UNIVERSITY OF CAL FORNIA , SAN D'EGO PR THE UNIVERSITY LIB.-AR. SHY CF CALiFCi.NlA. lAN LIEGO I LA JCLLA, CALIFORNIA 3""l'822 00315 6874 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INECTICUT ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES J1909 ifornia )nal ity • — i 3U33 __^__ ,F28 LUME 14, PAGES 237-290 A6 " Incorporated A. D. 1799 JULY, 1909 A = ^.^_ ^ — — ^^ A^ ^^_ L/J m = "T = u = ^^ J3 ^^™ r,i 2 ^ ==^ o 6 m n 1 ^^= 1 ^ ■> -^^ O 2 = ^^^ -H 1^ s^= ^ 4 he Poems of Thomas Third Lord Fairfax From MS. Fairfax 40 In the Bodleian Library, Oxford BY EDWARD BLISS REED PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 1909 ■■ t>i£LiO '^^^' UWiSii'"*-''' • - ^ :^ Oiii Mr^n . % ■■T.' I 1 ft: C ,--KV'Jn . ' P^f, THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO f. LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA ■:^ '^MiS^'' •BTVo^^ _.,'' .^ " -^^To^Ci Ia*^' ' ^ a-^' »r aa'- t^ c?!. "V»>. O -?■ ^V>.LTFO^^ :.\^' .^XAhWP:. % ^^ 9. •'tiisa'A^^''' ^ty.K.srrv . eO"'" 3. f I _^^oanvo,^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. SAN DIEGO pR ^' 3 1822 00315 6874 TRANSACTIONS OF THE CONNECTICUT ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCE Incorporated A. D. 1799 VOLUME 14, PAGES 237-290 JULY, 1909 The Poems of Thomas Third Lord Fairfax From MS. Fairfax 40 In the Bodleian Library, Oxford BY EDWARD BLISS REED PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF YALH UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 1909 WEIMAR: PRINTP:D P.Y R.WAGNER SOHN IV. — The Poems of Thomas Third Lord Fairfax. (From the Bodleian MS. Fairfax 40 ; formerly MS. Add. A. 120.) In the annals of England the name of Thomas, third Lord Fair- fax, is deservedly illustrious. As a general, he was an intrepid fighter and a skilful commander; in his private life, a man of scholarly tastes, happy in his country estates, which he preferred to the court. Policy and self-advancement were far from his thoughts, despite his great opportunities for aggrandizement ; and the simplic- ity of his character, at which his enemies sneered, was but a proof of his sincerit}'. To sketch his life in detail is unnecessary, yet his poems will gain significance if, in the briefest manner, we review his interesting career. The son of Fernandino, second Lord Fairfax, and Mary, daughter of Lord Sheffield, he was born at Denton, Yorkshire, in 1612, of a family long distinguished for its soldierly qualities, hi 1620 his grand-father, Thomas, first Lord Fairfax, then a man of sixt}', joined, with two of his sons, the single regiment sent by James I to the support of the Elector of the Palatinate. He was obliged to return to England to take part in the Parliamentary elections, Init his two sons died at Frankenthal at the head of their troops. Fernandino did not make this campaign, and his father spoke of him as a " tolerable country justice, but a mere coward at fighting " ^ ; yet Fernandino took the field against Charles I, and certainly did not deserve this taunt. The early years of our poet were spent in Yorkshire, and he un- doubtedly enjoyed in his first studies the guidance of his great uncle, BMward Fairfax, the translator of Tasso. In 1626 he entered St. John's College, Cambridge, where he remained four years, and then, following the family traditions, he went to the Low Countries, to serve under Lord Vere against the Spaniards. Another young volunteer in the same camp was Turenne. After witnessing the capture of Bois-le-Duc, he traveled and studied in France for eighteen months, returned to England in 1632, and requested permission to volunteer under Gustavus Adolphus, Ijut liis faniil\- opposed it, antl he retired to the Yorkshire estates to live the life of a country gentlc- * A Life of the Grrat /.,•!,/ l-\i;if,i\. li\ ( 'l(jiiieiit:s J{. Marklmm, London. 1870, p. 12 240 E. B. Reed, man. In 1637 he married the daughter of his commander, Anne Vere, a woman of energy and courage, who followed her husband to the field, shared his dangers (she was once taken prisoner by the Royalists) and, in no small measure, determined his career.^ hi the two brief and inglorious Scottish compaigns, Fairfax joined the King's army, but when in 1642 Charles came to Yorkshire to seize the supplies at Hull, and raise troops against Parliament, the Yorkshire gentry who opposed the King looked to Fairfax for leader- ship. He was entrusted with a formal protest against the King's actions, and, despite repulses, succeeded in laying this document on the royal saddle at Heyworth Moor, where Charles was endeavo- ring to win over the gentry of the shire. Fairfax thus showed the world on which side he would be found, and in the Yorkshire campaign that followed, he fought with the greatest courage. Un- daunted by defeat, fearing no odds, on at least one occasion he attacked a force that outnumbered his own by four to one. When surrounded, he cut his wa}' through the enemy. At Marston Moor he found himself carried by the tide of battle into the thick of the enemy's ranks. Taking from his hat the white badge worn by the Parliamentary forces, he calmly rode through the ranks of the Roy- alists, regained his troops, and led another attack.^ So fearless was he that on several occasions he narrowly escaped death. In 1644 a musket-ball pierced his shoulder, another broke his arm. Hardly recovered from these wounds, he was again struck at the siege of Pomfret Castle. His skill as a leader, his bravery in action, had attracted the attention of all England, and in 1645, when but thirty- three years of age, he was made Commander-in-chief of the Par- liamentary forces, having as his first task the organization of the New Model army. While in the popular opinion it was Cromwell who was " the leading spirit of the war," to quote Sir Clements Markham, the biographer of Fairfax, " it was Fairfax who organized the new army without the smallest assistance from Cromwell. It was Fairfax whose genius won the fight at Naseby, and whose consummate generalship concluded the war, and restored peace. Cromwell was his very efficient general of horse, but nothing more : and indeed he was generally employed on detached duties of se- condary importance." ^ At Naseby, Fairfax was conspicuous for his daring; at the surrender of Oxford, he placed a guard about the 1 Ibid., p. 108. * Ibid., p. 171. ' Ibid., Preface, p. iv. The Poems of Lord Fairfax. 241 Bodleian and saved it from destruction, as he had spared the minster at the siege of York.^ With Charles hopelessly defeated, Fairfax was miwilling to depose him, wishing the King to rule, with the constitution safeguarded from encroachments of the crown. He hotly resented the seizure of Charles by Joyce, and through his insistance Charles was allowed to see his friends, and above all, his children— a favor for which he repeatedly thanked Fairfax.^ In the political intrigues which preceded the execution of Charles, Fairfax took no part ; but when the Royalists made a last stand, he laid siege to Colchester, cap- tured the town, and crushed the insurrection. It was at this time that Milton addressed to him his noble sonnet: Fairfax, whose name in arms through Europe rings, Filling each mouth with envy or with praise, And all her jealous monarchs with amaze. And rumours loud that daunt remotest kings, Thy firm, unshaken virtue ever brings Victory home, though new rebellions raise Their Hydra heads, and the false North displays Her broken league to imp their serpent wings. O yet a nobler task awaits thy hand (For what can war but endless war still breed?) Till truth and right from violence be freed, And public faith cleared from the shameful brand Of public fraud. In vain doth Valour bleed, While Avarice and Rapine share the land. Though appointed one of the Commissioners to try the King, Fairfax refused to be present at the trial, and opposed it in vain. Surely there are few more dramatic moments in history than when Lady Fairfax rose in the gallery of Westminster Hall to protest against the trial, and to defend her husband's name. Indeed, so well known was Fairfax's opposition to the execution of the King that Cromwell accused the general of planning to rescue Charles. In 1650 Lord Fairfax resigned his command, and returned to his estates at Nunappleton. On the death of Cromwell he decided that there would be anarchy unless Charles II returned and ruled. Lambert, with a disciplined army of ten thousand men, was on the ' Ibiif.^.21\. Fairfax bequeathed to the Bodleian 28 manuscripts. See \V. D. Macray : Annals of tlir Bodleian Library, Oxford. « Ibid. pp. 290, 21 IH. 242 E. B. Rccd, field to oppose Monck, who, with an army of seven thousand, was on the point of declaring for Charles. Though ill and suffering intensely, Fairfax sent word to Monck that he would take the field in support of Charles. When he appeared, Lambert's troops deser- ted and flocked to their old commander, and thus, without a shot being fired, the Restoration was accomplished. It was fitting that Lord Fairfax should head the commission sent by Parliament to the Hague to invite Charles to return. No honors were conferred on him by the Merry Monarch — he sought none— and he retired to Yorkshire, where he died November 12, 1671, three years be- fore the death of Milton. It is not surprising that the letters of Fairfax, and his two Short Memorials of the War, should have been published, but it is strange indeed that a manuscript of 656 pages of verse, all in his own hand- writing, should never have been carefully examined. This manuscript passed from the possession of the Fairfax family, and was owned successively by Ralph Thoresby, the Duke of Sussex, and Dr. Bliss of Oxford, from whose collection the Bodleian library, its present owner, purchased it in 1858. Archbishop Cotton, in his Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof in English from the year MD V to MDCCCL, Preface to the second edition, 1852, gave a table of contents of the manuscript, then in the possession of Dr. Bliss, and reprinted one of the paraphrases of the Psalms. Sir Clements Markham, in his Life of Fairfax, already cited, went further; for in the text of his work he reprinted three of Fairfax's poems, ^ and in an appen- dix gave ten more, wholly or in part, but as a historian, interested in the political, and not the literary life of the times, he made no study of the manuscript. Since Markham, I can not find that any one has examined these poems or published them. We have no means of dating the poems, with the exception of the followhig : Upon the New-built House at Apleton (1650), To the Lady Cary upon her Verses on my dcarc Wife (1665), On the Fatal Day (1649), Upon the Horse which his Majestie Rode upon att his Coronation 1 Life of Fairfax, p. 352 : On the Fatal Day, Jan. 30, 1648 ; p. 365, Upon the New-built House at Apleton : p. 384, Upon the Horse -which his Majestie Rode tipon Att his Coronation. Appendix A, pp. 415—427 contains the follow- ing : Preface to the Psalms, Honny dropps (excerpts), The Solitude.^ The Christian Warfare (excerpts), Life and Death Compared together.^ Shortness of Life, Of Beauty.^ Upon a Patch Face., Upon an ill Htisband, and two of the Vulgar Proverbs. The Poems of Lord Fairfax. 243 (1660).^ As these poems are written down in this order, it will be seen that their position gives no clue to the time of their compo- sition, indeed, the very last poem in the manuscript is an eclogue, Hermes and Lycaon, by Edward Fairfax, who died in 1635.- If we refer Fairfax's translations from " good old Mantuan " to his student days, the poems certainly cover a period of forty years. A perusal of the manuscript shows us at once that Fairfax is not a poet, but rather a man of poetic tastes, an admirer of verse. We have, then, no discovery of a neglected genius, and there will be no call for the Complete Works of Thomas Fairfax. It will occasion no surprise, therefore, that we have omitted a considerable amount of his poetry.^ It will readily be seen that the chief defect in these poems is their poor technique. Fairfax had very little sense of rh3thm ; at times his ear seems absolutely untrained, and, though a multitude of corrections in the manuscript show how hard he strugg- led to improve his lines, yet his revisions are generally as awkward as his first rude draft. Few of his poems have any metrical charm, and when in his Honey Drops or Vulgar Proverbs he seeks to become epigrammatical, he lacks both point and finish. His best writing is seen in such a poem as David's Lamentation, or in the straightforward couplets of the Christian Warfare; however, it is not for his skill as a writer that Fairfax deserves attention, l)ut for certain conclusions that may be drawn from the subject-matter of his lines. Fairfax divided his poetry into religious and secular verse, the former occup3'ing 551 pages out of 650, 388 of these being devoted to a metrical paraphrase of the Psalms. From the da3's of Wyatt and Surre\' in England and Clement Marot in France, to " trans- late " the Psalms, or indeed to turn any part of the Scriptures into verse, was a pastime indulged in alike b}^ the devout and by the pro- fligate. A complete list of English writers who from 1500 to 1700 made metrical versions of an}- portion of the Bible has never been compiled. It would be a surprisingly large one, and, though Fairfax was a devout man, he was following a literary fashion as well as his own inclination in his paraphrase which offers so little that is ^ The Epitaph on A. V. dieing Yoimge might be diited. were Ave sure that V. stands for Vere. * As Markhani |)nl)li.she(l this in Miscellanies of Die Philohiblon Society, vol. 12, 18B8-9, I liave not reprinted it. ^ See tal)le of contents of the ]\IS. on page 249. \\\\\\ ili(> exception of the Psalms, 1 have a royy of (he whole ]\IS. It i.-^ ;it the disposal of any one interested in it. 24-i E. B. Reed, interesting that I have reprinted but four Psalms, enough to show his method.^ In his hymns we notice most of all that he writes in an impersonal style, for we have in them no picture of his own mind, no account of his spiritual conflicts, his doubts, his defeats, or his victories. Religious verse is valuable in proportion as it shows us the soul of a man, and this is precisely what Fair- fax does not attempt to do. This same lack of the personal element in his writing is a marked defect of the secular verse also, for he gives us practically nothing of his own life, even in remote allusion. When we consider the great scenes he had witnessed, the part he had played in shaping the destinies of England, it is rather surprising that he should choose to write on Envy, Temperance, Anger. Surely he might have written with more spirit on Liberty, Tyranny, or Valor. He collects many popular proverbs, but he does not jot down the song of his soldiers. For a fighting man, how faint and unrealistic are such lines : As men besieged with mines about Ready to spring and ruing \sic\ all, Hearing the alarm beat, runne out To th' assault and gard ther wall. And by the blast in ruins sinke Vanquist are when they least thinke.^ And yet they are quite unusual, so rarely does he refer to the shock of battle. As Fairfax does not tell us what he has felt, so he has little desire to write down what he has seen. Apart from all considerations of the immeasurable distance that separates Andrew Marvell's work from that of Fairfax, it is yet surprising that Marvell should describe Appleton House and the estates so fully, and that Fairfax, who delighted in them, should give us but a few faint lines on the new-built house. Similarly we should expect the sympathetic picture of the last moments of Charles to * Markham, in liis Life of Fairfax^ p. 369, mentions another copy of Fairfax's version of the Psalms, owned by Mr. Cartwright of Aynho. I have not attempted to trace this. At the end of the MS. of the Short Memorial.^ at Leeds Castle, are versions of the 18th, 24tli, 30th, and 85th Psalms. He prefaces Psalm 18 with the following : ' That I chuse this 18 Psalm let none think that I arrogate anything to myself, for farre be it from me to applie it otherwise than as David's triumph over his enemies.' See Markham's Fairfax.^ p. 415. * A Hymne to Christ the Messiah. The Poems of Lord Fairfax. 245 come from the pen of the general rather than from the tutor of his daughter.^ To observe for one's self, to describe one's feelings, demands a certain amount of originality, and this is precisely what Fairfax lacked. The greater part of his religious verse was paraphrase, and we naturally look for translation in his secular poems. Pages 602-10 of the manuscript are taken, he tells us, from the French, the Italian, the Latin. With the exception of the Mazarinades, all these translations are directed against Rome, showing his strong Puritan sympathies. It is interesting to notice that when he translates Petrarch he does not choose the sonnets to Laura, but The Char- acter of the Romish Church} Petrarchism, brought in by Wyatt and Surrey a century before, had spent its force, and the lyrics of Philip Ay res, 1687, fill the last book that shows the old sway of the founder of the modern lyric.^ As confirmation of Fairfax's lack of skill in writing, it is noticeable that he is unable to reproduce the sonnet form, and turns the quatorzains into poems of twelve lines. Eight pages of translation, however, constitute but a small part of his secular verse. As we read it, we are impressed by the con- trasts it shows, contrasts that can not be explained by assuming that certain poems are separated by long intervals of time. Lady Carey had written to Fairfax a metrical epistle on the death of his wife, and he felt called upon to answer it. Knowing his devotion to Lady Fairfax, we expect him to rise above himself under the inspiration of his grief, but his thought is so trivial, and so feebly exi)ressed, that To the Lady Cary Upon her Verses on my deare Wife is one of the poorest poems. A few lines will show this more plainly than any comment : Madam Could I a Tribute of my thanks express As you have done in love and purer verse, On my best selfe then I might Justly raise Your Elogy t' Encomiums of your Prayse And soe forgett the Subject that did move Me to a thankfulness as 't did you to love. O "twere to great a Crime but pray allow * See Marvell's Iloratian Ode upon Cromwell's Kituiii from Jreland. * Sonnets, De V'an'o Argtcmento, Nos, M and J Apples Comfort giue Who's sick of Loue may yitt haue hope to Hue 260 E. B. Reed, Vnder my head his left hand stretched out And w''^ his Right h' imbraceth me about [p. 436J O Zions daughters I strictly you adiure By the swift Hynde & fearfull Roe be sure Noe stir by noyse you make for to disease Or wake my loue before the time he please Behold I hear his Voyce o're Hills & Downes My loue Comes skiping ouer Mounts & bounds Like th' Hart or nimble Fawne & triping Roe Standing behind our Wall Behold him Loe Through trelest windows how he looketh out His Church w^^ watchfull care he vews about Thus speaking to me I my loue did heare Arise my faire one Come away my deare Lo winters past w"' her stormy showers Th' Earth now shew's her various coulred flowrs Chirping of birds a signe the spring grows near [p. 437] We in the land the mourning Turtle heare The Figg-tree budding green her Figgs disclose The tender Grapes of Vines smell as the Rose Arise my faire one Come away my loue Whom Cliffy Rocks doe hid Come out my Done Shew me thy Face myn eares let thy Voyce meet Thy Countinance is Comely, Voyce most Sweet Take th' Fox & little Foxes in thy Toyles That thus our tender grapes & Vinyard spo3des My deare is myne & I am his who 'monge The Lillyes feed till shades of Night be gone Turne my beloued turne like th' Roe that trips Or nimble Hinde that in Mount Bother skips. [p. 480] Honny dropps. (Under this title Fairfax has written one liundred and twenty five couplets and thirty live quatrains) Why good men haite all sin 'tis understood Because tis both gainst god and ther owne good To walke w'*^ god tis goodmen's care we see But leaves the Care to god w^^ way 't should be MS. Fairfax 40. 261 Noe safty w'^ out god in Freindship were Yitt safe w'^ enimyes if God be there [p. 482] A good man questionless was never hee Thatt strives nott allways better for to be [p. 483] Good Conscience is a name att vj^^ Men tante But betters a good name then Conscience want [p. 484] Whatt before men we are affray d to doe Fore God to thinke itt should affrisfht us too Many the Sacred ordinances use Making noe proffet of them — them abuse [p. 486] When thou dost well or any good thou can Prayse nott thy worke, the worke will prayse the Man [p. 487] The soule by such a Noble sperit moves Tis nott soe mxuch where't lives as wher it loves Sure best are they, nott they who most can talke How Good God is, but who most with him walke fp. 490] In sweetest Natures this will sure befall None All can like nor shall be lik't of all [p. 491] All Earthly things are such as ther's noe doubt Worst Men may have and best may goe wt^^'outt Yett wanting them a man may happy be When others w"' them have butt misery [p. 492] Noe Time in pastime need we Idly wast For time will pass from us in too much hast [p. 507] rth' Sacred Arke Reason of State should lye But rules of sttite should nott Religion tye When men w^'^ wine themselves like beasts abuse Not wine the Men l)ut the wine misuse [p. 509] In all thou undertskes be earful still That none of thee can speake deserved ill And soe when that is done thou needs not Care For 111 men's Censure ('Tis the Common fare) 262 E. B. Reed, [p. 549] A Songe of Prayse Earth prayse the Lord him Reverence beare As well for's Thunders that we heare At w^'i poore Mortals stand affraid As four the glotious Maruels which Such Splendors doth the world inricli They are the workes his hands hath made His Prouidential loue lets singe That w'l^ a plentious flowinge springe Our barren soules hee watered The East the West tast of his ("are Hott Affrick nor the freezinge Beare From his al seeinge eye is hidd [p. 550] And wast nott he He who did please W'^ seueral kinds to store the Seas Of Fish beyond account Nay more Made Woods & Hills that Cataile yeilds Gaue flowry Pasturs verdent feilds That bringe both Corne & wine great store But how doe we his mercy wronge He sees wee still in Sin grow stronge And day by day his patience moue Yet as a Father ready is To pardon faults he sees in his Such are the tokens of his loue [p. 551 ='] In vs Affections oh tis strange Wth Q^j- light humor suddaine Change As in a moment they grew old They w'*^ the Wind are easely driuen But his is alweyes firme & euen And to Eternity doe hold Finis MS. Fairfax 40. 263 [p. 551 c] The Recreations of my Solitude T:F [p. 552] THE SOLITUDE O how I loue these Solitudes And places silent as the Night Ther wher noe thronging multituds Disturbe w'^^ noyse ther sweet delight O how myn eyes are pleas'd to see Oakes that such spreadinge branches beare W'^'^ from old Time's netiuity And th'enuy of so many yeares Are still greene beautifull & faire As att the world's lirst day they were Naught but the highest twiggs of all Wher Zephyrus doth wanton play [p. 553 1 Doe yett presage ther future fall Or shew a signe of ther decay Times past Fawnes Satyrs Demy-Gods Hither retird to seeke for Aide When Heauen w'^ Earth was soe att odds As Jvipiter in rage had laide O're all a Deluge these high woods Preseru'd them from the sweling floods Ther vnder a flowry Thorne alonge Of Springs delightfull i:)lant the Cheife Sadd Philomela's mournfuU songe Doth sweetly entertaine my greefe And to behold is noe less rare jp. 554 1 These hanging Rocks & Precepies W^*^ to the wounds of sadd dispare Are soe propitious to giue ease When soe oprest by cruel fate Death's sought for att another gate 264 E. B. Reed, [LA SOLITUDE ^ A Alcidon. Que j'ayme la solitude! Que ces lieux sacrez a la nuit, Esloignez du monde et du bruit, Plaisent a mon inquietude ! Mon Dieu ! que mes yeux sont contens De voir ces bois, qui se trouverent A la nativite du temps, Et que tons les siecles reverent, Estre encore aussi beaux et vers, Qu'aux premiers jours de I'univers ! Un gay zephire les caresse D'un mouvement doux et flatteur. Rien que leur extresme hauteur Ne fait remarquer leur vieillesse. Jadis Pan et ses demy-dieux Y vindrent chercher du refuge, Quand Jupiter ouvrit les cieux Pour nous envoyer le deluge, Et, se sauvans sur leurs rameaux, A peine virent-ils les eaux. Que sur cette espine fleurie, Dont le printemps est amoureux, Philomele, au chant langoureux, Entretient bien ma resverie ! Que je prens de plaisir a voir Ces monts pendans en precipices, Qui, pour les coups du desespoir, Sont aux malheureux si propices, Quand la cruaute de leur sort Les force a rechercher la mort ! 1 This is not in the MS. See pp. 246-248. MS. Fairfax 40. 265 How pleasant are the Murmuring stream In shady Vallyes runing-e downe Whose raginge torrents as itt seemes Just measurs keepe in skpps & bounds Then gUdinge vnder th' arbored banks As windinge Serpents in the grass The sportfull Naides playes ther pranks [p. 555] Vpon the watry plaines of Glass The christal Elements wherin These watry Nimphes delight to swime The qviiet Marshe I loue to see That bounded is w^^ willowes round With Sallow, Elme, & Popler tree W'='^ Iron yett hath giuen noe wound The Nimphes that Come to take fresh Ayre Here Rocks & Spindles them prouide Mongst Sedge & Bulrush we may heare The lepinge Froggs Se wher they hide Themselues for feare when they espye A Man or Beast approachinge nye [p. 556] A hundred thousand Fowle her lye All voyd of feare makinge ther Nest Noe treachrous Fowler here Comes nye W*^ mortal gunnes to breake ther rest Some ioying in the sunn's warme beames Ther fethers buisil}' doe plume Whilst others findinge Loue's hott flames In waters allsoe can Consume And in all pastimes Inocent Are pleased in this Element How pleasant is itt to behold 'Hiese ancient Ruinated Towers [p. 557] 'Gainst w^i" the Giants did of old W*'^ Insolence imploye ther Powers Now Sayters here ther Sabath keepe And Sperits w'^'' our sence inspire "\\rth frightinge dreames whilst we doc sleepe Noe here againe all day retire In thousand Chinkes & dusty holes Lyes vgly Batts cS; Scritchinge Owlcs 266 E. B. Reed, Que je trouve doux le ravage De ces fiers torrens vagabonds, Qui se precipitent par bonds Dans ce valon vert et sauvage ! Puis, glissant sous les arbrisseaux, Ainsi que des serpens sur I'herbe, Se changent en plaisans ruisseaux, Ou quelque Nai'ade superbe Regne comme en son Hot natal, Dessus un throsne de christal ! Que j'aime ce marets paisible! 11 est tout borde d'aliziers, D'aulnes, de saules et d'oziers, A qui le fer n'est point nuisible. Les Nymphes, y cherchans le frais, S'y viennent fournir de quenouilles, De pipeaux, de joncs et de glais ; Ou Ton voit sauter les grenouilles, Oui de frayeur s'y vont cacher Si tost qu'on veut s'en approcher. La, cent mille oyseaux aquatiques Vivent, sans craindre, en leur repos, Le giboyeur fin et dispos, Avec ses mortelles pratiques. L'un, tout joyeux d'un si beau jour, S'amuse a becqueter sa plume ; L'autre allentit le feu d'amour Qui dans I'eau mesme se consume, Et prennent tous innocemment Leur plaisir en cet element. Que j'ayme a voir la decadence De ces vieux chasteaux ruinez, Contre qui les ans mutinez Ont deploye leur insolence ! Les sorciers y font leur sabat ; Les demons follets s'y retirent, Qui d'un malicieux ebat Trompent nos sens et nous martirent ; La se nichent en mille troux Les couleuvres et les hyboux. ' Fail-fax omits a stanza here. MS. Fa h fax 40. 267 These Mortal Augurs of Mischance Who funerall notes as Musick makes The GobHns singe & skipp & dance In valts ore spred w'^ Toads & Snakes Ther in a Cursed beame might see [p. 558] The horred Skehton of some poore louer Well for his Mistriss Cruelty Hanged himselfe sence naught could moue her Or wth a glance nott once to daine To ease him of his mortal paine The Marble Stones here strew 'd about Of Carracters leaue yett some signe But now are almost eaten outt By teeth of all deuouring time The planks & timber from aboue Downe to the lowest Valts are fau'ne Wher Toads & Vipers 'mongst them moue Leauinge theron ther deadly spawne [p. 559] And Harths that once were vs'd fvr fyers Now shaded are w^ii scratchinge Bryers Yet lower an Arched- Valt extends Soe hiddious darke & deepe doth sinke That did the Sun therin desend I thinke he scarce Could se a winke Slumber that from heauy Cares W* drowsiness inchants our sence Sleepes here secure, as far from feares Lul'd in the Armes of Negligence And on her back in sluggish sort Vpon the pauement lyes & Snort [p. 560] When from these Ruings I doe goe Vp an aspiringe Rock nott farre Whose topp did seeme ast were to know Wher mists & Stormes ingendred are And then desending att my leasure Downe paths made by the storming Waues I did laehold w"' greater pleasure How they did worke the hollow Caues A worke soe Curious & soe rare As if that Neptuns Court were ther 268 E. B. Reed, L'orfraye, avec ses cris funebres, Mortels augures des destins, Fait rire et dancer les lutins Dans ces lieux remplis de tenebres. Sous un chevron de bois maudit Y branle le squelette horrible D'un pauvre amant qui se pendit Pour une bergere insensible, Qui d'un seul regard de pitie Ne daigna voir son amitie. La se trouvent sur quelques marbres Des devises du temps passe ; Icy I'age a presque efface Des chiffres taillez sur les arbres ; Le plancher du lieu le plus haut Est tombe jusques dans la cave, Que la limace et le crapaut Souillent de venin et de bave ; Le lierre y croist au foyer, A I'ombrage d'un grand noyer. La dessous s'estend une voute Si sombre en un certain endroit. Que, quand Phebus y descendroit, Je pense qu'il n'y verroit goutte; Le Sommeil aux pesans sourcis, Enchante d'un morne silence, Y dort, bien loing de tons soucis, Dans les bras de la Nonchalence, Laschement couche sur le dos Dessus des gerbes de pavos. Tantost, sortant de ces mines, Je monte au haut de ce rocher, Dont le sommet semble chercher En quel lieu se font les bruines; Puis je descends tout a loisir, Sous une falaise escarpee, D'ou je regarde avec plaisir L'onde qui I'a presque sappee Jusqu'au siege de Palemon, Fait d'esponges et de limon. ' Fairfax omits a stanza here. MS. Fairfax 40. 269 Tis a delightfull sight to see Standinge on the mufuringe shore [p. 561] When Calmer Seas begin to bee After the Stormes w^'^ raginge roare How the blew Trytons doe appeare Vpon the rollinge Curled Wanes Beatinge w* hiddious tunes 'the Ayre W^i' Crooked Trumpets Sea-men braues Att whose shrill notes the winds doe seeme By keepinge still to beare esteeme Sometimes the Sea w^h Tempests rore Frettinge itt Can rise noe higher Roulinge or'e the flinty shore Throwes them vp againe retires [p. 562] Somtimes through itt's deuouringe Jawes When Neptun's in an angr}' moode Poore mariners finde his Cruel lawes Made to his finy Subiects foode But Diamonds Amber & the Jett To Neptune they doe Consecrate Sometimes soe Cleare & soe serene Itt seemes ast were a looking glass And to our Vewes presenting seemes As heauens beneath the waters was The Sun in it's soe clearely seene That contemplatinge this bright sight [p. 563] As't was a doubt whether itt had beene Himselfe or image gaue the hght Att first appearing to our eyes As if he had falne from the skyes Thus Alcidon whose loue inioynes To thinke for thee noe hibor paine Receaue these Rustick Shepheards lines That's from ther liuinge obiects ta'ine Sence I seeke only desart places Wher all alone my thoughts doe use Noe entertainment but what pleases The genius of my Rural Muse But noe thoughts more delighteth mee Then sweet Remembrances of thee Trans. Conn. Acad., Vol. XIV. 18 July, lOO'J. 270 E. B. Reed, Que c'est une chose agreable D'estre sur le bord de la mer, Quand elle vient a se calmer Apres quelque orage effroyable ! Et que les chevelus Tritons, Hauts, sur les vagues secouees, Frapent les airs d'estranges tons Avec leurs trompes enrouees, Doat I'eclat rend respectueux Les vents les plus impetueux. Tantost I'onde, brouillant I'arene, Murmure et fremit de courroux, Se roullant dessus les cailloux Qu'elle apporte et qu'elle r'entraine. Tantost, elle estale en ses bords. Que I'ire de Neptune outrage, Des gens noyez, des monstres morts, Des vaisseaux brisez du naufrage, Des diamans, de I'ambre gris, Et mille autres choses de pris. Tantost, la plus claire du monde, Elle semble un miroir flottant, Et nous represente a I'instant Encore d'autres cieux sous I'onde. Le soleil s'y fait si bien voir, Y comtemplant son beau visage, Qu'on est quelque temps a syavoir Si c'est luy-mesme, ou son image, Et d'abord il semble a nos yeux Qu'il s'est laisse tomber des cieux. Bernieres, pour qui je me vante De ne rien faire que de beau, Re^oy ce fantasque tableau Fait d'une peinture vivante. Je"^ne cherche que les deserts, Ou, resvant tout seul, je m'amuse A des discours assez diserts De mon genie avec la muse; Mais mon plus aymable entretien C'est le ressouvenir du tien. Fairfax omits the two concluding stanzas. MS. Fairfax 40. 271 [p. 564] Of a Faire Wife to Coresfio "to' Thou thinkst Coregio thou hast gott An exelent Beauty to thy lott But yet remember this againe For pleasure also thovi'lt haue paine No perfect rest can be to thee When watchfull always thou must be T'is hard & difficult to keepe That all the world desire & seeke Is her beauty much, Then know Her pride's noe less w<=h she doth show [p. 565] Dost thou admire her th'more will shee For thy esteeme disdainful! be But is shee faire Consider this If shee be chast, some doubt it is As shee in hansomnes exceeds Soe much of Modesty shee needs Shee'l alwayes be a Mistress there Wher only thou Comand should beare But wouldst thou haue me to define This rare beauty that is thine Thy IdoU as thou make's of itt Much more of Hurt then good thou'le gett [p. 566] For th' Adoration by thee giuen Giues thee a Hell insteade of Heauen New habits daly shee will axe And if denyed then shee will vex And thinke all's nothing in her passion That's nott in the Mode & fashion As if her Body were assign'd To giue Inquietud's to thy minde Me thinke I see thee rauisht on her Thou l)linde (as Idolizinge) Louer Ma'as soone begett Ixion's l)rood On Juno's Image in a cloude 272 B. E. Reed, [p. 567] Why shouldst thou longer thus submit To her who to obay's more fitt Least when thy Reason once is lost Thy Liberty too itt will Cost And in the end butt as a slaue A soueraine for Companion haue To say noe worse of Beauty I Conclude It is but an Ilustrious seruitude [p. 568] Of Beauty Beauty's a fraile & brittle good W^ Sicknes Time & Age doe blast The Rose & Lilly in face thatt budd Hardly are keept & seldome last What hath she then to boast on Sane A fragil life & timely graue Beauty wher sweet Graces faile May be Compared vnto this A goodly ship w^^ out her saile A spring her fragrant flower doe miss [p. 569] A day want's Sun or Torch itts Light A shrine want's Saint or Starless night But how doth Nature seeme to smother The Virtues of this lonely Flower Who is of wanton Lust the Mother Of toyinge Vanity a Bowre Enimy of Peace the Fount wher Pride doe swime Th' Incendeary of Strife of Passions Magazen [p. 570] Vpon a Patch Face Noe Beauty Spots should ladyes weare They but the Spots of beauty are Who knowes nott this (saue foolish Sotts) That Beauty aught to haue noe Spotts Some note a Spot that Venus had Admitt itt were in one soe badd Yett should nott shee haue Spots vpon Her That would be held a Maide of Honor MS. Fair/ax 40. 273 [p. 571] Vpon an ill Husband All Creaturs else on Earth that are Whether they Peace affect or Warre Males ther Females ne're opress By the Lyon safe lyes the Lyoness [p. 572] The Beares ther Mates noe harme procure Wtii Wolfe the shee Woolfe lines secure And of the Bull the Earth wc^ teeres The tender Heyfer has noe feares But men then these more brutish are Who w'l' ther wiues Contend & jarre [p. 572] Of Enuy In Enuy's Face discerne I this Of Monsters shee most Monstrous is A hurtfull glance her eye doth dart A painfull paine lies att her hart [p. 573] Noe Good doe's Man enioy by Right Her enuious teeth doth nott bitte To Carracterize her yitt more fitt Of Errino^e blindness shee the Pitt A Hell to Natures swetest Life Reuenges Spur the flame of Strife Her Actions yett bespeake her worse ' To Ciuill Peace a vexinge Curse Temptation's Sargent that's assign'd The Sentinell of Restless minde More hurtfull to the soule by farr Then Vipers to the body are But in a word t'express this Euell T'is the Sin peculier to the Duiill I p. 574] Of Anger Noe Passion's rooted deeper or extends Her branches furder or that more offends Then Coller doth of w<^'' no sex or Age Can boast a full exemption from itts rage And when it's boundless fury growes It's high distemper Madnes showes 274 E. B. Reed, Soe oft as Man is Angery oh tis sadd He's nott onl}^ weake but blinde & Madd Error for Truth imbraces & t'wer well If dearest freinds from enimys he Covild tell A harmeless smile or from the eye a glance Though vndesign'd puts him into a trance [p. 575] And when his fury wakes how oft tis seene Frendships most sacred bonds disolued haue beene Who doth nott then discerne in sundry fashions How Man afflicted is w^h Angry passions More feirce then are some Brutes as may apeare They sometimes yeilds but he's in full Cariere As Mariners when w^ii amazement smitt The Pilots voyce in stormes regards nott itt Soe men in frenzy ther strange gesters are Wild as the beasts & Irreguler The flaminge fire w^^ Passions kindle flies In furious sparkes from his piercinge eyes His angry face by a reflux of blood That from his Hart assends becometh rude [p. 576] His haire w^^ gastly horror stands vpright And euery word he speakes he seemes to bitt His hands & feet in ther excentrick Motions Breath naught but threats w^^ rash & bloody notions His Lookes soe terrible as doe portend A fatal Change vnto his nearest freind What must be then's distempred soule wti>in Soe vgly outward, but a sinke of Sin [p. 577] Of Virtue As wel tun'd Musick sweetly seize The sehces soe doth't Virtue please The Virtuous, force the Vitious too Th'admire in others what they should doe Those best loue virtue & her lawes That most Contemnes men's vains aplaues Vertue alone all Grace inhance And she noe vse doth make of chance Whose effects are transcent in th' euent What proceeds from virtue's permenent MS. Fair/ax 40. 275 Those things itt shghts the World doe hold Pretious as Fortunes Goods & Gold [p. 578] These hath ther wings & flye away When Man desireth most ther Stay The virtious Soule prize most that some Thinkes but from sheepesh nature Come And nott from Grace the spring fro whence Flowes Virtue Goodnes Inocence Care thou for these sence they'le apeare Much surer Goods then Riches are Thy virtious acts goe wher thou will For Companions thou shalt haue still When Men shall faile & freindship both A better frende w^ii thee then goe'th Enuy att death shal Cease in Foes No Post-hume euel Malice knowes [p. 579] In transendent hight shal vertue shine Wher feet of Enuy Can not clime Virtue alone doth death outline As't t'wer againe new life doth giue Whilst Goods of Fortune here haue ends Virtue alone to heauen assends [p. 582] Nature & Fortune What thing is nature we may thus define God draws't through Beings in directst line Wher as in Fortune soe miscal'd by some More Crooked is & in Meanders rune As Natur's rule by prouidence deuine Soe Fortune too in an obstrucer line Then Fortune is not blinde as vaine men says Tis they are blinde discerning not her wayes I p. 583] The Christian War-fare The miirke of note Gods children here doc beare Is from the World's a different Carrecter He to th'one for portion here beneath Doth Losses, Shame & Pouerty bequeath 276 E. B. Reed, Yett happy those Aflictions wee account That to the State Eternal doe amount The worldly brood if we Caractrize Th' haue noe Aflictions Hue in Paridize Ther Riches here as they desire augment Ther Honors too increase to ther Content But as a dreame these Honers vanish soone And an eternal woe shal take ther Roome As fatt of Lambes away they shall Consume Ther Honor vanish into smoke & fume [p. 584J T'indure sorrowes & Iniuryes we must (As Scriptures tel) & be to exile thrust Then tis a signe indeed heauen is ovir choyse When in our Tribulations wee reioyce T'is Gileads pretious Balme & serues to binde The wounds & blowes w°'i here below we finde Yea happ3^ choyse though thus the World vs treat Seing that in heauen our reward is great The Soulder of that name vnworthy is That trembles att the sight of enimyes Soe is the Christian w^h that title bear's If he att threats of aduerse destine fear's But w*^ a patient calmness lett's receaue What the Soueraigne hand is pleas'd to giue [p. 585] The Midle Region or those parts aboue Are least obscurd nor ther doe Tempests moue Soe should our soules be raysd boue Passions sphere Noe Stormes of Tongues Nor Cloudes of enuy feare In fronts of Batailes we our fortunes Sett The Ship at Sea w^^ stormy winds is bett The Pilot scapt from former gusts noe more Feare's ship-wrack now then what he did before The Soulder oft to frequent perills knowne Neglect's the danger that's soe Cohion growne And soe should we when our Aflictions growe Wth lenghtned Patience learne to beare them too This Life's a war-fare if sometimes begun To parly w'^ our sorrowes t'is soone done And ill th' end when hopes begin to Cease [p. 586] Proues but a Cessation noe Continu'd Peace Whilst through cleare skyes the .Sun triumphant rides Vpon a sudden cloudes his splendor hides MS. Fair/ax 40. 277 Doth health & Pleasure spur our sences on Soon sickness Comes and all delights are gone Such is the State of vs vncertaine men To know in calmes to guide our Vessels then Is not enough, but t'is when Tempests rise To steare a Course both Patient, Stout, & Wise Did our misfortunes soe deuide our share As some shee would Aflict & others Spare We might Complaine of her inconstant fitts Bullets as soon th' Captaine as soulder hitts The Feauer to the Great a deafe eare hath [p. 587] As to the meanest both subuerts by death Soe may the Justice of Impartial fate For Comfort serue vs in our greatest Strait Why doe we enuy then aspiringe Men W**! Stormes the Vallyes are less troubled then The lofty Hills & humble shrubbs belowe Less danger's in then Oakes that highest growe^ See we not how the straitest Popler tree And spredinge Elme as they vngratfull be For nurishment) to barreness incline Whilst prostrate on the ground the Crocked vine Abundance yeilds or haue we nott scene From highest plenty men in wants haue beene How many Kings falne from ther Regall seate Haue Crack't their Crownes ther Royal Septers breake [p. 588] Our Wittnesses by cloudes we all may bringe To shew that splendid honours a vaine thinge Should they be ta'ne from vs resolue thus much Ther loss should not be great ther fading's such Should we aflict ourselues when loss appear's Our Teares would sooner want then Cause for toares All you w'l' heauenly Marks of God indued Arme to the Fi<:ht shew Virtue Fortitude As Rocks 'gainst w^i^ the raging billowes rore Keepe firme ther station on the threatned shore Soe let our Soules be firme & Constant still Against the threats this World doth make of 111 Or as a Diamon mongst the dust doth dart The beauty more in itt's resplendent sparke ' Cf. Horace, Cann. II 10. 278 E. B. Reed, [p. 589] In midst of troubles soe lett vs demeane As Countinances be pleasant Soules serene Remember t'is from high Aflictions fall From Prouidence deuine that goueni's all Who when he please in turning of an eye Turn's Wrath to Mercy Sorrows into Joy T'is he who made the firtile Earth produce Her anual fruit most meet for humaine vse He both the Rose & Violets did Cloth T'is he beauty & th'oders gaue to both 'Twas his Almighty power that did make fall Att Israels seige the Jereconian Wall That on's Enimyes ruing he might raise Trophy on Trophy to inrich his Prayse [p. 590] Shal we then those his wonders now less prize Or thinke his Power abat's, or hee less wise No, hee's as able still Nor shall His want Victory on Standards Glory on ther front [p. 590] Life & Death Compared together Such vulgar thoughts the World doe fill To thinke Life good Death only ill Then life ill lined noe euell's worse Death (dicing well) remoues the Curse And tis for certaine truth men tell He ne're dies ill that liueth well 111 Hues doe but ther Ills increase [p. 591] But dieng well makes Euells Cease Badd men haite death but not soe much That itt is 111, as They are such Moral Men teache vs in their bookes That we should dispise death's grime lookes T'is Comon sence w''^ doth inspire Ther feares of thatt Good men desire Nor Can we truly death define By makinge odious what's sublime Consider't in th' effects & soe itt will Plead much for death be't Good or 111 Say itt be 111 yett here's the Good To greater Ills it giues a period In life what one good thinge is ther MS. Fairfax 40. 279 [p. 592] To keepe our Passions Reguler The many Ills each day is done Makes Death less fear'd but once to come But rather thanke Death that's the Cause Our Ills are not Imortal Lawes [p. 592] Vpon a Fontaine Seest thou how these waters flowe How soone againe away itt glides Soe worldly Glory's but a showe That neuer long w^h vs abides^ [p. 593] Vpon the New-built House att Apleton Thinke not o Man that dwells herein This House's a Stay but as an Inne W^ for Conuenience fittly stands In way to one nott made w^h hands But if a time here thou take Rest Yett thinke Eternity's the Best [p. 594] Shortness of Life In Rosy mor'ne I saw Aurora red But when the Sun his beames had fully spred She vanisht I saw a Frost then a Dew T'wixt time soe short as scarce a time I knew This stranger seemd when in more raised thought I saw Death Come How soone a life he'ad Caught Wher in the turninge of an eye he'ad done Farre vSpeo^dier execution then the Sun Pour une Fontaine Vols tu, passaut, couler cette onde Et s'ecouler iin-outiiieiit V Ainsi fait la yloire dii monde Et rien que Dieu n'est permaueiit Mallierbe. 280 E. B. Reed, [p. 595] Epitaph on A V dieng Younge O what affront was itt to Nature And sadder Influence of the Skyes That in a moment clos'd the Eyes Of such a machless Creature But askinge what might be the Reason That Creviel Fate soe out of season Had Caried her from vs soe farre This Answer was to me returnd Least that the Earth should bee burnd By th' scorching beames of that bright starr [p. 596] The Lady Caryes Elogy on my deare Wife O Fatal fall might not those heapes suffice This Suiher Captivi'd but thou must surprize The best of Nobels this soe great good Lady A Vere A Fairfax Honours-Honour, Shee Did grace her Birth Sex Relate & Degree & Shee a Non-parell for Piety Vers't in the Theory of Godliness The wch she did in Conference express Its Practick part her life to life did shew Each way but most excellinge in all vew Was Faith Submission vnweared pleasantnes [p. 597] With vniuersal weaknes, Paine Sickness Many longe lasting Great few euer sence Soe followed Job in suffringe Patience But she is now most gloriously exalted Wher sin & sorrow neuer entred To Mount Zion heauenly Jerusalem The City of God to Sperits of Just men To Church of the first borne to Angels blest To God to Jesus this Compleats the rest Her Faith saw this w^^^ made her smile att death And w'^^' much Joy surrendred vp her breath Her Body deare her All thats out of Heauen To Billl)rough church as a riche Treasure's giuen Bilbrough church-yeard daine me a little roome That after death my graue waite on her Tombe. MS. Fairfax 40. 281 [p. 598] To the Lady Gary Vpon her Verses on my deare Wife Madam Could I a Tribute of m}' thanks express As you haue done in loue & purer Verse On my best selfe then I might Justly raise Your Elogy t'Encomiums of your Prayse And see forgett the Svibiect that did moue Me to a thankfulnes as't did you to loue A. t'were to great a Crime but pray allow Wher I fall short but you haue reached to Makinge that Good wisest of Kings hath said Th' Liuing's not soe Preyse-worthy then the dead 1 thinke the Reason's this itts grounded on 'Cause Mercys are not priz'd till they are gone [p. 599] O had not hopes surpast my grosser sence My loss Could not haue had a recompence Yett such an Influence hath your happy straine To bring my buried Joy to life againe Vertue Goodnes Loue things hiiortalize The better part when as the other dies True, Soules in Bodyes haue ther being here But Loues in Soules haue ther ther proper Sphere Then is true loue Compos'd of Nobler fyers Then to extinguish when the Life expires Butt to Conclude Madam me think you 'spire In humblest Thoughts to raise your Trophys higher Then Her's you would attend in gelid Mould W^h for her Friend the lodging seemes too Could fp. GOO] But were itt soe itt my good haj^p might bee To lye next Her, To you our Quire is free fj). GOO] On the Fatal day Jan: 30 1648 Oh lett that Day from time be blotted quitt And lett beleefe oft in next Age be waned In deepest silence th' Act Concealed might Soe that the King-doms Credit might be saued 282 E. B. Reed, But if the Power deuine permited this His Will's the Law & ours must acquiesse Curse loquuntur leues Ingentes stupent [p. 601] Of Inpartial Fate Here we all the Same Danger run By the like Destin's we are ledd Same Misfortune to the Shepeard Come May attack as well the Crowned head Our dayes are Spun vpon that wheele The meanest Subiect & greatest Kinge To like end th' Fatal Sisters bringe The thread when Cutt both same Sisers feele [f. 604] A Carracter of the Romish Church by Francisco Petrarca Laura Can : 106 Fiamma dal del su tue treccie pioua Heauens dire flame sits on thy Curled tresses O wrech, from scrip & wallet who's become Both riche & great through those w^^^ thou oppresses Soe much reioyces thou when euells Come A nest of Treasons wher mischeifes bredd Ther hacht in the o're the World is spred Wine Bed good Belly chere & pleasant dayes To All, thy whoredoms to the vttmost shews [p. 605] Thy seruants younge & old the wanton playes This fire w^^i bellowes Bel-ze-bub blowes Such is thy life thou wicked Epicure As to the Heauens thy stinch is gone vp svire Fountaine of Greefe & woe wraths harbor too Temple of Heresy Pitt of Errors deepe In elter times we held thee Rome but now Babel the peruerse for w'^'i wee weepe A shopp of Cousnage prison of Crueltyes Wher ills mentaind & wher Goodnes dyes MS. Fairfax 40. 283 When founded first wast humble Poore & Chast Thy homes against thy Founders now thou hfts [p. 606] O shameles Strumpet wher's thy trust now plast Is't in th' Aduhryes ill gott Goods or Shiffts Then vnto All great wonder itt will bee If Christ in th" End powre nott his wrath on thee ^ [Fiamma dal del su le tue trecce piova, Malvagia, che dal fiume e dalle ghiande, Per I'altru' impoverir se' ricca e grande ; Poiche di mal oprar tanto ti giova : Nido di tradimenti, in cui si cova Quanto mal per lo mondo oggi si spande ; Di vin serva, di letti e di vivande, hi cui lussuria fa I'ultima prova. Per le camere tue fanciulle e vecchi Vanno trescando, e Belzebub in mezzo Co' mantici e col foco e con gli specchi. Gia non fostu nudrita in piume al rezzo, Ma nuda al vento, e scalza fra li stecchi: Or vivi si, ch'a Dio ne venga il lezzo. Fontana di dolore, albergo d'ira, Scola d'errori, e tempio d'eresia; Gia Roma, or Babilonia falsa e ria, Per cui tanto si piagne e si sospira. O fucina d'inganni, o prigion dira, Ove '1 ben more, e '1 mal si nutre e cria; Di vivi Inferno ; un gran miracol fia, Se Cristo teco alfinc non s'adira. Fondata in casta ed umil povertate, Contra tuoi fondatori alzi le corna, Putta sfacciata: e dov' hai posto spene? Negli adulter] tuoi, nelle malnate Ricchezze tante ? Or Constantin non torna ; Ma tolga il mondo triste che '1 sostene.-J ' See page 245. ■' Tiiese sonnets are not in the MS. 284 E. B. Reed, fp. 612] Vpon the Horse w^h his Ma^ie Rode vpon att his Coronation 1660 Hence then Dispaire my hopes why should itt bury Sence this braue Steed Bredd first was in my Query Now thus aduanc't w^^ highest honors loden Whilst his that bredd him on by most Mens troden But t'is noe matter Seing tho' hast gott th' Aduance Then please the Royal Rider w*^ thy Prance Soe may thy Fame much rayse thy Prayses higher Then Chessnut that beo^ott the or Brid-la-dore his Sire -'to^ Bridla-dore (Anglice) Golden Bridle [p. 613] Vulgar Proverbs None to another freind can be That to himselfe's an enimy [p. 614] Of sence & Money & of Faith Where's the Man that too much hath Betwixt the Bridle & the Spur Reason often lodgeth her In th' house of Foes prepose this End To gett some Woman for thy freind [p. 615] The Hope of Gaine — Abateth paine Wouldst thou have all thy trouljles cease Then see & heare & hold thy peace Lait (doe we say) repents the Ratt When by the Neck has hold the Catt His thoughts are good & ever best That carryes Death w^^m. his brest [p. 617] A fatt Earth makes a Horse to labour But A good Lawyer is an ill Neighbour Make Night of Night & Day of Day Soe w*^ less sorrow live you may [p. 618] Pardon to Men that evel be Unto the God's an injury • aMS. Fairfax 40. 285 When Pride on horseback getteth upp Loss & shame sitts on the Croup [p. 620] He that would live in healthfulnes Must dine w^'^ little & supp w"' less [p. 621] As the evening doth the day cornend So life is Praysed b}^ the end [p. 622] Virtue shewes the greater grace Shining from a bautious face [p. 624] Att a rounde Table noe Strife is Who shal be nearest a grood Dish Dry March Wett Aprel May that's both Brings plenty wher ther is noe sloth [p. 625] In a fresh gale Extend thy Saile [p. 626] W^e ma}' be sure still inocence Beares in itselfe its owne defence [p. 627] To read & yitt to have learn'd nought Is like the chase wher nothing's caught [p. 628] Tis good we should the tongue coifiand Speake litle & more understand For if from us our words once fall It is too laite them to recall Humaine Praise — Is a vaine blaze [p. 631] Sett on a Seat a Foole e're longe He'le wagg his Legges or sing a songe [p. 633] Nature made nothing so sublime Butt Virtue to the topp will clime " When a whit frost on earth doth lu' Tis a presage then raine is nie [p. 635 1 On a womans first Counsel rest Seldnmo the Second is the l.iest Bread Butter & good Cheese A shield 'gainst death be al these Trans. Conn. Acad., V(.l. XIV. li> July, liiOO. 286 ^- ^- Reed, Pardon give to every one But to thj^selfe alow none. [p. 637] When Italy is wt'^out Fish When France w^hout Treason is In Eno-land longe noe war we see Then w^^out Earth the World shall bee. [p. 638] My contry is in all lands wher I o-oe & meet w^^ true friends ther. MS. Fairfax 40. 287 [p. 641] The teares of France for the deplorable death of Henry 4 surnamed the Great Ah is itt then Great Henry soe fam'd For taming men himselfe by death is tam'd Whatt eye his glory saw now his sad doome But must desolue in Teares sigh out his Soule Soe small a shred of Earth should him intombe Whos acts deseru'd pocession of the whole O t'is but fitt for joyes we henceforth mourne Our songes & mirth into sad plaints we turne Instead of this great King greefe may raigne here So thatt in sorrow plung'd our fainting breath May send our endless sighs to th'highst Sphere Whilst hopless teares distill vpon the earth [p. 642] Yis itt is htt what else can we returne Butt teares as offrings to his sacred vrne W^ them his Sable Marble tombe bedew No no such armes too weake sence itt apeares For vs he of his blood too careless grew Haue we naught else for him butt a few teares O could our eyes to fontains we distill T' Would nott abaite the least part of our ill We oft shed teares for simple wrongs oft weepe Too Cornon oft for things of lesser prise Then lett vs die att this great Monarchs feet His Tombe th' Alter, our selues, the sacrifice But who can die if Sisters Fate denies A closure to our half death trickling eyes Hauing shut vp those of this warrlike Prince Atropos so proud's of her royal pray Her Cypriss into laurels will turne, Sence Of this great Victor she hath gott the day [p. 643] But sence we are ordain'd to sigh & Hue And after tliis ther faitall stroke then giue Line then complaining this sad shock of Fate Wher happy da3's are gone, no ioy ajijieares Tlien mourne & sigh till death our greefe abate And shew whilst lining, Life shal wast in teares 288 E. B. Recti [^ Quoi ? faut-il que Henri, ce redoute monarque, Ce dompteur des humains, soit dompte par la Parque ? Que I'oeil qui vit sa gloire ores voye sa fin ? Que le nostre pour lui incessamment degoutte ? Et que si peu de terre enferme dans son sein Celui qui meritoit de la posseder toute ? Quoi ? faut-il qu'a jamais nos joies soyent esteintes ? Que nos chants et nos ris soyent convertis en plaintes? Qu'au lieu de nostre roi le deuil regne en ces lieux ? Que la douleur nous poigne et le regret nous serre ? Que sans fin nos sousoirs montent dedans les cieux ? Que sans espoir nos pleurs descendent sur la terre ? II le faut, on le doit. Et que pouvons-nous rendre Que des pleurs assidus, a cette auguste cendre ? Arrousons a jamais son marbre triste blanc. Non, non, plustost quittons ces inutiles armes ! Mais puisqu'il fiat pour nous prodigue de son sang, Serions-nous bien pour lui avares de nos larmes ? Quand bien nos yeux seroyent convertis en fontaines, lis ne sauroyent noyer la moindre de nos peines. On espanche des pleurs pour un simple meschef. Un devoir trop commun bien souvent peu s'estime. II faut doncques mourir aux pieds de nostre chef. Son tombeau soit I'autel et nos corps la victime Mais qui pourroit mourir? Les Parques filandieres Desdaignent de toucher a nos moites paupieres, Ayans ferme les yeux du prince des guerriers. Atropos de sa proye est par trop glorieuse; Elle pent bien changer ses cypres en lauriers, ^ Puisque de ce vainqueur elle est victorieuse. Puisqu'il nous faut encor et souspirer et vivre, Puisque la Parque fuit ceux qui la veulent suivre, Vivons done en plaignant nostre rigoureux sort, Nostre bonheur perdu, nostre joye ravie ; Lamentons, souspirons, et jusques a la mort Tesmoignons qu'en vivant nous pleurons nostre vie. ^ See page 246. This is not in the MS. MS. Fairfax 40. 289 Bewaile bewaile this our great Monarchs fall Of Judgment perfait humour pleasing all His equal none a Hart w'^'out all feare Perfection such t'would but fall short in prayse Enough to' aue serued a World to' aue admird here Had nott his equal Justice bound his wayes Lament lament this Sage & Prudent King Thatt hight of Bonty, vigelence in him Thatt hart w^'"^ could be mou'd not ouercome Virtues here rarely found though we inquire Parts I could sooner much admire then surne Sence this Achilis a Homer would require [). 644] We canott count the Splendours of his Glorys Nor number yitt his signal victorys O no for such a subiect were too great We aught to prayse what yitt we cannot write And hold our peace or to good purpose speake He nothing saith doth not to th' full recite His famous acts once raisd our drouping heads His Laurels from the temples was our shades End of his Combats ended feares wee're in Him only i^ris'd dispis'd all other Powers More gloring to be subiect to this King Then if we'ad had some other Kino-s for ours But now this Glory's clouded w^h a staine And now our joy & Mirtli ther leaue hath taine The Lillys faide as we att this sad Fate Downe to the growne ther drouping heads doe bo we Seeming as humble as Compassionate To crownc his Tombe or else him homage doe ■>r>^ [pp. 045, 646 are bla)ik\ 290 E. B. Reed, MS. Fairfax 40. Plai.. «^' 'a ^f^ §f; 1 ^. "^'UNivfe^'' .hN-^ ^ v 7 r-- ,rF.Ksrr-,- . "ii. invo ^r 'ijiiuv University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library oyr from which it was borrowed. ^^ ± M 011998 '^•'WTZ '^,. ' -UiStiLA^'' ^ §r: \ % o c !^<^^ ^.c.^O^^'^O,^^ "^ to- »^- M.-: O- ■ Or . Ti^T? ?>TT^..- :'5J^. ^ '<.-/r ^. s ■- UNlvfe'^^"' \^ '^^^'^(- 5 5:"i- S - -3 — ^'-^ ■..- " ^ioUTHERNREGIO-'lftL LIBRARY FACILITY o a -7 3 V. «^ ^ ^' ^^^^'^''^;^ fe 'tii.uv -•^ 7^ P V ^^-, A - • •w > '■J>^ --y ■^ • .^^' .• ■ UiNJ'vt.^^" Univer Sou Lil