IRLF MMENSITY ij ^ gpcpcpgpcpc^acpc^ GIFT OF IMMENSITY "Immensity, thou dost hold all that In- finite can place within thee. But there are greater, yea, far greater places where our Father gives to us His higher knowledge/* COPYRIGHTED 1920 TEMPLE OF LIVING THOUGHT 4634 Fountain Avenue LOS ANCELES. CALIFORNIA DEDICATION "To the Masters of the Seventh who, with those of the High Heavens, builded the foundations of the earth/' MARCUS PREFACE gLACE thou, O Conscious Thought of the Eternal, within this I have given thee, thy grand, great message. Long have we who are masters of the Seventh waited for the word that we would oft be given the right to place within the earth the knowledge of the great- ness and the grandeur of Immensity. Man cannot reach with finite mind the heights that we, as spirit, reach ; neither can he understand the glory of the Father. Immensity, thou dost hold all things, and as spirit moves amidst thy glories, we find many things. Why should we not, as we have gathered up this knowledge, place it into words that as we send it forth, it reaches those who need it. I say to thee, O mortal man, that thou shouldst hold thyself strong enough to watch with us the movements within Immensity. None have ever said that they would wish to change all thy beauties. None have ever said that they would serve aught but the One who placed thee where thou art. 430931 Unnumbered are thy glories, O Immensity, and I who come have striven to tell thee all that I could place within the few, few words what thou couldst understand. This hath been my mission unto thee, O Earth, and as this knowledge goeth unto many, let that which hath guided me go with thee. Within the folding words where symbols form a por- tion I know that thou wilt bring a message unto those who understand the symbols best. If sweet simplicity should oft be needed I have placed it there for those who seek it. If aught should be thy portion, thou shouldst trace within it something that should fill thy soul with rest, then know that I have gladly borne from out the greatness of my Father's love a portion for thee. I have not sought to tell thee all that is therein for others' seeking, but I have taken what I knew thou wouldst ofttimes use. Let the quiet peace of the Divine Light be thine, O thou who readest it, and as we walk together in the thought, remember I am waiting close beside the won- drous rim of the Eternal Light for thee, who seek to know the knowledge I have brought. Peace be the word that calls us always close within the comradeship of all mankind. Use always the great charity that spirit claims that folds its wings and hovers o'er like the tenderness of the Almighty Son, and everlasting be the knowledge, and when worlds have moved in perfect unison with the Creator's thought, then thou shalt know what greatness dwells within Immensity. LESSON I THE EGYPT OF IMMENSITY MARCUS January 15, 1920 When I say to you that I give to you a knowledge of the consciousness of Immensity and as I bring it close as a memory of your own personal experience as spirit, per- haps I may bring in thoughts which belong and hold and unite together the memory of earth with the memory of spirit also. Out of this as it comes to you as a knowledge, you must cease as man to make comparisons, for when you do that you lose the power of penetration. When I say this, I mean the power of the penetration of the mind which you possess. We have stripped it of all that mentality could place there and we care not that you should take the knowledge and make comparisons from it, for no man, matters not who he is, even though his intelligence, according to the laws of earth, be fine and well developed, is but a fraction in the movement of spirit which is often lost sight of as spirit, closing the door of human life, finds no more anything of that kind within its life as it passes from place to place. Always you, I and Imhotep form a wonderful link in the consciousness of earth, of Egypt and even of Im- mensity. We go together, as it were, in all things; and tonight as I speak with you I would that thou shouldst 5 know that it was not always needful for us to pass through spirit experience and then transfer it to earth, for yet within earth thou canst have a greater consciousness with spirit than thou didst have before ; time, place, age or conditions do not interfere in any way. So tonight as we three take up for a moment our wan- derings through Immensity, we find many things we have never known before, and within it all we find that which is beautiful, that which gives us and instructs us in the laws of our Father; and these laws, of which man has such a dim knowledge, are like the unfolding of a won- derful bud which seems to have no center, for it unfolds and unfolds unceasingly. If upon each petal is written a law, why should we choose to have our Father cease the making of more laws for us, which suffice at the time ; yet as we still farther penetrate Immensity we find therein many laws of the Father which we had never known before. So we three traveled on our way, if so thou mightst say, and we talked together, for thou must go to earth. Imhotep had known the life of the physical, and so had I, yet we held no shadow of it, neither did we carry with us into this consciousness a thought of it, for we were like children who were seeking and gathering the flowers along the way; some of them were so bright that they seemed to hold the folding of the Father's law which said unto spirit Rejoice, for thou art My children, and thou needst have no shadow or care. Others might speak sweetly to us and say Thou art journeying over the highway which I have trodden so often yet each glorious moment is full of many things. Again we come to where the broad valleys of Immens- ity hold the children of the spirit, they who are created by the ones who have the right to claim a place under the Father's condition, and if I say unto thee, what are they 6 like? They are brighter, stronger, truer and more lik- ened unto the breath of the Father than the spirit who comes to earth seeking strength through the experience of earth. Thou wouldst have us tarry among the great revolving motive powers of forces, and Imhotep, laughing softly, said, "Truly thou shouldst have stayed within the Sev- enth Universe with its blocks and bands, zones and cir- cles." And I said unto thee, "Yes, gather together what thou canst, for earth will close and hold thee silent and will hold thy spirit under the strong subjection of matter, man's opinion and man's thought. And long shalt thou dream, O thou master of the Seventh Universe, and thy dreams shall not be likened unto the dream of a spirit, but they shall be filled full of the hardness of the age and time and place." But Imhotep with all graciousness, said unto me : "Marcus, thou shalt not be the one who shall cloud, for a moment our journey through Immen- sity." And thou, knowing not as spirit, didst say : "Truly hast thou spoken, and I will go my way, matters not, for hast thou not seen the new law of the Father which we have found, which says unto me : 'Thou shalt seek and in thy seeking thou shalt find me.' ' Afterward when into Immensity we wandered, I knew that thou didst under- stand. But thou wert not satisfied to go apace until we had known and understood more of the forces and the motive powers ; and thou didst read many of the knowl- edges they held. And I said unto thee : One force, the force of subjection, which has within it that which holds some times for ages upon ages, a great world, a universe or a zone, holds it until its completion. I would that thou hadst this symbol perfect. What need had it to be held until its completion. Once more as if that same force flashed forth its symbol, it answered us. Even yet, if thou dost listen, thou canst hear it say : Yea, verily, none of the Father's creations are imperfect and if they need time, according to the thought, then it is there. Yet we who knew, understood it was not time that it needed, it was only that wonderful intake of a great breath. "Come," I said unto thee, "let us go our way; I would that thou shouldst see and understand the power of the great silence of unity wherein are written the great words of all who have served, in the knowledge of the Father, which has not been revealed, and there is no spoken word which can reveal it." We went into the heights, we followed over the many pathways which spirit had made for us. One was the consciousness of unity and it was so perfect that it seemed as if a breath would disturb its perfection. An- other, was the wonderful movement of thought, and as we walked within it many were the masters who claimed a word from us. And O how sweet it was as we walked therein ! Thought, coming from the Infinite, filled us completely, it wrapped around us and we knew not how long it was ere we found ourselves within the heights. Saith thou that we shall travel each path? No, not so, for unity and thought gave us a completion of the one law which thou didst understand. And when we had reached the heights and thou didst look and understand the silence of Immensity, it was at first as if thou couldst hear in it the great, thundrous tones of the movement of worlds and earths unborn. Again it seemed as if the silence held only a whisper which floated ever on and on and on, the whisper of the sweetness of the love of spirit. Again it seemed as if every harmony of thought floated and changed and beat and throbbed with everything that spirit could place within it. Again it seemed as if the footsteps of great Gods walked within it, pacing back and forth as if they found in their own movement a conscious- ness of that silence. Again waves upon waves floated upward and onward wherein thou couldst not go, and this they held within them a sob of a higher thought, a vibration of something that spirit had placed there that it might move and move and move ever. Again it was as if some perfect form had given unto the silence itself that it might not be lost. And we listened long and in it all we found not this that spirit when it went to earth should lose itself within the silence and give forth no im- pression, for far outside of that, where Immensity flowed like a mighty river, we caught a sight of the impressions of the thought of the Infinite. As yet I almost seem to feel that thou art with me and art viewing this river which flowed far, far westward. Once it changed and thou didst see wave upon wave within it and they spar- kled and gleamed and had white foam ever upon them, and then they died away and the river flowed on, golden in its light, until it reached close to the edge of the orbit of the earth, and then thou didst say : "Imhotep, knowest thou the name of this river?" And he said: "Some have called it the River Styx ; and Egypt called it the Landing Place of the Souls." But thou as thou didst look upon the silence, said : "It is the River of Great Thought. Seest thou its waves lift themselves like the power of the everlasting? Then dost thou not see it grow smooth and golden in its light as if many Holy Masters had placed within it that which had been given unto them?" At last we would rest us for a while, and Imhotep said unto thee: "I would give thee a knowledge of Im- mensity." He lifted his hands and lying before us was a green, grassy slope ; within it were many a golden hearted blossom, and happy children passed, and left us, singing as they went. Did they have human bodies? Nay, for they were the children of the spirit. Imhotep said unto thee: "I would that thou shouldst rest for a while, and certainly thou shalt see as thou dost rest thyself." He took from out his mantle a golden cup and he went a little while from the place wherein we rested, and when he came again he brought to thee within the cup, a drink of golden wine, and thou didst laugh and say unto him : "Imhotep, hast thou pressed the golden grapes of sweet- ness to make for me a drink of wine ere my spirit doth seek strength ?" "Nay," he said, "the masters of the Sev- enth Universe can drink of the golden wine, for it is the height of knowledge, great and supreme." We rested, and I, Marcus, turned aside the great scroll of Immensity and thou didst see. Many were the worlds which passed us, each bearing within itself a knowledge of whither it should go and what it should take with it. If man ques- tions thee, thou shalt say: Yea, they had their habita- tions and they who inhabited them were pure and spirit- ual ; and in all of it they gave homage and obedience to the Creator. Again, I, as I love thee, give unto thee another vision, and rolling again the scroll of Immensity, thou didst see those who had lived within the Seventh Universe. Some of them dwelt close beside thee, yet thou didst not know how close they were; and once thou didst say: "Let us go that we may be with them" for great were the halls and wondrous were the columns which supported the towers of their abiding place ; and thou didst know it was strength and purity and love which dwelt within it. I, Marcus, said unto thee : "Dost thou not know that thou art looking toward Egypt where you and I have lived?" And Imhotep said : "I go there soon. Shall I take with me a message?" Then thou didst lift thy hand toward Immensity, and the glory of many suns shone before our vision, and out of one of them thou didst take a wondrous thought and, holding it, thou didst repeat it for us. Three were the symbols which thou didst have. One was as if thou hadst formed a circle. The other was a bar which 10 bent not. While the third was as if thou hadst placed ring within ring. "See," thou didst say, "the first is where I go taking with me the holiness of a great thought yet shall it be within a circle, confining itself, yet never ceasing in its movement. The second is that I shall always hold a knowledge of that which I place within the foundation of the earth unto which I go. The third is that which I shall claim when I have completed all things." Yet a little while and we rested. Then thou didst say unto Imhotep: "Imhotep, thinkest thou that we shall ever find that which is always within Immensity?" And he answered thee : "Yea, thou shalt find it, but until the Father calls thee unto Him thou shalt never find its lim- itations." Then thou didst say : "Imhotep, when thou goest unto Egypt, takest thou this message for me Say unto Heldos that I wait and when all is complete I shall go unto her into the Egypt which holds all things for me." It grew as if every where were blue sweet banners and one came unto us who wore a white robe with a golden circlet around his head. Imhotep knelt and bowed his head ; I stood apace and waited ; but thou didst stand as man to man. I have thought of thee as I come unto thee within earth, that Immensity brought thee what it brought not to us. And I waited that thy spirit might speak unto me and tell me, thou who art a master of the Seventh Universe, but like unto the silence, thou sayst naught. But he who came unto thee spake to thee in the language of the great beyond I heard it never before, yet it sounded unto me as if there was a wondrous fall of water, and thou didst listen long and earnestly. Then I drew closer unto both of you and I heard these words : "Yea, I am he who is known as the Messenger of Im- mensity ; the Father hath sent me. And I say unto thee that thou, in the great Age which shall be called Golden, shalt give unto man the knowledge of Immensity, yet that 11 knowledge shall not be perfect save as man reads it with his own spirit." If thou dost question that out of Immensity shall come that which spirit brings from it, I say unto thee, yea verily, yet spirit takes unto it that which is multiplied, not taken away. If thou dost find within it a piece of stone carved and thou dost take its symbols with thee, even though thou dost place them as a knowledge within the earth, thou shalt add to it and thou shalt return it unto Immensity with all that thou shalt gather together with it. Once I heard thee say unto the spirit of that master, "How shall I know, when earth holds me, the meaning of the great truths?" "Thou shalt have only to listen and thou shalt hear and thou shalt know." He went his way leaving with thee a blessing and a truth. Long afterward I saw thee place it in the form of a carved piece of ivory within the Seventh Universe. Thou didst talk with me about it and didst say it was per- fect and that thou wouldst use it some time when we shall have builded within the great condition of Immensity a Temple unto Truth. I asked thee not what was there but as thou didst speak with me as we passed through Im- mensity I knew that thou wert studying and forming for thyself a thought thou hast ofttimes held since thou hast been within earth. Once thou hadst thought that thou hadst fathomed the depth of it, but as thou didst go thy way through earth it melted away, leaving thee no ex- planation. But tonight I would repeat for thee that thou mayst gather together the threads of memory and under- stand ; for truly it was within Immensity that thou didst learn it. It was when we were near what is known as the great Waters of Knowledge which supply Immensity and all created things, and thou didst say unto me: "Marcus, 12 seest thou the threads within it? This is that which shall hold all great bodies that they fall not, and produce within them the movement outer and inner." Since then, as physical man, thou hast said: "O yes I know, this is gravitation." Yet if thou wouldst follow back and wouldst think when thou wert with us within Immensity, thou canst see that the threads of knowledge, pure, whole- some and Infinite, are what produce what they need not their movement, not the pressure of an atmospheric con- dition. With this I come to a place in this consciousness where you and I stood a moment and Imhotep said unto thee : "I go unto Egypt, the home that has always been the home of the masters, and I shall not come in touch with thee until thou art ready for Marcus." Imhotep went his way, and only you and I, within Immensity, held a place. The comradeship of spirit is one of the great breaths of the Infinite. Thou didst say unto me : "Marcus, wait- est thou a little while until I become accustomed to the earth ;" and I bade thee, "Weary not, but go whereof I told thee." Even before the body became accustomed to thy spirit, I didst say unto thee, "Thou canst go," and I showed thee whither thou couldst travel and how. I gave thee the thought of the measurement of limited spaces ; I taught thee the things that men do upon earth ; I told thee that, perhaps, thou wouldst find it a confusion, but thou couldst go a little at a time until thy spirit became accustomed to it all. Thou didst speak unto me and say: "Marcus, thinkest thou I have chosen aright, that I should take a body that should measure Truth as earth holds it?" And I said unto thee, "Thou canst do no more save that thou dost understand the many symbols and the great things which we found within Immensity." Then thou didst say unto me : "Marcus, thinkest thou I 13 can go to earth and still hold that which belongs unto my spirit, the comradeship of many masters?" For thou didst turn and look as if thou wouldst gather together all that was there that thou mightst bring it with thee. Then there was a hush and I was alone. I saw thee passing through Immensity, touching here and there a bright world, looking as if thou wouldst know and understand some greater thought. I watched thee go thy way. Once I saw thee stand at the entrance of the planet Jupiter, and the Sons of Jupiter greeted thee. Again I saw thee pass thy way and the great gates of Leo swung open, and, for thee, a spirit, Immensity was closed. I saw again the small form of an infant. Thy spirit looked upon it and seeing the soul within, thy spirit spoke unto it and the thought of Immensity filled it. It has never lost it. The years rolled by and once more I, Marcus, led thee to the threshold of Immensity, and opening its portals, breathed with thee its atmosphere; led thee to its ever moving river of brightness, its great heights, its wondrous beauty and the Infinite creations within it. Once more with those who had walked within Egypt That Was, thou hast had thy consciousness of Immensity. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Marcus is gorgeous tonight. He wears a linen tunic and skirt. Under these are pure white silk covers on his limbs down to his feet. All of it is embroidered in gold; perfectly wonderful. The pattern is so peculiar. There are wings mingled with leaves; circles with leaves within them; all intermingled, you cannot say you can separate them. Q. Why are you robed tonight as you are? A. I have been home in the Seventh Universe, for I knew there were thoughts that I must bring. My robe is that which is worn by the masters of the Seventh Universe when they gather 14 together the knowledge of Immensity and bring it to earth. Our robes always represent our work, our movement and our thought. Mine is a pure thought, a thought of perfection. The gold is the strength which Immensity holds; while the figures represent all things which are created within it. Marcus carries a staff on the top of which is a point, this flattens out like a triangle. In it is a gold, clear yellow stone like a topaz and as if you were looking inside the stone, there is a circle. Marcus says, that is what gave me the power to penetrate or pierce the atmospheric conditions of the earth and bring into it what I wished tonight. Q. Who is with you Marcus? A. This is one of the Brotherhood of the Blue and he comes that he may hear me describe to you the great highways of Immensity, for he wouldst go therein. Q. Has he formed any part or portion in this conscious- ness? A. No, but in gathering up this knowledge, which, purely spiritual, I found him seeking, and I said unto him Comest thou with me, it will give thee a knowledge of impression as thou dost watch the transference of spirit thought into human words. Q. Is he one of the masters who will come to earth to give a knowledge? A. Yea verily. Q. In your explanation of my spirit when it came to the physical, to work its way through to become conscious of this existence, did it take all these ten years to prepare for this con- dition of consciousness? A. If you will read this lesson you will find I have explained it to you. Marcus says, where you know why you did that, is when you came in touch with the master of Immensity, in spirit, and in that which I gave you, is why you remained as you were, why you passed through that. Many times as I explain these things to you, you move slowly toward the great result, but it is because you are forging a great truth never forget that. Remember, I have told you I have cleared away all remnants of man's mentality and most clearly am I bringing in the mentality of the spirit whose depth and height are not measured. 15 Q. Marcus, were you a scribe? A. Yes, in a way; but I did not care so much to do that as others did. I chose to hold within my memory the great things; but I never repeat them that they might form a word, a knowl- edge, unless I seek out the great symbols and know whereof I speak. I chose to make what I would do as the laying of stones for the building of foundations, that they might have only my written words, not carved in the placing. Q. What is this nitrogen composed of? A. This nitrogen within Immensity is a combination of etheric light, a fraction of created principle into which is placed a small portion of Introzonic fluid. Q. What is there in the atmosphere of our earth that forms a deposit in the Units? A. The attraction of divine light to the aura of spirit, which in passing through the earth atmosphere necessarily reduces to a certain extent the aura of spirit and in that reduction it leaves within the atmosphere this light, in turn attracts a pure quality of the earth's thought. The result of which will eventually become, when the unit unfolds, a wonderful revelation to spirit, as within the unit this comingling reaches a higher degree of spiritual intelligence. Q. What is the Voltalic force composed of? A. It has three movements within it. One is known as the movement of Immensity and one is known as the Nebula of Finite light. The third and last is known as pure spirit ether. Its origin is that which exists between every created cycle. Q. What is the change within Immensity at the present? A. It is the placing of planetary bodies for planetary spirit that hath progressed beyond the life of a planetary atom. The placing of the solaric system for the formless earth. Also the world created by Mona and many universes that shall hold higher development for the use of Soul Bodies. Q. Introzonic Waves, shall we use them between the planets and the earth for communication? A. Yes. The Introradio Waves will be used for the planets nearer the earth. Introzonic Waves can be used for longer and I should say immeasurable distances. 16 Q. What is Amalgamated Fire? A. In immensity, fire is called the Breath of Purification. Its origin is within the great intellectual force, and is known as the gift of the Lord God Almighty to Immensity. This Amalga- mated Fire, or breath, is a combination of the breath of intellec- tuality within immensity with the breath of the great central force which gives it its purity. This is the meaning of the word Amalgamated, placed together, unified, known as a strength that can never be lessened and a pure force that, can never be de- stroyed. The gift then to Immensity, is Purity and Strength. Q. What does iron, copper, silver, gold, lead, aluminum represent? A. Iron, Truth. Copper, Bondage or Binding. Silver, Modification. Gold, Strength. Lead, Adjustment. Aluminum, is the intelligence of majestic penetration. 17 LESSON II THREE GREAT DEGREES OF IMMENSITY MARCUS December 18, 1919 There are three great degrees in the measurement of Immensity that always must be needed in order that we may place the closest connection possible, and that we may utilize the greatest powers that all this which I am giving you may become plain, not only for yourself, but for others. Truly it is said of those who strive to understand, that in the quest of knowledge simplicity and childish faith form the greatest thought in all that they can procure. I sometimes find myself wandering from place to place as a child would, looking upon first one thing and then the other, yet I must stop and strive to place it simply for myself that there will be no way in which it cannot be understood. In giving you the thought of the three degrees of Immensity we must go back to the greatest date possible and bring it within the mind of man. That date as near as I can give it you belonged in the first great Age of the movement of Universes. That Age was called by those who were then created as spirit "The Etheric Age." It was the highest and most perfect degree for the move- ment of Universes that has ever been created or com- pleted. In the degree of measurement it holds a place 18 and fills a place for many millions of centuries. It was during that time that Immensity was placed in its present condition. I asked that I might formulate a thought for you, and it was like unto this : In the beginning, if such may be the thought, was Immensity created as it is at the pres- ent, or was it subject to growth and the power of new creations being added to it? This was the reply given me by one of the oldest masters in the Universe of Im- mensity. He said unto me : "In this great Age of Ether alone there were few of the great nebulae in existence. They originated through the movement of the Unknown Lands, as it has been told me. At that time Immensity occupied a greater space than it would be possible for you to explain, but it has grown not only by added crea- tions, but by its own power of expansion." It was in this condition that he gave me the thought that the measurement of Immensity was in cycles, and I asked him if he could explain to me. This was his reply: "Certainly. The first conscious thought of masters of Universes has come through the wonderful knowledge of the creative cycles. Also, the Infinite used this in the same way in the creation of Immensity, and Immensity was measured by cycles alone. These cycles, however, were very large and occupied a tremendous space, as far as we can ever understand it. It was during this time that the wonderful point, which is always known as the Heart of Immensity, was placed. It runs parallel with the great center point." I listened eagerly, as I had never understood the meaning of the great center point. He took me within the Universe of Immensity ; he showed me a square stone, light in color and very highly polished. In the center of it was a tremendous fountain of light. It did not, however, show above the surface of the rock. He said 19 to me: "I wish you to come close and look within it." I certainly looked and my astonishment, I assure you, was very great. Within it there seemed to be a wonderful fluid, golden in color, in the center of which was a blue flame. The flame was decidedly pointed. And neither one came up above the surface of the stone, yet you felt as you looked upon it that an instant and it would over- flow with the amount and the volume which seemed confined within this space. The space it occupied, I would like to give you that it may be thoroughly under- stood. The stone was about eighteen feet square; the center where the fluid was, was about seven feet in diam- eter. I looked at it in amazement and the thought that came to me was this Truly thou art a great life, yet thou holdeth thyself perfect. I turned to the master and I spake unto him and said : "Wouldst explain this to me?" "Yes," he said, "this is what is known as the center of Immensity. It corre- sponds to the Central Force. Watch it a moment and you will see." I looked and I saw a line within the flame, not the fluid ; this line seemed to be perfectly straight as if it were drawn taut. I looked at it for quite a few moments and I shall never forget the feeling that came to me, even as spirit. It was as if I were drawn away from myself, drawn into a degree of such supreme thought that no words or thoughts of mine can express it. I looked at it long and wonderingly and there came question after question, and each one seemed to be an- swered the moment I made them. I will repeat a few to you that you may know how I felt. One question was this : Am I near enough to under- stand the meaning of the Central Force? Very rapidly the impression seemed to come Yes, nearer than you have ever been since you passed from out the Infinite's breath. 20 Another question : In the consciousness of spirit can I transpose this into any words that would be understood by the minds of men? The minds of men are not meas- ured by the knowledge of words, but by the knowledge of the spirit that controls them. Use whatever words you please, make them simple but strong. Another question : How close is this Force to what we call the Infinite Force? Instantly it seemed as if for a moment that everything swayed and moved, but there was no clash. If I could explain it in any other way than this, I would do so. If you have ever stood where the vibration of some tremendous gun was felt, you will know what it is. I watched a moment until I felt sure that I could understand, and this was the reply : You who art spirit shall have need of all thy strength, yet I say unto thee that that which produceth the Great Central Force is Infinite. I asked a very simple question, yet it was filled full by me with the thought of love and obedience to our Father Whom we call Infinite. Give unto me that which is pure and holy that I may learn of Thee. The answer came : Unto all whom I have created verily I give all. I was satisfied for I knew that the master had given me a great Truth. "Now," he said, "when this degree is followed out you find coming from out of it all the varied conditions of Universes and the powers they possess." As near as I can tell you, ours was the first Universe to occupy the center of Immensity. "Come with me," he said. I went with him and we seemed to enter a very high tower and he showed me a wonderful instrument. It was small and delicate and made out of some very fine material. I asked him if he could give me the name of the material. "Yes," he said, 21 "but there is nothing like it upon the face of the earth that you can make any comparison with regard to it. It is called with us, lekuitus, and it is made of three great portions of material/' "This," he said, "is the second great degree of measurement. The three materials within it were brought to us from beyond the rim of all the Uni- verses by a master." They were separate. One was con- fined within a large, clear stone that had been polished very bright, and within it was only one single drop of the mineral. He did not give me the name of this ; but he added the other two. One was confined within a very small parcel ; the parcel was in the shape of a small cube and the cube was made of ether. I asked him how the ether became solidified sufficiently to hold whatever metal it was. He said, "There is not very much of it." There were three drops of this and he called it Zonic Uphia- dates. These Zonic Uphiadates were of three different shades of white ; one was a pure white, one was greyish and the third was yellow. The three minerals he brought me were confined within a small, coarse rock. "This," he said, "is a mineral that is called laxious," and it resembles as closely as I can explain it to you, what is known within earth as soft lead, but it was in liquid form. We placed all three of these together and it created what you see, unmolded, however, into its present shape. It took us a long time to formulate this into this instrument, for this reason, that when it was placed together it was so hard that no impression for a long time could be made upon it. But one day in the passing of one of the newly created Etheric Zones, we found there was a vibration or current that affected our metal, making it pliable to produce what we wished to work with it. Out of it you see we have made this form of an instrument." It was about the size of a twelve-inch telescope, round at one end and square at the other. The size of it around was not over four 22 inches. It was placed upon a revolving wheel, the wheel placed upon a standard. The whole of it was inserted into a very solid piece of heavy rock, that there be nothing to move it in any way. "Now," he said, "I will explain to you the power of this instrument for the measurement of Immensity. It can measure as far and as long, and if you wish to make a comparison, Marcus, you can say, as many, as far and as long as every mentality that has existed within the earth to which you are taking this knowledge. If they were placed together they would for- mulate many thousands and millions of miles. However, this instrument can measure any height, any depth, any circumference. You can measure the smallest particles or the largest with it. If we desire to measure the accuracy of the movement of any world or any planet or any zone, if you will look you will see all we have to do is to touch the little pivot and there will swing out a tablet upon which you will find any record about which you may choose to know." I looked at it and wondered how a small instrument could do all this. "Wait," he said, "I will let you measure the distance from here to the great planet Uranus which is outside the orbit of the earth." In an instant there was a measurement made. I saw that this planet occupied a space in Immensity that was, as far as I can give it to you, about four billion miles from where I was. This is the only way that I can tell you. Its circumference was three times the distance it was from us. Upon the sur- face of it you could tell to a minutia exactly where the parallel lines run round it ; how many vibrations of light it had ; how many zones ; and also the accuracy with which it moved WITH Immensity but not through it. In order that you may understand this I asked this question : Why does it move WITH Immensity and not through it? For the simple reason that it moves within Space ; Space 23 is within Immensity. There is quite a difference. Few Universes except the Bound ones are within Space. All Universes outside of them (Bound Universes) are in Immensity. Again he took me to a circular room. "This," he said, "is the third degree of our measurement of Immensity." This circular room had suspended from the center of it innumerable fine wires, each wire was attached to an in- strument upon the floor. These instruments were square in form (about twelve inches square). Within them was something that you would have said looked like a com- pass. It was made entirely of glass, the whole instru- ment. There were eighteen needles upon the face of each dial within these instruments. I looked at all of them and they were apparently exactly alike. But the master soon explained to me that there was not one of them like the other. "Now," he said, "I want to show you the measure- ment of Immensity." In an instant the whole room was in a blaze of the most vivid fires that I have ever ex- perienced, yet these fires had no heat within them and they did not annoy in any way, the vision of spirit. They moved in very peculiar ways. Each one, however, fol- lowed out its own line upon the wires, carrying to each instrument the record of its measurement. "These wires," he said, "are known as the tabloid wires. They follow out in every direction over Immensity. The moment there is any new creation they record it. They have a per- fect intelligence of their own. When they have com- pleted that record upon the face of those dials I will let you read it." Are those wires perfectly stationary? Yes. Who placed them there? They who were created for the pur- pose of carrying out the work. They come to the Uni- verse of Immensity whenever there is a new beginning of 24 a creation, there they establish these dials; then they go their way, and when they return they have a perfect rec- ord of that new creation. What effect does this have upon a new creation ? It does not have any effect upon it, it only records it. Why does the room seem to be filled with different colored flames? "That," he said, "is the effect of the vibrations of the tabloid wires upon your vision as spirit. Human vision could not come in con- tact with it ; neither could human physical atoms. How- ever, you have had a wonderful experience." He had scarcely ceased speaking to me when the room was again perfectly clear, in fact, it seemed clearer than it was in the beginning. I looked at the instrument nearest myself, I saw that the needles were still vibrating. The master smiled and said they had not finished their work. How- ever, I looked at another one and saw as if one of the needles had made a scarlet line across the face of the disc. I called the master's attention and he came imme- diately. He said : "That is very peculiar. Let us study this for a moment from the other instruments." Out of the number there were nine that had the same scarlet thread passing over it. "I think I understand," he said, "it is because there has been a new creation for the High Heavens. This is a record of it." I looked into the face of one of the dials and I thought I saw a form or small figure. The master said, in explanation to me, "Yes, you are perfectly correct; I will explain. This is known as the dial that records the creation within Immensity of that portion of it which holds elemental life." I said, "Yes, but look and see, there seems to be as if the figure were marred, or they had striven to erase it." He looked at it and in reply he gave me this : "I certainly can ex- plain it to you, for the elemental life within Immensity or in any form that it may occupy, is making a transition and this has recorded it." 25 Is there any one of these discs that records anything with regard to the earth? "Oh, no," he said, "we are not measuring the earth; we are measuring Immensity." I was glad of his information. He said : "But I want you to see this disc which we consider the finest of them all." I looked upon it and I saw a wonderful flow of light as if wave after wave of the light passed over it contin- uously. "That," he said, "is the record of the measure- ment within Immensity that holds what is known as the inflow of spirit life." My next question may explain to some a better meaning than heretofore, perhaps, has been given Why do you say "the inflow of spirit life"? "Be- cause there is no outflow to spirit life ; it is always an intake." What has Immensity to do with this? "It has everything to do with it because the first great currents of the life of spirit were set in motion within it and Im- mensity has held it ever since. You see, in the measure- ment of it, it has taken the whole face of the chart. In this you must certainly recognize the thought that it is scarcely possible for us to say at this time what a meas- urement of this kind would be." These are the three degrees of the measurement of Im- mensity, and in this thought I want to place it that you may know that the measurement of immensity is not figurative, as man would place it; neither is there a line drawn that would ultimately reach a certain point and then cease ; neither do I give the thought of the measure- ment of this as a measurement, but because I, as spirit, in passing through it here and there, strive to measure it, bring it within a certain limited compass that it may be transferred, may be understood and that there may be those who, as they pass forth from earth and are privi- leged, as spirit, to enter Immensity, may have a con- sciousness and use it. In our coming to the earth and giving all this, it is 26 that they of spirit may have everyone of the wonderful things that we are privileged to have. Utilizing these conditions we find plenty who are willing to assist us; but as I said in the beginning, the simplicity of the thought must be what must actuate us in all that we do or say. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Marcus, you speak of these things as perfectly real and existing in form. Is there any word you can use that would make it plainer for any one? A. There are very few things that I can make any plainer. They exist and are more natural, more tangible, can be used greater and with more accuracy than anything within the earth. There is nothing visionary, vaporish, undecided or indistinct, about it. The knowledge we acquire is plain, understandable and filled with Truth. No more can be said by myself or any spirit who comes to earth. Q. Marcus, what was the blue light? A. I wanted you to understand how close was the connec- tion between the highest intellectual force and the present words. I have a little instance I wish to give you. In coming in contact with masters within Immensity I often find them asking questions with regard to the conditions of your earth, as many of them have no consciousness of your earth save that it had been created. I answer as best as I can, but you have no idea how indistinct the earth seems while I am in their environments. I told this master who was questioning me, however, of the buildings within the earth and how men strive to make them strong and solid. I know that he was amused because he showed me the foundations of many of the Universes and he said to me They have existed always; the earth has not. Q. Marcus, do you have as much trouble to make them (of spirit) understand about the earth as we have trouble to under- stand about spiritual knowledge? A. No I do not; they seem to comprehend exactly many of the conditions that I explained because they are very responsive; 27 they are so close in spirit to the high intellectual forces, which is a degree of consciousness, that spirit absorbs and they readily understand as I explain to them. But usually they make com- parisons as I have given you, for they understand the greater Truths that man does not. Another thing he told me was this: Yes, he said, I know what you are explaining but then you know the earth is changing all the time, it has never come to its proper place. Immensity and the Universes all have always been there. So you see, he understands perfectly. But few of them are sufficiently interested (if I may use that word) to arrange any particular amount of knowledge of the earth on account of their feeling that it is wise to understand when it is really what it should be, not in its changing condition. 28 LESSON III CONSCIOUSNESS OF IMMENSITY. MARCUS October 9, 1919 In placing all things for you as I do, even though I may separate the lessons one from the other, I will event- ually arrange them that they are in complete order. But as I have told you before, each one is to be given accord- ing to the conditions and the height of the sensitization that will bring about a perfect record of them. So to- night I will, perhaps, bring in a thought with regard to Immensity that will not necessarily follow your last les- son, but will fill a place with the others as they come in. Immensity, as it was fractionized (and this is the only word that fully explains the thought), in that fraction- ization was placed finite in its first condition; and if the question comes to be answered it can easily be answered in this way that even at this time Immensity held an intellectual consciousness of the portion for which finite was created. To be sure the atoms that afterwards form- ulated what you call your earth, had not become con- scious of the full meaning of finite. And even at the pres- ent I doubt if few comprehend the meaning of the word ; to say further, also, they do not understand the thought of its creation. Finite, however, in this first expression of itself, held no particular intellectual consciousness; spirit always 29 holds it from the time it passes forth even as breath into ether form. Finite was placed everywhere within Im- mensity that it eventually might become imbued with strength to be able to comprehend the meaning of light and its coming in contact later on with Infinite spirit, and all forces that are imbued with Infinite intelligence. Finite had many forms but only one of these forms was used as the atoms were brought together. The God of the Universe chose from out of these conditions of finite the portions best able to bear what would be the strain that would be placed upon it as it came in contact with the earth in its creation and otherwise. So from out of Immensity he chose the finite which had within it strength. This will give you a wonderful explanation with regard to why the more delicate preception of intel- lect has not been developed within the ages of the earth, only what is known to us as the crudest ever develops thru finite of earth. That represented the strength of it as it was taken from out of Immensity. There are, however, other forms of finite which are used in spirit thought, particularly for the purpose of coming in contact with forces that have not been devel- oped up to their highest condition intellectually. We will take, for an example, that this may be understood, that the forces of earth, say, the vibratory forces, have only been developed sufficiently to use only what is Crystal Zones and it is used in the same manner correspond- ingly as an example, to polishing of steel to its highest tenure or strength, as all Crystal Zones must of a neces- sity be in such a highly developed condition and these finite particles act as a polisher. If you will allow me a moment for Crystal Zones form a portion of Immen- sity, to explain them to you. The Crystal Zones hold the highest movement possible in all zonic form that is within Immensity. And the first expression of light is 30 produced thru their movement. That is why we call them "Crystal." Also, these Zones are protected to a certain extent by these finite conditions, acting almost as an aura. I would like very much if you would mentally see for a moment with me, what these Crystal Zones look like. Bringing it into what physical can comprehend, I will say that they are like innumerable clear portions like water, or frozen water, and within them you will see as if they were being turned in the most minute particles, wheels upon wheels, or circles upon circles. Some of them widen in the move- ment and when they do this, the Zones increase in size and instantly there is thrown off from them a most in- tense crystallized light. It could not be used, however, if these particles of finite did not form an aura, for as it passes thru this condition it is modified. If, however, there is no light thrown off, it is always known to us that it will be used for a higher creation, and that it will be absorbed thru another zonic formation that moves within the crystal and absolutely lifts itself when it reaches this highest degree and passes upward instead of outward. Another condition of finite is what is used to reduce all light that has to be utilized for the purpose for either illumined worlds or earth, or worlds, it matters not where they may be situated. Many of them who are known as masters utilize finite in this condition for the transposi- tion of messages from one Universe to the other. There is another element of finite that is used to pro- tect or hold anything in plant life and keep it from any decay whatever. A portion of these finite particles has been used by the atoms of the earth in certain portions and they have crys- tallized many plant life or reduced woods or formations of rock into crystals very perfectly. Beneath the sea 31 where many are there found in subterranean caverns they have absolutely created most wonderful formations. They will not stand, however, exposure to either light or air as far as your earth is concerned. There are places, however, in Immensity where you will see wonderful displays of this, but the ether of the Immensity protects rather than would destroy such formations. You will sometimes find surrounding the Arctic Zone of the earth many of these formations and once in a while the physical sun has produced a reflection of it ; but as Saturn's atoms predominate in that locality, humanity, through the phys- ical vision only, has so far been able to catch a wonderful display of color. However, within the tropical zones these finite particles have been able to develop the Mars atoms to a very high degree. In that you will find they have reduced so as to hold within the seas and oceans very highly colored, both plant life, fish life and molecule life. There are many forms of finite that are never out of motion but moving constantly, form what is known as great chains. They, however, become very light and even in the atmosphere of Immensity, become too light to remain upon any lower strata and lift themselves and oftimes formulate into cloud-like substances that are absorbed into nebulae. And you will often find as they are within these nebulae, highly colored golden particles, often spoken of by masters, as golden lights. They, how- ever, are not strong enough to have anything to do with the movements of the nebulae. These finite conditions are always known within the Spheres as that portion which can be brought together and used for many things that spirit requires for decora- tion in the homes and also the temples of the Spheres. I would like to say to you with regard to this, that these finite particles are brought from many of the Universes and they are brought and left within the Spheres as those 32 particular Universes pass between the Spheres, which oftimes occurs. There is within the atmic atom a small portion of finite which has never been given the right of expression so far. If it had, you would find more perfect formations within the earth ; you would also find in human form, not one single deformity ; for it holds such a perfect intellect and knowledge of form that it would keep everything perfectly in shape. We ofttimes use it in the Spheres in the erection of great buildings, as all we have to do is to use, as in earth we used a level, and its power is so great that it produces perfect form and shape. In this I am giving you a slight knowledge of what is known as finite outside of what ordinarily is called by humanity the Finite of Earth. I must go a little further for you in this thought of Immensity. Consciousness, in Immensity, forms one of the greatest powers that we can use and since I have undertaken to explain these things I find myself realizing a fuller thought of what the consciousness in Immensity represents. First, it holds always that which can be pene- trated farther and farther into, yet is clear, distinct and simple in all ways. The consciousness of Immensity itself in its greatness, in its grandeur, is beyond my words to tell, but if I can gather together here and there and everywhere first one consciousness, one thought, one comprehension, it will form at least for many a realization of what it can contain. Immensity is so real in its consciousness that I ofttimes find myself, when I come to the earth, seeking a manner that I could understand human, for Immensity's con- sciousness has been so full of a knowledge to me that the other has been almost as if it were a blank. In placing this for others I shall endeavor to reach all those who may choose to read what I give. 33 I found in the consciousness of Immensity many who were seeking as I was seeking, many who were striving to understand how to place it so that they of earth would go with us in thought and be able to read and understand a few of these things. I often find Immensity like a won- derful city full of everything. There are other times when Immensity is one great, boundless expanse with scarcely anything except the great creations within it. This is where we must use the consciousness of Immen- sity to understand what is there. It is out of Immensity where everything is produced that is needful to be used by spirit for many millions of ages. If the question should be asked If it is tangible, if it is real, if there is a solidity about it, I would say unto you that within Im- mensity there is more reality, more solidity, more abso- lute consciousness than I ever found within the earth. Immensity holds great conditions of creation, of every- thing that ever the mind of man has understood, and then you may add many, many times more than that. The creation of electricity alone in Immensity is marvelous in its extent and, if the realization of Immensity still puzzles the human mind, what must be the search of those of spirit as they use the consciousness of Immensity to investigate how it is created, what it is used for, what its power is and how it can be directed. Another great source for the penetration with the consciousness of Im- mensity is the creation of various light forces, breath forces, motion, sound, the suppression of friction, the ele- ments by which great, ponderous bodies can be elevated ; the etheric Principle, their reduction to creation; the creation of all Circles, Cycles ; all these remain as a por- tion of the consciousness of Immensity. And in all this you will find millions upon millions of highly developed spirits who are using the finest intellectuality that spirit can develop. 34 Immensity also whereby you have to use its conscious- ness, is where symbols are created ; the manner of their creation would form a considerable number of explana- tions as these symbols are so multiplied for the various uses they are put to. For within Immensity there is no sound used to express the record of the great ages that have existed in Immensity. This is produced by these wonderful symbols created for this purpose. I will give you sometime a lesson on symbols alone as I found them. Motive power within Immensity is one of the great creations and without the consciousness you would never be able to understand the meaning of these motive powers. Earth has only once in a while exchanged for a mo- ment one motive power for another, usually they are only a repetition of a beginning. In summing up for you the consciousness of Immen- sity, I would like to have you know that everything that is utilized first finds itself within Immensity for the pur- pose of testing its perfection. Before the earth was, every portion that composed it passed through this test. Whether it could sustain itself, whether it would be able to bear the strain put upon it, whether it would hold to- gether, whether the combination of which it was to be created out of, would, in other words, remain as it should. Every planet, every world, every Universe passed through immensity and absorbed a consciousness of it before being placed in its position. This, to be sure, to those who are not students, will read as a dry, insipid, perhaps, word, but I will try and make it as pleasant as I can, and if I should say to you that once in a while Mar- cus finds himself stopping and studying that which he comes in contact with, you will not be surprised, as I am one who makes everything as pleasant as I can. 35 In my search for this knowledge for you I came in contact with a very old spirit, he was seeking a knowl- edge, how to combine three points of light that they might form an octave of sound, and he had spent (now I do not want you to laugh about this) he had spent four million years experimenting, and felt as if he had accomplished considerable in this length of time. Humanity feels that if they cannot accomplish all these things within 24 hours, they will leave it and take up some other study. 36 LESSON IV The Intelligence of Divine Light within Im- mensity and the Solaric Systems Acceptance of it. MARCUS March 4, 1920 Coming again from out the great Immensity that holds both thought and power, I strive to seek and find for thee that which will give to all a conscious thought. We who are spirit strive to intertwine amidst the many thoughts we bring that which is high and holy. In Immensity we find what earth has always striven to hold and yet it only places itself around about the earth, strengthening, moving and holding it in its place. In Immensity in many of the extreme outer portions of it, you will find zones which have never been used. When I say this I do not mean that they are idle or that they are left there without being utilized for any purpose. It is the placing of them that first attracted my attention. They lie always on the outer condition of Immensity seemingly forming the boundary line twixt that and what should enter Immensity if Immensity expanded to any greater degree than what it is. At first as I looked upon these zones I thought they were as others I had seen, but upon closer inspection of them I found within them in- numerable movements as if they held the conscious thought of many laws. I questioned and at last I found one who seemed to be able to give me a thought with 37 regard to them which I could place in some form for you. In explanation of this (as I would not leave it otherwise) you will ofttimes come in contact with those within Im- mensity who hold a spirit-body using it to go hither, thither and yonder, yet it seems not to be their place to understand the things that you may be searching for, and as you stop and exchange your thought with them, you find that they always give you something. This one whom I asked with regard to these zones seemed to have understood them a long time, yet he said unto me: "I have not, as yet, been able to explain to myself the full meaning of their existence here, but I will give you what I know." We passed toward the outer edge of them, and looking within I saw innumerable zones moving. Now let me explain to you how a zone would look. If you placed a large movable band aglow with light and had it moving very rapidly, it would give you the conscious thought of the zone in movement. If the zone is quiet there is never a perfect quietness within it, as it is constantly quivering and moving within itself. This is because of the life element that is within it. These particular zones with the zones within them, seem to have the power of expansion and contraction. This master told me that as he gazed upon them he found many great movements as if they had been formed and left there to create for themselves a place. This to me was not explained at that time, but afterward I under- stood it ; for when I looked upon the other side of where these zones lay I then realized his meaning, for they were a complete creation of themselves, and in them, moving and turning perfectly as if impelled and kept in that per- fect movement by a force of itself, were worlds and worlds and worlds. They were not large, they were quite small. When I looked and saw them I knew what the master meant, for as the zones moving within the zones reach 38 a certain point, they create a world, then these worlds begin to grow, as you would say, and eventually they themselves create their own expansion and pass out into Immensity. I watched some of them as they moved forth, and turning to the master, I said : "Art willing to tell me for what purpose they have been created?" "Yes," he said, "it is for the purpose of giving unto that which has never demanded a place, something to use." "What has never demanded a place?" I asked of him. Then turning I saw an infinitude of form which, as it passed me, separated itself into many. I wanted to know what that meant and the master said unto me : "Marcus, the infinitude of form is what is known in Immensity as the smallest form that can hold a fraction of the Infinite." "Why," I said, "is a fraction of the Infinite so small?" "Come with me," he said, "I would that thou shouldst know." On our way we passed many masters ; we saw the movements of those worlds as they expanded and the coming unto them of that which I had seen. At last we entered what was known as the Great Heavens and I, even I, stood in the presence of him who is the Almighty. I wish I could explain to you about how he looked. If I should say that he was man I would have to forget man's imperfections of form; I would have to lay aside the doubts, the fears, the wonderful condition of man, and then put in its place that which holds majesty, truth, benevolence and charity. So I would say unto thee that although it was form, the majesty of it to me was greater than I would say the Gods were ; and Gods, to man, repre- sent man's highest ideal as far as his mind can penetrate and hold the thought. The master spake unto him and said : "I bring unto thee one who seeks a knowledge that he may give it unto earth." "Yea verily, many are they 39 who are bearing a burden of these messages to earth ; I speak not of it as a burden on account of its weight, be- cause to them it is a burden of joyousness and love." I looked upon him and it seemed as if that which was my spirit spake unto him and if I give you the words, they are like unto this : "Give me knowledge ; give me wisdom ; I would have it that I should give it unto others." He came and stood beside me. "Wouldst thou know that which is the fraction of Infinitude?" "Yea, verily," I answered him, "I would know." Gently over the vibrations of human thought do I strive to carry these words: "Yea verily, Marcus, thy Father is so great that for those of us even whom He hath created, it is difficult for us to under- stand." I knew and understood more than he felt he had conveyed to me for the moment. "The Infinitude of this," he said, "is where He uses all that is needful, giving, separating and dividing, that the beauty of it and the glory of it may be for all." I say unto thee, my friend and comrade, this is one of the glories of the knowledge that thou dost gain within the Great Heavens to know that these worlds as they expand hold all this. To us as spirit we gather them to- gether and we teach them and love them as the Father dost love His little children. They hold not as much as ourselves because they are not wholly Infinite spirit ; only a portion. I do not know if I have made this plain for you, but if it is not it is because to me most of it was more like a breath of the Father than either spoken or thought words that came. I went my way. I sought to find within Immensity the beginning of the great solaric movement. I found there were three of them. Far to the extreme portion of Immensity I found what was knoWn as the etheric solaric system. It was not being utilized except by great, immense bodies of light. They were uncolored in any 40 way and their brilliancy was intense. They were being prepared that they might follow the rim of Immensity and give to all lesser bodies of light more intense light. On across far toward the East I found another solaric system. It was like a wonderful gem in its brilliancy. I asked what was to move within it, and one who was a master spake unto me and said : "Do you not know, thou who goest unto earth and hath been within it, that there is another earth that must come into the solaric system and within which solaric system must revolve a world or an earth or some immense body of light?" For a moment I listened and then there came to me as if some wondrous thought was born that they of us who had known the earth, truly were glad to know, that that which followed worlds would have a place when it had completed its wonderful development. This solaric system had within it clusters of twenty-one points of light. There were no planets within it, but there were an innumerable number of stars. Those stars were all double-pointed, which gave them a beautiful appearance. The master who was there said unto me : "They have never been used within any solaric system before and it is the work of some of the greatest masters, to whom the Father hath given a knowl- edge, who have created these to light this system and keep it in perfect form for the entrance of the Counter Earth. I looked upon it and I knew and understood that naught in the Father's thought was ever left out. This brought to me a conscious thought of my own physical existence, and I say unto thee, though long it has been since I held a body, still in the consciousness of spirit have I watched many things within the earth. I have seen it changing, I have seen many races lift them- selves high above others; I have seen them, as it were, fade away and others taking their place. But in this viewing of Immensity I realized most plainly that this 41 would never rise or fall, it always would hold its place, keeping it as perfect as when first it was created. Sometimes as I come in touch with masters they ques- tion me, for they know I am seeking knowledge and always that which belongs to earth, and they who are earth-created-spirits have for me a deeper tenderness than others. Why? might be a question that I could answer, and if I answered it it would be because sometime we will all be together in the great formless existence. This drew me close to the solaric system for the earth. Let me place it for thee, let me make it plain. It is ever moving, consciously moving, drawing within itself from every portion of Immensity with every move- ment that it makes, something that seems to illumine it, something that seems to fill it full, yet it is never filled. If they who read this feel as if there would be a cessa- tion, I say, nay not so. Ever above and moving in the midst of it is the great divine light. What is it that gives it its intelligence? What is it that every portion that enters this solaric system answers? It is not form ; it has no body, yet if thou dost come in contact with it thou dost feel as if it had given thee a blessing. As the bodies of light move within this system, ofttimes there seems to be a need of it it is there an ever presence, lighting up and filling all space around it with a glory that is inde- scribable. Here and there and everywhere you will find spirit form coming unto it reaching their hands into it, asking not, for it gives without asking. Has the trembling consciousness of man sought to understand this? Or have they stood and waited that the Father should lead their spirit out and then give them an understanding? Not so, I, Marcus, who loves to bring unto thee this, say unto thee, nay, the Father leadeth not ; it is those whom He sends to lead them. 42 Once more as I followed I watched this moving, ever moving in such perfect harmony, and it seemed once in a while as if I would have to leave it and go my way, for I knew that I could not tell it all unto thee. But as I waited a moment there came unto me this thought if thou art to find a way, truly the Father will give it unto thee and again I felt the presence of the divine light. I shut my spirit close within itself and when I did so it seemed as if all space was filled, filled with that which was spirit. Peace was everywhere. Then there came amidst them they who were known as the Angels of Divinity. Hath there been within the vision of spirit such a sight before? I think me not, and yet I say unto thee it is there within Immensity, within the solaric system that is holding for the earth all that is within that which the Father hath created. They moved amidst us, glorified they are, and holy and divine. What spake they unto us ? I cannot tell thee, this is one of the things that must wait for those who come into this place with the new earth. Many masters greeted me as I passed within it, and if some question thee and ask of thee what was the air around us? say unto them it was pure. If they say unto thee upon what did they tread ? I say unto thee it was that which was made perfect through the Law of Holiness. If any one should say unto thee do they claim a place as far as form is? Yea, I say unto thee, yet the form is not likened unto that which any one has ever seen. It is like the presence of divine light. It answers them ; it speaks unto them ; it gives them knowledge; it blesses them; yet thou canst not say it is form. I stood amidst those who were using the wonderful knowledge that is drawing from out of the orbit of the earth those great bodies of which man has never known. What are they for? They said unto me, they were created 43 and placed within the orbit of the earth that when this transition was to be made, they would have the power of sustaining all matter form with a substance until it should become only spirit. I looked upon them and I saw within them as if they were like units that had been unfolded, then I knew wherein the first condition of spiritualized matter would rest. I saw that it was here where it would learn the con- sciousness of its own perfect existence. I asked many who were there and they said : "Seest thou that that which has been known as the rim of the orbit has disappeared?" As I looked I saw fragments, and in your words it would be like this fragments of heavy vapor. Again I looked upon it and I saw it change, it became a brilliant golden color; then I saw it utilized by those who formed it into golden circles. Again it was lifted as if not yet had it reached the height for which it was intended. The rim of the orbit of your earth, even that, is placed in a higher degree. Then I saw it in pure golden cycles. What did they hold? They held the consciousness of perfect ma- terial and in and through these cycles would they pene- trate seeking an expression that would become a form in perfect thought, movement and being. For a moment let me lay aside these thoughts that to many will seem almost beyond their understanding, and I will take up the thought of the masters entering within the orbit of the earth, a goodly company from every Uni- verse, from Immensity, from Space, Heavens and even the rim of the Universes. Man does not count as spirit reckons, but in this company we went in groups as if we understood our message and the messengers. Some spoke of the many things that earth held as far as the spirit of all things was concerned. Others spoke of the advancement that the earth was making. Some had not come as close before and looked upon it as you would look if you entered some new condition. One seemed to be a spirit that had come from great heights; his form was majestic, his countenance shone, and I was attracted to him feeling that he could give me a great knowledge. We passed through many of the conditions within the orbit and at last came to the nearest point where are collected what you call the vapors of the earth. Then I spake unto him and said : "With all thy knowledge canst thou give me a thought as to why this has to be removed?" Then he said to me : "Marcus, how didst thou know it was to be removed?" Then in answer I replied : "Because thou hast thought so loud that I heard thee as I came close unto it." I do not know if he and I spake thus exactly, but I have given you that you may understand : "Yes, Marcus, it is my work to remove that." Again I questioned, "Why does it have to be removed?" Then he said, "I want you to look and see." I did so and I saw those three great physical suns moving as they had always moved, yet I know that much of that which had lain between it and this last condition nearest the earth had been removed. The vapor grew very dense, thick and heavy. The mas- ter said: "Do you not see that this great modifier is with- out assistance from the physical suns?" I looked again and I saw rising from the crust of the earth a full light. "That," he said, "is the magnetism of the earth respond- ing to the needs of this condition. Watch it a moment." I saw it form itself like small wedges, penetrating this vapor and then I realized what it was for. If human bodies were to penetrate it, they would find it extremely cold. The action upon it from the reverse side produces cold ; while the passing of it from the earth into it will produce warmth. "This," he said, "is the method by which it will be removed, then physical bodies that have not become sensitive enough to bear the transition can 45 come into this and it will sensitize and prepare them for the last transition." He did not enter any farther, but returned and went his way. One of the masters who was with us said: "I have tried very hard to understand him but I could not, he seemed only to think, while I could not understand." This may give you some idea about many things. Again I watched and I saw the lessening of the dis- tance between the earth and the solaric system, and it was as if it only moved slowly on account of the weight of the earth, as yet. I watched it and I saw the earth light- ening as if it was being made more like the etheric con- dition that the new solaric system held. As I watched it I saw the inner portions of it becoming, as it were, like the outer portions, and when I asked I was given this knowledge, that never before had that which was within the earth been in the condition it was, as far as its con- scious knowledge was concerned. It may be of interest that I tell you this there are many strata within the earth which are moving so rapidly that, unless you had a spirit's full knowledge, it would make you think as you looked upon them, as if it would revolve the inner por- tion to the outer more rapidly than the earth would lift itself. But such is the case. These inner portions revolv- ing so rapidly are what lightens the earth. The magnetic fractions of the earth, the inner earth, are scintillating like innumerable sparks and they, taking upon themselves the consciousness of the movement of the earth, are add- ing to its power of doing away with weight, as far as the earth is concerned. As I came very close to the earth I found many who are lifting themselves up and asking many questions, and if I say unto thee that those questions look like fragments of clouds, you would not be surprised. Some of them 46 were tinged with different colorings taken from the auras of the bodies through which they had passed. I won- dered how they would be utilized and then I saw them passing through, on and on ; then I knew they would go into the Universe of Thought, there to await the utili- zation of them or the placing of them until they could become worthy of use. Now I have a few things about which to speak to you. I want you to listen to the results and the work of many spirits who have had a place within the earth. As you know, it has been said that they are establishing here and there and everywhere great stations through which spirit communication would be sent pure and clear and plain ; like a breath of wonderful intelligence it is coming to the earth and you will not only find it giving relief to many, but it is producing a higher use of much that has been within the atmosphere of earth and never utilized before. It will do away with much of the heavy, ponderous ele- ments as you know were known to you some time ago. You will find the weight of everything is being reduced as if there should be what is known as a finer texture, but not so much heaviness. This eventually will give way to heaviness until it will become a lightness ; and this will give man the power of using many things that are in the atmosphere around him ; the brain of man becoming more sensitive, is realizing the power of receiving this. It will not be confined to any particular class of men or women,, but here and there and everywhere it will suddenly burst forth like a wonderful light. Through this you will find that the earth will be in more perfect unison one with the other, and I am sure they will find themselves more enrappo with the more divine and holier thoughts that are everywhere around them. 47 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (What are you going to call this lesson? Answer: The Intelligence of Divine Light within Immensity and the Solaric System's acceptance of it.) Q. These cloud-like forms are they thought forms? A. No, altogether different. When they ask a question do they not have to place a thought for it? No; do you not know that when you verbally ask a question it is there? The thought was back of it; but the only word I can use is, that you have expressed it, yet not voiced it. Q. When they enter the Universe of Thought, what be- comes of them? A. They are placed where they can be made into something greater. It is like you take three elements and place them together, you have the elements but you have something greater out of them. For within the Universe of Thought are only the Great Thoughts. But these fractions can be made into that. Weld them together? Yes. I love to have you reason out because I know that many times as you do that you silently voice words which I can use sometimes. Q. Marcus, why are you wearing your brown robe tonight? A. I waited long enough within Immensity to build a circle and so I wore my workman's clothes. Q. What was it Marcus? A. The foundation for a Temple. Q. What is the Temple for? A. It is to hold a simple service, for there are those whose souls must have a place when first they reach a place that is pre- pared within Immensity that Holy Spirit has as its great portion. It has never held a Temple yet, but now the foundation is begun. I often wear these robes because when I go unto the Uni- verse I find many like myself, always preparing, always placing. 48 LESSON V THE USE OF IMMENSITY. WHAT IS WITHIN IMMENSITY. MARCUS August 7, 1919 The use of Immensity is one of the greatest conditions possible for the mind of man to encompass and all forces originate (ing) in Immensity carry with them an equal balance; if the earth utilizes these forces in perfect har- mony, even though their knowledge is not given at any one time, eventually the spirit is able to absolutely acquire a perfect knowledge of it. One of the great rea- sons why Immensity is called by such a name is that it may be adequate for all creation that has no cessation. The first great portion of Immensity is left for the pur- pose of holding creations that are to be utilized immedi- ately. The rest of Immensity is divided, as it were, by circles of universes, unknown lands and heavens. This is where it is known as the rim of Immensity, beyond which it would be impossible to penetrate and express unto man a thought of its greatness, for the mind of man adapts itself in exemplifying and comparing greatness by what he sees around him. One of the great thoughts contained in Immensity is its perfect unity with Infinite sources and causes. The first problem spirit encounters as it strives to enter Im- mensity is the power of passing through what is known as that portion of Immensity which holds Infinite incep- 49 tion and there are few, even of the masters, who have been able to penetrate this condition. There are portions of Immensity that hold what is called the abstract of finite equalization. This is available for masters of high degree and is always used by masters who have a mastership of more than two universes and one of earth. Other por- tions of Immensity hold what is known as the powers or the balancing of great and immense conditions, whether it be of ether or fluidic substance. You will find in Immensity what is called the Intellec- tual Circles, not the intelligence that man holds that re- peats over many times what is given him, but the intelli- gence that is used by all conditions of life that is imbued with Infinite, whether it would be in small or large pro- portions. Within the Immensity that holds the heavens there are many great bodies that are termed Seas or Oceanic Forces. These seas are not made of water, but ether, and hold great quantities of what we call embodied light. If it is fluidic matter, it is confined to what is known as Circles wherein the increase is developed for the use of all great bodies that are not supplied with it at the time they are created. Fluidic matter is susceptible to the incision of ether of all kinds. This gives it a clear formation of bodies if utilized for such purposes. In the condition of Immensity that holds what is known as the foundation of nebulae, you will often find great quantities of what looks like a highly colored formation of dust particles, spirit calls them star-dust ; and if they become imbued through passing edges of nebulae or through the force of the action of nebulae penetrating to the centers of them, they are instantly molded or transformed into what is known as stars or small bodies of crystalized light. If they attract, during this creation, any vital force, they begin to grow and develop, ofttimes assuming as large a form as 50 a planet or even in their smaller degrees of size, about two million times as large as your earth. I am giving you these thoughts that you may be able to become conscious of a portion of what is in Immensity. There is one condition of Immensity that holds what would be an explained problem and that is where the crea- tion of what you call Attraction is produced. It is not anything that is very complicated as far as look is con- cerned, as you will only see innumerable wires of light moving in opposite directions, sometimes in circles, some- times oblong and sometimes in waves. The use of this is what Science calls gravity, but it is only a simplified form of attraction. And here I wish to say, that what is known as the law of gravity has nothing whatever to do with the law of attraction in the degrees of light. If there is any dark substance, then this law of attraction creates for itself what you would call gravity, but you will find that is soon to be done away with. The great problem of the past gave it in this way, that all heavy bodies were attracted toward the earth, lighter bodies passing away from it ; and you will find in later experiences in a human way that even very heavy bodies can pass at great dis- tances away from the earth if they create for themselves a more rapid vibration than the earth is making as it revolves within its own orbit. All great bodies that have existed near or around the earth are given a place in Immensity perfected, however, to the highest degree possible. I will tell you a little of my experience along this line. I discovered that what is known as the great Atlantis, a portion of which was attracted into Immensity through light, was drawn close to the original condition and forms a tremendous space within Immensity. The reason for this is on account of their holding the perfect law of Infinite, a portion of which they have given to the earth. 51 The other, however, they still hold until it can be utilized for spirit that is created for earth. It lies within Im- mensity surrounded by great oceans of light bounded on every side by clusters of universes of different degrees, some bound, some free, some are great universes and some are not. The High Heavens occupy a space in Immensity and have never been changed as far as its orbit is concerned. Other Heavens are there also, some lying in a northerly direction and some in a southerly direction, while others are to the east. Innumerable as are the great conditions within Immensity, there is never any time but what you can pass within it and find new and great things that you have never known before. In all my experience as far as spirit is concerned, I have never reached a limitation. As rapidly as it is possible for you to assimilate my thought, I would like to gather together from out of Immensity that which I know can be placed in words that can be understood and enlighten the great thought that at pres- ent is drifting closer and closer, unto man. I found one condition in Immensity that to me was very interesting, and it was known as the Land of Vision. In and through this pass many at all times, some seeking a vision to use while they hold a relationship with physi- cal bodies; others seeking a vision that will give them what will be known as a knowledge of higher thought along various lines. It is here that vision of spirit intensi- fies itself and you will often find them seeking out how to actually put into some place or condition that which has been used by themselves at different intervals through vision, but not intensified enough to make it an actual thought for themselves. Immensity is traversed in a central manner, beginning with the Great Heavens the pathways over which you pass as spirit goes forth are like the spokes of a wheel 52 intercepted here and there by main lines, and every one of these hold great stations, as you would call them. Here many times spirit begins to use many of the advanced creations. They are presided over by they who have held the place for a long time, utilizing Infinite knowledge. The southern portion of Immensity has parallel lines that you travel, that end, as it were, in circles. Here it is that you find many great Illumined Worlds moving back- ward and forward upon these parallel lines, and then changing their courses by taking up the circles. I ques- tioned the reason for such an existence and they told me that even their movement increased the expansion of Immensity. It was through this knowledge that there was born to me this thought that spirit, as it moves even in relationship to physical, expands its power of understanding and its growth and its faculty of absorp- tion. In placing what is known as great causes, such as occur within the different habitations of earth, I found this, that there are great bodies that pass through Im- mensity what their powers are or what purpose they have in making this transit, I do not know ; I only know this, that I saw, and Immensity seemed to open and the effect of that opening was to separate, for a time, into two great divisions; it closed, however, and I saw no disap- pearance, but the great bodies moved onward. Then it was that I watched what effect it had upon different orbits within which was situated great light bodies, universes or heavens, and I saw that it produced for them what was known as Epochs, and what was told me was, that it pro- duced for your earth what was known as the different ages; apparently there was no particular formation of time. The shape was as if you had taken an oblong square and formulated it into a great glowing mass of light. I found no master who could tell me if those bodies 53 were inhabited, and as far as it was possible for me to learn, no explanation was given as to why Immensity opened for them. It is for me to develop sufficiently to understand the meaning of this. But if they hold the power to develop epochs for great orbits of planets and higher conditions of spiritual light and produce ages for the earth, there is for me a wonderful problem to learn and to understand. It will certainly be greater than any mathematical calculation I have ever undertaken. In explaining this Immensity I would like to place for those who are not students, a pleasant thought. I found in Immensity, holding a place near the orbit of the earth, many places that look like small islands ; here it was that I found great spirit bodies that had not entered into a knowledge of the earth, but were there to come in con- tact with any spirit who came from out of universes or spheres. They hold a wonderful knowledge of the chemi- calization of that out of which forces are created. They also have a knowledge of the intellect of all chemicalized conditions, whether within the earth or upon the planets or universes. I also found portions that looked like great islands that held immense forms like you would see mountains; here I found the dwellers lived at a great height above what floated around them. Here they held what was known as the greatest observatory develop- ments, such as penetration into spaces and the powers of calculating the movement of all great suns and satellites that lie outside of any condition of the earth. I also found great bodies of land upon which grew every form that the portions of the earth have besides what was known as the imperishable formation and growth of all grains, trees and flowers, and even that which is within your seas; also immense growths that did not have any such appearance within the earth. It was here that I learned something about the manner by which the pigments of 54 coloring are transferred through the intelligence of all mineral, vegetable and plant life. I was also greatly interested in that portion of Im- mensity that contained what they called the creation of suns and satellites. You, as human, would have thought it impossible to penetrate into what would be the heat, as you would call it, but as spirit is not affected by such conditions, it was no difficult matter for us to come very close to these great creations. I found that portion that created satellites always held flashes of great lights as if they were interrupted in their perfect flow that formed what was known as satellites, some of which are perfectly regular like cones or extended rods ; others were twisted ; while others had ragged edges, but this did not interfere with either their coloring or light; it was only as expressed to me to form a diversity. The creation of suns varied according to the positions they were to hold. Some had great discs, one beneath the other ; while others were only solid discs with large holes through which great lights passed, revolving very rapidly it gave a very brilliant illumined condition. Others were as if you had taken a great square piece of blazing light suspending it from the center by a long ray of light and twisted and untwisting it as you would a cord or thread. These particular suns are used with what they call the Monolithe Planets. These planets are perfectly square. I do not know how many there are in each cluster for there are many clusters. They have a multiplicity of suns always attending them and they are square to adapt them- selves to the squareness of the planets. I also saw where what you would call moons are created, some of them were perfectly flat, while others were like pieces of transparent paper ; others were cloud- like in form ; but all were subject to reflection. The man- ner of their creation was the placing of an intense light, 55 then throwing upon it the shadow of a great disc out oi which came whatever formation was required for the reflector. One of the great questions I asked was this : As these are created, are they given the intellect to know whether they shall go in one direction or another; whether they will know exactly what position to take; whether they will be capable of holding any spirit body or bodies that may come unto them ? And in every answer to my ques- tions, it was "Yes." QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Marcus, explain with regard to spirit in this relationship. A. Spirit with its forces and powers is always attracted to higher degrees of consciousness, unending, unbounded and also unlimited. Even though spirit pass from the Great Infinite into a close relationship of physical, there is always that which is withheld, as it were, until they have finished the physical exist- ence, then begins a higher growth, and, on account of the great- ness of Immensity, it takes long ages of time even for spirit to penetrate and gather together and hold that they can under- stand it on account of its greatness. Spirit has to develop its mental faculties, as man develops his mental faculties, only upon a higher plane of thought. Immensity does not hold all crea- tion, however, in a sense, as beyond Immensity there still lies that greater creation of Infinite that makes us all feel as we tra- verse in the bountiful supply of Infinite love that we as spirit even must strengthen and attune ourselves to be able to reach all that is created. Q. Marcus, as you come in touch with those people, as spirit, did they use in different places a different manner of expressing their knowledge? A. Yes, it was as diversified as passing from one portion of the earth to another, but the similarity of it was contained within the silent method of speaking spirit to spirit. But the manner in which they expressed their knowledge was different as you went from place to place. I wondered at it at first, but soon adapted myself and it was no disadvantage to me in any way. 56 MARCUS May 6, 1920 Now let me place for thee that which thou hast not had as yet completed that it may be placed where I have given thee the thought of. If a law within Immensity becomes fixed, then it loseth itself. If within Immensity there is no change, then it becomes unprogressive. There is no fixed condi- tion; Immensity is an ever moving, ever conscious, ever thought, in all ways. Harmony worketh everywhere like the nerves of the human body, centralizing itself upon given points, yet as it becomes to us a knowledge, then it loseth any fixed place. When thou dost think of Im- mensity do not feel that thou hast placed it with founda- tions that it might remain ever thus, but think of it as thou wouldst think of something that groweth even larger than the place it filled in the beginning, and as it groweth larger thou knowest there are ever, ever, ever fragments that can place a foundation for it even greater, grander and fuller of life than that which had been for us. Many are they, who entering into Immensity, holdeth this thought: that it ever remaineth. I say unto thee the Father doth not hold created conditions thus, He expands them. He makes them bright and fresh and clean and new, and each action, each creation, each movement, is a new birth. Let me give you a thought. If we take the stones and place them together for a wall and we find a domain that we call our own hath need that we shall move the wall, let us only take from out of the wall the stones that are larger and use them for a new wall. So it will ever be within Immensity, the larger thoughts, the larger laws, the greater consciousness shalt ever be used by us as we again and again and again build. 57 LESSON VI FRACTIONS WITHIN IMMENSITY. MARCUS April I, 1920 Marcus comes tonight and says this is what we call the Syntax Dial. This measures what is known as rari- fied light and modified light. There comes up in the center of it, as he holds it, five points just like a blaze this is what we call modified light, and the reason it is modified is because I hold it under the control of my thought that your vision can see and recognize it. I took a small portion of the Syntax Measurement from out of Immensity, congealed it through the force of the emanations of my etheric body. These five points control all modified light through this measurement. Now I will show you rarified light Just in the center there comes up a point as thin as a hair; it begins to curl when it reaches about one inch above the case he holds, then it begins to twirl just as you see smoke and when it reaches about five inches in height, there comes out of it a very strong flame-like movement. This, Marcus says, in Immensity is the power utilized to convey to the thought of spirit how it can utilize rarified light when it wishes to create any light body, matters not what it uses that body for. This measurement comprises few degrees ; for modi- fied light it never uses but three ; for rarified light it may 58 sometimes use five, but never any more than that, usually less. The conditions in Immensity where ycu can find it are not confined to any particular place; you may find it in Universes, in Spheres or in Worlds, Zones, Circles, or different kinds of lights. It is not always confined to this form or shape ; it sometimes is only in the form of a half circle, sometimes in a square form, sometimes oblong. The reason I chose this manner of giving it to you that you might describe it, is for the purpose of showing you how easily I can unify fractions and place them into form ; and this is one of the forms that I use most for this purpose. I used it as I penetrated into some portion of the outer rim of the Universes where I procured some of the knowledge for your lesson. Tonight I want to give you what is known as the fractionized conditions within Immensity. This is one of them. There is another condition that is called the Unit Fractions. It is here where many portions of great units, after they have unfurled and all knowledge is taken from them, are left, that they may be remolded, replaced in other conditions. Ofttimes there is a great force within these fractions of units upon which can be builded new universes and new worlds, for remember, there is no frac- tion of units that does not still hold an impression of the intelligence that is confined within them. You take a unit that holds the intelligence of creation for any pur- pose, if this knowledge is removed, this portion of the unit which remains always holds a portion of this intelli- gence upon which again can be builded or created. It depends, of course, greatly upon the spirit who uses it and for what purpose it is used. Another fraction within Immensity is the first con- sciousness of the thought of Law. In the beginning, as 59 far as I am able to trace it, Law was only a knowledge, but as spirit was created for earth, it found that there has to be a utilization of what had come from the Father as a knowledge to be placed within the form of Laws. In Immensity you will find what earth would term wonderful seats of learning ; with us it is only known as an abiding place where we can come in touch and again it becomes comprehensible to us where this knowledge loses the thought of Law, and only is an Infinite Knowl- edge. This is one of the most beautiful portions or frac- tions within Immensity. It holds what is known for spirit as a wonderful rest, particularly if you have held within the earth a condition of work where the spirit has much which is unconscious, to develop. This can be used by those who have learned how to leave their soul-body within the Spheres and penetrate outside of them. You will find, however, when the knowledge of many of the Spheres of which man knows not, as yet, that belongs to the earth, is given you that some of the things within Immensity will be within those. However, they are not placed exactly in the same condition, they are simplified in many ways. I found among other conditions within Immensity fractions that were known as Sphere Fractions. They will be utilized to create a new condition of spheres. Upon questioning as to where they would be used and for what purpose, they gave me the thought that as new Worlds were created, these Spheres encircle them. They are not like the Spheres that encircle the earth, they are different on account of the higher purity that is within them and the most wonderful consciousness of spirit that only spirit can comprehend. These fractions form a won- derful portion within Immensity and are held until such time as great creations, by spirit who hold a place within the New Earth, and they will be called upon to use them. 60 The preparation of spirit within earth conditions will be the one great result of this being used. These Spheres, according to the master with whom I came in touch, will all be illumined, there will be nothing that will even rep- resent material within them. This will give you the thought very plainly why it is that spirit only, can use them. When I questioned him as to what that knowledge would represent, he laid his hand upon me and said: "Marcus, thou hast many, many ages to traverse yet be- fore thou canst be answered." Kindly was the word he gave me, but I was satisfied for I knew that there would be so many things come in between that and the time he spoke of, that I would certainly be busy enough to be very, very happy. Another fraction that is within Immensity is what is called Solubility it is the ability to solve all problems within Immensity. The reason I say "problems" is this, spirit in passing from the Infinite into the consciousness of Universes, makes a direct expression of its own power to work out what is within its Universe, and also from its Universe within the consciousness of earth directs its power into that ; unless called upon to enter into Immen- sity for any particular purpose, it does not solve only a portion of the wonderful conditions of Immensity. But after it has worked up to the point of seeking to solve what is within Immensity, it finds there many things that would be known as "problems" even to the consciousness of spirit. Many of these problems from a human point of view, would resemble such a set of minute particles that the human brain would not become conscious of any thought within it, but spirit finds it ; and when it becomes worthy to solve the problem, the minutiae become an expansive condition and the problem is what would be known as a tremendous problem. This I found upon in- 61 vestigating, for I had never undertaken it before. I found also what would be known as an immense problem and I found that in solving I would have to work many dec- ades of what man calls "time" on account of its immen- sity and the intricate interwoven complications within it. There are fractions of creative forces and lights that as you come in touch with them you have no idea what is within them until you seem to penetrate as if walking within a room. I came in touch with one of these which is known as the creative light force. I passed directly into it and I found that directly in front of me there appeared suddenly, as if great rays passed out from me in every direction like the blaze of suns. I looked upon them and it was as plain to me as if some one had im- pressed the thought within my spirit sense that 1 should choose one of these rays of light and trace out my power of creation. I took the one to the right of me which had within it long rays of yellow and violet colorings. I did not question as to why I did this, it seemed as if I knew without the telling, and I was led directly along this ray of light. Upon reaching a certain place within it (and it did not broaden from the point I started from) I seemed to feel an expansion as if my body in its etheric form enlarged. I experimented that I might give you a knowl- edge of my experience. I lifted my hands within it and there seemed to cling to them like when you dip your hands into the water the drops cling. I held them closely, they seemed to become so precious to me I felt I must not lose them and I held them. There was first a warmth which permeated my whole system ; then as I felt the pressure I opened my hands. If you have ever experienced vague shadows, quick shades of light, chang- ing forms that had color within them, you can have a vague realization of my experience. They grew stronger ; nothing, however, assumed any definite form. But as I 62 left them within that ray of light, I knew they were the children of my creation and that I could endow them with any portion of the intelligence of my spirit at any time in the action of my life in spirit that I chose to do so. In speaking with the master after I had left this con- dition, and I had many experiences of various kinds, he said to me : "Marcus, what would you do if in the course of your spirit life these creations do not respond as quickly to your intelligence as spirit as you would wish them to what would you do?" If the flood of love and tenderness within me has any comparison with the Father's I say to you, as I said to the master, no power could ever be brought to bear that I would change them one fraction of an iota. To the human mind these fractions, unless the thought has been studied with the full consciousness of spirit, will bring no realization, but with the full consciousness of spirit the greatness of these fractions will fill a wonderful place within Immensity. Another great fraction that I found was that which holds the combined formation of rhythmic light without which the movement of all great bodies or portions of bodies would not be complete. Let me explain to you with regard to portions of bodies. These portions of bodies are not anything that would ever be compared to material solidity, they are like soft moving lights which vary in form but never in size. This portion or fraction holds for them the Infinite consciousness created for them, and within Immensity they are most preciously guarded. When I questioned those who dwell among it all they answered me like unto this : When all is ready for the fulfillment, for the placing of Divine Light, then will this be released not before. Another fraction within Immensity holds what will be known as the corresponding utilization that man's 63 thought hath created, but it is only a small fraction ; and if reduced for the knowledge of man, would be known as only a reflection of the thought-ideas, or the idea- thoughts. Sometimes it is used for portraying within Immensity the conscious thought of the earth, simplified for spirit that it may only reflect the highest portion thus produced by man. There may be a question placed before those who are studying these great problems as to the reasons why Immensity holds all these things. Since I was with you, since my creation within the wonderful portion of frac- tionized light, I found my spirit had gained an added strength, and far to the South within Immensity I made my way. What drew me? What call my spirit had re- ceived I did not question, it seemed to me as if some sweet thought, some tender memory of the spirit was there and needed me ; and so I went my way. I left for a moment every condition into which I had passed. I found there a beautiful island, around it everywhere was the golden light, and I knew I had come close in contact with one of the Holy Places within Immensity. Here I found one who had been my companion in many experi- ences, both within the earth and within the Universes, not, however, within the Seventh Universe ; neither had I come in contact with him in the Egypt That Was. I seemed to feel as if I were alone and naught else was within the Holy Place but this spirit. Every memory that my spirit had ever had come unto me there. A por- tion of the great Universe of Knowledge was mine, frag- ments of which had been folded away and I had not even demanded an explanation of it. My unity with the Infi- nite seemed to be perfect, yet in words there was nothing spoken unto me. If when you think of me in the future think that this was one of the great conscious dreams of spirit life. I remained in it long enough to become thor- 64 oughly attuned with what Infinite held for me. I also found that as I passed once more back into the great prob- lems of Immensity I had sweetly attuned myself to a more delicate understanding of the great things the Father had created. If I should say to you that it looked different, felt different, was different, you will perhaps understand me. The horizon of my spiritual knowledge had broadened, so the fractions of Immensity lie not for me, with many unsolved problems. I knew that it was right and just according as the Father's thought had given me. What is the solving of problems to spirit un- less it brings closer to spirit that thought of the Father unto them and when the thought of the Father comes, all things vague and unreal are left to be understood. Un- derstanding to spirit is one of the great beauties of spirit work and thought, but earth children can have no com- prehension of it in any way. Man with his finite mind can strive to penetrate, but only so far, and then he loses, and within the chaos he finds himself groping in the dark- ness and it is only that you place it as a wonderful thought holding within it the sweetness that exists as faith comes unto you that all is well. What is within immensity will ofttimes remind you of the things you would like to know which you have never learned. The reduction of all these fractions into their proper place may be the work of great masters or it may be that the Father will create those who will work it out even better than great masters ; and when we say great mas- ters, we mean they who hold for us, even in spirit, the true light that leadeth us evermore onward, upward and into that consciousness of light, that memory of spirit, that great perfect unsolved realm that the Father keepeth for us evermore. 65 Immensity is full, here and there and everywhere spirit searches out and finds many who are walking in the same way and searching as they are individually. But there is always a Brotherhood, always they who help you and like coming unto you from the invisible world reaching out the hand of comradeship, true, loving and faithful even unto the end. Marcus, you got your lessons as well as the rest? Yea verily, without each day's lessons we would not be as closely connected with everything the Father creates, and we know how wonderfully genuine and true it all is. I came so close in touch in the fractionizing of many things with the one I told you about a long time ago, the one who ruled as a queen in Egypt ; I had no particular knowledge with regard to her spirit but I found her searching within Immensity for the knowledge of color and form. She knew me and spoke to me, and as if friends had come in touch with one another, she told me of some of her experiences. She went her way and I went mine and as I come in touch with you I think how closely the great lights that the Father placeth for us that we lose not our way, each one of us oft wander close to where they are touching for a moment as we do in earth life, a greeting and a going on to stand once more in the great divine light as one in the presence of both Infinite and Divine. I want to give to you in the latter portion of these lessons, briefly and simply here and there, some of what would be known to you as the brotherhood of spirit and why it is as we come in touch with them whom we have known within earth that there is that sweetness of friend- ship that seems to be the bond between us. 66 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. What is this lesson? A. You may call it The Fractions Within Immensity. Q. Are the atoms a unified fraction of the human body? A. No, only as the atoms pass through, that does not frac- tionize atoms. Q. Are atoms these fractions? A. No, they are individual creations. If they were frac- tions they would have to seek out this fraction and bring them together. But they are not. I explained to you before in one of the lessons the creation of atoms; if you look back you will find it. They are created as individually as anything could be. There is one of the great problems of earth. Q. Why are they not? A. Because spirit never uses these fractions that I am tell- ing you about until they become spirit, on account of the in- tensity of Infinite thought and intelligence that is within them which cannot be placed or fractionized into the earth. They may become, as they were before, previous within the earth, undeveloped individually as atoms, but never incomplete as a fraction would be. Q. Atoms which we use any atoms which the earth has, when they are created, are they any larger than the way we have them here? A. No, sir. Q. Are they condensed? A. No, sir; they are always that size. Look at the grains of sand you have your answer. If you begin to fractionize atoms, then you go back to their original creation which I have given you when they were not atoms. When you fractionize and leave atoms then you go back and they are something else. If you take your own spirit and divide and fractionize it you send it back to the Infinite breath then it is not spirit, it is Infinite breath. 67 LESSON VII THE HUMAN HEAVENS OF IMMENSITY. MARCUS January 8, 1920 Once more as the passing of what man calls Time holds us for a moment, we come close enough to give you what we would call a knowledge of many creations. In this lesson I am going to come closer to earth, bringing to those who shall read it, a clear thought of Immensity, which holds even this creation and touches the orbit of the earth, ringing forth, as it does, the wonderful anthems that proclaim that in the Father's creations all is perfect. In his seeking, the mind of man has created for him- self certain limitations, yet the present Age holds for him a strength and a power wherein he recognizes that lay- ing aside that which has been in the past and penetrating into what the present Age holds for him, he finds that mind is absolutely controlled by spirit ; and in the loosen- ing of this, he also understands fully that spirit has no limitations. Let me make it plain and talk to you as if you were with me and with the masters who have worked unceas- ingly in the great plan the Father has made. Immensity had gathered many masters from out of its Universes ; they who had come had builded the founda- tions of the earth. They who had worked with all the forces at their command, watched the gathering of the 68 atoms from out of the nebulae; these atoms were the residue of planetary life. That this may be plain to others I will explain a little. First, Infinite Light becomes fractionized and those fractions are called "electrons." As they gather strength and power, again they are fractionized, and, for the sake of man's understanding, they are called planetary atoms. In the creation within the nebulae of the planets the movement of electrons created, unceasingly, planetary atoms. This left a residue. The residue was called forth, gathered together and created and made earth. Now we have Infinite Light sent forth and separated among the masters of Universes. Through the law of their Uni- verse they utilized this Light and again re-created. For the sake of making this explanation not too long, we will say that the earth is brought together, its orbit, its plan- ets, its stars, its universes, its circles and all that is needful is there. But again the consciousness of Infinite Light seems to speak as it moves among the masters, and as the love-thought breathes tenderly within itself, the masters know that there shall be within the earth, not only the souls of men, but the infinite spirits of men, called forth that they might complete that which the Father has given them to do. Amidst all those who are together Divinity speaks with the voice of love : "In all My Father's creation and with all the Infinite Light, what thinkest thou shall be the abiding place of them when they come forth ?" Every master answered : "Yea verily, we give all the Infinite Light the Father gives us. What saith Thou, Master, we shall create?" It seemed as if the tenderness and the voice of the Father's love breathed itself amidst them all then the Son spake: "We shall create Spheres for earth." "How shall we create them?" (Am I making this plain?) "First," the Son saith, "there shall be one who shall be close to the earth." One of the 69 masters spoke and said : "Shall it be within Immensity, or shall we place it within the orbit of the earth?" An- other spake, and if I say it wast thou. thou shalt under- stand me. "Master,", thou didst say, "give it within Im- mensity, for Thou knowest that Immensity moves and is closer to the Infinite." How thou didst know that the spirit would need it, I know not ; mayhaps it was because the Father had spoken unto thee when thou didst worship and serve Him I know not. And the Son spake and He didst say : "The First Sphere bringeth thou from out of the Infinite Light of the Seventh Universe." It was brought, the particles gleamed, glittered and flowed like great rhythms hither and thither and yonder, the forces and the powers within Immensity breathed forth like clouds of light and the first Sphere of earth and for earth was created. If thou shouldst be questioned thou canst answer it is like a cloud, soft and fragrant, and has within it breath that spirit breathes unto itself when it takes its soul-body out in the boundless space wherein spirit dwells. Within this Sphere is a great condition prepared for those who pass forth. It holds within Immensity the consciousness of harmony and, as Immensity claims from it a response, it gives it. This Sphere is utilized and often holds for spirit scarcely any difference between earth and itself; yet if you watch it closely, as spirit, immediately you can see the changes taking place. It is here that Immensity gath- ered together what is known as the great River of Puri- fication. I give it this name that you may understand and that others may understand me. This River, or Sea, is filled full of vibrant and radiant light, and it is here where the first condition of the soul-body begins to hold the wonderful impressions of the Spheres. I am making this so plain that no one can misunderstand me. It is not 70 a transient condition within Immensity, but one that holds a perfect reality, strong deep truth and consciousness. Every spirit that leaves the human body finds itself within it and has a full realization. Ofttimes from out of Immensity is brought a higher consciousness, and this Sphere, through that, is always clarified of any finite par- ticles that may have adhered to the soul-body. It is the transition through this Sphere and the thor- ough consciousness of Immensity in the varied transitions of thought, by spirit, which produce in the human brain many things that do not correspond with that which has passed beyond into the depth of Immensity, which holds, not only the Zones and Illumined Worlds, but the many Universes. Ofttimes a spirit with a soul-body may re- main here with no realization of the passing of Immensity as it clarifies this Sphere. But it is impossible for a spirit to remain long, as the movement of this Sphere changes with every movement of any new creation within Immen- sity ; the effect of this is to produce, at these intervals of creation, a higher sense of consciousness to spirit; also the soul-body responds immediately. If you hear, in the varied communications given to earth by what is claimed as spirit, this will explain it very readily. The action of the brain does not comprehend the great response of spirit as it first holds itself in communication. This Sphere is closely connected with the second Sphere. Here it is where spirit first recognizes fully that Immensity holds all things, for it is within this Sphere that many records are placed. Its reflection in holding all this, is a portion of Immensity through which it passes, as Immensity first, holds the origin of creation; then the earth ; and the mind of man, actuated by spirit, with the material at its command, strives to produce a reflection of that which is within Immensity. Again, in order that it be made perfect, this Sphere holds what is known as the 7i Counter Reflection, or the returning to the original crea- tion. In speaking of the creations within Immensity, you will find, as you pass through it, that you can always dis- cover a new creation. As you strive to explain this to others, the only way in which I can express it, is to say, it is as if I think and thought becomes a realization. This sphere is one of the largest, if I may so place it, that lies within Immensity. They tell me that in the transition of the earth and the unifying of the Spheres into what is known as the New Solaric System, this Sphere will remain intact. It will be placed within the Electic Circle, there to remain for all spirit that may choose to seek out any great thought or ideal that earth may have held for them. In this transition Immensity reveals for us one of the greatest thoughts that man can claim. It is like this : the unifying of the Spheres into the Solaric System will require a number of ages, even in the creation of the Infinite. For they tell me that these Spheres have accumulated or attracted to themselves a great deal out of Immensity, and in this movement the Infinite will place some of the highest forces of creation in order that the passing shall be most perfect. I questioned one of the masters as he gave me this knowledge, and I said unto him, "In this enactment shall Immensity give us any of its great forces?" "Nay, not so; the Father will create a new force for this purpose." Then he showed me the creation of that which is called the electroid forces that create ether for the earth. I watched it and, that I may make it as plain as possible, the only thing I can say is this : it was as if there were many globes of light, very large, very clear and very soft in their light, and they seemed to move one within an- other until from out of them rose a vapor-like movement which, at first, became spiral in form, then as it rose to 72 a great height, it spread itself out into Immensity in long ribbons of light which seemed to increase as they passed onward through Immensity. "This," he said, "is the crea- tion of some forces." In speaking to man I know he will wonder to himself, as the wind and the storm and break of the electric currents to him at times seem almost ap- palling, but the creation of forces and their movements within Immensity brings forth no clash, no separating of anything; while the forces within the orbit of the earth, coming in contact with material and planetary atoms, pro- duce a friction which then produces sound, and it has the power, when so congealed, to separate material, or, as man would say, destroy. The Third Sphere is not used very much except by spirit who is determined in a sense of the word, to hold for a long period of time, its place within a soul-body. Here within the Third Sphere is where they hold it and it is here where spirit learns the power of holding it. The only explanation I can give is this : That here and there and everywhere such a spirit catches a glimpse of what is within Immensity and seeking to hold its soul-body, draws unto itself a knowledge of what is within Immen- sity. This is always known of those who have brought to the earth any great forward movement or progress or the creating of any new development. You will find within this Sphere many great actions of what you would call machinery-like movements, although no machinery of any kind is within it, but the movements are there, and as spirit looks forth from this Sphere into Immensity, it draws a consciousness of that new creation and sets it in motion. This Sphere is utilized for this purpose and it is here that the soul-body grows stronger in every way. You will find here many masters who still hold a soul functioning and come to earth that they may influence 73 like masters and thus develop the brain force to utilize whatever is needful for the earth. You may call your friend, Mr. Edison of America, one of these characters. The Third Sphere, however, is very interesting*, for that reason, and you will find that Immensity gives unto it many great conditions. I would like to make Immensity a wonderful play- ground for human thought, that they may find within it that which will develop and lead them onward into a higher condition. Ofttimes they who come from earth realizing what they have striven to create for earth, find that their creations needed only a fraction to make them more perfect so they gather it together and if the soul- body is strong enough, they then utilize and, returning to earth, give it forth in a more perfected condition. In the many ages of earth's habitations this has often reached a high degree. The present age, however, is only just be- ginning to realize and draw closely from out of Immen- sity, through the Third Sphere, some of the great crea- tions that already hold their motive powers within the Third Sphere, ready still to have that fraction of perfec- tion that this age has not reached. In your lessons I do not like to have you feel as if we were only traveling one road, and in this lesson I would like to have you know that often as I come to earth, I meet with those who seem to feel that they are a stranger in a strange land. These are they whose soul-bodies have only absorbed what some one else already has used. I have had some very peculiar experiences along this line of thought and corresponding to what you in human life have always considered as a portion of yourself a sort of a joyousness, I too, hold it, so I am going to relate it to you. 74 I passed through the orbit of the earth and among the many resting places that lie within your atmosphere, I found a group of disembodied spirits. Some of them were perfectly satisfied in their passing out of human bodies, while others seemed to feel that they should have been allowed to have had a little more time to accomplish what they had undertaken. But after stopping with them I found that if they had something else to do they were per- fectly willing to go their way. I gave them some of my experiences and one whose soul-body seemed to have been very much distorted by the accumulation of horrid mentalities, straightening the soul-body, the spirit flashed over it like a ray of light this thought : "I am conscious, I need no other thought save what the Father gave me/' And I with a joyous consciousness of my own said : "Hail comrade, go thy way, thy next resting place as thou dost traverse forth into Immensity it will hold for thee that which shall give thee what the earth has never had." Turning, he spake to me in the words of earth: "Yea, Brother, whoever thou art, I say unto you, I am glad I met you and when we meet again I will certainly give you the best that I have/' Let me tell this as it is, that even they who think little may understand, understand it plainly, for I do not wish that this should be something that would not hold close to each other my thought. I am going to answer a question that hovers so close around you tonight and it is this : Yes, Marcus is an indi- vidual spirit and you are another. If, under the Father's will, our lives as spirit have blended together and if we come in contact with others whom we have known in the spirit, remember that every spirit created by the Father, be it for earth or otherwise, knows one another and feels the bond of spirit one to the other. I am real, I am con- scious, I see, I hear and I know. What more can Marcus know what more real conditions can he be. 75 In giving you this lesson I would have you know that when we arrange them, this lesson will be among the first, while the others I have given you, being more scien- tific and perhaps a little more obtuse, must necessarily follow. But I will explain to you. I come to you, I look at the conditions, I feel the vibrations, then I establish the current of thought and I utilize it. Sometimes I can adapt my language for its interpretation into one form, at other times into another. At times the establishment of the vibrations is historical ; some times it is a consciousness ; sometimes it is a knowledge of creation and sometimes it partakes of the individualization of spirit, their place, their use and their relationship. This, of course, is what I would say to you. My next lesson I give you will be your consciousness in Immensity ; your search for the material out of which the Universe was builded. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. In regard to the Third Sphere, if I understand it right, it seems it is moving or has been recently, that which is going to be brought in great new inventions. A. Yes, they catch a glimpse of what is in Immensity; just as you would be looking spiritually into the future. Q. In 1933 these masters who will use that will come to earth and take up with physical? A. Yes. In my explanation to you I do not wish to have any division of man's mind. I only wish you to understand that I utilize only the highest spiritual faculties; sometimes I utilize only the aura of the spirit of our interpreter; that aura is sensitized to its highest degree and it belongs wholly to the spirit; the spirit transposes it into the brain, producing the words. 76 Q. Marcus, is that why I do not memorize? (Mrs. L.) A. Certainly; you have only utilized the aura of the sense of the soul and it is the closest relationship between spirit and human expression that can be produced. Q. Will you tell us some time how it occurred that you were first attracted to place into any form this knowledge? There must have been some great reason. A. Certainly. We live and exist before earth is. And in that we gather a thought that when earth is created and spirit is held within its materialistic placing, not form, then we are per- fectly conscious of coming to that spirit and holding converse with it, expressing to it that it may place within the earth's con- ditions its own experiences. But if you wish me, some time I will tell you what occurred, what promise we made and how we knew who was to do this and under what conditions it was to be done. Before I finish I will try to place for you some thought of the Universes in Immensity that hold the wonderful species of plant life, the growth of trees that the earth only holds a slight re- flection of. All this must come as we arrange the vibrations for it. I am very busy these days for I am very sure you expect me to have this perfectly correct. So when I take a glimpse into Immensity 1 usually follow very closely that I may get it cor- rect for you. 77 LESSON VIII THAT WHICH IS WITHIN IMMENSITY, ITS PURPOSE AND ITS THOUGHT. MARCUS September 4, 1919 That you may make the explanations that I am to give you, as pleasant as possible and that they may have no thought with regard to a denseness or a confined con- dition that when it is read it will not express what is de- sired, we will make it as plain as we can. Immensity, as I have told you, must be measured by the brain of man in proportion to the amount of advanced thought he may have ; therefore, when I say that Immen- sity has many great central points, that would express to man the thought that he can at least measure it in some way and understand the many things there are within it. In these divisions or centers, there are always many who, if not studying, are unable to give a great deal of information. Knowledge of course, is the great power that gives to spirit its manner and way of penetrating into heights beyond which we, as spirit, often pass, though we seldom afterwards come close enough unless we find a highly charged sensitive center to enter into. The nearest approach to earth that Immensity holds are the centers whereby Units are placed and at intervals they are changed. These Units hold all knowledge of, not only forces, but vibrations, and also the powers of 73 creating all manners and forms of what you would call Electric and magnetic movements. That they who have not studied, as far as you may understand me, I will place it in this simplified way. These great centers would, if upon the earth, be called Universities or Colleges. They are very large, often covering many acres of space. Around and about them are placed, for the convenience of all who wish to investigate and develop the great facul- ties of spirit, the most wonderful mechanism for use and experiments of all kinds. To be sure they are always utilized in a most perfect manner and are placed with everything that can be known by spirit for such a pur- pose. For an example : we will tell you in this way : that the great electrical forces of light can be reduced to a very small minimum, or they can be raised to the highest de- gree of immensity and power. This is where the knowl- edge of spirit exceeds the knowledge of man within earth, for man has never been able to utilize and develop a power that by the fraction of an instant he could do this that I am telling you. Under these circumstances, they do not measure by the same degrees that you do ; they utilize what is called as Fatoumun light. This has the power of measuring great expanses or the most minute fraction. There are other centers where they are taught with re- gard to the creation of every form that has ever been in existence, matters not whether it is animal or atmic or unit or whatever it is that is needful to hold a knowledge. In the creation of these forms they bring together from out of creative zones the powers of dimensions. For an example: if it is required to create and separate atoms into fractions equal to the sands of the sea, they have an instrument by which this is done. It is no larger than the point of a small needle; it is hung upon a disc of pure, clear atmosphere ; this atmosphere is congealed by the use of adzfouns, which has the power of compressing atmos- 79 phere into what you would call solidity. It can be used in this disc as thick as three feet or it can be, if used for other purposes, about as thick as fine paper. This abso- lutely gives the measurement of these small particles. Others are larger needles placed upon larger size discs with greater thickness. They revolve very, very rapidly, more so than any rapidity of movement that the earth has ever known. You will find these very easily controlled as they only press the point like a finger upon a small lever and that instant regulates the movement of these discs. They also have another center where Units are brought together from out of the great Equalateral Zones, not equalateral according to astronomical calculation, but equalateral because it is known from this latitude where the substance of these Units is to be attracted from, they hold what is known as an unending source of quantity, as you would say. These centers attract with great power- ful magnetic squares about the size and dimension of sixty feet to the square. If the Units are to be created before coming close enough to the earth, this fraction is reduced within a measurement of about 25 feet in width and into it is placed this great quantity from the equa- lateral condition and they are then formed into shape. Some of them are rolled, if I may use such a word. And in the rolling is placed the knowledge that is to be used whether it is to be used in one year or 25 thousand years, it does not matter. This is rolled very tightly and then the Unit is placed around it. Other Units only hold sym- bols within them that hold a record of any age that may be given Universes or Heavens. I am speaking of this now as the effect of conditions that the earth holds very little with regard to. But we will come closer to that as we finally give you a thought of what is within Im- mensity. The creation of Universes, of course, comprises a great portion within Immensity, but as there were many other conditions, had to be created first, we will leave them until later. As far as I can procure a knowledge, Zones were created first in order that they should be filled with that which should be needful in any creation that would fol- low. These Zones were in what you would call Finite Etheric Light, which means light that has not been used for any other purpose; not finite as far as the earth is concerned. These Zones were then placed in position. Some of them were many thousands of miles in circum- ference, while others measured a few thousand feet. They were not very wide as far as the bands of them were con- cerned. In the first creation they were without color, but as they drew closer to the earth they were made with many colors, each color representing the expression of life which would be drawn from them. If, however, the life that was to be drawn from them did not correspond with spirit life, it was only the life of form or the creative conditions of other things. These Zones were then filled, as I have been told by they of the spirit condition who understood the placing within them of these, whether they were light or force or movement, even at times, action, but not as humanity would call it, and other for- mation entirely different. It is with some difficulty that I have been able to gather together sufficient to place within your words a way that would be understandable. After the creation of these Zones, began the creation and separating into various forms what was afterwards known as the High Places High Places meaning in the relationship of spirit, that which was presided over by the highest degree of spirit light, knowledge and con- sciousness. The purpose of such an arrangement would be in comparison to the highest conditions where man 81 gathers together that nobility of thought, unselfish de- sires and a seeking of service to each. If you would in- tensify this in the highest degree you would have some idea of what these places were for spirit. Many of those who gathered there were not known as earth created spirits, although I have learned that there have been some of they who come to earth for the purpose of giving a higher knowledge and also of developing many spirits with whom they come in contact that come for spiritual knowledge, and not for physical experiences. These places occupy, as I have been told, very closely what is known as the rim of the Great Heavens. Then the rims which I have heard of, of which there are three, belong not to the creation of Immensity, but belonged before Im- mensity was created. I have never been able so far to procure a knowledge of their creation. We now come to the thought of the conferring or the placing of those who went into these High Places, before all great creations, as I have understood, they gathered there to utilize Infinite knowledge and place within Im- mensity these great creations. For an example: When the High Heavens were created there was a special nebula placed and they of the heights, as we will say, were gath- ered together in order that they might specialize and place something worthy the consciousness the Father would place within it, as you, if you were to write a letter or dictate a letter, would place within it the highest expres- sion of your thought that you have but you would have to have the preparation. If you did it yourself, you had to have the articles required to transfer your thought upon the paper. If some one else did it, they would have to be supplied with material. So it was the work of these great conditions to know that these nebula were prepared with the required conditions and material for the con- sciousness of the Infinite. This nebula was absorbable, and as I have been told, after the first great consciousness was placed within it and the Great Heavens unrolled into Immensity, the nebula was absorbed through what is known as the Breath of Zonic Thought, and Zonic Thought as I have been told, is positively the intelligence within each Zone, each, being connected so closely with the knowledge and consciousness of the Infinite, stands in a very high degree within Immensity. In order that this should be understood plainly, it would require me to say many things ; one of them would be, that in order to un- derstand, that when Zones began to move, as you would say, in circles, you can often see an expression of thought given forth as if you turned the leaves of a book and could see written therein, in words, a knowledge that hereto- fore had been unknown to yourself. Ofttimes spirit watches for this that it may give unto them from the Father, that which had been held as if unrevealed before. In some Zones this intelligence is greater than others according to the power of its movement. This may seem strange to you, but to spirit it is very easily understood. The next creation as I have been told, was the crea- tion of the Unknown Lands, and I have thought a great deal in regard to this, as it is the only place within Im- mensity that is called "Lands." There are what you would call oceans and seas of light and there are bodies of light that would look at first to spirit as if they were islands ; yet all of these conditions are not as solid as the material of earth, yet they are as easily used and can be adapted to the use of spirit without any difficulty in any way. However, these are called "Lands" and they are called "Unknown Lands" and in questioning, I under- stand this to be the reason : they were to lie in such quantities and also they _were to be occupied by many thousands and millions of they who were to retain the highest development of Infinite Thought that could be 83 transferred to spirit and held for thousands and millions of ages. I do not quite comprehend the full meaning of this thought for it is impossible for me to do so and then re-express it, but I have given you, as far as I can, that you may comprehend me. These Unknown Lands hold also great powers that, as it has been told me, have never thus far been opened up for the knowledge of any spiritual formation. The only great condition through which nebulae form had to be utilized was the creation of what was known as the power of expansion. In this I have to leave you to study and question many things, for expansion does not confine itself to one particular form, thought, creation or any condition or place. This power of expansion can be util- ized by spirit for any experience necessary, of which you will find, as you come closer and closer into the thought of spirit, is very great indeed. I have often thought as I have been within the earth, as well as in the spirit, that this expansion could be utilized within the earth in a very great degree and it would change many of the old ideas that have a tendency to contract instead of expand. How- ever, as I am not supposed to be any great judge of the power or use of the Infinite, I must leave this as it is. My next great experience in the nebulic condition was the creation of great Illumined Worlds. They do not be- long in any way or hold any position that is occupied or will be occupied by the earth. They were to form what was known as the outlying condition of Immensity. They were so powerful as they passed out of the nebula, so rapid in their movement, and their expansion was so great that, they have told me, the reflection of one alone formed a compass of light over thirty millions of miles square. Of their number they were almost innumerable. I give you this that you at least will absorb a slight knowledge of what the outlying condition of Immensity is. This 84 gives Immensity all the powerful light required for its illumination. I do not know if these worlds are inhabited by spirit or no, and I have still this thought in mind for us both, that when we are free enough we can take a voy- age of investigation and procure a knowledge of their existence for ourselves. Once in a while I know you will excuse me if I speak plainly and as if I still had a thought of human life as when I come in contact I feel and realize how closely we must come to one another in order that I can be understood. And if you will stop and think a moment you will know that even my name has much to do with the marking out many things and supplying many places with my trowel and my plummet, that hith- erto have been as unexplored lands waiting for the torch light to show to they who are travelers the long distance roads the way in which they can go with no danger to themselves and also with a kindly thought that there would be those who would gladly go with us if they had the opportunity. I am trying in this explanation to make it as pleasant and plain as I can and if occasionally I place within it some thought of earth, or the spheres I think there will be those who would wish to look upon it that would feel more kindly toward both of us. In coming close to the earth there is one thought that has never been given to you that I know of at the present that would explain to you a little something with regard to how easy or how difficult it is for us to place a knowledge of this kind. First, to make it easy we often find there are those who are especially appointed to make every condition possible for us, then it is our place to see that our knowledge is as perfect as it is possible to put it together. At other times if in another way it would be very difficult and we would find ourselves shut away as completely as if you had built a high wall and built it with every precaution against being torn down. 85 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. What would my name (George) signify? A. Your name would be this: As they who seek, seek light, so must you lift above all things that which can illuminate. Q. Marcus, when you leave here and go back to where you belong, do you still hold a memory of earth? A. It is quite necessary for me to hold a memory of earth until I complete the consciousness and experience which, as you must know, has extended over a number of years. I often find myself, however so absorbed in the life in which I live in the spirit that the minor things of earthly experiences do not interest me as much, but the great conditions of earth hold still as inter- esting a place as they ever did. But if you will remember, in your consciousness of Egypt, that I held only the great condi- tions, and, to be sure, you must know that that was only a small portion. If you had added the every day small events, it would have been that much more. Memory of spirit, as far as the earth is concerned, holds only the grandeur of spirit and many times spirit sees only the perfect condition; so the memory it would hold of the earth would be the more perfect condition of earth. Where I abide, I would like to tell you of, that you may know something of where I love to remain. You must under- stand, however, that our Universe from whence we come, is always the point to which I penetrate first. It is there that I always wait any message that may be transferred to me from any place within my knowledge of spirit existence. It is there that I offer my service and also my worship, each one having their own manner and form. It is there that I often catch a knowledge of higher things; also the direction in which I can go to procure it. I often, however, drift from place to place wherever the greatest attraction of consciousness is for me. I find it very beautiful indeed. I will tell you, however, this, that yesterday I waited within the confines of the orbit of the spheres, I was attracted by the wonderful flashes of light that are always a signal that some one from some of the Universes is needed. However, we have a special signal for each universe; ours is a square doubled, in the flashing, and so I proceeded to go and see if I was needed, and there I received a message that you required me to be here at an earlier hour. As you know, I do not enter the spheres, and if some time I would give you a little of my experience in my way I do not think it would be out of place 86 even in our thought of Immensity. I found the message brought me very close to the thought of earth, and, in order that you may understand, there flashed for one single moment into my knowl- edge of spirit everything that I had ever known with regard to the earth. Q. Have you finished all your work in the spheres? A. Yes, until they are changed; then I have something to do. But as far as the spirit is concerned at the present, I have finished my work there. Q. Marcus, how many does it take to prepare a condition that makes it easy for you to place a knowledge? A. I am going to tell you that in the experience of placing our consciousness of Egypt, there was never less than nine and I have never known anything greater than 48 at any one time. LESSON IX OUR FIRST VOYAGE WITHIN IMMENSITY. MARCUS November 6, 1919 To place together two quantities in order that they may make an equalivant (equivalent), equal in force and power that is double of that one quantity, may seem to be what my lesson will hold for you. In the equalization of two great powers of Immensity you will find them in their unity absolutely unequaled. But as I told you be- fore, we are striving to make this so that others may read it and enjoy it, and that they will not feel that it belongs wholly to those who seek only the science of the thought, and that it is far beyond the ordinary student. So tonight I want to divide our great thought of Immensity into two equal parts and then place them together that we may have a thought with regard to the many conditions which are within Immensity. First, for the practical ones, I will say that in Im- mensity there are many pathways or roadways over which all can travel. You can choose any of them. You can travel fast or slow. Along every one of them, sta- tioned at intervals, are many groups of what are known as places of observation, places of holy study, places where men and women, as they have taken upon them- selves the finality of many things which earth held, and, passing on into Immensity, find themselves ready and equal to enjoy and study still farther the great works of a power which the mind of man says no consciousness is strong enough to interpret. The roadways that lead into the heights always hold within them many great masters, each one adapted to the portions necessary for you to study ; while others seek to guide and direct you into the great consciousness of which I have told you. There are always byways upon which you can travel and make your way, as it were, amidst people and places, regarding which I do not think spirit has ever explained before. Some of them I found held perfect etheric bodies and were utilizing powers that absolutely sustained new crea- tions within Immensity. If it was light that was needed, they easily utilized this power and threw out what you would call long lines or rays of light. These were sent always from some great center, this center attracting, as it would, through the avenues they controlled, by the force of their own spirit. I watched one or two of these conditions and I was attracted by a peculiar formation of light which did not seem to dissolve or separate. It resembled a quartz-like formation in long strands, like you would thread uneven particles together. It was clear, however. It seemed to be suspended in various directions above where I passed. I began to question and was told that there was a certain force called "dimetric force" which they utilized, and they took and consolidated ether with the atmosphere that lay around them, and thus molded it around this force until such time as it should be needed for the new creations within Immensity. Al- though it was peculiar in form, still it added and formed a beautiful archway in many places. I remained some time with the inhabitants of this place. I found they were free to go and come, and their method of movement was very light, although they had 89 for their use sometimes a peculiar machine, as you would call it. It was made of innumerable threads of light woven together like a net and in it were placed couches covered with many silken robes when they needed to use them. I have seen as many as a hundred forms within it. Then at one end was placed one of these irregular quartz strands and the dimetric force was attracted and went through each mesh of the machine. By it they trav- eled. It rose slowly to a great height and traveled very rapidly through the ether of Immensity. I was invited to make a journey in one of these and I felt as if it would be a pleasure to explain it to you some time. I asked in regard to what it was composed of. They informed me, very pleasantly, that the meshes were made of zonic atoms that had become deteriorated for the use of what was originally the intention of the masters ; and they understood this peculiar force, and they took them and wove them together, and found them very light, yet very strong and able to bear whatever was placed upon them. In our travel we found many peculiar circles in the atmosphere around and within Immensity. Some of them resembled, as it were, great circles like blue ether; while others were gray ; some, however, were rosy white and a few of them were purple. Sometimes they covered a large area. Upon my asking why they were within Im- mensity, they answered my question in this manner: These are what are known as the great supply stations for any who are experimenting along new lines that have not been used by the masters of the Universes. I ques- tioned still farther, as I was more than interested in such conditions, and they gave me this thought, and 1 hope you will not feel that it is strange. They said, do you not know that when it is ready we expect that there will be wonderful creations and we must be prepared to under- go stand how to use them as far as it is possible. We have penetrated within these Circles, but we find many of them hold that which we cannot comprehend, or use. In speaking of these conditions I would like to have you know that these inhabitants, with their etheric bodies, were very perfect, and in their intelligence, even as spirit, they were remarkable. We were always greeted very pleasantly by those of the Universe if we stopped long enough to come in contact with them. They ofttimes found it needful that there should be music such won- derful harmonies ! They oft went to what are known as great islands in the Sea of Light within Immensity. Here we often found various forms of magnificent growth of what you would call trees or plant life ; ofttimes some of these islands would have what is known to man as the submarine growth ; it has a semblance of what the sea has for food, more delicate, perhaps, yet available at all times. Also I saw nothing in all this that would be in any way misformed or out of proportion. We also saw many beautiful fruit trees, if such a condition can be used, although you would find their substance was always clear and unfading. At times they would gather fruits and seemingly partake of them. If we would say this to man he would think it would not be needful ; but if the great Creator gave the earth a reflection of what is within Im- mensity, surely the original, even in its wonderful beauty, was supplied either for use or otherwise, by spirit, for all purposes needful. Among the number with whom I traveled was a spirit who in his grandeur and strength of thought seemed to be far in advance of the others and he answered many questions, such as to why we went to such a tremendous height. His reply was this : "In this height is prepared the transposition of atmospheric force and we find it more beautiful for our travel." However, we went much 91 lower in order that I might see the effect of many of the light Universes and their movements as they passed through Immensity. I have ofttimes, since I had a physi- cal body, seen the movement of many vessels, but the movement of these Universes in their immensity was the most magnificent spectacle for you to imagine. One of the most peculiar things I saw that claimed my attention was in the form of a half globe which seemed to change color as it floated around us. I asked what it was, as it would appear and disappear, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller. This one answered me in this wise : "That is what we call the Globical Messenger, and if you will look you will see there is someone within it." I looked and I saw there was within it one who had an etheric form, and there seemed to be near him a peculiar coil of very fine threads. At times as he signalled to Uni- verses or to others who were traveling in like manner or passing through, as spirit often does, without any appar- ent force, we would see him changing color by simply pressing these wires within what seemed to be a very small cylinder. At one end of it was a small handle or button. I asked how we could recognize the message, so he gave me one from this Messenger. First, his signal was the color of blue and contained within it were three sym- bols ; when read it was like unto this : "How long will you remain searching for Truth?" These symbols spread before me and absolutely held these words written in the old Roman characters. I asked that I might have an- other message, and written for your pleasure, came three symbols in red and white. The first one was like this: "Through the power of obedience, strength of truth be- comes a foundation." Within the white one was this: "Unto thee, as spirit, comes the joy and the glory of a higher truth, through the majesty of thy Infinite Crea- tor." The words were spelled in the formation of the letters used by you at the present. How long we traveled I could not be conscious of, as the whole of it was so full of beauty and comradeship I cared not how long we were together. It was not that all of the time was taken for these things, for amidst many of the conditions of the Universes where we staid, we were shown mighty things and we were also shown the conscious thought of the use of the many new conditions that will be utilized by those who shall inhabit, not only Immensity, but also the great system that will surround the New Earth. Gladly did I follow out all of these things, hoping that I might place them that all could understand me, and that they should know that within Immensity there are all things for spirit, even though seemingly, as far as the earth is concerned, they may not be strong enough to penetrate into any of the conditions. I am very glad you insisted upon having my words as I gave them unto you, the beauty of that which was writ- ten as it goes forth to others, is the manner in which I have placed it. If it is changed or separated, then it is not the work of spirit, but the work of man, who modifies and deteriorates, instead of lifting it into spiritual heights, for which it was intended. Such is the work that is within it, producing as you see, even in the beginning, a strength which will not allow the mind of man to separate the Laws of the Father and make them the Laws of man. How- ever, we have seen that it is properly placed, and there will be more than one who will have to study before it is finished sufficiently to be given forth. So the ship which we have filled full of our cargo of consciousness has not come in contact with any high seas, but sailing forth, will be ready, when it comes into the outer port, to withstand any storm it may be called upon to meet. I know it will 93 anchor in many a pleasant cove and there hold enough of the wonderful thought for the inhabitants; it will not need ever to be called back, as I have prepared it perfectly for everything with which it will come in contact. You may call this, "Our First Voyage Within Im- mensity." How many voyages will you make within Immensity? Enough to make it interesting to the ordinary student. LESSON X WHAT IS DEPOSITED WITHIN IMMENSITY. MARCUS February 5, 1920 We will gather together as best we can in this that I have brought to you that it may be known that Immen- sity holds an explanation of many great questions. Measurement and Space within Immensity hold no gravitation; neither do they hold the forces which pro- duce for spirit either heat or cold ; yet there is an equality of these forces which will produce anywhere and every- where within Immensity whatever may be desired to pro- duce and place into action, growth, movement, force or place. I would like you to have a realization of how the trans- posing of anything is produced. Taking in what is known as the plan and building of immense structures that are within Immensity, you will not find it necessary to have any particular force or power to move or place them. The simple atmospheric condition combined with etheric force does the work perfectly. This is the only way I can explain it to you that you may comprehend it. Neces- sarily there being no gravitation, the etheric force is what holds and places. When structures are erected to what you would call a very great height they are absolutely adapted to the movement of Immensity and are not dis- turbed in any way by vibrations within the earth. 95 You may ask me why we have structures of this kind. If man within the earth takes upon himself the thought of producing anything in a structural line he does not hesi- tate to use materials and plans that may be suitable for the building he is to erect he chooses the timbering, either stone or wood, that is to form his structure. In Immensity, however, it is utilized in another way. If it is chosen to use a stone structure, it can very readily be created through any zonic force that holds the substance for such a creation. This can be attracted by the power of spirit-thought ; ofttimes a light is used ; the intellect of the Zone answers, and in a very short time the substance is there for the adaptability of whatever they would wish to construct. Very few structures are built of wood, and no wood is used except that which holds a very strong element of intelligence. Many times, however, it is com- bined with stone. This wood is usually brought from the same condition as that which was used in the Temple of Solomon. Silver, gold, jewels and all kinds of metal go to form the finishing of many of these structures. They can be created out of light or what is known as water or atmospheric ether, which is very prevalent in some por- tions of Immensity. They can be of any color that would correspond to the thought of those who were doing this work. Ofttimes you will find the interior of these struc- tures thickly studded with the most brilliant jewels, car- rying out some great symbol in their pattern, with even the jewels themselves expressing words and thoughts. Within Immensity you will find all of the conditions that have been utilized within the earth. For example, oxygen in all its purity is here in quantities ; some of it is stored, as you would say, and placed within a unit. Some of these units are deposited in places where they will be available, if needed. Nitrogen also is placed in a like man- ner. The atmosphere around your earth forms another 96 deposit within the units. The preparation of these units has been the work of masters ages and ages ago, still you would find them in a complete condition, as there is no absorption within Immensity, everything remains as at first created unless there is a demand for an extra amount of magnetic, electric or voltalic force. This voltalic force is not used very much within the earth in any way, it is used more within the universes, and a small portion of the Illumined Worlds has use for it. Upon investigating I found it was used for the purpose of imprinting symbols or impressing words upon anything that was to be placed within Immensity for the purpose of guiding or directing the thought of spirit. Immensity also holds great deposits of that which is the origin of any kind of an atom, as there are many be- sides planetary atoms. If there is a combination in this deposit it is often utilized by spirit as they seek to create propelling forces. I will tell you that you may under- stand this. These atoms combined together produce a peculiar force. You speak of the movements of planets and the earth as if naught save the force or momentum of their own bodies keeps them in motion, or that the move- ment within a certain form, such as an axis, would keep them constantly moving. That is not correct. The move- ment of all these bodies is always supplied with a certain portion of this voltalic force ; all except the earth ; the sun being supplied, absolutely gives the earth its rotary move- ment. If there is a great change to be made within Im- mensity, such as is occurring at the present, this force is used. It has within it the exact measurement of any dis- tance that any great body would need to use to be moved ; and it is done so perfectly that unless you were one of the masters who was using it, you would not recognize any difference in the spaces between them, not even the frac- tion of a hair's breadth. The planets being supplied with 57 a portion, utilize it through light. The moon's surface, or the side not discernible to the earth, holds sufficient of it to give it its own illumination. If, in clusters, the Il- lumined Worlds have reached a degree of spiritual intel- ligence and it is needful to separate or send them into other spheres of light, then this force is brought into use. It forms, as I would say to you looking at it with the human eye, as if it were a broad river or roadway of brilliant light, in the center of which are moving spirals, some of one color and some of another color ; but upon closer vision you would find that few of them had any color except blue. But their movement and the reflection of this force, or light, produce the variation of color. Into this these Illumined Worlds are attracted, traveling a certain distance or space apart, and moving very rapidly they soon assume the place assigned them. This, how- ever, belongs to the great development of thought, not for the mind of man to understand. We now come to one of the great questions of the earth today, and it is the origin of what man calls elec- tricity. Within Immensity electricity (from a spiritual standpoint) is what is known as a high intelligent power. I have to use the word "power" that you may understand me. With spirit, however, we simply give it the name of Intellectual Light. Within Immensity it has no particu- lar place assigned it, as it is used in every place. It is intensified, however, and in universes and places where masters abide, it is known as intro-electricity. Within it are all kinds of waves, known and unknown to man, spiritual waves, radio waves, intro-zonic waves. A few celestial waves can be discerned especially as they are used in the heights even farther than universes have reached. The rims of all Immensity, also the Heavens, and many of the great Unit Universes are created out of what you call electricity. In the beginning, as I have told 98 you, this electrical force originated through the creation of suns. The origin of these suns was the combined force and the power of Infinite Light condensed into form ; there is no extinguishing it or inexhaustibility in it ; there is nothing that can exceed it. However, in the creation of these suns, the motion or movement was so rapid that at intervals large bodies of this Infinite force were thrown off. They were susceptible, however, to the force of the sun's light and creation and remained closely connected. After an interval of what you would say was many millions of ages, these became detached. They passed through Immensity and in doing so became elon- gated; at first they were circular. As they passed and became elongated, their movement again fractionized itself and they had formed like wires or threads. These were innumerable. And when masters were taught to use them they could form anything they chose from them. In Immensity electricity has no power to destroy as is done within the earth. The reason of its destructive power within the earth is because you combine it with the intelligence of metals even before it comes to the crust of the earth. Its attraction to the earth, as given me, was produced by the rim of the atmosphere congeal- ing with the light of the sun, which brought it near enough that it could be attracted to the earth through metals, and man has used it in that way ever since. The beginning of the use of intro-electricity, attracting it from out of Immensity, has been done by separating the intelligence of the thought-waves of the atmosphere and utilizing a portion of the intro-electricity upon what is known as the swirl of the intellect of these waves. If you will make the comparison you will find that everything I have voiced for you from out of Immensity has had to come like a flash of intellect. 90 Another great condition that earth has which Immen- sity has not, yet the substance of it in its origin is within Immensity, is that which man calls combustion and sound. In Immensity sound is only the fraction of a silent movement; combustion is the effect of receiving any message in this way. The earth and its inhabitants have no consciousness, as yet, of what silence is, because the earth has never been silent, neither have the great planets or the orbs of light. Within Immensity great bodies can be moved, and do move, but the perfect silence by which this is accom- plished is as tremendous as they are. The reason is be- cause of the perfect harmony and unity within Immensity which the earth has never had as yet. Now I come to what would be known as the attraction within Immensity. This attraction is known throughout Immensity as the power of rotation ; not what you would call rotation within the earth. To explain it, it would be like this, if you, as a master, were studying any par- ticular subject, even if it were at a great distance, accord- ing to spirit vision, you create by attracting from out of Immensity and utilizing anything, matters not what it is, and again rotate or bring before your vision that which you had been studying. This power or force is what pro- duces a recurrence in the orbit of the earth of what you call the light or the movement of the light bodies such as you would say, the moon moving shows its light at certain times; the earth moving and the sun moving show at intervals of so many hours. We would say it is the rotary movement that produces that vision for man. Vision within Immensity has one great thought con- fined within it. If it is the vision of spirit, it is very in- tense. If, however, it is the vision of animal life, it is modified and is reduced they cannot see as far as spirit. If it is a small portion of planetary form it sees only as far 100 as its light extends around it. As to Illumined Worlds, you can place the establishment of their vision about five hundred miles around them. I know the question would be asked as to whether they are inhabited. Immensity is teeming with all life of every kind that is created. However, before coming to earth they live an altogether different existence to that which earth has had at any time for them. For example : take all the larger animals, they do not exist or feed upon the same conditions as they do if they occupy a form upon earth. Some of them have never been placed within the earth. There are great bodies of what you call water which are full of life, the same as the earth, except they are of an entirely different formation. It follows on until you reach what is spirit, Infinite, that is entirely different and does not exist the same as the other forms of life. You will often see, as spirit, the movement of a great body of light, if you look closely you can see it is densely inhab- ited buildings, structures, all forms of life, yet in the highest development possible; and in all of it you will never see any deformity, any refuse, any ruin, any de- pleted condition that earth holds; they are always per- fectly light, alive and aglow. Now we come to what is known as the minerals. The minerals are held in their own equalized place. They do not need to be run through or purified by fires or move- ments like they do in the crust of the earth. What you call coal in its earth deposit, with us, is like great blocks of sunlight. It is held here and as the earth demands it, it is transported through etheric forces and condensed, and through the oxygen and nitrogen it is placed within the earth ; there the movement of the earth forms over it what is known as a solidified condition and thus it re- mains until it is available for use. 101 Other metals which the earth has not, are within Im- mensity, such as we call amalgamated fire. It has the same chemicalization as aluminum because it has within it a magnetic inflow. It is used within some of the Uni- verses for the purpose of expansion ; and I will say in a plain, matter-of-fact manner, that if a Universe needs to be enlarged, then they use it. If man had it he would use it as an explosive ; but within Immensity it does not act in such a manner, it acts quietly and slowly, and expands whatever condition with which it is needed to be used. In talking over these things with you I find myself seeking here and there for something with which to make a comparison for you, and amidst all the great creations of Immensity and its wonderful deposits there are so many of which the earth has no consciousness as far as the mind of man is concerned, that I take from out of it only a few. Spirit can use all that is within Immensity, for there are so many new creations coming up ; and if I say to you that spirit has to be as busy in searching out and understanding new creations as man does in studying and understanding the wonderful unfoldment today, it would be a very good comparison. I have found a very remarkable condition existing within what is known as your atmospheric movement. I found it so completely filled with the passing of souls that if I should say to you that they are intensifying the intel- ligence of everything within the earth, I would not be far wrong, for they are coming forth from every sphere that surrounds the earth ; many are coming who have never come so close to the earth in many, many ages. They are perfectly pure in every way ; and the spirit that controls them has held them for some great purpose which is to be placed for the earth but what that is I do not know. 102 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Marcus, can you give us an explanation as to the method by which intro-electricity can take up the intelligence of man's thought and again transfer it into man's thoughts? A. I can in a way, perhaps not quite as clearly as some would desire, yet sufficiently, I think, that you can understand me. Intro-electricity, being utilized by masters, absorbs the im- pression of their intellectuality (using that word for every thought perhaps that spirit may have), as it impresses itself upon this electricity and the thought-waves of man passing with it, it partakes of the two great combinations, as man's thought first has to be imbued with the force of his own spirit, as inanimate matter conveys nothing. Under these circumstances intro-elec- tricity combining its intelligence with the thoughts of man, car- ries wherever there is a man to think, matters not whether the words are directed to him or not. This will explain to you why it is always a flash of some character. Intellect, with spirit within Immensity is always a flash, that is, both in rapidity and in movement. Q. Is the amalgamated fire subject to expansion? A. It is only for the desire to have it expand. Necessarily as the creation and the products of their creation, you can under- stand that there are many times when this is used; and there are many worlds and many places; ofttimes there is a call for their creations. This expansion is like a desire. For an example: if it is needful to have a certain space to utilize for creation, it can be had almost immediately. There are no restrictions. If you, as spirit, desired to have five thousand miles of space, you could have it, it would not interfere with any one either within the Universe or outside of it. But it is through this condition that it is produced. Q. You say, Marcus, this coal, looks to spirit, like blocks of sunlight that is not solidified like our coal, is it? A. No, sir; after it is placed within the earth, then it be- comes solidified. Q. Then, when that is done, is some earthly substance like wood, used to solidify it? 103 A. No, not always; as when wood is consumed sufficiently to combine with coal, it is then carbonated oxygen. Q. Are mineral deposits made the same way? A. No, the minerals are a class of their own, but within Immensity they have no weight. There is no such thing as weight or solidity, yet the strength of that is there; for this rea- son, as spirit passes from place to place if there was a solidity in Immensity they would have to make a detour; but as there is not, they can pass through; still the strength is there, as the strength of spirit is still with spirit. In your earth matter forms what is an apparent solidity to you, there is so much of what we call debris or inharmonious atoms which spirit usually has to do away with before penetrating. For example: Unless this room was adaptable for the entrance of spirit we would have to encase it and make it absolutely clarified so there would be no solidity, but masters have produced the atmosphere within so that there is no solidity for us. Q. As the earth is being spiritualized, will we be able to attract these conditions from out of Immensity to the earth? A. No, these conditions will attract the earth to them; that is what is doing this great work at the present. You are not bringing to the earth, the earth is going towards them; and as the earth reaches a formless condition you will find that spirit passing here and there and everywhere will find it much more available than your earth has been for the use of searching out within Immensity these great conditions. But I find there is such a multiplicity of creations that upon searching for you, I have to say, that to me, it is an ever repeated experience, as with every conscious thought of my spirit. Q. As they bring that are we capable of absorbing it? A. Not at the present. It is like so many times human man desires a name, a form, a place, having no consciousness of expansion as he views it. Supposing you and I were traveling through Immensity and in an average moment (human time) we should meet millions of masters exchanging thought, do you suppose for a moment that we would ask each one his name or would wish to be introduced? It is with us, as spirit within Immensity, the exchange of Infinite thought as it is developed in one; name, place and time do not affect us. In other words, we have outgrown such conditions. When we come to earth, in order that you may know, we give you our earthly name, or the 104 name that we used familiarly in some particular work or con- sciousness; otherwise we would not mention it in any way. "Master" is one of the thought-words used greatly; it means, in spirit, my friend, my comrade a greeting. Within Immensity, in the heavens therein, you will find the placing within them those who are called by a certain name may embrace many, with- out designation or distinction. In the High Heavens it is the House of Israel; there is an individuality which is known and designated; but in Immensity it is always placed in that way. 105 LESSON XI IMMENSITY. MARCUS July 3, 1919 It has long been my wish and desire that I should place together for you the knowledge of great things ; but that man should read it, it must be simple and plain. Experience teaches us that if intricate and scientific words are placed, there are few who would be able to read it with an understanding; and that is not my portion to do. In taking up this work I am bringing in many thoughts that are great, greater than man hath known; yet I will strive that it shall be perfect and all shall be able to understand. In the placing of the thought man has never become conscious of Immensity ; neither has he been able to place together the fractions of Immensity ; and I wouldst that thou shouldst have it in a way that at least it can be partially understood, if not wholly. I, Marcus, have striven to become perfectly conscious, as spirit, and yet hold a consciousness of earth sufficient to be understood. So we will take up this work of Im- mensity and thou wilt have to call it after such a name. We must first have some thought of measurement that the mind and the thought may unify itself with us. Immensity, the definition of which is unbounded, without limit, not full and accessible that even spirit con- 106 sciousness can enter within it and make use of all that is there. In Immensity spirit thought is the predominate factor that spirit uses to understand it. Immensity can be traversed by spirit, using spirit strength, but the mind of man, unless developed to the highest degree, only enters a partial condition of Immensity, and even in the highest consciousness of mind, can only traverse over certain pathways within it. Immensity holds, as I from time to time will try to explain to you, the great creations, and if the question is to be answered, great creations are where the power of the highest force of creation is used. There are other crea- tions that are utilized by great masters, who, taking up Infinite force, create, but they are not known as great creations ; yet as the narrow, contracted power of accep- tance is before us, we find those who cannot make a dif- ference between the two. There is INFINITE CREA- TION; there is SPIRITUAL CREATION; there is ETHERIC CREATION ; there is ILLUMINED CREA- TION. PHYSICAL CREATION, however, has passed beyond the plummet line and remains only within phys- ical expression. In the placing of Infinite Creation, it encompassed in the great placing, the outer line of what is known to us, as spirit, as Immensity. To the South, in placing this thought, we will say, lies the Unknown Lands. To the North, lies the High Heavens. To the East, the Great Heavens. And to the West, the Heavens of Immensity. These are the four great points of Immensity as we bring it within the Circle of spirit consciousness. In the thought of Spirit consciousness we must ex- press it was seeking a knowledge of Immensity. The Unknown Lands extend into the outer rim of Immensity and following it as it is given unto me, lies the great rim 107 of the intellectual force. There is no thought that it is outside of Infinite force or creation, but we must place it thus in order that we may follow closely and keep as near as we can within the comprehensive power of man's thought. The High Heavens, holding as it does, the center of the great Circle around which passes what is known as the Brotherhood of Spirit, and it was here that the first great division of Brotherhoods was made. The first con- dition of the High Heavens held no separateness on ac- count of the use of the great Circle of Leo, which is not an astronomical placing, but is a placing to designate the conscious entrance of spirit into what would be termed by man, human consciousness. You will find, and then I will leave this thought, that human consciousness is recognizable in its first creation within a certain radius in Immensity, before it was reduced into what would be termed the Finite Consciousness. We did not call it "human consciousness," but that it may be plain for others, I designate it as such. We called it, in the con- sciousness of spirit, the duality of creation, because it was created, but not used at this time ; and all creation that holds within it an inner creation not used, is desig- nated as such. In placing this, I would wish that it re- main as it is, and not be changed for the purpose of util- izing any mentality that may have assigned certain names, certain places and certain conditions to explain it. The separating into Brotherhoods was the great work before Universes were created, for the great creations of the Infinite held these Heavens I have given to you ; but the exchange of spirit-thought for a higher consciousness was what this separateness was designed for. Then be- gan the utilization of the power of other creations, and it was as if Infinite creation had formed a nucleus wherein spirit could draw from it become comprehensive and cre- 108 ate similarly with it. This brought about the establish- ment of the Holy Brotherhood within which the Holy Masters moved and existed, they creating what was known as the Holy Places. As near as I can give it you, there is within Immensity, within this Circle of spirit consciousness, no less than 21 Holy Places. They that lie within the center of this Circle of consciousness hold what is known as the first creation of spirit, not earth spirit, but spirits created for these Heavens, contain in this center their first creation and we, as spirit, call it, the Holy of Holy Places. Lying in a star-shaped figure around it are 20; they are not connected by any tie be- cause they are to be left that Universes can pass in among them, receiving at intervals a higher consciousness for spirit. The next great condition was the Brotherhood of the Sun, through which came a knowledge of the creation of light, Creative Light, Infinite Light and Vibratory Light, the unity of which gave the highest form of creative light through which all atmic forces pass. All this holds a per- fect form, without it there could be no such thing as a comprehension within Immensity. As far as I am able to learn, all this held no thought of earth. The third wonderful creation of spirit, not great, but wonderful, was the creation of Universes in clusters. The reason they were created in cluster was that they might hold next to the Holy Places a condition subject to the use of spirit. This formed what was known as the Outer Circle of the Holy Place. In this placing within Immen- sity the recognition by spirit of expansion became a Law, the first conscious thought outside of the power of creation to formulate a Law. In this you will find a unit of thought that has existed ever since, for without a law of expansion all spirit would have become narrow 109 and would not have developed the highest force within itself. In seeking all this for you, I find naught save a separate individuality ; neither can I find at any place or at any time that it does not remain so. In this wonderful condition we found the first thought of the White Brother- hood, giving through the Law, a knowledge of spiritual mentality. Before this, it was a thought from the Infinite that actuated and produced all that had been undertaken. As you follow my thought in this, you find I have not given you any particular time. And yet he who giveth this unto me, saith : "Thou shalt place, for man as he readeth it, a limitation; without it he would expand too rapidly and not be able to absorb this knowledge." So I will place it thus. The first great creation within Immensity, by the In- finite in its greatness, according to human thought, cov- ered many millions of ages ; not that the work was slow, but because Immensity is great. The next creation by spirit before the Law, went over 21 millions of ages. The third wherein the consciousness of spiritual men- tality was formed, came to 18 millions of ages. The absorption of that within spirit was the work of the purity of expression. That is why the White Brother- hood has always carried, through all the knowledge of spirit and man, that same condition. Then began the creations of Universes wherein spirit could move and be separated and held apart, as it were ; as you would say in human ways, they were "schooled" or placed within places of learning; that is where Uni- verses should be remembered that they could be under- stood ; for Universes hold all this. You will find in the third separating the production of tone, harmony and the use of light vibrations was called into question. This is where the Blue, the Orange, no the Brown, the Black and the Grey Brotherhoods formed a Circle of Creation at first; afterwards taking each one a place within Immensity, giving the color name to all their creations. The Unknown Lands, however, claimed the most original creation on account of the color and the placing within them of unknown, undeveloped, un- used mentalities for spirit, leaving it for the investigation, if I may use such a word, for they who had utilized their powers for other creations. You will find in this a well formed plan out of which the mentality of man can en- compass the thought and adjust himself to the placing of all these conditions. Circles, Cycles, Worlds, Planet- Consciousness, separating into the highest form of Infin- ite Law, followed very closely with all these conditions. Then came the Units and the creations of them and the folding within them of what which would exist ages upon ages before they would be made use of. The Universe of Planetary Life was called into a creation when the Great Heavens became conscious of its highest Law ; this was when the thought of the placing of mas- ters became a conscious thought for spirit. The Unit of the higher condition of the Heavens to the West was to place within them that which has drifted through almost like the shadow of a thought to man, of the hosts, the archangels of light and the conscious purity of they who dwell therein. Finite Light formed a portion of that plac- ing between the Great Heavens and the High Heavens. Here was established what afterwards was known as Finite Light encompassed within certain places within Immensity, and here originated, for spirit, the first knowl- edge of space. I found in my tracing many great seas of light, if I may give it such a name, holding, as it did, wonderful quantities that man hath had no knowledge of their existence. It was here that spirit sought to utilize different powers that lie within these spaces, for they in were becoming conscious of the thought that Immensity was ready to hold their productions and they must see that Immensity was filled. The formation of three great Cycles was the work of the Holy Masters, but they were within the Great Heavens when the conscious thought of mastership was given unto them. I wouldst tell thee of it, for thou knowest not as yet, for thou wert not within the Great Heavens. And he who giveth this knowledge unto me, was called Omalsion, because he held the great Key to the knowledge of the Cycles. Why do I say this? That you may know that the treasures of Immensity are always guarded and locked within the temple, and they who stand upon the threshold seeking wisdom, must hold the Key of Knowledge before he can penetrate. Unto these masters was given this because they were holy. Great was the hour and the day when this was given to them, for from out the Infinite Source came like the vestige of a thin cloud floating as it did, within the Great Heavens, seeking that it might rest above the altar therein. He who was the Son of the Father had called unto them that they might gather there and unto them He gave the thought that spirit was to know the meaning of this. So the Holy Master stood within the Great Heavens and consciousness born from the Infinite, became a portion for them. And thou shalt create and it shall be a cycle and it shall be a great cycle and into it thou shalt place the record of my creations and thou shalt leave a knowledge of it within the Great Heavens. Floating everywhere as if the penetration of Infinite was supreme, did it rest with they who were holy and even I, Marcus, standing as I did within the presence of the Lord God Almighty, recog- nized, with the experience I had within many ages, that this certainly was the highest and the holiest that I had ever been conscious of. "When thou saith unto man," he 112 said unto me, "thou must make it plain lest he know not the meaning of the Father. Say unto him, that this cloud was like the breath of the Father that hath within it a knowledge for spirit that can cover many, many ages. And it is what is known as the 'Holy Message of the Infinite' that it became a supreme law when law is re- quired." Often I have been within our Universe after its creation, after the great creative cycle gave me the breath of the Father, and I have known the meaning, but I could not express even with spirit, the thought. Words telleth little but we must give that, small though it may be, that they who traverse over many places may seek in Im- mensity the realization of spirit consciousness. In all this I found myself perfectly true to the thought I had been created with. They who were called afterwards from out of the Heavens wherein was created a knowl- edge of numbering, there was they who claimed and held a place within the High Heavens and was given the name of the House of Israel. They within the Great Heavens will always be known as spirit, but will be separate and apart, as it were, as the spirit of man, not earth man, but spiritual man, for from out of the Great Heavens came the knowledge of service and worship. I say unto thee, as thou hast said unto me, How measureth thou? I say unto thee : "According as the fulfillment of the life of spirit is, so is the measurement." The first condition of this spiritual man came into the Great Heavens in this manner. He who was the Lord God Almighty, sought to use the thought of the Father which had entered into his cycle of creation. It was the thought of spiritual man, making it into form for Im- mensity. I said unto he who giveth me this knowledge : "Telleth me this how often does the thought of the Father enter into the creative cycle?" He looked at me and the glory of his face was like a great, shining sun, 113 and he said unto me: "Come thou with me." I followed him through many a radiant pathway and when we came to the end of our journey, I looked upon the great thought of our cycle. It separated, yet it was perfect in its separ- ateness. It was Infinite, yet it was spirit ; each individual creation within it held a thought for each one individual. Then I said : "Are they repeated ? Are they all different ?" And he said unto me: "Marcus, they are all different." In this thou canst catch a glimpse of the power, the force, the immensity of Infinite creation. Within the Heavens of the West I feign would have a knowledge and he gave me this thought; but first he took me where I stood above the movements of many Universes. Everywhere was as clear as if the purest crystal was there ; light, color, movement, vibration were all beneath it, and I looked upon those Heavens. And there came to me a thought into which I placed my ques- tion and the spirit answered me and said: "Hath it not been given thee that they who were created for earth must have a greater knowledge than they who entereth not into finite creation? Why are these Heavens the boundary line of the West? It shall be known to thee as thou followest out thy first thought within thy cycle, that thou didst place ether and give it a form and an aura. And when thou didst that thou didst claim a place within that which riseth, moveth and setteth, yet is it wholly perfect, neither doth it become aught but everlasting. Look thou, he said, and see. And I saw the first great cycle and that which moved within it and as thou know- est, the Holy Masters created it and it became a portion of these Heavens, and it formed what was known as the Rim of Spirit Thought. I will leave this, for thou knowest there are those who will say, I cannot understand, yet doth the spirit speak plain and there is nothing that entereth into thought that "4 cannot be fulfilled spirit thought however. In all these conditions many were they who lived and moved and were. Spiritual man in form was etheric, yet sought he the highest consciousness of perfect form. Doth thou not know that when thou createth form, thou createth it with a knowledge of spirit, and not with the knowledge of man. Within all this they moved and breathed and were in unity with one another ; each age producing, as it were, a closer relationship in all they did. Within all this is no sound ; even light vibrations produce none. This is where spirit consciousness holds what is known as harmony. I must not make these thoughts tedious and so I gather together the many leaves of the pages of the past and bring them for you that they may be filled full of grand, great truths. The naming of all these places, as well as the placing of things, was the work of many of they who had been taught by those higher than them- selves. We who were created to form a portion of uni- verses and afterwards become conscious, as spirit, of all that was needed of us by the Father, looked upon them and came close to them, knowing that whatever their knowledge was, could be ours whatever their creation was that formed a portion of it. But strength must come to spirit, more so to they who were created for earth, than those who were created for other conditions. I say unto thee, we question not why thus and so is placed, for we need not question, it cometh to us as an answer as we look upon the great work that is complete. Often in my search for thee I have found they who were equal in all things, holding a portion of circles that were not fin- ished, but holding them ready to place together. What were these circles? Usually they held portions of what you will know by this name planetary auras, world auras ; sometimes they were auras of nebulae. Within these auras were many great conscious existences. They "5 were not, however, to be utilized into form, but were to be left as they were for use when needed. I must tell thee how natural and how easy all this is. You do not stand, as it were, within a certain place and think that it must be, but you go hither, thither and yonder and from this condition you gather a conscious- ness, from another you gather another consciousness; and then you seek to find what you can put in and make a material out of. Even in spirit it is material. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Why did spirit created for earth have to be given a greater knowledge (strength) than other spirits? A. The reason, as I have understood it, is because it was separated into two conditions, purity and strength. Only earth spirits have been divided purity and strength. Q. Would you kindly tell us why they were separated? A. As it was given to me, there is a certain polarization required of spirit 'if they come to earth, which is not required of they who do not come to earth. Q. Then that is why Living Thought tells us that he is both purity and strength? Yes, not created for earth. 116 LESSON XII THE SIMPLICITY OF IMMENSITY. MARCUS January 29, 1920 Tonight Marcus has in his hand a scroll of ivory which is about four inches by six inches. He unrolls it, the let- ters, which are peculiarly shaped, having many curves, are cut through. As Marcus unrolls this scroll he holds it up and at the top of it I see these words : "This doth hold the knowledge of Immensity ; within this place are always the many lands created the home of Gods and Lords the great abiding place of majesties whose holiness has never held within it aught save that which is of the great Father. Each master hand doth carve a letter, and the hands of them who carve are pure, so pure, that they have ne'er been placed within a fleshy dwelling place." Read on. "If within Immensity thou dost find aught save that whose holiness ne'er has been described, I would that thou couldst find some word that would express it, and unfold for them who listen, the great and wondrous units. Take a thread of golden light and as thou dost unroll the ball see if it can connect thee with some far off place within Immensity as if some great and wondrous master spoke to thee from out where shining towers lift them- selves into the blue of the great dome of thought then 117 thou wouldst sometime understand the meaning of it all." I, Marcus, as I read it unto thee, have wondered if my words oft express the fullest meaning that the master who carved it here did speak and give to us. Fear not, brave comrade, we have traveled far together and the voyage of our thought has oft unfurled its sails and, going into ports unknown, have left a message there. So you and I into the greatness of Immensity will make our way. Let us not gather up what men of science would claim for us, yet, we can find it if they chose to ask of us; but in it all let's you and I find that which ye simple folks would love to read about. So tonight, gath- ering my scroll with its carvings, I place it within my robe and ask of thee if thou wouldst go with me. First, we must find the land wherein is the rest of spirit. What rest? thou oft wouldst ask me. It is this where spirit, finding that which answers to it, leaves out- side all things except that which, like a garnered treasure, folds itself around and brings to spirit that which strengthens it. Let no man place a calculation on the dis- tant place wherein it is, he may oft grow bewildered ; yet at times I say to thee that spirit finds it near. It may be like a call, clear, sweet and full of love ; it may be like an answering thought sent out ages ago and never answered ; it may be that within itself spirit has sought it and claimed a place within it. I say to thee, its many wooded hills, its flower strewn valleys, long corridors of cool, clinging vines, its towering colonnades form bright arches over great blue waters and huge grown cathedrals, into which we enter ; they have no covering, yet does the light always enter ; and as we oft walk therein from out a blue etheric atmosphere there floats in more than one who claims a place beside us. A land of rest ! How sweet it seems to them who enter it. Some bring messages to 118 others; some speak of what earth holds; but more than one tells of the bright, bright journeyings hither and yon amidst Immensity's great places. I would oft speak with thee of one who keeps watch within it searching with great, powerful lenses, that he might catch the sight of that which comes from the Great Central Force making its way into Immensity and, with its pure intelligence, seeking its place according to the law that is given it. 'Tis sometimes that thou dost find here a master who is sending over the ether waves of light a thought that comes from the Father, freshly born, with all the sweet- ness that the garnering of His greatness can place within it. Once, while there, I listened that I might speak it unto you, and it was likened unto this : "Children of My great heart, I love thee with love that grows evermore. Place always thy self that thou mightst know and understand Me better." I looked around, I thought, it seemed as if I caught a deeper meaning, yet to them who read this 'tis as a father would speak unto them he loves, never feeling that he held that grand and wondrous place within the thought of all. Come, comrade, let us go still farther on, I would that thou shouldst have a knowledge of all things that others might be given it, also, the simple things that abide in this Immensity. I found it lying in a cloudless sea whose holy color bathed it and kept it ever green, fresh and verdant. He who went with me laughed softly as he led me thither. "Marcus," he said, "'tis truly told of thee that thou hast been to earth what findest thou within the planet dark? Have they no garnered seeds or plants newer than when first the earth was made?" Laughing softly he took me where an island blossomed like the roses fair and everything was there, not e'en the vales of Kashmir have ever had within them roses like these. So I would speak to thee and tell thee that in all my wander- 119 ings within this planet in Immensity I found the richest of all God's plants that He had given to earth. Long ago I brought thee two of them that thou mightst have a thought of what was given unto me and shown me. One was a closely folded bud, crimson and rich e'en to its heart. The other was pure white. As I looked upon them I felt a breath of sweetness fall, yet thou hast never known or reasoned to thyself as to why thou dost love them both equally the same. I asked of him who kept them, "What hast thou to do with this and why within Immensity is placed this plant holding, as it does, all that is needful, even more than earth has?" "This," he said, "is where the seeds are given life, and if thou goest unto all the planets thou shalt find a specie like unto this save that once in a while their light brings a stronger and a higher reproduction of it all. Even if thou goest to the Spheres thou'lt find them there, and to the many Worlds equally are placed the products of our planet." Then I asked him if he would give me a name. He stopped a moment and then said: "Yea verily, it is called, by men and masters, the Planet Ryx. But I say to thee, I know it has God's most beauteous flowers, that blossom ever, never fading, for we give it life that lives." Then ques- tioned I and said to him : "What was it, then, that gave to earth a semblance of it all, and yet it faded and it went back within the sort?" He looked upon me and said: "Marcus, thou art a master, hast thou never seen a dark- ness fall upon a plant and shut away the life there is within it? So does the earth; it swings around and half the time too dark it is for plants or grains to live." "Yea," I said to him, "but there are the trees, they hold their place and some never lose their leaves." Then he spake and said : "Marcus, where do they grow?" I thought me of the mountain heights and the cool, dark green palms, and answered him. He laughed and said : "Know- 120 est thou not that they are bred within the atoms of the earth, and dost thou not know that they were atoms left as residue and had to seek a consciousness? Dost thou not know they claim the bright intelligence of that which we have given to earth, and yet we gave them not the fullness of life?" I went my way spanning the spaces of Immensity, and floating o'er it like a thought, I found myself standing upon a clear, yet narrow line that seemed as if it did protect and hold. I saw no passing spirit, yet, as I waited, many came to me as if some thought of mine had brought them. Some looked strange to me even as spirit vision viewed them; they wore strange clothing; yet as I questioned them I saw my vision clear and then I knew I stood within what oft is known as the great Land of the Philistines. Warriors they must have been, as size and strength did show. Their land had many things, large in form, majestic in all ways. Yet I say to thee, my comrade, that they lacked the soul of all things. Deep within their dwelling place which they called the Isle of Pearls, they had a great, crude chapel hewn from great rocks, and held together with beams of teakwood. Some of them were over two hundred feet in length ; some were round and some were square. The round ones must have measured twenty feet in circumference ; while the square ones, cut and chiseled smooth, and polished, were, in the beginning, at least thirty feet in circumference. Within this chapel crude I found a beautiful and wondrous monument. He who showed me all this spoke very calmly and clearly, as if in all he said unto me he asked a question. He told me thus : In the annals of our history we find, that once upon a time ages and ages ago our people dwelt within the earth and held their place that they might use immensity of form, and then we came unto our own. It had been set apart for us and held that we might have a 121 dwelling place. Once, since we have lived here, there came to us a master of the Seventh Universe; he was a skilled and crafty workman. He told us that he came to place for us a promise, and the promise was in the form that dost see here within our chapel. It was a figure carved from a piece of pure white teakwood, such as grows not upon the earth at any time. It took him many years, of earth's counting, to carve it, but it was most per- fect. The hands outstretched seemed offering up a prayer. He bowed his head and when again he spoke to me he said : "It is a promise that, when the time shall be for us, unto us, through prayer, shall a soul oft be given." I looked upon it and saw the features glow and burn with deep intensity, as if some life force flowed within it. Strange things are within Immensity, my friends, and this is one of them. Once when I had wandered far in my journeys to the earth, again I saw the figure and the face, but this time there was spirit in it ; not a figure asking for a soul. They gave to me from off their shore many a handful of the gleaming pearls, not only of one size, but of many, like pebbles upon a beach ; yet they were smooth and round, and shone and glittered in the light. He bade me come again. Many were the questions he asked of me Had I known, had I ever heard of Him who was to bless them? Had I ever known how many there were of their people? He clung to me and oft was loath to let me go. Yet when I went I saw as if some bright, white plummed bird had lifted its wings above this land sheltering and keeping it, and I knew that peace did dwell there, peace that knoweth all things yet is willing to wait all waiting the decision of their God. Why are the busy dwellers within Immensity given that which would lead them higher and still higher? 122 I have told thee of the many things they do, yet never have I found a place wherein it ended. This brings me to tell thee of the scroll I have brought this night that thou mightst know from whence it came and why it is made as it is. Within the Land of Vision I found, laid away amidst the many things that always hold for spirit, a greater revelation. I asked of them who gathered there if unto me was given the right to bring it unto earth that there should be a sight, a description and an interpretation of it; that there would be those who, knowing of it, should understand. "Yea verily," they answered me, "but thou must keep it, it must be returned, there will be other masters who will claim the privilege thou hast asked/' Looking upon it I found this number cut upon its ivory page 1560000 B. C. The figures in this numbering were not made as at the present, neither were they made like the Romans calculated. The number was cut in the form of a square and the figures were placed in the center of each square, the first square having within it the figure 1, and encircling it were as many ciphers as would make the one million, according to earth's calculation at the present; the other figures followed in like manner. I asked who made it and they gave me the name of Sattous. He was a dweller within the planet Saturn. The ivory upon which these figures were placed was made by him from the ether of the color of the planet, condensing it by the power of radio-color, which is a color that creates color as seeds reproduce seeds. It is the only one that has been created. The method of his placing these figures upon it was by holding the ivory within a rotary move- ment of color and whenever it had reached a certain de- gree of light, each figure that formed the number was placed within the ivory. The figures were not of his crea- tion, but he knew they were placed by the movement of 123 the creative cycles which produced light. They had held this message for many, many ages, that is why it was not reproduced since. It is positively indestructible. When it is found needful to produce this fabric, or ivory, as I have called it that you may understand me, it will be by those who will make it a study under his direction. They do not call it ivory, they call it insote, which means, within color light. The figures I have given you are simplified into English, for his figures were greater in strength, in form and in meaning for spirit than could possibly be given to a human mind. I asked why it was placed within the Land of Vision and they answered me thus : It is because it was the first work of a master within a planet and he was given this vision of color and the creation by the power of color through light. He worked until he reproduced it that it might form a place in the Land of Vision within Im- mensity. I want to go with you just a little farther tonight. I have often spoken to you about consciousness and the power that spirit holds with regard to that great con- sciousness. I wandered far and many were the thoughts I gath- ered that I might place them all for you and others who ask for it. I wandered over a shining roadway, traveling easily, and there came to me one who spoke to me in words, I knew not of at first, but after a moment the thoughts he expressed seemed flooding my very soul. I listened all around and about us seemed to be moving places as if some thought he gave me or some thought I had, had there produced them. I turned and looked at him. He was great of stature, yet unto me he looked not unlike a Roman. "Marcus," he said, "Rome is the same today as it was yesterday. What seekest thou?" Then I knew he oft had understood my thought. Long we talked 124 together, spirit unto spirit. I would give thee something of our knowledge. He said to me, "Marcus, the greatness of Rome was not built in a century. Dost thou know the full meaning of thy consciousness of Rome? why thou didst seek a physical at Rome?" I could not answer him ; it seemed while yet I spoke to him that thousands upon thousands of thoughts of Earth, of Planets, of Worlds, Immensity, Zones, Suns, all things, flooded my soul. Again I felt the greatness of his presence. "Marcus," he said, "hast thou not learned the great creation of the con- sciousness of spirit?" It is that something set apart, held, yet perfectly. Hast thou not found the great head-waters of that knowledge?" Then I looked upon the majesty within Immensity. I say to thee it had a form and yet that form seemed interwoven throughout all that which thou dost call Immensity. I knew, I understood ; and in that knowing, and in that understanding, every realization of my spirit was born to me when first I took the great oath flame with my Creator until just ere I came to thee tonight. It flooded and swept away everything. I seemed to stand within Immensity alone save for him who stood with me. So, simple as this may seem to thee, it gives unto them who know not, a fuller meaning. O great Immensity, thou dost hold in thy hand an- swered problems; thou givest freely; thou art crowned with a crown that fades not not ever and within thy- self every breath holds the answer to the great questions that are asked by spirit. 125 LESSON XIII THE ZONIC CREATION OF IMMENSITY. MARCUS December 4, 1919 After some difficulty, I find that we have at last suc- ceeded in arranging my words so they will be satisfac- torily understood by all. However, the spirit of the word into which I strove to place the strongest impressions is what will eventually be the great work of what is written. Tonight we want to take up a still further knowledge of Immensity, and yet I find as I come in touch with the words I have given you, that I must hold it a little plainer in expression as there may be those who will wish to read it, yet not feeling as if they could quite understand. Immensity is what holds the substance of all created things, yet Immensity is capable of a farther expansion into which still greater things can be placed. In our last journey into Immensity we traveled with light hearts and joyous throbs within our spirit, as I placed it in this thought, that you may follow me and they who are reading my words. Consciously we drew together all the fragments that form for us, in spirit, the great pleasures that fold around us and carry us through fragrant air into, perhaps, many places. I also found, in forcing my way, as it were, into the depths of Immensity, many arches* that at first seemed *"Some of these arches hold upon themselves wonderful inscriptions, such as this: 'Like a thought we welcome you that 126 close to me, but, on peering still closer, I saw those en- trances light, as it were, giving me a way to follow through. Some of these arches hold upon themselves wonderful inscriptions, such as this : "Like a thought we welcome you that the winged Gods may give thee still greater ones." Others hold this : "Immensity is bridged with many a consciousness for spirit, yet he who comes within always hath the right to unlock and read what- ever is for him." Others hold still more of the wonder- ful inscriptions: "Welcome unto thee who e'er thou art. If thou wouldst learn of Gods, then study well what is within the archives ; but if thou wouldst know most fully the wisdom of the Infinite, full many an Age wouldst thou oft spend with us ere thou hadst learned e'en what we hold within." So you see, even there, we find an answer to many questions. The reality of all this is what will impress you as a thinker, as well as the strong influence of thought that is given unto us as spirit. the winged Gods may give thee still greater ones'." Will you explain something about the winged Gods? In that inscription the winged Gods would mean, they who come unto you as the movement. I understand the meaning of "winged" in a higher creation is that which moves as life forces move. There are places where they speak of the winged Gods as the movement of time? That, of course, is a different condition. But I have given to you what belongs to the inscription. Q. Are they the Gods who created the winged light? A. No, when you come close enough to any great spiritual power or force the sound is like the movement of wings, strong wings. I want you, however, in placing these things, to place them only where they belong in Immensity, for there are other connec- tions and conditions, if they were used in those conditions, would change the meaning of the thought entirely. The explanations that are there belong there. If they were called "winged Gods" somewhere else there would be a different interpretation. 127 Passing through these wonderful archways we oft- times are confronted by tremendous cities, seeming to us, as spirit, so full of the life and the influence and the won- derful busy conditions that such a city would hold. Every- where throughout it all is the harmony and the joyous- ness and the fullness of life as spirit lives it. If you would confer with sages, then they are here to be with you as long as you would desire. If, in the lightness and the joyousness of love, thou wouldst seek those who hold it, thou art always welcome in their midst. Thou never seemeth like a stranger, yet in it all the grandeur and the fullness of their knowledge holds a place even though seemingly it is a lightness and a joyousness complete within itself, yet always thou canst trace out that which is within it, holding it as a supreme and wondrous knowl- edge, placed there by Him who created it. Within these wonderful cities you will often find great places where ideals of spirit are enacted; this is beyond the ideal of man's brain, in its immensity and fineness ; it is almost beyond description, and only once in a while doth earth produce a master strong enough that physical life may carry forth a reflection of what is here repro- duced. Knowledge in every form is procured through the influence of vibratory motion within the air. You will oft- times find yourself questioning, with thought, something that you see, or perhaps hear, and almost instantly your attention if directed to some motion around you like a breath, into which turning, you can see the answer to your thought. This gives you a remarkable experience and it ofttimes leads you farther than you would expect. For an example: upon entering and questioning in this way, my thought turned to you as physical being, and within myself I thought can it be that I can remember and carry back this experience? A breath, a movement, 128 perfectly conscious and, turning, I felt as if upon the atmosphere were written these words: "Certainly, there is no reason why the powers of spirit should not carry all and any message or knowledge to those who are ready to receive it." In this I cannot say to you that there was any form or figure or written word. I still questioned, as I understood from the thought you gave me, that the earth was waiting to know the manner by which, spirit, in its penetration of Immensity, held still a thought for the earth. My thought floating out seemed to catch within itself a tenderness and a love and a comradeship, and I questioned like unto this : Shall the earth in the fullness and the glory of its new place, still find within Immensity the greatness of the Father? And then as if the glory of it all filled my thought for a moment, I heard, as if the softness of the words was tenderly sweet: "Yea verily, they who are My children hath all that Immensity holds." The power of spirit questioning, as it does, hath no need to know aught save the beauty of the Father's love. Passing on beyond this wonderful city into which I know was placed more than the brain of man can encom- pass, I found a wonderful zonic movement. At first it looked to me, in comparison, like many of the wonderful belts that are placed to drive immense machinery. These Zones were of different colors and of different breadths ; and seemingly held stronger forces than others. They did not all move in circular movement, but some moved elongated, some seemed to be almost quiet, as their motion was so rapid. I looked as if I would ask the meaning, and as I did so one who had been with me in the city whose face was a wonderful study in its intellectual and spiritual repose, answered me very quietly : "This is where the creation of all forces is." 129 Again the thought came : "What need hath they to be created in this manner?" "Yea," he said, "thou must gather thy knowledge for him who is upon the earth, and I say unto thee, it is created here." "Look closely," he said, "see where that largest Zone moves so rapidly that you can scarcely see that it is moving? And look and see if you can see the many colors that are within it." I stepped closer, it seemed as if I must understand and, looking, I noticed that its depth was almost immeasur- able; I had not recognized this before; and I seemed to be looking into a wonderful, immeasurable condition. And as I watched I saw first only very small specks or fractions of light ; they were moving perfectly in groups, each group colored according to its nearness to the sur- face of this Zone. I looked at him who was with me and I am sure he understood my thought, for immediately he answered me: "Yes, here is where the first lexcons* are created and it is not until they reach the surface and, passing out into Immensity, do they become atoms." Looking, he called my attention to a very small rod, not over twelve inches in length, and certainly not larger around than an ordinary straw ; it seemed to be made of something very clear. And then he told me it was a portion of what is known as the "original creative light." It is never interrupted or touched by any one. It was here long before I became spirit or had a consciousness of this condition ; and one of the wise sages told me it measured every atom created within this Zone. I still further questioned that you might know, and I am placing this for you that it may be understood by others. *What is the meaning of the word lexcons? It means the particles that are smaller than atoms. 130 The measurement of the Zone in its depth exceeds any legitimate number that man has ever created. So if, in his multiplicity of numbers, he should treble it many times, he could not form an estimate of its depth. The width of it, as near as I can give you, would be five times the surface of the earth if the earth were spread out full width. The circumference of it, he told me, meas- ured one-eighth of the distance of Immensity from rim to rim. Again my thought came to him : "Why do you say 'from rim to rim'?" "Because, with us, the rim means, the power of the consciousness of spirit to place, momen- tarily, a limit of projection." This will answer one of the grave questions that will come to man in the future.* Passing on to the other Zones I found them holding what would be known as the "magnitudes of light," by which spirit is supplied with what we will place in these words, as the "life essence." And I would that all should remember that even in Immensity spirit can derive from these conditions that which gives it strength and power. For an example : In spirit's transition from place to place, like thought, we require that light, which gives us the formation of force by which we can traverse in this man- ner, making my answer to the thought of those who will question, as plain as I possibly can. You ofttimes, as spirit, find yourself seeking to traverse into a certain Uni- verse which may be situated at what would be known, *May I know what this question is? The question is there the consciousness shows momentarily to spirit how to limit. There is the answer to it shows him how to do it. For one moment he is conscious of being able to limit that. Marcus, you say, this will answer one of the grave questions that will come to man in the future. Will you explain? Certainly, when he is purely spirit no way of measuring it as yet, any more than you will the measurement of that instru- ment. 131 even to spirit, as a great space in Immensity. We usually, under these conditions, feel as if we would demand for ourselves some of this wonderful light. You will find it, perhaps, as you would find a portion within the air as you turn and travel in the freshness of the morning. Some- times the Illumined Worlds place, by the aid of their mas- ters in the near conditions of the earth, what are known as "stations" where this light is placed for those who re- quire it, as many times masters who come to earth reduce this light in a great degree as the darkness of the earth naturally absorbs light. Passing on into the other Zones, I saw the first great formations of nebulae. These are within the Zones which are oblong, and they are filled full, seemingly to me in expressing the thought, as if great sunlights had been placed within them. They move, however, not so rapidly, and, passing off from them like vapor, you can see what is like a cloud-like formation. It clusters together for a moment gathering itself, and moves into whichever por- tion of Immensity is placed for them to use. I say "they" because each portion seems to be fully intellectual in its movement and in its form. It is always cloud-like, how- ever. And I followed them that there should be a proper explanation. You will see, as creations are depending upon them for protection, that within them flash forth, at intervals, strong lights. Immensity sometimes expands for them that they may have a proper place for great creations, such as immense worlds that are always etheric in form, are placed within Immensity. You will sometimes find, within these, small particles moving like points of light, then instantly they are whirled of their own accord into Immensity and formu- late around themselves great bodies of light which can be utilized by spirit for whatever spirit may need it for. 132 In all these great answers to thoughts I say unto thee the traversing of Immensity holds so much. Once in a while you will find within Immensity a won- derful island peopled by those who are masters and into their company you pass. They have forms that are not either uncouth or undeveloped, but usually very perfect, holding no monstrous developments anywhere. You could stand many, many moments with them, for within every one of those places which I visited I found new thoughts of interest. And it was while I was passing through Immensity that I came upon what is the great planet that the earth has never held within its orbit. This planet was fully occupied by wonderful spiritualized forms. Here they create some of the most beautiful ex- pressions of thought that I have ever known. Another planet I found where they develop the highest form of life as far as plants are concerned. Another is where the germinating of life in grains or seeds is created and the propagation of life in its forces is everlasting. I found also in Immensity many clusters that at first were formed like worlds, but upon entering them I found that they were closely connected with great colonnades and arches whereby spirit passes from one to the other. They are set at what you would say was a perfect meas- urement one from the other. These I found were called under the names of those who were the first great purity of light and they were called Leibons* because of the for- mation of the arches that connected them. Here it is *Meaning of Leibons? That is the name given to whatever I have given you, just the same as you would say something was steel, pig iron or something else. That is the name of it. Marcus says: Immensity, thou art so full, thy measure 'tis overflowing; yet as we search amidst it all, we find that greater doth it grow. It seems as if the majesty of Immensity e'en 133 that many of the outer crusts of the Illumined Worlds are held until they are needed. If you would ask me how they are placed together the only manner in which I could explain it would be as if you took a large ball of thread, with the exception that these threads are beauti- fully illumined, and unrolling, they begin to form, as it were, a motion of their own. If tossed out into the ether of the air around these conditions, you will instantly see them formulating into what would be an etheric covering or crust. They not only expand in length but also in width. In coming to the earth and passing through these many experiences I have found myself striving to answer a grave question If the earth's crust protects it, is it sub- ject to the change of gravity as it passes into the condi- tion of Immensity that holds these crusts? I found, upon searching, one who could fully answer me. Lights' at- traction is always a movement; the adherence of etheric crusts does not depend upon movement, but upon the adherent need that must be given out by the force by which the earth will traverse when it enters into a condi- tion necessary to form a place within Immensity. Unifying our thought, one with the other, we find our- selves readily adjusting all things that we can make a comparison by which all may be able to understand. Immensity seems, to those who have not been within it, like a large vacuum which is filled full of many things, but I would like to impress upon you the thought that it is not in that form, but is more like a wonderful journey- ing place where you may wander past many wonderful creations, yet feel as if they were familiar to you and that you were not a stranger within them. though we strive to oft reduce, bringing it into the consciousness of spirit, yet how oft dost thou think that we must still reduce it that the mind of man can grasp. Thou, O thou, Immensity! 134 Let your mind traverse easily and perfectly with us; do not feel as if you did not know how to encompass the thought, but make it as easy for yourself as if you were studying in your own home and across distances over which you have traversed yourself, you send a loving thought that it may find a resting place with those who are far away from you. So it is with spirit, as we traverse in Immensity, gathering up from out of it the many things that apparently may seem wonderful to those who are not used to hearing from us, and we are adapting ourselves to them and to the ones to whom we come so often, that those who are striving to understand us, per- haps a little more closely, will make a place for others that they may become more conscious of what I have to give them. In this, giving it as I do, it will make it a pleasure for those who try to read it, and we all know in the land of the spirit, for such I will call it, that we must always be gentle and careful with those who are anxious to learn yet know not how they shall begin. I often think of the days of the Romans, among them were many who were wise, sages they were, yet their thoughts were oft- times expressed in a simple manner, such as this, "Pasyur quatas man," translated, this means : "Man, through sim- plicity, gives the thought of a greater and a grander life." You see I have not forgotten the old language wherein my life as physical man was spent. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. What is the meaning of Dimetric (used in last lesson)? Is it anything like is used upon the earth that has the same name? A. Certainly not, and it has never been used upon the earth. But that is the name of the force. Q. What does Dimetric mean in spirit? A. It means the force available. 135 LESSON XIV THE UNITY OP MY THOUGHT AND YOURS WITH REGARD TO IMMENSITY. MARCUS May 6, 1920 What shall I say unto thee or how can I place for thee clearly the great thought wherein I have striven to give and to show you what holds within Immensity the bond that connects all things, yet I have always felt in coming close enough to the earth that I would teach them that which belonged within Immensity, that which was held within Immensity, that would prove to them that their earth was not all that had been created, neither was the earth all that could be used. I as spirit entered Im- mensity and it unfolded itself, spirit findeth here and there within it greater things, greater conditions. One of them which holds for me a beautiful memory of earth is this: that when spirit comes to earth and uses the physical and the mental of what you call man, it oft- times creates what are known as great ideals or great thoughts. If, after they have passed through the Uni- verse of Thought, they find a place within Immensity, and in their purified condition, can be used again by that spirit as it enters Immensity and finds within it that which was begun upon earth, it reaches a finality within that condition which is known as Immensity. 136 Why does spirit strive to teach and to bring close enough to the mind of man this thought? Why does Im- mensity, as we look here, there and everywhere, seem to us so much like the cells of the brain of man? Not that it is formed like it, but yet we often find here and there that which reminds us of the great storehouse that man calls brain. Immensity for us is the wonderful plane over which we travel, meeting here and there masters who answer to us. Even within Immensity do we find those who hold great happiness, the happiness without alloy, and it is so full that ofttimes as we leave it and come to the earth we love to bring a portion with us. For why should the earth not be joyous? Why should not they who are within it and serve within it feel the influence of that joyousness? This brings me to the place with thee where I must close, as it were, a portion of my earth work. Here it is where I stop long enough as I enter earth's environments and strive to realize that I have brought so close to com- rade and friends everywhere something of the knowledge of Immensity. If man questions unreasonably and strives to tell unto himself, even if not to others, this thought, "there can be no such thing," "there can exist naught that is perfectly real save the earth," and yet we know as spirit that man is not satisfied to remain inanimate, that he must seek out that which shall show him the way we live is eternal, the truth of the Infinite is so pure that it must always live. If I began at the beginning, tracing out my comings and goings from Immensity to earth, many and long would be the voyages according as I would give it thee and place it for thee that thou couldst understand. Ofttimes I have those whom I have never met before, yet there is that bond between spirit that is always true, 137 always perfect, without the shadow of aught between. I am not weary of earth, and if it is the Father's wish I shall return unto it, I shall bring to it all that is given me for it and if I am given the building of a wall I will make it perfect. If I am called into its formless condi- tion I shall still bring something as a worthy gift. To me has been given the right to do these things ; to me it will give a sweet, perfect and joyous worthiness that when I prepare my gift, it shall be mine to give. I have told you of many things, they have not been in fragments, they have been straight, clear and builded firm. Thou, even thou, hath waited with me to find thy way into the many places. Once in a while thy spirit hath gone with me into Immensity but the human body was not able to retain a memory of it. The keen sense of the soul had not attuned itself close enough that thou couldst call it forth, yet thy spirit hath held it ; and it hath been perfect between us, a bond that hath never been broken ffom the beginning, never will be broken as long as we as spirit are, and that, thou knowest, is forever. Once in a while I have sought out in the places of earth that I might leave an impression of Immensity, I have found here and there many who seem waiting to have a knowledge, yet ofttimes it has been difficult to express to them in a spirit's way what they were asking for. To me as spirit, as I have gone my way, I have found great and wondrous are the works of that which has first held a consciousness for me and I have many times lis- tened and caught through the voice of spirit, still greater, still greater ; and it hath come to me and it hath soothed and rested me. If thou shouldst find thy way again into Immensity and I was not with thee, I have there tidings for thee, I have left for thee that which shall guide and direct thee in many of thy ways, and thou wilt know 138 that it is I, for I have left for thee the symbol of my name and thou wilt read it and it shall be this : "A greeting and a joyous thought." Thou wilt call to mind, even as spirit, that which thou and I have held within the earth. Fear not to make thy way within Immensity for thou wilt easily learn that which is, that thou hast made and lifted thy consciousness high enough, strong enough and clear enough to understand. I say unto thee that thou wilt have no need to falter in thy earth's travels; thou wilt have no need to leave undone anything, for thou wilt find that thou knowest from time to time what thy work shall be. I, as spirit, am glad that I have found within Im- mensity for thee nothing that thou couldst not know; nothing that thy spirit could not penetrate into. One of the greater conditions that thou wilt find as thou goest as spirit into Immensity is that thou wilt learn that which thou canst not repeat to man. This will show thee how ofttimes in giving thee a knowledge I had no words that would tell it unto thee. If thou wouldst ask me who hath created all within Immensity I would say unto thee, many were they who have placed it together, not one, but many. As far as I could penetrate I still find many who are placing greater things within it. In thy thought as thou dost think of it, never forget, always know, that it is large enough, great enough, strong enough, to bear and to hold everything that is needful to be placed within it. Many times in coming unto thee I have seemed to feel as if I would be glad when thy earth filled its place within it; when all was complete. For unto me was born long ago the fullness and the joy of the great eternal ways. So it will be unto thee. Once in a while as thou dost come close thou hast felt it yet thou couldst not be per- 139 fectly free until thy physical had passed away and left thee with a soul-body all thine own. I say unto thee I shall go my way and many are they who will go with me as we find there are masters from the Universes who are to be with us; some of them will remain only a short time, and then take up their work within the earth. Choose that thou shalt ever more hold our lives to- gether, both in the Universe and in the Earth as a com- pleteness that the Father gave us to hold. This, I would say unto thee, will form for a time only a portion of greater knowledge that will be given, but its portion will be twixt thee and me. Thou art seeking a new law, thou art placing thyself that thou mightest become more conscious. That is wise, yet in seeking it do not forget to take others with thee, and if thou hast to wait a little for them, it matters not, for all must serve and even as thou knowest I have oft- times stopped long enough, as spirit, to guide one toward the water showing itself over the low stones, that they might go within it and bathe their feet and become rested. Thou as human can ofttimes give unto them a word of knowledge that will rest them as they go their way through earth and into the life of the spirit ; and as thou dost think of them thou must remember they knowest not spirit. Glad I am that I have been able to place for thee this knowledge of Immensity, simple and plain, yet ever full of the words that make it a real and perfect condi- tion. 140 YB 13280 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY