THE GIFT OF FLORENCE V. V. DICKEY TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE DONALD R. DICKEY LIBRARY OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY \ , SHELL PABOQUEET. See p. 167. NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. BY THE OLD BUSHMAN. AUTHOR OF "SPORTING SKETCHES, HOME AND ABROAD," ETC. "All hail to the lordliugs of high degree, Who live not more happy, though richer than we; Our pastimes to see, under every green tree, In all the gay woodlands right welcome ye be." WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. A NEW EDITION. LONDON : FREDERICK WARNE AND CO. BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN. NEW YOEK: SCRIBNER, WELFORD AND CO. "ILL, EDWA IM 4SD CO., PRINTERS, CHANDOS STREET, STACK ANNEX TO ANTHONY GREEN, EMERALD HILL, MELBOURNE, AS A MAB.K OF KESPECT FOB HIS SKILL AND TALENTS IN HIS PROFESSION, AND IN EVERYTHING KELATING TO THE SPOBTS OF THE FIELD ; AS A TRIFLING ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOB MANY AN ACT OF KINDNESS RECEIVED; AK-n AS A SLIGHT TOKEN OF FRIENDSHIP AND ESTEEM ; f (is little rfc IS DEDICATED BY HIS OLD FEIEND, THE AUTHOE. 668024 CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION Page is CHAPTER I. The Kangaroo and Kangaroo shooting 1 CHAPTER II. The Wild Dog The Native Bear The Wombat 31 CHAPTER III. The Opossum The Ring-tail Flying Squirrels The Native Cat The Tiger Cat The Kangaroo Rat The Bandicote Small Bush animals The Platypus The Spiny Ant- eater, and Domestic Cattle 36 CHAPTER IV. The Wild Turkey The Emu The Lowan, and the Native Pheasant 61 CHAPTER V. Duck-shooting The Black Swan The Wild Geese The different Ducks peculiar to this Country 66 CHAPTER VI. The Coot Moor-hen Dabchick The Greebs The Bittern Herons White Cranes The Egret Spoonbill Ibis Nankeen Crane The Native Companion Coast Shoot- ing, and Sea Birds 86 CHAPTER VII. The Bronze-wing and Scrub Pigeons The Ground Dove The Snipe and the Rail 92 CONTEXTS. CHAPTER VIII. Quail Shooting The different Quails peculiar to Port Phillip, and a Hint to Bird-catchers 105 CHAPTER IX. A Chapter on the Ornithology and General Fauna of Victoria 115 CHAPTER X. Notices on Shooting Suggestions for the preservation of the Game The Dogs of the Natives, and Bush Dogs 155 CHAPTER XI. The Snakes and Reptiles peculiar to the country, and small Bush annoyances 197 CHAPTER XII. BushLife 210 CHAPTER XIII. General Remarks on the Scenery The Forests The Climate, and the Seasons of Port Philip 217 CHAPTER XIV. General Sporting of the Colony The Turf The Chase Steeple Chasing The Ring and Cricket 235 CHAPTER XV. River Fish and Angling 243 CHAPTER XVI. Sea Fish and Sea Fishing 248 CHAPTER XVII Coun Friends, and Conclusion INDEX The Aborigines of the Country Parting Advice to old Bush " ds, ; ' ~ ' ' INTRODUCTION. AMIDST all the wonderful revolutions that have marked the present century, no country beneath the sun has experienced such a rapid change, in so short a period, as the Australian colony of Port Phillip. Tracing the gradual development of this colony, we find that, in the year 1788, the first British convict-ships landed their melancholy freight on these shores, and until the year 1803 this country remained a penal settlement. In that year the convicts were transferred to the Derwent. The first French discovery-ships, tinder Capt. Baudin, entered Western-Port Bay and christened one of the large islands there, French Island, which name it now bears. Capt. Sturt appears to have been the first European visitor to the banks of the Murray in 1829. Major Mitchell, however, was the discoverer of " Australia Felix " in 1836 ; but Batman was the founder of the colony of Port Phillip, and one of the earliest settlers in the Melbourne district. "When he first camped upon the hill overlooking the now flourishing town of Melbourne, and which to this day is Vlll INTEODTJCTIOtf. called Batman's Hill, the country was in tlie hands of the savage, and the kangaroo and wild dog roamed through the surrounding bush, then as lonely as any part of Australia. Field sports were, of course, at that day little heeded by the white settlers, whose sole occu- pation was to establish themselves in their new home ; and the wild man, truly the monarch of all he surveyed, held unmolested sway over hunting-grounds, then swarming with every species of Australian game. Tardy, however, was the progress of advancement, and this country might have remained in its state of primitive wildness, had not tidings of the wonderful discovery of the Victorian goldfields reached the Old "World, and thousands of adventurers from every clime flocked to these shores, resolved " to do or die " in the struggle after wealth. Then, indeed, " a change came o'er the spirit of the dream ;" a large and populous city sprang up as by magic in the desert, and some little idea of the rapid rise in value of property here may be gathered from the fact, that, in 1853, land in the town of Mel- bourne sold for 210 per foot frontage, which, a few years previous, might have been bought for 5 per acre. The whole face of this district quickly changed. The woodman's axe was heard in forests which had till then only echoed back the howl of the wild dog, or the shout of the savage. The country became gradually peopled. The cockatoo settler built his log-hut on his small clear- ing, the wild solitude of the bush vanished before the presence of civilized man, and the game was of course INTEODUCTION. IX driven back into wilder and more secluded regions by the foot of the stranger. At the first rush to these shores, every one was far too much occupied in the search for gold, to turn his attention to the sports of the field. In fact, so all- absorbent was the thirst after instant wealth, that all regular work was for a time at a standstill. Fortunes were made and spent with a rapidity almost incredible, and it was not until hundreds usurped the place of one, that the goldfields began to lose their attractions, and men were obliged to seek a living in less exciting but steadier pursuits. Out of the thousands who yearly landed in Victoria, it was not likely that all should prosper. Many were totally unfitted for the life they had chosen ; others, good men and true, but whom ill luck seemed to mark peculiarly as her own. Among these latter were men in the prime of life, brought up at home to the sports of the field from their earliest youth ; and it is a matter of little surprise that when " the lecture came from the last shilling," they should turn to the gun as a means of support, and, in the freedom of the bush, unshackled by the trammels of the British Game Laws, seek an independent livelihood in pursuits which had hitherto been only an amusement : and rough and hard as is the shooter's life out here, when properly fol- lowed up, few care to leave it when they have once fairly entered upon it. Such was my case. Six years' rambling over the forests and fells of Northern Europe had totally unfitted X INTRODUCTION. me for any settled life. I had no luck in the diggings. The town was out of the question, and to keep the wolf from the door there were but two alternatives, to seek work on a station, or face the bush on my own account. I chose the latter, and never regretted that choice. I luckily fell in with a mate in the same circumstances as myself. The gun had often brought both of us " to grief" in the Old "World, so we agreed that for once it should help us out in the New. Our tastes were similar. The sphere of life in which we had both moved at home had been the same, and therefore all those little disa- greements and collisions which are the inevitable conse- quences when men of different education, training, and tastes, are shut up together in the close companionship of a bush tent, were avoided. For nearly four years did we " rough it " under the same canvas, with scarcely a single dispute, and very rarely even " a growl." We had, it is true, at times, hardships to contend with, but we never met troubles halfway. We took the rough with the smooth, and whether game was plentiful or scarce, generally had a fair share of it. Many a happy day did we pass together in the forest. Many a good bag of game have we brought home ; and often, although thousands of miles now separate us, do my thoughts fly back to the old bush tent and the old comrades left behind me ; and the chequered scenes of a wild forest life crowd upon my mind like the " visions of yester- day." With the exception, perhaps, of New Zealand, where INTRODUCTION. Xi there is scarcely a bush animal, save the half- wild pig, and no game-birds except ducks and pigeons, Australia offers less attractions to the Gordon-Gumming school of sportsmen than any foreign country; and to all who have read his diary of African slaughter, or Capt. M. Eeid's Hunter's Feast, where American forest life is so graphically portrayed, I fear the perusal of the following pages will appear dull and devoid of interest. I can tell of no hair-breadth escapes, no moving inci- dents by flood or field ; and, in regard to adventure, it has been my lot, during the whole of my sporting career, to fall in with fewer than is the usual luck of travellers. But this is not my fault, and the man who writes for the amusement or instruction of his brother sportsmen, can do no more than give a true account of the sporting life of that country in which he chances to be thrown. Vic- toria, at the present day, occupies no mean position among the British colonies, and doubtless there are many sportsmen at home who will like to know what are the chief pursuits of the field out here, for scarcely a family in England now but has some member or friend knocking about in Australia. These are the men for whose amusement this little treatise is particularly written, and, however imperfect it may be, it has at least the truth to recommend it. I must, therefore, beg of them to take it for what it is worth. There is no large game out here to tempt a man to wander so far for the sake of the chase alone, let hi Xll INTEOBUCTION. sporting propensities be ever so keen. One can imagine the real sportsman, who finds his sphere too cramped and limited at home, wishing to pay a visit to the wilds of Africa, or the prairies of the far West. In both these countries the game is well worth following, and the value of the quarry amply compensates for the risk and trouble attendant upon its pursuit. But in Australia the kan- garoo and the wild dog are the only large animals of chase, and the only game-birds of any size are the emu and wild turkey. The kangaroo, as a wild animal, stands about on a par with the park deer at home. The wild turkey is now rare in the Melbourne district, and an emu, at the present day, killed within forty miles of the town, would be a matter of history. But for small game, I don't think this country can be surpassed ; and ducks, pigeon, quail, and snipe, may be killed in almost any quantities, at the proper seasons, in those districts where they have not been shot out. After all, a man can always make sure of a better day's sport here than at home (unless he happens to be the lucky possessor of covers and preserves of his own, and then he will most likely stay where he is well off), without the expense of a certificate, and with no fear of a bullying gamekeeper before his eyes. If he leaves the neighbourhood of the town he can wander pretty nearly where he pleases, and he has the satisfaction of knowing that, should all other trades fail, he can at least get his living by his gun if he knows how to use it, and this is more than he could do at home. The very absence of all those wild animals to' INTRODUCTION. Xlll be found in other countries, while it renders the chase here less exciting, at least adds a greater security to bush life in Australia; and as there is now little or nothing to fear from the natives in the settled districts, the sportsman can roam the plains and forests day and night in perfect safety with no other companions but his dogs, and no requirements, in case of being benighted, except a few matches and a little salt. There is, perhaps, no other country where a man who depends upon his gun for a living, has to work harder than he does in this. He must of necessity be camped within reach of a market for his game, which, on account of the increase of population, becomes every year more scarce and wild in the settled districts. Moreover, the shooting grounds here lie so wide apart, and so much in patches, that the shooter has to travel miles from one place to another before he reaches a likely spot, and I have many a time had to walk home six or eight miles to my tent, after sunset, with a heavy bag of game, when I was already pretty well tired out with my day's shooting. In the winter all the swamps are full, and many of the plains covered with water, and most of the best ground inaccessible except by wading. In the summer the heat is dreadful, and I can hardly say which is the most laborious, fagging on the dry plains under a burning summer's sun, or plashing through the swamps in winter up to the knees in mud and water for miles. What with the heat and the blowflies, which, infest this country during the summer months, one third at least of the XIV INTEODUCTIOK. game is lost, and a man cannot depend at all upon the natives in the Melbourne district for assistance. There are indeed but few left, for disease and intemperance are sadly thinning their ranks, and these have become so lazy and fond of grog, since their intercourse with the white man, that they care little for work ; and if they do bring you in a couple of ducks, or a bag of eels, they know their full value. The shooter here must trust en- tirely to his own exertions, and if he does chance to " drop on " a little lot of game, keep it to himself, for there is now as much competition in this respect as any other. "When I first commenced shooting, our great drawback was the difficulty of finding a market for the game. Melbourne was our only mart, and as we had then no horse, and no means of getting the game up without car- rying it ourselves, a journey into town on foot at night, with a heavy swag of game (for the small game in the summer must be sold early in the day after it is killed), after a hard day's shooting, was no joke ; now, however, there are hawkers at every fishing-station along the coast, who will buy the game at a fair price, and, as the country opens out, there will be many other places, where the shooter can make a far better living than in the vicinity of Melbourne. But let him be camped where he may, he should by all means endeavour to keep a horse, for many a weary mile's walk will this save him. An old " crawler," good enough for his work, will cost him but a trifle, and a season's keep in the bush stand him in little more than a pair of hobbles or a tether-rope. 1NTEODUCTION. XV After these few preliminary remarks I shall proceed to notice those animals and birds which form the chief pursuit of the sportsman out here. But let the reader bear in mind that I never camped more than forty miles from Melbourne in any one direction. Still, in one place or another within that district, I fell in with nearly every species of game peculiar to Victoria, and my Notes will give a pretty fair idea of the field-sports of Australia NATUEAL HISTORY SKETCHES. CHAPTEE I. THE KANGAROO AND THE WALLABY. THE Kangaroo (the koorah of the natives) may be called the Australian deer, and being the only large wild animal of chase in the country, deserves something more than a casual notice. Of the large kangaroo I fancy we had two distinct species in our forests, and a smaller variety called the wallaby ; of which aiimal, I believe, there are several species ; although the common wallaby is the only one met with in the Western-port district. Altogether, between twenty and thirty species of kangaroos exist in Australasia. The singular form of the kangaroo is doubtless familiar to all who are likely to look into these pages ; it is one of the few animals whose habits are strictly terrestrial, which, although by nature furnished with four legs, use only the two hind ones as organs of progression. These hind legs at first may appear disproportioned to the size of the animal, but, upon examination, will be found beau- 2 TSATUEAL HISTOBY SKETCHES. tifally adapted to their purpose. They are three-jointed, the thigh-bone similar in shape to the shoulder-blade of other animals ; being broad, and deeply grooved for the insertion of the powerful muscles which give such force to the spring of the kangaroo. The second joint is very long, being nothing more than bone and sinew, and the tendon, which runs down it, behind the hock, into the foot of the animal, is immensely powerful. The foot, which forms the third joint, is from 12 to 18 inches long, according to age, and is tipped or armed with a thick sharp-pointed nail, two to three inches long. It is also furnished with a smaller nail on the outside, higher up, and two small claws joined together inside the joint opposite ; and a thick, leathery, rough kind of skin runs down behind the hock to the toe, and this is spongy on the ball of the foot. "What would be the hock in another animal, appears to be the heel of the kangaroo ; for you often see the print of the whole lower joint of the leg in soft ground : I fancy this is when the kangaroo is run- ning slowly. I am no comparative anatomist, but I should say that both the outer and inner formation of the animal would form a beautiful study. The fore-arms are short, and the paws broad and large, resembling those of a beast of prey, being armed with five long sharp claws. These marsupial animals form a class to themselves, otherwise it would be difficult to assign a plac& to the kangaroo, were we to take the feet or teeth as a guide. In form, the hind leg is similar to that of a hare, and when in an upright position, the kangaroo rests upon its THE KANGAEOO. 3 hind feet and haunches, after the manner of a squirrel ; the tail stretched out at full length along the ground, not, as I have seen it represented in a picture, curled up like that of a rat, for the kangaroo cannot bend its tail. "When running, it springs from the ground in an erect position, propelled by its powerful hind legs and balanced by its tail, holding its short fore-arms well into the chest, after the manner of a professional runner. Thus it bounds lightly and easily along, clearing any obstacles, such as trees, and even low fences, in its stride. I never fairly measured one of these strides or springs, but I am certain, when hard pressed, an " old man," or " flying doe," will clear nearly ten yards at a spring. The long tail mate- rially assists them in running, and its measured thump may be heard on the ground long before the kangaroo itself appears in sight in the thick forest. It is a curious fact, that a wounded kangaroo very often breaks the hind leg in struggling ; and I once knew an " old man" snap the bone just above the hock, as short as a carrot, in taking a spring. The general height of a full-grown kangaroo, when sitting upright, is, perhaps, about 5 feet. The largest, I think, that I ever killed, measured 9 feet 6 inches from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail when stretched out on the ground. The tail is very thick at the root, gradually tapering to the end ; and in an old kangaroo will be 3 or 4 feet long, and weigh 10 to 15 Ibs. I have, however, seen them over 20 Ibs. In shape the head much resembles that of the fallow- deer ; but the " lachrymal sinus," peculiar to that class B 2 4 NATUBAL HISTORY SKETCHES. of animals, is wanting. The countenance is mild and placid, but, like the sheep, we rarely see two exactly alike. The eye is bright; the nostrils not very wide; the ears large and pricked ; and many of the males have a marked Eoman nose, like that of an old ram. In bush parlance, the old male kangaroo is called an "old man;" the young female a "flying doe;" and the young one, till eight or ten months old, "a joey." The weight of a full-grown doe, or young buck, just killed, will vary up to about 120 Ibs. Some of the "old men" reach to an immense size, and I have often killed them over 2 cwt. A hind-quarter and tail, the only part sent to market, or a young buck, or flying doe, will average about 50 Ibs. when skinned and dressed. There is a good deal of flesh on the hams and back, but a great proportion of bone. The tail makes a very rich soup. The fore- quarter is very light, the chest deep, and there is some- thing peculiar in the shape of the ribs. The kangaroo is a good swimmer, and when hard pressed will take to the water as readily as a deer. Mr. Gould men- tions a kangaroo which swam for two miles through the sea, one mile being against a sharp wind and heavy waves. The kangaroos vary much in colour, according to age and sex. The general colour, however, is dark mouse- brown on the back, lighter on the belly and flanks. The wool or hair is very fine, soft, and close ; and I have seen a strand on the back of a winter skin nearly 2 inches long. Not that I fancy the wool itself could be ever used THE KANGAROO. 5 for any domestic purpose ; but I think that the Bkins, when properly dressed, would make famous linings for a winter cloak, or pells in northern climes. They make an excellent apron for a gig or dog-cart ; and when lined, are very showy. In the rutting season they have a very red tinge underneath, and we occasionally see one with the whole body-colour approaching to light chestnut. As they advance in age, the colour appears to fade ; and I recollect a pure white " old man " in one of the mobs at "Western-port. He suddenly disappeared, but I don't think any one shot him, or we should have heard of it. I do not, however, mean to infer that all the old kan- garoos would become white if they lived long enough. I consider a pure white kangaroo nothing more than a very rare Albino variety. We occasionally meet with such anomalies among birds ; and I recollect a milk-white teal, which flew with a mob of black-duck on Langhome Swamp out here. The skins are, of course, best for fur in the winter. When the skins are well picked, and properly dressed and sewed, a kangaroo rug beats any other for bush-work (but for out-door use they should be tanned) ; and a pair of kangaroo-leather boots are a real luxury to any old gentleman whose feet are tender, and who wishes to preserve a favourite corn. In stretching the skins, the shooter should try to get them as square as possible ; and this is best done by stretching them on sticks, something after the fashion of a boy's paper kite. But they will dry just as well if stretched and nailed out against a tree, and the tanners G NATUEAL HISTOBY SKETCHES, think as much of them if they are merely thrown over a pole to dry. In skinning a kangaroo, get the neck-skin as full as possible ; and this depends much upon how you open down the fore leg. If the skin is to be dressed with the hair on, and the head and feet perfect, as a curiosity, be careful in skinning out the toes, and cut as much flesh from the lips and ears as possible, and soak the skin in a strong solution of alum and saltpetre, or the feet and ears will go. Be careful that no blood clots on the skin, or the hair will very likely come oif and leave a bare place when dressed. If skinned and dried properly, it may be sent to the tanners or curriers at any time ; and although the shooter can prepare the skins himself, the process is long and tedious, and if he wants to make a rug, he had best have the skius dressed by a currier. We had, I fancy, two distinct species of kangaroo in our forests. The large one, which we used commonly to kill, and this we found in large mobs both in the timber and on the plains, and a rather smaller variety, darker in colour and redder under the belly. These were generally in more secluded situations, among the honeysuckle scrub in deep gullies, in smaller droves, rarely exceeding a dozen. The flesh of the kangaroo is very inferior to venison in flavour, and in juice and nourishment not to be com- pared to mutton. It tastes dry and insipid when dressed bush fashion, but the tails make famous soup when served up by Mr. Williams, in Melbourne, as " kangaroo steamer." There is rarely any fat inside the carcass, THE KANGAROO. 7 and it is a curious fact that dogs never appear to thrive on kangaroo, especially if they eat it raw, although they soon get fat on opossum. "VYe used to make a good soup of the heads whenever we could get vegetables, which are not always at hand in the bush. My general mode of bush cooking was simple and expeditious. Just cut off a steak from any fleshy part, and throw it on the ashes to grill ; and I always fancied a kangaroo-steak or even a bird, used to taste better and more juicy when dressed this " lazy bed " fashion, than in any other way. Some persons seem to think that there is no nourish- ment at all in the meat, and there is a great prejudice in the bush against it. This is a " vulgar error." My old mate and myself lived upon it when in the forest, and I know we did our work as well as any two shooters. Perhaps at times we might have preferred a beef-steak ; but as we got the kangaroo for nothing, we just used it and made no invidious comparisons. " Spare the damper but pitch into the kangaroo, lads ! " used to be our bush, motto when flour was scarce. The young bucks and flying does are the best eating ; the old men are tough and stringy. There is an immense deal of blood inside the kangaroo, and the flesh, unlike that of any domestic animal, does not appear to be worse from being hard- driven just before death. The meat is dark in colour, soon dries, and in appearance and taste is similar to poor doe venison. In habits the kangaroo much resembles both the sheep and the fallow-deer. Timid and shy, their senses of 8 NA.TUBAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. sight, hearing, and smell are most acute. Like the hare, they appear unable to sec an object directly in front of them when running, at least I have often stood still and shot one down as it came running straight up to me in the open forest. It is not a ruminating animal, and the four long front teeth, two in each jaw, are sharp, flat, and double-edged, peculiarly adapted for cutting or browsing ; and the thick blunt crushing molars betoken a purely herbivorous animal. They are very gregarious, and are always to be met with in smaller or larger droves. I have often seen as many as a hundred and fifty in a drove, and our general mobs used to average fifty or sixty. After the rutting season, the old men will often draw away from the mobs and retire bv themselves to the thickest scrub. Each drove frequents a certain district, has its particular camping and feeding grounds. The mobs do not appear to mix, and when the shooter once obtains a knowledge of the country, he has no diffi- culty in planting himself for a shot. Their camping- grounds are generally on some open timbered rise, and they have well-trodden runs from one ground to another. They feed early in the morning and at twilight, and I think also much by night. I fancy we might have shot them at night by a fire of dry wood lighted in a long-handled frying-pan, after the manner of torch-shooting in Ame- rica ; and this plan would also succeed with opossums on a dark night. But the difficulty would be to find the right kind of wood out here, for I know of no resi- nous trees in these forests. A good bull's-eye lantern THE KANGAROO. 9 might perhaps answer. The kangaroo lies up by day during the hot summer weather, in damp thickly-scrubbed gullies, in the winter on dry sandy rises. Here, un- less disturbed, they will remain quiet for hours ; and it is a pretty sight to watch a mob camped up, some of them playing with each other, some quietly nibbling the young shrubs and grass, or basking in the sun half asleep on their sides. About Christmas the young ones appear to leave their mothers' sides, and congregate in mobs by themselves. I have seen as many as fifty running toge- ther, and very pretty they looked. The kangaroo is a very clean animal. Both sexes seem to keep together, and, except in the rutting season, when desperate battles take place between the old males, they appear to live at all times in a state of domestic felicity. As far as I could see, the sides run pretty equal. Like sheep, they can be driven in almost any direction that suits the driver, and a good driver is half the battle in kangaroo- ing. It is next to impossible to turn a mob of kangaroo when fairly off; they may divide ; but they will keep on the way they are heading. Like sheep, they always follow a leader. Their principal food appears to be the tender sprouts of small shrubs and heather, quite as much as grass ; but there is a small kind of spike-grass, brown on the underside, called the kangaroo-grass, to which they are very partial. They will also come at night into the small bush inclosures, and nibble off the young blades of wheat, oats, &c. I often fancied they might be kept out of such places by encircling the 10 KATUEAL HISTOET SKETCHES. fence with " sewells," which we used when deer-shooting in the forests at home. These " sewells " are long lines of packthread, with two white feathers tied crosswise on the line, about a yard apart, strung up a yard or four feet from the ground on sticks. I never knew a fallow-deer face them. I think we might have used them with good success in driving kangaroo; but until the game becomes scarce and more valuable, the hunter will rarely go out of the old-fashioned routine to procure it. Al- though the kangaroos feed off the ground, they do not always appear to use the fore paws as a support, but crouch down. I have only now and then observed them browsing off the trees in a standing position, and I wonder we do not oftener see them feeding in this manner, for which their upright posture and fore-arms seem peculiarly adapted. "When in confinement, they will eat bread, of which they seem very fond, holding it in their fore paws, and nibbling it like a squirrel. They are very subject, in the bush, to tape-worms, and I have taken dozens out of the stomach of one which I have been cutting open. Like the sheep, they can go a long time without water, and I never could detect them frequenting any particular water-holes at night for the purpose of drinking. I have known their camping-places on some of the plains miles away from any water-hob. They appear to keep much in the neighbourhood of cattle. The kangaroo is altogether a very domestic, interesting, inoffensive animal, and I often regretted that we had no better or wilder substitute for the red deer in this country. THE KANGABOO. 11 As most of my readers probably are aware, the kan- garoo, like nearly every other animal indigenous to Australia, is " marsupial," i. e., the female is provided with a pouch outside the bottom of the stomach, in which are the teats, to one of which the young foetus is attached during the period of gestation, I believe about sixty days ; and when fully formed, as soon in fact as the young one begins to live, it becomes detached from the teat, which now supplies it with milk. "When the young one leaves the teat, it is in an equal state of development to the new-born offspring of any other animal ; in fact, this pouch appears to be the womb of all these marsupial animals, and not, as many suppose, merely a place of refuge in which the old mother carries her young. Here the young one at first principally lives, till able to run at the foot of the mother ; but even then, when danger is near, it tumbles head over heels into the pouch for protection ; and it is wonderful how quickly the old doe can pick up the joey when running at full speed, and shove it into the pouch, its pretty little face always outside. There she carries it till hard pressed, when the love of life overcomes the love of the mother, and she then casts it away to save herself. This, in bush phra- seology, is termed " dinging the joey." I once saw an eagle-hawk chasing a doe kangaroo with a heavy joey in the pouch through the forest. The cunning bird kept stroke for stroke with the kangaroo, which it hardly dare attack ; but it well knew, as soon as the old mother became exhausted, she would cast away the young one. 12 TSATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. T\vo ounces of kangaroo-shot from my gun, however, stopped the eagle's gallop : I might have killed the old kangaroo as well, but had not the heart, after seeing the struggle she was making to save the life of her offspring. It is a curious fact that these marsupial animals should be exclusively confined to Australia, a country which, as regards zoology and botany, stands lower in the scale of creation, according to geologists, than any other. It is true that the racoon and opossum of America belong to this class ; but they are only mar- supial in a mean degree. The breeding habits of these animals were long a matter of doubt, and for a while it was hard to determine in what class they should be included. The peculiar formation of the generative organs was in itself enough to puzzle the best ana- tomists, nor was it likely that much light could be thrown on the subject by those men who, till lately, had the only opportunities of studying their habits in a state of nature. Much has been cleared up, but much still remains hidden in mystery. What always puzzled me the most was (knowing as I did their breeding habits) how close the young foetus become attached to, or, more pro- perly speaking, grow on a teat, in a pouch outside the sto- mach. I have killed old doe kangaroos at all seasons, and always during the period of gestation havefound the young one tightly glued on to the teat by the mouth, even when scarcely so long as my finger. But I never by any chance found the rudiments of a young one inside the stomach. By some naturalists these marsupial animals are placed THE KANGAROO. 13 very low in the scale of the mammalia ; and, judging from their anatomical structure alone, this classification is probably correct. But some go so far as to contend that it is warranted by the deficiency of intelligence exhibited both in their habits and physiognomy. To this reasoning I decidedly object. The brain is not so fully developed as in the true mammal, and their anatomical structure and inward functions show an affinity to the " oviparous vertebrata;" in fact, they appear to form a sort of link in the chain of creation between a higher and lower class of animal. But, however peculiar and imperfect their formation may be, when compared to the higher mammalia, in every other respect they stand fully on a par. There is nothing monstrous or ill-shaped in their outward appearance, and I am sure that the coun- tenances of all, especially of the opossum and little native cat, are peculiarly intelligent. The habits of all are well adapted to their mode of life ; and any one who has had opportunities of watching them in a state of nature, will agree with me that no deficiency of instinct or intelli- gence is exhibited in any of their actions. The kangaroo I consider particularly gifted with all the attributes of a wild animal, fully equal to the deer in the senses of sight, hearing, and smell; and although the mode of progression may be different, in a mile race I should certainly " stand on" the kangaroo. It is my humble opinion that, as far as regards intelligence and instinct, the kangaroo, opossum, and native cat ol Australia, stand quite as high in the scale of creation 14 IfATTJBAL HISTORY SKETCHES. as the deer, hare, or ferret, of the old world ; and with regard to those most singular animals, the duck-billed platypus and spiny ant-eater, although their incongrui- ties of form are much more apparent, we shall find the formation of both well adapted to the habits of the two animals, the one of which passes the greater portion of its life under ground, the other under water ; and I cannot see that they are in any degree inferior to the mole or hedgehog of Europe. Geologists contend that these marsupial animals existed, in all probability, in the earlier periods, while the great work of creation was in progress, and before the true mammalia appeared on the stage; that they are, in fact, but an imperfect type of that class. Be this as it may, one thing is clear, that they alone have preserved their true character through ages, during which the earlier inhabitants of our earth have been swept away; and, unlike them, they appear to have been but little affected by the revolutions and changes which time has wrought in the aspect of our globe. And this very fact would, in my opinion, warrant us in assigning them a higher place than they now occupy. "When the joeys are strong runners, there is always a ready sale for them in town, as pets, at 1 each. They come into good season early in October, and may be caught up to Christmas. The best way to get them is to pick the old does out of the mob as they come lum- bering up with the joey in the pouch. As soon as the mother is shot down, run up, secure the young one, tie THE KANGABOO. ]_ej its hind legg, and put it into a bag, with a hole for the head to come out ; give it a little milk and flour mixed, at intervals of every four hours, out of a bottle, like a cade lamb, for the first few days. "Warmth is their prin- cipal requirement at first, and it is a good plan to put a weak joey into a bag lined with opossum-skins. Lay them out on the grass for a few hours in the middle of each day, and when they begin to nibble grass, they are fit for sale, or they may then be tethered out by day, near the tent, with a chain and collar. It is wonderful how fearless they are, and how soon they become tame. They make sweet little pets till they become too large ; they are very fond of warmth at all times, and when allowed to run loose, soon take charge of the whole place. They have a shrill chatter like a monkey when angry or frightened, and at times are very spiteful. The old doe kangaroo has but one young one at a birth, although there are three teats in the pouch, and they only breed once in the year ; but they certainly are very irregular in their seasons, for I have killed a strong running joey in July, and once shot an old doe in De- cember with a small joey on the teat. The general pairing season, however, appears to be about January or February, and the joeys, strong runners, in September. If ever the kangaroo is deemed worth preserving here, none should be killed from October until the following March, and even then the heavy does should be spared as much as possible. It would seem better, in the eyes of a sportsman at home, not to begin killing them till the 36 KATFBAL HISTOET SKETCHES. joeys could run, and to leave off just before the pairing season ; and in the old world this would be the proper arrangement. But here the autumn, instead of the spring, is the breeding season, and the winter the only time when any profit is attached to the chase of the kangaroo. The regular shooter will of course give them a rest after October ; for he has then the small game to occupy him. The carcasses are worth nothing for the market in the hot weather, and one winter's skin is better than two summer ones. Although, during the two seasons that I was kan- garooing, we spared neither age nor sex, but killed them at all times, I should have felt far better pleased, and shot with much more satisfaction, if I could have known that I was killing my game at fair and proper seasons. At present, the kangaroos appear to be regarded as nuisances in the bush, and every means are used to exterminate the race : they are snared, shot, and run down with hounds, just for the sake of killing them, and the carcasses left to rot in the forest. This does, indeed, seem a shameful waste of one of the bounties of nature. We scarcely ever now see a kangaroo within thirty miles of Melbourne, and they will soon become scarce even in the wilder country. I am hardly competent to judge how much damage they do to the grass in the wild districts. Of course, among cultivation, they must be far worse than the hare or rabbit at home, and no one can blame the farmer for trying all he can to get rid of them ; but in the large plains and forests, where THE KANGAEOO. 17 there are no more signs of the plough than in the deserts of Siberia, and where the pastures are not half stocked with cattle, one would imagine there was plenty of room for a few kangaroos. I cannot but think that the value of this animal is not yet properly appreciated : the leather is acknowledged to be finer than calf-skin, and the hides run nearly as large ; yet the dealers grumble to give more than Is. Qd. per skin ; and as for the meat, it is valued little more than carrion, and this in places where it can be got for nothing, while beef and mutton cost 5d. per Ib. If, however, the preservation of the kangaroo becomes a question between the occupier of the land and the shooter, and it, can be proved that they are injurious to the settler in the pastoral districts, I have nothing further to say on the subject ; but I do not think this is the case ; and it will, perhaps, be a matter of regret, at no very distant day, that the kangaroo, which, although not to be compared to the deer, is still a valuable animal, aftbrding good meat, and, to say the least of it, forming a very pretty and interesting feature in the Australian, forests, shall have become, like many animals and birds in the Old World, a theme of bygone days and a mere matter of history. Although harmless and inoffensive when unmolested, nature has furnished the kangaroo with a dreadful weapon of defence in the powerful hind claw, with which it can rip up a dog, like the tusk of a boar ; and I have seen a large kangaroo take up a powerful dog in its fore claws, bear-fashion, and try to bite it. I never but once had c 18 KATUBAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. one turn on me, and this was an old male which I had knocked down, and when I went up to it on the ground, it sprung up and came at me: he luckily fell from exhaustion as I stepped back. Like deer, when wounded, they will often take to water, and, if they get a dog in their claws at such a time, always try to drown it. But I do not believe in the fiction that they will carry a dog to a water-hole for that purpose. They are exceedingly tenacious of life, and, when wounded mortally;, will run for a long way, till they drop from internal hemorrhage. As soon as they are down, the best plan is to cut the throat ; and be very cautious, in going up to a kangaroo apparently dead, to keep out of reach of the hind foot, for, in the death-struggle, the kicks are often very dangerous. I have been twice knocked off my legs as clean as if bowled down by a cricket-ball ; but I was luckily, in both instances, close to the kangaroo, and was struck with the flat of the foot instead of the sharp claw. I never heard them utter any sound, except when wounded : their cry of pain is a loud hoarse groan. The best kangaroo-ground in Port Phillip is theWestern- port district, and begins about thirty-five miles south of Melbourne. Prom hence down to the Heads is a wide promontory, covered with deep forests intersected with plains, about forty miles long, bounded by Port-Phillip Bay on the one side, and Western-port Bay on the other. Here, such is the wild nature of the country, and so well is it adapted to the habits of the kangaroo, THE KANGAROO. ly that it seems as if they could never be shot out ; although, of course, as the country becomes more peopled, their numbers must decrease. During the two seasons I shot here, I am certain considerably more than 2,000 kangaroos were killed by our party and another within a very limited distance, and we were camped on the very edge of the good ground nearest to Melbourne. I fancy the great breeding-grounds lie back in the wild undisturbed forests and plains between this and the Heads, and perhaps they draw down, in a kind of migration, into the more open country. I know no kangaroo-ground at all on the other side of Melbourne within the same distance. The country there is principally plains, with little or no timber. A few small flocks are met with under the Dandenong ranges, and there is a good kangaroo-ground up by the Tarra; but, according to all accounts, no country near Melbourne is equal to the Western-port district for kangaroo. There are several methods of killing the kangaroo. Coursing them with kangaroo-hounds ; snaring them ; stalking them in the timber with rifles; and our old method, which is by far the best of any, planting three or four shooters in a line through the forest, and sending a man on horseback with dogs round the kangaroos, to drive them up to the guns. Coursing them with good hounds, in an open country, on horseback, is fair work and good sport for men who have not to get their living by the chase. It is, in fact, the aristocratic mode of kangarooing. The breed of c 2 20 NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. kangaroo-dogs in use out here, is a large broken-haired Scotch deer-hound ; the general colour red, or badger- pied. A good dog of this kind is valuable ; but we meet with so many cross-bred mongrels, that half the dogs which are called kangaroo-hounds are hardly worth their keep ; and I do think a lazy, half-starved, good-for-nothing kangaroo-dog is the biggest loafer one can see about a tent. A brace of good dogs will soon " stick up " a kangaroo in the open, if they start on fair terms, and in wet weather, when the ground is greasy, it is long odds against the kangaroo. In the beginning of winter, a three-parts grown kangaroo is easily ridden down. It requires a little judgment in a dog to pull down a kangaroo at full speed, and save itself from the hind claw. An old dog, up to this work, will run stride for stride with the kangaroo, and watching its chance, will spring at the neck, and throw it down on its side. A young dog generally manages to get in the way of the claw, but a deep cut or two soon teach it caution. The very best kangaroo-dog I ever knew, was an old im- ported snipe-nosed white Scotch deer-hound, such a one as Landseer loved to draw. He was worn out ; but although he had scarcely a tooth left, could manage a kangaroo single-handed, and his scars showed him an old warrior. We never used kangaroo-hounds for our work ; any bush- dog is soon taught to drive, a sheep-dog as well as any other ; and a kangaroo-hound would have been little use to us unless he would " show," i. e. lead us up to the dead kangaroo after he had killed it ; and such a dog is THE EANGAEOO. 21 scarce and valuable. For driving, a slow hound is better than a fast one. Snaring kangaroo -with a thick wire snare tied to a post or log, and set in their runs in the bush, or a pad- dock fence, answers well when a man is camped in a good country, and in regard to the skins, is better than shooting them. Snaring properly, however, requires no little skill and care, and an immense deal of attention. Snares set in the bush-runs are dangerous, on account of the cattle, and the kangaroo soon drops down to snares set in a fence. The snares should be visited night and morning, and a man cannot be sufficiently blamed, who sets his snares in the forest and neglects to see to them regularly ; for, independent of the chance there is of a cow or dog being hung up (and I have taken more than one valuable dog out of a snare), it is an act of the greatest cruelty to let a miserable kangaroo remain for hours in a snare, struggling to free itself. I have often shot a kangaroo which must have been snared for a day or two. In the summer time here, when the water-holes are drying up, the bullocks and cows often get stuck in the mud, where they remain to die in a state of the greatest misery, unless pulled out. Sometimes when fast in, the station-master will not give himself the trouble to pull them out ; and I once remember a miserable cow in a water-hole, on the plains, for ten days, which at length died there, although I told the owner of it. Had I shot it, I should probably have been blamed. I have also seen bullocks standing in a pen against a slaughter- 22 NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. house, without a drop of water, or any food, for days, under a burning sun. Surely this should be prevented. Stalking kangaroo in the forest, with a rifle, is, per- haps, the most sporting way of killing them. It has a good deal of excitement in it, and the skill of the shooter is fairly tested. We never used rifles when driving, on account of the danger of a stray ball in a mixed company. But I often used to "lurch" one on the feeding-grounds at night ; in fact, I could generally reckon on a couple of shots any evening, if I went the right way to work. It requires an ounce ball, at least, for this kind of shooting ; for often does the ball, especially a small one, pass right through the kangaroo without stopping it, unless it chances to hit a vital part. But stalking, except in the wildest bush, is dangerous work, if a man is not very careful ; and I had one or two narrow escapes myself in our forests from rifle-balls. I could any day kill a brace of kangaroo by walking through the thick forest, with the dogs driving them in all directions around me ; and this and stalking are the only methods which a man can adopt, unless his party is strong enough for driving. The great objection to this sport, however, is that the hind-quarter must be carried home at once to the tent, perhaps two or three miles through the forest, unless near some bush road or well- known spot, where it can be left " till called for." The approved method of preparing and carrying home a hind-quarter when killed, is to skin all the fore-quarter, and cut it away at the rib next below the kidneys, leaving THE KA^GAEOO. 23 them on the hind-quarter, to which the whole skin is left attached. Cut a hole through the skin at the neck, shove the tail through it, and drawing the skin up to the root of the tail, it will cover the belly of the hind-quarter. Hoist it up on your back, having a leg over each shoulder, the tail hanging down your back, with a leg in either hand in front ; and to any one following, you have the exact appearance of an Italian boy carrying a large monkey. It is wonderful how light a heavy hind-quarter rides when properly balanced this way. The insides and fore-quarters are of no use, and are left in the forest, a prey to the wild dogs and eagle-hawks. "When a party has adopted the pursuit of kangaroos as a regular trade, there is no plan like driving. But for this work there must, at least, be two guns, a driver, and a brace of dogs. If a couple of parties join, it is best, for they need not interfere with one another. Each one has his separate tent, and the game can be divided as agreed upon. "With us the driver had one share, and then every man took what he killed. The more guns there are the better is each man's chance of a shot. The dogs should not be too fast, and if they have a little music in them, all the better. In fact, if the driver has a horn and a deep- toned hound with him, it will much enliven the sport. Of course, there is one head man upon whom devolves the whole plan of the day's proceedings. The shooters start first, so that they may station themselves before the driver comes round the kangaroo. And one of the greatest secrets in driving is to give the shooters time 2i NATT7EAL HISTORY SKETCHES. enough to get well planted before the kangaroos come up. Of course the driver must know where the guns will be stationed, and a good knowledge of the country is indispensable to him. The shooters are planted across a certain portion of the wood, in a line, about 150 yards apart, each one choosing a good run, with the shelter of a tree or bush. The best plan for the shooter is to sit at the foot of a large tree, not to stand behind it, as I have seen many do ; and when the kangaroo are in sight, be very careful not to stir a limb, or even to move the gun, till they are well within shot. The driver goes round on horseback with the dogs, and when well round the kangaroo, he gallops on to them, and sends the mob right up to the shooters. On they come, crashing through the timber like a troop of cavalry, and " bang, bang," puts every one on the qui vive. Sometimes the mob breaks the line at one point, and only one man gets a shot ; but, after the first shot, they often divide, and run right down the line, when every gun pours in its broadside. Kangaroo-driving certainly beats deer- shooting in one respect ; for a man, who at all under- stands it, is sure to have three or four shots in the day. I always, if possible, like to be planted about the middle of the line, or else sneak right away down below all the other shooters, and never choose the first stand. It is a good plan, if a shooter sees the whole mob breaking the line together, to give them a shot, even if out of dis- tance ; for this will sometimes turn them down the line. I always had two guns ready, and have sometimes brought THE KAKGABOO. 25 down four at a drive. Never, on any account, run out from your stand after a wounded kangaroo until the whole mob is past (a very common trick with a green hand) ; for by so doing you will, perhaps, turn all the kangaroo out of shot, and in return will, most probably, call down many a left-handed blessing from your next neighbour, who was probably just picking out a fair shot, and only waiting till it came near enough. As soon as the drive is over, the shooters meet, and each man's shot is canvassed. " What's hit is history what's missed is mystery." I like to see the old hunter walk quietly up with one kangaroo over his shoulder, which he throws down without a remark, and turns back for a second, which he has left in the forest. Two or three may be seen struggling through the bush, pulling a heavy old man after them, while another is shouting for the driver to bring the dogs to track a wounded kan- garoo, which he is certain has not gone far ; to which request the driver, in general, pays very little attention, unless he knows his man. It not unfrequently happens that when the kangaroo come up in a line, the shooter gets two at a shot, and I have seen three brought down with one barrel. But the best " family shot " I ever saw, was made by my old mate. He shot right and left into a mob coming up to him, and got four old does, three of them with heavy "joeys " in the pouch ; so that he bagged seven kangaroos at the two shots. It is a good plan, if the kangaroos are coming up gently, to whistle, and they will often stop in a line, and hold up their 26 NATT7BAL HISTORY SKETCHES. heads like seals. The dead kangaroos are now collected, drawn to some bush-road or well-marked place, laid in a heap, a piece of white paper stuck over them, to keep off the vermin, and after just one pipe, the bushman's vade- mecum on all occasions, the party proceed to another plant. So the day goes on, drive after drive, till evening, when the dead kangaroo, after the fore-quarters are cut away, are brought home to the tent ; some on horseback, some on the hunters' shoulders. They are then skinned and dressed, the hind-quarters hung upon a gibbet, and the skins nailed out to dry. A hind-quarter will keep twice as long if skinned before it is hung up, than if hung up in the skin ; and if dressed in a work- manlike fashion, of course looks all the better for the market. Occasionally we were joined by some sporting friends from town, to whom the novelty of a few days' bush life adds double zest to the sport, and a grand battue then took place. These kangaroo battues always reminded me of the rabbit battues at home, when the keepers invite their friends for a day's rabbit-shooting in the forest. On such occasions all restraint is laid aside, every man is determined to be pleased, and the freedom of the sport is enjoyed alike by all, when all are on an equality. I can now recall to my mind's eye our head forest-ranger on the morning of such a day, in his rusty old bit of velveteen and white hat, coupling up dogs, bustling about, giving orders to the driver, laying down the plan of the day's proceedings, and greeting us with his THE KANGAEOO. 27 cheery welcome, " Come, gentlemen, we must show you some sport to-day." The evening of such a day is passed in all the free jollity of the bush. The chorus of many an old sporting song startles the magpies from their roost on the old gum-tree above the tent; anecdotes of days long past, and till now, perhaps, forgotten, while away the time, and it is not until the chairman passes the word, " Come, my lads, there's just a ' nobbier ' each, we'd better finish it, and turn in ready for the morning," that we cared to leave the camp fire. That sky must indeed be cloudy which never has one gleam of sunshine ; and these little re-unions on occasions like the present, of old sporting friends, form some of the pleasantest breaks in the monotony of the shooter's forest life. The great secret in kangaroo-shooting is never to be in a hurrv ; load with as much powder as your gun will stand, and never fire till the kangaroo is well within distance (I used to kill' more within twenty yards than over it), and aim well at the neck. No. 2 was my favourite-sized shot. Slugs fly too wide ; but for random shooting, a practice I never adopted, a few slugs mixed with the shot will bring down a kangaroo at a very long distance. The gun should be strong and heavy, and able to carry G drams of powder and 2 oz. of shot comfortably to the shoulder. I like Eley's green cartridge better than a bullet for kangarooing ; for I have seen so many carry the ball away and drop dead in the bush, where they often lie, of no good to any one ; and many a skin 23 NATURAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. have I got by seeing the old crows rise off a fresh-killed carcass in the forest. In stalking kangaroo single-handed, no doubt the man who can use a rifle well, and always hit the kangaroo in the head or heart, will kill more than with a smooth bore and shot ; but I am here alluding to driving, where there is no fear but that the kangaroo will come well within range. Nothing stops a kangaroo so surely as a charge of No. 2 thrown well into the neck, at about twenty yards ; and I certainly did like to see a brace of kangaroo at full speed rolled over by a clean double shot. I may mention, not with the slightest desire of boasting, that no one on the kangaroo-ground killed their shots cleaner or got more kangaroo in so few shots as myself. My motive in adverting to the fact is merely to prove that my theory of kangaroo-shooting is correct. Let them come near enough, and aim well at the neck. Moreover, the longer the distance the more the shots spread ; and it is easy to guess which skin is of the most value, one which the shots have entered in the neck like a ball, or one spotted all over with shot-holes like a colander. A kangaroo at full speed is by no means an easy shot, especially to a " new chum :" their peculiar jumping motion is very puzzling, and I always fancied it like shooting at a man hopping by steam. " Confound the looping beggars, I can't touch 'em at all," once observed an old deer-stalker to me (who had brought down many a red deer on his native hills), after missing three fair double shots at kangaroo in suc- cession. THE KANGAROO. 29 But I cannot say that I ever really fancied kangaroo- shooting much as a sport. There is a sameness in it when carried on month after month, which is very wearying, even if followed as an amusement ; and at the present prices a man is not sufficiently remunerated for his trouble if he follows it as a trade. Moreover, there was too much of the carcass-butcher about it to please me, and driving kangaroo is certainly one of the tamest of all field-sports. "When a man is hunting for his daily bread, he is justified in adopting the surest means of procuring it; the sport of the chase now becomes a business, and what would be deemed pot- hunting by the amateur, is looked upon as all fair by the professional shooter, who is perhaps guilty of many a poaching trick to obtain his game, which would be condemned in fair sporting. This, however, I thought nothing of, for I was shooting for my living and not for pleasure; but I never could reconcile to my mind the wholesale and wanton destruction of this animal which is now carried on all over the bush. Whenever I wanted a kangaroo for the body or the skin, I felt no compunction in killing it in whatever manner I best could ; but I never shot one wantonly, and it certainly used to go much against the grain when I saw a kangaroo pulled down by dogs and left to rot in the bush, and old does' shot with a heavy joey in the pouch, which is mercilessly torn out and its brains dashed out against a tree : with the exception of clubbing seals, this certainly did appear to be about the most barbarous 30 NATTTBAJi HISTOEY SKETCHES. work I ever joined in. There is, it is true, some excite- ment in a day's kangarooing to the man who only now and then joins in it, and the old hand often feels " his heart in his mouth " as the mob come up to him, thump- ing and crashing through the forest; and there is at times a good deal of boisterous merriment in the day's sport with a party of the right sort. But to me it always appeared like coursing at home, slow for an hour and dead for a minute; and although, when getting my living by shooting, I had to take everything in its turn, still I must say that I think I found less real sport in kangarooing than in any other kind of shooting. But men situated like myself must look to the profit of the chase, not to the sport alone ; and I think, on this head, kangaroo-shooting, if rightly followed, beats any other kind of winter shooting within the same distance of Melbourne. Duck-shooting certainly was the most profitable a few years ago, before the birds were shot out round Melbourne ; but now a man can hardly get his living by ducks, unless he shoots with a punt and big gun ; and even then he must go up the bay ; and for this purpose will require a sailing-boat. When we were kan- garooing, we used to sell our carcasses on the ground for 2s. Gd. each to a man who carried them up to Melbourne, and we had the skins, which were worth about 18s. per dozen : the hind-quarters in Melbourne are worth from Ss. to 10s. each, according to quality. Twenty-five we considered a fair two-horse load in the winter, and these we could easily get in four days : but we had the help of THE KASGABOO. 31 the man who bought the kangaroo of us, and the use of his horses for driving ; without this assistance we must have kept a horse ourselves, and had a third mate. A good many may always be sold on the ground, and a couple of men, if they were worth anything, ought to kill two dozen weekly, and they can live well in the bush for 1 per week. There are two great advantages attached to kangarooing : the shooters get their meat for nothing, and they " have their nights in," which the duck-shooters do not. But if ever I were going into kangarooing again, I would adopt a different system, and salt the hams instead of selling the carcasses ; I would try and get two good mates, buy an old horse, tent, and rations for six months, go up into a good country, shoot for the skins, and cure the hams. There would be, besides, a few joeys at 1 each, and opossum-skins always worth 5s. per dozen ; and if one of the party could skin and preserve any rare pretty birds they fell in with, a good many might always be sold. The receipt for curing kangaroo hams, which I had from a very old hand, was as follows ; and what few we made for home consumption were first rate, and ate as much like reindeer hams as anything I ever tasted: 15 Ibs. of salt, 2 Ibs. of treacle, 3 Ibs. of coarse sugar, 3 oz. of saltpetre, ^ Ib. of carbonate of soda, mixed cold in a tub, the brine strong enough to float a potato : don't boil the brine. The above quantity is sufficient for fifty hams. Cut the hams nicely into shape ; if the bone is taken out, the better for soaking, but the shape of the 32 TfATTJEAL HISTOET SKETCHES. bara is not so well. Soak the bams in tbe brine for five days, occasionally turning tbem : when properly soaked, bang tbem out to dry. If they are smoked, which adds much to their flavour, a proper smoking-bouse should be knocked up : a tent chimney will do. But you must only use green wood, and keep damping it, so that it does not blaze. I am sure I do not know what is the best wood to use here in smoking, for the juniper-bush does not grow in these forests: we used honeysuckle for what few we smoked. A hole dug in the ground, in which a fire of honeysuckle-cones and other rubbish is lighted, built over with a cone-shaped hut of tea-tree scrub, in which the hams should smoke for three or four days, will answer the purpose. It is always as well to have a tub of brine in every bush tent on the kangaroo- ground ; for the meat is much improved by lying in it for only a night, and in the summer, when meat will not keep, a slice of kangaroo ham and a little bit of bacon is no bad relish. To dry the meat without salt, cut it into long thin slices, light a large fire, and near this erect a frame of tea-tree poles. Place the flesh upon this frame, at such a distance from the fire that it will only dry up the juice : in about twenty-four hours the strips become hard and stiff, and will keep for months. This is the American mode of drying venison or buffalo. "We could, I dare say, have sold a good many hams at a much better profit than selling the carcasses whole as we did. Curing hams and drying skins requires a great THE WALLABY. 33 deal of attention ; and the dogs about a bush tent are generally the greatest thieves in the world, and take some looking after. The hams of the old-men kangaroo rarely turn out well. The Wallaby is a species of small brush kangaroo, about the size of a yearling kangaroo. The general colour is very dark brown, and the hair considerably coarser and longer than in the common kangaroo, which animal, however, it resembles exactly in shape and habits, and is, in fact, a miniature kangaroo. I never met with the wallaby on the mainland in these parts, but I believe they are common in certain places further inland : they abound, however, in the scrub on Phillip Island, in "Western-port Bay. They generally keep in the thick scrub, or on its edges, are easily shot in the runs, and this sport much resembles roe-deer shooting at home. The flesh is very good eating, and the skins worth 12s. to 14s. per do/en. The wallaby is very common in Van Diemen's Land, and on certain islands in the strait. This is the common wallaby, the only one which ever I saw wild ; but there is another species peculiar to some of the high ranges inland, called the rock wallaby. This is described as being a shy, solitary animal, generally seen in pairs ; is rather larger than the common species, and has a slightly brush tail. In habits it resembles the chamois, frequenting the most inaccessible ranges, and living among the rocks. It is very difficult to shoot ; and this sport must be something like chamois* hunting. 34 NATURAL HISTOET SKETCHES. There are several varieties of kangaroo in colour, those from the north being much lighter than our kangaroo; but I cannot say how many different species are met with throughout the country. THE "WILD DOO. 35 CHAPTER II. THE WILD DOG THE NATIVE BEAR THE WOMBAT. THE Wild Dog, warrigal, or dingo, is met with in all the thick forests, deeply-scrubbed gullies, in belts of timber boi'dering on the large plains, and in patches of tea-tree on the plains themselves, throughout the whole country, of course commonest in the most unfrequented districts, and is the only large wild animal of prey at present known in Australia. Shy and retired in its habits, the wild dog is rarely seen by day, unless dis- turbed, lying up generally in thick patches of tea-tree scrub till evening sets in, when, like the wolf and fox of the old world, they roam abroad in search of prey. In habits the wild dog appears to resemble the European fox much more than the wolf. Its shape, colour, and general appearance, is that of a fox, although much thicker and larger, and the colour is generally brighter red ; but the pricked ears, sharp nose, bright eye, and thick brush, all strongly remind us of " old reynard." It is, however, taller and heavier, and altogether a much bolder and finer-looking animal. The colour is usually light red, but there is a beautiful variety nearly black, which is, however, rare, and, like the black fox of northern Europe, only occasionally found in a litter of red cubs. The cry D 2 36 NATURAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. of the wild dog at night is a long dismal howl, very much resembling the horrid cry of the Swedish wolf, echoing through the forests, making" night hideous ;" and some- times a small pack would come sweeping by our camp- fire at night after kangaroo, and the chorus was then very fine, when all else was still. The wild bitch brings forth from four to six cubs, like the domestic bitch, generally in a large hollow log or old tree-root. Unlike the wolf, they rarely hunt in large packs, and if, by chance, four or five are seen together, I fancy it is an old bitch and her cubs : I have, however, heard stock-riders say that they have sometimes seen a large drove congre- gated over a dead carcass on the plains up country. They appeared to be much more common in our forests during the winter than in the summer, and this is also the case with the northern wolf: we had no lack of them on the kangaroo-ground, attracted, doubtless, by the carcasses that strewed the forests; and if ever we left a dead kangaroo out at night, it was pretty sure to be half eaten by morning. I believe the wild dog was never known to attack man, nor will they molest horned cattle, unless it be a cow in the act of parturition, when they will sometimes eat away the calf. Their chief food appears to be kangaroo, sheep, all bush animals, and ofi'al, and birds ; and when kept on the chain, they are " death upon " any fowls which come within their reach. They are a fearful scourge to the settlers on the large sheep- runs up the country ; for, strictly as the fold may be guarded at night, a wild dog or two will occasionally THE WILD DOG. 37 creep in, and kill and maim many of the sheep ; for, like the common dog which takes to worrying sheep, they will bite and tear perhaps a dozeu to every one that they kill ; and this is not the worst ; for the sheep will often break fold, and, frightened to death, scattering themselves over the bush, may not be recovered again for days. There is a kind of venom attached to the bite of the wild dog ; for the wound always festers, and sometimes morti- fication takes place : the bush remedy is to rub a little salt into the bitten part. Like the Ishmaelite of old, every man's hand is against them ; they are shot, snared, and run down bv kangaroo-dogs, whenever they can be met with ; but the most certain way of getting rid of them is by poison. Take a small piece of meat, cut a slit in it, and insert as much strychnine as will cover the end of the blade of a penknife ; hang it up by a string to a twig about a foot or eighteen inches from the ground. The dog never goes far to die after taking this bait ; but they will carry arsenic a long way. They are difficult to shoot, being very wary ; and there is no regular method of hunting them carried on here : what are killed, are shot, worried by bush-dogs, or poisoned. The wild dog will often breed with the tame bush-dog, and the cross is generally larger and savager than the original breed. I recollect one morning about daylight going out of my tent and seeing a wild bitch with all our dogs playing round her. She made off into the forest when she saw me. One of our dogs followed her, and came back after three days, bitten all to pieces. The 88 NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. wild dogs are cowardly by nature, but -when brought to bay, they make a hard fight of it, and it will give a good bush-dog all his work to do to kill one single- handed : they snap like a wolf. When the distemper raged so fearfully a few years ago among the domestic dogs out here, it extended also to the wild dogs, and scores were found dead in the bush. Although called the untamable dog of New South "Wales, I have seen them to all appearance as tame as the domestic dog, and I knew a shepherd who had one which followed him about like a sheep-dog. But they are never to be trusted, nor do I fancy that they can ever be made of any use to man, either for guarding or any other purpose. The only bark I ever heard one utter, was a kind of "yap yap," after a long howl. The Koala or Native Bear of Australia is also a pouched animal, and from its sluggish habits is sometimes called the Australian sloth, about the size of a large poodle dog, of a light gray colour, with white throat and rump, and no tail ; and a very comical-looking fellow he is, with his round bald face, small black eyes, and square fringed ears. The skin is very thick, and tans to an excellent leather ; the fur short and close. The legs are very powerful, and the claws long and sharp. It is lazy and sluggish, but an inoffensive animal, subsisting principally upon green leaves, and is purely herbivorous. It lives in hollow trees, and is not strictly nocturnal in its habits, for we often killed them by day. I generally found them most com- mon about the end of autumn, and used chiefly to see THE WOMBAT. 39 them in the evening crawling about the top branches of the large gum-trees, often with a young one perched upon the rump. The habits of very few of the animals here are diurnal, and we meet none in the Australian forests by day (except it has been disturbed from its lair), with the exception of the kangaroo or an old bear. The bear must be considered as representing the monkey, of which animal we have none here; a circumstance I rather wondered at, considering the wooded nature of the cointry and the fine climate. The bear makes a poor figure on the ground, but will soon get up to the top of the highest tree. They are extremely difficult to shoot, 01 account of the thick hide ; and it is cruelty to shoot at them with shot, if they are any height up a tree ; bu~, a bullet brings them down " by the run." The flesh is ?atable not unlike that of the northern bear in taste. It is considered a delicacy by the blacks. I always fcund the bear singly. They have a loud hoarse groan or cry, which they utter when frightened or wounded. The Wtmbat is analogous to the badger, and common in most oi the sandstone ranges in the country, where they live ii deep burrows, like the badger at home. It is a thick, chubby animal, much larger than the native bear, of a iniform brown colour, with short strong legs. The skin i; of little use as a fur, for the hair is short and bristly. Tie habits of the wombat are strictly terrestrial, and it is ra-ely seen by day. The flesh is eatable. It is an inoffensive animal, living chiefly on herbs and roots. 40 3TATTJHAL HISTOET SKETCHES. CHAPTEE III. THE OPOSSUM THE RING-TAIL THE FLYING SQUIRREL THE TXJEB- CAT THE NATIVE CAT THE KANGAROO BAT THE BANDICOTE SMALL BUSH ANIMALS THE FLYING MOUSE THE PLATYPUS THE SPINY ANT-EATER DOMESTIC CATTLE. Two species of so-called opossum were common in our forests : the large Silver Opossum and the little Stiff-tail. "Wherever the gum or peppermint trees grow to an; age or size, there you will always find the large opossum; of course, much more numerous in some localities thai others, and generally in the vicinity of water. The silver opossum is something in the size and shape of a large cat but the tail is long, black, and brushy, the undersice being covered with black skin instead of hair. The leeth are not carnivorous, but the front teeth are long. The toes have long sharp claws, and it has a blunt thumb on each hind foot. The nose is pointed, the face rmnd, the countenance mild, the ears large and pricked A full- grown opossum will weigh about 10 Ibs. Unlike the kangaroo, the opossum can curl its tail, and if |in falling, a dying opossum catches it round a branch, (it dies in that position, and there hangs. The skins vaiy much in colour, from a dark black-brown, which species is pe- culiar to Van Diemen's Land, where the opossums are larger and handsomer than in Port Phillip, to a light THE OPOSSUM. 41 silvery gray, with a reddish tinge on the belly, the common colour of our opossums ; the shades, however, varying much ; and we also had a variety dark reddish- brown throughout. When in full fur, the skin is very handsome, and has many rich tints. The opossum lives by day in the holes of the large gum-trees, and comes down at night to feed. Their principal food consists of green leaves, grass, vegetables, bread ; and I believe they can also eat cooked meat. They are very partial to the leaves of the peppermint gum, which gives their flesh a rank taste. Their flesh, however, is eatable, for the blacks principally live upon it ; and their method of cooking and eating opossum is primitive and disgusting. They throw- it on to the coals, with the skin on and the entrails in, and when warmed through, tear it to pieces with their hands and teeth. There were few bush-animals and birds which we could not digest, but a tough old opossum beat us. The flesh of the little ring-tail is much more white and palatable, and if served up with rabbit-sauce, would be no bad substitute for rabbit. An opossum just warmed through on the coals is, however, the finest food for dogs. They come down to feed a little after sundown, and remain out till the laughing jackass sounds his morning call. As may be imagined, they are very destructive to bush gardens. The opossum is very nimble in its motions, and when the trees are high, is soon out of gun-shot, especially if the first shot does not bring it down. The only purpose for which we used to shoot them was for the skins, and as food for the 42 KATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. dogs. The skins are worth about 5s. per dozen : they are in best fur during the winter ; in the summer the hair is all scratched off the rump, I could never account for the cause rightly. It is a curious fact, that the hair easily comes off a fresh-killed opossum ; and when shoot- ing for the skins, one must be very careful not to pull the opossum about till cold. I have seen the fur stripped off the whole body, just like a scalded pig. I fancy that the opossums come down from the ranges much in the autumn in a kind of migration to the low country, at least I often used to find them about the end of autumn thick in some places a few miles from the ranges, where, in the summer, they were very rare. They have a loud call, something between a scream and a chatter, which we used to hear much in the forests, especially during the pairing season. The opossum has usually but one young one at a birth ; I have, however, more than once taken two from the pouch. The young one, at first, is red-coloured. The females breed but once in the year. Every bush-dog has, to use a colonial phrase, " a rank down" on the opossum, and will hunt them up or find them in the trees at night, and stand barking under them till the shooter comes up. The opossum then acts very foolishly, for it will often only just run up out of reach of the dog, at which it will sit swearing, after the manner of a cat, without at all noticing the shooter below. A still night, after rain, with a moon just over the tree-tops, is the right night for 'possum-shooting. They are, however, very irregular in coming out, for in THE OPOSSUM. 43 gome nights you may beat the wood through and scarcely find any, while on another night you will perhaps find dozens in the same trees; but on damp nights they are sure to be out. When the moon only gives a doubtful light, they are not easy to see, especially in the thick trees ; the only plan then is to get the tree well between you and the moon, and run your eye along each limb in the moon's rays. The ears of the opossum sticking up will often betray it, for they sit very still, doubled up on the branch, often in a cleft. When the night was clear and the trees bare, I never cared to have a dog with me ; for let it be ever so well broken, a dog will have an occasional snap at the opossum on the ground, unless it falls stone dead ; and the least blemish on the back spoils the skin. The shooter must be careful how he handles a wounded opossum. Hawker says, in his Instructions to Sportsmen : " Beware of a wounded coot, it will scratch you like a cat." I can say the same of a wounded opossum ; and I have seen one fasten on a dog so tightly with its teeth as to be with difficulty shaken off. A pea-rifle is better than a gun to shoot opossums with, but be sure to take them in the head, or the bullet-hole will spoil the skin. The most I ever shot in one night was at a place called the " Banging Water-holes," near Dandenong : the trees were old and bare ; the night still and clear. I killed ninety-three. This was an unusual occurrence ; but a man may always with little trouble kill a dozen on any night in the forests where the opossums are at all thick. 44 NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. The best rugs are those which come from Van Die- men's Land, made by the shepherds of snared skins ; and as these can be bought in Melbourne, properly dressed and tanned, for about 50s. each, it is hardly worth making them here for sale : still, every bushman should make one for his own use ; for of all the coverings in dry cold weather, an opossum-skin rug is the best, as I can well testify; for, the winter after leaving Australia I spent in Sweden, and many a night, when the cold north wind came howling through the pine forests, dashing the snow and sleet against my window, the temperature of the air many degrees below zero, I used to wrap myself in my old opossum-rug and contrast the wild inclemency of the northern winter with the sunny and cloudless skies under which I secured these skins. If any blacks are handy, it is best to get them to sew the skins, for a black's rug beats any other. It takes about eighty skins to make a good rug, and I have seen a hundred and twenty used : of course, if the belly is used, much fewer will do ; but although the red colour gives the rug a rich appearance, the skins are always thinner in this part. It is best to tan the skins by throwing them, wJien green, for three days, into a tub Avith a strong decoction of cold boiled wattle-bark before stretching them. A good rug should be at least eight feet by six, and when lined and bound, it has a very rich appearance. To dry the skins, nail them out against a tree with the fleshy side to the sun, and they will dry in a day. As the back is the best part, stretch the skins long but not broadwise : the more THE OPOSSUM. 45 they are stretched of course the thinner they are. In cutting them out for a rug, try and get them as much of a size as possible ; mark out the square, and cut the skin with a sharp knife inside, not laid on a board, or you will cut the hair. When sewing them, use the carpet- stitch, i. e. turn down the edges of the skins and sew through them double. The blacks score the inside of their skins with a kind of hieroglyphic, and I have seen one marked representing a chart or map. This much softens the skins. The proper way to prepare any skins, sucli as opossum, native cat, flying squirrels, &c., for the furrier, is to adopt the plan that we used in Sweden with the foxes' skins. "When skinning the animal, don't open it down the belly, but make an incision across the vent up each hind leg as far as the second joint ; cut through the legs and root of the tail, and draw the body out of the skin, like skinning an eel ; skin the head out right down to the nose ; slit down the feet to the toes, taking out the leg-bones, and draw out the tail-bone. The skin is now turned inside out. Cut a flat piece of wood as broad as the body, but longer; point the nose end a little, and thrust it into the skin down to the nose, draw- ing the skin smoothly and tightly over it. Nail the ends of the skin at the tail to the board, put two cross-sticks into the legs to stretch them, and hang it up to dry. As soon as it is partially dry, draw out the board, turn the skin the hair side out, and put the board in again ; don't let the skin get too dry before you turn it, or you will nave a difficulty in doing so. The reason you should 46 NATTJBAL HISTOBY SKETCHES. put the board in on the fur side first, is that the skin may not fasten hard on to the board, which it would do if the board was put in to the fleshy side first ; but I fancy, if the board was well greased, it would not stick. A little wood-ashes rubbed on the fleshy part of the skin, assists much in drying it ; and I have often found wood-ashes, sifted fine, an excellent preservative both for animals and bird skins, when no poison was at hand. The Ring-tail Opossum is much smaller, scarcely half the size of the common opossum. The general colour is a plain dark brown, often with a very red tinge ; the breast and belly pure white, the fur short and close, more bristly, and the skins are worth little or nothing for rugs. The tail is long and bare, like a rat's, with a white tip on the end. It is a pretty little animal, and soon becomes tame. They principally frequent thick tea-tree scrub, where they live in small colonies, building a drey like the squirrel at home. You do, however, occasionally at night find them in the gum-trees with the others, but they are nowhere so common as the large opossum. I have Occasionally taken three young ones from the pouch of a ring-tail. Besides these, there are many Australian opossums, or Phalangists, as they are more rightly called. We had two species of flying squirrel in our forests, the large black and white, or Ma^ie Squirrel, or Plying Pox, and the little Sugar Squirrel, or " Tooan " of the natives. The magpie squirrel was rare in our district. It is principally found, I think, in the high Stringy-bark ranges, and they abound in the ranges on the Gripps- land road. Strange to say, no opossums are found there. THE LITTLE BUGAE SQTJIBBEL. 47 I fancy the opossum is more partial to the peppermint and gums, and perhaps the same localities do not suit both. The large squirrel is of a dirty brown and white colour, the fur much coarser than that of the little sugar squirrel ; the body itself is not very large, but I have seen them two feet long from the nose to the tip of the tail, and about a foot broad when the wings are spread out. These wings are nothing more than a fine flap of skin, which extends the whole length of the body on each side, and expands when stretched out to the toes of each foot. They certainly cannot fly, but they can float through the air for a long distance, always in a downward direction ; and this is how they puzzle the dogs ; for while they are barking under the tree, the squirrel floats out on the other side to the bottom of the next tree, which it soon runs up, and thus gives its enemy the slip. The cry of the big squirrel is a loud piercing scream. The little Sugar Squirrel is not at all uncommon among the honeysuckle and small gums in all the forests, but is very difficult to shoot, on account of its small size and the thickness of the trees it generally frequents. It is a pretty little animal, about six inches long in the body, and the tail, which is flat and brushy, nearly the length of the body. The colour is light gray, white un- derneath, and the fur is beautifully soft and valuable, being a real chinchilla. They live by day in the holes of trees, and, like the opossum, come out at night to feed. The wing is about an inch and a half broad on each aide. The little squirrel has four young ones at a birth, 48 KATUHAL HISTORY SKETCHES. and I think breeds but once in the year. I don't know how it is with the wild dog, but I fancy none of the bush animals here have more than one litter in the year. The little squirrel is not gregarious, but generally dispersed in pairs throughout the forests. These animals are not true squirrels but belong to the Petaurists. The Cuscus or Tiger-Cat is rather a rare animal, very like the British polecat in shape and size ; and I fancy, like that animal, it lives much by the side of the creeks and swamps. It is sparingly dispersed over the thick bush, and I generally found them singly. The colour is deep chocolate-brown, irregularly spotted with white, and the tail, which is long and thin, is also spotted. It is strictly carnivorous ; but the hind foot has a thumb, like the opos- sum. It is a shy, solitary animal, and rarely seen, although I have oftener killed them by day than night. They must be very destructive to the small game in the bush. One of the commonest of all the bush animals is the little Native Cat or Dasyure, a pretty little animal, about the shape and size of a ferret ; but the nose is sharper, the ears are large and pricked, and the tail is long and brushy, nearly the length of the body. The general colour is light sandy brown, with white spots ; but there is a beautiful variety, jet black spotted with white. This, however, is rare and very local, and, unlike the black variety of the wild dog, is a distinct species ; and a black- and-white spotted cat is never found among a litter of sandy ones. The native cat is a small beast of prey, very destructive to birds, especially poultry, and eggs. THE DOMESTIC CAT. 49 They are common throughout the whole bush, living by day in hollow logs, old dead log fences, and holes in the ground, and at night they come out to feed on the ground ; and the dogs, when hunting, generally run them up the small shey oaks and honeysuckles. Tou rarely see a wild cat up a gum-tree. They much frequent the belts of timber on the edges of the swamps ; and I have often killed them on the beach by moonlight, coming down, no doubt, to look after the dead fish washed ashore. The little native cat is one of the most prolific animals in the bush, and I have often killed six young ones in a nest. It is marsupial ; but, unlike the rest of these animals, does not appear to carry the young much in the pouch after they have left the teat. They are not at all shy ; are very easily caught in any kind of trap baited with meat. A common figure of 4 trap is the one generally used in the bush. The Domestic Cat sometimes wanders away from a station and turns bushranger ; and certainly the largest cat that I ever saw in my life was a large black and white one which I killed in a honeysuckle scrub here. He must have been the very Nestor of colonial cats. I re- collect when a common cat would fetch a 5 note here. Now, however, they are at a discount. Tou rarely see a cat about a bush tent. I fancy a tent is hardly comfort- able enough for " pussey." Among the Laplanders, as long as they dwell in houses, the cat lives with them, but it rarely follows the wandering tribes that lead a bush life with their reindeer upon the northern fells. 50 NATUBAIi HISTORY SKETCHES. I do not believe that there is any land rat indigenous to this country, except the bush rat ; but of course the common gray Norwegian rat has found its way to Mel- bourne, and swarms in all the back-alleys and by-streets of that town. The little mouse has also been implanted: both are to be met with about the towns as common as in England, but we rarely see either in the bush. The Flying Mouse is certainly the most beautiful little animal in the colony ; not so large as the smallest British shrew-mouse, of a rich light brown colour above, white underneath. It is a perfect flying squirrel in miniature, but the tail is flat and feathered. It is rare, and very local, and, on account of its size, is seldom seen. They sometimes come into the bush tents, and I have seen a family of young ones taken out of a hollow tree. Two other small bush animals, the Kangaroo Eat (putchook) and the Bandicote (boo), in these woods sup- plied the place of the hare and rabbit at home. They were both excellent eating, and common throughout the whole bush. The kangaroo rat is about the size of a three-parts-grown rabbit, but more slender, in shape like a rat ; the colour light brown, with sometimes a very red tinge ; the tail long, thick, blunt, and bare, tipped with white. The hind legs are very long, like those of the kangaroo, and the feet are the same ; but they run on all fours. They are pretty generally dispersed over all the forests, live in tussocks of grass on dry rises, and when the dogs bolt them, are very pretty snap-shooting THE BANDICOTE. 51 up the country. They call our kangaroo rat the Paddy Mellan, and describe the real kangaroo rat as being nearly the size of a wallaby, and running on all fours. If such an animal does exist, I never saw it. "We used to call a species of wallaby, or small yellow-bellied kan- garoo, which is, I believe, found on Phillip Island, the Paddy Mellan. The bandicote is a large species of bush rat, in shape and appearance resembling a very large shrew-mouse, but nearly double the size of a common English rat. We had, I fancy, two species ; at least, we used to kill a large bush-rat of a dark brown colour, with very bristly hair, much resembling the animal which we called the common bandicote. This latter was, however, much the commonest, of a light brown colour, the rump striped with white crosswise ; the under parts white, and the hind foot in shape like that of the kangaroo. They are generally found in hollow logs, and a bush-dog here has plenty of work in examining every dead log or fallen tree that it comes to, in the hopes of finding a bandicote or native cat. Both the bandicote and kangaroo rat have more than one young one at a birth ; but, like the other bush animals, only breed once in the year. There are various smaller bush animals, such as field-mice and. rats, to which I paid very little attention. "We used to kill a large species of water-rat in the creeks, and occasionally on the coast, with a dark brown body, yellow belly, and blunt tail, tipped with white, which we called the Beaver Eat, It is a little larger than the E 2 52 NATUEAL HISTOET SKETCHES. common water-rat, and the feet are large and flat. The skin is beautifully soft, and, I believe, valuable. The duck-billed platypus, or water-mole, as it is called here, is found in the Yarra, the Exe, and many of the streams to the north and east of Melbourne, but I never met with it in the Western-port district. It is also com- mon in many of the inland streams, and not rare in the Saw-mill Creek, on the Dandenong ranges. They are remarkably shy animals, and rarely seen, except at evening, when they come up to the top of the water, and look like so many black bottles floating on the surface, and sink down directly, if alarmed. They only are found in fresh water, and I never saw them in any still detached water-holes. They may be shot by quietly watching the stream in the evening, and will take a bait, as a small piece of potato on a hook. The singular form of the platypus must be well known to all ; for the OrnithorJiyncJtus paradoxus of New Hol- land has long ranked among the wonders of the world. I have generally seen them 1 foot to 18 inches long, and the shovel-bill 2 inches ; the colour dark brown, the fur stiff and bristly, and I never saw the skins used for any other purpose than making tobacco-pouches. The tail is short, the bod} broad and flat, and the whole appearance of the animal betokens its mode of life. Although gregarious, I do not think they live in colonies, but each pair occupy a hole in the bank, often a long way under ground. I think they are amphibious, but I never saw them basking on the bank, and the position of THE DUCK-BILLED PLATYPUS. 53 their feet is not formed for -walking on land. The foot is broad and -webbed, the hind one turned outwards, and the male has a sharp spur on it, which is said to be poisonous : I fancy not. The eyes are scarcely percep- tible, and the absence of teeth is compensated for by two horny projections at the root of the tongue, which are doubtless used by the animal in crushing the mol- lusca, on which it feeds. It is certainly a singular-looking animal, and when first discovered, as its name denotes, was, I have no doubt, considered a paradox ; but as science more clearly develops the hidden mysteries of nature, many a paradox, when viewed in the right light, is cleared up ; and when we consider the habits of the platypus, we shall see nothing so very wonderful in its formation. The shape of the body is well adapted to the habits of an animal the greater portion of whose life is spent under water. The powerful webbed foot is scarcely more singular than that of the mole, and is used by the platypus as a propeller, in the same manner as the flat shovel- foot is used by the mole, for a spade. The beak, or shovel-nose, is no more singular than the trunk of the elephant or the snout of the tapir, and peculiarly adapted for shovelling up shells, &c. from the bottom of the stream. The beak, the web-foot, and the peculiar conformation of the collar-bone, and its habits of breeding, certainly show some affinity to the bird ; but here all resemblance ends. As to the idea of its laying eggs, that has long 54 NATTJEAL HISTORY SKETCHES. been exploded : they are clearly mammals, for the female has teats. Strange as the forms of all these animals appear to us, we may depend upon it that they still exist for some good reason, and we are hardly justified in regarding as monstrosities any peculiarities in the works of nature which we cannot understand. We had a curious species of hedgehog, or ant-eater, common on all the dry sandy rises in the Western-port district, the Echidna or Spiny Ant-eater of naturalists, about three times as large as the common European hedgehog, with sharp quills, about two inches long, a long tapering snout, similar to the beak of the platypus, but round and thin. And here, again, we see how well nature has adapted the outward form to the habits of every animal. It had the tongue of the true ant-eater, very similar to that of the woodpecker, and large burrowing feet like the mole. They live under-ground, very near the surface, and the dogs find, and quickly grub them out. I never saw one above ground except when caught. It is surprising how soon they can work their way into the ground out of sight ; and when once down, it requires all the force of one man, with a spade, to prize them up. This animal belongs to the same class as the platypus, by naturalists called monotremata, peculiar only to Aus- tralia. They stand the very lowest of all the mammalia. I could never identify more than three species of Bat in our parts, and this little animal was by no means so common as I should have imagined, in a country abound- THE DEVIL-DEVIL. 55 ing, as this does, with hollow decayed trees. Our com- mon bat was a little larger than the large variety of British bat, and we had two smaller species. The great vampyre-bat is, I believe, met with in the Straits ; but I never saw one, although I have heard of its being killed near Melbourne. The most extraordinary shot I ever made in my life was here, when I shot a bat and a large moth at a right-and-left shot. Two other animals the Devil-Demi, and the mys- terious Bunyip are met with at the present day in the wild swamps of Gipps' Land, according to the blacks. I need scarcely say that I never saw either. From what I can learn, there is a small species of panther, or wild cat, in Van Diemen's Land, which the blacks call the devil- devil, but it is not met with here ; and as to the bunyip, I suspect it exists only in the imagination of the abori- gines. Still I have heard old hands affirm, with the most extravagant oaths, such as an old hand only can invent, that they have stood face to face with the bunyip in tea- tree scrub ; and they describe it as a large animal, like a polled cow, with carnivorous teeth. On some of the islands in Western-port Bay, and along the coast, the common wild English rabbit has been turned out, and thriven well ; and I believe, in many places out here, a rabbit-warren, properly looked after, would pay better than any cultivation. There is much poor hungry soil in Port Phillip, which is of little use for the plough, and less for pasture, mostly scrub and sand, but where many English esculents would grow, if planted 56 NATURAL HISTOET SKETCHES. wild, for the rabbits to feed on. The rabbits could always be sold in Melbourne for good prices. The native cats and hawks would be their worst enemies ; but a small warren could be well looked after, and would, I am sure, P a y- The deer has been introduced into Van Diemen's Land, and lias done well in confinement ; and I fancy, if turned loose, would thrive here. I recollect one fallow-deer, which had somehow or other become loose, used to run wild at the foot of the Dandenong ranges, and has more than once been seen heading a mob of kangaroo. There was a talk of importing some fallow-deer to turn out before the hounds here, and great was the cry against it. I should much like to know the difference between hunting a wild dog or a deer as " bagmen." It is true that the wild dog is generally torn to pieces, whereas the deer, in all probability, would be saved ; and that it does not break their hearts running them, is proved by the deer which are turned out, season after season, before the Queen's hounds in England. It has been suggested that the alpaca might be intro- duced into this country from South America, and turned out wild to usurp the place of the kangaroo. That they would thrive here I have no doubt, and I believe they have been already kept in confinement. But if the experiment is to be tried on a large scale, I do not think it would answer at first to turn such a valuable animal loose as /me natures. As long as they were kept in pad- docks, and looked after like sheep, they would be private DOMESTIC CATTLE. 57 property ; but if once they were turned loose, they would be anybody's game ; and I do not see how they could be preserved sufficiently to allow them to gain head in the country. Nor do I fancy, wild as Port Phillip may be in some parts, it is, anywhere in the settled districts, so inaccessible as the native home of the alpaca. There is no particular wild breed of cattle, horses, or sheep, indigenous to Australia. In fact, it would appear that this immense island had been left a barren waste upon the face of the globe, until its hidden resources should be developed by the skill and perseverance of civilized man ; for so genial is its climate, and so peculiar its soil, that almost any animal or plant will thrive here, no matter from what part of the world it is imported. And this very fact, now clearly proved, goes far to refute the argument that Australia is a country fitted by nature only as a residence for the lowest class of animals, the marsupial. "Whether or not, as has been hinted by a modern author, this land is as yet only in a primitive era, and may still be subjected to those changes which the study of geology proves to have taken place in the old world, must, of course, remain a vague hypothesis. In some parts of the country, up the Bass Kiver for instance, large mobs of cattle breed in the bush, roam the forests, without a brand, as wild as any on the plains of the Brazils, or the South-American Andes. I never cared to meet what they call the tame cattle here in the bush, notwithstanding even the stockman's guarantee, " Oh, they won't hurt you." And this reminds me of a 58 NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. very unpleasant situation in which I was once placed when going over Sir M. ~W. Ridley's kennels at Blagdon, Northumberland. Of course I was accompanied by old Fenwick Hunnum, the feeder. While we were looking at the bitch pack, a quarrel broke out in the dog-kennel, and the old boy slipped out to quell the riot, quietly observing, as he shut the door behind him, leaving me alone with the bitches " They won't hurt you, I expect." They certainly did not hurt me ; but the way in which they came sniffing round me with their bristles up, one every now and then uttering a low growl, was anything but pleasant; and I was glad enough when the old man came back and exultingly remarked, with a grin on his old foxy face, " I told you they would not hurt you." Many of these so-called tame cattle are dangerous, especially the cows, which calve in the forest, plant their calves, and go a little distance off to feed, and old working bullocks: I believe here the bulls are the most harmless. I did not so much mind them in the timber, for a man has a chance of getting behind or up a tree (I was once stuck up a whole night in a honeysuckle). But I always looked out on the plains, and whenever I saw a bullock stand sulking by itself, I always gave it a wide berth ; such a one is generally " a Eoosiau." Of course, with a gun a man has not so much to fear, but a charge of shot will often not stop a rushing bullock. One would not like to shoot a bullock on a run ; but better kill him than DOMESTIC CATTLE. * 59 he kill you, and I always had a, bullet in my pocket ready to slip in in case of need. I always found a good large dog the best protection. It appears that the first convict-ships which came to these shores, in 1788, brought out with them one bull, one bull calf, four cows, one stallion, three mares, and three foals; and from these have sprung the immense mobs of cattle and horses which now wander over the forests and plains of Victoria. According to the " British Farmer's Magazine," it seems that in 1851 there were 390,000 horned cattle, and 16,500 horses in Victoria; and the sheep in this colony, which, in 1838 numbered three millions, had increased to five millions. It is most probable that the sheep were introduced into Victoria from the older colonies. In 1788 the first sheep were imported into Sydney from India; the number originally brought in was twenty-nine. These, in 1803, had in- creased to 10,000, and in 1846 to nearly seven millions. In 1807, the export of wool from Australia to England was but 245 Ibs., and in 1855 it had reached forty millions of pounds ; which, coupled with its annual ten tons of gold, ought to render this country one of the richest in the world. I have, I believe, above noticed all the common bush animals of Victoria. In the wilder parts, some other species are, no doubt, met with ; but these are all I know. It will be seen that there is very poor encouragement for the fur-hunter out here ; but at the same time there is 60 - JTATUBAL HISTOBY SKETCHES. not a single wild animal in the forests which the bushman need fear. We will now turn to the feathered game list, which we shall find richer both in species and individuals. THE EMIT. 61 CHAPTEE IV. THE EMU TEE WILD TDKKET THE LOWAN THE NATIVE PHEASANT. THE Emu, or as the natives call it, " Ourer," is also called the Australian cassowary and is the largest bird in the colony, but is now rarely met with in the settled dis- tricts, and I can say nothing of its habits from my own personal observation. It is by no means rare in many parts of the country ; but we must now look for the emu far back in the wild plains and extensive sheep-runs up country, which are rarely intruded upon by the presence of man, except it be a solitary shepherd or stock-rider. A small flock used to frequent the wild country round the kangaroo-ground, and during my stay there two were killed. They were not so very shy, and often came within range of the wood-splitters' tents. In habits and appear- ance the emu much resembles the ostrich ; but it is not nearly so large, and wants the fine tail and wing feathers peculiar to that bird. The general colour is brownish- black, the feathers long, and clothed with fibres like hair ; they can't fly, and are generally ridden down with kangaroo dogs. It is a very fat bird, and when boiled down, emu oil, like the shark's oil among fishermen, is the bushman's universal remedy for rheumatism and other bush coin- 62 NATUEAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. plaints. "When properly dressed, the skin makes a fine rug, which is very warm, and moreover, a bit of a " curio." A full-grown emu will stand above six feet, and I know that it takes two men to lift one on to a horse. The breeding habits of the emu differ from the ostrich ; at least, I once found two eggs, and they were not fresh, near Arthur's Seat, on the coast here. They lay open in a little hole in the ground, scraped among a heap of moss and rubbish in the forest. They were rather larger than a swan's egg, of a greenish-black colour. The Wild Turkey (gollopachin) is certainly entitled to the first place in the list of Australian game birds. It is a species of bustard, smaller, however, than the European bustard, and the male wants the moustache peculiar to that bird. The legs are not so long in proportion, it flies much better, and when in the air, rather resembles the common turkey. It is of a light gray colour, mottled and pencilled with black. An old male will weigh about 20 Ibs., a female 9 to 12. They generally frequent the plains and open moors, are partial to old sheep-folding grounds, and I have seen as many as twenty-seven feeding together on the wide open country towards Gelong. It is a very shy bird, and few are met with now in the neighbourhood of Melbourne, but they abound on the large sheep-stations up country ; they ge- nerally came into our district as stragglers, but an odd couple or so bred in the heather ; for I have often raised a single bird in the summer on an open moor ; and there were certain places where we could generally see three THE LOWAN. 63 or four feeding, about the autumn ; probably birds bred iu the neighbourhood. "What few I have seen killed were chance birds. It is next to impossible to get up to them on foot in the bare plains ; but like all other bush-game, they take little notice of a bullock-dray or horse, and are easily stalked under shelter of these. They generally fly low, and as they rarely alter their course, the best plan, if the shooter sees one flying up to him on the plains, is to stand still, and he will probably get a shot. The wild turkey is a fine-eating bird, and worth about 1 in Melbourne, but you rarely see one in the market; for where they do abound, nobody cares to shoot for profit, and what are killed find their way to the head station. They were very rare in the Western-port district : the country is too deeply tim- bered. The large open plains on the sheep-stations iu the interior are the peculiar home of the wild turkey. The Loioan, or native hen, is peculiar to the country in the vicinity of the " Mallee Scrub," in the interior, a species of dwarf gum, about 12 feet high, and smaller scrub, so tightly interlaced with the tendrils of the native vine, as to render it impenetrable. The lowan is a plain dull-coloured bird, brownish black, a little larger than the common fowl, and lays an immense egg for its size, in the sand. The birds lay a number of eggs together, heaped up in the form of a pyramid ; whence their name of the mound- building bird of Australia. They are covered and hatched in the sand, and, strange to say, the young 64f NATURAL HISTOBY SKETCHES. birds are not seen till they are pretty well feathered ; I never met with this bird in a wild state. The Native Pheasant is the Lyre-bird of naturalists, and the " bulla-bulla" bird of the natives, from its call- note, and is by no means rare in the peculiar localities which they frequent, the most secluded gullies in certain high ranges. They were common in some of the gullies on the Dandenong ranges, up the Plenty ranges, at the head of the Tarra, and up the Bass Eiver, on the eastern coast of Western-port Bay ; but I never heard of one being killed on the west side of that bay. There is nothing handsome in the general plumage of the native pheasant ; it is about as large as the pheasant at home, the body dull-coloured brown ; but the beauty of the bird consists in the tail of the male, which is very long, the feathers clothed with fibres like those of the birds of paradise, in the form of a lyre, the two outer feathers curved outwards, like those of the black-cock at home. It is one of the shiest birds in the world, rarely seen on the wing, but keeps on the ground among the thickest scrub and fallen timber. It is a perfect mocking-bird, and the only way to shoot them is to lie still and call them. It is little use in a white man going after them without the assistance of a black. The blacks make periodical excursions up into the ranges, about Sep- tember, when the birds are full-feathered, and come back laden with tails. Just as I left Melbourne, I saw the nest and egg of this bird brought down from the Plenty ranges. The nest was large and domed, the egg THE LOWA1S*. 65 uniform dark chocolate-brown coloured. I never killed the pheasant, although I have often heard them on the ranges, and I should not have noticed either this or the lowan-bird, but that I fancy they make up the full list of Australian game-birds, with those which I am about to mention. 66 NATUEAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. CHAPTEE V. DUCK-SHOOTING THE BLACK SWAN THE WILD GOOSE THE DIF- FERENT SPECIES OF DUCKS PECULIAR TO POET PHILLIP. I DO not believe that any country in the world is better adapted by nature as a home for the water-fowl than Australia. Dreary swamps miles in extent, lagoons of immense size, where the bulrush and reed vegetate in rank luxuriance ; creeks and water-holes, completely hidden from the view by dense masses of tea-tree scrub, afford unmolested shelter and breeding-places for the birds ; and a few years ago, when the sound of a gun was rarely heard in the solitude of these morasses and fens, the country around Melbourne must have literarily swarmed with wild fowl. When I first came into this country, the palmy days of the duck-shooter were in their zenith ; the fowls and buyers plentiful, the shooters scarce. The year previous there was not a float or big gun in this part of the colony, and the first punt that ever floated on Melbourne Swamp, was built in Melbourne Street, where the market now stands, in the morning, launched in the afternoon, fitted up with an old musket, and the birds shot and sold in Melbourne before night. In this winter, 1,000 was cleared off Melbourne Swamp and its neighbourhood by the two men who launched THE BLACK SWAN. 67 this punt. The diggings were then in full swing, money- was like dirt, and the birds sold at any price. The buyers were not particular. Many a brace of sea-gull have been sold for 5s. and I once knew a pair of old shags with their beaks trimmed up, sold for 15s. as " rock duck." But this did not last long. The duck-shooters of that day, like the diggers, never heeded the morrow, and not one laid up for a rainy day. As the birds be- came scarcer, the shooters increased, and prices fell, till at the present day duck-shooting is not worth following within fifteen miles of Melbourne. "What a change has six years made in the appearance of this country. The swamps and lagoons near Sandridgeare all drained or built on, and a railroad now passes over ground on which, at that day, four or five couple of ducks might be killed with ease in a night's flight-shooting. Eight species of wild duck are more or less common in this district, and I believe these are nearly all the ducks indigenous to Victoria : the Mountain Duck, the Black Duck, the Wood Duck, the Pochard or China-eye, the Whistle-wing or Pink-eye, the Shovel- bill, the Teal, and the Musk Duck. I have seen one other species in Melbourne, said to have been shot in the neighbourhood, as large as the black duck, but more resembling the British gadwall in plumage. This I believe to be only a rare and occasional visitant to these parts ; although I have heard that it is common in some parts further inland. The Slack Swan is common throughout the winter v 2 G8 NATURAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. after the young birds can fly, on all the large swamps and lagoons ; sometimes in good-sized flocks, but generally in small companies, which I took to be the old birds and birds of the year. Early in summer they retire to their breeding-haunts, and we saw very little of them again until the swamps and water-holes filled. They appear to breed in August and September. The nest is a large heap of rushes, and the female lays five to seven dirty- white eggs, not so large as those of the swan at home. They breed a good deal on some of the large islands in "Western-port Bay, and I attribute the decrease of swans in this neighbourhood to the quantity of eggs that are yearly taken by the fishermen in this bay. Swan-ponds near the Heads, is also a great place for them ; in fact, they are by no means rare in this district, and an odd pair or so breed on most of the large swamps. The black swan is not nearly so shy as the European hooper, and they are by no means difficult to come up to with a punt-gun. They are a heavy-flying bird, and don't care to rise on the wing, if they can save themselves by swimming. The black swan is a graceful, elegant bird, not so large as the hooper at home; the shape of the beak is the same, but the cere is red, and the windpipe is not folded within the breastbone. The colour is deep black, the pinion- feathers white, which contrast prettily with the black plumage of the body when the bird is in the air ; the bastard wing-feathers are prettily curled. They have a very musical call-note when passing overhead on a THE MAGPIE. 69 still night ; and I have listened with pleasure to the soft low notes of a pair of swans answering each other, while floating on the lagoon, by the side of which I lay at flight-time. At night they always fly low. The black swan does not attain its full plumage till after the first or second moult : the young birds are light mottled-gray. The swan is hardly worth shooting here for the market, as they only fetch 5s. each, and they are a heavy bird to carry about. The flesh of the young swan is ex- cellent, and one roasted in a camp oven generally with us formed the duck-shooter's Sunday dinner, when- ever we could get one during the season. I wonder the skins are not more highly prized for the down, which is very thick. This is the only species of swan indigenous to Australia ; but I once saw the real rara avis out here, or white swan, flying up the bay about a quarter of a mile out to sea. Nobody believed me when I mentioned it, but I pointed it out to a friend who was with me. I can't pretend to say where it came from. One would naturally think it had escaped from some aviary ; but nobody at that time kept tame swans in this neighbour- hood that I know of, although a pair may now be seen in the Cremorne Gardens, Melbourne. Two species of wild geese are met with here, the Magpie, or Tree-goose, and the Cape Barren goose. The Magpie, or Tree-goose (ongak), is the common wild goose in this district, and, as far as I could learn, is the only common wild goose peculiar to Port Phillip. Al- though met with here only in small flocks, generally I 70 NATTJBAL HISTOHY SKETCHES. think families, there are lakes in the interior where they swarm. I think they remained in our district throughout the year, although we used only to see them at uncertain periods, and never for long together. As the name denotes, the colour of the magpie-goose is pied, dull black and white : it is about as large as the British brent goose, and the tail is very square. It is a singular bird : the beak is higher in shape, and not so broad, as in the common goose, has a palish red rough cere, and the upper mandible is long, and has a powerful curve or hook. It has a large warty cere, extending over the front of the head, which is in shape like that of a game-cock, cut out helmet-combed. The feet are semi-palmated, and formed for perching ; the claws long and sharp. I rarely saw them either on the ground or on the water, never, cer- tainly, in open water, although I have raised them out of the thick reeds and grass that choke up many of the creeks and lagoons here. They are generally perched high up in the tea-tree scrub, where they will sit for hours; and a curious sight it is to see them sitting upright, with their long necks stretched out on the watch. They have a very loud, hoarse call-note when alarmed, nothing like that of the common wild goose. The greatest curiosity of this singular bird, however, is the windpipe, which has three folds, like that of the European hooper ; but, instead of being folded within the breastbone, it lies on the left hand, outside, bedded in the flesh. They bred sparingly with us, for I have found the nest in a thick tea-tree scrub ; and I fancy the small THE MOUNTAIN DTICK. 71 flocks that we see in the autumn are families, which had been bred in the neighbourhood, and that they do not pack and make distant migrations like the wild geese at home. Although a shy bird in the open, they are by no means difficult to creep up to in the thick tea-tree scrub, and many a pair have I killed right and left. They are capital eating, and will fetch from 12*. to 15s. per couple in the market. The Cape Barron Goose, the New Holland coreopsis of naturalists, looks like a cross between a goose and a turkey, and is only a rare and occasional visitant to our parts. It is rather larger and heavier than the mag- pie-goose, of a light gray colour, spotted and chequered all over with black; and the beak and feet in shape resemble those of that bird. I never saw them here but twice, once in a small flock, and once when two pitched with the tame geese at Mordialloc (this, I believe, they are fond of doing), and which were caught alive. They soon became tame, and used to stalk about the paddock ; but they were very pugnacious with the other geese : their call-note was a deep trumpet-like sound. They very little resemble a goose when walking, but put me more in mind of the Canada goose in shape than any I know. These are the only two species met with here, and neither of them appear to be true geese. The Mountain Duck is the largest and handsomest of all the ducks out here, nearly as large as the bernicle goose of Europe, and in colour resembling the male sheldrake. They are generally seen feeding on the plains, 72 NATUEAL HISTORY SKETCHES. in small companies, in the vicinity of water, and as they are very wary, and the old drake always on the look-out, a brace of mountain duck is no mean prize. I very rarely saw them on the water, but they pack in some favourite lagoons, and are not difficult to come up to with a punt. I never saw them in the creeks, but always in the open. The old male bird utters a peculiar hoarse guttural warning when danger is near. They breed in our neigh- bourhood, I have heard, in trees ; and I have taken the young birds, but a few days old, in the damp grass on the swamps. They rarely associate with the other species, and fetch no more in the market than the black duck, although nearly half as large again, for the flesh is con- sidered coarser. None of the Australian ducks, except the black duck and the teal, appeared to fly in large flocks ; and all the male birds had that peculiar excrescence in the windpipe peculiar to the British wild ducks. I fancy most of the ducks out here breed in trees. The common wild duck of this country is the black duck, and, whether for its flavour at table, its wild, gamy appearance, or the sport it affords the shooter, is certainly equal to any duck in the world. The Slack Duck is of a deep black -brown colour ; the feathers edged with lighter brown, a very brilliant deep purple speculum on each wing, the cheeks and throat rich chestnut-red. It has a peculiar snake-like appear- ance about the head and neck, and, with the exception of the spinetailed swift, is, I think, the sharpest-flying THE BLACK DUCK. 73 bird in the colony. A pair of good black duck will weigh about 5 Ibs., and average now 7s. in the market. The duck season here commences in the end of January, when the old birds bring their young down to the creeks (I have shot flappers, in some seasons, early in January), and should end with September, when the swamps be- gin to dry up, and the birds pair off and retire to their breeding haunts. After they have bred, they keep about the creeks and water-holes in small flocks or families, till the rain fills the large swamps, when they seem to congregate and frequent the open places on the swamps and plains, where there is shallow water and good feeding- ground. There is little good to be done with a shoulder- gun out here, in the large swamps by day during the winter. The black duck lays from six to eight eggs on the ground, appears to breed much in heather, and I have taken the nest in an open moor far away from any water. There is no better sport than- flapper-shooting here, and there is no country in the world by nature better adapted for it. The creeks in the summer (and in the winter the ducks are all out on the open swamps and large lagoons) are a succession of water-holes, walled in by a thick hedge of tea-tree or reeds ten to fifteen feet high. This screen appears impenetrable, and little use would it be for any one to attempt to force his way through it ; but the old hand soon finds a cattle-track, which he well knows leads to water, and, creeping cau- tiously down it, with his retriever at his heels, he suddenly 74 NATUEAL HISTOET SKETCHES. comes upon a large, clear, open water-hole, on the margin of which a score or so of ducks are floating lazily about, or sleeping in the hot sun. One barrel on the water, one as they rise, and in dashes the retriever, and first chasing the winged birds, brings to land the killed and wounded ; and perhaps two couple or more of ducks lie dead upon the bank. The reeds are generally so thick round the water-hole, that many a wounded bird, and others that fall dead at a little distance, are lost. The ducks which go away rarely fly far, but drop in another hole a little lower down the stream; and two or three good shots fill the bag. You will rarely find ducks in the brackish water-holes at the mouths of the creeks. I have re- marked two things in duck-shooting out here : whenever, by day, I saw the swallows flying over the tops of the bulrushes, and dipping down into the hole, I was almost certain I should find no ducks; and at night, whenever the frogs were silent on the lagoon, ducks were on the water. A good retriever is indispensable to the Australian duck-shooter, for the scrub and reeds around the creeks and water-holes are so thick, and the grass on the swamps and plains is so long, that a wounded bird is lost in a few seconds. A winged black duck often dives and comes up again in thick rushes, where it sits so close that even a good dog will often pass over it. It is a safe plan, after a shot, to try round the edges of the scrub outside the hole, for a wounded duck often creeps out on land. A duck-shooter here may reckon on losing half his birds without a retriever. DIFFERENT SPECIES OF DUCKS. 75 Of all the field sports in this colony, I think I did like a good night's flight-shooting the best. There is a charm in this silent solitary sport which I could never find in any other. When seated well in the shade, by the side of some favourite feeeding-ground, with the moon just on the wane, all is still, save the occasional cry of some night-bird as it rises from the neighbouring swamp, or the whistle of the wings of a pair of ducks, as they pass overhead, and the croaking of hundreds of small frogs in concert, the deep clock of the bull-frog joining as it were in bass accompaniment. The slight ripple of the clear water dances iu the moon's silvery rays, when all at once " whish," a splash in the water, and a sharp " quack quack, quack," warns the shooter that a black duck has pitched, and the concert of frogs is hushed in an instant. This is soon joined by others, and having risen on the water three or four times to shake their feathers, and chased each other about for a few minutes, they settle down to feed. Now is a moment of breathless suspense to the shooter ; the gun is quietly raised, but the birds at first are too far, or not well packed ; however, at length, he gets three or four in a line, and the heavy boom of the gun breaks the stillness of night, re- verberating over the swamp with a hundred echoes. It may be that some scores of birds were feeding on the lagoon out of sight, which now rise like a clap of thunder, and the air is disturbed by the wings and the cries of the birds as they fly round the shooter's head. His quick ear can well distinguish the different birds by 76 NATUEAL niSTOET SKETCHES. their varied call-notes ; the soft musical hoop of the black swan, the sharp loud quack of the black duck, the hoarse croak of the mountain-duck, the snort of the shoveller, and the shrill call of the teal, are all familiar to him ; and as he gathers up his dead birds, he hears the ducks pitching again in various parts of the lagoon, giving him promise of a goodly harvest by morning. "When the dead birds are collected, the pipe is lit, the gun charged, and he quietly settles himself down in his rushy screen for another shot. The early part of the evening is best for this sport ; the birds leave the feeding- grounds about midnight, often go out to sea, if the lagoon is on the coast, and return again a little before daybreak, when they often pack on the bank of the lagoon. So in punt-shooting, the evening and the morning shots are those upon which the shooter principally depends. "Where the birds are feeding well upon ground which has been but little disturbed, flight-shooting is the best and surest game of any with a shoulder-gun, and there is some little difference between flight-shooting out here and at home, where the shooter has to sit for hours, often in sleet and drizzly rain, his teeth chattering and his fingers so cold that he can scarcely pull the trigger. Here a good pea-jacket will keep the shooter warm on the coldest night, and though I have occasionally used gloves, I never really wanted them. The best seasons for flight-shooting are the autumn and early winter. In the months of March and April, 1858, my old mate killed upwards of a hundred couple of birds, princi- DIFIEEENT SPECIES OF DUCKS. 77 pally black duck, at night, with his own gun, in one small water-hole close to the coast. This is the only kind of shooting in the colony for which a man really requires water-boots. As the birds generally feed in shallow water, he fetches the dead ones out himself, and he may often have to sit for hours on a tussock of rushes, up to his knees in water. Cording's Indian-rubber water- proofs are the best I ever used for this work ; they are warm, perfectly water-tight, never want dressing, and, what is best of all, never get hard, and are always easy to pull on and off. They are certainly too heavy for walking much in, but for flight-shooting, boat-fishing, or any other work where the wearer is not constantly in motion, I will back them against any boots in the world. The American gutta-percha overalls are not worth any- thing for work. At all other times except flight-shooting, the best dress for the Australian duck-shooter is canvas or flannel trowsers and low half-boots. The climate is so fine here, that a man may wade in the swamps with impunity at all seasons of the year, and the best clothes the shooter can wear are those which dry the quickest. The flight-shooter usually ties a black ribbon round, or sticks a small lump of mud on, the end of the barrel of his gun, to guide his eye well on the object. My plan was better, both for flight and opossum shooting. Cut a forked piece of tea-tree, the forks about six inches long, and tie it round the end of your barrel, the muzzle protruding between the two forks, which stick up one on each side, like a pair of horns. I learnt this trick of an 78 NATUBAL HISTORY SKETCHES. old poacher, who had often used it with success when nailing pheasants on the perch at home. One season I killed a good many birds to stuffed decoy- ducks floated on a piece of board, and kept in their place with a string and a stone. We used them on the Swedish coast for eider-duck, and called them " boul- van." They answered very well in the daytime in any clear open water which the ducks used, where there was good shelter for the gun. Any ducks passing over would pitch to them ; but it is wonderful how soon they discover the deception, and you must fire as soon as ever they settle on the water. A fresh-killed duck set up in a natural position, with forked sticks, in some respects answers better, as it retains the natural smell. I always made it a rule to fire directly I got three in a line, no matter how many birds were scattered upon the water ; for in this sport delays are dangerous. I have often killed six or eight couple of ducks in a day to stuffed decoy-birds. The swamp-hawks were my greatest annoyance; for many a time when I have been just getting ready for a good shot, an old swamp-hawk has come sailing over and sprung the ducks ; and if ever I left my decoy-birds on the water to go to another hole to see if there were any ducks, I was sure to find one, if not more, of my stuffed birds torn to pieces by the hawks. Eley's cartridges are dear out here, three shillings and sixpence per dozen ; but I am not sure that a duck- shooter would not gain by always using a green one in DECOY-DUCKS. 79 his second barrel. In duck-shooting, in all cases except at flight, when I liked a loose charge best, I used the candle cartridge, and I found them quite equal to Eley's, except that they occasionally ball the shot. As every one may not know how to make them, I will give my receipt. Procure a tin cylinder that will exactly fit into the muzzle of your gun, about three inches long, some- thing like a candle-mould ; stick a cork in the bottom end and set it on a table ; put the shot in it, melt some can- dle-grease in a ladle, which pour on to the shot till they are covered. Let it stand to cool ; take out the cork when the tallow is hard, and shove out the cartridge ; wrap a piece of thin paper round, and it is ready for use. I once killed a pair of black duck stone-dead at eighty yards with a candle cartridge : this was perhaps a chance shot, but I could always reckon on my birds at fifty yards; and I know this is about fifteen yards further than I could do with a loose charge. I shot with a single pigeon- gun, No. 6 gauge, 6 drams of powder, and a two-ounce cartridge. One needs a strong gun for such a charge, and I fancy cartridges shake a gun much. I am no friend to an out-of-the-way-sized gun for shoulder-shoot- ing. The one I used I found big enough for any purpose, and quite heavy enough to carry about and bring up to the shoulder quickly. Depend upon it, the man who sticks to one gun for every kind of shooting, will bag more game than he who is continually changing; and I believe I should have done better if I had always used a strong double. The best gun for this country is a strong dou- 80 KATURAL HISTDET SKETCHES. ble, twelve or thirteen gauge, heavy enough to carry two ounces of shot if wanted. The shooter out here requires a stronger and heavier gun than at home, and a season's wear and tear, with the charges we often put in for kangaroo or ducks, will give the best gun a pretty good shaking. I am quite sure that I fired more shots in one year out here than I should have done in four seasons at home. In flight-shooting it is a good plan to crack off a cap before loading, to clear the nipple, for you can't always see well. Never keep your caps loose in the pocket, always use a small tin box. The bottom of a bushman's pocket is generally full of fine broken tobacco, and many a miss-fire have I had through putting on a cap in a hurry, without seeing first if it was clear. Another hint and I have done. Always have your powder-flask slung round you in duck-shooting, and don't trust to the pocket. I have lost many a powder-flask by neglecting this caution, in struggling through thick tea-tree scrub. Of course, punt-shooting is the most profitable kind of duck-shooting ; but it is not every one who can use a punt and big gun ; and in this country they will cost some money. Besides, there are not many places now within reach of Melbourne where a punt-gun will pay. There are now as many pop-shooters as ducks about Melbourne Swamp, and the birds are so much disturbed in all places, that they don't pitch anywhere in such mobs as formerly. Above Gelong, and on some lagoons near Ballarat, I believe two or three punts are worked, and THE WOOD DUCK. 81 the shooters get a fair living. Connor, who was cer- tainly the best punt-shooter out here, stuck to it longest of any in our bay. He had a sailing boat, and cruised in the bay with his float and big gun on board, and shot on the coast and the large lagoons at the Heads ; but he knocked off at last, as I suppose it hardly paid, about three years ago. I recollect he used to make one trip a week, and brought back about fifty couple of fowl. If a man is camped for any certain time near a good lagoon, he can easily manage to knock up a float himself with a few boards, and fit up a moderate-sized gun with a rope-breeching (I never saw any other used here), and the whole affair need not cost him 10. The Wood Duck, take it altogether is, I think, the handsomest little duck in the colony, hardly so large as the pochard at home, with a head and beak exactly re- sembling the bernicle goose of Europe. The plumage is silvery gray, mottled with black, with beautiful long scapulars striped black and white; the wing-speculum very brilliant, the breast black, the head and neck chest- nut, and the male has a small crest or mane. It was by BO means a common duck, at least with us, and was generally seen in pairs or small families in some secluded water-hole ; sometimes on the water, but more often standing on the bank. They were by no means shy, and easily crept up to. Bred in holes of trees, and often perched on the gum-trees by the side of the creeks. It appeared to be rather a local bird, and rarely associated with the other species. G 82 NATFEAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. The Pochard (a better name would have been " the "Widgeon"), gray-back or China-eye, as we used to call it, is a dull heavy duck, very much in plumage re- sembling the British widgeon, but plumper and larger, being very little less than a black duck. The eye is French white. It was not very common with us. Eather local, and sometimes seen in small flocks, but oftener in pairs. It was a shy bird, and very rarely associated with the black duck, certainly never in quantities. The Whistle-wing, or Pink-eye, is the smallest and tamest, but with us the rarest, of all the Australian ducks, not larger than the water-hen at home. It is a pretty little duck, of a light silvery mottle, with a faint pink mark over each eye, and a remarkably large, broad shovel bill for the size of the bird: we usually found them in odd pairs, but I have shot on some lagoons where they came in good-sized flocks. The Shoveller, or " Spoony " of the duck-shooters, is something like the shoveller at home in size, shape, and general appearance, but the plumage is not so handsome. They are chiefly found in creeks by themselves, but oc- casionally join a mob of black duck on the plains. It is rather a pretty duck, next in size to the black duck, and, except the teal and black duck, was the commonest of all the ducks in this district. The plumage of the male is bright chestnut mottled with black, the breast dark, the scapulars long, the speculum on the wing pale blue, and the bill broad. They seemed to be partial to particular localities, and I knew one creek, called the Skeleton THE AUSTRALIAN TEAL. 83 Creek, above Williamstown, in which I could always find a flock. The best shot I ever made at ducks in my life was in this creek. I was beating for a snipe on the banks, with a small single gun and one ounce of No. 7 shot. I fired into a mob of spoonies which were going up the creek about fifteen yards from me. I bagged eight. I never at any other time got more than five birds with one barrel, even when properly loaded for ducks. The Australian Teal is a handsome little duck, not quite so large as the teal at home, and, next to the black duck, the commonest of all the species. They generally flew in fair-sized flocks, often mixed with the black duck, were tolerably tame, and we rarely brought home a bag of ducks without a couple or so of teal. It appeared to be more common on the coast than any of the other ducks. The male bird is a splendid mottled chestnut and black, with a very brilliant green neck, while the female resembles the European teal. "We saw- so few of these handsome birds in proportion to the others, that I always considered it a distinct variety, which some of the old duck-shooters also did, and used to call it the " merganser." But a young friend of mine took the nest, with seven eggs, out of a hole in a gum-tree, and shot both the old birds, a handsome male and a dull female. Still I felt certain we had two varieties, and that all the dull-coloured birds we killed were not females, and in April, 1857, I shot a dull-coloured bird with a red eye, which, on dissection, proved to be a male. Teal fetch about three shillings per couple in o 2 84 XATUBAL HISTOBY SKETCHES. the market, are considered the finest-eating birds of the whole lot, and a teal supper at ten shillings per head used to be the general evening's finish for the " men about town " in Melbourne. The Music Duck, so called from the strong musky scent peculiar to the male, especially in the breeding season, is a singularly ugly bird. Clumsy and chubby in shape, as large as a small goose, of one uniform dull grayish-black colour, thick head and beak, and the male has a large warty flap, or excrescence, hanging down from the chin. It has a curious appearance when swim- ming, the body almost entirely under water, the head and neck alone visible. It was, I believe, not uncommon in some of the inland lagoons, but rare with us. In fact, it is a shy solitary bird, frequenting creeks and water- holes grown up with very thick rushes, and not often seen. The wings are mere rudiments, like those of the divers, to which class of birds I fancy it belongs, and it trusts much more to its powers of diving than flight for its safety. I never saw one on the wing. I have killed it out at sea, in the bay, but I generally used to come upon an odd one in some out-of-the-way creek or water- hole, and never saw more than two together, although they bred with us. It is rank and fishy to the taste, and, except as a curiosity, hardly worth shooting. Some call it the Moss duck. This completes the list of Victorian ducks, and it will be found very meagre in varieties, when compared with that of Britain, which numbers about twenty-six varieties, THE MUSK DUCK. 85 exclusive of the swans and geese. There are no true sea- ducks in this part, but nearly all the species which I know appear to frequent the salt as well as the freal> water. 86 NATURAL HISTOBY SKETCHES. CHAPTEE VI. THE COOT THE WATER-HEN DABCHICK BITTERN HERON WHITE CRANES EGKET SPOONBILL IBIS NATIVE COMPANION NAN- KEEN CRANE COAST-SHOOTING SEA BIRDS. THE Australian Coot is the porphyry-bird or sultan-hen of South Africa, and much resembles the British coot in size, shape, and habits ; but the body-colour is a beautiful blue and white under the tail ; the cere, beak, helmet, and legs are bright red. One of the peculiarities of this bird is, that it can bring its food to its mouth with its feet, which are not lobed like those of coot at home, but the toes are long and thin, like those of the water-hen. They were very common in most of the sheltered creeks and water-holes. They bred with us, and in the autumn appeared to flock, and then we principally found them in rushes or tea-tree scrub, in which they perch. They are very hard to rise, run like lamplighters, are easy to shoot when on the wing ; and though I liked them much when roasted, were hardly worth shooting for the market. The Water-Tien was much rarer with us than the coot. I generally found them in thick rushes, and never saw more than two together. It very much resembles its British namesake in size, habits, and general appearance. The Ddbchick here very much resembles the little dab- THE HEEON". 87 cbick at home in all respects, but was prettier about the head. It was a summer migrant to our parts, and a pair or two might then be seen on any water-hole ; and it is a wonder how they become so generally dispersed, when we consider their weak powers of flight. We had one or two other species of grebe, very rare, however, in our district. It is no wonder that a country like this should abound in swamp birds of every description, and the Bittern, which more than perhaps any other shuns the haunts of man, is one of the commonest of the wild tenants of the Australian waste. I have killed eight or ten in the day, rising from the rushes and grass in one large swamp, and any day in the autumn I could bring home a couple of bitterns. They appear much to resemble the European bird, but are a little duller in colour. The call-note is exactly the same, and often have I been startled, when quietly seated at night watching a duck-hole, by the heavy bump of the bittern from the reeds close to me ; and as the weary shooter is plodding his homeward way, after evening has closed in over the dreary swamp, the dull measured boom of this solitary bird appears to add to the desolation which reigns over all. I have heard of a little bittern being killed out here, but never saw one. The Heron is very common on the low marshy grounds, and by the sides of the creeks ; and I have seen large flocks of thirty or forty together. In size and plumage it re- sembles the European heron, but is not nearly so fine or handsome a bird ; and many of the feathers, especially 88 NATURAL HISTOET SKETCHES. the scapulars, have a much redder tinge. It is gregarious in its habits, except in breeding ; for, unlike the herons at home, the Australian heron builds a very small soli- tary nest on some old tall gum-tree, often far away from water. I always fancied we had two species of heron, the one much smaller than the other. The Purple-and-wJiite Heron occasionally came down into our parts, generally in small flocks ; but I considered it a rare bird. In appearance it resembled its European namesake ; but I fancy it was rather larger and hand- somer. It is, I believe, common in Van Diemen's Land ; at least, we used to call it the Van Diemen's Land heron. "We never shot any of these birds for the market, buts we always ate them ourselves, and, to my fancy, they were fully equal to any of the so-called game-birds. "We had two species of White Heron, or, as they were called by the shooters, the White Crane, the one much resembling the great white heron of Britain in size and appearance, with a black beak, and another variety, which was much smaller. I think the large white heron was the commonest with us. Now and then an odd one came on to the large swamps in the winter ; but their princi- pal resort was "Western-port Bay, and I have seen a& many as a dozen feeding together at the mud flats there at low water. It is a shy, wary bird. They breed on the large rocks out at the Heads, and seemed to come- down to our district in the autumn. I have, however, seen them in "Western port Bay a very little after Christmas. THE NASKEEX CBANE. 89 The Little White Egret was a very rare and casual visitant to our parts. I only saw two specimens killed with us. It seemed exactly to resemble the egret at home, and is, I think, one of the chastest and most elegant birds in the colony. The Spoonbill was rare with us, and I only knew of about three specimens being killed. It is an elegant bird, pure white, with a fine pink tinge under each wing. In some places it is very common. Occasionally, an odd Ibis is killed here ; and the spe- cimens that I saw resembled the sacred ibis of Egypt in plumage, and had not the purple tinge peculiar to the ibis of Britain. It is an ugly dull-coloured bird, and has a tuft of curious feathers, like a bunch of coarse hay, hanging from the breast. We used to call it the straw- necked ibis. The real home of the ibis is, however, far inland ; and it is only when the up-country is heavily flooded that they visit the districts near the coast. The Nankeen Crane, or night heron, is another chaste- looking bird, and a summer migrant to our parts, coming down in October to breed, and leaving in the autumn. The whole body-colour is pure nankeen, black cheek and head, white belly, yellow eye, cere, and legs, and three long white feathers, so closely joined together as to appear but one hanging down from the back of the head. They were far more common with us in some seasons than others. The nankeen crane is strictly nocturnal in Its habits, sitting by day moped up in the high gum-trees or tea-tree scrub, half asleep ; as soon as evening sets in, 90 NATTTBAL HISTORY SKETCHES. they wake up to feed, and the hoarse croak of this bird may be heard about all the swamps and creeks through- out the whole summer night. They are very easily shot by day; for, when disturbed, they rise with a heavy wing, and seem, like the owl, scarcely to know where to fly, and soon pitch again. "We had another species of bittern, or heron, in shape and size much resembling the nankeen crane ; but it was of a light chestnut-brown colour, variegated with black, and had not the long pendent feathers peculiar to that bird. It was not so common, seemed to be much more diurnal in its habits, and I oftener used to see them by the sides of the creeks than on trees. I called it the " spotted bittern," for want of a better name. The last on our list of the swamp birds, although cer- tainly not the least, is the Native Companion, or Austra- lian crane. This bird is larger than the European crane, which it resembles in shape and habits ; but the colour is uniform light slate-blue, with a red cere and bare head, and it wants the handsome tail-feathers peculiar to our crane. They are about the most wideawake birds in the colony ; and, as they generally frequent the open swamps and wet plains in small companies, and the old male bird is always marching about on the look-out, every now and then uttering his loud trumpet-like note of alarm when danger is near, it is next to impossible to stalk them in the open ; but, in the end of summer, they draw down to the edges of the creeks, and are then easily approached under cover of the tea-tree. I once dropped on a little SEA BIRDS. 91 mob of five in such a place, and I nailed three at a double shot ; and well I recollect bringing them home on my back at night, about six miles, with five couple of black ducks and thirteen pigeons. An old bird will stand over five feet high, and weigh upwards of twenty pounds. I once found the nest in a swamp near us : it was built high, of dry rushes, like that of the swan, and in it were two large eggs, mottled with red, especially at the large end. I once caught a half-grown young one, which I kept at my tent a long time. It was a voracious feeder, and lived principally on boiled rice. There are very few sea birds on these coasts. From Mordialloc down to Frankstone, on Port-Phillip Bay, the beach is low and sandy for eleven miles, and beyond this to the Heads it is high and rocky. The shores of "Western- port Bay are principally mud-flats, fringed with mangrove scrub ; and on the "Williamstown side, as far as Gelong, the coast is low, edged with banks of seaweed, washed in by the tide, and also fringed with the mangrove. On these flats the ducks, waders, and pelicans feed at low water, and two or three species of gull and tern, curlews, avocet, and large flocks of stints, are met with up and down the whole beach. But to the coast-shooter neither of these bays offers much attraction. Further out towards the Heads, the coast is less disturbed, and bluff headlands of ironstone rock afford a wilder and safer home for the sea-fowl ; and facing the wide ocean many other and rarer species are probably met with than in our land-locked bays. 92 2TATUBAL HISTOBY SKETCHES. CIIAPTEE VII. THE PIGEON THE SNIPE THE BAIL. THE bronze-wing pigeon,forsizeand beauty of plumage, certainly stands No. 1 on the list of Australian bush game ; and of this bird \ve had two varieties, the com- mon bronze-wing and the scrub pigeon. The Bronze-Wing is a beautiful bird, plumper and larger than the dove-house pigeon, but not so large as the British wood-pigeon ; the upper plumage dark brocoli-brown, the breast and neck glossy and shining, the under parts light, the forehead white, and on the wing is a beautiful speculum of bright bronze-coloured feathers, from which the bird derives its name. We had no blue pigeon in Victoria. The male bird is finer and handsomer in plumage than the female, the white on the forehead much larger, tinged with chestnut-red, and I fancy that this tint becomes deeper with age ; the cheeks and throat are deep chestnut, the wing-speculum larger and brighter ; and a glorious bird does an old cock bronze-wing look, when seated on the bare limb of a large gum-tree, his burnished wings, chestnut head, and glossy breast reflected in the rays of the evening sun. Like most of the game birds, the bronze-wing pigeon THE BBONZE-WINO PIGEON. 93 was a summer migrant to our parts, coming down about the end of September for the purpose of breeding, and what few escaped the gun, left about the end of March. An odd straggler or two would certainly remain in the forests throughout the winter. At different seasons they frequent different localities. "When they first arrive, they are to be found among the shey oaks and large honeysuckles, generally on dry rises, and as often on the ground under the trees as up in the branches. As the season advances, they get much into the heather, espe- cially at night and morning ; and both the pigeon and the quail are very partial to heather that has been previously burnt. They are very fond of the wild cherry. When the thistle-down is floating, every patch of thistles holds a pigeon ; and as soon as the wattle-trees drop their seed, you will surely find the pigeon at the foot of them ; in fact, you may look for pigeons in the wattles at all times. They breed principally among the honeysuckle and shey oaks ; the nest flat, similar to that of the wood-pigeon at home, in which the female lays two white eggs, and the old cock-bird takes his turn at sitting. I once found a nest with eggs as late as February 4th ; but I fancy this was a second clutch : not that I think the pigeon breeds more than once in the year, but, like the partridge at home, when the first clutch of eggs is destroyed, the old female lays a second. By the end of January, the young birds are strong fliers, and large flocks of pigeons then congregate in some favourite localities, previous to leaving ; but where they go, or from whence they come to 94 -NATTJBAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. us, nobody seemed rightly to know. For about a month from this time, a man who knows just where to look for them can have some rattling sport. The most I ever killed in one day was eleven couple and a half ; and this was not an individual day's luck, for pigeons were so thick in the month of February in that year, in the honeysuckle and .shey-oak scrub on the beach, when I was camped at Mordialloc, that I averaged with my own gun twenty-five couple per week for above a month. Although the pigeons flock here, they generally rise singly ; or, if two or three fly up together, they are so wide apart that you rarely kill more than one with each barrel, and you never get a "family shot," as you can into a flock of wood-pigeons at home. I have occasionally killed two at a shot, young birds, sitting together on the same branch. The coo of the pigeon is deep and loud, principally heard at night and morning, and often leads the shooter up to them in the forest. The surest but most pot-hunting method of killing pigeons is to creep up to them as they sit on the bare limb of a tree ; and a dull, warm, rainy day is the best for this kind of shooting. The blacks are the boys for this work. A certain way of killing pigeons is to watch by a water-hole on a summer's night, just as the sun goes down, when they come to drink ; and I have killed eight or ten in an evening at a favourite hole, and this in not a very good pigeon country ; but they will come a long way to water. When "reading" woodcocks in the north, the first appearance of the evening star was the signal for the shooter to take his stand in the THE SCRUB PIGEON. 95 forest glade ; and here, in pigeon-shooting by a water- hole, as soon as ever the evening star shows, you may go home. The most sporting way of killing them is as they rise from the heather, or the ground among honey- suckle scrub, when they go away as straight and as sharp as any of "Barber's best blue rocks." A great country for pigeons is about the Surney, on the coast, forty miles from Melbourne; and another famous place is on the Gipp's-land road, below Dandenong. But they are to be met with in larger or smaller quantities all over the bush. As the small settlers begin to take up the forest land, the pigeons disappear ; for, although I have heard of them in the corn-fields, their principal food is certainly seeds and berries ; and, although not a very shy bird the wild bush, the pigeon likes quiet and secluded places to breed in. Pigeons will fetch 2s. 6d. per couple throughout the year, and they are well worth it. The Scrub Pigeon is a smaller, and, I think, a hand- somer bird than even a common bronze-wing. It is much rarer, generally found singly or in pairs, very seldom in small flocks, except late in the season ; the colour is a uniform dark cinnamon-brown, the forehead reddish, and the wing-speculum, although not so large as in the common bird, is far deeper and more brilliant. It is very partial to particular localities, and, like the woodcock at home, there are certain places where you will always find a scrub pigeon. It is a shy, solitary bird, frequenting the thickest scrub, and seems partial to tea-tree by the side of water. They almost always rise QQ NATURAL HISTOET SKETCHES. from the ground. "We used to kill an odd scrub pigeon at times all through the winter ; but about April and May, when they congregate, is the best time for shooting them. In fact the best season for them appears to be after the other pigeons have left. We had a little bird on the ranges which we called the Ground Dove, about the size of a fieldfare at home, and much more like a thrush than a pigeon. It was a summer migrant to our parts, came and left with the painted quail, and was generally to be found on the ground on dry rises in the forest among fallen timber. It rises with a loud flutter, and flies with a dipping kind of flight. It is a pretty bird, variegated red, brown, and black, with chestnut markings, and five or six white diamond spots on each wing-shoulder. It lays on the ground three largish, mottled, reddish eggs, in a careless nest. Although not strictly game, we used to sell them with the quail. There is a large species of pigeon on the Sydney side, called the crown pigeon, but it is not met with here. The Australian Snipe is much larger than the common English snipe, shorter in the leg, plumper, and thicker ; and the general plumage and appearance, its manner of rising and flight, remind us more of the double or solitary snipe of Europe, than our common bird. There is no real woodcock in Australia, and I fancied that the snipe here appeared in some slight respects to partake of the nature and habits of that bird. I never saw a jack-snipe out here, nor do I believe there is one, although some THE AUSTRALIAN SNIPE. 97 shooters say that they have killed them ; but I think this was nothing more than a kind of little stint, which is often found on the plains. Where the snipes spend the winter and breed, no one seems to know. I have heard that they breed on the high ranges at the head of the Tarra, and a friend of mine has flushed them in June in the Stringy-bark ranges, 200 miles up the country. One thing is certain, they must breed very early; for when they came down to us in September, there was no difference in the size of the birds that we killed ; and I believe there can be no doubt that they did not visit our parts till after the breeding season, for I never heard of the nest being taken, and the habits of the snipe that came to us were not those of breeding birds. They appear in the districts round the coast in September, remain throughout the summer, and leave in February or the beginning of March. They come down by stages, for we generally heard of the first snipe being killed up country a fortnight at least before they reached us. The first place that they visit in our district was the Clyde, a low flat of wet pasture-ground, about fifteen miles below Dandenong, towards "Western-port Bay. This is the best and earliest snipe-ground that I know ; but the water very soon goes off", and a man, to have any good shooting, should be there when they first come. They then take another flight, and, like the snipe at home, following the flood, come into the Dardenong country, and thence disperse themselves over the swamps and low grounds, frequenting of course peculiar 98 NATUBAL HISTOET SKETCHES. localities where there is good feefKng-groitnd, till they reach the coast, where all that are spared remain until they leave; and I could always make sure of a couple or two in the honeysuckle or tea-tree scrub along the beach, when I could find them nowhere else. The habits of the Australian snipe are very puzzling, and a man who is not used to snipe-shooting here may beat acre after acre of what we should consider in the fen capital snipe-ground, without springing a bird, and perhaps pass over the very places where the snipe do lie. Fancy an old fenman trying for a snipe among ferns and heather on a dry sandy rise, or in thick honey- suckle scrub ; yet these are the very places to look for the Australian snipe : in the summer and in the heat of the day you will find them here in large wisps, and no- where else. In the early part of the season a man may, however, beat for them in much the same places as he would at home; and as the season advances, they lie much under the shelter of any large timber near the swamps, and in patches of tea-tree which skirt the creeks and wet ground. They never lie far in, and an old dog who knows his business will potter steadily along a yard or so in the tea-tree, and tumble out the snipe as fast as ever you can load and fire. In the very heat of summer they get much into the honeysuckle scrub, but always somewhere near their feeding-grounds ; and here it is snap-shooting with a vengeance ; for when they rise they are only seen for an instant. The Australian snipe in the open is not nearly so difficult to kill as the snipe at THE ATTSTEALIAN SNIPE. 99 home. They are a larger object, fly much steadier, and generally go away straight ; yet, owing to the places they frequent, are often missed. They are very fond of lying in the shade by day. If by chance any large gum-trees stand in an open wet plain, they will generally get under them, and I have often planted myself under a favourite tree, and stood still while others were beating the ground round me, and killed as many as all the other guns. They usually rise quietly, but I have heard them " scape " like the English bird, especially when coming down to the feeding-grounds at night. I fancy one wisp follows another as they are travelling down, for in some days you will find snipe in places where a week before there was not one. Of course, this is much owing to the state of the feeding-grounds and the season ; before the water dries up, they are dispersed over the whole face of the country ; but as it goes down, and many of the feeding- grounds become parched up, they pack more. There are then certain places where you are always sure to find some, and a man must know the country well who can make sure of a bag of snipe late in the season ; for I never knew a bird that sticks to favourite localities more than the Australian snipe. They shift their quarters in the early part of the season very suddenly, and if a man hears of a wisp of snipe in any particular place, he must be off at once, or, upon reaching the ground, he will probably have the mortification of seeing the feeding- marks of hundreds of snipe, and find perhaps only a few outlying birds. TLe Australian snipe is a terrible bird 100 WATUEAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. to run, and you will rarely rise one just at the spot where you saw it pitch. They often perch in the tea-tree scrub, and I have twice killed them sitting on the bare limb of a large gum-tree. Whether for sporfc or profit, I consider the snipe the finest small-game bird in Victoria. They remained in our district longer than any other summer game. There is no pot-hunting in snipe-shooting, they must be killed in a sportsmanlike manner, or not at all. It is fair to shoot them whenever they are found. Every one knows the pleasure he experiences in a good day's snipe-shooting, and what was of the most consequence to us, we had always a ready sale for them in Melbourne, at 2s. 6d. per couple; and occasionally some free-liver will give 5s. in the first of the season : in 1853, I sold the first snipe that I killed for 5s. Although this is certainly a great country for snipe, yet I have never seen such wisps here as in Sweden, when the old and young birds were on their way down from their north- ern breeding-haunts in September. The most I ever bagged here myself in the day was thirteen couple and a half; and although I have heard of some extraordi- nary days' snipe-shooting, I never myself saw twenty couple of Australian snipe fall to one gun in the day. No bird has been driven from this district more than the snipe, and to get a good day's shooting a man must now go a long way afield. As a specimen of a day's sport out here, I will give an extract from my game-book of December 22nd, 1854, on which day "the old boy" and myself shot on the island THE AUSTRALIAN LANDRAIL. 101 near Mordialloc. "We both shot well and pretty even, and all was game on that day. At night we brought home to my tent 16| couple quail, 3| couple scrub quail, 1 rail, 3 couple pigeons, 11 couple snipe, 3 nankeen cranes, 1 red lowry, 5 black-ducks, 3 shovellers, 3 coots, 2 black cockatoos, 2 moorhens, 7 shell parroquets. I do not quote this as anything extraordinary, and I have no doubt it has often been beaten ; but I fancy it would puzzle two men to do it again on the same ground. It will, however, give the reader an idea of the varied contents of an Australian game-bag. The painted snipe is the common snipe on the Adelaide side, but is not met with here. It is a pretty variety, and something resembles the painted quail in plumage. The Australian Landrail is a species of crake, as large as the corn-crake at home, but handsomer in plumage, and principally frequents rushes and sedge in moist situations ; but you often find them in fern on dry rises, a long way from water. They are very common during the summer, very hard to rise, run a great deal, fly exactly like the corn-crake at home, and their cry when disturbed is a sharp " chip, chip, chip." They are excellent eating. Bred with us, and left early in the autumn. "We had two smaller varieties, which I have described hereafter, in my notes on the ornithology of this country, as they scarcely come within the list of game birds. 102 NATURAL HISTOET SKETCHES. I can't say that ever I shot a true Water-rail out here. I have killed a small dark-coloured bird in the swamps rather resembling that bird, but I do not re- member whether it was a rail or a crake. One thing is certain, if there is any real water-rail in this country, it must be very rare. THE QUAIL. 103 CHAPTER VIII. QUAIL-SHOOTING THE COMMON QUAIL THE SCRUB QUAIL THE PAINTED QUAIL THE NUTHATCH QUAIL THE KING QUAIL THE SPUR-WING AND OTHER PLOVERS A HINT TO BIRDCATCHERS. THE Quail is the Australian partridge, and quail-shooting is certainly the least laborious and pleasantest of all field sports out here. It reminds the sportsman of Sep- tember at home, for it is fair open sport, and a man can have the pleasure of seeing his dogs work in the old style. Moreover, they are generally pretty thickly dis- persed over the whole country, and in a few hours' shooting a tolerable shot can always make a nice little bag. We had six varieties of quail in our district, three common and three rare : the common quail, the scrub or partridge quail, the painted quail, all common in their peculiar localities ; and the nuthatch, the king, and the silver quail, all rare and only occasional visitors. The common quail comes down about the middle of September, remains to breed, and early in February they all appeared to leave the breeding-grounds, but not the district, for they then packed, and in certain localities large flocks might be seen late in March; but after March we rarely saw a common quail in our parts. I have observed that the quail leave the heather sooner 104 NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. than the grass. "Where they winter nobody seemed to know, but I fancy they go back into the large plains in the interior, from whence they appeared to come to us ; for if they had come over the sea, we should have always found them on the coast first, and many would have been picked up on the beach in a state of exhaustion, like Woodcocks at home. I observed when they first came, a few birds would arrive, as the pioneers, perhaps a week before the great flock ; and one thing which surprised me was, that you might beat the same ground day after clay, and, however many you shot, the number of the birds did not appear to diminish. When they first arrive, they are generally to be found in the long grass on the edges of the swamps, on the grassy plains, and in heather ; and these are the general places to beat for the common quail throughout the season ; but as the corn springs up, they draw much into the cultivation paddocks, where they breed in security ; and the quail is the only game bird here that is likely to increase with population. In the hot summer they are always to be found on moist ground and in the neighbourhood of water-holes, espe- cially at mid-day. They feed at morning and night, and the best time of the day for quail-shooting is from three in the afternoon till sunset. In the early morning, when the dew is on the grass, they won't lie, and in the middle of the day they lie too close ; and as there is then no scent, the dogs are almost sure to pass over them ; more- over, the dogs can't hunt here in the heat of the day. It is next to impossible to rise quail without a dog ; THE COMMON QUAIL. 105 three men in a line, beating the ground slowly, may get up some, but they will walk over far more than they spring. Quails squat very close and run A'ery quick. A close-hunting, heavy retrieving spaniel would be the best dog in quail-shooting here, for they require a good deal of bustling to get them up, and this is not a country for a fine-broken pointer ; for, owing to the running of all the game birds, and the quantities of field-mice that infest the plains and heather, I'll defy any dog, no matter how well broken, to be stanch to his game out here. The great drawback to shooting small game in this country is the quantity that is spoiled by the heat. A large fishing-creel is the best thing to carry small game in, packing them carefully in on layers of grass or tea- tree, as we serve the grouse on the moors at home. As soon as you come home, wipe away all the blood and loose feathers, and hang the birds in small wisps up in a draught : the higher they are the more they will be out of the way of the flies. An old friend of mine used to adopt a capital plan with his snipe and quail. As soon as he came home, he tied up each bird separately in a cabbage-leaf, and laid them carefully in an iron camp- oven, keeping on the top. No English sportsman can form any idea how soon the game goes here. The flies blow so quickly, that I have often taken a bird out of my bag, killed but a few hours, a living mass of maggots. It is a good plan, if your day's sport keeps you in one spot, to hang the birds in small wisps as you kill them, high up in tea-tree and other scrub, in the shade : they 10G NATUEAL HISTOET SKETCHES. soon spoil if mashed about in a pocket or game-bag. A little pepper in their mouths and vents freshens them. It is not the man that shoots the most game out here who makes the most by it, but he that takes the best care of it. The Common Quail is a pretty gamy little bird, very much like the European quail in size, habits, and ap- pearance ; but I fancied it was prettier. The call-note, when on the ground, much resembles the native name of the bird, " too-weep," often and loudly repeated, especially when feeding: the cry when they rise is a sharp chirp. Although a small object, the quail is not a difficult bird to kill, on account of its straight flight. We used to kill a large variety of the common quail, which we called the Stubble Quail. It was rarer than the common bird, larger and thicker ; the breast of the male, instead of being black, was plain-coloured, and there was also a slight difference in the beaks. Quail-shooting is not a bad game where a man has regular customers. I used to consider from fifteen to twenty couple a good day's work (I once killed thirty- seven couple), and I rarely bagged more than fifteen out of twenty, taking in misses and lost birds. A man soon empties his flask in quail-shooting, and ammunition is no slight item in the expenditure of the small-game shooter out here : I reckoned every couple of birds cost me 3d. to kill, and they averaged Is. per couple throughout the year. Although always found in " bevies," quail gene- THE SCRUB QUAIL. 107 rally rise singly, or quickly one after the other, and never, like partridges at home, in coveys. The best season's quail-shooting I ever knew was when my old mate Kendall, or " the old boy," as we called him, shot on the heather at Picnic Point, about twelve miles south of Melbourne. He bagged 1,500 couple of quail on one ground in the season ; but he had miles to shoot over. Twenty-five couple per day was his general bag ; he averaged eighteen birds out of twenty shots, and he used to work at it day after day, like any other kind of labour. But he certainly was the best shot I ever saw take a gun in hand (and I have shot by the side of " the Squire " and other good men), and there was scarcely his equal in the colony in beating for game. He shot to a couple of little mongrels, the smallest a bobtailed terrier, about 5 Ibs. weight, and" Johnny " rarely passed over a quail. I never used setters or pointers in quail- shooting ; our dogs were up to every kind of bush-work, from driving a kangaroo to hunting for quail. Of course there are plenty of well-bred setters and pointers out here, and we generally see the best dogs in the hands of men who use them least ; but the Melbourne sportsmen can now, as the advertisement runs, have " their dogs broke as they ought to be, by a Leicestershire sportsman," at 5. 5s. per head. The common quail is found on one of the New Zealand islands, but I believe there is no snipe in that country. The Scrub Quail, or, as we called it' in the bush, the partridge quail, is the largest of all the species, with a 108 NATUEAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. fine brown mottled and barred plumage, like the gray- hen at home. We had two varieties, the one much larger and darker in colour than the other. The scrub quail rises like the partridge, flies strong and quick, and is de- cidedly the most sporting bird of the lot. It is nowhere very common, always in cover or small scrub, in pairs or families, and in hot weather they lie much on the edges of the tea-tree by the creeks ; and here it is quick work shooting them, for they invariably rise towards the scrub, and are out of sight in an instant : three or four couple of scrub quail in the day was good work in these parts. Unlike the common quail, they appeared to remain with us throughout the winter. The common quail lays from six to eight largish eggs on the ground, very deeply blotched with reddish brown at the large end : both the scrub and painted quail lay fewer, the eggs of the former being white, those of the painted quail light speckled. The Painted Quail, or Wanderer, is the handsomest of the three, and, as its name imports, the plumage is prettily variegated or painted with red, white, and black; the legs are yellow, and it has but three toes. It is intermediate in size between the two last, and the flesh is whiter. Although you may occasionally kill an odd one during the winter, the majority of them come in September, and leave in March. The painted quail is rarely found in the open, but generally in timber on ferny or heathery rises. They run very much, have a pe- culiar wavering flight ; and I consider the painted quail, in timber, as difficult a bird to kill as any in the colony. THE SILVER QUAIL. 109 They do not pack, like the common bird, but, like the scrub quail, are always found in pairs or families. The note of the male bird much resembles the cooing of a pigeon, but is not so loud, and always repeated twice quickly ; and this monotonous call may be heard in the forest throughout the whole summer's night. It is more common than the scrub quail, and when the young birds are fliers, a man has no trouble to kill five or six couple ; for when flushed, they soon drop again. The wings are long and pointed, unlike the full round wing of the two last species. The Little Nuthatch Quail was a rare and uncertain visitant to our district, but is, I believe, the common quail on the Adelaide side. I always found them in the heather with us, singly or in pairs, and I scarcely ever killed more than a couple in the day. Like all other partial migrants, they were much commoner with us in some years than others ; but it certainly was a rare bird in our district. It is not so large as the common quail, of a uniform yellowish stone-colour, mottled with black and white ; the beak large, and unlike any of the others in shape ; the legs yellow, and the toes three in number ; and, from the pointed wing, I consider it closely allied to the painted quail. What few came into our parts appeared to breed with us ; and if so, they left the earliest of any. The Silver Quail was very rare with us, and I only saw two examples, both skins, and both killed on the plains near Melbourne. It appears to be much like the painted 110 NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. quail in size and form, a long loose-feathered bird, with pointed wings ; but it is much lighter in colour, and has a kind of dark collar round the neck. Respecting this bird, all I can say is, if it is a distinct species (which I doubt), it must be very rare; for, during five years' shootjng, I never met with a single specimen. Last and least on our list is the little Chinese or King Quail, which, although small in size, for beauty of plumage stands unrivalled among the game birds of Australia. Scarcely so large as the common sparrow, a perfect partridge in miniature, I think we may reckon it as the smallest game bird in the world. The male is of a deep velvet-black colour, with rich red chestnut and white markings, and a dark crescent on the breast ; the female and young birds are deep brown mottled, like the Euro- pean grouse. It was not common in our districts, and I generally found them in pairs or families (for they bred with us, and, if they did not remain all the winter, they left for a very short time), in the long grass on the edges of the swamps, often in the wet swamps themselves, and I have occasionally raised them in the heather. In some seasons they appeared to be more common than in others. It is a very local bird ; and one thing always puzzled me in beating for game out here : there are certain localities where you are almost certain to find birds ; while in other places, precisely similar to all appearance, and apparently just as well adapted to their habits, you never see a bird. All the game in Australia appears to pack very much. THE PLOTEB OF THE PLAINS. Ill "We had two species of plover common with us through- out the year, the Spur-wing Plover, which is analogous to the Jacana of South America, on the low swampy grounds, and the Plover of the Plains, on the open stony plains and high dry rises. The spur-wing is a fine bold- looking bird, considerably larger than the British lapwing, congregates in flocks, and is always to be found on wet ground. It is a curious and handsome bird in appear- ance ; the body quaker-brown, the breast white, the head and points deep black. It has a large bright-yellow cere or flap over the eye (which is also bright-yellow), cheeks, and forehead, and a large sharp spur, like a cock's spur, on the elbow-joint of each wing, which I fancy must be used by the birds for some other purpose than that of mere defence. The spur lengthens with the age of the bird : I have seen them, in an old male, nearly an inch long. They are a very shy, wary bird, difficult to get up to. have a loud shrill call ; and many a shot at ducks have I lost when, creeping up to a mole on the swamp, I have chanced to disturb a spur-wing plover. The Plover of the Plains is about one-third less than the spur-wing, congregates in large flocks, and is, I think, altogether a commoner bird in its peculiar locali- ties. It is something like the spur-wing in general appearance, but the colours are not so well marked ; the colour of the body being shiny brown, the belly white, and it has no spur on the wing. Moreover, it has no flap over the cheek, but merely a red wart, or lobe over each eye. The plover of the plains frequents the most 112 NATUEAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. desolate open stony rises and plains so common to this country ; is a noisy, restless bird, in habits much resem- bling the British lapwing; and as they fly round the shooter, they wake the echoes with unvarying cries ; and their wild desultory call-note is peculiarly adapted to the barren regions which they frequent. Neither of these birds are strictly game, but we could often sell them at Is. and 1*. Qd. per couple. I have not the least doubt that the English partridge would thrive well in the cultivated districts here; in fact, I should think this was the very country for them, and on account of the vast quantities of ants, they could at all times obtain a good supply of food. I do not think the quail eats the ant's eggs. The pheasant has been imported from its native home ; but, I believe, has as yet only been confined to aviaries. I do not consider this country nearly so well adapted to the habits of this bird, or any of the grouse tribe, as to those of the partridge. The absence of the pine and larch in these forests would be much against the habits of the pheasant in a wild state, and I do not know what seeds or berries in these forests would supply them with food; for we have no acorn or beech mast here. That they can obtain food in a wild state is, however, proved by the fact of a cock- pheasant being shot within a few miles of Melbourne, out of a patch of tea-tree, a few years ago. It has been turned out loose in New Zealand, and, in one estate I believe, they are fast increasing. As to the grouse, although there are miles of barren moorlands in most TUB NORFOLK PLOVER. 113 parts of this country, the Australian heath does not appear to be at all the same as the bonny brown heather of Scotland. There is a kind of disease peculiar to the poultry out here, which sometimes sweeps off thou- sands ; and I recollect one summer finding great quanti- ties of the little green paroquets lying dead in the forests, which had died from some epidemic. The Golden Plover here is precisely the golden plover of Europe, but much smaller. It was rare in our dis- trict, and I never saw them in flocks, but generally in small wisps of five or six. They did not breed with us, but came only at uncertain periods. The large Norfolk Plover, or Stone Curlew, was not at all rare with us at certain seasons, in small flocks, but they did not breed with us. They frequented the small belts of timber on the edges of the plains, and I never saw them in the open. They appeared exactly to resemble the British bird. They seemed to be very nocturnal in their habits, and the long melancholy whistle of the stone curlew in the Australian forest at night, often strikes a chill in the heart of the benighted traveller; for an imita- tion of the call of this bird is a signal-whistle from the bushranger here to his mates at night. I know no country where a good birdcatcher could do better than in this, and if I had a friend in the line, I would advise him to pack up his traps and be off to Mel- bourne at once. Quail, plover, and snipe might always be caught for the market, during the season, by any one who understood the business. All the ground paroquets 114 KATUBAL HISTORY SKETCHES. and others could be easily taken in clap-nets, and would have a ready sale for match-shooting. At the pigeon- matches here, five shillings per couple is the usual price for pigeons, and many more matches would be shot but for the dearness and scarcity of the birds. On the Ade- laide side the little shell or zebra paroquet is bought up at sixpence each, and much used for trap-shooting. All the handsome parrots, and every species of pretty small bird could be sold in town for cage-birds. I scarcely ever went up to Melbourne from the bush without being asked for live birds or animals ; and if I had only under- stood the trade as well as one of our " Whitechapel bird- catchers," I would have cut the gun and stuck to the net, and nothing else. The wattle-bird, although not strictly game, will often fetch five shillings per dozen in Melbourne. They come in thickest just as the quail have left, and a man may shoot two or three dozen in the day with ease, for they fly in large flocks, like the fieldfare at home, about the large honeysuckle and gum trees. Parrots can also at times be sold, when game is scarce ; and let me say that a parrot pie is no bad dish. PORT PHILLIP. 115 CHAPTER IX. A CHAPTER ON THE OKNITHOLOGY OF POET PHILLIP. HAVING described those birds which, more particularly belong to the sportsman, a slight glance at the other species most commonly met with in the Melbourne dis- trict will perhaps not be without interest to the general reader. But I may as well at once state that I have neither the intention nor ability of entering upon the subject scientifically. The few remarks that I am about to make are solely the result of my own observation, for I had little or no assistance in my zoological researches out here. I had no work on the ornithology of the country to guide me, and no one who knew the birds to help me. I know nothing of the Latin names of the birds, nor to what class even many of them belong ; and the English names which I use are those by which they were known to us in the bush, and perhaps many of them altogether wrong. My notices must necessarily be short and very imperfect ; and, as I had not the slightest in- tention of publishing when in the bush, I kept but few notes, and nearly all that I have written is from memory. I have, however, as far as I could, endeavoured to give a description of such birds as I know ; and, short as they are, I trust my notes will answer the purpose for which i 2 116 NATUBAL HISTOEY SKETCHES. they are intended. To enable the stranger to form some slight idea of the ornithology of this country, and the bushman, if he cares at all about it, to distinguish one bird from another, I have noticed above 180 different species which have passed through my hands, and, with the exception of less than a dozen, I have shot specimens of every one myself. No one has better opportunities of studying nature than the sportsman, whose life is spent in out-door pur- suits ; and if such men would only pay a little attention to the subject, and note down anything that struck them as worthy of notice in the habits of the animals and birds which are constantly before their eyes, what a fund of useful information might be collected. But, unfor- tunately, it rarely happens that either the sportsman or gamekeeper cares anything except about those very birds or animals which are the immediate objects of their pur- suit, and scarcely even know the names, much more the habits, of the commoner species, which are of no value for the chase. The study of ornithology has always been a favourite one with me, and is perhaps the only one of the innocent plea- sures of youth which follows a man into maturer years, and upon which he can look back, in the decline of life, with feel- ings of pure and unalloyed joy. The greatest charm at- tendant upon this study is, that there is no monotony in its pursuit, no void or blank in the ornithologist's year. His time is constantly occupied ; as soon as one class of birds leaves, another arrives ; and these migrations are, without POET PHILLIP. 117 doubt, the most wonderful of the many wonderful phe- nomena in nature. Instinct here stands forth clear and unguided, and the actions of the birds themselves arise from causes over which they can have no control. So beautifully and with such precision are they arranged, that we can time the arrival and departure of our regular summer and winter migrants almost to a day ; and each particular class is the harbinger of a particular season. All this is far more apparent in northern countries, where the vicissitudes of climate are more sensibly felt than in the warmer latitudes of the south. Let us turn for awhile to England, and here we shall find that the opening of the first violet in the sheltered bank of the village lane welcomes the first spring migrant to our shores ; and no sooner do the rude blasts of autumn sweep through the forest glade, whirling the dead leaves on high, and shaking the last tottering acorn from the oak, than the chattering of the fieldfares high in air, and the keeper's report that he has flushed the first woodcock in some favourite spenny, warn us that winter is again at hand. The very operations of the husbandman and sportsman are in a great measure regulated by these migrations. They form a useful and instructive guide to the farmer, who will take the trouble to observe them, and the appearance of the swallows on some favourite stream, whither in early spring they dash backwards and forwards over its margin after the " glad May-fly," just awakening to its ephemeral life, or when, in the haze of an autumn evening, they congregate in flocks on the 118 NATURAL HISTORY SKETCHES. osiers that fringe its banks, is hailed with equal delight both by the contemplative angler and more boisterous huntsman ; for each hails it as a joyful omen that his season has again come round. All this is much more marked at home than in a foreign land, where the birds are strangers to us, with whose habits we have hardly had time to become ac- quainted ; but the same remarks will apply with equal accuracy both to England and Australia. It is true that in this latter country, these migrations being more par- tial, are far less observed, and are perhaps instigated in some respects by different causes ; but the two principal causes are doubtless the same here as elsewhere : search after food, and suitable localities for the purposes of breeding. The advent and departure of the quail, the pigeon, the snipe, and the other regular summer migrants, are conducted with the greatest regularity, and the partial migrations of the large flocks of parrots, wattle-birds, and others, which are constantly taking place, are no doubt regulated by the state of the blossoms and seeds upon which they feed. The more attention that we pay to this subject, the more regular shall we find these migrations, and many a useful lesson, both in the botany as well as the rural economy of this land, might be learned by observing the habits and noting the migra- tions of the birds to and from each particular district. Man's constant companions in every out-door occupa- tion, cheering him with their plumage or their songs, affording him often a principal means of subsistence, it THE EAGLE-HAWK. 119 is little V, mder that the study of the habits and natural instincts of birds should be a favourite one with all ; and to that man whose time is happily and quietly spent in the forests and the fields, it gives one of the truest zests to rural life. Victoria is very rich both in species and individuals of the lawk ; and this is not to be wondered at, when we consider the wild nature of the country, abounding as it does '. every kind of food peculiar to the birds of prey. The king rf birds here is certainly the Eagle-hawk, or Wedge-tailed lagle, which, although inferior in size and attributes to th> golden eagle of Europe, is nevertheless a fine powerful tird, and the largest bird of prey in the colony. The cage-hawk varies much in size and colour. Whether this is oving to a difference in age or sex I am iinable to say, but r . fancied we had two distinct species ; the one very dark bown, nearly black at a distance, the other much lighter i plumage (I have seen one as light as the European kite ; and the two birds, in difference of colour, resembled he golden and white-tailed eagles of Europe, but the e^ s of both were dark. The dark variety of our eagle-htyk was the rarest with us, and was a thicker and shortr bird than the other : the tail of this bird is long, and i the form of a wedge, which is very apparent when it is'n the air. They were by no means uncommon in our Ustrict at all seasons, often in pairs, both in the deep f*ests and on the plains, over which they would soar aliost out of sight, round and 120 NATTTBAL HISTOET SKETCHES. round in steady circles, without apparently moving their wings. We had plenty of them on the kangaroo-ground, and I procured above a dozen fine specimens m one winter. They were often on the ground, and I fancy were principally carrion-feeders ; they bred in our forests ; the nest very large, invariably placed in the fork of a large gum-tree; not always very hgh, but generally inaccessible to any but a black. Several old deserted nests stood in the forests, mementoes of by- gone days, before the foot of the white inai trod these wilds; and I recollect the eagle-hawk's n