"* * V V V m A Ex Ubris \ iDEN j : C. K. OGDEN 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF THE Royal United Service Museum, WHITEHALL, S.W. COMPILED BY Lieut.-Colonel Sir ARTHUR LEETHAM, F.S.A. (Curator). FOURTH EDITION. Printed for the Council of THE ROYAL UNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION by J. J. KELIHER & Co., LIMITED, Craven House, Kingsway, and Marshalsea Works, Southwark. 1914 PRICE ONE SHILLING. to Ufa 131* PREFACE. In the Compilation of this Catalogue I have endeavoured to provide, in as concise a form as possible, a book which will be of general historical interest to the many thousands of Visitors who annually come to see the Museum. Having regard to the nature of the Museum (especially the vast field of Naval and Military History which it covers), the limited space, and the consequent necessity of having at times to' remove certain objects in order to exhibit others, it was found quite impos- sible to classify the numerous exhibits under groups or collections : but the index, which has been added, is of an exhaustive nature and will assist the Visitor in readily finding the objects of special interest. I would point out that the value of a work of this kind lies in its accuracy, and should any mistakes have crept into its pages in the course of compilation and printing, I hope they will be pointed out to me, that they may be rectified in future editions. In the first edition of this Catalogue I was greatly indebted to the assistance which I received from Mr. B. E. Sargeaunt, formerly Assistant Secretary of the Institution, and now Treasurer to the Government of the Isle of Man. Commander W. F. Caborne, C.B., R.N.R., has also rendered me much valuable help in describings the! Naval Exhibits, and Mr. A. N. A. Pinhey, the Assistant Secretary and Curator, has assisted me generally. ARTHUR LEETHAM. o z o H-l W E h Q i-} .5 E -g w - . o W S C/3 C3 I K ^ H 3 g g, O -z Z 5 < ^5 PQ .n w History of the Museum and Building. The Royal United Service Museum, which is under the control of the Council of the Royal United Service Institution, was founded by His Majesty King William IV. on 25th June, 1 83 1 , it then being known as "The Naval and Military Library and Museum." Its home was originally Vanbrugh House, situated in Whitehall Yard, a house designed and built by Sir John Vanbrugh out of the ruins of that portion of Whitehall which was destroyed by fire. In 1833 the Government, at the express instance of the Sovereign, and with a due consideration of the public utility and benefit likely to result from the establishment of the Institution, were pleased to grant it the use of a more spacious building. This consisted of the former office of the Board of Works situated in Inner Scotland Yard the two buildings being connected by a passage which led to a small house, on the site of which the lecture theatre was built in 1849-50. In 1895 the Museum was transferred to its present building, which is the Banqueting House of Old Whitehall Palace, a building sentimentally and historically connected with the life of the English nation. In the reign of James I., the old Palace of White- hall had become so ruinous, the greater part having been destroyed by fire in 1 589, that it was determined to rebuild it, and the splendid structure which now contains the Museum is a part of the original design by Inigo Jones, to whom the building was entrusted. Horace Walpole says : "The intended Palace of Whitehall, if it had been carried out, would have been the most truly magnificent and beautiful fabric of any of the kind in Europe." The Banquet- ing House, so called from having been placed on the site of the apartments called by that name erected by Queen Elizabeth, was commenced in 1619, and completed in 1622, at a cost of about 1 6,000, the stone for the building having been drawn from the quarries at Portland. Charles I. commissioned Rubens to paint the ceiling ; it is divided by a rich frame-work of gilded mouldings into nine compartments, with allegorical subjects. The centre one represents the apotheosis of James I. ; on either side of the ceiling are oblong panels expressing the Peace and Plenty, Harmony and Happiness, which, according to the painter's fancy, signalised the reign of James I. ; and in the other compartments Rubens* patron, Charles, is introduced in scenes intended to represent his birth, and his coronation as King of Scotland ; while the oval compart- ments at the corners are intended, by allegorical figures, to show the triumph of Virtue over Vice. Rubens was paid by Charles I. the sum of three thousand pounds and received the honour of knight- hood for his work, in which, according to Sir Godfrey Kneller, he was assisted by Jordaens. The sketches were made in England, probably on the spot, but the actual painting was executed and completed in Antwerp in the year 1635. The Ceiling has been five times restored. In the reign of George II. by Kent; in 1785 by Cipriani; in 1837 under the direction of Sir Robert Smirke (when the entire building was restored at a cost of 1 5,000 by Sir John Soane) ; again at a later date in the 1 9th century ; and finally in the years 1 906 and 1 907. In July, 1 906, by direction of the First Commissioner of His Majesty's Office of Works, a close inspection was made of the Roof and of the Ceiling, with a view to all necessary repairs being carried out. THE CEILING OF THE BANQUETING HOUSE, painted by Rubens, and completed in 1635. (Frtm thi Engravinf 1) GrUilin.) T The oil-paintings, in places, were scarcely discernible from the floor owing to their dirty condition and to their uneven surface (the pictures were held up at intervals by canvas bands and this caused an irregular surface resembling that of a quilt). The light, too, acting on the uneven surface, gave the paintings the appearance of being damp. The pictures were suspended by iron hangers screwed to the tie beams of the roof : these iron hangers were locked into iron plates fixed on to the picture frames and on to the battens across them. The hangers were at intervals of about four or five feet. The backs of the picture frames were covered with an old-fashioned oilcloth to keep the paintings free from dust. The pictures were attached to the frames and battens at the back by pieces of canvas twisted round them at intervals of about three feet. Upon the report being referred from the Office of Works to the Treasury, a sum of money was granted in November, 1 906, for the restoration of the Rubens paintings and for the repairing regilding, and renovation of the ceiling. The Museum was closed to the Public, and a scaffolding, extending to the Ceiling, was erected from the floor in November, 1 906. When the paintings were taken down from the Ceiling, upon examination, some of them were found to be in very bad condition, the canvas in many cases being broken away from the attachments on the frames. Before taking the paintings off the frames, they were properly cleaned and made pliable, and covered over with tissue paper. After being taken off the old frames they were found to be attached to another canvas. On the back of this second canvas was a coating of what appeared to be glue and finely powdered glass, evidently put on as an attempt to stiffen the paintings and to prevent the sagging which was so visible from the floor. This old lining canvas was taken off and the backs of the paintings were scraped to remove all foreign substances which had adhered to them ; the canvas was very carefully repaired, and the paintings, each one going through the same process, were carefully rolled up for safety whilst the frames were being repaired. When the old frames were exposed, they were found to be in a very dilapidated and worm-eaten condition, but it was decided that it would be better to retain them than make new ones, owing to the difficulty in procuring properly seasoned wood for such large frames. The old frames were carefully repaired and the worm-eaten parts were, painted with a solution to kill the worm in the wood, and new timber intermediates were put in to strengthen the old wood. Owing to the damage done to the paintings by the original method of attachment to the frames, it was deemed advisable, after careful consideration, that they should be fixed in a different way, so as to obviate the sagging. One of the oval frames was prepared accordingly in the following manner : The frame was repaired and strengthened as before described, and the face planed down to a level surface. Laminated boarding half-an-inch thick and consisting of five pieces of wood, the outside boards being maple, was then screwed on to the frame and the intermediates with brass screws. These screws were countersunk and covered with a stopping used by picture restorers. Where the joints of the laminated boarding butted together, similar stopping was used and the face was carefully sandpapered until a smooth surface was obtained. This boarding was then covered with a strong canvas pasted down to it by means of hot irons, the canvas being then nailed to the edges of the frame. When this frame was completed it was kept for a time to see if there was any movement in the laminated boarding ; it was then submitted to a Committee of Experts. After various meetings and consultations it was decided to prepare the whole of the frames m this manner and to fix the paintings direct to this flat surface, and so prevent the sagging 9 aspect which the pictures previously possessed, and which was so detrimental to their appearance. The paintings were then unrolled and after composition had been pasted on the back of the canvas they were carefully ironed until they adhered to the frames, which had been prepared and finished in a similar manner to the oval one, already described. The tissue paper was then removed from the face of the paintings, which were stopped and touched up with colour where cracked and damaged. This was a work requiring great care and patience ; when all the damaged portions had been restored the pictures were varnished. As each painting was finished it was hoisted up on to the scaffold and then fixed to the roof timbers with iron hangers as originally attached. When the frames were repaired and strengthened it was found the laminated boarding added con- siderably to their weight. The oval pictures, when completed, weighed 8 cwt. each, they are 7 ft. 10 ins. wide and 1 9 ft. 2 ins. long ; the square pictures, 1 3 tons each, are 18 ft. 2 ins. wide and 24 ft. 8 ins. long ; the large oval centre picture, 2\ tons, is 20 ft. 8 ins. wide and 32 ft. 1 in. long ; the side panels, 1 ton each, are 7 ft. 1 1 ins. wide and 39 ft. 7 ins. long. Thus the nine pictures and frames weigh nearly nine tons. The work was carried out under the direction of His Majesty's Office of Works. The restoration of the pictures was commenced in December, 1 906, and completed in August, 1 907. In September and October, 1907, the entire Hall was repainted, on the completion of which the Museum, which had been closed to the public since November, 1 906, was re-arranged and re-opened in December, 1 907. In the Banqueting House were held some of the many fetes and masques of the time of James I., whose bust by Le Sueur stands at the northern end ; and it was used for like revelries in the days preceding the Civil War. On that chill Tuesday morning of the 30th January, 1649, His Majesty King Charles I. walked firmly between the files of soldiers from his last night's resting place in St. James's Palace, where he had been from noon on Saturday, to the Green Chamber of Whitehall Palace. Here he was allowed to be alone for some time with the faithful Juxon, who gave him the Sacrament. Thence he passed through the Banqueting House, and out of a window, on to the scaffold in the open street. An inscription on brass has been placed in the hall to recall the tragedy. It was in this building that Cromwell in 1 657, in addressing the Parliament which he had summoned, made his famous speech declining the Crown which had been offered to him by a party of his, adherents. And m this hall, on the Restoration, Charles II. received the felicitations of both Houses of Parliament, while they received from him assurances of future well-doings. When James II., restless and uneasy, was waiting for what he must have felt was at least a possible fate, he ordered a weathercock to be placed where he might see it from his own apartment, that he might learn with his own eye whether the wind was Protestant or Papist. The wind turned Protestant and James took his depar- ture ; the weathercock still stands on the end of the Banqueting House. On 1 3th February, 1 688, both Houses of the Convention waited on the Prince and Princess of Orange in this hall to offer them the Crown, and the same day William and Mary were publicly proclaimed King and Queen. With the accession of the House of Hanover the Banqueting House assumed a new role, for the Government turned it into a chapel. In it the ceremonies connected with the distribution of the Sovereign's Maundy benefactions took place annually until 1890. One of the last public acts of King William IV. was the re-opening in State, on the 30th April, 1837, of the Chapel Royal, and from that date to the last day of 1890, the building, though never consecrated, was utilised for religious purposes. 12 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE, ^ -~ The Royal United Service Museum. 1.- An Upright Barometer, the frame of which is made from the Stern Post of H.M.S. "T6me'raire," which ship took a prominent part in the battle of Trafalgar. A Trafalgar Memorial Medal of the pattern struck and circulated with permission of the Govern- ment by Mr. Bpulton, to the officers and men who took part in the Battle, is inlet. Given by Mrs. E. E. Thomas. 2. Two Seals Of H.M. King William IV., Founder of the Royal United Service Museum. Given by Major- General A. F. Terry. 3. Two Old Muzzle-loading Guns (Latter end of 18th Century). Dredged up from the sea off Slaines Castle, Aberdeen- shire. Transferred from Windsor Castle in 1901. Given by H.M. King Edward VII. 4. An Anchor with Iron Stock, probably belonging to a Schooner or Brigantine, dredged up from the sea off Slaines Castle, Aberdeen- shire, period about 1850. Transferred from Windsor Castle in 1901. Given by H.M. King Edward VII. 5. Hat worn by Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Picton, who commanded the Third Division at the Battle of Vittoria, June 21st, 1813, when the French Army was totally defeated by the Allied Armies. He wore this civilian head-dress owing to inflammation of the eyes. Given by Lieut. -Colonel W. Picton Mortimer. 6. Bullet by which Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Picton met his death at the Battle of Waterloo, when, according to Wellington's words, " As he was leading his Division to a bayonet charge by which one of the most serious attacks made by the Enemy on our position was defeated," already severely wounded, he was struck in the temple by a bullet, which, entering his brain, caused instan- taneous death. Given by Lieut. -Colonel W. Picton Mortimer. 7. Piece of Wood, fragment of the tree under which Sir Thomas Picton was laid after his death at Waterloo. Given by Lieut.- Colonel W. Picton Mortimer. 8. Map of the Theatre Of War, Waterloo Campaign, 1815, saturated with the blood of Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Picton (killed at the Battle of Waterloo by a Musket Ball). The Map was taken from the pocket of his Coattee on the following morning by his Servant, Henry Barnes. Given by Mr. Henry Barnes. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 13 9. Boat's Ensign used by the Sledge party from II.M.S. "Hecla," Captain Parry, in 1826, when an attempt was made to reach the North Pole, from Spitzbergeii, but when a latitude of 82 45 ' N was attained, it was found that the current was setting the ice floes to the Southward nearly as fast as the men could drag the Sledges towards the North, and the expedition was consequently abandoned. The Ensign was for some time in the possession of Admiral E. J. Bird, who formed one of the party. Given by Commander I. G. Bird, R.N. 1O. Kondo, or West African Head-dress. Given by Lieut. -Colonel J. T. Evatt, D.S.O. 12. A Chinese Banner taken from the South Taku Fort by the British Naval Brigade, who led the Allied Storming Party on June 17th, 1900. Given by Admiral of the Fleet, Sir E. H. Seymour, G.C.B., O.M., G.C. V.O., who commanded the British Forces. 13. French Cuirass brought from Waterloo by an Officer of the Royal Horse Guards. Given by Captain A. G. Fullerton. 14. Pair of French Duelling Swords (18oO). Given by Captain A. G. Fullerton. 15. Painting of H.M.S. "Malabar," the Indian Troop-ship It was painted on board by the Ship's Painter, Harold Whitehead, 1885. Given by Captain JV. H. C. Dickinson. 16. Nelson Jug, Staffordshire Ware, made about 1806, and pur- chased from an old Seaman who served under Nelson. Given by Mrs. George Brodie. 17. Paper Knife made from the wood of Lord Nelson's Flag-ship " Victory " and presented by the Lords of the Admiralty to the village of Burnham Thorpe, where Nelson was born, Michaelmas Day, 1758. Given by Mrs. Charles R. Whitty. 18. The Turton Nelson Medal. William Turton, M.D., was best known as a Conchologist, but wag also celebrated as a writer on Medical and other subjects; he edited a book of poems by various authors in Latin and English on the " Death of Nelson," and this Medal was struck for circulation with these poems. Given by Mrs. Charles R. Whitty. 19. Gold Ring, with portrait of Lord Nelson, made at Naples, about 1800: history unknown. Given by Mrs. Charles R. Whitty. 2O. Buffalo Powder Horn, taken from the body of Jecumseh, the renowned Chippaway Chief, who was killed at the Battle of the Thames, Canada, on 12th October, 1813, while bravely fighting for the English. It was given by his son to Dr. R. D. Forster. Given by Dr. R. D. Forttrr. 14 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 21. Dolman and Sash of the loth (The King's; Hussars; period, early 19th century ; worn by Colonel Lane. Given by Miss Hums. 22. Sword, Light Cavalry pattern, 1815. It was carried by Colonel Lane, 15th Hussars, at the Battle of Waterloo Given by Miss Hume. 23. Field Officer's Shako, known as the " Albert" shako, worn by the 95th, now 2nd Battalion Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regiment, between the years 1855-61. Worn by the late Colonel H. Hume, C.B., afterwards Grenadier Guards and Ensign of the Yeomen of the Guard. Given by Miss Hume. 24. Epaulette worn by Major H. Hume, 95th Regiment, at the Battle of the Alma. Given by Miss Hume. 25. Sword, Infantry pattern, used in the Crimea by Major Hume, 95th Regiment. Given by Miss Hume. 26. Pair Of Epaulettes of the Ensign. Yeomen of the Guard, worn by Colonel H. Hume, C.B. Given by Miss Hume. 27. Sword worn by the Ensign (Colonel H. Hume, C.B.), Yeomen of the Guard, I860. Given by Miss Hume. 28. Russian War Medal for the Austro- Russian campaign, for the suppression of the Hungarian insurrection in 1849. Taken from the coat of a dead Russian officer, killed at Inkerman. Given by Miss Hume. 29. Pair of Epaulettes of the Royal Engineers, 1840. Given by Mrs. Gunn. 30. Two Pairs Of Epaulettes of the Royal Dockyard Battalion, 1805. Given by Mrs. Gunn. 31. One 2.5-in. Muzzle-loading Shell, of the Mountain Gun pattern 1870-80. Given by H.M. King Edward VII. 32. Two 84- pounder Solid Shot, fired from the Russian ship "Vladimir" into the position of the Allied Army at the Battle of Inkerman, 5th November, 1854. Brought home and given to H.M. Queen Victoria by Lieut.-Cplonel the Hon. C. Lindsay, Grenadier Guards. Given by H.M. King Edward VII. 35. A Pair of Staff Epaulettes. Given by Miss Hume. 36. Order Of St. George Of Russia, conferred on Lieut. - General Sir Hudson Lowe. Given by Miss C. M. Lowe (hit daughter). 37. -Prussian Order of Military Merit, conferred on Sir Hudcon Lowe. Given by Miss C. M. Lowe. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 15 38. An Original Portrait of Sir Hudson Low. Git-en by Miss C. M. Loice. 39. Riband of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, worn by Sir Hudson Lowe. Given by Miss C. M. Lowe. 40. Riband (for the neck) of a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath, worn by Sir Hudson Lowe. Given by Miss C. M. Lowe. 41. Miniature of Colonel E. A. H. Webb, C.S.I., Madras Staff Corps, painted when an Ensign, at the age of 18, in 1833. Given by Lieut.- Colonel E. A. H. Webb. 42. Miniature, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, R.A., believed to be of Ensign H. Trigg, 41st (Welch) Regiment. Given by J. H. Glutton, Esq. 43. Miniature of Commander W. H. Dickson, R.N., founder of the .Royal Naval School, Eltham, and Secretary of the Royal Naval Benevolent Fund. Given by Henry Dickson, Esq., and William, Dickson, Esq. 44. Medals and Decorations conferred on, and Presentations made to the late Admiral Sir George Back, Kt., D.C.L., F.R.S V together with an Autograph Letter of H.M. Queen Victoria, 3rd October, 1837. The exhibits comprise the Gold and Silver Medals of the Royal Geographical Society, the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of France, a silver snuff box presented oy the Trinity House, a com- pass with box of instruments, the Military Order of St. George of Russia, with the miniature of the same Order. Given by Mrs. Back (his Niece). 45. Medals and Orders of ithe late General Sir John Ormsby Vandeleur, G.C.B., a distinguished cavalry leader in the Mahratta, Peninsula, and Waterloo Campaigns. The collection comprises the General Officer's Gold Medal, with clasps Vittoria and Salamanca for the Peninsula Cam- paign ; the General Officer's Gold Cross for the same Campaign ; the Star of a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath ; the Waterloo Medal ; the Russian Order of St. Vladimir ; and the Bavarian Order of Maximilian Joseph. Given by Mrs. Richard Vigors Doyne. 46. The Badge of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, This, the highest of English Orders, was created on 19th January, 1348, by King Edward III. The Knights of the Order are limited to 25. 47. The Roumanian Order "de la Couronne," created in 1881. 16 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 48. The Servian Order " De Takovo," created in 1865. The Riband is red for the military, and red, white and blue for the civil division. 49. The French Military Medal of the reign of Louis Napoleon. 50. The French Order of the Legion of Honour, created in 1802. The insignia here shown is of about the date 1812. In the reign of Louis-Philippe the eagle was substituted by two tri- colour nags. 51. The Turkish Order of the Medjidie, created in 1852. 52. Chinese Order of the Double Dragon (5th Class), created in 1881. 53. Medal, awarded by the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Eng- land for service in the cause of humanity. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem was instituted in 1048. 54. Grenadier Cap, worn by an officer of the 2nd or Royal North British Dragoons (Scots Greys) at the Battle of Dettingen, in 1745. The Scots Greys is the only Cavalry Grenadier Regiment in the British service. Given by Captain L. Macquarrie. 55. Staff-Sergeant's Shako of the 56th (West Essex) Regiment, now 2nd Bn. the Essex Regiment; period 1804-15. Given by F. Lee, Esq., R.A. 56. Shako, as worn by the rank and file of the Foot Guards and of the Line during the Peninsula and Waterloo Campaigns, and until 1816. 57. Helmet, Light Dragoon pattern, worn by Officers of the Old Westminster Volunteer Cavalry, from 1794 until 1800. Given by J. L. Elliott, Esq. 58. Grenadier Cap, worn by a Private in the Grenadier Company of the Strathspey Highlanders, or Grant Fencibles, between 1793 and 1799. This was the pattern of the first bearskin Grenadier Cap worn in the Army. It was introduced in 1765. Given by Caroline, Countess of Seafield. 59. Grenadier Cap, worn by a Drummer of the Grenadier Com- pany of the Strathspey Highlanders, or Grant Fencibles, between 1793 and 1799. Given by Caroline, Countess of Seafield. BO. Grenadier Cap, worn by Lieutenant J. B. Harrison, of the Grenadier Company of the South Hampshire Militia (now 3rd Battalion the Hampshire Regiment) during the embodi- ment of the Seven Years' War, 1759-65. The Captain of the Company was Edward Gibbon, the Roman Historian. Given by H. A. Harrison, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 17 61. Cocked Hat, worn by Trooper J. Merritt, Royal Horse Guards during the Campaign in Flanders, 1793-95. Hats of this description were worn in the Household Cavalry from about 1785 to 1810. Given by Mr. J. Merritt, late Trooper, Boyal Horse Guards. 62. Cap, worn by the Newport Light Infantry, a corps formed in Newport, Rhode Island, America, in the year 1774. On the front of the Cap is the figure of America wearing the cap of Liberty, the motto " Patria cara, carior Libertas," the initials G.R., and the Anchor. The Corps fought against the British in the War of Independence. 63. Shako, with ball tuft, worn by Officers of the llth, now Devon- shire Regiment, between the years 1846 and 1857. Given by S. M. Milne, Esq. 64. Officer's Shako, 3rd Light Dragoons, of the pattern in use in 1845. 65. Officer's Helmet, Royal Horse Guards, of the pattern in use between the years 1825 and 1833. 66. Helmet, worn by Dragoon Guards between the years 1812 and 1824. 67. Trooper's Helmet, 8th Light Dragoons, as used between 1800 and 1815. 68. Helmet, with Plume, worn by Officers of the 5th (Princess Char- lotte of Wales's) Dragoon Guards between the years 1834 and 1846, Given by Major- General W. E. Marsland. 69. Blue Cloth Helmet, with white plume, as worn by Officers of the Royal Artillery for a short time in 1854. Given by Major- General P. H. Sandilands. 7O. -Shako, worn by Officers of the Royal Marine Light Infantry about 1820. 71. Shako, with white ball tuft, worn by Officers of the 66th (Berk- shire) Regiment, now the 2nd Battalion Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire) Regiment, between the years 1830 and 1846. Given by Lieut.- Colonel R. M. Holden. 72. Officer's Shako, as used by the 81st Regiment, now 2nd Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, between the years 1817 and 1828. Given by Messrs. Holt $ Co. 73. -Private's Shako of the 13th Light Infantry of about 185E. 74. Private's Shako of the 71st Highland Light Infantry, worn up to the year 1870. Given by Colonel J. A. Man Stuart, C.B., C.M.G. 75. Officer's Cap, 16th Lancers, as in use at the time of the Crimean War. Gii-en by Major F. L. Dashwood. 18 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 76. Busby, with gold cords and blue and white plume, worn by Officers of the Corps of Eoyal Engineers from 1870 to 1876. Given by Colonel G. W. Stockley. 77. Shako, worn by Officers of the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment, between 1861 and 1870. Given by Lieut.-Colonel H. E. E. Everard. 78. Helmet of the Lancashire Provisional Cavalry. SO. A Piece of one Of the Timbers of the cabin of H.M.S. " Victory." It was struck by a round shot at the Battle of Trafalgar, and taken from the ship's side at Chatham Dockyard. Given by The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 81. Dirk, worn by Lord Nelson when a Midshipman on board H.M.S. " Seahorse " in the East Indies, in 1776. It was at this period that, after a gloomy reverie, he, in a sudden glow of patriotism, exclaimed : "I will be a hero, and confiding in Providence, I will brave every danger." Given by J. E. Foster, Esq. 82. Boulton's Trafalgar Medal, struck in commemoration of the great victory at the expense of Mr. M. Boulton, of the Soho Works, near Birmingham, and with the permission of the Government, issued in silver to Captains and First Lieutenants and in pewter to the Junior Officers and men who took part in the fight. Some bronze specimens were also struck as proofs. The Boulton Medal was very highly valued by the recipients, and it must be remembered that the Naval General Service Medal with clasp for Trafalgar was not issued until 1848. 83. Naval General Service Medal, obverse and reverse awarded by H.M. Queen Victoria, in 1848, to survivors of all ranks, of the actions fought between 1793 and 1840, including the battles of the Nile and Trafalgar. Clasps. Actions. Total Fleet and Ship Actions ... 177 147* Total Boat Service Actions ... ... 54 55f 84. His Majesty's Commission, dated 26th May, 1779, appointing Lieutenant Horatio Nelson Captain of H.M.S. " Hinchinbroke." Given by The Rev. G. M. Traherne. 85. Sword, taken from a French Officer on board the " Intrepide" at the Battle of Trafalgar. The " Intrepide," Captain L. A. C. Internet, was a 74-gun ship, and during the action she was engaged* by the "Africa," 64 guns, for 40 minutes. At about 4 p.m. the " Orion," 74 guns, bore down under the stern of the " Intrepide," and brought to on her port bow, so covering the " Africa " entirely. At 5 p.m. the " Intrepide " hauled down her colours. Her casualties numbered 306 ; she was eventually burnt. * For 26 of the 147 actions two distinct clasps were awarded, and for 2 of the 147 three distinct clasps, t For boat Service one clasp commemorated two actions, so deduct one. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 19 86. Specimen of the Caulking taken from the main wales of H.M.S. Victory in July, 1823. Given by The Hwioui able Lady Grey. 87. Dirk of a French Officer on board the " Intrepide," at the Battle of Trafalgar. It was taken after the ship had hauled down her colours. Given by Captain Sir J. Holburne, Hart. R.N. 88. Pistol taken from an Officer of the French ship " Intre'pide," at the iiattle of Tralfalgar. Given bu Captain Sir J. Holburne, Bart., R.N. 89. Some of the Spirit in which Lord Nelson's body was pre- served on board H.M.S. "Victory" during her voyage home. The "Victory" arrived at Portsmouth on 4th December, 1805. The body lay in State in the Painted Hall at Greenwich on 5th January, and was removed to the Admiralty on the 8th January. The funeral took place at St. Paul's Cathedral on the following day. 9O, -Piece Of Wood from the deck of H.M.S. " Victory," where Lord Nelson fell on receiving his mortal wound at Trafalgar, 21st October, 1805. He was killed by a ball fired from the mizzen-top of the French ship " Redoutable," and died -at 4.30 p.m. His last words were : " Thank God I have done . my duty." Given by Captain E. C. L. Perrott, R.N. 91. Ticket, signed by the Garter King of Arms, admitting Captain Edward Rotherham, R.N., into the funeral procession of Lord Nelson, from the Admiralty to St. Paul's Cathedral on the 9th January, 1806. Captain Rotherham was Captain of H.M.S. " Royal Sovereign," the flag-ship of Lord Collingwood at Trafalgar. 92. Cocked Hat, worn by Lord Nelson at the Battle of Copenhagen 2nd April, 1801, when the Danes were defeated with the loss of 17 of their 18 ships in the line of battle, while not a British ship was absolutely disabled. Given by Messrs. Widdowson and Veale. 93. -Foul Weather Cocked Hat, with waterproof crown, worn by Lord Nelson in his last service in H.M.S. "Victory," 1803-1805. Given by J. N. Powell, Esq. 94-. An Artificial Laurel Wreath, placed on Lord Nelson's coffin in the Barge which conveyed his remains from Green- wich to Whitehall on 8th January, 1806. Given by J. N. Powell, Esq. 95. A Piece Of Brocade from the train worn by Lady Nelson on the day she received His Royal Highness Prince William Henry, who had come to pay her his congratulations after her marriage. Given by Miss M. Edith Nelson. 96. The Fighting Sword of Lord Nelson, being not one of the regulation pattern, but of a previous century. It - had belonged to Admiral G. Walpole, who wore it when in command of H.M.S. " Lion," 60 guns, in the action with the French in Vado Bay, in the Mediterranean, in 1711, in which he lost his right arm. Admiral Walpole left the sword to his grand-nephew and god-son, Captain Maurice B2 20 BOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. Suckling, R.N., who valued it highly and gave it to his nephew, Horatio Nelson, with the injunction never to part with it while he had life. Nelson used this sword, and not that shown in so many of our historical pictures, in the boarding of the "San Nicolas" and "San Josef" at St. Vincent and Teneriffe, where he in turn lost his right arm. Lord Nelson wore no sword during the Battle of Trafalgar 1 . There were doubtless several swords in his Cabin, but it seems more than likely that had he had use for a sword his usual fighting one would have been resorted to. Two of the swords from his Cabin were disposed of in 1830 by Alderman Smith, who had received many of Nelson's effects from Lady Hamilton, prior to her death in 1814. On the "Victory's" arrival in England, Captain Hardy sent all of Nelson's effects to Lady Hamilton. Given by Admiral Sir George Eobert Lambert, G.C.B. 97. Medal, struck from the copper of H.M.S. " Foudroyant," Lord Nelson's flagship in the Mediterranean in 1799. Given by Mrs. Dealtry. 98. Gold Lace, from the coat worn by Lord Nelson when he lost his right arm at Santa Cruz, on the 24th July, 1797. Given by Surgeon, Sir William Beatty, M.D., R.N. 99. Medal, commemorative of the Victory of the Nile, struck at the expense of Mr. Alexander Davison (an old friend of Lord Nelson, who had been appointed agent for the prizes won in the battle), and distributed by him in gold to the Captains, in silver to the Lieutenants and Warrant Officers, In gilt metal to the Petty Officers, and in copper to the Seamen and Marines. 1OO. The Blade of a combined Knife and Fork for one hand. Given by Miss Hutton. 1O1. Pair of Silver Ice Pails, Covers and Liners,, with lion's mask and ring handles, the lower part fluted, and with gadroon borders. Engraved with Lord Nelson's Coat of Arms, and inscribed : " Presented by the Committee appointed to manage the subscription raised for the benefit of the wounded and the relatives of those who were killed in the glorious victory obtained off Copenhagen on the 2nd April, 1801, to Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson, K.B., Duke of Bronte, etc., in testimony of the high sense entertained of his meritorious and unprecedented exertions in defence of his country, which, at the peril and danger of his life, he so nobly sustained previous to the engagement, and as a token of his brilliant and gallant conduct during the whole of that memorable action. John Julian Angerstein, Chairman, Lloyd's Coffee House." The set originally con- sisted of four; these two were purchased by Mr. J. A. Mullens at the sale of the Bridport Collection in 1895. Given by J. A. Mullens, Esq. 1O2. A Silver Fork, portion of Lord Nelson's sea plate. Gictn by Major H. H. Gould, R.M.L.I. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 21 1O3. Satin Embroidery, worked by Lady Nelson, and commenced while attending the sick couch of her husband during his sufferings occasioned by the amputation of his right arm, which he lost at Santa Cruz by a cannon shot. She com- pleted the work during his absence at the Battle of the Nile. Given by Miss M. Edith Nelson. 1O4. Bottle of Port, being a portion of Lord Nelson's cellar in H.M.S. "Victory" during the Battle of Trafalgar. It was purchased from the Executors. Given by Spencer Weston, Esq. 1O5. Writing Case, generally used by Lady Hamilton when writ- ing to Lord Nelson. Given by Lieut. B. Haines, JR.N. 1O6. Portrait of Lord Nelson, from the original drawn from life on the 8th December, 1800, by De Ivoster. Lord Nelson considered this the best likeness of himself ever taken. Given by Captain C. B. Levita, li.A. 1O7. Specimen of Gilt Metal Snuff-boxes made about the time" of Lord Nelson's death, and much valued at the time as a memorial of the fallen hero. Given by Ernest G. Percy, Esfr. 1O8. Cocked Hat, worn by Field-Marshal The Duke of Wellington when. Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in 1842 to 1852. The Cockade is black for England, Scarlet for Spain, Red and Blue for Portugal, and Orange for Holland. Given by Sir Sibbald D. Scott, Bart., F.S.A. 1O9. Riband of the Order of the Garter, worn by Field- Marshal The Duke of Wellington, K.G. Given by Sir S. D. Scott, Bart., F.S.A. 11O. Pair of White Gloves, worn by the Duke of Wellington when Commander-in-Chief, 1842-1852. Given by Sir S. D. Scott, Bart., F.S.A. 111. Cape used by the Duke of Wellington during the Waterloo Campaign. It became the property of Mr. Joseph Boulcot, His Grace's Baggage Master and personal Atten- dant. Given by Major J. C. Tait. 112. Umbrella used by the Duke of Wellington. It became the property of Mr. Joseph Boulcot, His Grace's Baggage Master and personal Attendant, who left it to his cousin, Mr. George Lawrence. Given by Major J. C. Tait. 113. A Frame containing various relics from the Field of Waterloo. 114. A Case of Surgical Instruments used at the Battle of Trafalgar by Surgeon Thomas Caird, R.N., on board H.M.S. " Temeraire." Given by Mrs. Caird. 22 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 115-124. Fields-Marshal's Uniform, worn by Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, K.G. Given by Bear- Admiral Sir A. FitzGeorge, K.C.V.O. 1 25-1 3O. Staff Officer's Uniform, worn by H.R.H. The Duke of Cambridge, during the Campaign in the Crimea (1854-6). Given by Bear-Admiral Sir A. FitzGeorge. ' K.C.V.O. 131-134. Saddle, Shabracque, Bridle, etc., presented by the Sultan of Turkey to Major-General H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, after the war in the Crimea. Given by Bear- Admiral Sir A. FitzGeorge, K.C.V.O. 135. Cast Of a Caliver-Man of the Cromwellian period. (The Caliver was a hand firearm, lighter than a musket.) This, together with the eight following figures, were cast from the originals in carved oak on the staircase of Cromwell House, Highgate. Given by Colonel Cecil Bussell. 136-143. These Casts represent in order : (1) A Targeteer or Rondo- lier; (2) Musketeer; (3) Drummer; (4) Fifer; (5) Officer of Infantry ; (6) Musketeer ; (7) Targeteer ; (8) Pikeman. All of the Cromwellian Period. Given by Colonel Cecil Bussell. 144. An Eagle taken from the pouch of a French Soldier at the Battle of Waterloo. 145. An Eagle from the Shako of a French Soldier at Waterloo. 146. Eagle, from a pouch picked up by the Orderly of Sir J. Hardinge after the Battle of Waterloo. Given by W. Twopenny, Esq. 147. Fragment of the Coffin of Napoleon 1. Given by Charles Buckton, Esq. 148. Chain of the Garden Gate of the Chateau of Hpugomont. It was taken off the day after the Battle of Waterloo by Surgeon-Major Sir William Whymper, at that time Surgeon to the Coldstream Guards. Given by Mrs. F. H. Whymper. 149. Razor which belonged to Napoleon I. It was found in his carriage directly after he had left it on his flight from the field of Waterloo. Given by Captain J. Meek. ISO. Shaving Brush of Napoleon I., also found in his carriage. Given by Captain J. Meek. 151. The Ball by which the charger of Lieutenant (afterwards Lieut. -Colonel) J. C. Wallington was wounded at WateHoo. on 18th June, 1815. OFFICIAL CATALOGUB. 23 152. Sword of a French Staff Officer made prisoner at the Battle of Waterloo by Lieutenant William Hay, 12th Light Dragoons. Given by Mrs. Wood. 153. Straight Sword-blade carried by the French Officer who led the Advance Party from the Column which attacked Hougomont at the Battle of Waterloo. He was killed by a Corporal of the 3rd Foot Guards. Given by Lieut.- Colonel J. Elrington. 154-155. A Pair of Horse Pistols taken from the body of a French General OfGcer found killed amongst the guns of Major Roger's Battery at Waterloo. Given by Major- General Major Skelton, ISth Light Dragoons. 225. Lettered Rods used for cypher despatches at the Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-83. Given by Lieut.- Colonel S. A. R. Clapperton, R.M.L.I. 226. -Correspondence from Brig. General J.Warner and Colonel J. Brown, to Brigadier-General H. W. Powell, commanding British advanced posts at Ticonderoga, 1777, during the American War of Independence. General Powell refused to surrender and escaped with his force in the night to Canada. Given by Lieutenant T. Bounor, late 15th Regiment, and Aide-de-Camp to General Powell. 227. Paper Note for One Shilling used in the War of Ameri- can Independence, 1775-83. 228. Highland Claymore, formerly the property of the late Commander-in-Chief H. R. H. the Duke of York. The blade trebly grooved, and signed " Andria, Farara." Given by Colonel Sir Augustus Frazer, K.C.B., R.A. 229-23O. Powder Horn and Scalping Knife taken from the body of an Indian, killed in the American War of Independence. 1775-83, by Major William Gaull, 35th Regiment. Given by G. P. S. Camden, Esq. 231. - Native Powder Horn brought home from the American War of Independence, 1775-83. 232. - Powder Flask used by a Musketeer of the English Army during the reign of James II., 1685-88. Given by Lieu- tenant J. R. Jackson, R.N. 233. Powder Flask used by the Militia during the reign of James I., 1G03-25. 234. BOSS Of a Shield of an Anglo-Saxon Warrior buried at Kemble, North Wiltshire, about the year 930. It was taken from the grave iu July, 1856. Given by J. Y. Acker- man, Esq., F.S.A., 30 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 235. Pair of Gauntlets made of buffalo (buff) leather, and worn by a Cavalier during the Great Rebellion, 1649-60. Gauntlets were worn by Regiments of Horse. Those here exhibited are the predecessors of the gauntlets now worn by Dragoon Guards and Dragoons. Given by Captain Alfred Hutton, F.S.A. 236. Wag=nuk, or Tiger's Claw. This was an Indian weapon belonging to a secret society, and was invented about 1659 by Sewaja, a Hindoo. It was used for purposes of murder, and as it counterfeited the wounds of a tiger's claw, diverted the suspicion from the offender. The pair here shown were used by the Mahrattas in the Campaign of 1843. Given by Captain E. Gibson. 237. Wag-nuk, or Tiger's Claw used by the Mahrattas in the Campaign of 1843. Given by Captain W. S. Jacob. 238. Grape Shot fired during the Siege of Gibraltar by the Spanish and French in 1704-05. In the latter year Sir John Leake captured several of the enemy's ships, and raised the siege.- Given by Lieutenant W. P. Newenham, B.N. 239.- Highland Dirk, once the property of John, 5th Dukeof Argyll. Gii-en by Admiral Sir Erasmus Ommanncy, K.C.B., F.Ii.S. 240. Plume worn by Officers of the 12th Royal Lancers, shortly after its conversion into Lanoers in 1816. Given by Mrs. Wood. 241. -Field Officer's Sash of the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment, worn about 1840-54. Given by Lieut. -Colonel H. E. E. Everard. 242. Light Company Officer's Sash of the 29th (Worcester- shire) Regiment, worn about 1840-54. (riven by Lieut.- Colonel H. E. E. Everard. 243. Light Company Officer's Crossbelt of the 29th (Wor- cestershire) Regiment, worn about 1840-54. Given by Lieut. -Colonel H. E. E. Everard. 244. -Pouch worn by the rank and file of the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment, about 1840-75. Given by Lieut. -Colonel H. E. E. Everard. . 245. Presentation Sword, bearing the following inscription: " To his Excellency Major-General Ainslie, Governor of Dominica. This Sword is presented by the two branches of the Legislature in testimony of his meritorious conduct in the reduction of the maroons, in the year 1814." 246. Bullets fired at, the Battle of Naseby, 14th June, 1645, when the Royalists were defeated by the Parliamentarians. Given by Lieutenant G. Ashby Ashby. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE dl 247. Pair of" Highland Pistols picked up 011 the battlefield of Culloden, in the Highland Itising, Kith April, 1716. 248. Round Shot and 2 Bullets used at the Battle of Marston Moor, 2nd July, 1644. The Royalists, under Prince Rupert, were defeated by the Parliamentarians under Cromwell. 249. Cavalry Pistol used at the Battle of Dettingen in the Netherlands Campaign, 1745. King George II. com- manded at this battle. Given by Mr. F. Lack. 25O. Cartouche Box of a French " Mosquetaire " of the time of Louis XV. Picked up at the Battle of Dettingen, when the French, under Noailles and Grammont, were defeated by the Allies under George II. and the Earl of Stair, 1745. Given by Major-General C. It. Fox. 251. One Leaden and one Iron Ball found on the Battlefield of the Boyne, fought on 1st July, 1690, when William III. defeated his Father-in-Law, James II. Given by Lieutenant W. P. Newenham, E.N. 252. Grape-Shot used by General Ginkell at the Siege of Athlone, which was taken by assault on 30th June, 1691, during the Revolution of 1688-91. 253. Bible which belonged to John Balfour of Kiriloch, "The Covenanter," who, with others, took up arms against the intolerant Government of Charles II. ; he fought at Drumclog, where, on llth June, 1679, the " Covenanters " defeated Graham of Claverhouse. The first part of this Bible was torn out by Balfour to make wads for his musket. 254. Highland Claymore belonging to one of the rebel clans who fought at Culloden. Found on the battlefield, 16th April, 1746. Given by Surgeon Clarke, E.N. 255. Small Plug Bayonet of about the date 1680. Plug Bayonets were introduced into the French Army in 1647, and into the English Army in 1663. They were designed so that the bayonet fitted into the muzzle of the musket ; it was not for a considerable time afterwards that the ring bayonet was invented. By this new method of fixing, the musket could be fired with the bayonet fixed. 256. -Silk Sash of an Officer of the Swiss Contingent, worn at the Battle of Culloden, 16th April, 1746. 257. -Desk and Letter of Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, K.B. Letter dated llth January, 1804. Sir John Moore was born in Glasgow on 13th November. 1761, the son of John Moore, M.D. Admiral Sir Graham Moore and James Carrick Moore, Surgeon of the 2nd Life 32 KOYAL UNITED SEUVICE MUSEUM. Guards, were his younger Brothers. He was educated at Glasgow and Geneva, and entered the Army in 1776, at the age of 15, as an Ensign in the 51st Foot, but subse- quently transferred to the 82nd Regiment, with which he served in America. Having rejoined the 51st, he served with distinction in the Corsican Campaign, and later in the West Indies, during the Irish Rebellion in 1798, and under Sir Ralph Abercromby in Holland and Egypt. In Sep- tember, 1808, he became Commander-in-Chief of the troops in Spain. While proceeding from Portugal to the relief of Madrid his retreat was cut off, and he was forced to retire under great difficulties upon Coruna.- During an attack made by the French during the embarkation of the troops, which was successfully repulsed, Moore received a fatal wound, and was buried at Coruna. Given by General Sir E. Gardiner, G.C.B. 258. -Silk Sash belonging to Lieut.-Colonel Paul Anderson, 60th Rifles, used in lowering the body of his Chief, Sir John Moore, into the grave on the ramparts of Coruna, 16th January, 1809. Given by General Paul Anderson. 259. An Officer's Silk Sash used in supporting Sir John Moore when carried in a blanket from the battlefield of Coruna to the Citadel after he was mortally wounded, 16th January, 1809. It was given to Surgeon J. Dunthorne, R.N., then serving ashore attending to the wounded. The Battle of Coruna was fought between 14,000 British, under Sir John Moore, and 20,000 French, under Soult, who was endeavouring to prevent the British from embarking. The French attacks were uniformly repulsed, and the troops safely embarked with a loss of about 800, including Sir John Moore. The French lost about 2,000. Given by Dunthorne J. Wake, Esq. (Nephew and Legatee to Surgeon Dunthorne, E.N.). 260. Prayer Book, with its original cover, used at the Burial Service over Sir John Moore, at Coruna. Given by Eev. J. E. Symons, late Lieutenant ~R.N. 261. Armenian Knife, with crystal handle. Given by Colonel Trench-Gascoigne. 262. Fragment of the Regimental Colour of the 41st Regiment. Given by Colonel J. O. Quirk, D.S.O., and the Officers of the 1st Battalion Welsh Regiment. 263. Gorget of an Officer of the Royal Marines as worn between the years 1800 and 1830. In the days when complete armour was worn, each portion of the body had its proper protec- tion ; that for the neck and collar-bone being a piece of armour termed a "Gorget," which was fitted over the cuirass or corselet. After the Restoration in 1660, when armour gradually came into disuse, the " Gorget " was OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 33 worn alone in place of the cuirass, and it at length became the last and only surviving remnant of armour in the Infantry. It remained in use in the Army and Militia until 1830, being worn by officers as a badge of rank, and as a sign of their being on duty. 264. Gorget of an Officer of the East York Militia, 1800-30. Given by Miss Hume. 265. Infantry Officer's Gorget. This pattern was in force from 1798-1825. 266. - Infantry Officer's Gorget of the pattern in use in 1760. Given by D. J. Wake, Esq. 267. Shako Plate of the Royal East Middlesex Militia, now 6th Battalion the Middlesex Regiment, worn about 1854. Given by G. J. S. Camden, Esq. 268. Shako Plate worn by Officers of Infantry between the years 1800-12. Given by Lieut.- Colonel H. E. E. Everard. 269. Officer's Shako Plate of the Royal Artillery of about the date 114. Given by Messrs. Cater and Co. 27O. Officer's Forage Cap Badge of the 1st, or Royal Regi- ment, now the Royal Scots, worn in 1845. Given by Colonel W. J. Gillum. 271. Shako Plate of the 21st (Royal North British) Fusiliers, worn in the regiment during the years 1811-16, during the Campaign in the Netherlands, and in the American War. Given by Lieutenant A. S. L. Glyn. 272. Officer's Shako Plate of the Coldstream Guards, worn about 1800-12. Given by Messrs. Cater fy Co. 273. First Cap Badge . worn by Officers of the Royal Marines about the year 1821. 274. Second Cap Badge worn by Officers of the Royal Marines about 1827. 275. Naval Officer's Belt Buckle. 276. Belt Buckle of the Royal Marine Light Infantry. 277. Belt Buckle of the 95th Regiment, worn about 1850. 278. Cap Badge of the Royal Archers. The King's Scottish Body- guard. Given by Colonel J. A. Man Stuart, C.B., C.M G. 279. Cross-belt Badge of the Royal Archers. Given by Colonel J. A. Man Stuart, C.B., C.M.G. 28O. Shako Badge 71st Light Infantry worn 1850. Given by ColonelJ. A. Man Stuart, C.B., C.M.G. * ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 281. An Oval Silver Cross-belt Plate of the Westminster Light Horse, in relief, a lion, holding a shield inscribed with the motto of the Order of the Garter, and the Royal Monogram, " G.R.," and regimental motto, " Forward," hall marked 1801. Given by John Birkett, Esq. 282. Officer's Shoulder-belt Badge of the 29th Regiment. Given by Lieut.- Colonel H. E. E. Everard. 283. Staff-Sergeant's Shoulder-belt Badge of the Royal Artillery, 1820-30. Given by Lieut.- Colonel H. E. E. JEverard. 284-. Shou der-belt Badge of the Royal Marine Light Infantry. About 1810-30. Given by Major F. Dashwood. 285. Undress Sabret sche Badge of the 1 6th (The Queen's) Lauceis. Cfiren by Major F. L. Dashwood. 286. Officer's Shoulder-belt Badge of the 5lst Light Infantry. Worn at Waterloo by Lieut. tt. B. Hawley. Given by F. Haivley, Esq. 287. Officer's Shoulder-belt Badge of the f.Oth Regiment. Worn by Lieut. C. A. Mo wat, between 1840-55. Given by Surgeon- General F. J. Mowat, V.C., C.B. 288. Officer's Shoulder-belt Badge of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, worn between 1830-40. 289. Officer's Shoulder-belt Badge of the 62nd Regiment, worn about 1820-35. Given by Major C. W. Parkes. 29O. Officer's Shoulder-belt Badge of the Wansford Volun- teers, worn between 1798-1802. Given by Mrs. Boyds. 291. Buckle of Officer's Shoulder-belt of the 61st Regi- ment, worn about 1812-30. 292. Shoulder-belt Badge of the 79th Cameron Highlanders, worn from 1845-81. 293. Shoulder-belt Badge of the 72nd Highlanders, worn from 18J2-54. 294. -Shoulder-belt Badge of the 17th Regiment. Worn by Ensign G. D. Brice, 1848. 295. Shoulder-belt Badge of the 69th Regiment. 296. Shoulder-belt Badge of the 2nd (The Queen's) Regiment, with shot hole. Worn about 1830-60. 297. Shoulder-belt Badge of the Strathspey Fencibles, about 1795. 298. Shoulder-belt Badge of the Kincairn Volunteers, about 1795. 299. Shoulder-belt Badge of the 41st Regiment, about 1850. 3OO. Belt Buckle of the Hyderabad Contingent, about 1850. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 35 301. Shoulder-belt Badge of the Royal East Middlesex Militia, worn about 1803-10. Given by C. J. S. Camden, Esq. 302. Jacket, Sash, Vest and Plume, being the uniform worn by Cornet William Polhill, 16th. or the Queen's Regiment of Light Dragoons (now 16th Lancers), at the Battle of Waterloo, 1815. Given by Rev. J. Acton. 303. Overalls, Pipe, Revolver and Holsters which be- longed to Major T. Eyerard-Hutton, 4th Q. 0. Light Dragoons, who took part in the charge of the Light Cavalry Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava, 25th October, 1854. The Pipe he was smoking, prior to the advance, the Revolver (since repaired) was broken in two in his hand by a Russian musket-ball, one of the Holsters was shot through the Overalls show the marks of two shots. Major Hutton was shot through the right thigh during the advance, and on returning from the guns was again severely wounded through the left thigh. His horse was wounded in eleven places. Given by Mrs. T. Everard-Hutton. 304. Sword presented by His Majesty Xing George III. to Lieut. - General John Prince, when Aide-de-Camp to His Majesty in 1796, as an acknowledgment of his activity and judg- ment in choosing horses for the British-German Legion. Given by Miss Prince. 305. Walking Cane which formerly belonged to Field-Marshal H.R.H. Frederick, Duke of York, Commander-iii-Cliief. 306. Embroidered Petticoat worn by Queen Elizabeth. Given by Sir T. T. Fuller-Eliott-Drake, Bart. 307. Uniform Coat tee, Breeches, Sash and Sword of Lieutenant W. Brown, of the Light Company of the Archen- field (Hereford) Local Militia (disbanded 1816). This uniform shows the distinction between the Light Company and the ordinary battalion Companies of a Regi- ment at that time. The Battalion Companies wore long instead of short tails to the Coattee, Aigulets instead of wings, and a straight instead of a curved sword. Given by J. P. Brown, Esq. 308. Coattee of General Sir William Napier, K.C.B.. worn by him in the Peninsula War when a Major in the 43rd Light Infantry, and which, during a portion of the Campaign, he com- manded. He served with great distinction and was several times wounded. He is celebrated as the author of " The War in the Peninsula." Given by the Dowager Lady Aberdare (his Daughter). 309. Officer's Coattee and Sash of the Wansford (Northamp- tonshire) Volunteers. Date about 1802. c 2 36 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MCBECM. 31 0. Dress Sword, Infantry pattern, worn by Ensign William Hay, 52nd Foot, in 1H10. Given by Mrs. Wood. 314. Naval Regulation Sword of 1835. It formerly belonged to His Majesty King William IV. Given by Lady Jane. Fav. 315. Naval Officer's Sword (1716). Given by Me**rs. ll'ilki'iinon 4'' Sons. 316. Sword of Admiral Sir John Jervis, K.B., afterwards Earl St. Vincent, who obtained the splendid victory over the frigates. Given by E. E. Rushworth, Esq. 317. Sword of Admiral Sir Sidney Smitli. G C.B., who. with a small British Force, gallantly defended Acre in conjunction with the Turks against the French under Napoleon, who had besieged it on 17th March, 1799. But for the successful defence of the city, the whole of Syria, and perhaps the Turkish Empire, might have fallen into the hands of the French. Given by Captain F. Arabin, R.N. 318. Signal Book of Admiral Sir John Jervis, K.B., afterwards Earl St. Vincent. Given by the Executors of the late Admiral John Jervis Tucker. 319. " Sword presented to Captain Sir Thomas Staines, K.N. by the Gentlemen of the Isle of Thanet. in testimony of their high admiration of the heroism and courage he hath so con- stantly displayed in His Majesty's Service, and particularly by his persevering exertions when commanding the Cyane Frigate in the Bay of Naples in June, 1809." Given by G. Gunning, Esq. 32O. Sword presented to Captain J. Pendergras, of the Honourable East India Company's ship " Hope," by the Patriotic Fund at Lloyd's. The " Hope " was one of the fleet of Merchant- men, which, on the 15th February, 1804, defeated and pursued a squadron of French Men-of-War, under com- mand of Admiral Linois, in the " Marengo," of 84 guns, as recorded in the Gazette of llth August. 1814. 321. Sword presented to Lieut .-Colonel Sir James Wilson, K.C.B., by the Officers of the 48th Regiment as a token of their respect and esteem. 322. Two Arab Knives picked up on the battlefield of El Teb, 29th February, 1884, when the Dervishes were defeated by Lieut. -General Sir G. Graham, V.C. Given by Lieut. - Colonel E. Holden. KING WILLIAM IV. The founder of the Royal United Service Museum. (Frtm tht bust in marble b) Sir Francii Chtntrey, in thi intra.nct iftht Ratal Unitid Service Institution.) OFFICIAL CATALOG UH. 37 323. Small Box, carried on the arm, containing the sacred Koran which was worn by all Dervishes. This exhibit was taken from the body of a dead Dervish on the battlefield of El Teb, 29th February, 1S84, by Corporal Simpson. ^Gictn by Corporal F. Simpson, The Black Watch. 324. Two Arab Seals found in Osman Digma's tent after his defeat by General Sir G. Graham, V.C., at Tamii, 13th March, 1884. Given by Lieut. -Colonel R. Holden. 325. -Arab Silver Ring from the battlefield of Abu Klea, where the Mahdist Forces were defeated by Major-General Sir H. Stewart, on the 17th January, 1885. Given by Harold Avery, Esq. 326. Belt Buckle (Officer's) of tlie Royal Dockyard Battalion about 1830. 327.- Belt Buckle of a Surgeon R.N., about 1800. 328. A Miniature Man-at-Arms of the 17th century. 329. A Medallion Wedgwood Portrait of Admiral Vis- count Duncan. Admiral Viscount Duncan was born in 1731, and entered the Navy in 1746 on board the " Trial " sloop, under the care of his maternal uncle, Captain Robert Haldane. He was present in the expedition to Basque Roads in 1757, at the reduction of Goree in 1758, and in the Blockade of Brest in 1759. In 1761 he had an impor- tant share in the reduction of Belle Isle, and of Havana in August, 1762. He attained flag-rank on 24th Sep- tember, 1787, and became Vice-Admiral in February, 1793^ and Admiral in June, 1795. On llth October, 1797, he commanded the Fleet in the celebrated action with the Dutch off Camperdown. As a result of this victory, Duncan was raised to the peerage as Baron Duncan of Lundie and Viscount Duncan of Camperdown. The reward was considered inadequate for his services, but it was not until some time after his death that his son was raised to the dignity of an Earl (Earl of Camperdown). Given by TAeut. -General W. A. McCleverty. 330. A Medallion Wedgwood Portrait of Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson, K.B. Horatio Nelson was the fourth son of the Reverend Edmund Nelson, of Burnham Thorpe, in Norfolk, where he was born on 29th September, 1758. He entered the Navy at the age of twelve. In 1794 under Lord Hood he reduced Corsica, where he lost his right eye. In 1797 he took a prominent part in the victory off Cape St. Vin- cent, and two months later lost his right arm in an unsuccessful attack on Santa Cruz. In 1798 he won the famous victory of the Nile. In 1801 he destroyed the Danish Fleet at Copenhagen, and in 1805 he d'ied in action at his greatest victory, Trafalgar. Happy he who lives to finish all his task. The words, 38 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. " I have done my duty," sealed the closed book of Nelson's story with a truth broader and deeper than he himself could suspect. His duty was done, and its fruits perfected. Other men have died' in the hour of victory ; but for no other has victory so singular and so signal graced the ful- filment and ending of a great life's work. Finis coronat opus has of no man been more true than of Nelson. There were, indeed, consequences momentous and stupendous yet to flow from the decisive supremacy of Great Britain's sea-power, the establishment of which, beyond all question cr competition, was Nelson's great achievement ; but his part was done when Trafalgar was fought. The coincidence of his death with the moment of completed success has impressed' upon that superb battle a stamp of finality, an immortality of fame, which even its own grandeur scarcely could have insured. He needed, and he left, no successor. To use again St. Vincent's words, " There is but one Nelson." (Mahan's " Life of Nelson," p. 397). Given by Lieut. -General W. A. McCleverty. 331. Cartouche Bag made from the parchment of a French Genealogical Tree, brought from Toulon after the siege. Given by the Rev. W. Boyes. 332.- Portion of a. Bombshell taken from the hull of H.M.S. " Temeraire." Given by H. Heathcote, Esq. 333. A Box made from the timber of the " Marye Rose," which was sunk off Spithead in 1545. Some of the timber of the ship was recovered in 1840. Given by Sir John Barrow, Bart. 334. Portion of a Marble Cross which bears the following inscription : " Bartholomew Diaz, A.D. 1486, when prose- cuting that voyage in which he discovered the Cape of Good Hope, erected in Angra Piqena a Marble Cross. This slab is a fragment of it taken from the spot by Captain Vidal when surveying the Western Coast of Africa in November, 1825." 335. Tricolour Sash taken from a French Officer at the Siege of Dunkirk, in 1793, by a Trooper in the Royal Horse Guards. 336. A Portion of the Colours of the Republic of Nicaragua, taken at Serapognl. by Captain Lock. R.N., H.M.S. " Alarm." Given by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 337. Sword of Lieut. Holstein of the Danish Navy, who fell when leading his men to the attack in the unsuccessful attempt to recover the Island of Anholt on 27th March, 1811. The Island had been taken possession of by the British on 18th May, 1809, on account of Danish cruisers injuring British commerce. Given by Major Berant. 338. Piece of Pizarro's Standard. The Standard was pre- sented to him by Queen Isabella, having been made by her OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 39 and some of the ladies of the Spanish Court. From the date of the Conquest of Peru it was carefully preserved in the Cathedral of Lima, until 1821, when the City and province were liberated from the Spanish yoke by General San Martin. The Standard was presented by the Peruvians to the General as a token of their gratitude, and this piece was given by him to the Donor. Given by Mrs. Heywood. 339. Head of a Boarding Pike, captured in Lord Duncan's action off Camperdown, on llth October, 1797. Given by Lieutenant J . JR. Jackson, B.N. 34O. Tw> Pieces of an Iron Clamp from a ship sunk at Pompeii. Given by John Landseer, Esq. 341. -Silver Shoe Buckles, worn by Admiral Lord Rodney, K.B. (See 436). 342. Sword, or Hanger, which belonged to Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S., the great circum-navigator, who was killed by the savages of Dwhyhee, 14th February, 1779. James Cook was born at Whitby in Yorkshire in 1728, the son of a labourer. He entered the Navy as a common seaman in 1755, and advanced to the rank of Captain twenty years later. He was present at the Siege of Quebec in 1759. Given by Mr. Maurice Moses. 343. Walking Stick of Sir Francis Drake, 1545-96, who com- manded a squadron of the English Fleet under the Lord High Admiral at the ^ destruction of the Spanish Armada. Given by Rear-Admiral W. H. Smyth, F.B.S. 344. Snuff-box of Sir Francis Drake. Given by Sir Thomas Tray ton Drake, Bart. 345. -A Chinese Mandarin's Plume of the rank of Pink Button. The various ranks are shown by the colour of the button. It was taken by Captain Prynne, R. M.L.I., at the capture of the Taku Forts, from the body of a Mandarin, whom he had previously shot. Given by Mrs. Prynne. 346. -Five Implements used by "Jack the Painter" to set fire to Portsmouth Dockyard, 1776, with portrait and an account of his trial (see 440). Given by Captain T. M. Sagnold, E.N. 347. Chronometer, originally the property of Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S., the famous circum-navigator, and used by him on his voyages of Discovery in 1772-75, and on his last expedition from 1776 until he was murdered at Owhyhee in 1779. In 1776 Captain Cook wrote from H.M.S. " Resolution " : " I had likewise in my possession the same watch, or timekeeper, which I had on my last voyage, and which had performed its part so well." 40 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. After the death of Captain Cook, the chronometer came into the possession of Lieutenant William Bligh, R.N., who commanded H.M.S. "Bounty" in 1787-89; and when the crew of that ship mutinied in the latter year, it was carried by the mutineers to Pitcairn's Island. In 1808 it was sold by John Adams, one of the leaders, to an American, Mr. Mayo Fletcher, who sold it again in Chili. In 1840 it was purchased for fifty guineas by Captain, afterwards Admiral Sir Thomas Herbert, K.C.B. It was repaired and rated at Valparaiso, and taken by Sir Thomas to China, and brought home in H.M.S. "Blenheim" in 1843, having kept a fair rate with the other chronometers for the space of three years (see 342). Given by Admiral Sir Thomas Herbert, K.C.B. 848. Punch Bowl of Captain James Cook, R.N. Given by Captain W. H. Smyth, R.N. 349. " Directions for Sailing," written by Captain James Cook, R.N. 350. Contemporary List of the Ships in His Majesty's Navy on April 1st, 1665. 351. - An Indulgence, or Pardon, by the Cardinals whose seals are attached, of 40 days", granted to all those who hear Mass in the presence of Haco, Duke of Norway, or his wife, in consideration of his distinguished merits and affection to the Church. It is dated A.D. 1294, and was taken from the Royal Library at Copenhagen after the surrender of the city in April, 1801, to the British Fleet. 352. A Relief in Oak of Oliver Cromwell, probably of contemporary date. Oliver Cromwell was born at Hunting- don in 1599, and was educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, which city he represented in the Long Parlia- ment. He is renowned as a Cavalry Leader, his principal engagements being Edgehill 1642, Marston Moor 1644, Naseby 1645, Preston 1648. Dunbar 1650, and "Worcester 1651. After forcibly dissolving the Long Parliament in 1653, Cromwell assumed the title of Lord Protector of th* Commonwealth, and was styled His Highness. He died at Whitehall on the Anniversary of the Battles of Dunbar and Worcester. He was buried with regal honours in Westminster Abbey, but his remains were afterwards disin- terred. 353-354. Helmet Plates of the 26th and 42nd Russian Regi- ments, brought from the Crimea. 355. -Dress Sabretasche of the 3rd King's Own Light Dragoons, worn between 1830 and 1837. 356. - Dress Sabretasche of the 3rd King's Own Hussars, abolished in 1901. Given by the Army Council. OLIVER CROMWELL. (From the fortruit in the National Portrait Gillerf, painted by Robert Walker.) OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 41 357. Dress Sabretasche of the 18th Hussars, abolished in 1901. Given by the. Army Council. 358. Dress Sabretasche Royal Artillery, abolished in 1901. Given by The Army Council. 359. Sabretasche for Colonel on the Staff abolished in 1901. Given by The Army Council. 360. Dress Sabretasche Light Dragoons, worn prior Dashwood. i of the 16th (TheQueen's) Regiment of ior to 1839. Given by Major f. L. 361. Dress Sabretasche of the 16th (The Queen's) Lancers.- Given by Major F. L. Dashwood. 362. Collection Of Relics, being the first traces found of the Franklin Arctic Expedition, discovered by Captain E. Ommanney, of H.M.S. " Assistance," on 23rd August, 1850. Given by Lady Ommanney. 363. Belt Buckle of the Pipers Scots Guards. Given by Lieut. ColonelA.B. Williams. 364. Shoulder-belt Badge of t lie Grenadier Guards (rank and file). Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. B. Williams. 365. Shoulder-belt Bads' of the Coldstream Guards. Given fa/ Lieut. -Colonel A B. Williams. 366. Shoulder-belt Badge of the Scots Guards Given by Lieut -Colonel A. B. Williams. 367. Belt Buckle, Cadet Royal Military Academy. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. B. Williams. 368. Helmet Plate, Cadet Royal Military Academy. Given by Lieut-Colonel A. B. Williams 369. Model of Lord Nelson's Coffin, made from the wood of the "Victory." 37O. Telescope bearing the following inscription: "This tele- scope, then in possession of John Pasco, Flag-Lieutenant to Lord Nelson, was on the " Victory's " Poop at the Battle of Trafalgar, 21st October, 1805. Presented to H.R.H. Prince Alfred, K.G., Duke of Edinburgh, Captain, R.N., Commanding H.M.S. "Galatea," by Commander Pasco, R.N., on the occasion of H.R.H. visiting the Colony of Victoria." Given by Vice-Admiral H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G. 371-387. Relics from H.M.S. "Royal George." -The " Royal George," 100 guns, Flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Richard Kempenfelt, while lying heeled over at Spithead for repairs, sank in a sudden violent squall, on the 29th August, 1782. The lower ports being open so that the guns could be run out, the water rushed in, and before any effort could be made to save those on board, she 42 ROTA: UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. filled and sank. A small vessel lying near was carried down at the same time by the eddy caused by the sinking ship. Rear-Admiral Kempenfelt, a most distinguished officer, and about 900 officers, crew, women and children, perished in the disaster. The following were the dimensions of the " Royal George " : Length of keel 144 ft. 6 in. Extreme length 212 9 Length of gun deck 178 Extreme beam ... ... ... 51 Depth in hold 19 Length of mainmast ... ... 114 Draught of water 22 10 3 Unsuccessful attempts were made to raise the ship in 1783-84, and 1 in 1839 and following years Colonel T. S. Pasley, R.E., blew up the wreck with gunpowder. The articles exhibited in this case were recovered during various operations. "His sword was in his sheath; His finger held the pen, When Kempenfelt went down, With twice four hundred men." Cowper. 371. Barrel of a Musket. 372. Two Bottles of Wine. 373. Fragment of a Wooden Bowl, marked W.L. 1782. 374. Piece of Copper Sheathing. 37/5. Spoon. 376. Frame of a Pistol. 377. Yarn from the Cable. 378. Leather Sword Scabbard. 379. Part of the Barrel of a Musket. 380. Portion of a Sextant. 381. A Foot-rule. 382. Box made from the Timber of the Vessel. 383. Razor made from the Wood and Metal of the Ship. 384. Narrative (1842) of the loss of the Vessel. 335. Five Tallow Candles. 386. Piece of " Fearnought," or Course Woollen Cloth, from under an Iron Plate. 387. Four Specimens of the Timbers of the Ship. 388-4O9. Relics of Rear-Admiral Sir John Franklin, the Arctic Navigator, and his brave companions, who sacrificed their lives in completing the discovery of the North- West Passage, 1847-48. Since the year 1500, numerous attempts had been made to discover a North-West Passage. In Mav, 1846, Captain, afterwards Rear-Admiral, Sir John Franklin, K.C.H., F.R.S., with Captain F. R. M. Crozier, R.N., and a crew of selected officers and men, sailed from Greenhithe in H.M. Ships " Erebus " and " Terror," with provisions sup- posed to last for three years. As early as the winter of 1846-47 there were gloomy anticipations, and, when the OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 43 winter of 1847-48 passed without any news from the ships, a real uneasiness was felt at home. With the spring of 1848, began a series of relief and search expeditions, both public and private, British and American, which has no parallel in maritime annals. From information obtained in these expeditions, it transpired that Sir John Franklin died on the llth or June, 1847. that the two ships were abandoned on the 28th or April, 1848, and that Captain Crozier and every other soul of the brave party perished miserably. A Public Monument to their memory is erected in Waterloo Place 1 . The relics here exhibited were obtained in the following expeditions : 1850-54, under Captain R. Collinson, C.B., R.N., H.M.S. " Enterprise," and Captain R. Le M. McClure, R.N., H.M.S. " Investigator." 1850-51 under Captain H. J. Austin, C.B., R.N., H.M.S. "Resolute." and Captain E. Ommanney, R.N., H.M.S. " Assistance." 1852-54, under Captain Sir E. Belcher, C.B., R.N., H.M.S. "Assistance," and Captain H. Kellett, C.B.. R.N., H.M.S. "Resolute." 1853-54, under Surgeon J. Rae, of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany. 1855, under Messrs. Anderson & Stewart, of the Hudson's Bay Company. 1879-80, under Lieutenant Schwatka, United States Navy. 388. Part of a Ship's Cutlass ; 389. Gimlet ; 390. Brass Match Box; 391. Eye-rim of Telescope; 392. Brad-awl ; 393. Blade of a Knife. All obtained by Dr. Rae, from the Esquimaux, near Repulse Bay. Given by J. Sorrow, Esq. 394. Bottle found at Beechy Island, 23rd August, 1850, the first trace of the missing Expedition. Given by J. Barrow. Esq. 395. An Iron and Brass Implement, brought from Cam- bridge Bay, Victoria Island, in October, 1852, by Captain Collinson, R.N. Given by the Lords Com- missioners of the Admiralty. 396. Tomahawk. 397. Boat-sheet Hook: 398. Brass Ring of Telescope. All from the Anderson and Stewart Expedition. 399. Pieces of Copper and Tin (Belcher Expedition). 400. Top of a Seal Spear, made of copper, from the lost ships, and obtained from Esquimaux on Hayes River. 401. Three Fish Hooks made from the ship's copper, obtained from Esquimaux. Adelaide Peninsula. 402. Balloon Despatch from H.M.S. " Assistance," dated 2nd July, 1853. 403. Medal, belonging to Lieutenant J. Irving, R.N., who formed one of the party of the Expedition. It was discovered in his grave in 1879. after having been buried with him for 31 years in King William's Land. i ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. It was coined in 1820, and awarded as Second Mathematical Prize to Lieutenant J. Irving, in 1830, at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth. Given by Major-General Irving. 404. Biscuit from Sir John Ross's Expedition. 12 years exposed to the cold region. Given by W. Young, Esq., E.N. 405. Two Bones of Bears converted into Hammers. *406. Relics of Captains Parry and Lyon's Expedition in 1821-27, to reach the North Pole. A piece of Brass, with " Hecla and Fury, 1824-25," inscribed on it. *407. A Brass Cylinder, marked " H.B.M.S. Hecla and Fury, Port Bowen, June, 1825." It contained papers left by Captain Kennedy, R.N. It was brought home in 1851, by Captain Suter, of the Tay Whale Fishing Company's Ship " Intrepid." Given by the Lords of the Admiralty. *408. A Boat's Notice, dated 15th May, 1827, H.M. Ship " Hecla." 409. Medallion of Sir John Franklin, by David. Given by Sir John Barrow, K.C.B. 41 0. Officer's Shako, 8th Eegiment, worn up to 1878. Given hy (Captain S. T. Banning. 411. Officer's Shako of the Royal Sussex Light Infantry Militia, worn from 1874 until 1&81. Given by Major H. C. Young. 412. Officer's Shako, 29th Regiment, worn from 1874 to 1881. Given "by Lieut. -Colonel H. E. E. Everard. 413. Officer's Shako. 29th Regiment, worn from 1861 to 1870. Given by Lieut. -Colonel H. E. E. Everard. 414. Officer's Busby, Royal Engineers, worn from 1855 to 18<>9.-- Given by General Sir E. Harrison, G.C.B., C.M.G., R.E. 415. Officer's Busby, Roval Artillery worn from 1875 to 1881. Given by Lieut. -Colonel J. Day. 416. Officer's Busby. Roval Horse Artillery, from 1855.- Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. E. England. 417. Officer's Helmet. 5th Dragoon Guards, worn from 1870 to 1890. Given by Major-General W. E. Marsland. 418. - Officer's Helmet, 5th Drasroon, PhianK worn since 1890. Given by Major-General W. E. Marsland. 41 9. -Officer's Lancer Cap, ""Sth Lancers, worn since 1857. Given by Major-General J. C. Le Quesne. 42O General Officer's Forage Cap. l WO. Given b\i Messrs. Cater # Co. ' * These relics have no reference to Sir John'Franklin . OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 421. A Silver Statuette of Lord Nelson. 422. Coat which formerly belonged to the Khan of Kelat, who was killed at the Capture of the Fortress, by a Soldier of the 2nd (Queen's) Regiment, on 13th November, 1839. The Coat became the property of Lieutenant James E. Simmons, 2nd Foot, and was given by his sister. Given by Mrs. Dennison Dinghurst. 423. Model of H.M.S. "Royal Sovereign," 100 guns, 2,175 tone, the Flag-ship of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood, at the Battle of Trafalgar. She was built at Plymouth in 1786, and was in continuous service until 1812, after which date she remained at Plymouth. The Model was made by French Prisoners of War, and was left to the Donor by Captain Hon. Sir J. A. Maude, K.C.H., who commanded the ship for a short time. The Model was re-rigged in 1894, by Mr. J. J. Pike, of the Staff of this Museum. Given by Arthur A. Pearson, Esq., C.M.G. 424. Model Of H.M.S. "Dreadnought," fi4 guns, built at Blackwall, in 1690, and broken up in September, 1748. She was designed by Sir H. Johnson and Messrs. W. Johnson and M. Naith. The Model was transferred from Windsor Castle in 1902 by Command of His Majesty King Edward VII. 425. Sectional Model of a Russian Line of Battle-ship of the year 1854. It was taken from the School of Naval Archi- tecture at Sevastopol by a seaman named Cruys, of the Naval Brigade, who presented it to his Captain, Sir Stephen Lushington. Given by Bear- Admiral Sir Stephen Lushiny- ton, K.C.B. 427. Longitudinal Sectional Model of the 1st Rate Ship "Caledonia," 120 guns, launched at Plymouth in 1808 Length, 205 feet. Tonnage, 2,616 B.O.M. Breadth, 53 feet 8 inches. Heaviest Gun, 32-pounder. Crew, 837. This Model shows the method of building in practice previous to the adoption of the system introduced by Sir Robert Seppings, K.C.B., Surveyor of the Navy in the Reign of George IV. Given by Sir Robert Seppings, K.C.B. , F.R.S. 428. -Officer's Belt Buckle, 7th Royal Fusiliers, 1876. Git-en l>y Colonel R. W. SparJtes. 429. A Five Shilling Piece (dated 1845') recovered from H.M.S. " Tiger," which was wrecked off Odessa, and taken by the Russians in 1854. Given "by J. D. Cook, Esq. 43O. Officer's Belt Buckle, 43rd Monmouthshire Light Infantry, Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Longley. 46 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 431. Officer's Shoulder-belt Plate, 20th Regiment, 1820 Given by Colonel G. 8. Maxwell. 432. Portion of a Map of Spain taken from the body of a French Officer at the Battle of Barosa (5th March, 1811). It was the property of Lieutenant G. Wilkinson, B.A., who was present at the battle and at Waterloo. Given by Miss Wilkinson and Mrs. Steel. 433 Model Of a 3O-Gun Frigate. Period 1750-90. A frigate was a vessel larger than a sloop or a brig, and smaller than a ship of the line, usually carrying her guns (which varied in number from 30 to 60) on the main deck, and on a raised quarter-deck and forecastle, or on two decks. Given by Mrs. Pitman. 434. Model Of H.M.S. "Victory," 100 guns, in launching rig. This Model represents the ship of the same name imme- diately preceding Lord Nelson's " Victory," which was not built until 1765. Built in 1735, she was the finest first-rate ship in the Navy, and saw service until 8th October, 1744. when she was lost in a violent storm near the Race or Alderney. Her Admiral, Sir John Balchen, and 100 gentlemen's sons, together with the entire crew, numbering 1,000 souls ; perished. It is believed that the Model once figured in the famous collection at Windsor Castle. 435 Model Of H.M.S. "Nankin," frigate, 50 guns, launched at Woolwich, 16th May, 1850. Details as follows : Length, 176 feet. Beam, 52 feet 9 inches. Tonnage, 2,049. Crew, 500. Given by Sir John Barrow, Bart., F.E.S. 436. Bust of Admiral Lord Rodney, K.B. George Erydges Rodney was born in 1718. Promoted Captain, 1742. Com- manded the " Eagle " in Hawke's Action, October, 1747. Governor of Newfoundland, 1749. Rear-Admiral, 1759. In 1762, in conjunction with the Army, reduced the French West India Islands. Vice-Admiral, 1763. Governor of Greenwich Hospital. 1765, which post he resigned in 1771 on being appointed Commander-m-Chief of the Jamaica Station. Admiral, 1778. Defeated Langara's fleet; and relieved Gibraltar, 1780. Twice engaged the French fleet under De Guichen, off Martinique. Vice-Admiral of England, 1781. Obtained a signal victory over De Grasse, 12th April, 1782, for which he was created a Peer with a pension of 2,000. Died, 1792. 4-37. Mode! Of a Dutch Ship of War of the period 1660-1720. It is probably of contemporary date, and is an exceptional specimen of artistic carving. From an architectural point of view the model has not enough length in proportion to beam, the consequence being the fore and mizzen masts are thrown on the mainmast; to make the proportions correct OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 47 the model should be twelve inches longer. The guns, being too large for the size of the model, are too crowded, ana could not be fought if so placed in the actual ship ; they should be about one-half the size, and the ship should carry from 74 to 104. The rigging is very accurate and com- plete, and all other details are correct. Given by Com- mander W. H. Higgs, B.N. 438. -Model Of H.M.S. "Eurydice." 2(>-gun sailing frigate, 921 tons. Built at Portsmouth in 1843. Served two or three commissions on the North American and West Indian and Cape of Good Hope stations. She was commissioned for the last time by Captain Marcus A. Hare, R.N., at Ports- mouth, on the 7th February, 1877, as a Training-Ship for Boys and Ordinary Seamen ; and was returning to Spithead after a winter's cruise in the West Indies, when she capsized in a sudden squall off Dunnose, Isle of Wight, on Sunday, 24th March, 1878, at 4.30 p.m. Of a crew of 320 officers, seamen, and boys, only two were saved. She was afterwards raised, towed into Portsmouth Harbour, and broken up in the same year. Given by Admiral-oj-the- Fleet Sir J. Edmund Commerell, V.C., G.C.B. 439 Model Of H.M.S. f< Medea." Paddle-wheel Steam Sloop 835 tons, 350 horse-power. She was built in 1831, and served on most of the principal stations until 1867, when she was retired. Given by Rev. F. C. Lang, Chaplain B.N. 440. Relics of "Jack the Painter." Jack the Painter, whose real name was James Aitken, lived in the latter part of the 18th Century. He resided at the " Raven Inn," Hook, near Basingstoke. and during the American War of Inde- pendence, roused the whole country by his deliberate attempts to fire our dockyards and shipping. He was successful at Portsmouth in 1776, and did damage to the extent of 60,000. So great was the scare, that, in res- ponse to a reward of 500 offered by the Government for his capture, the whole country was on the alert, and he was run to ground and captured at the " Raven Inn." He was eventually hanged at Portsmouth (see 346). Given by Captain T. M. Bagnold, B.N. 441. Model of a Ship Of War of the period 1486-1520, when guns were first introduced. At this stage, fire-arms had not entirely superseded the bow and arrow ; and while guns had appeared from the sides of the ships, and the archer's panier had been succeeded by a deep circular top, both the fore and aft castles were still used as places of protection and seclusion for archers. The shape of the Model is very similar to the Spanish Caravelle of the early 16th Century, but the Caravelle only possessed one castle and was fitted with lateen yards, whereas the Model is square-rigged and probably ought to carry square topsails in addition. The beam or the ships of this date was very great in 48 ROYAL, UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. proportion to their length ; so much did the sides project at the water-line that two ships alongside, although touch- ing at the water-line, would be several yards apart at the castles. The Model, which it must be stated is somewhat rough, should be fitted with a bowsprit projecting over the figure- head. Given by Lewis Evans, Esq. 442. - Model Of H.M.S. "Royal Albert," 120 guns, built at Woolwich, and launched in the year 1854. She was em- ployed in the Black Sea during the Russian War, and carried the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Edmund Lyons, Bart.. G.C.B. ; she was later fitted with engines, and was retired from the Service in 1884. Her length was 232 feet, beam 61 feet, and tonnage 5,637. She carried a crew numbering 1,000. Given by The Eev. F. C. Lang, Chaplain, E.N. 443. - Pouch of a private soldier of the late Transvaal Artillery, South African Republic. This was the only permanent Military Force of the South African Republic. 444. - Cigarette Box, being one of those sent by Scotsmen at home to the Scottish soldiers in South Africa, 1900. Given by Drummer E. T. Bowe, Gordon Highlanders. 445. Pipe Lighter found on the body of Lieut. -Colonel C. C. H. Thorold, commanding 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He was killed in the operations on the Tugela, 23rd-24th February, 1900. Given by Mr. Arthur Peel, late Natal Carabineers. 446. Three Chocolate Boxes, being specimens of those pre- sented by H.M. Queen Victoria to her troops in South Africa, Christmas, 1900. Given by Messrs. Cadbury Bros., Messrs. J. L. Fry Service and Good Conduct (Honble. East India Company). 65 Army, Long Service and Good Conduct (Queen's). 54 ROYAL UNITED SEBVICE MUSEUM. 66 Army, Long Service and Good Conduct (King's). 67 Long Service and Good Conduct (India, Queen's). 68 Long Service and Good Conduct (India, King's). 69 Long Service and Good Conduct (Cape of Good Hope, Queen's). 70 Long Service and Good Conduct (Cape of Good Hope, King's). 71 Militia Long Service and Good Conduct. 72 Imperial Yeomanry Long Service and Good Con- duct. 73 Volunteers, Long Service (Queen's). 74 Volunteers, Long Service (King's). 75 Volunteers, Long Service (Colonial, Queen's). 76 Volunteer, Long Service (Colonial, King's). 77 Best Shot in the Army. 78 Arctic, 1818-1855. 79 Arctic, 1876. 80 Antarctic, 1902-1904 1 clasp. 81 Antarctic, 1902-1904 (Natives). 82 Shooting Medal, Royal Navy. 83 Transport, 1899-1902, 2 clasps. 484. Three Ordinary Muzzle-loading Time-fuses, with mechanical arrangement to act also as a concussion fuze without using the usual unstable detonating compositive. Given by Captain A. B. Tulloch, 69th Regiment. 485. Case contain ing following Medals: 4 Royal Humane Society ; 1 Saving Life from Drowning ; 1 Mauritius Police, G.C. ; 2 National Life Boat Institution ; 1 Turkish Military; 1 Chilian Military ; 1 Spanish War Medal, 1836; 1 Dutch Java, 1826-30. 486. Pouch Ornament Light Infantry Company, 29th Foot, worn up to 1862. Given "by H. Everard, Esq. 487. Pouch Ornament Grenadier Company, 29th Foot, worn up to 1862. Given by H. Everard, Esq. 488. -Pair Of Officer's Epaulettes, l^th Queen's Lancers, worn about 1840-60. Given by Major F. Dashwood. 489. Pair of Officer's Epaulettes, 3rd King's Own Light Dragoons, worn up to about 1858 49O. Pair of Epaulettes, Bengal Engineers, worn by Major- General Ralf Young, 1844. Given by Captain J. It. Young. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 56 491-492. Pair of Officer's Epaulettes, with Sword-knot 1840, Royal Marine Light Infantry. Given by Captain J. Campbell, R.M.L.l. 4-93- Officer's Sabretasche, Royal Marine Artillery, discon- tinued in 1901. Given by Colonel J. H. Bor, C.M.G., R.M.A. 494. An Oxydised Silver Vase, presented by the Citizens of Victoria (British Columbia) to the Officers, Non-Commis- sioned Officers and Men of the Imperial Troops at Esquimalt, on the occasion of their departure from Canada in May, 1906, the place being no longer garrisoned. Given by Lieut. -Colonel English and the Officers and Men of the Garrison. 495. Four Prints of the Battle of the Nile, dated 1799. Given by Lieut. -Colonel G. S. Maxwell. 496. Sketch Portrait of Napoleon's Guide at Waterloo. Given by C. M. Kempe, Esq 497. Frame containing 6 engravings of the Banqueting House, 3 interior and '6 exterior views. 498. A Plan of the Camp at Hounslow in 1686. 499. Painting in water-colours of "A Eoo-Baergys" named "The Double Rose," of the year 1546. 5OO. Painting in water-colours of a " Pynnase" named the " Phaw- son " of the year 1 546. 501. Model of a Cutter designed by Mr. Thomas Roberts, Master Shipwright, Royal Dockyard, Devonport. A Cutter is a vessel rigged nearly like a sloop, with one mast and a straight running bowsprit, which may be run in upon deck. Given by Miss Roberts. 5O2. Water-colour Paint ing of the "Harry Grace A Dieu," 1.000 tons. This was the largest ship in the Navy at the time of Henry VIII., in whose reign the first Royal Navy was formed. The painting is a copy of an original drawing which was presented to Henry VIII. in the jrear 1546, and which is now at Magdalene College, Cambridge. 5O3. Water-colour Painting of a "Galliasse" named the " Grand Masterys." This was one of the Second-Class Vessels of the Royal Navy at the ^time of Henry VIII. It is a copy of an original drawing presented to Henry VIII. in the year 1546. 504. Model of a Three-Decker of about the year 1830. Given by Captain T. P. Robinson, R.N. 56 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 505, Model of Timbering Circular Sterns, as invented by Mr. Thomas Roberts, Master Shipwright. Royal Dockyard, Devonport. Given by Thomas Eoberts, Esq. 506. Model, in Tortoise-shell and Bone, of a Schooner Yacht, made by a Russian Prisoner of War, confined in England during the Crimean War, 1854-56. Given by Colonel Augustus C. F. FitzGeorge, C.B. 5O7.-A Piece of the Keel of H.M.S. "Badger," Lord Nelson's first command. Nelson, at the age of 20, on the 8th December, 1778, was appointed to command the " Badger " Brig. He served in her until the llth June, 1779, when he was appointed to the " Hinchinbroke." The " Badger " being taken out of commission and sold at Jamaica, in June, 1783, for 2,050, was utilised as a mooring lighter at Simons Bay. In 1858, she was acquired by the Table Bay Harbour Board and converted into an anchor barge, in which capacity she was employed until 1895. Given by G. Lacy Wood, Esq., M.Inst.C.E. 5O8. - Medal struck by the French to commemorate the naval action fought off Beachy Head, 30th Jime, 1690, between a com- bined English and Dutch Fleet of 73 sail under Torrington, and a French Fleet of 75 ships under de Tourville. The allies lost seven ships, of these six were Dutch and one British. Given by C. P. Wilson, Esq. 5O9. Plan of the Battle of Naseby, fought on the 14th June 1645. Given by F. W. Tabrum, Esq. 51O. The Banda Vase, presented to Captain Sir C. Cole, K.C.B. R.N., in commemoration of his distinguished services in the capture of the Dutch Colony of Banda-Neira, near Sumatra, in 1810. (For further description see label). Given by the Marine Society. 511. Piece Of Silver Plate representing the Arctic regions, pre- sented to John Barrow, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.G.S., in grateful remembrance of his kindness and exertion in the furtherance of the search for Sir John Franklin and his companions, by several of the Officers employed in the Arctic Expedition, 1848-54. Given by John Barrow, Esq., F.E.S. 512. Silver Cup presented by the Commercial Union Assurance Company to the London Corps of Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, in recognition of the services rendered by a boat's crew in assisting to extingiiish a fire on e.s. " La Plata," at North Woolwich, on 14th June, 1873. Given by C. E. Beth-Smith, Esq., C.B., late Commanding the London Brigade, R.N.A.V., on the Disbandment of the Corps on 1st Avril. 1892. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 57 513. Model of H.M.S. " Foudroyant," MJ guns, 2,055 tons. A third rate Line-of-Battle-ship, designed by Sir J. Henslow and launched at Plymouth in 1798. She was named after a ship which had been taken from the French forty years previously. The "Foudroyant" served as Lord Nelson's Flag-ship in the Mediterranean in 1799, and also in the same year bore the flag of Rear-Admiral John Duckworth. She was flag-ship of Admiral Lord Keith in 1801. In 1892 she was sold to a German firm to be broken up, but was repurchased, remasted, and brought to Blackpool for exhibi- tion. Here, during a heavy gale on the 16th June, 1897, she parted her cables and went ashore, her crew being rescued by the lifeboat. She was finally destroyed by a storm on the 28th November, 1897. The Model was overhauled and re-rigged in 1906 by Attendant John Smith of the Museum (late P.O., 1st class, R.N.) 514. - A Copy of Si Sermon preached at Whitehall on 27th January 1695, on the occasion of the death of Queen Mary. 515. An early 19th Century Wine Glass, bearing the words, " Nelson's Victory" surrounded with a wreath, and on the other side an engraving of the " Victory." 516. An Engraving shewing the rock of Gibraltar in the early 19th century. Published by Thomas Kelly, Paternoster Row, December, 1822. 517. A Universal Dial for the pocket, hearing the Royal Arms of King James I., it was made in 1616 for H.R.H. Prince Charles. (Charles I.). Given by Captain W. H. Smyth, E.N. 518. Clock Watch of the time of James I., made by I). Quare, of London. (riven by Lieut. -Colonel P. P. Neri/l. 519 A Chinese Compass. Git-en by Major-General Sir John May, K.C.B. 520. -A Chinese Compass (small). Given by Lieut. F. Hutton, E.N. 521. Telescope, which belonged to Mr. Fryer, Master of H.M.S. "Bounty," at the time of the mutiny in 1789. Bequeathed by the late Hugh E. Eump, Esq. The mutiny of H.M.S. "Bounty" took place near the Friendly Islands, in the Pacific, on the 12th April, 1789, through the irascible temper and tyrannical conduct of the captain. Lieut. William Bligh, R.N. (afterwards Vice- Admiral, and Governor of New South Wales). The captain with eighteen of his crew were overmastered and cast adrift in an open boat, while the mutineers, under Fletcher Christian, Acting-Lieutenant and Second-in- Command of the "Bounty," having seized the ship, deserted 58 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. with her. Several of the men landed at Tahiti, and in 1792. the ringleaders were captured by the commander of H.M.S. " Pandora," and tried by Court Martial. Six were condemned, and three were executed. Of those who sailed from Tahiti in the ship, nothing was heard till the one survivor, John Adams, an able seaman, and his descendants, were accidently discovered at Pitcairn Island, in 1814. This John Adams, or Alexander Smith as he afterwards called himself, took a prominent part in the mutiny, "and stood sentry over the captain during the preparations for turning him adrift. In consideration, however, of his sub- sequent excellent and pious conduct in the cy the watermen of the State Barge formerly maintained by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 537. A Cross made out of wood from a ship of the Spanish Armada. The fight with the Spanish Armada in the Channel, com- menced on Sunday, July 21st. 1588. and lasted with intervals until July 30th. The Armada consisted of 130 ships, many of large size, under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia. The English fleet numbered 197 in all, but only 34 were Royal ships, and of these but eight were over 600 tons burden. Lord Howard of Effingham commanded, with Drake and Hawkins as his Lieutenants. The English vessels hung on to the flanks of the Spanish ships as they sailed up Channel, harassing them in every way, and doing consider- able damage, until the Armada anchored in Calais Roads. Here many of their finest vessels were captured or destroyed by fire-ships, and finally, on the 30th, Medina Sidonia decided to attempt to escape northwards. His fleet was scattered by storms, and suffered many losses on the Scotch and Irish coasts, only about one half returning to Spain. Given by Hiss M. A. Dibdin. 538. A round Wooden Box made from wood as follows : The top is a piece of the " Royal George." sunk at Spithead. 29th August, 1782. (See 371.) The centre piece of the top of the box is a portion of the Rider of the " Victory," against which Lord Nelson was laid after receiving his mortal wound. The bottom of the box is a piece of timber from the " Roval William." launched at Portsmouth in the year 1719. The centre of the bottom is composed of wood of the " Edgar," blown up in 1711. Given by W. Kingston, Esq. OFFICIAL CATA10GIK. 61 539. A Spanish Dollar,, pat of the treasure of the Spanish ship San Pedro, which was wrecked at Peniche in 1<"86, it wac recovered by a diving bell. Gtren by Bear-Admiral F. Hardyman, C.B. 54O. lugr recovered from the wrvck of 11. M.S. - Boyne,*" which ship took fire and blew up at Spithead on 4th May, 1796. The jug was 53 years under water before it was recovered. The " Boyne," 98 guns, at the time of her loss was com- manded by Captain Honble. George Grey. Of her crew all were saved with the exception of 11, of whom three or four were killed by the shotted guns being discharged by the host Given by Colonel Sir W. Jerrois, K.C.M.G., C.B., B.E. 541. Piece Of the Bowsprit of H.M.S. " Captain." which was lost in a squall off Cape Finisterre, at 12.15 a.m., on 7th September. 1870. The lives lost numbered 483, including the Captain, Hugh Burgoyne, V.C.. Captain Cowper Coles, the designer of the ship. Mr. Childers (a son of the first lord), and other officers ; 18 ncen of the crew were saved. The ship capsized and sunk in three minutes. Her loss was attributed to too low free-board, heaw top-weight, masts, and hurricane deck. She cost 440,000, and was built by Messrs. Laird, at Birkenhead. 542. Piece Of Larch Wood cut from a beam of the ship of the " Emperor Tiberius," which was sunk in the lake Xemi, near Rome, and discovered first in 1535. From the descrip- tion of it at that period by Francisco Marchi, this ship was about 420 feet long, 210 feet broad and 48 feet high. No attempt was made since his time to recover any part of it until 1827, when a few larch beams were raised, of one of which this is a part. Gtren by Ensign Fairholme, 71st Highland Light Infantry. 54-3. -Stock of a Musket from H.M.S. "La Lutine," 32 guns, wrecked off Vlieland, on the coast of Holland, on 9th Octo- ber, 1799, only one of the crew was saved, and he died before reaching England. "La Lutine" was originally a French ship, but was captured by Admiral Duncan, she contained much money and bullion, and was a great loss to the Under- writers at Lloyds. A chair and table at Lloyds are made from the Rudder, recovered in 1859. 544. Piece of Timber of the Russian Warship "The Twelve Apostles," sunk in Sebastopol Harbour in 1854. Given by Spencer Ponsonby, Esq. 545. Part of a Muzzle Lash in, brought up from the wreck of H.M.S. " Edgar." which blew up at Spithead on 15th October, 1711, when all on board perished. This exhibit was recovered in 1840. Giren by F. TF. Saddler, Esq. 546. Spirit Bottle from the wreck of H.M.S. "Edgar," 70 jruns, at Spithead. in 1711. Recovered in 1840. Given by Capt. L. E. Winkvorth, P.N, 62 ROTAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 547. Box containing a bottle of Port wine recovered from the wreck of H.M.S. "Boyne," burnt at Spithead on 4th May, 1795. The box, which is made from a plank of the ship, is of 41 pieces, the number of years the wine was under the water. Given by Capt. L. E. Winkworth, E.N. 548. Five Dollars recovered from the wreck of H.MA "Thetis," wrecked 5th December, 1830. She had 800,000 dollars aboard of which 747,909 were recovered. Given by Captain 1. Dickenson, E.N. 549. Old Staffordshire Bowl of about 1790, inscribed "Success to Lord Hood,'' commemorative of the services of Admiral Viscount Hood. Admiral Viscunt Hood was the son of the Reverend Samuel Hood, and elder brother of Alexander, Viscount Bridport. He was born in Devonshire in 1724, and entered the JXavy in 1741. He soon distinguished himself, and after several very gallant actions was created a Baronet. He took part in the bombardment of Havre, and was present in the rank of Rear-Admiral at the defeat of Count de Grasse by Lord Rodney, in 1782, when his services were rewarded with an Irish peerage. In 1793, when in command of the Mediterranean, he took possession of Toulon, and reduced Corsica. On nis return to England he was raised to a Viscount, and appointed Governor of Greenwich Hospital. He died in 1816. Given by W. Hammond, Esq. 55O. Impression of the arms granted to Sir Francis Drake. Given by Trayton Drake, Esq. 551. -Piece of the Wedding Dress of Elizabeth Cook, wife of Capt. James Cook, R.N., F.R.S., the circum-navigator. who was killed in 1779. Captain Cook was married at Bark- ing on 21st December, 1762, to Miss Elizabeth Batts. She died in 1835, aged 93. Given by C. F. B< dwell, Esq. 552. Club given to Captain James Cook, the circum-navigator, by the King of Owhyhee. Given by W. H. Newman and W. Chard, Esqs. 553. Fragment of the stone on Avhich Captain James Cook, R.N., the circum-navigator fell when he was killed at Kara Kakoo Bay, Owhyhee, 1779. Given by W. Young, Esq., Paymaster and Purser, E.N. 554. A Stone Axe from Owhyhee. Sandwich Islands. Given by A. Seward. Esa. 555. A Tablet of portable desiccated Soup as used in Captain Cook's voyages. 556. - Crescent taken from the Minaret of a Mosque at Aden on its capture on the 19th January, 1839, by the combined Naval and Military Force, under Captain H. Smith, R.N., H.M.S. "Volagc." Given by Captain H. Smith, C.S., E.N. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 68 557. Epaulette of the tunic of Trooper J. Tompson, 16th Light Dragoons, showing the two sword cute he received in an encounter with a Sikh at the battle of Aliwal, on 28th January, 1846. The Battle of Aliwal was fought between 10,000 British Troops, under Sir Harry Smith, and 20,000 Sikhs, under Runjur Singh. The Troops of the Khalsa withstood three charges of the British Cavalry with splendid bravery, but at last broke and fled, losing many drowned in the Sutlej, besides those left on the field. The British captured 67 guns. Given by Mr. J. Power, late Trumpet Major, 16th (The Queen's) Lancers. 558. Union Flag, made in the Arsenal, Kawal Pindi, and carried behind Major-General Sir M. G. Gerard, K.C.S.I., the officer representing Great Britain on the Demarcation Com- mission with Russia and China, on the Pamirs, 1895. Given by the Secretary of State for India. . 560. Quintant used by Lieut. -General Sir Charles Napier in the Scinde Campaign, 1843. Sir Charles Napier, the Conqueror of Scinde. was born at Whitehall in 1782 ; his mother was Lady Sarah Lennox. On joining the British Army in Spain. Napier was five times wounded at Coruna, and once at Busaco. In 1841 he became a Major-General and pro- leeded to India in command of the Army in Scinde. Having gained the great battle of Meanee, 17th February. 1843. and captured Hyderabad, Sir Charles was constituted by Lord Elleuborough Governor of Scinde. He quitted India in 1847, but on the outbreak of the Sikh "War. having been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, re- turned for a brief period. He died near Portsmouth in 1853. Given by Colonel McMurdo, C.B. 561. Part of a Bandolier of a Musketeer of the early part of the 17th century. The charge-holders which usually numbered twelve, were attached to a belt worn over the shoulder which suspended a Powder Flask. These Bandoliers were discon- tinued about 1640. Given by the Master General of the Ordnance. 562. German Powder Flask for sporting gun, 18th century. 563. Indian Bullet-Bag made in the Deccan. 564. Two Brass Albanian Cartouche Boxes. 565. Greek Cartridge Box. 566. Russian Cartridge Box. 567. Water Bottle taken from an Afghan Soldier during the war of 1841-42. 568. Two Syrian CartoucheJBoxes. 569. Two Burmese Powder Flasks, 64 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MVSEUM. 57O. Cartridge Box from Montenegro. 571. Coorgh Cartouche Box. 572. -Syrian Powder Flask. 573. Arabian Belt and Pouches from Petra. 574. Four Arrows used by Crusaders in the 12th century. Arrows have nearly universally been made with a light straight shaft of wood fitted with feathers at the neck-end to steady the flight, and with a pointed head of various forms, often barbed, so as to remain fixed in the object pierced. Those used in the middle ages rarely had barbed heads, sometimes the head was flat, sometimes conical. The heads of the earlier arrows were fixed by means of lashing ; those of later times by a metal ferrule. The feathers seem to have been generally used throughout all ages and so fitted as to lend a rotary movement to the arrow and tlius steady its flight. Given by Major Robe. 575. Two Arrows (Hindostan) with barbed heads. 576. An Arrow with spade barbed head, from Central Africa. 577. Three Arrow Heads (barbed), S. E. Africa. 578. An Arrow Head (spade shaped), Central Africa. 579. A Cleddyp or the species of sword, usually of bronze, having the form which is described as " leaf-shaped," the tongue being in one piece with the blade, and the barrel of the hilt being formed by rivetting a plate of wood, bone, or horn upon each side 'of the tongue. The leaf-shaped sword is the characteristic weapon of the bronze period, it is found all over Europe from Lapland to the Mediterranean. No war- like weapon of any period is more graceful or more beauti- fully finished. The finish seems to have been given in the mould without the aid of hammer or file, the edge being formed by suddenly reducing the thickness of the metal. This speciman is 23 inches long, and was found in a bog in Tipperary. Given, by Admiral Sir J. Powley, Bart., G.C.B. 58O. A CleddyOi 24 ins. in length (see 79). Given by Lieutenant W. P. Newnham, E.N. 581. A Cleddyo, broken, originally about 18 ins. in length, dredged up at Wandsworth Point, River Thames. (See 579.) 582. A Spear Head of the bronze period, found in Co. Monagban. Though the leaf-shaped form predominates, barbed speci- mens are occasionally found. Some British forms are of great size, reaching sometimes a length of 27 inches. The larger varieties are often beautifully designed, having segmental openings on both sides of the central ridge of the blade. Given by Viscount Templetown, OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 65 583. Piece Of a Saxon Spear Head, dredged up in the centre of the Thames off the High-bridge, Putney, March, 1861. The Saxon Spear was a narrow, long-bladed weapon, varying greatly in form and dimensions, but generally characterised by the socket being slit or unclosed throughout its length. 584. Saxon Spear Head, dredged up in the centre of the Thames at Putney, March, 1861. (See 583.) 585. Portion of a Saxon Dagger, dredged up from the centre of the Thames at Putney, in 1861. 586. Saxon Spear Head, dredged up from the centre of the Thames, at Putney, March, 1861. (See 583.) 587. Saxon Spear Head (iron) found in a grave at Broughton. 588. Two Knives of the 15th century, found when digging the foundations of St. Thomas's Hospital, London. 589. Portion of a Sword of the loth century. 590. Helmet of the Royal Midlothian Yeomanry Cavalry. Given by Charles T. Cox, Esq. 591. Portrait, in Water Colours, of James Gunnis, Eoyal Marine Band, Portsmouth Division, 1823-1846. Given, by J. W. Gunnis (Musician in Ordinary to Queen Victoria). 592. Naval Sword of early 19th century which belonged to Mid- shipman John Wells, R.N., who served on board H.M.S. " Britannia" from 1803-5, and was present at the battle of Trafalgar and stationed at the signals. He entered the Navy August 9th, 1803, at the age of 19, and served until 28th September, 1816. Amongst other ships on which he served were the " Sampson," " The Excellent," " The Royal William," and the " Julia," in the last of which ships for 11 months he was guarding Napoleon I. at St. Helena. Bequeathed by his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Older. 593. Mahogany Brass Bound Writing Desk, which belonged to Lieut. John Wells, R.N. Bequeathed by Mrs. W. A. Older. 594. -The Boulton Medal for Trafalgar, given to Midshipman John Wells, R.N. Bequeathed by Mrs. W. A. Older. 595. Letter written by Midshipman Wells to his parents describing the battle of Trafalgar, dated October 30th, 1805. Be- queathed by Mrs. W. A. Older. 596. Sketch by Midshipman John Wells, of the disposition of the British and combined Fleets just before the battle of Tra- falgar. Bequeathed by Mrs. W. A. Older. 597. A Maple Wood Snuff-box belonging to Lieutenant J. Wells, R.N. Bequeathed by Mr*. W. A. Older. 66 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSED M. 598. Two Signal Books, 1808, used by Lieutenant J. Wells on H.M.S. " Excellent." Bequeathed by Mrs. W. A. Older. 599. Cockade, cut from the hat of a dead French seaman, by Mid- shipman John Wells, when boarding a prize after the battle of Trafalgar. Bequeathed by Mrs. W. A. Older. 600. Various Personal Documents relating to Lieutenant J. Wells, R.N. Bequeathed by Mrs. W. A. Older. 601. A Print in colours of the Death of Lord Nelson, from the original painting by S. Drummond, and engraved by W. J. Annis. Bequeathed by Mrs. W. A. Older. 602. Portrait of Brant, the celebrated chief of the Mohawk tribes of North American Indians, who served with the British Army during the American 'Revolutionary War. 603. - A Line Engraving of the death of Captain James Cook, the circum-navigator, from the painting by George Carter, en- graved by J. Hall, S. Smith, and J. Thornthwaite con- jointly. 604. -A Line Engraving, dated 1753. "A View of Royal Building for His Majesty's Horse and Foot Guards in St. James's Park, London." 605. -Small Brass Plaque with portrait of Lord Nelson by Peter Wyon. Given by Naval Cadet P. M. Filleul. 606. Shoulder Belt Plate of the Cambridge Militia, dug up on Woolsthorpe Hill. Given by G. Welborn, Esq. 607. Model of "Long Cecil," the gun made at Kimberley, South Africa, during the Siege, 1899-1900. Scale 1 to 12. Made by Miles. Bement, Pond and Coy., New York. Given by W. S. Acdes, Esq., M.I.M.E. 608. A Plan of the Merchant Transport Fleet by which the British Army was conveyed to the Crimea. Given by Mrs. John Baker. 6O9. Rat's Nest from H.M.S. " Revenge." (1854-1873.) "A strong smell of fire was detected on board one morn- ing. On a diligent search being made, it was discovered that the smell proceeded from a Rats' Nest, in the ' Cable Tier.' The old rat, in taking a match into the nest, accidentally fired the nest. The young rats were burnt, and the ship was nearly set fire to thereby." Presented and authenticated by Commander A. Gilmore, R.N. 61O. Two Coloured Prints dated 1799, by Rowlandson, one of the Billingsgate Volunteers the other St. Martins-in-the- Fields Volunteers. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 67 611. Two Coloured Prints dated 1798, by Kowlandson, one of the Clerkenwell Cavalry, the other, of the London and Westminster Light Horse Volunteers. 612. Facsimile Of the Seal of Aymer de Valance, Earl of Pem- broke, who died in 1324, half brother of Henry III. The original Charter to which the seal is attached is dated 10th December, 1316, and is the settlement of an ancient feudal dispute (in possession of the donor). The Earl was a dis- tinguished soldier under Edward II. It should be noted that he is mounted on a blood horse. Given 6y Edwai d Almack, Esq. 613. A Painting in Oils depicting the taking of Puerto Bello on 21st November 1739, by Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon. Copied from the original work of George Chambers by Miss Maud M. Berry. Puerto Bello, standing on the north side of the Isthmus of Darien, was discovered by Colftmbue in 1502. It pos- sessed a very fine harbour, and the town, which at the time of its surrender to Admiral Vernon was strongy fortified, was the principal mart for the riches of Chile and the neighbouring countries. Admiral Vernon attacked the place with onlv six ships "Hampton Court" "Norwich" "Worcester." "' Burford," " Straffiord," and " Princfeae Louisa." after embarking 200 soldliers. under Captain Newton, at Port Royal. The fight commenced at 2 p.m., and on the enemy's fire from the ships and forts lessening, a landing was effected. On the following day the Spanisn Governor surrendered the place on Admiral Vernon's terms. The British, after three weeks of work, succeeded in reduc- ing the fortifications by means of the powder from the surrendered ships. Considerable wealth was taken with the place. Bequeathed by Miss Minnie Berry. 614. The Imperial Arms Of Russia in bronze, taken from over the gates of the arsenal of Soudjak-Kale on the Cir- cassian Coast during the Russian War of 1854-6 by Captain T. A. B. Spratt. R.N. H.M.S. "Spitfire," when the town was captured by the Allies on the 28th May, 1855. Given ly Admiral T. A. B. Spratt, C.B., F.E.S. 615. ATI Engraving showing "A View of the Privy Gardens and Banqueting House at Whitehall." 616. An Engraving of The George worn by King Charles I. on the day of his Execution. The George is a jewel, including a figure in coloured enamels of St. George on Ho.rseback encountering the Dragon, worn pendant from the collar of the Order by Knights of the Garter. The Lesser George is a Badge of the Order of the Garter, worn, on occasions of comparatively little ceremony, pen- dant from a ribbon. It is oval in shape with a representa- tion of St. George killing the Dragon ; it is gold upon an enamelled ground, and is bordered by a buckled garter. E 2 63 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 617. An Engraving by W. Miller of the picture painted by C. Stanfield, R.A.. of the Battle of Trafalgar. 618. An Engraving giving an exact representation of the English and French Fleets, under the command of Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B., and Admiral Brueys, off the Mouth of the Nile on the 1st August. 1798. 619. Coloured Print of the Lieutenant of the Yeomen of the Guard. Given by B. E. Sargeaunt, 620. Case containing the Badges of Regiments raised in South Africa during the war 1899-1902. Given by Edward Sass, Esq. 621. Engraving by J. Cousen of the picture by Stanfield of H.M.S. " Victory " being towed into Gibraltar after the battle of Trafalgar, dated 1857. Given by Captain A. C. Tupper. E.N. 622. Flag used by the crew of H.M.S. "Niger," when they opposed the Mutineers in 1797, at Sheerness. It was presented by the crew to their Captain, Edward James Foote. Given by Admiral Stanhope. The Mutiny at the Nore. which blocked up the trade of the Thames, broke out on 27th May, 1797, and subsided 13th June, 1797. when the principal Mutineers were put in irons, and several executed (including the ringleader, who had assumed the name of Rear-Admiral Richard Parker) on 30th June, at Sheerness. 623. German Engraving of the execution of King Charles I. 624. Sepia Drawing, after an old engraving by E. Ronker, of the Holbein Gate. Given by Lieut. G. E. Maltby, E.N. 625. Two Line Engravings, one of the Banqueting House, the other of the Horse Guards and Treasury in 1769. Engraved for Chamberlain's li H : story of London." Given by Lieut. G. E. Maltby, E.N. 626. Line Engraving of the Banquetine House, from Dodsley's "London and its Environs, 1761." Given by Lieut. G. E. Maltby, E.N. 627 Small Engraving of the portrait painted by Van Dyck. of Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Given by Lieut. G. E. MaUby, E.N. 628. Small Engraving of the portrait painted by Van Dyck, of Inigo Jones. Given by Lieut. G. E. Maltby, E.N. 629. Engraving, shewing the Banqueting House from the river. Given by Lieut. G. E. Maltby, E.N. 630. Engraving, with explanation, entitled "Like Coachman, Like Cause, or an Emblem of what we must expect if Low Church gets uppermost." Given- by Lieut. G. E. Maltby, E.N. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 69 631. -Engraving of the statue of King James II. in the Privy Garden. Whitehall. The Statue is now at the West front of the Admiralty. Given by Lieut. G. E. Maltby, B.N. 632. Engraving, after the drawing by Hollar, of the Palace of Whitehall in the early part of the reign of Charles I. Given by Lieut. G. B. Maltby, B.N. 633. - Line Engraving of Cardinal Wolsey. Given by Lieutenant G. B. Maltby, E.N. 634. Engraving of the original drawing, by Sandby, of Whitehall, made on July 1st, 1775. Given by Lieut. G. B. Maltby, B.N. 635. Engraving of the Bust, by Le Sueur, of James I., dated 1793. Given by Lieut. G. B. Maltby, B.N. 636. -Engraving 1 of Oliver Cromwell. Girrn by Lieutenant G. If. lj, R.N. 637. Engraving 1 showing the execution of King Charles I. Giren by W. Hammond, Kxq. 638. Engraving, by 11. Romney, showing the execution of King Charles I. The wording of the warrant is printed below. Given by the Beverend Thomas Jones. 639. Engraving, by Virtue, of the portrait of Charles I., by Van Dyck. Given by Lieut. G. B. MiUby, B.N. 640. Engraving of the Old Horse Guards Building, showing the Banqueting House in the centre. Date 1720.- Given by Aston Webb, E&q. 641. Engraving of Whitehall Gateway, from the drawing of T. Sandby. Given by Lieut. G. B. Maltby, B.N. 642. Sepia Drawing, by J. Kips in 1774, " Prospect of Whitehall." Given by Lieut. G. B. Maltby, B.N. 643. -Copy Of a Paper, delivered by Admiral Honble. John Byng, to the Marshal of the High Court of Admiralty, immediately before his death. Dated 14th March, 1757. Given by Lady Whitshed. Admiral Byng was charged with neglect of duty in an engagement with the enemy off Minorca, 20th May, 1756, condemned for an error of judgment, and shot on board the "Monarch," at Spithead, 14th March, 1757. 644. Engraving 1 , shewing Merton Place, the seat in Surrey of Admiral Lord Nelson. The house was originally built by $ Sir Richard Hotham, Knt., a London merchant. It was at' one time in the possession of Thomas Sainsbury, Lord Mayor of London, and afterwards of Mr. Graves, who sold it to Lady Hamilton, acting on behalf of Lord Nelson. It was pulled down many years ago. 70 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 645. Engraving of the painting by Hodges, of Captain James Cook, F.R.8., the Circum-Navigator. 646. Drawing in Pencil of Lord Nelson, taken from life at Naples in 1797. by Charles Grignon. In the frame is a lock of Lord Nelson's hair, with a memorandum made by Captain Sir Thomas Staines, K.C.B., R.N., as to its authenticity. Given by Commander J. Bremer, R.N. 647. A Painting On GLaSS, showing the barge which conveyed Lord Nelson's Body from Greenwich to Whitehall on January 8th, 1806. 648. A Painting on Glass, showing the Funeral Car which con- veyed the body of Lord Nelson from the Admiralty to St. Paul's on January 9th, 1806. 649. Design in Water Colours, showing the nags used in Lord Nelson's famous signal at Trafalgar. Painted by W. Gibb. Given by W. Gibb, Esq. The story of Nelson's Signal is best told in the words of the "Victory's" Signal Lieutenant, Pasco, the officer who received Nelson's orders to make it. The "Victory," at the moment, was somewhat less than a mile and a half from the enemy's line. "His Lordship," Lieutenant Pascoe says, "came to me on the poop, and, after ordering certain Signals to be made, about a quarter to noon, said, ' Mr. Pascoe, I want to say to the fleet, "England confides that every man will do his duty." ' He added, 'you must be quick, for I have one more to add, which is for "Close Action." I replied, ' If your Lordship will permit me to substitute expects for confides, the Signal will soon be completed, be- cause the word expects is in the vocabulary, and confides must be spelt.' His Lordship replied in haste, and with seeming satisfaction, ' that will do, Pascoe, make it directly.' " As the last hoist was hauled down, Nelson turned to Captain Blackwood, who was standing by him with, ' Now I can do no more. We must trust to the great Disposer of all events, and the justice of our cause. I thank God for this great opportunity of doing my duty.' " When Lord Nelson's message had been answered by a few ships in the van," continues Lieutenant Pasco, " he ordered me to make the signal for " Close Action," and to keep it np. Accordingly, I hoisted No. 16 at the top-gallant mast- head, and there it remained, until shot away." 650. Photograph of the Register at Burnham Thorpe Church, containing Lord Nelson's Baptismal Certificate. Also photo- graphs or two marriage certificates witnessed by him in 1769. Given by Lieut. -Colonel T. A. Le Mesurier. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 71 652. Pendant Board, with order of the sailing of the fleet attached, and signed by Lord Nelson, in use on board H.M.S. " Britannia," 100 guns. Captain C. Bullen. R.N. Flagship of the Earl of Northesk, Rear-Admiral of the White, at the Battle of Trafalgar, 21st October, 1805. Given by David John, 10th Earl of Xorthesk. 653. List of the Officers killed and wounded at the Battle of Trafalgar. October 21st, 1805. Also a total list of the killed and wounded seamen and marines in the various ships. 654. Private List i by Lieut. -Colonel A. E. H. Webb. 693. Print in Colours, " 1st Life Guards. Riding Master and Rough Riders." Published by Engelmann, 1829. 694. Print in Colours, " 1st Life Guards. A Farrier." Published by Engelmann, 1829. 695. Print in Colours, "Royal Horse Guards' Officer in Undress." Published by Engelmann, 1829. 696. -Print in Colours, "Royal Horse Guards. Private and Corporal." Published by Engelmann, 1828. 697. Print in Colours, " 10th Royal Hussars. Trumpeter.'' Published by Engelmann, 1829. 698. Print in Colours, "15th Hussars. Private." Published by Engelmann, 1828. 699. Print in Colours, "Royal Waggon Train. Field Officer." Published by Engelmann, ' 1828. TOO. Print in Colours, " Royal Artillery. Private." Published by Engelmann, 1828. 701. Print in Colours, "3rd Foot Guards. Bugleman." Published by Engelmann, 1828. 7O2 Print in Colours, " 23rd Regimem . Royal Welsh Fusiliers." 7O3. Print in Colours, "62nd Regiment. Officer of Light Infantry." Published by Engelmann, 1828. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 76 704. Coloured Print, " 87th Regiment or Royal Irish Fusiliers. A Private." Published by Engelmann, 1828. 705, -Print in Colours, ''87th Regiment or Royal Irish Fusiliers. Drum-Major." Published by Engelmann', 1828. 706. Print in Colours, u Field Officer, Royal East India Company, Depot at Chatham." Published by Engelmann, 1830. 7O7. Coloured Print, "Officer Coldstream Guards. Undress." Published by W. Spooner, 1832. 708. -Coloured Print, "Officer 18th Light Dragoons." Published by W. Spooner, 1832. 709. Print in Colours, " The Cavalry of the Guard," 1846. 710. Print in Colours, ' : The Dragoon Guards," 1816. 711. Print in Colours, "The Horse Artillery," 1846. 712 Print in Colours, " The Line," 1846. 713. Print in Colours, "The Rifles." 1846. 714. -Print in Colours, "23rd or Royal Welsh Fusiliers." Published by Ackermann, 1855. 715. Print in Colours, "33rd (1st Yorkshire. West Riding) Review Order." Published by Ackermann, 1853. 716. Print in Colours, '-79th Carreron Highlanders." Published by Ackermann, 1855. 717. Print in Colours, '-73rd Highlanders." Published by Ackermann, 1855 718. Print in Colours, " 60th Rifles," 1857. Published by Ackermann, 1857. 719. Print in Colours, "Rifle Brigade." Published byAckermann, 1855. 72O. Print in Colours, >l Bengal Horse Artillery." Published by Ackermann, 1846. 721. -Print in Colours, '-19th Bengal Light Cavalry." Published by Ackermann, 1848. 722. Print in Colours, "Bengal Infantry, 65th Infantry, Light Company." Published by Ackermann, 1846 . 723. Print in Colours, " Officer Bombay Lancers." Published by Ackermann, 1846. 724. Print in Colours, " Bombay Horse Artillery, Officer in Full Dress." Published by Ackermann, 1846. 725. Print in Colours, ; '65th Bombay Infantry." Published by Ackermann, 1846. 76 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 726. Print in Colours, "The Governor's Body Guard, Madras Presidency." Published by Ackermann, 1846. 727. Print in Colours, " Madras Horse Artillery." Published by Ackermann, 1845. 728 Print in Colours, ''Madras Infantry, Bandmaster and Musician." Published by Ackermann, 1846. 729. Print in Colours, "Madras Infantry, Officers of the Rifles and Light Infantry in Full Dress." Published by Acker- mann, 1845. 73O. -Print in Colours, "Madras Infantry, 32nd Regiment." Published by Ackermann, 1845. 731. Print in Colours, ''Officer Nizam's Army, 3rd Cavalry, Officer in Full Dress." Published by Ackermann, 1845. 732. Print in Colours, "His Highness the Nizam's Cavalry, 3rd Regiment, Officer in Undress." Published by Ackermann, 1846. 733. - Print in Colours, "Nizam's Army, Native Officer in Full Dress, 3rd Cavalry." Published by Ackermann, 1845. 734. Print in Colours, "Officer of the Bundlecund Legion in Review Order." Published by Ackermann, 1847. 735. Frame, containing five small prints in colours, i.e. Cornet of the Horse Guards, 15th Hussars, Officer Life Guards, Officer Heavy Dragoons, and the Squadron Standard of Royal Dragoons. Dublin (about) 1820. 736. - Frame, containing three prints in colours, 74th Highlanders, Royal Engineers, Rifle Brigade. Published by Ackermann, 1849. 737. Print in Colours of the 16th (The Queen's) Lancers, 1853. 738. Frame, containing three coloured prints. 13th Light Dragoons, 10th Hussars, 13th Light Dragoons (officer). Published by Ackermann, 1849. 739. Print in Colours of "Cadets of Addiscombe," 1846, Honble. East India Company. 74O. Print in Colours of a Royal Horse Artillery Man, about 1815 by Charles Vernet. 741. Print in Colours of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Grenadier Guards, about 1861. 742. Print in Colours, shewing types of Guards, Rifle Brigade and Highlanders, 185-t. 743. Print in Colours of H.M. Queen Victoria, and H.R.H. The Prince Consort. Cobham, 1855. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 77 744. Frame, containing the following types of the year 1823 : 4th R.I. Dragoon Guards, 5th Dragoon Guards, 12th Royal Lancers, a General Officer, Officer 1st Life Guards, Officer 2nd Life Guards, Royal Horse Guards, 9th Lancers, Grenadier Guards, 17th Lancers. 745. Water Colour Painting by Henry Payne, of an Officer, Royal Artillery, 1812. 746. Frame, containing three caricatures. An Officer of the 10th Hussars, an Officer of the 15th Hussars, an Officer of the 7th Hussars. All taken from life. Published by Dighton, Charing Cross, date about 1808. 747. Frame, containing three prints in colours of the Royal Artillery, 1829, 1853. 1854. 748. Print in Colours, Private, 1st Life Guards. Published by Engelmann. 749. Print in Colours of an Officer of the 87th, or Royal Irish Fusiliers. Published by Engelmann, 1828. 75O. Print in Colours of the Nizam's Army, 1846. Published by Ackermann. 751. A French Engraving by Randon, entitled, "Bruslot a la Fonde." 752. A French Engraving, entitled, " Vaisseau du troisieme rang a la Voile." 753. A French Engraving, entitled, "Flute, Vaisseau de charge a la Voile." 754. A French Engraving, entitled, " Sa'ique Batiment dont les Tures se seruent en leuent pour leur trafic." 755. A French Engraving, entitled, "Barque allant vent arriere." 756. A French Engraving, entitled, "Polacre a la Voile." 757. A French Engraving, entitled, " Galiote a bombe." 758. A French Engraving, entitled, "Brigantin donnant chasse a une felouque et prest a la border." 759. A French Engraving, entitled, "Tartane de Pesche." 76O. A French Engraving, entitled, "La Galore patronne a la rame." 761. A French Engraving, entitled, "Galeasse a la rame. 78 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 762. A French Engraving, entitled, "La Galere reale a la fonde." 763. A French Engraving, entitled, "Galere a la voile portant 1'estendart de chef d'escadre." 764. -A French Engraving, entitled, " Galeasse a la voile." 765. A French Engraving by Barthelemy Chasse, entitled " Coupe d'une Galere avec ses proportions." 766. 43 Heraldic Shields with the Royal Arms of the Kings and Queens of England from William I. to Victoria, painted according to the " Willements Regal Heraldry." The dates on the shields are those of the accession of each Sovereign. Where there is more than one marriage, the date after the first is that of the second marriage. Given by Arthur C. Tupper, Esq. 767. Four Heraldic Shields of the Arms of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Given by Arthur C. Tupper, Esq. 768.^-Silver Pouch, Officer's, 10th The Queen's Lancers, 1848. Given by Major F. L. Dashwood, 16th Lancers. 769 The Bell of the Private Chapel of the French Ship "Ville de Paris," 104 guns, taken by Admiral Sir George Brydges Rodney, on April 12th, 1782, and lost off the banks of Newfoundland on 9th September, 1782, in a gale. As a reward for his signal victory over the French Fleet under De Grasse, on April 12th, Rodney was created a Peer of the Realm with a pension of 2,000 a year attaching to the title. Given by Captain H. H. Bing- ham, B.N., and Commander J. E. Bingham, R.N. 77O. An Engraving, "England's Glory." Barcelona taken by the Confederate Fleet and Army, October 20th, 1705. "Ye Land Forces under the command of ye Earl of Peterborough and Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt, and the Fleet under that of ye Admirals Shovel and Allemonde, Charles III., King of Spain, being present and assisting at the whole." 771. An Engraving, " England's Glory." " The Spanish Galleons taken and destroyed in the West Indies by Commodore AVager, May 28th, 1708." 772. An Engraving, "England's Glory." " Thoulon bombarded and the French magazines with eight men-of-war destroyed by the Confederate Fleet and Land forces, under the com- mand of Prince Eugene, the Duke of Savoy, Sir Cloudesley Shovel, etc., on the 21st August, 1707," 773. An Engraving, " England's Glory." "The raising of ye siege of Gibraltar and destroying Mons'rs Panic's Squadron, by Sir John Leake, March 20th', 1704-5." OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 79 774. An Engraving, "England's Glory." "The engagement of the Confederate Fleet, under Sir George Rook, Sir Cloudesley Shovel, Sir John Leake, and the Dutch Admiral Calleuburge and Vanderdusson, and that of the French, under their High Admiral, the Count de Toulouse, etc.. on the 13th August, 1704, off Malaga. 775. An Engraving, "England's Glory." "The Great Storm, Nov. 26th, 1703." 776. An Engraving, " Sir Cloudesley Shovel in the 'Association ' with the 'Eagle,' 'Rumny' and the 'Firebrand,' lost off the rocks of Scilly, October 22nd, 1707." 777. An Engraving, "The burning of ye Spanish Galleons, and Flota, and ye French men-of-war, under Monsr. Chateau Renard, at Vigo, by ye Confederate Fleet and Land Forces, under ye Duke of Ormond, Sir George Rook, Admiral Allemonde, etc., on the twelfth of October, 1702." 778-779. Small War Hatchet, consisting of a Flint Head with a stick inserted through a hole. South Australia. Given by Sir John Barrow, F.R.G.S. 780-783. Small War Hatchet, consisting of a Flint Head attached to a wooden handle by means of cement. South Australia. Given by Sir John Barrow, F.E.G.S. 784-785. Small War Hatchet, consisting of a large flint sharpened, with a cane handle bent round it. Given by Sir John Barrow, F.B.G.S. 786. A Carved Stick with human hair. Marquesas Islands. 787. Small Rude Wooden Club with heavy head. South Australia. 788. Small Rude Wooden Club with heavy head. Sandwich Islands. 789-793. Knives, consisting of wooden handles, cemented to sharpened flints which form the blades. South Australia. Given by Sir George Arthur, Bart. 794-. War Trumpet made from a human bone (tibia). Sandwich Islands. 795. War Trumpet made from a shell, with cemented mouthpiece, strengthened by human hair. Sandwich Islands. 796-797. Mats of Armour, consisting of hogs' teeth, lashed together with human hair. Sandwich Islands. Given by Mrs. Darling. 798-799. A Double-edged Knife of wood and sharks' teeth. Sandwich Islands. 8OO. An Anklet of hogs' tusks. Sandwich Islands. SOI, A Bracelet of hogs' tusks. Sandwich Islands. 80 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 8O2. A " Fire Carriage." A machine composed of a number of muskets to fire simultaneously. It was worked by two men and was frequently used in the 18th century. A patent for a similar weapon was granted to William Drum- mond in 1624, but the machine was not used to any extent until some years later. The machine is a muzzle-loading flint-lock weapon, and is charged by means of the steel lode in the barrels, the travelling brass-plate acting as a gauge for guiding the rods. The weapon could be recharged when fired in about_ four minutes. Tne Mitrailleuse differed from the weapon, inasmuch that it had a breach action, but in other respects it was similar. It was introduced in about 1866. Given by H.M. King Edward VII. 803. A Portrait in crayons of Commander Bird Allen, R.N., drawn in 1844 by Samuel Lawrence. Given by J. Allen, Esq. 8O4. Two Bats (polo sticks) and Ball, used by the Manipoors in a game resembling the English game of hockey, but played on horse back. Given in 1845 by Major J. G. Burns, Bengal Artillery. 8O5. Portion of the Head of a Flint Hammer and Marling Spike, also Four Nails used by the Mutineers of H.M.S. "Bounty" on Pitcairn Island, in 1789. Given by Captain E. F. A. Gaunt, C.M.G., E.N. 806. A Painting in water-colours, by William Heath, of the 5th Princess Charlotte of Wales's Dragoon Guards. Officer in Review G'rder, 1826. Given by Major E. S. Jackson. 8O7. A Case containing 45 Vernon Medals. Given by Lieutenant G. P. Wilson, late Indian Navy. 8O8. Model of one of the Gunboats comprised in the fleet of the Emperor Napoleon I. for the invasion of England. In 1804 there wer& assembled at Boulogne 160,UOO men and 10,000 horses together with a flotilla of 1,30U vessels, carry- ing 17,000 hands. The Model shows the construction of the Gunboats. The long slide running fore and aft is employed for working the Gun at either end of the boat ; the centre portion of it is removable and allows the gun to sink below the gunwale and act as ballast when not in use. The locker nearest the visitor is for cartridges, the further one being for provisions. The supply of shot is carried on either side of the keel, thus acting as ballast. The muskets are stowed round the boat under the gunwale, being protected from the wet by canvas. 811. An Aquatint Engraving, by J. Hill, after J. A. Atkinson, " Artillery Train," 1810. 812. An Aquatint Engraving, by J. Hill, after J. A. Atkinson, "Halt of Troops," 1808. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 81 813. A Mezzotint Engraving of the Marquis of Anglesey, Colonel, 7th Hussars. 814. A Portrait in oils, by W. C. Hoisley. Colonel Artists V.R.C., of Colonel Lonsdale A. Hale ; late R.E Chairman of the Journal and Library Committee of the Royal United Service Institution. Given by the Home District Military Society. 815. A Coloured Print by Dighton, dated 1805, of two Officers of the Royal Horse Guards. Given by Major E. S. Jackson. 816. A Pencil Drawing, " Dandy Midshipman, 1819," by the late Rear-Admiral W. H. Smyth, F.R.S. Given by Colonel H. Breton, late R.E. 817. -A Set of 12 Line Engravings, being historical views of the glorious expedition of His .Britannic Majesty's Ships and Forces against the " Hayannah," under the command of Sir George Pocock, the Right Honble. Lord Albemarle, and Rear-Admiral Keppel, in 1762. After drawings taken on the spot by an Officer of His Majesty's Navy. 818. -A French Engraving of the Battle of Navarino, October 20th, 1827. 819. -A Mezzotint Engraving, "A Splendid Record of British Bravery," displaying the French ships of the line, " Le Juste" and " L' America," taken on the 1st June, 1794, as they appeared when entering Portsmouth Harbour. 820. A Facsimile of the Warrant for the execution of King Charles I. 821. A Print in colours, being a view of the island of Banda Neira captured by a force landed from a squadron under the command of Captain Cole on August 9th, 1810. Taken from a sketch by Captain Cole. 822. An Engraving, dated 1848, of a Spanish Man-of-War of 74 Guns, taken by H.M.S. " Russel." 823. An Engraving, dated 1748, of a French Man-of-War of 74 guns taken on Cttober 14th, 1747, by the British Fleet under the command of Sir Edward Hawke. K.B., Rear-Admiral of the White. 824. An Engraving, dated 1748, of a French Man-of-War taken on 3rd May, 1747, by the British Fleet under the command of Lord Anson, Admiral of the Blue. 825. A Coloured Portrait of James Thomas, K.C.B., 7th Earl of Cardigan, Colonel llth Prince Albert's Own Hussars, commanded the Light Cavalry Brigade at the Battle or BaLaklava. Given by Captain W. A. Tollemache. 02 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 826. Gold Medal granted for the capture of Seringapatam on the 4th May, 1799, and awarded to Major Lang, commanding 2nd Division, 2nd Regiment of European Infantry. The siege lasted from April 4th to May 4th. 1799, the British being commanded by General Harris, General Baird, anc Colonel Wellesliey. Tippoo Sahib, who commanded the Mysoris, was killed. Bequeathed by Mrs. C. M. Colls. 827. The DreSS worn by Tippoo Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, during the Siege of Seringapatam, in 1799. It is thickly padded with leather, and the head-dresis, which has the appearance of green velvet, is in reality a very effective helmet. ?> en by the Bight HonUe. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. 828. Model of H.M.Y. "Victoria and Albert," wooden paddle yacht, designed for H.M. Queen. Victoria in 1842. Length, 200 feet; extreme breadth, 33 feet; tonnage, 1,034; horse- power, 430. Her Majesty made her first trip in her in 1843. She was renamed the " Osborne " in 1854 and removed from the List of the Royal Navy in 1868. Given by Lady Symonds. 829. Model of the Spanish armoured cruiser, " Infanta Maria Teresa," 7,000 tons, speed 20 knots, built in 1891 at a cost of six hundred thousand pounds. She served in the war between Spain and the United States, and was the flag-ship of Admiral Cervera in the Battle off Santiago de Cuba. On July 3rd, 1898, the Spanish Squadron was. destroyed by the United States fleet under Admiral W. T. Simpson. Within three-quarters of an hour of her leaving the harbou* 1 the "Infanta Maria Teresa," after being struck 29 times, and set on fire, gave up the fight and was run on the beach at Nima, six and a-half miles from Santiago harbour ; she was afterwards refloated by the Americans, but on her passage to New York was fotind to be leaking so badly that she had to be again run ashore, and now lies a complete wreck on one of the Bahama Islands. 830. A French Soldier's Small-Book, picked up on the Battle-field of Waterloo. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Ralph Vivian. 831. Visitors' Signature Book for 1836 and 1837, to the Tomb of the Emperor Napoleon I. at St. Helena. 832. A Print in colours of an Officer of the Scinde Irregular Horse (Jacob's Horse), published by Ackermann, 1846. 833. A Print in colours. "The Highlanders," published in 1846. Given by Colonel J. A. Man Stuart, C.S., C.M.G. 834. A Frame containing four engravings, depicting the various European methods of fencing. 835 Geographical Plan of the island and forts of St. Helena, by Lieutenant R. P. Read. Published 1815. OFFICIAL CATALOG OK. 83 836. A Drawing in sepia of "The Burning of the Town of Payta, on the Coast of Peru in the South Sea, by Commodore George Anson, Esq., and the sinking of the enemy's vessels, November 13th, 1741. 837. A Painting in water-colours of Her Majesty's Ship, "Charles Galley," commanded by Captain Joseph Tayler, engaged with four French Galleys in the calm off Nisa, from 7 in the morning until 10, the 28th of May, 1705. 838. Bronze Medal of Saint Helena, presented by Napoleon I. to his companions in arms from 1792 to 1815. dated 5th May, 1821. Napoleon III., when he visited England in 1853, gave this medal to the then survivors of the St. Helena Garrison, who were quartered in the Island during the period of the incarceration of Napoleon I. Given by B. E. Sargeaunt, Esq., Assistant Curator of the Museum. 839. Bronze Medal for the Battle of Dunbar, 1650. This medal was struck by order of Parliament, to commemorate the victory over the Scots at Dunbar, where Oliver CromweU commanded in person. It was issued in gold, silver, and bronze, as a decoration for both officers and men. Obverse : A bust of Cromwell in armour ; in the back- ground is the battle : " The Lord of Hosts, word at Dunbar Septem. y. 3, 1650"; on the arm, " Tho. Simon fe." Reverse: The House of Parliament assembled; oval.-- Given by Miss Emma Hall. 84O. Bronze Medal of Kine George II. to commemorate the victories of his Reign. Given by W. Silts, Esq. 841. ShOUlder-Belt-Plate of the 9th or East Norfolk Regiment of Foot. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 842. Shoulder-Belt-Plate of the 18th Eoyal Irish Regiment of Foot. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 843. Helmet with gilt ornaments of the North Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 1814-55. Given by Messrs. C. & P. Bartlett. 844. Uniform Coattee, girdle, and silver epaulettes of the North Shropshire Yeomanry. Given by Messrs. C. & P. Bartlett. 845. Helmet Plate, pouch ornament, and silver scales of the North Shropshire Yeomanry, 1855-72. Given by Messrs. C. & P. Bartlett. 846. ShOUlder-Belt-Plate of the 57th Regiment of Foot. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 847. Instrument used in the Army for branding deserters with the letter " D." It belonged to the 95th foot. 84 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 848. Crimson Silk Sash, which was worn by Lieut. -General Sir John Moore at the Battle of Coruiia, and is stained with his life-blood. It was taken from his body by his A.D.C., Sir George T. Napier, and used by him in lowering the body into the grave, and the inscription on the sash is in his hand-writing. Bequeathed by General W. C E. Napier. 849. Shoulder-Belt-Plate of the Royal Artillery. Giten by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 85O. Officers' Belt-Buckle, 30th Foot. Glren by Lievt.- Colonel N. Sannatyne. 851. Silver Medal struck to commemorate the sailing of Captain James Cook's Expedition to circumnavigate the world. Dated 1772. Given by Lieutenant C. P. Wilson, late Indian Navy. 852. Silver Medal struck by the Royal Society to commemorate Captain James Cook's Voyages. Given by Lieutenant C. P. Wilson, late Indian Navy. 853. -Shoulder-Belt-Plate of the 92nd Highlanders. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 854. Four Specimens of Dollar Bills used by the Southern Army during the American Civil War, and dated 1864. Given by Captain M. Hancock. 855. A Pass issued to Lieutenant J. "Whitley. 9th Foot, when a French Prisoner of War at Verdun. Dated *30th December, 1812. 856. A Miniature Portrait of Rear-Admiral Sir John Franklin, painted by Drummond. Given by B. Harcourt, Esq. 857. A Series Of Prints in colours, by K. Simkin, 1881, depicting the various uniforms worn by the 26th (Cameronian) Regi- ment from 1742 to 1880. 858. Print in colours, by Engelmann, "llth Light Dragoon, Stable Dress." Dated 1829. 859. Print in colours, by C. Vernet. "An English Hussar," 1810. 860. Print in colours, by J. Grant, dated 1845, "Rocket Practice in the Marshes." 861. Print in colours, by J. Grant, dated 1844, "Royal Artillery Repository Exercises." 862. -Print in colours, by Engelmann, dated 1830, "Tenth Royal Hussars, Private, Winter Dress." 863. Print in colours by W. Spooner, dated 1832, " Officer 2nd Royal North British Dragoons." 864. Print in colours, by R. Ackermann, la^G. '-Officer 4th Queen's "Own Light Dragoons." OFFICIAL CATAI.OGCK. 85 865. Print in colours, by R. Ackermann, 1836, "Officer 4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards." 866. Four Prints designed by Captain R. H.King, R.N., representing the action between H.M.8. " Shannon " and the American frigate, " Chesapeake," on June 1st, 1813. 867. A Proof Engraving:, by F. C. Lewis, of "The Installation on the Musnud of His Highness the Nabob of the Carnatic, 1842." Given by Major-General -C. Moorsom. 868. A Proof Engraving, by F. C. Lewis, of "The Nautch or Entertainment, given by the Rajah Chundoo Lai to General J. S. Eraser, Resident at the Court of Hyderabad in the Year 1841." Given by Major-General C. Moorsom. 869. -Signal Book, date 1793, formerly the property of Admiral Sir George Grey, who was Signal-Lieutenant on board H.M.S. "Victory," and was probably used at the Battle of St. Vincent. -Given by F. G. Enys, Esq. 87O. Full Dress Coattee and epaulettes, coattee and sash of the Royal Cheshire Militia. Date about 1804. Given by Major H. W. M. Parker. 871. Two Chinese Guns taken at Fusan, 5th July. 1840. Gire/t by J. Frith, Esq. 875. Six-pounder Russian Gun taken at Sebastopol, Sep- tember, 1855. Given by 'the Secretary of State for War. 876-7. Burmese Guns. Giren by the Government of India. 878. Anchor recovered from the wreck off the Coast of Donegal of one of the ships of the Spanish Armada. Given by Captain E. Ommanny, R.N. 879-88O. Shoulder-Belt Plates of the 32nd and 85th Regi- ments. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 881. A French Military Officers Gorget of the period of the First Republic. ^Given by Lieut .-Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 882-3. Shoulder-Belt-Plates of the 73rd and 74th Foot. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 884. Bronze Medal struck to commemorate the Light Division Centenary, 1808-1908. Given by Colonel E. Villiers, A.D.C. 885. Coatteet Sergeant's Sash and Fife, of the Lough borough Volun- teers, 1803-1809. In the latter year the Regiment became the Third Regiment of Leicestershire Local Militia. Given by F. H. Matthews, Esq. 886. A Collection of Cap-Badges worn by the rank and file of British Line Regiments, prior to 1881, in which year the Regimental Number was abolished. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham, Curator of the Museum. 86 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 887. Sabretasche of the llth Hussars. Given by Colonel Hon. 0. V. G. A. Lumley. 888. The British Naval Uniform worn by his late Majesty King Oscar Of Sweden, who was created an Admiral in the British Navy by King Edward VII. on the 15th June, 1905, and who died on the 8th December, 1907. Given by His Majesty the King of Sweden. 889. Piece Of Plate given to Lieu tenant-General Sir Hudson Lowe. G.C.M.G., K.C.B., on the 26th July, 1815. by the Munici- pal Council of Marseilles, as a token of their respect for his conduct in saving the city from pillage. Sir Hudson Lowe was born on the 28th July, 1769, and after a long military career, which included the custody of Napoleon at St. Helena, died at Charlotte Cottage, near Sloane Street, on January 10th, 1844. Bequeathed by Mrs. F. R. Waldo-Sibthorp. 890. -The Decoration of a Companion of the Order of the Bath and two medals (one for the Punjab Campaign, the other for the Indian Mutiny) worn by Major-General E. W. H. de Lancy Lowe, C.B., who was the youngest son of Lieutfenant-General Sir Hudson Lowe, being born in St. Helena on the 8th February, 1820. Bequeathed by Mrs. F. B. Waldo-Sibthorp. 891. -A Turkish Sabre, with gold hilt and handsomely gilt scabbard, given by the Administrative Council of Santa Maura in February, 1818, to Lieutenant-General Sir Hudson Lowe, as a testimonial of their regard for his services during the time that he had carried out the government of that place, more especially for the arduous and important civil duties which had been discharged by him in the Ionian Islands during the years immediately preceding 1812, when he returned to England, having attained the rank of Colonel in January of that year. Bequeathed by Mrs. F. It. Waldo-Sibthorp. 892. A Coloured Print, published by Richard Dighton in May, 1817, "A View from Knightsbridge Barracks." The Officer represented is Captain Horace Seymour, of the 1st Life Guards, who had been present at the Battle of Waterloo. Given by Captain A. W. a'Beckett. 893. Forty-eight Paintings in water-colours, showing the various types of dress of Officers of the British Army in the year 1886. Given by Captain A. W. a'Bcckett. 894. Two Paintings in water-colours, by Thomas G. Button, of H.M. frigate " Vernon," 50 guns, 'ihe "Vernon" was built in the year 1832 at Woolwich on the design of Captain Sir William Symonds, Kt., R.N., Surveyor of the Navy. She possessed a length of 176 feet, with a beam of 52 feet 8 inches, and her tonnage was 2,082. During recent years she was employed as a torpedo schoo'- ship at Portsmouth until 1886, when she was succeeded by the "Donegal" (re-named "Vernon"). OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 67 Thomas Dutton was a painter of some eminence, and he exhibited many pictures in public between the years 1858 and 1879. A large picture from his brush of the Battle of Trafalgar is also in the Museum. Purchased. 895. A large Coloured Plan of the taking of Quebec. (Con- temporary.) 896. A Print in colours of the Second Regiment of the Royal East India Volunteers receiving Colours at Lords Cricket Ground on 27th of July, 1797. 897. Cap Badge of the 23rd Regiment, as wern by the rank and file prior to 1881. Given by Major S. Willcock. 898. Cap Badge of the 43rd Light Infantry, as worn by the rank and file prior to the year 1881. Given by Colonel P. T. Clark. 899. Small Enamel Patch Box, bearing on the lid a design of some ships encircled with " Success to Admiral Duncan's Fleet." 900. A Painting in oils of an East Indiaman coming into port ; date about 1750. Giren by O. Chadicick, Esq., C.M.G., late R.E. 901. - India-rubber Stamp, which formerly belonged to the Orange Free State Government. Given by K. Campbell- Lester, Esq. 902. -Cap Badge of the 65th Regiment, as worn by the Rank and File prior to the year 1881. Given by Major E. C. Brough- ton. 903. Contemporary Model of a French Man-of-War of 84 guns, of the latter portion of the 18th century. The hull of the model, together with the masts and yards, is made of bone, and was the wcirk of French Prisoners of War. The rigging was executed by Mr. John Smith (late Petty Officer, 1st Class R.N.) of the Museum Staff in 1908. Given by Mrs. Brumel. 904. A Coloured Print, entitled "A View of the British Army," dated 1803, being indicative of the costumes of the various Regiments at that date. Given by Sir Guy Fleetwood- Wilson, K.C.B. 905-7. Three Coloured Prints in caricature, by R. Dighton, published between 1818 and 1821 of the Duke of Welling- ton, Ixwd Lake, and Genera! Sir Robert Wilson. 9O8-9. Two Oil Pictures by George Baxter, published in 1854, of "Review of the British Fleet at Portsmouth " and "Charge of British Troops at Chobham Camp." 88 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. *91O. A Bronze Circular Box, bearing Lord Nelson's portrait on the lid, with inscription, " England's Admiral Nelson, Duke of Bronte," also " Hor. Vice-Corn. Nelson ob patriam pwgnando mort. Oct. xxi., MDCCCV." On the base of the box a figure, ships in the distance, with inscription, "Record of Naval Valour Every man has done his duty," also " ipse belli fulmen." The contents of the box are twelve finely-executed prints in colour, by .bidwarl Orme, being Lord Rodney's victory, 1782; Lord Howe's victory, 1784; Lord Nelson boarding the "San Joseph," 1797; Lord Duncan's victory, 1797; Battle of the Nile, 1798; victory at Copenhagen, 1801 ; Nelson at Trafalgar, 1805 ; Sir R. Strachan's victory, 1805 ; The boarding of the "Chesapeake," 1813; Bonaparte' on the "Northumberland," 1815 ; the Bombardment of Algiers, 1816 ; Slaves delivered at Algiers. The box with its contents was originally the property of the 1st Earl of Liverpool, who was Prime Minister in 1812. Given by C. W. Everard, Esq. 10OO. Malay Spear, with spade shaped head and steel shoe- 1OO1. Single-barbed Borneo Spear. 1OO2-1OO3. War Club, with heavy and highly decorated end. Marquesas Islands. 1OO4. A Long, Broad Canoe Paddle, with serrated edge. Hervey Islands. 1OO5-1OO8. A Long, Narrow Canoe Paddle, with serrated edge. Hervey Islands. 1OO9. Circular War Club, with heavy spiked head. New Caledonia. 1O1O. War Club, with square end. Friendly Islands. 1O11. War Club, with broad end. Fiji Islands. 1012. Carved War Club, with broad, flat end. Friendly Islands. 1O13 Small War Club. Fiji Islands. 1O14. War Club, with serrated head. Friendly Islands. 1015. War Club, carved throughout, with square, flat end. Friendly Islands. 1016. War Club, with serrated head. Friendly Islands. 1O17. War Club, with carved head. Friendly Islands. 1018. War Club, carved throughout, flat end. Friendly Islands. Given by H.M. King Edward VII. 1O19. War Club, with carved head and flat end. 1O2O. Drum, from New Caledonia. 1O21. A Carved, Large Canoe Paddle. Fiji Islands. 1O22-1O23, Canoe Paddle, with carved blade. Fiji Islands. 1O24. War Club, with serrated head. Friendly Islands. * There are at present no exhibits with numbers from 911 to 999. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 88d 911. A Print of the Grand Keview which took place in Hyde Park, 9th July, 1838. 912. Five Specimens of Japanese paper money used during the War in Manchuria, 1905. Given by Colonel J. A. I, Haldune, C.B., D.S.O. 913. A Manuscript Letter, dated Navy Office October 18th, 1662 to Mr. Gregory Chatham, and signed by Samuel Pepys. and Mr. Peter Pett. Given by W. H. Judd, Esq. 914. A Manuscript Letter, dated Navy Office April 7th, 1668, to Mr. Sheldon, and signed by Lord Anglesey. Mr. Samuel Pepys and others Given by W. H. Judd, Esq. 915. A Warrant, dated Whitehall, June 2nd, 1661, signed by James Duke of York, High Admiral (James II.). Given by W. II. Judd, Esq. 916. An Admiralty Order, dated oOth November, 1695, and signed by Sir Cloudesley Shovell and others. Given by W. H. Judd, Esq. 917. A Genealogical Tree of British Naval Victorys, designed by H. Innes and engraved by James Egan. 918. An Aquatint Engraving of ''The Bombardment and Capture of St. Jean D'Arc," dated 3rd November, 1840. 919. A Frame containing two old line engravings, being portraits of Lord Nelson conspicuous for the fact that in the one the right arm is deficient and in the other the left. Given by Colonel Horace Montagu. 92O- A Portrait in aquatint of Lord Nelson, together with repre- sentations of 26 ships taken in action by him between the years 1793 and 1801. Also four smaller aquatints depicting the battle- off Genoa, the battle of Cape St. Vincent, the battle at the Nile, and the battle of Copenhagen, dated 1802. Given by Colonel Horace Montagu. 921. A Painting on Silk, representing Lord Nelson's Coat of Arms, surrounded with the words " Tria juncta in uno," and surmounted by an Earl's Coronet. It was used as a banneret at his funeral. Given by Colonel Horace Montagu. 922. Three Aquatint Engravings of the Capture of Amoy, on the Coast of China, 26th August, 1841, by Her Majesty's Combined Forces under Vice-Admiral Sir "William Parker. K.C.B., and Lieut. -General Sir Hugh Gough. Published bv Ackermann, 1842. 923. A Proof Aquatint Engraving of the Shrining of Chusan Heights on the Coast of China, 1st October. 1P41. 88k ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 924. Ten Paintings in water-colours depicting the Costume of the 13th Hussars from 1715 to 1886. Given by Lieut. - Colonel A. Leetham. 925. A Line Engraving, by James Basira, of the picture at Windsor Castle of " The Embarkation of King Henry VIII. at Dover, 31st May 152'0, preparatory to his inter- view with the French King Francis I." 926. An Aquatint Engraving, by J. Jeakes, and published by E. Orme, 1803, of St. John of Acre defended by the English, 2nd May, 1799. 927. -An Aquatint Engraving, by J. Jeakes, and published by E. Orme, 1803. H.M. frigate " Diamond," commanded by Sir Sidney Smith, K.S., being ola a cruise off Cape La Heve. It being thought practicable to cut out a French lugger of 12 guns, " Le Vengeur " laying in the inner road of Havre de Grace, the following force was detached for that purpose on 18th April, 1796, viz., 5 boats with one 18 Ib. carronade, manned by 32 men, commanded by Sir Sidney Smith and the following Officers : Knight, Acting Lieutenant; Goodall, Mate; I. W. Wright, Boxer, Carrol, Morris, Beecroft, Coulson, and Harvey, Midshipmen. The lugger was boarded and carried before daybreak, but the cable being cut by one of the prisoners below, the prize was swept so rapidly by the flood tide into the River Seine that it became necessary to anchor. In this situation there came out against them from Havre another lugger, " Le Renai'd," of 16 guns and 80 men, supported by 3 gun- boats, carrying each a 36 pounder, and having on board not less than 100 land troops, besides a number of small boats armed from the town. There Avas hardly time to put the 50 French prisoners into a boat and send them off on parole, before a desperate action ensued, which lasted three-quarters of an hour, when having lost Thomas Bradley, seaman, mortally wounded in the knee by grape- shot, besides whom Mr. Beecroft was wounded in the hip and lost two fingers, and William Gilchrist, lorkswain, received a musfcet ball through the calf of the leg. the main and fore masts wounded and the sails and rigging cut to pieces ; want of ammunition and the duty of husbanding the lives of his intrepid followers obliged Sir Sidney Smith to surrender. The prize was carried into Havre, and the officers and men confined as prisoners at that place, Rouen and Amiens, except Sir Sidney Smith and Mr. Wright, who were sent to Paris and there detained as State prisoners contrary to the laws of war, in the closest confine- ment for nineteen months, till they effected their escape. 929. A Complete Collection of Officers' Buttons of the 109 Infantry Regiments of the Line worn previous to 1881. In 1881 the regimental nnubers of Line Regiments were abolished. Given ?/ Lieut. -Colonel A. Lectham. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 88c 93O. -A Medallion in Gold, with (Jreek inscription, presented to Sir Hudson Lowe by the inhabitants of Ithaca in 1SV2 when he carried out the Government of that place. Bequeathed by Mrs. F. E. Waldo-Sibthorp. 931. A Small Manuscript Book, by Le Marshal Ney, being a series of diagrams, together with descriptions and words of command for changing from Line formations into columns and echelon, and vice-versd.- Given by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. 932. An Original Drawing of the Battle of Leitzingen, the translation of the inscription is: "By the Skilful leading of their Highnesses Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marl- borough, the Elector of Bavaria, was defeated by the Imperial Army at Leitzingen, the French Marshall Tallard captured, and his army defeated between Hochstatt (Blen- heim) and Blintheim, several thousands being killed and drowned in the Danube, while 13,000 prisoners were brought into the town, 14th August, 1704." 933. - A Sepia Drawing, executed by J. AVaters in 1812, of the painting by F. Pocock of Lord Nelson's birthplace, "Burn- ham Thorpe Rectory, Norfolk." The picture was engraved by J. Landseer. Given by C. W. Event rd, Es(j 934- Ring, taken from a dead Sepoy by an Offi^r of the Naval Brigade at the taking of Lucknow, togeth . with an ear- ring taken from the body of a Chinese lady who was killed during the siege of Canton. Given by C-">tth Bn. (Militia) Rifle Brigade, worn in 1884-f). Given by Colonel G. S. Maxwell. OFFICIAT CATALOGUE 88e 950. Ten Commissions, ranging from Ensign to Deputy- Adjutant-General and bearing the signature, amongst others, of the Duke of Marlborough, and of Sir Adam Williamson, K.B. Given by Itichard Jones, Esq. 951. Nine Commissions, ranging from Major to Lieutenant- General, and bearing the signatures, amongst others, of the Duke of Marlborongh, the Marquis of Granby, and Lord Ligonier, of George Williamson, R.A. Given by Itichard Jones, ESQ. 952. Portrait of Lieut.-General Sir Charles Napier, G.C.B., by an Officer on his Staff. About 1843. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir G. J. Campbell, Et., late E.R.E.C. 953. Plan of the Town and Fortifications of Gibraltar, dated 1738. 954. Commission, dated 27th August, 1803, appointing John Elliot, Esq., Lieut. -Colonel Commandant, Westminster Volunteer Cavalry, signed by King George III. 955.- Commission, dated 5th March, 1707, and signed by Queen Anne, appointing William Ince, Esq., a Captain in Lord Viscount Montjoy's Regiment of Foot. 956. Seven Engravings, "England's Glory." published by W. Raynor in 1736, illustrative of the following battles: Chiari (1st September, 1701); Luzzara (15th August, 1702); Blenheim (13th August, 1704) ; Turin (7th September, 1706) ; Oudenarde (llth June, 1708); Malplaquet (llth September, 1709); Belgrade (16th August, 1717). 957. An Engraving by S. W. Reynolds, after D. Wolstenholme published by Colnaghi in 1806, representing Mr. John Goldham, Field-Adjutant of the London Volunteer Cavalry, executing the six divisions of the Austrian broad-sword exercise at speed, with a sabre in each hand and with the utmost effect and precision. 958. Letter, dated Lisburne, 6th March, 1689, asking for additional guns for his army, and signed by Marshal Schomberg. 959.- Militia Certificate, dated 1826, for balloted men who provide substitutes. 962. Autograph Letter of Brigadier-general John .Nicholson, dated 13th July, 1857. The letter refers to the attack on a party of rebels at Trimmu Ghaut, of whom over 300 were killed and wounded. General Nicholson died 23rd Sep- tember, 1857. 88/ . ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 963. Two Engravings printed in Colours of the "Surrender of Seringapatam, 6th April, 1799," printed at Augsburg. 964-. Three Frames, containing a series of Panoramic sketches in colour depicting Bengal Troops on the line of march, b.y an Officer of that army (Captain L. A. Layuard, 12th Bengal Infantry). The date is about 1800. Also in frame u description of the above. 965. Curious Print on silk, showing the i*]an of the Batt'efield of Waterloo and incidents in the battle. 966, Portion of a left-hand gauntlet of the ICth century. 967.- Sword, presented by the Patriotic Fund at Lloyds to Lieutenant Geo. Pigot, R.N., of H.M.S. "Cambrian," for his gallant conduct in boarding and carrying with the boats of that ship the Spanish privateer " Maria," of 14 guns and 60 men, as recorded in the London Gazette of the 21st September, 1805. Given by E. C. Ball, Esq. 968. Shoulder-belt Plate of the Imokilly Cavalry. This Corps of Yeomanry were raised in Co. Cork, in October, 1796, and commanded by Captain Commandant Viscount Boyle. 969. A Proof" Copy of Sketches of the Field- Marshal Bliicher, taken from life by F. Rehbery, 12th June, 1814. Given by E. C. Ball, Esq. 970. Contemporary Printed Letter, dated " Victory," August 1st, 1804, from Lord Nelson to the Lord Mayor. Given by E. C. Sail, Esq. 971. A Line Engraving of "Scotland Yard, with part of the Banquetting House," dated 1777, by E. Hooker, after Paul Sandby, published by John Boydell. 972. A Line Engraving, "The Horse Guards," dated 1777, by E. Rooker, after M. A. Rooker, published by John Boydell. 973. -An Aquatint Engraving, " South West view of the Old Horse Guards," from a drawing by Canaletti. engraved by W. M. Fellows, and published in 1809 by J. T. Smith. 974. A Print in Colours by C. Moody, after Beirington, of "The Board of Trade, as it appeared in 1814." 975. A Print in Colours, "Whitehall Yard from the street opposite to Horse Guards," showing the former ouilding of the Royal United Service Institution. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 88(/ 976. A Sepia. Drawing, executed in 1648, of Ben bow Place, Salop, the birth-place of Admiral Benbovv. 977. -A Bronze Plaque Relief of Napoleon Bonapaite, by David. 978. A Bronze Plaque Relief of Admiral Sir Sydney Smith, by David. 979. -Shako, with plume, worn by Officers of the 62nd Regiment, now the Wiltshire Regiment, between the years 1830 and 1846. 980. - Helmet, worn by the Officers of the 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), from 1830 to 1846. 981. A Lithograph in Colour of Lady Jane Dimdas presenting Colours to the 3rd Regiment of Royal East India Volunteers on 29th June, 1799. 982. -Shoulder-belt Plate of the 27th Royal Inniskillen Fusi- liers. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Le(tham 983. Shoulder-belt Plate of the 25th. The King's Own Borderers. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Lectluiin. 984. -Shoulder-belt Plate of the East Kent Militia and Two Coattee Buttons. Given by Colonel Sir li. C Perrott. Bart., C.B. 985. Shako Plate and Two Embroidered Cap Badges of the East Kent Militia. Given by Colonel Sir II. C. Perrott. Bart.. C.B. 986. Shoulder-belt Plate of the Royal Manx Fencibles, found behind the rafters of a cow-shed in the Isle of Man. The Corps served in Ireland during the rebellion of 1798. Given by H. E. Colonel Lord Raglan, C.B., Governor of the Isle of Man. 987. Ashanti Drum, taken from the Fncrifice Palace of King Prempeh, 21st January, 1896. Given by Walter L. Nickel, Esq. 988. Regulation Bayonet, 1907 pattern. Giren by the Secre- tary of State for War. 99O. Spetum of the time of Henry VII. Transferred from the Tower of London. 991. Thirty-five Buttons of Militia Regiments used previci s to 1881. Given by Lieut. -Colonel E. A. Well) 88/1 KOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 992. Officer's Helmet Plate, Belt, Buckle, Cap Badge and Button of the late Royal Engineers Militia. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham. 993. Busby Grenade of the 101st Royal Bengal Fusiliers, worn previous to 1881. Given by Corporal T. Simpson, The Black Watch. 994. Gurkha Kukree, with engraved metal handle -Given by Lieut.- General H. D. Hutchinson, C.S.I. 995. -A Curiously Painted Ind.an Shield, picked up by the donor on the Battlefield of Goojerat, 21st February, 1849. Given by Lieut. -Colonel W. Dickinson, C.&I. 996. A Kaffir Witch-Doctor's Apron, S. Africa. Given by Lieut. G. D. Warren, R.N.R. 997. Turkish Yataghan, with engraved metal handle. - Gi>\ n by John Sargeaunt, Esq. 998.-King's Colour of the 109th Regiment (now the 2nd Butt, of the Leinster Regiment). It forms one of the pair which was presented to the Regiment at Aden, on the 23rd January, 1866, by Mrs. Raines, wife of General Raines, C.B., commanding the Garrison. They were the first Colours presented to the Regiment as a British Regiment, it having been before that time the Third Bombay European Regi- ment. The Colours were used until 2nd April, 1906, when they were replaced by a new pair at Mauritius, the presentation being made by the Governor of the Island, Sir Cavendish Boyle, K.C.M.G. Given, by Lieut. -Col on el C. S. ~B. Evans-Lombe and the Officers, 2nd Battalion Leinster Regiment. 999. Rcpci mental Colour of the above-mentioned pair. - Given as above. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 89 1O25. Long War Club, with spiked circular head. New Caledonia. 1026-1O27. War Club, pick-shaped. New Caledonia. 1028-1029. War Club, with circular head. New Caledonia. 1O30-1O31. War Club, with knobbed head. \Vallis Island. 1O32. War Club, with circular head, carved throughout. Friendly Islands. 1O33 War Club. New Zealand. 1O34. Short Canoe Paddle. Easter Island. 1O35. Heavy War Club. Fiji Islands. 1036. Canoe Paddle. New Caledonia. 1037. Circular War Club, carved throughout. Hervey Islands. 1O38. Wooden Club. British New Guinea. 1O39. Small War Club. Solomon Islands. 104O-1 041. Long Paddle. Easter Islands. 1042. War Club. British New Guinea. 1043. Small Wooden War Club. New Zealand. 1044. -Canoe Paddle. Fiji Islands. 1O45. Combined War Club and Paddle. St. Christopher's Island. 1046. Canoe Paddle, with carved blade. Fiji Islands. 1O47. War Club, carved throughout. Friendly Islands. 1O48. Canoe Paddle. St. Christopher's Island. 1O49. Carved War Club. Friendly Islands. 1O50. Knife-Shaped War Club. Friendly Islands. 1O5I. Carved War Club, inlaid with Ivory. Friendly Islands. 1O52. Wooden Spear, with sharks' teeth barbs. Kingsmill Islands. Given by -Sir Alexander Malet, Bart. 1O53. A Three -pronged Spear, with sharks' teeth barbs. Kingsmill Islands. Given by Sir George Arthur, Bart. 1054. Canoe Paddle, with serrated edge. Hervey Islands. 1O55. Spear, with cross-piece of sharks' teeth for barbs. Kingsmill Islands. 1056. Short Spear, with sharks' teeth barbs. Kingsmill Islands. BO ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MTSEUM. 1O57. -Short Wooden Sword, with sharks' teeth forming the edge of the blade. Kingsmill Islands. 1058. War Club, with sharks' teeth edges. Kingsmill Islands. 1O59. Spear, bifurcated, with sharks' teeth barbs, and handle wrapped with leaves. Kingsmill Islands. Given by Sir George Arthur, Bart. 1O60. Stick, surrounded with sharks' teeth. Kingsmill Islands. Given by Sir George Arthur, Bart. 1061-1062. Stick, edged with sharks' teeth. Kingsmill Islands. 1O63. Handsomely Carved Paddle. Hervey Islands. 1O64. Handsomely Carved Paddle. Sandwich Islands. Given by W. Hugging, Esq. 1O65 Long Paddle, with serrated edge. Hervey Islands. 1O66. Carved Paddle and Club Combined. Friendly Islands. 1O67-1O68. Circular War Club, with carved handle Fiji Islands. 1069. Paddle, with broad blade. Fiji Islands. 107O. War Club, with heavy bifurcated head. Fiji Islands. 1O71. -Light Carved Canoe Paddle. Hervey Islands. 1O72. Combined Club and Paddle. Friendly Islands. 1O73. Combined Club and Paddle. St. Christopher's Island. 1O74. Circular Drum. Hawaii. Given by Lord Byron. 1075. Wooden Spear, with carved head. Solomon Islands. 1076. Bow and Arrows. Humbolts Bay. 1O77. Two Javelins. Humbolts Bay. 1O78. Wooden Spear, with sharks' teeth edge. Kingsmill Islands. 1O79. Cane Shield. Solomon Islands. 1O80. Borneo Shield, carved wood. 1O81 -Wicker Shield. Solomon Islands. 1O82. Canoe Paddle. Savage Islands. 1083. Long Indian Lance, richly painted. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 91 1084-. A Portrait in oils of Admiral Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B. Sir Charles Napier was born on 6th March, 1786, the son of Captain the Honourable Charles Napier, R.N., of Mer- chistoun Hall, Stirling. He entered the Navy on the 1st November, 1799, as First-Class Volunteer on board the "Martin" sloop, and was soon transferred to the "Renown," flagship of Sir John Borlase Warren. As Com- mander of the "Recruit" brig he was wounded in action with the French corvette "Diligente," and he later dis- tinguished himself in the pursuit of three French ships, ending in the capture of the "Hautpoult," and was pro- moted to Captain in 1809. He served as % Volunteer with the Army in Portugal, and was present at the Battle of Busaoo. Napier commanded the "Euryalus" in the ex- pedition to Alexandria, in America, and at the destruc- tion of shipping in the Potomac in 1814. He subsequently entered the service of Don Pedro and established Donna Maria on the Throne of Portugal by his victory over the fleet of Don Miguel off Cape St. Vincent in 1833. He was Second-in-Command of the fleet, under Sir Robert Stopford, in the operations on the Coast of Syria in 1840, when he bombarded and stormed Sidon, and defeated a large force of Egyptians near Beyrout. Having taken part in the capture of St. Jean d'Acre, he commanded the Baltic Fleet in the war with Russia (1854-5). Napier was created a K.C.B. on the 4th December, 1840. He also wore the Cross of the Order of Maria Theresa of Austria, and the Cross of the Order of St. George of Russia, and the Insignia of the Second-class of the Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia. He died in 1860. (Purchased.) 1O85-1O86. Flint-lock Pistol made by North, Southampton, date 1820. Given by Captain W. Halpin. 1O87. ^Breach-load ing Army Revolver (U.S. A.) Given by the Government of the United States. 1O88. American Volcanic Repeating Pistol. -Given by E. Hazlewood, Esq. 1089. Dutch Revolver. Given by the Minister of War. Holland. 1090. Witten, Daw & Go's. Improved Revolver. Given by Witten, Daw and Co. 1091. Collier's Flint Lock Revolver. 1092. Revolving Pistol, first pattern made by Colonel S. Colt. Given by Colts Fire Arms Co. 1O93. Colt's Breach-loading Army Revolver. Given by the Government of the United States. 1O94. Colt's Six Chambered Revolver. Given by Colonel S. Colt. 1O95. -Colt's Original Revolver. Given by Colonel C. Manby, F.R.S. 92 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1O96-1O98. Long Wooden Spear, with numerous wooden barbs. Fiji Islands. 1O99-11OO. Spear with Four Prongs. Fiji Islands. 11O1-11O3. Longf Wooden Spear, with numerous wooden barbs. Fiji Islands. 1104-11O5. Long Canoe Paddle. Society Islands. 11 06. Canoe Paddle. Marquesas Islands. 11O7. Small War Club. Sandwich Islands. 11O8-11O9. Canoe Paddle, Long. Marquesas Islands. 111O-1111. Oanoe Paddle. New Zealand. 1112-1113. Canoe Paddle. Marquesas Islands. 1114. Four-sided War Club. British Guiana. 1115-1116 War Club. Solomon Islands. 1117. Suit Of Pikeman's Armour, late 17th century, consisting of casque, gorget, breastplate, backplate and gardes-reines Given by the Master General of the Ordnance. 1118. -Suit Of Pikeman's Armour, late 1 7th century, consisting of casque, gorget, breastplate, backplate and gardes-reines. 1119 Suit Of Maltese Armour, 16th century, consisting of morion, gorget, breastplate, backplate, and armpieces, from the Armoury of Candia. 112O. Suit of Pikeman's Armour, early 17th century, consisting of casque, gorget, breastplate, backplate and gardes-reines. 1121. Suit of Pikeman's Armour, late 17th century, consisting of casque, gorget, breastplate, backplate and gardes-reines (painted black). 1122. Suit of Pikeman's Armour, late 17th century, consisting of casque, gorget, breastplate, backplate, and gardes-reines (painted biack). 1123. Italian Cabasset, 16th century. 1124. Morion, 16th century. 1125. Italian Cabasset, handsomely engraved, 16th century. 1126. Morion, 17th century. 1127. Italian Cabasset, 17th century. 1128. Morion, 17th century. 1129-113O. Cabasset, 17th century. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 93 1131-1132. Casquet, late 17th century (painted.) 1133. Flint-lock Hand Mortar of about 1720. Givenly Captain Viscount Mahon, Grenadier Guards. 1134. Spring Gun, with flint lock, 17th century. 1135-1136.- Flint-lock Pistol by T. Rea, 91, Minories, London, octagonal barrel, date about 1830. 1137-1144. Casque, late 17th century. 1145. Morion from the Venetian Armoury, Candia, 17th century. 1146. Italian Cabasset from the Venetian Armoury, Candia (painted). Given by Colonel Patrick Campbell, It. A. 1147. Helmet with Vizor, 16th century (painted). 1148. Casque, 16th century (painted). 1149 Burgonet, 17th century. 115O. Helmet, 17th century. 1151-1152. Canoe Paddle, carved throughout. Sandwich Islands. Given by W. J. Huggins, Esq. 1153. War Club. St. Christopher's Island. 1154-1155. War Club. Friendly Islands. 1156. War Club. New Zealand. 1157-1158. Spear, with numerous wooden barbs. Fiji Islands. 1159 11 6O. Long Spear, with sharks' teeth barbs. Kingsmill Islands. Given by Sir Alexander Malet. 1161. Wooden Spear, with numerous wooden barbs. Fiji Islands. 1162-1163. Four-pronged Wooden Spear. Fiji Islands. 1164-1166. Wooden Spear, with numerous wooden barbs. Fiji Islands. 1167-1169. Spear, with wooden barbs. Solomon Islands. 11 7O. Wooden Spear. Friendly Islands. 1171. Model of Nordenfelt's Four-barrelled one inch Machine Gun, 1872.- Given by Admiral Sir R. Vesey Hamilton K.C.B. 1172. Small Iron Swivel Gun, taken at Amoy. Given by Officers H.M. 55th Regiment. 1173. Chinese "Silk Gun," taken at Sykee in 1842. Given by Admiral Sir W. Parker, G.C.S. 94 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 11 74. Piece Of Oak from an English Ship sunk in the harbour of Calais by the fleet under the Duke of Guise in 1558. Given by R. W. Powell, Esq. 1175. Ancient Double Gun, particulars unknown. 1176. Small Iron Gun, with flint-lock action, dredged up at Gibraltar- 1177. Burmese Bell, captured at the Shoedagon Pagodah, Rangoon, 14th April, 1852. Given by the Officers, N.C.O.'s and Men O f the 18th Royal Irish Regiment. 1178. Chinese Bell, taken from one of the Temples on the heights above Canton. Captured on 29th December, 1857, by the French and British Force*, and allotted to Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, G.C.B., by whom it was presented to the Royal United Service Museum. (For inscription on the bell see label). Given by Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, G.C.B. 1179. Chinese Bell, taken on the occupation of Tung Chow (near Peking) by the landing party from H.M.S. "Barfleur," during the march to the relief of the Pekin Legations, 1900. Given by the Officers and Seamen of H.M.S. "Barfleur." 118O & 1181. French Percussion Pocket Pistol, by Dumarest, Paris. 1182. Truck, from the Flagstaff of Fort Pharcs, Alexandria, taken during the campaign against Arabi Pasha, Egypt, 1882. Given by Colonel N. L. Walford, It. A.. 1183. Part Of a Port-Timber of H.M.S. " Albion," 74 guns, con- taining a Turkish shot fired into her at the Battle of Navarino 10th October, 1827. (See 530). Given by Rear- Admiral Sir J. Gordon, K.C.B. 1184. Part Of the Mizzen Mast of H.M.S. "Blenheim." which was shot through by the accompanying 32-pound shot when engaging the batteries at the entrance of the river Narowa, near St. Petersburg, 18th June, 1855. Given by Captain W. H. Hall, C.B., R.N. 1185. The Last Fragment of the Keel of H.M.S. "Thetis," which was recovered by means of a Diving Bell near Cape Frio, at the depth of 8 fathoms, in 1833. It was presented to King William IV. by Admiral F. F. De Ros. (See 548). Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 1186. Part of a Shotrire^l from H.M. Steam Paddle Ship "Nemesis," taken out of the muzzle of a Chinese brass gun at the capture of Woosung, 1842. 1187. Carcase of 32-Pounder Rocket, first used at Boulogne on October 8th, 1806. Average range 3,000 yards. Given by Colonel Sir Augustus Fraser, K.C.B. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 95 1188. Model of a 24-inch searchlight, projector mounted on Tower's Hydro-gyrostat or steady platform. It is on a scale of one-fourth full size. By means of this apparatus a search- light or other object can be kept quite steady on a small vessel in the roughest sea. It is actuat-ed by a rapidly revolving wheel or gyroscope situated between the four cylinders to which it regulates the admission of water pressure in such a way as to completely neutralise the angular motion due to pitching and rolling. 1189. Model of an ice-boat which was built for Captain Parry's Polar expedition, February, 1827. Its object is to enable the seamen to travel by land or water. Thase boats were drawn over the ice and snow by twelve men, who dwelt and slept in them ; when water was reached the wheels were taken off, and the boat propelled by paddles. 1190. Four specimens of Hales War Rocket, fitted with timer and concussion-fused shell. 1191. The Cleaning Rod of the Boer six-inch gun " Long Tom," captured and destroyed during the Siege of Ladysmith, on December 7th, 1899. Given by Captain T. 8. Allison. 1192-3. Two Canoes from Southern Nigeria. Given by Captain A. D. Lewis. 1194. Battle-axe, Bechuana Tribe, South Africa. 1195. Dervish Shield brought from Suakim in 1885. Given by Ilis Majesty King Edward VII. 1196. Dervish Shield, bearing the following inscription : " Suakim Expedition, 1885. Native Shield and Spear humbly presented to Her Majesty The Queen by her faithful and loyal servant, V. B. Kennett-Barrington."- Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 1197. Model of a Burmese Canoe. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 1198. Model of a Burmese Canoe. Given by Colonel A. Sail. 1199. The Obturator of the Boer gun "Long Tom" used in the South African War, 1899. 120Q. Piece Of the Muzzle of the Boer gun " Long Tom." which was captured and destroyed during the Siege of Ladysmith on December 7th, 1899. 12O1. Bell from the Lindegner Drift on the South Bank of the Vaal River. It was used to summon the pont when required. Given by Colonel G. G. Cunningham, C.S., D.S.O. 12O2. A Greenland Canoe. Given by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 96 KOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 12O3. A Canoe from New Guinea. 12O4. Portion of the Trunk of a cocoanut tree with two musket-ball holes in it, which were received at the time of the affray at Karakakooa Bay, Hawaii, when Captain James Cook, the circumnavigator, was killed. Given by Captain W. H. Bruce, B.N. 12O5. Needham s Breech-loading Gun and carriage. 12O6. A Three-pounder Gun with tackling as a lower-deck gun, mounted on Captain Marshall's improved gun carriage. 12O7. Model of a sheer-hulk with double sheers. Given by Rear- Admiral Ross, C.B. 12O8. An Anchor from the wreck of H.M.S. "Edgar," 70 guns, which blew up at Spithead, October 15th 1711, when all on board perished. It was recovered in 1840. Given by Sir Charles Pasley, K.C.B. 1209. A Half Model with painting of the screw-steamer " R.S. Stockton," built in 1838. She was the first vessel propelled by a screw. 1 21 0. Model of a Chinese Mandarin boat. 1211. Model of a Canton River smuggling boat. 1212. Model of a Chinese trading boat. 1213. -A French Musket brought from the Field of Waterloo. Given by Charles Kean, Esq. 1214. A Flint-lock Cavalry Carbine, marked " 6th Dragoons, A. 42," brought from the Field of Waterloo. Given by Charles Kean, Esq. 1215. Gun of H.M.S. "Bounty" from Pitcairn Island. Given by Captain H. N. Bruce, E.N. 1216. Sea-Chest which belonged to John Adams, the Mutineer of H.M.S. " Bounty." It was landed with other things when the ship was burnt in 1789. It was given to the Rev. W. H. Holman, Chaplain of the Fleet, and given by him to the Museum. 1217. A Painting in water colours, by Tliomas Dutton, of the Battle of Trafalgar. Thomas Dutton painted and exhibited numerous pictures between the years 1858 and 1879. Given by Arthur Brock, Esq. 1218. -The Head Of a Partizan, engraved with the Arms of the Spanish Line of the Bourbon family. Given by B. E. Sargeaunt, Esq., Assistant Curator of the Museum. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 97 1219. Flag carried by the assaulting eoluiim under Brigadier-General Sir William Jones, K.C.B.. at the capture of Delhi in 1857, and given by him to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Given by His Majesty King Edward Vll. 122O. A Line Engraving of George Hamilton Earl of Orkney, Colonel of the 1st Royal Regiment of Foot (lt>66-1737). 1221. A Mezzotint Engraving of Richard Temple, Field Marshal Viscount Cobham, Colonel 4th Dragoons, 1710. 1222. Lee-Metfbrd Rifle, Mark II., 1891 pattern. Given by the Secretary of State for War. 1223. Martini-Henry Rifle, Calibre -45, seven grooves. Given by the Secretary of State for War. 1224. Steel Mace of Indian manufacture, and used during the Mutiny in India, in 1857. The head consists of eight radiating wings. The hilt is of the pattern common to so many forms of Indian swords. The mace is a very ancient weapon, and was known to the Egyptians and Assyrians. It was used for stunning, and was especially prominent in the Middle Ages in the time of heavy plate armour. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1225. A Gurkha Battle-axe with curved head and an elephant carved on the side of the handle. The entire weapon is of steel : at the centre the handle unscrews, and a stiletto is found contained in the handle of the axe. Given by C. Coleman, Esq. 1226. Colours of the 102nd Regiment or Queen's Royal Volunteers. This Regiment v\as raised in October, 1760, and was first commanded by Major David Wedderburn, an officer asso- ciated with Vellinghausen. It was disbanded in 1763. The above-named Regiment must not be confused with Rowley's 102nd Regiment, which was raised in Ireland in March, 1780, when large demands were made for troops for North America, the West Indies, and the East Indies. This Regiment, like the Royal Queen's Volunteers, had only a short existence,being disbanded at the close of the war with Tippoo Sahib. It formed part of the force under Colonel Fullarton, previous to its surrender as part of the Garrison of Bednore in the same year. Neither of these Regiments are in any way associated with the Madras European Regiment^ afterwards the 102nd Foot, and now the Royal Dumin Fusiliers. Given by The Officers, Eoyal Dublin Fusiliers. 1228. The Field Trumpet used by Trumpet-Major Henry Joy, 17th Lancers, at Balaclava, on 25th October, 1854, to order the Cavalry Charge. Henry Joy was orderly trumpeter to Major-General* the Earl or Lucan at the time, and the trumpet was subsequently presented to him by the Colonel and 'Officers of his Regiment, and is engraved, " Presented by the Colonel of the 17th Lancers to Trumpet-Major H. Joy, on which the Balaclava Charge was sounded on October 25th, 1854." WO ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. In 1898 'this relic was sold by auction at Messrs. Deben- ham, Storr, and Son's rooms for 750 guineas to Mr. T. G. Middlebrook, and on 30th January, 1908, it was again under the hammer at the same rooms, and was purchased by Mr. W. W. Astor. The Medals of the above-mentioned Trumpet-Major Henry Joy, 17th Lancers, consisting of : (a) The Crimean Medal with 4 clasps. (b) The Medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field. (c) The Medal for Long Service and Good Conduct. (d) The Turkish Military Medal. Given by W. W. Astor, Esq. 1229. The Flag of the United States Frigate "Chesapeake," taken by H.M.S. " Shannon " on 1st June, 1813 : The Flag was sold by auction on 30th January, 1908, at Messrs. Debenham, Storr and Son's rooms, and was bought by Mr. Aetor for 850 guineas (for a description of the Engagement see No. 531). Given by W. W. Astor, Esq. 123O. A Spanish Pioneer's Sword. Date about 1810. Git-en by B. Harcourt, Esq. 1231. Dirk worn by an Ensign of the Chester-le-Street Volunteers, a Corps raised in the year 1803. It is similar in design to the pattern carried by Midshipmen of the same date. Given by Captain F. B. Heritage. 1232, Small Marble Bust of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wel- lington, K.G., by Robert Physick, 1852. Given by John Barrow, Esq., F.R.S. 1233 Colts' Five-Chambered Revolving Rifle, patented November, 1857. Given by 0. Chadwick, Esq., C.M.G., and A. Richardson, Esq. 1234. A Four- Bar re I led Percussion Pistol, French. Given by 0. Chadwick, Esq., C.M.G., and A. Richardson, Esq. 1235. Gauntlet Sword, "Pata," straight blade of European manufacture; long gauntlet hilt, completely protecting the forearm, of brass ornamented in niello; that part imme- diately covering the hand is in the form of a tiger's head, from the mouth of which the blade issues. Oude. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1236.- Gauntlet Sword, "Pata," straight rapier blade of burnished steel with long gauntlet hilt. Oude. Given by the Secre- tary of Stqte for India. 1237. Gauntlet Sword, "Pata," straight rapier blade of burnished steel with long gauntlet hilt. It was taken at Cabul on 15th September, 1842. Given by Captain Hoban, ISth TAght Infantry. . OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 99 1238. Sword with straight blade widening towards the end : the back and lower part of the blade are strengthened with per- forated steel supports, enriched with gold damasceenmg. Given by Rear-Admiral Hon. D. H. Mackay. 1239-4O. Two Swords, "Firangi." straight blades trebly grooved, padded basket hilts, and spiked pommels. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1241. Sword, "Firangi," straight blade with broad furrow; basket hilt and spiked pommel. The blade of Augsberg manu- facture. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1242. Sword, " Fivangi," straight blade furrowed: basket hilt arid spiked pommel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1 243. Sword, " Firangi," straight trebly grooved blade of European manufacture; basket hilt and spiked pommel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1244. Sword, "Firangi," straight doubly grooved blade; basket hilt and spiked pommel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1245. Sabre, with trebly grooved blade; basket hilt with spiked pommel. Tinnevelli. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1246. Sword, "Firangi," with straight rapier blade of Spanish manu- facture ; padded basket hilt and spiked pommel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1247. Sword, " Firangi," with straight furrowed blade; silver basket hilt and spiked pommel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1248. Sword, "Firangi," with straight furrowed blade ; padded basket hilt and spiked pommel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1249-5O. Two Kukris, with bright steel grooved blades; handles of wood Nepaul. Given by Mrs. Martin. 1251-2. Two Miniature Kukris, being the concomitants of the larger weapons. 1253-4. Two Indian Lances, with heavy steel spade-shaped heads and sockets ; steel butts. The shafts of bamboo are ornamentally painted throughout. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1255. Indian Lance, with sharp quadrangular point, supported by a silver socket. A similar socket of silver holds the butt, which is long and pointed. Given by the Secretary of State for India. a 2 100 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1 256. Malayan Spear, with carved black shaft and a gold ferrule of 8 inches, with ornamented cap. Singapore. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1257. Indian Lance, with very long flat head, doubly grooved. Beneath the socket, which is attached to the bamhoo shaft by means of studs, is a large knob of wood, which is detached from the bamboo. The butt is of steel, and very short. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1258. Lance, Southern India, with painted cane shaft and quadrilatera head ; steel socket. A portion of the butt is missing. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1259-6O. Two Burmese Lances, with sharp two-edged heads and Malacca shafts. Given by the G.O.C. Burmah Expedi- tionary Force, 1886. 1261-2. Burmese Lances, with sharp two-edged narrow heads and Malacca shafts. Given by the G.O.C. Burmah Expedi- tionary Force, 1886. 1263-4. Two Lances, Southern India, with large flat heads, brass sockets and wooden shafts.- Given by the G.O.C. Burmah Expeditionary Force, 1886. 1265. Mahratta Lance of steel throughout; the head being quadrilateral and very long and slender. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1266. Very heavy Mahratta Steel Lance, with long slender quadrilateral head and heavy knob of steel at the butt, added to facilitate the balance and assist the thrust. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1267. Heavy Mahratta Steel Lance, being quadrilateral throughout except at the grip where it is circular. The butt possesses a heavy knob of steel. The lance is en- graved on the shaft. Given by the Secretary fur State for India. 1268-9. Two Steel Mahratta Lances, with long quadrilateral heads. They are both engraved. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 127O. Short Lance, Southern India, quadrilateral head and silver socket; steel butt. 1271. Very handsome Spear, Southern India, in the form of the English Partizan, the head being embossed and damascened in gold. The shaft is of cane, and ornamentally painted throughout. Given by The Eon. Lady Grey. 1272. Lance, Southern India, in two sections ; the head is quadri- lateral, and the cane shaft painted throughout. Given by the Secretary of State for India. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 101 1273. Partizan, Southern India, with two-edged head and latera projections. The cane shaft is painted throughout. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1274. Lance, Southern India, with quadrilateral head and painted cane shaft. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1275. Spear, Burmese, with spade-shaped head, and long wooden shaft bulging at the grip and tapering to a point at the butt end. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1276. Spear, Southern India, with painted cane shaft. (riven by the Secretary of State for India. 1277. Partizan, Southern India, the tongue of the head missing ; the shaft is of cane painted throughout. It was found on the field of the battle of Seringapatam. Given by Lieutenant P. Rainier. 1278. Mahratta Dag&er, "Pattum Jamdadu" (death giver), an elongated form of the Katar. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1279. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," the blade chiselled in low relief, with representations of the chase. The Katar Dagger, together with the straight sword, are probably the national arms of India. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 128O. Mahratta Dagger, u Katar," blade thickened at the point, straight guards transverse hilt. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1281. Mahratta Dagger, " Katar," with a langue de bceuf blade thickened at the point, and strengthened towards the hilt with a stout rib. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1282. Mahratta Dagger, " Katar," blade thickened at the point. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1283. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," the blade thickened at the point. The hilt is coated with silver. Given by the Secre- tary of State for India. 1284. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," the blade thickened at the point and strengthened by a rib. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1285. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," blade thickened at the point ; the grip is curious, as also the grooving of the blade. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1286. Mahratta Dagger, " Katar," blade thickened at the point and deeply grooved towards the hilt. Given by the Secre- tary of State for India. 102 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1287. Mahratta Dagger, " Katar," the blade ribbed and grooved and thickened towards the point. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1288. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," ribbed blade thickened towards the point. The hilt bears marks of damascening. Given by the Secretary of State for India, 1289. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," blade ribbed, grooved, ai,d thickened towards the point. The hilt exceptionally heavy. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1290. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," exceptionally thick blade, very deeply grooved and ribbed towards the hilt. The grip consists of four bars instead of two, as customary. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1291. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," of light construction. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1292. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," very light; it possesses four bars at the grip, and also bears signs of damasceening. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1293. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," of light construction, blade thickened at the point and ribbed near the hilt. Given 'by the Secretary of State for India. 1294. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," very heavy, the blade bting very thick at the point. Six bars form the grip. Given by the Secretary of State for 'India. 1295. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," light construction, ribbed blade. Given by the Secretary of Staite for India. 1296. Mahratta Dagger, "Katar," broad ribbed blade and curious grip. It was once damascened. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1297. -Very Small Mahratta Dagger. " Katar," with short thick blade. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1298. Mahratta Dagger, " Katar," thickened at the point, ribbed and grooved blade. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1299. Very small Mahratta Dagger, " Katar," with engraved hilt and lower portion of blade, which is short and thick. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1300. Scimitar, "Tulwar," with bright llade and steel hilt. Rajputana. Given by thb Secretary of State for India. 1301. Sabre, "Tulwar," doubly grooved blade and steel hilt. Rajputana. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 13O2. Sabre, " Tulwar," doubly grooved blade, and silver-coated hilt. Rajputana. Given by the Secretary of State for India. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 103 13O3. Sabre, "Tulwar," doubly grooved blade, hilt damascened in silver. Ilajputana. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1304. - Sabre, "Tulwar," trebly grooved blade, engraved steel hilt. Rajputana. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 13O5.-Sa.bre, "Tulwar," bright blade, steel hilt coated with silver. Rajputana. Given by the Secretary of State for Inaia. 1306. Sword, "Tulwar," with straight grooved blade and steel hilt. Rajputana. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 13O7. Sabre, "Tulwar," with steel hilt coated with silver and engraved. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 13O8. Sabre, "Tulwar," with engraved steel hilt coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 13O9. -Sabre, "Tulwar," with engraved steel hilt. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1310. Sabre, " Tulwar," trebly grooved blade ; hilt of steel damascened with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1311. Sabre, "Tulwar," hilt of steel, damascened with silver. Given by the Secretary of Stfate for India. 1312. Sabre, ''Tulwar," trebly grooved blade, signed; the hilt steel and engraved. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1313. Sabre, "Tulwar." doubly grooved and signed blade ; plain steel hilt. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1314. Sabre, " Tulwar,'' very light, blight blade, steel hilt damascened with silver. Given by the Secretary of S'tate for India. 1315. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade signed, engraved steal hilt. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1316. Sabre, ' Tulwar," grooved blade, plain steel hilt. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1317. Sabre, "Tulwar," grooved blade, plain steel hilt. Gir^n by the Secretary of State for India. 1318. -Sabre, "Tulwar," bright blade, steel hilt coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1319. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade, steel engraved hilt. Oiv&n by tht Secretary of State for India. 1320. -Sabre, "Tulwar," trebly grooved blade, the hilt engraved and damascened. 1321. Scimitar, "Tulwar," bright plain blade ; the hilt engraved and damascened, knuckle guard. Given by the Secretary of titate for India. 104 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1322. Sabre, " Tulwar," doublv-grooved and signed tlade : hilt silver- coated and engraved. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1323. Sabre, "Tulwar,"' broad grooved and signed blade; the hilt silver coated and engraved. Given by Sir Charles Napier. G.C.B. 1324. Indian Scimitar, with plain bright blade and elaborate hilt, the quillons turning towards the blade. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1325. Sabre, Indian, grooved and signed blade; the hilt of s,teel elaborately engraved. Quillons turning towards the blade. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1326. -Khyber Knife, the blade near the handle damascened with gold, and fitted to the bone handle with brass. Taken from a Sikh at the Battle of Sobraon. Given by James Isaac, Esq. 1327. Khyber Knife, with ivory handle and brass socket. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1328. Khyber Knife, with bone handle and grooved blade, brass socket, ornamented fringe on edge nearest to blade. Taken at Ghuznee. Given by Lieut. -Colonel C. Car- michael, C.B. 1329. Khyber Knife, grooved blade, horn handle, decorated brass socket, and brass rib at back of handle. Given by Lieut. - Colonel C. Carmichael, C.S. 1330. Khyber Knife, grooved blade, ivory handle, fixed by means of a brass ornamented socket. Given by Capt. W. Lamb. 1331. Khyber Knife, grooved blade, horn handle, steel socket. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1332. Khyber Knife, grooved blade, horn handle fixed with a brass socket. Given by Colonel Honbh. E. J. Forester. 1333. Khyber Knife, grooved blade, horn handle, brass socket; taken at Cabul. The blade has been repaired. Given by Colonel I. Cox, C.B. 1334. -Khyber Knife, very light, plain blade, bronze handle. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1335. Khyber Knife, plain blade, ivory handle, brass socket. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1336. Dagger, ' Pcslikabz." the upper part of the blade damascened with gold, bone handle, Peshawar. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1337. Dagger, " Peshkabz," horn handle. Given by the Secretary of State for Indiq.. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 105 1338. Dagger, " Peshkabz," wooden handle. Giren by the Secretary of State for India. 1339. Dagger, "Peshkabz," plain blade and steel handl. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1340. Dagger, " Peshkabz." plain blade, bone handle. Given by the Secretary of b^ate for India. 1341. Dagger, " Peshkabz." plain blade, wooden handle. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1342. Dagger, " Peshkabz," plain blade, much ground, wooden handle. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1343. Dagger, " Peshkabz." plain blade, much worn, bone handle. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1345. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade with signature ; hilt, with knuckleguard, damascened with silver. Given by Admir- able Honble. I). Mackay. 1346. Heavy Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade with signature; steel hilt with knuckle guard engraved. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1347. Heavy Sabre, ''Tulwar," double grooved blade with signa- ture ; steel hilt and knuckle guard. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1348. Sabre, "Tulwar." plain blade with signature; steel hilt and kjnuckle guard damascened with silvier. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1349. Sabre, "Tulwar," double grooved blade, steel hilt with knuckle- fuard, silver coated. Given by the Secretary of State for ndia. 135O. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade ; the hilt with knuckle- guard damascened with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1351 Sabre, " Tulwar," double grooved blade ; hilt and knuckle-guard of steel damascened with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1352. Sabre, " Tulwar," plain blade ; hilt of steel with knuckle-guard, both silver-coated. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1353. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade, steel hilt, and knuckle- guard. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1354. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade; the hilt with knuckle-guard damascened. Given by the Secretary of Stajte for India. 1355. Mahratta Scimitar, signed blade, engraved steel hilt, with knuckle-guard. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 106 KOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1356. Sabre, "Tulwar" signed and grooved blade; steel hilt and knuckle-guard. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1357. Sabre, " Tulwar," double-grooved signed blade; steel hilt with knuckle-guard, both coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1358. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade, steel hilt with knnckle-guard damascened. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1359. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade, signed hilt, and knuckle- guard of steel coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 136O. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade, signed ; steel hilt and knuckle-guard, both coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1361. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade signed, the hilt and knuckle-guard of steel damascened. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1362. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade, the hilt and knuckle- guard of Bteel damascened. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1363. Sabre, "Tulwar," slightly curved grooved blade; the hilt and knuckle-guard of steel, coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1364. Sabre, " Tulwar," plain blade ; hilt and knuckle-guard of steel damascened. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1365. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade signed, the Lilt with knuckle- fuard of ornamented steel. Given by the Secretary of tate for India. 1366. Sabre, " Tulwar," plain blade signed; hilt with knuckle-guard of ornamented steel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1367. Sabre, "Tulwar," slightly curved blade grooved; hilt with knuckle-guard of ornamented steel. Given by the Secre- tary of State for India. 1368. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade; hilt with knuckle-guard of steel, coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1369. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade; hilt with knuckle-guard of ornamented steel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 137O. Sabre, " Tulwar," trebly grooved llade ; hilt with knuckle- guard of ornamented steel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 107 1371. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade signed ; the hilt with knuckle- fuard of ornamented steel. Given by the Secretary of tate for India, 1372. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade ; hilt with knuckle-guard of steel, coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1373. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade ; hilt with knuckle-guard engraved and damascened. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1374. Sabre, ' Tulwar," plain blade signed; hilt with knuckle-guard of steel, coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1375. Sabre, "Tulwar," plain blade strengthened towards the hilt with ribs of steel ; hilt with knuckle-guard of ornamented steel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1376. Sabre, "Tulwar," doubly-grooved signed blade; hilt with knuckle-guard of steel engraved, and coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1377. Mahratta Scimitar, plain blade, hilt with knuckle-guard of steel, coated with silver. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1378. Sabre, "Tulwar," grooved blade, hilt with knuckle-guard of ornamented steel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1379. Heavy Sword, "Firangi," plain blade ; steel basket hilt and spiked pommel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 138O. Sabre, "Firangi," one furrowed blade; padded ornamented basket-hilt with spiked pommel. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1381. Dagger, "Jamdhar Katari," plain blade ribbed; steel handle, originally gilded. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1382. Trifurcated Head of a Lance of steel, the outer prongs serrated. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1383. Afghan Bayonet with triangular blade and ornamented base. Given by Lieut. -Colon el C. Carmichael, C.B. 1384. Sword, " Dha," straight one-edged blade, the grip covered with plaited hair. The pommel of pierced metal. Bhotan. Given by the Secretary of State for 'India. 1385. Sword, "Dha," straight one-edged blade, the grip of gimp; ornamented brass pommel. Bhotan. Given by the Secre- tary of State for India. 108 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1388. Sword, " Dha," straight one-edged Hade, grip of shark's skin and plaited hair ; pierced metal pommel. Bhotan. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1387. Sword, ' Dha," straight one-edged blade ; grip of shark's skin ; pierced steel pommel. Bhotan. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1388. Sword, " Dba," straight one-edged blade; grip covered with hide. Bhotan. Given by the Secretary of Stale for India. 1389. Burmese Krees, undulating watered blade ; handle missing. Given by Capt. F. Marryat, E.N. 1390. Burmese Krees, straight watered blade ; carved wooden handle. Given by Capt. F. Marryat, E.N. 1391. Burmese Krees, undulating blade; wooden handle. Given by Capt. F. Marryat, E.N. 1392. Battle-axe, "Tabar," long curved blade; bamboo shaft terminating with steel ferrules. Chota Nagpur. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1393. Another, blade slightly engraved. Given by the Secretary oj State for India. 1394. Steel Case containing a stiletto. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1395. Battle-axe, "Tabar," forked engraved blade; wooden shaft with brass ferrules and brass bands. Given by the Secre- tary of State for India. 1396. Battle-axe, ' Tabar," forked engraved blade; wooden shaft with brass ferrule. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1397. Hatchet, "Ayda Katti," broad blade inlaid with brass; wooden handle, brass mounts. Malabar. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 1398.- Mauser Repeater Rifle, 1888 pattern, weight 10 Ibs. 3 oz. (German.) Given by H.I.M. the Emperor of Germany. 1399. Mauser Magazine Rifle, 1891 pattern (Argentine). OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 109 14OO. Lee, Fixed Magazine, Rifle, 1888 pattern, made by Remington & Sons, U.S.A. Given by the Secretary of State for War. 14O1. Small Bore Mannlicher Magazine Rifle, 1889 pattern. 14O2. Mannlicher Magazine Rifle with bayonet, Infantry pattern 1888. (German.) 14O3. German Magazine Rifle, 1891 pattern. Given by Messrs. Ludive, Loewe & Co., Berlin. 14O4. Mannlicher Rifle with bayonet, 1891 pattern, made by Ludive, Loewe & Co., Berlin. Given by Messrs Ludive, Loewe & Co., Berlin. 14O5. Delft Breech-loading Rifle, 1876 pattern. 1406. French Rifle, pattern 1874, with bayonet. 14O7. Breech loading Rifle, manufactured at Enfield in 1849, with bayonet and rammer. 1408. Krag Jorgen sen Danish Magazine Rifle, 1899 pattern, with bayonet. 1409. Lee- Metfbrd Mark I. Magazine Rifle, 1890'pattern and bayonet. Given by the Secreitary of State for War. 141O. German Experimental Rifle, with bayonet Par- ticulars unknown. 1411. French Breech- loading Experimental Rifle, with bayonet; on the butt is inscribed, "I. S. M. Grena- dier Guards." 1412. Mauser Magazine Rifle, with straight bolt, 1900. 1413. Mauser Magazine Rifle (Argentine), 1891 pattern. 1414. Kropatschek Rifle (Portuguese). Given by the Secretary of State for War. 1415. Turkish Magazine Mauser Rifle. 110 ROYAl. UmTKD SERVICE MVSECM. 1416. Schmidt-Rubin Magazine Rifle (Swiss), with bayonet. 1889 pattern. 1417. British Musket, made at Enfield 1888, with bayonet. 1418, British Rifle, made by the Manchester Ordnance and Rifle Co. 1419. Carr Percussion Rifle, 1865. calibre -575. 142O. Springfield B.L. Rifle, 1878. U.S.A. 1421 Schulkof's Patent Magazine Rifle, 1887. 1422. Peabody Rifle (U.S.A.) 1862 pattern, calibre -5. 1423. Vertelli Rifle (Swiss) with bayonet. 1424. Berdau Bolt Rifle (Russian) with bayonet. 1425. Whitworth Percussion Patent Small Bore Hexagonal 33-inch Rifle, with sword bayonet. 1426. Waenzel Percussion Rifle, with bayonet (Austrian). 1427. Murata Single loading Rifle, IdSS (Japanese) with bayonet. 1428. Whitworth Carbine (Westley Richards) 1865 pattern. 1429. A Sporting Percussion Rifle, made by the Whitworth Ordnance Co., Manchester, with patent sights. 143O. Krutzsch's Patent Rifle, mad by Messrs. Potts and Hunt, London. 1431. Patent Foreign Rifle and bayonet, details unknown. 1432. Werndl Patent Percussion Rifle. 1433. I. R. Cooper's Patent Rifle, I860, calibre -45. 1434. Swinburne's Patent B.L. Rifle, 1872. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. Ill 1435 Henry's Patent B.L. Rifle. 1436. Teller's Patent B.L. Rifle. 1437 Jouhand's Patent M.L. Rifle. 1438 Walker and Money's Patent B.L. Rifle. 1439. Major Fosbery's Patent B.L. Rifle. 1440. W. Mont Storm's Patent B.L. Rifle, I860. 1441. The Improved Mont Storm Selwyn Patent B.L. Rifle. 1442. Patent B.L. Rifle, the breech opening with a lever, the hammer being alongside the trigger beneath the block, with bayonet. 1443. Combalain's Patent B.L. Rifle, with long bayonet. 1444 Captain Harrison's Patent B.L. Rifle. 1445. W. J. Matthew's Patent B.L. Rifle. 1446. Green Brothers' Patent B.L. Rifle, with bayonet. 1447 Perry's Patent B.L. Rifle. U.S.A. 1448. Albini and Braendlin's Patent B.L. Rifle. 1449. H. Berdan s Patent B.L. Rifle. 1862. 1450. Patent B.L. French Rifle. Particulars unknown. 1451 B. Tieschang and Hmgo Schmidt Patent B.L. Rifle, with swonl bayonet. 1452. The Springfield B.L. Rifle, 1863 pattern. U.S.A. 1453. The Snorth B. L. Percussion Rifle, 1837, with bayonet, U.S.A. 1454. Martini Henry Carbine, 1881 pattern, with short bayonet. 112 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1455. Martini Henry Carbine, 1887 pattern. 14-56. A Patent B.L. Carbine. Particulars unknown. 1457. The Springfield B.L. Carbine, 1873 pattern. U.S.A. 1458. Evan's Patent Repeating Carbine, 1868. U.S.A. 1459. Prince's Patent Carbine. 1460. R F. Joslyn's Patent B.L. Carbine, 1861. U.S.A. 1461 Ballard s Patent B.L. Carbine, 1861. U.S.A. 1462. Spencer Repeating Carbine, i860. U.S.A. 1463. Allen and WeelOCk Carbine, patent 1860, calibre -425. 1464. Ball's Patent Carbine, 1863. U.S.A. 1465. Colt's Patent Repeating Carbine, 1883. 1466. Sharp's Patent Rifle, 1848. U.S.A., with bayonet. 1467. Marti ni-Peabody Rifle. U.S.A., with bayonet. 1468. Millar and Burton's Patent B.L. Rifle, calibre -448. 1469 Hotchkiss Magazine Rifle. 147O Carter and Edwards Patent B.L. Rifle, 1867, calibre -577. 1471. The Vetterlin Magazine Rifle, 1885. Italian. 1472. The Remington-Lee Rifle, 1885, with bayonet. 1473 Winchester Patent Repeating Rifle, 1866. 1474. Lee- Burton Fixed Magazine Rifle, 1885, with bayonet. 1475. Winchester Patent Repeating Rifle, i860. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 113 1476. Needham's Patent Rifle, with bayonet. 1477. Burton's Patent B.L. Rifle, 1859. Calibre 577. 1478 Winchester Repeating Rifle, 1876. 1479. French B.L. Smooth Bore, bolt action musket, details unknown. 1480. Springfield B.L. Rifle, 1864. U.S.A. 1481. B.L. Rifle, dated 1867. Details unknown. 1482. Martini Rifle, details unknown. 1483. Need hams Patent Percussion Rifle. 1484. Persian Matchlock, with wooden rammer, the barrel partially inlaid and held to the stock, which ie strengthened with beaten brass, by means of brass bands. The weapon was taken from a Persian Pirate in the year 1899. 1485. One-edged Sword, with circular guard and large flat pommel ; the grip of wood studded with copper ; the blade of Oriental manufacture. 1486. Battle-axe, " Tabar," broad curved blade. Central India. 1487. Persian Scimitar, with brass guard and ivory handle terminating with a pommel carved so as to form a tiger's head. It was taken at Qhuznee on 23rd July, 1839. Given by Captain Hoban. 1488. Persian Scimitar, with steel guard and handle of woM covered with hide. Given by Caplain Kettlewell. 1489. Short Sword, with one-edged blade and handle of wood mounted with brass; the scabbard of wood, and also mounted with brass. Burmese. 149O. Sword, "Firangi," with doubly grooved blade and padded basket hilt, 'ine spike on the pommel is deficient. The sword was taken on the field of Jelalabad. Given by J. Fenwick, Esq. 1491. Very heavy Battle-axe, with spike at back, brass mounted. 114 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1492. Persian Scimitar, with engraved steel guard and grip of hide; steel pommel. 1493. Sword, " Dha," slightly curved blade, brass mounted wooden handle, equal in length to the blade, and curved in con- tinuation of its curve. Burmah. 1494. Battle axe, with curiously shaped steel head. The shaft of wood wrapped with brass rings and protected with brass at the two extremities. Chota Nagpur. Given by Captain W. H. Hall, E.N. 1495. Sword, " Dha," the blade widening gradually from hilt to point. Wooden hilt, widening at the pommel, and brass mounted. Darjeeling. 1496. Sword, slightly incurved one-edged blade, single groove. Hilt and knuckle-guard of steel. Decoan. 1497. Indian Juggler's Sword, the whole being entirely of steel with blunted edges and circular point. Given by Lieut. Peter Rainier. 1498. Sikh Arm-guard, or gauntlet, engraved at the edges. 1499. Shield, composed of two horns running parallel, which support a circular piece of steel, capped with a spike 5 inches in length. 15OO. Quadrilateral Spear-head of solid steel, the socket and head being in one. 1501. An Arab Sword from the Sudan. Given by Lieut. Stair- Sandys, E.N. 1502. Short Spear, with wide blade, from Central Africa. 15O3. Battle-Axe from Central Africa. 15O4. Short Sword, used by the Buck Indians of Demerara. 1505. Curved Knife from Central Africa. 15O6. Short Spear from Liberia, West Africa. 15O7. Bow, Mundo Tribe, Central Africa. Petherick Collection. 15O8. Bow from Central Africa. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 115 15O9. North-American Indian Bow. 1510. Sheaf Of Poisoned Arrows from the New Hebrides Given by Admiral Sir John Dalrymple Hay, Bart., G.C.B., etc. 1511. Krooman's Knife with wooden scabbard. West Coast of Africa. 1512. Combined North-American Tomahawk and Tobacco Pipe. These weapons were given by the Hudson Bay Company to the Indians. 1513. North-American Indian Tomahawk. 1514. Sword Club from the Orinoco River district. Given by Sir R. K. Porter, K.C.B. 1515. Battle Axe with iron blade, from Central Africa. 1516. Wooden Club from Central Africa. 1517. Wooden War Club of the Omida Indians, N.W. Canada. 1518. -Quiver of Poisoned Arrows from Central Africa. 1519. Ivory Powder Flask, South Africa. Giren, by The Hon. Lady Grey. 152O-1521. Wooden War Club of the Mandan Indians, North America. 1522-1523. Carved Wooden Club from Central Africa. Petherick Collection. 1524. Canoe Paddle from Canada. 1525. Two-pointed Dagger from the Pampas of South America. 1526. Skin Pouch containing Barbed Arrows of the Mundo Tribe, Central Africa. Petherick Collection. H2 116 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1527. Two BOWS and a bundle of Barbed Arrows from the Upper Nile. 1528. Leather Quiver with Hair ornament and 12 Arrows of the Dor Tribe, Central Africa. Petherick Collection. 1529. Quiver containing 12 Arrows from Central Africa. 153O. Ouiver containing 18 Barbed Arrows. Central Africa. Petherick Collection. 1531-1539. Four-Sided Club from British Guiana. 154-O. -Soudanese Camel-Bit. 1541-1542. Carved Wooden Stirrup, made and used by the Llaneros, Columbia. Given by Sir It. K. Porter, K.C.H. 1543-1544. Carved Wooden Stirrup, made and used by the Llaneros, Columbia. 1545-1546. Carved Wooden Stirrup from Mexico. 1547-1549. Barbed Assegai. Central Africa. Petherick Collection. 155O. Chiefs Lance. Central Africa. Petherick Collection. 1551. Hunting Lance, Central Africa. Petherick Collection. 1552. Hunting Spear from Somaliland. 1553-1555. Arab Spear, Sudan. Given by Brig.-General Coghlan, Commanding Troops, Aden. 1556-1561. Arab Spear, Sudan. Given by Brig.-General Coghlan. 1562. Quiver and Arrows from the Amazon River District, South America. 1563-1564. BOW from the Banks of the Amazon River. South America. OFFICIAL CATAI.OGUH. 117 1565-1566. Pipe Stem. North-American Indian. 1567. Limber Wheel of one of the 15-Pounder Guns of the 66th Battery, R.F.A.. which suffered so severely in the Battle of Colenso, Natal, on 15th December, 1899. (See label for further details). Given by the Secretary of State for War. 1568. Relic of Captain Parry's Arctic Expedition, 1821-1827, being a tablet marked " Observatory, A.D. 1824-25." 1569. Finger Post found on Beechy Island 1850, being one of the first traces of the lost Franklin Expedition. Given by Admiral Sir Erasmus Ommaney, K.C.B. 157O. Pair Of Esquimaux Snow Shovels, made of wood from the lost Arctic Expedition, brought from Hayes River by Lieut. Schwatka in 1880. 1571. Twenty-eight Assegais from South Africa. Zulu. 1572-1573. Short Spear. Zulu. 1574. Twenty-Six Zulu Assegais from South Africa. 1575. Brass Mortar cast by Tippoo, Sultan of Mysore. It was oast by him when a boy, and studying the art of war dur- ing the reign of his father, Hyder AH. Given by Vice- Admiral Sir John Gore, K.C.B. , G.C.H. 1576. One Of the two Chairs on which the Emperor Napoleon III. and Prince von Bismark sat in the cottage at Don- cherry on September 2nd, 1870, when the former surrendered himself after the Battle of Sedan. Given by General Sir Beauchamp Walker, K.C.B. 1577. Four Arrows. Central Africa. 1578. Iron Spear in wood|casing. Central Africa. 1579. Three Spears, from the Fan Country, Central Africa. Given by the Anthropological Society. 118 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 158O. Five Spears. Central Africa. 1581. Tiller f one of the Gunboats of the Boulogne Flotilla for the invasion of England. Bonaparte, in 1804, assembled at Boulogne 160,000 men and 10,000 horses, together with a flotilla of 1,300 vessels, carrying 17.000 hands. On October 2nd Sir Sidney Smith unsuccessfully attempted to burn the flotilla with fire machines called " Catamarans." 1582. Coat and pair of Yellow Breeches of an Officer of the 3rd Irish Horse, or the Carabineers, now 6th Dragoon Guards, of the middle of the 18th century. On the 1st July, 1751, a warrant was issued regulating the clothing, standards, colours, and appointments of the several regiments, and in this warrant the coat of the 3rd Irish Horse is described as being "Scarlet, the facings and lapells of pale yellow, the button-holes worked with white, the buttons of white metal, and a long slash pocket in each skirt. Officers' coats to be distinguished by silver lace and to be bound with silver embroidery 2 the button-holes being worked with silver, and a crimson silk sash being worn over the left shoulder. Waist- coat and breeches to be pale yellow." Given by John Seymour Lucas, Esq., It. A. 1583. Shoulder-belt Pouch of an Officer of the Staats Artillery of the South African Republic, as used at the time of the South African War, 1899-1903. 1584. - The Figure-head (Representing King George III.), Coat of Arms, and six carved figures from the stern of His Majesty's Royal Yacht, "Royal George." The " Royal George " was laid down at DeptTord in May. 1814. from the designs of Sir Henry Peake, Surveyor of the Navy, and launched in July, 1817. Her dimensions were as follows : Length between perpendiculars. 103 feet ; length of keel for tonnage, 84 ft. 4^ ins. ; breadth, extreme, 26 ft. 8 ins. ; breadth, for tonnage, 26 ft. 6 ins. ; depth in hold. 11 ft. 6 ins. ; burthen in tons, 330 tons. The " Royal George " was built of wood and rigged as a ship, and was remarkable for her excellent sailing qualities. She was laid up in Portsmouth Harbour in charge of the Master, and was only fitted out when specially required for the Royal Service. The lieutenants, mates, assistant- surgeon, and crew were employed on board the "Panta- loon," attached to the Royal Yacht as a tender. The " Pantaloon " was employed in looking after fisheries, conveying mails, and in any other service that might be required. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 119 In August, 1842 the "Royal George" arrived at Wool- wich any Captain Sir Spencer L. H. Vassall, E.N. 1966. Malay Shield. Gicenby the Him. Lady Grey. 1967. Malay Shield. 1968. Malay Sword with square pommel. 1969-1983. Collection of Kreeses, Knives, Swords, etc. from Malay and Java. 1984-2OOO. Collection of Spears, Blow-Pipes, Lances, etc. from Malay, New Guinea, Borneo, etc. 2O01. Drapeau du 52 e Regiment, formerly Le Regiment la Fere, formed in 1654, taken at Bastia, 1794. It is one of the earliest French Colours known to be in existence. It is white, with a tricolour of blue, white, and red, in the upper canton, showing that it belonged to the 1st Battalion. It has also a tricolour border of blue, white, and red on either of the three edges. Otherwise it resembles the Colour of the 26e Regiment. (2005.) Given by Lieut.- General Sir Henry E. Bunbury. St., K.C.B. 2OO2. Drapeau des Volontaires du Departement de la Corse, 1791-94. Taken at Bastia in 171)4. It is a tricolour of blue, white, and red; the blue being on the top, and then the Colours white and red. On the one side, within a wreath, are the words " Viver. Liber. 1.0. Morire " in gold, evidently the Corsican patois for " Je meurs pour vivre libre"; and on the reverse, " Republica-Francese." Napoleon was the first Colonel of the Regiment. Given by Lieut. -General Sir Henry E. Bunbury, Bt. K.C.B. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 133 2003. Drapeau du 2 Bataillon du Departement des Bouches du Rhone, 1 7!) l-i>4, taken at liastia in 1794. It is an ordinary tricolour of red, white, and blue, and is seven feet deep on the pole. It has a border of alternate blue, white, and red. On the one side, in gold, are the words "Departement des Bouches 2me Bon," and on the reverse, " Egalite, Liberte 2"ie Bon." Given by Lieut.- General Sir Henry E. Bunbury, Bt., K.C.B. i 2004. Drapeau du 1 Bataillon du Departement de I'Aveyron. 1792-94, taken at Bastia. It is a tricolour of blue, white, and red, with a white stripe across the centre, and is five feet nine inches square. On the one side are the words '" Subordination, Obeissance a la Loi," and on the reverse, li l er Bataillon d'Aveyron Republique Fran9aise " in gold. Given by Lieut. -General Sir Henry E. Bunbury, Bt., K.C.B. 2005. Drapeau du 26' Regiment, 1792-94, taken at Calvi. It is the same both sides, white, with the letters and numerals in gold. The wreath surrounding the number is green. At either end of the cross are tricolour lozenges of blue, white, and 1 red, which, by a decree of 28th November, 1792. were ordered to be placed over the fleurs de lys, which had, before that, adorned the Colours of the French Army. The 26e Regiment, formerly Le Regiment Bresse, was formed in 1775 from the 2nd and 4th Battalions of the Regiment de Poiton, and in 1794 was incorporated in the 52nd Demi-Brigade. Given by Lieut. -General Sir Henry E. Bunbury, Bt., K.C.B. 2006. Guidon (Provisional) of the 22nd Regiment, 1812, taken in Wellington's victory over the French at Salamanca. It was brought home and laid at the feet of His Royal High- ness the Prince Regent, by Captain Lord Clinton, 16th Light Dragoons, Aide-de-Camp to the Earl of Wellington.- Given by Lieut. -General Sir Henry E. Bunbury, Bart., K.C.B. ' 2007. Guidon (Provisional) of the 02nd Regiment, 1812, taken in Wellington's victory over the French at Salamanca. It was brought home and laid at the feet of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, by Captain Lord Clinton, 16th Light Dragoons, Aide-de-Camp to the Earl of Wellington. Given by Lieut. -General Sir Henry E. Banbury, Bart., K.C.B. 2008. Russian Brass Band Instrument, taken in the War in the Crimea. Given by Miss Hume. 2OO9. Russian Helmet of the 26th Regiment, from the Crimea. Given by Miss Hume. 2O1O. Russian Short Sword, as carried by Pioneers in the Crimean War. Given by Miss .Hume. 134 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2O11-2O13. Three Russian Muzzle-loading Percussion Muskets brought from the Crimea, 1854. Given by Miss Hume. 2014. Smooth-bore Elephant Percussion M.L. Gun, 1850. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2015. German Converted M.L. Percussion Smooth Bore Military Musket, 1845. Given by His Majesty King Edward TIL 2016. Brass Chinese Gun M. L., constructed in nine pieces to screw together, taken by the British Troops at the Capture of Pekin, August 14th. 1900. Given by Major-General >b'ir A. Gaselee, G.C.I.E., K.C.S. 2017. Marble Bust of Lord Nelson, sculptured by Sir Francis Chantrey, 1835. by command of Ilis Majesty King William IV. It formerly stood in the Guard Chamber of Windsor Castle. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2O18. Lower Portion of the Main-mast of H.M.S. "Victory." 2,162 tons, 104 guns, Lord Nelson's Flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar. This relic was presented to King Wil- liam IV., at that time Duke of Clarence, and. until his accession to the throne in 1830, was kept in a miniature temple in the grounds of Bushey Lodge. The hole through the mast was made by a round shot fired from the French 74-gun ship " Redoutable." It is recorded that while at Bushey a pair of robins took up their abode in the hole and reared a brood of young ones, which were great favourites of the King and Queen Adelaide. The mast was removed to Windsor Castle in 1830, where it remained throughout the reigns of King William IV. and Queen Victoria. The horseshoe near the base was nailed there by the seamen of the " Victory " as an omen of good fortune. Given by His Majesty, King Edward VII. 2O19. Piece of the Jib-boom of H.M.S. "Victory." Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2020. Portion of the "Victory's" Mizzen Topmast, which was cut in two early in the action of Trafalgar, by a shot from the French Flagship " Bucentaure." Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2O21. A Double-headed Shot, fired from the Spanish Flagship " Santissima Trindada," which killed eight of the crew of H.M.S. "Victory " at Trafalgar. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2022. A Round Shot from the unexpended store of the "Victory." Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. OFFICIAL CATALOG VE. 135 2023. -Filipino Field-piece, made from a piece of piping cased in wood and supported by Iron Bands taken by the Ameri- cans in March, 1899, in the Filipino American Wai. Given by Staff Surgeon C. M. Beadnell, E.N. 2024. War Drum, hollowed from a solid block of wood (Bari tribe, Central Africa). 2025. -War Drum (Central Africa) hollowed from the trunk of a tree. 2O26. War Drum (West Africa). 2O27. Drum (Central Africa), headed with raw-hide. 2O28.Asha.nti War Drum of similar construction to ordinary military side-drum. 2O29. Mandingo Drum (West Africa). 2O3O.-War Drum taken in the Ashanti War, 1873-74. Given by Colonel Sir Garnet Wolseley. 2O31. -War Drum taken at the action of Amoaful, near Coomassie, Ashanti, on January 31st, 1874. Given by Colonel Sir Garnet Wolseley. 2032. - A Pair of Kettle-drums taken at Kandahar in 1880 from the Afghans. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 2033. Saddle used by Field-Marshal Prince Blucher von Wahlstadt at the Battle of Waterloo, 1815. Blucher, a renowned Prussian General, was born in 1742, and distinguished himself at Leystadt, Jena, Lutzen, and Leipsic, but was defeated by .Napoleon at Ligny two days before Waterloo. He afterwards deceived Grouchy, who tried to prevent his junction with the British Army under Wellington, and by a skilful and dangerous flank movement, his troops arrived at Waterloo in time to decide the great victory, and to participate in the pursuit. He died in 1819. Given by Major Daniell. 2034. Skeleton of Marengo, N T apoleon's favourite charger. Marengo was a light grey barb, 14 hands one inch in heignt, and was procured by Napoleon in Egypt after the Battle of Aboukir in 1799. The horse was ridden by him at the Battle of Marengo. and named after the victory. It is believed subsequently to have carried his master at Auster- litz in 1805, at Jena in 1806, at Wagram in 1809, in the Russian Campaign of 1812, and at Waterloo in 1815, when he was wounded in the near hip. After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, Lord Petre gained possession of the horse and sold it to Lieut. -General J. J. W. Angerstein, who kept it at New Barnes, Ely, and bred from it. The animal was well cared for in his old age, and on his death his skeleton was given to this museum by Lieut. -General An- gerstein. Given by Lieut. -General J. J. W. Angerstein. 136 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2O35-2O36. Colours of the 33rd Regiment, 1832-54, then known as the 1st Yorkshire (West Riding) which were presented to the battalion, in 1832, at Weedon, by General Sir Charles Whale, K.C.B., colonel of the regiment. The first is the ordinary Royal colour, or Great Union ; and the second, or regimental colour, the Red Cross of St. George on a white field, and only two honours are attached, those of "Peninsula" and " Seringapatam." They have never been on active service, but they are associated with two interesting military events. From 1838 to 1840 the 33rd 1 were at Gibraltar, and there under these colours H.R.H. the late Commander-in-Chief, then Prince George of Cambridge, was attached for duty to the battalion on his first introduction to the British Army. The 33rd, as is well known, monopolised most of the regimental service of the great Duke of Wellington, and at his funeral on the 18th November, 1852 to attend which the regiment was brought to London from Glasgow these colours proved a conspicuous mark. The colours were retired from service at Dublin in 1854, prior to the 33rd proceeding to the Crimea. They were deposited at Danesbury, Welwyn, in Hertfordshire, with the commanding officer ; and 1 were presented by his widow to the Royal United Service Museum on 13th April, 1861. 2O37-2O38. Colours of the 43rd Monmouthshire Light Infantry, 1818-27, now the 1st Battalion Oxfordshire Light Infantry, one of the regiments of the cele- brated Light Division of Peninsula fame. The 1st or Royal colour, is the Great Union ; and the second, or regimental colour, the Red Cross of St. George on the white field. They only bear the one distinction, " Peninsula," the other honours shortly afterwards authorised not having been added. They were made to replace those carried with such distinguished honour in the Peninsula, and were presented to the regiment in 1818 at Valenciennes by Lady Blakeney, wife of Colonel Sir Edward Blakeney, K.C.B., commanding the 7th Fusiliers, which, with the 23rd Fusiliers and 43rd Light Infantry, formed Major-General Sir James Kemp's brigade of the Army of Occupation in France. Lieut. -Colonel C. C. Patrickson, C.B., commanded the 43rd, with Lieut. -Colonel W. F. Napier, C.B., the historian of the Peninsula War, for his major. The colours were carried on parade at the celebrated review held on 23rd October, 1818, the day before the break-up of the Army, when the whole of the British. Hanoverian, Saxon, and Danish contingents, commanded by the Duke of Wellington, were paraded before the Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia near Valenciennes. They were again on parade when the 43rd were inspected at Gibraltar, in 1822, by General Foissac le Tour, command- ing the French army in Spain ; the occasion when he was forced to admit that the regiment moved quicker than the French infantry, whom he had hitherto prided himself were the fastest in Europe. Their last public act was to OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 137 accompany the regiment to the Peninsula, in 1827, when 5,UOO British troops were despatched under General Sir Henry Clinton, owing to the disturbed state of Portugal and the hostile attitude of Spain. A few months later the colours were retired from service, when a new set bearing the eleven additional honours authorised in 1821 were presented by Mrs. Haverfield, wife of the commanding officer, Lieut. -Colonel William Haverfield. On the death of Colonel Haverfield, in 1830, the old colours came into the possession of Lieut. -Colonel Henry Booth, K.H., who died in 1841. On 8th April, 1895, they were presented to the Royal United Service Museum by Colonel J. Johnstone and the officers of the 43rd (.now the 1st Battalion Oxfordshire Light Infantry), to be placed alongside those of the sister- battalion, the 52nd Ligfct Infantry. 2039-2040. Colours of the 52nd Light Infantry, 1324- 52, now the 2nd Battalion of the Oxfordshire Light Infantry, and they appropriately hang nest those of their linked battalion and old Peninsula comrades, the 43rd. The Royal or King's colour, is the Great Union, and is so dilapidated that it can scarcely hold the honours attached to it. The regimental colour, which is in much better condition, is of buff silk, and bears fifteen honours the largest number granted at the time to any corps, save one, the Rifle Brigade. They were presented to the regiment at St. John's, New Brunswick, in 1823, to replace the colours which the 52nd had so nobly borne in the Peninsula and Waterloo. In that great struggle, the 52nd were commanded by the celebrated Lieut.-Colonel John Colborne, afterwards Lord Seaton, he whom Napier justly described as " a man of singular talents for war, and capable of turning the fate of a battle." This distinguished soldier, who had so often led the regiment to victory, and never hurried it into defeat, commanded the 52nd when these colours were taken into use in 1824. They have never faced a foreign foe, but they were silent witnesses of the steady discipline and bravery of the regiment on board the transport " Marquis of Huntly," which was nearly lost in a hurricane in the Atlantic in 1831. It is a coincidence that these colours and those of the 43rd, lying alongside, faced each other on parade when the two regiments relieved each other at the Beggar's Bush Barracks, in Dublin, on 1st February, 1833. They accompanied the 52nd at home and abroad for nearly twenty-eight years, and were borne on parade for the last time at Dublin on Her Majesty's birth- day in 1852, when the regiment received a new set from their Lieut.-Colonel, Cecil William Forester. When Siborne's celebrated model of Waterloo was shortly after- wards placed in the Royal United Service Museum, Lieut.- Colonel Forester and the officers of the regiment presented the old colours to be placed near it. 2O4I-2O42. Colours of the 66th Regiment, 1812-14. or 2nd Battalion Berkshire Regiment, which have a peculiar 138 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. history attached to them. The 2nd Battalion of this regi- ment, with the 2nd Battalion 48th, the Buffs, and 31st, were in Colborne's brigade at Albuera, which was nearly destroyed. The loss of the four battalions amounted to 1,413, of which the 66th reached 272; and so weak had they become that it was found necessary to form them into Provisional Battalions, when the 66th and the 31st were formed into a battalion commanded by Colonel Leith, of the 31st. It was necessary to supply the 66th with new colours after the battle. They duly arrived early in 1812, but were not taken into use because the colours of the 31st, as the senior regiment, were carried by the Provisional Battalion. They were, therefore, sent home, and when the regiment arrived in England in the summer of 1814, were sent to Plymouth to meet the battalion. But they were lost, never reached their destination, and it was necessary to make another set for the battalion. Not long after- wards they turned up again, but too late to be taken into use. They came into the possession of the commanding officer, and were presented to the Royal United 1 Service Museum on 8th March, 1876, by Miss I/ouisa Nicolls, a relative. 2043-2O44. Colours of the Sirmoor Light Infantry, 1844-50, now the 2nd (Prince of Wales's Own) Gurkha (Rifle) Regiment. They were presented to the regiment about the year 1844, and retired from service about 1850. The first is the ordinary Queen's colour, or Great Union ; and the second, or regimental colour, is a plain black sheet with the words, " Sirmoor Light Infantry," encircled by a wreath ; the uniform of the regiment being dark green, with black facings and black lace. Both are perforated with bullets and stained with blood. They were carried by the regiment in the campaign on the Sutlej, in 1845-46, and were present when it saved the cantonment and city of Loodianah, and in the subsequent defence of the city. They were in the Battles of Bhuddiwal, and Aliwal, in the latter of which the battalion suffered severely. In Lord Gough's victory over the Sikhs at Aliwal, where the regi- ment lost 145 killed and wounded, the colours were nearly shot to pieces. The pole of the King's colour was shot in half, and is now spliced. The native officer carrying the black regimental colour was killed, and the colour captured, but the enraged Gurkhas, by a frantic effort, recovered what was left of it, but without the pole, for which they substituted the bamboo on which its honoured remains now hang. They were presented to the Museum by General Sir Charles Reid, G.C.B., who was adjutant and second in command of the battalion in the campaign. 2O45-2O46. Colours of the Sirmoor Rifle Battalion, 1850-63, the successors of the two above described. They were presented about 1850, and retired from service in 1863. The first or Queen's colour is the Great Union, and the second or regimental colour, black, with the words in OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 139 gold letters in the centre. " Sirmoor Light Infantry," sur- rounded by a wreath. They were with the regiment- one of the few which remained loyal during its brilliant service in the Indian Mutiny Campaign of 1857-59. They were at the battle of Badlee-Ke-Serai, and throughout the celebrated siege of Delhi, when this brave band of Gurkhas sustained and defeated twenty-six separate attacks upon their posts on the right of the ridge, in which they lost eight officers killed and wounded out of nine, and 327 men killed and wounded out of 490 of all grades. Both colours have been shot through and are blood-stained. The black regimental colour \yas cut clean in two by a 32-pounder round shot, which killed and wounded three officers and ten men. For its distinguished services the regiment was permitted, though a rifle battalion, to continue carrying colours, and was further granted an extra or honorary regimental colour. In 1863, when the regiment decided to discontinue carrying colours as unsuitable to a rifle bat- talion, Her Majesty the Queen presented it with an honorary truncheon, which was publicly delivered to the regiment on parade, and now holds a distinguished place in the corps. These colours were presented to the Museum in 1895, by General Sir Charles Reid, G.C.B., who com- manded the regiment with greatest distinction during the Mutiny. 2047. -Royal Colour of the Kumaon Local Battalion (now the 1st Bn.) 3rd Gurkha Rifles, being the Great Union. 2048. - Regimental Colour of the same Regiment, being a field of Black with a Union, and a wreath encircling the words " Kumaon Local Battalion." 2049. The Regimental Colour of the 2nd Light In- fantry of the British Swiss Legion, being a red cross on a black ground, with the name of the Regiment in the centre and its number on the Union in the Upper Canton. The Battalion was raised for service in the Crimea, 2050. The Royal Colour of a Regiment, untraceable. 2051. -Regimental Colour of the 6th Light Infantry Battalion of the British-German Legion. Raised in 1855 and disbanded in 1857. It is similar in descrip- tion to No. 2049. 2052. Regimental Colour of the Royal Merioneth Militia (now 4th Bn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers). The Colour dates from 1810, and was carried during the latter few years of the Peninsula War Embodiment. It is blue with a small Union in the Upper Canton. It was returned to the Tower in 1839. 140 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2O53. Regimental Colour of the Herefordshire Militia (now 4th Battalion King's Shropshire Light Infantry). It is Apple Green with the County Arms in the "centre. It was carried during the last few years of the Peninsula War Embodiment, being presented in 1810. and returned to the Tower in 1839. 2G54. Regimental Colour of the 1st Light Infantry Battalion of the British-Swiss Legion. Its descrip- tion and history are similar to 2049. 2055. Royal Colour of the 4th Light Infantry Bat- talion of the British-German Legion, being the Great Union with Royal Crown in the centre and the name of the Regiment labelled beneath it. It was carried between 1855 and 1857. 2056. Regimental Colour of the South Hampshire Light Infantry Militia, being yellow with the Small Union in the Upper Canton. The Colour was in use between the years 1812 and 1839. Edward Gibbon, the Roman His- torian, was at one time Colonel of the Regiment. 2057-2058. Two Standards of the 2nd Life Guards, 1820-30, carried during the ten years of George IV. reign, and presented to the Museum on 14th May, 1849, by the lat< General St. John A. Clerke, K.H., Colonel of the 75th Regiment. They are made of crimson damask, fringed and embroidered with gold. They have never been on active service, and are associated rather with ceremonies of State. They did duty at the coronation of the King, when the regiment appeared for the first time in bearskin grenadier caps. They accompanied the regiment at the funeral of H.R.H. the Duke of York, Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, and at the funeral of George IV. They were again displayed at the accession of William IV., the founder of this Institution. 2O59-2O61. Three Standards of the 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards, 1820-37. The first, or King's standard, is of crimson damask,, of the guidon shape, and edged all round with gold and crimson fringe. In the centre is the Union badge of the rose, thistle, and shamrock on one stalk ; underneath is the word " Peninsula " in a scroll ; and in each of the four corners, in blue silk, an oval badge. The second standard is of blue damask, fringed with gold, and the small ovals at the corners on red silk. In the centre is the Star of St. Patrick. These standards have seen no service more actual than the suppression of riots in England and Ireland : but like those of the 2nd Life Guards, they recall many State ceremonies and escorts. They are associated, in this manner, with Queen Adelaide, William IV.. Don Miguel of Portugal, and the Queen of Portugal. They were taken into use about the time when the regiment was reduced to six troops. Previous to this OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 141 the troops were classified according to the colour of the horses, there being two black troops, two brown troops, two bay, one bright bay, and one chestnut. Presented to the Museum by the late General Sir Edward Cooper Hodge, G.C.B., colonel of the regiment, on 6th June, 1858. 2062-2065. Four Guidons Of the 23rd Light Dragoons, circa, 1803-H5, believed to have led the regiment in its celebrated charge at Talavera in 1809. The regiment was in Anson's brigade, which was ordered by Sir Arthur Wellesley to attack Villatte's Division, and the 23rd, starting at a canter, and increasing their speed' as they advanced, rode headlong against the enemy, but in a few moments came upon the brink of a hollow cleft, which was not perceptible at a distance. The regiment plunged down without a check ; men and horses rolling over each other in dreadful confusion. The survivors mounted the opposite bank, by twos and threes, and rallying, passed through the midst of Villatte's columns, which poured in a fire from each side, and fell upon a brigade of French Chasseurs in the rear. The combat was fierce, but short ; for fresh troops came up when the 23rd, already overmatched, could scarcely hold up against the Chasseurs. The regiment lost two hundred and seven men and officers, or about half the number that went into action. The racings of the regiment being crimson, the first guidon was, as usual, of that hue. For distinction's sake, though hardly in accordance with the Regulations, the other guidons were blue. It is impossible to decide with exact certainty the date when they were made, but probably soon after the regiment was renumbered, in 1803; the battle honours, "Peninsula," "Talavera," were added in 1815 or 1816, where space could be found for them. On the conversion of the regiment into Lancers, in 1816, the standards were discarded. The 23rd Light Dragoons were raised in 1795, as the 26th Light Dragoons, and were renumbered the 23rd in 1803, converted into Lancers in 1816, and disbanded in 1817. The standards were pre- sented to the Museum by Major F. Bolton, on 20th August, 1872. 2O66. Model of the Field and Battle of Waterloo, 18th June, 1815. The construction of this Model of the great victory achieved by the British Army under the Duke of Wellington, assisted by the Prussians under Field- Marshal Blucher, was, with the approval of the Authori- ties, commenced in 1831 by Captain William Siborne, late of the 9th and 47th Regiments, an officer familiar to the Army as the Author of the " History of the War in France and Belgium in 1815." For a considerable time Captain Siborne was employed upon the field, in taking an accurate survey of the ground, and in ascertaining, with the greatest mathematical pre- cision, the position and extent of every object and enclosure, and the level of the surface and its undulations. Every village, every house and farm-yard, every knot of trees, 142 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. every field is given with the closest accuracy, from a six months' personal observation, aided by the most authentic information. The Model is constructed upon a scale of nine feet to a mile. It is 21 feet 4 inches in length, by 19 feet 8 inches in breadth, and comprises an area of 400 square feet. It affords a complete representation of the ground on which the battle was fought. As nearly as possible it shows the disposition of the hostile armies at 7.45 p.m., the turning point of the battle, when the second column of the French Imperial Guard was received in front by Major-General Peregrine Maitland's Brigade, consisting of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 1st Foot Guards, and attacked in flank by Major-General Frederick Adam's Brigade, composed of the 52nd Light Infantry, 71st High- land Light Infantry, and the 95th (Rifle) Regiment. Captain Siborne spared no exertion in endeavouring to procure accurate information as to the position of the divisions of both armies at this crisis of the battle. With the permission of the Commander-in-Chief he addressed every officer in the Service, who, from the command which he then held, or from the circumstance in which he was olaced on that occasion, was likely to be able to afford assistance. The Model was exhibited for a short time in public, after which, in response to a generally expressed desire that it should be procured for the country, its purchase was effected in 1851, and it was presented to the Royal United Service Museum. No fewer than fourteen Regiments of Cavalry, arid forty-seven Battalions of Infantry, as well as the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers, contributed to its acquirement. Prominent in liberality amongst the individual subscribers was His late Royal H%hness the Prince Consort, and, amongst regimental subscribers, the Brigade of Guards in which the Non-Commissioned Officers as well as the Officers contributed handsomely. The long road stretching from the centre of the Eastern side of the Model to the opposite side, is the road from Brussels to Charleroi. Brussels formed the centre of the Duke of Wellington's original position. Thence, at dawn on the 16th June, he marched on Nivelles and Quatre Bras. Defeating the French Marshal Ney at Quatre Bras, he proceeded on the 17th June to his position in front of Waterloo, on the field of which the troops bivouacked in the open : throughout the night preceding the Battle of Waterloo it rained incessantly, and very little rest was in consequence afforded the troops. llie line nearest the Eastern side from which smoke is proceeding is that of the Allies, engaged with the French in their front. On the left of the Brussels-Charleroi Road are Kempt's and Lambert's British Brigades; on the right are the King's German Legion, the Brigades of Hanover- ians, Nassaus. Brunswickers, and Halkett's, Maitland's and Adams' British Brigades. The last three British OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 143 Brigades are engaged in meeting the final effort of Napo- leon's Imperial Guard, which was the crisis of the great battle. The position of Napoleon at this moment was be- tween La Haye Sainte and La Belle Alliance on the right of the Brussels-Charlerpi Road. Wellington's position was in rear of the right of Mainland's Brigade. The advance upon the British Line, of the French Im- perial Guard under a tremendous fire from the British batteries on the high ground on their left was the crisis of the Battle, for on its success or failure depended the fate of Napoleon, and the destinies of Europe. The dark mass, almost in the centre of the model and on the right of the Brussels-Charleroi road, is the first column of Napo- leon's devoted band of warriors, consisting of four Battalions of the Middle Guard, which having sustained a signal defeat by Major-General P. Maitland's 1st Brigade of British Foot Guards, aided by Major-General Sir C. Hal- kett's Infantry Brigade, is flying in disorder towards the high ground, intersected by the road, upon which the Emperor was standing. Napoleon's final effort, which ended in its defeat in the wildest confusion, was the attack of the second column, consisting of the remaining four battalions of the Middle Guard and two battalions of his Old Guard, in the over- throw of which the 52nd Light Infantry (whose Colours [2039 and 2040] hang from the gallery above the model) distinguished themselves. The Imperial Guard is shewn engaging Adam's and Maitland's Brigades. On the extreme right are skirmishers of the 51st Light Infantry engaged with those of Prince Jerome Napoleon's Division. To the left of the Skirmishers is seen in the trees the house Hougomort in flames ; this house was the right of the Allied position, and was defended throughout the day by the British Foot Guards with the greatest gal- lantry. It was set on fire by the French. In the far left corner of the model is the village of Planchnoit, occupied by the French Young Guard and part of the Old Guard, the Prussian 25th Regiment is just emerging from the wood to the east of the village. In the middle of the left side of the model the Prussian Skir- mishers are seen engaging those of the French. 2O67. Model of the Battle of Trafalgar. Fought on 21st October, 1805, whon the British Fleet under Vice-Admiral Viscount Nelson, K.B., obtained a great victory over the combined Fleets of France and Spain. The Model was completed in 1862 by Mr. Thomas D. Dighton, and shows the disposition of the Fleets at twenty minutes past noon. The table on which the Model stands is made from the timbers of Lord Nelson's Flagship the "Victory," and was presented by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. The Model was constructed to illustrate Lord Nelson's Plan of Attack as explained by him to his Flag-Officers and Captains previous to the battle. Lord Collingwood with his Lee Column was to break through the enemy's 144 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. line and to cut oft the twelve rear ships. Nelson with his Weather Column was to prevent the enemy's van from succouring their ships before Collingwood had defeated them. The combined Fleets having Cadiz under their lee, Collingwood cut off sixteen ships and Nelson cut through twelve ships from the van in order to ensure the capture of Villeneuve's ship. Thus were the centre and rear of the combined Fleets defeated before their van could attempt to render assistance. The "Victory" is seen with her mizzen topmast shattered, but she has just given the " Bucentaure " her mortal blow, and is turning on the " Redoutable." The "Royal Sovereign" is engaging the " Santa Anna," and is followed by the " Belleisle/' " Mars " and " Tonnant," which, have each selected her antagonist. The "Formidable" has her flying jib set to draw attention to Dumanoirs' disobedience. Villeneuve twice signalled him to keep in the wake of the van ship. The " Africa " is seen nearing the Weather Column, after running the gauntlet of the French van. The British Fleet was composed of 27 sail of the line and 4 frigates, the combined fleet numbering 33 sail of the line and 7 frigates, 20 of the enemy's ships struck their colours. Nelson fell in the moment of victory, while the Spanish Admiral was killed and Villeneuve captured. Most of the prizes were lost in a heavy gale which sprang up after the battle. The British lost 1,587 killed and wounded, the losses of the Allies being far heavier. 2O68. Combined Gold Knife and Fork, with steel edge. It was always used by Lord Nelson, after the loss of his right arm at Santa Cruz on 24th July, 1797. It was pre- sented to him by Countess Spencer, wife of Earl Spencer. 1st Lord of the Admiralty. At the sale of Lord Bridport's effects in 1895 it was purchased by Mr. J. A. Mullens. Given by J. A. Mullens, Esq. 2O69.- Two Lava, Buttons, worn by Lord Nelson, and given by Lady Nelson to the widow of Admiral Hon. W. Clement Finch. Given by the Family of the late Admiral Finch. 2O7O. Charm, in the form of an anchor, popular amongst sailors at the commencement of the 19th century. Given by Major W. H. S. Heron-Maxwell, E.G. A. (Militia). 2O71. Two Pairs of $hoe Buckles, believed to have been worn by Lord Nelson. A nephew of the famous Admiral gave them to Mr. George "Ellis, whose daughter (Mrs. Maslin) in turn received them. Given by Mrs. Maslin. 2O72-2O95. A Collection of Shabraques. now obsolete, of the following Regiments : 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabi- neers), 7th (Princess Royal's) Dragoon Guards, 1st (Royal Dragoons, 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys), 3rd (King's Own) Hussars, 4th (Queen's Own) Hussars. 5th /Royal Irish) Lancers, 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, 7th (Queen's VICE-ADMIRAL VISCOUNT NELSON. K.B. (From the portrait by Lcmutl Francis Abbot in thi National Ptrtrait OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 145 Own) Hussars, 8th (King's Royal Irish) Hussars, 9th (Queen's Royal) Lancers. 10th (Prince of Wales's Own) Royal Hussars, llth (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars, 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers, 14th (King's) Hussars, loth (The King's) Hussars, 16th (Queen's) Lancers, 18th (Prin- cess of ^Vales's) Hussars, Royal Horse Artillery, Staff Pat- tern. Giftn by the Secretary of State for War. 2096.- An Iron Treasure Coffer, dug up at C:\umartin. France, on the site of the Battle of Crecy. Giren by E. Tupper, Esq. 2O97. -A Russian Eikon brought from the Crimea, 185 7, by Captain R. S. Dunbar, 42nd Highlanders. Given by John Barrow, Esq. 2098-21OO. Three Russian Eikons from the Crimea, 1857. 2101. Model of Burmese Boat. 2102. Model of Burmese Minister's Boat. 2103. Model of Burmese Boat. 2104. Model of a Burmese State Boat. 21O5. Model of a Chinese Fishing Catamaran, under sail. 21O6-21O7. Two Chairs of the Emperor Napoleon I., from Malmaison. Given by Lady Sarah Lindsay. In Memoriam of the late Lieut. -General Sir James Lindsay, K.C.M.G. 2108. Chair used by the Emperor Napoleon I. at St. Helena. It stood by his bedside during his last illness. It was given by Lieut.-General Sir Hudson Lowe to Admiral Sir F. Moresby when in command of H.M.S. " Menai " at St. Helena. Glren by Admiral J. C. Frerost (son-in-law to Sir F. Moresby). 21O9.- Writing Desk of Napoleon I. 211 0. Chair used by Napoleon I. at St. Helena. It stood in the room in which he died. 2111. -Model of a Line-of-Battle Ship of the year 1650. The /nodel represents one of the fleet of the Hanseatic League, and was taken out of the Arsenal at Hamburg by Captain Sir John Marshall, R.X., in the year 1804. It was sub- sequently rigged and fitted, so far as possible, to the date of her construction to form a contrast with the model of H.M.S. " Cornwallis " which lies alongside. In 1903 it was found necessary to re-rig the model, and at the same time certain defects in the masts, yards, and bowsprit. were rectified, and the vessel, as now exhibited, is a per- fect pattern of the ships of 1650. llie alterations were 146 ROYAL UN1TKD SERVICE MUSEUM. carried out by the Staff of the Museum, and the practical work was executed by the Senior Attendant, Mr. James Pike, late P.O., 1st Class, R.N. The Jtianseatic League was an association formed by the Port Towns in Germany against the piracies of the Swedes and Danes. Its strength was broken up by the Thirty Years' War in Germany, and in 1650 the only towns re- taining the name were Hamburg, Lubeck and Bremen. Given by Bear-Admired Sir John Marshall, K.C.R., C.B 2112. Model of H.M.S. "Corn wall is," third-rate Line- of -Battle-ship. The ship was built at Bombay in 1812 by Jamsetjee Bomajee. She was pierced for 84 guns, but generally mounted 74. Length ... 177 ft., 1 in. Number of Guns... 74. Breadth ... 45 ft., 4 in. Heaviest Gun ... 32 pr. Tonnage ... 1809 B.O.M. Crew 590. She was commissioned in 1813, and employed as the Flagship of Rear-Admiral G. Burlton in the East Indies at the end of the war in 1815. In 1835 she was altered to a 72-gun ship. In 1842 she was employed during the first China War, and the crew took part on shore in the attack on the heights of Segoan, and the captures of Chapoo, Woosung, Shanghae, and Chin-Kiang-Foo. About the year 1854 engines were put into her, and in the follow- ing year she was commissioned as a third-rate Battle-ship of 60 guns, 1,809 tons, 200 horse-power, and engaged in the operations in the Baltic during the Russian War. She was with the squadron under the command of her Captain, Captain G. G. Wellesley, R.N., and served at the bom- bardment of Sweaborg in 1855. This model, J-inch to the foot, was built simultaneously with the ship by the son of Jamsetjee Bomajee. It was fully rigged to form a contrast with the model of 1650 lying alongside. In 1903 it was considered advisable to exhibit in the Museum a model of a ship under sail, and it was decided to fit a suit of sails to the " Cornwallis." The work was carried out by the Staff of the Museum, the practical work being executed by two of the Attendants, Messrs. James Pike and John Smith, late P. Os., 1st Class, R.N. Given by The Directors of the late Honourable East India Company. 2113-2116. -Four French Pioneers' Axes, with steel heads and brass fittings. Given by Colonel Lockyer. 2117-2118. Two Oriental Battle-axes, with steel heads and brass fittings. Given by Captain W. H. Hall, R.N. 2119-2122. Four Sergeants' Partizans, date about 1780. 2123. Boarding Pike, with moveable cylinder on head for protec- tion and disguise. 2124. Pike, time of Charles II. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 147 2125. Short Partizan. 2126. -Pike, date about 1700. 2127. Pike, time of Charles II. 2128. Halbard, time of Henry VII. 2129. Partizan, time of Edward IV. 213O. Linstock, about 1600. 2131. Spetum, time of Henry VIII. 2132. Boar Spear. 2133. - German Catchpole, loth century. 2134. Scaling-ladder Fork, about 1600. 2135. Danish " Morning Star," a weapon much used in trenches and on board ships. 2136. Sergeant's Halberd, time of William III. 2137. -Short Boar Spear. 2138. Scottish Lochaber Pole-axe. 2139. Long-shafted Scottish Lochaber Axe, the national weapon of Scotland. 214-O. Glaive, found in the thatch of an old house at West Mudford, Somerset, 16th century. 2141. Boar Spear. 2142. Steel War Hammer, carried by horsemen. 2143. Long Partizan, end of the 16th century. 2144. Swedish Catchpole. 2145. Partizan, 16th century. 2146. Gisarme, 16th century. 2147.- Glaive, tim e of Henry VII. 2148. Tilting Lance, 16th century. 2149. Halberd, time of William III. 21 5O. Partizan, time of Edward IV. 2151. Officer's Spontoon, 17th century. 148 ROYAL UNITKD SERVICE MUSBUM. 21 52. -Sergeant's Halberd, time of William IV. 2153. Pike, 17th century. 2154. Officer's Spontoon, time of George IIT. 2155. Boar Spear. 2156. Spontoon, 18th century. 21 5 7-21 58. -Two Plug Bayonets, time of William III. (See No. 255). 2159. Small Calabrian Knife. 21 GO. Spanish Dagger. 2161. Highland Dirk, with fox engraved on blade, date about 1780. 2162. Broad-bladed Dagger (probably Spanish), with engraved blade. 2163. Five-bladed Cutlass for boarding. 2164. Spanish Matador's Knife. 2165. Long Calabrian Knife, with bone handle. 2166. Crossbow, or Latch, of the 17th century. The stock is inlaid with ornamented plates of brass, the bow, of steel, is bent by means of a " pied-de-chevre " lever. It bears the words, " Johnson, Wigan." 2167. German Crossbow of the 17th century, having a stock inlaid with ivory, lire steel bow is bent by means of a lever acting on the two cords, which are composed of fine twines. 2168. German Crossbow of the 1 6th century. The stock con- sists of wood and ivory. The bow is of steel, and the cord is composed of parallel twines. A portion of the lever is missing. 2169. -German Crossbow of the 16th century, with "pied-de- chevre " lever. The Stock is of steel with a wooden base. The Steel Bow was bent by means of two cords composed of parallel twines. 21 7 O. Blade of an Arab Scimitar, about 1850. 2171. Sword of a Persian Officer, with his name engraved on scabbard. 2172. - Light Cavalry Sword of the pattern used in 1830 2173. Artilleryman's Sword of 1800. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 149 2174. Venetian Sword of Soliugen manufacture, having a basket guard with wire grip and steel pommel. 2175 Officer's Dress Sword of the Westminster Volunteer Cavalry. 2176. -Officer's Sword, Madras Light Cavalry. 21 7 7. -Naval Officer's Sword, 1745. 2178. Sword (Staff pattern) worn by Lieutenant B. B. Hawley, olst Light Infantry, A.D.C. to Lord Hill at the Battle of Waterloo. 2179. -Heavy Cavalry Sword, 1853. 218O. Yeomanry Cavalry Sword, 1830. 2181. Heavy Cavalry Sword, isao. 2182. -Heavy Cavalry Sword (Officer's) I860.' 2183. Combined Sword and Pistol, made in 18U. 2184. -Light Cavalry Sword, 1822. 2185. Heavy Cavalry Sword, 1822. 2186. Officer's Sword, Madras Light Cavalry, 1810. 2187. Light Cavalry Sword, used by Lieutenant W. Hay, 12th Light Dragoons, at the Battle of Waterloo. 2188. Sword of the pattern used by the British Artillery in Spain. 2189. Cavalry Sword used by Ibriham Pasha's army. 2190. -Model Of a 9-Pr. M.L., S.B. Gun, with camel draught, formerly used by the Jodhpur Legion, Rajputana, India. The Model was made under the direction of Sir Richmond Shakespear. Given by Colonel J. F. D. E. Hall. 2191. Model of a Malay Pirate Prow. 2192. Model of a Chinese Pleasure Junk, taken from a Temple at Chapoo, where it was deposited as a sacred object. The Cabins form a spacious suite of apartments, ante-room, dining-room, bedroom, and kitchen, fitted up with tables, chairs, and hanging lamps, and furniture adapted to each room. The mast is formed of two spars, fitted together as sheers ; the sail is of silk, square, and fitted with bamboos parallel to the yard, by means of which it is reefed ; the sheet is led aft, and has a com- plicated bowline rove through a threefold block. Given by Admiral Sir William Parker, Bart., G.C.B. 2193. -Two-handed Sword, of German manufacture, with double quillons and a long indented blade. These swords, though in appearance awkward, were excellently poised, llie right hand was usually placed near the cross-guard, and the left hand held the pommel. Date about 1500. 150 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2194. -German Sword of about 1820, with brass hilt and slightly curved blade. 2195. German Sword, with brass hilt and straight blade. On the blade is engraved -'streitet fur die gerechtigkeit." Date about 1840. 2196. -Straight Sword, with steel hilt. Date about 1830. 2197. German Two-handed Sword, with straight blade, broad quillons, and two smaller quillons on blade curved towards the handle. These smaller ones were probably in- vented for the purpose of making the sword more difficult to wrest away. 2198. Long Plug Sword-bayonet, about 1670. The plug was the earliest form of fixture of the bayonet to the musket. It was succeeded by the ring fastening which made it possible to fire the musket with the bayonet fixed. 2199. Main-Roy al-Mast-Head of the French Flagship "Orient," blown up in Lord Nelson's great victory of the Nile, 1st August, 1798. In this victory, the French fleet, under Admiral Brueys, although having the advantage in ships, guns and men, was totally defeated with the loss of eleven sail of the line and two frigates. 3,105 of the French, including the wounded, were sent on shore by cartel, and 5.225 perished. The British loss amounted to 895 killed and wounded. It was shortly after nine in the evening, that the fire on board the "Orient" (a huge three-decker, of 120 guns) broke out. The brave French Admiral Brueys was dead. He had received three wounds, yet would not leave his post ; a fourth cut him almost in two, yet he desired not to be carried below, but to be left to die upon deck. The flames soon mastered his ship. Her sides had just been painted, and the oil- jars and paint-buckets were lying on the poop. By the prodigious light of this conflagration, . the situation of the two fleets could now be perceived, the colours of both being clearly distinguishable. About ten o'clock the ship blew up with a tremendous explosion, which was followed by a silence not less awful ; the firing immediately ceased on both sides ; and the first sound which broke the silence was the dash of the shattered masts and yards falling into the water from the vast heights to which they had been exploded. It is upon record that a battle betwen two armies was once broken off by an earth- quake such an event would be felt like a miracle ; but no incident in war, produced by human means, has ever equalled the sublimity of this co-instantaneous pause and all its circumstances. About seventy of the " Orient's " crew were saved by the British boats, but the greater number went down with the ship, together with the 600,000 which she had on board. Among the many hundreds who perished were the Com- OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 161 modore, Casa-Blanca, arid his son, a brave boy only ten years of age. The popular legend, as related in verses dear to young people, is fictitious in all, save the fact that the Casa-Blancas, father and son, did perish. They were hurled into the water together, and were seen swimming ; but, in spite of efforts to save them, were lost sight of in the darkness and drowned. It was prior to this battle that Nelson made the remark to his officers, " Before this time to-morrow I shall have gained a Peerage or Westminster Abbey." He was raised to the Peerage as Baron Nelson of the Nile and of Burnham Thorpe ; and, amongst other rewards, received a pension of 2,000 per annum, and a grant of 10,000 from the East India Company. This Trophy, which' formerly stood in the Hall of Merton Place, when Nelson and the Hamiltons resided there, was presented by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 2200. Model of a 78-gun Ship, on the stocks ready for launch- ing, made by a French Prisoner at Portsmouth, about 1800. Given by Captain Barrow, J?.A". 2201. Small Model of a Ship, which was made within a bottle and put together by a French Prisoner in Norman Cross Barracks. The bottle was bought in Peterborough Market, and given to him by Commander Cole, R.N., for whom he executed the work in the year 1810. Given by Commander Cole, E.N. 2202. - Model of the Maltese Galley " La Capitana," built under the Galley Arches at Malta early in the 18th Century. The earliest ships of all nations were of the galley class, that is to say, they were vessels depending primarily on their oars for propulsion, but possessed at least one sail as an auxiliary. The war-galley of the Greeks originally had a single mast carrying one square sail amidships, later two masts were introduced, but the oars were always re- sorted to when a high speed was necessary. Galleys con- tinued in use in the Mediterranean and other seas till the middle of the 18th century, ordinary ones in later times having from five to twenty-five oars on a side in a single row, each oar worked by several men, with two or three masts and triangular sails. The Sister-vessel of the galley which this model repre- sents was sunk by the Turks, and the Knightw of St. John of Jerusalem ever afterwards carried striped sails on " La Capitana " as a tribute of mournful respect. Given by Captain Sir William Symonds, Kt., C.B., F.R.S., E.N. 2203. - The Axe Of a Guillotine, used by the French Republicans at Guadaloupe, in the West Indies, until it was cut d'owc by Vice-Admiral Scott on the capture of the island ir 1794. By that time upwards of fifty Pvoyalists had beer executed by it. 152 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. Guadaloupe has been several times governed by the Bri- tish, and once by the Swedes. It is now a French colony. Given by The Iteverend M. Scott, M.A. 22O4. Headsman's Axe with which, up to 1851, all criminals were decapitated in the Island of Mauritius. No fewer than eighty prominent persons suffered under it. the last being an Indian, Shick Latibe, for murder, on the 32nd August, 1851. Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean, was discovered by the Portuguese in 1505. It became a British possession in 1810. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir J. I. N. O'Brien, K.C.M.G., Inspector-General of Police in the Island, 1867- 81. 22O5. War Trumpet, made from the tusk of an elephant, taken in the Ashanti War of 1824. 22O6. A Captain's Commission, granted by King Charles II. to Basil Woodd, Esq. : and a pass for this Officer signed by Genera 1 Fairfax in 1646. 2207. Piece of the Gate of Hougomont, on the battle- field of Waterloo, perforated with musket balls. The Post of Hougomont, though attacked without inter- mission and set on fire by the French, was gallantly held by the English Foot Guards to the last. Given by Lieut.- Colonel P. Faddy, M.A. 2208. Facsimile (dated 1816) of the lines written by the lateKev. Charles Wolfe on the burial of Sir John Moore, on the back of a letter to a friend, Jno. Taylor, Esq., Cashel, Ireland. The Rev. Charles Wolfe was the author of the poem. Given by Lieutenant W. P. Newenham, It. IV. 2209. -Two-edged German Executioner's Sword of the 17th century, with long handle and heavy pommel. The blade bears an inscription on either side with a figure of Justice. The inscriptions, when translated, read as follows : " To prevent crime I mete out judgment," and, "When the criminal has been convicted he is handed over to me." From the Museum at Basle. Given by Captain T. B. Williams. 221O. Long Sword found in the Thames in 1739 when excavating for Westminster Bridge. It is of wrought iron, two-edged with point and ridged blade, and possesses curved quillons and a large pommel three inches in diameter. Three pieces of silver, being the lockets of the scabbard, are seen on the blade; these bear the Arms of the Owner. The date of the Sword is 15th century. 2211. Tulwar, picked up after the capture of the Fortress of Bhurt- pore, in 1826. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 153 221 2. -German Hunting Sword of the 18th century, with two hounds' heads on the guard. 2213. German Hunting Sword of the 18th century, with two hounds' heads on the guard. 2214. Short French Sword, with curved quillons and back guard, the handle being of brass, bearing the French Em- blem of liberty. Date about 1796 ; it was probably a sword of office. Given by Lieut. P. Rainier, E.N. 2215. -Italian Cabasset for foot soldiers of the 16th century, in iron, beaten, chased and damascened in gold. It is pro- bably Venetian. Given by John Davidson, Esq. 2216. -A Two-edged Straight Iron Sword of the 16th cen- tury, with straight quillons, worked pommel and pas-d'ane. Given by Lieut. -Colon el Patrick Campbell, E.A. 2217. -A Sabre of the 16th century, with bone handle. Quillons curved in opposite directions, and a pas-d'ane. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Patrick Campbell, E.A. 2218. A Sabre of the 16th century, with wooden handle, curved quillons and a pas-d'ane, probably Turkish. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Patrick Campbell, E.A. 2219. Hilt of a Two-edged Sword of about the date 1000. It possesses straight quillons (one missing) a small iron pom- mel and a pas-d'ane. Probably English. Given by The Master-General of the Ordnance. 2220. Hilt of an English Two-edged Sword of about the date 1600. It possesses straight quillons and a pas-d'ane. Given by The Master-General of the Ordnance. 2221. -Hilt of an English Two-edged Sword of about the date 1620. One of the quillons, which are straight, is missing. The pommel is fluted. Given by Lieutenant C. TL. Larimer, E.N. 2222. Guard of a Sword of about 1650, the portion around the tang being skilfully worked. 2223. Crossbow of the 15th century, probably French. The steel bow is bent by means of a moulinet or windlass, which is fitted with pulleys, and which is detached for firing. To bend the bow the foot is placed in the stirrup, and both hands are employed to wind up the windlass. Given by Z?. Parrett, Esq. 2224. H albert Head (Bavarian) of the latter part of the 17th century. Richly engraved. 154 ROYAL UNITE!) SERVICE MUSEUM. 2225. Two-edged Sword of Spanish manufacture with richly chased halt which comprises an elaborate pommel, a horn handle, straight quillons, and a pas-d'ane. The blade is 3 feet 6 inches in length, which fixes the date of the sword as being from 1600-30. The scabbard is of black leather with brass ornaments. Given by Lieut. -Colonel J. Mitchell. 2226. Italian Rapier of the 17th century, with Estoc guard and shell. The blade is four feet in length, and the pommel is circular. 2227. An English Backsword of about 1640 (probably a Cavalier's), with brass basket hilt and pommel. 2228. Hilt of a Two-edged Sword of the early part of the 17th century, with a straight guard and shell. Given by Lieutenant C. H. Larimer, R.N. 2229. Rapier (Spanish), with blade 3ft. Gin. and circular guard, about 1670. 2230. A German Sword of the 17th century, with thumb-ring and half-covered guard, also back guard, and circular pom- mel. 2231. An English Crossbow of the late 17th century. The stock is of oak inlaid with steel plates. The two cords of the steel bow are of platted twine, and the bow is bent by means of a pied-de-chevre lever, and bears the words, " Sikes Dronfield." Given by M. Manns, Esq. 2232. Sword manufactured at Bilbao, in Spain. The blade is broad and 3 feet 1 inch in length. The guard is of solid steel, and there are also a cross guard and back guard. The handle is wound round with copper wire which is flattened and secured by ribs of steel. 2233. One of the earliest Highland Claymores, with basket hilt, the date being about 1715. The blade is 2 feet 6 inches long and grooved. 2234. Claymore of the late 18th century. It formerly belonged to Field-Marshal His Royal Highness The Duke of York. Given by Colonel Sir Augustus Fraser y K.C.B., H.H.A. 2235. Blade of a Solingen Rapier, 3 ft. 1 in. in length, engraved. Early 18th century. 2236. -Italian Rapier of the early l?th century, with 'shell guard. Blade 3 ft. long. 2237. Spanish Stiletto, with steel basket guard, and cross guard, 18th century. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 156 2238. - German Wheel-lock Pistol of the 16th century. The wood-work i* richly inlaid with ivory and mother-oi'-pearl, which in turn are elaborately carved. The pommel is mas- sive and inlaid with beaten and chased gold. At the end are to be seen two horsemen in combat. Given by John Davidson, Esq. 2239-224O Two Long German Wheel-lock Pistols of the 16th century. The entire wood-work is richly inlaid with ivory figures representing the Chase. The barrel is 20 inches in length. Given by Lieut. -Colonel J. Mitchell. 2241. -A Double-barrelled Long Wheel-lock Pistol 1 , probably German. The stock is inlaid in places with ivory designs. The barrels are 22 inches in length. About the end of the 16th century. Given by Lieut. -Colonel J. Mit- chell. 2242.- German Wheel-lock Pistol, of the 16th century, inlaid in places with ivory, with large circular pommel. 2243. -French Wheel-lock Pistol of the late Kith century, with steel fittings. 2244. A Miniature Wheel-lock Pistol of the 16th century. 2245. A General's Sword, with fancy scabbard. History un- known. The blade is probably Indian. 2246. A Damascus Sabre with English mounting. 2247. An Arabian Scimitar with wavy edge, given by the Pasha of Tripoli to Captain W. H. Smyth, R.N., 1822. Given by Captain W. H. Smyth, JR. 2V. 2248. An Indian Scimitar, with ivory handle and gold mount- ing, given by the Sultan of Zanzibar to Captain Crawford, R.N. Given by Captain Crawford, E.N. 2249. - Short Indian Scimitar, with partially damascened blade and elaborate guard. 2250. Indian Scimitar, the blade embossed with figures of animals, handle of worked ivory, capped with a steel ferrule. It was purchased in Paris in 1825. Given by J. Davidson, Esq. 2251. Indian Scimitar, blade embossed with figures of animals. The hilt is of the usual tulwar pattern. 2252. Indian Scimitar, with serrated blade, probably dates back to the 17th century. 2253. Indian Scimitar, with wavy blades lightly damascened. The hilt is missing. 156 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2254-2255. Two Turkish Sabres with bone handles and brass guards. They were taken from pirates. Given by Lieutenant G. W. Rabett, R.N. 2256. - Arab Sword, with blade 3 ft. long, two-edged, with steel guard and handle wrapped with leather. Given by The J)uke of Northumberland. 2257. Arab Sword, two-edged and grooved, made at Damascus, brass guard with handle wrapped with leather. Given by The Duke of Northumberland. 2258. -Borneo Sword, one-edged, with blade widening towards the end, which is jagged. The entire hilt and guard are of carved wood, ornamented with hair. Given by W. Heinke, 2259. Another. 226O.--A Moorish Sword, with trebly grooved blade. The quil- lons are curved, and there is also a back guard; the handle is of bone. The date is 16th century. Given by Lieut.- General Sir William Codrington, K.C.S. 2261. -Chinese Two-edged and Ridged Executioner's Sword, with inscription on blade. The hilt is of brass, orna- mented, and the handle is wrapped round with cord. 2262. A Mexican Sword, with straight blade and guard. The handle is cut to fit the fingers of the hand. 2263. Long Zanquebar Sword, with two edges and inscrip- tion on blade. The hilt has a circular guard covered with leather. Given by Commander S. 0. Woolridge, E.N. 2264. A One-edged West African Sword, with sharp point and curious circular handle. 2265. Another. 2266. Nepaul Sword, called Konkri-kora. 2267. Turkish Dagger from the Island Scio, the blade hexagonal, the dagger being used for stabbing only. The handle and scabbard are of chased silver. Given by Captain W. H. Smyth, E.N. 2268. Turkish Flissa, with sharp point and metal handle. It was brought from the Soudan. Given by H. Christy, Esg 2269-2275. Seven Turkish Yataghans. 2276. Arab Flissa, with wooden handle. -Given by Captain M. Quin, R.N. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 157 2277. Indian Kandgiar, with bone handle. 2278. A Curved Yataghan of Tonarik manufacture, brought from Kordofan. Given by The Duke of Northumberland. 2279. -A Burmese Cutlass-Sabre, with worked wood handle, mounted with gold. Ite blade is engraved. Given by Major-General Sir J. May, K.C.B. 228O. Hindoo Khouttar, with langue de Bceuf blade, bearing figures of the chase. The arm pieces are lacquered. Given by Colonel The Hon. E. W. Forester. 2281. Hindoo Khouttar, with long blade and shell guard. 2282. Persian Kandgiar, with handle richly worked with gold. Taken from a Persian pirate. 2283. Small Indian Dagger, with two blades and peculiarly shaped guard. Given by Major H. Lloyd. 2284. Double-barrelled Flint-lock Pistol, containing a dagger, the pommel of the pistol forming the handle of the dagger. The barrels are damascened and the stock is inlaid with silver. Given by H. Christy, Esq. 2285. Albanian Flint-lock Pistol. The stock is covered with beaten brass. 2286. Chinese Executioner's Sword. Given by Colonel Sir E. H. Sale,^ G.C.B. 2287. Burmese Sabre, the handle being formed of an elephant's tusk elaborately carved. 2288. Small Sabre, probably Indian, found in the palace of the King of Kandy^in Ceylon. Given by Major-General Hard- wicks. 2289. Sword, with curious bone handle, similar in shape to the Yataghan, probably Indian. 229O. Burmese Sabre, with horn handle. 2291. Long Krees (Javanese), with bone handle. 2292. -Long Krees (Javanese), with wooden handle. 2293. Long Krees (Borneo), with very long handle. 2294. Long Krees, with straight blade and wooden handle and sheath. 2295. Javanese Krees, with wooden handle. 2296. Malay Krees, with carved wooden handle and wooden sheath contained in a metal case. 168 ROYAL UNITED SBRVICI MUSBUM. 2297. Malay Krees, with carved wooden handle and wooden sheath in metal case. 2298. Indian Kandgiar. 2299. Malay Krees, with carved ivory handle and blade damascened in gold. Between the handle and the blade are eight uncut diamonds mounted in gold. 23OO. Malay Krees, with straight blade and carved wooden handle. 23O1. Javanese Krees, with straight blade and curved wooden handle. 2 302. Malay Krees, with straight blade and carved wooden handle. 2303. A Scythed Yataghan of Tonarik manufacture. The handle is of knitted twine. 2304. Gurkha Kukree, with ivory handle. The sheath is of velvet mounted with silver and contains two small kukrees. Given by Major-General Sir J. May, K.C.B., K.C.H. 2305. Indian Kandgiar. 2306. Indian Kandgiar, with ivory handle. The blade is slightly curved. 23O7. Greek Dagger with ivory handle, in velvet sheath, mounted in silver and jewelled. 2308. Nootkan Dagger, N. W. America, with curious handle. The work on it has been executed by the Natives, the blade is ribbed and indicates European make. 23O9. Spanish Poniard, with pear-shaped blade, and brass- mounted handle. It is hinged and closes like a pocket knife. 2310. Hindoo Battle-axe, manufactured of brass, with steel blade which is engraved. The scabbard is velvet mounted with brass. 2311. The same as 2310. 2312. Horseman's Battle-axe of North West India. 2313. Afghan Dagger, with silver-mounted handle and sheath. 2314. Gurkha Kukree in velvet sheath, with two small kukrees. 2315. Greek Dagger in silver sheath with ivory handle. The blade is ribbed and slightly curved. 2316. Turkish Poniard in leather sheath with silver mounts. The blade is ribbed and slightly curved. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 168 2317. -Nubian Stiletto in steel slieath. 2318. Small Burmese Dagger, with bone handle ami worked brass mounts, in a wooden silver-mounted sheath. 2319, Burmese Knife. 232O. Burmese Dagger with blade similar to an aneluce, in sheatli of plaited straw. 2321. --Persian Dagger, curved, silver mounted and in silver sheath. 2322. Kandgiar, with jewelled handle and beaten brass scabbard. 2323. Moorish Dagger, with curious handle and sheath, which are highly worked. 2324. Small Turkish Yataghan in embossed silver sheath. 2325. Indian Kukree, with horn handle. 2326. Indian Kandgiar, with glass handle with velvet sheath mounted with brass. 2327. Malay Poniard in wooden sheath. 2328. Turkish Battle- Axe from Constantinople. 2329. Hindoo Knife, with silver handle. 233O. Moorish Dagger, with silver handle and leather sheath silver mounted. 2331. Kandgiar, with chalcedony handle and silver sheath. Given by The Duke of Northumberland. 2332. Syrian Dagger, with ivory handle, in velvet silver- mounted sheath. Given by The Duke of Northumberland. 2333 Afghan Knife. 2334. Armenian Dagger, with stone handle crowned with a lion's head in chalcedony. 2335. Indian Dagger, with steel handle. 2336. Hair (in frame) of Murdered Women and Children, over 200 of whom were massacred at Oawnpore on July 15th. 1857, by order of the Nana. Given by Lieut.- Colonel W. G. Alexander. 2337. Spear thrown at Lieut.-General Sir Harry Smith during the Kaffir War, 1835. 2338. Silk Punkah, with silver rod, taken from the Rajah of Bhurtpore at the storming of that place in 1826. Given by Madam Von Gumpach. 160 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2339. A Cossack Pouch and Belt taken at the Battle of Inkerman. 234O. Plaster Bust of Field-Marshal His Grace The Duke of Wellington, K.G., bearing the inscription : OIKETI MEMPTOI. (beyond criticism). The Duke of Wellington was the fifth son of Richard, first Earl of Mornington, and was born in Ireland in 1769. He was educated at Eton and at a military school at Angiers. in France. On 7th March, 1787, he received a commission as ensign in the 73rd Regiment of Foot From 1797 to 1805 he served with great distinction in India during the Mysore and Mahratta campaigns. From 1808 to 1814 he was Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in the Peninsula, and gained a series of famous battles, breaking the power of France in the lines of Torres Vedras. For these services he was created a Duke. In 1815 he com- manded the Army in Belgium against Napoleon, whom he utterly defeated in the decisive battle of Waterloo. In 1828 Wellington became Prime Minister. He died in 1852 at Walmer Castle. 2341. Marble Bust of Xapoleon I. 2342. Russian Officer's Pair of Epaulettes, together with an Infantry bugle ; picked up after the taking of the Redan in the Crimea. Given by Captain W. Spencer 'Beaumont. 2343. Large Russian Eikon taken out of one of the houses in Sebastopol the day after the assault. Given by Sir John Barrow, K.C.S., F.E.S. 2344. Galeka, Chieftain's Ring of Honour, given by General Sir Arthur Cunningham who commanded the combined forces in South Africa, 1877-78, to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Given by llis Majesty King Edward VII. 2345. Brass Bell and Stand from Sebastopol. Given by F. Miller, Esq. \ 2346. Part of Fetish Tree at Coomassie, under which 80 slaves were annually sacrificed. It was destroyed by the British forces in January, 1896. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2347. Case containing collection of Officers' Shako and Helmet plates, and belt buckles of Line and Militia Regiments worn previous to 1881. (For particulars see label). 2348. Marble Bust of Vice-Admiral Lord Xelson, K.B., sculptured hv K. R. Mullins. in 1879. FIELD-MARSHAL THE DUKL OF WELLINGTON, K.G. (From she ririit in tkt Katir-a.il ftirlr,li! GaUir Cwnt Alfrtd D'Orsty in 1845.) OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 161 2349. Piece Of the Union Flag which was Hying on 11. M.S. " Victory " at the Battle of Trafalgar. The flag was carried by specially selected seamen of the "Victory" at Lord Nelson's funeral in St. Paul's Cathedral ; when the flag was about to be lowered into the grave the seamen who assisted at the ceremony rent it in pieces that each might preserve a fragment. Given by Captain W. R. Dobbie, E.N. 235O. Coloured Print descriptive of the ceremony of Lord Nelson's funeral in St. Paul's Cathedral, January 9th, 1806. Given by B. E. Sargeaunt, Esq. 2351. Coloured Print, descriptive of the funeral procession of Lord Nelson on January 9th, 1806. Given by B. E. Sar- geaunt, Esq. 2352. A Painting of Lord Nelson's last signal, with a letter from Lieutenant Pasco of H.M.S. "Victory" in charge of the signals at Trafalgar. The frame is made from the oak of the "Victory." Given by Lieut. -Colon el T. H. Baylis, V.D., K.C. 2354. Barometer, which formerly belonged to Admiral Earl Howe. K.G. Lord Howe was born in 1725, and died in 1799. He commanded the British Fleet off TTshant in the Action against the French Fleet, known as " The glori- ous First of June," 1794. 2355. Clock Face taken from the break of the poop of the French Ship " Ville de Paris " in Lord Rodney's Action, 12th April, 1782. The hand was turned by the Sentinel at the expir- ation of each hour. 2356. Flint-lock Pistol, King's Dragoon Guards pattern, of the time of George I. It is fitted with a wooden rammer and has a brass pommel and mounts; the barrel is 13 inches long. 2357. A Flint-lock Cavalry Pistol, King's Dragoon Guards pattern, of the time of George II., made by Edge in 1759. The barrel is 12 inches long, brass fittings. 2358. A Flint-lock Cavalry Pistol of the time of Queen Anne, barrel 14 inches long, brass fittings and wooden rammer. 2359. A Flint-lock Pistol, with revolving barrels (two), 13 in. long, made about 1750. The fittings are of steel. 2360. A French Wheel-Lock Pistol, late 16th century, with steel fittings. 2361-2362. Two French Wheel-lock Pistols of the 16th century, found in the thatch of an old house in St. Andrews, N.B., silver mounted. 162 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2363. A Snaphaunce Self-loading Petronel of the time of Charles 1., with brass barrel auU tittmgs. 2364. A Flint-lock Pistol (Scotch), 18th century, made by Bisse, and with the initials R. H. R. 2365. A Flint-lock Pistol of the time of George II., with brass - stock. 2366. A Small Flint-lock Pistol, made by Oakes of London and used by the City of London Light Horse Volunteers, 1803. 2367. Flint-lock, Smooth-bore Musket, breech-loading, period George 111., G. D. Egg, London. 2368. Percussion Rifled Carbine, Reeves' Patent, breech loading, boit-action, ie45. 2369. Breech-loading Percussion Carbine, rifled, drop action, Edv ard Manners, 1846. 237O. Carbine, breech-loading, smooth-bore, percussion, North's Patent, lalJ, lever action. 2371. Flint-lock, Breech-loading Musket, smooth-bore, G. Rowland, date about 18,0. 2372. Carbine, with Bayonet, of the Queen's Light Dragoons time of George III., flint-lock, marked H. Nock, steel rammer, barrel 28 inches. 2373. Rifle, with Sword Bayonet, of the City of London Light Horse Volunteers, 1803. Flint-lock, marked E. Baker, barrel 31 inches. Steel rammer. 2374. Flint-lock Musket, dated 1762, marked " Grice/' steel rammer, barrel 46 in. 2375. Short Blunderbuss, early 18th century, brass barrel 16 inches long, marked " London," flint-lock, marked "Tow," brass trigger guard and name plate; wooden ram- mer. 2376. Another. 2377. Short Blunderbuss, about 1750, brass barrel marked " London," 14 inches long, flint-lock, marked 1 " Bunney " ; wooden rammer. 2378. Another. 2379. Blunderbuss, about 1700, with steel ban el 17 in. long flint-lock, unmarked. Brass heel and fittings, rammer missing. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 163 2380. Cavalry Carbine of George IV., smooth-bore, browned barrel 16 inches long, steel swivel rammer, brass fittings. 2381. Double-barrelled Pistol, with moveable Shoulder-piece, flint-locks marked " H. Nock," the barrels are 18 inches long, the bore of one is rifled, the other smooth, steel ram- mer and brass fittings, early 19th century. 2382. A Breech-loading Percussion Rifle (Maynard's Patent), 1845. One trigger controls the hammer spring, the other the breech, a moveable sight on leaf. 2383. Musket and Bayonet of the time of George II., flint- lock marked " Farmer " 1746, barrel 43 inches long, wooden rammer with brass ends. 2384. Musket with Grenade Cup, flint-lock, marked "Far- mer," 1744 j barrel 36 inches long, wooden rammer brass tip. 2385. Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet, about 1770, lock marked " Clark," barrel 39 inches long, marked " London." Steel rammer. 2386. Heavy Blunderbuss, with rest, of about 1720, flint-lock marked " Brand and Pott," brass barrel 23 inches long, rammer missing. 2387. Flint-lock Musket, time of George III., marked " T. Probin," barrel 46 inches long, wooden rammer and steel fittings. 2388. Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet (Volunteer), George III.,. barrel 40 inches long, steel rammer. 2389. Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet, time of George III., the lock marked " Freeman," with Prince of Wales' s Fea- thers, the barrel marked " Royal Welsh," 44 inches long, wooden rammer with steel fittings. 2390. Musquetoon of the time of George II., brass barrel marked " Knubley, London," 24 inches long. The rammer is mis- sing. 2391. Heavy Flint-lock Musket (or Wall-piece) for firing with rest, the barrel is one inch in diameter, and 56 inches long. Date 1744. It was made by Lordon. The rammer is of steel with brass sockets. 2392. Italian Magazine Flint-lock Gun, date 1666. The action is peculiar, and when fired from the magazine the fire would be very rapid. 2393. Flint-lock Musket, with long barrel, with Spanish in- scription, formerly the property of the Brazilian General Don Vedro Ivo. L9 164 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2394. Muzzle-loading: Flint-lock Gun, mad<* by "T. Richards," date 1820. 2395. Old Flint-lock Musket, hexagonal barrel, and much worn. 2396. Short Flint-lock Musket, time of James II., lock marked " Brooke," barrel 33 inches long, rammer missing. 2397. Old Flint-lock Musket brought from Kerets, on the shore of the White Sea, and used by the natives. 2398. An Italian Wheel-lock Fowling-piece with two hammers. The barrel 36 inches long, is engraved " Batt Francino." The Stock is richly decorated with embossed silver plates. It has a wooden rammer. Probably 17th cen- tury. 2399. A French Flint-lock Rifle. The barrel is 48 inches long marked " John Small, Vincennes." The butt is decor- ated with brass and steel plates. It has a wooden rammer. Date about 1800. 24OO. An English Fowling-piece, by "Govers," flint-lock, barrel 37 inches long, wooden rammer, with brass furniture. Date about 1800. 24O1. American Rifle, Flint-lock, date about 1815, barrel 43 inches long, with detachable binding band's, steel rammer and heel plate. 24O2. French Musket, percussion lock, date about 1841, with safety cap (systeme Charoy) made at St. Etienne, moyeable binding bands and steel rammer. The barrel is 41 inches long. 24-03. The First Uniform appointed to be worn by Officers in the Navy, introduced in the year 1748. This was the Regulation Dress for Lieutenants. Given by The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 2404. The First Uniform appointed to be worn by Officers in the Navy, introduced in the year 1748. This was the Regulation Dress for Post-Captains of less than three years' service. Given by The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 2405. The First Uniform appointed to be worn by Officers in the Navy, introduced in the year 1748. This was the Regulation Dress for Post-Captains of three years' service and upwards. Given by The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 2406. Musket, with bayonet and rest, percussion lock, steel rammer, brass fittings, date about 1830. The barrel is 39 inches OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 166 2 4-O 7. Percussion Musket (American), with bayonet, the lock marked "Springfield, U.S.," steel rammer and 1 bands, length of barrel 39 inches. Date about 1830. 2408. Percussion Musket, with bayonet, date about 1840. Steel rammer, the lock marked " Lacey & Co." barrel 39 inches long, marked "Bank of England." 2409. Heavy Percussion Musket with Indian lock and swivel rammer. The barrel which is ribbed is 38 inches long. It was taken in the Indian Mutiny, 1857. 241 0. Percussion Rifle with bayonet, by "Beckwith, London," with General Boileau's grooving, steel rammer, bed and leaf back sight. Date about I860. 2411. Flint-lock Musket of the reign of James II. The butt divides and forms a grenade cup, the lock is marked " Peddell " ; the barrel is 33 inches long, and has on the left a rammer (missing) and underneath a steel rest. 2412. Percussion Musket, with bayonet, Needham's Patent. Ihe rammer missing. 2413. Percussion Musket, with bayonet, steel rammer, and wooden rest, the lock marked " Major-General W. Morri- son, C.B." 2414. Percussion Rifle, with bayonet by "Beckwitli, London," with General Boileau's grooving, steel rammer and leaf- sight. 2415. Short Percussion Rifle with sword-bayonet and steel rammer, by " Beckwith, London," with General Boileau's grooving, leaf-sight. 2416. Flint-lock Rifle from Mongolia, probably of Russian manufacture. 2417. Bavarian Percussion Rifle with bayonet, steel rammer, lock mark " Amberg, 1860," leaf-sight up to 1200 yards. 2418.- French Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet and steel rammer, date about 1810, length of barrel 46 inches, steel moveable bands, lock marked " De Charleville." Brought from the field of Waterloo. 2419. -Bavarian Musket, percussion lock, with bayonet, steel rammer and moveable steel bands. Marked " Amberg, 1860." 242O. Prussian rifled Musket with bayonet, steel rammer and brass moveable bands, the lock marked " Pottdam." Date about 1840. 166 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2421. Dutch Flint-lock Rifle of the 18th century, made by " Thone. Amsterdam," steel rammer and brass moveable bands. 2422. Snaphaunce Musket of the 17th century, barrel 47 inches long, rammer missing. 2423. German Matchlock Musket of late 17th century. The stock throughout is handsomely inlaid with ivory, bearing figures of the chase ; it has a wooden rammer ; the barrel is 47 inches long. 2424. French Percussion Musket of about 1840, with steel rammer and moveable steel bands. 2425. French Percussion Musket, date 1840. Steel rammer and moveable brass bands. 2426. Oid Flint-lock Musket with rest. History unknown. 2427. Wall-piece with rest, made by " E. Barnett," 1793, with flint lock and steel rammer, barrel, 4 feet 5 inches in length, brass fittings. 2428 Flint Dog-lock Musket of the time of William III. The lock is curious having a catch for the hammer. The barrel is 46 inches long ; the rammer (wooden) is missing. 2429. Flint Dog-lock Musket of the time of Queen Anne. The kvck is marked " R. Wooldridge, A." ; the barrel is 46 inches long ; the rammer is missing. 2430. Flint-lock Carbine of the time of William III. Barrel 37 inches long. Steel bands, rammer missing. 2431. Flint-clog-lock Musket of the time of William III. The barrel is 43 inches long ; the rammer is missing. 2432. Flint-lock Carbine of the time of William III. Barrel is 36 inches in length, with wooden rammer. 2433. French Flint-lock Carbine by " J. C. Niquet," of Liege, taken on Lange Dyke, 2nd October, 1799. Steel rammer and duplicate sight. The barrel is 29 inches long and the fittings are brass. 2434. German Flint-lock Musket of about 1820, with move- able brass bands, steel rammer, duplicate sight ; the barrel is 34 inches in length. 2435. German Wheel-lock Sporting Gun, handsomely inlaid in silver, with designs indicative of the chase and the battlefield. The barrel is octagonal and 33 inches in length, the brass back-sight is detachable, the door of the trap slides outwards. The barrel bears the following in- scription : " Des Morgens fruger stoltz get der Edle hiersze Holtz." It is 17th century manufacture. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 167 2436. -Flint-lock Musket of the time of George III. Barrel 42 iu. in length; rammer missing. 2437. Short Flint-lock Musket, with pike attached ; the lock marked 1787. The length of the barrel is 29 inches. With pike extended the total length is 8 feet. Steel rammer. 2438. Percussion Musket, with' "Standidge Bayonet," date about 1750, the length of the barrel is 39 inches, the steel rammer is attached to the left side. 2439. A Six-chambered Revolver Rifle, made by "James Warner, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A." Percussion action, hexagonal barrel. 244O. Percussion Musket, with pike attached, of about 1830. The length of the barrel is 32 in. With the pike extended the total length is 8 feet. 2441. The same as 2440. 2442. A Russian M. L., S. B., Percussion Musket, with bayonet Date about Ir>o2 Brass moveable bands, with steel rammer ; length of barrel, 37 inches. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2443. Flint-lock Musket, with octagonal barrel 40 inches long, of early 18th century. The trap in the butt slides out- wards, wooden rammer. The brass lock-plate is marked "I. M." 2444. Sea Service Musket (percussion), with sword-bayonet. Date about 1840. Barrel 31 inches in length, steel rammer. 2445. Scottish Snaphaunce Musket, with hexagonal barrel, 41 inches long. Dated 1685. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2446. Cavalry Blunderbuss, flint-lock, with brass furniture. Date about 1790. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2447. Flint-lock Cavalry Carbine, with brass furniture, date 1830. Steel swivel rammer, lock marked " E. Baker." Length of barrel 20 inches. Given by Hit Majesty King Edward VII. 2448. Hand Mortar, with flint lock, date about 1720. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2449. Blunderbuss, with brass barrel 28 inches in length, brass- tipped wooden rammer, flint-lock. Date about 1750. Given by llis Majesty King Edward VII. 245O. The same as 2498. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 168 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2451. Heavy German Flint-lock Fixed Gun, with rest attached. The barrel is sighted and grooved, and is 1J inches in diameter, and 39 in length. The lower portior of the butt is made of ivory, the stock is inlaid and con- tains a massive steel rammer. Ite flint lock is marked " Joseph Winstaler in Baden." Given by His Majesty King Edward Vll. 2452. Russian Flint-lock S. B. Cavalry Carbine, wi;h steel rammer. Date about 1820. Given by His Majesiy King Edward VII. 2453. The same as 2452. Given ty His Majesty King JEdward VII 2454. Portuguese Flint-lock S. B. Cavalry Carbine, with wooden rammer. Date 1792. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2455. Rifled Flint-lock Carbine, with pistol grip and steel swivel rammer. Lock " E. Baker." Date about 1840. Given by His Majesty King Edward Vll. 2456. Russian Flint-lock S. B. Cavalry Carbine, with steel rammer. Date about 1805. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2457. -Russian Percussion S. B. Musket, with bayonet, with steel rammer and moveable bands. Date 1850. Given by His Majesty King Edward VII. 2458. French Flint-lock Cavalry Carbine of about 180C. Steel rammer and detachable brass bands. With inscription " From the First Consul to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment " on tht. 2793. A Chinese War Hatchet. 2794. A Chinese Weapon for ripping open the abdomen. 2795. A Chinese Battle Axe. Given by Sir Wm. Burnett. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 187 2796. Model of a Horse Artillery Gun and Limber of the date of 1850. 2797. Model of a 12-pr. Rocket Carriage and Limber. When packed it weighed 33 cwt. 3 qrs. 24 Ibs. Given by the Secretary of State for War. 2798. -Model Of a Rifled B.L. 12-pr. (Armstrong) Forage Waggon and Limber. Weight when packed, 32 cwt. and 14 Ibs. Given by the Secretary of State for War. 2799. -Model of a Rifled B.L. 12-pr. (Armstrong) Ammu- nition Waggon and Limber. Weight packed, 43 cwt. 2 qrs., carries 90 rounds. Given by the Secretary of State for War. 2800. Model of a 12-pr. Rifled B.L. (Armstrong) Gun Carriage and Limber. Weight packed 37 cwt. 3 qrs.; carries 32 rounds. Given by the Secretary of State for War. 28O1-28O2. Two Chinese Cross- Bows. - Git-en by Robert Inglis, Esq. 28O3-28O6. Four Chinese Bows. Given by Sir W. Burnett, M.D., K.C.B., E.N. 28O7. A Chinese Basket Shield.- Given by Sir W. Burnett, M.D., K.C.B., E.N. 28O8. -A Chinese Bill. 28O9. A Chinese Glaive. 281O. -A Chinese Glaive. 2811. A Chinese Bill. 2812. A Chinese Three-Pronged Spear. 2813. - A Chinese Three-Pronged Spear. Giren by Jfobert Inglis, Esq. 2814. A Chinese Half-Moon Spear. 2815. -A Chinese Spear. 281 6. -A Chinese Glaive. 2817. A Chinese Pike. 2818. A Chinese Executioner's Sword. 2819. A Chinese Bill. 282O-2823. Four Chinese Glaives. 2824. A Chinese Two-Handed Sword. 188 EOTAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 2825-2826. Two Chinese Glaives. 2827. -A Chinese Glaive. Given by Sir Edward Belcher. 2828. A Matchlock brought from the Corea. Given by Lieu- tenant Stewart Polkinghorne, E.M.L.l. 2829. A Chinese Bow.- Given by Lieutenant P. H. Smith, \\th Foot. 283O. A Pair of Chinese Stirrups. Given by Major W. Edie, 98th Eegt. 2831. A Chinese Powder Flask. 2832. Chinese Long Bow as used by Chinese Infantry. Given by Major W. Edie, 98th Eegt. 2833. Chinese Bow and Arrows (4) taken in the Taku Forts from a dead' Tartar. Given by Comder. E. A Brown, E.N. 2834. Shaft of a Bow from the Island of Formosa. Given by Captain G. A.. Brooker, B. N. 2835. A Chinese Arrow Case. 2836. - Chinese War Mask. 2837. Chinese Gong (brass). 2838. -Chinese Iron Gong. 2839. Chinese Pouch for Flint and Steel. -Given by * a wood shaft. 2969. A Native Spear from West Australia with quartz or flint flakes set in gum. 297O. A Four-pronged Fish Spear of the Gudang tribe. Cape York, N. Australia. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 197 2971-2972. Two Hafted Native Spears from West Australia. The wooden barb is leaf-shaped and lashed on the shaft. 2973. War Spear from British New Guinea. It has a single barbed shaft tapering to the butt. 2974-2978. -Five Mero or Spear Throwers from West Australia. At one end a peg of wood is fixed on with gum, at the other end is a knob of gum, in some cases a flint is fixed in it ; used as a spear sharpener. 2979.* Basket Shield with the upper part of carved wood from S.-W. Sarawak. 298O. - A Lone Narrow Wooden Shield from S. W. Australia ornamented with incised lines ; tiie handle is cut out of the solid wood. Given by Captain Bannister, R.N. 2981. A Shield of Wood, the handle is cut from the solid block and the face is ornamented with a chess board pattern, the raised squares with cross hatchings. From New South Wales or South Australia. 2982. A Wooden Shield from South Australia. The handle is of cane passed through two holes. 2983. -A Small Spear. East Indian. Given by H M. King Edward VII 2984 A Wooden Shield from South Australia. The handle is of cane passed through two holes. 2985. A Bow from the Island of Madura (Java). 2986. Sixteen Arrows from Coburg Peninsula, N. Coast of Australia. Given by G. W. Earl, Esq. 2987. A Wooden Shield from the West Coast of Africa. Given by T. Houndslow, Esq. 2988. A Wooden Shield from Borneo. Given by Colonel Fearon, Madras Army. 2989. A Bamboo Bow from Darnley Island, Torres Straits. 2990-2991. Two Spare Chambers of a Gun of the time of Henry VI. (1500) ; they were found when taking down a house at Dover. Given by Lieut. W. Worthinyton, R.N. 2992. Yellow Wooden Shield from Central Africa. 2993. Battle Axe with iron blade, brought from the Great Lake, Central Africa. The Lake was discovered by Doctor Living- stone. Given by \V. G. Rawlins, Esq. 2994. Cross BOW of the Dor Tribe. Central Africa. Petite rick Collection. 198 ROYAL UNITED 8ERVICE MUSEUM. 2995. Quiver for Arrows, from Central Africa. 2996-2997. Battle Axe from Central Africa. 2998. Kaffir Battle Axe with iron blade. 2999. North-American Indian Tomahawk, 3OOO. Sword from Liberia, West Coast of Africa. 3O01. Pewter Tankard, which was in the possession of the late Colonel E. A. H. Webb, C.S.I., Madras Army, during the period of his captivity as a hostage at Cabul in the 1st Afghan War, 1841-2, when he, then a subaltern, with five other officers, viz., Lieutenants Airey, Conolly, Drummond, Walsh, and \Varburton, volunteered for this most danger- ous service. The 266 notches inscribed on the tankard represent days of imprisonment. The Officers were eventu- ally released by General Pollock's Army on September 19th, 1842. Given by Lieut-Colonel E. A. Webb, late 17th Regiment. 3O03. Iron Case, for taking six shells. Cases of this pattern for carrying shells were used by the Boers in the South African War, 1899-1903. deposited by C. Collier, Esq. 3O04. Sword, taken from an Afghan Chief by the late Colonel E. A. H. Webb, C.S.I., during the first Afghan War of 1841-2. It has since been converted to the pattern of a British General Officer's Sword. The blade is of very fine Damascus Steel. Given by Lieut. -Colonel E. A. H. Webb, late l?th Regiment. 3O06. Brooch made from the "T" tube which fired the last gun discharged in honour of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. The gun was tired by N. Battery (The Eagle Troop), R.H.A.. on February 4th, 1901, in the Long Walk, Windsor, after the final funeral ceremony. Deposited by Captain C. B. Levita, M.V.O., R.H.A. 3OO7. Grenadier Cap, worn by the Drum-major or a Drummer in the 30th (now East Lancashire) Regiment, about the years 1714-40. Deposited by Edgar Bundy, Esq. 3O11. Two Kruger Pound Pieces (gold) made from gold from the seized mines, South Africa, 1900. One piece shews the coin before completion. Deposited by Major Count Glei- chen, C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O. 3012. Two Ammunition Magazine Clips for Mauser rifle (South Africa). Deposited by Major Count Gleichen. C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O. 3013. Sword Bayonet, found in the farm of Nicolas de Wet, near Standerton, in the South African War of 1900 ; it was stated that his father took this bayonet from a British soldier at Majuba Hill. 1881. Depr sited by Lieutenant R. H. W. Hughe*, R.N.R. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 199 3O14. Dervish Coat of Mail (chain). Deposited by Major If. O. Anley, Essex Eegimeni. 3O15. Model of a Man -of- War, of about the year 1800, made by a French Prisoner of War. Deposited by W. E. Bedmun, Esq., F.R.C.S. 3O16 Model Of a Man-of-War of the early part of the 19th century made by the French Prisoners of War. Deposited by Mr. Charles Hanwell. 3018. Marble Inkstand of early 19th century ; the centre glass bears the name of " Nelson," with the date of his birth and death and the Admiralty Crest ; on one ink-bottle is engraved the Arms of the City of London, with the word " Egypt," on the other a crest (unknown) and the word " Trafalgar." Deposited by A. C. H. Nickisson, Esq. 3022. Gold Enamelled Watch, given by Lord Nelson to his sister Catherine on her marriage, February 26th, 1787, to George MatcKam, Esq., of Ashford Lodge, Sussex. Deposi- ted by General Sir A. G. Montgomery-Moore, K.C.B. 3023. Earthenware Jug, made about 1805, with portrait of Lord Nelson on one side, and on the other a plan and description of the Battle of Trafalgar. Deposited by General Sir A. G. Montgomery-Moore, K.C.B. 3024. Silver-mounted Knife, in silver sheath, bearing the words " Horatio Nelson, 1780." It was used by Lord Nelson when Captain of H.M.S. " Hinchinbroke," and in after years. By pressing a spring a steel blade appears, making it available as a dinner or fruit knife. Deposited by General Sir A. G. Montgomery-Moore, K.C.B. 3025. Copy of a Rare Original Sketch of Lord Nelson on Satin, in metal frame. Deposited by General Sir A. G Montgomery-Moore, K.C.B. 3O26. A Charm, in the form of an anchor, made of brass, bronzed and gilt. These charms were popular amongst sailors in the early part of the 19th century. Deposited by General Sir A. G. Montgomery-Moore, K.C.B. 3O27. Facsimile of a Miniature of Lord Nelson, given by him to Lady Hamilton. Deposited by General Sir A. G. Montgomery-Moore, K.C.B. 3O29. A Gold Locket, containing some of Lord Nelson's hair; it belonged to Lieutenant George Ravenshaw, R.N., who died in 1812. Deposited by T. E. Baventhaw, Esq. 200 KOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 303O. Small Brooch, with portrait in porcelain of Lord Nelson. Deposited by S. D. Middleton, Esq. 3031. Sword, with enamelled hilt studded with diamonds, presented to Lord Nelson after the Battle of the Nile in 1798. The following inscription appears on the blade: "Anderson, Mayor. A Common Council holden in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London, on Tuesday, the 16th day of November, 1798, resolved: That a sword of the value of 200 guineas be presented to Rear-Admiral Lord Nelson of the Nile by this Court, as a testimony of the high esteem they entertain of his Public Services and of the eminent advantages he has rendered to his Country, RIX." Deposited by George Eyre Matcham, Esq. 3O32. Uniform Coat, being one of the two worn by Lord Nelson in his last service in H.M.S. " Victory/' 1803-05. The actual coat which Lord Nelson was wearing at the time he received his mortal wound is now at the Painted Ha'l at Greenwich. It shows the hole made by the bullet near the left epaulette. Four or five of the buUions of the epaulette are missing, and it is interesting to record the circumstances which necessitated their being cut off. During the Battle of Trafalgar Sir George Westphal (then a Midshipman) was wounded in the head, and was carried down to the Cockpit and placed near Lord Nelson. Nelson's coat was rolled up and used as a pillow for Westphal's head. When the battle was over, and it was desired to remove the coat, it was found that four or five of the bullions of the left, epaulette had stuck to the wound owing to the coagulation of the blood, and it was found necessary to cut them off in order that the portions sticking to the wound might be dealt with. Sir George Westphal possessed one of these bullions in 1844. Lord Nelson's fighting coat was sent by Captain Hardy to Lady Hamilton, on the " Victory " arriving in England. Shortly before her death, in 1814, Lady Hamilton gave it, together ^with many other relics of Lord Nelson, to Alder- man Smith who had helped her very considerably during her financial difficulties. Alderman Smith's Widow sold it to the Prince Consort in 1845 for 150, and His Royal Highness presented it to the nation. Deposited by George Eyre Matcham, Esq. 3O33. Uniform Waistcoat, being one of the two worn by Lord Nelson in his last service in HJVI.S. " Victory," 1803-05. Deposited by George Eyre Matcham, Esq. 3O34. Gold Medal Of St. Lucia, presented to Lord Nelson. Deposited by George Eyre Matcham, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 201 3035. Gold Box, containing the document granting, in 1802, the Freedom of the City of Oxford to Lord Nelson. Deposited by George Eyre Matcham, Esq. 3O36. Silver Dish, forming portion of a service of plate, presented to Lord Nelson by the Committee of Lloyd's after the Battle of Copenhagen, in 1801. Deposited by George Eyre Matcham, Esq. 3037. Combined Knife and Fork, used by Lord Nelson after the loss of his right arm. He had also a Gold one for special occasions. Deposited by George Eyre Matcham, Esq. 3038. Malacca Cane, gold-mounted and studded with diamonds ' each of a different size. It was given to Lord Nelson by the inhabitants of the Island of Zante. It is said that all the diamonds in the Island were collected to form the circlet. Deposited by George Eyre Matcham, Esq. 3O39. The Log-book of H.M.S. "Victory," duly written up by Lord Nelson to the eve of his death. Deposited by Deposited by Colonel Lord Eaglan, C.B. 3O41. Aigrette of Brazilian Diamonds, presented as the rarest distinction by the Sultan of Turkey to Lord Nelson after his great Victory of the Nile on August 1st, 1798. Deposited by Mrs. G. Eyre Matcham. / 3042. Letter from the British Attache at Constanti- nople, dated 3rd October, 1798, informing Lord Nelson of the despatch of the Diamond Aigrette, and stating it was taken from one of the Sultan's turbans. Deposited by Mrs. 0. Eyre Matcham. 3O43-3O76. The Orders, Decorations, Medals, &c., of Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, G.C.B., together with other Exhibits connected with him. Deposited by Colonel Lord Eaglan, C.B. 3043. Field-Marshal's Baton, carried by Lord Raglan. Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, G.C.B., was the youngest son of the fifth Duke of Beaufort, being born at Badminton on 30th September, 1788. He was educated at Westminster and received a Com- mission as Cornet in the 4th Light Dragoons on 9th June, 1804. He served as Military Secretary to the Duke of Wellington throughout the Cam- paign in the Peninsula and also at the Battle of Waterloo. He commanded the British Troops in the Crimean War, but died during the operations in 1855. 202 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE HUSEUM. 3044. Field-Marshal's Sword. 3045. A Jewelled Sword of Indian make, given to Lord Fitz Roy Somerset by Lieut. -General Sir George Pollock, C.B. 3046. Sword presented to General Don N. Alaya, G.C.B., by the town of Vittoria, and given by him to Lord Fitz Roy Somerset (afterwards Field-Marshal Lord Raglan. General Alava as a Spanish Midshipman, fought against the British at Trafalgar. He be- came a Spanish General, and was Spanish Military Attache to the Duke of Wellington from 1812 to the end of the Peninsula War, and again during the Waterloo Campaign. 3047. Pair of Field-Marshal's Epaulettes, worn by Lord Raglan. 3048. Pair of Epaulettes, worn by Lord Raglan when Master-General of the Ordnance. 3049. Star of the G. C. B., with riband, worn by Lord Raglan. 3050. The insignia of the Order of "The Tower and Sword " of Portugal, conferred on Lord Raglan. 3051. Insignia of the Medjid'ie, 1st Class, conferred on Lord Raglan. 3052. Insignia of the Medjidie, 3rd Class, conferred on Lord Raglan. 3053. The Order of Maria Theresa of Austria, worn by Lord Raglan. 3054. The Order of St. George of Russia, worn by Lord Raglan. 3055. The Hanoverian Order of the Guelph. 3056. The Gold Collar of the Order of the Guelph. It belonged to the Right Honourable William, 3rd Earl of Mornington, the brother of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington, and father-in-law of Field-Marshal Lord 1 Raglan. 3057. Peninsula Gold Cross, with five clasps, worn by Lord Raglan. 3058. Peninsula Gold Medal with two clasps, worn by Lord Raglan. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 903 3059. Peninsula Silver Medal (G.S.), with five clasps, worn by Lord Raglan. 3060. Waterloo Medal, worn by Lord Raglan. 3061. Crimean Medal, four clasps, of Lord Raglan. 3062. Sword wrested from the hand' of a Mahratta soldier at the Battle of Maharajpore, 1843, by Major Arthur F. Somerset, Grenadier Guards, Military Secretary to Lord Ellenborough, after he had received a gun shot through the right arm, and two severe sabre wounds on the left thigh and under the knee from the sword. 3063. Stick cut on the Battlefield of Ferozeehahpore, close to the spot where Major Arthur Somerset, Grenadier Guards, Military Secretary to the Gover- nor General, received his mortal wound. 3064. Ring which belonged to the famous 1'ippoo Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, who was killed at the Capture of Seringapatam, 1799, taken from his finger by Colonel Honourable A. Wellesley (Duke of Wel- lington), and given by him to his niece, Lady FitzRoy Somerset. 3065. Order of the Medjidie, 2nd and 3rd Class, worn by the second Lord Raglan. 3066. The Order of Leopold of Austria, instituted 8th January, 1808, worn by the second Lord Raglan. There are three Classes to the Order, Grand- Croix, Commandeur, and Chevalier. 3067. The Sutlej Medal and clasp for the Battle of Ferozeshahpore, 1845, awarded to Major Arthur FitzRoy Somerset, who was killed in the battle. 8068. The Maharajpore Star, 1843, awarded to Major Arthur FitzRoy Somerset. 3069. Silver Medal, commemorative of the marriage of the Princess Royal with the Crown Prince of Prussia. 3070. West African Medal, with Clasp, 1697-98, awarded to the late Captain Honourable Richard Somerset, Grenadier Guards. 3071 Cloak, worn by Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington, at the Battle of Waterloo, given by him to his sister-in-law, Mrs. William Wellesley 204 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 3072. Manuscript Letter from His Royal Highness Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, congratulating Lord Raglan on his G.C.B. 3073. Field-Glass used by Lord FitzRoy Somerset through the Peninsula Campaign. 3074. Stick, cut from the apple tree which stood in front of Lord Raglan's Headquarters in the Crimea. Orderlies horses were frequently picqueted to the tree. 3075. Bridle of the Charger ridden by Captain L. E. Nolan, 15th Hussars (A.D.C. to the Quarter- Master-General), when he conveyed to Brigadier- General the Earl of Cardigan, the order for the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava, 25th October, 1854. Captain Nolan was killed in the charge, his lifeless body remaining erect in the saddle for some time. 3076. Russian Bugle taken during the Siege of Sevasto- pol by Drummer Boy McGill, 77th Regiment. On the night of the attack oh 19th April, 1855, a Russian Bugler was in the act of sounding, when McGill, a boy of 15, who was acting as Orderly Bugler to Colonel Egerton, commanding the Regi- ment, rushed forward into the enemy's Rifle pits, seized his antagonist and after a severe struggle, threw him, kept him down until he surrendered, when the lad took his bugle as a trophy, and returned to his C.O.'s side until the Colonel fell. The boy had on previous occasions distinguished himself, and on this occasion severely wounded a Russian soldier who tried to prevent the capture. He presented the Bugle to Lieut. - General Sir George Brown, who gave it to The Honourable Charlotte Somerset. The boy was mentioned in despatches and received English and Turkish Medals, and the French Medal for Valour. 3O81. Garter, worn by Field-Marshal The Duke of Wellington as Knight of that distinguished Order. Deposited by the Reverend It. B. Dickson. 3082. Two Small Fine Pocket-handkerchiefs, with Ducal Coronet, used by Field-Marshal the Duke of Welling- ton. Deposited by the Reverend It. B. Dickson. 3083. Hair of Field-Marshal The Duke of Wellington, and Her Grace the Duchess of Wellington. Deposited by the "Reverend R. B. Dickson. 3084. - Portion of the Colours of the 2Oth Regiment presented to it in 1803 by Colonel Robert Ross, the hero of Bladensburg ; they were retired from service in 1815. KING CHARLES I. Beheaded at Whitehall, 3oth January, 1649. (From thi Portrait in thi National Portrait Galliry, fainttd by Daniil Mjtmi in |6}I OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 205 The 20th fought under them at the victory of Maida in 1806, and they led the Regiment in the following memor- able battles of the Peninsula War : Vimiera, Corunna, Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse. Deposited by Victor Hollinsworth, Esq. 3085. Silver Shaving Box, Shaving Brush and Diary carried in the Peninsula War by A. Blackman. The Shaving Brush and Box were taken at Vittoria by a private in the 61st Light Infantry, who sold them to Blackman for six dollars. Given by C. A. Jones, Esq. 3O86. Pair of Pistols, taken from the belt of Tippoo Sahib after his death at the Capture of Seringapatam, 4th May, 1799, by Major Barton, Indian Army. Deposited by Mrs. Barton, widow of Captain W. Barton, Grenadier Guards. 3087. Sword, which belonged to the famous Tippoo Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, killed at the Capture of Seringapatam, 4th May, 1799. Deposited by Dr. Cornish. 3O88. Sword, which belonged to the famous Hyder Ali, Sovereign of Mysore and father of Tippoo Sahib. Deposited by Dr. Cornish. 3089. Chinese Order of the; Precious Star, 2nd Class. It was bestowed on Major Murray, of the Anglo-Chinese" Con- tingent, in 1861, at the conclusion of the Taiping War. On this officer's death, General Charles Gordon gave it to Colonel Man-Stuart, 3rd Gordon Highlanders, pending the finding of his representatives. Deposited by Colonel Man Stuart, C.B., C.M.G. 3090. Despatch Baff, Crimean War, 1854, of Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, G.C.B. Deposited by Colonel Lord Eaglan, C.B. 3092. Brass Model of the Great Cannon of Sultan Muhammad made in 1464, which was given in exchange for two rifled Sins to the British Government in 1868. Presented to er Majesty Queen Victoria by Admiral Sir J. E. Com- merell. Deposited by His Majesty King Edward VII. 3093-3O99. Orders, Decorations, &c., of the late General Sir Thomas Willshire, Bart., GC.B. General Sir Thomas Willshire was born in 1789, entered the Army as Ensign in 1795 at the age of five, and at the age of eight was serving with his Regiment, the 38th, in the West Indies. His subsequent services include the operations in Buenos Ayres in 1807, the Walcheren Expe- dition in 1809, the Peninsula War in 1809-14, in which he was twice wounded (Medal with seven clasps), the 206 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. operations against the Kaffirs in 1819, the capture of Kettoor in the Dooab in 1824, and the operations in Afghanistan in 839. He commanded a wing of the 40th Regiment at the assault and capture of Ghuznee (Medal, K.C.B., and the Dooranee Order from Shah Shoojah, King of Afghanistan), and commanded the Bombay Column of the Army of the Indus at the Capture of Khelat, the capital of Baluchistan. For this service he was created a baronet. He died in 1862, aged 72. 3093 Miniature Portrait of General Sir Thomas Will- shire. 3094 Medal with seven clasps for the Peninsula War, 1809-14. 3095 Medal for the Assault and Capture of Ghuznee, 1839, with the Green and Yellow Ribbon originally given. 3096 Riband, Badge, and Star of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. 3097 Riband, Badge, and Star of the Order, 1st Class of the Dooranee Empire. 3098 Sword of the Khan of Khelat, taken at the capture of that fortress, 1839, and presented by the vic- torious officers and men to Sir Thomas Willshire. 3099 Key of the Gate of the Magazine of the Fortress of Ghuznee, which was captured by the Force under General Sir John Kean, afterwards Lord Kean of Ghuznee, in, 1839. Deposited by his son, Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur B. T. Willshire, Bart., late Scots Guards. 31 01. Officer's Shoulder-belt Badge of the 20th Begiment worn from 1816-31. Deposited by Victor Hollinsworth, Esq. 31 03. Sword taken by Lord Nelson at the bombardment of Cadiz in 1797. In this action Lord Nelson nearly lost his life on two occasions, the barge on which he was serving having been boarded by the Spaniards. Deposited by Colonel H. Cooper-Seddon. 31 04. Sword or Hanger, with guard shaped in the form of two eagles, and eagle head as pommel ; according to tradition, the sword was taken by Lord Nelson from an officer com- manding a French ship. Deposited by Colonel H. Cooper- Seddon. 31 OS. Sword presented by Lloyd's Patriotic Fund to Captain W. G. Rutherford, R.N., H.M.S. " Swiftsure," for his meri- torious services in contributing to the signal victory ob- tained over the combined fleets of France and Spain off Cape Trafalgar on 21st October, 1805. Deposited by J. S. Eutherford, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 207 3131. Four Albanian Yataghans, taken during the Cretan Rebellion of 1897. Deposited by Major G. F. Leslie, Rifle Brigade. 3134. Dervish Dagger from the battlefield of Omdurman. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 3136. Armlet, made of Abyssinian gold, taken from Omdurman after its capture. A similar one. set in turquoises, was presented to the Marquis of Salisbury by the Emperor Menelik. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 3137. Necklace, worn by a Dervish woman, brought from Omdur- man after its capture. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 3142. Portion of Brass Railing from the Tomb of the Mahdi in Om&anntai. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 3143. Three Dervish Coins of mixed copper and silver, struck by the Khalifa. Deposited by Captain A. Hilliard-Atteridge. 3144. A Ten-piastre Silver Piece, Egyptian. Deposited by Captain A. Hilliard-Atteridge. 3145. A Dervish Copper Coin, struck by the Khalifa. Deposited by Private H. L. Wooley, Cameron Highlanders. 3146. Scythed Yataghan, of Tonarik manufacture. Taken from a Dervish at Omdurman. Deposited by Major- General V. Hatton, C.B. 3147. Paper Money, issued at Khartum by the late Majpr-General C. G. Gordon, C.B. Deposited by Captain Phillips, E.E. 3148. A Dervish Cavalry Cap from Omdurman. Deposited by Major-General V . Hatton, C.B. 3149. A Dervish Cavalry Cap from Omdurman. Deposited ly Lieut.-Colond Elmslie, S7th Battery, E.F.A. 3151. Dervish Fan from Omdurman, taken from the Khalifa's quarters. Deposited by Lieut. -Colonel A. T. Sloggett, E.A.M.C. 3152. Trum bash, or War Hatchet, from the Upper Blue Nile Region, taken from Omdurman after the battle. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 208 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 3154. Two Iron Armlets, probably made in West Africa, from Omdurman. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 3156. Shirt of Mail, worn by a Dervish Emir killed at Omdur- man. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. t 3157. Centre Of Gold Badge which was issued in commemora- tion of Lord Howe's great victory over the French on the 1st of June, 1794. It was awarded to Admiral of the White, the Honourable Sir George C. Berkeley, G.C.B., who commanded H.M.S. " Marlborough." Deposited by The Honourable Mrs. Granville Somerset. 3166. Gold Medal, presented to Captain W. tr. Eutherford, R.N., H.M.S. " Swifteure," 74 guns, which ship he commanded at the Battle of Trafalgar. Deposited by J. S. Rutherford, Esq. 3167. Naval General Service Medal, awarded in 1848 to Mr, J. Twiss, late boatswain, R.N., for the services recorded on the five clasps. Deposited by Quarter-Master-Sergeant J. Burnett, Bl. Mon. R.E. [M.j 3169. Octagonal Frame, surmounted by a Viscount's coronet containing medallion of Britannia. At the back is what appears to have been the cap of a telescope with inscrip- tion, " Lady Hamilton to Horatio Nelson." Deposited by Mrs. J. W. Wilkini. 31 7O. Naval Sword, believed to have been the one worn by Lord Nelson when Acting-Lieutenant of H.M.S. "Worcester" in 1776-7, brought from Burnham Thorpe in 1843. Deposi- ted by Rev. F. F. Starbuck. 3175. Blue Silk Net Purse, which belonged to Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson. It was taken from his pocket after his death in the "Victory's" cockpit, by Captain Hardy, and re- tained by him as a memento. The purse at the time con- tained one or two guineas, which have disappeared ; it continued in the possession of the Hardy family until about 1880, when it was purchased by the present owner. De- posited by Dr. Williamson. 3176. Small Purse of knitted silver lace and yellow silk. It originally belonged to Captain Hardy, the personal friend of Lord Nelson, and was in his pocket during the Battle of Trafagar. Deposited by Dr. Williamson. 3186. A Marble Plaque oF Lord Nelson. It formerly belonged to Mr. Peter Bruff of Ipswich, whose father com- manded the "Orion" at the Battle of the Nile, and was one of Nelson's friends. Deposited by W. W. Hallam, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 209 3187. A Print in Colours of Lord Nelson, after Abbott's picture, dated 1798. Deposited by W. W. Hallam, Esq. 3188. A Print of "A North- West View of the Jetty at Yarmouth, on the occasion of Lord Nelson's visit there in March, 1801. Engraved by Pollard in 1801. Deposited by W. W. Hallam, Esq. 3212. An Oval Tortoiseshell Box, mounted with gold thumb piece. The lid is inlaid with miniature of a gentleman. It is inscribed : " Presented' by H. Nelson, R.N., to Cap- tain Berry. R.N., as a memento, of Aboukir Bay, 1798. Deposited by Frank E. Burton, Esq. 3216. A Water-colour Painting of Barsham Rectory, Suffolk, the home of Lord Nelson's mother, and where Lord Nelson himself passed much of his boyhood. Deposited by W. W. Hallam, Esq. 3219. Small Memorial, olive-wood box, with a portrait of Lord Nelson on the lid. Deposited by T. 0. Spratt, Esq. 3229. An Original Letter, dated 24th May, 1801, from Lord Nelson to Evan Nepean, Esq.. asking him to despatch certain letters without delay. Deposited by B. E. Gooldtn, Esq., F.S.A. 3262 An Original Sketch of H.M.S. "Victory," as she appeared on 22nd October, 1805, the day after the battle of Trafalgar. Drawn by Lieutenant 8. Walters, Royal Navy. Deposited by Major W. W. Cordeaux, 21st Lancers. 3267. A Silver Teapot, formerly the property of Lord Nelson and bearing his crest. Deposited by John Foster, Esq. 3272. Full Dress Coattee of the Master- General of the'Ordnance, of about 1850. It formerly belonged to Field-Marshal Lord Raglan. Deposited by Colonel Lord Raglan, C.B. 3273. Crimson Sash of the uniform of the Master-General of the Ordnance. Deposited by Colonel Lord Eaglan, C.B. o 210 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 3274. An English Bayonet, taken from the body of a dead Boer in the Transvaal War. Deposited by Major E. J. Gaunter. Lancashire Fusiliers. 3275. Kruger Pound, dated 1900, one of the last issue, and coined from gold taken from the mines after their seizure by the Boers. Deposited by Major Sir H. North, Bart., 4th Bat- talion Eoyal Munster Fusiliers. 3276. Kruger Pound, dated 1897, Kruger Half-pound, dated 1895. Deposited by Major 0. H. E. Marescaux, K.O., Shropshire L.I. 3278. Medal given to the Kruger Party of the Volksraad, S.A.R at the last Presidential Election. It belonged to Conrad Birkenstone, of Vryheid. Deposited by Sub-Lieutenant E. H. W. Hughes, R.N.R. 3279. Case for Cigarette Holder, which, when in the owner's pocket was struck by a Mauser bullet at a distance of 1,200 yards. The bullet also pierced a Silver Cigarette Case, and sovereign purse, which latter contained a Kruger Half- Pound, curiously not injuring it. Krugersdorp, October, 1900. Deposited by Captain J. M. Fremantle, 15th Bat- talion l.T. 3280. A Set of Eleven Postage Stamps of the South African Republic, surcharged V.B.I. Deposited by Lieut A. H. Symes-Thompson, 7th Battery, B.F.A. 3281. An Order on the Bank of Africa, Bloemfontein, signed by Piet J. Joubert. Deposited by Surgeon-Captain C. E. Murray, Ijth Battalion l.T. 3282. A Set of Eight Varieties of Army Telegraph Stamps, Orange River Colony, with surcharge, June, 1900. Deposited by Eevenue Officer, Army Telegraphs, S.A.F.F. 3283. Officer's Busby, Sabretasche, Shoulder Cords, Sword Knot, and Cap Lines of the late Transvaal Artillery. Deposited by Captain A. St. L. Glyn, Grenadier Guards. 3284. White Helmet of the Pretoria Police. 3286-3287. Swords which formerly belonged to Officers of the Orange Free State Artillery. Deposited by Major J. E. Gaunter, Lancashire Fusiliers. 3288-3292. Five Boer Revolvers and Pistols, taken during the South African War. Deposited by Major J. E. Gaunter, Lancashire Fusiliers. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 211 3293. General Christian De Wet's Heliograph, captured by Colonel De Lisle's Mobile Column, in November, 1901, near Reitz. De Wet's Head-quarters, in the Orange River Colony. Deposited by Lieut. -Colonel H. De B. De Lisle, C.B., D.S.O., Eoyal Dragoons. 3294 Model Of H.M.S. "Ville de Paris." 110 guns, built at Chatham in 1795, after the design or Henslow. She possessed a gun deck length of 190 feet, beam of 63 feet, and a tonnage of 2,332 ; her crew numbered 850. She served as flagship to Lord St. Vincent in 1779. and to Admiral Honourable William Cornwallis from 1803-05. Deposited by W. Crewdson, Esq. 3295. A Derby Biscuit China Statuette of Lord Nelson of contemporary date. Deposited by H. Arthurian, Esq. 3296. The Official Despatch announcing the victory at Trafalgar and the death of Lord Nelson, dated Euryalis. off Cadiz, 24th October, 1805, from Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood to the Right Honourable Lord Robert Fitz- gerald, Minister Plenipotentiary, etc. at Lisbon. Deposi- ted by The Reverend R. P. Barron. 3297. Sword of Admiral Villeneuve, Commander-in-Chief of the combined Fleets of France and Spain, surrendered! to Lord Collingwood at the battle off Cape Trafalgar, October 21st, 1805. It was offered to Captain Atcherley, of the Marines, who took possession of the " Bucentaure ". when she struck to the " Conqueror," Captain Pellew. Atcherley refused to accept it, and took Villeneuve in his boat that he might surrender to Captain Pellew. The "Conqueror" had, however, gone off to engage the " Santissima Trinidada," and the French Admiral finally surrendered his sword to the first Lieutenant of the "Mars," who took it to Lord Collingwood. Admiral Villeneuve, having been taken prisoner, waa sent to England, where he was detained, chiefly at Aries- ford, until May 3rd, 1806, when he was permitted to return to France. He sailed from Plymouth and arrived at Morlaix on May 7th. On May 10th he reached Rennes, en route for Paris, and stayed 1 at the Hotel du Bresil, where he was either assassinated or committed suicide on May llth. He was buried at Rennee. Deposited by The Reverend R. P. Barron. 3298. Sword of the Spanish Rear-Admiral don B. H. de Cisneros taken prisoner on board the "Santissima Trinidada" at the Battle of Trafalgar, 21st October, 1805. Deposited by The Reverend R. P. Barron. o 2 212 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 3299. A Pair of Officer's Light Infantry Epaulettes (Wings) of the Royal Monmouthshire Light Infantry Militia, discontinued about 1859. Lent by Lieut. -Colonel Crompton Roberts, Royal Monmouthshire R.E. CM.). 3301. Prussian Order of the~lron Cross. The Order was instituted on 10th March, 1813, but was modified on 19th July, 1870, by William I. It possesses three classes or grades. The Riband of the Grand 1 Cross is worn over the shoulder, the other two classes a la boutonniere. It is worn with a black riband with white border for military distinction, and with a white riband with black border as a civil award. Deposited by Colonel L. A. Hale. 3302. The State Uniform of a Tartar General, aManchu Mandarin of high rank ; it is about 100 years old. The plume of painted hawk's feathers is for summer use, that of sable-tail for winter use. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.S., Commanding Troops, Hong-Kong. 3303. Model Of a Man-of-War of about the year 1800. Deposited by Major W. H. Castle, 2nd F.B., Middlesex Regiment. 3304. Model Of a Man-of-War of about the year 1800. Deposited by Mrs. Ross 3305. Sea Service Flint-lock Pistol. George III. 3307. Magazine Rifle, the action invented and designed by Major P. T. Godsal. The breech of the Godsal rifle action is closed by a cylindrical block locking directly into_ it, by means of lateral lugs. In front of the block is a non-rotatable bolt-head, and in rear of it is the carrier which contains also the striker and mainspring, and has the extractor on the top. These parts, when assembled, are collectively the bolt. The bolt slides by means of grooves in the sides of the carrier, upon guides in the body of the action. Primary extraction is given by the lever, which is in one with the block, striking an incline on the breech-piece. The cocking piece and sear are on one side, and the trigger is in front of the magazine. There is a longitudinal cut-off and a bolt-stop in rear, and a safety bolt and lever lock at the side of the action. Fitted with 30 Ib. 30-inch barrel, the rifle weighs 7i Ibs., and is . 45 inches in length. The action has been classified as "the Block Bolt Principle." Deposited by Major P. T. Godsal. 33O8. Secret Memorandum, dated "'Victory.' off Cadiz, 9th October, 1805," signed by Lord Nelson, and circulated to the Captains of ships before the Battle of Trafalgar. This particular copy was issued to Captain William Lech- mere, of H.M.S. " Thunderer." The Document bears the words, " When the ' Thunderer ' quits the fleet for Eng'and you are to return this secret memorandum to the ' Victory.' " Deposited by the Rev. R. P. Barren. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 213 3311-3313 Uniform worn by the late Field-Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, K.G., as Colonel of the 17th Lancers. 3311 Cap with Plume. 3312 Tunic with Girdle. 3313 Pouch, Belt, and set of Cap-lines. Deposited by the Officer Commanding 17th Lancers. 3314-3319. Decorations of Admiral Sir Graham Moore, G.C.B., G.O.M.G. Admiral Sir Graham Moore, younger brother of Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, was born in 1764, and entered the Navy in 1777. He served under Lord Howe in 1782 at the relief of Gibraltar. In 1798 he was attached to the squadron on the Coast of Ireland under Sir John Borlase Warren, and assisted 1 in the defeat of the French Squadron on 12th October. In September, 1804, when in command of four frigates, he captured four Spanish frigates off Cadiz, laden with trea- sure of the value of three-and-a-half million dollars. In 1807, after hoisting a broad pennant and escorting the Royal Family of Portugal to the Brazils, he was invested with the Order of the Tower and Sword. In the autumn of 1809, Moore served under Sir Richard Strachan in the Walcheren Expedition. He was promoted Rear-Admiral on 12th August, 1812, and for a short time commanded in the Baltic. In 1820 he was Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean. He was promoted Admiral in 1837, and, after holding the appointment of Commander-in-Chief at Plymouth, died at Cobham in 1843. 3314 Star of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (K.C.B.). conferred on 2nd January, 1815'. 3315 Badge or the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, (G.C.B.), conferred on 2nd January, 1815. 3316 Star of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (G.C.B.), conferred on llth March, 1836. 3317 Star of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (G.C.M.G.), conferred on 28th September, 1820. 3318 Riband of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (G.C.M.G.). 3319 Collar of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (G.C.M.G.). Deposited by Miss Carrick Moore (his Grand-Niece). 3320-3323. Decorations of Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, K.B. 3320 Gold Collar and Badge of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (K.B.), conferred on 14th Nov- ember, 1804. 3321 Star of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (K.B.). 3322 Diamond Star, representing that of the Order of the Bath, purchased by Sir John Moore's Officers for 350 guineas and presented to him in 1804. 214 KOTAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 3323 Riband of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (K.B.), worn by Sir John Moore. Deposited by Miss Carrick Moore (his Grand-Niece.) 3324. General Officer's Gold Medal for- the Battle of Coruna, awarded to Lieut. -General Sir John Moore, K.B. (post mortem). The medal bears on the obverse, Britannia, wearing a helmet and seated on the globe, her right hand extended, holding a wreath of laurel ; in her left is a palm branch. To her right is the lion of England'; and, on the left, a round shield charged with the crosses of the Union banner. The reverse bears a wreath of laurel sur- rounding " Coruna " and the date of the Battle. On tte rim is engraved : " Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore. K.B." The Battle of Coruna was fought on January 16th, 1809, between 14,000 British under Sir John Moore, and 20,000 French under Soult, who was endeavouring to prevent the British from embarking. The French attacks were uniformly repulsed, and the troops safely embarked, with a loss of about 800, including Sir John Moore. The French lost about 2,000. Deposited by Miss CarricTc Moore. 3325. Imperial Ottoman Order of the Crescent, awarded to Sir John Moore for his services in Egypt, in 1801. Deposited by Miss M. Carrick Moore. 3326. Binnacle Of H.M.S. "Captain" which sank in a squall off Finisterre, 7th September, 1870, discovered float- ing in the Bay of Biscay, and presented to Rt. Hon. H. C. Childers, M.P.. First Lord of the Admiralty. Lent by Colonel E. S. E. Childert, C.B., E.E. 3327. Seven-pounder Brass Krupp Field Gun, taken at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, 13th September, 1882, when the rebel Egyptian Army, under Arabi Pasha, was totally de- feated by the British Force, under the command of the present Field-Marshal Viscount Wolseley, K.P., by whom the trophy was presented to the late Rt. Hon. H. C. Childers, M.P., Secretary of State for War. In the space of 25 days the British Force was disem- barked at Jsmailia, traversed the desert, seized the capital of Egypt, and captured Arabi, the rebel commander. Avith- in that period the British had defeated the enemy five times ; finally at Tel-el-Kebir, where their entrenched posi- tion was carried after an arduous night march, the guns were captured and the whole rebel army dispersed. Lent by Colonel E. S. E. Childers, C.B., E.E. 50O1. Short Rifle, 1904 pattern. * There are at present no exhibits numbered from 3328 to 5000. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 2l4a 3328. The Pistol of Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, K.B., being of English make with flint lock and double barrelled, which are under and over and not side by side as is usual. To fire the lower barrel a revolving screw is turned which blocks communication with the upper barrel and gives direct entry by means of a touch hole to the lower barrel from the pan, the barrels are grooved towards the muzzle. The pistol was given by Sir John Moore to Colonel William Havelock, K.H., who was on his Staff, and who was the Great Uncle of the lender. Colonel Havelock was present at Waterloo and killed at the head of his Regiment, the 14th Light Dragoons, at Ramnugger, in 1848. Deposited by Sir Henry Havelock Allen, St. 333O. Field Glass, by Abraham, Bath, of Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, K.B. When fully extended it measures forty-one inches. Given by Miss Carrick Moore. 3331. Two Buttons (one with portion of Cloth in the neck) cut from the Coat of Sir John Moore previous to his burial by his Military Secretary, Major John Colborne. Deposited by General Sir A. Montgomery-Moore. 3332. A Seal, formerly the property of Sir John Moore. Deposited as above. 3333. Badge awarded to Lieut.-Colonel A. B. W illiams ' 6th Bn. Rifle Brigade, as Captain of the Militia Eight, from 1893 to 1908, by the Militia Rifle Association. Deposited by Lieut.-Colonel A. B. Williams. 3350. A Collection of 52 Shoulder-belt Badges of Line and Militia Regiments, and 4 Militia Officers' Belt Buckles. Deposited by Captain H. G. Parkyn. 3351.-- Damascened " Kutti," contained in green sheath, formerly the property of Colonel Obeidullah Khan, A.D.C.. of Bhopal. Deposited by Major N. M. Smyth, V.C. 3352. Diary of Major Lord Charles Somerset Manners. 10th Royal Hussars, kept by him during the Retreat to Corunna, 1809. Deposited by Captain C. G. Manners. 3353. The Standard of the Commonwealth (for details see label). Deposited by The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 3354. The Bullet which wounded Lieut.-Colonel John Colborne (Lord Seaton), when leading the 52nd Regiment in the assault of Cuidad Rodrigo, 19th January, 1812. It was extracted a year afterwards, but he never entirely recovered the use of his shoulder. Deposited by Lady Montgomery-Moore. o 3 2146 fiOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEtJM. 3355. Letter written by Lieut.-Colonel John Colborne (Lord Seaton) to his Sister the day after the Battle of Waterloo, dated 19th June, 1815. Deposited by General Sir A. Montgomery- Moore. 3356. - Si I ver Gi It Trophy, presented to Admiral Viscount Exmouth by the Rear-Admiral, Captains, and Commanders who served under him at the bombardment of Algiers on 27th August, 1816, when 19 British ships and 6 Dutch ships bombarded the forts of the place, mounting 500 guns. The eight hours bombardment resulted in a loss of 885 of the Allies killed and wounded, while the Algerines lost over 6,000. Deposited by the Trustees of Viscount Exmouth. 3357. Sword, with gilt hilt, enamelled and jewelled, presented to Admiral Viscount Exmouth as a testimony of esteem and gratitude for his victorious attack on Algiers, by the City of London. Deposited as above. 3358 Sword, worn by Admiral Viscount Exmouth at the bombard- ment of Algiers. Deposited as No. 3856. 336O. -Pair of jewelled Persian Guns, in Case. -Deposited by G. H. Hitchcock, Esq. 3361. -The Gold Medal, awarded to Lord Collingwood for the action of the 1st June. Deposited by C. H. B. Caldwell, Esq. 3362. Oak Box, containing the following relics of Vice- Admiral Lord Collingwood : Trafalgar Gold Medal (Flag-Officer), St. Vincent Gold Medal. Gold Seal with three-sided crystal, Heavy Gold Bracelet with Miniature of Lord Collingwood, Gold Chain Bracelet with Coronet and initials " N.L.," Gold Brooch with hair, inscribed " C. C., 1790"; Gold Brooch with stones at back, " Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood died 7 March, 1810"; Gold Mourning Ring, with pearls inscribed, "John Collingwood obit 7 Jan., 1844": Gold Mourning Ring, with pearls inscribed, " Rich Braithwaite, Esq., obit 28 June, 1805, set. 80, Admiral of the White": Gold and Enamel Mourning Ring, inscribed, " Patience, Wise, Stead died Aug. 13, 1838, aged 75"; Gold Mourning Ring with hair, engraved " M.N.C. ob, Aug. 25, 1840"; Brooch with stones and hair ; Locket with hair, hinge broken ; Gold Coronation Medal, George IV. Deposited by Rear-Admiral 71. E. P. Gust. 3363. Three Swords, with tablets of ivory attached, formerly the property of Admiral Lord Collingwood. Deposited as above. 3364. Lamp found hanging over the Mahdi's Tomb at Omdurman on 2nd September, 1898. Deposited by the 21st Lancers. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 215 5003-5021 A Collection of War Medals. 5003 A case of Medals, issued for the Peninsula Cam- paign. 5004 Two Cases of Medals, issued for the Peninsula Campaign. 5005 Three Cases of " Groups " of medals belonging to individual soldiers. 5006 Case of the East India Company Medals, 1784- 1857. 5007 Case of Foreign Orders and Medals. 5008 Case of Medals for China. South Africa, New Zea- land, Egypt, and West Africa. 5009 Case of "Groups" of Medals, worn by individual soldiers. 5010 Case of Indian Medals, 1845-57. 5011 Case of Indian Medals. 1857-95. 5012 Case of Medals, issued for the Campaign in the Crimea. 5013 Case of Waterloo Medals. 5014 Case of Regimental Medals and Badges. 5015 Case of Early English Medals and decorations, 1500-1746. 5016 Case of Medals of the Militia, Yeomanry, and old " Loyal Volunteers." 5017 Naval Medals issued since 1840. 5018 Naval Medals and other "Naval Awards" for Actions between 1793-1840. 5019 Case of Naval Medals for Actions between 1793- 1840. 5020 Case of Naval Medals for Actions between 1793- 1840. 5021 Case of Victoria Crosses, and other rare medals. Deposited by Major-Qeneral the Lord Cheylesmorc, c.v.o. 5022. Flint-lock Pistol, with brass trigger guard and butt cap about 1812. Twelve inches. 5023. Cavalry Carbine, flint-lock, S. B., M, L., 1836. 5024. Flint-lock Musket, S. B., M. L., Elliot's Patent, date 1823 (as 5125). 5O25-5O26. Two Sword-Bayonets, Brunswick, brass hilts. 5027. Flint-lock Pistol, brass trigger-guard and butt trap, about 1812. Twelve inches. 5028. Flint-lock Musket, 3. B., M. L., Elliot's Patent, date 1823 (as 5125). 5029-5O48. -Twenty Flint-lock Pistols, 4 inches, steel swivel-rammers, brass trigger-guards. Date about 1826. 5O49-51O6. Fifty-six Sword Bayonets, Brunswick pattern brass hilts. 216 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 51O7-5124. Eighteen Flint-lock Pistols, 1 2 in. with wooden rammers, brass trigger-guards, and butt-caps, steel belt attachments. Date about 18U8. 5125-514-2. Eighteen Small Muskets, Elliot's pattern, S. B. M.L., with steel rammers, brass trigger-guards, butt- plates, fore-ends, and other fittings. Date 1823. 514-3. Boarding Pike, date about 1800. 51 44-51 45. Two German Halbards. 5146. Hal bard, time of Charles II. 514-7. Foot Soldier's Pole-axe, 15th century. 5148. Pike, 17th century. ' 5149. Swiss Halbard, 15th century. 515O. Gisarme, 15th century. 5151. Halbard, time of George I. 5152-5157. Six Pike-heads, date about 1650. 5158. Pioneer's Sword, 1858 pattern. 5159-5176. Eighteen Pike-heads of about 1790 5178. A Suit of Chain Mail, with red cross on the breast, taken at the Battle of Omdurman. Deposited by Major-General V. Button, C.B. 5179. A Suit of Chain Mail, taken at the Battle of Omdurman. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 5182. Skull Cap, with nose-piece and quilted curtains, protected by chain-mail, worn by a Dervish Emir at the Battle of Omdurman, September 2nd, 1898, and picked up on the field. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 5183. Quilted Gibba of a mounted Dervish, killed at Khartoum. Deposited by Major-General V. Eatton, C.B. 5184. Quilted Gibba of a mounted Dervish killed at the battle of Khartoum. Deposited by Major Elmslie. 5185. Skull Cap, with moveable nose-piece, and fitted with quilted curtains protected' by chain-mail, picked up at the Battle of Omdurman, 2nd September, 1898. Deposited by Captain N. M. Smyth, V.O. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 217 5188. A Dervish Flag, taken at the Battle of Omdurman. 5189. Two Small Spears, taken from the Dervishes at Omdur- man. Deposited by Major W. F. Elmslie, 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers. 50 9O. Dervish Flag, taken at the Battle of Omdurman. Deposited by Lieut. -Colonel F. B. Elmslie and Officers, S7th Field Battery, E.F.A. 5191. A Pair of Camel Drums, which belonged to the Dervish Emir. Wad-el-Bishara, who was defeated at Dongola, and killed at the Atbara in 1898. Deposited by Lieut. -Colonel A. T. Sloggett, R.A.M.C. 5193. Two Dervish Banners from the Battlefield of Omdurman. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton., C.B. 5196. Sudanese Head-piece for Horse. It was the pro- perty of the Dervish Emir Zakhi Osman, who escaped to Omdurman after the defeat of Mahmoud's Force at the Battle of Atbara. 6th April. 1898. Deposited by Captain N. M. Smyth, V.C. 5197. Dervish War Drum taken at Omdurman, 2nd September, 1898. Deposited by Major F. B. Elmslie and Officers, S7th Field Battery, E.F.A. 5198. Dervish War Drum taken at Omdurman, 2nd September, 1898. 5199. Gibba of a Dervish child found at Omdurman. Deposited by Lieut. -Colonel A. T. Sloggett, B.A.M.C. 5201. Six Dervish Spears from the Battle of Omdurman. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B 52O2. Three Fish, or Hunting Spears, used by the Shillooks a tribe of Dervishes, from the Battle of Omdurman. De- posited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 5205. Large Spear-head from the battlefield of Omdurman carried by one of the Khalifa's personal Body Guard. Deposited by Major-General V. Hatton, C.B. 52O9. A Dervish Steel Spear for penetrating steel armour carried by Khalifa Mahmud, taken at Khartoum, 2nd Sep- tember, 1898. Deposited by Captain N. M. Smyth, V.C 521 0. Baggara Horse Spear of the Dervish leader, Omar es Sheikh, killed at the Atbara, April 6th, 1898, taken by Major Le Gallais, 8th Hussars. Deposited by Captain N. M. Smyth, V.C. 218 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 5211. Baggara Horse Spear, belonging to the Dervish Emir Lakki Oman, formerly Governor of Berber, taken at the Battle of the Atbara. Deposited by Captain N. M. Smyth, v.o. 5212. Dervish Banner taken at the Battle of Omdurman. Deposited by Major M. Peake, E.A. 5213. The Original Flag of Mahomet Ahmed, "The Mahdi " which was taken at the final defeat of the Khalifa at Umdubericat on November 24th, 1899, by the 9th Suda- nese Battalion, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel W. E. B. Doran, D.S.O. Deposited by Lieut.-Colonel W. B. B. Doran, D.S.O. 5214 Metal Top of the Tomb of the " Mahdi," at Omdur- man. It was, shelled by the 37th Field Battery, R.F.A. Deposited by Lieut.-Colonel F. B. Elmslie and Officers, S7th Battery, B.F.A. 5215. Seven-pounder Brass Field Gun, which originally belonged to the Egyptian Force under Hicks Pasha, which was annihilated by the Mahdists in the Sudan in 1883. It was recovered at the Battle of Omdurman on September 3rd, 1898, by the Anglo-Egyptian Forces. Deposited by Lieut.-Colonel F. B. Elmslie, and Officers, S7th Battery, B.F.A. 5219. A Dervish Shield, taken at the Capture of Dongola, 1896. Deposited by Lieut.-Colonel A. T. Sloggett, B.A.M.C. 5220. A Dervish Spear, with long head, taken at Omdurman. 5224. Dervish Sword, with Arabic inscription, taken from Omdurman after the great battle. Deposited by Major- General V. Eatton, C.B. 5226. Dervish Sword from Omdurman. 523O. Dervish Leather Water-bottle. Deposited by Lieut.- Colonel A. T. Sloggett, B.A.M.C. 5235. Lord Nelson's Cabin Wash-stand given by him to Mr. J. Brown, purser, R.N., for some time his private secretary. Deposited by John Brown, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 219 5236. Lord Nelson's Telescope. It was presented after his death on October 21st, 1805, to hie friend V ice-Admiral Sir Thomas Fremantle, Q C.B. Deposited by Admiral Honourable Sir E. B. Fremantle, Q.C.B., C.M.G. 5237. Breech-loading Rifled Carbine, Sharpe's Patent, 1845 5238. Flint-lock Rifled Carbine, M. L., with swivel rammer and brass fittings, period George III. 5239. Percussion Rifled Carbine, with steel rammer, leaf sight. Calisher and Terry. 5240. A Carbine of the Eoyal Horse Guards time of George III., fitted with wooden rammer ; has smooth bore and flint-lock ; barrel 37 inches long. 5241. Short Seven-barrelled Musket, barrels browned and marked " H. Nock," steel rammer, brass fittings, flint-lock. Early 19th century. 5242. Musket, flint-lock, with bayonet, about 1765, barrel 40 in long ; steel rammer. 5243 Flint-lock Musket of the time of George IV., with bayonet, barrel browned and 37 in. in length; steel ram- mer. 5244. Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet, of the time of George III., the. lock marked "Tower"; steel rammer. The barrel is 3 ft. 7 in. in length. 5245. Flint-lock Carbine, with short bayonet, of the time of George III., brass fittings with steel rammer; barrel 29 in. in length. 5246. Pioneer's Musket, with bayonet, of the time of George III., flint-lock, steel rammer; the length of the barrel is 37 in. 5247. Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet, Indian pattern, of the time of George III., steel rammer; barrel 87 in. in length. 5248. Percussion Rifled Carbine, of 1857, steel swivel- rammer. 220 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 5249. Sharp's Patent Breech-loading Cavalry Car- bine, drop action, percussion lock (hammer missing), date 1848. Barrel 22 in. long. 5250. Percussion Breech-loading Carbine, Maynard's patent, 1845. 5251. Light Cavalry Percussion Carbine, M. L., steel swivel-rammer. Date about 1830; the length of the barrel is 16 in. 5252. A Flint-lock Carbine, with musket bore, heavy cavalry pattern, about 1820. Length of barrel 26 in. ; steel rammer. 5253. A Flint-lock Carbine, with bayonet, Indian pattern, of the time of George IV., steel rammer; length of barrel 30 in. 5254. Flint-lock Carbine, with short bayonet, used by the Woolwich Cadets, 1820, steel rammer ; length of barrel 36 in. 5255 Flint-lock Rifled Musket of the time of George IV. with hand bayonet steel rammer ; length of barrel 30 in. 5256. Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet, Land Regulars, of the time of George IV., steel rammer; barrel 40 in. in length. 5257. Smooth-bore Percussion Musket, with bayonet, 1839 pattern, barrel 38 in. ; steel rammer. 5258. Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet, sea service pattern 1820, barrel 36 in. ; steel rammer. 5259. Percussion Rifled Carbine for Foot Artillery, with sword-bayonet. Date about 1850. Barrel 24 in. long ; steel rammer. 5260. Percussion Musket, with bayonet, pattern 1838, barrel 38 in. ; steel rammer. Date about 1838. 5261. Musket and Bayonet, R. E. pattern, H.E.I.C., dated 1846. Percussion lock, barrel 39 in. in length ; steel rammer. 5262. Sergeant's Percussion Musket, with bayonet, date 1842, barrel 30 in. in length ; steel rammer. 5263. Percussion Musket, 1842 pattern, with bayonet, barrel 30 in. in length ; steel rammer. 5264. Percussion Musket, with bayonet, R.M.L.I. pattern, date 1847, barrel 40 in. in length ; steel rammer. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 221 5265. Short Flint-lock Musket, with bayonet, sea service pattern. Date about 1820. Length of barrel 26 in. ; steel rammer. 5266. Minie Rifle Musket, with bayonet, percussion lock steel rammer, leaf-sight; length of barrel 39 in. 5267. Percussion Musket, S. B., East India Company, pattern 1858, with bayonet, steel rammer, and fixed sight. 5268. Converted Enfield Snider Rifle, with bayonet, B. L., dated 1860. 5269. Carbine, R. E. pattern, 1858, percussion lock, sword-bayonet, leaf -sight. 5270. Victoria Carbine, I860, percussion lock, steel swivel- rammer. 5271. Sergeant's Fusil, 1850, with bayonet; percussion lock, steel rammer, leaf-sight. 5272. Percussion Rifled Musket, 1827, R. M. L. I. pattern, 5273. Brunswick Rifle, with sword-bayonet, percussion lock steel rammer, hinged-sight. 5274. Lancaster Rifled Carbine, R.E. pattern, sword-bayonet steel rammer, percussion lock, and leaf-sight. 5275. Enfield Rifled Musket, for Infantry, 1853, with bayonet steel rammer, .percussion lock, and leaf-sight. 5276. Short Rifle, with sword-bayonet, for Rifle Regiments, 1855 percussion lock, steel rammer, and 1 leaf-sight. 5277. American Short Rifle, three grooves, 1857; sword- bayonet, percussion lock, steel rammer, and moveable bands. 5278. American Rifled Musket, three grooves, 1857, with bayonet, steel rammer, percussion lock, and leaf-sight. 5279. Chinese Boxer Coat, taken in the campaign of 1900. 528O. Chinese Boxer Coat, taken in the campaign of 1900. 5281. Portion of a Boxer's (Chinese) Dress, taken in the Campaign of 1900. 5282. Hat as worn by Boxers. 5283* Morion, 17th century. 223 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 5284. Suit of Armour (Pikeman), consisting of casque, gorget back-piece, breast-piece, garde de rein. 5286. Mauser Carbine, bent bolt, manufactured at Berlin in 1896. Deposited by Lieut. -Colonel Count Gleichen, C.V.O., C.M.G., D.S.O. 5287. Mauser Rifle, bent bolt, manufactured at Berlin. De- posited by Major J. E. Gaunter. 5288. Steyr Drop-action Rifle. Deposited by Major J. E. Gaunter. 5289. Mauser Rifle, straight bolt, manufactured at Berlin. Deposited by Major J. E. Gaunter. 529O. Lee Rifle, 1879 (Watson). 5291. Gras Rifle, 1877. 5292 Vetterlin Rifle. 5293. Krag-Jorgensen Rifle (1897 pattern U.S.A.) 5294. Vetterlin Rifle. 5295. Super's Patent Rifle. 5296. Percussion Muzzle-loading Gun, with octagonal barrel, surrendered by the Boers. 5297. Westley-Richards Patent Rifle, Henry action. 5298 Martini-Henry Rifle. 5299. Flint-lock Musket, of the time of George III., and stamped with the Tower mark, handed in by the Boers in the South African War. Deposited by Major J. E. Gaunter. 5300. Mauser Rifle, straight bolt. Berlin 1896 . Deposited by Major J. E. Gaunter. 5301. - 17th Lancer Shabraque, which belonged to His Royal Highness, The Duke of Cambridge, Colonel 17th Lancers. Deposited by the Officer Commanding, 17th Lancers. 5302. A Remington Sporting Rifle, taken from the Boers, 1900. Deposited by Major J. E. Gaunter. 5303. Westley-Richards Sporting Rifle, surrendered by the Boers, 1900. Deposited by Major J. E. Gaunter. 53O5. Double-barrelled and'Rifled Carbine of 1854; per- cussion lock and steel rammer ; leaf-sight, OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 223 531 0. Model of a Central Pivot Carriage for 4-72 Breech Loading Gun. Naval Service. Deposited by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. 5311. Model of a Central Pivot Carriage with circular slide for Howitzer Breech Loading Gun. Deposited by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. 5312. Model of a Centre Pivot Coast Carriage for 9-4-in. Breech Loading Gun, with hand loading mechanism. De- posited by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. 5313.- Model of a Forward Pivot Carriage for 4-72 Breech Loading Gun for Naval Service. Deposited by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. 5314. Model of an Hydraulic Disappearing Gun Carriage on Central Pivot. Deposited by Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co. 5315-5316 Model of a Self-righting Life Boat fitted with water ballast. The water ballast is contained in a series of tanks amid- ships, which can be filled with water or emptied at will in one minute. The object is to increase the immersion of_the boat, and, consequently, her draught of water and stability when circumstances admit of doing so. without materially increasing her fixed weight for land carriage, or her draught of water when launching, or in very shallow water. The water is kept as nearly amidships as possible, and the tanks are separate so that one or more can be filled as the case may require. They also form water-tight chambers round the trunks of the drop keels in case they should leak through injury or otherwise. Deposited by the Royal National Life-Boat Institution. 5317. Model Of Life Belt adopted by the Royal National Life- Boat Institution and supplied to the crews of all the life- boats of that Society. Invented by Captain J. R. Ward, B.N. Deposited by the Royal National Life-Boat Institu- tion. 5318. Cavalry Carbine, flint-lock, M.L., steel swivel, rammer and brass fittings. Date 1834. Maton's pattern. 5319. Cavalry Carbine, M.L., rifled, percussion, steel swivel, rammer and brass fittings. Date about 1830. 532O. Cavalry Carbine, M. L., S. B., flint-lock, steel swivel rammer and brass fittings. Date about 1825. 5321-5336. Flint-IOCk Pistol, 9 in. barrel, steel swivel, rammer and brass fittings. Date, 1820. 224 KOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 5337-5338. Flint-lock Pistol, S. 6., steel swivel, rammer, for sea service. Date, 1830. 5339-536O. Barbed Wooden Spear from the northern territory of South Australia. Deposited by Colonel J. F. Owen, B.A. 5361-5365. -Wooden Spear from the northern territory of South Australia. Deposited by Colonel J. F. Owen, It. A.. 5366.- Repeating Flint-lock Pistol of peculiar mechanism ; the ball and powder magazine in the butt are filled from the door on the left of the lock, the lever being turned upward and forward and back again completes the action of load- ing and priming ; 9 shots can be fired in succession. It was B-esented by the Pasha of Tripoli to the late Admiral W. . Smyth, F.R.S. Deposited by Captain N. M. Smyth, V.C., Queen's Bays. 5367. Mauser Ten-shot Automatic Pistol (No. 14533) sighted to 500 yards. Deposited by Westley, Bichards & Co. 5368. Russian Army Revolver. Deposited by Mestrt. Bland % Co. 5369. Double-barrel, "Under and Over" Hammerless Pistol, 577 C. F., with oscillating " firing hammer tumbler," for conical or spherical bullets and shot. Deposited by Charles Lancaster and Co. 537O. Webley's Metropolitan Police Revolver. posited by Messrs. Webley and Co. 5371. Royal Irish Constabulary Revolver. Deposited by the Webley and Scott Revolver and Arms Co. 5372. Wooden Gun bound with Iron Hoops, used by the Philippine rebels and taken by the forces of the Spanish Crown at the storming of Imus, in the province of Cavite, near Manila, after a tremendous attack and desperate re- sistance, on March 25th, 1897. Deposited by Commandei A. Galloway, B.N. 5373. Percussion Musket, with octagonal barrel and woo. A. Eye, Esq. fti i'lclAl, rATAi.oi.Uk. 22? 5O19. Seven Line Engravings, published by Messrs. Colnaghi & Co., in 1812, drawn by H. L'Eveque, and engraved by Charles Heath, entitled : The Landing of the British Army at Mondego Bay." The Battle of Vimiero." The Bridge of Saltador." The Bridge of Nodin." The Attack of the Rear Guard of the French at Salamonde." " Passage of the Douro." 6020. Jaws of a Shark, killed by Lieutenant Fitton, R.N., when commanding the tender of H.M.S. " Abergavenny," off San Domingo, in August, 1799. 6021. Jaws of a gigantic blue Shark killed by two boats' crews of a whaling vessel when whaling off the south coast of New Holland. 6022. An Original Copy of "Bells Weekly Messenger," for 10th November, 1805, with an account of the Battle of Trafalgar and Lord Nelson's death. 6023. A SnufF Box, taken from the pocket of a French Officer who fell in the Battle of Vimiera, 21st August, 1808. The box bears the following inscription: " Libert e des Mers Esperance de tous les Peuples." Given by Major-General C. J. Home. 6024. A Water-colour Painting of "The Kwaga Pass, Afghani stan," showing the force under Lieut. -General Sir Donald Stuart, 1878. Painted and bequeathed by Li(ut .-General Sir E. H. Sankey, K.C.B., E.E. 6025. Shoulder-belt Plate of the 1st Regiment "The Royal Scots," worn up to 1855. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham. 6026. Shoulder-belt Plate of the 93rd Highlanders.- Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham. 6027. Shoulder-belt Plate of the llth Foot, Given by Ti*ut..- Colonel A. LeetJiam. 6O28. A Print in Colours of the British Swiss Legion, 1854-1856 Given by Viscount Dillon, F.S.A. *- - 6O29. Cavalry Sword and Scabbard, 1908 pattern. Given by The Secretary of State for War. 6O3O. Small Oil Painting of a Trooper of the 2nd Life Guards, with the camp in the distance, executed about 1820. Given by Lieut. -Colon el li. Mackenzie-Holden. 228 ROYAL UNITED SRRVTCE MUSEUM. 6031. A Relic of the Mutiny of the Nore, being an instruction for- bidding all Officers of the Fleet to go on shore, by order of the Committee of the Mutineers. Dated H.M.S. " Swan," 1st June, 1797. Given by J. W. Marshall, Esq. 6032. Helmet Plate of the 1st ami 2nd Battalions The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), worn from 1881 to 1895. Given by Captain H. D. W. Lloyd. 6033. Helmet Plate of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), worn from 1881 to 1895. Given by Captain H. J). W. Lloyd. 6034. Cap Badge of The Camuronians (Scottish Rifles), worn from 1881 to 1895. Given by Captain H. D. W. Lloyd. 6035, Sword, presented to Colonel J. Macphail on his leaving the Government of Cerigo (Ionian Islands), 1830. The trans- lation of the inscription on the Scabbard is "The Com- munity gratefully remembering the benefits conferred by Macphail, unanimously desire to offer to him this tribute of a sword." The Sabre, which is of the finest Persian make, was formerly the property of the Pacha of Morea. The scabbard was designed and chased in gold by the Chevalier Prosalendi, a pupil of Canova. Lent by J. E. St. M. Macphail, Esq. 6036. Badge of the St. Martins-in-the-Fiekls Infantry Association, formed in May, 1798. In 1801 the Corps was commanded by Major A. B. Drummond, who had under him two Captains, three Lieutenants, and three Second-Lieutenants. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham. 6037. Officer's Belt Buckle of "The King's (Liverpool Regi- ment)," worn from 1881 to 1904. Given by Lieut. -Colonel E. Montagu. 6038. A Pair of Mule Trunks, formerly the property of Brigadier- General John Nicholson and used by him during the Indian Mutiny, 1857. tiiren by F Stewart, Esq. 6040. -Sash worn by General Robert E. Lee, born in 1807, son of General Harry Lee, of Washington's Army. At the age of 56 he took command of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, 1st June, 1862, between which date and 9th April, 1865, he directed Seven Campaigns. He was made Com- mnnder-in-Chief of all the Confederate forces on 9th April 1885. Died 1870. Given by General E. H. dive. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 229 6O41. Medals and Decorations of the late Surgeon-General Sir James Mouat, V.C., K.C.B., consisting of the following : Victoria Cross. Badge and Pendant of the Order of the Bath. Queen Victoria Jubilee Medal. Crimean Medal (3 clasps). New Zealand Medal. French Legion of Honour. Turkish Crimean Medal. Bequeathed by the late Lady Mouat. 6042. The First Machine Gun ever used on land. The 12th Battalion The London Regiment, then known as the Central London Rangers, have the distinction of being the first Corps either regular or auxiliary in any army, to demonstrate the value of machine guns. Two Nordenfelt guns, one of which is the one here exhibited, became the property of the Corps in the year 1882 ; but, owing to difficulties with the authorities, their official recognition did not take place for some time, and for seven or eight years afterwards the Battalion remained the only one so equipped. Given by the Officers, 12th Battalion The London Regiment. 6043. Models of the Mainmast and Mainyard of H.M.S. "Asia," flagship of Sir Edward Codrington, at the Battle of Navarino (20th October, 1827), showing the damage done to the mast in that action ; the models are made from the wood of the old mast. Given by Major-General A. E. Codrington, C.V.O., C.B. 6045. -Model of a Corvette circa. 1860, the period \vhen steam was first introduced into warships. The hull of the model is eight feet in length. Given by Captain Thomas Suckling, E.N. 6046. Silver Figure, illustrative of fame, given to Captain Sir Robert Le Mesurier McClure, R.N., the Arctic Explorer, by Officers of the Royal Navy ; and the Decorations and Medals of Sir Robert McClure, as fol- lows : Order of Companion of the Bath, Ch\na Medal, clasp "Canton, 1857,'' Arctic Med&\. Bequeathed ly Lady McClure. 6047. - Model "of a flat-bottomed boat for the disembarkation of troops, circa. 1780, with troops on board. 6O48. Gorget worn by Lieut.-Colonel John Drinkwater. Royal Manchester Volunteers (72nd Regiment), author of the " History of the late Siege of Gibraltar," during the siege of Gibraltar (1779-83). Given ly Lieutenant C. H. Maiden, B.M.L.l. Q a 230 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6049. - Shoulder-belt Plate of the Royal Manchester Volunteers worn by Lieut. -Colonel John Drinkwater during the Siege of Gibraltar. Given by Lieutenant C. H. Maiden, E.M.L.l. 6050. Gorget, worn by Lieut.-Colonel John Drinkwater. Colonel Drinkwater entered the Army in 1777 in the Royal Man- chester Volunteers, raised at the expense of that town, and served in it throughout the siege and blockade of Gibraltar until it was disbanded in 1783. On half-pay he wrote the work, " History of the late Siege of Gibraltar," and in 1787 he joined the 2nd Battalion of the 1st Royals and proceeded to Toulon and became Military Secretary to the Governor, and afterwards Military Secretary in Corsica till the evacuation in 1796. From 1811 to 1835 he was Comptroller of Army Accounts. Died 1844. Given by Lieutenant C. H. Maiden, B.M.L.I. 6051. Shabracque used by General Sir C. J. Napier, G.C.B., at the Battle of Meanee (17th February, 1843), when he rode his Arab charger, " Red Rover." Given by The Misses Napier. 6052. An Iron Ring recovered from the "Mary Rose," which foundered on 20th July, 1545. It is believed to be a hoop of one of the guns. See No. 2946. Given by Lieut.-Colonel L. A. Gordon. 6053. Model Of H. M.S. "Mars," a line of Battleship which was present at the Battle of Trafalgar. The model is made of bone and was the work of French prisoners of war. Bequeathed by Arthur George Guillemard, Esq. 6O54. Small Model in bone (made by French Prisoners) of a line of battleship of the commencement of the 19th Century. Bequeatlied as above. 6055. A Print in Colour by Rowlandson, dated 1798, of the Deptford Volunteer Cavalry. 6O56. The Original Plaster Cast of the Memorial erected at Sandgate to the memory of Lieut. -General Sir John Moore, K.B., who fell in action at the Battle of Corunna, 16th January, 1809. Given by the Committee, "Sir John Moore's Memorial at Sandgate." 6057. A Lithograph, showing the Uniforms worn by the Staff of the Army in 1860. 6058. A Print, entitled "The Triumphal Reception of the Seikh Guns," from the picture painted by W. Taylor, and engraved by F. C. and G. G. Lewis. 6059. Shot picked ur> on the deck of H.M.S. " Asia," at the Battle of Navarino in 1827, and supposed to be the one which wounded Midshipman Codrington, afterwards Admiral Sir H. J. Codrington. Given by Staff-Surgeon B. Browning, R.N. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 231 6O60. Westley Richards Patent Percussion Carbine, date, circa. 1840. Given by R. H. Harrod, Esq. 6061. -Model of H.M.S. "Mars," a ship of the line which was present at the Battle of Trafalgar. The model was built previous to the construction of the actual ship, and was given to Mr. W. J. Muggins, the Artist, by King William IV., who had commanded him to paint some pictures of the Battle of Trafalgar, which, when completed, were hung in Greenwich Hospital. Given by E. Dwncan, Esq. 6062. -Shako and Plume as worn by the London Rifle Brigade (5th Battalion the London Regiment), from the year 1859. Given by the Officers, London Rifle Brigade. 6063. Shoulder-belt Plate of the Royal East Perth Local Militia. 6O64. Shoulder-belt Plate of the 1st Devon Local Militia. 6065. Shoulder-belt Plate of the 1st Jersey Militia. 6066. -Shako Plate worn by Officers of the Infantry between the years 1800-12. 6O67. Large Painting in Oils of the charge of the Heavy Cavalry Brigade at Balaclava, 25th of October, 1854, painted and bequeathed by Major-General Sir Alexander Elliot, K.C.B., who participated in the charge with the 5th Dragoon Guards. 6068. -A Statue of a Zulu Warrior executed and bequeathed by Major-General Sir Alexander Elliot, K.C.B. 6O69. Miniature Portrait of Captain H. Cobb, who commanded the " Kent," East Indiaman, destroyed by fire. The ship was one of 1,350 tons burthen, and left the Downs on 19th February, 1825, bound for Bombay. In the Bay of Biscay she encountered a dreadful storm on 28th February. On the next day she accidentally took fire. The " Cambria," Captain Cook, bound to Vera Cruz, providentially hove in sight, and nearly all on board were saved. The "Kent" blew up on 2nd March. Given by Mrs. Westmacott. 6071. -Officer's Belt Buckle, Royal North British Fusiliers. Given by Miss Cftpcl Rose. 6072. - Piece of a large quantity of Boer Ammunition (some 2,000,000 rounds), destroyed near Bethlehem, O.R.C., on 31st July, 1900, when Commandant Prinsloo and his force surrendered. The specimen shows a cartridge case of all the three kinds of ammunition used bv the Boers, viz., the Martini-Henry, the Steyr, and the Mauser. The Mauser clip can also be seen embedded in the molten lead. Given by Captain W. FJ. C. Tanner, 232 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6073. Panel, taken from the side of the Railway Carriage used by President Steyn, Orange Free State. Given by H. Vaudrey Capon, Esq. 6O74 Camp Bedstead, formerly the property of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K.G., and is stated to have been used by him during the Waterloo Campaign. The Duke gave it to Inspector-General of Army Hospitals, S. Wpolriche, and at his death it came into the possession of Miss Alice Penzer, of Bridgnorth, and on her death it was purchased for the Institution. 6075. Officer's Shako Plate and Officer's Belt Buckle of the 81st Regiment. Given by Lieut-Colonel W. H. M. Jackson. 6O76. A French Soldier's Birth and Baptismal Cer- tificate found on the Field after the Battle of Waterloo, June 18th, 1815. Given by Lieut .-C olonel W. H. M. Jackson. 6077. Two Frames, containing 3i Water-colour paintings (17 in each) of types of British Army, executed in 1881 by R. Simkin. 6O78. Specimen Medal, issued by the Militia Rifle Association for skill at arms, and presented to the best shot of Unit amongst N.C.O.'s and men, instituted 1904. Given by The Secretary, Militia Rifle Association. 6O79. Silver Gorget of the time of George I., with the Royal Arms heavily embossed. 6O80. A Mezzotint Engraving, by T. L. Atkinson and published in 1859, of Brigadier-General John Jacob, C.B., Jacob's Horse. Given by Sir William H. E. Green. K.C.S.I., C.B. 6081. Sledge of H.M.S. " Alert," used in the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76. Given by Lieut. M. Tceling, late E.JV. 6082. Terra-Cotta Figure of Buddha. It formed part of a Buddhistic Temple, which had been carefully concealed by being covered with earth and stones, prior to the Mahom- medan invasion of India in 1001 A.D., but more probably during the 6th Century, A.D., when the Buddhists were suppressed by the Brahmins. It was unearthed in Decem- ber, 1878. at the base of the Fortress AH Musiid, in the Khyber Pass, when a Sungar or stone breast work was being strengthened on the summit of a dome-shaped mound, on which a picket was posted and had been heavily attacked- Given by Lieut. -Colon el W. H. M. Jackson, OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 233 6O83. A Painting in Oils, l>v Nibbs, representing H.M.8. " Fury," 6 guns, Captain Edward Tathani, after having been ordered by Admiral Dundas to reconnoitre Sebastopol early in the Russian War (1854-6), being chased by Russian warships mounting in all some 120 guns. The " Fury," on the occasion, succeeded in making prisoners the crew of a Russian schooner. Given by E. T. Twiss, Esq. 6O84.-The First Shot directed against the British Fleet at Sebastopol, in 1854, having been fired at H.M.S. " Fury," 6 guns, Captain Edward Tatham. Given by E. T. Twits, Esq. 6085.- Flint Lock Musket, known as a "Trade Gun," with red stock it is the type used by Negroes during the various wars on the West Coast of Africa, the charge generally consisted of slugs or broken pieces of iron stone. There is still a large yearly export of gunflints from England. 6086. - Bar-shot found when excavating for the foundations of 19, Warrior Square, St. Leonards-on-Sea. It was probably fired in the action off Beachy Head on 30th June, 1690, when the allied British and Dutch fleets, under Torrington, were defeated by the French fleet under de Tourville. Given by W. Crewdson, Esq. 6O87. Stone Shot, roughly moulded, 8.J inches in diameter. Weight, 27 pounds. 6088. Stone Shot, 7 inches in diameter. Weight 10 pounds. 6089. Stone Shot, excavated at Moors Castle, Gibraltar, in 1892, by Corporal Simpson, the Black Watch. 5 inches in diameter. Weight, 6^ pounds. Given by Corporal Simpson, the Slack Watch. 6090. -Stone Shot from Gibraltar. 5 inches in diameter. Weight, 6 pounds. 6O91. Stone Shot, 4 inches in diameter. M T eight 3 Ibs. 6O92. Stone Shot from Southampton. 3J inches in d-ameter. Weight, 2i pounds. 6O93. -Stone Shot used at the Siege of Athlone in 1689, and found in the river, 3 inches in diameter. Weight, 1$ pounds. Given by Commander NeircnTiam, JR.I\ T . 6O94. Stone Shot from Malta 12 inches in dinmeter. Given F>y Lieut. -Colon el Wallace, K.A. 6O95. Stone Shot found in the Ditch of the Tower of London. 11 inches in diameter, Weight, 52 pounds, <7?rr7i by Tie "Board of Ordnance. 234 BOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6096 Iron Shot, dredged up at Emsworth, 3J inches in diameter. Weight, 05 pounds. Given by Admiral Sir E. Ommanny, K.C.B., F.E.S. 6O97. iron Shot. 4 inches in diameter. AVeight, 8| Ibs. 6098. I ron Shot made in two sections Diameter, 4 inches Weight, 12 pounds. Dug up at Alexandria. Given by Captain Haycock. 6099. Iron Shot. Diameter, 4| inches. Weight, 12 Ibs. 6100. Iron Shot, discovered in June, 1901, near Soutlnvold. Prob- ably used in the action of Solebay in 1672 between the Dutch and the combined fleets of England and France. Diameter 7 inches. Given by G. Burrell, Esq. 6101. Smoke-Ball, being a spherical case filled with a composition which, while burning, would emit a great quantity of smoke. The contrivance was used principally for purposes of concealment or for annoying an enemy engaged in siege operations. 61 02. Iron Shot from China, containing laminated plates of iron Diameter 9 inches. Given by G. W. Servantes. Esq. 6103. Chinese Chain Shot taken at the Bogue Forts. Given by Captain W. H. Hall, E.N. 61O4. -Bar-Shot, 12 inches in length, with flat extremities. 6105. Bar-Shot, 14 inches in length witli spherical ends. 6106. Bar-Shot, 15 inches in length. Weight, 38 Ibs. Fired from a Fort into H.M.S. " Superb " at Lord Exmouth's attack on Algiers. Given by Admiral Sir Charles Ekins, K.C.B. 61O7. Linked-Shot of Spanish Manufacture. 61O8. -Chinese Chain-Shot taken at the Bogue Forts. 61O9. Large Linked-Shot, 45J inches in length. 611O. 32-pounder Solid Shot, land or sea service. Diameter, 6 inches. 6111 Spanish Shell filled with metal of great weight, dug up al Gibraltar. Given by Colonel Gore Browne, S.A. 6132. Bronze Medal, in commemoration of the Tercentenary of the Founding of Quebec by Champlain. Given by The Battlefields Commission, Quebec, Canada. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 235 6113. -A Sepia Drawing, by Captain W. Willermin, Royal Staff Corps, of the " Battle of Alexandria," 21st March, 1801. 6114. -A Painting in Water Colours of "The Coldstream Guards " in Square, 1854, by C. Pickering. Given by Sir John Harrow. 6115. A Painting in Water Colours, by C. Pickering, of the costume of the Army and Navy, 1854. Given by Sir John Barrow-. 6116. A Range Finder (incomplete) recorered from the Cabin of the late Lieut. W. G. P. Graves, R.N., after the foundering of H.M.S. "Gladiator" in the Solent, 25th April, 1908. This officer was the inventor of a special range-finder. Given by Mrs. Kingstown Barton. 6117. -Shoulder-belt Plate of the 81st Regiment, formerly be- longing to Colonel W. B. Browne (1842-1882). Given by Mrs. Browne. 6118. Shako Plate of the 76th Regiment. Given by Godfrey Faussett, Esq. 6119. - A Black Dervish Flag, found in the House of the Khalifa at Omdurman, 1898. The Flag was known as " The Banner of the Devil," and was used at Rhamadan. Given by Captain C. J. Clerk, late 21st Lancers. 6120.- Shako Plate of the 81st Regiment of the pattern worn in 1842. formerly belonging to Colonel W. B. Browne. Given by Mrs. Browne. 6121. A Water Colour Sketch of General Sir Hope Grant, G.C.B., executed by Lieut. -Colonel H. Hope Crealock in China, 1860. 6122. -A Print in Colours, "The Hussars," 1846, from a picture painted by M. A. Hayes. 6123. Helmet Plate of the 81st Regiment worn up to 1881. Given by T. G. Kerans, Esq., late 81st Bcgiment. 6124. Shako with green plume of the . r >lst K 0. Yorkshire Light Infantry, worn up to 1878 ; the plume was abolished in 1873, and a green ball substituted. Given by Lieut. -Colonel . G. Adamson, late 51st Light Infantry. 6125.- Shako Plate of the 81st Regiment, of the pattern used from about ly/H to 1864. Given by Mrs. Browne. 236 ROYAL UNITE!) SERVICE MUSEUM. 6126. - Model of the French line-of-battleship " L'lmperiale " (formerly " Vengeur "), 130 guns and 3,000 tons measure- ment, flagship of Vice-Admiral Corentin-Urbain Leissegues, captured and burnt after having run ashore at the battle of Santo Domingo, 6th February, 1806, having lost her main and mizzen masts and some five hundred men killed and wounded. The British squadron was under the com- mand of Vice-Admiral Sir John T. Duckworth and Rear- Admiral the Hon. Alexander F. I. Cochrane. " L'lmperiale," sometimes described as a 120-gun ship, mounted 130 guns in this action, and is acknowledged to have been " le plus fort et le plus vaisseau qui eut jamais cte construit dans aucun pays du monde." The model was taken out of the ship previous to her being burnt. Given by Thomas B. H. Cochrane, Esq., M.V.O., late Lieutenant E.N. 6127. Officer's Belt Buckle of the 20th (East Devonshire) Regiment worn up to 1881. Given by Mrs. E. E. Bollason. 6128. Shoulder-belt Plate, 3rd Regiment, Argyllshire Fencibles. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. B. Cottell. 6129. Scarlet Shell Jacket (Sergeant-Major) 96th Regiment, worn up to 1865. Given by Mrs. E. E. Bollason. 61 30. -Pair ot Officer's Helmet Chains, 3rd P. of w. Dragoon Guards, worn up to 1846. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. B. Cottell. 6131. Officer's Sword, Infantry, Hon. East India Company. Given by Lieut. -Colonel W. H. M. Jackson. 6132. Case containing the following British Cavalry Buttons, con- sisting of: 3rd and 13th Light Dragoons. Set of Tunic Buttons. Set of Hunt Coat Buttons. Given by Lieut. -Col on el A. Leetham. 6133. -Officer's Belt Buckle, 24th (2nd Warwickshire) Regiment, worn up to 1881. Given by Li eut. -Colonel H. It. Farqiihar, late 24th Regiment. 6134. Officer's Shako Plate, 24th Foot, worn up to 1864. Given as above. 6135. -Officer's Shako Plate, 24th Foot, worn up to 1881. Given as above. 61 36. Cap Badges of the Royal Reserve Dragoon Guards Regi- ment, Royal Reserve Hussars, and Lancers Regiments. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. Leetham. These Regiments were raised for service in the United Kingdom during the South African War. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 23< 6137. Case containing tlie following Cavalry Badges, Ac, Shako Badges, 13th and 14th Light Dragoons, Sabretasche Badges, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Dragoon Guards; 1st, 2nd, and 6th Dragoons; 17th Lancers' 10th and 19th Hussars. Sabretasches, 2nd Dragoon Guards; 5th, 12th and 21st Lancers. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A.. Leethaui. 6138. Shako, with green horse-hair plume of the 105th Madras Light Infantry, worn up to 1881 ; the plume was abolished in 1873, and a green ball substituted. Given by Colonel George Byng, late 51st K.O. Yorkshire L.I. 6139. A Line Engraving, entitled "The Distribution of His Majesty's Maundy, Chapel Royal, Whitehall," engraved from the picture drawn by H. S. Grimm, 1773. 6140. A Painting in Oils by James Ward, R.A., entitled "An Allegory, the Genius of Wellington." It was exhibited at the British Institution Exhibition, 1816, and awarded a premium of 1,000 guineas, and is the original from which the large picture was executed, in the terms of the premium, for Chelsea Hospital. Given by Arthur Kaye, Esq., F.S.A. 6141. A Line Engraving, "Valour Displayed," being the storm- ing and taking of Valenciennes by the British troops, etc., under the command of H.B.H. The Duke of York. Given by Miss E. Lloyd. 6142. Twelve Prints in Colour, depicting Scenes in the Burmese War of 1824-5, published by T. Clay in 1826. Given by Captain E. P. F. Purefoy, M.V.O., E.N. 6143. Rifle, Charger Loading, Territorial Force. Given by the Army Council. 6144. Sword, Cavalry, pattern 1809 (with scabbard). Given by the Army Council. 6145. Five Lithograph Engravings, executed in France, entitled, " The Panorama of the Bosphorus." Given by Major A. T. Moore, R.E. 6146. Coloured Print of "Frederick the Great" 17121786. From the nicture by Werner Schuoh. Given by Lieut.- Colonel A. Leetham. 6147. Coloured Print of "The Battle of Leipsic." October 16tV>-18th, 1813. From the picture in the Zeughaus, Berlin, by Werner Schueh. Girrn an above. 61 48.- -Coloured Print of " Field-Varpl'nl Bliiclier at tl'e Battle of Waterloo." From the picture in the Zeughaus, Berlin, -(riven as above. 238 EOYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6149. Six-inch M.L. Experimental Groove Shot. 6150. Eight-inch S.B. Mackay Shot. 6151. Six-inch S.B. Blunt-headed Shot. 6152. 68- Pounder S.B. Solid Shot. 6153. Six-inch S.B. Bessemer Shot. 6154. Section 8-inch S.B. Shrapnel Shell. 6155. Section 12-Pounder Shrapnel Shell. 6156. Section 10-inch Boxers' Parachute Light Ball. 6157. Section 12-Pounder S.B. Common Shell. 6158. Section 8-inch S.B. Common Shell. 6159. 64-Pounder S.B. Shrapnel Shell. 616O. 24-Pounder S.B. Common Shell. 6161. Section of 10-inch S.B. Common Shell. 6162. 9-Pounder S.B. Solid Shot. 6163. 64-Pounder S.B. Solid Shot. 6164. 32-Po under S.B. Grape Shot. 6165. 9-Pounder S.B. Case Shot. 6166. 68-Pounder S.B. Grape Shot. 6167. Sikh Canister Shot (taken at Goojerat). 6168. 32-Pounder S.B. Case Shot. 6169. 13-inch Mortar Carcass S.B. 617O. Section of 13-inch Mortar Common Shell, S.B. 6171. 13-inch S.B. Mortar Common Shell. 6172. 5-Inch R.M.L. Common Shell, S.B. 6173. 9-Pounder, Whitworth Common Shell. 6174. 11O-Pounder, B.L. Armstrong's Common Shell. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 239 6175. 12-Poundcr, Whitworth Solid Shot. 6176. 4O-Pounder B.L. Armstrong's Common Shell. 6177. Section 40-Poundcr B.L. Armstrong's Com- mon Shell. 6178. 2O-Pounder B.L. Armstrong's Shrapnel Shell. 6179. Section HO-Pounder B.L. Armstrong's Com- mon Shell. 618O.2O-Pour.dcr B.L. Armstrong's Common Shell. 6181. 4O-Pounder B.L. Armstrong's Solid Shot. 6182. 12-Pounder Whitworth Shrapnel Shell. 6183. 12-Pounder Whitworth's Solid Shot. 6184. 64-Pounder R.M.L. Shrapnel Shell. 6185. Section 9-Pounder Whitworth's Shrapnel Shell. 6186. -12-Pounder Whitworth's Common Shell. 6187. Section 64-Pounder R.M.L. Shrapnel Shell. 6188. Section 7-inch R.M.L. Common ShelF. 6189. 64-Pounder R.M.L. Common Shell. 6190. Section 7-inch B.L. Armstrong's Common Shell. 6191. Section 64-Pounder R.M.L. Common Shell. 6192. 7-inch R.M.L. Grooved Solid Shot. 6193. 7-inch R.M.L. Studded Solid Shot. 6194. 7-inch B.L. or M.L. Case Shot. 6195. -7-inch M.L. Studded Solid Shot. 6196. 7-inch R.M.L. Hollow-headed Shot. 6197. A Pair of Light Infantry Brass Wings, period about 1800, Regiment unknown. They are believed to have been worn both in the Peninsula and Waterloo Campaigns. Given by Mrs. Belfield. 240 ROYAL UNITED SFRVICE MUSEUM. 6198. Cannon Ball and Three Buiiets i'roin the Field of Bussaco (29th September, 1810). This battle was fought by Wellington with 25,000 men, to secure his retreat to Torres Vedras. The French, under Massena, who attacked, num- bered 40,000, and were repulsed with a loss of 4,500. British loss amounted to 1,300 killed and wounded. The Cannon Ball was probably fired by a gun belonging to Craufurd's Light Division, and was picked up on the posi- tion by the Village of Sula. Given by liaphael Reynolds, Esq., of Lisbon, through the instrumentality of Professor Oman, of Oxford. 6199. A British 6-Pounder Shot and an early British Shrapnel Shell, unexploded (containing 33 bullets), from Redinha, which were found in the bed of the river 10 or 12 yards above the bridge, where the greatest fighting took place (12th March, 1811), and over which the French retreated.- Given by Raphael Reynolds, Esq. of Lisbon, through the instrumentality of Professor Oman, of Oxford. 6200. A Musket Ball from the Field of Rolica, fought Aug. 17th, 1808. It was picked up in the gully, Columbeira, assaulted by the 29th Regiment, and near the spot where Colonel Lake was killed. Given as above. 62O1. Two Portuguese Silver Coins for 1000 Re is and 500 Reis, coined in 1910, to commemorate the Centenary of the Peninsula War. On the reverse is seen the British lion guarding the Arms of Portugal. Given as above, 62O2. Officer's Memorandum Book, compiled by Col. R. Harrison, C.B., R.E. Captain F. W. Lyons, South Staffordshire Regiment, had this book in his breast pocket when attacking the stockade on the Tumbilina: River, in Penang, in 1904. when it was struck by a bullet with no worse result to Captain Lyons than a severe bruise on the chest. Given by General Sir Richard Harrison, G.C.B. 6203. -A Painting: in Water Colour by J. A. Atkinson, entitled " The Allied Sovereigns Reviewing the Troons in Hyde Park," period 1814. Given by Percy Morris, Esq. 6204. A Painting; in Water Colour by J. A. Atkinson' entitled, " Defeat of the French Imperial Guards at Water- loo." Mr. J. A. Atkinson was an artist, of Considerable merit, who painted military pictures in the early part of the last century. Given by Percy Morris, Esq. 6205. Five Assignats (Paper Money) of 'the French Republic, dated 1792, for 50 Livres, 25 Livres, 10 Livres, 5 Livres, and 50 Sols. Given by Lieut. -Colonel W. H. M. Jackson. 62O6. Section 7-inch R.M.L., Double Common Shell. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 241 6207. Section 7-inch R.M.L Common Shell. 6208 7-inch R.M.L. Paliiser Shot. 6209 8-inch R.M.L. Shrapnel Shell. 621O. -Section 8-inch R.M.L. Common Shell. 6211. Section 8-inch. R.M.L- Shrapnel Shell. 6212. 9-inch R.M.L. Paliiser Shot. 6213. Section 9-inch R.M.L. Paliiser Shot. 6214,-9-inch R.M.L. Shrapnel Shell. 6215 Section 9-inch R.M.L. Shrapnel Shell. 6216. 9-inch R.M.L. Common Shell. 6217. Section 9-inch R.M.L. Common Shell. 6218. Section R.M.L. Shrapnel Shell. 6219. -Brass Cylinder for Cordite Charge 12-pr. Q.F. Gun. 6220. -Brass Cylinder for Powder Charge 12-pr. Q.F. Gun. 6221. Brass Cylinder for Powder Charge 6 inch. Q.F. Gun. 6222. Brass Cylinder for 70-pr. Q.F. Gun (Lorenz Pattern) 6223. Brass Cylinder for Cordite Charge 6-inch. Q.F. Gun. 6224. - Brass Cylinder for Powder Charge 4'7 Q.F. Gun. 6225. Brass Cylinder for Cordite Charge 4-7 Q.F. Gun. 6226. 12-Pounder Common Shell, B.L. 6227. 15-Pounder Shrapnel Shell, B.L. 6228. 3-Pound er Hotchkiss Cartridge and Shell Com- plete. 6229. 6-Poundcr Hotchkiss Cartridge and Shell Com- plete. 623O. -4-inch Common Shell B.L. 6231. 12-Pounder Star Shell, B.L. 6232. 5-inch Common Shell, B.L. 6233. 6-inch Shrapnel Shell, B.L. 242 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MtJSEUAt. 6234. 6-inch Armour Piercing Shot, B.L.. after pen* trating 9-inch compound plate. 6235. 8-inch Common Shell, B.L. Weight 180 Ibs. 6236. 9-inch B.L. Common Shell. Weight 380 Ibs. 6237-10-inch B.L. Palliser Shot. Weight 500 Ibs. 6238. 12-inch B.L. Common Shell. Weight 714 Ibs. 6239. 12-inch B.L. Armour Piercing Shot. Weight 714 Ibs. 6240. 12-inch B.L. Palliser Projectile. 6241. -12-inch R.M.L. Case Shot. 6242. Section of 12-inch B.L. Shrapnel Shell. 6243. Section of 12-inch B.L. Common Shell. 6244. 36-inch Mortar Shell. Weight 2,550 Ibs. Presented by the Secretary of State for War. 6245. A Turkish Stone-Shot, dated 1878. and brought from the Dardanelles. 6246 Autograph Letter of General C. G. Gordon (with Sketch) to his brother, Sir Henry Gordon, from Sevastopol, during the Crimean War, dated 28th February, 1855. Given by Colonel L. A. Gordon, C.B. 6247. A Contemporary Bronze Statuette of Marshal Bliicher. Given by Captain J. F. Leigh-Clare. 6248. The Maharajpoor Star awarded to Sergeant P. F. Barnes, 40th Regiment. Given by Captain J. F. Leigh- Clare. 6249. -A Large Fiji War-Club with knobbed head. Given by Lieut. -Colonel W. H. M. Jackson, late 81st Foot. 625O. A Unique "Broadsheet" or "Poster" announcing the victory of Trafalgar, 21st October, 1805, giving the composition of the Rival Forces, names of ships, com- manders, etc., Printed by J. Smeeton, 148, St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross. Given by Messrs. Crichton Bros., 22, Old Bond Street, W. 6251. Silver Pass on the Imperial Military Railway, dated South Africa, 1900, and used during the Boer War. Given by Captain E. W. Denniss, E.E. (T.F.). OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 243 6252. Helmet-plate of the Jamaica Artillery, and is that of St. Catherine's Corps, which is one of the oldest Colonial Militias. Given by Lieutenant E. B. Macpherson, High- land Light Infantry. 6253.- Pair of Officer's Shoulder Wings of the Light Company, 54th Foot, formerly the property of Lieutenant E. Morris, who retired from the Regiment in 1842, and took Holy Orders. Given by Major E. C. Morris, late, 2nd Loyal N. Lane. Itegiment. 6254. -Officer's Belt-Buckle of the 49th Regiment, worn previous to 1881. Given by Miss Dickson. 6255. An Old Spanish Cartridge Belt. Given by Lieut. -Colonel W. II. M. Jackson, late 81st Foot. 6256.-A Sketch of the Battle of the Nile, drawn by Lord Nelson with his left hand. Mr. Alexander Stephens, his Secretary, certifies the authenticity of the Sketch. Given by Mrs. Holland. 6257. Grape-Shot found in an embankment on the Island of Capri and believed to have been one of those used by the French in the Siege of the Island. Capri was held by the British under Sir Hudson Lowe from 1806 to 1808. In the latter year King Murat of Naples sent a force of French troops, under General Lamarque, to besiege the Island, and took it after 13 days' siege. The loss of the Island was attributed to the absence of naval aid and the misconduct of the Regiment of Malta. Given by S. P. Whiteford, Esq. 6258. The Order of the Dporanee Empire (3rd Claes), awarded by Shah Shoojah in Cabul, 10th November, 1840, to James Atkinson, Esqre., Superintending Surgeon Bengal Establishment, as a mark of approbation of his services in Afghanistan. Letter from Sir William Macnaughton, Envoy and Minister, conferring the Order, and the Royal License signed by Queen Victoria on the 4th December, 1841, to accept and wear the insignia. Given by the Rev. Canon J. A. Atkinson. 6259. An Aquatint Engraving, published by E. Orme, 1805, of Constantinople (North View) with H.B.M.'s ships Le Tigre and La Bonne Citoyenne, under the command of Commodore Sir Sidney Smith, 1799. Given by Lieut. - Colonel H. S. Walker. 626O. Full-length Portrait of Sir Sidney Smith, engraved in stipple by Cardon after Eckstein (early state unfinished proof) depicting an incident in the defence of Acre. Given by L,ieut.-Coigh- Clare. 6272. Sword presented to Lieutenant Charles Brand, R.N., by his Shipmates of H.M. Sloop "Cygnet," on April 22nd, 1823, with the following address: "I am requested in the name of the ship's company of H.M. Sloop 'Cygnet,' to present you with this sword, as a small though sincere token of their esteem and regard for your upright and officer-like conduct in the ' Cygnet,' as well as for your perseverance and humanity, some time since, in saving the lives of four shipwrecked sailors off Beachey Head, and supporting t hem out of 3 our own purse till their recovery. We pride ourselves that you will wear this sword with credit to your country and with satisfaction to yourself, and that you may speedily have an epaulette on your larboard shoulder as well as on your starboard one is their fervent wish. You will please to pardon the homely terms of this address, as coming from a class of His Majesty's subjects who are always more ready to act than to speak, where either the honour ot their country 2 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. or their profession is the theme. It is an additional pleasure to me to have this opportunity of adding my own accordance in the senti- ments and wishes of my shipmates on the eve of separating." Charles Brand joined the Navy in 1910, and retired in 1825, and saw much active service in various parts of the world. Given by Captain J, F, Leigh- Clare 6273. Relics from the fire of the Tower of London, Oct. 30th, 1847. 6275. An Oriental Dress Scimitar inlaid with gold on the hilt, blade and scabbard. Given by CummanHer C. R. Lorn, late Indian Navy. (Formerly Asst. Se.cry. and Librarian, R.U.S.I.~) 6276. - Dervish Emir's parti-coloured silk quilted Jibba. Girenby the Exors. of the late Capt. C. S. Cottinyham, Manchester Reyt. 6277. Dervish cotton quilted head-piece. Given by the E.vors. of the late Capt. C. 8. Cottinffham, Manchester Refft. 6278. Dervish camel bit and head-piece of Native workmanship. Given by the Exors. of the late Capt. C.' S. Cottinffham, Manches- ter Refft. 6279. Dervish camel neck ornament of Courie Shells mounted on plaited leather. Given by the Exors. of the late Capt. C. S. Cot- tingham, Manchester Refft. 628O. Shoulder Plate of the colour belt of the 25th Eegiment of Bombay Native Infantry, now the 125Mi Napier's Rifles I.A. It was in use during the Indian Mu iny. Given by Col. W. Plomer, late 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers. 6281.- Shoulder Belt Plate of the First Infantry Brigade, bearing the mottoes " Moharaja" and " Aligabaht," and i-upposed to be that of an Indian Native Contingent p evious to the annexation of the Punjab. Given by Col. W. Plomer, late tft\\ Royal Irish Fusiliers. 6282. Helmet Plate of the King's (Liverpool Regiment). Given by Col. W. Plomer, late 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers. 6283. Telescope, with Gun-Stock Holder, made for the late Field- Marshal Lord Kaglan, and used by him during the Crimean War, 1854-56. The Holder was made to enable him to use the Telescope without support, as he had only one arm, having lost the other at the Battle of Waterloo. Given by E. C. Legyatt, E^. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 3 6284. Six Engravings, being representations of the most consider- ab'e actions in the siege of a place. The various actions presented in th'fflt 5 prints are take i from one of the Sieges of Barcelona, views of which place are exhibited in them, published in 1794. 6285. A Water-Colour Sketch entitled ' Earl of Howe's deci-ive victory over the French Fleet, on June ls>t, 1794." 6286. An Engraving of tho Battle of Trafalgar, showing the Victory breaking the line, from the picture painted for His Majesty King William IV., by U. .1. Hnggmp. Gf-icen by Major O. Diane, R>yal Seats. 6287. Portuguese Silver Medal to commemorate the First Centenary of the Peninsula War. On the obverse is a winged figure of Victory sounding a trumpet, and bearing a palm-leaf with the royal arms of Portugal at the base. On the reverse, an action in the war is represented, and is dominated by a Figure of War leading on the allied troops, while the wounded are being succoured and carried from the field, and bearing the inscription in Portuguese : " To the Valour and Patriotism of the Portuguese People and Army, 1808-1814." Oiven by Genera' J. C. Rodriguez da C'osta, of the Portuguese Ministry of War, and President of the Committee of the Peninsula War Centenary. 6288. French Cannon Ball fired at the Siege of Badajoz, unearthed some 60 years ago 50 yards to the West of the Picurina. The Siege of Badajoz lasted from March 17th to April 5th, 1812, on which latter date it was taken by assault by the British. The total British losses during the siege exceeded 5,000. Givtn by Raphael Reynolds, Esq. 6289. A Portrait in Oils of His late Majesty King Edward VII. executed in 1905. The picture was submitted to His Majesty, who expressed his approval of the likeness Painted and presented by Mr. Wilfrid B. Eg an. 629O.-A Line Engraving by M. Vandergucht, from the painting by J. Saylmaker. entitled '' Gloria Britannia? or the Royal Prince, built by Sir Finn Pett, at Chatham." The .Royal Prince was built in 1610, and was then the largest ship in the British Navy. 6291. Coattee of the East Norfolk Militia, 1854. Giren by Colonel C. Haggard. 6292. -Shako with plate and chain of the East Norfolk Militia, 1854" The shako is that which was known as Prince Albert's pattern. Given by Colonel C. Haggard. 4 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6293. -Buff Shoulder Belt and Plate of the East Norfolk Militia 1854. Given by Colonel C. Haggard. 6294. An Engraving entitled il A View of His Majesty's Royal Ship' The Sovereign of the Seas," built in the year 1637. Captain Puineas Pttt, Supervisor, and Peter Pett, his Son, Master Builder. Given by Captain Thomas White, R.N. 6295. Proof Engraving showirgthe arrival at St. Paul's Cathedral of Queen Victoria, on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee, 1897. 6296. A Naval Officer's Sword of about 1780. Given by Lt.- Col. W. H. M. Jackson, late 81st Regiment. 6297. Model of a Venetian Galley of the 17th century period, which originally came from the Giustiniani Palace in Venice. Giren by R. Howard Krauxe, Esq. 6298. -An Infantry Officer's Sword with brass hilt of about 1825, and bearing the initials of King George IV. Given by Lt.- Col. W. H. M. Jackson, late 81st Regiment. 6299 to 63O5. Uniform of the Cinque Ports Volunteers of 1803, consisting of Coatte, Trousers, Silk Sash, Gorget, white buff leather Sboulder-l>lt and Badge, 'and one Epaulette, which formerly be- longed to John Baker Sladen (J.P. and D.L., of Ripple Court, Kent). Mr. William Pitt, was the Co onel of this Regiment. Given by Douglas Sladen, Esq. 6306. A Russian Helmet Plate of the 94th Regiment, and a Manuscript Document in Russian, picked up on the taking of Sevas- topol, in 1856, by Lieut. E. J. Hughe* Preston of the Naval Trans- port Service. Given by Colonel S. Hughes Preston, M.S.C. 6307 and 6308. Flags of the Transvaal Republic and Orange Free State, found in the Public Offices at Uloemfontein,on the occupatif n of that place in 1900. Giren by Major-General Sir George Prety man, K.C.M.G.,C.B. 63O9. An Engraving entitled "A View of the Volunteer Army of Great Britain in the year 1806," designed to commemorate the great and united spirit of the British people. Below is a list of each Vol- unteer Corps in the United Kingdom, showing their Numbers and Commanding Officer, and there is also a diagram divided into sections descriptive of the Uniform worn by each unit. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 5 6310. A Five-pointed Silver Star bearing the initials "R.G.S.," and the inscription "Emin Relief Expedition, 1887-9." This Ex- pedition was commanded by Mr. H. M. Stanley, to whom the Royal Geographical Society presented a special Gold Medal, bronze copies of which being given to the European Officers. To the Coloured Followers wns presented a Silver Star, of which this exhibit is one. Given by Capt. J. de M. Hutchinson, C. V.O., C.M.G., R.N. 6311. An Abyssinian Key or Priest's Badge of Office which was obtained by the late Col. E. J. Lugard, 4th King's Own Royal Lan- caster Regt., from a Piiest, at a farewell Conference which Sir Robert Napitr held with the Abyssinian Chiefs at Senafe, at the conclusion of the Abyssinian War in 1868. It is of wrought iron ; the Maltese C.-oss at the end being of fine workmanship. Given by the late Col. E. J. Luyard, per Mrs. E. J. Luyard. 6312. Piece of the 'Victory's' Jack used at the Battle of 'Jrafalgar. Given by C. >ack, Esq., Curator, Peterborough Museum. It was originally given to his Grandmother by a sailor who was on the " Victory" at the Battle of Trafalgar. 6313. Piece Of a Colour carried at the Battle of Waterloo. Given by C. Dack, Esq., Curator, Pet rborough Museum. 6314. A Pistol Shield, biing one of the Eighty which- were con- structed for King Henry VIII. There is a small grating through which to observe the adversary. The pistol is breach-loading, and of curious construction, and is discharged by a match. It is the only instance met with of a match-lock pistol. 6315. Frame containing 48 Caricatures in colour*. Exe- cuted in France about I860, of the various Uniforms of the Armies of the World. Giren by Lt.-Col. A. H. M. Jackson, lateSlst ~Regt. 6316. -Embroidered Collar, Cuff, and Tail-pieces of Coatte of the Hoyal Westminster Regiment of Middlesex Militia, 1851. Royal Regiments had the privilege of wearing embroidery in place of lace. Given by Col. C. Haggard. 6317. A French Heavy Cavalry Sword with straight blade, marked " Imperial du Klinfieuthal, Novembre, 1811." Klingeuthal (Valley of Sword-blades) is in Saxony. Napoleon I. obtained swords from this district. The length of the Sword is 44 inches, the hilt is of brass, and is 6 inches in length. Given by Lt.-Col. W. H. M. Jackson, late Slst Reyt. 6318. A Print in Colours from a picture painted by Major T. St. Clair, engraved by C. Turner, and published by Colnaghi, 1812, en- titled ' The fording of the River Mondego by the Allied Army on Sept. 21st 1810." ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6319. A Print hi Colours from a picture painf el by Major T. St. Clair. engraved by C. Turner, and published by Colnaghi, 1812, entitled "Badajos during the Siege of 1811." 6320. -A Print in Colours from a picture painted by Major T. St. Clair, engraved by C. Turner, and published by Colnaghi, 1815, entitled " Serro de Busacco, 27th Sept., 1810, showing the 88th British and 8th Portuguese Eegiments engaging the French." 6321. A Print in Colours from a picture painted by Major T. St. Clair, engraved by C. Turner, and published by Colnaghi, 1815, uititled "Serro de Estrello on de Nive, the march of baggage following the Army, May 16th, 1811." 6322. Piece of a timber of S.S. " Beaver," the first Steamer to double Cape Horn and ply the waters of the Pacific. She was built at Blaokwall in 1834, and wiecked off Furlough Island. British Columbia, in 1838. -Given by Mrs. Mellon. 6323. Marble Inkstand of early 19th Century make, the centre brass bears the name "Nelson" with the date of his birth and death, and the Admiralty bartpe ; on one ink bottle is engraved the Arms of the City of London, with the word " Egypt"; on the other a crest (unknown) and the word "Trafalgar." Given by Roijle F. Bristowe, 6324. Officer's Belt Plate of the 81 st Regiment of about 1850. Given by Mrs. D. E. Browne. 6325. Key Bugle of the Royal South Gloucester Militia, early 19th Century. Gicen by Colonel W. P. Surges and the Officers '3rd Bn. Gloucest- r shire Regiment. 6326. A Persian iron Mace with fluted h> ad and damascened with brass. Given bij Lieut. -Colonel A. H. M. Jackson,late8\st Reyt. 6327. Shako with black Cock's Feathor Plume of the Light Horse Volunteer Cavalry of about 1820. Given by Mrs. F. E. Clarke. 6328. A Scarlet Pelisse with silver lare and buttons of Light Horse Cavalry about 1820. Given by Mrs. F. E. Clarke. 6329. A Line Engraving published by Colnaghi & Co. in 1813, drawn H. L'Eveque. and engraved by Charles Heath, entitled "The Siege of Badajos." OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 7 6230. A Print in Colours by Dubourg, from a painting by J. H. Clark, and published by Edward Orme in 1817, of "The Field of Waterloo at it appeared after the memorable Battle of 18th June. 1815." 6331. An Aquatint by R. Reeve from the drawing of W. Heath, of the ' Battle of Waterloo, June 18th, 1815," published in 1816. 6332. An Infantry Bugle of 2nd King's African Rifles. This Bugle was carried at the Action of Gumburru, Somali- land, on April 17th, 1903 ? and was then captured by the Mullah's people, the British Force being practically anni- hilated. At the action of Jidballi, on January llth, 1904, the Mullah was defeated by General Egerton, and the Bugle was retaken. Colonel Plunkett was the officer in command at Gumburru. Presented by Lieut. -Colon el E. H. Llewellyn and the Officers of 2nd King's African Rifles. 6333. A Case containing 11 Medals of the native Non-Commissioned Officers of the 2nd Battalion King's African Rifles, who were killed in action in the Somaliland Campaign, 1902-Oi. Presented by Lieut.- Colonel E. H. Lleiwlli/n and the Officers of the 2nd Kiit-g's African n\fles. 6334. A Marble Bust of the late Miss Florence Nightingale, executed by John Steell in 18<>2 ; subscribed for and presented by the Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the British Army. Given by the Executors of the late* Miss Florence Nightingale. 6335. A Gold Enamelled Brooch, bearing the monogram of Queen Victoria in diamonds and 3 stars in diamonds, with the inscription, "Blessed are the Merciful," and below on a scroll, "Crimea." On the back is engraved, " To Miss Florence Nightingale, as a mark of esteem and gratitude for her devotion towards the Queen's brave Soldiers," from Victoria R., 1855. Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. 6336. A Magnificent Diamond Bracelet, presented by the Sultan of Turkey to Miss Florence Nipntingale in 1856. Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Night* ingale. 6337. The Insignia of the prder of Merit (Civil , bestowed on Miss Florence Nightingale by King Edward VII. Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6338. The German Order of the Cross of Merit, which was founded in 1871 by the Emperor William I., and pre- sented by him to Miss Florence Nightingale. Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. 6339. The Cross of the Order of St. John of Jeru- salem (England), bestowed on Miss Florence Nightingale in 1904. Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. 6340-1. The Bronze Cross (in duplicate) of the Societe Francaise de Se sours aux Blesses des Armees de Terre et de Mer, 187O-71, with Ribbon?, presented to Miss Florence Nightingale. Given by the Exe- cutors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. 6342. The Cross and Ribbon of the Order of the Red Cross, dated 1883, bestowed on Miss Florence Nightingale. Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Night- ingale. 9343. The French Gold Medal of Secours Aux Blesses Militaires, presented to Miss Florence Nightingale at the International Conference, held at the Exhibition in Paris in 1867. -Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. 6344. The Badge of Honour of the Norwegian Red Cross Society, presented to Miss Florence Nightingale, on May 10th, 1910 Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. 6345. -A large Metal Brooch, with the inscription "Blessed are the Merciful," with a representation of Miss Florence Nightingale in a Military Hospital, made by Waterhouse & Co., of Dublin (history unknown). Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. 6346. A Portuguese Light Cavalry Sword picked up on the Field of Albuera (fought May 16th, 1811). It was given to the donor by the present owner of the land on which the battle was fought. Given by Raphael Reynolds Esq. 6347. A Spanish Cavalry Officer's Sword of the period of tfie Peninsula War, and believed to have been used in that campaign ; the hilt is damaged. Found as above. Given by Raphael Reynolds, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 9 6348. A Spanish Officer's Sword bearing the monogram of King Joseph (Bonaparte), and is believed to have been pre- sented by him. The hilt is of curious construction, being hinged, BO as to form when open a basket hilt, and is finely gilded. Given by Raphael Reynolds, Esq. 6349. -A Portuguese Sword of a sergeant of artillery of the period of the Peninsula War. Given by Raphael Reynolds Esq. 635O. A Portuguese Infantry Officer's Sword of the early 19th century. The handle is of wood, and the hilt of brass embossed. Given by Raphael Reynolds, Esq. 6351. A Coloured Lithograph Engraving of " Sevastopol from the Malakoff after the Siege," from the drawing by Capt E. S. Jervoise, 7th Royal Fusiliers, published by Day & Son. March 20th, 1856. .Given by the Executors of the late Miss Florence Nightingale. 6352. A Bronze St. George Figure found on the body of a Russian soldier after the Battle of Inkerman by Private Lemon. Given by C. R. ~B. 'Barrett, Esq. 6353. - Model Of a 12-5-inch 38-ton R.M.L. (Rifle Muzzle Loading) Gun ; length ot bore (including chamber). 16 feet, 6 inches ; Rifling (Woolwich System), 9 grooves with twist increasing from to 1 in 35 calibres ; Weight of projectile, 820 Ibs., Weight of charge, 210 Ibs., Pebble Powder; Muzzle velocity, 1,575 foot-seconds; Muzzle energy, 13,930 foot-tons; extreme range, about 4 miles. Date, 1874. These Guns were constructed on what was known as the "Woolwich' or "Fraser" System, first officially introduced for the construction of heavy guns in 1865, but which was merely an improvement on the system of gun construction invented by the late Sir William (afterwards Lord) Arm- strong some ten years previously. This method of con- struction consisted in the shrinking on round an inner steel tube, which formed the bore 3 of four or more jackets formed from the welding together of wrought-iron coils. The advantage of jfche system was that in the event of the inner steel tube bursting, as in the early days of the use of steel for heavy gun tubes often happened, the covering wrought-iron jackets being more elastic than the stec) prevented the effects of the bursting having disastrous con sequences. This method of construction remained in force until 1881, when breech-loading guns were definitely adopted, which from that time have been made entirely of steel. The present 12-inch guns are said to have an ex- treme range of 15 miles. Bequeathed by the late Lord Edward Spencer Churchill (late Captain " Isle of Wight 'Artillery Militia 9 ). 1* ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 8354. Model of a 10-iuch 18-ton E.M.L. (Rifle Muzzle loading') Gun ; length of bore (uucharabered), 12 feet, 6 inches ; Rifling (Woolwich System), 7 grooves, spiral increasing from 1 in 100 to 1 in 40 calibres ; Weight of Projectile, 406 Ibs., Weight of charge, 70 Ibs., Pebble Powder ; Muzzle Velocity, 1,379 foot seconds ; Muzzle Energy, 5,356 foot-tons ; extreme range about 3 miles. Date, 1867-68. Constructed on the "Woolwich" or "Fraser" System, described briefly on Exhibit 6353. Bequeathed by the late Lord 'Edward Spencer Churchill (late Captain "Isle of Wight Artillery Militia"). 6355. Model of a 7-inch R.B.L. (Rifle breech Loading) Armstrong HO-pounder Gun. Length of barre (including; Powder and Shot Chambers), 10 feet, 4 inches ; Rifling (Polygroove), Uniform 1 turn in 37 calibres; Weight of Projectile, 110 Ibs. ; Weight of Charge, 10 Ibs, R.L.G. (Rifle Large Grain) Powder ; Mounting, wood carriage on traversing slide : Range (extreme), about 3 miles. Date, 1861. The so-called Armstrong guns were the invention of the late Sir William (afterwards Lord) Armstrong, and were the first breech-loading rifled guns produced in Eng- land. They were first issued for service in 1860, there being six natures, viz., the 7-inch 110-pounder, described above; 40-pounder, 20-pounder, 12, 9, and 6-pounders. As the result of a number of serious mishaps with the 40-pounder guns at the bombardment of Kagosima on the 15th August, 1863. by the English Fleet under Sir L. Kuper, when a number of the breech-blocks were blown out. with fatal results, the issue and .manufacture of the larger types of the.se guns was discontinued ; the use of the 20-pounder and smaller types of these guns as field and anti-torpedo boat guns was continued for some twenty years or more later. Beaueathed "by the late Lord "Edward f\vcnrrr Cliurchill (late Captain, "Isle of Wight Artillery Militia"). 6356. Model of an Experimental R. M. L. Gun (Coast Defence) moun- ted on a double bogey carriaee running on rails, with inclined plane to check recoil, used at Shoeburyneas about 1S75 for testing armour plates. The pun wa rifled with 10 grooves, and fitted with a curious elevatins system. BeaueatJied bu the late Lord Edward Spencer Churchill (late Captain, " Isle of Wir/ht Artillery Militia "}. 6357-6360. 16 Engravings illustrative of Captain James Cook's voyages, from paintings by A. Hodges, and published in 1777 by W. Strauban. Given by Sir Georr/e Duckett, Bart. 6361. -Officer's Shako Plate, 17th Foot, worn from 1871 to 1878. Given by Capt. H. M. McChance, late Royal Scots. 6362. Soldier's Shako Plate, 17th Foot, worn from 1871 to 1878. Gicvn by Lieut.- Colonel E. A. H. Webb, late 17th Foot. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 11 6363. Cap Badge of the 68th Light Infantry, worn previous to 1881. Giren by Capt. F. G. Mangham, Durham Light Infantry. 6364. Medal struck in Portugal, commemorating the erection of the Bussaco Memorial Column by the Portuguese in \873.-Girenby P.ofessor C. W. C. Oman, M.A., F.S.A. 6365. Sword worn by Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke Of Wellington at the most memorable of his victoiies, and presented by him to the Museum in 1837. Given by Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington. 6366. An Oil Painting of the Battle of Trafalgar, and believed t > be one of Stanfield's studies for his famous picture now in the United Service Club. 6367. A Line Engraving of Prince Eugene of Savoy, from the picture by Jacques yon Schuppen, and engraved by B. Plckardt in 1722. Given by Lieut. -Colon el A. Leetham. 6368-6372. Uniform of the 13th Light Drjgoons, formerly the property of Private W. SeweJl, and worn by him at the Light Brigade charge at Balaclava, October 25th, 1854. 5373. Five Topographical Aquatints of the Field of Waterloo, published in 1816, from the drawings of Mr. S. Wharton: (1) La belle Alliance. (2) View of the situation and wood of the Chateau Goumont. (3) North side of the Chateau Goumont. (4) View of the Farm of La Haye Sainte. (5) Entrance to the Farm of La Haye Sainte. 6374. Portrait of Captain Lord Cochrane, afterwar.1* Admiral, 10th Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B., a distinguished naval officer, who, entering the Navy in 1792, rose rapidly in his profession. While still serving, he was elected M.P. for Westminster in 1807, where he distinguished himself for his bitter attack on Lord Gambler for his failure to destroy the French Fleet in Aix Roads in April, 1809. which led to tl;at officer's trial by court martial and acquittal. In 1814 Cochrane was expelled from tne House of Commons, dismissed from the Navy, and sentenced to a heavy fine and imprisonment for his supposed complicity 12 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. in the De Berenger frauds, although his innocence was afterwards completely established. In 1817 he accepted the offer of the Chilian Government, then fighting for its independence with Spain, to organise and command the Chilian Fleet, ia task which he accomplished with brilliant success, taking a leading part in the war. Later he performed a similar service for Peru, Brazil, and Greece. In 1831 he succeeded to the title, and in 1832 he was reinstated in the Navy as a Rear-Admiral, and restored to the Order of the Bath, receiving the Grand Cross in 1847. After holding the command in North America, he died in 1861. 6375-6. -The Colours of tlie 2n'l hat tali. >n 54th (West Nor foil.) Regiment. The Battalion was raised in Ireland in 1800, and saw active service in Egypt, being present at the famous Battle of Alexandria and the capture of Fort Mara- bout. It was disbanded at Gibraltar in 1802. Given by Mrs. Hughes. 6377. -A Portrait in Oils of Admiral Michael Adrian de Ruyter, painted by Ferdinand Boll, a pupil of Rembrandt. Admiral de Ruyter was born at Flushing in 1607, and went to sea. at the a,ge of 11. In 1636 the merchants of Flushing en- trusted him with the command of a war vessel for employ- ment against French pirates. Four years later he entered tEe service of the States, and distinguished himself in an action off Cape St. Vincent on November 3rd, 1641. At tEe outbreak of war with England in 1652 he was 2nd in command to Admiral Trqnip, and in the three battles that followed showed great skill and bravery. He reduced the Algerine Corsairs to submission, and in 1665 took command of a. large fleet, organized for war against England. After considerable fighting off the North Foreland he compelled the English to take refuge in the Thames. In 1672 he fought a drawn battle with the combined fleets of England and France in Southwold or Sole Bay (June 7th). He was killed at the Battle of Messina (Anvil 21st, 1672), and was buried at Amsterdam, where a magnificent monument to his memory was erected at the command of the States General. The King of Spain invested de Ruyter with the dignitary of duke, but the patent did not reach his fleet until after his death. 6378. Model Of H.M.S. " Captain." Tl is vessel was designed by Captain Cowper Phipps Coles, C.B.. R.N.. assisted by Messrs. Laird, of Birkenhead, by whom she was built in 1869, and was a low freeboard turret-ship, so con- structed with a view to her presenting as small a target as possible to an enemy. Unfortunately, when completed, sfie had only 6 feet 8 inches of freeboard, instead of 8 feet OFFICIAL CATALOGUE, 13 6 inches originally intended; moreover, she wag heavily rigged, her lower masts being on the tripod principle. When cruising with the Channel Fleet under Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, K.C.B., she, on the night of Septem- ber 6th, 1870, when under sail in a south westerly gale off Cape Finistorre, capsized during a fierce squall, and went to the bottom, only eighteen members of her crew being saved. Among the 475 persons who perished, were Cap- tain Hugh Talbot Burgoyne, V.C., R.N., Captain Coles, her designer, and a son of the then First Lord of the Ad- miralty. The dimensions of the ship are given on the model. 6379-80. A set of Coloured Plates of costume of the Royal Navy and Marines, by C. H. Martin, published by An- drews & Co., in 1835, as follows: (1) Portrait of His Majesty, King William IV. (2) Lieutenants. (3) Midshipmen . (4) Flag officers. (5) Captains. (6) Surgeons. (7) Pursers and Captain's Clerk. (8) Captain, Flag-officer and Commander (undress). (9) Masters. (10) Gunners, Boatswains, and Carpenters. (11) Mates. (12) Master of the Fleet and Physicians. (13) Volunteers of the 1st and 2nd class. (14) Royal Marine's (Subalterns), 2nd Lieutenant carry- ing divisional colours. (15) Royal Marine Artillery (Officers). (16) Royal Marines (Field Officers). 6381. Model in silver of the Brazilian Battleship "MinaS GeraeS." The Brazilian first-class battleship, ' Minas Geraes " is of the " Dreadnought" type, and was built by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd., at their Elswick works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. She was laid down in 1907, and completed early in 1910. She is 530 feet Jong, 83 feet broad, has a maximum draught of 28 feet, and dis- places 21,200 tons. She has twin screws; her machinery was constructed by Messrs. Vickers, Ltd., and her boilers by Messrs. Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., the intention being to develop 23,500 horse-power with forced draught, estimated to give her a speed of 21 knots per hour. However, during 14 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. her trials she attained a maximum of 22.29 knots per hour. In addition to oil fuel, she has a total coal capacity of 2,350 tons, and her steaming radius at ten knots is 10,000 miles. Her armament consists of twelve 12-inch 50-calibre guns, twenty-two 4.7 in. guns, and eight 3-pounders; she is protected by Krupp armour, the main belt being 9 ins. thick; and she carries a complement of 900 men. This silver model of the vessel was presented by the builders to H.M. the Queen. Deposited by H.M. the Queen. 6382. -A Pastel Portrait bv J. Russell, E.A., of Cornet William Berners, Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westmin- ster, executed in 1797. Given by W. T. Berners, Esq. 6383. Coloured Engraving of the Loyal Associated Volunteer Corps of the City of Westminster, published in 1799, by Schiavonitti, after R. K. Porter, and engraved by M. Place. Given by W. T. Berners, Esq. 6384. - Coloured Engraving of the Loyal Associated Ward and Volunteer Corps of the City of London, published in 1799 by Messrs. Schiavonitti, after R. K. Porter, and engraved by M. Place. Given by W. T. Berners, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. Ifi Additions to Museum Catalogue. These Exhibits are not included in the present Index. 337O. Light Company Sword of the Wigan Infantry Volunteers, 1803, bearing the name of Lieutenant Thomas Lowe. Deposited by Miss E. Low-Ashton. 3371. Coattee of the East Kent Militia, 1850. Deposited by Major H. D. Hirst, 3rd Bn. The Buffs. 3373. Remnants of the Regimental Colour of the 33rd Regt. (The Duke of Wellington's), together with the Tassels, Pole-heads and Shoes which were carried at the Battles of Quatre-Bras and Waterloo in 1815. They became the property of Lieut.-Colonel J. M. Harty, K.JH. De- posited by Miss Vickers. 3374. A French Officer's Tri-coloured Cockade taken at Waterloo and formerly the property of Lieut.-Colonel J. M. Harty, 33rd Regiment. Deposited by Miss Vickers. 3375.-A Pair of Officer's Pistols with Flint-locks picked up on the battlefield of Waterloo, formerly the property of Lieut.-Colonel J. M. Harty. Deposited by Miss Vickers. 337 6. -Autograph Letter of P.M. the Duke of Wellington written to the late Lt.-Col. J. M. Harty, relative to the request that the 33rd Regiment should be called the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Deposited by Miss Vickers. 3377. Small Writing Table bearing the following inscription: "Sevastopol, Sept. 10th, 1855." The Table was presented to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, and is believed to be the one on which the Armistice with Russia was signed by the Allies after the fall of Sevastopol on 9th September, 1855. Deposited by His Majesty King George V. 3378. A Boer Shell. On the Stand is the following inscription : "To His Majesty King Edward VII., Colonel-in-Chief, Imperial Yeomanry. This shell, made in Johannesburg by the Boers, was found on a R.F.A. gun which had been taken by the enemy at Coknso, and was retaken by the 1st Brigade, Imperial Yeomanry, from the commando of Commandant de Beers at an action at Rooival, Transvaal, S. Africa, on 19th September, 1900. Chesham, Brigadier- General, commanding 1st Brigade Imperial Yeomanry." Deposited by His Majesty King George V. 3379. Colt's Belt Revolver, -31 Calibre, Muzzle loading, with 6 chambers, date about 1860. Deposited by W. W. Fry, Esq. 338O. Kerr's Revolver, 54 gauge, 5 chambers, Muzzle loading, date about I860. Deposited by W. W. Fry, Esq. 16 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 3381. The Maf eking Postage Stamp, dated April 13th- 1900. Deposited by Attendant T. E. Simpson, late Black Watch. 3382. Model of H.M.S. "Queen Mary," 1st Class Battle Cruiser. The measurements and armament are described on the Model. She was launched on 20th March, 1912. The Model was presented by the builders, Messrs. Palmer's Shipbuilding & Iron Co., Ltd., Jarrow, to Her Majesty The Queen, who has deposited it in this Museum. The Model is 14 ft. 4 in. long and at the scale of 1 in. to 4 ft. Deposited by Her Majesty The Queen. 3383. Guidon of the Wollaton Troop of the Nottinghamshire Gentlemen Yeomanry Cavalry bearing the cypher of King George III. and the motto " Our God, Our Country and Our King. The Guidons, of which this is one, were presented to the regiment in 1795. Deposited by Colonel C. W. Trotter, S. Notts Hussars. 3384. Guidon of the Wollaton Troop, South Nottinghamshire Yeomanry Cavalry, bearing a cypher of Queen Victoria and the motto " Honeste Audax." Deposited by Colonel C. W. Trotter, S. Notts Hussars. 3385. -Officer's Shako of the 1st Durham Militia, 1852. Deposited by Lieutenant G. C. Darwall, Royal Canadian Regiment. 3386. -Collection of Naval and Military Medals containing 189 Medals and Decorations, including 1 Victoria Cross. Deposited by D. Hastings Irwin, Esq. 3387. Case containing 6 Cavalry Sab retasc ties, viz : 8th Hussars. llth Hussars. 13th Hussars. 14th Hussars. loth Hussars. 20th Hussars. and 10 Shoulder Belt Plates. Deposited by D. Hastings Irwin, Esq. 3388.- Case containing 2 Sabretasches, 3rd Hussars and 21st Hussars, 43 Shoulder Belt Plates and 2 Gorgets. Deposited by D. Hastings Irwin, Esq. 3389.- Case containing 6 Sabretasches, viz: 4th Hussars. 7th Hussars. 10th Hussars. 18th Hussars. 19th Hussars, and Royal Horse Artillery, and 7 Shoulder Belt Plates. Deposited by D. Hastings Irwin, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 1? 3390. A Painting in Water Colours, by 0. Norie, of an Officer and Trumpeter of the 1st Life Guards. Deposited by D. Hastings Irwin, Esq. 3391. A Painting in Water Colours of the 12th Lancers, by R. Simpkin. Deposited by D. Hastings lrw-in, Esq. 3392. -Baton of the Admiral-of-the-Fleet William Peere Williams- Freeman (born 1742; died 1832). This officer was promoted to the high rank of Admiral of the Fleet on the 28th June, 1830, three days after the accession of William IV., the King then sending him, as a special compliment, this baton, which had been presented to himself by George IV. After Williams-Freeman's death, his grandson applied to know the King's pleasure as to the return of the baton. The King desired that it should be retained by the family as " a memorial of the late Admiral's long services and the high professional rank he had attained, and in proof of the estimation in which his character was held by his Sovereign and brother officers." Among other Admirals of the Fleet who have possessed batons (apparently always the personal gift of the Sovereign) were the Duke of Clarence (afterwards William IV.), 1820 A ; the Earl of St. Vincent (to whom George IV. sent a baton with heavy gold mountings), 1821 ; Lord Gambier, 1832; and the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Duke of Edinburgh), who received a baton from Queen Victoria on the 22nd June ? 1897, upon the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee. Deposited by Rev. L. P. Williams- Freeman. 3395. (a) The Gold Medal (General Officer's) of the Peninsular War for the Battle of Albuhera, awarded to Major-General Sir W. Parker Carrol, K.C.H., C.B., who served with great distinction in Holland, Buenos Ayres, and throughout the Peninsular War. (b) Bronze Medal struck in 1809 to commemorate the War services of Major-General Sir W. P. Carrol, K.C.H., C.B. (c) A Bronze Box in the form of a Medal; on the obverse is the head of the Duke of Wellington, on the reverse the figure of an angel recording British valour, and containing eleven miniature coloured engravings of the following : Battle of Vimiero, Passage of the Douro, Battle of Talavera, Battle of Busaco, Battle of Albuera, Battle of Salamanca, Battle of Vittoria, Siege of Pampeluna, Storming of St. Sebastian, Battle of Toulouse, Battle of Waterloo. Published by Edward Orme, 1815. ('/) Bronze Medal struck to commemorate Admiral Lord Howe's victory on 1st June, 1794, off Ushant. Deposited by Miss Alice Carrol. 13 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 3397. The Original Lucknow Despatch of Sir James Inglis: It consists of four sheets of paper written on both sides and one sheet as cover. It was composed and written by Sir George Couper, I.C.S., Secretary and A.D.C. to Sir Henry Lawrence, and at his death to Sir James Inglis. The despatch was sent out folded in an ordinary quill, and secreted in the person of the Messenger. Deposited by Colonel V. A. Couper. 3398. Large Oil Painting by Wallace Hasler of H.M. King George V., and the members of the National Rifle Association. Deposited by the Secretary, N.R.A. 3399 & 34OO. Case containing the British and Foreign Orders of Knighthood, Decorations and Medals conferred on the Right Hon. General Sir George Murray, G.C.B., G.C.M. (1772-1846). 1 Peninsula Gold Cross for Corunna, Fuentes de Onor, Buzaco, Talavera, and bearing the follow- ing clasps, Pyrenees, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive, Orbes, Toulouse. 2 Field-Officer's Peninsula Gold Medal for Corunna and Talavera. 3 The Star and Insignia of the Order of the Bath (G.C.B.) 4 The Star and Insignia of the Tower and Sword of Portugal. 5 The Star and Insignia of the Military Order of St. Henry of the Kingdom of Saxony. 6 The Star and Insignia of the Red Eagle of Prussia. 7 The Star and Insignia of the Imperial Austrian Order of Leopold. 8 The Order of the Crescent of the Imperial Ottoman Empire. 9 The Star and Insignia of St. Alexander Newski of Russia. 10 The Star of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Guelphs of Hanover. 11 The Silver Medal of the London Highland Society. Deposited by J. A. Mullens, Esq. 34O1. An old Spanish Mahogany Circular Pedestal, which when open forms an Empire Cabinet Escritoire with the usual interior fittings and several secret drawers. It was formerly the property of Admiral Lord Nelson, having been presented to him, and was acquired at the Merton Abbey Sale. It is of English manufacture. Deposited bit L. C. Wakefield, Esq. 34O2. Tho following Medals and Decorations formerly the property of Major-General Sir W. Parker Carrol, K.C.H. :- 1 Insignia of the Hanoverian Order of the Guelphs. 2 A square Gold Medal awarded by the Spanish Government for services detailed on it during the Peninsula War. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 19 3 A Gold Cross awarded by the Spanish Government for valour and discipline in front of Pampalona and Bayonne. Deposited by Mrs. Philip Scott. 3403. The 1,OOO Bank of England Note which Lord Cochrane paid to secure his release from prison in 1814, bearing the following endorsement: "My health having suffered by long and close confinement, and my oppressors being resolved to deprive me of property or life, 1 submit to robbery to protect myself from murder, in the hope that I shall live to bring the delinquents to justice. Cochrane." Grated Chamber. King's Bench Prison, 3rd July, 1815." Rear-Admiral Lord Cochrane, M.P., had been imprisoned on a false charge ' of swindling in connection with the Berenger frauds, and was expelled from the House of Commons, but was immediately re-elected for Westminster. He was dismissed from the Navy and his banner as a Knight of the Bath removed from Westminster Abbey. A new trial was refused him, but he escaped from prison and presented himself at the House of Commons. He was re- arrested and confined in a dungeon for 26 days. After being a year in prison, during which time he devoted himself to the invention of a street gas lamp, Lord Cochrane, to secure his release, at the request of his friends, paid his fine with the above Bank Note, which had been subscribed for by the public in penny subscriptions. He continued his attacks on corruption and abuses in the House of Commons, and again suffered imprisonment. The public once more paid his fine for his release. In 1832, on his innocence being established, he was granted a free pardon and restored to his rank in the Navy. In 1847 he was created a Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. He died in 1860 and lies buried in Westminster Abbey. Deposited by The Governor and Cowrt of Directors of the Bank of England. 3404. -A Curious Coloured Engraving being a caricature portrait of Rear-Admiral Lord Cochrane, M.P., entitled, " Things as they have been, things as they are now." One side of the figure is depicted in Naval Uniform and the other in Civilian dress, published in 1815. Deposited by John E. Webster, Esq. 3405. Portion of the King's Colour of the 2nd Bn. 44th (Essex) Regiment, which was torn from off the Colour by a French Lancer at the Battle of Quatre-Bras (for description see card). Deposited by The Officer Commanding, Isf Bn. Essex Regt. 3406 & 34O7. A Coattee and Cocked Hat of a Surgeon of the Royal Navy, date about 1825, Deposited by Colonel C, Haggard. 20 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6385. Model of H.M.S. "Lion." This ship was built at Deptford in 1738, and carried an armament of 60 guns and a crew of between 400 and 500 men. In 1745 she fought an indecisive action with the " Elizabeth," a French 64-gun ship, which had been detailed to escort the Young Pretender, Prince Charles Edward, to Scotland, and in the engage- ment lost 55 kilkd and 107 wounded, of whom seven ultimately died the French at the same time losing 65 killed and 136 dangerously wounded. In 1747 she took part in Hawke's victory over the French (Commodore de 1'Etenduere) off Finisterre ; was present at the attack on Guadeloupe in 1759 ; and took part in the capture of Belle Isle in 1761. The model was made by Mr. A. Hunt, of Southwark. Presented by E. ~E. Rush-worth, Esq. 6386. A Water Colour Painting by Captain P. V. Wood of ''"The Falls of Mont Morenay, Canada," taken from Point Leir opposite Quebec, executed in 1846. 6387. Frame containing 9 Coloured Prints of the 30th Regiment of Foot from water colour paintings by P. W. Keynolds. Given by Major G. H. Laurence, East Lanes. Regiment. 6388. An Aquatint from an etching by H. Moses of a painting by I. N. Wright and published in 1814, entitled " The Victory of Vittoria" (fought 21st June, ISIS). Given by Miss E. Low-Ashton. 6389. An Aquatint by G. Lewis from an etching by H. Moses of a painting by I. N. Wright, published in 1814, entitled " Battle of the Pyrenees," and represents the grand contest on 28th July, 1813. Given by Miss E. Loiv-Ashton. 6390-6392. The following Commemoration Medals: 1 A Bronze Medal, on the obverse the head of the Duke of Wellington and on the reverse the names of the victories during the Peninsula War. 2 A Bronze Medal, on the obverse the head of Earl Spencer, 1st Lord of the Admiralty, 1795, and on the reverse figure of Victory with the follow- ing inscription, "Under wise Councils the British Navy triumphs." 3 A Bronze Medal to commemorate the surrender of Guadeloupe, 1759. 4 A Bronze Token, on the obverse the head of Nelson, and on the reverse a line of battleships in full sail with the words, "British Half-penny," dated 1812. 5 A Bronze Medal, bearing the head of the Hon. Augustus Keppel, Admiral of the Blue. 6 A Bronze Medal in commemoration of the Peace of 1814. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 21 7 Two Bronze Tokens, bearing the head of Admiral Lord Howe, to commemorate the glorious victory of 1st June, 1794. 8 A Bronze Token to commemorate Wellington's victories in the Peninsula, on the reverse is a Cossack. 9 A Bronze Medal to commemorate Admiral Sir John Jervis' defeat of the Spanish Fleet, 14th February, 1797. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. B. Cottcll. 6393. A Light Dragoon Sword with scabbard of the period of the Peninsula War. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Lectham, the Curator. 6394-. A Heavy Dragoon Sword with scabbard of the period of the Peninsula War. It has a straight blade. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 6395. An Officer's Light Dragoon Sword of about 1795. On the hilt is the Badge of the Prince of Wales, and the following inscription. " XXX. Light Dragoons or Princess of Wales." The 30th Light Dragoons were raised and commanded by Lieut. -Colonel Blackwood in 1794, and disbanded in 1796. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Lectham, the Curator. 6396. A General's Sword and Scabbard of the period of about 1800. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 6397. Full Dress Cap of the 17th Lancers bearinsr the motto of King William IV., the date being about 1830. Given by Lieut. -Colon el Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 6393. Embroidered Full Dress Sabretasche of the 18th Hussars, George IV. period. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 6399. Full Dress Sabretasche of the 15th Hussars of about 1830. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 6400. -A French Grenadier's Bear-skin Cap of the period of the First Empire. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 64O1 A French Grenadier's Pouch and Belt with Bayonet Frog of the period of the First Empire. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 64O2. A French Light Infantry Pouch and Belt of the period of the First Empire. Givtn by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 22 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 64O3. A French Cavalry Officer's Pouch and Belt. of the period of the First Empire. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 64O4. A French Cavalry Pouch and Belt of the priod of the 2nd Empire (probably Imperial Guard). Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 64O5, An Officer's Military Saddle of the early 17th Century. Given by Lieut. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 6406. Case containing the following Medals : First India General Service. Second Cabul, 1842. Siege of Ghuznee. Bestowed on Major-General W. Sage, who entered the Hon. East India Company's Service in 1808, died 1872. Given bu Mrs. John Hicks. 64O7. A Billet Paper and an order for ration and forage made out in the village of Hann (Belgium) during the Waterloo Campaign, 1815. Given by Herbert Wills, Esq. 64O8. Officer's Shako Plate of the 80th Foot worn from 1855- 1861. Given by Miss H. Sadle.ir. 64O9. Series of Commissions of General Robert Alexander, Hon. East India Company's Service (Infantry) viz.: Ensign 1819, Lieutenant 1819, Captain 1826, Major 1836, Adjutant-G-eneral (with rank of Lieut. -Colonel) Madras Army, Lieut. -Colonel 1841, Colonel 1851 (these Com- missions are in duplicate, one being Hon. East India Company's and the other being that of the Commander-in- Chief in India), Major-General 1854, Lieut.-General 1865. (These Commissions are signed by Queen Victoria.) General R. Alexander was born in 1798, joined the Royal Navy in 1810, saw much service in the Mediterranean with the French Toulon Fleet, was present at the Siege of Genoa, the expedition to Corsica, and the surrender of Naples and the Neapolitan Fleet in 1815. (The certificate of his discharge from the Navy is with the Commissions). He died in 1879. having previously been promoted to the rank of General in 1870. Given by Major-General E. Alexander. 641 0. Frame containing the above Ensign's Commissions in the Hon. East India Company's Service, and the Commander- iii-Chief in India. Given by Major-General E. Alexander. 6411. A Silver Challenge Cup presented by Colonel A. Hill, 3rd Cheshire Regiment, to the Militia Rifle Association ; on the amalgamation of that Association in 1911 with the Army Rifle Association, it was by his wish given to the Museum of the Royal United Service Institution. Given by the Council of the late Militia Eifle Association, OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 23* 6412. - Mounted Officer's Sabretasche of the Grenadier Guards, discontinued in 1902. Given by TAeut. -Colonel A. St. L. Glyn, Wth Battalion, Middlesex Regiment. 6413. Photograph of a Water Colour Painting by Lieut. St. Aubin, 76th Foot (killed at Aligarth. September,' 1803), of "The Siege of Sasni " (near Agra), which lasted from 23rd December, 1802, to 6th February, 1803, when it was taken by storm. Lord Lake was in personal command. The colour of the uniforms in the original painting are: Artillery, blue coats with narrow yellow facings, Officers with gold lace collars and epaulettes, black top hats with white plumes, the other Officers are in red coats ; Native Infantry, faded red coats, black top hats with black plumes, breeches and long gaifers. The Officer in top boots anil with a large plume wears a red coat and is possibly General Lord Lake. Given by J. A. Di'venish, Esq. 64-14.- A Contemporary Print, in Colours, of Field-Marshal Bliicher in Hussar Uniform. 6415. An Engraving of Peter Paul Eeubens from the Picture by Van Dyck. Given by Capt. K. R. Wilson, 12th 'Battalion London Itegiment. 6416.- Gold and Silver Medals struck at H.M. Mint in India to commemorate the Durbar held at Delhi on 12th December, 1911, in honour of His Majesty King George V.'s Coronation. Given by the Secretary of State for India. 6417. Guidon of a Fencible Cavalry Corps (Corps unknown) previous to the Union, bearing the motto, " In Defence." Given by Colonel Albert Melly, V.D., Lane. R.F.A. 6418-642O. Oopy Of the Koran, with a carved wooden stand made out of one piece of wood, the hinge being of curious construction . A china drinking cup with leather oase for attaching to the saddle, probably of Russian manufacture. An Afghan knife with jade handle. All these articles were picked up in the City of Cabu? during the Afghan War of 1878-79. Given by Major General G. Fergus Graham. 6421. -Model of the Stern of H.M.S. "Pique," with six models of rudders to be temporarily shipped in case of loss of rudder at sea. H.M.S. " Pique," a 40-gun frigate, designed by Rear- Admiral Sir William Symonds, C.B., and built at Plymouth in 1834, was 160ft. long, 48ft. 10in. broad, and 14ft. 7in. deep, her measurements equalling 1,633 tons. She was employed on the Portuguese coast during the British intervention in the Carlist War in 1837; assisted to look after British interests at the time of the French opera- tions in Mexico in 1838-39; was on the coast of Syria in 24 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 1840, and shared in the bombardment and capture of .Bey- rout, Kaiffa, and St. Jean D'Acre; and was also present at the attack on Petropaulovski. Kamschatka, in 1854. On the 22nd September, 1835, she ran ashore on the coast of Labrador, and, after being refloated, lost her rudder. Two temporary rudders were fitted at different times, but were carried away in bad weather. Eventually, she sailed some 1,500 miles rudderless, steered by means of a hawser, and arrived home on the 13th October of the same year. Presented by Commander W. Henby, E.N. 6422. Mounted Officer's Sabretasche of the Scots Guards, discontinued in 1902. Given by Major-General A.. Broad-' wood, C.V.O. 6423. A French Bayonet, taken from the Irish Rebels in 1798. Given by Lieutenant W. P. Newenham, E.N. 6424. A Coloured Print of an Officer in full dress (Captain Lord William Hill) of the Royal Scots Greys, executed in 1844. Given by Lieut. -Colonel J. G. Downing. 6425. Shako Plate of the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, worn from 1871 to 1878. Given by Captain H. M. McCance, late The Eoyal Scots. 6426. Officer's Helmet Plate, the Royal Scots, 1881-1904. Given by Captain H. M. McCance, late The Eoyal Scots. 6427. Bronze Medal to commemorate the taking of Carthagena 1st April, 1741. Obverse: Don Bias de Leso, the Spanish Commander, kneeling between Admiral Vernon and Commodore Brown, surrenders his sword to Admiral Vernon. Legend: The Pride of Spain humbled by Admiral Vernon and Commodore Brown. Reverse: Six ships entering Porto Bello Harbour. Legend : Porto Bello taken by Admiral Vernon with six ships, 22nd November, 1739.- I.W. The artist's initials are believed to be those of 1. Wilkins, a medallist of that period. Given by Her Majesty the Queen. 6428. A M.L. Percussion Rifle with Bayonet. Hearts-loop's Patent, 1838, the Hammer being below the Barrel. The arrangement for capping is of curious construction. 6429. Sopor's Breach Loading Rifle with laterally hinged block, patent 1868. 643O. A B.L. Bolt Action Rifle made at Spandau, 1862. Model (Prussian Needle Gun.) 6431. A Belgian B.L. Percussion Rifle with bolt action for paper cartridge and separate cap. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 25 6432. Chinese Banner taken from the South Taku Forts by the British Naval Brigade, who led the Allied Storming Party on 17th June, 1900. Given by Admiral Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, G.C.B. 6433. An Iron Ball, picked up on the Battlefield of Albuhera (fought 16th May, 1811). Given by Raphael Reynolds, Esq. 6434. Walking Stick, made from a piece of the keel of II. M.S. " Shannon, which fought the " Chesapeake," 1813. Given by Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge, G.C.B. 6435. An Engraving of Hannah Snell, the Female Soldier, from a drawing done from life with her own consent by L. P. Boitard, and published in 1750. She was born at Worcester in 1723, and entered herself as a Marine in Colonel Frazier's Regiment in 1745, served on H.M. Sloop " Swallow " in the East Indies, was present at the Siege of Pondichery and in all the other sieges of that expedition ; she received in all 12 wounds, some of which were dangerous and was put into hospital for the cure of the same. She returned to England in 1750 in H.M.S. " Eltham," and took her discharge without the least discovery of her sex. 6436. Four Small Oil Paintings on panels, of the Chinese Forts on the Canton River, executed in 1833-4. Given by Miss L. S. Kensington. 6437. Banner carried at the Funeral of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington. K.G., 1852. The Arms are those of the Hill- Trevor family with whom the Duke was connected. 6438. Officer's Belt Buckle of the 108th Foot (Madras Infantry) worn up to 1881. Given by Major-General H. Lock. 6439. A Complete Set of Maf eking Paper Currency, issued under the authority of Colonel R. S. S. Baden-Powell during the Siege of that place by the Boers from 13th October, 1899, to 17th May, 1900. 'The values were 1, 10/-, 3/-, 2/- and I/-. Given by Colonel A. W. Money, C.B., General Staff. 6440. - Water Colour Sketch, made in 1853, of a Turkish Fort in the Dardanelles, showing some quaint Bronze Guns of an early period, and piles of marble shot which were made out of some of the old ruins of early buildings. Drawn on the spot by Miss Maclean, now Lady Hood of Avalon and widow of the late Admiral Lord Hood of Avalon, G.C.B. Given by Major H. F. Maclean, Scots Guards. 6441. A New Zealand Mari or War Club of Bone (for descrip- tion, see 2592). 26 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6442. -Mauser Carbine, of the Model of 1896, taken from the Boers. 6443. Mauser Rifle, 1896 pattern, taken from the Boers. 6444. Model of H.M.S. "Royal Albert." The i ;Koyal Albert," the keel of which was laid down at Woolwich on 26th August, 1842, was originally designed as a sailing line- of-battle ship, but in January 1852, the order was given to alter her to a screw-ship of the line, and, in consequence, she was lengthened about 14ft. at the stern in order to give space for tlfe propeller. This additional length increased her size by about 246 tons measurement, and her dimensions then were : Length between the perpendiculars, 232ft. 9in. ; length of keel for tonnage, 193ft. 6in. ; breadth, extreme, 61ft. ; breadth for tonnage, 60ft. 2in. ; breadth moulded, 59ft. 4in. ; and depth in hold^ 24ft. 2in. Her builders' measurement tonnage was 3,/26 tons, and her displace- ment 5,637 tons. Her engines, built by Messrs. John Penn & Son, on their patent trunk principle, were of 500 nominal horse-power, and 1,805 indicated horse-power. She was launced by H.M. Queen Victoria on 13th May, 1854, and it was then the intention that her armament should consist of 131 guns, but this was reduced to 121 guns. In the autumn of the same year she was commissioned by Captain Sir Thomas Pasley, with a complement of 1,000 men, and went out to the Black Sea as flagship of Rear- Admiral Sir Edmund Lyons, Bart., G.C.B., before Sevastopol. After her Mediterranean commission, she served as flag- ship of the Channel Squadron, and this was her last sea service, her name disappearing from the " Navy List " in 1884. This model, from the original design, given by the Rev. F. C. Lang, Chaplain, R.N., has recently been rigged by Mr. John Smith and Mr. John Preston, both late First- class Petty Officers, R.N., and now attendants in this Institution. 6445. -Bugle-Major's Staff of the 2nd Battalion the King's African Rifles. Presented to that Regiment by Captain and Adjutant W. G. Stonor in 1906. The Battalion was disbanded in 1911. Given by Captain W. G. Stonor, Middlesex Regiment. 6446. Standard of the third Troop of the London and Westminster Light Horse Volunteers, which was presented to that Corps by the City of London in 1781. This Regiment was formed in 1769, and finally disbanded in 1829. 6447. Banner (Drum) of the London and Westminster Light Horse Volunteers. This Regiment was formed in 1796, and finally disbanded in 1829. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 27 6448. Standard of the 2nd Troop of the London and Westminster Light Horse Volunteers, which was presented to that Corps by King George III. in 1781. This Regiment was formed in 1769, and finally disbanded in 1829. 6449. A Large Silk Chinese Flag from the Taku Forts (Second China War). The Taku Forts were successfully assaulted on 21st August, 1860, by a force of 11,000 British and 7,000 French Troops, under Sir Hope Grant. This Flag was captured by Capt. Riorden of the China Field Force. Given by Captain D. C. L. Orion, Welsh Border Mounted Brigade. 6450. An Inkstand, made from a small shell and four bullets picked up on the field of Inkerman. The Battle of Inker- man was fought on 5th November, 1854. Given by Lieut. - Colonel H. St. J. Mildmay, M.V.O., late Eifle Brigade. 6451. A Small Marble Vase on stand, made from portions of the docks of Sevastopol in 1856, containing two Russian bullets picked up on the Heights of Inkerman. Given by Lieut. -Colonel H. St. J. Mildmay, M.V.O., late Rifle Brigade. 6452. Chinese Flag taken at the Taku Forts (Second China War), 1860. Given by Admiral T. Saumarez, C.B. 6453. A Coloured Print by R. Dighton, being a representation in caricature of "Lieut.-General Macdonald," 1812. Given by A. M. Philips, Esq. 6454. An Officer's Sword, Indian Cavalry, of about 1850. The blade, marked "Garden," is of very finely tempered steel. 6455. A French Officer's Sword of about 1800, with brass hilt and finely tempered steel.- 6456. An Officer's Sword bearing the Arms of the Argentine Republic, with "Viva la Confederation, Argentina," marked on it, straight blade with a long deep groove. 6457. A Curved Indian Sword with a bifurcated point and an inscription in Persian on the blade. 6458. A Nepaulese Sword with jade handle. The blade is slightly grooved, and of considerable width. 6459. A Mahratta Dagger, the handle is embossed with silver. 646O. An Indian Battle-Axe inlaid with silver. 6461. A Belgian Percussion Lock Carbine with along re- volving Bayonet ; it was used by the Belgian Gendarmerie. 6462. An Italian Needle Fire Rifle, Cascana's system, with the straight sword Bayonet. 28 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6463. A Swiss Government Anker-Milbank Rim-fire Rifle. 6464 & 6465. 2 Canvas Knapsacks of the 10th Regiment of North British Militia (now the 3rd Battalion The Royal Scots), about 1795. Given by His Grace the Duke of Sucdeuch, K.G., K.T. 6466. Knapsack Plate of the time of George III. (General Service). Given ~by Lieut. -Colonel A. St. L. Glyn. 6467. A Weapon, combining a Pistol with percussion lock and a Da Blade, which is concealed in the stock, which latter is exposed by drawing the barrel from the stock when the trigger is at full cock. It is Chinese, and was brought from the frontier between the Shan States and Yunnan. 6468. A Painting in Water Colours of the Channel Squadron painted by W. F. Mitchell, 1874, comprising the following ships: H.M.S. "Minotaur," H.M'.S. " Agincourt,' H.M.S. "Hercules," H.M.S. "Sultan," H.M.S. "Northumberland," H.M.S. " Bellerophon," H.M.S. " Monarch," H.M.S. " Topaz." Given by Spencer Sutler, Esq. 6469. Five Small Line Engravings of Whitehall Palace: 1 As it appeared in the reign of James II. 2 The Prospect of Whitehall from St. James' Park, about 1700. 3 A Prospective view of Whitehall and Whitehall Gate, dated 1753. 4 A view of Whitehall from the river Thames, about 1750. 5 Whitehall, published 1796. 647O. A Light 1 ] Cavalry Sword of which Hie pointed end is missing. It belonged to Lieut. -Colonel Sir A. Gordon, K.C.B., who was one of the Duke of Wellington's Aides-de- Camp at the Battle of Waterloo, at which he was killed. Given by W. John Wilkinson, Esq. 6471. A Double-Barrel led Flint and Steel Carbine, one barrel of which is rifled, the barrels being under and over, and not side by side, with a revolving Bayonet. Made by D. Egg, of London. This rifle is believed to have belonged to General Sir Ralph Abercrombie, and used by him in the Egyptian Campaign of 1801. Given by W. John Wilkinson, Esq. 6472. A Russian Soldier's Knife and Spoon, picked up in the Redan (Crimean War) on the morning of 9tn September, 1855. Given by Liewt. -Colonel H. St. John Mudmay, M.V.O. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 29 6473. Miniature of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, which formerly belonged to the late Duke of Cam- bridge, K.G. The Crosses of those Knights, who were also Knights of the Garter, were commanded by King George IV. to be worn from an Imperial Crown. Members of the Royal Family, who were G.C.B.'s, also wore the badge in the above manner. Given by Lieut. -Colonel A. St. L. Glyn, IQth Battalion Middlesex Eegimeni. 6474. Cross of the "Legion d'Honneur picked up on the Field of Waterloo the day after the battle, by Mr. Palmer, an American ; it was given by this gentleman's nephew to Sir John Furley at Versailles in 1870. Given by Sir John Furley, C.B., D.L. 6475.A Coloured Engraving of the Interior of the Duke of York's School by Rowlandson, and published by Ackerman in 1810. 6476. An Indian Spear, the Shaft being covered with silver, which was taken at Lucknow during the mutiny of 1857-8 by the late Captain St. Andrew Beauchamp St. John, of the 10th Regiment. Bequeathed by the late Captain Oliver Beauchamp St. John, late 5Sth Regiment. 6477. An Indian Silver-Mounted Tulwar with Lion's head hilt, taken at Lucknow during the mutiny of 1857-8 by Captain St. Andrew Beauchamp St. Jofin, of the 10th Foot. Bequeathed by the late Captain Oliver Beauchamp St, John, late 5Sth Begiment. 6478. Plan, taken with Prismatic Compass when on duty in the trenches between February and September, 1855, of the English and French trenches right attack, Sevastopol, hy Lieut. -Colonel B. G. Humphrey, R.A. Given by Colonel B. G. Humphrey, E.A. (Retired). 6479. A Line Engraving of His Majesty's Ship the " Blenheim " so called from one of the glorious victories obtained by that renowned General, his Grace the Duke of Marlborough. Given by Lieut. N. C. A. Moore, R.N. 6480. Officer's Belt Plate, 78th Highlanders, previous to 1881. 6481. -A Mezzotint by F. Bromley, after J. P. Knight, R.A., and dated 1847, entitled "The Peninsula Heroes assembled at the United Service Club," with key. Given by Mrs. R. M. Welch. 6482. A Mezzotint Engraving by C. D. Lewis, after J. P. Knight, R.A., dated 1845, entitled " The Heroes of Water- loo, with key. Given by Mrs. R. M. Welch. 30 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6483. An Officer's Commission in the 15th Hampshire Kill.- Volunteer Corps, dated 14th ^November, 1870, and signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County. Given by Major H. Lancaster Wetherall, V.D., late 4/i Battalion Hants. Regiment. 6484. An Engraving by John Hall, from a picture by U. West, and published in 1781, of "The Battle of the Boyne." 6485. A Line Engraving by A. Carden, after P. J. De Louther- bourg, Esq., it. A., published in 18U6, and representing a fragment of Egyptian architecture bearing medallions, with portraits of the Generals commanding the British Army in Egypt, and otherwise illustrative oi the ever memorable conquest of that country from the Arms of France. A.D. 1801. 6486. -An Officer's Dress Coattee of the 66th Regiment, with Plastrons heavily gold-laced, of the period of about 18:22, the Plastrons and facings being green. Given by 1). Hastings Irwin, Esq. 6487. A Pair of Dark Green Cloth Overalls, heavily laced with gold, of the 66th Regiment, of the period of about 1822. Given by I). Hastings Irwin, Esq. 6488. An Officer's Coattee of the 66th Regiment, of the Period of about 1830. Given by I). Hastings Irwin, Esq. 6489. A Crimson Silk Sash and Lines of an Infantry Officer, Light Company of the 66th Regiment, of the period of about 1830. Given by 1). Hastings Irwin, Esq. 6490. A Pair of Officer's Undress Epaulettes (wings) of the period of about 1830. Given by D. Hastings Irwin, Esq. 6491. A White-Metal Helmet of the 1st Lancashire Light Horse Volunteers, of the period of about 1860. 6492. A Household Cavalry Trumpet Banner of the period between 1801 and 1814, as shown by the Royal Arms. (Note : King George III. used the Electoral Bonnet above the Escutcheon of Pretence, and this Trumpet Banner belongs to that period, and on examination it was found that the Crown had been added later to it for the years following 1814). Given by Mrs. S. M. Milne. 6493. Shabracque Badge of the 9th Lancers, of the period between 1830 and 1837. Given by Mrs. S. M. Milne. 6494. Shabracque Badge of the 10th Royal Hussars of George IV. period. Given by Mrs. S. M. Milne. 6495. Holster Cover of the 4th Dragoon Guards, dated 1820. Given by Mrs. S. M. Milne. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 31 6496. Drum-Major's Sash of the 17th Regiment, date about 1810. Giren by Mrs. S. M. Milne. 6*97. Drum-Major's Sash of the Inniskilling Fusiliers, date about I860. Given by Mrs. S. M. Milne. 6 *98. -Drum-Major's Sash of thf Coldstream Guards, date about 1885. Given by Mrs. S. M. Milne. 6499. Drum-Major's Sash of a Yorkshire Militia Battalion, date about I860. Given by Mrs. S. M. Milne. 65OO The King's Colour of the 1O2nd Regiment. This Regiment was raised in Ireland in March, 1780, and served in India in the campaign against Tippoo 8ahib, and was commanded by Colonel Rowley and was disbanded in 1784. This Regiment must in no way be associated with the Madras European Regiment, afterwards the 102nd Foot and now the Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Given by Mrs. .S. M. Milne. 6501. The Regimental Colour of the 1O2nd Foot. For description ste 6500. Given by Mrs. S. M. Milne. 6502. Pistol-Shaped Instrument for measuring the explosive force of gunpowder probablv Cromwellian. The graduated scale registering from 1 to 10 revolved on a spindle and was controlled by the now much corroded spring. On the edge of the spindle tbe marks caused by the friction of the spring are visible. The stop on the inner side at the foot of the trierirer-like projection, which closes the muzzle, acts when " 10 " is registered, and when this trigger closes the muzzle " 1 " is recorded on the under edge: th/? arrow mark fitting to the edge. The curve of this underedge shows that the position in which the instrument is now wired is correct. That it was intended to be fired is evident, and also that it was fired by a match applied to the touch-hole. Examina- tion leads to the conclusion that the instrument was used for measuring the explosive strength of powder, and three notches on the reverse side have apparently been filed in the barrel to denote the amount of powder employed. The engraved figure* are certainlv of Rtnart date, and it is quite possible that the instrument may be Cromwellian. It wa found at Bolsover, on the traditional site of Cromwellian Artillerv post during the siege, and it became the property of a Mr. Alfred Pitken, who gave it to the donor. Given by Colonel W. L. Coke. 6503. -A Mezzotint Engraving by R. Purset, after J. Reynolds " The Most Noble John Manners, Marquis of Granby, Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in Germany. Lieut.-General of the Ordnance, and Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards." 32 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MTJSETTM. 65O4. Chaco Plate (Rank and File) 39th (Dorsetshire) Foot, worn from 1863 to 1870. Given by Major N. H. C. Dickinson, D.S.O. 6505. Chaco Plates (Rank and File) of the 18th (The Royal Irish) 49th, 94th and 100th (Prince of Wales' Royal Canadians) Regiments, worn from 1870 to 1877, they were also worn on the helmets from 1877-1881. Given by Major N. H. C. Dickinson, D.S.O. 65O6. Model of an armed vessel. " Dryad." This Model was given to Field-Marshal Viscount Wolseley in 1882 as one which had belonged to, and been played with by, Vice-Admiral Viscount Nelson when a boy. It was formerly in the possession of the Rev. Alfred Inigo Suckling, some time Rector of Barsham, Suffolk, a member of the family of that name to which Lord Nelson was related, the great Admiral's mother having been the daughter of the Rev. Maurice Siickling. At a sale of the R-ev. Alfred T. Suckling's effects, the model was bought by Mr. Henry Boyce, Headmaster of the Leman School, Beccles. who eventually gave it to Lord Wolseley, at the same time stating that it had been known by the name of "Dryad." Some of the rigging, gear, etc.. haying perished through lapse of time, it has been renewed where necessary, but the vessel has been left as much as possible in her original condition. Presented by the late field-Marshal Viscount Wolseley, K.P., G.C.B., Jf., G.C.M.G. 65O7. Two Coloured Line Enerravings of (1) An Officer of the 1st or Royal Regiment of Foot; (2) an Officer of the 2nd or Queen's Regiment of Foot, published in 1799. 6508. Cartoon by the celebrated Dutch Sea-Painter, William Vandevelde. the younger, of his picture representing the opening fight of the four days' battle (lst-4th June, 1666). between the English Fleet, under the joint command cf Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albemarle, and the Dutch Fleet, under De Ruijter. The English Fleet was numericallv considerably inferior to the Dutch, and although beaten, the battle was practically a drawn one, as the Dutch were unable or failed to follow their victory up. 6509. The -Following: Medals presented by H.M. King George V. 23 Queen Victoria's Jubilee Medal of 1887. 24 Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Medal of 1897. 25 King Edward VII. Coronation Medal, 1902. 26 Xing Georpp V. Coronation Medal, 1911. 27 The Royal Victorian Medal, issued by H.M. Queen Victoria. 28 The Royal Victorian Medal, issued by H.M. King Edward VII. 29 The Royal Victorian Medal, issued by H.M. King George V. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 33 651O. Silver Medal of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners Royal Benevolent Society (new Pattern, 1883). Given by The Council of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners Jtoyal Benevolent Society. 6511. A Ju-ju Figfure from W. Africa. This Figure was taken by the donor while serving with the 1st Battalion Northern Nigerian Regiment on a punitive Exnedition against the Munshis. a cannibal Pagan Tribe of Northern Nigen'a, in 190o. The figure was in a Ju-ju house; and had recently been the object of human sacrifice. Given by Captain C. F. Thornton. 6512. Uniform Tunic of the Orange Free State Artillery. Given by H. Lehmann, Esq. 6513. Infantry Officer's Cocked Hat about, ISOO Thi par- ticular one belonged to Captain Pearce of the Andover Loyal Volunteers. 6514. Officer's Epaulette, Andover Loyal Volunteers, about 1800. 6515. -Officer's Belt Buckle, Royal Artillery, about 1820. Given by Attendant T. E. Simpson. 6516. -Code Of Army Signals issued for the ue of General Whitelock's disastrous expedition to Buenos-Ayres in 1807. This officer proved a most incapable leader, and was forced to surrender and evacuate the whole of the River Plate Region. Given by Captain H. P. Torrens, East Surrey Regiment. 6517. An EnerravineT of the Fmneror Nn.po'* "orn from I85. r > to 18fi2.. Given by Captain H. M. McCann, late the Ttoyal Scots. 6519. -Five Sketches in Water Colour of the fort of Mooltan fN.W. India) by Lieut. J. L. Heathorn. 3rd Madras Light Infnntrv. dated 1849. Here in 1848 Moolrav Sing, the ruler of the Sikhs. treacheroiislv murdered Mr. Van Agnew and Lieut. Anderson. The City was taken by the British after ?t protracted siege on 22nd January, 1849. Given by W. S. Coutts, Esq. 652O. Water Colour Painting of H.M.S. "Martin" off the Island Saba West Indies. Painted and presented by G. Lacy Good, Esq. 6521. Shako Plate, British -Italian Legion, raised during the Crimean War, 1855. Given by D. Hastings Irwin, Esq. 34 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6522. Continuation of 483. Complete Collection, showing obverse and reverse of Naval and Military Medals, other than War Medals, struck at the Royal Mint up to the year 1912: 49 Royal Navy, Conspicuous Gallantry. 50 Distinguished Conduct in the Field (Queen Victoria), 7 clasps. 51 Do. (King Edward VII.), 3 clasps. 52 Do. (King George V.). 53 Do. Cape of Good Hope (Queen Victoria). 54 Do. Cape of Good Hope (King Edward Vll.). 55 Do. King's African Rifles (King Edward Vll.). 56 Do. King's African Rifles (King George V.). 57 Do. West African Frontier Force (King Edward VII.), 1 clasp. 58 Do. West African Frontier Force (King George V.). 59 Meritorious Service (Hon. East India Company). 60 Do. (Queen Victoria). 61 Do. (King Edward VII.). 62 Do. (King George V.). 63 Do. Cape of Good Hope (Queen Victoria). 64 Do. Cape of Good Hope (King Edward Vll.). 65 Do. India (Queen Victoria). 66 Do. India (King Edward VII.). 67 Distinguished Service, India (King Edward Vll.) 68 Royal Navy. Long; Service and Good Conduct '(King William IV.). 69 Do. do. (Queen Victoria). 70 Do. do. (King Edward VII.). 71 Do. do. (King George V.). 72 Royal Navy, Ability and Good Conduct (Engineers). 73 Army Long Service and Good Conduct (Hon. East India Company). 74 Do. do. (Queen Victoria.) 75 Do. do. (King Edward VII.). 76 Do. do. (King George V.). 77 Do. do. India (Queen Victoria). 78 Do. do. India (King Edward VII.). 79 Lon. Stewart, Esq. (The artist). 6602. Model Of Whitehall Palace as it existed in the reign of King Charks I., 1648, by John B. Thorp, Esq. (for de- scription see card). Given by Lie int. -Colonel Sir Arthur Leetham, the Curator. 6603. A Line Engraving:, circa 1790, of "The Battle at Bunker's Hill," from the painting by J. Trumbell, engraved by G. Nordheim and published by Paul Bernhard, New York. 66O4. The Turkish Medal for the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-79. Given by Paymaster H. P. W. G. Murray, li.A. 6605-6611. Double-breasted Tunic, Dress Shoulder Belt and Pouch, Undress Shoulder Belt and Pouch, Dress Girdle Crimson Silk Girdle, Overalls, Shako Plumed and Stock of the Kent Artillery Militia, 1854. Given by Mrs. Northey. 6612-6616.- Officer's Coatee, with rich gold lace, dark green plastrons and shoulder wings, buff cross-belt with plate and sword slings, gorget, crimson silk sash and black satin dress pantaloons, all of the 19th Foot, about 1812. Given btj li. C. Anderson, Esq. 6617-6624. - Officer's Coatee, with silver lace and buttons, and yellow plastrons, cocked hat, buff cross-belt with plate and sword slings, sword knot, pair of silver laced officer's wings, gorget, crimson silk sash, shako with plate (1820), pair of white dress pantaloons with laced fronts, and pair of white gaiters, all of the 77th Foot, of the period cf 1812. Given by It. C. Anderson, Esq. 6625. Shoulder-belt Plate of the Arbroath Volunteers, about 1800. Given by The Rev. David Fleming. 6626. -Officer's Shako, Cheshire Yeomanry, circa 1840. Given by D. Hastings Irivin, Esq, 46 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6627. Sword, with Scabbard and Belt, presented to E. H. Columbine, Esq., commander of H.M.S. " Ulysses," by the merchants and inhabitants of the Island of Trinidad, as a token of their great respect and esteem ; also as a mark of the high sense they entertained of his services in protecting and defending that island in the years 1803 and 1804, and of his zealous exertions to promote the interest thereof during his command on that station. Attached also is a document offering him the sum of five hundred guineas from the members of His Majesty's Council of the island. Edward Henry Columbine entered the Navy as midship- man on board the "Lively" at Easter, 1778. The " Lively " was captured in July of that year at the com- mencement of the action between Keppel and D'Orville off Ushant, and Columbine was wounded. He remained a Prisoner in France for eighteen months. In 1796, being lieutenant commanding the brig " Resolution," 14 four- pounder guns, he engaged seven French gun vessels off Cape Corse and defeated them, blowing up the flag-ship. He was sent home and promoted. He became a Post Captain in 1802 and was appointed to the " Ulysses " 50- gun frigate, and sent to the West Indies, and conducted some important enquiries relative to the government of Trinidad by General Picton. In 1808 he was appointed Commissioner for the West Coast of Africa, and in the following year Governor of Sierra Leone and Commodore on the station, commanding the " Solebay," 32 guns. With the squadron under his command he captured Senegal from the French, losing his ship in the enterprise. 8he was replaced by the "Crocodile." and in command of her he died at sea, in 1810, of yellow fever, aged 47. B<'- qucathed by the late Sir John Dorington, Bart. 6628. Collection of Commemorative Medals, a many being leaden replicas. The number of the Medals n the case is 393. The stand and cases in which these Medals are contained were made from the timber of the Spanish ship " La Bahama," 74 guns, captured at the glorious victory of Trafalgar, 21st October, 1805. (She was the only prize that reached England). 6629. A Small Bust in Marble of General Sir W. Fenwick Williams of Kars, Bart., G.C.B., 1800-1883. Given by Mrs. F. F. Tower. 6630. -An A.D.C. to Queen Victoria Tunic, with shoulder cords and aiguillette, Royal Artillery pattern. Given by General Sir W. Campbell, K.C.B., late EM. A. 6631. A Large Coloured Engraving, being "The Panoramic View from a Field Work near Alexandria, Egypt, in 1801," drawn by Lieutenant and Captain Samuel Walker, 3rd Guards, engraved by F. C. Lewis and published in 1804 by Mr. Thompson, of Newport Street. Given by Wynn Corrie, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 47 6632. Magazine Rifle, " Chassepot-Hans," 1890 model. Given by H. H. Harrod, Esq. 6633. -Officer's Belt Buckle, cap badge, and buttons of the 2nd West York Light Infantry Militia, worn prior to 1881. Given by Colonel Sir G. J. Hay, K.C.B., C.M.G. 6634. Model of Mr. Richard Gail's patent punch screw-headed turbine projectile for smooth-bore guns, the object being to give the necessary rotating motion by means of gas acting direct on the rifling of the projectile, instead of through the agency of the gun. Bullets on this principle have been tried with remarkable success for smooth-bore muskets. The intention of the invention was to reduce the weakness of rifling the barrel, the projectile doing its own work, and thus reducing the cost of big guns and powder charge. Given by Colonel Sir G. J. Hay, K.C.B.^ C.M.G. 6635. Group of the Following; Medals Awarded to John Curry, of the Royal Artillery, ciz: 1 Crimean Medal with four clasps. 2 China Medal, 1860, with two clasps. 3 Medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field. 4 Turkish Military Medal for the Crimea. Given by Inspector John Curry, Metropolitan Police. 6636. -Photograph of a recruiting poster of the 7th Light Dra- goons, of about 1814. Given by General Sir R. Biddulph, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. 6637. A Pioneer's Sword, French, Napoleonic period. Given by Captain K. R. Wilson, 12th London Regiment. 6638-6641. Officer's Lancer Cap with red and white plume, silver epaulette, dress sabretasche and dress pouch of the Duke of Cornwall's Yeomanry. This regiment was raised in 1816 and disbanded in 1837. Given by Messrs. Spink & Sons. 6642. An Old Powder Horn, history unknown ; the base has & wooden cover and it is charged by removing a screw plug. Given by Colonel V. A. Couper. 6643.-A Water-Colour Sketch of the wreck of H.M.S. "Eury- dice," after she was towed into Portsmouth Harbour; executed in 1879 by Wm. Parkinson. Given by the Artist. ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6644. - Field-Marshal's Saddlery & Horse-Trappings (By Whippy), formerly the property of Field-Marshal the Viscount Wofseley, K.P., P.O., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., O,M : Given by the Dowager Viscountess Wolseley. 6645. A Record of "The Waterloo Ball," with photo- graphs and plans. Given by J. Danvers Power, Esq. 6646. Nine Coloured Engravings, published in 1845 by Ackermann & Co., depicting the uniform of the First Regiment of Guards from 1660. 6647. The Following Medals and Decorations which formerly belonged to Major Joseph Hely, llth Hussars. This officer had previously served as a captain in the 1st Lancers of the Anglo-Spanish Legion, from 1835 to 1840. : 1 Crimean Medal with three clasps. 2 Turkish Military Medal for the Crimea. 3 Spanish Decoration for Military Merit. 4 Spanish Decoration for the Battle of Morella, 30th May 1840. 5 Spanish Decoration for the engagement at Irun, 17th May, 1837. Bequeathed by the late Mrs. E. J. Hdy. 6648. Officer's Belt Buckle, Royal Marine Light Infantry, worn up to 1857. 6649. Officer's Light Infantry Sword, circa 1800. On the blade is engraved "51st Light Infantry," " Minden," and a crest being a kite's head with the initials J.T.K. It .formerly belonged to Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Keyt, C.B., who joined the 51st in 1798, and served through the Peninsular War and the Waterloo campaign. Given by W. E. Manners, Esq. 6650. Round Wooden Box with the following inscription TO., "This is made from a piece of H.M.S. "Gibraltar." of 80 guns, built by the Spaniards on the island of Cuba, and launched in 1751 by the name of " Phoenix." She was captured by Sir George Rodney in 1789, commanded by Admiral Langara. The Admiral's flag was presented to His Majesty King George III. by his son, Prince William Henry, then a midshipman in the fleet. " Well does Great Britain merit the Empire of the Sea 2 when the humblest stations of her Navy are filled by Princes of the Blood," said Admiral Langara. She was taken to pieces in Pem- broke Dockyard in 1836. Given by Frederick Couper, Esq. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 49 6651. The King of Ashanti's Execution Bowl, which formed part of the loot taken from Prempeh by the Expedi- tion under Colonel Sir Francis Scott in 189G. The Bowl, which is of brass, resembles an ordinary bath tub in appearance and size, and is about 5 ft. in diameter. On the rim are four small lions and a number of knobs, evidently intended as an ornamentation, and would appear to be of Moorish origin. There is a gap in the continuity of knobs to allow a space for the victim to insert his neck, preparatory to execution. The bowl was fully described by Bowdich in his account of Ashanti in 1817. Kumasi, where the bowl was taken, means the City of Death ; it possessed three places of execution one at the Palace for private executions, one on the parade ground for public exe- cutions, and a third, named, Bantama, where the bowl was found, for fetish sacrifices. Any great public occasion was seized upon as an excuse for human sacrifice, such as the harvest festival, at which large numbers of victims were offered. The King also went every quarter to pay homage to the shades of his ancestors at Bantama, and on each occasion the death of 20 men over the great bowl was demanded. The blood of the victims was allowed to putrify in the bowl, the leaves of certain herbs being added, it was con- sidered a very valuable fetish medicine. King Prempeh was accustomed to watching the sacri- fices seated in a chair, with the Queen-Mother seated on a stool on his left, being sheltered from the sun by a large umbrella, which is also preserved in this Museum. Given by Lieut-General Sir E. S. S. Baden-Powell, K.C.S., K.C.V.O. 6652. Four Engravings of the action between II. M. Frigate "Java" and the American frigate "Constitution," De- cember 29th, 1812. Drawn and etched by N. Pocock, from sketches by Lieutenant Buchanan, R.N., and engraved by R. and D. Havell. Given by J. H. Etherington-Smith, Esq. 6653. - Officer's Shoulder-Belt Plate, worn by the Militia Battalions of the Rifle Brigade from 1881 to 1910. Given by Major H. Huntington, late 5th Jin. Rifle Brigade. 6654. A Piece of the Ornamental Carved Rope Work on H.M. paddle steam yacht " Osborne," of 1,850 tons displacement and 3,360 indicated horse power. This vessel, built at Pembroke Dockyard in 1870, formed part of the Royal Yacht Establishment of H.M. Queen Victoria, but during her reign was mainly devoted to the personal use of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (afterwards H.M. King Edward VII.). Given by S. G. Leeke, Esq. 50 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6655. Figure-Head of H. M.S. "Orion" (1851-1867). There have been four "Orions" in the Royal Navy: (1) 1,645 tons, 74 guns ; 1787 to 1814 ; served at Trafalgar. (2) 3,280 tons, 600 h.p., 91 guns; 1854 to 1867; served in the Baltic during the Russian War. (3) Armour-plated Corvette, 4,870 tons, 4,040 h.p., four 25-ton 12-inch guns; 1880 to 1910; served in the bombardment of Alexandria, 1882. (4) Commissioned in 1912, 23,500 tons, 27,000 h.p., ten 13.5-inch guns, sixteen 4-inch guns. Given by Castle's Shipbreaking Co., Ltd. 6656. Two Stipple Engravings of Sailing Vessels. Gicen bi/ William Ellis, Esq., F.E.S. 6657. Cap Badges of the following Militia Regiments (rank and file), worn previous to 1881: 1st Durham, Royal South Wales Borderers, South Devon Royal East Middlesex, First Devon, Queen's Own Light Infantry (Edinburgh), 1st Somerset, 1st King's Own Staf- ford, Royal Limerick County, Kildare Rifles, Donegal, Royal Renfrew. 6658. Head of a Pike found ou Shelling Hill, Augher, Co. Tyrone. In 1641, during the Rebellion, Augher Castle was be- sieged by the rebels, under Sir Phelim O'Neill, who at- tempted to take it by storm, but were repulsed by the garrison ; the Castle was relieved by Sir William and Sir Robert Stewart, an action being fought in which the rebels were defeated on the site where the pike-head was found in 1889. Given by John Cajmichael-Ferrall, Esq., D.L. 6659. Model of anl8-ton M.L. Naval Gun, made by the Armourer on board H.M.S. " Northumberland," about 1878, for the late Admiral George Stanley Bosanquet (1835-1914), and given in his memory by Wm. Cecil Bosanquet, Esq., M.A., M.I). 666O. Two Miniature Busts carved in ebony wood, represent- ing Sir Henry Havelock and Sir Colin Campbell, executed in India about 1857. Given by Messrs. Hill & Son. 6661. Small Wooden Box made out of the Japanese Steamer " Hoboku Maru," which was commanded by Commander Horose, who lost his life in the attempt to place his ship so that when sunk, she blocked the harbour of Port Arthur (May, 1904). Given by Admiral Sir Alfred Winsloe, K.C.B., C.V.O., C.M.G. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. 51 6662. Brass Fife-Case, which formerly belonged to the band of the Royal Artillery. It bears the Royal Arms and the badge of the R.A. From the design of the Arms its date must have been between 1832 and 1837. The Case was carried by the soldier suspended by a cord similar to the trumpet cords of the present day. Given by Captain II G Parkyn, 5th Bn. Rifle Brigade. 6663 Collection of Embroidered Officers' Cap Badges, worn previous to 1881, of the following Line Battalions, viz. : 2nd, 3rd, 12th, 13th, 17th, 20th, 24th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 38th, 39th, 40th, 49th, 51st, 55th, 56th 58th, 65th. 72nd, 76th, 80th, 84th, 85th, 87th, 94th, and 98th. Givn by Messrs. C. Smith & Co., Gold Lacemen. 6664. Collection of Embroidered Officers' Collar Badges, worn previous to 1881, of the following regiments : Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Scots Guards, 2nd, 4th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 33rd, 40th, 49th, 55th, 63rd, 6Sth, 76th, 87th, 88th, and King's Own Borderers. Given by Messrs. C. Smith & Co., Gold Lacemen. 6665. A Collection of Miscellaneous Embroidered Officers' Cap Badges. (firen by Messrs. C. Smith 8f Co., Gold Lacemen. 6666. A Collection of Officers' Embroidered Cap Badges, worn previous to 1881, of the following Militia Regi- ments, viz.: 3rd Royal Surrey, Herefordshire Royal London 4th West York, East Norfolk, West Suffolk, Royal South Lincoln, 2nd Royal Lanark, Royal Meath, South Mayo and Rutland. Given by Messrs. C. Smith & Co., Gold Lacemen. . 6667. - Coatee of the Royal Tyrone Regiment of Militia of the early part of the 19th century. This regiment was originally numbered the 2nd Regiment of Irish Militia, but was after- wards renumbered the 80th Regiment of Militia (U.K.). In 1854 it became the Royal Tyrone Fusiliers, and is now the 3rd Bn. of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Given by Colonel Henry Irvine, C.B. 6668.- Officer's Belt Buckle of the Royal Tyrone Fusiliers, worn previous to 1881. Given by Colonel Henry Irvine, C.B. 6669. A Shirt of English Chain Mail with Hood, intended to be worn under the plate armour. This Shirt is peculiar for the large rings upon the shoulders. Chain mail is formed by a number of iron rings, each ring having four others inserted into it and thus forming a kind of net-work, every ring being separately riveted. It is probably tho 12th century. 52 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 667O. The Head of the Burutu Bird, with a quiver contain- ing a bundle of arrows. The native hunters of Northern Nigeria fasten heads of this description on their foreheads and drape themselves with blue clothes. They then stalk the various buck and when near enough shoot them with arrows. The beak is taken from a snake eating bird, and the remainder of the head is made out of leather. The red seeds on the neck are to represent the red feathers the bird has. It is very difficult to obtain these heads as the natives place the highest value on them. This specimen was obtained from the village of Kagerko-Baho in the Nassarawa Province of Northern Nigeria. Given by Lieutenant Donald Greig, R.N. 6671. Shoulder-belt Plate of the East Somerset Local Regiment of Militia, date about 1808. 6672. An Artist's Proof Engraving entitled "The Attack of the Vanguard (commanded by Sir W. Winter) on the Spanish Armada," from the painting by Sir O. Brierley, engraved by A. Whitmore. Presented by the Council of the Arts Union of London. 6673. A Steel Pistol Ramrod with priming Powder-Horn of Persian origin. Given by Lieut. -Colonel W. H. M. Jackson, late 81st Regiment. 6674. Seventeen Line Engravings published in 1725 at Brussels, depicting scenes in the Dutch War of Indepen- dence against the Spaniards. Given by Sir Philip Water- low, Bart. 6675. - Ammunition Pouch Ornament, universal pattern, William IV. period. Given by Colonel E. Montagu. 6676-6680. Officer's Dress Coattee, Shell Jacket Shako, Undress Cap and Shoulder-Beit Plate of the 45th Bengal Native Infantry, about 1840. The Shako plate is 10 years later, having been renewed. Purchased. 6681. Model of the White Star Royal Mail Steamship "Britannic" (the first), built by Harlaud & Wolff in 1874. Length 467 ft., breadth 45 ft., depth 33 ft. tonnage 5,004 tons. This historic vessel made 271 round voyages from Liverpool to New York, steaming 2,032,500 statute miles, consuming 560,407 tons of ooal in doing so, and carrying 395,396 passengers. She acted as Transport, No. 62, during the South African War, making 11 voyages to Cape Town, and carrying 20,728 Officers and Men. She also took out to Australia the Imperial representative corps, composed of details of various branches of the British Army on the occasion of the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia, at Sydney, on 1st January, 1901. Given by Th? White Star Line. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE.. 53 6682. Pair of Regimental Colours of the 2nd Battalion of the British German Legion, which was raised for service during the Crimean War. 6684. Pair of Regimental Colours of the dtli Battalion of the British German Legion, which was raised for service during the Crimean War. 6686. Pair of Regimental Colours of the 1st Battalion of the British Foreign Legion, which was raised for service during the Crimean War. 6688. The King's Colour of the 6Hi Battalion of the British German Legion, which was raised for service during the Crimean War. (This completes the pair to Exhibit 2052, the Regimental Colour already in the Museum.) 6689. The King's Colour of the 3rd Battalion of the British German Legion, which was raised for service during the Crimean War. 669O. The King's Colour of the 1st Light Infantry Battalion of the British Swiss Legion, which was raised for service during the Crimean War. (This completes the pair to Exhibit 2054, the Regimental Colour already in the Museum.) 6691. The Regimental Colour of the Devon Local Militia, 1808 to 1816. 6692. A Regimental Colour consisting of the Cross of St. George, the topmost quarter bearing the Union Flag previous to 1802. Regiment unknown. 6693. King's Colour, regiment unknown, bearing the Cypher of King George III., its date is subsequent to 1802. All the above-mentioned Colours have been transferred from the Tower of London, and placed in repair by the Institution. 6694. The Werndle Carbine, calibre -600, Austrian make. 54 ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM. 6695. The Albini Carbine, of Belgian Manufacture. 6696. The Martini-Henry Mackenzie Rifle; the breach is engraved with the Arms of Persia on one side and two lions on the other. These three Exhibits formed part of those taken from gun-runners in the Persian Gulf by vessels of the Royal Navy in 1912, under the command of Rear-Admiral Sir E. J. W. Slade, K.C.I. E., K.C.V.O., and are given by the Secretary of State for India. 6697. A Line Engraving entitled "The Death of General Wolfe," at Quebec, September 13th, 1759, engraved by William Woollett, from the painting by Benjamin West. 6698. A Photograph of a Line Engraving of "The Martyrdom of King Charles I.," from a book of Common Prayer, dated 1706. INDEX. A. Abercromby, General Sir R., " Pair of Pistols "of ... 206 Abyssinia, Key ... ... 6311 Acre, Siege of, Piece of Shell ... 520 Aden, Crescent of Mosque .. 556 Afghan War, 1842, Pewter Tankard 7,001 Air Guns, German 2528 By Wheeler 2525 11 Alert," H.M.S., Sledge of 6081 Algiers, Lord Exmouth's Trophy 335^ American Civil War, Southern Army Dollar Bills ... ... 854 American War, Correspondence at Ticonderoga, 1777 ... 226 Native Powder Horn ... ... ... 231 Paper Note for One Shilling 227 Powder Horn ... 229 Scalping Knife ... ... ... . 230 Jecumseh's Stick 195 Anchors, Dredged up off Slaine's Castle 4 From Wreck of H.M.S. "Edgar" 1208 Spanish Armada ... .. 878 Anholt, Attack on, Danish Officer's Sword 337 Anklets, Sandwich Islands ... ... ... ... ... 800 Alexandria, Bombardment of. Figure Head of H.M.S. "Condor" ... 6263 Aquatints, Field of Waterloo ... ... ... ... ... 6373 Arctic Relics, Parry's Expedition ... 1568 Franklin Expedition ... 362, 388 to 409, 1569 Esquimaux Snow Shovels ... 1570 Armada, Relic of ... 537 Arrows, California 1622 Central Africa 576, 578, 1577, & 2995 Chinese 2786 to 2790 & 2844 to 2850 Japanese 2889102891 S. America ... 1610, 1619. 1623, 1624, 1625 N. America 1626 N. Australia 2986 Mundo Tribe, with Pouch ... ... 1526 Bhootanee, with Quiver i7 86 & X 7 8 7 Quiver of Central Africa ... ... 1518 Quiver with, Central Africa 1528, 1529, and 1530 Quiver with, Mandingo *7 21 Quiver with, N. W. America ... ... 1620 Quiver of, S. America i5 62 * INDEX. Arrows, Quiver of, S. Australia 1703 & 1704 Sheath of. New Hebrides 1510 Spade-shaped Head, Central Africa 578 Hindustan, with barbed heads 575 Barbed Heads, S.E. Africa 577 Crusaders 574 Armour, Burgonet, i;th Century ... 1149 Cabasset, Italian 1123, 1125, 1127, 1129, and 1130, 1146, and 2587 Casque ... ... 1131, 1132, 1137 to 1144, 1148 Chamfron 2591 & 2615 Dervish Chain Mail 3 OI 4> 5 X 7^ & 5179 French Cuirass from Waterloo ... 13 Helmet with Vizor 1147 Helmet, i7th Century 1150 Gauntlet, left-hand ... 966 Mats of, Sandwich Islands 796 & 797 Miniature man-at-Arms 328 Morions 1124, 1126, 1128, 1145, 2586, 2589 and 5283 Pikeman's Suit 1117, 1118, 1120, 1121, 1122, 2590 and 5284 Sikh Arm-guard ... ... ... ... ... 1498 Suits of English .. 2575, and 2576 Suit of Maltese 1119 Suit of Sikh Chain 2677 Suit of Fibre ... ... 1805 Armlets, Dervish ... 3136, 3154 Ashanti War, War Trumpet 201 Knife 200 Fetish Tree 2346 "Asia." H.M.S, Navarino Shot 6059 Assaye, Battle of, Spoons picked up at ... ... ... 203 Assegais 1547, 1548, 1549, 1571, 1574 Assignats, French Republic ... 6205 Athlone, Siege of. Grape Shot ... ... 252 Stone Shot 6093 Autograph Letters, Marshal Schomberg ... ; 958 John Nicholson ... 962 General C. G. Gordon 6246 Marshal Bertrand 686 Field-Marshal Bliicher 672 General Sir Colin Campbell 673 General G. Carleton 685 Adml. Lord Cochrane 670 Adml. Lord Collingwood 667 Lord Cornwallis 674 Admiral Sir J. J. Duckworth 689 Admiral Lord Duncan 682 Sir John Franklin 678 H.M. King George III 680 INDEX. 8 Autograph Letters, Prince Hardenberg ... 683 General Viscount Hill 688 Lieut. -General Lumley 676 Samuel Pepys 913, and 914 Peter Pett 913 Sir Cloudesley Shovel! 916 Maria Teresa of Austria 675 Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson 662, 663, 665, 666 and 3229 Admiral Lord St. Vincent 664 Prince Eugene of Savoy 684 Field-Marshal Lord Seaton 3^5 H.R.H. Prince Frederick Duke of York 687 Marquis of Wellesley 690 Duke of Wellington 668 King William IV. 681 Axes, Headsman's, Mauritius 2204 13. Back, Admiral Sir George, Medals and Decorations of ... 44 Badges, Cavalry ... 6137 42nd Highlanders 462 Shropshire Yeomanry 844 Line and Militia Regiments ... ... 2347 2oth Regiment 3 IGI I3th Light Dragoons 4&> 29th Regiment 4 86 and 4 8 7 Regiments raised in S. Africa 620 R. E. Militia 99 2 State Waterman S3 6 Ballinamuck, French Sword taken at 5375 Bandoliers, Musketeers 561 Barometers, Lord Howe's 2 354 H.M.S. " Temeraire " i Barossa, Battle of, Map of Spain taken at 432 Bar-Shot. Beachy Head 6086 Specimens of 6104, 6105, 6106 Battle-Axes, Basuto 1607 Bechuana 1194 Burmese 2867, and 2868 Central Indian 1486 Central Africa 1503, 1515, 2993, 2996, and 2997 Chinese ~ 2795 Chota Nagpur 1494 Ghurka 1225 Hindu 1392, 1393, 1395, 1396, 2310, 2311 and 2312, 2855 to 2857 Kaffir 1608 & 2998 Oriental 2117 & 2118 Steel Mace, Indian 1224 Turkish 2328 Heavy, with Spike ... 1491 Baxter, Oil Pictures ... ... 908 . , Bayonets, 1907 Pattern i>*^ Russian ... ... ... 210 & 211 Sword, Brunswick ... ... 5049 to 5106 Plug ... ... ... 255, 2157, 2158, 2198 Beaver, SS., Piece of a timber of ... ... 6322 Bells, Russian 2345 Burmese ... ... 1177 Chinese ... ... ... 1178 & 1179 Vaal River ... 1201 Ville de Paris ... - 769 Belt Buckles, 8th Regiment ... 6005, and 6037 43rd Light Infantry ... 430 49th Regiment ... ... ... 6254 Hyderabad Contingent ... ... 300 R-N 275, 327 95th Regiment 277 Scots Guards, Piper ... 363 2ist Foot 6071 Royal Dockyard Battalion ... ... ... 326 Royal Marines ... 276 Royal Military Academy ... ... .. 367 Wilts Militia ' ... '. 6016 7th Fusiliers ... ... ... 428 i6th Regiment ... ... ... 6012 i7th Regiment ... 692 3oth Regiment ... ... 850 38th Regiment ... ... 477 INDEX. 6 Belt Buckles, aoth Regiment 6127 24th Regiment 6133 Sist Regiment 6324 BenboWj Admiral, Drawing of Birth Place ... ... ... 976 Bertrand, Marshal, Autograph Letter 686 Bits, Soudanese Camel 1540 Blake, Admiral Robert, Document with Signature ... ... 482 Blow-pipes, " S. America " ... ... ... ... ... 1612 Bliicher, Field-Marshal, "Autograph Letter" 672 Bronze Statuette 6247 Coloured Print of 6148 Sketches of 969 Blunderbusses 2377, 2378, 2379, 2386, 2446, 2449, 2450 & 2^65 Boat Models, Burmese ... ... 2101 to 2104 Chinese ... 1210, 1211 & 1212, 2105 & 2192 Collapsible ... ... ... ... 2901, 2902, 2905 For Disembarkation 6047 For landing Horses 2900, 2903 With Fish tank 2904 Self-righting Life Boat 5315 & 5316 Maltese Galley 2202 Boomerangs 1674 to 1678, 1705, 1768 to 1775 Boulogne, Flotilla, Tiller of 1581 " Bounty," H.M.S.. Gun of 1215 "Bounty," H.M.S., Sea Chest 1216 Relics of ... 522 to 527, 805 Telescope 521 Bows and Arrows, Humbolt's Bay ... ... ... ... 1076 Bows, Amazon River ... 1563, 1564 Central Africa I 5o7 > JSoS Ceylon ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1804 Chinese 2829, 2832, 2833, 2834 Cross, W. Africa 1617 Darnley Island 2989 Island of Madura 2985 Japanese 2892, 2893 Madagascar 1722 N. American, Indian ... ... ... ... ... 1509 Nubian 1753 S. American 1613 & 1621 Upper Nile ... 152^ Zanzibar 1723 " Boyne," H.M.S., Jug from Wreck of 540 Relics of 547 Bracelets, Hog's Tusks 801 Brant, Chief of the Mohawks, Portrait of - 602 Buddha, Terra Cotta Figure of ... 6082 " Britannia, H.M.S., Pendant Board Signed by Nelson ... 652 Boyne, Battle of, Leaden and Iron Balls from 251 6 INDEX. Bugles, King's African Rifles 6332 Royal Gloucester Militia ... 6325 Burmese War. Muster Roll 197 Prints of 6142 Busby Grenades, loist Fusiliers 993 Bussaco, Battle of, Cannon BalT and Bullets from ... 6198 Busts, Duke of Wellington 1232 Byng, Admiral John, Papers with reference to 643 C. Cabassets, Italian 2215 " Caledonia," H.M.S., Model of 427 Cambridge, H.R.H., Duke of, "Field-Marshal's Uniform" 115 to 124 Staff Officer's Uniform 125 to 130 Saddlery, etc 131 to 134 1 7th Lancers Uniform 3311 to 3313 Campbell, Gen. Sir Colin, " Autograph Letter " 673 Canoe Paddles, Easter Islands .. 1034, IO 4 & IO 4 I Fiji Islands 1021 to 1023, 1044, 1046, 1069 Friendly Islands 1066 & 1072 Harvey Islands 1004 to 1008, 1054, 1063, 1065 & 1071 Marquesas Islands 1108 to 1113 New Caledonia 1036 New Zealand iiio&im St. Christopher's Island ... 1045 & 1048 Sandwich Islands 1064, 1151 & 1152 Savage Island 1082 Society Islands ... ... 1104 & 1105 Canoes, Burmese, Model of 1197 & 1198 Greenland 1202 New Guinea 1203 Southern Nigeria 1192 & 1193 INDEX. 7 Cap Badges, Infantry prior to 1881, Collection of 886 23rd Regiment 897 37th ,, 6262 43rd 898 65th ,, 902 68th Light Infantry 6363 Royal Archers 278 Royal Marines 273 & 274 Royal Reserve Cavalry 6136 Royal Soots 270 Capri, Island of, " Grape shot found in " 6257 Captain, H.M.S. " Piece of Bowsprit " 541 Stand of Binnacle 3326 Carbines, Calisher's Patent 5239 Cavalry M.L., S.B., 1825 5320 Cavalry M.L., Percussion 1830 53 J 9 City of London Light Horse 2373 Flint-lock M.L., Maton's pattern 1834 5318 Cavalry Flint-lock 1836 5023 Combined with Lance 1800 2460 Double-barrelled rifled, 1854 5305 6th Dragoons, brought from Waterloo 1214 Evan's patent repeating 1868 1458 Flint-lock, 1840 17.30 Flint-lock Cavalry, 1830 2447 French, 1848 2470 Flint-lock Musquetoon ... ... ... ... 2523 French Flint-lock ... 2458 Flint-lock rifled ... 5238, 5245, 5252, 5253, 5255 Flint-lock, William III. 2430 & 2432 French percussion 2464 & 2468 French Flint-lock, 1799 ... ... ... ... 2433 George IV. Cavalry 2380 German Double- wheel Lock, 1700 2462 Lancaster R.E. 5 2 74 Flint-lock Musquetoon 2629 & 2630 Joscelyn patent 2738 Manner's patent ... 2369 Martini-Henry r 454, I 45S 2622 Mauser 2621 & 5286 Maynard's Patent 5250 North's Patent 2370 Patent B.L 1456 Percussion M.L. 5251 Percussion, R.A. Pattern 5 2 59 Percussion, R.E. Pattern 5269 Percussion, 1857 5248 Portuguese Flint-lock, 1792 2454 Prince's Patent 1459 Queen's Light Dragoons 2372 8 INDEX. Carbines, Reeves' Patent 2368 Rifle Flint-lock, 1840 ,.. 2455 R.H.G. George III 5240 Russian Cavalry, 1820 2452 & 2453 Russian Flint-lock, 1805 2456 Sharpe's Patent ... 5237 & 5249 Springfield, 1873 H57 Turkish 2493 Turkish Flint-lock 2522 Victoria ... 5270 Westley-Richards 2618 & 6060 Whitworth, 1865 1428 Woolwich Cadets 5254 Carleton, General G., " Autograph Letter " ... ... 685 Cartouche Box, " Goorgh " 571 Cartridge Boxes, Albanian 564 Greek 565 Montenegro ... 570 Russian 566 Syrian 568 Catchpole, i5th Century, German 2133 Chain Shot, Chinese 6103 & 6108 Chairs, Capitulation of Sedan ... 1576 Charles ist, King, Facsimile of Warrant for Execution ... 820 Charms, Sailor's Anchor ... 2070 Chesapeake, U.S. Frigate, Signal Book 532 China, Boxer Coats, Hat, etc 5279 to 5282 Mandarin's Plume 345 Chinese Arms, Collection of 2549 to 2563 Dress, Tartar General's Uniform 3302 China War, 1842, Part of Shot H.M.S. "Nemesis" ... 1186 Chinese Junk, Model of 469 Chopper, Chinese Nose and Ear 2791 Clubs, Australian 787, 1681 to 1684, 1687, 1752 & 1779 Sandwich Islands ... ... 7^8 Central Africa 1516, 1522 & 1523 Captain Cook's from' Owhyhee 552 Fiji Islands 1886, 1898, 1900, 1902 to 1910, 1916 to 1920, 1922 to 1924, 1930, 1931 Four-sided, British Guiana 1531 to 1539 Friendly Islands 1929, 1934 to 1940 Kingsmill Islands 1058 Mandan Indians 1520 & 1521 New Caledonia 1911 New Guinea ... ... ... ... ... ... 1816 New Zealand ... 1699 Nubian 1724 to 1727 & 1781 Omida Indians 1517 Orinoco River District 1514 Otaheit6 1915 INDEX. 9 Clubs, S. E. Africa 1598, 1599, 1601, 1602 W. Africa 1700 & 1708 Zululand 1600 Cochrane, Admiral Lord, "Autograph Letter" ... ... 670 Coins, Dervish ... 3143 to 3145 Franc-pieces (Siege of Cattaro) 180 Portuguese, Commemorative of Peninsula War ... 6201 Colling\vood, Admiral Lord, " Autograph Letter " 667 Gold Naval Medal " ... 3361 Medals and Relics of 3362 Swords of 3363 Colours (Regimental) 2nd Gurkha Rifles ... 2043 to 2046 3rd Gurkha Rifles ... 2047 & 2048 ist Light Infantry, British Swiss Legion 2054 2nd do ... 2049 4th Light Infantry, British German Legion 2055 6th do 2051 39th Madras Light Infantry ... ... 2649 4ist Regiment ... ... ... ... 262 43rd Light Infantry ... 2037 & 2038 52nd do. ... ... 2039 & 2040 ist Battalion du D6partement de 1' Aveyron 2004 2nd Battalion du Dcpartement des Bouches du Rhone ... ... ... 2003 22nd French Regiment ... ... 2006 26th French Regiment 2005 52nd French Regiment ... ... 2001 62nd French Regiment (Provisional) 2007 33rd Regiment 2035 2036 54th Regiment ... ... ... 6375 & 6376 66th Regiment 2041 & 2042 io2nd Regiment ... ... ... 1226 logth Regiment 998 & 999 Herefordshire Militia 2053 Portion of 2oth Regiment ... ... 3084 Royal Merioneth Militia 2052 Royal Knightsbridge Volunteers ... 6018 S. Hants Militia ... 2056 Volontaires du De"partement de la Cor?e 200? Commissions, Captain's, Charles II 2206 Mountjoy's Regiment of Foot, 1707 ... 955 Lord Nelson's to the Hinchinbroke, 1779 ... 48 Westminster Volunteer Cavalry, 1803 ... 954 Ten of Sir Adam Williamson 950 Nine of Gen. George Williamson 951 Compasses, Boats, early igth Century 5377 Chinese ... 519 & 520 10 Condor, H.M.S., Figure-head of ... 6263 Cook, Captain James, Chronometer of ... ... ... 347 Relics of ... 348, 551 to 553, 555 & 1204 Sailing Directions ... ... ... 349 Sword of ... ... ... ... 342 Corunna, Diary of loth Royal Hussars 3352 Cornwallis, Lord, " Autograph Letter of " ... ... ... 674 Covenanters, John Balfour's Bible 253 Cre"cy, Battle of, Iron coffer dug up on Field 2096 Crimean War, Alma Despatch Bag 217 Balaclava Trumpet 1228 Bronze Arms of Russia 614 Model of Russian Battleship ... ... 425 Russian Bayonets 210 & 211 Bell from Sebastopol ... 2345 Bust of Catherine 1 220 Cossack Pouch 2339 4th Light Dragoon Relics of Balaclava ... 303 French Permit to Trenches 471 Russian Helmet Plates 353 & 354 ist Shot fired in 6084 Captain Nolan's Cloak 2906 Part of Mast of H.M.S. "Blenheim" ... 1184 Lord Raglan's Despatch Bag 3090 Russian Band Instrument ... 2008 Russian Climbing Irons ... ... ... 212 Russian Eikons 213,2097102100,2343 Inkerman Despatch Bag ... 218 Lock of Malakof Gun ... ... ... ... 216 Russian Epaulettes ... ... ... 221 & 2342 Russian Lock ... 214 Sebastopol Church Key 215 Piece of Timber of "The Twelve Apostles " 544 Figure of St. George ... 6352 Russian Helmet Plate ... 6306 Cromwell, Naseby Bullets ... 246 Cavalier's Gauntlets 235 Marston Moor Shot and Bullets ... ... ... 248 Relief in oak of ... 352 Sword of ... ... ... 209 Cross-bows, Central Africa ... ... ... ... ... 2994 Chinese ... 2801 to 2806 English I7th Century 2166 & 2231 French Stirrup, i5th Century 2223 German 2167 to 2169 Cutlass, Five-bladed for Boarding 2163 INDEX. 11 D. Darts, Admiralty Islands 2956 & 2957 Daggers, Abyssinian 1712 & 1716 Afghan 2313 Armenian 2334 Borneo 2293 Burmese ... 1389, 1390, 1391, 2318, 2319, 2320 Central Africa 1594, 1595 & 1597 Chinese 2779 to 2784 Dervish 3134 Greek 2307 & 2315 Hindoo Khouttar 2280 & 2281 Indian, 1336101343, 1381, 2277, 2283, 2298,2304, 2305, 2306, 2322, 2325, 2326, 2331, 2335 Javanese 1828 to 1833, 2291, 2292, 2294, 2295, 2301 Mahratta "... 1278 to 1299, 2872 to 2875 Malay 1834 to 1836, 2296, 2297, 2299, 2300, 2302 & 2327 Mandingo I 7 I 5 Moorish 2323, 2330 Nigerian 1591 N.W. America 2308 Nubian 2317 Persian 2282 & 2321 Saxon 585 Spanish 2160, 2162, 2237 & 2309 Syrian 2332 Two-pointed, S. American i5 2 5 Turkish 2267 & 2316 W. Africa 1689 to 1692 & 1707 Decorations, Badge of the Garter 46 Royal Geographical Society (Emin Relief) ... 6310 Order of the Bath, Mnj.-Gen. E. W. H. de Lancy Lowe 890 Legion of Honour 50, 168, 176 & 177 Chinese Double Dragon 52 Dooranee Empire 6258 St. John of Jerusalem 53 Roumanian " De La Couronne " 47 Servian " De Takovo " 48 Turkish Medjidie 51 12 INDEX. Dervish Quilted Jibbas 5183, 5184 & 6276 Camel Bit ... 6278 Camel Ornament ... ... ... ... ... 6279 Quilted Head-piece 6277 Child's Jibba ... ... 5*99 Deserters, Branding Instrument 847 Dettingen, Battle of, " Cavalry Pistol " ... 249 French Cartouche Box ... ... ... ... 250 Diaz Bartholomew, "Portion of Marble Cross " 334 Dirks, French Officer's, Trafalgar 87 Highland 239 & 2161 Volunteer Ensigns ... ... ... ... ... 1231 Drake, Sir Francis, Coat of Arms ... 550 Snuff Box 344 Walking Stick ... 343 Drawings, Battle of Blenheim ... 932 Burnham Thorpe Rectory 933 General Sir Hope Grant 6121 Midshipman, 1819 816 The Burning of Payta, 1741 ... 836 Battle of Alexandria ... 6113 "Dreadnought," H.M.S., Model of, 1690 ... 424 Drinkwater, Col. John, Gorget of 6048 & 6050 Shoulder belt, Plate of 6049 Drums, W. Africa ... ... ... ... ... 2026 & 2029 Central Africa ... ... ... 2024, 2025 & 2027 Afghan, Pair of Kettle 2032 Ashanti 987, 2028, 2030 & 2031 Chinese ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2843 Dervish ... ... I 9 2 5, 1926, 5191, 5197, & 5198 Hervey Islands ... ... 2954 New Caledonia ... ... ... ... ... ... 1020 Hawaii ... ... ... 1074 Russian, Side ... ... 2626 Duckworth, Admiral Sir J. J., Autograph Letter 689 Duncan, Admiral Lord ,, ,, ... ... 682 Boarding Pike, Camperdown 339 Memorial Patch Box ... 899 Medallion Portrait ... ... ... 329 Dunkirk, Siege of, Tricolour Sash 335 Dutch Warship, Model of ... 437 INDEX. 13 E. Edgar, H.M.S. "Spirit Bottle from wreck of 546 Gun-lashing of 545 Egyptian War, " Alexandria Flag-Staff truck " 1182 Elliot, General Sir A. " Oil Painting of Balaclava Charge 6067 Zulu Statue 6068 Engravings, ist Life Guards 693, 694, 709 & 748 Royal Horse Guards 695, 696 & 815 Dragoon Guards ... 710 4th Dragoon Guards 865 2nd Dragoons .. 863 4th Light Dragoons ... ... 864 nth Light Dragoons ... ... 858 i3th Light Dragoons 708 & 738 7th Hussars ' 746 loth Hussars 697, 746 & 862 iSth Hussars 698 & 746 i6th Lancers 737 Royal Horse Artillery 711 & 740 Royal Artillery 700, 747, 811 & 86 1 Coldstream Guards 707 3rd Foot Guards ... ., 701 23rd Fusiliers 702 & 714 26th Regiment 857 33rd Regiment 715 6oth Rifles 713 & 718 62nd Regiment 703 73rd Highlanders 717 79th Highlanders 716 87th Fusiliers 704, 705 & 749 Rifle Brigade .. 719 Bengal Horse Artillery 720 i9th Bengal Light Cavalry 721 65th Bengal Infantry 722 Bombay Horse Artillery ... 724 65th Bombay Infantry 725 Bombay Lancers 723 Jacob's Horse 732 Madras Horse Artillery ... ... 727 Madras Bodyguard 726 Madras Infantry 728, 729 & 730 Military Caricatures, 1860 6315 Action between Shannon & Chesapeake ... 866 14 INDEX. Engravings, Addiscombe Cadets 739 Banqueting House, Whitehall 615, 625, 626 & 971 The Horse Guards ... ... 604, 972, 973 Battle of Navarino 818 Billingsgate Volunteers 610 Bombardment of St. Jean d'Arc 918 Bundlecund Legion 734 Capture of Amoy 922 Execution of King Charles ist 623, 637 & 638 Charles ist, " The George " of 616 Portrait of Charles ist ... ... ... ... 639 Sebastopol 63^1 Storming of Chusan Heights 923 Clerkenwell Cavalry 611 Field Marshal Lord Cobham 1221 Captain Cook, Death of 603 ,, ,, Portrait of 645 Oliver Cromwell .... 636 Prince Eugene of Savoy 6367 Diamond, H.M.S. 927 Diamond Jubilee, 1897 ^ ... 6295 Funeral Car of Duke of Wellington 935 Earl of Orkney 1220 East India Company, Officer of 706 East India Volunteers 896 English Hussar ... ... ... ... ... 859 French, Various Types of Ships ... 751 to 765 Halt of Troops 812 H.M.S. "The Sovereign of the Seas " 6294 The Highlanders 833 Holbein Gate, Whitehall 624 Nabob of Carnatic ... 867 Island of Banda Neira 821 Bust of James ist 635 Statue of James 2nd ... 631 Lord Lake ... ... ... ... ... ... 906 The Line 712 " The Prince Royal " 6290 Merton Place ... ... ... ... ... 644 Marquis of Anglesey ... ... ... ... 813 Siege of Barcelona 6284 Splendid Record of British Bravery ... ... 819 Hyderabad Nautch 868 Battle of the Nile 618 Volunteer Corps of the City of London, 1799 ... 6384 Volunteer Corps of Westminster, 1799 6383 Volunteers, 1806 ... 6309 Nyzam's Cavalry 73 1, 732 & 750 INDEX. 15 Engravings, Horse Guards, 1720 640 Panorama of Bosphorus 6145 Rocket Practice 860 Royal Wagon Train 699 Series "England's Glory " 770 to 777 Set of Havannah Expedition 817 Siege of St. John of Acre 926 Spanish Man of War 822 Stanfield's Trafalgar 617 Victoria, Queen, and H.R.ll. The Prince Consort 743 View of the British Army 904 View from Knightsbridge Barracks 892 Victory^ H.M.S 621 French Man of War 823 & 824 Duke of Wellington 905 Whitehall 632, 634 & 641 Sir Robert Wilson 907 Cardinal Wolsey 633 Yeomen of the Guard ... 619 Epaulettes, 3rd Light Dragoons 489 i6th Light Dragoons 557 i6th Lancers 488 54th Foot 6253 95th Regiment ... 24 Light Infantry 6197 Royal Engineers 29 Bengal Engineers 490 Royal Marine Light Infantry 491, 492 Pair of Staff ... ... 35 Yeomen of the Guard 26 Royal Dockyard Battalion 30 Royal Monmouthshire Light Infantry ... ... 3299 Shropshire Yeomanry 844 Staffordshire Yeomanry 479 Russian 221 Erebus, H.M.S. " Roll of Crew" 661 Eurydice, H.M.S., " Model of " ... ... 438 Exmouth, Admiral Viscount, "Silver Gilt Trophy" ... 3356 Swords of ... 3357 & 3358 16 INMJEJC F. Fibre Armour, Kingsmill Islands ... 2960 Flags, Boats Ensign, H. M.S. " Hecla " 9 Chinese Banner from Taku Fort ... ... ... 12 Dervish Banner of the Devil 6119 Khalifa's ... 2936 Mahdi's ... 5213 Omdurman (Dervish) ... 5188, 5190, 5193 & 5212 Pendant (French) captured 1796 ... 194 Transvaal Republic and Orange Free State ... 6307 & 6308 U.S. Frigate "Chesapeake" 1229 Flissas, Arab 2276 Turkish ... ... ... ... ... 2268 Foreign Orders, Chinese Precious Star ... ... ... 3089 Prussian Iron Cross 3301 Foudroyant, H. M.S., " Model of " 513 Fowling Pieces, Double-Barrelled Flint-lock ... ... 2631 Double-Barrelled B.L. Pin-fire ... ... 2534 English (1800) ... ... 2400 German 2539 B.L. German Flint-lock ... 2463 German Wheel-lock ... ... ... 2435 Italian Wheel-lock ... ... ... ... 2398 Boer 2624 Franklin, Sir John, "Autograph Letter " .. 678 Portraits of 679 & 856 Frederick The Great, Coloured Print of ... 6146 Frigate, " Model of a 30 Gun " ... 433 Fury, H.M.S., ist Shot in Crimean War ... 6084 Oil Painting of , 6083 INDEX. 17 G. Gardner, Admiral Lord, " Portrait of " 467 George III., H.M. King, " Autograph Letter " 680 Gibraltar, Cypher Rods 225 Brass Candlesticks 222 Engraving of 516 Grape-shot 238 Plan of, 1738 953 Relic of Floating Batteries 196 Gisarmes, 15th Century 5 I 5o ibth Century 2146 Gladiator, H.M.S., " Graves' Range-Finder " 6116 Glaives, i6th Century 2140 Henry VIII. Period 2I 47 Gongs, Benares 1927 Chinese 2837 & 28 3 8 Gordon, General C. G., " Khartum Paper Money " 3147 Gorgets, 72nd Regiment 6048 East Yorks Militia 264 French Officer's 881 Infantry Officers 265 Royal Manchester Vols. 6050 Royal Marines 263 Officers Silver 6079 Guidons, 23rd Light Dragoons, 2062 to 2065 Grant, General Sir Hope, Water Colour Sketch of ... 6121 Guernsey Lilly, " Grape-shot from Wreck of " ... ... 528 Guillotine, Axe of 2203 Guns, Ancient double 1175 Ancient long ... ... ... ... ... ... 2951 H.M.S. "Bounty" 1215 B.L. Swivel, Amoy 2686 B.L. Swivel (Amsterdam) 2952 Brass 3-Pr. B.L. 2695 Brass 4-Pr. (Found N.W. Australia) 2682 Three Pounder (Fort Copiddroog) 2689 Seven Pounder Brass Krupp 3327 Seven Pounder Brass (Omdurman) 5215 B.L. (British Guiana) 2705 Brass (Kabul, 1842) 2703 Brass M.L. Swivel (S. Pacific) 2698 Burmese Iron Swivel ... 2679, 2685 & 2690 Burmese Swivel ... 876, 877, 2681, 2688, & 2694 Captured in Niger-Soudan 2692 Chinese 871, 1173, 2016, 2697 & 2700 Chinese B. L. Wall-piece 2687 & 2691 S.B. Elephant Percussion ... 2014 Seringapatam 2 74 & 2 97 Filipino 2023 ist Machine (i2th London Regiment) 6042 18 INDEX. Guns, Flint-lock 2693 Heavy Match-lock Wall-piece ... 2696, 2699 & 2701 Iron B.L. Swivel 2684 Iron Muzzle-loader 2680 Japanese Snaphaunce 2895 , 2896 & 2897 Mafeking Wolf 2916 Brass Malay 1/46 Malay Swivel 2683 Six Pounder Russian 875 Small Iron, Gibraltar 1176 Indian Swivel (Kabul) 2678 Swivel (Amoy) 1172 Swivel (Bonin River) 2702 Wooden Philippine 5372 Mary Rose 2946 Gun Models, Carriage for 4.72 in. B.L 5310 Carriage for 4.72 in. B.L. Naval 5313 Carriage for 9.4 in. B.L. 5312 Carriage for Howitzer B.L 5311 Carriage and Platform (Armstrong) 2923 Chinese 2731 Disappearing 32-Pr. 2742 Double Wedge B.L 2734 Experimental R.M.L 6356 Field Gun (1803) 2 743 Grasshopper 2735 Horse Artillery (1850) 2796 Howitzer 2898 6-Pr. Field 2739 & 2740 6 in. B.L 2925 7 in. no pouuder (Armstrong) 6355 8 in. Howitzer 2732 10 inch, 18 ton 6354 i2'5 inch, 38 ton 6353 8 in. Lower Deck Gun 2911 10 in. S.B. Howitzer 2910 13 in. Mortar ... ... ... 2736 & 2909 3-Pr. Marshall's Carriage 1206 9-Pr. M.L. Field 2741 g-Pr. M. L., S.B. Gun 2190 i2-Pr. Rocket 2797 i2-Pr. Armstrong 2799 & 2800 24-Pr. 2912 32-Pr. (Naval) 2730 32-Pr. S.B. 2914 Hydraulic Gun 2924 Hydraulic Disappearing Carriage 53*4 Kimberley Long Cecil 607 & 2719 Moncrieff Carriage 2915 & 2919 Naval Gun (Royal George) 2908 INDEX. 19 Gun Models, Needham's B.L 1205 Scott's Naval Carriage 2920 Scott's Turret 2921 Siege on Universal Carriage 2913 Sikh Field 2720 to 2728 Sultan Muhammad ..' 3092 H. Halbardi, German S J 44 & 5*45 i6th Century 2577 i7th Century, Head of 2224 Sergeants (1702) 2136 Sergeants (William IV.) 2152 Swiss 5149 Henry VII 2128 William III 2149 Charles II $i$6> George 1 5151 Hatchets, Basuto 1604 & 1605 Fiji Islands 1921 Hervey Islands 1912, 1913 & 1914 Kaffir 1603 & i6c6 New Zealand 1888, 1889, 1894 & l8 95 W. Africa 1688 Hardenberg, Prince, " Autograph Letter " 683 Head-dresses: Busby, R.H.A 416 Busby, R.A 415 Busby, R.E 76 & 414 Busby Staats Artillery 458 Cap, Newport Light Infantry 62 Cocked Hat, R.H.G 61 Dervish Cavalry 3148 & 3149 5th Dragoon Guards 68, 417 & 418 i5th Light Dragoons 6015 i6th Lancers 75 Seaforth Highlanders 946 The Albert Shako 23 20 INDEX. Head-dresses, i2th Lancers 419 Foot Guards Shako 56 Shako, East Norfolk Militia 6292 Scots Greys 54 67th Regirqent 6261 South Hants Militia 60 Grant Fencibles 58 & 59 Royal Horse Guards 65 Dragoon Guards 66 Light Dragoons 57 3rd Light Dragoons 64 8th Light Dragoons 67 Royal Artillery 69 Japanese 1671, 1672 & 2886 King's Own Royal Tower Hamlets Light Infantry 6002 Light Horse Volunteers 6327 Lord Nelson's Cocked Hat 92 & 93 W. African 10 Russian Infantry 2009, 2572 & 2573 8th Regiment 410 nth Foot 63 i3th Light Infantry 73 agth Regiment 77 & 4 12 5ist Light Infantry 6124 56th Regiment 55 66th Regiment 71 7ist Highland L. I ' 74 8ist Regiment ' ... 72 io5th Madras L.I 6138 Royal Marines 70 Midlothian Yeomanry ... 590 Shropshire Yeomanry 843 Royal Sussex Militia 411 3oth Regiment 3007 Lancashire Yeomanry 78 2nd Dragoon Guards ... 980 62nd Regiment 979 Duke of Wellington 's Cocked Hat 108 London Rifle Brigade 6062 Heliograph, General De Wet's 6013 Helmet Chains, 3rd Dragoon Guards ... 6130 Helmet Plates, 6th West York Militia 463 i6th Regiment 6011 8ist Regiment 6123 King's Regiment 6282 Royal Military Academy 368 Royal Wilts Militia 6016 Scottish Rifles 6032 & 6033 Jamaica Artillery 6252 INDEX. 21 Heraldic Shields, Arms of England, etc 767 Royal Arms from William the Conqueror 766 Hill, General Viscount, " Autograph Letter" 688 Hood, Admiral Viscount, " Memorial Bowl " 549 Signal List 654 Howe, Admiral Lord, Commemorative Gold Badge ... 3157 Water-colour Sketch of, June ist, Victory 6285 Hymn Book, French Prisoner's of War 181 I & J. Indian Mutiny, Bronze Plate 205 Coat of Quilted Armour 2676 Cypher Despatch 691 Delhi Flag 1219 Relic of Cawnpore 2336 Lawrence's Ink Bottle 204 Mess Plate, 32nd Regiment 468 Sepoy's Ring 934 Skull of a Sepoy 6365 Indulgence, Danish, (1294) 351 Iron Shot 6096 to 6100, 6102 Jack the Painter, Relics of 346 & 440 James I., King, Bust of 2650 Japan, War Paper Money 912 Javelins, Humbolt's Bay 1077 jervis, Admiral Sir John, " Signal Book of " 318 Sword of 316 Jingle-Johnny, 3rd W. India Regiment 2643 22 INDEX. K. Kaffir War, Sir Harry Smith's Spear 2337 Kelat, Coat of the Khan of 422 Khartoum, Neuvelt's Chains 2 937 & 2 93& King Charles I., Pocket Dial 517 King James I., Clock Watch 518 Knives, Afghan 2 333i 2860, 2861 Central Africa 1505, 1592, 1593, 1776 East Africa 1586 & 1587 West Africa 1585, 1706, 1713 Arab 322 & 1714 Armenian 261 S. Australia 789 to 793 Calabrian 2165 Coorgh 2858, 2859 & 2862 Gurkha Kukree 994, 1249 to 1252, 2304, 2314, 2863, 2864 Hindoo 2329 Japanese l ^95, I ^9^, J 6g7 Javanese 1826 Khyber ... 1326 to 1335 Krooman 1511 Mandingo t ... 1747 Nigerian ... ... 1596 Sandwich Islands ... .. 798 & 799 Spanish Matador's ... 2164 i5th Century 588 Krees, Malay ... .,. .. 198 INDEX. 23 L. Ladysmith, Siege of, " Long Tom's Cleaning Rod " ... 1191 " Piece of Muzzle of Long Tom " ... 1200 La Luntine, H.M.S., " Stock of Musket from Wreck of " ... 543 Lances, Burmese 1259 to 1262 & 1275 Cossack, Crimea 2625 Indian 1083, 1253 to 1258, 1263 to 1272 Tilting, i6th Century 2148 Lasso, S. American 1615 Linstock of about :6oo 2130 Lee, General Robert E. "Sash worn by" 6040 Leipsic, Battle of " Coloured Print" 6147 Letter, Descriptive of Trafalgar 595 Life-Belts, " Models of " 5317 Life-Boats, " Model of the 'Northumberland' " 2944 Richardson 's Patent Tubular 2945 " L' Imperiale " French Line of Battleship, " Model of "... 6126 Linked Shot " Spanish " t 6107 & 6ioq Long Bow "from Wreck of 'Mary R'ose' " 2948 Lowe, General Sir Hudson, " Original Portrait " 38 Orders and Decorations of 36, 37, 39 & 40 Presentation Medallion ... 930 Lumley, Lieut-General, "Autograph Letter of" 676 M. McClure, Capt. Sir R., R.N., Decorations and Medals of ... 6046 Presentation Silver Figure ... 6046 Maces, Jron Persian 6326 Machine Guns, Model of Nordenfelt 1171 j8th Century Fire Carriage ... .,. .,. 80? 24 INDEX. Mahdi, Brass railing from Tomb of 3142 Lamp over Tomb 33,. 2071 1 Silver Statuette 421 Photograph of Baptismal Certifi- cate 650 Uniform Coat and Vest 3032 & 3033 Aigrette of Brazilian Diamonds 3041 INDEX. Nelson, Vice- Admiral Lord Letters of, 662, 663, 665, 666, & 3229 Blade of Combined Knife & Fork 100 Blue Silk Purse 3175 Piece of Brocade worn by Lady Nelson 95 Cabin Washstand 5235 Cap of Telescope 3169 Cocked Hat 92 & 93 Commission to the Hinchinbroke 84 Commemoration Jug ... 16 & 3023 Field Exercise Book of 6366 Fighting Sword 96 Gilt Metal Snuff Box 107 Gold Box 3035 Gold Lace from Coat 98 Inkstand 6323 Lady Hamilton's Writing Case 105 Piece of Keel of H.M.S. Badger 507 Gold Locket 3029 Gold Ring with Portrait of ... 19 Laurel Wreath 94 Log-Book of H.M.S. " Victory " 3039 Malacca Cane 3038 Memorial Box 3219 Memorial Jug 6271 Midshipman's Dirk 81 Model of Coffin 369 Naval Sword 3*7 Original Sketch on Satin ... 3025 Satin Embroidery by Lady Nelson 103 Pair of Silver Ice-pails ... 101 Silver Dish 3036 Silver Fork 102 Silver-mounted Knife 3024 Silver Teapot 3267 Small Brooch 3030 Small Oak Box 473 Spirit in which body was pre- served 89 Telescope 5236 Ticket to Funeral 91 Tortoiseshell Box 3212 Wine Glass 515 Nelsonia, Bronze Circular Box containing Prints of Naval Battles 910 Nicaragua, Portion of Colours 336 Nicholson, Brig.-General J., Mule Trunks of 6038 New Zealand, " Model of War Pah " 2574 , Marshal, Manuscript Drill Book 931 30 INDEX. Nile, Battle of, " Sketch by Lord Nelson " ... 6256 Main-Royal-Mast-Head of the Orient ... 2199 Four Prints 495 Nightingale, Miss Florence, Bequests of 6334 to 6345 Noble, Mrs., Chinese Cage 2674 O. Oil Paintings, British Frigate chasing French Brig Battle of Trafalgar Cutter under Sail Admiral de Ruyter Heavy Cavalry Brigade, Balaclava ... H.M.S. "Fury" H.M.S. "Malabar," 1885 Head of Mary Queen of Scots King Edward VII. The Genius of Wellington 2nd Life Guards Capt. W. S. Smith (by Sir J. Gilbert) Omdurman, Mahdi's Lamp Chain Mail Leg Armour Orange Free State, Government Rubber Stamp Orient, French Flagship, Main Mast-head 941 6366 940 6377 6067 6083 '5 6007 6289 6140 6030 6014 3364 2491 901 2199 INDEX. 31 P. Paddles, Canadian 1524 Fiji Islands ,. ... 1887, 1896 Friendly Islands J 93 2 > *933 Hervey Islands 1796, 1803 New Zealand 1885, 1890 Sandwich Islands 1941 S. America 1611 Solomon Islands ... .1897, 1899 Paintings, East Indiaman, 1750 900 5th Dragoon Guards 806 A. " Galliasse," 1546 503 Cornet Berners, Light Horse Vols. 6382 " Harry Grace a Dieu " 502 H. M.S. "Vernon," 1832 894 Lord Nelson's last signal 2352 A " Pynnase," 1546 500 " A Roo-Baergys," 1546 499 Taking of Puerto Bello 613 The Battle of Trafalgar 1217 The Charles Galley, 1705 8^7 Paintings on Glass, Lord Nelson's Funeral Car 648 Lord Nelson's Funeral Barge ... 647 Pamirs, Flag carried by British Commission 558 Partizans, Head of 1218 i6th Century 2143, 2145 Sergeants, 1780 2119 & 2122 Southern India 1273 & 1277 Time of Edward IV 2129 & 2150 Penang, Memorandum Book 6202 Peninsula War, Coattee of General Sir William Napier ... 308 Cannon Ball from Badajos 6288 Commemorative Medal 6364 Cross of the Legion of Honour taken at Vittoria 176 French Drum-Major's Staff 183 & 184 French Pass for Prisoner of War 855 French Officer's Map of Spain 432 French Soldier's Small Book 185 Map of Spain and Portugal 186 Model of Alcantara Bridge 2673 Portuguese Silver Coins, Commemorative of 6201 32 INDEX. Peninsular War Portuguese Centenary Medal 6278 Prints of Incidents in 6019 Programme of Race Meeting 187 Relics of Vittoria 3085 Silk Sash, 52nd Foot 174 Silver Fork 189 6oth Rifles, Officer's Pouch and Belt ... 190 Sword Knot of 2gth Foot 179 Two horn cups 188 Persian Guns, Pair of 3360 Photographs, Pensioner Roon ^73 Piclon, Lt.-Gen. Sir Thomas, Relics of 5 to 8 Pikes, About 1700 2126 i7th Century 2153, ^148 Boarding 2123 & ^143 Fenian. 18615 2671 to 2672 Head of Boarding Pike, 1797 339 Irish Rebellion. 1798 2667 to 2670 Time of Charles II 2124, 2127 Welsh Chartists 2663 to 2666 Pike-Heads, About 16150 5152 to 5157 Pioneer Axes, French .^ 211-* to 2116 Pipes N. American Indian I 5^S> T 566 Pistols, Albanian Flint-lock 22815 American repeating 1088 Cavalry used at Dettingen ... ... ... ... 249 Lord Camelford's 191 City of London Light Horse Volunteers 2366 Cossacks, 1854 ... 2565 Double-barrelled Long Wheel-lock 2241 Flint-lock 2284 Hammerless ... ... ... 5369 Percussion ... ... ... . . 2q^2 with movable shoulder-piece ... 2381 Flint-lock 1797 2928 ,, 1808 5107 to 5124 ,. early 1800 8 1086 H35, JI 3 6 . 5 022 5 02 9 to 5048, 5321 to 5336 Sea Service Flint-lock 3305, 5337, 5338 Flint-lock. Cavalrv 1700 -2358 2929 Cavalrv Percussion, 1858 2930, 2931, 2933 Flint-lock, George II 2365 K.D.G. Pattern 2357 revolving barrels, 1750 2359 ,, Scotch, i8th Century 2364 taken at Tazeen, 1842 2866 Four-barrelled Percussion, French 1234 French Cavalry, 1849 2926 French Gendarmerie, 1856 2927 INDEX. 33 Pistols, French Officer's taken at Trafalgar 88 French Percussion, pocket 1180 & 1181 French Wheel-lock, i6th Century ...2243, 2360 to 2362 German Wheel-lock, i6th Century 2238, 2239, 2240, 2242 Mauser Automatic 5367 Miniature Wheel-lock, i6th Century 2244 General Sir John Moore's 33 2 8 French, taken at Waterloo 154 & 155 Sir Ralph Abercromby's 206 Pair used at Culloden 247 Pair of Tippoo Sahib's 3086 Patent B.L., by Hammond 2706 Percussion sea service 1636 & 1637 Repeating- Flint-lock 5366 Snap-haunce Self-loading Petronel 2363 Pizarro, Piece of Standard of 338 Plans, Battle of Naseby 509 Camp at Hounslow 1866 498 Contemporary of taking of Quebec 895 Pole-axes, Foot Soldiers ith Century 5147 Scottish Lochaber 2138 & 2139 Polo, Two Sticks, 1845 804 Pompeii, Iron clamp from ship sunk at ... ... ... 340 Portraits. Commander B. Allen, R.N 803 Brant, Chief of the Mohawks 602 Earl of Cardigan 825 Col. Sir Lonsdale A. Hale 814 Engraving of Reubens 627 Sir John Franklin 679 Admiral Sir Charles Napier ... 1084 Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles Napier 952 Lord Nelson, by de Koster 106 Pencil drawing of Lord Nelson 646 Portsmouth, Implement used by Jack the Painter 346 Postage Stamps, Set of Orange Free State 45 1 Orange River Colony 3282 Pouches, Arabian with Belt 573 Indian Bullet Bag 563 Staats Artillery 1583 i6th Lancers ?68 Powder Flasks, American War 1813 ... 20, 193, 229 to 231 Burmese 569 Chinese 28 3* Ivory, S. African ... *5*9 German i8th Century 5 6z Mandingo I 7 2 Militia, 1603 ... Syrian 57 2 Time of James II 2.1 2 34 INDEX. Preston Pans, Battle of, Sketch of 939 Prayer Book, For English Prisoners of War in France ... 182 Prince of Wales, H.M.S., Model of 466 Prints, Battle of Leipsic t> 1 47 Field Marshal Bliicher 969 Field-Marshal Bliicher at Waterloo 6148 British Naval Victories 917 British Swiss Legion ... ... . ... ... 0028 Broad Sword Exercises by Rowlandson ... ... 6004 Burmese War, 1824 (12) ... 6142 Captain James Cook's Voya es 6357 & 6360 Chapel Royal, Whitehall ... ... ... ... 6139 Constantinople ... ... ... ... ... ... 0259 Deptford Volunteer Cavalry ... ... (055 Drummond's Death of Nelson ... 601 Embarkation of Henry VIII., 1520 ... 925 England's Glory 95(3 Field of Waterloo ... ... ... ... ... 6330 & 6331 Frederick the Great ... ... 6146 London Volunteer Cavalry ... ... 957 Brigadier General John Jacob ... bo8o Lord Nelson ... ... ... 919 dz 920 Nelson's Funeral ... ... ... ... 2 35 & 2 35 J Battle of the Nile 495 Panoramic Sketches of Indian Troops on line of march 964 Reception of Sikh Guns 6058 Review in Hyde Park, 1838 ... 911 Royal East India Volunteers 981 Lord Dundonald (Cochrane) 6374 Naval Costume, 1835 6379 & 6380 Peninsula War 6019, 6319 to 6321 & 6329 Banqueting House, Whitehall (6) 497 Sir Sidney Smith 6260 Staff Uniform, 1860 6057 Surrender of Seringapatam 963 The Hussars, 1846 ... ... 6122 The Storming of Valenciennes 6141 Marquis of Wellington 6267 Whitehall Yard 974 & 975 Military Caricatures (R. Dighton) 937 INDEX. 35 Quebec, Panorama of .. . ... r399, 1412, 1413, 1415, 2616, -5287, 5289, 5300 Maynard's patent 2382 Millar & Burton's patent ... 1468 Minie 5266 Mont-Storm patent 1440 & 2543 Mont-Storm Selwyn patent 1441 Murata, 1888 1427 Needham's patent.. 1476, 1483, 2537 Newark's patent 2548 Patent B. L 2540 Peabody, 1862 1422 Percussion, Beckwith's patent ... 2414 & 2415 Perry's Patent 1447 Potts & Hunt's patent ... ., 2536 Regulation, 1904 5001 Remington B. L 2546, 2620 & 5302 Remington-Lee 1472 Revolver, 1870. 2632 Russian (Crimea) 2416, 2634 to 2638 Schmidt-Rubin 14*16 Schneider 2527 & 2623 Schulkof's patent Magazine 1421 Sear's patent 2544 Selwyn 's patent Magazine 2545 Short, 1855 5276 Six-chambered revolving 2439 Sharp's patent, 1848 1466 Small Box Mannlicher, 1889 1401 Snorth's patent, 1837 1453 Soper's patent 5295 Spanish 2476, 2478 to 2482 Spencer patent, 1860 2529 & 2535 Spencer Repeating, 1860 1462 Springfield, 1873 ... 1457 ,, 1864 1480 1878 1420 Steyr patent 5288 Storm's patent, 1864 2531 Storm & Braendlin's patent ... ... 2542 Swinburne's patent, 1872 1434 00 - INDEX. Rifles, Teller's patent ... Tieschang and Schmidt patent ... 1451 Vetterlin 5292 ,, Magazine 1471 Vertelli ... 1423 Waenzel percussion ... 1426 Walker & Money's patent 1438 Werndl ... 1432 Westley-Richards 5297 & 5303 Whitworth's percussion ... 1425 & 1429 Wilkinson's ... ... ... 2538 Wilson's patent 2532 Winchester Repeating, 1860 1475 1866 1473 1876 1478 Ring of Honour, Chieftain's Galeka 2344 Rockets, Carcase of, used at Boulogne, 1806 ... ... 1187 Hales war ... ... ... ... ... ... 1190 Hand-tube for, 1801 ... ... ... ... ... 16^6 Rodney, Admiral Lord, Bust of 436 Silver Shoe Buckles ... ... 341 Rolica, Battle of, Musket Ball from ... ... 6200 Royal Albert, H.M.S., Model of 442 Royal George, H.M.Y., Figure Head of ... 1584 H.M.S., Relics from 371 to 387 & 538 Royal Navy, Recruiting Poster ... ... ... ... 6266 Royal Sovereign, H.M.S., Model of 423 S. Sabretasches, Gen. Chas. L. Desnouette s ... ... 159 & 160 3 rd Light Dragoons 355 3rd Hussars ... ... ... 356 nth Hussars 887 i6th Light Dragoons 360 INDEX. oy Sabrataches, i6th Lancers 361 i8th Hussars ... 357 Royal Artillery . ... 358 Royal Marine Artillery ... 493 Colonel on the Staff ... . 359 Badge of i6th Lancers ... ... ... 285 Saddle-Bags, Chinese ;:,, 2840 & 28^1 Saddles, Marshal Bliicher ... 2033 Sail Cloth, Pattern of 1805 169 Pattern of 1842 170 St. Helena, Geographical plan of 835 St. Vincent, Admiral Lord, Autograph Letter 664 Salamanca Battle of, Print of Wellington at 6267 Savoy, Prince Eugene,, Autograph Letter ... 684 Scaling Ladder Fork, About 1600 2I 34 Seals, Earl of Pembroke, 1316 612 Searchlight, Model of 1188 Seato'n, Field Marshal Lord, Autograph Letter 3355 Bullet which Wounded ... 3354 Sedan, Battle of, Metal Cartridge Case 481 Seringapatam, Field Gun, Captured at ... ... ... ... 2907 Shabracques, Gen. Sir C. J. Napier's 6051 i7th Lancers 5301 Collection of, Worn by British Cavalry 2072 to 2095 Shako Plates, Royal Artillery, 1814 269 Coldstream Guards, 1800 ... 272 Infantry Officers', 1800 268 & 6o6f7 8th The King's Regiment 6006 i7th Foot 6361 & 6362 2ist Fusiliers 271 24th Regiment 6134 & 6135 33rd Regiment ... 93 6 7ist Light Infantry 76th Regiment 6118 8ist Regiment 6075, 6120 & 6125 East Kent Militia ... ... 9 8 5 Royal East Middlesex Militia ... ... 267 " Shannon," H.M.S., Box Made from Timber of 534 Head of Boarding Pike ... 535 Walking Stick Made of Wood of ... 531 Shark .-_ Jaws 6020 & 6021 Shell, Spanish 6m Shields, Abyssinian (Leather) ... 1789 & 1791 Hide. N. E. Africa I79 2 & 1*93 Shields, Basket Work, S. Africa ... 1629 & 1630 Central African 2992 W. Africa i7 01 & 2987 Australia I()S 5 N. Australia J 794 40 INDEX. Shields, S,W. Australia 2980 to 2982, 2984 W. Australia 1777 & 1778 Bechuanaland 1627 Borneo 1080, 1795, 1872, 1873 & 2988 Boss of an Anglo-Saxon 234 Chinese 2807 Circular Wooden 1709 Dervish IT 95> TI 96, 5216 Indian, from Battle of Goojerat 995 Japanese 1657, 1658, 2887, 2888 Kaffir 1631 Made of Horn and Steel 1499 Malay 1965101967 Pistol Shield 6314 Sarawak ... 2979 Solomon Islands 1079 Somaliland ... 2851 White Nile 1628 Zanzibar 1783 & 1784 Zulu 1632 to 1635 Ship Models: Battleship Made by French Prisoners ... 6054 Brazilian Battleship " Minas Geraes" 6381 Corvette of 1860 ... ... ... ... 6045 French Line of Battleship "L'Imperiale" ... 6126 French Man of War i8th Century 903 French Ship " Le Hros " ... ... ... 476 Hanseatic League Battleship, 1650 2111 H. M.S. " Captain " 6378 H.M.S. " Cornwallis " 2112 H.M.S. " Foudroyant " 513 H.M.S. "James Royal" 171 H.M.S. " Mars " 6053 & 6061 H.M.S. "Phoebe" 2934 H.M.S. "Queen" 6269 H.M.Y. "Victoria and Albert" 828 H.M.S. "Villede Paris" 3294 Man of War, 1800 ... 3015, 3016, 3303, 3304 Model of 1500 441 Model of a Cutter ... ... ... ... 501 Napoleon I. Gun Boat 808 Raft "Nancy" (Crimea) 2899 Russian Yacht 506 46 Gun Frigate 6270 78-Gun Ship on Stocks, 1800 ... 2200 Spanish Cruiser, " Infanta Maria Teresa " 829 Sheer Hulk with Double Sheers 12^7 s.s "Stockton," 1838 1209 A Three-Decker, 1830 504 Timbering of Circular Sterns 505 Venetian Galley ... ... ... ... ... 6297 INDEX. 41 Shoulder-Belt Plates: Royal Artillery 283 & 849 Royal Marines 284 & 288 Grenadier Guards 364 Coldstream Guards 365 Scots Guards 366 ist Royal Scots 6025 2nd Regiment ... 296 9th Regiment 841 nth Regiment . ... 6027 iyth Regiment ... 294 i8th Regiment 842 2oth Regiment 431 2th Regiment 983 27th Regiment 982 29th Regiment ... 282 32nd Regiment 879 4ist Regiment 299 5oth Regiment 287 5ist Regiment 286 57th Regiment ... ... 846 58th Regiment 472 6ist Regiment ... ... ... ... 291 62nd Regiment 289 6gth Regiment 295 72nd Regiment 293 73rd Regiment 882 74th Regiment 883 7gth Regiment 292 8ist Regiment 6117 85th Regiment 880 92nd Regiment 853 93rd Highlanders 6026 Argyllshire Fencibles 6128 Royal Archers 279 Cambridge Militia 606 ist Devon Local Militia 6064 Indian Native Contingent 6281 East Kent Militia 984 East Norfolk Militia 6293 ist Jersey Militia ... ... ... 6065 Kincairn Volunteers 298 Royal East Middlesex Militia ... 301 Royal Manchester Volunteers ... 6049 Royal Manx Fencibles 986 Royal Perth Militia 6063 St. Martins-5n-the-Fields Volunteers 6036 Strathspey Fencibles 297 Wansford Volunteers 290 Westminster Light Horse 281 Imokilly Cavalry 968 25th Bombay Infantry 6280 42 INDEX. Signal Books: Admiral Sir John Jervis 318 Private List, 1793 654 American Frigate, " Chesapeake " ... 532 H.M.S. " Excellent," 1808 598 Used at St. Vincent, 1793 869 Silk Punkah, from Bhurtpore " 2338 Silver Plate, Banda Vase 510 Barrow Presentation ... ... ... ... 511 Marseilles, to Lieut. -General Sir Hudson Lowe 889 R.N. Artillery Volunteers ... ... ... 512 Victoria (B.C.) Vase ... 494 Sketches : Trafalgar, by Midshipman Wells 596 H.M.S. "Victory " 3262 Skull Caps, Dervish Emir's ... 5182 & 5181; Sledges, H.M.S. "Alert" 608*1 Model of Ice-boat 1189 Smith, Admiral Sir Sydney, Bronze Plaque Relief 978 Portrait of ... ... ... 6260 Smoke Ball ... 6101 Soudanese Arab's Silver Ring ... ... ... ... ... 325 Dervish Koran Box ... ... ... ... ... 323 Dervish Shirt of Mail 3156 Dervish Headpiece ... ... ... ... ... 5196 Osman Digma's Seals ... ... ... ... 324 South African War : Arms of the late Orange Free State ... 2675 Bell Used at Lindegner Drift, Vaal River 1201 Bloemfontein Town Guard's Arm Badge and Whistle 448 Boer Ammunition 6072 Boer Handcuffs 459 Boer Relics 456, 457, 461 Boer Revolvers ... ... 3288 to 3292 Boer Shell Case 3003 Case for Cigarette Holder ... ... 3279 Elandslaagte, Sketch of 447 English Bayonet taken from Dead Boer ... 3274 Kruger Medal 3278 Kruger Sovereigns 3011, 3275, and 3276 Limber Wheel (Colenso) 1567 Lloyd's Silver Tobacco Box ... ... 449 Model of Boer Ambulance Waggon ... 2917 Model of S. African Ox Waggon ... 2918 Orange Free State Seals 455 Orange Free State Stamps 451 Pouch of Transvaal Artillery 443 Queen Victoria's Chocolate Boxes ... 446 Railway Carriage Panel ... ... 6073 Scotsman's Cigarette Box 444 Silver Pass on Military Railway ... 6251 INDEX. 43 South African War : Transvaal Artillery Equipment 3283, 3286, 3287 Spades, Boyle's Entrenching 2644 Spanish Dollar from Wreck of " San Pedro" 539 Spears : Abyssinian ... ... ... ... ... '7 '9 Central African, 1502, '1550, 1551, 1578, 1579, 1580, 1644, 1645, '654, 1655, 1737, 1739, 1745 East African 1648, 1651 to 1653, 1686, 1735, 1736, 1738 West African 1734 & 1744 Admiralty Islands 2 95S. 2 958, 2959 Assam ... ... ... ... ... ^75 to 1884 N. Australian 1755 & 7 1756, 1761 to 1764, 1798, 1800, 2970 W. Australian, 1754, 1757101760, 1765, 1797,1799, 1801,2961 to 2969, 2971, 2972. S. Australian 5339 to 5365 Boar 2132, 2137, 2141 & 2155 Borneo :ooi British New Guinea 1802 & 2973 Bronze Spear-head ... ... ... ... ... 582 Ceylon 1806 to 1815 Chinese 2808 to 2823, 2825, 2826, 2827 Dervish 2 947 5 2OI 5 2 o 2 , 5205, 5209 to 5211 Fiji Islands, ... 1096 to 1103, 1157, 1158, 1162 to 1166 Friendly Islands 1170 East Indian ... 2983 Japanese ... ... 2569 to 2571 Kaffir (Sir Harry Smith's) 2337 Kingsmill Islands, 1052, 1053, 1055, 1056, 1059, 1078, 1159, 1160 Liberian 1506 Madagascar 1646, 1647, 1741 to 1743 Malay 1000 & 1256 Nubian 1649, 1650, 1731 to 1733 Saxon Spear-heads ... ... 583, 584, 586, 587 Solomon Islands IO 75> "67 to 1169 Spetum (Henry VII.) 990 Spetum (Henry VIII.) 2131 Somaliland 1552 Soudanese 1553 to 1555, 1556 to 1561, 1640 Zanzibar 1641 to 1643 Zulu 1572 & 1571 Spear-Throwers, W. Australian Meros 2974 to 2978 Spontoons, Officers i7th Century 2151 i8th Century 2154 & 2156 Spring Guns, Flint-lock, i7th Century 1134 Spurs : Ancient, Found at Stanford 2714 Ancient, Found at Halesowen 2715 & 2718 Brazilian 2707 & 2711 Military, about 1620 ... ... ... ... ... 2716 Moorish .2708, 2709 & 2712 44 INDEX. Spurs : Spanish 2710 & 2713 Wooden, from Patagonia 2717 Standards : 2nd Life Guards ... 2057 & 2058 7th Dragoon Guards, Dettingen Standard ... 5374 4th Dragoon Guards, ... ... ... 2059102061 The Commonwealth ... ... ... ... 3353 Statues, Zulu Warrior ... ... ... ... 6068 Statues and Statuettes, Cromwellian Soldiers ... 135 to 143 Statuettes, Marshal Bliicher 6247 Staves, New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... 1891 to 1893 Sticks, Carved, Marquesas Islands 786 Kingsmill Islands ... ... ... ... 1060, 1061, 1062 Stirrups, Carved Wooden ... ... ... ... 1541 to 1546 Pair of Chinese 2830 Stone Shot 6087106095 "Superb," H.M.S., Bar Shot fired into at Algiers 6106 Swords : Abyssinian ... ... ... ... ... ... 1718 Afghan .' 2878102881 Afghan Chieftain's 34 Afghan Tulwar Captured at Jallalabad 2877 Presented to Major General Ainslie ... ... 245 Arabian 1710 & 1711, 2256 & 2257 Arabian Scimitar 2247 Artillery, 1800 2173 Borneo 1819 to 1825, 1862, 2258 & 2259 British Artillery ... 2188 Burmese 1489 & 1493 Burmese Cutlass-Sabre 2279 Burmese Sabre 2287 & 2290 Captain James Cook's 34 2 Cavalry, 1908 pattern 6029 Cavalry, 1899 6144 Chinese 2767 to 2775, 2778 & 2785 Chinese Cutlass 2758 to 2766 Chinese Executioner's 2261, 2286, 2777 Chinese Two-handed 2824 Rear-Admiral Cisneros's 3298 Claymore Used at Culloden 254 Claymore Used at Quebec, 1759 223 Three Cleddyos ... 579. 5 8 & 5 8x Admiral Lord Collingwood's ... ... 33^3 Combined Sword and Pistol, 1841 ... ... 2183 Cossack's, 1854 ... 2564 Cromwell's ... 209 Damascened Kutti 335 r Damascus Sabre 2246 Danish Naval, 1811 337 Demerara I 54 Dervish Omdurman 5224 & 5226 Dutch Naval Officer's ... 6017 Dress Sword, 52nd Foot 310 INDEX. 45 Swords: Drummer's, 1830 2580 E. India 1865, 1866, 1868 & 1869 Hon. East India Coy's. Officer's 6131 English Backsword, I7th Century 2227 Admiral Viscount Exmouth's ... 3357 & 3358 XV. Century, Found in the Thames 2210 Portion of one of the XV. Century 589 Field- Marshal, Duke of Wellington's 6365 French Drummer's, 1850 2578 French Officer's, Taken at Balinamuch 5375 French Officer's, Taken at Trafalgar 85 Pair of French Duelling 14 French Staff Officer's, Taken at Waterloo ... 152 French Heavy Cavalry 6317 Gauntlet, Indian * 2 35i I2 36, 1237 General Officer's, with Fancy Scabbard 2245 German 2194 & 2195 German, i7th Century 2230 German, Two-handed 2I 97 & 2 5&8 German, Two-handed, 1500 ... ... ... ... 2193 German Executioner's ... ... ... ... 2209 German Hunting i8th Century ... 2212 & 2213 Heavy Cavalry, 1822 2185 Heavy Cavalry, 1830 2181 Heavy Cavalry, 1853 2179 Officer's Heavy Cavalry, 1860 2182 Highland Claymore 22 34 Highland Claymore, 1715 2233 Highland Claymore of H.R.H. Duke of York ... 228 Hilt Of, l6oO 2219 tO 2221 Hilt of Two-edged, i7th Century 2228 Hilton Presentation 2651 Hyder Ali 3088 Indian ...1239 to 1248, 1495 to 1497, 2289, 2852 to 2854 Indian, Taken at Jelalabad 1490 Indian Cavalry Pattern 2641 Indian Scimitar 2248 to 2253 Indian Tulwars, 1300 to 1325, 1345 to 1380, 1384 to 1388 Infantry Pattern, Used in Crimea 25 Infantry Officer's, 1825. 6298 Infantry Officer's to 1894 1639 Italian Rapier, i7th Century 2226 Italian Rapier, i8th Century 2236 Japanese *749 Japanese Two-handed 1659 to 1661, 1663 Japanese, Short 1662, 1664 to 1670 Japanese, Executioner's 2894 Javanese 1863, 1864, 1867 Admiral Sir John Jervis's ^.. 316 46 INDEX. Sivords: Liberia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3000 Lieutenant Charles Brand's 6272 Light Cavalry, 1822 2184 Light Cavalry, 1830 2172 Officer's Light Cavalry, Used at Waterloo ... 2187 Officer's Light Cavalry, Pattern, 1815 22 Officer's Madras Light Cavalry, 1840 2186 & 2581 Officer's Madras Light Cavalry ... ... ... 2176 Mexican ... 2262 Moorish, i6th Century 2260 Nana Sahib's Scimitar 2876 Naval Sword, 1835 314 Naval Officer's Sword, 1746 315 Naval Officer's, 1780. 6296 Naval, Used at Trafalgar ... ... 592 Naval Officer's, 1745 ... ... 2177 Taken by Lord Nelson 3103 & 3104 Presentation to Lord Nelson 303-4 Lord Nelson's Fighting 96 Nepaulese ... 2266 Presentation to Col. J. Macphail ... ... ... 6035 Oriental One-edged ... ... ... 1485 Oriental Scimitar ... ... 6275 Portuguese Infantry ... ... ... ... ... 6350 Portuguese Artillery ... ... ... 6349 Portuguese Light Cavalry ... ... ... ... 6346 Persian Officer's ... ... ... ... ... 2171 Persian Scimitar 1487, 1488,1492 Presentation to Lieut. G. Pigot, R.N 967 Presentation to Capt. J. Pendergras, R.N. ... 320 Presentation to General John Prince 304 General Reynier's, Taken at Maida 178 Russian Pioneer Sword 2010 Russian, 1854 2566, 2567 & 2568 Sabre, i6th Century 2217 & 2218 Small Sabre, Ceylon 2288 Sea Service Cutlass, George III 2583 Sergeant's, George III. 1638 Short French, 1796 ... 2214 Short Burmese .- 2776 Spanish Cavalry 6147 Spanish Pioneer's, 1810 ... 1230 . Spanish 2232 Spanish, 1600 ... ... 2225 Spanish Rapier, 1670 ... ... 2229 Solingen Rapier Blade ... ... 2231; Straight Blade with Steel Supports ... 1238 Straight-bladed, 1830 ... ... 2196 Staff Pattern, Used at Waterloo ... ... 2178 Two-handed, Swiss, i6th Century 2582 INDEX. 47 Swords: Two-handed, Henry VIII 2585 Admiral Sir Sydney Smith 317 Presentation to Capt Sir Thomas Staines, R.N. 319 Sudanese ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1501 Tippoo Sahib's ... ... ... ... ... ... 3087 Turkish Cavalry 2189 Turkish Pirate Sabres 2254 & 2255 Turkish Sabre Presented to Lt. -General Sir Hud- son Lowe ... ... ... ... ... ... 89 r Tulwar from Bhurtpore ... ... ... ... 2211 Two-edged Straight Iron, i6th Century 2216 Trafalgar Presentation 3105 U.S.A., 1858 2584 Venetian 2I 74 Admiral Villeneuve's 3 2 97 West African 2264 & 2265 Officer's, Westminster Volunteer Cavalry ... 2175 Officer's Undress, Westminster Light Horse ... 2579 Presentation to Col. Sir James Wilson 321 Wooden, Kingsmill Islands 1057 Major-Gen. James Wolfe's 208 Yeomanry Cavalry 2180 Yeoman of the Guard 27 Long Zanquebar ... ... ... ... ... 2263 T. Tel-el-Kebir, Battle of, Railway Station Board 6264 Telescopes, Nautical Night-glass, 1840 2646 Pasco's Trafalgar 37 Major-Gen. Sir A. Woodford's (Waterloo) ... 161 " Temeraire, " H.M.S., Portion of Bombshell 332 "Thetis," H.M.S., Dollars Recovered from 548 Last Fragment of Keel' 1185 Model of Derrick 2953 48 INDEX. Thirteenth Hussars, Water Colour Sketches of 924 " Tiger," H.M.S., Crown Piece Recovered from Wreck of 429 Tippoo Sahib, Dress Worn by 827 Tomahawks, N. American 1512, 1513, 2999 Toulon, Siege of, Cartouche Bag 331 Tower of London, Relics from Fire ... 6273 Trafalgar, Battle of, Copy of Signals of Villeneuve and Gravina ... ... ... ... 659 Design in Water-colours of Nelson's Signal ... ... 649 Engraving of Hoggins' Picture 6286 French Officer's Dirk Taken at ... 87 French Officer's Pistol Taken at ... 88 French Seaman's Cockade 599 Letter Describing 595 List of Killed and Wounded ... 653 Model of 2067 Naval Sword Used at ... ... 592 ,. Nelson's Secret Memorandum ... 3308 Official Despatch 3296 Pasoo's Telescope ... ... ... 370 Poster Announcing Victory ... 6250 Capt. W. G. Rutherford's Gold Medal 3166 Sketch Plan of 596 Spanish Double-headed Shot used at 2021 Sword of Admiral Cisneros ... ... 3298 Sword of Admiral Villeneuve ... 3297 Writing Desk of Lt. John Wells ... 593 Trumpets, Abyssinian 1616 W. African 1698 Balaclava Field 1228 Bamboo, Darnley Islands 1702 IJsDEX. 49 u. Uniforms : Admiral's British Full Dress 888 Carabineers, 1750 1582 Cinque Ports Volunteers, 1803 6299 Coattee, East Norfolk Militia 6291 Coattee, Loughborough Volunteers 885 Coattee, Royal Edinburgh Volunteers ... 6001 Coattee, 43rd Regiment 308 Dolman and Sash, i5th Hussars 21 Dress Coattee, Cheshire Militia 870 First Naval Lieutenant's, 1748 2403 First Naval Post Captain's, 1748 ... 2404 & 2405 i6th Light Dragoons 302 F.O. Sash, 2gth Foot, 1840 241 42nd Highlander's Hackle Feather Bonnet ... 167 6oth Rifles Officer's Pouch and. Belt 190 Light Company, Hereford Local Militia ... 307 Officer's Plume, i2th Lancers 240 Light Company, Officer's Sash, 2gth Foot... 242 Light Company, Officer's Crossbelt, 2gth Foot ... 243 Light Horse Volunteers 6328 Lord Nelson's Coat 3032 Officer's Coattee and Sash, Wansford Volun- teers 309 Pouch, 2gth Foot, 1840 244 Shell Jacket, g6th Regiment 6129 Shropshire Yeomanry 844 Sikh Jacket, 1845 172 Silk Sash Worn at Culloden 256 Silk Sash, 52nd Regiment, 1810 174 Sword Knot of 2gth Foot 179 Westminster Militia 6316 1 3th Light Dragoons 6368 & 6372 Umbrellas, King Koffee's 2639 King Prempeh's 2640 50 ' TNDEX. V. Vandeleur, General Sir John Ormsby, Medals and Orders of... 45 " Victory," H.M.S., Bottle of Port from 104 Lower portion of Mainmast 2018 Model of, 1735 ... 434 Model of Foremast 942 Model of Nelson's Coffin ... 369 Paper Knife made from Wood of 17 Piece of Caulking 86 Piece of Jack ... ... ... ... 6312 Piece of Jib-boom 2019 Piece of one of the Timbers '80 Piece of Union Flag ... 2349 Piece of Wood from the Deck 90 Portion of Mizzen Topmast ... ... 2020 Round Shot fiom ... 2022 "Victoria," H.M.S., Signal Box of 2643 " Victoria & Albert," H.M.Y., model of 828 " Ville-de-Paris, " French Battleship, Clock-face taken from 2355 Vimiera, Battle of, Snuff Box of French Officer killed at 6023 W. Walking Cane, H.R.H. Frederick Duke of York's .*. 305 Walking Stick Gun, French, date 1780 2459 Wall Pieces, Flint-lock, 1793 2427 German Flint-lock fixed Gun 2451 Wammera, N. Australian .*. < I 6j(), 1751 & 1780 War Clubs, British Guiana ... , 1114 British New Guinea 1038 Fiji Islands ion, 1013, 1035, 1067, 1068, 1070, 6249 Friendly Islands 1010, 1012, 1014, to 1018, 1024, 1032, 1047, 1049 to 1051, 1154, 1155 Hervey Islands ... 1037 Marquesas Islands 1002 & 1003 New Caledonia 1009, 1025 to 1029 New Zealand ... ... IO 33 I( H3 & 1156 New Zealand Adze ... ... 2609 to 2611 New Zealand Meri 2592 to 2608 St. Christopher's Island 1153 Solomon Islands ... ... ^39, 1115, & 1116 Wallis Island 1030 & 1031 War Hammers, Horseman's Steel 2142 War Hatchets. Chinese 2793 Trumbash from Omdurman ... ... 3152 S. Australia ... 778, 779, 780 to 785 INDEX. Si War Quoits, Sikh 2869 to 2871 War Trumpets, Ashanti (Ivory) 2205 Sandwich Islands 794 & 795 Soudanese (Ivory) 2939 & 2940 Warrant, Signed by James, JJuke of York (James II.) ... 915 Water Bottles, Afghan Soldier's, 1842 567 Dervish, Leather S 2 3 Water Colour Paintings, Allied Sovereigns in Hyde Park 0203 Crimean War ... 943, 944 & 948 Coldstream Guards, 1854 ... 6114 Costumes of Army & Navy, 1854 6115, French Imperial Guards at Waterloo 6204. Kwaga Pass, Afghanistan ... 6024 Emperor Napoleon 1 6003 Norman's Cross Barracks ... 6268 Waterloo, Battle of, Autograph Letter of Lord Seaton's describing 3355 Ball used at 151 Chain of Gate, Chateau Hougomont 148 Cross of the Legion of Honour, picked up on Field 168 Frame containing various Relics ... 113 French Musket trom 2418 French Soldier's Birth and Baptismal Certificate 6076 French Soldier's Small Book ... 830 French Staff Officer's Sword ... 152 Glove and Handkerchief of the Mar- quis of Anglesey used at Grape Shot and two Bullets Hoof of last surviving Horse, 2nd Life Guards 166 Map of France picked up on the Field 162 Pair of French Horse Pistols 154 & 155 Piece of the Gate of Hougomont ... 2207 Pouch Badge (Eagle) ... 144 & 146 Prince Bliicher's Saddle Shako Badge (Eagle) Shoulder Belt Plate, sist Light Infan- try worn at Siborne's Model of Sketch of Napoleon's Guide Straight Sword Blade from Telescope of Major-Gen. Sir A. Wood- ford 161 Two Buttons and a Cartridge Ex- tractor 156 Uniform of i6th Light Dragoons worn at 302 62 INDEX. Waterloo, Battle of, Water Colour Painting 6204 Wellesley, Marquis of, Autograph Letter 690 AYellington, Fd.-ML, Duke of, Admission Card to Funeral 470 Autograph Letter b68 Camp Bedstead 6074 Cape of Cloak in Cocked Hat 108 Hair of 3083 Letter Concerning his Charger ... 677 Original Order of thanks to the Army 671 Pair of W'hite Gloves no Plaster Bust 2340 Pocket Handkerchiefs 3082 Riband of the Order of the Garter 109 & 3081 Sword of 6365 Umbrella 112 Vest of 478 Westminster Volunteer Cavalry, Letter concerning Guidons 669 Whitehall, Sermon preached at 514 William IV., King, Autograph Letter 68 1 2 Seals of 2 Wiltshire, Gen., Sir Thomas, Orders and Decorations of 3093 to 3099 Wolfe, Maj. -General James, Field Canteen of 2648 Leaden Ball from Quebec, 1759 ... 224 Sketch of 207 Sword of 208 Y. Yataghans, Albanian 3131 Dervish, scythed 3 T 46 Curved, from Kordofan 2278 Nubian ... 1717 Turkish 997, 1673, 2269 to 2275, & 2324 York, H.R.H., Frederick, Duke of, Autograph Letter 687 '' ^. c QQ