This book is DUB on the last date stamped below Abrasives & Abrasive Wheels Their Nature, Manufacture and Use A COMPLETE TREATISE ON THE MANUFACTURE AND PRACTICAL USE OF ABRASIVES, ABRASIVE WHEELS AND GRINDING OPERATIONS INCLUDING NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL ABRASIVES, PRODUCTION AND PREP- ARATION OF ABRASIVES, GRITS, GRADES AND BONDS, SHARPEN- ING AND GRINDING STONES AND WHEELS, TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY, TRUING, REBUSHING AND INSTALLING WHEELS, SAFETY DEVICES, AND DUST-COLLECTING SYSTEMS, COMPLETE EXPOSITION ON SURFACE, EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL GRINDING AND COMPREHENSIVE DATA COVERING THE PHYS- ICAL AND CHEMICAL NATURE OF ABRASIVES IN GENERAL BY FRED B. JACOBS A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK FOR ENGINEERS, FACTORY SUPERINTEN- DENTS, FOUNDRYMEN, SHOP FOREMEN AND MECHANICS IN GENERAL FULLY ILLUSTRATED New York The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company 2 West 45th Street 1919 Copyrighted, 1919, by The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company Printed in U. S. A. Printing Presswork and Binding by Harper & Brothers, New York PREFACE THE art of finishing metals by abrasion is one of the oldest mechanical practices in existence, dating from the time prehistoric man discovered that he could fashion his wood and bone implements by rubbing them on rocks of a gritty nature. The grindstone is, without doubt, the oldest form of grinding wheel known. With the early development of the mechanical arts, it was discovered that a sandstone cut in circular shape and mounted upon a revolving shaft, showed higher efficiency than the side of a rock for sharpen- ing and shaping various implements. It is definitely known that grindstones, rotated by power, were used in the manu- facture of armor as early as the year 1570. It is also known that the emery deposits of the Grecian Archipelago were known to the ancients and the value of this abrasive recognized, as many writers of early days referred to emery under various names. In considering some of the mechan- ical achievements of the handicraftsmen who worked with metals centuries before the Christian era, it is hard to conceive how they attained so high a degree of perfection without the use of an alumina abrasive for tool-sharpening purposes. While the practice of fashioning tools and implements by abrasion is in all probability as old as civilization itself, modern grinding, as we accept this term, is a compara- tively recent development. About half a century ago, the individual workman made his own grinding wheels of glue and emery. The first attempt at precision grinding consisted of finish- ing the chilled iron calender rolls used in the paper-making 5 PREFACE industry. Owing to the hard nature of the material in question, it was a long and tedious process to turn these rolls accurately. The development of the sewing-machine industry in the New England States gave impetus to the development of the grinding-wheel business. As a matter of fact, the first attempts at cylindrical grinding, aside from roll grinding, consisted of finishing parts of the Wilcox & Gibbs sewing machine. The work was done by the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. With the advent of the automobile industry, over twenty years ago, the grinding-wheel business received a fresh impetus as a rapid means was in demand for the accurate finishing of parts. Today, the modern grinding wheel is among the most useful of modern shop accessories. Without it, it would be impossible to maintain the present-day standard of rapid production. In practically every line of metal working, the grinding wheel plays an important part, its usefulness ranging all the way from the rough grinding of castings and forgings to the finishing of accurate surfaces, both plane and cylindrical. In presenting this work, the writer has taken great precaution to make sure that every statement is authentic. Aside from knowledge gained through many years as a journeyman machinist, later supplemented with several years' experience as a grinding-wheel salesman, many months were spent in collecting data, verifying statements and consulting reliable authorities, both in this country and abroad. The writer is indebted to the following manufacturers and individuals who cheerfully answered numerous letters and supplied valuable data and photographs: Abrasive Co. The Carborundum Co. American Emery Wheel Works Chicago Wheel & Mfg. Co. The Blanchard Machine Co. The Cincinnati Milling Machine Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. Co. 6 PREFACE The Cleveland Stone Co. Cortland Grinding Wheel Corp. Detroit Grinding Wheel Co. Diamond Machine Co. Parrel Foundry & Machine Co. Metal & Thermit Corp. H. G. Hammett. Hampden Corundum Wheel Co. The Heald Machine Co. Frederick S. Jacobs, data on axe- grinding. ' Landis Tool Co. Manufacturers Corundum Co., Ltd. Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Newton Machine Tool Works. Norton Co. Norton Grinding Co. Penton Publishing Co. Pittsburgh Crushed Steel Co. Pratt & Whitney Co. Fred E. Rogers, editor emeritus of Machinery. Safety Emery Wheel Works. Springfield Grinding Co. Springfield Mfg. Co. Sterling Grinding Wheel Co. B. F. Sturtevant Co. Superior Corundum Wheel Co. United States Geological Survey. Vitrified Wheel Co. Waltham Grinding Wheel Co. Wardwell Mfg. Co. Permission to reprint material by the writer which had been previously published, was granted by the following publishers : Penton Publishing Co., Marine Review. McGraw Hill Co., American Machinist. S. S. Smith Co., The Woodworker. W. R. C Smith Publishing Co., Iron Tradesman. Iron Age Co., The Iron Age. The MacLean Publishing Co., Ltd., Canadian Machinery. The Mines Publishing Co., Ltd., publishers of The Canadian Mining Journal, gave permission to reprint material concerning corundum. FRED B. JACOBS. June, 1919. CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE PREFACE ix I. NATURAL ABRASIVE SUBSTANCES Pages 13 to 36 Nature of natural abrasives Where found History of natural abrasives Commercial application Sandstone Emery Corun- dum Garnet Diamond Bort diamond Flint Quartz Nat- ural sharpening stones Arkansas Washita Hindustan Tripoli Pumice. II. ARTIFICIAL ABRASIVES Pages 37 to 64 Various artificial abrasives Their physical and chemical properties Their Commercial application Methods and processes employed in the production of artificial abrasives Carborundum Alundum Aloxite Boro- C arbone Oxalumina Adamite Crystolon, etc. Relative hardness and abrasive efficiency of various materials Artificial production of precious stones Their abrasive properties Other artificial abrasives and their production Experimental work Electro-thermic processes Production of rouge and crocus Diamonds and crushed steel Angular grit. III. THE MANUFACTURE OF GRINDING WHEELS .... Pages 65 to 82 Composition of grinding wheels Desirable and undesirable proper- ties Bonds Shellac Rubber Fusible clays Silicate of soda Vitrified wheels Method of oroducing vitrified wheels Puddled process Pressed process Silicate wheels Shellac wheels Rubber wheels Clay bond used in vitrified wheels Choice of bonding ma- terial Wheel-turning Kiln used Heating of kiln and work Cooling of kiln Dressing wheels Bushing wheels Speed tests for wheels Elastic process Rubber process. IV. ARTIFICIAL SHARPENING STONES Pages 83 to 87 Properties of artificial stones Carborundum stones Method of manufacture Bond Grit Grade Finishing Combination stones Carborundum rubs. V. GRITS AND GRADES . . . ; Pages 88 to 96 Designation of grits and grades Mixed grits Grits of abrasive s papers Standard grades Wheels Relation of speed to grade and grit Wheel speeds for various operations. 9 CONTENTS CHAP. VI. TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY Pages 97 to 114 Selection of wheels Improper methods of testing Practical testing methods Items to be noted in a wheel test How to figure result Formula for finding volume of abrasive material in a wheel General considerations Wheel tests. VII. LABORATORY TESTS Pages 115 to 122 Apparatus and appliances used Limitations of laboratory tests Factors to be considered Laboratory testing machine Data for test Work used in testing. VIII. GRINDING WHEEL vs. GRINDSTONES Pages 123 to 128 Advantages of natural and artificial abrasive used in wheels Early use of grindstones Special work where grindstones are still em- ployed Action of grinding wheel. IX. THE ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE OF USING LARGE WHEELS . Pages 129 to 132 Factors to be considered in choosing a wheel Comparative price of wheels of various sizes Advantage of large wheels in certain work Why large wheels are more efficient. X. TRUING DEVICES FOR GRINDING WHEELS Pages 133 to 138 Abrasive action Tools used in truing wheels Use of bort and carbonado diamonds in tools Getting stones in tool Procedure in truing wheels. XI. RE-BUSHING GRINDING WHEELS Pages 139 to 141 Methods used in bushing wheels Tools employed Metals used. XII. SUGGESTIONS TO FOLLOW IN ORDERING GRINDING WHEELS Pages 142 to 144 Information to be given with grinding-wheel order Factor govern- ing selection of wheels How to determine what kind of a wheel should be used Ordering special wheels. XIII. DESIGN OF DUST-COLLECTING SYSTEMS .... Pages 145 to 150 State law requirments Design of wheel hood General design Size of exhaust pipe for different size wheels Elbows Collars Method of erection Clean-out Fan Dust-collector Exhaust systems. XIV. SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS Pages 151 to 165 Why wheels break Cause of accidents How wheels are packed and tested before leaving factory Wheel speeds Mounting wheels properly What causes wheels to burst Safety flanges Work rest Wheel guards Grinding on small wheels Precautions for the workman. 10 CONTENTS CHAP. XV. ABRASIVE PAPERS AND CLOTHS Pages 166 to 175 Abrasive substances used in making abrasive paper History of abrasive paper How abrasive paper and cloth is manufactured Grades of abrasive paper and cloth Finding percentage of iron in garnet Testing garnet paper Paper and cloth abrasive discs-- Testing discs for efficiency. XVI. SURFACE GRINDING Pages 176 to 215 Finishing work by surface grinding Development of the surface grinding machine Finishing locomotive guide bars Rotary grinding fixture Wheel speeds Cuts Die grinding How dies are held Grinding punches Care of wheels Magnetic chucks Demagnetizes Proper wheel selection for surface grinding Types of surface-grinding machines Standard wheel list. XVII. CYLINDRICAL GRINDING Pages 216 to 242 Cylindrical grinders Operation of grinders Driving devices for work Proper wheel speeds for various metals and work Traverse feed Depth of cut Roughing and finishing cuts Sparking Backrest and steadyrests Lubrication of work Lubricating com pounds and mixtures Dressing and truing wheels while on the grinder Chatter marks and their remedy Selection of proper wheels for use on cylindrical grinders Universal grinders Grinding tapers Various operations on universal grinder. XVIII. INTERNAL GRINDING Pages 243 to 262 Internal grinding machines Internal grinding on universal grinder Setting up universal grinder for internal work Grinding double tapers Automatic grinders Grinding holes in spur and bevel gears Chucks Wet and dry grinding Proper speeds Selection of wheels Operating of cylinder grinders Cylinder grinding. XIX. SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS Pages 263 to 289 Grinding calender rolls Special grinding machines Roll grinders and roll grinding Corrugating flour-mill rolls Grinding crank- shafts Grinding cam shafts Locomotive valve gears. XX. CUTTER SHARPENING Pages 290 to 307 Machines employed for cutter grinding Adjustments and attach- ments on cutter grinders Grinding spiral cutters General opera- tion of cutter grinders Selection of wheels Speeds Depth of cut. XXI. SAW SHARPENING Pages 308 to 321 Band saws and circular saws Operation of band-saw sharpening machine Sharpening band saws Grinding in new teeth Care of machine Selection of wheels for saw gumming Machines for sharpening cold saws Sharpening hack-saw blades. ii CHAPTER ONE NATURAL ABRASIVE SUBSTANCES Nature of natural abrasives Where found History of natural abrasives Commercial application Sandstone Emery Corundum Garnet Diamond Bort diamond Flint Quartz Natural sharpening stones Arkansas Washita Hindustan Tripoli Pumice. NATURAL abrasives are being found in many parts of the world. In a broad sense, the list includes all minerals capable of abrasive action, but from a commercial point of view, the principal natural abrasives are sandstone, emery, corundum and garnet. The diamond is, of course, a natural abrasive; indeed it is the hardest of all, but it is needless to state that its rarity excludes it from the list of commercial abrasive materials. SANDSTONE The first abrasive to be used in the form of a wheel was in all probability sandstone. The use of a revolving stone for sharpening purposes is so old that the beginning is lost in antiquity. It seems reasonable to believe, however, that the artificers of early civilization borrowed the idea of a revolving sharpening stone from the crude mills used many centuries ago for the grinding of grain. Sandstone is a very curious mineral, indeed, as it consists of uniform grains of sand (generally quartz with a small percentage of feldspar and mica) firmly cemented together with silica. Some varieties of sandstone, the Craigleith stones used in the cut-glass industry for instance, are prac- tically pure silica, this material often running as high as 98 per cent. Sandstone is found in many parts of the 13 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS world and in this country the most extensive deposits that are worked for the production of grindstones are in Ohio and Michigan. The Gray Canyon quarry at Amherst, Ohio, is classed as the largest quarry in the world. Sand- stones are of various colors, these being derived from impurities that penetrated the mass during the formative stage. Pure siliceous stones are white, or pale yellow in cases where small quantities of iron oxide are present. A red tinge is generally due to hematite, yellow to limonite, green to glauconite, gray to clay and shale, and black, as observed in black Graileith stones for example, to manganese dioxide. The average layman is of the opinion that all grindstones are alike, but this supposition is erroneous for, in forming the sandstone of which the grindstones of commerce are made, it would appear that Nature anticipated the wants of man by providing not only several grits to choose from, but several grades as well. To insure an ample supply of grits and grades, grindstone manufacturers generally control holdings in various localities. Before the advent of the grinding wheel, sandstone was the only abrasive to be used in the form of a wheel. Its use was, of course, limited, as practically the only grinding done in the early manufacturing days consisted of tool sharpening. Grindstones are used at present in large quan- tities for sharpening edge tools, cutlery, etc., often in preference to modern abrasive wheels. Many reasons for this practice are explained later, under the heading, Grind- stones Vs. Grinding Wheels. EMERY Emery, which in reality is an impure form of corundum, has been known as an abrasive from very remote times. Its value as an abrasive was known to the ancient Greeks/ Dioscorides referred to it as a stone used in gem engraving. Emery was also known to the Romans, Pliny and other EMERY writers referring to it as naxium. There is also seme authority for the statement that in the "adamant" of the Old Testament, translated from the Hebrew, shamir referred to emery ore. ^The principal emery deposits that furnish the emery of commerce are located in Asia Minor, in the basins of the Sarabat and Mender rivers. In the Grecian Archipelago, the best known of these deposits are located on the Island of Naxos, and in this country near Chester, Mass., and Peekskill, N. Y. Emery looks like iron ore, being of a dense, granular con- struction. Its luster is metallic, while its color runs from blue-black to black. It can truly be called a unique mineral, as it is a mixture of alumina oxide and iron as magnetite and hematite. At one time, all of the world's supply of emery came from the Grecian Isles, principally Naxos, but during the year 1847 Dr. J. Lawrence Smith located im- portant emery deposits in Asia Minor. Dr. Smith's dis- coveries proved to be of great benefit to the emery-consum- ing trade owing to the fact that the price of emery was materially reduced. Asia Minor or Turkish emery, as the new material was called, at once became popular, as it proved to be an efficient abrasive for many purposes. Turkish emery always occurs in limestone or marble, the deposits resting on gneiss, schist and mica slates, while Naxos emery is generally found in limestone beds, being associated with crystalline schists. One noticeable dif- ference between the emery of the Grecian Archipelago and that of Asia Minor is that in the former are numerous small particles of mica which are seldom observed in the latter *- The mining of both Turkish and Naxos emery is generally carried on in a very primitive manner. Being near the sur- face, the ore is easily removed as it is often present in loose boulders. Masses that are too large for transportation to the sea coast, are generally broken into fragments through the process of heating them for a number of hours followed by a sudden cooling with water. This causes the ore to fracture in many places, and, by means of hammer blows, ^ 15 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS it is an easy matter to reduce the ore to pieces suitable for transportation. The low cost of mining, together with moderate transportation costs, accounts for the fact that Turkish emery finds a ready sale in this country in competi- tion with American emery. For the purpose of grinding- wheel manufacture, however, *&axos emery is considered superior to all other kinds as it is the hardest, toughest and most uniform. The foregoing sounds like a broad statement, to be sure, but it is the consensus of opinion expressed by leading grinding-wheel manufacturers who make wheels of emery. L The discovery of emery in this country dates back to about the year 1830, at which time a railroad was being built from Boston to the Hudson River. In making a cut near Chester, Mass., a deposit of emery ore was uncovered, which, at the time, was taken for iron ore. As previously stated, emery and iron ore resemble each other closely. Blast furnaces were erected and provision made for working the ore on a moderately large scale. At the first attempt to smelt the ore, however, great difficulties were encountered in separating the iron from the alumina and the deposits were ultimately condemned as too refractory for practical purposes. The mine remained idle and almost forgotten for a num- ber of years. In 1864 or thereabout, Dr. H. S. Lucas, realizing the possibilities of working the deposits as a source of abrasive supply to compete with the foreign product, bought the property and began to successfully operate it as an emery mine. Operations have been continued in this district until the present day. The emery in question is associated with amphibolite and serpentine, and, as the veins of ore reach several hundred feet underground, it is necessary to work them by extensive tunneling. Mention should also be made of the emery deposits in New York state in the vicinity of Peekskill. rhis emery, which is called a spinel emery, does not occur in a continu- ous vein, but in segregated masses, being associated with 16 EMERY morite rocks. In this ore spinel, which is magnesium aluminate, MgAl 2 o 4 , furnishes the abrasive agent, since spinel has a relative hardness of 8, as against 9, the hardness of alumina, it is seen that spinel emery is somewhat softer than other varieties of true emery. The value of spinel emery should not be overlooked, however, as it furnishes an efficient polishing material in cases where a very hard and tough abrasive is not desired. The specific gravity of emery varies in different speci- mens from 3.7 to 4.3 and the percentage of alumina oxide from 30 to 70. The abrasive power, sometimes called the effective hardness, is not proportional to the amount of alumina contained, being influenced to a great extent by the proportions of other component parts in the form of impurities such as silica, lime magnesia, etc., and the structure of the grain itself. For the purpose of grinding- wheel manufacture, the value of emery as an abrasive agent is determined by the amount of alumina oxide present and the toughness of the grain itself. ~^ In common with other natural products, emery ore varies in' a number of characteristics. This is true not only of specimens from different mines, but of the product of one mine as well. To market a high-grade emery, it is necessary to pay especial attention to the selection and grading of the crude ore, to which end the use of the micro- scope cannot be recommended too strongly, as by this means more can be learned of the quality of the emery than by resorting to any other method, aside from the actual working test of the finished product. As emery may have a high percentage of alumina and at the same time the ore may be so constituted that, after crushing, the grains will seem to possess no cutting points. Such an emery does not make a very efficient grinding wheel. Some specimens of emery crush up into the proper kind of grains, as far as cutting points are concerned, but at the same time nothing but fine grains are produced. Again ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS it is sometimes noticed that small flakes of mica are scattered through the ore, which is sure to cause trouble in the vitrifying process if the emery is used in the manufacture of vitrified grinding wheels. It is readily seen that an efficient abrasive cannot be made of an emery ore selected at random. It is of the utmost im- portance to know the nature of the grain to adapt the same for a given abrasive purpose. At one time, all grinding wheels were made of emery. Of late years, however, corundum and the different artificial abrasives are used. At the same time, notwithstanding the efficiency of modern abrasives, the more ancient emery wheel still has its field of usefulness, and, strange as it may seem, on some classes of grinding, steel castings and heavy malleables, for instance, emery wheels continue to show the highest efficiency. This statement is not made thought- lessly, but is the result of several years of observation spent in representing grinding-wheel manufacturers. From a theoretical point of view, it would seem that abrasives containing a higher percentage of alumina than is present in emery, would prove more efficient, regardless of the nature of the work. Actual tests, however, have proven beyond a doubt that for certain purposes the emery wheel is still in a position to successfully compete with artificial abrasives. This is explained in a subsequent chapter. Again, emery wheels are comparatively low in price, and they find a ready market among consumers whose grinding- wheel wants are few. A manufacturer who uses grinding wheels intermittently, a few minutes at a time, is not con- cerned whether or not the wheel shows the highest efficiency. As long as it gives satisfaction, within certain limits, no good reason is see'n why a higher price should be paid for a more improved abrasive. Another factor, that should be mentioned while consid- ering the emery wheel, is that owing to the high percentage of oxide of iron contained, this abrasive, grit for grit, leaves 18 EMERY a finer finish than any other abrasive material used in grinding-wheel manufacture. Even on precision work, such as gauge grinding and other similar operations, the emery wheel still plays an important part and it is often the choice of many engineers who know abrasives for their actual worth. Emery wheels, or emery stones, as they are termed in this case, are also largely used for hulling oats and rice, taking the place of the bed and runner natural stones as used in the ordinary buhr mill. To whom the credit belongs for intro- ducing the above stones, is not known for a certainty, but experience has proven that the emery stone compares favorably with the natural stones heretofore used for this purpose. Coarse emery is used in the form of bricks for rubbing stone and various metals while the finer grades of emery are made into sharpening stones, scythe stones, etc. Of late years, however, artificial sharpening stones made of electro-thermic abrasives (Carborundum, for example) have largely replaced those made of emery. For a few specific purposes, emery stones are still in use owing to the high finish they produce. v ln the form of grains and powders, emery is used for a number of purposes such as finishing bevels on plate glass, lapping hardened steel, polishing precious stones, etc., or, in fact, for any purpose where a tough, durable abrasive in grain form is desired. Emery grain is also used to a great extent on polishing, or set-up wheels, as they are termed, for finishing an end- less variety of metal parts such as edge tools, cutlery, parts of firearms, etc. Various kinds of emery act differently on a polishing wheel and suitable grades for specific pur- poses are generally chosen after careful experiment. One reason why emery gives such good results on polishing wheels is that its comparatively rough fracture presents a good holding surface for the glue, which factor is not true of many of the manufactured abrasives. Carborun- 19 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS dum, on account of its smooth, glassy surface, does not form a very efficient abrasive to use on a polishing wheel. Emery paper and cloth are used to a large extent in the mechanical arts for smoothing and polishing small, intricate parts of small machinery and instruments. In the study of the occurrence of emery, we are con- fronted with two very curious facts. First, emery is a mixture of iron oxides and alumina and, second, this com- position occurs in but few places in the world pin points on the earth's surface, as it were. In American emery, Prof. J. H. Pratt regards the alumina and iron oxides as basic segregations from an igneous magma. This, of course, is within reason since it is an accepted fact that the earth was at one time a molten mass of elements, and as this mass slowly cooled, the various elements combined and sometimes segregated. What force of nature caused the elements of iron and alumina to segregate together, in practically the same manner, is beyond the knowledge of the writer. CORUNDUM V The name corundum was originally applied to the ruby and sapphire of India, the word being derived from the Sanskrit (kurminda) and literally means ruby. The variety of corundum we are dealing with is called, by the older mineralogists, impure corundum and comprises the numerous varieties that are not transparent or perfect enough to be used as gem stones. Some thirty years ago, corundum was regarded as a comparatively rare mineral, but at the present time it is known to occur abundantly in several localities in this country and in Ontario, Canada. In this country, it occurs in igneous rocks, principally syenites, and in several gneisses and schists. It also occurs in alluvium deposits in sands and gravels. Canadian corundum occurs in nepheline syenite associated with Laurentian gneiss. Of the origin of corundum but little is known for a cer- CORUNDUM tainty, as a study of his mineral calls for exhaustive research work on the part of the geologist, who is sometimes reticent when it conies to establishing hard and fast rules. Prof. J. H. Pratt, who has made a deep study of the occurrence of corundum, in this country and elsewhere, considers that the corundum of North Carolina segregated from a molten magma, the separation taking place at an early period of consolidation. ^ Canadian corundum has of recent years been regarded as an essential rock constituent. Regarding the corundum of Ontario, H. E. T. Haultain states that the corundum- bearing rocks are not dykes, that they are not eruptive, and that there is no sign of separation from magma. The principal Canadian deposit of corundum occurs at Craig Mountain, which is situated in Raglan Township, Renfrew County, Ontario. In this country, corundum is found in the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Col- orado, Montana, California and Idaho. '"' Corundum is found in three different ways; block corun- dum, crystal corundum and sand corundum. Under the heading of block corundum, is included corundum found in masses whether large or small. ( This is the most difficult form of corundum to mine. Owing to its extreme hardness, it is impossible to drill it for the purpose of blasting. Thus it is not easily broken up. When block corundum is mixed with foreign substances, such as feldspar, hornblende, etc., it is often difficult to clean, whereas a block corundum free from superfluous foreign matter makes an ideal ore, provided the parting planes are -not too well developed. The disadvantage of numerous parting planes is explained later. Corundum crystallizes in the rhombohedral division of the hexagonal system and under the head of crystal corun- dum is included all the crystal varieties of corundum which occur in block corundum or % in sand or gravel. 21 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Some of these crystals take the form of a hexagon with a prism at each end, in which case the crystal is termed "barrel corundum." Many of these crystals are of no defi- nite form, being enclosed in compact masses of surrounding material. Very small crystals and small grains are termed sand corundum and often occur between a corundum-bearing peridotite rock and the surrounding gneiss or schist. Corundum possesses no true cleavage, but parting planes are usually present along which the crystal fractures. How- ever, if these planes are so numerous as to be present in the small grains of abrasive material that constitute a grinding wheel, a low abrasive efficiency will be the result because the grains will readily fracture, thus breaking away before becoming dull and useless. An ideal corundum for an abrasive wheel is one wherein the grains are free from parting lines, thus they will, on becoming dull, break with the irregular to conchoidal frac- ture, which is a characteristic of corundum. As a matter of fact, all varieties of corundum have comparatively the same degree of hardness, that is, from 8.8 to 9., but some varieties are much higher in abrasive efficiency than others. This is due to the fact that the parting planes are sometimes too numerous as previously stated. This accounts for the fact that some makes of corundum wheels are superior to others. The only practical test for the abrasive efficiency of a doubtful corundum is to make some sample wheels of it and have them tested on actual work under every-day working conditions. From a theoretical point of view, corundum contains but two elements, alumina and oxygen, its chemical formula being A1 2 O 3 . Commercial corundum, as well as the gem varieties, generally contains a trace of silica, ferric oxide and combined water. The following table, which is taken from Bulletin No. 269 of the United States Geological Survey, gives the chemical analyses of several well-known corundums. CORUNDUM ANALYSES OF CORUNDUM Locality A1.0, Per Cent. Fe 2 O 3 Per Cent. SiO 2 Per Cent. (H,0) Per Cent. Insoluble residue Per Cent. Total Analyst Hastings County, Ontario Sapphire from India Ruby from India . . . Corundum Hill M ine , N. Carolina Laurel Creek Mine, Georgia 96.92 97-Si 97-32 98.79 95-51 'i'8 9 1.09 -75 .88 0.80 I. 21 .90 i-45 2.43 .78 74 1-36 100. 71 IOO. 2C 99.62 100.22 98.58 Wells Smith Smith Emerson Emerson Since corundum occurs more abundantly than emery, the consumer of grinding wheels often asks why corundum wheels command a higher price than wheels made of emery. It is true that corundum deposits are numerous, but not all of these corundums are of the correct structure for grinding-wheel use, as above explained, and, again, co- rundum goes through a comparatively expensive process before it is fit for the grinding-wheel manufacturers. It must be borne in mind that corundum, as it comes from the mine, is not in a pure state, being mixed with other minerals, such as feldspar, hornblende, margartite, mus- covite, etc. Corundum is sometimes found in huge masses weighing many tons and in cases of this kind, the elimi- nation of the foreign matter is often a difficult problem. Again, a corundum that is to be used in the manufacture of vitrified wheels should be free from such substances as mica, garnet and feldspar. Otherwise difficulties are sure to be encountered in the vitrifying process. In describing the methods used in mining and cleaning corundum for the market, it may be well to first consider the mines at Craigmont, Canada, as the methods and facili- ties used there are generally acknowledged to be the most up-to-date and practicable. The above mine is worked by the Manufacturers Co- 23 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS rundum Company, Limited, and the following account of the cleaning methods, etc., is taken from an article: "Co- rundum at Craigmont," which appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal under the date of August ist, 1907. As this article was written by Mr. H. E. T. Haultain, who was general manager of the company at the time, it is interest- ing as well as authentic. "The first discovery of corundum in Ontario was made nearly thirty years ago on this Craig Mountain, then known as Robillard's Hill, by Henry Robillard's daughter. As a small child, she picked up and carried home a crystal that 'looked like a cruet stopper.' For years it remained as an unnamed curiosity, but at the time of the phosphate excitement, it was declared to be phosphate, and Robillard and Fitzgerald located the ground as a phosphate mine. "In 1896, Ferrier, of the Geological Survey, described the presence of corundum in the neighboring township. Mining operations were commenced in May, 1900, the ore being transported in wagons half a mile to a small mill driven by water power. In March, 1904, the present mill commenced crushing. This mill is by far the largest corundum mill ever built, and is the largest concentrating plant in Canada. It has three divisions, the main mill, the grader, and the finishing department. The latter is a comparatively recent development. " In the main mill, the rock is crushed on till 90 per cent. of it will pass through a 2.5 millimeter hole, by means of four rock breakers and five sets of rolls. It is concentrated on 20 Overstrom tables; the concentrates, which contain from 50 to 60 per cent, corundum, passing into bins for drainage. "In the grader, these concentrates are dried, passed over magnetic separators, separated into 20 sizes, from 8 mesh to 200 mesh, and still further subjected to concentration on Wilfley tables and Hooper pneumatic jigs. The result- ing product is again dried and again sized and passed into bins, from which it is drawn off into zoo-pound bags. The 24 CORUNDUM run of bags each day is sampled by hand, every size by itself, and these samples are carefully assayed, and accord- ing to the assay results, the bags are stocked in the finishing department. "The finishing department performs three functions. It thoroughly mixes the product so as to give a uniform ma- terial complying closely with fixed standards. It re-screens each size so as to eliminate the results of carelessness in the grader. It automatically samples every lot of thirty bags. "The finishing foreman, knowing the assays of the con- tents of his bags, mixes thirty hundredweight at a time in a hopper. From this hopper, the corundum passes in a thin, flat stream past a draft of air, which blows away the mica. It then passes over a set of shaking screens, which screen out both undersize and oversize particles and from this it passes to a bin whence it is drawn off past an auto- matic sampler direct into canvas bags, which are filled to contain 100 pounds of corundum. "The bags are then sewn up by machinery and marked for size and lot number. The samples are tested by hand screens for accuracy of sizing, by the eye for pyrites and hornblende contents, by the magnet for magnetite contents, and in the assay office for both corundum and iron content. "On receipt of the assay results, the bags are marked G or Gi, G grade being for silicate wheels and the polishing trade, and Gi for the vitrified wheel trade. A sample weighing about half a pound, representing each lot of thirty bags, is stored for reference." As before stated, corundum is found in many parts of this country; one of the well-known mines is called the Corundum Hill Mine. It is located in Macon County, North Carolina. Corundum was discovered here in 1870 and mining operations were commenced a year later. This corundum is found in a peridotite rock. The above mine yields block, crystal and sand corundum having a high abrasive efficiency in both silicate and vitrified wheels. 25 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS The corundum of this mine enjoys a wide reputation, in- deed, one well-known manufacturer of grinding wheels ad- vertises the fact that this brand of corundum is used. Another famous mine, the Laurel Creek mine, is located in Rabun County, Georgia. This corundum is also found in peridotite and often in massive blocks, many of them weigh- ing several hundred pounds. One mass of corundum taken from this mine is reported to have weighed over 5,000 pounds. It is said that this mine has furnished the largest masses of corundum ever mined in any locality. An excellent grade of corundum is also found in Gallatin County, Montana, where it occurs in a syenite rock. The crystals are of all sizes up to eight inches long and some have been found that weighed two pounds. Montana corundum is being worked by modern methods. The mills are equipped with up-to-date machinery. Several grinding-wheel manufacturers have used this corundum, reporting it as making an excellent grinding-wheel grade. The above corundum deposits are mentioned because they are well known to the corundum-consuming trade. It must not be inferred from this, however, that excellent grades of corundum are not found elsewhere in this country. As a matter of fact, there are over 160 corundum deposits that have been listed by geologists, many of them yielding an excellent grade of material. Abrasive engineers admit that corundum of the right kind makes a very efficient grinding wheel for all purposes, with the exception of materials of low tensile strength such as cast iron, etc., and since corundum occurs so plentifully, the question is often asked: why is it not used more ex- tensively? This is at best a difficult question to answer, but we may throw some light on the subject by considering some facts that exist concerning the corundum industry. To begin with, the older methods of preparing the abrasive for the market were unsatisfactory; this resulting in an imperfectly cleaned grain not wholly free from impurities, for it is only within the. last few years, comparatively speak- 26 CORUNDUM ing, that modern appliances, such as used at the Canadian mines, have been installed in this country. In the old process of cleaning, the ore was crushed in rock crushers and then re-crushed by passing it between a series of rolls. The resulting grain was then washed in running water, the corundum, being the heaviest, settled while the lighter impurities were carried away. This, of course, applied only to such substances as were not attached to the grains of corundum themselves. The material was then "scoured" by passing it through a machine not unlike a screw conveyor and afterward re- washed. The grain then received a further cleaning in a wet pan muller, which consists of a revolving pan having a shaft over it carrying two wooden rollers. The action of the muller caused the grains to rub against each other, thus gradually wearing away the impurities which were carried away by a stream of running water. The material was then thoroughly dried and sieved to the various commercial sizes. The old process was expensive and uncertain as to re- sults. Again, severe competition with artificial abrasives began to creep in. The Carborundum Company was spend- ing large sums of money int'oducing their product to the manufacturing world and the Norton Company was not far behind in extolling the merits of their artificial corundum called Alundum. That it pays to advertise is an old and true saying and artificial abrasives certainly have had the advantage of wide publicity. Again, the artificial abrasives were uniform, whereas corundum, when taken as a whole, was not, since it was the product of many deposits, which naturally varied to some extent. It is the writer's opinion, given for what it is worth, that corundum as an abrasive has been handled wrong from the start. It has always been sold as a raw material, in com- petition with emery at first and later in competition with the artificial abrasives. The miners of corundum, even of the very best qualities, were more than willing to sell their product to all who wished to purchase, regardless of the 27 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS fact that not all manufacturers, a few years ago, knew how to make the best quality of grinding wheels. The writer fully realizes that it is a simple matter to say, "I told you so," but, nevertheless he ventures the opinion that if, upon the discovery of an exceedingly good quality of corundum, the mine owners had gone into the wheel- making business, absolutely controlling the sale of their product and keeping the same up to a high standard, the story of corundum could have been written differently at the present time. As a means of verifying the above statement, let us con- sider The Carborundum Company for a moment. Suppose they had been willing to sell their product to all wheel manufacturers who cared to purchase. Would the carbo- rundum grinding wheel hold the high position that it does at the present day? Decidedly not. Carborundum wheels of all kinds, good and bad, would have been on the market and the result would have been that carborundum would have lost favor in a great many cases. Now it is a far easier matter to make a poor grinding wheel than it is to produce a good one and here we have the answer regarding corundum, an abrasive occurring abundantly and possessing the highest abrasive qualities, which now occupies an inferior position simply because "too many cooks spoiled the broth." Everybody had corundum wheels for sale wheels made of pure corundum certainly. At the same time, however, some of this "pure" corundum was unfit for wheel manufacture, while in other cases corundum of the highest grade was given a bad name because the actual value of the abrasive was hidden in a poorly made grinding wheel. How, then, should corundum have been handled? some one is sure to ask. The answer is simple. As before stated, the owners of a good corundum deposit should have en- gaged in the wheel-making end of the business, given their brand of corundum a good name, spent a hundred thousand dollars in equipment, and several hundred thousand more 28 DIAMOND in advertising their product, and the business would have developed itself. The sole ownership of a widely advertised product is a gold mine in itself provided, of course, the business is properly handled, and this is one factor that has made manufactured abrasives rth distinctive names so universally used. Corundum is used for a number of purposes, and, in comparing it with emery, it is a faster cutting abrasive owing to its pure state. Corundum wheels are used prin- cipally for steel grinding on both 'rough and precision work, while corundum in grain and powder form is used for vari- ous grinding and polishing operations. Sharpening stones made of corundum are very efficient, while corundum- coated paper and cloth are also put to a number of uses, principally in the form of discs used on the disc-type of grinder for finishing steel parts, both hard and soft. Taken as a whole, corundum covers a wide field and by many it is considered to be the best all-round abrasive known. DIAMOND Diamonds are divided into three groups, the transparent and practically flawless varieties used as gem stones and im- perfect stones called bort diamonds. There is also a black diamond often called carbonado. The diamond has a specific gravity of 3.50 and is the hardest substance known, being placed at 10 on the mineralogist's scale. The diamond crystallizes in the cubic system, generally taking the form of an octahedron. The fracture of the diamond is conchoidal and the crystals invariably cleave along planes parallel to the octahedral faces. Diamond cutters avail themselves of this character- istic when reducing the stone to the best shape for cutting. Of late years, however, a sawing process has been developed which is said to be superior to the older method of cleaving by means of a sharp blow. The diamond is found in India, South America, South 29 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Africa, New South Wales, Borneo, and British Guiana. At the present time, most of the diamond industry centers in South Africa, the mines in this locality having been worked since 1870. Previous to this time, diamonds were found in alluvial deposits and in conglomerates, but in the South African mines, the most famous of which are the Kimberley and the De Beers mines, the diamonds are found imbedded in a kind of blue clay in what are termed "pipes." These are supposed to be filled-up craters of long-extinct volcanoes. Of the origin of the diamond but little is known, although many eminent geologists have advanced well-grounded theories concerning its formation, but, as the original con- dition of the carbon, of which the diamond is composed, remains a question, the genesis of the diamond is still un- solved. The De Beers Company mine many hundred thousand dollars' worth of diamonds weekly and it is needless to state that operations are conducted on a large scale, under the supervision of the most able mining engineers available. To get at the diamond-bearing blue clay, a shaft is sunk several hundred feet into the earth just outside the pipe, tunnels from this shaft running into the diamond-bearing deposits. This material is hoisted to the ground above, where it is spread out in large fields to allow the sun and rain to crumble it to the extent of being easily washed. This weathering process is materially aided by going over the deposits occasionally with steam-plows. The disintegrated soil is next washed in shallow cylin- drical troughs wherein the diamonds are swept to the rim by means of revolving toothed arms, the lighter material escaping at the center. The findings are now concentrated to separate the diamonds from hard foreign substances and then a further separation is effected by passing the concentrates over a greased surface. For some unaccount- able reason, the greased surface holds the diamonds while the other worthless materials escape. 30 DIAMOND It takes, on an average, four tons of blue ground to yield one carat weight of diamond, and as the De Beers mines often yield from three to four pounds of diamonds a day, it is seen that an immense amount of blue ground has to be worked. The next step, and a very interesting one, is to sort out the diamonds both for color and purity. The color runs from clear white to black, a pale yellow being the most common color. The only difference between a gem stone and a bort diamond is that the former is practically flaw- less and of good color, while the latter contains black specks and other flaws, has no brilliancy and possesses an irregular fracture. It is needless to state that the diamond sorters are expert at their work and they never let a gem stone pass for a bort. As a matter of fact, dealers in bort stones look in vain for a gem stone that might have missed the eye of the inspector, but there is no record of their efforts being rewarded. Aside from truing grinding wheels, bort diamonds are used for many other purposes. In powdered form, they are used for diamond cutting, this process being introduced by L. von Berquen in the year 1476, for cutting and drilling very hard substances, for certain kinds of delicate lapping and grinding in watch factories and occasionally for very minute turning operations in the watch or jeweler's lathe. The process of converting bort diamonds into diamond powder is simple, being carried out as follows: Several bort stones are first crushed in a little mortar made especially for this purpose and the material thus obtained is placed in a quantity of the very best olive oil. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and allowed to stand for five minutes. The oil is then poured off and the diamond powder that remains in the vessel is called No. o. The oil is now allowed to stand for ten minutes and again poured off, the remain- ing powder being known as No. i. To get the various grades, the time limits used are shown in the accompanying table. ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Five minutes ...................... No. o Ten minutes ....................... No. i Thirty minutes .................... No, 2 One hour .......................... No. 3 Two hours ..... ................... No. 4 Ten hours ......................... No. 5 The oil is now allowed to stand until it shows clear, the particles settling at the bottom being known as No. 6. Carbonado, often called black diamond, is a form of diamond found in Brazil, South America. It is of irregular form and of a black, gray or brown color. It possesses no cleavage and breaks with a granular fracture. Its specific gravity is less than that of the true diamond. It is found almost exclusively in the state of Bahia in what is called cascalho, or diamond-bearing gravel. It is generally found in small pieces, although occasionally a large piece is dis- covered, the largest on record having a weight of 3,150 carats. For truing grinding wheels, carbonado is superior to bort diamond owing to the fact that absence of cleavage makes the stone less liable to fracture. Thus carbonado is the ideal form of diamond to use in rock drills and diamond saws where the stone must withstand the impact of re- peated shocks that would speedily ruin a bort stone. GARNET The name garnet is applied to a group of very closely related minerals, some of which, in the pure varieties, are used as gem stones. There are six kinds of garnet known as follows: Lime alumina garnet Lime iron garnet Lime chrome garnet ...................... Ca 3 Cr2Si 3 Oi2 Magnesia alumina garnet Iron alumina garnet Manganese alumina garnet Garnet crystallizes in the cubic system, generally in rhombic dodecahedra. It possesses an imperfect cleavage, 32 GARNET the parting lines running parallel to the dodecahedron. Its hardness varies from 6.5 to 7.5 while its specific gravity also varies to quite an extent, in different specimens running from 3.4 to 4.3. Garnet has been found in crystalline schists, gneiss, gran- ite, metamorphic limestone, serpentine and volcanic rocks. In this country, deposits are located in New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and North Caro- lina. Large quantities of garnet are mined in New York state, the deposits being located in the vicinity of the Adirondack Mountains. This garnet, which occurs in limestone and gneiss, is of the iron-alumina variety. It is often called Almandine. The garnet of New Hampshire is also of the above variety while North Carolina garnet occurs in two forms, the iron-alumina and a subdivision called rhodolite, which consists of two parts magnesia alumina and one of iron-alumina garnet. An excellent garnet, known to the trade as Spanish mineral, is mined in Spain. This material is extensively used in this country; in fact, one large manufacturer of garnet paper uses it exclusively. There are no analyses on record to establish the composition of this material, although The United States Geological Survey informed the writer that it is probably an iron-alumina garnet, or almandine. Garnet is prepared for abrasive uses by crushing, concen- trating and magnetic separation to remove the superfluous iron oxide, after which it is graded into various commercial sizes. As an abrasive for smoothing wood, garnet paper and cloth enjoys great popularity, showing high efficiency over ordinary sandpaper, especially on comparatively hard woods, such as oak, cherry, maple, etc. It is not a suitable abrasive for grinding-wheel manufacture, owing to its soft nature, although it is sometimes mixed with corundum in the manufacture of silicate wheels for such operations as knife grinding. The pure varieties of garnet are often cut as gem stones of which there are many colors from deep red to light rose. 33 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Some of the finest garnet gem stones are found in loose gravel in Macon County, N. C. QUARTZ Quartz is one of the most common of minerals and has a wide distribution throughout the world. It is composed of silicon dioxide, or silica SiO 2 . Aside from being an essential constituent of some igneous rocks, as granite, it occurs as sand and in crystals. Its specific gravity is 2.65 while its hardness is placed at 7 on Moh's scale. It crystallizes in the trapezohedral-hemihedral class of the rhombohedral division of the hexagonal system. In its pure state, it forms many semi-precious stones such as the amethyst, bloodstone, sardonyx and others. It has no true cleavage and breaks with a conchoidal fracture. As an abrasive, quartz has many uses. In grain form, large quantities of it are used for plate-glass grinding and in other forms of glass work. Glued on belts, it is used for sanding implement and tool handles. Owing to its hardness and sharpness, it is often used for sand blasting. For sawing stone of the softer varieties, such as marble and limestone, quartz forms a cheap and efficient medium. It is not adapted to grinding- wheel manufacture although it is sometimes mixed with other abrasives in making knife- grinding wheels. FLINT Flint is a very hard, brown-colored stone being composed principally of silica and having a specific gravity of 2.6. Its fracture is conchoidal. It is one of the oldest known minerals, being used by prehistoric man in the manufacture of implements and weapons. It was once widely used for striking fire and until the invention of the percussion cap the flint-lock musket was used the world over. Thus it is seen that this now little used material once played an important part in shaping the destinies of nations. A 34 NATURAL SHARPENING STONES form of flint called flint-quartz is used in making the flint paper of commerce which is more commonly spoken of as sand-paper. In this country, the material in question is mined in several places, the more important deposits being in Maine, Maryland and Wisconsin. NATURAL SHARPENING STONES Under this heading are included all the natural stones used, as hand stones, hones, etc., for various sharpening operations. Sharpening stones are of very ancient origin, specimens having been unearthed in Egypt dating back to 1500 B. c. Pliny, ^writing early in the Christian era, tells of a stone from Crete used with oil and one from Naxos used with water. The latter, in all probability, was noth- ing more or less than a fragment of emery ore. The oldest natural stone of modern civilization is the Turkey stone mined in Asia Minor. This stone became popular over one hundred years -ago and to some extent is used at the present day. Other famous sharpening stones of a century ago were the Belgian razor hone, which owes its abrasive qualities to minute particles of garnet, and the German water hone. Both of these stones are sold at the present time. The well-known Arkansas and Ouachita (Washita) stones were discovered in Arkansas in the year 1815. These are found in the foot-hills of the Ozark Mountains. There are two varieties of Arkansas stones; hard Arkansas and soft Arkansas. The former consists of 99^ per cent, pure silica, being composed of very small particles of hexagonal- shaped crystals to which it owes its cutting qualities. This stone is widely used by watchmakers, engravers, tool- makers, etc., for putting a very fine edge on cutting tools. Soft Arkansas stones, although not as hard as the former variety, are freer cutting, therefore they are the choice of the carpenter, cabinet maker and pattern maker for putting the correct cutting edge on chisels, plane irons, etc. 35 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Another famous natural stone is the Indian Pond scythe stone, discovered in New Hampshire in the year 1821. Upon this discovery was founded the well-known business of the Pike Manufacturing Company, whose goods are known to mechanics throughout the world. Several grades of fine sandstone are used in making sharpening stones for various purposes, scythe stones, axe stones, etc., large deposits being located in Ohio. As a matter of fact, this state furnishes many varieties of natural sharpening stones such as the Hindustan, Queer Creek arid Chagrin Falls brands. These are all excellent stones and find a ready market for purposes to which they are adapted. TRIPOLI Tripoli is a trade name given to a yellowish abrasive material which results from the leaching of calcareous material from limestones and cherts. This material is also often called rotten stone. It is found principally in Illinois and Missouri. For abrasive purposes, it is used principally for "cutting down" before polishing soft metals. It is put on the market in the form of cakes, being mixed with tallow and compressed. PUMICE Pumice is of volcanic origin, being an igneous rock which was cooled so quickly that it did not have time to crystallize. It sometimes contains impurities, such as feldspar and hornblende, which diminish the general value of the material as an abrasive, as the impurities leave deep scratches owing to their hard nature. Natural pumice is found in California, Kansas, Nebraska, Idaho, South Dakota and Utah in this country while much of the imported article conies from various islands in the Mediterranean Sea. As an abrasive, pumice is used principally for very fine varnish rubbing and in the manufacture of metal polishes. 36 CHAPTER TWO ARTIFICIAL ABRASIVES Various artificial abrasives Their physical and chemical properties Their commercial application Methods and processes employed in the pro- duction of artificial abrasives Carborundum Alundum Aloxite Boro- Carbone Oxalumina Adamite Crystolon, etc. Relative hardness and abrasive efficiency of various materials Artificial production of precious stones Their abrasive properties Other artificial abrasives and their production Experimental work Electro-thermic processes Production of rouge and crocus Diamonds and crushed steel Angular grit. UNDER this heading can be included all grinding and polishing materials produced by the arts of man; the most commonly used being divided into two classes, carbide of silicon abrasives, the original of which is Carborundum, and artificial corundum, which material, in the form of precious stones, has been made for more than seventy years. In reality, the artificial corundum of today, sold under va- rious trade names, such as Aloxite, Alundum, Boro-Carbone, Oxalumina, etc., is an indirect outgrowth of the experiments of other days, wherein scientific investigators had to con- tent themselves with making artificial rubies and sapphires, while vainly striving to produce the artificial diamond. To class rouge and crocus as abrasives may seem rather far fetched on first thought, but it must be borne in mind that while these materials are used for polishing purposes only, their mission is accomplished through abrasion, since the finest mechanically finished surface possible to produce, when viewed under a powerful microscope, is seen to consist of a multitude of fine scratches. Crushed steel and chilled iron are abrasives in the true sense of the word. The former is used for grinding and the 37 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS latter for sand blasting, which is a process of removing superfluous material by abrasive action. Carborundum is undeniably the best known and, for many purposes, the most useful of all the artificial abrasives; indeed, it is often called the father of them all, since its introduction into the mechanical world gave electro- chemical engineers an impetus to produce competitive material. For the sake of clearness, the various well-known artificial abrasives will be considered in chronological order, Car- borundum being at the head of the list as it was the first artificial abrasive to be recognized commercially. CARBORUNDUM Carborundum is a trade name given to carbide of silicon, a substance discovered during the year 1891 by Edward G. Acheson. It can truly be called the most unique of all abrasives as it has never been found in nature, therefore it is not an imitation of nature's work, but a distinct creation in a class by itself. It is a chemical combination of the two elements carbon and silicon, its chemical formula being SiC. The raw materials entering into the manufacture of Carborundum are coke, sand, salt and sawdust. Coke supplies the element carbon, while the element silicon is derived from the sand. The object of the sawdust is simply to make the mass porous, thereby permitting the gases generated during the burning operation a free passage to the open air. The object of the salt is to eliminate im- purities such as iron, etc. As the salt volatilizes; it im- pregnates the whole mass, taking up impurities in the form of chlorides. The Carborundum furnaces used at the present time are fifty feet long, ten feet wide, and five feet high. The original furnaces, however, were somewhat smaller. Both types are of open construction, the sides and ends being CARBORUNDUM built of brick. The end walls are approximately two feet thick, through which run the terminals for the electric cur- rent. These terminals are made of carbon rods three feet long and three inches in diameter, arranged parallel in bundles of sixty, the spaces between the rods being packed tightly with graphite. At the outer ends of the rods, copper terminals are let in, which, in turn, are connected to a large copper cap. Current is supplied by means of cables from overhead bus bars. In charging the Carborundum furnaces preparatory to burning, a mixture of thirty-four parts coke, fifty-four Fig. i. Carborundum furnace charged with raw material, ready for burning. parts sand, ten parts sawdust and two parts salt is used. The materials are thoroughly mixed and brought to the furnaces by means of mechanical conveyors. Enough of this mixture is placed in the furnace to bring the upper layer level with the ends of the electrodes. A trench is now made between the terminals, wherein a core of granulated coke is laid. The object of the coke is to allow a free pas- sage for the electric current. More of the material is now introduced and built up in the form of a mound as shown in Fig i. 39 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS An alternating current of 190 volts and 6,000 amperes is now turned on. As the mass heats, the resistance to the current gradually diminishes, and after about four hours' operation, it remains constant at 125 volts and 6,000 amperes. The sawdust, of course, burns away first, after which carbon monoxide is given off. This burns freely at the sides and top of the furnace with a yellow flame. As the process of burning progresses, the mass shrinks somewhat, which necessitates adding more raw material. Occasionally the phenomenon of "blowing" occurs, which makes the furnace look not unlike a miniature volcano. This is caused by an over-charge of gas suddenly igniting and bursting through the top crust of the charge. After a period of about thirty-six hours, the burning operation is completed. Several furnaces are in the process of burning at the same time, being started at intervals of a few hours apart. The object of this is to insure constant production as well as the economical use of current. The current is carefully watched, at all times by an electrical engineer especially trained on electric-furnace work. This is quite essential, otherwise a uniform product would be an impossibility. After the burning is completed, the furnace is allowed to cool for twenty-four hours, after which it is broken open, ^he top crust, which is in a comparatively unaltered state, is removed, exposing a layer of amorphous carbide of sili- con under which lies the pure crystallized Carborundum. Next comes a mixture of Carborundum and graphite and, last of all, the core. The intense heat, estimated at ap- proximately 7,500 Fahrenheit, transforms the core into practically pure graphite. The amorphous carbide of sili- con previously mentioned was at first considered of no value and consequently thrown away. Later scientific in- vestigation, however, showed that it possessed a high refractory value. At the present time it finds a ready market as a refractory material for lining furnaces subjected to high heats of long duration. The Carborundum crystals, while well developed, are 40 CARBORUNDUM not regular in appearance, some being hexagonal and others rhombohedral. The crystals have no lines of cleavage, breaking with a distinct crystalline fracture, invariably leaving sharp cutting edges. Carborundum crystals are of various colors, being truly beautiful from an artistic point of view; coal black, deep brown, light green, pale blue, deep blue a'nd purple are all intermingled in a gorgeous riot of colors seldom equaled in nature. In the early days of the industry, green Carbo- rundum predominated and at present many are of the opin- ion that green Carborundum is superior in cutting qualities to specimens of other colors. Actual tests, however, con- ducted by abrasive engineers, have proven beyond all reason- able doubt that the above theory is absolutely groundless, the color being the result of oxidation. On Moh's scale of hardness, Carborundum is placed be- tween nine and ten. It is probably nearer ten than nine as Carborundum has been known to scratch rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. Compared with other abrasives, Carbo- rundum is comparatively light, its specific gravity being approximately 3.18. This factor should not be under- estimated since the centrifugal force of a revolving body is proportional to the square of the velocity. Thus, wheels running at the high speeds recommended in present-day grinding practice are under a severe centrifugal strain, and it is apparent that the lightest abrasive makes the safest wheel. Fig. 2 gives a good idea of the appearance of Carborundum as it comes from the furnace, the photograph being taken after the outer layers and core had been removed. As this material looks like the products of the mine and quarry, the question is sometimes asked, "Why is carbide of silicon not found in nature?" The only reasonable answer the writer can give is that the degree of heat at which both carbide of silicon and graphite are formed is so near the same temper- ature that nature seemed content to produce graphite alone. An interesting feature of the production of Carborundum, 41 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS from the electrical engineer's point of view, at least, is the form of circuit breaker used in making and breaking the heavy current. As this amounts to 750 kilowatts it is seen that the ordinary form of contact switch would be destroyed in short order. To overcome this difficulty, a special circuit Fig. 2. How Carborundum looks as it comes from the furnace. breaker of the water-regulator type is used. This consists of a number of iron plates working in a salt-water solution. Thejarge masses of crystals produced in the Carborundum furnace are reduced in crushing machines of the dry-pan muller type, illustrated in Fig. 3. Under the weight of the rolls (two tons each) and the rotary motion of the pan (thirty revolutions per minute), the Carborundum masses are rapidly crushed to small crystals. These range all the way from very coarse to an impalpable powder. Although the crushing rolls are made of manganese steel, they do not last long, owing to the abrasive action of the Carborundum grains, a pair lasting but six months at the longest. Carborundum as it comes from the furnace is impreg- nated with a small amount of iron oxide taken from the sand and other minor impurities derived from the coke. To eliminate these the crystals are transferred to wooden vats, lined with lead, where they are lixiviated with strong 42 CARBORUNDUM sulphuric acid. The crystals are next washed in long wooden troughs, the washing being passed through settling tanks which help to separate the grains from the fine powder. The crystals are now thoroughly dried by coke fires, after Fig. 3. Muller type of crusher used in preparing Carborundum. which they are ready for "grading," or "screening," as this operation is sometimes termed. The screening machine, as shown in Fig. 4, consists of a series of screens set on a slight incline with their ends meet- ing. The fine screens are made of a superior quality of milling silk, while the coarser type are made of brass wire. The Carborundum grains are fed on the screen at the high end, and a vibratory motion, imparted to the screen frame, causes them to journey downward. In passing over the screens, they find an outlet suitable for their size. After passing through the screens, the grain flows into receptacles placed under the delivery openings as the illustration shows. The screens vary from six meshes to the inch to two hundred and twenty meshes to the inch. Owing to the abrasive action of the grain the screens wear readily. Thus care has to be exercised to insure uni- form grading. This is accomplished by frequently testing 43 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS samples that have passed through the several screens in testing machines carrying master screens. When the grains are out of grade, it is a sign that the screen through which it passed has worn to the extent of warranting renewal. Fig. 4. Screening machines used in grading Carborundum. This is promptly attended to and all over-size material regraded. It is not practicable to grade Carborundum finer than two hundred and twenty by the screening method. There- fore another method is used for grading the powders as they are termed. In this system the fine powder is carried by a stream of water through a series of settling tanks. In pass- ing through the tanks, one after another, the heavier grains sink. Thus, the last tank contains nothing but the very finest powder. At the works of The Carborundum Company, the following grains and powders are carried in stock: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180, 220 and powders F, FF, FFF. 44 CARBORUNDUM Carborundum is very hard, exceedingly sharp, and when made into grinding wheels, it furnishes a highly efficient abrasive for the grinding of materials of comparatively low tensile strength, such as gray iron, chilled iron, brass, bronze, marble, pearl, bone, horn, etc. In grain and pow- der form, Carborundum is extensively used for lapidary work, valve grinding, plate-glass beveling, stone finishing, etc. It is sometimes used on "set up" wheels for polishing cast iron, but owing to the fact that considerable skill is required, both in preparing the glue and in covering the wheels, the above practice has not become universal. Carborundum coated paper and cloth enjoy an immense sale in the boot-and-shoe industry, where they are used for such operations as fore-part buffing, heel breasting, heel scouring, etc. In the wood-working industries, how- ever, Carborundum paper does not show efficiency over flint and garnet paper as its sharp nature causes the coated paper to fill up very readily. In the leather-manufacturing industries, Carborundum is used in a barrel-shaped wheel form, for the "wet wheeling " of leather, as this operation on skins is termed. In grain form, it is used on a special shaped cylinder for "buck- tailing," while in the form of paper and cloth, it is used for various finishing operations. It is often stated that Carborundum will not grind steel economically, but this statement is erroneous. At one time The Carborundum Company sold a large number of wheels to the lumber industry for saw gumming. As a matter of fact, this is an operation calling for a very cool and rapid-cutting wheel. The writer has used Carborundum wheels for the cylindrical grinding of cold rolled and ma- chine steel with excellent results. Not only did the wheels produce an excellent finish, but they were very uniform in grade, a feature not at all common some ten years ago. The writer has seen Carborundum wheels used for auto- mobile crank-shaft grinding by one of the largest manu- facturers in the Middle West. The results were satisfac- 45 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS tory, Carborundum being preferred to all other makes of wheels. It must be considered that the above instances happened some years ago, before the high development and accurate grading of manufactured alumina abrasives, which at the present time show higher efficiency on steel grinding than is possible to attain with Carborundum. The above state- ments are made simply to show that at one time in the his- tory of grinding, Carborundum held its own on steel. Why, then, does not Carborundum, which is acknowledged to be the hardest and sharpest of all abrasives, both natural and artificial, show high efficiency on steel grinding? This is, at best, a hard question to answer and one upon which opinions are at great variance. The writer's opinion, based upon many years of observation, close study, and prac- tical application, is that if Carborundum was not quite so hard, and broke with a conchoidal instead of a crystalline fracture, it would eventually drive the alumina abrasives out of the market. The above opinion can be called pure speculation without a suitable hypothesis, therefore it is open to question. However this may be, it is set down for what it is worth, for opinions, no matter how theoretical they may appear, possess some merit, at least until they have been dis- proved by actual demonstration, and as it is an impossi- bility to produce the type of Carborundum described, the above theory may be as rational as any other. The name Carborundum is registered as a trade mark, thus it is the sole property of The Carborundum Company. It, however, grinding wheels are made of Carborundum, no matter by whom, they can lawfully be sold as genuine Carborundum wheels. OTHER CARBIDE OF SILICON ABRASIVES A carbide of silicon abrasive called " Carbosolite " is made in Germany. It has been sold in this country to a limited 46 ARTIFICIAL CORUNDUM extent, chiefly in the granite-finishing business. It is mostly of a dark-gray color and it is not considered as pure as Carborundum. Aside from the granite trade, a limited amount of this material is made into grinding whe^s. Crystolon is a trade name given to a carbide of silicon abrasive made by Norton Company at their electric- furnace plant in Chippawa, Canada. It is made by practi- cally the same method used in producing Carborundum; the same raw material forming the ingredients. It was first puu on the market about seven years ago, and at the present time it enjoys a large sale, both in the form of wheels and grain. The Abrasive Company of Philadelphia market grinding wheels made of carbide of silicon, calling the same "Elec- trolon." This material is an electric-furnace product, being made of selected materials, the grain being specially treated before being incorporated into grinding wheels/ This ma- terial was first put on the market during the year 1914 and it is considered by many large consumers of grinding wheels to be a very efficient abrasive. ARTIFICIAL CORUNDUM As stated at the beginning of this chapter, artificial corundum has been produced for more than seventy years and in considering the subject in the abstract, a little light thrown on the experimentalists of other days may not be out of place at the present time. It is a well-known fact among those conversant with the values of precious stones that a true Oriental ruby, of fine color and flawless, is worth more, carat for carat, than the finest diamonds of Brazil or South Africa. The term ruby is often misconstrued to embrace the spinel or balas ruby. Indeed, the famous "ruby" set in the Maltese cross in front of- the imperial state crown of England is in reality a spinel. It is, of course, possible for experts to readily distinguish the difference between true and spinel rubies, but 47 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS since the ruby is nothing more or less than pure crystallized alumina, colored with a small quantity of chromium, it is evident that a laboratory product of the above materials is a true synthesis of the ruby. It is as much entitled to the name as the choicest specimens of nature from the Mandalay district of Upper Burma, where the finest rubies have been found. In the year 1837, M. A. A. Gaudin successfully made true rubies by fusing alum in a carbon crucible at a very high temperature, a little chromium being added to impart the desired color. The rubies, while of a very small size, hardly visible to the naked eye, proved that it was within the means of science to produce corundum artificially. J. J. Ebelmen's experiments during the year 1847 resulted in the artificial production of the white sapphire and rose- colored spinel. The process consisted of fusing the desired constituents at high temperature in boracic acid. He also produced the ruby by using borax as a solvent. Not until the year 1877, however, was it proved possible to produce crystallized artificial alumina of a size suitable for cutting into small stones, the process being the result of experiments on the part of E. Fremy and C. Feil. The process used was as follows : By the fusion of lead oxide and alumina in a fire-clay crucible, lead aluminate was formed. Silica enters into the composition of fire clay, and under the influence of high temperature, the silica of the crucible gradually decomposes the lead aluminate, forming lead silicate, which remains in a liquid state while the alumina crystallizes as white sapphire. By mixing in a small amount of chromium, rubies were formed. The experiments of Sainte-Claire Deville, Caron, Eisner, Debray, and De Senarmont, too lengthy to be described fully here, did much toward reducing the art of producing artificial corun- dum to an exact science. So much for the experimentalists of other days. They did not attempt to produce artificial corundum for abrasive purposes, to be sure, such a possibility being undreamed of 48 ARTIFICIAL CORUNDUM in their day. The fact remains, however, that their investi- gations were of value as by their means it was shown con- clusively that it was possible to produce artificial corundum. One of the first inventors to achieve success in the manu- facture of an artificial abrasive of the alumina type was Franz Hasslacher of Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany. As stated elsewhere, emery contains a high percentage of iron oxide, which possesses no abrasive value, and aside from this fact most specimens of emery are hydrous, often containing as high as 5 per cent, of combined water, which causes trouble in the kilns where wheels, in which this emery is incor- porated, are made by the vitrified process. The above- named inventor was granted a patent for changing natural emery into iron-and-water-free corundum (German patent No. 85,021, issued Nov. 20, 1894), the method of procedure being as follows: Crushed emery ore and charcoal or coke are first mixed together, the percentage of the latter being equal to the proportion of iron oxide contained in the emery ore. This mixture is then placed in an electric furnace, an illustration of which is shown in Fig. 5. The furnace consists of fire- brick walls (A) , supported by the uprights (H) , the electric current being transmitted by the carbons (C) . In charging the furnace the opening at the bottom (D) is closed by means of a glass plate (P) and the furnace filled with the emery-and-coke mixture until the top of the mass is level with the center of the carbons. The carbons are placed about i-> inches apart, the space between them being packed with a few lumps of coke. The furnace is now completely filled and heaped up as shown at (S). An alternating current of 300 amperes at a pressure of no volts is now turned on, under the influence of which the pieces of coke between the carbons are brought up to incandescence, which causes the surrounding emery to assume a molten state. The pieces of coke are soon ab- sorbed and an electric arc established between the terminals, the presence of which is proven by a loud buzzing sound. 49 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Carbon monoxide gas escapes through the mass, burning with a blue flame. The presence of this gas indicates that the iron oxides are in the process of reduction. A large mass of molten emery soon forms about the electrodes, Fig. 5. Hasslecher's furnace for making artificial corundum. the furnace walls being protected by the surrounding, un- melted material as the illustration shows. When a suf- ficient amount of emery has been melted, the glass plate fuses, causing the emery to run through to the floor in a dazzling, white-hot stream. At this point, the top crust is broken in, whereat the descending crust of emery cools the molten emery around the opening, causing the same to close. The furnace is then charged again and the process continued. In about fifteen minutes, the molten emery again breaks through. Thus the process can be continued as long as convenient. The resulting product is fairly well crystallized alumina, running from white to blue in color, possessing a luster not unlike that of quartz. This material, being free from iron, possesses a higher abrasive efficiency than emery and for some purposes it gives excellent results. It has been 5 ARTIFICIAL CORUNDUM used in this country to quite an extent, but at the present time, and in fact for the last fifteen years, it has not been able to successfully compete with American-made products. Another process for making artificial alumina was patented by Dr. G. Dollner of Rixdorf, Germany (German patent No. 97,408, issued Feb. 28th, 1897). The method is quite simple and easily carried out, consisting of mixing crushed aluminum with oxides, peroxides and other metallic com- pounds with oxygen. This mixture, when ignited, owing to the high combustion temperature of aluminum, reacts in an endothermic manner causing the formation of oxide of alumina. This phenomenon is accompanied by the separation of the metals, the oxides and peroxides of which were used. In the reaction, the oxide of alumina is brought to a state of fusion, and, on cooling, it is characterized by extreme hardness. In his patent specifications, the inventor claims that this material is of a degree of sufficient hardness to replace diamonds for technical purposes, and further states that it is superior to other artificial abrasives as by this process grinding wheels can be prepared in solid blocks that is a grinding wheel produced without a bonding material. Whether or not this has been carried out suc- cessfully the -writer cannot state. Even if it were possible, however, such a wheel would be of one grade only, thus its field of usefulness would be limited. It may be well at this time to consider an abrasive called Corubin, which is a by-product resulting from the manu- facture of chromium by the Goldschmidt Thermit alumino- thermic process. The above process is one for making metallic chromium through endothermic action, the slag or by-product of which forms an excellent abrasive material as the following analysis shows. Chromium 13 . 2 per cent. SiO 2 3.08 " A1 2 O 3 71-65 " Fe 2.00 " CaO Trace MgO 1.35 " ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS From the above, it is seen that this material is composed chiefly of alumina and chromium, the percentage of alu- mina being high enough to form an efficient abrasive, while the amount of chromium contained renders the abrasive very hard and tough. In the manufacture of other metals by the Goldschmidt Thermit process, other slags are obtained being only slightly inferior in abrasive efficiency to Corubin. The writer is informed on good authority that these abrasives are giving satisfaction, owing to the fact that several thousand tons of them are sold annually to responsible abrasive-wheel manufacturers in this country. Large quantities of Corubin are used abroad in the manufacture of lenses, wherein the abrasive is used to grind the glass, and in other abrasive work. That the experimentalists made great strides in perfect- ing methods for the manufacture of artificial abrasives (after Acheson and The Carborundum Company proved to the world that there was a ready market for an artificial abrasive) no one will deny. The artificial corundum made previous to the year 1900, however, was incomplete in that it lacked what we term at the present day abrasive temper. We all know that high-carbon steel, or tool steel as it is called, possesses a valuable characteristic inasmuch as it can be made exceedingly hard by heating it red hot and suddenly cooling it by immersion in water, or a brine solution. Further, by tempering it, or drawing the color as the smith says, we get various degrees of temper for in- numerable purposes; a very hard steel for razors, a some- what softer material for machine reamers, softer still for lathe, tools, and yet softer for cold chisels and axes. A piece of tool steel that has been hardened but not drawn, is very brittle, thus its field is limited. For an illustration, a lathe tool, a pair of scissors, or an axe thus treated would be useless the lathe tool would crumble away as soon as it was brought in contact with the piece of work to be turned, the scissors would break the first time they were dropped 52 BAUXITE on the floor, while the axe would fly to pieces at the first stroke of the woodsman. Thus, it is seen, that the character- istic of temper is what gives tool steel its immense value in the arts and sciences. To complete the parallel we will now consider artificial corundum, which, as originally made, was very hard and useful in a limited field only. It is evident that if means could be found whereby the temper of the material in question could be controlled, its usefulness would be in- creased a thousandfold. This has been successfully accomplished and the credit is due to an American, Charles B. Jacobs (no relation to the writer), who in the year 1900 obtained a process patent for manufacturing an abrasive from bauxite and tempering the same to a degree of hardness suitable for abrasive purposes. Briefly stated, Mr. Jacobs' process con- sists of fusing bauxite in an electric furnace of the arc type and cooling the resultant alumina oxide in a manner to impart the desired degree of temper. Before considering Mr. Jacobs' process, it will be of ad- vantage at this point to touch briefly on the material bauxite as we will have occasion to refer to it several times later. BAUXITE Bauxite is a clay-like mineral, or rather a combination of minerals, containing among other constituents alumina oxide, iron oxide, silica and titanic acid. It is taken to be a decomposition product of igneous rock. It was first dis- covered in France as long ago as the year 1821 by P. Berthier, who called it alumina hydratee de Beaux. The present name of bauxite was given to the material in ques- tion by E. H. Sainte-Claire Deville in 1861. The name was derived from the village of Les Beaux in Southern France where the material was first observed. Bauxite is never found in a crystallized state, but always as a clay-like earth. Its color varies from light yellow to 53 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS deep red. The material, while always impure, contains a high percentage of alumina oxide. Hence its value as a raw material for the manufacture of an alumina abrasive claimed the attention of abrasive manufacturers some years ago, when a substitute for natural alumina abrasives, that is to say emery and corundum, was seriously given consideration. In this country, bauxite is found in Georgia, Alabama and Arkansas. In these localities, the material in question is generally associated. with limestone and its origin is at- tributed to the action of solutions of aluminum sulphate on limestone. CHARLES B. JACOBS' PROCESS Mr. Jacobs' electric furnace for carrying out his process of converting bauxite into artificial corundum is shown in Fig. 6. It consists of a rectangular casing (i) with a slop- ing top, at the apex of which is an opening (2) which serves the double purpose of charging the furnace and carrying off the volatile matter of the charge. The furnace casing is constructed with a sheet-iron shell (3) which is lined with fire brick (4), which serves as a non-conducting material in regard to electricity as well as heat. Next to this, are laid carbon bricks (5). The hearth of the furnace consists of a cast-iron plate (6) lined first with ground lime (7) and then carbon bricks (8) laid in the lime. The hearth is mounted on a screw (9) by means of which it can be lowered or raised at will. By lowering the hearth during the furnace run, in a gradual manner, a thick body of the fused material is obtained. Over the earth are mounted four pairs of carbon electrodes (10) between which the electric arc is produced. The fur- nace is supported by cast-iron legs (n). These are of suffi- cient height to allow the hearth to be lowered clear of the bottom of the furnace. It is seen that the two outside pairs of electrodes are away from the furnace walls; the object being to keep the walls clear of fused material. The hearth 54 CHARLES B. JACOBS' PROCESS Fig. 6. Jacobs' artificial corundum furnace. 55 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS is left free to move up and down in the furnace. An opening is made in one side of the furnace to permit of inspection should occasion require and also to provide means of introducing a stirring rod. The opening is closed by the plug (12). Mr. Jacobs' process of converting bauxite into artificial corundum is as follows: The first step is to calcine the raw material, the object of which is to drive away as much moisture as possible. This saves undue expenditure of cur- rent and wear on the electrodes. The hearth is now raised until it occupies a position one inch below the electrodes, each pair of which is placed in contact, and the furnace filled with the calcined bauxite.' Current is now turned on and the electrodes pulled apart, causing electric arcs to be set up between them. The bauxite fuses under the intense heat and the alumina contained therein runs down on the hearth, which is lowered about two inches per hour. This results in a quiet pool of melted alumina oxide which cools and solidifies in crystalline form while the furnace hearth descends. During the process of fusion, the impurities in the raw material are volatilized, in which condition they escape through the opening at the top of the furnace. Regarding the temper of the material, Mr. Jacobs has the following to say: "The nature of the product may be varied by the slow or rapid cooling of the fused mass, so as to obtain a product of the same degree of absolute hardness, but of varying toughness, and consequently varying abrasive power, by the slow or rapid lowering of the hearth. The more slowly the product cools, the better defined will be its crystallization and the greater its tough- ness and abrasive power. The nature of the product may also be varied by agitating the mass while cooling, as by a poker or stirring rod inserted through the hole normally closed by plug 12, and thus disturbing its natural tendency of crystallization, producing thereby a finer grain of crys- talline structure than when the material cools without disturbance." 56 ALUNDUM ALUNDUM Alundum is a trade name originated by Norton Company and is applied to an alumina abrasive manufac- tured under the above-described patent. However, the process has been modified somewhat as shown by the fol- lowing account of the same by Richard G. Williams, Me- chanical Engineer and Special Investigator of Norton Company, in a paper presented at the thirty-first general meeting of the American Electrochemical Society held in Detroit, Mich., May 2 5, 1917. "The raw material must necessarily be a substance high in aluminum oxide. The most satisfactory material is a high-grade bauxite, although satisfactory abrasives are being made from other materials, such as low-grade bauxite and emery. Aluminous abrasives are made in the arc type of furnace. These furnaces often consist of a wrought-iron shell, or some form of pot, lined with carbon. The electrodes are suspended in the pot and then lowered to the bottom of the furnace, a train of graphite or fine coke placed be- tween the electrodes, the current turned on and an arc suitable for fusing is available as soon as the train of graphite or coke has volatilized. "Before fusion in the electric furnace, the bauxite receives a calcining treatment to drive off 30 per cent, of combined water. Suitable chemicals are mixed with the calcined ore in order to facilitate the removal of such materials as iron and silicon. Furnaces of three-ton capacity consume between 650 and 700 horse power and it takes approximately 24 hours for a furnace run. After the run is completed, the shell is stripped off or the furnace sides removed and the pigs allowed to cool. When the pigs have cooled to a sufficient temperature, they are broken up by sledge hammers into pieces convenient for putting through a large jaw crusher. This operation reduces the material to pieces about the size of a man's fist, and in this condition the abrasive is sent to the grinding-wheel factory for further treatment." 57 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Alundum, as put on the market, consists of two kinds; ordinary Alundum and white Alundum. White Alundum makes an almost white wheel when bonded by the silicate process and a deep red-colored wheel when the vitrified process is employed. White Alundum is designated by the prefix 38. A 60 grit wheel made of white Alundum is marked 3860. Ordinary Alundum is used for general steel grinding on both rough and precision work, while white Alundum is used principally for grinding such ma- terials as high-alloy steels and general precision tool-room grinding. ALOXITE Aloxite is the trade name of an alumina abrasive manu- factured by The Carborundum Company. It is made from bauxite in an electric furnace of the arc type. The Car- borundum Company's Aloxite plant is located at Sarran- colin, a small town in the province of Hautes Pyrenees in Southern France, so as to be near an adequate supply of the raw material. As a precautionary measure, however, several furnaces are operated at the Niagara Falls plant. An Aloxite furnace is quite a simple affair, consisting of an outer shell resting on a base, and two electrodes for sup- plying the current. The outer shell is water-cooled, but does not have a refractory lining as the charge forms this itself. It is placed on wheels to facilitate moving it from under the electrodes when the burning operation is completed. In charging the furnace, the bottom is first lined with a mixture of carbon and tar. Next a layer of bauxite is in- troduced and the electrodes lowered until they rest on the bauxite. A path of graphite is now laid between the elec- trodes, the object being to form a free passage for the cur- rent. As soon as the charge is in a molten state, however, it forms a good conductor in itself. The current is now turned on and the bauxite brought to a molten state. An alternating current of 6,000 amperes at a pressure of 100 volts is used. 58 ALOXITE As soon as the first layer of bauxite is in a molten state, another layer is introduced, the electrodes raised, and this layer melted. This process is continued until the furnace is full, which requires about thirty-six hours. During the melting process, the oxide of iron and silicon in the raw material unite in the form of ferro silicon, thus practically freeing the alumina from all impurities. As a matter of fact, Aloxite runs about 97 per cent, pure alumina. The ferro silicon, being heavier than the alumina, sinks to the bottom of the furnace where it is easily disposed of. Several furnaces are operated at the same time, the object being twofold; that is, to produce a large supply of material and to keep the current consumption as uniform as possible. After the furnace has cooled sufficiently, the outer shell is removed, exposing the Aloxite ingot. Two of these are shown in Fig. 7. The ingots are first broken into pieces Fig. 7. Aloxite ingots as they come from the furnace. of about fifty pounds weight by means of a heavy breaker of the skull-cracker type. The pieces thus obtained are next crushed in an ore crusher of the type illustrated in Fig. 8. Two crushers are employed, the first one being set to produce lumps about as large as a man's fist while the second crusher breaks them still smaller. The Aloxite lumps are now passed through a magnetic separator which re- 59 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS moves any lumps of silicon which may have clung to the ingot. A roller-type crusher is next used which completes the crushing operation. Aloxite is screened in the same manner as Carborundum and the numbers of the grades and powers are identical. Aloxite is very tough and possesses what might be termed a well-regulated temper. The grains are hard enough to I II Fig. 8. Ore crushers used in preparing Aloxite. cut rapidly, yet not so tough that they will not fracture when dull. The temper of the grain is under control, thus a uniform abrasive is the result. In color, Aloxite is of a purplish blue and its formation is distinctly crystalline, as Fig. 9 shows. Aloxite is adapted for all kinds of steel grinding, especially on precision work such as surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, cutter and reamer sharpening, special grinding operations such as crank-shaft grinding, wherein it is ab- solutely essential that the corner of the wheel hold a well- defined radius for some time, and for the general , grinding of high-speed and alloy steels. As a substitute for emery cloth, Aloxite-coated cloth has found favor with many manufacturers of motor-cars and other products. Aloxite 60 WERLEIN'S ARTIFICIAL ABRASIVE grain is also being used for many grinding and polishing operations heretofore done with emery grain. In the cut- glass industry, Aloxite wheels are used for finishing the beautiful and intricate cuts seen on the best ware, having Fig- 9- Aloxite as it is formed in the furnace. to a great extent taken the place of the black Craigleith natural stones which were used for this purpose for many years. Aloxite has been on the market since 1909. WERLEIN'S ARTIFICIAL ABRASIVE A comparatively recent patent (French patent No. 430,932, issued Aug. 28th, 1911) for the manufacture of an artificial abrasive has been granted to Ivan Werlein of Seine, France. It is an electric-furnace product composed of alumina and silicon. In his patent specifications, the inventor states: "This alumina and silicon compound produced at high temperature may be obtained in various ways. For instance, a mixture of 80 to 95 parts of alumina and 5 to 20 parts of silicon is melted in an electric furnace. 61 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS When the mass has reached about 2,888 to 3,000 C. it is kept at that temperature for about 20 minutes and then cooled." The writer has never seen this abrasive, therefore he is not in a position to comment on its merits. From its composition, however, it would appear to have some of the characteristics of Carborundum combined with those of the various alumina abrasives. Just what such an abrasive would accomplish, judging from an American efficiency standpoint, is a question of conjecture and to the best of the writer's knowledge, this abrasive has not as yet claimed the attention of American abrasive engineers. BORO-CARBONE Boro-Carbone is an artificial alumina abrasive made in an electric furnace of the arc type by a process somewhat similar to that used in the manufacture of Aloxite and Alundum. It contains a high percentage of alumina oxide with a small amount of impurities. In color, this abrasive varies from a milky white to a light blue and its crystal- lization is very pronounced. Boro-Carbone is made in France, the raw material being bauxite, and in one respect it enjoys a unique reputation in that it is the only foreign abrasive that has been success- fully able to compete with American-made products. To be sure, Aloxite might be called a foreign abrasive, but in the strictest sense of the word, this is a fallacy, as it is a product of American engineering talent, originating at The Carborundum Company's Niagara Falls plant. The sale of Boro-Carbone is controlled in this country by the Abrasive Company of Philadelphia, Pa., to whom is really due the credit of perfecting this abrasive to a point, where it could compete with American-made products. It was put on the market in 1912 and at the present time en- joys a large sale, being adapted for all kinds of steel grinding. The Abrasive Company state that the temper of Boro- 62 OXALUMINA Carbone can be varied according to the kind of grinding it is to do. OXALUMINA Oxalumina is a name given to a manufactured abrasive of the artificial alumina type by. the Cortland Grinding Wheel Corporation. Physically, it is composed of micro- scopic crystals of alumina; chemically, it contains about 98 per cent, of aluminum oxide. It is prepared by fusing and refining various alumina-bearing clays and ores in carefully regulated furnaces. The resulting mass is properly cooled, then crushed and graded for use as an abrasive. This abrasive is widely advertised and sold in competition with other American artificial abrasives principally for pre- cision grinding operations. ADAMITE This material is an electric-furnace product made in Austria. It contains approximately 80 per cent, alumina oxide. It is dark blue to black in color, being of a compact, well crystallized nature. It is a very tough abrasive and by some American grinding-wheel manufacturers it is used to a limited extent in the manufacture of very durable wheels. ROUGE AND CROCUS Both of these materials are made by the same process, which consists of calcining sulphate of iron in crystal form. The sulphate of iron crystals are subjected to high tempera- ture in crucibles and the powder that forms at the bottom is crocus, while that at the top is rouge. These materials differ in color, rouge being red while crocus is purple. These materials are used in buffing and polishing operations. DIAMOND CRUSHED STEEL This material is manufactured by the Pittsburgh Crushed Steel Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. It is made of crucible 63 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS steel, subjected to a special treatment, after which it is crushed and graded into the following sizes: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 36, 40, 50, 60, 70, 90, 120, 150, 170, 190, 200. The sizes from 60 to 200 inclusive are known to the trade as Diamond Steel Emery. The material in question is a new departure in abrasives; a scientifically prepared material designed to replace emery for grinding operations on granite, onyx, marble, brick, glass, etc., or in fact for any purpose wherein an abrasive is used in grain form. As this material has three important characteristics; hardness, sharpness and toughness, it should prove a very durable grinding agent in cases where a rolling and crushing action is present. Crushed steel is not an ideal abrasive to employ in grind- ing-wheel manufacture inasmuch as its tough nature tends to prevent the grains from fracturing upon becoming dull. ANGULAR GRIT This is another abrasive material made by the above concern, being used in the place of sand for sand-blasting operations. It is a crushed chilled-iron product marketed in the following sizes : 10, 12, 20, 30, 40, 60, 90. This ma- terial is, without doubt, an excellent medium to use for sand blasting as the individual grains have a number of cutting points and the material does not break away, or pulverize, as quickly as sand, thus reducing the objection- able factor of dust to a minimum. CHAPTER THREE THE MANUFACTURE OF GRINDING WHEELS Composition of grinding wheels Desirable and undesirable properties Bonds Shellac Rubber Fusible clays Silicate of soda Vitrified wheels Method of producing vitrified wheels Puddled process Pressed process Silicate wheels Shellac wheels Rubber wheels Clay bond used in vitrified wheels Choice of bonding material Wheel-turning Kiln used Heating of kiln and work Cooling of kiln Dressing wheels Bushing wheels Speed tests for wheels Elastic process Rubber process. A GRINDING wheel consists of two parts the abrasive 'f\ material that does the cutting and a suitable bonding material to hold the countless grains of which the wheel is composed in a solid mass. Grinding wheels for some pur- poses, such as the rough grinding of heavy gray-iron cast- ings, should be hard and compact, to resist undue wear. A cylinder wheel designed for a vertical spindle surface grinding machine, such as the Pratt & Whitney Company manufacture, must be open and porous to insure free cutting. Thus it is seen that the dressing action which a particular work has on the wheel in any given operation must be given consideration in the manufacturing process. The two kinds of wheels above mentioned are at extremes, but in the making of wheels for various other purposes, equally important factors must not be overlooked. As an illustration, wheels for various tool and cutter sharpening operations must be very cool cutting, while wheels for such special grinding operations as crankshaft finishing are re- quired to hold their peripheral shape for a reasonable length of time; otherwise more time would be consumed in keep- ing them in proper condition than would be spent in actual production. 65 AB^SIVES JtfrD ABRASIVE WHEELS Some years ago, when grinding wheels were used only for a few simple operations such as tool sharpening and general grinding, simple "rule of thumb" manufacturing methods answered very well. At the present day, however, owing to keen competition and the high standard required by modern efficiency engineers, grinding- wheel manufac- ture is fast becoming an exact science, as it were, wherein the manufacturer studies the requirements of his customers and perfects his production methods to a point where only the highest quality of goods receive the final inspector's approval. When we speak of the bond of a grinding wheel, we refer to the material used to hold the grains in the wheel together. In the vitrified bond, the binding medium is a high grade of kaolin, or other refractory or fusible clays, the process of vitrification taking place in a kiln patterned after a pottery kiln. In the elastic bond, a good grade of shellac is em- ployed, while in the rubber bond, the particles of abrasive material are held together by vulcanized rubber. In an- other process, silicate of soda, sometimes called waterglass, is used. All these bonds possess merit for specific purposes, but as a matter of fact the majority of grinding wheels in use at the present time are made by the vitrified process. This bond is used so much more extensively than the others that it is possible to obtain with it a greater range of grade than is possible with other wheels. Again, years of ex- perience, to say nothing of costly laboratory experimenta- tion, have proven that the bond of a grinding wheel is always a detriment to fast cutting, but as a bond of some kind is, of course, a necessity the one that will produce the least friction and at the same time produce the desired grade is always preferable. Thus, the vitrified bond has been found by practice to be the best adapted for the ma- jority of purposes. For the sake of clearness, all the above methods of wheel manufacture will be considered separately. The selection of correct bonding materials and the perfection of the various 66 THE VITRIFIED PROCESS processes involved is the result of many years of research work and close study on the part of ceramic engineers and experts on abrasives. THE VITRIFIED PROCESS As before stated, in the vitrified process, the binding material is a good grade of kaolin, or other refractory or fusible clay, which comes to the grinding-wheel manufac- turer in carload lots, just as it is taken from the earth. By means of standardized formulas, the chemist tests this material to make sure that it comes up to a predetermined standard. Otherwise several thousand finished wheels might prove to be absolutely worthless. Further to test the value of the bonding material, several small wheels and briquets are made up and run through the kilns to make sure that the material in question stands a satisfactory heat and resistance test. The foregoing may seem to the layman like an elaborate procedure for the testing of a carload of clay, but eternal vigilance is the watchword of the grinding-wheel manufac- turer who desires to get new trade and successfully hold it against competition. After it has been assured that the bonding material is up to the correct standard, it is care- fully ground and thoroughly dried and sifted. The hardness, or resistance to wear, in a grinding wheel is determined by the percentage of bond used with a cer- tain amount of abrasive material. A hard wheel has a heavy bond, while in a soft wheel, the percentage of bond- ing material is less. To adapt an abrasive to many different kinds of work calls for a variety of bonds, the most common being the close tough and close brittle, open tough and open brittle. It must also be borne in mind that bonds are em- ployed to produce texture between these extremes. The standardization of grinding-wheel bonds is the result of many years of research work and actual experimentation. It is needless to state that bond mixtures are kept as close secrets. 67 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS In the manufacture of vitrified grinding wheels, there are three methods used in mixing the abrasive material with the bond; dry mixing, wet mixing and a combination of both these methods. A dry mixed wheel is made by what is known as the pressed process while a wet mixed wheel is made by the puddled method. In a puddled and pressed wheel, a combination of both mixing methods is employed. In making wheels by the pressed process, the first step is to determine the correct proportions of grain and bonding material by weight, after which the mixture is dampened a little and tumbled about in a tumbling barrel for a few hours. The object of this procedure is twofold; to mix the materials thoroughly and to surround each individual grain of abrasive material with a matrix of bonding mixture, to hold it in place in the finished wheel. The mixed material now goes to the press room to be formed into wheels. In this department are a number of hydraulic presses, some of them capable of exerting a pres- sure of 5,000 pounds per square inch. The process of pressing a wheel is quite simple and easily carried out. An operator carefully weighs out the correct amount of mixture and places it in a steel mold of the desired size. After leveling the mixture carefully, a cover that fits the bore of the mold is placed on the wheel mixture and the mold placed in position over the ram of the press. With his eye on the pressure gauge, the operator opens the water inlet and as the ram rises under the water pressure, and as the hand of the pressure gauge mounts upward a crunching sound is heard as the enormous pressure exerted by the water is transmitted to the wheel in process of formation. When just the exact pressure required is recorded by the gauge, the operator opens the release, the ram descends and the mold is removed. The pressed wheel is now taken from the mold, ready for the vitrifing kiln. Wheels made by the pressed process are very compact but not necessarily hard. As an illustration, a Carborun- dum wheel in O grade, G2 bond is a pressed wheel, al- 68 - THE VITRIFIED PROCESS though it is six grades softer than an I grade wheel in B6 bond, which is a puddled wheel. On the other hand, a Carborundum wheel in BI6 bond, which is made by the puddled process, is very hard but not as compact as an I grade wheel in G6 bond which is a pressed wheel, and although six grades softer, it is more compact: It is seen that the object of making wheels by the pressed process is to make them compact, which characteristic is to be de- sired in wheels for a variety of grinding purposes. In making wheels by the puddled process, the correct proportions of grain and bonding material are agitated for several hours in mechanical mixers as shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 10. Mixing the materials to form puddled wheels. The mixture is then poured into a sheet-iron mold and thoroughly dried by steam heat. After drying sufficiently, which consumes several weeks for very large wheels, the embryo wheel is placed on what is termed a shaving machine, an illustration of which is shown in Fig. n. This machine is constructed on the principle of a potter's wheel, consisting of a revolving circular table upon which the wheel is placed, and a cross-slide over which travels the head carrying the tools used in shaping the wheel. 69 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS The process of turning the wheel to the correct size and shape, and boring the hole for the lead bushing, is com- paratively simple although considerable skill is required in turning wheels of irregular shape, such as certain wheels for special tool grinders, cup wheels, large cylinder wheels, Fig. II. Shaving grinding wheels preparatory to vitrifying. recessed wheels for cylindrical grinding, etc. The wheel- shaving operator is a skilled artisan in his particular line of work, prosecuting his work by means of a blue print, or other drawing, and obtaining the necessary dimensions by means of scales and calipers such as are used by the machinist. The next step consists of vitrifying the wheels. The vitrifying kilns used by grinding-wheel manufacturers are patterned after those used in the pottery industry for vitrifying china and earthenware. They are approxi- mately sixty -feet high and sixteen feet in diameter, being constructed on what is called the down-draft principle. A secondary interior wall is built inside the kiln, coming to a 70 THE VITRIFIED PROCESS crown about twenty feet from the kiln floor. The heat is so distributed that it circulates freely in all parts of the kiln interior, finding an outlet at the bottom. The wheels, as they come from the press and puddling rooms, are placed in earthenware receptacles technically termed sagers, a few of which are shown at the left-side foreground of Fig. 12. As the wheels are in what is termed Fig. 12. Loading a grinding- wheel kiln. a "green" state, care is necessary in handling them. To insure even bedding in the sagers, the wheels are placed on a layer of sand. Several small wheels are loaded in one sager but with medium-sized wheels, say 12x2, one to a sager is considered sufficient. Wheels 14 inches in diameter and over are piled one over the other in sectional sagers, each wheel being bedded in sand. An interior view of a grinding-wheel kiln is shown in Fig. 13, wherein several piles of sagers are shown in the background. After the kiln is completely filled, the door is sealed tight and the kiln is ready for firing. To correctly burn a kiln of grinding wheels is an operation calling for long practice. It consists of bringing the kiln up to the correct heat, keeping it there for the necessary period and 7 1 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS then letting it cool gradually. Too much heat would result in over-burning, the effect being the destruction of the bond, leaving it in a burnt-up or honeycombed condition, while too little heat would produce an under- vitrified wheel. Again, if the kiln is brought up to full heat too rapidly, wheels Fig. 13. Interior of a grinding- wheel kiln. having hard and soft spots are liable to result. Further, if the kiln is allowed to cool too rapidly 75 per cent, of its contents will come out in a cracked state, being absolutely of no value, for, unlike the good housewife's pie-crust, grinding wheels cannot be worked over again. Arranged around the base of the kiln, are approximately ten fire boxes, the fuel used being a good grade of either anthracite or bituminous coal. Two fires are started at a time and allowed to burn for some time, after which two more are started at regular intervals until all are burnr'ng. The kiln is now brought up to the first, or red heat, which takes fifteen hours. The heat is gradually increased until the kiln is at what is termed the "low melting point." Tests are frequently made by means of sets of pyrometric cones which, are inserted in the kiln through test holes. There are several of these test holes in every kiln arranged at regular intervals and it is important that the readings of each test hole tally, otherwise it is a sign that the heating is uneven. The test cones are made of clays having different melting points. Three cones having different melting tem- peratures are placed on one base. When the first one melts nd topples over, it is a sign that the kiln is at "red heat." 72 THE VITRIFIED PROCESS The next one succumbs at low melting point and when the third one wilts under the heat, it signifies that the kiln is up to full heat or a trifle higher than 2,500 Fahr. A set of the cones used is illustrated in Fig. 14. For many years, the pyrometrical cone was the only means used for determining the heat of the kiln. Of late years, however, owing to the Fig. 14. Pyrometric cones used for measuring degree of temperature in grinding-wheel kilns. high degree of perfection reached in the manufacture of various types of pyrometers for accurately determining high temperatures, the latter are now used in connection with the former in grinding-wheel kiln burning. After the kiln has reached full heat, it is sealed up and allowed to cool for several days. As much care has to be exercised in cooling the kiln as in heating it, for sudden or uneven cooling would bring about disastrous results to the contents. It takes three days to load a kiln, five days to burn it, a week is allowed for cooling and three days for unloading. Small wonder, then, that the grinding-wheel manufacturer cannot ship special wheels a few days after the order for the same has been entered. Burning a kiln of grinding wheels is an operation that cannot be carried on too carefully, as a slight error in judgment is sufficient to turn success into failure. The men who have charge of this important work become skilled through long experience, and it is needless to state that they are numbered among the grinding-wheel manufacturer's trusted employees. From the kilns, the grinding wheels go to the sorting room 73 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS where they are sorted according to size, grit and grade. The grits and grades are determined by markings scratched on the wheels while in the "green" state, before vitrifying. The wheels are next inspected for soundness by tapping them with a light hammer. A sound wheel will emit a faint, bell- like tone when tapped, this tone having a distinct reverbera- tion, whereas a cracked wheel gives out a dead sound in which no reverberation is detected. The wheels that pass this inspection go to the lathe room, where they are faced and edged. The type of lathe used for facing is not unlike an ordinary engine lathe with the possible exception that the former is slightly heavier than the latter. The wheel is firmly gripped in a universal chuck and a cut taken over one side, bringing the surface as near to a true plane as possible within practical limits. The wheel is now reversed in the chuck and the other side faced, care being exercised to make sure that the sides are parallel ; otherwise the wheel might be out of balance, which feature is to be avoided. For facing large wheels, star-toothed dressers of the type familiar to every mechanic are used. These are mounted in suitable holders which are gripped in the tool post. For fine, comparatively small wheels, diamonds mounted in copper bars are used. Being in constant use, these stones soon wear out; thus the diamond bill of the grinding- wheel manufacturer amounts to a large sum annually. After being faced, the wheels are ready for the first in- spection for grade. This operation is done by hand as shown in Fig. 15. The instrument used looks not unlike a short, wide screw-driver mounted in a heavy handle. To determine the grade, the operator depends wholly on his senses of hearing and touch, which, through constant prac- tice, are very reliable. The testing is done simply by gouging into the wheel in several places, noting the sound given out and feeling the amount of resistance met in separat- ing the particles of abrasive from the bond. Constant practice makes these operators very expert, 74 THE VITRIFIED PROCESS especially in grading medium hard, medium and medium soft wheels. With the very hard wheels, however, it is almost impossible to make an impression with the grading tool. In this case, the operator relies almost wholly upon the sound emitted. Several mechanical means have been Fig. 15. Grading grinding wheels by the hand-test method. devised for grading grinding wheels, but as yet not one has been perfected that is as reliable as the simple hand-grading tool in the hands of an expert. The next step is to provide the wheels with lead bushings. In this operation, the wheel is held in a special fixture which locates it centrally. A mandrel of the desired size is now inserted and the space between the mandrel and the grind- ing-wheel hole filled with molten lead. As soon as the lead cools sufficiently, the bushing is stamped with the grit and grade, and, in the case of Carborundum wheels, the bond also, as a means of permanent identification. This practice originated with The Carborundum Company, and it is need- less to state that it fills a long-felt want as the consumer has at hand a reliable guide in duplicating a successful wheel. 75 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS The next operation is to true the periphery of the wheel. This is done by men called wheel edgers. The wheels are mounted on heavy grinding stands and the edging done by means of star-shaped dressers fed by hand. Diamonds are used on the smaller and more delicate wheels. The grinding-wheel stands are equipped with guards to eliminate danger from flying fragments in case a wheel should hap- pen to burst, and the workman's health is also taken into consideration as an efficient exhaust system is provided to carry away the dust. The wheels are now ready for another important oper- ation, that of balancing. Owing to the high speed at which they are operated, it is very necessary for grinding wheels to be in almost perfect running balance. Carefully worked- out tables, prepared by the engineering department, show the exact amount any size of wheel can be out of balance, and all wheels failing to come up to this predetermined standard are rejected. The balancing is done by mounting the wheel on an arbor which is placed on balancing ways. If a heavy side is in evidence, a weight of the required number of ounces allowed on this particular size of wheel is clamped on the periphery opposite the heavy side. If this weight fails to counter- balance the wheel, it shows that the wheel is out of balance to the extent of warranting rejection for the particular size in question, although it can be turned smaller when, in all probability, it will pass a satisfactory test. It is very necessary that the balance of wheels intended for precision grinding be almost perfect ; otherwise accurate work on the part of the grinding-machine operator is sometimes im- possible. Owing to the fact that grinding wheels are used under various conditions, some of which are far from ideal, chances for serious accidents owing to the bursting of the wheel must be guarded against by the manufacturer who aims to market reliable goods. To this end, grinding wheels are given a speed test before going to the shipping-room. 76 THE VITRIFIED PROCESS As the centrifugal force of a body moving with different velocities in the same circle is proportional to the square of the velocity, it is evident that if the velocity is doubled the centrifugal force will be four times as great. Thus it is seen that if a wheel is speeded fifty per cent, faster than the recommended operating speed, the centrifugal force would be twice as great. The Carborundum Company make a practice of speeding all wheels above eight inches in diameter seventy per cent, higher than the recommended operating speed. After this test, it is safe to assume that the wheel is sound and when used under the proper oper- ating conditions the danger of breakage is practically nil. The speed-testing machines consist of substantial grinding- wheel stands equipped with variable-speed counter-shafts for increasing and decreasing the speed as desired, accurate tachometers for registering the number of revolutions, and stout, iron-bound oak boxes surrounding the wheels to retain the fragments in case a wheel fails to withstand the speed test. Two testing machines are shown in Fig. 16. The tests are conducted in a very deliberate manner by men whose integrity can be depended upon and at the com- pletion of each day's work these men subscribe and swear before a notary public to the tests they have made. The number and conditions of each test are kept in a book pro- vided for this purpose and a certificate is attached to the tested wheel, showing both the test speed and the recom- mended operating speed. Accidents caused by grinding-wheel imperfections are indeed very rare. The writer has personally investigated many cases of broken grinding wheels and has yet to find a case where the accident was caused directly by imper- fections in the manufacture of the wheel. That all grinding- wheel manufacturers intend to market dependable wheels is borne out by the following paragraph taken verbatim from The Carborundum Company's Number Five catalogue. "In May, 1902, the Association of German Engineers began an exhaustive series of speed tests of abrasive wheels. 77 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS These tests were conducted by Professor Griiber of the Technical High School, Dresden. All manufacturers were invited to submit a 2o-inch wheel to be speeded until it burst. About sixty wheels, including almost all standard makes, were tested in this manner. The result, as a whole, Fig. 1 6. Speed-testing grinding wheels for safety. demonstrated the entire safety of all makes of wheels when properly used; for, while the proper operating speed for a 2o-inch wheel is 955 revolutions per minute, the poorest record made by any wheel tested was 2,615 revolutions per minute before bursting. The regular grade of Car- borundum wheel tested made 4,340 revolutions per minute before bursting, which was the best record made by any wheel tested." The above statements bear out the writer's opinion, i. c., 73 THE SILICATE PROCESS that the specific gravity of Carborundum, being less than that of other abrasives, makes it a very efficient and safe wheel. THE SILICATE PROCESS In making wheels by the silicate process, silicate of soda and the abrasive material are first mixed together in the proper proportions in mechanical mixers. This mixture is then tamped by hand in iron molds. The operation of tamping the mixture calls for a high degree of skill, thus the work can only be intrusted to experienced men. Ma- chines have been devised for tamping silicate wheels, but the mechanical process does not produce as satisfactory results as are obtained with the hand-tamping process. Why this is so is a matter of conjecture. Nevertheless, the fact remains that hand-tamped wheels are turned out in large lots daily by grinding- wheel manufacturers. On first thought, it would appear that silicate wheels could be readily pressed in molds by the same process used in making pressed vitrified wheels as heretofore explained. This method has been the basis of lengthy experiments without tangible results, the product always showing in- ferior in actual tests. The process of hand tamping is comparatively slow and laborious as it has to be done in a thorough manner, but when properly carried out excellent wheels are the result. After tamping, the wheels are baked slightly under low heat, which sets the bond. For many years it was considered an impossibility to make Carborundum wheels by the silicate process, inasmuch as the glassy nature of this abrasive and the same characteristic in the bonding material, after baking, did not form a good contact. Of late years, how- ever, this difficulty has been overcome. Silicate wheels are very close in texture and they are successfully used on grinding operations where a compact, but at the same time a comparatively free cutting wheel is desired. For tool grinding in the machine shop, saw 79 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS gumming and knife grinding in wood-working establish- ments and on other operations of like nature, silicate wheels are successfully used. Again, the silicate process is exten- sively used by small grinding-wheel manufacturers who have not the facilities for turning out vitrified wheels in large lots. Further, an inferior abrasive, one containing an excess of mica or garnet, for instance, can be used in the manufacture of silicate wheels, whereas these impuri- ties would ruin a vitrified wheel. Inasmuch as the silicate process is of short duration, hurry orders for grinding wheels can be filled in far less time than is required to make them by the vitrified process. This factor is, of course, worth consideration in a few specific cases. In the early days of the grinding-wheel industry, the silicate process was quite popular owing to the fact that wire-web wheels, wherein a screen of brass wire was in- serted, were considered as an ample safeguard against accidents. At the present day, however, owing to the high development of the vitrified process and the subse- quent safety of the finished product, there is no logical excuse for using silicate wheels purely as a matter of safety. THE ELASTIC PROCESS In making wheels by the elastic process, wherein the binding medium is shellac, the first step is to melt the shel- lac, which is afterward cooled and broken into lumps. The lumps are next finely ground and the proper propor- tions of shellac and abrasive mixed together. This mixture is then transferred to a hot mold and thoroughly melted under pressure. A slight baking in specially constructed ovens completes the process. Shellac -bonded wheels are very cool cutting, imparting a high degree of finish to the work, and, owing to the firm nature of the bonding material, they are the safest form of wheel to use for any purpose. This bond is especially de- sirable for comparatively thin wheels as used for grinding 80 THE RUBBER PROCESS out slots, fine saw gumming, marble coping, etc. Small, delicate cup and dish wheels, as used for certain kinds of cutter sharpening in the machine shop, are generally made by the shellac process. For the finish grinding of the large calender rolls used in paper making, the shellac bond is the accepted favorite, owing to the high degree of finish im- parted. Hones of various shapes used in polishing marble are also made by this process. The layman is inclined to associate shellac with the sticky variety used in liquid form' by the pattern maker and other wood workers and therefore is sometimes in- clined to think that a grinding wheel bonded with this material would soon fill up, and consequently refuse to cut. Actual tests, however, have proven beyond all doubt that the shellac-bonded grinding wheel is very free cutting; probably owing to the fact that the heat used in baking brings about a chemical change in the bond which elimin- ates the tendency of the material to retain the minute particles removed from the work by the action of abrasion. THE RUBBER PROCESS In cases where grinding wheels are subjected to very severe strains, especially when very thin wheels are used, the rubber process makes a very satisfactory wheel. Many years ago, before the present-day state of perfection in grinding-wheel manufacture, large wheels were made by the rubber process, and in a very few cases, there is a demand for these wheels at the present time. The majority of rubber wheels used today, however, are comparatively thin ones used for such purposes as grinding slots in cast-iron stove doors, sawing stone, etc., or in fact for any operation where an exceedingly durable wheel is desired. The process of making rubber bonded wheels is quite simple, consisting of passing carefully selected crude rubber and abrasive material between steam-heated chilled iron rolls. The material is passed and re-passed until all the 81 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS abrasive material is thoroughly imbedded in the rubber. When the required amount of material is worked up, the Operator scribes a circle of the desired diameter on the sheet of material with a pair of dividers, cuts the outline thus made with a sharp knife, punches a hole in the center of the disc and the wheel is ready for the final process, that is vulcanizing the rubber. This is done in a small furnace, electrically heated, and takes but a short time CHAPTER FOUR ARTIFICIAL SHARPENING STONES Properties of artificial stones Carborundum stones Method of manufac- ture Bond Grit Grade Finishing Combination stone^-Carboran- dum rubs. to. 01 mar i&s Carb " ARTIFICIAL sharpening stones have been on the mar- ket for many years, dating from the time when the early grinding-wheel manufacturers put them on the market in small lots. It is a fact that when any abrasive material is crushed, much of the same is reduced to a fine powder, which is of no value in the manufacture of grinding wheels. Thus, one reason for the introduction of artificial "sharpening stones in competition with the natural product was that the grinding wheel and abrasive manufacturer sought a market for the fine grains that otherwise have but little market value. Artificial sharpening stones possess one merit that should not be undervalued, in that they are generally very uniform in grit and grade. Absence of hard and soft spots is an- other good characteristic which is not always present in natural stones. Any good abrasive material can be made into sharpening stones, but the artificial abrasives seem to hold the preference, owing to their purity and uniformity as compared to natural abrasives. The first artificial abrasive to be put. on the market in the form of sharpening stones was Carborundum. During the last few years, the demand for these stones has advanced by leaps and bounds, so to speak, two reasons being assigned for this. First, they are carefully made by skilled workmen, which procedure always results in a superior product, and, 83 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS again, they are universally advertised, being on sale in every town and city throughout the civilized world. Over a million and a quarter of Carborundum sharpening stones are sold annually in more than one hundred and fifty dif- ferent sizes, styles, etc. Carborundum sharpening stones are made in vitrified bond by the pressed process, the principle being the same Fig. -1 7. Finishing Carborundum sharpening stones on rotary laps. as employed in making pressed wheels, with the exception that the work is carried on on a smaller scale. Great care is exercised in molding the stones. Careful workmen deter- mine the amount of grain and bond mixture by weight; thus, exactly the same amount of material is incorporated into all stones of a given size. This material is evenly dis- tributed in the mold, otherwise the finished stone would have what is technically termed "heavy spots." Again, the amount of pressure exerted on the mixture after the mold is placed in position in the hydraulic press must be 84 ARTIFICIAL SHARPENING STONES watched carefully, otherwise the finished product would vary in grade. As the stones are very delicate in the "green" state, and thus easily damaged, it is necessary to handle them carefully. They are loaded ;n sagers and vitrified by the same process and in the same kilns used in the manufacture of vitrified Carborundum wheels. Carborundum sharpening stones are made in three grits, Fig. 1 8. Part of the specialty department at The Carborundum Company's plant. namely, coarse, medium and fine. The coarsest grain is used in number 120, while number 180 is used in medium stones. Fine stones are made in F, FF, and FFF powders. A superfine powder called 6o-minute powder (so called because it takes 60 minutes to settle in water) is used in making several very fine stones. Large flat stones are made in G 7 bond for fine grits and in G-5 bond for coarse grits. For other stones, points, sticks, etc., G-i2 bond is used. For making razor hones and other fine instrument stones a special bond is used to give the desired hardness, the nature of this bond being a trade secret. 85 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS In making combination stones, that is, stones composed of two grits, fine on one side and coarse on the other, two methods are used. One method is to level the fine mixture in the mold and over this place the coarse mixture, both being pressed together. The other method consists of cementing two finished stones, a coarse one and a fine one, together. After the stones come from the vitrifying kilns, they are Fig. 19. A few varieties of Carborundum sharpening stones. carefully inspected for imperfections such as cracks, burned spots, etc., arid all imperfect specimens thrown aside. The stones which pass this inspection go to the finishing de- partment, where skilled artisans rub them smooth on hori- zontal rubbing beds, or rotary laps. The abrasive used in tliis operation is Carborundum grain mixed with water. This operation is shown in Fig. 17. The stones are now transferred to the specialty depart- ment, where they are carefully buffed, cleaned, inspected and packed in boxes and display cases. A view of this department is shown in Fig. 18. As before stated, Car- borundum sharpening stones are made in upwards of one hundred and fifty different styles, being used for a diversity of purposes too numerous to mention here. Some of the well-known varieties are shown in Fig. 19. A form of stone technically called a "rub" is much used for smoothing castings, marble, granite, cement, etc. These are made in the same manner as sharpening stones, with the exception that the grits are coarser and no extra finish is imparted after they come from the vitrifying kilns. 86 ARTIFICIAL SHARPENING STONES Considerable skill has been developed in the manufacture of Carborundum sharpening stones 'and rubs, through the study of proper bonding materials, methods of manufac- ture, etc., thus the finished products are very uniform and do not vary to any noticeable extent. CHAPTER FIVE GRITS AND GRADES Designation of grits and grades Mixed grits ^rits of abrasive papers- Standard grades Wheels Relation of speed to grade and grit Wheel speeds for various operations. THE grit, or grain as it is sometimes called, of a grinding wheel alludes to the size of the particles of abrasive material of which it is composed. Thus, a wheel in 24 grit is made up of particles of abrasive material that were separated from the mass that passed over the grading ma- chine by a screen having 24 meshes to the linear inch. It is sometimes erroneously stated that the particles of grit composing a 24-grain grinding wheel are 1/24 inch in diameter. This is not true, because the size of the wire of which the screen is made must be taken into consideration. Therefore, if the screen was made of very coarse wire, the particles of grit passing through it would be somewhat finer than those passing through a screen having the same number of meshes per inch but made of finer wire. Grinding-wheel grits are referred to as straight, mixed, combination and combination mixed. A straight grit is one wherein the abrasive is of one size only; thus if 40 grit was used the wheel would be a 40 straight grit. For con- venience, the word ''straight" is generally omitted in speaking of a straight grit wheel. When a 40 grit wheel is ordered, it is understood that a straight grit is required. A mixed grit is one composed of two or three different kinds of abrasive materials. Thus, a wheel designed for grinding steel castings, for an illustration, made of a mix- ture of emery, corundum and adamite, would be a mixed- grit wheel. 88 GRITS AND GRADES By a combination grit, which term is sometimes errone- ously used to designate a mixed grit, is meant a combina- tion of various-sized grits, scientifically selected, and in- corporated into one wheel. A combination mixed grit is one wherein two or more abrasives are used, the grains being of different sizes. A wheel composed of a combination of 24, 36 and 80 grit is known as a 24-combination grit. Successful grit combinations are standardized only through long experi- ment and actual tests, and the grin ding-wheel manufacturer generally keeps them secret. The Norton Company make many combination grits, referring to them simply as 24 combination, 36 combination, etc. The Carborundum Com- pany, who have investigated the theory and practical results derived from combination grits in a very thorough manner, have originated a simple means for designating their grit combinations, which is of great benefit to the cus- 'tomer in re-ordering. They use a number of grit combina- tions designated i, 2, 3, 4, etc. This number is annexed to the grit number, thus a 365 combination grit has 36 grain for its base while 5 stands for the combination number. For certain operations, combination grits offer decided advantages. On cylindrical grinding, for instance, a wheel in a combination grit with a comparatively coarse base, 24 to 36, cuts very fast and at the same time leaves a smooth finish, leading to the deduction that the coarse grains remove material rapidly, while the finer grains impart the desired finish. On certain operations where a very durable wheel is required, on car-wheel grinding, for example, a combination grit gives entire . satisfaction, showing high efficiency over a straight grit used for the same purpose. Manufacturers of abrasive paper and cloth designate the different grits by numbers: i, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, etc. At one time, the various grits used by different manufacturers varied to quite an extent even though they were designated by the same number. This often led to confusion and some- times enabled one manufacturer to gain an unfair ad- 89 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS vantage over another. For instance, a certain manufac- turer of garnet paper uses a specified size of grain which he calls No. 1-1/2. A competitor uses a slightly coarser grain which he, too, designates as No. 1-1/2, and while the sizes of the two grains are so near alike that detection with the naked eye is impossible, it often happened that the manufacturer using the coarser grain was enabled to show a slight efficiency over his competitor, the consumer in the meanwhile being ignorant of the fact that the grains were not the same. To eliminate' misunderstandings among the consumers, and to bring competition to a fair basis, the majority of abrasive paper and cloth manufacturers of the present day use the same sizes of grains for each grade. Thus 2-1/2, for an illustration, designates a grain that has passed through a standard sieve, the mesh of which has been agreed upon. In chinking of the various grit numbers used to designate the sizes of abrasive papers and cloths, it is sometimes advantageous to know how they compare with the grain numbers commonly used in sizing abrasive materials. The following table is authentic and up to date, being recently furnished by The Carborundum Company. Carborundum. Flint. Ga net. Emery. Aloxite. FF F 220 i 80 3/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 150 3/0 2/0 2/0 I 2O 2/O O O 100 O 2/0 100 100 90 1/2 O 1/2 1/2 80 I I 7O 1-1/2 1-1/2 60 I 1/2 2 2 50 1-1/2 1 40 2 1-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 36 2-1/2 2 30 2-1/2 3 3 24 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 20 3-1/2 3-1/2 90 GRITS AND GRADES By the expression "grade" we refer to the relative hard- ness of a grinding wheel. In the early days of the grinding- wheel industry, a few grades sufficed. These were known generally as medium, medium hard, hard, medium soft and soft. As the industry grew, however, and the grinding wheel became adapted to a diversity of operations, closer and more accurate grades were required which led to the adoption of somewhat elaborate grade scales. A grade is a certain value, within very close limits at least. An L grade wheel offers the same resistance to disintegration by means of the hand-grading tool as the grinding -wheel manu- facturer's master block in the same grade. By way of explanation, it may be well to state that all reliable grinding- wheel manufacturers have a set of master grade blocks as standards. These are carefully made from the correct proportions of grain and bond to form the various grades, and are referred to as a check in determining the actual grade of doubtful wheels. Thus an M grade wheel made by a reliable manufacturer is not somewhere between L and M or M and N in which case it might be a de-grade. De-graded wheels are used in some cases, to be sure, but they are made as such. The Carborundum Company make three de-grades: G plus, H plus, and I plus. The various grinding-wheel manufacturers use different markings to designate their various wheel grades. Some use the letters of the alphabet (not always arranged the same) while others use numbers, including whole numbers, mixed numbers and fractions. All grinding-wheel manu- facturers have comparative grade lists, the object of which is to show the difference between their grades and those of their competitors. The writer has, from time to time, examined and compared many of these grade lists and, unfortunately, they vary to such an extent that it is an impossibility to state for a fact which one is absolutely correct. To compile a comparative grade list that would satisfy all grinding-wheel manufacturers, and, at the same time, im- 91 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS part reliable information to the layman, the writer used the following method in arranging the list here given. Taking Norton Company's grade list as a basis, a chart was drawn up on tracing paper including the letters used, with spaces between each for de-grades. A number of blue prints were made from this chart, one being sent to every prominent grinding-wheel manufacturer in this country with the request that they fill in on the same, their wheel grades, showing the comparison with Norton Company's grading. Many complied with the request, while some declined, and the chart in question was compiled from the date thus obtained. Inasmuch as every individual grinding-wheel manufacturer knows more about his own grades than does his competitors, and supplied his wheel grades in comparison to a given standard, in this case Norton Company's grading, it is safe to assume that a comparative grade scale compiled in this manner is as reliable as it is possible to arrange the same. The grinding-wheel manufacturers who use the letters of the alphabet in regular order as a grade scale designate the letter M as showing their medium grade. This has led many technical writers who are not conversant with the grinding-wheel industry to show the comparison between Carborundum and Alundum wheels with the two M's together. This is a fallacy, as The Carborundum Com- pany's M grade is equal to Norton Company's K, which brings the L's of both grade scales together. While both The Carborundum Company and Norton Company con- sider their respective M grades as medium, they do not agree as to what constitutes a medium grade. It is to be regretted that the various grinding-wheel manufacturers do not standardize on a universal grade scale, which procedure, it is needless to state, would elim- inate much confusion. In all probability they will never agree on a universal grade scale, the nature of which would cause them to abandon their gradings for a standard already. 92 GRITS AND GRADES II i si Waltham Grinding Wheel Co. (Silicate Process) II 1 ? Vitrified Wheel Co. Westfield Mass, Superior Carborundum Wheel Co. Waltham.Mass. 1 s If 1 1 p L Safety Emery Wheel Co. Springfield.Onio i Sf 1 ^ f Detroit Grinding Wheel Co. Detroit. Mich. S Cortland Grinding WheelCord 1 = 1 ff 1 P IThe Carborundum Company^ Niagara Falls.N.Y. fi- ll 1 i || If 1 1 | COMPARATIVE GRADING VITRIFIED AND SILICATE WHEE - $ ;? O > m m -n m ^ c rO * * "1 Co ^ -n -n ~n CD in ^5- OJ z. ro ,6* - ir CT c? X _DO ^ ^ :r c? * j ZE g jf rc i X x ~ X j? ^ - - ^ Ol S SF CT> ^ j a C_ i f c_ -J w z o ^ rO ?; 3 s; * * f ^ * i' 2 7: 1 i- 00 i I c? 1 % en r i r r 2 <: r~ i' r r CD I rn 2 ui 2 -o 2 2 Z i 2 w' 7: OJ 3i 2 O & | m Z CM ^ z 2 z z r? Z 53 c_ Z Z = ^ -N i o -o ^ ^ - A ~ ^ ? rn TJ 1 G-J ^ -o ^ -p -o ,? -o J 3 I T3 XI 1 w & ^ -n" OJ - 50 0? o m wi = 30 r? 1 -q 500 3,500 5,000 7,500 10,000 minute CHAPTER SIX TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY Selection of wheels Improper methods of testing Practical testing methods Items to be noted in a wheel test How to figure result Formula for finding volume of abrasive material in a wheel General considerations Wheel tests. MANUFACTURERS who use grinding wheels in large * T * quantities are desirous of getting the most efficient wheel for a specific purpose. To determine which is the most efficient abrasive or make of wheel, and, further, what grit and grade of any particular make of wheel is the most desirable to use for a predetermined purpose, is not an offhand procedure. Results that can be relied upon are arrived at only by carefully conducted tests arranged along practical lines. Grinding-wheel manufacturers are frank to admit that there is no absolute rule for the selection of grits and grades as the following, which appears on page 96, 1916 edition of Norton Company's catalogue, plainly states: "Conditions under which grinding wheels are used vary to such an extent that no absolute rule can be given for selecting the right grades for the work." Because a certain kind of wheel gives entire satisfaction in one plant, is no indication that it will do equally well in another shop, even though the work is identical in both cases. The reason for this is that local conditions generally have to be taken into consideration and as they often can- not be altered, it is best, when practicable, to test trial wheels on actual routine work under the supervision of careful and painstaking efficiency engineers who have some knowledge of abrasives and grinding practice. To give a trial wheel to the grinder with the injunction : 07 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS "Here, Bill, try this wheel and see what you think of it," is one way of testing a trial wheel and a practice that is too prevalent with many grinding-wheel consumers. Bill may have the best intentions in the world, but it requires more than good intentions to test a grinding wheel to determine its actual worth. He uses the wheel for a day or so, maybe a week, and then forms a decision which may or may not be correct. He is not to blame in nine cases out of ten if his verdict is incorrect because the actual user of grinding wheels, on rough operations at least, has but little use for mathematics, therefore he is at a loss to form an accurate decision regarding actual cost of production. In his opinion, the wheel may be a good one or a poor one. Unless the wheel shows a remarkable saving in grinding time, his decision is liable to be a guess pure and simple and it may be influenced by a deep-rooted prejudice in favor of a certain make of wheel. He may use a trial wheel for a few weeks and report that he sees no apparent saving, and if the wheel in question happens to be a comparatively high-priced one, the test is ended then and there. On the other hand, if the wheel was tested according to common-sense methods the production department would have actual figures to show the purchasing department regarding the actual earning power of the wheel. There are over twenty grinding-wheel manufacturers in this country and they all make reliable products. They have brought the grinding-wheel industry to its present high state of development through tireless and painstaking effort, being ready at any time to make special wheels for trial purposes for any operation that appears practicable. Since they are ever ready to help the manufacturer in reducing his production costs, why should not the manufacturer meet them half-way by giving trial wheels a fair and im- partial test? The average manufacturer is broad-minded; he is gen- erally willing to grant the grinding-wheel salesman a courteous interview and often orders trial wheels for test 98 TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY purposes. After the wheels have been tested, however, it is seldom that the salesman who supplied them is able to get an accurate report of their performance. Unless the saving is readily apparent, as in testing Carborundum against emery for cast-iron grinding for instance, the trial wheel is in many cases reported as showing no saving as com- pared with the wheels regularly used. A report of this kind, lacking in figures to verify it, is unsatisfactory to all parties concerned. The consumer does not know for a certainty whether the wheel tested actually did or did not show efficiency; the salesman is at a loss to make an intelligent report to his employer; while the grinding-wheel manufacturer, although compelled to ac- knowledge defeat in the specific case in question, js justified in forming the conclusion that his wheel was not given a fair test since no figures were submitted to verify the unsatisfactory report. In analyzing the above case, we must admit that the salesman exercised the talents of his profession in getting permission to submit a sample of his product for test pur- poses, while the grinding-wheel manufacturer did his part in supplying a test wheel made to meet the grinding con- ditions as specified on the salesman's trial order. The consumer, however, to state the case in plain English, condemned the wheel without furnishing any figures to substantiate his claim. A few cases have been called to the writer's attention wherein a trial order was given solely for the purpose of getting rid of a persistent salesman and an unsatisfactory report submitted to discourage further effort on the sales- man's part. A procedure of this kind is unjust and not in accordance with good business ethics. To give the majority of successful manufacturers credit, however, we are safe in stating that cases like the above are happily not common. We certainly are not justified in condemning all manu- facturers at large for their apparent lack of interest in grinding-wheel tests, and the only reason the writer can 99 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS assign for this state of affairs is that the average manufac- turer is not an abrasive engineer, therefore he lacks tech- nical knowledge of grinding wheels and often does not use the practical methods employed by the abrasive efficiency engineer in determining the actual earning power of a grinding wheel. In conducting a grinding-wheel test em- bracing wheels of several makes, or a few wheels of the same make in different grits and grades, it is a waste of time to attempt to state from observation alone which is the most efficient wheel. A careful record of each wheel should be kept and reliable figures submitted to use in comparing the different wheels. To illustrate the principle of practical wheel testing as graphically as possible, it may be well to consider a few practical tests. Where a large number of comparatively Fig. 20. Ideal shape of castings for testing economy of wheels. small pieces are ground, we have ample opportunity to determine the actual earning power of the grinding wheel by considering the following factors: Time consumed, number of pieces ground, value of abrasive material used and the cost of labor. By comparing the amount of work produced with the actual cost involved, we readily determine the actual grinding cost per thousand pieces. This is what 100 TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY interests the successful manufacturer actual production costs. What the grinding wheel is made of does not matter as far as he is concerned; if wheels made of river sand bonded with molasses showed the greatest earning power he would accept them just as readily as he does the com- paratively high-priced products of the electric furnace. In Fig. 20 is shown an ideal casting for making an effi- ciency test. It is of malleable iron weighing 10-1/2 oz., and the only grinding necessary is at the base to remove the sprue left when the casting was knocked off the gate. Let it be assumed that we are to test a 1 6 x 2 wheel for grinding these pieces. The' workman is given the wheel together with an unlimited supply of castings and the test conducted for a period of fifty hours. At the end of this time, we might have a report like the following: Number of pieces ground 2,000, time consumed 50 hours, weight of wheel after test 30 Ibs. In the meantime, we have drawn up a form like the following to aid us in determining the grinding cost. Part tested Rocker arm short bracket Make of wheel Duplex Size 16 x 2 Grit 20 Grade Q Bond Vitrified Cost $6.63 Weight 34 Ibs. Cost per pound $00.195 Operating speed 1,200 R.P.M. Material ground Malleable iron Length of test 50 hours Workman's name G. Harris Workman's rate $0.25 per hour Number of pieces ground 2,000 Cost of labor $i 2.50 Weight of wheel after test 30 Ibs. Pounds of abrasive used 4 Value of abrasive used $0.78 Tota cost of gr'nding $13.28 Cost per thousand pieces $6.64 Cost per piece $0.00664 101 ABRASIVES .AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Here we have sufficient data to satisfy the most critical efficiency engineer. Nothing is contained in the above that is superfluous; in fact every item is for a distinct purpose. The total grinding cost means something because it repre- sents actual dollars and cents that have been expended on a certain operation. How much better it is to have a statement like the above than to rely upon the foreman's statement that a certain wheel cuts good and that one of them lasts the operator three months. This statement conveys no real information as regards actual production costs. Suppose, for the sake of an argument, that he tried another make of wheel which lasted only two months. He would, in all probability, condemn it as too short- lived, never taking into consideration that a practical test as outlined above might prove that it actually reduced grinding costs while it lasted. The first cost of a grinding wheel is of no consideration; it is its earning power that should be known to be appreciated. To illustrate the point clearly, let us consider a cheap wheel. As in the previous test, we will use a 16 x 2 wheel, but of such a quality that it can be purchased at a rock-bottom price of $4.54. Owing to the low price of the wheel, it naturally follows that it cannot be made of a very expensive abrasive, the ultimate result being that it is slow cutting when compared with wheels that bring better prices. As before, the workman is given an unlimited number of cast- ings, the wheel weighed, and the test run for fifty hours. At the expiration of the test, we might have the following report: Number of pieces ground 1,500. Time consumed 50 hours. Weight of wheel after test 28 pounds. From this report we proceed as before and draw up a summary. Part tested Rocker arm short bracket Make of wheel Complex Size 16 x 2 Grit 20 Grade Q Bond Vitrified Cost $4.54 102 TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY Weight 34 Ibs. Cost per pound $0.13325 Operating speed 1,200 R.P.M. Material ground Malleable iron Length of test 50 hours Workman's name G. Harris Workman's rate $0.25 per hour Number of pieces ground i;5o Cost of labor $12.50 Weight of wheel after test 28 Ibs. Pounds of abrasive used 6 Value of abrasive used $0.7995 Total cost of grinding $13.2995 Cost per thousand pieces $8.866 From this test, it is seen that it cost more to use the cheap wheel than it did to use the moderate-priced one. As a general thing the purchasing agent sees the first cost only, and as long as he can keep his purchases at a low figure he is not concerned with actual operating expenses in the production department. In due justice to the purchasing agent, however, he should not be blamed for buying at as low a cost as possible when the shop management is not armed with figures to show actual grinding costs for dif- ferent operations. It is the purchasing agent's duty to buy standard goods at the best prices obtainable and it is up to the shop to test the material purchased to see that it is efficient. In carrying the test farther, let it be assumed that we have bought a high-priced wheel for test purposes, the same costing us $9.27 or over twice the price paid for the wheel previously tested. It is tested in the same manner as the previous wheels and the following report submitted: Num- ber of pieces ground 3,000, time consumed 50 hours, weight of wheel after test 25 Ibs. As before we draw up a summary from the report. Part tested Rocker arm short bracket Make of wheel Simplex Size 16 x 2 Grit 20 103 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Grade : . H pi. Bond Vitrified Cost $9.27 Weight 34 Ibs. Cost per pound $0.2726 Operating speed 1,200 R.P.M. Materia' ground . Malleable iron Length of test 50 hours Workman's name G. Harris Workman's rate $0.25 per hour Number of pieces ground 3,000 Cost of labor $12.50 Weight of wheel after test 25 Ibs. Pounds of abrasive used 9 Value of abrasive used $2.4534 Total cost of grinding $14.9534 Cost per thousand pieces $4.9844 It is seen that by using a first-class abrasive we have actually reduced our grinding cost, although the first cost of the wheel was over twice that of the wheel previously tested and the wear per week is 50 per cent, greater. If a wheel seems to wear rapidly there is no cause for alarm, for it must be borne in mind that the ideal grade of grinding wheel for a specific operation is of just the correct degree of hardness to allow the particles of abrasive material to be pulled from the bonding material as soon as they have lost their cutting power. A hard wheel will last longer than a soft one, to be sure, but at the same time its earning power is greatly reduced, as it is slow cutting. It is a very good plan to determine the earning power of a wheel before condemning it for .wearing out too rapidly. There is, of course, a limit beyond which we cannot go in installing comparatively soft wheels for rough work. If the wheel is too soft, the grains of the abrasive will be pulled from the bonding material before accomplishing a fair amount of work. Instead of removing metal from the work, we are truing off the grinding wheel. That a softer grade will oftentimes accomplish more work on a given operation' is a fact known to every grinding- wheel salesman, and the following incident which carre to 104 TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY the writer's notice, may be of interest while considering this factor. The work in question consisted of cast-iron cream- separator frames which were ground all over with the object of preparing an even surface for the painter. Here it was necessary to go over the surface of the casting carefully, and as this was somewhat of a tedious operation at best, a free cutting wheel, which would enable the operator to finish a frame in the quickest possible time, was very much desired. With the work in question, the operator had been using Carborundum wheels 8 in. dia., i in. face, 30 grit, G pi. grade in V A bond. The output with this wheel was thirty castings per day. One day, one of The Carborundum Company's efficiency engineers investigated the operation and induced the management to try wheels of a softer grade, stating that, while the softer wheel would not last as long, it would materially increase production while it lasted. The result was that wheels in 30 grit H pi. grade were tried out and, much to the operator's surprise, he was enabled to finish fifty castings per day. Assuming that we were conducting a test of this kind today we would use a day's wage of $3.00 as a basis on which to conduct our cost test. In finishing thirty castings per day, our grinding cost for labor would be ten cents per casting as against six cents per casting when fifty are ground per day. Thus, it is seen that an actual saving of 40 per cent, in production cost is accomplished through a little experi- ment in changing the grade of the wheel. A slight change in grade often makes a great difference, as the above-mentioned test illustrates, and another simple experiment along the same lines, that came to the writer's attention a few years ago, may be of interest. In any farming country may be found blacksmiths and others who net quite a sum annually grinding plow points during the plowing season. The operation is simple, consisting of grinding the plow point until it is sharp. To the city-bred man it may seem laughable that the point of a plow has to ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS be sharp, but such, nevertheless, is well known by those who have had occasion to guide a plow. The man in question used a Carborundum wheel in 20 grit, G pi. grade and V A bond with which he could grind forty plow points per day, netting him $8.00. He was dubious about trying a softer wheel, claiming that $8.00 per day was a nice little sum in itself and that it was some- times a good plan to let well enough alone. However, he was induced to try a wheel one grade softer, that is H pi., with the result of grinding sixty points per day, netting him $12.00. It is seen that by using a wheel more adapted for his work he put $4.00 extra in his pocket daily during the plow-point grinding season. Now the business of grinding plow points in a country cross-roads shop may not amount to much in itself, but that is not the point. The lesson is here: If one man, who knows but little of efficiency from the average manu- facturer's point of view, can put an extra $4.00 in his pocket every day, using one wheel only, the same being graded properly, what are the possibilities for saving with the manufacturer whose grinding- wheel bill, and subsequent grinding costs, runs into big figures? The possibilities for saving are enormous. The tests so far considered have dealt only with com- paratively light work, but from this it^rnust not be inferred that accurate tests for production costs cannot be conducted on heavy work. Car-wheel grinding furnishes an ideal means of determining the efficiency of a grinding wheel on heavy work, and the following test, which came to the writer's notice a few years ago, embodies all the data necessary for computing the actual grinding cost per wheel. The work consisted of grinding the small fins left by the molds on Barr contracted chilled-iron car wheels, often used on freight cars. The work was done on a car- wheel grinder, of regular pattern, and the wheel used was Carborundum 18 in. dia., 4-1/4 in. face, 166 grit, G pi. grade and V A bond. The average grinding time was 50 seconds per 1 06 TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY wheel and in 72 working days of ten hours each, the wheel was reduced to a diameter of 11-3/4 inches. If the wheel had been used constantly, ten hours per day, it would have ground 8,640 car wheels. This is, of course, a theoretical calculation as a certain amount of time was consumed in taking the car wheels to and from the grinder and in mount- ing them for the grinding operation. As it was, 6,343 car wheels were actually ground during the test of 72 days. Let us assume that the operator of the car- wheel grinder receives $2.50 per day, and proceed to ascertain our grind- ing cost per wheel. As 72 x 2.50 = 180, we have a cost of $180.00 for labor. A Carborundum wheel 18 x 4-1/4 inches costs $13.07, but in the case in question it was not completely worn out, therefore we will compute the actual cost of the abrasive used. Instead of considering the number of pounds of abrasive used we will, for the sake of variety, use another method of figuring the cost of a partial wheel by ascertaining its volume in cubic inches and sub- tracting the number of cubic inches in the worn portion of the wheel, which will give us the number of cubic inches actually used in grinding the 6,343 car wheels. Knowing the volume of the new wheel and its value it is an easy matter to find the value per cubic inch and also the value of the amount of abrasive used. To find the volume of an 18 x 4-1/4 grinding wheel, we can use the following formula, in which V stands for volume, D for diameter, W for width, while the decimal .7854 is a constant. V = .78 54 xDxW Thus, .7854 x 1 8 x 18 x 4-1/4 = 1,044.3168 cubic inches, which is the volume of an 18 x 4-1/4 wheel. Again, .7854 x 11-3/4 x 11-3/4 x 4-1/4 = 445.0026 cubic inches, which is the volume of a 11-3/4 x 4-1/4 wheel. Further, if 1,044.3168 cubic inches of material cost $13.07, ore cubic inch will cost $0.01251. By subtracting 445.0026 cubic inches from 1,044.3168 cubic inches, we have 599.2905 cubic .inches as the amount 107 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS of material used. Multiplying this amount by the cost per cubic inch, we have $7.4971 or the actual cost of abrasive used. Adding this to $180.00, our labor cost, we have a total cost of $187.4871. We will call our cost $187.50 for convenience in figuring, and dividing this amount by 6,343, the number of car wheels ground, we find an actual grinding cost of $0.02956 per wheel or $29.56 per thousand wheels. It is seen that by using a simple practical method it is possible to accurately determine the grinding cost under everyday working con- ditions. It is reliable figures of this kind that the manufac- turers desire. In grinding comparatively large work, it is possible to determine the grinding cost while working on an individual piece, as the following report on the grinding of a large chilled-iron roll, by Mr. J. H. Hollinger, of The Landis Tool Company, published in the Oct. 26, 1911, number of the American Machinist, graphically illustrates. "I have ground a chilled cast-iron roll 20-3/16 inches diameter by 28 inches long on a Landis 20x96 inch roll grinder, removing 1/4 inch from the diameter of the body only. Surface speed of roll, roughing 52-1/2 feet, finishing 521/2 feet; traverse of wheel for each revolution of the work, 7/8 inch; wheel feed at each reversal, 0.006 inch for roughing; o.ooi inch for finishing. The roll was ground with a 22-9/16x2 inch Carborundum wheel having an 8- inch hole, 403 grit, P grade, O F bond, running at 925 revolutions per minute, 5,472 surface feet and it was re- duced in diameter 19/32 inch, which represents a cost of 90 cents. This wheel wore just fast enough to keep itself sharp and, for roughing, was only dressed once with a diamond. Time for grinding the roll to a smooth finish, good enough for hot rolling, 4 hours; total cubic inches removed, 221 ; cubic inches removed per minute to finished surface, 0.92 inch. The motor used on this work was a variable speed 25 horsepower. Average horsepower con- sumed, 21." 108 TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY In the above report it is seen that Mr. Hollinger has embodied all the data necessary for computing an accurate grinding cost, which is quite essential when testing wheels on large work. It is needless to state that comparatively long grinding operations on large pieces are expensive and without accurate data, compiled by one who understands the art of grinding thoroughly, it is an impossibility to de- termine the actual cost. The operation shown in Fig. 21, furnishes another in- stance wherein the grinding cost can be computed through Fig. 21. Grinding long shafting used in textile machinery. working on one piece. The work in question consists of actually grinding long shafting used in textile machinery. The shafting comes slightly oversize and after being centered is kept in racks and ground as needed. With shafts of the same length and with a like amount of material to remove, it is obvious that a record of the grinding cost for each size can be kept. When another make of wheel is to be tested, it is a simple matter to determine its earning power by 109 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS noting the length of time taken to remove a certain amount of material and the wheel wear meanwhile. Still another instance where the grinding cost can be computed while working on one comparatively large piece is shown in Fig. 22. In this case, the work consists of grinding locomotive guide bars to produce a smooth and Fig. 22. Grinding a locomotive guide bar. true surf ace for the cross-head gibs to slide upon. Different types of locomotives have various kinds of guide bars, but with the kind shown four constitute a set. Thus, to determine the grinding cost, all that is necessary is to measure the thickness of the wheel with a pair of calipers before and after grinding the four bars and taking note of the time consumed in the grinding operation. The actual grinding cost is arrived at by adding the labor cost and value of abrasive material used. In tests of this kind, it is truly surprising how some makes of wheels show remarkable no TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY saving in grinding costs over others. Thus the man who thinks that it is not worth while to test grinding wheels for efficiency is often needlessly grinding away dollars, so to speak, instead of removing metal in the most efficient man- ner possible. It must be borne in mind that grinding operations on large work are expensive at best and too much cannot be said in favor of making accurate tests to determine actual grinding costs. On certain classes of grinding of an automatic or semi- automatic nature, wherein the actual time of contact be- Fig. 23. Type of chain links finished by semi-automatic grinding. tween the wheel and the work does not vary, the efficiency of the wheel can be determined by considering one factor only, that is the actual number of hours it lasts. The operation of grinding chain links of the kind illustrated in Fig. 23 furnishes an excellent means of determining the earn- ing power of a grinding wheel by considering its life only. Chain links of this kind are used for transmitting power, .in ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS conveying material, etc., and are made in various sizes from small ones approximately an inch long to large sizes a foot or more in length. The smaller sizes are cast from a gated pattern and the object of the grinding is to remove the gate. This gate is shown on the top of the link illustrated in Fig. 23. The means generally provided for this work are shown in Fig. 24, wherein A is the grinding wheel revolving as shown by the arrow and B the drum for carrying the links Fig. 24. Principle involved in grinding chain links. which are placed by hand in depressions, or pockets, pro- vided to accommodate them. This drum revolves quite slowly in the direction shown by the arrow. The object of the slow motion is to give the wheel ample time to grind away the gate. The operator places the links in the pockets by hand and as the drum revolves they are brought in contact with the wheel. Means are provided for moving the shaft carrying the drum toward the wheel as it wears away, which is, of course, necessary in producing uniform work. As the speed of the drum is always constant, it is TESTING WHEELS FOR EFFICIENCY evident that the life of the wheel is the chief factor to con- sider, as a comparatively soft wheel would wear away very rapidly without performing its full quota of work and during its life would require almost constant attention in keeping the drum in proper relation to the periphery of the wheel: Fig. 25. Semi-automatic machine for rounding the backs of pearl buttons. On the other hand, the wheel should not be too hard or it would glaze very readily, refuse to cut, and in some cases a fractured wheel would result. In testing wheels on work of this kind, it is a good plan to begin the test with com- paratively soft wheels, taking note of the amount of links of a given size ground during the life of the wheel. Harder wheels are then tried and the hardest wheel that will cut satisfactorily without constant glazing is the one that should be selected. ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Another case wherein the efficiency of the wheel is de- termined by its life is illustrated in Fig. 25. The machine shown is of semi-automatic construction and is designed for rounding the backs of pearl-button blanks. As the illus- tration shows, the operator has a box of button blanks and places them one at a time in the chucks which au- tomatically grip them and carry them under the wheel shown at the right. The face of the wheel is slightly con- caved and as the chucks revolve on their axes, as well as traveling in a circle, the blanks are given the desired rounded shape as they pass under the wheel. Provided the blanks are ground in a satisfactory manner, that is, without burning them, the wheel that will last the greatest number of working days is considered the most efficient. Tests of the above kind are, of course, easily conducted as they consist simply of selecting a wheel that will do the work in a satisfactory manner and noting how long it will last. From the foregoing, it is seen that there are three practical methods used for testing the efficiency of a grinding wheel. 1. A definite time test wherein the wheel is used for a specified number of hours ; the grinding cost being computed by adding the value of the abrasive used to the labor cost ; from which the grinding cost per piece or per hundred or thousand pieces is computed. 2. The individual piece test, wherein the grinding time and cost of abrasive is noted while working on one piece of comparatively large work. 3. The life of wheel test in which the amount of grinding is noted during the whole time the wheel is in service. All the above tests are practical, and can be relied upon to give accurate production costs on a variety of work; both of a rough and precision nature. Grinding-wheel tests should, of course, be conducted by responsible men and the data regarding the performance of each wheel should be kept accurately, otherwise the tests will be of no practical value. 114 CHAPTER SEVEN LABORATORY TESTS Apparatus and appliances used Limitations of laboratory tests Factors to be considered Laboratory testing machine Data for test Work used in testing. THE simple methods used in testing grinding wheels on actual work, as described in the previous chapter, can be used only in cases where there are comparatively long runs of routine work. In many instances, however, the work is of such a nature that it is an impossibility to secure enough like pieces on which to test the efficiency of a particular wheel. This is often true in gray iron, brass, steel and malleable iron foundries, to say nothing of the innumerable manufacturing plants where a diversity of cylindrical grinding is done. By means of simple appliances, as described in this chapter, however, it is possible to obtain absolute knowledge of the abrasive efficiency of any grinding wheel on practically any kind of material. The value of these laboratory tests should not be under-estimated as they give the efficiency engineer knowledge of the actual worth of different abra- sives and different makes of wheels without resorting to the production department for data. On cylindrical grinding especially, owing to the many factors to be considered while testing wheels on actual work, such as depth of cut, work speed, feed, etc., it is a difficult matter sometimes to determine which is the better wheel to use. Again, operators of cylindrical grinding machines are sometimes unduly prejudiced in favor of one particular make of wheel, often flatly refusing to be con- "S ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS vinced that other grinding-wheel manufacturers, also, make dependable wheels. Other factors also, the nature of which it is not necessary to state here, sometimes unduly influence grinding-machine operators, or even department heads to whom is sometimes left the selection of grinding wheels. It is seen that laboratory tests can be relied upon as a sure means to the desired end; that is, to ascertain beyond reasonable doubt the actual abrasive efficiency of all wheels offered for test purposes. A given number of cubic inches of abrasive material incorporated into a grinding wheel will, at a given surface speed, remove a definite amount of metal. This is the hypostasis upon which laboratory tests, to determine the abrasive efficiency of grinding wheels, are based. In Fig. 26 is illustrated a simple testing machine for determining the efficiency of grinding wheels used for such Fig. 26. Laboratory grinding-wheel testing machine for testing grinding wheels used in hand-grinding operations. purposes as grinding castings and forgings, general grinding in the machine shop, tool grinding, or, in fact, for any pur- pose where the work is held in contact with the wheel by hand. This machine consists of a substantial base (A) upon 116 LABORATORY TESTS which is mounted a swing frame (B) carrying the grinding wheel (C). The pulley (D) on the jack shaft (E) is driven from an overhead countershaft of the variable-speed type, while the pulley (F) on the wheel spindle (G) is driven by the pulley (H). The work to be tested is shown at (J), consisting of a bar one inch square held in the anvil (K) by means of a set screw. The grinding wheel is always 1 2 inches in diameter with a one-inch face. The machine should be very rigid to absorb vibration, for, with a lightly constructed machine, vibration is sure to be present, which would cause chatter- ing, thus preventing the end sought to determine the efficiency of the grinding wheel under normal conditions. The wheel spindle is 2 inches in diameter while its pulley is 6 inches in diameter with a 4-inch face. Both pulleys on the jack shaft are 12 inches in diameter. Power is transmitted by means of three-inch double-ply leather belt. The object of the ribs on the swing frame and the rib on the base is to make the construction as rigid as possible for the reason previously stated. The swing frame should be counter- weighted by means of a weight attached to a cord passing over over-head pulleys. This cord is fastened to the rod at the front end of the swing frame. The counter-weight should be just heavy enough to cause the grinding wheel to exert a pressure of 10 pounds on the work, this being the average pressure exerted in hand-grinding operations. The pressure is determined by fastening a spring balance suspended from the ceiling to the eye on the swing frame directly over the spindle. A little experimentation with a machine of this kind is sure to disclose startling results regarding the efficiency of different grinding wheels. Some wheels will be found to cut readily, holding their shape well, while others prove to be comparatively slow cutting. The wheels should all be run at the same speed, 1,592 R. P. M. being the correct speed for a 1 2-inch wheel, the above number of revolutions per minute giving a peripheral speed of 5,000 feet per 117 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS minute, which surface speed is considered correct for hand- grinding operations. If the speed is retained constant at 1,592 R. P. M. and the same pressure exerted in all tests (10 pounds) it follows that all wheels tried are given a fair and impartial test since they are tried under the same con- ditions. The test bar should, of course, be made of the same ma- terial on which the grinding wheel is used on actual pro- duction work. The wheel, after being carefully weighed, is placed in position on the spindle and carefully trued by means of the dresser shown in Fig. 27, which consists of a r-\rv So| : Rfff] t f -j{tj|jl -LH_HJ-L Fig. 27. Star-wheel dresser for use with testing machine. few star-wheel cutters mounted in a holder which fits the hole in the anvil. The test bar is now placed in position and the test conducted for one half -hour. At the expiration of this period, the number of cubic inches of material ground away are noted and the wheel taken off and weighed to determine the weight of abrasive material used. This should be done on a sensitive scale which accurately registers ounces. It is evident that the wheel which will grind away the greatest amount of material in a given time, with the least amount of loss to the wheel itself, is the most efficient wheel to use for the purpose in question. In ordering wheels for test purposes on a machine of this kind, it is 118 LABORATORY TESTS best to get at least two from each maker. The performance of each wheel should be carefully noted and in comparing wheels of different makes, the most efficient of each is considered. The records of all tests conducted should be kept in a book provided for the purpose and, after a few weeks of experimenting the manufacturer should have at his disposal authentic data relating to the performance of many wheels. The records should be kept on a form like the following: Make of wheel, Cost, Grit, Grade, Bond, Diameter, Face, Weight, Cost per lb., Material tested, Grinding pressure, Wheel speed, Length of test, Weight of wheel after test, Wheel loss, Cubic inches of material removed, Grinding cost per cubic inch. Remarks. It is readily seen that it is a more simple matter to de- termine the abrasive efficiency of a grinding wheel on a machine of the above kind than it is to conduct a long test in the shop. Again, the results derived from these tests can be relied upon as the testing can be done under the direct supervision of the efficiency engineer, who cannot always spare the time personally to superintend a long test on actual work in the production department. The machine shown in Fig. 28 is designed to test wheels as used for cylindrical grinding. It consists of a solid base (A) carrying a wheel spindle (B) on which is mounted a wheel 12 inches in diameter with a i-inch face and 5 -inch 119 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Fig. 28. Laboratory grinding-wheel testing machine for testing grinding wheels used in cylindrical grinding operations. LABORATORY TESTS hole. This wheel is a regular stock size as it fits several cylindrical grinding machines. The piece to be tested consists of a disc (C) 2 inches in diameter, i inch wide with a 3/4-inch hole. It is made of the material upon which it is desired to test the wheel and is fastened in place on the work spindle (D) by means of the nut (E) which holds the piece against a shoulder on the work spindle. The work spindle is mounted on the swing frame (F). The work is kept in contact with the wheel by means of the weight (G) on the lever (H). The weight is adjusted to make the wheel spark heavily as it does on regular pro- duction work when working at its maximum limit. The same amount of pressure should be used in testing all wheels otherwise a fair decision is not possible. A diamond mounted in the holder (J) which fits the slide (K) at the back of the machine is for the purpose of truing the wheel. The testing can be done either wet or dry. The machine shown is designed for dry testing, but with the addition of a hood to cover the wheel and a pipe to supply water at the point of grinding contact, tests in wet grinding can be conducted. The tests are carried on in the same manner as those just described with a view to determining which is the fastest cutting wheel with the least amount of wear. As previously stated, it is often a difficult matter to determine the actual efficiency of a wheel used for cylindrical grinding owing to the many factors to be considered. With a machine of this kind for conducting comparative tests, however, wherein the factors are simplified as much as possible, tangible results are possible in a very short time without the neces- sity of interrupting the regular work in the grinding de- partment. The manufacturer who wishes to reduce his grinding costs will do well to conduct a few simple tests as outlined in this and the previous chapter. The results of the tests should be carefully noted for future reference, and by testing different ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS makes of wheels and different grits and grades of the same make, economical results in the production department are sure to follow. It costs comparatively little to test grinding wheels when the work is undertaken in the right way and the actual saving in dollars and cents that results from reliable tests makes it worth while to conduct them. CHAPTER EIGHT GRINDING WHEEL VS. GRINDSTONES Advantages of natural and artificial abrasive used in wheels Early use of grindstones Special work where grindstones are still employed Action of grinding wheel. AS previously stated in another chapter, the grindstone ** is the oldest form of grinding wheel known, being at one time exclusively used for all grinding operations. When the grinding wheel made of emery was first put on the market, some forty years ago, it did not readily meet with favor in the manufacturing world owing to many dis- advantages. In the first- place it was often dangerous; being liable to burst from centrifugal strain without a mo- ment's notice and, again, the high speed at which it was run, together with the low abrasive efficiency of the grinding material used, caused it to draw the temper of edge tools unless great care was exercised in the grinding operation. The grinding-wheel industry of today being in its infancy, grinding-wheel manufacturers faced a serious problem in finding a market for their goods. While the old-fashioned emery wheel of previous days did not successfully compete with the grindstone, in the edge tool, saw, file and other industries it began to be used for many operations heretofore accomplished by the slow hand method of filing. As a matter of fact, it was common practice to file all kinds of castings as late as twenty-five years ago, but as experience proved that the emery wheel furnished a more rapid means, together with the fact that emery-wheel manufacturers began to seriously consider the factor of safety, the grinding wheel slowly advanced in 123 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS favor. In the year 1878, Mr. Hart of Detroit obtained a novel patent on a grinding wheel containing a wire web, the object of which was to prevent the fragments of the wheel from flying in case it burst. This was readily ac- cepted as a great improvement, which indeed it was, and the grinding-wheel business thereby received a remarkable impetus. With the general introduction of corundum in the early eighties, grinding wheels began to be used for other pur- poses aside from rough grinding owing to the fact that a cooler cutting wheel could be made by substituting corundum for emery. Thus corundum wheels found a limited market for certain tool-grinding operations hitherto done on the grindstone. With the adoption of cylindrical grinding machines for finishing hardened parts of machinery, the grinding-wheel business was established on a firm basis owing to the fact that the cylindrical grinder furnished a sole means for a desired end; that is, doing work that could not be done either with the file or grindstone. With the improvement of cylindrical and other precision-grinding machinery, the grinding-wheel industry has kept pace; abrasive wheels being used at the present day for thousands of manufacturing operations. Strange as it may seem, however, the modern grinding wheel has not wholly replaced the grindstone for certain operations owing chiefly to the cheapness of grindstones and to the manner in which they act on the work with which they are brought in contact. A grindstone is run at a comparatively slow peripheral speed, so slow that it will not throw water from its surface. In the grinding operation, particles of quartz are torn from the stone and these floating in the surface water present a planing action on the work, often with a shearing cut as the particles of quartz are dragged under the piece being .ground. Any mechanic realizes that a shearing cut is very effective and this peculiarity of "grindstone action," as it 124 GRINDING WHEEL VS. GRINDSTONES is termed, together with the fact that quartz in itself is a very efficient abrasive for some classes of work, accounts for the fact that the old grindstone is still in favor in cer- tain phases of work. At the present day, grindstones are used for a number of surfacing operations such as grinding the sides of saws, grinding file blanks, surfacing plows, axe grinding, etc. Large numbers of grindstones called pulp stones are used in preparing wood pulp for paper manufacturers. In this particular field, the grinding wheel cannot, or, at least, has not been able to compete successfully owing to the low initial cost of grindstones and to the fact that grinding wheels do not prepare the material in % the desired manner to suit American paper manufacturers. In the Scandinavian coun- tries, however, a special form of manufactured grinding wheel is used for pulp grinding, but these same wheels do not find favor in this country. In the manufacture of files, the grindstone is still used in large quantities owing to the fact that it leaves just the proper kind of surface for the tools that cut the file teeth. Numerous experiments have been tried to develop a grinding wheel to do this class of work successfully, but to the best of the writer's knowledge no success has been attained. That the grindstone still shows efficiency on certain classes of work cannot be doubted and as an illustration of this we can consider the subject of axe grinding. As they come to the grinding room, axes, like other products of the forge, are in a rough state and the operation of grinding them smooth before they are tempered is termed by the axe manufacturer "press grinding" or "pressing." A press in this case is nothing more or less than a stout iron bar to hold the axe firmly against the stone, pressure being ap- plied by means of a foot-operated treadle. The stones used for this work are six feet in diameter and twelve inches thick, costing at a fair market price, $25.00 each. One of these stones lasts approximately three 125 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS weeks, during which time it grinds 3,500 axes. Considering ten hours as a day's work, it is seen that the operation of rough grinding one axe consumes three minutes. Now there are a good many square inches on the surface of an axe and any abrasive whatsoever that will do this work in the short time of three minutes is efficient to say the least. The cost of abrasive material used per axe is less than one cent, being approximately 7/10 of a cent. If we invest our $25.00 in a grinding wheel we can, at a fair market price, purchase a wheel 30 inches in diameter with a 2-1/2 -inch face, one 24 inches in diameter with a 3-1 /2-inch face, or one 20 inches in diameter with a 5-1/4- inch face. A grindstone 6 feet in diameter with a 12 -inch face, contains 48,858 cubic inches, whereas a typical grinding wheel that can be purchased for the same price, a 30 x 2-1/2 for an illustration, contains but 1,767 cubic inches. Thus it is seen that a decided factor is in favor of the grindstone ; that is, its low cost per cubic inch. It naturally follows that a grinding wheel to compete with a grindstone on the work in question must be highly efficient owing to the fact that its cost per cubic inch is much greater. Again we must not lose sight of the fact that it takes a very fast- cutting grinding wheel to surface an axe in three minutes. However, notwithstanding that grindstones are cheap and efficient, the grinding wheel is gradually creeping into the axe industry, owing to the fact that its adoption offers advantages that cannot be had while using grindstones. A prominent axe manufacturer with whom the writer has had some recent correspondence regarding the grinding wheel in the axe factory, has the following to say in favor of the grinding wheel. "Our general opinion is that grinding- wheel grinding is as economical in labor cost and abrasive cost as wet-stone grinding, but the collateral advantages of the grinding- wheel grinding throw the advantages strongly in favor of this method. Grinding-wheel grinding takes up much less space, requires less power and permits better working con- 126 GRINDING WHEEL VS. GRINDSTONES ditions because the grinding wheels can be used with ex- haust hoods to carry off the dust, and even if they are used wet the water can be confined; whereas with wet grinding with large grindstones, the men are constantly wet and the department cannot be kept either clean or sanitary." Abrasive engineers and grinding- wheel .salesmen are prone to discuss the possibilities of the grinding wheel wholly replacing the grindstone in various manufacturing pursuits. As a matter of fact, the above theme has been discussed more or less ever since the grinding wheel first made its appearance nearly fifty years ago. Notwithstanding that the grindstone is entirely different in grinding action from the grinding wheel, the latter is slowly gaining in favor owing to the rapid strides made in abrasive engineering, and in considering future possibilities in fields now oc- cupied by the grindstone, we are confronted with two vital factors. First, the grindstone is a natural product; thus it cannot be altered it must be accepted just as nature formed it, millions of years ago when the earth was young. Different degrees of hardness and variations of the size of the quartz grain of which the stone is composed can be had, to be sure, but neither the abrasive itself, nor the natural bonding ma- terial that holds the innumerable grains of which the grindstone is composed can be changed by the arts of man. Second, the grinding wheel can be made to differ in quite a number of ways to suit varied grinding conditions. It Can be composed of various kinds of abrasives bonded together by many different means. Again, it can be coarse or fine, hard or soft, compact or open, brittle or tough. In fact the abrasive engineer of the present time first studies the work to be performed and then makes a wheel to suit the requirements, and in cases, where the experimental wheel fails to come up to his expectations, he profits by the failure and tries again. By this method, and this method only, the grinding 127 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS wheel has been adapted to purposes undreamed of a few years ago, comparatively speaking, thus it is reasonable to assume that the knowledge of future years will produce a grinding wheel that will eventually replace the grindstone just as artificial abrasives have practically replaced the emery wheel of yesterday. CHAPTER NINE THE ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE OF USING LARGE WHEELS Factors to be considered in choosing a wheel Comparative price of wheels of various sizes Advantage of large wheels in certain work Why large wheels are more efficient. 'T'HOSE who purchase grinding wheels have probably * noticed that the grinding- wheel salesman seems anxious to sell large wheels^ that is 16 x 2 inches or over. This is not always because the salesman wishes to write up a "nice order," as it were. Contrary to this, he generally has his customer's interests in mind and realizes that there is true economy in using comparatively large wheels, as the following figures show. The wheel sizes and list prices are taken from the standard grinding-wheel list and a perusal of the same shows that the cost of grinding wheels, per cubic inch, in most instances, decreases as the size increases. There are some exceptions to this rule, however, for, as the data shows, a 24 x 4-inch wheel costs more per cubic inch than a 20 x 3 -inch wheel. It is well for the purchasing agent who wishes to buy as economically as possible to figure carefully the cost per cubic inch of the various-sized wheels that he buys to ascertain whether or not he is buy- ing to advantage. The greatest difference in cost per cubic inch is found in wheels below 20 inches in diameter. With wheels larger than this the cost difference per cubic inch is not so great, and in some instances there is no decrease in cost per cubic inch with an increase of size. As an illustration, a 30 x 4- inch wheel costs just as much per cubic inch as a 20 x 3 -inch 129 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS wheel, while the cost per cubic inch of a 60 x 8 -inch wheel is only slightly less than that of a 30 x 4-inch wheel. Size 10 x 1-1/2 List price $10.20 Area in cubic inches 117.81 Cost per cubic inch $00.0871 Cost per hundred cubic inches $8.71 Size 12x2 List price $16.70 Area in cubic inches 226.20 Cost per cubic inch $00.0738 Cost per hundred cubic inches $7.38 Size 16 x 2-1/2 List price $3 2.40 Area in cubic inches 502.65 Cost per cubic inch $00.0645 Cost per hundred cubic inches $6.45 Size 20 x 3 List price $58.00 Area in cubic inches 942.48 Cost per cubic inch $00.0615 Cost per hundred cubic inches $6.15 Size 24 x 4 List price $i 13.00 Area in cubic inches 1,809.56 Cost per cubic inch $00.0624 Cost per hundred cubic inches $6.24 Size 30 x 4 List price $174.00 Area in cubic inches 2,827.44 Cost per cubic inch $00.0615 Cost per hundred cubic inches $6.15 Size : '. 60 x 8 List price $1,358 Area in cubic inches. . 22,619.20 Cost per cubic inch $00.060 Cost per hundred cubic inches $6.00 The advantage of using comparatively large wheels is shown in the following comparison : Let it be assumed that a concern uses two hundred 12 x 2-inch grinding wheels 130 ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE OF USING LARGE WHEELS annually. At a fair market price these wheels would cost $835.00. The two hundred wheels contain 45,240 cubic inches, and in using them until they are four inches in diameter, 40,214 cubic inches of material are actually used while 5,026 cubic inches are discarded in the stubs, which represent an actual cost of $92.47. If 24 x 4-inch wheels were used in place of the 12 x 2 -inch wheels, twenty-five will contain 45,239 cubic inches which is practically the cubical contents in inches of the two hundred 12 x 2 -inch wheels. Twenty-five 24 x 4-inch wheels, bought at the same discount that applied to the 12 x 2 -inch wheels, would cost $706.25. In using the wheels to a diameter of 8 inches, practically the same amount of abra- sive material is used as heretofore, that is 40,213 cubic inches, and in comparing the two prices it is seen that there is an actual saving of $128.75. The twenty-five 8 x 4-inch stubs contain 5,026 cubie inches and represent an invest- ment of $70.40 against $92.47, the cost of the stubs of the 12 x 2-inch wheels. Thus another saving, amounting to $14.07 is effected. Another point that should not be overlooked In consider- ing large wheels is that a pair of comparatively large wheels mounted on a heavy grinding stand are more free from vibration than small wheels mounted on light stands. If we take an ordinary machinist's hammer and beat a piece of steel with it for a few seconds, the face of the anvil, for instance, both the hammer and the anvil become slightly heated, owing to the fact that the energy of the blows has been transformed into heat. Consider for a moment the wasted energy expended by a vibrating grinding wheel traveling at a peripheral speed of 5,000 feet per minute. Here the same principle above explained holds true even if the grinding wheel vibrated but very little. A grinding wheel should generate as little heat as possible; the wheel that vibrates while in use is very inefficient because some of the energy that should be expended in removing metal is used in generating useless heat. ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS As the surface of a grinding wheel presents thousands of cutting points to the work, it is evident that the surface having the most points to present to a given piece of work will last the longest without becoming dulled, or glazed. In considering a 14 x 2-inch wheel in 20 grit, we have a cutting surface of 87.9648 square inches and allowing 400 cutting points to the square inch the sum of these equals 35,185. On the other hand, a 2 4 x 3 -inch wheel has a cutting surface of 226.1952 square inches containing 90,478 cutting points. It is plainly seen that the latter is bound to remain in cutting condition longer than the former. Why is it then, that many manufacturers persist in using comparatively small grinding wheels mounted on light stands? In the first place, small grinding-wheel stands are cheap to install and the wheels for the same are not an expensive item when bought a few at a time. There is, of course, a place for the small grinding wheel, but for the average jrun of general work, snagging castings and forgings, tool grinding, etc., it is false economy to use wheels smaller than 20 inches in diameter. An ideal size to use for any of the above purposes is 30x4 inches, but outside of the plow industry, this size is little used. The cheapest course in the long run is to consign the small grinding-wheel stands to the scrap heap and install larger ones; and in the meanwhile the consumer of grinding wheels should be educated to the fact that small wheels are expensive at any price. CHAPTER TEN TRUING DEVICES FOR GRINDING WHEELS (Reprinted from The Iron Age.) Abrasive action Tools used in truing wheels Use of bort and carbonado diamonds in tools Getting stones in tool Procedure in truing wheels. RINDING wheels are in reality cutting tools re- volving at high speed whereby countless sharp points remove minute chips by what we call, for want of a better term, the action of abrasion. In the strictest sense of the word, this is not correct because the word abrasion means to wear or rub, whereas a modern grinding wheel actually removes material, be it hard or soft, by a cutting instead of a wearing action. To obtain the best results, the in- numerable cutting points on the surface of the wheel should be kept sharp and the periphery concentric with the spindle ; otherwise the efficiency of the wheel is materially lowered. In this chapter, a few simple methods for truing grinding wheels will be briefly considered. The tools used for this purpose are of two kinds, diamonds and ordinary emery-wheel dressers. There are two varieties of diamonds used, that is to say bort stones, many of which are nearly white in color, and a black variety called carbonado or black diamond. Bort stones are compara- tively inexpensive when compared with black diamonds, but they are not so hard and consequently are shorter lived. It is, therefore, more economical to use black diamonds. Both varieties are sold by the carat and can be bought loose or already mounted in steel or copper holders. The majority of manufacturers prefer to buy loose stones, as by this method flaws are more readily detected, and since the stones ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS are never guaranteed it is important to see that only good specimens are selected. The operation of setting the stones is comparatively simple and can be intrusted to any tool maker who has the reputation of being a careful workman. In setting a stone, all workmen do not proceed along the same lines, but the following method, which is used by many tool makers, is simple and satisfactory. First, select a drill of the same size as the stone. This is readily accomplished by passing the stone through the holes in an ordinary drill gauge. As stated before, both steel and copper holders are used, but in actual practice the latter makes the better holder for two reasons. First, it is very malleable and thus is easily worked, and also copper is an excellent conductor of heat and readily absorbs superfluous heat, thereby tending to m Fig. 29. First step in mounting the diamond. Fig. 30. The metal in position over the stone. Fig. 31. The finished setting with the superfluous metal removed. Fig. 32. Special type of diamond holder. prevent overheating the stone, which sometimes causes it to fracture. The rod should be about six inches long and of the correct diameter to fit the holder of the machine where it is to be used. A hole is drilled in the end of the rod deep enough to bury the stone, as shown in Fig. 29. The next step is to force over the metal over the edges of the stone firmly in place. This s done with a light hammer and a small staking chisel, The result is shown in Fig. 30. i34 TRUING DEVICES FOR GRINDING WHEELS Care should be exercised as a diamond is quite brittle and easily broken by a chance blow. The completed setting is shown in Fig. 31, the superfluous metal having been turned away. Some tool makers prefer to braze the stone in position, and while this method no doubt holds the stone firmly in place, the heat necessary to melt the spelter is liable to crack the stone. However, as the method of braz- ing stones in place is often used by reliable manufacturers there certainly is some authority for employing it. The process consists of filling the hole about half full of spelter and flux, and when this has reached a molten state, the stone is pressed in place, which causes the spelter to rise in the hole, thus forming a matrix that grips the stone firmly. " It may be well to add that the work should under no circumstances be cooled in water, as the sudden contrac- tion of the diamond will in many cases cause it to fracture. Even the hardest stones will wear flat in time. It is' necessary to reset them occasionally, which brings a new cutting edge in position. This is done by turning the stone upside down or canting it sideways. The holder shown in Fig. 32 accomplishes this in a very simple manner. It consists of an auxiliary plug in which the stone is mounted, fitting a hole, the axis of which is at a slight angle with that of the main holder. The plug is held in place by means of a set screw. When the stone becomes flattened, the plug is turned slightly, which brings a new cutting edge in posi- tion. This device is covered by patent and it is not public property. Care should be exercised while using a diamond as an undue strain caused by gouging it into the wheel often re- sults in tearing the stone from its setting, in which event it is generally lost. In truing wheels on cylindrical grinding machines, water should always be used to keep down fric- tional heat and several light cuts are to be preferred to a few heavy ones. It is hardly necessary to state that the tool should never be guided by hand as it is impossible to do a satisfactory job in this manner. Nearly all grinding 135 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS machines are equipped with suitable holders to accommodate truing devices and they should always be used. The device illustrated in Fig. 33 is excellent for truing wheels used on surface-grinding machines. It is very Fig- 33- Simple device for truing wheels on surface grinders. simple, consisting of a diamond set in a holder 1-1/2 inches long, which is fastened in a block of cast iron by means of a set screw. It can be used on. a magnetic chuck or clamped Fig. 34. Device for truing wheels on cutter grinding machines. in a vise. For truing wheels on various types of cutter- grinding machines, an angle iron, as shown in Fig. ^54, . 136 TRUING DEVICES FOR GRINDING WHEELS gives good results. The diamond holder is fastened by means of a set screw and the angle iron is clamped to the platen of the machine by a strap, bolt, or other convenient means. We are sometimes inclined to look askance at ordinary emery-wheel dressers in connection with wheels for precision Fig- 35- Grinding- wheel dressers mounted in a special holder for truing wheels used on cylindrical grinding machines. grinding, but under certain limited conditions they are productive of excellent results. In ordinary cylindrical grinding, it is customary to rough out several hundred pieces before taking any finishing cuts, and as we are re- Fig. 36. Truing device for use on large vertical spindle grinding machines. moving stock only, paying absolutely no attention to finish, .all that we desire is a fast-cutting wheel. In cases of this kind, a few emery-wheel dresser cutters mounted in a holder, as shown in Fig. 35; will prove a revelation to the ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS man who has never used them. They keep the wheel rough and free cutting, which is just the condition required. For truing the wheels used on large vertical spindle surface-grinding machines, a holder, as shown in Fig. 36, will be found a valuable accessory. It should be provided with slots for clamping it in place. On the magnetic chuck, however, the force of the magnetism is sufficient to keep the holder in place. It must be borne in mind that emery-wheel dressers are practicable for roughing wheels only, but when we stop to consider that even a comparatively small diamond costs several dollars, whereas a set of emery-wheel dressers can be purchased for a few cents, their merits are well worth consideration. CHAPTER ELEVEN RE-BUSHING GRINDING WHEELS (Reprinted from Canadian Machinery.) Methods used in bushing wheels Tools employed Metals used. MANY large manufacturing concerns use a number of grinding wheels in various departments for rough grinding of castings and general purpose work. As the stands upon which these wheels are used are generally of different makes and sizes, it is not uncommon for the diameters of the wheel ends of the spindles to vary from 1/16 to 1/4 inch or 'more. Thus, while 1 6 -inch wheels might be used in several departments, it is necessary to carry a super- fluous stock to accommodate the various sized spindles. To overcome this difficulty, many manufacturers make a practice of re-bushing their grinding wheels as occasion requires, thereby eliminating the necessity of carrying in stock individual grinding wheels for each department where the sizes of the wheel spindles vary. The wheels are or- dered with the proper size arbor hole to fit the largest spindle, and with facilities easily procured they can be readily re- bushed to fit the other sized spindles at slight expense. The following method for performing the work in question necessitates but a slight outlay for equipment and the results will be found to be satisfactory. The necessary tools are a cast-iron disc or plate as shown in Fig. 3 7 and several plugs of the same diameter as the various arbors on which the wheels are mounted. The plate should be as large in diam- eter as the largest wheel used, and, for the sake of illustra- tion, the plate shown is 20 inches in diameter. It has three ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS feet cast on it, which allows level setting on an uneven surface, should occasion require. The rough casting is mounted in a large lathe chuck and the face turned off, after which a 3/4-inch hole is bored and reamed in the center. The next step is to turn several grooves 1/4 inch apart. These can be cut with an ordinary Fig. 37. Appliance for re-bushing grinding wheels. threading tool, and are used to set the grinding wheel central while re-bushing its hole. Two heavy lines are next scribed on the disc 90 apart, and near these lines the circles are stamped i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. Several plugs are now made with one end to fit the hole in the disc, while the diameters of the large ends should be o.oo2-inch larger than the arbors on the grinding-wheel stands. This slight clearance is sufficient to allow the wheels to slip on freely. The large portion of the plugs should be one inch longer than the thickness of the grinding wheels. Thus, if wheels 140 RE-BUSHING GRINDING WHEELS with a 2 -inch face are used, the plugs should be 3 inches, as shown in the cut. In re-bushing a grinding wheel, the first operation is to cut out the original lead bushing with a compass saw. By making two cuts diametrically opposite one another, the bushing is easily removed by means of a few light taps with a hammer. The wheel is now laid on the disc and carefully arranged in the center by means of the nearest circle to its periphery. A plug of the correct size is next inserted and the new bushing cast in place. Lead is the best material for this purpose, although any scrap stock of low melting point such as solder, die-casting metal, etc., will answer the purpose equally well. The operation of re-bushing wheels is so simple that any boy or handy man can do the work in a satisfactory manner, while the cost of the necessary outfit should not exceed twenty dollars. CHAPTER TWELVE SUGGESTIONS TO FOLLOW IN ORDERING GRINDING WHEELS Information to be given with grinding-wheel order Factor governing selec- tion of wheels How to determine what kind of a wheel should be used Ordering special wheels. '"T'HE majority of grinding-wheel manufacturers include * in their catalogues a list of various grinding operations, together with the grits and grades generally recommended for the different work. The object of these lists is to guide the purchasing agent in the selection of grinding wheels for various purposes. An order for grinding wheels should, of course, give the diameter, thickness, size of arbor hole and quantity desired and, in case of a repeat order, the grit and grade. Other- wise it is a good plan to refer to the tables previously men- tioned or give with the order full and complete information describing how, and for what purpose, the wheel is to be used. This information is of great value to the grinding- wheel manufacturer in filling the order intelligently, and also it is the means of saving much valuable time as un- necessary correspondence for the purpose of gaining full information is thereby eliminated. There are indeed many factors governing the proper selec- tion of grinding wheels as the following data, furnished the writer by the Abrasive Company of Philadelphia, plainly illustrate. It is with pleasure that the writer incorporates this material in his work as it states fully just how the grind 1 ing-wheel manufacturer views an order for grinding wheels that he may fill the same correctly, thereby being assured of future business. 142 SUGGESTIONS IN ORDERING GRINDING WHEELS "In order to obtain the best results, it is necessary to furnish full information to the wheel manufacturer. "It is true that the size is generally given, but it is also necessary to know the kind of material to be ground, how the work is applied to the wheel and whether the same is edge or surface contact. In describing the class of materials to be ground, it is necessary to cover the point fully, or best results will not be obtained, no matter whose make of wheel is used. " It is necessary to know the type of machine on which the wheels are to be used, whether the same is of the bench, floor, swing frame, flexible shaft or cylindrical type. " When possible, give the make of the machine. It is im- portant to know the construction, whether light, or heavy and rigid, for the following reasons: A heavy machine will absorb vibration and for this reason a softer grade of wheel may be used, thereby increasing production, whereas a harder grade wheel would be required for the same work on a light machine, due solely to the construc- tion of the machine. If the machine is light and vibrates, production is sacrificed on account of the necessity of fur- nishing a harder grade wheel. " Strong rigid machines, set on firm foundations, allow the grade of wheel to be used that will produce the best results. "To determine the proper grit and grade, it is necessary to know the kind of material to be ground. With this in- formation, the correct abrasive can be selected. If steel, is it hard or soft? If malleable iron, is it hard or annealed? If iron, is it cast, wrought or chilled? In the grinding opera- tion, it is necessary to know whether there is line or surface contact. To describe fully what we mean, the following illustration will suffice: If the operation was grinding balls, there would be line contact, and, in such a case, it would be necessary to furnish a hard grade wheel. If the operation was internal grinding, there would be a large surface contact, thereby requiring a softer grade wheel, and in most cases a coarser grit. ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS "Whether the work is to be ground wet or dry largely determines the grade of wheel to be furnished. In many cases, a harder grade of wheel can be used if the grinding is done wet, as this practice prevents the work from over- heating. "Wheels are, under ordinary conditions, recommended to run 5,000 to 5,500 surface feet per minute, although in many kinds of grinding, they should be run much slower. If a wheel is too hard for the operation, good results can often be obtained by reducing the speed, and if too soft, this condition may be rectified by increasing the speed. It is seen, therefore, that wheels at slow speeds tend to act softer, whereas wheels at high speeds appear to act harder. In stating the speed, the number of revolutions per minute should be given. Wheels used on cylindrical grinders are operated at about 5,500 peripheral feet per minute, while for automatic knife grinding, they are run as slow as 2,500 feet per minute surface speed. It is seen, therefore, that speed plays an important part in a successful grinding operation. " If the operation for which wheels are to be ordered is cylindrical grinding, the diameter of the pieces to be ground should be given, also the R. P. M. of the work. This en- ables the grinding-wheel manufacturer to determine the work speed. It is also necessary to know the quality of finish de- sired, as this is largely determined by the grit of the wheel. "If the operation is surface grinding, the speed in linear feet should be given. It is important also to know the table traverse, or cross feed, which is the speed with which the wheel is fed across the work. " If the wheel is other than regular, a blue print or sketch should accompany the order. Oftentimes the work to be done is of a special nature, thus a sketch of the work will also materially aid in the proper selection of the wheel. The user who is careful to give required information is generally the one who is getting the best results from his grinding wheels." 144 CHAPTER THIRTEEN DESIGN OF DUST-COLLECTING SYSTEMS (Reprinted from American Machinist.) State law requirements Design of wheel hood General design Size of exhaust pipe for different size wheels Elbows Collars Method of erection Clean-out Fan Dust-collector Exhaust systems. TN the majority of states where manufacturing is carried 1 on to any extent, laws have been passed compelling the manufacturer to equip grinding and polishing departments with a suitable system for carrying away the dust. The different state laws vary greatly as to what constitutes an effective dust -collecting system; some being very rigid, while others are quite liberal. This legislation is good for several reasons. In the first place, it protects the workman's health. The removal of dust from any manufacturing plant affords better fire pro- tection. It saves quite an amount of material in cases where brass, copper, nickel or other comparatively valu- able metals are ground or polished. It is a fact that in many cases where dust-collecting systems have been in- stalled, enough metal has been saved in the course of a few years to offset the cost of the installation. The first point to consider in any dust-collecting system is the design of the hood that covers the wheel. Fig. 38 illustrates an effective hood,, made by the B. F. Sturtevant Co., Hyde Park, Mass. The lower part of the hood forms a receptacle for containing the heavier part of the material removed from the work, and is ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS provided with a swing clean-out gate. It is important to collect as much metal and abrasive as possible in the hood, as this saves wear on the piping, fan and collector. By referring to Fig. 39, it is seen that the hood in ques- Fig. 38. Wheel hood designed for catching dust. tion is hinged on one side to facilitate the removal of the wheel as occasion requires. The size of the branch pipes connected to the hoods is determined by the size of the wheels used. The following table gives the general rules recommended by the Sturte- vant Company. These are general and open to modification in cases of special or wide-faced wheels. 146 DESIGN OF DUST-COLLECTING SYSTEMS Pipe Sizes Wheel Sizes 2 inch 4 inch. 3 inch 4 to 6 3>2 inch 8 to 10 4 inch , 1 2 to 16 4K inch 18 5 inch 20 6 inch 22 to 26 The elbcws used in connecting the branch pipes with the main pipe collars are generally made in four sections for 45 elbows as shown in Fig. 40 A. This design allows a Fig- 39- Wheel hood in opened position. comparatively smooth interior, thus reducing friction to a minimum. As a further means of reducing friction, the radii of all elbows should at least equal the diameter of the pipe, and should exceed this when it is practical to have them do so. The collars that connect the branch pipes with the main U7 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS pipe should intersect at an angle of 45, or less, when measured from the center line of the main pipe. A greater angle than this creates unnecessary friction, which impairs Fig. 40. Piping details for dust-collecting system: "A," elbow joint; "B," cap cleanout; "C," main pipe joint; "D," main pipe cleanout. the effectiveness of the system, and throws an unnecessary load on the fan. The main pipes should be placed on the floor or between the ceiling and floor when possible. By referring to Fig. 41, which is a plan and end elevation of an exhaust system in- stalled in a manufacturing plant, it is seen that the area of the main pipe increases for every two branch pipes added. This is essential in maintaining a uniform draft. Without doubt, the ideal main pipe would be one having a constant taper from end to end. Such a pipe, however, would not be practical to construct, and, furthermore, would be unnecessarily expensive. The general rule, which by the way, is sometimes open to change, is to have the main pipe sections 25 per cent, larger than the sum of the openings that lead to it. Thus, in Fig. 41, the section marked A should be 25 per cent, larger than the combined areas of the two. branch pipes opening into it. Section B should be 25 per cent, larger than the combined areas of its 148 DESIGN OF DUST-COLLECTING SYSTEMS branch pipes, plus the area of section A, and so on. From this, it is seen that there is always a 25 per cent, increase to insure cutting down the air resistance to a minimum. The joints of the main pipe should be formed as shown in Fig. 40 C the straight line always being at the lowest Fig. 41 . Plan and end elevation of a dust-collecting system. point. This is important, as it helps to keep the pipe free from obstructions. A cleanout should be placed in every section of the main pipe, also at every elbow. This should be as air-tight as possible. Fig. 40 D illustrates the type of cleanout used for this purpose. It consists simply of a slide conform- 149 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS ing to the curve of the pipe. The length of the slide should be twice its width to avoid cramping. A cap cleanout, as shown in Fig. 40 B should always be located at the end of the main pipe. This type of cleanout is sometimes seen in main pipes. This, however, is poor practice as it has a tendency to interrupt the free passage and force of the draft, thus forming a pocket where ob- structions collect. In exhaust systems, for removing dust from grinding and polishing wheels, it is the generally accepted practice to place the fan between the work and the dust collector. In some cases, however, the collector is located between the work and the fan. Sometimes two collectors are used, one on the intake and one on the exhaust side. Where it is practicable to do so, the fan should be placed reasonably near the work, to avoid a long intake pipe. It should also be near the ceiling to avoid taking up valuable floor space. The size and speed of the fan determine the velocity of the draft, which should be sufficient to raise a column of water i>^ to 2 inches in a U-shaped tube at the point of weakest suction, which is farthest away from the fan. The amount of suction stipulated in some of the recently passed state laws is in excess of these figures, although the suction above stated is sufficient for the exhaust system in question. Exhaust systems, as applied to grinding and polishing wheels, are designed to carry away the dust, and to deposit it at a. convenient point. The collector is usually placed out of doors, but it should be within a reasonable distance of the fan to avoid a long exhaust pipe. CHAPTER FOURTEEN SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS (Reprinted from The Iron Age.) Why wheels break Cause of accidents How wheels are packed and tested before leaving factory Wheel speeds Mounting wheels properly What causes wheels to burst Safety flanges Work rest Wheel guards Grinding on small wheels Precautions for the workman. WHEN we stop to consider that grinding wheels are used under all sorts of conditions, both good and bad, it is evident that serious accidents are bound to happen if precautions for proper safeguarding are not taken. From the writer's practical experience with grinding wheels, covering a period of many years, and from observation of the conditions under which grinding wheels are used in practically every -branch of manufacturing, it is his opinion that fully 95 per cent, of the accidents due to the breakage of grinding wheels are wholly uncalled for and could be avoided by a little precaution on the part of both employer and employee. The following is a list of the principal causes of grinding- wheel failures which will be explained, each cause being taken up separately for the sake of convenience. Imperfect wheels. Abnormal wheel speeds. ' Faulty mounting of wheels. Lack of attention to work rests. Loose-wheel spindles. The reliable manufacturer of grinding wheels, whose products are to be found in every city and town in the country, spares no expense to make sure that only perfect wheels are placed on the market. This has been explained ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS under the head of grinding-wheel manufacture, and no further comment is necessary. Extreme care is also exercised in packing wheels for ship- ment that accidents in transit may be avoided. The larger wheels are packed in individual boxes with sawdust. The smaller wheels, or rather comparatively thin wheels, receive the added protection of corrugated strawboard. Before a wheel is mounted for use, it should be lightly tapped with a small hammer. If it emits a bell-like sound, it is safe. If it gives out a dull sound, it should be condemned as un- safe. Accidents through defective wheels are, happily, very rare. Reliable makers of grinding wheels always mark on the tags of regular wheels the proper operating speed, and the consumer, or in the case of a large concern, the millwright and the mechanical engineer, should pay a little attention to this important detail. The proper operating speed for a common wheel in vitrified or silicate bond is 5,000 feet per minute. This is a safe speed and it is productive of economical results. The thin, special wheels made by the vulcanite and shellac processes, can be run much faster with perfect safety, owing to the strong nature of the bond. As a matter of fact, a vulcanite wheel has to be run at a high peripheral speed to show efficiency. There are several reasons why grinding wheels are over- speeded. Indifference on the part of the millwright who installed the grinding stand is sometimes the cause. Not having just the proper- sized pulley for the line shaft, he is likely to substitute a different size, often larger than is called for, which of course overspeeds the wheel. Many grinding-wheel stands are equipped with a two- or three- step cone, the object being to speed up the wheel as it wears down. Neglecting to shift the belt to its lowest speed after installing a new wheel, results in overspeeding. While grinding-wheel stands of the above type are no doubt very convenient as regards speed adjustments, they are, at the same time, a source of constant danger, as an in- SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS different or, in some cases, a green workman is liable to shift the belt to suit himself, ignoring limits of safety. A safe and, at the same time, an economical way to use ordinary wheels, and one that is giving entire satisfaction in some of our largest manufacturing concerns, is to always buy wheels of a given size. When new, these wheels are mounted on a stand, the spindle of which runs at the proper speed for the diameter of the wheel. As soon as the wheels are worn down, say 2 inches, they are placed on another stand running at a higher speed and so on until the wheel is worn down to a stub. The above, of course, applies only to wheels having a constant grade from periphery to hub. Wheels having an increasing grade from the outside to the hole, as explained elsewhere, do not require speeding up as they wear away. In mounting a grinding wheel, the lead bushing should slip readily over the spindle. If the bushing is a little small, as it sometimes is, the defect can be readily remedied by means of a bearing scraper or an old file. The operator who neglects this simple precaution and mounts a wheel by forcing it on the spindle, is taking a chance of meeting with a serious accident, as tight wheel bushings are the source of the majority of accidents. The reason for this is quite apparent, as lead, the material with which grinding wheels are bushed, expands readily from heat. When the wheel spindle runs warm, as it in- variably does after being in use a few hours, the spindle expands a little from the heat. The lead bushing readily absorbs a part of the heat which expands it several thou- sandths of an inch, owing to the fact that lead has a high co-efficient of expansion. The expansion of the lead throws an undue stress on the wheel, which, added to the stress to which the wheel is subjected from centrifugal force, is sufficient to cause it to burst. Wheel flanges should be at least one-third of the diameter of the wheel, and should always be recessed as shown in Fig. 42. Plain flanges, as shown in Fig. 43, are dangerous, ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS as they do not always grip the wheel properly, a slight crowning of either wheel or flange being sufficient to cause them to grip the wheel near the arbor only. Fig. 44 illus- trates another source of trouble caused by wheel flanges Fig. 42. Proper design of wheel flanges. Fig. 43. Incorrect in design as recesses are absent. Fig. 44. Fruitful cause of accidents two flanges of different sizes on one wheel. Figs. 45 and 46. Two types of safety flanges. belonging to different grinding stands becoming mixed. The outer flange being smaller in diameter than the inner one, brings an undue side strain on the wheel. Two types of safety flanges are shown in Figs. 45 and 46. While flanges of this type will prevent a split fragment of a wheel from flying, their use is not at all common. As a matter of fact, the average manufacturer considers them a nuisance. Generally speaking, safety flanges are not neces- sary with wheels made by a reliable maker, properly mounted and run at the speed recommended. When the nature of the grinding will permit, it is a good plan to use wheels without a work rest. On compara- tively heavy work, however, a rest is, of course, necessary as the workman has to utilize his strength in holding the work to the wheel. Rests are also necessary on tool- SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS grinding wheels, and other wheels used for general purposes. It is with the last two classes of wheels that accidents occur by getting the work caught between the wheel and the rest. This generally results in a broken wheel and consequent Fig. 47. Sharpening a counterbore on an unguarded wheel. injuries to any one who happens to be in the path of the flying fragments. The only way to avoid accidents is to keep the wheel true and the rest adjusted closely within 1/32 inch of the face of the wheel. In justice to the manu- facturer, it should be stated that accidents of this kind are in nearly every case caused by carelessness on the part ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS of the operator. His common sense and mechanical instinct should tell him that he is taking desperate chances in allowing a wide gap between the wheel and the work rest. Loose wheel spindles often cause wheels to break as they allow the wheel to run out of balance and also make it Fig. 48. Sharpening the peripheral teeth of a milling cutter on an unguarded wheel. impossible to keep the rest adjusted close to the wheel. Babbitt metal, even of the highest quality, is cheap as com- pared to the consequences of injuries, and this is one reason why the spindles of grinding-wheel stands should be re- babbitted as soon as they show noticeable signs of wear. Many states have passed laws requiring manufacturers to equip the grinding wheels used in their plants with guards, the object being to keep the pieces of the wheel from flying 156 SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS in case of accident ; not to keep sparks out of the operator's eyes as one might judge from the flimsy guards sometimes seen over grinding wheels! While wheel guards are not necessary where reliable wheels, properly mounted, are in Fig. 49. Sharpening the side teeth of a milling cutter on an unguarded wheel. operation, their use is to be strongly recommended as they are the direct cause of preventing many fatalities from ac- cidents caused by carelessness on the part of the operator. It is, however, not practicable to use guards over the smaller wheels used for cutter sharpening, and other work of like nature. Figs. 47, 48 and 49 illustrate cutter-sharpening ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS operations, and to place guards over these wheels would be an impossibility, as the size of the wheels and their rela- tive position to the work are different with every operation. Accidents with wheels of this kind are so rare as to cause no comment. There are two reasons for this: First these Fig. 50. Correctly guarded surface grinding wheel. small wheels are comparatively strong for their size, seldom breaking unless injured by being dropped; and again there is no reason for standing directly in their path. The photographs referred to were taken by the writer for advertising purposes. In each case the operator was 158 SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS asked to assume a working position, nothing being said about standing out of the path of the wheel. However, the operator is out of the path of the wheel in each case, and as he assumed this position naturally, one would infer that a skilled mechanic prefers to keep out of the path of cutter grinding wheels. As a matter of fact he does not because Fig. 51. Guarded wheel on a Brown & Sharpe surface grinder. he is afraid of the wheel breaking but because he has learned from experience that to stand directly in the path of an unguarded wheel nearly always results in particles of the abrasive getting in the eyes; which in some cases requires the services of a skilled surgeon to remove. Figs. 50 and 51 illustrate two types of surface grinding wheels, each of which is protected by a suitable guard. Guards over wheels used for surface grinding' are generally considered necessary, the reason for this being that surface grinding wheels frequently break as they are of a soft, open bond. With guards of the types shown in the illustrations, ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Fig. 52. Sheet-metal wheel and spindle guard. Fig. 53. Wheel and belt both guarded. .160 SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS serious accidents are an impossibility. With the modern cylindrical grinding machine, accidents from wheel breakage are almost impossible as the wheel is always protected by a heavy guard. While the operator generally stands di- rectly in front of the wheel he runs no chance of being in- Fig. 54. Sheet-metal wheel guard arranged for adjustment. jured, as it would be practically impossible for a piece of the wheel to strike him. Machines of this kind are never used without wheel guards. In fact, a guard on a cylin- drical grinding machine is a necessity in keeping water from flying all over the shop, as this class of grinding is invariably done wet. Figs. 52 and 53 are from photographs taken in the shops of two well-known railroad companies. By referring to Fig. 52, it is seen that the guard, which is made of sheet metal of sufficient thickness to withstand the shock of the wheel fragments in case of accident, is also provided with a hood to cover the projecting threaded end of the spindle. The object of this hood is to prevent the workman's clothing 161 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS from being caught. While the workman in this illustration is grinding a comparatively small piece of work, he is taking no chances as the work rest is placed close to the wheel. The tool grinder shown in Fig. 53 is of a type often seen in railroad shops. It is provided with a heavy hood; the work rest is properly adjusted, and a guard is provided to prevent the workman's clothing from being caught in the Fig- 55- Novel form of sheet-metal wheel guard. driving pulley. The reason that railroad-shop employees are so adequately guarded against accidents lies in the fact that the shop foreman and master mechanics in charge are fair-minded, conscientious men who have gradually worked up from unimportant positions to positions of trust and who, therefore, consider the workman's welfare from their own actual shop experience. Fig. 54 illustrates another tool-grinding wheel that is properly guarded. The hood, which is made of i /4-inch sheet metal, is. securely bolted to the frame of the machine and is provided with an adjustment which allows it to be moved towards the wheel as the wheel is reduced in diam- eter. This is of importance as a guard should be placed 162 SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS reasonably close to prevent the wheel fragments from fly- ing in case of breakage. The work rest in this instance is placed close to the wheel. Although the machinist in this illustration is standing in front of the wheel, he is taking Fig. 56. These guards are inadequate and invite" disaster. no chance as it would be impossible for a section of a wheel guarded in this manner to get away from the hood. The guard over the driving pulley deserves mention. It is made of i-i /2-inch iron pipe and covered with heavy wire netting. Two sheet-metal guards are shown in Fig. 55. They are easily removed when it is necessary to change wheels, as 163 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS the guard in the foreground shows. The working position of the guards is shown by the guard in the background. These guards are adjustable and can be moved toward the face of the wheels. They are novel in construction, the body being cut from one piece of heavy sheet metal. Figs. 56 and 57 illustrate a wholly inadequate type of grinding- wheel guards that are, unfortunately, in common - 57- This guard is too flimsy to stop flying- wheel fragments in case of an accident. use. While guards of this kind are often passed by factory inspectors who are lacking in practical knowledge, they are worse than no guards at all, as a section of a burst wheel would crumple them up like so much cardboard. In cases where grinding wheels burst, resulting in fatali- ties, it is sometimes a difficult matter to determine who is at fault, the employer or the employee. Is it justice to 164 SAFEGUARDING GRINDING WHEELS compel a manufacturer to pay heavy damages for fatalities brought about (as they often are) by wanton carelessness on the part of the operator? If the employer neglects to have adequate guards placed over grinding wheels, where there is a law requiring him to do so, it would seem that he was criminally negligent in cases where fatalities result from the bursting of grinding wheels. However, let it be assumed that the wheel is properly guarded and that the operator himself removes the guard for some reason and by so doing is injured. Should the employer be compelled to pay damages in this case? Assuming that one operator removes a wheel guard and neglects to replace it, another operator being injured on the same wheel a short time after- ward, who is to blame in this case, the operator who re- moved the guard, the operator who afterward used the wheel without the guard or the employer who was ignorant of the whole proceeding? These are, of course, questions for the courts to decide, and decisions in cases of this kind are not easily reached by any means. In questions where the safety of employees is concerned, labor and capital should co-operate. The working-man should bear in mind the fact that it is an impossibility for him to earn a living without assuming some risk, and where the employer provides all possible safeguards against acci- dents, the employee should see to it that these safeguards are not removed or destroyed. CHAPTER FIFTEEN ABRASIVE PAPERS AND CLOTHS* Abrasive substances used in making abrasive paper History of abrasive paper How abrasive paper and cloth is manufactured Grades of abrasive paper and cloth Finding percentage of iron in garnet Testing garnet paper Paper and cloth abrasive discs Testing discs for efficiency. ABRASIVE papers and cloths, the abrasive coating of ** which is emery, Carborundum, garnet, flint, Aloxite, etc., are to be found in practically every branch of manu- facturing from the small country planing mill or machine shop to the immense furniture factory or automobile plant. Large quantities are also consumed by tanneries and other leather workers. Comparatively little seems to be known concerning the manufacture of these staple articles, save from the meager accounts given now and then by salesmen. All abrasive papers and cloths are made in the same man- ner, with the exception of abrasive discs, which will be considered later. We can explain the process followed by taking up the subject of garnet paper. While the use of abrasive materials dates from remote times, the use of coated paper and cloth is a comparatively modern innovation. Some two hundred years ago it was common practice for New England cabinet makers who lived near the seacoast to use the dried skins of dogfish and sharks for smoothing wood. Any one who has had occasion to deal with the above-named fish in the live state will admit that their skins are excellent abrasives in a literal * The above chapter is a consolidation of two articles: "Abrasive Paper and Cloth," originally published in The Iron Tradesman, and "The Selection of Garnet Paper," which first appeared in The Wood Worker, to which the writer has added some further material concerning the testing of abrasive discs. 166 ABRASIVE PAPERS AND CLOTHS sense, as a single indiscreet rubbing contact, on the naked arm, for instance, invariably draws blood in a dozen places. However, as our forefathers could not always take the time to go shark fishing when the stock of this "natural abrasive" ran low, necessity prompted them to invent a substitute which resulted in the abrasive paper and cloth of the present day. As near as we can ascertain, emery cloth and sand-paper were invented about two hundred and fifty years ago, the process of manufacture being very primitive, consisting of coating the backing with glue,, liberally covering it with the desired abrasive, shaking off the superfluous material and hanging the sheets up to dry. Wonderful improvements have been made in the manu- facture of abrasive papers and cloths, the slow hand methods of a few generations ago being superseded by the modern coating machine, which turns out material by the mile. The process is practically the same for both paper and cloth backing and can be described as follows : The web of paper, traveling at high speed, passes under a printing attachment which imprints the brand, number, etc., at regular intervals. Next it passes through a series of rollers wherein the top side is given a coat of glue, which is distributed in much the same manner that ink is applied to the type in a large print- ing press. The glue-coated paper now passes under a large hopper from an opening in the base of which the grain flows in a steady stream, just a little wider than the width of the paper being run. The amount of running grain is regulated to allow slightly more to flow than will stick to the paper, the superfluous material being carried away by mechanical means, the exact nature of which most manu- facturers wish to keep to themselves. By means of two endless chain belts, carrying cross sticks at regular intervals, the paper is caught up in long loops and carried to another coating machine where the sizing, or upper coating of glue, is applied. This covers the upper surface of the grain, and as it unites with the lower coat to a certain extent each 167 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS grain is firmly embedded in a matrix. The paper is now- caught up on more sticks, where it travels up and down the long drying room, the process of drying being hastened by carefully regulated blasts of warm air. The paper finally reaches the winding machine, where it is wound in rolls of about four feet in diameter. From there, it goes to the storage room, where it is thoroughly aged before being sent to the cutting room. It is of the utmost importance to age the paper before putting it on the market, as green paper, as it is termed by the manufacturer, is very short lived, owing to the fact that the glue is not set sufficiently to hold the grain firmly in place. From the store room, the rolls go to the cutting room, where they are prepared in marketable sizes, consisting of 9x11 sheets, in quires and reams, and 5o-yard rolls of various widths. Emery cloth is sold in 9x11 sheets and in rolls 9, 1 8 and 27 inches wide. The grits run from crocus to 3-1/2. Emery paper is sometimes sold in rolls, but there is more demand for this material in sheet form. Carborundum paper can be bought in both rolls and reams in all grits from 20 to F F. As this material is used ex- tensively in the boot and shoe industry for heel scouring, heel breasting and fore-part buffing, it is also cut in odd sizes and shapes to fit various machines used for the above pur- poses. Carborundum cloth can be had in all grits from 4-1/2 to F F in 9, 18 and 24 inch rolls or 9x11 sheets. There are four kinds of garnet paper, known to the trade as follows: Finishing paper, used for rubbing varnish, which is made in all grits from i to 6/0; double-faced finishing paper, in the same grits, which is coated on both sides and stripped apart as needed, the grits being the same as for ordinary finishing paper; cabinet paper (ordinary sheet garnet paper) in numbers from 3-1/2 to 6/0, and roll paper in numbers 3-1/2 to 4/0. Roll paper is furnished in standard widths of 18, 24, 30, 36, 40, 42 and 48 inches. Garnet cloth is always run in rolls of 28 inches wide, but can be had in any desired width. The bulk of garnet paper 1 68 ABRASIVE PAPERS AND CLOTHS is used in the wood-working industries, but it also furnishes an excellent material for finishing comparatively soft metals such as aluminum, copper, very soft brass, etc. Ordinary sand-paper is made in the same sizes and numbers as garnet paper and is used principally for smoothing com- paratively soft woods. In ream form, it is sold in every hardware and general store throughout the civilized world to customers who desire a few sheets at a time. Abrasive paper and cloth are also made in disc form for finishing metals on the disc type of grinder. As the back- ing of this material is very heavy, and the coating extra thick, it is not practicable to run it off in mile lengths, thus it is coated in long strips of approximately 200 feet. After drying, the discs are cut from the strips by means of heavy dies in a hydraulic press. Some makers have processes for coating discs after they are cut to shape, the Besley discs with the spiral groove being a good example of this practice. The majority of these special methods are covered by patent. Contrary to the general impression, there is very little profit in the manufacture of abrasive paper and cloth. This statement is not made at random, simply for the sake of filling up space, but from actual observation of the manu- facture of the products in question. Therefore the writer's advice to the consumer who aims to use efficient material is to purchase standard priced goods. Owing to the fact that the margin of profit is small, the maker cannot cut prices to any extent and supply high-quality material at the same time. The superintendent and the purchasing agent of any concern where garnet paper is used to any extent, are fre- quently interviewed by garnet-paper salesmen. As the salesman's duty is to sell goods, each and every one, of course, has just the material that will surely reduce produc- tion costs. Thus the question arises: "Whose paper is the most efficient ?" It is impossible to answer this question off- hand, but there are a few simple tests that any manufacturer can make in his spare time, and the data thus obtained is reliable. 169 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Any one who is conversant with the working of a three- drum sander realizes that a machine of this type calls for a paper with a very strong backing; otherwise the paper is liable to tear before the grain is worn to a point of useless- Fig. 58. Simple device for testing the strength of abrasive papers. ness. To test the strength of the backing we can proceed as follows: First a frame as shown at (A) Fig. 58 is sus- pended from a convenient overhead timber. The cross 170 ABRASIVE PAPERS AND CLOTHS piece should be about five feet from the floor. A common wood clamp (B) is fastened to the cross piece by means of another clamp (C). The tray (D) is suspended from the clamp (E) by means of short ropes (G) and two wire hooks (F) . (H) is the sample of paper to be tested. This is cut length- wise from a roll of paper and should be about 9 inches long and exactly i inch wide. The ends of the paper should extend about 2 inches in the jaws of the clamps, which must be fastened securely. The next step is to place weights, one at a time, on the tray until the paper breaks; pieces of babbitt metal are excellent for this purpose. By weighing the amount of metal necessary to break the paper, we readily ascertain the breaking strain per linear inch. It is evident that the paper which supports the greater weight is the strongest. The results of these tests should be entered in a note-book, giving the make of paper, mn number, grit number, and date of the test. It is a well-known fact that all garnet- paper salesmen lay great stress on the strength of their papers, but the practical man who takes the time to make the simple test here described, between several makes of papers, can readily determine for a certainty which is the strongest. Furthermore, the simple appliance used (which costs practically nothing) is as efficient for all practical purposes as the expensive paper-testing machines used by the paper manufacturers. Oxide of iron, an impurity which is often present in garnet v is a detriment to fast cutting, and it generally indicates that the grain was not properly cleaned. To determine the amount of this impurity, a square foot of unused paper should be boiled for an hour or so in a clean receptacle; this will detach the grain from the backing. The grain thus ob- tained is carefully washed and dried, then spread out on a. piece of paper and carefully gone over with an ordinary horseshoe magnet, which readily attracts the grains contain- ing any amount of oxide of iron. These are placed in a little pile, and when the operation is complete, we have two. ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS samples of grain one containing iron and another free from this impurity. To obtain the percentage of iron, we must measure each pile by volume. This can be done with any small re- ceptacle; an empty 38-caliber cartridge shell will answer the purpose very well. Suppose we find ninety shellfuls of grain that was unattracted by the magnet and ten that the magnet picked up. In this case, it is evident that the grain contains 10 per cent, of iron. If subsequent tests of grain taken from another make of paper yield 15 per cent, of iron, it is apparent that the first sample was of better quality. The results of these tests should also be entered in the note- book for future reference. To test the working efficiency of any make of paper is also a comparatively simple operation. Here we can use what the salesman terms a "fifty fifty" test. Let it be assumed that we are using belts 18 feet long. We can make up a belt composed of 9 feet of one make of paper and 9 feet of another make. It is obvious that the paper that gives out first is of the poorer quality. A test of this kind causes the salesman who supplied the paper of poorer quality to scratch his head in perplexity. On these occasions it is up to the salesman to frame a good excuse or retire from the field as gracefully as possible. We can use the same kind of a test on the drum sander, provided it is of the type that takes straight paper that is, not wound on the drums spirally. By covering half of each drum with one make of paper and the other half with another make, we can soon arrive at a definite conclusion. The tests here described, which are not known to every user of garnet paper, were brought to the writer's notice while traveling as a salesman for one of the leading garnet- paper manufacturers and the data obtained from them can be relied upon. Any garnet-paper salesman can cite numerous instances where his goods have won out over those of his competitors, but he always keeps quiet con- cerning the instances wherein he has failed. This is one 172 ABRASIVE PAPERS AND CLOTHS reason why it is a good plan for the consumer to work out his own tests in his own plant, ever bearing in mind the fact that crucial tests should result in cold, hard figures that have been obtained through actual common-sense tests. The practice of disc grinding has become quite common during the last fifteen years and has led disc manufacturers to supply their products in many different abrasives and combinations of abrasives for various purposes. Flint, quartz, garnet, emery, corundum, Carborundum, Crystolon, Aloxite, Alundum and Adamite are the principal abrasives employed for disc grinding. Notwithstanding this formidable array, the selection of suitable discs is a simple operation compared with the selec- Fig. 59. Gas-burner parts finished by disc grinding. tion of grinding wheels. Grinding wheels are made in many different degrees of hardness to suit various classes of work. With grinding discs, however, the factor of grade as applied to grinding wheels is wholly eliminated. All that is neces- sary, is to select an abrasive that proves satisfactory, the character of the finish desired determining the grain of the disc. ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS To illustrate the principle used in testing discs for ef- ficiency, we can consider the pieces shown in Fig. 59, which are gas-burner parts, made of cast iron, measuring 5 inches in diameter. The finished surfaces measure 3/8 inch across and the grinding is done from the rough, the object being to make a good joint in the shortest possible time. The grinding operation is shown in Fig. 60. Here it is seen that the pieces to be ground are held by a retaining ' device and also that they are weighted. The Fig. 60. Grinding gas-burner parts on a horizontal disc-grinder. object of the weights is to insure a good contact. The final finishing is sometimes done by hand as shown. To determine the grinding cost with a given make of disc, it is only necessary to note the cost of the disc, its life and the number of pieces ground. From this data the grinding cost per hundred pieces is easily computed. To obtain the best results, the abrasive must, of course, be suited to the work, and while it is a well-known fact that flint and quartz are suitable for soft wood, garnet for hard wood, emery for rough-steel grinding where a durable disc is required, corundum, Aloxite and Alundum for steel, and i74 ABRASIVE PAPERS AND CLOTHS Carborundum and Crystolon for cast iron, the actual selec- tion is often controlled by the makers as the majority of them designate their discs by numbers, preferring to keep the actual character of the abrasives to themselves. The object of this practice is to enable the disc manufacturer to be reasonably sure of securing repeat orders, relying on the consuming trade to order by number. This method is not without advantage to the consumer, as it enables him to order the material desired without having to resort to a list of abrasives, which, at best, are confusing to those not engaged directly in the abrasive lines. Modern disc grinding is a comparatively new branch of engineering practice, and when we stop to consider that it originated from a sheet of sand-paper glued to a wooden disc for the convenience of the wood-worker, the present- day possibilities of this class of grinding reflect no small degree of credit on the experimenters who made this practice a commercial possibility. CHAPTER SIXTEEN SURFACE GRINDING Finishing work by surface grinding Development of the surface grinding machine Finishing locomotive guide bars Rotary grinding fixture Wheel speeds Cuts Die grinding How dies are held Grinding punches Care of wheels Magnetic chucks Demagnetizes Proper wheel selection for surface grinding Types of surface-grinding machines Standard wheel list. MANY years ago, after the grinding wheel became a commercial possibility, one of the first uses to which it was put, aside from tool grinding, was a simple kind of surface grinding called in shop language "spot grinding." This operation, while comparatively simple, is productive of accurate results and is used at the present time in finishing certain kinds of gauges and other work where extreme accuracy as regards parallelism is desired. The operation is illustrated in Fig. 61. The operator is grinding a die by passing the work back and forth under the wheel. If the plane upon which the work slides is a flat surface, it follows, that true planes will be ground on the work. Fig. 62 illustrates a set of accurate size blocks as used by tool-makers and machinists who work to close limits. After hardening, gauges of this kind are often finished parallel by spot grinding, leaving a very small amount for final lapping on each surface. The amount left for the final finishing is generally 0.0002 inch on each surface. At the top of the illustration is shown the fixture used for holding the blocks while grinding. This consists of a flat base equipped with two pinch clamps for firmly holding the work and forcing it downward at the same time. The slat 176 SURFACE GRINDING Fig. 61. Spot-grinding a blanking die. A0BML :#. t *^| Fig. 62. Accurate size blocks finished by spot grinding and fixture for holding them in the grinding operation. ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS seen at the front is for the accommodation of the micrometer so that the operator can measure the work without taking it out of the fixture. Fig. 63 illustrates a tool-maker's square, the base of which was finished by spot grinding. The wheel marks are plainly seen on the work. The wheel marks left by this process are very slight and a true surface is assured if the operator takes time enough to pass all parts of the surface under the Fig. 63. Spot-ground tool-maker's square. wheel several times, in fact until the wheel sparks but faintly. In Fig. 64 is shown a cylinder and steam chest for a model marine engine. The top of the cylinder, the top and bottom surfaces of the steam chest and the under surface of the steam chest cover were finished by spot grinding with the object of making a steam-tight joint without using packing. The few illustrations shown will bring to the mind of the practical mechanic numerous instances where spot grinding can be used on work where accurate surfaces are necessary. The process is simple and can be carried out on any machine equipped with a grinding wheel and a table. The wheels used for this operation should be medium soft in grade. The grit used depends on the finish desired. For die grinding, as shown in Fig. 61, a grit as coarse as 36 178 SURFACE GRINDING can be used, while for size-block grinding, wheels as fine as 80 grit give good results. Another early adaptation of surface grinding consisted of finishing locomotive guide bars after they were hardened. Formerly, guide bars were invariably made of wrought iron and case hardened to insure them against wear. As may Fig. 64. Cylinder and steam chest for model engine on which the flat sur- faces were finished by spot grinding. be imagined, these pieces were often sprung in hardening, thus means were sought for correcting this error. An early-developed machine for guide-bar finishing is shown in Fig. 65. This is not a grinding machine in the strictest sense of the word because it carries a circular lead lap instead of a grinding wheel. The work is securely held by the clamps shown on the platen and automatically fed back and forth past the circular lap which is charged with emery or other abrasive material. The roll seen at the extreme right of the platen is for the purpose of charging the lap. The slide that carries the lap spindle is actuated by means of the handwheel which is plainly shown, while the wedge seen under the lap-slide ways is for the purpose of setting the lap square with the work. Lapping guide bars is a slow operation at best, but it is productive of excellent results. Of late years, machines of this type have been equipped with grinding wheels in place of the lead lap. The writer 179 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS observed such a machine modified in this manner at the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia. The wheels used were Aloxite in shellac bond. The machine just described is the forerunner of the pres- ent-day face-grinding machine, or side surf acer as it is often called. The side surfacer was first extensively used for grinding locomotive guide bars, but of late years it has been Fig. 65. Locomotive guide-bar lapping machine. adapted to a large variety of surface-grinding operations. A modern face-grinding machine is illustrated in Fig. 66. This machine is a product of the Diamond Machine Co., Providence, R. I. It carries a ring wheel 30 inches in diameter, 6 inches wide with a 26-inch hole. This gives a working surface of 2 inches. The wheel is mounted in a substantial chuck, the body of which is cast iron; turned all over to insure a perfect running balance. The body of the chuck is tapered on the outside and is slotted so that it may be readily compressed by means of a steel ring which is drawn up on the. taper by means of bolts. The chuck is equipped with a backing plate, back of the wheel. The object of the backing plate is to bring the wheel face forward as it wears away. By this arrangement, the wheel can be used down to a thickness of 1-1/4 inches with perfect safety. Chucks of this kind also insure the wheel against flying in case it is accidentally fractured. The machine is equipped with a circulating pump which floods the work 180 SURFACE GRINDING with water, the object being to carry away dust and to keep down frictional heat. The operation of grinding guide bars is comparatively simple. The work is strapped to the platen of the machine Fig. 66. Modern face grinding machine or side surfacer. as shown in Fig. 67 and automatically fed back and forth under the wheel until the desired finish is acquired. New guide bars, as they come from the planer, are generally finished by grinding as the grinding wheel imparts a smooth surface for the cross-head gibs to slide upon. If the work is planed with a coarse feed, which leaves deep tool marks, so- much the better, because this condition helps to keep the wheel true and free cutting. By the time a locomotive comes to the shop for a general overhauling, the guide bars often require refinishing, owing to the fact that the pressure brought to bear on them through the cross heads, by the action of the main rods, wears them out of a true plane. This wear, in some cases, is as great as 181 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS 1/32 inch. They are carefully lined up on the platen of the guide-bar grinder and ground until the wearing surface presents a true plane. Guide-bar grinding is one of the first instances where the grinding wheel showed a distinct saving over other methods in the railroad shop. In considering side surfacing in general, it should be borne in mind that machines of this type cannot "hog of!" stock as rapidly as can a planer or miller. On certain oper- Fig. 67. Locomotive guide bar in position for grinding. ations, however, the side surfacer shows high efficiency over machines equipped with cutting tools. In Fig. 68 is shown a variety of work that is admirably adapted for finishing on the side surfacer. The pieces shown are flasks, flask sides, heads, cases, covers, hoods, lathe legs, columns, guards, etc. From the design of these pieces, it is readily seen that they do not lend themselves readily to milling or planing operations. It is on work of this kind that the side surfacer shows efficiency. In finishing work of this kind on the miller or planer, it is necessary to strap the pieces securely in place. Pieces of comparatively thin section are often sprung out of shape by this procedure, caused by the strains, set up in clamping, adjusting them- selves after the clamps are released. On the side surfacer, conditions are more favorable be- cause work does not have to be held as securely for grind- ing operations as it does when it is to be finished with 182 SURFACE GRINDING cutting tools. Where work is to be finished regularly on the side surfacer, a smaller allowance for finishing is recom- mended which causes quite an annual saving in metal at the foundry. A rotary grinding fixture designed for use on a side surfacer is illustrated in Fig. 69. This is a self-contained unit driven by a 3/4-horsepower motor running at a speed of i, 800 revolutions a minute. Power is transmitted to Fig. 68. Type of pieces readily ground on the side surfacer. the chuck spindle through a chain drive and a worm and worm wheel. A clutch is provided to throw the power in or out and a crank in the foreground is for rotating the spindle by hand, as occasion requires. This fixture was designed for finishing work that here- tofore was done in the lathe and it is readily seen that if the fixture is properly aligned on the platen of the machine, surfaces that are square with the spindle of the attachment will result. Finishing the faces of round work by this method offers the advantage of combining the roughing 183 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS and finishing operations, to say nothing of imparting an excellent finish. Side surfacers are now used by many of the leading automobile manufacturing concerns for finishing a diversity Fig. 69. Rotary grinding fixture for use on the side surfacer. of pieces. In Fig. 70 is shown the operation of facing gear-case covers. These are made of aluminum and 3/32 inch is allowed for finishing. As the illustration shows, four covers are set on the machine at one setting, being held in special fixtures. 184 SURFACE GRINDING An interesting grinding operation is illustrated in Fig. 71. This work consists of finishing aluminum crank cases for airplane engines. The work is clamped in special fixtures and 1/8 inch is allowed for finishing. The surfaces thus Fig. 70. Finishing gear-case covers on the side surfacer. finished require no scraping and in assembling they are put together with a thin paper gasket and shellac. A piece difficult to machine by ordinary methods is illustrated in Fig. 72. This is a gear-case cover used on tractors. It is held in the fixture shown and rapidly finished in a satisfactory manner. To successfully finish work on the side surfacer is not a difficult operation if the operator pays due attention to a few simple factors. The wheel should be run at the speed recommended by the grinding-machine manufacturer. In the case of the 3o-inch wheel on the machine shown in Fig. 66, the correct speed is 500 revolutions per minute. Plenty of water should be used as this keeps down the frictional heat and aids materially in imparting a good finish. Also, the wheel should be kept "sharp" by frequent 185 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Fig. 71. Surfacing airplane engine-crank cases on the side surfacer. Fig. 72. Grinding a gear-case cover on the side surfacer. 186 SURFACE GRINDING dressing, preferably with an ordinary wheel dresser of the star- wheel variety. The correct table speed for side sur- facing depends on the amount of material to be removed. The machine illustrated in Fig. 66 is equipped with three table speeds of 10, 17 and 22 feet per minute respectively. A slow speed should be used when taking heavy cuts, other- wise the wheel is not given a chance to cut properly. In taking light finishing cuts, a fast table speed can be used to advantage. After the wheel has ceased to spark heavily, it is a good plan to let the work feed past the wheel several times without further cross feeding, especially with work of comparatively thin section. This practice produces accurate results as any undue pressure caused by the grinding-wheel which might spring the work is automatically avoided. In selecting wheels for the side surfacer, it should be borne in mind that no one wheel can be depended upon to produce efficient results on all classes of work. Wheels made of carbide of silicon abrasives give excellent results for the surface grinding on cast iron, but they cut slowly and cause undue heating when used on steel. For malleable iron, steel castings or pieces made of machine steel, alumina abrasives should be selected. All grinding-wheel manufac- turers carry wheels in stock for the grinding machines in question, but in ordering wheels, the manufacturer should state clearly for what purpose and under what conditions the wheels are to be used. This information enables the grinding-wheel manufacturer to make the proper selection. DIE GRINDING Die grinding is one of the earliest and, at the present day, one of the most common practices. When we stop to con- sider the numberless articles seen in the home, office, and factory that are the products of punches and dies, it is readily seen that die grinding is a very important branch of present-day machine-shop practice. 187 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS As previously stated, dies are often ground by spot grinding as shown in Fig. 61 and this practice produces good results where the die grinding is of an intermittent nature. The wheel used for this work, assuming that the die is made of hardened steel, should be made of an alumina abrasive, and should be run at a surface speed of approxi- mately 5,000 feet per minute. The grade should be medium soft and, for ordinary purposes, 36 grit gives good results. Where an extra-nice finish is desired, on small dies for example, a wheel in finer grit can be used to advantage. As Fig. 6 1 shows, the work is ground dry. For this reason, the cut taken is generally comparatively light, about o.ooi inch. The work seldom becomes unduly heated owing to the fact that the platen of the machine absorbs the heat from the die nearly as fast as it is generated. Punches are ground in the same manner as dies with the exception that they must be held in a special holder in cases where their shanks are made integral. The use of the machine jusc considered is somewhat limited, as it produces flat planes only, whereas many kinds of dies, especially those used for punching comparatively thick metal, should be ground to give a shearing cut. To accomplish this it is necessary, from a practical point of view, to utilize a machine on which the work can be firmly fastened and fed back and forth under the wheel. The machine illustrated in Fig. 73 is a Brown & Sharpe number 2 surface grinder a machine that is widely used for sharpening dies and for the general run of surface-grinding work. It will accommodate work 18 inches long, 6 inches wide and 9-1/2 inches high when using a wheel 7 inches in diameter. The longitudinal travel of the platen is controlled by dogs that actuate the reversing lever and the platen saddle can be fed in from o.ooi to 0.009 inch at each reversal of the platen. The simplest manner in which to hold a die for grinding, in cases where a flat surface only is desired, is to grip it in the vise with which the machine is provided. This practice, 188 SURFACE GRINDING however, is not always productive of the best results because it is sometimes almost impossible to hold the work level in this manner. For this reason, many mechanics prefer to strap the die directly to the platen of the machine, as illustrated in Fig. Fig. 73. Brown & Sharpe automatic surface grinder. 74. If the bottom of the die is ground flat after hardening, it is obvious that this surface can be used for locating in subsequent grinding operations to bring about accurate results. In Fig. 74, A is the die, B the platen of the surface grinder, C the grinding wheel, D the straps that grip the work, and E the backing straps against which the straps D bear. The straps D act as pinch clamps and their downward thrust seats the die firmly against the platen of the machine. 189 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Where comparatively thick metal is to be pierced, it is common practice to shear the face of the die as shown in Fig. 75, wherein A is the die, B the punch, and C the metal to be pierced. The double taper imparted to the face of Fig. 74. Holding a blanking die in position for grinding. the die allows it to cut the metal with a shearing action which relieves the punch press of considerable strain. A fixture for holding dies that are to be ground with a sheared face is illustrated in Fig. 76. This consists of a base casting (A) and a die holder (B). The holder swivels on n Fig- 75- Blanking die with a sheared face. the pin (C) and is locked in the desired position by the bolts (D). One of the lugs on the base is graduated in degrees for ready setting as shown at (E). The recess in the holder is machined at an angle to correspond to that of the die 190 SURFACE GRINDING which facilitates ready setting. This fixture is easily made by any tool-maker of ordinary ability and its use saves con- siderable time that is usually spent in setting up by other methods. Punches are ground in the same manner as dies, with the exception that other means are usually employed in locating them on the grinding machine. A punch that is set in a holder having a flat upper surface, the upper member of a sub-press for instance, is readily ground by strapping it directly to the platen of the grinding machine. Many punches, however, are made with integral taper shanks, Fig. 76. Fixture for holding dies while grinding sheared faces. thus, means must be provided for locating them. The simplest method consists of a square block of cast iron, generally machined all over, with a taper hole bored through it to accommodate the punch shank. A block of this type is illustrated in Fig. 77, wherein A is the block, B the punch to be ground, C the grinding wheel and D the straps that hold the block in place on the grinding -machine platen. These are finger straps and holes are drilled in the block to accommodate them. By referring again to Fig. 75, it will be seen that the punch will punch out a comparatively flat piece as its cutting surface is flat, while the stock that is perforated will be distorted to a certain extent by the action of the die face. In some instances, w r e do not care whether the punches are flat or not, as in perforating operations where the punchings constitute the scrap, but we do desire to preserve a flat surface on the stock that is perforated. 191 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS In this case, the punch is ground to give the shear instead of the die. The lower part of the punch holder shown in Fig. 77 is machined to accommodate the fixture shown in Fig. 76. This is for the purpose of grinding sheared faces on punches, the punch block being held in the position i r ifii i A c& D ^ s\ 'r-. C . D 1 1 1 Fig. 77- Fixture for holding tapered-shank punches for grinding. usually occupied by the dies, and the base of the fixture swiveled to impart the desired shear to the punch. Die grinding in itself is a comparatively simple operation that does not call for the services of a skilled tool -maker. As a matter of fact, at the present time, die grinding is done in many plants by women who do not pretend to be skilled mechanics. All that is necessary is to understand the fundamental principles of surface grinding and to exer- cise due care to see that the depth of cut and the cross feed is not heavy enough to cause the wheel to burn the edges of the die. In ordinary die grinding, if done dry, which is the usual custom, the depth of cut should be from o.ooi to 0.002 inch and the cross feed o.oio inch for each reversal of the platen. This is a general rule. The wheels used for die grinding should be made of alumina abrasives and they should be quite soft and coarse. 192 SURFACE GRINDING Grades 3, 4 and 5 in the writer's proposed grade scale are generally furnished in grits from 36 to 46. At the first sign of glazing, the wheel should be trued with a diamond tool. The easiest method for truing the wheel on a surface-grinding machine is to clamp the diamond tool in the vise with which the machine is equipped, and feed the diamond past the wheel by means of the cross feed. Die grinding is sometimes done wet, which practice, of course, expedites production as the water keeps down the f fictional heat. In wet grinding, both the depth of cut and the amount of cross feed can be materially increased. The machine illustrated in Fig. 73 can be equipped with a wet- grinding attachment wherein water is supplied to the wheel by means of a special wheel guard, through piping, by a centrifugal pump immersed in a tank supported by a bracket from the floor. The water is caught by a work tank pro- vided with a hood and splash guards and returned to a settling pan through a flexible discharge pipe. On the larger types of surface-grinding machines, the work should 'be ground wet under practically all conditions. The reason for this lies in the fact that the comparatively large wheels used create more friction in proportion than do smaller ones. A surface-grinding machine of the type in question having provision for an ample water supply, is illustrated in Fig. 78. Machines of this type give excellent results on heavy die work such as sections of large blanking dies, which, owing to their nature, cannot be made from a solid piece of steel, and for grinding large sub-press dies such as are used for blanking armature discs. These large surface- grinding machines give economical results as the depth of cut and the traverse feed can be materially increased when compared with smaller surface-grinding machines. This is, of course, owing to the heavier construction throughout and also to the fact that a larger wheel is used. Surface grinding in general was given a decided impetus some 25 years ago by the introduction of the magnetic chuck, by means of ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS which flat work is readily located for grinding. The mag- netic chuck offers the additional advantage of holding flat work securely without danger of springing. Fig. 78. Surface-grinding machine having provision for wet grinding. A magnetic chuck made by the Heald Machine Co. is illustrated in Fig. 79. It has a working surface 13 inches long and 6 inches wide, and is equipped with vertical ad- justable side and end stops for locating the work. These prevent the thrust of the grinding wheel from forcing the work off the chuck. The front edge of the working surface is provided with a T slot, the object of which is to accom- modate stops, fingers, retainer strips, etc., according to the nature of the work handled. Figs. 80 and 81 illustrate special types of magnetic chucks designed by the Heald Company. The one shown in Fig. 80 has a taper base which is adjustable for finishing tapered work such as keys, wedges, etc. The base plate is pivoted at the left-hand end and has an adjusting screw, clamping 194 SURFACE GRINDING Fig- 79 Heald magnetic chuck for use on the surface grinder. Fig. 80. Heald magnetic chuck with adjustable taper base. Fig. 8l. Heald magnetic chuck with adjustable swivel base. 195 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS bolt, and graduations at the right-hand end. The gradua- tions show the taper in degrees and in inches per foot. This chuck is also provided with a swivel adjustment for grinding compound angles. The chuck shown in Fig. 81 has a swivel base, the axis of which runs lengthwise through the cencer of the chuck. The swivel plate is provided with trunnions which are clamped to hold the chuck at the angle desired. This is indicated by graduations at the right-hand end. The base plate is in one casting which supports the chuck at both ends. Thus the outfit is self-contained. Both these chucks lend themselves admirably to a diver- sity of tool-room and other work which otherwise would require special fixtures or setting-up devices. A properly designed and constructed magnetic chuck should demagnetize as soon as the current is turned off, but to assist in the removal of work having comparatively IFig. 82. Demagnetizing switch for use with magnetic chucks. large contact surfaces, a demagnetizing switch is of great assistance. This is due to the fact that after the current is turned off, the work retains a certain amount of mag- netism. To offset and neutralize this force, a demagnetizing switch as shown in Fig. 82 is employed. This device is fitted at one end with contact points which close the circuit and magnetize the chuck for operation. At the opposite 196 'SURFACE GRINDING end, it is provided with contact points having a reversing spring for demagnetizing purposes. By throwing the handle to the left, the chuck receives the current permanently and by throwing it to the right, making only an instant's contact between the blades of the switch, the demagnetizing effect is produced. After this, the work can be removed readily from the face of the chuck. AJ1 work that is ground on a magnetic chuck is bound to retain a smal 1 amount of magnetism which often proves Fig. 83. Heald demagnetizer. detrimental, owing to the fact that small particles of metal are thereby attracted. Magnetized pieces are readily demagnetized by the device shown in Fig. 83. The steel plates seen at the top of the case are the poles of magnets contained in the box. These electro-magnets are energized by connecting to an alternating-current circuit. The rapid reversals of polarity produced by this kind of current, remove all traces of magnetism by simply passing the work a few times across the steel plates. In installing and operating magnetic chucks, two im- portant factors should be borne in mind. First, the voltage for which the chuck is wound should correspond to the voltage in the circuit to which the chuck is to be connected. If the voltage in the line is too high for the chuck, the latter will be burned out and if the voltage is too low, the chuck will not retain the work. Second, magnetic chucks cannot be operated on alternat- 197 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS ing current because the rapid reversal of polarity produced by such currents gives the poles or magnets of the chuck no permanent holding power. Thus, in cases where direct current is not available, it should be generated by a small generator driven by the line shafting. Fig. 84. Grinding work with irregular contour on the surface grinder. A Brown & Sharpe surface grinder equipped with a mag- netic chuck is illustrated in Fig. 84. It is seen that the pieces ground are of irregular shape and it is on work of this kind in particular that the magnetic chuck shows efficiency when used on the surface grinder. The pieces shown enter into the construction of shoe machinery, which is very 198 SURFACE GRINDING accurate work. These pieces are cast iron, the limit of variation allowed being 0.0002. The wheel used in this case is Carborundum 241 grit, M grade. The ordinary run of surface grinding, as far as the method of procedure is concerned, does not differ materially from die grinding. With some classes of surface grinding, how- ever (tool-room work for an illustration) more care has to be exercised to insure accuracy. Accurate surface grinding on machines of the type under consideration, depends a great deal on the "sizing power" of the wheel. Let it be assumed that a tool-maker grinds a piece 4 inches long and 3 inches wide, locating the work on the magnetic chuck. He rough grinds both sides with a fairly coarse cross feed and then takes a finishing cut over one side with a finer feed. The work is then turned over and a finishing cut taken over the other side. If the wheel is sizing prop- erly, that is, holding its shape and size, within close limits, the variation in the work should be very slight. In many cases, the work will be slightly tapered from o.ooi to 0.002 inch owing to the fact that the wheel wore away gradually while the cut was being taken. The remedy for this is to true the wheel carefully and to see that a very slight depth of cut is used for finishing, not over 0.0005 inch. If, under this condition, the work still finishes tapered, the error is due to two causes. Either the wheel is too soft or it is run at too low a peripheral speed. With machines having no provision for increasing the spindle speed as the wheel wears down, wheels often ap- pear soft after they are half worn out owing to the fact that the peripheral speed is lowered considerably. The remedy in this case is to discard the wheel and mount a new one that is of the proper size. In nine cases out of ten, the new wheel will be found to size in a satisfactory manner. For this reason, it is poor economy sometimes to attempt to use wheels until they become too small. If a new wheel fails to hold its size when run at a peripheral speed of 5,000 feet per minute, it is a sign that it is too soft. 199 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS In accepting this statement it is understood, of course, that the operator uses the whole face of the wheel. That is, he has not trued away part of it with the diamond, which practice, for some unknown reason, is followed in some shops. If the full face of the wheel is used and the grade seems too soft, the remedy is to substitute a wheel one half or one grade harder or to use a wheel in combination grit. These combination grit wheels have remarkable sizing power and are preferred by many who have made a careful study of the underlying principles of grinding. The wheel used on the machine shown in Fig. 84 is in combination grit with 24 grit as a basis. If, however, too hard a grade is used, the wheel will soon fill up and may burn the work. If the work appears unduly hot, so hot the hand cannot be held upon it, it is generally a sign that the wheel is overheating. In some instances, minute black spots are seen on the work, which is a sure sign of burning. Some operators are under the impression that a fine-grain wheel is necessary for producing a smooth finish. This supposition, however, is erroneous. For the ordinary run of tool-room surface grinding, 46 grit is fine enough although wheels as fine as 60 grit are sometimes used on very small work. Fine grit wheels cut slow and for this reason are not econoiitical in the long run. A wheel in coarser grit, with its full face utilized, will be found to give a satisfactory finish if it is trued properly. When a wheel chatters, the cause can be traced to two sources. Either the wheel is too hard or the spindle bear- ings are loose. Chattering causes a wavy, speckled ap- pearance on the work, readily detected by any mechanic. The remedy is, first to take up any slack in the spindle bearings and if chattering is still in evidence, attention should be paid to the grade of the wheel. The machine shown in Fig. 85 represents another type of surface grinder. It is a product of the HeaJd Machine SURFACE GRINDING Co. and is called a ring and surface grinder. In shop lan- guage, however, these machines are generally referred to as piston-ring grinders, owing to the fact that .they are widely used for grinding the sides of piston rings. Fig. 85. Grinding piston rings on a Heald ring and surface grinder. Briefly described, the main frame of the machine carries a vertical spindle upon which a magnetic chuck is mounted. The spindle is adjustable up and down to accommodate and size different thicknesses of work and is provided with micrometer adjustment for close setting. The upper part of the main frame supports a cross head which carries the wheel spindle. A novel feature of this machine is that an adjustment is provided to enable the wheel to grind tapered as well as flat surfaces. This adjustment is of ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS great value in grinding such work as milling saws which should be thinner at the center than at the periphery to give the proper working clearance. A larger machine built on the same principle is shown in Fig. 86. As the illustration shows, this machine is equipped for wet grinding. These machines will grind any kind of Fig. 86. Heald rotary surface grinder arranged for wet grinding. flat work within the capacity of the chucks, but are especially adapted for finishing round work such as piston rings, thrust collars, milling cutters, etc. In comparing rotary surface grinders with surface grind- ers of the reciprocating type, it is seen that in the former, the wheel covers the entire surface of the work being ground in much less time than it does in the latter. For this reason, the sizing power of the wheel is materially increased. SURFACE GRINDING A widely used type of grinding machine is illustrated in Fig. 87, the Pratt & Whitney surface grinder. In the language of the practical man, however, this machine is generally spoken of as a vertical surfacer. It furnishes a Fig. 87. Pratt & Whitney surface grinder or vertical surfacer. ready means for removing stock accurately and rapidly, not only on the regular work of surface grinding, but on roughing operations where very little metal has to be re- moved. In this work, it replaces the milling machine and planer to some extent. Briefly described, this machine consists of a rigid base, upon which the platen travels, and a substantial upright which carries the wheel spindle. The platen has a longi- tudinal movement only. A traverse movement is unnec- 203 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS essary owing to the fact that the diameter of the wheel used is sufficient to cover the whole width of the platen. The machine carries a wheel 14 inches in diameter with a 4-inch face. The rim is 1-1/4 inches which gives a 11-1/2 inch hole. The wheel is mounted in a special holder, bedded in hot shellac and held securely by means of clamps. The wheel speed is 1,155 revolutions a minute. The problem of locating the work is reduced to a minimum owing to the fact that the machine is equipped with a magnetic chuck. By means of rotary chucks, this machine is able to handle both plain and circular grinding. These chucks are made both magnetic and non-magnetic. Non- magnetic chucks are used for locating work that is not n IB Fig. 88. Plain rotary chuck for use on Pratt & Whitney vertical surfacer. attracted by magnetism, such as bronze, aluminum, etc., while magnetic chucks are used for holding pieces made of ferrous metals. A plain rotary chuck with its driving mech- anism is shown in Fig. 88. The base upon which the chuck revolves is clamped to the platen of the machine while the driving mechanism is located outside the water guard. An adjustment is provided for tilting the chuck, which makes possible the grinding of concave or convex 204 SURFACE GRINDING surfaces. The duplex and quadruple chucks shown in Figs. 89 and 90 are used on production work where they increase the output materially. The duplex chuck is adjustable Fig. 89. Duplex rotary chuck for use on Pratt & Whitney vertical surfacer,. for grinding either concave or convex, but the quadruple chuck does not possess this feature. Designed for a production machine, the grinder in ques- tion is thoroughly automatic. The table is provided with Fig. 90. Quadruple rotary chuck for use on Pratt & Whitney vertical surfacer. two feed speeds of 34 and 142 inches per minute. The feed, of the table per revolution of the wheel is 0.029 and 0.123^ inches. 205 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS An endless variety of flat work, both rectangular and circular, can be finished on this machine as shown in Fig. 91. The pieces shown illustrate blanking dies, thread-cutting dies, ring gauges, chuck bodies, collars, gears, small-arms parts, etc. In fact, any piece, whether hard or soft, can be Fig. 91. Samples of work finished on Pratt & Whitney vertical surfacer. finished in this manner if its surface is of such a nature as to permit gripping on the magnetic chuck. Successful grinding on the vertical surfacer depends more on the selection of wheels than it does on any one other factor. Carbide of silicon wheels should be used for grind- ing cast iron while alumina abrasives are better adapted for steel both in its hard and soft state. A factor peculiar to this machine is that the width of surface to be finished determines the grade of wheel to use. Thus, when finishing comparatively wide surfaces softer wheels are necessary than those used for grinding narrow work. The following grits and grades have been found through practical experi- ment to give good results. On cast-iron and aluminum 206 SURFACE GRINDING grinding; 1 6 to 24 grit, i to 4 grade. For soft steel; 16 to 24 grit, 3 to 7 grade. These wheels are also adapted for malleable-iron castings. For grinding hardened-steel parts 1 6 to 24 grit, i to 4 grade are used. These gradings are taken from the writer's grade scale. To grind work successfully on a vertical surfacer, it must be borne in mind that one wheel cannot be expected to show efficient results on all classes of work; and for this reason several wheels for various purposes should in- variably be kept in stock. In grinding, the work should be held securely on the chuck, otherwise the action of the wheel will dislodge it. This sometimes results in a broken wheel, but accidents are readily avoided by placing backing strips around the work. The face of the chuck should be cleaned carefully before placing the work in position, if accurate results are required, because a small amount of dirt can cause an error of several thousandths of an inch. While the wheels used with this machine are very free cutting, owing to their soft grade, they should not be crowded. That is, the spindle should not be fed down too great a distance at each reversal of the platen. To ignore this factor is to invite disaster for one of three results is bound to happen. The work will be burned, forced off the chuck or the wheel will be broken. The wheel must be kept sharp and free cutting. It is readily trued by the device described for this purpose in Chapter X. An expert grinder can readily detect a wheel that needs dressing even if he cannot see its face. A wheel that needs dressing overheats the work, does not throw sparks freely and leaves a polished surface on the work. Work should never be ground dry on machines of this type. A liberal supply of water is necessary for two rea- sons: It keeps down the heat caused by the cutting action of the wheel and it also carries away the metal particles removed from the work. Soda water supplied by the cir- culating pump should be used as plain water rusts both the 207 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS machine and the work. If the machine is used intermit- tently, it should be cleaned thoroughly after using and oiled each time before starting up, while a machine that is used constantly should be oiled every day and cleaned thoroughly at least once a week. Another type of surface-grinding machine is illustrated in Fig. 92. This machine is made by the Blanchard Machine Co., Cambridge, Mass.. and is called a high-power vertical Fig. 92. Blanchard high-power vertical surface grinder. surface grinder. The initial machine of this type was built by the Blanchard Company, some eight years ago, for their own use. The machine is built very rigidly to eliminate vibration and consists principally of a base carry- ing an upright on which the wheel head is mounted and a revolving platen on which the work is held. The wheel spindle on the machine shown is driven directly 208 SURFACE GRINDING by means of a 2o-horsepower motor although these machines can be arranged for belt drive. In the majority of cases, however, the direct drive is to be preferred. The wheel used is a plain ring without flanges, thus clamps are not necessary in holding it in place. It is set in a cast-iron ring either with sulphur or Portland cement. The ring that carries the wheel is fastened to the face plate at the bottom of the driving spindle by means of six screws. To reinforce the wheel in guarding it against possible break- age, a wire banding consisting of two windings 1/2 inch wide of brass wire is applied to the outside. A novel and valuable feature peculiar to this machine is the three-point column support. In turning out flat work of uniform thickness it is essential that the wheel spindle be exactly square with the chuck. While this alignment may be correct when the machine is new, it does not follow that any wear that may develop will be uniform. To cor- rect errors due to wear, the three-point support is adjustable,- which feature makes possible correct alignment at all times. This adjustment also furnishes a convenient means for setting the machine to grind concave or convex surfaces. The work to be ground is held either magnetically or by clamps or by its own weight on the rotary chuck. The table body on which the chuck is mounted slides on the base and carries the chuck under the wheel where it is rotated by power and the wheel fed down gradually until the desired amount of metal is removed. Both hand and power feeds are provided, the latter having a wide range of feeds with automatic stops that can be set at any point. The feed mechanism comprises a hand crank, a graduated rachet wheel and a pawl driven from the chuck motion and arranged to feed once at each revolution of the work. The feed is very sensitive as each tooth of the rachet wheel represents 0.0002 inch. The graduations on the wheel in- dicating thousandths of an inch are 1/2 inch apart. Work on this machine is invariably ground wet and means are provided for insuring an ample supply of water which is 209 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS supplied inside the wheel while guards are provided to pre- vent the escape of spray as it is thrown out by the centrif- ugal action of the wheel. An idea of the wide range of work that can be handled on the machine in question is illustrated in Fig. 93. Here are included over one hundred different machine parts Fig- 93- Samples of work ground on Blanchard high-power vertical surface grinder. comprising units of fire-arms, rings, thrust collars, gears, connecting rods, flatirons, etc. The machine is simple in operation, but it should be re- membered that it is a precision machine in every sense of the word. All the bearings should be oiled once a day and the grease cups turned daily while the oil gauges should be kept filled to the center of the glass at all times. The solution for cooling the work should consist of a mixture of 50 gallons of water, one to two quarts of cutting oil and three to five pounds of sulphate of soda. SURFACE GRINDING In chucking work, the center of the chuck should be left open whenever possible. A practical method is to place the work in a circle around the chuck leaving an eleven- inch hole in the center. The work should be backed up against slipping by means of a loose steel ring placed around the outside of the work. This point is important and should never be overlooked. It must be remembered that each piece of work, to insure proper holding, must span one or more of the brass rings on the chuck face. Large pieces, the shape of which prevents the use of rings, should be securely blocked to prevent sliding. In grinding non- magnetic work, care must be exercised to block or clamp the same according to shape. As the pressure exerted by the wheel is always downward, danger of tilting the work is reduced to a minimum. Soft wheels that wear away readily, thus constantly ex- posing new cutting grains, are to be preferred to harder ones that require constant truing. If the wheel refuses to cut freely and glazes or burns, the remedy can be found in one or more of the following factors : A softer and coarser wheel should be used, more feed with the object of keeping the wheel in cutting condition should be used, the width of the work surface of the wheel should be reduced, the face of the wheel should be roughened with a star-wheel dresser, and, if grinding broad surfaces, the amount of oil in the cooling solution should be reduced or left out altogether. The wheel speed must remain at 1,000 revolu- tions a minute for a 1 6-inch wheel, and 860 revolutions a minute for an 1 8-inch wheel. The power feed should be used in preference to hand feeding. An average feed is o.ooi inch for each revolution of the work, but under some conditions, feeds as heavy as 0.002 and even 0.003 have been successfully used. The makers of the machine state that ic is better to use too much rather than too little feed as fine feeds glaze the wheel readily. The speed of the chuck should be from 13 to 17-1/2 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS revolutions a minute for the average run of work. This can be increased if a comparatively small piece chucked near the center is being ground. On the other hand, the speed should be reduced somewhat when grinding work that practically covers the chuck. To impart a very smooth finish, the chuck speed should be reduced to five revolutions a minute for the last few turns. The proper method of operating the machine is first to locate the work, then close the switch and try the work to make sure that it holds. Next, with the wheel high enough to clear the work, the chuck is removed to its grind- ing position, as far as it will go under the wheel. The chuck is next started and the wheel fed down by hand until it starts to grind the work, when the power feed should be thrown in. The wheel should be raised before stopping the chuck or changing the chuck speed and the chuck should be stopped before it is moved from under the wheel. The selection of correct wheels for vertical grinding machines should not be done haphazard if the best results are desired. Owing to the comparatively broad contact between the wheel and the work, a slight change in the grade of wheel often causes unsatisfactory work. In this respect, vertical surface-grinding machines are far more sensitive than other types of precision-grinding machines. The width of the surface to be ground often affects the wheel grading. Thus, narrow surfaces require harder wheels than do pieces with comparatively wide surfaces. After much experimentation, the Bl an chard Machine Co. standardized the following wheel list, which gives the kind of wheel to- gether with the proper grit and grade to use for various classes of work. To provide means for readily measuring the work without taking it off the chuck, the Blanchard Company developed the continuous reading caliper gauge illustrated in Fig. 94. The attachment eliminates much of the time consumed under ordinary conditions when the work is stopped for the purpose of removing a piece for measurement with SURFACE GRINDING Material Width of Surface Finer Finish and Narrower Surfaces Best Wheel for Average Work Faster Cutting and Broader Surfaces Finisii and Narrower Surfaces "^est Vv aeel for Aveiage Work Faster Cutting and Broader Surfaces Norton Crystolon American Carbolite Cast Iron Narrow 30 H 24! 30 H 20 I Medium 30 G 24 H 14 H 20 H 14 I Broad 24 G 14 H 30 G 20 G 14 H Chilled Iron Narrow 24 I 20 I Medium 24 H 20 H Broad 24 G 30 G 20 G Narrow 24! 14 I 20 I 14! Medium 24 H 14 H 20 H 14 H Bioad 30 G 24 G 30 G 20 G Aluminum Narrow 20 I Medium 20 H Broad 14 H Norton Silicate No. 38 Alundum American Silicate Corundum Malleable Iron Narrow 3824! 24-iX Medium 3824 H 24-1 Broad 3830 G 3824 G 24-K Soft Steel Narrow 3830 I 3824! 30-1 24- 1 X Medium 3830 H 3824 H 3814! 30-1 24-1 14-1 Broad 3824 H 3814! 30-K 24-K Steel Castings Narrow 3824! 30-1 24-iX Medium 3824 H 3814! 30-1 24-1 Broad 38 3 oG 30-K 24-K Hardened Carbon. Steel Narrow 3846 H 3830 H 46-K 30-1 24-1 Medium 3830 G 3824 H 46-K 30-J< 24-K Broad 3830 G 3824 G 30-K 24-*A Hardened High-speed Steel Narrow 3830 H 30-1 24-1 Medium 3830 G 30-K 24-K Broad 3830 G 38240 30-K 24-i ! ' - * WHEELS FOR BLANCHARD SURFACE GRINDER Rnisfd to July 10, 1918. 2I 3 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS the micrometer. The device increases the operator's con- fidence in grinding work accurately and rapidly as he does not have to feel his way toward the final finish. Thus, he can use a heavy feed until the last thousandth is to be removed. As the illustration shows, the device consists of an upright and bracket for carrying a dial indicator. A hardened-steel Fig. 94. Continuous reading caliper gauge for use on Blanchard high-power vertical surface grinder. contact point rests lightly on the work and is connected by means of a rod to the gauge head. The lower face of the contact point is of a flattened cone shape and as its vertical movement is slight, it readily passes over openings in the surface of the work or from piece to piece. In setting the gauge, the contact point is brought down on a size block or a finished piece of the desired size which 214 SURFACE GRINDING is placed on the chuck and the dial of the gauge is revolved to bring the zero line to coincide with the pointer. The caliper is aligned to swing the contact point parallel to the surface of the chuck so that accurate readings can be taken at any convenient place on the work. It can be swung out of the way for placing or removing the work without de- stroying its setting. In gauging the work, the caliper is swung to bring the contact point over the work while it is being ground. Each piece of work, as it is carried under the contact point, in- dicates on the dial the exact amount of oversize in thou- sandths of an inch. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN CYLINDRICAL GRINDING Cylindrical grinders Operation of grinders Driving devices for work Proper wheel speeds for various metals and work Traverse feed Depth of cut Roughing and finishing cuts Spark ng Backrest and steady- rests Lubrication of work Lubricating compounds and mixtures Dressing and truing wjieels while on the grinder Chatter marks and their remedy Selection of proper wheels for use on' cylindrical grinders Universal grinders Grinding tapers Various operations on universal grinder. 'T'HE modern cylindrical grinder is one of the greatest ^ aids to rapid production as it furnishes a convenient and accurate means for finishing a large variety of machine and other parts, both hard and soft. Cylindrical grinding is a trade in itself involving many factors that are intelli- gently understood only after many years of actual practice and patient experimentation. To be sure, any man who is mechanically inclined, or any woman, too, for that mat- ter, can be taught to operate a cylindrical grinder in a few weeks' time, but to understand thoroughly the many perplexing problems of the grinding department of the average plant calls for knowledge that is acquired only through long practice. In the foregoing chapter, it was seen that there are many types of surface grinders, but with cylindrical grinding the types of machines used do not differ materially except in one major point. That is the traverse movement of the machine which carries the work past the wheel. The oldest and most commonly used type consists of a stationary wheel with a movable platen while in a later type of ma- 216 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING chine, the platen does not move while the wheel carriage does. As to the most efficient type there is a question. This has never been settled, even among abrasive engineers. However, both types give excellent results in actual prac- tice. For the ordinary run of work, it is the writer's opinion that one type is as efficient as the other. It cannot be denied, however, that in grinding very heavy work (pieces weighing several hundred pounds) the traveling wheel offers a decided advantage, as the frequent reversal of motion of a unit weighing several hundred pounds is eliminated. Grinding machines of the types before mentioned, that is those having traveling wheel heads and those having Fig- 95- Landis iox36-inch plain grinding machine. traveling platens, are again divided into two classes, plain grinders and universal grinders. A plain grinder is a ma- chine designed to take the place of the engine lathe in finishing all kinds of turned work both straight and tapered, provided that the taper is not too abrupt. A universal 217 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS grinder, as its name indicates, can be used for a wide range of work which includes besides plain grinding, internal grinding, face grinding, taper grinding, cutter grinding and in some cases, surface grinding. In the strictest sense of the word, the universal grinder is not a production machine and its usefulness is mostly confined to the tool-room. Figs. 95, 96, 97 and 98 represent modern plain grinding machines as used on production work. The machine shown Fig. 96. Landis I2x96-inch plain grinding machine. in Fig. 95 is a 10 x 3 6 -inch plain grinder built by the Landis Tool Co., Waynesboro, Pa. It is thoroughly automatic in operation as regards traverse and cross feeds. The wheel carriage on this machine traverses while the platen is stationary. The reversal can be set at any desired place to suit different lengths of work and the cross feed can be set to feed either light or heavy at each reversal of the wheel carriage and also to cease feeding when a desired size has been reached. This feature is of great value in grinding routine work as the " cut-and-try " method is almost wholly eliminated. The work is driven on two dead centers. The machine illustrated in Fig. 96 is also a product of the Landis Company. It takes work up to 12 inches in diameter and 96 inches long. Its essential features are the same as those of the machine shown in Fig. 95, but it has an additional feature that is a decided novelty, the double 218 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING control seen at the front. This is especially valuable in grinding long work as the machine can be fully controlled from either station. Both of the Landis grinders shown are arranged for individual electric drive. The machine illustrated in Fig. 97 is a 10 x 36-inch plain grinder, arranged for belt drive. It is built by the Norton Fig- 97- Norton iox36-inch plain grinding machine. Grinding Co., Worcester, Mass. In this type of grinder, the wheel is stationary while the platen, which carries the head and tail stock, traverses. This is also a production machine and it is entirely automatic in operation. Fig. 98 shows another plain grinder built by the Norton Grinding Co. It is a much larger machine than the one shown in Fig. 97, but it operates on the same principles. It takes work 14 inches in diameter and 72 inches long. There are, of course, many other makes of plain grinding machines on the market, but they all work on the same basic princip^s. That is, they provide means for holding and revolving the work to be ground on dead centers, means for auto- 219 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS matically traversing the work past the wheel, or vice versa, and means for actuating and controlling the cross feed automatically. So much for plain grinding machines. Let us now con- sider the subject of cylindrical grinding itself. To permit the grinding machine to produce its maximum output, it is necessary to pay attention to the manner in which the work is prepared for the grinder. In many cases, especially on comparatively small work, no preparation aside from Fig. 98. Norton i4X72-inch plain grinding machine. centering and squaring up the ends is necessary. This is especially true in cases where pieces are of a given size for their whole length, in which case the material is often cold-rolled steel o.oio oversize. With the majority of work, however, experience has proven that one roughing cut in the lathe is generally necessary. The rough feed marks made by coarse-feed, high-speed turning aid materially in the grinding operation as they help to keep the wheel in good cutting condition. When a rough feed is used for turning, 1/32 inch is a fair allowance to leave for grinding. This is a general rule and, of course, is subject to modifications. The Landis Tool Co. has compiled a table of grinding allowances for work run- ning in diameter from 1/2 to 12 inches and from 3 to 48 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING inches long. The data were obtained from lengthy experi- mentation and the table follows : DIAMETER LENGTH IN INCHES INCHES 3 6 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 1/2 OIO .OIO .OIO .OIO .015 .015 .OI5 .O2O .O2O .O2O .O2O 3/4 oio .010 .010 .010 .015 .015 .015 .020 .020 .020 .020 i oio .010 .010 .015 .015 .015 .015 .020 .020 .020 .020 I-I/4 OIO .010 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 .020 .020 .020 .O2O I-I/2 OIO .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 .020 .020 .020 .O2O . O2O 2 015 .015 .015 .015 .015 .020 .020 .020 .O2O .O2O .025 21/4 OI 5 - OI S -015 -i5 .020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .025 .025 2-1/2 015 .015 .015 .020 .020 .020 . 02O .O2O .025 .025 .025 3 015 .015 .020 .020 .020 .020 .C2O .025 .025 .02$ .025 3-1/2 015 .020 .020 .020 .020 .O2O .025 .02$ .025 .025 .02$ 4 020 .020 .020 .020 .020 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 41/2 02O .O2O .O2O .O2O .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 .030 5 020 .020 .020 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 .030 .030 6 020 .020 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 .030 .030 .030 7 020 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 8 025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 9 025 .025 .025 .025 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 10 025 .025 .025 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 II 025 .025 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 12 030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 .030 The majority of pieces that are to be finished by grinding are driven by means of a dog placed on one end. The dog engages a pin that projects from the face plate of the head stock. In cases where it is advantageous to traverse the entire length of the work at one setting (in grinding a piece of uniform diameter for its entire length for an illustration) the driving device illustrated in Fig. 99 is used in connection with Brown & Sharpe grinding machines. This consists of a special center (B), over which the driver (A) revolves. The driver is fastened to the dead-center pulley by the stud 68. The work is driven by the two pins (C). The holes in the work should be slightly larger than the pins and they should be drilled by means of a simple drilling jig to insure their slipping over the pins without interference. Another device sometimes used is a square-shaped center. In this case, one end of the work is broached to fit the ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS center. For taking comparatively light cuts, this method is satisfactory, but it possesses one disadvantage in that the center has to revolve, getting its motion from the head- stock spindle. However, on special grinding machines such as used by twist-drill manufacturers, this type of center is Fig- 99- End driving-dog for use on Brown & Sharpe grinding machines. often used as an inspection of the centers seen in some makes of twist drills shows. After adjusting the tail stock to suit the length of the work, the machine must be set to grind straight by adjust- ing the swivel on the platen. In theory, this should not be necessary. In actual practice, however, it is found that the machine has to be "straightened up" every time the tail stock is moved. This is generally caused by small particles of dirt that work under the tail stock. It is a simple matter to straighten up the machine as all that is necessary is to take a few cuts over the work, caliper to find the taper, and adjust the swivel platen to offset this. As a rule, when many pieces of the same kind are to be ground, it is the best practice to make two grinding operations, one for roughing and one for finishing. In the CYLINDRICAL GRINDING roughing operation, the wheel should be kept sharp and free cutting. This is done by passing the diamond past it with a quick motion. From o.ooi to 0.005 should be left for the finish grinding, the amount depending on the size of the work. In the finishing operation, the wheel should be carefully trued by passing the diamond over it with a comparatively slow feed. Economical and efficient cylindrical grinding depends in a great measure on the speed at which the wheel is run. No hard and fast rule can be given- for the correct wheel speed as it can range anywhere from 5,000 to 7,000 feet per minute surface speed. The rule is to slow down a wheel that shows a tendency to glaze and to speed up a wheel that wears away too readily. A little attention to this rule will save much trouble that is often laid to the wheel. The speed at which the work is rotated has much to do with successful cylindrical grinding. If a wheel seems to be wearing away too rapidly, the fault can be overcome in many cases by reducing the work speed. On the other hand, if the wheel glazes readily, the fault is often overcome by increasing the work speed. The writer does not hesitate to state that it is impossible to lay down hard and fast rules for either wheel or work speeds. The skilful operator gets the result desired by a combination of both. The following approximate speeds, however, have been found to be satisfactory under general conditions in cases where the grinding wheel was run at a peripheral speed of 5,000 feet per minute. Cast-iron roughing ". 40 feet per minute. Cast-iron finishing 50 feet per minute. Steel roughing 20 to 30 feet per minute. Steel finishing 30 to 40 feet per minute. On the subject of work speeds, the Landis Tool Co. says: "Our experience is that a surface speed of 30 to 60 feet per minute for steel and cast iron gives good results. However, 223 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS the grade of the material, the quality of finish and the hard- ness of the wheel must be considered in determining the correct speed. Often when failure to produce good results is attributed to the wheel, it may be remedied by changing the speed of the work." The traverse speed is another factor that must be con- sidered in economical grinding. By traverse feed is meant the distance the platen travels for each revolution of the work. In roughing out work, this traverse should be very nearly the width of the grinding wheel for each revolution of the work. Thus, if a wheel with a 2 -inch face is used, a traverse feed of 1-7/8 inches will be satisfactory. This practice causes the wheel to wear uniformly inasmuch as the work passes the wheel with a decided shearing action which helps to keep the wheel true. When a fine finish is required, however, the traverse feed should be reduced and the work speed increased. The above rules apply to the general grinding of steel. In grinding cast iron, the pro- cedure is slightly different. For the rough grinding of this material a narrow traverse feed and a deep cut give better results than a wide traverse feed with a slight cut. In finishing cast iron, it is good practice to make as few passes over the work as possible as this has a tendency to prevent wheel glazing. It is seen that this is in direct opposition to the generally accepted rule for finishing steel, in which case an excellent finish is obtained by letting the work traverse back and forth past the wheel without cross- feeding until sparks are hardly visible. In shop language this operation is spoken of as "grinding out" and it is pro- ductive of excellent results, even when a comparatively coarse wheel is used. To find the speed in feet per minute of the wheel or the work, multiply the diameter in inches by 3.14 and the result by the number of revolutions per minute; then divide the product by 12. The depth of cut is understood as the amount the work is fed toward the wheel at each traverse. In cases where the 224 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING work to be ground is of a substantial nature, that is, com- paratively large in diameter for its length, a heavy cut can be taken; in fact the wheel can be forced into the work until the driving belt or motor, whichever the case may be, is working to its maximum capacity. This rule, however, applies to a hand feeding. When the auto- matic feed is used, a sufficient advance at each reversal of the platen should be made to keep the wheel cutting at its maximum capacity. Heavy cuts in roughing opera- tions have a tendency to keep the wheel true and in cutting condition. Sometimes in taking roughing cuts, it is noticed that the wheel sparks heavier on one side of the work than it does on the other. This is not the fault of the machine, but is caused by the internal strains and forces in the work ad- justing themselves or, sometimes, by dirt working in the centers. It is needless to state that both the centers on the machine and in the work should be cleaned before placing the work in position which eliminates this cause of uneven sparking. When the uneven sparking is caused by the work adjusting itself to overcome internal strains, the evil cor- rects itself. The machine detects and corrects the error. When the work sparks uneven, the wheel should be kept sharp and slight feeds used until the work sparks evenly. A slight difference in sparking often leads the inexperienced operator to believe that the work is badly out of true. This, however, is seldom true, for in many cases an error of o.oooi inch will cause uneven sparking. To secure maximum production in the grinding depart- ment, the majority of pieces that are ground should be sup- ported in the grinding machine by means of backrests or steady-rests as they are also termed. A visit to many grinding departments reveals the fact that this rule is often neglected. It takes a little time, to be sure, to set back- rests, but the results obtained by their use amply pay for the small amount of time consumed in setting up. There is no hard and fast rule for the number of backrests to use 225 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS on a given piece of work. One rest to a foot is sufficient, in most cases. Backrests are of three kinds: solid, spring and universal. A difference of opinion exists among grinding-machine manufacturers as to what is the most efficient type of back- rest, but all three types possess certain advantages. A solid backrest, as supplied with Norton grinding machines, is illustrated in Fig. 100. In this rest, the shoe forms a cradle for the work to rest in with a saddle or bearing point dia- Fig. 100. Plain or solid backrest for Norton grinding machines. metrically opposite the grinding, wheel and another on the opposite side of the vertical center line close up to the point where the wheel comes in contact with the work being ground. This is plainly seen in the illustration. Howard W. Dunbar, in Grits and Grinds, a Norton Co. publication, has the following to say in regard to solid backrests: "The shoe should be exactly the same diameter as the finished ground work, and should be allowed to come in contact with the surface being ground immediately upon starting the grinding operation. The practice of attempting to true up the seat for the steady-rest shoe before bringing the shoe in contact with the work is wrong, as it allows the face of the wheel to break down, due to vibration of the work being ground. The support should be supplied immediately upon starting the grinding operation. It is a 226 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING fact that work can be, and has been ground round and true with no support other than the steady-rests." A spring backrest made by the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. is shown in Fig. 101, and the following description of this rest and its use is from Commercial Grinding by the Use of Fig. 101. Spring backrest for Brown & Sharpe grinding machines. Plain Grinding Machines, a shop handbook published by the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. : "The shoe is of wood, brass or other soft metal, the end being made approximately to fit the work being ground. The spring keeps the shoe in close contact with the work and also allows the rest to conform to variations in the size of the work. The work, when revolving, tends to climb on the shoe, thus keeping the pressure on the lower roller and supporting the work on the under side. The shoes should be made of brass, soft metal, or wood, thus allowing the revolving work to wear the surface away sufficiently for it to fit the constantly varying size of the work. Brass or soft metal is best, but wood is also used. The shoe should have sufficient surface to last well but not enough to retard the wear mentioned. The shoe should move freely in the slide and be of sufficient mass to absorb slight vibrations. As the illustration shows, the spring holds the shoe in con- tact with the work and the pressure is regulated by the 227 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS thumb screw. In fitting a shoe of this kind, it should first bear well on the under side of the work. The wear will quickly fit it to the work and the shoe will always have a firm bearing underneath. The shoes should never be made of hard metal or of a V shape. It is not always necessary for the shoe of a spring rest to bear entirely around one- half of the circumference of the work. A shoe of sufficient Fig. 102. Universal backrest for Brown & Sharpe grinding machines. mass will prevent vibration, and, as it is of soft material, will soon wear to fit the varying circumference." A universal backrest is illustrated in Fig. 102. This device is a product of the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. and is suitable for all kinds of work. It possesses the advantages of a solid rest combined with those of the spring rest. A 228 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING Brown & Sharpe grinding machine equipped with universal rests is illustrated in Fig. 103. The Brown & Sharpe Com- pany give the following directions for the use of the universal backrest : "One rest is required for each six to ten diameters of work in length. Thus, a piece of work i inch in diameter and 36 inches long would require six rests. Shorter work Fig. 103. Brown & Sharpe grinding machine equipped with universal backrests. having different diameters, such as lathe spindles, require two or three rests. To place the shoe in proper position proceed as follows : First, select shoes the size of the finished work and hook the trunnions 25 into the Vees 26. Second, turn back the screw 27 far enough to allow the shoe to clear the work and loosen nut 28 entirely to relieve the pressure on spring 29. Then turn back screw 30. Third, turn forward the screw 3 1 until a light pressure is given to the spring 32. Turn forward the screw 27 and, if the spring 29 is wholly relieved and the screw 30 is far enough back, the shoe will come in contact with the work at both points A and B. Fourth, press lightly with the thumb, on 36, 229 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS holding the shoe in gentle contact with the work, and turn the screw 30 carefully, noting the slightest touch of the end against the stop C in order that none of the parts be moved, and, with this screw in contact with the stop, the shoe should bear equally at both points A and B. Turn nut 28 to give some pressure to the spring 29. The combined pressure of the springs 29 and 32 should be only sufficient to resist the pressure of the wheel when taking the last cut, and also to prevent vibration of the work when any cut is taken. Constant use of the shoes will wear the surfaces A and B, allowing the work to bear on that part of the shoe between the surfaces. When shoes are worn in this man- ner, clearance should be filed between the surfaces A and B. Fifth, grind the trial piece of work, moving the screw 27 to maintain the contact of the shoe with the work and the screw 30 to preserve the relative diameters at the various points. As the work approaches the finished size, measure at the different rests after each cut. After the trial piece is finished, with the diameter alike at all points, the shoe should bear equally at A and B and the sliding nut 33 should rest against the shoulder. Leave the parts in this relation and grind the other piece of work, adjusting screw 27 only as the shoe wears, and screw 30 for the delicate adjustment for diameter. Note the effect of the adjustment upon the sparks to determine the approximate position. When the work is to size, the nut 33 and the screw 30 are intended to rest against the shoulder and stop to prevent further pres- sure of the shoe upon the work. The shoe and wheel will be left in the proper position for sizing duplicate pieces. When unground work is placed between the centers and in the show bearings, the nut 33 and the screw 30 will be forced away from the shoulder and stop, thus compressing the springs 29 and 32. Should the shoe bear unequally at A and B, the screw 28 should be tightened to increase pressure at A and screw 31 to increase pressure at B. Do not make the combined pressure of these springs greater than necessary as long and slender work, although of uni- 230 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING form diameter, may not be straight when released from the shoe unless some allowance is made for elasticity." Some twenty-five years ago, when grinding machines were few and far between, cylindrical grinding was often done dry. This practice is now considered unsatisfactory, except perhaps for light intermittent work as sometimes done in the tool-room on very small machines. To secure maximum production on routine work, it is of the utmost importance to cool and lubricate the work at the same time. To the layman, it may sound out of place to speak of lubri- cating the work on a. plain grinding machine. We are apt to recall the all-round machinist of a quarter of a century ago who would, no doubt, hold up his hands in horror at the thought of bringing oil in contact with a grinding wheel. Various compounds are now used in lubricating work while grinding. These consist of mixtures of water, soap, oil and sulphite of soda, commonly termed sal soda. Plain water is sometimes used and while this keeps down fric- tional heat, its use rusts both the machine and the work. Soda water is better than plain water as the soda prevents the water from rusting. The various compounds put up especially for the purpose, however, are efficient as they have been worked out by grinding engineers after much practical experimentation. The lubricant should be sup- plied by the circulating pump and should flood the work at the point of grinding contact. To produce satisfactory work, it is necessary that the grinding wheel be in condition to perform its work rapidly when taking roughing cuts and smoothly when taking finish- ing cuts. A satisfactory cutting surface is produced on the wheel in two ways: by dressing and truing. These ex- pressions are sometimes confusing, but the generally ac- cepted meaning is that dressing consists of sharpening a wheel to make it cut fast, while truing consists of imparting a surface that will leave a smooth finish. As explained in Chapter X, wheels on cylindrical grinding machines can be dressed to advantage with ordinary star- 231 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS wheel cutters held in a suitable holder. For many years, the man who brought an emery-wheel dresser, as this tool is called, near a precision grinding machine was ridiculed, but latter-day experimentation has proven that grinding- wheel dressers of the Huntington type have their part to play in cylindrical grinding as well as for dressing wheels lor rough grinding work. There are several good reasons for using dressers of the kind under consideration, not the least of them being the present high cost of the bort diamonds generally used here- tofore. It must be remembered, however, that the grinding- wheel dresser has its limitations. On the cylindrical grinder, its usefulness ends in preparing wheels for roughing oper- ations. To true the face of the wheel for taking finishing cuts, the diamond should be used. In dressing the wheel, the dresser should be held in a special holder, such as the one shown in Fig. 104, which shows a special Huntington dresser in use on a Norton grinding machine, and fed past the wheel with a rapid, even motion. In truing a wheel to take smooth finishing cuts, the diamond tool should be held securely in the holder provided ior it and fed past the wheel with an even motion, taking .a very light cut. An expert operator knows how to use a diamond advantageously to bring about the desired results and this knowledge is gained by practice alone. In both truing and dressing operations, the wheel should be flooded with a liberal stream of lubricant. Chatter marks on finished work are sometimes present and they can be attributed to a number of causes. Those not thoroughly conversant with the art of cylindrical grind- ing, often lay chatter marks to the gearing in the headstock. It is true, of course, that incorrectly fitted gears cause chatter marks. This cause, however, is not of common occurrence. The unskilled operator who desires to "wish" chatter marks on the headstock gearing generally cites the fact that an incorrectly fitted rack and bull gear on a metal 232 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING planer leaves marks in the finished work and thus tries to establish a parallel case with the grinder. This comparison is not logical. The planer leaves marks in the finished work because the gearing is allowed to bottom either through wear in the ways or from chips and dirt that become im- bedded in the bottom of the bull gear and rack teeth. With the grinder, there are no chips or dirt to work into the Fig. 104. Dressing the wheel on a Norton grinding machine with a Huntington star-wheel dresser. gearing and, furthermore, wear in the gears in question does not cause them to bottom. Chattering in connection with the plain grinder can be laid to many causes, among them being the following: Centers poorly fitted, wheel slide or spindle loose, head or tailstock loose, incorrect relation between wheel and work speed, lack of sufficient steady-rests, improperly trued wheel, wheel out of balance and end play caused by the work not being sufficiently supported by the centers. When chat- 233 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS tering occurs, the first thing to do is to go over the machine carefully, inspecting all adjustments, and if this does not correct the evil, some of the other above-named causes should be investigated. For the economical and efficient operation of any cylin- drical grinding machine, it is very necessary that the wheel be in as perfect running balance as possible. Wheels that are out of balance cause vibration and chatter marks; they wear out spindle boxes rapidly and if badly out of balance, they are liable to burst, which means possible injury to the workman, the loss of a comparatively ex- pensive wheel and curtailment of production until a new wheel is mounted. Wheels, as they come from the grinding-wheel manu- facturer, are in balance within very close limits. It is im- possible for the wheel manufacturer to make a wheel that Fig. 105. Balancing a grinding wheel by chipping the heavy side. is in perfect running balance without some special treat- ment owing to the fact that the wheel texture is apt to vary slightly. Thus, one side of the wheel may be a little heavier than the opposite side. One method of balancing a grinding wheel is shown in Fig. 105. In this case, the light side of the wheel is at A and 234 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING the opposite, or heavy side, is chipped away enough to counterbalance the unequal weight. This work is done with an ordinary cold chisel, but care must be used, otherwise the wheel will be broken. The Landis Tool Co. make use of the device illustrated in Fig. 106. This consists of two balancing blocks which have radial movement in a*i annular groove turned in the wheel holder. The blocks can be se- Fig. 1 06. Landis wheel- holder equipped with balancing blocks. curely clamped in the desired position by means of screws. It is a comparatively easy matter to balance a wheel that is mounted on a holder of this type as all that is necessary is a simple adjustment of the balancing blocks. In selecting wheels for use on the plain cylindrical grinder, it must be borne in mind that rapid production depends on the wheel used more than it does on any one other factor. It is impossible to give hard and fast rules governing the selection of wheels for various kinds of work owing to the fact that local conditions often have to be taken into consider- ation. The following grits and grades, however, have been found to give satisfaction for the various classes of work 235 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS The grades are given in the writer's proposed grade listed, scale. MATERIAL Hard Steel Soft Steel Cast Iron . ; Brass Chilled Iron Pistons, Cast Iron Pistons, Steel Pistons, Lyanite Piston Rings, Cast Iron As before stated, the universal grinder is adapted to a wide range of work. A typical universal grinder is shown in Fig. 107. This machine is made by the Brown & Sharpe ABRASIVE GRIT GRADE Alumina 30 to 40 5 to 7 Alumina 30 to 40 5 to 6 Silicon Carbide 30 to 36 4 to 7 Silicon Carbide 30 to 40 8 Silicon Carbide 36 8 Silicon Carbide 24 to 36 4 to 6 Alumina 24 to 36 ' 4 to 6 Silicon Carbide 30 to 40 5 to 7 Silicon Carbide 36 to 40 4 to 6 Fig. 107. Brown & Sharpe i2x3O-inch universal grinding machine. Mfg. Co., Providence, R. I. The average universal grinder is somewhat smaller than the plain grinder ordinarily seen. The machine illustrated takes work 30 inches long and will swing 12 inches over the platen while the wheel used is 12 inches in diameter and from 3/8 to i inch thick. 236 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING The headstock of any universal grinder is supplied with a live spindle which can be locked when it is desired to grind on dead centers. The live spindle adapts itself to a variety of work, principally internal grinding, in which Fig.-ioS. Grinding the -side of a disc on a Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine. case a chuck for holding the work is screwed on the nose of the spindle. The base of the headstock on the machine shown swivels and this permits the machine to handle a variety of angular work. The wheel slide also swivels, 237 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS which feature is often taken advantage of in grinding abrupt tapers on work that is held between centers. The following examples, which graphically illustrate the adaptability of the universal grinder, are furnished by the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. Fig. 108 illustrates the grind- ing of the end of a disk that is fastened to a shaft, the work Fig. 109. Grinding an abrupt taper on a Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine. being held between centers. The grinding wheel is placed on the end of the spindle. In Fig. 109 is shown the operation of grinding an abrupt 238 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING taper. In this operation, the swivel platen remains parallel with the ways of the machine as in plain grinding, but the wheel bed is set to the required angle which brings the line of motion of the wheel slide, when operated by the cross feed, parallel with the taper to be ground. The wheel Fig. 1 10. Grinding two tapers at one setting on a Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine. platen is set at right angles with the line of movement of the wheel slide, indicated by the arrow, and the face of the wheel is thus brought parallel with the line of the desired taper. The work is revolved by the dead-center pulley as the illustration shows, and the wheel is traversed over the work by means of the cross feed. 239 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS It is often advantageous to grind two tapers with one setting of the machine as shown in Fig. no. The Five- degree taper is obtained by setting over the swivel plate while the forty-five-degree taper is obtained by setting the wheel bed to the desired angle. In obtaining the angle at which the wheel bed is to be set, after the swivel platen has been set, it must be borne in mind that the angle must equal the sum of the two tapers. The abrupt taper is ground by feeding the wheel across the work by hand, while the slight taper is ground by feeding the platen back and forth automatically. Fig. in shows how the centers are ground on the uni- versal grinder. The live spindle is used to drive the center, the headstock being swiveled 30 degrees. Fig. ill. Grinding a center on a Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine. An interesting operation is shown in Fig. 112 which con- sists of grinding the sides of such work as hardened collars, washers, etc. The work is held in the chuck which is screwed to the nose of the spindle, while the headstock is set at 90 degrees with the travel of the platen. The wheel 240 CYLINDRICAL GRINDING Fig. 1 12. Grinding the side of a disc which is held in a four- jaw chuck on a Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine. Fig. 113. Appliance for grinding the sides of milling cutters, discs, etc., on a Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine. 241 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS is brought against the work by hand feeding and the auto- matic feed is used to traverse the work past the wheel. For grinding such work as washers, milling cutters, thrust collars, etc., the appliance illustrated in Fig. 113 is conven- ient. The face plate screws on the end of the spindle and holds the work by means of a split bushing which is ex- panded in the hole in the work. The work is held by the expansion bushing C which is expanded by the screw B and drawn tightly against the face plate by turning the knob A. Different sizes of bushings are readily inserted to take care of a wide range of work. From the foregoing, it is readily seen that the universal grinder is adapted for a wide range of work that cannot be done on the plain grinder. For this reason, it is a good plan to install a universal grinder in cases where one machine is depended upon to take care of all the shop needs. Aside from the examples shown, the universal grinder is used for internal grinding and cutter sharpening. These subjects will be treated later. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN INTERNAL GRINDING Internal grinding machines Internal grinding on universal grinder Setting up universal grinder for internal work Grinding double tapers Auto- matic grinders Grinding holes in spur and bevel gears Chucks Wet and dry grinding Proper speeds Selection of wheels Operating of cylinder grinders Cylinder grinding. DEFORE the advent of the automobile industry, in- ' ternal grinding was confined chiefly to the tool-room and consisted of accurately finishing gauges, bushings, etc., the work being done on the universal grinder. With the growth of the automobile industry, however, came the de- mand for finishing countless numbers of parts by internal grinding and thus special machines have been gradually developed for this purpose. Special internal grinding machines are production tools just as the plain cylindrical grinder is a production machine while the universal grinder is still used for the internal grinding of general tool-room work. Fig. 114 shows a Brown & Sharpe universal grinder ar- ranged for internal grinding. Here it is seen that the regu- lar wheel spindle has been removed and in its place sub- stituted a jack shaft that drives the internal grinding fixture which is bolted to the wheel platen. It is also seen that the wheel spindle bracket is reversed. As the arrows show, the grinding-wheel spindle rotates away from the operator while the work to be ground, which is held in a chuck screwed to the nose of the headstock spindle, rotates toward the operator. Setting up a universal grinder for internal work is a simple operation, but care must be exercised in setting the 243 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS headstock to bring its spindle in line with the travel of the platen if parallel work is desired. It is almost impossible to accomplish this by relying on the graduations of the headstock swivel and on the platen swivel and as the cut- Fig. 114. Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine arranged for internal grinding. and-try method is both slow and uncertain, other means to the desired end are generally used by the mechanic who desires to turn out accurate work. The simplest and most practical method for accomplish- ing the desired result that has come to the writer's notice, is described below : First the chuck is screwed on the head- 244 INTERNAL GRINDING stock spindle which is unlocked to allow it to rotate. Next a piece of round stock somewhat longer than the depth of the hole to be ground is clamped in the chuck jaws, allowing several inches to project. Then a relief is ground close to the chuck jaws. This is for the grinding wheel to dwell in during reversal in the subsequent operation. Then the outside of the piece is ground true and calipered carefully and the headstock reset until the wheel grinds the test piece parallel. When parallelism results, it is evident that the headstock spindle is parallel with the travel of the platen, which is the situation necessary for accurate in- ternal grinding. The test piece is now removed and the machine set up for internal grinding. The operator need not pay attention to parallelism after this as it is assured. He is then free to concentrate his efforts to getting his work to the desired size. In grinding tapers, the headstock is set over to the desired angle and the work, after being ground, is tested with a taper gauge on which a little Prussian blue is smeared. This furnishes a ready means of detecting any errors that exist. It is readily seen that it is a more simple matter to set up the internal grinding attachment to grind tapers than it is to grind absolutely parallel, that is by the cutting- and- trying method. The machine shown in Fig. 115 is arranged to grind a double taper. The swivel platen is set over to give the five-degree taper while the wheel platen is set to impart the forty-five-degree taper. From these illustrations, it is seen that the universal grinder can be adapted to a variety of tool-room work. In fact, it can handle some varieties of work that are beyond the range of the production internal grinder. For this reason, internal grinding on the universal grinder will always be a part of tool-room work. Special internal grinding machines are designed as pro- duction tools for rapidly and accurately finishing more work in a given time than it is possible to turn out on the universal grinder. Broadly speaking, these machines can 245 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS be divided into two groups, those having hand feed and those equipped with automatic feed. This feature applies to the platen. Machines equipped with hand feeds are adapted for grinding such work as transmission gears, bevel gears, Fig. 1 1 5. Grinding a double internal taper on a Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine set up for internal work. pinions, bushings, or, in fact, any kind of short work. Ex- perience has proven that on work not over three inches long, the average operator will turn out more work with a hand- fed machine than he will with a machine equipped with automatic feed. The machine illustrated in Fig. 116 is a product of The Heald Machine Co., Worcester, Mass., and is thoroughly automatic in all its operations. It swings work 15 inches in diameter and will grind holes n inches deep. The head- 246 INTERNAL GRINDING stock is swiveled to permit grinding taper work and different speed changes are provided for roughing and finishing operations. The cross feed is automatic in operation and can be set to release when a given size has been reached. A novel feature of this machine is the protection guard over the wheel. This comes to the position shown in the illus- Fig. 116. Heald automatic internal grinding machine. tration when the platen is moved away from the work and its object is to prevent the operator's hand from coming in contact with the swiftly revolving wheel should his hand slip while gauging his work. By again referring to Fig. 116, it is seen that the work is held in a three-jaw chuck. This procedure is satisfactory in cases where the wall of the bushing, or other work being operated upon, is comparatively thick. With thin-walled bushings, the pressure brought to bear by the chuck jaws is apt to cause distortion if the work is gripped tight enough to hold it securely. To overcome this difficulty, many novel devices have been originated. One of these is shown 247 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS in Fig. 117. This is a Heald universal bushing chuck. It consists of a body (i) which screws on the spindle, a movable cap (2), and adjustable threaded collar (8), and another collar (3) which centralizes the locating plug (4). The bushing to be ground is shown at 5. As the illustra- Fig. 117. rHeald universal bushing grinding chuck. tion shows, the part of the plug that engages the bushing is triangular in shape (6), while the end that engages the threaded collar is round as seen at 7. As this chuck grips the work at its ends, it holds it securely without danger of distortion. One of the most difficult grinding problems with which the production engineer has to contend, is grinding the holes in spur and bevel gears as used in automobile trans- missions and differentials. These gears are hardened and heat-treated, thus they come to the grinding department in a slightly distorted condition. For smooth running, it is obvious that the pitch line of the gears must run as true as possible after assembling. To this end, special chucks have been developed for holding these gears in which the location is taken from the teeth at the pitch-line circle. Fig. 118 illustrates three common methods for locating gears as described by the Heald Company. In A, the gear is held wholly by the outside diameter. In B, jaws of special shape are employed, which grip the gear at the bottom of the tooth space, while in C rolls are used which make con- 248 INTERNAL GRINDING -3 -C I Fig. 1 1 8. Three types of chucks used in grinding the holes in gears on a Heald internal grinding machine. 249 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS tact at the pitch line. The first and third methods are the ones most commonly used. In considering the first method, it is obvious that the outside diameter of the gear is not always concentric with the bore. In cases where the outside diameter is concentric with the bore, the teeth are often eccentric with the hole, owing to the fact that the gear is sometimes* a loose fit on the gear-cutting arbor. Again, the gear-cutting arbor is often slightly out of true, which brings about the same result. In the second method, shown at B, the jaws of the chuck make contact at the bottom of the tooth space. This is a better method than the one above described inasmuch as the bottom of the teeth are theoretically all the same dis- tance from the pitch circle. The disadvantages of this method of locating gears is that the bottom of the teeth is often rough and sometimes curved owing to the shape of the tooth at this point and for these reasons the method is not as satisfactory as it might appear. The third method, shown at C, called pitch-line control, wherein the gear is clamped in place through the medium of three rolls evenly spaced around the gear as the illustra- tion shows. If the teeth are evenly spaced and the gear unhardened, this method is generally satisfactory. It must be borne in mind, however, that distortion is bound to take place when gears are hardened and this has an effect on the spacing of the gear as well as on its other dimensions. It is readily understood that any variation in the tooth spacing is bound to alter the even spacing of the rolls. For example, let it be assumed that one roll is located in a narrow tooth while the next roll happens to fall into a wider tooth. The location of the gear is bound to be eccentric. The chucks shown in Fig. 118 are all alike with the ex- ception of the locating points shown at 4. Briefly described, the chuck consists of a body (2) which screws to the nose of the spindle and a collet (3) which is split in three places and drawn into the chuck by means of a drawing rod 250 INTERNAL GRINDING which works through the hole in the grinding-machine head spindle. The gear is shown at 5, while 6 is the grinding wheel and 7 the grinding-wheel spindle. The body of the chuck is generally made of cast iron, while the collet is steel and insured against reasonable wear by case hardening. For various work, aside from the grinding of gears, these collet chucks are to be preferred to ordinary three-jaw chucks because the latter soon fill up with particles of metal ground from the work which calls for frequent cleaning. For grinding gears where accuracy and quiet running are paramount factors, the Heald Company have developed the chuck shown in Fig. 119. This chuck works on the Finish for Indicator .-Harafenecf Spiff King /Retainer King Loose on Rolls. Fig. 119. Heald multiple-roll chuck for holding gears for internal grinding. multiple-roll system and has a single split ring which- col- lapses as it is forced into the chuck. In this method of locating gears, a number of rolls are used. The number depends on the number of teeth in the gear. In the gear shown in the chuck in Fig. 119, nine rolls are used. The minimum number of rolls to use, however, should not be less than five. The rolls are hardened and are carried loosely in a retainer ring which keeps them in the proper position and in shape to be readily handled by the operator. In Fig. 119, the gear (7) and the rolls (6) are inserted in a 251 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS split ring (4) made straight inside and tapering on the out- side with a short thread to enable it to be screwed in and out of the body of the chuck. The body (3) is mounted on a face plate (2) which is screwed on the chuck spindle (i). The object of making the chuck body in two pieces, 2 and 3, is to afford ready means for keeping the chuck running absolutely true. By referring to Fig. 119, it is seen that part of the outside of the piece (3) is ground cylindrical to make a path for the indicator to register on while truing up the chuck. This feature allows the operator to check up the running of the chuck as frequently as de- sired. The split ring (4) is hardened to insure it against wear. Otherwise the pressure of the rolls would soon im- pair its accuracy as they would imbed themselves slightly at the points of contact every time the chuck was tightened. In Pig. 120, is shown a Heald chuck for locating large bevel gears as used in automobile rear axles. An unhardened Fig. 1 20. Heald chuck for locating large bevel gears for internal grinding. gear (2) is mounted on the face plate, which is recessed slightly to center the locating gear so that it will run true, at all times. The gear to be ground (3) is located with its face to the locating gear and is held in place by three clamps 252 INTERNAL GRINDING shown at 4. As the illustration shows, a portion of the teeth of the locating gear are cut back as at 5 leaving full-length teeth (6) at three points of the circumference. This three- point contact insures the gear against rocking on its seat. Another novel gear chuck is shown in Fig. 121. This chuck was originated by the Heald Company and is used for grinding bevel pinions. In reality it is a modification Fig. 121. Heald chuck for locating bevel pinions for internal grinding. of the principle used in the chuck shown in Fig. 119. Taper rolls are used which are spaced around the circumference to locate the gear in proper position according to the pitch line. The taper rolls should be three, five or seven in -num- ber, according to the number of teeth in the gear. The method of holding the rolls allows for a certain amount of play for the purpose of taking care of slight variations in the gears, due to hardening. Referring to Fig. 121,1 is the spindle, 2 the chuck body, 3 the clamp arms that hold the gear in position, 4 the locating rolls and 5 the retaining ring in which the rolls are mounted. While the present-day internal grinder is a production machine ia every sense of the word, it is not a tool for "hogging" off stock. It is a machine especially designed for finishing operations. For this reason, attention should be paid to the amount of stock left for grinding, especially in hardened work. 253 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS The amount to be left for grinding depends on the di- ameter of the hole and its length. In considering hardened work, it is very evident that comparatively long pieces will warp more than shorter ones. On short pieces with holes 1-1/2 inches in diameter and down to i inch, 0.008 to o.oio inches is sufficient. On smaller holes, the allowance can be decreased. Larger holes require a more liberal allow- ance. A good plan to determine the amount to leave for finishing on regular production is to start with liberal allowances and note how much the operator has left to grind out after the work has been ground round, that is when the wheel is cutting a complete circle through the entire length of the piece. If several thousandths of an inch are invariably left to remove after the work has assumed a round and true shape, the grinding allowance can be reduced. In grinding soft work, the general rule is to leave a little more than is absolutely necessary to true up the work and grind out the tool marks. A little experimentation will determine the correct amounts in all cases. Internal grinding is done both wet and dry. The general accepted rule is to grind cast iron and bronze dry and to grind steel wet. However, this rule does not have to be adhered to without exceptions as steel is often ground dry with satisfactory results. In wet grinding, the hood over the chuck keeps the spray from flying. In dry grinding, an exhaust pipe draws away the dust through the hollow-head spindle. This protects the operator and keeps the machine clean at the same time. Wheels on internal grinders are run at peripheral speeds ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 feet per minute while the work speed can vary from 25 to 100 feet per minute. There is no hard and fast rule to refer to, but the experienced oper- ator judges the correct combination of wheel and work speed by the quality and quantity of the output and the performance of the wheel. In selecting wheels for internal grinding, carbide of silicon 254 INTERNAL GRINDING is used for cast iron and bronze while alumina abrasives should be used on steel, both hard and soft. For the aver- age run of work, grits from 36 to 50 are used in grades 4 to 6 on the writer's grade scale. For grinding cast iron, the grades are somewhat softer, from 2 to 5. As a general rule, soft wheels give the best results. The reason for this lies in the fact that there are comparatively few cutting points on these small wheels, and if they do not wear away readily, bringing new cutting points into action, the wheel glazes quickly. Careful attention should be given to keeping wheels on internal grinding machines true. They should never, under any circumstances, be dressed with a star-wheel dresser although a carbide of silicon brick is a good medium to use, provided it is held securely in a holder that is fastened to the platen on the machine. The operator should never attempt to true the wheel by holding the brick in his hand as this gives poor results. The diamond is an ideal tool for truing these wheels, but the present cost of bort stones makes their use prohibitive in cases where another medium will serve the purpose equally well. Because of their high rotative speed, internal grinding machine wheel spindles should be properly lubricated with a grade of oil that is especially adapted for the purpose. There is a great difference between ordinary slow-running bearings and those of a high-speed grinding spindle. The former takes a heavy oil which forms a thick film on which the journal rests. With the latter, the bearings are adjusted very closely and for this reason a light-bodied, high-grade oil should be used. A special internal grinding machine that is widely used in the automobile and airplane engine industry is shown in Fig. 122. This is a cylinder grinder made by the Heald Machine Co. With the development of the automobile industry, considerable difficulty was experienced in finish- ing cylinders by ordinary methods, that is, boring or ream- ing. This was due to several factors, chief among them 255 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS being the fact that cylinder walls are comparatively thin, thus they sprang away from the finishing tools which left the cylinder considerably out of true. Again, internal- combustion engine cylinders should be made of a compara- tively hard, close-grained iron which is always difficult to Fig. 122. Heald cylinder grinding machine. machine accurately. With these factors in mind, engineers turned to the grinding machine for a solution of the difficulty. The ordinary single cylinder of other days was a difficult piece to grind inasmuch .as it could not be rotated readily a special grinding fixture was necessary which had pro- vision for running and balancing each individual cylinder. Again, it would be impossible to rotate a cylinder of the type illustrated, in Fig. 123, which is cast en bloc. There- fore the machine shown in Fig. 122 was developed. The base and upright of this machine are cast in one piece. The wheel spindle is mounted at the top of the upright and is of the planetary type. The main spindle revolves to carry 256 INTERNAL GRINDING the wheel around the wall of the cylinder to be ground while the supplementary spindle rotates rapidly to impart motion to the grinding wheel. A special adjustment, graduated in thousandths of an inch, determines the eccen- tric setting of the wheel spindle. The platen can be adjusted at right angles to the wheel spindle by means of a screw feed equipped with a microm- Fig. 123. Multiple cylinder for an automobile engine as finished by grinding. eter dial, which feature is made use of in grinding cylinders of the type shown in Fig. 123. The platen is fed longi- tudinally by means of an automatic feed, the movement being controlled by adjustable dogs that actuate the re- versal at each end of the stroke. The operation of grinding the cylinder shown in Fig. 123 is shown in Fig. 124. The cylinder is mounted on a special angle-iron fixture that is clamped to the platen of the machine. One bore of the cylinder is ground at a time and completely finished before moving the platen to grind the next hole. The amount to leave for grinding depends upon the size of the cylinder and the condition in which the holes are left by the rough boring operation. Usually cylinders are rough bored with a coarse feed which leaves deep tool marks. This is advantageous as the tool marks 257 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS exert a shearing motion of the wheel which helps to keep it true. If the holes are accurately spaced in the boring operation from to 0.15 inches below the bottom of -the boring tool marks are sufficient for finishing. This is not a hard and fast rule by any means as local conditions must be taken into consideration, thus experimentation is the Fig. 124. Grinding a four-cylinder unit for an automobile engine on a Heald cylinder grinding machine. only accurate guide. If the operator finds that he has a large amount of stock to remove after the holes show up true, the amount left for finishing should be reduced and, on the other hand, if the holes fail to "grind out " the allow- ance must be increased. It is best when first installing a grinder for this work to start with a liberal allowance which can be reduced if too much stock has been left. Cylinder grinding is a precision operation in every sense of the word, especially when finishing cylinders for aircraft engines. For this reason, the wheel must be kept true and in cutting condition at all times. By again referring to Fig. 124, it is seen that there is a bracket set at an angle under each cylinder location. These are for holding a dia- 258 INTERNAL GRINDING mond tool used for truing the wheel. In this illustration, the diamond tool is fastened in the bracket at the right of the cylinder being ground. For grinding cast-iron cylinders, carbide of silicon wheels should be used. The grits commonly furnished run from 30 to 36 and the grades from 2 to 4 on the writer's proposed grade scale. For grinding steel cylinders, alumina abrasives Fig. 125. Grinding Hall-Scott airplane engine cylinders on a Heald cylinder grinding machine. should be used. The grits in this case run from 30 to 40 and the grades from i to 4. Two important factors involved in cylinder grinding are: keeping the work cool and carrying away the dust. It is needless to say that the work must be kept cool if accurate sizes are to be maintained while the dust must be disposed of to conform with the laws relative to grinding-room prac- tice in force in the majority of states. Excellent means to attain both these ends are illustrated 259 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS in Fig. 125 which shows the operation of grinding cylinders for the well-known Hall-Scott airplane engines. The cylinder to be ground is held on a special angle-iron fixture which is clamped to the platen of the machine. Water supplied from the city mains is circulated through the water jacket Fig. 126. Grinding a special internal combustion engine cylinder on a Heald cylinder grinding machine. by means of the connections seen at the top near the upright of the angle iron and at the end of the cylinder. The dust is exhausted by means of an air suction connected to the exhaust opening of the cylinder. Cylinders are often ground, however, with no provision made fqr water cooling, and, if the depth of cut taken is not too heavy, good results are obtained. Such a grinding operation is shown in Fig. 126. The work consists of grinding a special cylinder of the air-cooled type. The dust can be readily disposed of by placing a hood connected to the exhaust system over the end of the hole being ground. The cylinder grinder has, without a doubt, gone a long way toward perfecting the present-day automobile and air- plane engine. Ground holes are more accurate than it is pos- 260 INTERNAL GRINDING sible to produce by boring and reaming and every hole can be made exactly the same size with very little trouble. Far less accuracy is required in boring, in fact, the boring Fig. 127. Grinding the hole in a coil spring on a Heald cylinder grinding machine. operation is for roughing out only and the time spent in reaming is eliminated. Multiple cylinders are handled as easily as are single ones and interchangeability of cylinders, pistons and rings is assured. No time has to be spent in Fig. 128. Grinding a hole in a piece of tile pipe on a Heald cylinder grinding machine. lapping a ground cylinder and a maximum amount of com- pression is always possible. Aside from cylinder grinding, the cylinder grinder lends 261 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS itself readily to a number of operations that would be diffi- cult to handle by ordinary methods. A novel grinding operation of this kind is shown in Fig. 127. This shows a flat, coiled spring 14 inches in diameter and 10 inches in length. It was ground to a plus-and-minus dimension of o.ooi inches. Another unusual job is shown in Fig. 128. Fig. 129. Grinding a hole in a large worm gear on a Heald cylinder grinding machine. This is a piece of tile pipe 16 inches long and 8 inches inside diameter and was ground to within a limit of o.ooi inches, plus-or-minus. Fig. 129 shows a large worm gear mounted for internal grinding. The manner in which the work is held in eacli case is easily understood by referring to the illustrations and it is seen that these pieces did not require elaborate special fixtures for holding them in position. CHAPTER NINETEEN SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS Grinding calender rolls Special grinding machines Roll grinders and roll grinding Corrugating flour-mill rolls Grinding crankshafts Grinding cam shafts Locomotive valve gears. IN this category can be included a number of grinding operations that are interesting because of the ingenuity shown in adapting the grinding wheel to unusual problems. They are also very important operations. One unusual grinding operation consists of finishing the calender rolls of Fourdrinier paper-making machines. The machine takes its name from Henry Fourdrinier who introduced- the first paper-making machine into England. After the paper has been formed and partially dried, it passes through a series of calender rolls which impart a smooth finish. If paper were not calendered, it would have the appearance of a sheet of newspaper that had been wet and afterward dried. The largest stack of calender rolls in use at the present time in the United States or Canada is shown in Fig. 130. The relative size of the stack can be judged by the man standing at the left. When it is taken into consideration that these rolls are made of hard chilled iron and that they must have a mirror-like finish, to say nothing of fitting together so per- fectly that light will not show between them, it is seen that roll grinding is indeed an exacting operation. These rolls are in use at the Ontario Paper Co., Thorold, Canada, and are designated as follows: Bottom, next to bottom, intermediates and top. All these rolls are 196 inches long: The bottom roll is 30 inches in diameter and weighs 44,000 pounds. The next to bottom roll is 20 inches 263 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS in diameter and weighs 18,000 pounds. The intermediate rolls are seven in number, 14 inches in diameter and weigh 9,000 pounds each, while the top roll is the same diameter and weight as the next to bottom roll. As the work of calender rolls is nothing more or less than to press paper, it would appear that they should stay in Fig. 130. The largest stack of calender rolls on the American continent. shape indefinitely, but this is not the case. The constant rolling action gradually affects the mirror-like finish and, again, the "doctors," which are thin plates of specially tempered steel used for scraping them, sometimes leave scratches. What is termed a "plug" in paper-mill parlance often occurs. As the paper maker says: "A plug plays the mischief with the rolls." It occurs usually when the web of paper breaks and banks up and a large wad'is pulled be- tween the rolls. When this happens, one roll may stop 264 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS revolving while the next roll to it continues to revolve. Under these conditions, a flat spot is sometimes worn on the roll. It will be seen that a special grinding machine is necessary to keep the calenders in condition. The majority of paper mills keep a few spare rolls in stock which are substituted for worn ones. Most paper mills also have a completely equipped grinding department which saves the time and expense involved in cases w r here rolls are sent to a distant point for grinding. As stated in the introduction, roll finishing was one of the first attempts at cylindrical grinding. The rolls in use at that time, some 50 years ago, were, of course, much smaller than the ones shown in Fig. 130. A typical old-time stack, some 50 years old, is still running near Ansonia, Conn., and consists of the following: A top roll 10x50 inches weighing about 1,225 pounds, a bottom roll of the same dimensions and weight, and four five-inch intermediate rolls weighing a little over 300 pounds each. Since the original paper machine, the prototype of the present-day Fourdrinier machine, was invented in 1798 by Louis Robert in France, it follows that the early calender rolls were not finished by grinding. The question naturally arises: "How were these hard rolls finished with the proper degree of smoothness to calender paper?" It is the writer's opinion that these old-time rolls were not chilled rolls but simply hard, charcoal-iron, sand-cast rolls. Thus, they could be finished with turning tools, just as roll turners in steel mills finish the passes on rolling-mill rolls at the present time. It is definitely known that hard, chilled-iron rolls were made fifty years ago and that they were finished by grind- ing, probab'y with hand-made grinding wheels consisting of emery bonded together with glue~or shellac. Who made the first grinding machine for this purpose, however, is a matter of conjecture. The writer has made diligent search, but is unable to throw any light on the subject. 265 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS A modern roll-grinding machine is shown in Fig. 131. This machine is a product of the Farrel Foundry & Machine Co., Ansonia, Conn., who are the makers of the rolls illus- trated in Fig. 130. As the illustration shows, this machine differs radically from machines for cylindrical grinding as Fig. 131. Parrel self-contained calender-roll grinding machine. described in a previous chapter. Roll grinding is a trade in itself and its successful prosecution is possible only with machines built especially for the purpose. Briefly described, the roll-grinding machine illustrated consists of a massive bed upon which the carriage, carrying two wheel heads, traverses, deriving its motion by means of an automatic screw feed. The motor for driving the wheels is mounted on a superstructure over the carriage while the carriage-driving mechanism is actuated by means of the motor seen at the right. This motor also imparts the rotary motion to the roll. Two grinding wheels, one on either side, work on the roll simultaneously. This is for the object of expediting pro- duction and insuring a straight, true roll at the same time. 266 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS The latter feature is assured by the swing-rest principle employed in mounting the grinding wheels. This principle has been in use for a number of years. On this plan, the grinding wheels, instead of being mounted rigidly like a lathe tool in a tool post, and each wheel independent of the other, are hung or suspended from "A" frames on the wheel carriage and the wheel heads are connected by a cross bar. One moves with the other. The "A" frames and the links on which the wheel carriages are suspended are plainly shown in the illustrat'on. The swing-rest mechanism is: supported on knife edges of tool steel bearing in links which, in turn, are supported on knife edges on a connecting cross bar. This allows free lateral movement and it insures a straight roll because the straight path in which the wheels are bound to travel is not influenced by any slight irregu- larities in the machine bed. To use a simple illustration, the wheels pass along the rolls just as a mechanic passes a pair of calipers along a piece of shafting or other cylindrical piece of work. When a grinding wheel is in a fixed position, as the tool in a lathe, it follows that any slight error in the alignment of the ways will be duplicated on the face of the roll. On the other hand, the grinding wheels on the swing-rest prin- ciple hang like a plummet and maintain their relative posi- tion to each other on account of the cross bar that con- nects them. Thus, they traverse in a straight line, and,, consequently produce straight work. Another important factor peculiar to roll grinding is that comparatively long rolls are bound to sag of their own weight.. Fig. 132. Calender roll sagged through its own weight. This illustration is exaggerated to illustrate the principle. This is shown in Fig. 132 which is exaggerated to illustrate the principle. It is necessary to overcome this on bottom 267 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS rolls, otherwise the next to bottom roll would not make contact without sagging and so on up the stack. The difficulty is successfully overcome by crowning the bottom .roll so that in its deflected state its upper surface presents pig. 133. Crowned calender roll. The crowning compensates the error due to the roll's deflection. This illustration is exaggerated to illustrate the principle. a straight line. This is illustrated in Fig. 133. This illus- tration is also somewhat exaggerated to illustrate the principle. The mechanism for crowning is simple and easily under- stood. On one side of the roll grinder bed, extending nearly its whole length, is an arched plate called a master crown plate. This is not shown in Fig. 131 as it is on the other side of the machine. A toe piece on the wheel carriage travels over this master plate and, through the medium of levers, the wheel heads are moved away from the roll as the center is approached and toward the rol' as the other end is approached. This imparts the desired crown. The mechanism is adjustable to impart the amount of crown necessary for different lengths and weights of rolls. It is obvious that a long, comparatively thin roll will deflect , more than a roll of the same length, but of greater diameter, thus this adjustment is necessary. The amount of crown to give a roll to offset the error caused by sagging is de- termined by experiment alone. To the best of the writer's knowledge, no tables giving the amount of crown for differ- ent lengths and diameters of rolls have been published. Some years ago, when the roll grinder had to depend on natural abrasives, roll grinding was a long and tedious operation. As a matter of fact, weeks were sometimes consumed in grinding a single roll in cases where it was badly out of shape. The discovery of Carborundum in 1891 proved a decided boon to roll grinding as this abrasive 268 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS made it possible to accomplish in days what theretofore required weeks. At the present day, Carborundum and other carbide of silicon abrasives are used almost exclusively for grinding calender rolls. Shellac-bonded wheels are generally used for this oper- ation for two reasons: A shellac-bonded wheel imparts an * exceedingly fine finish which is very desirable and, again, these wheels are quite durable. The grits used run from 24 to 80 in a medium soft to soft grade. For roughing operations, wheels in vitrified bond are sometimes used. Roll grinding in itself is a comparatively simple oper- ation. The roll is supported by its journals or necks and revolved by' means of a flexible connection. The grinding should be worked wet under all conditions. The wheels are fed in until they spark heavily and enough passes taken over the roll to grind it true. It is then finished by means of light cuts, the wheels being allowed to traverse until no sparks are visible. It is evident that a calender roll with imperfections on its surface will not finish paper satisfactorily and, for this reason, great care must be exercised in grinding and the least tendency to chattering promptly overcome. Chatter- ing, in this case, is caused by one of three things or a com- bination of all three: Loose wheel spindle boxes, excessive work speed or hard wheels. When chattering occurs, the first thing to do is to see that the work speed is normal and then the wheel spindle boxes should be adjusted. If these adjustments do not overcome the difficulty, the wheel speed should be reduced slightly, and if the wheels are too hard the reduction of speed will tend to make them function as softer wheels. The correct wheel-surface speed for roll grinding is 5,000 feet per minute. Regarding the work speed, however, there is no hard and fast rule. In visiting paper mills in all parts of the country, the writer has observed work speeds ranging all the way from 15 to 60 feet a minute and sometimes more, and in -each case the operator was getting satisfactory re- 269 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS suits. Local conditions such as the grade and make of wheel used, the hardness of the roll, etc., have to be taken into consideration in determining the work speed. Roll grinding, in the strictest sense of the word, is not a produc- tion operation, thus the operator sets the work speed to suit himself and as long as he is getting a satisfactory finish he is riot concerned whether the time taken to finish a certain roll is three days or a week. Another important branch of chilled-iron grinding con- sists of finishing the massive rolls used in steel mills for rolling sheets and plates. This is exacting work as the faces of the rolls should be parallel in order that stock of uniform thickness can be rolled. Until a few years ago, these rolls were finished by the slower process of turning on a regular roll-turning lathe. The manufacturers of cylindrical grind- ing machinery, however, realizing that the steel mills offered a new field for the sale of grinding machinery, began a series of exhaustive experiments which ultimately resulted in the production of extra-heavy, specially designed ma- chines for finishing these rolls. The rolls in question are of various sizes ranging all the way from those used for rolling ribbon stock, which are from 8 to 12 inches long and from 6 to 10 inches in diameter, up to the massive rolls used for rolling heavy plates which are often 54 inches in diameter and 15 feet long. The small rolls can be readily ground in a regular cylindrical grinding machine and the process does not differ materially from any other cylindrical grinding job except, perhaps, that the wheel used is a trifle softer inasmuch as the amount of contact between the roll and the wheel prohibits the use of a hard or even of a medium grade wheel. A massive grinding machine constructed especially for finishing steel-mill rolls is illustrated in Fig. 134. This machine is a product of the Landis Tool Co. and in general design it does not differ materially from a regular Landis plain grinder. As the illustration shows, the roll is located by its necks or journals and is driven from the face plate 270 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS by a pin that engages the wobbler. The operator stands on the three-step platform plainly seen at the front of the machine, from which vantage point he has full control of Fig. 134. Landis grinding machine for finishing large steel- mill rolls. the work at all times. He can look over the roll to observe the cutting action of the wheel without inconvenience. This machine is self-contained and electrically driven. Another heavy roll grinding machine is illustrated in Fig. 135. This machine is made by the Norton Grinding Co. and is somewhat' more complicated than the first machine shown. In designing this machine, the principle of having the wheel traverse past the work is employed, which is a Fig. 135. Norton grinding machine for finishing large steel-mill rolls. distinct departure from the Norton Company's practice. However, in grinding these massive rolls, it is readily seen that it is not practicable to mount the roll on a traversing platen. If this were done, the momentum of the massive moving body would present serious difficulties in reversing. The wheel is mounted on a carriage on which the operator 271 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS stands. This position allows him to view the grinding oper- ation at all times. The roll is mounted on its journals and revolved from the headstock. The wheel is fed toward the work by means of the upper handwheel shown in the illus- tration. The machine is motor-driven throughout. The equipment consists of five motors as follows: A 40-horse- power unit mounted on the wheel carriage for rotating the grinding wheel and traversing the wheel carriage ; a 1 5 -horse power motor mounted on the headstock for revolving the work and three 2 -horsepower motors. These small motors are placed on the head and tail stocks and on the wheel carriage. The first two are for traversing the parts upon which they are mounted along the ways of the base, while the last drives the pump and traverses the grinding wheel at right angles to the work. This machine is said to be the heaviest grinding machine ever constructed. It weighs 100,000 pounds. After the first machine of this type was finished and installed in a steel mill for demonstration, it was found, after exhaustive trials, that it reduced the time required in dressing rolls from 50 to 75 per cent. There always has, and probably always will be, con- troversy regarding the manner in which rolls should be located for grinding; that is, by their centers or by their necks. No matter which method is used, the locating points must be true. If the roll is to be located on centers, these must be true 6o-degree centers; perfectly round at all points, and free from scores or imperfections. If the roll is to be located by its necks, it follows that these must be straight, true as regards circumference and in line with each other. If the necks are out of round, as they often are from wear, it follows that the imperfections will be duplicated on the face of the roll. It is a fact that the necks of these massive rolls are often out of true as they wear readily due to the excessive pressure to which they are subjected in actual use. A good method, followed by many roll grinders, is first to true out the centers carefully; then mount the roll and 272 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS grind the necks until they are round and straight. Then the roll is located by the necks and its body ground. On the other hand, many expert roll grinders have achieved excel- lent results by grinding rolls as large as 30 inches in diameter and 1 20 inches long by locating them on centers. The surface speed of the wheels used for roll grinding is from 5,000 to 6,000 feet per minute. The surface speed of the work is comparatively high when compared to work speeds used in ordinary cylindrical grinding. In fact, it ranges from 100 to 200 feet per minute. The traverse feed is very nearly the width of the wheel for each revolu- tion of the work. The depth of cut for roughing is all the wheel will stand, while for finishing the cut is comparatively light. It is obvious that rolls for rolling hot steel do not require the mirror-like finish called for on calender rolls. Steel-mill rolls, however, require a comparatively smooth finish as any imperfections would show up on the material rolled. Steel-mill rolls are made 'of two materials chilled iron and steel. For grinding the iron rolls, carbide of silicon is used and for steel rolls alumina abrasives. The same grits and grades apply to this work, in a general way, as given for grinding calender rolls. Another important branch of roll grinding is the finishing of chilled-iron rolls used in flour mills. This applies to the smooth rolls as well as the corrugated breaking-down rolls. The corrugations of the latter wear down after a few years' service and before re-corrugating them, the worn corruga- tions .are ground away. This work is done on the same type of machine illustrated in Fig. 131. As flour-mill rolls are comparatively small, ranging from 6 inches in diameter and 12 inches long to 12 inches in diameter and 60 inches long, a much smaller machine is used. These machines are gen- erally provided with a swing rest for assuring straight rolls, but they are seldom equipped with a crowning attachment as the rolls are not long enough for their diameter to deflect from their own weight. 273 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Large flour mills have their own grinding and corrugating departments in charge of an experienced operator, but many of the smaller mills send their rolls to repair shops that make a specialty of this work. There seems to be no good reason why this grinding could not be done on a regular cylindrical grinder after the method employed in grinding small stee"- mill rolls, but the type of grinder shown in Fig. 131 seems to have the preference. In grinding the worn corrugations from flour-mill rolls, carbide of silicon whee s in 30 to 60 grit and medium grade are used. Shellac-bonded wheels are always used for finish- ing operations, but for roughing some operators prefer vitrified whee's. The work does not differ materially rom any other roll-grinding operation and the process followed is the same. After the automobile had passed the' experimental stage and began to be an industry in tself, one of the complex problems it brought about was the finishing of crankshafts. It goes without saying that tne bear ngs and pins of this important member of the modern automobile must be ac- curately and smoothly finished if an easy-running motor is to result and, as may be imagined, abrasive engineers lost no time in adapting the cylindrical grinder for finishing crankshafts. In the early days of the automobile industry, the grinding of crankshafts presented many difficulties. Fig. 136^ Typical crankshaft as finished by grinding. The shaft was usually held between centers on offset blocks. This method when applied to a four or six throw crankshaft 2/4 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS is not satisfactory as the shaft is quite liable to spring in the grinding operation, owing to the insecure support. Again, in the early days of four- throw crankshafts, there were no grinding wheels suitable for the work, that is, as we judge such wheels today. A typical crankshaft, one that is easily finished by grind- ing, is shown in Fig. 136. This is an easy shaft to grind as it has but one intermediate bearing and four pin bearings. Fig. 137. Landis crankshaft grinding machine. A modern Landis crankshaft grinder is illustrated in Fig. 137. This machine does not differ materially from an ordinary cylindrical grinder with the exception that the crankshaft is rotated and driven from both ends while it is securely held in special indexing devices which are counter- weighted to assure a satisfactory running balance to the shaft during the grinding operation. The double drive is derived from the shaft seen at the front of the machine. The work-carrying fixture is shown in Fig. 138. These are attached to the face plates of the machine and carry the work while grinding the pins. The fixtures are equipped with two independent rotary adjustments, one an eccentric for obtaining different throws, the settings for which are 275 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Fig. 138. Work-carrying fixture for grinding crankshafts on Landis - crankshaft grinding machine. Fig. 139. Special wheel-truing device for Landis crankshaft grinding machine. 276 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS indicated in English and Metric scales, and the other for locating the pins in their relative grinding positions. The setting for this is controlled by a division index which is of the tapered type to insure it against reasonable wear. The counterbalance weights are seen at the bottom of the face plate. Another attachment peculiar to crank-grinding machines is the special radius truing device which is absolutely nec- essary in keeping the corners of the wheel at the correct radius to impart the desired fillets on the work. A Landis special wheel-truing device of this type is illustrated in Fig. 139. This is attached to the top of one of the work- rests used in supporting the crank while grinding. The diamond tool is oscillated by the lever at the top. This fixture is also used for truing the face of the wheel and, as the illustration shows, the work need not be removed when the device is in use. As shown, the diamond-setting gauge is turned over and pushed back on its holder where it does not interfere with the truing operation. Crankshafts are finished in two ways, grinding from the rough forging and finish grinding after a roughing cut in the lathe. There is some controversy as to which is the best method, but in actual practice both methods give ex- cellent results. In grinding a crankshaft from the rough, it is first centered and the main bearings roughed out. Then it is held in the offset fixtures and the pins roughed out. Next the pins are finished carefully and last of all the main bearings. In the other process, the roughing is done in the lathe and the grinding machine used for the finishing operation only. In this case, the main bearings are first rough ground to within a few thousandths of the finished size, then the pins are roughed. Next the pins are finished and last of all a finishing cut is taken over the main bearings. Grinding from the rough wears out wheels rapidly, but as the turning operation in the lathe is eliminated, there may be truth in the claim that this method is the most' 277 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS rapid. However, many leading manufacturers prefer to take the roughing cuts in the lathe. Thus, it is seen that there must be factors in favor of both methods, otherwise one or the other would be adopted universally. Crank grinding is an exacting operation and the speed with which the work is turned out is attained only by long practice on the part of the operator. It differs from ordinary grinding in several ways. In the first place, in working on the pins, the traverse feed is eliminated entirely and the work fed directly to the wheel by means of the cross feed. The face of the wheel must be kept true and straight in the finishing operation. Again, the operator has to exercise care in watching the fillets, for a true radius on the wheel corner is necessary in imparting the desired fillet on the finished work. Another point that requires close attention on the part of the operator is the spacing of the pins. Crank- shaft grinding is a special trade in itself and in common with other exacting operations, skill is developed only through long practice. As crankshafts are always made of steel, alumina abrasives are used for grinding them. Grinding-wheel manufacturers who cater to this class of trade have developed special wheels for the work. These wheels are generally in com- bination grits and great care has been paid to developing bonds that will insure the corners holding up well with- out danger of burning the work. The wheels used for grinding crankshafts from the rough are coarse and com- paratively hard from 16 to 24 grit in the writer's grades ii to 14. For finishing, finer and softer whee's are used. The grits in this case run from 36 to AO and the grades from 7 to 9. Perhaps the greatest difficulty experienced in crankshaft grinding is keeping the work true. It is imperative that free-cutting wheels are used, but they must not be too soft, otherwise more wheel is wasted in keeping the fillets at the proper radii than is used in actual grinding. If the wheels are too hard, in the finishing operation, they heat the metal 278 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS unduly wfyich causes sprung work and burned spots in the fillets. Especial care must be exercised in taking the finish- ing cuts on the main bearings as these must test true, or at least within close limits, in the finished shaft. An expert can, of course, bend a sprung shaft until it runs true, but it is much better to have the work true as it comes from the grinder. The finish left on the journals and pins is another im- portant factor and the high degree of finish required by the government on crankshafts for airplane motors has caused more than one manufacturer much anxiety. There was a time when manufacturers of crankshafts used a final lapping with emery cloth and oil to impart a high degree of finish, but the government frowns on this practice. The amount to be left for finishing should be determined by experimentation as it is impossible to set any definite rule. The accuracy with which the shafts are roughed out, both as regards dimensions and the spacing of the off- sets are important factors bearing on this point. Again, the size of the shaft, whether long or short must be con- sidered. On an average, however, 0.020 inch should suffice in the majority of cases where the operator who roughs out the work uses reasonable care. Never under any conditions should it be attempted to grind a crankshaft without backresting it. Crank grinding machines are equipped with a special form of back rest that bears directly on the surface being ground and there is no excuse for not using these. Another special grinding operation that has been de- veloped by the automobile industry is that of grinding cam shafts. In the early development of the internal- combustion motor, in the days of single cylinder and two cylinder double-opposed type engines, individual cams w r ere used. These were cut by methods used in cutting ordinary face cams after which they were hardened to eliminate wear. These early cams were not ground; for at that time rule-of- thumb methods were the general ones employed, thus after 279 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS the cams were hardened, a polishing with abrasive cloth was thought sufficient. As the automobile engine was gradually improved, the valve-actuating mechanism was given more attention and more accurately finished cams were demanded. Grinding- machine manufacturers turned their attention to the de- velopment of special attachments for cam grinding. Present-day internal-combustion engine cams are of two kinds: Integral cams, in which several cams are made in- tegral with their shaft, and individual cams. The former type is the one most extensively used. The latter type is sometimes used on multiple cylinder engines, in which case the cams are pinned or otherwise fastened permanently to the shaft. The majority of individual cams, however, are used on single cylinder engines of various types. There are two types of cam-grinding attachments to take care of the two kinds of cams above referred to. An attach- ment made by the Norton Grinding Co. for finishing in- dividual cams is shown in Fig. 140. Briefly described, it consists of a spindle which carries the cam to be ground and the master cam which, running over a roller, produces the desired contour of the cam face. It is driven from the headstock of the . machine and a strong spring keeps the master cam in contact with its roller while the cam is brought to the Wheel by means of the cross feed. An attachment designed for grinding integral cams is shown in Fig. 141, while Fig. 142 is a close-up view of the attach- ment taken from the back of the machine. The gear guards are removed in this view to show the operating mechanism. A is the driving arm, B the master cams on their spindle, C the roll which is set in position before the desired leader by slipping along the shaft D. This is equipped with a locking device to hold it in place as occasion requires. E is the case that covers a stiff spring which holds the master cam in contact with the roll. F is the driving dog, G the steady-rests and H the tailstock. As the master cams are revolved their bearing against the roll causes the attach- 280 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS Fig. 140. Norton grinding attachment for finishing individual cams. Fig. 141. Norton grinding attachment for finishing cams made integral with their shafts. 281 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS ment to oscillate which, of course, produces a duplicate motion of the cams in position before the grinding wheel. In cam grinding, no traverse feed is used. The wheel is fed directly into the work by means of the cross feed until the required depth is reached. The handle J is for the pur- Fig. 142. Rear view of Norton cam-grinding attachment. pose of lifting the work" away from the wheel for inspection and removal and to move the guide roll from one position to another. In cam-grinding, it is very necessary to use steady-rests to support the work. These should be located reasonably close to the cam being ground and should bear on the round part of the shaft which is finished by grinding for this pur- pose. The Norton Grinding Co. provide two types of steady-rests, as illustrated in Figs. 143 and 144. Fig. 143 is an open type rest and Fig. 144 a closed type rest. It is obvious that the open type has the advantage of being readily handled in locating and removing the work. The closed rest is used in cases where great accuracy is demanded, for instance, on cams for high-class automobile engines and on aircraft engine work. 282 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS As the cams in question are made of steel, alumina abra- sives are used in grinding them. The degree of accuracy demanded and the finish sought are important factors governing the selection of wheels for cam grinding. For Fig. 1 43 . Open - type Norton steady-rest for camshaft grinding. Fig. 144. Closed -type Norton steady-rest for camshaft grinding. roughing out the cams before they are hardened, which is common practice, wheels in 16 to 24 grit and 12 to 17 grades will be found satisfactory. It is seen here that the wheels used for this purpose are comparatively hard. For roughing out hardened cams 24 to 40 grit in grades 4 to 7 will give good results. For finishing hardened cams, grits 36 to 50 in grades 3 to 5 will be found satisfactory. The grades are according to the writer's grade scale. One of the most interesting factors pertaining to cam grinding is the method followed in producing the leaders or master cams. It is necessary that these be accurate as regards contour if accurate results in the ground cams are sought. In grinding a cam, we use a leader of the desired form to produce the outline on the cam that oscillates be- fore the grinding wheel. In making these leaders, we re- verse the practice. This will be clearly understood by the following description. The operation is shown in Fig. 145. This is the same attachment used for cam grinding but set up differently. In place of the grinding wheel the disk (2) is used. This is made of cast iron and occupies the position 283 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS taken by the grinding wheel in grinding operations. The model cam (4) bears against the disk and from it is produced the leader, several of which are shown at 5. This is ground by the grinding wheel (i). The spindle (6) carries the master Fig. 145. Grinding the leaders for a Norton cam-grinding attachment. cams. The master cams, which are hardened, were roughed approximately to the desired shape before hardening. The bearings of the master-cam spindle and the centers of the attachment must be exactly in line. As the grinding wheel and the master cam revolve, the model runs over the disk which produced the desired contour on the master. It looks simple, which in truth it is, but to assure satisfactory results two .important factors must be borne in mind. The disk (2) must be the size of the grinding wheel that is to be used in grinding the cam on regular production work and the grinding wheel (i) must be exactly the same size as the roll that is to follow over the master cams when they are in use as producers for the finished cams. As previously stated the master cams are roughe'd out before they are hardened and a few words concerning a 284 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS simple method to follow in marking the outline will not be out of place here. The blanks, while soft, are mounted on the roughing master-cam spindle, it being understood that in cam grinding two sets of masters are necessary, one for roughing and the other for finishing master cams. The machine is started up and the model produces the desired motion to the master cam shaft. The wheel (i) is brought to bear slightly against the side of the master where it marks the outline from which the toolmaker roughs out the cam. As stated previously, the disk over which the model cam runs in making a master cam must be the same size as the -Roll4"Diam. Pivcrt^ Trammel -9 "Rod. representing Grinding Wheel Generated with Generated with Generated with Under Sue Wheel Correct Size Wheel Over Size Whel (18 Diam.) Fig. 146. Effect of varying wheel diameters in cam grinding. grinding wheel to be used in grinding the cams later in pro- duction work. As all grinding wheels wear in use, it is evident that after the wheel is worn away somewhat it will not grind the same shape as it did when it was up to size. This is graphically illustrated in Fig. 146 which was pre- pared for explanatory purposes by Howard W. Dunbar, and illustrates clearly just what takes place in cam grinding. The model cam is in position bearing against the guide roll. 285 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS A piece of cardboard is glued to the master, this taking the place of the cam to be ground under working conditions. The pencil represents the periphery of the grinding wheel. A mark is made on the cardboard with the pencil, the master moved a little and another mark made and so on until the master has made a complete revolution. This gives the cam outline seen in the illustration. If the radius on which the pencil swings is changed to represent the periphery of a smaller wheel, a different shaped cam will be formed. As the three diagrams at the bottom of the illustration show, incorrect wheel sizes make a vast difference in the out- line produced even though the same master is used. From this it is seen that after a wheel is worn down a little, two courses are before the man who wants to produce cams true to a predetermined contour. Either discard the wheel after it has worn away a little and substitute a new one that is up to size or produce a multitude of leaders from different -sized disks to be substituted as the wheel wears away. These masters, it is needless to say, should be stamped to show what size wheel they were made to be used with. Another interesting grinding operation consists of finish- ing the radii on links used in valve gears as seen on loco- motives. Three types of links are shown in Fig. 147. A is a built-up link in which the members i and 2, that con- fine the block D, are held together with bolts, the intervening spaces being filled with the filler pieces 3. Links of this type are generally made of wrought iron and protected against excessive wear by case hardening. A solid link is shown at B. Links of this type are generally made from steel castings. Sometimes they are case hardened, but in other instances they are left in their soft state. The link shown at C is the type used in the Walschaert valve gear. Considering the link shown at A, it is evident that case hardening will distort it to a certain extent. If satisfactory working surfaces are desired, the errors must be corrected by grinding. Some years ago, links of this type were ground 286 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS by hand on the face of a wide wheel. This practice, of course, called for the services of an expert workman and even under these conditions the results were not always satis- factory. The machine shown in Fig. 148 was designed especially for grinding links and link blocks and is called a radial Fig. 147. Three types of locomotive valve-gear links. grinder. However, as these machines are used principally in railroad shops they are generally called link grinders. The machine is designed and built by H. G. Hammett, Troy, N. Y. The fulcrum of the bar seen in the foreground is adjust- able to accommodate links of different radii and causes the upper section of the platen to describe a curve as it traverses back and forth. The grinding wheel is carried on a vertical spindle and is fed downward as the grinding pro- gresses. The link is lined up to the desired radius and securely strapped to the platen of the machine, although in some cases special fixtures are provided for locating the work. 287 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS In fitting up links of any kind, the first step is generally to grind the block which is then used as a gauge in grinding the link to the correct width. This is a much easier pro- cedure than to attempt to grind the link first and then Fig. 148. Hammett link-grinding machine. fit the block. In fitting up new links of the type shown at A, the built-up link, excellent results can be obtained by grind- ing the block and fillers at one operation and the other members next. In assembling, the clearance to allow the block to slide is obtained by means of paper shims or liners placed between the fillers and the members i and 2. Links wear quite rapidly, especially those used in con- nection with Stephenson link motions. This is due prin- cipally to the slip of the block caused, among other things, by offsetting the saddle pin to secure the desired cut-off motion. Built-up links can be readily re-ground and new blocks fitted, but with solid links the only thing to do is to grind them until the radii are trued up and then fit new blocks. The operation of link grinding is simple after the link 288 SPECIAL GRINDING OPERATIONS has been correctly located on the platen of the machine. The depth of cut should be comparatively light as this work is done dry and the wheel should be fed down by means of the automatic feed. The wheels generally used are from 30 to 40 grits in the writer's 12 grade. As the work is steel, an alumina abrasive should be used. CHAPTER TWENTY CUTTER SHARPENING Machines employed for cutter grinding Adjustments and attachments on cutter grinders Grinding spiral cutters General operation of cutter grinders Selection of wheels Speeds Depth of cut. 'T'O insure maximum production on the milling machine, A it is necessary to use properly sharpened cutters. Dull cutters throw an extra load on the machine, produce un- satisfactory surfaces and leave heavy burrs. Cutter sharpen- ing is a comparatively simple operation that can be done by any mechanic of ordinary ability, provided reasonable care is exercised to see that the depth of cut is not deep enough to cause the wheel to burn the teeth. There are two kinds of machines used for cutter grinding, small universal grinders arranged for dry grinding and special cutter sharpening machines. A machine of the former type is illustrated in Fig. 149. This is a product of the Cin- cinnati Milling Machine Co. and is the result of many years' study and experimentation to produce an economical machine that could be adapted to cutter grinding and small tool-room cylindrical grinding. On this machine the base, platen and head are all equipped with swivel adjustments while a vertical adjustment is also provided to enable the machine to take care of such work as grinding formed cutters without having to resort to the use of drop centers. Owing to its wide range of adjust- ments, this machine can be readily adapted to any kind of cutter grinding. The machine shown in Fig. 150 is a Brown & Sharpe 290 CUTTER SHARPENING cutter grinder. It embodies a number of adjustments and, with the necessary attachments, can be set up to do any kind of cutter grinding. The operation shown in Fig. 150 Fig. 149. Cincinnati universal grinding machine adapted for tool-room and cutter grinding. is that of grinding the peripheral teeth on an ordinary milling cutter, For grinding end mills, the work is located 291 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS in a sleeve that fits the swivel head seen under the oper- ator's hand. The attachment shown in Fig. 155, is for grinding the end teeth of cutters and similar pieces while the attachment illustrated in Fig. 163 is for grinding formed cutters. While the primary object in sharpening a milling cutter is to put its teeth in cutting condition, care must be exer- Fig. 150. Grinding the peripheral teeth of a milling cutter on a Brown & Sharpe cutter grinding machine. cised to see that the cutter is kept round and that the teeth are ground straight with the axis of the cutter. If the cutter is not round, comparatively few of its teeth cut and if it is tapered accurate work cannot be obtained. One of the most rapid and simple methods of sharpening a cutter properly, with the above factors in mind, is shown 292 CUTTER SHARPENING in Fig. 1 50. The cutter is mounted on a hollow work arbor as shown in Fig. 151 where it is held between two collars, A and B. These collars have several steps on them to ac- commodate cutters with different -sized arbor holes. This hollow arbor carrying the cutter is slid back and forth by Fig. 151. Hollow work arbor for locating milling cutters for grinding. hand along the bar C, which is also seen in Fig. 150. This bar is clamped in the swivel head. If the bar is straight, it naturally follows that the teeth of the cutter will be ground parallel, regardless of the setting of the swivel head, and if the work arbor is true, a round cutter will result. This method of cutter grinding is not new by any means, but it produces accurate results. The first step in setting up the cutter grinder is to clamp the cutter on the work arbor, set the bar in place and then set the guiding finger under the cutter tooth nearest the wheel to impart the correct angle for clearance. This is generally from five to seven degrees. Too little clearance will cause the cutter to cut slowly, while too great a clear- ance makes the teeth dull quickly. In setting the guide finger to impart the desired clearance, the expert operator is generally guided by experience alone. In grinding, the cutter should be fed past the wheel with a fairly quick motion and the depth of cut should be com- paratively light as this work is generally done dry and thus it is obvious that a deep cut will burn the tooth. It is a good plan to mark the first tooth with chalk and grind the teeth evenly and carefully until all have been sharpened. It is generally found that the wheel wears a little in going around the cutter once and for this reason a very light finishing cut should be taken to insure the cutter not being 293 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS out of round from excessive wheel wear. In connection with this point it may be well to mention the fact that com- paratively wide-faced wheels give better results in cases where they can be used than do narrow ones, owing to the fact that the wide-faced wheel wears longer. A spiral cutter is ground in the same manner as a straight one with the exception that the guide finger is set to con- form to the pitch of the spiral. It is a more difficult matter Fig. 152. Grinding a milling cutter with the guide-finger over the tooth. to grind spiral cutters than straight ones as an inexperienced operator sometimes has difficulty in setting the guide finger properly and in keeping the cutter in correct contact. There are two ways to locate the guide finger in grinding milling cutters and both have their good and bad features. By again referring to Fig. 150, it is seen that the guide finger is under the tooth being ground. The wheel is run- ning toward the operator. Thus the action of the wheel 294 CUTTER SHARPENING keeps the cutter tooth in contact with the guide finger. This is the safest way to grind a milling cutter, but it is more liable to burn the teeth than the method illustrated in Fig. 152 In the latter method, it is seen that the guide finger is placed just opposite to what it is in the former case and also that the cutter has been reversed. The operator must exercise great care to keep the cutter in contact with the wheel, the action of which has a tendency to pull the work away from the guide finger. Should the operator relax his diligence, the wheel might force the tooth away from the guide finger which would result in an injured tooth or perhaps a broken wheel. In grinding cutters by this method, the wheel is not as liable to burn the work, thus a deeper cut can be taken. For this reason, this method is used by many mechanics. In considering the best method to use, it is best for a green operator to use the first-described one while the latter should be left for more experienced operators. In grinding the teeth of a straight or spiral milling cutter, the clearance is obtained by raising or lowering the guide finger. In grinding angular cutters, however, another Fig. 153. Correct and incorrect methods of locating angular cutters for grinding, j method must be used. Correct and incorrect set-up posi- tions for angular cutters are shown in Fig. 153. A illus- trates the correct position in which the tooth makes a straight line toward the center. This is necessary in pre- serving the correct angle as given by the swivel head when 295 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS the machine is set up for the grinding operation. If the guide fingers were dropped to give the clearance angle, the result as shown in B would be had. Here it is seen that the tooth does not bear evenly on the guide finger. In setting up the cutter grinder for grinding teeth on angular cutters, the clearance is obtained by raising the Fig. 154. Grinding an angular milling cutter on a Cincinnati grinder. wheel center above that of the cutter in the machine shown in Fig. 154, which is a Cincinnati grinder set up for grind- ing the peripheral teeth of an angular cutter. The cutter is held on the end of the swivel head spindle and the angle for clearance obtained by raising the wheel head, while the swivel head is set over to the desired angle. As a general thing, the side teeth of milling cutters require grinding but seldom, owing to the fact that most of the cut- 296 CUTTER SHARPENING ting is done by the peripheral teeth. In some cases, however, the side teeth require sharpening, it being obvious that this is imperative with new cutters that have never been backed off. Side teeth are sharpened in two ways, that is to say, with the face or the periphery of the wheel. For some milling operations, the periphery of the wheel is to be preferred as it gives a better cutting clearance. Grinding under these conditions is illustrated in Fig. 155 which shows an attach- Fig. 155. Grinding the side teeth of a milling cutter on the periphery of the wheel on a Brown & Sharpe cutter grinding attachment. ment for this purpose on the Brown & Sharpe cutter grinder depicted in Figs. 150 and 152. The cutter is held on the end of an arbor that fits in 'the head and is fed back and forth by the lever seen in the lower part of the illustration. The guide finger at the right locates the teeth. 297 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS The operation of sharpening side teeth with the side of the wheel is illustrated in Fig., 156. The work is held on the end of an arbor which fits the swivel head and fed back and forth past the face of the wheel. The machine is a Cincinnati grinder and its makers give the following direc- tions for setting up for this operation. "After the cutter is placed in position as above described, the head should be set to zero and the cutter set central by means of the centering gauge. The tooth-rest is next Fig. 156. Grinding the side teeth of a milling cutter using the side of the wheel on a Cincinnati grinder. adjusted and the head depressed to give the proper angle of clearance. The knee of the machine is next set to 90-1/2 degrees so that the grinding is done with the down side of the wheel, the upper side clearing. Should the tooth next 298 CUTTER SHARPENING to the one being ground strike the wheel, the table should be raised to make the clearance desired. The above applies to the grinding of right side teeth. In grinding the left side teeth, the operation is reversed and the knee set to 89-1/2 degrees so that the grinding is done with the up side of the wheel instead of the down side." Another device often made use of in grinding the side teeth of milling cutters is shown in Fig. 157 and is called a universal head. These heads are very handy for a diversity Fig. 157. Universal head for grinding milling cutters, etc. of grinding operations. The machine shown is a Walker grinder and the operator is grinding -the end teeth of a butt mill. This is held on a short arbor which is located in the vee block of the universal head. The head is tilted to impart the desired angle and the teeth are located by means of the guide finger which is strapped to the platen of the machine. On first thought, it might seem that a large machine would be necessary to sharpen large inserted-tooth milling 299 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS cutters. This is not the case, however, as they are readily sharpened on ordinary cutter grinding machines. Fig. 158 illustrates the operation of sharpening the face teeth of a large mill on a Cincinnati grinder. The cutter is mounted on a shank held in the swivel head spindle and the swivel Fig. 158. Grinding a large inserted-tooth milling cutter on a Cincinnati grinder. head is depressed to impart the desired clearance. The face of the tooth should be brought to a horizontal position and the tooth-rest adjusted to bear on it. It is a well-known fact that the corners of the teeth of any face mill wear readily and experience has proven that excellent results are obtained by rounding these corners. A corner relieved in this manner is illustrated in Fig. 159 and the operation of grinding it on a Cincinnati grinder is 300 CUTTER SHARPENING illustrated in Fig. 160. The cut is obtained by swiveling the head 45 degrees, 22-1/2 degrees and 67-1/2 degrees. While grinding large cutters, it is often necessary to swivel Fig. 159. Relieved corners on face-mill tooth both the table and the head to allow for clearance. In this method the angle is obtained by a combination of both dials. Fig. 1 60. Cincinnati grinder set up to relieve corners of cutter teeth. 301 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS The operation of sharpening the peripheral teeth of large end mills is shown in Fig. 161. By referring to the illustration, it is seen that the tooth-rest is fastened to the top of the swivel head which avoids interference with Fig. 161. Grinding the peripheral teeth of a large milling cutter on a Cincinnati grinder. the grinding-wheel head. The angle for clearance is ob- tained from the graduations on the swivel head. As the illustrations show, cup wheels are used in grinding these large cutters. As the grinding is done with the face of the wheel, it is obvious that a straight surface is obtained. This is considered a decided advantage in these large cut- ters as it insures the maximum amount of wear. An important branch of cutter grinding consists of sharp- ening the so-called formed cutters as used for milling irregu- lar outlines. While an ordinary milling cutter is ground by 302 CUTTER SHARPENING cutting away its periphery, a different method must be followed with formed cutters as the outline is often of such a complicated shape that it would be impossible to grind it. The relief of these cutters is in the form of regular curves, and they can readily be sharpened by grinding away the dulled part of the tooth face. The principle is illustrated in Fig. 162, wherein A is the. cutter and B the grinding wheel. In grinding formed cutters the dotted Fig. 162. Principle involved in grinding formed cutters. line C, which is a continuation of the wheel face, must pass through the center of the cutter. Otherwise the cutter will not mill exactly the form for which it was designed. 303 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS This is an important point in the grinding of formed cutters that is sometimes overlooked. The operation of grinding a formed cutter is shown in Fig. 163. The work is done on a Brown & Sharpe formed Fig. 163. Grinding a formed cutter on a Brown & Sharpe formed-cutter grinding attachment. cutter-grinding attachment that is fitted to the company's regular cutter grinder as shown in Fig. 150. The work is held on an arbor between two centers and the cutter is 304 CUTTER SHARPENING indexed around by means of the worm wheel seen in the illustration. The first step in setting up the machine for grinding cutters of this type is to see that the face of the wheel is perfectly true. As a matter of fact, it is a good plan to true the face of the wheel every time it is placed on the spindle. Next, the center must be brought in line with the face of the wheel. After the cutter is in position on its arbor, the wheel is adjusted to the correct depth and one tooth fed around radially until it strikes the wheel. Then the index pin is located. The cut taken should be com- paratively light as it is an easy matter to burn the teeth of the cutters in question, even with the best wheels ob- tainable. One tooth should be ground at a time with a fairly rapid reciprocating motion until the wheel ceases to spark heavily. After all the teeth have been ground enough to insure their being sharp, the cutter should be gone around once or twice with a slight cut to make sure that the grinding has left the teeth evenly spaced. Otherwise, only a few of the teeth will cut after the cutter is put in operation. While the operation of sharpening milling cutters of any kind is comparatively simple, care should be exercised in the selection of the wheels used which should be free cutting and made of an alumina abrasive, since the work is steel grinding. It should also be borne in mind that wheels for sharpening high-speed-steel cutters should be somewhat coarser than those used for sharpening carbon-steel cutters. Again, the cup-and-saucer wheels used for sharpening both plain and formed cutters should be somewhat softer than the disk wheels so commonly used for sharpening peripheral teeth. The following wheels have been found to give good results in cutter grinding. The gradings are according to the writer's grade scale. For high-speed-steel cutters, 36 to 46 grit, 4 to 7 grade. For carbon-steel cutters, 50 to 60 grit, 4 to 7 grade. After the peripheral teeth of an ordinary milling cutter have been sharpened several times, the tooth land becomes 3S ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS so wide that the clearance for chips is practically ground away, in which case the cutter is consigned to the scrap heap or annealed and re-cut on the milling machine. This process generally destroys the size of the hole, and, again, many cutters are lost in this manner through fire cracking. Milling cutters can be successfully re-cut, without an- nealing them, on the attachment illustrated in Fig. 163 or on the surface grinder, in which case it is understood that ^-Grinding Wheel Fig. 164. Method followed in re-cutting milling cutters without annealing them. they are held on an arbor between centers. The method followed in re-cutting cutters without annealing them is illustrated in Fig. 164. After the cutter is placed on an arbor and the arbor located between centers, the first step is to grind grooves as shown at A. The illustration is self- explanatory. The wheel used for this work should be of medium grade in shellac bond about 40 to 50 grit. After the cutter has been gone around and all the teeth cut out, 306 CUTTER SHARPENING the next operation is to grind away the superfluous stock as shown at B. This work is done with a wheel in 46 grit on the writer's 6 grade. The face of the wheel is trued to produce the desired angle to the teeth. The operation is simple and after a little practice, the average operator can secure excellent results through the exercise of a little care. In gashing out the teeth, one tooth should be operated on at a time and several cuts taken to bring the gash to the required depth. In the re-cutting operation with the beveled wheel, the depth of cut should Fig. 165. Steps taken in re-cutting a milling cutter without annealing. not be deep enough to cause the wheel to burn the work. In the latter operation also, one tooth should be worked on at a time until it is ground to the required depth as this practice will give better results than can be obtained by taking a small cut from each tooth, one after another. Upon first trial, the operator will, no doubt, burn and ruin a few cutters, but a little practice will make him pro- ficient. In Fig. 165, two cutters are shown. Cutter A has been gashed only while B shows the finished cutter ready to be put to use again. The side teeth can be cut if neces- sity demands, but since these teeth are seldom ground, they are rarely worn to the extent of needing re-cutting. 307 CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE SAW SHARPENING Band saws and circular saws Operation of band-saw sharpening machine Sharpening band saws Grinding in new teeth Care of machine Selection of wheels for saw gumming Machines for sharpening cold saws Sharpening hack-saw blades. WHEN we stop a moment to consider the vast amount of timber that is annually cut and converted into lumber for various purposes, it is easy to see why saw sharp- ening, or saw' gumming as it is termed in lumber mills end other wood-working establishments, is an extensive trade in itself. A man who sharpens wood-working saws is in- variably called a filer, although he seldom uses a file in his work, and the room where the saws are repaired is called the filing room. The name, of course, dates from the time when the file was the only tool to be had for saw sharpening .and, in common with many other misplaced trade terms, it probably will endure for years to come. Saws are of two kinds, that is to say, band saws and circular saws, and there are various types of each kind. For cutting up logs, circular saws are not as economical as band saws owing to the fact that the former have to be of a comparatively thicker gauge to insure the necessary stiffness and strength. The added thickness, of course, makes extra sawdust which is an economic waste. Nowa- days, circular saws are used in comparatively few mills. Still, there are a few circular mills left which carry saws as large as 6 feet in diameter. Many circular saws are used as cut-off saws for various purposes such as cutting long 308 SAW SHARPENING logs into the desired lengths before they are sawed into boards and for edging and trimming lumber, etc. The majority of mills" today are band mills and the saws used are often 50 feet long, being driven by two large pulleys, in width, they run from 10 to 14 inches. A smaller type of band saw, called a re-saw, is generally about 25 feet long and from 6 to 10 inches wide. Many filers make their re- saws from old hand saws. Two machines used for saw gumming are shown in Figs. 1 66 and 167. The machine shown in Fig. 166 is for sharp- ening band saws, while the one shown in Fig. 167 is for Fig. 1 66. Type of machine used for gumming band saws. circular saws, the saw shown being a cut-off saw which is readily seen from the shape of the teeth. Both types of machines operate on practically the same principle, that is to say, means are provided for feeding the saw under the wheel, tooth by tooth, and for lowering 309 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS and raising the wheel to form the desired shape of the teeth. In the machine illustrated in Fig. 166, the head is set over at an angle and is fed up and down by an adjustable cam arrangement which can be set to form different kinds of teeth. The saw is fed forward by means of an adjustable dog that pulls the saw along tooth by tooth the desired distance, the feeding taking place while the saw is out of the gullet of the tooth. The machine shown in Fig. 167 has practically the same arrangement for feeding the saw along, but the head travels straight up and down. It also swivels alternately to form the desired angle on the teeth. Both machines shown are fully automatic. The grinding of band saws is divided into two distinct operations called by the filer, "roughing out" and "pointing up." The latter operation is comparatively simple and re- quires only a few cuts around the saw. This operation takes place after the dull saw is taken from the mill. After a saw has been in use a few days, it has to be re-swaged and after this operation it has to be ground again before it is fit for use. The operation of roughing out is where the real work of the filer comes, for logs, as they come to the mill, are not composed wholly of wood by any means. Sometimes, in felling, a small stone becomes imbedded in the wood. Again perhaps, the log grew on a farm, and some thrifty farmer might have hung a horseshoe, a piece of broken chain or other bit of discarded metal in the crotch of one of the limbs, which in time grew over and covered up the metal. Logs are often bound together in rafts for floating down the river by wooden cross-pieces, held together by tree- nails. The holes for the treenails are bored with ship augers and sometimes an auger is broken off and left in the log. The rafts are often chained together and the chains are spiked to the logs. From this it is seen that many factors are present to keep the filer continually on the job for when a saw, traveling at a high speed, strikes one 310 SAW SHARPENING of these obstructions it sometimes happens that every tooth is literally stripped off nearly down to the bottom of the gullets. When accidents of this kind happen, the operation of roughing out the saw is in order. This requires much grind- Fig. 167. Type of machine used for gumming circular saws. ing as every tooth has to be ground in again, to the desired depth, which takes many hours of heavy grinding. When the filer makes a new saw from a blank, which is common practice in some parts of the country, the roughing out ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS operation also takes place. It is first necessary to stamp the teeth in the saw and then grind them to the correct shape. The stamping operation is essential, otherwise the feed . dog would have no depressions to grip to carry the saw along. From the above, it is seen that the filer in a large band mill works under difficulties and aside from the above hindrances he has other troubles to contend with. It is, of course, necessary that the filing room be in close prox- imity to the mills on which the saws are used. The ideal location for the filing room is in a detached room on the level with the mill floor. The object of the detached build- ing is to eliminate, as much as possible, the vibration which is always a detriment to good grinding of any kind what- soever. Another factor that is the cause of much trouble in the filing room is that the engine that runs the mill also runs the line shaft in the filing room. Thus, when the saw goes through a large log the speed of the engine is lowered a few revolutions per minute before the governor can feed more steam to compensate for the extra load. While the engine lowers its speed a few revolutions a minute, it is readily seen that the grinding wheel on the saw-gumming machine is lowered in speed in a greater ratio as it runs correspondingly faster than the engine. This factor of uneven wheel speed interferes with good results and for this reason the mills, where careful planning is in evidence, are equipped with small independent engines for supplying power to the filing room. Saw-grinding machines are very seldom equipped with means for carrying away the dust caused by grinding, and for this reason they should receive careful attention. The wheel spindle boxes should be examined frequently and the wear taken up when necessary, for a loose wheel spindle cannot be depended upon for the best results. The cams and their rolls should be examined and oiled frequently. The cams wear out of shape in time: thus they fail to pro- 312 SAW SHARPENING duce the proper kind of tooth. A worn cam lets the wheel down into the gullet of the tooth too abruptly, which not only spoils the shape of the tooth, but wears away the wheel too rapidly. Great care should be used in the selection of wheels for saw gumming because inferior abrasives often burn and case harden the saws, causing them to crack. If a crack shows up at the bottom of a tooth, the only thing to do is to cut the tooth out and braze in a new one which is an expensive operation. These wheels should be of an alumina abrasive and soft enough to cut freely, but not soft enough to wear out too fast. The grade depends principally on the condition the machine is in and other local factors such as undue vibration. Too much vibration wears out the wheels V ' . '-./' ' , '; c Fig. 1 68. Three types of wheels used for saw gumming. readily and a harder wheel must be used than could be employed under more favorable conditions. The wheels used for this work run from 30 to 46 grit and 7 to 10 grade according to the writer's grade scale. Combination grit wheels with a base of 30 or 36 are excellent for this purpose. There are three shapes of wheels used for saw gumming, as illustrated in Fig. 168. A is a plain straight wheel, B is tapered on both sides while C is a shape called a Covel saw gummer. There is a difference of opinion among filers as to which shape is the best to use. Some filers get ex- cellent results with plain straight wheels, while others in- 313 ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS sist that the tapered cutting side gives a better wheel clear- ance and there is, no doubt, some truth in the claim. Re-saws are ground in exactly the same manner as are large band saws with the exception that the machine used is comparat vely smaller. A re-saw grinding operation in a planing mill is shown in Fig. 169. The filer in the planing mill has comparatively few troubles compared to his brother Fig. 169. Grinding a small band re-saw. in the big band mill, for the saws in planing mills, aside from cutting through an occasional nail, are seldom put to severe use. A different type of machine than the one heretofore shown for sharpening circular saws is shown in Fig. 170. This machine is used for sharpening small circular saws as used in planing mills and furniture factories. The saw is located in a horizontal position. This machine is not automatic as far as the feed is concerned as the operator has to space the teeth around by means of the lever operated by his left hand. For small saws, these semi-automatic machines give excellent results. The same wheels are used for re-saws 314 SAW SHARPENING and small circular saws as are used for larger saws, the only exception being that the grits are somewhat finer. Another important branch of saw sharpening consists of grinding metal cutting saws as shown in Fig. 171. These are often termed "cold saws" and are used for cutting t t Fig.' 170. Metal cutting or cold saw used for cutting large steel sections. bar stock, structural-steel sections, rails, etc. They are also frequently used in steel foundries for cutting away the sprues from large castings. As may be imagined, they are often put to severe usage and for this reason they require frequent grinding. The operation of sharpening the saw shown in Fig. 171 is il'ustrated in Fig. 172. This machine is a product of the Matteson Mfg. Co., Chicago, and is designed on the prin- ciple involved in the saw-sharpening machines previously ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS described in this chapter. That is to say, it has means for feeding the wheel with an up-and-down motion while the saw is fed onward, tooth by tooth, by a feed dog. These motions are automatic. The operation of sharpening cold saws is somewhat simi- lar to re-cutting milling cutters as previously described, because two cuts are generally taken; one to grind out the gullets and a following cut to sharpen the teeth, giving Fig. 171. Type of semi-automatic machine used for sharpening small circular saws. them the proper relief at the same time. For grinding out the gullets, the wheel is beveled to the correct angle, the wheel being dropped directly into the tooth. For sharpening the periphery of the saw, the wheel is beveled slightly; only just enough to insure the proper cutting clearance. Another machine extensively used for sharpening cold saws is shown in Fig. 173. This is made by the Newton Machine Tool Works, Philadelphia. The machine is self- contained and electrically driven by means of a motor placed 316 SAW SHARPENING on a supplementary base while the rest of the mechanism is supported by a cast-iron column. This machine is fully automatic in operation beyond locating the saw and setting the hand adjustment for depth of cut. To insure each tooth being of the correct contour, Fig. 172. Sharpening a cold saw on a Matteson saw-sharpening machine. the feeding pawl is set so that the wheel grinds both the back and the front of the tooth in the roughing-out opera- tion. In grinding saws in which a tooth or two has been broken out (which is not infrequent) an auxiliary feed pawl is provided. This pawl engages the next tooth back of the break. ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS Fig. 173. Newton self-contained automatic cold-saw sharpening machine. SAW SHARPENING Broadly speaking, the operation of sharpening cold saws is simp'e and it is easily carried out if a few simple pre- cautions are taken. In the first place, these saws should be sharpened frequently. It should be borne in mind that they are really no more or less than huge milling cutters and as such they should be given careful attention. When slightly dull, they cannot work to maximum efficiency, but if they are kept sharp they will yield excellent results. Several saws for each machine should be kept on hand and dull saws should be replaced with sharp ones at frequent intervals. The wheels used for sharpening cold saws should be of a free-cutting nature and at the same time they should hold their shape well. This applies to the wheels used for grinding the periphery of the teeth as well as those used for forming out the gullets. As the grinding in question is steel, the wheels should be made of an alumina abrasive. Grits from 40 to 60 in the writer's grades ranging from 10 to 1 2 generally give good results. The machine shown in Fig. 174 was designed especially for sharpening hack-saw blades and the slow-running band saws as used at the present day for cutting metals of various kinds. Some years ago, when hack-saw blades were made of carbon steel they were thrown away as soon as the teeth became too dull for practical use. At the present time, however, when the majority of hack-saw blades are made of high-speed steel, it is evident that the average manufac- turing plant's expenditure for blades under such conditions is comparatively high and attention has been directed to reclaiming the worn blades. The machine in question is designed and made by the Wardwell Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, and its operation is comparatively simple. As the illustration shows, it is not unlike the machines previously described for sharpening wood- working saws. The machine is provided with a main drive which extends across the back of the frame and power is transmitted by means of a belt to the shaft seen in the foreground, upon which the grinding wheel is mounted. 3-IQ ABRASIVES AND ABRASIVE WHEELS This wheel is comparatively thin, is made in elastic bond, and is of medium grit and grade. The grinding-wheel shaft, or spindle, is suspended at the end of an arm, the opposite end of which swings in pivoted bearings, placed well part to reduce side motion to a minimum. This feature is necessary to insure correct spacing of the saw teeth. The arm is supported in a seg- Fig. 174. Wardwell automatic saw-sharpening machine. ment which allows the wheel to be set at an angle. This permits one edge, or corner, only of the wheel to come in contact with the face of the tooth being ground while the opposite edge, or corner, bears on the back of the tooth. This action serves to keep the wheel dressed constantly so that it always presents the proper shape for forming the gullets of the teeth. Two adjustments control the movements of the grinding- wheel head. One governs the depth the grinding wheel is allowed to sink into the tooth gullet, while the other regu- lates the amount of cut to be taken from the back of the tooth. The last adjustment is made by an adjusting screw 320 SAW SHARPENING which comes in contact at the proper time with a roll which bears on the face of the cam. This cam is adjustable for forming all the different shaped backs of teeth. Power from the feed mechanism is derived from the main drive shaft through a worm gear to a shaft at the left- hand side of the machine. On the end of this shaft is a slotted eccentric equipped with a screw feed. This eccentric governs the feed of the blade to the machine. The operation of the machine is simple and exact and it is said that as little as one-half thousandth of an inch can be removed from either the face or the back of the tooth. The machine is automatic in operation, and, after being started, it requires no more attention until the saw has been sharpened, that is, when grinding a band saw. With hack saws, a group is placed in position and the feed pawls take these one at a time and feed them through the machine. A group of hack-saw blades are placed in the machine, being held by spring tension. The feed pawl bears on the inner blade only, thus as soon as this is fed out of the way, the spring action forces another in a position to be fed forward. The blades are fed along by a double-pawl arrangement. Two pawls work at the same time, one on each side of the grinding wheel. The one on the right draws the blade in and starts the grinding of the first tooth, while the other on the left draws the blade clear of the grinding wheel and dis- charges it. INDEX Abrasive action, 133. Abrasive discs, manufacture of, 169. Abrasive discs, materials used, 173. Abrasive discs, selection of, 173. Abrasive discs, testing, 174. Abrasive paper and cloth, coating- machine for making, 167. Abrasive paper and cloth, early manu- facture of, 167. Abrasive paper and cloth, grits of, 89. Abrasive paper and cloth, sizes and numbers of, 168. Abrasive paper and cloth, uses of, 166. Abrasive temper, 52. Abrasives, artificial, 37. Abrasives, natural, 13. Abrasives used for die grinding, 192. Accidents, blame for, 164. Accidents caused by tight wheel bushings, 153. Accidents caused by work rest, 155. Acheson, Edward G., 38. Action, abrasive, 133. Action, grindstone, 124. Adamite, 63. Adaptability of cylinder grinder, 261. Adapting wheel for surface grinding. 199. Advantage of coarse feed marks in grinding, 181. Advantages of combination grits, 89. Advantages of re-bushing grinding wheels, 139. Advantages of using large grinding wheels, 130. Allowance for finish chip, 223. Allowance for internal grinding, 253. Allowances for grinding, 220. Aloxite, 58. Aloxite, characteristics of, 60. Aloxite, color of, 60. Aloxite, furnace, 58. Aloxite, furnace, power required to operate, 58. Aloxite grain, preparation of, 59. Aloxite, how crushed, 59. Aloxite ingot, 59. Aloxite ingots, how broken, 59. Aloxite, process of making, 58. Aloxite, purity of, 59. Aloxite, uses of, 60. Aloxite, where made, 58. Alumina, artificial, Dollner's, 51. Alumina, percentage of in emery, 17. Alundum, 57. Alundum furnace, horsepower re- quired to operate, 57. Alundum, how crushed, 57. Alundum pigs, 57. Alundum, process of making, 57. Alundum, uses of, 58. Alundum, varieties of, 58. Alundum varieties, how designated, 58. American corundum, 25. American emery, discovery of, 16. Amount ^for finishing in crankshaft grinding, 279. Amperage of Carborundum furnace, 40. Analysis of .Corubin, 51. Analysis of corundum, 23. Angular cutters, grinding, 295. Angular grit, 64. Angular grit, composition of, 64. Angular grit, sizes of, 64. Angular grit, uses of, 64. Arkansas sharpening stones, 35. Arkansas sharpening stones, com- position of, 35. Arkansas sharpening stones, uses of, 35- Arkansas sharpening stones, varieties of, 35- Arkansas sharpening stones, where found, 35. 323 INDEX Artificial abrasive, Werlein's, 61. Artificial abrasives, 37. Artificial alumina, Dr. G. Dollner's, Si- Artificial corundum, 47. Artificial corundum, development of, 48. Artificial corundum, first successful production of, 48. Artificial corundum, Jacobs' process for making, 56. Artificial corundum, temper of, 56. Artificial corundum, when first made, 47, 48. Artificial sharpening stones, 83. Automobile engine cams, types of, 280. Axe grinding, 125. Axe grinding, advantages of grinding wheels in, 126. Axe grinding, future of grinding wheel for, 127. Axe grinding, time consumed, 126. B Backrest, setting, Norton, 226. Backrest, solid, Norton, 226. Backrest, spring, Brown & Sharpe, 227. Backrest, universal, Brown & Sharpe, 228. Backrests, kinds of, 226. Balance wheel, 234. Balancing device, Landis, 235. Balancing grinding wheels, 76. Balas ruby, 47. Band re-saws, 309. Band re-saws, grinding, 314. Band saws, 308. Barrel corundum, 22. Bauxite, 53, 57. Bauxite, color of, 53. Bauxite, discovery of, 53. Bauxite, origin of name, 53. Bauxite, where found, 53, 54. Belgian razor hone, 35. Belts, garnet paper, testing, 172. Berthier, P., 53. Blame for accidents, 164. Blanchard continuous reading caliper gauge, 212. Blanchard grinder, chuck speed for, 211. Blanchard grinder, locating work on, 211. Blanchard grinder, operation of, 212. Blanchard grinder, wheels for, 212. Blanchard grinder, wheel speed, 211. Blanchard surface grinding machine, 208. Blanchard surface grinder, samples of work done on, 210. Bond of grinding wheels, 66. Bonding materials, 66. Bonding materials, how tested, 67. Bonds, grinding wheel, how standard- ized, 67. Boro-Carbone, 62. Boro-Carbone, characteristics of, 62. Boro-Carbone, color of, 62. Boro-Carbone, uses of, 62. Boro-Carbone, where made, 62. Bort diamonds, 31. Branch pipes, size of for dust-col- lecting system, 146. Breakage, grinding wheels, causes of, 151 Breaking Aloxite ingots, 59. Brown & Sharpe cutter grinder, 290. Brown & Sharpe cutter grinding at- tachment, 297. Brown & Sharpe formed-cutter grind- ing attachment, 304. Brown & Sharpe spring backrest, 227. Brown & Sharpe surface grinder, 188. Brown & Sharpe universal backrest, 228. Brown & Sharpe universal grinder, 236. Burning a Carborundum furnace, 40. Bushing grinding wheels, 75. By-product of Carborundum furnace, 40* Calender rolls, causes of wear of, 264. Calender rolls, early, how finished, 265. Calender rolls, how ground, 269. Calender rolls, largest stack of, 263. Calender rolls, old installation, 265. Caliper gauge, continuous-reading, Blanchard, 212. Cam grinder, leaders for, 283. Cam-grinding attachment, Norton, 280. 324 INDEX Cam-grinding, effect of wheel wear in, 285. Cam-grinding leaders, how made, 284. Cam-grinding, steady-rests for, 282. Cam-grinding, wheels for, 283. Cams, types of in automobile engines, 280. Canadian corundum, 21. Canadian corundum deposits, 21. Carbide of silicon, 38. Carbide of silicon, German, 46. Carbonado, fracture of, 32. Carbonado, specific gravity of, 29. Carbonado, uses of, 32. Carbonado, where found, 32. Carborundum, cleavage, 41. Carborundum cloth, 168. Carborundum, color of, 41. Corborundum, composition of, 38. Carborundum crystals, shape of, 41. Carborundum for steel grinding, 45. Carborundum, fracture of, 41. Carborundum furnace, 38. Carborundum furnace, amperage, 40. Carborundum furnace, burning, 40. Carborundum furnace, by-product of, 40. Carborundum furnace, charge of, 39. Carborundum furnace, contents of, 40. Carborundum furnace, heat of, 40. Carborundum furnace, how charged, 39- Carborundum furnace, voltage, 40. Carborundum grain, numbers of, 44. Carborundum, hardness of, 41. Carborundum, how crushed, 42. Carborundum, how graded, 43. Carborundum, how purified, 42. Carborundum, impurities of, 42. Carborundum paper, 168. Carborundum powder, how graded, 44- Carborundum, process of making, 39. Carborundum, raw materials, 38. Carborundum razor hones, 85. Carborundum rubs, 86. Carborundum sharpening stones, 83. Carborundum sharpening stones, combination, 86. Carborundum sharpening stones, grits of, 85. Carborundum sharpening stones, how finished, 86. Carborundum sharpening stones, how molded, 84. Carborundum, specific gravity of, 41. Carborundum, uses of, 45. Carborundum, when discovered, 38. Carborundum, why not found in nature, 41. Carbosolite, 46. Carbosolite, color of, 47. Care of saw grinding machines, 312. Car-wheel grinding, testing wheels for, 1 06. Case hardening of saws, cause of, 313. Cause of chatter marks, 232. Causes of chattering in roll grinding, 269. Causes of hard and soft spots, 72. Center, square, 221. Centers, grinding, 240. Chain link grinding, 112. Change in grade, effect of, 105. Characteristics of Aloxite, 60. Characteristics of Boro-Carbone, 62. Characteristics of emery, 1 7. Characteristics of grindstones, 127. Characteristics of pressed wheels, 68. Charge of Carborundum furnace, 39. Charging a Carborundum furnace, 39. Chatter marks, cause of, 232. Chattering, causes of, in roll grinding, 269. Chattering, wheel, 200. Chilled iron roll grinding test, 1 08. Chuck, bushing, Heald, 248. Chuck for ring wheel, 180. Chuck, magnetic, Heald, 194. Chuck, magnetic, swivel, 194. Chuck, magnetic, taper, 194. Chuck speed for Blanchard grinder, 211. Chucking work for internal grinder, 247. Chucks, gear, 248, 251, 252, 253. Chucks, magnetic, current for, 197. Chucks, rotary, for surface grinder, 204. Cincinnati cutter grinder, 290. Circular saws, 308. Circular saws, machine for grinding, 3H- Classes of diamonds, 29. Cleanouts for dust collecting system, 149. 325 INDEX Clearance, cutter, how obtained, 295. Cleavage of Carborundum, 41. Cloth, Carborundum, 168. Cloth, emery, 168. Coarse feed, advantages of in grind- ing, 181. Coating-machine for making abrasive paper and cloth, 167. Collars for dust collecting system, de- sign of, 147. Collecting systems, dust, advantages of, 145. Collector, location of, for dust col- lecting system, 150. Color of Aloxite, 60. Color of bauxite, 53. Color of Boro-Carbone, 62. Color of Carborundum, 41. Color of Carbosolite, 47. Color of diamonds, 31. Color of emery, 15. Colors of sandstone, 14. Combination Carbprundum sharpen- ing stones, 85. Combination grits, 89. Combination grits, advantages of, 89. Comparative grade lists, inaccuracy of, 91. Comparative values of grinding wheels, 129. Comparison of surface grinders, 202. Component parts of corundum, 22. Component parts of spinel emery, 16. Composition of angular grit, 64. Composition of Arkansas sharpening stones, 35. Composition of Carborundum, 38. Composition of flint, 34. Composition of grinding wheels, 65. Composition of Oxalumina, 63. Composition of quartz, 34. Composition of ruby, 48. Cones, pyrometric, 72. Contents of Carborundum furnace,4O. Continuous reading caliper gauge, Blanchard, 212. Correct method of testing trial wheels, 100. Corubin, analysis of, 51. Corubin, uses of, 52. Corundum, American, 25. Corundum, analysis of 23. Corundum, artificial, 47. Corundum, artificial, first successful production of, 48. Corundum, barrel, 22. Corundum, Canadian, 21. Corundum, component parts of, 22. Corundum, Craigmont, 23. Corundum, Craigmont, when dis- covered, 24. Corundum, hardness of, 22. Corundum, how crystallized, 21. Corundum, how prepared, 24. Corundum, how tested, 25. Corundum, ideal, 22. Corundum, origin of name, 20. Corundum, uses of, 29. Corundum, varieties of, 21. Corundum, where found, 21, 25, 26. Corundum, why not used more ex- tensively, 26. Cost comparisons, grinding wheels and grindstones, 126. Craigmont corundum, 23. Craigmont corundum, when discov- ered, 24. Crank cases, finishing, 185. Crankshaft grinder, Landis, 275. Crankshaft grinder, radius truing de- vice, 277. Crankshaft grinding, 277. Crankshaft grinding, amount for fin ishing, 279. Crankshaft grinding, wheels for, 278. Crankshaft grinding, work carrying fixtures for, 275. Crocus, 63. Cross feed for die grinding, 192. Crowning mechanism, roll, Parrel, 268. Crowning rolls, reason for, 267. Crushed steel, 63. Crushed steel, how made, 63. Crushed steel, sizes of, 64. Crushed steel, uses of, 64. Crushing Aloxite, 59. Crushing alundum, 57. Crushing Carborundum, 42. Crystallization of corundum, 21. Crystallization of garnet, 32. Crystallization of quartz, 34. Crystals, Carborundum, shape of, 41. Crystolon, 47. Crystolon, how made, 47. Cup wheels for cutter grinding, 302. 326 INDEX Current for magnetic chucks, 197. Cut, depth of, 224. Cut, depth of for die grinding, 192. Cutter clearance, how obtained, 295. Cutter grinder, Brown & Sharpe, 290. Cutter grinder, Cincinnati, 290. Cutter grinder, Walker, 299. Cutter grinding attachment, Brown & Sharpe, 297. Cutter grinding, cup wheels for, 302. Cutter grinding, locating work, 291. Cutter grinding, machines used for, 290. Cutter grinding sleeve, 293. Cutter grinding wheels, fixture for truing, 136. Cutter grinding, wheels for, 305. Cutter grinding, wide faced wheels for, 294. Cutter teeth corners, rounding, 300. Cutters, angular, grinding, 295. Cutters, formed, grinding, 302, 305. Cylinder grinder, adaptability of, 261. Cylinder grinder, Heald, 255. Cylinder grinding, 257. Cylinder grinding, wheels for, 259. Cylindrical grinding, applications of, 238. Cylindrical grinding, how to order wheels for, 144. Cylindrical grinding, machine for test- ing wheels for, 119. Cylindrical grinding machines, 216. Cylindrical grinding, speed for wheel, 223. Cylindrical grinding, testing wheels for, 121. Cylindrical grinding, wheels for, 235. Cylindrical grinding wheels, star wheel dresser for truing, 137. Data for wheel test, 101. De Beers diamond mines, 30. De-grades, 91. Demagnetizer, Heald, 197. Demagnetizing switch, 196. Deposits of Canadian corundum, 21. Deposits of garnet, 33. Depth of cut, 224. Depth of cut for die grinding, 192. Depth of finishing cut for surface grinding, 199. Design of collars for dust collecting system, 147. D.esign of elbows for dust collecting system, 147. Designation of alundum varieties, 58. Designation of wheel grades, 91. Determining grit and grade, 143. Development of artificial corundum, 48. Deville, E. H., Sainte-Claire, 53. Diamond, 13, 29. Diamond, bort, 31. Diamond, classes of, 29. Diamond, color of, 31. Diamond cutting, introduction of, 31. Diamond, fracture of, 29. Diamond, hardness of, 29. Diamond, how found, 30. Diamond, how mined, 30. Diamond, how to use for truing grind- ing wheel, 135. Diamond mines, De Beers, 30. Diamond powder, how prepared, 31. Diamond powder, uses of, 31. Diamond, preparing for market, 30. Diamond, resetting of, 135, Diamond, specific gravity of, 29. Diamond steel emery, 64. Diamond, wheel truing, setting of, 134- Diamond, where found, 29. Diamonds, sorting, 31. Diamonds, wheel truing, kinds of, 133- Die grinding, 187. Die grinding, abrasives used, 192. Die grinding, cross feed for, 192. Die, grinding, depth of cut, 192. Die grinding fixture, 190. Die grinding, wheels for, 188, 192, 199. Die grinding wheels, truing, 19*3. Die, sheared, 190. Dies, locating for grinding, 188.. Dioscorides, 14. Discovery of American emery, 16. Discovery of bauxite, 52. Discovery of Carborundum, 38. Discovery of Craigmont corundum, 24. Discs, abrasive, manufacture of, 169. 327 INDEX Discs, abrasive, selection of, 173. Discs, abrasive, testing, 1 74. Dog, grinding, 221. Dollner's artificial alumina, 51. Double tapers, internal grinding, 245. Dust collecting system, branch pipes, size of, 146. Dust collecting system, cleanouts for, 149. Dust collecting system, design of col- lars for, 147. Dust collecting system, design of el- bows for, 147. Dust collecting system, location of fan, 150. Dust collecting system, main pipes, 148. Dresses, emery wheel practicability of, 138. Dressing grinding wheel, 232. Dressing grinding wheels, tools used for, 133. Dull milling cutters, results of using, 290. Dunbar, Howard W., 285. Dust collecting hood, 145. Dust collecting system, location of collector, 150. Dust collecting systems, advantages of, 145. E Early calender rolls, how finished, 265. Early manufacture of abrasive paper and cloth, 167. Early production of artificial corun- dum, 47, 48. Early uses of emery, 14. Earning power of grinding wheels, 102. Ebelmen, J. J., 48. Economical use of wheels, 153. Economical value of soft wheels, 104. Effect of change in grade, 105. Effect of fine grit wheels on surface grinding, 200. Effect of vibration, 131. Effect of wheel speed on grade, 95. Efficiency of grindstones, 125. Efficiency of large grinding wheels, 131- Efficiency test, ideal casting for, 101. Elastic process, 80. Elastic wheels, purposes used for, 80. Elbows for dust collecting system, de- sign of, 147. Electric furnace, Hasslacher's, 49. Electric furnace, Jacobs', 54. Electrolon, 47. Electrolon, how made, 47. Emery, 14. Emery characteristics of, 17. Emery cloth, 168. Emery, color of, 15. Emery, diamond steel, 64. Emery, early uses of, 14. Emery, how found, 15. Emery, how mined, 15. Emery, impurities of, 17. Emery, Naxos, 16. Emery paper, 168. Emery, percentage of alumina, 17. Emery, specific gravity of, 17. Emery, spinel, 16. Emery, spinel, component parts of, 16. Emery, spinel, hardness of, 16. Emery stones, 19. Emery, Turkish, 15. Emery, uses of, 19. Emery wheel dressers, practicability of, 138. Emery, where found, 14. ' End mills, grinding, 302. Face grinding, 240. Face grinding machine, 180. Face of wheel, grinding with, 238. Facing and edging grinding wheels,74. Facing gear case covers, 184, 185. Facing grinding wheels, tools used, 74. Factors for laboratory tests, 116. Factors to consider in selecting grind- ing wheels, 129. Fallacy of medium grade, 92. Fan, location of in dust collecting system, 150. Farrel roll crowning mechanism, 268. Farrel roll grinder, 266. Feed, cross, for die grinding, 192. Feed traverse, 224. Feed, traverse, for roll grinding, 273. Feil, C, 48. 328 INDEX Ferro silicon, 59. Filing room, 312. Fine grit wheels, effect of on surface grinding, 200. Finish allowance in cylinder grinding, 257- Finishing Carborundum sharpening stones, 86. Finishing chip, allowance for, 223. Finishing crank cases, 185. Finishing cut, depth of for surface grinding, 199. Firing a grinding wheel kiln, 71. Fixture for holding punches, 192. Fixture for truing cutter grinding wheels, 136. Fixture for die grinding, 190. Fixture for truing surface grinding wheels, 136. Fixture, grinding, rotary, 183. Flanges, safety, 154. Flanges, wheel, plain, danger of, 153. Flanges, wheel, proportion of, 153. Flint, composition of, 34. Flint, fracture of, 34. Flint quartz, uses of, 35. Flint quartz, where found, 35. Flint, specific gravity of, 34. Formation of Tripoli, 36. Formed cutter grinding attachment, Brown & Sharpe, 304. Formed cutters, grinding, 302, 305. Fourgrinder, Henry, 263. Fracture of carbonado, 32. Fracture of Carborundum, 41. Fracture of diamond, 29. Fracture of flint, 34. Fracture of quartz, 34. Fremy, E., 48. Full heat of kiln, 73. Furnace, Aloxite, 58. Furnace, Carborundum, 38. Furnace, Carborundum, by-product of, 40. Furnace, Carborundum, contents of, 40. Furnace, Carborundum, heat of, 40. Garnet, 32. Garnet, hardness of, 33. Garnet, how crystallized, 32. Garnet, how found, 33. Garnet, how prepared, 33. Garnet, impurities of, 171. Garnet, kinds of, 32. Garnet paper belts, testing, 172. Garnet paper, kinds of, 168. Garnet paper, testing, 170. Garnet, specific gravity of, 33. Garnet, testing, 171. Garnet, uses of, 33. Garnet, where found, 33. Gaudin, M. A. A., 48. Gear case covers, facing, 184, 185. Gear chucks, 248, 251, 252, 253. Gears, grinding holes in, 248. German artificial corundum, how made, 49. German carbide of silicon, 46. Grade blocks, master, 91. Grade, change in, effect of, 105. Grade list, reliable, how compiled, 92. Grade lists, comparative, inaccuracy of, 91. Grade, running, 96. Grade scale, reliability of, 94. Grade scale, universal, 93, 94. Grades of grinding wheels, 91. Grades, wheel, how designated, 91. Grading Carborundum, 43. Grading Carborundum powder, 44. Grinder, cylindrical, preparing work for, 220. Grinder, plain cylindrical, 217. Grinder, roll, Parrel, 266. Grinder, setting straight, 222. Grinder, surface, Brown & Sharpe, 1 88. Grinder, surface, Pratt & Whitney, 203. Grinder, universal, 217. Grinding allowance for cylinders, 257. Grinding allowances, 220. Grinding a taper, 238, 240. Grinding axes, 125. Grinding calender rolls, 269. Grinding centers, 240. Grinding chain links, 1 1 2. Grinding chilled car wheels, 106. Grinding crankshafts, 277. Grinding cylinders, 257. Grinding, cylindrical, applications of, 238. Grinding, cylindrical, wheels for, 235. 329 INDEX Grinding dies, 187. Grinding dog, 221. Grinding, face, 240. Grinding fixture, rotary, 183. Grinding holes in gears, 248. Grinding, internal, 243. Grinding internal tapers, 245. Grinding links, 288. Grinding locomotive guide bars, marks, 181. Grinding lubricant, 210, 231. Grinding machine, face, 180. Grinding machine, surface, wet, 193. Grinding machines, cylindrical, 216. Grinding machines, internal, types of, 245- Grinding machines, modern, 218. Grinding machines, saw, 309. Grinding metal cutting saws, 315, 319. Grinding milling cutters, 292. Grinding pearl buttons, 114. Grinding plow points, 105. Grinding punches, 191. Grinding saws, 310. Grinding sides of milling cutters, 243. Grinding size blocks, 176. Grinding, spot, 176. Grinding steel with Carborundum, 45- Grinding wheel bond, 66. Grinding wheel bonds, how standard- ized, 67. Grinding wheel bonds, varieties of, 67. Grinding wheel, dressing, 232. Grinding wheel, early development of, 123. Grinding wheel, efficiency value of, 1 06. Grinding wheel, future of, in axe in- dustry, 127. Grinding wheel grades, 91. Grinding wheel grits, 88. Grinding wheel, how to true with dia- mond, 135. Grinding wheel kiln, firing, 71. Grinding wheel materials, methods - used in mixing, 68. Grinding wheel press, 68. Grinding wheel, rebushing, 141. Grinding wheel sagers, 71. Grinding wheel speeds, 96. Grinding wheel, surface, guards for, 159- Grinding wheel, surface, sizing power of, 199. Grinding wheel, truing, 232. Grinding wheel volume, how to find, io 7 . Grinding wheels, advantages of, in axe grinding, 126. Grinding wheels, balancing, 76. Grinding wheels, causes of breakage, 151. Grinding wheels, comparative val- ues of, 129. Grinding wheels, composition of, 65. Grinding wheels, cutter, fixture for truing, 136. Grinding wheels, earning power, 102. Grinding wheels, economical use of, 153- Grinding wheels, facing* and edging, 74- Grinding wheels, factors to consider in selecting, 129. Grinding wheels and grindstones, comparative costs of, 126. Grinding wheels, hardness, how con- trolled, 67. Grinding wheels, how bushed, 75. Grinding wheels, inspecting for grade, 74- Grinding wheels, large, advantages of using, 130. Grinding wheels, large, efficiency of, 131-- Grinding wheels, mounting, 153. Grinding wheels, operating speed, how designated, 152. Grinding wheels, ordering, informa- tion to give, 142. Grinding wheels, reasons for over- speeding, 152. Grinding wheels, re-bushing, advan- tages of, 139. Grinding wheels, re-bushing tools used for, 139. Grinding wheels, selection of, 97. Grinding wheels, shaving, 69. Grinding wheels, small, why used, 132. Grinding wheels, sorting, 73. Grinding wheels, special how to order, 144. Grinding wheels, speed testing, 76. Grinding wheels, surface, fixture for truing, 136. . 330 INDEX Grinding wheels, tamping, 79. Grinding wheels, testing for sound- ness, 74. Grinding wheels, tests, laboratory. US- Grinding wheels, three methods of testing, 114. Grinding wheels, tools used for dress- ing. * 33- Grinding wheels, wire web, 124. Grinding wheels, wire web, 80. Grinding with face of wheel, 238. Grindstone action, 124. Grindstone, efficiency of, 125. Grindstone, life of, 125. Grindstone, uses of, 125. Grindstones and grinding wheels, cost comparisons, 126. Grindstones, characteristics of, 127. Grindstones, uses of, 14. Grit and grade, how determined, 143. Grit and grade of wheels for spot grinding, 178. Grit, angular, 64. Grits, combination, 89. , Grits of abrasive paper and cloth, 89. Grits of Carborundum sharpening stones, 85. Grits, grinding wheel, 88. Grits, mixed, 88. Grits, straight, 88. Guard, pulley, 162. Guard, spindle, 161. Guard, wheel, 247. Guarded surface grinding wheels, 159. Guards, wheel, 156. Guards, wheel, unsafe, 164. Guide bar, locomotive, grinding, 181. Guide bars, locomotive, lapping, 170. Guide bars, locomotive, wear on, 181. Guide finger, locating, 294. H Hack saw blade grinder, Ward well, 3I9- Hack saw blades, grinding, 321. Hammett link grinder, 287. Hard and soft spots, how caused, 72. Hard or soft wheels, how to rectify, 95. Hard or soft wheels, how to remedy, 144. Hardness of Carborundum, 41. Hardness of corundum, 22. Hardness of diamonds, 29. Hardness of garnet, 33. Hardness of grinding wheels, how controlled, 7. Hardness of quartz, 34. Hardness of spinel emery, 16. Hasslacher's electric furnace, 49. Hasslacher, Franz, 49. Haultain, H. E. T., 21, 24. Head, universal, 299. Heald bushing chuck, 248. Heald cylinder grinder, 255. Heald demagnetizer, 197. Heald internal grinder, 246. Heald magnetic chuck, 194. Heald ring grinder, 200. Heald rotary surface grinder, 202. Heat of Carborundum furnace, 40. Holes in gears, grinding, 248. Hollinger, J. H., 108. Hone, razor, Belgian, 35. Hood, dust collecting, 145. Horsepower required to operate Alun- dum furnace, 57. Ideal casting for efficiency test, 101. Ideal corundum, 22. Impurities of Carborundum, 42. Impurities of emery, 17. Impurities of garnet, 171. Impurities of pumice, 36. Impurities of sandstone, 14. Inaccuracy, causes of, in roll winding, 272. Inaccuracy of comparative grade lists, 91. Information to give in ordering grind- ing wheels, 142. Ingot, Aloxite, 59. Inspecting grinding wheels for grade, 74- Internal grinder, Heald, 246. Internal grinding, 243. Internal grinding, allowance for, 253. Internal grinding, chucking work for, 247. Internal grinding machines, types of, 245- Internal grinding, setting up univer- sal grinder for, 243. 331 INDEX Internal grinding, wheel speeds for, 254- Internal grinding wheels, truing, 255. Internal tapers, grinding, 245. Introduction of diamond cutting, 31. Jacobs, Charles B., 53. Jacobs' electric furnace, 54. Jacobs process for making artificial corundum, 56. K Kiln, full heat of, 73. Kiln grinding wheel firing, 71. Kiln, low melting point of, 72. Kiln, red heat of, 72. Kiln, testing heat of, 72. Kiln, vitrifying, 70. Kinds of backrests, 226. Kinds of garnet, 32. Kinds of wheel truing diamonds, 133. Laboratory grinding wheel tests, 115. Laboratory test on wheels for rough grinding operations, how carried out, 1 1 8. Laboratory tests, factors for, 115. Landis balancing device, 235. Landis crankshaft grinder, 275. Landis mill roll grinder, 270. Landis plain grinder, 217. Lapping locomotive guide bars, 170. Large cutters, sharpening, 299. Large grinding wheels, advantages of using, 130. Large grinding wheels, efficiency of, 131- Leaders for cam grinder, 283. Leaders for cam grinding, how made, 284. Life of grindstone, 125. Limits in using soft wheels, 104. Link grinder, Hammett, 287. Link grinding, 288. Link grinding, wheels for, 289. Links, valve gear, types of, 286. Loading grinding wheel sagers, 71. Locating cutters for grinding, 291. Locating dies for grinding, 188. Locating guide finger, 294. Locating mill rolls for grinding, 272. Locating work on Blanchard grinder, 211. Location of Arkansas sharpening stone deposits, 35. Location of bauxite deposits, 53, 54. Location of carbonado deposits, 32. Location of corundum deposits, 21, 25,26. Location of diamond deposits, 29. Location of emery deposits, 15. Location of flint quartz deposits, 35- Location of Tripoli deposits, 36. Locomotive guide bar grinding, 181. Locomotive guide bar grinding, test- ing wheels for, no. Locomotive guide bars, lapping, 171. Locomotive guide bars, wear on, 181. Loose spindles, 156. Low melting point of kiln, 72. Lubricant, grinding, 210, 231. Lubrication of spindle, 255, 258. Lucas, Dr. H. S., 16. M Machine, coating, for making abra- sive paper and cloth, 167. Machine for testing wheels used on cylindrical grinding, 119. Machine for testing wheels used for rough operations, 116. Machine, shaving, 69. Machines used for cutter grinding, 290. Magnetic chuck, Heald, 194. Magnetic chuck, taper, 194. Magnetic chuck, swivel, 194. Magnetic chucks, current for, 197. Manufacture of abrasive discs, 169. Manufacture of Alundum, 57. Manufacture of Crystolon, 47. Manufacture of Electrolon, 47. Manufacture of German artificial cor- undum, 49. Marks, chatter, cause of, 232. Master grade blocks, 91. 'Materials, bonding, 66. Materials, raw, Carborundum, 38. Materials used on abrasive discs, 173. 332 INDEX Matteson saw grinder, 315. Medium grade, fallacy of, 92. Metal cutting saws, 315. Metal cutting saws, grinding, 315, 319. Methods of mixing grinding wheel materials, 68. Mill roll grinder, Landis, 270. Mill roll grinder, Norton, 271. Mill rolls, locating fcr grinding, 272. Milling cutters, dull, results of using, 290. Milling cutters, grinding, 292. Milling cutters, grinding sides of, 242. Milling cutters, re-cutting, 306. Mills, end, grinding, 302. Mineral, Spanish, 33. Mining of diamonds, 30. Mining of emery, 15. Mixed grits, 88. Mixing grinding wheel materials, methods used, 68. Modern grinding machines, 218. Molding Carborundum sharpening stones, 84. Mounting grinding wheels, 153. X Natural abrasives, 13. Natural sharpening stones, 35. Naxos emery, 16. Newton saw grinder, 316. Norton backrest, setting, 226. Norton cam grinding attachment, 280. Norton mill roll grinder, 271. Norton plain grinder, 219. Norton solid backrest, 226. Numbers of Carborundum grain, 44. Operating speed of grinding wheels, how designated, 152. Operation of Blanchard grinder, 212. Ordering grinding wheels, informa- tion to give, 142. Ordering special grinding wheels, 144. Ordering wheels for cylindrical grind- ing, 144. Oriental ruby, 47. Origin of name of bauxite, 53. Origin of pumice, 36. Overspeeding of grinding wheels, rea- sons for, 152. Oxalumina, 63. Oxalumina, composition of, 63. Oxalumina, how made, 63. Oxalumina, uses of, 63. Paper and cloth, abrasive, early man- ufacture of, 167. Paper and cloth, abrasive, uses of, 1 66. Paper, Carborundum, 168. Paper, emery, 168. Paper, garnet, kinds of, 168. Paper, garnet, testing, 170. Paper, sand, 169. Pearl button grinding, 114. Peripheral speed, effect on surface grinding, 199. Pigs, Alundum, 57. Plain cylindrical grinder, 217. Plain grinder, Landis, 217. Plain grinder, Norton, 219. Plain grinding wheel flanges, danger of, 153- Pliny, 14. Plow points, grinding, 105. Pointing up saws, 310. Power required to operate Aloxite furnace, 58. Pratt & Whitney surface grinder, 203. Pratt & Whitney surface grinder, samples of work done on, 206. Pratt, Prof. J. H., 20, 21. Preparation of Aloxite grain, 59. Preparation of corundum, 24. Preparation of diamond powder, 31. Preparation of garnet, 33. Preparation of work for cylindrical grinder, 220. Preparing diamonds for market, 30. Press, grinding wheel, 68. Pressed process, 68. Pressed wheels, characteristics of, 68. Process for making Jacobs' artificial corundum, 56. Process of making Aloxite, 58. Process of making Alundum, 57. Process of making Carborundum, 39. Process of making crushed steel, 63. Process of making Oxalumina, 63. 333 INDEX Process, elastic, 80. Process, pressed, 68. Process, puddled, 69. Process, rubber, 81. Process, silicate, 79. Process, vitrified, 67. Proportion of wheel flanges, 153. Puddled process, 69. Pulley guard, 162. Pulp stones, 125. Pumice, impurities of, 36. Pumice, origin of, 36. Pumice stone, 36. Pumice, uses of, 36. Punches, fixture for holding, 192. Punches, grinding, 191. Purifying Carborundum, 42. Purity of Aloxite, 59. Pyrometric cones, 72. Quartz, 34. Quartz, composition .of , 34. Quartz, flint, where found, 35. Quartz, fracture of, 34. Quartz, hardness of, 34. Quartz, how crystallized, 34. Quartz, specific gravity of, 34. Quartz, uses of, 34'. Radius truing device for crankshaft grinder, 277. Rapid wheel wear, 104. Raw materials, Carborundum, 38. Razor hone, Belgian, 35. Razor hones, Carborundum, 85. Re-bushing grinding wheels, 141. Re-bushing grinding wheels, advan- tages of, 139. Re-bushing grinding wheels, tools used for, 139. Records of tests, how to keep, 119. Rectifying hard or soft wheels, 95. Re-cutting milling cutters, 306. Red heat of kiln, 72. Reliability of grade scale, 94. Reliable grade list, how compiled, 92. Remedying hard or soft wheels, 144. Re-saws, band, 309. Re-saws, band, grinding, 314. Resetting diamonds, 135. Rest, work, 154. Rest, work, cause of accidents, 155. Ring grinder, Heald, 200. Ring wheel chuck, 1 80. Robert, Louis, 265. Roll crowning mechanism, Parrel, 268. Roll crowning, reason for, 267. Roll grinder, Parrel, 266. Roll grinding, causes of inaccuracy, 272. Roll grinding, testing wheels, on, 108. Roll grinding, traverse feed for, 273. Roll grinding, wheel speed, 273. Roll grinding, wheel speed for, 269. Roll grinding, wheels for, 268. Roll grinding, work speed for, 273. Rolls, calender, causes of wear of, 264. Rolls, calender, early, how finished, 265. Rolls, calender, grinding, 269. Rolls, calender, largest stack of, 263. Rolls, calender, old installation, 26. Rolls for steel mills, 270. Rolls, flour mill, grinding, 273. Rolls, flour mill, wheels for grinding, 274. Rolls, mill, locating for grinding, 272. Rolls, steel mill, grinding, 272. Room, filing, 312. Rotary chucks for surface grinder, 204. Rotary grinding fixture, 183. Rotary surface grinder, Heald, 202. Rotten stone, 36. Rouge, 63. . Rough grinding operations, machine used for testing wheels for, 116. Rough grinding operations, testing wheels for, 118. Roughing out saws, 310. Rounding cutter teeth corners, 300. Rubber process, 81. Rubs, Carborundum, 86. Ruby, balas, 47. Ruby, composition of, 48. Ruby, Oriental, 47. Ruby, spinel, 47. Ruby, value of, 47. Running grade, 96. Rule for finding wheel speed, 224. Rushing chuck, Heald, 248. 334 INDEX S Safety flanges, 154. Sagers, grinding wheel, 71. Sagers, how loaded, 71. Samples of work done on Blanchard surface grinder, 210. Samples of work done on Pratt & Whitney surface grinder, 206. Sand-paper, 169. Sandstone, 13. Sandstone, colors of, 14. Sandstone, impurities of, 14. Sandstone, where found, 14. Saw grinder, Matteson, 315. Saw grinder, Newton, 316. Saw grinding, effect of speed in,~3I2. Saw grinding machines, 309. Saw grinding machines, care of, 312. Saw grinding wheels, shapes of, 313. Saw grinding, wheels used for, 313. Saws, band, 308. Saws, case hardening, causes of, 313. Saws, circular, 308. Saws, grinding, 310. Saws, hack, grinding, 321. Saws, metal cutting, 315. Saws, metal cutting, grinding, 315, 319. Saws, pointing up, 310. Saws, roughing out, 310. Saws, wood-working, types of, 308. Scythe stones, 36. Selecting grinding wheels, factors to consider, 129. Selection of abrasive discs, 173. Selection of grinding wheels, 97. Selection of wheels for surfacing, 187. Semi-automatic grinding operations, testing wheels for, in. Setting grinders straight, 222. Setting wheel truing diamond, 134. Shafting, testing wheels for grinding, 109. Shape of Carborundum crystals, 41. Shapes of saw grinding wheels, 313. Sharpening large cutters, 299. Sharpening stories, Arkansas, 35. Sharpening stones, artificial, 83. Sharpening stones, Carborundum, 83. Sharpening stones, Carborundum, how finished, 86. Sharpening stones, natural, 35. Sharpening stones, Turkey, 35. Shaving machine, 69. Sheared die, 190. Side surfacer, 180. Side surfacer, varieties of work ground on, 182. Side teeth, grinding, 297, 298. Silicate bonded wheels, purposes used for, 79. Silicate process," 79. Silicon carbide, 38. Silicon, ferro, 59. Size blocks, grinding, 176. Size of branch pipes for dust collect- ing system, 146. , / Sizes and numbers of abrasive paper and cloth, 168. Sizes of angular grit, 64. Sizes of crushed steel, 64. Sizing power of surface grinding wheel, 199. Sleeve for cutter grinding, 293. Small grinding wheels, why used, 132. Smith, Dr. J. Lawrence, 15. Soft wheels, economical value of, 104. Soft wheels, limits in using, 104. Solid backrest, Norton, 226. Sorting diamonds, 31. Sorting grinding wheels, 73. Spanish mineral, 33. Sparking, uneven, 225. Special wheels, how to order, 144. Specific gravity of carbonado, 29 Specific gravity of Carborundum, 41. Specific gravity of diamond, 29. Specific gravity of emery, 17. Specific gravity of flint, 34. Specific gravity of garnet, 33. Specific gravity of quartz, 34. Speed, effect of, in saw grinding, 312. Speed of wheel for cylindrical grind- ing, 223. Speed of wheel, rule for finding, 224. Speed, table for surfacing, 187. Speed testing grinding wheels, 76. Speed, work, 223. Speed, work, for roll grinding, 269. Speeds for surface grinding, 185. Speeds of grinding wheels, 96. Spindle guard, 161. Spindles, loose, 156. Spinel, emery, 16. Spinel, emery, component parts of, 16. 335 INDEX Spinel, emery, hardness of, 16. Spinel, ruby, 47. Spot grinding, 176. Spot grinding wheels, grit and grade of, 178. Square center, 221. Standardization of grinding wheel bonds, 67. Standardized wheel grades, 94. Star wheel dresser for truing cylin- drical grinding wheels, 137. Steady-rests for cam grinding, 282. Steel grinding with Carborundum, 45. Steel mill rolls, 270. Steel mill rolls, grinding, 272. Stone, pumice, 36. Stone, rotten, 36. Stones, emery, 19. Stones, pulp, 125. Stones, scythe, 36. Stones, sharpening, natural, 35. Stones, sharpening, Turkey, 35. Straight grits, 88. Surface grinder, Brown & Sharpe, 188. Surface grinder, Pratt & Whitney, 203. Surface grinder, Pratt & Whitney, selection of wheels for, 206. Surface grinder, rotary, Heald, 202. Surface grinders, comparison of, 202. Surface grinding, adapting wheel for, 199. Surface grinding chucks, rotary, 204. Surface grinding, depth of finishing cut, 199. Surface grinding, effect of fine grit wheels, 200. Surface grinding, effect of peripheral speed on, 199. Surface grinding machine, Blanchard, 208. Surface grinding machine, wet, 193. Surface grinding, speeds for, 185. Surface grinding wheel guards, 159. Surface grinding wheel, sizing power of, 199. Surface grinding wheels, fixture for truing, 136. Surfacer, side, 180. Surfacer, side, varieties of work, ground on, 182. Surfacing, selection of wheels for, 187. Surfacing, table speed for, 187. Switch, demagnetizing, 196. Swivel magnetic chuck, 194. System, dust collecting, main pipes for, 148. Systems, dust collecting, advantages of, 145. Table speed for surfacing, 187. Tamping grinding wheels, 79. Taper grinding, 238, 240. Taper magnetic chuck, 194. Tapers, grinding double internal, 245. Teeth, side grinding, 297, 298. Temper, abrasive, 52. Temper of artificial corundum, 56. Test records, how to keep, 119. Test wheel data, 101. Testing abrasive discs, 174. Testing bonding materials, 67. Testing corundum, 25. Testing garnet, 171. Testing garnet paper, 170. Testing garnet paper belts, 172. Testing grinding wheels for sound- ness, 74. Testing grinding wheels in the lab- oratory, 115. Testing heat of kiln, 72. Testing operation, truing wheel in, 118. Testing trial wheels, wrong method, 98. Testing wheels for car wheel grinding, 106. Testing wheels for cylindrical grind- ing, 121. Testing wheels for grinding shafting, 109. Testing wheels for locomotive guide bar grinding, no. Testing wheels for semi-automatic grinding operations, in. Testing wheels on chilled iron roll grinding, 108. Three methods of testing grinding wheels, 114. Tight wheel bushings as cause of accidents, 153. Time consumed in axe grinding, 126. Time necessary to vitrify wheels, 73. Tools used for dressing grinding wheels, 133. 336 INDEX Tools used for facing grinding wheels, 74- Tools used for re-bushing grinding wheels, 139. Traverse feed, 224. Traverse feed for roll grinding, 273. Trial wheels, correct method of test- ing, IOO. Trial wheels, wrong method of testing, 98. Tripoli, 36. Tripoli, how formed, 36. Tripoli, uses of, 36. Tripoli, where found, 36. Truing cylindrical grinding wheels with star wheel dresser, 137. Truing die grinding wheels, 192. Truing grinding wheel, 232. Truing internal grinding wheels, 255, 258. Truing wheel in testing operation, 118. Truing wheels on vertical spindle grinder, 138. Turkey sharpening stones, 35. Turkish emery, 15. U Uneven sparking, 225. Unguarded wheels, 157. Universal Brown & Sharpe backrest, 228. Universal grade scale, 93, 94. Universal grinder, 217. Universal grinder, Brown & Sharpe, 236. Universal grinder, setting up for inter- nal grinding, 243. Universal head, 299. Unsafe wheel guards, 164. Uses of abrasive paper and cloth, 166. Uses' of Aloxite, 60. Uses of Alundum, 58. Uses of angular grit, 64. Uses of Arkansas sharpening stones, 35- Uses of Boro-Carbone, 62. Uses of carbonado, 32. Uses of Carborundum, 45. Uses of Corubin, 52. Uses of corundum, 29. Uses of crushed steel, 64. Uses of diamond powder, 3l c Uses of emery, 19. Uses of flint quartz, 35. Uses of garnet, 33. Uses of grindstones, 14, 125. Uses of Oxalumina, 63. Uses of pumice, 36. Uses of quartz, 34. Uses of Tripoli, 36. Value of grinding wheel efficiency, 1 106. Value of ruby, 47. Valve gear links, types of, 286. Varieties of Alundum, 58. Varieties of Arkansas sharpening stones, 35. Varieties of corundum, 21. Varieties of grinding wheel bonds, 67. Varieties of work finished on side sur- facer, 182. Vertical spindle grinder, truing wheels on, 138. Vertical surface grinder, Pratt & Whitney, selection of wheels for, 206. Vibration, effect of, 131. Vitrified process, 67. Vitrifying kiln, 70. Vitrifying process, time consumed to carry out, 73. Voltage of Carborundum furnace, 40. Volume of grinding wheel, how to find, 107. von Berquen, L., 31. W Walker cutter grinder, 299. Ward well hack sawblade grinder, 319. Wear on locomotive guide bars, 181. Werlein's artificial abrasive, 61. Wet surface grinding machine, 193. Wheel balance, 234. Wheel chattering, 200. Wheel flanges, proportion of, 153. Wheel grades, how designated, 91. Wheel grades, standardization of, 94. Wheel guard, 247. Wheel guards, 156. Wheel guards, unsafe, 164. 337 INDEX Wheel speed, effect on grade, 95. Wheel speed for Blanchard grinder, 211. Wheel speed for cylindrical grinding, 223. Wheel speed for roll grinding, 269, 273- Wheel speed, rule for finding, 224. Wheel speeds for internal grinding, 254- . Wheel test data, 101. Wheel truing diamond, setting of, 134. Wheel truing diamonds, kinds of, 133. Wheel wear, effect of, in cam grinding, 285. Wheel wear, rapid, 104. Wheels, elastic, purposes used for, 80. Wheels for Blanchard grinder, 212. Wheels for cam grinding, 283. Wheels for crankshaft grinding, 278. Wheels for cutter grinding, 305. Wheels for cylinder grinding, 259. Wheels for cylindrical grinding, 235. Wheels for die grinding, 188, 192, 199. Wheels for flour mill roll grinding, 274. Wheels for link grinding, 289. Wheels for roll grinding, 268. Wheels, pressed, characteristics of, 68. Wheels, selection of, for surfacing, 187. Wheels, silicate, purposes used for, 79- Wheels, soft, limits in using, 104. Wheels, unguarded, 157. Wheels used for rough operations, ma- chine for testing, 116. Wheels used for saw grinding, 313. Wheels, wide faced for cutter grind- ing, 294. Why Carborundum is not found in nature, 41. Why corundum is not used more ex- tensively, 26. Williams, Richard G., 57. Wire web grinding wheels, 80, 124. Wood working saws, types of, 308. Work carrying fixtures for crankshaft grinding, 275. Work rest, 154. Work rests as cause of accidents, 155. Work speed, 223. Work speed for roll grinding, 269, 273. THE END 1919 CATALOGUE of the Latest and Best Practical and Mechanical Books Including Automobile and Aviation Books PRACTICAL BOOKS FOR PRACTICAL MEN Each Book in this Catalogue is written by an Expert and is written so you can understand it PUBLISHED BY THE NORMAN W. HENLEY PUBLISHING Co. 2 West 45th Street, New York, U. S. A. 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The answers to these and nearly 2000 more are to be found in its pages. Give the name of all important parts of an automobile and describe their functions? Describe action of latest types of kerosene carburetors? What is the difference between a "double" ignition system and a "dual" ignition system? Name parts of an induction coil? How are valves timed? What is an electric motor starter and how does it work? What are advantages of worm drive gearing? Name all important types of ball and roller bearings? What is a "three- quarter" floating axle? What is a two-speed axle? What is the Vulcan electric gear shift? Name the causes of lost power hi automobiles? Describe all noises due to deranged mechanism and give causes? How can you adjust a carburetor by the color of the exhaust gases? What causes "popping" in the carburetor? What tools and supplies are needed to equip a car? How do you drive various makes of cars? What is a differential lock and where is it used? Name different systems of wire wheel construction, etc., etc. A popular work at a popular price. 5M x7 Y 2 . Cloth. 650 pages, 350 illustrations, 3 folding plates. Price $2.00 WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: "If you own a car get this book." The Glassworker. "Mr. Page has the faculty of making difficult subjects plain and understandable." Bristol Press. "We can name no writer better qualified to prepare a book of instruction on auto- mobiles than Mr. Victor W. Page." Scientific American. "The best automobile catechism that has appeared." Automobile Topics. " There are few men, even with long experience, who will not find this book useful. Great pains have been taken to make it accurate. Special recommendation must be given to the illustrations, which have been made specially for the work. Such ex- cellent books as this greatly assist in fully understanding your automobile." En- gineering News. MODERN STARTING, LIGHTING AND IGNITION SYSTEMS. By VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. This practical volume has been written with special reference to the requirements of the non-technical reader desiring easily understood, explanatory matter, relating to all types of automobile ignition, starting and lighting systems. It can be understood by anyone, even without electrical knowledge, because elementary electrical principles are considered before any attempt is made to discuss features of the various systems. These basic principles are clearly stated and illustrated with simple diagrams. All the leading systems of starling, lighting and ignition have been described and illustrated with the co-operation of the experts employed by the manufacturers. Wiring diagrams ar CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS shown in both technical and non- technical forms. All symbols are fully explained. It is a comprehensive review of modern starting and ignition system practice, and includes a complete exposition of storage battery construction, care and repair. All types of starting motors, generators, magnetos, and all ignition or lighting system units are fully explained. The systems of cars already in use as well as those that are to come in 1919 are considered. Every person in the automobile business needs this volume. . Cloth. 530 pages, 297 illustrations, 3 folding plates. Price . . $2.0O GASOLINE AND KEROSENE CARBURETORS, CONSTRUCTION, IN- STALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT. By MAJOR VICTOR W. PAGE. A New Up-to-date Book on Modern Carburetion Practice. This is a simple, comprehensive, and authoritative treatise for practical men ex- plaining all basic principles pertaining to carburetion, showing how liquid fuels are vaporized and turned into gas for operating all types of internal combustion engines in- tended to operate on vapors of gasoline, kerosene, benzol, and alcohol. All leading types of carburetors are described in detail, special attention being given to the forms devised to use the cheaper fuels such as kerosene. Carburetion troubles, fuel system troubles, carburetor repairs and installation, electric primers and economizers, hot spot mani- folds and all modern carburetor developments are considered in a thorough manner. Methods of adjusting all types of carburetors are fully discussed as well as sugges- tions for securing maximum fuel economy and obtaining highest engine power. This book is invaluable to repairmen, students, and motorists, as it includes the most complete exposition on kerosene carburetors ever published. The drawings showing carburetor construction are made from accurate engineering designs and show all parts of late types of carburetors. 250 pages. 89 illustrations. . $1.50 HOW TO RUN AN AUTOMOBILE. By VICTOR W. PAGE. This treatise gives concise instructions for starting and running all makes of gasoline automobiles, how to care for them, and gives distinctive features of control. De- scribes every step for shifting gears, controlling engine, etc. Among the chapters contained are: I. Automobile Parts and Their Functions. II. General Starting and Driving Instructions. III. Typical 1919 Control Systems Care of Auto- mobiles. Thoroughly illustrated. 178 pages. 72 illustrations. Price . . $1.00 THE AUTOMOBILIST'S POCKET COMPANION AND EXPENSE RECORD. By VICTOR W. PAGE. This book is not only valuable as a convenient cost record, but contains much in- formation of value to motorists. Includes a condensed digest of auto laws of all States, a lubrication schedule, hints for care of storage battery, and care of tires, location of road troubles, anti-freezing solutions, horse-power table, driving hints and many useful tables and recipes of interest to ah 1 motorists. Not a technical book in any sense of the word, just a collection of practical facts in simple language for the every-day motorist. Convenient pocket size. Price .'.... $1.00 AUTOMOBILE WELDING WITH THE OXY-ACETYLENE FLAME.J By M. KEITH DUNHAM. Explains in a simple manner apparatus to be used, its care, and how to construct necessary shop equipment. Proceeds then to the actual welding of .all automobile parts, in a manner understandable by every one. Gives principles never to be for- gotten. This book is of utmost value, since the perplexing problems arising when metal is heated to a melting point are fully explained and the proper methods to overcome them shown. 167 pages. Fully illustrated. Price ..... $1.25 MOTORCYCLES, SIDE CARS AND CYCLECARS, THEIR CONSTRUCTION, MANAGEMENT AND REPAIR. By VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. The only complete work published for the motorcyclist and cyclecarist. Describes fully all leading types of machines, their design, construction, maintenance, operation and repair. This treatise outlines fully the operation of two- and four-cycle power plants and all ignition, carburetion and lubrication systems in detail. Describes all representative types of free engine clutches, variable speed gears and power trans- mission systems. Gives complete instructions for operating and repairing all types. Considers fully electric self-starting and lighting systems, all types of spring frames and springs forks and shows leading control methods. For those desiring technical information a complete series of tables and many formulae to assist in designing are included. The work tells how to figure power needed to climb grades, overcome air resistance and attain high speeds. It shows how to select gear ratios for various weights and powers, how to figure braking efficiency required, gives sizes of belts and chains to transmit power safely, and shows how to design sprockets, belt pulleys, etc. This work also includes complete formulae for figuring horse-power, shows how dyna- CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS mometer tests are made, defines relative efficiency of air- and water-cooled engines, plain and anti-friction bearings and many other data of a practical, helpful, engineering nature. Remember that you get this information in addition to the practical de- scription and instructions which alone arc worth several times the price of the book. 550 pages. 350 specially made illustrations, 5 folding plates. Cloth. Price . $2.00 WHAT IS SAID OP THIS BOOK: " Here Is a book that should be in the cycle repairer's kit." American Blacksmith. " The best way for any rider to thoroughly understand his machine, is to get a copy of this book; it is worth many times its price." Pacific Motorcyclist. AUTOMOBILE, AVIATION AND MOTORCYCLE CHARTS AVIATION CHART LOCATION OF AIRPLANE POWER PLANT TROUBLES MADE EASY. By MAJOR VICTOR W. PAGE, A.S., S.C.U.S.R. A large chart outlining all parts of a typical airplane power plant, .showing the points where trouble is apt to occur and suggesting remedies for the common defects. In- tended especially for aviators and aviation mechanics on school and field duty. Price 50 cents CHART. GASOLINE ENGINE TROUBLES MADE EASY A CHART SHOW- ING SECTIONAL VIEW OF GASOLINE ENGINE. Compiled by VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. ^ It shows clearly all parts of a typical four-cylinder gasoline engine of the four-cycle type. It outlines distinctly all parts liable to give trouble and also details the de- rangements apt to interfere with smooth engine operation. Valuable to students, motorists, mechanics, repairmen, garagemen, automobile sales- men, chauffeurs, motorboat owners, motor-truck and tractor drivers, aviators, motor- cyclists, and all others who have to do with gasoline power plants. It simplifies location of all engine troubles, and while it will prove invaluable to the novice, it can be used to advantage by. the more expert. It should be on the walls of every public and private garage, automobile repair shop, clubhouse or school. It can be carried in the automobile or pocket with ease, and will insure against loss of time when engine trouble manifests itself. This sectional view of engine is a complete review of all motor troubles. It is prepared by a practical motorist for all who motor. More information for the money than ever before offered. No details omitted. Size 25x38 inches. Securely mailed on receipt of 25 cents CHART. LOCATION OF FORD ENGINE TROUBLES MADE EASY. Com- piled by VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. This shows clear sectional views depicting all portions of the Ford power plant and auxiliary groups. It outlines clearly all parts of the engine, fuel supply system, igni- tion group and cooling system, that are apt to give trouble, detailing all derangements that are liable to make an engine lose power, start hard or work irregularly. This chart is valuable to students, owners, and drivers, as it simplifies location of all engine faults. Of great advantage as an instructor for the novice, it can be used equally well by the more expert as a work of reference and review. It can be carried in the tool- box or pocket with ease and will save its cost in labor eliminated the first time engine trouble manifests itself. Prepared with special reference to the average man's needs and is a practical review of all motor troubles because it is based on the actuaj ex- perience of an automobile engineer-mechanic with the mechanism the chart describes. It enables the non-technical owner or operator of a Ford car to locate engine de- rangements by systematic search, guided by easily recognized symptoms instead of by guesswork. It makes the average owner independent of the roadside repair shop when touring. Must be seen to be appreciated. Size 25x38 inches., Printed on heavy bond paper. Price 25 cents CHART. LUBRICATION OF THE MOTOR CAR CHASSIS. Compiled by VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. This chart presents the plan view of a typical six-cylinder chassis of standard design and all parts are clearly indicated that demand oil, also the frequency with which they must be lubricated and the kind of oil to use. A practical chart for all interested in motor-car maintenance. Size 24x38 inches. Price 25 cents CHART. LOCATION OF CARBURETION TROUBLES MADE EASY. Com- piled by VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. This chart shows all parts of a typical pressure feed fuel supply system and gives causes of trouble, how to locate defects and means of remedying them. Size 24x38 inches. Price 25 cents CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS CHART. LOCATION OF IGNITION SYSTEM TROUBLES MADE EASY. Compiled by VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. In this diagram all parts of a typical double ignition system using battery and magneto current are shown, and suggestions are given for readily finding ignition troubles and eliminating them when found. Size 24x38 inches. Price 25 cents CHART. LOCATION OF COOLING AND LUBRICATION SYSTEM FAULTS. Compiled by VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. This composite diagram shows a typical automobile power plant using pump circulated water-cooling system and the most popular lubrication method. Gives suggestions for curing all overheating and loss of power faults due to faulty action of the oiling or cooling group. Size 24x38 inches. Price 25 cents CHART. MOTORCYCLE TROUBLES MADE EASY. Compiled by VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. A chart showing sectional view of a single-cylinder gasoline engine. This chart simplifies location of all power-plant troubles. A single-cylinder motor is shown for simplicity. It outlines distinctly all parts liable to give trouble and also details the derangements apt to interfere with smooth engine operation. This chart will prove of value to all who have to do with the operation, repair or sale of motorcycles. No details omitted. Size 30x20 inches. Price 25 cents AVIATION A B C OF AVIATION By MAJOR VICTOR W. PAGE. This book describes the basic principles of aviation, tells how a balloon or dirigible is made and why it floats in the air. Describes how an airplane flies. It shows in detail the different parts of an airplane, what they are and what they do. Describes all types of airplanes and how they differ in construction; as well as detailing the advantages and disadvantages of different types of aircraft. It includes a complete dictionary of aviation terms and clear drawings of leading airplanes. The reader will find simple instructions for unpacking, setting up, and rigging airplanes. A full description of airplane control principles is given and methods of flying are dis- cussed at length. This book answers every question one can ask about modern aircraft, their con- struction and operation. A self-educator on aviation without an equal. 275 pages. 130 specially made illustrations with 7 plates. Price $2.50 AVIATION ENGINES DESIGN; CONSTRUCTION; REPAIR. By MAJOR VICTOR W. PAGE, A.S., S.C.U.S.R. This treatise, written by a recognized authority on all of the practical aspects of internal combustion engine construction, maintenance, and repair, fills the need as no other book does. The matter is logically arranged; all descriptive matter is simply expressed and copiously illustrated, so that anyone can understand airplane engine operation and repair even if without previous mechanical training. This work is invaluable for anyone desiring to become an aviator or aviation mechanic. The latest rotary types, such as the Gnome Monosoupape, and LeRhone, are fully explained, as well as the recently developed Vee and radial types. The subjects of carburetion, ignition, cooling, and lubrication also are covered in a thorough manner. The chapters on repair and maintenance are distinctive and found in no other book on this subject. Not a technical book, but a practical, easily understood work of reference for all interested in aeronautical science. 576 pages. 253 illustrations. Price, net $3.00 GLOSSARY OF AVIATION TERMS ENGLISH-FRENCH; FRENCH- ENGLISH. By MAJOR VICTOR W. PAGE, A.S., S.C.U.S.R., and LIEUT. PAUL MONTARIOL, of the French Flying Corps. A complete glossary of practically all terms used in aviation, having lists in both French and English with equivalents in either language. Price, net . . $1.00 AVIATION CHART LOCATION OF AIRPLANE POWER PLANT TROUBLES MADE EASY. By MAJOR VICTOR W. PAGE, A.S., S.C.U.S.R. A large chart outlining all parts of a typical airplane power plant, showing the points where trouble is apt to occur and suggesting remedies for the common defects. In- tended especially for aviators and aviation mechanics on school and field duty. Price 50 cents CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS BRAZING AND SOLDERING BRAZING AND SOLDERING. By JAMES F. HOBART. The only book that shows you just how to handle any job of brazing or soldering that comes along: it tells you what mixture to use, how to make a furnace if you need one. Full of valuable kinks. The fifth edition of this book has just been published, and to it much new matter and a large number of tested formulae for all kinds of solders and fluxes have been added. Illustrated 35 cents CHARTS AVIATION CHART LOCATION OF AIRPLANE POWER PLANT TROUBLES MADE EASY. By MAJOR VICTOR W. PAGE, A.S., S.C.U.S.R. A large chart outlining all parts of a typical airplane power plant, showing the points where trouble is apt to occur and suggesting remedies for the common defects. Intended especially for aviators and aviation mechanics on school and field duty. Price 50 cents GASOLINE ENGINE TROUBLES MADE EASY A CHART SHOWING SEC- TIONAL VIEW OF GASOLINE ENGINE. Compiled by VICTOR W. PAGE. It shows clearly all parts of a typical four-cylinder gasoline engine of the four-cycle type. It outlines distinctly all parts liable to give trouble and also details the de- rangements apt to interfere with smooth engine operation. Valuable to students, motorists, mechanics, repairmen, garagemen, automobile sales- men, chauffeurs, motor-boat owners, motor-truck and tractor drivers, aviators, motor- cyclists, and all others who have to do with gasoline power plants. It simplifies location of all engine troubles, and while it will prove invaluable to the novice, it can be used to advantage by the more expert. It should be on the walls of every public and private garage, automobile repair shop, club house or school. It can be carried in the automobile or pocket with ease and will insure against loss of time when engine trouble manifests itself. This sectional view of engine is a complete review of all motor troubles. It is pre- pared by a practical motorist for all who motor. No details omitted. Size 25x38 inches 25 cents LUBRICATION OF THE MOTOR CAR CHASSIS. This chart presents the plan view of a typical six-cylinder chassis of standard design and all parts are clearly indicated that demand oil, also the frequency with which they must be lubricated and the kind of oil to use. A practical chart for all interested in motor-car maintenance. Size 24x38 inches. Price 25 cents LOCATION OF CARBURETION TROUBLES MADE EASY. This chart shows all parts of a typical pressure feed fuel supply system and gives causes of trouble, how to locate defects and means of remedying them. Size 24x38 inches. Price 25 cents LOCATION OF IGNITION SYSTEM TROUBLES MADE EASY. In this chart all parts of a typical double ignition system using battery and magneto current are shown and suggestions are given for readily finding ignition troubles and eliminating them when found. Size 24x38 inches. Price 25 cents LOCATION OF COOLING AND LUBRICATION SYSTEM FAULTS. This composite chart shows a typical automobile power plant using pump circulated water-cooling system and the most popular lubrication method. Gives suggestions for curing all overheating and loss of bower faults due to faulty action of the oiling or cooling group. Size 24x38 inches. Price 25 cents MOTORCYCLE TROUBLES MADE EASY A CHART SHOWING SEC- TIONAL VIEW OF SINGLE-CYLINDER GASOLINE ENGINE. Compiled by VICTOR W. PAGE. This chart simplifies location of all power-plant troubles, and will prove invaluable to all who have to do with the operation, repair or sale of motorcycles. No details Size 25x38 inches. Price 25 cents 8 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS LOCATION OF FORD ENGINE TROUBLES MADE EASY. Compiled by VICTOR W. PAGE, M.E. This shows clear sectional views depicting all portions of the Ford power plant and auxiliary groups. It outlines clearly all parts of the engine, fuel supply system, ignition group and cooling system, that are apt to give trouble, detailing all derange- ments that are liable to make an engine lose power, start hard or work irregularly. This chart is valuable to students, owners, and drivers, as it simplifies location of all engine faults. Of great advantage as an instructor for the novice, it can be used equally well by the more expert as a work of reference and review. It can be carried in the tool- box or pocket with ease and will save its cost in labor eliminated the first time engine trouble manifests itself. Prepared with special reference to the average man's needs and is a practical review of all motor troubles because it is based on the actual ex- perience of an automobile engineer-mechanic with the mechanism the chart describes. It enables the non-technical owner or operator of a Ford car to locate engine de- rangements by systematic search, guided by easily recognized symptoms instead of by guesswork. It makes the average owner independent of the roadside repair shop when touring. Must be seen to be appreciated. Size 25x38 inches. Printed on heavy bond paper. Price 25 cents MODERN SUBMARINE CHART WITH 200 PARTS NUMBERED AND NAMED. A cross-section view, showing clearly and distinctly all the interior of a Submarine of the latest type. You get more information from this chart, about the construction and operation of a Submarine, than in any other way. No details omitted everything is accurate and to scale. It is absolutely correct in every detail, having been approved by Naval Engineers. All the machinery and devices fitted in a modern Submarine Boat are shown, and to make the engraving more readily understood, all the features are shown in operative form, with Officers and Men in the act of performing the duties assigned to them in service conditions. This CHART IS REALLY AN ENCYCLO- PEDIA OF A SUBMARINE 25 cents BOX CAR CHART. A chart showing the anatomy of a box'car. having every part of the car numbered and its proper name given in a reference list 25 cents GONDOLA CAR CHART. A chart showing the anatomy of a gondola car, having every part of the car numbered and its proper reference name given in a reference list 25 cents PASSENGER-CAR CHART. A chart showing the anatomy of a passenger-car, having every part of the car numbered and its proper name given in a reference list 25 cents STEEL HOPPER BOTTOM COAL CAR. A chart showing the anatomy of a steel Hopper Bottom Coal Car, having every part of the car numbered and its proper name given in a reference list 25 cents TRACTIVE POWER CHART. A chart whereby you can find the tractive power or drawbar pull of any locomotive without making a figure. Shows what cylinders are equal, how driving wheels and steam pressure affect the power. What sized engine you need to exert a given drawbar pull or anything you desire in this line 50 cents HORSE-POWER CHART Shows the horse-power of any stationary engine without calculation. No matter what the cyh'nder diameter of stroke, the steam pressure of cut-off, the revolutions, or whether condensing or non-condensing, it's all there. Easy to use, accurate, and saves time and calculations. Especially useful to engineers and designers. 50 cents BOILER ROOM CHART. By GEO. L. FOWLER. A charts-size 14x28 inches showing in isometric perspective the mechanisms be- longing in a modern boiler room. The various parts are shown broken or removed, so that the. internal construction is fully illustrated. Each part is given a reference number, and these, with the corresponding name, are given in a glossary printed at the sides. This chart is really a dictionary of the boiler room the names of more than 200 parts being given 25 cents CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS COKE COKE MODERN COKING PRACTICE, INCLUDING ANALYSIS OF MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS. By J. E. CHRISTOPHER and T. H. BYROM. This, the standard work on the subject, has just been revised and is now issued in two volumes. It is a practical work for those engaged in Coke manufacture and the recovery [of By-products. Fully illustrated with folding plates. It has been the aim of the authors, in preparing this book, to produce one which shall be of use and benefit to those who are associated with, or interested in, the modern develop- ments of the industry. Among the chapters contained in Volume I are: Introduc- tion. Classification of Fuels. Impurities of Coals. Coal Washing. Sampling and Valuation of Coals, etc. Chlorific Power of Fuels. History of Coke Manu- facture. Developments in Coke Oven Design; Recent Types of Coke Ovens. Mechanical Appliances at Coke. Ovens. Chemical and Physical Examination of Coke. Volume II covers By-p'roducts. Each volume is fully illustrated, with folding plates. Price, per volume $3.00 COMPRESSED AIR COMPRESSED AIR IN ALL ITS APPLICATIONS. By GARDNER D. Hiscox. This is the most complete book on the subject of Air that has ever been issued, and its thirty-five chapters include about every phase of the subject one can think of. It may be called an encyclopedia of compressed air. It is written by an expert, who, in its 665 pages, has dealt with the subject in a comprehensive manner, no phase of it being omitted. Includes the physical properties of air from a vacuum to its highest pressure, its thermodynamics, compression, transmission and uses as a motive power, in the Operation of Stationary' and Portable Machinery, in Mining, Air Tools, Air Lifts, Pumping of Water, Acids, and Oils; the Air Blast for Cleaning and Painting, the Sand Blast and its Work, and the Numerous Appliances in which Compressed Air is a Most Convenient and Economical Transmitter of Power for Mechanical Work, Railway Propulsion, Refrigeration, and the Various Uses to which Compressed Air has been applied. Includes forty-four tables of the physical properties of air, its compression, expansion, and volumes required for various kinds of work, and a list of patents on compressed air from 1875 to date. Over 500 illustrations, 5th Edition, revised and enlarged. Cloth bound, $6.00. Half Morocco, price .... $7.50 CONCRETE JUST PUBLISHED CONCRETE WORKERS' REFERENCE BOOKS. A SERIES OF POPULAR HANDBOOKS FOR CONCRETE USERS. Prepared by A. A. HOUGHTON Each 60 cents The author, in preparing this Series, has not only treated on the usual types of construction, but explains and illustrates molds and systems that are not patented, but which are equal in value and often superior to those restricted by patents. These molds are rery easily and cheaply constructed and embody simplicity, rapidity of operation, and the most successful results in the molded concrete. Each of these Twelve books is fully illustrated, and the subjects are exhaustively treated in plain English. CONCRETE WALL FORMS. By A. A. HOUGHTON. A new automatic wall clamp is illustrated- with working drawings. Other types of wall forms, clamps, separators, etc., are also illustrated and explained. (No. 1 of Series) 60 cents CONCRETE FLOORS AND SIDEWALKS. By A. A. HOUGHTON. The molds for molding squares, hexagonal and many other styles of mosaic floor and sidewalk blocks are fully illustrated and explained. (No. 2 of Series) . . 60 cents PRACTICAL CONCRETE SILO CONSTRUCTION. By A. A. HOUGHTON. Complete working drawings and specifications are given for several styles of concrete silos, with illustrations of molds for monolithic and block silos. The tables, data, and information presented in this book are of the utmost value'in planning and constructing all forms of concrete silos. (No. 3 of Series) 60 cents 10 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS MOLDING CONCRETE CHIMNEYS, SLATE AND ROOF TILES. By A. A. HOUGHTON. The manufacture of all types of concrete slate and roof tile Is fully treated. Valuable data on all forms of reinforced concrete roofs are contained within its pages. The construction of concrete chimneys by block and monolithic systems is fully illustrated and described. A number of ornamental designs of chimney construction with molds are shown in this valuable treatise. (No. 4 of Series.) 60 cents MOLDING AND CURING ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE. By A. A. HOUGHTON. The proper proportions of cement and aggregates for various finishes, also the method of thoroughly mixing and placing in the molds, are fully treated. An exhaustive treatise on this subject that every concrete worker will find of daily use and value. (No. 5 of Series.) 60 cents CONCRETE MONUMENTS, MAUSOLEUMS AND BURIAL VAULTS. By A. A. HOUGHTON. The molding of concrete monuments to imitate the most expensive cut stone is ex- plained in this treatise, with working drawings of easily built molds. Cutting in- scriptions and designs are also fully treated. (No. 6 of Series.) ... 60 cents MOLDING CONCRETE BATHTUBS, AQUARIUMS AND NATATORIUMS. By A. A. HOUGHTON. Simple molds and instruction are given for molding many styles of concrete bathtubs, swimming-pools, etc. These molds are easily built and permit rapid and successful work. (No. 7 of Series.) 60 cents CONCRETE BRIDGES, CULVERTS AND SEWERS. By A. A. HOUGHTON. A number of ornamental concrete bridges with illustrations of molds are given. A collapsible center or core for bridges, culverts and sewers is fully illustrated with de- tailed instructions for building. (No. 8 of Series.) 60 cents CONSTRUCTING CONCRETE PORCHES. By A. A. HOUGHTON. A number of designs with working drawings of molds are fully explained so any one can easily construct different styles of ornamental concrete porches without the pur- chase of expensive molds. (No. 9 of Series.) 60 cents MOLDING CONCRETE FLOWER-POTS, BOXES, JARDINIERES, ETC. By A. A. HOUGHTON. The molds for producing many original designs of flower-pots, urns, flower-boxes, jardinieres, etc., are fully illustrated and explained, so the worker can easily construct and operate same. (No. 10 of Series.) 60 cents MOLDING CONCRETE FOUNTAINS AND LAWN ORNAMENTS. By A. A. HOUGHTON. The molding of a number of designs of lawn seats, curbing, hitching posts, pergolas, sun dials and other forms of ornamental concrete for the ornamentation of lawns and gar- dens, is fully illustrated and described. (No. 11 of Series) 60 cents CONCRETE FROM SAND MOLDS. By A. A. HOUGHTON. A Practical Work treating on a process which has heretofore been held as a trade secret by the few who possessed it, and which will successfully mold every and any class of ornamental concrete work. The process of molding concrete with sand molds is of the utmost practical value, possessing the manifold advantages of a low cost of molds, the ease and rapidity of operation, perfect details to all ornamental designs, density and increased strength of the concrete, perfect curing of the work without attention and the easy removal of the molds regardless of any undercutting the design may have. 192 pages. Fully illustrated. Price $2.00 ORNAMENTAL CONCRETE WITHOUT MOLDS. By A. A. HOUGHTON. The process for making ornamental concrete without molds has lone been held as a secret, and now, for the first time, this process is given to the public. The book reveals the secret and is the only book published which explains a simple, practical method whereby the concrete worker is enabled, by employing wood and metal tem- plates of different designs, to mold or model in concrete any Cornice, Archivolt, Column, Pedestal, Base Cap, Urn or Pier in a monolithic form right upon the job. These may be molded in units or blocks, and then built up to suit the specifications demanded. This work is fully illustrated, with detailed engravings. Price . $2.0O II CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS CONCRETE FOR THE FARM AND IN THE SHOP. BY H. COLIN CAMPBELL, C.E., E.M. "Concrete for the Farm and In the Shop" is a new book from cover to cover, illustrat- ing and describing in plain, simple language many of the numerous applications of concrete within the range of the home worker. Among the subjects treated are: Principles of reinforcing; methods of protecting concrete so as to insure proper harden- ing; home-made mixers; mixing by hand and machine; form construction, described and illustrated by drawings and photographs; construction of concrete walls and fences; concrete fence posts; concrete gate posts; corner posts; clothes line posts; grape arbor posts; tanks; troughs; cisterns; hog wallows; feeding floors and barn- yard pavements ; foundations ; well curbs and platforms ; indoor floors ; sidewalks ; steps ; concrete hotbeds and cold frames; concrete slab roofs; walls far buildings; repairing leaks in tanks and cisterns; and all topics associated with th^s 1 subjects as bearing upon securing the best results from concrete are dwelt upon atsuffici >nt 1 ngth in plain every-day English so that the inexperienced person desiring to und rtaka a piece of concrete construction can, by following the directions set forth in this book, secute 10O per cent success every time. A number of convenient and practical tubl -s for estimating quantities, and some practical examples, are also given. (5x7). 149 pages, 51 il- lustrations. Price $1.OO POPULAR HANDBOOK FOR CEMENT AND CONCRETE USERS. By MYRON H. LEWIS. This is a concise treatise of the principles and methods employed in the manufacture and use of cement in all classes of modern works. The author has brought together in this work all the salient matter of interest to the user of concrete and its many diversified products. The matter is presented in logical and systematic order, clearly written, fully illustrated and free from involved mathematics. Everything of value to the concrete user is given, including kinds of cement employed in construction, concrete architecture, inspection and testing, waterproofing, coloring and painting, rules, tables, working and cost data. The book comprises thirty-three chapters, as follows: Introductory. Kinds of Cements and How They are Made. Properties. Testing and Requirements of Hydraulic Cement. Concrete and its Properties. Sand, Broken Stone and Gravel for Concrete. How to Proportion the Materials. How to Mix and Place Concrete. Forms of Concrete Construction. The Architectural and Artistic Possibilities of Concrete. Concrete Residences. Mortars, Plasters and Stucco, and How to Use them. The Artistic Treatment of Concrete Surfaces. Concrete Building Blocks. The Making of Ornamental Concrete. Concrete Pipes, Fences, Posts, etc. Essential Features and Advantages of Reenforced Concrete. How to Design Reen- forced Concrete Beams, Slabs and Columns. Explanations of the Methods and Principles in Designing Reenforced Concrete Beams and Slabs. Systems of Reen- forcement Employed. Reenforced Concrete in Factory and General Building Con- struction. Concrete in Foundation Work. Concrete Retaining Walls, Abutments and Bulkheads. Concrete Arches and Arch Bridges. Concrete Beam and Girder Bridges. Concrete in Sewerage and Drainage Works. Concrete Tanks, Dams and Reservoirs. Concrete Sidewalks, Curbs and Pavements. Concrete in Railroad Con- structions. The Utility of Concrete on the Farm. The Waterproofing of Concrete Structure. Grout of Liquid Concrete and Its Use. Inspection of Concrete Work. Cost of Concrete Work. Some of the special features of the book are: 1. The Attention Paid to the Artistic and Architectural Side of Concrete Work. 2. The Authoritative Treatment of the Problem of Waterproofing Concrete. 3. An Excellent Summary of the Rules to be Followed in Concrete Construction. 4. The Valuable Cost Data and Useful Tables given. A valuable Addition to the Library of Every Cement and Concrete User. Price $3.00 WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: "The field of Concrete Construction is well covered and the matter contained is well within the understanding of any person." Engineering-Contracting. " Should be on the bookshelves of every contractor, engineer, and architect in the land." National Builder. 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A most useful book, and one which should be in the hands of all engaged in the presa working of metals; treating on the Designing, Constructing, and Use of Tools, Fixtures and Devices, together with the manner in which they should be used in the Powr Press, for the cheap and rapid production of the great variety of sheet-metal articles now in use. It is designed as a guide to the production of sheet-metal parts at the minimum of cost with the maximum of output. The hardening and tempering of Press tools and the classes of work which may be produced to the best advantage by the use of dies in the power press are fully treated. Its 505 illustrations show dies, press fixtures and sheet-metal working devices, the descriptions of which are so clear and practical that all metal-working mechanics will be able to understand how to design, construct and use them. Many of the dies and press fixtures treated were either constructed by the author or under his supervision. Others were built by skilful ' mechanics and are in use in large sheet-metal establishments and machine shops. 5th Edition. Price $3.50 PUNCHES, DIES AND TOOLS FOR MANUFACTURING IN PRESSES. By J. V. WOODWORTH. This work is a companion volume to the author's elementary work entitled "Dies, Their Construction and Use." It does not go into the details of die-making to the extent of the author's previous book, but gives a comprehensive review of the field of operations carried on by presses. A large part of the information given has been drawn from the author's personal experience. It might well be termed an Encyclopedia of Die-Making, Punch-Making, Die-Sinking, Sheet-Metal Working, and Making of Special Tools, Sub- presses, Devices and Mechanical Combinations for Punching, Cutting, Bending, Form- ing, Piercing, Drawing, Compressing and Assembling Sheet-Metal Parts, and also Arti- cles of other Materials in Machine Tools. 2d Edition. Price $4.50 DROP FORGING, DIE-SINKING AND MACHINE-FORMING OF STEEL. By J. V. WOODWORTH. This is a practical treatise on Modern Shop Practice, Processes, Methods, Machine Tools, and Details treating on the Hot and Cold Machine-Forming of Steel and Iron into Finished Shapes; together with Tools, Dies, and Machinery involved in the manufacture of Duplicate Forgings and Interchangeable Hot and Cold Pressed Parts from Bar and Sheet Metal. This book fills a demand of long standing for information regarding drop-forgings, die-sinking and machine-forming of steel and the shop practice involved, as it actually exists in the modern drop-forging shop. The processes of die-sinking and force-making, which are thoroughly described and illustrated in this admirable work, are rarely to be found explained in such a clear and concise manner as is here set forth. The process of die-sinking relates to the engraving or sinking of the female or lower dies, such as are used for drop-forgings, hot and cold machine forging, swedging and the press working of metals. The process of force-making relates to the engraving or raising of the male or upper dies used in producing the lower dies for the press-forming and machine-forging of duplicate parts of metal. In addition to the arts above mentioned the book contains explicit information re- garding the drop-forging and hardening plants, designs, conditions, equipment, drop hammers, forging machines, etc., machine forging, hydraulic forging, autogenous welding and shop practice. The book contains eleven chapters, and the information CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS contained in these chapters is just what will prove most valuable to the forged-metal worker. 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The arrange- ment of the book is good; the plate is on the left-hand, while the descriptive text follows on the opposite page, so as to be readily referred to. The drawings are on sufficiently large scale to show the work clearly and are plainly figured. There is included a self-explanatory chart which gives all information necessary for the thorough understanding of perspective. This chart alone is worth many times over the price of the book. 2d Revised and enlarged Edition $2.5O SELF-TAUGHT MECHANICAL DRAWING AND ELEMENTARY MACHINE DESIGN. By F. L. SYLVESTER, M.E., Draftsman, with additions by ERIK OBERG, associate editor of "Machinery." This is a practical treatise on Mechanical Drawing and Machine Design, comprising the first principles of geometric and mechanical drawing, workshop mathematics, mechanics, strength of materials and the calculations and design of machine details. The author's aim has been to adapt this treatise to the requirements of the practical mechanic and young draftsman and to present the matter in as clear and concise a manner as possible. To meet the demands of this class of students, practically all the important elements of machine design have been dealt with, and in addition algebraic formulas have been explained, and the elements of trigonometry treated in the manner best suited to the needs of the practical man. The book is divided into 20 chapters, and in arranging the material, mechanical drawing, pure and simple, has been taken up first, as a thorough understanding of the principles of representing objects facilitates the further study of mechanical subjects. This is followed by the mathematics neces- sary for the solution of the problems in machine design which are presented later, and a practical introduction to theoretical mechanics and the strength of materials. The various elements entering into machine design, such as cams, gears, sprocket-wheels, cone pulleys, bolts, screws, couplings, clutches, shafting and fly-wheels, have been treated in such a way as to make possible the use of the work as a text-book for a continuous course of study. It is easily comprehended and assimilated even by students of limited previous training. 330 pages, 2 15 engravings. Price . . $2.50 A NEW SKETCHING PAPER. A new specially ruled paper to enable you to make sketches or drawings in isometric perspective without any figuring or fussing. It is being used for shop details as well as for assembly drawings, as it makes one sketch do the work of three, and no workman can help seeing just what is wanted. Pads of 40 sheets, 6x9 inches, 25 cents. Pads of 40 sheets. 9x12 inches, 50 cents; 40 sheets, 12x18, Price $1.00 ELECTRICITY ARITHMETIC OF ELECTRICITY. By Prof. T. O'CoNOR SLOANE. A practical treatise on electrical calculations of all kinds reduced to a series of rules, all of the simplest forms, and involving only ordinary arithmetic; each rule illustrated by one or more practical problems, with detailed solution of each one. This book is classed among the most useful works published on the science of electricity, covering as it does the mathematics of electricity in a manner that will attract the attention of those who are not familiar with algebraical formulas. 20th Edition. 160 pages. CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS COMMUTATOR CONSTRUCTION. By WM. BAXTER, JR. The business end of any dynamo or motor of the direct current type is the commutator. This book goes into the designing, building, and maintenance of commutators, showa how to locate troubles and how to remedy them; everyone who fusses with dynamos needs this. 4th Edition 35 cents DYNAMO BUILDING FOR AMATEURS, OR HOW TO CONSTRUCT A FIFTY- WATT DYNAMO. By ARTHUR J. WEED, Member of N. Y. Electrical Society. A practical treatise showing in detail the construction of a small dynamo or motor, the entire machine work of which can be done on a small foot lathe. Dimensioned working drawings are given for each piece of machine work, and each operation is clearly described. This machine, when used as a dynamo, has an output of fifty watts; when used as a motor it will drive a small drill press or lathe. It can be used to drive a sewing machine on any and all ordinary work. The book is illustrated with more than sixty original engravings showing the actual construction of the different parts. Among the contents are chapters on: 1. Fifty-Watt Dynamo. 2. Side Bearing Rods. 3. Field Punching. 4. Bearings. 5. Commutator. 6. Pulley. 7. Brush Holders. 8. Connection Board. 9. Armature Shaft. 10. Armature. 11. Armature Winding. 12. Field Winding. 13. Connecting and Starting. Price, cloth, $1.0O ELECTRIC WIRING, DIAGRAMS AND SWITCHBOARDS. By NEWTON HARRISON. A thoroughly practical treatise covering the subject of Electric Wiring in all its branches, ' including explanations and diagrams which are thoroughly explicit and greatly simplify the subject. Practical, every-day problems in wiring are presented and the method of obtaining intelligent results clearly shown. Only arithmetic is used. Ohm's law is given a simple explanation with reference to wiring for direct and alternating currents. The fundamental principle of drop of potential in circuits is shown with its various applications. The simple circuit is developed with the position of mains, feeders and branches; their treatment as a part of a wiring plan and their employ- ment in house wiring clearly illustrated. Some simple facts about testing are included in connection with the wiring. Molding and conduit work are given careful considera- tion; and switchboards are systematically treated, built up and illustrated, showing the purpose they serve, for connection with the circuits, and to shunt and compound wound machines. The simple principles of switchboard construction, the develop- ment of the switchboard, the connections of the various instruments, including the lightning arrester, are also plainly set forth. Alternating current wiring is treated, with explanations of the power factor, conditions calling for various sizes of wire, and a simple way of obtaining the sizes for single-phase, two-phase and three-phase circuits. This is the only complete work issued showing and telling you what you should know about direct and alternating current wiring. It is a ready reference. The work is free from advanced technicalities and mathematics, arithmetic being used throughout. It is in every respect a handy, well-written, instructive, comprehensive volume on wiring for the wireman, foreman, contractor, or electrician. 272 pages; 105 illustrations. Price $2.0O ELECTRIC FURNACES AND THEIR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS. By J. WRIGHT. This is a book which will prove of interest to many classes of people: the manufacturer who desires to know what product can be manufactured successfully in the electric furnace, the] chemist who wishes to post himself on electro - chemistry, and the student of science who merely looks into the subject from curiosity. New revised and enlarged edition. 320 pages. Fully illustrated. Cloth. Price . . $3.50 ELECTRIC TOY MAKING, DYNAMO BUILDING, AND ELECTRIC MOTOR CONSTRUCTION. By Prof. T. O'CoNOR SLOANE. This work treats of the making at home of electrical toys, electrical apparatus, motors, dynamos and instruments in general, and is designed to bring within the reach of young and old the manufacture of genuine and useful electrical appliances. The work is especially designed for amateurs and young folks. Thousands of our young people are daily experimenting, and busily engaged in making electrical toys and apparatus of various kinds. The present work is just what is want- ed to give the much needed information in a plain,practical manner, with illustrations to make easy the carrying out of the work. 20th Edition. Price .... $1.00 PRACTICAL ELECTRICITY. By Prof. T. O'CONOR SLOANE. This work of 768 pages was previously known as Sloane's Electricians' Hand Book, and is intended for the practical electrician who has to make things go. The entire 15 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS field of electricity is covered within its pages. Among some of the subjects treated are: The Theory of the Electric Current and Circuit, Electro-Chemistry, Primary Batteries, Storage Batteries, Generation and Utilization of Electric Powers, Alter- nating Current, Armature Winding, Dynamos and Motors, Motor Generators. Operation of the Central Station Switchboards, Safety Appliances, Distribution of Electric Light and Power, Street Mains, Transformers, Arc and Incandescent Lighting, Electric Measurements, Photometry, Electric Rtulways, Telephony, Bell- Wiring, Electric-Plating, Electric Heating, Wireless Telegraphy, etc. It contains no useless theory; everything is to the point. It teaches you just what you want to know about electricity. It is the standard work published on the subject. Forty- one chapters, 556 engravings. Price $3.50 ELECTRICITY SIMPLIFIED. By Prof. T. O'CoNOR SLOANE. The object of "Electricity Simplified" is to make the subject as plain as possible and to show what the modern conception of electricity is; to show how two plates of different metal, immersed in acid, can send a message around the globe; to explain how a bundle of copper wire rotated by a steam engine can be the agent in lighting our streets, to tell what the volt, ohm and ampere are, and what high and low tension mean; and to answer the questions that perpetually arise in the mind in this age of electricity. 13th Edition. 172 pages. Illustrated. Price $1.00 HOUSE WIRING. By THOMAS W. POPPE. This work describes and illustrates the actual installation of Electric Light Wiring, the manner in which the work should be done, and the method of doing it. The book can be conveniently carried in the pocket. It is intended for the Electrician, Helper and Apprentice. It solves all Wiring Problems and contains nothing that conflicts with the rulings of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. It gives just the informa- tion essential to the Successful Wiring of a Building. Among the subjects treated are: Locating the Meter. Panel Boards. Switches. Plug Receptacles. Brackets. Ceiling Fixtures. The Meter Connections. The Feed Wires. The Steel Armored Cable System. The Flexible Steel Conduit System. The Ridig Conduit System. A digest of the National Board of Fire Underwriters' rules relating to metallic wiring systems. Various switching arrangements explained and diagrammed. The easiest method of testing the Three- and Four-way circuits explained. The grounding of all metallic wiring systems and the reason for doing so shown and explained. The insulation of the metal parts of lamp fixtures and the reason for the same described and illustrated. 125 pages. 2nd Edition, revised and enlarged. Fully illustrated. Flexible cloth. Price 60 cents WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: " The information given is exact and exhaustive without being too technical or over- laden with details." Druggists' Circular. HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL ELECTRICIAN. By Prof. T. O'CoNOH SLOANE. Every young man who wishes to become a successful electrician should read this book. It tells in simple language the surest and easiest way to become a successful electrician. The studies to be followed, methods of work, field of operation and the requirements of the successful electrician are pointed out and fully explained. Every young en- gineer will find this an excellent stepping stone to more advanced works on electricity which he must master before success can be attained. Many young men become dis- couraged at the very outstart by attempting to read and study books that are far beyond their comprehension. This book serves as the connecting link between the rudiments taught hi the public schools and the real study of electricity. It is inter- esting from cover to cover. Eighteenth Revised Edition, just issued. 205 pages. Illustrated. Price $1.00 STANDARD ELECTRICAL DICTIONARY. By T. O'CONOR SLOANE. An indispensable work to all interested in electrical science. Suitable alike for the student and professional. A practical handbook of reference containing definitions of about 5,000 distinct words, terms and phrases. The definitions are terse and concise and include every term used in electrical science. Recently issued. An en- tirely new edition. Should be in the possession of all who desire to keep abreast with the progress of this branch of science. In its arrangement and typography the book is very convenient. The word or term defined is printed in black-faced type which readily catches the eye, while the body of the page is in smaller but distinct type. The definitions are well worded, and so as to be understood by the non-technical reader. The general plan seems to be to give an exact, concise definition, and then amplify and explain in a more popular way. Synonyms are also given, and references to other words and phrases are made. A very complete and accurate index of fifty pages is at the end of the volume; and as this index contains all synonyms, and as all phrases j6 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS are indexed in every reasonable combination of words, reference to the proper place in the body of the book is readily made. It is dimcult to decide how far a book of this character is to keep the dictionary form, and to what extent it may assume the encyclopedia form. For some purposes, concise, exactly worded definitions are needed ; for other purposes, more extended descriptions are required. This book seeks to satisfy both demands, and does it with considerable success. Complete, concise and con- venient. 682 pages. 393 illustrations. Twelfth Edition. Price .... $3.00 SWITCHBOARDS. By WILLIAM BAXTER, JR. This book appeals to every engineer and electrician who wants to knew the practical side of things. It takes up all sorts and conditions of dynamos, connections and circuits, and shows by diagram and illustration just how the switchboard should be connected. Includes direct and alternating current boards, also those for arc lighting, incandescent and power circuits. Special treatment on high voltage boards for power transmission. 2d Edition. 19O pages. Illustrated. Price $2.00 TELEPHONE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, WIRING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. By W. H. RADCLIFFE and H. C. GUSHING. This book is intended for the amateur, the wireman, or the engineer who desires to establish a means of telephonic communication between the rooms of his home, office, or shop. It deals only with such things as may be of use to him rather than with theories. Gives the principles of construction and operation of both the Bell and Independent instruments : approved methods of installing and wiring them ; the means of protecting them from lightning and abnormal currents; their connection together for operation as series or bridging stations ; and rules for their inspection and maintenance. Line wiring and the wiring and operation of special telephone systems are also treated. Intricate mathematics are avoided, and all apparatus, circuits and systems are thor- oughly described. The appendix contains definitions of units and terms used in the text. Selected wiring tables, which are very helpful, are also included. Among the subjects treated are Construction, Operation, and Installation of Telephone Instru- ments; Inspection and Maintenance of Telephone Instruments; Telephone Line Wiring; Testing Telephone Line Wires and Cables ; Wiring and Operation of Special Telephone Systems, etc. 2nd Edition, revised and enlarged. 223 pages. 154 illustrations $1.25 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY SIMPLY EXPLAINED. By ALFRED P. MORGAN. This is undoubtedly one of the most complete and comprehensible treatises on the subject ever published, and a close study of its pages will enable one to master all the details of the wireless transmission of messages. The author has filled a long-felt want and has succeeded in furnishing a lucid, comprehensible explanation in simple language of the theory and practice of wireless telegraphy and telephony. Among the contents are: Introductory; Wireless Transmission and Reception The Aerial System, Earth Connections The Transmitting Apparatus, Spark Coils and Transformers; Condensers, Helixes, Spark Gaps, Anchor Gaps, Aerial Switches The Receiving Apparatus, Detectors, etc. Tuning and Coupling, Tuning Coils, Loose Couplers, Variable Condensers, Directive Wave Systems Miscellaneous Apparatus, Telephone Receivers, Range of Stations, Static Interference Wireless Telephones, Sound and Sound Waves, The Vocal Cords and Ear Wireless Telephone, How Sounds Are Changed into Electric Waves Wireless Telephones, The Apparatus Summary. 154 pages. 156 engravings. Price $1.25 WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: "This book should be in both the home and school library." The Youths' Instructor. WIRING A HOUSE. By HERBERT PRATT. Shows a house already built; tells just how to start about wiring it; where to begin; what wire to use; how to run it according to Insurance Rules; in fact, just the informa- tion you need. Directions apply equally to a shop. Fourth edition . . 35 cents RADIO TIME SIGNAL RECEIVER. By AUSTIN C. LESCARBOURA. This new book, "A Radio Time Signal Receiver," tells you how to build a simple outfit designed expressly for the beginner. You can build the outfits ii> your own workshop and install them for jewelers either on a one-payment or a rental basis. The apparatus is of such simple design that it may be made by the average amateur mechanic possessing a few ordinary tools. 42 pages. Paper. Price . . 35 cents 17 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS CONSTRUCTION OF A TRANSATLANTIC WIRELESS RECEIVING SET. By L. G. PACENT and T. S. CURTIS. A work for the Radio student who desires to construct and operate apparatus that will permit of the reception of messages from the large stations in Europe with an aerial .of amateur proportions. 36 pages. 23 illustrations, cloth. Price . 35 cents ELECTRIC BELLS. By M. B. SLEEPER. A complete treatise for the practical worker in installing, operating, and testing bell circuits, burglar alarms, thermostats, and other apparatus used with electric bells. Both the electrician and the experimenter will find in this book new material which is essential in their work. Tools, bells, batteries, unusual circuits, burglar alarms, annunciators, systems, thermostats, circuit breakers, time alarms, and other apparatus used in bell circuits are described from the standpoints of their applica- tion, construction, and repair. The detailed instructions for building the apparatus will appeal to the experimenter particularly. The practical worker will find the chapters on Wiring Calculation of Wire Sizes and Magnet Windings, Upkeep of Systems and the Location of Faults of the greatest value in their work. 124 pages. Fully illustrated. Price 60 cents EXPERIMENTAL HIGH FREQUENCY APPARATUS HOW TO MAKE AND USE IT. By THOMAS STANLEY CURTIS. This book tells you how to build simple high frequency coils for experimental purpose in the home, school laboratory, or on the small lecture platform. The book is really a supplement to the same author's "High Frequency Apparatus." The experimental side only is covered in this volume, which is intended for those who want to build small coils giving up to an eighteen-inch spark. The book contains valuable in- formatipn for the physics or the manual training teacher who is on the lookout for interesting projects for his boys to build or experiment with. The apparatus is simple, cheap and perfectly safe, and with it some truly startling experiments may be performed. Among the contents are: Induction Coil Outfits Operated on Battery Current. Kicking Coil Apparatus. One-Half Kilowatt Transformer Outfit. Parts and Materials, etc., etc. 69 pages. Illustrated. Price 50 cents HIGH FREQUENCY APPARATUS, ITS CONSTRUCTION AND PRACTICAL APPLICATION. By THOMAS STANLEY CURTIS. The most comprehensive and thorough work on this interesting subject ever produced. The book is essentially practical in its treatment and it constitutes an accurate record of the researches of its author over a period of several years, during which time dozens of coils were built and experimented with. The work has been divided into six basic parts. The first two chapters tell the uninitiated reader what the high frequency current is, what it is used for, and how it is produced. The second section, comprising four chapters, describes in detail the principles of the transformer, condenser, spark gap, and oscillation transformer, and covers the main points in the design and con- struction of these devices as applied to the work in hand. The third section covers the construction of small high frequency outfits designed for experimental work in the home laboratory or in the classroom. The fourth section is devoted to electro- therapeutic and X-Ray apparatus. The fifth describes apparatus for the cultivation of plants and vegetables. The sixth section is devoted to a comprehensive discussion of apparatus of large size for use upon the stage in spectacular productions. The closing chapter, giving the current prices of the parts and materials required for the construction of the apparatus described, is included with a view to expediting the purchase of the necessary goods. 248 pages. Fully illustrated. Price . $2.50 STORAGE BATTERIES SIMPLIFIED. BY VICTOR W. PAGE, M.S.A.E. *( A complete treatise on storage battery operating principles, repairs and applications. The greatly increasing application of storage batteries in modern engineering and mechanical work has created a demand for a book that will consider this subject completely and exclusively. This is the most thorough and authoritative treatise ever published on this subject. It is written in easily understandable, non-technical language so that any one may grasp the basic principles of storage battery action as well as their practical industrial applications. All electric and gasoline automobiles use storage batteries. Every automobile repairman, dealer or salesman should have a good knowledge of maintenance and repair of these important elements of the motor car mechanism. This book not only tells how to charge, care for and rebuild storage batteries but also outlines all the industrial uses. Learn how they run street cars, locomotives and factory trucks. Get an understanding of the important functions they perform in submarine boats, isolated lighting plants, railway switch and signal systems, marine applications, etc. This book tells how they are used in central station standby service, for starting automobile motors and in ignition systems. Every practical use of the modern storage battery is outlined in this treatise. 18 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS Chapters contained are: Chapter 1 Storage Battery Development Types of Storage Batteries Lead Plate Types The Edison Cell. Chapter 2 Storage Battery Construction Plates and Grids Plante Plates Faure Plates Non-Lead Plates Commercial Battery Designs. Chapter 3 Charging Methods Rectifiers Con- verters Rheostats Rules for Charging. Chapter 4 Battery Repairs and Main- tenance. Chapter 5 Industrial Application of Storage Batteries Glossary of Storage Battery Terms. 320 pages. Fully illustrated. Price .... $2.00 FACTORY MANAGEMENT, ETC. MODERN MACHINE SHOP CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT AND MANAGEMENT. By O. E. PERRIGO, M.E. The only work published that describes the modern machine shop or manufacturing plant from the time the grass is growing on the site intended for it until the finished product is shipped. By a careful study of its thirty-two chapters the practical man may economically build, efficiently equip, and successfully manage the modern machine shop or manufacturing establishment. Just the book needed by those contemplating the erection of modern shop buildings, the rebuilding and reorganization of old ones, or the introduction of modern shop methods, time and cost systems. It is a book written and illustrated by a practical shop man for practical shop men who are too busy to read theories and want facts. It is the most complete all-around book of its kind ever published. It is a practical book for practical men, from the apprentice in the shop to the president in the office. It minutely describes and illustrates the most simple and yet the most efficient time and cost system yet devised. Price . $5.00 FUEL COMBUSTION OF COAL AND THE PREVENTION OF SMOKE. By WM. M. BARR. This book has been prepared with special reference to the generation of heat by the combustion of the common fuels found in the United States, and deals particularly with the conditions necessary to the economic and smokeless combustion of bituminous coals in Stationary and Locomotive Steam Boilers. The presentation of this important subject is systematic and progressive. The ar- rangement of the book is in a series of practical questions to which are appended accurate .answers, which describe in language, free from technicalities, the several processes involved in the furnace combustion of American fuels; it clearly states the essential requisites for perfect combustion, and points out the best methods for furnace construction for obtaining the greatest quantity of heat from any given quality of coal. Nearly 350 pages, fully illustrated. Price $1.25 SMOKE PREVENTION AND FUEL ECONOMY. By BOOTH and KERSHAW. As the title indicates, this book of 197 pages and 75 illustrations deals with the prob- lem of complete combustion, which it treats from the chemical and mechanical standpoints, besides pointing out the economical and humanitarian aspects of the question. Price $3.00 GAS ENGINES AND GAS THE GASOLINE ENGINE ON THE FARM: ITS OPERATION, REPAIR AND USES. By XENO W. PUTNAM. This is a practical treatise on the Gasoline and Kerosene Engine intended for the man who wants to know just how to manage his engine and how to apply it to all kinds of farm work to the best advantage. This book abounds with hints and helps for the farm and suggestions for the home and housewife. There is so much of value in this book that it is impossible to ade- quately describe it in such small space. Suffice to say that it is the kind of a book every farmer will appreciate and every farm home ought to have. Includes selecting the most suitable engine for farm work, its most convenient and efficient installation, with chapters on troubles, their remedies, and how to avoid them. The care and management of the farm tractor in plowing, harrowing, harvesting and road grading are fully covered ; also plain directions are given for handling the tractor on the road. Special attention is given to relieving farm life of its drudgery by applying power to 19 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS _ the disagreeable small tasks which must otherwise be done by hand. Many home- made contrivances for cutting wood, supplying kitchen, garden, and barn with water, loading, hauling and unloading hay, delivering grain to the bins or the feed trough are included; also full directions for making the engine milk the cows, churn, wash, are ncue; also u rectons or mang te engine milk the cows, churn, wash, sweep the house and clean the windows, etc. Very fully illustrated with drawings of working parts and cuts showing Stationary, Portable and Tractor Engines doing all kinds of farm w6rk. All money-making farms utilize power. Learn how to utilize power by reading the pages of this book. It is an aid to the result getter, invaluable to the up-to-date fanner, student, blacksmith, implement dealer pjid, in fact, all who can apply practical knowledge of stationary gasoline engines or gas tractors to advan- tage. 530 pages. Nearly 180 engravings. Price. . ........ $2.50 -making farms utilize powe power by reading the pages of this book. It is an aid to the result getter, invaluable to the up-to-date farmer, student, blacksmith, implement dealer rjid, in fact, all who can apply practical knowledge of stationary gasoline engines or gas tractors to advan- tage. 530 pages. Nearly 180 engravings. Price. $2.50 WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: "Am much pleased with the book and find it to be very complete and up-to-date. I will heartily recommend it to students^and farmers whom I think would stand in need of such a work, as I think it is an exceptionally good one." N. S. Gardiner Prof, in Charge, Clemson Agr. College of S. C.; Dept. of Agri. and Agri. Exp. Station. Clemson College. S. C. "I feel that Mr. Putnam's book covers the main points which a farmer should know." R. T. Burdick, Instructor in Agronomy, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. "It will be a valuable addition to our library upon Farm Machinery." James A. Farra, Inst. hi Agri. Engineering, State University of Ky., Lexington, Ky. GASOLINE ENGINES : THEIR OPERATION, USE AND CARE. By A. HYATT VERRILL. The simplest, latest and most comprehensive popular work published on Gasoline Engines, describing what the Gasoline Engine is ; its construction and operation ; how to install it; how to select it; how to use it and how to remedy troubles encountered. Intended for Owners, Operators and Users of Gasoh'ne Motors of all kinds. This work fully describes and illustrates the various types of Gasoline Engines used in Motor Boats, Motor Vehicles and Stationary Work. The parts, accessories and appliances are described, with chapters on ignition, fuel, lubrication, operation and engine troubles. Special attention is given to the care, operation and repair of motors, with useful hints and suggestions on emergency repairs and makeshifts. A complete glossary of technical terms and an alphabetically arranged table of troubles and their symptoms ferm most valuable and unique features of this manual. Nearly every illustration in the book is original, having been made by the author. Every page is full of interest and value. A book which you cannot afford to be without. 275 pages. 152 specially made engravings. Price $2.00 GAS, GASOLINE,i AND OIL ENGINES.^ By GARDNER D. Hiscox. Just issued, 22d revised and enlarged edition. Every user of a gas engine needs this book. Simple, instructive, and right up-to-date. The only complete work on the subject. Tells all about the running and management of gas, gasoline and oil engines, as designed and manufactured in the United States. Explosive motors for stationary marine and vehicle power are fully treated, together with illustrations of their parts and tabulated sizes, also their care and running are included. Electric ignition by induction coil and jump spark are fully explained and illustrated, including valuable information on the testing for economy and power and the erection of power plants. The rules and regulations of the Board of Fire Underwriters in regard to the installation and management of gasoline motors are given in full, suggesting the safe installation of explosive motor power. A list of United States Patents issued on gas, gasoline, and oil engines and their adjuncts from 1875 to date is included. 640 pages. 435 engrav- ings. Folding plates. Price $3.00 GAS ENGINE CONSTRUCTION, OR HOW TO BUILD A HALF-HORSE- POWER GAS ENGINE. By PARSELL and WEED. A practical treatise of 300 pages describing the theory and principles of the action of Gas Engines of various types and the design and construction of a half-horse-power Gas Engine, with illustrations of the work in actual progress, together with the dimen- sioned working drawings, givmg clearly the sizes of the various details: for the student. the scientific investigator, and the amateur mechanic. This book treats of the subject more from the standpoint of practice than that of theory. The principles of operation of Gas Engines are clearly and simply described, and then the actual construction of a half-horse-power engine is taken up, step by step, showing in detail the making of the Gas Engine. 3d Edition. 300 pages. Price $3.00 HOW TO RUN AND INSTALL GASOLINE ENGINES. By C. VON CULIN. Revised and enlarged edition 'just issued. The object of this little book is to furnish a pocket instructor for the beginner, the busy man who uses an engine for pleasure or profit, but who does not have the tune or inclination for a technical book, but simply 20 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS to thoroughly understand how to properly operate, install and care for his own engine. The index refers to each trouble, remedy, and subject alphabetically. Being a quick reference to find the cause, remedy and prevention for troubles, and to become an expert with his own engine. Pocket size. Paper binding. Price . . 25 cents MODERN GAS ENGINES AND PRODUCER GAS PLANTS. By R. E. MATHOT. A guide for the gas engine designer, user, and engineer in the construction, selection, purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance of gas engines. More than one book on gas engines has been written, but not one has thus far even encroached on the field covered by this book. Above all Mr. Mathot's work is a practical guide. Recog- nizing the need of a volume that would assist the gas engine user in understanding thoroughly the motor upon which he depends for power, the author has discussed his subject without the help of any mathematics and without elaborate theoretical ex- planations. Every part of the gas engine is described in detail, tersely, clearly, with a thorough understanding of the requirements of the mechanic. Helpful suggestions as to the purchase of an engine, its installation, care, and operation, form a most valuable feature of the work. 320 pages. 175 detailed illustrations. Price . $3.00 THE MODERN GAS TRACTOR. By VICTOR W. PAGE. 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No advertisements of any description appear in the work. It is a book containing a quarter of a century's experience of a successful inventor, together with notes based upon the experience of many other inventors. Among the subjects treated in this work are: How to Invent. How to Secure a Good Patent. Value of Good Invention. How to Exhibit an Invention. How to Interest Capital. How to Estimate the Value of a Patent. Value of Design Patents. Value of Foreign Patents. Value of Small Inventions. Advice on Selling Patents. Advice on the Formation of Stock Companies. Advice on the Formation of Limited Liability Companies. Advice on Disposing of Old Patents. Advice as to Patent Attorneys. Advice as to Selling Agents. Forms of Assignments. License and Con- tracts. State Laws Concerning Patent Rights. 1900 Census of the United States by Counts of Over 10,000 Population. New revised and enlarged edition. 144 pages. Illustrated. Price 91.25 KNOTS KNOTS, SPLICES AND ROPE WORK. By A. 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Price 91.00 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS LATHE WORK LATHE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND OPERATION, WITH PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF LATHE WORK. By OSCAR E. PEBRIGO. A new revised edition, and the only complete American work on the subject, written by a man who knows not only how work ought to be done, but who also knows how to do it, and how to convey this knowledge to others. It is strictly up-to-date in its descriptions and illustrations. Lathe history and the relations of the lathe to manu- facturing are given; also a description of the various devices for feeds and thread cutting mechanisms from early efforts in this direction to the present time. Lathe design is thoroughly discussed, including back gearing, driving cones, thread-cutting gears, and all the essential elements of the modern lathe. 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This book gives the history of 'the theory, discovery, and manufacture of Liquid Air, and contains an illustrated description of all the experiments that have excited the wonder of audiences all over the country. It shows how liquid air, like water, is carried hundreds of miles and is handled in open buckets. It tells what may be ex- pected from it in the near future. A book that renders simple one of the most perplexing chemical problems of the century. Startling developments illustrated by actual experiments. It is not only a work of scientific interest and authority, but is intended for the general reader, being written in a popular style easily understood by every one. Second edition. 365 pages. Price ................. $2.50 LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERING AIR-BRAKE CATECHISM. By ROBERT H. BLACKALL. This book is a standard text book. It covers the "Westinshouse Air-Brake Equipment, including the No. 5 and the No. 6 E. T. Locomotive Brake Equipment; the K (Quick Service) Triple Valve for Freight Service; and the Cross-Compound Pump. The operation of all parts of the apparatus is explained in detail, and a practical way of finding their peculiarities and defects, with a proper remedy, is given. It contains 2,000 questions with their answers, which will enable any railroad man to pass any examination on the subject of Air Brakes. Endorsed and used by air-brake instruc- tors and examiners on nearly every railroad in the United States. 27th Edition. 411 pages, fully illustrated with colored plates and diagrams. Price ..... $3.50 23 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS AMERICAN COMPOUND LOCOMOTIVES. By FBED H. COLVIN. The only book on compounds for the engineman or shopman that shows in a plain, practical way the various features of compound locomotives in use. Shows how they are made, what to do when they break down or balk. Contains sections as follows: A Bit of History. Theory of Compounding Steam Cylinders. Baldwin Two-Cylinder Compound. Pittsburg Two-Cylinder Compound. Rhode Island Compound. Rich- mond Compound. Rogers Compound. Schenectady Two-Cylinder Compound. Vauclain Compound. Tandem Compounds. Baldwin Tandem. The Colvin-Wight- man Tandem. Schenectady Tandem. Balanced Locomotives. Baldwin Balanced Compound. Plans for Balancing. Locating Blows. Breakdowns. Reducing Valves. Drifting. Valve Motion. Disconnecting. Power of Compound Locomotives. Practi- cal Notes. Fully illustrated and containing ten special " Duotone" inserts on heavy Plate Paper, showing different types of Compounds. 142 pages. Price $1.00 COMBUSTION OF COAL AND THE PREVENTION OF SMOKE. By WM. M. BARR. This book has been prepared with special reference to the generation of heat by the combustion of the common fuels found in the United States and deals particularly with the conditions necessary to the economic and smokeless combustion of bituminous coal in Stationary and Locomotive Steam Boilers. Presentation of this important subject is systematic and progressive. The ar- rangement of the book is in a series of practical questions to which are appended accurate answers, which describe in language free from technicalities the several processes involved in the furnace combustion of American fuels; it clearly states the essential requisites for perfect combustion, and points out the best methods of furnace construction for obtaining the greatest quantity of heat from any given quality of coal. Nearly 350 pages, fully illustrated. Price $ 1 .25 DIARY OF A ROUND-HOUSE FOREMAN. By T. S. REILLT. This is the greatest book of railroad experienced ever published. Containing a fund of information and suggestions along the line of handling men, organizing, etc.. that one cannot afford to miss. 176 pages. Price _. $1.25 LINK MOTIONS, VALVES AND VALVE SETTING. By FRED H. COLVIN, Associate Editor of American Machinist. A handy book for the engineer or machinist that clears up the mysteries of valve setting. Shows the different valve gears in use. how they work, and why. Piston and slide valves of different types are illustrated and explained. A book that every railroad man in the motive power department ought to have. Contains chapters on Locomotive Link Motion, Valve Movements, Setting Slide Valves, Analysis by Diagrams, Modern Practice, Slip of Block, Slice Valves, Piston Valves, Setting Piston Valves, Joy-Allen Valve Gear, Walschaert Valve Gear, Gooch Valve Gear, Alfree- Hubbell Valve Gear, etc., etc. Fully illustrated. Price SO.cents LOCOMOTIVE BOILER CONSTRUCTION. By FRANK A. KLEINHANS. The construction of boilers in general is treated, and, following this, the locomotive boiler is taken up hi the order in which its various parts go through the shop. Shows all types of boilers used ; gives details of construction ; practical facts, such as life of riveting, punches and dies; work done per day, allowance for bending and flanging sheets, and other data. Including the recent Locomotive Boiler Inspection Laws and Examination Questions with their answers for Government Inspectors. Contains chapters on Laying Out Work; Flanging and Forging; Punching; Shearing; Plate Planing; General Tables; Finishing Parts; Bending; Machinery Parts; Riveting; Boiler Details; Smoke Box Details; Assembling and Calking; Boiler Shop Machinery, etc., etc. There isn't a man who has anything to do with boiler work, either new or repair work, who doesn't need this book. The manufacturer, superintendent, foreman, and boiler worker all need it. No matter what the tyne of boiler, you'll find a mint of informa- tion that you wouldn't be without. Over 400 pages, five large folding plates. Price $3.50 LOCOMOTIVE BREAKDOWNS AND THEIR REMEDIES. By GEO. L. FOWLER. Revised by WM. W. WOOD, Air-Brake Instructor. Just issued. Revised pocket edition. It is out of the question to try and tell you about every subject that is covered in this pocket edition of Locomotive Breakdowns. Just imagine all the common troubles that an engineer may expect to happen some time, and then add all of the unexpected 2 4 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS ones, troubles that could occur, but that you have never thought about, and you will find that they are all treated with the very best methods of repair. Walschaert Locomotive Valve Gear Troubles, Electric Headlight Troubles, as well as Questions and Answers on the Air Brake are all included. 312 pages. 8th Bevised Edition. Fully illustrated $1.25 LOCOMOTIVE CATECHISM. By ROBERT GBIMSHAW. The revised edition of "Locomotive Catechism," by Robert Grimshaw, is a New Book from Cover to Cover. It contains twice as many pages and double the number of illustrations of previous editions. Includes the greatest amount of practical informa- tion ever pubh'shed on the construction and management of modern locomotives. Specially Prepared Chapters on the Walschaert Locomotive Valve Gear, the Alr- Brake Equipment and the Electric Headlight are given. It commends itself at once to every Engineer and Fireman, and to-all who are going in for examination or promotion. In plain language, with full, complete answers, not only all the questions asked by the examining engineer are given, but those which the young and loss experienced would ask the veteran, and which old hands is ask as "stick- ers." It is a veritable Encyclopedia of the Locomotive, is entirely free from mathe- matics, easily imderstood and thoroughly up-to-date. Contains over 4,000 Examina- tion Questions with their Answers. 825 pages, 437 illustrations and three folding plates. 2Sth Revised Edition. Price $2.50 and the Two-Cylinder Simple Engine; Compounding and Superheating; Designs of Locomotive Superheaters; Constructive Details of Locomotives Using Hig~~ Superheated Steam. Experimental and Working Results. Illustrated with folc APPLICATION OF HIGHLY SUPERHEATED STEAM TO LOCOMOTIVES. By ROBERT GARBE. A practical book which cannot be recommended too highly to those motive-power men who are anxious to maintain the highest efficiency in their locomotives. . Con- tains special chapters on Generation of Highly Superheated Steam ; Superheated Steam - - rheating; Designs of tives Using Highly strated with folding plates and tables. Cloth. Price $3.0O PRACTICAL INSTRUCTOR AND REFERENCE BOOK FOR LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINEERS. By CHAS. F. LOCKHART. An entirely new book on the Locomotive. 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COLLINGWOOD. This is the only practical work on train rules in print. Every detail is covered, and puzzling points are explained in simple, comprehensive language, making it a practical treatise for the Train Dispatcher, Engineman, Trainman, and all others who have to do with the movements of trains. Contains complete and reliable information of the Standard Code of Train Rules for single track. Shows Signals in Colors, as used on the different roads. Explains fully the practical application of train orders, giving a clear and definite understanding of all orders which may be used. The meaning and necessity for certain rules are explained in such a manner that the student may know beyond a doubt the rights conferred under any orders he may receive or the action 25 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS required by certain rules. As nearly all roads require trainmen to pass regular exami- nations, a complete set of examination questions, with their answers, arc included. These will enable the student to pass the required examinations with credit to himself and the road for which he works. 256 pages. Fully illustrated with Train Signals in Colors. Price $1.5O THE WALSCHAERT AND OTHER MODERN RADIAL VALVE GEARS FOR LOCOMOTIVES. By WM. W. WOOD. If you would thoroughly understand the Walschaert Valve Gear you should possess a copy of this book, as the author takes the plainest form of a steam engine.- a stationary engine in the rough, that will only turn its crank in one direction and from it builds up with the reader's help a modern locomotive equipped with the Walschaert Valve Gear, complete. The points discussed are clearly illustrated ; two large folding plates that show the positions of the valves of both inside or outside admission type, as well as the links and other parts of the gear when the crank is at nine different points in its revolution, are especially valuable in making the movement clear. These employ sliding cardboard models which are contained in a pocket in the cover. The book is divided Into five general divisions, as follows: 1. Analysis of the gear. 2. Designing and erecting the gear. 3. Advantages of the gear. 4. Questions and answers relating to the Walschaert Valve Gear. 5. Setting valves with the Wal- schaert Valve Gear; the three primary types of locomotive valve motion; modem radial valve gears other than the Walschaert; the Hobart All-free Valve and Valve Gear, with questions and answers on breakdowns; the Baker-Pilliod Valve Gear; the Improved Baker-Pilliod Valve Gear, with questions and answers on breakdowns. The questions with full answers given will be especially valuable to firemen and engi- neers in preparing for an examination for promotion. 245 pages. Third Revised Edition. Price $2.00 WESTINGHOUSE E-T AIR-BRAKE INSTRUCTION POCKET BOOK. By WM. W. WOOD, Air-Brake Instructor. Here is a book for the railroad man, and the man who aims to be one. It is without doubt the only complete work published on the Westinghouse E-T Locomotive Brake Equipment. Written by an Air-Brake Instructor who knows just what is needed. It covers the subject thoroughly. Everything about the New Westinghouse Engine and Tender Brake Equipment, including the standard No. 5 and the Perfected No. 6 style of brake, is treated in detail. Written in plain English and profusely illustrated with Colored Plates, which enable one to trace the flow of pressures throughout the entire equipment. The best book ever published on the Air Brake. Equally good for the beginner and the advanced engineer. Will pass any one through any examination. It informs and enlightens you on every point. Indispensable to every engineman and trainman. . Contains examination questions and answers on the E-T equipment. Covering what the E-T Brake is. How it should be operated. What to do when defective. Not a question can be asked of the engineman up for promotion, on either the No. 5 or the No. 6 E-T equipment, that is not asked and answered in the book. If you want to thoroughly understand the E-T equipment get a copy of this book. It covers every detail. Makes Air-Brake troubles and examinations easy. Price . . . . $2.00 MACHINE-SHOP PRACTICE AMERICAN TOOL MAKING AND INTERCHANGEABLE MANUFACTURE ING. By J. V. WOODWORTH. A "shoppy" book, containing no theorizing, no problematical or experimental devices, there are no badly proportioned and impossible diagrams, no catalogue cuts, but a valuable collection of drawings and descriptions of devices, the rich fruits of the author's own experience. In its 500-odd pages the one subject only. Tool Making, and what- ever relates thereto, is dealt with. The work stands without a rival. It is a complete practical treatise on the art of American Tool Making and system of interchangeable manufacturing as carried on to-day in the United States. In it are described and illustrated all of the different types and classes of small tools, fixtures, devices, and special appliances which are in general use in all machine-manufacturing and metal- working establishments where economy, capacity, and interchangeability in the pro- duction of machined metal parts are imperative. The science of jig making is exhaus- tively discussed, and particular attention is paid to drill jigs, boring, profiling and milling fixtures and other devices hi which the parts to be machined are iocated and fastened within the contrivances. All of the tools, fixtures, and devices illustrated and de- scribed have been or are used for the actual production of work, such as parts of drill presses, lathes, patented machinery, typewriters, electrical apparatus, mechanical ap- pliances, brass goods, composition parts, mould products, sheet metal articles, drop- forgings, jewelry, watches, medals, coins, etc. 531 pages. 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The only work published that describes the Modern Shop or Manufacturing Plant from the time the grass is growing on the site intended for it until the finished product is shipped. Just the book needed by those contemplating the erection of modern shop buildings, the rebuilding and reorganization of old ones, or the introduction of Modern Shop Methods, time and cost systems. It is a book written and illustrated by a prac- tical shop man for practical shop men who are too busy to read theories and want facts. It is the most complete all-round book of its kind ever published. 400 large quarto pages. 225 original and specially-made illustrations. 2d Revised and Enlarged Edition. Price $5.00 " SHOP KINKS." By ROBERT GRIMSHAW. A book of 400 pages and 222 illustrations, being entirely different from any other book on machine-shop practice. Departing from conventional style, the author avoids universal or common shop usage and limits his work to showing special ways of doing things better, more cheaply and more rapidly than usual. As a result the advanced methods of representative establishments of the world are placed at the disposal of the reader. This book shows the proprietor where large savings are possible, and how products may be improved. To the employee it holds out suggestions that, properly applied, will hasten his advancement. No shop can afford to be without it. It bristles with valuable wrinkles and helpful suggestions. It will benefit all, from apprentice to proprietor. Every machinist, at any age, should study its pages. Fifth edition. Price $3.00 THREADS AND THREAD CUTTING. By COLVIN and STABEL. This clears up many of the mysteries of thread-cutting, such as double and triple threads, internal threads, catching threads, use of hobs, etc. Contains a lot of useful hints and several tables. Third edition. Price 35 cents EVERYDAY ENGINEERING THE BEST MECHANICAL MAGAZINE ON THE MARKET. ONLY ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS A YEAR FOR TWELVE NUMBERS. SUBSCRIBE TO-DAY. Every practical man needs a magazine which will tell him how to make and do things. A monthly magazine devoted to practical mechanics for every-day men. Its aim is to popularize engineering as a science, teaching the elements of applied mechanics and electricity in a straightforward and understandable manner. The magazine maintains its own experimental laboratory, where the devices described in articles submitted to the Editor are first tried out and tested before they are published. This important innovation places the standard of the published material very high, and it insures accuracy and dependability. The magazine is the only one hi this country that specializes in practical model build- ing. Articles in past issues have given comprehensive designs for many model boats, including submarines and chasers, model steam and gasoline engines, electric motors and generators, etc., etc. This feature is a permanent one in the magazine. Aether popular department is that devoted to automobiles and airplanes. Care, maintenance, and operation receive full and authoritative treatment. Every article is written from the practical, every-day man standpoint, rather than from that of the professional. The magazine entertains while it instructs. It is a journal of practical, dependable information, given in a style that it may be readily assimilated and applied by the man with little or no technical training. The aimTis to place before the man who leans toward practical mechanics a series of concise, crisp, readable talks on what is going on and how it is done. These articles are profusely illustrated with clear, snappy photographs, specially posed to illustrate the subject in the magazine's own studio by its own staff of technically-trained illustrators and editors. The subscription price of the magazine is $1.50 per year of twelve numbers. Sample copy sent on receipt of fifteen cents. Enter your subscription to this practical magazine with as. 27 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS THE WHOLE FIELD OF MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS COVERED BY MR. HISCOX'S TWO BOOKS We publish two books by Gardner D. Hiscox that will keep you from "inventing" things that haw been done before, and suggest ways of doing things that you have not thought of before. Many a man spends time and money, pondering over some mechanical problem, only to learn, after he has solved the problem, that the same thing has been accomplished and put in practice by others long before. Time and money spent in an effort to accom- plish what has already been accomplished are time and money LOST. The whole field of mechanics, every known mechanical movement, and practically every device is covered by these two books. If the thing you want has been invented, it is illustrated in them. If it hasn't been invented, then you'll find in them the nearest things to what you want, some movements or devices that will apply in your case, perhaps; or which will give you a key from which to work. No book or set of books ever published is of more real value to the Inventor, Draftsman, or practical Mechanic than the two volumes described below. MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS, POWERS, AND DEVICES. By GARDNER D. Hiscox. This is a collection of 1,890 engravings of different mechanical motions and appliances, accompanied by appropriate text, making it a book of great value to the inventor, the draftsman, and to all readers with mechanical tastes. The book is divided into eighteen sections or chapters, in which the subject-matter is classified under the follow- ing heads: Mechanical Powers; Transmission of Power; Measurement of Power; Steam Power; Air Power Appliances; Electric Power and Construction; Navigation and Roads; Gearing; Motion and Devices; Controlling Motion; Horological; Mining; Mill and Factory Appliances; Construction and Devices; Drafting Devices; Miscellaneous Devices, etc. 15th edition enlarged. 400 octavo pages. Price . $3.00 MECHANICAL APPLIANCES, MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS AND NOVEL- TIES OF CONSTRUCTION. By GARDNER D. Hiscox. This is a supplementary volume to the one upon mechanical movements. Unlike the first volume, which is more elementary in character, this volume contains illustrations and descriptions of many combinations of motions and of mechanical devices and appliances found in different lines of machinery, each device being shown by a line drawing with a description showing its working parts and the method of operation. From the multitude of devices described and illustrated might be mentioned, in passing, such items as conveyors and elevators, Prony brakes, thermometers, various types of boilers, solar engines, oil-fuel burners, condensers, evaporators, Corliss and other valve gears, governors, gas engines, water motors of various descriptions, air- ships, motors and dynamos, automobile and motor bicycles, railway lock signals, car couplers, link and gear motions, ball bearings, breech block mechanism for heavy guns, and a large accumulation of others of equal importance. 1,000 specially made engravings. 396 octavo pages. 4th Edition enlarged. 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This is a book showing, by plain description and by profuse engravings made expressly for the work, all that is best, most advanced, and of the highest efficiency in modern machine-shop practice, tools, and implements, showing the way by which and through which, as Mr. Maxim says, "American machinists have become and are the finest me- chanics in the world." Indicating as it does, in every line, the familiarity of the author with every detail of daily experience in the shop, it cannot fail to be of service to any man practically connected with the shaping or finishing of metals. There is nothing experimental or visionary about the book, all devices being in actual use and giving good results. It might be called a compendium of shop methods, showing a variety of special tools and appliances which will give new ideas to many mechanics, from the superintendent down to the man at the bench. It will be found 28 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS a valuable edition to any machinist's library, and should be consulted whenever a new or difficult job is to be done, whether it is boring, milling, turning, or planing, as they are all treated in a practical manner. Fifth edition. 320 pages. 250 Illustra- tions. Price $2.50 HENLEY'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL ENGINEERING AND ALLIED TRADES. Edited by JOSEPH G. HORNER, A.M.I.Mech.E. This book covers the entire practice of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. The best known experts in all branches of engineering have contributed to these volumes. The Cyclopedia is admirably well adapted to the needs of the beginner and the self- taught practical man, as well as the mechanical engineer, designer, draftsman, shop superintendent, foreman and machinist. It is a modern treatise in five volumes. 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To the inexperienced workman, who wishes to make models but is untrained in the fundamental mechanics, this book will afford all the information necessary. For the experienced mechanic, there are many hints and short cuts that will be found helpful. Few mechanics, no matter how well trained, know how to make their own patterns. Yet a complete treatise on this im-* portant craft is given. The same holds true in regard to the intelligent use of abrasives in the home shop. This, too, is completely covered in a way that will not only help the beginner but teach the trained man a few things that he may not have understood* before. In short, the fore part of will prepare men to more thoroughly under- stand the processes connected with model making no matter what their standing. This book will help you to become a better mechanic. It is full of suggestions for those who like to make things, amateur and professional alike. It has been prepared es- pecially for men with mechanical hobbies. Some may be engineers, machinists, jew- elers, pattern makers, office clerks or bank presidents. Men from various walks of life have a peculiar interest in model engineering. MODEL MAKING will be a help and an inspiration to such men. It tells them " how-to-do" and "how-to-make" things* in simple, understandable terms. Not only this, it is full of good, clear working drawings and photographs of the models and apparatus described. Each model has been constructed and actually works if it is made according to directions. 375 pages. 300 illustrations. Price $3.00 MARINE ENGINEERING THE NAVAL ARCHITECT'S AND SHIPBUILDER'S POCKETBOOK. Of Formulae, Rules, and Tables and Marine Engineer's and Surveyor's Handy Book of Reference. By CLEMENT MACKROW and LLOYD WOOLLARD. The eleventh revised and enlarged edition of this most comprehensive work has just been issued. It is absolutely indispensable to all engaged hi the Shipbuilding Industry, as it condenses into a compact form all data and formulae|that are ordinarily required. The book is completely up to date, including among other subjects a section on Aeronautics. 750 pages, limp leather binding. Price $6.00 MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS THEIR DESIGN AND CONSTRUC- TION. THE STANDARD BOOK. By DR. G. BAUER, LESLIE S. ROBERTSON and S. BRYAN DONKIN. In the words of Dr. Bauer, the present work owes its origin to an oft felt want of a condensed treatise embodying the theoretical and practical rules used in designing marine engines and boilers. The need of such a work has been felt by most en- gineers engaged hi the construction and working of marine engines, not only by the younger men, but also by those of greater experience. The fact that the original German work was written by the chief engineer of the famous Vulcan Works, Stettin, is in itself a guarantee that this book is in all respects thoroughly up-to-date, and 29 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS that it embodies all the information which is necessary for the design and construction of the highest types of marine onginc-s and boilers. It may be said that the motive power which Dr. Bauer has placed in the fast German liners that have been turned out of late years from the Stettin Works represent the very best practice in marine engineering of the present day. The work is clearly written, thoroughly systematic, theoretically sound; while the character of the plans, drawings, tables, and statistics is without reproach. The illustrations are careful reproductions from actual working drawings, with some well-executed photographic views of completed engines and boilers. 744 pages. 550 illustrations, and numerous tables. Cloth. 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The aim of the author in this excellent book is to place clearly before the reader useful and authoritative data which will render him valuable assistance in his studies. The only work of its kind published. The in- formation incorporated in it will prove of the greatest practical utility to students, mining engineers, colliery managers, and all others who are specially interested in the present-day treatment of mining problems. Second edition, revised. 188 pages. Illustrated: Price ...... $2.00 30 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS PATTERN MAKING PRACTICAL PATTERN MAKING. By F. W. BARROWS. This book, now in its second edition, is a comprehensive and entirely practical treatise on the subject of pattern making, illustrating pattern work in both wood and metal, and with definite instructions on the use of plaster of paris in the trade. It gives specific and detailed descriptions of the materials used by pattern makers and de- scribes the tools, both those for the bench and the more interesting machine tools; having complete chapters on the Lathe, the Circular Saw, and the Band Saw. It gives many examples of pattern work, each one fully illustrated and explained with much detail. These examples, in their great variety, offer much that will be found of interest to all pattern makers, and especially to the younger ones, who are seeking information on the more advanced branches of their trade. In this second edition of the work will be found much that is new, even to those who have long practised this exacting trade. In the description of patterns as adapted to the Moulding Machine many difficulties which have long prevented the rapid and economical production of castings are overcome; and this great, new branch of the trade is given much space. Stripping plate and stool plate work and the less expen- sive vibrator, or rapping plate work, are all explained in detail. Plain, everyday rules for lessening the cost of patterns, with a complete system of cost keeping, a detailed method of marking, applicable to all branches of the trade, with complete information showing what the pattern is, its specific title, its cost, date of production, material of which it is made, the number of pieces and core- boxes, and its location in the pattern safe, all condensed into a most complete card record, with cross index. The book closes with an original and practical method for the inventory and valua- tion of patterns. Containing nearly 350 pages and 1 70 illustrations. Price. $2.5O PERFUMERY PERFUMES r AND COSMETICS, THEIR PREPARATION AND MANUFAC- TURE. By G. W. ASKINSON, Perfumer. A comprehensive treatise, in which there has been nothing omitted that could be of value to the perfumer or manufacturer of toilet preparations. Complete directions for making handkerchief perfumes, smelling-salts, sachets, fumigating pastilles; preparations for the care of the skin, the mouth, the hair, cosmetics, hair dyes and other toilet articles are given, also a detailed description of aromatic substances ; their nature, tests of purity, and wholesale manufacture, including a chapter on synthetic products, with formulas for their use. A book of general, as well as professional in- terest, meeting the wants not only of the druggist and perfume manufacturer, but also of the general public. Among the contents are: 1. The History of Perfumery. 2. About Aromatic Substances in General. 3. Odors from the Vegetable Kingdom. 4. The Aromatic Vegetable Substances Employed in Perfumery- 5. The Animal Sub- stances Used in Perfumery. 6. The Chemical Products Used in Perfumery. 7. The Ex- traction of Odors. 8. The Special Characteristics of Aromatic Substances. 9. The Adul- teration of Essential Oils and Their Recognition. 10. Synthetic Products. 11. Table of Physical Properties of Aromatic Chemicals. 12. The Essences or Extracts Employed in Perfumery- 13. Directions for Making the Most Important Essences and Extracts. 14. The Division of Perfumery. 15. The Manufacture of Handkerchief Perfumes. 16. Formulas for Handkerchief Perfumes. 17. Ammoniacal and Acid Perfumes. 18. Dry Perfumes. 19. Formulas for Dry Perfumes. 20. The Perfumes Used for Fumigation. 21. Antiseptic and Therapeutic Value of Perfumes. 22. Classification of Odors. 23. Some Special Perfumery Products. 24. Hygiene and Cosmetic Perfumery. 25. Preparations for the Care of the Skin. 26. Manufacture of Casein. 27. Formulas for Emulsions. 28. Formulas for Cream. 29. Formulas for Meals, Pastes and Vege- table Milk. 30. Preparations Used for the Hair. 31. Formulas for Hair Tonics and Restorers. 32. Pomades and Hair Oils. 33. Formulas for the Manufacture of Pomades and Hair Oils. 34. Hair Dyes and Depilatories. 35. Wax Pomades, Bando- lines and Brilliantines. 36. Skin Cosmetics and Face Lotions. 37. Preparations for the Nails. 38. Water Softeners and Bath Salts. 39. Preparations for the Care of the Mouth. 40. The Colors Used in Perfumery. 41. The Utensils Used in the Toilet. Fourth edition much enlarged and brought up-to-date. Nearly 400 pages, illus- trated. Price $5.0O WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: " The most satisfactory work on the subject of Perfumery that we have ever seen. " We feel safe in saying that here is a book on Perfumery that will not disappoint you, for it has practical and excellent formulae that are within your ability to prepare readily. " We recommend the volume as worthy of confidence, and say that no purchaser will be disappointed in securing from its pages good value for its cost, and a large dividend 31 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS on the same, even if he should use but one per cent of its working formulae. There is money in it for every user of its information." Pharmaceutical Record. HENLEY'S TWENTIETH CENTURY BOOK OF RECIPES, FORMULAS AND PROCESSES. Edited by G. D. Hiscox. The most valuable techno-chemical receipt book published. Contains over 10,000 practical receipts, many of which will prove of special value to the perfumer. Price .... $3.0O PLUMBING MECHANICAL DRAWING FOR PLUMBERS. By R. M. STARBUCK. comprehensive and practical treatise on the subject of mechanical drawing ous modern applications to the work of all who are in any way connected vauons 01 separate parts 01 me piumoing system. ID. juevauons iroin me arcruiect s plans. 17. Drawings of detail plumbing connections. 18. Architect's plans and plumb- ing elevations of residence. 19. Plumbing elevations of residence (continued) ; plumb- ing plans for cottage. 20. Plumbing elevations; roof connections. 21. Plans and A concise, in its variot with the plumbing trade. Nothing will so help the plumber in estimating and in explaining work to customers and workmen as a knowledge of drawing, and to the workman it is of inestimable value if he is to rise above his position to positions of greater responsibility. Among the chapters contained are: 1. Value to plumber of knowledge of drawing; tools required and their use; common views needed in mechan- ical drawing. 2. Perspective versus mechanical drawing in showing plumbing con- struction. 3. Correct and incorrect methods in plumbing drawing; plan and elevation explained. 4. Floor and cellar plans and elevation; scale drawings; use of triangles. 5. Use of triangles ; drawing of fittings, traps, etc. 6. Drawing plumbing elevations and fittings. 7. Instructions in drawing plumbing elevations. 8. The drawing of plumbing fixtures; scale drawings. 9. Drawings of fixtures and fittings. 10. Inking of drawings. 11. Shading of drawings. 12. Shading of drawings. 13. Sectional drawings ; drawing of threads. 14. Plumbing elevations from architect's plan. 15. Ele- vations of separate parts of the plumbing system. 16. Elevations from the architect's plans, ing ele ing plans for cottage. 20. Plumbing plumbing elevations for six-flat building. 22. Drawing of various parts of the plumb- ing system; use of scales. 23. Use of architect's scales. 24. Special features in the illustrations of country plumbing. 25. Drawing of wrought-iron piping, valves, radia- tors, coils, etc. 26. Drawing of piping to illustrate heating systems. 150 illustrations. Price . . $2.00 MODERN PLUMBING ILLUSTRATED. By R. M. STARBUCK. This book represents the highest standard of plumbing work. It has been adopted and used as a reference book by the United States Government, in its sanitary work in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, and by the principal Boards of Health of the United States and Canada. It gives connections, sizes and working data for all fixtures and groups of fixtures. It is helpful to the master plumber in demonstrating to his customers and in figuring work. It gives the mechanic and student quick and easy access to the best modern plumbing practice. Suggestions for estimating plumbing construction are contained in its pages. This book represents, in a word, the latest and best up-to-date practice and should be in the hands of every architect, sanitary engineer and plumber who wishes to keep himself up to the minute on this important feature of construction. Contains following chapters, each illustrated with a full-page plate: Kitchen sink, laundry tubs, vegetable wash sink; lavatories, pantry sinks, contents of marble slabs; bath tub, foot and sitz bath, shower bath ; water closets, venting of water closets ; low- down water closets, water closets operated by flush valves, water closet range ; slop sink, urinals, the bidet; hotel and restaurant sink, grease trap; refrigerators, safe wastes, laun- dry waste, lines of refrigerators, bar sinks, soda fountain sinks; horse stall, frost-proof water closets; connections for S traps, venting; connections for drum traps; soil pipe connections; supporting of soil pipe; main trap and fresh air inlet; floor drains and cellar drains, subsoil drainage; water closets and floor connections; local venting; connections for bath rooms; connections for bath rooms, continued; connections for bath rooms, continued; connections for bath rooms, continued; examples of poor practice; roughing work ready for test?; testing of plumbing system; method of con- tinuous venting; continuous venting for two-floor work; continuous venting for two lines of fixtures on three or more floors; continuous venting of water closets; plumb- ing for cottage house; construction for cellar piping; plumbing for residence, use of special fittings; plumbing for two-flat house; plumbing for apartment building, plumb- ing for double apartment building; plumbing for office building; plumbing for public toilet rooms; plumbing for public toilet rooms, continued; plumbing for bath estab- lishment; plumbing for engine house, factory plumbing; automatic flushing for schools, factories, etc.; use of flushing valves; urinals for public toilet rooms; the Durham system, the destruction of pipes by electrolysis; construction of work without 32 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS use of lead; automatic sewage lift; automatic sump tank; country plumbing; construc- tion of cesspools ; septic tank and automatic sewage siphon ; country plumbing ; water supply for country house; thawing of water mains and service by electricity; double boilers; hot water supply of large buildings: automatic control of hot water tank; sug- gestion for estimating plumbing construction. 407 octavo pages, fully illustrated by 58 full-page engravings. Third, revised and enlarged edition just issued. Price . $.500 STANDARD PRACTICAL PLUMBING. By R. M. STARBUCK. A complete practical treatise of 450 pages covering the subject of Modern Plumbing in all its branches, a large amount of space being devoted to a very complete and practical treatment of the subject of Hot Water Supply and Circulation and Range Boiler Work. Its thirty chapters include about every phase of the subject one can think of, making it an indispensable work to the master plumber, the journeyman plumber, and the apprentice plumber, containing chapters on: the plumber's tools; wiping solder; composition and use; joint wiping; lead work; traps; siphonage of traps; venting; continuous venting; house sewer and sewer connections; house drain; soil piping, roughing; main trap and fresh air inlet; floor, yard, cellar drains, rain leaders, etc.; fixture wastes; water closets; ventilation; improved plumbing connec- tions; residence plumbing; plumbing for hotels, schools, factories, stables, etc.; modern country plumbing; nitration of sewage and water supply; hot and cold supply; range boilers; circulation; circulating pipes; range boiler problems; hot water for large buildings; water lift and its use; multiple connections for hot water boilers; heating of radiation by supply system; theory for the plumber; drawing for the plumber. Fully illustrated by 347 engravings. Price S3. 50 RECIPE BOOK HENLEY'S TWENTIETH CENTURY BOOK OF RECIPES, FORMULAS AND PROCESSES. Edited by GARDNER D. Hiscox. The most valuable Techno-chemical Formula Book published, including over 10,000 selected scientific, chemical, technological, and practical recipes and processes. This is the most complete Book of Formulas ever published, giving thousands of recipes for the manufacture of valuable articles for everyday use. Hints, Helps. Practical Ideas, and Secret Processes are revealed within its pages. It covers every branch of the useful arts and tells thousands of ways of making money, and is just the book everyone should have at his command. Modern in its treatment of every subject that properly falls within its scope* the book may truthfully be said to present the very latest formulas to be found in the arts and industries, and to retain those processes which long experience has proven worthy of a permanent record. To present here even a limited number of the subjects which find a place in this valuable work would be difficult. Suffice to say that in its pages will be found matter of intense interest and immeasurably practical value to the scientific amateur and to him who wishes to btain a knowledge of the many processes used in the arts, trades and manufacture, a knowledge which will render his pursuits more instructive and remunerative. Serving as a reference book to the small and large manufacturer and supplying intelligent seekers with the information necessary to conduct a process, the work will be found of inestimable worth to the Metallurgist, the Photographer, the Perfumer, the Painter, the Manufacturer of Glues, Pastes, Cements, and Mucilages, the Compounder of Alloys, the Cook, the Physician, the Druggist, the Electrician, the Brewer, the Engineer, the Foundryman, the Machinist, the Potter, the Tanner, the Confectioner, the Chiropodist, the Manicure, the Manufacturer of Chem- ical Novelties and Toilet Preparations, the Dyer, the Electroplater, the Enameler, the Engraver, the Provisioner, the Glass Worker, the Goldbeater, the Watchmaker, the Jeweler, the Hat Maker, the Ink Manufacturer, the Optician, the Farmer, the Dairy- man, the Paper Maker, the Wood and Metal Worker, the Chandler and Soap Maker, the Veterinary Surgeon, and the Technologist in general. A mine of information, and up-to-date hi every respect. A book which will prove of value to EVERYONE, as it covers every branch of the Useful Arts. Every home needs this book; every office, every factors', every store, every public and private en- terprise EVERYWHERE should have a copy. 800 pages. Price. . . $3.00 WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: "Your Twentieth Century Book of Recipes, Formulas, and Processes duly received. I am glad to have a copy of it. and if I could not replace it, money couldn't buy it. It is the best thing of the sort I ever saw." (Signed) M. E. TRUX, Sparta. Wis. " There are few persons who would not be able to find in the book some single formula that would repay several times the cost of the book." Merchants' Record and Show Window, 33 CATALOGUE OF GOOD, PRACTICAL BOOKS " I purchased your book ' Henley's Twentieth Century Book of Recipes, Formulas and Processes' about a year ago and it is worth its weight in gold." WM. H. MURRAY, Bennington, Vt. 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This book gives full details on all points, treating in a concise and simple manner the elements of nearly everything it is necessary to understand for a commencement 'in any branch of the India Rubber Manufacture. The making of all kinds of Rubber Hand Stamps, Small Articles of India Rubber, U. S. Government Composition, Dating Hand Stamps, the Manipulation of Sheet Rubber, Toy Balloons, India Rubber Solu- tions, Cements, Blackings, Renovating Varnish, and Treatment for India Rubber Shoes, etc. ; the Hektograph Stamp Inks, and Miscellaneous Notes, with a Short Account of the Discovery, Collection and Manufacture of India Rubber, are set forth in a manner designed to be readily understood, the explanations being plain and simple. Including a chapter on Rubber Tire Making and Vulcanizing; also a chapter on the uses of rubber in Surgery and Dentistry. Third revised and enlarged edition. 175 pages. Illustrated $1.25 HENLEY'S TWENTIETH CENTURY BOOK OF RECIPES, FORMULAS AND PROCESSES. 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A plain talk on every-day work about engines, boilers, and their accessories. It is not intended to be scientific or mathematical. All formulas are in simple form so that any one understanding plain arithmetic can readily understand any of them. The author has made this the most practical book in print; has given the results of his years of experience, and has included about all that has to do with an engine room or a power plant. You are not left to guess at a single point. You are shown clearly what to expect under the various conditions; how to secure the best results; ways of prevent- ing "shut downs" and repairs: in short, all that goes to make up the requirements of a good engineer, capable of taking charge of a plant. 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Notes on: Brick work; explosions; pumps; pump valves; heaters, economizers; safety valves; lap, lead, and clearance. Has a complete examination for a license, etc., etc. Second edition. 285 pages. Illustrated. Price $2 .50 ENGINE RUNNER'S CATECHISM. By ROBERT GRIMSHAW. A practical treatise for the stationary engineer, telling how to erect, adjust, and run the principal steam engines in use in the United States. Describing the principal features of various special and well-known makes of engines: Temper Cut-off, Shipping and Receiving Foundations, Erecting and Starting, Valve Setting, Care and Use, Emergencies, Erecting and Adjusting Special Engines. The questions asked throughout the catechism are plain and to the point, and the answers are given in such simple language as to be readily understood by anyone. All the instructions given are complete and up-to-date; and they are written in a popular style, without any technicalities or mathematical formulae. The work is of a handy size for the pocket, clearly and well printed, nicely bound, and profusely illustrated. To young engineers this catechism will be of great value, especially to those who may be preparing to go forward to be examined for certificates of competency; and W. The book is essentially practical and discusses turbines in which the full expansion of steam passes through a number of separate turbines arranged for driving two or more shafts, as in the Parsons system, and turbines in which the complete expansion of steam from inlet to exhaust pressure occurs in a turbine on one shaft, as in the case of the Curtis machines. It will enable a designer to carry out all the ordinary calcula- tion necessary for the construction of steam turbines, hence it nils a want which is hardly met by larger and more theoretical works. Numerous tables, curves and diagrams will be found, which explain with remarkable lucidity the reason why turbine blades are designed as they are, the course which steam takes through tur- bines of various types, the thermodynamics of steam turbine calculation, the influence of vacuum on steam consumption of steam turbines, etc. In a word, the very in- formation which a designer and builder of steam turbines most requires. Large octavo, 214 pages. Fully illustrated and containing 18 tables, including an entropy chart. $4.00 37 Every Practical Man Needs A Magazine Which Will Tell Him How To Make And Do Things |l l{ Have us enter your subscription to the best mechanical magazine on the market. Only one dollar and fifty cents a year for twelve numbers. Subscribe today to Everyday Engineering Magazine A MONTHLY magazine devotei whole-heartedly to Model Making, Electricity, Chemistry, Mechanics, Radiotelegraphy, etc. It is a magazine with a peculiar and interesting "mechanical personality" that has made many friends in the past and will make many in the future. Its articles are alive with interest, lucra- tive with facts and bright in appearance with their many clear illustrations and their pleasant arrangement. "Everyday's" articles are prepared by many of the best technical journalists 'in the United States. Among these are mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, model makers, chemists and radio enthusiasts. These men write with a knowledge of what the readers of Everyday like and need. Many of them are experimental engineers and "hobbyists" who well know what their own class like to read best. Do you like to make model steam engines? Do you know how high-frequency alternators work? Would you like to read some understandable literature on the inner nature of steel? Do you know how to manipulate a micrometer? Would you like to make simple experiments in radioactivity? Do you build model power racing boats or airplanes? Do you know how Diesel engines work? Do you understand synthetic chemistry? Can you perform qualitative chemical analysis? Do you build dynamo electric machines? Would a model gyroscope railroad inter- est you? Do you like to build or read about model railroads, both steam and elec- tric? Can you describe the calibration of electrical measuring instruments? Un- derstand the mysteries of liquid air or would you like to experiment with it? If you like to do these things, and you don't read Everyday Engineering, you are missing a factor that will make your work or hobby more interesting and bene- ficial probably you need just the inspiration that "Everyday" is able to offer. "Everyday" will be your helpmate and advisor during the period of one year for $1.50. Sample copy sent on receipt of 15 cents. Send your subscription direct to The Norman W. Henley Pub. Co. 2 West 45th Street, New York THE MOST VALUABLE TECHNO-CHEM1CAL RECEIPT BOOK PUBLISHED Henley's Twentieth Century Book of Recipes, Formulas and Processes Edited by GARDNER D. HISCOX, M.E. Price Cloth . . . $3.OO 800 large octavo (6x9 J^) pages Contains over 10,000 selected scientific, chemical, technological and practical Recipes and Processes, including hundreds of so- called trade secrets for every business. TO present here even a limited numl>er of the subjects which find a place in this valuable work would be difficult. Suffice to say that in its pages will be found matter of intense interest and immeasurable practical value to the scientific amateur and to him who wishes to obtain a knowledge of the many processes used in the arts, trades and manufactures, a knowledge which will render his pursuits more instructive and remunerative. Serving as a reference book to the Email and large manufacturer and supplying intelligent seekers with the information necessary to conduct a process, the work will be found of inestimable worth to the Metallurgist, the Photographer, the Perfumer, the Painter, the Manufacturer of Glues, Pastes, Cements, and Mucilages, the Com- pounder of Alloys, the Cook, the Physician, the Druggist, the Electrician, the Brewer, the Engineer, the Foundryman, the Machinist, the Potter, the Tanner, the Confectioner, the Chiropodist, the Manicure, the Manufacturer of Chemical Novelties and Toilet Preparations, the Dyer, the Elec- troplater, the Enaineler, the Engraver, the Provisioner, the Glass Worker, the Goldbeater, the Watch- maker and Jeweler, the Hat Maker, the Ink Manufacturer, the Optician, the Farmer, the Dairyman, the Paper Maker, the Wood and Metal Worker, the Chandler and Soap Maker, the Veterinary Surgeon, and the Technologist in general. A mine of information, and up to date in every respect. A book which will prove of value to everyone, as it covers every branch of the useful Arts. AMONG THE RECIPES GIVEN ARE: Bleaching Recipes; Etching and Engraving Recipes; Recipes for Glass Making; Paper Making Recipes; Recipes for Ointments; Mirror Making Formulas; Paint Making Formulas; Gilding Recipes; Galvanizing Recipes; Bronzing Recipes; Tinning Recipes; Silvering Recipes; Recipes for Adhesives; Recipes for Plating and Enameling; Cleaning Processes; Soap Making; Leather and its Preparation; Recipes for Alloys; Recipes for Solders; Photographic Formulas; Shoe Dressing Recipes; Stove Blacking Recipes; Rust Preventive Recipes; Recipes for Lubricants: Recipes for Oils; Recipes for Dyes, Colors, and Pigments; Recipes for Dryers; Ink Recipes; Recipes for Artificial Gem Making; Jewelers' and Watchmakers' Recipes; Household Formulas; Waterproofing Recipes; Fireprooflng Recipes; Recipes for Cements, Glues, Mucilage; Fireworks Recipes; Recipes for Eradicators; Alco- hol and its Uses; Recipes for Essences and Extracts; Dentifrice Recipes; Cosmetic Recipes; Perfume Recipes; Tanning Recipes; Metallurgical Formulas; Hair Restorers; Depilatories. And many thousands more Equally important in the Arts and Manufactures. WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: Your Twentieth Century Book of Recipes, Formulas and Processes duly received. I am glad to have a copy of it, and if I could not replace it money couldn't buy it. It is the best thing of the sort I ever saw. M. E. Trux, Sparta, Wis. We can most thoroughly recommend that you obtain a copy of this book as you will find it a work of the most useful character, and one that will repay its possessor if kept constantly at I " side. Trade Mark Record. Many small fortunes, and not a few large ones, have been made by the aid of a book of thia character, since the receipts have all been successfully used and are known to be correct. Southern Machinery. Lack of space prevents the publisher from including other reviews of this book. JUST OFF THE PRESS NEW REVISED EDITION Lathe Design, Construction, and Operation with Practical Examples of Lathe Work By OSCAR E. PERRIGO, M.E. 500 Pages (6x9) . Cloth Binding 350 Detailed Engravings made from Special Drawings Price $3.OO c/4 new revised edition, and the only complete American work on the sub- ject, written by a man who knows not only how work ought to be done, but who also knows how to do it, and how to convey this knowledge to others. It is strictly up-to-date in its descriptions and illustrations. ETHE history and the relations of the lathe to manufacturing are given; also a description of the various devices for feeds and thread cutting mechanisms from early efforts in this direction to the present time. Lathe design is thoroughly discussed, including back gearing, driving cones, thread cutting gears, and all the essential elements of the modern lathe. The classifica- tion of lathes is taken up, giving the essential differences of the several types of lathes, including, as is usually understood, engine lathes, bench lathes, speed lathes, forge lathes, gap lathes, pulley lathes, forming lathes, multiple-spindle lathes, rapid-reduction lathes, precision lathes, turret lathes, special lathes, electrically driven lathes, etc. In addition to the complete exposition on construction and design, much practical matter on lathe installation, care and operation has been incorporated in the enlarged 1916 edition. All kinds of lathe attachments for drilling, milling, etc., are described and complete instructions are given to enable the novice machinist to grasp the art of lathe operation as well as the principles involved in design. A number of difficult machining operations are described at length and illustrated. CONTAINS SPECIAL CHAPTERS ON: I. History of the Lathe up to the Introduction of Screw Threads. II. The Development of the Lathe Since the Introduction of Screw Threads. III. Classification of Lathes. IV. Lathe Design The Bed and Its Supports. V. Lathe Design The Head-Stock Casting, the Spindle and the Spindle Cone. VI. Lathe Design The Spindle Bearings, the Back Gears and the Triple Gear Mechanism. VII. Lathe Design The Tail-Stock, the Carriage, the Apron, etc. VIII. Lathe Design Turning Rests, Supporting Rests, Shaft Straighteners, etc. IX. Lathe Attachments. X. Rapid Change Gear Mechanisms. XI. Lathe Tools, High-Speed Steel, Speeds and Feeds, Power for Cutting Tools, etc. XII. Testing a Lathe. XIII. Lathe Work. XIV. Lathe Work Continued. XV. Engine Lathes. XVI. Engine Lathes Continued. XVII. Heavy Lathes. XVIII. High Speed Lathes. XIX. Special Lathes. XX. Regular Turret Lathes. XXI. Special Turret Lathes. XXII. ElectricaHy Driven Lathes. XXIII. Practical Instructions on Lathe Operation. WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK : The book is written in a clear and interesting style and evefy page shows how thoroughly the author has mastere* 1 his subject. Locomotive Engineering. The book treats the subject in a clear and comprehensive manner. Boiler Maker. Just the kind of a book which one delights to consult; a masterly treatment of the subject Engineering Newt. JUST PUBLISHED Drop Forging, Die Sinking and Machine Forming of Steel By JOSEPH V. WOODWORTH Author of " Dies : Their Construction and Use," " American Tool Making and Interchangeable Manufacturing, etc." 326 Pages (6x9) 300 Illustrations Cloth Binding Price $3.OO This is a practical treatise on the hot and cold machine forming of steel and iron into finished shapes; together with tools, dies and machinery involved in the manufacture of duplicate forgings and interchangeable hot and cold pressed parts from bar and sheet metal. A COMPREHENSIVE and modern book on Drop Forging, Die Sinking, etc., has long been /\ desired, and the publishers now offer such a volume written by an expert. The text of the A^m. treatise is concise; technical and ambiguous terms have been replaced by practical and familiar shop words; and all the illustrations and descriptions are plain and simple to under- stand. The description of every subject and method involved has been boiled down to the simplest and fewest words possible; so that the "meat" of all may be arrived at and digested in the shortest time by the busy men of metals who will consult its pages, which contain a valuable mine of information on modern shop practice, processes, methods, machines, tools and details. This is a useful book of reference and one worth reading from cover to cover. THIS EXCELLENT TREATISE IS FULL OF FACTS ON: Die Sinking and Drop Forging Practice and Design for Modern Forging, Pressing and Stamping of Duplicate Parts Die Sinking Methods, Processes, Machines and Tools Drop Forging Dies, Their Design, Construction and Use in Drop Hammer and Forging Machine Press Forming of Heavy Hot and Cold Stock in Dies Drop Forging and Hardening Plants; Their Designs, Funda- mental Conditions and Equipment Involved in Their Attainment Steel and Iron, Their Treatment for Twisting, Reducing, Forging and Working in Drop Dies Hot Pressed Steel and Iron Parts; Their Manufacture and Assembling into Finished Products Drop Hammers, Their Development, Weights, Foundations and Dies Forging Machine, Steam Hammer, Bulldozer and Swaging Machine Methods and Processes Machine Forging wjtfc Examples of Modern Practice and Tools Involved., WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: The author is to be commended for this much needed work. Engineering Record. A book worth reading from cover to cover. American Cutler. The author's style is clear and direct. Engineering News. This book is written from a thoroughly practical point of view and will prove extremely use- ful. Scientific American. This is a practical treatise by a practical man and covers many phases of a subject upon which there has thus far been little literature. American Metal Market. JUST PUBLISHED SIXTH REVISED EDITION Machine Shop Tools and Shop Practice Their Construction, Operation and Manipulation, Including both Hand and Machine Tools By W. H. VANDERVOORT, M. E. 555 Pages (6x9 K) 673 Illustrations Cloth Binding Price $4.25 entirely new and fully illustrated work describing in every detail the construction, operation and manipulation of both hand and machine tools : being a work of practical instruction in all classes of machine shop practice. A BOOK that should be found in every machine shop. Suppose it is desired to know how to cut /\ bevel gears, to calculate milling machine spirals or to make countershaft calculatfons ; or to get /""% information about tap drill sizes, the classification of files; change gear calculations; deep hole drilling ; turning tapers ; testing lathes, etc. ; or any one of the numerous questions that a little information might be desired upon occasionally these pages will be found to contain the satisfactory answer. The book has numerous tables, and in addition to the chapters strictly on tools are several on fastenings, gearing, belting, shafting, and the treatment of steel. The work is logically arranged; the various hand and machine tools being grouped into classes. and description of each is given in proportion to their relative importance. The illustrations repre- sent the very latest tools and methods, all of which are clearly described. Each tool is considered from the following points: First Its construction with hints as to its manufacture. Second Ita operation, proper manipulation and care. Third Numerous examples of work performed. SPECIAL CHAPTERS ON /I. The Hammer and Cold Chisel. II. The File and Filing. III. Scrapers and Surface Platea. IV. Standards of Measures. V. Calipers. VI. Gauges and Indicators. VII. Rules, Squares and other Small Tools. VIII. Drills. IX. Reamers. X. Screw Threads, Tap and Dies. XI. Drill and Tap Holders. XII. Mandrels. XIII. The Lathe. XIV. The Lathe in Modified Forms. XV. Lathe Tools. XVI. Chucks and Drivers for Lathe Work. XVII. Lathe Work Between Centers. XVIH. Lathe Work on Face Plate Chuck and Carriage. XIX. Boring and Turning Mills. XX. Planing and Shaping Machines; their Tools and Attachments. XXI. Planer and Shaper Work. XXII. The Slotting Machine and Key Seater. XXIII. Milling Machines. XXIV. Milling Machine Cutters. XXV. Milling Machine Work. XXVI. Gear Cutters and Gear Cutting. XXVII. Drilling Machines and Drilling Work. XXVIII. Grinding Machines. XXIX. Hardening and Tempering. XXX. Fastening. XXXI. Gearing. XXXII. Belting and Transmission Machinery. XXXIII. Miscel- laneous Shop Equipment and Conveniences. XXXIV. Useful Data and Tables. WHAT A CUSTOMER SAID OF THIS BOOK: *** I am just in receipt of the book "Modern Machine Shop Tools" by Vandervoort. I am very much pleased with it. It is a masterpiece on the machine shop. Comprehensive, thorough and con- cise. It is a decided improvement on the many works on the same subject. (Signed) E. H. WILMARTH, Instructor in Shop Work, Stout Manual Training School. Menomonie. Wis. This book is strictly up to date in all respects and is the most complete, concise and useful work ever published on the subject. No machinist can afford to be without this book. Scientific American. By OSCAR E. PERRIGO, M.E. 101 Pages (5^x8) Illustrated Cloth Binding Price $1.25 cA practical book for every designer, draftsman, and mechanic interested in the invention and development of the devices for feed changes on the different machines requiring such mechanism. All the necessary information on this subject is taken up, analyzed, classified, sifted, and concentrated for the use of busy men who have not the time to go through the masses of irrelevant matter with which such a subject is usually encum- bered and select such information as will be useful to them. (HE author shows the beginning of this class of devices, how they were developed by others, the methods of their working, their differences from others designed for like purposes, and in what points they were similar to other devices intended to effect the same results. All their details are clearly brought out, illustrated, and described so as to show the designer and the mechanic just the points they want to know. It shows just what has been done, how it has been done, when it was done, and who did it. It saves time in hunting up patent records and re-inventing old devices. CONTENTS: Introduction Some Lathe History The Change Gear Patents Recent Advances in the Invention of Change Gear Devices Conclusion. Bevel Gear Tables 66 Pages By D. Ag. ENGSTROM Illustrated Price $1.25 Cloth Binding A BOOK that will at once commend itself to mechanics and drafts- men. Does away with all the trigonometry and fancy figuring on bevel gears and makes it easy for anyone to lay them out or make them just right. There are 36 full page tables that show every necessary dimension for all sizes or combinations you're apt to need. No puz/ling figuring or guessing. Gives placing distance, all the angles (including cutting angles) , and the correct cutter to use. A copy of this prepares you for anything in the bevel gear line. CONTENTS: Tooth Elements Tooth Elements for Diametrical Pitches Tooth Elements for Circular Pitches Table-Value Reduced for Circular Pitches Construction of Bevel Gears Explanation of Terms Calculating Bevel Gears Forms of Teeth in Bevel Gears How Tables are to be Used How to Use Tables When Number of Teeth is Greater than Given in Tables, Etc., Etc. WHAT IS SAID OF THIS BOOK: For draftsmen and others having much to do with bevel gears this book is of decided value. American Machinist. SEVENTH EDITION Machine Shop Arithmetic 131 Pages (4x6) By COLV1N-CHENEY Price 6O Cents Cloth Binding