JC-NRLF SYNOPSIS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN LICHENS : PART I., COMPRISING THE PARMELIACEI, CLADONIEI, AND CCENOGONIEI ; BY EDWARD TUCKERMAX, M.A., AUTHOR OF GENERA IJCHENUM. BOSTON : S. E. CASSItfO, PUBLISHE 1882. K COPYRIGHT BY S. E. CASSINO, 1882. JOURNAL PRESS, LEWISTON, MAINE. The arrangement of this book is that of the author's Genera Lichenum., 1872; and the few variations from this will, it is hoped, explain themselves. The plants described are, in great part, sufficiently well settled; and the new things appear to demand an at least provisional place : though the author would have preferred to keep the most of these last back, with Horace, nonum in annum. And this not merely from hesitation as to the novelty or the rank of the lichens referred to, but because he entertains strongly the opinion that the science of Lichens whether as regards morphology or system has by no means kept pace, since Fries's day, with the diagnostic enumeration of new forms called arbitrarily species ; and he is sorry to have possibly added to the number of these constructions. Agreeably to the wishes of the friends who have urged an early publication, this part of the work, comprising the more conspicuous lichens, is printed first. Amherst, Mass., 1 Nov., 1881. The lowest divisions of vegetable life may still be recognized as ALG^;, LICHENES, and FUNGI ; and conveniently associated together under the designation of THALLOPHYTES ; a thal- lus, that is to say a form or forms of vegetation in which there is no real distinction of stem and leaf being, in these plants, with whatever exception, taken for characteristical. And there is no doubt, notwithstanding the numerous and now startling discrepancies of these vast groups, that they stand in close natural relations to each other. Lichenes are reckoned as intermediate between the other two Classes of Thallophytes ; but all the limits are uncertain. A lichen is (to speak only loosely) an aerial (*) Thallophyte, vegetating only under the influence of moisture, and thus of interrupted and slow (*) growth, but of indefinite duration (*) characterized by certain green cells (gonidia ; gonimia) ; and the organ of vegetation of which (thallus) is distinct (*) from the organ of fructification (apotJiecium). The thallus of lichens is composed, to speak generally, of 1, slender, more or less branched, loosely intertangled or closely compacted cell-threads (filaments ; hyplice ; passing now into a parenchymatous modification) which constitute the bulk of the plant ; being distinguishable into a central, or medullary layer, and an external, or cortical layer : and 2, of the just-named, rounded or elliptical, green, or bluish-green, cells, which form, for the most part, an irregular zone between the medullary and cortical layers, and make what is known as the gonimous layer. : These green cells (gonidia, which take on now, in certain con- ditions of growth, a yellowish and even tawny coloration) owe their colour to a chlorophyll-like matter called thallochlor ; as (*) Exceptions, at least apparent, but now also real occur; the rale being however as stated. the bluish-green ones (gonimia, Nyl. j glauco-gonidia, Itzigs. ; collogonidia, Tuckerm.) which are more or less distinguished also by their gelatinous envelopes, are considered to agree in their colouring-matter with the phycochrom of certain groups of Algae. The gonimous layer, in most lichens, consists of gonidia. The Peltigerei differ remarkably however by a two- fold gonimous system, one series of otherwise generically re- lated lichens of this Family offering gonidia, and the other gonimia ; but the inferior systematic value of this difference is perhaps sufficiently shewn by the fact that some of the species are scarcely otherwise distinguishable. The same discrepance recurs in the next following family Pannariei. And finally, in the next the Collemei, in which the development of gelatine reaches an extreme so marked that these plants have been called Jelly-lichens, we have only gonimia. The gonimous cells may make their way to the surface of the thallus, and appear there, enveloped in hyphse, as powdery, often cushion-like heaps, which are capable of developing into new thalli, and are called soredia. But we are not quite at liberty to stop here. The marked contrast of hypha and gonidium was open to a hypothetical explanation, based on the apparent relations of these organs to what seemed the same in the other Classes of Thallophytes, which suggested and had its exemplification in the memorable labour of Schwendener. This was met however by lichenolo- gists in a manner and tone often ill enough corresponding with the simply objective position of the other side ; and there was room for further investigation. Ideally, from the point of view of those who look at lichens as autonomous, the primordial cell should be referable either to hypha or gonidiuin ; but, in fact, as well emphasized by Minks (Microgonid. p. 238), it is its dualism which, from the beginning of our knowledge, and through all its extent, characterizes the lichen-structure, and determines its history. Yet this is not all. The penetrating glance of the cited vegetable anatomist has demonstrated the existence of a third element. Behind and before the manifesta- tion of the hyphse, which are to play so great a part in the lichen-world, is a dimly-seen, primordial tissue a web or net- work of exceedingly delicate filaments (Hypliema, Minks) which gradually pass into the hyphae proper (Gono-hyphema, Minks) as these accomplish their highest result in generating the goni- mous cells (Gonidema, Minks ubi supra, p. 39). As regards external form, lichens differ according as they ascend vertically from the substrate, or are spread out horizon- tally upon it. In the first case the development is, for the most part, into branched or shrub-like (fruticulose) types, becoming often finally pendulous ; of which Usnea barbata offers familiar examples. But this is evidently an extreme of lichenous evolu- tion ; and we find, much more commonly, the horizontally ex- panded thallus, which is either foliaceous or crustaceous. Of the foliaceous thallus (exhibited in Parmelia) the frondose (of Peltigera, etc.) is a more entire expression; and the squamulose often (in Pannaria, etc.) a reduced one. Cladonia is remarka- ble as uniting in itself a horizontal and a vertical thallus, and has, on this account, been sometimes taken for the highest exhi- bition of lichenose vegetation. Foliaceous lichens are attached generally to the substrate by variously modified, and more or less conspicuous, fibrillose processes (fibrils ; hypothallus). The crustaceous thallus ascends now into lobed, and even fruticu- lose expressions (as in the highest types of Placodium and Leca- nora) not always readily reducible to their real rank ; and in its squamulose types it approaches yet closer to the foliaceous ; it is however, as respects the great majority of species, well char- acterized by its uniform (neither lobed nor branched) habit, and the peculiar intimacy of its relation to the substrate. In the lowest of all forms of the crustaceous thallus, we have only a web of hyphse, with some few clusters of gonimous cells nestling beneath the outermost layers of cells of the bark upon which these humble plants grow. The lichen-fruit is called Apotheclum. Apothecia are vari- ously shaped but for the most part rounded, organic bodies, which differ more or less in colour from the thallus over which they are besprinkled, or to which they are attached, or in which, more rarely, they continue normally immersed ; and gen- erate the spores. The essential parts of the apothecium are 1, the proper exciple, which contains all the other organs, but is itself reduced, in a very large proportion of the Parmeliacei, to a layer of cells (hypothecium) wholly concealed by the thalline receptacle characteristical in this tribe ; and 2, the hymenium, consisting of thekes (theca3; the spore bearing organs) inter- mingled with slender, erect filaments (paraphyses), which latter are sometimes undistinguishable or obsolete. The evolution of the paraphyses and thekes will be noticed when we consider the spermogones. Spores are cells capable of germinating, and are developed in the thekes, which constitute, with the paraphyses, the hy- menium. The spore-differences are numerous, and various; and their systematic value, in plants offering so many difficul- ties of arrangement as the Lichens, is unquestioned : but this value was at first overestimated, and too much made of certain particulars ; as, on the other hand, in the reaction against the method of Massalongo, too little stress was sometimes laid on certain others. Less weight, in this view, should be given to spore-differences of a merely gradal character, or such as de- pend only on dimensions, or number ; and more to such as seem to have claims to be regarded as typical. Analysis appears to indicate two well-defined kinds of lichen-spores, complemented (may we say ?) in the highest tribe only, by a well-defined inter- mediate one. In one of these (typically colourless) the origi- nally simple spore, passing through a series of modifications, always in one direction, and the spore tending constantly to elongation (as e. g. in the genus Lecanora), affords at length the needle-shaped (acicular) or now thread-shaped type. To this is opposed (most frequently but not exclusively in the lower tribes, and even possibly anticipated by the polar-bilocular sub- type in Parmeliacei) a second (typically brown or brownish) in which the simple spore, completing another series of changes, tending rather to distention, and division in more than one direction, exhibits finally the stone-wall-like (muriform) type. (*) Differences such as these appear certainly to be significant ; and to suggest a possible correlation with others, which shall leave no doubt that these types require marked expression in the System. Nor is such expression questioned in the best -devel- oped, foliaceous groups. Nobody now hesitates to distinguish Physcia and Pyxine from Parmelia ; or Solorina from Peltigera ; and the argument from such foliaceous to the analogous crus- taceous genera is impeded perhaps by nothing beside the thai- line inferiority of the latter. But it is seen at once that the case is not the same with the successive steps in the process of differentiation of these types ; and the value of suchgradal (biloc- ular, quadrilocular, plurilocular) distinctions should be clearly inferior. Species which exhibit the ultimate condition of their spore-type, as here taken, exhibit also, ideally at least, or in a sufficiently extended view, the whole of the preceding process of evolution. This is still better observed in larger natural groups, as (exc. excip.) Biatora vernalis, Fr. L. E., expressing, with general congruity of structure, the whole history of the colourless spore. And the step is not a long one from such groups to natural genera ; to the assumption that gradal differ- ences of the same type of spore, displayed by species, or clus- ters of species, within the circuit of what is otherwise a natural genus, shall be an insufficient ground for the breaking up of (*) The distinction of the two principal types of spore speaks per- haps for itself; and the history of the acicular type seems tolerably clear. But the author indicated, at the place to be cited below, the difficulties in the spore-characters of Sticta, Gyalecta, and Thelotrcma, as here understood; and, according to Minks (Symb. p. 41), the note of coloration was unduly stretched in including in the second or Coloured Series, the morphologically separate spores of Arthonia, and the Cali- ciacei. such genus. Some consideration of the numerous, sometimes sufficiently significant instances, in which nature appears to point in this direction, may be found in the author's Genera Lichenum ; from which work these observations on spore-values are taken. Suffice it here to say that Parmelia proper, Ach., will thus fall into Theloschistes, Parmelia, and Physcia ; and Lecanora into Placodium (DC.), Naeg. & Hepp, Lecanora, and Rinodina. Excluding the sub-Biatorine forms of Placodium from the Lecideei, the latter family will have no examples of the polar-bilocular sub-type ; but Heterothecium, corresponding to Physcia and Rinodina, will be distinguishable from Biatora, and Buellia similarly from Lecidea. And the whole Class may be conceived as in like manner passing into 1, a Colourless Series, especially prominent and characteristical in the higher tribes ; and 2, a Coloured Series, having its chief development in the lower; series which, tabularized, will be found significant as well of the relations of the genera, as of the systematic value of the spores. It is yet important to distinguish between spores typically colourless, and what are rather to be taken for decolorate con- ditions of spores typically coloured. There are sufficiently nu- merous instances of such decolorate spores ; and we need per- haps scarcely hesitate to argue from them to some other cases in which the evidence is possibly less clear, and thus to keep certain natural genera entire. And, on the other hand, it is conceivable that a genus may rather be referable to the Colour- less Series, notwithstanding that many of its species exhibit spores which, in respect at least of colour, look often the other way. Difficulties of this sort are however to be expected in every stage, from the first step, of our endeavours to study the life in nature. What responds to our intelligence there is in- deed of kin to that intelligence, is the ideal ; but the ideal im- prisoned in, and subjected to all the inordinate fortuitousness of, the natural. (Gen. Lich. pp. vi-viii.) There occur also, beside the apothecia, and very generally. ( XI ) in Lichens, certain conceptacles, which, though they had not wholly escaped the attention of earlier writers, were first really discovered, and their structure exhibited by Tulasne (Mem. sur les Lich. pp. 129-235), who gave them the name of Spermo- gonia. These organs, for the most part very minute (but to this there are exceptions) are more or less rounded, and often more or less blackish, but now of the colour of the thallus ; and occur immersed in, or protuberant like little warts above, its surface j and open (like the Verrucariaceous apothecium, as also like the young Parmeliaceous, with which, in some lichens they may be confounded) by a pore at the summit. The interior of the conceptacle is thickly clothed with converging filaments (sterigmas} which were considered as giving rise to, and as supporting little, more or less spore-like bodies found within the spermogonium, and called spermatia, The sterigmas are either elongated-cylindrical developing most commonly into branched, series of cells, or similar branched series of cells scarcely longer than broad (arthrosterigmas). The spermatia are either ellipsoid, or oblong, becoming staff-shaped (the most common form) or needle-shaped, the last often bowed. Nylander has made much systematic use of the differences in the sterigmas and spermatia, even in the limitation of genera ; but the latest observations appear to confirm earlier ones that the latter organs may vary considerably in the same species ; while it will be seen that the sterigmas are not always satisfactory as criteria- Beside Tulasne, Nylander has treated the spermogones and their contents in great detail (1. c. p. 40) and they are the object of a very extended investigation by Lindsay (Trans. Edinb. 22, pp. 101-304). Their function has always been obscure. Accord- ing to Tulasne (as cited by De Bary Morph. & Phys. d. PiU., etc., p. 168, but there is scarcely anything in favour of the view in the French author's above-cited memoir) and the earlier opinion of Nylander (1. c. p. 40) the presumption that the sper- matia are sexual organs, corresponding to the spermatozoids of higher cryptogams, as the spermogones to the autheridia of ( xii ) the latter, is supported by several considerations, of which the chief is that it did not appear that the spermatia had ever been found to germinate j and, in this case, it would be the apothe- cium that should represent the other action. But nothing is in fact known either of the organs, the process, or the place of the supposed fecundation ; and the seemingly significant designa- tions of the new structures chosen by their eminent illustrator were perhaps only in anticipation of a possible result which he was not, as no other has been, able to reach. The resemblance already noted between the young apothecium and the spermo- gone, in some lichens, so great indeed as to have led to a common confusion of the two might however be well expected to come again into consideration, when these forms of structure were better distinguished. But Bayerhoffer (1860) was the first, as Minks indicates, to give expression to the view that their relations are most intimate ; and to conceive the spermogone as distinguishable from, only as an early stage of, the apothecium. This is not the place to more than mention the latter author's development and illustration of what was perhaps little more than a happy guess. Suffice it to say that, according to him, the sterigmas, which indicate the beginnings of, and characterize the growing spermogone, have for function the development (not of the so-called spermatia, the difficulty of accounting for the enormous amount of which as compared with the filaments supposed to produce them, is noted by Ny lander I. c., but) of the fruit-hyphae, which constitute, whether as sterile paraphyses or fertile thekes, the disk of the apothecium ! But the cortical layer of the thallus, out of which the spermogone springs, is beset with the delicate threads of the hyphema, and it were inconceivable that these should not make their way among the growing sterigmas j abundantly as they are found to occur in the youngest apothecia. And they do so ; and supply the other content of the spermogone the so-called spermatia ; which are of the nature of branches of the hyphema, and take the fitting name of HypJiidia. Their office is to develop the tissue out of which they spring. (Minks Microgonid. p. 148, etc.) The hypha-nature of the spermatia was indeed long since indicated by Itzigsohn (Bot. Zeit., 1854, cited by Minks) who described the evolution, from little heaps of gonidia overrun with sper- matia, of a l perfect thallus, the filamentous layer of which formed itself of the spermatia, as the gonimous of the gonidia.'(*) But it is not by the fructification (apothecium) alone that the propagation of lichens is effected ; nor is the soredium the only ancillary structure to the same end. We cannot indeed look here for the remarkable luxuriance in this respect pointed out by Tulasne in Fungi (developing thus Fries's dictum that the whole fungus is a fructification), but the resemblance between more than one of the organs of reproduction of the latter Class and certain lichen-structures is so close that, in the best-known of these, scarcely a doubt seems to have been entertained that the two do not differ. Minks, whose labours have already been marked in revising the very uncertain difference between the two Classes has as yet only touched the question of the mor- phology of the Pycnis of Tulasne as a lichen-structure ; but enough appears to make it safer to follow him in distinguish- ing the latter from the structure of the same name in Fungi. The Clinosporangium (Minks; Pycnis, Tul. pro p.) is then a mostly very minute, Verrucariseform conceptacle, similar generally to spermogones externally, which is clothed within with short, thickish, always simple, converging filaments ( Clinidia, Minks) generating at their summits spore-like bodies (Clinospores, Minks). Clinosporangia occur by no means very rarely, but are chiefly to be looked for in the lower Graphidacei and Verrwca- riacei ; and especially such the thallus of which is hypophlceous, or innate in the matrix. The observations of our author upon the development of Clinosporangia in the hypophlcsous thallus (*) This part of the book being prepared last, exhibits a later view of some points of structure than appears in the earlier portion ; as especially in regard to Sperinogone, and Spermatium. (Microgonid. p. 135) are so important that a continuance of his investigation is to be hoped for ; and the more so that the proper function of the organ is as yet unknown. (Minks Microgonid. pp. 133-139. Syml). Lich. -My c., passim.) The first step in man's apprehension of the ORDER in nat- ure that part of nature which is pre-eminently less natural than ideal, and responds to the ideal in himself is his apprehen- sion of Habit. This brings him to an indefinite conception of Groups that individual animals or vegetables are associable, first, as of the same sort ; and secondly that these sorts are as- sociable as of the same kind to some imperfect conception then of Species, and Genus. And systematic scientific study begins with the attempt to give definiteness to these vague notions, and elevate them to knowledge. In its progress higher groups are caught sight of; and species come to be arranged not only in genera, but the genera in Families and Tribes. It is the NATURAL METHOD which is unfolding itself ; rich in an unlim- ited variety of processes, and a detail that we cannot grasp. But life is short ; and all the delights of study prove unsatisfac- tory to some larger minds unless they reach forward to an uni- versal view, and a System of nature ; not at all to be got at, as Eschweiler well said, in nature. Art must supervene ; and the natural become artificial, in the regulative intelligence of Man. And it being to be taken for granted that all systematists in- tend, whatever the determining principle of their arrangements, to exhibit fairly the whole of the structure of which their prin- ciple makes but a part, it is evident that the question what the principle be whether, in the Class before us, 1 , the thallus, or 2, the thallus and all other organs taken together, or 3, the apo- thecium, or highest of organs is of less practical importance, than how the work be carried through, and serve us in use. Of the three principles of arrangement just reckoned, the first in the order of thought, the abstract lichen (so to say) not known as yet in the particulars that compose it is naturally first also in the order of time, the thallus. This first attracts attention, and plays the principal part in the earlier arrange- ment of our plants : as in the three genera (Usnea, Coralloides, Lichenoides) in which they are brought together in the disposi- tion of Dillenius ; and the single genus (Lichen) under which they are arranged, in sections limited by thalline differences, by Linnaeus. And the thallus has continued to commend itself to systematists even after the explication of the whole lichen-or- ganism : as to Fee, in 1824 ; and as exhibited in the well-known Sy sterna of Koerber. (*) Study in any sufficient sense, begins however, in the order of time, with the next succeeding stage of inquiry, wherein the thallus is accepted only as the ground of a further develop- ment as existing for the behoof of other essential organs, and we have before us all that constitutes the organism the whole plant. The systematic disposition of Nylander reckons thus all organs, or, more particularly, thallus, spermogones, and apo- thecia, as of equal value in the system ; and his arrangement proceeds eclectically, as now one and now another conspicuous character is assumed as determinative (Syn. Lich. 1, chap. x). But great as is the advantage which this disposition enjoys as the means of communication of the author who has described and is describing more lichens than any other, it is easily seen that it differs from other systematic works not at all, as the au- thor would imply, in the exclusion of selection (that is, of the 'artificial and arbitrary'), but only in the use made of it. Not to dwell here on the treatment of near and remote affinity, or of affinity and analogy, in this arrangement evidenced by the (*) We cannot well refer, in this connection, to Dr. Th. Fries's elabo- rate Scandinavian Lichen-Flora (1871-1874), the principle of construc- tion of which is the gonimons system, as but little as respects the evolu- tion of the method has yet been published. But however greatly the significance of the gonimous cells may be advanced by more recent re- search, their anatomy and morphology are still but imperfectly known ; and it is difficult to conceive that much can be gained from what must necessarily be arbitrary views of only a part of the phenomena. ( xvi ) wide separation of Bceomyces and Cladonia from Biatora, be- tween all of which there are direct transitions the difficulties of the multiplicity, and unequal, now very uncertain values of the points of view 'the salient characters of all parts of lichens' are, for us, insuperable. The resulting complex of series and tribes belongs indeed to, and illustrates brilliantly, with the au- thor's unequalled knowledge of particulars, the Natural Method; but the complex is, in very consequence of the extreme extent of this particularism, perplexing to the student (*), who finds himself entangled anew in the meshes of nature, from which meshes nature, with whatever devotion he seek her help, is pow- erless to release him. What wonder then, if escaping at length, by his own deliberate act, from the inordinate multifariousness and accidentality of the natural affinities, and unable to accept the thallus as a sufficient guide, he turn now to his only remain- ing choice, the apothecium the flower and fruit, and highest that we know of our plants : the principle of construction of Persoon, Acharius, Wahlenberg, and Fries. We are here con- sidering only system, and it may be permitted to me to add, that much, and invaluable, and not yet to be fully estimated, as are the acquisitions of the improved methods of study of the last thirty years, the whole movement took its start from the (*) And in view of the importance of this consideration, it is proper to be more explicit. The genus Lecidea, as understood by Nylander, while constituted of a now no little strained association of not less than six, (by some prominent writers broken into many more) generic types accepted by the great majority of modern lichenologists, two of these types indicating groups of vast extent, Fries's distinction of which has proved an invaluable boon to study, is yet further and to the last degree embarrassed, in the two great and difficult groups named, by crowds, ever increasing, of lichens called new, but neither sufficiently charac- terized, nor, for the most part, illustrated by any sufficient explanation ; and has thus, in the great bulk of the genus, become, what we have no better word for than a wilderness of obscure forms, into the intricacies of which only the author can presumably possess any trustworthy clew. ( xvii ) results gained by the unsurpassed penetration of Elias Fries ; and has never lost the impress of his genius. So great is the value of Habit in minds fully qualified to apprehend and appre- ciate its subtleties, that such minds may not only anticipate what the microscope is to reveal, but help us to understand its revelations. RECENT AUTHORS ON STRUCTURE; 1, GENERAL. TULASNE, Mem. pour servir a Vhist. organographique etphysio- logique des Lichens. Ann. Sci. Nat., 3 Ser., vol. 17, with 16 plates, 1852. SPEERSCHNEIDER, Anatomic u. Entwickelung der Hagenia cil- iaris, etc. Sot. Zeitung, 1853-4-5-7. NYLANDER, Synopsis Meth. Lichenum, vol. 1, with 8 plates, 1858-60. SCHWENDENER, Untersuchungen ilber d. Flechtenthallus. Naeg. Beitr. 0. wissensch. Bot. 2, 3, 4, with 13 plates, 1860-68. The same, Ueber die Entwick. d. Apoth. von Cwnogonium. Flora, 1862. Ueber Ephebe pubescens. Ibid. 1863. Ueber die Apoth. primitus aperta u. der Entwick. d. Apothecien in Allgemeinen. Ibid. 1864. DE BARY, Morphologic u. Physiologic d. Pilze, Flechten, u. Myxomyceten, II., Flechten. 1866. MINKS, Beitrdge zur Kenntniss des Baues und Lebens der Flechten, 1876. The same, Zur Flechtenparasiten- Frage. Flora, 1877. Das Microgonidium, Vorlau- fige Mittheilung. Flora, 1878. Das Microgonidium. Ein Beitirg mr Kenntniss des wahren Wesens der Flechten, 249 pages, with six plates, 1879. STAHL, Beitrdge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Flechten, with five plates, 1877. 2, OF THE APOTHECIA. TTJLASNE, I. c. NYLANDER, I c. SCHWENDENER, tt. CC. FUISTING, De nonnullis Apothecii Lichenum evolvendi ration- ibus. 1865. ( xix ) MINKS, Thamnolia vermicular is, Erne Monographic, Flora, 1874. The same, Beitnige, I. c. 3, OF THE SPORES. LEIGHTON, British species of Angiocarpous Lichens, with 29 plates, 1851. TULASNE, I C. HEPP, AbMldungen u. Beschreibung tier Sporen zum /., //., III., /(. IV. Band d. Flechten Europtfs, with 110 plates, IS53-67. KOERBER, Sy sterna Lick. Germanic, with 4 plates, 1855. NYLANDER, I. c. MINKS, Das Microgonidium, etc., I. c. 4, OF THE SPERMOGONES, ETC. TTJLASNE, /. c. NYLANDEK, Z. c. LINDSAY, On Spennogones and Pycnides. Trans. Edinb. vol. 22, with 12 plates, 1859. MINKS, J}fix Microgonidium, etc., I. c. 5, OF THE GONTDIA. DE BAPvY, /. <-. SCHWENDENER, Die Algcntypcn der Flechten-Gonidien, with three plates, 1869. The same, Erorterungen der Gonidien-Frage, with one plate, Flora, 1872. The same, UntersiicU. I. c. TH. FKIES, Lich. Scand. pp. 9, 10, 1871. BORNET, Recherches sur les Gomdies dcs Lichens in Ann. Sci. V., 17, 19, 1873, 1874. KOERBER, Zur Abwehr der Schwendener - Bornetsclien Flech- tentheorie, 1874. MINKS, Beitrdge zur Kennlniss des Baues und Lebens, etc., 1876. The same, Das Microgonidium, etc., I. c. NYLANDER, Syn. 1. c. The same, De Gonidiis et eorum formis direr sis Animadv. Flora, 1877. AUTHORS ON THE SYSTEM; FRIES, Sy sterna Orbis Veget. L, PI. Homonemece, 1825. The same, Lichenographia Europcea Reformata, 1831. NORMAN, Conatus prcemissus redact, novfs gen. nonnull. Lich., 1852. KOERBER, Z. C. NYLANDER, L c. TH. FRIES, Genera Heterolichenum Europ&a, 1861. STIZENBERGER, Beitr. z. Flechtensystematik, 1862. MIJLLER, Principes de Glassif. des Licfiens, 1862. KREMPELHTJBER, Geschichte u. Litter atur d. Lichenologie. L, IL, 1867-9. KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. Ser, L GYMNOCAEPI (Schrad.) Fr. Apothecia normally open- either shield-like (scutellaform) or dish-fee (patellceform) or difform, becoming elongated (lirellceform} or goblet-shaped and the disk compacted of naked spores (crater if orm). Trib, 1, PARMELIACEI, Apothecia rounded, margined by a thalline exciple (scutellseform), which includes also now, more or less distinctly, a proper exciple, when the fruit is called zeorine. Fam. 1. USNEEI. Thallus sub-vertical and fruticulose, or pendulous ; more rarely depressed, and dilated (foliace- ous). 1. ROCCELLA. Disk of apothecium black, with a white bloom. Spores fusiform-oblong, 4-locular, colourless. Thallus fruticulose, or pendulous ; somewhat leathery. 2. RAMALINA. Disk and thallus pale. Spores ellipsoid and oblong, 2-locular, colourless. Thallus fruticulose, or pendulous; compressed or subfoliaceous, cartila- gineous. 3. CETRARIA. Disk coloured differently from the thallus, to the tips or margins of which the apothecia are attached. Spores sub-ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Thallus either fruticulose, or depressed and dilated (parmelia3form) more or less cartilagineous. 4. EVERNIA. Disk concave, coloured differently from the thallus; the apothecia at length often cyathiform. Spores sub- ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Thallus fru- y KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. ticulose, or pendulous ; sottish ; with a cottony medulla. 5. USNEA. Disk and thallus pale. Spores sub-ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Thallus fruticulose, or pendulous ; mostly rounded ; alike on all sides ; with a double medulla, the innermost woody. 6. ALECTORIA. Disk coloured differently from the thal- lus. Spores ellipsoid, simple, or now muriform- multilocular, brown, or, more often, decolorate. Thallus fruticulose, or pendulous; mostly rounded; alike on all sides ; cottony within. 7. SCHIZOPELTE. Disk black, dilated and lobed. Spores oblong, 4-locular, blackish-brown. Thallus fruticu- lose, terete. Fam. 2. PARMELIEI. Thallus horizontal, foliaceous, dif- ferently coloured and normally fibrillose beneath, where it is without veins or cyphels. [See PeltigereL] Karely ascendant, evernisefbrm j more rarely alectoriaBform. 8. SPEERSCHNEIDERA. Apothecia scutellaeform. Spores oblong, 2-4-locular, colourless. Thallus terete-com- pressed, dichotomously very much branched, and intertangled, forming rounded, appressed patches; fibrils obsolete. 9. THELOSCHISTES. Apothecia scutellseform ; the disk yellowish - orange. Spores polar -bilocular [in an exotic species quadri-locular] colourless. Thallus foliaceous, or now ascendant and everniaeform ; mostly yellowish. to. PARHELIA. Apothecia scutellaeform ; the disk mostly thin. Spores ellipsoid, and oblong, simple, colourless. Thallus foliaceous; or now everniaeform ; or even alectoriaeform ; rather membrauaceous. 11. PHYSCIA. Apothecia scutellseform ; the disk thickish. KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. 3 Spores ellipsoid, bilocular, more rarely quadri-pluri- locular, brown. Thallus foliaceous, or now everniae- form; cartilagineous. 12. PYXINE. Apothecia from scutellaeform becoming black all over, and lecideoid. Spores oblong-ellipsoid, bilocular (elsewhere also 4-locular) brown. Thallus crustaceous-foliaceous, sub-cartilagineous. Fam. 3. UMBILICARIEL Thallus horizontal, foliaceous, coriaceous-cartilagineous, sub-monophyllous, attached to the substrate at a single point. 13. UMBILICARIA. Apothecia sub-scutellaeform, black- ened, gyrose-plicate. Spores sub-ellipsoid, simple, or now muriform-multilocular, brown, or decolorate. Thallus as above. Fam. 4. PELTIGEREI. Thallus piano-ascendant, frondose- foliaceous ; beneath villous, and variegated with veins, or cyphels. [See Sticta.] Gonirnia take very largely the place of gonidia. 4. STICTA. Apothecia scutellsBform, sub-marginal, ele- vated. Spores from fusiform at length acicular, bi- quadri-plurilocular, fuscescent or colourless. Thallus frondose - foliaceous, coriaceous - cartilagineous, the under side variegated with little cups or rounded heaps of unknown import (cyphels} or spots. Goni- mous layer constituted, in one group of species, of gonidia ; in the other of gonimia. 15. NEPHROMA. Apothecia reniform, innate in the under side of extended lobes, the margin disappearing. Spores sub-fusiform, 4-locular; fuscescent. Thallus frondose, not veined below. Gonimous layer, in one group of species, of gonidia ; in the other of gonimia. / 16. PELTIGERA. Apothecia pel tseform, adnate to the upper 4 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. side of extended lobes, the margin torn-crenate. Spores from fusiform at length acicular, 4-plurilocular, at length colourless. Thallus frondose, villous and veiny beneath. Gonimous layer, in several species, composed of gonidia; in the larger number, of gonimia. 17. ERIODERMA. Apothecia scutellaeforrn, marginal. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, simple, at length colourless. Thallus frondose, villous beneath, where it is clothed, more or less, with a pannose hypothallus. Gonimous layer constituted of gonimia. 18. SOLORINA. Apothecia orbicular, innate in the upper side of the thallus, the margin disappearing. Spores from ellipsoid fusiform - oblong, bilocular, brown. Thallus frondose, villous beneath. Gonimous layer constituted of gonidia and gonimia. Earn. 5. PAIS1NAEIEI. Thallus horizontal, frondose-folia- ceous, or, most commonly, squamulose ; mostly more or less lead-coloured j imposed upon a conspicuous hypo- thallus (now obsolete). Gonimous layer almost univer- sally (in our species) of gonimia. 19. EKDOCARPISCUM. Apothecia indicated only, for the most part, by an ostiole, but finally emerging and scutellseform. Spores very minute, simple, colourless, numerous in the thekes. Thallus foliaceous, peltate, the hypothallus deficient. Gonimous layer of gonimia. 20. HEPPIA. Apothecia orbicular, immarginate, more or less sunken in the minute, frondose-squamulose thal- lus. Hypothallus obsolete. Spores ovoid -oblong, simple, without colour. Gonimous layer of gonimia. 21. PHYSMA. Apothecia scutellseform. Spores ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Thallus foliaceous, clothed beneath with a nap-like hypothallus. Gonimous layer of gonimia, characterized much as in Collema. KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. 5 22. P ANN ARIA. Apothecia either simply scutellaeform, or the disk also bordered by a proper margin (zeorine) or the thalline margin obsolete, and the proper margin alone exhibited (biatorine). Spores ovoid or oblong, simple, or more rarely bi-quadrilocular, or very rarely muriform - plurilocular, fuscescent, or decolorate. Thallus monophyllous, or multifid, or, most often, squamulose, becoming crustaceous. Fam. 6. COLLEMEL Thallus frondose-foliaceous, more or less gelatinous when moist j becoming squamulose, or even crustaceous ; lead-coloured, or blackish-green j the hypothallus almost always obsolete. Gouimia, without exception characteristical of the family, and conditioning its whole structure. Sub-Fam. 1. LICHINEI. Thallus fru tic ulose or alectorise- form; the gonimia constituting an axis, which finally breaks up; or crowded together into a more regular layer, between the cortical, and the at length parenchyma- tous medullary. Apothecia globose, or variously irreg- ular. 23. EPHEBE. Apothecia globose. Spores oblong-ellipsoid, simple, uncoloured. Thallus filiform, much branched, blackish-green ; the never concatenate gonimia finally somewhat stratified. 24. LICHINA. Apothecia terminal, globose. Spores ellip- soid, simple, uncoloured. Thallus fruticulose, brown- ish-black ; the concatenate gonimia distinctly strati- fied. Sub-Fam. 2. EUCOLLEMBI. Thallus foliaceous or squamu- lose, or even crustaceous j very rarely fruticulose j the gonimia disposed most often in necklace-like chains, which are dispersed, more or less, in a gelatinous KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. pulp, amidst branched medullary filaments. Apothecia normally scutellseform ; sometimes, in the lower groups, persistently globose. 25. PYRENOPSIS. Apothecia depressed-globose, urceolate, or DOW at length open. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, simple or bilocular, decelerate. Thallus granulose. Gonimia in clusters; or now in chains. 26. OMPHALARIA. Apothecia sub -globose, immersed more or less in the thallus, or finally superficial, and explicate. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate. Thal- lus fruticulose, or more commonly foliaceous, attached to the substrate, at only one point. Gonimia in clusters ; or rarely in chains. 27. COLLEMA. Apothecia scutellseform. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, either simple, or becoming fusiform, and bi- plurilocular, or most commonly muriform-plurilocular, scarcely coloured. Thallus foliaceous, very rarely fruticulose ; mostly dark-green ; cortical layer mostly indistinct ; gonimia almost always concatenate ; medullary filaments conspicuous. 28. LEPTOGIUM. Apothecia scutellaeform, or zeorine; or biatorine. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, either simple, or becoming fusiform and bi-plurilocular, or, most often, muriform-plurilocular, scarcely coloured. Thallus foliaceous, or rarely fruticulose, mostly lead-coloured ; cortical layer distinctly parenchymatous ; gonimia and medullary filaments as in Collema. 29. HYDROTHYRIA. Apothecia biatorine. Spores fusi- form, quadrilocular, uncoloured. Thallus foliaceous, lead-coloured ; cortical layer distinct, as in Leptogium ; gonimia disposed, in very short chains, between the compact medullary layer, and the cortical. KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. 7 Fam. 7. LECANOREI. Thallus crustaceous ; now lobulate, or even branched; but, for the most part, uniform ; adnate to the substrate j hypothallus inconspicuous. Sub-Fain. 1. EULECANOREI, Apothecia scutellseform. 30. PLACODIUM. Apothecia now zeorine; or biatorine. Spores either (most rarely) simple, or of the usual bilocular type, or, commonly and typically polar- bilocular, colourless. Thallus now lobulate, or very rarely fruticulose ; mostly uniform, and oftener yellowish. / 31. LECANORA. Apothecia now zeorine. Spores ellipsoid and oblong, simple, or rarely bi-quadrilocular, or now long-fusiform and plurilocular, colourless. Thallus now lobulate, or rarely fruticulose ; mostly uniform. 32. RINODINA. Apothecia now zeorine; or biatorine. Spores ellipsoid, bilocular, rarely 4-plurilocular, brown. Thallus now lobulate ; mostly uniform. Sub-Fain. 2. PERTUSARIEI. Apothecia (reverting in- deed to the scutellaeforni type, but) typically com- pound, and diiform. 33. PERTUSARIA. Apothecia globular - difform, opening by pores, and including (1-00) uucleiform hymenia; or now explanate, and lecanorine. Spores mostly very large, ellipsoid, simple, or bilocular, colourless. Sub-Fam. 3. URCEOLARIEI. Apothecia more or less urceolate. 34. CONOTREMA. Apothecia urceolate, truncate-conoidal ; a black proper exciple, veiled, more or less, by an evanescent thalline one. Spores cylindraceous, very long, plurilocular, colourless. Thallus uniform. 35. GYALECTA. Apothecia urceolate-biatorine, with a 8 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. somewhat crenulate margin ; a coloured (rarely black) connivent proper exciple, which is now explanate, received in, or veiled by an often evanescent, thalline one. Spores ellipsoid, fusiform, or acicular, bi-quadri- pltirilocular, or the cells rarely also irregularly, or even murally divided ; uncoloured. Thallus uniform. 36. UKCEOLARIA. Apothecia urceolate-scutella?forru; a black, counivent, proper exciple becoming oftener explanate, and bordering the black disk with its more or less whitened margin, which is finally discrete from the lecanorine, thalline one (now obsolete). Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, muriform-plurilocular, brown. Thal- lus uniform. 37. THELOTREMA. Apothecia urceolate, now verrucae- form, or endocarpeiue,but at length largely scutellate, the disk veiled by an inner exciple (often obsolete); proper exciple variously coloured, somewhat torn- margined, concrete with the thalline. Spores ellip- soid and oblong, bi-plurilocular, or finally rauriform- multilocular, brown, or decolorate. Thallus crusta- ceous, uniform. 38. GYROSTOMUM. Apothecia from urceolate finally ex- plauate, orbicular or often elongated-difforrn ; a black proper exciple, with entire margin, clothed at first by an evanescent thalline one. Spores ellipsoid, muri- form-plurilocular, brown. Thallus uniform. * MYRIANGITJM. Apothecia lecanoroid, multilocular, each loculament developing a single theke, unaccom- panied by paraphyses. Spores oblong-ovoid sub- muriform-multilocular, colourless. Thallus rounded, more or less plaited or lobulate at the circumference, blackish-brown ; without gouidia. Trib, 2. LECIDEACEI, Apothecia rounded, margined (nor- mally) only by the proper exciple (patellaiform). KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. 9 Fam. 1. CLADONIEI. Thallus two-fold, a vertical one (podetium) ascending from a horizontal, squamulose, or granulose one j the latter now obsolete. 39. STEREOCATJLON. Apothecia patellseform, brown, at length convex and the margin excluded (ceplialoid) solid. Spores fusiform or acicular, 4-plurilocular, colourless. Thallus fruticulose, erect, solid (podetia), clothed more or less with granules, passing now into fibrils ; horizontal thallus granulose, or obsolete. 40. PILOPHORUS. Apothecia cephaloid, solid, black. Spores ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Podetia simple, or but little branched, originally solid, granulate; horizontal thallus granulose. 41. CLADONIA. Apothecia mostly cephaloid, variously coloured (not black). Spores ovoid-oblong, simple, colourless. Podetia fistulous, either simple, and cup- shaped or funnel-shaped, or at length very much branched ; rarely club-shaped ; the horizontal thallus squamulose, or rarely granulose, or obsolete. Fam. 2. CCENOGONIEI. Thallus horizontal, conferva-like. 42. CGENOGONIUM. Apothecia patellseform. Spores fusi- form-ellipsoid, simple or bilocular, colourless. Thal- lus composed of jointed filaments densely inter- tangled, making a more or less determinate web. Fam. 3. LECIDEEL Thallus crustaceous; now lobulate, or even, very rarely, caulescent j but, for the most part, uniform ; adnate to the substrate. Sub-Fam. 1. B^EOMYCEI. Apothecia prolonged down- wards into a stipe (stipitate). 43. B^OMYCES. Apothecia patellaeform, or cephaloid ; the stipe now reduced, or disappearing. Spores ellip- soid, or sub-fusiform, simple, or now bi-quadrilocular, colourless. Thallus horizontal ; lobulate, or uniform. 10 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. Sub-Fam. 2. BIATOREI. Apothecia sessile; the exciple paler than the disk. 44. BIATORA. Apothecia patellseform, or oftener cepha- loid. Spores either ellipsoid and simple, or oblong and bi-quadrilocular, or fusiform passing into acicular and finally plurilocular, colourless. Thallus now lobulate; mostly uniform. 45. HETEROTHECIUM. Apothecia patellseform; the ex- ciple often thickened and lecanoroid. Spores for the most part large, from ellipsoid becoming oblong, and either simple, or bi-plurilocular, or muriform-multi- locular ; brown, or decolorate. Thallus uniform. Sub-Fam. 3. EULECIDEEI. Apothecia sessile; exciple coal-black. 46. LECTDEA. Apothecia patellaeform, now cephaloid. Spores from ellipsoid becoming fusiform, and finally acicular ; either simple, or more rarely bi-quadri-pluri- locular, colourless. Thallus now lobulate, or very rarely caulescent ; but, for the most part, uniform. 47. BUELLIA. Apothecia patellaeform. Spores ellipsoid and oblong ; from simple becoming bi-quadrilocular, or finally muriform-multilocular ; brown, or decolor- ate. Thallus now lobulate ; mostly uniform. Trib, 3, GRAPHIDACEI, Apothecia difform, oftener elon- gated (lirellseform), margined (normally) only by the proper exciple ; now itself indistinct. Fam. 1. LECANACTIDEI. Apothecia rounded more or less, or also, less commonly, elongated ; margined. 48. LECANACTIS. Apothecia rounded, or more rarely oblong, black. Spores from dactyloid becoming at length fusiform-oblong, quadri-plurilocular, colourless. Thallus uniform. KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. 11 49. PLATYGRAPHA. Apothecia rounded, or oblong ; the proper exciple more or less obscure, bordered by an accessory thalline or tballoid one. Spores fusiform, quadri-plurilocular, colourless. Thallus uniform. 50. MELASPILEA. Apothecia rounded, or oblong, black. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, bilocular, brown, or decolorate. Thallus uniform, or obsolete. Fam. 2. OPEGPAPHEI. Apothecia normally lirellseform. 51. OPEGRAPHA. Apothecia lirellseform (very rarely rounded-difform), oftener simple, for the most part superficial, the exciple almost always black through- out. Spores smallish, from ellipsoid becoming finger- shaped (dactyloid] or oftener fusiform, bi-quadri- plurilocular, brown, or, much oftener, decolorate. Thallus uniform, or almost obsolete. 52. XYLOGRAPHA. Apothecia now angulate-patellseform, but oftener lirellseform ; the exciple softish, and origi- nally pale, but at length black. Spores ellipsoid, simple [or, at length, in a foreign species, somewhat nmriform-pltirilocular] decolorate. 53. GRAPHIS. Apothecia lirellaeform, oftener branched, or very rarely rounded-diflform, for the most part innate ; the exciple either coloured, or black, but more often colourless below, and bordered almost always by an accessory thalline or thalloid one. Spores ellipsoid, or oblong, quadri-plurilocular, or finally muriform-multilocular, brown, or decolorate. Thal- lus uniform, or now almost obsolete. Fam. 3. GLYPHIDEI. Many apothecia collected in a com- mon, cushion-like thalloid receptacle (stroma). 54. CHIODECTON. Apothecia rounded-difform, or oblong, plano-convex, immarginate, immersed in a white 12 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. stroma. Spores fusiform, or now oblong-ovoid, quadri- plnrilocular, very rarely muriforrn-multilocular, almost always uncoloured. Thallus uniform. 55. GLYPHIS. Apothecia rounded, or oblong, concave, black, associated together in a white stroma. Spores ellipsoid, and oblong, quadri-plurilocular, brown, or decolorate. Thallus uniform. Fam. 4. ARTHONIEI. Apothecia difform, without proper margin, commonly confluent, and now evidently com- pound. 56. ARTHONIA. Apothecia rounded, or oblong ; now bor- dered by an accessory thalloid margin; clustered commonly, or finally confluent in a difform, rounded or stellate pseudo-stroma. Spores (commonly in pyriform thekes) oblong-ovoid, or oblong, or rarely fusiform, 2-4-plurilocular, or, at length muriform- multilocular; brown, or decolorate. Thallus uniform or almost obsolete. 57. MYCOPORUM. Apothecia rounded or oblong, black, finally compound; a difform pseudo-stroma includ- ing (1-6) hymenia. Spores (in sub-pyriform thekes) oblong-ovoid or oblong [bi-quadrilocular, or finally] muriform-multilocular; brown, or decolorate. Thal- lus uniform, or almost obsolete. * AGYRIUM. Apothecia rounded or oblong, softish (red- dish) immarginate. Spores ellipsoid, simple,- uncol- oured, or reddish. Thallus scarcely or not visible, represented mainly by a few gonidia, nestling amidst the fibres of the woody substrate. Trib, 4, CALICIACEI. Apothecia turbinate-lentiform (cra- teriform) or globose j a proper exciple, which is either naked, and ofteuer stipitate, or bordered by an accessory KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. 13 thalline one, margining or supporting a hymenium the disk of which consists of naked spores. Fam. 1. SPILEROPHOREI. Thallus vertical, fruticulose. * SIPHULA. Apothecia unknown. Spermatia linear. Thallus erect, sparingly branched or almost simple, passing below into root-like branchlets by which the lichen is attached to the substrate, densely cottony within. 58. SPH^ROPHORUS. Apothecia globose ; the proper ex- ciple reduced to a hypothecium, which is included in a thalline receptacle, formed by the swollen tips of the branches. S.pores spherical, simple, violet-black. Thallus fruticulose, erect, densely cottony within. 59. ACROSCYPHUS. Apothecia crateriform; a black proper exciple included in a clavate thalline recep- tacle, formed by the swollen tips of the branches. Spores ellipsoid, bilocular, brown. Thallus fruticu- lose, erect, solid, the medullary layer at length more or less compacted into cartilagineous cords. Fam. 2. CALICIEI. Thallus crustaceous, lobulate, or, mostly, uniform. 60. ACOLIUM. Apothecia crateriform, or now urn -shaped, sessile ; a black proper exciple, which is either naked, or margined by an accessory thalline one. Spores spherical and simple, or more often ellipsoid and bilocular, rarely also quadrilocular, or even muriform- plurilocular ; brown. Thallus crustaceous, rarely lobulate, for the most part uniform. 61. CALICITJM. Apothecia crateriform, stipitate; a naked, black proper exciple. Spores spherical, ellipsoid, or oblong, simple, or bilocular, rarely quadrilocular, brownish. Thallus crustaceous, or now almost obso- lete, or (in parasitical species) none. 14 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. 62. CONIOCYBE. Apothecia globose, stipitate, the margin of the coloured proper exciple obscure. Spores spherical, simple, almost uncoloured. Thallus crusta- ceous, or now almost obsolete. Ser, II, ANGIOCARPI, (Schrad.) Fr, Apothecia globular, opening only by a pore at the summit. Trib, 5, VERRUCARIACEI. Apothecia globular ; a proper exciple (perithecium) covering a similarly shaped hyme- nium (nucleus) which is itself included in a more or less distinguishable inner envelope (amphithecium). Fam. 1. ENDOCARPEL Thallus foliaceous, becoming squamulose. 63. ENDOCARPON. Apothecia immersed in the thallus; perithecium much reduced ; amphithecium pale, or at length now blackening ; paraphyses obsolete. Spores ovoid, ellipsoid, or oblong, mostly simple, now bi- quadrilocular, or rarely muriform-multilocular, brown, or decolorate. Thallus foliaceous, monophyllous, or squamulose, passing also into sub-crustaceous states. 64. NORMANDINA. Apothecia immersed in thalline warts ; perithecium indistinct; amphithecium black; para- physes obsolete. Spores oblong, 8-locular, uncoloured. Thallus squamseforra, monophyllous. Fam. 2. VERRUCARIEI. Thallus crustaceous. Sub-Farn. 1. SEGESTEIEI. Apothecia solitary 5 perithe- cium coloured. 65. SEGESTRIA. Apothecia immersed in thalline warts; perithecium coloured ; amphithecium pale, or finally blackening; paraphyses distinct. Spores ellipsoid, KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. 15 oblong, or fusiform, simple, or bi-quadri-plurilocular, or at length, rnuriform-multilocular, uncoloured. Thallus now lobulate, mostly uniform. 66. STAUROTHELE. Apothecia immersed in thalline warts ; perithecium blackening; amphithecium pale; para- physes obsolete. Spores ellipsoid, muriform-multi- locular, brown, or decolorate. Thallus somewhat lobulate, or uniform. Sub-Fam. 2. TRYPETHELIEI. Many apothecia collected in a verruca3fonn stroma. 67. TRYPETHELIUM. Apothecia (1-00) immersed in a stroma; perithecium reduced, blackening; amphithe- cium black; paraphyses distinct. Spores ellipsoid, and oblong, 4-plurilocular [or, in exotic species, muri- form - multilocular] brown, or decolorate. Thallus uniform, mostly obscure, or disappearing. >ub-Fani. 3. PYRENULEI. Apothecia solitary, or now confluent j perithecium black. 68. SAGEDIA. Apothecia innate -superficial; perithecium black; amphithecium pale, or at length blackening; paraphyses distinct, or now obsolete. Spores from cymbiform fusiform, at length acicular quadri-pluri- locular, colourless. Thallus uniform, or disappearing. 69. VERRUCARIA. Apothecia innate; perithecium black; amphithecium pale, or finally blackening; paraphyses slender and for the most part indistinct or obsolete. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, simple, or bi-quadrilocular, or finally muriform-multilocular, decolorate. Thallus uniform, somewhat tartareous, rarely areolate-squaina- ceous. 70. PYRENTJLA. Apothecia somewhat prominent; peri- thecium black; amphithecium pale, or blackening; 16 KEY TO THE ARRANGEMENT. paraphyses distinct, or now obsolete. Spores from ellipsoid oblong, bi-quadri-plurilocular, or at length muriform-multilocular, brown, or decolorate. Thal- lus mostly obscure. 71. PYKENASTRUM. Apothecia rather prominent, turbi- nate, several oftener confluent above into a common mouth (ostiole) ; perithecium conical, oblique, black; amphithecium blackening ; paraphyses distinct. Spores ellipsoid and oblong, muriform-multilocular, brown. Thallus obscure. 72. STRIGULA. Apothecia prominent, depressed-globose ; perithecium black ; amphithecium pale, or blacken- ing; paraphyses distinct. Spores oblong-ovoid, or oblong, from simple bi-quadrilocular, without colour. Thallus epiphyllous, passing finally into a lobulate crust. Trib, L PARMELIACEL Apothecia rounded and open, or more rarely subglobose and persistently more or less closed ; a thalline exciple mar- gining a normally discoid hyineniuni which rests on a mostly imperfect proper exciple (hypothecium). In this vast tribe, perhaps the first to attract the attention of lovers of nature, and to be studied, it is the thallus which plays the chief part ; and this, by its endless variations, lends interest to our latest studies. The predominance of the thallus is seen equally in the fruit. Except in the lowest groups, the proper exciple is for the most part reduced here to a layer of cells supporting the hymenium ; while, on the other hand, a thalliue receptacle, of but subordinate value when found in other tribes, is here characteristical. And it is, once more, the thallus, which fitly determines the families, or largest groups, into which the tribe breaks up. It requires little consideration to discern that Usnea is an extreme, as well of Parmeliacei as of Lichenes ; and the group of genera which associate themselves with it, will constitute our first family USNEEI. But the variations of Usneei bring it into closest relations with Parmelia and its allies ; and we find thus our second family PARMELIEI. Close to Parmelia, and yet dif- ferenced remarkably by their texture, manner of attachment, and abnormal fruit, follow the UMBILICAKIEI. And close to the last succeeds tropical Sticta, represented at the north by only a few species; and its associates PELTIGEREI. With this family begins a modification (already spoken of) of the structure of the thallus; a change, that is to say, in the constitution of the gonimous or green layer ; this being constituted, in one group of species of Sticta, Nephroma, Peltigera, and Solorina, of the ordi- nary gonidia, and, in another, not otherwise separable, of the very distinct, and gelatinous gonimia. This structural modifica- tion, which, owing to the darker colour of the gonimia, affects more or less the external coloration of the lichens conditioned by it, and becomes thus, to a considerable degree, discoverable by the naked eye, recurs again in our next succeeding family of mostly humble forms, the humblest indeed we have yet reached PANNAKIEI. And it reaches its height, and the gela- 2 18 USNEEI. tinous development an inordinate expression, in our next ; the last group of foliaceous Parmeliacei COLLEMEI. Like the Pan- nariei, with which it is most intimately associable, this family descends to very humble, and even crustaceous forms ; and thus .anticipates, though in another line of direct affinity, the nor- mally crustaceous LECANOREI. These, while ascending, now conspicuously, into conditions recalling the higher, foliaceous Parmeliacei, run yet into others wherein at last the thallus becomes wholly subordinate, and the fructification, as in the lowest lichens, plays the principal part ; exhibiting an extraor- dinary variety of modification, and anticipating, not seldom, types only fully exemplified in other tribes. And yet there is no doubt that Parmelia and Lecanora may be looked at as mem- bers of a continuous series ; and some of the most extreme of Lecanoreiue deviations from the tribal type (as Pertusaria and Thelotrema) revert yet, in certain instances, to conditions which we cannot well compare with anything remote from Lecanora. Fam. 1. USNEEI. Thallus erectish, typically fruticulose, and passing then, not seldom, into much elongated, pendulous forms; vari- ously also now dilated, and at length also depressed, or sub- foliaceous. Though well distinguished, as a whole, from the next suc- ceeding family, which is typically horizontal and foliaceous, the latter also ascends, in all its most important divisions, into fru- ticulose states, to be discriminated carefully from the typically vertical Usneei. It is easy however to discern what is really the preponderant affinity of most of these ascendant Parmelieine lichens : as of Theloschistes clirysoplithalmus to T. parietinus ; of Parmelia Camtschadalis to P. Icevigata ; or of Physcia ciliaris, and, especially P. leucomela, etc., to P. speciosa. But, on the other hand, the family now before us is represented at its centre by a genus ( Cetraria) in which a certam degree of dilatation of the frond is all but everywhere discernible ; and, in this genus, we find finally (in some of our most familiar rail-lichens) so near an approach, in habit, and even in character, to Parmelia, that one may well hesitate to which group a lichen shall be referred : and the difficulty will only yield to a fuller knowledge of the whole differentiation of the two series of forms. ROCCELLA. 19 As respects spore-features, the great bulk of Usneei (in obvi- ous analogy with Parmelia of the next family) offers simple spores, always referable to the Colourless Series except in Alec- toria, in which moreover in all the species but two the spores are decelerate. From this centre departs, in the same series, Kama- Una with its bilocular spores ; to which the Coloured or Brown Series affords no analogue. But Roccella, the next and extremest type of the Colourless Series, stands in curious analogy with Schizopelte of the Coloured ; whereof also Alectoria (the analogue of Umbilicaria, further on) though ambiguous in most species, displays finally the ultimate type. I. ROCCELLA, DC. Apothecia scutellseform, lateral, more or less adnate ; the disk blackening the hymenium imposed upon a black hypo- thecium. Spores dactyloid-fusiform ; quadrilocular ; colour- less. Spermatia needle-shaped, bowed; upon sub-simple sterigmas. Thallus fruticulose, or finally pendulous, alike on both sides, cartilagiueous-coriaceous, glaucous or now fuscescent ; the medullary layer rather loosely cottony. Anatomy of the thallus given in Schwendener, TJntersuch. 1. c. 2, p. 165, t. 6,/. 2-17. The few species, which are very closely akin, aud belong especially to the warmer, maritime regions of the earth, constitute the famous Orchella-weed of dyers. 1. E. tinctoria, DC. ; thallus coriaceous, terete (but often more or less flattened) glaucous and pale, dull ; sparingly branched but much elongated, and intertangled; apothecia middling to ample, sessile, disk flattish, black, equalling or excluding the margin. Spores fusiform-oblong, ^J mic. Ach. L. U. p. 439. Fr. L. E. p. 33. Schcer. Enum. p. 7. Nyl. Syn. p. 258. Rocks, Mexico, Krempelhuber, 1868. San Diego, California, Dr. Palmer in herb. Willey. 2. R. leucophcea, Tuckerrn. ; thallus smooth, varying from pale to darker brown ; the irregular, flexuous branches com- pressed and now foraminous below, but attenuated and finally terete aud filiform above; apothecia middling-sized, sessile, plano-convex, disk black, white-pruinose, margin thin, white. 20 RAMALINA. Spores dactyloid, l ^ mic. Suppl. 1 (Amer. Journ. Sci. 25) p. 423. Nyl. Syn. I,]?. 260. Shrubs (Obione) on the coast of California (Dr. C. C. Parry), Tuckerman I. c. 1858. 3. E. pliycopsis, Ach. ; thallus coriaceous, terete-compressed, dwarfish, dichotomously at length much branched, whitish ash- coloured, often sorediiferous ; ["apothecia lecideine, small, black, naked or lightly pruinose. Spores fusiform-oblong,^^ mic."] Ach. L. U. p. 440. Schcer. Enum. p. 7. Nyl Syn. p. 259. San Diego, California, now on bushes, etc., in company with the last, Dr. Hill (Hassler exp.) the same with a Peruvian (Herb. Berol.) and Cape of Good Hope (Zeyher ; Wright) form referable here, and flatter than the Madeira lichen (Nyl. in Man- don Lich. Mader. n. 36) with which one from Cuba (Wright) perfectly agrees. The very dubious plant offers now the aspect of E. tinctoria and now of E. fuciformis, and is not easily referred to either. 4. E. fuciformis (L.) Ach. ; thallus cartilagineous-coriaceous, compressed, flat, dichotomously divided into linear-lanceolate, attenuate segments ; greenish-glaucous and pale ; apothecia, mar- ginal, sessile, disk flattish, grey-pruinose, the margin somewhat persistent. Spores fusiform, ^J mic. Ach. L. U.p. 440. Fr. L. E. p. 33. Schcer. Enum. p. 7. Nyl. Syn. p. 260. Kocks, La Paz, Lower California, Dr. H. N. Bolander. ' II. RAMALINA, Ach., De Not. Apothecia scutellseform, mostly marginal, sub-pedicel- late ; the disk pale. Spores ellipsoid, or oblong, now be- coming fusiform; bilocular; colourless. Spermatia oblong, or staff-shaped ; upon sparingly branched sterigmas. Thal- lus fruticulose, or finally pendulous, mostly compressed, or at length .sub-foliaceous, alike on both sides, cartilagineous, pale greenish-glaucesceut ; the cottony medullary filaments in part coalescing into solid cords. Anatomy of the thal- lus (of the group represented by E. calicaris) given in Schwendener, Untersuch. I c. 2, p. 155, t. 5, /. 7-11. The rigidity, or at least tenacity of the thallus is largely RAMALISTA. 21 due to the finally distinct and solid cords into which the medullary filaments more or less pass : these cords becom- ing either (as in the majority of species) mostly united with the cortical layer; or (in E. homalea) dispersed rather through the cottony medullary; or finally (in the species last-named, and especially in R. ceruchis) now collected into something like an axial column, within the cottony portion. The analogy of Eamalina with Usnea is seen thus to be not confined to external features. * Medullary cords free of the cortical layer, and at length axial ; or indistinct. Spermogones black. 1. E. ceruchis (Ach.) De Not. ; thallus tufted, terete, or com- pressed-terete, smooth, but soon and at length deeply pitted and wrinkled; somewhat simple or sparingly branched, the tips of the branches often attenuate ; apothecia middling to ample, lateral. Spores oblong, ^ mic. Borrera, Ach. Lich. p. 504. Eamalina, De Not. Framm. Nyl. Syn. 1 , p. 289 ; Eecogn. p. 8. Trees and rocks, coast of California (C. Wright] Tuckerman Gen. 1872. An infertile form upon dead wood, Sta. Cruz, D. Anderson, is distinguished by large, lateral and capitate, grey soredia (/. cephalota}. E. Combeoides, Nyl. (Eecogn. Eamal. p. 9) with quite simple, podetiiform thallus, and commonly terminal, now clustered apothecia, grows with the next spe- cies in California (Bolander) but, though certainly marked, is inseparable from South American forms (Terra del Fuego, Wilkes exp.) which appear fully referable to E. ceruchis. Speci- mens of the present species commonly, and at length densely floccose ; the medullary filaments escaping largely through the rents of the easily broken cortical layer. 2. E. homalea, Ach. ; thallus tufted, compressed and two- edged, smooth, but finally wrinkled; sparingly and irregularly branched, the branches attenuate and at length spreading and the tips teretish ; apothecia middling to ample, marginal, now- dilated and flexuous. Spores oblong, -^j- mic. Ach. Lichenogr. p. 598. Nyl. Syn. p. 289 ; Eecogn. p. 9. Rocks; coast of California (Menzies). Ach. L. U. 1810. E. testudinaria, Nyl. (Eecogn. p. 10) from California, is not dis- tinguishable. 22 RAMALINA. * * Medullary cords uniting mostly with the cortical layer. Spermogones commonly pale. 3. E. reticulata (Noehd.) Kreinpelh. ; thallus much com- pressed, linear, elongated and pendulous, very much branched ; either narrow and somewhat channelled, with teretish tips, or dilated; the longitudinally striate branches often united here and there into a coarse network, and giving forth frequent, lateral, oblong expansions which become foraminous, and at length extended, and densely reticulate-perforate ; apothecia mostly marginal, smallish to middling-sized, sub-sessile. Spores ellipsoid, and oblong, ^^ mic. Lichen, Noehden in Schrad. Journ. 1, tit. Krempelh. beschicht. d. Lich. 1, p. 86, 2, p. 617. Nyl. Eecogn. p. 25. E. Menziesii, Tayl. in Lond. Journ. Bot. 6, 189. E. retiformis, Menz. herb., Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng. p. 12. Trees; California (Menzies.), Noehden I. c. 1800. Northward to Vancouver's Island, J". Macoun. The longest specimens seen (a little exceeding a foot) altogether narrow-lobed ; from O mm> , 1, at the extremities, to about l mm - wide. Other specimens run from l mra - to I5 mm in width, and the widest, perforated expan- sions exceed 20 mm -. Apothecia from 2 mm - finally 3-4 mm - wide. 4. E. Usneoides (Ach.) Fr. ; thallus compressed and more or less longitudinally striate, much branched and elongated, pen- dulous, often at length spirally contorted, greenish-glaucous ; apothecia smallish to middling, marginal, somewhat pedicellate. Spores fusiform, ^ mic. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 291, /. 8, /. 27; Eecogn. p. 23. Trees in intertropical countries; common in Mexico, and reaching Southern Florida, C. F. Austin. 5. E. rigida (Pers.) ; thallus tufted, slender, terete, or terete- compressed, smooth, or at length longitudinally striate, or be- sprinkled often with white warts ; irregularly- and finally long- branched, the branches attenuate, and the tips filiform ; apothecia lateral, smallish to middling-sized. Spores ellipsoid and oblong, ^ mic. Lichen, Pers., e Nyl. inProdr. N. Gran. p. 15, not. E. gracilenta, Fr. L. E. p. 29, e Nyl., ibid. E. tenuis, Tuckerm. Suppl. 1 , 1. c. p. 423, part. E. rigida, E. gra- tilis, & E. gracilenta, Nyl. Eecogn.pp. 14, 17, 19. Trees; Florida (A. W. Chapman), Tuckerman I. c. 1858. Louisiana, J. Hale. Texas, Wright ; and Mexico. Earely also RAMALItfA. 23 northward, as in the Pines of New Jersey, Austin ; and even on the south shore of Massachusetts, H. Willey. Small forms occur, from half an inch to an inch in height, with larger (rarely 6 mm - wide) white-pruinose apothecia, and the aspect of Usnea. The elongated, flexuously-branched, exclusively southern form reaches three inches in length, and is readily distinguished from our other species. The slenderest of these forms scarcely differ at all from the South American R. angulosa, Laur.,as determined by Meissner, which should be E. gracilis (Pers.) Nyl. Eecogn. p. 17, except in rather larger spores (the chemical differences being excluded) and both E. gracilis, and E. angulosa, so far as- the specimens (Brazil, Herb. Meissn. Cape of Good Hope, Herb. Bonder) and the characters go, should be referable here. Spores at length somewhat fusiform, when the lichen is inseparable from b. Montagncei, which is wholly undistinguishable but by the distinctly fusiform (rarely 3-locular) spores, ^ mic. E. rigida part, Mont, in Ann. 2, 12, fide De Not. E. Montagncei, De Not- Framm. Licit, p. 45. Nyl. Eecogn. Eamal. p. 30. Trees; South Carolina, H. W. Eavenel. Florida, Chapman. Louisiana, Hale. Texas, Wright. Branches of this, as of a, not rarely here and there united, forming meshes. 6. E. linearis (L. f. ; Sw.) thallus tufted, compressed, slender, for the most part channelled, somewhat elongated but sparingly divided, long-acuminate above, pale greenish-glaucescent ; apo- thecia smallish to middling-sized, marginal. Spores ellipsoid be- coming sub-fusiform, -^ mic. E. linearis, Mont. ! herb. E. canaliculata, Tayl. ! in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1847, p. 188. Nyl. Eecogn. p. 30. b. alludens ; spores narrow-fusiform, straight or oblique, ^ mic. E. alludens, Nyl. Eecogn. p. 30. Trees and shrubs; Lower California, J. Xantus. Herb. Tay- lor. Nylander. 7. E. stenospora, Mull. ; thallus tufted, compressed, coarsely longitudinally white-striate, and more or less tuberculate ; spar- ingly divided, the divisions lanceolate-linear, now irregularly minutely laciniate; greenish-glaucous ; apothecia middling-sized, pedicellate. Spores fusiform, straight, or a little curved, ^ mic. Lich. Beitr. in Flora, 1877, n. 30. 24 RAMALINA. Trees, etc. , Louisiana, Mutter Arg. 1. c. Texas, Wright ; Eave- nel. A short, broad form, with the aspect of E. calicaris, v. fraxinea, is found on dead wood in South Carolina, Eavenel. The narrowest forms are scarcely to be separated from E. rigida, b, Montagncei, to which I had also (in herb.) referred the wider one, in part ; but the latter is in fact better comparable with E. laevigata. 8. E. l&vigata, Fr. ; thallus tufted, at length rather elongated, complanate, smooth or longitudinally striate; dividing at the stalked base into a few, sub-simple, lanceolate lobes ; apothecia small to middling-sized, flat, scattered on the upper side of the lobes. Spores ellipsoid, and oblong-ellipsoid, ^ mic - $ 0- V. p. 283. Tuckerm. in Bot. Wilkes exped. p. 129. E. calicaris, /. Eckloni, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 295. E. Yemensis, Nyl. Eecogn. Eamal. p. 46. Trees ; Texas, and New Mexico ( Wright), Tuckerman Calif. 1866. r-An easily recognizable lichen, widely diffused through- out the warmer regions of the earth. Thallus with us scarcely exceeding 3 in. in length. Apothecia l mm - to scarcely 3 mm - wide. 9. E. Menziesii, Tuckerm. ; thallus much compressed and rather membrauaceous, or now at length more rigid, linear, origi- nally channelled, and puberulent, but soon smooth ; sparingly branched, the elongated, sub-simple, flexuous branches becoming lacunose and here and there finally foramiuous ; apothecia mar- ginal, middling to ample, sub-pedicellate, the margin incurved. Spores oblong, a little curved, ^ mic. Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng. p. 12, not of Taylor. E. leptocarpha, Ejusd. Suppl p. 423. Trees; California (Me?m'es), Tuckerman I.e. 1848. The full history of this very distinct lichen is not yet ascertained. The longest specimens seen are 4-5 inches in length, and from 2 to 5 mm - wide. Apothecia 3-8 mm - in width. 10. E. complanata (Sw.) Ach. ; thallus tufted, flattened, smooth or now striate, besprinkled with minute papillseform tubercles ; either shorter and wider, dividing below into a few, sub-simple, linear lobes, or narrower, and at length densely branched, the channelled branches constricted more or less above into teretish and longitudinally pitted, or finally filiform tips ; apothecia marginal, middling-sized. Spores ellipsoid, and oblong- ellipsoid, often a little curved, ^ mic. Lichen, Sw., ex. Ach. RAMALINA. 25 L. U. p. 599 ; Syn. p. 294, fide Nyl. Eecogn. Eamal. p. 29. Parmelia denticulata, Eschw. in Mart. Fl Bras. p. 221. Eama- lina rigida, Mont. ! PL Cell. Cub. p. 234, in part. E. rigida De Not. Framm. Lich. p. 44. E. calicaris, f. rigida, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 295, fide auct. in Prodr. N. Gran. E. complanata & E. denticulata, Nyl. Eecogn. Trees ; Key West, Florida (Herb. Torrey.), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Texas, Wright. Mexico, Nylander. Thallus, in our .specimens, from half an inch to an inch and a half in length. Apothecia 2-4 mm - wide, but now exceeding 10 mm -, in Mexico. The present species, which is closely akin to E. calicaris, exhibits now a wider form, suggesting the v. fraxinea of the latter, and now a much-narrowed and branched one, comparable with the v. farinacea; but also with E. rigida (Pers.). The great majority of our plants fail to shew the red reaction with potash. 11. JR. calicaris (L.) Fr. ; thallus tufted, rather rigid, soon more or less reticularly-lacunose, variously divided ; apothecia flattish, middling-sized to ample. Spores ellipsoid, and oblong- ellipsoid, mostly straight, except now in a. ^ mic. L. E. p. 30. a. fraxinea, Fr. ; wide- and at length long-lobed ; the lobes sub-simple ; apothecia lateral. b. fastigiata, Fr. ; lobes shorter and crowded, dividing dichotomously above ; apothecia sub-terminal. c. canaliculata, Fr. ; narrowed ; the channelled lobes dicho- tomously- and at length much-branched and elongated ; apothe- cia attached just below the deflexed, or geniculate tips. d. farinacea, Schser. ; flattened, smoothish ; now wider, and sparingly branched, and now teretish and much branched; finally filiform-attenuate and pendulous ; besprinkled with white powdery soredia ; apothecia lateral, rare. Trees ; and d. also upon rocks ; very common in the Northern States, and Canada, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818 ; and also south- ward. California (only d.) and Mexico. A different view of this species may be found in the recent monograph of Nylauder (Eecogn.) but the distinctions relied upon are far enough from satisfactory, and admitted to be so, to some extent, by the author himself. 26 RAMALItfA. 12. E. pusilla (Prev.); thallus tufted, inflated and hollow, foraminous ; [either short- and few-lobed, turgid, wrinkled, and rather rnembranaceous, as in the original, Southern-European lichen, or] more rigid, soon narrowed, and branched; apothecia oftener sub-terminal, finally sub-pedicellate. Spores ellipsoid^ and oblong-ellipsoid, mostly straight, ^~ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 29. Schcer. Enum. p. 8. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 295. p. geniculata; terete-compressed, smooth, dichotomously- at length much-branched, the tips somewhat digitately divided, and now sorediiferous ; apothecia small to middling-sized, at- tached just below the deflexed tips. E. geniculata, Hook. f. & Tayl. in Lond. Journ. Bot. 3, p. 655, & It. inflata, of the same, Fl. Antarct. I, p. 194, t. 79, f. 1. Nyl. Recogn. Ramal, p. 63-5. E. minuscula, Nyl. Lich. Lapp. Or. p. 114 ; Recogn. p. 66. Trees, White Mountains, and in Maine; Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Canada, A. T. Drummond. Arctic America,, Herb. Hook. Oregon, E. Hall. The cortical layer varies in thickness ; but only as it is found to vary in R. pollinaria, and other species, in which the inner, distinctly filamentous portion is now deficient : and this variation appears quite insufficient to separate the original R. pusilla (Portugal, Welwitsch! Italy, Massalongo!) from the otherwise similar Australian lichen (Van Diemen's land, Herb Bonder ! perhaps R. Tasmanica, Nyl. Recogn. p. 64) here associated with it. The plants we have noticed are easily comparable with R. calicaris, v.fraxinea; and, like.R. calicaris, R. pusilla passes readily into a narrower, much-branched state (Java, Junghuhn.' shores and islands of the China Sea; Japan ; and Cape of Good Hope ; Wright ! Venezuela, Herb. V. d. Bosch /) which is our /?. From this last, the North American lichen, and the only form as yet published from the north of Europe (Lap- land, Fellman ! ) are quite inseparable. Thallus at length more or less constricted immediately under the apothecia, even in the Portuguese specimens ; which thus differ little in this respect from the others, with their distinctly sub-pedicellate, or sub- sessile fruit. The spores of the original R. pusilla are taken by Nylander 1. c., for smaller than those of his R. Tasmanica ; but this difference also disappears in the Italian lichen (Mass. Ital. n. 175). 13. R. pollinaria (Ach.) ; thallus tufted, rather membranace- ous, flaccid, lacunose, irregularly or as if torn-branched, burst- RAMALINA. 27 ing, especially at the tips, into conspicuous, dilated soredia; apothecia small to middling-sized, sub-terminal. " Spores ob- long, ^ mic." L. U. p. 608. Fr. L. E. p. 31. Nyl. Eecogn. Eamal. p. 52. Trees, rarely; and rocks; New England, Tuckerman Gen. 1872. New Mexico, Fendler. Our plants, which are all ster- ile, belong to the northern form (Eabenh. Lich. Eur. n. 102, 766), which is especially near to E. calicaris, v. farinacea; and the much-dilated, flattish, dichotomously laciniate state of other European regions is quite unknown here, though it occurs well- marked in Peru (Winterfeld!). Of the specimens before me, a minute, pulvinate form, found on stone walls in Massachusetts, and in Rhode Island, is the most distinct. 14. R. polymorpha (Ach.); thallus tufted, compressed, rigid,, longitudinally costate, sub-simple or at length irregularly much divided, the branches besprinkled or terminated by granulate,, often capitate soredia; apothecia smallish to middling-sized, sub-terminal. " Spores oblong, mic." L. U. p. 600. Fr. L. E. p. 32. Nyl. Eecogn. Eamal. p. 50. Rocks, North America; Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. Newfound- laud, Despreaux. Arctic America, Wright. Soredia not mealy, as in the last species, and E. calicaris, v. farinacea; and the lichen much more rigid. Delise referred here a Newfoundland lichen- (Despreaux, in herb. Spreng.l), which has since occurred, in a better-developed state, in islands of Behring's Straits (Wright), but this differs, in several respects, from the European plant ; and the latter is, at present, scarcely known as North American. 15. E. scopulorum (Dicks.) Ach. ; thallus tufted, thickish, terete or much-compressed, coriaceous -cartilagineous, rigid, mostly polished; sub -simple or divaricately much -branched, finally often elongated, and pendulous ; apothecia smallish to- middling-sized, pedicellate, the margin soon reflexed. " Spores- oblong, straight, ^ mic." Lichen. Dicks. PI. Crypt. 3, p. 18. Ach. L. U.p. 604," *Syn.p. 297. Fr. L. E. p. 32. Nyl. Syn. l r p. 292. Maritime rocks. North America, Nylander I. c. 1860. I have seen no American specimens ; but the lichen inhabits Lapland, and Iceland ; and Mr. Wright found it in Japan. 28 CETRARIA. III. CETRARIA (Ach.) Fr., Miill. Apothecia scutellaeform, then often dilated, or peltseform, affixed obliquely to the tips or margins of the thallus, from which the disk differs in colour. Spores sub-ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Spermatia oblong, either thickened at one, or both ends, or cylindrical; or staff-shaped; upon sparingly branched sterigmas. Thallus typically ascendant ; either fruticulose, with now terete-compressed, now turgid, or now channelled branches ; or expanded and foliaceous ; cartilagineous or now membranaceous ; glaucescent, or much more often brown, or yellowish ; the medullary layer cottony. Anatomy of the thallus of the first sub-section, and of the second and third sections, given in Schwendener, Untersuch. I. c. 2, p. 149, t. 3,/. 30-33, t. 4,/. 1-12 ; and of the second sub-section in Nyl. Syn. I, p. 286. The type of Cetraria is to be looked for in its alpine species; and especially in those of the second section, which are at once fruticulose and yet sub-foliaceous. From this centre diverge, on the one hand the two well-marked clusters with teretish thallus; and, on the other, we find receeding the finally quite foliaceous and Parmeliiform third section. * Thallus fruticulose, terete-compressed. f Thallus slender, brownish, rigid. 1. C. tristis (Web.) Fr. ; thallus tufted, fruticulose, erectish, very rigid and tenacious, compressed-terete, divided sparingly below, but the tips often passing into fastigiate branchlets; brownish -black; apothecia middling -sized to ample, sub- terminal, appendiculate by the deflexed tips, plano-convex, the disk dark-chestnut, the margin entire or toothed, or now radiate. Spores ellipsoid, 7 - 10 mic. Spermogoues and spermatia much as in the next. -Fr. L. E. p. 34. Scluzr. Spicil. p. 258. Pla- tysma, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 307. Alpine rocks. Arctic America (Richardson), Hooker in Frankl. Narr. 1823. Alpine region of Mt. Hood, Oregon, Hall. The quality and amount of anatomical difference in the thallus (Schwend. I. c. p. 149) is scarcely sufficient to obscure the mani- festly close relation of this lichen to Cetraria. CETRARIA. 29 2. C.Californica, Tuckerm. ; thallus tufted, fruticnlose, erect, cartilagineous, sab-fistulous, compressed-terete, at length deeply- and canaliculate-lacunose ; dichotomously much- and spread- branched ; greenish-olivaceous, and fuscescent, dull ; apothecia sub-terminal, middling- sized, appeudiculate, the disk dark- green, becoming convex and black, and excluding the toothed margin. Spores ellipsoid, -^-mic. Spermogones immersed- papillseforni ; spermatia oblong, thickened at each end, -^ mic. Suppl 2, 1. c. p. 203. Trees, coast of California (Menzies), Tuckerman I. c. 1859. Fences, Oregon, Hall British Columbia, Macoun. Most naturally associable with the genus which shall include C. acule- ata\ but agreeing in the spermogones and their contents with C. tristis. 3. C. aculeata (Schreb.) Fr. ; thallus densely tufted, fruticu- lose, erect, rigid, sub-fistulous, more or less compressed or angled below but teret/sh above; divaricately much branched and the branches beset more or less with black spinules; dark-chestnut- browu, polisheih apothecia sub-terminal, middling-sized, the disk chestnut, the margin toothed. Spores ellipsoid, -yj- mic. Spermogoues in spinules ; spermatia oblong, cylindrical. Fr. L. E. p. 35. Schcer. Spicil p. 254. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 300. On the earth, and growing over mosses on rocks, in alpine districts. White Mountains, Tuckerman, Syn. N. E. 1848. Newfoundland, Despreaux. Rocky Mountains, Macoun. British Columbia, Macoun. Arctic America, Herb. Hook. 4. C. odontella, Ach. ; thallus densely tufted, fruticulose, ex- panded, chestnut -brown; the flat, linear, palmately- divided, spinulose branches emitting here and there fibrils beneath, but more or less ascendant ; " apothecia terminal, flat, the disk brown." Syn. p. 230. Fr. L. E. p. 35. Th. Fr. Lich. Scand. p. 99. Growing over mosses on rocks in Arctic America ? The au- thorities (Syn. Lich. N. Eng. p. 14) are all uncertain. C. nigri- cans, Nyl., especially differing in being still more depressed and expanded, with somewhat channelled lobes, and rather distincter fibrils beneath, but known only in a sterile state ; is, however, a native of Greenland ; Th. Fr. I. c. f f Thallus turgid, straw-coloured, or now fuscescent, softish. 30 CETRABIA. 5. C. ramulosa (Hook.) ; thallus tufted, fruticulose, erect, compressed-terete, flstulous, from much-inflated and rather sim- ple or finger-shaped becoming dichotomously branched, and somewhat muricate, especially towards the obtuse tips, with papillseforrn branchlets ; from straw-coloured at length fuscesceut, smooth ; apothecia mostly terminal, smallish to middling-sized, dark chestnut, at length flat, and the crenulate margin erect. Spores sub-spherical, ^~ mic. Append, to Parry's 2d Voy.p. 424. Dactylina, Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. 2, 1. c. p. 397. Growing over mosses on alpine rocks. Arctic America, Hooker I. c. 1823. Rocky Mountains, Herb. Hook. Islands of Behring's Straits, Wright. The branched condition is well -comparable, in habit, with C. aculeata, v. obtusata, Schaer. ( Anzi Lang, n.22; & Rabenh. n. 743.) 6. C. madreporiformis (Ach.) Mull.; thallus tufted, fruticu- lose, erect, turgid, sub-fistulous, dichotomously short-branched, the branches nodulose, with obtuse tips; straw-coloured, smooth; apothecia lateral, smallish to middling-sized, disk chestnut, mar- gin erect, crenulate. " Spores ellipsoid, -^- mic." Spermatia staff-shaped. Mull in Flora, 1870,_p. 32 L Dufourea, Ach.; Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 287. Evernia, Fr. L. E. p. 25. Dactylina, Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. I. c. On the earth in alpine districts. Rocky Mountains, now fer- tile (Dr. C. C. Parry) Tuckerman Calif., 1866. 7. C. arctica (Hook.) ; thallus somewhat tufted, turgid, finger-shaped, erect, hollow within, simple or sparingly divided, with tapering, obtuse tips; straw-coloured or now in part fusees- cent, smooth ; apothecia terminal, smallish to middling-sized, disk chestnut, the crenulate margin at length obscure. Spores -sub-spherical, diam. 5-6 mic. Spermatia staff-shaped. Ap- pend, to Frankl. Narr.p. 762. Dactylina, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 286. Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. I c. On the earth; Arctic America (Richardson), Hooker I. c. 1823. The finger-shaped thallus, which developes, in C. ramulosa, into a branched one not unlike that of C. aculeata, is persistent here ; and the plant being also larger, is sufficiently remarkable. There can yet be no doubt of the very near affinity of the two lichens ; or that C. madreporiformis is congenerical. * * Thallus fruticulose, canaliculate, cartilagineous. CETRARIA. 31 8. C. Islandica (L.) Ach. ; thallus tufted, erect, sub-folia- ceous, irregularly laciniate, mostly canaliculate, or the margins now conuivent and here and there often uniting, ciliate-spinu- lose, and beset for the most part, especially below, with white soredia; olivaceous-chestnut, stained more or less sanguineous at the base ; apothecia ample to large, aduate, disk dark-chestnut. Spores ellipsoid, ^^ mic. Spermogoues in spinules ; spermatia oblong, cylindrical.- Ach. L. U. p. 512. Fr. L. E. p. 36. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 298. b. Dellscei (Bor.); paler throughout, and brown at the base, with much divided summits. Nyl. Scand. p. 79. C. hiascens, Th. Fr. Scand. p. 98. On the earth, in alpine districts, abundant. Muhlenberg Catal. 18J8. Arctic America, Richardson, etc. White Mount- ains, Tuckerman. Carolina Mountains, Michaux. Rocky Mount- ains, Hall. Oregon, Hall. Also in barren fields on the coast, sterile, New England, Tuckerman. Delaware Water Gap, Austin. b. Arctic America, Herb. Hook., etc. Newfoundland, Despreaux. North shore of Lake Superior, Agassiz. White Mountains. Sometimes suggesting the next. 9. C. Richardsonii (Hook.); thallus prostrate, sub-foliaceous, divaricately divided, and the somewhat channelled extremities multifid; fulvous- at length chestnut-brown. " Apothecia ample, marginal, disk yellowish-brown, margin irregular." " Spores rnic. Spermogones papillaeform ; spermatia oblong, a little con- stricted at the middle." Hook, in Richards. Append, to Frankl. Narr.p. 761. Platysma, Nyl. Syn. \,p. 306. Arctic America (barren grounds, north of Great Slave Lake, Richardson), Hooker I. c. 1823. 10. C. cucullata (Bell.) Ach.; thallus tufted, erect, rather sparingly sinuate-laciniate, the margins undulate and couniveut; straw-coloured, stained more or less purple at the base, smooth; apothecia ample to large, adnate to the under side of the dilated and hooded fertile lobes, disk chestnut, margin thin, entire. Spores ellipsoid, -^ mic. Spermogones papillseform ; sperma- tia oblong, thicker at each end. Ach. L. U. p. 511. Fr. L. E. p. 87. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 302. On the earth in alpine districts. Arctic America (Richard- son), Hooker I. c. 1823. White Mountains, Tuckerman. Rocky Mountains, Hall. 32 CETRARIA. 11. C. nivalis (L.) Ach. ; thallus tufted, erect, or erectish, re tic- ulately lacunose, much- and sinuately-laciniate, the lobes, which are at length many-cleft above, widely more or less canaliculate ; straw-coloured, stained commonly yellowish at the base, smooth ; apothecia ample to large, adnate to the upper side of the lobes, disk yellowish-flesh-coloured, margin crenulate. Spores ellip- soid, -yj- mic. Spermogones and spermatia as in the last. Ach. L. U. p. 510. Fr. L. E. p. 38. Nyl. Syn. p. 1, 302. On the earth in alpine districts. Arctic America (Eichard- son), Hooker I. c. 1823. White Mountains, Tuckerman. Rocky Mountains, Hall. * * * Thallus depressed, expanded, submembranaceous. a. Stock of C. s&pincola. 12. C. aleurites (Ach.) Th. Fr. ; thallus membranaceous, foliaceous, many-cleft, besprinkled with isidioid granules, and crowded finally, at the centre, into a plicate, densely granulate crust ; whitish- or at length cinereous-glaucescent ; beneath pale, wrinkled, beset with scattered, brown fibrils; lobes sinuate- laciniate, with rounded and crenate, or more deeply divided tips ; apothecia marginal, ample, from pale at length chestnut- brown, externally, and the thin margin as well, granulate like the thallus. Spores rounded and ellipsoid, ^ ^ mic. Spermatia oblong, thickened at the ends. Th. Fr. Lich. Scand. l,p 109. Parmelia, Ach. L. U. p. 484. Fr. L. E. p. 62. P. placorodia, Nyl. Scand. p. 106. b. placorodia ; smooth ; apothecia crenulate, at length much dilated. Cetraria, Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng. p. 16. Parmelia, Ach. Syn. p. 196. Trees, and dead wood. a. on pines, and common on rails, in the northern States, Halsey View, 1823. Maryland, Tuckerman. Mountains of South Carolina, Ravenel. b. also upon pines, and rails, in the Northern and Middle States, Mulilenberg Catal. 1818 ; and southward to Maryland. Associable in gen- eral habit, and in the peculiar features of the under side, at once with the species next following, as especially with C. aurescens. The spermogones, and spermatia, agree with those of the pres- ent cluster, as first pointed out by Dr. Fries ; and the former are sufficiently obvious in b, though exceedingly rare in a. The description of his Parmelia aleurites by Acharius (L c.) appears to point to our a, much rather than to Parmelia hyperopta ; and CETRARIA, 33 the published specimen of Dickson ! which is cited by the former, is certainly the same plant : as are those of Floerke (herb.) Fries, Schserer, and Mougeot & Nestler (739). But it is scarcely to be questioned that &, known only as American, is the true type of the species. 13. C. Fendleri (Tuckerm.); thallus dwarfish, membrana- ceous, foliaceous, many-cleft, smooth ; from pale- at length brownish-olivaceous; beneath whitish, reticulately wrinkled, and beset with scattered, coarse, pale fibrils ; lobes-substellate, linear, flat, denticulate, now at length crowded and complicate ; apo- thecia (frequent, and now crowded) smallish to middling, marginal ; chestnut ; shining ; with a crenulate margin. Spores rounded and ellipsoid, -~^ mic. Spermatia as in the last, but longer ; as in the two next. Cetraria, Tuckerm. Gen, p. 280. Parmelia, Ejusd. inNyl. Enum. Gen. p. 105, & Lich. Calif, p. 14. Plalysma, Nyl. Syn. p. 309. Trees, and dead wood. On pines, New Mexico (Fendler), Tuckerman inNyl. I.e. 1858. Colorado, Brandegee, comm. Sprague. Pines, South Carolina, Ravenel. Alabama, Peters. Pines, and rails, Maryland, Tuckerman; New Jersey, E. Michener. Rails, Rhode Island, J". L. Bennett. The rail specimens more com- pact and complicated, exactly as in the preceding species, C. ciliaris, etc. Spermogoues marginal in the tree-form ; and not in fact varying from this more than we find to occur in some other Cetrarics. The under side of the thallus agrees closely with that of C. aurescens. 14. C. Falilunensis (L.) Schser. ; thallus sub-cartilagineous, foliaceous, many-cleft, smooth ; from olivaceous-brown soon black- ening; beneath blackening, wrinkled, with scattered fibrils of the same colour ; lobes sinuatelylobulate, more or less channelled; apo- thecia marginal, middling-sized to ample, externally granulated, at length dilated; disk chestnut; margin rugose -crenulate. Spores short-ellipsoid, 31 _ 6 mic. ScJicer. Spicil. p. 255. Par- melia, Ach. L. U. p. 470. 5 Fr. L. E. p. 66. Platysma, Nyl. Syn. 1,^.309. Alpine rocks; and descending, in mountainous districts. Arctic America (Richardson], Hooker I. c. 1823; Vahl. New- foundland, Despreaux. Hastings county, Canada, Macoun. Higher mountains of New England, Tuckerman. A state with 3 34 CETRAKIA. wider lobes, the margins of which are flecked with white soredia in the manner of some Ramalince, has occurred in the alpine re- gion of the White Mountains, and in Mt. Desert, Me. ; and a nar- rower, but similarly sorediate, sterile plant, near Brattleborough, Vt., J. L. Eussell & C. (7. Frost; and even at the Delaware Water Gap, N. J., Austin. Imperfect spermogones in these sterile plants relate them to the present species ; but I have found no spermatia. The species is in some respects not ill- comparable with narrow-lobed forms of the next. G. com- mixta (Nyl.) Th. Fr., especially differing in its oblong-ellipsoid spermatia, is unknown as North American. 15. C.cillaris (Ach.); thallus cartilagineous-membrauaceous, foliaceous, sinuate-laciniate ; greenish-glaucous becoming brown- ish; beneath brownish and more or less fibrillose; lobes crowded, ascendant, often narrowed and many-cleft, lacunose-uneven, the crenate margins fringed here and there with fibrils ; apothecia marginal, middling-sized to ample; disk dark-chestnut; margin crenulate. Spores sub-spherical, 4i-7 mic. in diam. Spermatia oblong, thicker at the ends. Ach. L. U. p. 508. Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng.p. 16; Exs. n. 5. Platysma, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 308. Old rails, very common ; and also on trees ; throughout the Northern, Middle, and Southern States, Mulilenberg in Ach.-L. U. 1810, Ravenel, etc. Newfoundland (a blackened state, referred to C. scepincola by Delise), Despreaux. Arctic America (a dwarf form growing on twigs, also referred to C. scepincola in), Herb. Hook. California,, Menzies. I5(a). C. platyphylla ; thallus cartilagiueous, rigid, foliaceous, sub-monophyllous ; olivaceous-brown ; paler beneath, the fibrils obsolete; lobes rounded, strongly reticulate-lacunose, and rugged, tuberculate ; apothecia middling-sized, marginal ; disk dark- chestnut, shining; margin tuberculate. Spores sub-spherical, 4-7 mic. in diam. Trees, British Columbia, Macoun. Yosemite Valley, Califor- nia, Bolander. Thallus pale sulphur-coloured within, but per- haps not always. The lichen has something of the habit of Sticta fuliginosa, but is near to Cetraria ciliaris, from which it does not at all differ in the spores. C. ciliaris of the Pacific coast, if perhaps smaller, differs in no respect from the originally described plant of the Eastern States; in which last the fibrils are not always present, as they are not always absent in the CETRAKIA. 35 other; so that Platysma orbatum^yl., Flora,1869, p. 442, rests wholly on the uncertain chemical character. 16. C. scepincola (Ehrh.) Ach.; thallus sub-membranaceous, foliaceous, few- and short - lobed ; olivaceous - brown ; beneath paler, and without fibrils ; lobes crowded, flattish, undulate and crenate, more or less ascendant, much hidden by the abundant fruit ; apothecia marginal, smallish ; chestnut. Spores ellipsoid, -^- mic. Spermatia as in C. ciliaris. Ach. L. U. p. 507. Fr. L. E. p. 39. Platysma, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 308. b. chlorophylla, Wahl.; larger, and paler; the irregularly laciniate lobes with white-sorediate edges ; scarcely fertile. On twigs, Arctic America (Richardson], Hooker 1. c. 1823. Branches of dwarf firs in the sub-alpine region of the White Mountains, Tuckerman. Cold swamp, Hawley, Hampshire, Mass., Porter. b, Oregon, Dr. Lyall. Coast of California, Eolander. b. Stock of C. glauca. 17. C. lacunosa, Ach.; thallus cartilagineous- coriaceous, foliaceous, the crowded lobes more or less dilated and rounded, and deeply reticulate-lacunose, with ascendant, lacero-crenate, smooth margins; glaucous above; whitish, or here and there now blackening below ; apofchecia (abundant) sub-terminal, ample, at length a little elevated ; disk chestnut (often perforated at the centre) ; margin entire. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, - - mic. -4jj Spermatia oblong, thickening gradually towards one end. Ach. L. U.p. 508. Tucker m. Syn. N. E. p. 16; Exs. n. 6, 61. Platysma, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 314. b. stenophylla ; lobes more lax, narrow -linear, elongated, channelled ; white beneath ; apothecia terminal. Trees, North-west coast (Menzies), Ach. Meth. 1803. Very common on trees and rails through the Northern and Middle States, and, along the mountains, southward ; Halsey ; Ravenel, etc. b, simulating now the habit of large states of Hamalina calicaris and now of Evernia furfuracea, California ; Bolander. The var. laciniatum, Nyl. Flora, 1869, p. 442, from California, cannot be cited, as it has no character. 18. C. glauca (L.) Ach.; thallus membranaceous, foliaceous, sinuate-lobate or irregularly lacerate-laciniate ; glaucous, black- 36 CETRAK1A. erring below ; the jagged edges of the lobes often sorediate, and prolonged finally more or less into conspicuous, coralloid branch- lets ; apothecia (rare) sub-terminal, ample ; disk dark-chestnut ; margin irregular and disappearing. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, t|il mic. Spermatia as in the last. Ach. L. U. p. 509. Fr. L. E. p. 38. Platysma, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 313. b. stenopliylla ; lobes loose, narrow-linear, channelled ; black, or now whitening beneath. Trees, and rocks, in mountain forests, New England, Tucker- man Enum. 1845. Newfoundland (strongly lacunose; a state occurring also in Scotland, Borrer ! but not well referable to C. lacunosa), Despreaux. Oregon, and Washington Territories, and Vancouver's Island; Dr. Lyall, etc. &, Oregon, Wilkes exped. California, Bolander. The variety is analogous to C. lacunosa, &, but has the characters of the present species ; and is explained by European states, especially of the v.fallax, Ach. The colour of the thallus of C. glauca, a, finally darkens; becoming now olivaceous-brown, v.fusca (Flot.), on rocks, in the White Mountains. 19. C. chrysantha, Tuckerm. ; thallus cartilagineous-coriace- ous, foliaceous, round-lobed, rugulose j straw-coloured ; beneath black and shining ; lobes crowded, ascendant at the crenate, smooth margins; apothecia adnate to the upper side of the fertile lobes, ample; disk blood-red, and blackening; margin crenulate. Spores ellipsoid, mic. Spermatia oblong, thick- ening gradually towards one end. Tuckerm. Suppl. 1, 1. c. p. 423. Platysma septentrionale, Nyl Syn. I, p. 315. Rocks, Kotzebue's Sound (Herb. Church. BaMngton), Tucker- man I. c. 1858. Islands of Behring's Straits, Wright. Fertile, in Japan, Wright. The specific name (criticised byNylander, Syn. p. 315, where a name, published without character by him- self, is substituted for it) is quite as good as chloantha, Ach. ; and, like this, in entire accord with the usage of the language from which the names are taken, as with that of other languages. 20. C. Oakesiana, Tuckerm. ; thallus cartilagineous-membra- naceous, foliaceous, for the most part rather loosely linear- and long-lobed, but now more compact; from greenish at length straw-coloured; beneath brownish, and fibrillose ; lobes sinuately cut, flattish, but the margins soon elevated, and whitish-soredi- CETRARIA. 37 ate ; apothecia marginal, middling-sized to ample; disk chestnut: 59 margin entire or irregular. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, r rnic. Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng. p. 17; Exs. n. 7. Platysmd, Nyl. 1, p. 304. ^Cetraria Bavarica, Krempelh. in Flora, 1851, p. 273. Trees and rocks ; New England, and New York, and south- ward to Maryland, fertile only in mountain forests ; Tucker man Lich. N. E. 1841. Lake Superior, Agassis. Black Mountains, South Carolina, fertile, M. A. Curtis. 1 have failed to find spermatia, either in this or the species next following ; but the two are associable (better perhaps than C. Oakesiana with C. Laureri) and C. aurescens certainly suggests C. juniperina. 21. C. aurescens, Tuckerm. ; thallus sub-membranaceous, foliaceous, sinuate-laciniate ; straw-coloured ; beneath whitish, with frequent fibrils of the same colour ; lobes narrowed, many- cleft above, the ascendant margins crisped ; apothecia marginal, middling-sized to ample, at length rather elevated ; disk chest- nut j margin creuulate. Spores rounded, and sub -ellipsoid, ^ mic. Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng. p. 16. Platysma, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 313. Coniferous trees ; and (infertile) on old rails, New England ; Tuckerman Syn. 1848. New Jersey, Austin. Alabama, T. M. Peters. 22. C. juniperina (L.) Ach. ; thallus membranaceous, folia- ceous, lacero-laciniate; from greenish -glaucescent at length straw-coloured above and pale-yellow below, or finally bright- yellow on both sides ; the crowded, more or less lacunose, erose- crenate and crisped lobes ascendant ; apothecia sub-marginal, middling-sized to ample, at length rather elevated : disk chest- 4MJ nut ; margin crenulate. Spores ellipsoid, ~ mic. Spermatia as in C. chrysantha. Ach. L. U. p. 506. Tuck. Exs. 8. Th. Fr. Lich. Scand.p. 104. Platysma, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 312. b. terrestris, Schger. ; lobes narrowed and sub-linear with scarcely crisped edges, finally erectish, angulous-teretish, and dichotomously branched ; sterile. Schcer. Spicil. p. 10 (1823). Varr. terrestris & tubulosa, Sch&r. Enum. C. Tilesii, Ach. Syn. p. 228. c. Pinastri, Ach. ; lobes depressed, flat, the ascendant mar- gins bright-yellow-sorediate ; scarcely fertile. Ach. L. U. p. 506. 38 EYERNTA. a, upon trees throughout the eastern United States. Muhlen- berg Catal 1818. West Coast, Menzies. b, on the earth, in alpine districts. Arctic America, Herb. Hook. Rocky Mount- ains, Hall c, shrubs and rocks in sub-alpine districts, and descending. Arctic America, Richardson. New England mount- ains, Tuckerman. Rocky Mountains, Hall. British Columbia, Macoun. IV. EVERNIA, Ach., Mann. Apothecia scutellseform, concave, then often dilated and cyathiform j the disk coloured differently from the thallus. Spores sub-ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Spermatia oblong, or staff-shaped, thickened either at one, or both ends, or cylindrical 5 upon sparingly branched sterigmas. Thallus fruticulose, at length often pendulous ; angulose-teretish or foliaceous-compressed; softish; glaucous, straw-coloured, or lemon coloured ; the medullary layer cottony j or, the fila- ments now coalescing, and finally solid. Anatomy of the thallus in Schwend. Untersuch, 1. c. 2, p. 157, t. 4, fig. 13-15, t. 5,/. 1-6. * Medullary layer solid. 1. E. Trulla (Ach.) Mont. ; thallus tufted, membranaceous, prostrate and assurgent, dichotomously linear-laciniate, chan- nelled, naked on both sides ; greenish-glancescent above ; pale- brownish and violaceous-black beneath ; ' apothecia marginal, ample, cyathiform, wrinkled and plaited ; the concave disk brown. Spores ellipsoid, ^^ mic.' Mont. Chil. p. 74. Parmelia, Ach. Meth. p. 256, t. 4,/. 6 ; L. U. p. 496. Parmelia (Evernia) denu- data, Hampe in Linncea, 1843, p. 122. Everniopsis Trulla, Nyl Syn. p. 374. On the earth? Central and South America. Mexico, Ny- lander. Perhaps best comparable with E. furfuracea, the structural thalline difference of which may possibly be regarded as mediated by the next species. * * Medullary layer cottony; but coalescent, more or less, into solid cords. . 2. E. vulpina (L.) Ach.; thallus tufted, erect, angulous- teretish or here and there compressed, lacunose, dichotomously EVERNTA. 39 much- and at length long- and divaricately branched, and sub- pendulous, with attenuate tips; lemon-coloured; the base at length dilated and rigid ; apothecia sub-terminal, ample, appen- diculate, at length much dilated; disk chestnut; margin entire, or most commonly radiate. Spores short-ellipsoid, * mic. Spermatia oblong, scarcely thickened a little, towards one end. Ach. L. U. p. 443. Fr. L. E. p. 23. Tuck. Exs. 53. CMorea, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 274. Trees, and also on fences. Pacific coast (Menzies), Tuckerm. Syn. 1848. Rocky Mountains, reaching 10,000 feet of altitude; and observed (infertile) in the Black Hills, Nebraska, Dr. Hayden. * * Medullary layer entirely cottony. 3. E. furfuracea (L.) Mann; thallus tufted, erectish, or prostrate and pendulous, compressed, sub-foliaceous, dichoto- mously very much- and somewhat pinuately- and finally long- lobed ; glaucous above and beset mostly with isidioid tubercles passing into branchlets; below channelled and lacunose, pale, or here and there black-spotted, or now mostly black ; apothecia marginal, ample to large, sub-pedicellate; chestnut. Spores short-ellipsoid, !j; "J mic. Spermatia a little thickened toward both of the acutish ends. Fr. L. E. p. 26. Tuck. Exs.. n. 55. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 284. b. Cladonia, Tuckerm. ; smooth, very slender, the branches compressed-terete above, but becoming channelled below, more or less thyrsoid-eutangled. Syn. N. Eng. p. 12; Exs. n. 56. Trees, Northern States ; Halsey View, 1823. Southward, in the mountains, Curtis; Eavenel. Texas, Dr. Parry. New Mexico, Fendler. Mexico, Nylander. Our lichen scarcely ever as wide-lobed as it occurs not uncommonly in Europe ; and it is possibly also less blackened beneath. b, on high mount- ains. White Mountains, Tuckerman. Mt. Whiteface, N. Y., C. H. Peck. The fruticulose type is sufficiently marked in this mountain form, which offers now scarcely a trace of difference in the two surfaces of the thallus; but finally agrees with a in everything but size, and the isidioid prolifications. 4. E. prunastri (L.) Ach. : thallus tufted, erectish, or pendu- lous, angulous-teretish, or flattened, and finally channelled below, lacunose, dichotomously very much- or at length divaricately- long-branched, more or less sorediate ; pale-greenish, or straw- 40 TJSNEA. coloured, the wide-lobed states paler beneath ; apothecia lateral, middling-sized, sub-pedicellate; disk chestnut. Spores ellipsoid, 5-7 mic. Ach. L. U. p. 442. Fr. L. E. p. 25. Tuck. Exs. H-*4 n. 54. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 285. Trees, fertile ; and on dead wood, sterile ; Northern States, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. Arctic America, Richardson. Pacific Coast, Menzies. Black Hills, Nebraska, Dr. Hay den. Sper- matia of the present and next following species similar to those of the last. Nyl. 5. E. divaricata (L.) Ach.; thallus prostrate, or pendulous, teretish or more often somewhat compressed and augulate, lacu- nose-rugose, flaccid; pale-straw-coloured; the much elongated, dichotomously more or less divided branches passing into fili- form, acute tips ; apothecia lateral, middling-sized ; disk chest- nut. Spores ellipsoid, much as in the last. Ach. L. U. p. 441. Fr. L. E. p. 25. Nyl. Syn. l,p. 285. Trees (branches of pines and firs), infertile, Rocky Moun- tains (Hall), Tuckerman Calif. 1866. Mountains of Colorado, G. Vasey. The thin cortical layer often breaking, and displaying the soft but yet string-like medullary, in the manner of Usnea. V. USNEA (Dill.) Ach. Apothecia orbicular, peltate, sub-terminal ; disk pale, or very rarely blackening ; margin radiately fibrillose. Spores sub-ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Spermatia oblong, and staff-shaped, a little thickened towards the base ; 0*1 sub- simple sterigrnas. Thallus fruticulose, or more commonly pendulous, more or less terete, or now angulate, alike on all sides; glaucescent, or rarely straw-coloured; the medullary layer two-fold; an exterior, cottony portion enclosing an interior, indurated cord. Anatomy of the thallus (of the second section) in Schwend. Untersuch. I. c. 2, pp. 110-144, t. 1, 2. * Medullary cord at length discontinuous and cottony at the centre ; especially below. Disk of apothecium black. 1. U. sulphurea (Mull.) Th. Fr. ; thallus tufted, erect, terete, dichotomously branched, papillate-scabrous, deeply pitted with USNEA. 41 age ; pale yellow and becoming darker, the more or less attenu- ate tips blackening, or black-vittate j apothecia, in South Ameri- can specimens, sub-terminal, appendiculate ; disk black; fibres of the margin commonly obsolete. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, ^- mic. Th. Fr. Licli. Spitsb. p. 9. U. melaxantha, Ach. L. U. p. 618. Neuropogon, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 272. Usnea sphacelata, E. Br. Kocks, Arctic America ; dwarfed, and sterile. Melville Island (Parry's 2d Voy.), E. Brown, 1824 5 Babington. Greenland,/. Vahl. The modification of the medullary cord is now marked in the luxuriant austral lichen ; but scarcely to be detected in the Arctic specimens, whether American or European. * * Medullary cord continuous. Disk of apothecium pale. " 2. U. barbata (L.) Fr. ; thallus terete, papillate-scabrous glaucescent. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, -JJ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 18. Schcer. Spicll. p. 504. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 267. f a. florida, Fr. ; thallus tufted, erect, stout and rigid, diva- ricately branched, more or less strigose-fibrillose; apothecia (abundant) middling to large, pale-flesh-coloured, with now a white bloom. * hirta, Fr. ; very minutely more or less fibrillose, and be- sprinkled thickly with soredia. * * rub-iginea, Michx. j similar to the last, but rusty-red. b. ceratina, Schser. ; thallus as in a, but pendulous and finally much elongated ; the apothecia middling to large, rarer in ex- treme (mountain) forms, which pass into c. c. dasypoga, Fr. ; thallus pendulous, slender and rather lax, much-elongated ; rather sparingly divided, the branches beset with spreading fibrils ; apothecia smaller, and less frequent. d. plicata, Fr. ; thallus pendulous and much elongated, slen- der and lax, sub-dichotomously divided, pale, the branches with- out spreading fibrils ; apothecia smaller and less frequent. e. articulata, Ach. ; thallus pendulous, broken more or less into joints, and the joints inflated; apothecia not seen. Very common on trees, and (mostly degenerate) on dead wood, and stones, throughout the United States and Canada (Muhlenberg Catal. 1818), and far northward (Richardson) ; a, 42 TJSNEA. and its subordinate conditions, and b, being low-country forms,, extending through the whole north and south, including Mexico; and c, and d, especially northern, or at least mountain ones ; e is ill-exhibited in North America ; but is not wholly wanting on the Pacific Coast ; Scouler; Macoun. 3. U. angulata, Ach. ; thallus pendulous, greatly elongated, rather rigid, angulate, sparingly divided, thickly clothed with horizontal, terete, attenuate fibrils ; glaucescent ; apothecia, of ours smallish, but of Brazilian specimens ample ; pale-flesh- coloured, with a white bloom. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, -jrb mic. Ach. Syn. p. 307. Hals. Syn. View. p. 21. Tuck. Exs. 51. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 272. Trees, northern States (Muhlenberg) Ach. Syn. 1814 ; south- ern States, Mavenel ; Wright; and found in the greatest luxuri- ance in Mexico, the West Indies, and South America. Thallus sharply- often four-angled ; but occurring also in part papillate- scabrous, and the angles less distinct, when the lichen come& very close to U. barbata. 4. U. trichodea, Ach. ; thallus pendulous, elongated, slender,, or very slender, and lax, terete, smooth ; glaucescent, the mostly few, main branches giving out many shorter, spreading ones, and with the scattered and irregular flexuous fibrils becoming more or less contorted; apothecia (frequent) small, or very small ; disk pale-flesh-coloured ; margin sparingly, or scarcely radiate. Spores much as in U. barbata, or a little smaller, 3 mic.; and the most slender southern forms agreeing in this with the northern. A rather coarser, very abundant southern form offers larger spores, -^y- mic. Ach. Meth. p. 312. Tuckerm. ' Syn. N. Eng.p.S. Trees, Nova Scotia (Menzies) Ach. Meth. 1803. White Mountains, Tuckerman. New Jersey, Austin. Throughout the Southern States, Schweinitz ; Hale; Wright. The very slender northern lichen of Menzies ! which Acharius originally described, is also an inhabitant of the Southern States (Texas, Wright), but passes into a coarser one with the flexuous fibrils much more numerous and marked ( U. discoidea, Fr. herb ! U. trichodea, v. ciliata, Mull. Lich. Beitr. in Flora, 1875), and the aspect of U. longissima ; for which last it has often been taken r . both here and in Europe. This larger form has also passed, in ALECTORIA. 43 Europe, for U. barbata, v. dasypoga; as the smaller has been saluted as U. filaris, Ach., and U. Jamaicensis, Ach. 5. U. longissima, Ach. ; thallus pendulous, greatly elongated, terete, or compressed-terete, scurfy; glaucescent; sub-simple or sparingly divided, clothed thickly with horizontal, rather straight, more or less scabrous fibrils ; [apothecia, in Bavarian specimens, of middling size, disk pale-flesh-coloured. Spores ellipsoid, ^ mic.] Ach.L.U.p.626. Tuck.Exs.l. Nyl8yn.l,p.WQ. Trees on high mountains ; New England, Tuckerman Enum. 1845. Newfoundland, Herb. Hook. North shore of Lake Supe- rior, Agassiz. Washington Territory, Herb. Torr. Kussian America, Dr. Kellogg. 6. U. cavernosa, Tuckerm.; thallus pendulous, elongated, compressed -terete or angulate, lacunose, glaucesceut; below remotely branched, attenuated above into long, dichotomously much-divided, densely intertangled, finally capillary extremities, scarcely fibrillose ; apothecia small to middling sized ; disk pale- flesh-coloured, with a white bloom. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, mic. Tuckerm. in Agass. L. Super. Append. 1850. U- lacunosa (Willcl. msc.) Nyl. Syn. \,p. 271. Trees; Shores of Lake Superior (Castelnau in. Mus. Par.}, Tuckerman 1. c. 1850. Kocky Mountains, Hayden. British Columbia, Dr. Lyall. White Mountains. Well distinguished in habit from our other species ; and resembling Alectoria ochro- leuca, v. sarmentosa. VI. ALECTOKIA (Ach.) Nyl. Apothecia scutellseform, lateral, innate-sessile; the disk coloured differently from the thallus. Spores ellipsoid, for the most part simple or, in one instance, muriform-multiloc- ular, brown, or more often decolorate. Sperrnatia staff- shaped, a little thickened towards each end ; upon sparingly branched sterigmas. Thallus fruticulosa, or pendulous; terete or compressed-terete; alike on all sides; .brown or straw-coloured ; the cottony medullary layer loose, and the thallus now hollow. Anatomy of the thallus in Schweud. Undersuch. I. c. 2, p. 144, t. 3,f. 1-29. 1. A. divergens (Ach.) Nyl.; thallus tufted, erect, or pros- 44 ALECTORIA. trate, robust, rigid, fragile, compressed-terete ; chestnut, and blackening, and mostly shining; dichotomously much-branched, the branches divergent and at length flexuous, and the tips forked; " apothecia of middling size ; chestnut; the margin at length crenulate-uueven. Spores ellipsoid, without colour, *J-*4 mic." Nyl. Syn. I, p. 278 (char, fruct. excl.) & in Prodr. FL Nov. Gran. p. 14, not. Cornicularia, Ach. Syn. p. 300. On the earth in alpine, and arctic regions ; known fertile only from Northeastern Asia (Nyl.), Arctic America (Richardson) Hooker 1. c. 1823. Greenland, Vahl. Islands of Behring's Straits, Wright. Kotzebue's Sound, Herb. Church. Babington. 2. A. jubata (L.); thallus tufted, or pendulous, slender and soon filiform, terete, smooth; blackish-brown, or now paler; dichotomously very-much-branched; apothecia (small, and rare) very entire. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, without colour, - 4 ^- mic. Evernia, Fr. L. E. p. 20. a. bicolor, Fr. ; thallus erect, or prostrate, and now pendu- lous, rather rigid, densely-branched, the branches divergent and more or less fibrillose-ramulose j black below, and paler at the ends. b. chalybeiformis, Ach. ; thallus prostrate and sarmentose, or now sub-pendulous, rather rigid, remotely divergent-branched, flexuous ; brown ; the branches somewhat fibrillose-ramulose, of one colour. c. implexa, Fr. ; thallus pendulous, elongated, softish, filiform becoming capillary, very much branched and densely inter- tangled ; brown, the branches of one colour. Throughout North America; at least in mountainous regions. a, on the earth in alpine districts; and, more developed, becoming pendulous, and fertile, on firs in the higher forest of the White Mountains, Tuckerman Lich. N. E. 1841 ; Lich. Exs. n. 2. Greenland, J. Vahl. &, on the earth in alpine districts ; Green- land, J. Vahl ; and White Mountains, fertile, Lesquereux ; as also on branches of firs in cold swamps, where equally fertile; and very common in a sterile state, on dead wood, throughout the Northern States, and along the mountains southward and westward, Muhlenberg Catal 1818 (this low-country lichen being ill- distinguishable from Alectoria nidulifcra, Norrl. Lich. Fenn. n. 15). c, on trees, Northern States and Canada, fertile on mountains, Michaux (Setaria trichodes), Flora Bor. Amer. 1803. Rocky- Mountains, Hall. Arctic America, Richardson. ALECTORIA. 45 3. A. Fremontii, Tuckerm. ; thallus pendulous, elongated, compressed-terete, smooth ; brown ; irregularly and remotely much-branched, the flexuous branches more or less dilated and lacunose below, and passing above into long-attenuated, capillary, finally densely intertangled summits ; apothecia smallish to mid- dling sized; disk yellow-pruinose, soon convex, and the thin, entire margin disappearing. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, without colour, ^ mic. Tuckerm. Suppl 1, 1. c. p. 422; Exs. n. 52. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 280. On the branches of coniferous trees, in California (Fremont) Tuckerman 1. c. 1858. Oregon, Prof. Newberry. The lichen was first found (in 'British North America') by Drummond Herb. Tayl.). 4. A. ochroleuca (Ehrh.) Nyl.; thallus compressed -terete, divaricately branched; straw-coloured. Spores in twos and fours, ellipsoid, brown, ^ mic. Nyl. Syn. l,p. 281. Ever- nia, Fr. L. E. p. 22. a. rigida, Fr. ; thallus tufted, erect, rigid, finally much- branched, the attenuate, much-divided, reflexed summits black- ening; apothecia sub-terminal, middling-sized. * osteina, Nyl., thallus (prostrate) smaller and paler; apo- thecia lateral. **nigricans, Ach. ; the whole thallus more or less at length livid, and blackening. A. nigricans, Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 71. Th. Fr. Lich. Scand. p. 22. b. cincinnata, Fr. ; thallus prostrate, sarmentose, rigid ; the here and there irregularly dilated and flattened branches lacu- nose, and the long-attenuated summits mostly of the same col- our ; apothecia as in a. c. sarmentosa, Nyl. ; thallus sarmentose-pendulous, much- elongated, softish ; below remotely branched, attenuated above into long, much-divided, densely intertangled, finally capillary extremities of the same colour; apothecia smallish to middling. Arctic and alpine, mostly, except c, which inhabits high mountain forests. a, on the earth, Arctic America, fertile Richardson), Hooker L c. 1823. Newfoundland, Despreaux. Vancouver's Island, fertile, Herb. Hook. Peak of Orizaba, Mex- ico, Nylander Syn. * On the earth, high mountains of Mexico, 46 SCHIZOPELTE. PAKMELIEI. Herb. Hook. * * On the earth, fertile, Labrador, Th. Fries Scand. 1871. Newfoundland, fertile (the spores exactly as in a), Despreaux. 5, on the earth, fertile, Newfoundland; Des- preaux. White Mountains, Tucker man. c, on Coniferous trees, White Mountains, sparingly fertile, Tuckerman Syn. 1848. Newfoundland, Despreaux. Oregon, Washington Territory, and northward, fertile, Prof. Newberry, etc. 5. A. Loxensis (Fee) Nyl. ; thallus erect or prostrate, terete, slender, very much branched andintertangled, the branches and branchlets divergent, here and there foraminous ; pale- to chest- nut-brown (or now whitened or blackened) ; apothecia lateral, middling-sized; disk dark-chestnut, flat. Spores solitary, muri- form-multilocular, brown, ' ^'^ rnic.' Nyl. Syn. p. 278. On the earth, and on trunks, in the high mountains of equi- noctial America. Peak of Orizaba, Mexico, C. Molir. VII. SCHIZOPELTE, Th. Fr. Apothecia terminal, flabelliform ; the disk coloured dif- ferently from the thallus ; the hypothecium black. Spores plurilocular, brown. Thallus fruticulose, terete, solid; the medullary layer loosely cottony. The thin cortical layer contrasts with the very marked one of Eoccella / as does the brittleuess of the lichen with the leathery toughness of the latter. 8. California, Th. Fr.; thallus tufted, stout but brittle, sparingly and irregularly branched, or sub-simple, from smooth becoming rugulose ; ashy-white, dull; apothecia from middling- sized, soon large, fan-shaped; crenate and lobed; disk black, thinly white -pruinose. Spores in eights, oblong and finger- shaped, from 4- more commonly 5-7-locular, blackish-brown, ^Jmic. Flora, 1875, p. 143. On the earth, coast of California, Dr. T. H. Fries, I. c. Fam. 2. PAEMELIEI. Thallus horizontal, foliaceous, expanded (rarely ascend- ant and Everniseform, very rarely Alectoria3form ) cartila- gineous-membranaceous; beneath, normally, fibrillose. SPEERSCmTEIDERA. 47 Instead of the normally vertical, passing then into elongated and pendulous forms, of the first family, we have here normally horizontal, and leaf-like lichens. But we found the former becoming dilated and sub-foliaceous, especially in the more cen- tral groups, and finally depressed; and these central groups of Usneei may be said to expand now into the new family before us. Its near neighbourhood to the preceding is evinced still further by ascendant forms already alluded to, which, taken without regard to their whole history, might well pass for mem- bers of the Usneei. Speerschneidera, though sufficiently recedent in its in fact fruticulose thallus, the under surface of which differs only in colour from the upper, has yet clearly the horizontal vegetation, and habit. Theloschistes may be said to combine, in one most natural group, the habit, now of Rama- Una, and now of Evernia, with that of Parmelia. The genus last-named is the centre and type of the Parmeliei ; but it dis- plays also, as does Physcia, in occasional but striking forms, the same tendency to revert to ascendant and Evernioid conditions. Pyxine is a small cluster of strictly foliaceous lichens, dif- ferenced from Physcia by the fruit-character. From the point of view of the spores, the centre of the Parmeliei is seen to be Parmelia, of the Colourless Series; filling here the place which is occupied by four genera in the Usneei, and offering analogues, we had almost said, to each. From Parmelia deviates Theloschistes, of the same series, the analogue of Mamalina; while a still greater divergence in the same -direction is exemplified in Speerschneidera, which it seems possi- ble to consider as in like relation to Eoccella. In the Brown Series, on the other hand, the place corresponding to Thelos- chistes is taken by Physcia, the analogue here of AUctoriam the Usneei ; and finally by Pyxine, an extreme and aberrant type, anticipating, as respects the fruit, the similarly exceptional, next succeeding family. Genera p. 17. VIII. SPEERSCHNEIDERA, Trev. Apothecia scutellseform. Spores from ellipsoid becoming obloog and dactyloid; 2-4-locular; colourless. Spermatia oblong j on sparingly articulate sterigmas. Thallus orbic- ular, depressed-fruticulose, terete, dichotomously many- cleft, cartilagineous-coriaceous; fibrils deficient on the under side. 48 THELOSCHISTES. 8. euploca (T.uckerm.) Trev. ; thallus smooth but dull, fus- cescent, or now whitening above ; beneath white; the regularly very much divided, filiform branches scarcely a little compressed, intricately interlacing; apothecia small, scattered, sessile ; the flat, rufous-fuscous disk finally convex, and excluding the mostly entire margin. Spores, -jj^ mic. Physcia, Tucker m. Suppl. 1, I c.p. 424. Obs. Lich. I. c. 4, p. 388. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 413. Shaded rocks on the banks of streams, in Western Texas (Wright] Tuckerman I. c. 1858. On calcareous rocks in Kansas, Hall. More appressed, and much more regularly limited than Parmelia lanata (L.) Wallr. ; and it is perhaps easier, on most accounts, to refer the Texan plant to Physcia, than the other to Parmelia. But we cannot overlook the fact that the spores of our Texan lichen are irreconcilable with those of Physcia; as the whole plant is with Theloschistes. IX. THELOSCHISTES, Norm., Emend. Apothecia scutellseform, the disk yellow. Spores ellip- soid, polar-bilocular (the spore-cells occupying the tips of the spore and conjoined more or less by a tube) or (n. 3) simply bilocular; or simple; colourless. Spermatia ellipsoid, and oblong; on multi-articulate sterigmas. Thallus folia- ceous j or now reduced and squarnulose ; appressed ; or now ascendant and EverniaBform; cartilagineous-membrauaeeous, mostly yellowish. A well-defined group, offering diffi- culties only in its relation to Placodium in Lecanorei ; from which it is yet distinguished exactly as Lecanora from Par- melia. The anatomy of the thallus is explained in Schwend. Untersuch. I. c. 2, p. 157, 161, t. 4,/. 16-17; 3, p. 154, 160, t. 8, /. 10-12. It is observable that the considerable ana- tomical differences between the Everniaiform and the folia- ceous types of Theloschistes (differences soon to recur again in Physcia) are insufficient to obscure the naturalness of their association as members of the same genus. * Thallus ascendant; the cortical layer not parenchymatous ; the medullary in part now coalescing into solid cords. 1. T. chrysophthalmus (L.) Norm.; thallus tufted, erectish or spreading, or at length pendulous, sub-cartilagineous, more or THELOSCHISTES. 49 less yellow ; the narrow-linear, dichotomously divided branches smooth, or now puberulent, and terminating, for the most part, in fibrillose-ramulose tips ; apothecia scattered ; disk orange ; margin often radiately fibrillose. Spores ellipsoid, ^ mic. Parmelia, Eschw. in Mart. Fl. Bras. p. 223. Pliyscia, Tucker m. Obs. Lich. I c. 4, p. 384. "a. erectish, much compressed, rather sparingly divided, the many-cleft tips ciliate-fibrillose ; from glaucescent-whitish with yellow fibrils becoming yellow throughout above, when the under side continues often whitish ; smooth ; apothecia sub-terminal, middling-sized to largish, commonly radiate. Parmelia chrys- ophthalma, Ach. Metli. p. 267. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 80. Pliyscia, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 410 (v.pubera & Capensi excl.). b. flavicans, Wallr. ; spreading, and becoming elongated and pendulous; teretish, or compressed-terete, and now somewhat channelled ; divaricately much-branched ; yellow, or now whit- ening; smooth, or often puberulent; apothecia smallish, scat- tered, the marginal fibres mostly deficient. Evernia flavicans, Fr.L.E.p.28. Physcia. Nyl. Syn.\,p.4QQ. Borrera flavi- cans, Capensis, & pubera, Ach. L. U. p. 502. Trees. a. Northern and middle States (MiMenberg), Jacq. Coll. 1786. Minnesota, I. A. Lapham. Louisiana, Hale. Texas, Wright. Kocky Mountains, Hall California, Bolander. b. Southern States, fertile. South Carolina (Bosc), Mi- chaux FL 1803, to Texas, Wright. California, Herb. Gray. Mexico, Nylander. Occurring also, sterile and sorediiferous, northward, along the coast. Nantucket, Tuckerman. And even Newfoundland (Nyl.). This extended form (b) offers no satis- factory differences to separate it from the other. Nor are its puberulent conditions otherwise distinguishable from the smooth ones. * * Thallus foliaceous, oppressed (rarely ascendant and at length teretish), the cortical layer parenchymatous throughout. 2. T. parietinus (L.) Norm. ; thallus foliaceous, membrana- ceous, orbicular, from pale- at length bright-yellow, and orange ; the appressed, radiant, crenate, often plaited lobes for the most part dilated and rounded above ; apothecia middling-sized, mostly orange, with an entire, at length flexuous border. Spores ellipsoid, ^ mic. Parmelia, Fr. L. E. p. 72, a. Tuck. Lick. 50 THELOSCHISTES. exs. n. 79. Physcia, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 410, a. Xanthoria, Th. Fr. Scand. p. 145. On trunks and stones near large bodies of water. Newfound- land, Pylaie, 1826. New England, and New York, common. Shores of Lake Superior, Agdssiz. San Diego, California, Dr. J. Gr. Cooper. 2(a). T. polycarpus (Ehrh.) ; thallus reduced, sub-orbicular, now sub-stellate, but typically conglomerate, and complicate; the much narrowed divisions many-cleft, concealed for the most part by the very numerous smallish, sub-crenulate apothecia. Spores as in the last. Parmelia parietina,/., Fr. L. E. p. 73. Physcia, Tuck. Obs. Lick. I, I.e. p. 385. Physcia parietina, var. 3, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 410. Xanthoria lychnea, /9, Th. Fr. Scand. p. 146. On trees and dead wood, in the northern and western States, very common, Halsey (Parm. rutilans] View, 1823. British America, Richardson. Alabama, T. M. Peters. Rocky Mount- ains, Dr. Hayden. Santa Fe, Fendler. California, Wright. The North American lichen commonly larger than the European, .and on the under side rather conspicuously, and now even mar- ginally fibrillose ; but not otherwise really differing, even in the widest lobed, sub-stellate Californian state. Nylander (Scand. p. 108) remarks that a Scandinavian form of T. lyclmeus on dead wood, seems sometimes to pass into the present; and Dr. Th. Fries (Scand. p. 147) indicates Stenh. Lich. exs. n. 127, B, as an instance of such transition. But I am unable to see anything in the specimen just-cited, or in others exactly similar from Cal- ifornia (Bolander) but the present sub-species; which, however nearly approaching the narrower states of T. parietinus, it is perhaps more natural to keep apart from it. 2(b). T. lychneus (Nyl.) ; thallus reduced, sub-orbicular, sub- stellate, or effuse, varying in colour as the preceding ; the linear, many-cleft divisions at length more or less ascendant and gran- ulose or powdery at the margins; apothecia rather infrequent, smallish, margin entire or granulate. Spores as in T. parietinus. Physcia parietina, v. lychnea, Schcer., Tucker m. Obs. Lich. 1, I. c. p. 386. Physcia lychnea, Nyl. Scand. p. 107. P. contro- versy Mass., Koerb. Par erg. p. 38. Xanthoria lychnea, a, in part, Th. Fr. Scand. p. 146. THELOSCHISTES. 51 On trees, and stones ; occurring in a wider, regularly laciniate form fully represented by German and Italian specimens (as Massed, n. 36) but, like the American T. polycarpus, yet better developed, and found from the coast of New England, Tucker- man I. c. 1860, to Wisconsin, Lapham; and, still more commonly, in a narrow, and much dissected state ( f. laciniosa, Scbser. Helv. n. 381) which occurs throughout the United States, from New England, J. L. Russell, to South Carolina, Eavenel, Texas, Wright, and California, Bolander. This last form assumes the characters of the present, but in most respects it is now fully associable with stellate conditions of T. polycarpus, and may be said to connect the two. b. pygmceus, Fr. ; sub-orbicular and pulvinate, or effuse ; fulvous or orange ; the minute, irregularly cleft divisions thick- ened and becoming erect and more or less terete-branched above, the tips and margins at length granulose; apothecia smallish, orange, with an entire or granulate margin. Spores as in T. parietinus. Parmelia parietina, v. pygmsea, Fr., L. E. p. 73. Physcia pariet. v. Finmarkica (Ach.), Tuckerm. 1. c. On rocks. Islands of Behring's Straits (Wright), Tuckerman I c. 1860. Alaska, Dr. Kellogg. Coast of California, Bolander. 2(c). T. ramulosus, Tuckerm. ; thallus effuse, pale-yellow; made up of minute, scattered, sparingly divided, semi-terete lobules, which are decumbent, and at length sub-imbricate; apothecia minute, entire, of the same colour. Spores as in T. parietinus. Physcia parietina, v. ramulosa, Obs. Lich. 1,1. c. p. 385. On bushes, coast of California (Wright}, Tuckerman I. c. I860: Best comparable in habit, and the colours, with T. con- color ; but diverse in the spores. Too little as yet known. 3. T. concolor (Dicks.); thallus foliaceous, orbicular, green- ish-yellow, or now ash -coloured ; the very narrow divisions lacero-laciniate and now much dissected; pale, and becoming densely fibrillose on the under side; apothecia small, wax- yellow, becoming fulvous and rufous, with a mostly entire mar- gin, more or less fibrillose beneath. Spores numerous (20-60) in the thekes, simple or imperfectly bilocular, ^ 2 inic. Phys- cia candelaria, Nyl. Prodr. Gall. p. 60; Syn. I, p. 412; and in Lindig Herb. N. Gran. n. 2600. Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. 1. c. 4, p. 387. Parmelia fibrosa, Fr. S. 0. V. p. 284. Tuck. Lich. exs. 52 PARHELIA. b. effuse, squamulose ; the crowded squamules granulose at the margin, and passing now into a powdery crust. Lichen concolor, Dicks. PI. Crypt. Brit. 2, p. 18, t. 9, /. 8. Xanthoria, Th. Fr. Lich. Scand.p. 147. Lecanora candelaria, a, Ach. Syn. p. 192. Candelaria vulgaris, Mass.; Koerb. Syst. p. 120. On trees ; and now also on rocks ; common throughout the northern States (Muhlenberg, in Hoffm. D. FL, 1796; where the plant finds a place under the well-described Lichen candelaris; as it does also under his Lecanora candelaria, a, in herb. Ach., fide Th. Fr.) and found equally through the southern (Dr. Curtis, etc.) to Texas (Wright) and as well in South America (Lindig I. c.) b, has the same range; extending southward to Louis- iana (Hale) and found also in the island of Cuba ( Wright Lich. Cub. n. 79). This reduced form is certainly undistinguishable in species from our a; and it does not appear to differ at all from the commonly published states of the European lichen : which compares with ours then much as the European T. polycarpus and T. lychneus with the more luxuriant American. The exu- berant development of fibrils is at length marked in a; and suggests readily a comparison with some, in other respects often well comparable forms, of our Physcia obscura. Though perhaps less to be expected in b, it is probable that the fibrils of the receptacle are not always wholly deficient even in this ; and something like indications of them may be made out in Anz. Lich. Ital. Sup. n. 131, if not also in Moug. & Nestl. n. 743, a. X. PARHELIA (Ach.) De Not. Apothecia scutellseform, sub-pedicellate ; the disk mostly thin ; the hypothecium colourless. Spores ovoid, ellipsoid, or oblong, simple, colourless. Spermatia oblong, constricted at the middle and with mostly acute tips, or, rarely (n. 18), needle-shaped and bowed ; upon sparingly branched, or now sub-simple sterigmas. Thallus imbricate-foliaceous, lobate- laciniate, appressed (rarely ascendant and E vermiform, very rarely filiform and Alectorioid) sub-rnembranaceous ; more or less densely, or now sparingly fibrillose, or rarely naked, beneath. Anatomy of the thallus given in Schweudener 1. C. 3, p. 157. * Thallus glaucescent (varying also, rarely, to brown, or even yellowish}. a. Stock of P. perlata. PARHELIA. 53 1. P. perlata (L.) Ach.; thallus at length much dilated, membranaceous, smooth, greenish-glaucesceut ; beneath black with brown margins, rather obsoletely black-flbrillose, or largely naked and very smooth; lobes ample, a little ascending, rounded, the undulate margins not ciliate, but often white- sorediate; apothecia (infrequent) ample to large ; disk chestnut ; margin entire. Spores ellipsoid, ^^ mic. Ach. L. U. p. 459. ' Fr. L. E.p. 59. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 15. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 379. Rocks, especially in the mountains of the northern States ; and also on trunks ; Halsey View, 1823. Lake Superior, Agassiz. ](&). P. flavicans, Tuckerm. herb. ; thallus ample, with the texture of the last, pale-yellow, mostly naked beneath; lobes sinuately lobulate, more or less sorediiferous, with naked edges; apothecia ample, much as in the last. Spores also similar, but ^^ mic. P. perlata, v. flavicans, Lich. Calif, p. 13. Rocks, coast of California, Bolander. No reactions with chloride of lime or potash, observed. l(c). P. latissima, Fee; very much dilated, smooth, whitish- glaucescent, for the most part wholly glabrous and shining beneath; lobes rounded, the wavy margins naked, or now sore- diiferous ; apothecia, in West Indian and South American spec- imens, much as in P. perlata, but the spores much larger, reaching ^j mic. Fee Suppl. p. 119. P. perlaia, v. latissima, Mont. Cuba, p. 231. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 379. P. glaberrima, Krempelh. in Flora, 1869, p. 223. Trees ; tropical America ; but found also, though only as yet infertile, in Texas, Lindheimer; Florida, Chapman; and South Carolina, Eavenel. 2. P. perforata (Jacq.) Ach. ; thallus at length much dilated, coriaceous-rnembranaceous, smooth, glaucescent ; beneath brown- ish-black, strongly but interruptedly black-fibrillose ; the rounded lobes soon creuate, and cut, ciliate; apothecia (abundant) ample to very large, commonly perforate, cyathiform; disk Chestnut ; margin entire. Spores ellipsoid, ^^ mic. Ach. L. U. p. 459. Fr. L. E. p. 58. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 69. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 377. Lobaria sub-mar ginalis, Michx. FL, flde Mull. * hypotropa, Nyl. ; more or less largely pale or even white beneath ; the lobes finally divided as in b, often sorediiferous. Syn.! I, p. 378. 54 PARHELIA. Trees, and also (in mostly sterile states) on stones, common ; very luxuriant and fertile on the eastern Coast, the apothecia exceeding at length an inch in diameter, and the lichen observed early. Virginia (J. Mitchell), Dillenius Hist. Muse. 1741. Penn- sylvania, J. Bartram. Canada and Carolina, Mickaux. Mexico,. Nylander. Pacific Coast, Menzles. * Texas ( Trecul) and Mex- ico, Nylander, 1860. Louisiana, Hale. South Carolina, EaveneL Ohio, Lesquereux. Wisconsin, Lapham. Both Acharius, and Fries, laid stress on the lobes of this species being ciliate, and denied the character to P. perlata ; a view which the evi- dence of the North American lichens appears certainly to con- firm. And the sterile European lichens, of late years referred to a P. perlata, v. ciliata (Herb. Borr. ; Zwackh Exs. n. 56 ; Herb r Koerb. ; Anz. Lick. Ital., n. 100, and even 101 ; Welwitsch Cr. Lusit. n. 77; as also P. proboscidea, Tayl., and P. reticulata. Tayl.) are, in fact, whether we regard the ultimate division of the summits of the lobes, or their hispid under side, quite as much at home in the present species. 2(b). P. cetrata, Ach. ; thallus dilated, of the colour of the last, but rather thinner, smooth above; black and hispid be- neath ; the sinuate-laciniate lobes (now conspicuously sore- diiferous at the margins) soon narrowed, and passing into more or less finger-shaped, at length prolonged and everniaeform, scarcely ciliate lobules ; apothecia and spores as in the last. Ach. Syn. p. 198. P. perforata, b, Fr. L. E. p. 58. Nyl. I. c. Trees, and also on stones, throughout our territory, Acharius r Syn. 1814; but reaching its perfection at the west (Illinois, Hall; Ohio, Lesquereux, etc.) and south (Carolina, Schweinitz ; Mavenel; Louisiana, Hale; Texas, Wright). P. perforata differs from P. perlata as well in its strongly fibrillose under side, as in the tendency of its normally ciliate lobes, to pass, at the margins, into smaller ones. This tendency becomes very marked in the present ; and fragmentary specimens have been referred, in European herbaria, to Evernia. 2(c). P. subrugata, Krempelh. ; thallus of the colour and texture of the last; 'black,' or now pale, and for the most part naked beneath ; the lobes passing, as in the last, into smaller, convolute marginal ones, which are ciliate with strong fibrils ; apothecia ample, cyathiform, strongly scrobiculate on the out- side, the margin torn-crenuate, becoming lobulate. Spores r ^l mic. Exot. Flecht. p. 18. PAKMELIA. 55 Mexico, C. Mohr. Agreeing so well with the description of the Brazilian lichen in everything but the colour of the under side (which exactly resembles and suggests that of P. perforate * hypotropa] that I cannot but consider it the same. Its place appears however to be much less with P. perlata than with P. perforata. 2(d). P. crinita, Ach.; thallus dilated, of the colour of the last, coriaceous-membranaceous, beset densely with minute granules and branchlets (isidiophorous) beneath black and black- flbrillose; the rounded lobes ciliate; apothecia ample, cyathi- form, commonly imperforate. Spores of the Northern lichen ellipsoid, 2 mic. ; of the Southern, ^| mic. Syn. p. 196, Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 25. P. perforata, var., Fr. L. E. p. 58. Trees, and also rocks. New England and the northern States, Muhlenberg in Ach. Syn. 1814. South Carolina, Eavenel. Texas, Wright. The southern plant (Wright Lich. Cub. n. 69) is perhaps more readily comparable with P. perlata than the northern lichen, but is differenced as well by the distinct flbrillose character of the under side, and the ciliate margin, as by the isidiophorous upper side. P. proboscidea, Tayl. ! (P. perlata, v. ciliata, Koerb. ! as of Nylauder Syn.} was referred (e char.} to P. perforata by Fries ; and, I can entertain no doubt, correctly. It is sometimes well comparable with the present. 2(e). P. sulphur ata, Nees & Flot. } like the southern P. crinita, as respects both upper and under sides, but from glau- cescent passing soon into greenish-yellow above ; * white within ; the apothecia not observed. P. chrysantha Tuck. herb. * * sulphur-coloured within ; apothecia commonly imperforate. Spores ellipsoid, ^^ mic. P. sulphurata, Nees & Flot. Linncea, 1834, p. 501. Tuckerm. in Wright Lich. Cub. n. 72. Nyl. Syn. l,p. 377. Trunks; *, Blue Ridge in Virginia, Tucker man. Mountains of Tennessee, Prof. Shepard. Louisiana, Hale. * * South Carolina, Dr. Mellichamp. Louisiana, Hale. Texas, Hall. The specimens leave it scarcely doubtful that * is undistinguish- able in species from * * ; as it is also exceedingly near to P. crinita. 56 PAKMEL1A. .3. P. Icevigata (Sm.) Nyl.; thallus more narrowed, membra- naceous, smooth, glaucescent ; beneath black, and more or less densely black-fibrillose ; lobes sinuate-pinuatifid : the tips now sorediiferous ; apothecia middling-sized ; disk chestnut, with an entire, or at length toothed margin. Spores ellipsoid, " " mic. Nyl. Syn. p. 384. P. sinuosa, Fr. L. E. p. 63. b. sinuosa, Nyl. ; thallus pale-yellowish. -- P. sinuosa (Sm.) Ach., teste Borr. P. relicina, /?, Fr. L. E. p. 70. Trees, and rocks, a, Louisiana, Hale. -- 6, Nova Scotia, (Menzies) Ach. Syn. 1814. Mexico, Nylander. The species is ill-represented here. The first form (Louisiana, Hale] referred also by Nylander (Syn.) to P. Icevigata, and closely resembling the European / revoluta, Nyl., under which he arranges it, stands yet in difficult relation to P. cetrata. - &, is at present quite unknown here as a North American lichen. P. tlliacea approaches the present more closely here, and in tropical America, than in Europe ; and barren specimens of the former scarcely now differ at all from the latter (as exhibited in Nyl. Lich. Par. n. 112) but in smaller size: the fertile ones are separable by the spores. P. aurulenta, Tuckenn. ; lobes rugose, less divided and more compacted than in the last preceding, at length thickly besprinkled with now confluent soredia ; the medullary layer sulphur-yellow ; -apothecia middling-sized ; disk chestnut. Spores ellipsoid, ~ mic. -- Suppl. 1, 1. c. p. 424. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 382. Trunks in the White Mountains, and rocks of the Blue Ridge, Virginia, fertile, Tuckerman I. c. 1858. Rocks and trunks, Illi- nois, fertile, Hall Trees, South Carolina, fertile, Ravenel. Alabama, J. F. Beaumont. Louisiana, Hale. -- The lichen of the White Mountains was the P. Icevigata of the author's Syn. N. Eng., and would perhaps make the best representative that we have of the European species, were it not for the coloration (more or less distinct) of the medullary layer. 4. P. Camtschadalis (Ach.) Eschw. ; thallus ascendant, dichotomously branch-lobed ; smoothish or now isidiophorous ; whitish or now cinereous-glaucescent ; beneath channelled, soon blackening and becoming wrinkled and very black, and beset, at least at the margins, with black fibrils, which are now deficient ; the narrow lobes finally elongated, attenuate, and densely inter- PARMBLIA. 57 tangled; apothecia middling-sized, elevated; disk chestnut, with a somewhat entire margin.. Spores ellipsoid, ^ mic. Eschw. Bras. p. 202. Mont. & V. d. Bosch. Jav. p. 20. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 387. P. Americana, Mont. Chil. Trees. Orizaba, Mexico (Galeotti), Nylander Syn. 1860. Well comparable with Evernia furfuracea. The South American lichen proves to be uudistinguishable from the Asiatic ; though the spores are perhaps a little smaller. 5. P. tiliacea (Boffin.) Floerk. ; thallus closely adnate to the substrate, soon and much narrowed ; coriaceous-membrauaceous, smoothish, glaucescent ; beneath black, and densely black- fibrillose ; the contiguous, sinuate-laciniate, more or less wrinkled lobes rounded, and crenate, or more deeply divided; apothecia (frequent) middling-sized ; disk chestnut, with a crenulate mar- gin. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, small, -|^ mic. Floerk. in Sommerf. Lapp. p. 113. Fr. L. E.p.59. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 70. Nyl. Sijn. p. 382. b. sublcevigata, Nyl. ; lobes sub-linear, more or less pinnately many-cleft and discrete, often stellate ; apothecia and spores as in a. Nyl. 1. c. P. tiliacea, v. minor, Mull. Flora. 1877, n. 5, e descr. c. relicina ; thallus pale-yellowish j apothecia and spores as in a. P. relicina, Fr. 8- 0. V. p. 283, teste Mont. M. & V. d. Bosch Lich. Jav. p. 19. Nyl. Syn. l,p. 386. P. tiliacea, v. flavicans, Tuckerm. in Wright Lich. Cub. n. 74. d. sulphurosa ; medullary layer sulphur-yellow ; apothecia, and spores as in a. Trees, and stones, very common. Canada, and northern and western States; Muhlenberg Catal 1818, etc. Also throughout the southern States j M . A. Curtis, Hale, etc. b, southern States ; Ravenel, Hale, Wright ; but similar forms occurring also northward. c, a lichen of Cuba, to be expected in the extreme south. d, Illinois, Hall. The North American P. tiliacea is a smaller plant than the European ; but our first form appears to be otherwise uudis- tinguishable. And much the same remark may be made of the common, narrow-lobed American forms, which scarcely differ from such European ones as the var. carporhizans, Nyl. (Herb. Church. Babingt. Anz. Ital. n. 102) but in inferior dimensions* 58 PAKMELIA. and still narrower divisions. The effect of these slight modifi- cations is yet at length so marked as to obscure the species ; and our plant becomes thus better comparable in almost everything- except size, especially of the spores, with P. Icevigata; while, at the same time, the narrowed conditions are easily seen to pass imperceptibly into the wider and more typical ; &, being thus to be taken for an American variety of P. tiliacea, determines tb& place of c, which differs from b only in being straw-coloured, d is also microphylline, or similar to &, in the only specimen as yet observed ; but the internal coloration which distinguishes it may not prove to be confined to such narrow states. It appears im- possible, in any large view, whether of P. sulpliurata, P. auru- lenta, or the present, to assign any other than a subordinate- value to the modifications in these lichens, of the medullary colour. 6. P. Texana, Tuckerm.; thallus narrowed, coriaceous-mem- branaceous, reticulately rimose, cinereous- glaucescent ; beneath black, papillate, the fibrils obsolete; lobes contiguous, plano-con- vex, rat her dilated at the periphery and lacero-crenate or lobulate, besprinkled with rounded, at length confluent soredia; apothe- cia middling-sized ; disk chestnut, with an entire margin. Spores- ellipsoid, 4-^-mic. Suppl. 1, /. c. p. 424. On dead wood; thickets of the Blanco; Texas (Wrigli t) r Tuckerman I. c. 1858. Intermediate between the last species and the next : but, on> the whole, best comparable with small forms of P. Borreri, b r from the same region. 7. P. Borreri, Turn.; thallus soon narrowed, coriaceous- membranaceous, more or less reticulately rugose, and beset with rounded soredia; cinereous-glaucescent ; beneath pale-brown (becoming darker), with now dense, white (or blackening) fibrils ; lobes of the periphery rather dilated and rounded, cut-crenate ; apothecia middling to large, chestnut, with an entire margin. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, -^ mic. Turn, in Linn. Trans. 9 r p. 148. Ach. L. U. p. 461. " Fr. L. E. p. 60. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 389. P. Borreri, * hypoleucites, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 389. e descr. P. Bolli- ana, Mull. Flora, 1877, n. 5. b. rudecta, Tuckerm. ; thallus beset with isidioid granules and branchlets; the lobes now more divided. Syn. Lich, N. Eng. p. 26. P. rudecta, a, Ack. ! Syn. p. 197. c. hypomela ; blackening beneath. PAEMELTA. 59 Trees, and dead wood ; common ; and now (Illinois, Hall ; Texas, Wright ; Mexico) scarcely differing from the European lichen, but in smaller soredia. But our plant is mostly referable to- ft, which occurs from Canada southward (Muhlenberg) Ach. Syn. 1814, to Louisiana (Hale] and Mexico. Earely (c) this blackens beneath (South Carolina, Ravenel. Texas, Wright] and it passes, finally, at the circumference, into narrower, sinuately lobulate conditions suggestive as well of the two species next preceding, as of the closely akin following one. Though typically pale beneath, it is certainly the same plant which becomes finally, on this side, blackish-brown. 8.. P. saxatilis (L.) Fr. ; thallus narrowed, cartilagineous- membranaceous ; soon more or less reticulately rimose, and lacu- nose, often isidiophorous, glaucous-cinerascent ; beneath black, and (now densely) black fibrillose ; lobes sinuately, often piu- nately, many-cleft, retuse ; apothecia middling to large ; disk chestnut, with an irregular, sub-crenulate margin. Spores ellipsoid, "^ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 61. Schcer. Spicil. p. 454. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 388. b. sulcata, Nyl. ; lobes mostly wider and paler, besprinkled with conspicuous, rounded or oblong, now confluent and reticu- late soredia. Nyl. Licit. Scand. p. 99. P. saxatilis, v. rosce- formis, Ach., Tuckerm. Syn. Lich. N. Eng. p. 27. c. panniformis (Ach.) Schser. ; lobes short, densely crowded r and imbricated. Ach. L. U. p. 469. Schcer. Spicil. p. 456. d. omphalodes, Fr. ; thallus brown, and blackening. Fr. I c. Nyl. I. c. Trees, dead wood, and rocks ; common in the northern States, and northward (a, b) Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. Arctic America, Richardson; Vahl. Wind River Mountains, Hayden. New Mexico, Fendler. West Coast, Lyall, etc. c, Arctic America, Herb. Hook. Vermont, /. L. Russell. White Mountains. d, rocks in mountainous and alpine districts ; White Mountains, Oakes. British Columbia, Macoun. Arctic America. b. Stock of P. physodes. 9. P. physodes (L.) Ach.; thallus rather loosely attached to the substrate, more or less inflated, coriaceous-membranaceous, glaucous-white; beneath brownish-black and black, smooth, 60 PARMELIA. destitute of fibrils; lobes plano-convex, somewhat ascendant, sinuately many-cleft, now crowded, and at length complicate, terminating not seldom in white soredia ; apothecia middling to large ; disk chestnut, with a rather entire margin. Spores sub- ellipsoid, *^ rnic. Adi. Syn. p. 218. Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng. p. 28 ; Lick. exs. n. 72. P. ceratopliylla, Sclmr. Spicil. p. 458. b. obscurata, Ach. ; thallus brown, and blackening. Ach. I c. c. enter omorpha, Tuckerm. ; lobes wider and less divided, ventricose-inflated, now shorter and complicated, and now elon- gated and everuioid, rarely black-margined ; apothecia (abun- dant) ventricose-cyathiform, at length very large. Syn. N. Eng. I. c., in part. Parm. enteromorpha, Acli. I. c. p. 219. d. vittata, Ach. ; lobes mostly lax, linear, elongated, more or less black-margined; apothecia (abundant) ventricose-cyathi- form, and dilated. Ach. I. c. A common lichen, a, on rocks and dead wood, rather rarely fertile, and also on trunks (Muhlenberg Catal. 1818), very com- monly fertile on spruce, in mountains, and passing into d. b, alpine rocks, Arctic America, Herb. Hook. Islands of Behr- ing's Straits, Wright. c, trees, West Coast, from California (Menzies) Ach.Meth. 1803, to Alaska; Dr. Kellogg. d, trees, West Coast (Menzies] Ach. sub P. duplicata, 1803. On spruces in the White Mountains, Tuckerman. , 9(b). P. encausta (Sm.) Nyl. ; thallus less, or scarcely in- flated, glaucous-cinerascent ; the crowded, narrowed, convex, wrinkled lobes at length complicate, and passing irregularly, more or less, into very narrow, teretish, and torulose ones; [apothecia middling to large; spores much as in the last preced- ing]. NyL Syn. 1, p. 401; Scand. p. 104. P. physodes p, FT. L. E. p. 64. b. alpicola, Nyl. ; a blackened, alpine condition. P. alpi- cola, Tli. Fr. Scand. p. 125. Alpine rocks, a, Greenland (Vahl.) Th. Fries I c. 1860. White Mountains, infertile. St. Elmo, Colorado, Brandegee in herb. Sprague. &, Greenland, Vahl. Mt. Hood, Oregon, fer- tile, Hall. The lichen is well differenced by its almost total want of inflation, and very narrow and irregular, crowded lobes, and is confined here, to alpine districts. P. alpicola, Th. Fr., is PARHELIA. 61 not a member of the brown series, but a blackened form of a member of the glaucesceut series ; and there is no question with which species of the latter it shall .in that case be associable, as an extremely recedent, exclusively alpine condition. 10. P. pertusa (Schrank) Schser, ; thallus closely attached to the substrate, inflated, membranaceous, glaucous - white ; beneath black, smooth, destitute of fibrils ; lobes sinuately- many-cleft, compaginate, here and there sparingly perforated with rounded holes, and beset with conspicuous, scattered, round, white soredia; apothecia (very rare, except in austral regions) ' smallish, chestnut, with an entire margin. Spores in twos and fours, ellipsoid, ^ mic.' Schcer. Spicil. p. 457. Nyl. Syn.l,p.4Q2. P. terebrata, Mart. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 16. P. diatrypa, Ach. L. U. p. 493. Trunks, and also rocks, frequent in mountain forests, but not seen fertile. White Mountains ; and also in Hampshire, Mass., Tuckerman Lich. N. E. 1841. 11. P. lophyrea, Ach.; thallus cartilagineous, cinereous- glaucescent; beneath black, smooth, and, on this side only, cribrose-foraminous ; lobes flattish, lacunulose, flexuous, sinu- ately many-cleft, the tips cut-crenate; apothecia middling- sized; disk chestnut, with a thin, sub-creuate margin. Spores spherical, diam, 3-4 mic. Ach. ! L. U. p. 481, & e Nyl. Scand. p. 104. P. cribellata, Tayl. ! New Lich. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Sot., 1847, p. 164. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 403. Trees on the West Coast (Menzies) Acharius Meth. 1803. 12. P. colpodes (Ach.) Nyl. ; thallus coriaceous-membrana- ceous, glaucescent, clothed beneath with a dense, spongy, dark- brown, and blackening nap, and beset here and there with coarse fibrils ; lobes sinuately-many-cleft, flattish, at least at the periph- ery, and there at length more or less cristate-lobulate ; apothecia middling to large ; disk chestnut, entire., Spores very numerous in the thekes, oblong, or club-shaped, and more or less bowed, -^ mic. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 74. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 404. P. col- podes, & P. cristulata, Ach. Syn. pp. 118-19. Imbricaria con- vexiuscula, Michx. FL, fide Mull. Trunks, common throughout the larger part of the United States ; but not known as yet from the Kocky Mountains, or the West Coast. New England (Swarts), Ach. Prodr. 1798. 62 PARMELIA. Middle States, Muhlenberg. Southern States to Louisiana, Curtis, Hale, etc. It occurs also in tropical America (P,. para- sitica, Fee, e Nyl.). * * Thattus olivaceous -brown. 13. P. olivacea (L.) Ach.; tballus inembranaceous, plicate- radious, becoming rngulose, and now isidiophorous, from pale- at length dark-olivaceous, and brown ; beneath black, with more or less frequent blackening fibrils ; lobes flattish, rounded, crenate; apothecia middling- sized; disk chestnut, with a wrinkled or crenulate margin. Spores short-ellipsoid, ~ mic. Ach. L. U. p. 462. Fr. L. E. p. 66. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 395. * aspidota, Ach. ; thallus, and apothecia externally, thickly beset with minute warts of the same colour. Spores more rounded, and smaller. Ach. I.e. Th. Fr. Lich. Scand.p. 122. P. (sub-sp.) exasperata, Nyl. 1. c. b. prolixa, Ach. ; thallus narrowed, many-cleft. Spores smaller. Ach. I. c. Nyl. I. c. * panniformis, Nyl.; lobes (except those of the periphery) divided into short, irregularly cleft, densely crowded and imbri- cate ones, now passing into finger- shaped branchlets. Nyl. I.e. Exs. Anz. Lang. n. 428. c. sorediata (Ach.) Nyl.; thallus narrowed as in b, the more discrete, many-cleft, lacunulose lobes beset with pulvinate, white soredia. Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 102. P. dmdritica, Fr. L. E. p. 68, fide ipsius. P. (sub-sp.) sorediata, Th. Fr. Lich. Scand. p. 123. Trees and rocks, a, on trees ; northern, and middle States, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. Arctic America, Richardson. Mount- ains of North Carolina, Havenel. New Mexico, Wright. Cali- fornia, Bolander. British Columbia, Macoun. b, on rocks; Mountains of New England, C. C. Frost, etc. California, Bolander. c, on rocks; New England, Tuckerman. California, Bolander. British Columbia, Macoun. Spores (in the few specimens at hand) of a * clearly smaller ; as they are found to be in Europe. But a occurs, in the otherwise well-characterized New Mexico specimens, with similarly reduced spores. Spores of b, in the New England lichen, -^ mic.; but larger, and approaching at length very closely, in dimensions, to a, in the Californian. PARHELIA. 63 14. P. stygia (L.) Ach. ; thallus sub-cartilagineous, smooth and shining, from olivaceous-brown finally blackening; beneath at length black, obsoletely tibrillose ; lobes linear, convex, pal- mately many-cleft, finally contorted, and passing now into terete branches, the tips more or less incurved ; apothecia mid- dling-sized ; disk dark-chestnut, and blackening, with a sub- granulate margin. Spores rounded and ellipsoid, -^ mic. - Ach. Meth. p. 203. Fr. L. E. p. 67. Tuck. exs. n. 17. Nyl. Syn. p. 397. Alpine and- sub-alpine rocks. Arctic America (Richardson], Hooker I. c. 1823. Higher mountains of New Hampshire, and Vermont, Tuckerman. Mfc. Monadnock, N. H., J. L. Russell. Adirondack mountains, New York, C. H. Peck. P. lanata (L.) Wallr. ; Alectorioid, blackening, lobes filiform, terete, dichotomously much-branched, intricately inter- tangled, decumbent; apothecia and spores of the last. - Nyl. Scand.p. 103. Th. Fr. Scancl. p. 126. P. stygia p, Fr. L. E. p. 68. Arctic America (Richardson), Hooker 1. c. 1823. Yosemite valley, California, fertile, Bolander. * * * Thallus stratt '-coloured. 15. P. caperata (L.) Ach. ; thallus dilated, coriaceous-mem- branaceous, undulate-plicate, conspicuously rugulose, now sore- diate, or coarsely isidiophorous, pale-greenish-yellow ; beneath black, rather sparingly black-fibrillose ; lobes sinuately-laciniate, with rounded, somewhat entire tips ; apothecia middling to large; disk chestnut, with a sub-crenulate margin often at length sorediate, or isidioid-granulate. Spores ellipsoid, ^|j mic. Ach. Syn. p. J96. Fr. L. E. p. 69. Tuck. exs. n. 75. Nyl. Syn. \,p. 376. Trunks, dead wood, and stones ; not very commonly fertile. Virginia, Dillenius Muse., 1741. Northern, middle, and west- ern States, Muhlenberg, etc. Southern States to New Mexico, Curtis; Hale, etc. Mexico, Nylander. California, Bolander. Arctic America, Richardson. A narrower-lobed southern form (Texas, Wright; New Mex- ico, Fendler) characterized not seldom by white-sorediate mar- gins, and shewing smaller spores (^ mic.), differs also from the common plant in giving a red reaction with chloride of lime; p 64 PARHELIA. but the same reaction is afforded by a similarly white-edged Californian lichen with spores of ~ mic. ; and as well by a specimen from Arctic America (Herb. Hook.) scarcely otherwise differing from the common northern P. caperata. 16. P. conspersa (Ehvh.) Ach.; thallus dilated, cartilagineous- membranaceous, laciniately much-divided, smooth and more or less polished, but the centre often isidiophorous, greenish-straw- coloured; beneath brown, or blackening, or at length black, with similarly varying fibrils, which are now mostly obsolete ; lobes sinuately cut, passing often into narrowed, pinnatifid, at length densely complicate conditions; apothecia middling to large; disk chestnut; margin sub-crenulate. Spores ellipsoid, 1^. mic. Ach. L. U. p. 486. Fr. L. E. p. 69. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 391. Rocks and stones (and, degenerate, on dead wood) very com- mon at the north ; and, in the mountains, southward. Northern and middle States, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818, and throughout the upper districts of the southern, Ravenel, etc.; as also in the mountains of Texas, Wright ; New Mexico, Fendler; and Mex- ico, Nylander. Rocky Mountains, Hall. On the western Coast, Douglas; Bolander. Arctic America, Richardson. 16(&). P. leucochlora, Tuckerm.; lobes closely appressed and compaginate, sinuately more or less piunatifid, rugulose, from glaucescent becoming pale-straw-coloured j apothecia smallish ; disk chestnut. Spores roundish-ellipsoid, -yy- mic. Tuckerm. in Nyl. Syn. I, p. 392. On Bald Cypress, Mississippi (Dr. Veitcli], Tuckerman I. c. 1860. South Carolina, Dr. J. H. Mellichamp. Florida, Ravenel. Louisiana, Hale. The apothecia of P. conspersa exceed at length 15 mm - in width, and the spores I3 mmm - in length; but the apothecia of the present average 2-3 mm - and only rarely reach 4mm. j n width, and the rounded spores appear to be also smaller. The chemical differences of P. leucochlora, treated with chloride of lime, and with potash, pointed out by the present writer (Amer. Naturalist, April, 1868) as by Nylander (Flora, 1869, p. 293) will not here be dwelt on ; but the plant is otherwise not without interest. 16(c). P. molliuscula, Ach.; Everniseforin, the narrowed lobes sub-stellate, or loosely intricate, dichotomously more or PARMELIA. 65 less regularly divided, convex ; beneath channelled, or the mar- gins connivent, and densely, or now obsoletely fibrillose ; apo- thecia unknown. L. U.p.492; Syn. 211, auct. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 393. P. chlorochroa, Tucker m. Obs. Lich. 1, 1. c. p. 383. On the earth, in sterile spots, in the Rocky Mountains (Dr. Hayden), Tuckerman 1. c. I860. The same lichen is found in Soongaria (Herb. Spreng. nom. Borr. Camtschadatts), in Camts- chatka (Tilesius in herb. Floerk., nom. Farm, congruentis), and in the steppes of the Volga in Russia (Herb. Krempelh., nom. P. vagantis, Nyl). The last-cited plant of Ny lander is the P. molliuscula, v. vagans of his Syn. I. c., which is later subsumed by him under P. conspersa (Scand. p. 100) and is the natural key to the present. In a very narrow-lobed, fertile form of P. con- spersa (rocks, Kansas, Hall), sufficiently agreeing in general habit with Fellmann exs. n. 79, and with the narrower form of Anz. Lich. Ital. Sup. n. 109, and, like them, referable to the v. stenophylla of authors, the lobes are not only convex, as, to some extent, in the Italian lichen last cited, but more or less channelled beneath; and the same convexity and channelling are observable in dwarfed, alpine specimens of the same species, growing over mosses (Rocky Mountains, Dr. Parry) and suffici- ently explain the lichen before us. 17. P. centrifuga (L.) Ach.; thallus somewhat tartareous, many-cleft, from greenish- at length bright-straw-coloured, opake ; beneath whitish with darker fibrils ; lobes linear, convex, crowded, becoming complicate and rugose-plicate at the crust- like centre, which falling finally away leaves only the concentri- cally disposed periphery ; apothecia middling-sized ; disk chest- nut, with a sub-crenulate margin. Spores ellipsoid, -^ mic. Ach. L. U. p. 486. Fr. L. E. p. 71. Tuckerm. Lich. Amer. n. 78. Nijl. Syn. 1, p. 393. Alpine and sub-alpine rocks, and descending, in high moun- tains, Muhlenberg Catal 1818. Arctic America, Vahl, etc Newfoundland, Despreaux, etc. Mt. Desert, Me., and White Mountains, N. H., Tuckerman. North shore of Lake Superior, Agassiz. 18. P. incurva (Pers.) Fr. ; thallus sub-cartilagineous, many- cleft, greenish-straw-coloured, opake, besprinkled with large, globular, sulphur-coloured soredia; beneath pale, with blacken- ing fibrils ; lobes very narrow, teretish, densely branching, and 5 66 PAKMELIA. closely approximate and intertangled, the tips somewhat in- curved; apothecia smallish; disk chestnut with a somewhat entire margin. Spores ellipsoid, -^ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 70. Tuckerm. Licli. Amer. n. 76. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 394. P. recurva, Ach. L. U. p. 490. Sub-alpine (granitic) rocks in high mountains, rarely fertile. White Mountains, Tuckerman Enurn. 1845. Also at Mt. Desert, Maine. 19. P. ambigua (Wulf.) Ach. ; thallus membranaceous, stellate, straw-coloured, opake, besprinkled more or less densely with sulphur- coloured soredia ; beneath brownish-black, shin- ing, with blackening fibrils; lobes linear, applanate, dichoto- mously many-cleft, rather loosely disposed ; apothecia small to middling ; disk chestnut, with a sub-crenulate margin. Spores oblong-ovoid, commonly curved, -j^^ mic. Spermatia acicular, bowed. Ach. L. U.p. 485. Fr. L. *E. p. 71. Tuckerm. Lich. Amer. n. 77. Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 105. b. albescens, Wahl. ; whitish-ash-coloured, with white sore- dia; apothecia rather larger, shining. Spores rather larger. Fr. 1. c. P. hyperopta, Ach. Syn. p. 208. Th. Fr. Lich. Scand. p. 120. P. aleurites, Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 105. c. Halei; thallus much as in a, but the apothecia rather larger, and wax-coloured, with a constantly sorediate-powdery margin. Spores as in a. Parmelia, Tuckerm. in litt. a, on trunks, and dead wood, and also on rocks, in alpine districts ; and descending, in high mountains. Arctic America (Richardson), Hooker I. c. 1823. White Mountains, Tuckerman. British Columbia, Macoun. b, with the last. c is a southern lichen, found on coniferous trees from Louisiana (Hale) and ;South Carolina (Eavenel) to Virginia (Tuckerman), and north- ward in New Jersey (on pines, Austin), and rarely, on the south shore of Massachusetts (on white cedar, Willey). Spores of b, *~ mic., in all important respects like those of a; and the lichen scarcely differs but in colour. These two forms are high northern plants, and unknown in New England except in the highest mountains ; but c, though geographically, it should seem, diverse, offers very little to distinguish it. PHYSCIA. 67 X. PHYSCIA (DC., Fr.) Th. Fr. Apothecia scutellseform j the disk thickish ; the hypo- thecium colourless. Spores ellipsoid, biloeular (or, more rarely, ID exotic species, 4-plurilocular) brown. Spermatia ellipsoid, or, mostly, oblong, on multi-articulate sterigmas j or, very rarely (n. 9) acicular, on sub-simple sterigmas. Thallus foliaceous, ratnoso-laciniate, stellate, or now ascend- ant and Everuiseform, sub-cartilagineous j more or less fibril- lose, or rarely naked, beneath. For the anatomy of the thallus see Schwendeuer Unters. I. c. 2, 161, and 3, 154-7. From Physcia proper (typified by P. stellaris) in which the cortical layer is parencbymatous, and thus distinguishable from the confused tissue which constitutes the same layer in Parmelidj certain ascendant species (typified by P. ciliaris, but including also P. speciosa) vary in exhibiting a more properly filamentous cortical layer : these differences finding however a degree of reconciliation, as shewn by Nylander, within the range of modifications of P. pulverulenta. * Hagenia (Eschiv.) Fr. Cortical layer of intertangled fila- ments with a mostly longitudinal direction ; thallus beneath often ecorticate. 1. P. erinacea (Ach.) Tuckerm. j thallus cartilagineous, dif- fusely caespitose, naked, glaucous-white ; beneath ecorticate and very white ; the ascendant, flexuous lobes irregularly torn-cleft, flattish, ciliate with long fibrils ; apothecia smallish, scattered, pedicellate, the blackish -brown disk soon tumid, repressing the entire margin. Spores biloeular, ^^ mic. Obs. Lich. I. c. 4, p. 388. Borrera, Ach. L. U. p. 499 ;" Syn. p. 222. P. ciliaris, var., Nijl. Syn. I, p. 414. On shrubs, sea coast of California (Menzies) Ach. L. U. 1810; and later collectors. The thallus of this, of P. comosa, and of P. hispida are externally much alike when young. 2. P. speciosa (Wulf., Ach.) Nyl. ; thallus cartilagineous- membranaceous, loosely stellate, appressed, greenish-glaucous ; beneath corticate, whitish, with fibrils of the same colour ; lobes sinuately pinnatifid, flat, obtuse, with more or less ascendant, powdery edges; apothecia smallish to middling- sized, sub- 68 PHYSCIA. sessile; the disk naked; the margin crenulate. Spores bilocular, ^^ mic. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 416, a. Parmelia speciosa, Ach. L. U. p. 480. Fr. L. E. p. 80, a. Tuck. exs. n. 81. Trees and mossy rocks in woods. Pennsylvania (Muhlen- berg), Hoffmann D. Fl. 1796. Common from New England southward, in the mountains at least, to Alabama, Beaumont ; and westward to Wisconsin, Lapham. 2(b). P. hypoleuca (Muhl.) Tuckerm. ; thallus ample, cartila- gineous, rather loosely stellate, appressed, smooth and naked above, greenish-glaucescent ; beneath largely ecorticate and very white (or now somewhat blackening, or now yellowish), and densely beset with hispid, black fibrils ; lobes multifid, flat, the edges now ascendant, and now also powdery ; apothecia mid- dling-sized to large, sub-pedicellate (becoming crowded), the naked, blackening disk enclosed by a crenate-foliolate margin. Spores ^H mic. Parmelia, Muhl. Catal. Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 33. Lich. Amer. n. 108. P. speciosa, v. hypoleuca, Ach. Syn. p. 211. Physcia, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 417. Trunks, Pennsylvania (Muhlenberg), Ach. Syn. 1814, and throughout the Atlantic and Gulf States ; as west to Illinois, Hall; New Mexico, Mex. Bound. Survey; and Mexico. It is - widely diffused through the warmer regions of the earth. 2(c). P. Wrightii, Tuckerm. herb. ; thallus ample, cartila- gineous, appressed, smooth, but densely beset at the centre with wart-like lobules, naked, brownish-glaucescent ; beneath corti- cate, brown, with scattered, simple, pale fibrils; the sparingly divided lobes compaginate ; apothecia ample, sub-sessile ; disk blackish-brown ; margin crenate. Spores ^j mic. Rocks, Valley of the Rio Grande, Texas (Mexican Boundary Survey), Wright. 2(d). P. Ravenelii, Tuckerm. herb. ; thallus membranace- ous-cartilagineous, stellate, appressed, smooth above; beneath corticate, brown, and blackening, with fibrils of the same colour ; lobes closely imbricated, shorter, wider, and less deeply cleft than in P. speciosa, with minutely notched, powdery margins ; apothecia of middling size, the crenate margin soon powdery. Spores smaller than in P. speciosa, ^ mic. P. speciosa, v. granulifera, Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. 1, 1. c. p. 391, in part. Trunks; low country of South Carolina (H. W. Eavenel, Esq.,) Tuckerman I. c. 1860. Louisiana, Hale. Texas, Wright; Hall PHYSCIA. 69 In size and general character comparable rather with P. speciosa, but a quite distinct member of the present group. 2(e). P. granulifera (Ach.) Tuckerm. herb. ; thallus cartila- gineous, appressed, glaucescent, and white, pruinose at least at the tips, and besprinkled with white, soon powdery granules ; be- neath corticate, pale, with black fibrils ; lobes multifid, dentate- crenate, the margins neither elevated nor powdery ; apothecia smallish to middling-sized, the inflexed margin crenate. Spores ^^ mic. Parmelia, Ach. Syn. p. 212, P. speciosa, v. granu- lifera, Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. 1, 1. c. p. 390, in part. Trunks ; Pennsylvania (Muhlenberg], Ach. Syn. 1814. Mary- land, Tuckerman. Illinois, Hall. 2(/). P. comosa (Eschw.) Nyl.; thallus sub-stellate, becom- ing erectish and diffusely casspitose, smooth ; beneath ecorticate and very white ; lobes abbreviated, dilated upward ; the margins (and at length the whole upper surface) beset with long, branched fibrils of the same colour ; apothecia middling-sized to largish, obliquely pedicellate ; the pruinose disk enclosed by a thin, cre- nate, at length radiately lobate, ciliate border. Spores bilocu- lar, J^ mic. Parmelia comosa, Eschw. Bras. p. 199. Physcia, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 416. P. speciosa, v. galactophylla, Tuckerm. I. c. p. 392, & Lich. exs. n. 82. P. leucomela, v. galactophylla, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 415. Parmelia galactophylla, Willd. Jierb. On trees; Pennsylvania (Muhlenberg), Hoffman D. Fl. 1796 ; and occurring also rarely, and. only infertile, northward to Maine, Oakes; but throughout the Atlantic and Gulf States southward; as also in Ohio, Lea ; Illinois, V. d. Bosch j and Mexico, Nylan- der. The lichen of Eschweiler cannot be distinguished from P. speciosa, v. galactophylla by merely the numerousness of the fibrils ; and it is observable that the Parmelia echinata, Tayl., which is reduced by Nylander (Syn. I. c.) to Physcia comosa, is exactly (Tayl. herb. !) what the present writer published as galactophylla. 2(g). P. leucomela (L.) Michx. j thallus ascendant and elon- gated, mostly smooth, either sub-stellate, with the lobation of P. speciosa, when the tips are now similarly revolute and white- sorediate, or at length diffuse, and the linear, attenuated, densely intertangled lobes more remotely and irregularly divided; beneath ecorticate and very white, the margins beset with strong, 70 PHYSCIA. branched, blackening fibrils; apothecia middling- sized, pedicel- late, the disk white pruinose, the border radiately lobate. Spores larger than in other members of this group, typically bilocular, ^ mic., and more. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 414, in part. Parmelia speciosa (exc. excip.), leucomelas, Eschw. Bras. p. 198. Tuckerm. 1. c. p. 393. Trees; mountains of North Carolina, Michaux, Fl. 1803; Lesguereux ; the range of the lichen southward much- the same with that of the last, reaching northward to near Albany, N. Y., Peck; and, even fertile, the coast of Connecticut, Willey; and, westward, the Californian coast, Menzies; Bolander. This extraordinary modification of a foliaceous genus was the earliest to attract attention of a group of lichens which, spar- ingly represented at the north, is conspicuous and elegantly varied in the warmer regions of the earth, and affords the best representation and reconciliation that we have of all the feat- ures of PJiyscia. This is the group typified in Europe by P. speciosa. Fries fully referred what cannot be separated from P. leucomela (Moug. & Nestl. exs. n. 941) to the same species that should include P. speciosa ; and even Acharius, and Nylander have failed to reach any other opinion as to the well-character- ized P. hypoleuca ; while the last author has gone far to recog- nize a conspecific relation between P. leucomela and P. comosa. As P. speciosa is exhibited in the island of Cuba (Wright lAch. Cub. -n. 84) it should seem to pa'ss directly into that tropical form which has been called P. podocarpa (Mont. & V. d. Bosch Lick. Jav. ! p. 21. Wright Lich. Cub. n. 82) and the latter cannot well be kept far apart from P. comosa. This last is the analogue in P. speciosa sensu latiori of the now generally accepted P. stell- aris, v. hispida, and in fact no more separable. In an abbre- viated and wider-lobed, ascendant form referred by some authors to P. leucomela (v. latifolia, Mey & Flot. in herb. Beral. ! Nyl. Syn.} it is easy to see too close a relation to P. comosa ; and Nylander, as has been said, goes far to admit this ; but even the typical, elongated P. leucomela of all authors is found in states really not differing (one might say) at all from P. spe^ ciosa but in being more lax, and in the ecorticate under side. And the systematic value of the larger dimensions of the spores of the lichen now before us is certainly qualified by what is known of exactly similar spore-variations in other tropical species. These spores vary indeed (the spore-cells appearing PHYSCIA. 71 now apiculate, and these apices, next, free) and in P. comosa as well as P. leucomela, so as to suggest at least a quadrilocular structure, which Nylander has indicated also in the stock of P. obscura ; but it will scarcely be pretended that this evident luxuriance is of great account ; or that, in the present species at least, the spores are other than typically bilocular. 3. P. ciliaris (L.) DC. ; thallus cartilagineous, diffusely ca3spitose, more or less downy, whitish-ash-coloured becoming at length brown ; beneath mostly ecorticate and whitish ; the elongated, linear lobes many-cleft and soon imbricately inter- tangled, their edges beset, especially towards the tips, with simple fibrils ; apothecia middling-sized to largish, pedicellate ; disk flat, sub-pruinose, with an incurved, mostly toothed border. Parmelia, Fr. L. E. p. 77. Physcia, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 414. b. crinalis, Schser. ; thallus much narrowed ; apothecia also reduced. Spores bilocular, ^^ mic. Schcer. Enum. p. 10. Borrera crinalis, Schleich. 1823. B. angustata, Delis. ! in herb. Spreng. Parm. ciliaris, v. angustata, Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng. p. 32 ; Physcia, Obs. Lich. 1. c. p. 388. Upon rocks, and on the earth (only &), Arctic America (Rich- ardson), Hooker L c. 1823. Newfoundland, Despreaux. Kocky Mountains, Herb. Hook. Shores of the Great Lakes, Miss M. L. Wilson. Shore of Willoughby Lake, Vermont, Frost. Our lichen agrees closely with the slender form of the European one, but has a more northern range, being scarcely known far south of Canada. Width of lobes for the most part less than O mm -, 5, or about a quarter of the largest width of a, in Europe. Apothecia 2-4 mm - wide ; those of a, in Europe, having a width of 3-6 mm -. 4. P. aquila (Ach.) Nyl.; thallus cartilagineous, stellate, appressed, naked, tawny-brown ; beneath corticate, pale with scattered, finally blackening fibrils ; lobes multipartite, linear, at length much narrowed, those of the centre convex and densely crowded, those of the circumference more dilated and flat ; apothecia smallish to middling-sized, sessile ; the disk flat, brownish-black, soon naked, with a tumid, sub-crenate border. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 422. Parmelia, Ach. L. U. p. 488. b. detonsa, Tuckerm. ; thallus commonly pale- but at length tawny-brown as in a, now isidiophorous, or the lobes oftener 72 PHYSCIA. fringed with small lobules; apothecia as in a, or the border fringed finally like the lobes. Spores bilocular, ^ mic. Obs. Lich. 1, 1. c.p. 389. P. detonsa, Fr. S. 0. V. p. 284. Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 32; Lich. exs. n. 18. Psoroma palmulata, Michx., .fide Mull. Rocks, and trees. b, North America, Fries I. c. 1825. Com- mon from New England to Virginia, Tucker man ; and through- out the southern Atlantic and Gulf States (Ravenel, etc.); Ohio, Lea. And the same lichen was found in Japan by Mr. Wright ; Tbut it is not known from our Pacific coast. Lobes more or less elongated, and at length exceedingly narrowed in the tree-form; ;and our lichen is generally noticeable for its paleness, and fre- quent luxuriance of lobation. It yet also occurs quite undis- tinguishable from the European. Spores of the foreign plant agreeing in every respect with those of ours. This is probably the P. aquila of Muhl. Gated., whether or not determined by Acharius. * * Pliyscia proper. Cortical layer of the upper side pa- renchymatous. 5. P. pulverulenta (Schreb.) Nyl. ; thallus cartilagineous, stellate, from greenish becoming brown, more or less pruinose ; beneath black-fibrillose ; lobes multifid, crenate, the tips rounded ; apothecia middling-sized, sessile, the flat, blackish-brown, sub- pruinose disk bordered by a thick, at length lobulate, or leafy margin. Spores bilocular, |^ mic. Parmelia, Fr. L. E.p. 79. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 419. a. lobes narrower than in b, and the margins not elevated nor powdery; the thallus passing often at the centre into crowded, small, convex lobules. b. leucoleiptes, Tuckerm. ; lobes flat, interruptedly elevated and powdery at the margins, beneath black. Syn. N. Eng. p. 32. Lich. Amer. exs. n. 107. On trunks, and rocks ; and on the earth, a, Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818, and common northward ; and westward to California, Bolander-, the earth-form (/. muscigena, Auct.) having been observed in Newfoundland, Despreaux (Herb. Spreng.), and Arctic America, Eichardson (Herb. Hook.). b, Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg, and northward to New England; southward it is found in Virginia; and also in New Mexico, Fendler-, and California, Bolander. PHYSCIA. 73 A variable species, exhibiting forms, recognized generally by authors as belonging to it, which should be quite as separable as P. aquila ft. A perfectly smooth, brown condition, with scarcely any trace of the characteristical bloom, .contrasts with another pale one, more common, which is pruiuose throughout. These forms of our a are now black, and now pale beneath. b has only occurred to me with a black under side, and is otherwise scarcely referable to the v. pityrea of authors ; which last may yet occur. 6. P. Leana, Tuckerm. j thallus meinbranaceous, smooth, loosely imbricate, glaucous- cinerascent ; beneath pale, with few, elongated, marginal fibrils; the loosely-intertangled, narrow, flat lobes many cleft ; apothecia smallish, sub-pedicellate, with an entire margin. Spores ^ mic. Parmelia (Physcia) Tuck. in Lea Catal. PL Cincin. p. 45. Physcia, Obs. Lich. 1. c. p. 394, .& inNyl. Syn. l,p. 422. Growing over mosses, Ohio (Lea), Tuckerman 1. c. 1848. With much the habit of conditions of P. speciosa this appears .also to. look toward, and to be closely approached by forms of .the variable P. obscura. It has only occurred once. 7. P. stellaris (L.); thallus cartilagineous, stellate, ap- pressed, whitish-glaucescent, epruinose ; beneath pale, with pale fibrils; lobes sub-linear, many-cleft, rather convex, compagi- nate, or discrete, without soredia; apothecia smallish to scarcely middling-sized, sessile, the disk brownish-black, often grey- pruinose, the margin rather entire. Spores ^^ mic. Parme- lia, Fr. L. E. p. 82, a. Tuck. exs. n. 83. Physcia, Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. 1, L c. p. 395, a. b. aipolia, Nyl. ; thallus becoming brown and finally blacken- ing beneath, and clothed there, at length densely, with finally black and hispid fibrils ; apothecia sub-crenate. Spores as in a. Nyl. Scand. p. 111. Parmelia aipolia, Ach. Syn. p. 215. On trees, dead wood, rocks, and stones. Pennsylvania, Muhl. Catal. 1818, and common northward to Arctic America, Richard- .son ; westward to the Pacific coast, Bolander ; and southward to the Gulf States, Ravenel, etc., and Mexico, Nylander. But the southern plant tends to lose itself in the next member of the group. This well-known lichen of the northern hemisphere is readily recognizable in its tree-forms, but departs a little from the type on rocks, where (b, aipolia) now otherwise quite similar 74 PHYSCIA. to a, it is differenced at length conspicuously, by the coloration- of the under side. But these rock-forms are now pale beneath ; and one from the Pacific coast (perhaps the named but not char- acterized P. callosa, Kyi. in Flora, 1869 ; p. 119), is noticeable for its coarser, thicker, rugose-verruculose thallus (Yosernite Valley, Bolander; Oregon, Hall), but the scanty specimens scarcely afford any other than this difference. P. stellaris, a, perfectly characterized, has occurred in Florida with apothecia ciliate- below, in the manner of P. obscura; Austin. 7(b). P. astroidea (Fr.) Nyl. j thallus smallish, sub-cartila- gineous, stellate, appressed, microphylline ; beneath pale with pale fibrils ; the erose-multifid, much narrowed, flattened lobes beset, for the most part, with rounded, finally confluent soredia ; apothecia smallish, closely sessile, the disk blackening, sub- pruinose, the margin entire. Spores ^ rnic. Parmelia, Fr. L. E. p. 81. Physcia, Nyl. Syn. 1, p- 426. P. stellar is /?, Tuck- erm. 1. c. p. 395. * hypomela ; commonly smooth and naked above ; brown and at length black beneath, with fibrils of the same colour. Parmelia obsessa, Mont. ! Cuba, p. 227, not ofAch. Tuckerm. I. c. Trees; New England, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, Tucker- man I c. 1860. North Carolina, Curtis. South Carolina, Rav- enel. Alabama, Peters. Louisiana, Hale. Texas, Wright. Mexico. * Louisiana, Hale ', which form proves, in Cuba, to be scarcely well separable always from P. crispa. This smooth form varies in the colour of the under side just as P. stellaris, and often well represents, in Texas, as in Cuba, the coarser northern lichen. Its apothecia are often ciliate below (P. leucothrix, Tayl. ! New Lich. 1. c. p. 170) as in P. obscura. 7(c). P. crispa (Per.) Nyl. ; thallus sub-membranaceous r stellate, appressed, platyphylline, greenish-glaucescent (often pale roseate) beneath pale with scattered pale fibrils; the rather wide, flat lobes interruptedly imbricate, palmately cut, the repand edges powdery, and now ascending j apothecia smallish to middling-sized, sessile, blackish -brown, the incurved margin crenate, or granulate. Spores as in P. stellaris. Nyl. Syn. 1 7 p. 423. Parmelia Domingensis, Mont. Cuba, p. 225, t. 8, /. 3. Physcia stellaris, v. Domingensis, Tuckerm. I. c. p. 396. * hypomela ; brown, and at length black beneath, with sim- ilarly coloured fibrils. PHYSCIA. 75 Trees. Seaboard of South Carolina (Ravenel), Tuckerraan I c. 1860. Georgia, Ravenel. Florida, Austin. Louisiana, Hale. Texas, Wright. * Louisiana, Hale. P. dilatata, f. integrata, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 424, 'sufficiently like P. crispa' but with wider, lobes, the margins of which are not powdery, is found at Orizaba, Mexico, Nylander 1. c. ; where also P. major, Nyl. ibid., of the same affinity, is said to occur. Neither is sufficiently known to me. 7(d). P. tribacia (Ach.) Tuckerm. herb.; thallus smallish, sub-membranaceous, sub-stellate, glaucescent; beneath white, and sparingly white-fibrillose ; lobes abbreviated, those of the periphery appressed, more or less dilated or now narrowed, and flat, but with ascendant and erose-granulate edges, and crowded at the centre into a granulate crust; apothecia smallish to scarcely middling-sized, closely sessile, black, commonly grey- pruinose, with a sub-entire margin. Spores ^^ mic. Leca- nora, Ach. Syn. p. 191, in part. Parmelia, Schorr. Enum. p. 39. P. erosa, Borr. ! in E. Sot. Suppl. n. 2807. P. stellaris, var. tribacia, Fr. L. E. p. 83. Physcia stellaris ft, tribacia, Tuckerm. 1. c. ; & Lich. Amer. n. 85. Trees and rocks (in the former habitat thinner and flatter, and, in the latter, more cartilagineous, convex, and grayer so that if we take the former for a descendant of P. stellariSj we might incline to consider the latter as in similar relation to P. ccesia (comp. Fr. L. E. p. 84, & Tuckerm. I. c. p. 397) but this is perhaps to set too high a value on the lichen last-named, the specific rank of which is confessedly open to question) common from New England, Tuckerman Syn. 1848, to Virginia. South Carolina, Eavenel. Louisiana, Hale. California, Bolander. A very common, quite distinct, and well-marked lichen. 7(e). P. hispida (Schreb., Fr.) Tuckerm. herb. ; thallus small, sub-cartilagineous, glaucescent ; beneath white ; at first sub- stellate, but ascendant and diffusely ca3spitose, and the short- ened, erectish, imbricated lobes inflated and vaulted at the tips, and ciliate throughout with long, darkening fibrils ; apothecia smallish to scarcely middling-sized, sessile, grey-pruinose, with mostly entire margin. Spores as in the last preceding. Borrera tenella, Ach. L. U. p. 498. Parmelia stellaris b. hispida, Fr. L. E. p. 82. Physcia, Tuckerm. I c. p. 397. Trees and rocks. Arctic America (Richardson), Hooker I. c. 76 PHYSCIA. 1823. New England, not uncommon. Canada, Macoun. Cali- fornia, Bolander. Oregon, Hall British Columbia, Macoun. The lichen is obviously the analogue, in the stellaris- group, of P. comosa in the speciosa- group ; and the appressed forms of the former cluster stand in a similar relation to those of the latter. P. stellariSj as here taken, belongs especially to the colder regions of the earth. On this continent we find it beginning to be modified even in New England ; and this process of differen- tiation continues as we go southward. Neither of the three New Granada lichens of Lindig's Collection (n. 712, 731, 2602) referred by Nylander to his P. stellaris is (in the published specimens) a satisfactory representative of the northern plant. We may then perhaps expect this, as it approaches, or enters inter-tropical regions, to assume new forms, abhorrent no doubt from the merely northern conception of the species, and requiring to be determined from a wider point of view. But if this diminish as well the systematic value of the generally accepted P. astroidea, P. crispa, P. dilatata, etc. (as assumed in the writer's earlier review of the American Physcice, cited above), it may be said to enhance, from a comparison of the equally accepted P. comosa, the value of the now generally undervalued P. hispida. 8. P. ccesia (Hoffm.) Nyl. ; thallus crustaceous-cartilagine- ous, stellate, pale ash-coloured, besprinked with rounded, grey soredia ; beneath pale, now ash-coloured, and blackening, with black fibrils; lobes pinnately many-cleft; apothecia smallish, sessile, the soon naked and black disk bordered by a thin, in- flexed, sub-entire margin. Spores bilocular, ^ mic. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 426. Parmelia, Fr. L. E. p. 83. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 86. Old stone walls. Pennsylvania, Mulilenberg Catal. 18.18. New York, Halsey ; Sartwett. Massachusetts, Tuckerman. Our plant (Lich. Amer. n. 86) is in all respects like the Euro- pean ; but I have seen but little of it. 9 P. obscura (Ehrh.) Nyl. ; thallus sub-membranaceous, or- bicular and appressed (unless in inuscicoline states) epruinose, glaucous-cinerascent becoming livid or brown, now sorediifer- ous ; beneath black, and more or less densely black-fibrillose ; lobes dichotomously many-cleft, flattish, sub-ciliate, now pass- ing at the centre into minute, imbricated lobules; apothecia smallish to scarcely middling-sized, sessile, the exciple more or PHTSCIA. 77 less hispid, at least below, the reddish-brown, blackening, naked disk bordered by an entire margin. Spores bilocular, ^^ mic. Spermatia oblong. Th. Fr. Scand. p. 142. Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. 1. c. p. 399, max. p. Parmelia, Fr. L. E. p. 84, max. p- Tuck. exs. n. 87. Schcer. Spicil. p. 441, max. p. * endochrysea, Nyl. ; thallus more or less saffron - coloured within. Var. erythrocardia, Tuckerm. 1. c. Parmelia endo- coccina, Koerb. Parerg. p. 36. Trees, dead wood, and rocks. Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818, and northward to Arctic America, Richardson-, westward to the Pacific coast, Bolander; and southward to Louisiana, Hale, and Texas, Wright. A very variable lichen, recognizable by the coloration (though this may vary even to glaucescent as to thallus and red as to apothecia in forms of the v. chloantha, Auct.) by the blackening, abundant fibrils, and especially by the occurrence of these more or less on the exciple, which is seldom quite naked, with us, and finally bristly all over. This peculiar exhibition of fibrils characterizes probably all the best conditions of P. obscura, and must be taken therefore for typical. The under side is not merely black-fibrillose beneath, as commonly described, but black, both in European and North American specimens, though doubtless varying in this. 9(b). P. setosa (Ach.) Nyl.; thallus much as in the imme- diately preceding but larger, and whitish-glaucescent becoming glaucous-cinerascent, the wider, linear lobes fringed by and cushioned on dense black fibrils. Spores rather larger than in the preceding, ^^ mic., but reaching ffi mic. in a specimen from Japan. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 429. Parmelia, Ach. Syn. p. 203. P. atricapilla, Tayl. ! New Lich. I. c. p. 162. Rocks upon mosses, and trunks. Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. New England and New York, Tuckerman. Ohio, Lesquereux. New Mexico, Fendler. Mexico, Nylander. The most conspicuous member of the commonly humble obscura- stock ; and, beside the lichenographers above-named who have taken it for a distinct species, Nylander L c. cites also Schserer, and Montagne ; and yet, except in size and general luxuriance, the lichen differs in no respect from the preceding. 10. P. adglutinata (Floerk.) Nyl. ; thallus small, membra- naceous, closely adnate or as it were glued to the substrate, from 78 glaucescent becoming cinerascent and brown ; pale and scarcely fibrillose beneath ; the very thin, flat lobes compaginate, disap- pearing for the most part at the centre in a granulose crust ; apothecia small, and very small ; disk blackish-brown ; margin entire, scarcely ciliate. Spores ^ mic. Spermatia elon- gated, acicular. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 428 ; Flora, 1862, p. 355. Parmelia obscura, v. adglutinata, ScJicer. Spicil p. 444. Physcia, Tuckerman 1. c. p. 399. * pyrithrocardia, Miill. j thallus more or less saffron- coloured within. Flora, 1880, p. 278. Upon trees and shrubs. New England, Tuckerman I. c. 1860; westward to Illinois, Hall, and Wisconsin, E. L. Greene ; south- ward to South Carolina, Eavenel ; Florida, Beaumont ; Alabama, Peters-, Louisiana, Hale; and Texas, Wright. * Massachu- setts, Willey. Eemarkably characterized by the spermatia. The lichen is better exhibited here than in Europe, and appears at length, as Nylander has said, to pass into P. obscura. From that species the present differs very considerably in the impor- tant respect of the fibrils, or want of them ; but agrees with it in the abnormal variation of the colour of the medullary layer. XII. PYXINE, Fr., Tuckerm. Apothecia sub-scutellseforrn. Hypotheciurn black ; and, in the second section, the whole exciple blackening and Lecideoid. Spores oblong-ellipsoid, bilocular (rarely, in tropical regions, 4-locular) brown. Spermatia oblong, on pauci-articulate sterigmas. Thallus now aduateand aggluti- nate (semi-crustaceous) and now rising into foliaceous and cartilagineous expressions ; the under side more or less fib- rillose. In the parenchymatous cortical layer of the upper side of the thallus, as in some other respects of thalline structure, this genus resembles Physcia ; and its very incon- gruous apothecia are found yet, in the first section always, and to some extent in the second, to offer no external dif- ferences from those of the other ; with which it also agrees in its spore-history. *Dirinaria. Apothecia scutellceform. Thallus normally white within. PYXINE. 79 1. P. picta (Sw.) Tuckerm. Thallus softish, closely aggluti- nate to the substrate/ radiately plaited, white - glaucescent j beneath black, scarcely fibrillose ; lobes confluent, flattened and pinnately many-cleft at the circumference, but passing finally at the centre into a wrinkled-warty crust, often besprinkled with rounded, white soredia j apothecia small, sessile, the vinous-red disk soon becoming black, and now pruinose, at length scarcely exceeded by the sub-crenulate margin. Spores bilocular, ^J mic. Obs. Lich. 4, 1. c.p. 166. Physcia, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 430, .& t. 8, /. 53. Parm. applana'ta, Fee ; Mont. Cuba, p. 223, t. 8, /. 1. Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. 1, I c.p. 398. * erythrocardia, Tuckerm. ; thallus saffron-coloured within. Trees, and dead wood in the low country of South Carolina (Eavenel), Tuckerman in Nyl. Enum.'lS5S, of Georgia, Eavenel; of Louisiana, Hale] Texas, Wright] and Mexico; as also on rocks, in Alabama, Peters. * erythrocardia, in Texas, Eave- nel. Differenced from Physcia by its hypothecium, but suffi- ciently agreeing in this, as in general -aspect, with Pyxine] which, in P. Meissneri, offers apothecia not always well distin- guishable from those of the present. Parmelia confluens, Fr. ; united by Nylander with the earlier P. cegialita, Ach., should, with little doubt, be referred here : at least no difference appears to be noted. l(b). P. Frostii^ Tuck., thallus crustaceous, closely adnate, stellate-radious, smooth, from glaucous-grey becoming cream- coloured ; beneath black ; divisions sub-palmately cleft, convex, concrete (besprinkled commonly with white soredia) ; apo- thecia small, sessile j the disk flat, black ; the margin incurved. Spores bilocular, ^ mic. Squamaria, Suppl. 1, 1. c., p. 425, dein Lecanora. Granitic rocks, New England (Frost) Tuckerman Suppl. 1858. Harper's Ferry, Virginia, Tuckerman. Rarely observed in fruit ; the want of which has heretofore obscured the affinity of the lichen. It is a greatly reduced, 'northern exhibition of the preceding tropical species. l 1 And a still more marked reduction of this type is presented by a lichen from volcanic rocks of the Galapagos Islands (Dr. Hill in Hassler Exp.) in which while the apothecia offer no differences unless possibly rather smaller spores, the thallus has passed wholly into convex, glebous Creoles, somewhat lobed only at the circumference (P. glebosa, Mihi, herb.}. 80 PYXItfE. ** Pyxine proper. Apothecia scutellceform, and more or less resembling at first those of the first section, but soon blacken- ing all over, and Lecideoid. Thallus becoming yellowish within. 2. P. Cocoes (Sw.) Nyl.; thallus membranaceous, white- glaucescent; beneath black and smoothish; lobes linear, flat, many-cleft, imbricated, sparingly sorediiferous, white within ; apothecia, in Cuban specimens, very small, Lecideoid, sessile, flattish, the stout margin at length disappearing. Spores biloc- ular, ^ mic. Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. I, 1. c. p. 401 ; <&4,p. 166. Lecidea, Ach. L. U. p. 216. Trees in tropical America, and perhaps recognizable in some small forms from our extreme south. But I consider the name as only the first imperfect indication of the more delicate states- of the two following forms of Pyxine. 2(b). P. Meissneri, Tuckerm. j thallus much as in P. Cocoes, but more or less yellow within, and scarcely sorediiferous ; spar- ingly black-fibrillose beneath ; apothecia scutellaeform, small, a flat, black disk bordered by a sub-entire thalline exciple, itself at length blackening. Spores as in the preceding. Obs. Lich. 1, 1. c. p. 400. P. Cocoes, v. Meissneri, Obs. Lich. 4, I. c. Trees, as the preceding, from which it is commonly taken for distinct ; as it is often well distinguished. I have however seen no North American specimens. 2(c). P. sorediata, Fr.; stouter, cartilagineous, wrinkled- plaited; glaucous- cinerascent becoming gr eenish- olivaceous ; more or less sulphur-coloured within ; the lobes beset with rounded, white or grey soredia, and beneath densely fibrillose ; apothecia commonly Lecideoid, small, at length dilated and flexuous, the hypothecium resting on a yellowish or fulvous stratum, the disk white-pruinose, or, more commonly, naked. Spores bilocular, ~ mic. Fr. S. 0. V. p. 267. P. Cocoes, v. sorediata, Tuck. Obs. Lich. 1, I. c. p. 402. Lecidea, Ach. Syn. p. 54. Parmelia, sect. Pyxine, Tuck. Syn. N. E. p. 35, & Lich. Amer. n. 19. * Eschweileri, Tuckerm.; spores 4-locular, ^ mic. Obs. Lich. 4, I. c. Lecidea sorediata, pro p., Eschiv. Bras. p. 245. Wright Lich. Cub. n. 94, pro p. Trees and rocks. Pennsylvania (Muhleriberg), Ach. Syn. 1814. Common from New England to Virginia, Tuckerman, and UMBILICAKIBL 81 westward to the Rocky Mountains, Herb. Hook. Also through- out the southern States (passing, there into thinner forms hardly separable from P. Cocoes), from the Carolinas and Georgia, Ravenel, and Florida, Austin, to Texas, Wright. The best- developed and most northern expression of Pyxine ; and I possess it also from Japan, and the Himalayah, as well as from the West Indies, and Java. It was the type of the genus.; but the apo- thecia are properly scutellseform only blackened, the hypothe- cium is well comparable with that of P. picta ; and young apo- thecia not yet discoloured occur. * Cuba, Wright ; not yet observed here The lichen is only a further development of P. sorediata. * Fam. 3. UMBILICARIEI. Thallus horizontal, foliaceous, sub-monophyllous, coria- ceous-cartilagineous, more or less blackish-brown ; beneath fibrillose, or now naked ; attached to the substrate at only a single point. The family is obviously and strongly differenced from the preceding one ; and yet, through the exotic Omphalodium, Mey. & Flot., Koerb., the two are brought into closest relations with each other. And it is generally allowed that Habit must domi- nate here; however marked the features that might suggest other arrangements. The natural place of the group appears indeed to be between Parmeliei, and Sticta, in the next succeed- ing family. The author's explanation of the spore-history of this family may be found in Genera Lichenum, pp. 29, 30. * A note by Dr. Nylauder on the chemical reactions with potash ob- served by him in Pyxine may be found in his JEnum. Licli. Husnot, p. 10 ; but I am unable to make use of his results. Here as elsewhere, these re- sults cannot be said to possess any absolute value beyond the portions of thallus subjected to the test; and we have no right either to assume that what we have not examined shall accord with what we have, or to venture on constructing 'new species' out of what does not accord. 82 UMBILICAKIA. XIII. UMBILICAKIA, Hoffm. Apothecia sub-scutellseform, variously difform, blackened, destitute of gonidia,- for tbe most part at length lirellose- proliferous. Spores ellipsoid, from simple at length grauu- lose; or, more rarely, muriform-multilocular, fuscescent. Spermatia oblong 5 on multi-articulate sterigmas. Thallus as above. The anatomy of the thallus is largely illustrated by Schwendener, I. c. 3, pp. 150, 179 j t. 8, /. 15-17; t. 10, /. 10-13. Neither of the attempts heretofore made to divide this natural genus into two, can be called satisfactory. Acharius soon gave up his distinction based on the degree of external, atypical change in the apothecia; and if Nylander has indicated recently, with emphasis (Flora Eatisb. 1875, p. 303) that this external change, so obvious in the descent from V. pustulata to most species of our first section, is accompanied by a gradual modification or degen- eration of the tissues of the same organs, we may admit the fact, embarrassed though it be by the difficult association of U. anthradna and U. pustulata to form the new genus Umbilicaria, Nyl., but hardly the inference that he draws from it. It is impossible, too, any longer to lay that stress on the spore differences which Fee, and Flotow, and most recent writers have attempted. And Schweudeuer has him- self admitted the difficulties of his characterization of Gyro- jphora and Umbilicaria, from the thalline characters alone. The general structure of the thallus offers no prominent differences from that of Parmelia and Physcia ; and the distinction of the group, marked as it is, may be said to rest on its peculiar coloration, taken in connection with the deficiency of gonidia in, and the denigration, and abnormal development of, its fruit ; and the manner of attachment of the thallus to the substrate. In some states of the highest -expressions of Umbilicaria, as U. pustulata v. papillata Hamp., a Cape of Good Hope lichen, there is now indeed nothing external which may not be taken for Parmelieine, the thalline exciple agreeing entirely in colour with the pale greenish-brown thallus ; but in a full view of the fruit UMBILICAKIA. 83 of this species in its more normal conditions, as exhibited in the northern hemisphere, it is perhaps easier to compare it (externally) with that of Sticta, as in 8. faveolata, etc.; however surprisingly the same fruit be afterwards modified, as in U. pustulata, v. papulosa, and U. Pennsylvania. We do not find any approach to this more normal coloration, and greater Parrnelieine or Sticteiue regularity of the exciple in the other section of the genus, unless it be, rarely, in U. rugifera, Nyl., occurring now glaucous with fruit little darker (California, Bolander) and in the Himalayan U. Iccanocarpoides, Nyl. This fruit is indeed now Lecideoid, as in U. anthracina, but quickly passes into those gyrose states which especially mark the section; or is developed into the starry clusters, more remarkable than anything else in the metamorphoses of the genus, which characterize U. Muhlenbergii. * Apothecia patellate, now angulate, or even oblong ; for the most part plicate ; or the oblong sort finally grouped in stellate clusters. Spores mostly simple, but now muriform-multilocular. Thallus not papulose ; the cortical layer for the most part only imperfectly parenchymatous above, and scarcely at all so below. Gyrophora, Fee, Flot, & other recent authors. f Stock of U. anthracina. Alpine lichens; but 1, 5, and 6 descending. 1. U. rugifera, Nyl. ; thallus middling-sized, one-leaved, co- riaceous, at length rigid, more or less rugged with coarse, retic- ulated wrinkles; pale ash-coloured, at length darkening, or now olive-brown; beneath pale, with now a rosy tinge, and beset more or less with scattered, or more rarely dense, pale or dark- ening fibrils; apothecia small to middling, primarily adnate, orbicular, simple, with a thin, persistent, finally flexuous margin ; becoming at last proliferous. Spores ellipsoid, simple, fusees- cent, or decolorate, ^- mic. Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 117. Th. Fr. Lich. Scand. p. 156. Alpine rocks (Eastern Siberia, Nyl. Norwegian Alps, Th. JV.), and descending. Greenland, Giseke. Yosemite Valley and Mountains of California (Bolander), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Al- pine region of Mt. Hood, Oregon, Hall. 84 UMBILICARIA. 2. U. cylindrica (L.) Delis. ; thallus of middling size, com- monly many-leaved, coriaceous, round-lobed, smoothish, bluish- grey, or now smoke-coloured, fringed for the most part with black fibrils; beneath pale and more or less sparingly fibrillose; apothecia small to almost middling, orbicular, from adnate and sub-simple soon elevated, convex, and copiously plicate. Spores ellipsoid, fuscescent, or decolorate, mic. U. proboscidea, /?, Fr. L. E. p. 356. Gyrophora probosc., Turn. & Borr. Lich. Brit. p. 219. High alpine and arctic rocks. Bear Lake (Herb. Hook.), Tuckerman Syn. 1848. Greenland, Vahl. Labrador, Herb. Schwein. Newfoundland (U. Delism, Despr.), Despreaux. 3. U. proboscidea (L.) Stenh.; thallus middling-sized, one- leaved, sub-membranaceous, flattish, few-lobed, with irregularly scalloped, now lacerate edges, reticulately wrinkled, especially at the pruinose centre; blackish-brown; beneath paler, now grey-pruinose, rather sparingly fibrillose ; apothecia small, or- bicular, becoming elevated and plicate. Spores ellipsoid and oblong, simple, mostly decolorate, ^^ mic. U. proboscidea, a, Fr. L. E. p. 354. Tuck. exs. n. 49. Gyrophora deusta, Turn. & Borr. L. B. p. 222. b. arctica, Ach. ; thallus thickened and rigid, very rugged, beneath naked. Alpine rocks. Arctic America (Eichardsori), Hooker I. c. 1823. Greenland, Vahl. Newfoundland, Despreaux. White Mountains, Tuckerman. North shore of Lake Superior, Agas- siz. Mexico, Nylander. b, Newfoundland, Despreaux. Green- land, Vahl. White Mountains. Mexico, Nylander. 4. U. anthracina (Wulf.) Schser.; thallus of middling size, coriaceous, rigid, smooth, or areolate-rimulose; blackish-brown; beneath smooth, or minutely granulated, and for the most part black-pruinose, without fibrils ; apothecia small, elevated, or- bicular, simple. [Spores oblong, simple, decolorate, l ^j- mic.] U. atro-pruinosa, Fr. L. E.p. 351. Nyl. Scand. p. 113. b. reticulata, Schaer. ; reticulately wrinkled above. Alpine rocks. Arctic America (b.) E. Brown (Parry's Voy.) 1824. Greenland, Vahl. Newfoundland, Despreaux. On the Yellowstone, Herb. Willey. White Mountains (b.), Tuckerman. The plant of the White Mountains does not differ, but is in- TJMBILICARIA. 85 fertile. Gyrophora Wenckii, Mull. (Flora Eatisb. 1867, p. 433) from Greenland, appears, by the description, to differ from b in nothing but the plicate fruit, looking rather towards that of U. proboscidea ; from which last the first-named shall differ in smaller spores. In an infertile specimen of G. Wenckii before me (Herb. Krempelh.) agreeing generally with the published description, I find small clumps of fibrils on the upper surface and at the margins here and there, once more suggesting U. proboscidea. Spores of G. Wenckii not rarely a little curved (Mull. /. c.), as is observable in U. anthracina-, but also, more rarely, in U. proboscidea. 5. U. polyphylla (L.) Hoffm.; thallus small, cartilagineous, commonly many-leaved and , clustered, with unequal, crisped, at length much- divided lobules, smooth; dark-olive-brown ; be- neath smooth and very black, without fibrils ; [apothecia small, sessile, orbicular, plicate. Spores ellipsoid, decolorate, "^-" mic.]. Nyl. Scand. p. 119. U. cenea, a, Schcer. Spicil.p.92. Alpine rocks, and descending. White Mountains, Tucker- man Syn. 1848. Mt. Desert, Maine. Newfoundland, Despreaux. Greenland, Vahl 6 U. flocculosa, Hoffm.; thallus of middling size, sub-mem- branaceous ; blackish-brown, scurfy with a sooty efflorescence ; beneath nearly of the same colour, more or less reticulately pit- ted, without fibrils; [" apothecia small, sessile, orbicular, pli- cate. Spores oblong ellipsoid, now a little curved, ^ mic."] Nyl. Scand. p. 119. Gyrophora, Turn. & Borr. L. B. p. 217. Alpine rocks, and descending. White Mountains, Tucker- man Syn. 1848. Mt. Desert, Maine. Rocky Mountains, Herb. Hook. Behring's Straits, Wright. As near to the next cer- tainly as to the last ; but . with larger spores than in either. Not as yet found fertile here. 7. U. hyperborea, Hoffm.; thallus middling-sized, mostly one-leaved, coriaceous-membranaceous, sparingly lobed, with jagged edges, papulose-rugulose, now here and there perforate; olive-brown ; beneath pitted more or less, smooth, mostly black- ish ; apothecia small, at first appressed, oblong, or angulate, but becoming orbicular and plicate. Spores ellipsoid, mostly decol- orate, ^ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 353. Tuck. exs. n. 143. Nyl. Scand. p. 118. 86 UMBILICAKIA. Alpine rocks. Arctic America (Richardson), Hooker 1. c~ 1823. Newfoundland, Despreaux. Rocky Mountains, Herb. Hook. N. shore of Lake Superior, Macoun. White Mountains, and highest Green Mountains, Tuckerman. Mountains of Cali- fornia, Bolander. f f Stock of U. erosa. 8. U. phcea, Tuckerm.; thallus middling-sized, one-leaved,, cartilagineous, smooth; from ash-coloured becoming tawny- brown ; beneath granulated, paler, but at length now blacken- ing, without fibrils ; apothecia smallish, innate, and now sunken in the thallus (which is then papulose below) but becoming more prominent ; originally angulate, becoming many-angled ; or also rounded ; plicate. Spores ellipsoid, mostly decelerate, H:^ mic. Lich. Calif, p. 115. Rocks of the Pacific coast, alt. 1000-3000 ft. (Bolander) Tuck- erman Calif. 1866. 9. U. erosa (Web.) HofTm. ; thallus of middling size, one- leaved, coriaceous-cartilagineous, of few, rounded lobes, which are soon rimulose, with irregularly torn edges, and more or less reticulately perforate ; from olive- at length blackish-brown ; be- neath paler, or now darker, radiously more or less ridged, the ridges foraminous and this side finally wholly ragged, or passing into fibril-like extensions ; apothecia small, appressed and oblong, passing into stellate clusters ; or more prominent, rounded, and plicate. Spores ellipsoid, fuscescent or decolorate, -^ mic. Schcer. Spicil. p. 93. Turn. & Borr. L. B. p. 229. Tuck. Exs. n. 48. Alpine rocks ; now descending. Arctic America, E. Brown (Parry's Voy.), 1824. Newfoundland, Pylaie. White Mountains, Tuckerman. Mine mountain, Brattleborough, Vt., alt. about 1000 ft., Eussell. Mt. Hood, and Rocky Mountains, Hall, etc. 10. U. Muhlenbergii (Ach.) Tuckerm. ; thallus middling to large, one-leaved, coriaceous at length rigid, irregularly more or less reticulately pitted; olive-brown; beneath mostly darker, granulate, lacerate in anastomosing ridges, and shaggy finally with fibril-like extensions ; apothecia small to middling, origi- nally oblong and appressed, passing into irregular, often stel- late, plicate clusters, without common margin. Ach. Syn. p~ 67. Tuckerm. Syn. N. Eng. p. 74 ; Lich. exs. n. 144. TJMBILICARIA. $7 Rocks. Pennsylvania (Muhlenberg) Ach. L. U. 1810; and common throughout the northern States and Canada; as in Arctic America, Richardson. A reduced, thickened, scarcely pitted, and at length somewhat polyphylline state (v. alpina, Tuckerm. I. c.) occurs on alpine rocks in the White and Green Mountains, Tuckerman] and in Hastings county, Canada, Macoun. Stock of U. veiled. 11. U. hirsuta (Ach.) Stenh. ; thallus one-leaved, membra- naceous, softish, somewhat powdery ; pale ash-coloured ; be- neath pale, and hirsute with mostly dense and pale fibrils; ["apothecia small, appressed, orbicular, soon convex, plicate. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^ mic."] U. vellea, YJ Fr. L. E. p. 358. Th. Fr. Scand. p. 155. /9, grisedj Th. Fr. ; small, finally blackening beneath, where it is granulate, and either naked, or very sparingly now fibril- lose. U. murina, DC. Nyl. Scand. p. 116. Rocks in high mountains. Mexico (v. papyrina], Nylander. /?, alpine county, California, infertile (L A. Lapham), Tuck- erman Calif. 1866. This variety is a distinct form, and taken for a species by Nylander, according to whom the spores also vary from those of a. The last is scarcely as yet known here. 12. U. vellea (L.) Nyl.; thallus large, one-leaved, coriaceous, smoothish ; glaucous - ash - coloured ; beneath brownish and blackening, very hirsute ; apothecia small, appressed, orbicular, plicate, becoming convex, and immarginate. Spores rounded- or short-ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^- mic. Nyl. Scand. p. 114. Th. Fr. Scand. p. 153. U. hirsuta, Tuck. Exs. n. 47. b. the under side granulate, fibrils mostly obsolete. U. tylorhiza, Nyl., fide Th. Fr. Rocks in high mountains. White Mountains, Tuckerman (U. hirsuta of Syn. N. Eng.) 1848. Newfoundland, Despreaux. North Shore of Lake Superior, Agassiz. Rocky Mountains, in- fertile. Hall. North West coast, infertile, Douglas. Fronds at length reaching six inches in diameter ; but the fruit not exceed- ing one line. 5, Southern Colorado, Brandegee (Herb. Willey). 13. U. Dillenii, Tuckerm. ; thallus large to very large, one- leaved, coriaceous, smooth ; from tawny- at length sooty-brown ; beneath very black, closely hirsute with short fibrils ; apothecia middling-sized, attached only at the centre, orbicular, convex, 88 "UMBILICARIA. plicate, and becoming lirellose, and immarginate. Spores ellip- soid, simple, decelerate, -^ mic. Lichenoides, Dill. Muse. p. 545. Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 72 ; Lich. exs. n. 46. Rocks. New Jersey (J. Bartram), Dillenius Muse. 1741. Common, in the low country, throughout the northern Atlantic States ; and southward, in the mountains, to Georgia (Ravenel) . Shores of Lake Superior, Agassiz. Northward to Newfound- land. The largest species known; the fronds exceeding at length nine inches in diameter, and the fruit now more than two lines, or four millim. The lichen is quite distinct from U. vellea. 14. U. angulata, Tuckerm. ; thallus scarcely middling, one- leaved, coriaceous, rigid, smooth ; from ashy- at length tawny - brown, rendered purplish by a thin bloom; beneath black, granulate, lacerate, and clothed at length more or less with paler fibrils; apothecia small to middling-sized, appressed, an- gulate-patellate, flattish, plicate, with a thick, persistent mar- gin. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^ mic. Syn. N. Eng. p. 74. * Semitensis, Tuckerm. ; scarcely differing in the specimens seen, except that the spores vary from simple and decolorate, when they resemble those of U. angulata, to brown, and muri- form multilocular (transverse series of spore-cells, 5-8; of 3 to 4 members, in the middle), measuring then |J mic. U. Semi- tensis, Gen. p. 31. Rocks of the Pacific coast, a, maritime rocks, Monterey, California (Menzies), Tuckerman 1. c. ]848. Observatory inlet, British Columbia, Herb. Hook. * Semitensis, further inland, Tosemite Valley, and elsewhere (Bolander), Tuckerman I. c. 1872. Fronds, of neither lichen, surpassing two inches in diameter. The spore-history of * is important as illustrating the view elsewhere taken by the author, of the inferior system- atic value of merely gradal differences in spores. It was re- marked (Lich. Calif, p. 7), that lichens which exhibit the ulti- mate condition or grade of their type of spore, exhibit also ideally, and in fact more or less, all the steps or grades in the preceding process of evolution. This is fully seen in U. Semi- tensis, which offers, in a full examination, simple, bilocular, and quadrilocular spores with entire spore-cells, and then every step beyond to perfectly muriform ones. And the simple spore of UMBILICARIA. 89 this series agrees in size as in every other respect with the spore of U. angulata; and is yet accompanied, in the same lichen, with the larger, muriform ones. The bearing of this is obvious. Gyrophora of authors cannot be distinguished from their Umbil- icaria by simple spores ; and the latter organs are rather to be called decolorate than colourless. * * Apothecia sub-scutellate, becoming plicate, and proliferous. Spores muriform-multilocular. Thallus papulous; the cortical layer parenchymatous throughout. Spores solitary, or in twos. Umbilicaria, Fee, Flot., and many recent authors. In this section the genus reaches its best development. The denigra- tion of the fruit is often less marked than in the first section, and its internal structure less divergent from that of Parme- liaceous types : and in these respects, and in the structure of the thallus as well, there is suggested a clear, if distant association with Sticta. 15. U. Caroliniana, Tuckerm. ; thallus middling, membrana- ceous, becoming polyphyllous, and the rounded lobes compli- cated, very smooth, irregularly or obscurely papulous; from olive- at length blackish-brown ; beneath pitted, granulate, very black; beset here and there with a few strong fibrils ; apothecia small, attached only at the centre, and elevated, from simple with a thick margin soon plicate, and finally proliferous. Spores ellip- soid, muriform-multilocular, brown, ^ mic. Obs. Lich. 4, 1. c. p. 167. U. mammulata, Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 69, non Ach.,fideNyl. Rocks, Grandfather mtn., North Carolina (Curtis], Tucker- man Syn. 1848. High mountains of North Carolina, Buckley. 16. U. Pennsylvania, Hoffm. ; thallus large, one-leaved, coriaceous, papulous ; from ashy- at length smoky-brown, often white powdery at the centre; beneath granulate, brownish- black, without fibrils ; apothecia small, attached at the centre, simple, flat ; but becoming proliferous, and excluding finally the obtuse, soon striate, and flexuous margin. Spores solitary, ellip- soid, muriform-multilocular, blackish-brown, J^ mic. Hoffm. PI. Lich. 3, p. 5. Hook, in App. Frarikl. exp. p. 759. Tuck, exs. n. 40. Rocks, Pennsylvania (Muhlenberg), Hoffmann I. c. 1801. The lichen occurs from Arctic America, Bichardson, throughout the Atlantic States, to Georgia, Eavenel. 90 PELTIGEREI. 17. U.pustulata (L.) Hoffm.; thallus small to middling in the mountain forms, one-leaved, coriaceous, papulous ; whitish- ash- coloured, more or less powdery or at length chinky; be- neath reticulately pitted, granulated, dark-brown now grey- pruinose ; apothecia small to almost middling, simple, flat, with an obtuse, at length irregular margin. Spores solitary, ellip- soid, muriform-multilocular, brown, ^^mic. Fr. L. E. p. 351* Gyrophora, Turn. & Borr. L. B. p. 232. b. papulosa, Tuckerm. j thallus middling to large, darker, and often brownish ; apothecia soon proliferous. Spores longer, gjnric. Syn.N.E.p.7Q] Exs. n. 141. Gyroph. papulosa, Ach. Syn. p. 67. Eocks. a, New York, Halsey View, 1823. Alpine region of the White Mountains, Tuckerman. Organ Mountains, Texas, Wright. Mountains of New Mexico, Fendler. &, though also alpine, is the common low- country lichen, and found from Penn- sylvania (Muhlenberg), Hoffm. D. Fl. 1796, northward to New- foundland, Despreaux ; and southward to the mountains of the Carolinas, and Georgia (Ravenel). In this fprm the fibrous glom- erules and fringe so common in the European plant are now ob- servable. Fam. 4. PEL'TIGEKEI. Thallus piano-ascendant, frondose-foliaceous, coriaceous- membrauaceous, beneath more or less villous, and marked now with veins, and now with little cups or heaps (cyphels). Gonimous layer varying in structure j the green cells com- posing it being now of the ordinary sort (gonidia) and now of the blue-green, gelatinous sort (gonimia). Fries, Meyer, and Eschweiler have taken their Peltigera (equivalent to our Peltigerei excluding Sticta) for the highest exhibition of the foliaceous type in Lichens. And if Sticta, to which Meyer gave the second place and Ny lander now assigns the first, be added, it will be easy to regard the family before us as constituting the true centre of the Parmeliacei. Peltigera is readily seen to be very close, on the one hand to Solorina, and on the other to Nephroma ; and the latter stands in most intimate and unquestioned affinity to Sticta. STICTA. 91 Looked at from the point of view of the spores, almost the whole of the lichens referable here is grouped at one of the extremes, the spores of Sticta, Nephroma, and Peltigera being 4-plurilocular, and seemingly of the Colourless Series and the analogical centre of the tribe represented only, if at all, by the almost rather Pannariine Erioderma. Nor is this the only curious feature of the Peltigerei. Though the close affinity of Sticta to Nephroma be scarcely to be questioned, or of the latter to Peltigera, and the at length plainly acicular and colourless spores of the last should seem to refer it, unmistakably, to the Colourless Series, there is never entirely wanting some slight evidence of coloration; which becomes marked in Nephroma, and Sticta, and is at least observable in Erioderma. There appears, however, to be little doubt entertained by authors that in all these cases the spores differ in type from those of Solo- rina; and 'the same view is, with some hesitation, accepted here : and the genus last-named is therefore the only member of the family clearly referable to the Brown Spore-series. Genera, p. 31. XIV. STICTA (Schreb.) Fr. Apothecia scutellseform, sub -marginal, elevated, now blackening. Spores fusiform, and acicular, 2-4-plurilocular j fuscescent or without colour. Spermatia oblong, thickened at the ends ; on multi-articulate sterigmas. Thallus fron- dose-foliaceous, variously but for the most part wide-lobed, rounded or now elongated, coriaceous-cartilagineous j villous beneath, where it is commonly dotted with cyphels, or marked with bare spots. Gonimous layer constituted, now of gonidia, and now of gonimia. Mainly a tropical genus, a large proportion of the species occurring also in, or con- fined to austral regions, but scarcely a fifth known in the northern temperate ones, where about half the prominent forms occur only sterile. * Thallus Parmeliiform j the under side only very rarely (and not at all in our species) bearing cyphels. Gonidia agreeing in all important respects with those of Parmelia, and Umbilicaria. Ricasolia, De Not. 92 STICTA. 1. S. amplissima (Scop.) Mass.; thallus ample> orbicular, appressed, cartilagineous-coriaceous, smooth or with age trans- versely wrinkled ; cinereous-glaucescent ; beneath tawny dark- ening toward the centre, villous; the elongated lobes either wide and for the most part compacted, or now narrowed and the sinuate lobation marked ; apothecia scattered, ample to large ; the disk chestnut ; the entire margin at length in flexed. Spores acicular, from bi- at length quadrilocular, soon colourless, ^ mic. Parmelia, Schcer. Spicil. p. 450. Sticta glomeruli- fera, Fr. L. E. p. 54. Tuck. Exs. n. 105. Eicasolia, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 368. Trunks and rocks, common at the north, from New England, Tucker man, Enum. 1845, to Canada, Macrae, and Arctic Amer- ica (Farm, herbacea), Richardson. Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg in Jierb. Willd. Ohio, Lea. Wisconsin, Lapham. And it follows the mountains southward to Virginia, Curtis ; and North Caro- lina, Ravenel. So far as seen the southern lichen is smallish, and now suggestive of the closely allied S. erosa. 2. S.herbacea (Huds.) Ach. ; thallus membranaceous, ap- pressed, smooth; from pale- at length dark-brown; beneath mostly pale, villous ; lobes sinuately repand, with rounded tips ; apothecia scattered, ample; the inflexed margin sub-crenate. Spores fusiform, 2-locular, ^ mic. Del. Stict. p. 132, t. 16, /. 56. Fr. L. E. p. 55. Eicasolia intermedia, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 369. Trunks, Orizaba, Mexico, F. Miiller in herb. Willey. Scarcely differs from the European species ; nor is any differ- ence of importance noted in Nylander's cited description. The interest of the lichen lies in its affording us at last a good American representative of the European plant. Our northern . amplissima is always without the "glomerules" so long taken for characteristical of the lichen in Europe, and was re- ferred therefore, without doubt, in the catalogues of Muhlen- berg, Halsey, and Hooker, who do not otherwise recognize it, to the really thinner and less divided S. herbacea ; from which we now know it to be also separated by the spores. And the spores decide equally the place of certain wider-lobed conditions of the southern and tropical S. erosa, which might pass, and have passed with very experienced lichenists, for the present species. STICTA. 93 3. S. erosa (Eschw.) ; thallus generally like that of S. am- plissima, but smaller and more membranaceous, scrobiculate ; glaucescent (fuscescent;) beneath villous and becoming black- ish-brown; the lobes now more entire or erose-crenate, and now passing, as in the other species named into narrowed and looser, more or less strongly sinuate divisions j apothecia scat- tered, middling to ample, membranaceous ; the disk chestnut j the inflexed margin at length lobulate-crenate. Spores slender- acicular, 2-4-locular, soon without colour, 4 J mic. Parme- lia, Eschw. Bras. p. 211. Sticta Ravenelii, Tuckerm. Suppl. 2, I. c. p. 203. Ricasolia crenulata v. stenospora, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 373, dein E. erosa, Nyl. in Prodr. Fl. N. Gran. p. 21. Trunks and rocks, in the low country of South Carolina and Georgia (Ravenel), Tuckerman 1. c. 1859, Florida, Austin, and throughout the Gulf States, Peters, Hale, etc. Also in the Island of Cuba (Lich. Cub. n. 66), and elsewhere within the tropics. Differing in its (at length deeply and reticulately) pit- ted upper side, and its crenulate-lobate apothecia, in which last feature it resembles at length S. crenulata (Hook.) Del., and S. pallida (Hook.). 4. 8. dissecta, Ach.; thallus ample, orbicular, coriaceous, lacero-laciniate, more or less lacunose; cinerous-glaucescent ; beneath villous in blackish anastomosing veins between naked, pale spots ; the elongated lobes more or less deeply or even pin- nately sinuate, with rounded and crenate circumference ; apo- thecia middling to ample, scattered ; disk chestnut, bordered by a sub-entire or finally lobulate margin. Spores broad-fusi- form, 2-4-locular, fuscescent, ^ mic. Ach. L. U. p. 451. S. peltigera, Del. Stict. p. 150. Ricasolia dissecta, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 370, & E. sub-dissecta, Nyl. ibid. p. 371. b. corrosa, Ach. ; lobes passing, more or less, at the margins, into a fringe of slender lobules. Ach. Syn. p. 235. S. dissecta, Del. Stict. p. 148. Ricasolia corrosa, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 372. Trunks, Mexico, Nylander I. c. 1860. Well distinguished by its veiny under side, and brown spores. It is admirably exhibited in Lindig's New Granada collection ; for I cannot consider the Nos. 713, 2543 of the first, and 66 and 79 of the second series of this collection (Ricasolia sub-dissecta, Nyl.) as at all well separable in species from No. 113 (R. dissecta, Nyl.). 94 STICTA. 5. S. pallida, Hook. ; thallus irregularly wide-lobed, mem- branaceous, smoothish ; glaucescent ; beneath villous, pale ; the rounded, sparingly sinuate lobes repand or crenate. Apothecia sub-marginal, middling to ample ; disk chestnut, bordered rather widely by the lobate- crenate margin. Spores acicular with more or less attenuate tips, 8-12-locular, scarcely coloured, ^ mic. S. Kunthii, Del Stict. p. 126. Eicasolia pallida, Nyl. i. 1, p. 372. Trees, Mexico, Krempelhuber Exot. Flecht. 1868; and else- where in tropical and austral America. Another well-marked species ; my specimens of which are from Venezuela (Fendler), New Granada (Lindig n. 2514, from which I cannot separate n. 13 of the second series, which is ticketed Eicasolia crenulata), and Bolivia (Mandon). * * Thallus lax, and, for the most part, large- or long-lobed ; the under side bearing cyphels : or spotted. Gonidia agreeing generally with those of the first section. Stict a, Nyl. \ Thallus bearing cyphels, which are now (n. 5) urceolate, and now (n. 6) sorediiform, poivdery heaps. 6. S. damcecornis (Auct. pr. p.); thallus ample, loosely ex- tended, membranaceous- coriaceous, smooth or now pitted ; glau- cescent (fuscescent, rufous or now yellowish) beneath from pale becoming dark-brown with a similarly varying, mostly thin nap (which is now deficient), besprinkled with urceolate cyphels; lobes elongated, now wide and rounded, flexuously sinuate or sub-piunatifid, and now narrowed into linear, dichotomously multifid, at length densely intertangled divisions; apothecia sub-marginal, middling-sized; disk chestnut and blackening; the entire (or now irregularly dentate) margin often pilose, of the colour of the thallus. Spores fusiform, typically 4-locular, colourless when free, ^^ mic. S. damcecornis & S. laciniata, Ach. L. U. p. 446, pro p. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 354, 356 pro max. p. On trees, Mexico, Nylander ; and generally throughout the tropics. One of the best-known of tropical lichens, and (confused more or less with S. quercizans) very early observed and de- scribed ; the specific name being derived from the descriptive phrase of Plumier, 1703. This was the sub-linear, many-cleft plant, the segments of which, as Dillenius says (Hist. Muse. t. STICTA. 95 29, 115), imitate more closely the figure of buck's-horns than those of any other species. Swartz, who recognized this lichen and gave its name the form it has since borne (Prodr. Ind. Occ.), undertook also to separate a wider-lobed one, which, as contrast- ing with his l multipartite- dichotomous ' damcecornis, he pro- posed to call Lichen laciniatus. He figured this last (Lich. Amer. t. 7) as Hoffmann had already done (PI. Lich. 3, t. 65, 3), and it was received as a species by Acharius, who yet remarked (I. c.) that only the width of the lobes kept it from damcecornis. But Delise, who followed Bory in distinguishing specifically two members of Acharius's S. damcecornis, followed also the latter author in accepting S. laciniata, though he scarcely added to our knowledge of it. And finally both lichens have been re- viewed, and set up once more as distinct by Nylander, I. c. The considerable material which has brought me to a different opin- ion embraces, beside the large collections of Fendler in Vene- zuela, and Wright in Cuba, not a few from the herbaria of Hooker, Greville, and Borrer, from the Berlin herbarium, and the Paris herbarium (the last, as some others, being determined by Nylauder), and above all from the herbarium of Delise, and the admirable New Granada collection of Lindig, also named by Nylander. And all this scarcely leaves room for doubt that Acharius was right, and that the distinction of 8. laciniata from the other is wholly an arbitrary one. The thalline characters by no means justify it j and the spores, in which Nylander ap- pears willing to see some slight difference in the measurements, prove positively the same. It is true that the group, as thus understood, is a vast, and, like other tropical groups, a very varied one ; it appears better however to keep it together, at least until sub-species can be indicated from the evidence of larger material, and more satisfactorily, than has yet been done. S. damcecornis, v. macropliylla, Nyl. I. c., as respects my specimen of S. macropliylla j Del., from the herbarium of the latter, as also a specimen from the Paris Museum named by Nylander himself, should be excluded (by the criterion of the gonidia) from the species. And S. patula, M. & V. d. Bosch, which is referred by the same author, 1. c., to his v. caper ata, differs yet, in the origi- nal specimens (as in another from Tahiti), in larger, often fus- cescent spores, measuring ^jj mic., which suggest rather v. platyphyllaj Nyl., now taken by him for a species. 96 STICTA. 7. S. aurata (Sm.) Ach. ; thallus ample, coriaceous-mem - branaceous, broadly and deeply lobed, smoothish ; from greenish- glaucescent soon reddening, and brownish-red, or at length rose-red; lemon-coloured within; beneath villous, tawny be- coming of much the same colour at the circumference but black- ening towards the middle, with minute sorediiform cyphels; lobes sinuately cut, with soon waved and crisped and yellow- powdery edges ; apothecia [in Cuban and Brazilian specimens, ample, marginal, oblique, membranaceous ; the disk dark-pur- plish; the narrow, sub-entire margin more or less inflexed. Spores irregularly fusiform, 4-locular, fuscescent, 2l & *- mic.] Fr. L. E. p. 50. Parmelia Eschw. Bras. p. 216. Sticta, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 361. Among mosses on trunks and rocks, always infertile. Tuck- erman Syn. 1848; from the south shore of Massachusetts, Willey, Pennsylvania, Michener, and Ohio, Lea, to the Carolinas and Georgia, Ravenel, the Gulf States, Hale, Wright, etc. ; and Mexico. f f Thallus ivithout cyptiels, but varied for the most part be- neath with pale, naked spots. 8. S. pulmonaria (L.) Ach.; thallus coriaceous, ample, loosely extended, lacunose-reticulate ; tawny- olivaceous, and dark- tawny ; (now sorediiferous, or also isidiophorous) beneath sparingly brown-villous in veins between pale naked spots; lobes elongated, deeply, at length narrowly, sinuate -lobate, with retuse-truncate ends ; apothecia sub-marginal, middling- sized ; the disk red-brown ; the thin, entire or wrinkled, finally concolorous margin at length excluded. Spores cymbiform, 2- 4-locular, colourless when free, ^jj mic. Ach. L. U. p. 449, nom. emend. Fr. L. E. p. 53. Tuck. Lich. cxs. n. 68. Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 95. b. hypomela, Del. ; the veins of the under side black. Del. Stict. p. 144. c. linita, Nyl. ; the orbiculate thallus round-lobed, with cre- nate at length lobulate ends ; less lacunose ; and of much the same colour beneath. Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 96. S. linita, Ach. Syn. p. 234. Nyl. Syn. (S. Garovaglii, Schcer. incl.) p. 353. Trees and rocks. A common northern lichen from Pennsyl- vania, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818, to Newfoundland, Pylaie, and westward to Wisconsin, Lapham. Southward it follows the STICTA. 97 mountains to N. and S. Carolina, Eavenel; and is found also on the N. W. Coast, Douglas ; Hall. b is a tree-form, found in Pennsylvania, Krempelhuber Exot. Flecht. 1868, and, well- marked, in California, Fitch, and Oregon, Hall c, a rock- form first noted as an United States plant by Delise, Stict. 1822, occurs, as distinguishable now from a as the European, at the White Mountains, Tucker man, Syn., 1848, and northward to islands of Behriug's Straits, Wright. 9. S. Oregana, Tuckerm. ; thallus coriaceous-membrana- ceous, ample, lacero-laciniate, lacunose-reticulate ; greenish- glaucescent and flavescent ; beneath reticulately brown- villous between naked, white spots; lobes elongated, rounded at the circumference, with erose, finally crenate-lobulate and dissected edges ; apothecia scattered, middling-sized ; the disk chestnut the thin, denticulate margin finally excluded. Spores fusiform and acicular, 4-locular, without colour when free, ^~ mic. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, vol. 5, 4, p. 20. Trees, Oregon, Hall. * * * Thallus as in the preceding section, except that the place of gonidia is taken here by gonimia. Stict in a, Nyl. f Thallus bearing cyphels, tvhich are either (n. 9, 10, 11, 12) urceolate or (n. 13, 14) sorediiform. 10. 8. Humboldtii, Hook. ; thallus cartilagineous, wide-lobed, villous on both sides ; ashy-grey above ; beneath pale brown, more or less spongy-villous, and besprinkled with urceolate whitish cyphels ; lobes irregularly and sparingly divided, with rounded undulate ends; apothecia scattered, middling- sized, externally villous ; disk reddish-brown ; margin entire. Spores fusiform, 2-4-locular, soon without colour. Del. Stict. p. 69. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 341. Trees in Mexico, Nylander, I. c. 11. S. tomentosa (Sw.) Ach. ; thallus smallish, membrana- ceous-coriaceous, widely laciniate, mostly pitted or now smooth; glaucescent passing into lurid-brown; beneath pale for the most part, spongy-villous, besprinkled with concave, at length ample, white cyphels; lobes deeply-divided, rounded at the ends and repand-crenate, or now narrowed and bifid, sub-ciliate ; apothecia scattered or sub-marginal, at length middling to 7 98 STICTA. ample; disk reddish-brown and blackening; the very entire (now also denticulate) margin becoming pilose or shaggy. Spores fusiform, 2-4-locular, soon without colour, ^ mic. Ach. L. U. p. 450. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 343. Trees, Mexico ; and elsewhere in tropical America, Nylander ; I. c. A difficult species, closely related, on the one hand to S. cometia, Ach., and on the other to S. quercizans. It is under- stood here as represented by Stictina tomentosa, Nyl. in Lindig Herb. N. Gran. n. 120, and n. 119 (from which last however I cannot at all separate in species the S. Lenormandi,V. d. Bosch, Nyl., of Lindig n. 2522, which should seem to carry with it the other lichens of this collection so-named) and S. tomentosa, v. dilatata, Nyl. in Mandou Lich. Boliv. n. 1745. The S. tomentosa of Lindig n. 2521, differs only in smoothness, but is interesting as enabling us to connect with the species before us a Sandwich Island lichen with always rather longer and now 5-6-locular spores, which has sometimes passed with lichenographers for the equivocal S. Ambavillaria, Del. (Nyl. in Herb. Mus. Par.). And this latter plant associates itself readily with the Venezuelan S. leucoblepharis, Mont. & Tuck., already referred here by Ny- lander. The lichen in Lindig coll. 2, u. 82, scarcely well asso- ciable with the other conditions of S. tomentosa, cited above, is at least comparable with some of the specimens of Wright Lich. Cub. n. 56 (S. guercizans, v. damcecornifolia). 12. S. quercizans (Michx.) Ach. ; thallus cartilagineous- coria- ceous, orbiculate and sub-imbricate, or loosely extended, lacini- ate-lobate, smooth ; from greenish-glaucescent becoming reddish- brown, or passing into yellowish ; clothed beneath with a mostly spongy, pale-brownish or blackening (now obsolescent) nap, which is besprinkled with urceolate, whitish cyphels; lobes deeply sinuate and now pinnatifid, with rounded and repaud or crenulate ends, often at length crisped, and fringed densely with minute coralloid branchlets, passing also, in the tropics, into a narrowed, dichotomously-multifid, entangled form, like an anal- ogous state of S. damcecornis ; [apothecia, in tropical specimens, sub-marginal, smallish to middling; the disk reddish-brown; the thin, entire margin now denticulate and pilose, and finally concolorous. Spores fusiform, 4-locular, soon colourless, ^ mic.] Tucker m. Syn. N. E. p. 22, & Lick. exs. n. 66. Nyl. Syn. 1 ; p. 344-6. STICTA. 99 Trunks and rocks, Grandfather mountain, N. Carolina, Michaux, FL, 1803, and common throughout the southern States, Eavenel, Hale; as, westward, to Ohio, Lesquereux; and, scarcely less so, northward to Canada ; always infertile. Oregon, also infertile, Hall. Mexico, Nylander. Michaux describes apothecia, which may probably have been derived from some tropical specimen, whether of S. dameecornis, as Nylander supposes, or of what we now should call S. quer- cizans. The only Sticta, beside S. pulmonaria, seen by me in herb. Michx. (Herb. Mus. Par.) which specimen is ticketed 'Lichen, Grandfather rnont.,' is clearly the ' varietas sterilis marginibus pannoso-crispis ' of his Flora, and the common North American state of the present species. It is only in the tropical and austral regions of the earth that the lichen reaches its full development. And here it exhibits so close a relationship to S. damcecornis that the distinction of the two turns at length on the systematic value we assign to the two sorts of gonidia. 13. S. sylvatica (L.) Ach.; thallus cartilagineous-membrana- ceous, deeply laciniate ; from greenish- becoming reddish-brown ; beneath pale, villous, with urceolate, whitish cyphels; lobes dif- form with repand or lacerate edges, now somewhat pitted, and rather sparingly roughened with grey granulations; [apothecia as in the next, Nyl.] Ach. L. U. p. 454. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 3-18. Rocks among mosses. Catskill Mountains, New York (Peck), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Agrees with the European lichen, and differs like that from the next, as from S. quercizans. The S. sylvatica of Muhlenberg, and of Halsey, is doubtful ; as they did not recognize the nearly akin lichen of Michaux. 13(&). S- fuliginosa (Dicks.) Ach. ; thallus coriaceous-mem- branaceous, orbiculate, round-lobed ; dark-lurid-grey ; beneath pale, villous, with concave, whitish cyphels; lobes mostly very entire, wrinkled, and besprinkled, at length densely, with black- ish granules ; [apothecia, in a Welsh specimen from Mr. Borrer, marginal, smallish, biatoroid, the reddish-brown disk soon con- vex, and the thin, entire, paler margin disappearing. Spores fusiform, 2-4-locular. soon colourless, ^'f mic.] Ach. I c. Nyl. 1. c. p. 347. Rocks and trunks. New England, Tuckerman Gen. 1872; Willey. California, Bolander. Oregon, Hall. British Colum- 100 STICTA. bia, Lyall. Mexico (fertile), Krempelhuber Lich. exot. It is observable that while the present is a cosmopolitan lichen, so marked that it seems impossible not to give it a separate place, the near akin 8. sylvatica is all but confined to Europe, and closely approaches the northern (and original) form of S. querci- zans. It is difficult to understand how such an observer as Dillenius should emphasize as he does the difference between the fruit of his t. 27, f. 101 (S. sylvatica} and that of his t. 26, f. 100 (S. fuliginosa), but much more difficult to suppose with Delise (Stict. p. 87) that the figure 101, etched as well as drawn by the author of the Historia Muscorum, should represent what was nothing less than a confusion of plants of different genera. But we cannot but note that the figure 100, exhibiting a lichen from.Cader Idris in Wales, contrasts also with 101, irrespectively of the peltate difference of the last, in having the apothecia not even marginal, but scattered; a character which reappears in most books, though certainly qualified in Ach. L. U. And it is not then without interest that Mr. Borrer's already cited plant, which was also from Cader Idris, and determined by him as S. fuliginosa, has on its lobes forty odd apothecia, and that these are all but uniformly close to the margin. These small fruits (averaging 1-1, f> mm -) have furnished me with abundant spores; upon which compare Nyl. I. c. 13(c). S. limbata (Sm.) Ach. ; thallus much as in the last but smallish, membranaceous, orbiculate, and sub-rnonophyllous ; from leaden- at length liver-brown, smooth ; the broad, rounded lobes beset toward the margins with conspicuous, rounded, grey soredia; [apothecia scattered, appressed; disk rusty-brown, finally excluding the margin.] Fr. L. E. p. 52. Nyl. Syn. p. 346. Mudd Man. Brit. Lich. p. 88. Oak trees, on the Coast range of mountains, Oregon, Herb., J. W. Eckfeldt. 14. S. crocata (L.) Ach. ; thallus membranaceous-coriaceous, irregularly laciniate, pitted more or less and- at length reticu- lately ribbed, besprinkled commonly and edged with lemon-col- oured soredia ; from greenish-glaucescent becoming brownish, tawny, or russet-brown ; beneath of much the same colour or blackening, the spongy nap speckled with lemon-coloured, sore- diiform cyphels ; lobes wide and rounded, with erose or crenate circumference, or (f. laciniosa] narrowed into sub-linear, pinna- STICTA. 101 tifid divisions with retuse-bifid ends ; [apothecia, in exotic speci- mens, now scattered and now marginal, smallish to middling- sized ; the disk reddish-brown and blackening ; the paler margin mostly entire. Spores cymbiforra, 2-locular, brown, ^'^ mic.] Ach. L. U. p. 447. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 65. S. crocata, & S. gilva, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 338. Rocks among mosses, and rarely also on trunks, New Eng- land, Tuckerman Syn. 1848. Canada, Macoun. Mountains of North Carolina, S. B. Buckley. Oregon, Hall. It is unknown here in a fertile state. The narrowed form (f. laciniosa) ap- pears to connect the more familiar wide one with the at length palmately many-cleft plant of the Sandwich Islands, which does not differ from the var. gilva, Ach., from the Cape of Good Hope. The fruit of S. crocata varies in a manner perhaps not wholly without bearing on Dilleuius's account of the fruit of S. sylvatica. It occurs now scattered, on the wider-lobed fronds, with the look of that of Parmelia ; and, then again, on the narrowed condi- tions, it is marginal. And the shores of the Straits of Magellan furnish us, finally, with an otherwise marked state (v. mallota (*) ) in which the conspicuous apothecia are not only exactly marginal and oblique (as in S. aurata in Mart. Ic. PL Crypt. Bras. t. 14, f. 1, 1) but occur moreover on somewhat extended lobules, and deserve the character of sub-peltate (Fr. L. E. p. 50) and a com- parison with the peltate ones of the cited figure of Dillenius quite as much as those of S. aurata. 15. S. anthraspis, Ach.; 'thallus cartilagineous-coriaceous, wide-lobed, lacunose-reticulate, now conspicuously beset, like the following species, with grey soredia; olivaceous-brown be- coming tawny, and russet-brown ; rounded at the circumference which is sub-crenate, or now more deeply cut and retuse-bifid ; beneath covered with a pale nap, darkening and denser toward the centre, and besprinkled with white, sorediiform cyphels; apothecia scattered; middling-sized; disk from red-brown be- coming black and convex; excluding the thin, entire (or also now denticulate) margin. Spores fusiform, 2-4-locular, very soon colourless, y~ mic. Ach. L. U. p. 449 ; Syn. p. 233. (*) Sticta crocata, var. mallota, Milii; tliallo utrinque plus minus liirsuto ; apotlieciis marginalibus ol)liquis. Sporce speciei nisi 4-locu- lares, longit. 0,025-32 mm -? crassit, 0,008-ll mm -. Ad Fretum Magellani- cum, jRei\ T. Hill. Does not differ at all from the wider lobed condi- tion of S. crocata, a, except in the points named. 102 ^EPHROMA. Among mosses on rocks, and on trunks. Coast of California, Menzies in Ach. Meth. 1803. Coast of Oregon, Hall. f f Thallus without cypliels, but marked beneath with naked, white spots. 16. S. Hallii, Tuckerm.; thallus cartilagineous-coriaceous, wide-lobed, reticulate-lacunose, delicately rimulose-granulate, and at length more or less villous, and beset now with lead-col- oured soredia, ashy-glaucescent ; beneath ribbed, pale-villous between naked whitish spots ; lobes rounded, very entire ; apo- thecia scattered, smallish to middling-sized, biatoroid, the exci- ple externally pilose ; disk reddish-brown ; the paler margin entire. Spores cymbiform, bilocular, brown, ^^ mic. Obs. Lich. 4, I c. p. 168. On trunks, Oregon, E. Hall; to whom the lichen is gratefully inscribed. 17. S. scrobiculata (Scop.) Ach. ; thallus ample, sub-orbicu- lar, coriaceous, smooth, pitted, beset more or less with grey sore- dia; yellowish-green; beneath becoming densely dark-villous between naked, pale spots ; lobes rounded, sub-crenate ; [apo- thecia, in European specimens, scattered, smallish ; disk red- brown; margin entire. Spores long- fusiform, 4-8-locular, at length colourless, ^ mic.] Ach. L. U. p. 353. Tuck. exs. n. 67. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 353. Rocks among mosses; and on trunks; not seen fertile. New- foundland, De la Pylaie, 1826. New England, not rare. Oregon, Hall. British Columbia, Lyall; Macoun. XV. NEPHROMA, Ach. Apothecia reniform ; innate in the under side of some- what extended lobules; the entire margin disappearing. Spores sub-fusiform, quadrilocular, fuscescent. Spermatia oblong, narrowed a little at the middle ; on multi-articulate sterigmas. Thallus frondose, more or less villous beneath (except in n. 3) but not veiny. Gouimous layer constituted now (sect. *) of gonidia, and now (sect. * *) of gonimia. Structurally close to Slicta, Nephroma is a well-distinguished, small group, having its main development in the cooler NEPHROMA. 103 regions of the earth. All the European species are also North American. * Gonimous layer constituted of gonidia. 1. JV. arcticum (L.) Fr. ; thallus large to very large, coria- ceous; of flexuous, rounded lobes which are smooth, and greenish-straw-coloured above, and black beneath with a paler margin, and a coarse, appressed nap, becoming obsolete; apo- thecia large, to very large ; disk brick-red. Spores fusiform- oblong, 4-locular, pale brown, ^ mic. Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 18, & LicJi. exs. n. 62. Nyl. Syn. p. 316. Rocks among mosses, and on trunks, in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland, Retz Fl. Scand. 1779, and elsewhere in Arctic America, Richardson, etc. North West Coast, Scouler, etc. White Mountains, Tuckerman, Lich. N. E. 1838. Essex Mountains, N. Y., Peck. 2. N. expattidum, Nyl. ; thallus ample, coriaceous-rnembrana- ceous, lobes rounded, smooth, undulate, crenate, and finally crisped; from greenish-glaucescent becoming tawny -brown; beneath blackish-brown with pale margin, and a delicate nap; apothecia of middling size; disk reddish-brown. Spores fusi- form-ellipsoid and dactyloid; pale-brownish, ^ mic. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 318 (Nephromium). On the earth, dead wood, etc., in arctic regions. Great Bear Lake (Richardson ? ), Leighton in Ann. Nat. Hist. 1870. Green cells gonidia rather than gonimia ; but Nylander takes them for intermediate between the two sorts gonidimia, Nyl. * * Gonimous layer constituted of gonimia. 3. N. tomentosum (Hoffm.) Koerb. ; thallus ample, cartila- 'ineous-membranaceous ; lobes sinuately cut, rounded-crenate, tomentose above more or less at the circumference, the fertile ones elongated ; from greenish - glaucescent becoming lead- coloured or lurid-brown ; pale and tomentose beneath, where they are beset commonly with minute white, confluent tubercles; apothecia middling to large ; disk reddish-brown. Spores fusi- form-ellipsoid and oblong, pale-brown, ?~ mic. Koerb. Syst. p. 56. N. resupinatum, Ach. L. U. p. 522, a. Tuckerm. Syn. N. E.p. 18, & Lich. exs. n. 13. JUv^'lr. Trunks in mountain forests, and also on rocks. Arctic Amer- 104 NEPHROMA. ica, Richardson (Frankl. Narr., & Leight. in Journ. Linn. Soc.), 1823. New England, etc., Tuckerman. Canada, Macoun. Ore- gon, Hall. British Columbia, Macoun. Occurs naked and smooth above, and scarcely tomentose beneath. 4. N. Helveticum, Ach. ; thallus membranaceous, smaller and more narrowly and deeply sinuate-laciniate than the last; smooth and for the most part naked above ; and from grey soon tawny- brown ; the rounded, undulate-crenate lobes fringed with tooth- like lobules ; beneath blackening and tomentose ; apothecia smallish to middling-sized ; from reddish-brown soon blacken- ing. Spores ellipsoid and sub-fusiform, brown, ^J mic. Ach. L. U.p. 523. Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 18, & Lick. exs. n. 14. On trees and rocks. Arctic America, Eicliardson (Frankl. Narr., & Leight. in Journ. Linn. Soc.), 1823. New England, etc., Tuckerman. Westward to Oregon, Hall, and California, Bo- lander. Southward common, and the characteristic species, from the Carol inas, Ravenel, to Alabama, Peters, and Louisiana, Hale. Also in Mexico, Nylander. The lichen is well -distin- guished here, and scarcely to be united with either of the other species. There is however a rock-form passing generally above into minute lobules (N. asperum, Mihi, olim) in which the under side is only obsoletely or scarcely tomentose, and which in other respects is not unlike N. Icevigatum; itself likewise now obso- letely tomentose, as in Anz. Langob. n. 252. 5. N. Isevigatum, Ach. ; thallus coriaceous-membrauaceous, rosulate, with smallish, rounded, undulate lobes, which are very smooth but at length wrinkled and pitted above ; and from glau- cescent becoming more or less chestnut-brown ; beneath mostly pale, wrinkled, naked; apothecia smallish to middling-sized; disk reddish-brown. Spores fusiform-ellipsoid, and daetyloid, pale brown, mic. Ach. Syn. p. 242. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 320. Peltigera bella, Spreng. Syst. b. parile, Nyl. ; thinner and softer, at length darker ; beneath blackening; the lobes besprinkled, especially at the margins, -with grey soredia. Nyl. I. c. Nephroma, Ach. Tackerm. Syn. N. E. p. 18. On mossy rocks, and also on trunks, in mountain forests. New England and northern States (Torrey], Sprengel Syst. Veg. (Peltig. Mia, Spreng. !), 1827. Greenland, Vahl. e Th. Fr. PELTIGERA. 105 Oregon, Hall. British Columbia, Macoun. &, New England, Tuckerman, Lich. N. E. 1841. Canada, Macoun. 5(6). N. Lusitanicum, Schssr. ; thallus coriaceous-rnembra- naceous, sinuately at length deeply cut, with crenate tips, from smooth becoming more or less wrinkled above ; and from brown- ish-glaucescent dark-reddish-brown; beneath smooth; yellow within ; apothecia of middling size. Spores as in the last. Schcer. Enum. p. 323. Rocks, trees, and bushes. California, Bolander. Oregon, Hall. Nephromium sub-laevigatum, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 321, from the peak of Orizaba, Mexico, is, to judge by the diagnosis, dis- tinguished especially from N. Icevigatum by its more or less reticulately wrinkled thallus. N. cellulosum, Ach., is another member of the stock of N. Icevigatum, the whole difference of which (a difference sufficiently foreshadowed in the older spe- cies) is indicated by its name ; and it is observable that Nylander inclines, I. c. to recognize this Australian lichen (Van Diemen's Land, Herb. Hook.) in Europe. XVI. PELTIGERA (Willd., Hoffm.) Fee. Apothecia peltseform ; with a sub-crenate margin ; ad- nate to the upper side of extended lobules, or rarely mar- ginal. Spores fusiform, or acicular, 4-plurilocular, at length colourless. Thallus froudose, veiny and villous beneath, where it is deprived of the cortical layer. Gonimous layer constituted now (n. 1, 2) of gouidia; but, in all the other species, of gonimia. A familiar, small group of the north- ern hemisphere, which extends however into the cooler regions of the southern ; and becomes even, in some forms, tropical. We have all the species. * Gonimous layer constituted of gonidia. 1. P. venosa (L.) Hoffm. ; thallus small, coriaceous, becom- ing fan-shaped, simple ; greeuish-ash-coloured ; beneath white, variegated with coarse, divaricate, blackening veins ; apothecia marginal, middling-sized, rounded, horizontal; disk from red- dish finally blackish-brown. Spores fusiform, brownish, as in ihe other species, while in the thekes, 4-locular, ^ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 48. Tuckerm. Lich. exs. n. 63. 106 PELTIGERA. On the earth. Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. New York, Torrey. Vermont (argillaceous soil), Russell Canada, Macoun. Greenland, J. Vahl. Behring's Straits, Wright. N. W. Coast, Menzies, etc. Rocky Mountains, E. Hall. New Mexico, Fendler. \/ 2. P. aplithosa (L.) Hoffm.j thallus ample to large, coriace- ous, softish, smooth ; from apple-green becoming glaucescent ; the broad, rounded, repand lobes besprinkled with appressed, creuate, brown warts ; and beneath reticulated with blackening veins which disappear finally in a close nap ; sparingly fibrillose ; apothecia on somewhat extended lobules, middling to ample, round; disk reddish-brown. Spores acicular, 4-8-locular, 4 ^ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 44. Tuckerm. Lich. exs. n. 9. Eocks, among mosses, and on the earth, common in mountain forests. Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818, and the north- ern States. Lake Superior shores, Agassiz, and northward throughout Arctic America, Richardson, etc. Ohio, Lesquereux. Rocky Mountains, Hall. N. W. Coast, Scouler, etc. Mountains of North Carolina, Ravenel. A rather reduced and thinner state (f. minor, Tuckerm. exs. n. 102), with pale, conspicuously brown-reticulated under side, is common here, and is also Euro- pean. The apothecia occur now marginal (f. marginalis, Tuckerm. Gen. p. 37) as in the preceding species ; the specimens (otherwise reduced) being from Behring's Straits, Wright; and the alpine regions of the Rocky Mountains, Hall. * * Gonimous layer constituted of gonimia. 3. P. horizontalis (L.) Hoffm. ; thallus ample, coriaceous, smooth ; from glaucous-greenish becoming cinereous-rufescent ; reticulated beneath with blackening veins which soon pass into a continuous, close nap ; sparingly fibrillose ; apothecia on abbre- viated lobules or sub-marginal, middling-sized, transversely ob- long, flat, horizontal ; disk reddish-brown. Spores fusiform, 4- locular, pale-brownish, ^ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 47. Tuckerm. Lich. exs. n. 11, 12. Moist rocks among mosses. Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818, and throughout the middle and northern States. Canada, Macoun. Ohio, Lea. Rocky Mountains, Hayden. Shores of Behring's Straits, Wright. New Mexico, Fendler. Mountains, of North Carolina, Ravenel. PELTIGERA. 107 4. P. polydactyla (Neck.) Hoffm. ; thallus ample, for the most part thin, and very smooth and bright; from greenish-glauces- cent becoming lead-coloured, or now brown ; beneath somewhat naked, conspicuously reticulated with brown veins ; the rather elongated fertile lobes digitately clustered ; the middling-sized apothecia finally revolute; disk reddish-brown. Spores acicu- lar ; slender, 4-8-locular, ^ mic. Ach. Syn. p. 240. Tuck- erm. Lich. exs. n. 10. Rocks, and trunks, among mosses. Pennsylvania, Muhlen- berg Catal 1818. New York, Halsey. New England, Tucker- man. Ohio, Drege, etc. Low country of the southern States from South Carolina, Ravenel, to Louisiana, Hale. Rocky Moun- tains, J". Wolf. Pacific Coast, Douglas, etc. Mexico (f. dolicho- rhiza, Nyl.), Nylander. 5. P. scutata (Dicks.) Leight; thallus smallish, thin and paper-like, or now thicker as in the last, dull, and at length somewhat roughened ; greenish-ash-coloured and rufescent; the narrowed, crisped lobes more or less grey-sorediate at the mar- gins, the fertile ones very short and scattered ; beneath white and reticulated with brown veins ; apothecia smallish, rounded, or transversely oblong; disk blackish-brown. Spores acicular, 4-8-locular, ^ mic. Peltidea, Ach. Syn. p. 237. Hook. Br. Fl. 2, p. 215. Peltigera, Leight. Lich.-Fl. Brit. p. 210. P. Urn- bata, Delis, herb., Hepp. Nyl. in Norrl. Lich. Fenn. On the earth, rocks, and trees, among mosses. Pennsylva- nia, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. White Mountains, Tuckerman. Ohio, Drege, Lesquereux, etc. British Columbia, Dr. Lyall. Oregon, Hall. California, Bolander. Differs both from the last and the next following species, and may properly take a place by itself. There is no doubt of the legitimateness of the long-received name, which can hardly yield now toDelise's man- uscript one. 6. P.pulverulenta (Tayl.) Nyl. ; thallus middling-sized, cor- iaceous, more or less furrowed and pitted, opake, rimulose-gran- ulate; from greenish-glaucescent becoming ash-coloured and lurid brown; beneath white with brown at length confluent veins ; the short fertile lobes digitately clustered ; apothecia middling-sized; orbicular, disk dark-brown. Spores acicular, 4-8-locular, ^ mic. Peltidea, Tayl. New Lich. in. Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1847,^?. 184. P. rufescens, var., Nyl. Syn. 1, 108 PELTIGERA. p. 325; Scand.p. 89. P. scutata, Flat., Koerb. Syst. p. 60, pro p. P. scabrosa, Th. Fr. Lich. Arct. p. 45. Kocks, etc. Greenland, (Breutel) Koerber, Syst. 1855 ; Wenck. Kotzebue's Sound, Herb. Babington. White Moun- tains, with the other characters, but infertile and therefore doubt- ful, Tuckerman. Sometimes thinner, but distinct, so far as the specimens go, from the last. Taylor's lichen was from South America, and, more recently, Nylander has proposed to separate this (Lindig N. Gran. n. 2520) from the northern plant (Norrl. Lich. Fenn. n. 116) but he gives no reason for so doing. The spores of P. pulverulenta are longer than in any other species ; now measuring, in the northern form, ^^ mic. ; Nyl. 7. P. malacea (Ach.) Fr. ; thallus middling-sized, spongy and softish, granulate more or less, but becoming downy ; livid- brown ; clothed beneath with a dense black nap which is paler and rarely white-foveolate at the margins; scarcely fibrillose; apothecia on extended lobules, middling-sized, orbiculate ; disk brownish-black. Spores acicular, 4-6-locular, - ~ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 44. On the earth in high mountains. Sub-alpine region of the White Mountains, Tuckerman, Syn. N. E. 1848. Rocky Moun- tains (a small fragment, but appearing to belong here), Willey herb. 8. P. rufescens (Neck.) Hoffm. ; thallus middling-sized, cor- iaceous, rigid, somewhat downy, and the narrowed, crowded, sub-imbricate lobes elevated and crisped ; greenish-ash-coloured becoming at length dark-reddish-brown ; beneath reticulated with brown veins, which are browu-fibrillose ; apothecia on ex- tended lobules, middling to ample, soon vertical and oblong, revolute ; disk as in the next. Spores acicular, 4-8-locular, ^J mic. Fr. L. E. p. 46. Tuckerm. Lich. exs. n. 104. On the earth, rocks, and trunks, among mosses, New England, Tuckerman, Syn. N. E. 1848. New Jersey, Austin. Canada, Agassiz. Arctic America, Richardson. New Mexico, Fendler. Oregon, Hall. A long known and almost universally recog- nized lichen, with probably much the same range as the next species, but very often exhibited in embarrassing relations to that. The spore-dimensions are derived from but few measure- ments, of such specimens only as appeared tolerably certain ; they closely however accord with Nylander's. Peltidea spuria, PELTIGERA. 109 Ach., as understood by lichenists, has probably often included small forms of Peltigera rufescens, and was referred to the latter in Syu. N. Eng. ; as later by Nylander. 9. P. canina (L.) Hoffm. ; thallus ample to large, membra- naceous, round-lobed, flaccid, furrowed, downy; greenish-grey (ciuerascent, and brownish) ; beneath whitish, with veins and fibrils of much the same colour, or now darkening ; the fertile lobules somewhat elongated ; apothecia middling to ample, rounded, becoming semi-revolute and vertical ; disk reddish- brown. Spores acicular, 4-8-locular, ^^ mic. Fr. L. E. p. 45. b. spongiosa, Tuckerm. ; thallus sub-coriaceous ; the pale veins of the under side passing into tufted fibrils of the same colour which finally run together into a dense, continuous, spongy na p. Lich. exs. n. 103. Gen. p. 38. c. membranacea, Ach. Nyl. ; thallus very thin and scrobicu- late, almost smooth above. Ach. L. U. p. 517. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 324. ft, spuria, Ach. ; thallus much reduced, sub-coriaceous ; the cream-coloured veins of the under side scarcely fibrillose, the fertile lobules somewhat digitately clustered ; apothecia small- ish. Ach. L. U. p. 518. P.pusilla, Koerb. Syst. p. 59. b. sorediata, Schser. ; thallus as in but mostly sterile and round-lobed ; besprinkled with grey soredia; the under side now more fibrillose. Sclicer. Enum. p. 21. P. erumpens, Tayl. Neiv Lich. 1. c. p. 184, & herb. P. leptoderma, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 324, & in Lindig Herb. N. Gran. n. 2559. P. canina, v. sorediifera, Tuckerm. Gen. p. 38. On the earth, rocks, and mossy trunks. Pennsylvania, Muh- lenberg Catal. 1818, and throughout the northern, middle, and western States. Canada, Agassiz. Arctic America, Richardson (fide Leightou, 1. c.}. Mountains of the southern States, Ravenel. New Mexico, Fendler. Pacific coast, Douglas ; Bolander, etc. &, spongiosa, sub-alpine regions of the White Mountains, Tuckerman. British Columbia, Macoun. One of the largest and most marked conditions of the species. c, membranacea, NorthWest coast, Douglas. Oregon, E. Hall. California, Bo- lander. Mexico, Nylander. ft. spuria has probably the same range as a, but I can only cite it from New Jersey (old fields), Austin; low country of South Carolina (on banks), Eavenel ; California, Bolander ; and British Columbia, Macoun. b, sore- HO ERIODERMA. diata passes however directly into /? in the same district of South Carolina (on moist rocks), Eavenel (as the European lichen may "be seen to do in Moug. & Nestl. n. 837, and Rabenh. lAcli. Eur. n. 421, c.), and is found also (on moist rocks) in the White Mountains, Tuckerman; on banks of islands of Behring's Straits, Wright; in Illinois (on the earth), Hall; and in California (on the earth), Bolander. The best-developed, sorediiferous plant (now fertile) of the White Mountains is remarkable for the finally dense nap of its under side, which thus far resembles then the b. spongiosa of the same region. But this fibrillose nap disap- pears at length ; and the common plant of the Atlantic coast is quite the same with the P. erumpens, Tayl. ! (Duukerron, Ire- land) which I have myself observed in the north of Italy (Pal- lauza), but find scarcely any notice of in European writers. The California!! specimens (infertile, but unquestionably similar to the fertile Carolina lichen) are yet so reduced as to be mostly simple (from these, P. leptoderma, Nyl., of New Granada, as ex- hibited in Lindig's collection above-cited, offers no differences) and thus reproduce, at the end, this remarkable feature of P. venosa, at the beginning. XVII. ERIODERMA, Fee. Apothecia scutellseform j marginal on the now extended lobules. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, and becoming sub-fusiform ; simple j at length colourless. Thallus froudose, villous, and now veiny beneath, where it is also now clothed interrupt- edly with a pannose hypothallus j a proper cortical layer wanting on this side. Gonimous layer constituted of go- nirnia. Another small group, of especial interest as illus- trating the near relationship of the Peltigerei, to which all other authors but Nylander have referred Erioderma, to the Pannariei. The species are tropical, or austral. E. polycarpum, Fee; thallus membranaceous, hirsute; green- ish-glaucescent; the summits of the laciniate lobes crenate-cut and crisped ; beneath soft-cottony, whitish, beset with spongy tufts of black fibrils ; apothecia marginal j hirsute below ; the dark-brown disk soon excluding the thin margin. Spores ellip- soid, becoming colourless, ^^ mic. Fee, Essai sur Us Crypt. p. 145, *. 24,/.2. SOLORLSTA. Ill Trees, Mexico (var. Mexicanum), Njl.Enum. E. Wrightii, Tuckerm., is a native of the island of Cuba ; and the few other species are cited from South America. XVIII. SOLORINA, Ach. Apothecia rounded ; innate in the upper side of the thal- lus ; the margin obsolete. Spores from ellipsoid becoming fusiform-oblong, bilocular, brown. Thallus frondose; be- neath villous, and veiny 5 the cortical layer mostly wanting on this side. Gouimous system constituted of gonidia (in the gonimous layer) and gonimia. This little cluster is represented in the alpine and arctic regions of the earth by one marked species, and in the temperate ones of Europe and America by another j to which last the other described forms are very closely akin. 1. 8. crocea (L.) Ach. ; thallus smallish, coriaceous; reddish- brown ; beneath orange-saffron, with darker, coarse, branching veins; apothecia middling to ample, appressed, at length some- what tumid; disk red-brown. Spores in eights, ^J mic. Ach. L. U. p. 149. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 329. On the earth in alpine districts. Greenland, Dillenius, Hist. Muse. 1741. N. of Point Lake, Richardson. Labrador, Wenck. Rocky Mountains, Hall. Oregon, Dr. Lyall. Shores of Behr- ing's Straits, Wright. 2. S. saccata (L.) Ach. ; thallus membranaceous, sub-imbri- cate ; greenish-ash-coloured ; beneath white, cottony, fibrillose ; apothecia middling-sized, appressed, soon sunken in pits ; disk dark-brown. Spores mostly in fours, ^| mic. Ach. L. U. p. 149. Tuck. Exs. n. 64. Peltigera, Fr. L. E. p. 49. b. spongiosa, Nyl. ; thallus reduced to little more than an edge of the sunken apothecium. Nyl. Syn. 1. c. S. limbata, Mudd Man. p. 85. On the earth, especially in calcareous regions. Newfound- land, De la Pylaie, 1826. Bear Lake, Herb. Hook. Greenland, Vahl I. c. Shores of Behring's Straits, Wright. New York, Tuckerman. Vermont, Russell. b, spongiosa, on the same substrates, Greenland, Vahl; as elsewhere in Arctic America, 112 and in Newfoundland, Nylander ; and at Behring's Straits, Wright. Eocky Mountains in Colorado, Coulter. Wolf.(*} The spores of this species occur in 2 8 -, 3 s -, oftenest 4% and only very rarely 5 8 -. A bisporous condition of /?, from Colorado, alt. 13,800 ft. (Coulter), was observed by Mr. Willey to contain spores measuring -|ir mic., and may well be compared with S. bispora, Nyl. Syn.y which has yet no characters to separate it from the present species. Fam. 5. PANNARIEI. Thallus horizontal, various, in the highest forms distinctly foliaceous, either sub-monophyllous or inany-cleft, coriace- ous -membranaceous, only rarely cartilagiueous, passing then into squamulose conditions, which become in the end crustaceous ; placed upon a conspicuous hypothallus (now obsolete). Gonimous layer variously constituted; very rarely, in whole or in part, of gonidia ; but commonly of go- nimia, which anticipate here, more or less, the typical struc- ture of the next family. The structural relations of this group have been considered by Schwendener, I. c., 3, pp. 151, 178, 190, etc.; and reference may be made also to the writer's Genera Lichenum, p. 41. With the appearance of gonimia in the last family (Peltigerei) an im- portant change begins in the Lichen-organism. This change finds further expression and much fuller development in the family now before us, which will be seen to pass, at more than one point, into the next-succeeding Colle-mei, wherein the go- nimia complete their history. The spore-history of this far humbler family is embarrassed (*) This variety has been well said by Fries (L. E.) to look like young plants of S. saccata, growing on a foreign crust ; the minute fronds, dif- fering only in size from those of a, being connected together and over- run by another semi-crustaceous, paunariifonn, tabulate-granulate thai- las, the darker colour of which is due to gonimia, supplanting here the more common green gonidia of the species ; but this second thallus is taken by recent authors to belong to our lichen equally with the first, or to be (as compare Nylander I. c. under S. bispora) an anamorphosis of that. ENDOCARPISCTJM. 113 with much of the ambiguity of that of the Peltigerei. The spores are commonly without colour, and appear on the whole well- referable to the Colourless Series, the ultimate condition of which is the acicular spore. But yet indications of colour are sufficiently frequent to suggest that the organs we are consider- ing are rather decolorate than colourless ; and Pannaria lys- sina, which we cannot but regard as belonging here, offers us finally the perfected (if still decolorate) muriform type of the brown Spore-series. The Pannariei are conceivable then as decolorate members of the Series characterized by muriform (typi- cally coloured) spores, and as contiguous therefore with Umbili- cariei, and to some extent at least, if not with the bulk of, Pelti- gerei, on the one hand, as especially with Collemei on the other. Genera, p. 61. XIX. ENDOCAKPISCUM, Nyl. Apothecia sunken commonly in the thallus and indicated only by an ostiole, but becoming superficial and lecanorine. Spores very minute, simple, without colour; numerous in the thekes. Spermatia ovoid ; on sub-simple sterigtnas. Thallus foliaceous, peltate, monophyllous ; free, and strongly corticate beneath ; the hypotballus deficient. Gronimous layer consisting of gonimia. Montagne (PL Cell Canar. I. infra cit.) remarks "the considerable resemblance" both as respects habit and colour, of Endocarpiscum Guepini to Heppia Despreauxii. And Nylauder, more recently, goes so far (Obs. Lick. Pyren. p. 56) as to say that "Endocarpis- cum, properly considered, is Heppia, or scarcely a sub-genus of it." But the two types may be said notwithstanding to be well distinguished, no less by external habit than by structure. 1. E. Guepini (Delis.) Nyl. ; thallus small, monophyllous, cartilagineous-coriaceous ; from greenish- becoming brownish- olive, the repand, revolute edges gray-sorediate ; beneath naked and smooth, wrinkled, from flesh-coloured at length tawny; apothecia deeply sunken in minute pits [but becoming super- ficial and lecanorine]. Spores very minute, and numerous in the thekes; rounded and oblong, simple, without colour. Endo- carpon, Fr. L. E. p. 410. Guepinella, Bagl. in Nuov. Giorn. Sot. Ital 2, 171. 8 114 HEPPIA. Rocks. Needham near Boston, and at Harper's Ferry in Maryland, Tuckerm an in Nyl. Pyrenoc. 1858. Arkansas, Peters. California, Bolander. Lecanorine apothecia have been only very recently detected in the European lichen ; they have not been observed here. 2. E. Bolanderi, Tuck. herb. ; thallus minute, crowded in imbricate patches, coriaceous-membranaceous ; from olivaceous becoming dark-brown; crenate-lobate; with raised, scarcely powdery margins ; beneath smooth, pale-brown ; apothecia very small, innate-sessile, lecanorine; a tumid, entire margin border- ing a red-brown disk. Spores very minute and numerous, ellip- soid, simple, without colour. Pannaria, sect. Endocarpiscum, Tuckerm. Gen. p. 51. Rocks. Ukiah, and elsewhere, California (Bolander), Tuck- erman I. c. 1872. The smaller thallus is thinner and darker than that of E. Guepini (with which the present sometimes grows), and, together with the scutellaeform apothecia the only sort yet observed suggests rather a Collema. XX. HEPPTA, Naeg. Apothecia orbicular, immersed, and mostly depressed in the thallus, and immargiuate. Spores ovoid, simple, de- colorate j now (2) numerous in the thekes. Spermatia ellip- soid j on sub-simple sterigmas. Thallus squamose-foliace- ous, monophyllous, more or less continuously corticate beneath, where it is closely attached to the matrix by pale Irypothalline filaments. Gonimous layer constituted of go- nimia. The external resemblance of the very commonly saccate-depressed apothecia of n. 1 to those of Solorina .saccata is the only feature associating it seemingly with Solorina rather than Pannaria. 1. H. Despreauxii (Mont.) Tuckerm. ; thallus small to minute, -orbicular, dull, smoothish, or at length rimulose-rugulose ; from pale- becoming olivaceous-green; with finally raised, repaud, and crenate-lobate edges; beneath mostly pale; apothecia soli- tary in small fronds, but now numerous in larger ones, small to middling; disk red-brown. Spores ^ mic. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 46. Solorina, Mont. PL Cell Canar. p. 104, t. 6, /. 5 (sporis .excl). PHYSMA. 115 On the earth, Ohio (Lea), Tuckerman in Lea. Catal. Cincin. 1848. New England. Illinois, Hall North Carolina, Curtis. South Carolina and Florida, Eavenel. Alabama, Peters. Texas, Wright. And, on calcareous pebbles, Kansas, Hall. In patches of the lichen from the Organ mountains, Texas (Wright], the exterior fronds are differenced from the small, round, interior ones, serving only as margins to the solitary apo- thecia, by their greater size and length, and their lobation; much as the radiant, exterior squamules of squamulose Panna- rice, when compared with the small, interior ones. 2. H. polyspora, Tuckerm. in litt. ; thallus much as in the last, but besprinkled with the numerous, very small apothecia (scarcely exceeding O mm - 5, in width) which are even with the thallus, and blackening. Spores numerous in the thekes, rounded and ovoid, from brown becoming decolorate, 2-5 mic. in the long- est diameter. Mountains of Colorado, T. S. Brandegee; comm. by C. J. Sprague. The thallus appears to be more continuously corticate below than in n. 1. XXI. PHYSMA, Mass. Apothecia scutellseforrn. Spores ellipsoid, simple, with- out colour. Thallus foliaceous ; clothed beneath with a dis- tinct, finally spongy hypothallus. Gonimous layer consti- tuted of gonimia, which are concatenate, and dispersed, amid lax filaments, in a homogeneous pulp; as in Collema. It is to the genus last-named that the first species 01 Physma was always referred ; as the other also, by Mon- tague. And it cannot well be questioned that the two are congenerical ; but P. luridum is far closer to Pannaria rubi- ginosa and P.fulvescens than is P. byrsceum to any Colleme- iue lichen. No more pregnant example can be cited, among foliaceous species, of the intimate relationship of Pannariei to Collemei ; or of the unnaturalness of attempting to place these families in different Orders. 1. P. byrsceum (Afzel.) ; thallus ample, orbicular, cartila- gineous-coriaceous; minutely wrinkled; lead-coloured (cineras- cent) ; the discrete, radiant, linear lobes dilated and crenate at 116 PANNARIA. the tips, and clothed beneath with a blackening, spongy nap ; apothecia middling to ample, concave ; the red disk bordered by an elevated, rugose-plicate margin. Spores broad ellipsoid, sim- ple, decolorate, ^j mic. Collema byrsinum, Ach. L. U. p. 642. C. Boryanum, Pers., Mont, in Ann. 3, 10, p. 133. Trees in tropical regions; Island of Cuba; and, probably, Mexico. 2. P. luridum (Mont.) ; thallus middling-sized, coriaceous, sub-monophyllous, wrinkled and powdery; from greenish-glau- cous becoming yellowish-gray, and livid ; the rather wide, irregu- larly radiant lobes imbricated, and sinuate; clothed beneath, more or less densely, with a pale but blackening hypothallus ; apothecia middling-sized; a rugose- crenate margin bordering a reddish-brown disk. Spores rounded- and broad-ellipsoid, now pointedly tipped, simple, decolorate, ^"jjj mic. Collema, Mont. Cent. 3, 76, & Bonite, p. 115, t. 146, /. 3. Parmelia (Amphiloma), Russellii, Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 35. Pannaria, Nyl. Enum. Trees, dead wood, and rocks, New England (Russell), Tuck- erman Enum. 1845. New Jersey, Austin. Virginia, Tuckerman. South Carolina, Eavenel. Alabama, Peters. Missouri, Hall. Oc- curring also in Japan (Wright), and in the tropics. The dis- tinctly parenchymatous cortex is the chief difference in structure between this and the preceding. XXII. PANNARIA, Delis. Apothecia now scutellseform and lecanorine ; now with both thalline and proper margins (zeorine) ; and now simply biatorine. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid and oblong; simple; or bi-quadrilocular; or rarely muriform-multiloeular ; brown- ish, or, more often, decolorate. Spermatia (in so far as known) oblong; on multi-articulate sterigmas. Thallus sub- foliaceous, either mouophyllous, or laciniate-multifld ; or squamulose; becoming at last semi-crustaceous. Hypo- thallus spongy ; or extenuate ; or obsolete. Gonimous layer constituted either (sect. 1, 2) of gonidia, or (sect. 3) of both gouidia and gonimia, or, more often, and, in all the remain- ing sections, of gonimia alone ; which, and as well the fila- mentous and parenchymatous tissues, anticipate variously the features of the next family. PANNARIA. 117 * Amphiloma. Thallus foliaceous, membranaceous, round- lobed, softish, and deliquescent ; upon a blackening hypothallus. Gonimous system of gonidia. (Amphiloma, Nyl., emend.) 1. P. lanuginosa ( Ach.) Koerb. ; thallus orbicular, white, pow- dery; the lobation distinct only at the circumference, and often disappearing, when only a crust, or cushion-like mass is left, determinable by the delicate hypothallus; apothecia scarcely known. Parmelia, Ach. L. U. p. 465. Farm. (Ampkiloma) FT. L. E. p. 88. Rocks, New England, Tuckerman Syn. N. E. 1848. Canada, Drummond. New York, Peck. Blue Ridge, Virginia, Tucker- man. Louisiana, Hale. The pale-sulphur-coloured tint so common in the European lichen has not been observed by me in the North American ; but the hypothallus is quite the same in both, and the general aspect. * * Psoroma. Thallus squamulose. Hypothallus obsolete. Gonimous system of gonidia. Apothecia lecanorine (Psoroma, Nyl., olim.). The only northern species is most readily associable with Pannaria brunnea; and, notwithstanding the difference in the gonidia, cannot be called at home in any other genus. The group attains its full development in the aus- tral and antarctic regions, where species with laciniate-multifid and even frondose thallus, and otherwise remarkably differenced, occur. 2. P. hypnorum (Hoffm.) Koerb. ; thallus of minute, rounded, at length granulate-crenate, ascendant and imbricate squamules; from yellowish becoming reddish-brown (with age dark ash-col- oured) ; beneath pale, and naked ; apothecia middling to ample, sessile; the disk red-brown; the thin, elevated margin crenate, and at length granulate-squamulose. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid and oblong, simple, decolorate, - mic. Parmelia, Fr. L. E.p. 98. Tuck. Exs. n. 20. Psoroma, Nyl. Scand. p. 121. On the earth, growing over mosses and twigs, in alpine dis- tricts. Arctic America (Richardson), Hooker I. c. 1823. Rocky Mountains, Hall. Newfoundland, Despreaux. White Mount- ains of N. Eng., Tucker man. * * * Euopsls. Thallus tartareous, peltate. Hypothal- lus obsolete. Gonimous system constituted of both gonidia and gonimia. Apothecia lecanorine. (Euopsis, Nyl. emend. ) The 118 PAKtfARIA. ordinary gonidia are sufficiently conspicuous in our lichen, to- gether with more or less similar red gonidia, and, with these, as in the European, smaller and less abundant gonimia. And these differing forms of the gonidial cells belong all to the plant before us, and are neither to be referred, in part, to an intru- sive, foreign Alga (as supposed in Nyl. Scand. p. 171) nor, in part, to a foreign Lecanora (as asserted in Nyl. Lapp. Or. p. 104). And they condition that red and white marbling of the thallus which is so conspicuous in section. The plant is thus referable neither to Lecanora, as supposed by Sommerfelt, and Nylander (Scand.) nor to Pyrenopsis, as by the latter author in Lapp. Or.-, but must either find a place here, or as a distinct genus of Parmeliei. In the group Euopsis, Nyl., which has not yet, that I am aware, been characterized, but is noted by its author as distinguishable from his Pyrenopsis, with which he associates it, in Collemei, by the form and higher structure of its apothecia (Flora, 1875, p. 363) I am compelled to include his Pyrenopsis hcematopis. 3. P. granatina (Sommerf.) ; thallus minute, monophyllous, attached at a single point, rounded or difform, thickish, warted ; brown-reddish; crowded often into a loose crust; beneath blackening but not otherwise differing ; apothecia very small, adnate, the shining, red-brown, flat or swelling disk bordered by a sub-crenate margin. Spores oblong, simple, decolorate, ^ m i c . Lecanora, Sommerf. Suppl. Lapp. p. 90. Nyl. Scand. p. 171. Pannaria, Th. Fr. Llch. Arct. p. 77. Rocks, Notch of the White Mountains, Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Maine, Willey. Collema licemaleum var. hcematopis, Sommerf. (Pyrenopsis htsmatopis, Nyl. ; Th. Fr. ) which was found in Green- land by Vahl, is considered to differ in its concave fruit j but the published European plant (Nyl. in Fellm. Lick. Arct. n. 5) has so entirely the structure of Pannaria granatina that I can- not venture, with the material before me, to separate it even as a variety. And it is observable that Nylander has referred one and the same lichen (the Pyrenopsis rufescens of his Lick. Scand. p. 27) at p. 288 of the same work to P. hcematopis, and in Lapp. Or. to P. granatina. Pannaria granatina var. hcemalea, Th. Fr. ( Collema hcemaleum, Sommerf. Euopsis hama- lea, Nyl. in Norrl. Lick. Fenn. n. 101) also has the structure of P. granatina ; of which it appears to be a reduced expression. It is unknown here. P AM ARIA. 119 * * * * Pannaria proper. The characters of this central group of the always equivocal genus before us, are sufficiently various. Thallus, in the highest expressions, foliaceous; but soon squamulose; and disappearing at length in crustaceous states ; the spongy hypothallus becomingln like manner reduced, and now obsolete. Gonimous system constituted of gonimia, which are more or less concatenate, and distinctly gelatinous, interspersed, in the highest forms, among rather loose medul- lary filaments ; these passing, in the inferior ones, into a paren- chymatous tissue. Apothecia largely lecanorine; but also biatorine; and both sorts sometimes in one and the same species. Spores simple, except in n. 12. (Pannaria, Nyl. emend.). 4. P.pannosa (Sw.) Delis. ; thallus ample, foliaceous, orbic- ular, thin-membranaceous, smooth ; from livid-glaucous becom- ing ash-coloured and brown ; the radiant, narrowed, flattish, many-cleft (now isidiophorous) divisions either connate or dis- crete, seated upon and bordered by a dense, black hypothal- lus ; [apothecia, of the tropical lichen, of middling size, sessile ; either lecanorine, with incurved, crenate margin; or zeorine; or biatorine ; the disk from pale- at length dark-reddish-brown, and the entire, proper margin finally black. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid and sub-fusiform, commonly brownish, ^5 mic. Parmelia, Ach. L. U. p. 465. Trees, in tropical countries ; occurring here, but as yet only seen infertile, in the low country of South Carolina (Eavenel) Tuckerm. Gen. 1872 ; as of Louisiana, Hale. The original lichen of Swartz (Lich. Amer. t. 5) and Acharius, had only biatorine fruit, while Nylander (Disp. Psor. & Pann.) has recog- nized only lecanorine. The lecanorine state is perhaps, to judge by my herbarium, the more frequent of the two ; but I observe no other differences. 5. P. rubiginosa (Thunb.) Delis. ; thallus smallish, foliace- ous, orbicular, membranaceous, smoothish ; from ashy-greenish becoming yellowish-gray, livid, and lead-coloured ; the radiant, approximate, rather broad and concave, imbricate divisions with dilated and multifid tips, and raised, crenate margins ; the dense, and margining hypothallus bluish-black; apothecia smallish to middling, lecanorine, sessile; disk rusty-brown, margin crenulate. Spores rounded, and ovoid, simple, decolor- ate, mic. Parmelia, Fr. L. E. p. 88. Schcer. Spirit, p. 462. 120 PANffARIA. b. conoplea, Fr. ; thallus beset densely with gray soredia, passing, at the centre, into a continuous crust, [apothecia zeo- rine and biatorine]. Fr. I. c. Parmelia, AcJi. L. U.p. 467. Trees and rocks, New England, Tucker man Syn. N. E. 1848. Ohio, Lesquereux. North, and South Carolina, Eavenel, etc. Alabama and Mississippi, Peters, etc. Texas, Hall. California, Dr. Palmer. Oregon, Hall. b, New England, Tuckerman. 6. P. leucosticta, Tuckerm. ; thallus squamulose, cartilagin- eous-membranaceous ; from brownish-ash-coloured becoming tawny-brown; squamules of the circumference expanded, elon- gated, and pinnately tabulate, those of the centre ascendant and imbricated, dissected, dentate-crenate, the teeth white- powdery; hypothallus thin, bluish-black; apothecia smallish to middling, lecanorine, appressed; the red-brown disk at length tumid, and excluding the thin, crenate, soon white- powdery margin. Spores rounded and ovoid, simple, decolorate, ^| mic. Obs. Lich. I c. 4,j?. 404. Rocks, and also trunks, common from New England to southern Virginia, Tuckerman in Darliugt. Fl. Cestr. 1853. Ohio, Lesquereux. North Carolina, Curtis. South Carolina and Georgia, Ravenel. Alabama, Peters. Louisiana, Hale. 7. P. pliolidota (Mont.) Nyl. ; thallus of minute, membrana- ceous, rounded, crenate-lobulate, finally crowded and imbricate squamules which are predominantly pale -yellowish-gray, but are commingled more or less with lead-coloured ones; on a thin, blackening hypothallus; apothecia small, lecanorine, ses- sile, the incurved, crenate margin finally excluded by the pale- to dark-brown disk. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ljh| mic. Mont. Fl. GUI. p. 146. Trees, Mexico; Nylander. The lichen (in Montague's Juan Fernandez specimens) has not a little the aspect, in small, of a pale P. Hypnorum, and the light-coloured scales are character- ized by gonidia, as in that ; but a change takes place in some of these scales, whereby they assume a bluish colour (extending also in part to the exciples) and the scales exhibit then a pecu- liar and more delicate crenelation, and offer only gonimia; which appear to tie regarded as determining the place of the lichen. 8. P. Hookeri (Sm.) Th. Fr. ; thallus squamulose, sub-car- tilagineous, more or less leaden-gray; squamules expanded, P ANN ARIA. 121 sub -imbricate, bluntly lobed and notched, and longitudinally striate ; those of the circumference elongated and radiant, the central ones crowded and crust-like ; blackening beneath; apo- thecia small, lecanorine, appressed, the margin at length cre- nate, the flat disk from reddish-brown soon blackening. Spores broad- ellipsoid, simple, decelerate, ~ mic. Th. Fr. Lick. Arct. p. 73. P. leucolepis (Wahl.) Nyl. Scand. p. 123. Rocks, Greenland (Vahl), Th. Fries I. c. 1861. 9. P. brunnea (Sw.) Mass.; thallus squamulose, sub-mem- branaceous, livid-ash-coloured and tawny-brown; squamules minute, now explanate and crenate, and now elongated and dis- sected, imbricate, and heaped together at length into a granu- lose mass; apothecia middling -sized, lecanorine, immersed, very numerous and soon confluent and difibrm, the reddish- brown disk becoming convex and even turgid, and excluding then the commonly persistent, incurved, crenulate margin. Spores oblong -ellipsoid, often pointed - tipped, simple, decel- erate, jjj^ mic. Parmelia, Fr. L. E. p. 93. Tuck. Lich. exs. M. 89. Pannaria, Nyl. Scand. p. 123. On the earth, Arctic America (Richardson), Hooker I. c. 1823. Greenland, Vahl. Islands of Behring's Straits, Wright. White Mountains, Willey. Coast of Massachusetts, Oakes. Cattskill Mountains, Peck. Rocky Mountains, J. Wolf. 10. P. microphylla (Sw.) Delis. ; thallus squamulose, cartila- gineous; livid-ash-coloured and glaucescent; the thickish, at first expanded but soon ascendant and imbricated, simply cre- nate squamules compacted at length into a continuous crust ; beneath blackening; apothecia smallish; lecanorine; zeorine; and biatorine ; superficial ; the disk from pale becoming black- ish-brown, soon convex, and excluding the crenate, thalline margin. Spores oblong- ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^ mic. Parmelia, Fr. L. E. p. 90. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 110. " Pan- naria, Nyl. Scand. p. 124. Rocks, from New England to Virginia, Tuckerman Enum. 1845. New York, Sartwell. New Jersey, Austin. Ohio, Les- quereux. New Mexico, Fendler. California (f. Californica, a coarser plant, with larger spores, measuring ^^ mic.), Bolander. 11. P. lepidiota, Th. Fr.; thallus squamulose, coriaceous; yellowish-brown, lurid, and finally blackening ; squamules mid- 122 PAKtfARIA. dling-sized, expanded, crenate-lobulate with warty, often gray- sorediate edges; the external ones elongated and radiant; those more central becoming ascendant, closely imbricated, and heaped at last into a granulate, often gray-powdery crust ; upon a thin, black hypothallus ; apothecia smallish to middling, depressed, biatorine; disk from reddish becoming blackish-brown; the thin margin soon excluded. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, pointed- tipped, simple, decolorate, ^ mic. Th. Fr. Lich. Arct. p. 74. P. prcetermissa, Nyl. Scand. p. 124. b. coralliphora ; thallus passing into a dense mass of stout, torulose branchlets. c. cyanolepra; thallus disappearing in minute, conglomerate, steel-blue granules. P. cyanolepra, Tuckerm. Lich. Calif, p. 17. On the earth, and rocks. Greenland (Vahl), Th. Fries, I. c. 1861. California, Bolander. Oregon, Hall. Rocky Mountains, Brandegee. Northern shore of Lake Superior, Macoun. &, Vancouver's Island, Macoun. c, California, on clay, Bolander. The Lake Superior specimens are very smooth, but scarcely referable to the next species ; they are remarkable for a fibril- lose ring on the under side of the apothecia. But the same feat- ure (elsewhere not unknown in this genus, as compare the ob- servation in Wright Lich. Cub. n. 98) is observable in b, a blacker plant than usual, and so far resembling the var. tristis, Th. Fr. ; and I have detected it also in the European lichen last named. c, as originally considered, appeared to be a simply granu- lose lichen to be compared with P. nebulosa (Hoffm.), Nyl. In other specimens however the granules are seen to belong to squainules, which I incline (though not without some uncer- tainty) to refer to the present species. 12. P. carnosa (Dicks.); thallus squamulose - foliaceous, membranaceous ; from pale - yellowish - brown becoming livid, and brownish-chestnut ; the extended and lobe-like, deeply la- ciniate and erose-granulate squamules ascendant and loosely imbricated, or now heaped ; beneath whitish ; apothecia small- ish, biatorine, sessile, flattish, the disk dark-red, the at first paler margin thin and entire. Spores from ellipsoid and simple ; becoming oblong-fusiform and bilocular ; mostly decolorate, ^ mic. Parmelia, Schcsr. Spicil. p. 566. Pannaria muscorum, Nyl. Scand. p. 127. Rocks among mosses. Great Bear Lake, Arctic America, PAtftfARIA. 123 (Richardson), Leighton in Linn. Soc. Journ. 1867. Described from European specimens ; I have seen no others. The lichen is so near to the last, that that was referred to it by both Som- merfelt and Fries. The spores become indeed bilocular, and incongruous therefore with the type of the present section ; but they are perhaps more commonly like those of the last species, which attain finally to the same shape and size. 13. P. tryptophylla (Ach.) Mass.; thallus squamulose-folia- ceous, membranaceous ; from pale-yellowish soon becoming livid-brownish ; squamules stellate- expanded, lacero-laciniate, erose and dentate-granulate, passing then into a densely coral- line-granulose crust; upon a bluish-black hypothallus; apo- thecia small, biatorine, sessile ; the disk chestnut-brown, finally convex ; and the thin paler margin disappearing. Spores ellip- soid, simple, decolorate, ^J mic. Th. Fr. Lich. Arct p. 76. Nyl. Scand. p. 125. Trunks, and stones, New England and New York, Tucker- man Syn. N. E. 1848. South Carolina, Ravenel. Louisiana, Hale. The South Carolina specimens, and those from Louisiana, do not appear to differ from P. nigro-cincta, Nyl. in Lindig herb. N. Gran. n. 818 ; but all three are clearly referable, if I mis- take not, to the older species before us. The other lichens named nigro-cincta in Lindig's collection (n. 2623, 2882, 18 of 2d collection) together with Montague's original Juan Fernandez specimens of his species, and Wright Lich. Cub. n. 103 in great part at least, seem, in like manner, referable to a reduced P. pannosa ; n. 18, in particular, not offering any differences from Wright Cub. n. 102, which should be the original pannosa of Acharius. The dimensions given in Nyl. Prodr. N. Gran. p. 27, might be supposed to mean that the spores of P. nigro-cincta are smaller than those of P. pannosa ; but an examination of seven specimens of the former, four of them named by the author cited, shews that both species agree very well, in all respects, in their spores. 14. P. melamphylla, Tuckerm. in litt. ; thallus orbicular, squamulose, membranaceous ; from black-green becoming quite black ; the minute squamules stellate-expanded and crenate at the circumference, but somewhat imbricated at the centre where they pass into a ragged crust ; apothecia. . . Rocks (schist) Vermont, Frost. Texture parenchymatous 124 PANNAKIA. throughout; cells rounded; the goniinia (diam. 5-6 mic., but now larger) being mostly solitary. Spermatia ellipsoid; on sub-simple sterigmas. The place of the lichen to be further determined by the fruit, as yet unknown. 15. P. crossophylla, Tuckerm. ; thallus effuse, membrana- ceous, terete-compressed, dichotomously much-branched, de- cumbent; leaden -gray; the outer portions plume-like, ^the inner ones densely imbricated, and crowded into a squamaceous- verrucose crust ; beneath blackening at the centre ; apothecia small, biatorine, immixt ; the disk from flesh-coloured becom- ing chestnut-brown, soon convex and excluding the thin, pale margin. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^ mic. Obs. Lick. 1. c. 4, p. 404. Rocks, Vermont (Russell), Tuckerman I. c. 1861. New York, Peck. Pennsylvania, Eau. Ohio, Lesquereux. Alabama, Peters. ***** Coccocarpia. Thallus foliaceous, sub-mono- phyllous. Medullary layer compact, with the habit of that of Peltigerei. Gonimous system constituted of gonimia; also com- parable with those of the last family. Apothecia biatorine. Spores simple. In this group Pannaria may be said to look back, so far as thalline structure is considered, to the preced- ing and higher, rather than forward to the next following fam- ily, but, as regards the fruit, to be less typical than Pannaria proper. 16. P. plumbea (Lightf.) Delis.; thallus smallish, orbicular, coriaceous-membranaceous ; from yellowish-brown becoming livid-lead-coloured ; the more or less connate lobes dilated out- wardly, radiately wrinkled, and, with age, concentrically zoned, with rounded and round-crenate tips ; the centre passing into imbricate lobules ; upon a dense, spongy, at length bluish-black hypothallus ; apothecia smallish, biatorine ; with flat, or swell- ing, from rusty- at length sanguineous-red disk ; and thin, paler margin ; finally confluent. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ~ mic. Parmelia, Ach. L. U. p. 466. Fr. L. E. p. 87. On an old oak, Newport mountain, Island of Mt. Desert, Maine, Tuckerman Gen. 1872. On a Birch stump, and on ex- posed rocks, Island of Grand Menan, Willey. 17. P. molyMcea (Pers.) Tuckerm.; thallus small to ample, orbicular, with the texture of the last, and the radiately plaited, PANNARIA. 125 rather entire lobes similarly differenced ; from pale whitish- passing into brownish- and dark-leaden gray ; upon a hypothal- lus like that of the last ; apothecia from smallish at length more than middling-sized, biatorine, appressed, soon rather applanate and ample, convex, immarginate ; disk from reddish- orange or chestnut becoming black. Spores ellipsoid and cym- biform, bi - nucleolate, decolorate, -|^ mic. Tuckerm. Gen. Lich. p. 52. Lecidea Parmelioides (Hook.} Mont. Cuba, p. 192. Coccocarpia, Tuckerm. in Wright Lich. Cub. n. 104-107. b. cronia, Nyl. ; lobes beset, at length densely, with isidioid branchlets; the marginate apothecia white-flbrillose beneath. Spores as in a. Parmelia cronia, Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. p. 36. c. incisa, Nyl. ; lobes narrowed, discrete more or less at the circumference, and many-cleft; at the centre isidiophorous. [Apothecia now as in a, and now as in b.] Nyl. in Prodr. N. Gran. p. 27 & Lindig herb. n. 2538. Coccocarpia incisa, Pers., Mont, in Ann. Sci. Trees, bushes, and dead wood; a tropical lichen, but ex- tending throughout the United States ; Tuckerman in Darlingt. FL Cest. 1853. Texas, Wright. Louisiana, Hale. Alabama, Beaumont. Florida, Austin. South Carolina, Eavenel. Penn- sylvania, Michener. Western New York, Sartwell. b, Rocks, and also trunks, etc., commonly infertile; from New England to Virginia, Tuckerman Syn. N. E. 1848. Illinois, fertile, Wolf. North Carolina to Texas, Eavenel. Alabama, fertile, Peters. Louisiana, Hale. As also Cuba, Wright; and New Granada, Lindig. c, Trunks, Florida, Eavenel. This species is closely akin to the preceding, but is differenced by the apo- thecia, and the spores. The colours are perhaps also a little unlike; but the present becomes remarkable in the tropics (where the other is wanting) for a certain luxuriance (Coccocar- pia incisa, ciliolata, etc., of authors) which, rare enough in the northern lichen, is far from surprising in the tropical. 18^ P. stellata (Tuckerm.) Nyl.; thallus minute, orbiculate, membranaceous ; lead-coloured; the very narrow, linear, and flat lobes discrete, radiant, and many-cleft at the circumference, but becoming at the centre densely imbricated, and dentate- lobulate; white, and white-fibrillose beneath; apothecia very small, sessile ; with a reddish-brown disk ; white fibrillose below. Spores ellipsoid, as in P. molybdcea, but small, decolorate, -^- 126 P ANN ARIA. mic. Coccocarpia, Tuckerm. Obs. Lich. I. c. 5, p. 402. Panna- ria, Nyl. Disp. Psor. & Pann. Upon Holly, Low country of South Carolina (Mavenel), Tuck- erman I. c. 1862. Florida, Messrs. /. D. Smith, & Austin. Ala- bama (Herb. Willey). The apothecia and spores refer the plant to the present sec- tion, rather than the preceding. The thallus is also well -com- parable with that of such specimens of P. motybdcea, v. incisa, as are given in Lindig N. G. Coll. 2, n. 68 ; except in its at length extreme narrowness and minuteness. ****** Lecothecium. Thallus reduced ; squamulose-folia- ceous ; and crustaceous ; the hypothallus mostly indistinct, or obsolete. Medullary layer, when denned, of compact, elongated cells. Gonimia more or less concatenate and distinctly gelati- nous, with a Collemeine aspect. Apothecia lecanorine (n. 19, 20) or biatorine. Spores (except in 19) 2-4-locular. (Lecothe- cium, Trevis. Pannarice sp., & Pterygium, Nyl.) 19. P. Sonomensis, Tuckerm.; thallus small, irregular; greenish-brown ; made up^of minute, discrete, elongated, linear, many-cleft lobes, of which the central are teretish and inter- jtangled, and the outer ones expanded; beneath whitish, and naked, the hypothallus being obsolete ; apothecia very small, lecanorine ; the entire margin finally excluded ; and the reddish- brown disk blackening. Spores fusiform, curved, simple, de- colorate, ^f mic. Obs. Lich. I. c. 12, p. 169. Granitic and other rocks, Sonoma, and Yosemite, California (Bolander), Tuckerman I. c. 1877. 20. P. stenophytta, Tuckerm.; thallus minute, orbiculate, stellate-expanded ; greenish-brown ; lobes terete, those of the circumference radiant, and branching ; the central ones squam- ulose-granulose, falling away at length and leaving the zoned periphery; beneath pale without apparent hypothallus; apo- thecia very small, lecanorine ; the disk brown ; the margin soon disappearing. Spores ellipsoid and oblong, somewhat Curved, bilocular, decolorate, ^ mic. Obs. Lich. I. c. 12, p. 169. Calcareous rocks growing intermingled with the next, Ala- bama (Peters), Tuckerman I. c. 1877. Apothecia appearing to be now zeorine ; and so not impossibly biatorine also, at last. PAKtfARIA. 127 21. P. Petersii, Tuckerm. ; thallus squamulose-foliaceous, membranaceous, stellate-expanded ; from livid-glaucous becom- ing olivaceous, and black; lobes appressed, flat, contiguous, now dispersed and soon falling away at the centre ; radiant and many-cleft at the concentrically disposed circumference ; the hypothallus obsolete; apothecia very small, biatorine, flat, black, with a thin margin. Spores ellipsoid and oblong, simple and bilocular, decelerate, ^^ mic. Gen. Lick. p. 54. Lecidea, Tuck. Pterygium, Nyl. Syn. p. 93. Calcareous rocks. Alabama (Peters] Tuckerman in Nyl. Syn. 1858. New York, Wittey. The regular, stellate, con- centrically disposed thallus is not always to be seen ; but only scattered lobules. 22. P.flabellosa, Tuckerm.; thallus squamulose-foliaceous, membranaceous ; livid- ash -coloured; lobules narrow-linear, dissected, those of the circumference expanded and fan-shaped, flat, and longitudinally striate ; those of the centre teretish and heaped; upon an indistinct, finally blue-black hypothallus; apothecia very small, immixt, flat ; a red disk bordered by a pale -livid margin, and both finally blackening. Spores oblong- ellipsoid, 2-4-locular, decelerate, ^^ mic. Obs. Lich. I. c. 5, p. 401 ; Gen. Lich. p. 54. Granitic rocks. Vermont (Frost), Tuckerman I. c. 1862. White Mountains, Willey. Apothecia 3-6 mic. wide, about twice the size of those of the last. 23. P. nigra (Huds.) Nyl. ; thallus very minutely squamu- lose ; leaden-ash-coloured; squamules now scattered and lobu- late, but heaped, for the most part, into a broken, granulose or corallinoid crust; upon a thin, blue-black hypothallus; apo- thecia very small, biatorine, sessile (from reddish-brown) com- monly black, the swelling disk soon excluding the thin margin. Spores oblong, 2-4-locular, decolorate, ^^ mic. Collema, Ach. L. U. p. 628. Pannaria, Nyl. Scand. p. 126. b. ccesia, Nyl. ; thallus dark-gray, or whitish ; the internal structure confused and obscure. Tuckerm. Gen. Lich. p. 54. Collolechia, Mass., Koerb. Syst. p. 377. Calcareous rocks, and sandstones, Pennsylvania and the northern States to Canada, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. Illinois and Kansas, Hall Alabama, Peters. b, calcareous rocks, 128 COLLEMEI. Trenton, N. Y., etc., Tuckerman Gen. Lich. 1872. Structure of the thallus of the present species, in its best conditions (as Fellni. Lich. Arct. n. 101) sufficiently agreeing with that of the other species of this section, and. with Pterygium, Nyl., which is not well at home in Collemei ; and the lichen differs in fact in nothing from Lecothecium of Authors but the very indistinct hy- pothallus. Both the colour, and imperfectly denned, or con- fused structure of b may perhaps be attributable to the action of lime : like a, the lichen is inseparable from the Pannariei. ******* Jane II a. Thallus crustaceous, squamulose-granu- lose, parenchymatous throughout. Hypothallus obsolete. Goni- mous system of gonimia. Apothecia biatorine. Spores muri- form-plurilocular. (Collema aut Leptogium, Auct.) 24. P. byssina (Kofm..) Tuckerm.; thallus effuse ; of minute, granulose, or now corallinoid, ash-coloured squamules, passing into scurfy granules ; apothecia small to very small, innate-ses- sile; margin depressed; disk reddish-brown. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, decolorate, ^ mic. Leptogium, ZwacJch Exs. n. 174. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 120. Collema, Koerb. Parerg. p. 410. Pan- naria, Tuck. Gen. p. 56. On the earth, Illinois (Hall), Tuckerman I. c. 1872. Massa- chusetts, on bank- walls, Willey. Fam. 6. COLLEMEI. Thallus various, exhibiting the whole range of variation in form of the Tribe, now shrub-like and ascendant ; or filiform and decumbent ; now, and for the most part, folia- ceous ; and now, at length crust-like ; when moist more or less gelatinous (whence the name Jelly-lichens) the hypo- thallus, except in rare cases, obsolete. Gonimous system exclusively of gonimia, which are now clustered in roundish groups, or more commonly linked together in necklace-like chains, nestling in a homogeneous pulp derived from the dissolution of the thickened membranes. For a consideration of the relations of this much-disputed Family to the immediately preceding ones, and of the insupera- LICHItfEI. 129 ble difficulties in the way of continuing to regard it as ordinarily distinct from them, reference may be made to the author's Gen- era Lichenum, p. 56-64, etc. The spore-history of the Cottemei offers an evident contrast to that of the Pannariei, in that while in the latter the greater proportion of the forms, and all the more typical ones, have simple spores, the higher features shewing themselves only in the receding sections, the confused and at length aberrant struct- ure of which assimilates them to Eucollemel, it is the bulk and most typical portion of the former which displays the higher spore-characterization, and only in general the reduced and re- ceding clusters 'in which the spores are simple. We descend thus from the foliaceous Pannariae to the sections Lecothecium and Janella ; as we ascend from Pyrenopsis and Omphalaria to Leptogium and Hydrothyria. But in both alike the ultimate con- dition of tne spore is that of the Coloured Series ; and those spores therefore the structure of which represents earlier stages of spore-development, however without colour and apparently equivocal, are to be taken for decolorate members of the same Series. Sub-Fam. 1. LICHINEI. Thallus filamentous or shrub-like j the gonimia either constituting an axis (as in Sirosiphon, and other types of Algce, with which Class the principal members of the present Sub-Family were formerly placed, as Sirosiphon is now, by some, with Lichenes) but interpenetrated and surrounded by filamentous elements (hyphse), and crowded at length by the development of the latter into a regular gonimous layer (Sect. 1), or concatenate (Sect. 2). Medullary layer more or less parenchymatous. Apothecia globose ; oftener biatorine. Sect. 1. Ephebei. Thallus filamentous, sirosiphonoid. The plants to be now described are distinguished from Alga, as well by the possession of apothecia, as of hyphae. In other re- spects, however, the present section is so close to certain Algal types (especially Sirosiplion, Kiitz.), and this resemblance ap- peared otherwise of such difficult explanation, that the question of parasitism long since suggested itself. Ephebe pubescens, in its 9 130 THEKMUTIS. so-called fertile condition, was thus taken for an Alga infested by a Fungus (Hepp. Flecht. Eur. n. 712). De Bary illustrated this further, and proposed an alternative. Either the lichens now before us are the fully developed, fructifying states of plants, the less developed conditions of which ranked heretofore as Nostodiacece, Ckroococcacece, etc., among the Algce, or the groups last-named are typical Algce, which assume the form of Collema, Ephebe, etc., in consequence of being penetrated by certain para- sitical Ascomycetes, which spread their mycelial cells through, and thus condition the growing thallus. (De Bary, Morph. & PJiys. d. Pilze, etc., p. 291.) Schwendener's development of the latter hypothesis (Die Algen-typen der Flechten-gonidien, 1869, etc.) opened up an enquiry of deep interest, which yet neither his own profound researches, nor the later ones of Bornet (Re- cherches sur les gonidies, Ann. 5, 17, 1873) and Stahl (Beitr. z. Entwickelungsgeschickte d. Flechten, 1877) were sufficient to de- termine ; and the question remained an open one, till it was set- tled, and in favour of the autonomy of the Lichens, by Minks (Das Microgonidium, 1879). Sirosiphon, Kiitz., of which sev- eral species are recognized here (Prof. W. G. Farlow), has lately found a place in certain Lichen-catalogues with the authority apparently of Dr. Nylander; but the group of Algce in question, as constituted, is only hypothetically associable with Lichens ; and the eminent author cited has not yet attempted to remove the difficulty of so associating it. Ephebella, Itzigs., also North American (Farlow) is still further removed from Lichens. [THERMUTIS, Fr., Born. Apothecia very small, biatorine. Spores ellipsoid, colour- less. Spermatia oblong; on simple sterigmas. Thallus slender filiform, densely tufted ; the gonimia constituting, at the extremities, a single, central axis, which breaks up, in the older parts, into transverse rings. T. belutina (Ach.) Fr. ; thallus of very slender, decumbent, sub-simple, crisped, blackish-brown filaments intertangled into close, velvety cushions; apothecia a little concave, pale brown, with an obtuse margin. Spores roundish-ellipsoid, simple, "-^ mic." Th. Fr. Lich. Arct. p. 286. Koerb. Parerg. p. 450. Gonionema, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 88, t. I,/. 11. Rocks and stones, Europe ; but known to fruit only in the ex- SPILONEMA. EPHEBE. 131 treme north. It has not yet been detected here. There being no question of the plant's being the type of Thermutis, Fr. (8. 0. V. p. 302 ; 1825) it is not a sufficient reason for supplanting this name by Nylander's, that Fries, many years later, referred incorrectly, in Hit. (Schaer. Enum. p. 248), an incongruous lichen to his genus.] [SPILONEMA, Born. Apothecia minute, lentiform, imtnarginate, black. Spores ellipsoid, colourless. Spermatia oblong j on multi-articulate sterigmas. Thallus slender filiform, branched, the large gonimia arranged at first in an axial column, as in the last, but soon exhibiting, like that, the dissolution of this column into transverse layers. Nyl. ut infra. S. paradoxum, Born. ; " thallus densely caespitose, entangled, irregularly and somewhat one-sidedly branched, the filaments about an eighth of an inch in height ; blackish-brown ; apothecia hemispherical, without any margin, black. Spores ellipsoid, simple, 9-4 mic." Nyl. Syn. p. 89, t. 2,/. 3. Leight. in Mag. Nat. Hist. 1865. Kocks in the south of Europe ; as also in North Wales ; and in Finland. This plant is also unknown here, having, like the last, been hitherto sought in vain among the Sirosophons, etc., of our rocks ; but it may occur within our limits, however long obscured by the absence of fruit. The general agreement in thalline struct- ure of the plants which constitute the present section (Ephebei) is such, that their distinction turns on their fruit-characters. Spilonema differs yet, by its branched and shrub-like habit, from Thermutis ; as by its smaller size from Ephebe. A minute, pulvinate lichen, looking like a small and lighter- coloured Ephebe, which Bornet (in litt., /dte Farlow) was inclined provisionally to refer to this genus, but infertile, has occurred, on calcareous rocks in Alabama, Peters ; and, what is possibly the same, on granitic rocks in Massachusetts, Willey.'] \ XXIIL EPHEBE, Fr., Born. Apothecia minute, now persistently immersed in the thallus and endocarpeine, and now superficial and globose- 132 EPHEBE. lecanorine; the coarctate disk punctiform. Spores ellip- soid, colourless. Spermatia ellipsoid; on simple sterigmas. Thallus coarsely filamentous, branched j the large gonimia grouped finally more or less together outside of the medul- lary parenchyma. * Apothecia (so far as known) immersed in the thallus. 1. E. pubescens, Fr. ; thallus much-branched, rather rigid, transversely somewhat wrinkled and scabrous, decumbent in loosely intertaugled tufts ; from blackish-green becoming black ; [apothecia immersed several together in siliquose swellings of the thallus; the disk reduced to a point. Spores oblong-ellip- soid, bilocular, colourless, ^~ mic.] Nyl. Syn. I, p. 90, t. 2, 1, & 17-20. Leight. I c. Rocks, throughout New England, and northward, Tuckerman Syn. N. E. 1848. Greenland ? & cf Hornemann, fide Bornet. New York, Peck. New Jersey, Austin. Probably throughout the Appalachian system of mountains, as in Alabama, Peters. Always as yet (with the above noted exception of Greenland) seen here without apothecia, but occurring with spermogones, which resemble the apothecia of the next species. Reliance is hardly to be placed on the ordinarily dioecious character sup- posed to distinguish this from the next (Nyl. Syn. I. c.} as com- pare the E. Lapponica, Nyl. in Flora, 1875, which can scarcely be said to differ at all from the present but in being monoecious. 2. E. mammillosum (Lyngb.) Fr.; thallus simple; softer than the last; the simple branches incrassated and spindle shaped, and thickly mammillated on all sides ; apothecia un- known. Harv. Brit. Algce, p. 153. Wet rocks near Norman's Woe, Gloucester, Mass., Prof. Far- low. Both Agardh, and Harvey have inclined to consider this a variety of the last, from which Fries (Summ. Veg. Scand.) has distinguished it. * * Apothecia superficial, and globose. 3. E. solida, Bora. ; thallus generally like that of the first species in habit as in roughness, but much shorter, and perhaps more uniformly stouter-branched and shrub-like, and growing in smaller tufts ; black ; apothecia lateral and terminal ; the punc- tiform disk at length evidently impressed ; with an obtuse mar- LICHINA. 133 gin. Spores oblong, often a little curved, simple, colourless, ^ mic., the slender paraphyses at length distinct. Born, in Ann. Sci. 3, 18, 171. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 90. Rocks of the Blue Ridge in Georgia (Lesquereux) , Bornet I. c. 1852. Vermont, Frost. Massachusetts, Willey. Like a reduced, and more shrub-like Efrhebe, with what might seem normal apothecia. Spermogones as in the last ; but the sterigmas shorter. E. Lesquereuxii, Born. I c., p. 170, from the Raccoon Mountains, Alabama (Lesquereux), is said by Bornet to differ from E. solida only in being thrice or four times as large ; the fruit is unknown, and the plant no longer exists in Herb. Lesq. E. pubescens occurs now in Alabama (Peters) twice as large as in the ordinary state, there also found. The more normal fruit being all in fact that distinguishes this section of Ephebe from the first, it appears undesirable to sep- arate it generically as Ephebeia, Nyl. (Flora, 1875). Sect. 2. Eulichinei. Thattus fruticulose, the gonimia concatenate, and constituting a distinct layer. XXIV. LICHINA, Ag., Mont. Apothecia minute, terminal, globose-lecanorine j with a punctiform disk. Spores ellipsoid, simple, colourless. Sper- rnatia ellipsoid; on simple sterigmas. Thallus shrub-like, cartilagineous-corneous, brownish-black ; the texture Colle- meine ; but the necklace-like chains of gonimia distinctly separated from the mostly determinate cortical, as from the medullary layer. L. confinis (Sin.) Ag. ; thallus densely csespitose, dichoto- mously branched ; greenish-black; the slender branches terete, and somewhat fastigiate. Spores in cylindraceous thekes, the paraphyses finally distinct. Koerb. Syst. p. 430. * Willeyi ; thallus scarcely differing externally, but the corti- cal layer obsolete ; and the gonimia supplanted, for the most part entirely, by a microscopical Alga, the long tapering points of which appear outwardly ; apothecia also similar to those of the species; as well as the spores. Lichina L. confini prox., Schwend. Algentypen der Flechtengonid. p. 19. 134 ETJCOLLEMEI. Kocks beyond the tides, but within reach of the sea in storms, Cape Ann, Mass., Tucker man in Schwendener I c. 1869. Hol- lows retaining water longest in otherwise dry rocks, at least five miles from the sea, New Bedford, Mass., Willey. No exceptions having occurred, and the normal L. confinis being unknown to us, this remarkable medley of alien organisms must not only stand with us for Licliina, but, as Schwendener has remarked, must be admitted, without further investigation, to speak at any rate for, rather than against the theory of para- sitism. At the same time, it cannot be denied that while L. Willeyi exhibits the living together in most intimate association of two plants of distinct Classes, the one penetrating indeed the other, and assuming the place even (it should seem) of a part of the typical, internal structure of the other, the two are always distinct; and the zigzag chains of Lichina-gommia which are rarely found in thicker portions of the thallus offer no indication of genetic relationship to the Alga occupying the periphery. And thus, though at first sight appearing possibly to bear with force on the side of parasitism, the complex organism before us is really of smaller account in the argument than some other less pretentious facts. Sub-Fam. 2. COLLEMEI proper. Thallus foliaceous, now diminished or microphylline ; or, at length, crust-like (granulose, or even filmy) j only excep- tionally fruticulose ; the gonimia disposed in rounded, dicho- tomously branched clusters j or, more commonly, in neck- lace-like chains ; dissolving for the most part, more or less, into a homogeneous pulp, traversed by the hyphse. Medul- lary layer, in the lowest forms, parenchymatous. Apothecia normally scutellseform, but sometimes persistently unde- veloped, or globose. The difficulties of arrangement of the intricately correlated and perplexed groups which make up the present Sub-Family have been considered by the author in Genera Lichenum, pp. 69-77. The disposition there found preferable will be adopted here, with the single exception that Synalissa symphorea is sep- arated from the granulose species in that work associated with it, and is united with Omphalaria ; from which the writer had , PYRENOPSIS. 135 in the same place (Gen. p. 72), questioned whether it were " really dissociable." These granulose species (Pyrenopsis, Nyl.) make a group " precluded by its parenchymatous tissue from the chief structural peculiarities of Collemei ; and, in the last resort, perhaps reconcilable with those only by a certain accordance in habit" (Gen. p. 77) separating them from low types of Panna- riei. But Synalissa symphorea is, in every respect, a Collemeine lichen ; and its structure is that, not of Pyrenopsis but Ompha- laria proper, in which we already have fruticulose types. (*) Sect. 1. Omphalariei, Koerb. Thallus either granulose, fruticulose, or reduced-folidceous, attached only at the centre; gonimia, for the most part, collected in clusters. XXV. PYRENOPSIS, Nyl. Apothecia very small, depressed-globose ; the disk con- tracted and urceolate, or now at length open. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, simple or bilocular, decelerate. Spermatia oblong, or now filiform and bowed (n. 5) on simple sterigmas. Thal- lus coralloid-granulose ; or still more reduced and even filmy; the texture parenchymatous throughout j the go- nimia in clusters ; or, more rarely, in chains. Humble plants, resembling brownish or blackish stains, which the lens shews to be scurfy ; on rocks. But little is known as yet of them here. * Gonimia disposed in clusters. 1. P. Schcereri (Mass.) Nyl.; thallus of minute, corallinoid granules, crowded together into areole-like groups, and forming a broken, blackish crust ; apothecia very small, lecanoroid; the (*) Nylander has indeed lately (Collemacei <$ ccett. Cubani Novi, in Flora, 1875) referred the most elegant of these (the Cuban 0. Wrightii of the present writer) to his Synalissa ; but the reference is determined perhaps rather by the marked fruticulose habit of the plant, as the Cuban lichen offers no important distinction in structure from his Omphalaria. "In textura thalli," he remarks however, " observatur, filamenta apice divisa in gonimia abire, ita ut hi apices filamentorum singuli in impres- sione gonimii levi infigantur, et sic 3 vel 4 scepius gonimia sub-botryose infixa conspiciantur'" (Nyl. 1. c.) an observation capable perhaps of being understood in more than one way; and hardly to be taken as meant to suggest a structural difference between the two groups ! 136 PYRENOPSIS. flat disk more or less reddish at least when wet ; the thin mar- gin now granulate-coronate. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decelerate, ^ mic. ; the paraphyses capillary, mostly conglutinate. Pan- naria, Mass. Eic. p. 14. Koerb. Parerg. p. 46. Calcareous . rocks. Illinois (Hall), Tuckerman Gen., 1874. Trenton Falls, N. T., Willey. Alabama, Peters. Our plant agrees with an excellent Bavarian specimen ( Ar- nold] from which I cannot, however, distinguish one of the two (from the same substrate in Bavaria, Arnold] of Omphalaria decipiens given in Anzi Venet. 2. The Italian specimens of the present, so far as seen (Mass. Ital. n. 338 ; Anz. Langob. n. 430) are inferior. What I have seen of Psoroticliia murorum, Mass. (Mass. Lick. Ital. n. 300; Am. in herb. Koerb.), scarcely makes clear the distinction between that lichen and Pyrenopsis Schcereri. The latter is rather distinguished in the lowly group before us by its well-characterized apothecia. 2. P. melambola, Tuckerm.; thallus of exceedingly minute, olivaceous granules compacted into finally thick and sub-stipi- tate, scabrous, black areoles, and forming a close crust; apothe- cia very minute, 1-6 in the areoles, innate, lecanorine, black ; the thin margin persistent and of the same colour with the sub- papillate disk. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^^ mic.; the paraphyses conglutinate. Synalissa, Obs. Lick. 4, I. c. 12, p. 170. Calcareous rocks, Alabama (Peters), Tuckerman I. c. 1877. The regular, raised areoles now exceeding 1 millim. in width, and almost reaching it in thickness ; the apothecia from O mm -, 1 to O mm -, 3 wide. 3. P.polycocca (Nyl.) ; thallus of rounded blackish granules soon passing into a broken, pitch-black crust which is hidden mostly by the numerous apothecia ; these are very small, concol- orous, globose, with a coarctate, punctiform, urceolate disk. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^p mic., the capillary para- physes conglutinate. Synalissa, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 96. Granitic rocks, Vermont (Frost), Tuckerman in Nyl. I. c. 1858. Apothecia O mm -, 3 to O mm -, 4 wide. 4. P. pliceococca, Tuckerm. ; thallus coralloid-granulose, com- pacted into a thickish, broken crust like that of the last, but reddish-brown ; apothecia scattered, very small, globose, concol- PYREFOPSIS. 137 orous ; with a punctifonn, impressed disk which becomes at length dilated and lecanoriue. Spores ellipsoid and ovoid, sim- ple and bilocular, decolorate, ^ mic. ; the capillary paraphyses at length distinct. Synalissa, Gen. Lich. p. 80. Granitic rocks, North Carolina (Curtis), Tnckerman I. c. 1872. Massachusetts and New Hampshire, Willey. Apothecia O mm -, 3 to O mm -, 5 wide. The colour of the thallus, passing from blood-red into reddish- brown, and no less the large internal cells each containing from one to four gonimia (now exactly comparable with those of Om- phalaria Pliylliscum) and the larger spores, separate this from the last ; which is however unknown as yet except at its original station j and its range of variation therefore uncertain. 5. P. phylliscina, Tuckerm.; thallus thin, made up of very minute, brownish-black granules which are collected in an irreg- ular, filmy crust; apothecia minute, globose, almost closed (Ver- rucaria3form). Spores in sub-fusiform thekes, ovoid-ellipsoid, simple and bilocular, decolorate, 9 ^J- mic. ; the paraphyses few and short. Synalissa, Gen. Lich. p. 80. Granitic rocks, New Bedford ( Willey}, Tuckerman I. c. 1872. Spermatia filiform, bowed. In this respect, as in the inexpli- cate, globular apothecia with the disk represented only by what seems a Verrucariine ostiole, and the fusiform thekes, the licheii reminds us of Omphalaria Phylliscum ; nor are the large go- nimia ill-comparable with those of that. Apothecia O mm -, 2 to O mm -, 3 wide. * * Gonimia disposed in chains. 6. P. corallina, Willey; thallus coralloid, the pyriform, re- tuse granules becoming elongated, nodulose, and irregularly short-branched ; and constituting finally a broken-areolate, dark- olivaceous (and blackening) crust; apothecia minute, globose- lecanorine ; with a coarctate, impressed disk. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^ mic. ; the capillary paraphyses finally distinct. Willey, msc. On stones (granitic) near the ground in boggy places, on the coast of Massachusetts, Willey. Chains of gonimia of 3-9 members. 7. P. viridi-rufa, Tuckerm.; thallus of rounded granules which are soon grouped in areole-like clumps, and crowded to- 138 OMPHALARIA. gether finally into a broken crust; pale-bluish- or sage-green ; apothecia very small, lecanoroid, innate, flattish ; the disk ru- fous; the paler margin persistent. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decel- erate, ^ mic. ; the paraphyses somewhat distinct. Synalissa, Obs. Lich. I. supra c. Calcareous rocks, Texas (Wright], Tuckerman 1. c. 1877. Gonimia mostly solitary or in twos, but occurring also in chains of fours and sixes ; 10-17 mic. in the longest diameter. Frag- ments from Bourbon County, Kansas (Hall], also calcareous, agrees, so far as they go, very well with this, except in their blackish colour, bringing them near to Porocyphus areolatus, Koerb. ; which is similar in fact in the spores and paraphyses, and the gonimia. From this last P. viridi-rufa is distinguisha- ble, with whatever ultimate rank, by the colours, and the differ- ent matrix. Apothecia, as seen, O mra -, 3 to O mm -, 4 thick. XXVI. OMPHALARIA, Dur. & Mont. Apothecia very small, sub-globose; more or less immersed in the thallus, or superficial ; rarely explicate and scutellae- form. Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate. Spermatia el- lipsoid, or now (n. 2, 3) filiform and bowed; on simple sterigmas. Thallus fruticulose, or, more commonly, foliace- ous, attached to the substrate at only one point ; the go- nimia disposed in clusters, or rarely linked together in necklace -like chains, interspersed among anastomosing hyphae in a homogeneous pulp. Synalissa, Fr. S. 0. V. p. 297 (1824) was founded on the type of the first section of Omphalaria as here understood ; but placed with SphaBriaceous Fungi. It was long before Fries again reviewed the plant, and restored it to its proper affinity, but he took occasion at the same time (Summ. Veg. Scand. p. 563, 1849) to associate with it generically Endocarpon phylliscum, Wahl., which makes here the second section of the present genus. Before this, however, Montagne had distinguished (Alger. 1846) our third section (to which he afterwards referred also our second) as Omphalaria; and the group thus established has acquired, whether as Omphalariei or Omphalaria, emend., of authors, an extent, and has received an amount of illustration which makes any attempt at superseding its well-known name by the older one impracticable. OMPHALARIA. 139 * Synalissa. Thallus fruticulose ; the gonimia disposed in clusters. Apothecia globose-lecanorine. Spermatia either ellip- soid (n. 1) or filiform (n. 2). 1. 0. symplwrea (DC.); thallus pulvinate, minute, rigid; sparingly or at length dichotomously divided, with short and stout, torulose branches ; apothecia terminal, globose ; the co- arctate, concave disk at length dilated and bordered by an ob- tuse margin. Spores more commonly 12-16 in the thekes, ellip- soid and globular, simple, decolorate, ^- 4 mic. Synalissa, Nyl. Scand. p. 27. 8. symphorea & sphcerospora, Nyl. Syn. Calcareous rocks, Alabama (Peters], Tuckermanin Nyl. Syn. 1858. The European lichen is not always as well-developed as ours, but the two are inseparable in species. The plant starts as a glebous-squamaceous frond with the aspect of 0. pyrenoides. As this grows it takes on more of the look of 0. umbella, above as well as below ; and only finally assumes its fruticulose char- acter. 2. 0. Texana, Tuckerm. ; thallus nodulose-sub-fruticulose, of the size and with the texture and colour of n. ] j apothecia unknown. Spermogones situated like and resembling apothecia, containing filiform, bowed spermatia; on simple sterigmas. Synalissa, Gen. Lich. p. 80. Calcareous rocks, very sparingly, Texas (Wright), Tucker- man I. c. 1872. Like a nodose or undeveloped form of n. 1, but becoming somewhat branched. Internal structure also similar, except that the larger gonimia (reaching 14 mic. at least in diameter) have much the look of those of the next following species though only of half the size. * * Endocarpoma. Thallus foliaceous, with the habit and texture of tlee following section, with which this also agrees in the evolution of the gonimia ; but the latter larger than usual, and soon solitary. Apothecia immersed and persistently nuclei- form. Spermatia filiform. 3. O.phyllisca (Wahl.) Tuckerm. ; thallus small, rigid, rosu- late, black, the rounded lobules conspicuous at the periphery but less so at the centre, or more rarely somewhat imbricate ; apothecia minute, depressed-globose; the urceolate disk with a 140 OMPHALAEIA. punctiform aperture. Spores in sub-fusiform thekes 9-18, ellip- soid and globular, simple, decolorate, -^~ mic. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 84. 0. Demangeonii, Mont, in Ann. Sci. Sept., 1849. 0. Silesiaca, Koerb. Syst. p. 423. Phylliscum endocarpoides & P. Demangeonii, Nyl. Syn. 1, 136, t. 3, /. 5. P. endocarpoides, Koerb. Parerg. p. 443. Schwend. Undersuch. in Naeg. Beitr. 1868, 4, 194. Granitic rocks, White Mountains (Eussell), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Vermont, Frost. Massachusetts, Willey. Ehode Island, J. L. Bennett. Shores of Lake Superior, Agassiz. Oregon, Hall. This plant, the whole aspect of which is that of Omphalaria proper, as is the general internal structure, differs yet in the early breaking up of the gonimous clusters which so commonly characterize the section, and the large size of the then solitary gonimia, as well as in the feebler development of gelatinous pulp; in both which respects it looks rather towards Pyrenopsis. It is possible then to regard it as an intermediate type between Py- renopsis and Omphalaria. As now accepted as a genus by authors the distinction turns however, if we mistake not, less on the thalline differences than on the assumption of an essential difference in the fruit j that this namely, instead of being to be considered, in spite of its diffluent paraphyses, from the point of view of the Collemeine group to which the plant manifestly be- longs by its other characters, and in which inexplicate apothe- cia, so surprisingly exhibited in 0. leptophylla and 0. deusta of the island of Cuba, are the rule, shall be reckoned a perithe- cium ; an opinion which we take for untenable. * * * Omphalaria proper. Thallus foliaceous, attached to the substrate at only a single point ; the gonimia in clusters ; or rarely (n. 8) in chains ; interspersed among hyphce, in a homo- geneous pulp. This group is distinctly gelatinous and Colle- meine. The species with concatenate gonimia are indeed referred to Collema by Nylander (Syn.} ; but belong naturally, by the peculiar attachment, and whole habit, with the others. f Gonimia in clusters. 4. 0. Kansana, Tuckerm. ; thallus pulvinate, rigid, black, made up of stipitate, erect, clavate fronds which become lobate above, or, from the dilated fruit, pileate ; apothecia sub-terminal, concolorous, soon convex and the margin disappearing. Spores OMPHALARIA. 141 in ventricose thekes 8-12 or more, from ellipsoid soon oblong and constricted at the middle, simple, decolorate, ^ mic. Obs. Lich. 4, I c. 12, p. 170. Calcareous rocks, Kansas (Hall], Tuckerman I. c. 1877. Fronds 1-1 mm - in height, with much the habit and internal structure of 0. corallodes (Mass.), Nyl., but smaller, and with less of foliaceous character. Clusters of gonimia soon broken up, the solitary ones 12-19 mic., in the longest diameter; almost defi- cient at the centre. The spores become perhaps finally bilocu- lar ? Apothecia O ram -, 5 to O mm -, 8 wide. 5. 0. pyrenoides, Nyl. ; thallus squamaceous, black ; the small fronds rounded and convex ; apothecia one in each frond, innate, concolorous, at length somewhat dilated, with an obtuse margin. Spores rounded-ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, -^ mic. Nyl. Syn. l,p. 100. Calcareous rocks, Texas ( Wright), Tuckerman in Nyl. Syn. 1858. Spermatia minute, ellipsoid ; on simple sterigmas. 6. 0. pulvinata, Nyl. ; thallus foliaceous, coriaceous-cartila- gineous, black ; of closely aggregated lobes, which are divided more or less, and pass into ascendant, wavy and crenate-cut, rounded lobules ; [apothecia for the most part at the edges of the lobes, tuberculiform, pallescent. Spores short-ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^ mic.] Nyl. Syn. I, p. 99. Calcareous rocks. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., G. E. Gerard. Shores of Willoughby Lake, Frost. Mountains of Colorado, Brandegee in herb. Willey. The apothecia have not as yet occurred here. 7. 0, Girardi, Dur. & Mont. ; thallus coriaceous, black ; with much the aspect and texture of the last but fewer- and much-wider-lobed, and the lobes only sparingly divided and undulate ; [apothecia uroeolate. Spores short-ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, -| mic. Mont. Syll. p. 380. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 99. Collema plutonium, Tucker m. in litt. Calcareous rocks, Alabama (Peters), Tuckerman in Nyl. I. c. 1858. Apothecia unknown here. f f Gonimia commonly in chains. 8. 0. Umbella, Tuckerm. ; thallus small, rounded, thick and rigid, sub-monophyllous, granulate ; brown-olivaceous and black- 142 COLLEMA. ening; beneath paler, passing with age into two or three ob- scurely distinguishable lobes, with lobulate and crenulate edges ; apothecia numerous, superficial, lecauorine; the disk reddish- brown, bordered by an obtuse margin. Spores ellipsoid and cymbiform, simple, decolorate, ^ mic. ; the capillary paraphy- ses distinct. Tuckerm. in Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 105. Collema, Nyl. I. c. Calcareous rock, Alabama (Peters), Tuckerman 1. c. 1858. Apothecia O mm -, 3 to O mm -, 4 wide. Very close to 0. botryosa, Nyl., which is by no means always as "endocarpeine" as described; and the latter occurs more or less with the gonidia concatenate, though it is accepted without question by Nylander as an Omphalaria. I find this true also of the gonimous system of the American 0. Girardi. Sect. 2. Eucollemei. Thallus foliaceous (or only excep- tionally fruticulose], the whole under side attached to the substrate; the gonimia in chains. XXVII. COLLEMA, Hoffm., Fr. .. Apothecia from very small at length middling-sized, scu- tellseform. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid and cymbiform, now sim- ple ; now fusiform and 2-plurilocular j and now murifonn- plurilocular ; decolorate. Spermatia ellipsoid or oblong; for the most part on jointed sterigmas. The cortical layer of the thallus obsolete j or, with rare exceptions, indistinct. Gonimia in chains. * Coll em ell a. Thallus fruticulose. Spores simple. 1. C. cladodes, Tuckerm.; thallus small, pulvinate, cartila- gineous ; blackish-green ; the terete divisions longitudinally stri- ate and fastigiately somewhat branched ; those of the circumfer- ence stellate-radiant; apothecia minute, terminal, or lateral, depressed-globose. Spores rounded, simple, decolorate, 16-19 mic. in diameter. Gen. Lich. p. 89. Calcareous rocks, Trenton Falls, N. Y., Tuckerman I. c. 1872. The plant did not yield me spores ; but Mr. Willey has since col- lected specimens which gave him the result above noted. * * Lathagrium. Thallus foliaceous, sub-membranaceous, exhibiting now indications, at least interruptedly, of a cortical COLLEMA. 143 layer, ivhich becomes at length distinct. Spores from simple and ovoid-ellipsoid becoming bilocular, and elongated and bi-quadri- plurilocular, icith entire sporoblasts ; only exceptionally sub-muri- form. 2. C. myriococcum, Ach., Arn.; thallus of middling size, sub-orbicular, cartilagineous ; black ; attached closely to the sub- strate in the manner and with the look of Nostoc Commune; the irregular, flexuous, variously complicated lobes repand, and more or less warted ; apothecia minute, crowded, immersed, or emergent, lecanorine, the pale-brown disk bordered at length by a persistent margin. Spores rounded-ovoid and ellipsoid, eirn- ple, decolorate, ^ mic. Ach. L. U. p. 638. Arn. Fragm. in Flora, 1867. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 89. Calcareous rocks, growing over mosses, Rockland County, New York (Austin), Tuckerman I c. 1872. What is with little doubt the same plant but infertile, has occurred, in similar sta- tions, at Trenton Falls, N. Y., Tuckerman ; in New Jersey, Aus- tin ; and in Alabama, Peters. The C. chalazanum of Leigh ton Lich.-Fl. Brit. p. 17, if we may judge by an Irish lichen of Herb. Taylor, is scarcely separable from the present ; and Nylander (Lich. Scand. p. 29) has ques- tioned the specific distinctness of the two; but, according to Arnold, the former is kept apart by longer and larger spores (Hepp. n. 662). The shape of the spores is however quite uncer- tain ; and the supposed difference in the thekes is no more, in our plant at least, to be depended on ; these organs occurring now narrowed, with the spores in a single series, and now ventri- cose. The apparent distance between the present species and the one next following might seem perhaps to be reduced by C. omphalarioides, Auz. (Lich. Etrur. n. 46), which Arnold has re- ferred to the group represented by C. myriococcum (Lempho- lemma, Koerb.), but the relation of the Italian lichen to C. pyc- nocarpum appears to be far more intimate than to any form of the other group. 3. C.pycnocarpum,Ny}.; thallus middling-sized, sub-orbicu- lar, membranaceous-cartilagineous ; from pale- becoming black- ish-green ; lobes radiately expanded, soon irregularly narrowed, fenestrate, ribbed, with ascendant marginal lobules which are densely rugose-lobulate, and covered at length with the crowded fruit concealing the thallus ; apothecia small, disk red, soon con- 144 COLLEMA. vex, and excluding the thin, entire margin. Spores ovoid-ellip- soid, bilocular, decolorate, ^ inic. Nyl. Syn. p. 115. Trunks, North America, Nylander I. c. 1858. Canada, Drum- mond, New England and Middle States, Tuckerman. Illinois, Hall. Carolina and Georgia, Eavenel. Florida, Austin. Ala- bama and Arkansas, Peters. And also in New Granada, S. Amer., Nylander (Lindig, herb. n. 2872). 3(b). C. cyrtaspis, Tuckerm. ; a stouter and rather larger lichen with more distinct lobation, better displaying the thalline features of C. pycnocarpum ; apothecia larger (commonly l-2 mm - wide) scattered, the dark-chestnut, shining disk bordered more persistently by a thickish, crenulate margin. Spores sub- fusiform, 4-locular, decolorate, ^ mic. Obs. Licli. 2, 1. c. 387. Trunks in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, Tucker- man 1. c. 1862. It has occurred also in New Jersey, Austin ; New York, Sarticell ; and even in Massachusetts, Willey ; but is better exhibited southward. Illinois, Hall. Ohio, Lea. North Carolina, Curtis. South Carolina, and Georgia, Mavenel. Ala- bama and Arkansas, Peters. There is scarcely any difference, in the thallus, from C. pycnocarpum, beyond what is noted. Indeed C. aggregatum may be said to differ, in this respect, rather in that inferior regularity of arrangement which Sommer- felt has distinguished as ' caespitose-fasciculate,' than anything else ; and the thallus of the very distinct C. callibotrys is not easily otherwise describable ; all these lichens depending mainly for their rank on the spore-characters. It may however be added, for what it may be worth, that while the apothecia and the spores of the present are larger than those of C. pycno- carpum, the collogonidia appear to be somewhat- smaller ; or to differ as 3-6 mic., from 4-7 mic. 4. C. laciniatum, Nyl. ; thallus middling-tized, orbicular, cartilagineous, stellate; olive-green; the narrow, elongated, radiant lobes discrete, deeply laciniate, with rugose-nodulose tips; apothecia of middling size, elevated; the flattish disk bor- dered by a sub-crenate margin. Spores fusiform-ellipsoid, biloc- ular, decolorate, ^ mic. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 116. Calcareous rocks. Alabama (Peters], Tuckerman in Nyl. I. c. 1858. Kansas, Hall. 5. C. micropliyllum, Ach. ; thallus minute, sub-membranace- ous, orbicular, or now fragmentary and effuse ; olivaceous be- COLLEMA. 145 coming blackish-green ; lobes at the circumference explanate, at the centre reduced and sub-imbricate, granulate-crenate ; apo- thecia numerous, small, sessile, urceolate, and flat ; the thalline margin finally disappearing, and a pale, proper border margin- ing the red disk. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, sub-muriform (long. series of cells 4, transv. 1-2), decolorate, ^| mic. Ach. Syn. p. 310. Schcer. Spicil. p. 527. Elm-bark, Massachusetts (Willey], Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Illinois, Hall. It is a character of the lichen to exhibit urceo- late apothecia, but these become flat, and even convex. The fruit is properly zeorine, but conspicuously at length biatorine, as in the European plant, with which ours entirely agrees. The structure of the spore is exceptional as regards the present sec- tion, but the thalline characters bring the plant into close rela- tion, on the one hand to C. verruciforme, Nyl., and C. callibotrySj and on the other to the European C. conglomeratum, HofTm. (of which C. verruculosum, Hepp., with similarly exceptional spores, is a near relative), and C. pycnocarpum. 6. C. callibotrys, Tuckerrn.; thallus with the size, general features and texture of that of C. cyrtaspis ; from pale- at length dark-olivaceous; the irregularly narrowed, fenestrate, ribbed lobes giving off ascendant, botryose-difform lobules which are thickly covered with the minute fruit ; apothecia concave ; the disk red, the margin very entire. Spores at first and commonly squared, with four cells disposed crosswise, but at length ellip- soid, and the cells more or less divided, decolorate, ^ mic. Obs. Lich. 2, 1. c. p. 386. Trees, in the low country of South Carolina (Ravenel), Tuck- erman I. c. 1862. Florida, Austin. Alabama, Peters. Texas, Hall. 7. C. verruciforme, Nyl. ; thallus minute, cartilagineous, of ascendant, crenate, and granulate, olivaceous, or olive-brown lobules ; which are either crowded into small, rounded, compli- cated heaps, or fragmentary and effuse; apothecia numerous, very small ; more or less urceolate, the reddish-brown disk bor- dered by a thickish, thalline margin. Spores squared, with four cells disposed as in the last species, and in like manner becom- ing ellipsoid and sub-muriform, decolorate, ^ mic. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 112. On Red Cedar and other trees, Weymouth and New Bedford 10 146 COLLBMA. (Willey), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Also on Eed Cedar at Cam- bridge. On the same bark in New Jersey, Austin. Like the somewhat similar C. microphyllum, this lichen, which, as represented in Schaerer's excellent specimens (Lich. Helv. n. 416), corresponds with the definition of Acharius (<7. furvum v. verruciforme, Ach. Syn. p. 323) in exhibiting dense, rounded, little cushions, which gave occasion to its name, passes, at least here, into an effuse and scurfy form, not otherwise dif- fering. And this ends finally in an almost granulose and crus- taceous one, from which C. quadratum, Lahm (Koerb. Parerg. p. 411), appears to be scarcely separable. C. callibotrys, with its well-developed, foliaceous thallus, offers evidently the other extreme of this series of lichens, so manifestly connected by the spores. 8. C. aggregatum, Nyl. ; thallus of middling size, orbicular, membranaceous - cartilagineous, sub - monophyllous, lobate - pli- cate and fenestrate, marked with conspicuous, anastomosing, rugose -granulate ridges; from bright- becoming blackish -green; beneath pale ; apothecia of middling size, somewhat elevated, flattish, mostly in bunches on the ridges ; the disk reddish, the margin sub-entire. Spores long-fusiform, plurilocular, decel- erate, ^J mic. Nyl. Syn. l,p. 115. Synechobl., Koerb. Parerg. p. 419. b. implicatum ; scarcely differing but in now larger apothe- cia, and stouter spores, ^ mic. C. implicatum, Nyl. Prodr. N. Gran. p. 2 ; & in herb. Lindig, n. 749. c. glaucophthalmum ; like the last, but the apothecia white- pruinose. Spores ^y mic. C. glaucophthalmum, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 114; Prodr. N. Gran. p. 2; & in herb. Lindig, n. 813. Trees, &, Mexico, Nylander, 1863 ; as also in Cuba, Wright ; Venezuela, Wagner-, Fendler-, and New Granada, Lindig. c, Mexico, Nylander Syn., 1858. New Granada, Lindig. These lichens have all the same thallus, and are generally similar. S(d). C. leptaleum, Tuckerm.; with the thallus of C. aggre- gatum, and apothecia varying, like those of the varieties of that lichen, now to ample, but better characterized than the latter by its smaller, vermiform spores, with obtuse ends, ^ mic. Obs. Lich. I c. 6 ; p. 263. COLLEMA. 147 Trees, not uncommon from New England to Virginia, Tuck- erman I. c. 1863. New York, Eussell. South Carolina, Eavenel. Alabama, Peters. Louisiana, Hale. Texas, Wright. As also- in Cuba, Wright ; and Japan, Wright. 9. C. microptychium, Tuckerm. ; thallus small, pulvinate, car- tilagineous; blackish-green; lobes thickly crowded together, erectish, rounded, crenate, gyrose-complicate ; apothecia small, sessile, flat ; the disk rufous, the margin entire. Spores vermi- form, plurilocular, decolorate, ^^ mic. Lich. Calif, p. 35. Trunks of Elm, Chestnut, and other trees, Amherst, Mass. r Tuckerman 1. c. 1866. As C. leptaleum offers the thallus of C. aggregatum with distinct spores, the present lichen exhibits the spores, we may say, of C. leptaleum with an irreconcilable thallus, now approaching that of the next specie.s. A rather larger but not dissimilar lichen, differenced similarly to this from C. flaccidum by its thicker thallus, has occurred, on trees, at Amherst, and in the White Mountains, Tuckerman j Willey ; but always infertile. 10. C. flaccidum, Ach.; thallus middling-sized, membrana- ceous ; olive -green ; made up of ample, lax and bullate, rounded, entire lobes, which are besprinkled mostly with concolorous granules, and the ascendant margins plicate-undulate ; beneath paler ; apothecia smallish, scattered, sessile, flattish ; the disk reddish-brown, the thin margin entire, now granulate. Spores ovoid and cymbiform, 4-6-locular, decolorate, ^ mic. ; becom- ing also long-fusiform, and 6-8-locular, ^^ mic. Ach. Syn. p. 322. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 91. Kocks and trunks, from New England to Virginia, Tucker- man Syn. N. E. 1848. Canada, Drummond. Ohio, Lea. Illi- nois, Hall. North and South Carolina, infertile, Eavenel ; New Mexico, infertile, Fendler. 11. C. nigrescens (Huds.) Ach. ; thallus middling-sized, or- biculate, thin-membranaceous, sub-monophyllous, closely ad- nate to the substrate, smooth, conspicuously marked with radi- ating wrinkles, and pustule-like prominences ; olivaceous-green and blackening; the rounded, flexuous lobes entire; beneath paler, costate-lacunose ; apothecia small, crowded; the disk reddish-brown, becoming convex and excluding the thin mar- gin. Spores long-fusiform and acicular, plurilocular, decolorate,, 4 -g? mic. Ach. L. U. p. 646. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 114. 148 COLLEMA. b. leucopepla, Tuckerm. ; a smaller lichen, with very small apothecia which are white-pruinose ; and longer spores, ^ mic. Gen. p. 92. Trunks, a, northern and middle States, not rare, Muhlen- berg Catal. 1818. Canada, Macoun. Ohio, Lea. Illinois, Hall. Maryland and Virginia, Tuckerman. South Carolina, Eavenel. Florida, J. D. Smith. Alabama, Peters. Oregon, Hall. Cali- fornia, Bolander. b, South Carolina and Georgia, Eavenel. Florida, J. D. Smith. Alabama, Peters. Louisiana, Hale. a occurs now white-pruinose ; in Massachusetts, Willey. 11 (b). C. ryssoleum, Tuckerm. ; thallus membranaceous, rather loose, smooth ; from olivaceous at length blackish-brown ; the rounded, bullate lobes ascendant, with plicate-undulate and crisped edges, above rugose-papulose, beneath paler and reticu- late -lacunose; apothecia smallish to almost middling -sized, scattered, or crowded ; otherwise as in the last. Spores ovoid and cymbiform, 4-6-locular, decolorate, ^J mic. Lich. Calif. p. 34 ; Gen. p. 92. Rocks. New England to Virginia, Tuckerman I. c. 1866. Peaks of Otter, Va., Beyrich in herb. Spreng. New York, and New Jersey, Austin ; Peck. Mountains of North Carolina, Cur- tis; Buckley. Apothecia now small; and the lichen is with- out doubt a member of C. nigrescens, but pretty well differenced ; much as C. leptaleum from C. aggregatum. * * * Eucollema. Thallus foliaceous, coriaceous -cartila- gineous, very gelatinous ; the cortical layer deficient. Spores for the most part ovoid-ellipsoid', or now elongated; from bi-quadri- locular with entire sporoblasts (rarely persistently entire] soon passing into muriform, which last state especially characterizes the section. 12. C. pulposum (Bernh.) Nyl. ; thallus of middling size, orbicular, coriaceous, very gelatinous when wet, more or less rosulate; from leek-green blackening; the thick, entire, or repand-crenate lobes explanate at the circumference, but irreg- ularly imbricate and plicate at the centre, where they become reduced and finally granulose ; apothecia of middling size, flat- tish j the disk rufous, the margin rather entire. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, from 4-locular becoming sub-muriform, decolorate, JLi 16-24 7-10 m ic. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 109. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 93. COLLEMA. 149 On the earth in calcareous soils. Pennsylvania, Mulilenberg Catal. 1818. Muhlenberg's plant may very probably have been determined by Acharius ; but the species is taken here for a collective one, as by Nylander I: c., and more thoroughly yet by Arnold (Fragm. in Flora, 1867). It is without doubt largely represented in North America, but abounds peculiarly in diffi- culties, which do not appear to be as yet resolvable in Europe ; as certainly not here. With present knowledge, beside what may vaguely be taken for true C. pulposum, the group may be considered as represented with us by the five following, at least sub-species, the claims of which to higher rank are left open. Three of them are received as species by most authors ; the other two are recent determinations. 12(b). C. Texanum, Tuckerm. ; thallus sub - stellate ; the more or less narrowed, radiant, finally ascendant lobes pal- mately rnultifid, and beset at length with wart-like lobules; apothecia as in 12. Spores ovoid, persistently bilocular, decolo- rate, ^ mic. Suppl. 2, I c. p. 200. On dead twigs, etc., in the valley of the Rio Grande, and on calcareous earth in the valley of the Blanco, Texas (Wright), Tuckerman I. c. 1859. On calcareous earth, Alabama, Peters. The lobation of the originally described lichen suggests that of C. laciniatum, but the earth specimens depart less from C. pulposmn ; and the distinction turns on the spores. 12(c). C. tenax (Sw.) Ach.; thallus thinnish, the ample lobes expanded and appressed (or now also ascendant and compli- cate) ; lead-coloured or yellowish-green ; apothecia immersed but becoming superficial ; the rufous disk bordered by a thick, from entire becoming rugose-crenulate margin. Spores as in 12. Ach. Syn. p. 314. Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 148. On the earth in calcareous soils. Pennsylvania (Muhleriberg], Acharius, Syn. 1814. Vermont, Eussell. New York, Sartwell. Ohio, Lesquereux. Missouri, Hall. Conspicuous, for the most part, as well by the colours, as the sunken fruit ; but the char- acters do not always hold. I2(d). C.crispum,~BoTT.', thallus thinnish ; olivaceous-green; lobes of the circumference explanate, those of the centre with raised, dentate -granulate and plicate edges, the whole covered with and concealed by the numerous fruit ; apothecia more or 150 COLLEMA. less concave, disk dark-rufous, margin granulate. Spores as in 12, Y! mic. Borr. in E. Bot. Suppl. t. 2716, /. 1. Hook. Br. Fl. 2, p. 212. Mudd. Man. Brit. Lick. p. 40. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 110. On the earth, Canada (Drummond), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Massachusetts, Willey. Vermont, Frost. New York, Sartwell. Ohio, Miss Biddlecome. Colorado, Rothrock. British Columbia, scarcely diverse, Macoun. Our lichen is noticeable for its hollowed apothecia ; and appears to be less distinctly calcare- ous than the last, to which however it is near. Nylander's plant (Lick. Fellm. n. 7; Lich. Norrl n. 151) scarcely differs from that of Borrer (herb. Taylor), who first made clear its difference. 12(e). C. limosum, Ach.; thallus thin, cartilagineous, more or less scattered ; from leek-green becoming dark-green ; the variously irregular, soon obliterated lobes dentate-crenate, or narrowed now into ascendant, blunt lobules; apothecia im- mersed, becoming superficial and dilated ; the disk rufous, the attenuate margin rather prominent and channelled. Spores commonly in fours in the thekes, ellipsoid, soon muriform-plu- rilocular, the transverse series of spore-cells four to eight, de- colorate, j~ mic. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 110. C. glaucescens, Koerb. Syst. p. 403. On the earth in clay soil. Illinois (HaU), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. New York, Clinton. South Carolina, Austin ; Eavenel. Oakland hills, California, Bolander. Well distinguishable by the mostly crowded, flat, at length ample apothecia, with little other appearance of thallus than the sharp and channelled bor- der of the fruit, as also by its large spores, which are very com- monly in fours. Our plant is the same with that of Borrer (E. Bot. Suppl. t. 2704, f. 1, & in herb. Taylor!), who had opportu- nities of knowing Acharius's lichen ; and the same also as that of Torssell (herb. !) who knew Fries's j from which last, accord- ing to Nylander I. c., his own does not differ. Hoffmann's de- scription of his C. glaucescens (D. Fl. p. 100) is scarcely sufiicient. 12(/). C. coccophorum, Tuckerm. j thallus small, orbicular, coriaceous; black; made up of minute, erect, round-headed lobules or stalked granules, which here and there coalesce, and expand at the circumference into crenate-cut and granulate lobes ; apothecia flat ; the disk reddish-brown, the margin thin, finally granulate. Spores ovoid -ellipsoid, bilocular, mostly decolorate, mic. Obs. Lich. 1. c. 5, p. 385. COLLEMA. 151 On the earth. In the valley of the Rio Grande, Texas (Wright), Tuckerman I. c. 1862. Oakland, California, Eolander. - Reduced European conditions of C. pulposum are described much as this ; but I have seen nothing like our plant ; which appears also to be distinguishable by the spores. C. plicatile, Schaer. ; thallus orbicular, coriaceous, laciniate ; blackish-green ; the centrifugal, ascendant divisions undulate-plicate, the centre imbricate -lobate; apothecia smaller than in C. pulposum, commonly concave, very entire. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, sub-muriform, oftener with four series of spore- cells, and measuring 1 ^J mic., according to Nylander; but at length with six to eight series, and measuring |^ mic., accord- ing to Arnold. -- Schcer. Spirit, p. 543; Enum. p. 258. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 109. Calcareous (and other) rocks. Iceland ; and, in Europe, from Norway to the Mediterranean; Nyl. - The C. plicatile of Acha- rius, the only lichen of the name, so far as appears in print, that he knew, was from granitic rocks of Lake Wettern in Sweden, and, according to Nylander (Scand. p. 29) is really C. furvum Ach.; which I have myself seen referred to C. plicatile by Floerke, probably not without authority. But, according to Schaerer (Spirit. 1. c.), his calcareous plant which now passes for C. plicatile, is the same at once with that of Acharius, as with the differing one of Fries (Lick. Suec. n. 96). The two appear to approach, as in the C. plicatile v. riparium, Krempelh. herb. ; but the latter (C. plicatile, Schser.) is evidently and closely akin to C. pulposum, under which in fact, Arnold (Fragm.) has reck- oned it. This lichen is most unsatisfactorily exhibited in the published Lich. exsicc. ; as in such other specimens as are known to me. It may well occur here.] 13. C. meltznum, Ach.; thallus middling-sized, orbiculate, coriaceous, lacero - laciniate ; black -green; the radiant, elon- gated divisions narrow, zigzag, channelled, with elevated, wavy, crisped, and crenate edges, which are often complicate ; apo- thecia sub-marginal, small to middling-sized, flattish; with a somewhat entire or crenate thalline margin. Spores ovoid-ellip- soid, from 4-locular soon becoming sub-muriform, decolorate, | mic. - Ach. L. U. p. 636. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 108. b. potycarpum, Schaer. ; reduced, the lobes much narrowed, 152 COLLEMA. crowded^ and complicate; apothecia smallish, and crowded. Schcer. Enum. p. 255. Calcareous, and other rocks. Greenland (/. VaJil) Th. Fries I. c. 1861. 6, Islands of Behring's Straits, Wright. 14. C. cristatellum, Tuckerm. ; thallus scattered, microphyl- line, coriaceous; olivaceous-black; the very minute lobes as- cendant, with crenate-cut, rugose-granulate edges, reduced now at the centre to erect, club-shaped lobules ; apothecia small to middling- sized, flattish ; the disk dark-chestnut, the thin mar- gin granulate. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, from 4-locular becoming sub-muriform, decolorate, ^^ mic. Lick. Calif, p. 29. On the earth. Gravelly soil, New Mexico (Fendler), Tucker- man I. c. 1866. And a very similar plant is found in California, Bolander. The New Mexican lichen is possibly only a very reduced state of the C. cristatum, Schser. (Licli. Helv. n. 417), which is reckoned by Nylander (Syn.} a condition of the last species. 15. C. multipartitum (Sm.) Tayl.; thallus of middling size, coriaceous, laciniate ; brownish- olivaceous and blackening ; the radiant, narrow, repeatedly forked divisions convex, with as- cendant, rather entire, undulate-plicate edges ; apothecia small to middling, flattish ; the disk dark-red and blackening, the margin very entire. Spores linear-oblong, mostly curved, from 4-locular becoming 6-8-locular with entire spore-cells, decol- orate, " mic. Hook. Brit. Fl. 2, p. 210. Nyl. Syn. I, p. 116. Calcareous rocks near Stewart's Lake, British Columbia, Macoun. The specimens are fragmentary, but perhaps to be referred to a reduced, smooth form of this species. In the com- plicate edges of the thallus the lichen is better indeed compara- ble with SynecJiobl. Laureri Koerb. (Anz. Langob. n. 5) than with Smith's Irish lichen (Herb. Tayl.), but agrees with the latter in its scarcely concatenate collogonidia, and its spores. 16. C.furvum ( Ach. ) Nyl. ; thallus middling- sized, sub-mem- branaceous, lobate, complicate; olivaceous-green and blacken- ing; soon besprinkled with concolorous granules ; lobes rounded- difform, erectish, with wavy, entire, or sub-crenate edges, becoming now oblong and sinuate -laciniat e ; apothecia scat- tered, smallish, flattish ; the disk dark-brown, the margin very entire. Spores ellipsoid, 4-locular becoming sub-muriform, de- COLLEMA. 153 colorate, ^ mic. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 107. C. furvum pro p., & C. tunceforme, Ach. Syn. p. 322. Calcareous rocks. Pennsylvania (Mulileriberg in herb. Willd. ), Tuckerm. Syn. N. E. 1848. Found by Mr. Russell in Vermont; and by myself in Canada, New York, and Maryland, but only twice observed fertile. It is similar to C. flaccidum, but has a thicker thallus, and is quite distinct in the spores. 17. C. granosum (Wulf.) Schser.; thallus of middling size, coriaceous-membranaceous, rigid, very gelatinous when wet, irregularly laciniate, dirty-yellowish-green (lead-coloured and blackening); the divisions sinuously lobed, imbricate; either ample and rounded, with entire or crenate-cut edges ; or elon- gated and variously divided ; transversely or reticulately sharp- wrinkled ; and more or less coarsely granulate ; [apothecia, in European specimens, scattered, of middling size, innate or ses- sile ; the disk dark-red, the margin thick, and wrinkled or gran- ulate. Spores ellipsoid and cymbiform, soon sub-muriform (the transverse series of spore-cells 4-6), decolorate, ^^ mic.] Schcer. Spicil. p. 540; Enum. p. 253. C. auriculatum, Hoffm. D. Fl. C. dermatinum, Ach. L. U. p. 648. Calcareous districts, growing over mosses, on rocks. Ohio (Lesquereux), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Illinois, Hall Agree- ing not ill with the last, but the ultimate lobation is different, as well as the coloration, and especially the minute wrinkling. Fruit rare ; seen only, in our plant, very young. 18. C. pustulatum, Ach.; thallus almost middling - sized, coriaceous-membranaceous, sub-monophyllous; brownish-olive; with rounded, lobate-crenate periphery ; becoming lacero-lacin- iate, and often convolute and sinuately many- cleft ; besprinkled with the pustular fruit; apothecia minute, crowded, adnate; the concave or flattish, dark-red disk scarcely exceeded by the entire border. Spores rounded-ovoid and ellipsoid, from bilocu- lar becoming quadrilocular and sub-muriform, decolorate, ^^ mic. Ach. Syn. p. 317. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 108. Calcareous rocks. Pennsylvania (Muhlenberg), Acharius Syn. 1814. Alabama, Peters. Illinois, Wolf. Comparable as re- spects the lobation with the last, but very different, especially in the fruit, which neither Acharius nor Nylander have well described from the lecanorine point of view. C. stenophyllum, 154 LEPTOGIUM. Nyl. Syn. p. 107 (from North America, Drummond), is unknown to me ; but the description scarcely makes clear its distinction from the present, in which the thallus is often convolute, and the fruit becomes regular. XXVIII. LEPTOGIUM, Fr., Nyl. Apothecia sub-scutellseform, lecanorine, or zeorine, in the higher forms, but commonly biatorine in the lower. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid (occurring now simple; or the spore fusi- form-elongated and bi-plurilocular with entire spore-cells j but, most commonly), muriform-plurilocular. Spermatia ob- long ; on articulate sterigmas. Thallus foliaceous ; or rarely fruticulose; membranaceous ; the cortical layer distinct; the gonimia (with rare exceptions) linked together in chains. The whole thallus, in the less developed species, now paren- chymatous. * Polychidium. Thallus fruticulose. 1. L. dendriscum, Nyl. j thallus very minute, effuse, slender, dichotomously much-branched; pale-green; the intertangled branches terete and smooth ; [apothecia, in a Cuban specimen, small, biatorine ; the disk brownish-red, the paler margin en- tire. " Spores ellipsoid, simple, decolorate, ^J mic." Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 135. Trees in inter -tropical regions. Also in Florida (Herb. Michener), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. 2. L. intricatulum, Nyl.; thallus very minute, effuse, de- pressed; dichotomously branched; chestnut-brown, dull; the shortish branches crowded together, unequally cylindraceous ; apothecia unknown. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 135. Beech trunks in the White Mountains (Oakes), Nylander I. c. 1858. This humble but interesting because little known plant is comparable in some respects with the next, with which it also agrees in the collogonidia occurring only in very short chains, or solitary. 3. L. muscicola (Sw.) Fr. ; thallus minute, pulvinate, irregularly much-branched ; from greenish-brown passing into olive-black ; the densely interwoven branches mostly terete, and more or less LEPTOGIUM. 155 longitudinally striate ; apothecia of middling size, biatorine, ap- pressed; the disk flattish, brown-red; the thin, paler margin nearly entire. Spores cymbiform and fusiform-oblong, bilocu- lar, decolorate, ^^ mic. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 134. Growing over mosses on rocks in mountains. White Mount- ains, Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Brattleborough, Vermont, Frost. California (in the Yosemite Valley, 7-8000 feet altitude, and also at 1500 feet altitude on coast-rocks exposed to the sea-fog), Bolander. Islands of Behring's Straits, Wright. 4. L. bolacinum, Stizenb. ; thallus minute, pulvinate, terete, sub-dichotomously much-divided ; pale-lead-coloured and ash- coloured, the tips much diminished, dissected, and darker; apo- thecia unknown. Parmelia lacera v. bolacina (Ach.) Schcer. Spicil. p. 519. Cornicularia Umhausensis, Auerswald in Hed- wigia, 1869, & Eabenh. Lich. Eur. 862. Rocks among mosses, Massachusetts, Tuckerman Gen. 1872 ; Willey. New Jersey, Austin. Illinois, Hall. South Carolina, Havenel. Acharius marks this as unknown to him, having taken it up from Dill. t. 29, f. 35, the reference of our plant to which seems a little uncertain; but it is possible that the Swedish lichenographer, who cites Schleicher's published speci- men of Coll lacerum, a, Ach., may also have seen the present (C. lacerum, e, Ach.) known at least later to Schleicher, accord- ing to Schaerer. The latter described but did not publish what he took for the lichen ; I cannot however but regard it as rep- resented by the right-hand specimen (in my copy) of his P. atro- ccerulea d, lophtea (Lick. Helv. n. 407), which agrees with the de- scription of his bolacinum, and is well- distinguished from all L. lacerum. Nylander (Flora, 1876, p. 578) first pointed out that the 'glomerules' of the European Sticta amplissima are quite the same with Leptogium bolacinum; and he regards this as an analogous growth to the European ' Stereocaulon nanum,' u which is," he declares, "no Stereocaulon, nor anything related to that genus, but a kind of Lepraria, and, like l Parmelia lanuginosa,' and other leprarioid crusts, never produces apothecia." The Stereocaulon is unknown here ; but it is curious that our form of the Sticta named (Tuckerm. Lich. Amer. exs. n. 105, which is accepted in Nyl. Syn.) never bears ' glomerules.' * * Lathagrium. Tliallus foliaceous. Spores from cymbi- form bilocular, becoming long-fusiform and plurilocularj with entire spore-cells. 156 LEPTOGIUM. 5. L. rivale, Tuckerm.; thallus minute, tufted, microphyl- line; greenish - lead - coloured j the narrow, ligulate, flexuous, repand lobes crowded and imbricate ; apothecia (so far as seen) immersed, and indicated by an ostiole. Spores cymbiform, bilocular, decolorate, ^J mic. Obs. Lick. 4, 1. c. p. 170. "On small pebbles on the bottom of a clear brook, Big Trees, Mariposa," California, growing with and on Hydrotliyria, Buss. (Bolander), Tuckerman in Schwend. Flecht. als Parasit. I. c. 1869.- Known as yet only in minute portions adhering to and accompanying HydrotJiyria. The sunken fruit was first ob- served, in the course of his examination of the thallus, by Prof. Schwendener. 6. L. albociliatum, Desmaz.; thallus middling-sized, rosu- late, laciniate-lobate, greenish-lead-coloured becoming black- ish-olivaceous ; the rounded divisions sinuately cut, crisped, and crenate, and finally lacerate-denticulate, minutely ciliate with white fibrils, now granulate or minutely lobulate at the centre ; paler beneath where there is more or less of a fleecy nap ; apo- thecia scattered, smallish, biatorine, sessile j the red-brown disk soon convex, and the thin, paler margin disappearing. Spores cymbiform, bilocular, soon decolorate, ^J mic. Desmaz. in Ann. Sci. 4, 4, p. 132. Nyl. Scand. p. 35. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 95. PolycUdium Cetrarioides, Anz. Catal. Sondr. p. 7. Among mosses on rocks, California (Bolander), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Silverton, Oregon, Hall. The European lichens are probably all referable to the same reduced and ascendant form (v. Cetrarioides) described by Anzi (Lich. Langob. n. 13) and contrast sufficiently with the depressed and regular Cali- fornian plant (formerly distinguished by me as L. leucothrix), which differs also in the free extension of the white fibrils of the upper side to the under ; but the latter is certainly no more than the fully developed condition of the former. The medul- lary layer is compact in this species. * * * Euleptogium. Thallus foliaceous. Spores ovoid-ellip- soid, soon muriform. 7. L. ccesiellum, Tuckerm. herb.; thallus crust-like, granu- late -squamulose ; greenish-glaucescent, becoming sky-blue when wet ; the very minute, scurfy squamules finally expanded, sub- imbricate, and crenulate ; apothecia smallish, biatorine, adnate, LEPTOGITTM. 157 a little concave, or flat ; the disk reddish-brown, the paler mar- gin entire. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, muriform-multilocular (the transverse (*) series ofspore-cells 4-8), soon decelerate, ^mic. On moist clay, growing in patches of an inch at length in diameter, and conspicuous by its light-blue colour. Illinois, Hall. Comparable in several respects with Pannaria byssina; but differs in the colour of the thallus, as in its strictly Colleme- ine texture of mostly solitary or 2-3-concatenate gonimia (8-12 mic. diameter), nestling in pulp among anastomosing filaments ; and in a distinguishable cortical layer. 8. L. tenuissimum (Dicks.) Koerb.; thallus pulvinate, very minute, lacero-laciniate ; from glaucescent passing into oliva- ceous-brown ; the unequally linear, ascendant, acutish divisions digitate - mul tifid j apothecia scattered, biatorine, small, to at length almost middling-sized, adnate-sessile j the concave, red- dish disk bordered by an entire margin. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, muriform-multilocular (the transverse series of spore-cells 4-8), soon decolorate, ^ mic. Dicks. PI. Cr. 1, p. 12, t. 2, /. 8, e descr.j & Auct. Angl., fide herb. Tayl. Koerb. Syst. p. 419, fide Zw. exs. n. 173. L. lacerum minus, Auct. quorund. L. subtile, Nyl. Scand. p. 34, fide ipsius. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 96. On sandy banks among mosses, and on dead wood, New England (Wright; Willey), Tuckerman I. c. 1872. New Jersey, Austin. Ohio, Lea. Illinois, Hall. British Columbia, Macoun. Islands of Behring's Straits, Wright. The fully developed lichen is commonly pale, but becomes brown, when it is now much reduced, and the erect lobes take on a granulose look, without any difference in internal structure. The name has been much confused. The Leptogium subtile of Nyl. Syn. (in- cluding not only L. tenuissimum, in part, but, according to this author (Scand.) a small form of L. lacerum, as according to Arnold (Fragm.) conditions also of L. minutissimum and L. spongiosum) is admitted now, as emended (Scand.) by him, to be the tenuissimum of Smith, as it is probably also of Dickson, and certainly of Taylor. The lichen appears to be well sepa- rated from both L. lacerum and L. minutissimum. 9. L. minutissimum (Floerk., Seller.) Mass.; thallus micro- (*) ' Longitudinal' is now incorrectly used instead of transverse in the author's Genera Licli. p. 96, etc. 158 LEPTOGIUM. phylline, lobate ; from lead- coloured becoming rufous ; the ex- panded, finally crowded and imbricate lobules crenate or at length cut ; apothecia finally almost middling-sized, biatorine, elevated-sessile, flattish; the disk reddish-brown; the entire margin pale. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, soon muriform-multilocu- lar (the transverse series of spore-cells 4-8), decelerate, ^ mic. Collema, Schar. Splcil. p. 520, & Lich. Helv. n. 498. ~Moug. & Nestl. Crypt. Vog. n. 1239. Babenh. Lich. Eur. n. 125, 589. Anz. Lich. Langob. n. 411. On sandy earth among mosses. Illinois, Hall. The name appears to be tolerably certain, but scarcely happy ; the lichen being the largest of the minute Leptogia, and suggesting even finally L. Tremelloides, with conditions of which it grows. 10. L. lacerum (Sw.) Fr. ; thallus of middling size, lacero- laciniate, reticulately wrinkled; lead -coloured and reddish- brown; the more or less closely aggregated divisions dilated above and sinuate, with finely jagged and fringed edges; apo- thecia small, biatorine, sub-sessile, from concave, flattish; the disk red ; the paler margin entire. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, muri- form-multilocular (the transverse series of spore-cells 6-12), de- colorate, ^ mic. Ach. L. U.p. 657; Syn. p. 327. On rocks, among mosses, in the northern and middle States, common, Muhlenberg Gated. 1818. Canada, Mr. Drummond. Maryland, Twkerman. Ohio, Lea. Northern Alabama, Peters ; Eavenel. The North American lichen scarcely ever as well developed as the European finally is ; our plants having commonly the character of the more reduced European states, as, for instance, Schserer's v. lophceum (Lich. Helv. n. 407, in part only, in my copy) and the still smaller, and brown v. pulvinatum (Moug. & Nestl. n. 637), it being understood however, in Arnold's words, that the Exsiccati do not always agree in what they exhibit under these names. 11. L. sinuatum (Huds.) Schser.; thallus of middling size, sinuate lobate, reticulately wrinkled; dark -glaucous -green, lead-coloured, and fuscescent; the imbricated, plaited lobes rounded and nearly entire; apothecia smallish, zeorine, and biatorine, sessile, from concave becoming flat ; the disk red, with a paler margin. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, muriform-multilocular (the transverse series of spore -cells 6-11), decolorate, ^ LEPTOGIUM. 159 mic. Schcer. Enum. p. 250. G. scotinum, Ach. Meth. p. 237; Syn. p. 323. Only known here in ll(b). Z. Cafa/ormcww, Tuckerm. ; a rather larger lichen, be- coming blackish-brown ; the irregular lobes either dilated and much elongated, with regularly crenate edges, finely and sharply wrinkled, and at length granulate (f. platynum] or much nar- rowed and aggregated and becoming sub-fimbriate, or finally pulvinate, dark-brown, and the densely crowded, erect, sub- linear lobes with granulate -dentate tips (f. lophotum) ; apothecia small to middling, but according generally, as do the spores,, with those of n. 12. L. scotinum, var. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 96. Kocks, California (Bolander; Mann], Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Some of the intermediate states between the two named forms of the Californian plant do not differ from European ones of L. sinuatum (L. scotinum, Auct.), and the lichen seems to be scarcely referable, in any condition, to L. lacerum, which is un- known as yet on the West Coast. The whole aspect of the- f. platynum (the lobes of which exceed at length an inch in length) is rather that of Collema granosum (as in Hepp. n. 648). The pulvinate f. lophotum, offering densely crowded, narrow linear, erect branches, the summits of which constitute a longish fringe, is clearly analogous to, though perhaps more regular than r L. lacerum v. lophceum of some (Anz. Langob. n. 412, hardly to be removed from L. lacerum), which variety Acharius always took for a form of his Collema scotinum. 12. L. palmatum (Huds.) Mont.; thallus middling - sized, caBSpitose, irregularly laciniate, sharply more or less wrinkled and pitted; from lead-coloured rufescent and finally chestnut; the divisions convolute and at length much narrowed and tubu- lose-fruticulose, with 2-3-4-corniculate, obtuse tips; apothecia small, biatorine, sessile, a little concave ; the disk red-brown, the paler margin entire. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, muriform-mul- tilocular (the transverse series of spore-cells 6-10), decolorate, X*^? mic. Mudd. Man. Brit. lAch. p. 48. Collema cornicula- tum (Hoffm.}, Sclicer. Enum. p. 249. Leptogium palmatum & Obryzum corniculatum (fungo parasit. excluso), Nyl. Syn. pp. 126, 136. On the earth among mosses, California (Menzies j Bolander) 160 LEPTOGIUM. Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Oregon, Hall. British Columbia, Z/#aW; Macoun. A similar lichen but infertile was found in the Organ Mountains, Texas, Wright, but the species is unknown to us except on the West Coast. The plant varies, from wider states (8 mm - wide in the larger, and 2 mm - in the narrower parts) with something of the aspect of L. lacerum, a, as figured in Schser. Enum. t. 10, f. 2, to much narrowed, suffruticulose ones, with the colour and whole appearance of conditions of Cetraria aculeata. 13. L. Apalachense (Tuckerm.) Nyl.; thallus of middling size, stellate, multifid ; brownish-olivaceous ; the narrow, radi- ant, imbricated divisions mostly convex and branch-like, with obtuse tips, delicately rugulose ; beneath paler and a little chan- nelled; apothecia small, scattered, or in botryoid clusters, innate -sessile, from zeorine becoming biatorine ; the rufous disk at length flat, the paler margin entire. Spores ellipsoid, from 4-locular becoming sub-muriform, decolorate, j^ mic. Nyl. Syn. l,p. 133. Collema, Tuckerm. Suppl. 2, I. c.'p. 200. Calcareous rocks. Alabama (Peters), Tuckerman I. c. 1859. Georgia, Eavenel. Missouri, Hall. 14. L. crenatellum, Tuckerm.; thallus effuse, from squami- form soon dilated and imbricate-lobate ; glaucous-cinerascent and lurid; the small, ascendant, smooth lobes with wavy and crenate edges; apothecia small, zeorine, sessile; the reddish disk finally tumid, and the thin, crenulate, thalline margin dis- appearing. Spores always in fours in the thekes, ovoid- ellip- soid, from 4-locular becoming sub-muriform, decolorate, ^ mic. Suppl. 2, I. c.p. 201. At the base of trunks of White Ash in swamps, Vermont (Frost), Tuckerman I. c. 1859. Base of button-bushes (Cepha- lanthus) in pond-holes, Illinois, Hall. 15. L. pulchellum (Ach.) Nyl.; thallus middling-sized, rosu- late, round-lobed ; from glaucous-green becoming lead- coloured and lurid; the entire lobes plicate - papulose and delicately wrinkled above, paler and deeply pitted and also wrinkled be- neath; apothecia middling-sized, lecanorine, sub-pedicellate; the flattish, brown disk at length excluding the thin and smooth or finally plicate -rugose, thalline margin. Spores ovoid-ellip- soid, sub-muriform (thte transverse series of spore-cells oftener LEPTOGIUM. 161 6), decelerate, ~ mic. Collema, Ack. Syn. p. 321. Lepto- gium, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 123. Collema corticola, Tayl. in Hook. Journ. Sot. 1847, p. 195. Leptogium cimiciodorum, Mass. Mem, p. 86. Trunks and rocks. From Canada and New England through- ' out the northern and middle States (Muhleriberg), Acharius Syn. 1814. Ohio, Lea. Illinois, Hall. Mountains of Carolina & Georgia, Eavenel. Alabama, Peters. Texas, Wright. Oc- curring also in New Granada, S. America, Lindig herb. ,2, n.15 j as in southern Europe, Anzi Lich. Venet. n. 14, etc. 16. L. Tremelloides (L. fil.) Fr.; thallus middling to ample r and large, loosely aggregated, round-lobed; lead-coloured; the smooth and very entire lobes becoming crisped and complicate, and beset, more or less, all over, at length densely, with con- colorous, finally isidioid granules, passing now into minute lobules ; apothecia middling-sized, lecanorine ; from flat becom- ing convex, and excluding the thin, thalline margin. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, sub-muriform (the transverse series of spore- cells oftener 4), decolorate, ^J mic. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 97. Collema Tremelloides , C. azureum, & C. diaphanum, Ach. L. U.p. 654. Leptogium Tremelloides max. p., L. diaphanum, L. reticula- tum, & L. foveolatum, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 124. Kocks and trunks, in the northern and middle States, com- mon, Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. Canada, Macoun. Ohio, Lea. Carolina and Georgia, Eavenel. Florida (v. reticulatum), Aus- tin. Alabama, Peters. Mississippi (v. azureum), Veatch. Louis- iana (a, and also v. azureum & v. reticulatum), Hale. Texas, Wright. New Mexico, Fendler. Widely diffused, and dis- tinguished by many names. Our northern form is the common European lichen (v. cyanescens, Ach. Collema cyanescens, Schaer.), which differs from the last species as well by its origi- nally smooth, as its less regular thallus : this is not confined to- cooler regions, but occurs equally well-marked in Louisiana. It is however in the tropics that the best developed conditions of the lichen are found ; and these appear also in our southern States, the f. azureum being distinguishable by its more regu- larly rosulate habit of growth, and its perfectly smooth and coerulescent thallus, which hi the scarcely otherwise differing f. reticulatum, Mont., becomes regularly and at length very deeply (foveolatum, Nyl.) lacunose -reticulate. There remains. 11 162 LEPTOGIUM. only to notice the f. laciniatum, Tuckerm. in Wright Lich. Cub., the narrowed and elongated, branching divisions of which ska- ply follow the stems of the mosses on which the plant grows. This is often a well-marked West Indian lichen ; but it has also occurred in Canada, Macoun. I6(b). L. juniperinum, Tuckerm.; thallus smallish, micro- phylline, rosulate, laciniate-lobate ; lead-coloured, and dark- green; the rounded, smooth lobes ascendant, and imbricate- complicate, with undulate, crenate edges; apothecia small to middling-sized, zeorine, sub-sessile, flat ; the disk rufous, thinly margined. Spores ovoid- ellipsoid, 4-locular becoming sub-muri- form, decolorate, ^J mic. Suppl. 2, I c. p. 201. L. Tremel- loides v. mierophyttum, Tuckerm. Gen. p. 97. On the earth, growing over twigs, etc., in ll cedar-brakes," Texas ( Wright), Tuckerman I. c. 1859. On the earth, Alabama, Peters. On rocks, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, Ravenel. Illi- nois, Herb. Willey. On rocks, Massachusetts, Tuckerman. With something of the habit of growth of the European Collema cheileum, and well- distinguished in this respect from all our L. Tremelloides. 16(c). L. dactylinum, Tuckerm. ; thallus microphylline, ef- fuse; from lead-coloured becoming black; the originally squa- maceous, ascendant, rounded lobules finally erect, with crisped, entire, or crenate edges, soon fringed and beset above with crowded, isidioid branchlets, and constituting at length a broken- areolate, granulate crust ; apothecia small, biatorine, sub-sessile, flat ; the disk red-brown ; the paler margin soon disappearing. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, from 4-locular sub-muriform, decolorate, ^ mic. Obs. Lick. 1, 1. c. p. 383. Nyl. Syn. l,p. 123. Calciferous schist, Vermont (Frost), Tuckerman in Nyl. I. c. 1858. Calcareous rocks, Missouri, Hall And I cannot distin- guish a rather more developed, always lead-coloured lichen which much lessens the distance between L. dactylinum and L. Tremelloides, and occurs on calciferous shale in New York, W. E. Gerard ; on limestone at Trenton Falls, New York, Tuckerman ; as in New Jersey, Austin; and Illinois, Herb. Willey. In all these the collogonidia are however commonly solitary, or in very .short chains. 17. L. marginellum (Sw.) Mont.; thallus sub-orbicular, mid- LEPTOGIUM. 163 dling-sized, laciniate, more or less strongly and reticulately wrinkled; lead-coloured; made up of longish, much-divided, now wider and depressed and now narrowed and (from below) branch-like segments, with plicate undulate and crisped, rather entire edges ; apothecia minute, marginal, biatorine, from globu- lar becoming flat ; the disk rufous, the rather stout, paler mar- gin granulate, and encircled at length with a ring of leaflets. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, sub-muriform (the transverse series of spore-cells 4-6), decolorate, ^ mic. Mont. Cuba, p. 115. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 98. Collema vesicatum, Tayl. 1. c. 1837, p. 196. Leptogium corrugatulum, Nyl. Syn. I, p. 132. On bark. Southern Alabama (J. F. Beaumont), Tuckerman I. c. 1872. Florida, Eavenel. Texas, Hall. Mexico, Galeotti, e Nyl., as in the West Indies. Sufficiently distinguished always from L. Tremelloides by its longer, more divided, and wrinkled divisions ; and the plant occurring now (exactly as the next spe- cies) in a wider, depressed state, and now in a narrowed and crisped one. Leptogium corrugatulum, Nyl. I. c. (Herb. Lindig n. 2659) is quite the same with the earlier Collema vesicatum, Tayl. I. c. (herb.), and relates to the depressed and more promi- nently wrinkled condition of the lichen described by Swartz, Acharius, etc. The fruit is the most important feature of the plant ; and this is exactly the same in both forms. 18. L. chloromelum (Sw.) Nyl.; thallus middling to ample, orbiculate, becoming rigid, sharply wrinkled, and at length densely granulate ; dark-green, and lead-coloured ; the lobes of the circumference expanded more or less, those of the centre -complicate, and crisped; apothecia middling-sized, lecanorine, sub-sessile ; the flattish, rufous disk bordered by a thin, plicate- rugose, now granulate, thalline margin. Spores ovoid- and acuate-ellipsoid, sub-muriform (transverse series of spore-cells 4-6), soon decolorate, ^ mic. Nyl. Syn. \,p. 128. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 98. L. Brebissonii, Mont., pro p. a. conchatum-, thallus sub-monophyllous, becoming lobate- laciniate; the depressed, rounded lobes ascendant, shell-like, gyrose-plicate. b. stellans', thallus narrowed; the radiant divisions with erect, crisped edges. Trunks and rocks throughout the United States, Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Canada, Drummond. New England, Dr. J. Porter, 164 LEPTOGITJM. etc. New York, Peck. New Jersey, Austin. Pennsylvania, Michener. Ohio, Lesquereux. Illinois, Hall. Maryland and Virginia, Tucker man. South Carolina, Eavenel. Florida, Aus- tin. Alabama, Peters. Louisiana, Hale. Texas, Wright.- The two forms differ much as the two conditions of L. marginel- lum ; or as Wright Lick. Cub. n. 6 from n. 7 of the same collec- tion. The first of the last-named is not indeed to be well-dis- tinguished from the present species, unless when fertile, a may also be compared with L. Tremelloides, but is readily seen to differ in its (at least finally) rigid, and always strongly wrinkled thallus. b now occurs (Florida, Austin) in a state (f. fusis- porum) otherwise undistinguishable, with spores at length per- fectly fusiform, reaching 48 mic. in length, and with 8-10 entire spore-cells. But this is only another instance of the anomaly noted elsewhere in Collema flaccidum (Gen. pp. 88, 91), and these elongated spores not only revert to acuate-ovoid ones, but exhibit now a divided spore-cell, suggesting at once the sub- muriform stage. 18(&). L. adpressum, Nyl.; thallus, as described, and apothe- cia, offering no differences from L. ckloromelum ; but the fusi- form, 10-locular spores measuring *^ mic. Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 131. On bark, Orizaba, Mexico (F. Mutter), Nylander I. c. 1858. At the same station, Dr. F. Mohr. Thallus, in Dr. Mohr's specimen, which though small cannot well be diverse from Ny- lander's lichen, larger and lighter coloured than that of L. clilo- romelum f. fusisporum, and the apothecia larger. The spores (measuring ^ mic.) scarcely differ at all, and also now shew a divided spore-cell, but are longer, and their anomalous features perhaps better marked. There can certainly be no question that the cited form of L. chloromelum sufficiently explains the present lichen. L. Brebissonii, Mont, emend., Syll. p. 378, with an ample, sub-monophyllous thallus, otherwise similar, as the plant is in the apothecia, to L. chloromelum, from which neither Mon- tagne nor Nylander at first separated it, differs yet, like L. ad- pressum, in its long -fusiform or even acicular, 8-12-locular spores, measuring 56-64 mic. in length (Hepp.), and has occurred in France, in the Canaries, in India, in Surinam, and in Tahiti (Montagne), but is not as yet known as North American. 19. L. bullatum (Ach.) Mont.; thallus orbiculate, middling to ample, membranaceous, at length rigid, sharply wrinkled; LEPTOGIUM. 165 lead-coloured and coerulescent ; lobes irregularly rounded and more entire, or sinuate-laciniate and sub-crenate, the margins more or less ascendant and plicate-undulate; apothecia mid- dling to ample, elevated, zeorine ; the red disk bordered by a paler margin, which is inclosed by a finally leafy thalline one. Spores acuate-ovoid, sub-muriform (transverse series of spore- cells 4-6), decolorate, ^^ mic. Collema, Ach. Lick. p. 655. Mont, in Ann. Sci. 1841,^. 74. a. vesiculosum ; apothecia terminating bladdery podetia, which are now drawn together above into plaited coronals en- circling the fruit. Collema bullatum, Sw. Lich. Amer. t. 16. Leptogium, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 129. b. phyllocarpum ; apothecia less or at length scarcely ele- vated ; the thalline margin from simply plicate becoming densely leafy and crisped, and the whole fruit at length large. Col- lema phyllocarpum, Pers. Nyl. Syn. I. p. 130. Trunks, a, Mexico, Nylander I. c. 1858. b, Texas, Wright. Florida, Austin. Mexico, Nylander. L. Javanicum, Mont. (L. sphinctrinum, Nyl.), to judge by my specimens from Herb. Junghuhn ( V. d. Bosch), is hardly separable from b ; and L. bul- latum, Mont. & V. d. B., from the same herbarium, is possibly too near the same ; and sufficiently illustrates Montagne's earlier judgment, which is accepted above. The species is also most closely akin to L. chloromelum -, and it is difficult to see why one of the two specimens called L. phyllocarpum in (my copy of) Lindig Herb. N. Gran. n. 1660, should not pass equally well for the lichen first-named. 20. L. Burgessii (Lightf.) Mont.; thallus ample, loosely ag- gregate, laciniate-lobate ; from glaucous-greenish and lead-col- oured passing into purplish-brown ; the imbricate lobes rounded, sinuate, from smoothish becoming granulate, and beset at length densely with finger-shaped lobules, cristate-lacerate ; beneath ash-coloured, and more or less delicately downy ; apothecia sub- sessile but appearing depressed, middling-sized to ample, flat- tish, zeorine ; the dark-brown disk bordered by a paler margin, which is crowned with a densely leafy and crisped thalline one. Spores ellipsoid, apiculate, muriform-multilocular, decolorate, ^ mic. Collema, Ach. L. U. p. 645. Leptogium, Mont. Canar. p. 129. Trunks, White Mountains, fertile, Tuckerman Gen. 1872. 166 LEPTOGIUM. Maine, fertile, Oakes. And infertile specimens, probably refera- ble here, by the characters of the under side, have been found by me in Massachusetts ; and in the Blue Ridge of Virginia. The lichen has also occurred in Madeira, Mandon! From the Madeira plant, which is well referred here by Nylander, the L. inflexum of this writer (Syn. 1, p. 132; and found in Mexico; Venezuela, Fendler I New Granada, Lindig n. 127! 2504! and Bolivia, Mandon ! ) offers no differences beyond a rather better thalline development (e. g. wider sinuses than appear to be com- mon in the northern lichen), and none are indicated in the pub- lished diagnosis. As in the next species the upper side is now also downy, both in the northern and southern plants. This side is said now to be 'isidioso-furfuraceous,' and the margins of the lobes to be ' isidioso-dissected ' in a New Granada form (L. in- flexum v. isidiosulum, Nyl., which we are further told 'ought perhaps to be distinguished in species,' though no other differ- ence is noted, Nyl. Prodr. N. Gran. p. 4), and our New England plant varies in like manner, the whole upper side being covered now with isidioid lobules. 21. L. myochroum (Ehrh. ; Schaer.) Tuckerm. ; thallus ample, coriaceous-membranaceous, from rosulate and sub-monophyllous passing readily into polyphyllous and loosely aggregate states, laciniate-lobate ; lead-coloured (rufous-glaucous) and blackish- green ; smooth at first, but becoming now rugose, and always more or less granulate ; the rounded, undulate lobes entire be- neath clothed with a whitish-ash-coloured nap ; apothecia mid- dling-sized, lecanorine, sub-sessile, flattish; the disk red-brown, with a plicate-rugose, thalline border, which becomes now gran- ulate-leafy, and now white-hirsute. Spores ellipsoid, from 4-loc- ular becoming sub-muriform, decolorate, -^- raic. Collema, Schcer. Spicil. p. 534 ; Enum.p. 256. Leptogium, Tuckerm. Gen. p. 99. L. saturninum, L. Hildenbrandii, & L. Menziesii, Nyl. Syn. 1, p. 127. a. saturninum, Schaer. ; commonly glaucous, or now rufous and somewhat rugose above ; fleecy beneath. L. saturninum (Sm. 1788), Mass. L. Hildenbrandii, Oarov., & Authors. b. tomentosum, Schser. ; thinner, blackish-green, now narrowed and sinuate-lobate, and passing into small-lobed, imbricate-com- plicate states ; velvety beneath. Collema tomentosum, Hoffm. C. saturninum (Dicks. 1790), Ach., Nyl. HYDROTHYRIA. 167 Trunks, and also rocks, not uncommon, but exceedingly rare in fruit. In the extreme north b is the well-marked form, Bear Lake (Bichardson), Hooker I c. 1823 ; Greenland ( Vahl), Th. Fr. 1. c. ; Islands of Behring's Straits, Wright ; extending also south- ward, to Canada, Agassis; and New England; as also to the Kocky Mountains (fertile), Herb. Hook. ; and Oregon, Hall. But a is the more common state, especially southward, occurring from New England to Virginia, Tuckerman ; in Illinois (fertile), Hall ; in the low country as well as in the mountains of South Carolina, Eavenel; in Alabama, Peters; and New Mexico, Fend- ler. The abundant fruit of a, as exhibited in the south of Europe, averages, in my specimens, l-2 mm - in diameter, reaching 3mm. j n SOII]e from the north of Italy collected by myself; and is regularly scutellseform, with a plicate-rugose margin. These features are equally well-marked and quite the same in Japanese specimens ( Wright), important also as exhibiting the less regu- lar and polyphylline thallus of the common United States lichen ; and, like that, the thallus of these is only occasionally wrinkled. In one of these more especially resembling the plant of the United States, there is now a ring of white fibrils on the under side of the exciple, and finally a downiness over the whole, thus preparing the way for the otherwise altogether similar Illinois lichen (Hall) in which the whole exciple is as hirsute as in many Stictce. b is only known here, in a fertile state, in the specimen from the Rocky Mountains (Herb. Hook.), in the dozen apothecia of which, apparently always smaller, and much rarer in this form of the species, all the mature ones (scarcely exceeding l mm in diameter) are convex, and have excluded the thalline border, which is represented by a crown of finger-shaped lobules, now also visible at the edges of the lobes. There is some indication of this overgrowth in my European specimens, the fruit of which is occasionally also hirsute beneath (Bavarian Alps, Krempelhu- ber) as in a. XXIX. HYDROTHYRIA, Russ. Apothecia biatorine. Spores cymbiform, quadrilocular, decolorate. Thallus foliaceous, membranaceous, with a dis- tinct, parenchymatous, cortical layer; a gommous one of gonimia in short chains; and a medullary one of compact filaments ; veiny beneath. 168 LEOANOKEL EULECANOREI. H. venosa, Russell ; thallus ample, loosely aggregated, thin .and fragile, laciniate-lobate ; lead-coloured ; beset beneath with branched, divaricate, pale-brown veins ; lobes more or less fan- shaped, irregularly cut, with rounded, repand-crenate summits ; apothecia sub-marginal, middling-sized ; the disk reddish-brown, .soon convex, and excluding the pale, lacerate-dentate margin. Spores cymbiform, and fusiform, 4-locular, decolorate, ^f mic. Buss, in Proc. Essex Inst. 1, p. 188. Tuckerm. Gen. p. 102. H. fontana (Russ. olim), Tuck. Lich. exs. n. 150 (sub Lept.). Nyl. Syn. I, p. 135. On stones under water in mountain brooks, Vermont and New Hampshire, Eussell I. c. 1856. Connecticut, Prof. D. C. Eaton. Mariposa, California, Bolander. Fam. 7. LECANOREI. Thallus crustaceous j very rarely papillose-ramulose ; in a much larger number of instances lobed at the circumfer- ence, or squamulose and sub-imbricate; but, in far the greater proportion, uniform ; adnate to the substrate; the hypothallus inconspicuous or obsolete. Gen. p. 103. We revert, in the family now before us, from the extraordi- narily differenced but still Parmeliaceous Collemei to the remote Parmeliei. Of this, the first Sub-Family (Eulecanorei) may be easily regarded as a contiguous section, differing as it scarcely does otherwise than in its crustaceous instead of foliaceous thal- lus. But this distinction in the thallus has been proved to have value in the system; and the Eulecanorei pass, without a break, into the very marked, crustaceous Sub-Family which is dis- tinguished by its typically compound fruit (Pertusariei) as this last stands in close relation to forms even more alien to the tribal type (Sub. -Fam. Urceolariei), suggesting now (and often indeed referred to) Lecideacei ; and Verrucariacei ; and even, we might add, Graphidacei. Sub. -Fam. 1. EULECANOREI. Apothecia scutellseform. PLACODIUM. 169 XXX. PLACODIUM (DC.), Naeg. & Hepp. Apothecia sub-scutellaeform j either regular (lecanorine), or shewing also a proper margin (zeorine), or only the lat- ter (biatorine), the disk, for the most part, yellowish-orange. Spores ellipsoid, polar-bilocular (rarely of the more common bilocular type, or, more rarely yet, simple), colourless. Sper- matia oblong, or staff-shaped ; the sterigmas almost always multi-articulate. Thallus crustaceous j either lobed at the circumference ; or, very rarely, suffruticulose ; or uniform 5 oftener more or less yellow. * Tli amnoma. Thallus Jruticulose ; orange. 1. P. coralloides, Tuckerm. j thallus slender, solid, cartila- gineous, decumbent j bright -orange -yellow; branches terete, nodulose, obtuse, sub-dichotomously divided ; apothecia of mid- dling size, lateral and terminal, somewhat elevated, zeorine ; the flattish, rough, dark-orange disk bordered at length only by the thin, entire, proper margin, which is finally excluded. Spores oblong, the sporoblasts approximate, the isthmus deficient, ^ mic. Obs. Lick. 3, I c. p. 287. Maritime rocks, near San Francisco, California (Bolander), Tuckerman I. c. 1864. The biatorine apothecia bordered more or less, or coronate, with the finally powdery nodules of the thal- lus ; l-2 mm - wide. 2. P. cladodes, Tuckerm. ; thallus short, slender, solid, erect, made up of terete, fastigiately branched, pale trunks, which blacken below, and are crowded together into a caespitose, papil- late, orange-yellow crust ; apothecia small, sessile ; the flat, pow- dery, fulvous disk sub-marginate, bordered by a stout, crenulate, thalline margin. Spores solitary, obtuse-ellipsoid, the spore- cells connected by an isthmus, ^^ mic. Obs. Lich. 3, I. c. p. 265. On the earth, in the alpine regions of the Kocky Mountains (Hall), Tuckerman L c. 1864. Looking like an uniform, warted crust. Apothecia about l mra - wide. The short thekes have not been seen to contain more than a single spore, which is at first brownish. * * Euplacodium. Thallus typically lobed at the circum- 170 PLACODITJM. ference, but passing finally into scarcely effigurate forms ; yellow or orange in 1, 2, 3, as are the apotkecia only in 4 and 5; the other species being otherwise coloured. 3. P. elegans (Link) DC.; thallus stellate-radious, appressed, naked on both sides ; orange ; the linear, loose, branched divi- sions convex and torulose, wavy, and more or less lacunose- uneven, discrete or sub-iinbricate, or finally contortuplicate ; apothecia smallish to middling-sized, zeorine or biatorine; of nearly the same colour with the thallus, the thin margin mostly entire. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, ^- mic. Parmelia^Fr. L. E. p. 114. Tuck. exs. n. 109. Nyl. Scand. p. 136. P. diversicolor, Ach. Syn. p. 210, fide Nyl. On rocks, North America, Acharius Syn. 1814. Arctic Amer- ica, from Newfoundland, De la Pylaie, and Great Bear Lake, etc., Richardson, to Melville Island, E. Br., and islands of Behring's Straits, Wright. Rocky Mountains, Hayden; Hall. Organ Mountains, Texas, Wright. Eastern and Middle States, Halsey. The present species, in typical conditions, might easily be taken to differ from the next, as a foliaceous lichen from a crustaceous ; and this is in fact exactly Schaerer's latest judgment (Enum.). But we have, notwithstanding, strictly crustaceous members of the group before us which certainly appear to hang between P. elegans and P. murorum. A case of this sort is presented by a western lichen (North Platte, accom- panied by undoubted P. elegans, Hayden ; Montana, also so ac- companied, M. A. Brown; Wyoming, Lapham; Nevada, Bo- lander) marked by a crustaceous, dark-orange thallus, the whole surface of which, instead of being pitted is roughened by minute granules now like those of shagreen and now coarser, and which becomes finally, in the Wyoming plant, as closely applied to the substrate as any P. murorum, but yet appears on the whole to descend rather from P. elegans. The lichen may be conve- niently distinguished as the var. trachyphyllum. 4. P. murorum (Hoffm.) DC. ; thallus crustaceous, orbicular, closely adnate to the substrate, contiguous ; bright-yellow ; the warted centre passing at the circumference into cut-crenate lobules ; apothecia smallish, sessile, zeorine ; disk naked, orange- red, the thicker thalline margin sub-crenate. Spores much as in the last, but perhaps, on the whole, larger. Parmelia, Fr. L. E.p. 115, a (excl. d-f.) Th. Fr. Scand. p. 170. PLACODITJM. 171 North America (Lecan. miniata), Muhlenberg Catal. 1818. Arctic America, Richardson. Maritime rocks, Massachusetts, Tuckerman. Coast of California, Bolander (rather resembling Amphiloma Heppianum, Miill. ; Kabenh. n. 671, which it is diffi- cult to separate). Beside this yellow one, there is a Californian form with all the features of the present except that the colour is dark-orange, in which respect it suggests P. elegans ; this may be called v. miniatum. 4(&). P cirrochroum (Ach.) Hepp. ; thallus of P. murorum but small, and perhaps thinner, and bursting at the centre into lemon-coloured soredia ; the tips of the peripheral lobes more or less white-pruinose ; [apothecia rare and not seen here, minute. " Spores oblong, ^ mic."] Ach. Syn.p. 181. Koerb. Parerg. p. 49. Parmelia murorum, /., Fr. L. E. Lecanora, Schcer. Enum. p. 64. Eocks containing lime, Willoughby Lake, Vermont. Prof. W. G. Farlow. 5. P. fulgens (Sw.) DC.; thallus foliaceous-crustaceous, or- bicular, soft and friable, closely appressed ; pale-yellow or lemon- coloured ; made up of narrow, laciniate-multifid, and crenate, flexuous, concrete lobes, which become radious-plicate at the circumference ; apothecia of middling size, sessile, zeorine ; tawny-red ; the pale, irregular, thalline margin finally excluded by the swelling disk, which is bordered by a thin, entire, proper one. Spores ellipsoid, sub-simple, ^ mic. Parmelia, Fr. L. E.p. 119, a. P.friabilis, Schcer. Spicil. p. 426. b. bracteatum, Ach. ; thallus passing into a verrucose-lobulate- crust; the radious circumference disappearing. Schcer. I. c. P. fulgens v. alpinum, Th. Fr. Lich. Arct. p. 81. Calcareous soils. Greenland (b), Valil e Th. Fr. I. c. 1861. On the North Platte in Nebraska, and Wyoming (a, 6), Hayden. Montana, M. A. Brown. The spores of the variety, though often simple, occur also in variously imperfect (or even perfect, according to Koerb. Syst. p. 112) bilocular conditions; and I ob- serve not wholly dissimilar spores in some of my foreign speci- mens of a. Both forms belong naturally together ; and to Pla- codium. 6. P. eugyrum, Tuckerm. ; thallus crustaceous, orbicular,, adnate, applanate; from dirty-brownish-green becoming dark- 172 PLACODIUM. fulvous j rimose-areolate, passing at the circumference into short, paler, white-powdery, crenate lobes; apothecia small, zeorine; the flat, rufous disk bordered by a thin, crenulate, thalline mar- gin. Spores ovoid-ellipsoid, ^-mic. Suppl. 1,1 c. p. 425. On limestone, Texas ( Wright), Tuckerman 1. c. 1858. Best comparable perhaps externally, except in colour, with the Euro- pean Lecanora circinata. Apothecia O mm -, 5 to O mm -, 8 in width. 7. P. galactophyllum, Tuckerm. ; thallus crustaceous-adnate, areolate-squamulose ; white and mealy ( becoming yellowish- brown when rubbed), the areoles passing at the circumference into crenate lobules ; apothecia small, zeorine, adnate, flat ; an obtuse, entire thalline margin bordering the dark-orange, mar- ginate disk. Spores ^ mio. Obs. lAch. 4, 1. c. p. 171. Lime-rocks, Chase county, Kansas (Hall), Tuckerman Gen. 1872. Apothecia of the size of those of n. 6. When this and the last are more fully known, they may possibly prove to be nearer akin than appears. 8. P. peliophyllum, Tuckerm. ; thallus crustaceous, adnate, verrucose ; cinereous-glaucous (and blackening) with a laciniate, linear-multifid circumference ; apothecia of more than middling size, sessile ; the disk chestnut-brown, the stout, entire thalline margin finally flexuous. Spores ellipsoid, ^ mic. Gen. Lich. p. 108. On granitic rocks, Yosemite Valley, California (Bolander), Tuckerman I. c. 1872. The specimens of this marked lichen were only obtained with difficulty, and are scanty. It should be further studied where it grows. Apothecia exceeding 2 mm - in width. 9. P. variabile (Pers.) Nyl. ; thallus crustaceous, adnate, rimose-areolate ; lurid-ash-coloured ; the areoles of the circum- ference scarcely now effigurate; apothecia of middling size or smallish, adnate, rather flat; the dark-chestnut (blackening) disk bordered conspicuously by a white (powdery) entire at length flexuous margin, which is now concolorous with the disk ; or obsolete, and the apothecia lecideoid. Spores ellipsoid, ^ mic.