/yteJf GIFT OF ^ ■\\. S^^cAj. '^A>T.0JU}_ New York State Education Department iNdu York State Library CATALOGUE OF THE DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION PACK 5 I incunabula i6 7 Alphabetic list of early printed Books Single d'^'*""^'*" graphs 14 ALBANY UNIVERSITY OP THE STATE OP NEW YORK 1908 L263m-Ja3-xocx> STATE OF NEW YORK EDUCATION DEPABTMENT Segents of the University With years when terms expire 1913 Whitelaw Reid M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. Chancellor - New York 1917 St Clair McKelway M.A. LL.D. FiV^ Chancellor Brooklyn 1919 Daniel Beach Ph.D. LL.D. Watkins 1914 Pliny T. Sexton LL.B. LL.D. ------ Palmyra 1912 T. Guilford Smith M.A. C.E. LL.D. - - - - Buffalo 1918 William Nottingham M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - - Syracuse 1910 Charles A. Gardiner Ph.D. L.H.D. LL.D. D.C.L. New York 1915 Albert Vander Veer M.D. M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. Albany 191 1 Edward Lauterbach M.A. LL.D. New York 1909 Eugene A. Philbin LL.B. LL.D. - - - - - New York 191 6 LuciAN L. Shedden LL.B. ------- Plattsburg Commissioner of Educaticn Andrew S. Draper LL.B. LL.D. Assistant Commissioners Howard J. Rogers M.A. LL.D. First Assistant Edward J. Goodwin Lit.D. L.H.D. Second Assistant Augustus S. Dowxing M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. Third Assistant • Director of State Library Edwin H. Anderson M.A. Director of Science and State Museum John M. Clarke Ph.D. LL.D. ♦: { }Chiefs%Qf J)5?i*5i(>ns* Administration, ^Harlan H.'HoRNEi^ B.A. Attendance, jA?:3''lD/-'Sj4tL4v2MsT» /A ...- Educational Extension, V/illiam».R. Eastmax Examinations, Charles F. Wheelock B.S. LL.D. Inspections, Frank H. Wood M.A. Law, Thomas E. Finegan M.A. School Libraries, Charles E. Fitch L.H.D. Statistics, Hiram C. Case Visual Instruction, D::! -^ ^ t- State Library t Albany, N. Y., January 15, 1908 Han. Andrew S. Draper Commissioner of Education Dear sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith and recom- mend for publication a catalogue of the Duncan Campbell col- lection of books. This collection was presented to the State Library in 1901, and the preparation of the catalogue was begun in accordance with the action of the Regents at their meeting on March 14, 1901. Very respectfully Edwin H. Anderson Director State of New York Education Department commissioner's room Approved for publication this 16th day of January 1908 Commissioner of Education 251722 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofduncaOOnewyrich . . . .-. y * • ■* » • t" » • • • • « » .•?••••••- New York State Education Department New York State Library CATALOGUE OF THE DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION PREFACE The Duncan Campbell Memorial Collection was given to the New York State Library in 1901. The will of Miss Ellen Campbell, who died December 11, 1900, contained the following bequest: To my executors or their survivor I give the library and all other books, relying on them, or him, to give over and deposit the same to any corporation in the city of Albany, which shall or may have provided a building which in their judgment shall be fireproof and safe, and which shall secure the preservation of said library and books. The bequests made in this clause of my will I desire to have separately preserved and in some proper manner dis- tingiiished as a memorial of my said brother, Duncan Campbell. These bequests are made by me as the survivor, but in approval of and in deference to the repeated desire and in part from the fortune of my deceased sister, Miss Leonora Campbell. In compliance with this provision the collection was offered by the executors to the State Library and in conference with the Secretary of the University, James Russell Parsons jr, it was agreed that the rare books should be kept together in a special alcove or cases and a catalogue should be printed. The Regents voted that the collection be accepted gratefully under the con- ditions outlined in the communication of the executors and in the reply of the Secretary. Duncan Campbell, by whom the collection was chiefly made and from whom it is named, was a son of the Hon. Archibald Campbell, a Scotchman who came to this country in 1798 when 19 years old and settled in Albany; in 1805 he became a clerk in the office of the Secretary of State and in 181 2 was appointed Deputy Secretary, holding this position for nearly 40 years. He resigned on account of ill health and died July 14, 1856. Duncan was the youngest son of a large family and was bom in 1824 and • •♦• _•. • . * •- • - • • •« 6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY died May 6, 1890. He was a student in the Albany Academy from 1830 to 1839 and then entered Union College as a sophomore, where he was specially interested in literature, became a member of Phi Beta Kappa and graduated in 1842. He studied law with Marcus T. Reynolds and was admitted to practice in 1845. Several years were spent in European travel and in study at German universities. In 1857 he was appointed Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral and served from 1857 to 1862 under Governors King and Morgan. Mr Campbell seems to have begun his book collecting about 1870. He made no attempt at a balanced selection or a complete collection in any one line. The collection added to the State Library contained 2293 printed volumes, 19 bound manuscript volumes and 30 separate manuscripts besides several hundred pamphlets, engravings etc. All the books are provided with a special bookplate having the heading "Duncan Campbell Memorial Collection." The special memorial collection consists of 368 printed volumes which are preserved in special cases and are marked in all catalogues with a D before the class number. It includes about 20 early editions and translations of classical authors; about the same number of editions of the Bible and the New Testament in Latin, German and English; a few of the early Eng- lish collections of statutes; some of the older English dictionaries; early editions of standard English authors, as Chaucer, Spenser, Ben Jonson and Shakspere; notable i6th and 17th century books of history and travel, Camden, Froissart, Hakluyt, Holinshed, Purchas, Ralegh, Stow etc. ; and some of the Reformation authors both continental and English, as Calvin, Cranmer, Erasmus, Jewel and Wiclif. The following memorial catalogue includes a com- plete list and description of the manuscripts, the 47 incunabula and over 300 other early printed and rare books. A summary of the incunabula by years is printed before the full chronologic list and the following table continues the record, showing the number of works for each 25 years of the i6th and 17th centuries: 1501-25.... 13 1601-25 52 1526-50 -. . . . 28 1626-50 61 1551-75 39 1651-75 40 1576-00 45 1676-99 44 DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION MANUSCRIPTS Arranged in two groups: (i) Books, 24 titles; (2) Single documents and autographs, 30 pieces; the subarrangement in each case chronologic Books Paul, St, the apostle, d.66? Epistolae Pauli cum commentario. In Latin, on vellum; written about 1030; 27 x 18 cm, 229 f. ; in old beech boards, with clasps and modem pigskin back. Begins (f.2): Paulus Seruus xpi ihu, vocatus apostolus segre- gatus in euangelium dei. . . Ends (f.2 2 7'): Salutant uos de italia fratres Gratia cum omnibus uobis. Amen. Fly leaf at beginning of volume containing fragment of breviary with neumes. f.2 28 Gloss on Epistle of Paul to the Romans in three different styles of handwriting, f.229 Fly leaf containing grammatical notes. Gregorius i, the Great, st, pope, 54o?-6o4. Homiliae super Ezechielem. In Latin, on vellum; written in the 12th century; 28 X 21 cm, 151 f. first and last blank, with large initials in colors at the beginnings of chapters; bound in full brown calf, gold tooling on back ; in the center of sides foliated ornament scraped off. Begins (f.2): Incipit prologus gregorii pape in ihezechiele propheta. Dilectissimo fratri Mariana episcopo. Ends: Ex- plicit omelia decima beati gregorii pape, in extrema parte ihezechielis prophete. Liber sanctae mariae in [words erased]. On f. 150^ note beginning: Privilegia duo. pape Alexandri tertii. Victoris. duo. Eugenii duo. Innocentii Secundi. solus. Innocentii tertii. duo. Honorii. Solus. Frederici Regis romanorum. duo. Ducis Lotaringie. xxiii Episcopi Leodiensis. novem. . . 6 lines. On inside of front cover bookplate: Ex bibliotheca P. P. C. Lammens. Lucas, of Padua, Franciscan, d.1269. Sermones super Epistolas et Evangelia. In Latin, on vellum; written in the 13th century; 19X 14 cm, 112 f. first and last three blank; in two columns with marginal notes, rubricated. Lacks 8f. at the beginning. Begins: Sancti spiritus adsit nobis gratia. Iste est prologus sermonum dominicalium fratris Luce d'or. mi. f.2'' Explicit prologus deo gratias. Amen, f.3 Incipit sermones domini- cales fratris Luce per totum Annum. Dominica prima d'adu- entu. f. 1 08-108^ Table of the epistles and gospels of the mass, f.109 Synopsis. This volume was no.3049 at the Richard Grant White sale, 1870. Code of Bavarian laws. In German, on paper; 1346; 21^ x 15 cm, 70 f. (old foliation 150-160, 170-179, 161-169, 167-169, 180-216); rubricated ; in paper covers. Begins : Wir ludweig von gots gnaden Marggraf zu Brandburg. Wir Steffan wir Ludweig, wir Wilhalm von gots gnadn pfaltz- grauen bey Rein vnd herzogn. In Baym haben angesehn den gepresten den wir gehabr haben In vnserem lannde ze Baym, an dem Rechten vnd dauon sein wir zu Rat worden mit vnserm herm vnd vaterleyfcen kaiser Ludweign von Rom vnd setzen vnd bestattign wir alles das hemach geschriben stet, Geschehn, Anno 8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY domini M**, tricentesimo, Quadragesimo sexto an Sambstag nach dem Obristen, Das ist das Rechtspuch also ganntz, vnd alt gepessert vnd auch new artikel gesammet, aus alien gerichten Stetn vnd margkten nach des kaisers haissen, Das erst Capitel man sol nyemant notten zu kain' klag. Ends: Also hat das Rechtpuch vnd Matery ain Enndt, etc. Textus euangeliorum dominicalium a'nd other manuscripts. In Latin, on paper; written in the latter half of the 14th century in Germany; 20^ x 15 cm, 244 f. ; with colored capitals; bound in wood, with stamped brown calf back; clasps broken. 1 (f.i-63'') Textus euangeliorum dominicalium per annum Licet ordine praepostero. The gospels of the mass with inter- lineations and marginal glosses not in regular order, beginning with the sixth Sunday after Pentecost and ending with the fourth Sunday in Advent. 45 f. -|- 18 f. of various sizes interleaved. f.64-65 blank. 2 (f. 66) Jeremiah 23:5-18. 11 lines. 3 (f.66'') Gloss, apparently on Mark 8: 1-9. 24 lines. 4 (f. 68-90) Lyre, Nicolas de, 12 70-1 340. Questio contra iudeos, 1 38 1. Begins: Qveritur vtrum per scripturas a iudeis receptas possit probari ministerium xpi in lege et prophetis promissi esse iam completum. Ends: Explicit questio de pro- batione per scripturas a iudeis receptas quot ministerium xpi predictum a lege et prophetis sit impletum determinata a fra- tre nicolao de lyra de ordine fratrum minorum. In a footnote is added in a later hand : Explicit questio de quolibet qualiter per scripturas hebreorum ostendi possit ministerium xpi quantum ad adventum eius promissi esse completum. 5 (f.90-113'') Ljrre, Nicolas de, 12 70-1 340. Tractatulus contra quendam iudeum, 1381. Begins: Incipit responsio fra- tris n^xolai de lyra ad quendam iudeum ex uerbis ewangelii secundum matheum contra xpm nequitur argumentem. Ends: Expliciunt obiectiones cuiusdam pessimi iudei et responsio Fratris ny de lyra ad quendam Judeum ex uerbis ewangelii se- cundum Matheum contra xpm nequitur argumentem. Com- pletum Hoc opus Sub anno domini M°CCC°LXXXP in octaua beate marie virginis. 6 (f. 1 1 4-1 1 4^) De navitate marie virginis. 7 (f.n4'') Nota quod omnes ordines et religiosi primo habi- tabant in heremo. 9 lines erased. 8 (f. 1 14^-1 1 5) Fragment of Bil51e history setting forth events narrated in Genesis 4-10. In Low German, 32 lines. 9 (f.ii6) Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 4 B. C.-65. Epitaphium. Incipit epitafium senece. Cura labor meritum sumpti promunere honores ite alias post hec sollicitate animas. Me procul a vobis deus auocat et licet actis. Rebus terrenis hospita terra vale. Corpus auara tamen sollempnibus accipe saxis. Namque animam celo reddimus ossa tibi. 5 lines. 10 (f.116-157'') Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 4 B.C.-6 5. Epistles 1-58, and 59 incomplete ending with the words: Audi quid me in DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 9 epistola tua delectaverit. Habes. With interlineations and marginal glosses. II (f.158-244) Augustinus, Triumphus, de Ancona, 1243-1328. Super Epistolas Canonicas. Begins: Honesto ac venerabilio archidyacano tolosano nepoti illustris ac venerabilis viri gyrhardi de parma divina gratia episcopi cardinali. Ends (f.241): Ex- pliciunt postille super epistolas canonicas editas a fratre augus- tino de anchona fratrum heremitarum sancti augustini. Anno domini 1392. Written in two columns with 8 pages of index. On outside of front cover label bearing in modern handwriting brief con- tents of the volume and the statement " in the original binding, from the Carthusian Nunnery at Erfurdt." On inside of front cover fragment of parchment document partially covered by table of contents, in 14th century writing, headed: Cartusiae erfordiensis. On f. 115^: Wyr Hans von gotes enaden marcgrafe tzu Brandenburg vnde Lancgrafe. On the inside of back cover fragment of parchment written in two columns: in margin: Ad carthusianis prope Erfordia pertinet hie liber. Liber losue et ludictim. In Hebrew, on vellum; 27 x 22 cm, 2 + 149 f. first two and last blank; written in the 15th century; 2 columns ; bound in vellum. On fly leaf: Josue usque ad Regum librum; on verso label inscribed: Nevihim Rescionim, hoc est Prophetae psalmi, Josue, Judicum, quatuor libri Regum; in duobus columnis caractere quadrato majusculo elegantissimo, cum vocalibus, et accentis posterioribus. Cum Masaroti Magna a capite ad calcem, carac- terere quadrato minuto, et parua infra columnas; Manuscriptu forsan principio quinti saeculi. On back: Liber losue et ludi- cum, Ms. in eunte saecule XV. Rubricae in jus canonic. In Latin, on paper; written in Italy; 3ii X 21 cm, 72 f. last folio blank. Bound in half calf; on back: Rubricae in jus canonic. M. S. Saec. XV. On inside of front cover, bookplate of Meredith Howland. Begins: In prohemio gregoriano. Super glo. Ends: In ea. ibi propter negligentiam Vide glo. Et quod ibi late scripsi in c. ea que contra de officio archidiaconis. Deo gratias amen. Notes on the glosses on the Decretals of Gregory 9. At the top of f . i is written in 15th century handwriting: Conuentus sancti bamabe brixie. Chrjrsostom, John, st,ahp. 347?-407. Liber quod nemo leditur nisi a se ipso. In Latin, on paper; written about 1400; 21 J x 16 cm, 28 f. first and last four blank; in paper covers. Begins (f.2): Incipit Hber beati Johannis crisostomi super illo nouissimo uerbo s. quod nemo leditur nisi a se ipso: capitulum primum. Ends (f.24''): Explicit tractatus chrysostomi super uerbo isto nouissimo et probatissimo vz quod nemo leditur nisi a semet ipso. Deo gratias amen. Armandus de Bellovisu. De declaratione difficilium; and, Trac- tatus d'uitiis et virtutibus. In Latin; 21 x 14^ cm, 2i7f. first and last blank; bound in vellum fastened over wooden sides, clasp broken; first ms on paper interleaved with vellum, written in lO NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Germany about 1420, rubricated; second ms on paper, written about 1350. 1 (f. 2-1 81) Armandus de Bellovisu, d. 1334. De declara- tione difficilium dictorum in theologia. 1420? Begins: [AJssit ad inceptum sancta maria meum Cum sanctus propheta abacuk fideliter nos admoneat ca"* 2° prophetic sue dicens Scribe visum et explana super tabulam ut percurrat qui legerit. f. 3-16 thabula secundum ordinem alphabeti super armandum de dec- laratione difficilium dictorum in theologia. (Paragraph refer- ences for first 13 entries only.) f. i6''-i9 Prologus. f. 19^ Explicit prologus. Incipit tractatus de declaratione dictiorum et dictionum difficilium que apud theologos sepius sunt in occur- sum. f.22'' Explicit p*" pars huius tractatus. Incipit 2' pars de declaratione dictorum in theologia. f. 171 Explicit 2* pars huius libri. Hie incipit 3* pars de cognitione divinorum ordo dicendorum. Ends: Qui amat vt caritas nouit vt ueritas sedet ut equitas dominatur vt maietas regit ut princeps medetur vt salus reuelat vt lux Cui Honor et Gloria In secula seculorum Amen. 2 (f. 182-216'^) Tractatus d'uitiis et virtutibus. De gula. Begins : [N]am uirtus infirmitate perficitur ideo intendo dicere de uitiis Et primo d'uitiis 2° d'uirtutibus Item primo dequolibet vitio in speciale Et 2° d'uirtute ei repungnante. Ends: dixit ihesus disciplis suis cum intraveritis aliquam domum dicite pax huic domui. Item Johannes In mundo pressuram habebitis in me autem pacem Item Bonum [rerum quod sicud sectamini ibidem rerum filio propter quod invos vos est tamen &c.]. On inside of front cover colored picture of St loachim. On fly leaf: Jhu Saluator saeculorum, and, in large antique characters: X. 122. At the top of f.2: F. Cartusianorum Aula B. Maria in Buxheim. On f.217^: Iste liber fuit Berhtoldi de wiggenspach et datus domino Johanni wiggin per quendam suum hereditarium et nunc est carthusianis in buchshem prope memmingen dyocesa august a. Hieronymus, Eusebius, st, 346?-42o. Vitae sanctorum patrum. In Latin, on paper partly interleaved with vellum; written in 1426; 29 x 2oj cm, 92 f. rubricated; in antique calf binding, clasps broken; modem back. On inside of covers fragments of breviary, containing neumes, on vellum. Begins (f.i) : Incipit prologus in vitas patrum. Deus qui vult omnes homines ... f.91 Explicit liber quintus. Finitus et completus est liber iste Anno domini M"'CCCC°XXVI'' quinta feria ante festum beati georgii martiris. et pertinet ad donum fratrum cruciferorum in coelen. f. 9 1-92'' De vita Malchi. Begins : De Captiuo Monacho Jheronimus Qui nauali praelio . . . Ends: et hominem xpo deditum posse mori non posse superari. Explicit historia. Hunc librum dedit fratribus conventus Marie laudis in coelen frater henricus de colonia prior traiectem qm quondam fuit prior in coelen Oretis pro ipso. Bound with printed edition of Pope Gregory the Great's Epistola . . . de expositione ezechielis, Bruxellis, 1475, D281.1 qG86i. On f.2'^ of printed part : Liber conuentus fratrum ordinis sancte Crucis in colen prope borchloen in patria leodiensi. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION II Officium beatae Mariae Virginis. In Latin, on vellum; written in France about 1450; lyix 13 cm, 130 f. first two and last two blank; rubricated, capitals in gold and colors, with 15 half page miniatures surrounded by floriated border, bound in calf after an antique pattern with gilt edges, with clasp. f.3-14'' Kalendar in French; f.15 half page miniature with "Domine labia mea aperies Et os meum an-"; f.63-64 blank; f.83 blank; f.123 French ms beginning: Mon benoit dieu Je croi de cueur et confesse de bouche tout che que sainte eglise croit et tient . . . Ends: et que je puisse mourir en votre sainte foi et finablement venir a gloire etemelle avecque les saints et saintes de paradis Amen Pater Nr ave maria ; f. 124-128'' Four lessons from the Gospels followed by Memoire de Saint eustasse, ending: Per xpristum dominum nostrum. Amen. This volume was no. 486 at the auction of Geo. A. Leavitt & Co. Dec. 13-15. 1871. Charters of Louis 11. In French, on paper; written in the latter part of the 15th or early part of the i6th century; 28 x 20 cm, 28 f. first two and last three blank; bound in black leather, sides impressed with panel stamp. 1 (f.3-19) Charter of Louis 11 of France founding the order of the Knights of St Michael, Amboise, Aug. i, 1469. Begins: "[N]oys par La grace de dieu Roy de france Sauoir faisons a tous presens et auenir. Ends : Donn^ en notre chastel Damboise Le premier jour Daoust Lan de grace mil quatre cens soixante neuf Et De notre Regne Le neufiesme. 2 (f.i9*-2 5) Charter establishing the office of prevost- maistre of the said order, Plessis les Tours, Dec. 22, 1476. Be- gins: [N]oys par la grace de dieu Roy de france Sauoir faisons a tous presens et auenir. Ends: Donne Au plessis du part Lez tours le xxii jour de decembre Lan de grace mil quatre cens soixante seize Et de notre Regne Le xvii*. LombarduSy Petrus, bp. iioo?-64. Articuli varii in Anglia et Parisius condemnati. In Latin, on paper; 3oix2i cm, 24 f.; written in 1495; i^ ^^^ columns, rubricated; in calf, over wooden sides, with clasps. Begins: Sequuntur varii articuli erronei omnium pene faculta- tum in Anglia et parisius studiose et autoritatiue condemnati cum reuocationibus eorundem. Prefatio. Uniuersis presentes litteras inspecturis Steffanus permissione diuina Parisiensis ecclesie minister indignus Salutem in filio virginis gloriose. Ends: In testimonium euocamus nostrum nunc debitum suffi- cienter et vt putamus superhabundanter expleuisse. Deogratias. per fratrem Johannem Briessner De kentzigen In Argentina pro- fessum ordinis Cistercinensis Anno &c LXXXXV° IIII** feria Ante palmarium. Bound between printed editions of Petrus Lombardus, Textus senten- iiarum, Basilea, 1492, and Joannes Jandunensis, QuaesHones super tres libros Aristotelis de anima, Venetiis, 1488; supplying f. 239-52 of the first work, which are wanting (D281.1 qLSa). On second fly leaf: Glosa breuiaturanim In jure canonico commentaris secundum ordinem Alphabeti. 12 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Breviary. In Latin, on vellum ; i oj x 8 cm, 2 + 483 f . first two blank ; written about 1500; in two columns, rubricated with ornamental initials in colors^ in blue velvet, gilt edges. On fly leaf: Codex libromm legendorum. One or more leaves missing between f.90 and f.91: leaf wanting between f.109 and f.iio. Horae beatae Mariae Virginis. In Latin, on vellum; written about 1500; 18^x12^ cm, 89 f. first four and last three blank; initials in gold and colors; bound in calf, sides impressed with panel stamp, back marked Missal. On fly leaf, bookplate of Richard Towneley of Towneley Hall, Lancashire. Imperfect. At the auction of Geo. A. Leavitt & Co. Dec. 13-15, 187 1, this volume was no. 495. Samuel de Monte Rutilo. Introductio de vocabulario ex Teutonico, and other manuscripts. In Latin, on paper; written about 1508 in Germany; 30 x 21 cm, 75 f. first and last blank; in boards, on inside of front cover, bookplate of Georgius Kloss, M.D. Francofurti ad Moenum. 1 (f.2) Poem in Latin, begins: [AJdeste muse maximi proles jouis Laudem feracis predicemus hortuli . . . Ends: Prefert labori pleniorem graciam Tribuit colenti multiforme gaudium. 2 (f.3-12) Samuel de Monte Rutilo. Introductio de vocabu- lario ex Teutonico in Latinum traducto. Begins: [HJumanum genus ut naturale influxu diuersifficatum sic et habitudine dis- tinctum . . . Ends: Vale demum humanissime lector samuelis ex monte rutilo. Dii iter secundent quum cemue predicaturus. finis. 3 (f.i3''-24'') Basilius, st, ahp. 329-79. Ad uirtutes exhor- tatio Leonardo Aretino interprete. f.13'' Leonhardi arentini ad collucium salutatum-prefatio. Begins: Ego tibi hunc librum colluci ex media (ut aiunt) grecia delegi . . . f . 1 4 Diui basilii ad uirtutes exhortatio feliciter incipit. Begins: [M]ulta sunt filii que me hortant ad ea uobis consulenda . . . Ends : Nee uenien- tes qui dicor medicos recipiunt quod uos non patiamini nunc recta consilia aspemantes; finis. 4 (f.25-49'') Dati, Agostini, 1420-78. Clarissimi ac pres- tantissimi philosophic doctoris augustini dati Senensis de uariis loquendi figuris siue modo dictandi ad andream senensen libellus ysagogitus incipit feliciter. id est. non habet contradicentem. Begins : Si quis id operis diligens examinator inspiciat . . . Ends: Sexto iidus maiias pro maii Et tantum de illo; finis. . 5 (f.50) References to corresponding passages in Old and New Testament and Apocrypha relating to events of New Testa- ment histor3\ 12 lines. 6 (f. 5 1-67^) Dati, Agostini, 1420-78. Augustini dati ele- gantiolae foeliciter incipiunt. Begins: Credimus iamdudum a plerisque viris etiam disertissimis . . . Ends: assequeris ad exercitationem accomoda. Vale. Finis feliciter. 7 (f.68) Apuleius, Lucius Caecilius Minutianus. Secundum Apuleum dictiones dyptongate. 8 (f.68 col.4-f.70) Gaspare, of Verona, after 1741. Se- quuntur dictiones diptongate Gasperinum Veronensem. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 1 3 9 (f. 70-74) Guarino, of Verona, 13 70-1 460. Clarissimi viri Guarini veronensis de dvptongis. Begins: Non sine causa fac- tum esse . . . Ends: OPUS GVARINI VERONEHSIS VIRI PERITISSIMI FINVI FELICITER. 10 (f.74') Rudimentary map of the old world with 15 lines descriptive of the continents; written from the bottom are 17 lines of description of the usual winds met with in different countries. This volume is no. 4625 in the Catalogue of the library of Dr Kloss (Lond. iSv;). where this note is found: This collection is of some little importance in the illustration of the early manuscripts of Melancthon. The volume exhibits no less than three or four diflferents styles of writing, all so connected one with the other as to leave no doubt of their having been executed by the same person, thereby illustrating the previous and several of the subsequent manuscript collections. The texts of the several works are illustrated with marginal notes and interlineations. Dutch and French songs; album with songs, in various hand- writings; on paper, 1598; 15 x 19^ cm, 160 f . ; brown calf, im- pressed with panel stamp, back destroyed. On front cover in gold: H. De Roevere and motto: I'espere en Diev, and on back cover Anno 1598. On (.1$$^ Dutch song signed A. van den Velde 1602. On i.ist": D.Heere een voor al, anagram of Helena de Roovere [of Dordrecht.^], signed J: W: T. v. [Tobias J. van de Werve], i Jan. 1602. An alphabetical! abridgment of the statutes within the cognisance of a justice of peace. On paper; written in England in the 17th century; i4i x 11 cm, xxii-l-238 p. first eight and last six pages blank; bound in undressed calf. On t-p. autograph of James Clarke: on p. 132, under the head Se defendendo. occurs the remark: Note the case of damell & Bowser, Hertford Assizes 1619. Philomusus; sive. Liber, epitheta graeca, necnon Synonyma aliquam multa, b probatissimis authoribus petita, continens. Ad calcem parabolas Homericas, utpote nee censuit inutiles, nee injucun- das, adjecit author. In usum Graecae poetices studiosorum. In Greek, on paper; written in Holland in the latter part of the 17th or early part of the i8th century; 20 x 15 cm, 137 f. first three and last two blank; bound in black calf, sides impressed with panel stamp, clasps broken. On f . i : Philomusus, ea Biblio- theca Burmanniana; qy by P. Burmann. Campbell, Archibald, Deputy Secretary of State. Ace*, of office fees and office expences 18x11 cm. 73 f. 1801-9. f. 1^-40 Expences and fees i Oct. 1803-17 Feb. 1807 f. 40^-58 Fees 17 Feb. 1807-14 Apr. 1809 f.72-65 Fees 14 Oct. 1801-17 Aug. 1809 f.64''-58^ Expences 18 Feb. 1807-15 Feb. 1809 Account of fees and expenses of the secretary's office. i8Jx i4jcm. 43f. i Apr. 1809-31 Mch 181 4. Secretary's office accounts commencing January i, 18 14. 19 X 12 cm. 64p. I Jan. 1814-31 Mch 1821, 14 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Campbell, Archibald, 1813-87. Journal, Feb. lo-Nov. 11, 1838. 65 f. 28-65 blank; 15 x 10 cm; bound in half sheep. Private diary kept during his service on the topographical survey- of the Maryland crosscut canal and Frostburg and Cumberland, Md. railroad survey. Notes from the history of England. On paper, 20 x 16 cm, 4 + 358p. 42-358 blank ; written about 1850 ; bound in half sheep. Extracts from printed history. Single documents and autographs Dimensions are given when larger than ordinary letter paper. 1482 Proc^s-verbal of a journey by Jehan de Buxerete, canon 29 Sep. of Notre Dame of Clery, commissioned to notify the Vitry en bailiwicks of Troyes, Sens, Meaux and Vitry of their partois respective shares in raising an annual rent of 3,000 [Perthois] livres toumois, granted by Louis 11 of France to the cathedral of Cologne. Signed : Debuxerete. French manuscript on vellum, 67x66 cm, 136 lines, seal wanting. 1600 "A brief certificat of her maties whoU ordinarie chardge July at Chatham, Deptforde, Woolwich and Porttsmouth for the montth of Julie 1600." Signed: Notingham, Foulke Greville, J. Trevor and T. Buchurst. Signatures those of Charles Howard, Lord Howard of Effing- ham, earl of Nottingham; Sir Fulke Greville, ist Lord Brooke: Sir John Trevor and Thomas Sackville, ist earl of Dorset and Baron Buckhurst. 1656 Cromwell, Oliver. 20 Mar. Signature on vellum with pending wax seal, broken; mounted over a portrait, 13x10.5 cm, eng. by E. Scriven from the picture presented by Cromwell to Col. Rich and bequeathed by his great- grandson Sir Robt. Rich, bart. to the British Museum; pub. by C. Knight, 1835. 1693 Louis 14, le Grand, king of France. Letters patent con- 23 Feb. tinuing Leon Potier, due de Gesvres, in his charge as governor of Paris. Signed: Louis and Phelypeaux. On vellum, 42x60 cm; signatures those of Louis 14, king of France and Louis Phelypeaux, comte de Pontchartrain. 1713 Cardigan, George Brudenell, 2>d earl of. Power of attor- 19 Dec. ney to Thomas Gibson of Lothbury, London, for the transfer of £5800 capital stock in the South Sea Co. to Sir Caesar Child, bart. Signed and sealed: Cardigan; witnesses, Ja: Brudenell, Tho: Rowley and Rob: Bil- lings. 1720 Halifax, George Montagu, 1st earl of. Power of attorney 27 May to William Beever, of the exchequer, London, for the transfer of £2000 capital stock in the South Sea Co. Signed: HaHfax; witnesses, Charles Bettridge and Edward Mansell. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION I5 1725 Sttafford, Thomas Wentworth, 15/ earl of. Warrant to 27 June Mr Lockier, accomptant general of the South Sea Co. for the payment to Wm Draycott of the earl of Straf- ford's dividends out of £1000 capital stock. Signed: Strafford, indorsed Wm Draycott. 13x16 cm: warrant made out to Charles Lockier. 1729 Louis 15, king of France. Letters patent conferring the 28 May abbacy of the Holy Trinity, at Caen, on Mme Marie Ann de Scaglia de Tame. Signed: Louis and Phely- peaux. On vellum, 34x32 cm; signatures, those of Louis 15, king of France and Jean Fr^d^ric Pnelypeaux, comte de Maurepas; with portrait of Louis 15, 15x10 cm, by J. B. Le Moine, eng. by Basan, pub. by Odieuvre. 1730 Jackson, Thomas. Warrant to Charles Lockyer, Esq. for 13 Aug. the payment to John Jackson of £6 principal money on Mr Thomas Jackson's stock in the South Sea Co. Signed: Tho: Jackson, Reef: of Rushton in North- amptonshire. 1773 Newcastle, Henry Fiennes Clinton, 2d duke of. Order on 7 Aug. the exchequer for the payment of £359.14.7 to Jeremy Sneyd, Esq., for his Majesty's special service and fees. Signed: Newcastle, Hardwicke, North, Townshend, C. J. Fox, Jer. Sneyd and Thos. Gibbons, witness. Second signature that of Philip Yorke, ad earl of Hardwicke. 1776 Writs to the sheriffs of the counties of Albany, Dutchess, 3 Jan. Kings, New York, Queens, Richmond, Ulster and West- chester, and to the constables of the manor of Living- ston for the election of representatives to a general assembly. Signed: George Clarke. 10 documents on vellum; signature that of George Clarke jr; on the verso of each document is a receipt or certificate signed by the local officer. Albany, 22x3 1 cm, Henry Ten Eyck ; Dutchess, 16x34 cm, Philip L Livingston; Kines, 18x34 cm, R, Van Brunt; Livingston, 27x23 cm, Peter Best; New York, 14x27 cm, J. Rob. erts; Queens, 21x^4 cm, Thomas Willett; Richmond, 11x37 C"^, Thomas Frost; Schenectady, 27x24 cm, Henry Ten Eyck; Ulster^ 16x32 cm, Thomas Colden ; Westchester, 15x37 cm, John Valentine* 1776 Indenture between the sheriff and principal freeholders of 22 Jan. the city and county of Albany, returning the names of Abraham Yates, Jun. and John Ten Broeck as repre- sentatives to the general assembly. On vellum, 32x^0 cm; signed by Henry Ten Eyck, sheriff, Robt. Livingston, Jacob Ten Eyck, Jacob C. Ten Eyck, Tno. R. Bleecker. John H. Ten Eyck, Ph: Schuyler, Abm. Ten Broeck, Walter Livingston, John Beeckman, Jacob Lansing, Jun., Henry Bleecker. 1776 Indenture between the sheriff of Albany county and the 31 Jan. principal freeholders of the town of Schenectady, return- ing the name of Christopher Yates as representative to the general assembly. On vellum, 30x36 cm; signed by Henry Ten Eyck, sheriff, Jacobus Mynderse, John Sanders, Isaac Vrooman, John Glen, John Cuyler, Jun., Henry Glen. l6 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1776 Indenture between the sheriff and principal freeholders of 6 Feb. Dutchess county, returning the names of Robert Liv- ingston and Dirck Brinckerhoff as representatives to the general assembly. On vellum, 25x29.5 cm; signed by Philip I. Livingston, Zepha: Piatt, Gilbert Livingston, Jacobes Degraef, Peter Low, Peter Tappen, Ephraim paine, Robert Hoffman, John Gazlay. 1779 Louis 16, king of France. Letters patent granting a yearly I Oct. pension of 456 livres, 5 sols to Paul Perlin, dit firmin, formerly postillion of the "petite ^curie." Signed: Louis, Amlot and Menervalle. On vellum, 28x43 cm; printed form, blanks filled in ms; with portrait of Louis 16, oval 8.5x7 cm, by P. Violet, eng. by F. Bar- tolozzi, pub. at London, Feb. 12, 1793 by C. Guisan, 1787 King's warrant to the commissioners of the treasury for 29 May the payment of ;£'5264.i8.o to Thomas Cotton, esq. for special service fees. Signed: W. Pitt, Graham, and John Aubrey, commissioners. Signatures those of William Pitt, James Graham, 3d duke of Montrose and Sir John Aubrey, bart. 1789 Necker, Jacques. Draft of the King's speech at the open- 5 May ing of the states general. Two folio pages in the handwriting of Necker. Part of the first page and the entire second page correspond to the speech printed in Nouvelles extraordinaire s de divers endroits, 1789, no. 39, sup. p. 3-4. 181-? Edgeworth, Richard Lovell. Epigram composed on the occasion of some remarkable cases in which English parties had availed themselves of the Scotch law of divorce. 1810-15 Grant, Mrs Anne (Mac Vicar). Note accepting an invi- Exactdate tation of Mrs O'Beime. uncertain 1 82-? Scott, Sir Walter. First part of a note to Mrs Harriet Bowdler. 1 83 1 Hall, Capt. Basil. Note to Mrs O'Beime acknowledging 26 Oct. the receipt of a little book sent to Miss Scott. INCUNABULA Arranged in chronologic order. The descriptions follow in gen- eral the model of Hain; a designates the recto and h the verso of a leaf ; the | indicating the end of the line of the printed original has been employed only when a description in Hain or some other standard authority could not be referred to. As special types were not available the peculiarly marked letters of the early printers have not been represented; the special characters where possible have been shown by figures or inverted letters giving the closest resemblance obtainable in modem types: 3 = m or ue o = con or com 7 = et ^ = rum 9 = us DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 17 The references in the notes to books where fuller descriptions can be found are as follows : Bonn. Die incunabeln der universitats-bibliothek von Ernst Voul- lieme. 1894. (Beihefte zum Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. 13) Campbell. Annales de la typographie neerlandaise. 1874 Caxton Exhibition. Bibles in the Caxton exhibition by Henry Stevens. 1878 Hain & Copinger. Repertorium bibliographicum, 1826, and Sup- plement, I 895-1 902 Mazarine. Catalogue des incunables de la Bibliotheque Mazarine. 1893 Olmiitz. Die wiegendrucke der Studienbibliothek zu Olmutz. 1 90 1 Proctor. Index to early printed books. 1898-99 Vorau. Die incunabeln und fruhdrucke der Bibliothek des Chor- herrnstiftes Vorau. 1901 SUMMARY BY YEARS I47I I 1480 149- 2 1500 3 1472 I 1482 1490 4 1503 I M75 3 1483 1491 I 1478 S 1485 1492 M79 I i486 1495 1487 1496 1488 1497 1489 1499 SUMMARY BY PLACES Germany 17 examples I Augsburg Augusta Vindelicorum 147 1 1 Mainz Moguntiae 1478 6 Nuremberg Norimberga 1478, 1480, 1482, 1483, 1486,1496 2 Reutlingen 1478, 1485 I Speier Spira Nemetum 1479 5 Strassburg Argentoratum 1485, 1490, 1491, 1495, ^49^ I Ulm Ulma 1475 Italy 13 examples I Milan Mediolani 1478 II Venice Venetia 1472, 1478, 1482(2), 1483(2), 1488, 1489, 1490, 1499, 1500 1480 I Vicenza Vicentia France 7 examples 6 Paris I Rouen Switzerland 7 examples 7 Basel Basilea Belgium i example I Brussels Bruxellae 1490, 1497, i499» 1500(2), 1503 1490 1475, 1482, i486, i49-(2), 1492, 1496 1475 i8 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY LIST OF PRINTERS Aldus Manutius Venice 1499- Baptista de Tortis Venice 1482 Bernardinus de Vitalibus Venice 1500 Drach, Peter Speier 1479 Flach, Martin Strassburg 1496 Fratres uitae communis Brussels 1475 Froben, Johann Basel 1496 Greyff, Michael Reutlingen 1478 Jenson, Nicolas Venice 1472 Johann of Amorbach Basel 1482, i486, i49-(2) Kesler, Nicolaus Basel 1492 Koberger, Anton Nuremberg 1478, 1480, 1482, 1483, i486, 1496 Le Dm, Pierre Paris 1500 Le Talleur, Guillaume Rouen 1490 Lichtenstein, Hermann Vicenza 1480 Loslein, Peter Venice 1483 Manutius, Aldus Venice 1499 Otmar, Johann Reutlingen 1485 Petit, Jean Paris 1500 Philippus of Lavagna Milan 1478 Poitevin, Jean Paris 1500 Printer of 1483 lordanus de Quedlinburg Strassburg 1491 Printer of 1483 Vitas Patrum Strassburg 1485 Priiss, Johann Strassburg 1490, 1495 Pynson, Richard Rouen 1490 Ragazonibus, Theodorus de Venice 1490 Renaldus of Nijmegen Venice 1478 Schoffer, Peter Mainz 1478 Schiissler, Johann Augsburg 1471 Scotus, Octauianus Venice 1482, 1483, 1488, 1489 Theodorus de Ragazonibus Venice 1490 Tortis, Baptista de Venice 1482 V^rard, Antoine Paris 1497, 1499. 1503 Vitalibus, Bernardinus de Venice 1500 Wenssler, Michael Basel 1475 Zainer, Johann Ulm 1475 1471 Crescenzi, Pietro de. Opus ruralium commodorum. f.ia: Petri de crescentijs ciuis. Bononiensis epistola in libru como- doru ruralium, VEnerabili in xpo patri. et domio spali. viro , . . /.209a; Petri de crescencijs ciuis bonon. ruraliu omodorum libri duodecim finiunt feliciter p iohanne Schussler ciuem augustensen impress!, circit xiiij. kalendas marcias. Anno vero a partu virginis salutifero Millesimo quadringentesimo et septua- gesimoprimo 7c. 209f.Q. Augusta Vindelicorum, Johann Schussler, 1471 D630 qC47i ist dated edition. Black letter; illuminated initials; page 29 x21cm folio. Duke of Sussex bookplate. .Hain & Copinger,582 8; Proctor, 1590; Bonn,9o8. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION I9 1472 Cicero, Marcus TuUius. Tusculanarura quaestionum libri V. f.ia: MARCI TVLLII CICERONIS TVSCVLANARVM QVAESTIONVM LIBER PRIMVS. f.Ssb: MARCI TVLLII CICERONIS TVSCVLANARVM QVAESTIONVM FINIS: IMPRESSARVM VENETIIS PER NICOLAVM lENSON GALLICVM. M.CCCC.LXXII. NICOLAO TRVNO DVCE VENETIARVM INCLYTO. Ssf.Q. Ven. Nicolas Jensen, 1472 D875.4 qR Wanting f.9: margins mended. Page 26 x i8cm quarto. Hain,53i3; Proctor,4o88. 1475 Gregorius i, the Great, pope. Homeliae super Ezechielem. f.ia: Epistola beati gregorij pape de expositione ezechielis ad marianum episcopu. 7.29: Incipit omelia prima libri primi beati gregorij pape in ezechielem pphetam: /.132a /.8; Ex- pliciut omelie gregorij pape in ezechielem prophetam: DEO GRACIAS AMEN. i32f.Q. Bruxellae, Fratres uitae com- munis, 147$ D281.1 qG86i Last folio mutilated. Two folios of printed matter form fly leaves at front. Black letter: initials inserted in red; page 28^ x 2o^cm folio. Bound with this is a ms: St Hieronymus, Vitae sanctorum pairum, dated 1426. Hain & Copinger,7944; Proctor,9336 ; Campbell, 853. 1475 Gritsch, Johannes. Quadragesimales. f.ia: Tabula pns alphabetica totu in huius libri pcessum expassa. Bene est memorie comendanda . . . Tab. ends f.2$b col. 2: Finit Feli- citer. /.26a; Quadragesimale fratris iohis Gritsch ordinis fratq minoq. doctoris eximij. p totu tempis anni spatiu dessuiens cu Thematu euagelioq 7 eplaq introduccoibp 7 tabula poptima. Incipit felicit Sermo primg. f.26gb: Explicit quadragesimale triptitu Religiosi viri magistri Iohis gritsch d Basilea pfessoris sacre theologie eximij Impressum 7 otinuatu cum dei adiutorio p Iohanne3 zeiner de Riitlingen Anno 7c. Ixxv. die vo vicesimo. octobris. 269f.F*. Ulm, Johann Zainer, 1475 D252.02 fG88 Brunet calls this the ist dated edition. Black letter; f. 26a has wood- cut border; large woodcut colored initi;»ls; page 40^ x 28cm folio. Original binding, oak boards covered with stamped leather. Hain, 8063; Proctor. 2 509; 01mutz,799. 1475 P^rault, Guillaume, bp. Summa de virtutibus. f.ia blank. f.ib register. f.2a: Incipiunt capitula sume seu operis de vir- tutibus quibQ opetenter patent materie in eo otente. Tab. ends f.Sa. f.ga: Incipit summa seu op9 de virtutibus vilhelmi epis- copi lugdunens nee non ordinis frm pdicatoq prologus CVm circa singula \i;ilia stude debeamus , . . /.4306; Tractatus virtutum explicit Benedict9 domin9 virtutu q incipit et perficit Amen. 43of.Q. Basilea, Michael Wenssler, 1475? D170 qP4i Black letter; illuminated initials and ms notes; page 27^ x 2oicm folio. Hain, 1 23 83; Proctor, 7464; 01miitz,ii97. 1478 Biblia latina. f.ia {sig. 02).* Incipit epla sancti Hieronymi ad Paulinu pbrm. d oib9 dine historic libris. Ca.I. FRater Am- brosius tua mihi munuscula preferens detulit simul 7 suauissimas litteras: . . . /.4216 col. 2: Biblia impressa Uenetijs opera atq3 impesa Theodorici de Reynsburch 7 Reynaldi de Nouimagio -20 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Theutonicoq ac socioii. M.cccc.lxxviij. /.422a (sig. A): Incipiut interptationes hebraicoru nominu scdm oi^iinem alphabet!. /.4546; Expliciut Interpretationes hebraicoq nominum. Laus Deo. 454f.F. Ven. Renaldus of Nijmegen with Theodor of Rendsburg, 1478 D220.47 ^^472 Wanting sig. aio,bi,io; text of each supplied in manuscript; title written in on leaf preceding f. i . Black letter; illuminated initials; page 30^ x 21cm folio. Hain & Copinger,3o7o ; Proctor,443i ; Vorau.io; 01miitz,3ii. 1478 Biblia latina. f.ia blank, f.ib books of the Bible. f.2a (Fol. j): Incipit epla sancti Hieronimi ad Paulinu presbiteq de oibg diuine historie libris. FRater Ambrosius tua mihi munuscula perferens. detulit simul 7 suauissimas lit t eras . . , f.462b {numbered cccclxj) col. 2: Anno incarnatonis dnice. Millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimooctauo. Nouebris vo ydus quarto ... In oppido Nurnbergn. per Antoniu Coburger prefati oppidi incolam industria cuius q diligentissime fabre- factum. finit feliciter: /.463a.' VEnerabili viro domino lacobo de ysenaco. Menardg solo nomine monachus vtina xpi seruus . . . f.46Sb: Et sic est finis. 1 + 461 + 6! F*. Norimberga, Anton Koberger, 1478 D2 20.47 ^^47^ Wanting ist and last folios; f.467 mended. Black letter; initials inserted in red, one initial illuminated; a few ms notes; page 37 J x 26^cm folio. Hain & Copinger,3o69; Proctor.iQSg; Bonn,22i; Mazarine.iQi. 1478 Martialis, Marcus Valerius. Epigrammata. f.ib: Plinii Secundi epistola ad Cornelium Priscum. /.2a (sig.aii): M. Valerii Martialis epigrammaton opus in amphitheatrum Caesaris. /.1 68a at end of text: Cristataeque sonant undique lucis aues. f.i6gb: Impressum.Mediolani impensis Philippi de Lauaia ciuis Mediolanensis anno M.cccc.Lxxviii. i7of.Q. Mediolani, Philippus of Lavagna, 1478 D877.6qO f. 168-69 contain epistle of Georgius Alexandrinus ; last folio blank. Page ^6 X i8^cm folio. Duke of Sussex bookplate. Hain & Copinger,io8i3 ; Proctor,5864. 1478 Torquemada, Juan de, card. Expositio super toto Psal- terio. /.I blank. f.2a: BEatissimo patri et clemetissimo dno pio. secudo potifici maximo lohanes de turrecremata sabinesis eps, see romane ecclesie cardialis sancti sixti ... /.4a; Psalmus primus in quo describitur processus in beatitudine. f.igjain red: Reuerendissimi cardinalis, tituli sancti Sixti, domini lohannis de Turrecremata! expositio breuis et vtilis super toto psalterio Mogucie impressa. Anno domini. M.cccclxxviij. die quarta aplis p Petru Schoyffer de Gerns3heym. feliciter est consummata. i97f.Q. Moguntiae, Peter Schoffer, 1478 D223.6 qT63 Printer's mark, which should follow the colophon, has been cut out and i;he leaf mended. Initials inserted in red; page 28 x ig^cm folio. Hain,i57oi; Proctor,ii5; Bonn, 653; Mazarine, 182. J478 or 1479 Nider, Johannes. Preceptorium legis s. Expositio decalogi. /.i blank, f. 2a: ABorsus cause que . . . Tables end f.26b col. 2: Et sic est finis. /.27a; Incipit prologus in ex- DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 21 positionem decalogi sm fratrem lohannem Nider sacre theologie professorem ordinis predicatorum DECALOGI legem sacra- tissimam primum . . . f.^ooa col.2: lohannis nider sacre paginis Egregii doctoris ordinis pdicatorum. Conuentualis nurebergesis pceptorii pclarissimu opus Finit feliciter. joof.F. Reutlingen, Michael Greyff, 1478 or 1479 D222.16 qN54 Copinger assigns this to Argent. Henr.Eggestein; Olmutz to Eichstadt. Michael Reyser, ca.1479. Black letter; colored initials; page 39 x20cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 11 78 1 ; Proctor,a684; Bonn,842; 01miitz,ii67. 1479 Matthaei, Leonardo. Sermones quadragesimales, de legibus dicti. f.ia: Excelletissimi viri. sacraru Iraru interpretis subtil- issimi. magistri Leonardi de Vtino diuini ordinis fratru pre- dicatoru quadragesimales sermoes de legibus . . . incipiut feliciter. /.3486C0/.2 at end of table: Anno Incamationis domini nostri Ihesu xpi. Millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimonono. Nono kalendas lulij . . . Venetorum nee no Vlmensium post impressione compluribus in locis diligentia possibili emendati. per Petrum drach ciuem spiren. impressi tiniunt feliciter. 348f. F*. Spira Nemetum, Peter Drach, 1479 D252.02 fM43 f.1-4 mutilated and mended: Hain. British Museum and Grasse give number of folios as 347. Black letter; initials inserted in red and blue; printer's mark on last folio; page 47^ x 2 4 Jem folio. Hain. 16 1 20; Proctor,2333. 148-? Meffreth. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis, v.3. f.ia tit. Sermoes Meffreth alias Ortulus regine de Sanctis. Ends /.1 68a col. I 1.12: Finit pars de Sanctis. Nine distichs. Tab. which ends /.172a cf?/. 2; Finit Tabula feliciter. Opus salutiferu sermonum Meffreth in tres ptes diuisum Hyemalem videlicet Estiualem et de Sanctis Explicit feliciter. i72f.F. Norimberga, Anton Koberger, 148-? D252.02 qM47 Hain and Grasse give number of folios as 156. Black letter; page 30 X 21 Jem folio. Hain, 1 1000; Bonn, 785-6. 1480 Tortelli, Giovanni. Commentariorum grammaticorum de orthographic dictionum e Graecis tractarum opus, f.ia {sig.A) lOANNIS TORTELLII ARRETINI COMMENTARIORVM GRAMMATICORVM DE ORTHOGRPHIA DICTIONVM E GRAECIS TRACTARVM PROOEMIVM INCIPIT AD SANCTISSIMVM PATREM NICOLAVM QVINTVM PONTIFICEM MAXIMVM. /.315a; lOANNIS TORTELLII ARRETINI COMMENTARIORVM GRAMMATICORVM DE ORTHOGRAPHIA DICTIONVM E GRAECIS TRACTARVM OPVS PER HERMANVM LICHTENSTEIN COLONIENSEM VICENTIAE ACCVRATISSIME IMPRESSVM DIE VLTIMA MENSIS OCTOBRIS ANNO MILLESIMO QVADRIGEN- TESIMO OCTVAGESIMO. /.3 156-31 66.- Letter attd verses by Hieronymus and register. 3i6f.F. Vicentia, Hermann Licht- enstein, 1480 D473 QT63 Ms notes written by Melancthon. Page 30^ x 2o\cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 15 56 7: Proctor, 7 158. 22 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1482 Antonio da Asti. Summa de casibus conscientiae. /.la blank, f.ib: Coledissimo Domino D. Marco Barbo tituli sancti Marci de vrbe psbytero Cardinal! Barthlomeus Bellatus ordinis minorum: artium 7 sacre theologie doctor comendationes dicit. f.2a: In noie dni amen. Incipit summa de casibus per f rat re Astexanu de ordine fratrum minoq compilata ad honorem dei immortalis . . . f.S2^b col. 2: Summe confessionis operi nobilis- simo 7 huic facultati opam dantibg pnecessario qua3 frater Astexanus de Ast ordinis minoq doctor solennis edidit . . . sumptibp 7 iussu Anthonij koburger Nurenberge finis impositus est. M^.cccc°.lxxxij°. die. xj. mensis may. 323f.F. Norim- berga, Anton Koberger, 1482 D208 qAnS Wanting f.i, 319. Black letter; initials inserted in red and blue; page 33^ X 2 2^cm folio. Hain & Copinger.iSp;; Proctor,202o. 1482 Caesar, Caius Julius. Commentarii. f.ia (sig. aii): G. IVLII CAESARIS COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO GALLICO LIBER PRIMVS. /.147a at end of index: Impressu Venetiis opera & expensis Octauiani Scoti Modoetiensis. M.CCCCLXXXII. xii. kal. septebris REGISRTVM. i47f.Q. Ven. Octauianus Scotus, 1482 D878.1 ql Contents: De bello Gallico; A. Hircii praefatio in octauum librum; De bello civili; De bello Alexandrine ; De bello Africo; De bello Hispaniensi. The Alexandrine, African and Spanish wars are attributed to Aulus Hirtius; also to Caius Oppius. Illuminated initials ; page 2 8^ x 20cm folio. Duke of Sussex and C. Wynd- ham Rawdon bookplates. Hain & Copinger, 4218; Proctor, 4571 ; Bonn, 295; Mazarine, 317. 1482 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Fastorum libri. f.ia blank, f.ib: PAVLVS MARSVS PISCINAS POETA. CL. GENEROSO IWENI GEORGIO CORNELIO. M. CORNELII EQuITIS. F. SALVTEM. PRAEFATIO IN FASTOS. POSTQuAM . . . /.192a; RELLIGIOSAE LITTERARIAE SODALITATI VIM- INALI ET VNIVERSAE ACADEMIAE LATINAE AD VI- VENTIVM POSTEROR. 0. VSVM PAV. MARSI PISCI. POE. ROMANI FIDELISS. FAST. INTERPRETATIONEM BAP- TISTA TORTIVS A NEOCASTRO VENETIIS IMPRIMEN- DAM CVRAVIT ANNO SALVTIS MCCCCLXXXII ET A CONSTITVTA SODALITAte AN. IIII D. R. CAR. DIVI CLAEMEN. PROTECTORe PONT. FIRMAN. ET NESTORE MALVIS. PRAEFECTIS POMPONIO LAETO. P. ASTREO ET PAVLO MARSO CENSORIB. IX. CAL. lANVAR. /.1 926; Registrum . . . FINIS. i92f.F. Ven. Baptista de Tortis, 1482 D871.2 qQ f.7 of sig.g mutilated. Number of folios (erroneously?) given by Cop- inger as 208. Illuminated initials; page 30 x 2oicm folio. Hain & Copinger, 12238; Proctor, 4610. 1482 Reuchlin, Johann, comp. anon. Vocabularius breuiloquus. f.ia blank, f.ib: Sunt qui sibi iam plurima copare volumia statuerut. a quoxj pfecto lectione sepius dictionu auertit ignoratia DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 23 ... In present! libro continentur. Item ars diphthongandi Guarini Veronensis. Item compendiosus dialogus de arte punctandi. Item tractatus vtilis de accentu. Item Breuiloquus vocabularius. f.2a: Guarius Veronensis Floro suo salutem plurimam dicit. NOn sine causa factum esse certo scio . . . f.6b I. $4: Finis. Incipit Breuiloquus vocabularius. f.-ja: AAa domine deus ecce nescio loqui quia puer ego sum Hieremie p . . . f.32gb col. 2 1.^2: syllabice. 7 acuit penl'. Finit vocabu- larius breuiloquus . . . Impressus Basilee. Anno dni M.cccc. Ixxxij. Laus deo. /.330 blank. 33of.F. Basilea, Johann of Amorbach, 1482 6473 Q^S^ This copy has jiaf. ; those after sig.6 f.8 are wanting. Signatures have 10 leaves each, except f and t, which have 8, and y, which has 12 leaves. Black letter; illuminated initials; a few ms notes; page 3oix2iicm folio. Georgius Kloss bookplate. Proctor, 7564; Bonn, 1218; Vorau. 327; Olmiitz, 1362. 1483 Biblia germanica. f.ia: Hie hebet an die Epistel des heyli- gen priesters sant Iheronimi zu Paulinu vo alien gotlichen biich- em der hystori. f.$ci: Hie hebt sich an. Genesis das erst buch der fiinff bucher moysi. Das erst Capitel ist vo der schoppfung der werlt vnd aller creaturen. vnd von den wercken der sechs tag. f-S&sb col. 2: Gedruckt durch anthonium koburger in der loblichen keyserlichen reychstat Niirenberg. Nach der geburt cristi des gesetzs der genaden. vierzehen hundert vnd in dem dreyvndachtzigste iar. am montag nach Inuocauit. Vmwellich volbrigung. sey lob. glori. vnd ere. der hohen heylige dryualtig- keit. vn eynigen wesen. dem vater vn de3 sun vnd dem heyligen geyst. der da lebt vnnd regiret gott e^-igklich amen. 583f. illus.F*. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 1483 D221.53 fB47 Wanting all leaves before f.24: also f.68. 70, 246-50 and all leaves after f.283. Black letter: colored woodcuts and initials; page 34^ x 23^cm folio. Hain, 3137; Proctor, 2028; Caxton exhibition. 684; Bonn, 235; Olmiitz, 303-4. 1483 Isidorus, st, bp. Etymologiarum libri XX & de summo bono libri III. /.5a {sig. a and number ;.); Incipit epistola Isidori iunioris hispalensis episcopi ad Braulionem cesarau- g^stanu episcopu. /.6a {sig. a2 and number 2): Incipit liber primus etymologiaru sancti Isidori hispalensis episcopi. De disciplina 7 arte cap. i. /.1056 {numbered ioi): Finit liber etymologiarum Isidori hispalensis episcopi. f.ioSa {sig. A and number j.): In christi nomine incipit liber primus sancti Isidori hispalensis episcopi de sumo bono ... /.135a {numbered 28); Finit liber tertius 7 vltimg de sumo bono sancti Isidori hyspa- lensis epi: Impressus Uenetijs per Petru loslein de Langencen. .M.cccc.lxxxiij. 4+ioi + 3of. illus.F. Ven. Peter Loslein, 1483 D080 qls3 Hain's count as above, i.e. i35f. Copy described by Copinger has 13 6f. (including a blank leaf after the index) and different arrangement. This copy agrees with Copinger, but the blank leaf has been cut out. Black letter; page 31 x 2oicm folio. Bound with this is Lactantius, Opera, 1490. Hain & Copinger, 9279; Proctor, 4904; Bonn, 680. 24 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1483 Statius, Publius Papinius. Opera, f.i blank. /.2a (sig. Ait): Placidi Lactantii interpraetatio in primum librum Thebaidos. After 4 lines of commentary: FRaternas Acies; altemaq3 regna pfanis . . . f.22gb: Venetiis per Octauianu Scotu Modoetiesem. M.CCCCLXXXIII. Quarto nonas Decembris. FINIS /.230a; Registrum . . . Finis. 23of.F. Ven. Octauianus Scotus, 1485 D873-5 qJi Contents: Placidi Lactantii interpraetatio in libros Thebaidos; Recollecta super Achilleida tradita a Fracisco Mataracio; Ex emendatione Domitii calderini Statii Syluaru; Papinii vita; Domitius in Sapho Ouidii; Domitii elucubratio in quaeda ppertii loca; Domitii observationes. Wanting f.i. Brunet calls this ist dated edition; page 29^ x 20cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 14976; Proctor, 4578; Bonn, 1080. 1485 Bona Ventura, Giovanni di Fidanza, st, card. Sermones de tempore et Sanctis, f.ia tit: Seraphici doctoris sancti bonauen- ture Sermones de tempore et Sanctis cu comuni sanctorum. f2j4b at end: Non nobis domine. non nobis S3 nomini tuo da gloriam q hos tarn preciosos taq3 fideli populo fructuosos ser- mones reuerendissimi quondam cardinalis seraphici ac sancti doctoris Bonauenture tam solerter te donante in Reuttlinge Autumni tempore compleuimus vnde 7 gratias referimus debitas domino humilium exaltatori. Anno domini. M.cccc.lxxxv. Followed by iif. tab. 2S^i.Q. Reutlingen, Johann Otmar, 1485 D252.02 qB64 Black letter; page 28^ x 2oicm folio. Hain, 3517; Proctor, 2707. 1485 Hieronymus, Eusebius, st. Vitae sanctorum patrum. f.i blank. f.2a (sig. a2): In antiquoq patrum vitas a beato hiero- nimo conscriptas registru alphabetico ordine diligeter coUectum Incipit. tab. ends f. 10a col.i. f.iia (sig. b and number i) .• Incipit prologus sancti Hieronimi cardinalis psbiteri in libros vitaspatru sanctoq egiptioru. etia eorum qui in Scithya Thebayda atq3 Mesopothamia morati sunt . . . Deniq3 alioru etia autenticoru libellos fideliter e greco in latinu transtulit. et ab alijs traslata p sui pfectione huic operi inseruit. A. f.2 2gb, at end: Anno dni. M.cccclxxxv. nonas vo lulij. ob beatoq prm pfectu vita heremitica degetiu: gesta quoq baud imerito memoriter sunt omendanda. op9 vitas patru3 appellatu insigne a q3 plurimis excerptu3 codicibp. per sacraq scripturaij viros ad modum pitissimos ornatu Finit feliciter. io + 2 29f.F. Argentoratum, 1485 D281 qH53i Printer of the 1483 Vitas patrum. Copinger and British Museum give Lyons as the place of publication, though British Museum questions it. Grasse gives Argentoratum, Jo. Pruss as printer. Wanting f.74 and 79; f.75 and 78 duplicated. Black letter; page 29^ x 21cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 8600; Proctor, 422. i486 Biblia latina. f.i blank. f.2a (sig.a2): Incipit epistola beati Hieronymi ad Paulinum presbyterum de omnibus diuine historie libris Capitulum I FRater Ambrosi9 tua mihi munuscula pferes: detulit simul 7 suauissimas Iras: que a pncipio. amici- tiaru fide pbate ia fidei 7 veteris . . . /.496b col. 2: Finis. Biblia que retinet sequit nuc metricus ordo. followed by 1^ lines and three DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 2$ dtstichs: FontibQ ex grec; hebrcoii q3 libris . . . M.CCCC. LXXXVI. f.ssyb: Expliciunt Interpretationes hebraicoq nomi- num. Laus dec. /.538 blank. 538f.F. Basilea, Johann of Amorbach, i486 D220.47 ^^471 Black letter; illuminated initials; page 30^ x 21cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 3094; Proctor, 7571. i486 Pius 2, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, pope. Epistulae familiares. /.I (sig.a): Numerus 7 ordo epistolaru in hoc opere contentarum. f.ya (sig.bif): Cogratulat amico de psperitate successus. Epis- tola prima. lUlianus cardinalis sancti ... /.245a.- Pij. ij. pontificis maximi cui ante summum episcopatum primum quidem imperiali secretario: tandem epo deinde cardinal! senen. Eneas siluius nomen erat: familiares epistole ad diuersos in quad- ruplici vite eig statu trasmisse: Impensis anthonij koberger nuremberge impresse. finiut. xvj. kls augusti. Anno salutis Christiana 7c. M.cccclxxxvj. 245f.O. Norimberga, Anton Ko- berger, i486 D879.6 P6& Hain gives number of folios 244. Black letter; ms notes; page 23 x i6cm quarto. Bookplate, fe Bibliotheca Woogiana. Original binding, oak boards backed with hogskin. Hain & Copinger, 154; Proctor, 2051 ; Bonn, 14; Olmutz, 9; Mazarine. 424. 1487 ? Guillaume, a Dominican of Paris. Postilla super epistolas et evangelia. f.i blank. f.2a: Ultam bonam et exitum beatum Ego frater Guillermus sacre theologie pfessor minimus . . . f.2b l.g: Epistolarum et Euangeliorum de tempore et de Sanctis Liber incipit. f.262b: Explicit postilla sup euagelia domini- calia et super euangelia de Sanctis, S3m sensum litterale collecta Anno dni Mcccc.xxxv-ij. ex postillis et ex sermonibQ illorum sacre pagine doctorum, SC3 ex postilla Nicolai de lyra . . . Et cuilib3 caritatiuo corectori subicio ac ad emendam offero /.263a.- Mod9 legendi nomina doctoq abreuiata in isto libro The last line is: Vin. i. vincencius Rabanp Et sic de alijs. 2 63f.F. n.p. 1487? D252 qG94 Hain gives the number of printed folios 263. Black letter ; initials inserted in red ; page 29 x 20cm folio. Hain. 8231: Grasse, 3:183. 1488 Jandunensis, Joannes. Quaestiones super tres libros Aris- totelis de anima. f.i blank. f.2a {sig.a2): Incipiunt questiones Dni loannis de landuno in tres libros de anima Aristotelis. Prohemium: I Nest enim metibQ hoiu3 veri boni naturalis inser- ta cupiditas . . . f.gjb: Expliciut questiones domini loannis de landuno super tres libros de anima ari. impresse Uenetijs ipendio d. Octauiani Scoti. i488. quarto nonas martij. Registrum . . Printer's mark. f.gSa: . Tab . . . 98f.F. Ven. Octauianu Scotus, 1488 D281.1 qL8 Black letter; page 3oix2icm folio. Bound with Petrus Lombardus, Textus sententiarum, 1492, and ms of Lombardus, ArticuU varii, dated 1495* Hain, 7462. 1489 Guillaume, a Dominican of Paris. Postilla super epistolas et evangelia. f.ia tit: Postilla /. 16. ' Vltam bonam et exi| turn beatu Ego frater Guiljhelmus sacre theologie pfes'sor minimus 26 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY parisius edu|catus. Sacroq euangelioq ac episto|laq de tepore dnicis diebus 7 Sanctis | . . . f.2a: Incipit postilla super| euan- gelia . . . /.112a; Postilla euangelioru| dominicaliu necno de san|ctis: finit feliciter. /.113a; Epistolaru de tempe et| Sanctis liber Incipit. | f.iSgb: Postilla epistolaq 7 euangelioql domini- calium necno de Sanctis explijcit. Anno domini. M.cccc.lxxxix. die] vltima mensis Nouebris.| iSgi.O. n.p.1489 D225.7 G94 Wanting sig.ci, e8, 1.2, 7; mutilated, sig.a4-b6, k4, m8, B6-C3. Sig.a-p, 8 ; except f-h, 6 : A-K, 8 : except K, 5. Black letter; printed in two columns, 46 lines of small type to the page, 29 lines of large type; on 4th leaf, coat of arms painted; ms notes and nine leaves of ms before title; page 20^ x i3icm octavo. 1489 Lyre, Nicolas de, ed. Biblia Latina cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra. vol. I f,iblank. f.2a (sig.a2): Prologus primus. Uenera- bilis fratris Nicolai de lyra ordinis seraphyci Francisci: intesta- mentum vetus de commedatione sacre scripture in generali Incipit. f.2gSb col. 2: Postilla fratris Nicolai de lyra in libros regum cu additionibus Pauli burgensis. 7 replicis defensiuis Matthie doringh feliciter finit. 298?. illus. F*. Ven. Octauianus Scotus, 1489 D220.7 fL99 Black letter; initials inserted in red; woodcuts; page 35^ x 24cm folio. From library of Duke of Sussex. Hain & Copinger, 3168. 149- Lombardus, Petrus, bp. Sententiarum libri IV cum conclu- sionibus Henri. Gorichem. f.ia tit: Textus Sententiarum cum conclusionibus ac titulis questionum Sancti Thome Articulisq3 Parisie. et in quib9 magister comuniter no tenet. /.224a col. 2: Liber sententiaq magistri Petri lombardi cum oclusionibus mgri Henrici Gorichem: sacraq litterai{ interpretis eximij. Ac sub- tilissimis sancti Thome pblematib9. Additis insup quibusda3 articulis in certis facultatib9 erroneis et in fide catholica sus- pectis. Parisius doctrinaliter et autoritatiue a catholicis tracta- toribus odemnatis. explicit. /.245a; Incipit registrum . . . Ends f.2$^b col. 2 I. $2. 255f.F. Basilea, Johann of Amorbach, 149— • D281.1 qL83i Wanting f.i and sig.i2 ; Copinger assigns this to X. Kesler, 1490. Black letter; 55 lines of large type to page; page 30^ x 2i^cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 10193; Proctor, 7643. 149- Biblia latina. f.ia tit: Biblia cum Concordantijs Ueteris et Noui testamenti. /.2a {sig. 02): Incipit Epistola sancti Hieronymi ad Paulinum presbyterum de omnibus diuine hys- torie libris. Capitulum I FRater ambrosius tua mihi munuscula pferens. detulit siml 7 suauissimas litteras. que a principio . . . At end: Expliciunt interptatioes hebraycoq; noim. 4o8f.F. Basilea, Johann of Amorbach, 149- . D220.47 qB473 Wanting f . i ; margins trimmed. Contains many ms marginal notes and references, some of which are doubtless by Melancthon. Kloss catalogue. Black letter; illuminated initials and borders; page 28^ x 2o^cm folio. Geor- gius Kloss bookplate. Hain & Copinger, 3047; Proctor, 7647. 1490? Hieronjmius, Eusebius, st. La vie des peres. f.ia tit: LA vie des peres tant| Degypte que de sirie 7 de plusieurs aultres pays Composee par monsei|gneur sainct Hierosme Imprimee DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 2J Nouuellement a Paris. | /.2a (sig.an): AV no| du be|noist| dieu le| souue|rat cre|ateur 7I directeur infallible . . . /.98a col.i: Cy finist la premiere partie de la vie des pe|res. Et commence la secode partie de la vie di| ceulx, contenat plusieurs louables exhortaci| ons . . . /.1846 col.i: Sensuit la tierce p|tie de la vie des peres en| laquelle est faicte mencio| de la reigle 7 conuer- sacio| des sainctz peres degypte| . . . /.1926 col. 2: Cy com- men|ce le prologue de| sainct paschai|se sur la quarte| partie de la vie I des sainctz pe I res . . . f. 202a col. 2: Cy fine le liure intitule de la vie] des sainctz ancies peres iadis de|mourans es gras desers degyp|te thebaide de mesopotamie| 7 aultres lieux. Et en | suit la table. I /.206a col. 2: Cy finist le liure intitule La vie des an|ciens peres iadis demourans es grans de|sers degipte, Thebaide Mesopotamie, 7I autres lieux solitaires. Imprime nouueljlement a Paris.l 202-}-4f. illus. Q. Par. 1490? D281 qH53 Wanting sig.x5 (f.125), Ei, 3, F6; mutilated, f.1-3. 13, 69, E4, qq (text supplied by ms), 126 (text supplied by ms); stained; folios irregularly num- bered, specially sig.E)-G. Engraving of St Hieronyme by I. Le Clerc mounted on verso of f.i. Black letter; two columns, 50 lines to page; woodcuts; page 26 x ly^cm folio. 1490 Lactantius, Lucius Caelius Firmianus. Opera, /.i blank, f.2a {sig. ail): Lactantii Firmiani de diuinis institutionibus aduersus getes. Rubricae primi libri incipiunt. f.ioa: L. COELII LACTANTII FIRMIANI DIVINARVM INSTITV- TIONVM ADVERSVS GENTES DE FALSA RELIGIONE LIBRI PRIMI PRAEFATIO AD IMPERATOREM CON- STANTINVM. /.1486; Lactantii Firmiani in Ephytomon trac- tatus finit. Impressum Venetiis per magistR TheodoR de Ragazonibus de Asula. Anno incamationis domini. M.CCC. LXXXX. Vigesimo primo mensis Aprilis. Registrum . . . i48f.F. Ven. Theodorus de Ragazonibus, 1490 D080 qls5 Edited by Giovanni Andrea. Page 30 x 2oicm folio. Bound with Isidorus, Etvmologiaritm libri XX. 1483. Hain & Copinger, 9S15; Proctor, 5262. 1490? Rolevinck, Werner, anon. Fasciculus temporum. f.ia tit: Fasciculus temporum omnes antiquorum cronicas com- plectens: ends f.g6b {numbered XC) last line: strage multorum. f.gy-gS blank. 6-\-go+2i. illus. Q. Argentoratum, Johann Priiss, 1490? D909 qR64 f.i mutilated and mended; f.2 and 3 of the tabula interchanged. Olmutz gives Martinus Flach as printer. Black letter; initials of table inserted in red; woodcuts; few ms notes; page 28^ x 20cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 6915; Proctor, 571; Bonn, 1018; Olmutz, 1379. 1490? Statham, Nicholas, anon. Abridgement of cases from the reign of Edward i to the end of that of Henry 6. f.1-2 alpha- betical index with inscription: Per me . R. pynson /.3a.- EN Ac- compte. le pleitif . . . i9of.Q. Rouen, Guillaume Le Talleur, 1490.'* D346.3 qSt2 Wanting f. 1-2 ; leaves of sig.a mended; sig.i i and i ii interchanged. Print- er's mark on verso of last folio; printed for Richard Pinson. Printed in very minute vernacular legal type; ms notes; page 28 x i9icm foHo. Hain, 15092; Proctor. 8768; Lowndes. A perfect copy in Law Library. 28 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY 1491 Glanvilla, Bartholomaeus de. De proprietatibus rerum. f.ia tit: Liber de proprietatib^ rem Bartholopiei anglici. f.2^'jb: Explicit liber de pprietatib^ rem editus a fratre Bartholomeo angelico ordinis f rat rum minoq. Impressus Argentine Anno dni. M.cccc.xcj. Finitus altera die post festum sancti Laurentij martyris. /.258 blank. 258f.Q. Argentoratum, 1491 D039 qG45 Printer of the 1483 lordanus de Ouedlinburg. Wanting f.1-2, 258. Black letter; page 26^ x 19cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 2509; Proctor, 665; Olmiitz, 239. 1492 Lombardus, Petrus, bp. Sententiarum libri IV cum con- clusionibus Henr. Gorichem. f.ia tit: TExtus Sententiaru cum conclusionib^ Heinrici gorichem. necno scriptis scti Thome de Aquino ad Hanibaldum episcopum. j.2^Sb after printer's mark: Liber Sententiarum magistri Petri Lombardi: cum conclu- sionibus magistri Henrici Gorichem: sacraru litteraru interpretis explicit. Impensis atq3 singulari opera Xicolai Keslers ciuis Basilieen. ad honore sancte 7 indiuidue trinitatis ac fidei catholice augmentu et tuitionem q3 diligetissime impressus. Anno in- camationis dni post milesimu quaterq3 centesimu nonagesimo- secundo. Duodecimo vero kaln. Martij. Ends f.26^b col. 2 /.35. f.266 blank. 266f.F. Basilea, Nicolaus Kesler, 1492 D281.1 qL83 Wanting f. 2 3 9-5 2; supplied by 2 4f. of ms inserted at end of tabula (see list of ms 1495); ™s fly leaf at beginning of volume. Black letter; one illuminated initial; others inserted in red; page 30^ x 21cm folio. Bound with this is Jandunensis, Quaestiones, 1488. Hain, 10197; Bonn, 916; Olmiitz, 1040. 1495? Joannes Vercellensis. Sermones vademecum. f.ia tit.: Sermones vademecu de tempore 7 de Sanctis per figuras \i;iles. f.2a {sig.a2): Incipit Uademecum fratris lohanis. decretoru doctoris 7 abbatis Ucellensis. de coUationibus dominicis, 7 festiuis. Ends /.2306; Me et omia 7 singula suprascpta subijciens 7 sup- ponens correctioni sacrosancte romane ecclesie: ac cuiuslibet sanius sentientis. 23of.O. Argentoratum, Johann Priiss, 1495? D252 J57 Black letter; initials inserted in red; page 23^ x 17cm quarto. Hain & Copinger, 9431 ; Proctor, 561 ; Bonn, 670; Vorau, 148; Olmutz, 971, 1496 Sebonde, Raymond de. Theologia naturalis. f.ia tit.: Theologia naturalis siue liber creaturarum specialiter de homine et de natura eius inquantum homo, et de his que sunt ei neces- saria ad cognoscendum seipsum 7 deum. et omne debitu ad quod homo tenetur et obligat tam deo q3 pximo. /.162a col. 2: Finit liber creaturaq seu nature siue de hoie ppt que alie creature facte sut. ex cui9 cognitoe illuinat ho i ognitoe dei 7 creaturarum. Impssus Argentine per Martinum flach. inibi cociuem Anno incamatois dnice Millesimoqdringentesimononagesimosexto. mens vo lanuarij die vicesimopmo. i62f.Q. Argentoratum, Martin Flach, 1496 D210 qSe2 Wanting f.1-7; ist paragraph from f.7a pasted at top of ist column on f.8a; prologue seems to have been cut out intentionally, as it is in Index ex pur gator ins. Black letter; initials inserted in red; page 25 x i8^cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 14069; Proctor, 703; Bonn, 1002; Olmiitz, 1396; Maza- rine, 846. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 29 1496 Konrad von Halberstadt, anon. Concordantiae Bibliorum. f.ia tit.: Concordantie maiores biblie tarn dictionu declinabiliu q3 indeclinabiliu diligenter vise cum textu ac scdm vera ortho- graphiam emendate. f.s62b coI.t,: Finit pclaru opus concor- dantiaru biblie dictionu declinabiliu in insigni rauricu vrbe Basilea impssum opera et impesa lohanis Petri de Langedorff et lohanis Froben de Hamelburg : Anno ab incarnatoe Christiana M.cccc.xcvi. nonis septebribus: regnate nobilissime domus austrie pncipe Maximiliano romanoq rege gloriosissimo inuictissimoq3. /.363a poem by Seb. Brant. /.364a tit.: Concordantie partiu siue dictionum indeclinabiliu totius biblie. /.463a C0L2: Cocord- antiae Bibliae partiu siue dictionu indeclinabiliu: a praestant- issimo viro: magistro loanne de Secubia sacrae paginae doctore eximio in concilio Basiliensi : aeditae : Impressaeq3 per loanne Petri de Lagendorf & loanne froben de Hammelburgk socios. Anno dni Millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimosexto ex- pliciunt. 463f.F. Basilea. Johann Froben with Johann Petri, 1496 D220.2 qK83 Hain gives 464f. : vellum fly leaf in ms at beginning and end of volume- Black letter; page 30^ x ao^cm folio. Hain. 5633: Proctor, 7762. 1496 Palude, Pctrus de. Sermones thesauri noui. f.ia tit.: Sennones Thesauiri noui de tempore.] /.2a {sig.2): Tabula ... f.iia (sig.a): Incipiunt sermones no|tabiles atq3 putiles. quibus ab editore sue docto-|re 7 pdicatore famosissimo nomen vt thesaur* no|uus intitulentur inditum est. f.242b: Opus putile smonu dnicaliu totius anni The|saurus nouus nuncu- patu: impssu3 Nurmberge| p Anthoniu Koberger. Anno dni. M.cccc.xcvj.| Finit feliciter.l /.243a /z7.; Sermones the3au|ri noui desauctis.l f.244a (sig.ij): Tabula ... /.251a (sig.A): In- cipiut sermones nota-| biles atq3 putiles de Sanctis p circulu3 anni . . . f.4^6b: Opus putile sermonu de Sanctis p circulum| anni Thesaurus nouus nucupatum. impressumj Nuremberge p Anthouiu Koburger. Anno. M.|cccc.xcvj. finit feliciter.| /.437a tit.: Sermones quadragesi| males Thesauri noui| f.437^' Tabula . . . /.438a (sig.Aaij): Incipiut sermones qua|dragesimales notabiles atq3 putiles . . . /.538a.- Opus putile sermonu quadragesimaliu The-|saurus nouus nucupatu. p Anthoniu kobergerj Nureberge impressum. Anno dni. M.cccc.xcvj.| Finit feliciter.l 538f.F. Norimberga, Anton Koberger, 1496 P252.02 qSe6 Black letter; illuminated initials; page 30 x 21 Jem; 62 lines to the column, a columns to the page ; folio. Original binding with figures in blind tooling. Proctor, 2112; Olmiitz, 1261, 1251, 1245. 1497? Froissart, Jean. Chroniques. f.ia: Le quart volume] de froissart| Des croniquesDefrance. Dangleterre. Descoce| Despaigne. De bretaigne. Degascongne. De fian|dres. Et lieux circunuoisins| /.113a {numbered Cxi): Cy finist le quart volume de| Messire iehan froissart sur les| croniques de f ranee, Dangleter|re, escoce, espaigne, bretaigne, 7] fiandres, 7 lieux voisins. Impri|me a paris pour Anthoine ve|rard marchant libraire Demou|rant a paris sur 30 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY le pont nostre da|me a lymage Saint iehan leuag|geliste, ou a la salle Du palaysj au premier pillier deuat {a chap|pelle ou Ion chante la messe de messeigneurs les presidens.| 2 + iiif.F. Par. Antoine Verard, 1497? D940.4 qFpaz Black letter; a few ms notes; page 32 x 22cm folio. Le vicomte Obert de Thieusies bookplate. Copinger: 2; 2592; Van Praet, 5:105, no. 120. 1499 Epistolae Graecae variorum auctorum. 2 parts. PtI f.ia tit.: Greek title. Epistolae diuersorum philosophorum. oratorum. Rhetorum sex & uiginti. Quorum nomina in sequent! in uenies Pagina. f.266a: Venetiis apud Aldum mense Martio. M.I.D. cum priuilegio ut in caeteris. PtI I f.ia tit. 2 col. Gr.mid Lat.: Greek title. EPISTOLAE Basilii Magni . . . /.1 3 76 after register: Venetiis apud Aldum. eade qua caetera coditione. 266+i37f.O. Ven. Aldus Manutius, 1499 D886 Ep4 Wanting pt2, 7th sig., supplied by lof. of ms. Copy incorrectly bound, pt2, f.i; pti, f.7; pt2, f.2-137; pti, f.i-6, 8-266. Greek type; page 20^ x 15cm quarto. Hain, 6659; Proctor, 5569; Bonn, 411; Mazarine, 1035. 1499 La fleur des commandemens. f.ia: La fieur des commande- mens de Dieu, auee plusieurs exemples et auctorite3, extraictes tant de sainctes escriptures que dautres docteurs et bons anciens peres. /.2806; est benedictus in secula seculorum. Amen. 28of. illus. Q. Par. Antoine Verard, 1499 D240 qF63 Wanting sig.Ai, 2 and last folio; mutilated, leaves of sig. gg and hh- T-p. supplied from another edition with date 1531, two woodcuts and the inscription " On les vend a Paris a la rue neufue nostre Dame a leseigne de Lescude Frace." Black letter; woodcuts on sig. ai and D6; page 24^ x i7^cm folio. Hain, 7131; Copinger, 2: 2522; Proctor, 8444. 1500? C3a'illus, St of Thessalonica. Speculum sapientiae. f.ia tit.: Speculum sapientie Beati Cirilli| episcopi alias quadripartitus apologieticus vocat^| In cuius quide puerbiis omnis 7 totius sapietie spejculum claret. Feliciter Incipit.| f.2ih: Explicit liber primus quadripartiti apologi Ciril|li episcopi contra im- prudentiam. Incipit liber secundus De bono| humilitatis et bono superbie Cpm primum.| f.^ia: Explicit liber secundus. | Incipiut capitula tertii libri de his| que sunt contra auariciam: 7c. | f.62b: Explicit liber tertius.| Incipiunt capitula quarti libri. | De his que sunt contra luxuriam| f.^ob: speculu sapietie bti Cirilli epi alias quadriptit^l apologietic® vocatus. In cuius qde3 prouerbiis ois| et totius sapientie speculu claret finit feliciter. | Incipit tabula . . . f.7 2b: Appologus est sermo dubi^ vel fictusj . . logos quod est sermo. inde appolog^ quasi iuxta ser|monem.| 72f.T. Par. Jean Poitevin, 1500? D879.8 C99 Mark of Jehan Petit, for whom book was printed, on ist folio below title. Wanting sig. e. Sig. a-i, each of eight leaves; 32 lines to page. Black letter; page 13^ X 10 cm octavo. Proctor, 8371A; Copinger, 2: 1864. 1500? Le mist ere du viel testament, f.ia: Le mistere du viel testamet par personages ioue a paris hystorie Et imprime nouu- ellement audit lieu auquel sont cotenus les misteres cy apres OF DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 3I declairez. /.336a; Cy finist le viel testamet per personnaiges ioue a pans Et imprime nouuellement audit lieu Par maistre Pierre le dm pour lehan petit libraire iure de luniuersite de paris de- mourant en la rue saict iaques a lenseigne du lion dargent. 336f. illus. O. Par. Pierre Le Dm, 1500? D842.11 M69 1st edition. Wanting f.i, 2, 8-16, 33 and those after 327; mutilated, f.3, 56, 189; also edges of several folios mutilated by trimming; f.7 placed at beginning. Black letter; woodcuts; page 24 x 17cm folio. Societe des anciens textes francais, 9: pref. p. 2 1-23; Copinger, 2: 4390. 1 500 ? Nepos, CorneliuS) anon. De vita illustrium virorum. f.ia tit. : Aemillii Probi Historici Excellentium Imperatomm Vitae. f.ib: Proemium. /.5o6.' Aemilii Probi De ViroR Illustriu Vita. Finis. Followed by index; Impressum Venetiis per Bernardinum Vene- tum. 5of.sq.O. Ven. Bemardinus de Vitalibus, 1500? D878.3 Oib Pa^e 21 X 1 6cm quarto. Duke of Sussex bookplate. Ham & Copinger, 5732; Proctor. 5538. 1503? Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. Chroniques. f.ia: Le prem- ier volume de enguerran de monstrellet Ensuyuant froissart na gueres imprime a Paris des cronicques de France, dangleterre, descoce, despaigne, de Bretaigne, de gascongne, de flandres. Et lieux circonuoisins. /.312a {numbered ccc.ii.): Cy fnist le pmier voulume de Enguerrand de monstrelet. io + 302f. illus. Q. Par. Antoine V^rard, 1503? D944.026 qM75 Hain gives date 1498. f.164 cut out, but no ^ap in text; f. 44-45 repeated, but text different: f.48 and 247 mutilated; stamed. Black letter; woodcut f.i6tb; page 27 x iQ^cm folio. Hain & Copinger, 11 549: Proctor, 8458; Mazarine, 1025; Van Praet, 5:106, no. 13 1. ALPHABETIC LIST OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS Aa, Picter van der, pub. Veteris orbis tabulae geographicae ex accuratissimis auctoribus selectae, secundum Pomponii Melae Descriptionem orbis potissimum digestae. 5p. ipl. 67 maps, ob.D. Lugduni Batavorum, 17 — D911.3 Aai Wanting: maps nos. 2and9. VanderAa was printer at Leyden, 1682- 1730. Albertus Magnus, bp. attributed author. De secretis muliemm, item de virtutibus herbamm, lapidum et animalium. 366p. nar.T. Amst.1643 612.6 E43 Alciati, Andrea. Emblemata; cum Claudii Minois commentariis. 238 + 698 + 28P. illus. D. Leyden, 1608 D246.5 Ali cop.2 Alessio Piemontese. The secretes of . . . Alexis . . . containyng excellente remedies against diuers diseases, woundes and . . . accidents, with the manner to make distillations, parfumes . . . fusions and meltynges . . . tr. out of Frenche into English by Wyllyam Warde. 7 + 123 + iif.D. Lond. John Kingstone, 1558 D61S.5 Ds8 I St edition in English. Black letter. Printed for Nicolas Inglande. Contains only the ist part of the Secretes. Identity of Alessio has not been definitely settled. He has sometimes been confounded with Girolamo Ruscelli. 32 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY The secrets of . . . Alexis . . . containing excellent remedies against diuers diseases, woundes and . . . accidents . . . tr. out of French into English bv William Warde. 4 pt in iv. D. Lond. i566?-69? ^ D615.5 D66 T-p. of pt4 edition of 16 14 substituted for t-p. of pti. Pti-2 printed by Henry Bynneman for lohn Wight; pt3 by Henry Denham for lohn Wyght, 1566 ; pt4 bv Henrie Denham, 1569. Pt4 translated from Italian by Richard Androse. felack letter. 4pt in IV. 348+i3f.D. Lond. Peter Short, 1595 D615.5 D95 Imperfect. T-p. of pt2 bound at beginning of pti. Printed for Thomas Wight. Paged continuously. Black letter. Pt4 translated from Italian by Richard Androse. Der alten weisen exempel spriich mit vil schonen beispielen vnd figuren erklaret; darinnen fast aller menschen wesen hendel, vntrew, list, geschwindigkeit, neid vnd hass figuriert vnd an- gezeigt werden . . . 2i9f. illus. S. Franckfort, Peter Schmidt, 1565 D808.8 AI7 Translated from Joannes de Capua's Latin version of Bidpai's Fables. Sigmundt Feirabent and Simon Huter, publishers. Anderton, John. Lyturgie of the masse, wherein are treated three principal pointes of faith ... by John Brereley, preist . . . 469P.D. Colen, 1620 D265.3 An2 Antonio da Asti. Summa de casibus conscientiae, see utider In- cunabula, 1482 Anwykyll, John. Compendium totius grammatice ex variis autor- ibus Laurent io, Seruio, Perotto diligenter collectum et versi- bus cum eorum interpretationibus conscriptum totius barbarei destructorium et latine lingue omamentum non minus precep- toribus quam pueris necessarium. 49 + f.S. ^47 S L34 Wanting sig.Bi, Ci and all after H5; top lines mutilated by trimming. Black letter. Below the title is the woodcut of a schoolmaster and three scholars, 11.6 x 8.9cm. Fly leaves have a note in Maria Edgeworth's hand- writing; also one which claims that the book was printed by Wynken de Worde in 15 12. Aragona, Tullia d*. II Meschino, altramente detto il Gverrino, fatto in ottava rima; opera nella qvale si veggono & intendono le parti principali di tutto il mondo & molte altre diletteuolissime cose, da esser sommamente care ad ogni sorte di persona di bello ingegno. 4+ 194+ if. illus. O. Ven. Gio.Battista et Melchior Sessa, 1560 ' D851.49 An I St edition. Illustrated with woodcuts. Ariosto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso in English heroical verse, by John Harington; [with allegoric of Orlando Furioso and life of Ariosto]. 18 + 423 + lop. illus. Q. Lond. Field, 159 1 D851.32 qP ist edition of Harington's translation. Aristoteles. Politiqves; or, Discovrses of government translated o\i; of Greeke into French with expositions taken out of the best authours specially out of Aristotle . . . and Plato con- DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 33 ceming the beginning, proceeding and excellencie of ciuile gou- emment by Loys Le Roy called Regivs ; tr. out of French into English [by I.D.]. 393PQ- Lond. Islip, 1598 D888.5 qP Two copies. Ascham, Roger. English works, with notes and observations, and the author's Hfe by James Bennet. 395p.sq.Q. Lond. 1761 943.03 qAs2 Contents: Report of the affairs of Germany. Toxophilus; or, The school of shooting. The schoolmaster. Letters to Queen Elizabeth and others. Babington, Gervase, bp. Workes of the right reverend father in God . . . Babington ; containing comfortable notes upon the five bookes of Moses . . . v.p. Q. Lond. 1615 D222.1 qBii Bainbridge, John. Astronomicall description of the late comet from the 18. of Novemb. 16 18 to the 16. of December following, with certaine Morall prognosticks or applications drawne from the comets motion and irradiation amongst the celestiall hiero- glyphicks . . . 8-f42p. i illus. i pi. sq.D. Lond. 161 9 D720 W91 Baldwin, William, comp. Treatise of morall philosophy, wherein is contayned the worthy sayings of philosophers, emperors, kings and orators; their lives and answers . . . first gathered and set forth by . . . Bauldwin and after inlarged by Thomas Palfreyman . . . 8+i89-f3f.T. Lond. 1630.? D170 B19 Two copies; black letter. Balzac, Jean Louis Guez, seigneur de. Letters of De Balzac, tr. into Ii)nglish ... by \V[illiam] T[yrwhit] . . . 24 + 4io + 4p.D. Lond. 1634 D928.48 B211 Barckley, Sir Richard. The felicitie of man; or, His summum bonuni . . . [ed. with additions by Thomas Heywood]. 15 + yiyp.D. Lond. 1631 D171 B23 Barclay, John. Argenis, tr. out of Latine into English, the prose ... by Robert Le Grys and the verses by Thomas May, with a clavis annexed . . . helping . . . [the reader] to understand what persons were by the author intended under the fained names imposed . . . upon them . . . 8-f-489p.O. Lond. 1628 D879.3 B231 Baxter, William. Glossarium antiquitatum Britannicarum; sive» Syllabus etymologicus antiquitatum veteris Britanniae et Iber- niae, temporibus Romanorum; accedunt Edvardi Luidii De flu- viorum, montium, urbium etc. in Britannia nominibus, .adver- saria posthuma. Ed. 2. 277P.O. Lond. 1733 913. 42 B33 Beaumont, Francis, & Fletcher, John. Comedies'and tragedies never printed before and now published by the authours originall copies ... 8 pt in IV. I por. F. Lond. 1647 D822.35 qL Wanting 8 leaves at beginning, including t-p.. dedication, and Address to the reader by James Shirley: also portrait of Fletcher, and pt8, p. 4 7-48. 34 ^'EVV YORK STATE LIBRARY Bede, the venerable. History of the Church of Englande; comp. by Venerable Bede, Englishman; tr, out of Latin into English by Thomas Stapleton ... 13 + 1924-4^ illus. O. Antwerp, Laet, 1565 D274.2 B392 Beeke, Hermann von der, anon. Elucidarius carminum et histori- arum; vel, Vocabularius poeticus, continens fabulas, historias, prouincias, vrbes, instilas, fluuios et montes illustres: est hoc opus denuo recognitum ac diligenter emendatum quibusdam etiam additis. 58f.D. Dauentrie, Richdum Pafraet, 1505 D473 B39 Black letter. Benvenuto, Italian. The passenger; divided into two parts, con- taining seven exquisite dialogues in Italian and English . . . 34 + 611 -fi6p.O. Lond. 1612 D858.5 B44 T-p. and text in Italian and English, on opposite pages. Title in Italian, II passaggiere. Berjeau, Jean Philibert. Early Dutch, German and English printers' marks. 36p. illus. Q. Lond. 1866 655.1 qM6 250 copies printed. B^ze, Theodore de. Qvaestionvm et responsionvm Christianarvm libellus ... 2V. in I, S. Genevae, Vignon, 1581-84; v.1,'84 D230 B46 V.I Praecipua Christianie religionis capita v. 2 De sacramentis The Bible; that is the Holy Scripttu*es conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament, tr. according to the Ebrewe and Greke . . . with . . . annotations ... 2V. in i, illus. Q. Lond. Barkar, 1576 D220.52 qB47 For full description of this Bible see Wiclif's New Testament, ed. by John Lewis, p. 66-69. " The order of the yeres from Paul's conversion " is given twice in this description, as no. 3 in Old Testament (erroneous) and after New Testament (correct). Main folios, 366+84+115; Ames and Lowndes give 365 leaves in Old Testament. Genevan translation. From library of Richard Grant White. Biblia germanica, see under Incunabula, 1483 Biblia latina, see under Incunabula, 1478, 2 ed. i486, 149- Bilson, Thomas. Trve difference betweene Christian svbiection & vnchristian rebellion: wherein the princes lawfvll power to commaund for trueth & indpriuable right to beare the sword are defended against the popes censures & the lesuits sophismes vttered in their apologie & defence of English catholikes . . . 22 + 82o + 8p.O. Ox. Barnes, 1585 D322 B49 cop.2 Black letter. 21 + 430 + 696P. nar.S. Lond, lackson, 1586 D322 B491 Black letter. Blundeville, Thomas. Exercises contayning eight treatises . . . necessary to be read and learned of all . . . desirous to have . knowledge as well in cosmographie, astronomic, and geographic, DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 35 as also in the art of navigation . . . Ed. 6 enl. i3-|-799p. illus. pi. I map, tab. D. Lond. 1622 D527 E22 cop. 2 Black letter. Boccaccio, Giovanni. II decameron, di nuouo ristampato e ris- contrato in Firenze con testi antichi & alia sua vera lezione ridotto dal Lionardo Salviati . . . Ed. 4. 32 + 585 + 79P.O. Firenze, Giunti, 1587 D853.15 Oik2 The tragedies gathered by Jhon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune since the creacion of Adam vntil his time ... tr. into Englysh by John Lidgate. 9-I- 163 + 3 7fi. illus. F. Lond. John Wayland, 1558 D879.8 qB63 Black letter. Bodenham, John, comp. anon. Wits theater of the little world ... 4 + 269 + 7f. nar.T. Lond. printed by L R. for N. L. 1599 D808.8 B63 Boemus, Johannes, Aubanus, ed. Manners, lawes and customes of all nations ; collected out of the best writers with many other things of the same argument gathered out of the " Historie " of Nicholas Damascen, the like also out of the " History of America, or Brasill "... by John Lerius; the " Faith, religion and manners of the Aethiopians "... comp. by Damianus k Goes . . . written in Latin and ... tr. into English by Ed. Aston. 164- 589-I-3P.D. Lond. i6ii D910 B631 Boissard, Jean Jacques . . . Theatrvm vitae humanae ... k Theodoro Bryio artificiosissimis historiis illustratum ... 16 + 266p. illus. O. Mediomatrici, typis Fabri, 1596 D879 B63 Bolsec, J6r6me Hennas. De loannis Calvini, magni qvondam Genevensivm ministri, vita, moribvs, rebus gestis, studijs ac denique morte historia . . . et nvnc ex gallico eius Parisijs impresso exemplari Latine reddita. i47p. ipor. S. Coloniae, " apud Alectorium & haeredes Soteris, 1580 D922.424 C137 Bona Ventura, Giovanni di Fidanza, si, card. Sermones de tempore et Sanctis, see under Incunabula, 1485 Botero, Giovanni. Relations of the most famous kingdomes and commonwealths thorowout the world, discoursing of their situations religions, languages, manners, customes ... tr. out of the . . . Italian ... by R[obert] J[ohnson] . . . inlarged . . . with addition of new . . . countries . . . 8 + 644 + 3P. map, sq.D. Lond. 1630 D910 B651 Map wanting. Bourne, William. A regiment for the sea ; conteyning most profit- able rules, mathematical experiences and perfect knowledge of nauigation, for all coastes and countreys; most needefull and necessarie for all seafaring men and trauellers, as pilotes, mariners, marchants, etc . . . 12 + 63 + if. illus. D. Lond. Thomas Racket, 1574 D527 D74 Black letter, ist edition. 36 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Brathwaite, Richard. The English gentleman and the English gentlewoman, both in one volume, couched.^ . . with a " Ladies love-lecture " and a supplement . . . entituled the " Turtle's triumph" . . . Ed. 3 enl. 10 + 455 + 52P.Q. Lond. 1641 D170 qBi73 Lacks frontispiece by Marshall and foldi-ig leaf " a draught of the front." Bredal, Erik Anderson, bp. Bonne-rogelse mod kriegs-vaesen, anstilled i trende supplicationer baade med ord oc sang at bruge . . . i5f.S. Christiania, 1644 D264.047 B78 Black letter. Brenz, Johann, ed. In D. lohannis evangelion, lohannis Brentij exegesis per authorem iam nouissime correcta & emendata. 8 + 366f.S. n.p. 1542 D226.5 B75 Brerewood, Edward. Enquiries touching the diversity of languages and religions through the chiefe parts of the world. 24 + 203p.sq.D. Lond. 1622. D720 W91 252P.D. Lond. 1674 409 B751 Brief answer to Mr L'Estrange his Appeal. 7p.Q. n.t-p. Lond. 1680 D942.066 qG79 Brochman, Jesper Rasmussen, bp. Lectiones sacrae quae . . . tribus publicarum deprecationum diebus indictis ab augustissimo . . . rege . . . Christiano 4. per universam Norvegiam, Islan- diam, Feroam, et Osiliam, ad diem Octobr. 1.2.3. i^ domo Dei proponentur . . . 128 + ip.S. Hafniae, 1644 D264.047 B78 Preceded by an imperfect work which may be Brochman 's Lectiones sacrae quae 3 diebus, 3, 4, 5 Jun. in domo Dei proponentur, published in 1644. Broke, Sir Robert, comp. ... La graunde abridgement . . . 2V.in I, F. Lond. in sedibus Richardi Tottell, 1573 D346.3 qB78 Black letter. Browne, Sir Thomas. Pseudodoxia epidemica; or, Enquiries into very many received tenents and commonly presumed truths; whereunto is added "Religio medici" and a "Discourse of the sepulchral urnes lately found in Norfolk," together with the "Garden of Cyrus" . . . the last ed. corrected and enlarged . . . 12 + 326 + 78P. ipl.Q. Lond. 1659 D080 qB8i Bruno, Gabriel, ed. anon. Biblia cum summarioru apparatu pleno quadrupliciq3 repertorio insignita . . . addite sunt marginales additiones annales . . . [tota Biblia copendiosissime per rith- mos descripta . . . per magistrum Franciscu3 Gotthi]. 30+500 + 54f. illus. S. Lugduni in ofificina Jacobi Saccon, 1522 D220.47 B83 Ms notes. Black letter. BuUinger, Heinrich. Fiftie godlie and learned sermons, diuided into fiue decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian religion . . . translated out of Latine . . . by H. L student in diuinitie. 3V.in i, 48 + 1142P.O. Lond. Ralphe New- berrie, 1577 " 1)230 B8 7 Black letter. Paged continuously. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 37 Burton, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy; what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptomes, prognostickes and severall cures of it . . . philosophically, medicinally, historically opened and cut up by Democritus Junior; with a satyricall preface . . . Ed. 5 enl. 92 + 723 + 10 p. Q. Ox. 1638 D132.3 qB95 Burton, William. A commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary ; or, Joumies of the Romane empire so far as it concerneth Britain . . . 22 + 226 + 6p. illus. I map, Q. Lond. 1658 D913.42 qAn8cop.2 The Itincrariiitn has been ascribed to Antoninus Pius, and also to Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Den Bybel . . . met noch sommighe schoone verclaringen op dye canten . . . 42 if. illus. F. Tantwerpen, lacob van Liesueldt, 1542 D220.53 qB99 Black letter. Ms notes on fly leaves. From library of Dawson Turner. Illustrated with woodcuts. Caesar, Caius Julius. Commentarii, see under Incunabula, 1482 Calvin, Jean. Commentaires svr tovtes les epistres de I'apostre S. Pavl et avssi svr I'epistre avx Hebrievx; item, svr les epistres canoniqves de S. Pierre, S. lehan, S. laqves et S. Ivde, avtrement appelees catholiqves . . . I'autheur a le tout reueu & augmente • • • 595 + 23f.D. Geneve, Conrad Badius, 1561 D227 C13 Ms notes in Calvin's handwriting. ed. Harmonic vpon the three Euangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke, with the Commentarie of . . . Caluine . . . trans- lated out of Latine into English by E[usebius] P[agit] . . . v.i.D. Lond. Bishop, 1584 D226.1 C13 via is a commentary on St John. Institvtion of Christian religion, written in Latine and translated into Englishe accordyng to the authors last edition by T[homas] N[orton] whereunto is added a table to fynde the principall matters entreated of in thys boke . . . io + 502 4-26f. F. Lond. Harrison, 1562 D230 qCi3 Black letter. Institution of Christian religion, written in Latine . . . translated into English ... by Thomas Norton 12 + 507 + loSf.sq.D. Lond. H. Midleton, 1587 D230 C13 cop. 2 Sermons of Master John Caluin vpon the booke of lob; translated out of French by Arthur Golding. 8 + 75i-f26p. F. Lond. Harison & Byshop, 1574 D223.1 qCi3 Camden, William. Britain; or, A chorographicall description of . . . England, Scotland and Ireland and the islands adjoyning . . . written first in Latine by . . . Camden, tr. newly into English by Philemon Holland . . . New ed. enl. 12 + 822 + 290P. maps, F. Lond. 1637 D914.2 qCi4i mion. Remaines concerning Britaine, but especially Eng- land and the inhabitants thereof . . . Ed. 3 enl. 4 + 350P. sq.S. Lond. 1623 ^ D929 C141 38 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Camerarius, Joachim. Symbolorum et emblematum centuriae tres . . . editio secunda auctior . . . accessit noviter centuria . . . 4V. in I, illus. D. Leipsic? 1605 D879.8 C14 Edited by Ludovicus Camerarius. Contents:' V.I Ex herbis et stirpibus v. 3 Ex volatilibus et insectis V.2 Ex animalibus quadrupedibus v. 4 Ex aquatilibus et reptilibus Camerarius, Philipp. Walking librarie; or, Meditations and obser- vations, historical, natural, moral, political and poetical, written in Latin and done into English by John Molle . . . 10 + 403 + 3p. Q. Lond. 162 1 D904 qCi4 Carion, John, comp. Thre bokes of Cronicles . . . gathered wyth ^ great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in He- brue, Greke or Latine, whervnto is added an appendix con- teynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in Cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde from the yeare of Christ 1532 to thys present yeare of 1550, gathered by John Funcke . . . [tr. from the Latin by Walter Lynne]. 8 + 270 + i2f. O. Lond. 1550 D902 C19 Printed for Gwalter Lynne. Black letter. Caxton, William, printer. The fifteen O's and other prayers; printed by commandment of the Princess Elizabeth, Queen of England and of France, and also of the Princess Margaret, mother of our Sovereign Lord the King: reproduced in photo- lithographv bv Stephen Ayling. 48p. sq. O. Lond. 1877 D248 C31 Reprint from the 1490? edition. Black letter. The game of the chesse ; reproduced in facsimile from a copy in the British Museum, with a few remarks on Caxton 's typo- graphical productions, by Vincent Figgins, unp. illus. Q. Lond. i860 L)o93 ^^^31 Black letter. Ceremonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde, representees par des figures dessinees et gravees par Bernard Picard et autres artistes ; nouvelle ed. par une societe de gens de lettres. 4V. illus. F^. Amst. 1789 209 fC33i V.4 title reads: Superstitions de tous les peuples du monde; ou, Tableau philosophique des erreurs dans lesquelles les superstitions ont precipite les hommes de la plupart des nations de la terre, suite des ceremonies religieuses. Champier, Symphorien. Index librorum qui in hoc volumine con- tinent. Mirabiliu diuinoq humanoruq3 volumina quattuor: primum, videlicet de mirabilibus sacre scripture; secundu, de mirabilibus propositionibus . . . Pauli apostoli; tertium, de propugnaculo religionis christiane; quartum, de mirabilibus mundi secundum Ptoolomeu . . . 4V. in i, illus. O. Lugduni, Jacobus Mareschal, 1517 D220.7C35 Black letter ; illustrated with woodcuts ; original stamped binding. Preface dated 4 Augusti . . . 1514- DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 39 Charles i, king of England, anon. E*uwv liarrtXtxij; the pour- traicture of his sacred majestie in his solitudes and sufferings . . . 6 + 302 + up. I pi. nar. S. Lond.? 1648 D923.142 C31C1 Plate wanting. Includes *' His Majestie's Reasons against the . . . jurisdiction of the High court of justice " (which is taken from another edition); also " a True relation of the king's speech to the Lady Elizabeth," "Another relation from the Lady EHzabeth's own hand," 'and " An Epitaph upon King Charles." Xo. 15 in Almack's Bibliography. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before . . . io + 383f. illus. F. Lond. Thomas Godfrav, 1532 D821.17 qlit xst edition of Chaucer's complete works; does not include the Plowman's tale. Edited by William Thvnne. Wanting: sig. A. B, including t-p.. sig.Ci, 6, f.127, 169, 213-14, 235, 285, 324. 377-83 Black letter. The Woorkes of Geffrey Chaucer newly printed with diuers addicions whiche were neuer in printe before; with the "Siege and destruccion of the . . . citee of Thebes " compiled by Ihon Lidgate, monke of Berie . . . 14 + 378^ illus. F. Lond. Ihon Kyngston, 1561 D821.17 qli Printed for Ihon Wight. Edited by John Stow. The Workes of . . . Chaucer newly printed ; to that . done in the former impression thus much . . . added : i , in the life of Chaucer many thing inserted; 2, the whole worke by old copies reformed; 3. sentences and proverbes noted; 4, the signifi- cation of the old and obscure words prooved ... 5, the Latine and French . . . translated; 6, . . . Jacke Upland . . . and Chaucer's A. B. C. . . . added. 23 + 376+14! illus. F. Lond. 1602 D821.17 qj Portrait of Chaucer and last folio wanting. Black letter. Edited by Thomas Speght. Includes the Storie of Thebes, compiled by John Lydgate. The Works of . . . Chaucer compared with the former editions and . . . valuable mss out of which three tales are added ... by John Urry . . . together with a glossary by . . . Timothy Thomas; to the whole is prefixed the author's life . . . bv John Dart. 52 + 626 + 81P. illus. F^ Lond. 1721 D821.17 fj Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Familiar epistles of M. T. Cicero ; Englished and conferred with the French, Italian and other translations [by Joseph Webbe]. 26 + 919P. nar. T. Lond. 1620? D876.1 Q M. Tvllii Ciceronis De oratore ad Quintum fratrem lib. Ill, De Claris oratoribus qui dicitur Brutus lib. I; Orator ad Brutum lib. I; eiusdem De Optimo genere oratorum praefatio quaedam: variae lectiones ad calcem reiectae. 281 +3f. Tt. Lvtetiae, ex officina Rob. Stephani, 1546 D875.2 Lis Officia M. T. C. Ein buch so Marcus Tullius Cicero der Romer zu seynem sune Marco, von den tugentsamen amptern 40 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY vnd zi^igehorungen eynes wol vnd rechtlebenden menschen; in Latein geschriben, welchs auff begere Herr^n Johansen von Schwartzenbergs yc. verteiitschet, vnd volgens, durch jne in zyerlicher Hochteiitsch gebracht, mit vil figuren vnnd Teiitschen reymen gemeynem nutz zu gut in druck gegeben worden. 8 + Qif. illus. Q. Augspurg, Steyner, 1531 D875.4 qO Black letter. Woodcuts supposed to be by Hans Burgmair. Bookplate of Georgius Kloss. Tusculanarum quaestionum libri V., see under Incunabula, 1472 Cole, William. Adam in Eden; or, Natures Paradise; the history of plants, fruits, herbs and flowers . . . with necessary obser- vations on the seasons of planting and gathering of our English simples, with directions how to preserve them . . . v. p. Q. Lond. 1657 D581.63 qE57 Colynet, Anthony. True history of the ciuill warres of ^France betweene King Henry the 4 and the leaguers . . . from . . . 1585 vntill . . . 1 59 1. 8 + 549p.sq.D. Lond. Thomas Orwin, 1591 D944.029 C72 Black letter. Printed for Thomas Woodcock. Running title reads: Tragicall historie of the ciuill warres of France. Cooke, James. Mellificium chirurgiae; or. The marrow of many good authours, wherein is briefly and faithfully handled the art of chyrurgery . . . also an ap. wherein is . . . set down the cure of those affects usually happening at sea and in campe . . . and lastly . . . severall magistrall receipts . , . 2i+478p. nar.S. Lond. 1648 D617 E48 Cooper, Thomas, bp. comp. Thesavrvs lingvae Romanae & Britannicae, tam accurate congestus vt nihil pene in eo desyder- ari possit, quod vel Latine complectatur amplissimus Stephani Thesaurus, vel Anglice toties aucta Eliotae Bibliotheca . . . accessit dictionarivm historicvm et poeticum propria vocabula virorum ...&... locorum complectens . . . 9o5f.F. Lond. per Henricum Wykes, 1565 D473.2 qC78i Partly in black letter. 859f.F. Lond. 1573 D473-2 qC782 Partly in black letter. From library of Richard Grant White. Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce, comp. An exact abridgment of the records in the Tower of London from the reign of King Edward the second unto King Richard the third, of all parliaments holden in each kings reign and the several acts in every parlia- ment; together with the names and titles of all the dukes, mar- quesses, earls, viscounts and barons summoned to every of the said parliaments; rev. by William Prynne. 32-f-7i6 + i42p.Q. Lond. 1679 D328.423 qC82 Cowley, Abraham. Works of . . . Cowley . . . Ed. 7. v. p. ipor. Q. Lond. i68i ' D821.46 ql Includes a life of Cowley by T. Sprat; Love's riddle, a pastoral comedy; N aufragium joculare, comoedia. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 4I Cranmer, Thomas, abp. Avnsvvere vnto a craftie and sophisticall cauillation deuised by Stephen Gardiner, agaynst the true and godly doctrine of the most holy sacrament of the body and bloud of our Sauiour lesv Christ, wherein is also . . . aunswered such places of the booke of Richard Smith as may seeme any thyng worthy the aunsweryng; here is also . . . the booke written ... . by Stephen Gardiner . . . prefixed, the . . . "Archbyshops lyfe and martyrdome " . . . 8 + 428 4-3p. ipl.Q. Lond. Daye, 1580 D265.3 qGi6 Partly in black letter. Crescenzi, Pietro de. Opus ruralium commodorum, see under In- cunabula, 1471 Crouch, Nathaniel. Historical remarques and observations of the state (jf London and Westminster by Richard Burton. Ed. 4. 233p. illus. nar.T. Lond. 1691 942.1 C88 Culpepper, Sir Thomas, anon. Tract against usurie, presented to the High Court of Parliament. iQp. sq.D. Lond. 1621 D720 W91 Curtis, George William, anon. Nile notes of a howadji. 32op.D- N. Y. 1851 D916.2 C94 cop.2 ist edition. Cyrillus, st of Thcssalonica. Speculum sapientiae, see under Incun- abula, 1500? Daniel, Samuel. Mvsophilvs; containing a generall defence of learning. 42p.D. Lond. Waterson, 1599 D821.33 T Works . . . newly augmented. 3pt in iv. O. Lond. 1602 D821. 33 qL Wanting all before sig. B of pti, including t-p. and dedication; and the whole of pt 3, containing Sonnets to Delia. Contents: pti Civill Wars, six books Tragedie of Cleopatra pta Musophilus Complaint of Rosamund Letter from Octavia to Marcus pt3 Sonnets to Delia Antonius Dart, Rev. John. Westmonasterium ; or, The history and an- tiquities of the abbey church of St Peters, Westminster, contain- ing an account of its ancient and modern building . . . with a .... history of the lives of the abbats . . . and ... a sur- vey of the church and cloysters taken in the year 1723, with the monuments there . . . engraven by the best hands: to which is added "Westminster Abbey," a poem by the same author. 2V. in I, illus. F^ Lond. 1742? D726.7 fD25 All the text wanting; also five plates from v.i (including portrait of the author) and 18 plates from v. 2. 188 miscellaneous prints pasted on the blank pages. Dent, Rev. Arthur. Plaine-man's pathway to heaven; the second part set foorth dialogue-wise for the understanding of the ignor- ant. 248P. nar.T. Lond. 1609 D240 D43 Black letter. 42 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Digges, Leonard. Prognostication everlasting qi ryght good effect . . . once again published . . . Ed. 2 enl. 2 + 4if. illus. pi. O. Lend. Thomas Gemini, 1556 D520 D96 Dodoens, Rembert. New lierball; or, Historic of plants, wherein is contained the whole discourse and perfect description of all sorts of herbes and plants . . . first set foorth in the Dutch or Almaigne toong . . . and now first translated out of French into English by Henrie Lyte . . . 40 + 916 + 48P.D. Lond. Edm. Bollifant, 1595 D581.63 D95 Black letter. Douce, Francis. Illustrations of Shakspeare and of ancient man- ners; with dissertations on the clowns and fools of Shakspeare, the Gesta Romanorum and the English morris dance. New ed. 631P. illus. O. Lond. 1839 822.33 Hid2 Drummond, William. Works of . . . Drummond of Hawthomden . . . New ed. 49 + 243 + 64P. por. F. Edin. 171 1 D821.36 ql Edited by Bishop Sage and Thomas Ruddiman. Lacks portraits. Eck, Johann Maier, ed. Bibel ; Alt vnd New Testament nach dem text in der hailigen kirchen gebraucht, mit fieiss auf hohteutsch verdolmetscht . . . 6-I-282 + 352f. illus. F. Ingoldstat, Georg Krapffen, 1537 D220.53 qEcs Black letter. The New Testament is Hieronymus Emser's version, revised by Eck. Ebert calls this the ist edition of this Catholic version. Elyot, Sir Thomas. The boke named the Gouemour. 2i6f. S. Lond. in aedibus Bertheleti, 1544 D172.2 EI91 Black letter. ■ The castel of helth corrected and . . . augmented by the fyrste authour therof . 87f.T. Lond. Berthelet, 1547 D613 D47 Wanting t-p., sig.A, i, 2, 7, 8; f.i, 8-9, 16-17, 24, 41, 48, 64-67 and all after 69. f.26-31 duplicated. Black letter. Emmius, Ubbo. Graecorum respublicae ab . . . Emmio descriptae . . 2V. nar. Tt. Lugduni Batavorum, 1632 D938 Em6 Elzevir. Title of V.2 reads: Respublicae Graecorum. England — Parliament. Abridgment of the statutes. io4f.S. Lond. ? 15- D346.3 En3 Wanting leaves before sig.A i, including t-p. and those after X8. Stained. Black letter. Perhaps John Rast^U's Abbreuiacion of statutis, 1520; arranged alpha- betically like his 1533 edition and includes statutes as late as 7th year of Henry 8 (1515-16). Anno primo Henrici octavi: the kyng ovr soverain lorde Henry the VIII ... at his parliament holden at West- mynster the XXI. daie of January . . . hath do to be ordeined . . . and enacted certaine statutes and ordinaunces in maner and fourme folowyng. lof.Q. Lond. Thomas Berthelet, 155 1 ? D346.1 qG79 T-p. wanting; worm-eaten. Black letter. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 43 Anno tertio [ — septimo] Henrici octavi: the kyng ovr soverayne lorde Henry the VIII . . . at his parUament holden at Westminster . . . hath do to be ordeyned . . . and enacted certayne statutes and ordinaunces in maner and fourme folowyng. 52f. Q. Lond. Berthelet, 1552 D346.1 qGyp Wanting f. 1-22 (including t-p.) being 3-4 year and f.52. Black letter. Anno xxi. Henrici octavi statuta ad remp. spectantia . . . 2 7f. Q. Lond. in aedibvs Thomae Bertholeti, 1562 D346.1 qG79 Wanting t-p., f. 10. 22. Black letter. Anno XXIIII Henrici VIII: actis made in the session of this present parlyamente, holden ... at Westminster the iiii. daie of Februarie in the xxiiii. yere of the reygne of . . . Kynge Henry the Eyght and there continued . . . tyll the vii. daie of April! . . . i8f.Q. Lond. in aedibvs Thomae Bertheleti, 1538 D346.1 qG79 Black letter. Anno XXVIII Henrici VIII . . . 26f.Q. Lond. Ber- thelet, 1552? D346.1 qG79 T-p. wanting. Black letter. Statutes made in the parliament holden at Westminster in the XXXVII. yere of the reygne of . . . Henry the Eyght . . . 36f.Q. Lond. Thomas Powell? 1557 D346.1 qG79 T-p. wanting. Black letter. Collection in English of the statutes now in force con- tinued from the beginning of Magna Charta . . . vntill the ende of the parliament holden in the 35. yeere of the reigne of our gratious Queene Elizabeth . . . hereunto is added two tables, the one at the beginning . . . declaring . . . the substance of such referments as stood at the ende of eche title in the first collection of statutes set forth by Master lustice Rastal . . . in the other . . . are set downe by order of the kings reignes the seuerall times of their parliaments together with the sundry chapters and intitulings of the particular statutes in euery of the same . . . 30-f 552 + i4f.Q. Lond. Barker, 1594 D346.2 qEn3 Black letter. The grete abbregement of the statutys of Englond untyll the xxii vere of Kvng Henrv the viii. 8 -I- 293 + i if. T. Lond. ? W: Rastell, 1531?' ' D346.3 En3i Abridged and translated by John Rastell. Black letter. Heads of a conference delivered bv Pvmm at a committee of both houses, Junii 24, 1641 [and other proceedings]. 6 + 429?- sq.D. Lond. 1641 • D328.42 G79 Including ** Diumall occurrences; or. The heads of the proceedings of both houses of Parliament, from the 3d of Nov. 1640, to the 9th of Sept. 1641." 44 >«'EW YORK STATE LIBRARY Impartial account of divers remarkable proceedings the last sessions of Parliament relating to the horrid popish plot, etc. . . . 2op.Q. Lond. 1679 D942.066 qG79 All after p. 20 wanting. including last part of bill relating to the Duke of York, the Earl of Shaftsbury's speech, Mr Powel's speech concerning the Earl of Danby and Mr Palme's report about the temporary laws. In this volume are conteined the statutes made and established from the time of King Henry the Thirde vnto the first yere of the reigne of our most gracious and victorious soue- raigne lorde, K3'ng Henry the viii. 448P.Q. Lond. Henry Wykes, 1564 D346.1 qEn32 Black letter; bears the bookplate of the Duke of Sussex. At the end is^ a separate leaf containing Berthelet's mark and the imprint, Lond. in officina Thomae Bertheleti, 1543. Statutes of Henry 7 in exact facsimile from the . . . original printed by Caxton in 1489; ed. ... by John Rae, 2i + 8o + 32p.F. Lond. 1869 D346.1 qEn3i Black letter. Epistolae Graecae variorum auctorum, see urtder Incunabula, 1499 Erasmus, Desiderius. Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testamente. 2 v. in 4, illus. Q. Lond. Whitchurch, 1548-49 D225.47 qEri Wanting both t-p. and several pages in other parts of the work. Black letter. V.2, t-p. reads: Seconde Tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament, conteynyng the Epistles of S. Paul and other the apostles, whereunto is adde^ a Paraphrase upon the Reuelation of S. John [by Leo Juda, tr. out of High Dutch by Edmund Allenj. Includes text in translation of the Great Bible ; translated from the Latin by Nicholas Udall, Thomas Caius, Princess Mary, Miles Coverdale, John Old and Leonard Cox. For full description of this work see Dibdin's Typographical antiquities^ 3^^.91-93 and Wiclif's New Testament, edited by John Lewis, p. 40-43. Twenty select colloquies out of Erasmus, pleasantly representing several superstitious levities that were crept into the Church of Rome in his days; made English by Roger L'Es- trange. 264P. i por. D. Lond. 1680 879.8 Eri3 Typographvs lectori adagiorvm chiliades . . . Erasmi Roter- odami toties renasci spero aequis lectoribus esse gratissimum^ quando semper redeunt tum auctiores tum emendatiores . . . 72 + 1085 + 2P.F. Basileae, ex officina Frobeniana, 1536 D879.8 qErii Bears the bookplate of Christophorus. Baro a Wolckhenstain & Rodnegg, etc. and his autograph, 1547. Apophthegmes, that is to saie, prompte, quicke, wittie and sentencious saiynges of certain emperours, kynges ... as well Grekes as Romaines . . . first gathered and compiled in Latine by . . . Erasmus . . . and now translated into Englyshe by Nicholas Udall. 345f. T. Lond. tvpis Ricardi Grafton, 1542 D880.8. En Wanting all leaves before f.2 (includmg t-p., address by Udall and Erasmus's preface); f. 12 1-28 and leaves after f.342 (including the table). Black letter. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 45 ed. Novvm testamentum Graece & Latine cvm svmmariis, concordant ijs & explicationibus . . . unp. D. Argentorati, Theodosius Rihelius, 1595? D225.48 En Bears the bookplate of the Duke of Sussex. Entered in the BibHotheca Sussexiana without a date and with the note : " This edition may be referred to 1607 or 160X." tr. anon. Novvm testamentvm omne Latina versione [by Desiderius Erasmus], oppositvm aeditioni uulgari siue Germanicae [by Martin Luther] in usus studiosorum uulgatum: Das gantz Neiiw testament ze Teiitsch dem Latine ent gegen gesetzt mitt sampt den nodtwendigen concordantzenn. . . . i6-f 6f. + 8o3p.O. Ziirych, Froschouer, 1535 D225.47 En Fine binding dated 1542. Preface by Johann Zwick. Estienne, Charles, & Liebault, Jean. Maison rustique; or, The countrey fanne, comp. in the French tongue, and tr. into English by Richard Surflet . . . reviewed . . . and augmented with divers large additions out of the w^orks of Serres . . . Vinet . . . Albyterio . . . Grilli . . . and other authors ... by Gervase Markham . . . 18 + 732 + 22P. illus. Q. Lond. 161 6 D630 qEi6 Estienne, Henri. Comicorvm Graecorvm sententiae, id est Y'^tuiiai^ Latinis versibus ab Henr. Stephano redditae et annota- tionibus illustratae . . , 32 + 633-f 3p. nar.Tt. Par. Henricus Stephanus, 1569 D887 Es8 Estienne, Robert, comp. anon. Dictionarivm Latinogallicum, ex hoc Latini sermonis cvm Gallico idiomate consensum ita perci- pies, vt maiores vtriusque linguae scriptores proxime imitari possis; magnum bonarum literarum studiosis adiumentum, qui vel dicendo vel etiam scribendo eorum quae iam exciderunt, quaeque hoc tempore probata sunt vocabulorum memoriam reficere desiderant; accesserunt . . . Graecae dictiones . . . editio postrema . . . 1426P.F. Par. apud lacobum Dupuys, 1570 D473.4 qEs8 F., E. Letter from a gentleman of quality in the country to his friend upon his being chosen ... to serve in . . . Parliament and desiring his advice ; being an argument relating to the point of succession to the crown . . . i8p.Q. Lond. 1679 D942.066 qG79 Addressed to A. B., signed E. F. Felltham, Owen. Resolves, divine, moral, political, with additions in prose and verse. Ed. 10. 364 + 99P.F. Lond. 1677 244 qF33 Fenn, Sir John, ed. Original letters written during the reigns of Henry 6, Edward 4 and Richard 3, by various persons of rank or consequence. Ed. 2 enl. 2V. sq.Q. Lond. 1787 942.04 qF36 Published also with title : Paston letters. Fenton, Sir Geoffrey, comp. Golden epistles; contayning varietie of discourse, both morall, philosophicall and diuine; gathered as wel out of the remaynder of Gueuaraes woorkes as other auth- 46 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY ours, Latine, French and Italian , . . New ed. 4 + 347-f-3p. ; O. Lond. Ralph Newberie, 1582 " D808.8 F36 Black letter. From library of Richard Grant White. Fenton, Roger, D.D. Treatise of usurie divided into three bookes; the ist defineth what is usurie, the 26 determineth that to be unlawfull, the 3d removeth such motives as perswade men in this age that it may be lawfull . . . 13 + i55p.sq.D. Lond. 161 2 D720 W91 Fischart, Johann. Xeue kimsthche figuren biblischer historien gnintlich von Tobia Stimmer gerissen vnd zu gotsforchtiger ergetzung andachtiger hertzen mit artigen reimen begriffen durch I. F. G. M. gof.sq.O. Basel, Thoma Gwarin, 1576 D220 F52 Black letter. Fletcher, John. Elder brother, a comedie acted at the Blacke Friers, by his Majesties servants, printed according to the true copie. 36f.D. Lond. 1637 D822.35 T2 I St edition. La fleur des commandemens, see under Incunabula, 1499 Florio, John, comp. Queen Anna's new world of words; or, Dic- tionarie of the Italian and English tongues, collected and newly much augmented . . . whereunto are added certaine necessarie rules and short observations for the Italian tongue. 12 + 690P. I por. Q. Lond. 161 1 D453.2 qF66 From library of Richard Grant White. Ford, Emanuel, anon. Most famous, delectable and pleasant his- tory of Parismus, the most renowned prince of Bohemia; [added] the 2d part, containing the adventurous travels and noble chivalr}' of Parismenos, the knight of fame . . . New ed. 2pt in I V. sq.D. Lond. 1689 D823.49 F75h Last page of pt2 wanting. Black letter. Fortescue, Sir John. De laudibus legum Angliae . . . tr. into English, illustrated with the notes of Mr Selden, to which are prefix'd "Mr Selden to the reader" and a large hist, preface; to the whole are added the "Summs" of Sir Ralph de Hengham, commonly called "Hengham magna" and "Hengham parva" v.p. ipl. F. Lond. 1737 347 qF77 Foxe, John. Abridgement of the booT^e of "Acts and monvments of the chvrch," written by . . . Fox, and now abridged by Timothe Bright . . . 2 v. in i, D. Lond. Windet, 1589 D272 F834 Black letter. Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memor- able happening in the church with an universall historic of the same ... the bloudy times, horrible troubles and great perse- cutions against the true martyrs of Christ . . . the 7th time newly imprinted . . . annexed certaine additions of like persecu- DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 47 tions which have happened in these later times ... 3V. illus. pi. F*. Lend. 1631-32; V.I, '32 D272 fF83i V.3 wanting; black letter. Binder's title reads: Foxe's Booke of martyrs; V.2 title reads: Ecclesiasticall Historie. . . Franck, Sebastian. Weltbuch; Spiegel vn bildtniss des gantzen erdbodens in vier bucher; nemlich in Asiam, Aphricam, Europam vnd Amcricam gestelt vnd abteilt . . . auch etwas v6 new gefundenen welten vnd inseln, nitt auss Beroso, loanne de Monte- villa, S. Brandons Histori vn dergleichen fabeln, sund auss angenumnen . . . weltschreibem muselig zu hauff trage . . . 5 + 237-h7f.Q. Tubingen, Vlrich Morhart, 1534 D910 qF84 Black letter. Froissart, Jean. Chroniques, see under Incunabula, 1497? Croniques de France, d'Angleterre, d'Escoce, de Spaigne, de Bretaigne, de Gascongne, de Flandres et lieux circonuoisins ; imprime a Paris pour Francoys Regnault libraire demourant en la rue Sainct laques a le seigne Sainct Claude, v.2, 6 + 279f.Q. Par. Francoys Regnavlt, 15 18? D940.4 qF923 T-p. has printer's mark. Black letter. An epitome of Frossard ; or, A summarie collection of the most memorable histories contained in his " Chronicle," chiefly concerning the state of England and France . . . comp. in Latine by J. Sleydane and tr. into English by P. Golding. 8? + 2i5p.D. Lond. 1608 D940.4 F923 Here begynnith the firste volum of Syr lohn Froissart of the "Cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scot- lande, Bretaine, Flaunders and other places adioynynge"; translated oute of French into oure matemall Englyshe tongue by lohn Bouchier knyghte, Lorde Bemers . . . v.i, i illus. F. Lond. Wyllyam Myddylton, 1525 D940.4 qF924 Wanting unnumbered f.2-10, including the preface and table of con- tents; f. 151, 156. Black letter. v.2, which is wanting, was printed by Richard Pynson and is dated 1525. Fulke, William, D.D. ed. Text of the New Testament of Jesus Christ tr. out of the vulgar Latine by the papists of the traiterous seminarie at Rhemes with . . . annotations . . . whereunto is added the translation out of the original Greeke commonly used in the Church of England, with a confutation of all such . . . annotations as conteine manifest impietie . . . against the Catholike church of God ... or the translations used in the Church of England . . . New ed. enl. 42 + 9i4-f-9p.F. Lond. Barker, 1601 D225.7 qF95 Fuller, Thomas, D.D. Church history of Britain from the birth of Jesus Christ untill the year 1648. v.p. pi. F. Lond. 1655 D274.2 qF95 History of the holy warre. ii + 286p. illus. Q. n.p. 1639 940.4 qF95 T-p. wanting. 48 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY The holy state and tlie profane state. Ed. 2 enl. 51 op. illus. Q. Camb. Eng. 1648 . 940-4 ^^95 Funck, Johann. Chronologia ; hoc est, omnium temporum & anno- rvm ab initio mvndi usq; ad annum a nato Christo MDLIII computatio . . . item Commentarivm libri decem ... 16 + 615-I-245P. Q. Basileae, Jacobus Parcus, 1554 D902 qF96 Printed for Joannis Oporinus. Original binding, stamped vellum. This copy belonged to Philip Melancthon and has his ms notes. Gardiner, Stephen, bp. anon. A detection of the devil's sophistrie, wherwith he robbeth the vnlearned people of the true byleef in the most blessed sacrament of the aulter . . i53?f.T. Lond. J. Herford, 1546 " D265.3 G16 Missing, f. 3 7-40, 52, and those after 150. Black letter. Garthwait, Henry. Movoritrfrapov the evangelicall harmonic, reducing the four evangelists into one continued context and in it the entire historic of the acts and sa3'ings, life and death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ . . . 21 H-262 + 2p. sq.D. Camb. Eng. 1634 D226.1 G19 Geeves, George, anon. History of the church of Great Britain from the birth of our Saviour untill . . . 1667, with an exact succession of the bishops and the memorable acts of many of them . . . with ... all the English cardinals and the several orders of English monks, friars and nuns in former ages . . . 15 + 441 + i7p.sq.O. Lond. 1674 D274.2 G271 Latin dedication signed G. G. Attributed bylHalkett and Laing to W. Geaves. From the library of Henry Francis Lyte. Gellius, Aulus. Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae; editio nova et prioribus omnibus docti hominis cura multo castigatior. 48 + 498 + i22p. nar.T. Amstelodami, 1651 D878.9 G28a Printed by Elzevir. General chronica; das ist, warhaffte eigentliche vnd kurtze besch- reibung vieler namhaffter vnd zum theil biss daher vnbekannter landtschafften, erstlich dess . . . Priester lohans konigs in Morenlandt konigreichen . . . zum andern ein gemeine besch- reibung dess gantzen erdbodems . . . zum dritten . . . ein kurtzer summarischer . . .ausszug . . . der neuw erfundenen inseln Americe vnd Magellane . . . 3pt in iv. illus. F. Franck- furt am Mayn, Sigmund Feyerabend, 1581 D9ioqG28 Contains works by Andrea Corsali, Francisco Alvarez, Paulus Orosius and Cosmographia. Gentillet, Innocent. Romane conclave, wherein . . . the forcible entries and usurpations of the Jesuited statists, successively practised against the sacred majestic of the . . . [Holy Roman] Empire . . . are lively acted and truely reported by Jo[achimus] Ursinus . . . 4 + 243P.D. Lond. 160^9 i,^^a^,^^%^, D943 G28 Preface signed by C. H. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 49 Gildon, Charles, anon. History of the Athenian society for the resolving all nice and curious questions, by a gentleman who got secret intelligence of their whole proceedings; to which are ■ prefix'd several poems by Tate, Motteux, Richardson and others. 36p. I pi. nar.F. Lond. 1692? 042 qAt4 Olanvill, Rev. Joseph, anon. Saducismus triumphatus ; or, Full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions ; [ed. by Henry More, D.D.] Ed.2. 2V. ini,D. Lond. 1682 133 G451 Contents: v.i Glanvill. Some considerations about witchcraft More. Answer to a letter of a learned psychopyrist V.2 Glanvill. Proof of apparitions, spirits and witches from Holy-scripture Glanvill. Proof of apparitions, spirits and witches from a collection of modem relations More. Continuation of the collection Glanvill. Whip for the droll Homeck, tr. Account of what happen'd in the kingdom of Sweden 1669 and 1670 and upwards in relation to witches 'Glanvilla, Bartholomaeus de. De proprietatibus rerum, see under Incunabula, 1491 . . . Bertholomevs De proprietatibvs rervm. 8 + 388f.Q. Lond. in aedibus Thomae Bertheleti, 1535 D500 qD35 Black letter. Translated into English by John de Trevisa. Godwin, Thomas. Moses and Aaron: civill and ecclesiastical rites used by the ancient Hebrews ; observed for the clearing of obscure texts, wherein likewise is shewed what customs the Hebrews bor- rowed from heathen people. Ed. 8. 264p.sq.D. Lond. 1662 220.91 G54 Romanae historiae anthologia ; an English exposition of the Romanae antiquities wherein many Romane and English offices are parallel'd and divers obscure phrases explained. Ed. 3. 8-fi93 + i7p.sq.D. Ox. 1620 D720 W91 anon. Romanae histbriae anthologia recognita et aucta ; an English exposition of the Roman antiquities. New ed. enl. 27op.sq.D. Lond. 1661 220.91 G54 Golbume, John, tr. Acts of the dispute and conference holden at Paris in the moneths of July and August, 1566, betweene two doctors of Sorbon,[ Simon Vigor and Claude de Sainctes] and two ministers of the reformed church, [Hugues du Rosier and Jean de L'Espine] . . . tr. from the French . . . and divided accord- ing to the daies . . . 263P.D. Lond. 1602 D230 G56 Cough, William, anon. Londinum triumphans; or, An historical account of the grand influence the actions of the city of London have had upon the affairs of the nation for many ages past . . . ii+373pl^- Lond. 1682 D942.1 G72 Goulart, Simon. Thresor d'histoires admirables et memorables de nostre temps ... v. 1-2, S. Geneve, 1620 D848 G72 Bears the bookplate of the Duke of Sussex. 50 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Gower, John. Jo. Gower de confessione amantis. iQif.Q. Lond. Berthelette, 1532 * D821.18 qQ Black letter. Grafton, Richard, anon. Chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of England and kinges of the same, deduced from the creation of the worlde unto the first habitation of thys islande f and is by contynuance to the first yeere of . . . Queene Eliza- beth. 2V. in I, illus. Q. Lond. Henry Denham, 1569 D942 qG75i Printed for R. Tottle and H. Toye; t-p. of v. 2 dated 1568. Black letter. Greban, Arnoul, anon. Le mystere de la conception et natiuite de la glorieuse Vierge Marie; auecques le mariage dicelle: la na- tiuite, passion, resurrection et assencion de . . . lesucrist. 352f. illus. Q. Par. 1507? D842.11 qG79 Printed for Jehan Petit, Geuffroy de Mamef and Michel le Xoir. Wanting sig. a-1, D2, P3. Q5-X (except V); also sig.t6, which is replaced by a le^f from an earlier edition. " Le mystere de la conception " has been detached from this copy, and a t-p. in ms has been inserted, which reads: " Sensuit le mistere de la passion de nostre seigneur lesu christ: Paris pour Jehan Petit." Illustrated with woodcuts; black letter. Additions and corrections made by Jean Michel. For collation see Brunet, v. 3. Concerning the date, see sig.m leaf 5 verso, top of col. 2. Gregorius i, the Great, pope. Homeliae super Ezechielem, see under Incunabula, 1475 The grete herball, whiche geueth parfyt knowlege and und[er]stand- yng of all maner of herbes 7 there gracyous vertues . . . also it geueth full parfyte understandynge of the booke lately pr[yn]tyd by me [Peter Treueris] named the "Noble experiens of the vertuous ha[nd]warke of surgery." i75f. illus. i pi. Q. Lond. Peter Treueris, 1526 D615.32 qD26 Imperfect. Black letter. Translated from the French. Gritsch, Johannes. Quadregesimales, see under Incunabula, 1475 Grounds of unity in religion; or. An expedient for a general con- formity and pacification: by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. Sp.sq.O. Lond. 1679 D282 W41 Guarini, Giovanni Battista, anon. II pastor fido, the faithful shep- herd; with an addition of divers other poems, concluding with a short discourse of the long civil wars of Rome, by Rich[ard] Fanshaw. Ed. 2. 32ip. i illus. S. Lond. 1692 D851.45 Qif Guevara, Antonio de, hp. Chronicle conteyning the Hues of tenne emperours of Rome . . . translated out of Spanish ... by Edw^ard Hellowes . . . 7-1-484-1- 1 op. O. Lond. Ralphe New- berrie, 1577 D808.8 F36 Black letter. From library of Richard Grant White. Familiar epistles . . . translated out of the Spanish tongue by Edward Hellowes . . . New ed. enl. 8-I-400+ 7p.O. Lond. Ralph Newberie? 1584? D808.8 F36 Black letter. From library of Richard Grant White. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 5 1 Guibert, Philibert. Charitable physitian with the Charitable apoth- ecar\', written in French . . . and now faithfully tr. into English ■for the benefit of this kingdome by J. W. 7 + 1 73 + 8p.D. Lond. 1639 " D615 E39 Bears the bookplate of Thomas Jolley, esq., F. S. A. Guillaume, a Dominican of Paris. Postilla super epistolas et evan- gelia, see under Incunabula, 1487? 1489 Gunarius, Halvardus. Aenigmata; sive, Griphi theosophici et phy- siosophici, versibus heroicis atq3 elegiacis inclusi: in usum et gratiam scholasticae juventutis . . . concinnati . . . 56 + f.S. Rostochii, 1606 D264.047 B78 Leaves after f.56 wanting. Hakewill, George, D.D. Apologie; or, Declaration of the power and providence of God in the government of the world . . . Ed.3 enl. 47 + 6o6 + 426p.Q. Ox. 1635 D210 qHi2i Engraved t-p. gives London as place of publication, HaklujTt, Richard, comp. Principal navigations, voyages, traffiqves and discoveries of the English nation made by sea or ouer-land ... at any time within the compasse of these 1600 yeres . . . 3V. in I, Q. Lond. George Bishop, Ralph Newberie and Robert Barker, 1 598-1600 D910.8 qHi2 cop. 2 Imperfect. Errors in paging. Stained. Black letter; a few ms notes. v. I has the reprinted t-p. dated 1599. Hall, Edward, anon. The vnion of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre & Yorke . . . with all the actes done in . . . the tymes of the princes bothe of the one linage and of the other . . . [froml the tyme of Kyng Henry the fowerth, the first aucthor of this devision ... to the reigne of the high and prudent prince Kyng Henry the Eight . . . Ed. 4, various f.Q. Lond. Grafton, 1550 D942.04 qHi42 A few pages wanting; see Lowndes for collation. Black letter; this edition prohibited by Parliament in 1555. Hall, Joseph, bp. Plaine and familiar explication, by way of para- phrase, of all the hard texts of the whole divine Scripture of the Old and New Testament. 9 + 621 +429P.Q. Lond. 1633 D220.7 H14 T-p. for New Testament has date 1632. Re-collection of such treatises as have bene heretofore severally published and are nowe revised, corrected, augmented, with addition of some others not hitherto extant. 10 + 728 + 320P.Q. Lond. 1617 D208 qHi4i Hanmer, Meredith, tr. Avncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hvndred yeares after Christ, wrytten in Greeke . . . by . . . Evsebivs Pamphibvs . . . Socrates Scholasticvs . . . Evagrivs Scholasticvs . . . annexed Dorothevs ... of the Hues of the prophetes, apostles and 70 disciples . . . translated out of . . . Greeke . . . 12 + 538 + 71P.F. Lond. Vantroullier, 1577 D270.2 qHi9 Black letter, ist edition. 52 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Harcourt, Thomas, & others. Speeches of the five Jesuits that were executed at Tyburn on Friday, the 20th of this instant June, 1679. 4p.Q. n.t-p. Lond. 1679 D942.066 qG79 Speeches of Thomas Harcourt, William Waring (called Harcourt), John Fenwick, John Gavan and Anthony Turner. Hardyug, John. Chronicle in metre fro the first begynnyng of Eng- lade into ye reigne of Edwarde ye Fourth . . . added a cotin- uacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme [by Richard Grafton] . . . 2 v. in i, O. Lond. in officina Graftoni, 1543 D942 H22 Imperfect. Black letter. The 2d of two editions printed January 1543. Bawthorne, Nathaniel. House of the seven gables; a romance. 344P.D. Bost. 1851 D813.33 P cop. 2 ist edition. Hemmingsen, Niels. Apostill; or. Expositions of the gospels that are usually read in the churches of God on Sundayes and feast days of saincts; tr. into English by Arthur Golding. 345f.D. Lond. H. Bynneman, 1574? D264.036 H37 T-p. wanting, supplied in ms. Black letter. Printed for Lucas Harrison and George By shop. Herbert, Sir Thomas. Relation of some yeares travaile, begunne anno 1626, into Afrique and the greater Asia . . . 8 + 225P. illus. Q. Lond. 1634 D915 qH4i2 Some yeares travels into Africa and Asia the Great . . . describing the . . . empires of Persia and Industant . . . also . . . other kingdoms in the Orient all Indies and i'les adjacent. 364P. illus. Q. Lond. 1638 ^9^S qH4ii Heyljm, Peter, D.D. MiKpoKoirfin^-^ a little description of the great world . . . Ed. 3. 19 + 807 + 3P.D. Ox. 1627 D910 H511 Heywood, Thomas. ru>aiKelo>; or. Nine bookes of various history concerninge women; inscribed by ye names of 3^e nine muses . . . io + 466p.F. Lond. 1624 D396 qH5i Hieronjnnus, Eusebius, st. La vie des peres, see under Incunabula, 1490? Vitae sanctorum pat rum, see wider Incunabula, 1485 Higden, Ranulf, anon. Polycronycon [compyled by Ranulph, monke of Chester, in Latyn and translated intoo Englyshe by Treuisa ; ed. by Wyllyam Caxton]. 49 + 346 + if . illus. Q. South- werke, Peter Treucris, 1527 D909 qH53 Wanting sig.aai-3, including the t-p. and prohemye; aa8, aiid last folio containing the colophon; t-p. supplied in modem facsimile ;. stanzas on verso of t-p. omitted. Black letter. Reprint of Wynkyn de Worde's edition of 1495, having the same number of foUos, the same signatures, etc., with the addition of several engravings on wood. 'Hill, Thomas. Profitable arte of gardening, now the thirde time sett forth: to which is added much necessary matter . . . an- nexed two proper treatisies, the one entituled, "The marueilous DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 53. gouemement, propertie, and benefite of bees" . . . and the other, "The yeerely coniectures meete for husbandmen to know": Englished by Thomas Hyll, Londoner. . . 2 pt in i v. illus. D. Lond. Robert Waldegraue, 1586 D635 D86 Paging erratic. The two parts are paged separately, but the signatures are continuous. Black letter. Histoire de I'invention de Timprimerie par les monuments. 17 + 15-f ip. illus. pi. facsim. F\ Par. 1840 D655.12 fKo 150 copies printed; large paper. Half-title reads: Album typographique ^x^cut^ k I'occasion du jubil^ europ^en de 1' invention de rimprimerie. Binder's title reads : Album de Jean Gutenberg. Hobbes, Thomas. Hobbs's tripos, in three discourses: the ist, Humane nature ; the 2d, De corpore politico ; the 3d, Of liberty and necessity. Ed.3, 317P.D. Lond. 1684 171 H65 Leviathan ; or, The matter, forme and power of a common- wealth ecclesiasticall and civill. 6-f 396p. i tab. Q. Lond. 1651 D320.1 qH65 HoUnshed, Raphael, contp. . . Chronicles of England . . . [Scot- lande and Irelande . . . ] 3V. in 2, illus. Q. Lond. 1577 D942 qH7i 1st edition. Black letter. Ed. I, ist t-p. printed for George Bishop. ad t-p., ** Historic of Scotlande. ' printed for John Hunne. 3d t-p.. " Historic of Irelande," printed for John Hunne. 4th t-p., printed for George Bishop. For collation see Lowndes. This copy lacks several leaves including t-p. and woodcut view of Edinburgh. . . . Description of Scotland written at the first by Hector Boetius in Latine, and afterward translated into the Scotish speech by John Bellenden . . . and now finallie into English by R. H. [William Harrison]; where vpon is inferred the historic of Scotland, conteining the beginning . . . acts and gouernement of the Scotish nation . . . vnto . . . 1571 . . . written in Eng- lish by . . . Hollindshead and continued from 1571 to 1585 by others . . . 464p.F^ Lond. 1587 D941 fH7i At the expenses of J. Harison, G. Bishop, etc. Black letter. Extracted from the ad edition of Holinshed's Chromcles. Holloway, James. Free and voluntary confession and narrative of . . . Holloway, addressed to His Majesty ... as also the proceedings against . . . Holloway in . . . Kings Bench Court . . . and his petition to His Majesty . . . with . . . account of the discourse . . . between the sheriffs . . . and . . . Hollo- way at the time of his execution for high treason . . . April 30, 1684, with his prayer immediately before and the true copy of the paper delivered them . . . i6p.Q. n.t-p. Lond. 1684 D942.066 qG79 Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New; author- ised and appointed to be read in churches. i8-f496f. illus. F^. Lond. Barker, 1602 D220.52 fH74ii Black letter; a late edition of the Bishop's Bible. 54 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Holy Bible, contayning the Old Testament and the New; newly tr. out of the originall tongues and with the former translations dihgently compared and revised. . . unp.O. Lond. Barker, 1630 D220.52 H7421 Holyoke, Francis, comp. Dictionarium etymologicum Latinum antiquissimum et novissimum nunc . . . compositum et absolu- tum a Francisco de Sacra Quercu; or, A dictionarie declaring the originall and derivation of all words used in any Latine authors . . . also annexed the proper names . . . lastly, Rider's Dictionairie . . . the English before the Latine . . . Ed. 4 enl. 3v. in I, O. Lond. 1633 D472 H74 Dictionary of proper names wanting after Phalachrus. Homerus. Odyssea, das seind die aller zierlichsten vnd lustigsten vier vnd zwaintzig bucher des eltisten kunstreichesten vatters aller poeten Homeri, von der zehen jarigen irrfart des welt- weisen kriechischen fiirstens Vlyssis, beschriben, vnnd erst durch Simon Schaidenreisser . . . mit fleiss zu teiitsch transs- feriert, mit argument en . . . erklaret, auch mit beschreibung des lebens Homeri gemeret, nit vnlustig zu lesen . . . 6+io2f. illus. Q. Augustae Vindelicorum, Weissenhorn, 1537 D883.1 qUis Illustrated with woodcuts. I St German translation of the Odyssey. Hooper, John, bp. An ouersighte and deliberacion vppon the holy prophet Jonas; made and vttered before the kinges maiesty and his most honorable councell . . . comprehended in seuen ser- mons, anno M.D.L. . . lyif.T. Lond. Tisdale, 1550 D224.92 H76 Wanting leaves i, 2, 6-8 of sig.A and leaves i and 8 of sig.X. Black letter. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Q. Horatii Flacci poemata: ratio mensuum quibus odae ejusdem poetae tenetur [by Nicolaus Perottus] : Centimetrum Marij Servij : variae lectiones ex vetus- tiss. codicibus. 274+29P.S. Par. Robertus Stephanus, 1544 D874.5 Iip T-p. wanting and pages before 7. Howell, James. Londinopolis : an historicall discourse or perlus- tration of the city of London . . . whereunto is added another of the city of Westminster . . . 10 + 407 -|-8p. ipor. ipl. Q. Lond. 1657 D914.21 qH83 Portrait and plate wanting. Hutton, Sir Richard, bart. Reports . . . containing many choice cases, judgments and resolutions in points of law in the severall raignes of King James and King Charles . . . tr. [from the French] . . . 12 + 136 + 7P.Q. Lond. 1656 D346.4 (\^3 Black letter. Irving, Washington. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada, by Fray Antonio Agapida. 2v. D. Phil. 1829 D946.03 Ir8 cop. 2 I St edition. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 55 Tales of a traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, gent. 4V. in i, nar. O. Phil. 1824 ' D817.24 Xic I St edition. Two copies of v. 1-2. Isidorus, st, hp. Etymologiarum libri XX &.de summo bono libri III, see under Incunabula, 1483 James i, king of England. Workes of the most high and mightie prince, James . . . published by James [Mountague], bishop of Winton . , . 38 + 569P. illus. por. F. Lond. 16 16 D308 qj23 cop. 2 Jandunensis, Joannes. Questiones super tres libros Aristotelis de anima, see under Incunabula, 1488 Jewel, John, bp. Certaine sermons preached before the queenes maiestie and at Paules crosse by the reuerend father lohn levvel. late bishop of Salisburie; whereunto is added a short treatise of the sacraments gathered out of other his sermons made vpon that matter . . . unp.S. Lond. Barker, 1583 D252.03 J54 Black letter. A defence of the **Apologie of the Churche of Englande." conteininge an answeare to a certaine booke lately set foorth by Hardinge and entituled a "Confutation of [the Apologie of the Churche of Englande]" etc. . . 24 + 742 -f i4p.Q. Lond. Henry VVykes, 1567 D283.42 qj54 10 + 801 + 2 ip.Q. Lond. Henry VVykes, 1570 D283.42 qj54i This has t-p. of 1567 edition. i6p. at the end are taken from another edition. Joannes, Vercellensis. Sermones vademecum, see under Incuna- bula. I4Q5? Johnson, Rev. SamueL Argument proving that the abrogation of King James by the people of England from the . . . throne and the promotion of the Prince of Orange ... to the throne . . . in his stead was according to the constitution of the English gov- ernment and prescribed by it . . . 52P.D. Lond. 1692 D821.33 T Johnson, Samuel. Dictionary of the English language . . . pre- fixed a history of the language and an English grammar . . . 2V.. in 4, F*. Lond. 1755 D423 fJ63i I St edition. Jonson, Ben. Works ... to which is added a comedy called the "New Inn"; with additions never before published ... io4- 744 + 4p. I por. F^ Lond. 1692 D822.34 fl Joseph ben Gorion, pseud. A compendious . . . historic of the latter times of the Jewes commune weale, beginnyng where the . . . Scriptures leave and continuyng to the utter subver- sion ... of that countrey and people : wrytten in Hebrewe . . . tr. by Peter Morwyng . . . 435P.T. Lond. 1615? D296 J77 Imperfect. BlacK letter. 56 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Decimus Junius Juvenalis and Aulus Persius Flaccus translated and illustrated . ". . by Barten Holy- day. i2H-34ip. illus. Q. Ox. 1673 1^877.7 qW cop. 2 Konrad von Halbertstadt, anon. Concordantiae Bibliorum, sec under Incunabula, 1496 Lactantius, Lucius Caelius Firmianus. Opera, see under Incuna- bula, 1490 Laet, Johannes de, anon., Gallia; sive, De Francoruni regis domi- niis et opibus commentarius. 12 + 443P. nar.Tt. Lugduni Batavorum. 1629 D944.02 L12 Elzevir. Scorched. Running title reads : Descriptio Galliae. Lanquet, Thomas. Cooper's Chronicle . . . with great diligence corrected and augmented vnto the vii. yere of the raigne of . .' . Queue Elizabeth. 4o? + 376 + 8f.D. Lond. 1565 D902 L28 Wanting t-p. and several leaves. Black letter. La Primaudaye, Pierre de. The French academic, wherein is dis- coursed the institution of maners and whatsoever else concerneth the good and happie life of all estates and callings . . . tr. into English by T. B. [Thomas Bowes?]. Ed.4. 28 + 757-h lop.D. Lond. 1602 D170 L31 Translation is also attributed to Thomas Beard. Le Febvre, Jacques, tr. anon, [pti] Les choses contenues en ceste partie du Nouueau testament: vne epistre exhortatoire, leuangile selon S. Matthieu . . . [pt2] Le contenu en ceste partie . . . vne epistre exhortatoire, les epistres sainct Pol ... les Actes des apostres . . . 1 'Apocalypse sainct lehan ... 2pt in iv. illus. S. Basle, Johann Schabler genannt Wattenschnee, 1525 D225.54 L52 Wanting t-p. and several leaves. Black letter; illustrated with woodcuts. Le Fevre, Raoul, anon. Destruction of Troy. Ed.ii. 3pt in IV. D Lond. 1684 D843.29 L52 Pt3, p. 3 9-40 wanting; supplied from another edition. Mostly black letter. Legh, Gerard, anon. The accedens of armory, [with an address to the reader by Richarde Argall]. 9 + 232 + 3f. illus. T. Lond. Richard Tottill, 1562 D929.6 L52 Illustrated with woodcuts. Lightfoot, John, D.D. Harmony, chronicle and order of the New- Testament . . . illustrated with . . . observations upon the chiefest difficulties, textuall and Talmudicall . . . with an additionall discourse concerning the fall of Jerusalem and the condition of the Jews in that land afterward. 14+195P.Q. Lond. 1655 D226.1 qL62 Lily, William. An English grammar [for the study of Latin]; or, A plain exposition of Lilie's grammar in English, with . . . rules for parsing and making Latine ... by R.R. 6+183P.S. Lond. 1641 D478.2 L62 DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 1^7 Lloyd, Lodowick. Briefe conference of divers lawes divided into certaine regiments . . . 10 + 352 + i3p.D. Lond. 1602 D908 L77 Marrow of history ; or, The pilgrimage of kings and princes, truly representing the variety of dangers inhaerent to their crowns and the lamentable deaths which many of them . . . have undergone . . . corrected and revived by R[obert] C[odrington]. 6 + 311P.D. Lond. 1653 D908 L771 Two copies. Black letter. Published also under the title: Pilgrimage of princes. Lobeira, Vasco de, mion. Traduction libre d'Amadis de Gaule; par le comte de Tress.* * New ed. 2 v. nar.S. Amst. 1780 D863.22 K4 With the bookplate and autograph of Southey. Lombardus, Petrus, bp. Sententiarum libri IV, see under Incuna- bula, 149—, 1492 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, a}ion. Hyperion; a romance . . . 2v. nar.O. X. V. 1839 D813.39 L863hy I St edition. Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Lucans Pharsalia ; or. The civill warres of Rome betweene Pompey the great and Julius Caesar; the whole 10 bookes Englished by Thomas May. Ed. 2 enl. unp. nar.T. Lond. 163 1 D873.2 Wim [with a Continuation of the subject of Lucan's his- torical! poem till the death of Julius Caeser by Thomas May]. Ed. 2 enl. 2v. in i, nar.T. Lond. 1631-33 D873.2 Wimi Lucar, Cyprian. Treatise named Lvcar solace devided into fovver bookes which in part are collected out of diuerse authors in diuerse languages . . . 6-}-i67p. illus. O. Lond. Richard Field, 1590 D520 D96 Lucidarius. Maister Elucidarius von den wunderbaren sachen der welt. 32f. illus. O. Augspurg, Froschauer, 15 10 D093 L96 Luther, Martin, ./r. a wo». Ihesus: das New Testament teiitsch. 4+ioi-t-83f. illus. Q. n.p. 152- D225.53 qL97 Black letter; illustrated with woodcuts. Probably a reprint of the ist edition of Luther made at Strassburg in 1523 by Hans Schott. Lyre, Nicolas de, ed. Biblia Latina, see under Incunabula, 1489 Textus Biblie cu glosa ordinaria; Nicolai de Lyra postilla; moralitatibus eiusdem; Pauli Burgesis additioibus; Matthie Thoring replicis . . . addita quibus sunt nuperrime vltra dili- getissimam 7 castigatissima emedationem 7 lima historic no inu- enuste et figurate littere capitis cuiuslibet exordio que totam rem descripta clarius q possit aperiunt. 6pt in 4V. illus. F. Basilea, Johann Froben & Johann Petri, 1506-8 D220.7 qL99 Black letter; contains ms notes, also a bookplate bearing the initials H. S. Bound in stamped pigskin. Edited by Conrad Leontorius. 58 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY M, N. Modest apology for the students of Edenburgh burning a pope Dec. 25, 1680; humbly rescuing the actoi^s from the impu- tation of disloyalty and rebellion with which they were charged in a letter, etc . . . igp.Q. Lond. 1681 D942.066 qGyg Contains the text of the letter answered, which bears the signature A. B. Macchiavelli, Niccolo di Bernardo de. Discourses upon the ist decade of T. Livius; tr. out of the Italian with some marginall animadversions ... by E. D[acres]. 44 + 646P. nar.T. Lond. 1636 D878.4 Q Only three books treated in the Discourses. Magnus, Olaus. Compendious history of the Goths. Swedes and Vandals and other northern nations. 124-242P.Q. Lond. 1658 D914.8 qM.2j cop. 2 Olai Magni historien der mittnachtigen lander von allerley thun, wesens, condicion, sitten, gebreuchen, aberglauben . . . auch allerley . . . instrumenten . . . metall vii andern wun- derbarlichen sachen . . . auch . . . allerley . . . thieren . . . ins hochteutsch gebracht . . . durch J. B. Ficklern. 58 + 623P. illus. map, nar.F. Basel, Henric petrina, 1567 D914.8 qM2 7i Black letter. Manzolli, Pietro Angelo. Zodiake of life . . . by . . . Marcellus Palingenius Stellatus; wherein are conteined twelve seuerall labours, painting out . . . the w^hole compasse of the world, the reformation of manners, the miseries of mankinde, the pathway to vertue & vice, the externitie of the soule, the course of the heauens, the misteries of nature and diuers other circumstances . . . translated out of Latine into English by Barnabie Googe . . . 8 + 242 + iQp.sq.D. Lond. Robinson, 1588 D879.1 M31 Black letter. Marbeck, John, comp. Booke of notes and common places with their expositions, collected and gathered out of the workes of divers singular writers and brought alphabetically into order . '. . 1194 + 36P.D. Lond. Thomas East, 1581 D203 M32 Imperfect. Black letter; contains a few ms notes. Mai^ston, John, anon. Tragedies and comedies. unp.T. Lond. 1633 D822.39 M351 Contents: no. i Antonio and Mellida no. 5 The fawne " 2 Antonio's revenge " 3 Tragedie of Sophonisba " 6 Dutch courtezan " 4 What you will Martialis, Marcus Valerius. Epigrammata, see under Incunabula, 1478 Matthaei, Leonardo. Sermones quadragesimales, see under Incun- abula, 1479 Meffreth. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis, see under Incuna- bula, 1480 Meisner, Daniel. Politica politica, id est urbium designatio, civili prudentiae parandae accommodata . . . oder. Statistisches DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 591 stadte-buch darinnen neben eigentlicher abbildung 800, meisten- theils fiimehmer stadte vestungen und schlosser, auch viel adeliche sitz und land-giiter zu finden . . . sambt deren artig. und deutlicher erklarung in gut lateinischen versen und alt- teutschen klugen reimen beygefuget . . . 8pt in iv. illus. F. Niimberg, 1700 D914.3 qM47 Consists of plates with explanatory verses. Half-title reads: Politica Klitica, Oder, Statistisches stadte-buch. 1704. Pt2-8 have separate t-p. ginning: Libellus novus politicus emblematicus civitatum. La mer des histoires . . . 2 v. illus. F. Par. Nic. Cousteau pour Galliot du Pre, 1536 D909 qM53 Imperfect. Black letter. This work has been wrongly attributed to Burchardus de Monte Sion; it is a free translation of Rudimentum novictorum, which was erroneously ascribed to Giovanni Colonna. Merula, Georgius, ed. Libri de re rvstica; M. Catonis, lib. I; M. Terentii Varronis, lib. Ill; L.Ivnii Moderati Colvmellae, lib. XII, eiusdem de arboribus liber separatus ab alijs, quare autem id factum fuerit, ostenditur in epistola ad lectorem; Palladii, lib, XIIII . . . Georgij Alexandrini enarrationes . . . 33-f 3o8f. illus. O. Ven. in aedibvs Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1514 D630 D14 Revised by Johannes Jucundus. 37 + 39if- illus. S. Ven.? Aldus? 1528 D630 D28 Possibly a pirated edition by Mazochius. Bears the bookplate of Georgius Kloss. Milles, Thomas, ed. tr. anon. Treasurie of auncient and moderne times, containing the learned collections; judicious readings and memorable observations not onely divine, morrall and phylo- sophicall but also poeticall, martiall, politicall, historicall, astrologicall . . . tr. out of . . . Pedro Mexio and M. Francesco Sansovino ... as also . . . Anthonie du Verdier . . . Loys Guyon . . . Claudius Gruget ... 2 v. F. Lond. 1613-19 D808.8 qM6i Wanting v.i, p. 893-904; and v. 2. Minsheu, John . , . Guide into the tongues, with . . . their etymologies ... in ... i English, 2 British or Welsh, 3 Low Dutch, 4 High Dutch, 5 French. 6 Italian, 7 Spanish, 8 Portuguez^ 9 Latine, 10 Greeke, ii Hebrew . . . i8 + 543p.F^ Lond. 1617 D413 fM66 Partly in black letter. Title in Latin and English. Vocabularium Hispanico-Latinum et Anglicum copi- osissimum ... a most copious Spanish dictionarie with Latine and English and sometime other languages . . . with the ety- mologies . . . 189P. F\ Lond. 1 61 7 D413 fM66 Le Mist^re du viel testament, see under Incunabula, 1500? Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. Chroniques, see under Incunabula,, 1503? 6o NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Essayes; or. Moral, politike and militarie discourses; [tr. by John Florioj. fed. 2. 3pt in iv. 12 + 630P.Q. Lond. 1613 D844.31 qKif Wanting 10 leaves. Paged continuously. Essays, or, Morall, politike and militarie discourses. Ed.3 enl. i2-f 63i + iip.Q. Lond. 1632 D844.31 qKi Translated by John Florio. Montreux, Nicholas de, anon. Honours academic; or, The famous pastorall of the faire shepheardesse, Julietta . . . done into English bv R[obert] T[ofte]. 5pt in iv. Q. Lond. 16 10 D823.3 qM76 Munthe, Ludvig Hansen, bp. En gudelig oc andectig bon somudi kircker, skoler oc husene, udi denne sorgelige oc uformodede feidestid dagligen bruges, ofuer Bergen stiet udi Xorrige ... 8f . S. Christiania, 1644 D264.047 B78 Black letter. Murphy, Arthur. Gray's-inn journal. 2v. S. Dub. 1756 824.69 M95 Issued in 104 weekly numbers, Oct. 1752-54. Musculus, Wolfgang. Common places of Christian religion, gathered by Wolfgangus Musculus for the vse of suche as desire the knowledge of godly truthe; translated out of Latine into Englishe [by lohn Man]; hereunto are added two other treatises, made by the same author, one of "Othes" and an other of "Vsur\^e" . . . i2p. + ii8 col. 59p. + 587f.Q. Lond. Wolfe, 1563 D208 qM97 Black letter. Nepos, Cornelius, anon. De vita illustrium virorum. see under Incunabula. 1500? Newman, Jeremiah Whitaker, comp. anon. Lounger's common- place book; or, Miscellaneous collections in histor}^, criticism, biography, poetry and romance . . . Ed.3. 4^^^- i^ 2. O. Lond. 1805-7 D828 N46 cop. 2 Thackeray's copy. V.4 title reads: Xew ^'olume of the Lounger's commonplace book; con- taining 100 articles, none of which have been printed in any of the former volumes. Niclaes, Heinrich. Evangelivm regni ; a joy full message of the king- dom . . . set-fourth by H. N. and by him pervsed a-new and more distinctlie declared ; translated out of Base-almayne [b}^ C. Vitell] . . . loof.T. Amst.r 1575? 1)240 N54 Black letter. Nider, Johannes. Preceptorium legis, see under Incunabula, 1478 Nottingham, Heneage Finch, 15^ earl of, comp. anon. Exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment, arraignment, trial and judgment ... of 9 and 20 regicides, the murtherers of His . . . Majesty . . . began . . . the 9th of Oct. 1660 and continued . . . untill . . . the 1 9th of the same moneth . . . with a summary of the dark and horrid decrees of those cabaLists preparatory to that hellish fact . . . 287P. sq.D. Lond. 1660 D942.06 X84 DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 6l Oates's manifesto; or, The complaint of Titus Gates against the Doctor of Salamanca and the same Doctor against . . . Gates, comprized in a dialogue between the said parties on occasion of some inconsistent evidence given about the horrid and damnable popish plot . . . 22p.Q. Lond. 1683 D942.066 qOyg A satire. Ogilby, John. Britannia depicta; or, Ggilby improv'd, being a coppy of Ggilby 's survey of all ye direct and principal crossroads in England and Wales; wherein are delineated all ye cities, towns, villages, churches . . ,etc., scituate on or near the rOads [to which is] added a description of all the cities, borough -touns, touns-corporate etc., draun from the best historians by Ino. Owen. Ed. 4. 273P. illus. G. Lond. 1736 912.42 Og4 Oiearius, Adam. Voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick, Duke of Holstein, to the . . . Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia . . . 1633- . . . 1639, containing a . . . history of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia and other . . . countries . . . added the travels of John Albert de Mandelslo . . . into the East Indies . . . rendred into English by John Davies, Ed. 2. 2v. in I, per. maps, F. Lond. 1669 D915 qGb cop. 2 Contents: v. i Travels of the ambassadors v.a Travels of Mandelslo into the East Indies Has extra map inserted. Ortelius, Abraham, anati. Theatrvm orbis terrarvm: opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum & quam plurimis nouis tabulis atque commentaries auctum. 10 + 48f. 70 maps, F^. Antverpiae, apud ^gidium Radaeum Gand- ensem, 1575 D912 fGrSi Colored maps with descriptive text. Ovidius Naso, Publius. Fastorum libri, see under Incunabula, 1482 Palude, Petrus de. Sermones thesauri noui, see under Incunabula, I49f) Paterculus, Caius Velleius. Velleius Paterculus, his Romane his- toric . . . tr. out of the Latine ed., supervised by Janus Gru- terus . . . and rendred English by S[i]r Robert Le Grys. 14 + 43op. nar.T. Lond. 1632 D878.9 P27V Patrizi, Francesco, hp. anon. II sacr.o regno de'l gran patritio de'l vero reggimento e de la vera felicita de'l principe e beatitvdine hvmana. 24 + 368f.S. Vinegia.Aldi filii, 1553 D184 P27 Translated by Giovanni Fabrini. PIrault, Guillaume, hp. Summa de virtutibus, see under Incuna- bula. 1475 Petrarca, Francesco. >Gpera . . . de rimedi de I'vna et I'altra for- tvna . . . tradotta per Remigio [Xanni] fiorentino. 4i6 + 3f.S. Vinetia, Gabriel Giolito di Ferrarii, 1549 D879.4 P44 Petronius, Caius, Arbiter. Satyricon cum fragmentis Albae Graecae recuperatis ann. 1688 nunc demum integrum. 28op.S. Lond. 1693 877.5 Si 62 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Phillips, Edward, comp. New world of words ; or, A general Eng- lish dictionary, containing the proper significations and etymol- ogies of all words derived from other languages . . . Ed. 3. i96f.F. Lond. 1671 D423 qP542 T-p. preceded by an engraved t-p. bearing the date 1670. Pinto, Ferdinand Mendez. Voyages and adventures of . . . Pinto a Portugal, during his travels . . . in . . . Ethiopia, China, Tartaria, Cauchinchina, Calaminham, Siam, Pegu, Japan, and . . . East Indies . . . where he five times suffered shipwrack, was 16 times sold and 13 times made a slave; written originally by himself in the Portugal tongue . . . done into English by H. C[ogan]. 14-I-326P.Q. Lond. 1663 D915 qP65 Pius 2, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, pope. Epistulae familiares, see uttder Incunabula, i486 Piatt, Sir Hugh. Jewell house of art and nature; conteining diuers rare and profitable inuentions, together with sundry new experimentes in the art of husbandry, distillation and moulding, faithfully and familiarly set downe according to the authors owne experience. 16-I-96P. illus. D. Lond, Short, 1594 D600 D94 Plautus, Titus Maccius. Ex Plavti comoediis xx qvarvm carmina magna ex parte in mensvm svvm restitvta svnt, M.D.XXII; index uerborum quib. paulo abstrusiorib. Plautus utitur; argumenta singularum comoediarum; authoris uita; tralatio dictionum graecarum, [ed. by Franciscus Asulanus]. i4-|-284f.O. Venetiis, in aedibvs Aldi et Andreae Asvlani soceri, 1522 D872.3 Iia Plinius Secundus, Caius. Historic of the world ; commonly called the "Naturall historic"; tr. into English by Philemon Holland. 2v. in i,F. Lond. 1634 D500 qE34 Plutarchus. Lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes compared together by . . . Plutarke of Chaeronea ; translated out of Greeke into French by lames Amyot . . . and out of French into Englishe by [Sir] Thomas North. 14-I-1175P. illus. F. Lond. Thomas Vautroullier and lohn Wight, 1579 D888.8 qP From library of Richard Grant White. The philosophic commonlie called the "Morals"; tr. out of Greeke into English and conferred with the Latine translations and the French bv Philemon Holland . . . 8 + 1363 + 64P.F. Lond. 1603 D888.8 qX Prynne, William. Mount-Orgueil ; or, Divine and profitable meditations raised from the contemplation of these three leaves of natures volume: i rockes, 2 seas, 3 gardens, digested into three distinct poems, to which is prefixed a poeticall description of Mount-Orgueil Castle in the Isle of Jersy; a poem of the "Soules complaint against the body" and "Comfortable cordialls against DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 63 the discomforts of imprisonment" . . . hereto annexed . . . 14+ 184+ iQp.D. Lond. 1641 D341 PqS New discovery of the prelates tyranny in their late prosecutions of William Pryn . . . John Bastwick . . . and Henry Burton . . . wherein the . . . proceedings against them in the High-commission and Star-chamber, their petitions, speeches, cariages . . . the votes of the Commons house upon the report of their cases . . . with Prynnes argument . . . are truly related . . . 48 + 226P. 2 por. D. Lond. 1641 D341 P95 Wanting portraits, and leaf preceding p. 9. Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his pilgrimage; or Relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places dis- covered from the creation unto this present . . . Ed. 2 enl. 28 + 918-I-36P.Q. Lond. 1614 D209 qP97 T-p. wanting, supplied in ms. For full description see Sabin's Dictionary of books relating to America, 16:113. comp. Purchas his pilgrimes ... 5V. illus. maps, F. Lond. 1625-26 D910.8 qP97i Wanting v. 3 and y, other volumes imperfect; library has another com- plete copy, lacking only 2 or 3 pages. Original issue. For full description see Sabm's Dictionary of books relating to America, 16:116-34. For contents see Catalogue of the library of Peabody Institute, 4:3640-43- Purland, T. comp. Fragments of antiquitie. 236-f-i6p. illus. sq.F. n.p. 1844 0913-42 qP97 Scrapbook, begun in 1844. Ralegh, Sir Walter. Historic of the world in five bookes . . . 2pt in IV. pi. maps, tab. F. Lond. 1634 ^930 fRi9 cop. 2 This copy has the engraved t-p. of 16 14 edition, and verses. Xo more published. These five books bring the history to 130 B.C. and comprise the " First part " of the whole work as originally planned. Judicious and select essayes and observations: upon the ist invention of shipping, the misery of invasive warre, the navy royall and sea-service; with his "Apologie for his voyage to Guiana" . . . 50-I- io9-}-69p.T. Lond. 1650 D387 R132 From library of Richard Grant White. Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, comp. . . Delle navigationi et viaggi raccolto gia da . . . Ramvsio & con molti & vaghi discorsi da lui in molti luoghi dichiarato & illustrato, nel qvale si contengono la descrittione dell' Africa & del paese del Prete lanni, con varij viaggi . . . et la nauigatione attomo il mondo . . . Ed. 3. 3V. illus. maps F. Venetia, nella stamperia de Givnti, 1563-74 D910.8 qRi4i V.3 wanting. Bears the bookplate of H. G. Goltermann. V.2 t-p. reads: Secondo volume delle navigationi et viaggi raccolto gia da . . . Ramvsio et hora in qvesta nvova editione accrescivto, nel qvale si contengono I'historia delle cose de Tartari & diuersi fatti de'loro imperatori descritta da Marco Polo ... & da Hayton Armeno. 64 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Rastell, John, conip. anon. Les termes de la le}^; or, Certain difficult and obscure- words and terms of the common and statute laws of this realm now in use expounded and explained . . . New ed. enl. 4 + 592p. nar.O. Lond. 1721 D347.03 R18 English and French text printed in opposite columns; English in black letter. Attributed by some to William Rastell son of John. From library of John, duke of Bedford. Recorde, Robert, anon. Castle of knowledge . . . 12 + 232P. ipl. O. Lond. Valentine Sims, 1596 D520 1)96 Black letter. Prince Henrv's copy, his stamp on the cover. From library of Richard Grant White. Ground of arts; teaching the . . . worke and practise of arithmeticke . . . augmented by John Dee and since en- larged with a "Third part of rules of practise" ... by [Hugh Mellis, ed. by] John Mellis and . . . enlarged with an apx of figurate numbers and the extraction of their roots . . . with tables of board and timber measure and new tables of interest upon interest after 10 and 8 per 100, with the true value of an- nuities . . . the ist calculated by R. C. but corrected, and the latter . . . calculated by Rob[ert] Hartwell . . . 25-i-63op. illus. S. Lond. 1640 D511 E40 Black letter. Reuchlin, Johann, comp. anon. Vocabularius breuiloquus, see under Incunabula, 1482 Rheims, English college. New Testament of Jesus Christ . . . tr. into English . . . with annotations and other helpes, for the better understanding of the text . . . New ed. 309 + 349 + 3P- nar.T. Antwerp, Seldenslach, 1621 D225.7R34 Roman Catholic version, not made from the original Greek, but from the Latin. The translators were William Allen, Dr Stapleton, Gregory Martin and Richard Bristow. From library of the Duke of Sussex. Richardson, GabrieL Of the State of Europe, containing the his- toric and relation of the many provinces hereof. 14 pt in iv. Q. Ox. 1627 0914 qR39 Rogers, Daniel. Naaman, the Syrian, his disease and cure; dis- covering lively to the reader the spirituall leprosie of sinne and selfe-love, together with the remedies . . . selfe-deniall and faith . . . 36 + 898P.Q. Lond. 1642 D240 qR63 Rogers, Rev. John, ed. anon. The Byble, that is to say all the Holy Scripture, in whych are cotayned the Olde and New Testa- mente truly 7 purely traslated into English 7 nowe lately with greate industry 7 diligece recognised [by Edmund Becke]. 5pt in IV. illus. Q. Lond. John Daye & William Seres, 1549 D220.52 qR63 Wanting a few leaves. Black letter; with woodcut borders, initials and illustrations. Edited from Coverdale's and Tyndale's translations. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 65 Rolevinck, Werner, anon. Fasciculus temporum, see under Incun- abula, 1490'' Roman catholic church. Missale speciale [suma diligetia emen- datu. Impressu Uenetijs per Lucam Anthoniu de Giunta Flor- entinum. Impensis Christofori Thum ciuis Augusten. Anno dni. M.ccccc.iiij. nonas August!]. io+ ii8f. illus. F. Ven. Lucas Anthoniu?, 1504 D264.025 qR66 f.48 wanting; f.74 is followed by f.Sq: the register has no reference to intervening leaves. Black letter; printed in red and black. Dcs romischen kaysers Franciscus wahl-und cronungs diarium. 2V. in I, illus. por. pi. map, i tab. nar. F*. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1746 D943.055 fR66 Including: V.I J. D. von Olenschlager. Vorrede Kayserliches wahl-diarium Petrus Mathiei. Wahl-capitulation \\. A. VValther. Kayserliche wahl predigt V.2 J. D. von Olenschlager. Vorrede Kayserliches cr6nungs-diarium H. A. Walther. Kayserliche crOnungs predigt Roslin, Eucharius, anon. The byrth of mankynde, otherwyse named the woman's b.ooke, newly set furth, corrected and aug- mented, whose contentes ye maye rede in the table of the booke and most playnly in the prologue ; [tr. from the Latin] by Thomas Raynold, phisition. 2i + i49f.D. Lond. Thomas Raynalde, 1545 D618.2 D45 Wanting t-p.. supplied in ms; f. 141, 147. Black letter. A translation of KOslin's De partu hofninis. Printer's name given as Tho. Ray in book. Saint German, Christopher, anon. Here after foloweth a lytell treatise called the newe addicions [to be added to ye secode dia- loge in Englysshe lately made betwyxte a doctour of diuinitie and a student in the lawe of Englande ; and the sayd additions treate most specially of the power of the parlyament concernynge the spiritualtie and the spiritual iurisdiction]. 30 + 2f.T. Lond. Berthelet, 1531 D172.3 Sa2 Probably ist edition. Black letter. Sanchez de Arevalo, Rodrigo, bp. Speculum vite humane; in quo discutiuntur comoda & incomoda, dulcia & amara, solatia & miseriae, prospera & aduersa. laudes & pericula omniu statuum. i4-|-9if.Q. Argentoratum, Johann Priiss, 1507 D879 qSas From the edition of Johannes Botzhemus^Abstemius.fJakob Wimpheling and Symphorian PoUio. Sandys, George, anon. Relation of a journey begun A.D. 16 10, containing a description of the Turkish empire . . . ^gypt . . . the Holy Land . . . remote parts of Italy and islands adjoyn- ing. Ed. 4. 4H-309p. illus. map, Q. Lond. 1637 D914 qSasi Savile, Sir Henry, ed. cnon. Rervm Anglicarvm scriptores post Bedam praecipvi, ex vetvstissimis codicibvs manvscriptis nvnc 66 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY primvm in Ivcem editi . . 2 + 52o-|-3of. illus. F. Lond. Bishop, Nvberie & Barker, 1596 ^ D942 qSag 'Contents: Willielmi monachi Malmesburiensis de gestis regum Anglorvm, lib. V; eiusdem Historiae nouellae, lib. II; eiusdem de gestis pontificum Angl. lib. Ill I Henrici, archidiaconi Huntindoniensis, Historiarum lib. VIII Rogeri Hovedeni Annalium pars prior et posterior Chronicorum Ethelwerdi, lib. IIII Ingvlphi abbatis Croylandensis Historiarum lib. I Scotland — Parliament. Lawes and actes of Parliament maid be King lames the first and his svccessovrs, kinges of Scotland: uisied, collected and extracted furth of the register [by Sir John Skene] ; the contentes of this buik are expremed in the leafe fol- lowing . . . 3V. in I, Q. Edin. Walde-graue, 1597 D346.1 qSco8 Contents: v.i James i-Mary V.2 James 6 V.3 De verborum significatione Scott, Reginald. A perfite platforme of a hoppe garden, and necessarie instructions for the making and mayntenaunce there- of .. . New ed. enl. 12 + 63P. illus. D. Lond. Henrie Den- ham, 1576 D635 D86 Black letter. Scott, Sir Walter, bart. anon. Chronicles of the Canongate . . . 2V. D. Edin. 1827 D823.73 Xi 2d series . . . v.i, D. Edin. 1828 D823.73 Xic I St edition. Fortunes of Nigel ... 3V. D. Edin. 1822 D823.73 Ui I St edition. The Monastery, a romance . . . 3V. nar.D. Edin. 1820 D823.73 S7I I St edition. The Pirate ... 3V. D. Edin. 1822 D823.73 T7 I St edition. Quentin Durward ... 3V. D. Edin. 1823 D823.73 U7a ist edition. Tales of my landlord, 3d series, collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham ... 4V. nar.D. Edin. 1819 D823.73 Q4C V.1-3 Bride of Lammermoor v.3-4 Legend of Montrose I St edition. Tales of the Crusaders . . . v.3-4: the Talisman. 2V.D. Edin. 1825 E)873-73 Wi ist edition. Woodstock; or, The cavalier, a tale of the year 1651 . 3V. D. Edin. 1826 D823.73 Yic ist edition. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 67 Scud^ry, Madeleine de. Artamenes; or, The grand Cyrus, an excel- lent new romance, written by that famous wit of France, Mon- sieur de Scudery and now Englished by F.G. 5V. Q. Lond. 1653-55 D843.45 qO Wanting v.i, pt2, p. 169-82; v. 4, p. 187-90. Mutilated. Written by Mile de Scudery under her brother's name. From library of Richard Grant White. Sebonde, Raymond de. iTheologia naturalis, see under Incunabula, 1496 Shakspere, William. Mr William Shakespeare's comedies, his- tories and tragedies published according to the true originall copies. Ed. 2. v. p. F. Lond. 1632 D822.33 ql Imperfect. Contains the bookplate of Henry Glasford Potter and a few ms notes. Sidney, Algernon. Discourses concerning government. 462P.F. Lond. 1698 321 qSiii Smith, Sir Thomas. Commonwealth of England and the maner of govemement thereof . . . newly corrected and amended. 8 + i34p.O. Lond. 1621 D347.99 Sm6 Black letter. From library of Richard Grant White. Solemn mock-procession; or. The tryal and execution of the pope and his ministers on the 17. Nov. at Temple-Bar . . . 6p. sq.O. Lond. 1680 . . D282 W41 Sparrow, Anthony, hp. comp. anon. Collection of articles, injunc- tions, canons, orders, ordinances and constitutions ecclesiastical, with other . . . records of the Church of England ... in the times of . . . Edward Vlth . . . Elizabeth and . . . James . . . v.p. sq. O. Lond. j6- D283.42 Sp2i T-p. wanting. Partly in black letter. Speed, John, comp. Genealogies recorded in the sacred Scriptures, according to every family and tribe ; with the line of our Saviour Jesus Christ observed from Adam to the blessed Virgin Mary ; by J. S. 34-f4p. illus. O. Lond. 16- D220.52 H7421 Spenser, Edmund. Works of that famous English poet . . . whereunto is added an account of his life, with other new addi- tions never before in print . . . 10-I-339 + 415P. i pi. F. Lond. 1679 D821.31 ql Sprecher von Berneck, Fortunat. Rhetia; ubi eius verus situs, politia, bella, foedera et alia memorabilia accuratissim^ des- cribuntur. 424-I-7P. nar.Tt. Lugduni Batavorum, 1633 D939.84 Sp7 Elzevir. Stapleton, Thomas. A fortresse of the faith first planted amonge vs Englishmen and continued hitherto in the vniuersall church of Christ ; the faith of which time Protestants call papistry . . . i64f.O. Antwerpe, Laet, 1565 D274.2 B392 Frontispiece inserted, portrait of author, engraved from a scarce print in the collection of Sir John St Aubyn. 68 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Statham, Nicholas, anon. Abridgement of cases Edward i to Henry 6, see tmder Incunabula, 1490? * Statius, Publius Papinius. Opera, see under Incunabula, 1483 Sternhold, Thomas, Hopkms, John, & others, tr. The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englishe meter, conferred with the Hebrue with apt notes to sing them withall . . . 9 + 58p.Q. Lond. Day, 1576 D220.52 qB47 Wanting p. 59 and following; 103d psalm the last. Stow, John. The annales, or generall chronicle of England begun ... by John Stow and after him continued . . . unto the ende of this present yeere 1 614 by Edmond Howes, [with an apx . . . of the foundations and descriptions of the . . . Universities of . . . Cambridge, Oxford and London, the matters whereof con- cerning the former two , . . were gathered by . . . John Stow . . . and continued by Edmond Howes . . . the 3d . . . writ- ten by Syr George Buck]. 20 + 988 + 30P.F. Lond. 161 5 D942 qSt; cop. 2 T-p. wanting. Black letter. Surv^ay of London, conteyning the originall, antiquity, in- crease, moderne estate and description of that city, written in the yeare 1598; since . . . increased with diuers rare notes of antiquity . . . also an apologie . . . against the opinion of some men concerning that citie . . . with an apx contayning in Latine "Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini" ... by William Fitzstephen. 8-f-579 + 2p.D. Lond. 1603 D913.421 St7 Black letter. Stransky, Paulus. Respublica Bojema a Stransky descripta, recog- nita et aucta. 575p. nar.Tt. Lugdunum Batavorum, 1643 D914.37 St8 Printed by Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevir. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius. Historic of 12 Caesars, emperors of Rome ; written in Latine and newly tr. into English by Phile- mon Holland; together with a marginall glosse and other briefe anotations thereupon. 31 -f 2 72-}-39p.Q. Lond. 1606 D878.7 qWi Tasso, Torquato, ajton. Godfrey of Boulogne; or, The recoverie of Jerusalem, done into English heroicall verse by Edward Faire- fax and now the second time imprinted. 7 + 392P.Q. Lond. 1624 D851.46 qP Two copies. Copy i from library of Richard Grant White; copy 2 from library of C. W. Frederickson, with ms notes. Theloall, Simon. Le digest des briefes originals et des choses con- cemants eux. 8 + 424f.S. Lond. in aedibus Tottelli, 1579 ^347-92 T34 Thomas, William. Principal r\des of the Italian grammer, with a dictionarie for the better vnderstandynge of Boccace, Pethrarcha and Dante . . . newly corrected and imprinted . . . 1567. i79f.D. Lond. in aedibus H. Wykes, 1567 D455 T36 • Wanting 8 leaves. Black letter. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 69 Tong, Israel, D.D. Jesuits assassins; or, The popish plot further declared and demonstrated in their murderous practices and principles ... 2 pt in iv. Q. Lond. 1680 D942.066 qGyg Pt2 has title: An answer to certain scandalous papers scattered abroad under colour of a Catholick admonition. Topsell, Edward, comp. History of four-footed beasts and ser- pents . . . collected out of the writings of Conradus Gesner and other authors, whereunto is now added the "Theater of insects; or. Lesser living creatures," by Thomas Muffet; the whole rev., corrected and inlarged by J[ohn] R[owland]. 14 + 1 130 + 6p. illus. F. Lond. 1658 D599 qEsS Torquemada, Juan de, card. Expositio super toto Psalterio, see tinder Incunabula, 1478 Tortelli, Giovanni. Commentariorum grammaticorum de orthog- raphia dictionum e Graecis tractarum opus, see under Incunabula, 1480 Tyndale, William, tr. Newe Testament of oure Saueour Jesus Christ translated by M. Wil. Tyndall, yet once agayno corrected with newe annotacyons very necessary to better onderstond- ynge; where vnto is added an exhortacion to the same of Erasmus Rotero, with an Engelshe calender and a table necessary to fynde easly and lyghtly any story contayned in the fowre euangelistes & in the Actes of the apostles. 41 if. illus. S. n.p. 1549 D225.52 T972 Imperfect. Woodcuts in the Apocalypse only. Edition resembles Martin Emperor's Antwerp edition of 1534 in type; probably printed on the continent. Black letter. For full description, see Cotton's Editions of the Bible, p. 338. Vega, Garcias Laso de la, the Inca. The royal commentaries of Peru in two parts; the ist part treating of the original of their incas or kings, of their idolatry . . . the 2d part describing the manner by which that new world was conquered by the Spaniards . . . [tr. fr. the] Spanish ... by Sir Paul Rycaut. lo-l- ioi9 + 8p. ipor. pi. F. Lond, 1688 D98S qV52i cop. 2 Vergilio, Polidoro. Abridgemet of the notable worke of . . . Vergile, conteygnyng the devisers and first finders out as well of artes, ministeries, feactes 7 civill ordinaunces, as of rites 7 ceremonies commonly used in the churche . . . gathered [and translated] by Thomas Langley. 8 + i52 + i5f.T. Lond. Tis- dale, 1570 D901 V581 Wanting f.1-2, 8 of preface, including t-p. also f.9 of table and leaf with printer's device. Black letter. De inventoribus rerum, libri 8, et De prodigiis, libri 3, cum indicibus locupletissimis . , . 42 + 511 + 192P. nar.T. Amst, 1671 D879.8 V581 Vermigli, Pietro Martire. The common places of . . . Peter Mar- tyr, diuided into foure principall parts with a large addition of manie theologicall and necessarie discourses . . . translated and partlie gathered by Anthonie Marten . . . [added an * 'Oration wherein is set foorth the life and death of , . . 70 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY Peter Martyr-Vermillius " by losias Simlerus]. v.p. F. Lond. 1583 D230 qV59 Black letter. Paging is irregular and runs thus: 1-640; 1-398; 1-335, 331; 101-252; 1-165P. The oration of Simler is without paging. Verstegan, Richard. Restitution of decayed intelligence; in an- tiquities, concerning the most noble and renowned English nation, by the study and travell of R. V. . . 24 + 338 + 12P. illus. sq.D. Lond. 1634 D913.42 V61 cop. 2 Vigo, Giovanni di. The most excellent workes of chirurgerye made and set forth by maister John Vigon, heed chirurgie of our tyme in Italic, translated into English; whereunto is added an exposition of straunge termes & unknowen symples belong- yng to the arte. 27o+i5f.Q. Lond. Whytchurch, 1543 D617 qD43 Black letter. Villegas, Selvago, Alonso de. Lives of Saints written in Spanish . . . tr. out of Italian into English [by Edward Kinsman], whereunto are added the lives of sundry other saints . . . ex- tracted out of F. Ribadeniera, Surius and . . . other . . . au- thors: the 3d ed. set forth by John Heigham . . . 8 + 1077 + 88p. sq.O. St Omer, 1630 D922 V71 Virgilius Maro, Publius. Aeneis, tr. into Scottish verse by . . . Gawin Douglas ; a new ed . . . to which is added a large glossary ... and to the whole is prefix'd an . . . account of the author's life and writings . . . [by John Sage]. 29 + 486 + loop.F. Edin. 1710 D873.1 qS Two copies. The 13th book of the Aeneid was written by Mapheus Vegius; the glossary was compiled by Thomas Ruddiman. W, B. Additional discovery of Roger L' Estrange his further dis- covery of the popish plot; wherein Titus Oates and the rest of the king's evidences are vindicated from the aspersions cast upon them . . . together with some new observations upon the said discovery . . . in a letter to . . . Oates. i8 + p.Q. Lond. 1680 D942.066 qG79 Wanting after p. 18. Weekly Pacquet of advice from Rome; or, The history of popery . . . Dec. 3, i678-Julyi3,i683. 5V. in 3 (v. 1-3, D. v. 4-5, sq.O) n.t-p. Lond. 1 678-83 D282 W41 One of the earliest newspapers published, v. 5, no. 10 not published. 6p. missing from v. 5, no. 12; 4p. from v.5, no. 35. Only 3 numbers pub- lished June 25-July 16, 1680. Edited by Henry Care. Last part of each number has its separate title: i.e. " The Popish cour- ant," changed to " Popes harbinger," and later to " The Courant." v.i, no. I, has title: Pacquet of advice from Rome; or, The history of popery; July 9 ? -30, 1680 title reads: New anti-Roman pacquet; or, Memoirs of popes and popery; nos. 1-4: Aug. 6-Nov. 26, 1680 title reads: Anti-Roman pacquet ; or, Memoirs of popes and popery. V.I Dec. 3, 1678-July 4, 1679; 31 nos. V.2 July II, 1679-May 28, 1680; 47 nos. V.3 June 4, 1680-Dec. 16, 1681; 80 nos. V.4 Dec. 23, i68i-Aug. 18, 1682; 35 nos. v.5 Aug. 25, 1682-July 13, 1683; 47 nos. No more published. DUNCAN CAMPBELL COLLECTION 7I Weever, John. Ancient funerall monuments ... of Great Brit- aine, Ireland and the islands adjacent, with the dissolved mon- asteries therein contained, their founders and what eminent persons have beene in the same interred . . . 15 + 871 p. illus. por. F. Lond. 1631 D929.5 qW4i Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode, anon. Memorials of the English affairs ; or. An historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of king Charles i to king Charles 2 his happy restaura- tion, containing the publick transactions, together with the private consultations and secrets of the cabinet. 704P.F*. Lond. 1682 942.06 fW58i Wiclif, John. Vvicklieffes wicket faythfully ouerseene and cor- rected after the originall and first copie [by Miles Coverdale?] . . . hereunto is added an epistle to the reader with the protest- acion of Ihon Lassels . . . and the testament of Wyllyam Tracie . . . expounded by Willyam Tyndall and Ihon Frythe . . . 32f.T. n.p. 1548 D265.3 W63 Leaves after f.28 wanting. Black letter. Bears the bookplate of Walter Wilson. Witts recreations selected from the finest fancies of moderne muses . . . [and " Epitaphs "]. 2pt in iv. T. Lond. 1640 D828 W78 Wanting t-p. and several leaves; first edition. Wotton, Henry, comp. Elements of architecture collected from the best authors and examples. 123P. sq.D. Lond. 1624 D720 W91 Wydowes, J. anon. Naturall philosophy; or, A description of the world, namely of angles, of man, of the heavens, of the ayre, of the earth, of the water and of the creatures in the whole world . . . 4 + 64P.O. Lond. 162 1 D500 E21 Yelverton, Sir Henry, bart. Les reports . . . de divers speciall cases en le court del bank le roy, cy bien en le darraigne temps del reigne du Roign Elizabeth come en les premier 10 ans del Roy Jaques . . . imprimee per 1' original ... en francois . . . publie . . . par Sr William Wylde. 4 + 228 + 27P.Q. Lond. i66i D346.4 qY3 Black letter. • e • K, New York State Education Department New York State Library PARTIAL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Gaps in a series indicate that the numbers omitted are replaced by later editions or are for other reasons out of print. Bracketed prices indicate numbers nearly out of print. ANNUAL REPORT iSiQ-datc. All in print to 1892, in paper; 1893-date, cloth. No reports published for 1820-23, 1842. Director's report 1899 (io8p.) 1900 (2i6p.) 1901 (84p.) 1902 (88p.) 1903 (i82p.) 1904 (i22p,) Statistical report 1905 (48p.) Director's report 1906 (52p.) BULLETINS 1891-date. To advancc subscribers ^oc a year, excluding legislation. Additions. Ai General library, Oct. 1890. 204p. 2^c. A2 Subject index of law additions, Jan. i, 1883-Dec. 31, 1893. 304P. A3 General library. Sept. 1894, 854P. [$1.50] boards. A4 Additions to medical division 1895. 132P. . JSc A5 Subject index of law additions, Jan. i, 1894-Dec. 31, 1903. 272P. 35^- A6 Medical serials with bibliography of cerebro spinal meningitis. 46p. Dec. 1905. roc. Catalogue of the Duncan Campbell collection. 74p. 1908. Legislation. Annnal subscription $1 payable in advance. Volumes 1-3* {each containing j bulletins) $2 each unbound or $2.25 in cloth. L1-7, 9-II, 13, 15, 18, 21, 24,28, 32 Index of legislation 1890- date. ^oc each, except $1 for no. 11 [iSpp). These are minutely classed a?tnual indexes of new laws passed by all the states. As a decision of a state supreme court or of the United States Su- preme Court declaring a statute unconstitutional is in effect equivalent to its repeal by the Legislature, a digest of such decisions is included. The votes on constitutional amendments and constitutional conventions are also given, and important provisions of new constitutions summarized. L16, 19, 22, 25, 29, 33 Review of legislation 1901-date. 2jc each. L17, 20, 23, 27, 31, 35 Digest of governors messages 1902-date. 2JC each. Contains a topical digest of messages of governors of all states and of re- lated topics in the President's message. L26 Index ol New York governors mest^ages 1 777-1901. 2jc. L8 State finance statistics 1890 and 1895. 58p. loc. L12 Trend of legislation in the United States. 4op. May 1900. ^c. L14 Taxation of c(;rporaticns in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsyl- vania and New Jersey. 198P. May 1901. 2^c. L30 Legislative reference lists 1906. 44p. Contains lists on life insurance, direct nominations, employment or unnd and inheritance. L34 A summary of the compulsory attendance and child labor laws of the states and territories of the United States. ii4p. July 1907. Library School. Ls2, 11 Register 1887-96 (sop. 5^) 18S7-1901 (8op. 15c) Ls3, 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25 Annual report 189S )28p. il.) 1899 (30P) 1900(36?) 1901 (28p.) 1902 (30P.) 1CJ03 (3op.) 1904 (24p.) 1905 (32p.) 1906 (24p.) 1907 (26p.) Ls5 Selected subject bibhographies. 5op. Nov. 1899. [^j^J Ls7 Selected national bibliographies. 34p. May 190c. \2^c\ L312 Lecture outlines and problems I. 66p. Oct. 1902. i§c. Lsi3 English cataloguing rules. 5op. Nov. 1902. loc. LS15 Handbook of New York State Library School, including sum- mer course and library handwriting. 68p.il. Oct..*i903. j^c, Lsi6 Material for course in reference study, ii6p. Oct. 1903. 20c. Lsig Indexing. 72P. May 1905. i^c. Ls20 Lecture outlines and problems 2. io4p. June 1905. i^c. Ls2I United States government documenis. Sop. Mar. 1906. 15c. Ls22 Library building plans. 6op. Oct. 1906. 2^c, Bibliography. Mostly original bibliographies presented by Library School students as a condition of graduation. Volume I, cloth ?i.5o, lacking no. 5; unbound $1.25, lacking nos. 5, 15-17 Bbl Guide to the study of J. A. M. Whistler. i6p. May 1895. 25c. Bb2-4 Colonial New England; Travel in North America ; History of the 17th century. Sop. July 1897. 15c. Bb6-8 Japan ; Venice ; Out-of-door books. 64P. Feb. 1898. loc. Bbp-II Netherlands; Renaissance art ; History of latter half of 15th century. i28p. Apr. 1S9S. i^c. Bbl2 Best books of 1897. 28p. [25"^] Bbl3 Fairy tales for children. 3op. June 1898. [25,;] Bbl4 Index to subject bibliographies in Hbrary bulletins to Dec. 31, 1897. ^2p. IOC. Bbl8 Best books of 1898. 28p. sc. Bbl9 College libraries in the United Stai.::. >_^^;. 1^-^.1899. loc. Bb20 House decoration and furnishing. 2op. Dec. 1899. ^c. Volume 2, cloth $1.50; uabound ?i.25 Bb2l Best books of 1899. 28p. 5^. Bb22 Domestic economy. i44p. Jan. 1901. i^c. Bb23 Connecticut local history. ii4p. Dec. 1900. /j^. Bb24 New York colonial history. 274P. Feb. 190 1. 35c. Bb25 China and the Far East. i2 2p. Mar. 1901. 20c. Bb26-27 Frobel and the kindergarten ; Reading list for children's librarians. 92p. May 1901. i^c. ^hi^j separately ^c. Bb28 Maine local history. i4Sp. June 1901. 20c. Bb29 Best books of 1900. 32p. loc. Bb30 Class Hst of a $500 library recommended for schools. Ed. 3. 82p. July 1 90 1, i^c. Volume 3, cloth $1.25; unbound $1 Bb3I Monopolies and trusts in America. 38p. Oct. 1901. loc. Bb32 Biography for young people. 6op. Nov. 1901. ijc. Bb33 French government serials. 7 2 p. Jan. 1902 i^c. Bb34 Best books. of 1901. 3op. loc. Bb35 ^^^^ books ol 1902. 36p. loc. Bb36 Cataloguers reference books. iS6p. Nov. 1903 2^0. Bb37 Best books of 1903. 46p. loc. Bb38 Ethics. 36p. Apr. 1905. loc. Bb39 Best books of 1904. 46p. loc. Bb40 Best books of 1905. 44p. joc. Volume 4, SCO to advance s^ibscribers Bb4I Florence. 44p. Sept. 1906. loc, Bb42 Scotland. 36p. Apr. 1907. loc. Bb43 Best books of 1906. 48p. loc. Dt«te I library. Dune ^3^- c 6 11 e ct i o n. ilogu^ an H7b2D8 -^ 251722 r. ■-♦' 9LIBRARY