huntingdon, m. Dorothy, da. of Wrangle, and d. 1796, leaving three das., 1. Dorothv. 2. Elizabeth, ?n. Gamham. .3. Catharine, m. Henry Wilson, of So- mersham, co. Hunts. 2. HiLDEBRAND, 2d SOU, licut.-col. in the army, d. 21 Feb. 1797, having m. Sarah, da. of Henr^' Cornelissen, of Braxted Lodge, CO. Essex, and by her (who d. March 1775) had issue, 1. Sir HiLDEBRAXD, Ist bart. 2. Sir Henry, 2d bart. I. Sir HILDEBRAND, G.C.B., lieut.-gen. in the armv, lieut.-gen. of the ordnance, and col. of"the52d regt. of foot, &. 19 Jan. 1754, was created a bart. 2 Nov. 1813, and 1 June 1815 a second patent was granted to him, with remainder to his brother, sir Hexrv, 2d bart., and his issue male. Sir Hildebrand d. without issue, 9 Sept. 1822, and was succeeded, agreeably to limitation of the 2d patent, by his brother, II. Sir HENRY, lieut.-gen. in the army in the East Indies, and colonel of infantry in the East India Company's ser\-ice, b. 11 July 1756, m., 1792, Dorothea, da. of George Bowles, of Mount Prospect, co. Cork, esq., and had issue, 1. Henry, b. March 1793, d. 1794. 2. Sir Henry-Tho.mas, present bart. 3. Hildebrand-Gordon, b. 6 'Nov. 1797, in the military service of the East India Company at Bombay, m., 1829, Isabella Aston, aiid d. in India, s.p., 3() Oct. 1832. 4. George-William, b. 6 July 1803, a writer in India. 5. Charles-Henry, b. 25 Nov. 1810. 6. Sarah-Lydia, b. 19 March 1801, m., 12 March 1829, sir William Seymour, knt., judge of the Supreme Court at Bombay, who d. Dec. 1829. 7. Dorothea-Maria, b. 24 March 1805, m., 9 April 1831, Robert-Patterson Lloyd, esq., lieut. 2d foot, who d. 6 Aug. 1834. 8. Sophia-Harriet, b. 26 Feb. I8O7, m., 4 Jan. 1831, the rev. Thomas-Lagden Rams- den, M.A. Sir Henry d. Oct. 1827, and was suc- ceeded by his son, IIL Sir HENRY - THOMAS, present bart. Arms— See Plate 48. Argent, on a chev- ron engrailed, sable, between three sprigs of oak fructed, proper, a cross of eight points, of the field. Crest— Out of a mural crown, gules, a buck's head erased at the neck, proper, gorged with a collar, embattled, counter- embattled, or. Motto — Pel-severe. Sea^— Mitcham HaU, Surrey. KING, of Charles Town, co. Roscommon. 21 July 1815. Sir GILBERT KING, Baronet, succeeded his uncle, sir Gilbert, 8 Aug. 1818; married, 1833, da. of Charles Vigone, esq. Robert King, esq. , son of the late Robert King, esq., 3d brother of the aforesaid Gil- bert King, and his issue male. Sir Gilbert rf. 8 Aug. 1818, and (having S 2 I. Sir GILBERT KING, of Charles Towm, was created a bart. as above, v;ith remain- der to his brother, the rev. John King, M.A., archdeacon of Killala ; remainder to 388 BROWNRIGG.-OGLE. sun'ived his brother, the rev. John King) was succeeded in his title and estates by his nephew, II. Sir GILBERT, present bart., son of the said rev. John King. Anm—See Plate 48. Sable, a lion ram- pant, dovible queued, or. Crest— An escallop, gules. Motto — Audaces fortuna juvat. Seat — At Charles Town, co. Roscommon. BROWNRIGG. 9 March 1816. Sir ROBERT-JAMES BROWNRIGG, Baronet, succeeded his grand- father, sir Robert, 27 May 1833, and is a minor. Henry Brownrigg, of Rockingham, co. Wicklow,esq., (grandson of Henry Brown- rigg, of Yerton, co. Cumberland, who set- tled in Ireland,) »!., 5 Oct. 1753, Mary, da. of Michael Alcock, of Norwich, esq., and d. 1793, having had issue by her, (who d. 1819,) 1. John - Studholme, in the army, d. 1787) leaving issue, 1. Henry-Fox, killed at Monte Video, I8(>7. 2. William Crosbie, capt. R.N., d. unm. 1805. 3. John-Studholme, M.P. for Boston. 2. Sir Robert, present bart. 3. Thomas, gen. in the army, m.. Anne, da. of Robert Shearman, of Rilcrean, co. Kilkenny, esq., and d. 1827, having had issue, 1. Henry; 2. Marcus-Freeman. 3. Charles ; 4. Anne. 4. Henry-Quin, lieut.-col. d. s.p. 1810. 5. Martha, 711. Edward CuUen, esq. 6. Mary-Jane. I. Sir ROBERT, 2d son, created a bart. as above, G.C.B., gen. in the army, col. 9th foot, and governor of Landguard Fort : m., 1st, 8 April 1783, Elizabeth-Catherine, 5th da. of William Lewis, of Cornwall, in Ja- maica, esq., by whom (who d. 14 April 1804) he had issue, 1. Henry-Lewis, b. andrf. 1784. 2. Robert - James, lieut.-col. in the army, b. 23 Dec. 1790, m., 9 July 1816, Emma, da. of major-gen. Colebrooke Nis- bett, and rf. 10 May 1822, leaving issue, 1. Sir Robert-James, present bart. 3. Frederick, b. 1795,rf. 4 Feb. 1799. 4. Charles, in the civil service at Ceylon. 5. John-Herbert, b. and d. 1801. G. Katharine, b. 6 Oct. 1789, m., 2 Oct. 1811, major-gen. sir John Ross, K.C.B., and d. 1 Aug. 1834. Sir Robert m., 2dly, 27 June 1810, Sophia, da. of the rev. - — Bisset, D.D., of Knighton House, in the Isle of Wight, and dymg 27 May 1833, was succeeded by his grandson, II. Sir ROBERT-JAMES, present and 2d bart. Arnu — See Plate 48. Argent, a lion ram- pant gardant, sable, between three crescents, gules ; in the dexter fore-paw of the lion a sword proper, hilt or, thereon a serpent en- twined, vert, and for augmentation, on a chief embattled vert, a representation of the sceptre of the king of Kandy, or, and of the baimer of the said king, being gules within a bordure, with a ray of the sun is- suing from each angle, a lion passant hold- ing a sword, in saltire ; the whole ensigned with a representation of the crown of Kandy. Crest — 1st, of augmentation, a demi-Kan- dian proper, holding in the dexter hand a sword, and in the sinister the crown of Kandy ; 2d, out of a mural crown, or, a sword erect, in pale, proper, hilt, or, there- on a serpent entwined, vert. Motto — Virescat vulnere virtus. OGLE. 12 March 1816. Sir CHARLES OGLE, Baronet, Vice-Admiral of the Blue, succeeded his father, sir Chaloner, 27 Aug. 1806; born 24 May 1775; married^ 1st, 22 April 1802, Charlotte, da. of Thomas Gage, esq., general in the army, 2d son of Henry, viscount Gage, and by her (who d. Sept. 1814) had issue, 1. CHALONER, b. 18 July 1803, in the army ; 2. Charlotte- Arabella, b. 12 Aug. 1805; 3. Sophia, w., 17 Aug. 1830, the rev. Edward-Chaloner Ogle. Sir Charles wz., 2dly, Sept. 1820, Letitia, da. of sir William Burrough, bart., and by her (who d. .13 Nov. 1832) had issue, 4. William, b. 5 May 1823. Sir Charles m., 3dly, 10 April 1834, Mary-Anne, da. of George Cary, of Tor Abbey, co. Devon, esi]., and relict, 1st, of John Dalton, jun., of Thurnham Hall, co. Lancaster, esq., and2dly, of sir John-Hayford Thorold, bart. This family descends from Henry Ogle, of Kirkley, co. Northumberland, who, ac- cording to tradition, was a lineal dcsceiidant of William Ogle, .'Jd son of sir l{()l)erl Ogle, and brother of Robert, 1st lord Ogle, who was summoned to parliament 14(jl. Henry Ogled. 1581, leaving a son and heir, ERT, of Kirkley, m. Dorothy, da. Fenwick, and d. 1655, leaving a CUTHBEI of Roger son and heir, John, of Kirkley, m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Ralph Fowler, of Sandeford Stene, CO. Northumberland, and had issue, 1. Ralph. FLOYD.— ELPHINSTONE. 389 2. JoHN,bamster-at-law, and judge of the admiralty at Newcastle, m. Mary, da. of Richard Braithwaite, of Warcop, co. West- morland, and d. 1740, leaving a son, Sir Chaloner, admiral of the fleet, who was knighted 17^3, m. his cousin Isabella, da. of Nathaniel Ogle, M.D., but d. s.p. 1750. . Ralph, eldest son of John, m. Martha, da. of Nathaniel Thompson, and d. May 1705, leaving, besides other issue, a younger son, Nathaxiel Ogle, of Kirkley, M.D., sometime physician to the forces under the illustrious duke of Marlborough, d. 1739, m., 27 April 1708, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Jonathan Newton, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, barrister-at-law, of the family of Newton, of Stokesfield Hall, and had issue, 1. Nathaniel, d.mtm. 1762. 2. Rev. Newtox, D.D., dean of "Win- chester, d. 1804, leaving issue, 1. Nathaniel, d. laim. 1813. 2. Rev. John-Savile, M.A.j prebend of Durham. a Henry-Bertram. 3. Sir Chaloner, of whom hereafter. 4. Isabella, m. her cousin sir Chaloner Ogle, knt. I. Sir CHALONER, admiral of the red, 1st bart., m. Hester, youngest da. and co-h. of John Thomas, lord bishop of Winchester, and had issue. I. George; 2. Edward, both d. 3. Sir Charles, present bart. 4. Jajies, M.A., rector of Bishop's Wal- tham, and vicar of Crondall, m., 26 Dec. 18f>7. Elizabeth, da. of Edmund Poulter, prebendary of Winchester, and d. 19 May 1833, having had issue, 1. James-Sayer, b. 30 Nov, 1808. 2. Graham, b. 27 Sept. 1814. 3. Elizabeth, b. 20 July 1810. 4. Jane, b. 24 July 1812. 5. Arabella, m. Edward Boiiverie, esi\., youngest son of Vv'illiam, ear ^ of Radnor. 6. Esther- Jane, m. Richard- Thomas Streatfield, of the Rocks, co. Sussex, esq., I and d. without issue, 27 Oct. 1796, a;t. 26. j 7- Babbarina, m., 1st, Valentine W/7- I mot, esq. ; and, 2dly, Dec. 1819, Thomas , i present lord Dacre. 8. Jeaiima-Sophia, m., 1788, general sir Charles Asgill, of Fawley, co. Southamp- ton, bart. Sir Chaloner d. 27 Aug. 1816, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir CHARLES, present bart. Anm—%ee Plate 48. Argent, a fess, be- tween three crescents, gules ; on the fess [a crescent, on a mullet for difference. Crest — An heraldic antelope's head, ar- gent, maned and horned, or, with the same difference as in the arms. Seat— At Worthy, co. Hants. FLOYD. 30 March 1816. Sir HENRY FLOYD, Baronet, Lieut. -Colonel in the Army, succeeded his father, general sir John, 10 Jan. 1818; born 2 Sept. 1793; married^ 30 Aug. 1821, Mary, eldest da. of William Murray, of Jamaica, esq., and has issue, 1. a Da., b. 3 Sept. 1822 ; 2. a SON, b. 20 March 1820 ; 3. a Son, b. 24 March 1828. I. Sir JOHN, 1st bart., general in the army, colonel of the 8th light dragoons, and commander of the south-west district in Ireland; m., 1 Jan. 1791, Rebecca, da. of Charles Darke, of Madras, esq., and by her (who d. Feb. 1801) had issue, 1. Sir Henry, present bart. 2. Miranda, h. at Madras, 4 May 1792, m., 18 Nov. 1815, major-general Joseph Fuller. .3. Julia, b. at Trichinopoly, in India, 19 Nov. 1795, w., 8 June 1820, the right hon. sir Robert Peel, bart., first lord of the trea- sury, and chancellor of the exchequer, &c. 4. Flavia, d. voung. Sir John m., 2dly, 29 July 1805, Anna, da. of Crosbie Morgell, of Mount Morgell, co. Limerick, esq., and widow of sir Barr\' Denny, of Tralee Castle, bart., by whom he haA no issue. Sir John d. 10 Jan. 1818, and was succeed- ed by his only son, II. Sir HENRY, present bart. Arms— See Plate 48. Sable, a lion ram- pant, regardant, argent, on a chief embat- tled, or, a sword erect, proper, pommel and hilt gold, the blade passing through an east- ern crown, gules, between two tigers' faces, also proper. Cre.it — A lion rampant, regardant, argent, murally crowned, gules, bearing a flag (re- presenting the standard of Tippoo Sultaun) flowing to the sinister, proper. ELPHINSTONE. 25 May 1816. Sir HOWARD ELPHINSTONE, C.B., created a Baronet as above, Colonel-Commandant of the Royal Engineers, born 4 March 17/3 ; mar- I'ied^ 14 Feb. 1803, Frances, eldest da. of John Warburton, late of Parha- ment Street, esq., (nephew of John Warburton, esq., after named,) by his wife, sister of John Aldridge, esq., late storekeeper of the ordnance, and M.P. for Queenborough, and has issue, 1. HOWARD, 31. P. for Hast- ings, b. y June 1804, m., 30 Sept. 1829, Elizabeth- Julia, youngest da. of 390 CAMERON. Edward-Jeremiah Curteis, of Windmill Hill, co. Sussex, esq., and has issue, of whom, Howard-Warhurton d. 2G July 1830 ; 2. Frances, h. 19 Nov. 1810 ; 3. Harriet, b. 25 April 1814 ; 4. Louisa, h. April 1815, w., 1 Oct. 1832, Robert Anstruther, of Thirdpart, co. Fife, major 73d foot. John Elphinstone, esq., captain R.N,, lieut.-general and vice-admiral in the Rus- sian service, and commander of the Russian fleet in 1769, b. 1722, and d. 28 Feb. 1785, having m., 23 Oct. 1750, Amelia, only da. of John Warburton, esq., Somerset herald of arms, and had issue, 1. John, capt. R.N., d. at Malta, 17 Dec. 1801. 2. Samuel-William, capt. in the Rus- sian navy, d. 1788, m. Catherine, da. of ad- miral Kruse, of the Russian navy, and had issue, Alexander, capt. R.N. 3. Thomas, post-capt. R.N., m. Isabella Jones, and had issue, 1. Isabella; 2. Amelia. 4. Robert-Philip-Rodolph, lieut. R.N. 5. Sir Howard, present bart. 6. MoLiNEUx, in the civil service of the East India Company at Madras. 7. Anne-Charlotte-Maria, nu, 12 May 1781, sir Francis-John Hartwell, bart., and d. 6 June 1809. 8. Amelia-Jane-Alice, m., 19 July 1799, the rev. John Dymoke, of Scrivelsby, co. Lincoln, esq., king's champion. 9. Catherine-Sarah, m. Roe, of Kirkby-upon-Bane, co. Lincoln, esq. L Sir HOWARD ELPHINSTONE, 5th son, was created a bart. as above. Arms — See Plate 48. Argent, gutte de sang, on a chevron, embattled, sable, be- tween three boars' heads, erased, gules, two swords proper, pommels and hilts or. Crest — On a wreath of the colours, out of a mural crown, gules, a demi-woman, aflfron- tee, habited, and in the dexter hand a sword, erect, proper, pommel and hilt or, in the sinister an olive branch, also proper. Seat — Ore Place, Sussex. CAMERON, of Fassiefern and Collart, co. Argyll. 8 March 1817- Sir DUNCAN CAMERON, Baronet, succeeded his father, Sir Ewen, in Oct. 1828. This is a younger branch of the family of Cameron of Lochiel, one of the most an- cient in Scotland. Sir Ewen Cameron, of Lochiel, m. Mary, da. of sir Donald Mac- donald, of Slate, bart., and d. 17I8, aged 89, leaving issue, John Cameron, who was attainted in 1715, and rf. in Flanders 1748, leaving issue by Isabel, sister of sir Duncan Campbell, of Lochnell, three sons, Dotmld, of Lochiel ; John, of Fassiefern, grandfather of the pre- sent bart. ; and Archibald. John Cameron, of Fassiefern, m. Jean, da. of John Campbell, of Achaladder, and had issue by her, 1. Sir Ewen, created a bart. 2. Donald, living 1815. 3. Charles, d. in America. 4. Archibald, living 1815. 5. Isabella ; 6. Margaret ; 7- Mary. 8. Lucia ; 9. Johanna. I. Sir EWEN CAMERON, created a bart. as above, ?w., 1st, Louisa, da. of Camp- bell, of Barchaldine, by whom he had issue, 1. John, colonel of the 92d foot, who in reward of his distinguished services in Hol- land 1799, in Egypt 1801, and during the whole of the late Peninsular war, but more especially at the actions of Arroyo Moulino, 28 Oct. 1811, the pass of Maya, 25 July 1813, the passage of the river Gave at Arriverette, near Bayonne, 13 Dec. 1813, and the capture of Aire, 17 Feb. 1814, obtained a royal war- rant, granting him the crest of honourable augmentation below described ; he was un- fortunately slain at the battle of Quatre Bras, 16 June 1815. 2. Sir Duncan, present bart. 3. Peter, capt. in the naval service of the East India Company. 4. Mary, ni. Alexander Macdonald, of Glencoe. 5. Jean, m. Roderic M'Neil, of Barra, esq. 6. Katherine, 771. John Macpherson, of Clunie, esq. Sir Ewen m., 2dly, Katherine, da. of ma- jor Macpherson, and widow of Bu- chanan, by whom he had no issue, and dying Oct. 1828, was succeeded by his eldest sur- viving son, II. Sir DUNCAN, present and 2d bart. Anns — See Plate 48. Gules three bars or ; on a bend ermine a sphinx between two wreaths of laurel proper; on a chief em- battled a view of a fortified town, and there- under the word '• Acre." C/e*^,s— 1st, (of honourable augmentation granted to colonel John Cameron, pursuant to a royal warrant, 20 May 1715,) a High- lander of the 92d foot, up to the middle in water, grasping in his right hand a broad- sword, and in his left a banner, inscribed •' 92d," within a wreath of laurel. 2d, out of a mural crown, or, a dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword, all proper. Supjm-ters— On either side a Highlander in the uniform of the 92d regiment, holding in the exterior hand a musket, all proper. Mottoes — (Over the 1st crest,) Arriverette, (under the arms,) Mar/a. M'MAHON.— MAITLAND. M'MAHON. 7 Aug. I8I7. Sir THO:\IAS M'MAHON, Baronet, K.CB., succeeded his brother, the right hon. sir John, agreeably to the patent of limitation, 12 Sept. I8I7 ; Lieut. -Governor of Portsmouth, and commanding the south-western district in England ; Major- General in the Army, sometime Lieut-Colonel of the 17th Foot, and Adjutant-General to the King's Forces in India. Sir Thomas was born 27 I>ec. 1 779 ; married^ 27 Aug. ] 808, Emily-Anne, 3d da. of Michael-Roberts Westropp, esq., and has issue, 1. Jane,/.*. 30 Aug. 1809; 2. THOMAS-WESTROPP, b. 14 Feb. 1813; 3. Emily, b. 24 Nov. 1815 ; 4. Frederick-Hislop, b. 27 Aug. 1817, d. 30 April 1827 ; 5. Adolphus, b. 14 Aug. 1821, d. 14 Sept. 1829 ; 6. Charlotte, b. 15 Feb. 1823; 7. William, b. 3 Dec. 1825 ; 8. Frederica, b. 13 May 1829 ; 9. Georgiana-Mary, b. 11 Sept. 1831. John M'Mahon, esq., patent comptroller of the port of Limerick, d. 22 Dec. 1/89, having m. first, and had issue, 1. Sir John, of whom hereafter. John M'Mahon, esq., ?»., 2dly, Mary, da. of James Stackpoole, of Cork, merchant, and had issue, 2. The right hon. sir William, master of the rolls in Ireland, created a bart, 6 May 1815 (see that title). 3. Sir Thomas, present bart. 4. Mary; 5. Catherine; 6. Anne. I. The right hon. sir JOHN, having been appointed private secretary and keeper of the privy purse to kmg George IV., when frince Regent, was sworn of the pri%'y coun- cil, and created a bart. as above, with re- mainder, in default of issue male, to his brother, sir Thomas, and his issue male. Sir John d. \2 Sept. 1817, and was suc- ceeded by his brother, II. Sir THOMAS, present bart. Arms—See Plate 49. Per saltire, or, and ermine, a lion passant, azure, between two lions passant, regardant, gules. Crest — On a wreath, an arm embowed in armour, holding a sword, all proper, sur- mounted by a portcullis, gules, chained, o'". Motto — Sic nos, sic sacra tuemur. MAITLAND, of Cliftox, co. Mid-Lothian ; and Rose Hill, CO. Hertford. 30 Nov. 1818. Sir A LEXANDER - CHARLES MAITLAND - GIBSON - M AIT- LAND, Baronet, succeeded the hon. sir Alexander, 14 Feb. 1820, born 21 Nov. 1755; married., 30 April 1786, Helen, da. and sole h. of Alexander GibsonWright, of Clifton Hall and Kersie, esq., and has issue, 1. ALEX- ANDER, b. 14 Sept. 1787, m., 1819, Susan, da. of George Ramsey, of Barnton, esq., and has issue, 1. Alea-ander-Charles ; 2. George;^. Jane- Harriet; 4. William-Ramsey; 5. Keith; 2. James, i. 18 April 1789, d.. 182G; .3. Thomas, b. 31 Dec. 1790, d. an infant; 4. Charles, b. 25 Aug. 1792, heut. R.N., rf. 13 April 1808; 5. Margaret, 6. 24 June 1794, 7ft., 1819, W. L. White, esq. Barrister-at-law ; C. Pene- lope-IMadan, i. 4 March 1796, d. 27 Sept. 1804; 7- Anxe-Char- LOTTE, b. 23 Feb. 1798, m., 1822, Captain William Stirhng, of Castle Milk, CO. Lanark, who d. 1 Dec. 1825 ; 8. Augustus, b. 27 March 1800, a Writer to the Signet ; 9. Joiix, b. 27 Jan. 1803, Accountant at Edin- burgh ; 10. HelExV, b. 1 Feb. 1805, m., 7 Aug. 1827, James Maitland Hogg, esq. ; 11. Penelope-Madax, b. 31 Oct. 1807 ; 12. Char- lotte, b, 22 Jan. 1810; 13. Frederick-Charles, b. ^ April 1812. I. Hon. sir ALEXANDER, 5th son of Charles, (ith earl of Lauderdale, by Eliza- beth Ogilvy, eldest da. of James,' earl of Findlater and Seafield, lord high chancellor of Scotland, {see Debrett's Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- land,) was created a bart. as above, general in the army, and colonel of the 40th regi- ment of infantry, w., July 175.3, Penelope- Judith, da. of colonel Martin Madan, and by her (who d. 22 Dec. 1805, jet. 75) had issue, 1. James-Martin, d. 1772. ast. 18. 2. Sir Alexander -Charlks, present bart. 3. WiLLTAiM, b. 18 May 175/, drowned 1781, unm. 4. AuorsTus, b. 31 May 1761, commanded the battalion of the guards in the action near Egmont-op-Lee, Oct. 1799, where he was mortally wounded, and d. unm. at the Helder, 21 Oct. 1799. 5. Fredeuick, h. 3 Sept. 17G3, lieutenant- general, and colonel of the Ceylon regiment, received the thanks of the House of Com- mons, 14 April 1809, for his gallant merito- rious services in effecting the conquest of Martinique; m. Catharine- Worsam, da. of 392 JOHNSON.— FARRINGTON. John Prettyjohn, of Barbadoes, esq., and has issue, 1. Frederick, b. 12 Oct. 1791, d. 4 Dec. 1803. 2. John-Madan, 6. 12 Aug. 1793, m., 24 Oct. 1822, Elinor-Jane, da. and h. of Gil- bert Anesley, esq., and by her (who d. 15 Oct. 1823) had an only child, Elinor-Susan- Jane, b. 25 Sept. 1823. 3. A son, b. and d. 27 March 1796. 4. Alexander, b. 18 June 1797, rf.28 Sept. 1804. 5. Charlotte, b. 1799, m., 18 April 1820, Thomas Garth, of Haines Hill, co. Wilts, capt. R.N. C. Harriet, b. 10 May 1801. 7. Louisa, b. 8 Feb. and d. 27 Sept. 1803. 8. Frederica-Louisa, b. 10 March 1805, d. 24 Aug. 1822. 9. Frederick-Thomas, in the army, b. 18 Sept. 1807. 6. Penelope-Judith, m., 19 Oct. 18(^2, the rev. Thomas-Cope Marsham, vicar of Kew and Petersham, co. Surrey. 7. Charlotte. Sir Alexander d. 14 Feb. 1820, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir ALEXANDER-CHARLES, pre- sent hart. Arms — See Plate 49. Or, a lion rampant, dechausse, within a double tressure, flower- ed, with fleur-de-lis, gules. Crest — On a wreath, a lion sejant, guardant, gules, crowned with a ducal crown, holding in his dexter paw a drawn sword, pommel- led and hilted, or, and in the sinister a fleur- de-lis, azure. Motto — Consilio et animis. Seats—At Clifton Hill, co. Mid-Lothian, and Rose Hill, co. Hertford. JOHNSON, of Bath. 1 Dec. 1818. Sir HENRY JOHNSON, G.C.B., created a Baronet as above, Gene- ral in the Army, Colonel of the 5th Regiment of Foot, and Governor of Ross Castle in Ireland; born 1 Jan. 17^8; married, 17 Jan. 1782, Re- becca, da. of David Franks, esq., and sister to John Franks, of Isleworth, esq., and by her (who d. March 1823) had issue, 1. HENRY-ALLEN, knight of the royal military order of Wilhelm, conferred on him by his majesty the King of the Netherlands, for his services as aide-de-camp to the Prince of|Orange, during the Peninsular war; 2. George-Pigot, capt. 81st foot, killed in Portugal, 1812. Allen Johnson, of Kilterman, co. Dub- lin, esq., m. Olivia, da. of John Walsh, esq., and d. 30 July 1747, leaving issue, 1. Sir John, created a baronet of Ireland, 1775, took the name of Walsh by royal sign manual, 1809, m. Sackvilla, da. and co-h. of Edward Brereton, of Spring Mount, Queen's County, and had issue, 1. Sir John-Allen, his successor. 2. Edward; 3. Hunt. 4. Ralph; 5. Henry. 6. Frances; 7- Olivia. 8. Milicent ; 9. Jane. 2. Sir Henry, present bart. 3. Anne, m., 18 Feb. 17()5, sir Robert Pigot, of PatshuU, co. Stafford, bart., and d. July 1772. Arms — See Plate 49. Per pale, sable and azure, on a saltire, argent, between three towers, or, one in chief and two in fess, and two tilting spears, saltire-wise, in base of the second, five cocks, sable. Crest — On a wreath, a tower, argent, on the battlements, a cock, gules. Sirpporters— (as Grand Cross of the Bath.) Derter, a grenadier of the 28th or North Gloucester regiment of foot, habited, and accoutred, arms ordered, proper : — Sinister, a light infantry man of the same regiment, habited, and accoutred, and arms trailed, proper, supporting with his exterior hand a flag staff, also proper, therefrom flowing a banner, gules, inscribed" New Ross" in Tet- ters of gold. Motto — Vicisti, et vivimus. Seat— At Bath. FARRINGTON, of Blackheath, co. Kent. 2 Dec. 1818. Sir HENRY-ANTHONY FARRINGTON, Baronet, succeeded his father. Sir Henry-Maturin, 4 Oct. 1834; married, 10 May 1833, Frances- Elizabeth, eldest da. of the Rev. Dr. Warren, of Port View. Charles Fakrinoton, col. in the royal artillery, (son of Charles Farrington, of Lancashire, gent.,) m. Anne, da. of Anthony Croucher, of Greenwich, esq., and d. 22 Feb. 1782, leaving issue by her (who d. 19 Jan. 1805) a son, I. Sir ANTHONY, a general in the army, colonel commandant of tiie 1st battalion of royal artillerv, and director-general of the artillery and field train, b. 6 Feb. 1741, O.S., created a bart. as above, »?., March 17fi(), Elizabeth, da. of Alexander Colden, of New York, and by her (who d. 12 April 1824) had issue, 1. Charles-Colden, in the army, d. in his father's lifetime, having m. Caroline, da. of Philip Boland, of Cork, and leaving an only son, Sir Charles-Henrv, 2d bart. 2. Sir Henry-MatIirin, 3d bart. VERNE Y. 393 3. Harriett, m.lieut.-gen. Walter Cliffe. 4. Elizabeth-Anne, m. James Gilbert, capt. royal artillery. 5. Mary-Sophia. Sir Anthony rf. 3 Nov. 1823, and was suc- ceeded by his grandson, II. Sir CHARLES-HENRY, 2d bart., h. 26 Sept. 1794, d. s.p. 1823, was succeeded by his uncle, III. Sir HENRY-MATURIN, 3d bait., major in the army, m., 1st, Clarissa Claring- bold, by whom he had no issue, 2dly, Laura- Maria, da. of Charles Bromley, of Madras, esq., by whom (who d. 1808) he had issue, 1. Laura-Maria. Sir Henry ni., 3dly, Jane, da. of Roger Cur- ry, esq., by whom (who d. Oct. 1828) he had issue, 2. Sir Henry-Anthony, present bart. 3. Edward-Holmes. 4. Jane ; 5. Mary. 6. Margaret. Sir Henry m., 4thly, 6 Feb. 1&'?4, Susanna, da. of Robert Kakewich, of Banry Place, Heavitree, co. Devon, esq. Sir Henry-Maturin d. 4 Oct. 1834, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IV. Sir HENRY-ANTHONY, present and 4th bart. Arms — See Plate 49. Ermine, on a chev- ron, gules, between three leopards' faces, sable, as many bombs, or, fired, proper. Crest— On a wreath of the colours, a dra- gon, wings elevated, tail noiccd, vert, be- zanty ; gorged with a mural crown, argent, and chain reflexed over the back, or, the body charged with two galtraps, fesswise of the last. Motto — Le bon temps viendra. CALVERT (now VERNEY). 3 Dec. 1818. Sir HENRY VERNEY, (late Calvert,) Baronet, M.P.for Bucking, ham ; horn 8 Dec. 1801, succeeded his father, Sir Harry, 3 Sept. 1826 : took the surname of Verney only, and the arms of Verney quarterly with those of Cah^ert, by royal sign manual, 23 March 1827- and rf. 1764, leaving issue by her, who re-m. sir Yelverton Peyton* bart.'; a son, Thomas, in the East India Company's service, m. and has issue. 3. Peter, father of the 1st bart. Peter, 3ci son of Felix, was of Hampton Court Palace, m., 8 July 1762, Mary, da. of Reeves, M.D., and by her (who d. 1800) had an only son, I. Sir HARRY, a gen. in the army, col. of the 14th foot, lieut.-gov. of Chelsea hos- pital, adjutant-gen.of the forces, and G.C.B., m., 8 June 1799, Caroline, 2d da. of Thomas Hammersley, of Pall Mall, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Henry, 2d bart. 2. Frederick, 6. 9 June 1806. 3. Mary, 6. 18 April 18(HJ, m., 24 July 1827, the rev. John VV. Cunningham, vicar of Harrow. 4. Emily-Caroline, 6. 30 June 1803. 5. Frances-Axne, b. 10 Sept. 1804, m., 12 July 1826, Abel Smith, of Woodhall, co. Herts, esq., M.P., nephew to lord Carring- ton. Sir Harry d. 3 Sept. 1826, and was suc- ceeded bv his son, II. Sir HENRY, present and 2d bart. Arms — See Plate 49. Quarterly : 1st antl 4th, Vernev, azure, on a cross argent fim- briated or, five mullets gules; 2d and 3d, Calvert, paly of six, erminois and pcean, a bend engrailed counterchanged. Crests— \sX, Verney, a demi-phcenix in flames, proper, charged with five mullets, in cross or, and looking at rays of the sun ; 2d, Calvert, out of a mural coronet, ar- gent, two spears, erect, therefrom two pen- nons flowing towards the dexter, one ermi" nois, the other pcean. Motto — Servata fides c'meri. This family descends from a Mr. Cal- VERD, who was minister of Andover, coi Hants, towards the end of the 16th century, and was father of Felix Calvert, of Little Hadham, co. Herts, b. 1596, m. Susan or Elizabeth Betts, of Colchester, and d. 1674, leaving, besides other issue, 1. Felix, of Albury Hall, whose grand- son, sir William Calvert, knt., LL.D., was M.P. for London, 1742 and 1747; sheriff of that city 1744, and lord mayor 1749, and d. s.p. 1767- Felix Calvert, esq., next brother of sir William, was grandfather of Nicolson Calvert, of Hunsdon, co. Herts, esq., M.P. for Hertford. 2. Peter, of Nine Ashes, m. and left issue. His issue male became extinct on the death of George Calvert, of the Cold- stream guards, esq., 1821. 3. Thomas, immediate ancestor of the baronet. Thomas, 3d son, was of London, ??!. Anne, da. of ^Villiam Ambrose, and d. 1668, leav- ing a son and heir, Felix, of Albury Hall, and of Marcham, CO. Berks, esq.; 'M.P. for Reading; w. Mary, da. of sir Francis Winnington, bart., and d. 1736, leaving, besides other issue, a son and heir, Felix, of Albury Hall, ??j. his cousin, Mary, da. of Felix Calvert, of Nine Ashes, abovenamed, and d. 1755, leaving, besides other issue, 1. John, of Albury Hall, M.P. for Hert- ford, m., 1757, Elizabeth, da. of sir Edward Hulse, and d. 1804, leaving issue, 1. John, of Albury Hall, sometime secretary to the lord chamberlain ; 2. Edward, b. l'759, m., but d. s.p. 1825. 2. Felix, of London, m. Rebecca Bayley, s3 394 GORDON.— BATHURST.HERVEY.—KYNASTON. GORDON, of Niton, in the Isle of Wight. 5 Dec. 1818. Right hon. sir JAMES-MaLLOUGHBY GORDON, P.C, G.C.B., and G.C.H., created a Baronet as above, Lieut.-General in the Army, Colonel of the 23d Regt. of Foot, and Quarter-Master-General of the Forces ; born 21 Oct. 1772; married, 15 Oct. 1805, Julia-Levina, da. of Richard -Henry- Alexander Bennet, esq., of Beckenham, co. Kent, and has issue, 1. HENRY-PERCY, b. 21 Oct. 1806 ; 2. Julia-Emily, 6. 13 Oct. 1810. Francis Grant, esq., capt. R.N., took the surname of Gordon, by royal sign ma- nual, 1708, pursuant to the will of his ma- ternal uncle, James Gordon, of Moor Place, CO. Herts, esq.; m., 18 Sept. 1770, Mary, da. of sir Thomas, and sister and co-h. of sir Willoughby Aston, barts., andri. in Antigua, 11 Sept. 1803, leaving issue, a son and heir, I. Sir JAMES-WILLOUGHBY, created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 49. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, azure, a rose argent, between three boars' heads two and one, or, for Gordon: 2d and 3d, gules, a tilting spear in fess be- tween three ancient crowns or, for Grant ; the whole within a bordure embattled quar- terly argent and or. Crest— Out o( a mural crown argent, a dexter arm embowed in armour proper, the hand grasping a scimitar transpiercing a boar's head erased or. Supporters— (Granted by royal warrant 1832) dexter, an eagle proper; sinister, a stork, also proper. Motto — Am7no, non mtutid. Seat—Kt Niton; in the Isle of Wight. BATHURST^HERVEY, of Lainston, co. Southampton. 7 Dec. 1818. Sir FREDERICK BATHURST-HERVEY, Baronet, 5om June 1807, succeeded his father, sir Frederick-Anne, 30 Sept. 1824; married, 14 May 1832, Louisa-Mary, eldest da. of Walter Smythe, of Brambridge, Hants, esq., deceased, and niece of Mrs. Fitzherbert, and has issue, a SON and heir, b. 13 March 1833. The hon. Felton Hervey, 8th son of John, 1st earl of Bristol, b. Feb. 1711-12, m. Dorothy, da. of Solomon Ashley, esq., and by her (who d. 8 Nov. 1761) had, among other issue, Felton-Lionel Hervey, esq., m., 2 March 1779, Selina, only da. and sole h. of sir John Elwill, bart., (by Selina, da. of Peter Bathurst, esq., and widow of the last earl of Ranelagh,) and had issue, 1. Sir Felton-Elwill, 1st bart. 2. Sir Freoerick-Anne, 2d bart. 3. LroNEL-C'HARLEs, Secretary of em- bassy to the court of Madrid. 4. SelinA-Mary, »!., 24 Aug. 1813, sir Charles Knightley, of Fawsley, co. North- ampton, bart. 5. Elizabeth. I. Sir FELTON-ELWiLL, eldest son, took the surname and arms of Bathurst in addition to those of Hervey, by royal li- cense 1801, and was created a bart. as above, ■^ith remainder to his brother, sir Frede- rick-Anne Hervey, of Clarendon Court, CO. Wilts, 2d bart., and his heirs male: hem., 24 April 1817, Louisa-Catherine, 3d da. of Richard Caton, esq., and sister of the marchioness Wellesley, by whom {who re-m., 24 April 1828, the marquess of Carmarthen) he had no issue, and dying 24 Sept. 1819, was succeeded by his brother, II. Sir FREDERICK-ANNE, 2d bart., according to the limitation contained in the patent of creation; m. Jane, da. of John Hutchinson, esq., and had issue by her, (who d. June 1827,) 1. Sir Frederick, 3d bart. 2. Lionel, b. 1810. 3. William-Henry, b. 1815. 4. Thomas, b. 1818; 5. Selina. Sir Frederick d. 30 Sept. 1824, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, III, Sir FREDERICK, present and 3d bart. Arms-See Plate 49. 1st and 4th, Her- vey, gules on a bend argent, three trefoils vert, a martlett for diflference ; 2d and 3d, Bathurst, sable two bars ermine, and in chief three crosses pat^e or, a crescent for difference. Ctests-lat, Hervey; an ounce passant sable, spotted, ducally gorged and chained or; in the paw a trefoil slipped, vert. 2d, Bathurst ; a dexter arm embowed in mail proper, grasping a spiked club or. Sea«— Clarendon Cotirtj co. Wilts. POWELL, (now KYNASTON,) of Hardwicke, Co. Salop. 8 Dec. 1818. Sir EDWARD KYNASTON, Baronet, in holy orders. Rector of Risby and Fornham, co. Suffolk, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty, sue- FULLER-PALMER-ACLAND. 395 ceeded his brother, sir John (who took the name of Powell only by royal license,) 25 Oct. 1822; born 7 Jan. 1758; married, 9 Dec. 1783, Letitia, da. of Robert Owen, esq., and has issue, 1. JOHN-ROGER, b. 2 July 1797; 2. Mary-Eltzabeth, b. 25 May 1785, d. 9 May 1815; 3. Amy, b. 28 Oct. 1786; 4. Letitia, b. 25 March 1791, d. 22 Feb. 1834, unm. This ancient family derives its descent from Blethyn ap Kynvin, one of the princes of Wales. The surname of Kynas- ton was first assumed temp. Edw. I. by Griffith Kynaston, and 7th in descent from him was Sir Roger Kynaston, knt., m. lady Elizabeth Grey, da. of Henry, earl of Tan- kerville, in Normandy, and baron Powys in England; and sister of Richard, lord Powys, who d. 1460, whose great-grandson, Edward lord Powys d. without issue 1551. Sir Roger rf. 1517, leaving issue by his said wife, a son and heir, Humphrey, m. Isabella Howell, and d. 1534, leaving a son and heir, Edward, who, by an inquisition taken at Llanfyllin, co, Montgomery, 1556, was found to be "cousin and heir of Edward (the last) lord Powys"; m. Margaret Lloyd, and d. 1592, leaving issue, a son and heir, Roger, of Hordley, co. Salop, esq., high sheriff of that county in the reign of queen Elizabeth, m. Margaret, da. of John Vaughan, of Llwdiarth, co. Montgomery, esq., and d. 1606, leaving, besides other children, a son and heir, Edward, m. Mary, da. of Thomas Owen, of Condover, esq., one of the justices of the court of common pleas, and d. 1C31, leaving issue, Roger, of Hordley, co. Salop, esq., high sheriff of Shropshire 1640, m. Rebecca, da. of sir John Weld, knt., and d. Sept. 1684, leaving issue, 1. Edward. 2. Elizabeth, m. Robert Corbett, esq. 3. Rebecca, m. Richard Mytton, esq. Edward, only son of Roger, was also of Hordley; he was knight of the shire, co. Salop, and sheriff of that county 1682; m. Amey, da. and h. of Thomas Barker, of Haghmond, esq., and had issue, 1. John. 2. Roger; 3. Edward; 4. Francis; 5. Thomas, all d. without issue. 6. Margaret, m., 1st, Philip Eyton, of Eyton, esq., and, 2dly, Burnett, esq. John, the eldest son, was also of Hord- ley, and represented the county of Salop in several parliaments. In 1731 he claimed the ancient barony of Powys as lineal heir of Edward Kynaston, of Hordley, next cou- sin in blood and heir of sir Edward Grey, the last lord Powys, as before recited ; but dying 1733, the house of lords came to no decision; m., 1st, Beatrice, da. of sir Vin- cent Corbet, of Morton Corbet, bart., and heiress to her brother, sir Vincent Corbet, bart., and by her had issue, 1. Corbet Kynaston, esq., who likewise represented the county of Salop in parlia- ment, d. unm. 1741. 2. Beatrice, d. unm. He m., 2dly, Anne, da. of Thomas Har- wood, esq., great-grandfather of the present lord Berwick, by whom he had issue, 3. Edward; 4. Roger. 5. Amey; 6. Margaret, both rf. M«m. Edward Kynaston, esq., the eldest sur- viving son, was of Hordley and Hardwicke, m. Victoria, only da. and h. of sir Charles Lloyd, of Garth, co. Montgomery, bart., but d. without issue. May 1772, whereupon his only brother, Roger, became the representative of this ancient family ; h. 6 March 1710-11, nu, 13 April 1752, Mary, only child of Henry Powell, of Worthen, co. Salop, esq., (by his 3d wife, Margaret, da. of Nathaniel Baskerville,) and d. 1788, leaving issue by her, (who d. 15 March 1766,) 1. Sir John, 1st bart. 2. Edward, who d. at three years of age. 3. Roger, b. 7 Sept. 1755, d. unm. 17 May 1788. 4. Sir Edward, present bart. I. Sir JOHN, of Hardwicke aforesaid, eldest son, h. 5 Feb. 1753. In 1797, in com- pliance with the will of his kinsman, John Powell, esq., son of the above-mentioned Henry Powell, esq., by his second wife, he obtained his majesty's royal license to take the surname and arms of Powell. He was knight of the shire for Salop in several par- liaments ; and in the year 1800 preferred his claim to the ancient barony of Powys as lineal heir of the aforesaid Edward Kynas- ton, of Hordley, esq., who d. 1592, and who was recognised as cousin and heir of Edward last baron Powys; but it appearing that there existed co-heirs of John, earl of Wor- cester, who d. 1470, and who was the son and h. of John, lord Tiptoft, by Joyce his wife, da. and co-h. of Edward Cherieton de Powys, lord Powys, who d. 1421, it was re- solved by the house of lords that notice be given to such co-h. to attend and be heard in respect of the said claim. He was created a bart. as above, with remainder, on failure of issue male of his body, to his brother, the rev. Edward Kynaston, and the heirs male of his body. Sir John d. 25 Oct. 1822, without issue, and the dignity devolved, pursuant to the said limitation, on his brother, II. The rev. sir EDWARD, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 49. Argent, three boars' heads couped, two and one, sable. Crest — A lion rampant, erminois, the dex- ter hind paw resting on a boar's head, coup- ed, sable. Sea<— Hardwicke Hall> Ellesmere, co. Salop. PALMER-ACLAND, (nowFULLER.PALMER-ACLANl),) of Fair- FIELD, CO. Somerset, and Newhouse, co. Devon. 9 Dec. 1818. Sir PEREGRINE-PALMER FULLER-PALMER-ACLAND, Ba- ronet, horn 10 Nov. 1789, succeeded his father, sir John, 25 Feb. 1831 ; 396 LECHMERE* took the name of Fuller, in addition to and bdforS Ihose of Palmer- Acland, and the arms of Fuller quarterly with those of Palmer-Acland, by royal sign manual, 12 Aug. 1834 ; married., 7 Nov. 1815, Fanny, da. of William Leader, of Putney Hill, co. Sui-rey, esq., and has issue, 1. Frances- Elizabeth, b. 28 May 1830, d. 27 Nov. 1834; % Isabel-Harriet, h. 10 Sept. 1832 ; 3. a SON and heir, b. 27 Sept. 1834. (For de^ceni see Acland, of Columb-John, 1644.) Arthur Acland, of Fairfield, esq., 2d surviving son of sir Hugh Acland, 6th bart., of Columb-John, w. Elizabeth, da. of Wil- liam Oxenham, of Oxenham, co. Devon, esq., and d. about 1771. leaving issue, 1. Thomas, 6. 15 Jan. 1753, d. 6 Aug. 1761. 2. Hugh, h. 17 Aug. 1754, d. Aug. 1768. 3. Sir John, 1st bart. 4. Arthur, b. 13 Oct. 1759, d. 10 April 1765. 5. Richard, b. 3 April 1762, d. 27 March 1763. 6. Peregrine, b. 18 June 1764, d. 17 Oct. 1773. 7. Thomas, b. 13 April 1768. 8. Sir Wroth K, 6. 16 March 1770, lieut.- gen. and K.C.B., d. iinm. 8 March 1816. 9. Anne, b. 10 April 1757, d. 5 Aug. 1775. 10. Elizabeth, b. 8 July 1758, m. Charles Grove, of Salisbury, M.D. 11. Frances, 6. 29 Jan. 1761, m. major- gen. Richard Stovin. 12. Maria-Palmer, 6. 20 June 1766, m., i784, Henry-Hugh Hoare, esq., 2d son of sir Richard Hoare, of Barn Elms, bart. I. SirJOHN-PALMER-ACLAND, creat- ed a bart. as above, b. 11 Feb. 1756, took the name and arms of Palmer, in addition to Acland, by royal sign manual, 12 Oct. 1818, m., 1st, 1781, Elizabeth, da. of John-Rose Fuller, of Rose Hill, co. Sussex, esq., and had issue, 1. John, 6. 5 Dec. 1786, d. 1791. 2. Hugh, b. 10 May 1788, d. unm. at Ma- deira, 27 Oct. 1810. 3. Sir Peregrine-Palmer, presentbart. 4. Arthur, 6. 21 Nov. 1791, d. unm. April 1810. 5. Maria-Palmer, b. 9 Nov. 1783. 6. Frances-Anne, b: 28 Aug. 1784. 7. Henrietta-Palmer, b. 16 Dec. 1794. Sir John w., 2dly, 1 Nov. 1818, Sarah-Ma- ria, da. of Robert Knipe, of New Lodge, Berkhampstead, co. Herts, esq., relict of Philip Gibbes, esq., and had issue, 8. A Son, b. 27 May 1819. Sir John d. 25 Feb. 1831, and was suc- ceeded by his only surviving son, II. Sir PEREGRINE-PALMER, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 49. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Acland, chequy, argent and sable, a fess gules: 2d, Palmer, or, two bars, sable, charged with six trefoils, slipped, argent, in chief a greyhound, current, sable: 3d, Ful- ler, argent, three bars and a canton gules. Crest — 1st, Acland, a sinister arm in fess, habited, azure, gloved, proper, thereon a hawk perched, argent; 2d, Palmer, a de- mi-panther guardant, argent, spotted gules, vert, or, and azure, alternately; flames issuant from the mouth and ears, and hold- ing a palm branch, proper; 3d, Fuller, on a ducal coronet gules, a lion's head argent. Motto— hiebranlable ; and over the crest of Palmer, Pulma virtu ti. Seats — At Fairfield, co. Somerset; and Newhouse, co. Devon. LECHMERE, of The Rhyd, co. Worcester. 10 Dec. 1818. Sir ANTHONY LECHIMERE, created a Baronet as above, born 2 Nov. 1766; married, 1st, 15 May 1787, Mary, da. and h. of Joseph Ber- wick, of Hallow Park, co. M^orcester, esq., by whom (who d. 3 Dec. 1820) he had issue, 1. EDMUND-HUNGERFORD, b. 25 3Jay 1792, m., 22 June 1819, Maria-Clara, 2d da. of the late hon. David Murray, brother to lord Elibank, and has issue; 2. Anthony-Berwick, 6. 28 Sept. 1802; 3. Sarah, b. 2 May 1788; 4. Eliza-Anne, b. 11 Aug. 1789; 5. Frances, b. 14 March 1791; 6. Marv-Folev, b. 16 Aug. 1799, d. 24 Feb. 1803; 7. Jemima-Isabella, b. 30 July 1804 ; 8. Georgiana-Felicia, b. 11 June 1806; — 9. Emma-Catha- rine, b. 20 May 1809. Sir Anthony w., 2dly, 8 Sept. 1823, Eleanor, da. of Bayley Villiers, of Gloucester, esq. The family of Lechmere is of great an- tiquity, and has been seated within the parish of Hanley-Castle, co. Worcester, from a very remote period. Adam, son of Reginald de Lechmere, of Hanley, is a grantor (in a deed without date) of a mes- suage in Hanley; and his descendant, Wil- liam Lechmere, of Hanley, appears to have m. Editha, da. of Robert att (irove, in the yeipn of Edward HI. It also appears that William Lechmere, of Hanley, conveyed to his son, John Lechmere, a certain messuage called Lechmeri's Place, by deedj anno 13 Hen. IV. ex Arclii Coll. Armor. Thomas Lechmere, of Lechmere's Place, in Hanley Castle, living anno 16 Hen, VII., was succeeded in his estates by his son, Richard Lechmere, who, by Margery, da. and heiress of Thomas Rock, of Ripple, co. Worcester, was father of Edmund, who 7u. Anne, da. of Henrv Dingley, by Mary, da. of Edward Neville, lord Abergavenny, and LA CON.— SHELLEY-SIDNEY. 397 had issue, Edmund, of Lechmere's Place, living anno 1634, at which time he had issue by Margaret, da. of sir Nicholas Overbury, knt., several sons and das. ; he rf. 31 July 1650, set. 74. Sir Nicholas Lechmere, of Hanley Castle, knt., one of the barons of the Exchetiuer, eldest son and heir of Ed- mund Lechmere and ^largarct Overbury, m. Penelope, youngest da. of sir Edwin Sandys, of Northbourn, co. Kent, knt., and had issue, two sons and four das., of whom Edmund, his eldest son, who suc- ceeded to the estates of the family, m. Lucy, da. of Anthony Hui^gerford, 'of Farley Castle, CO. Some'rset, esq , by whom, besides other issue, he had, ]. Anthony; 2. Nicho- las, who was privy counsellor to king George I., and chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster ; he was advanced to the dignity of Lord Lechmere, baron of Evesham, by letters patent, dated 4 Sept. 1721 ; he m. the lady Ehzabeth, da. of Charles Howard, earl of Carlisle, but dying without issue, the title of lord Lechmere became extinct. Anthony, the eldest son, m. Anne, da. of Thomas Foley, of Stoke Edith, co. Here- ford, esq., aunt of Thomas, lord Foley, was sometime representative in parliament for the borough of Tewkesbury, and dying in 1720, ast. 46, was succeeded in his estates by his son, Edmund Lechmere, of Severn End, in Hanley Castle, sometime knight of the shire for the co. of Worcester, who d. 18 ni. the rev. Ben- jamin-Ker Vaughan, rector of Aveton Gif- fard, CO. Devon. 7. Sophia, tn., 23 Aug. 1792, Jonathan Micklethwaite, of Burton, co. Norfolk, esq. d. Sir Edward nu, 2dly, Sept. 1777. Elizabeth, da. of Edward Bull, of Frome, co. So- merset, esq., and had issue, 8. Francis, b. Aug. 1782. 9. Hexry, in the army, b. Aug. 1785, d. 1828. 10. Harriet, b. March 1789, d. 1820. Sir Edward d. 16 Jan. 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, IL Sir EDWARD-HARDINGE-JOHN, present bart. Arms— See Plate 50. Ermine, on a cross engrailed, between four eagles displayed, gules, five cinquefoils, or. Crest— A lion rampant, erminois, ducally crowned, gules, supporting a cross pattee, fitchee, of the last. Setrf— Rackheath Hall, co. Norfolk. SHIFFNER, of Coombe Place, co. Sussex. 16 Dec. 1818. Sir GEORGE SHIFFNER, created a Baronet as above, M.P. for Lewes, 1807, 1812, and 1818, born 17 Nov. 17G2 ; married, 31 Oct. 1787, Mary, only da. and h. of sir John Bridger, of Coombe-Place, co. Sussex, and of Coin St. Aldwyns, co. Gloucester, knt., and had issue, 1. John- Bridger, b. 6 Aug. 1788, capt. 3d foot-guards, killed at the siege of Bayonne, 14 April 1814; 2. HENRY, capt. R.N., b. 4 Nov. 1789, m., 9 July 1825, Emily, 2d da. of the late Thomas Brooke, of Church Min- shuU, CO. Chester, esq. ; 3. George, in holy orders, Prebendary of Winchester, b. 17 May 1791, m., 10 July 1817, Elizabeth, eldest da. of 'the late rev. Croxton Johnson, of Wimslow, co. Chester, and has issue, 4 soris and 2 das. ; 4. Mary, b. 29 June 1792 ; 5. Fraxces-Rebecca, b. 28 Nov. 1793, w., 3 April 1821, the rev. Charles-Edmund Keene, rector of Buckland, co. Surrey; 6. Henrietta-Louisa, b. 19 April 1795, w., 1 Jan. 1834, George Hoper, of Lewes, esq. ; 7- Thojmas, b. 8 Aug. 1796, a Groom of the Privy Chamber; 8. Isabella-Philadelphia, b. 27 Feb. 1799. Matthew Shiffner, a native of St. Pe- tersburg, settled in London as a merchant, and had issue, John, of London, merchant, who m. Elizabeth-Eleanor, eldest da. and co-h. of Stephen-Peter Godin, esq., and d. about 1790, leaving issue ; and Hexry Shiffner, (eldest son,) of Lin- coln's Inn Fields, and of Pentrylas, co. Hereford, esq., M.P. for Minehead, b. 1721, m., 1758, Mary, eldest da. and co-h. of John Jackson, esq., sometime governor of Bengal, (by Elizabeth, his wife, eldest da. and at length sole h. of James Bellenden, esq., 3d son of John, lord Bellenden, ) and d. June 1795, leaving issue, 1. Sir George, present bart. 2. Thomas, 6. 7 July 1768, »»., 16 Sept. 1797, Isabella-Hannah, only da. of John Spooner, of Grosvenor Place, esq., some- time of Jamaica, but d. s.p. 20 Feb. 18(X). Arms— See Plate 50. Azure a bend si- nister, in chief two estoiles, and in base the stock and end of an anchor, or, issuant out of waves of the sea, proper. Cre.9t— An estoile or, between the rays six annulets azure. Seat— At Coombe Place, co. Sussex. CROFT, of Cowling Hall, co. York. 17 Dec. 1818. Sir JOHN CROFT, Baronet, K.T.S., D.C.L., F.R.S., and sometime his Britannic Majesty's Charge d'affaires at Lisbon, created a Baronet, as above, b. at Oporto, 21 March 1778 ; married^ 1st, 17 Aug. 1816, Amelia-Elizabeth, 400 BATESON. eldest da. of James Warre, of George-street, Hanover-square, esq., and by her (who d. 20 Oct. 1819) had issue, 1. Henrietta-Maria-Eleanor, h. 15 June 1817; 2. Emzabeth-Anne, b. 7 Sept. 1818. He w., 2dly, 24 July 1827, Anne-Knox, youngest da. of the rev. John Radcliffe, rector of St. Anne's, co. Middlesex, and has issue, 3. JOHN-FREDE- RICK, 6.31 Aug. 1828; 4. Marianne-Radcliffe, b. G April 1832. This family is of considerable antiquity in the co. of York. Sir Christopher Croft was lord mayor of York 162.0 and l(i41, and in the latter year entertained king Charles I. at dinner in his own house. His grandson, Thomas Croft, was a merchant at Hull, m. Frances, da. of sir Stephen Thompson, knt., and had a numerous issue. His eldest son, Stephen Croft, m. Elizabeth, da. of sir Edmund Anderson, of Broughton, co. Lin- coln, bart., and d. 1733, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1771,) three sons, L Stephen, of Stillington, co. York, where his descendants are still seated. 2. Thomas, grandfather of the present bart. 3. John, of Oporto, and afterwards of York, merchant, m., and left issue.. Thomas Croft, grandfather of the bart., m., 1st, Lucy, da. and h. of Henry Thomp- son, of Kerby Hall, and by her (who d. 1756) had issue, L John, of whom hereafter. He m., 2dly, Harriett, da. of Richard Dawson, merchant of York, and d. 5 Oct. 1783, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1764,) 2. Thomas, m. Anne, only child of Wil- liam Ansell, of Dorking, co. Surrey, esq., and had issue two das., Mary- Anne, b. 17£)7> and Harriet. 3. Harriet, m., 1004, rev. Francis Dods- worth. John Croft, eldest son of Thomas above named, m., 14 June 1775, Henrietta-Maria, da. and co-h. of Samuel Tunstall, D.D., and ri. 11 Feb. 1805, leaving issue, L Sir JOHN, present bart. 2. Frederick, b. 3 Oct. 1781, m., Jan. 1823, Magdalene, da. of lieut.-col. Hawley, and d. 30 June 1824. .4r/>M— See Plate 50. Quarterly, indented erminois and gules, in the first quarter a lion passant guardant of the second. Crest — A lion passant guardant, per pale in- dented gules, and erminois, the dexter fore paw resting on a shield argent, charged with the Star of the Order of the Tower and Sword. -S'/pjs'Wi'eAv (granted by royal warrant 1834). — Dexter. A lion guardant or, gorged with a wreath of laurel vert, therefrom pendent, an escutcheon gules, charged with a tower or. Sinister a bull, sable, horned, crined, hoofed, and gorged with a wreath of laurel or, therefrom pencient an escutcheon argent, charged with the Star of the Order of the Tower and Swoid. Motto— Eatie qudm videri. Seats— Cov/ling Hall, co. York ; Dodding- ton and Newnham, Kent. BATESON, of Belvoir Park, co. Down. 18 Dec. 1818. Sir ROBERT BATESON, Baronet, M.P. for the County of London- derry ; born 13 IMarch 1782, Created a Baronet as above ; married, 27 April 1811, Catherine, da. of Samuel Dickson, of Ballvnaguille, co. Limerick, esq., andhas issue, 1. ROBERT, b. 29 March 1816 ;^— 2. Thomas, b. 4 June 1819; 3. Samuel-Stephen, b. 13 Oct. 1821; 4. George-William, Z». 2 April 1823; 5. Stephen, ^'. 20 Jan. 1827; 6. Richard, b. 18 Dec. 1828 ; 7. John, b. 8 July 1831 ; 8. Louisa, d. 18 July 1823; 9. Maria-Catharine; 10. Eliza- beth, b. 11 March 1815, d. 181G; 11. Elizabeth-Honoria ; 12. Catharine-Anne, b. 3 Feb. 1825, d. April 1833. This family is descended from a Thomas Bateson, esq., who resided near Gurstang in Lancashire, and d. 1630, leaving issue, Robert, Gilbert, and Margaret. Robert, the eldest son, d. 1663, leaving issue a da., Mar- garet, a.nd a son, Robert, who was father of Thomas, ancestor of the present bart., and of Richard, who settled in London- derry, m. Elizabeth Harvey, and had issue, Robert, who took the name aiid arms of Harvey in addition to those of Bateson, and was created a bart. of Ireland, 1780. Thomas Bateson, eldest son of Robert above named, was b. 1705, sold his jiaternal estates in Lancashire, and settled at ('range- field House, CO. Down, and purchased estates in the counties of Down and Lon- donderry, d. 1702, having m., 1747, Mar- garet, da. and eo-h. of White, of White Hall, CO. Antrim, esq., and widow of Wil- liam Hartley, of Dublinj esq., and had issue, 1. Thomas. 2. Richard, d. unm. 1783. 3. William, d. tinni. 4. Jane, hi., 1782, John Dunne, esq., king's counsel in Ireland. 5. Frances, m., 1805, Hans-Mark Hamill, of CO. Down, esq. Thomas Bateson, eldest son of Thomas, above named, was b. 5 Nov. 1752; m., April 1779. ElizabL'th, youngest da. of George Lloyd, of Hulme Hall, co. Lancaster, esq., F.R.S., (by Susanna, sister of sir William Horton, of Chaderton.co. Lancaster, bart.,) and d. 15 Mav 1811, leaving an only son, I. Sir ROBERT, jtresent bart. ^mw— See Plate 50. Argent three bats' TIERNEY.—HAMILTON. 401 wings, two and one, sable ; on a chief gules a lion passant, or. Crest— X bat's wing sable. Sea<— Belvoir Park, co. Dowi TIERNEY, of Brighthelmstone, co. Sussex, and Dover Street, CO. Middlesex. 19 Dec. 1818. TIERNEY, of Brighthelmstone, co. Sussex, and Bruton Street, AVestminster. 5 May 1834. Sir MATTHEW-JOHN TIERNEY, M.D., created a Baronet as above ; Physician in Ordinary to his Majesty, and Physician to the house- hold at Brighthelmstone, horn 24 Nov. 1776 ; married., 8 Oct, 1808, Har- riet-Mary, da. of Henry Jones, of Bloomsbury Square, esq. Sir Matthew obtained a second patent, dated 5 May 1834, with remainder to his brother, Edward Tierney, of Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin, esq., one of the Crown Solicitors for Ireland. John Tikrney, of Ballyscandlend, co. Limerick, gent., m. Mary, da. of James Gleeson, of Rathkennan, co. Limerick, and d. circa 1784, set. circa 30, leaving issue, 1. Sir Matthew-John, 1st bart. 2. Thomas, sometime paymaster to the 43d regiment of foot, h. Feb. 1778, m., 18(»3, Elizabeth-Dartnell, widow of John Fitz- gerald of Rathkeale, by whom (who d. June 1810) he has issue, 1. Matthew-John, in the civil service of the East India Company, b. 25 May 1804, m., 2(j June 1824, Mary-Laurence, widow of Lestoch Davis, of the East India Com- pany's civil service, and has issue, 1. Mat- thew, b. 12 March 1828 ; 2. John-Fmncis, b. 19 Feb. 1830 ; 3. Edward, b. 17 July 1831 ; 4. Amelia, b. 4 May 1825, d. 26 Aug. 1826. 2. John, 6. 3 Aug. 1806, East India Com- pany's military service, d. num. 3. Edward, b. 3 Feb. 1807, East India Company's military service. 4. Mary, b. 21 Aug. 1805. 3. Edward, of the city of Dublin, one of the crown solicitors for Ireland, b. June 1780, ??!., April 1812, Anna-Maria, youngest da. of Henry Jones, and sister of Dame Harriet Tiernev, and has issue, 1. John-Perceval, 6. 30 March 1813, d. 16 April 1817. 2. Matthew-Edward, b. 17 Jan. 1818. 3. Harriet-Mary, b. 15 June 1816. 4. Frances, w. Matthew M'Mahon, of the city of Limerick. 5. Sarah, m. Henry Bowles, of the city of Limerick. 6. Mary, d. young. Arms — See Plate 50. Azure a sword in pale, proper, pommel and hilt gold, sup- ported by two lions coimter rampant, double queued or, on a chief ermine, two trefoils slipped vert. Crest— On a mount vert, a pheasant pro- per, ducally gorged, or. Seat — At Brighthelmstone. HAMILTON, of Trebinshum House, co. Brecon. 26 Jan. 1819. Sir EDWARD HAMILTON, created a Baronet as above, Rear-Ad- miral of the Red, K.C.B.; born 12 March 1772; knighted 3 Feb. 1800, for his extraordinary gallantry in cutting out his Majesty's late ship, Her- raione, then a prize to the Spaniards, from under the batteries of Porto Cavallo ; married, 1 Nov. 1804, Frances, da. of James JMacnamara, of Llangoed, co. Brecon, esq., and has issue, 1. JOHN-JAIMES-ED- WARD, b. 11 July 1808; 2. Arthur, b. 14 March 1800; 3. Fanny-Mary, b. 4 March 1813, m., 15 Aug. 1831, William-Henry, Baron Von Donnop, of Woebbell, in Westphalia, and d. 24 Jan. 1833; 4. Agnes-Catharine-Anna-Belia, b. 7 Nov. 1818. Sir Edward Hamilton is the 2d son of sir John Hamilton, of Marlborough- House, Portsmouth, capt. R.N., created a bart. 24 Aug. 1776, for his gallant conduct during the siege of Quebec, 1775, and is brother to the present sir Charles Hamilton, of the Mount, near Uxbridge, bart., admiral of the blue.— See Sir Otarles Hamilton, Bart. Arms— See Plate 50. Quarterly. 1st and 4th, gules, three cinquefoils, ermine ; 2d and 3d, argent, a lymphad with her sails furled, sable Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, an oak tree proper fructed gold, and penetrated 402 MAHON.— MACKENZIE. transversely in the main stem by a frame saw proper, the frame or, and the blade in- scribed with the word " Through." Motto— Through. Seaf— Trebinshum House, co. Brecon. MAHON, of Castlegar, co. Gahvay. 14 April 1S19. Sir ROSS MAHON, created a Baronet as above, horn Oct. 1763 ; married., 1 Aug. 1780, lady Elizabeth Browne, da. of Peter, 2d earl of Al- tamont, and sister of John Denis, 1st marquess of Sligo, and by her (who d. March 1795) had issue, 1. Elizabeth-Louisa, b. 8 Sept. 1787i «!., 25 Sept. 180G, John Cator, of Beckenham -Place, co. Kent, and Wood- Bastwick, co. Norfolk, esq. ; 2. Anne-Charlotte, m. rev. Rawden- Griffith Greene, rector of Stittorgan, co. Dublin, and of Portarlington, Queen's County ; 3. Charlotte, m. John-Henry Blakeney, of Ab- bert, CO. Galway, esq. ; 4. Maria-Elizabeth. Sir Ross m., 2dly, Sept. 1805, Diana, da. of Edward Baber, of Park Street, Grosvenor Square, and by her (who d. Dec. 1807) had issue, 5. Ross, d. an infant. Sir Ross w., 3dly, 1 Oct. 1809, Maria-Geraldine, eldest da. of the right hon. James Fitzgerald, of Inchcronan, co. Clare, late prime serjeant-at-law, and a privy counsellor in Ireland, (by Catherine, baroness Fitzgerald and Vesey,) and by her has issue, 6. ROSS, b. 18 July 1811 ; 7- James-Fitz- GERALD, 6. 3 June 1812; 8. William, i. 14 July 1813; 9. John- Denis, b. 9 May 1814; 10. Henry, b. 3 Jan. 1819; U. Cathe- rine-Geraldine ; 12. Letitia-Anne ; 13. Emily-Jane ; 14. Henrietta-Louisa; 15. Georgina ; 16. Jane; 17. Caroline. Ross Ma HON, of Castlegar, co. Galway, esq., m. Jane, da. of Christopher Usher, of Mount Usher, esq., and had issue, Ross Mahon, of Castlegar, co. Galway, esq., m., Oct. 1762, the hon. Anne Browne, only da. of John, 1st earl of Altamont, and d. March 1788, having had issue, 1. Sir Ross, created a bart. as above. 2. John ; 3. Henry ; 4. James. 5. Charles, d. young. 6. George. 7. Anne, m., 1790, the right hon. Denis Browne, brother to the first marquess of Sligo. 8. Harriett, to. Annesley Knox, of Rappa Castle, co. Mayo, esq. 9. Jane. 10. Emily, m. Thomas-William Filgate, of CO. Louth, esq., both rf. L Sir ROSS, eldest son, was created a bart. as above. Arms — See Plate 50. Per fess sable and argent an ostrich counterchanged, in the beak a horse-shoe or. Crest — A dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a sword, all proper. Seat—Kt Castlegar, co. Galway. BAILLIE, (now MACKENZIE,) of Berkeley Square, co. Middlesex. 26 May 1819. Sir ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, Baronet, Gen. in the army. Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Order of the Guelphs, and Knight Grand Cross of the Sicilian Order of St. Januarius, succeeded his uncle, sir Ewen Baillie, 21 Aug. 1820, pursuant to a special limitation in the patent of creation. Alexander Baillie, of Dochfour, esq., (grandfather of the first bart.,) was a de- scendant of the ancient family of Baillie of Lamington. He had issue a son, William, who was settled at Ross Hull, 00. Ross, m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of Alexander Sutherland, of Cleyn, co. Ross, by whom he had issue, 1. Alexander, of Knockbrake, co. Ross, m., and had issue. 2. Sir EwKN, 1st bart. 3. James, major in the army, m,, and had issue. Hem., 2dly, Margaret Mackay» of Biggens, CO. Caithness, by whom he liad, amongst other issue, 4. Catherine, m., 1769, Roderic Mack- enzie, of Fairburn, co. Ross, by whom (who d. 1774) she had issue, 1. Sir Alexander, present bart. 2. William, of the island of St. Vin- cent. 3. Barbara, in. Robert Murray Mac Gregor, col. in the East India Company's service, brother of sir John Murray Mac Gregt)r, bait- ROBINSON SCOTT. 403 4. Mary, m, James 'Massy, of Edinburgh, esq. I. Sir EWEN BAILLIE, 1st bart., was a major-gen. in the army, col. of the 23d regt. of native infantry in Bengal, and some time provisional commander-in-chief of the forces there. He was created a bart. 11 Dec. 1812, and 2G May 1819, obtained a second patent with remainder, on failure of his issue male, to his nephew, Alexander Mackenzie, ofFairburn. Sir E wen rf. with- out issue 21 Aug. 1820, and was succeeded, according to the terms of the second patent, by his nephew, II. Sir ALEXANDER, present and 2d bart. ^;>H-s— See Plate 50. Azure, a buck's head, caboshed, or, within a borduie, em- battled, argent. Crest — A mountain in flames, proper. Seat— Fairburn, co. Ross. ROBINSON, of RoKEBY Hall, co. Louth. 14 Dec. 1819. Sir RICHARD ROBINSON, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John, 16 April 1832; married, 9 Feb. 1813, Helen-Eleanor, da. of Stephen, 2d earl of Mountcashell, and has issue, 1. JOHN. STEPHEN ; 2. Heleka-Esther-Florence. 1754, m., 1786, TNIary-Anne, 2d da. of James Spencer of Rathangan, esq., by whom (who d. 19 Jan. 1834) he had issue, 1. Sir Richard, present bart. 2. William, in holy orders, m., 21 May 1824, Susanna-Sophia, "da. of viscount Ash- brook. 3. JOHV. 4. Henry-James, E. I. C. military ser- vice, rf. 25 March 1830. 5. Charles ; 6. Robert. 7. Jane, m., 2 Aug. 1825, George Powney, esq. 8. Louisa ; 9. Charlotte. 10. Grace-Alicia ; 11. Emily. 12. Mary-Anne; 13. Henrietta. 14. Caroline. 15. Frances, m., 7 June 1828, hon. Henry Walker, eldest son of viscount Ashbrook. 16. Sophia; 17. Selina; 18. Isabella. Sir John d. 16 April 1832, and was suc- ceeded bv his eldest son, 11. Sir RICHARD, present and 2d bart. Anns — See Plate 50. Vert, on a chevron, or, between three bucks trippant of the last, and pellette, as many quatrefoils, gules. Crest — A buck, as in the arms. Seat — Rokeby Hall, co. Louth. The family of Robinson is of considerable antiquity in the counties of York and West- moreland, and about the commencement of the seventeenth century, sir William Robin- son purchased the estate of Rokeby, in the former county. His descendant, William Robinson, of Rokeby, was b. 1675, m., 1698, Anne, da. and h. of Robert Walters, of Cundall, co. York, and d. 24 Feb.1719, leaving issue by her, (whorf. 1730,) besides other children, sir Thomas, who was created a bart. 10 March 1730, and d. 3 March 1777, without issue; the right hon. and rev. Richard Robinson, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, who was created, 26 Feb. 1777. baron Rokeby, (see tfiat title in Debrett's Peerage of Ireland ;) Anne, w., 1st, Robert Knight, esq., father of the earl of Catherlough, and 2dly, James Cressett, esq., and Grace, whowas second and youngest da., b. 5 Jan. 17I8, ?«., 1739, rev. William Freind, D.D., of Whitney, co. Oxon, dean of Can- terbury, son and h. of Robert Freind, D.D., prebendary of Westminster. He rf. 26 Nov. 1707, and sherf. 28 Dec. 1776, leaving issue, I. Sir JOHN ROBINSON, who took that name instead of his paternal name of Freind, by royal sign manual, in 1793, and was created a bart., 14 Dec. 1819 ; b. 15 Feb. SCOTT, of Abbotsford, co. Roxburgh. 22 April 1820. Sir WALTER SCOTT, Baronet, Major 15th hussars, horn 28 Oct. 1801, succeeded his father, sir Waher, 21 Sept. 1832; married, Feb. 1825, Jane, da. of Jobson, of Lochore, co. Fife, esq. The descent of the ancient, honourable, and powerful family of the Scotts, of Harden, may be found in Douglas's B^fron- age of Scotland, p. 213, and therefore is not here recited. Sir William Scott, of Harden, and representative of that family, a man of great fortune and political influ- ence, rf. I.'i55. By his wife, Agnes Murray, da. of the first lord Elibank, he had five sons, to each of whom he left a considerable landed estate, besides that which descended to the eldest ; these were, 1. sir William, heir of the family, whose line is now ex- tinct; 2. sir Gideon, of Highchester, whose great-grandson succeeded to the family es- tate of Harden, and whose descendant, Hugh Scott, esq., now represents that an- cient family ; 3. Walter Scott, of Raeburn ; 4. James, of Thirlestone ; 5. John, of Won. Sir Walter Scott is descended from the 3d of these sons, viz. Walter Scott, of Raeburn, who m. Isabel Makdougal, da. of William Makdougal, of Makerstoun, by Margaret Scott, da. of Walter Scott, of Harden, called Auld Watt. This Walter, of Raeburn, was a great orientalist, but unhappily prosecuted his studies in the Hebrew language until he studied himself into quakerism, with which sect his lady also complied. The privy council of Scot- land, upon the petition of sir William Scott, of Harden, Raebum's brother, and Makdougal, of Makerstoun, his brother-in- law, adopted the rough methods used in that time to cure heresy ; Raeburn and his 404 SCOTT. wife were imprisoned in the gaols of Edin- burgh and Jedburgh, their children were forcibly taken from them and appointed to be educated at Glasgow, at a distance from their parents, and by means of a considerable annuity appointed to be paid out of Rae- burn's estate. (See Sharpe's Life of Kirk- ton, prefixed to his history of the Kirk of Scotland.) Nevertheless Walter, of Rae- burn, died possessed of the lands of Eilrig, Raeburn, Muidlew, Yetbyre, and others in Dumfriesshire, and a valuable property around Lessuden, co. Roxburgh, where he built a commodious mansion-house; he d, soon after the revolution, leaving two sons and a da.; from his eldest son, William, is lineally descended the present Walter Scott, of Raeburn. Walter, second son of the 1st laird of Raeburn, was a man of considerable classical learning, and an intimate friend of the ce- lebrated dr. Pitcairn. He made a vow to wear his beard unshaved until the Stuarts were restored to the throne, whence he ob- tained the surname of Bearded Watt. His fortune (originally small, as the 2d son of a cadet) was much impaired by the part he took in politics; by his wife, Jean Camp- bell, da. of Campbell, esq., of Silver- craigs, he had three sons, 1. Walter, m. and had issue a son, Walter, who d. in America, sine prole; 2. Robert; 3. William, who had several sons, of whom the eldest, James Scott, of Prince of Wales Island, was well known as one of the most intelligent and active merchants in India. Robert, 2d son of Bearded Watt, was bred to the sea, but being shipwrecked in his first voyage, betook himself to agricul- ture, and obtained valuable leases from his kinsmen, the lairds of Harden and of Rae- burn, the last of whom became his son-in- law. He was m. to Barbara Haliburton, da. of Thomas Haliburton, of New Mains, now called Dryburgh Abbey, the representative of the ancient and honourable family of Merton, which representation, by the death of all the children of Thomas Haliburton without issue, devolved upon Walter Scott, eldest son of the said Barbara Scott and Thomas Haliburton. (See a little unpub- lished genealogical tract, entitled, Memorials of the Haliburtons.) Robert Scott resided upon Sandyknow, a farm belonging to Harden, and being a very shrewd and mtelligent man, is believed to have been the first person in Roxburgh- shire who ever acquired a considerable for- tune by his skill m agriculture; he left five sons and four das., of whom it is only ne- cessary to mention the sons, namely, 1. Walter, of whom presently. 2. Thomas, who followed his father's pro- fession, and d. in 1822, at the advanced age of 91 and upwards; he was twice m. ; Ist, to Barbara, da. of Walter Scott, of Rae- burn, his cousin ; 2dly, to miss Rutherford, of Knowsouth. 3. Robert Scott, of Rosebank, a capt. in the sea service of the East India Com- pany, unm. 4. John, also bred to the sea, but d. in consequence of an injury received in the course of his duty, unm. Walter Scott, eldest son of Robert Scott, of Sandyknow, was h. 11 May 1729. He was bred a writer to the signet, or con- veyancer, and was eminent for his general worth and respectability, as well as for his skill in his profession. He m, Anne Ruther- ford, da. of John Rutherford, M.D., son of the rev. John Rutherford, (whose father was John Rutherford,) of Grundisnook, a cadet of the Rutherfords of Hunthill. Dr. Rutherford was ])rofessor of medicine in the university of Edinburgh, and one of the four pupils of the celebrated Boerhaave, by whom the great medical school in that city was founded. Anne was his da. by his first wife, Anne Swinton, da. of sir John Swin- ton, of that ilk. Walter Scott had a very numerous family, extending to twelve child- ren, but we only notice such as survived childhood, viz., 1. Robert, bred in the navy, d. in India, unm. 2. John, late major 78th regiment, d, imm. 3. Sir Walter, created a bart. 4. Anne, rf. unm. 5. Thomas, late paymaster 71st regiment, m. Elizabeth, da. of Macculloch, esq., of Ardwall, d. 1822, leaving issue, 1. Walter, in the military service of the hon. East India Company. 2. Janet, m. major Huxley, 71st regt. 3. Anne; 4. Eliza, both wwm. 6. Daniel, d. unm. I. Sir WALTER SCOTT, bart., created as above ; one of the principal clerks of the session in Scotland, and sheriff-depute of the shire of Selkirk, was b. in the college Wynd of Edinburgh, 15 Aug. 1771. and being bred to the Scottish bar, passed advo- cate in 1792. He m. Margaret-Charlotte Car- penter, sister of the late Charles Carpenter, esq., commercial resident at Salem, 24 Dec. 1797, who d. 14 May 1826. In the year 1800, he was appointed sheriff-depute of Selkirk- shire, and in 1806, was made one of the principal clerks of session. Having been distinguished in consequence of his literary productions, his late Majesty, then Prince Regent, was pleased to confer on the said Walter Scott the rank of bart., in the year 1820, being the first title of distinction be- stowed after his royal highness had obtained the unlimited exercise of the royal preroga- tive, and the only degree of bart. conferred in the course of that year. Sir Walter Scott, besides an infant child which d. soon after birth, 15 Oct. 1798, had the following sur- viving family, 1. Charlotte-Sophia, m,, 28 April 1820, John-Gibson Lockhart, esq., advocate, son of the rev. John Lockhart, D.D., of the fa- mily of Lockhart, of Wyegateshaw, d. 1831. 2. Sir Walter, present bart. 3. Anne, d. unm. 25 June 1833. 4. Charles, student of Brasenose Col- lege, Oxford. Sir Walter d. 21 Sept. 1832, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir WALTER, present and 2d bart. Ar7ns—See Plate 51. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, or, two mullets in chief, and a crescent in base azure, within an orle, of the second for Scott. 2d and 3d, or, on a bend azure three mascles of the first; in the sinister chief point a buckle of the second for Ha- liburton. Crest — A demi-woman affrontee, habited azure, kirtle gules, her arms extended, and holding in the dexter hand a sun gold, in the sinister a crescent argent. S;//jpo/?eA9— -Dexter a mermaid ; sinister a Moor proper, wreathed and cinctured ar- gent, holding a torch reversed. Motto — Over the crest — Reparabit corniM PlKrhe. Under the arms — Watch weel. Seat— At Abbotsford, co. Roxburgh, N.B. COCKBURN-CAMPBELL.-KERRTSON. 405 CAMPBELL, (now COCKBURN-CAMFBELL,) of Gartsford, CO. Ross. 3 July 1821. Sir ALEXANDER-THOMAS COCKBURN-CAMPBELL, Baronet, in the Army, succeeded his maternal grandfather, sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.B., 11 Dec. 1824, took the surname of Campbell, in ad- dition to and after his paternal name of Cockburn, by royal sign manual 1825 ; married, 20 June 1827, Margaret, eldest da. of' gen. sir John Mal- colm, G.C.B. I. Sir ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, lieut.- gen. and colonel of the «(ith foot, (descended from an ancient branch of that noble house,) entered early into the military service as an ensign in the Royal Scots 17"76 ; he served at Gibraltar during the celebrated siege of that fortress. Afterwards in India for fif- teen years ; on the Irish staff ; in the Penin- sula during the campaigns of 18tif), 10, 'and 11, and was severely wounded at Talavera ; subsequently in the Isle of France four years. In 1812 he officiated as proxy for the duke (then earl) of Wellington, at h'is instal- lation as a knight of the Bath, on wliich oc- casion he was knighted. Created a bart. 6 May 1815; and by another patent, 3 July 1820, with remainder to his grandson, sir Alexan'der, present bart., remainder to the issue male of his 2d da., Isabella IVIal- colm ; »?., 1st, Olympia-Elizabeth, sisterof sir John Morshead, bart., and by her had issue, 1. John - Morshead, lie'ut. 74th foot, killed at the battle of Assaye. 2. Olyjipia, ?». Alexander Cockburn, of Madras, banker, and had issue. Sir Alexaxder-Thomas, present bart. .3. Allax-William, lieut.-col., slain at the battle of the Pyrenees, 28 July 1813. 4. Isabella-Charlotte, m, sir John Malcolm, G.C.B. 5. Amelia-Harriett, m. sir John Kin- near Macdonald, col. E. I. C. S., and envoy to Persia, who d. 1830. Sir Alexander m., 2dly, Elizabeth-Anne, da. of the rev. Thomas Pemberton, and by her had issue. 6. Arthur-Wellesley-Ingers, d, an infant. 7. Flora-Elizabeth, ni., If) Nov. 1833, rev. Henry Vorke, rector of Winpole, co. Cambridge. Sir Alexander rf. 11 Dec. 1824, and was succeeded, pursuant to the limitation of the 2d patent, bv his grandson, II. Sir aLEXANDER-THOMAS, pre- sent and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 51. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Campbell, quarterly, 1st" and 4th, gironny of eight or and sable; 2d argent, a lymphad or ancient galley sable ; 3d, or, a fess, chequy argent and "azure ; over all a chief argent, charged with a rock proper, superscribed " Gibraltar," between two medals, that on the dexter representing the silver medal presented to sir Alexander Campbell by the supreme government of India for his services at the storming of Se- ringapatam 179!», and that on the sinister representing the gold medal presented to him for his services at the battle of Tala- vera 1809; 2d and 3d, Cookbirx, quarterly, 1st and 4th argent, an ostrich feather en- signed with an imperial crown proper, be- tween three cocks, two and one gules ; 2d and 3d gules, six mascles 3, 2, and 1 or. Crests — 1st, Campbell, a cubit arm erect, the hand grasping a scimitar proper ; over it the motto, "Without fear;" 2d, CocK- Bi'RN, a cock proper ; over it the motto, " Vigilans et aiidar." Motto— Forward, KERRTSON, of Wick House, co. Sussex. 8 Aug. 1821. Sir EDWARD KERRISON, Baronet, K.C.B. G.C.H., a Major-Ge- neral in the Army, Col. I4th Light Dragoons, M.P. for the Borough of Eye, and Recorder of the said borough, created a bart. as above ; born 30 July 1776 ; marriefU 20 Oct. 1813, Marv-Martha, da. of Alexander ElHce, of Pittencriif, co. Fife, esq., and has issue', 1. EDWARD-CLARENCE, b. 2 Jan. 1821 ; 2. Anne, b. 16 May 1813 ; 3. Emily-Harriett, b. 10 Sept. 1815, TO., 10 July 1834, viscount Mahon, son of earl Stanhope ; 4. Adelaide- Maynard, b. 16 Dec. 1818, d. 25 June 1821 ; 5. Agnes-Burrell, b. 20 Aug. 1831. Sir Edward's grandfather, Roger Kerri- SON, of Broke, co. Norfolk, esq., m. Mary, da. of John Osborne, of Kirkstead, co. Nor- folk, and d. 1762, leaving issue, (besides other children,) Mathias Kerrison, of Bungay and Haxne Hall, co. Suffolk, esq., b. 20 Feb. 1742, m., 5 Mav 1772, Marv, da. and h. of Edward Barnes, of Barsham, co. Suffolk, esq., and d. 12 April 1827, having had issue by her, (who d. 15 March 1813,) I. Sir EDWARD, present bart. I 2. Mary, w. Reginald Rabett, of Bram- ! field Hall, co. Suffolk, esq., and d. 1832. ; Arms—See Plate 51. Or, on a pile azure, , three galtraps of the field. I Crest— On a mount vert, a tiger passant, proper, collared and line reflexed over the back, the dexter paw resting on a galtrap, or. Motto — RJen sans Dieti. Seats— OaMe\ Park and Brome Hall, co. Suffolk ; and Beccles Hall, co. Norfolk. 406 FREMANTLE.— ASTLEY. FREMANTLE, of Swanbourne, co. Bucks. 14 Aug. 1821. Sir THOMAS- FRANCIS FREMANTLE, Baronet, M.P. for Buck- ingham, and Joint Secretary of the Treasxiry, created a Bart, as above, with I'emainder, in default of issue male of his body, to the issue male of his late father, sir Thomas Fremantle, G-C.B., &c., and baron of Austria ; born 11 March 1798; married^ 24 Nov. 1824, Louisa-Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir George Nugent, bart., and has issue, 1. Mary, b. 16 Oct. 1825; 2. Eliza-Maria, b. 11 Dec. 1826; 3. a SON and heir, b. 30 Jan. 1830; 4. a Son, b. 12 Dec. 1831 ; 5. a Son, b. 12 Aug. 1834. John Fremantle, esq., thebart's great- grandfather, was the son of John Freman- tle, a merchant in Lisbon, descended fi-oni an old family of that name in Hampshire. He was secretary to the board of Customs, and d. 30 Dec. 176G, leaving issue, John Fremantle, of Aston Abbots, co. Bucks, esq., m. Frances, da. and co-h. of John Edwards, of Bristol, and d, about 1784, leaving issue, 1. John-Edwards, col. in the coldstream guards, m., 27 March 17!'"i Catherine, da. of Robert-Henley, 1st lord Ongley, and rf. 17.98, without issue. 2. Stephen-Francis-William, col. of the 39th foot, m. Albinia, da. of sir John JefFereys, of Blarney Castle, co. Cork, bart.> and d. 179-1, leaving issue, 1. John, a lieut.-col. in the coldstream guards, and C.B., m., 17 Feb. 1829, Agnes, 3d da. of David Lyon, of Portland Place, esq., dec. 2. Georgiana. 3. Albinia, m. Henry Wells, esq, 4. Frances- Arabella, m., 29 Aug. 1815, George-John Butler-Danvers, esq., nephew and heir presumt)tive of the earl of Lanes- borough. 3. Sir Thomas - Francis, G.C.B., of whom hereafter. 4. The right hon. sir William-Henry, K.G.H., a privy coimsellor, treasurer of the Iiousehold, ranger of Windsor great park, and sometime one of the commissioners for the affairs of India, ?w. Selina-Mary, only child of sir John Elwill,and relict of Felton- Lionel Harvey, esq. 5. Sarah-Bridget, m., 12 Dec. 1784, the late vice-admiral Wells. 6. Frances-Jane, rf. young. 7. Frances-Henrietta, w., 3. Tune 1790, the hon. and rev. Archibald-Hamilton Cath- cart, and d 26 April 1821. 8. Marianne, m. Charles Bishop, esq., late king's proctor. Sir Thomas-Francis Fremantle, the bart.'s father, was b. 20 Nov. I7(j(J, entered the naval service, and was a most distin- guished officer, the friend of Nelson, and his companion in many of his most brilliant actions, particularly in those of Copenhagen and Trafalgar; he was a knight grand cross of the order of the Bath, of the Guelphic, and during his command in the Mediterra- nean (ex officio) of the Ionian order, also of the Neapolitan order of St. Ferdinand and Merit, and a commander of that of Maria- Theresa. He was created by the emperor, Francis I., 29 Nov. 181(5, a baron of the Aus- trian empire, which title his son, the pre- sent bart., was permitted to use by royal sign manual, dated 22 Jan. 1822. Sir Tho- mas m., Jan. 1798, Elizabeth, da. and eo-h. of Ricliard Wynne, of Falkingham, co. Lincoln, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Francis, created a bart. as above. 2. Emma-Eugenia-Elizabeth,&. 13 June 1799. 3. Charles-Howe, capt. R.N., b. 1 June 1800. 4. Henry-Hyde, b. 7 May 1802, d. 16 April 1820. 5. Augusta-Henrietta, 6. 25 April 1803, m., 27 Sept. 1826, sir James Fitzgerald, of Castle Ishon, co. Cork, bart. 6. Louisa-Maria-Christina, b. 7 Sept. 1805, d. 29 Oct. 1810. 7. William-Robert, 6, 30 Aug. 1807. 8. Cecilia, b. 18 March 1809. .9. Stephen-Grenvillb, b. 30 Aug. 1810. Sir Thomas rf, at Naples, (being then vice- admiral of the blue, and commander-in- chief in the Mediterranean,) 19 Dec, 1810, and was succeeded by his eldest son, I. Sir THOMAS-FRANCIS, created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 51, Vert, three bars, ermine, surmounted by a lion, rampant, gules, murally crowned, or, and in chief two plates. Crest— Out of a mural coronet, or, ademi- lion gules, charged on the shoulder with a plate, and holding in the paws a banner, quarterly, argent, and vert, Sifpjmrtfirs — Two eagles, sable. Seat — At Swanbourne, Winslow, co. Bucks, ASTLEY, of EvERLEY, co. Wilts. 15 Aug. 1821. Sir JOHN-DUGDALE ASTLEY, of Everley, co. Wilts, 6om 27 June 177^^ ; married, 27 July 1803, Sfy-ah, da. of William Page, of Gosport, co. Hants, esq., and by her (who d. 31 Aug. 1824) had issue, 1. FRANCIS- DUGDALE, b. 5 Nov. 1805, »n., 18 Nov. 1826, Phnma-Dorothea, 4th da. of sir Thomas-Buckler Lethbriclge, bart. ; 2. ]Mary-Anne, b. 27 May 1804, m., 18 March 1833, George, viscount Torrington ; 3. Sarah, twin with Mary-Anne. BOSWELL. 407 The family of Astlet/ is of great antiquity in the county of StafiTord. Thojmas de AsTLEY, a baron in the reign of Henry III., was slain at the battle of Evesham; by his first wife, he was ancestor of 'William, lord Astley, {whose only da. and h. m. Re- ginald, lord Grey, of Ruthyn,) and of the l)resent bart. ; arid by his second wife he was ancestor of the barons Astley, of Reading, extinct in 1688, and of the present sir Jacob Astley, of Melton Constable. (See that title.) Thomas Astley, younger brother of William, lord Astley, above named, was seated at PatshuU, c6. Stafford, temp. Rich. II. Seventh in descent from him was Walter Astley, of PatshuU, m. Grace, da. of Francis Trentham, of Roucester, co. Stafford, esq., and rf. 1652, leaving issue, be- .sides other children, sir Richard, created a bart. 13 Aug. H362, (whose only surviving son, sir John, d. without male issue, 29 Dec. 1771. when the title became extinct,) and a second son, Tho.mas, of Eastcourt House, co. War- wick, m. Jane, da. and h. of Joseph Carver, of Hether, co. Leicester, and had issue, Richard, of Eastcourt, »?., 17*16, Eliza- beth, da. of Stanislaus Browne, of East- bourne, CO. Sussex, esq., and aunt of the last viscount Montagu, and d. 17I8, leaving issue by her (who d. 19 Jan. 1761) a son and heir, William-Francis-Corbet, b. 17O8, m. Judith, da. of Bickley, (by Judith, da. and co-h. of William Dugdale, of Blythe Hall, grandson of the celebrated sir William Dugdale,) and d. 1790, leaving issue, 1. Francis -Dugdale, of whom here- after. 2. Richard, of Odstone Hall, co. Leices- ter, esq., b. 1746, d. 11 Dec. ia31, m., 1784, Mary, da. of John Boswell, of Wilton, co. Warwick, esq., and had issue, I. Richard, who took the name and arras of Cough, by royal sign manual, 1815. 3. Mary. Francis-Dugdale Astley, esq., m., 27 Dec. 1775, Mary, 2d da. and co-h. of William Buckler, of Boreham, co. Wilts, esq., and by her (who d. 23 Sept. 1804) had issue, 1. Sir JoHN-DuGDALE, present bart. 2. William-Buckler, of Parton House, CO. Wilts, b. 19 Jan. 1781, ??)., 24 March 1818, Elizabeth, 4th daughter of Thomas-Ashton Smith, of Tid worth House, co. Hants, and Vagnol, CO. Carnarvon, lord-lieut. of Car- narvonshire, and has issue, Mary, 6. 1822. 3. Francis - Bickley, in holy orders, rector of Manningford Abbotts, and Bishop- strow, CO. Wilts, b. 8 Dec. 1782, m., 19 July 1813, Marianne, 3d da. of John-Newdigate Ludford, of Annesly Hall, co. Warwick, esq., and has issue, 1. John-Newdigate-Francis, 6. 20 April I8I7. 2. Benjamin-Buckler-Gifrord,6. 27 April 1819. 3. Marv'- Dorothea, b. 28 July 1814. 4. Elizabeth- Juliana, b. 10 Dec. 1815. 5. Frances- Anne, b. 18 Nov. 1820. L Sir JOHN-DUGDALE, eldest son, was created a bart. as above. Arms— See Pla.te 51. Azure, a cinquefoil, pierced, ermine. Cre-st — Out of a ducal coronet, or, a plume of seven ostrich feathers, gules. Seat — Everley House, co. Wilts. BOSWELL, of AucHiNLECK, co. Ayr. 16 Aug. 1821. Sir JAMES BOSWELL, Baronet, born Dec. 1806, succeeded his father, sir James, 26 JMarch 1822; married, 1830, Jessie-Jane, da. of sir James -Montgomery Cuninghame, bart., of Nova Scotia. ca, m. David Montgomerie, of Linshaw, esq., and two sons, of whom the youngest, John, M.D., was censor of the college of physicians of Edinburgh, )n., and left issue ; and the eldest, Alexander, was one of the senators of the college of justice, and a lord of session, bv the title of lord Auchinleck ; he m. Eu- phame, da. of John Erskine, col. in the army, son of sir Charles Erskine, of Aloa, and d. 1782, leaving three sons, 1. James. 2. John, in the army. 3. David, a merchant. James Bosu'ELL, eldest son of lord Auch- inlech, is well known as the friend and bio- gi-apher of Dr. Johnson; hew., 1770, Mar- garet, da. of David Montgomerie, and d. 19 May 1795, leaving issue by her (whorf. 1790) three das. and two sons, .Tames, of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law, and a commis- sioner of bankrupts, d. itnm. 24 Feb. 1822; and I. Sir ALEXANDER, eldest son, createda bart. as above, was unfortunately kiUed in a duel, 26 March 1822, leaving, besides other issue, a da., m., 22 March 1826, sir William- Francis Elliott, of Stobbs, bart. ; and II. Sir JAMES, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 51. Argent, on a fees. The family of Bnsicell, originally de Bos- ville, is suppo'sed to be of Norman extrac- tion, and to have migrated from England into Scotland, in the reign of David I. Robert de Boseville appears to have been much about the court of king William I., who succeeded to the crown of Scotland 1165; his descendants were seated for nearly three centuries at Oxmuir and Boswell's lands, in Berwickshire, and in the beginning of the fifteenth centur^' acquired the barony of Balmuto, by the marriage of sir John Boswell (ninth in descent from Robert above named) with Mariota, da. and co-h. of sir John Glen. David Boswell, of Bal- muto, grandson of sir John, d. 1493, leaving by his first wife a son and heir, sir Alex- ander, who continued the family of Balmu- to, which is still existing; and by his second wife, ]\Iargaret, da. of William, earl of Orkney and Caithness, a son, Thomas, who obtained from king James IV. the lands and barony of Auchinleck, and was ancestor of the present bart. James Boswell, of Auchinlech, great- grandfather of the 1st bart., was seventh in descent from Thomas ; he was of considera- ble eminence in the law; m., 1704, Elizabeth, da. of Alexander Bruce, 2d earl of Kincar- dine, and d. 1748, leaving issue a da., Vei'oni- 408 SHAW.-POCOCK. sable, three cinquefoils of the field, on a canton, azure, a lymphad within a double tressure, flory, counterflory, or. Crest— A falcon proper, hooded, gules, belled, or. Supporters — On either side a greyhound, argent, with liver-coloured spots, gorged with a plain collar, sable, charged with three cinquefoils, as in the arms, line reflexed over the back gules. Seat — At Audiinleck, co. Ayr. SHAW, of Bushy Park, co. Dublin. 17 Aug. 1821. Sir ROBERT SHAW, Baronet, born 20 Jan. 1774, created as above, M.P. in five parliaments for the city of Dublin, Colonel of the Royal Dublin Militia ; married^ 7 Jan. 1796, Maria, da. and sole h. of Abraham Wilkin- son, of Bushy Park, Dublin, esq., and by whom (who d. 28 March 1831) he had issue, 1. ROBERT, b. 28 Sept. 1796 ; 2. Frederick, Re- corder of Dublin, and M.P. for Dublin University, 6. 11 Dec. 1799, m., 15 March 1819, Thomasine-Emily, da. of the hon. George Jocelyn, 2d son of Robert, 1st earl of Roden, and has issue, 1. Thomasine ; 2. Robert ; 3. George; 4. Frederick ; 5. Maria ; G. Edivard-lVingfield ; 3. Lydia- Cecilia, b. Sept. 1802 ; 4. Beresford-William, b. 31 Oct. 1806 ; 5. Charlotte, b. 25 Jan. 1810 ; 6. George-Augustus, b. 16 Dec. 1814 ; 7. Caroline, b. 1816 ; 8. Charles, b. 27 July 1817 ; 9. JMarta, b. 15 Feb. 1823. Sir Robert Shaw m., 2dly, 2 July 1834, Amelia, da. of Benjamin Spencer, of Bristol, M.D. William Shaw, the baronet's great- grandfather, was an officer in the English army, and went over to Ireland with king William III. ; his 2d son, Robert Shaw, of Kilkenny, esq., m. a sister of William Markham, late archbishop of York, and had issue by her six sons, William, Bernard, John, Thomas, Robert, and Gem-ge. Robert (the 5th son) was of Dublin, and d. 2 July 1796. He m., 1st, Mary, da. of Higgins, of Higginsbrook, co. Meath, esq., by whom he had issue, 1. Sir Robert, created a bart. as above. 2. Bernard, b. June 1775, of Cork, m. Jane, da. of Michael Westropp, of Cork, esq., and has issue, 1. Bernard; 2. Robert. 3. George ; 4. Cornelia ; 5. Jane. 3. PoNSONBY, ni. Alice, da. of Jonathan Eade, of Stoke Newington, co. Middlesex, esq., and has issue, 1. Ponsonby; 2. Henry. 3. Matilda; 4. Alice. 4. Thomas, b. 1785, sometime capt. 25th dragoons, d. in Jamaica. 5. John, b. 1787, m. Harriett, da. of Jona- than Eade, esq. 6. Mary, b. 1780, m. John-Cathcart Lees, esq., son of sir John Lees, bart., and d. 1825. 7. Charlotte, b. 1788, m. sir William M'Mahon, bart., master of the Rolls in Ire- land. Robert Shaw m., 2dly, Priscilla-Cecilia, da. of , and by her had issue, 8. Caroline, m., 20 April 1815, sir James- Caleb Anderson, bart. 9. Sylvia, m. Veniot, an officer in the French army. 10. George. 11. Lees, of London, ?». Caroline, da. of William Chippendall, of London, esq. Arm^ — See Plate 51. Or, on a chevron engrailed, between three eagles displayed sable, as many trefoils slipped of the field. C)-est — A hind's head couped sable, pierced through the neck with an arrow proper. Seat — Bushy Park, co. Dublin. POCOCK, of Hart, co. Durham ; and Twickenham, co. Middlesex. 18 Aug. 1821. Sir GEORGE POCOCK, Baronet, F.R.S., created as above, M.P. in several parliaments for Bridgewater ; botm 15 Oct. 1765 ; married^ 6 June 1791, Charlotte, 2d da. of Edward I^ong, esq., sometime judge of the ad- miralty court, Jamaica, and had issue, 1. GEORGE-EDWARD, b. 2 April 1792, m., 1 I\Iarch 1830, Augusta-Ehnor, eldest da. of the hon. T. W. Coventry, of North Cray Place, co. Kent, and has issue, of whom a da. b. 20 Jan. 1835; 2. Edward-Osborne, R.N., b. 6 March 1793, rf. at sea, 20 Jan. 1813; 3. Augustus, b. 6 March 1799, w., 25 Aug. 1825, Julia-Catherine, da. of the late hon. Thomas- William Co- ventry, by which lady (who d. 9 Oct. 1826) he had a son, George; 4. Robert-Temple ; 5. Charles-Samuel ; 6. Henry- Charles ; 7« Mary-Anne - SoTHTA, b. 17 July 1795; 8. Charlotte-Elizabeth-CatiierinEj b. 1 July 1797; 9. So- JOLLIFFE. 409 phia-Louisa-Henrietta, w., 22 June 1833, Lloyd-Vaughan Watkins, esq., of Pennoyre, M.P. for Brecknock; 10. E^ima, m., 26 May 1831, sir Francis -Charles Knowles, bart. The name of Pocock is of considerable antiquity in the eo. of Berks. John Pocock appears, by an ancient inscription, to have been buried at Hampsted Norris, in that county, as early as 1493. Edward Pocock, rector of Childrey, co. Berks, the learned orientalist, was the son of the rev. Edward Pocock, vicar of Chieveley, in the same coun- ty, who is supposed, on strong probabilities, to have been a brother of the rev. Lawrence Pocock, the baronet's immediate ancestor. The said Lawrence Pocock, D.D., rector of Bright Walton, co. Berks, (son of Richard, and grandson of another Richard Pocock, who d. 1617.) b. 1587, »i- Deborah, da. of the rev, Robert Callis, rector of Letcombe Bas- sett, and d. 1657, having had issue by her, (who survived him, and A 1674,) besides other children, who d. young, 1. Robert, rector of Long Ditton, co. Surrey. 2. Thomas. 3. Edward, /h. and left issue. 4. Richard, m. and left issue. 5. Lawrence, m. and left issue. Thomas, 2d son, m. Anne, da. of , and had issue an only son, Thomas, D.D., F.R.S., chaplain to Greenwich Hospital, rector of Danbury, co. Essex, and of Long Ditton ; b. 1669, d. 1745, having m. Joyce, da. of James Master, of East Langton, co. Kent, (and sister of Mar- garet, wife of George-Byng, 1st viscount Torrington,) and by her had issue, 1. Sir George, K.B. 2. Richard, lieut. R.N., d. unm. 1738. 3. Shem. 4. Sarah, m. Philip Vincent, capt. R.N. 5. Beatrice, m. the rev. David Camp- bell, LL.D., chaplain to Greenwich Hos- pital. 6. Margaret; 7. Anne. 8. Lucy ; 9. Joyce. Sir Gkorge Pocock, K.B., eldest son, was b. 21 Feb. I7(i6, O.S., and entered the naval service at the age of eleven years, under the au.^pices of his uncle, viscount Torrington, and was present on board the admiral's ship, the Barfleiir, in the memor- able victory gained by that distinguished commander in the year 17I8, off the coast of Sicily, when the whole of the Spanish fleet was either taken or destroyed. He was made captain, 1 Aug. 1738, and in 1748 commanded on the Leeward Island station, and blocked up the French fleet in Mar- tinico ; in 1754 he went to the East Indies as second in command under admiral Wat- son ; was soon after promoted to be rear- admiral of the blue, and on the death of admiral Watson in 1757, succeeded him in the chief command of the English fleet in those parts. With an inferior force he gained three signal victories over the French fleet, commanded by the count D'Ache, and before the close of 1758, had established the sovereignty of the English in those seas. For these services he received the thanks of the East India Company, his statue was erected in the India House, and his sovereign bestowed on him the order of the Bath, with which he was invested 6 May 1761. In the succeeding year he was appointed to command the naval part of the expedition against the Havannah, which, together with nine sail of the line, sur- rendered to the English forces on the 12th of August. Sir George for some time held the office of master of the Trinity House, and was twice returned M.P. for Plymouth. He m., 28 Nov. 1763, Sophia-Pitt, youngest da. of admiral Francis-George Drake, some- time governor of Madras, 2d son of sir Francis Drake, of Buckland, co. Devon, bart., (widow of commodore Digby Dent, and uterine sister of Harriott, duchess of Ancaster,) and by her (who d. 1768) had issue, 1. Sir George, present bart. 2. Sophia, b. 28 Oct. 1764, to., 11 June 1782, John, 4th earl Poulett, and d. 24 Jan. 1811. Sir George d. 3 April 1792, aged 87. I. Sir GEORGE, only son, was created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 51. Chequy argent and gules, a lion rampant guardant or ; (and for honourable augmentation, in allusion to the services of his father,) a chief wavy azure, thereon a sea-horse proper, between two eastern crowns or, and above, the word " Havannah." Crest — Out of a naval crown, or, an ante- lope's head issuant, proper, attired, gold. Supporters — (Granted pursuant to a royal warrant, dated 15 Dec. 1821,) two sea-horses, each resting his exterior paw upon an an- chor, being the same that were granted to the baronet's father, on his being nominated K.B. Seat — Twickenham House, co. Middlesex ; Bransgore House, Ringwood, Hants. JOLLIFFE, of Merstham, co. Surrey. 20 Aug, 1821. Sir WILLIAM-GEORGE-HYLTON JOLLIFFE, Baronet, so created as above ; horn 7 Dec. 1800 ; married^ 8 Oct. 1825, Eleanor, da. of the hon. Berkeley Paget, and has issue, 1. HYIiTON, b. 10 July 1826; 2. Eleanor, b. 18 June 1828; 3. Hedworth-Hylton, b. 23 June 1829; 4. Allada-Harriot, b. 9 Jan. 1831; 5. Wtlhelmina- Charlotte, 6. 22 April 1833 ; 6. Julia-Agnes, h. 20 July 1834. This family, the name of which was originally written Julie;/, is of considerable antiquity in the counties of Stafford and Worcester; John Jolley, of Leeke, co. Stafford, was living about the middle of the 16th century, and was great-grandfather of Thomas Jolley, or Jolliffe, of Cof- T 4i0 TOWNSHEND-FARQUHAR. ton Hall, CO. Worcester, m., 1st, Margaret, da. of Richard Skinner, of Cofton, (by Margaret, da. of sir Edward Littleton, of Pillaton,) and by her (who d. 6 Jan. 1647) had issue, 1. WiLi-iAM, d. youngs 2. Thomas, d. wim. 3. John. 4. Benjamin, of whom hereafter. 5. Anne, m. Alexander Fitton, of Gause- worth, CO. Chester, esq. 6. Anne, m. Tilston Brayne, of Staple- ford, CO. Chester, esq. He »!., 2dly, Mary, da. of sir Gabriel Lowe, of Newark, co. Gloucester, knt., by whom (who d. KifiS) he had a son, 7. William, d. unm. Thomas Jolliffe d. 1694, and was succeeded by his 4th son, Benjamin Jolliffe, m. Mary, youngest da. of John Jolliffe, of London, merchant, and sister of sir William Jolliffe, knt. ; he d. 28 Get. 1719, having by her (who d. 18 Nov. 1699) had issvie, 1. Thomas, of Cofton Hall, esq., d, unin. 11 April 1758. 2. William, d. unnu at Aleppo. 3. John, of Petersiield, of wliom here- after. 4. Rebecca, m. Humphry Lowe, of Bromsgrove, co. Worcester, esq. 5. Anne, m. Robert Biddulph, of Led- bury, CO. Hereford, esq. John Jolliffe, of Petersfield, co. Hants, esq., above named, was M.P. for that bo- rough, 17'i3, (I 1771 : »«•, 1st, Katherine, da. of Robert Mitchell, of Petersfield, by whom he had no issue ; and 2dly, Mary, da. and h. of Samuel Holden, of London, esq., by whom he had issue> 1. William, grandfather of the present bart., of whom hereafter. 2. Thomas - Samuel, of Ammerdown, near Bath, esq., m., 1778, Mary-Anne, da. and h. of Twyford, of Kilmersden, co. Somerset, esq., and d. 6 June 1824, aged 78, leaving issue. 1. John-Twyford, of Ammerdown P^rk, CO. Somerset, esq. 2. Thomas - Robert, in holy orders, chaplain in ordinary to the Prince Regent, 1815. 3. Charles, in the army, killed at Wa- terloo. 4. Mary-Anne. William Jolliffe, above named, re- presented Petersfield in six parliaments, d. 28 Nov. 1802, leaving issue, by Eleanor, his wife, da. and h. of sir Richard Hylton, (formerly Musgrave,) of Hayton Castle, co. Cumberland, bart., (who was son and heir of sir Richard Musgrave, by Anne, sister and co-h. of John HLltony called baron of Hilton,) 1. Hylton Jolliffe, b. Feb. 17/3, m., 7 Sept. 18t)4, Eleanor Rose, natural da. of Robert Shirley, earl Ferrers, by whom (who' rf. 13 Jan. 18(t9) he had no issue, 2. WiLLiAM-JoHN, in holy orders, m, Julia, da. and co-h. of sir Abraham Py tches-, of Streatham, co. Surrey, knt., and d. 31 Jan. 1835, leaving issue, 1. Sir William - George - H-VLTON, present bart. 2. Gilbert-East, lieut. 19th light dra- goons, m. Margaret - Ellen, da. of sir Edward Banks, and d. 18 Dec. 1833, »t. 32. 3. George, lieut. R.N., killed at the battle of the Nile. 4. Eleanor-Mary, ni; 1st, sir Gilbert East, of Hall Place, co. Berks, bart.; and 2dly, 31 March 1834, hon. lieut.-col. Joha Craven Westenra. 5. Mary, m. major Trevor, and d. with- out issue. 6. Eleanor - Frances, m. lieut.-col. George-Edward Raitt. .4rms— See Plate 52. Argent, on a pile» vert, three dexter hands, of the first. Crest — A cubit arm, erect, vested, vert, cuffed, and the sleeve charged with a pile argent, the hand grasping a sword, proper. Seat—.\t Merstham, co. Surrey. TOWNSHEND, (now TOWNSHEND-FARQUHAR,) Governor op THE Mauritius. 21 Aug. 1821. Sir WALTER-MINTO TOWNSHEND-FARQUHAR, Baronet, 5om 26 Oct. 1809, succeeded his father, sir Robert, late bart., 16 March 1830. L Sir ROBERT-TOWNS H EN D FARQUHAR, created as above, b. 14 Oct. 1776, 2d son of sir Walter Farquhar, of Cadogan House, co. Middlesex, b;irt., (.«ee that title,) took the surname of Toirnshend, in addition to that of Farquhar, by royal sign manual, July 1824. He was sometime Commercial Resident at Amboyna, and appointed, at the peace of Amiens, in 1802, commissioner for adjusting the British claims in the Moluccas, and to deliver up those islands to the Batavian republic. In 1812 he was appointed governor and com- rnander-in-chicf of the island of Mauritius ; m., 10 Jan. 1809, Maria, 2d da. of the late Francis Latoiir, of iVIadras, esq., and d. 16 March 1830, k'a\ ing issue by her, (who m, 2dly, 15 Feb. I!l.i4, riiomas Hamilton, esq:, brotV.frof sirWilliam Hamilton, bart,) 1. Sir Waltkr-Minto, present bart. And other children. Anns—Hee Plate .')2. Argent, a lion ram- pant, sable, between two sinister hands, couped in chief, gules, and a crescent azure in base. Crest — .\n eagle rising, proper. Motto — Mentc matmque. FULLER.ELIOTT-DRAKE. 411 FULLER-ELTOTT. DRAKE, of Nutwell Court, Buckland Abbey, or Monachoru3i Sherford, and Yarncombe, co. Devon. 22 Aug. 1821. Sir THOMAS-TRAYTON FULLER-ELIOTT-DRAKE, of Nut- well Court, Buckland Abbey, Sherford, Sheafhayne House, and Yarn- combe, CO. Devon, Baronet, Major in the 52d Foot, created as above, with, remainder, on failure of issue male, to his brothers, William-Stephen Fuller and Rose-Henry Fuller, commanders in the R.N. ; took the name and arms oi EUott and Drake, in addition to Fuller, by royal sign manual, 1813 ; horn 8 Feb. 1785; married., 5 Aug. 1819, Eleanor, only da. of James Hal- ford, of Laleham, co. Middlesex, esq. The family of Fuller appears to have been settled in the county of Sussex as early as the latter end of the Ifith or beginning of the 17th century. Johx Fuller, of Tanners-Waldron, in that county, m. Eliza- beth, da. of John Franck, of Farley, and was father of Samuel, who by Joan, da. of Stephen French, of Streame, co. Sussex, had issue, John, of Tanners-Waldron, a captain of the Trained Bands for the county, m., 8 Aug. 1643, Anne, da. of John, and sister of sir Thomas Nutt, and d. 1679, having issue, 1. Samuel, d. iinm. 1678- 2. John, of whom hereafter. 3. Thomas. 4. Stephen, of Mayfield, co. Sussex, m., and left issue. 5. Anne, b. 1648, m., 24 Sept. 16/4, George Courthope, of Tycehurst, co. Sussex, esq., and d. s.p. 16 Dec. 1675. 6. Joan, d. num. 1670. John Fuller, 2d son of John, above named, was a major in the Sussex Trained Bands, tn. Elizabeth, da. of Fowle, of Rotherfield, co. Sussex, esq., and d. May 1722, leaving issue, a son and heir, John Fuller, of Brightling, co. Sussex, esq., /)). Elizabeth, eldest da. and co-h. of Fulk Rose, of Jamaica, e«q., and d. 1745, having had issue, 1. John, tn., but rf. without issue, 1/75. 2. Rose, M.D., also m., but d. without issue. 3. Henry, in holy orders, m., and left issue, 1. John, of Rosehill, co. Sussex, esq., d. unm. 11 April 1834, aet. 7H- 2. Elizabeth, m. sir John Palmer-Acland, bart., father of the present sir Peregrine- Palmer Fuller-Palmer-Acland, bart. 3. Frances, ?n. 4. Thomas, grandfather of the baronet, of whom hereafter. 5. Stephen, of London, merchant, agent for Jamaica, m., 1744, Elizabeth, da. of Noakes, and had issue four das., his co-heiresses. 1. Philippa, m. William Dickenson, of King's Weston, co. Somerset, esq. 2. Elizabeth, m. her 1st cousin, John- Trayton Fuller, esq., but d. without issue. 3. Sarah, m. Hans Sloane, of South Stoneham, co. Hants, esq. 4. Anne, d. xmm. 6. Elizabeth, m. William Sloane, of Bloomsbury Square, esq. 7. Hans, rf. young. 8. Samuel, d. young. Thomas Fuller, grandfather of the ba- ronet, and 4th son of John, of Brightling, m, Elizabeth, da. of John Lidgitter, of Lewes, co. Sussex, and d. 20 March 1773, ast. 61, leaving issue. Rose Fuller, of Lon- don, merchant, his 2d son, b. 1748, and John-Trayton Fuller, of Ashdown Park, CO. Sussex, esq., his eldest son, m., 1st, his cousin, Elizabeth, above named, by whom he had no issue ; and 2dly, 21 May 1777, Anne, only da. of George- Augustus- Eliot, baron Heathfield, K.B. (by Anne Pollexfen, eldest da. of sir Francis Drake, and sister of sir Francis-Henry Drake, of East Buckland, co. Devon, harts.,) and by her (who d. 24 Feb. 1835, aet. 80) had issue, 1. Augustus-Eliott, m., 5 Sept. 1801, Clara, eldest da. and co-h. of Owen-Putland Meyrick, of Bodorgan, esq., and has issue, Owen-John-Augustus, who, by license dated 6 May 1825, took the name and arms of Meyrick in addition to those of Fuller. 2. Francis-John, d. s.p. 3. Sir Thomas-Trayton, created a bart. as above. 4. William-Stephen, capt. R.N., h. 6 Feb. 1788, m. Eliza, only da. of White, of Devonshire, esq. 5. Rose-Henry, commander R.N., b. 8 Feb. 1789, m., 24 Nov. 1831, IVIargaretta- Jane, 2d da. of sir Robert Sheffield, bart., and has issue, 1. Francis-Henry, b. 25 Oct. 1832, d. 1 May 1833. 2. Rose, b. 15, and d. .30 Nov. 1833. 3. A Da., b. 3 Nov. 1834. 6. Rev. Fitzherbert, in holy orders, m., 16 Oct. 1827, Ursula, da. of sir Robert Shef- field, bart. 7. Elizabeth-Anne. 8. Sarah-Maria. Anns— See Plate .')2. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Drake, sable, a fess wavy, between two estoiles, argent; 2d, Eliott^ gules, on a bend, or, a baton, azure, on a chief the arms of Gibraltar, viz. azure, between two pillars, a castle, argent, from the gate a golden key pendent, subinscribed plus ultra ; 3d, Fuller, argent, three barrulets, and a canton, gules. Crests— \?X, Drake, on a terrestrial globe, a ship, proper, trained about the said globe with'hawsers, by a hand issuing out of clouds on the dexter, all proper, and on an escroll the words auvilio divino ; 2d, Eliott, a dex- ter hand in armour, couped above the wrist, grasping a scimitar, all proper, the wrist charged with a key, sable ; ,3d. Fuller, out of a ducal coronet, gules, a lion's head, ar- gent. Mottoes— Fortiter et recte; per ardtia,- and sic parvi^ macrna. Seats— At Nutwell Court, Buckland Ab- bey, Sherford, Sheafhayne House, Yarn- combe, CO. Devon, and Sendgrove, co. Sur- rey. t2 412 EARDLEY-WIIiMOT DUNDAS. EARDLEY-WTLMOT, of Berkswell Hall, co. Warwick. 23 Aug. 1821. Sir JOHN-EARDLEY EARDLEY-WILMOT, Baronet, created as above, F.R. and A.S., M.P. for the northern division of Warwickshire; born 21 Feb. 1783; carrier/ Elizabeth-Einma, 4th da. of C. H. Parry, M.D., of the city of Bath, and by her (who d. March 1818) has, I.'JOHN- EARDLEY ; 2. Frederick-Marow ; 3. Edward-Revell ; 4. Arthur-Parry; 5. Henry-Robert; 6. Augustus- Hillier; 7- Elizabeth-Emma, m., March 1829, George-Graham Blackwell, of Ampney Park, co. Gloucester, esq.; 8. Selina-Ma- tilda-Carohne. He to., 2dly, 30 Aug. 1819, Eliza, eldest da. of sir Robert Chester, of Bush Hall, co. Hertford, and has, 9. Robert, who d. an infant; 10. Eliza-Harriot ; 11. a Son, b. Oct. 1824. (Far the earlier part of this Pedigree, see Wilnwt, of Chaddesden, 1759.) Sir John-Eardley Wilmot, knt., lord chief-justice of the court of Common Pleas, was the younger brother of sir Robert Wil- mot, of Osmaston, co. Derby, the 1st bart., and the grandson of sir Samuel Marow, of Berkswell Hall, co. Warwick. He m. Sarah, da. of Thomas Rivett, of Derby, esq., and d. in 171)2, leaving issue, 1. John, of whom hereafter. 2. Mary-Marow, m. Sampson, lord Eardley. 3. Elizabeth, m., 27 July 1788, sir Tho- mas Blomefield, bart., and d. 21 Aug. 1826. John, only son, a master in Chancery, and M.P. for Coventry, who, in 1812, took, by royal sign manual, the name of Eardley in addition to and before Wilmot. He m., 1st, Frances, only da. of Samuel Sainthill, esq., and 2dly, Sarah, da. of colonel Haslam, and d. in June 1815, leaving issue by his 1st wife, besides four Das., a son, I. Sir JOHN-EARDLEY, created a bart. as above. ArrM—Sce Plate 52. Sable, on a fess, or, between three eagles' heads couped, argent, as many escallops gules, a crescent for dif- ference. Crest — An eagle's head couped argent, in his beak an escallop shell gules. Seat — Berkswell Hall, co. Warwick, DUNDAS, of Beechwood, co. Midlothian. 24 Aug. 1821. Sir ROBERT DUNDAS, one of the Principal Clerks of Session, and Deputy to the Lord Privy Seal in Scotland, born 30 June 1761, created a Baronet as above ; married, 20 July 1798, IMatilda, da. of the late Archi- bald Cockburn, one of the barons of the Exchequer in Scotland, and has issue, 1. DAVID, b. 28 Aug. 1803; 2. Jane, m. Robert Whig- ham, of Lockpatrick, advocate; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Matilda; 5. Margaret; 6. Charlotte, m., 12 April 1830, Allan E. Lockhart, esq., of Bothwic Brae and Cleghorn; 7- Robina ; 8. Henrietta. Sir James Dundas, common ancestor of the present bart. and of viscount Melville, was knighted by king Charles I., and ap- I pointed one of the senators of the college | of justice by king Charles II. He d. 1G7!', leaving issue by his 1st wife, Marian, da. of Robert, lord Boyd, Robert, of Arniston, grandfather of Henry, 1st viscount Mel- ville ; and by his 2d wife, Janet, da. of Hepburne, a son, James, merchant in Edinburgh, who, by a da. of sir Walter Riddell, had issue, Robert, also a merchant in Edinburgh, m. Margaret, da. of Robert Watson, of Muirhouse, andt/. in May 1708, leaving issue by her, (who d. in Dec. 17^4,) 1. James, d. mnn. 2. Robert, of whom hereafter. 3. Rt. hon. sir David, a field-marshal in the army, K.B., governor of Fort St. George and Fort Augustus, and appointed, 25 March 1809, commander-in-chief of the forces, which office he held till 25 May 1810, m. Charlotte, da. of lieut.-gen. Oliver de Lan- cey, and d. 18 Feb. 1820, without issue. 4. Mary, d. mnn. March 1803. Robert Dundas, 2d son of Robert, above named, and brother of sir David, was a clergyman of the church of Scotland, at Humble, co. Haddington, ni. Elizabeth, da. of the rev. Thomas Turnbull, and d, 1769, leaving by her, (who d. April 1770,) 1. Sir Robert, created a bart. as above. 2. Margaret; 3. Mary. 4. Henry. Arms — See Plate 52. Argent, a lion ram- pant gules, within a bordure ermine. Crest — A lion's head affront^, gules, sur- rounded by a holly bush, vert, fructed, proper. Scat— At Beechwood, co. Midlothian. CARMICHAEL-SMYTH—ERSKINE.— YOUNG. 413 CARMICHAEL-SMYTH, of Nutwood, co. Surrey. 25 Aug. 1821. Sir JAMES CARMICHAEL-SMYTH, of Nutwood, co. Surrey, a Major-General in the Army, and Lieut.-Gov. of British Guiana, C.B. K.M.T. and K.St.W. ; born 22 Feb. 1780, created a Baronet as above; married^ 28 3Iay 1816, Harriett, only child of the late general Robert Morse, and has issue, JAMES-ROBERT, b. 11 June 1817- The family of Cannichael is of great an- tiquity in Scotland ; the name local, as- sumed from the barony of Carmichael, co. Lanark, Sir John Carmichael commanded the Scotch auxiliary' forces in the battle of Bauge, in Anjou, 1422, where he eminently distinguished himself, and more particularly by dismounting the duke of Clarence, the English general, which action decided the \ictory in favour of the French and Scotch. Having broken his spear in the encounter with the duke, he in memory of that action got added to his paternal arms (says Doug- las) a hand holding a broken spear, which is now the crest of the family. This sir Jchn was father of William, ancestor of the earls of Hyndford, extinct; and of Robert, who was ancestor of the Carmichaels, of Bal- maddy, of which house the present bart. is representative. The baronet's grandfather, Thomas Carmichael, m., 3 May 1740, Margaret, eldest da. and heiress of James Smyth, of Athemey, esq., and d. Dec. 1746, leaving issue by her (who rf. 9 Aug. 1803) an only child, James, who, in compliance with the will of his mother's father, assumed the sur- name and arms of Smvth, in addition to those of Carmichael, ?>.'23 Feb. 1742, m., 9 Nov. 1777, Mary, da. of Thomas Holyland, of Bromley, co. Kent, esq., and d. 18 June 1821, leaving issue by her (who d. 24 May 1806) one son, I. Sir JAMES, created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 52. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Carmichael, argent a fess, wreathed, azure and gules, within a bordure of the se- cnd ; 2d and 3d, Smyth, azure, a burn- ing cup, between two chess rooks, or, within a bordure of the second. Crest — A cubit arm erect, in armour, the hand grasping a broken tilting spear, all proper. Motto over the crest — Tou jours prest. Rusidence — At Nutwood, co. Surrey. ERSKINE, of Cambo, co. Fife. 27 Aug. 1821. Sir DAVID ERSKINE, Baronet, created as above, bom in Sweden, 16 Feb. 1792 ; married., 27 Aug. 1821, Jane-Silence, da. and heiress of the late rev. Williams, of Conway, and has issue, 1. Jane-Silence, 6. 25 Sept. 1822, d. 3 March 1826 ; 2. THOMAS, b. 23 July 1824 ; 3. Harriett, b. 1 Sept. 1826. Arms— See Plate 52. Quarterly : 1st and azure, a cock, wings elevated, proper, 4th, gules, an imperial crown, within a charged with a baton, sinister, wavy, of the double tressure, flory, counterflory, or ; 2d second, and 3d, argeiit, a pale sable; the whole Motto — VeilUent et vaillarit. within a bordure, wavy, ermine. Se«fe— Cambo House, co. Fife ; and Pwller- Crest—On a garb, fesswise, or, banded rochan, North Wales. YOUNG, of Baileiborough Castle, co. Cavan. 28 Aug. 1821. Sir WILLIAM YOUNG, Baronet, created as above, married^ Sept. 1806, Lucy, youngest da. of colonel Charles Frederick, and has issue, 1. JOHN, b. 1807, M.P. CO. Cavan; 2. Thomas, b. 1811. Arms— See Plate 52. Argent, on a chief, sable, three annulets, or, issuant from the chief three piles of the second, each charged with a trefoil of the third. Crest— K demi-lion, gules, charged on the shoulder with a trefoil, or, and holding in the dexter paw a sword erect, proper, pomel and hilt gold. Motto — Robori prudentia prcEstat. Seaf— Baileiborough Castle, co. Cavan. 414 SMITH.— COOPER. SMITH, of Pickering, in Upper Canada, and of Preston, CO. Northumberland. 30 Aug. 1821. Sir DAVID-WILLIAM SMITH, Baronet, born 4 Sept. 1764, entered the army at an early age, and was appointed Ensign in the 5th Foot, in which regiment he subsequently attained the rank of Captain ; afterwards settling in the province of Upper Canada, he was called to the bar there, with precedence as Deputy Judge Advocate, and was appointed Surveyor- General of Lands, also one of the Trustees for the Six Nations, and one of the Executive Council, and of the Committee for administering the govern- ment in the Governor's absence, a IM ember of the first three Canadian Par- liaments, and Speaker of the House of Assembly in two of them ; created a bart, as above ; married^ 1st, 3 Nov. 1788, Anne, da. of John O'Reilly, of Ballj^kilchrist, co. Longford, in Ireland, esq., and by her (who d. 5 Nov. 1798) had issue, 1. Elline-Sarah-Anne, b. 21 Aug. 1789, d. 8 Jan. 1790; 2, Maria, b. 31 Aug. 1790, d. 20 Aug. 1791; 3. John- Alexander, b. G Feb. 1792, d. 2 Julv 1793; 4. Mary-Elizabeth, b. 18 Feb. 1793, m., 31 Oct. 1814, Charles Tylee, esq.; 5. David- William, b. 6 June 1794, in the R.N., killed at Quiberon, 11 May 1811 ; 6. Sarah, b. 18 July 1795;— 7. Anne, b. 25 Feb. 1797; 8. John^O'Reilly, b. 26 March 1798, d. 5 March 1799. Sir David m., 2dly, 11 April 1803, Mary, youngest da. of John Tylee, of Devizes, co. Wilts, banker, by whom he has issue, 9. Hannah, b. 29 Dec. 1803. John Smith, sometirneof Scalisbury, esq., lieut.-col. of the 5th foot, was appointed commandant of the fortress of Niagara, in Norih America, and its de})endencies, where lied. 19 Nov. 1795; he m., 21 Jan. 1794, Anne, da. of William Waylen, of Rowde Hill, and Devizes, co. Wilts, esq., by whom (who d. 3 Sept. 1802) he had an only child, I. Sir DAVID-WILLIAM, created abart. as above. Arms — See Plate 52. Per pale, gules and azure, on a chevron, or, between three cinquefoils, argent, as many leopards' faces, sable, on a chief of the third a beaver, pro- per. Crest — A sinister hand, couped at the wrist, and erect, gules, charged on the palm with a trefoil, slippf d, argent, and wreathed round the wrist with oak leaves, or. Motto — Pro rege et patria : over the crest, •' Canada." COOPER, of Gadesbridge, CO. Hertford. 31 Aug. 1821. Sir ASTLEY-PASTON COOPER, created a Baronet as above, (with remainder, on failure of issue male of his own body, to his nephew, Astley- Paston Cooper, esq.,) Surgeon to his Majesty's person, born at Brooke, co. Norfolk, 23 Aug. 1768, married^ 12 Dec. 1791, Ann, da. of Thomas Cock, of London, merchant, by whom (who d. 19 June 1827) he had one Da., who d. young. Sir Astley married. 2dly, 5 July 1828, Catherine, da. of John Jones, of Dery Ormond, co. Cardigan, esq. This family has long resided in Nor- folk, and is connected with many ancient and respectable families, viz. Paston — Bransbiz—Lnvick — and Rede. The baronet's father, the rev. Samuel Cooper, D.D., rector of Yelverton and Morley, co. Norfolk, was son of Samuel Cooper, of Norwich, merchant, by Mary, da. of William Lovirk, of Norwich, alder- man, grandson of Samuel Cooper, also of Norwich, and elder brother of William Cooper, esq., of London, surgeon, who d. 181(!. Hew., 17')1, Maria-Susannah, da. and co-heiress of James Bransl)y, of Shottis- ham, CO. Norfolk, esq., (by Anna-Maria, his wife, da. by the 1st wife, and at length co-heiress of James Paston, of Ilarleston, CO. Norfolk, M.D., and d. 7 Jan. 1800, leaving issue by her (who ri. 10 July 1807) four das., who d. young and unm. : Ma- rianne, m. rev. Christopher Spurgeon, of Harpley, co. Norfolk ; and five sons, 1. Robert-Bransbv Cooper, b. 21 Feb. ]7')2, m., (i May 1784, Anne, only child of William Purnell, of Dursley, co. Glouces- ter, esq., and by her (whorf. 20 Sept. 1804) had issue, 1. Purnell-Bransby, h. 4 Nov. 1791, took the name and arms "of Purnell only, 1805, m., 13 July 1813, Charlotte-Anne, da. of Natlianiel Clifford, of Frampton Court, CO. (iloucester, esq., and has issue, 1. Wil- liam-Pastiin, b. 12 June 1814; 2. Jotm- Bransby, b. 5 Jan. 1820; 3. Charlotte- PHILLIPPS.— PAUL. 415 Anne, b. 23 March 1816 ; 4. Frances-Mai-y, b. 15 April 1817. 2. Rev. Robert-Jermyn, 5. 2 Nov. 1795, m., 8 Sept. 1817. Arabella-Harriet, only da. of Edward-Wallington, of Diirsley, esq., and has issue, Arabella-Han iet, b. 2 Feb. 181(1. 3. Charlotte-Maria-Jauetta. 4. Henrietta-Maria. 5. Anna-Magdalena, b. 1792, d. 1806. 2. Rev. SAMUEL-LovrcK Cooper, rector of Ingoldesthorpe and Barton, co. Norfolk, 6. 4 Feb. 1763, ?»., 29 Nov. 1787, Sarah-Le- man, da. of Thomas Rede, of Beccles, co. Suffolk, esq., and d. 2 June 1817. leaving issue, 1. Bransby-Blake, 6. 2 Sept. 1702, ?«., 21 May 1816, Mary-Anne, da. of John Keel- ing, of Broxboume, co. Herts, esq., and has issue, 1. Bransby-Henry, b. 13 July 1820; 2. Marianne- Astley, b. 2 Feb. 1817; and other children. 2. Rev. Robert-Rede, rector of In- goldesthorpe, b. 10 April 1794, assumed the name and arms of Rede, in 1822, by royal sign manual; />i. Louisa, da- of Benjairiin Hensliaw, barrister, and has issue. 3. Astley-Paston, on whom the baronetcy is entailed in case of failure of male issue of his uncle, b. 13 Jan. 1797, m., 29 Nov. 182J, Elizabeth-Harriet, only child and heiress of William Rickford, esq., and has issue a son, 6. 21 Feb. 1826, and a da. b. 16 Oct. 18:^7. 4. Rev. Thomas-Lovick, b. 3 Sept. 1801, rector of Ingoldesthorp, co. Norfolk, m., 18 June 1821, Emily-^Mary-Swinfin, da. of sir Thomas Durrant,bart., but hasnoissue. 5. Maria-Susanna, ni. Henry Read, esq., capt. Wexford militia. 6. Marianne-Charlotte,??!., 16 Aug. 1817. Nathan-Lewis Young, of Barbadoes, IM.D. 7. Anne, ?»?., 6 Aug. 1818, Charles-Aston Key, of London, surgeon. 8. Fanny-Susanna, m., June 1823, Frede- rick Tyrrell, esq. 3. WILLIAM-HOWMAN COOPER, b. 1764, d. unm. 6 May 1834, ast. 70. 4. Beaichamp-Newton Cooper, 6. 16 July 1774, ???., 31 July 1798, Frances, only surviving da. of the rev. James Adams, of Jenkins, co. Essex, andrf. Nov. 1802, leaving issue by her (who ?•<>-???., 22 April 1807, Ed- ward Morgan, of Llangattock, co. Brecon, esq.) a son, Charles-Beauchamp, b. 31 Jan. 1803; and a da. Frances-Matilda. 5. and youngest son, Astley-Paston, created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 52. Vert, a fess embat- tled, or, between two pheons, in chief, and as many thigh bones, saltirewise, in base, argent. Crest — On a wreath, a mural coronet ar- gent, issuant therefrom a demi-spear, erect, proper, fringed or, and surmounted by two palm branches in saltire, vert; Motto — yu niafcni'in, nisi bonum. Seaf— At Gadesbridge, co. Herts. PHILLIPPS, of Middle Hill, co. Worcester. 1 Sept. 1821. Sir THOMAS PHILLIPPS, Baronet, F.R. and A.S., created as above; horyi 2 July 1792 ; married^ 23 Feb. 1810, Harriett, natural da. of major-gen. Thomas Molyneux, by whom (who d. March 1832) he had issue, 1. Hekrietta-Eltzabeth-Molynf.ux, 6. 21 Nov. 1819; 2. Mary- Sophia-Bampfylde-Foster, b. 14 March 1821 ; 3. Catherine- Somerset, b. at Berne, in Switzerland, 26 April 1823. Arms — See Plate 52. Sable, semee of fleurs-de-lis, or, a lion rampant, argent, du- cally crowned, gold, and holding in the dex- ter fore paw a sword erect, proper, all with- in a bordure, wavy, of the second. Crest — On a mount, vert, a lion, rampant, sable, semee of fleurs-de-lis, or, charged with a bendlet, wavy, ermine, and h(?lding in the fore piw a sword, as in the arms. Seat—Xt Middle Hill, co. Worcester. PAUL, of RoDBOROUGH, CO. Gloucester. 3 Sept. 1821. Sir JOHN-DEAN PAUL, Baronet, D.C.L., created as above ; horn Dec. 1775 ; married^ 2 April 1799, Frances-Eleanor, youngest da. of John Simpson, of Bradley Hall, Durham, by lady Anne Lyon, da. of Thomas, 8th earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn, and bv her (who d. \b April 1833) has issue, 1. JOHN-DEAN, b. 27 May 1802^ m., 8 Oct. 182G, Georgiana- Georgina, 3d da. of Charles-George Beauclerk, of St. Leonard's Lodge, co. Sussex, and has issue; 2. George-Rorert, i. 27 July 1803, w., 15 March 1828, Louisa, da. of Henry Bevan, esq. ; 3. William Went- WOBTH, h. 6 Feb. 1812; 4. Anne-Frances, h. 5 3Iay 1800, ?n., 29 April 1828, Francis-George Hare, esq ; 5. Eleanor-IMaria, h. 3 Oct. 1804;— G. M ary-Horatia, b. 5 Dec. 1805, m., 20 Dec. 1825, Charles Bankhead, esq., secretary of legation in America ; 7- Jane, b. 416 TROTTER. 27 April 1806, m., 6 Nov. 1827, Edward-Fox Fitzgei-ald, esq., only son of lord Edward Fitzgerald, and grandson of the 1st duke of Leinster. The rev. Onksiphorus Paul, of Warn- borough, CO. Wilts, was father of Nicho- las, George, who rf. untn., and Elizabeth, m. the rev. Thomas Prance. Nicholas Paul, eldest son, m.Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Dean, of Woodchester, co. Gloucester, esq., and had issue, 1. Dean, grandfather of the present bart. Sir Onesiphorus, of Hill House, in the parish of Rodborough, co. Gloucester, created a bart. 3 Sept. 1762, m., 1st, Jane, only da. of Francis Blackburne, of St. Ni- cholas, near Richmond, co. York, esq., and by her (who d. 26 May 1748) had issue, 1. Sir Onesiphorus, 2d bart. 2. Jank, m. Thomas Pettat, of King's Stanley, co. Gloucester, esq., and d. 10 Jan. 1810, without issue. 3. Elizabeth, m. George Snow, of Lang- ton, CO. Dorset, esq., and d. 7 Jan. 1772. He m., 2dly, Catherine, da. and co-h. of Francis Freeman, of Clifton, near Bristol, by whom (who d. 20 Oct. 17G6) he had issue, 4. Francis, d. young. He nu, 3dly, Sarah, da. of John Peach, of Woodchester, and relict of John Turner, of King's Stanley, by whom (who d. April 1801) he had no issue. He d. 21 Sept. 1774, and was succeeded by his only son. Sir Onesiphorus, d. 16 Dec. 1820, when the title created in 1762 became extinct. Dean Paul, elder brother of sir Onesi- phorus, 1st hart., ni., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of William Andrews, of Stonehouse, co. Glou- cester, esq., who d. 4 Aug. 1741 : 2dly, Anne- Gastrell, da. of John Self, of Cirencester, CO. Gloucester, who d. 7 Sept. 1746: and 3dly, Margaret, da. of Philip Hampton, of Westbury, co. Gloucester, who d. 11 March 1764. He d. 11 March 1764, leaving issue by his 2d wife, an only son, John, of Salisbury, M.D., m. Frances, da. of Robert Snow, of Hendon, co. Middle- sex, and of London, banker, and d. 15 June 1815, having had issue by her, (who d. 19 July 17!)4,) 1. Sir John-Dean, present bart. 2. Robert, capt. R.N., b. 1776, d. unm. 1804. Arms— See Plate 52. Argent, on a fess, azure, three cross croslets or, and in base three ermine spots sable. Crest — An ounce's head, proper, erased, gules. Motto — Pro rege et respublica. Seat— At Rodborough, co. Gloucester. TROTTER, of West Ville, co. Lincoln. 4 Sept. 1821. Sir COUTTS TROTTER, of West Ville, co. Lincoln, Baronet, ere- ated as above, with remainder, in default of issue male of his body, to the issue male of his eldest da. Anne ; born 15 Feb. 1767 ; married, 12 Aug. 1802, Margaret, da. of the hon. Alexander Gordon, lord Rockville, a lord of Session, 3d son of William, 2d earl of Aberdeen, (by Anne, da. of Alex- ander, 2d duke of Gordon,) and of Anne, dowager countess of Dumfries and Stair, and has issue, 1. Anne, b. 15 April 1803, m., 22 April 1823, lieut.-col. James Lindsay, grenadier guards, son of the hon. Robert Lindsay, younger son of James, 5th earl of Balcarres, and has issue, 1. Coutls, b. 2 Feb. 1824, to whom the baronetcy is limited in remainder ; 2. Margaret^ h. 31 Dec. 1824; 3. Elizabeth- Alice, b. 5 May 1826; 4. Celia-Jane, b. 6 April 1828, d.'J Sept. 1832 ; 5. Mary-Anne, b. 6 June 1829; 6. Robert, b. 16 April 1832; 2. Jane, b. 30 June 1804, m., 25 June 1827, Gibbs- Crawfurd Antrobus, of Eaton Hall, co. Chester, esq., and d. 19 Nov. 1829 ; 3. Susan, w., 4 Aug. 1831, hon. George Thomas Keppel, 2d son of the earl of Albemarle; 4. Margaret. The name of Trotter, is of old stand- ing in the shire of Berwick. The bart.'s grandfather was Aleuandcr Trotter, the third of that name, of Castleshiels, co. Berwick ; he m. Jane, da. of sir Robert Stuart, of Allanbank, bart., and had issue, of whom the 2d son, Archibald, m. Jean, da. and h. of Ro- bert Mowbray, of Castlelaw, and had issue, 1. Robert, of Castlelaw and the Bush, m. Anne, da. of John Trotter, of Horton, and d. leaving issue, 1. John ; 2. Archibald. 3. Jean ; 4. Katherine. 2. Alexander, of Dreghorn, co. Edin- burgh, m. Lillias, da. of sir John Stuart, of Allanbank, bart., N.S., and has issue, 1. Archibald, m. Louisa, da. of James Strange, esq. 2. Henry-Dundas, R.N. 3. Alexander ; 4. Robert ; 5. Margaret. 3. John, of Durham Park, co. Middle- sex, esq., m. Felicity, da. of Swinton, esq., and has issue, 1. Coutts, m. col. sir Henry de Bethune. 2. Katherine, m. Joseph-Smyth Wynd- ham, esq. 3. Jean. 4. Martin, m. W. J. Hamilton, esq. 5. John, 2d life-guards, m., 29 Oct. 1833, Charlotte-Amelia, da. of Thomas-Henry, lord Ravensworth. 4. Sir Coutts, created a bart. as above. 5. Kathkrine. Amis— Sec Plate 53. Argent, a crescent, gules, on a chief, engrailed, azure, three mullets, pierced, of the field. Crest — A trotting horse, argent. Seat-ht Brandsbury House, Middlesex. SCOTT.— HARNAGE. 417 SCOTT, of Lytchett Mixster, co. Dorset. 7 Sept. 1821. Sir SAMUEL SCOTT, Baronet, born 25 April 1772, succeeded his father, sir Claude, 27 March 1830 ; married^ 4 Feb. 179G, Anne, only sur- viving child of John Ommaney, of Bloomsbury Square, co. Middlesex, esq., and has issue, 1. CLAUDE-EDWARD, b. 15 April 1804 ; 2. Sa- muel; 3. Anna-Maria, 7w. Charles Williams, of London, banker; 4. Caroline. I. Sir CLAUDE SCOTT, of Bruton Street, and of Lytchett Minster, co. Dorset, created a bart as above, 6. 11 May 1742, m., 8 Sept. 1767, Martha, only child of John Eyre, of Stepney, co. Middlesex, esq., and had issue, 1. Sir SajMUEl, present bart. Sir Claude d. April 1830, and was succeeded by his only son. II. Sir SAMUEL, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 53. Per pale indented, argent and pean, a saltire, counterchanged. C/-e^— Out of park pales, erminois, a cubit arm, vested per pale indented, argent and gules, cuff azure, in the hand an escroll, proper. Seat — At Lytchett Minster, co. Dorset. BLACKMAN, (now HARNAGE,) of Harley Street, co. Middlesex. 8 Sept. 1821. Sir GEORGE HARNAGE, (late BLACKMAN,) born 5 July 1767, created a Baronet as above ; took the surname of Harnage only, by royal sign manual, 1821 ; married., 19 July 1791, his cousin 31ary, eldest surviving da. of Henry Harnage, of Belleswardine, co. Salop, esq., lieut.- col. in the army, and has issue, 1. GEORGE, Z». 19 July 1792, capt. R.N., m. Caroline-Helena, da. and co-h. of Bartlett Goodrich, of Saling Grove, co. Essex, esq., and has issue, Henry-George.^ 6. 24 June 1827 ; 2. JoHN-LuciE, capt. in the Coldstream guards, b. 4 Oct. 1793, slain at Waterloo; 3. Henry-Harnage, in holy orders, b. 7 Nov. 1794 ; 4. Edward, b. 18 Oct. 1798, w., 3 June 1830, Eliza, eldest da. of the rev. Mark Drury, Jeremy Blackman, of the parish of St. Andrew Undershaft, London, esq., d. Nov. 1656, leaving issue by Elizabeth, his 2d wife, da. of John Lucie, sister and at length co-h. of Jacob Lucie, of London, merchant, (which Elizabeth m., 1st, Ahasuerus Re^- mortor, of London, M.D. ; and, 2dly, Wil- liam Armiger, of North Creak, co. Norfolk, and d. 20 Dec. 1682,) one da., Susan, m. sir John Rayney, of Wrotham, co. Kent, bart. ; and one son, Lucie, m, Anne, youngest da. of John Thurston, of London, esq., and d. Aug. 1696, lea\ing issue by her, (whorf.Aug. 1713,) four das., Anne, m. John Longuet; Mary, Elizabeth, and Susanna, d.vnm.; and two sons, Lucie, rf. toim., and JOHN-LuciE, of London and Barbadoes, merchant, b. 1676, m. Anne, sister of Thomas Williams, and d. Oct. 1725, leaving issue, 1. Rowland, of Bath, esq., b. 26 Sept. 1705, m. Priscilla, da. of Robert Warren, of Barbadoes, M.D., and d. 1780, leaving issue, 1. Anna-Maria, d. unm. 2. Mary, m., 21 Oct. 1781, the hon. Wil- liam-Henry Irby, brother of Frederick, lord Boston, and rf. Sept. 1792. 2. JoHN-LuciE, grandfather of the pre- sent bart., of whom hereafter. 3. Samuel, b. 11 Feb. 1710, d. unm. 1737- 4. Thurston, b. 9 Dec. 1715, rf. unm., 1 March 1770. 5. Jacob-Lucie, b. 14 Feb. 1717. d. unm. 1766. 6. Joseph, b. 18 March 1720, d. unm. 7. Anxa-Maria, m. George Hannay, of Barbadoes, esq., and d. July 1790. 8. Frances; 9. Elizabeth. 10. Henrietta, all d. unm. 11. Margaret, (twin with Joseph,) m. Maynard, of Barbadoes. John-'Lucie, 2d son of John-Lucie above mentioned, b. 28 Oct. 17ord Mayor of that city 1813, and again 1821, on the 17th of August, ia which latter year he had the distinguished honour of receiving the king on his solemn and public entry into the city of Dublin, and immediately afterwards presenting that city's address of congratulation to his Majesty on his throne iti the castle ; and, on the 23d of the same month, of enter- FITZGERALD— BROOKE. 419 taining his Majesty at a splendid banquet, given in the mayoralty house, by the corporation to the king, the lord-lieutenant, the ministers of state, and a vast number of the nobility, clergy, gentry, and foreigners of dis- tinction ; he married Anne, da. of Plato Oulton, of Dublin, esq., and has issue, 1. Rev. JAMES- WALKER, b. May 1795 ; 2. Abraham, h. Oct. 1810; 3. AxNE, m. Simeon Boileau, esq.; 4. Mary, m. George Columb, esq.; 5. Elizabeth, «z. major Charles Pratt ; 6. Jaxe ; 7- Sarah, m. G. Blennerhassett, esq. ; 8. Harriett. Charles King, of Corrard, co. Fer- managh, esq., the bart.'s grandfather, d. Sept. 1788, leaving issue by Anne, sister of the rev. dr. James Cottingham, of Cavan, a son, James Ki.vg, of Dublin, w.,21 July 17fi3, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of Abraham Brad- ley, of Dublin, esq., and d. Sept. 1798, leav- ing issue by her, (who d. Sept. 1778,) 1. James, of Dublin, esq., b. 1772, m., 1/93, Letitia, da. of Irvine, and has issue, 1. James, h. 1794. 2. Arthur-Henr\-, b. 1802. 3. Elizabeth; 4.' Catherine. 2. Sir Abraham-Bradley, present bart. 3. Hilton, of Dublin, esq., a commis- sioner of the revenue in Ireland, b. 31 Dec. 1775, m., 1808, Anne-Smith Talbot, and has issue, 1. William-Smyth; 2. James. 3. Hulton ; 4. George; S.Anne. 6. Elizabeth ; 7. Matilda. 4. Joseph, in the army. Anns— See Plate 53. Azure, on a fess ar- gent, between a lion's head, erased in chief, and a mullet in base, or, three arming buckles, gules ; on a chief of augmentation, ermine, an imperial crown, surrounded by a wreath of shamrock, proper. Crest — A cubit arm erect, the hand grasp- ing a dagger, also erect, proper. Motto — Audaves furtuna juvat; over the crest, 17 August, 1821. Seat — At Corrard, co. Fermanagh. FITZGERALD, of Newmarket on Fergus, co. Clare. 5 Jan. 1822. Sir WILLIAM FITZGERALD, Baronet, succeeded his brother. Augustine, in 1834, pursuant to the express limitation in the patent. Sir I. Sir AUGUSTINE FITZGERALD, lieut.-gen. in the army, created a bart. as above, with remainder to his brother Wil- liam ; m. Elizabeth, 2(1 da. of Thomas Bar- ton, of Grove, co. Tipperary, esq., but dying without issue in 18.34, he was suc- ceeded, pursuant to the limitation of the patent, by his brother. II. Sir WILLIAM, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 53. Ermine, a saltire, gules. Crest — A chevalier in complete armour, on horseback, at full speed, with his sword drawn, and his beaver up. Seat — At Newmarket on Fergus, co. Clare. BROOKE, of Cole Brooke, co. Fermanagh. 7 Jan. 1822. Sir ARTHUR-BRINSLEY BROOKE, Baronet, hwn 17D7, succeeded his father, sir Henry, 24 March 1834. Sir Basil Brooke, of Magherabeg, and Brooke Manor, co. Donegal, knt., was one of the undertakers for the settlement of the pro- vince of Ulster, rf. 25 July 16.'?3, leaving is- sue, by Anne, his wife, da. of Thomas Lein- ster, of Toft, co. Chester, esq., a son and heir. Sir Henry Brooke, of Brookesborough, CO. Fermanagh, who was thrice married, 1st, to Elizabeth, da. of capt. John Winter, 2dly, to Anne, da. of sir George St. C-eorge, of Ca^rickdrumrusk, co. Leitrun, bart., and, 3dly, to Elizabeth, da. and h. of Henry, lord Docwra, B,nAd. Sept. 1(J71, leaving issue by all three. 'Thomas Brooke, of Donegal, eldest son of sir Henry, by his 2d wife, was a major in the army ; m. Catherine, da. of sir J. Cole, bart., arid d. Feb. WX>, leaving a son, Henry Brooke, of Colebrooke, M.P. for, and governor of the co. of Fermanagh, »?., 1711, Lettice, da. of Benjamin Burton, alderman of Dublin, and d. 14 July 17(jl, leaving issue by her, (who d. 17ti3,) 1. Sir Arthfr, M.P. for Fermanagh, created a bart. of Ireland, 3 Jan. 1/04, m., fl Aug. 17JI, ^Margaret, onlv da. of Thomas Foitescue, of Reynoldstbwn, co. Louth, and d-, 7 I^larch 1785, without male issue, leaving two das. his co-h.; 1. Selina, ni. Thomas, 1st viscount de Vesci ; 2. Letitia- Charlotte, m. sir John Parnell. bart. 2. Francis, an ofiicer in the army, »<., 24 June 1705, Hannah, da. of Henry P'rittie, of Dunalley, and sister of the 1st lord Du- nalley, by whom he had issue, 1. sir Henry, created a" bart. as above ; 2. Francis, lieut.- col. 4th foot, and C.B., d. ; 3. sir Arthur, K.C.B., major-gen. hi the army, and go- vernor of North Yarmouth, m. M irianne. da. of rev. William Sneyd, of Newihurch, in the Isle of Wight, and has issue, 4. rev 42i9 JAMES.— ARBUTHNOT. Thomas, rector of Uglin, co. Carlow, 5. Richard, m. Elizabeth Call; 6. George- Frederick, m. Jane, da. of Richard Grace, esq., brother of sir William Grace, bart. ; 7. Letitia-Deborah, m. Robert Howard, of Castle Howard, co. Wicklow, esq., cousin of the earl of Wicklow; 8. Maria, »n. rev. John Webster, of co. Longford; 9. Eliza- beth, m. Henry Carter, of Castle Martin, CO. Kildare; 10. SeUna; 11. Caroline, m. John Fitzgibbon, esq., cousin of the 1st earl of Clare ; 12. Harriett. 3. 4. 5. 6. Four Das. 1. Sir HENRY BROOKE, bart., created as above, b. 30 May 1770, m., 1792, Harriett, da. of the hon. John Butler, son of Brinsley, 1st viscount Lanesborough, and had issue, 1. Francis, b. 1794, lieut. 7th dragoon- guards, slain at Waterloo. 2. Henrv, d. 3. Maria, b. 1796, m., April 1817, Wil- liam-Darcy Irwine, of Castle Irwine, co. Fermanagh, esq. 4. Sir Arthur-Brinsley, present bart. 5. Butler, b. 1798. 6. Edward-Basil, b. 1799, in the army. 7. Richard, b. 1801, of Castle Howard, CO. Wicklow and Roskelton, Queen's co., barrister-at-law, took the surname of How- ard in addition to and before that of Brooke, and the arms of Howard quarterly with those of Brooke, by royal license, 3 Jan. 1835. 8. Thomas, b. 1803, in the army. 9. George -Augustus- Frederick, b. 1805, m., 25 April 1833, Arabella-Georgiana, da. of Hans-Francis, 11th earl of Hunting- don. 10. Harriett-Elizabeth, b. 1807- 11. Selina, b. 1809, rf. Sir Henry d. 24 March 1834, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest surviving son, II. Sir ARTHUR-BRINSLEY, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate .53. Or, a cross engrailed, per pale, gules and sable, a crescent for difference. Crest — A brock or badger, proper. Seat — At Cole Brooke, co. Fermanagh. JAMES, of Dublin. 19 March 1823. Sir JOHN-KINGSTON JAMES, Baronet, created as above; bom 28 April 1784, was High Sheriff of the city of Dublin 1812, elected Alder- man, 25 June 1817, and served the office of Lord Mayor, 1821-2 ; received the honour of knighthood from the marquess Wellesley, 29 Dec. 1821 ; married, 13 April 1812, Charlotte-Rebecca, eldest da. of John Cash, esq., of Belleville, co. Dublin, alderman, and sometime lord mayor of Dublin, and has issue, L JOHN-KINGSTON, b. 26 Feb. 1815 ; 2. Fran- cis-Edward, b. 11 May 1816; 3. Benjamin-Robert, 6. 20 July 1820; 4. Joseph-Reginald, b. 15 July 1824, d. 3 Sept. 1825; 5. George-Frederick, b. 18 and d. 19 July 1825; 6. Isabella- Maria, b. 1 March, and d. 20 June 1814; 7. Alicia, b. 3 March 1818; 8. Charles-Henry, b. 1 April 1828. This family came originally from Somer- setshire. Thomas James, (who, according to family tradition, was son of a captain Thomas James, who undertook, by com- mand of King Charles I., a voyage to dis- cover the north-eastern passage,) sold his possessions in Somersetshire, went into Ire- land as an officer in Cromwell's army, and settling in King's County, d. 1G94: from him descended John James, of Rathbeg, in King's County, esq., b. 1696, and d. about 1729, leaving issue by Isabella, his wife, da. of William Russell, of Ballydavid, co. Tippe- rary, 1. John, of Rathbeg, b. 1727, rf. 10 Jan. 1797, leaving issue by Margaret, da. of William Spunner, of Leughkeen, esq., which Margaret d. 25 Dec. 1804 ; 2. Joseph ; 3. Thomas, both rf. without issue ; and 4. Francis, b. 1742, rf. 19 April 1792, m., 1st, Margaret, da. of Richardson, by whom he had a da., Margaret; and, 2dly, Alicia, da. of Paul Kingston, of King's County, esq., by whom he had issue, I. Sir JOHN-KINGSTON, created a bart. as above. Arms — See Plate 53. Quarterly : vert and gules, a cross argent, charged with a ship under sail, between four anchors; in the 1st and 4th quarters, a dolphin naiant, ar- gent, between three cross crosslets, or; 2d and 3d, a lion passant, guardant or, between three trefoils, argent. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- swan, wings elevated, argent, holding in its beak an arrow, point downwards, proper. Mottoes — Over the crest, " a jamais" — Un- der the arms, "pro Deo, patrid, et rege." ARBUTHNOT. 3 April 1823. Sir ROBERT-KEITH ARBUTHNOT, Baronet, b. 9 Sept. 1801, sue ceeded his father,sir William, in Sept. 1829, w., at Poonah, 20 March 1828, Anne, 2d da. of major-general Fitzgerald, and has a Da., b. 1829. EAST.—FORBES. 42t RoBERTARBUTHNOT.of Haddo, m. Mary, da. of John Urquhart, of Cromarty, and had issue, 1. Sir William, created a bart. 2. George, b. 4 Dec. 1772, m. , da. of Donald Fraser, of co. Inverness, esq., and had issue, 4 sons and 4 das. 3. Elizabeth-Barbara, b. 2 June 1765, m. sir John Hunter, knt., consul-general in Spain. I. SirWILLIAM-ARBUTHNOT, bart., created as above, served the office of lord provost of Edinburgh in the vear 1822, in •which capacity he had the honour of receiv- ing and entertaining his Majesty on his visit to that capital, b. 24 Dec. 1766, m., 13 Sept. 18W, Ann, da. of John Alves, of Shipland, CO. Inverness, esq., M.D., and has issue, 1. Robert-Keith, 2d bart. 2. John-Alves, b. 7 Oct. 1802, ni., 2 June 1832, Mary, eldest da. of George Ar- buthnot, of Eldershe Lodge, co. Surrey, 3. George-Clerk, 6. 3 Oct. 1803. 4. Archibald-Fraxcis, 6. 8 Jan. 1805. 5. William-Urquhart, b. 24 March 1807. 6. Edward-James, 6. 12 Jan. 1809. 7. Henry-Dundas, b. 24 Sept. 1811. 8. Mary, 5. 25 April 1814. 9. An.v, b. 18 Jan. 1822. Sir Wiliiam d. Sept. 1829, and was succeed- ed bv his eldest son, II. Sir ROBERT-KEITH, 2d and pre- sent bart. A)-)ns — See Plate .'3. Azure, a crescent between three mullets, two and one, argent; the whole within abordure or, charged with three boars' heads couped, gules. Cre.st — A peacock's head, proper. Supporters— Dexter, a wyvern vert ; sinis- ter, a greyhound argent, collar and line re- flexed over the back, gules. EAST. 25 April 1823. Right Hon. Sir EDWARD-HYDE EAST, Baronet, P.C, F.R.S., sometime Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Calcutta, knighted at Carlton House, 26 Feb. 1813, created a Baronet as above ; bom in Jamaica, 9 Sept. 1764; married., 23 Dec. 1786, Jane-Isabella, 2d da. of Joseph. Chaplin Hankey, of East Bergholt, co. Suffolk, esq., and has issue, 1. JAMES-BULLER, of Adlestrop House, co. Oxon, M.P. for Win- chester ; b. 1 Feb. 1789, ??2., 27 June 1822, Caroline-Eliza, 2d da. of James- Henry Leigh, of Stoneleigh, co. "Warwick, esq. ; 2. Anne-Eliza, w., April 1813, James-William Croft, esq., 2d son of James Croft, of Greenham Lodge, CO. Berks, esq. 1789, Patrick Lynch, of St. Mary's, Jamaica, esq., who d. Sept. 1817. He nu, 2dly, 9 April 17/4, Mary, da. of James Wilkins, and by her (who survived him, and rf-tn. John-James-Digges La- touche, of Jamaica, esq.) had i-sue,' 4. HiNTOx, in the army, b. 20 Oct. 1783. 5. Martha. 6. Mary, m. lieut.-col. John-Daniel-Ed- ward East, d. 1784. Arms—9.ee Plate 53. Sable, on a chevron or, between three horses' heads erased ar- gent, two crosses, calvary, chevronwise, of the field. Crest — A horse, ermine, the dexter fore leg supporting a cross, calvary, in bend, sinister, sable. Motto — JE(iuo pede propera. Francis East, of the parish of St. An- drew in Jamaica, grandfather of the bart., was b. 1678, m., 3 May 1722, Sarah, da. of Hinton, and by her (who d. 1783) had issue, 1. Samuel, m., and had an only son, David-Browne, who d. inim. 1800. 2. Edward, of whom hereafter. 3. HixTON, m. Martha Good, and rf. with- out issue, 1 Jan. 1799. 4. An'xe; 5. Mary, both rf. unm. Edward East, of Jamaica, 2d son of Francis, b. 1732, m., 1st, 10 Oct. 1761, Amy, da. of James Hall, of Jamaica, esq., and by her (who d. March 1773) had issue, 1. Sir Edward-Hyde. 2. Susanna, d. 1783, set. 15, ttnn}. 3. Amie-Anne, 6. 9 March 1773, m., May FORBES, of New and Edinglassie, co. Aberdeen. 4 Nov. 1823. Sir CHARIiES FORBES, created a Baronet as above, many years a senior merchant on the Bombay estabhshment ; born 3 April 1773 ; married., at Bombay, 28 Feb. 1800, Elizabeth, da. of John Cotgrave, esq., major in the East India Company's service at Madras, and has issue, 1. JOHN, 6. 15 Dec. 1801, m., 10 Dec. 1828, Mary- Jane, eldest da. of Henry-Lannoy Hunter, esq., of Beech Hall, Berks, and niece of sir Claudius-Stephen Hun- ter, bart. ; 2. Charles, capt. 17th lancers, i. 21 Sept. 1803, m., 21 Aug. 1830, Caroline, 2d da. of George Battye, of Camden Hill, esq.; 3. George, merchant in London, 6. 13 Sept. 1805 ; 4. Katharine- 42:: REID ROBINSON. Stewart, &. 24 Jan. 1808; 5. James-Stewart, h. 16 Feb. 1813 6. Elizabeth, h. 2, and d. 30 July 1816. The baronet claims to represent the eldest remaining male branch of the family of Fm-hi's of Pitsligo. Sir Alexander Forbes, of Pitsligo, living 14/6, had two sotis, sir John, who continued the line of Pitsligo; and William, of Dauch and New, ancestor of the pre- sent family. Sir Alexander Forbes, of the elder line, ((3th in descent from sir Alexan- der above named,) was created lord Pitsligo, 1633, and the title descended, from father to son, to his great grandson, Alexander, 4th lord, who, being engaged in the rebel- lions both of 1715 and 1745, was attainted, and left an only son, John, master of Pit- sligo, who d. s.p. 17B1, when that line of the family became extinct. The direct male line of descent from V/il- liam Forbes, of New, above nam.ed, ended in major John Forbes, of New, whorf. 1 Feb. 1792, leaving an only da., Mary, m. sir Archi- bald Grant, of Monymusk, bart., and the male representation is now claimed by sir Charles Forbes, as heir of the next branch. George Forbes, of Bellabeg, (of the house of New,) m., 1st, Isabel, da. of Wil- liam Forbes, of Aslown ; and, 2dly, Isabel, da. of William Meldrum, of Hatton, by whom he had issue, John Forbes, of Bellabeg, b. 1707. »'• Christian, da. of the rev. John Shepherd, of Logie Coldstone, and had, besides other children, a son and heir. The rev. George Forbes, of Lochell, ?H. Katherine, only da. of Gordon Stewart, of Irmeroury, (descended from the royal house of Stewart,) and had, besides four other sons and five das., John, lost in his majesty's ship Hastings, in the China seas ; and 1. Sir CHARLES, created a bart. as above. Arms—^ee Plate 54. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, azure, three bears' heads couped, ar- gent, muzzled, gules; 2d and 3d, azure, three cinquefoils argent. Cri'st—h. dexter arm embowed in armour, the hand grasping a broad-sword, all proper. Supporters— Two bears argent. Motto — Non tcmere. Seat — At Edinglassie, co. Aberdeen. REID, of EwELL Grove, CO. Surrey. 10 Nov. 1823. Sir JOHN-RAE REID, Baronet, M.P. for Dover, one of the Directors of the Bank of England, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, 29 Feb. 1824 ; born 2 Dec. 1791. James Reid, of Dumfries, merchant, (son of John Reid, of Kirkmahoe, co. Dum- fries,) m., Oct. 1761, Helen, da. of John Davidson, of Woodside, co. Dumfries, esq., and d. 20 May 1775, leaving issue by her, (whod. 178«,) 1. Sir Thomas, 1st bart. 2. Joseph, of London, merchant, and of Thornton Heath, near Croydon, co. Surrey, b. 24 Aug. 1772, m., 2(i July 1804, Mary- Anne, da. of Alexander Calcleugh, of Broad Green House, Croydon, esq., and has issue, 1. Thomas, b. 21 May 1805; 2. Alex- ander, 6. 8 June 1806; 3. Joseph, b. 24 Aug. 1810; 4. Edward-Maitland, b. Hi Jan. 1815; .5. Henry-Mountford, b. 22 Aug. 1817; 6. George-James-Graystone, b. 30 July 1823; 7. Agnes-Margaret, b. 3 Jan. 1809; 8. Mary- Ann, 6. 7 Nov. 1811; 9. Helen, b. 2U July 1813; 10. Emma-Maria, b. 8 May 1816; 11. Elizabeth-Bc?atson, h. 18 Dec. 1818; and 12. Louisa, b. 1 Feb. 1822. 3. Agnes, m. Edward Archbold, of Gar- rets Banstead, co. Surrey, esq. I. Sir THOMAS REID, of Ewell Grove, CO. Surrey, and of Graystone Park, co. Dumfries, esq., was a director, and some- time chairman of the East India Company, b. 26 Oct. 1762, created a bart. as above; m., 21 Feb. 1791, Elizabeth, da. and h. of John-Looker Goodfellow, of Newbury, co. Berks, esq., and by her (whod. 26 Jan. 1829) had issue, 1. Sir John-Rae, present bart. 2. George, b. 17 Oct. 1800. 3. Helen, b. 13 Oct. 1794, m., 15 May 1813, the rev. Benjamin Sandford, of Farn- ingham, co. Kent, and d. 8 Aug. 1817, leav- ing issue. 4. Harriet, w. Wilham-Charles Lem- priere, esq., of the royal artillery. Sir Thomas d. 2!) Feb. 1824, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir JOHN-RAE, present and 2d bart. ^/•;)?.9— See Plate 53. I'er saltire ermine and erminois, an eagle displayed sable, charged on the breast with an escutcheon or. Crest — In front of a castle argent, two spears in saltire proper. Seaf— Ewell Grove. ROBINSON, of Batt's House, co. Somerset. 11 Nov. 1823. Sir GEORGE.BEST ROBINSON, Baronet, born 14 Nov. 1797, suc- ceeded his father, sir George-Aberci'ombie, 13 Feb. 1832; married, 25 Dec. 1825, Louisa, youngest da. of major-general Robert Douglas, and has issue. BAILLIE— OCHTERLONY. 423 John Robinson, of Calcutta, d. at the Cape of Good Hope, 1779 ; m., 1st, Mar- garet, da. of George Leslie, of Kimrawgie, N.B., by whom he had issue, sir George- Abercrombie, created a bart.; and, 2dly, , da. of Walters, by whom he had a son, John-Gouin, d. iinm.; and a da., Rebecca, m. Benjamin Jervis, of Bombay. I. Sir GEORGE -ABERCROMBIE, of Batts House, co. Somerset, Streatham, co. Surrey, and Nottingham Place, co. IMiddle- sex, created a bart. as above; a director of the East India Company, and sometime military auditor-gen. in 'Bengal; m., 27 March 1794, Margaret, natural da. of Tho- mas Howard, earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, and by her (who rf. 31 May 1824) had issue, 1. George-Best, b. 3 Jan. 1795, rf. young. 2. Sir George-Best, present bart. 3. Francis-Horsley, 6. 16 Julv 1801. 4. William-Scott, in holy orders, b. 9 Jan. 1803. 5. Charles-Corn\v.4llis, b. 14 June 1805, rf. young. 6. Henry-Stirling, 6. 27 July 1807. 7. Edward-Innes, 6. 13 Oct. 1811. 8. Frances-Matilda, b. 25 Sept. 1796, d, young. Sir George-Abercrombie rf. 13 Feb. 1832, and was succeeded by his eldest son, II. Sir GEORGE-BEST, present and 2d bart. Anns — See Plate 54. Per fess embattled azure and gules, two cheyronells or, between three bucks trippant argent, attired and hoofed, of the third. Ci est — In front of park paling proper, a buck, as in the arms. Seaf— Batts House, co. Somerset. BAILLIE, of PoLKEMMET, CO. Liiilithgow. 14 Nov. 1823. Sir WILI 1AM BAILLIE, of Polkemmet, b. 1784, created a Baronet as above ; warried^ 25 April 1815, Mary-Lyon, da. of James Dennistown, of Colgrain, co. Dumbarton, esq., and has issue, 1. "WILLIAM, b. 2 Feb. 1810; 2. James-Dennistown ; 3. Robert; 4. Tho- bias; 5. John-Hope; G. Margaret-Dreghorn ; 7* Mar- GARET-CoLQUHOUN ; 8. Jan ET-SixcLAiR ; 9. &c. Other children. Thomas Baillie, of Polkemmet, esq.. m. Anne, da. of Thomas Inglis, of Murdis- town, and by her had issue, Thomas, who was father of another Thomas, writer to the signet, m., and had issue, 1. William. 2. Robert, lieut.-colonel in the East In- dia Company's service, dec. 3. Mary,'»). sir Stair Agnew,bart. William Baillie, eldest son of the last- raentioned Thomas, was an advocate, and appointed one of the lords of session, 1793, when he took the title of lord Polkemmet. He m. Margaret, da. of sir James Colquhoun, of Luss, bart. of N. S. and had issue, 1. Sir Willia.m, created a bart. as above. 2. James, 6. 1782, in the civil service of the East India Company, d. unm. 3. Robert, h. 1790, rf. a midshipmein in his majesty's ship Atlas. 4. Isabella. 5. Mary, m. James Johnston, of Straiten, esq. 6. Helen, rf. imm. 7. Janet, m. D.J. Campbell, of Skerring- ton, esq. 8. Eliza, m. James Campbell, of Dun- more, esq. 9. Penuel-Jane, m. Farquhar Campbell, of Ormsary, esq. Ai-m.s—isee Plate 54. Azure nine estoiles or, within a bordure eounter-nebuly, argent and sable. CVesf— Out of clouds proper, an estoile of eight points, or. Supporters — Two lions guardant argent. Motto (over the crest) — In calig-ine lucei. OCHTERLONY. 8 Dec. 1823. Sir CHARLES-METCALFE OCHTERLONY, Baronet, bcM'u at Delhi, 21 Dec. 1817, succeeded, on the death of sir David Ochterlony, 1st bart., 15 July 1825. Sir Charles is the only sou of Roderick-Peregrine Ochterlony, of Delhi, gent., by Sarah, da. of John Nelley, esq., lieut.-col. of engineers in the East India Company's service. I. Sir David Ochterlony, descended from an ancient family of that name, seated at Petforthy, co. Angus, b. 12 Aug. 1758, en- tered early in life into the military service of the East India Company, in which he at- tained the rank of major-gen. and col. of the 28th regt. of native infantry, on the Ben- gal establishment. He received the thanks of both houses of parliament for his ser- vices in the Nepaulese war, and in 1816 was nominated G.C.B. He was created a bart. 7 March 1816, and Dec. 1823 had a second patent of the same honour, with limitation to Charles-Metcalfe Ochterlony, esq., son of Roderick Ochterlony, esq., deceased. Sir David rf. intm. 15 July 1825, and was suc- ceeded, according to the limitation of the 2d patent, by II. Sir CHARLES-METCALFE, 2d and present bart. Arms — See Plate 54. Azure, a lion ram- pant argent, charged on the shoulder with a 424 LOWTHER.-MUNRO.— ELPHINSTONE. key erect, wards upwards, of the field, and holding in the fore paws a trident or, all within a border, wavy, of the second, charged with four buckles gules. Crest — A swan, wings elevated, argent. ducally collared and chained or, the breast charged with a buckle, gules, and the wings and body debruised by a bendlet sinister wavy, azure. Motto — Spe labor levis. LOWTHER, of SwiLLiNGTON, CO. York. 3 Nov. 1824. Sir JOHN LOWTHER, of Swillington, Baronet, so created as above, born April 1 759 ; married, 4 Sept. 1 790, lady Elizabeth Fane, 2d da. of John, 9th earl of Westmorland, and has issue, 1. JOHN-HENRY, M.P. for York, h. 23 March 1793; 2. George-William, 6. 17 Oct. X795; 3. Charles-Hugh, b. 26 Sept. 1803, m., 10 May 1834, Isabella, eldest da. of rev. Robert Morehead, D.D., rector of Easington, CO. York; 4. Elizabeth, b. 4 Aug. 1791 ; 5. Frederica, b. 8 April 1799, d. 31 May 1812 ; 6. a Da., b. 26 Dec. 1800, d. young. Sir JOHN is the only brother of the i-ight hon. William, earl of Lonsdale, K.G., &C., (see that title in Debrett's Peemge.) Arms— See Plate 54. Or, six annulets sable, a crescent for difference. Crest — A dragon passant argent. Motto — Magistratus indicat virunu Seat— AX Swillington, co. York. MUNRO. C Aug. 1825. Sir THOMAS MUNRO, Baronet, born 30 May 1819, succeeded his father, sir Thomas, G July 1827- Alexander Munro, of Glasgow, mer- chant, (son of Daniel Munro, of the same city,) m. Margaret, da. of Thomas Stark, of Glasgow, and d. April 1809, leaving issue by her, (whorf, 1807,) 1. Daniel, d. 1800, leaving an only son, John, a writer at Madras. 2. Sir Thomas, 1st bart. 3. Alexander, of Edinburgh, m. Anne, da. of capt. Patrick Brown, of Edinburgh, and has issue, I. Alexander; 2. Patrick. .3. Elizabeth ; 4. Margaret. 4. William, d. unm. 5. James, a surgeon at Madras, d. wim. 6. Erskine, m., 1st, sir James TurnbuU, of Edinburgh, W. S. ; and 2dly, the hon. Henry Erskine, brother to the earl of Buchan. 7. Margaret, »n. George-Harley Drum- mond, esq. L Sir THOMAS, 2d son, was created a bart. as above. He entered early in life into the military service of the East India Com- pany on the Madras establishment, in which he attained the rank of major-gen., and was nominated C.B. 181.5, and K.C'.B. 181!). In 1820 he was appointed governor of Madras, and took his seat 10 June in that year. He 7n., 1814, Jane, da. of Richard Campbell, of Craigie, co. Ayr, esq., and by her (who sur- vives him) had issue, 1. Sir Thomas, present bart. 2. Campbell. Sir Thomas d. at Madras 6 July 1827, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IL Sir THOMAS, 2d and present bart. Arms— See Plate 54. Or, an eagle's head erased gules, encircled by a branch of laurel on the dexter, and of oak on the sinister side ; on a chief argent, the representation of an Indian hill-tort, and underneath in letters of gold the word Badamy, {being one of the strongest hill-forts in India, ivhich tvas stormed in 1818 bi/ a division of the army of the Deccan, tlten co)nnvnided by sir Thomas Mun- ro;) on a canton gides, a representation' of the silver medal presented by the East India Company to the 1st bart. for his services at the assault and capture of Seringapatam , 1799. Crest — An eagle close proper, having a re- presentation of tlie above mentioned medal pendent round its neck by a red riband, the dexter claw resting on an escocheon gules charged with a representation of the Fort of Badamy as in the arms, and in the beak a sprig of laurel. DALRYMPLE-HORN-ELPHINSTONE, of Horn and Logie Elthinstone, CO. Aberdeen. 16 Jan. 1828. Sir ROBERT DALRYMPLE-HORN-ELPHINSTONE, of Horn and Logie Elphinstone, co. Aberdeen, Baronet, so created as above; married, 1800, Graeme, da. of col. David Hepburn, and has issue, 1. VIVIAN. 425 Elizabeth-Magdalene, h. 10 Mav 1801 ; 2. DAVID-ROBERT, h. 14 Feb. 1804; 3. Jajies, b. 20 Nov. 1805; 4. Hew-Drum- MOKD, b, 29 July 1807; 5. Mary-Frances, b. 19 Dec. 1808, w., 17 Aug. 1829, Patrick Boyle, esq., eldest son of the right honourable David Boyle, lord justice clerk ; 6. Louisa-Sarah, b. 9 Feb. 1812 ; 7' Francis-Axstruther, b. 18 Aug. 1813; 8. Stair, h. 29 May 1815; 9. Charles, b. 23 March 1817; 10. Johx-Hamilton, b. 5 Jan. 1819; 11. Ernest-George, b. 27 Aug. 1820; 12. Hen- RIETTA-MaRIA, b. 21 Oct. 1824; 13. GEORGE-AUGrjSTUS-FREDE- RICK, b. 6 May 182G. This is a younger branch of the ancient family of Dalryjiple, the elder branch of which is represented by the earl of Stair. Sir Hew Dalrymp'le, 3d son of James, 1st viscount Stair, (by Margaret, da. and h. of James Ross, of Balneil, co. Wigton,) was created a bart. of Nova Scotia 29 April 1698, and the same year appointed lord-president of the court of session. He m. Marion Ha- milton, and d. 1 Feb. 1737, aged 85, having had, besides other issue, a son and heir-ap- fiarent, sir Robei-t Dairy mple, (who d. in his ifetime, and from whom the present sir John Dairy mple- Hamilton, of North Ber- wick, bart.^ is descended,) a son, John, an- cestor of sir Hew-Whitefoord Dalrymple, bart., and a 3d son, Hugh, of Drummore, b. 3() Dec. 169<>, ap- pointed a lord of session 1726, and a lord of justiciary- 1745 ; »n. Anne, da. and h. of John Horn, of Horn Castle and Westhall, co. Aberdeen, esq., and d. 18 June 1755, having had issue, 1. Anne, b. 6 June 1712. 2. Marion, b. 23 Oct. 1713, m. Archibald Hamilton, of Dalziel, esq. 3. John, 6. 4 Dec. 1714, d. tinm. 1737. 4. Hew, b. 7 Jan. 1717. m. Anne, da. of sir John Inglis, of Cramond, bart., and d. s.p. 26 July 1746. 5. Robert. 6. David, 6. 27 Aug.1719, appointed a lord of session by the style of lord Westhall 1777. rn,, 1761, Jean, da. of Alexander Aber- deen, esq., and d. 26 April 1784, leaving issue. 7. Thomas, b. 12 June 1721. 8. Elizabeth, 6. 28 Sept. 1722, m. George Browne, of Coulstown, a lord of session. 9. James, b. 14 March 1724. 10. Campbell, b. 27 Aug. 1725, lieut.-col. 3d dragoons, and governor of Guadaloupe, 771., and d. 1767, leaving issue. 11. Anne, b. 27 Jan. 1727. 12. Helenor, b. 14 May 1729, m. James Rannie, of Leith, esq. Robert, 3d, but eldest surviving son, b. 1 March 1718, was a gen. and col. 53d foot, and assumed his mother's name of Horn in addition to and after Dalrymple, and sub- sequently his wife's family name of Elphin- STONE after those of Dalr^•mple-Horn ; he m., 9 July 1754, Mary, da. and h. of sir James Elphinstone, of Logie-Elphinstone, and d. 2(l April 1794, having had six das., who all marriecl, and two sons, James, d. unm., and I. Sir ROBERT, created a bart. as above. Arms—See Plate 54. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, or on a saltire azure between a mullet in chief and two water bougets in the flanks sable, nine lozenges of the field; 2d and 3d, or, three hunting horns in pale gules ; on an escocheon of pretence over all argent, on a chevron sable between three boars' heads gules, a mitre gold, all within a bordure of the 3d. O-e^— Two stags' horns erect, per fess, or and sable. Motto — Moneo et mimio. Seats— At Horn and Logie-Elphinstone, co. Aberdeen. VIVIAN, of Truro, co. Cornwall. 19 Jan. 1828. Right Hon. Sir RICHARD-HUSSEY VIVIAN, of Truro, co. Corn- wall, Baronet, so created as above, a Lieut. -Gen. in the Army, Col. 12th dragoons. Commander of the Forces in Ireland, Groom of the Bedchamber to his Majesty, P.C. in Ireland, and M.P, for Truro, K.C.B., K.C.H., K.M.T., K.S.W., and D.C.Ii.; born 28 July 1775; married, 14 Sept. 1804, Eliza, da. of Philip-Champion de Crespigny, esq., and by her (who d. 15 June 1831) has issue, 1. CHARLES-CRESPIGNY, b. 24 Dec. 1808, major in the army, and M.P. for Bodmin ; m., 2 July 1833, Arabella Scott, da. of John M. Scott, of Ballygannon, esq., niece of the earl of IMeath, and has issue, a son, b. 19 June 1833 ; 2. Charlotte-Eliza, b. 22 July 1815, w., 14 Aug. 1833, lieut.-col. Arbuthnot, eldest son of the right hon. Charles Arbuthnot; 3. John-Cranch-Walker, b. 18 April 1818; 4. Jaxe-Frances-Anne, b. 20 May 1824; 5. Georgina- Agnes-Augusta, b. 28 April 1828. Sir Richard m., 2dly, 10 Oct. 1833, Letitia, 3d da. of rev. James-Agnew Webster, and has issue, 6. a Da., h. 24 Dec. 1834. The rev. Thomas Vivian, of Truro, descended from a branch of the family seated at Trenowth, in St. Columb, co. Cornwall, was b. 1719, m., 1747, Mary, da. 426 TAYLOR. -PRICE. of John Hussey, of Oakhampton, esq., bar- rister-at-law, and d. 17 March 1793, leaving issue, 1. Thomas, d. urmu 2. John. 3. Richard, in holy orders, rector of Bushey, co. Herts, m. miss Emmet, of Hert- fordshire, and d. 1825, leaving four sons and two daughters. 4. William-Henry, in holy orders, rec- tor of Charles, eo. Devon, m. miss Win- grove, but had no issue. John-Vivian, of Truro, esq., eldest sur- viving son, b. 1750, was vice-warden of the Stannaries, m., 1774, Betsey, only surviving child of the rev. Richard "Cranch, vicar of St. Clements, near Truro, and d. 1826, hav- ing had issue by her, (who d. 1816,) 1. Sir RicHARD-HussEY, created a bart. 2. John -Henry, major in the Royal Stannary Artillery, and M.P. for Swansea, b. 9 Aug.' 1785, m., 30 Oct. 1816, Sarah, eldest da. of Arthur Jones, of the Priory, Reigate, CO. Surrey, esq., and has issue, 1. Betsey-Sarah, b. 10 Aug. 1817. 2. Henry-Hussey, b. 6 July 1821. 3. Frances-Mary, b. 2 Oct. 1824, d. 13 Aug. 1825. 4. William-Graham, b. 25 Nov. 1827. 5. Caroline - Gertrude - Walker, b. 29 April 1829. 6. Arthur-Pendarves, b. 4 June 1834. 3. Thomas, d. 1821. I. Sir RICHARD-HUSSEY, eldest son, was created a bart. as above. Arms— See Plate 54. Or on a chevron azure, between three lions' heads erased proper, as many annulets gold ; on a chief embattled gules, a wreath of oak, or, between two medals, that on the dexter representing the gold medal and clasp for the action of Sahagren, Benevente, and Orthes, and that on the sinister the silver Waterloo medal. Crest — Issuant from a bridge of one arch, embattled, and having at each end a tower, a demi-hussar in the uniform of the 18th regiment, holding in his right hand a sabre, and in his left a pennon flymg to the sinister, gules, and inscribed in gold letters "Croix d'orade." Motto — Cor nobyle, cor immobi/le. Seat— At Truro, co. Cornwall. TAYLOR, of HoLLYCOMBE, CO. Sussex. 21 Jan. 1828. Sir CHARLES-WILLIAM TAYLOR, of Hollycombe, co. Sussex, Baronet, created as above, IM.P. in nine parliaments for Wells, co. Somer- set ; born 25 April 1770; married, 25 April 1808, Charlotte, 2(1 da. of John-Buncombe-Poulet Thompson, of Roehampton, and of Waverley Abbey, co. Surrey, esq., and has issue, 1. CHARLES, b. 1817; 2. Emii.y-Fkances, b. April 1811, m., Aug. 1834, William Brougham, esq., only brother of lord Brougham and Vaux. Sir CHARLES is son of Peter Taylor, of Burcott House, co. Somerset, esq., who v/as elected M.P. for Portsmouth 1774, and d, 1777- Anm—Sse Plate 54. Paly of six ermine and erminois, on a chief indented sable three escallops, or. Crest — A demi-lion erminois, charged on the body with two escallops sable, and hold- ing an escallop sable between the paws. Seat — At Hollycombe, co, Sussex. PRICE, of FoxLEY, CO. Hereford. 12 Feb. 1828. Sir ROBERT PRICE, of Foxley, Baronet, M.P. for Herefordshire, horn 3 Aug. 178(i, succeeded his father, sir Uvedale, H Sept. 1829 ; married, 8 July 1823, his first cousin, Mary-Anne-Elizabeth, da. of the rev. Robert Price, D.D. This family is of the highest antiquity, and descended from Marchwithian, one of the fifteen tribes or princes of North Wales, Cadwallader ap, Morris Gethyn, of Voylas, CO. Denbigh, 16th in lineal male descent from Marchwithian, lived in the reign of king Henry VHI., and left two sons, Robert- Wyn, of Voylas, (ancestor of the Wynnes of that place,) and Rkks, or Rhys, who settled at Gecler, co. Denbigh, and whose posterity assumed the surname of Price, or Aij Rhj/s. Thojias Pfiicr, or Thomas an Rhys Wynn, (son of Rhys,) was high sheriff of CO. Denbigh, and father of Robert Price, of Geeler, who was also Iljgh sheriff of co. Denbigh, and left a son and heir, Thomas Price, of Geeler, m. Margaret, da. and h. of Thomas Wynn, of Bwlchy Bondy, and left issue (besides other children) a son and heir, Robert Price, baron of the Exchequer 1702 to 1726, w. Lucy, eldest da. and co-h. of Robert Rodd, of Foxley, co. Hereford, esq., and d. Feb. 1732, having had issue, 1. Uvedale. 2. Thomas, d. num., 17O6. 3. Lucy, m. Bampfield Rodd, of the Rotld, CO. Hereford, esq. Uvedale Price, of Foxley, eldest and only surviving son, m. Anne, da. and co-h. of lord Arthur Somerset, 2d son of Henry, 1st duke of Beaufort, and rf. 1764, leaving PHILIPPS.-VAVASOUR. 427 issue by her (who d. 1741) an only surviving child, Robert Price, of Foxley, b. 13 May 1717. m., June 1746, the hon. Sarah Bar- rington, da. of John, 1st viscount Barring- ton, andd. Sept. 1761, having had issue by her, (whorf. 1759,) 1. Sir UvEDALE, present bart. 2. Robert, D.D., h. 3 Oct. 1748, m., 1st, June 1786, Catherine Wroughton, by whom he had issue, 1. Caroline, m., 1st, capt. Baker, R.N., and 2dly, mr. Tristram. 2. Jane, d. an infant. Dr. Price w., 2dly, 4 Jan. 1797, Mary- Anne, da. of the rev. Thomas Saunderson, of Haslemere, and by her (who rf.4 Jan. 1818) had 3. Uvedale-Thomas-Skudd, 6. 26 Sept. 1805. 4. Mary- Anne-Elizabeth, m. her cousin, the present Sir Robert Price, bart. Dr. Price d. 7 April 1823. 3. William, master of St. Catherine's hospital, d. unm., 17 April I8I7. 4. John, d. young. 5. Samuel, d. unm. G. Charles, d, young. 7. Barrington, 6. 1759, m, and has issue. 8. AxNE, b. 1753. 9. Mary, 6. 1756. 10. Sophia, b. 1758, all d. infants. I. Sir UVEDALE, eldest son, was created a bart. as above, b. April 1747, m., 28 April 1774, lady Caroline Carpenter, da. of George, 1st earl of Tyrconnell, and by her (who d. 16 July 1826) had issue, 1. Sir Robert, 2d and present bart. 2. Caroline. Sir Uvedale d. 14 Sept. 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his only son, 11. Sir ROBERT, present and 2d bart, ^/•»i.?— See Plate 54. Gules, a lion ram- pant, argent. Crest— A lion, as in the arms, holding in the dexter fore paw arose slipped, proper. Seat— At Foxley, co. Hereford. PHILIPPS, of PicTON Castle, and Kilgetty Park, co. Pembroke. 13 Feb. 1828. Sir RICHARD-BULKELEY-PHILIPPS PHILIPPS, Baronet, so created as above, born 7 June 1801 ; took the surname and arms of Philipps only, by royal sign manual, 1824, out of respect to the memory of Richard-Philipp, baron Milford, under whose will he inherits the estate of Picton Castle. Sir RICHARD is the only son of John Grant, of Nolton, near Haverfordwest, esq., and Mary-Phihppa-Artemisia, only surviv- ing child and h. of James Child, of Begally House, CO. Pembroke, esq., by Mary-Phi- lippa-Artemisia, who was only da. and even- tually heiress of Bulkeley Philipps, of Aber- cover, CO. Carmarthen, esq., uncle of lord Milford above named. Ai-im—See Plate 55. Argent, a lion ram- pant sable, ducally collared and chained, or. Crest — A lion, as in the arms. Motto — Duett anwr patria;. Seat— Picton Castle. VAVASOUR, of Haslewood, co. York. 14 Feb. 1828. The Honourable Sir EDWARD-MARMADUKE VAVASOUR, of Haslewood, co. York, Bart,, so created as above, second surviving son of Charles-Philip, late lord Stourton, inherited the Haslewood estate by the will of his kinsman, sir Thomas Vavasour, 7th and last bart. of that ancient family, who d. 20 Jan. 1826, and by royal sign manual, 27 Feb. following, took the surname of Vavasour only, and the arms of Vavasour quarterly with those of Stourton ; born G jMay 1786; married, 6 Aug. 1813, Marcia, only da. of James-Lane Fox, of Bramham Park, co. York, esq., (by the hon. Marcia-Lucv Pitt, da. of George, 1st lord Rivers,) and by her (who d. 10 June 1826) had issue, 1. EDWARD, b. 17 Jan. 1815; 2. JNIarcia, b. 2 Feb. 1816; 3. Charles, 6. 15 April 1817 ; 4. Mary, 6.26 Dec. 1819; 5. William, b. 26 Feb. 1822; 6. Anne, b. 10 June 1823; 7- George, b. 18 July 1824; 8. Philip, b. 26 Feb. 1826. (For sir Edward's paternal ancestry, see lord Stourton, in Debrett's Peerage of the Vtdted Kingdom. ) The baronet's father, Charles-Philip, 16th baron Stourton, m., 15 June 1775, Marv, 2cl da. and co-h. of Marmaduke, 5th and last lord Langdale, whose eldest sister. Dorothy, m., 1750, sir Walter Vavasour, of Haslewood, co. York, bart., and had issue by him three sons, 1. sir Walter, who suc- ceeded his father as bart., and d. s.p. 3 Nov. 1802; 2. sir Thomas, who succeeded his brother, and on whose death in 182C, the baronetcy, which had been conferred on his 428 RICKETTS.-DOYLE— WAKEMAN. ancestor, sir Thomas Vavasour, in 1628, be- came extinct ; 3. Peter, a general in the Austrian service, d. s.p. 1818. Arms—^ee Plate 55. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, or, a fess dancettee sable (in the dexter chief a cross crosslet fitchee at the foot for distinction)— Vavasour ; 2d and 3d, sable, a bend, or, between six fountains — Stour- TON. Crests— \. A cock gules, charged (for dis- tinction) with a fountain — Vavasour. 2. A demi friar of the order of flagellants, properly habited, and holding in his right hand a whip, and in the left an open book— Stourton. Seat—h.i Haslewood, co. York. RICKETTS, of the Elms, co. Gloucester. 15 Feb. 1828. Sir ROBERT-TRISTRAM RICKETTS, of the Elms, near Chelten- ham, CO. Gloucester, Baronet, so created as above, rear admiral of the blue, D.C.L. ; born 1772 ; married^ 15 May 1802, Rebecca, da. of Richard Gum- bleton, of Glencairn Castle, otherwise Castle Richard, co. Waterford, esq., and co-h. of her brother, p]dward Gmnbleton, esq., and has issue,i 1. CORNWALLIS, b. 27 Feb. 1803, commander R.N., m., 31 May 1834, Henrietta, youngest da. of col. Tempest, of Tong Hall, co. York ; 2. Letitia-Frances-Henry, b. 22 April 1805, w., 15 Oct. 1 828, Augustus Newton, esq. ; 3. St. Vincent-William, i.24 Sept. 1807,inthe army ; 4. Harriett-Dorothea, b. 14 Feb. 1809; S.William-Ha- milton, b. 24 Aug. 1810, d. in India, 1830; 6. Lavinia-Anne, b. 14 Aug. 1812 ; 7. Simpson-Hicks, b, 2G May 1816; 8. Mary, b. 21 Jan. 1822. Arms — See Plate 55. Argent, on a chevron, azure, between three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper, two swords in cheveron, also proper, pommels and hilts or, their points crossing each other in saltire, (that of the dexter surmounted by that of the sinister,) and passing through a wreath of laurel gold; on a chief of the second a naval crown between two anchors erect, Crest— Out of a naval crown, or, a dexter arm embowed, habited azure, and charged on the sleeve with two roses argent, the hand grasping a scimitar, the arm in front of an anchor in bend sinister, sable. Motto — Prend moi tel queje suis. Seat—T\ve Elms, near Cheltenham. DOYLE. 18 Feb. 1828. Sir FRANCIS-HASTINGS DOYLE, Baronet, so created as above, Lieut.- Col. in the Army, Dep. -Lieut, of the Tower of London, and Chair- man of the Board of Excise; born 3 Jan. 1783; jnarried, 2 June 1804, Diana-Elizabeth, eldest da. of sir William-Mordaunt Milner, of Nun Appleton, CO. York, bart., and by her (who d. 14 Jan. 1828) had issue, 1. FRANCES-HASTINGS-CHARLES, 6.22 Aug. 1810 ; 2. Diana- Emma-Flora; 3. Frances-Mary; 4. Emily-Josephine, m., 17 June 1834, William Leveson-Gower, esq., of Titsey Place, co. Surrey ; 5. Selina. Sir Francis is the eldest son of Welbore- EUis Doyle, esq., major - general, and colonel of the 53d foot, younger brother of general sir John Doyle, bart., so created 29 Oct. 1825, G.C.B. and K.C., who d. umn. 8 Aug. 1834, whereby the title became extinct. Arms—^ee Plate 55. Argent, three bucks' heads erased, proper, within a bordure counter compony, or and azure. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet, or, a buck's head, as in the arms. Motto — Fortitudine vincit. WAKEMAN, of Perdiswell, co. Worcester. 20 Feb. 1828. Sir OFFLEY-PARBURY WAKEMAN, Baronet, born 17 May 1799, succeeded his father, sir Henry, 23 April 1831. PHILIPS. 429 Thomas Wakeman, of the city of Wor- cester, esq., b. 5 Aug. 1718, m. Mary, da. of Henry Parry, of Welch Pool, esq., and d. 22 Feb. 17iK5. having had issue by her, (whod. Dec. 1781,) 1. Thomas, of Worcester, esq., h. 19 March 1747, and d. 28 Oct. 181G, leaving issue. 2. Sir Hknry. 3. James, h. 18 May 17C1> m. and had issue. 4. Mary, b. 29 March 1754, m. William Thomas, of Worcester, esq., and d. his widow, 10 Oct. 182(i, 5. Anne, b. 175.5, d. unm. 1805. I. Sir HENRY, 2d son, created a bart. as above, 6. 27 Feb. 1753, m., 1st, 25 Aug. 1787, Theodosia, da. of John Freeman, of Gaines, co. Hereford, esq., and by her (his marriage with whom was dissolved by act of parliament, 1795) had issue, 1. Henry, d. unm. 2. Charles, d. imm. 3. Anne, m. Thomas Snepp, esq. Sir Henry m., 2dly, 29 June 1797, Sarah, only da. and heiress of Richard-Ward Oflfley, of Hinton, co. Salop, esq., and by her had issue, 4. Sir Offley-Parbury, present bart. 5. Edward-Ward, in holy orders, M.A., perpetual curate of Claines, co. Worcester, b. 13 May 1801. 6. Emily-Offley, 6. 29 April 1798. Sir Henry d. 23 April 1831, and was suc- ceeded by hi^ eldest surviving son, II. Sir OFFLEY - PARBURY, present and 2d bart. Arms— See Plate 55. Paly wavy of six, vert and argent, a saltire engrailed er- mine. Crest — Between two palm branches pro- per, a lion's head erased argent, vomiting flames, gorged with a collar engrailed and cottised vert, and charged with three ermine spots or. Motto — Nee temere, nee timide. Seats — Perdiswell Hall, co. Worcester ; and Hinton Hall, co. Salop. PHILIPS, of Westox, CO. Warwick, and Sedgley, co. Lancaster. 21 Feb. 1828. Sir GEORGE PHILIPS, Baronet, iom 24 March I766, created a bart. as above ; married., 16 Oct. 1788, Sarah-Ann, eldestda. of Nathaniel Philips, of Hollinghurst, in Prestwich, co. Lancaster, esq., and has issue, an only son, GEORGE-RICHARD, 31. P. for Kidderminster, b. 23 Dec. 1789, m., 18 Nov. 1819, Sarah-Georgiana, eldest da. of Richard, lord Waterpark, of the kingdom of Ireland, and has issue, Juliana .Cavendish^ b. 16 March 1821 ; Emily-Ajine, b. 16 Nov. 1323; Louisa-Georgiana., b. 2^ Feb. 1827- The ancestors of this baronet have been for many generations seated in the county of Stafford. Francis Phylyppe, of Neyther Teyne, in the parish of Checkley, d. in the 6th of Edward VI., leaving John PHELrrE, of Nether Teyne, who d. 32d of Elizabeth, leaving issue several children, of whom, Anthony Phelipe, of Nether Teyne, was the ancestor of the present bart. ; he d. 1641, leaving, amongst other issue, Anthony Philips, whom., 1627, Eliza- beth, da. of Edward Rawlins, of Teane, and d. 1648, leaving issue, two sons, whereof Richard, eldest son and heir, m, Christobel, 2d da. and co-heiress of Robert Whitall, of BignoU Hill, in the parish of Audley, co. Stafford, and d. 1686, leaving Nathaniel Philips, of the Heath House, in Checkley, aforesaid, his son and heir, b. 16 March 1659, m., 1690, Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of John Stubbs, of Halmer- End and Shaw, co. Stafford, (by Ellin, da. of John Jervis, of Chatkill and Meaford, CO. Stafford, from whom descended the late earl and present viscount St. Vincent,) who left four other das. and co-heiresses, viz. Mary, who />;. John Beech, of Holiygreave Hall, CO. Stafford, esq., from whom the present family of the Shaws are descended; Sarah, who m. John Hill, of llawkstone, CO. Salop, esq., from whom are descended Rowland, lord Hill, and sir Rowland Hill, the present bart. ; Jane, who »;. Thomas Bayley, of Madeley, co. Stafford, esq. ; and Ann, who7Ji. Thomas .Starkie, of Wrenbury, CO. Chester, esq. Nathaniel Philips, d. 29 April 1737> leaving issue by his said wife. (who d. June 170O,) besides three other sons, 1. JoJm Philips, of the Heath House, aforesaid, esq., eldest son and heir, b. 31 March I695, lord of the manors of Upper Teyne, Nether Teyne, and Checkley, w., 16 Dec. 1722, Susanna, youngest da. and co-h. of John Burton, of Derby, gent. ; and d. 24 March 1772, leaving issue, 1. John Philips, of Heath House, 6.22 March 1724, d. s.p. 13 April 1813; 2. Nathaniel, 6. 19 Sept. 1726, «(., 5 Dec. 1757, Elizabeth, da. of Robert Hibbert, of Stockfield House, CO. Lancaster, d. 29 Sept. 1808, leaving issue, John Philips, of Heath House, who suc- ceeded to the family estates in Staffordshire, on the death of his uncle, John Philips, and has issue several children, of whom, the eldest son, John-Burton, was high-sheriff of Staffordshire, in 1826; Robert Philips, of the Park, in Prestwich, co. Lancaster, and Snetterfield Park, co. Warwick; and Samuel Philips, of Heybridge, co. Stafford, and Newland, co. Gloucester, who d. s.p. Nov. 1824 ; 3. Thomas-Philips, of Sedgley, CO. Lancaster, esq., b. 24 March 1728, m. Mary, only da. and h. of John Rider, of Manchester, gent.; he d. 5 Nov. 1811, hav- ing had issue, 1. Thomas, b. 25 Aug. 1764, d. 1 Aug. 1777. 2. George, the present bart. 3. Susanna, b. 28 Nov. 1767, m. John Mather, of Everton, near Liverpool, esq., who d. I8I7. 4. Elizabeth, b. 24 Feb. 1769, m. Wil- liam Rigby, of Oldfield Hall, co. Chester, esq. 5. Mary-Ann, b. 28 June 1771, m. the 430 CHAMBERLAIN.— FORBES-DRUMMOND. rev. Charles-Benjamin Charlewood, of Oak- hill, CO. Stafford. 6. Catherine, b. 26 Aug. 1773, d. 11 Feb. 1776. 7. Joseph, 6. 22 Feb. 1775, d. 4 Feb. fol- lowing. 8. Catherine, 6. 31 Jan. 1777- 9. Sophia, 6. 31 July 177f), ?h. Edmund- Henry Lushington, of Han well, co. Mid- dlesex, sometime chief-justice of Ceylon. Arms — See Plate 55. Per pale azure and sable, within an orle of fleurs-de-lis argent, a lion rampant erminois, ducally crowned, and holding between the paws a mascle or ; a canton ermine. Crest — A demi-lion rampant erminois col- lared sable, ducally crowned or, holding be- tween the paws a fleur-de-lis azure, within a mascle also or. Seats — At Weston, co. Warwick ; and Sedgley, co. Lancaster. CHAMBERLAIN. 22 Feb. 1828. Sir HENRY CHAMBERLAIN, Baronet, an officer in the Royal Ar- tillery, born 2 Oct. 179G, succeeded his father, sir Henry, 31 July 1829; married^ 11 May 1826, Harriett, da. of John Mullen, esq., and has issue, 1. HENRY. I. Sir HENRY CHAMBERLAIN, cre- ated a bart. as above, consul-general in the Brazils, and sometime Charge d'Affaires there, m., 1st, 1 Jan. 17!)5, Elizabeth, da. of Harrod, of Exeter, and by her (his mar- riage with whom was dissolved by act of par- liament 1813) had issue, 1. Sir Henry, present bart. 2. William-Augustus-Charles, &. 1797. d. June 1806. 3. Eltza-Caroline, b. 5 Sept. 1799, m., 2 Dec. 1819, the hon. Charles-Orlando Bridg- man, 2d son of the earl of Bradford. Sir Henry m., 2dly, 5 June 1813, Anne- Eugenia, da. of William Morgan, of Lon- don, merchant, and by her had issue, 4. Anne-Beresford, b. 6 Feb. 1815. 5. Harriett-Mary, 6. 7 Oct. 1816. 6. William-Charles, b. 21 April 1810. 7. Neville-Bowles, b. 10 Jan. 1820. 8. Crawford-Trotter, b. 9 May 1821. 9. Thomas-Hardy, 6. 13 Sept. 1822. 10. KATHERINE-C0CHRANE,&.3Feb. 1824. 11. CnARLES-FRANCIS-FALC0N,6. 11 Oct. 1826. Sir Henry d. 31 July 1829, and was suc- ceeded by his eldest son, II. Sir HENRY, present and 2d bart. Anns— See Plate 55. Gules within an orle argent, charged with eight mullets azure, an armillary sphere, or. Crest— An eagle displayed proper, the dex- ter claw resting on an armillary sphere, or. Motto — Spes et fides. FORBES-DRUMMOND, of Hawthornden, New Brunswick. 27 Feb. 1828. Sir FRANCIS-WALKER DRUMIMOND, Baronet, (eldest son of James Walker, of Daley, co. Midlothian, esq., d.) married., Margaret- Anne, sole da. and heiress of sir John-Forbes Drummond, 1st bart., whom he succeeded 23 May 1829, according to an express limitation in the patent of creation. By this lady he has issue, 1. Mary;— — 2. JAMES; 3. Jane-Hay; 4. Francis; 5. Johk-Forbes ; 6. Richard-Hay. Robert Forbes, of Corse, co. Banff, esq., (son of John Forbes, of the same place,) m. Anne, da. of John Abernethy.ofCorskie, CO. Banff, and sister of dr. William-Aber- nethy Druinmond, above named, and had issue, Robert, capt. R.N., killed in action ; and I. Sir JOHN-FORBES DRUMMOND, of Hawthornden, bart., so created as above, (witli remainder to his son-in-law, Francis- Walker Drummond, esq., and the heirs male of his body,) commander R.N., m. Mary, da. of dr. Ogilvie, of Forfar, M.D., (and cousin and heiress, by virtue of settle- ment, of Barbara Druniniorul, who vi. William-Abcrncthy Druiunioiid, M.l).,and was only child :nid lieiressof William Drum- mond, es(]., hist of tlie ancient family of Drummond, of Hawthornden, which Bar- bara tt s.p. 178.9,) and thereupon took the surname of Drummond, in addition to and after his paternal name of Forbes. By this lady he had issue an only surviving da., Margaret-Annk, m. sir Francis-Wal- KER Drummond, present bart. Sir John Forbes d. 23 May 1829, and was succeeded by his son-in-law, II. Sir FRANCIS-WALKER DRUM- MOND, present bart. Arim—Sce Plate 55. Quarterly of four grand quarters : 1st and 4th, quarterly 1st and 4th, or, three bars wavy within a bor- dure gules, Drummond ; 2d and 3d, azure, three bears' heads couped close argent, muz- zled gules, Forbes. Crest— A dcmi Pegasus argent, winged, or. SiipiMirters — Two savages wreathed about the temples and loins, proper. Motto — Hos f^lorla reddit honores. Seat— At Hawthornden, co. Midlothian. FREELING.-LAFFAN.-MACGREGOR. 431 FREELING, of Ford and Hutchings, co. Sussex. 11 March 1828. Sir FRANCIS FREELING, Baronet, so created as above; Secretary to the General Post-Office, born 25 Aug. 1764, married, 1st, 24 April 1787, Jane, da. of Christian Karstadt, of London, gent., and by her (who d. 5 May 1796) had issue, 1. GEORGE-HENRY, assistant-secretary of the post-office, 6. 22 Sept. 1789, ???., 22 Feb. 1816, Jane, da. of Robert Lang, of Moor Park, co. Surrey, esq., and has issue, Francis, b. \\ Dec. 1816 ; Henry.Hill, h. 12 Jan. 1818 ; Robert-PennmglQU, b. 17 April 1819, Henrietta, da. of the rev. sir Peter Rivers, bart., and by her (who Nov. 1709, m., 4 May 1740, Dorothy, da.of William Burgh, of Birt, CO. Kildare, and d. 1784, leaving issue, John-Thomas Foster, 7h., 2 April 1776, lady Elizabeth Hervey, da. of Frederick, earl of Bristol, and d. 10 Oct. 1790, leaving issue by her, [who re-m. William, late duke of Devonshire, and d. his widow 30 March 1824,) 1. Frederick-Thomas, b. 2 Oct. 1777, M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds, 1817. 2. Sir Augustus-John, created a bart. as above. Arms—See Plate 56. Argent a cheveron vert between three bugle horns sable stringed gules. Crest — A buck trippant proper. Seaf— Stonehouse, co. Louth. M'GRIGOR, of Camden Hill, co. Middlesex. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir JAMES IVI'GRIGOR, of Camden Hill, co. Middlesex, Baronet, so created as above, M.D., fellow of the royal societies of London and Edin- burgh, and of the Royal College of Physicians of those cities, K.C. and K.C.T.S., director-general of the army medical department, and physician in ordinary to his Majesty ; knighted 28 July 1814 ; born 9 April 1771 ; 7narried, 22 June 1810, Mary, da. of Duncan Grant, of Lingeston, co. Moray, N.B., (and sister of sir James Grant, knt., inspector of hospitals, and of sir Lewis Grant, K.C.H., governor of Trinidad,) and has issue, 1. CHARLES-RODERICK, b. 2 May 1811; 2. Jane, b. 14 Sept. 1815 ; 3. Walter-James, b. March I8I7. Sir JAMES is the eldest son of Col- quhoun M'Grigor, of Aberdeen, merchant, who d. 18(Ml, by Anne, his wife, da. of Lewis Grant, of Lethendrey, in Strathspey, N.B., and had two brothers, Robert, of Aberdeen, merchant, who d. inini., and Charles, lieut.- col. in the anny, m., and has issue. Arms— See Plate 56. Argent, a fir-tree u2 HARTY.— JONES.— GREENHILL.RUSSELL. vert, surmounted by a sword, point up- wards, in bend dexter proper, pomel and hilt gold; in the dexter chief an eastern crown gules. On a chief azure a tower or, between the badge of the order of the tower and sword on the dexter, and that of the crescent on the sinister. Crest— A lion's head erased gules, crowned with an eastern coronet or. Motto— Scrioghal mo dhream. HARTY, of Prospect House, Roebuck, co. Dublin. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir ROBERT-WAY HARTY, of Prospect House, Roebuck, co. Dub- lin, Baronet, so created as above, lord-mayor of Dublin, 1830-31 ; married^ 21 March 1807, Elizabeth, da. of John Davis, of Eden Park, co. Dublin, esq., and has issue, 1. ROBERT; 2. Marcus; 3. Charles- Alsop ; 4. Henry; 5. Louisa-Matilda; 6. Henrietta- Elizabeth ; 7- Adelaide-Emma-Jane. Timothy Hartv, of Kilkenny, esq., m. Margaret, da. of John Lockington, of Kil- kenny, esq., (by Margaret, da. of Robert Way, of Killree, co. Kilkenny, esq.,) and had issue, 1. Sir Robert-Way, created a bart. as above. 2. William, of Dublin, M.D. 3. Joseph, a major in the army. 4. Susannah, nu, Jan. 1790, sir Thomas M'Kenney, bart. Anm — See Plate 56. Or, on a fess sable between three trefoils slipped vert, as many martlets volant or. Cr&'it — A falcon's head erased proper, charged on the neck with a trefoil slipped vert, between two wings erect or, each charged with an hurt. Motto — Malo mori qudm foedari. Sent — Prospect House, co. Dublin. JONES, of Cranmer Hall, co. Norfolk. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir JOHN-THOMAS JONES, of Cranmer Hall, co. Norfolk, Baronet, so created as above, Colonel in the Royal Engineers, Aide-de-camp to his Majesty, and C.B. ; born 25 March 1783; married, 20 April 1816, Catha- rine-Maria, da. of Effingham Lawrence, of New York, and late of London, and has issue, 1. LAWRENCE, b. 10 Jan. 1817 ; 2. Willough- BY, b. 24 Nov. 1820 ; 3. Emily-Florence, b. 18 April 1822; 4. Herbert-Walsingham, b. 10 Oct. 1826. John Jones, of Fakenham, co. Norfolk, b. 1704, m. Anne, da. of rev. Tliomas Wace, of Bury St. Edmund's, and d. 14 Jan. 1769, leaving (besides other issue) a son, John Jones, of Landguardfort, b. 18 Nov. 1751, m., 1780, Mary, da. of John Ro- berts, an officer in the 29th foot, and d. 1806, leaving issue by her, (who (/. 1816,) 1. John -Thomas, created a bart. as above. 2. George-Mathews, capt. R.N., b. 5 April 1785, d. imm. .30 April 1831. 3. William-Daniel, a major in the royal artillery, b. 3 July 1787, rn., 1828, Eliza, da. of George Smith, of Nottingham, and has issue, 1. Dashwood, b. Feb. 182.0. 4. Henry-Taylor, in the ordnance civil service at Chatham, b. 3 July 1787, m-, 23 Oct. 1828, Caroline-Munster, da. of major- gen. Wulflf", royal artillery, widow of sir Richard Hardinge, bart., and has issue, I. Ernest, b. 27 Oct. 1829. 2. Emily, b. 20 July 1831. 5. Harry-David, capt. royal engineers, h. 14 March 1792, rn., 1824, Charlotte, da. of the rev. mr. Hornsby, and has issue. Two sons and 2 das. 6. Mary-Anne, b. I78I, m. Michael No- vosielski, of Bath, esq., and d. s.p. 1828. 7. Anna-Craven, 6. 1794, d. unm. 1821. 8. Charlotte, b. 1796, d. iinm. 1809. 9. Eliza-Hyam-Wace, b. 1799, m., 1821, major George Unitt, R.A., and d. 1826. Arms — See Plate 56. Azure on a fess, or, abomb between two grenades fired proper; in chief a castle argent, and over it the word. " Netherlands" in letters of gold; in base a lion couchant argent, round the neck a medal or, hung by a ribbon gules, fimbriated azure. Crest— \w front of a castle, as in the arms, a lion couchant argent, gorged with a wreath of laurel, and suspcnckd therefrom an esco- cheon gules, cliargcd with a medal or. Motto — Murte et Arte. GREENHILL.RUSSELL, of Checquers Court, co- Buckingham. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir ROBERT GREENHILL.RUSSELL, of Checquers Court, co. CHAYTOR.— BECHER. 437 Buckingham, Baronet, so created as above ; took the surname of Russell in addition to that of Greenhill, and the arras of Russell only, by royal license, 13 May 1815. Sir William Russell, of Chippenham, CO. Cambridge, treasurer of the navy, was created a bart. 1629, and dying 1645, was succeeded by his son and heir. Sir Francis, 2d bart., who was father of Sir John, 3d bart., who m. Frances, widow of Robert Rich, and da. of the Pro- tector Cromwell, and d. 11370, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1 Feb. 172(),) 1. Sir William, 4th bart. 2. Rich, d. 1734, without male issue. 3. John, of Duke Street, Westminster^ 7)1. a sister of sir Charles Eyre, and d. 5 Dec. 1755, leaving issue, 1. Charles, father of the 8th bart. 2. Frances, sometime bed-chamber wo- man to the Princess Amelia, sister of king George III., m. John Revett, of Cliecquers, CO. Bucks, esq. ; d. s.p. 3. Mary, m. Hohnes, and d. s.p. 4. Elizabeth, »». Samuel Greenhill, and was grandmother of the present bart. Sir William, 4th bart., d. 1707. leaving two sons, Sir William, 5th bart., who d. in Ireland, June 1738, s.p., and Sir Francis, 6th bart.^ who left an only Sir William, 7th bart., who d. s.p. 1757j when the title devolved upon Sir John, 8th bart., son of col. Charles Russell, before named (son of John, 3d son of the 3d bart). This sir John m. Catherine, da. of the hon. gen. Carey, son of viscount Falkland, and d. 1783, leaving two sons, Sir John, yth bart., who d. s.p., June 1802, and Sir George, 10th bart., who rf. s.p. 1804, wTien the title became extinct, but the estate of Checquers Court devolved on the present bart., who is the only surviving child of the rev. John-Russell Greenhill, of Cotisford, CO. Oxford, LL.D., rector of Fringford, co. Oxon,and of Marsh Gibbon, co. Bucks, (who d. 1813,) by Elizabeth, da. and h. of Mathew Noble, of Sunderland, which rev. John-Rus- sell Greenhill was son and heir of Samuel Greenhill, of Swincombe, co. Oxon, esq., (who d. 1749,) by Elizabeth Russell, da. of the 3d bart., above mentioned. Arms— See Plate 56. Argent,a lion rampant gules ; on a chief sable three roses argent. Crest — A goat statant argent, murally gorged, and charged on the shoulder with a crescent gules. Seat — Checquers Court, Bucks. CHAYTOR, of Croft, co. York, and Witton Castle, co. Durham. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir WILIJAM CHAYTOR, of Croft, co. York, and Witton Castle, co. Durham, Baronet, so created as above; born 29 April 1771; married., 18 Aug. 1803, Isabella, 2d and youngest da. of John Carter, of Richmond, 00. York, esq., and has issue, 1. WILLIAM-RICHARD-CARTER, b. 7 Feb. 1805; 2. John-Clerveaux, b. 8 Sept. 1806, w., 30 Jan. 1834, Lydia-Frances, eldest da. of Thomas Brown, esq., of New Grove ; 3. Mathew-Hutton, b. 31 Dec. 1807; 4. Isabella, 6. 11 April 1810; S.Henry, b. 14 Sept. 1812; G.Jane, ^z. 23 Dec. 1813 ; 7. Harriett, b. 14 July 1815. ArmiSee Plate 56. Per bend dancett6 azure and argent, four quatrefoils counter- changed. Crest — A stag's head couped lozengy argent and sable, armed gold ; in the mouth a tre- foil slipped vert. Seats— Croft, co. York, and Witton Castle, CO. Durham. BECHER, of Ballygiblin, co. Cork. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir WILLIAM-WRIXON BECHER, of Ballygiblin, co. Cork, Ba- ronet, so created as above ; bor7i 31 July 1780, assumed the surname of Becher early in life, and had it confirmed to him by royal sign manual, 29 Sept. 1831 ; married., 18 Dec. 1819, Elizabeth, da. of John O'Neill, and has issue, 1. HENRY; 2. John; 3. ^^'illiam ; 4. Mary; 5. Elizabeth. Henry Wrixon, of Assolas, co. Cork, esq., m. Anne, da. of William Mansfield, esq., and d. 1794, leaving issue a da., Mary, m. William, lord Ennismore, {now earl of Listowell,) and d. 5 Aug. 1810, and a son and heir, William Wrixon, of Cecilstown, co. Cork, esq., jh. Mary, da. of John-Townsend 438 CAMPBELL.— BIRCH.-LAWSON. Becher, of Annisgrove, co. Cork, esq., and sister and heir of Henry Becher, of Creagh, also CO. Cork, esq., and has issue, 1. Sir William, took the surname and arms of Becher, and was created a bart. as above. 2. John. 3. Nicholas. 4. Mary-Anne. 5. Jane. 6. Georgiana. Arms— See Plate 57. Vairy argent and giiles on a canton or, a stag's head couped sable. Crest — Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- lion ermine, gorged with a plain collar vaire. Motto — Bis vivit qui bene. Seat — Ballygiblin, co. Cork. CAMPBEIiL, of Carrick-Buoy, co. Donegal. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir ROBERT CAMPBELL, of Carrick-Buoy, co. Donegal, Baronet, so created as above ; one of the directors of the East India Company, born May 1771 ; married, 2 Aug. 1798, Eliza, da. of Dr. Gilbert Pasley, physi- cian-general at Madras, and has issue, 1. Sir JOHN-ROBERT, charge d' affaires for the government of India at the court of Persia, b. 25 May 1799, knighted 22 Dec. 1832, w., 25 March 1828, Grace, da. of Thomas Bainbridge, of Queen Square and of Croydon, co. Surrey, esq. ; 2. Edward-Alexander, major of cavalry, E.I.C.S., b. 4 Aug. 1801; 3. Robert-Henry-Scott, b. 2 Dec. 1810, a writer in India; 4. James-William-Hendry, b. 16 Nov. 1811; 5. Jane-Fothering- HAM, b. 24 June 1800, m., 4 Dec. 1823, lieut.-col. Harris Hailes, 20th foot ; 6. Eliza-Wemyss, b. 12 Oct. 1802, 7n., 28 Feb. 1831, Richard Barron, 28th foot. Sir Robert is the only surviving son of 4th, gironny of eight or and sable, a canton, John Campbell, of Ballyshannon, esq., who azure, charged with a bear's head argent, d. 1794, by Jane, da. of the rev. Edward muzzled gules; 2d and 3d, argent, a lymphad Forbes, of Kilbarran Castle, co. Donegal, sable. and grandson of John Campbell, of Tuam, Crest — An eastern crown surmounted by esq. a boar's head couped, or. /4r»w— See Plate 57. Quarterly: 1st and Seaf— Carrick-Buoy, co. Donegal. BIRCH, of the Hazles, co. Lancaster. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir THOMAS-BERNARD BIRCH, Baronet, born 18 March 1791, succeeded his father, sir Joseph, 22 Aug. 1833. Thomas Birch, of Liverpool, (son of Caleb Birch, of Whitehaven,) mayor of that town, 1777 ; d. Sept. 1782, a;t. 5(J, leaving Issue by Eleanor, his wife, da. of Bernard Bushby, of Torpenhow, co. Cumberland, gent., (who d. 1 March 1795,) an only sur- viving child, Sir JOSEPH BIRCH, of the Hazles, in the county palatine of Lancaster, bart., so created as above, b. 18 June 1755, m., 6 March 1786, Elizabeth-Mary, .3d da. of Benjamin Heywood, of Liverpool, and by her (who d. 18 May 1825) had issue, 1. Sir Thomas-Bernard, second bart. 2. Horatio, b. 1799, rf. 1800. 3. Phcbbe-Anne, 6. 6 March 1787, w., 10 Aug. 1816, Henry Usborne, of Branches Park, CO. Suffolk, esq, 4. Eleanor, 6. 1798, d. 1806. 5. Elizabeth. 6. Sarah. 7. Heywood, (a da.,) b. 1804, d. 1824. Arms — See Plate 57. Azure, three fleurs- de-lys argent ; on a chief of the second, three mullets sable. Crest— On a mount vert, a hare current proper. Motto — Libe)-tas. Seat — The Hazles, co. Lancaster. LAWSON, of Brayton House, co. Cumberland. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir WILFRID LAWSON, of Brayton House, co. Cumberland, Baro- net, so created as above, born 5 Oct. 1795, took the surname and arms of Lawson only, instead of his paternal name of Wybergh, by royal sign manual, 26 Sept. 1812; married^ 20 June 1821, Caroline, da. of sir James HUMBLE.— LLOYD. 439 Graham, bart., (by lady Catherine Stewart, da. of John, 7th earl of Gallo* way,) and has issue, 1. Caroline, b. 15 Sept. 1823; 2. Maria, b. 26 April 1825; 3. Elizabeth, b. 15 Jan. 1827; 4. WILFRID, i. 4 Sept. 1829. Thomas Wybergh, of Clifton Hall, co. Westmoreland, and of Isell, near Cocker- mouth, CO. Cumberland, esq., (son of William Wybergh, of Clifton Hall, who rf. 1737, Eet. 31, and Mary his wife, da. of Thomas Crakeplace, of Brigham, co. Cum- berland,) was b. 17 April I7.57, nu, 28 Sept. 1786, Isabella, da. of John Hartley, of Whitehaven, co. Cumberland, (and sister of • ane, the wife of sir Wilfrid Lawson, of Isell, and Brayton Hall, co. Cumberland, bart.,) and d. 10 Sept. 1827, having had issue by her, (who d. 6 Feb. preceding,) 1. WiLLTAiM, of Isell, 6. 24 July 1787. 2. Thomas, b. 20 July 1788, took the surname and arms of Lawson only, pur- suant to the will of sir Wilfrid Lawson above named, his maternal uncle-in-law, 21 July 1806, d. at sea unm. 2 May 1812. 3. JoHV, a merchant at Liverpool, h. 22 Aug. 1789. 4. Elizabeth, b. 16 Aug. 1790. 5. Peter, commander R.N., b. 20 Feb. 1794, ?«., 24 Oct. 1820, Jane, da. of - Tod, of Drygrange, co. Roxburgh, and has issue. 6. Sir Wilfrid, created a bart. as above. 7. Mary, b. 8 Oct. 1798. 8. Hilton, in holy orders, rector of Isell, b. 30 Dec. 1799, «!., 22 April 1826, Anna- Maria, da. of Francis Minshull, esq., (by a da. of the late dr. Goodenough, bishop of Carlisle,) and has issue. 9. Jabies, b. 29 July 1802. 10. Annabella, b. 1804, d. 15 April 1822. Anns — See Plate 57. Per pale argent and sable, a cheveron counterchanged ; on a canton sable, two bars or. Crest— Out of clouds proper two arms embowed, vested erminois cuffed sable, the hands holding a sun in splendour, gold. Motto — Quod lumestum utile. Seat — Brayton House, co. Cumberland. HUMBLE, of Cloncoscoran, co. Waterford. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir JOHN-NUGENT HUMBLE, Baronet, succeeded his father, sir John- Nugent, 13 Jan. 1834. Waterford, esq., and d. about 1790, leaving issue by her (who d. 1795) a da., Barbara, m. Richard Goldsbury, of Longford, esq., and a son and heir, I. Sir JOHN NUGENT, ceated a bart. as above, m. Mary, da. of Richard Power, of Clashmore, co. Waterford, and had issue, 1. Sir John Nugent, present bart. 2. Elizabeth ; 3. Mary. 4. Dorothea ; 5. Catherine. 6. Anne. Sir John Nugent d. 13 Jan. 1834, and was succeeded by his eldest son, IL Sir JOHN NUGENT, present bart. Arms — See Plate 57. Quarterly 1st and 4th. Sable, a stag trippant or ; on a chief indented argent a trefoU slipped vert — Hum- ble. 2d and 3d ermine, two bars gules, and in chief a fleur-de-lis azure— Nugent. Crest — A demi stag saliant argent armed and unguled or, and charged on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert. Sea^— Cloncoscoran, co. Waterford. The rev. John Humble, rector of Do- nagh, CO. Derry, d. Aug. 1719, leaving issue, 1. Rev. Charles Humble, of Derry- loran, co. Tyrone, m. Anne, da. of Charles Crawford, of Newtown-Stewart, co. Tyrone, and d. 1772, leaving issue by her (who d. 1796) 2 das., 1. Catherine, m. Samuel Lawson. 2. Mary, m. John Syree. 2. Rev. John. 3. Adam, of Dublin, M.D. 4. Margaret ; 5. Elizabeth. The rev John Humble, 2d son of John, was also rector of Donagh, m. Elizabeth, da. of Richard Jones, and had issue a da. Catherine, m. rev. John Usher, D.D., of Trinity College, Dublin, and a son and heir, Charles Humble, capt. in the army, led the forlorn hope at the storming of Quebec, m. Elizabeth, da. and h. of Edward Nugent Shanagham, of Cloncoscoran, co. LLOYD, of Lancing, co. Sussex. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir JAMES-MARTIN LLOYD, of Lancing, co. Sussex, Baronet, so created as above, born 21 May 17t>2, many years 31. P. for Steyning ; mar- ried, 1st, 20 Jan. 1785, Rebecca, da. of the rev. W^ilhara Green, of Eccles Hall, CO. Norfolk, and by her (who d. 7 Feb. 1811) had issue three das., of whom only one, Rebecca-Martin, survives. Sir James 77j., 2dly, Nov. 1812, Elizabeth- Ann, da. of rev. Colston Carr, and sister to the pre- sent bishop of Worcester and the late sir Henry Carr, K.C.B,, hy whom he has no issue. 440 GIBSON-CRAIG. -HARRINGTON. Sir JAMES is the only son of James Lloyd, of Lancing, esq., who d. 16 March 1798, by Elizabeth, his wife, da. of the rev. Edward Martin, and grandson of James Lloyd, also of Lancing, esq., who d. 1754, and of Mary, his wife, da. of Walter Barte- lett, of Stopham, co. Sussex, esq. Arms— See Plate 57- Per bend sinister ermine and pasan, a lion rampant or, gorged with a wreath of oak, and holding in the dexter paw a sword erect proper. Crest— A lion's head erased per bend sinister ermine and pasan, gorged with a wreath of oak proper. GIBSON.CRAIG,of RiccARTON, co. Midlothian. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir JAMES GIBSON-CRAIG, of Riccarton, and Ingleston, co. Mid- lothiaji, Baronet, so created as above, clerk to the signet in Scotland, and a deputy-lieutenant of co. Midlothian, born 11 Oct. 1765, took the surname and arms of Craig in addition to his paternal name and arms of Gibson, pursuant to a deed of entail made by Robert Craig, of Riccarton, 1818, and act and warrant of the lords of council in Scotland, 1823 ; tnarried, 14 Sept. 1796, Anne, youngest da. of James Thomson, of Edinburgh, merchant, and has issue, 1. WILLIAM, of Edinburgh, advocate, b. 2 Aug. 1797; 2. James-Thomson, a clerk of the signet, b. 12 March 1799 ; 3. Mary-Cecilia, b. 14 March 1800, m. William Kaye, esq., of the Temple, barrister-at-law ; 4. Margaret-Christian, b. 17 Aug. 1801 ; 5. Anne, b. 1 July 1802, m. John-Hay Mackenzie, of Cromarty, esq. ; 6. Cecilia Helen, b. 17 Feb. 1804; 7- Joanna, b. 5 July 1805; 8. Helen, b. 5 July 1807, w., 22 Sept. 1834, Biggs Andrews, esq., of the Inner Temple, barrister-at-law ; 9. Jemima-Campbell, b. 4 Feb. 1809. John Gibson, of Durie, co. Fife, m. Helen, da. of the hon. William Carmichael, and d. 18 Jan. 1767, leaving issue by her, (whod. 2 June 1787,) 1. Alexander, of Durie aforesaid, an advocate, ?«., If) Oct. 177**, Margaret, da. of Thomas Dundas, of Fingask, and d. 13 May 1785, leaving issue. 2. William. 3. John, rf. young. 4. James, d. an infant. 5. Thomas, col. in the army. 6. Margaret, wi. Alexander Gibson Wright, of Clifton Hall, co. Edinburgh, and Kersie, co. Stirling, esq. 7. Elizabeth, m. David Hunter, of Black- ness, CO. Forfar, esq. WiLLiAW Gibson, of Edinburgh, mer- chant, 2d son of John, m. Mary-Cecilia, da. of James Balfour, of Pilrig, co. Edinburgh, advocate, and d. 5 May 1807, having had issue, 1. John, 6. 11 April 1765, d. s.p. 2. Sir James, created a bart. as above. 3. William, of Ceylon, m. miss Sharpe, of Madras, and had issue, 1. Margaret, m. William Hooper of Ceylon. 2. Mary, m. Robert Luxmoore, capt. ICth foot. 4. Alexander, consul at Dantzic- 5. Archibald, of Edinburgh, merchant, d. s.p, 6. Lewis, m. Caroline, da. of Charles- Peter Layard, D.D., dean of Bristol, and has issue, 1. William-Charles; 2. Thomas. 3. Mary ; 4. Louisa ; 5. Charlotte. 6. Caroline. 7. Thomas, a writer in Edinburgh, d. unm. 8. Henry, a surgeon in the East Indies, m. and has issue. 9. Hyndford, d. young. 10. Mitchell, of Ceylon, m. Barbara, da. of capt. Robert Thomson, and has issue, 1. Robert ; 2. Mary. 11. Cecilia, m. John Thomson, of Edin- burgh, merchant. 12. Helen, d, unm. Arms— See Plate 57. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, ermine on a fess sable, three crescents argent — Craig. 2d and 3d, gules, three keys fesswise in pale, wards downwards, or — Gibson. Crest — A knight on horseback in full armour, his right hand grasping a broken tilting spear, shivered, all proper. Motto — Vive Deo et vives. Seat — Riccarton, co. Midlothian. BARRINGTON, of the City of Limerick. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir JOSEPH BARRINGTON, of the city of Limerick, Baronet, so created as above ; founded, in conjunction with his sons, tlie hospital and infirmary in Limerick, which bears their name, and Avhich was incorpo- rated by act of parliament, 11 Geo. IV.; bom 21 Feb. 1704 ; married, 1787, Mary, da. of Daniel I3aggott, of Limerick, and has issue, 1. BROADHEAD. 441 MATTHEW, crown solicitor for Minister, b. 21 May 1788, m., 1 Jan. 1814, Charlotte, da. of William Hartigan, esq., of Dublin, and has issue, 1. Mary-Anne, b. 14 Oct. 1814; 2. William-Hartigan, b. 6 Oct. 1815 ; 3. Croker, b. 9 July 1817; 4. Elizabeth-Anna^ b. 5 Aug. 1818, d. 1 Feb. 1829 ; 5. Charlotte, b. 3 March 1820 ; 6. Jessey, b. 28 May 1821 ; 7- Olivia, 6. 14 March 1823; 8. Josephine, b. 10 March 182G; 9. Henrietta-Victo- rine; 2. Michael, b. 1790, d. young ; 3. Daniel, clerk of Crown, CO. Limerick, b. 12 Oct. 1792, m., 22 Oct. 1829, Anne, da. of Richard Wil- liams, of Drumcondra Castle, Dublin, esq., and has issue ; 4. Honoria, b. 31 Jan. 1795, w., 28 July 1827, Thomas Lloyd, of Limerick, esq., and . Anne, da. of John Waltho, of Anna, by Catharine, da. of J. Croker, of Ballyna- guard, by whom he had issue, Matthew, and other children. Matthew ?n. Jane, da. of John Canter, of Ballyvara, and dying in 1765, left issue an only son, Sir JOSEPH, present bart. Anns—^ee Plate 57. Argent three cheve- ronels gules, and a label of three points vert ; on a canton gules a trefoil slipped or. Crest — Out of a crown vallery or, the bust of a man in profile vested jialy argent and gules ; round the temples a wreath, and on the head a cowl of the same colours. Motto — Ung dumnt ma vie. Residence— Limerick. BROADHEAD, of Burton, or Monk Bretton, co. York. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir THEODORE-HENRY-LAVINGTON BROADHEAD, Baronet, so created as above, born 17 Jan. 1798; married, 1 Aug. 1829, Charlotte, da. of Francis -Oodolphin, lord Godolphin, and has issue, 1. THEO- DORE-HENRY, b. 12 Sept. 1830; 2. Frederick-John, b. 17 Feb. 1832. Theodorb Brinckman, a native of Ha- nover, came into England in the suite of king George L, and was father of George- Charles Brinckman, b. 3 Dec. 170(J, (to whom the elector of Hanover stood spon- .sor,) d. unm. 23 June 1739 ; and of John-Richard Brinckman, of St. Mar- tin's, Westminster, b. 21 April 1710, m. Anne, da. and at length sole h. of John Bingley, of Bolton, co. York, esq,, (by Mar- garet, sister and heir of Henry Broadhead, of Burton aforesaid, esq.,) and d. 1743, leaving issue by her (who d. 1788) a son and heir, Theodore - Henry Brinckman, b. 7 Sept. 1741, took the surname of Broad- head, by act of parliament, 27 Geo. II., w., 14 Feb. 1767, Mary, only child and h. of John Bingley, of Goldthorpe, co. York, esq., and d. 20 March 1810, leaving issue by her, (whod. 18 June 1817,) 1. Theodore-Henry. 2. Johm-Richard, col. in the army, b. 14 Jan. 1772, m., I8W3, Susan, da. of gen. Ross, but by her, who d. the same year, had no issue. 3. Charles, b. 24 March 1776, m., 30 July 1798, Harriett- Anne, da. of rev. mr. Keigh- ley, and widow of Huntley, and d. 30 July 18U3, s.p. 4. Mary, m., 29 Aug. 1789, sir John Dashwood, bart. Theodore- Henry Broadhead, eldest son of Theodore-Henry, b. 5 Dec. 1767, some time M.P. for Wareham, and Yar- mouth, Hants, m., 11 May 17!)7. Elizabeth, da. of William M'Dougal, of the island of St. Croix, and d. 12 Dec. 1820, leaving issue, 1. Sir Theodore Henry-Lavington, created a bart. as above. 2. John-Richard, in the army, h. 24 Dec. 1798. 3. Brinckman, in the army, b. 5 May 1800. 4. Elizabeth, b. 7 Oct. 1801, m., 25 March 1823, John-Henry Dashwood - King, esq., eldest son of sir John Dashwood-King, bart. 5. William-Augustus, b. 30 Oct. 18o2, ni., 2 Aug. 1828, Louisa-Augusta, da. of the hon. sir Charles Paget, K.C.B. and has issue, Charles, b. 27 April 1829. 6. Bingley, in the army, 6. 28 Dec. 1803. 7. Henry, lieut. R.N., b. 25 April 1806. u 3 442' RASHLEIGH.— CAMPBELL. 8. George, b. 19 May I807. 9. Alfred, b. 16 Aug. 1808. 10. Mary, b. 29 Oct. 1810. 11. Fanny; 12. Charlotte ; (twins;) b. 25 Jan. 1812. Arms — See Plate 57. Ermine, in chief two eagles displayed gules, and in base a lion rampant proper collared and chained or. Crest — A demi-lion as in the arms, holding in the paws an escocheon ermine, charged with an eagle displayed gules. Seat — Burton, co. YorK. RASHLEIGH, of Prideaux, co. Cornwall. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir JOHN-COLMAN RASHLEIGH, of Prideaux, co. Cornwall, Ba- ronet, so created as above, born 1772 ; married, 24 May 1808, Harriett, da. of Robert Williams, of Moore Park, co. Herts, esq., by whom (who d. July 1832, aet. 56) he had issue, 1. Battie, b. 1811, d. 1822 ; 2. JOHN-COLMAN; 3. Jane, b. 1809; 4. Harriett-Anke, b. 1812. Sir John w., 2dly, 17 Oct. 1833, Martha, youngest da. of John Gould, of Truro, co. Cornwall, esq., IM.D. The family of Rashleigh has been seated in the county of Cornwall at least since the early part of the 16th century, and inter- married with many of the principal families in that county and in Devon. Jonathan Rashleigh, of Menabilly, co. Cornwall, who d. 1675, m. Anne, da. of sir Robert Bassett, of Umbersley, co. Devon, knt., and great- granddaughter of John Bassett, of Um- bersley and of Frances his wife, da. of Ar- thur Plantagenet, viscount Lisle. His son and heir apparent, John Rashleigh, of Me- nabilly, m. Joan, da. of John Pollexfen, esq., and d. in his father's lifetime, leaving a son and heir, Jonathan Rashleigh, who d. 1702, having m. Jane, da. of sir John Carew, of Anthony, co. Cornwall, bart., and leaving by her, (besides other issue,) a son and heir, Jonathan Rashleigh, of Menabilly, b. 1690; m., 11 June 1728, Mary, da. of sir William Clayton, of Morden, co. Surrey, bart., and d. 1764, leaving issue by her, 1. Philip, of Menabilly, d. s.p. 2. William, d. young. 3. Jonathan, rector of Wickham, co. Hants, m. Catherine, da. of William Stack- house, of Trehane, co. Cornwall, D.D., and had issue. 4. John, father of sir John-Colman Rash- leigh. 5. Robert; 6. Peter. 7. Charles, d. unm. 1823. 8. Thomas, ni. Frances-Elizabeth-Anne, only da. of the rev. John Lawry, rector of Lee, CO. Kent, and prebendary of Roches- ter, and had issue. 9. Hknry-Clayton, d. an infant. 10. Martha. 11. Jane, m. Robert Duke, of Lake, eo. Wilts, esq. 12. Mary, m. William Stackhouse, of Trehane, esq. 13. Rachel, m. John Gould, of St. Aus- tell, M.D. John Rashleigh, of Penquite, co. Corn- wall, esq., first commissioner and receiver for Greenwich Hospital, 4th son of Jona- than, was 6. 20 June 1742, m., 6 April 1771, Katherine, da. and co-h. (with her sister Philadelphia, wife of sir John Call, bart.) of William Battie, of Court Gardens, near Marlow, co. Bucks, M.D., and d. 17 May 1803, having had issue by her, (who d. 1800,) 1. Sir John Colman, created a baronet as above. 2. Jonathan-Hawkins. 3. Willi am-Battie, 6. 12 May 1781, d. unm. 4. Charles-Watson, b, 14 July 1784, d. at sea, imm., 1805. 5. Mary, d. an infant. 6. Charlotte, 6. 13 July 1782, d. an in- fant. 7. Anne, b. 12 April 1776, w., 30 Nov. 1797. William Williams, of Castle Hill, co. Dorset, esq. 8. Louisa, b. .30 March 1778, m., 22 Dec. 1801, Thomas-Holt White, of Chase Lodge, near Enfield, esq. Amis— See Plate 57. Sable, a cross or between, in the dexter chief quarter a chough, in the sinister chief quarter a text T, and in base two crescents all argent. Crest — None. Seat— Prideaux, co. Cornwall. CAMPBELL, of Barcaldine, co. Argyll. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir DUNCAN CAMPBELL, of Barcaldine and of Glenure, co. Argyll, Baronet, so created as above; married, 22 Feb. 1815, Elizabeth, da. of James Dennistoun, of Dennistoun, co. Dunbarton, esq., and has issue, 1. ALEXANDER; 2. James-Robert ; 3. John-Peter-Wil- liam; 4. Duncan-George; 5. Frederick-E van-Alexander; 6. Henry-Charles-Alexander, d. 1831 ; T. Margaret ; 8. Mary; 9. Isabella-Janet; 10. Emily-Lucy-Eliza- BETH. NUGENT.— GARBETT-WALSHAM. 443 Duncan Campbell, of Glenluee, co. Argyll, m. Mary M'Pherson, and had issue, 1. Alexander. 2. Peter, a major in the army, m. , da. of Pershall, of New York, and d. in America about 1783, leaving issue. 3. James, in the army, d. s.p. 4. Colin, in the army, m. , da. of Hungerford, of Cork, and d. 1810, leav- ing issue. 5. Hugh, d. s.p. & Lucy, m. sir Ewan Cameron, of Fas- siefem, bart. Alexander Campbell, eldest son of Duncan, was a member of the college of advocates of Scotland, >n. Mary, da. of John Campbell, of Edinburgh, and'had issue, 1. Sir Duncan, created a bart. as above. 2. Peter-William, in the military ser- vice of the hon. E. I. C, d. in Bengal 1819, s.p. 3. John, d. s.p. 1808. 4. Colin-Alexander, eapt. 74th foot. 5. Caroline-Anna-Louisa. 6. Maria-Helen. Arm/i — See Plate .57. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, Gironny of eight or and sable ; a can- ton argent, charged with a bend sable, be- tween an unicorn's head, erased in chief, and a cross crosslet fitchee gules in base; 2d, or, a fess chequy argent and azure ; 3d, argent a lymphad, sable; the whole within a border quarterly or and sable. Crest — A Highlander fully armed and equipped, having a sword in the right hand, and on the left arm a target gironny ef eight, or and sable. Motto — Paratus sum. Sea<— Barcaldine, co. Argyll. NUGENT, of DoNORE, co. Limerick. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir PERCY-FITZGERALD NUGENT, of Donore, co. Limerick^ Baronet, so created as above ; took the surname and arms of Nugent, by royal license, 1831. Sir Percy is son of Thomas Fitzgerald, esq., and grandson of Pierce Fitzgerald, esq., and of Christiana, his wife, da. of Tho- mas Nugent, of Donore, esq., and sister, and eventually heiress, of sir James Nugent, of Donore, bart., of Ireland, (so created 18 July 1708, with remainder to his brother,) and of sir Peter Nugent, of Donore, who succeeded his said brother in 1796, but d. without issue in 1797« Arms — See Plate57. Ermine two bars gules ; a martlet azure for difference. Crest— A cockatrice vert. Motto — Decrevi. Seat — Donore, co. Limerick. GARBETT-WALSHAM, of Knill Court, co. Hereford. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir JOHN-JAMES GARBETT-WALSHAM, Baronet, so created as above, horn 6 June 1805, married^ 25 May 182C, Frances, 2d da. of Matthew Bell, of Woolsington House, co. Northumberland, esq., and has issue, 1. Anna, 6.20 May 1828; 2. JOHN, b. 29 Oct. 1830; 3. Francis, b. 9 April 1832; 4. Arthur, b. 16 June 1833. The manor of Walsham, in Suffolk, whence the surname of this ancient family is derived, was originally granted by the Conqueror to sir Robert de Blount, lord of Guisnes, in France, from whom it passed in lineal succession to William de Blount, 6th baron of Ixworth. The baron fell at the battle of Lewes, in 1263, unm., and this manor then devolved, with other immense estates, on his brother-in-law, Robert, baron de Valoines, by whose da. and co-h.. Cicely, it was subsequently conveyed in marriage to Robert, 1st lord Ufford, a nobleman of high Norman lineage. Her eldest son, Robert, 2d lord Ufford, K.G., was created earl of Suffolk in 1337; her second son, sir Ralph de Ufford, was justice of Ireland in the reign of Edward III. ; and sir Edmund, her youngest son, was lord of Colton, in Nor- folk, and styled himself De Walsham, (which has been ever since the designation adopted by his descendants,) from his mo- ther's above-mentioned lordship of that name. His grandson, Thomas Walsham, of Colton, who is mentioned in ancient records as one of the principal gentry of Norfolk in the reign of Henry V., was grandfather of John Walsham, of Presteigne, in the county of Radnor, who was there settled about the middle of the fifteenth century, in consequence of his marriage with Mary , grandda. and co-h. of sir Jenkin Hervey, knt., of Llanvair, co. Montgomery. From him lineally descended, in the fifth degree, another John Walsham, of Presteign, who m., in 1590, Barbara, da. and h. of Francis Knill, of Knill Court, in the co. of Hereford, esq., (the last male representative of a family which had been po'ssessed of the lordship o'f Knill since the reign of king John,) and by her had, with other children, John, of Knill Court, his heir, who had summons, in 1642, to attend the king in his wars, and to do personal service for his 444 HEYGATE.-M'KENNEY. manor of Knill. He m., in 1617, Margaret, da. of Roger Lyde, of Lyde's Court, co. Hereford, esq., and his eldest son, John, of Knill Court, succeeded him in 1646, was sheriff of Radnorshire in 1653, and d. IGGH, leaving issue by his wife, Joanna, da. of John Jones, of Llandetty Court, CO, Brecon, esq., one son and three das. John, of Knill Court, the only son, was sheriff of Radnorshire in 167(1, and ranked, according to Blome's Britannia, amongst the chief gentry of Herefordshire in the reign of Charles II. He m., 1st, Elizabeth, da. of sir William Lygon, of Madresfield, knt., ancestor of the earls Beauchamp; 2dly, Elizabeth, da. of sir William Child, knt., of Kinlet Hall, in Shropshire, and by her had an only surviving child, John, of Knill Court, his heir, who m., in 1706, Hester, eldest da. and co-h. of sir John Morgan, of Kinnersley Castle, bart., M.P. CO. Hereford, and d. in 1734, leaving issue, 1. John, of whom hereafter. 2. Thomas, of MahoUam, co. Hereford, d. unm. 1754. John, of Knill Court, the eldest son, m. Elizabeth, da. and co-h. of alderman Ford, of Hereford, and rf. in 1752, without heirs male, when his ancient inheritance, and the representation of his family, devolved on Elizabeth, his only child and heir. She m., 1767, Francis Garbett, of Huntington Park, CO. Hereford, esq., (sheriff of Radnorshire, 1790,) and d. 1779, leaving issue. 1. John, who assumed, in 1800, his ma- ternal name of Walsham. 2. Anne, m. sir Samuel Romilly, knt., M.P. for Westminster. 3. Mary, m. John Whittaker, of New- castle Court, CO. Radnor, esq. 4. Sophia, m. William Davies, of Ca- balra, co. Radnor, esq. John Garbett - Walsham, of Knill Court, the grandson and heir of the last- named John Walsham, was b. 1771, and was for many years col. of the royal Radnor militia. He m., 1804, Anna-Maria, da. and at length sole heir of Hugh Hughes, of Bod- wryn, co. Anglesey, esq., andd. 1819, leaving issue, I. Sir JOHN-JAMES, created a bart. as above. Arms—See Plate .58. Quarterly : 1st and 4th, per pale, azure and gules, agriphon, segreant, wings elevated or supportmg on a tilting spear, a banner flowing to the dexter, argent, charged with a cross couped sable ; 2d and 3d, sable, on a cross voided or, five crosslets patee fitchee, of the last. Crest— Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- eagle with two heads displayed sable, each wing charged with a cross patee fitchee be- tween two ermine spots, or, having sus- pended from the neck by a gold cham, an escocheon argent, and thereon a Saracen's head, erased at the neck, proper, round the temples a wreath argent and azure. Motto — Sub Ubertate quietem. Sea?— Knill Court, co. Hereford. HEYGATE, of Southend, Essex. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir WILLtAM HEYGATE, of Southend, co. Essex, Baronet, so created as above, born 24 June 1782, elected alderman of Coleman Street Avard, in the city of London, 1812, of which he served the office of liOrd Mayor 1823; married^ 19 May 1821, Isabella, da. of Edward. Longdou Mackmurdo, of Upper Clapton, esq., and has issue, 1. FREDERICK- WILLIAM, b. 4 Sept. 1822, to whom H. R. H. the late duke of York stood sponsor; 2. William-Unwin, b. 12 March 1825; 3. Ed- ward-Nicholas, b. 23 June 1827 ; 4. Robert-Henry-John, i. 28 March 1830. Sir William Heygate is descended from a Thomas Heygate, whose grandson, Ralph Heygate, recorded his pedigree and arms at the Visitation of London in 16.34, and d. in 1665, leaving (besides other issue) a son, Nicholas Heygate, of Paternoster Row, who d. I6f>7, and whose great grandson, James Heygate, of Roccliffe, co. Leices- ter, and Southend, co. Essex, esq., b. 1 Jan. 1747, m., 11 Jan. 1781, Sarah, da. of Samuel Unwin, of Sutton, co. Notts, and d. 13 April 1833, set, 87, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1801,) 1. Sir WiLiiAAi, created a bart. as above. 2. James, of Hampstead, co. Middlesex, m., and has issue. 3. Elizabeth-Anne, ft. 17 May 1788. Arms — See Plate 58. Gules, two bars ar- gent; over all on a bend or, a torteaux between two leopards' faces azure. Crest — A wolf's head erased gules. Seate— Southend, Essex; North Mimms Place, Barnet; and Roccliffe, Leicester- shire. M'KENNEY, of Ullard and Ballyshanboy, co. Kilkenny. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir THOMAS M'KENNEY, Baronet, so created as above, an alder- man of the city of Dublin, and of Ullard and Ballishanboy, co. Tipperary ; horn 24 July 1770 ; married^ Jan. 17^)0, Susannah, eldest da. of Timothy Harty, of Kilkenny, and sister of sir Robert- Way Harty, bart., and by her MEUX. -CLARKE. 445 (who d. Jan. 1803) had issue, 1. James, b. 1793, d. 1794 ; 2. Jane, b. 1796, m;, April 1831, James Gordon, esq., capt. 4th foot ; 3. "WIL- LIAM!, b. 1799; 4. Margaret, b. 1802, m., 1821, William Gun, esq., capt. 91st foot, who d. April 1829. James M'Kenney, of the city of Dub- lin, m. Jane M'Vitty, and rf. 23 June 17«2, leaving issue by her, (who rf. 3 Sept. 1013,) 1. George, d. nnm. 2. Sir Thomas, created a bart. as above. 3. John, of Dublin, m., 1st, in Aug. 1805, Isabella, da. of James Lecky, (which lady d. 12 July 1814,) and 2dly, 15 April 1820, Jane, da. of Vance, and widow of rev. dr. Miller, (which lady d. 15 July 1829,) and has issue by both wives. 4. Ann, m. William Davis, of Bellfield, CO. Dublin. 5. Mary, »i. Luke Poyntz, of Kilkenny. Arm.i—See Plate 58. Or a fleur-de-lys be- tween three crescents two and one azure; on a chief vert, a greyhound pursuing a stag, both at full speed, argent. Crest — A cubit arm erect in armour, the gauntlet grasping a roll of paper proper. Motto — y^incit Veritas. Seat— Vllard, co. Kilkenny. MEUX, of Theobald's Park, Herts. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir HENRY MEUX, of Theobald's Park, co. Herts, Baronet, so created as above, born 8 May 1770, married., Nov. 1814, Elizabeth-Mary, da. of Thomas Smith, of Castlebar House, co. Middlesex, and has issue, 1. HENRY, b. 28 Dec. 1817 ; 2. Elizabeth, b. 7 July 1819 ; 3. Marianna-Frances, b. 20 May 1821 ; 4. Ejima-Martha, b. 20 Dec. 1822. The family of Meux is of great an- tiquity in the Isle of Wight, where its chief branch was settled for several centuries. Sir John Meux, knt., who was living, and en- tered his pedigree at the visitation of Hants in 1622, had, besides other issue, two sons, William, his son and heir, (whose son, sir John Meux, of Kingston, in the Isle of Wight, was created a baronet 1(341,) and Barthox-omew, immediate ancestor of the present baronet. Sir John Meux, created a baronet in 1C41, d. 1657, and was succeeded by his son, sir William Meux, who d. 1697* leaving an only surviving son, sir William, who d. without issue, March 1705, when the title, created in 1641, became extinct. Bartholomew Meux above named, was of Buxton, in the Isle of Wight, and rf. Dec. 1650, leaving, besides other issue, a son, Henry, of Nortonbury, co. Herts, and afterwards of Clerkenwell, co. Middlesex, where he rf. Dec. 1692, leaving, besides other issue, a son, Thomas, of London, merchant, ?h. Eliza- beth, da. of sir William, and sister and co-h. of sir William Massingberd, of Braytoft Hall, CO. Lincoln, bart., and d. Jan. 1720, leaving issue by her, (who d. 1737-8,) 1. WilliamJ of Braytoft, who took the surname of Massingberd, by act of parlia- ment, and d. 1781, leaving issue. 2. Richard, grandfather of the present bart. 3. Thomas, of Fritwell, Oxon, rf. wim. 4. Elizabeth; 5. Anne, both d. toim. Richard Meux, 2d son of Thomas, was in holy orders, and rector of Widdington, CO. Essex, ))i. Hannah Bradshaw, and rf. 1751, leaving issue by her, (who rf. Dec. 1775,) 1. Richard. 2. Thomas, rector of Swafield, co. Nor- folk, m., but rf. s.p. 1806. 3. Edmond, rf. loim. 4. Anne, m. William West, of Brentwood. Richard Meux, eldest son of Richard, was b. 4 Oct. 1734, »!., 31 July 1767, Mary, da. of Henry Brougham, of Brougham Hall, CO. Westmoreland, esq., (and aunt of lord Brougham,) and rf. 2 July 1813, leaving is- sue bv her, (whorf. 1812,)' 1. Richard, b. 1763, w., 28 June 1792, Eliza, da. of Henry Roxby, of Clapham Rise, esq., and rf. 1824, leaving an only sur- viving da. and h., Elizabeth, m. to Thomas Starling Benson, of North Cray Place, Kent, esq. 2. Sir Henry, created abart. as above. 3. Thomas, b. 1772. 4. Mary, >it. William-Saint-Julian Ara- bin, serjeant-at-law. 5. Fanny, >». Vicesimus Knox, esq. Arms— See Plate 58. Paly of six or and azure ; on a chief gules, three crosses patee or. Crest — Two wings inverted and endorsed argent, conjoined bv a cord with tassels or. Sm^— Theobald's Park, Herts. CLARKE, of Dunham Lodge, co. Norfolk. 30 Sept. 1831. Sir CHARLES-MANSFIELD CLARKE, of Dunham Lodge, co. Nor- folk, Baronet, so created as above. Physician in Ordinary to her Majesty ; 6, leaving issue by her, (who d. Jan. 1774, aet. 80,) a second son, Francis, who d. s.p.s., and Thomas Holvoakk, of Moreton Bagot, aforesaid, esq., eldest son, b, 17 March 172(j, m., 1.3 Aug. 17f;'t, F-lizabeth, da. of James Pettipher, esq., of Great Alne, and d. 10 Aug. 1800, leaving issue a da., Charlotte, who m. the rev. William Rumney, rector of Swindon, co. Gloucester, and an only son, Francis Holyoake, of Moreton Bagot, aforesaid, of Tettenhall, co. Stafford, and Studley Castle, co Warwick, esq., b. 14 March 17fi(), m., 17 April 1795, Dorothy-Eli- zabeth, only da. and h. of Robert Lyttelton, of Alcester, son of Robert Lyttelton, of Studley Castle, aforesaid, esq., and d. 21 Feb. 18'.'J.'j, leaving issue by her, (who d. 11 June 1811,) 1. Sir Francis Lyttelton, created as above. 2. Thomas, b. 29 June 1800, in the army. 3. George, 6. 2G Nov. 1801. HOLYOAKE-GOODRICKE. 451 4. Henry, b. 5 July 1804, in the army. 5. Caroline, b. 3 Feb. 1799, d. 1804. 6. Frances-Elizabeth, b. 1 Jan. 1803, 7)1. Henry Hordern, of Dunstall Hall, co. Stafford, 'esq. 7. E.MMA, b. 12 Nov. 1808, m. rev. Benja- min Lucas Cubitt. Arms— See Plate 59. Quarterly, 1st and 4th. Argent on a fess gules, between two lions passant guardant sable, a fleur-de-lis argent between two crescents or ; a canton gules for difference: Goodricke. 2d and 3d, per pale, or and gules, a buck's head ca- boshed, between two crosses pat6e in pale, all counterchanged : Holyoake. Crests — 1st, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lionennines, holding in the paws a bat- tle-axe, or, and charged on the shoulder with a cross crosslet of the last for difference : Goodricke. 2d, on a mount vert, an oak, fructed, proper, around the lower part of the stem an escroll, thereon a cross patee gules, between the words, " Sacra quercus."" LIST BARONETCIES MERGED IN PEERAGES. Date of Creation. A'CouRT, of Heytesburv, Wilts 1795 E. B. Heytesbury. Bagot, of Blythefield, Stafford 1627 E. B. Bagot. Bampfvlde, of Poltimore, Devon 1641 E. B. Poltimore. Bridgeman, of Great Lever, Lane 16G0 E. E. Bradford. Brudenell, of Deane, Northampton.. 1611 E. E. Cardigan. Burrell, of Grinstead Park, Sussex.... 1766 E. B. Willoughby de Eresby. Byng, ofSouthill, Beds 1715 E. V. Torrington. Cavendish, of Doveridge, Derby ... 1755 I. B. Waterpark, Cholmondeley, of Cholmondeley, Ches- ter 1611 E. M. Cholmondeley. Cocks, of Dumbleton, "Gloucester .... 1772 E. E. Sommers. Cooper, of Rockboume, Hants 1622 E. E. Shaftesbury. Cornwallis, of Brome, Suffolk 1627 E. E. Cornwallis. Cotton, of Combermere 1677 E. V. Combermere. Cowper, of Ratling Court, Kent 1641-2 E. E. Cowper. Curzon, of Kedleston, Derby 1641 E. B. Scarsdale. Cust, of Stanford, Lincoln 1677 E. E. Brownlow. Dks BoTJVERiE, London 1714 E. E. Radnor. Devereux, of Castle Bromwich, Wor- cester 1612 E. V. Hereford. Dormer, of Wenge, Bucks 1615 E. B. Dormer. Dundas, of Upleatham, York 1762 E. B. Dundas. Fermor, of Easton Neston, North- ampton 1641 E. E. Pomfret. Finch, of Eastwell, Kent 1611 Raunston, Bucks 1660 E. E. Winchilsea and Nottingham. Foote, of London 1660 E. E. Onslow. Gage, of Firle, Sussex 1621-2 I. V. Gage. Gardner, of Uttoxeter, Stafford 1794 E. and I. B. Gardner. Date of Creation. Gough, of Edgbaston, Warwick 1728 E. B. Calthorpe. Gower, of Stittenham, York 1620 E. D. Sutherland. Grey, of Howick 1745-6 E. E. Grey. Grosvenor, of Eaton, Chester 1621-2 E. M. Westminster. Harbord, of Gunton, Norfolk.... 1745-6 E. B. Suffield. Hobart, of Intwood, Norfolk 1611 E. E. Buckinghamshire. Hood, of Catherington, Hants 1778 E. V. Hood. Hotham, of Scarborough, York... 1621-2 I. B. Hotham. IRBY, of Boston, Lincoln 1704 E. B. Boston. Jenkinson, of Walcot, Oxon 1661 E. E. Liverpool. Jemingham, of Cossey, Norfolk 1621 E. B. Stafford. Jocelyn, of Hyde Hall, Herts 1665 I. E. Roden. Kenyox, of Gredington, Flint 1784 E. B. Kenyon. Lamb, of Brocket Hall, Herts 1755 I. V. and E. B. Melbourne. Liddell, of Ravensworth, Durham.... 1642 E. B. Ravensworth. Llovd, of Pengwern, Flint 1778 "E. B. Mostyn. Lowther, ofSwillington 1764 E. E. Lonsdale. Luckyn, of Waltham, Essex, (after- wards Grimston) 1628-9 E. E. Verulam. Lyttelton, of Frankley 1618 E. B. Lyttelton. Major, (now Henniker- Major,) of Worlingworth, Suffolk 1764 1. B. Henniker. Marsham, of Caxton, Kent 1663 E. E. Romney. Maynard, of Walthamstow, Essex 1681-2 E. V. Maynard. Molvneux, ofSefton 1611 i. E. Sefton. Monson, of Carleton, Lincoln 1611 E. B. Monson. OsBOR.vE, of Kiveton, York 1620 E. D. Leeds. 454 BARONETCIES MERGED IN PEERAGES. Date of Creation. Parkyns, of Bunney , Notts 1681 I. B. RanclifFe. Peachey, of Petworth, Sussex 173r>-7 E. B. Selsey. Pelham, of Laughton, Sussex 1611 E. E. Chichester. Pellew, of Treverry, Cornwall 1796 E. V. Exmouth. Pennington, of Muncaster, Cumberland 1676 I. B. Muncaster. QuiN, of Adare, Limerick, Ireland 1781 I. E. Dunraven. Rawdon, of Moira, Ireland 1665 E. M. Hastings. Robinson, of Newby, York 1690-1 E. E. De Grey. of Rokeby, York 1730 I. B. Rokeby. Rodney 1764 E. B. Rodney. Rous, of Henham, Suffolk 1660 E. E, Stradbroke. Rushout, of Milnst Maylers, Essex 1661 E. B. Northwick. St. John, of Lvdiard Tregoz, Wilts .. 1611 E. V. Bolingbroke. St. John, of Woodford, Northampton. 1660 E. B. St. John. Saumarez, of Guernsey 1801 E. B. De Saumarez. Seymour, of Berry Pomerov, Devon. . 1611 E. D. Somerset. Date of Creation. Shirley, of Staunton, Leicester 1611 E. E. Ferrers. Shore, of Heathcote, Derby 1792 I. B. Teignmouth. Smithson, of Stanwick, York 1660 E. D. Northumberland. Stanley, of Bickerstaffe, Lancaster. . . . 1627 E. E. Derby. Thvnne, of Longleat, Wilts 1641 E. M. Bath. Townshend, of Rainham, Norfolk 161? E. M. Townshend. Tufton, of Hothfield, Kent 1611 E. E. Thanet. Vanneck, of Putney, Surrey 1751 I. B. Huntingfield. Waldegrave, of Hever, Kent 1643 E. E. Waldegrave. Willoughby, of Wollaton, Notts 1677 E. B. Middleton. fWinn, of Nostell, York 1660 \ , of Little Warley, Essex 1776 I. B. Headley. Wodehouse, of Kimberley, Norfolk . . 1611 E. B. Wodehouse. W^yndham, of Orchard-Wyndham, So- merset 1661 E. E. Egrem®nt. Wynn, of Bodvean and Glynnllivon, Caermarthen 1742 I. B. Newborough. LIST EXTINCT BARONETCIES. *#* The Dates in the first Column are those of the several Creations ; the second Column contains the Dates of Extinction. Abdy, of Albins, Essex.. 1660 Moores, ditto 1660 Abercrorabie, of Edinburgh 1709 Acton, of London 1629 Adams, ditto 1660 Airmine, of Osgodby, Lincoln.. . 1619 Allan, of Kingsgate, Kent 1819 Allen, of London 1660 Blundeston, Suffolk. . . . 1673 Alleyn,of Hatfield, Essex 1629 Alston, of Odell, Beds 1642 Chelsea 1682 Anderson, of St. Ives, Hunts 1628 Penley, Herts 1643 Eveworth, Beds 1664 Mill Hill, Middlesex 1798 Anderton, of Lostock, Lane 1677 Andre, of Southampton 1781 Andrews, of Dodington, North- ampton 1641 — Lathbury, Bucks. . . 1661 Shaw Place, Berks.. 1776 Anguish, alias Allen, of Somerley Town, Suffolk ... 1699 Appleton, of South Bemsted, Es- sex 1611 Armytage, of Kirklees, York... . 1641 Asgill, of London 1761 Ashby, of Harefield, Middlesex. . 1622 Ashe, of Twickenham, Middlesex 1660 Ashfield, of Netherhall, Suffolk.. 1626 Ashley, of Winburne, Dorset 1622 Ashurst, of Emington, Oxon 1688 Assheton, of Lever, Lane 1620 Middleton, Lane... . 1660 Astley, of Melton Constable, Norfolk 1642 PatshuU, Stafford 1662 Aston, of Tixhall, . . ditto 1611 S. B. Aston, 1627. Baronetage ext. on the death of William, 5th lord, 1751. Aston, of Aston, Chester 1628 Atkins, of Clapham, Surrey 1660 Aucher, of Bishopsbourne, Kent 1666 Austen, of Derhams, Middlesex. 1714 Bexley, Kent 1660 Aylesbury, of London 1627 Ayloffe, of Braxted, Essex 1612 Ayshcombe, of Lyford, Berks. . . 1696 Backhouse, of London 1660 Bacon, of Gillingham, Norfolk. . 1662 Badd, of Cames Oysells, Hants. . 1643 Baker, of Sisinghurst, Kent 1611 Bale, of Carlton, Leicester... .... 1643 Bamburgh, of Houghton, York.. 1619 1759 1662 1724 1651 1770 1668 1820 1730 1696 1759 1791 1783 1630 1699 1773 1813 1760 1802 1804 1696 1822 1794 1710 1737 1823 1624 1734 1628 1732 1697 1765 1659 1771 1751 1815 1756 1726 1742 1772 1(^57 1781 1727 1669 um 1683 1661 1653 Banks, of London 1661 Revesby, Lincoln 178I Bard, of Staines, Middlesex 1644 I. V. Belmont, 1644. Barker, of Trimley, Sussex 1622 Hambleton, Rutland.. 1665 ■ Bokinghall, Essex 1676 Bushbridge, Surrey.. . I78I Barkham, of Southacre, Norfolk 1623 Waynfleet, Lincoln. 1661 Barlowe, of Slebege, Pembroke.. 1677 Barnardiston, of Ketton, Suffolk 1663 Brightwell, Suf- folk 1663 Barnham, of Boughton Monchel- sey, Kent 1663 Barrington, of Bairington Hall, Essex 1611 Bastard, of Kitley, Devon 1779 Bateman, of How Hall, Norfolk. 1664 Bathurst, of Lechlade, Gloucest. 1643 Bayning, of Bentley Parva, Es- sex 1612 E. V. Bayning 1627 ext. Bayntun - Rolt, of Spye Park, Wilts 1762 Beale, of Maidstone, Kent 1660 Beaumont, of Cole Orton, Lei- cester 1619 I. V. Beaumont, of Swordes. Beaumont, of Grace Dieu, Lei- cester 1627 Whitley, York. . . 1628 Beck, of London 1714 Beckwith, of Aldborough, York. 1681 Bedell, of Hamerton, Hunts 1622 Belasyse, of Newborough, York 1611 E. V. Bellasis, ext. Bellingham, of Helsington, W'est- moreland 1620 Bellot, of Moreton, Chester 1663 Bendish, of Steeple Bumstead, Essex 1611 Bennet, of Bechampton, Bucks 1627 Babraham, Camb.. .. 1660 Bensley, of Marylebone, Middle- sex 1801 Berkeley, of Wymundham, Lei- cester 1611 Bruton, Somerset .. 1660 I. V. Fitzharding, ext. Bernard, of Huntingdon 1662 Bertie, of Attleborou^h, Norfolk 1812 Betenson, of Wimbledon, Surrey 1663 Bickerton, of Upwood, Hunts. .. 1778 Bickley, of Attleborough, Nor- folk 1661 1820 1660 1766 17O8 1818 1789 1695 1711 1750 1712 1833 1816 1684 1631 1764 1743 1651 1714 1717 1631 1701 1690 1824 1786 1832 1754 456 EXTINCT BARONETCIES. Biggs, of Lenchwick, Worcester 1620 1621 Bindlosse, of Borwick, Lane 1641 1688 Blacket, of Newcastle-up.-Tyne 1685 1728 Blaekham, of London 1696 1728 Blackston, of Blackston, Durham 1615 1630 Gibside ditto. . 1642 1713 Blackwell, of Sprowston, Nor- folk 1718 1801 Bland, of Kippax, York 1642 1756 Blount, of Tittenhanger, Herts . 1680 1757 Bolles, of Scampton, Line 1628 1714 Bond, of Wales 1658 1767 Booth, of Dunham Massey, Chester 1611 1797 E. E. and B. Delamere, ext. Boothby, of Chingford, Essex . . 1660 1669 Boreel, of Amsterdam 1645 Borlase, of Bockmer, Bucks 1642 1689 Boteler, of Teston, co. Kent 1641 1772 Hatfield Woodhall, Herts 1620 1647 E, B. Butler, 1628, ext. Botiler, of Bramfield, Herts 1643 1657 Bovey, of Hillfields, Warwick . . 1660 1679 Bowyer, of Leighthorne, Sussex 1627 Knippersley , Stafford 1660 1701 Bradshaigh, of Haigh, Lane 1679 1786 Braham, of New Windsor, Berks 1662 Braithwaite, 1802 1809 Brereton, of Hanford, Chester. . 1626 1678 Bridgeman, of Ridley, Chester. . 1673 Briggs, of Haughton, Salop 1641 1767 Bright, of Badsworth, York 1660 Brograve, of Hammells, Herts. . 1663 1707 Bromfield, of Southwark, Surrey 1662 17-33 Brooke, of Nacton, Suffolk 1661 1694 of York 1676 1770 Brown, of London 1660 ditto 1699 Deptford, Kent 1649 1683 Edinburgh 1709 Westminster 1732 1830 Browne, of Walcot, Northamp- ton 1621 Bech worth, Surrey. . 1627 1690 Caversham, Oxon... 1665 1774 Kiddington, Oxon . . 1658 1754 Brownlowe, of Belton, Lincoln 1641 1680 I. V. Tyrconnel. of Humby, Lincoln 1641 1754 Brudenell, of Dean, Northamp- ton 1611 1790 E. D. of Montagu. Brydges, of Wilton, Hereford . . 1627 1789 E. D. Chandos. Buck, of Hamby Grange 1660 1782 BuUer, of Trenant, Cornwall .. . 1808 1824 Burges, of East Ham, Es.sex .... 1793 1803 Burroughs, of Castle Bagshaw, Cavan, Ireland 1804 1829 Burton, of Stokerston, Leicester 1622 Buswell, of Clipston, Northamp- ton 1660 1667 alias Pelsant, of Clipston, aforesaid . 1714 Button, of Alton, Wilts 1621 1712 Cairnes, of Monaghan, Ireland 1708 1743 Calder, of Southwick, Hants.. .. 1798 1818 Callandar, of Westertown, Stir- ling 1798 1812 Calverley, of Calverlev, York . . 1711 1777 Cambell, of Clay Hall", Essex .. . 1664 1699 Woodford, Essex.. . 1661 1662 Campbell, of Inverneil, N.B. . .. 1818 1819 Cann, of Comi)t(m, Gloucester . . 1662 1765 Carcw, of Antony, Cornwall .. .. 1641 l748 Beddiiigton, Surrey . . 1715 l762 Carleton, of Holcum, Oxon 1627 Carpentier, of France Ui^H Carr, of Sleaford, Line 1611 1683 Carteret, of Metesches, Jersey . . 1645 1776 E. E. Granville. St. Owen, Jersey . . 1670 1715 Castleton, of Bury, Suffolk 1641 1810 Chaloner, of Gisborough, York 1620 1640 Chamberlayne, of Wickham, Oxon 1642 1776 Chaplin, of South, Lincoln 1715 1730 Chapman, of London 1720 1784 Chardin, ditto 1720 1755 Charlton, of Heysleyside, Nor- thumberland 1645 Ludford, Hereford 1686 1784 Chaytor, of Croft Hall, York . 1671 1720 Cheere, of Westminster 1766 1808 Chernocke, of Hulcott, Bedford 1661 1779 Chester, of Chichley , Bucks 1619 1769 Child, of Wanstead, Essex 1678 1784 I. E. Tylney Surat, in the E. Indies 1685 1753 Cholmeley, of Whitby, York.. .. 1641 Cholmondley, of Cholmondeley, Chester 1611 1659 I. E. Lein-ster Chudleigh, of Aston, Devon. . . . 1622 1745 Chute, of Hauxfall Place, Kent 1684 1721 Clarges, of St. Martin's in the Fields, Middlesex 1674 1834 Clarke, of Snailwell, Camb 1698 1806 Clere, of Ormsby, York 1620 1622 Clerke, of Laund Abbey, Leicest. 1661 1759 Duddleston, Salop... 1774 1788 Clifton, of Clifton. Lane 1660 1664 Close 1812 1813 Cobb, of Adderbury, Oxon 1662 1762 Cocks, of Dumbleton, Gloucest.. 1661 1765 Coghill, of Richings, Bucks 1781 1790 Coke, of Langford, Derby 1641 1727 Colbrand, of Boreham, Sussex. . 1621 1709 Colby, of Kensington, Middlesex 1720 l729 Cole, of Brancepeth, Durham.. . 1641 Collier 1814 Compton,of Hartbury, Gloucest. 1686 Constable, of Flamborough, York 1611 Everingham, do.. 1642 Conway, of Brothruthan, Flint.. 1660 Conyers, of Horden, Durham — 1628 Cooke, of Brome Hall, Norfolk. . 1663 Cookes, of Norgrave, Worcester. 1664 Cooper, of Walcot, Somerset 1828 Copley, of Sprotborough, York. 1661 Cope, of Brewern, Oxon 1714 Corbet, of Sprowston, Norfolk.. 1623 Stoke, Salop 1627 Moreton Corbet, ditto 1642 Leighton, Montgoms. 1642 . Stoke upon Tern and Adderley , Salop 1786 Cordell, of Melford, Suffolk 166(t Cornish, of Snaresbrook, Beds . . 1766 Coryton, of Newton, Cornwall. . 1662 Cottington.of Hanworth,Middx. 1623 E. B. Cottington. Cotton, of Connington, Hunts.. 1611 Courtene,of Aldington, Worcest. 1621 Covert, of Slaugham, Sussex 1660 Crane, of Chilton, Suffolk 1627 Wood Rising, Norfolk 1643 Craven, of Spersholt, Berks 1661 Crispe, of llatniucrsniith 1665 Crofts, of Slow, Sutlolk 1661 Cropley, of Clnkn.wcll 1661 Crosse, of Westminster 1713 Crowe, of I.l.niiienie, Carmarth. 1627 Cullen, of Kast SiieeTi, Surrey.. . 1661 Culpepcr, of I'reston, Kent 1627 .- VVakehurst, Sussex 1627 Curson, of Water Peerv, Oxon. . 1661 Curll, of Soberton, Hants 1678 Curtius 1562 Curwen, of Workington, Cum- berland 1627 Cutler, of London 1660 Cutts, of Childerley, Camb 1660 I. B. Cutts. 1773 1655 1747 1721 1810 1708 1701 1828 1709 1821 1661 1750 1688 1774 1823 1704 1770 1739 1653 1752 1624 1679 1643 1655 1713 1740 1665 1713 1762 1730 1723 1740 J 750 1679 1664 1693 1670 EXTINCT BARONETCIES. 457 D'Aeth, of Knowlton, Kent 1716 1808 Dallison, of Loughton, Line 1611 1645 Dalston, of Dalston, Cumberland 1641 1765 Dance-Holland, of Wittenham, Berks 1800 1811 Danvers, of Culworth, North- ampton 1643 1776 Swithland, Leieest. . 1746 1796 Darev, of St. Osith's, Essex 1660 1698 Darell, of West Woodhev, Berks 1622 Darnell, of Hevling, Lincoln .. . 1621 1640 Davers, of Rougham, Suffolk. . .. 1682 1806 London 1686 Davv,ofGrosvenorStreet,Middx. 1818 1829 Dawes, of Putney, Surrey 1663 1741 Dawnay, of Cowick, York 1642 Decker', of London 1716 1749 Delaval, of Seaton, Northumber- land 1660 1707 Ford ditto 1761 1808 I. and E. B. Delaval, ext. Delves, of Dodington, Chester . . 1621 1727 De Neufville, of Germany 1709 Dennis, of St. Marv's, Kent 1767 1778 Deunv, of Gillingham, Norfolk 1642 Denton, of Hillersden, Bucks.. . 1699 1714 De Raedt, of Holland 1660 Dereham, of West Dereham, Norfolk 1661 1738 De Vic, of Guernsey 1649 D'Ewes, of Stowhall, Suffolk... . 1641 1731 Diggs, of Chilham, Kent 1666 1666 Dilhngton, of Knighton, Isle of Wight 1628 1721 DLxwell, of Tirlingham, Kent . . 1628 1641 Broomhouse, do 1660 1750 Cotton Hall, War- wickshire 17I6 1757 Dormer, of Lee Grange, Bucks. . 1661 1726 Douglas, of Castle Douglas, Kirk- cudbright 1801 1809 Downing, of East Hatley, Camb. 1663 1764 D'Oyley, of Chiselhampton,Oxon 1666 Kandv, Cevlon 1821 1824 Drake, of Buckland, Devon 1622 1/94 Shardelowes, Bucks. . 1641 1669 Ash, Devon 1660 1733 Prospect, Devon 1782 1789 Draper, of Sunninghill, Berks. . 1660 1703 Drury, of Riddlesworth, Norf.. . 1627 1712 Overstone, Northamp. 1739 1759 Dryden, of Canon's Ashby, ditto 1619 1770 Ducie, of London 1629 1703 Duck, of Haswell, Durham .... 1687 1691 Duddleston, of Bristol 1692 Dudley, of Clapton, Northamp. 1660 1764 (Bate), of Chelsea .... 1813 1824 Duke, of Benhall, Suffolk 1661 1732 Duncan, of Marvlebone 1764 1774 Duncornbe, of tangley, Surrey 1662 I706 Dutrv, of London 1716 1728 Dutton, of Sherborne, Dorset . . 1678 1743 Dycer, of Uphall, Herts 1661 1676 Dyer, of Staughton, Hunts 1627 1670 Earle, of Craglethorpe, Line. . 1629 1697 East, of Hall Place, Berks 1766 1828 Edwards, of York 1691 1764 Eldred, of Saxham, Suffolk 1642 1653 Elliott, of Peebles, N.B 1778 1786 Ellis, of Wyham, Line 1660 1742 Elwes, of Stoke, Suffolk 1660 Elwill, of Exeter 1709 1778 Englefield, of Wotton Bassett, Wilts .. 1612 1822 Enyon, of Flowrie, Northampt. 1642 1642 Ernie, of New Sarum 1661 1788 Essex, of Beweot, Berks 1612 Estcourt, of Newton, Wilts 1627 1684 Etherington, of Hull, York 1775 1819 Evelyn, of Godstone, Surrey 1660 I671 Long Ditton, ditto . . 1683 1692 Everard, of Much Waltham, Es!5ex 1629 1745 Eyles, of London 1714 1768 Falkiner, of Abbotstown Dub- lin 1812 1815 Fanshaw 1650 1695 Farington, of Chichester 1697 1719 Farnaby, of Kippington, Kent. . 1726 1798 Fellows, of Carshalton, Surrey.. 1719 1724 Felton, of Playford, Suffolk. . . . 1620 1719 Fenwick, of Fenwick, Northum- berland 1628 1697 Fermor, of Seven Oaks, Kent.. . 1725 1784 (afterwards Eversfield.) Ferrers, of Skellingthorpe, Lin- coln 1628 1675 Fetherston, of Blakesware, Herts. 1660 1746 Fettiplace, of Childrey, Berks. . 1661 1743 Firebrace, of London 1698 1759 Fisher, of Paekington, Warwick 1622 1739 St. Giles, Middlesex. . 1627 1707 Fitton, of Gawsworth, Chester. . 1617 1643 Fleetwood, of Caldwiek, Staf- ford 1611 1802 Fleming, of Brompton, Middle- sex 1763 1763 Fletcher, of Hutton, Cumberland 1641 1712 Foley, of Thorpe, Surrey 1767 1782 Foljambe,of Walton, Derby 1622 1640 Forster, of Bambrough, North- umberland 1620 1623 Aldennarston, Berks. 1620 I71I Greenwich, Kent 1661 Stokesly, York 1649 Fortescue, of Fallowpit, Devon 1664 1682 Wood, ditto 1667 1686 Fowell, of Fowell, ditto 1661 1692 Fowler, of Islington, Middlesex. 1628 1656 Hariiage Grange, Sa- lop 1704 1771 Francklvn, of ISIoor Park, Herts 1660 1728 Freer, of Water Eyton, Oxon. ... 1620 1630 Freke, of West Bilney, Norfolk . 1713 1764 Fryer, of London 1714 1726 Fuller, of ditto 1687 1709 Furnese, of Waldeshare, Kent. . 1707 1735 Fust, of Hill, Gloucester 1662 1779 Fytche, of Eltham, Kent 1688 1736 Cans, of Holland 1682 Gardiner, of London 1660 1779 Garrard, of Lamer, Herts 1622 1767 Langford, Norfolk 1662 1728 Gawdy, of Crows Hall, Suffolk. . 1661 West Harling, Nor- folk 1663 1723 Gell, of Hopton, Derby 1642 1719 Gerard, of Harrow-on-the-HilJ, Middlesex 1620 I7I6 Fiskerton, Line... 1666 Germaine, of Westminster 1698 I7I8 Gideon, (afterwards Eardley,) of Belvedere, Kent 1759 1824 I. B. Eardley. Giffbrd, of Burstall, Leicester. . . 1660 Castle Jordan, Meath 1661 Gleane, of Hardwicke, Norfolk . . 1666 1745 Godolphin, of Godolphin, Corn- wall 1661 1710 Golding, of Colston Bassett, Notts 1642 1716 Goodere, of Burhope, Hereford. 1707 1776 Gordon, of Newark-upon-Trent, Notts 17*54 1831 Gorges, of Langford, Wilts 1612 1712 1. B. Gorges, Goring, of Burton, Sussex 1621 1724 Gostwick, of Willington, Beds. . 1612 Gould, of London 1660 1664 Green, of Sampford, Essex 1660 1676 Mitcham, Surrey 1664 1671 Grenville, of Kilkhampton, Cornwall 1630 1658 Gresham,of Limpsfield, Surrey. 1660 1801 Grey, of Chillingham, Northum- X 458 EXTINCT BARONETCIES. berland 1619 170G E. B. Grev, of Werke, and E. E. Tankerville. Griffith, of Agnes Burton, York 1027 IC>5C> Grimston, of Bradfield, Essex . . 1G15 1700 Guise, of Elmore, Gloucester .. . 1661 1783 Guldeford, of Hempstead, Kent 16f!6 1717 Gurney, of London 1641 1647 Hales, of Woodchurch, Kent. . 1611 1829 Beakesbourne, Kent. . 1660 1824 Coventry 1660 Halford, of Wistow, Leicester . . 1641 1780 Welham, Leicester. . 1706 Halton, of Samford, Essex 1642 1823 Hamilton, of London 1642 Hanmer, of Hanmer, Flint 1620 1746 Harby, of Aldenham, Herts 1660 1674 Hardres, of Hardres, Kent 1642 1764 Hare, of Stow Bardolph, Nor- folk 1641 1764 Harland, of Sutton Hall, York.. 1808 1810 Harris, of Boreatton, Salop 1622 Tong, Salop 1623 Stowford, Devon 1673 1686 Hartopp, of Freathley, Leicest. . 1619 1762 Hastings, of Rediinch, Somerset. 1667 1G63 Hatton, of Long Stanton, Cam- bridge 1641 1312 Hawkesworth, of Hawkesworth, York 1678 1736 Hawkins, of Trewithan, Corn- wall 1791 1829 Hawley, of Buckland, Soinerset. 1644 1772 Hele, of Flete, Devon 1627 1677 Hendley, of Cuckfield, Sussex . . 1661 1676 Henley, of Henley, Somerset.. . 1660 1740 Hene, of Winkfield, Berks 1642 Herbert, of Redcastle, Montgo- mery 1622 1748 E. M. Powys <- Tinterne, Monmouth. 1660 Bromfield, Salop .... 1660 1668 Heron, of Chipchase, Northumi- berland 1662 Hervey, of Kidbrooke, Kent 1619 1642 E. and I. B. Hervey. Hewet, of Headly Hall, York. .. 1621 1822 Pishobury, Herts 1660 1689 I. V. Hewet. Heyman, of Somerfield, Kent.. . 1641 1808 Hickman, of Gainsborough, Lin- coln 1643 1781 Hicks, of Campden, Gloucester. 1620 1629 E. V. Campden. Hildyard, of Patrington, York- shire 1660 1814 Hoby, of Bisham, Berks 1666 1766 Hodges, of Middlesex, and Ca- diz in Spain 1697 1722 Holland, of Quiddenham, Nor- folk 1629 1729 Holies, of Winterbourne, Dor- set 1660 1694 E. B. Holies. Holman, of Banbury, Oxon 1663 1700 Holt, of Ashton, Warwick 1612 1782 Hook, of Flanchford, Surrey. .. . 1662 17)2 Horton, of Chaderton, Lane 1764 1821 Howe, of Barwick, Wilts 1660 1735 Compton, Gloucester. . 1660 1814 E. E. Howe. Huband, of Ipslev, Warwick 1661 1730 Humble, of London 1660 174.5 Kensington 1687 170.") Humphreys, of London 1714 1737 Hungate, of .Saxton, York 1()42 1749 Hussey, of Honington, Lincoln. 1611 > ,^„, . Caythorpe, ditto 1()61 / ^' "^ Hyde, of Aldbury, Herts 1621 1665 Ingleby, of Ripley, York 1642 1772 lugoldesby, of Lethenborough, Bucks 1661 1726 Innes, of Lochalsh, Ross 1819 1831 Jackson, of Hickleton, York. . 1660 Jacob, of Bromley, Essex 1665 1790 Jacques, of Middlesex 1628 1650 James, of Crishall, Essex 1682 1741 Park Farm, Kent 1778 1792 Janssen, of Wimbledon, Surrey. 1715 1777 Jason, of Broad Somerford, Wilts 1661 1738 Jebb, of Trent Place, Middlesex 1778 1787 Jeffreys, of Bulstrode, Bucks. . . 1681 1702 E. B. Jeffreys. Jenkinson, of Walton, Derby. . . 1685 1739 Jenoure, of Dunmow, Essex ... 1628 1755 Jones, of Albemarlis, Carmar- then 1643 Ramsbury, Wilts . . . 1774 1791 Juxon, of Albourne, Sussex 1660 1740 Kaye, of Woodsom, York 1642 1810 Keate, of The Hoo, Herts 1660 1757 Kemeys, of Kevenmably, Gla- morgan 1642 1735 Kempe, of Pentlowe, E.ssex 1626 1667 Kenriek, of Whitley, Berks 1679 1699 Keyt, of Ebrington, Gloucester.. 1660 1784 Killegrew, of Arwinnick, Corn- wail 1660 1704 Kingsmill, of Sidmanton, South- ampton 1800 1823 Kirle.of Much Marcle, Hereford. 1627 1679 Kneller, of Whitton, Middlesex. 1715 1723 Knightley, of Offchurch, War- wick •• 1660 1688 Kniveton, of Mercaston, Derby.. 1611 1706 Knollys, of Grove Place, Hants. 1642 1642 • Thame, Oxon 1754 1772 Kny vett, of Buckenham, Norfolk 1611 1699 Lade, of Warbleton, Sussex 1730 1747 Lane, of Tulske, Ireland 1661 1724 I. V. Lanesborough. Langhorn, of London 1668 1714 Langley, of Higham Gobion, Bed- ford 1641 Laroche, of Aldmondsbury,Glouc.l776 1805 Laurence, of Iver, Bucks. . 1628 St. Ives, Hunts. 1748 (afterwards Wollaston). Lawday , of Exeter 1642 1648 Lawson, of Brough Hall, York. . 1665 1834 Isell, Cumberland . . 1688 1806 Lear, of London 1660 1684 Lindridge, Devon 1683 1740 Lee, of Quarendon, Bucks 1611 1776 E. E. Lichfield. Langley, Salop 1620 1660 Leicester, of Tabley, Chester .. . 1660 1742 Leigh, of Stoneleigh, Warwick.. 1611 1786 E. B. Leigh. Newnliam, Warwick . 1618 1653 E. E. Chichester. Leke, of Sutton, Derby 1611 1736 E. E. Scarsdale. Newark, Notts 1663 1682 Leman, of Northaw, Herts 1665 1741 Lennard.ofWestWickham, Kent 1642 1727 L'Estrange, of Hunstanton, Nor- folk 1629 1760 Leventhorpe, of Shingey Hall, Herts 1622 1680 Lewis, of Llangors, Brecon 1628 1677 Ledston, York 1660 1671 Ley, of Westbury, Wilts 1619 1679 E. E. Marlborough. Lippincott, of Stoke -Bishop, (ilouc 1778 1829 Livesey, of East Church, Kent . . 1627 1660 Lloyd, of Yale, Denbigh 1647 1700 (rarth, Montgomery. . 1661 1743 Woking, Surrey 1662 1674 EXTINCT BARONETCIES. 459 Lloyd, of Milfield, Cardigan 1708 Peterwell, ditto 1763 Long, of Whaddon, Wilts KM) Westminster 1(562 Lort, of Stackpoole Court, Pem- broke 1662 Lovett, of Liscombe, Bucks 17H1 Lowther, of Whitehaven 1642 Marske, York 16f)7 ^Swillington, ditto . . 1715 Lucas, of Fenton, Lincoln 1644 Luckyn, of Waltham, Essex 1661 Lucy, of Broxbourne, Herts.. . . . 1618 Lumley, of Bradfield, Essex 1641 Lumsden, of Auchindoir, N.B. . . 1821 Lyde, of Ayot St. Lawrence, Herts 1772 Lyttleton, of Pillaton Hall, Staf- ford 1G27 Stoke Milburgh, Salop 1642 Mackintosh, of Inverness 1012 Mackworth, of Normanton, Rut- land 1619 Macpherson, of Calcutta 1786 Maddox, of Wormeley, Herts. . . 1676 Mainwairing, of Over Peover, Chester 1660 Mann, of Linton Place, Kent 1755 Mannock, of Gilford Hall, Suflblk 1627 Mansel,of Margam, Glamorgan. . 1611 E. B. Mansel. Mansel, of Trimsaran, Carmar- then 1697 Maples, of Stowe, Hunts 1627 Markham, of Sedgbrook, Lin- coln 1642 Marow, of Berkswell, Warwick. . 1679 Marwood, of Little Bushby,Yorks.l660 Masham, of High Lever, Essex. . 1621 E. B. Masham. Massingberd, of Bratostshall, Lin- coln 1660 Matthews, of Gobions, Essex 1662 Mauleverer, of Allerton, York.. 1641 Mawbey, of Botley's, Surrey 1/65 Maynard, of Estaines, Essex .... 1611 E. V. Maynard. Mayne, of Marston, Beds 1763 I. B. Newhaven. Mayney, of Linton, Kent 1641 Merces, of France 1660 Meredith, of Stainsley, Denbigh.. 1622 Meux, of Isle of Wight 1641 Middleton, of Ruthyn, Denbigh. 1622 Leighton, Lane. . 1642 Chirke, Denbigh . 1660 Hackney, Middle- .sex 1681 Mildmay, of Moulsham, Essex. . 1611 1765 Miller, of Oxenhoath 1660 Mitchell, of Westshore, N.B. . . . 1724 Modyford, of London 1661 . Lincoln's Inn 1664 Mohun, of Boconnoc, Cornwall.. 1612 E. B. Mohun. Molvneux, of Tevershall, Notts. 1611 Monnoux, of Wotton, Beds 1660 Montgomery, of Magbie Hall, T weeddale, N.B 1774 Monyns, of Waldershare, Kent. 1611 Moody, of Garesdon, Wilts 1622 Moor, of Mayds Morton, Bucks. 1665 Moore, of Fawley, Bucks 1627 Loseley, Surrey 1642 Jamaica 1764 (Rear Admiral) 176(3 Morden, of Blackheath, Kent... . 1688 More, of More Hall, Lane 1675 Moreland, alias Morley, of Sul- hampstead Banister, Berks 1660 Morgan, of Lanternam, Mon- 1750 1769 1710 1805 1812 1755 1753 17(33 1668 1759 1771 1821 1791 1812 1710 1803 1821 I7I6 1797 1814 17«7 1750 1798 1635 1779 1740 1776 1723 1708 1713 1817 1775 1794 1706 1739 1705 1718 1620 1771 1714 1783 1673 1703 1712 1812 1814 1831 1678 1662 1807 1684 1780 1779 17O8 1810 1717 mouth- • 1642 Langattock ditto 1661 Morrice, of Werrington, Devon . 1(561 Morrison, of Cashiobury, Herts.. 1611 Morton, of Milburn, Dorset 1619 Mosley, of Rolleston, Stafford . . 1640 . . 1720 Mostyn, of Mostyn Hall, Flint. . 16(50 Mottet, of Liege in Flanders 1660 Moyer, of Petsey, Essex 1701 Myers 1804 Napier, of Middlemarsh, Dor- setshire 1641 Punknol ditto.. . 1682 Luton Hoo, Beds.. . 1612 16(51 Narborough, of Knowlton, Kent 1688 Nevill, alias Smith, of Holt, Lei- cester 1661 Grove, Notts 1675 Newdigate,of Arbury, Warwick . 1677 Newman, of Fifehead, Dorset . . 1699 Newton, of Charlton, Kent 1620 (Afterwards Puckering.) Newton, of Barrs Court, Glou- cester 1660 London ditto. . 1661 Nichols, of Hardwiek, North- ampton 1641 Noel, of Brook, Rutland 1611 E. E. Gainsborough. Noel, of Kirkby Mallory, Leices- ter 1660 E. V. Wentworth. Norris, of Speke, Lane 1698 North, of Mildenhall, Suffolk.. . 1660 Norton, of Rotherfield, Hants . . 1621 Coventry, Warwick. . 1661 Norwich, of Brampton, North- ampton 1641 Oldfield, of Spalding, Lincoln . 1660 O'Neill, of Upper Claneboys 1643 Orby, of Crowland, Lincoln .... 1658 Ormsby, of Dublin 1812 Osbaldeston, of Chadlington, Oxon 1664 Oughton, of Tetchbrook, War- wick 17I8 Page, of Greenwich, Kent 1714 Pakington, of Ailesbury, Bucks.. 1620 Palgrave, of Norwood, Norfolk. . 1(341 Parker, of Awarton, Suffolk 1661 Ratton, Sussex 1674 Parsons, of Lan^dey, Bucks 1661 Paston, of Oxmead, Norfolk 1641 E. E. Yarmouth. Pate, of Sysonby, Leicester 1643 Paul, of Rodborough, Gloucester 1762 Payler, of Thoralby, York 1642 Payne, of St. Christopher 1737 Peneyston, of Leigh, Sussex 1612 Pennyman, of Marske, York 1628 Peperell, of New England 1746 Boston, New Eng- land 1774 Peshall, of Horsley, Stafford .... 1612 Pettus, of Rackheath, Norfolk. 1641 Peyton, of Isleham, Camb 1611 Knowlton, Kent 1611 Doddington, Camb.. . 1660 . . 1667 Phelipps, of Barrington, Somer- set 1620 Pickering, of Whaddon, Camb. . 1661 Pile, of Compton, Berks 1628 Pindar, of Edinshaw, Chester... . 1662 Playters, of Sotterley, Suffolk.. . 1623 Pleydell, of Coleshill, Berks 1732 Plomer, of London 1661 Pole (Admiral) 1801 Pollard, of King's Njmpton, De- x2 1767 1750 1628 1698 1665 1779 1831 1715 1811 176.'; 1675 1747 1711 1711 1686 1806 1747 1700 1743 167'» 1717 1798 1815 1702 1695 1652 1691 1742 170G 1724 1833 1749 173G 1775 183 1G96 Lysson Hall, Jamaica 1778 1815 Tempest, of Stella, Durham 1622 1742 Tong, York Iti64 1819 Temple, of Sheen, Surrey 1G(J6 169.9 Tench, of Low Layton, Essex. .. 1/15 1737 Thomas, of Michaelstown, Gla- morgan 1642 Folkington, Sussex 1660 1706 Thompson, of Haversham, Bucks 1673 1745 E. B. Haversham. Thornhill, of Barbadoes 1682 Thornhurst, of Agnes Court, Kent 1622 1627 Thornycroft, ofMilcomb, Oxon I70I 1743 Thorold, of Hawley, Lincoln . . 1644 1706 Harmston, ditto | \if^^ J^|| Throckmorton, of Tortworth, Gloucester 1611 1682 Tichbourne, of Beaulieu, Louth, Ireland 16i)7 1731 I. B. Farrard. Tipping, of Wheatfield, Oxon . . 1698 1725 Tirrell, of Thornton, Bucks. . . 1627 1749 Springfield, Essex.. .. 1666 1766 Hanslape, Bucks.... 1665 1714 Tirwhitt, of Stainfield, Lincoln 1611 1760 ToUemache, of Helmingham, Suffolk 1611 1821 S. E. Dysart. Tooker, of Maddington, Wilts 1664 1678 Topp, of Toi-marton, Gloucester. 1668 Tracy, of Stan way ditto,. ..1611 1677 Treshara, of Rush ton, Northamp- ton 1611 1651 Trevor, of Enfield, Middlesex.. 1641 1676 Trott, of Laverstoke, Hants. . . . 1660 1672 Tryon, of Layer Marney 1620 1724 Tufton, of Mote, Kent 1641 1685 Tuke, of Cressing Temple, Essex 1664 Tulpe, of Amsterdam 1675 Turner, of Warham, Norfolk. . 1727 Kirkleatham, York . 1782 1780 1810 1635 1785 Warner, of Parham, Suffolk .... 1660 Warre, of Hestereomb, Somer- set 1673 Warren, of Little Marlow, Bucks 1/75 Wastneys, of Headon, Notts. .. . 1622 W^atson, of Rockingham, North- ampton 1621 E. M. Rockingham. W^enman, of Caswell, Oxon 16G2 I. V. Wenman. Wentworth, of Go.sfield, Essex. . 1611 Wentworth, York 1611 E. E. Stafford. Bretton, York . . 1664 North Elmsall, York 1692 Twisleton, of Barley, York 1629 Tynte, of Halswell, Somerset.. 16/4 Valckenburgh, of York 1642 Vanacker (afterwards Sam brooke), of London 1701 1754 Van Coulster, of Amsterdam. . . . 1645 1665 Vandeput, of Twickenham, Mid- dlesex 1723 1800 Vanderbrande, of Holland 1699 Vane, of Long Newton, Durham 1782 1813 Van Friesendorf, of Sweden 1661 Vanlore, of Tylehurst, Berks... 1628 1645 Van Tromp, of Holland 1674 Vavasour, of KilUngthorpe, Lin- coln 1631 1665 Copmanthorpe, York 1643 1659 Haslewood, York. . 1628 1826 Verney, of Middle Clay don, Bucks 1661 1791 I. E. Verney. Vernon, of Hodnet, Salop 1660 1725 Villiers, of Brooksby, Leicester . 1619 I7II Viner, of London { Jgg jggg Vitus, alias White, of Limerick (Marquess of the Holy Roman Empire) 1677 V/ALKER, of Bushey Hall, Herts 1680 Walter, of Saresden, Oxon 1641 1731 W'andesford, of Kirkhngton, York 1GG2 1784 I. E. Wandesford. Warburton, of Arley, Chester . . 1660 1813 Ward, of Bexley, Norfolk 1660 1770 Werden . . . ; 1672 Wescombe 17(X> Wharton, of Kirkby Kendall, Westmoreland 1677 Wheate, of Glympton, Oxon.. .. 1696 Whitmore, of .\pley, Salop 1641 V.'iddrington, of Widdrington . . 1642 E. B. Widdrington, attainted. Cartington U342 Wilbraham, of Woodhey, Chester 1621 Wilde 1660 Williams, of Vaynol, Carmarth.. 1622 Marnhull, Dorset . . 1642 Minster, Thanet... 1642 Llangibby, Mon- mouth 1(>42 Guerneved, Brecon 1644 Eltham, Kent 1674 Edwinsford, Car- marthen 171 >7 — Clapton, Northamp. 1747 Willoughby, of Risley, Derby . . 1611 WilIoughby,Not- 17I8 1822 1742 1782 1800 1631 179i> 1792 1743 1758 1752 tingham . Willys, of Fen Ditton, Camb .. 1660 1641 1(>46 1660 1661 1645 1641 16/3 Winch, of Hannes, Beds Winchcombe, of Bucklebun' Berks ." . Windebanck, of Haynes, Wilts. . Windham, of Pilsden, Dorset . . Trent, Somerset . . Winfred, of Grashampton, Wor- cester 1702 Wingfield, of Goodwins, Suffolk 1627 Winne, of Guidder, Carnarvon. . 1611 Wintour, of Huddington, Wor- cester 1642 Wintringham, of Dover Street, Middlesex 1774 Wiseman, of Thundcrsley, Essex 1628 Rivenhall, ditto 1660 Witte wrong, of Stantonbury, Bucks 1662 Wolriche, of Dudmaston, Salop. 1641 Wolstenholme, of London 1665 Woodford, of Carleby, Lincoln . 1791 Worsley, (afterwards Worslev- Holmes,) of the Isle of Wight 1611 Wortley, of Wortley, York 1611 Wray, of Glentwortli, Lincoln. . 1612 Ashby, ditto 16(30 Wright, of Dagenham, Essex . . 1660 Cranham Hall, ditto. 1661 Wroth, of Blenden Hall, Kent. . 1660 Wyche, of Chewton, Somerset.. . 1729 Wynne, of Leeswood Flint 1731 Wytham, of Goldsbcrough, York 1683 1816 1699 17J« 169;{ 1644 1770 1745 1784 1649 1670 1732 1703 1703 1/19 16(53 1719 1743 1719 16.58 1794 1771 1723 1825 1809 1681 1738 1722 1756 16C9 Yate, of Buckland, Berks 1622 16;iO Yeamans, of Bristol 1665 17!i8 RecUand, Gloucest. . 1666 16(f7 Yelverton, of Rougham, Norfolk 1620 1649 Easton Mauduit, Northampton 1641 I'i^'jii E. E. Sussex. Yonge, of Culleton, Devon 1661 l«Ui Young, of Westminster ....... 1628 X 3 462 THE EXISTING BARONETAGE OF THE EXISTING BARONETAGE OF SCOTLAND AND NOVA SCOTIA. PEERAGES IN WHICH THE DIGNITY HAS MERGED. Duke of Roxburgh. Marquess of Bute. ■ Ailsa. Queensberry. Breadalbane. Earl of Kellie. Traquair. Dundonald. Stair. Castlestewart. Minto. Caithness. Lauderdale. ■ Carnwath. Aberdeen. Roseberry. Rosslyn. ■ Verulam. • Wemyss. Earl of Seafield. Lucan. Gosford. Cowper. Viscount Kenmure. Baron Forbes. Sinclair. ■ Reay. Scarsdale. Nairn. Saltoun. Eljihinstone.- Elibank. Macdonald. Aljernethie. Napier. Banff. Kilmaine. 1637 Abercrombie, of Berkenbog, Banff. 1629 Agnew, of Lochnaw, Wigtoun. 1694 Anstruther, of Anstruther, Fife. 1694 Anstruther, of Balcaskie, Fife. 1629 Amot, of Amot, Perth. 1680 Baird, of Saughton, Edinburgh. 1633 Balfloui, of Denmiln, Fife. 1682 Bannerman, of Elsick, Aberdeen. 1668 Barclay, of Piers ton, Ayrshire. I(i86 Broun, of Colstoun, Haddington. 162f) Bruce, of Stenhouse, Sterling. 1626 Burnet, of Lees, Aberdeen. 1686 Calder, of Muirtoune, Elgin. 1628 Campbell, of Auchinbreck, Argyle. 1628 Campbell, of Aberuchill, Perth. 1628 Campbell, of Ardnamurchan, Argyle. 1665 Campbell, of Purves, Berwick. 1628 Carmichael, of Skirling, Peebles. 1663 Carnegie, of Southesk, Forfar. 17C3 Cathcart, of Carlton, Ayrshire. 1676 Clerk, of Pennieuiek, Edinburgh. 1627 Cockburne, of Langton, Berwick. 1671 Cockburn, of Cockburn, Berwick. 1625 Colquhoun, of Luss, Dumbarton. lihiS Cooper, of Gogar, Suffolk. 163() Crosbie, of Maryborough, Queen's CO. 1707 Craigie, of Gairsay, Orkney. 1()38 Crawfurd, of Jordanhill, Renfrew. 1695 Gumming, of Coutter, Dumfries. 1630 Cunningham, of Uobcrtland, Ayrshire. 16<39 Cunningham, of ('ai)ringt()n, Ayrshire. 1673 Cunningham, of AucliinlKTvie, Ayrsh. 1672 Cunninghamc, of t^orseliill, Ayrshire. 1700 Cunninghamc, of Mihicraig, Ayrshire. 1697 Dalrymple, of Cranstoun, Edinburgh. 170t) Dalrymple, of North Berwick, Had- dington, 1685 Dalzcll, of Binns, Linlithgow. 1693 Denham, of Coltness, Haddington. 1688 Dick, of Fountain Hall, Haddington. 1637 Dick, of Braid, Edinburgh. 1707 Dick, of Prestonfield, Edinburgh. 1669 Don, of Newton, Berwick. 1625 Douglas, of Glenbervie, Kincardine. 1678 Douglas, of Castle Douglas, Kirkcud- bright. 1697 Dunbar, of Durn, Banff. 17<»0 Dunbar, of Northfield, Wigtoun. I7O6 Dunbar, of Hempriggs, Caithness. 1694 Dunbar, of Mochrum, Wigtoun. 1669 Dunlop, of Craigie, Ayrshire. 1666 Elliot, of Stobbs, Roxburgh. 1703 Fergusson, of Kilkerran, Ayrshire. 1626 Forbes, of I'itsUgo, Aberdeen. 16.30 Forbes, of Craigivar, Aberdeen. 1634 Foulis, of Colinton, Edinburgh. Gibson, of Clifton, 1625 Gordon, of Letterfourie, Aberdeen. 1625 Gordon, of Lesmore, Aberdeen. 1631 Gordon, of Embo, Sutherland. 1686 Gordon, of Park, Kirkcudbright. 1706 Gordon, of Earlston, Berwick. I(i88 Grant, of Dalvey, Aberdeen. 1704 Grant, of Monymusk, Aberdeen. 1685 Greirson, of Lagg, Dumfries. 1671 Halket, of Pitferrane, Fife. 1687 Hall, of Dunglass, Haddington. 1663 Hamilton, of .silverton Hill, Lanark. 1675 Hamilton, of Preston, Haddington. 1630 Hannav. of Mochrum, Wigtoun. 1635 Hay, o'f Smithfield, Peebles. 1661 Hay, of Park, Wigtoun. SCOTLAND AND NOVA SCOTIA. 463 1/05 Holbume, of Menstrie, Fife, 1697 Home, of Wedderburn, Berwick. 1671 Home, of Blackadder, Berwick. 1628 Hope, of Craig Hall, Fife. 1634 Innes, of Orton, Banff. 1628 Innes, of Balveny, Banff. 1672 Jardine, of Applegirth, Dumfries. 1626 Johnston, of Hilton, Berks. 17()() Johnstone, of Westerhall, Dumfries. 1(J85 Kirkpatrick, of Closeburn, Dumfries. 1686 Kinloch, of Gilmerton, Edinburgh. 1685 Laurie, of Maxwetton, Dumfries. 1625 Leslie, of Wardes, Moray. 1699 Livingstone, of Westquarter, Stirling. 1638 Longueville, of Prostatin, Flint. 1703 M'Kenzie, of Scatwell, Ross. 17'X) Mackenzie, of Gairloch, Ross. 1673 Mackenzie, of Cool, Ross. 1631 M'Lean, of Morvaren, Ross, 1665 Malcolm, of Balbeadie, Fife. 1681 Maxwell, of Monreith, Wigtoun. 1682 Maxwell, of Pollock, Renfrew. 1627 Maxwell, of Calderwood, Lanark. 1683 Maxwell, of Springkell, Dumfries. 1665 Menzies, of Menzies, Perth. 1686 Milne, of Barntoun, Dumfries. 1626 Moncrieff, of Tullibole, Kinross. 1685 Moncrieff, of Moncrieffe, Perth. 1634 Munro, of Foulis, Ross. 1626 Murray, of Clermont, Fife. 1628 Murray, of Blaekbarony, Peebles. 1664 Murray, of Stanhope, Peebles. 1673 Murray, of Ochtertyre, Perth. 1639 Musgrave, of Hayton, Gloucester. 17(J6 Naysmith, of Posso, Haddington. 1{S9 Nicholson, of Lasswade, Edinburgh. 1686 Nicholson, of Tillicoultry, Clackman- nan. 1669 Nisbit, of Dean, Edinburgh. 1661 Ogilvie, of Barras, Kincardine. 1626 Ogilvy, of Carnousie, Banff. 1629 Ogilvy, of Inverquhaiity, Forfar. 1635 Pilkington, of Chevet, York, 1637 Preston, of Valleyfield, Perth. 1683 Pringle, of Stichel, Roxburgh. 1625 Ramsay, of Balmain, Kincardine. 1666 Ramsay, of Banff, Banff. 1703 Reid, of Barra, Aberdeen. 1630 Richardson, of Pencaitland, Hadding- ton. 1628 Riddell, of Riddell, Roxburgh. 1672 Ross, of Balnagowan, Ross. I671 Scott, of Ancrum, Roxburgh. 1683 Seaton, of Pitmedden, Aberdeen. 1648 Seton, of Abercorn, Linlithgow, 1C)3(} Sinclair, of Stevenston, Haddington. 1664 Sinclair, of Longformacus, Berwick. 1631 Sinclair, of Dunbeath, Caithness. 1667 Stewart, of Blackball, Renfrew. 1683 Stewart, of Grandtully, Perth. 1687 Stewart, of Allanbank, Berwick. 1707 Stewart, of Tillicoultry, Kincardine. 1666 Stirling, of Glorat, Stirling. 1705 Stuart, of Fettercairn, Kincardine. 1702 Suttie, of Balgonie, Haddington. 1<387 Threipland, of Fingask, Perth. 1641 Tomline, of Loddington, Leicester. 1639 Turing, of Foveran, Aberdeen. 1631 Wardlaw, of Pitreavie, Fife. 1704 Wedderburn, of Blackness, Perth. 1704 Wemyss, of Bogie, Fife. 166U Wood, of Bonington, Fife. 464 THE EXISTING BARONETAGE OF IRELAND. THE EXISTING BARONETAGE OF IRELAND. PEERAGES IN WHICH THE DIGNITY HAS MERGED. Marquess of Watcrford. Ely. Headfort. Anglesey. Abercorii. Hastindjs. Earl of Egmont. Kingston. ■ Kenmare. Lanesborough. Mountnorris. — Limerick. Arran. Clanwilliam. Earl of Rosse. Devon. Viscount Ranelagh. Southwell. Mountmorres. De Vesci. Hawarden. Baron Muskerry. Ffrench. Ventry. Cloncurry. Da Blaquiere. C'rofton. Diifferin. 1021 Aylmer, of Donadea, Kildare. 1622 Barnewall, of Greennanston, Meath. 1775 Barry, of Sandymount, Dublin. 1688 Bellew, of Barmeath, Louth. 1622 Blake, of Mento, Galway. 1622 Blosse, of Farmhill, Mayo. 1766 Blunden.of Blunden, Kilkenny. 1704 Bond, of Coolamber, Longford. 1645 Borrowes, of Lauragh, Queen's co. 1797 Brabason, of Brabason, Mayo. 1759 Bradstreet, of Stackeumniie, Kildare. 1797 Browne, of Palmerston, Mayo. 1723 Burdett, of Dunmore, Dublin. 1628 Burke, of Glinsk, Roscommon. 1797 Burke, of INIarble Hill, Galway. 1758 Burton, of Pollerton, Carlow. 1628 Butter, of Ganyhunden, Carlow. 1683 Caldwell, of Caldwell, Fermanagh. 1787 Carden, of Tempkmore, Tipperary. 1782 Chapman, of St. Lucy, Meath. 1799 Chinncry, of Flintfield, Cork. 1620 Coote, of Ballyfin, Queen's co. 1763 Cottar, of Rock Forest, Cork. 1744 Coulthurst, of Ardrum, Cork. 17(16 Cox, of Dunmanway, Cork. 1776 Cromie, of Toddington, Leicester. 1776 Cuffe, of Leyrath, Kilkenny. 1662 Dancer, of Northland, Tipperary. 178.5 De Burgh, of Castle Connell, Limerick. 1782 Denny, of Tralee Castle, Kerry. 1787 Desvoeux, of India-Ville, Queen's co. 1721 Echlin, of Clonagh, Kildare. 1628 Esmonde, of Ballvnastra, Wexford. 1778 Falkiner, of Ann Mount, Cork. 1776 Fetherstone, of Ardagh, Longford. 1644 Fitzgerald, of Castle-ishen, Cork. 1794 Foster, of Tullaghan, Monaghan. 1665 Gethin, of Percy Mount, Sligo. 1785 Godfrey, of Bushfield, Kerry. 1621 Gore, of Manor Gore, Donegal. 1760 Gore, of Lisadell, Sligo. 1789 Harvey, of Killoointed for civil and diplomatic services. This dignity not to be conferred upon any officer (except the above twelve) who shall not have attained the rank of major-general in the army, or rear-admiral in the navy, and must have been previously appointed to the second class. 2d Class— Knights Commanders, number not to exceed, upon the first institution, one hundred and eighty, exclusive of foreign ofl[icers holding British commissions, of whom not exceeding ten mav be admitted as honorary knights commanders; in the event of actions of signal distinction, or of future wars, the number of this class may be increased. To be entitled to the distinct- ive appellation of knighthood ; to have the same rights and privileges as knights bache- lors, but to take precedence of them ; to wear the badge, &c., pendent by a red ri- band round the neck, the star embroidered on the left side. Xo person is now eligible to this class under the rank of major-gene- ral in the amiy, or rear-admiral in the naw. 3d Class— Companions of the Order ; not limited in number; they are to take prece- dence of esquires, but not entitled to the appellation, style, &c., of knights bachelors. To wear the badge assigned to the third class, pendent by a narrow red riband to the button-hole. No officer can be nomi- nated unless he shall have received a me- dal, or other badge of honour, or shall have been especially mentioned in despatches in the London Gazette, as having distinguished himself in action. The new badge for the military classes of the Order is a gold Maltese cross, of eight points, enamelled argent, in the four angles, a lion passant guardant, or; in the centre, the rose, thistle, and shamrock, issuant from a sceptre between three imperial crowns or, within a circle gules; thereon the motto of the Order, surrounded by two branches of laurel proper, issuing from an escrol azure, inscribed ich dien (I serve) in letters of gold, worn by the grand crosses pendent from a red riband across the right shoulder. The collar is of gold, weighing thirty ounces troy weight, and is composed of nine imperial crowns, and eight roses, thistle, and shamrock, issuing from a sceptre, enamelled in their proper colours, tied or linked together with seventeen gold knots, enamelled white, having the badge of the Order pendent therefrom. The star of the military- grand crosses is formed of rays or flames of silver, thereon a gold Maltese cross, and in the centre, within the motto, branches of laurel, issuant as above de- scribed, three imperial crowns of gold, and is worn on the left side. The civil knights grand crosses retain the old badge and star of the Order. No knight can wear the collar before his installation. The star of the commanders is in the form of a cross patee of silver, having the same centre as the grand crosses, but no gold Maltese cross thereon. See the collar, stars, and badges belon^ine to this Order, after Plate 59. 466 ORDER OF THE BATH. KNIGHTS OF THE MOST HONOURABLE MILITARY ORDER OF THE BATH. Instituted 1390— Revived 1725. THE SOVEREIGN. PRINCES OF THE BLOOD ROYAL, KNIGHTS GRAND CROSSES, NOT INCLUDED IN THE NUMBER TO WHICH THE FIRST CLASS OF THE ORDER IS LIMITED. Field-Marshal his R. H. the Duke of Cumberland, K.G. Field-JMarshal his R. H. the Duke of Cambridge, K.G. Field-Marshal his R. H. Prince Leopold, of Saxe-Coburg, (King of the Belgians.) K.G. KNIGHTS GRAND CROSSES. Anglesey, Gen. Henry, Marquess of, 7th Hussars, K.S.G., K.T.S., K.G., &c. Anson, Lieut.-Gen. Sir George Barnes, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Edward, Co). 7fith Foot, K M.T. andS.A. Bentinck, Gen. Lord William Cavendish, 11th Dragoons Beresford, Gen. Viscount W. Carr, Gov. of Jersey, K.T.S., 16th Foot Byng, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John, Col. 2d W. L Regt., K.S.A., K.S.W., and K.M.T. Campbell, Major-Gen. Sir Archibald Clinton, Lieut.-Gen, Sir William-Henry, 55th Foot Cockburn, Admiral Rt. Hon. Sir George, a Lord of the Admiralty Codrington, Vice- Admiral Sir Edward Cole, Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir Galbraith Lowry, M.P., Gov. of Gravesend and Tilbury Fort, 27th Foot Colville, Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir Charles, K.C. and K.T.S. Combermere, Gen. Stapleton, Lord, K.T.S., K.S.F., and K.G.T. Dalhousie, Gen. George, Earl of, 2Gth Foot Dallas, Lievit.-Gen. Sir Thomas De Saumarez, James, Lord Admiral Doyle, Gen. Sir John, Bart., K.C, 87th Foot, and Gov. of Charlemont Drummond, Gen. Sir Gordon Durham, Adm. Sir Philip-Charles-Henderson Fane, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Ferguson, Gen. Sir Ronald C. Gordon, Gen. George, Duke of Gordon, Lieut.-Gen. Sir J.W., Bart. Gould, Admiral Sir Davidge Grey, Gen. Hon. Sir Henry G. Hardy, Rear-Adm. Sir Thomas Masterman Hargood, Admiral Sir William Hewett, Gen. Right Hon. Sir George, Bart., (Jlst Foot Hill, General Rowland, Lord, K.T.S., K.M.T., and K.S.G. Hislop, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas, Bart. Hope, Gen. Hon. Sir Alexander, 47th Foot, Lieut.-Gov. of Edinburgh Castle Hope, Vice-Admiral Sir William-Johnstone Houstoim, Lieut.-Gen. Sir William, Colonel 2(lth Foot Howard, of Effingham, Lieut.-Gen., K.A., Lord, 3d Foot Howden, Gen. John-Francis, Lord, K.C, 43d Foot Kempt, Lieut.-Gen. Sir James, K.M.T., K.S.G., and K.S.W. Londonderry, Lieut.-Gen. Charles- William, Marquess of, lOth Dragoons, K.S., K.S.G., and K.T.S. Ludlow, Gen. George-James, Earl of, 38th Foot, and Lieut.-Gov. of Berwick Lumley, Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir William Lvnedoch, General Thomas, Lord, K.T.S., 14th Foot Malcolm, Vice-Admiral Sir Pulteney Martin, Admiral Sir George Martin, Admiral Sir Thomas Byam Minto, Earl of Murray, Lieut.-Gen. Sir George, 42d Foot, Gov. of the Royal Military College Neale, Sir H., Admiral, Bart. Nugent, Gen. Sir George, Bart., M.P., Cth Foot, and Gov. of St. Mawes Oswald, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John, 35th Foot Paget, Gen. Hon. Sir Edward, 28th Foot, Capt. of Cowes Castle, and Governor and Commander-in-Chief in Ceylon Pakenham, Admiral Hon. Sir Thomas Pringle, Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. H. Rosslyn, James, Earl of, Gen. 9th Dragoons Stopford, Admiral Hon. Sir Robert Somerset, Lieut.-Gen. Lord R. E. H. Taylor, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Herbert Trollope, Admiral Sir Henry Tyler, Admiral Sir Charles Vandcleur, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John-O, Walker. Lieut.-Gen. SirG.-T., Bart., K.T.S., 84th Foot Wellington, Field-Marshal, Duke o" K.G. Wells, Admiral Sir John Whitshed, Admiral Sir James-Hawkins, Bart. Williams, Admiral Sir Thomas CIVIL KNIGHTS GRAND CROSSES Adair, Right Hon. Sir Robert Bagot, Right Hon. Sir Charles Barlow, .Sir George llilaro, Bart. Bloomfield, Lord Canning, Right Hon. Sir Stratford Canterbury, Viscount Clancarty, Earl of Cowley, Lord Farnborough, Right Hon. Lord Gordon, Right Hon. Sir Robert ORDER OF THE BATH. 467 Granville, Earl Heytesbury, Lord Lamb, Right Hon. Sir Frederick Listen, Right Hon. Sir Robert Paget, Right Hon. Sir Arthur Palmerston, Viscount Ponsonbv, Lord Strangfoi-d, Viscount, K.T.S. Stuart de Rothsay, Right Hon. Lord Thornton, Right" Hon. Sir Edward HONORARY KXIGHTS GRAND CROSSES. Alten, Major-Gen. Count Munster, Count, G.C.H. Orange, Prince of Saxe-Weiraer, Duke Bernard of Volkonsky, Gen. his Highness Prince Wirtemberg, his Majesty the King of Woronzow, Gen. Count Wrcde, Field-Marshal, his Highness Prince of Zieten, Gen. Count OFTICERS OF THE FIRST CLASS IX THE ORDER OF PRECEDEKCY, Deaii of the Order, Dean of Westminster Genealogist and blanc cowsier herald, Walter- Aston Blount, esq., Chester herald Bath king of arms, Algernon Greville, esq. Registrar and Secretary, Captain Seymour, R.N. Deputy, Sir William Woods, knt., claren- ciea.r Gentleman usher of the scarlet rod, and Bruns- ivick herald, George Frederick Beltz, esq., Lancaster herald, F.S.A. Messenger, James Pulman, esq. SECOND CLASS. TO CONSIST OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY KNIGHTS C0M3IANDERS OF THE BATH. Adam, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Frederick, K.M.T. and K.S-A. Adams, Major-Gen. Sir John W. Anson, Lieut.-Gen. Sir William, Bart. Arbuthnot, Major-Gen. Sir Thomas, Knt. Arbuthnot, Sir Robert, Major-Gen. Arnold, Major-Gen. John Aylmer, Lieut.-Gen. Lord Baker, Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Barlow, Sir Robert, Rear-Admiral Barnard, Major-Gen. Sir A. F. Barnes, Sir J. S. Bathurst, Major-Gen. Sir James Bayntun, Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Beauclerk, Admiral Lord A. Bell, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Henry Berkeley, Colonel Sir G.-H.-F., K.T.S. and S.W. Beresford, Vice -Admiral Sir John, Bart., K.T.S. Blair, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert Blakenev, Major-Gen. Sir Edward, K.T.S., 7th foot Bouverie, Sir H. F., Major-Gen. Brace, Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Bradford, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Brenton, Rear - Admiral Sir J., Bart., K.C.S.F. and M. Brisbane, Lieut.-Gen. Sir T. Broke, Rear-Admiral Sir P.-V., Bart. Brooke, Major-Gen. Sir Arthur Browne, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Buchan, Major-Gen. Sir John Bunbury, Lieut.-Gen. Sir H.-E., Bart. Cameron, Major-Gen. Sir John, 9th Foot Campbell, Lieut.-Gen. Sir H.-F. Campbell, Major-Gen. Sir Colin, K.M.T.G., M.LK.T.S. Campbell, Major-Gen. Sir James Capel, Rear-Admiral Hon. Sir T. B. Camcross, Colonel Sir Joseph H. Colbome, Major-Gen. Sir John, K.M T. and St. G., 52d Foot, Lieut. -Governor of Guernsey Cole, Captain Sir Christopher, R.N. Cooke, Lieut.-Gen. Sir George, 77th Regt., K.S.G. and W. Dickson, Col. Sir Jeremiah Dickson, Col. Sir Alexander, K.T.S., Royal Artillery Digby, Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Disney, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Moore Donkin, Lieut.-Gen. Sir R.-S. Dixon, Admiral Sir Manly Douglas, Major-Gen. Sir James Doveton, Major-Gen. Sir J. Downes, Col. Lord Doyle, Colonel Sir J. Milley, K.T.S. Dundas, Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Dundas, Hon. Sir R. L., Major-Gen. D' Urban, Major-Gen. Benjamin, K.T.S. Ekins, Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Elder, Major-Gen. Sir George Eilcy,Major-Gen.SirJohn, K.M.T. and St.G. Eyre, Vice-Admiral Sir George, A Col. of Marines Fitzgerald, Major-Gen. Sir John-F. Frazer, Col. Sir Augustus Simon, Royal Artillery Frazer, Major-Gen. Sir Hugh Gardiner, Col. Sir Robert-William Gilmour, Major-Gen. Sir Dugald-L. Gomme, Col. Sir William-Maynard Gordon, Capt. Sir J. -A., R.N. Gore, Vice-Admiral Sir John Gough, Maj.-Gen. Sir Hugh Grant, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Colquhoun, K.S. W.J. and W. Grant, Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Keir Greville, Hon. Major-Gen. Sir Charles-J. Guise, Major-Gen. Sir John-W. Halkett, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Colin, Lieut.- Gov. of Jersey Halsted, Admiral Sir L. W. Hamilton, Rear-Admiral Sir Edward, Bart. Hamilton, Admiral Sir C, Bart. Hamond, Rear-Admiral Sir G. E., Bart. Hardinge, Major-Gen. Sir Henry Harvey, Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Harvey, Vice-Admiral Sir John Hinde, Lieut.-Gen. Sir S.-V. Hope, Col. Sir James-A. Hotham, Vice-Admiral Sir William Hussey, Rear-Admiral Sir Richard-H. Inglis,' Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Jackson, Major-Gen. Sir R. Downes Keane, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John, Gov. of St. Lucia Knox, Major-Gen. Sir Alexander Laforey, Admiral Sir F., Bart. 468 ORDER OF THE BATH. Lake, Vice-Aclmiral Sir Willoughby-Thomas ) Lambert, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John, K.S.W., M.J., and W. Laurie, Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Lee, Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Legge, Admiral Hon. Sir A. K. Leith, Sir Alexander, Major-Gen. Lowe, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hudson, K.S.G. Lyon, Lieut.-Gen. Sir James, K.S. and M.J. Macdonald, Major-Gen. Sir John M'Dowall, Major-Gen. Sir Andrew Macfarlane, General Sir Robert M'Mahon, Major-Gen. Sir T., Bart. Maitland, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Peregrine, K.S.W. Maitland, Rear-Admiral Sir Frederick- Lewis Macbean, Major-Gen. Sir William M'Lean, Major-Gen. Sir John, K.T.S. M'Lean, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hector Malcolm, Lieut.-Col. Sir James May, Colonel Sir John, K.T.S., Royal Ar- tillery Milne, Vice-Admiral Sir David, K.W.S. J. Montresor, Lieut.-General Sir H. T. Moore, Vice-Adm. Sir Graham Moorsom, Admiral Sir Robert Nicolls, Major-General Sir Jasper O'Callaghan, Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir R.W. Otway, Vice-Admiral Sir R. W., Bart. Owen, Rear-Admiral Sir E. W. C. R. Parker, Vice-Adm. Sir George Ponsonby, Major-Gen. Sir F. G. Pratt, Major-Gen. Sir Charles Pritzler, Major-Gen. Sir Theophilus Reynell, Major-Gen. Sir Thomas, Bart. Robinson, Lieut.-Gen. Sir F.-Philips Rodd, Rear-Adm. Sir John-T. Ross, Col. Sir Hew D., K.T.S., Royal Ar- tillery Ross, Major-Gen. Sir John Rowley, Vice-Adm. Sir Charles, K.M.T. Rowley, Vice-Adm. Sir Josias, bart. Scott, Rear-Adm. Sir George Scott, Major-Gen. Sir Hopetoun-S. Scovell, Col. Sir George, Royal V^'aggon Train Smith, Adm.iral Sir-W. Sidney, K.S. and K.F.M. Smith, Major-Gen. Sir Lionel Somerset, Major-Gen. Lord Fitzroy-James- Henry, K.M.T. Stopford, Lieut.-Gen. Hon. Sir Edward, K.T.S., 41st foot Stovin, Col. Sir Frederick Talbot, Vice-Adm. Sir John, R.N. Taylor, Major-Gen. Sir John Tucker, Captain Sir Edward, R.N. Vere, Sir C.-Broke, Col., K.T.S. Vivian, Lieut.-Gen. Sir R.-Hussey, K.M.T. and St. W. Wale, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Wallace, Major-Gen. Sir John-Alexander Waters, Major-Gen. Sir John Whittingham, Major-Gen. Sir Samuel-Ford Williams, Col. Sir Richard Williams, Col. Sir E.-K., K.T.S. Wilson, Col. Sir James Woodford, Major-Gen. Sir Alexander Worsley, Major-Gen. Sir Henry HONORARY KNIGHTS C03IMANDERS. Vincent, Gen. Baron Pozzo di Borgo, Gen. Walmoden, Lieut.-Gen. Count Nugent, Lieut.-Gen. Count D'Alava, Lieut.-Gen. Don M. Low, Major-Gen. Sigismund, Baron La Motte, Lieut.-Gen. De Dornberg, Major-Gen. William De Hertsberg, Lieut.-Col. Sir F.-A. De Hugel, General Baron Heyden, Admiral Count De Rigny, Rear-Adm. Hartmann, Lieut.-Col. Sir Julius De Muffling, Major-Gen. Baron De Reede, General Officer of arms, attendant upon the Second and Third Classes, Sir William Woods, K.H. Secretary, Sir N. Hanis Nicolas, K.H. and G.C.M.G. 469 LIST KNIGHTS BACHELORS, WITH THK DATES OF THEIR KNIGHTHOOD. A. Adams, George-Pownoll, major-gen. and K.C.H 28 Sept. 1831 Agar, Felix 17 July 1812 Alderson, Edward-Hall, justice of the Common Pleas 17 Nov. 1830 Alexander, William, lord chief baron of the Exchequer 19 January 1824 Anburey, Thomas, lieutenant-colonel E.I.C.S., and C.B. (by patent) 29 August 1827 Anderson, Alexander, lieut.-col. C.B., andK.T.S 13 Sept. 1831 , Arentschildt, Victor, C.B. and K.T.S. 1815 ] Armstrong, Richard, col. Stith foot 28 Sept. 1831 Arundel, John 30 May 1800 j Askew, Major-General Henry, C.B., j grenadier guards 29 Sept. 1821 j Astley, Edward-William-Corry, capt. 1 R.N 27 Oct. 1830 Austen, Henry-Edmond, of Shalford House, CO. Surrey, esq., Gent, of the Privy Chamber 22 Feb. 1832 i Awdrey, John-Wither, a judge at Bom- \ bay (by patent) 22 July 1830 B. Baghott, Paul, P.K.B 22 May 1812 Baker, Robert, late chief magistrate at the Public Office, Bow Street 10 May 1820 Ballingall, George, regius professor of military surgery, Edinburgh. .4 Aug. 1830 Banks, Edward, of Mile Town, Sheer- ness 12 June 1822 Barlow, Robert, captain R.N 1801 Barry, David, M.D., K.T.S. . .22 Feb. 1832 Barton, Freeman 25 June 1814 Bassett, Richard, Mayor of Newport 29 May 1817 Bayley, Francis, recorder of Prince of Wales's Island 21 Nov. 1823 Henry, lieut.-gen.,G.C.H. 17 Jan. 1834 Beatty, William, M.D., F.R.S., phy- sician to Greenwich Hospital 25 May 1831 Beechey, William, R.A. and F.A.S. 9 May 1798 Bell, Charles, F.R.S. and K.H., 12 Oct 1831 Bethime, Henry, Kilconquhar, Fife 4 July 1832 Betton, John, of Shrewsbury 1816 Bigland, Ralph, garter king of arms, ^ 7 Dec. 1831 Bissett John, Commissary - General, K.C.H 6 Nov. 1832 Blizard, William, F.R. and A.S., one of the Curators of the Museum, and ho- norary Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons ^ ' 16 March 1803 Blunt, Charles-Burrell, K.M.T Bolland, William, baron of the Ex- chequer 2 Feb. 1830 Bolton, Robert, lieut.-gen. and lieut.- colonel 13th dragoons, and equerry extraordinary to the King's stables 20 February 1817 Bosanquet, John Bernard, justice of the Common Pleas 2 Feb. 1830 Boyle, rear adm. hon. sir Courtenay, 3 Dec, 1832 Brancker, Thomas, mayor of Liver- pool 13 Sept. 1831 Brewster, sir David 8 March 1832 , Dr. David, K.H Feb. 1832 Brisbane,Charles,Rear- Admiral, K.C.B. 7 April 1807 Browne, John, K.T.S., colonel in the army 24 Aug. 1814 , Henry, lieut.-col. and K.C.H. 27 July 1826 , Thomas, lieut.-gen., K.C.H. 6 Nov. 1832 Bryant, Jeremiah, lieut.-col. E. I. C. S. (by patent) 16 Sept. 1829 Brydges, Henry, sheriff of Surrey 11 May 1814 , John-William-Head, captain of Sandgate Castle : 12 June 1822 Buchan, John, C.B. and C.T.S 1816 Bullen, Charles, capt. R.N., C.B. and K.C.H 25 Feb. 1835 BuUer, Anthony, one of the judges in Bengal 23 April 181G Burdon, Thomas, of Newcastle-upon- Tyne U July 1817 Burgman, George 10 Dec. 1813 Burnet, William, M.D., medical com- missioner of the navy 25 May 1831 Burton, Richard, senior gent, pensioner 13 Sept. 1831 Burrough, James, a judge of the Com- mon Pleas 14 May 1816 Campbell, Archibald, lieut.-colonel in the army 28 April 1814 _ , John, lieutenant - colonel, K.T.S 9 March 1815 , Sir George 5 March 1832 , James, late solicitor-gene- ral 3 Dec. 1832 , John-Nicholl-Robert, E. I. C. service 15 Dec. 1832 , William, chief-justice of UpperCanada 29 April 1829 . , James, major -gen. K.C.B. 2 March 1831 , George, of Eden Wood, co. Fife (by patent) 5 March 1832 Carey, Octavius, col. and C.B.. .4 Aug. 1830 Y LIST OF KNIGHTS BACHELORS. 470 Carlisle, Anthony ^. • • • • 24 July 1821 Carrington, Codrington-Edmund, F.R. and A.S., D.C.L., late chief justice in Ceylon • rV-n ViV Carroll. William-Parker, col., K.C. m^ ^^^^ Chambers, Samuel . . . ■ • .• • • • • • • • • •; • 1799 ^ W G C h""'" " . '°26 y^n. 1832 Chapman. John, mayor of Windsor ^^^^ Stephen-Remnant, Governor of Bermuda • ■ • • -8 June 1831 Chester, Robert, master of the cere- monies to the King - • ■ •; • • • • -6 June 1818 Christie, Archibald, col. mthe^ army ^^^^ Church.Richard: C.B,, K.C.H., Grand Cross of the Neapolitan Order of St. George, and commander of the Sici- lian Order of St. Ferdinand and^Me^- ^^^^ Cipriani.' 'Henry: senior exon of the yeomen of the guard 13 Sept. 1831 Claridge, John-Thomas, recorder of Prhice of Wales's Island.. . .^30 Sept. 1825 Clifford, Augustus, capt. R.N., gent usher of the black rod .4 Aug. Cochrane. Thomas-John, capt^^R.N. ^^^^ Cole, Christopher, captain R.N. 29 May 1812 Collier, Francis, capt. R.N. .. .28 July l«ciU Compton, Herbert, chief -justice at Bombay .• -,30 March 1831 Comyn, Robert-Buckley, J^^ge at Cal- ^^^^ Con "eU," John', * ■judge-admirai of the High court of Admiralty, N.a ^.^ ^^^^ Conroy, John, equerry to H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, -d ^K^C.H^^ ^^^^ Conyngham, rear-admiral Char^es,^^^ ^^^ Cooke, William, judge at Ceylon ^^^^ Henry-Frederick, col. and C.B. 1825 Cotgreave. John, mayor of Chester ^^^^ Cotton, Willoughby, K.CH. and C^B. ^^^^ .17 August 1816 1830 1832 Cox, William, col., K.T.S. Creagh, Michael, lieut.-col. Micnaei, K C H 1 Aug. CrU:Vo., Arch..WiUia,n, K.S.A. ™a ^^_^ ' Alexander, M.D., first physi- cian tn the emneror of Russia, coun- sXr'of statT'and K.S.W. 1 March 1821 Croke, Alexander, D-CL-Judge of the Vice-Admiralty Court, Nova Scotia ^^^^ Cross, John, judge of the bankrupt court •• 7uec. Cumming, IJeut.-gen. Henry -^Jo^hn, ^^^^ Cunliffe, Robert-Henry, lieut.-colonel, commandant E-I.C^S-^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ Curteis, Thomas Horsley, senior exon of the yeomen of the guard. .27 June 1833 CustrthI hon. Edward, K.CH. 3 Aug. 1831 1831 Dalbiac, F. Charles, major-gen.. K.C.H. Dalrymple, Charles, late coinmissary- generll to the army under the Duke of Wellington .....10 Nov. Charles-Webb, lieut-colonel, 25 July 1821 Sacheverell, M.D. 1831 1814 republic of Geneva Dobson, Richard, M.D. Dashwood, Charles, capt. R-N-.^K.T.S. ^^^, Davidson, David, of Cantray^^N.B. ^^^^ Davison, William. K.H.. major in the army 3 Sept. 1824 Desanges, Francis, sheriff of London ^^^^ De Veulle, John, bailiff of Jersey 2 March 1831 Devonshire, John Ferris, rear-admiral 3 May 1834 Dick, Robert, col. in the army, aide- de-camp to the king, C.B. andK^T.S. ^^^^ Dickens, major-gen. Samuel - Trevor, j^ (^ {^ 29 Jan. 1834 Dickson," David"- James - Hamilton, M.D. and F.R.S 20 Aug. 1834 D'lvernois, Francis, minister "oni J^^ , surgeon R.N. 17 Aug. 1831 Dodson, John, LL.D., advocate-gene- j.j^j 29 Oct. loo4 Douglas, Charles-Eurwicke, king of arms of the Order of St. Michael and St. George 12 Oct. lUdJ , Neil, colonel in the army, lieut.-col. 79th foot, aide-de-camp to the king, C.B. and K.C.H.^^^^_ ^^^^ Doveton, William-Webber. . . • .2 Feb. 1819 Downie,John, brigadier-general 19 May 1813 Downman, Thomas, col. horse artil- lery, aide-de-camp to the king, C.B. and K.C.H . .5 Oct. 1831 Doyle, John-Milley, lieut.-colonel in the army, K.C.B. K.T.S 28 July 1814 , Cavendish-Bentinck, captain j^ j^' 20 April 1825 Driiikwater, George, mayor of Liver- pool 21 July 1830 Duff, Alexander, col., G.C.H. E. Elder, George, col. and C.B. . .13 Nov. 1813 Ellis, Henry, principal librarian of the British Museum -22 Feb. 1833 English, John-Hawker, K.G^., and surgeon to the dukes of Clarence, Cumberland, and Sussex ....23 Feb. 1815 Erskine, David, of Dryburgh Abbey, Roxburgh HSept. 1830 Esdaile, John V • : ' V ' ' ;: nR' Eyre, George, rear-admiral. KX.B. ^^^^ , James, mayor of Hereford 4 Aug! 1830 Farquhar, Arthur, capt. Il.N.>^K.C.H. ^^^^ Fanant, George, Northsted House, ^^^^ FeUowes, James7M.D. F.R.S.21 March 1810 ^ Edward, capt. R.N. 13 Feb. '«"" .27 May 1834 Dance, 2d guards Darwin, Francis ■ 10 May 1820 1828 Ferguson,"AdaTn,' deputy keeper of the regalia in Scotland. ......•• • -29 Aug. 1822 Follett, William-Webb, his Majesty s solicitor-general ....••• • -22 Dec. 1834 Foreste, Spiridion, English resident at Prirfll 1 JUiy 1«1/ ForSDigory, Of Plymouth. .13 May 1815 Fowler, John, of Burton-upon-Trent ^^^^ Franklin. WilUngham. chief-justice at ^^^^ _!:!^^,' John,' capt.R'.N."-- •29 April 1829 LIST OF KNIGHTS BACHELORS. 471 Franks, John, judge at Calcutta 20 April 1825 Fraser, John, lieut.-gen 27 March 1826 Freemantle, right hon. William-Henry, G.C.H 31 Oct. 1827 Fuller, Joseph, lieut.-col., G.C.H. IG Dec. 1826 G. Garabier, James, consul-general in the Netherlands, F.R.S 27 April 1808 — , Edward-John, recorder of Prince of Wales's Island 6 Aug. 1834 Garrow, William, baron of the Court of Exchequer 17 July 1812 Gazelee, Stephen, judge of the Com- mon Pleas 27 April 1825 Gell, "William, F.R. and A.S. .11 May 1814 Gibbes, George-Smith, M.D..l()May 1820 Gibney, John, M.D., Physician to the Sussex County Hospital 22 Feb. 1832 Gill, Robert, lieut. of the yeoman of the guard 13 Sept. 1831 Gordon, hon.Charles, lieut.-col. 27 May 1812 Gore, John, vice-admiral, K.C.B. 21 Feb. 1805 Gougb, Hugh, col. and C.B 4 Dec. 1815 Graham, Robert, one of the barons of the Exchequer 1822 , Robert 19 June 1800 Grant, James-Robert, M.D. .18 March 1819 , John-Peter, judge at Bombay 30 June 182? ■ , W^illiam-Keir, K.M.T 1801 , major-gen. LewLs, governor of Trinidad, K.C.H 21 Sept. 1831 , right hon. Robert, governor of Bombay, G.C.H 20 Aug. 1834 Green, general Charles 4 May 1803 Greenwell, Leonard, col. in the army, commandant at Chatham, C.B. and K.C.H 22 Feb. 1832 Grey, Thomas, M.D., F.R.S. and F.L.S. 30 Nov. 1819 , Charles-Edward, one of the judges of the Court of Judicature at Madras 17 May 1820 Gurney, John, baron of the Exchequer, •22 Feb. 1832 Gwillim, Henry, F.A.S., (by patent,) one of the judges of the Court of Judicature at ISl'adras 16 July 1801 H. Hall, John, consul-general for Hanover, K.C.H 28 March 1831 Halliday, Andrew, M.D., K.H., domes- tic physician to the duke of Clarence 26 Jan. 1821 Hamilton, George, K.C.H 3 Aug. 1831 Hanbury, major-gen. sir John, K.C.H. 4 July 1832 Harrison, George, K.C.H 13 April 1831 Harvey, Robert-John, K.T.S. F.S.A., lieut.-col., half-pay, Portuguese ser- vice 6 Feb. 1817 , John, lieut.-col., K.C.H. and C.B 15 Dec. 1824 Haughton, Graves-Chamney, M. A. and F.R.S 27 June 1833 Haviland, Peter de, bailiflf of Guernsey 6 March 1817 Hawks, Robert-Shafto, of Gateshead, CO. Durham Hay, lieut.-gen. James, col. 2d dragoon guards, K.C.H 22 Feb. 1832 Hays, John, commodore E. I.e. Marine (by patent) 18 Nov. 1829 Head, major Francis-Bond, of Sutton, CO. Surrey 20 Sept. 1831 Head, George, deputy-knight-marshal 12 Oct. 1831 Heathcote, Henry, rear-admiral20 June 1819 Herries, William - Lewis, K.C.H. 29 May 1826 Herriott, Frederick - George, C.B. 16 March 1822 Herschell, John-Frederick-William, of Slough, CO. Bucks, F.R.S. and K.H. 12 Oct. 1831 Hill, Robert-Cham bre 29 May 1812 , Dudley-St.-Leger, col. and K.T.S. 25 Nov. 1816 , John, capt. R.N. resident commis- sioner of the Victualling Board, Deptford 31 Aug. 1831 Hinrich, Henry-Bromley, lieut. of the gent, pensioners 13 Sept. 1831 Hollams, John, mayor of Deal, 19 Oct. 1831 Homfray, Jeremiah 22 Nov. 1809 Hope, lieut. - gen. John, G.C.H. 30 March 1821 Home, William, sometime his Majes- ty's solicitor-general 1830 Horton, the right hon. Sir Robert Wil- mot, (now bart.) 22 June 1831 Huddart, Joseph-Brvnker 8 Aug. 1821 Hughes, WMlliam-Bulkeley 4 May 1803 Humphreys, lieut.-gen. Salisbury - Pryce, K.C.H. and C.B 21 Feb. 1834 Hunter, general Martin, G.C.H. 22 March 1832 Hutchinson, William, lieut.-gen. 6 May 1820 Jackson, George, K.C.H 12 Sept. 1832 Jamison, John, M.D 19 May 1813 Jardine, Henry, king's remembrancer in Scotland 20 April 1825 Jarvis, Samuel-Raymond 17 Sept. 1834 Jeffcott, John-William, chief justice at Sierra Leone 1 May 1833 Jelf, James, alderman of Gloucester 28 July 1814 Jenner, Herbert, LL.D., his Majesty's Advocate 28 June 1828 Johnston, Alexander, F.R.S., late chief justice in Ceylon 1 Nov. 1809 K. Kearney, major-gen. James, K.C.H. 21 Feb. 1834 Keith, Alexander, knight-marshal of Scotland 20 July 1819 Kennedy, Robert-Hugh, commissary- general to the forces 8 May 1812 Ker, Charles, of Gateshaw, Roxburgh, M.D 19 April 1822 King, rear-admiral Edward-Darnford, K.C.H 22 Jan. 1833 . , col. Henry, C.B., K.C.H.SJune 1834 L. Laurie, Peter, alderman of London 7 April 1824 Le Breton, Thomas, of Jersey, 20 April 1825 Lee, Francis-Geary-Gardiner, major R.M., K.C.T 31 Oct. 1832 Leighton, James, physician to the em- peror of Russia 27 Oct. 1830 Leslie, Sir John, of Coates 27 June 1832 Lillie, John-Scott, major in the armv, 6 Marbh 1816 Limond, col. James, Madras Artillery 18 Feb. 1835 Littledale, Joseph, a judge of the Com- mon Pleas 9 June 1824 y2 472 LIST OF KNIGHTS BACHELORS. Lloyd, lieut.-general Evan, K.C.H. 21 Feb. 1834 Lock, Joseph, mayor of Oxford 14 June 1814 Long, William, mayor of Bedford 28 July 1814 Lyons, Edmund, capt. R.N., K.C.H. 23 Jan, 1835 M. M'Adam, James-Nicholl 26 March 1834 M'Cleod, Alexander, lieut.-col. and C.B. (by patent) 29 Aug, 1827 , major-gen. Sir John, C.B. K.C.H 4 July 1832 M'Gregor, James, M.D., F.R.S,, physi- cian to the garrison of Portsmouth, and inspector - gen, of hospitals 28 July 1814 Maclaine, col. Archibald, C.B. and K.C.H 19 Oct. 1831 M'Lean, Lachlan, M.D 17 July 1812 Macnaughten, Francis, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of Ju- dicature in Bengal 1 Nov. 1809 Macra, John, lieut. - col., K.C.H. 27 March 1828 Madden, Frederick, British Museum, C.H 13 Feb, 1833 Magrath, George, M,D. (by patent) 16 Sept, 1831 Marshall, Chapman, sheriff of London 2 March 1831 ,John, capt, R.N 4 July 1832 . , Charles, chief justice at Cey- lon 17 July 1832 Meade, John, deputy-inspector of hos- pitals 30 Nov. 1816 Meyrick, Samuel-Rush, of Goodrich Court, CO, Hereford, K.H, and LL.D. 22 Feb, 1832 Miles, Edward, lieut,-col., C,B, and K.T,S 27 Nov, 1826 Mitchell, Charles, capt. East India Company's service 18 March 1796 Monk, James 27 April 1825 Montagu, William- Augustus, capt, R.N., C.B. and K.C.H 22 Feb. 1832 Montiesor, Henry -Tucker, K.C.B, G,C,H,, and general in the army 17 April 1818 Montresor, lieut,-gen. Thomas-Gage, K,C.H 21 Feb. 1834 Moore, George 2 June 1781 Mortlock, John - Chetham, commis- sioner of tlie excise 6 July 1816 Moubray, Robert, of Cockairny, co, Fife. . . 20 April 1825 Mulcaster, William-Howe, capt, R,N,, C,B,,K,T,S,,and K.CH 13 Sept, 1831 , major-gen. Sir Frederick- William, K.C.H 27 June 1832 N. Neville, Garrett, sheriff of Dublin 22 March 1820 Nicholay, William, major-gen, 24 Aug, 1832 Nicholl, John, right hon., F,R, and S,A., official principal of the Arches Court of Canterbury, and a lord of trade and plantations 31 Oct. 1798 Nicolas, Nicholas -Harris, K.G.M.G., K.H. and barrister-at-law 12 Oct. 1831 Norcott, major-gen. Amos-Godshill-R., C.B. and K.C.H 20 Sept. 1831 Nugent, Charles-Edmund, admiral of the Fleet, G.C.H 12 March 1834 O'Halloran, col. James, Bengal Army, 18 Feb. 1»35 Ommaney, Francis-Molyneux, navy agent 17 May 1820 Ottley, Richard, chief-justice at Ceylon, 22 March 1820 Otway, col. Loftus-W., C.B. . . .15 Jan. 1815 P. Paget, hon. Charles, rear-admiral and K.C.H 1822 Palgrave, Francis, C.H 31 Aug. 1832 Palmer, Ralph, judge at Madras, 24 Nov, 1824 Park, James-Allan, F.S,A., one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas 14 May 1816 Parke, James, justice of the King's Bench 1 Dec. 1828 Parry, William-Edward, capt. R.N. 29 April 1829 Paterson, major-gen. William, K.C.H. 22 Feb. 1832 Patteson', John, justice of the King's Bench 17 Nov. 1830 Peacock, Warren, major-gen., K.T.S. and K.C 27 July 1815 Pearson, major-gen, Thomas, C.B, and K.C.H 18 March 1835 Peate, rev. Robert, K.S,S 1804 Pepys, Charles-Christopher, master of the Rolls 26 Feb. 1834 Phillips, Richard, late sheriff of Lon- don March 1808 , Charles, major-gen. .8 March 1817 Pigot, Hugh, capt., C.B. and K.C.H. 18 June 1834 Pocklington, Robert, K.M.T 1801 Pocock, George-Bartholomew, stand- ard bearer of the band of gentlemen pensioners 19 July 1821 Poland, William-Henry, sheriff of Lon- don 2 March 1831 Pollock, Frederick, his Majesty's attor- ney-general 29 Dec. 1834 Porter, Robert-Ker, K.S.J April 1813 Pritzler, Theophilus, lieut. - gen., K.C.B 3 Dec. 1822 Protheroe, Henry 16 March 1803 Pym, William, M.D., superintendent of quarantines 21 July 1830 Pynn, Henry, lieut.-col.. C.B. and K.T.S ....23 Feb. 1816 Q. Quentin, col. George-Augustus, 8 Dec. 1821 R. Rawlins, William 22 May 1802 Reade, lieut,-col, Thomas, K.S,F,, de- puty adjutant -general St, Helena, 27 Nov, 1815 Reeve, Sir Joshua, chief justice of Ja- maica 29 March 1832 Rennie, John, architect 10 Aug, 1831 Rew, Skears, of Coventry 3 Nov. 1815 Reynett, James-Henry, lieut,-colonel, K,C.H 4 Dec. 1823 Riall, lieut.-general Phineas, K.C.H. 5 Nov. 183.3 Rice, Ralph, judge in Bengal. .29 May 1817 Richardson, William-Henry, sheriff of London 21 July 1830 , .Tohn, one of the justices of the Court of Common Pleas, June l."]9 Ricketts, George-William, judge at Madras 23 March 1825 Robinson, William-Henry, commissary general in Canada 2 July 1817 Roe, Frederick- Adair, magistrate of Bow-strcct 5 Sept. 1852 LIST OF KNIGHTS BACHELORS. 473 Rose, George, judge of the Bankrupt Court 7 Dec. 1831 Ross, John, capt. R.N., C.B., K.S.A. and K.S Dec. 1834 Rowe, John, chief-justice of Jamaica 29 Feb. 1832 Russell, Mr. Sergeant, chief-justice of Bengal 22 Feb. 1832 Ryan, Edward, judge in Bengal, 27 Nov. 1826 Rycroft, Henry, knight harbinger to his Majesty 4 Jan. 1816 S. St. George, major-gen. Thomas Bligh, C.B. and K.C.H 18 Feb, 1835 Sahsbury, John-Salisbury- Piozzi, of Bynbella, co. Denbigh. .. .21 March 1817 Sandford, Daniel-Key te, professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow 27 Oct. 1830 Sandys, Windsor - Edward - Bayntun 11 April 1825 Saumarez, Thomas, lieut.-gen. 15 July 1795 Savage, col. John-Boscawen, R.M., C.B., K.C.H 22 Feb. 1833 Searle, Francis 30 March 1803 • Humphrey le Fleming, capt. R.N., K.C.H 5 June 1834 Seppings, Robert, commissioner of the navy 17 Aug. 1819 Sevestre, Thomas, K.T.S 1810 Sewell, John, D.C.L 25 May 1815 Shad well, Launcelot, vice-chancellor of England Ifi Nov. 1827 Sharp, Cuthbert, F.S.A 28 July 1814 Shee, Martin-Archer, president of the Royal Academy 21 Julv 1830 Shepherd, right hon. Samuel, chief baron of the Exchequer in Scotland, 11 May 1814 Smirke, Robert, of Stratford Place, 22 Feb. 1832 Smith, Charles-Felix, lieut.-col, royal engineers, K.C.S 10 Nov. 1814 , Lionel, major-gen. and C.B. 3 Dec. 1822 , William-Sydney, K.C.B., K.S., &c 1797 ■ , lieut.-gen. John, royal artillery, | G.C.H 10 Aug. 1831 \ , lieut.-col. Frederick, royal engi- neers, K.H 13 Sept. 1831 I Soane, John, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, | esq 21 Sept. 1831 | Sorrell, lieut.-col. Thomas-S., K.H. ^ ^ 3 Oct. 1834 South, James, president of the Astrono- mical Society Aug. 1830 Spencer, Richard, capt. R.N., C.B., K-C.H 22 Feb. 1833 Spry, Samuel-Thomas, lieut. of the gentlemen at arms 13 Aug. 1834 Stanley, Edmimd, chief justice at Ma- dras 11 March 1807 Steele, lieut.-col. in the Spanish service ^ . ,. 26 Feb. 1817 Stirhng, James, capt. R.N., governor of Western Australia 3 May 1833 Stoddart, John, LL.D., judge of the Admiralty at Malta 27 July 1826 Strange, Thomas-Andrew, late chief justice at Madras 14 March 1798 Straton, Sir Joseph, major-gen., C.B. and K.C.H 27 June 1832 Struth, W. J., mavor of Bristol, ^ ^ '22 April 1815 Sugden, Edward-Burtenshaw, solicitor- general, now lord chancellor of Ire- land 10 June 1829 Sweeland, Christopher 14 Dec. 1812 T. Teesdale, col. George, C.H., 1st dra- goons 26 Feb. 1833 Thomason, Sir Edward, of Birming- ham 27 June 1832 Thomson, John-Deal, K.C.H. .24 Aug. 1832 Thornton, Charles-Wade, col., K.C.G. 2 March 1831 Tindal, Nicholas-Conyngham, solici- tor-general, now chief-justice of the common pleas 27 Nov. 1826 Tobin, John 11 May 1820 Tomlins, Thomas-Edlyne, barrister-at- law 29 June 1814 Trant, Nicholas, K.T.S 1811 Travers, Eaton, capt R.N.,C.H. 5 March 1834 Trollops, Henry, admiral R.N 1798 Truter, Johannes-Andrews (by patent) 11 Dec. 1823 Turner, Tomkyns-Hilgrove, lieut.-gen. in the army, and lieut.-gov. of Jersey 28 July 1814 Tuthill, George-Leman, M.D. .28 April 1820 Tuyll, col. baron de, K.C.H. .18 Sept. 1831 Tylden, John-Maxwell, major in the army, P.K.B 14 Dec. 1812 Urmston, James-Brabazon, president of supercargoes at Canton. .28 April 1824 V. Vaughan, Richard 20 April 1815 , right hon. Charles Richard, G.C.H 4 Feb, 1833 • -, John, baron of the Exche- quer 24 Nov. 1828 Viney, major-general James, K.C.H., C.B., R.A 21 Feb. 1834 W. Walker, Patrick, usher of the white rod, North Britain 29 July 1814 Wallace, lieut.-col. James -Maxwell, K.C.H 13 Sept. 1831 Waihen, Samuel, sheriff of Gloucester- shire 16 March 1803 Watson, Henry, lieut.-col., C.T.S. 18 Jan. 1817 , Frederick-Beilby, master of the household 16 May 1827 Way, Gregory - Holman - Bromlev, K.T.S,, lieut.-col. 29th foot. .28 July 1814 Webb, John, director-general of the ordnance medical department at Woolwich . . .23 Feb. 1821 W^est, Augustus, M.D. and C.T.S, 24 Nov. 1824 Westphall, George- Augustus, R.N. 7 April 1824 Wetherall, lieut.-gen. Frederick-Au- gustus, K.C.H 22 Feb. 1833 Wetherell, Charles, sometime attornev- general 10 IMarc'h 1824 Whalley, Samuel-St.-Swithin-Burden, of Furzebrook House, Devon, 23 May 1827 Whatlev, Joseph, groom of the bed- chamber, and K.C.H 11 May 1831 Whitmcre, George, col. royal artillery and K.C.H 22 Feb. 1832 Whittingham, Samuel - Ford, grand cross of St. Fernando, C.B. and K.CH 3 May 1815 Widdrington, David-Latimer-Tinling,^ K.C.H 22 Feb. 1833 474 LIST OF KNIGHTS BACHELORS. Wilkins, Charles 27 June 1833 Williams, Daniel, chief magistrate at the Police Office, Whitechapel, 16 June 1802 , Thomas, vice-admiral June 1796 , John, baron of the Exche- quer 16 April 1834 Wilson, Giffin, master in Chancery and recorder of Windsor 18 Nov. 1823 , Henry-Wright, brother-in-law to the earl of Ailesbury, and M.P. for St. Alban's 23 July 1794 . , John, major-gen 26 April 1814 , Robert 1801 Wood, Alexander, K.M.S 23 Feb. 1820 , Gabriel, commissary-general, 2(t April 1825 Woodford, colonel Sir John, K.C.H. 24 June 1832 Woods, Sir William, Clarencieux King of Arms, &c 12 April 1832 Woolm.ore, John, deputy-master of the Trinity House 27 March 1834 Wyatville, Jeffry, his Majesty's archi- tect 9 Dec. 1828 Wylde, John, chief justice at the Cape of Good Hope 30 June 1827 Ximenes, Morris 16 April 1806 , col. David 14 July 1832 Yallop, John-Harrison, mayor of Nor- wich 22 Feb. 1832 Young, A retas- William, lieut.-gover- nor of Prince Edward's Island 9 July 1834 G, Woodfall, Printer, An^el Court. Skinner Street, London. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— ► 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 - HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AUG 041994 Ai^\ ^ \^]^- -^' \J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORAANO. DD6 BERKELEY, CA 94720 "C- BEBKElEy UBUMiis d-m