REESE LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA VOLUME III JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From August 17, 1781, to February 26, 1784 COMPILED AND PUBLISHED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATURE BY ALLEN D. CANDLER ATLANTA, GA. THE FRANKLIN-TURNER COMPANY PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS, BINDERS 1908 THE " ^\ TPSITV -;. COMPILER S PREFACE TO JOURNALS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. In inaugurating the republican government in Georgia our Revolutionary fathers adhered as closely as possible to the forms and practices which had prevailed under the king s government. Acts were passed continuing in force all acts of the royal legis latures not in conflict with the Constitution which had just been adopted, and the rules of court and of procedure in the legislature which had hitherto prevailed were continued; but there were, under the Constitution of 1777, several respects in which the lower house of the legislature differed from the lower House un der the king s government. Under the royal government this body was called the "Commons House of Assembly." It was com posed of members elected from the parishes and districts by electors who had to have, before they could vote, certain quali fications, the most important of which were that an elector must be not less than twenty-one years old, and must own not less than fifty acres of land in the parish in which he desired to vote; or, in lieu thereof, other taxable property of the value of fifty pounds sterling. To be qualified to sit in the Commons House of Assembly he had to have, in addition to the qualifica tions of an elector, certain other qualifications, the most impor tant of which were that he must not be a papist and must own, anywhere in the province, at least five hundred acres of land, or, in lieu thereof, other property of the value of five hundred pounds sterling. The members elected their own speaker, but the king s governor had the right to "negative" their choice, when they had to elect another and another until they elected one acceptable to the governor. They elected their own doorkeepers and messengers, but the governor appointed their clerk and adjourned, prorogued and dissolved them at pleasure. In the transaction of business they conformed very closely to the rules of the House of Com- 74329 4 PREFACE mons of Great Britain. They served without pecuniary compen sation. When the king s government was subverted and the republic was established, this body was called, not the Commons House of Assembly, but simply the House of Assembly. It was com posed of members chosen, not from the parishes or districts as under the king s government, but from the eight counties into which the state had been divided, each county having ten mem bers except Liberty, which had fourteen, and Glynn and Camden, w r hich had one each. The port and town of Savannah was given four members, and the port and town of Sunbury two members "to represent their trade." They elected their own speaker and other officers, adopted their own rules of procedure, and ad journed without consulting with or interference by the governor, who was himself elected by them. The qualifications of an elec tor were that he must be twenty-one years old, must have paid taxes on property valued at ten pounds, "or be of a mechanical trade." No person holding a title of nobility could vote, and failure of any qualified voter to cast his ballot in any election subjected him to a fine of five pounds sterling. The qualifications of a representative were that he must be twenty-one years old, a resident for twelve months in the county for which he sat, of the Protestant religion, and pos sessed, in his own right, of two hundred and fifty acres of land, or some property to the amount of two hundred and fifty pounds, and no person holding any title of nobility could hold any office of trust, profit or honor. Members of the Continental Congress could sit, speak and vote in the House of Assembly as other members. The House of Assembly was alone clothed with power to make, amend and repeal laws for the government of the State, and the power to pardon offenders was lodged in it. Out of their own number they chose, on the first day of each annual session, an executive council composed of two members from each county except Camden and Glynn. During the sessions of the House of Assembly all of the members of the executive coun- PREFACE 5 cil were required to be present, but their powers were only ad visory. They could not pass, amend or repeal laws, but all bills introduced in the House of Assembly were, before being put on their passage, submitted to them for their advice and sugges tions. The house could accept their advice and adopt their suggestions or not as it saw fit. The governor had no veto power. During recesses of the House of Assembly one-half of the executive council, one member from each county, was required to remain at the seat of government to counsel and advise the governor in the discharge of the executive duties, and he began all important orders, proclamations, etc., with the words, "by and with the consent of the Honorable the Executive Council," etc. This volume contains the Journals, so far as it is now possible to find them, of the House of Assembly from the adoption of the Constitution of 1777, to the close of the session, February 26, 1784. These Journals have never heretofore been printed. (From State Archives.) Augusta August i/th. 1781. The Representatives of the Freemen of the State of Georgia, met at Augusta, agreeable to the Resolution of the Honra ble the Council, from the Different Counties Vz 1 From Chatham County. M r James Bryan M r Samuel Stirk M r James Jackson M r Charles Odingsell From Burke County. M r John Twigs M r Daniel M c Murphy M 1 M 1 Myrick Davis John Jones M r James Jones M r John Clements M r James M c Kay M r Thomas Lewis M r Hugh Lawson M r John Grant. From Effingham County M r Stephen Johnson M r Caleb Howell M r Daniel Howell M r Abraham Ravott From Liberty County. M r James Dunwody M r (Nathan Brownson M r Joseph Woodruff. From Richmond County. M r James M c Neil M r Jeremiah Bugg M r Hugh M c Gee M r John Wilson M r Abednego Wright M r Archibald Bell From Glynn County. M r Joshua Inman From Wilkes County. M r George Walton M r William Walker M r Daniel Coleman M r John Freeman M r Micajah Williamson M r Bernard Heard M r Zachariah La Mar M r Benjamin Cato M r Walton Harris JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Representatives Present Proceeded (Myrick Da vies Es quire in the Chair) to take the Oath prescribed in the Consti tution The House Proceeded to Ballott for a Speaker, when Nathan Brownson Esq r was Unanimously Elected. r - The House Proceeded to Ballott for a Governor, and on Clos ing the Poll, it appeared that Nathan Brownson Esquire was Elected Governor of this State for the Present year. The House Proceeded to Ballott for a Speaker in the room of Nathan Brownson Esquire, Elected Governor when John Jones Esquire was Elected. The House then Proceeded to Ballott for the Executive Coun cil, and on Closing the Poll it appeared that the following Gen tlemen, were duly Elected for the Several Counties Vz l For Chatham County. Jonathan Bryan & Charles Odingsell Esq Effingham County. Abraham Ravot & Jenkin Davies Esquires Burke County. Myrick Davis & James Jones Esquires Rich mond County. Humphry Wells Jun r & Benj" Riden Esquires Wilkes County. Daniel Coleman & Absalam Bidwell Esquires Liberty County. Joseph Woodruff & William Gibbons Sen r Esq rs On Motion V That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Address to the Governor Elect. ORDERED, that M r Jackson, M r Stirk, and M r MMurphy be that Committee. On Motion RESOLVED, that M r M Murphy, M r Jackson & M r Stirk be a Committee to draw up Rules for the Government of the Mem bers of this House ; and report the same, tomorrow Morning. AUGUST, 1781 9 On Motion RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed to Procure a Clerk, Door keeper & Messenger for the House, and that M r John Twiggs & M r George Walton be that Committee RESOLVED that Daniel Danily be appointed Messenger to this House The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 OClock. (From State Archives.) Saturday August i8 th 1781 The House met according to Adjournment The Committee appointed to draw up Rules for the Gov ernment of the Members of the House of Assembly, Reported the same, which was agreed to by the House; and is as follows. First That the Members Precisely Attend at the Hour to which the House Stands Adjourned. Second. That when the Speaker takes the Chair, every Member shall do the Same. Third. Any Member not Attending agreeable to the Hour of Adjournment, shall be fined for each Minute, One Penny, or the Depreciation in Continental Money, and not be Permitted to take his Seat until the Same is Paid. Fourth. That no more than One Member, shall be up at one and the same time; and shall not Speak but twice on one Subject, without leave of the Speaker Fifth. That any Person Called to Order by the Speaker and Refusing to comply, shall for the first Offence be fined at the 10 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY discretion of the House Persisting in his Offence, double the same, Proving still refractory Shall be expelled the House. The Committee appointed to draw up an Address to the Governor Elect; brought in the same, which was read and Agreed to by the House, and is as follows. Sir. The Representatives of this State having Unanimously Elected you Governor for the Present year, it is with Pleasure, I am Commanded by that Body; to Signify, their Choice unto you. A Knowledge of your Character; your Integrity and Deter mined conduct, have induced the House at this Period to Select you for that important Trust, a Period Sir, when notwithstand ing it hath Pleased Almighty God to Crown our Cause with the most Signal Success. Our Country is still invaded by Publick, and infested by Private enemies It is our Duty to fall on such measures as the former and Prevent the latter from Preying on the Vitals of our State. We make no doubt we shall meet with your Assistance, and Exertions, in this laudable undertaking, And we Assure Your Honor we shall Pay the Greatest Attention, and regard to any Affair of Publick Consideration, you may think necessary to recommend. (Signed) JOHN JONES, Speaker. ORDERED, That the same be engrossed ; Signed by the Speaker and Presented to him by the Committee of this House ORDERED. That M r Twiggs, M r Jackson, M r Williamson and M r M c Gee be that Committee. On Motion ; Resolved That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill ; Obliging the Families of all Suspected, and other Per sons to our cause, to repair within the Enemies lines AUGUST, 1781 11 ORDERED That M r Twiggs, M r Jackson & M c Murphy be a Committee to Prepare and bring in the same. On Motion RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to receive the names of Persons, to fill up Publick Offices in this State. ORDERED. That M r M c Murphy, M r Dunwoody and M r Wal ton be that Committee, and that they report on Monday Next. On Motion RESOLVED that the Continental Delegates be appointed to rep resent this State in Congress on Monday Morning next. On Motion RESOLVED that the House Proceed to the Choice of a Briga dier General of Melitia; this afternoon. RESOLVED. That his Honor the Governor be requested to issue a Proclamation, requiring the Citizens who have fled from this State to the Northward to repair within the same, if in South Carolina within the space of thirty days, if in North Carolina- Sixty days, if in Virginia Ninety days, and in other States to the Northward of Virginia four Months, and in case any Person shall refuse to come in, within the time above mentioned; to share the burthen of defending the Country; and endeavour to drive the Enemy out of the Same, that his Landed Property shall be trebly Taxed, and the Monies to go for the Support of the Troops to be raised for the State. The House then Adjourned to four OClock P. M. 12 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The House met According to Adjournment. Whereas it is absolutely necessary that the Property of Ab sentees who have joined the enemy, and such Persons as have been Ordered into the Enemies Lines; and Also all Property which belonged to Persons, who have been killed in Defence of his Britannick Majesty s Government, Should be immediately Collected, and Placed in the hands of Commissioners, to be Ap pointed for each County, that the said Commissioners be em powered to let out Such Property, to Such Persons as may make Application; taking good and Sufficient Security, to his Honor the Governor, to be Accountable to the Legislature or Such Per sons as may be Appointed by them to receive the same. And in Case the said Commissioners, find that any Person or Persons, attempt to Secret, or Refuse to give an Account when Required of the Property as aforesaid, or shall Attempt to remove out of the County, any Part of the Same, that they be Empowered to call on the nearest Melitia Officer for a Force Sufficient to Secure the Same ; and in case such Melitia Officer, shall Refuse to Sup ply the men so required for the Purpose aforesaid, he shall be fined the whole of his Property; Provided the Enemy should Advance into the interior Part of the State, that then the Com missioners, or the Persons to whom the same is Rented, Shall have liberty to Remove such Property out of the State, to Such Place of Security as the Commissioners Shall Direct. RESOLVED that two Persons from each County be appointed to form a General Committee, and that a Majority of the Persons so appointed be competent to business The House Proceeded to ballott for Commissioners for each County, when it appeared that the following Persons were elected. Wilkes County. William Walker & Walton Harriss Richmond County. Archibald Beal & James MNiel Burke County. John Twiggs & Daniel M c Murphy AUGUST, 1781 13 Effingham County. Caleb Howel & Abraham Ravott Liberty County. Joseph Woodruff & James Dumvoody Chatham County. Samuel Stirk & Charles Odingsells Whereas there is great reason to believe that much personal and other Property; belonging to Persons who joined the Enemy has been removed without Authority out of the State, and there detained by Persons having no legal Pretensions to the Same RESOLVED That the aforesaid Commissioners do Search for the Said Property; and Report their Proceedings to his Honor the Governor and Executive Council, that in case of refusal to deliver the same that Proper Steps may be taken for recovery. RESOLVED that the Commisssioners, appointed as aforesaid be also empowered to rent out the Plantations of Absentees; for the best Price that can be obtained for the same; that they give the Preference to such Persons as were Obliged to leave this State on Account of the British Troops, And that they be empowered to dispossess any Person who has without Authority taken Possession. Provided he, or she, so in posses sion will not give the Rent so required, and that the Commis sioners be Obliged to take an Oath, before his Honor the Gov ernor & Executive Council; before they enter on the Execution of the business aforesaid. Nathan Brownson Esq r Governor Elect waited on the House, with his Answer to the Address and Qualified agreeable to the Constitution Myrick Davies Esq r Elected by the Council, President, waited en the Speaker, and Qualified as Such. The Governor s Answer to the Address was read as follows. Gentlemen Your Unanimous choice of me to the first Magistracy of this 14 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY State, Signified to me by your Speaker; does me unmerited Honor . The favourable Sentiments, you are Pleased to express of my Character, inspires me with a desire of meriting such Appro bation; deeply imprest with a sense of the importance of the Trust, and my want of Abilities unaided by your Councils and exertions ; I should have declined so Arduous a Task, but relying on your advice, and Assistance, I shall make every exertion to carry into effect such measures as you shall devise. Effectually to secure this State, against the Machinations of Public and Pri vate Enemies, and to establish the Peace and Tranquility of this once flourishing Country; on a Permanent foundation Imprest with the Highest Sentiments of esteem and respect, I have the Honor to be Gentlemen &c. Signed NATHAN BROWNSON. To the Honorable the Speaker "1 & Members of the House of Assembly. On Motion, of M r Jackson for leave to bring in a Bill for the better Regulation of the Militia, the same was agreed to and read the first time. On Motion of M r Jackson for leave to bring in a Bill for Ad mitting certain Persons as Citizens, the same was agreed to and read the first time. The Bill for the better Regulation of the Militia was read a Second time, and Ordered to be sent to the Council for their Perusal. ORDERED. That M r Dunwoody and M r M c Murphy be that Committee. AUGUST, 1781 15 The House Proceeded to the choice of Magistrates when the following Persons were appointed. For Chatham County. Joseph Clay. William O Brian > Esquires Assistant Judges. John Wereat Noble Wimberly Jones, William Gibbons Jun r Joseph Haber- sham, James Habersham, Charles Odingsells, Jonathan Bryan, James Jackson, James Bryan, Peter Deveaux Esquires For Effingham County. John Adam Truitlen, Jenkin Davis, Theophilus Lundy, Abra ham Ravot, John Brownston, Martin Dasher, Robert Bevel, Na thaniel Hudson, Daniel Howell, Stephen Johnson, & Caleb How- ell Esquires. For Burke County. Myrick Davies Edward Telfair > Esq rs Assistant Justices Daniel MMurphy J Henry Jones, Thomas Lewis Jun r Thomas Lewis Sen r David Emanuel, John Conyers, John Clements, James Jones, John Du- hart, Roger Lawson Jun r Hugh Lawson, John Jones, John Grant, James Pugh, & Mills Murphy Esquires. For Liberty County. Joseph Woodruff 1 William Gibbons Sen r > Esquires : Assistant Justices Charley Kent- James Maxwell, Stephen Williams, Samuel Miller Josiah Bacon, James Cochran, Hepworth Carter and James Dunwoody Esquires. 16 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY For Richmond County. William Glascock Edmund Bugg. Charles Crawford. Lewis Gardner. Esquires. Assistant Justices. John Germany, David Walker, Nathaniel Harriss, John Wil kinson, Benjamin Riden, George Wyche, Littleberry Bostick, Abednego Wright, Peter Paris, Isaac Jackson, Andrew Burnet, James Marten, James Bowey, & John Hill, Esquires. For Wilkes County. William Downes Absalam Biddle Stephen Heard > Esquires. Assistant Justices Zachariah Lamar [The next two pages are lost ; torn from the original.] On Motion. RESOLVED that a Deputy Commissary General of Purchases be appointed for this State ; and that he be recommended to General Greene for his Approbation It appeared on casting up the Poll that George Walton Esquire was duly Elected. Abraham Jones Esquire, was appointed Clerk to this House and Qualified as such. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow morning 8 OClock AUGUST, 1781 17 (From State Archives.) Monday August 2O th 1781. The House met According to Adjournment. The House Proceeded to the Choice of the following Officers, and on Casting up the Poll, the following Gentlemen were Unan imously elected. John Wereat Esquire, Chief Justice Samuel Stirk Esquire, Attorney General James Bryan Esquire, Treasurer John Milton Esquire, Secretary. On Motion. ORDERED that the Election for Continental Delegates be Post poned till Tomorrow morning On Motion RESOLVED that CoP Elijah Clark be Added to the Commission ers, appointed for the Absentees Estates in the County of Wilkes. On Motion RESOLVED. That a Director General of Hospitals for this State be appointed, and that this House Proceed to Elect him immediately RESOLVED that the Commissioners appointed for the Absentees Estates in the different Counties be Authorized and impowered to sell all Personal Property, (Negroes excepted) for the benefit of the State, except such Articles as may be wanting for the use of the Troops Actually doing duty in the same, and that the Amount of the Sales (after) Paying the necessary Charges be paid into the Treasury to be disposed of as his Honor the Gov- 2 i r vol 3 18 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ernor and Executive Council shall think fit; for the benefit and Advantage of this State. The House Proceeded to the choice of a Director General of Hospitals for the State, when on Casting up the ballots it ap peared that James Dunwoody Esquire was Unanimously Elected. RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed to draw up Instruc tions for the Commissioners appointed to Superintend the Ab sentees Estates; and that they report the Same tomorrow morn ing. ORDERED that M r Jackson, M r Williamson and M r Bugg be that Committee. RESOLVED that M r M c Murphy M r Stirk, M r Dunwoody M r M c Gee, M r Johnson & M r Walton, be a Committee on Petitions. A Petition from Jeremiah Oats was read & Referred to the Committee on Petitions. On Motion RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed to Consider of Ways and Means. ORDERED that M r Twiggs, M r Jackson M r Lamar and M r Wal ton be that Committee. The following Petitions were Read and Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions, Vz. From Edmund Bugg From Henry Jones From Nathan Barnet From James Little M r Walton laid before the House a Letter from Col Clarke, to the Speaker, which was read; and Ordered to be Refered to the Committee on Petitions AUGUST, 1781 19 A Bill for the Prevention of Internal Conspiracies was read the first & Second time, and Sent to the Council for their Perusal. On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Bill for the better Regula tion of the Militia M r Twiggs in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Twiggs from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill reported that they had taken the same into Consideration made some Progress therein & beg d! leave to sit again RESOLVED that they have leave. A Petition from Sundry Inhabitants of North Carolina was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Committee of the whole House, to be taken into Consideration on thursday next. The House then Adjourned till 5 OClock. The House met According to Adjournment On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to Resume the Consideration of the Bill for the Better Regulating the Militia, M r Twiggs in the Chair. The Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r Twiggs from the Committee of the whole House to take 20 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY into Consideration the said Bill. Reported that they had gone through the same, which he read in his Place and delivered in at the Table ORDERED that the same be Engrossed. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Revise the Sev eral Laws of this State, which are expired or near expiring, and that they bring in a Continuation Law for the enforcing the same & that M r Stirk M r M c Murphy and M r Dunwoody be that Committee. The Committee on Petitions Reported as follows. On No. i. From Jeremiah Oates. The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of the Petition be granted. No. 2.. From Edmund Bugg. The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of the Petition cannot be granted at Present as the Persons who Joined the Kings Troops owe large sums of money to divers other Persons, therefore it is but justice that the same be defered untill a future day; and that the Property remain in the hands of the Commissioners untill Confiscation takes Place. No. 3. From Nathan Barnet. The Committee are of Opinion that he wait for the Recovery of his debt untill the said Benjamin Allen Estate is Confiscated. No. 4. From James Little. Report the same as Barnet. No. 5. From Henry Jones of Wilkes County. The Commit tee are of Opinion the Petitioner ought to Produce the Resolution of the House of Assembly, and wait for Payment, untill Money is in the hands of the Treasury AUGUST, 1781 21 No. 6. On a Letter from Col Elijah Clark. The Committee are of Opinion that a Gratuity of fifty Pounds Sterling should be given M r Manade for his Services, as soon as money is in the Treasury And that the Value of a Negro be Paid to M r Joseph Nail, for Riding Ex press, at different times for CoP Clark (or a Negro) as soon as the Property becomes Confiscated. On Motion RESOLVED that the thanks of this House be given Colonel Eli jah Clark for his distinguished Services to this Country during the last and Present Campaign, and that the Speaker be desired to transmit the same, and that exclusive of his Rights as an Officer, this House, as a Reward to Extraordinary merit, make Col Clark a Complement of the Plantation of Thomas Walters, where the said Col Clark now resides Rent free; Untill the De termination of a future House with Respect to Confiscating his Property, and the Payment of his debts, and they Recommend should Confiscation take Place, and the said Walters Debts Paid Exclusive of said Plantation; the same be Granted and Given to Colonel Clark. On Motion ORDERED that a Deputy Quarter Master General be Appointed. The House Proceeded to the Appointment of a Deputy Quar ter Master General, when Joseph Woodruff Esquire was Unani mously elected. And that he be recommended to General Green for his Approbation. The House then Adjourned till Tomorrow Morning 8 OClock 22 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Tuesday August 2i st 1781. The House met According to Adjournment RESOLVED, that the Fees heretofore allowed by Law to the several Officers, acting under the Government of this State, and which have been received by them, be Paid in Specie or the De preciation in Continental Currency, Agreeable to the said Act the said Officers are hereby empowered and Authorized to take and receive the aforesaid Fees untill the further order of this House, to the contrary On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration a Bill declaring Certain Per sons who are therein described Citizens of this State, and for Burying in Oblivion Certain high Crimes and Misdemeanors M r Twiggs in the Chair. The Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r Twiggs from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill, Reported That they had gone through the same ORDERED that the same be engrossed. RESOLVED that this House Proceed to the Choice of four Per sons to Represent this State in Congress untill the Meeting of the next House of Assembly. The House Proceeded to the Election of Continental Dele gates, when on Casting up the Ballots it appeared that Edward AUGUST, 1781 23 Tel fair, Samuel Stirk, Noble W. Jones and William Few Es quires were by a large Majority duly Elected. On Motion. The House Proceeded to the Choice of Field Officers, when on Casting up the Poll the following were Elected. For Wilkes County. Elijah Clark, Colonel. John Cunningham, L/ Colonel. William Walker, Major. For Richmond County. Joshua Dunn, Colonel Isaac Jackson, L* Colonel Joshua Winn, Major For the Lower Richmond James Martin, Colonel. Tames M c Neil, V Colonel Archibald Beal, Major. For Burke County. Asa Emanuel, Colonel James M c Kay, V Colonel Francis Boykin, Major. For Effingham County. Caleb Howell, Colonel Stephen Johnson, L* Colonel Daniel Howell, Major. For Chatham County. George Walton, Colonel John Martin, U Colonel Charles Odingsells, Major 24 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY For Liberty County. John Baker, Colonel. Cooper, L 4 Colonel James Maxwell, Major. On Motion. The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into Consideration a Bill for the Prevention of Intirnal Conspiracies -and other Purposes. M r Twiggs in the Chair The Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r Twiggs from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill Reported. That they had gone through the same, which he read in ,his Place, and delivered in at the Table. On Motion RESOLVED that M r John Wilkinson be Ordered to Attend this House at four OClock this Afternoon, to inform them his Rea sons for discharging Cap 4 John Burnet, after being in Custody; and also by what Authority he Acts as a Magistrate for the County of Richmond. The House then Adjourned till 4 O Clock P. M. The House met According to Adjournment RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to draw up Instruc tions to the Continental Delegates, and Letters to the President 01 Congress, and Report tomorrow Morning. ORDERED. That M r Twiggs, M r M c Murphy M r Jackson & M r Dunwoody be that Committee. AUGUST, 1781 25 RESOLVED that William Dowries, Barnard Heard, and George Walton Esquires, appointed by the Board of Justices, Commis sioners of Sequestered Estates in the County of Wilkes, do make a Return of the Several matters Transacted by them, since their appointment to his Honor the Governor and Council on or before the first day of September next. That the Corps now raising under the Recommendation of General Greene by L/ Colonel Jackson be established by this State, and that they be allowed the same Bounty for Officers and men as those raising in South Carolina, except those who have been enlisted from the British Forts, and that it be Recom mended to a future Assembly, on Proof of their behaving well to grant them such Premium as they may think they deserve. That the time of their Enlistment be for twelve Months, from the time of their entering; including those already engaged. And that the same consist of One hundred Horse, and equal number of Foot, and to have One Lieutenant Colonel Com mandant, One Major, Six Captains Eight Lieutenants, One Ser- jant Major, One Quarter Master Serjant, Sadler with three Non Commissioned Officers, One Trumpeter or Drummer and Fifer to each Troop or Company; and that the said Corps be called, or named, the GEORGIA STATE LEGION. 1 8. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for continuing the Several Laws, Expired, or near expiring, brought in the same which was read the first time, and Ordered to be read a Sec ond time Tomorrow Morning. The Committee for the Civil List Reported as follows. Governor at the rate of Five hundred Pounds Per Year 166: 8 Chief Justice at the rate of three hundred pounds P Annum 100 : - Attorney General at the rate of two hundred Pounds Per Annum 66: 8 26 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Treasurer at the rate of One hundred and fifty Pounds Per Annum 50 : - Secretary at the rate of One hundred Pounds Per Annum 33 : 6:8 Clerk of the Council & Assembly at the rate of Sev enty five Pounds Per Annum 25 : Messenger of the Council fifty Pounds 431- 2-8 RESOLVED, That the Hon rable, the Continental Delegates be allowed their Expenses, during their Service in Congress, and going to, and, Returning from that Body. RESOLVED. That the Hon rable Edward Telfair, W m Few Noble Wymberly Jones and Samuel Stirk Esquires, Shall be and they are hereby declared the Representation of this State in the Continental Congress, and that they or any two, be Capable of filling the same during the ensuing year, and untill others shall be appointed. A Bill to Continue the Several Acts heretofore made in the then Province of Georgia, and also All Acts made and Passed, by the Several Conventions, Congresses and Houses of As sembly of the State of Georgia, Was read the Second time & Ordered to be sent to the Council for their Perusal. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 oClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday August 22 d 1781 The House met According to Adjournment On Motion RESOLVED, that his Honor, the Governor and the Executive AUGUST, 1781 27 Council be empowered to Issue a Special Commission of Oyer & Terminer to his honor the Chief Justice or in his Absence to the Assistant Justices, for the Tryal of Offenders, at such time and Place as he may think necessary. RESOLVED that the Honrable Samuel Stirk Esquire appointed Attorney General of this State, and a Continental Delegate have leave to Stay till after the next Session On Account of the Mul tiplicity of Business ; on the Attorney General s hands RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to draw up a letter to the President of Congress and also to our Delegates; to be Signed by the Speaker of this House, Representing the Situation of this State, and requiring some Assistance from that Body. ORDERED that M r Twiggs, M r M c Murphy, M r Jackson, M r Dunwoody, M r Walton, and M r M c Neil be that Committee. And that they report this afternoon The following Acts were Passed, and Ordered to be Signed by the Speaker (vz l ). An Act, Entitled an Act to Amend the Several Acts ; for the better regulation of the Melitia of this State. An Act, Declaring certain Persons therein described Citizens of this State; and for burying in Oblivion certain high Crimes and Misdemeanors. An Act for the Prevention of Internal Conspiracies, and for the empowering certain Committees therein mentioned, to examine into the Conduct of certain Suspicious Persons. An Act to continue the Several Laws heretofore made, in the then Province of Georgia, and also all Acts made and Passed by the Several Conventions, Congresses and Houses of Assembly of the State of Georgia RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor in Council be em- 28 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY powered to administer the following Oath, to the Commissioners appointed to superintend the Sequestered Estates; before they enter on the. execution of their Office, (viz.) I, A. B. appointed a Commissioner of the Sequestered and Absentees Estates, Solemnly Swear on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God; that I will truly, and faithfully, fulfill the Trust reposed in me and that I will not Embezzle or clandestinely Con vey or Cause or Procure the same to be done ; or Suffer Know ingly or Willingly others to embezzle; or Clandestinely Convey, any Article, or Articles of Property aforesaid, belonging to the said Estates, which may come to my hands as a Commissioner. And that I will Act to the best of my knowledge in the dis posal of such Property; for the Interest and benefit of the State; without any regard to my Private Emolument, Whatsoever. RESOLVED, that the Sum of One Hundred and fifty Pounds in Specie be allowed his Honor the Governor for Secret Services. RESOLVED, that in the Present Situation of Public affairs, that, that Part of the Common Law, Concerning Action of Debt, and Accounts shall be stopt; untill an Hour of less disquet takes Place, or the further Orders of a future House of Assembly to the Contrary. RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor, and the Executive Council be empowered to Procure such Necessaries for the Troops belonging to this State as they may think expedient, and that his Honor the Governor be empowered to Pledge the Faith of the State for Payment of the same, or give such Person or Persons Certificates to be received and exchanged as Specie, at the Treasury of this State or to Pay in real Gold or Silver for all or any Part of the same; should the Treasury be in such Condition as to Admit it. 19. The House Proceeded to take into Consideration A Pe- tion from Joshua Winn. AUGUST, 1781 2 The Committee are of Opinion that the said Joshua Wyne do wait for the recovery of any demand, he may have against the Said Andrew Moores Estate untill the same becomes Confis cated. The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the following Petitions Vz* From Francis Settles N 2. That his debt Cannot be Paid untill Goodgions Estate becomes Confiscated, that he be recommended to the Commissioners Rela tive to the Hire of the Negroes at Present in his Possession. N 3. From Martha Appling. The Committee are of Opinion that the said Martha Appling do wait for the recovery of her demands untill Confiscation takes Place RESOLVED that the Committee appointed to draw up letters and Instructions to the Honrable the Delegates in General Con gress, and Major General Greene be empowered to do the same, and that the Speaker in Presence of the said Committee do Sign the same. RESOLVED, that the Petition of Sundry Persons from North Carolina be Adjourned untill the meeting of the Next House of Assembly. And that the Officers and Board of Justices be Sum moned to Attend to give their Reasons; why the Promise of a Xegro was made to them RESOLVED that all Property taken in Action shall be sold for the benefit of the Captors; except such as may belong to the friendly Citizens of this, or any other State, or the Sequestered Property, And it is further Resolved, that they shall be allowed 30 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY a Salvage of one third on all Property taken from Persons living on the other side of the line from Hudsons Ferry, on Savannah River; to the Mouth of little Ogeechee, from thence to Beards Bluff on the Altamahaw, and from thence to the Cow ford on Saint Mary s (Except the Property of Citizens as aforesaid) tho not immediately taken in Action unless Such Property Shall be taken, after our fixing Posts or taking Possession of the Parts below. Provided the same be Condemned, agreeable to the Constitution of this State, and Provided Also on Evidence to the Court it shall appear that the Party was commanded by an Officer, and Ordered out by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment to whom they belong. JANUARY, 1782. 31 (From State Archives.) Augusta. January I st 1782. Being the time appointed by the Constitution of this State for the meeting of the General Assembly. The following Members were Returned from the Different Counties. William Gibbons Sen r Pro. Tem. in the Chair when the follow ing Members Attended & Qualified For Chatham County Jonathan Bryan John Martin William MIntosh Peter Deveaux. Charles Odingsells James Jackson Sam 1 Stirk The following being Returned for said County but did not At tend, Vz 1 Joseph Clay. James Habersham. Joseph Habersham John M c Cluer John Baker John Cooper Benja n Andrew. Sam 1 Salters James Maxwell James Dunwoody John Fowler Brisbane John Wereat. William Gibbons J r For Liberty County. William Way. Daniel Sullivan Edward Way William Brown Joseph Woodruff John Roberts 32 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The following being returned for said County but did not At tend, Vz. John Bacon, & Samuel West. For Wilkes County. Elijah Clark. Micaiah Williamson. Stephen Heard. Holman Freeman. Daniel Coleman. Samuel Scott Benjamin Thompson. Robert Harper John Lindsay. George Dooly. For Cambden County. William Gibbons Sen r For Glynn County. Nathan Brownson. For Burke County. John Twiggs. Thomas Lewis Sen. Daniel M c Murphy. David Emanuel. John Clements. Alexander Irwin. Hugh Lawson. Thomas Lewis Jn r The following being returned for said County but did not At tend, Vz. William Lord & Lanmel Lanier. For Richmond County. William Glascock. James Martin. Andrew Burns. Zacharias Fahn. William Few. Joshua Saunders. James M c Neil. Charles Crawford Thomas Ansley. Samuel Alexander. JANUARY, 1782. 33 For Effingham County. Caleb Howell. John Adam Truitlen. Abraham Ravott. Jenkin Davis Daniel Howell. The following being returned for said County but did not At tend Vz* Theophilus Lunday. Benjamin Lanier. John Brownson. John Martin Dasher. Daniel Bonnell. Rules for the Government of the Members of the Hon rable the House of Assembly. First. That the Members Precisely attend at the Hour to which the House stands Adjourned. Second. That when the Speaker takes his Seat, every Member shall do the same. Third. Any Member not Attending agreeable to the Hour of Adjournment shall be fined half a Dollar Specie. Fourth. That no more than one Member shall be up at one and the same time; and shall not speak but twice on one Subject, without leave of the House. Fifth. That any Person being called to order by the Speaker, and refusing to comply ; shall for the first Offence be fined one Dollar Specie, Persisting in his Offence double the Sum ; Prov ing still refractory shall be expelled the House. Sixth. That the Member making a motion shall commit the same to writing; and any Person desiring an Amendment to the Motion shall Also Commit the same to writing ; before he shall be allowed to debate. 3 rr-vol 3 34 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Seventh. Any Member guilty of Profane cursing or Swearing 1 in debate, shall be fined for each Offence, One Dollar. On Motion RESOLVED that M r Heard, M r Martin, M r Thomas Lewis Sen r , M r Glascock, M r Andrew, M r Davis be a Committee of Previ- ledges, and Elections, and that they Report this afternoon, at four O Clock. The House then Adjourned till four OClock. The House met According to Adjournment. The Committee of Previledges and Elections Reported that Nathan Brownson & James Jackson Esquires held Posts at the time of their Election, which in the Opinion of the Committee exclude them from Seats in this House under the Constitution, by virtue of that Election ; which was agreed to. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) January 2 d 1782. The House met According to Adjournment. The House Proceeded to Ballott for a Governor when on casting up the Poll, it appeared that John Martin Esquire was Elected by a large Majority. The House Proceeded to Ballot for an Executive Council, when on Closing the Poll, it appeared that the following Gentlemen, were elected, Vz* For Chatham County, Jonathan Bryan & Charles Odingsells Esq rs JANUARY, 1782. 35 For Liberty County, Benjamin Andrew & James Maxwell Esq For Burke County, Thomas Lewis Sen r & William Lord, Esq ri For Richmond County, William Glascock & Andrew Burns, Esq rs For Wilkes County, Stephen Heard, & Holman Freeman Esq r8 For Effingham County, Jenkin Davis & Abraham Ravott Esq r * The House Proceeded to ballot for a Speaker, when on casting up the Poll it appeared that William Gibbons Esq r was elected by a large Majority. The House Proceeded to the Choice of a Clerk, when James Jones Esq r was chosen. The House Proceeded to the Choice of a Door keeper when M r John Barter was chosen. Motion was made. That A Committee of three be Appointed to draw up an Ad dress to the Governor Elect, acquainting him of his Election. RESOLVED that M r Few, M r Stirk and M r Dunwoody be that Committee. RESOLVED that Writs of Election be issued by the Speaker to fill up all vacancies On Motion. RESOLVED that a Committee of five be appointed to enquire into the Quarter Masters Department, and to report the same as soon as Possible, And that M r Twiggs, M r Clark, M r M c Intosh. M r M c Murphy and M r Lindsay be that Committee. RESOLVED. That a Committee be appointed to Report the busi ness Necessary first to be taken up by this House. & that M r 36 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Williamson, M r Few, M r Emanuel, M r Stirk, M r Baker and M r Truitlen be that Committee. RESOLVED That a Committee of one from each County be ap pointed as a Standing Committee of Accounts, and that M r Scott, M r M c Neil, M r Lawson, M r Treutlen, M r Deveaux, and M r Baker be that Committee RESOLVED. That a Committee of three be appointed to draw up Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Members of this House, and that M r M c Murphy, M r Stirk & M r Dunwoody be that Committee. The House then Adjourned till three OClock The House met according to Adjournment A Letter of the thirtyeth of "October last from the Hon rable Edward Telfair Esq r to the Speaker of the House of Assembly was read M r Stirk from the Committee appointed to draw up an Ad dress to the Governor Elect, reported the same, which was agreed to ; and is as follows Sir. I am commanded by this House to inform you of Your ap pointment, to the first Magistracy of this State The Strenous struggles made by the Citizens of this State, against our unnatural enemies have, at length nearly Secured to us those blessings ; for which we have so long contended, and we make no doubt, but in a short time, we shall reap the fruits of our labour. The Diabolical Mechinations, exercised by the Emisaries of our Enemies ; have thro the blessing of Divine Providence been JANUARY, 1782. 37 brought to nought, it becomes us to guard against them in future, and to fall on such Measures as will tend to our happiness and Security, and convince them that we are determined to bear every hardship, that human Invention can inflict ; rather than suffer them to have dominion over us We shall use every exertion we Possibly can, to Put this State in a Proper Situation of Defence, and endeavour by every means to make its Government respected; both at home and abroad; and your Honor may rest Assured that any matter you may think Proper to Recommend, which may tend to that event will be paid the greatest Attention to. Your integrity and known Patriotism, must give every Citi zen of this Country, great Satisfaction ; when they behold a man Placed at the head of Government, whose sufferings by the com mon enemy have not in the least deviated his Sentiments which marked his line of conduct, at the commencement of the Contest. ORDERED that the above be engrossed, and Signed by the Speak er, And that M r M c Murphy, M r Coleman and M r Deveaux be a Committee to wait upon the Governor Elect with the same M r Stirk from the Committee for drawing up Rules and Regu lations for the Government of the Members of this House, Re ported the same, which was agreed to. The House then Adjourned till Tomorrow half after 9 O- Clock (From State Archives.) January 3 d 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. RESOLVED. That a Committee be appointed to make enquiry what Provisions &c. can be Procured, and Point out a Mode for 38 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY immediately Procuring the Same. And that M r M c Murphy, M r Woodruff and M r M c Neil be that Committee Letters from the Delegates in Congress, inclosing An Account of Moneys drawn from the Continental Treasury, for which this State Stands Debited; was read. RESOLVED. That they be refered to a Committee of three. And that M r M c lntosh, M r Baker and M r Stirk be that Com mittee. M r Few from the Committee appointed to Report the business necessary first to be taken up Reported the same ORDERED that it lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Mem bers RESOLVED. That Monday next be appointed to Elect all Civil Officers, & Continental Delegates. And that a Committee of three be appointed to receive the names of all Candidates, for the following Offices Viz 1 Chief Jus tice, Attorney General, Treasurer, Secretary of the State, Reg ister of Probates, Surveyor General, Auditor of Accounts, Reg ister of Grants, Deputy Quarter Master General, and that M r Stirk, M r MMurphy, and M r Edward Way be that Committee. ORDERED. That leave be given to bring in a Bill Intitled an Act to relieve such Persons as have Suffered by the Common En emy, and are Objects of Attention, And that M r Stirk, M r Few, and M p M c Murphy be that Committee. ORDERED. That a Committee of three be appointed to enquire into the Situation of this State, and Report the same to this House, that they draw up Instructions to the Delegates, And that M r Stirk, M r Twiggs and M r M c lntosh be that Committee. ORDERED that a Committee of Petitions be appointed and that JANUARY, 1782. 39 M r Clark, M r Alexander, M r Emanuel, M r Truitlen, M r Deveaux, and M r Cooper be that Committee. The Petition of Benjamin Catching and John McCarthy was read and referred to the Committee on Petitions. The Governor Elect waited on the House, and returned the following Answer to the Address sent him. M r Speaker and Gentlemen. I beg leave to return you my sincear thanks for the Honor you have done me, in appointing me to the Honorable and important Office of Chief Magistrate of this State; an Office unexpected and unsolicited, must therefore confess I feel a secret Satisfac tion of this so signal a mark of your approbation, but at the same time could have wished your choice had been directed to Another, who in my humble opinion is by far more capable to discharge that important Trust than my self. f am conscious of inability to so arduous an undertaking and think my self by no means adequate to the Task, I shall there fore stand in great need of, and hope for the Advice and assist- iice of every department, however the small share of Abilities I ; Assess, may depend, shall be streniously exerted for the support, r^nii - and happiness of this State, and the worthy Citizens, over -., hivjb I have now the Honor of Presiding. run extreamly happy in finding the virtuous made by the good ti;:ens of this State, against our cruel and unnatural Enemies, have at length nearly secured to us, those blessings for which we have so long contended ; and doubt not, but by a Steady contin- uu:ve of those exertions, and the support, we have every reason to expect we shall in a short time reap the happy fruits of our labour. It gives me infinite Pleasure when I reflect, that the diabolical machinations heretofore exercised by the Emisaries of our ene mies; have through the blessings of Divine Providence been 40 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY brought to nought ; it therefore essentially becomes us to guard against those in future, and fall on such measures, as will tend to our happiness and security, and Convince them we are deter mined to bear every hardship that human nature can inflict, rather than suffer them to have dominion over us. P-- I think every exertion Possible should be made to put this State into a Proper Posture of defence, and endeavour by every means, to make its Government respected, both at Home and abroad, and you may rest assured, Gentlemen, that if any matter should occur to me, leading to that desirable event, I shall with pleasure imme diately communicate the same to your Honorable House. Gentlemen, if my former Conduct has merited the esteem and approbation of my Country men, I am extremely happy, and hope my future conduct will be such as not to forfeit they good opinion they are now Pleased to entertain. The line of my conduct has ever invariably been to endeavour to Act, with a Conscious rectitude, which in my opinion, always carries its reward with it, tho it may, and frequently does not, meet with Publick applause and approbation. I am Gen. &c. (Signed) JOHN MARTIN The Governor Elect, at the same time took the Oath of Office. The Council informed the House, that Stephen Heard Esquire was elected President ; who likewise took the Oath of Office. ORDERED That M r Coleman, M r M c lntosh, M r M c Murphy, M r Few, M r William Way and M r Caleb Howell be a Committee of Previledges and Elections, & that they have Power to send for, Persons, Papers & Records. ORDERED. That the Commissioners of Sequestered and Con fiscated Estates, be directed immediately to lay before this House JANUARY, 1782. 41 their whole Proceedings, Particularly specifying the Property that has been disposed of; with the Amount of Sales, and the Cash received, also a Proper Return of all Sequestered Property, now in Possession of this State. ORDERED. That leave be given to bring in a Bill intitled an Act to declare mil and void all warrants of Survey, unless the Claim ants come into the state, and settle on the same within a limited time, That M r Few, M r Lindsay, M r Coleman and M r Clark, be that Committee. The Petition of Hardy Deloch was read, and referred to the Committee on Petitions. On Motion. RESOLVED. That the House and Plantation late Martin Weatherfords, be granted to the Reverend M r Lewis, untill the first day of December next (rent free) reserving the House when wanted, for the meeting of Public Bodies The House then Adjourned till tomorro morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) January 4 th 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. Nathan Brownson, Esquire was returned a Member for Glyn County, Attended, Qualified & took his seat. James Jackson and Nehemiah Wade Esquires being Returned Members for Chatham, attended Qualified & took their Seats. A Petition from Mary Randolph, was read, and refered to the Committee on Petitions 42 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED. That M r Jackson, M r M c lntosh and M r Caleb How- ell be added to the Committee, to bring in a Bill intitled an Act to declare null and void all warrants of survey &c. M r Stirk from the Committee appointed to examine into the Accounts of money drawn from the Continental Treasury re ported. ORDERED. That this House will go into a Committee tomor row Morning ten OClock to take into Consideration the said report. On Motion RESOLVED, that M r Stirk, M r Baker, and M r M c lntosh be a Standing Committee to receive Vouchers, from those who have had Public Monies in their Hands, and report the same, and that they have Power to Call for Person s Paper s and Records. A Letter from M r John Wilkinson, was read, and Ordered to be referred to the Committee to receive Vouchers &c. M r Woodruff from the Committee to Point a mode of Procur ing forrage &c. Report, that this House Issue an order to the Forrage Master to apply to the Planters to furnish such articles (of forrage) as they can spare at Present, and that this House, Provide means for satisfying them as early as the situation of the Country will admit of, and beg leave to sit again, which was agreed to. ORDERED. That M r Few be added to the Committee for Point ing out a Method for Procuring forrage. RESOLVED, that leave be given to M r Jackson to bring in an Ordinance empowering his Honor the Governor to issue a Proc lamation, Commanding all Officers belonging to this State to re pair to the same, and to Point out a mode for regulating their rank JANUARY, 1782. 43 A Petition from Neomia Ledbetter was read, and refered to the Committee on Petitions M r William Lord elected one of the Members for the County of Burke, attended, and declined taking his Seat. ORDERED, that a Writ of Election issue to fill up that vacancy. ORDERED That the Speaker be requested to write to his Ex cellency General Greene; informing him of the Honorable John Martin Esquire being elected Governor of this State, which was as follows. House of Assembly 4 th Jan y 1782 Sir. I have the Honor to inform you that the Honorable John Mar tin Esquire has been elected Governor of this State for the ensu ing year, agreeable to the Constitution I have the Honor to be your Excellency s Most Obedient Hum. Servant His Excellency. Maj r General Green RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed to draw up an Esti mate for the Current year and that M r Brownson, M r Few, and M r Jackson be that Committee A Circular letter from the Financier General of the day of October last was read ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members A Letter to the late Governor of the twenty seventh of Decem ber from Maj r General Green was read and referred to a Com mittee of two, and that M r Brownson and M r Lawson be that Committee. 44 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Jackson brought in an Ordinance, empowering his Honor the Governor &c. which was read the first time. M r Stirk from the Committee for leave to bring in a Bill for the Relief and distressed Persons, reported the same ; which was read the first time. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow 10 OClock. (From State Archives.) January 5 th 1782. The House met Pursuant to Adjournment The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into Consideration, Accounts of moneys drawn out of the Continental Treasury &c. M r M c lntosh in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r MIntosh from the Committee of the whole house to take into Consideration Accounts of money s drawn out of the Conti nental Treasury &c. reported, which was agreed to; and is as follows N i. That John Houstoun Esquire be cited to appear in this State to render an Account of all the money he has had in his hands on Account of the same and in case he refuses to comply, that application be made to the Executive Authority of South Carolina for sending him into the same, agreeable to the Articles of the Confederation. 2 d . That the Delegates in Congress be made Chargeable for the Moneys Paid Col White on the nineteenth of July, Sixth of November, and the twenty Sixth of December One thousand JANUARY, 1782. 45 Seven hundred and Seventy Seven ; untill they bring Satisfactory Proof, that they have Accounted for the same, with the former Legislatures or Executive bodies. 3 d . That Maj r Seth John Cuthbert (the same as N i). 4 th . That Governor Truitlen be called on to furnish this House, with such Vouchers, as will enable them, to call the Per sons who received the money to Account for the same 5 th That the money Paid Peter Tarling, Deputy Quarter Mas ter General of this State, is not accountable for, he being a Con tinental Officer, and received the same, without any order from this State or its Delegates 6 th That M r William Hornsby who received Twenty thousand five hundred Dollars from Congress and has Partly settled with this State, but who, by his Obligation still owes a large ballance ; be cited by the Executive Authority of this State to appear and settle finally on the said Obligation; and in case of refusal to make Application to that State in the Confederacy where he may reside, within the American Lines; to send him to this State, agreeable to Confederation, and further that the said Hornsby be requested, in case of being within the American lines of this State, immediately to Settle the said ballance; and on Refusal, that the Attorney General be Ordered to Prosecute &c a 7 th Mess rs Wood and Langworthy (the same as N i.) 8 th Thomas Scott (the same as N i.) 9 th Clement Xash, the same order as the Estate of M r Bul lock io th John Hardey Esq r one of the Treasurers (the same as N i.) II th That George Walton, Richard Howly, and William Few Esquires Delegates in Congress for the Years One thousand 46 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Seven hundred and Eighty and One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty One, be called on ; & give a Proper Account of the expen diture of the Money s drawn from the Continental Treasury by their Orders. 12 th That the Report of the House of Assembly in the year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty Relative to Telfair and Company for one hundred and Ninety eight thousand four hun dred Dollars ; is Perfectly Satisfactory to the Committee. 13 th That the Committee Wish, that William Few Esquire one of the Delegation, should inform the Reasons of Jonathan Bryan and Mordecai Sheftall s drawing money out of the Conti nental Treasury 14 th That M r Benjamin W r alker (the same as N i). M r Brownson from the Committee appointed to take into con sideration, General Green s letter, reported. ORDERED, that the same lie on the Table for the perusal of the Members M r Stirk from the Committee appointed to take into considera tion the situation of the State Reported ORDERED, that the same do lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members. M r M c lntosh from a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration an Ordinance &c. Reported that they had gone through the same, which was read RESOLVED. That leave be given to M r Stirk, to bring in a Bill entitled an Act for erecting Goals &c. which was brought in and read the first time, and Ordered to be read a Second time The Speaker informed the House that M r Jones elected Clerk declined serving. JANUARY, 1782. 47 The House then Proceeded to the choice of another Clerk when John Wilkinson was chosen. The Ordinance for Settling the Rank of Continental Officers &c. belonging to this State, was read the second time ORDERED, that the same be engrossed and sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and Advice, & that M r Jackson & M r Deveaux be a Committee to wait on them with the same. RESOLVED, that a Member from each County be appointed a Committee of ways and means, that M r Few, M r Clark, M r M c - Murphy, M r Truitlen M r Jackson, M r Dunwoody, and M r Brown- son be that Committee A Petition from Thomas Lee was read, and referred to the Committee on Petitions The Committee appointed to take into consideration the Situa tion of the State, Reported. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table, and be taken up on tuesday next. The House then Adjourned till Monday next 10. OClock (From State Archives.) Monday January 7 th 1782. The House met according to Adjournment A Petition from Stephen Johnson, was read and refered to the Committee on Petitions. M r Brownson from the Committee to make an estimate for the Current year, Reported 48 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table. - - and to be taken up on Thursday next. ORDERED. That the Order for this day be adjourned till To morrow. RESOLVED, that the late Deputy Quarter Masters, and Com missaries General of this State be directed to lay their respective Accounts, and Vouchers, before the Auditor of Accounts, who is hereby Authorized after liquidating the same to Report to the Governor & Council by the including the whole expenditure of their Departments in order that they may be transmitted to our Delegates in Congress, and Placed to the Credit of this State That his Honor the Governor be requested to order the Com manding Officers of the Different Regiments, or Battalions of Melitia, of this State; to make out and deliver to him Certified Pay Rolls, with proper Abstract of all the Melitia duty that has been done by their respective Corps, till the fifteenth of February next, and that in future from that date. The aforesaid Officers be directed to make out and return Monthly Pay Rolls, in a regu lar manner, that the service may be charged to the United States That any Regiment, Battalion, or Company refusing or failing to Comply with such Orders, shall not be intitled to have or re ceive any reward or compensation whatever for any Services done. That the Deputy Quarter Master and Commissary General s be Ordered in future, to make out Monthly returns of all their ex penditures, that ought to be charged to the United States. M r Few, from the Committee of Ways and Means, Reported ORDERED, that the same be taken up on Thursday. RESOLVED, that the Report of the Committee appointed to take into Consideration, the Situation of the State be taken up imme diately JANUARY, 1782. 49 M r Odingsells and M r Burns, a Committee from the Council, Returned the Ordinance for empowering the Governor, to call in the Continental Officers of this State ; with their Observations thereon. RESOLVED, that M r Few, M r Woodruff and M r Lindsay be a Committee, to take into consideration, the situation of the State Ljgion. ORDERED, that the third and fourth Article of the Report of the Committee Appointed to take into consideration the situation of this State, be refered to Thursday next. RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill, entitled An Act, to do away any imaginary line drawn in this State, and that M r Stirk, M r Few, and M r Jackson be that Com mittee. ORDERED, that his Honor the Governor, be desired to dispose of the Carolina State Troops under the command of Major Moore, as may best tend to the benefit and interest of this coun try. ORDERED, that M r Brownson, and M r Few, be added to the Committee for drawing up instructions to our Delegates, and that they Prepare a letter to the President of Congress. ORDERED, that the Bill for building Goals be committed to a Special Committee, and that M r Few, M r Stirk and M r Jackson be that Committee. RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill entitled an Act, to amend an Act entitled an Act declaring certain Persons, therein described Citizens of this State, and for burying in Oblivion certain high crimes and misdemeanors; and that M r Stirk, M r Few, and M r M c Neil be that Committee. 4 r r vol 3 50 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY On Motion RESOLVED, that a special Committee be appointed to take into consideration, the situation of Indian affairs and that M r Brown- son, M r Truitlen and M r Jackson be that Committee. ORDERED, that M r Coleman be Added to the Committee of Pe titions in the room of M r Clark, who has leave of Absence A Petition from Richard Henderson was read. ORDERED, that the same be refered to the Committee of Indian affairs. M r Stirk from the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill inti- tled an Act to Repeal an Act, entitled an Act for drawing an imaginary line in this State, brought in the same, which was read the first time. r The Petition s of Jacob Kennebrew, and Elijah Warden, was read, and refered to the Committee on Petitions. The Committee on Ways and Means, Reported, as follows. That in the Present situation of the Resources of this State, it will be absolutely impossible to Provide and find, ways and means of discharging the Debts that will necessarily accrue if the Sala ries of the Civil Officers, and Pay of the Melitia Officers continue high as usual. Your Committee are of opinion that there should be only a bare Subsistance allowed to the Officers, and that the Assembly serve gratis, which was agreed to. The said Committee further Report that in order to husband the Resources, We recommend that a Person be appointed to manage the resources of this Country, which was carried in the Negative. The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows, Vz* JANUARY, 1782. 51 Yea - Yea. M r Dunwoody. M r Truitlen M r Few. M r Brownson M r Fahn 5 . Nays Nays MF Stirk M r M c Murphy M r M c lntosh M r Clements M r Deveaux M r Caleb Hovvell M r Baker M r Dan 1 Howell M r William Way M r Lawson M r Edward Way M r Emanuel M r William Brown M r Irvine M r Woodruff M r Tho s Lewis Jn r M r Sullivant M r Alexander M r Coleman M r Jackson M r Lindsay M r M c Neil M r Williamson M r Saunders M r Scott M r Ansley M r Harper M r Martin M r Dooly M r Crawford M r Thompson M r Wade. M r Twiggs 33. RESOLVED, that M r Woodruff, M r Scott and M r Stirk be added to the Committee of Ways, and means, and that they be ordered to Sit again. On Motion. The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration the Bill to relieve Objects of Attention M r Woodruff in the Chair. The Speaker Having resumed the Chair 52 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Woodruff from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, Reported. That they had taken the same into consideration, made some Progress therein and beg d leave to sit again ORDERED, that they have leave to sit again The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow morning 10 OClock. (From State Archives.) Tuesday January 8 th 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. A letter from Abraham Jones inclosing an Account was read and refered to the Committee of Accounts. The Petition s of Mary Lewis, Nancy Stephens, and Rebekah Rae was read and refered to the Committee of Petitions. A Petition of Daniel Wallecon was read, and refered to the Committee on Petitions On Motion of M r Stirk RESOLVED, that the late Governor be required to deliver to this House all Papers of a Publick nature which came into his hands during his continuance in Office. Motion being made that their be a Chief Justice Elected, which was carried in the Negative; The Yeas and Nays, being called for are as follows. JANUARY, 1782. 53 Yea Yea M r Stirk M r C. Howell. M r Deveaux M r Dan 1 Howell M r Brown M r Jackson. M r Scott M r M c Neil M r Lewis Jun r M r Dunwoody M r Wade M r Few M r Anslev M r Brownson M r Crawford 16. M r Alexander Nay Nay M r M c lntosh M r M c Murphy M r Baker M r Clements M r William Way M r Lawson M r Edward Way M r Emanuel M r Woodruff M Saunders M r Sullivant M r Martin M r Coleman M r Fahn. M r Lindsay M r Truitlen M r Harper 18. M r Dooly The House then Proceeded to the choice of Officers, when the following Persons were Chosen. Samuel Stirk Esquire, Attorney General. John Lindsay Esquire, Treasurer John Milton, Esquire Secretary. Barnard Heard Esquire, Register of Probates for Wilkes County. John Apling Esquire, Register of Probates for Richmond County. 54 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Josiah Lewis Esquire, Register of Probates for Burke County. John Adam Truitlen Esquire, Register of Probates for Effing- ham County James Bryan Esq r Register of Probates for Chatham County Josiah Bacon Esquire, Register of Probates for The Counties of Liberty Glyn and Cambden Jenkin Davies Esquire, State Surgeon. John Wilkinson, Auditor of Accounts. RESOLVED, that the State Surgeon, have Power to employ two Mates. ORDERED, that a Special Committee be appointed to receive An Account of Nathan Brownson Esquire, our late Governor, and that M r Coleman, M r Few, and M r Truitlen be that Committee, and that they Report as soon as Possible. The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Sit uation of the State Legion Reported. ORDERED, that the same do lie on the Table. M r Coleman from the Committee of Petitions Reported in Part. Vz* N i. From Jacob Kennebrew & Elijah Warden. Referred to the Governor and Council N 2. That Thirty Bushels Corn be allowed John M c Carty N 3. That the Law Points out to M r Kitchen for his Subsist- ance, and that the Doctors Bill, or fifty Bushels of Corn be allowed him. N 4. That the Petition of Nemia Leadbetter be refered to the Law now before the House. JANUARY, 1782. 55 N 5. That the Petition of Stephen Johnson be laid Over N 6. That the Petition of Thomas Lee, lay over. N 7. That the Petition of Hardy Deloch, be refered to the Au ditor of Accounts. N 8. That the Petition of Mary Randolph be Granted She pro ducing Proper Vouchers, which was agreed to. The Committee appointed to find out ways and means of building a Jail in Augusta, Report That a Subscription be opened for the Purpose of Procuring Negroes to cut the timber for a Goal, and if a Sufficient number is not obtained by this means, that they be Impressed, from such Persons as Can best spare them. That William Livingston be appointed to Superintend and di rect the whole, and that he be Authorized and empowered to call on the Quarter Master for Wagons, Artificers, and every other means that is in his hands, which may be necessary to effect the business. The House then Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into Consideration the Bill for the relief of Ob jects of distress. M r Baker in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair. M r Baker from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill Reported, that they had gone through the same, which was agreed to. ORDERED, that the same be engrossed, and sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and Advice, and that M r Truitlen and M r Coleman be a Committee to wait on them with the same. 66 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The House then Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Bill for doing away an im aginary line. M r Baker in the Chair. The Speaker having Resumed the Chair. rH*v. , M r Baker from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill Reported. That they had gone thro the same which was received and read the second time. ORDERED, that the same be engrossed and sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and Advice, and that M r Truitlen and M r Coleman be a Committee to wait on them with the same. ORDERED, that the Election of Delegates be Adjourned over till Tomorrow. The House then Adjourned till Tomorrow morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday, January Q th 1782 The House met according to adjournment M r Few from the Committee of Ways and Means- Reported ORDERED, that the same do lay on the table for the Perusal of the Members. M r Ravott and M r Lewis a Committee from the Council Re turned the following Bills. W A Bill for the relief of objects of distress JANUARY, 1782. 57 A Bill for doing away an imaginary line between the good Citizens of this State &c. A Bill entitled an Act to repeal an Act to draw a line or lines &c. was read the third time ORDERED, that the said Bill be engrossed and that the Speaker ugn the same. A Bill intitled an Act for the relief of distress d Persons who are or may be objects of attention; was read the third time. ORDERED, that the said Bill be engrossed and that the Speaker Sign the same. M r Stirk from the Committee appointed to bring in a bill inti tled an Act to Amend An Act declaring certain Persons therein described Citizens of this State and for burying in Oblivion, cer tain high crimes and misdemeanours, brought in the same, which was read the first time A Petition from Elisabeth Crittendon was read, and Refered to the Committee of Accounts. A Petition from Charles Waters, Praying to be restored to the Liberties and previledges of a Citizen of this State RESOLVED, that the same be refered to a Special Committee, and that M r Scott, M r Harper, and M r Lindsay be that Commit tee. RESOLVED, that it be recommended to the Commander in chief of the Southern department, to issue an immediate order agree able to the Regulations of Congress, for the Officers of the Geor gia Continental line to meet at some convenient Place in Georgia, in order to select those officers to be appointed to the Command of the one Battalion of Infantry on the establishment of this State. 58 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY A Petition from Henry Jones, with an Account, Praying to be Paid, for building a Goal in the County of Wilkes in the Year One thousand seven hundred and Seventy eight ORDERED, that the same be refered to the Committee on Peti tions. A Petition from Zacharias Fahn. Praying to be relieved from a Contract made with M r Lucena. ORDERED, that the same be refered to the Committee on Peti tions M r Few from the Special Committee to examine the Accounts of Nathan Brownson Esquire, our late Governor, Reported which was agreed to, and is as follows. That, they find Proper Vouchers for the Money expended ex cept two Pounds Sixteen Shillings Paid Myrick Davies Esquire, which ought to be allowed, there remains a Ballance Due him for his Salary, One hundred and fifty Pounds eight Shillings and one Penny Specie The House Proceeded to the Choice of Continental Delegates for the Current year, when the following Gentlemen were duly elected. Vz l Noble Wymberly Jones, Edward Telfair and Wil liam Few Esquires. The House Proceeded to the choice of a State Quarter Master when Nehemiah Wade Esquire ; was duly elected. RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed to form a deprecia tion Table of the difference of exchange between Georgia and Continental Money issued, and Specie, to commence from the month of January One thousand Seven hundred and seventy Six, to the first of January One thousand Seven hundred and eighty two, and that the Same be made in the most equitable terms, and that they be empowered to call for Persons, Papers, and Rec ords. JANUARY, 1782. 5 And that M r Few M r Jackson,, M r Stirk, M r Baker and M r Woodruff be that Committee RESOLVED, that M r Jackson, M r Truitlen and M r MMurphy, be a Committee to bring in a Bill for erecting a Court of Claims. A Petition from M r John Lindsay, was read, and Refered to the Committee of Petitions. The House took into consideration, the Report of the Commit tee of Ways and Means, which was agreed to by a Majority of the House, and is as follows. Your Committee are of Opinion, that in order to defray the contingent expences of the State, there should be issued on the Credit of the Sequestered, and other Public lands, Certificates to the amount of Fifteen thousand Pounds which Certificate shall be drawn in the following manner W for the sum of This Certificate shall be received in Payment of the Confiscated Estates, agreeable to a law Passed the day of as Specie. Your Committee are further of opinion that the said Estates, or such Part of them, as will sink the said Certificates on or be fore the first day of November next, set up at Public Sale to the highest bidder for Specie, or those Certificates. Your Committee farther report that the Heads of the Quarter Master, and Commissaries Department on making Publick Con tracts, shall give temporary Certificates Specifying the Article and Quantity, to the Person or Persons contracting; in return for such articles as they may supply the State, but that they shall not be Permitted to give more than was given in the year One thou sand seven hundred and seventy five for any articles by them to be Purchased for the use of the State, which temporary certificates shall be within one Month hereafter Produced to his Honor the Governor, who, on examining the same shall be empowered to give a Standing certificate, on the Sequestered lands, as afore- 60 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY said, and farther that the Quarter Master and Commissary as aforesaid shall at the end of every Month, deliver to the Gov ernor, a general Return of all contracts by him made within the same; which said return shall be entered and Registered in the Secretary s Office of this State. Your Committee further Report that his Honor the Governor, be Requested to Order the Commanding officers of the different Regiments or Battalions, to make out and deliver to him, certi fied Pay Rolls, with Proper Abstracts of all Melitia duty that has been clone by the respective Corps, who, upon examining the same is hereby empowered to give Certificates on the Sequestered lands as aforesaid; and that for the future he do issue Orders that the Pay Rolls be delivered to him Monthly, and such Battal ion or Company Refusing, or failing to comply with such orders shall not be entitled to have or receive any Reward or compensa tion whatever for any Services done. The Yeas and Nays being called are as follows Yea Yea M r Stirk M r Emanuel M r Deveaux M r Irvine M r Baker M r Tho 8 Lewis Jun r M r Edw d Way M r Few M r Brown M r M c Neil M r Woodruff M r Saunders M r Coleman M r Ansley M r Lindsay M r Martin M r Williamson M r Fahn M r Harper M r Crawford M r Dooly M r Alexander M r Thompson M r Caleb Howell M r Twiggs M r Dan 1 Howell M r M c Murphy M r Wade. M r Clements 30. M r Lawson JANUARY, 1782. 61 Nay Nay M r William Way M r Truitlen M r Dunwoody M r Brownson M r Sullivant 5. ORDERED, that the Deputy Commisary, and Quarter Master Generals, Treasurer, and all Publick officers give good and suf ficient Security for the faithful discharge of the trust Reposed in them, The Commisary in the sum of three thousand Pounds Specie, the Quarter Master in the sum of three thousand Pounds Specie, the Treasurer five thousand Pounds Specie, Auditor of Accounts, one thousand Pounds Specie, and that the said Surety s be Presented to his Honor the Governor and Executive Council for their Approbation and consent. The House then adjourned to Tomorrow morning 10 oClock (From State Archives.) Thursday January io th 1782. The House met According to Adjournment The Speaker Signed the following Acts. W An Act, to repeal an Act, entitled an Act to draw a line or lines between the good Citizens of this State and the enemies thereof; and to Prevent Plundering, and detect Spies within the same ; And, An Act for the Relief of distressed Persons, who are or may be Objects of attention. RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed to examine the books of the Commissioners of Forfeited Estates, and that M r Truitlen, M r Baker, and M r M c lntosh be that Committee. A Petition from John Bacon, with an Account, was read, and Refered to the Committee of Accounts. 02 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Petitions of James Evans, James Miller, Lewis Musick, James Ford, and George Miller, was read and referee! to the Committee of Petitions The Committee of Petitions Reported in Part as follows. W N 9. That the Petition of John Lindsay be Granted. N 10. That the Petition of Daniel Wallicon be Postponed N 1 1. That the Petition of Rebekah Rae ; be Postponed. N 12. That the Petition of Mary Lewis, be Postponed. N 13. That the Petition of Mary Stephens be refered to the Attorney General. N 14. That the Petition of Zacharias Fahn, be Postponed which was agreed to. RESOLVED, that M r Few, have leave to bring in a Bill to Re peal Part of an Act entitled an Act to Amend the Several Acts, for the better Regulation of the Melitia M r Few from the Committee, appointed to bring in a Bill to repeal Part of an Act, entitled an Act to amend several Acts ; for the better Regulation of the Melitia brought in the same, which was read the first time. M r Burns and M r Freeman, a Committee from the Council waited on this House with the following Recommendation. W That they think it necessary that a Commissary of Military Stores, and keeper of Public Salt, should be appointed, That a close Waggon for the Conveyance of Ammunition and Public Papers be Provided. That means be Provided to Procure sundry necessaries for the supply and support of the Governor s family (the Certificates to JANUARY, 1782. 63 be issued being in their opinion inadequate thereto) agreeable to the Memorandom delivered to the Committee of Ways and Means That the Procuring Salt should immediately be adopted for the use of this State. RESOLVED, that his Honor the Governor be directed to order the Commissaries immediately to collect and lay up five thousand bushels corn, for the Sole use of supplying bread to the Families ; and the Melitia, at different Posts, and that the Quarter Master be ordered not to take, or Purchase any corn in this State, untill the above quantity be furnished ; as it appears by the Report of the Committee that but a small quantity of Corn can be Procured in this State; the Deposit and distribution be left to the Gov ernor and Council. On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration, a Bill to amend an Act, entitled an Act to bury in Oblivion certain high crimes and misdemeanors M r Dunwoody in the Chair The Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r Dunwoody from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, Reported. That they had examined the said Bill and was of opinion the same should be recommitted, which was agreed to. M r Scott from the Special Committee, to whom was Refered the Petition of Charles Waters, Reported. ORDERED, that the Petition of Charles Waters be Refered to the Governor and Council. RESOLVED. That his Honor the Governor and Council, be 64 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY desired to curtail such Part of the Rations of Forrage as may ap pear to them to be necessary in the Present scarcity of corn. M r Stirk from the Committee, appointed to bring in a Bill en titled an Act, to Amend an Act declaring certain Persons therein described Citizens of this State, and for burying in oblivion cer tain high crimes and Misdemeanors, brought in the same which was read the first time. The House Proceeded to the Election of a Councellor for the County of Burke, in the room of M r Lord who Resigned his seat at that Board, and on counting the Ballots M r Lawson, was elected. The House having taken into consideration, the Report of the Committee of the Georgia State Legion, which is as follows, RESOLVED, that the Horse of the Georgia Legion not being able to be equipped, in such a manner, as the Service Requires; ought to be reduced to one Troop, which was agreed to by a Ma jority, the Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows. Yea Yea M r Stirk M r Thompson M r Baker M r Emanuel M r Dunwoody M r Irvine M r Edw a Way M r Tho s Lewis J r M r William Brown M r Saunders M r Woodruff M r Ansley M r Coleman M r Martin M r Lindsay. M r Crawford M r Clements M r Alexander M r Williamson M r Truitlen M r Scott M r Wade M r Harper M r Few M r Doolv 2$. JANUARY, 1782. 65 Nay Nay M r M c lntosh M r M c Neil M r Deveaux M r Fahn M r W m Way M r Caleb Howell M r Sullivant M r Dan 1 Howell M r Twiggs M r Brownson M r MMurphy M r Jackson M r Lawson 13. The Committee further Report, that the said Troop consist of one Captain, two Lieutenants, one Quartermaster, one Sadler, three Serjants, and forty Privates for which Horses and other necessaries may be compleatly Provided, that the Remainder of those enlisted for the Horse Service, shall at their option, be re duced to foot, to serve in the same State Corps, during the re mainder of their time, or be discharged, and receive for Payment Certificates that such Part of a Negro is due them to be Paid at the expiration of the term they were enlisted for, That the Offi cers Reduced, shall receive the same, to be Paid at the expiration of the twelve Months they engaged for; and that Lieutenant Colonel Jackson make the Arrangement. which was agreed to RESOLVED, that M r Jackson, M r M c Murphy, and M r Coleman be the Committee to bring in a Bill on the Report of the Commit tee on Ways and Means. RESOLVED, that M r Stirk, and M r M c lntosh be a Committee to draw Instructions for the direction and Government of the Au ditor s of Accounts, and Report tomorrow Morning. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10. OClock (From State Archives.) Fryday, January II th 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. 5 r r-vol 3 66 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY A letter from Nathan Brownson Esquire. Resigning his Seat for Glyn County was read. ORDERED. That a Writ of Election Issue for a Member for said County. M r Jackson from the Committee, appointed to bring in a Bill on the Report of the Committee on Ways and Means, brought in the same, which was read the first time. M r Stirk and M r M c lntosh, a Committee appointed to draw up Instructions, for the direction and Government of the Auditor of Accounts. Reported as follows. First. The Payrolls that may be exhibited against the State for Melitia duty, Prior to the twenty Sixth day of February one thousand seven hundred and eighty, be liquidated agreeabl* to the then Melitia law, untill the Passing of the Melitia law in August last, when all Pay Rolls shall be made out agreeable to the Regulations of the same, and that all Accounts be Attested by the Captains or the Officer s commanding the Parties, and Certified by the Colonels of the Respective Regiments, and that all such sums when Paid shall be entered in the Receipts in words. Second. That all charges exhibited by the Quarter Masters and Commissaries for the Melitia, Prior to the said twenty sixth day of February, One thousand seven hundred and eighty, be attested by themselves and certified by the respective Officers of the Parties, for which the supplies were made. Third. That all and every charge that may be brought against the State, Prior to the aforesaid term, that may tend to the aforesaid supplies, in the Quarter Master and Commis sary s department, for Continental use, be made out in the name of the United States, and sworn to by the Person supplying the Same, and certified by the Person to whom JANUARY, 1782. 67 such Supplies were delivered, or receipts; as the case may be, and Charged to the United States. Fourth. That such charges, respecting the said departments of the Quarter Master, and Commissaries for the Melitia of the State, be under similar Regulations with that of the Military and Properly Arranged, and charged to the State, and that the Auditor do call on the aforesaid Quarter Master and Commissary once every month for their Accounts and vouchers, and upon liquidating and arranging the same, deliver them to his Honor the Gov ernor and Council, that the said Auditor do give to the Quarter Master and Commissary upon Adjusting their said Accounts, Certificates for such sums as they have Settled for. Fifth. That all charges since the twenty sixth day of February One thousand seven hundred and eighty tending to the Support of Civil Government, be settled and Audited, at equitable rates, and Reported to the House accordingly. Sixth. That the Auditor be directed and required to apply to all and every Person or Persons who may have, or hereafter shall receive any monies, and charged to them by the State, that they do forthwith bring in Proper Vouchers for expenditures, and should any Person, or Persons, neg lect or refuse to comply with the same, after thirty days notice given, that the name or Names of Such default ers, together with the Sum or Sums he or they may have received, be delivered into the hands of the Attorney General, who is hereby directed and required to bring Actions at law against such defaulters as aforesaid Seventh. That the Auditor do report during the Setting of this House, on the different Accounts he may Audit, day by day. and that during the Recess of this House, the said Auditor do report at such convenient time, as may be 68 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY thought necessary to his Honor the Governor and Ex ecutive Council, which was agreed to. On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the Bill entitled an Act, to amend an Act, declaring certain Persons therein described Citizens of this State, and for burying in Oblivion Certain high crimes and misdemeanors M r Twiggs in the Chair The Speaker having Resumed the Chair. M r Twiggs from the Committee of the whole House, to take the said Bill into consideration, Reported, that they had gone through the same, which he read in his Place and Delivered in at the Table. A Bill entitled an Act to amend an Act, declaring certain Per sons therein described Citizens of this State and for burying in Oblivion certain high Crimes and misdemeanors, was read the second time. ORDERED, that the same be sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and advice, And that M r Baker and M r Deveaux be a Committee to wait on them with the same. On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration A Bill entitled an Act to Re peal Part of an Act entitled an Act to amend several Acts for the regulation of Meliiia M r MIntosh in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair. JANUARY, 1782. 69 M r M c lntosh from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill. Reported. That they had gone through the same, which was not agreed to. On Motion The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into Consideration a Bill entitled an Act for Con fiscating the Estates of Certain Persons therein described, and for the Providing funds for defraying the contingent expences of the State. M r Twiggs in the Chair The Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r Twiggs from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, reported that they had gone through the same, which he read in his Place and delivered in at the Table. A Bill entitled an Act for Confiscating the Estates of certain Persons therein described, and for the Providing funds, for de fraying the contingent expences of the State, was read a Second time. ORDERED, that the said Bill be engrossed, and sent to the Ex ecutive Council for their Perusal and advice And that M r Jackson and M r Stirk be a Committee to wait on them with the same. A Petition from Robert Bonner, with an Account was read, and refered to the Committee on Petitions A Petition from John Herndon, was read and refered to the Committee on Petitions. RESOLVED, that the State Commissary and Quarter Master be under the same Regulations, with those of the Continental line 70 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY James Cochran Esq r a Member elected for the County of Glyn Attended, Qualified, and took his seat. M r Odingsells and M r Freeman a Committee from the Council Returned the Bill, entitled an Act for Confiscating the estates of certain Persons therein described and for the Providing funds for defraying the contingent expences of the State, with their re marks. ORDERED, that his Honor the Governor, be requested to give to James Evans, James Miller, Lewis Musick, James Ford, Wil liam Neale, William Goodley, Cap* Prince, William Young and James Bridges, Sufficient Power and Authority under the Great Seal of the State, to collect, in South and North Carolina s, one Negro each, belonging to this State, as a gratuity for their Serv ices last Campaign. And that his Honor Particularly name the Negro the Person to whom they lately belonged, and the Person having the same in possession RESOLVED, that no more Negroes be given to any Person or Persons applying, on a contract said to be made by Col William son and others, and that in future any contract or bargain made, by any Officer or Officers in the Service of this State, with re spect to the Property of it shall and is hereby declared to be ille gal and of course null and void Whereas it appears by the books of the Commissioners of the Sequestered and Confiscated Estates, that they have disposed of Property belonging to the aforesaid Estates to the amount of three thousand Six hundred and twelve Pounds seventeen Shil lings and two Pence, for which they have not Accounted there fore RESOLVED, that the aforesaid Commissioners ought to be, and are Considered accountable to this State for the aforesaid Sum of three thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds seventeen Shil- JANUARY, 1782. 71 lings and two Pence untill they return Bonds to the full amount of that sum agreeable to the terms for which they were Author ized to sell that property. ORDERED, that they deliver to his honor the Governor all Books, Bonds, or other Papers that is in their Posession belong ing to any of the Confiscated Estates, and take his Receipt for the same. That his honor the Governor and Council, be Authorized and Requested to appoint an Agent in each County to make out, and return to Council an Account of all the land ; and other Confis cated Property, that there may be in each County. That the Governor and Council be Authorized and empow ered to dispose of the Remainder of the Confiscated Estates, in the same manner that the aforesaid Commissioners are Author ized to do. On Motion RESOLVED, that Joseph Woodruff Esq r late Deputy Quarter Master General, be desired to deliver all Property of a Public na ture, in his Possession to Nehemiah Wade Esquire, as soon as Possible, taking his Receipt for the same. On Motion RESOLVED, that the Publick Papers in the hands of Edward Da- vies Esquire late Auditor General, be delivered by him to Daniel MMurphy Esquire to be conveyed to our Delegates in Congress, and that his Honor the Governor be requested to write to M r Davies on the Subject. M r Wade being appointed Quarter Master to this State, Ac cepted of said appointment. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow morning 9 OClock. 1 72 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Saturday January 12 th 1782 The House met according to Adjournment. The following Petitions were read, and Ordered to be Post poned Vz* From Thomas Ansley From Nehemiah Wade. A Bill intitled an Act, to amend an Act declaring certain Per sons therein described, Citizens of this State ; and for burying in Oblivion, certain high Crimes and misdemeanors; was read the third time ORDERED, that the Speaker Sign the same. M r John Adam Truitlen, from the Committee of Accounts, Re ported, which being taken into consideration by the House, was agreed to, and is as follows, N i. On the Account of Blossomgame Harvey. That he apply to the Persons who employed him. The Yeas, and Nays being called for are as follows Yea Yea M r JVPIntos h M r Irvine M r Deveaux M r Tho" Lewis Jn r M r Baker M r William Few M r Dunwoody M r M c Neal M r William Way M r Saunders M r Brown M r Fahn M r Sullivant M r Crawford M r Scott M r Alexander M r Harper M r J. A. Truitlen M r Clements 20. M r Emanuel JANUARY, 1782. 73 Nay Nay M r Stirk M r M c Murphy M r Edw d Way M r Martin M r Woodruff. M r Caleb Howell M r Coleman M r Dan 1 Howell M r Thompson 10. M r Twiggs N 2. On the Account of Robert Bonner, that the same be con sidered as part of his duty, which he owed his Country. N 3. That the Petition of Henry Jones for building a Goal in Wilkes County, be refered to the Commissioners for building a Goal in the said County. N 4. That John Bacon s Account of Ten Pounds, be allowed N 5. That the Account of Elisabeth Crittendon be refered to the Auditor of Accounts. N 6. That the Account of Abraham Jones of twenty five Pounds, be allowed, deducting the five guineas received of Governor Brownson. That the Account of Joel Phillips, be returned being blank On Motion RESOLVED, that M r Walton, Chesley Bostick and M r Woodruff, be appointed to collect the Vouchers, in the Commissary s and Quarter Masters Departments, about the time of the Reduction of Augusta, and the same to be made a Continental Charge. On Motion RESOLVED, that his Honor the Governor be empowered to issue Certificates to such Persons, who shall Produce certificates from the commanding Officer of the regiment, he, or they, served dur ing their Refugeeship from this Country, for their respective 74 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Quota s of land, agreeable to the Resolve of the last Assembly, which said Certificates shall run as follows. "Agreeable to the Resolves of Assembly Passed the nineteenth of August, One thousand seven hundred and eighty one, and the twelfth day of January One thousand seven hundred and eighty two. This Certificate is to Certify that Acres of land is due from this State to His Heirs or Assigns. That on opening the land Office in this State, those having the Certificates as aforesaid, shall have a Prior right to any others on equal terms. The following Acts, being Prepared, were Signed by the Speak er. Vz* An Act entitled an Act to amend an Act declaring certain Per sons therein described Citizens of this State, and for burying in oblivion certain high crimes and misdemeanor s. and. An Act for Confiscating the estates of certain Persons therein described, and for raising a fund for defraying the Contingent expences of the State. Whereas, the Commissioners of Sequestered Estates have in formed this House, that numbers of Persons who Purchased at the Confiscated Sales, refuse to comply with the Condition of the same. RESOLVED, that the Attornev General be ordered to commence Suits against the said several Persons, who purchased at the said Sales, and have not complied with the same, in order that the Commissioners may be enabled to settle their Accounts with this State. M r Jackson from the Committee of Indian Affairs reported. That the Ballance due Richard Henderson, be allowed, to- JANUARY, 1782. 75 gether with a farther sum of twenty Pounds in consideration of his services and losses. The Committee farther Recommend that two Persons be ap pointed to transact the Indian affairs as Superintendents, and that his Honor the Governor and Executive Council be empow ered to give them such instructions as they may deem expedient, which was agreed to. RESOLVED, that James Rae and Daniel MMurphy Esquires, be appointed Superintendents of Indian affairs, and that they be rec ommended to Congress as Commissioners of Indian affairs for the Southern department ORDERED, that the Quarter Master be Ordered to furnish the Governor with such Articles as may be necessary for the use of his House. The House then Proceeded to the choice of Justices for the Dif ferent Counties, when the following Persons were appointed. For Chatham County. Joseph Clay ""J John Wereat William O Bryan Esquires, Assistant Justices Noble Wymberly Jones J James Habersham, Joseph Habersham, Samuel Stirk, Charles Odingsells, Jonathan Bryan, James Jackson and Peter Deveaux Esquires. For Liberty, Glynn and Cambden. William Gibbons ^ Nathan Brownson ^ Charles Kent " Esquires, Assistant Justices James Cochran J Joseph Woodruff, William M c lntosh, James Maxwell, Josiah Bacon, George Threadcroft, James Dunwoody, and John Bacon Esquires. 76 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY For Effingham County. John Adam Truitlen, Jenkin Davis, Abraham Ravott, Daniel Howell, Benjamin Lanier, Daniel Bonnell, Thomas Chisholm and Caleb Howell Esquires. For Burke County. Edward Telfair ^ Daniel M c Murphy Thomas Lewis Sen f Es( l uires Assistant J stlces - John Twiggs J David Emanuel, Thomas Lewis Jun r , Hugh Lawson John Lawson, Francis Pugh, Raymond Demeree John Jones, Jar- rat Irvine, Thomas Little, James Pugh John Conyers, Robert Bowling, & John Green Esquires For Richmond County. illiam Glascock \ Esquires, Assistant Justices, illiam Few Jun r J Charles Crawford, James Martin, Littleberry Bostick Andrew Burns, James M c Neil, Edmund Bugg, Zacharias Fahn, John Ger many, Abraham Ayers, Isaac Low Isaac Jackson, Greenberry Lee, Thomas Greer Sen r , James M c Farland, John Smith, James Bowie, George Wyche Nathan Harriss, Rhesa Howard Esquires For Wilkes County. Stephen Heard, William Downes, Benjamin Catchings Abra ham Biddle, Richard Aycock, Daniel Coleman, Benjamin Thomp son, Micajah Williamson, Barnard Heard, Robert Harper, Henry Ware, Daniel Burnet John Lindsay, Zachariah Lamar, Holman Freeman, Henry Manadue, John Cunningham, and Henry Jones Esquires. RESOLVED that all former appointments of Justices be void. JANUARY, 1782. 77 The House Proceeded to fix the Salaries of the Civil Officers for the Present year. The Governor, three hundred Pounds Per Annum. Counsellors for the time they attend, at the rate of fifty Pounds Per Annum for each County. Attorney General, One hundred Pounds Per Annum. Treasurer, Fifty Pounds, Provided there is an occasion and the Governor and Council think it expedient Secretary of the State, fifty Pounds Superintendents of Indian affairs, fifty Pounds, each. Commisary in the Nation, Sixty Pounds. Linguister, Twenty five Pounds. Commissary of Military Stores, the same Pay, and Rations as in the Continental Army. Clerk to the Superintendents. Twenty Pounds. Clerk of the Assembly One hundred Pounds, and that in the re cess of the House of Assembly, he discharges the duty of Auditor. Clerk of the Council, fifty Pounds. Messenger to the Council, fifteen Pounds. Messenger to the Assembly, ten Pounds. Continental Delegates, four dollars Per diem while they serve. The House Proceeded to the Choice of a Commisary of Milli- tary Stores, when James Bryan, was chosen Whereas. Public Ferries, are necessary for the expediting 78 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Public business, and that the same should be duly attended, for the Purposes intended. RESOLVED, that the Ferry known by the name of Sand Bar, vested in Daniel Wallecon, and the one at Augusta vested in Col Martin, shall be and they are hereby made Public Ferries, and that the Persons taking charge and Superintending the same, shall be allowed by this State, the sum of fifteen Pounds Specie, each, Yearly, and that the follo\ving sums be demanded as Ferriage rates. For a Man, three Pence For a Man and Horse Six Pence For every Carriage, Six Pence a wheel, and four Pence a Horse, ORDERED, that the Clerk of the Assembly be directed to arrange all the Accounts that is in his Possession, that ought to be charged to the United States, and deliver them to his Honor the Gov ernor in order that they may be forwarded to Congress. ORDERED that the Notes and Bonds, taken by the Commission ers of Confiscated estates, be delivered to his Honor, the Govern or, that he be requested to furnish M r Few with the sum of twenty Pounds Specie for the Purpose of defraying his expences to Con gress On Motion RESOLVED, that a Committee of three Persons be appointed to examine and revise the Minutes of this House, and that M r Jack son, M r Few and M r Deveaux be that Committee. ORDERED, that M r Jackson, M r Scott, M r Dunwoody and M r Martin be added to the Committee, appointed to write to the Pres ident of Congress, and that they lay the same before the Governor and Council for their approbation, and that the Speaker be Au thorized to sign the same, as an Act of this House. JANUARY, 1782. 79 The House having received information that James Maxwell Esquire has declined his Seat in the Executive Council. The House then Proceeded to the Election of a Councillor for Liberty County, in the room of James Maxwell Esq. who had resigned his Seat at that Board, and on Counting the Ballots, Samuel Saltus Esquire was elected. The said Samuel Saltus not being Present, the House agreed M r Woodruff should take a seat at that Board for Liberty County till his Arrival RESOLVED, that the mode of appointing the Officers of the Le gion, Dragoons, if not agreed among themselves be by ballot or Draft, and that his Honor the Governor be desired to return Col Jackson his Appointment The following letter was wrote to the President of Congress Sir Agreeable to the Order of the Honorable House of Assembly, I have the honor to inform you of the Present situation of this State. The necessity there is for our immediate Attention to the de fence of the State, and the low circumstances of our Finance, owing to the depopulation of our Country; from the repeated overrunning of the enemy, which has almost destroyed our re sources, render it impossible for us to Pay that respect to the dif ferent Papers laid before us by Congress we could wish, the Leg islature meets again on the first tuesday in July, when no doubt they will be Particularly considered We have requested General Greene to convene the Officers of our Continental line, in order to select those to compose the one Battalion of Infantry, we are sorry it will not be in our Power to fall on measures effectually to recruit that Battalion at Present, a want of Clothing, as our Ports are blocked up, and Specie to serve as bounty, renders it impracticable, can we get a Supply of 80 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY the former, and some small Assistance of the latter; no means in our Power shall be wanting to compleat it. We neither wish to direct, or advise, as we in no Respect doubt the generous attention of Congress to the Southern States, but could either the Port of Savannah, or Charles Town be opened, this Country would instantly feel the good effects and benefit, Particularly in the Article of Salt, of which necessary articles, the People of this Country are totally destitute, untill this can be ef fected, we shall be obliged to apply to Congress for such requi sites as we cannot do without. Our Delegation for the ensuing year, are the Honr able Noble Wymberly Jones, Edward Telfair and William Few Esquires, as Col Few sets out immediately for Philadelphia, such farther Particulars as Congress might wish to be acquainted of; that Gentleman will have the honor to inform them We shall send on as soon as Possible, the Accounts of our State, against the Continent, which we hope will be Placed to our Credit. I am &c. Instructions for the Continental Delegates. First. The House of Assembly have ordered, their Accounts against the Continent, to be forwarded on as soon as Possible to the Delegates, in order that they may, without delay be set tled, and the State have credit for such Sums as may be Liqui dated and Adjusted, to inform Congress at the Commence ment of the Present war, no regulations were ever adopted, or sent forward for the guidance of the Officers in the several de partments, but the State knowing the absolute necessity there was, of supporting the Troops and the general cause, issued out large sums for that Purpose, not doubting but Congress would Pay Attention to the same at a future day. if, Congress should not allow the whole, the Delegates are desired to ac quaint the Legislature (in case further Proof should be nec essary) that they may endeavour to obtain it JANUARY, 1782. 81 Second. The Melitia who fled from the State soon after the Re duction of Charles Town, and served in the other States, untill the Fall of the Fortresses in the back Country, have not re ceived a Shilling of Pay since the twenty sixth day of February One thousand seven hundred and eighty, since their return to the State they have been obliged to keep the Field under every disadvantage. The Delegates are desired to make application to Congress, in the most Pressing terms, for a supply of Specie for that Purpose; should they not Pay attention to the Request, we fear the Melitia will be Obliged to quit the Service, as they can not remain much longer in it, for the want of necessaries for themselves and families Signed by &c. The following Persons were fined for non Attendance Vz l Samuel Stirk Ten Shillings Specie. William MIntosh half a Dollar, John Baker half a dollar, John Cooper half a dollar, James Dunwoody five Shillings, Joseph Woodruff Seven Shillings and six Pence, Daniel Coleman ten Shillings, Micajah Williamson ten Shillings, Samuel Scott fifteen Shillings, Robert Harper two Shillings and six Pence, George Dooly seven Shillings and six Pence Benjamin Thompson ten Shillings, John Twiggs seven teen Shillings and six Pence, Daniel M c Murphy Seven Shillings and six Pence, John Clements two Shillings & six Pence, Alex ander Irvine two Shillings and Six Pence, William Few ten Shil lings, James M c Neal two Shillings and six Pence, Joshua Saun- ders five Shillings, Thomas Ansley seyen Shillings and six Pence James Martin twelve Shillings and six Pence, Charles Crawford two Shillings and six Pence, Samuel Alexander five Shillings, Caleb Howell twelve Shillings and. six Pence Daniel Howell ten Shillings. The House then Adjourned to the first tuesday in July next, (a Copy) WILUAM GIBBONS, Speaker 6 r r vol 3 ** JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Augusta, April 17 th 1782. Agreeable to Proclamation of his Honor the Governor the following Members attended, Vz l For Liberty, Glynn & Cambden. M r John Baker M r John Roberts M r Samuel Saltus M r Rich d Howly M r Joseph Woodruff M r Josiah Powell M r Joseph Oswald M r Dan 1 Sullivant For Burke County. M r Thomas Lewis Jun r M r David Emanuel M r John Clements M r Benjamin Lewis For Wilkes County M r Robert Harper Sen For Richmond County M r Thomas Ansley. But not being a number sufficient to compose a House they Proceeded to the choice of a Chairman when Richard Howly Esquire was chosen, who Adjourned the Members to meet to morrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Thursday April i8 th 1782 A number of Members met agreeable to Adjournment, when finding they were insufficient to compose a House, they were Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock. APRIL, 1782. 83 (From State Archives.) ii Fryclay, April ig th 1782. The following Members met agreeable to Adjournment M r Howley M r Irvine M r Woodruff M r Emanuel M r Baker M r Clements M r Salters M r Deveaux M r Oswald M r Coleman M r Roberts M r Wereat M r Powell M r Clay M r Sullivant M r MNeil M r Harper M r Martin M r Lindsay M r Ansley M r Thomas Lewis J r M r Crawford M r Ben Lewis M r Fahn M r Pugh M r Bugg M r Lamuel Lanier M r Alexander but being a number insufficient to compose a House Qualified the Members who now attended, that was absent, in January last. Mr. Edmund Bugg being returned a Member for the County of Richmond, in the room of the Honrable William Few Es quire, elected a Continental Delegate, Attended, and Qualified agreeable to the Constitution M r Josiah Powell being returned a Member for the County of Liberty in the room of M r James Maxwell Attended and Qualified agreeable to the Constitution M r Benjamin Lewis, and M r Francis Pugh being returned Members for the County of Burke in the room of Daniel M- Murphy and William Lord, Attended and Qualified, agreeable to the Constitution They were then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock 84 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Saturday April 2o th 1782 The House met according to Adjournment The following Members being Present For Liberty, Glynn & Cambden. M r Richard Howly M r Joseph Oswald M r Joseph Woodruff M r John Roberts M r John Baker M r Josiah Powell M r Samuel Saltus M r Daniel Sullivant. For Richmond County M r James M c Neil M r Samuel Alexander M r James Martin M r Edmund Bugg M r Thomas Ansley M r Charles Crawford M r Zacharias Fahn For Chatham County M r Peter Deveaux M r Joseph Clay M r John Wereat M r Thomas Washington For Burke County. M r Thomas Lewis Jun r M r Alexander Irvine M r Benjamin Lewis M r David Emanuel M r Francis Pugh M r John Clements M r Lamuel Lanier For Wilkes County. M r Daniel Coleman M r Elijah Clark M r Mica j ah Williamson M r George Dooly M r Robert Harper M r Henry Jones. M r John Lindsay APRIL, 1782. 85 M r Thomas Washington, M r John Houstoun and M r Frederick Rehm, being returned Members for the County of Chatham, in the room of Lieutenant Colonel Jackson, Samuel Stirk and Nehe- miah Wade Esquires, when M r Washington attended and quali fied agreeable to the Constitution M r Henry Jones being returned a Member for the County of Wilkes, attended and qualified agreeable to the Constitution. On Motion RESOLVED, that M r Baker, M r Powell and M r Deveaux, be added to the Committee of Previledges and Elections. The Committee of Previledges and Elections Reported. That they cannot determine respecting M r Clays taking his seat, and are also of Opinion that M r Jones cannot take a seat untill le gally elected, which The House taking the same into consideration RESOLVED that M r Clay holding a Post of Profit under the Authority of Congress, could not take a Seat in this House. The House then Proceeded to the Choice of a Speaker when Samuel Saltns Esquire was chosen On Motion. That the Speaker now Elected be Pro. tempore RESOLVED, that he do not Act Pro. tempore An Address from his Honor the Governor, was read. ORDERED that M r Howly, M r Deveaux M r Powell, and M r Baker, be a Committee to draw up an Answer to the Address from his Honor the Governor, 86 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY On Motion. That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for inflicting Penalties on, and, Confiscating the Estates, of such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State. ORDERED that a Committee of one Member from each County be appointed to bring in the said Bill, And that M r Howly, M r Washington, M r M c Neil M r Lanier, and M r Clark be that Com mittee On Motion. That a Committee of three Members be appointed to Con sider what business is Proper to be done in the course of this Session ORDERED, that M r Bugg, M r Roberts and M r Coleman be that Committee The House then Adjourned to tomorrow Morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Sunday April 2 I st 1782. The House met according to Adjournment M r John M c Lean, and M r James Carter being returned Mem bers elected for the County of Liberty, in the room of M r John Bacon and M r John Cooper, Attended and qualified agreeable to the Constitution, as also did M r Henry Jones for the County of Wilkes ; in the room of M r Samuel Scott. M r William OBryan and M r William Le Conte being returned. Members, elected for the County of Chatham, in the room of M r APRIL, 1782. 87 Adam Fowler Brisbane and M r John MCleur, Attended and qualified agreeable to the Constitution The Committee of Previledges and Elections Reported "That M r William Le Conte is not eligible to a seat in this House, he, not being a residenter in the County of Chatham three Months, agreeable to the Constitution, which was agreed to. On Motion That his Honor the Governor and Council have Purchased a quantity of necessary s for the reception of the Members of this House of Assembly, therefore RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor be requested to furnish this House with a Copy of the Minutes of Council re specting the said Purchase. RESOLVED, That his Honor the Governor be requested to lay before this House, all letters, and Copies of all letters and correspondences of a Public nature, which may have taken Place since the last Session, and also all Such Proclamations, as his Honor has issued since the above Period. ORDERED. That a Committee of three Members be appointed to deliver a Copy of the above Resolve to his Honor the Gov ernor, or in his absence to the Honrable Executive Council, and that, M r Baker, M r Powell, and M r M c Lane be that Committee ORDERED, that M r M c Lane, be added to the Committee of Petitions, in the room of M r Cowper The House then Adjourned to tomorrow Morning 9 OClock 88 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Monday, April 22 d 1782 The House met according to adjournment \- On Motion. That from the alarming situation, of Indians and families being in want of bread, and other Reasons, there appears an im- practibility of the Melitia s marching to the aid of General Wayne ORDERED, that the foregoing motion be refered to a Com mittee of three Members, to report immediately thereon, and that M r M c Neil, M r Benjamin Lewis, and M r O Bryan be that Com mittee The Committee appointed to draw up an answer to the Ad dress from his Honor the Governor Reported. ORDERED that the same be engrossed, which is as follows To his Honor John Martin Esquire Governor and com mander in chief, in, and over the State of Georgia. We the Representatives of the freemen of the State of Geor gia in General Assembly met, return your Honor, our thanks for your Speech, and agree with you in sentiment, that many im portant matters, Rendered it necessary, that your Honor should, with the Advice of the Honrable Executive Council call the House at an earlier Period than that to which it stood adjourned. We will Proceed to the consideration of the several matters mentioned in your Honor s address, with all convenient expedi tion. - - and beg leave to assure you that no means will be wanting on our Part to establish the dignity, and Promote the welfare and Prosperity of our Country. APRIL, 1782. 89 ORDERED. That M r Washington and M r M c Niel be a Com mittee to wait on his Honor with the Same. M r Daniel Bonnell, and M r Daniel Howell members for Effing- ham County, Attended. M r Bonnell not attending before, since his election. Qualified agreeable to the Constitution The Committee of Previledges and Elections Reported as fol lows. That they are of opinion that John Wereat Esq r is not eligible to a seat in this House, as he considers himself a Continental Agent, and expects emolument from said Appointment, which was agreed to. The Committee are also of opinion that John Lindsay Esquire is eligible to a Seat in this House, having declared to this Com mittee, that he holds no Place of Profit in this or any other State, which was agreed to. The Committee are further of opinion, that the case of Joseph Woodruff Esquire, be refered to the House. When the House taking the same into Consideration RESOLVED, that M r Joseph Woodruff is not eligible to a seat in this House, for the County of Liberty as it appears to this House, that he was not a residenter of the said County agreeable to the Constitution. The Committee, on the alarming situation of Indians and families being in want of bread, and other Reasons ; there ap pears an impractibility of the Melitia s Marching to the aid of General Wayne Reported as follows. Whereas, there is an absolute necessity for embodying a number of men, to be subject to the Orders of General Wayne, and whereas it is necessary that the Procuring of the said men 90 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY should be effected in such a manner as might Prove Prejudicial in the least manner Possible to the Planting interest, so necessary to be promoted in this season of distress, and Whereas it appears, that this Service will be best Promoted by Procuring Volun teers RESOLVED, that a bounty of twenty Guineas be given to each man who shall enroll himself and serve under Colonel Clarke for the space of three Months, from the time they Join General Wayne, the number so enrolled not to exceed one hundred and fifty Provided always that no Person be received in the above num ber of, men so enrolled, who is or may be drafted in the State of South Carolina, to do duty in this State. And to remove all doubts of the just and Punctual Payment of the said sum of twenty guineas to each of the said men so enrolled, and having served their time as aforesaid, be it further RESOLVED that a Negro valued by two Sworn Magistrates to the amount of Sixty Guineas be given to three of the said men and so in Proportion, or at the option of the said men, they shall be at liberty, to Purchase Confiscated Property, to the amount of tneir Respective bounties. ORDERED, that a Writ of Election do issue for one Member for the County of Liberty, in the room of Joseph Woodruff Esquire ORDERED that Writs of Election Issue for three Members for the County of Chatham, in the room of Joseph Clay, John Were- at, and William Le Conte Esquires, The Committee appointed to Consider, what was necessary to be done this Sessions, Reported. APRIL, 1782. 91 ORDERED, that the same do lie on the table. The house then adjourned to tomorrow morning 9. OClock. (From State Archives.) Tuesday April 23 d 1782. The House met according to Adjournment The following Petitions were read, and refered to the Com mittee on Petitions, Vz 1 From Samuel Stirk, Executor of the late Col John Stirk De ceased. From Willeby Barton, in behalf of himself, and Moses Dyas, an infant. The following Memorials were likewise read and refered to the Committee of Petitions, W From Stephen Johnson. From William Maddox From Richard Wylly Esquire a Prisoner. A letter from Ignatius Few, was read, and Refered to the Committee of Petitions. On Motion. ORDERED that the Speaker write to the Honrable the Presi dent to give his attendance, without delay, as the Indisposition of his Honor the Governor, renders it impracticable for him to attend Public business. 92 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED, That M r Daniel Bonnell be added to the Committee of Petitions, in the room of M r John A. Truitlen Deceased. The House having received information, that the Hon rable the President is on his way to this place ORDERED, that the letter to the Honrable the President be Postponed. On Motion, that M r Few, who is now Present be called upon, to inform this House, respecting the articles deposited in Au gusta by him, and that the House take the same into Con sideration whether a mode shall be fallen upon to Pay M r Few for the said Articles, or the same be rejected. . ORDERED, that a Committee of three Members be appointed to consider of the said articles so deposited, and that M r Washing ton, M r Bugg, and M r Carter be that Committee. The Committee appointed to consider of the sundry Articles deposited in Augusta by Ignatius Few, Reported ORDERED that the House take the same into consideration. RESOLVED that the bargain made, with Ignatius Few for sun dry articles deposited by him for the use of the State be con firmed. The Yeas, and Nays, being called for are as follows. Yea Yea M r Howly M r Tho s Lewis Jun r M r Baker M r Benjamin Lewis M r Oswald M r Pugh M r Roberts M r Lanier M r Powell M r Emanuel M r M c Lean M r Clements M r Carter M r Lindsay M r Alexander M r Bonnell M r Washington 17- APRIL, 1782. 93 Nay Nay M r Sullivant M r Coleman M r M Neil M r Williamson M r Martin M r Harper M r Ansley M r Clark M r Fahn M r Dooly M r Bugg M r Jones M r Crawford M r Howell M r O Bryan 16. M r Irvine On Motion That a Committee be appointed to Prepare a letter to General \Yayne. to be signed by the Speaker, to request Waggons to transport the Rice obtained of South Carolina to Savannah river. - ORDERED that M r Howly, M r Baker and M r Powell be that Committee. On Motion. That the rules entered into, for the Government of the Mem bers of this House in January last; be adopted by the Present House, which was agreed to. The House then adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Wednesday April 24th, 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. John Wereat, Joseph Clay, and Joseph Woodruff Esquires, were returned Members elected for the County of Chatham, in 94 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY the room of Joseph Clay John Wereat, and William Le Conte Esquires. The Committee on Previledges and elections Reported. "That Joseph Clay Esquire is eligible to a Seat in this House, he the said Joseph Clay Esquire having resigned his appoint ment, as Pay master general. Joseph Clay, and Joseph Woodruff Esquires attended and qualified agreeable to the Constitution The Committee further Report. That John Wereat Esquire is not eligible to a Seat in this House, not being a Resident in the County he was elected for, which was agreed to. The following Petitions were read, and refered to the Com mittee of Petitions, W From Lucretia Lloyd, with two affidavits : From Nehud Wade Esquire. A Memorials, from Charles Burke, and Henry Jones, were read and refered to the Committee of Petitions. A Memorial from Samuel Alexander was read. ORDERED, that the same be refered to a Special Committee, and that M ; Howly, M r Clark, and M r M c Neil, be that Com mittee The Committee appointed to wait on his Honor the Gov ernor, to lay before this House, all letters, and copies of all let ters and correspondences of a Public nature which may have taken Place since the last Session, Reported. ORDERED, that a Committee be appointed to take into con- APRIL, 1782. 95 sideration the most important Papers laid before this House by his Honor the Governor, and Council and that M r Clay, M r Lindsay, and M r Woodruff be that Committee. The Committee appointed to wait on his Honor the Gov ernor, with an Answer to his address, Reported that they had delivered the same. On Motion. That the House having received information, that a quantity of Corn may be had convenient to this Place. ORDERED, that the same be Purchased for the benefit of the distressed inhabitants of this State, and for ,the use of this House while sitting, and that the Commisary give a receipt for the same. A Letter from three Members of the Honrable Executive Council, to this House was read. On Motion, that a Committee be appointed to inquire into the Propriety of the measures pursued by his Honor the Governor and Executive Council, respecting the mode of Paying for a number of Publick horses for the use of this State, and the dis posal of the same, and that M r Bugg, M r Martin, and M r M c Neil be that Committee. On Motion ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to Point out a mode of transporting the Public rice, from South Carolina to Au gusta, and that M r Lindsay, M r Washington, and M r Crawford be that Committee and to report tomorrow. On Motion. That the Sugar, Rum, and Coffee &c. Purchased by his Honor the Governor, for the use of the Governor and Council, and House of Assembly. 96 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY That a Committee be appointed to report the same ORDERED. That M r Bonnell, M r Powell, M r Washington; M r Bugg, M r Williamson, and M r Benjamin Lewis, be that Com mittee. The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday April 25 th 1782 The House met according to adjournment The following Petitions, were read and refered to the Com mittee of Petitions, W From Hillary Phillips From John Bacon. The Committee appointed to examine the rum. Sugar, Coffee &c. Purchased by his Honor the Governor and Council, for the use of the Governor, and Council, and House of Assembly, Re ported. That they had examined the same, and find the quantity to be as follows, W Forty two Gallons rum, Three Hundred and seventy Pounds of Sugar Sixteen Bushels Salt. Twenty three Pounds of Coffee. APRIL, 1782. 97 ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to Point out a mode for the distribution of the articles Purchased by his Honor the Governor and Council, for the use of the Governor and Council and House of Assembly and that the same be done this after noon. And that M r Washington, M r Bugg, M r Bonnell, M r Powell, M r Williamson, and M r Benjamin Lewis be that Com* mittee. ORDERED that M r O Bryan be on the Committee appointed, to Point out a mode for Transporting the Public rice from South Carolina to Augusta in the room of M r Washington On Motion, that a Committee be appointed to ascertain the number of Officers to act under Col Clark, their Ranks and bounty, respecting the Volunteers which are to be raised. ORDERED that M r M c Neil, M r O Bryan, and M r Coleman be that Committee RESOLVED, that in case any Person having Corn, and refusing to sell the same for the use of this State, the Commisary is here by ordered to impress the same, leaving a sufficient quantity for the Support of those families for four Months to such as have no wheat, and for two Months, to such as have Wheat, and that M r Wallecon be requested to go with the Commissary on this Service The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for inflicting Penalties on, and confiscating the Estates of such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State, Brought in the same, which was read the first time. On Motion That leave be given to bring in a Bill for Preventing improper or disaffected Persons, emigrating from other Places, becoming Citizens of this State, and for other Purposes therein men tioned 7 r r TO! 3 98 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that M r Clay, M r Howly, and M r Woodruff be that Committee. On Motion That a Committee be appointed to consider of Ways and means to raise our Quota of Continental Troops and to report their opinion thereon And that M r Howly, M r Clay, and M r O. Bryan be that Com mittee The Committee on the alarming situation of Indians, and familie s being in want of bread, and other reasons, there ap pears an impracticability of the Melitia s Marching to the as sistance of General Wayne, further Reported. That the Committee are of opinion that there is an absolute necessity for five Companies, and each Company to consist of one Captain, one Lieutenant and thirty Privates. The Officers of each Company on Procuring their respective number of Sol diers, and serving with Col Clark the space of three Months as volunteers. RESOLVED therefore that each Officer be intitled to the follow ing bounty. Vz l Lieutenant Forty Guineas Captain Fifty Guineas. And that no Officer or Soldier, who shall enroll himself under Col Clark for the space of three months, be intitled to the bounty granted by this House, unless he first obtain a certificate from the Commanding Officer of his having faithfully served under his command for the said term. The Special Committee to whom was refered the Memorial of Samuel Alexander. Reported. APRIL, 1782. 99 That the Circumstances of the Memorial being Considered, the Committee are of opinion that the House approve the con duct of Cap 1 Samuel Alexander which was agreed to. The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Fryday April 26 th 1782 The House met according to adjournment On Motion That his Honor the Governor be requested to inform this House, what measures have been taken to bring the several Per sons, who have received Public monies from this State, to ac count for them, and also that he will order to be laid before this House, an Account of the Sales- (expenditures if any) as well as moneys received, or due from the Sales of the Sequestered Es tates, and of every other matter relating to them, or the monies arising from them : And also an Account of what Sequestered Property is belong ing to this State, in whose Possession it is, and on what condi tions they hold the same, And also of every other matter wherein the Funds or Prop erty of this State is concerned. And likewise that he will direct to be laid before us, the monthly returns of the Quarter Master, and Commisaries, for Provisions and Stores, Purchased and issued by them, A Letter from George Walton Commissary General was read, and refered to the Committee of Petitions 100 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The following Petitions, were read, and refered to the Com mittee of Petitions. Vz* From Adar Standley From Daniel Daniely From Elisabeth Mills From Elisabeth Hammock. The Bill for inflicting Penalties on, and confiscating the es tates of such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State, was read a second time ORDERED that the same be read Paragraph by Paragraph. The House then Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the Said Bill The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 8 OClock. (From State Archives.) Saturday, April 27"* 1782. The House met according to Adjournment A Petition from David Emanuel, was read ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee of Peti tions. On Motion. That the House take up the Proceedings of Yesterday. The House then Resolved itself, into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration the Bill for inflicting APRIL, 1782. 101 Penalties on, and confiscating the estates of such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State. M r O Bryan in the Chair. The Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r O Bryan from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill. Reported that they had taken the same into consideration, made some Progress therein and beg d leave to sit again ORDERED that they have leave to Sit again. RESOLVED, that his Honor the Governor be requested to issue the necessary orders, for Preventing the Impressing of the Horses of any Member of the Honr able the Executive Council, or of the General Assembly while sitting, and such as have been impressed under the above circumstances, that they may be re turned The House then Resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House to take into consideration the Bill for inflicting Penalties on, and confiscating the Estates of such Persons as have been Guilty of Treason against this State. M r O Bryan in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r O Bryan from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill Reported. That they had taken the same into Consideration, made some Progress therein and beg d leave to sit again ORDERED that they have leave to sit again. The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock. 102 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Sunday April 28 th 1782 The House met according to adjournment On Motion That the House take into consideration the business of the Preceeding day The House then Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration the Bill for inflicting Penalties on, confiscating estates of such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State. M r O Bryan in the Chair The Speaker resumed the Chair M r O Bryan from the Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration the said Bill Reported. That they had taken the same into Consideration, made some Progress therein, and beg d leave to sit again ORDERED that they have leave to sit again On Motion That his Honor the Governor be requested to give immediate Orders to the Commissary General, to Provide a sufficient quan tity of Provisions for the use of the Officers of Government & House of Assembly. On Motion. The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration, the Bill for inflicting Penalties APRIL, 1782. 103 on, and confiscating the estates of such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State. M r O Bryan in the Chair The Speaker resumed the Chair M r O Bryan from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill ; Reported "That they had taken the same into consideration ; made some Progress therein, and beg d leave to sit again ORDERED that they have leave to sit again The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday April 29" 1782. The House met according to Adjournment A Petition from Thomas Cooper was read, and Refered to the Committee of Petitions A Memorial from John Stewart with an Account, was read and refered to the Committee of Petitions On Motion. The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the Bill for inflicting Penalties en, and Confiscating the Estates of such Persons as have been guilty of treason against this State M p O Bryan in the Chair The Speaker resumed the Chair 104 M r O Bryan from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill Reported. That they had taken the same into Consideration, made some Progress therein and beg d leave to sit again. I ORDERED that they have leave to sit again. [> A Letter from Cap 1 Lucas, a Continental Officer, in behalf of himself and other Continental Officers for this State, was read. ORDERED that the said letter be refered to the Committee, ap pointed to consider on ways and means, to raise our quota of Continental Troops. The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 8 OClock. (From State Archives.) Tuesday, April 3O th 1782. The House met According to Adjournment On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to Resume the Consideration of the Bill for inflicting Penalties on, and confiscating the estates of such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State. M r O Bryan in the Chair. The Speaker Resumed the Chair. M r O Bryan from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill. Reported. APRIL, 1782. 105 That they had gone through the same ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and sent to the Ex ecutive Council for their Perusal and Advice, and that M r Howly and M r Washington be a Committee to wait on them with the same. The Committee appointed to enquire into the Propriety of the measures Pursued by his Honor the Governor, and Executive Council ; Respecting the mode of Paying for a number of Publick Horses for the use of this State, and the disposal of the same. Reported. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table Whereas it appears that there has been Irregularities in the appointment of the Justices for the County of Wilkes in January last. RESOLVED that the Members from the County of Wilkes make a return of names; and that a Dedimus be made out; and that two or more be appointed to Administer the Oath Prescribed, and none to exercise the appointment untill first qualified. A Letter from his Honor the Governor was read ORDERED that the same be refered to a Committee of three Members, And that M r Howly, M r Washington, and M r Clay be that Committee A Memorial from George Walton and Elijah Clark was read. ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee of Peti tions RESOLVED, that the following Persons be appointed Justices for the County of Wilkes in lieu of those appointed in January last. Vz* Stephen Heard, William Downes, Benjamin Catch- ings, Zachariah Lamar, John Lindsay, Micajah Williamson, 106 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Robert Harper, Daniel Coleman, Richard Aycock, Holman Free man, Bernard Heard, Henry Manadue, Henry Jones, John Cun ningham, George Walton, Zachariah Phillips, Benjamin Thomp son, Daniel Burnet, Robert Day, Henry Ware, Samuel Alexan der, and Thomas Ansley. The following Petitions were read, and Refered to the Com mittee of Petitions Vz l From George Tarvin, with two certificates, r rom Henry Candler and Thomas Greer. The Committee on Petitions Reported on No. i. From Williby Barton in behalf of himself and Jere miah Dyas an infant RESOLVED that Captain Barton in behalf of himself and Jere miah Dyas an infant be intitled to Receive the Plantation and Negroes as soon as the time they were rented for be expired, and that the Rent be Paid him at that time, either by General Twiggs, or the State, together with any damages. N 15. on the Petition of Lucretia Lloyd; when the House taking the same into consideration ORDERED that the Petitioner be refered to a Court of Law. The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday May I st 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. The following Petitions were read, and refered to the Com mittee of Petitions. Viz. MAY, 1782. 107 From Thomas Ansley praying payment for certain debts due him from persons whose Estates have been confiscated. From John Clements. The following Memorials and Petitions were Read. Vz* From Nehemiah Wade From Nathaniel Hicks, with an Account From John Lamar with a Pay Roll. From Mary Randolph, with an Account and Vouchers, amounting to eleven hundred forty Six Pounds, sixteen Shillings ORDERED that a Committee of three Members be appointed to consider of some mode by which the Public Accounts may be settled. And that M r Clay, M r Howly and M r O Bryan be that Com mittee. RESOLVED, that the following Gentlemen be appointed Jus tices for the County s of Liberty, Glynn and Cambden, in lieu of those appointed in January last. Vz. Benjamin Andrew, Samuel Saltus, and Gideon Dowse Esquires Assistant Justices, and Richard Howly, Josiah Powell, & John Roberts Esquires As sistant Justices. James Maxwell, John Elliott, John Baker Joseph Woodruff, and Hepworth Carter Esquires The Committee appointed to consider of Ways and means, to raise our quota of Continental Troops, Reported, as follows. Whereas, from the invasions of the enemy and a variety of other local Circumstances, this State hath been deprived of an opportunity of expressing in as full a manner as it could wish 108 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY its Satisfaction in the conduct of the Officers which compose the line of the State, on the establishment of the United States ; and also the cheerful disposition which it entertains of contributing as far as may be, to the ease and comfort of the said Officers. Be it therefore Resolved, that the thanks of this House be Pre sented to the said Officers, in a Letter from the Speaker. Be it further Resolved that a Present of One hundred Guineas ; be made to each of the said Gentlemen, And that his Honor the Governor be empowered and Authorized to sign a Certificate conformable to these Resolutions, for each of the aforesaid Officers, which Certificate shall be received as Cash in any Pur chase, or Purchases which such Officers may make, at the sales of the Forfeited Estates. Be it further Resolved, that when the Pay or arrears of Pay, which are, or may be due, to the said Officers, shall be Properly Audited, and certified that his honor the Governor, or Com mander in Chief of the State for the time being, shall be, and he hereby is Authorized and required to issue and sign certifi cates for the same to each of the said Officers, which Certificates shall be Received as Cash in any Purchase, or Purchases which such Officers shall make at any Sale, or Sales of the Forfeited Estates. Whereas the Honorable Major General Greene hath since his taking the command of the Southern Army, rendered high, and important services to these Southern States by wresting them from the hand of British oppression, and establishing the foun dation of their Independence and Prosperity. And Whereas services so Glorious and Honorable to the United States in general, and this State in Particular Services which at once characterize the able and judicious General as well as the intreped assertor of American freedom, call for the distin guished approbation of the Legislature of this State MAY, 1782. 10J> Be it therefore Resolved that the sum of five thousand guineas be granted to three Commissioners to be appointed by this House for the Purpose of Purchasing an Estate for Major Gen eral Nathaniel Greene, -in such Part or Parts of the State as he shall appoint. RESOLVED, that the said Commissioners be empowered and Authorized to draw on and receive the said sum of five thousand guineas from the Public treasury of this State Whereas, Brigadier General \Vayne hath since his command ing the force of the United States within this State, ren dered great and meritorious Services to this Country by driving* in the Posts of the enemy, and with a very in ferior force keeping them confined to Savannah ; and Where as the Gallant and Judicious conduct of the said General, highly merits the generous attention, and approbation of the Legislature of this State. RESOLVED that a high Sense of the great merits and Services, rendered by the Hon rable Brigadier General Anthony Wayne is entertained by this House, and that the same be acknowledged in a letter from the Speaker to the said General. RESOLVED that the sum of four thousand Guineas be Granted to three Commissioners to be appointed by this House, for the Purpose of Purchasing an Estate for Brigadier General Anthony Wayne, in such Part, or Parts of the State as he shall appoint And be it further Resolved, that the said Commissioners be em powered and Authorized to draw on, and receive the said sum of four thousand guineas from the Public Treasury of this State. On Motion That a Committee be appointed to examine a Return made by Col Williamson for Sundry Negroes delivered to the Moun tain men who assisted at the Reduction of Augusta. 110 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED, that M r Clark, M r Clay and M r M c Neil be that Com mittee. RESOLVED that the next Adjournment of this House be to meet at Ebenezer in July next there to sit for the dispatch of Public business The House having Received information, that a Committee of the Council, was in waiting, who Reported, that they had gone through the Bill, for inflicting Penalties on and Confiscating the Estates of such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State, with some Proposed amendments. ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to write to Major General Greene, and Brigadier General Wayne, on the Sub stance of the Resolve of their favor. And that M r Howly, M r Clay and M r Baker be that Committee. RESOLVED that John Shackelford be Added to the list of Jus tices for the County of Richmond The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Thursday May 2 d 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. A Letter from M r John Wereat was read. ORDERED that the same be refered to a Special Committee, and that M r Washington, M r Lindsay and M r Baker be that Com mittee. The following Petitions were Read and Refered to the Com mittee of Petitions. Vz 1 MAY, 1782. Ill From Ignatius Few, with an Account. From Daniel Smith, with certificates A Memorial from Doctor Humphry Wells, with an Account, was read, and refered to the Committee of Accounts. On Motion. t That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill, for the Purpose of Amercing and restoring to Citizenship, certain Per sons guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, against this State, And that M r Howly, M r Baker, and M r Lindsay be that Com mittee The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Fryday May 3 d 1782. The House met according to Adjournment The Committee appointed, to consider of Ways and means cf bringing Rice from South Carolina for the distressed inhabi tants of this State Reported That they have employed four Waggons, for the Purpose of Transporting the said rice to a convenient landing on Savannah river, Provided the Honrable House will allow them Forrage for their Horses, and Provision for the drivers, and Pay for the Waggoning in Rice, at the Market Price, and their Waggons and teams at Risque of the Public. Also the Committee Report they have engaged two Boats to freight the said Rice to Au gusta, as soon as it is brought to the Landing. which was agreed to. 112 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Special Committee to whom was Refered, the Considera tion of a letter from M r John Wereat. Reported. That they are of opinion the same be Refered to a Standing Committee of Public Accounts On Motion That the Commissary be ordered to deliver unto Col Clarke s Regiment, one hundred bushels of Corn, for the use of the Frontier forts, and inhabitants of Wilkes Count)*, and that the Commissary be Ordered to leave a Sufficient quantity for all such Persons, as he may take any corn from. RESOLVED that before any Sale of the Confiscated Personal Property commences, the Commisioners be Authorized and di rected to set aside, a number of Negroes not exceeding One hun dred and twenty, to comply with the Public engagements made with Colonel s Clark and Jacksons, Corps. A Bill for inflicting penalties on, and Confiscating the estates of such Persons as have been guilty of treason against this State ; was Read the third time. ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed. RESOLVED that it be recommended to his honor the Governor, and the Honrable Executive Council to remove to Ebenezer, or any Part of the State, which they shall judge most convenient, there to keep the Seat of Government, and transact Public busi ness. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for Amercing cer tain Persons, guilty of high Crimes and misdemeanors against this State brought in the same, which was read the first time. The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 OClock MAY, 1782. 113 (From State Archives.) Saturday May 4 th 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. The resignation of Charles Odingsells Esquire, a Member of the Executive Council, was read. Also the Resignation of Hugh Lawson and Thomas Lewis Sen r Esquires, Members for the County of Burke was read ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The following Petitions were read, and Refered to the Com mittee of Petitions Vz 1 From Zacharias Fahn From Titus Hollinger The Resignation of the Hon rable Stephen Heard Esquire, President of the Executive Council, and Also the Petition of James Alexander Jun r were read, and referee! to a Special Committee on Petitions. And that M r M c Xeil, :\P O Bryan And M r Lindsay be that Committee: RESOLVED, that his Honor the Governor be empowered to take ten Negroes, belonging to any Person or Persons, who have forfeiteel the same, for the Purpose of supporting his fam ily and Person, in the exercise of Government. ORDERED, that the Speaker be requested to deliver up to his Honor the Governor, all the Bonds and notes, delivered to his care a few days ago. RESOLVED, that the Bill for inflicting Penalties or and Confis- 8 r :-vo! 3 114 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY eating the Estates of such Persons as have been guilty of treason against this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, be Passed into an Act under the following title. An Act for inflicting Penalties on, and Confiscating the es tates of such Persons, as are therein declared guilty of treason, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, and that the Speaker Sign the same. Whereas the business of the Attorney Generals Office, will be very extensive, in consequence of an Act of attainder and confis cation, Passed by this House, whereby many claims may be en tered against the Persons estates, therein mentioned which be, in right of the State ; will be obliged to defend ex Ofhcio. And Whereas the Salary heretofore allowed him, is inadequate to the trouble he will have. RESOLVED, that he be allowed a Salary of three hundred Pounds Per Annum for his Services as Attorney General to this State Whereas, the Melitia of this State, have not received their Pay for a long space of time past, whereby it will be impossible to order them into the field, unless Provision is made for that Purpose RESOLVED, that the several Officers commanding Regiments or Companies, be immediately Ordered to make out their Pay Rolls, agreeable to the mode and method adopted by Congress, and upon their being Audited, and Passed by the Auditor of the State, that his Honor the Governor, be empowered to give a Certificate to the amount of the same, which said Certificates shall be received by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates as Pay ment for any Purchases that may be made at the Sales ; and shall be received in all other Payments whatsoever, till the first day of December next. And that M r O. Bryan and Samuel Stirk Esquire be appointed to assist the Auditor. MAY, 1782. 115 The House then Proceeded to ballott for the Commissioners of the Confiscated Estates, and on casting up the Poll, the fol lowing Persons were elected. Vz* For Chatham, Charles Odingsells, and Thomas Washington For Liberty Glynn and Cambden, John Baker, Josiah Powell and John M c Lane. For Effingham, Caleb Howell, and Abraham Ravott. For Burke. Thomas Lewis Sen 1 ", and Hugh Lawson. For Richmond, Peter Paris, and James Martin. For Wilkes. Elijah Clarke, and Daniel Coleman. ORDERED that the Speaker sign writs of election, to fill up all intermediate vacancies for Members of this House. M 1 Ansley having Resigned his Seat for the County of Rich mond ORDERED that a Writ Issue to fill up said Vacancy. The House then Proceeded to fill up the vacancies of the Executive Council, when the following Gentlemen were chosen by Ballot. Vz. For Burke, Benjamin Lewis, and Lamuel Lanier Esq rs For Liberty, Daniel Sullivant, and Samuel Saltus Esq rs For Chatham, Peter Deveaux Esq r For Effingham. Edward Jones Esq r ORDERED that M r Howly, M r Clay and M r O. Bryan be a Committee to Purchase Estates for Generals, Greene and Wayne. RESOLVED, that this House approves the conduct of M r Wai- 116 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ton Commissary, on the establishment of the United States, and will engage to see him Paid in the same manner, and to the same amount, as Commissioners are under the immediate appointment of Congress. Whereas, the House came to the following Resolution in August last, Vz l That the Thanks of this House be given to Colonel Elijah Clarke, for his distinguished services to this Country, during the last and Present Campaign. And that the Speaker be desired to Transmit the same, and that exclusive of his right as an Officer, this House, as a reward to extraordinary merit make Colonel Elijah Clark, a Compli ment of the Plantation of Thomas Waters, where the said Clark now resides Rent free, untill the determination of a future House, with respect to confiscating his Property, and the Pay ment of his debts, and they Recommend should Confiscation take Place, and the said Waters debts Paid, exclusive of said Planta tion, the same be granted and given to Colonel Clark. RESOLVED that the Commissioners for the forfeited Estates, be authorized and empowered to vest the said forfeited lands, by full and Sufficient titles in Law, in the said Elijah Clark, and his Heirs for ever, in as full and ample a manner, as the said Thomas Waters Possessed the same, Subject notwithstanding to the Payment of the Said Water s debts. RESOLVED, that Doctor Timothy Russell be Paid thirty four Pounds ten Shillings, for his attendance on John Lindsay Es quire, and a farther Sum of thirty five Pounds for his Attendance on Henry Candler, and Thomas Greer, Citizens of this State, and who \vere wounded in the Service of their Country. Whereas there has been a considerable number of Horses, Cattle and Provisions, late the Property of Persons supposed to be enemies to this State, and of Persons unknown, which have MAY, 1782. 117 been applied to the use of the Continental Troops, and other Public Services, and for which no Accounts has yet been ren dered. Be it therefore Resolved that the Governor or Commander in chief for the time being, be and he is hereby empowered and re quired to direct that all Commissaries, Quarter Masters, or others who now are, or heretofore may have been employed in the Procuring of "Waggons, Horses, Cattle, or Provisions, or any other Articles for Public uses to make returns on Oath, of all and every kind of Property, so taken by them for Public uses, the Property of Persons supposed to be enemies to this State, or of Persons unknown; together with such descriptions and marks, and brands of the Property so taken, as may, as far .as may be, tend to a discovery to whom they belonged, and also to what uses they were applied, and by whose orders, and the receipts of the several Persons to whom they were delivered, and where no re ceipts have been taken, or can be Procured that then and in such cases, they shall render their Accounts of delivery s on Oath, specifying to whom delivered, for what Purpose and by whose orders, in order that Justice to the State and individuals as far as Possible may be done. And be it further Resolved that any Person or Persons, who shall neglect or refuse to render an Account and returns as afore said when thereunto required, by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being, shall for every such neglect or refusal forfeit the sum of two hundred Pounds. The Special Committee appointed to take into Consideration .the Petition of Samuel Alexander, and the letter of Resignation from the Hon rable Stephen Heard Esq r Reported. That it be recommended to the President and Council, to keep their Seats, during the sitting of the house of Assembly, and that a Committee be appointed to Receive, and Settle with the President. 118 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY And that the Petition of M r Alexander be refered untill the land Office is opened. The Committee on Petitions Reported, on the Memorial of George Walton, and Elijah Clark RESOLVED, as our opinion that certificates be given for such Articles, as are Purchased for the Public. The House then Adjourned, to meet at Ebenezer on the first tuesday in July next. Signed SAMUEL SALTUS, Speaker. (From State Archives.) Agreeable to the Adjournment of the House of Assembly on the fourth day of May last Past. The following Members met at Ebenezer on Tuesday the third July 1782. Viz 1 For Liberty County. M r John Druhart M r Benjamin Andrew M Abner Beckham M r Richard Howley M Francis Pu ff h M r Andrew May bank M John Elliott M r Thomas Maxwell M r John Wereat M r Samuel West M r James Habersham M r William Le Conte M r Joseph Woodruff M r John Houstoun For Glynn & Cambden MF JamS Bryan M r James Cochrane M r John Gibbons M r Frederick Rehm For Burke County M , wimam Q Bryan M r Alexander Irvine M r Joseph Clay M r John Clements JULY, 1782. 119 For Effingham County M r Edward Jones M r John Martin Dasher M r Daniel Bonnell M r David Harriss p or Richmond County M r John Adam Nesler M r Samuel Alexander But not being a number sufficient to Compose a House. Pro ceeded to the choice of a Chairman, when Joseph Clay Esq r was Chosen. On Motion. That the following Resolutions be agreed to. Viz* It having been represented that there are a considerable number of Negroes within the British Lines, which are about to be car ried out of the State by the present Possessors, and which there is reason to believe they would be willing to dispose of if any mode could be established, by which they cou d be secured in any bargains they might make to that purpose, which cannot be effectually done unless Authorized by the Legislature of this State, as many of the Persons who now hold the said Negroes are attainted of High Treason and their Property Confiscated to the use of the State, and as it is evident that it is in the Power of the aforementioned Persons to take the said Negroes out of the State, and that the so doing wou d be a manifest injury to this Country, and greatly impede the improvement thereof it there fore follows, that the retaining of them in this State wou d have the most Salutary consequences and Produce very great Advan tages to the future welfare thereof RESOLVED unanimously that the Commissioners for the Sales of the forfeited estates, or a Majority of them, be, and they are hereby appointed to Purchase for and on Account of this State, the several Negroes, now within the Enemies lines and in Pos session of Persons Attainted of high Treason, and others, which Negroes so Purchased shall afterwards be disposed of in the 120 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY most General and public Manner for the benefit of this State, and the Individuals thereof, and in case the said Commissioners or a Majority of them as aforesaid shall not be liable to Pur chase on Account of the State as aforesaid, that then it is the further opinion of the Members composing this meeting, that it will be for the benefit of the State, that the Governor do grant Permission to individuals, allowing them to Purchase as many of the said Negroes as they can on their own Private account. Provided nevertheless, in case any individuals shall Purchase any Slaves the Property of the Citizens of the United States that the Negroes so Purchased, shall be returned to their respective owners gratis unless where the Proprietors shall have em powered any individual to Purchase them for them. RESOLVED, that in case the Commissioners shall deem it neces sary, they apply to his honor the Governor, who is hereby re quested and empowered to assign over to the owner and Seller or Sellers of any such Negroes as the Commissioners shall Pur chase, any bond or bonds he may be Possessed of belonging to the Public to the amount of the Purchase money of the said Negroes, and to serve as a Security to the Seller or Sellers That the Governor be requested not to grant any individual Permission to Purchase any of the above mentioned Negroes, who shall not first give sufficient security, that he will not carry any Slave or Slaves he may Purchase under said Permission out of this State, within eighteen Months, from the granting of said Permission, unless in case of Invasion by the enemy. The Meeting was then Adjourned till tomorrow morning Eight OClock. JULY, 1782. 121 (From State Archives.) Thursday July 4 th 1782. The Members met According to Adjournment RESOLVED that it is the opinion of the Members of the Legis lature Present in this meeting that the Space of twelve Months be allowed to the Merchants not owing Allegiance to the State to dispose of their Goods and settle their concerns, and that they shall be Protected in their Persons and Property by the State, and at the expiration of the said time, they shall be allowed Flags to convey themselves and their effects, to any British Port they shall choose. But it will be expected by the Inhabi tants of this State, that such Merchants will not take advantage of the Necessities of the People but continue to sell their Goods at such Prices as they have done to the British ; making a rea sonable allowance for difference of Payments. RESOLVED unanimously that it be Recommended to his honor the Governor on the evacuation of the British troops from Savan nah to appoint a Committee of three Persons to Purchase up a Quantity of Salt not exceeding three thousand Bushels for the use of the Inhabitants of this State, and also to Purchase a rea sonable quantity of that and all such other Articles as may be wanted for the benefit of the State Troops under Col Jackson, and also the Continental Regiment belonging to this State ; and the Legislature will confirm any Contract he may make and Provide any sum he may engage for. RESOLVED Unanimously that it be recommended to his Honor the Governor to inform the British Commandant of Savannah, and the Inhabitants thereof by Flag or otherwise, as early as Possible, that it is expected by the American Citizens of this State (after the several indulgences granted to the British Sub jects within the lines of Savannah in respect to the disposition of their effects) that no Negroes or other Property belonging to such 122 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY American Subject of this or any of the United States will be Permitted to be Transported or carried off, with the British Troops from Savannah or other Ports of this State; or in any Vessels or Boats accompanying the said troops that shou d such Proceedure or the destruction of any Property be allowed to take Place, it will most assuredly tend much to inflame, and irri tate the good People of this State; against the Persons and Families of such as have taken Part with the British and be very contrary to the avowed Sense of the British. (See the remainder lol 12. of the next Session). The Meeting then Adjourned to meet in Savannah. (From State Archives.) Saturday July 13 th 1782. The following Members of Assembly met in Savannah at the Church, agreeable to Adjournment at Ebenezer, Vz l Chatham Joshua Saunders James Habersham Zachariah Fahm Frederick Rehm J ohn Wereat John Gibbons Joseph Clay Burke John Houstoun Joseph Woodruff J ohn Clements William O Bryan Abner Beckham John Duhart Richmond Francis Pugh Edmund Bugg David Emanuel James M c Neil J ohn Sam 1 Alexander JULY, 1782. 123 Effingham William Brown Adam Nesler Thomas Maxwell David Thorn Andrew May bank Edward Jones William U Conte Daniel Howell Rlchard Howl y Martin Dasher J ames Carter Isaac Ford. Wilkes Liberty Micajah Williamson John Roberts John Lindsay Benjamin Andrew Benjamin Thompson Daniel Sullivant Absalam Biddle Joseph Oswald John Hill. Edward Way. The House then Proceeded to the choice of a Speaker when James Habersham Esquire was unanimously elected. ORDERED That a Writ of electic:i do issue for a Member to represent Glynn County in the rooia of Nathan Brownson Es quire, whose seat is vacant. RESOLVED that the Governor be requested to order the Public Filature to be immediately fitted up and Put in order for the use of the General Assembly, and that M r Maxwell and M r Andrew be a Committee to wait on his Honor the Governor for that Purpose. A Letter from the Honrable Brigadier General Wayne was read. ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to take the same into consideration, and that M r Clay, M r Wereat, and M r M c Neil be that Committee. to report on Monday next. RESOLVED that it be an Instruction to the Committee appointed to wait on his Honor the Governor; respecting the Filiature, to further request his Honor to issue the necessary orders for 124 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY having the Members of the Honrable Council and the Legisla ture Supplied with necessary Rations and Accomodations, for themselves and Servants, during the sitting of the Assembly. The House then adjourned to Monday next 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Monday July 15 th 1782 The House met According to Adjournment James Cochran Esq r being returned elected for the County of Glynn, Attended and Qualified John Adam Nesler, David Thorn, Isaac Ford and David Har- riss Esquires being returned elected for the County of Effing- ham, in the room of Caleb Howell, Theophilus Lunday, John Adam Truitlen, and Abraham Ravot Esquires, (whose seats is vacant.) when M r Nesler and M r Thorn, attended and qualified. On Motion That a Committee be appointed to take into Consideration the Resolves entered into at Ebenezer the third and fourth of this Instant by a Number of Members of the House of Assembly. - ORDERED that M r Howly and M r Andrew be a Committee for that Purpose. William Le Conte, Esquire being returned a Member for Liberty County, Attended and Qualified. ORDERED that M r Le Conte, M r Cochran, M r Bi ddell and M r Howell be added to the Committee on Petitions The following Petitions were read, and refered to the Com mittee on Petitions Vz l JULY, 1782. 125 From William Reighley. John Green. Elizabeth Kelps. On Motion. RESOLVED that Al r Howly, M r Cochran M r Lindsay, M r Howell. M r Clay, and M r Twiggs be a Committee of Previledges and elections, and that they report as soon as Possible. On Motion ORDERED that a Writ do issue for the election of a Member for the County of Chatham in the room of John Wereat Esquire, who was returned and took his Seat for the County of Rich mond. On Motion RESOLVED that the Speaker Request his Honor the Governor to inform the House what Propositions he may have received trom any Individuals Respecting the Loan of a Sum of Money for the Purchasing of Negroes on Public Account. M r \Vereat from the Committee appointed to take into con sideration a letter from the Hon rable Brigadier Gen 1 Wayne Reported. That they had taken the same into consideration made some Progress therein, and beg d leave to sit again. M r James Johnston having informed the House that had left the Printing Materials belonging to this State in the hands of M rs Johnston his wife ORDERED, that the Speaker be directed to request his Honor the Governor to appoint a Proper Person to receive and take charge of the same 126 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY This House having received information that the Small Pocks is in Town RESOLVED that M r Andrew do make enquiry into the same and report accordingly. A Letter from Josiah Powell Esq r was read ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on Pe titions A Petition of Samuel Bucroft was Read ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Pe titions. On Motion That a Standing Committee of Accounts be appointed ORDERED that M r Twiggs, M r M c Neil and M r Gibbons be that Committee. A Petition with an Account from M c Keen Greer was read. ORDERED that the same be refered to the Standing Committee of Accounts. M r James Carter a Member returned for Liberty County at tended and Qualified. The Committee on Petitions, on the letter received from Josiah Powell Esquire reported. Whereas it appears to this House that John Maxwell a Per son whose estate is Confiscated by a late Act of the Representa tives of this State, has lately disposed of some of the Property of the said estate contrary to the true intent and meaning of the said Act. JULY, 1/82. 127 ORDERED that the said Commissioners of Forfeited Estates do immediately take into their Possession the Estate of the said Maxwell, and Prevent for the future any waste or embezzlement of the Property aforesaid. The Committee on Previledges and Elections Report That they refer the right of John Houstoun and Thomas Maxwell Esquires, taking their Seats in this Assembly to the determination of the House ORDERED that the said report be taken into Consideration to morrow morning Whereas at the last Sessions of Assembly held at Augusta, a Committee was appointed to bring in a Bill for the Purpose of Preventing improper or disaffected Persons emigrating from other Places and becoming Citizens of this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned RESOLVED that two Members be added to the said Committee, and that they be desired to bring in the said Bill as soon as Pos sible. ORDERED that M r Le Conte. and M r Wereat be the two Mem bers so to be added. Brigadier General Wayne having given information that Brigadier Gen 1 Clark is desirous to Prevent any negroes or other Property belonging to the Citizens of this State being carried off by any Person or Persons under his Command; and that the Citizens should without delay claim the same RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be requested to grant Permission to every Citizen, having Property with the British to go down and make claim thereof 128 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that the Committee on Petitions do take under their Consideration all such Petitions as were Presented to the last House of Assembly, and were not reported on The House then Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Tuesday July i6 th 1782. The House met Pursuant to Adjournment M r Isaac Ford a Member returned for the County of Effing- ham Attended and Qualified. A Letter from his Honor the Governor (inclosing- one from M r Struthers) was read The House Proceeded to take into consideration the Report of the Committee on Previledges and elections; when they were unanimously of opinion that John Houstoun and Thomas Max well Esquires had a right to take their Seats, in this House. RESOLVED that the Letter from his Honor the Governor with Proposals from M r William Struthers, for Purchasing Negroes for the Benefit of this State be refered to a Committee. ORDERED that M r Howly, M r Cochran, M r Andrew, and M r O Bryan be that Committee A Petition from John Thomas was read ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Pe titions The Committee appointed to take into consideration the letter from his Honor the Governor, with one from M r Struthers Reported, as follow, which was agreed to. JULY, 1782. 129 That the Committee to whom were refered a letter from his Honor the Governor, and another from William Struthers, are of opinion that from the manner of M r Struthers Stating his intended Loan for the purchasing of Negroes, it would carry the Air of a Speculating business, and the uneasiness, which might arise from agreeing thereto would outweigh every supposed advantage which might arise from the measure. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for Amercing certain Persons therein mentioned, and for other P urposes. ORDERED. That M r O Bryan, M r Clements, M r Thompson, M r Andrews & M r Bugg be that Committee The Committee on Petitions Reported as follow, which was agreed to, Vz* On X 2. From William Righly, that the Prayer of the Petition cannot be granted, it being contrary to a resolve of this House in January last. N 3. From Samuel Bucroft. RESOLVED that the Prayer of the- Petition cannot be granted. N 4. From John Green. The Committee having taken into their consideration the said Petition. - - Are of Opinion that he is a Real Object of Charity, entitled to the bounty of this State, and do further recommend that he be allowed a reasonable Price for his Horses when Certified by the Officer Commanding when and where Killed, or lost in the Service of the State, and that a Sum be Provided for Discharging the Doctors Bill for the Cure of his Wounds. On Motion That a Committee be appointed to enquire into the State of our Magazine and Report the same as soon as Possible. 9 r r vol 3 130 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that M r Bugg, M r Lindsay and M r M c Neil be that Committee M r James Carter a Member for the County of Liberty having resigned his Seat in this House ORDERED that a Writ do issue to fill up said Vacancy. The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Resolu tions entered into at Ebenezer (by a Number of Members of the Legislature) agreed to the same, with the following Resolu tions. RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be Requested to grant Permission to no Person or Persons except known and acknowledged friends to American Independence ; and Free holders of this State, for the Purpose of Purchasing Negroes from any Person or Persons at Tybee or else where, who are on their departure from this State under the British command or Protection The following being Added to the Resolutions afore men- tion d Vz. "Parliament and General in some of their late declarations, besides equity and Justice will well warrant any Step that may be taken for Reimbursing the Loosers out of debts owing to British Merchants, (Which as yet remain unconfiscated) or other funds in which the British are interested. The Committee to whom were refered the above Resolutions Passed, at Ebenezer by several of the Members of the Legislature are of opinion, that the said Resolutions be Sanctioned, and con firmed by the Legislature. They are further of opinion that a new Appointment of the Gentlemen constituted as a Committee by his Honor the Gov ernor be made by the House. JULY, 1782. 131 ORDERED that M r Wereat. M r Clay, and M r Gibbons be that Committee. They are further of Opinion that the Committee so appointed be instructed for the Present to obtain the most Particular re turns they can of the quantity of goods in the hands of the Mer chants That the said Committee be further directed to report to the House the Quantity of Goods necessary to be- Purchased for the Public use, except Salt, which if the Resolutions be confirmed is determined already. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Wednesday July i/ th 1782 The House met Pursuant to Adjournment A Memorial from John Strong was read. ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Pe titions. A Letter with a Declaration &. from Charles Francis Chev- .alieur was read. ORDERED that the same be be refered to the Committee on Petitions A Petition of Jenkin Davis was read. ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Pe titions. 132 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY On Motion That a Committee be appointed to wait on his Honor the Governor, to request he will be Pleased to furnish this House with all letters, and Papers, or copies of letters and Papers he may have sent or received of a Public nature, (and which he may judge Proper for the deliberation of this House) since the Sitting of the House in January last. ORDERED that M r Lindsay and M r \Yooclruff be that Com mittee. M r Edward Jones being returned a Member for the County of Effingham attended and Qualified. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Provide Accomo- dations Diet and other necessarys for the Members of this House during this Session and any engagements they may make cr moneys they may advance; this House will comply with or reimburse them before the rising thereof. ORDERED that M r Houstoun and M r O Bryan be a Committee tor that Purpose The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O Clock (From State Archives.) Thursday July i8 th 1782. A number of Members met Pursuant to Adjournment but not being a number sufficient to compose a House they were ad journed till Tomorrow morning 9 OClock. JULY, 1782. 133 (From State Archives.) Fry day July 19 th 1782 The House met Pursuant to Adjournment. The Speaker being absent, Benjamin Andrew Esq r was chosen (in his room) Pro tempore John Hardey Esquire being returned a Member for the County of Liberty in the room of James Carter Esq r who had resigned his Seat, Attended and Qualified The following Petitions were read. W From Josiah Dunn Zacharias Fahn Mary Sapena James Thompson ORDERED that the above Petitions be refered to the Commit tee on Petitions. RESOLVED that it be an instruction to the Committee ap pointed to treat with the Merchants for Goods, to inform the said Merchants ; that it is required by this House that they do immediately furnish the said Committee with an Account of the supposed quantity of Goods of all sorts and Particularly of Salt; they now have on hand, And that they do not sell or dispose of any more salt to any Person or Persons whatsoever untill the further leave of this rfouse; it being Suggested that a quantity of Salt belonging to the British Kings Stores, was left here, of which Private Persons have taken possession and are now selling out, And it is further directed that the said Committee do make enquiry into this matter and report as early as Possible, what information they shall receive on the sub ject 134 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said Committee do immediately Proceed to contract for and engage from the said Merchants such Ar ticles as shall be necessary for the use of the Georgia Battalion, - and that they do Pledge the faith of the State for Payment of the same at the expiration of one year. And if it shall be found by the said Committee that the whole of any one Article of Goods Necessary for the Army, has been bought up for any other line of Troops in this State, that the said Committee do apply to the Honrable Brigadier General Wayne, and Prevail on him to give up a Part of the said Goods so as to let the Georgia Battalion come in equally with the other Troops now in this State. RESOLVED. That his Honor the Governor be Requested to adopt Proper measures by embargo or otherwise for Preventing any goods Salt or other Merchandize being carried out of this Town untill leave be obtained for the Purpose from this House, after their having enquired into certain matters now before them, and also for Preventing Monopolies and other unfair Practices in respect to the said goods, Salt or other Merchandize. And that in the mean time His Honor do Proceed to lay in the quantity of Salt directed to be reserved for Public use, by a Resolution Passed on the Sixteenth day of this instant (July). ORDERED that a Copv of the Resolves Passed on the sixteenth instant July, so far as respects the Merchants who resided here, be furnished the said Merchants, and that they be informed it is expected by this House they will conform themselves to the same Particularly respecting the Prices of their Goods. ORDERED, that M r Twiggs and M r Hardey be a Committee to wait on his Honor the Governor with the foregoing Resolves. It being represented to this House that John Barklay a Person now in Town hath a Quantity of Powder to dispose of RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to confer with the JULY, 1782. 135 said John Barkley and to report to this House the quantity to be disposed of. The quality thereof, and on what terms the same may be had. ORDERED, that M r Lindsay, and M r M Neil be that Commit tee. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday July 2O th 1782. The House met Pursuant to Adjournment The following 1 Petitions were read Vz l From Lewis Coope John Hardey Esq r Henrietta Goldsmith ORDERED that the said Petitions be referee! to the Committee on Petitions. On Motion That another Person be added to the Committee appointed to confer with M r Barkley respecting some Powder he has to dis pose of. ORDERED that M r Andrew be Added to that Committee The House then Proceeded to ballot for a Councellor for Lib erty County ; in the room of M r Samuel Saltus who declines tak ing his Seat, when Thomas Maxwell Esquire was elected The House also Proceeded to Ballot for a Councellor for the County of Wilkes in the room of Stephen Heard Esquire who 136 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY resigned taking his Seat at that Board when it appeared that Micajah Williamson Esquire was elected An Application of Richard Leake, was made Offering to serve in the Capacity of a Clerk of the Court ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on Pe titions. The House then Adjourned till four OClock. P. M. to meet at the House of M rs Tondee. Saturday 2O th July 1782. P. M. 4 OClock. Several of the Members met according to Adjournment, but there not being a Sufficient number to compose a House, they Adjourned to meet on Monday Morning 9 OClock. (Front State Archives.) Monday July 22 d 1782. The House met Pursuant to Adjournment The following Petitions were read. Vz 1 From Benjamin Dolly Horatio Marbury. in behalf of himself and the Officers of Dragoons in the State of Georgia Francis Peanss JULY, 1782. 137 ORDERED that the said Petitions be refered to the Committee of Petitions. A Memorial from John Twiggs and Daniel M Murphy was read ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Pe titions. M r Williamson being- elected a Councellor for the County of Wilkes attended, and declined taking his seat at that Board, RESOLVED that a Compleat Suit of Clothes, a good Horse Sad dle and Bridle, a likely Negro and three hundred Acres of Land be given to David Davis of Col Jacksons Corps as a testimony of the approbation of this House for his faithful Services and for his discovering a Conspiracy formed against the Government. The Committee appointed to take into Consideration General Waynes Letter of the thirteenth July. Reported That it is their opinion that the terms Offered by Gen 1 Wayne to such Persons as were within the British Lines at the time they were made, were Proper, and for the Interest of this State and ought to be confirmed to all such whose names are not mentioned in the Act for inflicting Penalties on and Confiscating the Estates of such Persons as are therein declared guilty of Treason, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, and shall faithfully and Strict ly comply with the conditions required. - That is to say who shall bona fide Inlist in the Georgia Regiment of Infantry, and there for the term of two Years or during the War, faithfully Serve and discharge their duty and no other. And that all offences committed by any of the Persons under the above description before the time of their inlistment as afore said (Murder excepted) ought to be buried in oblivion i Nothing in this Resolve is intended to interfere with the Right 138 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY of Individuals to Civil Actions who may suppose themselves aggrieved by Persons under the above description. The House having already determined on the business of the Merchants and Traders, not Citizens of America, nor owing allegiance to this or the United States. The Committee have only to submit it to the House whether Persons under the above de scription ought not to give an Assurance of some other secu rity for their Peaceable demeanor, during the time they Remain in this State. The Supplies of Clothing and Spirits requested by the General for the use of the Troops, the Committee are of opinion ought to be complied with, and at the same time by such a mode as the State may without difficulty or delay obtain an immediate Credit with the United States ; for the amount of the Purchase. The Committee appointed to confer with M r John Barkly concerning a quantity of Powder Reported That M r John Barkly has sixteen hundred Pounds of good Rifle Powder to dispose at two dollars Per Pound, and will take Certificates on the faith of the Confiscated estates for Payment except Twenty five Pounds worth of Goods out of the Stores which he expects immediately RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be requested to ap point a Proper Person to receive and examine the said Powder at Augusta, and to give an Order to some Merchant for the de livery of the said goods to M r Barkly, and to take sufficient Se curity for the deliverv of the said Powder on or before the twentieth day of August next. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 OClock JULY, 1782. 139 (From State Archives.) Tuesday July 23 d 1782 The House met Pursuant to Adjournment On Motion ORDERED. That the Committee appointed to contract with the Merchants for Goods, be directed to call on General Wayne, and enquire what Contract he has made with the Merchants for the Goods he Purchased of them for the use of the Troops The following 1 Petitions were read, and Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions. Vz* From John Wilkinson Edmund Bugg James Meyers A Bill for Amercing certain Persons therein mentioned, was brought in and read the first time, and ordered to be read a second lime tomorrow. On Motion RESOLVED that the quantity of Salt reserved for the Public use; be augmented to three thousand bushels. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning- 8 OClock. 140 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Wednesday July 24 th , 1782. The House met Pursuant to Adjournment The following Petitions were read Viz* From Milley Sharp Milley M c Daniel ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Pe titions. Two Petitions from the Inhabitants of Liberty County were read. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table An Account from Hesekiah Wade was Presented and read. ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Ac counts. A Petition and Remonstrance from John Mitchell was read ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Pe titions A Letter from Col Jackson was read. ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Pe titions. On Motion That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for opening the Courts of Justice under certain restrictions JULY, 1782. 141 ORDERED that M r Houstoun, M r Wereat and M r MNeil be that Committee On Motion That leave be given to bring in a Bill for establishing Churches and Schools in this State ORDERED that M r Houstoun and M r Andrew be a Committee to bring in the said Bill The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill, for establishing Churches and Schools in this State brought in the same which was read the first time \Yhereas the Sales of Confiscated estates will interfere with the business of the Legislature now sittting in General As sembly RESOLVED that it be recommended to the Commissioners of the forfeited estates, that the Sales of the said estates now Adver tised in the several Counties to be disposed of. be Postponed for one Month, and that it be further recommended to the Com missioners to give Public notice thereof in the respective Coun ties ORDERED. That his Honor the Governor be furnished with a copy of the above Resolve, and that he be requested to give the necessary directions for the immediate execution thereof A Petition of M r George Houstoun was read. ORDERED that the Prayer of said Petition be granted. On Motion That leave be given to bring in a Bill, for restoring M r George Houstoun to the Rights of Citizenship in this State, And 142 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY that M r Houstoun and M r Wereat be a Committee to Prepare and bring in the said bill. The Committee appointed to Purchase Supplies for the use of the State Troops under Col Jackson, and the Continental Regi ment belonging to this State Report. That the Merchants who now hold those Supplies offer to dis pose of them on the following terms. Vz 1 At the advance of one hundred and fifty Per Cent on the Prime Cost of all dry goods Payable in twelve Months, and if Paid within six Months at the rate of one hundred and thirty Per Cent ORDERED that the said Committee to agree with the Merchants on the said terms, and receive and Store the said Goods in some Proper and secure Place, there to remain untill further directed by this house. A Petition of Sir Patrick Houstoun Baronet was read ORDERED that the said Petition be Postponed till tomorrow. A Petition of William Stephens Esquire was read ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 8 OClock. (From State Archives.) Thursday July 25 th , 1782. The House met Pursuant to Adjournment The following Petitions were read. Vz* From Frederick Rehm John Lindsay JULY, 1782. 143 From Ann Johnson a Number of the Inhabitants of the County of Rich mond. ORDERED that the same be referee! to the Committee on Pe titions A Letter from Major John Habersham to John Wereat Es quire Chairman of a Committee inclosing a list of men Inlisted for the defence of this State was read. The Bill for Amercing certain Persons therein mentioned was read the second time. On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole to take into Consideration the said Bill. M r Wereat in the Chair. The Speaker having- resumed the Chair M r Wereat from the Committee of the whole house Reported. That they had taken the same into Consideration, and gone through the same. ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and sent to the Ex ecutive Council for their Perusal and Advice A Bill for Preventing improper or Disafected Persons emi grating from other Places, and becoming Citizens of this State; and for other Purposes therein mentioned, was read the first time A Letter from his Honor the Governor, with one from Gen eral Wayne ; were read. 144 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY On Motion RESOLVED that the Governor be requested to order any of the- Public Stores or Arms belonging to this State to be removed to any Place that may be necessary, and make such use of as he with the Advice of his Council may be of opinion that the exi gencies and Defence of the State may require A Letter from M r Burns one of the Executive Council was read, informing this House that he had resigned his Seat. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 8 OClock. (From State Archives.) Fryday July 26 th 1782. The House met Pursuant to Adjournment The following Petitions were read Vz 1 From William Stephens Sir Patrick Houstoun John Kean Elizabeth Morgan Several Inhabitants of this State in favor 1 of Simon Munro. James Mossman David Duncan, with Affidavit Annexed ORDERED that the above Petitions be refered to the Committee on Petitions. JULY, 1782. 146 The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for opening the Courts of Justice under certain restrictions therein mentioned, brought in the same which was read the first time On Motion That Brigadier General Wayne some time before the evacua tion of this Town, by the British forces, thought Proper to offer terms to the inhabitants of this State which happened to be with in the British lines to wit that upon their Joining their Country men and fellow Citizens, enlisting and serving two years or dur ing the continuance of the Present War, in the Georgia Battalion, it would be deemed a full expiation of their Past offences Murder only excepted, and would be thereby restored to the Previledges of free Citizens of this State, (reserving nevertheless the dis cretionary Power Vested in the Legislative Authority of the same) And whereas the good with the wicked upon the general offer would class together indiscriminately subverting all Prin ciples of Justice, therefore RESOLVED that Committees be appointed for each County in this State to consider and Point out to this House such objects in the several Counties as do not come within the description of that expiation. ORDERED. That M r Jones, M r Ford, and M r Xesler, be a Committee for the County of Effingham. That M r Wereat and M r Gibbons be a Committee for the County of Chatham. That M r Emanuel and M r Duhart be a Committee for f he County of Burke. That M r Maybank and M r Andrew be a committee for the County of Liberty. 10 r r vol 8 146 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY That M r Bugg and M r M c Neil be a Committee for the County of Richmond. That M r Lindsay and M r Hill be a Committee for the Comity of Wilkes. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to consider of Proper means, and report to the House for the defence of the Southern Country. A Bill for establishing 1 Churches, and Schools within this State ; was read the second time. A Bill for the Purpose of Preventing- improper or disafected Persons emigrating- from other Places and becoming Citizens of this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, was read a second time. On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, to take into consideration the said Bill. M r Andrew in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Andrew from the Committee of the whole House reported, that they bad taken the said Bill into Consideration, gone thro the same and made some Amendments; which he read in his Place and delivered in at the Table. RESOLVED that the said amendments be agreed to ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed & Sent to the Execu tive Council for their Perusal and Advice The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 OClock JULY, 1782. 147 (From State Archives.) Saturday July 2/ th 1782. The House met Pursuant to Adjournment The following 1 Petitions were read \V From Benjamin \Yilson AYilliam Struthers Ignatius Few. ORDERED that the above Petitions be referred to the Commit tee on Petitions. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to report what busi ness is necessary to be done before this House Adjourns. ORDERED that M 1 Clay, M r Howly, M r Lindsay, M r Houstoun and M r \\"ereat be that Committee The Committee appointed for each County in this State to consider and Point out to this House such objects in the several Counties as do not come within the description of that expia tion. Reported. "That Andrew Bedingback, John Gnamon, Jacob Yoakley, Emanuel Keifer, Israel Reizer, John Glamer, John Metzgar, An drew Granon, Christopher Google and Oliver Mathews, should not be compelled to serve as Continental Soldiers in the Georgia Battalion, for the space of two years or during the continuance ci the Present War, the Committee having fully investigated their several Characters and have found them to be friends to the American Cause ORDERED that M r YTNeil and M r Lindsay be a Committee to carry the Bill for Preventing improper or disafected Persons 148 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY emigrating from other Places and becoming Citizens of this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. To the Exec utive Council for their Perusal and Advice. The Committee on Petitions reported as follows W On N i. From John Thomas, Requesting a bounty for to buihl a Saw and Grist Mill "That as Mill Seats up the Country were so very valu able there is no Occasion for any bounty. Which was agreed to. N 2. From Jenkin Davis. The Committee brought in the following report which was agreed to. "That M r Davis ought to make separate Charges. The time Served in the Continental Troops ought to be charged to the United States ; and w T hat time he served in the Militia ought to be a State Charge, and that upon his making out Proper charges it ought to be allowed him N 3. From Charles Francis Chevalieur, the Committee brought in the following report, which was agreed to. "That the Petition of Charles Francis Chevaliuer ought to be granted ; and that the Speaker do write a Letter to the Chevalieur De Luserne recommending M r Chevaliuer to be appointed Consul N 4. From John Strong, the Committee brought in the fol lowing report ; which w r as agreed to. "That no Payment ought to be allowed without Proper Accounts are first Produced for Services, rendered this or the United States. JULY, 1782. 149 N5. From Josiah Dunn, Praying- a Grant of five hundred Acres of Land agreeable to a former Order of this State. The Committee are of opinion that the Pe titioner ought to be granted five -hundred Acres of Vacant land, which was agreed to. X 6. From James Thompson Setting forth his having lost a Treasury note of this State for eighteen hundred Pounds Sterling in the vear one thousand seven hun dred seventy eight. Praying another Certificate may be granted him, brought in the following" report, which was agreed to. "That as it appears by the Petitioners Oath that the said note was lost, another may be granted him N 7. From Mary Supena, Praying the lands near Sunbury where Antrobus lately resided and now under Con fiscation may be granted to her, the Committee brought in the following report, which was agreed to. "That the Prayer of the said Petition ought to be granted. N 14. From Zacharias Fahn, setting forth his having Sold a certain Tract of Land to John Lucena for Seven hundred Pounds, and that he had Received two hundred Pounds in Part in the Year one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight, and that as the said Land is Confiscated he Prays he may have the land again for the remainder of the money still due; brought in the following report; which was agreed to. "That as Part of the money has been Paid and other demands may be brought against the said Lucena the 150 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY lands ought to be sold and the just Claims against the said Lucena may be Put in and allowed. N" i. From Henrietta Goldsmith (Widow) Praying this House to allow her a Support, as the whole of her late husbands estate was confiscated. "That they are of opinion the Commissioners ought as the Bill of Attainder and Confiscation directs allow her a Subsistance out of the said estate until! a Bill is brought in by this House for that Purpose ; which was agreed to. N 2. From Horatio Marbury in behalf of himself and others requesting to know whether he and others are to be looked upon as half Pay Officers, or that they may be entitled to rise in the line of the Army or not; The Committee are of opinion that the said Petition be referee! to the Officer commanding the Georgia Battalion, which was agreed to N 3. From John Hardey. Postponed N4. From John Twiggs and Daniel M c Murphy Setting forth that they have advanced a sum of money in bringing Arms &c &c. from the Northward request ing Payment. and are willing to receive Negroes in Payment. "The Committee are of opinion that after the Ac counts are examined and Passes that then in case the House cannot order the Payment in money that they be allowed Negroes to the amount of it which was agreed to. N 5. From Milley Sharp Praying a reasonable Allowance to be made her for the Maintenance of her self and Family. The Committee are of opinion from the JULY, 1782. 151 best information they have been able to get that the Petitioner is a Person of good Character industry and friendly to Liberty, and they are further of Opinion her Petition ought to be granted which was agreed to. N /. From Mary McDonald. The Committee brought in the following Report which was agreed to. "That the Laws of the State Point out a Sufficient redress. N 8. From Benjamin Dolly. The Committee are of opinion That as his Petition is of a Similar nature with M rs M c Donalds ; that the Law Points out a redress, which was agreed to. N 10. From John Mitchell, setting forth his Attachment Confinement &c. Praying to be Admitted as a Prac titioner at Law, The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of the Petition be granted which was agreed to. N ii. From Edmund Bugg, Praying that a certain quantity of Lands be granted him on the waters of the Alta- maha ; in Payment of Debts due him by this, and the United States for Sundry Articles furnished to its Officers at different times. "The Committee are of unanimous opinion that the Prayer of said Petition cannot be granted and that M r Bugg be requested to wait and receive Payment with his fellow Citizens. which was agreed to. N 12. From John Lindsay. Praying that a certain tract of Land joining the Town of Augusta be granted and confirmed to the Petitioner, 152 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Committee are of opinion that the Prayer of the Petition be granted. Provided the lands Prayed for do not interfere with Private Property, or any lands expressly reserved for Public use, and if they do, that his Honor the Governor be required to grant M r Lindsay other Lands in lieu of them whenever the land Office shall be opened. which was agreed to. N 13. A Petition and Remonstrance of the inhabitants of the County of Richmond. The Committee brought in the following Report. "That they beg leave to observe they admire the Spirit of the Petition replete with true Patriotism and Justice, but they refer the Prayer of the same to the House. When the House taking the same into Con sideration ORDERED that the said Petition be Postponed. N 14. A Memorial from John Wilkinson, with an Account Praying for immediate relief in Part of what is due him ORDERED that the Petitioner have a Credit of Twenty Pounds with the Commissioners of Confiscated Es tates, and that the Committee appointed to Purchase Goods for Public use be directed to Procure M r Wil kinson a Credit at some Store in Town for fifteen Pounds more, the said sums of Twenty Pounds and fifteen Pounds to go in part Payment of his Salary on Account N 15. Memorial From James Myers, setting forth his at tachment to the cause of America and a variety of Sufferings he has experienced in consequence there- JULY, 1782. 153 of. And from every information the Committee are capable of Collecting appear to be founded on truth. The Committee having taken some Pains to inform themselves of the Character, the said Me morialist bore before the Reduction of this State are happy to find is that of an Honest and industrious man, and esteemed friend to his Country s Cause. "Therefore they are of opinion the Prayer of the said Memorial be granted, which was agreed to. X 16. From Ann Johnston. Praying the Sale of a Certain Island said to be the Property of John Douglass be Postponed ; she the said Ann claiming a legal right to the said Island. The Committee are of opinion that the Petitioner ought to have an opportunity of making her Claim good, and that she be allowed three Months from the time the Records shall arrive in this State for that Purpose, which was agreed to. N 17. From Frederick Rehm, Praying that Seven hundred and fifty Acres of Land be granted him in Compen sation for Attendance on our sick Prisoners and Medicines furnished at his expence, agreeable to a Resolve of the House Passed at Augusta. The Committee are of opinion that Doctor Rehm ought to receive full Satisfaction for his care and At tendance on our Prisoners, and therefore that the Prayer of his Petition be granted as soon as the Land Office shall be Opened, which was agreed to. N 1 8. From John Kean. Praying that John Charles Lucena might be considered as a Subject to the King of Portugal, he having had the appointment of Consul from that Court to the Court of Great Britain for One Year. The Committee are of opinion that as M r Lucena chose to take Part with our enemies, 154 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY the Prayer of his Petition cannot be granted. Which was agreed to. N 19. From David Duncan setting forth his having lost some Negroes. Praying leave to take them wher ever he can find "them; Also Praying to become a Citizen. The Committee from enquiry finds the Pe titioner was within the lines of the Enemy, and at that time a British Subject, when the House taking the Same into Consideration. ORDERED that the said Petition be Postponed N 20. From M rs Morgan Praying relief from this House respecting a Debt due her from the Estate of John Joachim Zubly. The Committee are of opinion that the late Act for Confiscating the Estates of certain Persons therein mentioned &c c. Points out a redress, which was agreed to. N 21. From Sir Patrick Houstoun, The Committee are Unanimous in their Opinion, that as some favoura ble circumstances appear in behalf of the Petitioner, he ought to be taken off the Confiscation and expul sion Act, and Put on the Amercement Act, and Amerced agreeable to the rates which others in Similar cases are, which \vas agreed to. N e 22. From William Stephens, Praying to be taken off the Bill of Confiscation and expulsion The Committee are of opinion that the Prayer of said Petition be granted, which was agreed to. N 23. From James Mossman. Praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation and expulsion JULY, 1782. 155 ORDERED that the said James Mossman be taken out of the Confiscation Bill, and Put on the Amercement Bill N 24. From Sundry Persons of the County of Liberty Pray ing- that Simon Munro, a Person whose Estate is o Confiscated and himself ordered off this State, be received and admitted to the rights of Citizen ship &c. The Committee are of opinion that the Prayer of said Petition cannot be granted, which was agreed to. Whereas it appears to this House, that the Infantry who till very lately have been doing duty under Col Jackson. Performed that Service with unremitting Perseverance, notwithstanding the many difficulties and dangers they were exposed to and though the men who composed that Corps, were not entitled to any Pay or Clothing, they having enlisted by Permission to expiate by their Services for their Past Offences in Joining the enemy and Acting in their Service, against this, and the United States. Yet as an Acknowledgement for the faithful discharge of their duty under the Command of Col Jackson, and to encourage others, who may unfortunately be under the like Circumstances. RESOLVED that the Dragoons who now are, or have been here tofore doing duty under Col Jackson be Paid the bounty out of the Negroes Provided for that Purpose, and that in case the Number of Negroes provided as aforesaid should be insufficient for that Purpose that they be Paid by State Certificates to the full value of a Negro. On Motion. The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole to take into Consideration the Bill for establishing Churches and Schools in this State 156 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Clay in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Clay from the Committee of the whole House Reported. That it is the Opinion of the Committee that the said Bill be Postponed On Motion. That the Bill for opening the Courts of Justice under certain restrictions therein mentioned be read the second time On Motion. The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, take into Consideration the said Bill. M r Howly in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair. M r Hovvly from the Committee of the whole House Reported That they had gone through the said Bill, made some Amend ments, filled up the blanks and Added a Clause for opening the Courts of Conscience, which he read in his Place and delivered in at the Table. ORDERED,, that the said Bill be engrossed, and sent to the Ex ecutive Council for their Perusal and Advice. ORDERED that M r Lindsay and M r MNeil be a Committee to Carry the same. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 6 OClock. JULY, 1782. 157 (From State Archives.) Sunday July 28 th 1782. The House met according to Adjournment The following Petitions were read Vz 1 From Smith Clarendon Andrew Johnston David Murclock ORDERED that the above Petitions lie on the Table A Petition from James Thompson was read. ORDERED that the said Petition be refered to the Committee on Petitions. A Letter from his Honor the Governor was read. Recom mending the electing Officers to fill the several Vacancies in the Civil Department in this State as also to fill up the vacancies in the Executive Council A Letter from Daniel M Murphy was read setting forth the desire of a number of Indians shortly to pay us a Friendly Visit. ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to take the said Let ter into consideration, and that M r Howly, M r \Yereat and M r Houstoun be that Committee The Committee to whom was refered the Consideration of the business necessary to be transacted by the Legislature before its Adjournment Report. I st The mode of raising the Continental Troops for the de fence of this State, ought to be settled by this State. 158 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY 2 d That the mode of raising a Naval force ought also to be settled 3 d The mode of Procuring Clothing, Arms and supplies gen erally. 4 th The Auditing the Public Accounts in future ^ The Auditing of the Old Accounts and Collecting them. 6. The Arranging the Public Accounts since we obtained Possession <f the Country, and dra \ving all our Resources into order and <>ne view 7. The appointment of a Chief Justice. 8 lh The applying to General Greene for Support and if in his Power offensive operations Southerly 9 th To appoint one or more Auditors with full Powers to Settle and Adjust the Accounts of this State, and that they should have Authority to call for and obtain every information, and all neces sary Papers for the better Settling said business, that they should be instructed to Audit and examine all Accounts, and Pass such as are agreeable to the Resolves of the Legislature, and Orders of the Executive, and no other. to call upon, and if necessary order Prosecutions against such Persons as shall refuse or neg lect to settle their Accounts, and that his Honor the Governor, and all other Officers of the State to give every Assistance and Countenance to the said Auditors, when tl.ereunto required. 10 That the letters and Papers laid before this House by His Honor the Governor, be taken under the Consideration of this House, Particularly those received from Congress, the Superin- tendant of Finance and our Delegates. On Motion. That a Committee be appointed to Consider of and Point out JULY, 1782. 159 a Mode for carrying into execution the several Objects contained in the foregoing report ORDERED that M r Howly, M r Clay, and M r Honstoun be that Committee. RESOLVED that Nine hundred bushels of Salt be sent up to the Town of Augusta for the use of the Inhabitants of the three upper Counties Yz. three hundred bushels for each County. And that Edmund Bugg Esq r for the County of Richmond, Stephen Heard Esq ! for the County of \Yilkes, and John Twiggs Esq r for the County of Burke; do receive the salt into their Posses sion and dispose of the same to the Inhabitants at the Prime Cost and Charges, in Proportion to the number of white Per sons in each family, and that the said Edmund Bugg, Stephen Heard and John Twiggs shall give Bond to Settle for the same with his Honor the Governor by the first of January next. Whereas there is reason to believe that there are many Arms now in the Possession of Inhabitants of this State, which were Put into their by the British Government, for the Purpose of doing duty in their Service, which ought to be delivered up, and Lodged in the Public Stores of this State RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be requested to ap point Proper Persons in the different Parts of this State to Col lect all the Arms now in the Possession of any of the Inhabi tants thereof, which did belong to the British Government RESOLVED, that this Honor the Governor be requested to ap point Proper Persons to Purchase any Arm s fit for the use of the Regular Troops belonging to this State, and to assure his Honor that this House will Provide for the Payment of the same, and that his Honor the Governor be furnished with Copies of the above Resolve Whereas since the reduction of this Town by the British 160 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY forces, a Part of the Bay hn.s been laid out in lots, and some buildings erected on some of the said Lots. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to take immediate Possession of the said Buildings and let out or retain the same fur the Public use as Occasion may require ORDERED that M r Clay, M r O Bryan. M r Gibbons and M r Wereat be that Committee. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday July 2g th 1782. The House met According to Adjournment On Motion That a Committee be appointed to consider and Point out to this House, such objects in an Act Passed the last Sessions en titled an Act for inflicting Punishments on, and Confiscating the Estates of. Persons therein described, with other Penalties, whose different cases and Circumstances might merit a mitigation of the Punishments inflicted by the said Act ORDERED that M r Wereat, M r O Bryan, M r Jones, M r Twiggs, M r MNeil, M r Lindsay and M r Andrew be that Committee. The Committee on Petitions Report. N 6. On Col Jacksons Letter, respecting Pay for his Dra goons and Infantry, with respect to the Dragoons, there is a Resolve Passed in their favor. That Col Jacksons Infantry bt allowed a Compleat Suit of Clothes, and one Bushel of Salt to JULY, 1782. 161 each man in consideration of the Gallant and faithful Services they rendered their Country under their Colonels command, which was agreed to. The Committee appointed to take into consideration the report of the committee to whom was refered the Consideration of business necessary to be done during this Session; Reported. RESOLVED that a Part of the Battalion of Infantry now raising, as the Quota of Troops for this State ought to be mounted on Horse back to serve as Cavalry, say two troops, to consist each of one Captain one Lieutenant, one Cornet, one Quarter Master Serjant, three Serjants two Trumpeters, four Corporals and sixty four Privates. RESOLVED that the said two Troops shou d be kept full by Drafts from the Battalion in the same manner the light" Infantry companies are, that they be officered by the Officers of the Bat talion, and that the said Officer and men while Acting as Cavalry ought to receive the same Pay as the other Cavalry serving in the Army of the United States RESOLVED, that Congress be informed of the necessity and usefulness of this measure, and applied to, to allow the Addi tional Pay and expence attending the same RESOLVED that Congress be also applied to requesting a further Aid of Troops for the defence of this State, they being abso lutely necessary for its Support as a Barrier State exposed to the inroads and depredations of the enemy in almost every Quarter RESOLVED, that in order to compleat the Cavalry .and put them into a Situation to render immediate Service, every necessary such as Sadies, bridles. Caps, Pistols, Swords, Boots and Proper Clothing ought to be Procured by some means or other as soon as Possible, as well as Horses ; in regard to the latter, the Com- 11 r r vol 3 162 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY mittee understand a Part of them may be Procured ought of Col Jackson s Corps, as the mens time of Service are expired or near expiring RESOLVED that not less than two Galleys will be sufficient for the Defence of the Harbours and Rivers of this State, that they ought to be Mounted with eight Gunns each, if so many can be Procured, the Guns to be as large as can be obtained, and in order to Procure these Galleys with as much dispatch as Pos sible RESOLVED that Commissioners be appointed, fully Authorized to build or Purchase said Vessels, and to compleat them in every Respect fit for Service. And that they endeavour to find Proper Persons to Officer and command them ; and recommend them to the Governor and Council for their Approbation and Com missions. RESOLVED that a Bounty of Forty Dollars be allowed to every Seaman who Shall enlist into said Service, to serve for the Space of two years or during the War, and for every Landsman i Bounty of thirty Dollars, who shall enlist to serve for the same time RESOLVED that the said Galleys be Officered, Man cl and Paid in the following manner ; and at the rates herein after men tioned For each Galley. One Captain at forty dollars Per Month One Lieutenant at twenty Six & 2/3 dollars P Month One Gunner at twenty Dollars Per Month One Carpenter at twenty dollars Per Month One Boatswain at twenty dolars Per Month. One Steward at twenty dollars Per Month Thirty five Privates at twelve dollars Per Month each JULY, 1782. 163 One Surgeon at forty Dollars Per Month for the two Galleys, with one Mate under him. The Surgeon to be on Board one of the Galleys and the Mate on Board the other RESOLVED that Congress be wrote to also on this business, to inform them of the Necessity of it and also our Delegates, and that they he instructed to use every means in their Power, to in- force the Propriety and Justice of Congress allowing of these measures to be Supported on the Continental Establishment, and that the Speaker do Prepare letters to that Purpose. RESOLVED that untill Proper Galleys can be Procured and fitted for Service, that his Honor the Governor be requested to Procure Armed Boats for the Watching and Guarding the Rivers where the same may be necessary RESOLVED that each Galley have at least one large Boat to row, with not less than eight Oars, and. fitted as a Gun Boat. It being represented to this House that some abuses had been committed in respect to Public Boats, and a quantity of Salt or dered to be sent up to Augusta for the use of the Inhabitants of the back Country. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to enquire into this matter and report their Opinion thereon as soon as Possible, and that Such Committee have Power to call before them any Person or Persons they shall think Proper in order to obtain informa tion on this business ORDERED that M r Twiggs, M r Cochran, M r Wereat, and M r Houstoun be that Committee The Committee of Accounts Reported That they had examined an Account of Daniel M c Murphy, for hire and detention of Waggons, for transporting Arms, Ammu nition Clothing &c. from Philadelphia to this State. 164 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said report be Postponed till tomorrow. A Petition from Samuel Stirk was read. ORDERED that the same be referee! to the Committee on Peti tions. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Tuesday July 3O th 1782. The House met according to Adjournment A Petition from Edmund Hill, Sterling Jordan, George Pal mer, William Sykes, and Bazil Gray were read setting forth that they had brought down a Quantity of Beef Cattle and that the Commissary had impressed fifteen of the said Cattle for Public use ORDERED that a Special Committee be appointed to take the said Petition into immediate Consideration, and that M r Le Conte, M r Dimwoody, and M r Twiggs be that Committee RESOLVED that Commissioners be appointed to superintend the building Galleys, and Providing Boats for the Defence of the Harbours and Rivers of this State. ORDERED that M r O Bryan and Benjamin Stiles be appointed Commissioners for that Purpose On Motion That two Boats in the Public Service which were sent off contrary to a Resolve of this House, be brought back to this Town. JULY, 1782. 165 ORDERED That his Honor the Governor be requested to dis patch an Officer with a Sufficient Guard to bring back said Boats and their Cargoes The Special Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Edmund Hill and others Reported. "That the said Petitioners Praying that this House will order them a certain quantity of Salt in Pay for a number of Cattle taken from him the said Edmund Hill and others, for the use of the Continental Troops now in this State The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of the Peti tioners be granted. And that his Honor the Governor be di rected to take the necessary care that the sum so ordered to be Paid be made a Continental Charge, the Committee having ex amined the different receipts given by the Commissary, and the different ages of the Cattle, are of opinion the different Pro prietors should receive the following sums Vz. Sterling Jordan for three head of Cattle Six Pounds, Edmund Hill for two Head of Cattle four Pounds, George Palmer for one Two Pounds ten Shillings. Bazil Gray for five head of Cattle ten Pounds, William Sykes for one two Pounds ten Shillings, Thomas Walker for two head of Cattle five Pounds ; Which was agreed to. A Letter from his Honor the Governor inclosing Sundry lists of men who have surrendered to Col Johnson was read. ORDERED that the said letter and Papers be refered to a Com mittee, and that M p M c Neil M r Houstoun and M r Twiggs be the Committee \Vhereas Lieutenant Col Jackson hath rendered many great and usefull Services to his Country, for which he is enti tled to the notice and Attachment of the Legislature. Be it therefore Resolved that the House which heretofore belonged to M r Tatnall in Savannah be granted to Col Jackson 166 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY as a mark of the sense entertained by the Legislature of his merits The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows. Yea Yea M r Rehm M r Sullivant M r Gibbons M r May bank M r Clay M r Howly M r Houstoun M r Hardey M r Woodruff M r Dunwoody M r O Bryan M r Beckham M r Cochran M r Emanuel M r Jones M r Twiggs M r Ford M r Lindsay M r Fenn M r Biddle M r Wereat M r Hill. M r Andrew 23. Nay Nay M r Thorn M r Saunders M r Dasher M r Le Conte. M r Bugg 6. M r M c Neil The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday July 3i st 1782 The House met according to Adjournment James Jackson Esquire being returned (elected) a Member for the County of Chatham in the room of John Wereat Esq r , attended and qualified JULY, 1782. 167 On Motion ORDERED that Writs of election do immediately issue to fill tip all intermediate vacancies of this House for the Counties of Liberty and Chatham Whereas the Situation of this Barrier State absolutely re quires a Military force, for its defence, and whereas Lieu 1 Col Brown with above five hundred men composed of British, Refu gees Indians &c. remains within a days March of the Town of Savannah, where it is manifest they wait for the departure of General Wayne and the Cavalry in order to Plunder burn and destroy, or reinforcements from East Florida to commence their Nefarious operations. And whereas the movements of bodies of Indians towards the Frontiers of the upper Counties, render it impracticable to draw the Melitia from thence, and conse quently both the Capital and Country at large will be exposed to every evil and Calamity that may justly be expected from a Vindictive and Brutal leader, and the Savage Army under his Command. Be it therefore Resolved that Brigadier General Wayne be requested to countermand the further March of the Infantry, and Artillery and Stop the departure of the Cavalry from this State. Be it further Resolved that a Letter be written by the Speaker to the Hon rable Major General Greene, describing the unfor tunate situation of the State and requesting his orders to Gen 1 Wayne for ordering back the Infantry and Artillery into this State, and that the Cavalry may remain as absolutely necessary for our Preservation A Bill for restoring certain Persons herein after mentioned to the Rights of Citizenship within this State, was read the first time The Committee to whom were refered the Cases of Several 168 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Persons who had surrendered themselves to Col Johnson in Effing-ham County. Report. That they find the said Persons ought to to be divided into two Classes Number one and two (Which being taken into Con sideration was agreed to. Number One consisting of thirty three Persons, to find three recruits amongst them, the same to be determined by Lot or otherwise, as they may agree, and the rest to be restored imme diately to the Rights of Citizenship. Their names as follow. Vz l Drury Shorter Stephen Mills John Nevil Archib d Mills William Meazel William Todd David Meazel Phillip Thomas James Meazel John Thomas Luke Meazel John Martin John Meazel John Potts Benjamin Richardson Hugh Jeffers Archib d Patterson Dan 1 Johnson John Heart Henry Obrey James Jones Thorn 8 Johnston John Lanier Dennis Woods William Basset Thomas Woods Christopher Nelson Benj a Cook Will" 1 Richardson Henry Cook Hardy Richardson John Sims Charlton Meazle Number Two, to be put on the Amercement Bill, and to be Amerced agreeable to the rates which other Persons named in the said Bill are Amerced at. Their names as follow, making in all fifty four Persons. JULY, 1782. 169 Mark Phillips Sen r \Yilliam Main. Sam 1 Cradock, Noah Harrel. Paris Simms, Anth 7 Bonnell, William Wall, Clark Johnston, William Reeves. William White, Will Jenkins, Sam 1 Cooper, Joseph Daughtry Phillip Mincey, Thomas Thompson, William Bennet, Richard Bennet, John Giger, Abraham Giger, Augustine Hobbs, John Shirley, William Shirley, Dan 1 Bonnell, Arthur Ryals, John Kennedy, John Hicks John Bonnell Benj a Lanier William Langham Leonard Harper John Lyons John Webster Josiah Adams Will Larissa George Tilman Will- 11 Lee Isaac Stubbs Sam 1 Denny Felix Giger Sam 1 Marre James Roberts Arthur Roberts Will" 1 Overstreet John Crawford Mark Phillips J r Brantley Harrigan John Cook I sham Roberts Mathew Colson James Cook Michal Daughtry John Harper Will m Williss James Barfield The Committee appointed to take immediate Possession of the buildings erected on the Bay, and let out or retain the same for Public use as occasion may require Report. As their opinion that the Stores erected by James Harriot, ought untill Proper Public Stores can be Provided be retained for the use of the Commissary and Quarter Master, who should be directed to remove any Stores they may now have in any buildings belonging to the Citizens of this State, and restore 170 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY them to the owners or their Attorneys immediately. And that the other buildings and Materials on the Bay be Sold, and that the Purchasers be Obliged to remove the same within three Months from the time of such Sale. The Committee beg leave further to report that the Land whereon the above mentioned buildings of James Harriott are erected, are a Part of the Common of the Town of Savannah, and as such ought not to have been built upon, and that as soon as may be convenient the said buildings ought to be Pulled down or, removed ORDERED that the said Committee do dispose of the above mentioned buildings and Materials at Put up at Public Sale, first giving ten days notice of such Sale allowing Six Weeks Credit to the Purchasers, and that they do Pay the Nett proceeds of said sales into the Public Treasury On Motion That his honor the Governor be requested to Issue a Procla mation appointing a Particular day for a General meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Savannah, and the districts around ; except such as are under Articles granted by the Honrable Gen 1 Wayne, and confirmed by the House of Assembly, for the Pur pose of an enquiry into the Conduct of such individuals as may have appeared Suspicious to the good Citizens of the State, and for the Purpose of tendring the Oaths of Allegiance to such as may be thought worthy, and others who may be Proper objects for Citizenship and. farther that his Honor be requested as Soon as Possible to fill up the different vacancies in the Melitia of Chatham County, and Put on the most eligible footing agree able to the Melitia Law. ORDERED. That Major John Habersham, and Sam 1 Stirk Esquire be appointed for carrying into execution the above en quiry and that they report the same to this House on or before the fifth day of August next AUGUST, 1782. 171 The Committee appointed to Purchase Lands for the Generals Greene and Wayne, agreeable to a Resolve of this House of the first day of May last, report. That they have Purchased another Tract of Land for the Hon rable Brigadier Gen 1 Wayne formerly the Property of Alex ander Wright Esq r supposed to Contain eight hundred forty seven Acres. Amount of Purchase three thousand nine hundred Pounds That they have Purchased another Tract of Land for the Hon rable Maj r Gen 1 Greene, formerly the Property of Graham Esq r Supposed to contain two thousand one hundred seventy one Acres. Amount of Purchase, Seven thousand ninety seven Pounds Nineteen Shillings The Committee request if the House approve of the same, that this House will give directions to the Commissioners for the Forfeited estates to execute Titles for the above Tracts of Land to General s Wayne and Greene The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday August I st 1782 The House met according to Adjournment Thomas Stone and John Morell Esquires being returned elected for the County of Chatham, in the room of Joseph Halter- sham and William Gibbons Esquires M r Stone attended and qualified The following Petitions were read Vz c 172 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From Sarah Frazer. George Bazil Spencer. Stephen Millen. ORDERED that the above Petitions lie on the Table The following Petitions were read Vz l From Luke Mann with an Account &c. Samuel Hammond. Elisabeth Gresham. Joseph Woodruff Richard Donnavan Murray ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on Peti tions A Petition from Hugh Ross was read setting forth his inca pability of serving as a Soldier in the Georgia Battalion ORDERED that the said Petition be refered to Major Haber- sham and if it should appear that the facts set forth are true that he be discharged A Petition from Alexander Creighton was read ORDKRED that the said Petition be refered to the Committee for the revisal of the Bill, for Confiscating the Estates of Sun dry Persons &c. The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the Bill for Preventing improper or disaffected Persons Migrating from other Places and becoming Citizens of this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. AUGUST, 1782. 173 ORDERED that the said Bill be Postponed till this afternoon The Bill for opening the Courts of Law and Justice within this State under certain restrictions therein mentioned, was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill do Pass into a Law and that the Speaker Sign the same. The Committee on Petitions Reported. That the Petition of Elizabeth Gresham requesting the Pay ment of a Loan of fifteen Bushels Salt lent the Public in the year cne thousand seven hundred eighty one be granted RESOLVED that the report of the Committee on M rs Gresham s Petition be agreed to, and that his Honor the Governor be re quested to issue an Order to the keeper of the Public Store for the quantity of Salt mentioned to be lent the Public at Augusta. M r John Morell attended and qualified The Committee to whom were referee! the revision of an Act for Inflicting Penalties on, and confiscating the estates of such Persons as are therein declared guilty of Treason, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, Reported as follow, which was agreed to. 174 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY David Johnston . . . .Amerced John Irvine (Doctor) Amerced Thomas Johnston ... D James Johnston (Prin ter) D . . John Sutcliffee .... D Thomas Wylly D lames Thompson ... D Samuel Langlev Soldier Samuel Ealy .... D Tohn Shave D Richard Shave D Samuel Shepherd .... D Effingham. Joshua Pierce Sen 1 Phillip Dill Jun r Soldier John Goldwire .... Postponed Samuel Cooper Soldier George Weekly D William Powell D Thomas Polhffl . D George Cuthbert ... D Benj a Farley D Benj a Wilson D Robert Baillie D James Roberson .... D David Delegall D James Douglas Soldier William Durgan Dead [ohn Young Soldier Robert Tillman D William Young D Jacob Sharp D Thomas Lamb D Edward Piloher D Henry Overstreet .... D William Brown Augustus Underwood .Soldier Burke- Wilkes & Richmond. Andrew M c Nely John O Neal Soldier Heirs of John M c Cormick . . . Cader Price Soldier John Hammet D Edward Corker D Stephen Corker D AVington Perkins .... D Luke Bynam D Andrew Robertson. . . D James Weatherford Heirs of Paul M c Cormick Yhe Committee also Report as their Unanimous Opin ion that none of the Persons before mentioned, shall be eligible to hold any Place of Trust Profit or Honor in this State or be entitled to vote at any election till three Years after the end of the Present war. AUGUST, 1782. 175 The House having taken the above report into consideration & examined the case of each individual named in the said report do agree to the same. That is to say to take the said Persons* out of the Confiscation Act and put them in the Amercement Bill. The House being informed that Walter Brown has a Quantity of rum Sugar and Coffee, which he is desirous of bringing into this State on Condition that he be allowed to sell and dispose of the same on the like Conditions as were granted the British Mer chants who remained here. RESOLVED that the said Walter Brown be Permitted to bring the said Articles into this State, and that the conditions desired by him be granted him. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Fryday August 2 d 1782 A number of Members met, but not being a Sufficiency to Compose a House, they were Adjourned till Tomorrow Morning 6 OClock. (From State Archives. ) Saturday August 3 d 1782 The House met According to Adjournment A Petition from William Houstoun Esquire Praying to be come a Practitioner of Law in this State, was read RESOLVED that the Prayer of said Petition be granted 176 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Whereas many Persons have since the taking of the Town of Savannah, and who owed Allegiance to this and the United States, taken Protection from some one or other of his Britan- i;k:k Majesties Officers, whereby they have rendered themselves incapable of voting at elections, and Serving as Jurors RESOLVED that any Persons under the above description be not Admitted to vote at any Election for Members, or Serving on Juries in any County in this State, untill they take the Oath of Abjuration. And Allegiance to this and the United States, and that they shall not be eligible to Serve in any Place of Honor trust or Profit untill they have Complied with the Purport of this Resolution. A Letter from the Honrable Brigadier General Wayne, in closing a Talk to the Creeks &c. and a Proclamation to the In habitants of East Florida was read ORDERED that the said letter, talk, and Proclamation; be Re- fered to a Special Committee, And that M r Houstoun, M r Le Conte and M r O Bryan be that Committee A Bill for restoring- certain Persons herein after mentioned to the rights of Citizenship within this State was read the second t:me. ORDERED that the said Bill be Committed to a Committee of the whole House this afternoon On Motion that a Committee be appointed to class the several Persons to be named in the Amercement Bill, and to fix the rates of Amercement they are Severally to Pay ORDERED that M r Clay, M r Jones, M r Twiggs, M r Bugg, M r Lindsay, M r Maybank and M r Cochrane be that Committee Sundry Recommendations from his Honor the Governor were read. AUGUST, 1782. 177 ORDERED that M r Clay, M r Houstoun and M r Le Conte be a Committee to take the same into Consideration The Committee appointed to class the several Persons to be named in the Amercement Bill and to fix the rates of Amerce ment they are severally to Pay. Reported That they have divided the list of Persons agreed by the House to be Amerced, into three Classes, they Report the Class number one ought to be amerced if Paid in Cash twelve Per Cent on all their Property real and Personal, to be Paid within three Months, to be obliged to give an Account of all their Property on Oath within forty Days, and in case of Neglect to forfeit double the amount to be recovered by Sale of any Part of their Estates. The estates first to be appraised in order to ascertain the value They report Number two to be Amerced eight Per Cent, in case of neglect to forfeit double that amount in the same manner os Number one The third Class to serve as Soldiers or find Substitutes. Which was agreed to. N One. Number one Continued Thomas Polhill James Lambert Sir Patrick Houstoun Andrew M c Lean John Sutcliffe Doctor Irvine George Bazil Spencer George Cuthbert Thomas Wylty Benjamin Farley William Struthers John Goldwire Amos Whitehead Thomas Johnson M c Cartan Campbell m. 18 r r TO! 8 178 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Number Two. William King John Lowerman Stephen Millen Joseph Cuthbert Toseph Fox Luke Mann Thomas Walker Nicholas Cavena David Cavena Peter Wynne Heirs of George Walker David Johnston James Johnston David Delegall Benjamin Wilson Robert Baillie George Houstoun James Mossman David Douglass William Stephens Smith Clarendon. IS. Number 3. for Soldiers Avington Perkins Luke Bynam Andrew Robertson James Weatherford. Thomas Yarbrough Simon Sherwood Henry Brown Atkin William Young- Jeremiah Atkinson John Spence Samuel Lyons Number 3 Continued. Victor Thompson James Martin Joseph Atkinson Valentine Clem John Stubbs Abram Johnston John Hudgens Robert Burton Jonathan Sill David Baldwin Joseph Hudgens Arthur Ryals John Ryals John Hall John Axley Christopher Creamer Heirs of John Wertsh Gotlieb Smith John Wilson James Wilson William Wilson Jacob Meyers, James Cook Samuel Langley, John Rentz, James Thompson Samuel Ealy John Shave Samuel Shepherd Joshua Pierce Sen r Phillip Dill, Jun r Samuel Cooper George Weakley William Powell Andrew M c Nely AUGUST, 1782. 179 Number three Continued Number three Continued Cader Price Jacob Sharp James Robertson Thomas Lamb Tohn Hammitt Edward Pilcher Edward Corker Henry Overstreet Stephen Corker William Brown Tames Douglass Augustus Underwood John Young Tohn O Neal. Robert Tillman. Richard Shave. William Younir The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 8 OClock. (From State Archives.) Sunday August 4 th 1782. The House met according to Adjournment A Letter from Gen 1 Green was read. The Committee to whom were refered the letter and several inclosures from General Wayne Report That they recommend a Committee be appointed to wait on General Wayne, and express the high Sense this House en tertain of his important services already rendered the State ; and the full assurance they have that all his Plans and operations will have for their object the welfare of this, and the other Con federated States. And that the said Committee do further in form the General that no exertions on their Part have been Spared, or shall in future be spared to compleat their Quota of Troops That the House have already ordered two Galleys and two Gun Boats to be built for the Protection of the rivers in this 180 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY State, and that their best endeavour shall be exerted to compleat this very necessary Piece of business ORDERED That M r Le Conte and M r Houstoun be that Com mittee The Committee appointed to take into consideration the recommendations from his Honor the Governor Reported as follow. Which was agreed to. That the Committee are of opinion that as soon the business of the House will Permit, Councellors ought to be elected to fill up the Vacancies at that Board That the Councellors while they attend on that duty, and no Longer; ought to be allowed three Dollars Per day in Lieu of a Sallary. That t\venty five Pounds be allowed to M r Henderson for his extra Services as Deputy Superintendent of Indian affairs That one hundred and fifty Pounds Per Annum be allowed to the Clerk of the Council, Provided he Acts as the Governor s Private Secretary. The Committee appointed to take into consideration the re port of the Committee to whom was refered the consideration of Business necessary to be done during this Session, further Re port, which was agreed to. As their Opinion, that an Auditor, or Auditors, should be im mediately appointed to Audit the Public Accounts of this State fully empowered and Authorized to do and carry into execution every matter and thing necessary to said business and for bring ing Public defaulters to Strict Account and to Preserve and keep distinct Accounts of expenditures for Continental sen-ices Sepe- rate from State ones. AUGUST, 1782. 181 That in the Settlements of all Publick Accounts the Auditors Conform themselves to the Resolves, Laws and Orders of the Legislative and Executive Authority of this State and no other. That the said Auditors be empowered to employ such Persons as may be necessary in the executing of said business and be furnished with an Office at the Public expence, and that they be allowed a Liberal Sallary for their services in order to engage their Closest attention and industry to this very necessary busi ness That a Committee of Judicious Persons be appointed to form a Depreciation Table from the first of January One thousand seven hundred Seventy seven to the fall of Charles Town, or such Prior Period as the Committee may find upon examination that the value of our Currency ceased, and that the said Depre ciation Table when compleated by the said Committee, be by them laid before his Honor the Governor, who shall Publish a Proclamation establishing said depreciation Table, as a rule in the Settlement of all Accounts between the State and individuals, and between individual and individual untill otherwise directed by this House, or any future Legislature ORDERED that M r Speaker, M r Clay, M r Wereat M r Gibbons, M r Stone, M r Morell, and M r Kell be the Committee for Pre paring and forming the said depreciation Table. RESOLVED that the Attorney General be directed to call on all Persons, indebted to this State for Public Sales, and on default of immediate Payment to Prosecute and bring Actions against such defaulters, and that his Honor the Governor be requested to furnish the Attorney General with such Papers as may be necessary for such Prosecutions. RESOLVED that M r O Bryan, M r Wylly, M r James Habersham, M r Clay, and M r Wereat be Commissioners for regulating and directing the Pilotage of the Bar and river Savannah, and for 182 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY establishing the fees of Pilotage untill other ways regulated by Law, and that a Majority of the said Commissioners be a Quorum to do any matter respecting said business. RESOLVED that one or more Persons be appointed as a Com mittee for the Purpose of obtaining Supplies of every kind for this State, and that they be empowered to Pledge the faith of this State for all Purchases or Contracts they may enter into for the Purpose of Procuring said supplies, that the Executive Au thority be directed and required to give every countenance and Support to such Person or Persons who may be employed in said business as may be necessary to enable them to execute the same in the best and most speedy manner for the Interest of this State. RESOLVED that any Payments that may be made to this State in such Articles as are fit, or be wanted for exportation, ought to be delivered into the hands of such Persons as may be ap pointed for the Purpose of Procuring supplies as aforesaid, the better to enable them to carry on said business, and that the said Persons so appointed be allowed the usual Commissions for executing the same ORDERED. That M r Clay and M r O Bryan be that Committee On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole to Reconsider the Bill for Amercing Persons M r Clay in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Clay from the Committee of the whole House Reported. That they had considered the same, made some Progress there in and desired leave to sit again AUGUST, 1782. 183 ORDERED that they have leave RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to see the Bill for opening the Courts of Law and Justice within this State, under certain Restrictions therein mentioned engrossed. And to see the Speaker Sign the same ORDERED. That M r Stone, M r Jackson, M r Andrew, or any two of them be a Committee for that Purpose. RESOLVED that M r Frederick Rolfes be recommended to the Hon rable Maj r General Greene as a Proper Person to Act as Deputy Commissary General of Purchases for this State. RESOLVED that M r John Strong be recommended to the Hon- rable Maj r Gen 1 Greene as a Proper Person to act Deputy Com missary General of Issues for this State. WHEREAS it appears to this House that John Lindsay Esquire hath suffered much in the cause of his Country RESOLVED that the said John Lindsay be Presented with two good Negro fellows as a Mark of the Attention of his Country, that the said John Lindsay be empowered to Purchase the said two Negroes at any Public Sales, and his receipt for the same shall be a good voucher to the Commissioners the said two Ne groes to be over and above any other allowance made by law, for Persons in the Situation of the said John Lindsay. Also RESOLVED that the said John Lindsay be empowered to Pur chase one other good Negro fellow for Doctor Timothy Russell, the same to be given him in full of his Account for curing the said John Lindsay, and also Thomas Greer and Henry Candler, Persons who were maimed and much Wounded in the Service of their Country, which said Account was allowed and Ordered to be Paid by a former House of Assembly on the fourth day of 184 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY May last, and that the receipt of the said John Lindsay be a good voucher as aforesaid for the cost of the said Negro to any Public Commissioners The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning 8 OClock. (From State Archives.) Monday August 5 th 1782. The House met According to Adjournment RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be requested to write to Gen 1 Greene Recommending M r Frederick Rolfes to Act as Deputy Commissary of Issues and to request he will appoint said Persons, to those Offices. On Motion The House resolved itself into a Commitee of the whole to Reconsider the Bill for Amercing certain Persons. M r Clay in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair. M r Clay from the Committee of the whole House Report. That they have reconsidered the Bill for Amercing certain Persons, and agreed to the same. ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed, and sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and Advice. And that M r Gibbons and M r Bryan be a Committee to carry the same. AUGUST, 1782. 185 On Motion The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, to take into Consideration the Bill for Preventing improper Per sons emigrating from other Places and becoming Citizens of this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. M r Clay in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Clay from the Committee of the whole House Reported, that they had gone through the said Bill and agreed to the same. ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and advice. And that M r Cochrane be appointed to Carry the same. The Bill for Preventing improper or disafected Persons emi grating from other Places, and becoming Citizens of this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill do Pass into a Law and that the Speaker sign the same On Motion RESOLVED that Major Habersham and M r Attorney General be only empowered to Class the respective Inhabitants of Sa vannah, and the Neighbouring districts agreeable to the tenor of the former Resolve of this House on that Head, who have Staid within the British lines and under British rule agreeable as they may merit, and that on their so classing them as aforesaid to report them to his honor the Governor, who by the Advice of the Hon rable the Council is hereby Authorized and empowered to confirm alter or reject the same. 186 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Bill for Amercing certain Persons therein named, and for other Purposes therein mentioned ; was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill do Pass into a Law and that the Speaker Sign the same. RESOLVED that the Bill for opening the Courts of Law and justice within this State under certain Restrictions be Passed into a Law, under the following Title "An Act for opening the Courts of Law and Justice within this State, under certain Restrictions therein mentioned, and that the Speaker Sign the same. RESOLVED. That the Bill for preventing improper and dis- afected Persons emigrating from other Places and becoming Citizens of this State be Passed into a law, under the Title of An Act for preventing improper or disafected Persons emi grating from other Places and becoming Citizens of this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned and that the Speaker Sign the same. RESOLVED that the Bill for Amercing certain Persons therein named and for other Purposes therein mentioned be Passed into a Law under the Title of An Act for Amercing certain Persons therein named, and for other Purposes therein mentioned and that the Speaker Sign the same. The Account of David Duncan, Amounting to two hundred and thirty Pounds eighteen Shillings and four Pence three far things; for Providing for the Members of Assembly during their Sitting here being laid before the House ORDERED that as there are many Articles mentioned in the said Account which appear to have been Purchased for the use AUGUST, 1782. 187 of the said Members and still remain on hand. That the said several articles be sold at Auction or otherwise, and the Public Credited for the amount thereof, and that the Ballance of the said Account be ordered to be Paid by his Honor the Governor, out of the first Monies which shall come into the Public Treasury The House then Proceeded to fill up the vacancies of the execu tive Council, when the following Persons were elected Vz. For Wilkes County. John Lindsay Esquire For Richmond County. Arthur Fort Esquire For Effingham County. Edward Jones Esquire RESOLVED that the Speaker do issue Writs of Election to fill the several Vacancies in the Representation of the General As sembly of this State. RESOLVED that M rs Tondee be allowed fifteen Pounds for the use of her room which the Assembly Occupied during their Present Session, and that his Honor the Governor do give an Order for the amount of the same, out of the first moneys which shall come into the Public Treasury. The House then Proceeded to the choice of Civil Officers for the State. Chief Justice, Aedanus Burke Esq r Secretary of the State, John Melton Esq r Treasurer, Joseph Clay Esquire Auditors of Accounts, John Wereat & John Gibbons Esq rs Collector of Customs for the Town of Savannah Joseph Wood ruff Esquire. 188 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Collector of Customs for the Town of Sunbury John Law- son J r The House Proceeded to fix the Salaries of the Civil Officers of this State. Chief Justice, five hundred Pounds P Annum Secretary of the State, One hundred Pounds P Annum Treasurer three hundred Pounds Per Annum Auditors of Accounts, three hundred Pounds Per Annum each. Collector of Customs for the Town of Savannah one hundred and fifty Pounds Per Annum. Collector of Customs for the Town of Sunbury fifty Pounds Per Annum. RESOLVED that M r Jackson, M r Houstoun and M r Le Conte be a Committee to revise the Minutes of this House and see the Speaker sign the same. Application of M r John Gibbons to be appointed Vendue Master. RESOLVED that M r Gibbons be, and he is hereby appointed Vendue Master for the Town of Savannah RESOLVED. That his Honor the Governor be requested to write to the Honr able Aedamus Burke Esquire, informing him that this House have elected him to the Office of Chief Justice of this State, with a Salary of five Hundred Pounds Sterling Annexed to the same. The House then Adjourned to meet at Savannah on the third Tuesday in October next. (a Copy). JA HABERSHAM, Speaker OCTOBER, 1782. 189 (From State Archives.) Savannah, Tuesday October 15 th 1782. A number of Members of the House of Assembly met but not being a Sufficiency to compose a House they were Adjourned till tomorrow morning: 10 OClock. (From State Archives.) \Yednesday October i6 th 1782. A number of Members met According to Adjournment but not being a number Sufficient to compose a House they were Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 10. OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday October 17 th 1782. The following Members Attended Vz 1 James Habersham Esquire Speaker M r James Jackson M r Benj a Andrew M r Oswald M r M c M c lntosh. When not being a Number Sufficient to Compose a House they were Adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 OClock. 190 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Fryday October i8 th 1782. A number of the Members of the House met According to Adjournment. when not being a number Sufficient to Proceed on Business they adjourn d to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday October 19 th 1782 When a Number of the House met According to Adjournment but not being a number Sufficient to Proceed on Business they were Adjourn d to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) ; Sunday October 2O th 1782 Number of the Members of the House met According Ad journment, but not being a number Sufficient to Proceed on Busi ness. They were Adjourned to Tomorrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Monday October the 2i st 1782 The following Members met agreeable to Adjournment Vz M r John Houstoun, M r Fann, M r Andrew M r Jackson, M r Twiggs, M r Way, M r O Bryan, M r Saltus, M r Pugh, M r Thomas JANUARY, 1783. 191 Lewis, M r - - M r Stone, M r Crawford. M r Mlntosh & M r James Habersham, When not being a number Sufficient to Proceed on Business, and there being no likelihood of making a House the adjourned (From State Archives.) Savannah January 7 th 1783 The following Members being Returned for the present Year attended & qualified Vz For the County of Richmond Arthur Fort Robert Middleton John Germany David Robertson Charles Crawford Greenberry Lee William Fe\v Edmund Cartlidge Charles Burke Zacharias Fann. For the County of Chatham Noble Wimberly Jones Thomas Netherclift James Jackson Peter Devaux John Houstoun James Bryan William Houstoun John Gibbons Nathan 1 Adams For the County of Wilks Stephen Heard Henry Ware Benjamin Catchings Zach h Lamar Dan 1 Burnett Samuel Alexander John Cunningham Walton Harris Robert Harper 192 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY For the County of Liberty Lvman Hall James Cochran Benjamin Andrew James Stewart John Andrew Samuel West For the County of Effingham William Holzendorf John Martin Dasher Benjamin Lanier Theophilus Lunday Daniel Howell For the County of Burke John Clements Francis Pugh John Fulton Jarecl Irwin Edward Telfair The House then Proceeded to the choice of a Chairman when Benjamin Andrew Esqr was Chosen On Motion That a Committee of Priviledges and Elections be appointed ORDERED. That M r Jackson M r Hall, M r Holzendorf, M r Pugh, M r Few, M r Lamar, and M r Davies be that Committee The Committee of Priviledges and Elections Reported ORDERED That the House do Take the Same into Consideration on thursday next The House then Proceeded to Ballott for a Governor for the present year, when after Casting up the Ballotts Lyman Hall Esq r was Elected The House then Adjourned to To morrow Morning 9 OClock JANUARY, 1783. 193 (From State Archives.) Wednesday January 8 th 1783 The House met Pursuant to Adjournment M r Charles Crawford for the County of Richmond And M r Jinkin Davies for the County of Effingham Appeared and Took the oath Prescribed in the Constitution The House then Proceeded to the Choice of the Executive Council, and on Closing the Poll it Appeared that Charles Craw ford & Arthur Fort Esquires Were Elected Councellors for the County of Richmond For the County of Wilkes James Little & Walter Harriss Es quires were Elected. For the County of Chatham, James Bryan and John Mor Esquires were Elected. For the County of Effingham, Jinkin Davies and William Hol- zendorf Esquires were Elected. For the County of Burke, Benjamin Lewis and M r John Fulton Esquires were Elected. For the County of Liberty, James Stewart & John Elliott Es quires were Elected. The House then Proceeded to the Choice of a speaker When John Houstoun Esq r was Elected. Motion Being made and seconded, that a Committee Of three be ap pointed to draw up an address to The Governor Elect, inform ing him of his Appointment and Requesting to know if he will be 13 r r vol 3 194 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Pleased To Accept of the same, and at what time it will be Con venient and agreeable to him to take the Oaths of Office before this House ORDERED That M r Davies, M r Andrew & M r Few be that Com mittee M r Samuel West a Member Returned for the County of Lib erty appeared and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitu- .on The Committee appointed to draw up an Address To the Gov- nor Elect. Reported as follows which was agreed to To His Honor Lyman Hall Esquire Tn notifying to your honor your appointment To the Office of Chief Majistrate of this state. \Ye Can not but Congratulate our Country on so Happy an Occasion The Early and decided Part which your honor took in the cause of ?marica and exertions in the Course of the Arduous and important Struggle Which Preceeded the Auspicious dawn of Independence Confirm us in the fullest assurance? that under your administration a continued practice of Whig Principles will Prevail, and a strict Exertion of thnse wise and Salutary laws which have been passed in former assemblies for Compleating the snt ely and welfare of the state Your Honor may rely on the assistance and Support of the assembly on every occasion, and we shall think we only fulfill our duty in discharge of the high trust reposed in us. by affording every Aid in our Power, that can Promote the general tranquility and establish Vvhiggism on a Permanent foundation Signed by Order of the House JOHN HOUSTON Speaker JANUARY, 1783. 195 ORDERED That M r Few, M r Davies and M r Andrew be a Com mittee to wait on the Governor Elect with The said Address The Committee Appointed to wait on his honor the Governor Elect. Report That they waited on his Honor who gave them for Answer that by six OClock this evening it will be Convenient for him To return his answer and that he Accepted of the Office On Motion ORDERED that the Commissioners appointed to make sale of Confiscated Estates Be directed to Postpone the same untill the farther Orders of this House ORDERED That Copies of the above order be served the Respec tive Commissioners On Motion That a Committee be appointed to Receive The names of Can didates for the several state Offices for the present year ORDERED That M r Jackson, M r Few. M r Lamar, M r Fulton, M r Lancer, and M r Andrew be that Committee M r James Jones a Member for the County of Burke and M r John Elliott for the County of Liberty appeared and took the oath Prescribed in the Constitution The Governor Elect waited on the House and having Taken the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution Delivered the following Speech in answer to the Address of this Morning and is as fol lows. M r Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly. I esteem your unsolicited appointment of me, to the office of ISC JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Chief Magistrate of this State As the greatest Honour, and am affected with Sentiments of the warmest gratitude on the Oc casion The Early and decided Part which I Took in the Cause of smarica, Originated from A full Conviction of the Justice and Rectitude Of the cause, we Engaged in, has Uniformly Contin ued, as the principle of my Heart and I trust will, to the last Moments of my life. If I can by a strict attention to the Various Objects of Govern ment, and a steady and Impartial exertion of those Powers with which you have Invested me, Carry into Execution The wise and Salutary Laws of the State, it will afford a Pleasing Prospect of our future Welfare, brighten the dawn of Independence, and Establish the Genuine Principles of Whiggism on a firm and Permanent Foundation The Confident reliance Gentlemen, I have, on the wisdom of the council, you have Assigned me, and the firm support of your Honourable House, Afford a flattering Expectation of Suc ceeding, in this difficult and important Trust On Motion That a Committee be appointed to revise the Rules of the last house of Assembly and Report to morrow morning, whether the same With any Additions or Amendments may be Proper to be adopted for the Government of the present House ORDERED That M r Jackson, M r Telfair and M r Lamar be that Committee On Motion ORDERED that the Auditor General be Requested to prepare and lay before this House a Table of Depreciation The House then adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock JANUARY, 1783. 197 (From State Archives.) Thursday January 9 th 1783 The House met According- to adjournment The Committee Appointed to Revise the rules of The last House of Assembly for the Government of the present. Report ed which was agreed to First. The Members shall attend at the Precise hour Of Ad journment, and on default, without Sufficient excuse to the satisfaction of the House such Member or Members shall be Subject to the fine of one quarter of a Dollar for the First ten minutes, and a Penny for their non Attendance every minute after and that such Member or Members shall not take his or their Place till such fine is Paid Second. On the Speakers taking his seat every Member shall do the same Third. That no Person shall leave his seat On adjournment till the speaker has left the Chair and is gone from the bar of the House. Fourth. That no more than one Member shall Speak at one and the same time, nor More than twice on one debate, ualess he Has Particular leave from the House Fifth. Any Member Called to order and refusing To Comply shall forfeit for the first Offence One Dollar, for the second double The sum and for the third proving Refractory shall be expelled the house Sixth. That all motions and amendments shall be committed to paper by the Members Offering the Motion or Amendment Seventh. That any member Attending the House in Liquor so 198 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY as to disturb the business Of the state shall be fined, for the first offence five Dollars, and on Repetition or Proving Re fractory at the Order of the House when sober, such Member shall be expelled Eighth. That any member guilty of Cursing Swearing or using indecent Language In debate, shall for the first offence Forfeit One Dollar, and for every Offence after double the sum Ninth. That any Member leaving the House when met, with out leave from the Chair shall forfeit a quarter Of a dollar for every Offence The Order of the day being Called for On Motion That that Part of the Report which Respects M r Houstoun be Refered to a Special Committee to fully investigate the Matter and Report to morrow morning ORDERED That M r Andrew, M r West, and M r Deveaux be that Committee The Gentlemen elected Councellors for the County of Rich mond, Offering some Objection Or Reasons why they Could not serve in that Capacity, It is Unanimously Agreed that The said Matter be Reconsidered, and that A New Election of Coun cellors for the said County do come on immediately And on Counting the Ballotts it appeared That Charles Craw ford and Zacharias Fann were Elected Councellors for the County of Richmond for the Present year The following letter being received from M r Nathaniel Adams a Member of This House Vz* JANUARY, 1783. 199 Savannah 9 th January 1783 Sir Being Elected at the last general Election to Represent the County of Chatham in the Present assembly, I Excepted of the Honourable Appointment from a motion Of serving my Country as far as my weak Abilities would have admitted and though I would not conscientiously decline a duty (however incapable I am to discharge it) that my Country Called me To, as I find that a question is likely to Rise in The House Respecting Eligi bility to serve as a Member which may direct the Attention of the House From more important Objects. I Hope I may be In dulged with the Permission of declining to serve In the House, and that some Other person may be Elected to serve in my room I Have the honour to be with respect Sir &. C. A Question Arose whether the reasons assigned By M r Adams should be deemed sufficient to Induce this House to admit him to vacate his Seat it passed in the affirmative. The yeas and Nay being called for by M r Telfair is as follows Yeas Yeas M r Deveaux M r Burke M r Heard M r Roberson M r Lamar M r Few M r Germany M r Burnet M r Middleton M r Alexander M r Cartledge M r Fort M r Lee M r Lanier M r Cunningham M r Andrew M r Kitchings M p West M r Ware 200 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Nay (Nay M r Jackson M r Clements M r Gibbons M r Telfair M r Houstoun M r Pugh M r Harper M r Irwin M r Howell M r Jones M r Lunday On Motion It is Ordered That a writ of Election Be Issued for the County of Chatham for a Member in the room of M r Nathaniel Adams, Resigned, and that the Majistrates be directed to give five days notice thereof On Motion That the Commissioners of confiscated Estates be directed to immediately sell as Much of that Property for Cash as will be Sufficient to defray the Necessary expences of the Members at- ^ending this House a debate arising thereon it is Ordered that he said motion be committed To M r Andrew, M r Few and M r [ones to Consider of the same and report their opinion tomorrow Morning The House then adjourned to Tomorrow Morning nine OClock (From State Archives.) Friday January io th 1783 The House met agreeable to adjournment The Special Committee Appointed to Consult On the Elligi- bility of William Houstoun Esq r beg leave to refer it back to a JANUARY, 1783. 201 Committee of the whole House, not being Competent to deter mine How far the British lines extended at the time He Retired from them On Motion It is unanimously agreed, that the Reconsideration of the Eli gibility of William Houstoun Esquire and the Report of the Special Committee, be adjourned Sine Die On Motion It is ordered that a writ of Election do Issue for one Member for the County of Liberty In The Room of Lyman Hall Esquire who is Elected Governor, On Motion ORDERED That the letter and Council Books yesterday Re ceived from his Honor the late Governor be refered to a Com mittee to Examine the same and Report thereon ORDERED That the Committee be M r William Houstoun M r Telfair and M r Gibbons On [Motion It is ordered that a Committee Be Appointed to Examine such salutary And Necessary Laws expiivj or nigh Expiring and to prepare a bill for their Continuation or Amendment Committee M r Jackson, M r Houstoun, and M r Heard. M r John Martin Dasher a Member Returned for the county of Effingham ; Appeared and Took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution M r Noble Wymberly Jones a Member returned for the County of Chatham appeared And took the Oath Prescribed in the Con stitution 202 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Motion being made and seconded That leave be given to bring in a bill for Taking the name of William Stephens, Esq r From and out of the amercement law, the Votes being Equal the Speaker determined in the Affirmative. The Yeas and naes being Called for is as follows yea M r Jackson M r Deveaux M r Gibbons M r W m Houstoun M r Heard M r Lamar M r Harper M r Bnrnet yea M r M r M r M r M r M 1 M 1 Middleton Few Ltinday West Tel fair Pugh Jones M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 nay s Cunningham Retchings Ware Alexander Fort Germany Cartledge Lee nay s M r Burke M f Roberson M r Howell M r Dasher M r Andrew M r Clements M r Irwin ORDERED That M r Andrew, M r Jackson, and M r Few, be a Committee to prepare and bring In the said bill Motion Being made and seconded that a Committee be appointed to examine into the Sales of the confiscated and Amers d Property, And the monies arising therefrom, and the said Committee be empowered to call for Persons, for Books and papers to Enable them to lay before This House a state of the same JANUARY, 1783. 203 ORDERED That M r Noble Wymberly Jones, M r James Jones. M r Jackson, M r Tel fair and M r Few be that Committee The following Petitions were Read. Vz* From George Gnam Praying his son solomon Gnam may be discharged from the georgia Regiment From Jonathan Rhan, Praying to be discharg d From the Georgia Regiment From George Buckly, Praying to be discharg d from the geor gia Regiment From Nathaniel Ott, Praying to be discharged from the Geor gia Regiment From Jacob Metzgar, Praying to be discharged from the Georgia From James M c Kay praying that a tract of Land Purchased from the Commissioners of Confiscated Property, be granted him for Services rendered this state From John Lowerman, Praying to be taken Out of the Amercement law From Matthew Meek, John Penrose and Matthew Wyncauf, Praying to be discharged from the Continental Service Margaret Metzgar Praying for her son to be Taken out of the Continental Service From Titus Hollinger Praying to be Relieved from a Condi tional agreement made with John Fox From a Number of the Inhabitants of the County of Rich mond in behalf of James Mercer and his distressed family 204 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From Michael Mock Praying to be discharged from the Geor gia Regiment From Eve Haberer, Praying for her son Mathias Weitman be discharged from the Georgia Regiment ORDERED That M r Deveaux M r Clements and M r Harper be a standing Committee of Petitions ORDERED That a Committee be appointed to Arrange and Re port the necessary business of This Session of Assembly, and that M r Jackson, M r Andrew, M r Lundy, M r Telfair M r Few, and M r Heard, be that Committee The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning nine OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday January II th 1/83 The House met according to adjournment Motion Being made and seconded that Two members be added to the standing Committee on Petitions ORDERED That M r Howell and M r \Yest be added to the said Committee The Committee to whom were Refered the Necessary business to be entered upon during the setting of the Present House, submit the Following Resolutions to the House Report First. The Consideration of ways and means for defraying the Civil list, and making Provision for the Continental Ouota o *- of the state JANUARY, 1783. 205 Second. The Consideration of all letters and papers from the Continent finances or Otherwise Third. The Consideration of our private acco 1 due from the state to different persons Fourth. The Consideration of our Respective Laws Expired or nigh expiring Fifth. The Consideration of our ports, the Want of proper In spectors and Regulations for the Custom House Sixth. The Consideration of Ferries and Roads throughout the state Seventh. The Consideration of Establishing Seminaries of learning and the Promotion of Religion Eighth. The Consideration of Husbanding The Remaining Re sources of the Confiscated Estates Ninth. The Consideration of the disposal of Vacant lands or those we may Hereafter Procure by Cession from The Indians Tenth. The Consideration of Indian Affairs Eleventh. The Consideration of our boundry, The assertion of our Claim, and the Appropriation of such part as Will fulfill our engagement with The Soldery, and for the Encourage ment of settlers Twelfth. The Consideration of Court Houses and Jails in the Respective Counties Thirteenth. The Consideration of an act for The Sale of the Lots in Augusta Laid out by virtue of a law of The Legisla ture 206 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Fourteenth. The Consideration of assistant Judges Justices and County Officers Fifteenth. The Consideration of Calling on Every Person or Persons who have had The Public Monies in his or their hands On any account whatsoever Sixteenth. The Consideration of Continental Delegates and in structions for those and other public Officers Memorial from James M c Kay was read ORDERED That the said Memorial be refered To a special Com mittee and that M r Telfair M r James Jones and M r Lanier be That Committee The House Proceeded to the Consideration of the Report of the Committee of Priviliges and elections that William Maxwell William Bryan. Thomas Netherclift, and William Horsby Es quires are not Eligible to a Seat in this house, for not having re sided Twelve Months in this state since their being British sub jects, and the same being Debated in the House was agreed to. On Motion It is Ordered that writs of Election do Issue for three mem bers for the county of Chatham in the room of William Maxwell William Bryan and Thomas Netherclift Esquires and also for one member for the County of Camden in the room of William Hornsby whose seats are declared Vacant. Several Petitions hereafter mentioned Praying a Reserve of Lands on the Oconee River on Condition of bringing in a num ber of Inhabitants to settle the same, being Presented and Read, that is to say First. From William Porter L. Col B. C. JANUARY, 1783. 207 Second. From Col Robert Invin Cap* John Brawnfield and Others mentioned in the said Petition Third. The Petition of a number of subscribers Inhabitants of south Carolina Fourth. From a number of Inhabitants from South Carolina. V. Z. Thomas Potts &c. Fifth. From Sampson Ball c. in behalf of himself and sundry Other Inhabitants of South Carolina. Sixth. From James Knight &c. and sundry Inhabitants of south Carolina. On Motion It is Ordered. That the said several Petitions be Referee! to a special Committee to of. and report their opinion of the same and That M r Heard, M r Cunningham, M r Andrew, M r Few and M r Tel fair be that Committee On Motion It is Ordered That his Honor the Governor be Requested to immediately Prepare and send a talk to the Kings and Beloved men of the Creek and Cherokee nations And inform them that it is the desire of this State to meet them in a Congress at the Dig shoals on the Oconee s on the first may next, in order to demand a Cession of Land As a Consideration or Attonement for the Many Injuries done by them or their People the Indians have done us, to Renew our Treaty of Peace and friendship with them And to negociate Such other matters as May he Con- sistant with the interest and Safety of all parties., and Whereas it will be expedient and necessary that Commissioners be ap pointed by this House to Join his Honor the Governor, or any Person or Persons by him appointed to attend the said Congress of Indians, therefore Resolved that this House will Proceed to the appointment of such Commissioners on monday next 208 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Petition of Anne Baily being Presented By George Baily Jun r praying leave to Carry five Hundred bushels of Grain to East Florida and Protection on S l Johns River It is Ordered that the said Petition be Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions and that they be directed to Report thereon on monday next, and That his Honour the Governor be requested to Permit the said George Baily to stay untill The petition can be decided on, and that M r Andrew and M r Gibbons do imme diately wait on his Honour the Governor with the said request A Message from his Honor the Governor Accompanied with sundry Papers, being laid before the House. It is Ordered that the same be refered to a Committee to examine and report there on Committed to the Gentlemen who were yesterday Appointed to examine the letter and Council Books from the late Governor The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee to arrange the Necessary business of the Pres ent session of Assembly and make the following Orders thereon On the first Article, that M r Jones, M r Telfair, and M r Few be a Committee for consideration of ways and Means to defray the Civil list and Necessary Provision for the Continental Quota On the second, that M r Jackson, M r Gibbons and M r Andrew be a Committee for the Consideration of all Letters and Papers Congress Concerning Finances or otherwise the Remainder of the Report Adjourned till Wednesday next Petition from a Number of Inhabitants from the state of Vir- gina praying for Certain quantity of land to be granted them ORDERED. That the said Petition be refered to The Special Committee appointed to receive Petitions of a Similar nature this day and Ordered to be delivered the Committee on petitions Sundry Petitions were Presented and read "W JANUARY, 1783. 209 From John Jones with an account, and Certificate from the Commissioners of Confiscated Property Praying that the House will Account with him for the damage he Sus tained by Daniel Howell and for other Services rendered by him to the State. From Milly Hannah with a Certificate from The two Commis sioners of Richmond County, setting forth her distressed situation and praying that the Remainder of slaves and a tract of Land to remain on untill The youngest of her Children comes of age with the remaining stock of Henry Sharp From Thomas Polhill, Praying to be taken out of the Amarican Law. From William Jones, with an affidavit of Sundry Receipts for Provisions furnished This state which he was rob d off Praying for Relief. From Rebeckah Nicholls, Praying for Relief in Her present situation and that the Effects Of her former husband who dy d in the Service of this State, should be taken by Persons who had no legal Claim or demand Against her second Husband who was Kill d by the Liberty Peo ple April 178 From Christopher Buntz, Praying to be discharged from the Continental service From Thomas Ogden, in behalf of himself and the rest of the owners of the armed Brigg Edward, with an Estimate of The Belvideras Cargo Amounting to Thousand five hundred ninety four Pounds fourteen shillings and Eight pence Exclusive of sundry Charges, as Exhibited By the Sheriff Praying that the decree Or definitive sentence of the Judges may be Confirmed 14 r r vol 3 210 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From William Baldwin with a Permit from the president of Congress in the year 1778, praying to be received as a Citizen of this state since his being From Hugh Alexander, Samuel Gordon, and Samuel Gibson, Praying to be discharged from The Georgia Regiment From Amos Whitehead Praying his name To be taken out of the amercement Law From Sarah Davis, Praying for Relief as her Husband who has Devoted the Chief of his Time to the Public Services of this state and was inhumanly Murdered by the Tories Enemies of this state, and Relief from an Obligation given by her deceased Husband for the rent of a planta tion he lived on since he came to This state and a note her dec d Husband gave for some things Purchased at the Sales of Sequestered Estates From Sundry Principal Inhabitants Known and tried friends to the Liberties of Amarica Praying that Thomas Yar- brough be discharged from The Georgia Regiment From Joseph Law, Executor of Arthur Carney sen r dec d Pray ing that The Orphans may not be Charged with the fault of the parent and grant them Relief in their present Case. From a Number of inhabitants of Burke County in behalf of Peter Wynne Praying him to be taken from the amerce ment Law. From Numbers of the Known and tried Friends of Burke County, Praying that the Heirs of George Walker Dec d may Inherit the fathers Patrimony and bring up the Children of the Dec a JANUARY, 1783. 211 From John Gilstrap, Praying to be discharged from the Geor gia Battalion From A Number of Inhabitants from the County of Burke, in behalf of Walker Praying that the said M r Walker be taken out of the amercement Law. From John Butler Maxwell and Mary his Wife Praying that the said John Butler Maxwell be taken out of the Con fiscation Law and Restored to free Citizenship The House then Adjourned to Monday Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday January 13 th 1783 The House met according to adjournment M r John Andrew, a member Returned for Liberty County ap peared and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution. M r Houstoun expressing a desire to decline The Chair in favour of M r Noble Wymberly Jones who arrivd since the choos ing of a speaker the same was agreed to by the House, and M r Jones Accordingly took the Chair as Speaker. Motion Being made and seconded, that a Committee be ap pointed to Reconsider the Resolve Of Saturday last Respect ing a Cession of Lands From the Indians that such Committee do Report the number of Commissioners necessary, and the mode of Appointment. ORDERED That M r Andrew, M r John Houstoun and M r Few be that Committee. 212 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Motion being made and seconded That a Committee be appointed to Prepare and Report an ad dress To be presented to the Honorable Maj r General Green, Commander in Chief in the southern departments That M r William Houstoun, M r Telfair and M r Jackson be that Committee M r William Gibbons a Member Returned for the County of Chatham appeared and Took the Oath Prescribed in the Consti tution The Special Committee appointed to Receive The Memorial of James MKay. Reported. ORDERED that the said Report be reconsidered. The Committee on Petitions Reported as follows. N. i. Petition of John Jones be refered to the Decision of the House. N. 2.. Petition of Anne Bailey, not granted as to The Provisions, but Protection granted Her on saint Jons. N 3. Petition of Milley Hannah be granted for four years, the Land excepted, giving good security for the negroes and stock Of Cattle. N. 4. Petition of William Baldwin be granted N. 5. Petition of Thomas Ogden be granted. N. 6. Petition of Thomas Polhill not granted. N. 7. Petition of James M c Kay be refered to The Decision of the House. N. 8 to 19. Petition from Hugh Alexander Samuel Gordon, Sam- JANUARY, 1783. 21$ uel Gibbons, Matthew Meick, John Penrose, Matthew Wyncauf Christopher Buntz, John Lowerman George Gnam, Nathaniel Ott, Michael Mock, Eve Harbour, Jon athan Rahm, George Beechtley, Jacob Metzgar and Mar garet Metzgar of The Georgia Battallion not granted. N. 20. Petition of Sarah Davis be granted. N. 21. Petition of William Jones be granted. N. 22. Petition of Amos Whitehead be granted The House taking into Consideration the Report of the Com mittee on Petitions N. 2. Respecting M rs Ann Bailey. Agreed, from particular Local Circumstances the Request with respect to Provision Cannot be complied with, but no Appears why Pro tection should not be granted agreeable to the prayer of the Petition and that his Honor the Governor be Requested To grant the same The Committee appointed to Reconsider the Resolves of Sat urday last Respecting Indian Affairs, made a Report which after some Amendments were agreed to and is as follows. That it is their Opinion that the number of Commissioners to be appointed are seven, and That they be appointed by this House, and that any five or more together with his Honor The governor, in case the emergencies of the State will admit of his being present shall Constitute a board vested with full Power and Authority on the part of this state to treat Confer and agree with the aforesaid Indian Nations on all matters relative to a Cession Of a Claim to Land, and to negotiate and agree on such other mat ters and things as may be Conducive to the mutual Interest and safety of all Parties, and your Committee are of Opinion that the time for holding the said Congress is too distant and they ap prehend that the fifteenth of march next should be the time of holding the said Congress 214 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The House being informed that a number Of Creek and Cherokee Indians has been Some time on the Oconee with a number of Negroes and Other Property that Has been Plundered and Carried off by the Enemies of this state. ORDERED that his Honor the Governor be Requested to appoint some Person or Persons To Receive the aforesaid property, de liver it to The Proper owners, and to send a Talk to Said In dians with some Presents proper for the Occasion That his Honor the Governor be and is hereby Authorized to Call on the Commissioners of Confiscated and amerced Es tates, for so much of that Property as may be necessary to Pur chase goods to the amount Of a sum exceeding One hundred and fifty Pounds for that purpose. On Motion That M r John Houstoun be Added to the Committee Appoint ed to examine into the Sales of the Confiscated and Amerced Property and The monies arising therefrom, in place of Noble Wimberly Jones Esquire who had taken his seat as Speaker Petition of Patrick Carr on behalf of himself, Officers and men now under his Command, Praying for a Certain Quantity of Land to be Reserved for them on the Oconees between the Two trading paths the Horse and Uchy Path ORDERED that the said petition be Refered to the Special Com mittee of Lands &c. ORDERED That the Clerk do make out Copies of the order Respecting M rs Anne Bailey and The other Respecting Indian Affairs, and Deliver them to M r Few and M r William Gibbons who is appointed a Committee to wait on his Honor the Gov ernor with the same which being read was agreed to and is as Follows JANUARY, 1783. 215 "To the Honrable Nathaniel Greene Esquire Maj r General and Commander in Chief of the Southern Department &c &c. The Address of the Representatives of the Freemen of the state of Georgia The Legislature of the state of Georgia wish to assure you of the real happiness Your Presence in their Capital has given Them, words are too inexpressible to Convey Their sentiments of the difficulties you have Surmounted during your Command in the Southern Department not only your well directed exer tions, and the Virtuous struggles Of your Victorious Army, but your Views of Ease to the Citizens, in drawing your Resources through a Scattered Country, will be ever gratefully remem bered by a state which has felt so Particularly the happy Conse quences of them They Congratulate you sir on the signal success wherewith the arms of the United States under your Command with the blessings of Divine Providence has been Crowned by the total expulsion of the Enemy from the Southern States an annal in The History of our Country which must endear the name of Green as long as the Remembrance of british tyranny shall be handed to Posterity They beg you to Accept their unfeigned Thanks for your de cided and intripid conduct and to believe their Ardent desire your future days may meet that care and happiness, a glorious and Serviceable life through this grand Revolution most deservedly entitle you to. By Order &c. The following Memorials and Petitions were read and Or dered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions From William Hornsby, Praying for sixteen Acres of Land, 216 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY at the spring at the entrance of the western road to Erect a brewery thereon also to hire eight Or ten Public Ne groes. From Martha Marshal, with a Certificate Praying to be Re stored to four hundred Acres of Land sold by the Com missioners of Confiscated Property From Burton Williams, Praying to be Restored To the Liber ties of a Citizen, and be Restored to two hundred Acres of Land and Several negroes. From Jean M c Bride, with a Certificate Praying that her son may be discharged from the Georgia Regiment. From Anthony W. White Co L L. D. Praying That the friends of the Dragoons who fell in defence of this state may be Considered, also that the Honorable House will make some Provision for the Orphan Child of Chris tian Dasher who died in the execution of his duty as guide. From John Rutledge, Joseph Harkell, David Wall, James At- taway and George Miller Praying to be discharged from the Georgia Regiment. From Abraham Jones, Praying to be paid for a quantity of Liquors furnished Gen 1 Wayne at Ebenezer amounting agreeable to an Order of the late Hon. Governor Martin to three hundred twenty one Pounds fifteen shillings and six pence From Elizabeth Ronaldson, Praying to be Admitted to the Priviledges of a Citizen From Mary Outlaw, Praying to be discharged from an Obli gation given by her late Deceased Husband for the sum of sixty Pounds being for the Rent of a Plantation of sequestered Property, in lew of His services Rendered the state. JANUARY, 1783. 217 From Thomas Gibbons, Attorney at Law, with a number of Affidavits setting Forth his Humanity to the distressed Inhabitants of this State while in the Power Of the British, and Praying to be Admited to the Liberties of a Citizen of this state The House then adjourned to Tomorrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Tuesday January 14 th 1783. The House met According to adjournment M r James Cochran a member for the County of Liberty Ap peared and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution A letter from M r Walton Presenting a Copy of the Journals of the assembly of Pennsylvania and the Laws of that state was Read. ORDERED that the thanks of this House be given Colonel Wal ton for his usefull Present to the Legislature of this state A Letter from the Honrable Maj r General Green was Read. ORDERED that the said letter be inserted in The minutes, and is as follows. Sir Your Polite and Obliging address To welcome me to this State afford me The most singular Satisfaction; nor are Your liberal Acknowledgements for my Small services and generous wishes for My future care less Pleasing It affords me the most agreeable Sensations to Contemplate 218 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY the happy Change in the affairs of this Country; and it is among the first of my wishes That you may long, long enjoy the blessings of freedom and Independance free from further alarms ; but should it be your misfortune to Have the flame of war Re kindled in This quarter, my early endeavours shall not be want ing to Check its progress and I cannot but hope by the smiles of Providence the virtue and spirit of the army Joined by the genius of the Country we Shall triumph over our Enemies. I beg the Legislature to believe I am highly sensible of the Honor they have done me; and take the Liberty to assure you of my ready Disposition to serve them I Have the Honor to be &c. Memorial from James Johnston were Read ORDERED that the said Memorial be refered To a special Com mittee and that M r Telfair M r William Gibbons and M r Fort be that Committee. Letter from M r George Baillie Junior was Read ORDERED that the said letter be refered to The Governor and Council Motion being made and Seconded, that The Auditor be di rected to demand of all Persons who may have Received Public monies an Account of expendition thereof and all such as may neglect, or refuse rendering Proper Accounts and Vouchers by the fifteenth Of march next, the said auditor is hereby directed to furnish the attorney General with the names and sums to each Respectively advanced in order that suits may immediately be brought thereon. Motion being made and seconded, that a Committee be ap pointed to Confer with Maj r Gen 1 Greene and Report the best means of Putting the state in a Proper Posture of defence and JANUARY, 1783. 219 the best mode of guarding against future invasions, and That M r Telfair, M r Jackson, M r Few, M r Heard and M r West be that Committee The Committee Appointed to bring in a bill for the taking the name of William Stephens from and out of the Amercement Law of this state and for the Restoring him to all rights Privi- ledges and immunities of a free Citizen, brought in the Same which was read the first time and Ordered to be read the second time on Fryday next. Petition of George Matthews. Praying to have One thousand Acres of Land for thirty Or more families granted them in the back Parts of this state, they paying for each Thousand acres twenty five pounds sterling ORDERED That the Said Petition be Refered To the special Committee of Lands. On Motion it is agreed. That all matters touching the Finances and Encourageing the settling of the state and Placing the same in a proper Posture of Defence, shall at all be when Called For, be Considered as the order of the day. Motion being made and seconded, that a Committee be ap pointed to bring in a Bill to enable the United States in Congress Assembled to levy a duty on certain goods and merchandize and on all Prizes Condemned in this state : And that M r Telfair, M r Few and M r Davies be that Com mittee. On Motion It is agreed that M r Cochran be added to the standing Com mittee on Petitions. 220 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Motion being made and seconded. That M r Few and M r Tel- fair be added To the Committee for the Consideration of all letters and Papers from Congress Concerning finances or Other wise. Motion being made and seconded, that a Committee be ap pointed to prepare and bring in a Bill for opening the Land Office and that M r Few, M r Heard and M r William Houstoun be a Committee for the above Purpose The following Memorials and Petitions were Read and Or dered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions. From Phillip Dill From Raymond Demeree Jim From John Green From Isaack Clyat From Sarah Culdwell From John Waudin From John Goldwire From Frederick Rolfes From Mary Walker From David Delegall From Sarah Frazer From Charles Watts From Mary Jackson From Matthew Rahn From Elizabeth Munro From William From the Ladies of Augusta and neighborhood of that place The House then adjourned to Tomorrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday January 15 th 1783. The House Met According to Adjournment RESOLVED That M r Burnet be Added to the Standing Com mittee on Petitions Letter from M r H. Laws Requesting M rs Tatnal Miss Tatnel JANUARY, 1783. 221 & himself to Remain Ten Days Longar that the Time already granted them. ORDERED That the Letter of M r Laws on behalf of himself & M Tanall be refered to the Governor & Council with A Recom mendation should No inconveniences appear to them Arising from the Measure they be Permitted to stay the time Requested Message from His Honor the Governor Requesting the Pa pers Respecting Indian Affairs ORDERED that the said Papers be sent to his Honor The following Petitions were read and ordered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions Viz from Donald M c lntosh, with a letter & Resolve of Council, from William Gibbons, from Humphry Wells, from Sundry Citizens of the County of Burke. The Special Committee to whom were Refered the Memorial of James Johnston printer Reported ORDERED that the first part of the Report be Postponed & the latter Part be Agreed to and is as follows Your Committee Recommend that the Journal, of this House be Printed Weekly for the Satisfaction of our Constituents and the Information of the publick The House taking into Consideration, the Petition of John Jones ORDERED that the said Petition be Refered to the Committee appointed to examine the Sales of Confiscated and Amerced Property and the Monies Arising therefrom RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Contract with a Printer for Printing the Journal of the House and Laws of the 222 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY State, that the said Committee be empowered to inspect and Cor rect the Journals for the Press & that M r Telfair M r Few & M r William Gibson, be that Committee M r James Stewart a Member returned for the County of Liberty Appeared & took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitu tion ORDERED that M r William Gibbsons & M r Edward Davis be Added to the Committee Appointed to enquire into the Sales of Confiscated and Amerced Property Petition of Emanuel Peter Dala Plane was Read & Ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions M r Stewart being informed that he was Elected a Member in the Executive Council of the State Retired to take his Seat Ac cordingly. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday January i6 th 1783. ORDERED that a Committee be Appointed to examine into the Purchase of goods wares and Merchandize Made for the use of this State, since the Evacuation of Savannah, and report what may be on hand and in what Manner any Part thereof may have been appropriated & that M r Telfair M r James Jones And M r Cunningham be that Committee Letter from M r John Wereat Auditor General was read ORDERED that the said Letter be Refered to a Committee to take into Consideration the said Letter with such Instructions JANUARY, 1783. 223 as may to them appear necessary thereon and that M r Telfair, M r Houstoun and M r Few be that Committee The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Fryday January 17"* 1783 The following Petitions were Read, and Ordered to be de livered to the Committee on Petitions Viz From Florence O Sullivan Gentleman From Georgine MIntosh From John Holly with a certificate From William Jones. From David Murdock Message from his Honor the Governor & Executive Council was Read ORDERED that the Petition of Marjery Haven be Refered back to his Honor the Governor & Council to Proceed on as they may Judge Proper. ORDERED that the Message from the Council Respecting their Clerk Doorkeeper and Messengers Salaries be refered to a Com mittee for the estimate of the Respective Salaries for the Cur rent year & that M r Gibbsons, M r William Houstoun & M r James Jackson be that Committee Letter from M r John Baker, Abraham Ravott Caleb Howell Elijah Clark Thomas Lewis Charles Odingsells & Hugh Lawson Commissioners of Confiscated & Amerced Property. 224 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said Letter be Refered to the Committee ap pointed to examine into the Sales of Confiscated and Amerced Property and the Moneys arising therefrom Petition from Patrick Walsh was read & Ordered to be Re fered to the Committee on Petitions On Motion Whereas the Rigorous war carried on by the Arms of his Britannick Majesty in this State Since the Twenty Ninth of December One thousand Seven hundred & Seventy eight has Rendered it impracticable to elect And Convene the Legislature thereof agreeable to the Constitution untill the Seventh January one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty three, and whereas during that Period Sundry Citizens of this State have been elected and convened under the Denomination of Assemblies and Councils and have exercised Such Legislative and Executive powers as Circumstances would at that time Admit of, and have done such other Matters & things as appeared to them Consistant with the Interest and Safety of this State, and whereas it now expedient and indispensibly Necessary that all Acts or things that was passed and done during such vacuation of the Consti tutional Powers of Government which was founded in good Policey and the real interest of this State should be legally and Constitutionally ratified Confirmed and made Valid by this As sembly Therefore Resolved that a Committee be appointed to examine and Report to this House such Proceedings of the aforesaid Councils and Assemblies as ought to be ratified and confirmed by this Legislature Provided nevertheless and it is hereby declared that this Re solve shall not extend to effect the operation of an Act entitled an Act for Amercing &c And also An Act for inflicting Penal ties on and Confiscating the Estates of such Persons as are JANUARY, 1783. 225 therein declared giiilty of Treason &c. except such Part or parts thereof as respects the power given to or the Proceedings of the Commissioners therein mentioned which are hereby Suspended and shall cease and be null and Void when after being debated it was moved that the Motion be Committed The Yeas and Nays being Calld for are as follows Yeas Yeas M r John Gibbsons M r Cartlege M r John Houstoun M r Lee M r W m Gibbsons M r Burke M r Heard M r Roberson M r Catchings M r Few M r Telfair M r Pugh M r James Jones 18 M r Middleton Nays Nays M r Jackson M r Dasher M r William Houstoun, M r Benjamin Andrew M r Lamar M r West M r Cunningham M r John Andrew M r Alexander M r Cochrane M r Fort M r Clements M r Lanier M r Irevin M r Howell 1 6 M r Lundy So it Passed in the Affirmative ORDERED that M r John Houstoun M r William Gibbsons, M r Telfair M r Few & M r Heard be that Committee 15 r r vol 3 226 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY On Motion That all the Powers vested in the Board of Commissioners for making Sale of Confiscated and Amerced Property be Post poned, untill the farther Orders of this House which matter be ing debated the Previous Question being calld for that the said Question be Not, now put it; was Carried in the affermitive the Yeas and Nays being called for is as follows Viz Yeas M r Jackson M r Devaux M r John Gibbson M r M r M r M M r M 1 M 1 M 1 Houstoun William Houstoun Lamar Cunningham Catchings Harper Ware Burnett Alexander Fort M r Germany Nays M r William Gibbons M r Heard M r Lee M c Murphy M r William Gibbsons M r Heard Yeas M r Middleton M r Cartledge, M r Roberson M r Lanier M r Howell M r Lundv M r Dasher M r Benj a Andrew M r West M r John Andrew M r Cochrane M r Clements M r Pugh M r Irevine Nays M r Lee M r Burke M r Few M r Telfair M r Tames Tones The house then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 Oclock JANUARY, 1783. 227 (From State Archives.) Saturday January i8 th 1783 Message from his Honor the Governor was read ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members. Memorial from William Locke with an Order from Governor Martin. ORDERED that the said Memorial be refered to a Special Com mittee & that M r Heard M r Andrew and M r William Houstoun be that Committee Petition from Sundry Inhabitants of the United States of America ORDERED that the said Petition be Refered to the Committee of Lands &c. Letter from Gen 1 M c lntosh with Sundry Extracts of the Leg islative and Executive Powers of the State was read & Ordered to be Refered to a Special Committee and that M r Jackson, M r Few & M r William Gibbsons be that Committee The following Memorial and Petitions were read & Ordered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions Viz From Jacob Read From Daniel Johnston From Sundry Citizens of the State in favour of Thomas Young From Christiana Layer From Thomas Gough 228 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that the Persons appointed to Purchase Lands for the Honrable Major General Greene be desired to Report a full State of their Proceedings thereon and in what Stage the Busi ness Stands. Petition from Hannah Goldsmith was read & Ordered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions The having received Satisfactory information that Maj r Gen eral Greene had declined the purchase made by the Commis sioners appointed by the State to Purchase certain Lands on the Conditions therein contained therefore RESOLVED that the Commissioners appointed to sell and dis pose of the Confiscated Property do make Titles to Maj r General Greene, for a Tract or Tracts of Land formerly the Property of John Graham Esquire Containing as it is said Two thousand one hundred and Seventy one Acres known by the Name of Mulbery grove and the new in lieu of a grant of five thousand of this State of the first day of May one Thousand Seven hundred & eighty two if the same be agreeable to him RESOLVED that the Clerk of this House be directed to deliver to the Secretary of the State all the original Acts that are in .his Possession in order that the same May be Recorded in that Of fice, & that the Seal of the State be affixed thereto RESOLVED that the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates do immediately Sell of that Property for Cash to the amount of two Hundred Pounds to Answer the Present exigence of Govern ment and deliver the same to the Clerk of this House, to be Sub ject to the farther order of the Legislature The House then Adjourned to Monday Next 9 OClock JANUARY, 1783. 239 (From State Archives.) Monday January 2O th 1783 The Committee on Petitions Reported from N. 23 ORDERED that the said report do lie over Sine Die The following Gentlemen were returned Elected for the Coun ty of Chatham of - William Maxwell Nath Adams & William Bryan Esquires Viz* William M c lntosh Sen r William Gibbsons Jun r Thomas Washington and Joseph Clay Esquires, when William Mlntosh Sen r & William Gibbsons Jun r appeard and being duly qualified took their Seats Accordingly M r Stephen Johnston a Member Returned for the County of Efifingham Attended & being duly Qualified took his Seat Ac cordingly RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to Report what Laws will be immediately Necessary to have printed and fur nished to the different Counties & M r John Houstoun M r Few & M r Johnston be that Committee The House taking into Consideration the Resolves of the Eleventh and thirteenth of this Instant January Respecting the Power of Commissioners to be appointed by this House Came to the following Resolutions. RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor and the Executive Council be empowered and Requested to draw on the Treasury for a sum not exceeding one thousand five hundred Pounds on the Application of the Board of Commissioners appointed to treat with the Indians for the purpose of Procuring for that Occasion That the aforesaid Board of Commissioners be power to appoint Agent to Purchase said goods, and 230 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Also a Commissary to provide and Carry out Provision and Necessary Articles of Subsistence as well for the Indians who May come down on this business, as for the Commissioners and others employed in behalf of the State: and there shall be no allowance whatever Made by the Publick to the Said Commis sioners except for Necessary Subsistance during their Journey and Negociation. And the Board of Commissioners aforesaid are hereby empowered to appoint Interpreters, and such other Person or Persons May be Necessary to Carry the Intention of this House into Execution, and to allow such Person or Persons as they may have Occation to employ a reasonable Sum for their Services That his Honor the Governor and Executive Council be Re quested to furnish Such Carriage and Guards as may be Neces sary for the aforesaid Purposes. And as it may so happen that the time and place now fixed on for holding the aforesaid Congress May be found inconvenient therefore RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners aforesaid if they think expedient may Adjourn the Congress or Treaty to such other time and Place as in their Judgment will be - RESOLVED that his honor the Governor be Requested to call on and require all and every Person or Persons who may have in their hands bonds or other Specialties belonging to this State on which Monies may be due or owing together with all papers Respecting Finances to deliver them to him, and that he be re quested to lay a State thereof before this House on or before Monday next The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock JANUARY, 1783. 231 * (From State Archives.) Tuesday January 2i st 1783 The following Petitions were read and Ordered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions Viz. From Margaret MDonald From Joseph Woodruff From Anne Stewart From John Grant The House Proceeded to Ballot Commissioners to hold a Congress with the Creek & Cherokee Indians when Colo nel - General MIntosh General - - Col William Few Edward Telfair - - John Martin & General Elbert be duly elected The Special Committee appointed - and Report on the Memorial with the Horses at a Time when they were indespensably Necessary the Prayer of his Memorial ought to be Complied with, but think the Opinion of the House Requisite with Respect to the Con tract set forth in the Memorial when the House taking the Same into Consideration RESOLVED that the Commissioners of Forfeited Estates be em powered and required to Collect as Many Negroes, Confiscated Property, as will pay off the Accounts of Mess rs Lacke and Com pany such Negroes to be Valued agreeable to such rate and esti mation as may be deemed a full Compensation for the said Horses, by Persons Acquainted with the Value thereof at the time of Delivery the following Petitions were read and Or dered to be Delivered the Committee on Petitions 232 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From Mary Silcock From Henrietta Goldsmith From Luke Mann From George Bazil Spencer from his Honor the Governor with some was read that the said Message and inclosures a Committee, and that M r Telfair Gibbsons Sen r M r John Houstoun, M r M r Few be that Committee - Wash ington being returned a Member - County ap pointed & being Qualified RESOLVED that M r Washington and M r Cochran the Spe cial Committee to take &c take into Consideration a letter from General MIntosh with Sundry extracts of the Legislature & Executive Persons of the State Message from His Honor the Governor respecting Accounts RESOLVED that the same be refered to the Committee to ex amine into the Purchase of Goods wares and Merchandizes for the use of the State since the evacuation of Savannah The Committee appointed to Contract with the Printer for Printing the Laws of the State and Journal of the Assembly Submitt the following Resolve which was agreed to Viz That your Committee be empowered to contract with the printer for Printing the Laws and to allow at and the rate of fifty Shillings Per Sheet each Sheet Containing four folio Pages and to have hundred Copies of said Sheet for the said and half that Sum for every hundred the first hundred Copies and for Printing Journals and Proceedings of the Assem bly Two Shillings Per Week, during the weekly Publications ordered by the Assembly and Longar The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning JANUARY, 1783. 233 (From State Archives.) Wednesday January 22 nd 1783 Memorial for Naheed Wade Esq r Late Treasurrer was read & Refird to a Special Committee & that M r Telfair M r Few & M r Howell be that Committee M r Richard Howly being returnd a Member for the County of Liberty in the roOm of Lyman Hall Esq r Appeared when be ing duly qualified took his Seat Accordingly. M r John Hardy being returned a Member the County of Cam- den in the room of William Horneby Esq r whose seat was de clared Vacant, And being duly Qualified took his Seat Accord ingly The Committee to whom was refered Sundry Petitions of the Inhabitants of the States of South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. Reported ORDERED that the House Resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House immediately to take into Consideration the re port of the said Committee and on the Mode of Granting out or Disposing of the same RESOLVED that M r William Gibbsons Sen r On Motion that the Speaker resume the Chair M r Gibbsons from the Committee of the whole House Re ported that they had made some progress therein and desired leave to sit again The following Petitions were read and Ordered to be De livered the Special Qommittee of Lands Viz From James Cochrane. 234 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From William Shervin The following Petitions were read & Ordered to be Delivered the Committee on Petitions From John Wauclen From James White From Gerald Burns The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday January 23 rd 1783 ORDERED that leave be given to bring in a Bill for Establishing a Town and Building a Court house and Jail in the County of Richmond, and that M r Few M r Middleton and be a Committee to prepare and bring in the said Bill The following Petitions were read and Ordered to be Deliv ered the Committee on Petitions Viz From Elizabeth Stewart late Widow Johnston From - Lamar with a pay roll From - Dawson with Sundry Affidavits From Alexander Rose of South Carolina Clay a Member returned for the County of ap peared and being duly Qualified took his seat Accordingly Message from his Honor the Governor was read ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to Confer with JANUARY, 1783. 235- Respecting his Message of the twenty first Instant M r Telfair M r John Houstoun & M r Clay be that Committee A Bill to enable the united States in Congress Assembled to levy a duty on certain goods and Merchandizes, and on all Prizes Condemned in this State, was read the first time On Motion That the house do resume the business of Yesterday There fore Resolved that the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on Certain Petitions for Lands M r Gibbsons in the Chair The Speaker Resolved the Chair M r Gibbsons from the Committee of the whole House Reported ORDERED that the said report be taken into Consideration To morrow Morning Letter from M r Henry Wood a Member for Liberty County informing this house that he declined Taking Seat ORDERED That a Writ of Election do issue for a Mem ber from Liberty County in the room of M r Henry Wood had declined Message from his Honor the Governor was read WHEREAS there is an absolute Necessity - - for the Con tinental Troops now on duty in this state - - that his Honor the Governor be empowered to make Contracts for that Purpose as may be thought - - and that he be farther empowered to call on - - of Forfeited Estates for Two Negroes to fulfill The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 236 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Friday January 24^ 1783 Memorial from Thomas Ogden in behalf of Others was read & Ordered to be Delivered the Committee on Petitions Petition of Thomas Dugan was read and Ordered to lie on the Table RESOLVED that each of the Members of the House of As sembly and Executive Council that have Attended Ten Days during the Present Session be entitled to draw from the Clerk a Sum not exceeding Twenty Dollars each. Petition from General Twiggs and Col Elijah Clarke was read and Ordered to be delivered the Special Committee on Lands Petition from Doctor John Weeden was read and Ordered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions. The Order of the day being Called for, when the house taking into Consideration the Report of the Committee of the whole House on the Report of the Special Committee of Lands 8f which being agreed to is as follows Viz That it is the Oppinion of your Committee that the Land Office be opened under Certain Restrictions, and that A pro vision be made for making good the contracts to the officers and Soldiers of the Continental line of this State and other forces appertaining to the same that have complied with the Contract on their Part, and your Committee are farther of Opin ion that part of the Forfeited Lands be sold. And that two hundred Acres be allowed gratis Office fees excepted to the head of every family who will apply for the same, and each Person shall also be allowed to Purchase acres for every head JANUARY, 1783. 237 right on the following terms, that is to say One Shilling Per Acre for the first hundred Acres, and One Shilling and Six pence per Acre for the Second hundred Acres, and two Shillings and Six pence Per Acre for the fourth hundred Acres and so on in the same Progression According to Number of head rights. Provided the Quantity of land granted and sold to any one person shall not exceed one hundred Acres, and that such Person do live on & Cultivate apart of the same Twelve Months before he shall be entitled to a grant for such Lands RESOLVED that the remaining part of the report of the Com mittee be Postponed till the Bill should be brought in for open ing the land Office. The Committee appointed to examine and Report the Pro ceedings of the Legislative & Executive Powers from the Twen ty (Ninth December One thousand Seven hundred & Seventy eight to the Seventh January one thousand Seven hundred and eighty three Reported RESOLVED that the House do take the said Report into Con sideration on Monday Next The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday January 25 th 1783 Letter from M r Gideon Dowse a Member returned for Lib erty County was read informing this House that he had Re igned taking his seat in the same The following Petitions were read and Ordered to be deliv ered the Committee on Petitions From George Frashur 238 From William Pickeron From Jane Boyd From James Hunt From Thomas Fenly From Daniel M c Murphy Petitions of Sundry Inhabitants of the County of Mecklen burg North Carolina was read and Ordered to be Delivered the Special Committee Petition from General Twiggs and Daniel MMurphy was read & Ordered to be refered to the Auditor General for Liqui dation and that he report the same to this house M r Edward Way being returned a Member for Liberty County Appeared and being Qualified took his seat Accordingly RESOLVED that the Commissioners of forfeited Estates be empowered and required to deliver M re Mary Maxwell wife of M r John Maxwell forty Negroes out of the Confiscated Prop erty of the said John Maxwell to be taken by families so as the working hands do not exceed the Number of twenty as her im mediate Property and the gift of the Legislative and that the said Commissioners be directed to Make Sufficient Titles to her the said Mary Maxwell for the same ORDERED that the forty Negroes given M re Maxwell by reso lution of this day, shall be delivered that Lady out of the re maining part of the Negroes late the property - Maxwell, that are Not disposed of by any resolution of this House or taken for such disposition in the - - hands of the Commis sioners A Bill to enable the United States in Congress Assembled to levy a duty on all Prizes Condemned in this State was read the Second time JANUARY, 1783. 239 ORDERED that the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill on Thursday Nex A Bill for the taking- the name of William Stephens from and out of the Amercement Law of this State and for the restoring him to all rights Priviledges and immunities, of a free Citizen was read the second time ORDERED that the said Bill be sent to the executive Council for their Perusal and advise and that M r Fort M r John Andrew be a Committee to wait on them with the same On Motion That this House fully Satisfied of the Real and Ordered that the same do lie on the Table Letter from Letter from Elijah Clarke, Charles Odingseles & Hugh Law- son Esquires Commissioners of Confiscated Property were read RESOLVED that the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates that are Present be and they are hereby Authorized to Carry into effect the Resolve of the Twenty third Instant Respecting the Supplies Provisions Necessary to be Procured for the Conti nental Troops doing duty within this State and also the Resolve of the thirteenth Instant which authorised the Governor to call on them for one hundred Pounds for the Purpose of Supplying the said Troops The following Memorials and Petitions were read and Or dered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions Viz From James Greenhow From Edward Jones From Anthony W. White RESOLVED that M r Clay and M r John H be Added to the Committee on Ways & Means 240 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that M r Clay & M r Howley be Committee, to take into Consideration the of M r John Wereat Auditor General The Committee Appointed to bring in a Bill for Establishing a Town and building a Courthouse and Jail in the County of Richmond brought in the Same which was read the first time The House then Adjourned to Monday Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday January 27 th 1783 Letter from M r John Wereat Auditor General with Sundry Accounts and Vouchers for the Expenditure of Certain Monies Advanced by Daniel M c Murphy & General Twiggs, with his opinion of the Same, was read The Order of the day being calld for RESOLVED that the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee Appointed to examine and report the Proceed ings of the Legislative and Executive Powers from the twenty Ninth of December One thousand Seven hundred & Seventy eight to the Seventh January one thousand Seven hundred & Eighty three M r Clay in the Chair and after some time the Speaker re sumed the Chair The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock JANUARY, 1783. 241 (Prom State Archives.) Tuesday January 28 th 1783 The Speaker and Twenty five Members met /Not being a Number Sufficient to Compose a house they Adjourned to To morrow Morning 1 Q OClock (From State Archives.) \Yednesday January 2Q th 1783 ORDERED that the report of the Committee appointed to ex amine & Report the Proceedings of the Legislative and Execu tive Powers from the Twenty Ninth December one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy eight to the Seventh January one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty three be refered to M r Jackson M r Clay, M r Howly, M r Andrew & M r Lawson & that they be desired to report the same on Saturday Next Letter from the Honrable Brigadier General M c lntosh with one Inclosed from the Officers which Compose the Georgia line, to him was read ORDERED That the said Letter be refered to a Committee & that M r Howly, M r John Houstoun, M p Jackson & M r Washing ton be that Committee Petition from Mathew Wynecof was read & Ordered to be delivered the Committee on Petitions ORDERED That the Clerk of this House do pay the Messenger of this House Twenty Dollars in part of his Salary Message from the Executive Council, with a Petition from George Barnes to his Honor the Governor & Executive 16 r r vol 3 242 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Council was read & Ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions Message from the Council That they had Perused the Bill for taking the name of Wil liam Stephens from and out of the Amercement Law of this State, and for the restoring him to all rights Privileclges and em- munities of a free Citizen - - alterations. ORDERED That the Memorial of Col A - be Referred to the Special Committee appointed to take into Consideration the letter from the Off - - Compose the Georgia Line The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday January 3O th 1783 A Bill for the taking the name of William Stephens Esquire from and out of the Amercement Law of this State and for the restoring him to all rights Priviledges and immunities of a free Citizen, was read the third time ORDERED that the same be engrossed and that the Speaker Sign it RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be Requested to take such immediate measures as will best enable Cap* Howell to Carry into Execution an Expedition against some of the enimies Galleys Said to be at this time within the inlets of this State. Message from his Honor the Governor was Read ORDERED that the list of Bonds be Refered to the Committee of ways & Means JANUARY, 1783. 243 ORDERED that the second Part of the Governors Message with a letter from James Rae be refered to a Committee & that M r Few, M r Telfair & M r Fort be that Committee & ^->* ^l ORDERED that his Honor the Governor be Requested to in form the Commanding- Officer of the Continental Troops That it is the pleasure of this House that the Twenty Dragoons on their way to this State take the best rout to the Town of Au gusta in this State to wait Such orders as they may from time to time receive RESOLVED that this House do approve of the Governors ar rangements with Cap 1 Ho well That his Galley be - risk of the State, and that he be allowed Expences and Necessary Supplies on this Petition from Charles Francis Cheveleur was read and or dered to be delivered to the Committee on Petitions The following Petitions was read & Ordered to be delivered to the Committee on Petitions From Mary Durgan & Sister From Sundry Inhabitants of Burke County in favour of James Lambeth From James Ingram Petition from a Number of the Inhabitants of South Carolina was read and Ordered to be Refered to the Committee on Lands Memorial from Raymond Demere was read ORDERED That the said Memorial be Refered to a Committee & that M r Howly M r Washington & M r John Houstoun be that Committee The Committee to whom was refered the Letter from General M c lntosh with its inclosures Reported 244 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED That the said Report do lie on the Table till To morrow for the Perusal of the Members The Committee for Estimating Public Salaries for the en suing Year reported the following 1 rates which was agreed to Viz His Honor the Governor Five Hundred Pounds Per Annum Continental Delegates four Dollars each Per Day, to be esti mated during there Attendance there and the time in going to and returning from Congress The Cheif Justice Three hundred Pounds Per Annum Attorney General Two hundred Pounds Per Annum Secretary, One hundred & fifty Pounds Per Annum Clerk of Council One hundred Pounds Per Annum Messenger of Assembly Thirty Pounds per Annum Messenger of Council Thirty Pounds Per Annum Collectors of Savannah & Sunbury fifty Pounds Per Annum Auditor General Three hundred Pounds Per Annum Treasurer one hundred & fifty Pounds Per Annum ORDERED That, that part of the Report County Court Clerks & Sheriffs fees be reco The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow" Morning 9 OClock JANUARY, 1783. 245 (From State Archives.) Friday January 3 I st 1783 Letter from M r William Hornby was read and ordered to lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members The following- Petitions were read and Ordered to be deliv ered the Committee on Petitions From John Sterr From David Sherrell From George Barnes From William Graves A Letter from M rs Alary Bullock with a Memorial Inclosed from John Glen was read & Ordered to be delivered the Com mittee on Petitions The Committee appointed to report what Laws will be im mediately Necessary to have Printed and furnished to diferent Counties Reported ORDERED That the said report do he on the table for the Pe rusal of the Members The House Proceeded to the election of the Several Civil Officers for the Present Year when the following Persons were duly Elected George Walton Esq r Cheif Justice Samuel Stirk Esq r Attorney General John Martin Esq r Treasurer Richard Call Esq r Surveyor General 246 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY John Milton Esq r Secretary Joseph Woodruff Collector of the Town & port of Savannah Hugh Lawson Jun r Collector of the Town & port of Sunbury Jones Register of Probate for Chatham County Barnard Heard Register of Probats for Wilks County John Apling Register of Probats for Richmond County Daniel M c Murphy Register of Probats for Burke County Theophilus Lundy Register of Probats for Effingham County Baker Register of Probats for Liberty County ORDERED that the election of Continental Delegates be Post poned for the present RESOLVED that William Holzendorf Theophilus Lundy - M c Kenzie Samuel Grouse & Stephen Johnston Esquires be ap pointed Justices for the County of Effingham in Addition to those already appointed RESOLVED That the order of the day respecting the report of the Committee on General M c lntoshs Letter be Adjourned over to tomorrow RESOLVED that Such of the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates as May be Present make Sale of Confiscated Property in their Lands for Cash to the Amount of a sum Not exceed ing five hundred Pounds for Contingent expences and that the Proceeds of Such Sales be Lodged in the hands of the Clerk of this House The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock FEBRUARY, 1783. 247 (From State Archives.) Saturday February I st 1783 Letter from M r Tohn Wereat Auditor General was read ORDERED that the said Letter be Refered to a Committee & that M r Telfair M r Few M r Clay be that Committee Letter Samuel Stirk Esquire Attorney General was read and Ordered to lie on the Table for further Consideration The Committee on Petitions Reported from N 35 - ORDERED that the said Report do lie on the Table Petition from Christopher Bayley in behalf of the Children of Arthur Bowyers ORDERED that the said Petition be refered to a Committee & that M r John Houstoun M r Fort, and M r - - be a Committee to take the Same into Consideration ORDERED That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for taking 1 the Names of Act of Attainder and Confiscation and - - them on the Act of Amercement, and that M r - - M r Houstoun & M r Ho well be that Committee Petition from William Cooke was read and Ordered to be delivered the Committee of Petitions The Committee to whom were refered the Petition of Chris topher Bayley in behalf of the Children of Arthur Boyers Report that their Opinion a Law should be Passed by this House for making Provision for the Releif of helpless Orphans, wedow and Oldmen and they Submit to the House the form of a Bill for that Purpose 248 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED That the said Committee have leave to bring in a Bill for the Releif of helpless Orphans Widow and Oldmen and they having brought in the Same was read the first time The order of the day being calFd for, when the House taking the report of the Committee to whom was referred a Letter from Brigadier General M c lntosh with its inclosures and after some Amendments agreed to the following Viz. That they have examined such Papers and Persons as have been offered by different Parties - - which it appears that the Resolves of Council - Augusta twelfth of December One thousand seven hundred & Seventy Nine and the letter from the Governor to the President of Congress dated fifteenth - mber One thous and Seven hundred and Seventv Nine - the General, were unjust Illeberal - - presentation of Facts That the Letter said to be from William Glascock a Speaker of the Assembly - thirteenth November One thousand Seven hundred & Seventy Nine, Addressed to the President of Congress Appears to the Committee to be a forgerv in Violation of law and truth and highly injurious to the interest of the State, and dangerous to the rights of its Citizens, and that the Attorney General be or dered to make the Necessary enquiries, and enter such Persecu tions as may be consistent with this Office and duty. RESOLVED That General MIntosli be informed that this House do entertain an abhorrence of all Such ungenereous At tempts Made use of as appears by the Papers laid before them to injure the Character of an Officer and Citizen of this State who Merits the attention of the Legislature for his early decided and Persevering efforts in the defence of America which Virtues this House hath the Highest sense of The House then Adjourned to Monday Next 9 OClock. FEBRUARY, 1783. 249 j (From State Archives.) Monday February 3 thd 1/83 The following 1 Petitions were read and Ordered to be de livered the Committee on Petitions Viz From Alexander Creighton From Edward Davies late Auditor General with The Committee appointed to examine into the Goods wares and Merchandize, Purchase and the United States Since the evacuation - having- taken the same into Consid eration - Submit the following Resolution which RESOLVED That such Accounts as are now of Your Committee and all other Accounts Circumstances be Re- ferecl to the Auditor General - - ine and report thereon and in Particular the said Goods may have been appropriated State of what may have been appropriated tal use and obtain a Proper Certificate - And to make such debits on what May - - applied to State Use as the Nature of the and application thereof May Require The following Petitions & Memorial were read From Peter Henry Moul From Sundry British Merchants ORDERED that the said Memorial & Petition be Refered to a Special Committee & that M r Davies M r Few M r Clay, M r Wil liam Gibbsons Jun r M r Telfair M r Andrew be that Committee Petition from Joseph \Yoodruff was read and Ordered to be delivered to M r Clay M r Davies & M r John Houstoun who is appointed Committee to Receive the Same 250 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED That a Committee be appointed to Call on Samuel Stirk Esq r and George Seagar and such other Persons as they may think Necessary to give information Respecting the Jour nals of the Assembly and the Minuts of the Council for the Year One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Nine, & that M r James Jones M r Benjamin Andrew & M r Howell be that Committee RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Call - Persons that can give Information Respecting the - tion of all such Horses as have at different times been Purchased for Pub lic use & that M r Cunningham, M r - - & M r Davies be that Committee Message from his Honor the Governor & Executive Council was read ORDERED that the said Message with the Inclosures be - the Committee appointed to receive the Governors Message of the Twenty first instant Petition from Richard Henderson was read and Ordered to be delivered to a Committee and that M r Few, M r Telfair and be that Committee A Bill for the Releif of helpless Orphans, Widows and Old Men was read the Second time RESOLVED That the house do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole house to take into Consideration the said Bill M r Andrew in the Chair The Speaker resumed the Chair M r Andrew from the Committee of the whole house Reported that they had taken into Consideration the Bill for the Relief of helpless Orphans, Widows and Old Men had gone through the FEBRUARY, 1783. 251 Same made Several Amendments thereto, which here read in his Place and delivered in at the Table ORDERED that the said report be taken into Consideration To morrow Morning 1 The Committee to whom were refered the Letter from Gen 1 M c lntosh with one Inclosed to him from the Officers of the Georgia line Reported ORDERED That the said report do lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Tuesday February 4 th 1783 M r James Maxwell a Member returned Elected for County appeared and being Qualified took his Seat Accord ingly. RESOLVED that whereas it appears that the - of Liberty County who were lately Returned since the restoration of American Government, labor under the greatest distress through a want of - - of every Sort, for the Support of themselves and their families, and as it is a duty incumbent upon Govern ments to contribute to the relief of their Citizens, by all just means in their power RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be Authorised and empowered to Contract for and Purchase two hundred Barrels of Rice for the use of the inhabitants of Liberty County, they to be Accountable and for this Purpose to apply a Sufficient Part of any Property Real or Personal vested in the State in Payment of the Said Rice 252 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Order of the day being- call d for take into Con sideration The House Proceeded to the report of the Committee of the whole house on the Bill for the Relief of helpless Orphans Widows and other indigent Persons ORDERED that the said bill be sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and advise, and that M r Sharen & M r Alex ander be a Committee to wait on them with the Same Petition from John Vouchier was read, and ordered to be de livered the Committee on Petitions Petition from Robert Reid was read, and ordered to be de livered the Committee on Petitions Letter from "William Hornsby was read ORDERED that the said Letter be refered to a Special Com mittee & that M r Clay, M p Davies & M r John Houstoun be that Committee The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for taking the Names of Certain Persons out of the Confiscation Act passed at Augusta the - - day - - and for Amercing them and fov other Purposes therein Mentioned brought in the Same ORDERED that the same lie on the Table The Committee to whom was refered that Petition of John Jones Respecting Part of the Petition, Praying the House to determine what may be thought reasonable to be allowed him for officiating vandue Master to the Commissioners of Confiscated Property Reported which was agreed to ORDERED That the Commissioners be empowered to Settle with the Petitioner for Acting as Vandue Master at the Saleo FEBRUARY, 1.783. 253 of Confiscated Estates, and take a Proper discharge from for the Sum they may allow him The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Me morial of Peter Henry Moull, report as their Opinion which was agreed to That this House can not take Cognizance of the said Memorial or give countenance to any Acts done in this State within the lines or Garrisons held within the Same by the Troops of his Britanneck Majesty, and Your Committee are further of Opin ion that though all such Acts are of themselves null and Void yet in order to remove all doubts it would expedient for - - to pass an Act declaring all Matters of bargain or Sale or otherwise done - - Said Garrisons and lines or order the Pre tended Authority of a British Government from the twenty - Day of December one thousand Seven hundred Seventy - the Twelfth July last null and Void The Committee appointed to call on Samuel & George Sagar and such other Persons as they Necessary to give informa tion respecting the Journals of the Assembly and Munits of the Council for the year one thousand Seven hundred Seventy Xine. Reported ORDERED that the said report do lie on the Table for the Pe rusal of the Members ORDERED that the Clerk do transmit to his Honor the Gov ernor a list of the Civil Officers appointed for the Present year and that his Honor the Governor be requested to Make official Communication to them in order that they may Qualify agree able to the Constitution RESOLVED that William Glascock William Few Charles Craw ford, Andrew Burns, be and are hereby appointed Assistant Jus tice & M r James M c Xeil Zacharias Fann James Martin, John Ger- 254 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY many Abraham Ayres, Isaack Jackson, Greenbery Lee Edmond Cartledge Sen r Thomas Greer, James M c Farland, James Bowey, George Wicke, Nathan Harriss, Rhesa Howard, Benjamin Few, John Shackleford Esquires, be appointed Justices for the County of Richmond and that Stephen Heard, Zachariah Lamar,Benja- min Retchings, William Downes be appointed Assistant Justices, & Abraham Biddle, Daniel Burnet, Robert Harper, Henry Ware, John Lindsay, Holman Freeman, John Cunningham, Robert Day, Daniel Coleman, Bearnard Heard, Walter - , Mica j ah Williamson, John Hill Dionisies - - George Walton, John Rutherford, Thomas - , Benjamin Thompson, Bazill Lamar & - - Ansley, Esquires be appointed Justices for the County of Wilks and that all Prior appointments of Justices for said Counties, Shall be repealed and the Same are hereby declared Null, and Void. ORDERED that leave be given to bring in a Bill to - - out the Mode for the recovery of Property - - Acquired under the British usurpation and withheld from the rightful owners, and for other Purposes therein Mentioned, and that M r Clay M r Telfair & John Houstoun be a Committee to Prepare and bring in the Same The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday February 5 th I7&3- RESOLVED that this House will appoint Agents with Powers and instructions to Settle and Agents the Northern boundary of this State and that his honor the Governor be requested to Com municate this Resolution to his Excellency the Governor of South Carolina in order that the Legislative thereof may Co operate in this Measure FEBRUARY, 1783. 255 Petition from James Spalding was read and Ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions RESOLVED That this house Proceed to the choice of four Delegates to Represent this State in the Congress of the United States, for and during the Space of one Year and untill others shall be appoint when on Casting up the Ballots the following Gentlemen were declared to be duly elected Viz Joseph Haber- sham William Houstoun William Few & Joseph Clay Esquires Message from his Honor the Governor with a letter from the Governor of East Florida was read ORDERED that the said Message and letter be refered to a Committee & that M r Davies M r Clay & M r - - be that Com mittee The Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Richard Henderson Report, that having examined the of Same are of Opinion that the same of one - Pounds ought to be al- low d him for Past Services and that he shall be Continued Indian Linguist during good behaviour Salary of fifty Pounds Per Annum Petition from a Number of Inhabitants from the State of Virginia was read & ordered to be refered to the Committee on Lands The following Petitions were read, and ordered to be Refered to the Committee on Petitions Viz From Elizabeth Whitefield From J. M c Buckhalter RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to appoint Commissioners for building & Repairing Court Houses & Jails in the Several Counties in this State and for 256 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY other Purposes therein mentioned ordered that M r Howly, M r Jackson & M r William Gibbsons Sen r be that Committee A Bill to enable Commissioners to build a Court House and Jail and establish a Town in the County of Richmond was read the Second time, and some Amendments made thereto Therefore RESOLVED that the further Consideration of the said Bill be Postponed till Tomorrow The Committee appointed to bring 1 in a Bill for Building and Repairing Court Houses & Jails .in the Several Counties And for other Purposes therein Mentioned brought in the same, which was read the first time The Committee appointed to Confer with his honor the Gov ernor Respecting the Purchasing of Cap* Howels Galley Re ported and the same was agreed to, as follows That they have confered with his Honor the Governor Re specting the same and thev recommend to the House that be empowered to purchase the said Galley .... Yarns Tackle,. furniture Boats &. for the use and of this State for a Sum not exceeding five hundred Pounds Sterling, and thereafter to Officer man and Contract with Some Person for the finding of the Galley on Publick Account And to Cause her to be employed in such manner and for such Purposes as his Honor the Gover nor may Judge most Conducive to the Security of the Commerce of this State and the Protection of the Islands and inlets with in the Same. Your Committee further Report that it appears to them there are Bills of Exchange belonging to this State in the hands of the late Governor drawn by order of Congress on the Minister Plenipotentiary at Versailles to the Amount of Eighteen hundred dollars and they Recommend that his Honor the Governor be Authorised to obtain the said Bills and ap propriate them towards the Purchase of this Galley as fair as FEBRUARY, 1783. 257 the same will go And for the ballance as well as for the Neces sary Expenditure for bounties Provision and other Matters respecting the said Galley from time to time, his honor the Gov ernor be empowered to draw on the Treasury of this State or to apply any Publick Monies to that Purpose RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor be requested to recommend to the Commanding officer of the Contenental Troops doing duty in this State, to establish a Small Command on the Island of Cockspur or such other Place as will best Protect the port and Harbour of Savannah and that if it shall be found Necessary to erect any Small Works for the better effecting the Security of the said Fort and harbour. That his Honor the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council be and they are hereby empowered to Cause the said Works to be erected and to take Such other measures as they may find Necessary to Compleat the Same, And as it will be Necessary to have some Iron Cannon to mount at the said Battery as well as at other Places That his Honor the Governor be empowered and re quired to Contract and agree with any Person or Persons what soever for the importing and bringing - - the use of this State, four Eighteen or twenty four - - and two tones of Mus ket Gun Powder and - - Quantity of Shott Suitable for the Said - - Sufficient quantity of Lead & this House will - Sum Sufficient for the said Purposes RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor be empowered and instructed to inform the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops, that Twenty Dragoons late from the State of South Carolina are intended to Occupy a Post at - - ferry on Ogee- chee, and that it is the wish of this - - hold themselves in readiness for that Purpose and that his Honor the Governor be empowered and requested to draw - - Supplies of forrage and Provision in such manner - Prove best burthensome to the Inhabitants for - of Continental Supplies untill Contracts and better be regularly made and Provided 17 r r vol 3 258 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to Superintend the Sales of Confiscated Property this Day RESOLVED That M r Davies & M r Washington be that Com mittee The Special Committee to whom was refered the Memorial of Raymond Demeree reported. ORDERED that the said report do lie on the Table Petition of Zacharias Fann was read & ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions The Committee appointed to Superintend the Sales of Con fiscated estates this day Reported ORDERED that the said report do lie on the Table for the Pe rusal of the Members The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday February 6 th 1783 The House having received information by one of the Mem bers that the Speaker being indisposed could not Attend The House Proceeded to the Choice of a Speaker Pro tempore when William Gibbsons Sen r was elected A Letter from General Elbert was read, and Ordered to be Refered to a Committee on Petitions and that M r John Hous- toun M r Washington & M r Alexander be that Committee The following Petitions were read, and ordered to be Re fered to the Committee on Petitions. FEBRUARY, 1783. 259 From William Strtithers From Benjamin Green From Joseph Jackson RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Biil for the laying out the reserve land in the Town of Augusta into Acre lots, the erecting a University or Seminary of Learn ing & for other Purposes therein Mentioned ORDERED That M r Jackson & M r Davies be a Committee ap pointed to prepare and bring the same The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to explain so much of that Part of the Constitution as relats to the Admission cf Practitioners in the Superior Courts, brought in the same which was read the first time The Committee appointed to Prepare and bring in a Bill for the laying out the reserve land in the Town of Augusta into Acre lotts, the erecting a University or Seminary of Learning and for other Purposes therein Mentioned brought in the same which was read the first time A Bill for Opening the land Office, and for the better Strengthening and Settling this State and for other Purposes therein Mentioned was read the second time M r Fann & M 1 Harriss a Committee from - - Attended on the house with the Bill for empowering a less Number of Com missioners to be a Board than is mentioned in the Act Passed at Augusta on the fourth day of May in the year one thousand Seven hundred and eighty two for inflicting Penalties on and Confiscating the Estates of Such Persons as have been guilty of Treason against this State, and for other Purposes therein men tioned Returned the same with out Proper alterations A Bill for empowering a less number of Commissioners to 260 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY be a Board than is mentioned in the Act Passed at Augusta on the fourth of May one thousand Seven hundred eighty two for inflicting 1 Penalties on and Confiscating the Estates of such Per sons as have been guilty of Treason against this State and for other Purposes therein Mentioned was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill do Pass. ORDERED that the house do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole house to take into Consideration A Bill for open ing the Land Office and for the better Strengthening and Set- tleing this State & for other Purposes therein Mentioned M r Clay in the Chair The Speaker Resumed the Chair M r Clay from the Committee of the whole house Reported that they had taken under consideration a Bill for Opening the Land Office recommend to the House that the said Bill be Com mitted Motion That this House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House Tomorrow Morning- to take into Consideration the Bill for opening the Land Office, and that all other business be postponed till that Bill has gone through, when after being debated was carried in the Negative the Yeas and Nays being- called for are as follows Yeas Yeas M r William Gibbsons Sen r M r Howell M r John Houstoun M r Lundy M r Fort M r Dasher M r Germany M r Benj a Andrew M r Middleton M r Maxwell M r Lee M r Clements M r Burke M r Irevin M r Roberson M r James Jones M r Few 20. M T Lanier FEBRUARY, 1783. 26] Nays Nays M r Jackson M r Alexander M r Davatix M r Cartledge M r M c lntosh M r Johnston M r Washington M r West M r Clay M r Tohn Andrew M r Heard M r Howly M r Lamar M r W T ey M r Cunningham M r Davies M r Ketchmgs, M r Hardey M r Harper M r Telfair M r Ware M r Pugfh M r Barnet 21 RESOLVED that the Bill for opening the land Office be Com mitted to a Committee of three, to be refered on tomorrow Morning, and that M p Howly M r Telfair & M r Jackson be that Committee Letter from Morclecai Sheftill with a Petition from Levi Shef- till with Sundry affidavits were read, and Ordered to be Re fered to the Committee on Petitions Petition from James M c Kay was read and Ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions Letter from John Tones with a Certificate from the - - Con fiscated Property was read RESOLVED that the Commissioners appointed to - - Con fiscated Property be empowered and required to pay M r John Jones the Sum of one hundred guineas or allow a discount as a full Consideration for his Services as vandue Master in any Post or future Sale Letter from John Wereat Esq r Auditor General with account of goods Purchased from Sundry Merchants was read 262 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said letter be refered to the Committee to - was refered the Memorial of Sundry Merchants A Bill to point out a mode for the recovery of Property un lawfully acquired under the Britisli Uscerpation & withheld from the rightful Owners and for other Purposes therein Mentioned was read the Letter from James Field was read, and Ordered to be Refered to a Committee & that M r John Houstoun M r \Yashington & M r Alexander be that Committee ORDERED That the report of the Committee on a letter from General M c lntosh with a letter inclosed to him from the officer which Compose the Georgia line, be the order of the day To morrow The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday February 8 Ul 1783 M r Fann & M r Harriss a Committee from the Council Re fered the following bills any Viz. The Bill to enable Commis sioners to build a Court House and Jail and Establish a Town in the County of Richmond & a Bill for Building and Repairing Court Houses and Tails in the Several Counties and for other Purposes therein Mentioned without any remarks. And the Bill for the relief of helpless Orphans, Widows and other In digent Persons with some Proposed Amendments which were agreed to The following Acts were brought in after being engrossed Viz FEBRUARY, 1783. 263 The Act for the taking the name of William Stephens from and out of the Amercement law of this State and - - the restoring him to all rights Priviledges and immunities of a free Citizen and the Act for empowering a less Number of Commis sioners to be a Board than is mentioned in the Act Passed at Augusta on the fourth May One thousand Seven hundred eighty two for inflicting Penalties on and Confiscating the Estates of such Persons as have been Guilty of Treason against this State and for other Purposes therein Mentioned RESOLVED the said Acts be enacted into Laws and that the Speaker Sign the same The following Petitions were read & Ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions From William Baxton From William Harriss From Joshua Inman The following letters & Petitions were read and Refered to a Committee & that M r Andrew M r M c lntosh M r William Gibb- sons Sen r be that Committee From John Wereat Esquire From Samuel Stirk Esq r From John Baker Esquire a Memoril From Christiana Mlntosh the Younger a Petition RESOLVED that Jenkin Davies, Benjamin Lewis, Thomas Lewis Sen r and Emanuel be Assistant Judges for Burke County, and that Benjamin Lewis Jun r Thomas Lewis Jun r Hugh Law- son, John Lawson, Francis Pugh, John Jones, James Jones, Jar- rard Irevin, Thomas Little, James Pugh, Nathaniel Miller John Green & John Clements be and they are hereby appointed Jus tices for Burke County & that all former appointments of Jus tices for Said County are hereby declared null and Void 264 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Committee appointed to bring- in a Bill for Opening the Land Office, brought in the same which was read the first time The Order of the day being calld for r The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the report of the Committee on General M c lntoshes Letter - - inclosed to him from the Officers of the Georgia RESOLVED that the Auditor General shall without delay Settle the Accounts of the Regular line of the Army of this State by a Scale of Depreciation that shall be fixd for Georgia Currency allowing their Retained Rations at one Quarter dollar each and a Reasonable Sum for the Articles that could not be Procured, in those that have been Issued with the - - (Necessaries al lowed them as well as the Clothing which had been Promised them, and the said accounts when Audited and Certified shall Pass as Cash on any Prior Or future Sale of Publick Property, either - - Certified Accounts of other Creditors Provided Sales shall not be had till six months notice is first given of the same and except the Sales of such Personal Property as may be sold to Answer the immediate exigencies of the State agreeable to the Act Passed the eight day of February one thousand seven hundred eighty three for lessning the Number of Commissioners and others Purposes therein mentioned ORDERED that the remaining Part of the report be Postponed A Letter from Lucv Tandee was read ORDERED that the said letter be Refered to a Committee & that M r Andrew M r Howlv & M r Alexander be that Committee M r Bryan & M r Harriss a Committee from the Council Re turned the following Bills to Assertain the Various Periods of Depreciation for the Government and Regulation of all and every Person or Persons whom the same may concern FEBRUARY, 1783. 265 A Bill for building and repairing Court houses and Jails in the Several Counties and for other Purposes therein Mentioned & . A Bill to point out a Mode for the recovery of Property un lawfully acquired under the British Ucerpation and withe held from the rightfull Owners And for other Purposes therein Men tioned without any Remarks. The Bill to explain so much of that Part of the Confiscation as Relates to the admission of Practitioners in the Superior Courts was read the Second time. ORDERED that the said Bill do lie on the Table The .Committee to whom was refered a Message from his Honor the Governor and a letter from the Governor of East Florida Reported ORDERED that the said report do lie on the Table RESOLVED That the Commissioners of Forfeited & Amerced Estates be Impowered to use the most effectual means in their Power to Procure a Sum not exceeding five hundred Pounds for immediate exigencies and Pay the same to the Clerk of this House The following Petitions were read and Ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions Viz From a Number of Soldiers of the Georgia Battalion From Phillip Delegal From Miss Winewood M c lntosh From John Mulryne The Committee on Petitions Reported from One hundred & five to one hundred and Eight, &. 266 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED to lie on the Table The Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Chris tiana M c lntosh John Baker and letters from M r Wereat & Sam uel Stirk Reported. ORDERED that the said report do lie on the Table A letter from three officers Stiling themselves a - - was read. ORDERED that the said letter be refered to a Committee and that M r Howly M r William Gibbsons Sen r & M r Johnston be that Committee A Bill from opening the land Office was read the Second time, and taken into Consideration by Paragraphs and after -ome time Spent therein the further Consideration of the same was Ad journed till tomorrow The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning- 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Sunday February 9 th 1783 RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor be empowered and Requested to issue his Proclamation requiring all the Citizens of this State to make out and render to him within four Months from this date to be lodged in the Secretarys Office a true and Just Account of all losses and damages Sustained by them by means of the ravages of the enemy Since the Commencement of the Present War Particularly Specifying the same and that the said losses and damages be Sworn to before the Cheif Justice or any one or more of of the Assistant Judges FEBRUARY, 1783. 267 The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the Bill for opening the land Office by Paragraphs Motion was made that the following Claws be added to the Bill for opening the land Office And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that a Square of Twenty miles on Oconies when the same shall be obtained of Indians, be reserved where they may point out for the Pur pose of granting to the Officers and Soldiers their bounties of Lands Promised by Congress - the State, and when the said Officers and Men Shall have full proportion of Lands out of the said reserve, the State shall dispose of the Remainder when after being debated the Yeas & Nays Required was car ried in the Negative Yeas M r Devaux M r M c lntosh M r W m Gibbsons Sen r M r Washington M r Clay M r Andrew Nays M r W ra Gibbsons ]un r M r Heard M r Lamar M r Cunning-ham M r Cetchings M r Harper M r Ware M r Barnett, M r Alexander M r Fort M r Germany M r Lee M r Burke Yeas M r West M r J. Andrew M r Cochrane M r - M r Hardy Nays M M M M M M Roberson Few Lamier Howell Ludy Dasher M r Johnston M r Maxwell Clements Telfair Pug-h Irevin M M M M M r J. Jones 2.6. 268 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the further Consideration of the said Bill be Adjourned RESOLVED That the Commissioners of Confiscated property be authorised to deliver to Cap 1 Alexander and others of Col Clarks regiment who served as Volunteers agreeable to a resolve of the twenty Second April and the - - last RESOLVED that the Consideration of Petitions as far as reputs the Persons on the Act of Attainder and Amercement be the order of the day to Morrow The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From. State Archives.) Monday February io th 1783 RESOLVED that leave be given to bring in a Bill to - - the Boundaries of this State; agreeable to the establish - - Char ter rights of the same ORDERED That M r Telfair M r John Houstoun & M r Clay be that Committee RESOLVED That this House will tomorrow Morning Proceed to the choice of three Agents agreeable to the resolution of the fifth Instant. The House having taken into Consideration the report of the Committee on Petitions N Seventy two Respecting George Barnes, he praying leave to Carry his Property with him to East Florida RESOLVED that the Prayer of the Petition of George Barnes be Granted he giving two Sufficient Securities to Answer any FEBRUARY, 1783. 269 Suits or demads that may be brought against him by any Citizen or Citizens of this or the United States The Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Memorial of the British Merchants Report which being taken into Consideration, was Amended, and agreed to and is as fol lows. That they have made inquiry into and find that agreeable to the Report delivered - - by the Auditor, that the said Mer chants have furnished this State with Sundry Goods to the Amount of Six thousand two hundred and thirty two Pounds fourteen Shillings and one Penny Sterling in the following man ner Viz To General Wayne. for the use of the Conti nental Troops under his Command 136 To Maj r Habersham for the use of the Con tinental Troops belonging to the line in this State 2703 To - for the Purpose of Supplying Indians. 93 To the Order of Joseph Clay 39 To the Order of the Late Governor 107 To the Commissioners of the Gallies 16 To Nathaniel Wade Esq r late Quarter Master. 1486 To M r Frederick Rolfes the Present Com- misary of Purchases 379 To the Commissioners 2 To M r Green 37 17 To Lieutenant Wagnor 3 To Lieutenant Maxwell T 10 7/2 ^ 8 o 4 4 10 4 6 and they are of opinion that his Honor the Governor be em powered to Appropriate so much of the Confiscated Property, or Monies arising from the Amerced Estates as will fully dis- 270 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY charge the Sum above mentioned when the same shall become due, and in case it Should so happen that his honor the Governor should not be able to Accomplish the discharging the Several debts clue to the said British Merchants within the time allowed them to be. And remain in this State and the Stipulations en tered into with them by General Wayne and confirmed by the Legislature that - - And in such case his honor the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council be empowered to Allow any of the said British Merchants to be and Remain in this State untill their respective demands due them by the Pub- lick are discharged : And the Committee are further of Opinion that the Auditor be empowered and directed to Carry such of the above Sums as he has obtained or Received Proper Vouchers for to their respective debts - - his books and that he be em powered and directed to Compel Such Persons who are named in the Above Account as having received Part of the said Goods to Settle with him and Produce Proper Vouchers for their ex penditure The House then Proceeded to read the Bill for opening the land Office by Paragraphs, went through the Same ORDERED that M r Few & M r John Houstoun be a Committee to Superintend the engrossing the said Bill and Carry it to the Executive Council for their Perusal and Advice Message from his Honor the Governor was read ORDERED that the said Message be Refered to a Committee and that M r Washington M r Telfair and M r Benjamin Andrew be that Committee A letter from General Elbert with Sundry inclosures was read ORDERED that the said letter bo refered to a Committee and that M r Telfair, M r Clay. M r William Gibbsons Sen r be that Committee FEBRUARY, 1783. 271 M r Joseph Oswald a Member returned from the County of Liberty Attended, and being qualified took his Seat Accord ingly Petition of John Wood was read and Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions The Committee to whom was refered a letter of M rs Tandee Reported. & ordered that the Said Report do lie on the Table The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 O.C.K (From State Archives.) Tuesday February II th 1783 Petition from John Lowerman was read And ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions Petition from William Struthers was read and Ordered to be Refered to a Committee & that M r Davies & M r Washington be that Committee Bill for the relief of helpless, Orphans, Widows and other indigent Persons was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill Pass The Following Petitions were read and Ordered to be Refered to the Committee on Petitions Viz From Francis Graham From John Zubly A Bill to Ascertain the various Periods of Depreciation for the Government and regulation of all and every Person or Per sons whom the same may Concern, \vas read the third time 272 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said Bill pass and that the Speaker Sign the Same The Committee on Petitions Reported from One hundred and Nine to one hundred and Twenty two Ordered that the Said Report do lie on the Table Message from his Honor the Governor was read and ordered that the same do lie on the Table for further Consideration The Committee to whom was refered a letter from Gen 1 Elbert with Sundry inclosures Reported. .. .which being- taken into Consideration and after some amendments was agreed to as follows It appears to your Committee that the Continental Troops in this State have at Various Periods been reduced to grant incon veniences and difficulty by means of the want of a Military Chest in the Southern departments whereby the Regular and Necessary Supplies Could be had and Obtained, and Among other matters and that - Respecting the same, General Samuel Elbert at the - Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops in this State, Applied to John Wereat Esquire for Certain Sums in Aid and Support of the Continental Troops doing duty within the same and in particular on the Nineteenth January one thousand Seven hundred Seventy Eight Gen 1 Elbert obtained a loan, gave his note to M r Wereat for the sum of five hundred and thirty Pounds and did also on the Sixth day of February one thousand seven hundred Seventy eight give his note as aforesaid for the sum of fifteen hundred Pounds, both notes expressing the same to be for Publick Service, making himself Accountable which in good faith can or ought not to be dissolved as all Con tracts between man and man must Stand on their own footing, it further appears to your Committee that on the Nineteenth of January one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy eight Gen eral Elbert Paid into the hands of Peter Tarling then Dep y Quarter Master General the said Sum of five hundred and thirty Pounds for the use of this department and on the Sixth day of FEBRUARY, 1783. 273 February one thousand Seven hundred Seventy eight the said Gen 1 Elbert did pay into the hands of Col Leonard Marbury for the use of the light Hose under his Command the aforesaid sum of fifteen hundred Pounds which said sum as aforesaid your Committee by Virtue of the Concurrence of the said M r Wereat Recommend the following Resolutions RESOLVED that the Treasurer be directed to discount the afore said sum of Nineteen hundred and thirty pounds agreeable to the foregoing dates upon the Scale of depreciation to be fixed by the Assembly on any Bond or Bonds given by John Wereat Esq r to and for the use of this State, and as the said Monies was lent for Publick Uses, Your Committee are of opinion they are to be put on the same footing as other Monys lent to this State were at the Periods those sums were Paid by M r Wereat to Gen 1 Elbert and that the Treasurer should be empowered to allow the same Interest as lenders of Money to this State were by Acts of the Legislature at that time entitled to RESOLVED that upon such Negociation as recited in the above resolution the Note of Peter Tarling D. O. M. General for the sum of five hundred thirty Pounds be lodged in the Auditors Office; And also the Note of Col Leonard Marbury for one thousand five hundred Pounds for which each of them are to be Accountable in manner as directed by the Resolutions of the Legislative of this State and that the United States in Congress Assembled The Committee on the Petition of William Struthers Report that it is their Opinion that he may have leave to go to Saint Augustine and from thence to England, and to Return in two Years agreeable to the Prayer of his Petition Provided he Com plies with the laws and Regulations in such Cases made and Provided which being taken into Consideration, was agreed to The Committee to whom was refered a letter from W Hornby Reported. 18 r r vol 3 274 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said Report do lie on the Table Letter from the Commissioners of Confiscated Property was read & Ordered to be refered to a Committee and that M r Few M r Pugh & M r James Jones be that Committee The House Proceeded to read the Bill to enable the United States in Congress Assembled to levy a duty on certain Goods and Merchandize and on all Prizes Condemned in this State by Paragraphs RESOLVED that the further Consideration of the Bill to enable the United States in Congress Assembled to levy a duty on cer tain goods and Merchandize, and on all Prizes Condemned in this State be Postponed till the Next Session of Assembly, which being debated was Carried in the Affirmative, the Yeas and Nays being Called for is as follows Yeas Yeas M r Jackson M r Lundy M r Devaux M r Dasher M r William Houstoun M r Johnston M r Clay M r Benj a Andrew M r Lamar M r West M r Cunningham M r John Andrew M r Cetchings M r Howly M r Harper M r Maxwell M r Ware M r Oswald M r Alexander M r Davi es M r Germany M r Hardey M r Middleton M r Clement M r Lee M r Pusrh M r Burke M r Irevin M r Lanier 30 M r Howell FEBRUARY, 1783. 275 Nays Nays M r William Gibbsons Jun r M Telfair M r William Gibbsons Sen r MF Cochrane MI- p ew M r James Jones 6 i RESOLVED That leave be given to bring- in a Bill for raising the Continental Quota of this State in such mode at such times as the Situation thereof will admit of and that M r John Hous- toun, M r Clay, & M r Davies be that Committee to Prepare and bring in the Same The Committee to whom was Refered a letter from the Com missioners of Confiscated Estates Reported, when the House taking the same into Consideration made some amendments and agreed to the following That the Commissioners of Confiscated and Amerced Estates be directed to carry the Powers given them by the Amercement Act into effect. And further recommend to this House the fol lowing Resolution That any claim or demands against this State due to any Per son or Persons whose names are inserted in the Act of Amerce ment for Supplies furnished by them to this State Since the Eleventh July last and No other shall after being Properly Au dited and certified allowed in Payment in Part or in full as the case may be of their respective Amercements Provided the Said Audits and Certificates are immediately Produced to the Com missioners for Carrying the Amercement Act into Execution Petition from Nathaniel Wade was read and Refered to the Committee on Petitions The Committee to whom was refered Sundry Petitions for Reported 276 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said Report be taken into Consideration to morrow Morning Agreeable to the order of the day the House Proceeded to the Choice of Agents with Powers and Instructions to Settle And Adjust the Northern Boundary of this State when the follow ing Gentlemen were Chosen Viz General Lachlan M c lntosh, John Houstoun & Edward Telfair Esquires The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday February 12 th 1783 Petition from Robert Porteous & William Struthers was read & Refered to the Committee on Petitions RESOLVED that the Representatives from each County except Glynn & Cambden chuse two Members out of their respective delegations to be Approved by the house and they or a Majority of them shall Assemble and Sit at such place as the house shall be adjourned to at least ten days Previous to the next meeting of the General Assembly and be a Committee of this House untill the meeting thereof, to Arrange the Unfinished business and to Prepare and refer the Necessary Bills and Ordinances thereon to be laid before the Legislature when met RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Prepare and report Instructions to the Agents Appointed to Settle and Ad just the Northern Boundary of this State. ORDERED that M r Clay M r Howly & M r Few be that Com mittee The Committee to whom was refered a letter of the Eighth Instant from the Committee of Officers Reported FEBRUARY, 1783. 277 ORDERED that the said report do lie on the Table Agreeable to the Order of the day the House Proceeded to take into Consideration the report of the Committee to whom were refered Sundry Petitions from land. ORDERED that the said report be Postponed till the Bill for opening the land office is Passed. RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor be empowered out of the first Monies in the Treasury to pay Captain Peter Eman- uel De la Playne considering his Particular Situation the sum of fifty Pounds he to be Accountable for the same following The Petitions were read And ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions Viz From Mary Maxwell From Joseph Clay Attorney for Peter Bard RESOLVED that each Member of the Legislature as may apply for the same be Allowed two and a half dollars Per Day to defray their expences while Attending thereon, and that they be Authorized to Receive from, or draw on the Clerk to the Amount of their respective demands at the rate aforesaid when the same shall be Signed by the Speaker The Committee to whom were refered the letters of General Elbert & James Field, Reported ORDERED that the said report do lie on the Table M r Elbert & M r Fann a Committee from the Executive Coun cil Returned the Bill for opening the land Office with some Re marks thereon ORDERED that the same be taken into Consideration tomorrow Morning 278 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Message from his Honor the Governor was read RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be Requested to take Such Order on the letter from Governor Tonyn of East Florida as in his Opinion will best tend to the Honor, interest and Safety of this State ORDERED that M r William Houstoun be Added to the Com mittee appointed to examine the minutes for the The House Proceeded to take into consideration the report of the Committee on Petitions Respecting M r William Struthers and after several Amendments made on the same was agreed to and is as follows. That the Prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted, but for the reasons set fourth in the said Petition and the Papers thereunto Annexed therefore Re solved that the said William Struthers as soon as he has Paid the Sum due to this State by virtue of the Amercement Act Shall be- Restored to all the rights Previledges and immunities of a Citizen The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 O C. K. (From State Archives.) Thursday February 13 th 1783 The Petition of Lewis Coope was read, and Ordered to be refered to the Committee on Petitions The following letters were read From Robert Midleton. From Joseph Oswald ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table Agreeable to the Order of the day, the House Proceeded to FEBRUARY, 1783. 279 take into Consideration the Remarks of the Executive Council on the Bill for opening 1 the Land Office Viz. on the first Paragraph respecting the Granting 1 of Lands Motion was made That the lands be granted Gratis Office fees excepted the ques tion being Put it Passed in the Negative the yeas and Nays being Called for are as follows M r M r M r M 1 M r M r Yeas Heard Lamar Cunningham Cetchings Harper Burnet M r Alexander M r Fort Nays M r Jackson M r Devaux M r M c lntosh M r William Gibbsons Jun r M r John Houstoun M r William Gibbsons Senr. M r W. Houstoun M r Washington M r Clay M r Howell M r Lundy Motion was made M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 Yeas Germany Lee Burke Few Roberson Lamier Clements James Nays M r Dasher M r Johnston M r Benj a Andrew M r Howly M r Maxwell M r Cockrane M r Hardy M r Pugh M r Irevin M r West M r John Andrew That the original Warrant for the Survey of Land shall be given by the Governor in Council the Question being put was 280 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY carried in the negative the Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows Yeas M r Jackson M r Devaux M r MIntosh M r William Gibbsons Jun r M r John Houstoun M r William Gibbons Sen r M r William Houstoun M r Washington M r Clay M r Howell M r M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 Nays Heard Lamar Cunningham Get ch ings Harper Burnet Alexander Fort Germany Lee Yeas M r Dasher M r Johnston M r John Andrew M r Cochrane M r Howly M r Maxwell M r Hardy M r Pugh 18 Nays M r Burke M r Roberson M r Few M r Lanier M r Benj* Andrew M p Clements M r Telfair M r Irvin M r James Jones A Bill for opening the Land Office was read the third time RESOLVED that the Bill do Pass RESOLVED there be Added to the Depreciation Table already agreed to, a Scale of depreciation as now laid before this House Commencing the first January one thousand Seven hundred Seventy nine and ending the first June one thousand Seven hun dred eighty which Scale shall be a rule for the Purpose of Set tling and Adjusting on the Principles of equity and justice, all FEBRUARY, 1783. 281 Contracts of whatever nature made during that Period between Individuals in Continental Currency ORDERED that the Consideration of the Report of the Commit tee on Petitions be the order of the day Tomorrow The House took into Consideration the Report of the Com mittee on Sundry Petitions for goods and after Several Amend ments made thereto, agreed to the same & is as follows That when it shall be found expedient to add Another County or Counties to those already laid out in this State that a Tract of Land should be first reserved therein for the Refugees and Con tinental Officers, and Soldiers of this State, and the Officers of the Hospital and Medical department belonging to the same, and that a Square district or Tract of Land containing two hun dred thousand Acres should be laid out and reserved the term of fifteen Months for a Number of the Inhabitants of the State of Virginia whose Petitions have been Presented by Mess" George Rootes, John Lewis John Cobbs and George Mathews in such Part of such County or Counties so as aforesaid to be laid out as they or any other Person or Persons duly Appointed and Authorized by the Petitioners may Choose Provided such Choice doth Not interfere with in the foregoing Resolu tion, and that one Side thereof be bounded by land that is now or shall then be laid out and the aforesaid reserved land shall be granted to such of the Petitioners as may Personally apply for the same Proportioned According to their Number of head rights in the State at the time of Application Agreeable to an Act of Assembly in that Case made and Provided The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock 282 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Friday February 14 th 1783 Memorial from John MIntosh was read and ordered to be refered to a Committee and that M r Howly, M r Heard, & M r Benjamin Andrew be that Committee Letter from M r John Wereat Auditor General was read ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table Letter from Doctor John Wauden was read & ordered to lie on the Table Message from his Honor the Governor was received ordered that M r Tel fair, M r Clay and M r John Houstoun be a Commit tee to Confer with his Honor the Governor, on the same Letter from M r Samuel West a Member of this House was read Praying for leave of Absence during the present Session, which was Agreed to The Committee to whom was refered the Memorial of John M e lntosh Reported ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table Message from his Honor the Governor was received RESOLVED That the Governor be Acquainted that this House having already taken up the Subject contained in his Message Respecting the boundry between this State and South Carolina and appointed Agents for that Purpose have Not any thing at present further to Observe in that RESOLVED that the following instructions be given to the agents Appointed to Settle and adjust the Northern boundary of this State for their guide in that business, and that such in- FEBRUARY, 1783. 283 structions remain Private and Not Published with the other Proceedings of the House, in the gazettee or otherwise Instruc tions from Lachlin M c lntosh, John Houstoun and Edward Tel- fair Esq rs appointed Agents for Settling and Adjusting the Northern boundary of this State, Agreed to in the House of Assembly the Eleventh Instant Gentlemen The General Assembly of this State reposing a Special Con fidence in you and relying on your abilities and integrety have by a Resolve Passed the Eleventh Instant and which you will receive herewith appointed you agents on behalf of this State to Settle and Adjust the Northern Boundary thereof and we have reason to believe the State of South Carolina have already appointed Persons vested with equal Powers, for the Purpose of Settling their Southern boundary The intention of your ap pointment is that you should treat and negociate with any Per son duly Authorized from that State, on the business of estab lishing by a Mutual agreement, the boundary between that State and ours, the doing of which you are to insist on the limits of this State as Established by the Charter granted to the Trustees by the King of Great Britton in the year one thousand Seven hundred thirty two, and by the said Kings Proclamation of one thousand Seven hundred Sixty three. Issued for the Purpose of establishing the limits of the then British America, as Guar- ranteed by the different Powers at the treaty of Paris one thou sand Seven hundred Sixty three must be construed as follows From the Mouth of the River Savannah along the North side of it, and up the most Northern Streem or fork of said river Mis- sipe and down the said Streem of the Mississipe to the Latitude thirty one iNorth, from thence a due east Course to the river Apalachicola or Chatahootchie, and from the fork of the said River Apalachicola where the Chatahootchie and flint river meet, in a direct line to the head or Source of the Southernmost 284 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Stream of the River Saint Marys, and along the Course of the said river Saint Marys to the Atlantic Ocian, & from thence to the mouth or inlet of the river Savannah including- all the Islands within twenty Leagues of the Sea Coast In the transaction of this business you are to insist on the fourgomg limits so far as relats to that Part of it, you are in trusted with and in no Case to depart therefrom, and we rely on your exertions and abilities in Supporting this Claim with such Arguments as may bring the same to a Proper issue You will readily notice how Necessary it is that you Should Pay the closest attention, that our west line running to the Mis- sissipe should be run from the most Northern Stream of the Savannah river which Northern Stream and intended by the said Charter this House Considers to now called Kewee river and on this Point will depend our extent of Territory and Course every exertion Part will be called forth to have this line Properly fixed In the Prosecution of this business at the same time that we recommend to you to Pursue and Preserve in it with firmness tis the wish of this house that you Proceed with Justice Mod eration and Caution and as far as in your Power Promote and keep up harmony with our Sister State, and as it is more than Probable the final Settlement of this boundry may be re- fered to Congress, we must request that you be carefull to col lect every information relating to the same or that may in your opinion tend and Convince those to whom it may be refered (Sha happen) of the Justice of our Claim You will use every means in your Power to bring this busi ness to a Speedy Issue, and you will as Occasion Offers or may require, from time to time in the Recess of this House communi cate your Proceedings herein to his honor the Governor and Executive Council, and at the Next meeting of the Legislature you will also report to them your whole Proceedings on this Business FEBRUARY, 1783. 285 RESOLVED Unanimously. That his honor the Governor in Council be Authorized empowered and required to grant and Sign a Commission under The Great Seal of this State, to Lach- lin M c lntosh, John Houstoun and Edward Telfair Esquires Agents appointed to Settle and Adjust the Northern boundary of this State, and in and by the said Commission to grant to them the said Agents or any two of them full and Sufficient Power and Authority to enter and Proceed upon, and with all Convenient dispatch, to finish and conclude, or endeavour to fin ish and Conclude to said business with the State or Legislature of South Carolina, or any Person or Persons by them or under their Authority duly Authorized for that Purpose as agents or Commissioners of that State in such way and manner as shall be Conformable to the rights of the Inhabitants and free Citi zens of this State, or declared and ^secured to them as well by Charter bearing date the day of in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred thirty two as by Procla mation after The Treaty of Paris in the year one thousand seven hundred sixty three ORDERED That a Copy of the above be immediately presented to his Honor the Governor and that M r Clay and M r Few be a Committee for that Purpose Letter from John Elliott Esq r a Member of the Executive Council was read ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table A Bill to Point out a mode for recovery of Property unlawful ly Acquired under the British usurpation and witheld from the rightfull Owners, and for other Purposes therein mentioned was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill do pass The Committee appointed to draw up Instructions for the 286 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY defection of the Auditor General Reported when the House taking the Same into Consideration Adjourned over to Tomorrow The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday February 15 th 1783 A Letter from Charles Odingsells and Hugh Lawson Com missioners of Confiscated Estates was read & ordered to be re- refered to a Committee & that M r Few M r Telfair & M r Jackson be that Committee Memorial from James Mossman was read & ordered to be re- iered to the Committete to whom was refered the Letter of the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates The Committee to whom was refered a letter from the Com missioners of Confiscated Estates beg leave to Submit the follow ing Resolve to the House, which being debated and Amended was agreed to and is as follows That when the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates have Collected the sum of six Hundred Pounds for the Present exigencies of Government the aforesaid Commissioners with the Consent of his Honor the Governor & Council are hereby authorized to grant a term of farther Indul- gance to the Persons whose Properties are Amerced for the payment of Such Sums as may be due to this State by Virtue of the said and that his Honor the Governor & Council said Commissioners, Proportion such sums to be raised such indulgance as may appear to them most agreeable to Justice Agreeable to the order of the day the House Proceeded to take into Consideration the report of the Committee appointed to draw up Instructions for the direction of the Auditor General FEBRUARY, 1783. 287 and after some Amendments made thereto agreed to the same which is as follows The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the report of the Committee appointed to draw up Instructions for the Auditor and after some amendments made thereto agreed to the same which is as follows That all Supplies furnished for Public uses rendered this State by Individuals who can Produce Proper Vouchers for the same the State to be accountable and that the Auditor be and is hereby empowered to examine and Audit the same, Settle the real Specie amount or ballance of any Account Pay Roll &c. agreeable to the Table of depreciation established by this House and the Rules and Regulations herein after mentioned, That the said Auditor do Purchase and Prepare Proper books, in which all Accounts Settled by him shall be entered, carefully distinguish ing and seperating all such accounts and Charges of this State from such as belong to the Account of the United States, & the better to enable him to execute the Duty required of him the following Instructions are submitted to the Consideration of the House That no Account or pay Roll for pay due Militia bee Audited where pay for a greater number of Officers is Charged then were necessary to Command their men or duty for whose services such Account or pay roll is produced that is to say, for not less than twelve men one sergant for not less than twenty men one Lieutenant, for not less than forty men Captain; for not less than three hundred men on Colonell for not less than nine hundred men one Brigadeer and that no pay be allowed to any melitia but when in actual service, and when it shall appear that any Officer shall have gone on duty with a less number than by his rank he was entitled to command he shall not be allowed to draw more pay than the Officer who by his rank agreeable to the aforementioned rules would have been entitled to draw 288 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY That no pay Roll be passed by the Auditor but such as shall be sworn to by the Officer Commanding the men, included in the said Pay Roll, and that the Accounts be made up Regimentally, and General Abstracts of the whol Pay due the Regement for the times specified thereon included, and that the said Abstract be certified by the Officer Commanding in Chief of the Melitia during the time the survises contained in said Account were Performed every pay Roll should contain the names of every Person their rank Pay due Per month, when commencing & when ending and the total sums extended and cast up, and every Abstract should contain the Names of the Field & Staff Officers of the Regiment the pay due them respectively and the Amount of the Pay Rolls of the Company ; belonging to the Regiment, so that you may have at one Viece the whole pay due the Regi ment for the time Specified in the abstract That all Accounts for pay due Melitia since the July one thousand seven hundred eighty two be Certified as afore directed, and also by the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being, or his Orders directing the Service for which such pay is charged Produced and lodged with the Auditor as a Voucher And Whereas supplies of Waggons Teams and Horses for various public Uses have from time to time been Purchased Hired and impressed into the Public Service of the Auditor on a proper Certificate or apprasement being Produced shall Audit the same, Provided more than the following rates, that is to say horse a sum not exceeding twenty five Pounds for Horse not exceeding fifteen Pounds and for a Wag gon not exceeding twenty Pounds if due proof shall be Pro duced of its being lost or distroyed in the Service, And that such Horse or Waggon was necessary for the same All supplies to be settled at specie rates and no Accounts to be Admitted or Audited for the same except such as are sworn to and proper vouchers produced for the delivery of the Articles charged in them FEBRUARY, 1783. 289 All commissioners of purchases to produce proper accounts of the public also the Commissary; of Issues or some other Proper Officers Receipts for the delivery to him or them of all such Supplies so Purchased, and they shall also render an Ac count on Oath of all Impressonments made by them, or any Acting under them, and of all Cattle Hoges or Horses that they may at any time by them or any acting under their Authority, or in their department have been taken up in the Woods or otherways And in any manner Appropriated to public Uses to gether with all the marks and Brands or such descriptions as will best lend to discover who were the lawful Owners of them, that Justice may be done, and they shall also produce proper Accounts of the Expenditures in order that the Proper Debets may be made All Issueing Commissaries or other officers who have at any time become Possessed of public Property to be liable to Prosecution unless they do within three Months after they shall have Called on by the Auditor, render a Proper Ac count of the expenditures and Issues together with Satisfactory and Sufficient Vouchers Such as will enable the Auditor to make Proper entrees of the same In the Settlements of Accounts with Continental Officers the Resolves of Congress or of this State whether of the line or Staff or of the Hospital or Medical department must be the guide of the Auditor both their Pay and Rations, Sub- sistance Money or expenditures of any Kind the Arrears of Pay must be Liquidated agreeable to the Depreciation Table estab lished by Act of the Assembly Provid allways that nothing contained in the foregoing In structions to the Auditor General shall extend or be Construed to extend to the Case of any Person or Persons who may have Claims or demands on the Confiscated Estates which Claims or demands are to be Settled and Adjusted in the mode and manner Pointed out and directed by the Act for Inflicting Penalties on and Confiscating the Estates of such Persons as have been guilty 19rr-vol 3 290 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY of Treason against this State and for other Purposes therein Mentioned And if any Person shall Produce Accounts against the Pub- lick when it shall appear to the Auditor that from the Situa tion of the times when the Service was Performed or Supplies furnished, that no better Vouchers than those Produced by such Person could be by him or her Obtained and he Shall have reson to believe the said Accounts are notwithstanding- Just, ho shall lay them before the Governor and Council in the recess of this House, who if they shall be of Opinion the said Accounts ought to be paid shall and they are hereby empowered in such Cases to give the Auditor such directions as they shall deem best calculat ed to do Justice to the Publick and Individuals. When the Auditor shall have examined any Account and Liquidated the same, and thereby Ascertained the ballance due to any person or persons Producing such Accounts he shall make a Proper entry thereof in his Books and give to such Per son or Persons a Certificate in form as follows These are to Certify that I have Audited the Claims and de mands of against the of Georgia Amounting to Pounds which said sum will be received in Payment of any Purchases made by him of Confiscated Property, that may have been sold Persuant to the Act of Attainder or to be other wise Provided for by the Legislative That all Supplies made within this State by Citizens thereof, to the State Troops, or forces of any other State, the Auditor shall Proceed in the Liquidation thereof in like manner as heretofore recited making the respective States Accountable untill the said sums are Ascertained and Liquidated on the post of the United States by the State Commissioners to be Appointed for that Purpose That the Auditor be empowered to call on and examine on Oath to call any witnesses, touching any matter relative to the exam- FEBRUARY, 1783. 291 ining & Liquidating 1 any Account that Shall be laid before him for that Purpose, wherein the Interest of this or the United States are concerned That as no general Rule can Possibly be laid down which will apply to all cases all such Matters of Account or others that shall be laid before the Auditor for his examination and for which no Particular Resolve of this or any former House, or of the Continental Congress are existing 1 or can be and not herein before Provided for he shall during the recess of the Legislature lay such matter before his Honor the Governor, who is hereby Empowered with the Advice of the Executive Council to give such Instructions to the Auditor relative to such matters as they in their Opinion shall Judge best Calculated to Promote Justice between the publick and individuals A Letter from M r lohn Wereat Auditor General was read and ordered to lie on the Table The Committee of Conference on a Message from his Honor the Governor, Reported ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Sunday i6 th February 1783 Letter from a Member of the Merchants of Savannah was read Motion was made by M r Telfair & Seconded by M r Few for certain resolutions for the assignment of public Bonds for pay ment of public creditors Ordered that the same do lie on the Table 292 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that his honor the Governor be Empowered and Requested to make such communication to the commander in chief of the Southern Army or any of our allies or friendly powers, as he in his Opinion may deem necessary to promote the Common Cause, and if the Safety and defence of this State should require to Pursue such measures as may bee expedient,, this House will make good all expenditures not exceeding five thousand Pounds Provided he lays an Account of the expendi ture thereof before the House of Assembly at the next meeting A Bill to enable Commissioners to Build a Court House and Jail and establish a Town in the County of Richmond was read the third time ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table RESOLVED That the amount of the Account of each Member of this House in Consequence of his Attendance signed by the Speaker, the name of such Member the County he repre sents be inserted on the Motion was made by M r Few & seconded by M r Heard which is as follows WHEREAS by a resolve passed the day of Wil liam Few Sen r William Jackson and John Pratt were appointed Commissioners, and the sum of was deposited in their hands for the purpose of building a Court House and Jail in the County of Richmond, and it appears that they did stipulate and agree with William Candler and Benjamin Few to Build and compleately finish the aforesaid Court House & Jail and for that purpose delivered and paid them sundry sums and took Bond with approved security to compleatly finish the same, Therefore Resolved that be and they are hereby ap pointed and authorized and empowered to demand and require the aforesaid Contractors for building a Court House and Jail in the County aforesaid, to begin emmediately agreeable to their Contracts, to erect the said Buildings, and to proceed as far to- FEBRUARY, 1783. 293 wards compleating the same as they in reason and justice ought to do, of which the said Commissioners aforesaid shall have full and competent power to judge and determine, and to give full discharge and in case either of the Persons who have contracted and did agree to erect the said Buildings shall neglect or refuse to comply with such request the aforesaid Commissioners are hereby authorized and required to transmit such bond and give information thereof to the Attorney General who is hereby di rected to immediately commence suit on the same: Resolved that the aforesaid be and they are hereby vested with full power to contract and agree with any other person or Persons to build or finish the Court House and Jail in the County of Rich mond agreeable to the vote and determination of a Majority of the freemen of that County already had and draw on the Treasurer of this State for a sum not exceeding two hun dred & fifty pounds if they should find it Necessary for that Purpose Motion that the Consideration of the foregoing motion be postponed till the next session the question being called for and ihe yeas and nays required by M r Few are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Jackson M r Lanier M r Deveaux M r Howell M r Mclntosh M r Dasher M r Houstoun M r Johnston M r Willi. Gibbons Sen r M r B. Andrew M r Willi. Houstoun M r Jn Andrew M r Clay . M r Howley M r Lamar M r Alexander M r Cunningham M r Davies M r Cetchings M r Hardy M r Ware M r Clements M r Burnet M r Telfair M r Roberson M r Pugh 26 294 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Nays Nays M r William Gibbons Jun r M r Germany M r Heard M r Irvin M r Fort M r Jones M Lee M r Burke M r Few 9 The Motion was carried in the affirmative RESOLVED that the Officers of the Hospetal and Medical de partment being Citizens of this State be put on the same footing respecting their pay depreciation and other emoluments, as the Officers belonging to the Line of this State The house proceeded to take up the reports on Petitions & the same being read and amended were agreed to and are as follows N 3 From Milley Hannah RESOLVED that the use of the Tract of Land which remains unsold belonging to the Estate of Henry Sharp deceased to gether with the use of the Negroes and Stock mentioned in the Petition of M rs Milley Hannah be granted for the use of M rs Hannah and her Children of the name of sharp during the life of M rs Hannah and after her decease that the said Tract of Land Negroes and Stock with their Increase then remaining go to the said Children of the name of Sharp and their Heirs abso lutely for ever Share and Share alike N. 4 From William Baldwin RESOLVED that the Prayer of the said Petition be granted N. 5 From Thomas Ogden RESOLVED that the prayer of the Petition be granted and the decree of the Court respecting the Commissioners to be allowed for Selling the Cargo be confirmed N. 6 From Thomas Polhill Postponed FEBRUARY, 1783. 295 N. 7 From James M c Kay Postponed N. 8 to 19 Petitions from the Soldiers of the Georgia Bat talion RESOLVED that the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops on the Memorial of the Soldiery Act therein as may in his Opinion best Tend to releive their distress consistent with the good of Service N 20 RESOLVED that the Prayer of the Petition of such Davis be granted N 21 Petition from William Jones RESOLVED that the Petition of William Jones and papers Ac companying the Same be referee! to the Auditor General N 22 That the Prayer of the Petition of a Number of the In habitants of Burke County in favour of Amos Whitehead be Postponed RESOLVED that the Commissioners of Confiscated and Amerced Property do take up and pay all Accounts Signed by the Speaker agreeable to the Resolve of the Twelfth Instant within the space of three days from the date hereof. The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the report of the Committee on Petitions, on the Petition of William Har- n ss Praying Permission to Practise as an Attorney parts of this State RESOLVED that the Prayer of the said Petition be granted Motion was made by M r Heard, Seconded by M r Telfair that that the Commodore & other Officers and men of the Continen tal Gallies raised for the defence of this State & the Officers and men of 296 RESOLVED that the late Governor Col Marten be requested to deliver the Bonds received by him for ther Amount Sales of a Certain number of Negroes Condemned for the use of this State to his Honor the Governor RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be requested to pay the Attorney General his last years Salary out of the Moneys arising from the Sales of a Certain number of Negroes con demned for the use of this State The Committee to whom was refered a letter from M r Wereat Reported, which was agreed to therefore RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be requested to Order John Wereat Esq r Auditor General Payment for one Quarters Salary out of any monies that may be received on Account of the Publick The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday February 17* 1783 Letter from James Whitefield was read RESOLVED that the request of M r Whitefield Praying leave to be Admitted a Practitioner in the Superior Courts of this State, be granted WHEREAS Doubts have Arisen whether his Honor the Gov ernor is empowered by the Resolve of this House of the Instant to make any discounts or Partial Payments to the British Merchants who have furnished to this State RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be & he is hereby em powered to make Partial payments or allow of any discounts FEBRUARY, 1783. 297 from Bonds Specialties or otherwise due this State for Confis cated or Amerced Property as he may find Convenient in dis charge of the debts due from this State to the British Merchants Provided that the said Merchants on their part allow a reason able discount for any Sum or Sums that may be Advanced them before the same shall become due. RESOLVED that Florance Sullivan be and he is hereby Admit ted as a Citizen of this State The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the report cf the Committee on Petitions Respecting Florance Sullevan Praying to be Admitted a Practitioner at Law. RESOLVED that the Prayer of the said Petition be granted- Letter from Mordecai Sheftill was read The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the report of the Committee on Petitions, when after Several Amendments made thereto agreed the Companies of Artillery raised for the defence of this State be entitled to all and every emoluments Respecting bounties of Land pay and Depreciation as the Offi cers of the line of this State The following amendments was Proposed which being de bated was carried in the Affirmative the yeas & Nays being re quired are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Jackson M r Howly M r M c lntosh M r Clements M r Cunningham M r M r Ware M r W m Gibbons M r Germany M r Jn Houstoun M r Few M r W m Houstoun M r B. Andrew M r Retchings 298 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Burnett M r Lamar M r Burke M r Harper M r Howell M r Fort M r J. Andrew M r Roberson M r Maxwell M r Johnston M r Pugh M r Cochrane M r Washington M r Davies M r Clay M r Irevin Nays Nays M r Heard M r Ja s Jones M r Telfair So it was Carried in the Affirmative and is as follows RESOLVED that the Officers and Men of the Continental Gal- lies formerly in Service in this State and the Officers and Men of Companies of Artillery Raised for the defence of this State be entitled to all bounties of Land Pay and depreciation, as the Officers of the line of this State agreeable to the Resolve of Congress and this State Memorial from John Wilkinson was read RESOLVED that the Clerk and Messenger of this House be en titled draw Part of their Salaries in Proportion to the Time the Legislature is Setting to be Provided for in the Same Manner as the Members of the House The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on the Memorial of General Twiggs & Col Elijah Clarke and after some Amendments made thereto agreed to the same and is as follows That they find by a Resolve Passed in Augusta the Nineteenth day of August One thousand Seven hundred eighty one Sundry Citizens of this State are entitled to a quantity of Land According to their Rank, and in or- FEBRUARY, 1783. 299 der to Assertain the same it will be Necessary for the Offi cers at that Time Commanding the different Battalions of Melitia of this State to Make out an exact Return to his Honor the Governor of the Names and Ranks of every Officer & Private who have uniformly Supported the Independence of this State and May Justly Merit the aforesaid Bounty, and that his Honor the Governor be Requested to Examine the Same and when it shall ap pear right to give a Certificate which shall entitle such Person or Persons to any unlocated Land in this State within the Present temporary boundary line when he or they may choose to Apply for the same RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be and he is hereby empowered and Requested to Negociate any Bonds due or that may become due to this State or to use any other means the Resources of this State will Admit of to Raise the sum of fifteen hundred Pounds for the Purpose of immediately Procuring the Articles Necessary for holding a Treaty with the Indians Message from his Honor the Governor was received and or dered to lie on the Table for the further Consideration Letter from John Martin Esq r was read and Ordered to lie en the Table RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor do give a Certificate to the Continental Delegates of their being appointed by this House, that any two of them Proceed with all Convenient Speed to the Congress of the United States, and that his Honor the Governor take such order as may be Necessary and pay out of any Monies in his hands, or by any other means enable such Delegates to go and Continue in Congress during the Period for which they were Elected, agreeable to the Resolutions of this House The House Proceeded to the Choice of a Deligate to Represent this State in the Continental Congress in the room of Joseph Clay Esquire who had declined, and on Casting up the 300 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Ballots it appeared that Nathan Brownson Esquire was duly Elected The following Acts were compared at the Table Viz An Act to ascertain the Various Periods of depreciation for the Government and Regulations of all and every Person or Per sons whom the same may Concern &c An Act to point out the mode for the recovery of Property un lawfully Acquired under the British Usurpation and withheld from the rightfull owners and for other Purposes therein mentioned &c An Act for the releif of helpless orphans, Widows and other In digent Persons &c An Act for opening the Land office and for other Purposes there in Mentioned ORDERED that the Speaker Sign the said Acts ORDERED that M r Davies, M r William Houstoun and M r Jack son be a Committee to Attend at the Affixing the Sales to the Acts Passed this Session Petition from Brigadier Gen 1 M Intosh was read Praying leave for Charles Cottesworth Pinkney, Thomas Pinkney, & Ed ward Rutledge Esquires, to be Admitted to plead at any Court of Justice within this State RESOLVED that the Prayer of the Petition be granted so far as relates to any cause General MIntosh may be engaged in or have Occasion to Commence RESOLVED that the following be the Regular and established fees for the following Purpose FEBRUARY, 1783. 301 Governors fees For Signing a Grant for five hundred Acres four Pounds and eight Pence For Signing each grant above five hundred Acres Seven Shil lings Surveyor General For Recording the Platt and Transmitting the same to the Secretary for or under five hundred Acres three Shillings and eight Pence, all above four Shillings and eight Pence Secretary Fees For Preparing the Grant and affixing the seal for or under five hundred Acres Six Shillings and Six Pence For Registring the Grant Two Shillings and four Pence County Surveyor For Surveying a Tract of or under one hundred Acres Twelve Shillings and Six Pence For each hundred after the first two Shillings & Six Pence For making and recording the Platt and transmitting the same to the Surveyor General Two Shillings and eight Pence For Registering the grant one Shilling and six pence For Running a Town Lott four Shillings & Eight Pence Clerk of the Superior Court For Preparing the Warrant and Attesting the same Two Shillings and four Pence For entering the Application one Shilling 302 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY For aclministring the Oath Seven Pence The House then Proceeded to Ballott for County Surveyors and on Casting up the Ballotts the following- Persons were Elected. for the County of Chatham General Samuel Elbert for the County of Liberty William Barnard for the County of Effingham William Clifton for the County of Burke Thomas Lewis Sen r for the County of Richmond John Walton for the County of Glynne Camden W rra M c lntosh Ju 11 The House taking into Consideration his Honor the Gover nors Message respecting the Vacancies in the Executive Council Proceeded to fill up the same Viz For the County of Liberty Benjamin Andrew Esquire in the room of John Ellott who has Resigned ORDERED that writs of Election do Issue to fill up the Vacan cies in the different Counties Viz To the County of Chatham for one member in the room of the Honrable William Houstoun Esq r who is Elected a Continental Deligate For the County of Liberty for two members in the room of Joseph Oswald Esquire who has resigned his Seat and Benjamin Andrew Esq r who is Elected a Member Executive County in the room of John Elliott Esq r who resigned For the County of Richmond for two Members in the room of the Honrable William Few Esquire who is Elected a Continental Deligate and Charles Crawford who has declined FEBRUARY, 1783. 303 RESOLVED that David Rea s and David Montagut be Appointed Justice for the County of Chatham in addition to those Already appointed The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives. I Tuesday February i8 th 1783 RESOLVED that the Commissioners of Confiscated & Amerced Property Pay or Cause to be Paid to M r Thomas Ogden the sum of two hundred and thirty one Pounds one Shilling and Eight Pence being so much Advanced by Samuel Goodhue & Jonathan Clark in behalf of the said Thomas Ogden to M r Duncan for expences incurred during the Setting of the last Assembly Motion was made by M r William Houstoun Seconded by M r Cochrane That the House do Proceed to Reconsider the fees allowed in the Different Offices for granting of Lands the same as they now Stand being enormous Considering the distressed Situation of the Citizens of the State which Question could not be put of order RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be and he is hereby required not to Issue any more Certificates any resolve hereto fore Passed Notwithstanding, untill the farther Order of the Legislature; Provided always that this Restriction do not ex tend to the Case of Certificates to be Issued Persuant to any Act of Assembly of this State Whereas the great Trouble and Constant Attendance which the duty of the Speaker requires render it Necessary that a 304 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Proper Attention should be given by this House in order to make the Office of the Chair as reasonable as Possible RESOLVED that the sum of four Dollars Per Day be allowed the Person filling that Office for each Session of the Assembly to Commence from the beginning of the Present Session The House then Proceeded to the Choice of a Committee to meet ten days before the meeting of the next Assembly to arrange and prepare the Necessary and Unfinished Business and Prepare Bills and Ordinances thereon to be laid before the Legislature when met agreeable to the Resolve of the twelfth Instant Re solved that M r Jackson, M r William Gibbons Sen r M r Johnston, M r Lanier, M r Telfair, M r Clements, M r Fort, M r Germany, M r Maxwell be that Committee The House Proceeded to fill up the Vacancy of Surveyor for the County of Wilks which was not determined Yesterday, when Samuel Creswell was Elected The House then Proceeded to the Election of a Councellor for the County of Richmond in the Room of Charles Crawford Esq r who has declined taken Seat at that Board when M r Cart- ledge was Elected The Committee to whom were Referee! Memoriel of Col An thony W. White Reported ORDERED that the said Report do lie on the Table RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Obtain from M r Kelland Gibbons an Account Sales of Certain Articles ordered sold by the last House of Assembly and also to receive the same and Pay the same into the Hands of the Commissioners of Confiscated and Amerced Property to be by them applied to wards discharging the drafts of Members on them for their Attendance at the Present House ordered that M r Davies & M r Few be that Committee FEBRUARY, 1783. 305 RESOLVED That the Commissioners of Confiscated and Amerced Property be empowered to retain in their hands a Sufficient sum to enable them to keep an Office and to defray the Necessary expences as the said Sum shall not exceed three Dollars Per Day to each Commissioner during their Attendance for which each of them are to be Accountable out of the Respective Sums that may be due or owing them for transacting the business under the said Acts RESOLVED That the first business that Shall be taken up at the meeting of the House of Assembly shall be the Petitions that are at this time before the House not decided on RESOLVED that the Auditor be directed to discount with the Commissioners of Confiscated Property the Sum of one hundred Ninety five Pounds twelve Shillings and six Pence paid to the Clerk of the Assembly by order of this House In Pursuance of the Resolution of this House dated the Sev enteenth Instant, the following Accounts at the desire of the Members Applying for the same were by order of the House Signed by the Speaker Liberty County Dollars James Maxwell 36^2 James Cochrane 90 John Andrew 90 Samuel West 75 Edward \Yay 48 Benjamin Andrew 108 447^ . . . .104- 8-4 Glynne & Camden John Hardy ..................... 70 Edward Davis ................... 97^/2 20 r r vol 3 306 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Effingham John Martin Dasher 98 Stephen Johnston 96 Theophilus Lundy 106 Benjamin Lanier in Daniel Howell .in 522. . . .127: 16 Brought over Burke County John Clements James Jones ..................... 109^2 Francis Pugh .................... 1 i2 l / 2 Jared Irevin 447. . . .104: 6 Richmond County John Germany ................... 117 Arthur Fort ..................... 117 Charles Burke .................... 117 David Robertson ................. 117 Grunbery Lee .................... 117 Edward Cartledge ................ 89^ Robert Middleton ................. 19 693^ 161: 16: 4 Wilks County Benjamin Catchings 120 Daniel Burnet 120 Henry Ware 120 Samuel Alexander 120 John Cunningham 120 Robert Harper 120 FEBRUARY, 1783. 307 Stephen Heard ,. . . 120 Zachariah Lamar 120 To Members of the Executive Council Effingham County dollars Jenkin Davis 16 3. .14:8 Brought Over Burke County Benjamin Lewis 19 John Fulton 16 : 3:4 Richmond County Zacharias Fann 16 3 :i4 14 Wilks County Walter Harriss 16 3 :i4 14 Liberty County John Elliott 10 James Stewart 10 20 4: 13: 4 24 8 John Wilkinson Clerk 4 : 13 : 4 Received of the Commissioners of Confiscated 1 And Amerced Property and Paid by the Clerk > Agreeable to resolution J 195 : 12 : 6 Accounts Signed by the Speaker by order of the 1 House to be taken up by the Commissioners in > three days from the date 633 : 3 828: 15: 6 308 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that the sum of Twenty five Pounds be allowed the Clerk of this House in part of his Salary in Lieu of a sum ordered by a Resolution of this House of the Seventeenth In stant RESOLVED that the sum of Twelve Pounds Thirteen Shillings and two Pence be allowed the Messenger in part of his Salary in Lieu of a Sum ordered by a Resolutin of the Seventeenth Instant he to be Accountable and to be Paid by the Clerk out of the Money in his hands The Committee appointed to Attend the Affixing of the Seal of the State to the Acts Passed this Session Report That they Attended and after having the Seals Affixed depos- eted the Said Acts in the Secretarys Office RESOLVED that the Commissioners be directed to Pay M r Peak five Pounds immediately as the Rent of Room in which the As sembly has been Setting RESOLVED That this House Adjourn to the fifteenth day of May Next then to meet at Augusta (From State Archives.) Savannah May I st 1/83 Agreeable to Proclamation of his Honor the Governor & Ex ecutive Council the following Members Attended Viz M r William Houstoun, M r Samuel Saltus, M r Richard Howly, M r Peter Deveaux, M r Benjamin Andrew, M r William Gibbons, Sen r , M r William M c lntosh M r James Jackson, Whom there not being a Number Sufficient to make a House they Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning Eleven OClock MAY, 1783. 309 (From State Archives.) Friday May 2 nd 1783 A Number of Members met but not being a Sufficient number to Compose a House they Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning II OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday May 3 thd 1783 A Number of Members met agreeable to adjournment but not being a Sufficient number to compose a House they Adjourned to Monday next n OClock (From State Archives.) Monday May 5 th 1783 A number of Members met agreeable to Adjournment but not being a Sufficient number to Compose a House they Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Tuesday May 6 th 1783 The following Members met Viz. M r William Gibbons, W Howly, M r Few, M r Clay, W Cuthbert, M r Davies, M r Hardy, M r Edward Wey, M r West M r Saltus M r Baker M r Cartledge M r William Way, M r Andrew M r M r Jackson 310 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that William Gibbons Sen r Esquire be Chairman of this Meeting when they come to the following Resolution Whereas the General Assembly was directed by a Proclama tion of his Honor the Governor and the Executive Council to Convene on the first day of May Instant. And Whereas a num ber of the Representatives did Assemble Accordingly, but it ap pearing a Sufficient Number to make a House could not be Col lected RESOLVED that it is the Opinion of the Members of the Legis lature now Assembled that an Adjournment take Place untill the second Tuesday in August then to Meet at such Place as his Honor the Governor with Advise of the Executive Council shall direct. (From State Archives.) Augusta Thursday 15 th May 1783 In Pursuance of a Resolution of the General Assembly at Savannah of the eighteenth February last, which is as follows "That this House adjourn to the fifteenth May Next then to meet at Augusta the following Members Attended Viz M r Telfair M r Stephen Johnston M r Germany M r William Few M r Middleton M r Ware M r James Jones When it appearing that there Not being a Sufficient Number to make a House Adjourned till Tomorrow Evening four OClock MAY, 1783. 311 (From State Archives.) Friday i6 th May 1783 The following Members met According to Adjournment M r Germany M r Lamar M r Ware M r Telfair M r Johnson M r William Pew M r Middleton M r James Jones Benjamin Few & Charles Crawford Esquires being returned Elected in the room of William Few Esq r whose seat was Va- canted by being Elected a Continental Delegate and Charles Crawford Esq r who had been Elected a Councillor, and Re signed Attended and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitu tion They then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClocke (From State Archives,) Saturday May 17"* 1783 The following Members met Viz. M r Germany M r Telfair M r Lamar M r Ware M r Middleton M r B. Few M r Crawford They then Adjourned till Monday Morning 10 OClock 312 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Monday May 19 th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r Telfair, M r Burke, M r Pug-h, M r Lanier, M r Ware, M r Germany, M r Alexander, M r Lamar, M r W m Few, M r Cetchings, M r Benj a Few, When not being a Number Sufficient to Compose a house they Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Tuesday May 2O th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r William Gibbons Se r M r Fort M r Lamar M r Cartledge M r Clements M r Harper M r Irevin M r Crawford M r Middleton M r William Gibbons Ju r M r Burke M r Pugh M r Burnet M r Emanuel M r Catchings M r Benj a Few M r Telfair M r Germany M r Lamer M r Ware M r Ja s Jones M r Alexander M r William Few MAY, 1783. 313 Being informed that his Honor the Governor arrived in Town last evening it is the Opinion of the Members present that the following letter be sent to his Honor Viz Augusta 20 th May 1783 Si r : In Persuance of a Resolution of the General Assembly, a number of Members met here the I5th Instant, and have Ad journed from day to day, there not being a Sufficient number to make a House, the underwritten Members assure your honor, that we are deeply empressed with the very great importance of the Legislature being speedily convened, and of our determination to wait the attendance of absent Members It will afford us Sin gular Satisfaction to be informed by your Honor when the Ex ecutive Council may be expected here, and the Steps you have taken towards forwarding this important and enteresting busi ness Signed by all the Members His Honor the Governor They then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday May 2i st 1783 The following Members met Viz M r W m Gibbons Sen r M r Middleton M r Lamar M r Burke M r Clements M r Burnet M r Irevin M r Cetchings 314 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Telfair M r W m Gibbons Jun r M r Lanier M r Pugh M r Ja 8 Jones M r Emanuel M r W m Few M r Benj a Few M r Fort M r Germany M r Cartledge M r Ware M r Harper M r Alexander M r Crawford M r Cunning-ham A Letter from his Honor the Governor was read agreed that it lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members, and is as follows Augusta May 2i st 1783 Gentlemen I received your letter of yesterday informing me of there not being a Sufficient number of Members to make a House of your determination to wait the Arrival of absent Members and a request that I would inform you when the Executive Coun cil might be expected here In answer to your request I beg leave to observe, that it is to be Presumed, that the Executive Coun cil would officially take notice of the Adjournment of the House of Assembly, & give their Attendance accordingly But that they might not fail I recommended to them to meet at this Place and have reason to believe that from Effingham, Burke & Rich mond Counties there will Counsellors attend on Friday next from Chatham & Liberty Counties I have no expectations unless a House should be made, in which case one of the Council for Chatham assured me that he would attend from Wilks County I have not heard, but think it Probable there will be Council of this Probability I immagine some of the Gentlemen of that County can more Particularly satisfy You I am fully sensible with yoil Gentlemen, of the Necessity of having a House of Assembly as Speedily as possible, to take into MAY, 1783. 315 Consideration, Matters that immediately concern the Instant and safety of the State 1 am Gentlemen Your most Obed* & Most Hum 1 Serv* William Gibbons Esq r & others LYMAN HALL They then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday May 22 nd 1783 The following Members met Viz M r William Gibbons Sen r M r Cartledge M r Lanier M r Harper M r Clements M r Johnston M r Irevm M r Alexander M r Middleton M r W m Gibbons Jun r M r Burke M r Pugh M r Burnet M r Emanuel M r Cunningham M r Few M r Crawford M r Robertson M r Telfair M r Germany M r Lamar M r Lee M r Ja s Jones M r Ware M r W m Few M r Ketchings M r Fort But not being a number Sufficient to Compose a House they adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock 316 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Friday May 23 d 1783 The following Members met Viz M r W m Gibbons Sen r M r Lamar M r W m Gibbons Jun r M r Cunning-ham M r Johnston M r W m Few M r Telfair M r James Jones i t-r*" But not being a number Sufficient to Compose a House they Adjourned till to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday May 24 th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r W m Gibbons Sen r M r W m Gibbons M r Lamar M r Johnston M r Telfair But not being a Number Sufficient to compose a House they Adjourned till Monday Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday May 26 th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r Lamar M r Middleton M r Johnston M r W m Few JULY, 1783. 317 But not being a Number Sufficient to Compose a House they then Adjourned till tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Augusta I st July 1783 Pursuant to a Proclamation issued by his Honor the Governor the following Members met Viz M r W m Gibbons Sen r M r Middleton M r Telfair But not being a Number Sufficient to compose a House they Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning- 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday July 2 nd 1783 The following Members met Viz M r Telfair M r W m Gibbons Sen r M r Middleton But not being a Number Sufficient to Proceed on business they Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday July 3 d 1783 The following Members met Viz M r Telfair M r William Few M r William Gibbons Sen r but not being a Number Sufficient to Proceed on business they adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock 318 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Friday July 4 th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r Telfair M r William Few M r William Gibbons Sen r M r Jackson, but not being a Number Sufficient to Proceed on busi ness, they Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday July 5 th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r W m Few M r Lamar M r Germany M r Burnet M r Gibbons M r Harper M r Telfair M r Burke M r Ware M r Ketchings M r Alexander M r But not being a Number Sufficient to Compose a House they Adjourned untill Monday Morning 10 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday July 7 th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r Jackson M r W m Houstoun M r W m Gibbons Sen r M r Devaux M r John Houstoun M r W m Gibbons Jun r JULY, 1783. 319 M r Habersham M r Clements M r Clay M r James Jones M r Telfair M. M 1 Emanuel M r Germany I\i r Heard M r Few M r Retchings M r Burke M r Burnet M r Robertson M r Cunningham M r Middleton M r Harper M r Lee M r Ware M- r Cartledge M r Lamar M r Benj a Few M r Alexander M r Crawford But not being a Number Sufficient to compose a House they were Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Tuesday July 8 th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r Jackson M r Lamar M r W m Gibbons Sen r M r Alexander M r John Houstoun M r Clements M r Devaux M r James Jones M r W m Gibbons Jun r M r Fort M r Houstoun M r Germany M r Clay M r Burke M r Telfair M r Few M r Emanuel M r Middleton M r Ketch ings M r Lee M r Burnet M r Cartledge M r Harper M r Benj a Few M r Ware M r Crawford M r Ware 320 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY But not being a Number Sufficient to compose a House they were Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Tuesday July 8 th 1783 The following Members met Viz M r Jackson M r Ware M r W m Gibbons Sen r Ai r Lamar M r John Houstoun AI r Heard M r Devaux M r Davies M r W m Gibbons Jun r M r Fort M r M c lntosh M r Germany M r Clay M r Few M r Telfair M r Burke M r Emanuel M r Roberson M r Clements M r Lee M r Ja s Jones M r Benj a Few M r Irevin M p Crawford M r Ketchings M r Middleton M r Burnet M r Cartledge M r Harper 2Q. The House then Proceeded to Ballott for a Speaker pro tern- pore when William Gibbons Sen r Esq r was elected M r Seth John Cuthbert a Member returned Elected for the County of Chatham in the room of William Houstoun Esquire who is elected a Continental Delegate, appeared and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution M r James Habersham A Member Elected for the County of Chatham appeared and took the oath Prescribed in the Constitu tion JULY, 1783. 321 M r David Emanuel a Member Returned for the County of Burke appeared and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitu tion M r Hepworth Carter a Member returned for the County of Liberty appeared and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitu tion Letter from M r Henry Jones & M r James Little Members Elected for the County of Burke & Wilks Informing this House that they had resigned their seats in the same RESOLVED that the Speaker Issue a Writ of Election for two Members for the County of Burke in the room of Henry Jones Esq r who has resigned his Seat and Evan Lewis Esq r Deceased Also a Writ of one Member for the County of Wilks in the room of James Little who has resigned RESOLVED that M r Cuthbert, M r Emanuel, M r Germany, M r Lamar & M r Carter be a Standing Committee on Petitions Letter from M r George Jones was read Informing the House that his father (the Speaker) has had a dangerous fit of Sickness which rendered it Impracticable for him to Attend the House at this time The following Petitions were read & refered to the Committee on Petitions From Charles Watts From John Mulryne Tatnal From Ann Green a Memorial From Elizabeth Znbly (White of David Zubly of East Flor ida) a Description of Sundry Lotts in and near Savannah. From William Gibbons in behalf of Anne Hall. From Catharine Moore in behalf of Josiah Tatnal 21 r r TO! 3 322 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From Elizabeth Young From Samuel Moore From James Seymore From Owen Owens From a Committee of a Number of Inhabitants of the County of Chatham From James Mossman in behalf of James Graham From James Belcher From Francis Graham Wife of John Graham Esq 1 late of Sa vannah (a Memorial) From James Mossman From James Mossman in behalf of John Graham Esq r From Patrick Crookshanks & C Greenhow & Telfair, John Wallace Leonard Cecil, Owens & Thompson, Merrilies & Owens W m Coales, John Mitchell John M c lver British Merchants in Savannah The Presentments of the Grand Jury of the County of Chat ham were read and Ordered to lie on the Table Message from his Honor the Governor was read RESOLVED that the said Message & Papers be refered to Special Committee & that M r Clay M r Telfair & M r John Houstoun be that Committee Petition from Philip Hornsby was read & Refered to the Committee on Petitions RESOLVED that Nicholas Bilbo be appointed Messenger & Door Keeper for this Present Session The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on Petitions Reported on the last Ses sion of Assembly Viz, JULY, 1783. 3 23 I\ 23. From John Butler Maxwell & Mary Maxwell his Wife Praying that the said John Butler Maxwell may be taken off the Act of Confiscation and be readmitted a free Citizen of this State RESOLVED that the Consideration of said Petition be Post poned N 24. The Petition of William Graves Setting forth that he has lost a Number of Georgia State Certificates agree able to an Annexed Certificate Signed by William OBry- an & Nehud Wade Respecting that he might be ordered Payment by the State the Same as if he had Actually the said Certificates in Possession RESOLVED that the Report of the Committee on the Petition of William Graves be refered to a Special Committee & that M r Few M r Telfair & M r Jones be that Committee N 25. Petition of Elizabeth Munro Praying that her husband Simon Munro might be Permitted to return and live with her, Motion being made. Whether any Person or Persons whose names are in the Act of Confiscation be taken out and put on the Act of Amercement or no, when the Question being Put for Postponing the Motion and Carried in the Affirmative RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to Provide Neces saries for the Members & that M r James Jones M r Middleton & M r Crawford be that Committee Petition from Abram Jones was read and refered to the Com mittee on Petitions The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock 324 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Wednesday July 9 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Petition from William Brown was read ORDERED that the said Petition be referee! to a Special Com mittee & that M r William Few, M r Fort, & M r Middleton be that Committee RESOLVED that M r William Few & M r Fort be added to the Committee for Providing Necessarys for the Members RESOLVED that leave be given to bring in a Bill for Laying out Reserve Lands near Augusta into Acre Lotts, & for Erecting a Seminary of Learning in or near the said Town of Augusta brought in the same which was read the first time The following Petitions were read and refered to the Commit tee on Petitions Viz From John MLean From Daniel Grant and others, Inhabitants of North Carolina From John Cowen s From a Number of Subscribers in favour of John Barks From William Tidwell From Leannah Carr From Samuel Scott From John Carson From a Number of Inhabitants of Wilks County From Leonard Cicil The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the re- JULY, 1783. 325 port of the Committee on Petitions reported on the last Session cf Assembly Viz N 26. The Petition of William Gibbons Praying a Certain Lott and Warf sold by the Commissioners of Confiscated Property On Motion That the Prayer of the Petition be Granted Provided the Purchaser will agree to relinquish his Purchase otherways his Bond shall be transfired to the Petitioner, RESOLVED that the Consideration of the above be Postponed till Tomorrow Morning Motion being made That the Consideration of all Petitions from Persons named in the Confiscation Act be postponed till Wednesday next That a Committee consisting of a Member from each County be appointed in the mean time to arrange and Class such Persons as have Petitioned to be taken off the Confiscation Act. RESOLVED that the above be Committed to a Committee of one Member from each County & that M r Habersham, M r Clements M r William Few, M r Heard & M r Carter & M r Johnson be that Committee RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to empower certain Commissioners to regulate the Hire of Por ters and labour of Slaves in the Town of Savannah & that M r Clay M r Habersham and M r Heard be that Committee The following Petitions were read & Refered to the Commit tee on Petitions From James Harriott From \Villiam Candler 326 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From Edward Lloyd From John Rose The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the re port of the Committee on Petitions reported on the last Sessions of Assembly Viz N 28. From Rebekah Nicholls Setting forth her having been Plundered The Committee are of Opinion that she ought to have recourse to the Courts of Law, which was agreed to RESOLVED That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for Incorporating the Town of Savannah and for other Pur poses therein mentioned & that M r Jackson, M r Clay, M r Cuth- bert, M r Davies & M r Habersham be that Committee RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill intitled an Act to amend and repeal an Act to prevent unlicensed Persons from Retailing Speritous Liquors to Suppress unlawful gaming, and to empower the Superior Court in the different counties, to grant license to proper persons to keep Taverns and eating Houses for the entertainment of Travellers & the Con- veniency of the Inhabitants of the State agreeable to such Rules and Regulations as the said Courts shall think fit and for other purposes therein mentioned & that M r James Jones M r Benjamin Few & M r William Few be that Committee RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Bring in a Bill entitled an Act for the Regulation of Grist Mills and Ferries within this State & that M r James Jones, M r Telfair & M r Heard be that Committee The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to empower Cer tain Commissioners to Regulate the Hire of Porters and Labour of Slaves in the Town of Savannah brought in the same which was read the first time JULY, 1783. 327 RESOLVED That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for laying a duty on transient trade, and also a duty on Vandues, and for the more effectual recovery of Arrears due and owing to en Acts Passed to that effect & that M r Clay, M r Telfair & M r Davies be that Committee RESOLVED tli at a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for the more Speedy Tryal of Criminals, and that M r Jackson, M r William Houstoun M r William Gibbons Jun r M r William Few & M r Davies be that Committee. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday July io th 1783 The House met According to adjournment The following Memorials and Petitions were read and refered to the Committee on Petitions From Relph Jrard Jun r a Citizen of South Carolina in behalf cf himself and others, Memorial From Alexander Ingles From Hannah Buffington From John Smith with a Certificate From Benjamin Few & Andrew Burns. The Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of this State, Requesting that Warehouses should be erected on the Lands of William Brown Reported That the Prayer of the Petition ought to be granted, and recommended that an Act should be passed to regulate the emolu- 328 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ments and for Inspecting Tobacco, Flour, Hemp &c. which was agreed to and that M r Telfair, M r Crawford & M r Ware be a Committee to Prepare and Bring in a Bill to regulate the same, Agreeable to the Resolve of Yesterday the House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Motion on the Prayer of the Petition William Gibbons Respecting a Lott and Warf sold by the Com missioners of Confiscated Property. The House having taken under Consideration the report ap pertaining to a Water Lott and Stores in Savannah, the Prop erty of Ingles Jenkins & Gibbons RESOLVED that all Property appertaining to Copartners ought to remain in the hands of the Surviving copartner or Copart ners imtill debts shall be finally paid and such Surviver or Survivours, accountable agreeable to the laws of this State The Yeas and Nays being called for by M r Jackson is as follows Yeas Yeas M r W m Gibbons Ju" M r Lamar M r Curthbert M r Lee M r M c lntosh M r Cartledge M r Harper M r Crawford M r Ware M r Telfair M r Germany M r Ja s Jones M r Few M r Habersham M r Burke 16 M r Roberson Nays Nays M r Jackson M r Emanuel M r W m Houstoun M r Clements M r Devaux M r Irevin M r Heard M r Cunningham M r Burnet M r Carter M r Alexander M r Johnson M r Fort M r Washington M r Middleton 15 JULY, 1783. 329 So it was Carried in the Affirmative RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to Continue Several Laws of this State now near expiring and that M r Clay M r Jackson & M r W m Houstoun be that Committee Petition from Timothy Barnard with sundry papers were read ORDERED that the Petition & Papers be refered to a Special Committee & that M r Davies M r Lamar & M r Cunningham be that Committee The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to Continue Sev eral Laws of this State now near expiring brought in the same which was read the first time The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Friday July II th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment RESOLVED that this House will tomorrow Proceed to the Choice of Field Officers for the Augusta Battalion of Richmond County The Committee on Petitions Reported from N i to 19 ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the report of the Committee on Petitions Reported on the last Ses sions of Assembly Viz 330 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY N 29. The Petition of Humphry Wills Praying relief from an Obligation Given for the rent of a Plantation & Build late Greirsons RESOLVED that the Prayer of said Petition be granted so far as respects the rent of the same. N 30. The Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Burke County in favour of David Cavenah, the Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to N 31. The Petition of Captain Peter Dela Plane, the Commit tee are of Opinion that it ought to be refered to a Spe cial Committee acquainted with foreign trade which was agreed to RESOLVED that M r Habersham, M r Clay & M r Telfair be that Committee N 32. The Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Burke County in favour of Thomas Yarbrough, Praying he might be en titled to the Priviledges of a Citizen RESOLVED that the prayer of the Petition be granted N 33. The Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Richmond County in favour of James Mercer. RESOLVED that the said Mercer should be Provided for agreea ble to a Law for Providing for Indigent Persons N 34. The Petition of the Heirs of George Walker Praying the said Estate be taken from off the Amercement Act RESOLVED that the prayer of the Petition be granted in Consid eration of a large helpless family Message from his Honor the Governor was received with let- JULY, 1783. , w , ters from General Greene & Wayne & the Attorney General with Sundry other Papers. RESOLVED that the Letter from the Attorney Genr 1 to his Honor the Governor be refered to a Special Committee & that M r W m Few M r Telfair & M r William Houstoun be that Com mittee RESOLVED that a Committee appointed to take into Considera tion the Petitions of Persons who are not in the Act of Confisca tion of this State who are Banished some one or other of the United States, & that M r Davies, M r Cunningham, M r Lamar, M r Mlntosh & M r William Houstoun be that Committee RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to Repeal some part of an Act for Amercing Certain Persons therein mentioned & that M r Jackson, M r Washington & M r Lee be that Committee The Bill for empowering Certain Commissioners to Regulate the heire of Porters and labour of Slaves in the Town of Sa vannah was read the second time RESOLVED that the said Bill be Committed to a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill M r Heard in the Chair On Motion That the Speaker Resume the Chair ]\I r Heard from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Bill for empowering certain Commissioners to regulate the hire of Porters and labour of Slaves in the Town of Savannah Reported that they had gone through the same & made some alterations therein which he read & delivered in at the Table which the House having taken into Consideration agreed to the same 332 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and sent to the Coun cil for their Perusal and advice ORDERED that M r Roberson & M r Irevin be a Committee to Wait on them with the same The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday July 12 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to receive and Amend the Militia Laws & that M r Jackson M r William Few & M r Cunningham be that Committee Petitions from a Number of Inhabitants of Virgina & South Carolina was read & Ordered to be refered to a Committee that v/as appointed the last Session to take into Consideration Peti tions for Lands such of them as are Present The following Petitions were read and refered to the Commit tee on Petitions Viz From Charles Odingsells From Samuel Sterk Esq r Letter from Charles Odingsells with Sundry papers were re fered to a Special Committee & that M r Telafir and M r be that Committee The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for Laying a duty on Transient Trade and also a duty on Vandues and for the more effectual recovery of Arrears due and owing the State on JULY, 1783. 333 Acts Passed to that Effect brought in the same which was read the first time. The Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Thomas Elfe James M c Kay, William M c Kinney & John Rose Praying to be Admitted to Settle in this State although Included in the Con fiscation Act of South Carolina Reported which after some amendments was agreed to & is as follows. That they are of Opinion that as the General Assembly of that State is now Set ting some Reciprocal mode ought to be Concerted and Adopted between the two States for Persons in such Situations, but in the mean time the Persons & Property of those who have thrown themselves on our mercy ought to be Protected, with Respect to that part of the Petition of John Rose Praying pro tection and Security for his Property in this State Your Com mittee see no objection to granting the same. The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Fort is as follows Yea M r Jackson M r Devaux M r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Clay M r Burke M r Cartledge M r Clements M r John Houstoun M r Cuthbert M r MIntosh M r Heard M r Middleton Yea M r Benj a Few M r Telfair M r James Jones M r W m Houstoun M r Cunningham M r Germany M r Few M r Lee M r Crawford M r Emanuel M r Washington M r Habersham Nay Nay M r Burnet M r Lamar M r Robertson M r Carter 334 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Harper M r Ware M r Alexander M r Fort M r Irevin M r Davies M r Johnston The Bill for Continueing the Several Laws of this State near expiring was read the second time. RESOLVED that the said Bill be Committed to a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill M r M c lntosh the Chair On Motion that the Speaker Resume the Chair M r MIntosh from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Bill for Continuing the Several Laws of this State near expiring. Reported that they had gone through the same & made some alterations & amendments which he read in his place and Delivered in at the Table, when the House tak ing the same into Consideration agreed to the same. ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed, and sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and advic & that M r Bur- net and M r Ware be a Committee to wait on them \vith the same RESOLVED that M r William Few & M r Lamar be added to the Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for Building Warehouses on the Lands of William Browns & to regulate the emoluments & for Inspecting Tobacco Flour Hemp &c Petition from Mathew Stewart was read and refered to the Committee to arrange and Class Such persons as have Petitioned to be taken off the Confiscation Act. Petition from Peter Donworth was read and refered to the Committee on Petitions RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor and the Executive JULY, 1783. 335 Council be requested to fall upon some safe and affectual to have the Public records and papers brought back the Northward to this State, and that they be Authorized and em powered to employ any fit Person or Persons to Undertake this business and thereafter to pay for the same out of any Monies which may Come into the Treasury by Taxes, transient duties or otherwise The House then Adjourned to Monday next 9 OClock (Prom State Archives.) Monday July 14 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Memorial from Oliver Bowen was read and refered to a Spe cial Committee & that M r Jackson M r William Few & M r Wil liam Houstoun be that Committee The Petition of John Rely was read and Refered to the Com mittee of Petitions Letter from William Hornby was read and refered to the Committee of Petitions Letters from John Gibbons Esq r was read Importing that he had Resigned his seat in this House RESOLVED that the Resignation of John Gibbons Esq r be Ac cepted & that a Writ of Election do Immediately Issue to fill up Said Vacancy The Committee to whom was Refered the Message from his Honor the Governor Accompanied by a Number of letters and other Papers from Congress and the Several Officers of Publick Departments Reported 336 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that the said Report be taken into Consideration Tomorrow Morning Memorial & Account from General M c lntosh & Letter from John Wereat Esq r were read & Refered to a Special Committee & that M r William Few M r Heard M r Davies, M r Jackson And M r Habersham be that Committee M r William Few having laid before the House the Proceed ings of the Commissioners for Treating with the Indians RESOLVED that the Proceedings aforesaid be Refered to a Committee and that M r Clay, M r Cuthbert, and M r Lamar be that Committee RESOLVED that all Certificates that may have been Audited by M r Wilkinson or Certificates granted by the Governor for the time being shall Stand on the same footing as the Audited Cer tificates that have or may be Issued by the Present Auditor where the same shall be in Specie, and where such Certificates may have been given in Depreciated Money the Auditor is here by empowered and requested to reduce such Certificates into Specie Value and Cancelled by giving Specie Certificates and that all such Accounts upon which the Certificates have arrisen be delivered by M r Wilkinson to the Auditor in order that the same be filed in his Office and the Proper entrys made The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (Prom State Archives.) Tuesday July is th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment- Petition from Francis Willes late of the State of Virginia was read and refered to a Special Committee and that M r Tel- fair M r William Few & M r Devaux be that Committee JULY, 1783. 337 Memorial from Samuel Hicks was read and Refered to the Committee of Petitions ORDERED That the Governor and Council be recommended and requested to transmit to the Executive and Legislative Powers or Departments in every State in the United States, A list of Persons at this time within our Act of A Banish ment and Confiscation And Request a list from of Per sons Named in their Law that by this Correspondence each State may know or be informed from time to time what is done by each State Relative to those Persons so Proscribed M r Morell and M r Harriss a Committee from the re turned the Bill to Empower Certain Commissioners Appointed to Regulate the Hire of Porters and Labour of Slaves in the Town of Savannah, with some Proposed Alterations The order of the day being Called for The House Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the report of the Committee to whom was Refered a Message from his Honor the Governor, Accompanied by a Number of Letters and other papers from Congress and the Several Officers of Public Departments M r Habersham in the Chair That the Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r Habersham from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration a Message from his Honor the Governor Accompanied with a Number of Letters and other Papers from Congress and the Several Officers of Public Departments Re ported That they had taken the same into Consideration made some Progress therein and beged leave to sit again 22 r r-vol 3 338 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that they have leave to sit again RESOLVED that the House will Tomorrow Morning Resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Con sideration a Message from his Honor the Governor Accom panied with a Number of Letters and other Papers, from Con gress and the Several Officers of Public Departments RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to Amend an Act for opening the Land Office and that M r Benja min Few, M r Germany and M r Fort be that Committee On Motion ORDERED that Samuel Scott be emmediately taken into the Custody of the Messenger for an Insult offered to this House Samuel Scott who was taken into Custody for an Insult offered Member of this House Attended by Permission and having declared he was extreamly sorry for the Affront which he had given the House, and that nothing but a Sudden heat of Passion Could have rendered him Capable of such Behavour for which he Asked Pardon of the House RESOLVED that the Apology of the said Samuel Scott be Ac cepted of and that he be discharged from Custody The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday July i6 th 1783 The House met According to adjournment. The following Petitions were read and Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions Viz JULY, 1783. 339 From Joseph Maddox From Ezekiel Harriss From Littleberry Bostick From John Bacon From Betty Martin From John Milton Message from his Honor the Governor was read and Refered to a Committee and that M r Washington, M r Irevin and M r De- vaux be that Committee. The Committee on Petitions Reported, on the Petition of a Member of Inhabitants of the County of Chatham Respecting Doctor MLeod ORDERED That the same do lie on the Table Petition of George Trocep was read : Praying to be Admitted a Citizen of this State RESOLVED that the Prayer of said Petition be granted WHEREAS by Virtue of an Act of Confiscation and Attainder Passed on the first day of March One thousand seven hundred Seventy Six Sundry Negroes and other Personal Property was Confiscated and Sold for the use of the State and for which Payment, hath not been yet made for the Same Whereas by Virtue of an Act of Confiscation and Attainder Marshall, be and he is hereby directed to deliver to the Attorney General an Account of all such sales and the Purchasers to whom the aforesaid Property was Actually delivered and the Attorney General is hereby required to demand immediate Payment and to take the most Speedy and effectual measure for the recovery cf such debts and when recovered deliver the same to his Honor the Governor 340 M r Fann and M r Harriss a Committee from the Council Re turned the Bill for Continuing the Laws of this State near ex piring- without any Proposed Alterations. The Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Oliver Brown Esquire Setting forth the disadvantages he had laboured under in Consequence of a Resolve Passed in the House of As sembly in the Year One thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Eight Suspending him from the Command of the Gallies of this State. Reported which after some alterations made thereto was agreed to by the House and is as follows. RESOLVED that as it appears the said Commodore Brown con ceived himself Subject to the orders of the Continental Officer, and not of the .Governor, and that any Misconduct imputed to him, Proceeded from his having Obeyed the orders of the former in Preference to those of the latter and from no other Sourse, and further in Consideration of the faith full Servises of the said Oliver Brown upon every other Occasion And the Zeal he has always Manifested in favour of the Liberties of his Country, any Disability he may have been Subjected to by the said Sus pension be done away, and that he be fully Restored to every Benefit and advantage which he could have claimed had the said Suspension never taken Place The House agreeable to the order of the day Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Report of a Committee to whom was refered a Message from his Honor the Governor Accompanied with a Number of Let ters and other Papers from Congress and the Several Officers of Public Departments M r Habersham in the Chair The Speaker Resumed the Chair M r Habersham from the Committee of the whole House to JULY, 1783. 341 take into Consideration the Report of a Committee to whom was Refered, a Message from his Honor the Governor Accom panied with a Number of Letters and other papers from Con gress and the Several Officers of Public Departments Reported that they had taken the same into Consideration made some Progress therein and beg d leave to sit again RESOLVED that they have leave to Sit again The Committee Appointed to furnish Supplies for the Mem bers of Assembly for the Present Session Reported. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday July i; th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to amend an Act for opening the Land office brought in the same which was read the first time The Committee appointed to Arrange and Class the Persons named in the Act of Confiscation Reported ORDERED that the said Report do lie on the Table The House taking the Report of the Committee Appointed to furnish Supplies for the Members of Assembly for the Present Session which after some Amendments was agreed to and is as follows 342 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED That the Commissioners of Confiscated Property be empowered and Required to Collect from the Amerced Pe to make Sale of Confiscated Property on thursday next to a sum not Exceeding one Hundred Pounds RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to bring in a Bill to Amend An Act entitled An Act to empower the Commission ers Surveyors of the Road leading from the North West Road through Newington Village to Bryans Cowpen for making and Keeping the same in Repare : & that M r William Gibbons Jun r M r Clay and M r MIntosh be that Committee Letter from George Walton Esquire was read. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table till that part of the Report of the Committee be taken up respecting- the Suspension of the Cheif Justice Message from his Honor the President was received ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The House then Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Report of a Committee to whom was Refered a Message from his Honor the Governor Accompanied with a Number of Letters and other Papers from Congress and the Several Officers of Public Departments M r Habersham in the Chair The Speaker Resumed the Chair M r Habersham from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on a Mes sage from his Honor the Governor with Sundry Papers Re ported that they had gone through the same made Several Amend ments thereto which he Read in his Place and delivered in at the Table JULY, 1783. 343 ORDERED that the same be taken up Tomorrow The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Friday July i8 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Letter from Seaborn Jones was read and Refered to a Special Committee and that M r Jackson, M r William Few and M r Heard be that Committee The Committee appointed to Bring in a Bill to Amend an Act for laying out a Road through Newington Village brought in the same which was read the first time. The following Petitions and Memorial was read and refered to the Committee on Petitions Viz From Timothy Richardson From Lucretia Farguson From Chesley Bostick From Chesley Bostick a Memorial From Samuel Bufroft From Joseph Atkinson with Sundry Resolves of the Executive Council. Petition from Robert Walton was read and Refered to the Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Petition of Francis Williss and that all Petitions respecting Land be refered to the same Committee. 344 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r John Palmer a Member returned for the County of Burke appeared and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution RESOLVED that all Past and future Sales of Confiscated Prop erty be on the same footing, that is to say, Payable in a sum not Exceeding one Moiety in Gratuity Certificates to OfBcers, or any other Audited Claim regularly Certified by the Governor for the time being, or the State Auditor and the remaining Part in Mexican Dollars or other Monies in Goald or Silver. The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the re port of the Committee of the whole House, with the Amend ments made thereto RESOLVED that the same be read Paragraph by Paragraph when after some time Spent therein The House Adjourned to Tomorrow at half past 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday July 19 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Letter from James Stew>art was read and refered to a Special Committee and that M r Lamar, M r Heard and M r Davies be that Committee The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for Establishing a Public Warehouse or Warehouses on the Land of William Brown on the South Side of Savannah River near the Town of Augusta and else where for the purpose of Inspecting Tobacco Flour Hemp &c. brought in the same which was read the first time JULY, 1783. 345 The Committee to whom was refered the Memorial of Gen eral M r lntosh Reported. ORDERED that the said Report be Recommitted. A Bill for inforcing the Payment of Arrears of Taxes and Duties and for emposing a Tax on all Goods Wares and Mer chandize and Negro Slaves sold at Vandtie was read the Second time ORDERED that the said Bill be read Paragraph by Paragraph RESOLVED that the said Bill be engrossed and sent to the Ex ecutive Council for their Perusal and advice and that M r Harper and M r William Gibbons Jun r be a Committee to wait on them with the same. - The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on Petitions Respecting Leonard Cicil N ii Praying to be admitted a Citizen of this State RESOLVED that the Prayer of the said Petition be granted The Committee to whom were refered the Petition of Francis Willis Reported. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The Committee appointed to examine into and Report on a Letter from Charles Odingsells, Reported. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table. The Committee to whom was recommitted the Memorial of General M c lntosh Reported and after some Amendments made thereto was Agreed to by the House and is as follows That as it appears to them the General has lost most of his Vouchers by the incidents of the late War in Confidence of his 346 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Veracity such Charges in the Account Annexed to his Memorial as relate to monies Advanced and debts Contracted for and on Account of the State or Continent together with his Amount of pay and Rations and forrage be allowed the same being first duly Attested, and that the Auditor be directed to Audit and pass the same Seperating and Distinguishing such State and Continental Charges agreeable to his Instructions and that on Certificate thereof by the Auditor, should the General require it the Amount be deducted from any purchase he or his son Captain William MIntosh has made in Consideration of Considerable Sums in Money many years since by him Advanced for the Service of the State, The Other Charges being losses of the General Al though the Committee are well Convinced they are very great and have Proceeded Cheifley from the early Active and De cided part he took in favour of his Country yet as they make part of a General question, Your Committee think Cannot at this time be taken into Consideration. The following Amendments was Proposed Viz. Provided the same shall not exceed one half the Amount of such Purchase which being debated was carried in the Nagative the yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Jones is as follows. Yea Yea M r Burnet M r Crawford M r Cunningham M r Robertson M r Harper M r Clements M r Ware M r Ja s Jones M r Lamar M r Carter M r Alexander M r Lanier M r Fort M r Pugh M r Germany 16 M r Burke Nay Nay M r Jackson M r Jn Houstoun JULY, 1783. 347 M r \V m Houstoun M r Lee M r Devaux M r Benjamin Few M r W ra Gibbons Jun r M r Telfair M r Habersham M r Emanuel M r Clay M r Irevin M r Cuthbert M r Johnston M r MIntosh M r Washington M r Heard M r Palmer M r W m Few 20 M r Middleton So it was Carried in the Nagative Petition from Hugh M c Gee and William Barton were read and refered to the Committee appointed to take into Considera tion the Petition of Francis Willies The following Memorial and Petitions were read and Re fered to the Committee on Petitions Viz From Henry Cooper From Charles Burke a Memorial From Francis Hancock The Committee to whom was refered a Message from his Honor the Governor Reported and Ordered to lie on the Table The Committee to whom was refered the report of the Com mittee on Petitions on the Petition of William Graves Reported ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The Committee to whom was refered the Attorney Generals Letter Respecting the Proceedings of Captain John Hardy for the Recovery of his Demand against the Public Reported ORDERED that the said Report do lie on the Table 348 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY A Bill to Amend An Act for Laying out a Road through Newington Village was read the Second time and Ordered to be engrossed and sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and advice Ordered that M r Harper and M r William Gibbons Jun r be a Committee to wait on them with the same The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to regulate Grist .ills and Ferries with was read the first time Mills and Ferries within this State brought in the same which RESOLVED that the Bill to Amend An Act for opening the Land Office be read the second time on Monday next The House then Adjourned to Monday next 9 OClocke. (From State Archives.) Monday July 2i st 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Letter from Joseph Woodroff was read and Ordered to lie on the Table RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor be empowered and required to Issue a Proclamation, Requiring all Persons who may have Certificates in their hands for Monies Loaned to this State, that they do within Six Months from the date hereof make a Return of the same to the Governor Particularly discrib- ing the Persons name or Names to whom the same was granted, the date the sum, and the Payments if any thereon, And Also Requiring all Persons who have in their Possession any Paper Currency of this State issued under the Authority of the same, that they do also within Six Months give in a Particular State or Account thereof to the Governor So that the same may be laid before the House of Assembly for their determination there- JULY, 1783. 349 en, And any Person or Persons, who shall not within the said Six Months give in such return of Certificates or Accounts or State of Paper Money shall be Considered as Precluded from any demand or Claim upon the Public on Account of the Premises Petition from James Rae was read and Refered to the Com mittee appointed to take into Consideration the Petition of Francis Williss The following Petitions were read And Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions Viz From Peter Donworth From William Hornby The Committee appointed to revise and Amend the in force. Reported ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The House having taken up so much of the Report of the Committee of the whole House, on the Business of a Message from his Honor the Governor, Accompanied by a Number of Letters and Other Papers from Congress and the Several officers of Publick Departments as appertained to the Regulation of the Finances of this State, made some Amendments thereto and then agreed to the same which is as follows That the first and great Objects requiring the Attention of this House are the Pay ment of Debts, and the Arrangements of the Finances of the State, So that it may be known on the one hand what are the Resources we have to reckon upon, and on the other what will be the amount of Necessary Expenditures as will for the Sup port of our Internal Government as fair Contributing our Quota towards Payment of the Continental Debts or the Interest there of. To this end Your Committee Concieve it will be of great Importance to Place the Fund Produced, and to be Produced 350 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY from the States of Confiscated Property, on a Proper footing-, and they Suggest the following- mode to the Consideration of the House, that is to Say as it appears to have been a Point not well understood between the Purchasers and the State whether Certificates and other. Demands against the Public were to go in Payment of such Purchased Property. Your Committee- in order to Remove all doubts on this head Recommend that in Case any Purchaser shall incline to give up his Purchase he be Permitted to do so at any time before the first of October next That whatever Purchasers shall not so give up their said Purchases by the said first of October shall be considered as absolutely bound thereby, And Obliged to pay one equal Moiety of the said Purchase Money with the Interest thereof in Gold or Silver Coin and nothing else, and the other Moiety of Principal and Interest or so much thereof as the party may chuse in Certifi cates of this State founded on a law or Resolve of Assembly of any Denomination whatsoever under the hand of the Present, or the last or any future Governor And bearing date Subsequent to the first January one thousand Seven hundred Eighty two, or in Accounts (by way of Discount) against the Publick, duly Audited and Certified agreeable to a Resolve of Assembly Passed on the day of last Past, and due either to the Purchasers themselves or Transfered to them by any other Person or Persons whatsoever, Provided Such Certificates or Audited Accounts shall be brought in and endorsed off the Bonds of the said Purchasers within twelve Months from the date hereof, or otherwise, this last mentioned Moiety or so much thereof as at the experation of the said Twelve Months, shall remain unpaid in Certificates or Audited Accounts to be also Payable in Gold or Silver Coin and Nothing else, That in the Months of November and December Next beginning on the Second Tuesday in November and Continuing from time to time at the discretion of the Commissioners shall be Sold at Publick Auction by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates all the Confiscated Property then Remaining on hand in the Several and Respective Counties either that givin up as above JULY, 1783. . ,351 mentioned, or that which has been Sold and the terms of Sale not Complied with Provided Nevertheless that where the party has given Bonds with Security and shall give Mortgage by the first of October next it shall be deemed a Compliance or that which has never Yet been sold or exposed to Sale. And the same shall be sold payable in lour Years if Personal and Seven Years if Real Estate as mentioned and contained in the Con fiscation law. And the Purchaser shall Accordingly give Bond Mortgage and other Security as therein mentioned for the Con sideration money and good and Sufficient Security for the In terest thereof, which said consideration Money and the Interest thereof shall be payable in the same manner as the former sales were above declared to be. that is to say, the one equal Moiety of the said Purchase Money with the interest thereof in Gold or Silver Coin and nothing else, and the other Moiety of principal and Interest or so much thereof as the party may choose in the Certificates of this State, founded on any Law or resolve of Assembly of any Denomination Whatsoever Under the hand of the present or last or any future Governor and bearing date subsequent to the first of January One thousand seven hundred and Eighty two or in Accounts (by way of discount) against the Publick duly Audited and Certified agreeable to a Resolve of Assembly passed on the day of last past and due either to the purchaser themselves or transfered to them by any other Person or Persons Whatsoever provided such Certifi cates or Audited Accounts shall be brought in and endorsed off the Bonds of the said Purchasers within Twelve Months from the date hereof or otherwise this last mentioned Moiety or so much thereof as at the expiration of the said Twelve Months shall remain unpaid in Certificates or Audited Accounts to be also Payable in Gold or Silver Coin and nothing else Except the Purchaser shall make it appear that he delivered his claim and could not obtain a Certificate in time and the Auditor be re quired to give receipts for Vouchers when lodged in his office That in Case any Person or Persons holding 1 Certificates as 352 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY afore said or Audited Accounts against the Publick shall not In cline to Purchase at the sales, or to Negociate their Said Demands to those who do Purchase within the said Twelve Months Such Person or Persons shall be at Liberty within one Month after the expiration of the said Twelve Months to exchange their said De mands for a Certificate of a New Denomination, the form whereof is hereafter Specified to be Issued and Signed by the Governor in Council and regularly entered on the Council Books, and an Indent thereof kept as a Check, and shall also be Countersigned by the Treasurer of this who is hereby Empowered and required to Countersign Certificates also to keep a regular Account thereof, which said Certificates shall be Considered as forming An Aggregate and funded Debts against the State redeemable in Seven Years and Carrying an Interest of Per Cent Payable Annually in Gold or Silver out of the Publick Treasury, And further that a fund be Pro vided for Paying the Annual Interest, and eventually Sinking the Principal of these Certificates as soon as sale shall be made of all the Confiscated Property, and a State or Account thereof laid before the House and in case any Person or Persons holding Certificates or Audited Accounts as aforesaid shall neglect to bring in the same to the Treasury in manner before mentioned within the twelve Months above limitted for that Purpose, or to take out a new Certificate within one Month thereafter as afore said all and every such Person or Persons shall be, Considered as for ever Precluded from the said Demands, and the Publick will not be Liable to make Provision for Payment of the same at any time hereafter, That in all future Sales of Confiscated Property the Com missioners shall wait days for the purchasers to Comply with the terms of sale, and if not done within that time the said Commissioners shall proceed to sell again, and so on till the terms are Complied with And in Case any Person or Persons who shall Purchase as JULY, 1783. 353 aforesaid and shall refuse or Neglect to Comply with the Con siderations of sale within the time herein before limitted and the said Property shall be disposed of at the next Sale for a less sum than the Person or Persons so refusing or neglecting- were to have given for the same, he, she or they, so refusing or Neg lecting to Comply as aforesaid shall be Obliged to Make good the said Deficiency and they are hereby declared liable for the same to be recovered in any Court of Record within the State And your Committee further recommend that as soon as the twelve Months above mentioned shall be expired there be formed a Regular and fair State of the Debts remaining due to the pub- lick for Confiscated Property, and that good Bonds with the Mortgage and other Securities to the Amount of four Hundred sixty six thousand six hundred seventy and Two thirds Dollars to one Hundred and Eight Thousand Eight hundred Pounds Sixteen Shillings and six Pence, Provided remain if not the residue that do remain be taken out therefrom and Placed and Considered as a fixt fund to answer the like sum being our supposed Quota or part of the National Debts this sum at Seven Per Cent will Yield us an Interest Annually of seven thousand Six hundred twenty one Pounds fifteen Shillings and two Pence. The Interest we have to pay on the like Sum at four and five Per Cent on the foreign and Six Per Cent on the Domistick Debts will Annually Amount to six thousand Two hundred Sixty three Pounds twelve Shillings ; So that there will be an excess of Interest money Annually in our favour of one thousand three hundred fifty eight Pounds three Shillings and two Pence let this sum of Thirteen Hundred, & fifty eight Pounds three Shillings and Two Pence be Annually Carried to the Credit of the State and after deducting thereout the Neces sary Charges of Remitting the Annual Interest of our Conti nental Quota, let the Residue be placed out at Interest by the Year, and formed into a Sinking fund ready to Assist in dis charging our Quota of the principal Sums of one Million and an half of Livres (being the one twefth part of Dutch Debts) which 23 r r vol 3 354 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY become due on the fifth November One thousand Seven Hun dred eighty Seven, and our Quota of the Domistick Debts what ever the same may be As by the Mode above Suggested Provisions will be made first for paying off all the internal Debts of the State (except Treasury Certificates and the old Cerculation Bills of Credit which must be a Matture of future Consideration) Secondly for Annually Paying off Quota of the National Interest, and eventually Sinking the Principal, Your Committee are of Opinion his Honor the Governor and the Executive Council ought to be directed to take Proper Measures to call in and Col lect by Suit or other wise all Debts due to the Publick on any other Account except for Confiscated Property, And that such payments be received in nothing but Specie, and when re ceived to be Placed in the Treasury as a Fund for Contingent Purposes On Motion It is ordered that leave be given to bring in a Bill for Carrying into effect the Several Parts of the said Report respecting the Finance as agreed to by the House And that M r Clay M r Telfair and M r John Habersham be that Committee The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Re mainder of the Report of the Committee of the whole House on the Business of a Message from his Honor the Governor Ac companied by a Number of Letters and other Papers from Con gress and other officers of the Public Departments And after some Amendments made thereto agreed to the same which is as follows. Your Committee further Recommend that for the Support of the internal Government of this State a Tax Bill be immedi ately Passed which considering the distressed Situation of the Inhabitants just emerging from their Difficulties, Your Com- JULY, 1783. 355 rnittee think ought to be Confined to Lands and Negroes and be Made to Continue till the first of January next, at which time a regular Estimate to be formed and a More General Tax im posed for the Present, Your Committee Recommend that a Tax of Payable in Specie and nothing else per head on Ne groes And the like sum on every hundred Acres of land imposed the one half to be paid within and the other half at any time before the December next and in Case of Default in these Payments the Tax to be doubled on Motion That a Committee be appointed to bring in a Tax Bill and that M r Few, M r Clay and Devaux be that Committee. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for Carrying into Effect the Several parts of a Report respecting the finance as agreed to by the House Reported a Bill for that Purpose which was read the first time And Ordered to be read a Second time ToMorrow. Message from his Honor the President was received with Sundry Dispatches from his Excellency the President of Con gress and from his Excellency the Commander in Cheif RESOLVED that the Message from his Honor the President with the Papers Accompanying the same be refered to a Special Committee and that M r Telfair M r Clay and John Houstoun be that Committee The House then Adjourned to ToMorrow Morning 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Tuesday July 22 d 1783 The House met According to Adjournment M r Fann & M r Telfair a Committee from the Council Re turned the following Bills without any Proposed Amendments 356 Viz The Bill for Laying a duty on Transient Trade and also a Duty on Vandues and for the more effectual recovery of Arrears due and owing the State on Acts Passed to that effect The Bill to Amend An Act for laying out a Road through Nuvington Village &c RESOLVED that the Auditor be Directed to Audit the Accounts of the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates and Allow full Com missioners where the terms have been fully Complied with, and half where Bonds only have been given the said Commissioners Producing Proper Vouchers of the same under the hand of his Honor the Governor, and that in Such Accounts the said Com missioners of each County be allowed the Commissioners arising from the Sales in their respective Counties Previous to the Act to reduce the Number of Commissioners Passed the last Session of Assembly, and that all Accounts, or Business Since trans acted by the Commissioners appointed by that Act; be allowed in the same Proportion on receipt by the Auditor of Like Vouch ers, or the sum of three Dollars Per day agreeable to the said Act at their option. Micajah Williamson Esquire a Member returned from the County of Wilks appeared and took Oath Prescribed in the Con stitution A Bill to Release certain Persons from their Bargains for Establishing funds, and for other Purposes therein Mentioned was read a Second time ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and Sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and Advice, and that M r Ware and M r Benjamin Few be a Committee to wait on them with the same. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock JULY, 1783. 357 (From State Archives.) Wednesday July 23 thd 1783 The House met .According to Adjournment The Committee to whom was Refered a letter from James Stewart Attorney for M Carten Campbell Reported and after some Amendments made thereto the House agreed to the same and is as follows Viz That having made enquiry of the Commissioners, and find that not a Slave from M r Campbells Carolina Estate was Amerced and further at the time of being made there was not any demand or that they employed People to Appraise the Estate that was well Acquainted with the Setua- tion of it. Your Committee are of Opinion the said Amercement ought to be Paid Agreeable to An Act made for that Pur pose. RESOLVED That the Bill for Establishing Warehouses on the Land of William Brown for the Inspecting Tobacco & Flour, be recommitted to a Committee of three and that M r Cuthbert, M r Houstoun and M r Tel fair be that Committee The Committee appointed to examine the Accounts of the Commissioners for Indian affairs reported ORDERED that the said report do lie on the Table Petition from a number of Inhabitants of the County of Wilks was read and refered to a Committee and that M r Davies, M r John Houstoun, M r Williamson M r Jackson and M r Heard be that Committee The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for the purpose of raising the sum of by Imposing a Tax on the Inhabitants 358 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY of the State of Georgia for the use and Support of the Govern ment, brought in the same which was read the first time. A Bill to repeal and amend some part of an Act entitled An Act for opening the Land Office, was read the Second time on Debate thereon the following Motion was Made. That the Justices of the Several Counties or any five of them as hereafter Mentioned shall meet in their respective Counties on the first Monday in each Month, and for as Many days follow ing as they shall find it Necessary to hold Court at the place where the Superior Court of such Counties Respectively are held and that the said Justices meet or Any Number of them not under five and of which five or quarter number one or more of the Assistant Justices of the County shall be a part, shall Consti tute a Board and be Competent to all and Singular the business pointed out and required by the said Act, to be done by a Board of Justices. The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Jackson Yea Yea M r Jn Houstoun M r Middleton M r W ra Houstoun M r Lee M r Clay M r Benj a Few M r Heard M r Crawford M r Burnett M r Telfair M r Cunningham M r Emanuel M r Harper M r Clements M r Ware M r Ja s Jones M r Lamar M r Irwin M r Alexander M r Lanier M r Fort M r Pugh M r Germany M r Palmer M r W m Few M r Williamson M r Burke 28. M r Robertson JULY, 1783. 359 (Nay M r Jackson M r Davies M r Davaux M r Carter M r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Washington M r Habersham 8 M r M c lntosh so it was carried in the Affirmative. The following Amendments was proposed And Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that in all and every case of entering and trying a Caveat Allowed under the said Act for Granting Lands, where one of the parties in such caveat shall not reside in the where the same shall be tried, such party in case of being dissatisfied with the decision thereon shall beat liberty within three days to appeal therefrom to the Hon orable the Governor and Council who are hereby Authorised and empowered on clue Notice being given to all Parties to have the Merit of the said caveat reheard before them and finally to pronounce Judgment and Sentence on the same, and in all and every case where the first Judgment given by the Board of Justices in the County shall be Approved and Confirmed by the Governor and Council the other party shall pay all costs of appeal and also Subject to the following Proviso reasonable Charges of the Prevailing party Attending the same which said Costs and Charges shall be allowed and Certified by the Gov ernor in Council and in Case of non payment on Demands, the said prevailing party shall be entitled to his Action at Law and on Producing the Governors Certificate (which shall be deemed a Sufficient Voucher) shall recover a Judgment for the Amount of the same. Provided nevertheless that in Case the Governor in Council shall Certify that it appears to him the party failing had a plausible Pretence for appealing and that the same did not arise in his Judgment from a Letigous Disposition that then Nothing more shall be allowed against such party but the Costs of appeal. 360 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r W ra Houstoun are as follows Yea M r Jackson M r Jn Houstoun M r W m Houstoun M r Devaux M r W m Gibbons J r M r Habersham M r Clay Nay M M M Heard Ware Burnett M r Lamar M r Germany M r W m Few M r Burke M r Robertson M r Lee M r Benj a Few M r Crawford M r Telfair M r Jones Yea M r M c lntosh AI r Harper M r Davies M r Carter M r Johnson 12 Nay M r Irwin M r Lanier M r Pugh M r Alexander M r Fort M r Cunningham M r Midclleton M r Emanuel M r Clements M r Palmer M r Williamson 24. so it was carried in the Negative RESOLVED that the said Bill be sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and advice & that M r Devaux & M r Carter be a Committee to wait on them with the Same. The Bill to Amend An Act for laying out a Road through Newington Village &c. was read the third time. ORDERED that the said Bill do pass. JULY, 1783. 361 A Bill to continue the Laws of this State near Expiring was read the third time. ORDERED that the said Bill do pass. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for the more Speedy Tryal of Criminals in each County within this State brought in the same which was read the first time. Petition from Peter Henry Morell was read praying to be Ad mitted a Citizen of this State RESOLVED that the prayer of the Petition be Granted. Letter from John Twiggs & Daniel M c Murphy with an Ac count against this State \vas read. RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be empowered to dis count or make immediate Payment to General John Twiggs on Daniel JYPMurphy in a Sum not exceeding One hundred Pounds Sterling on Account of the Transportation of arms Clothing &c. from the States of Pensylvania and Virginia to Georgia, and that the Auditor be directed to Lequidate the Account and give An Audited Certificate for the balance that may appear due to be Considered as a Gold and Silver Claim against the State. Petition from Benjamin Retchings was read and refered to a Committee & and that M r Harper & M r Davies be that Com mittee. The following Petitions were read & refered to the Committee on Petitions Viz From Alexander Carter From George Cook & Thomas Balew Petition from John Lamar & James Stallings were read & refered to the Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Francis Williss. 362 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY A Bill for laying out the reserve land in the Town of Savannah into Acre Letts, the Erecting an Academy or Seminary of Learn ing & for other Purposes therein Mentioned was read the Second time RESOLVED that the Order of the day Tomorrow be the Report of the Committee on Petitions. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 OClock. (From State Archives.) Thursday July 24 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Petition from Hepworth Carter was read & Refered to a Special Committee, & that M r William Few, M r Clay & M r Hab- ersham be that Committee. Whereas it has been represented that by Virtue of an Act by the Insurance Office established by the Legislature for the en couragement of Trade; that Sundry Persons did Actually Cover Property, and pay the premicem into the proper Office, and are at this time in possession of the Policies of Insurances made on the part of the State therefore RESOLVED that the Auditor be empowered and required to make Strict enquiry into the manner and time of Capture, and where it shall appear just and equitable that the State shall stand Accountable, in like manner as if the same had been done be tween individual & Individual and that the Auditor is hereby directed to Liquidate suoh Claim agreeable to the rules & Regu lations pointed out in like manner as any other Claim against the State JULY, 1783. 363 The Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Benjamin Ketchings Praying that he may be allowed to Survey five Hun dred Acres of Land in the Creek or Cherokee Lands as soon as they are added to the State Reported ORDERED that the said Report do lie on the Table Petition from Henry Allison Cap 1 James Stallings Cap* Thomas Hamilton L 1 & Ezekiel Stallings were read and refered to the Committee on Petitions. The following Motion being made which being debated was Carried in Nagative and is as follows Whereas it appears that very great disadvantages may arise to Individuals from a lemitation on the rates and prices Stipu lated on any Specie of grain or Provision since the first day of January one thousand and Seven hundred Eighty two, be it therefore Resolved that the Auditor be empowered and required to Settle and Liquidate all Public claims of any Species of grain or Provision at the rates and prices that may have been Cur rent at the time of delivery, in Gold & Silver to Continue and be in force untill the first day of December next. The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Jones are as follows Yea Yea M p Deveaux AF M c lntosh M r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Telfair M r Habersham M r Jones M r Clay M r Irwin M r Cuthbert 9. Nay Nay M r Jackson M r Burnett M r W m Houstoun M r Harper M r Heard M r Ware 364 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Lamar M r Davies M r Fort M r Carter M r Germany M r Johnson M r Robertson M r Washington M r Middleton M r Lanier M r Lee M r Pugh M r Benj a Few M r Palmer M r Emanuel M r Williamson I\l r Clements M r W ra Few 24. so it was Carried in Nagative M r Morell & M r Harriss a Committee from the Executive Council returned the Bill to relieve Certain Persons therein De scribed, without any proposed Alterations. The Order of the day being Called for The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on Petitions reported on the last Session of Assembly Viz ? N 23 From John Butler Maxwell Mary his wife praying that the said John Butler Maxwell may be admitted a Free Citizen. RESOLVED that the Prayer of said Petition be not granted N 23 From Elizabeth Munroe Praying her Husband Simon Munro may be Admitted a Citizen of this State RESOLVED that the Prayer of said Petition be not granted N D 27 Petition from Donald MIntosh. Praying to be Ad mitted a Citizen of this State. RESOLVED that the Prayer of said Petition be granted JULY, 1783. 365 N 35. From Thomas Gibbons Attorney at Law Praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation. RESOLVED that the said Thomas Gibbons be taken off the Act of Confiscation & put on the Act of Amerce ment X 36. From Thomas Gouph Praying to be Admitted a Citizen of this State RESOLVED that the prayer of said Petition be granted X 37. From Burton Williams Praying Certain Negroes agree able to his fathers Will may be granted him your Com mittee finding from Information that the petitioners Father is still living & at S Augustene therefore are of opinion the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to. X 38. From John Gillstrap RESOLVED that the Consideration of the prayer of said Petition be Postponed. N 39. From Patrick Welsh Praying two Thousand Acres of Land in the forks of the River Okoney & Oak-Mulgy Rivers might be granted him for past Servises The Committee v Reports that when ever those Lands are Ceded to the State the Petitioner will come in for such part as our former Laws or Resolves directs to those in his Situation, which was agreed to. N 40. From John Holly, Praying two Negroes taken from him by Major Carr & Captain Michael Jones may be restored to him Your Committee are of Opinion it ought to be refered to a Court of Law, which was agreed to N 41. From William Horneby praying to Purchase a Certain 366 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Tract of Land Adjoining the Sparing Hill on the west ern Road, also to hire a Number of Public Negroes Your Committee are of Opinion it ought not to be granted, which was agreed to N 42. From William Jones (Lawyer) Praying to be taken of the Act of Confiscation & be Permitted to return to his family RESOLVED that the prayer of the said Petition be not granted N 43. From Anne Stewart praying a Certain House and Lot formerly the property of Mathew Stewart and sold by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates to Josiah Powell, might be ordered to be returned to her as she had N 44. From George Bazil Spencer, Praying to be taken out of the Bill of Amercement, & in case he should not that he might be allowed a Deduction in his Amercement for a Negroe lost in the Service of the public. Your Com mittee are of opinion the Prayer of the Petition respect ing said Negroe ought to be allowed in Case he makes it properly appear he lost the said Negroe in the Service of the public which was agreed to. N 46. From Phillip Dill praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation. RESOLVED that the prayer of the said Petition be not granted From James Spalding praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation &c RESOLVED that the said James Spalding be taken off the Act of Confiscation & put on the Act of Amerce ment JULY, 1783. 367 N 47. From Sarah Frazer Praying that her husband might be taken off the Act of Confiscation and be permitted to re turn to this State, Your Committee are of Opinion that the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to. N 48. From Sundry Ladies of Augusta in favour of Doctor Andrew Johnston. Your Committee are of Opinion the prayer of the Petition be not granted which was agreed to. N 49. From Jean MBride. Postponed. N 50. From David Murdock, Praying a Certain lot late the property of Wylly & purchased by him in the Year one thousand seven hundred & Eighty one & since Sold by Virtue of the Confiscation Act might be ordered to the Petitioner. Your Committee are of opinion the prayer of the petition ought not to be granted, which was agreed to. N 51. Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of Burke County in favour of Peter Wynne requesting the said Wynne might be taken of the Act of Amercement. Your Com mittee are of Opinion that the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted, which was agreed to. N 52. From Daniel Johnston. Postponed. N 53. From Several Persons in favour of Luke Man praying the said Luke Man be taken of the Amercement Act. Your Committee are of Opinion ought not to be granted which was agreed to N 54. From David Delegall praying his Fathers Lands might be returned to him. Your Committee are of opinion 368 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to. N 55. From John Goldwire praying to be taken out of the Act of Amercement. Your Committee are of Opinion the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted, which was agreed to. N 56. From John Rutledge. Postponed. N 57. From Charles Watts Praying to be taken of the Act of Confiscation. Your Committee are of Opinion that the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted. N 58. From Sarah Culdwell, praying for two Negroes Seques tered and Sold to Captain Few. Your Committee are of Opinion that the said Negroes be delivered her, & that this House will make good any Losses Captain Few may Sustain on the purchase of said Negroes which was agreed to. N 61. From Elizabeth Donaldson Granted last Session. N 62. From Mary Durgan Granted last Session. N 64. From James Ingram praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation & that he have leave to become a Citizen. Your Committee Unanimously are of Opinion that the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted, which was agreed to. N 65. From John Glen praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation. Your Committee are of Opinion that he ought to be taken off the Act of Confiscation and put on the Act of Amercement, which was agreed to. JULY, 1783. 369 The Yeas and Nays being called for by M r Carter are as follows Yea Yea M r W n Houstoun M r Harper M r Jn Houstoun M r Lee M r Burnet M r Crawford M r Deveaux M r W m Few Ivl r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Burke M r Habersham M r Roberson M r Clay M r Telfair M r Cuthbert Al r Emanuel M r APIntosh M r Jones M r Heard M r Palmer M r Ware M r Williamson M r Lamar M r Irwin M r Fort 26. M r Germany Nay Nay M r Jackson M r Carter M r Cunningham M r Johnson M r Ben. Few AP Lanier M r Micldleton M r Puo-h o I\I r Clements 9 so it was Carried in the Affermative. Whereas it has appeared to the Satisfaction of this House that the Case of Ann Stewart of Savannah Spenster in respect to a House and lott in Savannah which she purchased whilst the British were in Possession of that place, of and from Mathew Stewart and which Sale under the terms of the Confiscation Act was in Strictness void, was peculiarly hard, and altho the said Law being made for General purposes was Just and Necessary, Yet that in the particular Case of the said Ann Stew art the Same was Contrary to those rules of Equity & Humanity 21 r r vol 3 370 which this House are desirous may Characterize all their pro ceedings It is therefore Unanimously Resolved that this House of Assembly will and by this Resolution doth make a Present or Compliment of the said House and lot with all buildings and improvements thereunto belonging Unto the said Ann Stewart her heirs and Assigns for ever And his Honor the Governor is hereby empowered and required to deliver up to the said Ann Stewart all Bonds Mortgages or other writings respecting the said Primises which she may have given at the time of her Pur chasing the same at the public Sales or at any time Since free and Clear of any Public Demand except paying the Commis sioners their Legal Commissions for or upon Account of the said Confiscation Act or the Sale there under Made. On reading the petition of Margaret MDonald Widow and the report thereon it is resolved that the property real and Per sonal prayed for in the said petition be granted to the said Marga ret in trust for her present Children untill the Youngest of them shall arrive at the age of Sixteen Years and then to be equally devided between such of them as shall be then living. Provided the present Purchaser or Purchasers of such Estate will give up the same on having his or her Bond and Mortgage returned, but if not then the said Bond and Mortgage given to Secure the purchase Money be Assigned over to the said Margaret under the trust aforesaid On Motion That leave be given to bring in a Bill to take off the Interest off all the debts Contracted before the War between the periods therein Mentioned, and that M r Houstoun and M r William Few be a Committee to prepare and bring in the same. A Bill for Amercing certain Persons therein named was read the first time. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 OClock JULY, 1783. 371 (From State Archives.) Friday July 25 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the report of the Committee on Petitions Reported on the last Session N 6. From Thomas Polhill, Praying to be taken off the Act of Amercement. The Committee are of opinion that the Prayer of the said petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to N 22. From a Number of Inhabitants of Burke County in fa vour of Amos Whitehead Praying to be taken off the Act of Amercement RESOLVED that the prayer of said petition be not granted N 66. From Hannah Goldsmith Praying that a part of the Estate of Thomas Goldsmith the Younger might be given to her Grand Child equivalent to a third of the Estate of Thomas Goldsmith the Elder. RESOLVED That any sales made by the Commissioners that May interfere with any Just Claim on her Part under the Will of her late Husband Thomas Gold smith ought to be made Void N 68. From Christiana Sayer Praying for a House and Lott Sold as the property of William Knox, which the Peti tioner declares to have been the Property of her late Husband Sayer. The Committee are of Opinion that upon the petitioner Making it Properly appear that the said House & Lott was the case it ought to go as the late Sayer s Will directs which was agreed to 372 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY N 69. From John Storr Praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation & restored to Citizenship. The Committee are of opinion the Prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted, which was agreed to N 70. From Alexander Rose Praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation & restored to Citizenship RESOLVED that it is the Opinion of this House that Rose Esq r one of the Persons named in our Act of Confis cation & Banishment, ought to be taken off the said Act and Placed on the Amercement Act but as the said M r Rose is a Resident of the State of South Carolina and at this time upon the Act of Confiscation & Banish ment of that State, his Case ought to be defered until it is Known what the Legislature of that State will determine upon respecting him N 71. From Robert Reid Praying to be taken off the Confisca tion Act The Committee are of Opinion the prayer of the petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to N 74. From Martha Marshall Praying a Certain tract of Land sold by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates & the Property of her late husbands Father. The Committee are of Opinion in Case the Said Martha Marshall can make it appear that her late husband was the heir to the Lands Mentioned in the Petition the Prayer of the Pe tition ought to be granted which was agreed to N 75. From a Number of Persons in behalf of Thomas Walker Playing the said Walker might be remitted his Amerce ment. The Committee are of Opinion that whatever remains of his Amercement be remitted him which was agreed to N 76. From James White a Maimed & discharged Soldier pray ing for assistance. JULY, 1783. 373 RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be requested to deliver into Maj r Habershams hands for James White the Sum allowed by the Act Passed for the relief of Maimed Persons for the loss of his right arm N 78. From Sundry Inhabitants in favour of Thomas Young Expressing a desire that the said Young be taken off the Act of Confiscation. RESOLVED that in Consideration of the Petition of a Member of Whig Citizens of Liberty County the Name of Thomas Young be taken out of Confis cation Act and Placed on the Act of Amercement. The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Cunningham are as follows. Yea Yea M r Jackson M r Ware M r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Fort M r Houstoun M r Germany M r W m Houstoun M r Palmer M r Deveaux M r W m Few M r Habersham M r Roberson M r Clay M r Middleton M r Invin M r Crawford M r Burke M r Telfair M r Cuthbert M r Emanuel M r M c lntosh M r Clements M r Heard M r Williamson M p Harper 25 Nay Nay M r Burnet M r Pugh M r Cunningham M r Ja s Jones M r Lamar M r Lanier M r Lee M r Johnson M r Carter M r Davies 374 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY so it was Carried in the Affirmative N 79. From Jean Boyd. Postponed N 80. From James Hunt praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation. The Committee are of Opinion the prayer of said Petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to. N 81. From James Greenhow. praying to become a Citizen of this State. The Committee are of opinion the prayer of the petition ought to be granted, which was agreed to N 82. From Mary Outlaw praying her late Husbands Bond given for the rent of a Plantation now in the hands of the Attorney General might be given up to her The Com mittee are of Opinion the prayer of the Petition ought to be granted, which was agreed to N 83. From Raymond Demeree Jun r praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation. RESOLVED That the name of Raymond Demeree Jun r be taken off the Act of Confiscation & put on the Act of Amercement. The Yeas & Nays being Called for by M r James Jones are as follows. Yea Yea M r Jackson M r M c lntosh M r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Heard M r Jn Houstoun M r Burnet M r W m Houstoun M r Harper M r Deveaux M r Ware M r Habersham M r Lamar M r Clay M r Fort M r Cuthbert M r Germany JULY, 1783. 375 M r Burke M r Invin M r Lee M r Johnson M r Benjamin Few ?,I r Lanier M r Crawford M r Pngh M r Telfair :\I r Palmer M r Emanuel M r Williams M r Clements 29 Nay Nay M r Cunningham M r Jones M r Davies 4. M r Carter so it was Carried in the Affirmative N 84. From Joseph Woodruff ) R - ected From Thomas Finley } N 86. From John Wauclen praying to be appointed Physician to the prisoners & poor of the County of Chatham the Committee are of opinion that there is no Occasion at this time for any such Person which was agreed to. N 87. From Isaac Clyat Postponed N 88. From John Weeden Praying a Compensation Might be Allowed him for Services done &c. The Committee are of Opinion that when the said Wauden Makes out Proper Accounts against the State, that then he will come in with the rest of the Citizens of the State which was agreed to. N 89. From John Wauden. Setting forth his having bought a House & Lott, the property of James Johnson Printer & now kept from him by the said Johnson praying that the said House may be ordered him. Memorial from James Johnson which was committed to a 376 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Special Committee Reported that the House and Lott prayed for was given by the Legislature of this State to the Wife and Family of the Memorialist therefore any sale of said House and Lott as the property of said James Johnson made by the Commission ers is and should be null and Void which was agreed to. N 90. From Ferrebee Dawson Praying for a Small Tract of Land of One hundred Acres & Purchased by M r Dollar The Committee are of opinion that in Case the said Dollar will Relenquish his Purchase that then the Land be given to the Children of the said Dawson which was agreed to. N9i. From William Pickeron. Postponed. N 92. From Alexander Creighton Praying to be Taken off the Act of Confiscation. RESOLVED that the Petitioner be taken off the Act of Confiscation & put on the Amercement Act. N 93. From Charles Francis Chevalier Praying he might have the Liberty of taking eight or ten Negroes of the For feited Property for Certain Certificates now in his Pos session The Committee are of Opinion the Prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to. N 94. From Mary Jackson respecting a Certain Tract of Land The Committee are of Opinion that it ought to go to a Court of Law which was agreed to. N 95. From Elizabeth Stewart Praying for a Dower in a Certain Tract of Land. The Committee are of Opinion it ought to be refered to a Court of Law which was agreed to. N 96. From John Howell in behalf of his Father, praying his JULY, 1783. 377 Father might be taken off the Act of Confiscation, and be restored to Citizenship the Committee are of Opinion that the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to. N 98. From James Lambeth Postponed N 99. From John Lamar with a Pay Roll Praying to be or dered Payment. The Committee are of Opinion it ought to be refered to the Auditor of Accounts which was agreed to. N 1 01. From Barbara Clark (Setting forth that her Uncle Wil liam Clark had made away with her Property with a Resolve of Assembly in the Year One thousand seven hundred seventy Eight Appeared ordering her the Lands of the said W m Clerk for Damages, which Lands have been since Sold by the Commissioners of Forfeited Es tates Praying for the Estate of her Uncle or the Bonds for which the same was sold might be granted up to her RESOLVED that the prayer of the Petition be granted N 103. From David Sherrell Setting forth that he was entitled to a Certain Property after the Death of his Grand Mother, which Property the Commissioners of For feited Estates were about taking into their Possession Praying the Commissioners might be Ordered not to disturb the said Property. The Committee are of Opin ion ought not to be granted which was agreed to. N 104. From Mathew Winecoff Postponed N 105. From William Struthers Postponed The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 OClock 378 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Arc/lives.) Saturday July 26 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment The Committee appointed to draw up a Bill to take off the Interest of all the Debts Contracted before the War between the Perids therein Mentioned, brought in the same which was read the first time. The Bill for Releasing Certain Persons therein described was read the third time. ORDERED that the said Bill do Pass under the Title of An Act for Releasing Certain Persons from their Bargains, and again, Setting and disposing of the Same Premices, for Establishing funds and for other Purposes therein Mentioned. The Committee to whom was Recommitted the Bill for Erect ing Warehouses in the Town of Augusta and for establishing Inspections in the State Brought in the Same which was read the first time A Bill for laying a duty on Transient Trade and also a duty on Vandues and for the More Effectual Recovery of arrears due, and Owing the State on Acts Passed to that Effect was red the Third time ORDERED that the Bill do Pass, into An Act under the Title of An Act for Laying a duty on Transient Trade and also a duty on Vandues, and for the More Effectual Recovery of Ar rears due, and Owing the State on Acts Passed to that Effect. The Committee on Petitions Reported from 21 to 32 ORDERED that the Report do lie on the Table JULY, 1783. 379 Memorial from David Rees was read and Refered to a Spe cial Committee and that M r Jackson M r John Houstoun M r Gib bons Ju r be that Committee The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Sunday July 2/ h 1783. The House met According to Adjournment The following Memorial & Petitions were read Viz. From Thomas Carter From Archibald Woods From Jeremiah Oats From a Number of the Inhabitants of Richmond County From George Tarvin From Thomas Lewis, Peter Paris, James Martin & H. Law- son ORDERED that the said Petitions and Memorials be refered to the Committee on Petitions Letter from Abraham Ravot & Hough Lawson Commission ers of Confiscated property was read ORDERED that the same be refered to a Committee & that M r Fort M r Alexander Petition from Thomas Carter was read & refered to the Ex ecutive departments. Petitioners from Nathaniel Hicks James Martin were Read & 380 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Refered to the Committee appointed to Reconsider of the Committee on Petitions Respecting the Granting at Augusta The Committee to whom was refered the letter from his Ex cellency General Washington with Several Papers attending the same Reported as follows which was agreed to. That they recommend that his Honor the Governor be re quested to write a letter in answer to General Washingtons to him expressing in the Strongest Terms, the sincear Affection and Gratitude which this house full towards that Great and illus trious Man to him who has for Eight long Years generously sacrificed every private Motion or Domestic Enjoyment to the inestimable object of Liberty, to his Country, and who has Im pressed on the mind of every Virtuous American in Characters which neither time or Accident can efface the greatfull Remem brance that such a Statesman, such a patriot and Such a Soldier lived at a time when the invaded Rights of the Nue World wanted an Assertor and Defender, to him who (when the His toric Page shall be the only Remaining Evidence of those mighty Deeds, which now astonished the world) will be quoted and recommended by Philosophers of a Distant age as a Patern for the lovers of Mankind and the Rights of Human Nature to emitate And finally to Assure his Excellency that the Inhabi tants of this State in Common with all others in the federal League will and do Make it their Humble and earnest Prayer to Almighty God that the Toils and dangers of War May now be amply compensated to him in the Solid Enjoyments of a peace as durable as it is glorious. And that no Means shall be left Unessayed by us to enable Congress to fulfill their engagements to and Generously to recompence those Brave and Virtuous Veterans who have been the Sharers in Suffering and the Com panions in Victory of their General, and who ought most As suredly now to be Partakers with their Countrymen in the in comparable Prize of Liberty and Indipendence for the Attain- JULY, 1783- 381 ment of which they have so manfully fought and so freely bled Petition from a Number of Inhabitants of the Town of Au gusta was read Setting forth that they were destitute of a place for Publick Worship, and at the same time a Considerable Quantity of Land lying Wast. Praying that a Law may Pass whereby the Glebe Lands may be sold in lots and the Monies arising therefrom be appropriated to Religious uses. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table ORDERED that the Bill for laying out the Reserve Land in the Town of Augusta into Acre Lotts the Erecting an Academy or Semenary of Learning and for other Purposes therein Men tioned, be sent to the Executive Council for their Perusal and Advice & that M r Emanuel & M r Pugh be a Committee to \vqi* on them with the same. A. Bill to Empower Certain Commissioners therein Appointed to Regulate the Hire of Porters and labour of Slaves in the Town of Savannah, was read the Third time ORDERED that the said Bill do pass, into An Act under the Title of an Act to empower Certain Commissioners therein Ap pointed to Regulate the Hire of Porters and labour of Slaves in the Town of Savannah, and for other purposes therein Men tioned & that the Speaker Sign the same A Bill for raising the Sum of by imposing a tax on the Inhabitants of the State was read the Second time On Motion That the further Consideration of said Bill be Postponed for one Week. The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Cun ningham are as follows JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Yea Yea M r Cunningham M r Crawford M r Harper M r Williamson M r Fort 5. Nay Nay JVP Jackson M r Roberson M r Jn Houstoun M r Lee M r W m Houstoun M r Telfair M r W m Gibbons M r Emanuel M r Clay M r Irwm M r Cuthbert M r Davies M r M c lntosh M r Carter M r Heard Al r Johnson M r Burnet M r Lanier M r Ware M r Pugh M r Lamar M r Palmer M r Alexander M r Habersham M r Germany M r Clements M r W m Few 28 M r Burke so it was Carried in the Negative The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 OC K (From State Archives.) Monday July 28 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Memorial from John Strong was read ORDERED that the said Memorial be refered to a Special Com mittee & that M r Davies M r Clay & M r Johnson be that Com mittee. JULY, 1783. 383 ORDERED that the Bill for Raising the Sum of by Im posing a Tax on the Inhabitants of the State be sent to the Ex ecutive Council for their Perusal and advise & that M r Alex ander & M r Middleton be a Committee to wait on them with the Same Letter from Moredcai Sheftall & Benjamin Lloyd inclosing Instructions from a Number of the Inhabitants of the County of Chatham, to their Members in the Assembly and Requesting that the Same might be be laid before the House was Accord ingly laid before the House by said Members and read The Committee to whom was Refered a letter from the Com missioners of Confiscated Property with an Affidavit inclosed in the same RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor & Executive Coun cil be empowered and required to pay to the Honorable George \Yalton Esquire Cheif Justice the sum of one Hundred Pounds on Account of his Salary. The Yeas & Nays being Called for by M r Carter is as follows Yea Yea M r Jackson M r Heard M r Jn Houstoun M r Cunningham M r Habers ham M r Harper M r Clay M r Germany M r Ware M r W m Few M r Lamar M r Burke M r Alexander M r Roberson M r Fort M r Middleton M r Telfair M r Lee M r Emanuel M r Lanier M r Clements M r Pugh M r Johnson M r Palmer M r Cnthbert M r Williamson M r M c lntosh M r \\ m Gibbons Ju r 384 Nay M r W ra Houstoun M r Carter M r Benj a Few so it was Carried in the Affermative. RESOLVED That his Honor the Governor be empowered to pay the Secretary of the State Fifty Pounds in part of his Salary. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 OC K (From State Archives.) Tuesday July 29 th 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Letter with a Petition & other Papers Inclosed from James Ingram was read & Refered to the Committee on Petitions Petition from a Number of Inhabitants of the Vecinity of Augusta in favour of Doctor Johnson was read & Refered to the Committee on Petitions Motion by M r William Houstoun & Seconded by M r Carter. That a Motion, which was Yesterday Entered on the Journals ro the following effect That his Honor the Governor be em powered and requested to pay every publick Officer in Propor tion to the Cheif Justice be Re-entered as the same have been Erased from the Journals. The previous Question being Called for. "Whether the Mo tion be now put it Passed in the Negative, so the main Question .was lost. The Yeas & Nays, being Called for are as follows JULY, 1783- 385 Yea Yea M r W m Houstoun M r Burnet M r Middleton M r Pugh M r Crawford M r Davies Nay Nay M r Jackson M r Burke M r Deveaux M r Robertson M r W m Gibbons Ju r M p Lee M r Habersham M r Benj a Few M r M c lntosh M r Telfair M r Heard M r Emanuel M r Cunning-ham M r Clements M r Harper M r Lanier M p Ware M r Palmer M r Alexander M r Williamson M r Fort M r Lamar M r Germany 23 RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor and Executive Coun cil do give a Certificate to such Persons as have a Right to Land by Virtue of an Act of Assembly of this State Passed in the Year One thousand seven hundred & Eighty One, and further to grant Certificates to the Soldeery of the Georgia Line who may Apply and are entitled to land Proper Vouchers of the same being Produced to their Satisfaction RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor and Executive Coun cil do give a Certificate to such persons as shall have a Right to Land by Virtue of An Act of Assembly of this State Passed in the Year One thousand seven hundred RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to ;5 r r vol 3 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY enable the United States in Congress Assembled to impose and levy a Duty of Five Per Cent on on the Value of all goods Wares and Merchandize Imported into this State, in Manner and for the Purposes therein Mentioned. And that M r Telfair, M r John Houstoun, and M r Clay be that Committee The Committee to whom was refered the Petition of David Rees Esquire. Reported as their Opinion that as by the Present mode of Granting Land the Petitioner is deprived of the Per quisites heretofore Annexed to the Office he now holds of Clerk of the Council, that his Salary ought to be Augmented, and therefore Recommend to the House to allow the Sum of One hundred Pounds, in Addition to the Salary granted said Rees in February last which \vas agreed to The Yeas and Nays being Called for are as follows Yea Yea M r Jackson M r Heard M r Jn Houstoun M r Lamar M r Deveaux M r Burke M r Cunningham M r Germany M r Harper M r W m Few M r Ware M r Robertson M r Lee M r Middleton M r Benj a Few M p Davies M r Clements M r Carter M p W m Gibbons Jun r M r Johnson M r Habersham M r Lanier M r Clay M r Palmer M r Cuthbert M r Williamson M r M c lntosh 27 Nay M r Crawford M r Pugh M r Fort 5 so it was Carried in the Affirmative. JULY, 1783. 387 The Committee to whom was refered the Petitions of John Bacon, James Martin & Nathaniel Hicks. Reported. ORDERED that the said Report do lie on the Table M r Morell & M r Harriss a Committee from the Council Re turned the following- Bills Viz A. Bill for the laying out the Reserve land in the Town of Augusta into Acre Lotts, the erecting an Academy or Seminary of Learning and for other Purposes therein Mentioned without any Proposed Amendments. A. Bill to Repeal and Amend some part of An Act entitled An Act for opening the Land Office with Some Proposed Amend ments & A. Bill for Raising the Sum of by Imposing a Tax on the Inhabitants of this State, with Sundry Proposed Amend ments. The following Acts after being engrossed were brought in and Examined at the Table Viz An Act for Releasing Certain Persons from their Bargains & again Setting and disposing of the Same for Establishing Funds and for other purposes therein Mentioned. An Act to amend an Act for laying out a Road from the Northwest Road through Newington Village An Act for enforcing the payment of Arrears of taxes and Duties And for imposing a Tax on all Goods, Wares and Mer chandize and Negro Slaves sold at Vandue RESOLVED that the Speaker Sign the Same WHEREAS it appears to this House by the Information of 388 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY James Stewart, Attorney to M c Cartan Campbell Esq. that the Commissioners of the Confiscated Estates are about Seezing the Effects of said Campbell for the Payment of his Amercement, and as it farther Appears that a part of the said Money Arising from the Sales of the aforesaid Effects is intended to be applied to the payment and discharge of debts contracted by the Mem bers of the House for their Support during the Present Session Therefore RESOLVED that in Case the said Stewart Settle with and Satisfy such Persons having demands, against any of the Members aforesaid for Board and Lodging since the Meeting of the As sembly that the Sum or Sums so Settled as aforesaid, shall be Admitted by the said Commissioners and be allowed in part payment of said Campbells Amercement The House having taken up the Remainder of the the report of the Committee of the whole House in a Message from his Honor the Governor Accompanied by a Number of Letters and other Papers from Congress, and the Several officers of Public departments as appertained to the Regulaton of the Finances of this State agreed to the same and is as follows The Committee are further of Opinion that the Conduct of those Persons who go upon Lands either within or without our or Present temporary boundary s and Marke the Trees of the same without a Sufficient Authority for so doing, is highly Un warrantable, and May Speedily involve this Country in the most Serious difficulties That his Honor the Governor and the Ex ecutive Council ought without loss of time to Cause Such Per sons to be Prosecuted agreeable to the Acts of Assembly in Such Cases made and Provided in Regard to those who by Acts of Robbery and Outrage endeavours to Provoke the Indians into a War with us The Committee think such Persons ought at all times to be Prosecuted to the utmost Rigour of the law, but Particularly at this time when Common Prudence will dictate JULY, 1783. 389 to us to recover ourselves from the Ravages of one War before we are Precipated into another The Committee think with his Honor the Governor that the most efficacious measures ought to be adopted and Pursued for the encouragements of Virtue and Suppression of Vice And are hopefull that Strict Execution of the Laws already in be ing will Accomplish those very desirable ends Religion and learning being the two great Pillars on which will depend the Happiness of Individuals and the greatness of our Nation. The Committee recommend that a Law be Passed for the Promotion of these purposes Semiliar to a Bill brought into the House the Session before the last but wich owing to some Cause or other was never passed into a Law The Committee think it highly proper that the Governor and Council be empowered and directed to Make a Reserve of Acres of Land in each County which shall in future be laid out in this State for the endowment of a College The Committee recommend that his Honor the Governor and the Council be directed to give orders for the sale of the State Galley at publick Auction, that the Nett Proceeds thereof be paid into the Treasury Subject to the Order of the Governor and that he give a draught for the same in favour of the Dele gates if such Money shall come into the Treasury before the other Monies before Mentioned That any Stores or Arms or Implements of War whether be longing to the State or delivered over by the Officer Command ing the Continental Troops on his Furloughing his Men agree able to the late Resolve of Congress of the Twenty Sixth of May last past be lodged in a Magazine Subject to further order The Committee Recommend that there be a Clause inserted in the Tax Bill, to be Passed for the Present Year, Requiring 390 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY the Tax Gatherers of each County, to Obtain the best informa tion on Oath of all the Granted or Surveyed Lands within their Respective Counties, the Numbers of Buildings thereon, dis tinguishing Dwelling houses from other Buildings And the Number of its Inhabitants, distinguishing white from Black and that such Tax Gatherers do return the same as Speedily as May be to his Honor the Governor to be laid before the House at the next Meeting thereof. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday 3O th July 1783 The House met According to Adjournment Petition from a Number of Inhabitants of the County of Richmond was read. ORDERED that the Same be refered to a Committee & that M r Crawford, M r Benjamin Few, & M r Heard be that Committee. Memorial from John Wilkinson Praying to be allowed to deduct so much of his Salary as is now due out of the Purchase he made of the Commissioners of Confiscated Property after his Expences, in Attending the House at this time be deducted. RESOLVED that the prayer of said Petition be granted The Committee to whom was Refered the Memorial of John Strong Reported as follows. That the Accounts of M r Strong for Services preformed in the Southern Army under the Command of General Lincoln cannot be Passed by our Auditor, as he is not empowered to Audit any Accounts except for Supplies furnished by the Citi- JULY, 1783. 391 zens of this State, or the Service done in or under the Authority of the same which was agreed to. The Bill for Imposing a Tax on the Inhabitants of the State of Georgia ; for the use and Support of the Government thereof from the first day of January to the thirty first day of December one thousand Seven hundred eighty three was read a third time ORDERED that the Said Bill do pass after being engrossed into a Law under the title of An Act for Imposing a tax on the In habitants of the State of Georgia, for the use and Support of the Government thereof from the first day of January to the thirty first day of December one thousand seven hundred eighty three & that the Speaker Sign the same. A Bill for the Laying out the Reserve Land in the Town of Augusta into Acre Lotts, the Erecting an Academy or Seminary of Learning and for, other Purposes therein Mentioned was Read the third time. ORDERED that the said Bill do pass, and that the Speaker sign the Same ; under the Title of An Act for Laying out the Re serve Land in the Town of Augusta into Acre Lots the Erecting An Academy or Seminary of Learning and for other Purposes therein Mentioned RESOLVED that the Letter and Papers Inclosed from James Ingram, which was refered to the Committee on Petitions, be Refered to a Special Committee & that M r Davies, M r Jackson & M r Johnson be that Committee RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be empowered and required to apply the first Five Hundred Pounds that may come into his hands out of any Monies whatever, Towards sending on two Delegates to Congress and that as soon as his Honor can provide the sum aforesaid the Delegates or two of them have Instructions to Proceed. 392 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY An Act to Continue the Several Laws of this State near ex piring and for other Purposes therein Mentioned, was brought in after being Engrossed and Examined at the Table RESOLVED that the Speaker Sign the Same RESOLVED that the Petition of Hannah Buffington which was Refered to the Committee of Petitions, be refered to a Special Committee & that M r Jones, M r Benjamin Few & M r Germany be that Committee. A. Bill to repeal and Amend some part of An Act entitled An Act for opening the Land Office was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed & Pass into a Law under the Title of An Act to Repeal and Amend some part of an Act for opening the Land Office, and that the Speaker Sign the Same. Motion being made by M r Williamson, Seconded by M r Burke That the following Amendment be added to the Bill to Repeal and amend some part of An Act for opening the Land office That all and every Person and Persons, who has or have Com plied with the terms on which their Land was ordered them prior to the twenty Ninth December One thousand Seven hun dred Seventy eight, and Paid the Fees on the same to Persons who formerly filled the Respective Land Office before the busi ness was done be allowed now to have their Grants made out by the Present Officers without Paying any other fees, and in the same manner as is allowed to Widows and Orphans in this Predicament which being Debated was Carried in the Negative. The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Williamson are as follows JULY, 1783. 393 Yea Yea M r Heard M r Alexander M r Burnet M r Burke M r Cunningham M r Lee M r Harper ^I r Williamson M r Ware 10 M r Lamar Nay Nay M r Jackson M r Middleton M r Jn Houstoun M r Few M r W m Houstoun Al r Crawford M r Deveaux M r Emanuel M r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Clements M r Habersham M r Jones M r Clay M r Davies M r Cuthbert M r Carter M r M c lntosh lvl r Lanier :\I r Fort M r Pugh M r Germany M r Palmer :\I r W m Few 24 M r Roberson so it was Carried in the Negative The Committee to whom was Recommitted the Bill for Erect ing Ware Houses in the Town of Augusta & for Establishing Inspectors in the State Reported as follows, which was agreed to. That there are already laws in force in this State for the Government of the Several Articles Mentioned in said Bill but as those Laws are not at Present to be had, on Account of their having been sent off with the other Records and not Yet Re turned it will be expedient and proper to defer making any new Law on this head, untill it shall be seen wherein the old Laws 394 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY are defective; in the meantime Your Committee recommend that the following Resolves be Passed by the House. WHEREAS it shall tend greatly to the Advantage of the Com mercial and Planting Interests of this State that the Article of Tobacco, be Properly Inspected and Examined before it shall be Shipped or Exported from this State to any Foreign Market ; it is therefore Resolved, that William Glascock, Joseph Anthony & William Brown be appointed Inspectors of Tobacco for the Tow r n of Augusta & Inspectors for the Town of Savannah that they do Procure Proper Ware Houses in the said Towns Respectively for the Purpose of Re ceiving, Inspecting and Reprizing Tobacco. That all Tobacco brought : into the said Town of Augusta for sale be Carried to the Ware Houses Provided by said William Brown That they do Respectively cause the same forthwith to be Properly examined, inspected, weighed, & Repacked if good and Merchantable According to Custom in such cases, and give a Certificate thereof to the Proprietor or Proprietors, & shall mark with a Marking Iron on the Head of each Cask of Tobacco by them Respectively Inspected the Number of the same, with the Gross, Tare & Nett weight thereof ; the said Stamp Correspond ing with the the Certificate given as aforesaid That the Inspectors Fee for Weighing and Inspecting be as follows. For every Hogshead Inspected, Repacked Weighed and Mark ed One Dollar And that the Storage be as follows. For Storage of every Hogshead of Tobacco after it is In spected and Weighed half a Dollar, which said Charges shall be paid them Respectively by the Proprietors of such Tobacco, and they shall have Power to detain the same in their Hands untill JULY, 1783. 395 the said Charges are Paid or otherwise, Satisfactorily Settled for And it is further Resolved that all Tobacco brought to the said Towns of Augusta or Savannah for sale the growth or Product of any other State shall be Subject to the same Regula tions of that which may be the growth or Product of this State, and any Person, who shall lade or Ship, Board for exportation any Tobacco whatsoever not Inspected & Certified as aforesaid shall forfeit the same ; which shall be sold by the Naval Officer in Savannah, and one half the Nett Proceeds thereof given to the Informer, and the other half paid into the Treasury of the State. And it is further Resolved that the Collector or Naval Officer for the port of Savannah or any other port within this State; shall not Clear out for Exportation any Tobacco, whatsoever for which a Certificate as aforesaid is not Produced to him and Lodged in his office by the Exporter or Shipper of the Same under the Penalty of Twenty Pounds for every such Offence And it is further Resolved that in Case any Tobacco which shall be Inspected at Augusta and Certified by the Inspectors there as aforesaid and Transported from thence either by Land or Water to Savannah; for sale or Exportation and the same shall, during such Transportation, receive damage or Injury then and in that case, upon application made or information given to the Inspector in Savannah he shall forthwith inspect the same, and either Cut off or take away the Injured or damaged part of such Tobacco & give a Certificate for the Remaining part, Condemn the whole as the Case may be and the said In spector shall be entitled in this Case to the Usual fees for In specting and Certifying Tobacco. Provided nevertheless that nothing Contained in any of these Resolves shall subject any Tobacco inspected and Certified in Augusta to Re Inspected in Savannah, except in the Case of its being injured or Damaged in the Transportation, as aforesaid 396 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY And it is further Resolved that each Inspector shall before lie enters upon his Office take and Subscribe the following Oath. I, A. B. do solemnly swear on the holy Evangelists of Al mighty God, that I will Carefully View and thoroughly Ex amine all Tobacco brought to me to be Inspected, and not Pass or Certify any to be Merchantable, but what is to the best of my Skill & Judgement, Sound, well Conditioned and clear of Trash, Sand, and dirt And as there are at this time no proper Ware Houses in the Town of Augusta for the Reception and Inspection of To bacco It is further Resolved that in Case William Brown at Present of the said Town of Augusta, will in convenient time for. the Present Crop build Erect Proper and Sufficient Ware Houses on his lying" n the Rivers immediately above the Town of Augusta, and keep the same in Proper Repair for the Reception and Inspection of Tobacco as aforesaid & make and keep in Repair a Proper Landing or Shipping Place on the said River Convenient to the said Ware Houses, then & in that Case he shall have an Exclusive right to the Reception and Storage of all Tobacco that may be brought to the said Town of Augusta for Sale after the same is inspected for a term not exceeding twenty Years That his Honor the Governor with the advice of the Execu tive Council Be and he is hereby empowered to Appoint an In spector or inspectors of Tobacco for the Town and Port of Savannah when the same shall be necessary Provided always that nothing contained in the foregoing Re solve, shall extend to a Relnspection of any Tobacco that may have been Inspected under any Law or Regulation of any other JULY, 1783. 397 State, Unless the same shall have been Damaged or injured in the Transportation to this State, & the Naval Officer shall in his Clearance of the same in Case it shall be exported from this State Particularly mention the State of which it is the growth or Product. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow 8 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday July 31** 1783 The House met According to Adjournment The Committee to whom was refered that Petition of Hannah Buffington. Reported ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The Committee to whom was refered the petition of Timothy Bernard Reported ORDERED that the Same do lie on the Table House tooke up the Report of the Committee to whom was refered The Memorial of Francis Williss which was agreed to and is as follows beg leave to Observe that that upon Simeliar Applications, great care ought to be taken to guard against Per sons Applying under the Idea of erecting Mills, or such a Presi dent may appear a Doer to engross Valuable Land & may in part defeat the restrictions and limitations Contained in the Land Act in the present instance the Committee can see no Ob jections to empower and require the Justices in the County of Richmond to grant a Warrant to M r Williss for One thousand Acres of Pine Land on Raes Creek, Provided the said Lands shall not interfere with any Prior Claim, and his Honor the 398 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Governor do Sign a Grant for the Premises upon the payment of seven Pounds ten Shillings in Specie Per hundred Acres into the Treasury and the Justices in the respective Counties are Re quested in all Semiliar Cases to make strict enquiry upon every Application and Receive full & Satisfactory information that the Lands applied for is Pine Land, and that the like Rates and prices as regulated in the Case of M r Williss shall be paid and the Conditions at all times shall be inserted by way of a Clause in the said Warrant The House proceeded to take into Consideration the report of Committee appointed to examine the Accounts of the Commis sioners for Indian Affairs and after some time spent therein agreed to the same and is as follows That they have examined the said Accounts and find that there was Purchased by the said Commissioners for the purpose of holding a Treaty with the Creek and Cherokee Indians, agree able to the directions of this House, Sundry Goods Amounting to Two thousand eight hundred forty five Pounds, two Shillings and Nine Pence & that the bringing of said Goods to Augusta, Expences of Guards to protect them Interpreters Provisions for the Indians &c. Per Accounts delivered to the Committee amount to Three hundred eighty nine Pounds thirteen Shillings and Nine Pence making the whole expence accrued by the Commis sioners in this Business Amount to Three thousand two hundred thirty five Pounds Sixteen Shillings and six pence. That of the aforementioned Goods there has been issued as Per said Accounts in the following Manner. To the Cherokee Indians Sundries Amounting to six hundred eighty three Pounds two Shillings and four Pence. To the Creek Indians Sundries Amounting to Twenty seven Pounds and six pence. To M r Cousins to defray his Expences to the Creek Nation Amounting to Thirty Six Pounds Nine Shillings and four pence. Amount ing in the whole to the Sum of Seven hundred forty Six Pounds twelve Shillings and two pence. That the remainder of the JULY, 1783. 399 said Goods were disposed of to M r M c Lean at fifty Per Cent discount, the said goods being Bought during the war, and while they were exceeding high ; that as the Accounts are now Stated which were presented to the House, there is only Thirty three and one third Pounds Per Hundred Pounds deducted from the Cost of these Goods and Supposition. The Committee Pre sume, of the person who draw out the Accounts that an Advance of Fifty Per Cent only was to be discounted instead of fifty Pounds Per hundred Pounds The Committee Notice that M r M c Lean has made himself Accountable for every expence Attending the Business relative to the late Treaty with the Cherokee Indians; and the Intended one with the Creeks which if the Commissioners are not enabled by this House to discharge must Tend Greatly to the injury of said MLean. The Committee also find by Accounts produced to them by the said Commissioners, that there is due from them to James Ree Esquire one hundred Seventy six Pounds three Shillings and Nine Pence for Provisions Supplied the Indians and for Freight of Part of the Goods (designed for the Treaty) from Savannah to Augusta which sum together with the Ballance due M r M c Lean, The Committee are of opinion ought to be provided for, as this House pledged themselves to that Purpose, when they Resolved on this business at their last Setting in Savannah. That in regard to the proceedings of the Commissioners so far as relates to the purchases and Sales of Publick property and every matter of Account we think they have been very proper Conducted in a Manner best Calculated to Promote the Inter est of the State. As to their Proceedings relative to their treating with the Indians and their Communications with them The Committee do not think they are Competent to Judge of them, nor is it neces sary as the House are fully Possessed through his Honor the 400 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Governor, & the Commissioners Journal of their Proceedings Letters with Sufficient information to enable them to Judge of the same. RESOLVED that M r MLean be charged only one half the Cost of the Indian Goods, that was left in his hands ORDERED that the Treaty entered into, between the Cherokees be transmitted to the Secretary to be Recorded and Deposited in the Archeves of this State The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on Petitions Reported on the last Sessions of Assembly Viz N 1 06. Memorial of Col John Mclntosh in behalf of Doct r M c Leod. The Petition of Doctor Donald M c Leod Praying to be Admitted a Citizen, & the Petition of a Committee of Sundry Inhabitants of Chatham County, Praying the said Donald M c Leod may be admitted a Citizen. The Committee to whom the same was refered, Reported as follows. The Committee have taken into their most Serious and Im partial Consideration, the Memorial of a Committee of Sundry Inhabitants of the County of Chatham, Charging a Certain Doc tor MLeod with Sundry Crimes towards the American Prison ers whilst on Board the Prison Ship in the River Savannah, and Particularly of having mixed fine, broken, or Pulverized Glass in a parcel of Medicines, sent by him on board said Prison Ships for the use of said Prisoners, which Memorial is Accompanied by Sundry Affidavits to Wit that the Doct r Rehm, That of Mor- decai Sheftall, that of Hepworth Carter, and that of John Rogers, tending to the proof of the said Charges on the said Doctor M c Leod, the said Memorialists Praying that in Consequence of said Charges the said Doctor M c Leod may not be admitted to become a Citizen of this State. And the Committee have also JULY, 1783. 401 taken into like Serious and empartial Consideration a Number of Affidavits and other Testimonials Produced to them in favour cf the said Doctor MLeod, to wit The written Testimony of Col Walton Setting forth the great care and Attention paid him by the said Doctor M c Leod, when he lay dangerously wounded in Savannah, & to whose skill and humanity the Col in a great Measure Attributes his Cure and Recovery Also the written Testimony of General Elbert, Setting forth the Doctors Care of & Attention to him, and his Servant when Prisoners and sick in Savannah & Attributing the Salvation of his Servants Life to the same. The affidavits of Judith Mines, Jane Watts, Mathew Roche, Peter H Morrell and William Harriss Cap tains William MIntosh Edward Corvan, Peter H Morell ; and the Petition of CoP John M c lntosh all Setting forth Doct r MLeods humanity and Attention to Sick Wounded and Dis tressed American Prisoners and families, whilst Under the British Domination at and near Savannah, and his General good Character in said town of Savannah also a Letter from Edward Davis Esq r a Member of this House and his Annexed Affidavit Setting forth that during his Confinement on Board one of the Prison Ships aforesaid he never heard anything of the Charges against the said Doct r MLeod as exhibited in the Memorial and Affidavits aforesaid ; & that the Doctor had noth ing to do on Board said Prison Ships, at least on Board the Ship where he (M r Da vies was) except to enquire the State of the Prisoners & Report thereon to his Superior Also the Affidavit of W m Roche Setting forth the Doctors Care and humane Treatment of him whilst a Prisoner and Sick in Savannah also the Affidavit of Col William M c lntosh, Setting forth the Doc tors attention and humanity to him and his family, when he was a Prisoner, and his family labouring under Accumulated dis tresses Also the Affidavit of James White, a Soldier in the Continental Army, Setting forth the Doctors care Attention and humanity to himself and another Soldier when Prisoners ; having not only recovered them from dangerous & grievous Wounds but had also Clothed them from their Nakedness at his own ex- 26 r r vol 3 402 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY pence Also the Verbal Testimony of Col Roberson, a Member of his House Setting forth the Doctors great care and very hu mane treatment of the wounded and Sick American Prisoners in the Hospital where he lay when a Prisoner in Savannah and that the said Prisoners were always rejoiced to see Doctor M c Leod come into the Hospital, being Comforted and revived by his kindness to them ; but that they dreaded the sight of the other Doctor who Superintended the Hospital for that he was Con tinually endeavouring to get them sent on Board the Prison Ships, from which Docf M c Leod frequently Screened them also the Affidavit of Doctor Bucroft, a Surgeon in the British Service during the time aforesaid, Setting forth that Doctor M f Leod never hd the Compounding or Mixing up of Medicines for the Prisoners on board the Prison Ships aforesaid, but that this business was ordered by Doctor Hill and Performed by M r Atkinson the Acting Apothecary, and further that at the Par ticular instance & Representation of Doctor M c Leod of the Distresses that the American Prisoners laboured under in being crowded Sick and well together, in the same Ship, a Vessel was furnished and sent down for the Accomodation of the Sick From all which circumstances the Committee are of Opinion that the Charges set forth in the Memorial and Affidavits aforesaid are not Sufficiently founded to enforce the Prayer of the said Memorial but some to have originated in a keen & jealous Sensi bility of the Sufferings of said Deponents, and an over hot & Misguided Zeal for the Honor of the Country; and the Commit tee beg leave to Observe that with respect to the Glass being mixed with the Medicine; Such a thing is far from being im probable, as it may frequently happen but from Accident only, but as Doctor M c Leod appears to be a man of Considerable Professional abilities, they cannot believe, that even admitting his heart was wicked enough to Prompt him to the distruction cf the unhappy Prisoners, he would have made use of Glass as the Instrument of his Wickedness, when he might have made use of Many other Means more effectual and much less Subject to Detection JULY, 1783. 403 And the Committee are further of Opinion that the said Doctor MLeod is worthy to be Admittted a Citizen of this State, and Particularly Recommend to the House to enter into a Speedy and dispassionate investigation of the Several Matters set forth as above, upon which the Committee have Solemnly founded their Opinion, which Passed in the Negative The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Carter are as follows Yea Yea M r Jackson M r Lamar M r Jn Houstoun M r W m Few M r W m Houstoun M r Robertson M r Devaux M r Middleton M r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Lee M r Habersham M r Telfair M r Cuthbert M r Williamson M r M c lntosh 1 6 M r Heard Nay Nay M r Burnet M r Clements M r Cunningham M r Ja s Jones M r Harper M r Davies M r Alexander M r Carter M r Fort M r Johnson M r Ware M r Lanier M r Burke M r Pugh M r Ben Few M r Palmer M r Emanuel M r Crawford 18 so it was Carried in the Negative The following Acts being engrossed, were brought in and Confirmed at the Table Viz An Act for Imposing a Tax on the Inhabitants of the State 404 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY of Georgia, for the use and Support of the Government thereof from the first day of January to the thirty first day of December One thousand seven hundred eighty three An Act to empower certain Commissioners herein Appointed to Regulate the hire of Porters and labour of Slaves in the Town of Savannah and for other purposes therein Mentioned An Act for laying out the Reserve Land in the Town of Augusta into Acre Lots, the erecting an Academy or Seminary of Learning and for other Purposes therein Mentioned RESOLVED that the Speaker Sign the Same The Committee to whom was refered a Letter with Sundry Papers from James Ingram. Reported. ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The Committee to whom was refered the Petition of Hep- worth Carter Reported ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 7 OClock (From State Archives.) Friday August I st 1783 The House met According to Adjournment RESOLVED that His Honor the Governor & Executive Council be empowered and requested to appoint Commissioners for the purpose of ascertaining and making the line South west between the Inhabitants of this State and the Cherokee Indians pursuant to a Cession Obtained at Augusta dated the thirteenth day of May last past AUGUST, 1783. 405 The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on Petitions Reported on the last Session of Assembly. N 107. On Petition of Joseph Law in favour of Arthur Carneys Children Requesting a part of their Fathers Property which was sold by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates might be Restored for the Support of the Or phans. RESOLVED that two thirds of the Estate of Arthur Carney be given up to his Two Orphan Children Jeremiah and Margaret. Subject to the Payment of a proportionable Part of his debts. N 109. of Edward Davies Setting forth his Appointment of Auditor General with a Salary of one thousand Pounds Per Annum, his having Saved all the Publick Papers belonging to that Office. Praying to be allowed some thing equivalent to his Trouble. RESOLVED that the above and all claims and demands prefered by any Person or Persons directly or indirectly being appointed a Commissioner or Commissioners of Claims by an Act of the General Assembly passed at Augusta the day of shall be examined, settled and finally determined on by the Gov ernor and Executive Council and they are hereby empowered and Requested so to do. N no. of Miss Winewood M c lntosh Setting forth that Certain Tract of Land which was sold by the Commissioners as the Property of her Brother, is really her Property The Committee are of Opinion that in Case the Petitioner can make it appear she really bought the Land as she sets forth in her Petition she ought to have the Land, which was agreed to N 1 1 1. of John Muleyne Praying to be taken off the Act of Con- 406 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY fiscation. The Committee are of Opinion the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted which was agreed to. N 112. of Levi Sheftall praying to be taken off the Act of Con fiscation. The Committee are of Opinion he ought to be taken off the Act of Confiscation and put on the Act of Amercement, which was agreed to The Yeas and Nays being Called for by M r Davies are as follows Yea Yea M r W m Gibbons Jr M r W m Few M r Jn Houstoun M r Burke M r W m Houstoun M r Roberson M r Devaux M r Middleton M r Habersham M r Telfair M r Clay M r Emanuel M r Cuthbert M r Clements M r Heard M r Carter M r Harper M p Lanier M r Ware M r Pugh M r Lamar M r Williamson M r Fort M r M c lntosh M r Germany 25 Nay Nay M r Jackson M r Davies M r Cunningham M r Alexander M r Lee M r Palmer M r Ben Few 8 M r Ja s Jones N 115. of Daniel M c Murphy Setting forth his being in order to Settle for the public Monies that have been put in his hands. The Committee are of Opinion he be refered to the Auditor General, which was agreed to AUGUST, 1783. 407 N 1 1 6. of John Grant, Setting forth his having been plundered at Several times and Praying to be Protected by the laws of the State the Committee are of Opinion the said Grant ought to be Protected as \vell as any other Citizen, which was agreed to. N 117. of Isaac Heaton Praying to be taken off the Act of Con fiscation. The Committee are of Opinion he be taken off the Act of Confiscation and put on the Amercement Act, which was agreed to. N 1 1 8. of Isaac Downey Praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation. The Committee are of Opinion that he ought to be taken off the Act of Confiscation and Put on the Amercement Act, which was agreed to. N 119. of Thomas Beatty Praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation. The Committee are of Opinion that he ought to be taken off the Act of Confiscation and put on the Amercement Act, which was agreed to. N 1 20. of Joshua Inman, Setting forth that James Butler has Carried away two of the Petitioners Negroes. Praying leave to take two of the said Butlers Negroes if he can find them. The Committee are of Opinion that the Matter of the Petition comes more Properly before a Court of Law. RESOLVED that the said Inman be refered to the Court of Claims N 121. of Phillip Delegall Praying to be taken off the Act of Confiscation RESOLVED that the Prayer of the Petition be not granted N 122. of Hezekiah Wade, Praying he may be paid his Account for Boarding a Number of Members the Last Session. 408 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that the Prayer of the Petition be not Granted N 123. of Titus Hollinger Setting forth his having Bargained with M r John Fox Conditionly about Certain Houses in Augusta which Houses have been taken into Posses sion by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estate RESOLVED that the said Petition be refered to a Court of Law N 124. of Francis Graham, Setting forth that a Certain Tract of Land called the Mulbery Grove by Deed of ex ecuted in May one thousand seven hundred & Seventy six was in her own Right & Possession sold by the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates for Relief. The Committee are of Opinion as it the Petitioners Claims under Deeds executed in the Year one thousand seven Hundred & Seventy six and the Confiscation Act makes null and Void all such Deeds, no Relief can be granted, which was agreed to. N 125. of Mary Maxwell Praying a Certain Tract of Land Called Dublin, (late the Property of her Husband) might be granted to her. The Committee are of Opin ion, the Prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted, which was agreed to. N 126. of Joseph Jackson Setting forth his having been plun dered by a party in a Boat, commanded by \Yhitney and Quality, belonging to M r Richard Leake of Savannah, Praying for Relief. Postponed. N 127. of Mary Walker, Setting forth that she is the Right Heir to Richard Burton Deceased, whose property was Stopped from him up the Country praying that she Might have leave to take such property where she can find it. The Committee are of Opinion that in Case AUGUST, 1783. 409 the Petitioner can make it appear that what she sets forth in her Petition is true that then and in that Case the prayer of the Petition ought to be granted, which was agreed to. N 129. of John Wood Praying to be taken off the Act of Con fiscation. The Committee are of Opinion the prayer of the Petition ought not to be granted, which was agreed to. X 130. of William Paxton. Postponed N 131. of Elizabeth Whitfield Setting forth that a Certain Lott of Land in the Town of Savannah Sold by the Commis sioners of Confiscated Estates, Praying for the said Lott of Land. The Committee are of opinion it ought to be refered to a Court of Law ; which was agreed to X 132. of Robert Porteous with a Number of Certificates in his favour, Praying to be taken off the Act of Confisca tion. The Committee are of Opinion the said Porteous ought to be taken off the Act of Confiscation and put on the Amercement Act, which was agreed to. The House having taken into Consideration the Report of the Special Committee to whom was Refered the Petition of James Ingram with Sundry papers Accompanying the Same. RESOLVED that James Ingram, Simon Munro, John Mulryne, andrew Johnson and John Butler Maxwell, be allowed the term of six Months to Settle their own Affairs. RESOLVED that Doctor Donald MLeod be Permitted to reside within the Limits of this State for the term of six Months The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Petitions Reported on this Session. N i of Abraham Jones Respecting a House and Lott in Sa- 410 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY vannah purchased by him at the Sales of Confiscated Estates RESOLVED that the said Jones be Refered to the Board of Claims N 3 of James Mossman, Praying to be restored to Citizen Ship. Rejected. N 4 of James Belcher, Praying to be Admitted a Citizen of this State. The Committee are of Opinion the Prayer of the same ought to be granted, which was agreed to, Pro vided he is on no Act of Attainder of Any of the United States. N 5 of Owen Owens Praying to be Admitted a Citizen of this State. The Committee are of Opinion that the same ought to be granted, which was agreed to Provided he is on no Act of Attainder N 6 of Elizabeth Young. Postponed. N 7 of William Gibbons in behalf of Ann Hall, the Wife of Nathaniel Hall, Praying that Provision be made out of the Estate of the said Nathaniel Hall Sold under the Confisca tion Act for the Support of the said Ann Hall. The Com mittee are of Opinion that the Commissioners of Confis cated Estates ought to be directed to make such Provision for her as the Law in that Case directs, which was agreed to. N 8 of Ann Green, Praying that Compensation be made her for Certain damages Sustained by her in a Lott and Build ings in Savannah. The Committee are of Opinion that as she does not State by what means or from whom these damages were Sustained the House Can take no farther Notice of her Memorial which was agreed to. AUGUST, 1783. 411 N 10 of William Candler, Praying that a Certain part of a Tract of Land late the Property of William Manson & Purchased by said Candler at the Sales of the Confiscated Estates at a high Price Be allowed the said Candler at a reasonable Valuation & His demands against the Public taken in Payment thereof. The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of the same ought not to be granted which was agreed to. N 12 of John Cowens Respecting the Establishment of a Ferry over Savannah River in Wilks County The Com mittee are of Opinion that as it is of a Local nature it ought to be Refered to the Superior Court of said County of Wilkes which was agreed to. N 13 of John Barksdale being of the same Nature of the last Petition. The Committee Recommend that the same Reference be made of it, which was agreed to. N 14 of William Tidwell, Setting forth the extreme hardships endured by himself (and his family) having his Land and other Property sold under the Act of Sequestration with his old age and infirmities, and a large Family of Small Children and Praying that the said Property be ordered to be restored him & he be allowed to reside thereon. The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer thereof ought to be granted, which was agreed to. N 15 of Sundry Inhabitants of the Western Frontier of the County of Wilks, praying that Henry Graybill and Stephen Bishop be Appointed Justices on said Frontiers. The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer thereof ought to be granted, and also that Reuben Rogers be or dered to the list of Justices for the said County, which was agreed to. 412 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY N 1 6 of John Carson Praying Restitution of Certain property of his Sold under the Sequestration Act. The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of his Petition if it is Prac ticable ought to be granted & if the Property is not re turned the Bonds be indorced to the petitioner which was agreed to. N 17 of Samuel Scott Respecting the establishment of a Ferry over Savannah River. RESOLVED that the same be refered to the Superior Court of Wilks County. N 1 8 of Leannah Carr Praying that Provision be made for her self and larg e Family whose Property has been sold under the Act of Sequestration & otherwise made use of for Public Purposes The Committee are of Opinion that such Provision ought to be made for them as will be equal to the Property taken from them as aforesaid and that the Superior Court of the County of Wilks ought to be directed to make proper enquiry into the Matter, and order such relief which was agreed to. N 21 of Jacob Read Praying that a Stop may be put to Im pressing Ferrage on his Plantation The Committee are of Opinion that, as the greevance has long since ceased the Memorial does not now claim the Attention of the House which was agreed to. N 22 of Peter Bard and Anne his Wife and also of John Zubly -The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayers of the said Petitions ought to be granted Provided they have not already Received their Quota of the Estate of John Joachin Zubly, which was agreed to. N 23 of Abraham Jones, Praying Payment for a quantity of Whiskey Supplied General Waynes Troops at the Request of Governor Martin. AUGUST, 1783. 413 RESOLVED that the same be Refered to the Auditor, and when Audited it be Received from him as Cash. N 24 of James MKay Praying that the sales of the Estate of John Butler Maxwell be Suspended untill a determination of a Court of Law takes Place on the Premises. The Committee are of Opinion, that as the Sales thereof have already taken Place; the said Petition does not at this Time claim the Attention of the House, which was agreed to. N 25 On the Petition of Lewis Cope, Praying to be enabled to make good Sundry Contracts entered into by him for the use of the Continental Army. The Committee are of Opinion that he ought to lay his Accounts before the Auditor in Order to get them Liquidated and Certified, which was agreed to. N 26 of Benjamin Greene. The Committee are of Opinion that the Value of his Horse and Saddle ought to be allowed him by the State, upon Producing a Certificate from his Commanding Officer, of the loss and Value of the Same, which was agreed to. N 27 of the Petition of Col Anthony W White. The Com mittee are of Opinion that as Disabled Continental Soldiers are Provided for by Congress This State is not bound to make Specific Provision for them but recommend that the Orphan Child of Christian Dasher be Put upon the the same footing as the Citizens of this State who have been Maimed in its defence, which was agreed to. N 28 of John Vauchier, Accompanying an Account against the Public for the Sum of Sixteen Pounds five Shillings and Six Pence for Ferrage of Col Jacksons Corps, over Skidaway Ferry. The Committee are of Opinion from the Information of Col Jackson that one half the Amount 414 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY of said Account ought to be allowed him & no more, which was agreed to. N 29 of Georgina MIntosh, Praying Compensation for the loss of four hundred Pounds Georgia Currency Received from the Public a little before the Fall of Savannah and now laying useless in her Possession The Committee are of Opinion that as this Matter is involved in a Very General Question they are not Competent to a Decision on it, which was agreed to. N 30 On the Petition of John Greene a Person Maimed in the Service of the State, Praying Payment of his Accounts as Exhibited in a former House of Assembly but which does not Accompany his Present Petition. The Commit tee are of Opinion that the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates, ought to be directed to pay him the Amount of the same as soon as Possible, which was agreed to. N 31 Of Nathaniel Wade Praying Compensation for his Services as D y Q r M a General. The Committee are of Opinion that as such Services have been long established in a regular System of lequidation, his Application to the House is improper, which was agreed to. The Committee appointed on the Petition of James Mossman Praying that he might be allowed to remove a Number of Negroes (the Property of John Graham) from East Florida into this State, and that the said John Graham is in the Confiscation Act. Report as their Opinion, That the Prayer of the Petition ought to be granted, and that his Honor the Governor be em powered & Required to grant Permission to the said James Mossman to import said Negroes into this State and to Protect and Secure them against any Claim or Claims that may be made for and in behalf of the State under and by Virtue of the Confiscation Act which was agreed to. The Yeas and Nays being Called for is as follows AUGUST, 1783. 415 Yea Yea M r Jackson M r W m Few M r Jn Houstoun M r Burke M r W ra Houstoun M r Middleton M r Devaux M r Ben Few M r W m Gibbons Ju r M r Crawford M r Habersham M r Telfair M r Clay M r Emanuel M r Cuthbert M r Pugh M r M c lntosh M r Palmer M r Harper 18 Nay Nay M r Heard M r Clements M r Burnet M r Jones M r Ware M r Davis M r Lamar M r Carter M r Alexander M r Johnston ]\r Fort M r Lenier M r Germany M r Williamson M r Robertson M r Cunningham M r Lee 17 An Act to Repeal and Amend some Part of An Act entitled An Act for opening the Land Office being engrossed was brought in and Compared at the Table RESOLVED that the Speaker Sign the Same Whereas this House is deeply impressed with a Sense of the Misfortune of Edward Llyd Esquire in losing his right arm whilst bravely fighting for the Liberties of his Country. Do therefore as a Token of the high Respect Gratitude and Esteem which they feel towards him Unanimously and without Solici tation by the said Edward Llyd RESOLVE that he be Presented, and he is Accordingly hereby 416 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Presented with the Lott, and Dwelling House and other Im provements thereon which he lately Purchased at the Sales of Confiscated Property, Situate in Broughton Street in Savannah, and known by the N to hold to him his Heirs and Assigns for ever as the free Gift of this State, and his Honor the Gov ernor is hereby Directed & Required to deliver up to the said Edward Llyd any Bonds or other Securities which he May have given for the Purchase Money of the said Lot and Buildings without any Charge or Demand thereon. The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of The Committee, to whom was Refered the Petition of John Bacon,- James Martin & Nathaniel Hicks, Praying the Ferry at Augusta May be Granted to them Respectively & agreed to the same as follows. That the Committee find that former Legislatures having granted the Ferry in Augusta to said Bacon & Martin at different times the said Bacons grant we find to be Prior to the other, but both being Granted in time of War it is the Opinion of the Committee that the Intent of the grant was in Consequence of the said Petitioner Carrying troops and Military Stores Cross the River in behalf of the Publick but as such Services are not wanting at this time, that the said Ferry Should Revert to the use of the Publick after the said Bacon having the use of it one Year from this date as it Appears, that he has been at a great Expence in Providing Water Carriages at the Expiration of one Year the Commissioners for the Town of Augusta take the said Ferry and either Rent or sell the same and the Money Arising to be Appropriated the same way as that Arising from the Sale of Publick lots. The House having taken into Consideration the Report of the Special Committee to whom was Refered the Petition of Hannah Buffington, which is as follows. The Committee have taken the same into Consideration, are fully Satisfied that no legislature would have undertaken to deprive the Petitioner of her Property AUGUST, 1783. 417 unless imposed on by Misrepresentation ; The Committee are Unanimously of Opinion that the Prayer of the Petition ought to be Granted on her Making it appear what she sets forth herein be true, which was agreed to. Petition from William Few Esq r was read, Praying to be Admitted to Plead as an Attorney in any Courts of Record in this State. RESOLVED that the Prayer of the said Petition be granted RESOLVED that William Jones Sen r & Littleberry Bostick be Appointed Justices in Addition to those already Appointed for Richmond County Whereas it is highly expedient and Necessary, that this State Shou d be Represented in Congress as soon as Possible There fore Resolved that his Honor the Governor be, and he is hereby empowered to allow such discount as he May think Proper to any Person or Persons, who shall within one Month from the date hereof furnish Bills on the Financeer or Advance Money or Produce to the Amount of Five Hundred Pounds for the Im mediate Purpose of defraying the expences of two of the Dele gates appointed to represent this State in Congress the discount so allowed, any Person or Persons advancing the aforesaid sum to be allowed out of any past or future Purchases at the sales of the Confiscated Estates or to make sale of any Confiscated Prop erty so as to raise the above sum of five Hundred Pounds in order that the Delegates may be Enabled to Proceed by the first day of September next. The House having taken into Consideration the Report of the Committee to whom was Refered the Petition of Hepworth Carter, Praying that One thousand Acres of Land might be granted him for Marking the line south of Ogeeche agreeable to Contract with Si r James White in behalf of this State, then Province. 27 r r vol 3 418 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that the Prayer of the Petition be Granted in full *of all demands for that Business The House having taken into Consideration the Report of the Committee to whom was Refered the Petition Benjamin Catchings Praying that he May have leave to survey five Hun dred Acres of Land, on the Creek or Cherokee Lands as soon as they are Ceded to this State, without any expence, in Considera tion of his being a Cripple Office Fees RESOLVED that the Prayer of the said Petition be granted On the Report of the Committee to whom was Refered the Petition of Cap 1 De La Plagne RESOLVED that Cap* De La Plagne be allowed the Sum of Fifty Pounds, he to be Accountable for the same. The Committee to whom was Refered the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of the County of Richmond Praying the Court House and Jail for said County may be Established in the Town of Augusta ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table RESOLVED that the sum of six Pounds, ten Shillings and six pence be allowed Davd Rus Esq. for Engrossing Several Acts Passed this Session. (From State Archives.) Savannah Tuesday January 6 th 1784 Being the time appointed by the Constitution of this State for the Meeting of the General Assembly The following Members attended Viz M r Jackson, M r Joseph JANUARY, 1784. 419 Habersham M r James Habersham M r John Habersham & M r Andrew, but being a Number insufficient to Proceed on Busi ness They were Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 10 Clock (From State Archives.) Wednesday January 7 th 1784 The following Gentlemen being Returned Elected to Serve in the General Assembly for the Present Year Attended & being Qualified took their Seats Viz For the County of Chatham M r W.M Gibbons Jun r M r Xetherclift M r Stephens M r James Habersham M r William Bryen M r John Houstoun M r Devaux For the County of Wilks M r Coleman M r Catchings M r Rutherford For the County of Liberty M r Benj a Andrew M r Hardey M p Saltees M r Panall M r John Elliott M r John Mitchell MT Hay M r Baker M r Whiteheacl 420 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY But not being a Number Sufficient to Compose a House & Proceed on Publick Business they were Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday January 8 th 1784 Agreeable to Adjournment of Yesterday the Members who were Qualified Attended M r Elijah Clark M r Holman Freeman M r Stephen Heard M r George Walton M r William Dawson M r John Cunningham being returned for the County of Wilks Attended and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution & took their Seats Accordingly M r Luke Meazels M r Lanier M r Davies M r Lundy M r Joseph W m Spencer M r John Spencer being returned Elected for the County of Efrmgham Attended took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitu tion & took their Seats Accordingly M r John Morell a Member Returned Elected for the County of Chatham Attended and took the Oath Prescribed in the Con stitution M r Samuel Fulton being Returned Elected for the County of JANUARY, 1784. 421 Liberty, Attended and took the Oath Prescribed in the Consti tution. The House then Proceeded -to the Choice of the Speaker when James Habersham Esq. was Unanimously Elected On Motion That a Committee of Previledges & Elections be Appointed ORDERED that M r Gibbons M r Andrew, M r Heard, M r Lundy & M r Irvin be that Committee A Double Return being made for the Members of the County of Richmond ORDERED that the said Returns be Refered to the Committee of Priviledges & Elections Return being made from the County of Burke for their Representatives for the present Year the following Gentlemen Attended: were Qualified & took their Seats Viz M r Clements M r Conyers M r Palmer M r Kemp M r Irwin M r Pugh M r Harrison On Motion That a Committee be Appointed to Procure some fit Place for the Setting of this House. ORDERED that M r Saltus, M r Netherclift & M r Deveaux be that Committee. 422 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Committee on Priviledges & Elections on the double re turns from the County of Richmond Reported as follows, which being debated was Carried in Negative That on the Richmond Returns M r William Few & M r Wil liam Glascock was examined by whose Information they find that the Elections for that County since the Constitution w r as made has ever been held at Brownsborough except the first, which was held at the little Kiokee and that no Election for Representatives has been held in Augusta, since that time for said County we find no Place Pointed out by law for holding of Elections but as it has been customary for several Years to hold the Elections at Brownsborough the Return from that Place should be Re ceived as the legal return of the County, and earnestly Recom mend to the House that an Election Act be Passed to Regulate this Matter and Many others where the Constitution is Silent or doubtfull. The Committee Appointed to Procure a Proper Place for the Accomodation of the House of Assembly Reported. That the House at Present in the Temporary Possession of Hezekiah Wade is a fit Place for the Purpose, which was agreed to The House then Adjourned to meet at M r Wades. The House met at M r Wades agreeable to Adjournment On Motion That the ten Gentlemen who have a Majority of Votes ap pearing from the Papers Returned to this House by the Justices of Richmond County; take their Seats as having the Suffrages of the People, which being debated was Carried in the Affirma tive JANUARY, 1784. 423 The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows Yea M r Xetherclift M r Stephens M r Devaux M r Jn Habersham M r Coleman M r Catching M r Rutherford M r Clark M r Freeman M r Heard M r Walton M r Downes M r Andrew Nay M r Gibbons M r Jackson M r Jos : Habersham M r Bryan M r Morell M r Cunningham M r Hardy M r Elliott Yea M M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M r M 1 Saltus Powell Mitchell Fulton Measels Lanier Davies Lundy Conyers Irvvin Pugh M r Morrison 25 Nay M r Way M r Baker M r Whitehead M r Jos : W m Spencer M r John Spencer M r Clements M r Palmer 15 So it was Carried, in the Affirmative The following Gentlemen from the County of Richmond Ap pointed to have the Majority of Votes Attended, & being Quali fied took their Seats Accordingly M r William Candler M r Glascock M r M c Farland M r Middleton 424 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r William Few M r Lee M r Benjamin Few M r Fahn The House then Proceeded to the Choice of a Governor and on Casting up the Ballots John Houstoun Esq r was Elected The House then Proceeded to the Choice of the Executive Council when the following Gentlemen were Elected For the County of Liberty M r Low & M r Powell For the County of Burke M r Jn Greene & M r Fulton For the County of Wilks M r Ge Walton & M r Coleman For the County of Richmond M r Ja s M c Niel & M r Fahn For the County of Chatham M r Stephens & M r Jn" Haber- sham For the County of Effingham M r Davies & Jn Spencer On Motion That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Address to the Governor Elect ORDERED that M r Jackson M r William Few M r Gibbons be that Committee. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock JANUARY, 1784. 425 (From State Archives.) Friday January 9 th 1784 The House Met According to Adjournment M r John Green a Member Returned Elected for the County of Burke Attended, and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitu tion On Motion That a Committee be appointed to enquire why this State was Unrepresented in Congress in the Year one thousand Seven hundred eighty three ORDKRKD that M r Gibbons, M r Heard & M r Jackson be that Committee The Committee appointed to draw up an Address to the Gov ernor Elect Reported, and after some Amendments made thereto was agreed to by the House and is as follows. Si r I am directed by the Legislature to communicate to you that, by the free Suffrages of Your Country; You have been elected Governor of this State for the present Year The War being ended by which we have finally and firmly Established our Independence, I congratulate you on an Ap- po^tment which Carries with it such a Marke of Publick Con fidence and as the tumults and derangements unavoidable in such important Contests, ought as soon as Possible to Subside, I can not but express my happiness, that a Gentleman has been Ap pointed of Abilities to discern and of decision to execute, the Measures Necessary to Restore tranquility and Order 426 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Legislature will be happey at all times for Your Advise not only with Respect to the important business of Finance, but on any other Subject of Publick Concern By order of the House Signed JAMES HABERSHAM Speaker RESOLVED that the House do immediately Proceed to the choice of four Delegates to Represent this State in Congress The House having taken the same into Consideration Proceeded to the Election of Delegates and on Casting up the Ballots Sam uel Elbert William Houstoun, Edward Telfair & Joseph Hab- ersham Esquires \vere Elected On Motion That a Committee be appointed to wait on his Honor the Gov ernor elect with the Address ORDERED that M r Jackson, M r William Few & M r Gibbons be that Committee The Committee appointed to wait on his Honor the Governor Elect with .an address, informing him of his Appointment Re ported That he Signified his Acceptance of the Appointment, and will Attend the House at four OClock, to Qualify & give an Answer to the Address A Letter from his Honor the late Governor was read ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table for the Perusal of the Members. His Honor the Governor Elect Returned an Answer to the Address; as follows, & Qualified agreeable to the Constitution JANUARY, 1784. 427 M r Speaker and Gentlemen of the Honorable the House of As sembly. This Repeated and Unsolicited Mark of Approbation from My Country, cannot but excite in My breast sentiments of the warmest Gratitude and Affection, And whilst on the one hand I feel some Reluctance at departing from a Resolution I had formed of confining my self in future to Private life on the other I am free to Confess that the Present deranged State of our publick concerns both as they Respect our Federal Connex ion & our internal Police seems to Require that every Man should contribute his Part in the Sphere Assigned him by the Suffrage of his Fellow Citizens, towards the Accomplishment of a Respectable and Permanent System under the Influence of this Impression, I shall not hesitate to Sacrifice all Considerations of a domestic nature to the superior duties of My Relative Sta tion - and therefore agree to Accept of the Honor of Your Appointment The Toils and Dangers of War being now done away, by a Peace as Glorious as beneficial to our Country, Permit me to Assure you it shall be the Cheif end and Pride of My Adminis tration to improve the event into the most lasting Security for all the Rights and Priviledges of Freemen And Convinced as [ am of the Necessity of Law and Government in order to Ren der Society a blession no Exertions on My part shall be want ing to reduce Refractory Individuals to a sence of what they owe the Community and on yours I shall trust for that Support which so desirable subject demands Signed J HOUSTOUN, January 9 th 1784 M r Stephens & M r Coleman a Committee from the Executive Council, Attended & informed the House that they had elected John Habersham Esquire President of the Executive Council,, 428 who Attended and took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitu tion RESOLVED that the following Rules be adopted for the Gov ernment of the House Viz First The Members shall Attend at the Precise Hour of Ad journment; and on default with out Sufficient excuse to the Satisfaction of the House Such Member or Members shall be Subject to the fine of one Quarter of a Dollar for the first ten Minutes, and a Penny for their non At tendance every Minute after; and that Such Member or Members shall not take his or their Place till such fine is Paid Second On the Speakers taking his Seat every Member shall do the same Third That no Person shall leave his Seat on Adjournment till the Speaker has left the Chair, & is gone from the Bar of the House. Fourth That no More than one Member shall Speak at one and the same time, nor more than twise, on one Debate, un less he has particular leave from the House Fifth Any Member Called to Order and Refusing to Comply shall forfeit for the first Offence one Dollar for the Sec ond Double the Sum and for the third Proving Refrac tory May be expelled the House Sixth That all Motions and Amendments, shall be Committed to Paper, by the Members offering the Motion or Amend ment. .Seventh That any Member Using indecent Language in debate, shall for the first Offence forfeit one Dollar, and for every Offence after double the sum. JANUARY, 1784. 429 Eighth That any Member leaving the House when met; with out leave from the Chair Shall forfeit a Quarter of a Dollar for every Offence Ninth That it shall be a general Rule that the House meet at Nine OClock in the Morning and sit till three OClock of the afternoon ORDERED that writs of Election Issue for three Members for the County of Chatham in the Room of John Houstoun Esquire Elected Governor. Joseph Habersham Esquire, Appointed a Continental Delegate & William Maxwell Esquire who has de clined taking his Seat. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 O C (From State Archives.) Saturday January io th 1/84 The House Met According to Adjournment RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Report the House Salaries for the Publick Officers for the Year One thousand Seven hundred eighty four ORDERED that M* Gibbons, M r William Eew & M r Andrew be that Committee. RESOLVED, that a Committee be Appointed to inspect the Ac count of Sales of Confiscated Property, and Report, whether it appears that good and Sufficient Security agreeable to Law has been taken & that the Commissioners of the Sales be Required to furnish the Committee with the Accounts. ORDERED that M p Joseph Habersham M r Jackson & M r Heard be that Committee 430 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to bring in a Bill for Laying out a County or Counties to the Westward, and Pointing out the Mode of Laying out the lands and Settling the same ORDERED that M r William Few, M r Morrell M r Freeman M r Andrew, M* Lanier & M r Clements be that Committee The following Petitions were Refered Viz From Benjamin Green From Lewis Coope From Cornelius Dysart ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Committee on Pe titions RESOLVED that a Standing Committee on Petitions be Ap pointed ORDERED that M r Netherclift M r Irwin M r Elliott, M r Glas- cock, M r Downes & M r Lundy be that Committee The House then Adjourned to Monday Next 9 OCK (From State Archives.) Monday January 12 th 1784 The House Met According to Adjournment Charles Odengsells Esq r a Member Returned for the County of Chatham, Attended and took the Oath Prescribed in the Con stitution ORDERED that a Standing Committee of Accounts be appointed JANUARY, 1784. 431 RESOLVED that M r Odingsells, M r Saltus & M r Joseph Haber- sham be that Committee. Two Letters from M r John Wereat Auditor of Accounts, with Sundry In closures were Read ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Standing Committee of Accounts. The House having taken into Consideration the Report of the Special Committee Reported on last Sessions ; On the Petition of William Graves RESOLVED that his Honor the Governor be Authorized to Receive the Nominal Sums of Twenty Treasury Certificates from M r William Graves as the Account of so Many Certificates to be given in agreeable to a Resolve of the late House of Assembly held at Augusta in July & August last and that the Account of the said Nominal Sums be Considered on the same footing those are which may be Produced by Virtue of the said Resolve, This House Considering the Justice of M r Graveses Case and that the same were lost by him in his Retreat from the British Forces, and that his Honor the Governor be empowered to give the said William Graves a Certificate for the Nominal Amount, he Pro ducing Satisfactory Security in Treble the Nominal Sum, should his Case appear unjust in future, or that the same have been Actually Received. The Committee on Priviledges & Elections Reported which being Read RESOLVED that Joseph William Spencer is not Eligible to a Seat in this House and that the Speaker be directed to Issue a Writ of Election for the County of Effingham in the Room of the said Spencer Daniel MMurphy Esquire a Member Returned Elected for the County of Burke Attended & took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution 432 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Petition of Daniel Games, John Cobbs and Snelling Johnson in behalf of themselves and others Inhabitants of the State of Virginia was read. ORDERED That the said Petitions be Refered to a Special Committee & that they make their Report as soon as Possible RESOLVED that M r Joseph Habersham, M r Heard and M r Jack son be that Committee. The Following Petitions were read and Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions Viz From Lucretia Firguson From John Skey Eustace From John Hill From John Hill From James M c Kay ORDERED that the Petitions Presented to the Assembly at their last Sitting and not Reported on be also Refered to the Committee on Petitions Letter from the Attorney General with Sundry Inclosures were read ORDERED that the same be Refered to a Special Committee & that M r Few, M r Houstoun & M r Freeman be that Committee ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to procure a proper place for the Horses of the Members of the House & that M r Morell M r Odingsells & M r Devaux be that Committee ORDERED that the Board of Commissioners of Claims and the Auditor of Publick Accounts -be Required to lay their Proceed ings before this House. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Receive the JANUARY, 1784. 433 Names of Candidates for the Civil Officers of this State, and that M r Catchings, M r Middleton and M r Odingsells be that Committee RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to Consider on the most Proper Means, for Providing for the Families in this State of such Persons as are Included in the Confiscation Act, and are Entitled to such Provision on Principles of Justice & Humanity. ORDERED that M r Houstoun M r Lundy, M r Elliott M r W m Few & M r Clark be that Committee The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Tuesday January 13 th 1784 The House met According to Adjournment M r Daniel Howell & M r Caleb Howell, being Returned Elected for the County of Effingham Attended & took the Oath Pre scribed in the Constitution. An Account from M r Baker was Read ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Standing Committee of Accounts The following Petition were Read and Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions Viz. From Benjamin Towers, with an Account Annexed From John Strong From a Number of Gentlemen from Burke County in favor of James Lamberth 28 r r vol 3 434 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for Ascertaining the Qualifications Necessary for the Admission of Attornies, Solicitors & Proctors in this State ORDERED that M r Jackson & M r William Houstonn be that Committee RESOLVED That this House will Proceed on Thursday next to fix the Salaries of the Civil Officers for the Present Year. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for Ascertaining the Qualifications Necessary for the Admission, of Attornies, Solicitors and Proctors in this State, brought in the same which was Read the first time. A Letter from the Auditor of Accounts (with his Books) were Read ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Committee of Ac counts. Petition from Hampton Lillibridge was Read ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Committee on Pe titions. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for the fixing and Establishing Court Houses & Jails and Regu lating Elections in the different Counties ORDERED that M r Jackson, M r Baker, M r Palmer, M r Candler, M r Cunningham, and M r Howell be that Committee The Committee on Priviledges and Elections on the Burke Return Report That Daniel MMurphy Esquire who is Returned a Member of said County was at the time of his Election Register of Pro- JANUARY, 1784. 435 bats, and is therefore not eligeble to sit as a Member of this House, which was agreed to. ORDERED That a Writ of Election do Issue for a Member for the County of Burke in the Room of Daniel M c Murphy Esq r who is not Eligible to sit in this House RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill to explain more fully so much of the fifty first Article of the Con stitution as Respects the destribution of Intestates Estates. ORDERED that M r Heard, M r William Few & M r Houstoun be that Committee. RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to Collect all the Acts of Assembly of Force in this State as well such as Passed Prior to the Revolution, and since that time adopted, or such as have Passed subsequent thereto, and that the Committee be Au thorized and empowered to have the same Reprinted & Bound, at the expence & for the use of the House ORDERED that M r Houstoun, M r Netherclift, M r Jackson, M r William Few, and M r Joseph Habersham be that Committee RESOLVED that the Speaker write M r Hall (late Governor) to know whether any or what Steps have been taken agreeable to a Resolve of the last House, to have the Public Papers and Records brought back from the Northward to this State RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to bring in a Bill to Revise and Amend, the Melitia & Pay Law ORDERED that M r James Jackson, M r William Few M r Cun ningham, M r Caleb Howell & M r Morell be that Committee RESOLVED That the Attorney General be Called upon to lay before the House any Accounts of Property sold under the Con fiscation Act Passed in the Year One thousand Seven hundred 436 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Seventy Eight which May have been lodged in his Office by Col Martin who Conducted the Sales & to know what Steps have been taken towards Recovering the Proceeds of said property The House then Adjourned, to Tomorrow Morning 9 OC K (From State Archives.) Wednesday January 14 th 1784 The House Met According to Adjournment The Committee on Elections Report That on Examining the Election from Campden three of the Voters Rights was Proved before the Committee The Justices who held the Poll informed the Committee the Election was fairly Conducted, & that M r MIntosh had Eight votes & M r Davies one & that is said to be by himself, M r Davies Asserted that M r M c lntosh was no Citizen and could not take his Seat, The Committee find W MIntosh always was a Citi zen of this State and his last absence was to Remove his Prop erty into the State & that he has been most of his time in the State for Eighteen Months last Past Therefore the Committee are of Opinion M r M c lntosh take his seat as a Member for Cambden, which was agreed to The following Petitions were Read and Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions Viz From Oliver Lewis, with Sundry Certificates From Solomon Kemp with a Certificate Lachlin MIntosh Jun r Esquire a Member Returned for the JANUARY, 1784. 437 County of Cambden, Attended, Qualified & took his seat Accord ingly. The Committee Appointed to bring in a Bill to explain more fully so much of the fifty first Article of the Constitution as Respects the destribution of Intestate Estates brought in the same which was read the first time M r Whitehead a Member Returned Elected for the County of Liberty Attended and took the Oath Prescribed in the Consti tution. The Bill for Ascertaining Qualifications Necessary for the Ad mission of Attorneys, Solicitors and Proctors in this State, was Read the Second time The House then Resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill M r Gibbons in the Chair The Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r Gibbons from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Bill ascertaining Qualifications necessary for the Admission of Attorneys Solicitors, and Proctors, Re ported That they had gone through the same, and made some Amend ments thereto, which he Read in his Place & delivered in at the Table ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and sent to the Exec utive Council for their Perusal and Advice and that M r Gibbons and M r Benjamin Few be a Committee to wait on them with the Same The Committee on Petitions Reported from Number One to Seven 438 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said Report do lie on the Table for the Pe rusal of the Members till Monday Next The following Petitions were read, and referred to the Com mittee on Petitions Viz From Raymond Demeree From Abraham Baldwin with two Certificates From James Rae. From James Rae. ORDERED that M r Habersham, M r Heard & M r Jackson be added to the Committee to bring in a Bill for Laying out a County or Counties to the Westward and Pointing out the Mode of laying out the lands and Settling the Same The Attorney General Attended agreeable to a Resolve of Yesterday, with the Books and Accounts of Property sold under the Confiscation Act in the Year one thousand Seven hundred Seventy eight which was lodged in his Office by Col Martin who Conducted the Soles. RESOLVED that the above Mentioned Papers delivered in by the Attorney General be Referred to a Committee ORDERED that M r William Few, M r Saltus, M r Daniel Howell, M r Odingsells, M r Catchings and M r Pugh be that Committee WHEREAS it was Resolved by a former House which met at Augusta in April One thousand Seven hundred and eighty two That the Plantation of Thomas Waters be granted and given to Col Clark for his distinguished Services to this Country during the War, and as a Reward to extraordinary merit, Subject to the Payments of the said Waters s debts, which tho no debts have hitherto Appeared and Probably few or none May Appear, leaves the Property not so fully vested in Col Clark as that which has been granted to other Persons for their Services, and as this JANUARY, 1784. 439 House wou d wish to give Col Clark the most Honorable Testi mony of their Applause and Gratitude, therefore RESOLVED that the Commissioners for Forfeited Estates be Authorized, and empowered to give full and Sufficient Titles for the said Plantation free, of the Debts of the said Waters RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to bring in a Bill for laying a Tax, for the Present Year ORDERED that M r Houstoun, M r Benjamin Few & M r Cun ningham be that Committee. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday January 15 th 1784 The House met According to Adjournment A Letter James Cochran Esq r was Read, desiring leave to Resign his Seat in this House as a Member from the County of Glynn RESOLVED that the Resignation of James Cochran Esquire be Accepted ORDERED that a Writ of Election do Issue for a Member for the County of Glynn in the Room of M r James Cochran Esq r who has Resigned his Seat A Letter from Samuel Fulton Esq r a Member of this House Requesting leave to Resign his Seat was Read RESOLVED that the Resignation of Samuel Fulton Esq r bs Accepted 440 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that a Writ of Election do Issue for a Member for the County of Liberty in the Room of Samuel Fulton Esquire who has Resigned his Seat The Order of the day being Called for The House then Proceeded to fix the Salaries of the Civil Of ficers for the Present Year Governor, Four Hundred Pounds Per Annum Chief Justice Three hundred Pounds P r Annum Auditor of Accounts Three Hundred Pounds P r Annum Clerk of the Assembly One Hundred Pounds P r Annum Messenger of the Assembly Twenty Pounds Per Annum Clerke of the Council, Fifty Pounds Per Annum Messenger of the Council Thirty Pounds Per Annum Councellors while Sitting two Dollars Per Day Members of the Assembly (while on Service Two Dollars P Day Continental Delegates while on Service four Do P Day Treasurers Salary Postponed. Attorney General Fifty Pounds Per Annum On Motion RESOLVED that Salaries of the Collectors Sheriffs, Clarks of Courts, Searcher & Comptroller Commissioners of Indian Af fairs, be Postponed for the Present A Letter from Lyman Hall Esq r late Governor was read, Re- JANUARY, 1784. questing, that the Bonds and other Public Papers in his hands may be Received by the House ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to Receive the above Papers from M r Hall late Governor and lay them before the House ORDERED that M r MIntosh, M r Deveaux, M r Odingsells & M r Baker be that Committee RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to bring in a Bill for establishing Salaries and fees to Civil Officers ORDERED that M r William Few, M r Netherclift and M r Gib bons be -that Committee A Letter from Savy with an Account was Read ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Auditor of Accounts The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the Re port of the Committee on Petitions. Viz On X From Lucretia Ferguson Praying for Relief out of the Property of Henry Ferguson as a Compensation to her Children by Francis Stringer her former husband for losses they Sustained by said Ferguson And after some Amendments made thereto was agreed to by the House as follows That M r Ferguson should have Authority to Recover the Property of the Estate of Stringer for the use of his Children & that the Negroes Mentioned in her Petition belonging to Fergu son delivered to her as Executrix of the Estate of Stringer and to be Considered the Property of the Said Stringers Orphans in Consideration for the Waste made by said Ferguson of the Estate of Francis Stringer The following Petitions were Read and Refered to the Com mittee on Petitions Viz 442 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From Richard Leake with a Certificate From Peter Tarlingh with a Certificate From William Finden From William Blogg. ORDERED that a Letter be wrote by the Speaker to Docte r Jones Requiring his Attendance on the House as soon as his Health will Permit RESOLVED that leave be given to bring in a Bill to Point out the Regulations Necessary for the Admission of Persons to the Rights of Citizenship in this State ORDERED that M r William Houstoun, M r William Few and M r Joseph Habersham be that Committee The Committee Appointed to bring in a Bill for the fixing and establishing Court House and Jails and the fixing and Reg ulating Elections in the different Counties in this State, brought in the same, which was Read the first time RESOLVED that Philip Low, William Williams & Joseph Law Esquires be Added to the list of Justices for the County of Lib erty, in Addition to those already Appointed RESOLVED that a Committee be Appointed to Revise and Amend the Laws, Respecting the Prevention of Feris and also to bring in such farther Regulations as may be Necessary ORDERED that M r Habersham, M r Deveaux & M r Odingsells be that Committee M r Stephens and M r Walton a Committee from the Executive Council, Returned the Bill for Ascertaining Qualifications for the Admission of Attorneys Solicitors & Proctors in this State with their Remarks thereon JANUARY, 1784. 443 ORDERED that the same do lie on the Table The Bill for Ascertaining the Qualifications for the Admission of Attorneys Solicitors & Proctors in this State was Read a third time ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed. The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OC K (From State Archives.) Friday January i6 th 1784 The House Met Pursuant to Adjournment RESOLVED that John Spencer, Daniel Bonnell David Meazel & Drury Jones, be added to the list of Justices for the County of Effing-ham, in Addition to those already appointed ORDERED that M r Palmer be Added to the Committee Appoint ed to Consider on the most Proper Means for Providing for Families in this State of Such Persons as are included in the Confiscation Act, And are entitled to Such Provisions, in the room of Daniel MMurphy Esquire whose seat is become Vacant A Letter from the Honorable Edward Telfair Esquire in forming the House that he had Transmitted the Proceedings of the Commissioners Appointed to treat with the Indians was Read ORDERED that the same be Refered to a Committee and that M r Houstoun, M r Saltus and M r Habersham be that Committee Memorial from Joseph Woodruff was read ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Committee on Peti tions 444 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Standing Committee of Accounts Report That they find the following Clause in the Act for Releasing Certain Persons from their Bargains, Passed at Augusta the Twenty Ninth of July last "And when it shall happen that any doubts shall arise with the Auditor on any claim against this State of any nature whatsoever the said Auditor shall and he is hereby Required to lay the same before the aforesaid Board of Commissioners, who shall lay down some fixed Principle of equal Justice, between the State And each Claiming Individual, and Judge and finally decide on the same from whom those shall be no Appeal The Committee are therefore of Opinion that the Board of Commissioners is the Proper Channell thro which the Accounts in their Possession ought to Pass, and therefore Return them, And Recommend that the Board be Servid with a Copy of this Report which was agreed to A Bill for the fixing and Establishing Court Houses and Jails and Regulating Elections in the different Counties was Read a Second time On Motion RESOLVED that the House Resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill M r Gibbons in the Chair The Speaker having Resumed the Chair M r Gibbons from the Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the Bill for the fixing and establishing Court Houses and Jails, and Regulating Elections in the Different Counties Reported JANUARY, 1784. 445 That they had gone through the same and made some Amend- mints, which he Read in his Place and delivered in at the Table. ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and sent to the Exec utive Council for their Perusal and Advice The House then Adjourned to Monday Next 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday January 19 th 1784 The House met Pursuant to Adjournment A Letter from George Walton, William Glascock, Joseph Pan- nill and Samuel Jack Esquires Commissioners for laying out the Reserve Land in the Town of Augusta into Acre Lotts the Erecting an Academy or Seminary of Learning was Read Also A Petition from the Lot Holders of the old Town of Augusta ORDERED that the same be Refered to a Committee and that M r William Few, M r Gibbons and M r Habersham be that Committee. Petition from James Greenhow was Read ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Committee on Pe titions The Committee Appointed to enquire into the Reasons why this State was not Represented in Congress in the Year One thousand Seven hundred Eighty three Reported ORDERED that the same be taken into Consideration Tomorrow Morning. James Houstoun Peter Bard & James Green Esquires being 446 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Returned Elected for the County of Chatham, M r James Hous- toun & M r Peter Bard Attended, took the Oath Prescribed in the Constitution & took their Seats Accordingly ORDERED that M r William Houstoun, M r William Few, and M r Jackson be that Committee The Order of the Day being Called for The House Proceeded to take into Consideration the Report of the Committee on Petitions Viz on N i From Hampton LilHbridge Praying that the Pur chase of Laurel Hill Plantation may be Confirmed to him his Heirs &c. RESOLVED that the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates be empowered to Make Hampton Lillibridge Titles to Lands Pur chased by him on his Complying with the terms of the Law, it Appearing to the House his Absence to the Northward Rendered it impossible for to Comply before the first day of October last, as Purchased by the Act for Releasing Certain persons from their Bargains &c. and that his Attorneys offered to give Bonds and Mortgages for the Same N 3 From John Skey Esquire, Praying to be Admitted to Plead at the Barr RESOLVED that the Prayer of the Petition be granted N 4 From John Hill Praying for lands to be granted him, in Compensation of his Services to this State RESOLVED that the Petition of John Hill Respecting Lands be Refered to the Executive Council to determine on the Pro- priety of his Claim agreeable to the Acts of this House N 5 From John Hill Praying to be made a Compensation for his Services during the War JANUARY, 1784. 447 RESOLVED that the said Hill make out his Account against the State and give it in to the Auditor N 6 Memorial from James MKay in behalf of the Children of Roger Kilsall Praying that a Moity of Said Kelsalls Es tate may be made over to the Support of his Children ORDERED that the Memorial of James MKay be Refered to the Committee for Considering on the Most Proper Means of Providing for the Families of Such Persons as are included in the Act of Confiscation N 7 From Benjamin Towers with an Account Praying that Lands may be granted to him in Consideration of Serv ices as a State Officer ORDERED that the Same be Recommitted The Speaker having informed the House he had Received a Letter from his Honor the Chief Justice Requesting Payment of Part of his Salary & on Motion that the Auditor be also Paid Part of his Salary RESOLVED that the Speaker draw an Order on the Treasurer Payable to his Honor the Chief Justice, and the Auditor for thirty Guineas each in Part of their Salaries for the last Year The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OC K (From State Archives.) Tuesday January 2O th 1784 The House met Pursuant to Adjournment James G unn Esquire Elected a Member for the County of Chatham and Charles Crawford Esq r a Member Elected for the 448 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY County of Richmond Attended Qualified, agreeable to the Con stitution, and took their Seats Accordingly. The Committee Appointed to bring in a Bill for establishing Salaries and fees to Civil Officers brought in the same, which was Read the first time The Following Petitions were Read Viz From Thomas Basket & Francis Lewis From Margaret Shields From Samuel Stirk From a Number of Invalids in the County of Richmond ORDERED that the Same be Referred to the Committee on Peti tions A Letter from John Wereat Esq r was read ORDERED that the same be refered to a Special Committee and that M r Habersham, M r Bard & M r Baker be that Committee A Letter from Mordecai Sheftill with an Affidavit was Read Praying that the Affidavit may be filed with the Other Papers Respecting Levi Sheftill, which was agreed to On Motion RESOLVED that Leave be given to bring in a Bill to Regulate the Indian Trade ORDERED that M r Natherclift M r Habersham, M r Bard, M r Heard and M r Clark be that Committee The Order of the day being Called for That the Report of the Committee to enquire why this State JANUARY, 1784. 449 was Unrepresented in Congress in the Year one Thousand Seven Hundred eighty three Motion being made that the Report of the Committee be Post poned which being debated was Carried in the INegative The Yeas and Nays being Called for are as follows Nay M r Gibbons M r Netherclift M r Devaux M r Jackson M r Habersham M r W m Houstoun M r Morell M r Bard M r Ja" Habersham M r Rutherford M r Downes M r Cunningham Yea M r Odmgsells M r Catchings M r Gunn M r Clark M r Freeman M r Hardy M r Saltus M r Baker M r Whitehead M r Meazle M r Lanier Nay M r Daniel Howell M r Clements M 1 Glascock M r Bryan Al r Palmer M r Kemp M r Irwin M r Pugh M r Candler Al r M Intosh 22 Yea M r Lundy M r Caleb Howell M r Conyers M r Morison M r M c Farland M r Middleton M r William Few M r Lee M r Benjamin Few M r Crawford 21 The House then Proceeded to take into Consideration the Re- 29 r r-vol 3 450 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY port of the Committee to enquire why this State was Unrepre sented in Congress in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred eighty three which is as follows that it Appears to the Committee as well from the letter of the late Governor M r Hall as from the Information that the Proper Credentials were never sent on to cne of the Delegates, at the time of his Appointment then in Vir ginia or Official Information of Such Appointment given him till the Month of August, when his Affairs did not Permit him to Proceed to Congress ; it further Appears to this Committee that another Gentleman held himself in Readiness to go to Congress till the Month of September and declared the same by a letter to the late Governor M r Hall through "William Houstoun Esquire another of the Delegates but Never Received either Credentials or Supplies and that the said M r Houstoun was Prepared from the time of the Election offering to bear his own expences, but was Refused his Credentials whereby this State has been Un represented in Congress for the last Year to the Manifest injury of the Same which was agreed to RESOLVED that all Publick Officers be Required to Render to this House a State of Pubhck Property sold or Monies Received by them or which may have gone through their hands to the end of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred eighty three on or before Tuesday Next except those who have already Settled their Accounts ORDERED that the Clerk do Serve Copies of the foregoing Re solve on each and every such Publick Officer A Bill for Ascertaining Qualifications Necessary for the Ad mission of Attorneys, Solicitors and Proctors in this State, being Engrossed, was brought in and Compared at the Table ORDERED that the said Bill do Pass and that the Speaker Sign the Same JANUARY, 1784. 451 Petition from John Martin, John Milton and John Wereat, with an Affidavit were Read ORDERED that the same be Refered to the Committee on Peti tions The Committee on Petitions Reported from N 8 to 10 The House taking the same into Consideration as follows Viz on N 8. From Cornelius Dysart, Praying for Permission to Re linquish Several Articles of Ho usehold furniture Pur chased- at a Sale of Confiscated Property The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of his Pe- tion be granted on Condition that the Furniture so Purchased be Returned in as good Order as it was at the time the same was Delivered to him The Committee being informed that M r Dysart did offer to Relinquish the Purchase above Mentioned ; to the Commissioners Prior to the expiration of the time fixed by Law which was agreed to N 9 From Abraham Baldwin, Praying for Permission to Prac tise as an Attorney at Law in the Courts of this State The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of his Petition be granted which was agreed to N 10 From Oliver Lewis Praying that License be granted him to Plead and Practice Law in the Several Counties of this State The Committee are of Opinion that the Prayer of the Petition be granted which was agreed to The Committee Appointed to bring in a Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the westward and Pointing out the Mode 452 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY cf Laying out the Land and Settling the Same, brought in the Same which was Read the first time The House then Adjourned to Tomorrow Morning 9 OC K (From State Archives.) Wednesday January 2i st 1784 The House met Pursuant to Adjournment Layman Hall Esq. being Returned a Member for Liberty County in the Room of Samuel Fulton Esq. who has Resigned, Attended Qualified agreeable to the Constitution and took his Seat Accordingly A Letter from Gicldon Dowse Esq r a Member Elected for the County of Liberty informing this House, that he Resigned his Seat in the Same RESOLVED that the Resignation of M r Dowse be accepted It appearing from the Return for the Election of Glynne Coun ty that James Gunn Esq r who has been likewise Returned and Qualified for the County of Chatham was, duly Elected RESOLVED that a Writ of Election issue for a Member for Glynn County in his Room On Motion, ORDERED, that Writs of Election do Issue for Two Members to Represent Liberty County in the Room of Giddon Dowse and William Way who have declined taking their Seats A Letter from William Gibbons Esquire was Read JANUARY, 1784- ORDERED that the same be referee! to a Committee and that M r Gunn, M r Bard and M r Odingsells be that Committee Petition from Alexander Morrison with a Memorial from Sun dry Inhabitants of the County of Liberty annexed, was Read ORDERED that the Same be refered to the Committee on Peti tions Petition from David Delegall was Read RESOLVED that the Petition of David Delegall Praying his fathers Estate to be Restored him be Refered to a Special Com mittee, as well as all other Petitions which may be offered the House, any were concerning the Confiscation or Amercement Laws, and that the Committee Report on the same after the Ma terial business of the Sessions is finished ORDERED that M r Gunn, M r Odingsells and M r Jackson be that Committee The following Petitions were read Viz. From John Cosgrief From John George Galphin \ ORDERED that the same be Referred to the Committee on Pe- tions The Committee to whom were Refered the Letter of the Com missioners for the Town of Augusta and the Petition from the Inhabitants thereof Report That they have Confered with said Commissioners on the Sub ject and find that they are by law vested with full Power to lay out the Additions to the Town of Augusta in the Manner and form that in their Judgment is most Convenient and beneficial to the Present Inhabitants, and future Purchasers 454 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Committee are therefore of Opinion that the Petition of Lot Holders of the Town of Augusta ought to be Refered to the said Commissioners in order that they may decide thereon as Justice and Publick utility may Require, which was agreed to RESOLVED that the Report of the Committee and the whole Proceedings of the enquiry Respecting a failure of a Representa tion in Congress of this State for the Year one thousand Seven Hundred eighty three as entered on the Journals of this House of Yesterday be Reconsidered, and that next Thursday Week be the day Assigned for that Purpose, and that the late Governor and the Executive Council last Year be heard on the Sub ject ORDERED that the Bill for laying out County or Counties to the westward, and Pointing out the Mode of Laying out the Land and Settling the same be read a Second time on Friday next RESOLVED that this House will Tomorrow Morning Proceed to the filling up of the Blanks in the Bill for the fixing and estab lishing, Court Houses and Jails and the fixing and Regulating Elections in the Different Counties of the State (From State Archives.) Wednesday January 2i st 1784. continued from Lib. B. The Bill for settling and ascertaining the fees to be taken by the several public Officers and persons herein after named was read a second time. JANUARY, 1784. 455 On Motion That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill on Saturday next which was agreed to. Samuel Elbert Esq r one of the Continental Delegates chosen to represent this State in Congress for the present year declined serving. The House then Adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Thursday January 22 nd 1784. The House met pursuant to adjournment. The Committee appointed to receive the names of the Candi dates for the Civil List for the present year, made their report which being read ordered to ly on the Table for the considera tion of the Members. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to explain more fully so much of the fifty first Article of the Constitution as re spects the distribution of Intestates Estates, brought in the same which was read the first time. The following Petitions were read Viz. From James Harriott Prom George Troup in behalf of William Mintosh ORDERED that the same be referee! to the Committee appointed to take into consideration the Petitions any-wise appertaining to the Confiscation and Amercement Laws. 456 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that Benjamin Andrew and John Morrell esq rs be added to the said Committee. James M c neil Esqr. a Member returned for the County of Richmond, attended, qualified and took his Seat. On Motion RESOLVED That leave be given to bring in a Bill for the Regu lating Ferries in the State. ORDERED that M r James Houstoun, M r Whitehead, M r Lanier M r Kemp, M r Glascock, and M r Heard be a Committee to prepare a.nd bring in the same. M r M c neil elected a Councellor for the County of Richmond, declined taking his Seat. The House then proceeded to the Election of a Chancellor for the County of Richmond in the room of M r M c neil who declined, and on casting up the Ballots Robert Middleton Esq r was elected. The Order of the day being called for The House proceeded to fill up the Blanks in the Bill for fixing and establishing Courthouses and Jails, and regulating Elections in the different Counties. ORDERED that M r Hardey and M r Conyers be a Committee to wait on the Executive Council with the same. David Rees Esq r Clerk of the board of Claims laid before the house the books and proceedings of the Commissioners of Claims. ORDERED that the same be refered to a Special Committee and that M r William Few, M r Hall and M r Morrell be that Commit tee. The House then adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. JANUARY, 1784. 457 (From State Archives.) Friday January 23 d 1784. The House met according to adjournment. The Committee on Priveledges and Elections reported. That they have enquired into the Election of Lyman Hall Esq r find that two days previous to his Election for Liberty County he voted for the Representatives of the County of Chatham, which in the opinion of the Committee fixed his resi dence in said County of Chatham. Therefore the Committee are of opinion the said Lyman Hall is not eligible to a Seat as a Member for said County of Liberty agreeable to the Constitution, which was agreed to. The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Gibbons M r Cunningham M r Netherclift M r Lundy M r Deveaux M r Clements M r Jackson M r Palmer M r Habersham M r Kemp M r W m Houstoun M r Irwin M r Bard M r Morrison M r Ja s Houstoun M r Candler M r Catchings M r Glascock M r Rutherford M r M c intosh M r Heard M r M c niel M r Downes 23 Nays Nays M r Morell M r Freeman M r Odingsells M r Andrew M r Gunn M r Hardey M r Clark M r Elliott 458 JOURNAL HOUSK OF ASSEMBLY M r Mitchell M r Conyers M r Baker M r Pugh M r Whitehead M r M c Farland M r Meazle M r W m Few M r Lanier M r Ben. Few M r Dan 1 Howell 20 M r Caleb Howell So it was carried in the Affirmative RESOLVED that the House do proceed to the Election of public Officers for the present year on Friday next. The following petitions were read Viz. From Daniel M c murphy From Moses Green ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on peti tions. ORDERED that a Writ of Election do issue for a Member for Liberty County in the room of Lyman Hall Esquire whose seat is declared vacant. Agreeable to the Order of the day The Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the Westward, and pointing out the mode of laying out the land and settling the same, was read the second time. ORDERED that the said Bill be recommitted and that the Com mittee report on Monday next, when the House will take the same into consideration. RESOLVED that M r James Houstoun be added to the Committee appointed to take into consideration a Letter from John Wereat Esquire in the room of M r Baker who has leave of absence. JANUARY, 1784. 459 The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to regulate the Indian trade the same was brought in and read the first time. The House then adjourned to tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Saturday January 24 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment Petitions from Isaac De Lion and James Hamilton were read. ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee to take into consideration the Petitions in anywise appertaining to the confiscation and Amercement Laws. RESOLVED that M r Bard, M r Andrew and M r William Hous- toun be a Committee to wait on the Reverend M r Holmes and acquaint him that the House will attend divine service to mor row. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for the revising and amending the several Militia and Patrole Laws of the State, Brought in the same which was read the first time. Agreable to the Order of the day, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into consideration the Bill for settling and ascertaining the fees of the public Officers. M r Gibbons in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Gibbons from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill reported, 460 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY That they had taken the same into consideration made some progress therein, and beg d leave to sit again. ORDERED that they have leave to sit again. On Motion RESOLVED that leave be given to bring in a Bill for establish ing a Seamans Hospital near the Town of Savannah ORDERED that M r Jackson, M r Bard and M r James Houstoun be that Committee. The House then adjourned to to-morrow morning half after 10 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Sunday January 25 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. Attended divine Service ORDERED that the thanks of this House be given to the Rev erend M r Holmes for his excellent sermon delivered this day, and that M r Jackson, M r M c lntosh and M r Morell be a Com mittee to communicate the same. The House then adjourned to to-morrow morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Monday January 26 th 1/84 Petition from Joseph Dunlap was read and referred to the Committee on petitions. JANUARY, 1784. 461 A Memorial from the Officers of the Georgia Continental Line was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appointed to lay out a County or Counties to the Westward, and pointing out the mode of settling the Lands and laying out the same. The Committee appointed to receive the Bonds and public papers from Lyman Hall Esquire late Governor, reported as fol lows That they have received a number of Bonds, Certificates and other papers bundles Numbers One and Two are Bonds with Mortgages for real Estate the amount of the whole is One hun dred twenty six thousand six hundred fifteen pounds, sixteen shill ings, Certificates paid on said Bonds, Nineteen thousand four hundred twenty five pounds four shillings and nine pence half penny, also a credit given on M r Andrew Mleans Bond for prop erty of his sold under the sequestration equal to Twelve hundred ninety three pounds, five shillings and eight pence, relinquish- ments o nthe Bonds received since the releasing Act are Twenty thousand and fourteen pounds, three shillings and six pence three farthings, which leave a balance in favor of the State of Seventy five thousand eight hundred, eighty three pounds, one shilling" and eleven pence three farthings. On the real Bonds, Number Three, for personal property amounting to Three thousand four hundred ninety four pounds, eleven shillings, together with a Bond of Mordecai Sheftalls for Twenty pounds three shillings, and a Note of Chesly Bostwicks for Sixty pounds, and two receipts from Samuel Stirk Esquire Attorney General for Bonds and Notes in his hands. One amounting to Two thousand, four hundred, sixty six pounds, five shillings and seven pence, the other Six hundred Seventy five pounds twelve shillings and six pence Bonds having fallen through by non-compliance with the terms of the Act under which they were sold. 462 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Committee have thought it expedient to leave them in the hands of the Secretary; as daily applications are made to take them up. ORDERED that the said Report and papers be referred to a special Committee, and that M r William Few, M r Odingsells and M r William Houstoun be that Committee. On Motion RESOLVED that the Auditor, Attorney General and Treasurer be requested immediately to lay before this House a State of such public monies as appear in their different Offices to have been furnished public Officers; and others during and since the Year One thousand seven hundred and Seventy six. ORDERED that the Clerk do furnish Copies of the above resolve- On Motion WHEREAS the keeping of a small force so long as it may be found necessary under a vigilant Officer may be the means of preventing the depredations which may be expected from the present defenceless State of the southern frontier RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to consider and report on such measures as will be necessary towards raising and supporting such a force as may be found to answer the pur pose and to recommend a proper Officer to command the same. ORDERED that M r M c lntosh, M r Lanier. M r Whitehead, M r Elliot and M r Benjamin Few be that Committee. On Motion RESOLVED that the House do resolve itself into Committee of the whole house to resume the consideration of the Bill for set tling and ascertaining the fees of the public Officers. JANUARY, 1784. M r Netherclift in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Netherclift from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, reported That they had taken the same into consideration made some progress therein, and beg d leave to sit again. M r Powell and M r Coleman a Committee from the Council returned the Bill for the fixing and establishing Courthouses and Tails, and for regulating Elections in the different Counties, with some proposed amendments. ORDERED that the House take the said Bill into consideration and that it be read a third time on Friday next. The Committee to whom was referred a Letter from John Wereat Esquire with sundry enclosures relating to a demand of M r William Bingham for sundries furnished the Sloop Re venge commanded by Cap* Sampson. ORDERED that the same do ly on the table. A Letter from the Attorney General, acquainting the House that he had transmitted an Account of such public moneys, ad vanced or furnished public Officers and others since the year One thousand seven hundred and seventy six which have been lodged in his office. ORDERED that the same do ly on the table. On Motion RESOLVED that leave be given to bring in a Bill for promoting religion and piety and securing to religious Societies certain rights and immunities, and for granting an Aid to build and repair places of public worship, and erecting School-houses in the several Counties of this State. 464 ORDERED that M r William Houstoun, M r Andrew and M r Glascock be that Committee. A Letter from the Commissioners for laying out the reserve Land in the Town of Augusta into Acre Lots, the erecting an Academy or Seminary of learning, with a Platt of Land sur veyed for Andrew Mlean Esquire. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Committee and that M r Crawford, M r M c neil and M r Candler be that Committee. A Letter from John Wereat Esquire Auditor of Accounts, with an account of moneys due the public by individuals, as en tered on the Auditors books were read. ORDERED that the same do ly upon the table. The House then adjourned to to-morrow morning 9 O Clock. (From- State Archives.) Tuesday, January 27 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. Agreable to the Order of the day the following Accounts of public moneys were received Viz. From Stephen Heard Esquire From George Walton Esquire formerly Commissary General of Purchases. From John Martin Esquire Viz a Letter containing the ac counts of the Treasurer Sheriff and Governor. From l Neh. Wade late Quarter Master General. From Lyman Hall Esquire late Governor JANUARY, 1784. 465 On Motion RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to receive and ex amine the Accounts of the public Officers which were ordered to be laid before the House, and report thereon. ORDERED that M r Gibbons M r Mintosh and M r Bard be that Committee. The Committee appointed to take into consideration and report on such measures as may be necessary towards raising and sup porting such a force as shall be found sufficient to secure the more exposed Frontiers of this State and to recommend a proper Officer to command the same reported. ORDERED that the same do ly on the table. The following Petitions were read Viz. From George Melvin From Henrietta B. Jones From Elizabeth Ronaldson ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appointed to take into consideration the Petitions anywise appertaining to the confiscation and Amercement Laws. The two following petitions from Hezekiah Wade with Ac counts annexed to each were read and referred to the Committee on Petitions. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for promoting religion and piety, and securing to religious societies certain rights and immunities and for granting an aid to build and repair places of publick worship and erecting of School houses in the different Counties of this State, brought in the same which was read the first time. 30 r r vol 3 460 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY On Motion ORDERED that M r James Ho-ustoun and M r M niel be added to the Committee to receive and examine the Accounts of the public Officers. The Committee to whom was referred the petition from the Officers of the Continental Line in behalf of themselves and the Soldiery, reported. ORDERED that the same be postponed till Saturday next. On Motion RESOLVED that leave be given to bring in a bill to revise and amend the Act passed last Session at Augusta, entitled an Act for enforcing the payment of Arrears of Taxes and Duties, and for imposing a Tax on all Goods, Wares, Merchandize and Negro Slaves sold to vendue. ORDERED that M r William Houstoun, M r Jackson and M r Habersham be that Committee. The Committee to whom was recommitted the Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the Westward and pointing out the mode of laying out the lands and settling the same, brought in the said Bill, which was read the first time, and ordered to be read a second time tomorrow. On Motion RESOLVED that the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to resume the consideration of the Bill for settling and ascertaining the fees of the public Officers. M r Gibbons in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Gibbons from the Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the Bill JANUARY, 1784. 467 for settling- and ascertaining the fees of the public Officers, re ported That they had gone through the same and made some amendments thereto which he read in his place and delivered in at the Table. ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and sent to the Ex ecutive Council for their perusal and advise and that M r Mniel and M r Clark be a Committee to wait on them with the same. The Committee on Petitions reported from number Eleven to Twenty. ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table The Committee appointed to report on a Letter from \Yilliam Gibbons Esquire dated the twenty first Instant, reported. That they are of opinion from the Testimony of William Glas- cock Esquire and others that M r Gibbons did in the year One thousand seven hundred and seventy six exhibit the accounts of Box and Gibbons Treasurers for the preceeding year and that they are entitled to a discharge, which was agreed to. The House then Adjourned till tomorrow morning. (From State Archives.) Wednesday January 28 th 1784. The House met pursuant to Adjournment. Lyman Hall Esquire being returned a member elected in the County of Glynn, attended qualified and took his seat. Petitions from a number of the Inhabitants of Wilkes County were received & read. 468 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on Pe titions. The Committee appointed to bring in a bill for amending and continuing several Acts of Assembly of this State, brought in the same, which was read the first time. The Special Committee appointed to take into consideration the report of the Committee appointed to receive the Bonds and other public papers from Lyman Hall Esquire late Governor, reported. ORDERED that the same do ly upon the Table for the consider ation of the House. The Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the Westward and pointing out the mode of laying off the land, and settling the same, was read a second time. On Motion RESOLVED that the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill. M* Netherclift in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Netherclift from a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the Westward and pointing out the mode of laying off the Land and settling the same, reported. That they have made some progress therein and beg d leave to sit again. RESOLVED that they have leave to sit again. The Committee to whom was referred the consideration of a Letter from the Attorney General, reported. JANUARY, 1784. 469 ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. A Message from the Council was received informing- the House that a Proclamation was issued offering rewards to the amount of One hundred pounds for apprehending Thomas Jones, John Black, alias Blackman and Benjamin Davis who made their escapes from the Jail in Savannah and requesting this House would provide a sum sufficient to answer the purpose of the said proclamation. ORDERED that the Board be informed, this House will take the necessary steps for making provision for the above purpose. The House then adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Thursday January 29 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Letter from James Rae Esquire was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on Pe titions. The following Petitions were read Viz From Francis Traywick From John Green From Mackeen Green with an Account Agreable to the Order of the day the House proceeded to the hearing of the late Governor in behalf of himself, and the Ex ecutive Council respecting the failure of the representation of Congress for the last year. 470 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY On Motion That the State reasons offered to this House by the late Gov ernor and the Executive Council, respecting a failure of a repre sentation of this State in Congress for the year One thousand seven hundred and eighty three be considered as satisfactory, which being debated was carried in the negative. The Yeas and Nays being called for are, as follows M M M M Yeas M r Odingsells M r Freeman Andrew Elliot Mitchell Meazles Nays M r Gibbon M r Netherclift M r Deveaux M r Jackson M r Habersham M r Bryan M r W m Houstoun M r Bard M r James Houstoun M r Catchings M r Rutherford M r Clark M r Heard M r Downes Yeas M r Lanier M r Lundy M r Dan 1 Howell M r Conyers M r W m Few ii M r M r M r M r M 1 M r M r M r M r M r M r M r Nays Cunningham Saltus Clements Kemp Irwin Pugh Morrison Candler Glascock Lee Crawford M c niel 26 The Committee to whom was referred the books of the Com missioners of Claims, reported. JANUARY, 1784. 471 That as the war has now ceased and it is necessary to curtail as much as possible public Officers, and lessen the expences of Government, and as the Executive hath now leisure to attend to the regulation of Finance. Therefore the Committee are of opinion that leave be given to bring in a Bill for vesting in the Governor and Executive Coun cil the power now exercised by the Board of claims, appointed under and by virtue of an Act passed at Augusta the twenty ninth of July last past, For releasing certain persons from their bargains and again selling and disposing of the same premises, for establishing funds, and for other purposes therein men tioned. RESOLVED that leave be given to bring in a Bill for vesting in the Governor and Executive Council the powers now exercised by the board of Claims appointed under and by virtue of an Act passed at Augusta the twenty ninth of July last past. ORDERED that M r William Few, M r Gibbons and M r Morrell be that Committee. The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole house to resume the consideration of the Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the Westward and pointing out the mode of laying off the lands and settling the same. M r Netherclift in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Netherclift from a Committee of the whole House, reported, That they had taken into consideration the Bill for laying out two or more Counties to the Westward, and pointing out the mode of laying out the land and settling the same, made some progress therein and beg d leave to sit again. RESOLVED that they have leave to sit again. 472 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for vesting in the Governor and Executive Council the powers now exercised by the board of Claims appointed under and by virtue of an Act passed at Augusta the twenty ninth of July last past for releasing certain persons from their Bargains and again selling and dis posing of the same premises for establishing funds and for other purposes therein mentioned, brought in the same which was read the first time- The House then adjourned till tomorrow morning g O Clock. (From State Archives.) Friday January 30" 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. The following Petitions were read Viz. From Jonathan Clark From John Lawson From Richard Ayecock ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on peti tions. Agreable to the Order of the twentieth instant John Hardey Esquire delivered in his Account as surviving Treasurer of this State for the year One thousand seven hundred and eighty. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee ap pointed to receive and examine the Accounts of the public Officers which were ordered to be laid before the house and report thereon. A Letter from Solomon Pendleton was read. JANUARY, 1784. r* ~~ reft Ocs soce res certan rirht- ir. an Aid *: be: : mi -"L.:e? -.- .ile H :-.* :r_ ^f -cedar next to take into coasj-derat-aa tie " .Ve-e~.: enc.:-=inf "":= Accc-cnt agiinst e Stale for Oxizxzz.- :hi: e >.i~:-e -do IT csi lite TabJe- jtizizi ih.ii ihr r-irT-e be ref erred to lie Oicnminee to take : : ns: lers." :-r. ihe >emt::-rL5 ipoertSLrnins tc lie he H: - i^e then rei:Ivei itse f into 2 Cccnnriiee c-f tbe wbc-le ~ . -. restme the cccsi dcratn-cc -of tine BiB for laying oat a rr cr C-ctmties to nse \^"esrwar-d. aad posntio^ ecu the T~Ti.g c-int tne lan^d?-. soc ^tt^ i! T Xetherdift in tie Chair. 7hr 5ieiker hi-ring- res^rred tie Gaair M T Xedaerdm freer: a nittre : f the -ssrh-c^e ]lca5 to take into : tie e a. taren te =rr*e nto i therein n-d beg"" ! "eare to sit tiai liber ha^e kare to sit a 474 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the Clerk do write to the Members of the House, who are absent, requesting their attendance, except those who have leave. The House then adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Saturday January 3 I st 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Memorial from the Merchants and Traders to the Indian Nation was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r Morrell M r Habersham and M r Clark be that Com mittee. A Letter from Hepworth Carter Esquire one of the Commis sioners for Confiscated Estates was read. ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee appointed to consider on the most proper means for providing for the families in this State of such persons as are included in the Con fiscation Act, and are entitled to such provision. The following petitions were read Viz. From Daniel Daniely with an Account From William Green ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on pe titions. Remonstrance from Edward Jones was read. JANUARY, 1784. 475 ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on petitions. The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to resume the consideration of the Bill for laying- out a County or Counties to the \Yestward and pointing out the mode of laying out the lands and settling the same. M r iXetherclift in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Netherclift from the committee of the whole House to resume the consideration of the said Bill, reported That they had taken the same into consideration, made some progress therein, and beg d leave to sit again. RESOLVED that they have leave to sit aerain f O The Committee to whom was referred a Letter from the board of the Commissioners for the Town of Augusta, reported. ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. On Motion RESOLVED that leave be given to bring in a Bill to empower the Auditor of Accounts to take such measures as may appear expedient to compel certain persons entrusted with the public money for the use of this Stiate, to account for the expenditure of the same, and to pay so much as they shall be chargeable with in the said Treasury. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appointed to receive and examine the accounts of the public Officers. The House then adjourned untill Monday next at 9 O Clock. 476 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Monday February 2 nd 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Petition from Ezekiel Stallings was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on Pe titions. The Committee to whom were referred the papers delivered in by the Attorney General with the books and Accounts of prop erty sold under the Confiscation Act in the Year One thousand seven hundred and seventy eight, which was lodged in his Office by Colonel Martin, who conducted the sales, reported. ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to resume the consideration of the Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the Westward and pointing out the mode of laying out the Lands and settling the same. M r Saltus in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Saltus from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, reported. That they had gone through the same, made some amendments thereto, which he read in his place, and delivered in at the Table. ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed. A Letter from George Walton Esquire one of the Commis sioners for laying out reserved Land in the Town of Augusta, for the purpose of erecting an Academy or Seminary of learn ing, was read. FEBRUARY, 1784. The House proceeded to take into consideration the reporr of the Committee to whom was referred the letter from the Com missioners for laying out the Town of Augusta into Acre Lots, and for erecting an Academy or Seminary of learning with a Platt of land surveyed for Andrew M c clean Esquire. RESOLVED that agreable to the report of the Committee, and the opinion of the Commissioners appointed in and by the Act ordering the sales of the said lands, that the same be sold on the first Thursday in April, payable on the following terms, that is to say, one third in six months from the day of the date of such sale, one third more in twelve months from such sale, and the remainder in eighteen months, and that Bond with good and sufficient Security be given at the time of such purchases. The House then adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Tuesday February 3 d 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Letter from Andrew Mlean Esquire was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r William Few M r Habersham and M r Glascock be that Committee. The following Petitions were read and referred to the Com mittee on Petitions Viz. From William Greaves, with an Affidavit From John Doram From Malcolm Ross 478 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY A Petition and Memorial from the Justices of the peace of the County of Chatham were read. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r Habersham, M r Saltus and M r M neil be that Com mittee. Petitions from Benjamin Few and James M c farlancl Esquires were read, RESOLVED that the same be referred to a Special Committee. ORDERED that M r William Few, M r Habersham and M r Glas- cock be that Committee. A Petition from Priscilla Obrey in behalf of her son, Henry Obrey, under the age of twenty one years, was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appointed to consider on the most proper means for providing for the fami lies of this State of such persons as are included in the Confisca tion Act and are entitled to such provision. A Letter from John Wereat Esquire Auditor with an Account (enclosed from General M c intosh) against the State was read. ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. The Committee appointed to take into consideration the Ac counts exhibited by the public Officers, reported. ORDERED that the taking up the report of the Committee be the order of Thursday next and that the Executive Council of the last year, the Commissioners of confiscated Estates, and all public Officers that have acted to the end of the last year be re quired to attend the House. The Commissioners of confiscated Estates be further required to furnish the House with their Books. M r Fann and M r Walton a Committee from the Council re-- FEBRUARY, 1784. 479 turned the Bill for settling and ascertaining the fees to be taken by the several public Officers and persons hereinafter named, with their remarks thereon. ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to empower the Auditor of Accounts to take such measures as may appear ex pedient to compel certain persons entrusted with the public money by or for the use of this State to account for the expenditure of the same, and to pay so much as they shall be chargeable with into the State Treasury brought in the same which was read the first time and ordered to be read a second time on Friday next. The Bill to regulate the Indian Trade was read a second time. Motion being made That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the said Bill. M r Netherclift in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Netherclift from the Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the said Bill reported That they had gone through the same and made some amend ments thereto which he read in his place and delivered in the Table. ORDERED that the same be engrossed. A Message from His Honor the Governor was received. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee to take the same into their immediate consideration. ORDERED that M p Hall, M r Bard, M r Habersham, M r William Few, M r Jackson and M r Houstoun be that Committee. 480 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY A Petition from John Skey Eustace Esquire with an Account, and a Certificate from the Honorable John Martin Esquire the then Governor of the State, was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on Peti tions. A Memorial from Joseph Clay Esquire in behalf of Mess" Roux and Co. Merchants at Cape S 4 Francois was read. RESOLVED that the same be referred to a Special Committee- ORDERED that M r Bard, M r Habersham, and M r Odingsells be that Committee. A Memorial from William Leigh Pierce and Nathaniel Pen- dleton with sundry enclosures were read. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on Peti tions. The following Petitions were read viz. From Martin Weatherford From John Cornish From Rachel Johnson ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appoint ed to consider on the most proper measures for providing for the families in this State of such persons as are included in the con fiscation Act, and are entitled to such provisions. On Motion ORDERED that Two Additional Committees on petitions be appointed viz. M r Daniel Howell M r Hardey FEBRUARY, 1784. 481 M r Rutherford M r Pugh M r Saltus be the one, and M r Freeman M r Clements M r Cunningham M r Candler AI r M c farland, be the other. John M c Kenzie being returned a member for the County of Effingham in the room of Joseph William Spencer, attended and qualified and took his Seat. The House then adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Wednesday February 4 th 1 784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for establishing several Ferries in this State, for vesting the same in the persons therein named brought in the same, which was read the first time. Petition from John Patterson was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on Peti tions N 3. Mica j ah Williamson Esquire a member returned for the County of Wilkes, attended qualified and took his Seat. A Bill vesting in the Governor and Executive Council now exercised by the Board of Claims appointed under and by virtue of an Act passed at Augusta the twenty ninth July last past for 31 r r vol 2 482 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY releasing certain persons from their bargains, et caetera, was read a second time. ORDERED that the further consideration of the said Bill be post poned till Saturday next. M r John Fulton who was returned a member for the County of Burke and Elected into the Executive Council, attended, qual ified and took his Seat. A Letter from Hepworth Carter Esquire one of the Commis sioners of confiscated Estates with sundry enclosures were read, also. A Petition from Elizabeth Howell. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appointed to consider on the most proper means for providing for the families in this State of such persons as are included in the Con fiscation Act and are entitled to such provision. The House then adjourned till tomorrow 7 morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Thursday February 5 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Letter from William Holzendorf Esquire setting forth that he had resigned his Seat in this House was read. RESOLVED that the resignation of William Holzendorf Esquire be accepted. ORDERED that a Writ do issue for a member for the County of Effingham in the room of William Holzendorf Esquire who* has resigned. FEBRUARY, 1784. 483 The House proceeded to take into consideration the report of the Committee to whom were referred the books and Accounts of Sale of Confiscated Estates sold in the year One thousand seven hundred and seventy eight. That such Sales or a very considerable part thereof were made about the time the State was invaded and it appears that some part of said property was not delivered to the purchasers thereof, and to avoid as far as may be any peculiar hardship that may attend said purchases, and at the same time that justice may be done to the State The Committee are of opinion that the afore said books and papers ought to be delivered to the Auditor who should be directed to raise an Account against said purchasers and Sherrifs, agreable thereto, and to advertise and require all such purchasers and Sherrifs within four months to deliver into his office an exact account of the property they have received by virtue of the aforesaid Sales with a State of the Case, and the Auditors shall within one month after deliver the same to the Attorney General who is hereby required to take such effectual measures for the recovery of those debts as the nature of the case may require; That all persons who have been purchasers and do not render an account thereof when required as aforesaid shall stand charged with the whole amount of his or their purchase, and the Attorney General is hereby required to bring Suit against such person or persons for the full sum that may from them ap pear to be due to the State. That M r John Martin and M r Thomas Lane who then acted as Sherrifs for the Counties of Chatham and Effingham be re quired to deliver to the Auditor all the papers, documents and information respecting the aforesaid Sales which may be in their hands or they can collect which w r as agreed to. Agreable to the order of the day the House proceeded to take into consideration the report of the Committee to whom were referred the Accounts of the public Officers which after some alterations was agreed to in part and is as follows 484 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY That they find by the accounts of John Martin Esquire while Governor certain Bonds have been lodged in the hands of the Attorney General to the amount of eighteen hundred five pounds fifteen Shillings, it is the opinion of the Committee that these Bonds ought to be put in Suit immediately for the benefit of the State. Also it appears to the Committee by the Accounts of M r Martin that James Field late Sherrif of Chatham County has unwarrant ably detained in his hands the sum of One hundred seventy three pounds which he received in specie in December One thousand seven hundred eighty two in part of sundry Negroes sold by virtue of a decree of the Court of Admiralty, The Committee are of opinion that this sum together with the Accounts of James Field be referred to the Auditor. The Committee on examining the Accounts of M r Martin as Treasurer find that he has given himself Credit for One hundred and fifty pounds as his Salary for the last year which they con ceive highly improper as no public Officer has any right to pay himself without an Order first obtained for that purpose. The Committee further observe that no money appears to have been brought into the Treasury the last year for granting Licences to persons retailing spiritous liquors. The Committee having examined the Accounts of Stephen Heard Esquire President of the Executive Council, are of opinion that they be referred to the Auditor, and that he be directed to Allow M r Heard his Salary to the Sixth of August One thousand seven hundred and eighty one, as a compensation for his services after he left the State as he continued in the Army, and gave Congress constant information of the situation of the Citizens of this State. The Committee found some little inaccuracies in his Accounts, which they apprehend the Auditor can easily rectify as they appear to have proceeded wholly from inadver tency. FEBRUARY, 1784. 485 On examining the Accounts of James Field The Committee conceive the Charges for fees of Officers are in general above the rate established by Law. That many appear improperly brought against the State. The Committee are of opinion that the same be referred to the Auditor together with these remarks to settle the same- That M r Fields ought to account for the balance, and not assume the liberty of paying himself, neither can the Com mittee find any Law that entitles the Sherrif to both Salary and Fees. The Committee having examined the Accounts of M r John Hardey conceive it can answer to no purpose for them to go through the examination of Accounts where large sums are ac counted for by Charges against other persons, and therefore are of opinion that the same be laid before the Auditor with the proper vouchers. On examining a Letter from M r Peter Tarlingh acknowledging the reciept of Eighty thousand Dollars. The Committee con- cieve he should settle for the same, with the Continental pay mas ter or his order. The Committee are also of opinion that the Account of John Ho well for supplies for the Galleys and the Account of George Walton Commissary of purchases should be settled by the Au ditor. The Committee on taking into consideration the Accounts of Lyman Hall Esquire late Governor observe his having received different sums of public money, and also making himself pur chaser of several very valuable Tracts of Land much below their real value. That they can find no Act or clause of an Act giving power to the late Governor for the disposal of confiscated prop erty except a clause in the Act passed at Augusta last Session entitled an Act for releasing certain persons from their bargains, et caetera, which clause specifies that His Honor the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council 486 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY "shall have power and authority to direct the Commissioners of "confiscated Estates to dispose of any property, real or personal "belonging to the said Estates to the amount of any sum not ex- "ceeding Two thousand pounds Sterling at such time or period "of payments as the Executive department may deem most con ducive to the Interest of the State" for the express purpose of making good the engagements entered into by virtue of certain resolutions to that effect and for the more immediate emergencies of the State, And also a resolve passed the seventeenth of Febru ary last authorizing the Executive to appropriate One thousand five hundred pounds for the purpose of treating with the Indians amounting in the whole to three thousand five hundred pounds, They are therefore of opinion that there was no exigency of Gov ernment that made the Sales of the said property absolutely nec essary, or warranted the Governor and Council to proceed to the Sales under and by virtue of the above recited clause or resolve (except the Indian supplies) but admitting it became requisite to dispose of public property for particular purposes, as for the payment of particular debts, such debts ought to have been taken in discount, and by those means the Sales would have been enhanced, and of course the State would have paid a larger pro portion of her debt. Motion being made That leave be given to bring in a Bill for the immediate dis posal of a certain part of the confiscated property. ORDERED that M r William Houstoun, M r William Few and M r Hardey be a Committee to prepare and bring in the same. The House then adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. FEBRUARY, 1784. 487 (From State Archives.) Friday February 6 th 1/84 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Letter from Hepworth Carter Esquire one of the Commis sioners of confiscated Estates was read. RESOLVED that the Commissioners of confiscated Estates be required and empowered to offer and allow any sum not exceed ing five pounds for each confiscated Negro that may hitherto have been secreted from them to any person or persons who will deliver such negroes. The following petitions were read viz. From a number of Inhabitants of Liberty County in favor of Simon Munro. From Ann Edwards in behalf of her husband Peter Edwards. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appointed to take into consideration petitions appertaining to the confisca tion Law. The following Petitions were read and referred to the Com mittee on petitions X 2, viz From Daniel Conner From Mordecai Baldwin From Edward Langworthy From James Smith From Henry Sowerby From Robert Day Sen r From John and George Galphin 488 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY A Bill for reviving and enforcing- certain Laws therein men tioned was read a second time. On Motion That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the said Bill. M r Glascock in the Chair. The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Glascock from a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, reported That they had gone through the same and made some alterations which were agreed to- ORDERED, that the said Bill be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice and that M r Bryan and M r Whitehead be a Committee to wait on them with the same The Bill to explain more fully so much of the fifty first Article of the constitution, as respects the distribution of Intestates Es tates was read a second time On Motion That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the said Bill. M r Saltus in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Saltus from a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill reported That they had made no prog ress in the same Motion being made, that the said Bill be recommitted, which after some time spent in debate thereon, was carried in the affir mative FEBRUARY, 1784. 489 The Yeas and iNays being called for by M r William Few are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Deveaux M r Whitehead M r Jackson M r Meazle M r Habersham M r Mkenzie M r Bryan M r Clements M r W m Houstoun M r Kemp M r Odingsells M r Irwin M r James Houstoun M r Pugh M r Gunn M r Morrison M r Catchings M r Candler M r Rutherford M r Glascock M r Clarke M r M c niel M r Heard M r Williams M r Hardey M r Palmer M r Elliott 27 Nays Nays M r Freeman M r Ben. Few M r Caleb Howell M r Crawford M r William Few M r Dan 1 Howel M r Saltus 7. The Bill to empower the Auditor of Accounts to take such measures as may appear expedient to compel certain persons en trusted with the public money, for the use of this State to ac count for the expenditure of the same and to pay so much as they shall be chargeable with into the State Treasury, was read a second time On Motion That the House do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill 490 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Saltus in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Saltus from a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill reported That they had gone through the same, and made some amend ments which were agreed to. ORDERED That the said Bill be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice, and that M r Saltus and M r M c far- land be a Committee to wait on them with the same. The House then adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 O Clock. (From State Archives.) Saturday February 7 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Petition from Edward Loyd Esquire Sherrif of Chatham County was read and referred to the Committee on Petitions N3 RESOLVED that the Collector for the Port of Savannah be and he is hereby directed to lay before this House an exact Account of all the exports and imports of the year One thousand Seven hundred and eighty three particularly Specifying each Article, and also an Account of all Merchandize brought into this State by transient persons. A Letter from Daniel M c Murphy was read and referred to the Committee on Petitions The Bill for settling and ascertaining the fees to be taken by the several public Officers and persons herein after named, was read the third time. FEBRUARY, 1784. 491 ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed. M r Lowe and M r Coleman a Committee from the Council re turned the Bill for revising, amending and continuing several Acts of Assembly of this State without any proposed alteration A Letter from Casper Voght and Company Merchants in Ham burgh was read ORDERED that the same be published in the Gazette with the List of Articles inclosed Agreeable to the order of the House the Collector for the Port of Savannah delivered in an account of the exports, Imports and transient Duties received for the last year ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r Habersham, M r Few. and M r Bard be that Com mittee to take the same into Consideration, and^report thereon. The following Petitions were read and referred to the Com mittee on Petitions X 3. Viz From Alexander Bissett From John Green From Christopher Hillary with a Certificate A Letter from Richard Howly Esquire desiring to be informed with whom he is to settle his Account of public moneys received was read ORDERED that he be directed to settle the same with the Au ditor Motion was made and leave given to bring in a Bill empower ing the Governor to call special Courts for the speedy tryal of Criminals and M r Jackson, M r Bryan and M r Morrell were ap pointed a Committee to bring in a draft of the same 492 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Bill for regulating the Indian trade being engrossed ORDERED that the same be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice, and that M r M c niel and M r Daniel How- ell be a Committee to wait on them with the same. The House then adjourned till Monday next 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Monday February 9 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Petition from Alexander Irvin was read and referred to the Committee on Petitions A Letter from Theophilus Lundy Esquire was read requesting leave of absence, during the present Session, which was agreed to. Petitions from William Blount, Richard Caswell Griffith Ruth erford, with sundry others from North Carolina were read ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r William Few M r Hall, M r Habersham M r Caleb Howell M r Pugh and M r Williamson be that Committee The Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the Westward and pointing out the mode of laying out the lands and settling the same being engrossed ORDERED that the same be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice and that M r William Few and M r Wil liam Houstoun be Committee to wait on them with the same. Benjamin Lewis Esquire a member returned for the County FEBRUARY, 1784. 493 of Burke in the room of Daniel M c Murphy, attended, qualified and took his Seat. Motion was made and leave given to bring in a Bill for tak ing off the Interest of Debts contracted before the War, between the periods of One thousand seven hundred and seventy five, and One thousand seven hundred and eighty three and for regulat ing the interest of money : and M r Hall, M r Andrew and M r Gibbons were appointed a Committee to prepare and bring in a draft of the same A Letter from Samuel Stirk Esquire Attorney General was read RESOLVED that the Attorney General be requested to inform this House how far the Laws or resolves of the Legislature \vill warrant the receipt of such Certificates for the discharge of such purchases as are therein mentioned The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for taking off the Interest of Debts contracted before the War, between .the periods of One thousand seven hundred and seventy five and One thou sand seven hundred and eighty three and for regulating the Inter est of money, brought in the same which was read the first time. A Letter from John Martin Esquire was read ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r James Houstoun, M r Habersham and M r Andrew be that Committee M r Stephens and M r Walton a Committee from the Executive Council returned the Bill to compel persons who have or may hereafter receive public moneys &c. to account and settle for the same; with some proposed amendments ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. 494 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Motion was made and leave given to bring in a Bill to secure persons purchasing Negroes and other personal effects, included in the Act of confiscation and Banishment, and that have been removed from and without the Jurisdiction of this State and M r William Houstoun M r Andrew & M r Gunn were appointed a Committee to prepare and bring in a draft of the same RESOLVED that the Collector of the port of Savannah be re quired to render unto this House to morrow morning a State of all moneys that have been received in his Office for the use of this State since his appointment and that the Treasurer be also required to lay before this house, at the same time a State of all moneys received by him of the Sherrifs or Tax Collectors and how the same has been appropriated The House then resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee to whom were referred the Accounts of the pub- :ic Officers which after some alteration was agreed to, and is as follows The Committee was further of opinion the first consideration of the representatives of a Free people is the appropriation of the money of their Constituents: They therefore recommend that an Act be immediately passed requiring and empowering the Commissioners of confiscated Estates to proceed to the Sales of such property as has been disposed of contrary to the spirit and intention of the Act and resolve above referred to and the terms not complied with as well as of all such other part of the confis cated property as remains unsold and may be thought necessary for the particular purpose of paying such debts as the faith of the State is pledged for the immediate discharge of, and that proper notice be given before the day of Sale, and that all such debts be allowed to be received in discount, and upon the whole think a Special Committee ought to be appointed for the particular pur pose of examining the Accounts of the late Governor, respecting the expenditures of Government, and all other public Officers shall pass their Accounts with the Auditor. As a most danger- FEBRUARY, 1784. 495 cms precedent would be established if the Officers of the State should be permitted to pay themselves their own salaries, and to use the public money without a Check The Committee having perused the Accounts of Nehemiah Wade find property to a very considerable amount, not by any means satisfactorily accounted for, and recommend a more par ticular examination of them may be made by the Auditor The Committee are of opinion that the Auditor should not allow the Salaries of public Officers unless specially directed by the House. The Committee having now examined all the accounts laid before them by order of the House, and from information re ceived as well as from several papers and memorandums, they have had access to : find, that very large sums have been received by individuals on Account of this State; no account of which as yet appear to the Committee to have been rendered. And as the Committee are of opinion it is not the intention of some persons who have received public money to account for the same, And as it appears to the Committee that no Act of the Legislature has passed to compel a settlement of the same They do therefore recommend most seriously to the house, to pass an Act empowering and authorizing some person or persons to compel such Defaulters to settle their Accounts, and to pay whatever balance may be in their possession to the Treasurer for the use and benefit of this State The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to secure persons purchasing Negroes and other personal effects, included in the Act of Confiscation and Banishment, and that have been removed from and without the Jurisdiction of this State brought in the same, which was read the first time ORDERED that a Committee be appointed to recommend the 496 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY most proper mode of raising a Sum of money for public pur poses, and that M r Benjamin Few, M r Candler and M r Saltns be that Committee The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Tuesday February io th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment On Motion ORDERED that M r William Few, M r Habersham, M r Elliot M r Netherclift and M r Bryan be a Committee to receive the Accounts O f M r Hall the late Governor, and to report thereon as soon as possible The House then proceeded to the Election of the Civil Officers for the present year and on counting the Ballots the following Gentlemen were declared elected. George Walton Esquire Chief Justice Samuel Stirk Esquire Attorney General John Milton Esquire Secretary John Martin Esquire Treasurer Richard Call Esquire Surveyor General John Wereat Esquire Auditor of Accounts John Wilkinson Esquire Clerk of the General Assembly George Jones Register of Probats for Effingham County FEBRUARY, 1784. 497 Jacob Cronberger Register of Probats for Effingham County Roger Lawson Register of Probats for Burke County John Applin Register of Probats for Richmond County Barnard Heard Register of Probats for Wilkes County Thomas Baker Register of Probats for Liberty County Daniel Nunes Harbour Master for the Port of Savannah William Barnard Surveyor for Chatham County William Cliffton Surveyor for Effingham County Thomas Lewis Sen r Surveyor for the County of Burke John Walton Surveyor for the County of Richmond Samuel Creswell Surveyor for the County of Wilkes Elijah Lewis Surveyor for the County of Liberty Christopher Hillary Surveyor for the Counties of Glynn and Camden Agreeable to the order of yesterday the Collector of Customs for the port of Savannah delivered in a State of his Accounts of all moneys that have been received in his Office since his ap pointment. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r Habersham, M r William Few and M r Bard be that Committee. A Message from His Honor the Governor with Sundry Let ters, to wit, From the President of Congress inclosing An Act of Congress, from His Excellency Benjamin Harrison Esquire 32 r r vol 3 498 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Governor of Virginia, and also a Letter from Mess rs Roux and Company Merchants at Cape Francois were read ORDERED that the Letter from Mess" Roux and Company be referred to a Committee and that M r Bard, M r Habersham, and M r Odingsells be that Committee, And that the Message from His Honor the Governor with the other Letters be referred to the Committee appointed to take into consideration the former Message from His Honor the Gov ernor. A Letter from Richard Howley Esquire was read. ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. A Petition from Milly Hannah was read ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appoint ed to take into Consideration any petitions appertaining to the Confiscation Law. A Petition from Mary Lupina was read ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r Houston M r Andrew and M r Hardey be that Com mittee A Petition from William John Davis was read and referred to the Committee on petitions N I. The Bill to secure persons purchasing Negroes and other per sonal effects in the Act of Confiscation and Banishment, and that have been removed from and without the Jurisdiction of this State was read a second time, upon which Motion was made that the said Bill be now sent to the Execu tive Council for their perusal and advice and on the question be ing put was carried in the negative FEBRUARY, 1784. 499 ORDERED that M r Jackson and M r M c niel be added to the Com mittee to bring in a Bill for the immediate disposal of certain part of the confiscated property The Committee to whom was referred the Letter of Andrew M c Lean Esquire, reported ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Wednesday February II th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment The Committee to whom was referred the Letter from the President of Congress with its inclosures, and also a Letter from the Governor of Virginia Reported, which was agreed to, and is as follows That it is the opinion of the Committee, that whilst such im portant objects as the ratification of the Definitive Treaty, and other national concerns highly interesting to this as well as every State in the Union are pending before Congress Delegates ought immediately to proceed to join that respectable body on the part of this State and that the subject matter contained in the Let ter from the Governor of Virginia calls for the immediate at tention of this House, that the Delegates may receive instructions thereon before they proceed to Congress RESOLVED that the Speaker write to the Delegates to represent this State in Congress to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Congress. 500 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Motion was made, and leave given to bring in a Bill to author ize Congress to adopt certain measures and regulations respecting trade, and M r William Few, M r Houstoun and M r Andrew were appointed a Committee to prepare and bring in a draft of the same A Petition from Ebenezer Baillie was read ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and that M r Hardy M r Deveaux and M r that Com mittee. A Petition from Sarah Frazer was read ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appointed to consider on the most proper means for providing for the fami lies in this State of such persons as are included in the Confisca tion Act, and are entitled to such provision. A Petition from Andrew Johnston was read ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee to take into consideration any Petitions appertaining to the Confiscation Law. The following petitions were read and referred to the Com mittee on Petitions N 2 Viz. From Phillip Low Esquire with a Certificate. From Alexander Roberson From Francis Pugh Esq r From George Walton Esquire of Wilkes with a Certificate A Petition from John Dollar with a Certificate was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee, and M r Houston, M r Andrew and M r Hardey be that Committee. The Committee appointed to recommend the most proper mode of raising a sum of money for public purposes, reported. FEBRUARY, 1784. 601 ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. RESOLVED that from and immediately after the passing this Resolution the Collector be empowered and he is hereby now re quired to demand and receive the rates of two and a half per Cent on the Prime Cost of all Goods, Wares and Merchandize imported into this State from any port whatever as well as all such duties as are included in the Spirit of an Act passed at Au gusta the twenty ninth clay of July last past, and which has been illegally evaded. ^D that the Treasurer be desired to attend this House at Nine OClock to morrow morning to account for such public moneys as appears to have paid without legal orders On Motion The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the Bill to revise and amend the Militia Law M r Netherclift in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Netherclift from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, reported That they had gone through the same, & made some amend ments, which were agreed to. I ORDERED that the same be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice, and that M r Benjamin Few, and M r Hardy, be a Committee to wait on them with the same. The Committee to whom was referred a Message from His Honor the Governor, reported. ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. 602 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The following Letters were read Viz. From Edward Telfair Esquire one of the Continental Dele gates From Samuel Stirk Esquire Attorney General ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. The House then adjourned till to tomorrow morning- 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday February the 12 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment The Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Eben- ezer Baillie, praying that such of the Goods Wares and Merchan dise as were saved from the wreck of his Vessel, should be ex empted from the transient and Venclue Duties Reported That they are of opinion the prayer of the Petition be granted, which was agreed to. On Motion The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the Bill for promoting Religion and Piety, and securing to religious Societies, certain rights and immunities, and for granting an Aid to build and repair places of public worship, and erecting School Houses in the several Counties of the State M p Heard in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair FEBRUARY, 1784. 503 The Speaker having resumed the chair M r Heard from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill Reported That they had taken the same into consideration, made some progress therein and beg d leave to sit again RESOLVED that they have leave Motion was made and leave given to bring in a Bill for regu lating the trade and commerce of this State, and laying an im post on Tonnage of Shipping, and AF Habersham, M r William Few and M r Hall were appointed a Committee to prepare and bring in a draft of the same A Letter from Abraham Ravott and Hugh Lawson Commis sioner of confiscated Estates was read ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table Agreeable to the order of yesterday, the Treasurer attended with an account of M r James Field Collector of Taxes for the County of Chatham RESOLVED that the Treasurer be directed to call on the Col lector of Taxes for the County of Chatham, immediately to pro duce the monies he has received, and if the said Tax Collector doth fail so to do, the Treasurer is immediately required to pro ceed on the occasion as the Law 7 directs A Letter from Charles Odingsells Esquire was read, inform ing the house that he resigned his Seat at the Board of Claims. & ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table The following memorials were read Viz. o From sundry merchants and other Citizens, creditors of per sons named in the Act of confiscation and banishment. 504 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY From William Le Conte Esquire RESOLVED that the said memorials be taken under considera tion, when the Bill for vesting in the Governor and Council the powers now excersised by the Board of Claims, appointed under and by virtue of an Act passed at Augusta the twenty ninth July last past for releasing certain persons from their bargains &c. M r Greene and Al r Coleman a Committee from the Council returned the Bill for regulating the Indian trade, with some pro posed alterations. RESOLVED that a Special Committee be appointed to take un der farther consideration the proceedings of the Commissioners of the Board of Claims and make proper enquires with respect to the same And that M r Houstoun M r Jackson and M r Saltus be that Committee The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to establish a Hospital for the reception of sick and distressed Seamen brought in the same which was read the first time The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Friday February the 13 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment The Bill for regulating the Indian trade was read a third time ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed On Motion RESOLVED that the Committee appointed to receive from the FEBRUARY, 1784. 505 late Governor, Bonds and other public papers, be farther di rected to recieve such additional papers and Accounts as are .still remaining m his possession, and that M r Bryan be added to the said Committee The Committee appointed to bring in a bill for taking of the interest of Debts contracted before the war between the periods of One thousand seven hundred and seventy five and one thou sand seven hundred eighty three and for regulating the interest of money was read a second time On Motion The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the said Bill M r Saltus in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Saltus from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, Reported That they had gone through the same and made some amend ments which were agreed to ORDERED that the said Bill be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice and that M r Saltus and M r Andrew be a Committee to wait on them with the same. The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock 506 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Saturday February 14 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to report to this House what is the most necessary business to be done this Ses sion, and M r William Few, M r Andrew, M r Heard and M r Craw ford be that Committee. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to empower the Governor and Executive Council to call special Courts for the speedy tryal of Criminals, brought in the same which was read the first time The Committee on Petitions, Reported from N 21 to 33 ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for selling and disposing of certain confiscated Lands for the purposes therein mentioned, brought in the same which was read the first time. ORDERED, that the same be read a second time on Monday next. The Committee to whom was refferred the Petition of M r Blount in behalf of himself and others Reported ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. The Committee to whom were referred the Petitions of Mary Lupina and John Dollar, Reported ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. FEBRUARY, 1784. 507 The Committee to whom was referred the Governors Message, Reported, which being taken into consideration was agreed to, and is as follows. That they have taken the same under their consideration, and have endeavoured as far as the materials they could collect, en abled them to form an estimate of the expence of the present year, and also the ways necessary to draw forth means of defray ing the same, which they beg leave to lay before the house for their consideration On taking a view of the present resources of the State and the exigencies of Government, the Committee concieve it indispensa bly necessary that a Duty and Impost should be laid, on all Im ports and Tonnage of Shipping. And do recommend that leave should be given to bring in a bill for that purpose on such princi ples as the House may choose to adopt The Committee agree in opinion with His Honor the Gov ernor, That in order to form a check on the Treasury and to make our money matters less complex it will be necessary in future that all Drafts for money should pass through the Execu tive. That as the means within the compass of the power of this State at present will not well admit of establishing a standing Corps of Light Horse, The Committee therefore recommend, that a Clause be inserted in the Militia Bill, impowering His Honor the Governor with the advice of the executive Council to draw forth the Militia in such manner as he may think most conducive to the interest and safety of the State. With respect to the fifth Article of the Definitive Treaty al luded to by His Honor the Governor The Committee are of opin ion that it would be premature for this House to take said Arti cles into consideration before it comes through a recommenda tion of Congress and that it cannot be a rule of conduct for His 508 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Honor the Governor and Executive Council until adopted by the Legislature. Tho some good purposes might be answered by having a few men stationed on Saltus Island in order to carry commercial regulations into effect, such at this time is the situation of our Finance the resources of the State will not admit of it; tho it may be necessary to have some trusty person employed to take charge of the Artillery and Military Stores at the Fort and bat tery below the Trustees Garden to be under such regulations as the Executive may think proper. The Committee join in opinion with His Honor the Gov ernor that it is necessary to pass a Law for regulating Marriages and recommend that a Committee be appointed to bring in a Bill for that purpose. M r Stephens and M r Coleman a Committee from the Council, returned the Bill for laying out two or more Counties to the Westward, and pointing out the mode of granting and settling the same with some proposed amendments Motion was made and leave given to bring in a Bill to make valid marriages by Justices of the Peace and that M r William Few, M r Bryan and M r Downes were appointed a Committee to bring in and prepare a Draft of the same Whereas it appears that Samuel Stirk Esquire hath im properly obtained an Order for Two Hundred pounds on the Treasurer and hath also improperly recieved the same, from the Collector of Taxes for the County of Chatham RESOLVED therefore that the said Samuel Stirk be and he is hereby required immediately to refund the aforesaid sum of Two hundred pounds to the aforesaid Tax Collector in order that the same may be paid into the Treasury of this State, and appropriated as this house may direct FEBRUARY, 1784. 509 ORDERED that the Clerk do serve the Attorney General with a Copy of the same. The Committee appointed to take under farther consideration the proceedings of the Commissioners of the Board of Claims and to make proper enquiries of them respecting the same, Re ported ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. The Committee to whom were referred the consideration of a Letter from Colonel Martin, reported as follows, The Committee having taken under consideration the Letter from Colonel Martin, and his vouchers for Contracts made by him during his administration being laid before them, they find that he purchased two Waggons and Teams and a Quantity of Whisky for the use of the State and for General Wayne s army. One of the Waggons was delivered to Nehemiah Wade as Quarter Master General of the State who ought to be account able for the same. The other Waggon and Team amounting to One hundred and forty Six pounds fourteen shillings and nine pence and Colonel Martin s account for Whisky amounting to Eighty two pounds thirteen and Six pence which Waggon and Team and Whiskey appearing by Nehemiah Wade s Certificate to have been bought for the use of General Wayne s Army ought to be passed by the Auditor as a Continental Charge, and the Committee recom mend to the House to adopt some mode immediately to exoner ate Colonel Martin from any demand that may be brought against him for such purchases as they are informed he is now sued for the amount of the Debt due for the Whisky. They further find some small accounts amounting to thirty four pounds fifteen shillings and one penny which they concieve ought to be referred to the Auditor 610 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLVED that the Executive be requested to enable Colonel Martin immediately to discharge a contract made by him with M r Garret for a Quantity of Whiskey, or such other contracts as were laid by Col. Martin before a Committee appointed by this House to take his Letter into consideration, by an order on the Treasurer And that the Treasurer be empowered to call upon the Attor ney General for Bonds that may be in his hands to the amount of said Demands, and to give them in payment. On Motion ORDERED That as exceptions have been taken to some of the decisions of the Commissioners of the Board of Claims, that they be requested to attend on Tuesday next, when this House will take their proceedings under consideration. A Petition from George Melvin was read ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on peti tions N 2. A Letter from James Whitefield Esquire Clerk of the Board of Claims with the proceedings of the said Board since the sit ting of this house was read ORDERED to ly on the Table. A Letter from John Wereat Esquire Auditor of Accounts was read and ordered to ly on the Table. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to make valid marriages by Justices of the Peace brought in the same which was read the first time The House then adjourned till Monday next 9 OClock. FEBRUARY, 1784. 511 (From State Archives.) Monday February i6 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. A Petition from Mary Flyming was read and referred to the Committee appointed to take into consideration any petitions appertaining to the confiscation Law. A Petition from Jenkins Davis and Benjamin Lewis was read and referred to the Committee on petitions N 3. The Committee appointed to consider the most necessary busi ness to be done this Session, reported ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. On Motion That a Committee be appointed to deliver the Bonds that are in possession of this House to the Treasurer, and that said Committee do call on the Auditor and State Secretary with the Certificates that have been paid on said Bonds to be informed if they are good; and report to this House that they may be destroyed, in presence of the Members thereof. ORDERED that M r William Few, M r Odingsells and M r Wil liam Houston be that Committee ORDERED that the consideration of the report of the Committee respecting Colonel Blount and others be the order of the day to morrow. The House proceeded to take into consideration the report of the Committee on a Letter from Andrew M c lean Esquire 512 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Whereas it appears to this House that Jackson, M c Lean and Company did before the revolution in Government purchase of the public forty six Acres of Land, adjoining or including part of the Town Common of Augusta, for which the said Company was to pay the full value RESOLVED that M r Pannell M r Heard M r Burns M r Glascock and M r John Walton Surveyor for Richmond County and they or a majority of them are hereby authorized and required to re-survey and ascertain the value of the aforesaid forty six Acres of Land, and report the same to the next Assembly. The Committee to whom were referred the Accounts and papers of the Collector of Customs for the port of Savannah Reported Which being taken into consideration by the House was agreed to, and is as follows On Examining the same find several sums, amounting in the whole to Eighty pounds twelve Shillings and nine pence, which appears by his papers to have been paid, are omitted in his Ac count. The Committee also find that the Collector has charged two and a half per Cent on monies received which they conceive he has no right to, they are also informed that he has collected a half per Cent on goods imported by Aliens, which he has rendered no account of. That said Collector has detained as his Salary One hundred twenty five pounds as his Salary, which no public Officer ought to be allowed to do until a legal order is first ob tained. The Committee are therefore of opinion that the Collector for the Port of Savannah, should be directed to pay immediately into the Treasury all the public money that is in his hands, and FEBRUARY, 1784. 513 that he be directed to lay his account before the Auditor, who is required to examine the same, and report specially thereon. On Motion That the order of the day be postponed to Wednesday next which was agreed to. The Bill to compell persons who have received or hereafter may receive public monies &c. to account and settle for the same, was read the third time ORDERED that the same be engrossed On Motion That a Committee be appointed to examine the books of the Commissioners of confiscated property, and to enquire into the sales of the same, and to make an Account of the amount received in consequence of the Amercement Act, and the expenditure of the same, and to report thereon as soon as possible ORDERED that M r James Houston M r Gibbons M r Habersham M r Xetherclift and M r Bard be that Committee A Letter from Mordecai Sheftall Esquire was read ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill for regulating the Trade and Commerce of this State and laying an Impost on the Tonnage of Shipping brought in the same, which was read the first time ORDERED that M r William Few and M r Habersham be added to the Committee appointed to bring in a Tax Bill for the present Year. The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock. 33 r r voi 3 51 i JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (Prom State Archives.) \ Tuesday February i/ th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. The following Petitions were read and referred to the Commit tee on Petitions N 3 Viz From Thomas P Waggnon From William Clark On Motion The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the Bill for vesting in the Governor and Executive Council the powers now exercised by the Board of Claims appointed under and by virtue of an Act passed at Augusta the twenty ninth of July One thousand seven hundred and eighty three for releasing certain persons from their Bargains, et caetera. M r Saltus in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Saltus from a Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the said Bill, Reported That they have taken the same into consideration and beg leave to recommend that the same be recommitted. ORDERED that the same be recommitted to the Committee who brought in the same RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to revise the rules of the Commissioners of the Board of Claims. FEBRUARY, 1784. 515 ORDERED That M r Houston, M r William Few, M r Morell M r Jackson and M r Gibbons be that Committee. The Committee appointed to take the Certificates paid on the bonds of confiscated property into possession and call on the Auditor and State Secretary to examine the validity of them. Reported That they have examined and found them to be properly issued ORDERED that a List of the same be entered on the Journals, and that the Committee see the said Certificates destroyed The Committee reported that they had destroyed the same, which is as follows. Certificates received by Lyman Hall Esquire Late Governor for which Credit is given on bonds of Confiscated property 516 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY To whom Payable Dates By whom Signed Amount s d Sum Total James Bryan James Jackson Andrew M c lean Mary M c kay James B. Sharp Sam 1 Stirk Ditto M c Carten Campbell Littby Bostick Christian Ernest David Rees Estate of Ben" Fox Col. Leon 1 Marbury Adam fioyles Nicholas Miller Joseph Clay Andrew Shields Stephen Miller Fran 5 Courvousa S. Miller Will Fox Nehud Wade Estate of K Rae Estate of Col. Rob* Rae Lewis Coope Cha s Odingsells Jan? 783] 21 14 2 nd 2 nd 3 d 27 27 27 27 13 March 1783 io th March 1783 17 March 1783 Feby Feb> 1782 1782 1784 1783 1783 1783 1783 1783 John Wilkinson D ohn Wereat D - D - D - - D - D - - D May June June June June July 1783 1783 178 178 1783 1783 i July 1783 John Brandon Mess 1 8 John Banks & James M kay Henrietta Jones David Kees July July July July Aug 1 1783 1783 178 1/83 1783 178, 178 D D D Do Do Do Do Do D 1) D D D John Martin Co 5 lh Aug 1783 John Wereat 7 Aug 1783 Do 12 Aug 178- D John Webb Mary M c kay W m O. Bryan Sam 1 & Ben" Stiles And w M c lean George Armstrong L* Col. John M c intosh ] 13 15 th i6 lh 4 3 th Aug Aug Augt Aug 1783 1783 1783 178 1783 ii Sepf 1783 1)0 DO - ~~ D ~~ DO Carried over . 41 178 202 I42 26 IQ I43 IOO 21 3 74 35 37010 79! 50 J5- 39 9 2 Do 11038 6 16 3 12 69 17 25 7 38 25 93 397 63 19 18 2349 990 206 9 US | ~ 675 19 7 49 7! 5 880 16 9 17 6 8 3943 8496 ni 9i FEBRUARY, 1784. 517 To whom payable Dates By whom Signed Amount s d Sum Total s d Amount brought over Estate of John Waid Joseph Clay William O Bryan George Hancock William Mitchell Charles Odingsells Doct r Ja s Houstoun Sarah Thornton Cap Alex r D Cuthbert Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Charles Odingsells Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Cap John Ducoyner Cap W m M c lntosh Ditto John Strong Gasper Herseman Lieut. Tho s Payne Isaac Dennis Luke Mann George Rolfes Joseph Clay Eve Ely Jacob Read Alex r D. Cuthbert James Jackson And" M c lean Sam 1 Stirk 22 Sepf 29 th Sepf 1783 6 th Ocf 1783 ii Ocf 1783 ii Ocf 1783 13 Ocf 1783 14 th Oct 1783 22 nd Oct 1783 Ditto Ditto Ditto 24 Ditto Ocf 1783 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 25* Ocf 1783 30 th Ocf 1783 Ditto 3i 5t Ocf 1783 2 n<i ]}ec r ^83 5 th Nov r 1783 5 th Dec r 1783 8 th Nov r 1783 8 th Nov r 1783 lo h Nov r 1783 15 th Nov r 1783 17 th Nov r 1783 23 d Dec r 1783 26 th Nov r 1783 31 st Dec r 1783 2 nd Ocf 1782 8496 1993 Amount of Certificates Signed by John Martin Do by Lyman Hall 19415 518 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY CERTIFICATES SIGNED BY JOHN MARTIN Num ber Amount s d Num ber Amount s d i 3 4 6 7 8 9 ii 15 i7 19 20 27 28 29 30 34 39 40 4i 45 46 47 48 5i S 2 53 54 55 50 25 15 25 25 15 50 H5 5 15 28 12 50 25 25 15 IS 60 40 15 60 40 15 60 60 40 15 115 115 1 1 90 Bro up 56 59 64 73 77 78 Si 82 92 93 95 97 98 1190 84 95 24 75 631 80 H5 H5 45 42 H5 "5 "5 3 10 10 IO - 8 - 10 5 2843 Carried up The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock FEBRUARY, 1784. 519 (From State Archives.) Wednesday February i8 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment The Committee to whom was recommitted the Bill for releas ing the Board of Commissioners of claims and for other pur poses therein mentioned brought in the same which was read the first time On Motion That the House proceed to take up the consideration of the Bill for the immediate disposal of certain part of the confiscated property, and on the question being put, was carried in the Negative. The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Habersham M r Elliot M r Deveaux M r Clements M r Bryan M r Irwin M r Houston M r Pugh M r Odingsells M r Glascock M r Bard M r M c niel M r Ja s Houston M r Jackson M r Andrew 16 M r Saltus Nays Nays M r Catchings M r Heard M r Rutherford M r Downes M r Freeman M r YVhitehead 520 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Meazle M r Candler M r Lanier M r Mfarlancl M r M c kenzie M r W m Few M r Conyers M r Ben" Few M r Kemp M r Lee M r Morrison M r Wlliamson M r Lewis 1 6 The House proceeded to take into consideration the Bill for laying out a County or Counties to the westward and pointing- out the mode of laying out the Lands and settling the same on reading the second clause Debate arose whether two or more Counties should be laid out On Motion The Question was put for two Counties which was carried in the affirmative The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows. Yeas Yeas M r Habersham M r Whitehead M r Deveaux M r Hall M r Jackson M r Clements M r Bryan M r Kemp M r Houston M r Morrison M r Odmgsells M r Lewis M r Bard M r Candler M r Ja s Houstoun M r Glascock M r Catchings M r W m Mfarland M r Rutherford M r W ra Few M r Andrew M r M c intosh M r Saltus 24 M r Elliot FEBRUARY, 1784. 521 Nays Nays M r Freeman M r Pugh M r Heard M r Lee M r Downes M r M c niel M r Meazle M r Williamson M r Lanier M r Irwin M r Mkenzie 12 M r Conyers On Motion That part of the lands in the new Counties be granted gratis, which was carried in the Neative The Yeas and Nays being called for, are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Heard M r Pugh M r Downes M r Cancller M r Andrew M r Glascock M r Meazle M r M farland M r Lanier M r Lee M r APkenzie M r M c niel M r Clements M^ r Williamson M^ r Kemp 18 M^ r Irwin Nays Nays M r Deveaux M^ r Catchings M r Jackson M^ r Rutherford AF Habersham M r Freeman AI r Bryan M r Saltus M r Houstoun M r Elliot M; r Odmgsells M r Whitehead M r Bard U T Hall M r Ta s Houston M^ r Conyers 522 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r Morrison M r M ntosh M r W m Few 20 M r Ben n Few M r Green and M r Powell a Committee from the Executive Council returned the following Bills with their remarks thereon Viz. The Bill for taking off the Interest of money of debts con tracted before the war The Bill for revising and amending the Militia Law of this State ORDERED that the same do ly on the table. The House then adjourned until to morrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Thursday February 19 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. Petition from Ann Edwards was read ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appoint ed to take under consideration the petitions any ways apper taining to the confiscation Law. Petition from Peter Bard Esquire was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to a special Committee and that M r William Few, M r Deveaux and M r Odingsells be that Committee A Petition from John Ferru Merchant in Charlestown was read and referred to the Committee on Petitions N i FEBRUARY, 1784. 523 RESOLVED that the Treasurer be directed immediately to call on the Vendue Masters, the Collector of the port of Savannah, and on the Commissioners appointed to repair the Filature, the Attorney General, and other persons that may have public mon ies in their hands, to pay the same into the Treasury, in order that it may be applied to the Contingent expences of Govern ment and report the same. The Bill for laying out two counties to the Westward, and pointing out the mode of laying out the lands and settling the same was read a third time. ORDERED that the same be engrossed A Petition from Sarah Wright was read ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee appoint ed to consider on the most proper means for providing for the families in this State of such persons as are included in the con fiscation Act, and are entitled to such provision. An Account from Sutcliff and Company for Hospital Stores furnished the Continental Troops of this State amounting to Sixty two pound eleven shillings and five pence three farthings, was laid before the house which appearing to be sufficiently vouched ORDERED that the Auditor do give a Certificate for that sum and that he be directed to observe that M r Graves doth not in clude the same Articles in his Account A Letter from Peter Tarlingh Esquire with a Letter inclosed from John Wereat Esquire to him was read. ORDERED that the same be referred to the Committee on pe titions N 2.. A Memorial from John Martin Esquire with a Letter from Richard Howly Esquire, Attorney at Law to him. was read 524 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee and that M r James Houston M r Clements and M r Glascock be that Committee. A Bill for selling and disposing of certain confiscated Lands and for other purposes therein mentioned, was read a second time On Motion The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into Consideration the said Bill M r Saltus in the Chair M r Saltus from a Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the said Bill, reported That they had taken the same into consideration made some progress therein and beg d leave to sit again RESOLVED that they have leave The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock ( Prom State Archives.) Friday February 2O th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment Whereas the late General James Scriven served as a Colonel in the Georgia Line of the Continental army for a considerable time, and afterwards distinguished himself by repeated exertions as a Militia Officer against the Common Enemy, and at last fell bravely fighting for his Country. Therefore Resolved That his two only surviving daughters Viz. Hester and Mary be en- FEBRUARY, 1784. 525 titled to a grant of One thousand Acres of Land each, to be run and surveyed in some part of the Land reserved for the Officers of the Army. The Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Peter Bard Esquire. Reported. ORDERED that the same do ly on the Table. The House proceeded to take up the report of the Committee to whom was rendered the petition of M r Blount and other Citi zens of North Carolina which after some amendments, was agreed to and is as follows. The Committee to whom was referred the Petition of M r Blount in behalf of himself and other Citizens of North Caro lina, respecting the expediency of laying out a new County to include all that tract of Land lying on the Tennessee River which shall be included by a Line drawn from the South bank of the said river where the North -West Boundary of this State crosses and running West till it crosses the said River Tennes see again to the South bank thereof, then up the said South bank of said River to the place of beginning After having received all the information they could obtain en that subject are of opinion it will be necessary in order to prevent future contests to take measures as soon as it may be done with propriety to settle the said Tract of Country and do recommend for that purpose that seven Commissioners be ap pointed and vested with the powers necessary, to ascertain the Quantity, Quality and Circumstances of the aforesaid Lands i ml report the same with their proceedings to the legislature for their consideration and to make them such compensation as may be deemed adequate and satisfactory. Provided notwithstanding that the said Board shall have power and they are hereby author ized if they or a majority of them may think it necessary in such manner as to them seems most expedient to proceed to 526 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY grant Warrants of Survey which shall when executed be trans mitted with the plats to the Surveyor General s Office, in order that the same may pass to a grant, as the Law directs, provided that no one person shall be eligible to hold or obtain a grant for more than One thousand Acres of Land, and that he or they so obtaining a warrant shall at the same time give Bond and Se curity to pay into the Treasury of this State at and after the rate of one Eighth of a Dollar per acre, which sum shall be paid before he, she or they shall obtain a grant, That be and they are hereby appointed Justices for said District that the said Board shall be authorized to nominate Militia Officers who shall be commissioned by His Honor the Governor RESOLVED That a Committee be appointed to bring- in a Bill to that effect, and that M r Jackson, M r Houstoun, M r Hall and M r Habersham be a Committee to prepare and bring in the same Motion was made and leave given to bring in a Bill to pro hibit the trade to the British West Indies and M r Habersham M r Jackson and M r William Few were appointed a Committee to prepare and bring in a draft of the same. The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to point out the Regulation necessary for the admission of persons to the rights of Citizenship in this State, brought in the same, which was read the first time. The Bill for regulating the Trade and Commerce of this State, and laying an Impost on Tonnage of Shipping was read the first time. On Motion The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole house to take into consideration the said Bill. M r Netherclift in the Chair FEBRUARY, 1784. 527 The Speaker having resumed the Chair M r Xetherclift from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, Reported, That thev had gone through the same, and made some amend ments which were agreed to ORDERED that the same be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice and that M r Bryan and M r Lanier be a Committee to wait on them with the same The Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to prohibit the trade to the British West Indies, brought in the same, which was read the first time. A Message from His Honor the Governor, and A Reference of Council respecting the Officers and privates of the Minute Battalions with a Petition, and A Petition from Captain Peter Emanuel de la Plague were read. ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee and that M r Andrew M r William Few and M r Bard be that Com mittee. Whereas a Xegro Fellow named belonging to the Estate of Captain Deane was on the day of by a regular Court condemned for certain crimes to suffer Death, and whereas by virtue of the Constitution of this State, the said Negro was reprieved till the sitting of the present As sembly. Therefore, Resolved that the Attorney General be and he is hereby directed to State the particular case of the said Negro, and report the same to this House to morrow morning, That the Order may be given thereon as the case and circumstances therefore may require 528 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the Clerk do serve the Attorney General with a copy of the same. A Bill to empower the Governor to call Special Courts for the tryal of Criminals was read a second time. ORDERED that the same be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice, and that M r Bryan and M r Lanier he a committee to wait on them with the same. A Bill to prohibit the trade to the British \Yest Indies, was read a second time. ORDERED that the same be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice, and that M r Bryan and M r Lanier be a Committee to wait on them with the same. A Bill for releasing the Board of Commissioners of claims and for other purposes therein mentioned was read a second time On Motion That the same be postponed for the consideration of a future House of Assembly, and on the Question being put was carried in the affirmative. The Yeas and Xays being called for are as fellows : Yeas Yeas M r Bryan M r M kenzie AI r Houstoun M r Pugh M r Gunn M r "Morrison M r Freeman M r Candler M r Andrew M r Glascock M r Elliot M r M intosh M r Irwin M r Crawford M r Clements M r MXeal M r Kemp 17 FEBRUARY, 1784. Nays Nay;; M r Netherclft M r Saltus M r Deveaux M r Hall M r Habe-rsham M r Meazle M r Morrel M r Lanier M r Catchings M r W m Few M r Rutherford M r Ben n Few M r Heard M r Lewis M r Downes 15 The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock (From State Archives.) Saturday February 2i st 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. On Motion That the following resolve be agreed to. Viz RESOLVED that the Seventh Article of the Constitution empow ers the House of Assembly to make Laws conducive to the good order and well being of the State provided such Laws are not lepugnant to the Constitution. The previous Question was called for, That this question be not now put, which was carried in the Affirmative. The Yeas and Nays being called for, are as follows. Yeas Yeas M r Bryan M r Morrell M r Houston M r Odingsells , 34 T r vol 3 530 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r Gun n Whitefield M c kenzie Clements Conyers Palmer Lewis Candler Glascock M c intosh Crawford Andrew Saltus Elliot Kemp Irwin Pugh M c niel 22 M r M r M< M 1 M 1 Nays Gibbons Netherclift Deveaux Habersham Bard Nays M r Catchings M r Rutherford M r Heard M r Downes Hardy Hall Meazle Lanier M r M r M r M r M r M r Be n Few M r Williamson 16 On Motion The House resolved itself into Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the Bill for the immediate disposal of certain part of the confiscated property M r Saltus in the Chair The Speaker resumed the Chair M r Saltus from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, Reported, That they had taken the same into consideration and beg leave to recommend that it be postponed. FEBRUARY, 1784. 531 On Motion, that the report of the Committee be agreed to it was carried in the affirmative The Yeas and Nays being called for, are as follows. Yeas Yeas M r Habersham M r Palmer M r Deveaux M r Irwin M r Odingsells M r Lewis M r Bryan M r W m Few M r Bard M r Ben. Few M r Gunn M r Morell M r Freeman M r Catchings M r Andrew M r Elliot M r Hardey M r M c kenzie M r Saltus M r Crawford M r Whitehead M r Williamson M r Meazle 24. M r Conyers Nays Nays M r Gibbons M r Kemp M r Houstoun M r Pugh M r James Houston M r Glascock M r Heard M r M c intosh M r Downes M r M c niel M r Cunningham 12 M r Clements The Committee to whom were referred the Accounts of the late Governor. Reported ORDERED that the same do ly upon the Table. RESOLVED that the resolve passed at the session in January One thousand seven hundred and eighty three, empowering the then Executive Council to appropriate any of the funds of this State to the payments of the Debts of the British Merchants 532 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY be exended to empower the present Governor and Executive Council to pay the same out of such funds. The Committee to whom was referred the Memorial of John Martin Esquire Treasurer Reported when the House taking the same into considera tion RESOLVED that it appears to the Committee that the Treas urer in obedience to the orders of this House, hath acted in strict conformity to Law and Justice, and the duties of his Office in committing to Jail the Collector of Taxes for Chatham County who hath not rendered unto him a satisfactory Account of his proceedings as the Law directs and the Commitee are of opinion that the action intended to be brought against the said Treasurer by the said Tax Collector is vexatious and groundless and that the Attorney General should be directed to enter his appearance for the Defendant and support the Law of the State. Motion was made That the Books containing the proceedings of the Commission ers of the Board of claims be returned to them, and the board informed, that the House highly applauds their patriotic, judi cious, and impartial conduct; but recommend a reconsideration of the second general rule, and that their fifth general rule be cancelled in order that Claimants may be heard and their claims determined agreeable to the Justice and equity of their cases, without respect to local situations Motion was made that the same do ly on the table which was carried in the negative. The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows. FEBRUARY, 1784. 533 Yeas Yeas M r Gibbons M r Freeman M r Netherclift M r Lanier M r Deveaux M r Conyers M r Morell M r Lewis M r Heard M r W m Few M r Bard M r Ben n Few M r Catchings 14 M r Rutherford Nays Nays M r Bryan M r Clements M r Houstoun M r Kemp M r Cunningham M r Irwin M r Andrew M r Pugh M r Saltns M r Glascock M r Elliot M r M c intosh M r Whitefield M r Crawford M r Meazle M r M c niel M r M c kenzie 17 The House proceeded to the consideration of the same when a motion was made that the same be postponed, which was car- ried in the affirmative The Yeas and Nays being called for, are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Gibbons H r Hardy M r Deveaux M r Meazle M r Habersham M r Lanyer M r Netherclift M r Conyers M r Retchings M r Lewis M r Rutherford M r W m p ew M r Freeman M r Ben. Few M r Heard M r Williamson M r Downes 18 M r Bard 534 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Nays Nays M r Pugh M r Houstoun M r M c kenzie M r Andrew M r Glascock M r Saltus M r M c intosh M r Clements M r Crawford M r Kemp M r M c niel M r Irwin M r Bryan 13 Whereas from the multiplicity of business it will not be prac ticable to pass a Bill, now before this House for establishing a Seaman s Hospital, therefore be it RESOLVED that it shall be lawful for General Samuel Elbert, Edward Telfair, James Habersham, Joseph Clay Peter Bard Seth John Cuthbert and William O bryan Esquires and M r Leonard Cecil, or any three of them to remove the barracks from Fort Wayne to any part of the Common of Savannah, which they may judge most proper, and convenient for receiv ing Sick Seamen. And they are hereby authorized and empowered to raise by Lottery the sum not exceeding Three hundred and fifty pounds, and to open a subscription for the support of the same, and to appoint such Officers and to make such rules and bye laws as they may judge most expedient for the internal government and regulation of the Hospital. The Committee on Petitions N i on the petition of Edward Langworthy Esquire N 34 Reported ORDERED that the same do ly upon the Table. The Committee on petitions N 2 Reported from N i to N 18 ORDERED that the same do ly upon the Table. FEBRUARY, 1784. 535 The House proceeded to take into consideration the report of the Committee to whom were referred the Petitions of Mary Lupina and John Dollar, which was agreed to and is as fol lows The Committee to whom were referred the petitions of Mary Lupina and John Dollar respecting their claims against the State for Negroes and other property impressed and forced into and for the use of the public Service by the Commandant and for the Garrison of Fort Morris in Sunbury Are of opinion that as the Petitioners have exhibited satisfactory vouchers, that there was no fraud in their proceedings, but that the necessary forms of the Law were complied with respect to the necessary appraisement and valuation, and that their Negroes and other property, were employed and consumed in the public Service that the Auditor in these particular instances be required and empowered to allow and pass their claims agreeable to the said vouchers, excepting two Negroes S 1 John and Prince included in M rs Lupina s Certificate, they only to be allowed upon her making affidavit of their belonging to the Estate, and that she never received any compensation for them from the State, and therefore recommend the following resolve, that in consideration of the satisfactory vouchers of Mary Lupina and John Dollar prefered to this House to entitle them to their claims their losses and sufferings in consequence of the war, that the Auditor be required and empowered to allow and pass their Accounts in these particular instances agreeable to their Certificates and ap praisements, except with respect to the two negroes above re ferred to included in M rs Lupina Certificate, which was agreed to The House proceeded to the Election of the remainder of the Civil Officers for the present year, when the following persons were chosen Viz Joseph Woodruff Esquire Collector of Customs for the port of Savannah 536 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY John Lawson Jun r Esquire Collector of the port of Sunbury Captain John Brown Searcher for the port of Savannah On Motion ORDERED that the third reading of the Militia Bill be the order of the day for to morrow. The House proceeded to take into consideration a Letter from the Auditor Whereupon it was resolved that the Auditor in settling with the Commissaries allow nine pence per ration. On Motion That a Resolve of the convention of the twelfth of December One thousand seven hundred and seventy six appointing John Wereat Esquire Commissioner of confiscated Estates, together with his Account amounting to thirty one pounds, three shillings and one penny were laid before the House ORDERED that the same be refered to the Committee on peti tions N 2. A Petition from John Milton Esquire was read, and referred to the Committee on Petitions N 2 The House proceeded .to the appointment of Commissioners for examining the quality and quantity of the lands on the Ten nessee River agreeable to a resolve of the twentieth instant, when the following persons were appointed Viz. Lachlan Mintosh Jun r William Dovvnes, Stephen Heard John Morell, John Donaldson, Joseph Martin and John Sevior Es quires. The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock FEBRUARY, 1784. 537 (From State Archives.) Sunday February 22 nd 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment. The House proceeded to take into consideration the Report of the Committee on the petition of William Graves N 21 RESOLVED that His Honor the Governor be requested to de liver to the Auditor, the Account of all the Treasurer s Certifi cates that have been rendered into the present or late Governor, and that the Auditor be directed to calculate the total amount, and to call on the Treasurers who issued them to give informa tion on the subject, and as it may have so happen d that by fate of War or other accidents, certificates have been lost or destroyed, such person or persons claiming or owning such certificates as aforesaid shall file an Affidavit in the Auditors Office setting forth the date and Sum or Sums of such certificates and the cir cumstances under which they were lost, and that the Auditor also make the necessary enquiry with respect to the sums of money emitted prior to the Fall of Savannah, and as have been returned agreeable to a resolve passed the last House of As sembly, and report specially thereon to this or a future House of Assembly The Committee appointed to receive the public papers from the Late Governor, Reported, as follows, which was agreed to. That they find the amount of Twelve hundred and thirty pounds eighteen shillings and two pence in Certificates in the Hands of M r Rees the Secretary, which answer to the several Credits given on the several bonds in consequence of which they have given M r Rees a receipt exonerating him from any further claim, and would with deference recommend as the most eligible plan that those certificates be destroyed as follows. 538 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY An Account of the Remainder of Certificates received by the late Governor Doctor Hall and returned to the Committee by the Secretary David Rees Esquire Twenty first of February One thousand seven hundred eighty four To whom payable Dates By whom signed Amount Sum Total Robert Bonner Sherwood Hugg Luke Meazle Abner Islands Elizabeth Eugg Abraham Jones Charles Odingsells Elizabeth Keebler 12 th Aug 1783 2 nd June 1783 9 th Feb>- 1784 23 d Dec r 1783 9* June 1 783 12 th Aug 1783 7 th March 1783 28 th Nuv r 1783 John Wereat D T)O 8 20 2 II 118 447 35 4 9 I 14 7 13 5 6 2 10 s d 664: 19: 6 D - DO D Do D Number 60 42 76 99 44 10 84 109 John Martin J)0 D Do H5 60 78 22 15 65 "5 H5 12 6 8 585- 18: 8 D Do D Lyman Hall 1230: 18: 2 A Bill for the revising and amending the several Militia Laws of this State was read the third time. ORDERED That the said Bill do pass into an Act under the Title of An Act for revising and amending the several Militia Laws of this State ORDERED that the same be engrossed A bill for revising amending and continuing several Acts of Assembly of this State was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill do pass into an Act under the Title of an Act for revising amending and continuing several Acts of Assembly of this State FEBRUARY, 1784. 539 ORDERED that the same be engrossed. M r Stephens and M r Walton a Committee from the Executive Council returned the Bill for regulating the trade and Commerce of this State and laying an Impost of Tonnage on shipping with out any remarks RESOLVED that the Treasurer be directed to advertize for two months requiring all persons who owe Interest on bonds for property purchased at the sales of confiscated Estates to pay up such Interest immediately, and in case of non compliance at the expiration of the term aforesaid to deliver in an Account ot all such defaulters to the Attorney General who is hereby directed to commence actions against all such persons and to recover the amount of the same, and pay it into the Treasury A Bill to point out the regulations necessary for the admit tance of persons to the rights of Citizenship in this State was read a second time On Motion The House resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill. M r Saltus in the Chair The Speaker having resumed the Chair, M r Saltus from the Committee of the whole House to take into consideration the said Bill, reported That they had taken the same into consideration, made some amendments, and recommend that the same be postponed which was agreed to. The Bill for regulating the Trade and Commerce of this State and laying an Impost on Tonnage of Shipping was read the third Time. 640 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the said Bill do pass into an Act under the Title of an Act for regulating the Trade, and laying duties upon all Goods Wares Liquors and Merchandize and Negroes import ed into this State, and also an Impost on the Tonnage of Ship ping, and for other purposes therein mentioned The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Monday February 23 d 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment A Letter from the Honorable Edward Telfair Esquire was read Whereas it appears by a Letter from the Honorable Edward Telfair Esquire that the Commissioners appointed to hold ?. Treaty with the Creek Indians did promise to the Tallisse and Fat Kings, some presents in consequence of their fidelity and at tachment to their white brethren during the late War, and for their acquiescence and support in the late acquired Cession, therefore RESOLVED that the Governor and Council be empowered to draw on the Treasurer for a sum not exceeding fifty pounds to be paid to the Commissioners, to be applied to the purpose afore said. The House proceeded to the Election of Continental Delegates in addition to those already appointed, and on counting the Bal lots, the following Gentlemen were declared elected viz, William Few, William Gibbons Esquires and General Lach- lan M c intosh FEBRUARY, 1784. 541 Agreeable to order on Friday last the Attorney General re ported to the House, the sundry charges exhibited against a Negro named London the property of Cap 1 Deane. who was under sentence of Death for robbing the Shop of Wiggins, but reprieved by the Late Governor till the sitting of the As sembly. RESOLVED that the said Negro London belonging to the Estate of Cap 1 Deane be pardoned on condition that M r Clay Executor to the said Estate do transport the said Negro London to some of the West India Islands and that he remain in Goal untill an opportunity offers to send him off The Committee on Petitions N 3 reported from N I to n. The House proceeded to take- into consideration the report of the Committee on petitions N 2. on the petition of George Walton Esquire N 12 as follows That the Petition of George Walton Esquire praying relief of the loss of a Treasurer s Certificate dated about the tenth of August One thousand Seven hundred seventy eight for the sum of Seventeen hundred pounds which was obtained for sup plies furnished by the petitioner for the use of the Troops of this State. RESOLVED that the Auditor be directed to Audit and reduce the aforesaid Sum of Seventeen hundred pounds by the Table of depreciation, and allow the Specie value thereof, and give a Cer tificate for the same provided that M r Walton doth give Bond to the Auditor for a sum not less than twice the amount to in demnify the State against the Certificate he has lost. A Bill to point out the regulations necessary for the admission- of persons to the rights of Citizenship in this State was read a second time. 542 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the same be sent to the Executive Council for their perusal and advice, and that M r Netherclift and M r Bard be a Committee to wait on them with the same The House proceeded to ballot for Surveyors for the Counties of Franklin and Washington ; and on counting the ballots John Gorham Esquire was declared elected for the County of Frank lin, and Joseph Pannell Esquire for the County of Washington On Motion that a writ of Election do issue for a member of Assembly for the County of Chatham in the room of the Honor able William Gibbons Esquire elected a Continental Delegate. RESOLVED that the Speaker be empowered to receive resigna tions, and issue Writs of Election, to fill up all intermediate vacancies, during the recess of this House. The House proceeded to take up the report of the Com mittee to whom was referred the Petition of Peter Bard Esquire with an affidavit, Praying that Commissioners be appointed to value the Estate of the late Reverend John Joachim Zubly which remains unsold, at a rate as near as may be equivalent to that part already sold, and be confirmed to the Petitioner and his Brother in Law, which was agreed to ; and is as follows : That they are of opinion that that part of the Estate of John Joachim Zubly deceased \vhich remains unsold be valued at the rate which the part already sold amounted to, and the same con firmed to him and his brother in Law John Zubly, they giving bond for the amount of the said valuation, agreeable to the Law for regulating the Sales of confiscated Estates, \vhich bond to remain against them until the debts and the due proportions of the Debts of the said Estate agreeable to the resolve passed in Augusta the first of August last past are adjusted, and that James Houstoun Lachlan M c intosh and William Bryan Esquires be ap pointed Commissioners to value the same FEBRUARY, 1784. 543 And it is further the opinion of the Committee that three fifty acre Lots near Oat s, a house and Lot at Yamacraw, and a Lot in the Town of Savannah given to the said Peter Bard Es quire and Anne his Wife by the said John Joachim Zubly de ceased previous to his Estate being confiscated, and which it appears were occupied by the said Peter Bard Esquire be, and are hereby confirmed to him the said Peter Bard Esquire for ever. M r Stephens and M r Walton a Committee from the Council returned the following Bills Viz. A Bill to point out the regulations necessary for the admission of persons to the rights of Citizenship in this State with their remarks thereon. A Bill to empower the Governor and the Executive [Council] to Issue special Commissions of Oyer and Terminer to the Chief Justice and to the assistant Justices in the several Counties with in this State for the tryal of Criminals, with their remarks thereon The House proceeded to take into consideration the report of the Committee N 3 on the petition of John and George Galphin N 3 which was agreed to by the House ; and is as follows Viz. On the petition of John and George Galphin praying that a tract of land granted to them by the Chiefs and head men of the Creek nation, may be confirmed. It is the opinion of the House that the said Grant is null, and can be of no validity or effect, as the same is inconsistent with Law and good policy, notwithstanding in consideration of the meritorious services done by M r Galphin the deceased, father of the petitioners, it is agreed that a square tract, of Fifteen thousand Acres of Land in any part within the limits of the said Tract, be granted to them and their heirs And that the Gov ernor and Council be requested to grant a warrant for the same. 544 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The House proceeded to take into consideration the report of the Committee to whom was referred the Accounts of the Late Governor, as follows. That it is their opinion that the said Accounts should be re ferred to the Auditor, in order that he may examine and liqui date the same and report specially thereon to this House, and a? some dissatisfaction is given respecting the purchase of a Tract of Land containing One hundred and Twenty Acres on Hutchinson s Island : Therefore recommend that after the Au ditor has Audited the aforesaid Accounts allowing the Salary and advances of Indian Supplies, &c which Doctor Hall has made and charged him, Ten pounds per Acre for the said Tract of Land on Hutchinson s Island agreable to appraisement. That Doctor Hall do give Bond and approved Security to His Honor the Governor and his Successors in office for the balance that may appear due and owing by him to the State payable in twelve months, then and in that Case this House will concur in the Sales of the said Tracts of Land, which was agreed to. The House proceeded to take up the report of the Committee to whom was referred a Letter from Lucy Tondee of the Eighth february One thousand seven hundred and eighty three, which is as follows That it is their opinion that she should be allowed Ten Pounds Sterling for the use of her room in the beginning of the Session One thousand seven hundred eighty three, and that His Honor the Governor give her an order to receive the same out of the first money s which shall come into the Public Treasury, which was agreed to. On Motion RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to point out the means of raising supplies to furnish Continental Delegates, and for the support of the Council, and members of the House FEBRUARY, 1784. 545 ORDERED that M r Bard M r Houston, M r Andrew and M r Few, be that Committee On Motion RESOLVED that Thomas and John Mitchell Dooly the sur viving sons of Colonel John Dooly who was cruelly murdered in his own house while on parole, be allowed five hundred Acres of Land each in Lieu of the Land due their deceased father to be laid out in the Countv of Washington The Committee to whom was delivered the public Bonds, re ported That they have delivered the same to the Treasurer as they were directed, and have taken his receipt for said Bonds, which they beg leave to lay before the house with an exact List thereof, which the Committee recommend to be entered on the Journals of the House which was agreed to, and are as follows Account of Bonds delivered the Committee appointed by the Honorable House of Assembly that have been fully complied for by giving Mortgages &c .55 r r vol 3 546 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Amount of Persons Names 3onds What sum p (1 in Certificates What relin quished or otherwise paid Total Balance due paid the State s d s d s d s d s d Richard Wylly 2310 596 38 420 - 1016 3 8 1293 16 4 D 346 10 _ _ - - 346 i O; - D 30. . 6 - _ _ _ _ - - 30 6 - D. 441. . - - 115 - - - - 115 326 - - Richard Call \45 - 44<> U 4 440 1 1 -i 3684 o 8nJ Peter Deveaux 820 _ _ _ - - - 82O, ~ ~ John Houston 127. .10 - - - - - : 127 I o - John P. Wagnon William Le Conte 2050 1050 2050 1050 - - 3825 - - Edward Jones 510 - - 404 10 404 10 - 105 i o - Seth Ju Cuthbert 940 - - - - - 940 Samuel Elbert 2947 - - 2947 _ .1 John Morell 3748. .10 - 1066 10 8 131 3 nf 1197 14 7f 2550 i 5 4? James Jackson Col. 2197. .10 - 2197 10 - 2197 oooo o o Joseph Clay j 150 - - D 5263. .12 - 2381 78 - - 150 2381 7 8 2882 o o 4 4 D 1357 5 - _ Defy in land - - 1357 r _ Tho s Stone for J. Ward dec d 3412 . .10 - 82 56 655 4 737 9 6 2675 - 6 Ditto for Ditto 5400 - - - - 5400 ~ Ben" Lloyd i 410 - - 410 John Lucas 705 75 John Habershain 3460 . 2410 i 2410 - - 1050 William O Bryan 12290 - - - - 900 - | J ^ 26 I2 _ 222 g 8 - D 2655 - -; 426 12 - n K Joseph Humphreys i 57 .. 10 - - - 157 Io - Audited Hannah Gibbons 4050.. -- 13 i - 13 i - 4036 J9 - Peter H. Morell 480 - - 25 78 25. .7 8 . 454 12 4 William Read 3380 - - 2800 2800 - - 580 _ _ Audited Edward Davis Ben" Andrew 177 - - 79 350 Ball ce Acc ts - - 79 - - attend Couu 1 18 88 98 331 i 4 Lucia Murray 700 - - Ball" Belch ersCer byT. : W. 36 15 - 66 3 5 - W m M c intosh J r 600 - - - - 6OO Audited Ben" Stiles 175 - - 63 112 63 II 2 III 8 10 Rich 1 Howley 1486 - - I486 ~ in lands i Jo in Lucas W n Serving 575 2850 2166 years Int. 648 Defy re- 2850 linquished 575 oooo Tohti Wauden 640 275 2 75 - - 365 ~ J ( 630 Def y in Thomas Sto:.e 2925 - - 1160 19 - J land .. 1915 19 - j 125 relm- 1009 i - l^quished John Baker Jacob Read 540 7689 113 13 5-2 "3 15 52 540 7575 j OQ 4 64 - C 1 John Moore 3570 - - 1081. .17 3^ - - 1081 17 3f 2480 2 Of George Threadcraft tooo ~ti as int. 78 - - 922 Q_ - T Q C Neh h Wade 1245 - - 345 *--4 345 i 4 899 l o o Abram Jones 715 -1/1.5 7 1 5 ooo O O Tho s Washington 1175 - -11175 - - ; 1175 - - ooo o o Peter Tarlin.-|h 522 10 - , 522 IO O Charles Odingsells 720 720 720 ooo f\ o o Thomas Mills 236 - - - - 236 "; John Hardy 130.5 - - 1305 Sam 1 Sjecroft 230 - - - - _ _ - 2 ">Oi FEBRUARY, 1784. 547 Savannah 23 d February 1784 Received of Wiliam Few and Charles Odingsells Esquire a Committee appointed by the Hon orable the House of Assembly, Bonds agreeable to the List in the preceding page, amounting to Sixty two thousand four hundred and eighty One pounds Seven shillings and ten pence half penny being the Balance due the State of Georgia JOHN MARTIN Treas r Number 2 1 Persons Names Amount of Bonds What Sum Paid in Certificates What Relin quished or Otherwise Paid Total Paid Balance Due the State Samuel Stirk s d 2160 . . . 3150 62 10 225 . . . 1260 . . . s d 837 7 ZK 1281 7 2 s d s d 837 7 3^ 2579 12 10 1322 570 62 103 1260 42 144 462 1460 104 562 78 1142 1558 395 82 175 1330 505 255 380 137 880 45 450 90 4500 33 45 170 25 225 618 2550 2350 187 s 12 7 10 13 d 8^ 2 3/2 Andrew McLean .... John Lucas Luke Mann 1298 5 8 121 6 8% 121 6 8)4 Lachlin Mclntosh . . . Abram Ravot James Jackson 42 ... 162 10 . 2787 10 . 1460 . . . 230 .. . 650 .. . 78 5 1387 10 . 1190 . . . 3152 io . 807 io . 152 io . 175 .. . 2160 . . . 505 . . 16 . . . . 2 DUO him bal 2^2 ? 18 . . . . Benn Andrew Benn Andrew IO 17 10 5 IO 12 6 7 James Jackson. 125 2 6 87 io 125 2 6 87 io . . . John Greene Francis Tennell James Habersham. . . Ditto William O. Bryan . . . John Hardey James McKay Wm. Mclntosh, Junr. Ditto Ditto ! ,itto TOO . . . 1335 1594 10 . 412 io . }i435 1594 io . . . 412 io . . . 69 17 7 69 17 7 830 .. . 830 ... 2455 . . . 812 io . 137 10 . 1692 io . 45 22OO . . . 22OO James Thompson .... Joseph Woodruff . . . . Phillip Low Christopher Hillary . John Baker Francis Tennell Anthy. W. White . . Jared Irvine. John Morrison James Martin James B. Sharpe Clementius Davies. . . Abraham Ravot Leonard Marbury 432 6 4^ 432 6 4^ 3 IO 7% 8l3 10 . 812 io . . . 1165 18 . 90 ... 715 18 . 7i5 18 ... 4sOO 33 15 45 ... 15 170 5 25 . . 25 225 ... 618 15 . 2550 . . . 15 Josiah Powell James Jeffries 2350 - . 187 io . IO JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Savannah 23 d February 1/84 Received of William Few and Charles Odingsells Esquires (a Committee appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly) Bonds agreable to the List in the preceeding page amounting to Twenty four thousand three hundred and four pounds one shilling and Ten pence half penny being the balance due the State of Georgia JOHN MARTIN Treasurer A List of Bonds given for personal property Purchased at the Sales of the Confiscated Estates in the Year One thousand seven hundred eighty two Persons names who gave Bonds. Amount of the and Date Bonds Annual Interest When the Monds become due s d Ahner Bickliam 250 - 2 Sepf 1782 17 10 - 2 1 Sepf 1786 Andrew Burns 225 - 10 D Do 15 15 10 D D Thomas Chisholm 66 2 Do DO 4 12 434 10 I) D William Caudler 72 ~ 2 D D 5 9 9> 2 TO D Do Cornelius Dysart 520 26 Dec r D 36 8 - ?6 Dec r D James Dunwoodie 10 - 2 1 Oct r D H - 2i st Ocf D Luther Haluel 260 2 Sep r Do 18 4 2 Sept r D Caleb Howell 2.5 10 - 2 Dec r D i 15 8# 2 Dec r D Alexander Iivine 80 2 Sep r D 5 12 - 2 n<1 Sep r D 1 Stephen Johnston 60 ii 2 Dec r D 449 2 IKi Dec r Do Lemuel Lanier 20O IO 13 June D 14 14 13 June D John Morrison 331 I0 D Do D 23 4 i Do Do Daniel M c murphy 325 29 Dec r Do 22 5 29 th Dec r Do Joseph Pannell 26 2 _ Sep r Do i 1 6 4V 2 Sepf Do John Patterson 205 D Do 14 7 Ditto Abram Ravct 65 D D 4 ii Ditto Ditto 15 2 nd Dec r D i i - 2 Dec r 1782 James Slallings 103 13 June D 7 4 2}< 13 June D Ditto 270 2 Sep r D 18 18 2 d Sepf D William M c intosh 21 10 - Do D I IO I D Do Daniel M murphy 363 D D 25 3 2^ D Do 3494 II 245 5 7^ Savannah 2^ February 1784 Received of William Few and Charles Odingsells Esquires (a Committee appointed by the Honorable the House of Assembly) Bonds agreable to the List in the preceeding page amounting to Three thousand four him- FEBRUARY, 1784. o; dred and ninety four pounds eleven shillings being the sum due the State of Georgia JOHN MARTIN Treasurer Savannah 23 February 1784 Received of Messieurs Few and Odingsells Two Bonds Viz One Bond of Mordecai Sheftall dated the thirtieth of September One thousand seven hundred and eighty three for twenty two pounds three shillings payable the first of January One thousand seven hundred eighty four. One Ditto of Chesly Bostick dated the Twenty sixth June One thousand seven hundred eighty three for Sixty pounds payable the first of January one thousand seven hundred eighty four, the same being due the State of Georgia JOHN MARTIN Treasurer Petition from Sarah Glen was read and referred to the Com mittee on Petitions X 3. The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock. (From State Archives.) Tuesday February 24 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment A Petition from James Spalding was read and referred to the Committee of Petitions N i. On Motion That the Auditor be directed to audit and reduce all M r Greave s Certificates by the Table of Depreciation and allow the Specie value thereof, and give him a Certificate for the same, which was agreed to 550 The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Netherclift M r Lamer M r Bryan M r M c kenzie M r Habersham :\I r Clements M r Odingsells M r Conyers M r Bard M r Pugh M r Rutherford M r Morrison M r Andrew M r Lewis M r Hardey M r M c intosh M r Saltus M r Williamson M r Whitehead 20 M r Meazle Nays Nays M r Gibbons M r Palmer M r Houstoun M r Irvine M r Catchings M r Candler M r Heard M r Glascock M r Kemp M r Crawford M r Downes M r M c neil M r Cunningham 14 M p Elliot RESOLVED That George Handley and John Hardey Esquires be added to the Justices of the Counties of Liberty Glynn and Camden And That Thomas Carter, Devereux Jarret, Thomas Gragg, John George, Arthur Fort and George Lumpkin Esquires be added to the List of Justices for the County of Wilkes Whereas the Reverend Moses Allen was imprisoned on board the Prison Ship at Cock Spur by the British, and endeavouring to make his escape he unfortunately was drowned RESOLVED that his only surviving Son Moses Allen be allowed FEBRUARY, 1784. 551 five hundred Acres of Land in the late Cession granted by the Indians, as a compensation for his fathers services. RESOLVED that the Auditor be directed to audit a Treasury Certificate for One thousand five hundred pounds in the posses sion of Colonel Downis, and the same to be taken in payment for his Bond to the State, and if any balance in his favor that he re ceive a Certificate for the same. Whereas it appears that Edward Langworthy Esquire was possessed in his own right for a Treasury Certificate of this State, for monies he received for his many Services thereto, and which he actually paid into the Treasury in the month of July One thousand seven hundred and seventy six and at the same time was accidently destroyed by fire, at the same time his books and papers were absolutely consumed, which prevents his tendering particular accounts against many Estates confiscated and sold under an Act for that purpose but that he has preserved a list of the different amount of the same, therefore, RESOLVED that the Auditor be directed to Audit and reduce M r Langworthy s Treasury Certificates together with the In terest thereon by the Table of Depreciation, and allow the Specie value thereof, and give him a Certificate of the same, which shall be received in payment of the confiscated Estates, and that his proving on Oath his several demands against confiscated Estates, shall be put on the like footing with other legal claims RESOLVED that His Honor the Governor be requested to draw an Order on the Treasurer in favor of John Wereat Esquire for four pounds fifteen shillings and nine pence which shall be taken and received in payment of his Taxes for the last year. A Message from His Honor the Governor was received RESOLVED that this House are of opinion that Nathan Brown- son Esquire do qualify as a Justice for the Counties of Liberty 552 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Glynn and Camden by virtue of his appointment in January One thousand seven hundred eighty two The Committee to whom was referred the Letter of the Com missioners of confiscated Estates, mentioning the different Tracts of Land that were postponed at the late Sales by Order of Coun cil, and on account of different claimants, Reported, which was agreed to, and is as follows. That they find one hundred acres late the property of John Furlow on little bryar Creek in Wilkes County on the eleventh November One thousand seven hundred and eighty three, Also two hundred and fifty Acres late the property of the said John Furlow in Richmond County On the eighteenth of November Two hundred Acres late the property of William Dargan in Burke County Also Five hundred Acres late Thomas Gold smiths in Chatham County, on the seventeenth December Also another tract of five hundred Acres of the said Thomas Gold smith, all postponed on account and in behalf of the distressed Widows and Orphan Children of the late proprietors of the said Lands who are included in the Act of Confiscation and banishment, And although they conceive the Commissioners ex ercised an extra judicial power not authorized by the said Act, yet, in favor of the Widows and Orphans, were committing so amiable an error that they rather merit the applause than the censure of the House, and therefore recommend that the House vest the property in such respective Widows and Orphan Chil dren The Committee farther report That they find One hundred Acres late the property of James Grierson claimed by John Kendrick in the County of Richmond, the eighteenth November One thousand seven hundred eighty three. Also Two hundred Acres late the property of Thomas Skin- FEBRUARY, 1784. 553 ner on account of an Affadavit of M rs Spencer in the County of Effingham the eighth December Also Seven hundred Acres late the property of John Martin of Jakel. claimed by Richard Leake the twenty ninth December Also Two hundred Acres late the property of Daniel Bean Mintosh, claimed by M r M c intosh, the same day Also Four hundred Acres late the property of John Forbes claimed by a nameless person, at least not mentioned by the Commissioners. Also nine hundred Acres, same as last mentioned. Also One hundred and fifty Acres in the same way Also three hundred acres late Kelsall and Spalding claimed by M r M c intosh the same day Also seven hundred and fifty Acres late the property of John Graham claimed by Major Raymond Deinerie on the same day Also Five hundred Acres late John Martins of Jekell claimed at the same time by Richard Leake. The whole of the above also postponed, and are of opinion that the Commissioners are highly reprehensible in thus violating the Spirit and direction of the Law, which pointedly orders them to proceed to the Sale at the time therein specified of all con fiscated property and therefore becomes their duty in the first instance to ascertain and discriminate such property as appears to belong to the persons warned in the Act of confiscation and banishment, and when that is once done and the same advertised for Sale to proceed to such sales referring all Claimants to a Court of Law, to establish such their claims agreable to the Let ter of the Act above recited The Committee further Report, 554 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY That they find four hundred Acres late the property of Robert Baillie postponed. That they conceive the Commissioners were guilty of a palp able mistake in advertising for sale the land of a person taken off the confiscation Act by the legislature in July One thousand Seven hundred eighty three Also Five hundred Acres late the property of Charles M c - donald That the same language is applicable to this case, as that Identical tract was settled by the legislature on the widow and Children of the said Charles M c donald. Also eight hundred Acres late Thomas Gibbons claimed by William Gibbons in the County of Chatham, postponed till the next meeting of the General Assembly Also One thousand Acres late the property of John Poison Also fifty Acres late the property of Hugh Poison postponed till the next meeting of the General Assembly The Committee further report. On the petition of David Shirrell to them referred, that they find by the Will of William Shirrell dated the second September One thousand seven hundred and seventy two all his property real and personal was vested in his Wife Jean, and at her death to descend to his grandson Reuben Shirrell, That the said Reuben Shirrell died about five years ago, and that his Devisees and Assigns were notwithstanding included in the Act of Con fiscation and Banishment. That the Commissioners have taken some part of the aforesaid property, although the said Jean Shir rell is still living They are therefore of opinion that the Com missioners be directed to return such property to the aforesaid Jean Shirrell, and that the same together with all such as is in cluded in the said Will be vested absolutely in her FEBRUARY, 1784. 555 RESOLVED that the remaining part of the report be postponed Motion was made and seconded That .the Resolves of the House of Assembly are binding on all the Officers of the State, except such as operate against the established Laws The previous question being called for, that this question be not now put, was carried in the affirmative The Committee to whom was referred the consideration of a Letter from the Attorney General, reported as follows, which was agreed to. That they find the judgment of the Chief Justice in the Case referred to have been founded in general upon the principles of Government, and in particular upon an Act passed at Augusta in July last entitled an Act for releasing certain persons from their bargains, and wherein it is enacted.. That it shall be law- full for any person or persons whatsoever to sue or implead the State. And it is the opinion of the Committee, that if a Judge should suffer a claim against the State to go to the consideration of a Jury it would be impleading it in a Court of Law and of con sequence be a derangement of any plans of Finance That if there are any of the public Creditors who deserve a preference of payment, and the funds admit of it, or any dis counts are thought proper, if in either case, the directions come particularly from the legislature. A Letter from Mordecai Sheftall with a Letter inclosed from Stephen Drayton was read ORDERED that the- same ly upon the Table. A Letter from Samuel Stirk Esquire was read 556 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ORDERED that the same ly upon the Table. A petition from James Lewis praying five hundred acres of Land may be granted him, in consideration of his being wounded, and disabled in future to support himself RESOLVED that the prayer of the petition be granted A Memorial from James Houstoun Esquire was read ORDERED that the same be referred to a Special Committee z:nd that M r Gunn M r Gibbons and M r Habersham be that Com mittee \Yhereas from the distressed situation of the Country in the year One thousand seven hundred eighty one, and in order to induce the inhabitants of the State to remain within and take an active part in defence of the same it became highly expedient to pass a Law holding out encouragement to such as did their duty either as Officers or Soldiers by allowing the Officers the same pay and subsistence of the Continental Army, and the pay of the non Commissioned Officers and Soldiers as follows. Viz Sergeants Two shillings and six per day, Drummers and Filers Two Shillings, and privates One Shilling and Six pence and whereas in consequence of a resolve of the House of Assembly in January One thousand seven hundred and eighty three, doubts have arisen with the Auditor in passing the Accounts of the Militia. RESOLVED that the Auditor be and ke is hereby directed to audit the said accounts subsequent to that period in the manner pointed out by said Law The Committee to whom were referred the books and pro ceedings of the Commissioners appointed to treat with the In dians, Reported That they find the business has been conducted with great address and propriety and are of opinion that the said Commi s- FEBRUARY, 1784. 557 sioners arc entitled to the warmest thanks of the house, for their conduct on the occasion, and all their proceedings be and are hereby ratified and confirmed which was unanimously agreed to The House proceeded to the choice of Trustees for a College, when the following Gentlemen were elected Viz. John Hous- toun James Habersham William Few, Joseph Clay, Abraham Baldwin, William Houstoun and Nathan Brownson Esquires. On Motion RESOLVED that the Goods landed from on board the Schooner Adventure, Henry Nicholl master bound from Philadelphia to Xew York and blown off and obliged to put into this Port in distress, be exempted from duties, for having sold only a part cf his Cargo, which was damageable, and so much as was neces sary to defray his Port Charges. A Petition from Doctor Jacob Dejong with an Account was 1 RESOLVED that the Account inclosed be referred to the Auditor, and that he be requested to Audit and give a Certificate for the amount thereof. M r Candler applying for leave of absence during this Session, received an Order from the Speaker on the Treasurer for five pounds in part of his Account amounting to twenty six pounds two shillings and eight pence, due him for his Attendance this Session M r Whitehead applying for leave of absence during this Ses sion received an order from the Speaker on the Treasurer for five pounds in part of his account of Eighteen pounds thirteen shillings and four pence due him for his attendance this Session. The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 OClock 558 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY (From State Archives.) Wednesday February 25 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment The Committee to whom was referred the petition of James Houstoun Esquire, respecting a tract of land containing nine hundred Acres, now part of Monteeth plantations Reported That having taken the same under consideration recommend that the sale of said plantation be postponed till the next meet ing of the House in which time the said James Houstoun can make his right appear, and the Committee will have it [in] their power to report fully thereon which was agreed to On Motion RESOLVED that David Rees Esquire Secretary to the Late Gov ernor be directed to deliver the Bonds and Mortgage of Richard Howly (for the white Oak plantation late James Butlers) to the Treasurer he taking a receipt for the same Whereas there are a number of Petitions from persons pray ing to become Citizens of this State now before the House, and as several of said petitioners have removed their property into this State under a promise of temporary protection from the late administration until the sense of this House be known, and from the advanced period of the Session a naturalization Law cannot pass this House, nor can the petitions be taken up and decided on, and it is just and necessary that all such persons should receive the fullest protection from this State. Therefore RESOLVED, That His Honor the Governor and the Executive Council during the recess of this House are hereby authorized to grant all such persons, or any others applying where there shall appear no legal impediment, such protection untill a law FEBRUARY, 1784. 59 passes pointing out the mode of admitting persons to the rights of Citizenship RESOLVED that the Books of the Commissioners of claims be delivered to a Committee, coasisting of M r William Few, M r Hall and AP Bryan in order that they may revise their Rules and make such amendments as may appear to them necessary and report thereon this afternoon, That the said Books be then delivered to the Auditor, and that he be directed to liquidate and audit all claims against the confiscated Estates, agreable to the Rules and instructions given him for that purpose, and when it shall so happen that an Account or claim is laid before the Auditor, on which he can not with propriety decide agreable to the said Rules and instructions, he shall in that case report specially on such accounts to the legislature at their next sitting On Motion : RESOLVED that the following persons be ap pointed Commissioners of Roads for Liberty County Viz. John Elliott and William Way, for the first Division William Ouarterman and Thomas Stephens for the second Division Phillip Low and Gideon Douse for the third Division Joseph Law, for the fourth Division. Josiah Bacon and James Dunwoodie for the fifth Division. Samuel Saltus and William Baker for the sixth Division Ccl John Baker and John Hardey for the Town of Sunbury For Sappelo District, Colonel William Mintosh and Samuel Fulton For Colonels Islands Benjamin Andrew and Andrew Maybank 560 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Commissioners for the North West road in Chatham County James Gunn, William Bryan, Peter Deveaux, James Houstoun, William Gibbons, Thomas Washington and John Morell Esquires. Commissioners for Great Ogechee District William Leconte, Thomas Stone, and Raymond Demerie Esquires Commissioners for Little Ogechee District. Stephen Milieu and Joseph Habersham Esquires RESOLVED that Israel Bird be added to the List of Commis sioners of roads already appointed for the County of Effingham. RESOLVED that William Le Conte, James Houstoun William Stephens, John Barnard, Joseph Gibbons Edward Telfair Thomas Stone and James Gunn Esquires be added to the List of Justices for the County of Chatham. RESOLVED that David Emanuel. Thomas Lewis Juir John Jones and Hugh Lawson Esquires be appointed assistant Jus tices, and that Thomas Lewis Sen* Benjamin Lewis, Francis Pugh, James Pugh, Jared Irvine, John Clemments Thomas Lit tle, John Green, John Lawson Jonathan Kemp, Jacob Lewis, Edward Weathers William Green Thomas Burton, John Con- yers and William Edwards be and they are hereby appointed Justices for the County of Burke, and that all former appoint ments are hereby declared Null and void RESOLVED that the Treasurer before he enters on the duties of his Office be required to appear before his Honor the Gov ernor and Council and give Bond with four Securities to the amount of Twenty thousand pounds for the faithful! discharge of the Trust reposed in him FEBRUARY, 1784. 561 On Motion RESOLVED that Israel Bird be added to the List of Justices for the County of Effingham. The Committee appointed to take into consideration a recom mendation from His Honor the Governor and Council relating to a petition from sundry officers and privates who formerly be longed to the minute Battalions, are of opinion that His Honor the Governor and Council be empowered to grant bounties in Lands to those Persons whom His Honor the Governor thinks himself bound by a promise of the said gratuity and the Gov ernor and Council be empowered to grant the said Certificates to those persons who shall make appear that they faithfully per formed the conditions on which such promise was made, which was agreed to. A Letter from John Wereat Esquire was read together with a State of Continental loan Office Certificates ORDERED that the same be referred to Edward Telfair, Joseph Habersham, Peter Bard and Charles Odingsells Esquires who are appointed a Committee to take the same into consideration and to report to the next House of Assembly. RESOLVED that it is the decided opinion of this House that the resolves of the Legislature ought to operate as an order and be carried into full effect by the Executive and all other civil Officers whom it may concern. Motion was made, That it is the opinion of this House that the resolve passed at Augusta in the Months of July and Au gust last respecting the taking a number of persons off the con fiscation Act and put on the Amercement Act; be not valid, as no Amercement Act was passed that Session of Assembly for that purpose, it was carried in the Negative. On a Motion that the persons agreed by the resolves at Au- 36 r r vol 3 562 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY x giista to be taken off the Act of Banishment and placed on the Act of Amercement, be amerced at twelve per Cent, on their property. The previous Question being called for that this question be not now put, which was carried in the negative The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows Yeas Yeas M r Bryan M r M c kenzie M r Odingsells M r Clements M r Rutherford M r Kemp M r Cunningham M r Morrison M r Andrew M r Candler M r Hardey M r Ben n Few M r Saltus M r M c niel M r Elliot 1 6 M r Hall Nays Gibbons Habersham Houstoun Morell Bard Ja 8 Houstoun Catchings Freeman Heard Downes Meazle Lanier Nays M r Conyers M r M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 Palmer Irvine Pugh Lewis Glascock W m Few Lee M c intosh Williamson 22 The main Question was then put and carried in the affirmative Whereas Lyman Hall Esquire hath in open contempt of the House withdrawn himself, therefore FEBRUARY, 1784. 568 ORDERED that the Messenger be directed immediately to take the said Lyman Hall Esquire into Custody and him safely keep until the farther order of this House RESOLVED that His Honor the Governor and Executive Council be requested to contract and agree with some person to bring the records and public papers of this State from the Northward, and to allow such person a reasonable sum of money out of the Treasury or to give and grant to such person his Heirs or assigns in lieu thereof a Tract of unlocated Land not exceeding One thousand Acres for his Trouble RESOLVED that His Honor the Governor and Executive Coun cil be required to direct the Treasurer to pay to John Wereat Esq r such part of his Salary as remains due and also to direct the Treasurer to pay the amount of the printers Account for printing the Journals of this House and other public printing in such sums and at such periods as the funds of this State will admit. RESOLVED that Doctor Andrew Johnston be permitted to re main in this State, and be protected till the next meeting of the legislature RESOLVED that His Honor the Governor be requested to grant eight Land warrants for five thousand Acres each, in the names of John Houstoun, James Habersham, William Few, Joseph Clay, Abraham Baldwin, William Houstoun and Nathan Brown- son Esquires, or their Successors in Office, in trust for the Col- ledge, that is to be establish^ in this State That one or more of said Trustees be requested to proceed immediately with a Surveyor or Surveyors to superintend the Surveying of the said Land in each County agreable to the Act for that purpose made That His Honor the Governor be requested to draw an order on the Treasurer in favor of said Trustees for the sum of twenty 564 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY pounds for the purpose of paying Chain bearers and defraying the necessary expence of surveying. The House proceeded to take into consideration the report of the Committee on petitions N I From Alexander Irvine IN 31 praying leave to pay in audited Certificates for his past services to the amount of eighty pounds of confiscated property, which he had purchased. The Committee are of opinion that the prayer of the petition be granted, which was agreed to. The following Acts being engrossed were brought in and compared at the Table. Viz, An Act for laying out two or more Counties to the Westward and pointing out the mode of granting the same An Act to regulate the Indian Trade and for other purposes therein mentioned An Act to compel persons who have, or may hereafter receive public money or effects to account for the same An Act for settling and ascertaining the fees to be taken by the several public Officers and persons herein after named An Act reviving and enforcing certain Laws therein men tioned. ORDERED that the Speaker do sign the same. RESOLVED that a Committee be appointed to correct the min utes and have the same published ORDERED that M r Bard M r Habersham M r Netherclift and M 1 Odingsells be that Committee The House then adjourned until to morrow morning 9 OClock FEBRUARY, 1784. 565 (From State Archives.) Thursday February 26 th 1784 The House met pursuant to adjournment RESOLVED that the Surveyor General be authorized to have the Line Surveyed and marked that is to circumscribe the Indian hunting grounds and specified in an Act passed for laying out two Counties to the Westward & and make a report of the same to the next House of Assembly. They to make him such satis faction as may appear adequate to the performance. The House proceeded to the reading of the Bill for establish ing Court houses and Jails and the fixing and regulating elec tions in the different Counties of this State, the third time. When a Clause was proposed by M r William Few to the fol lowing effect. Whereas some controversies have arisen in the County of Richmond respecting the place of holding the annual Elections for civil Officers and Representatives in Assembly and for build ing the Court house and Jail, and as by an Act of the Legislature the right and priviledge of choosing the place for that purpose was vested in the free Citizens of said County : In order there fore that the said controversies may be forever done away and the tranquility of that County restored on principles of public Utility; and the convenience of the people Be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that an election shall be held by the Voters of the County of Richmond at the Kiokees Meeting House on the .... day of .... for the purpose of choosing and fully deciding by vote of the people whether the Court House and Jail and the place for holding Elections in the said County shall be at Augusta, or where the Battalion line crosses the little Kiokees, or at Brownsborough, and the place which shall then and there have the highest number of Votes shall be and the same is hereby 566 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY declared to be the place at which the Court House and Jail shall be built, and the annual elections held in the County of Rich mond That shall be and they or any two of them are hereby appointed and authorized to superintend the said Elec tion, and make a just return thereof to the Legislature, which was carried in the negative. The Yeas and Nays being called for, are as follows Yeas Yeas M r James Houstoun M r Mfarland M r Catchings M r W ra Few M r Heard M r Lee M r Downes M r Ben" Few M r Meazle M r M c intosh M r M c kenzie M r Williamson M r Conyers M r Rutherford M r Irvine 15 Nays Nays M r Gibbons M r Clements M r Habersham M r Palmer M r Bryan M r Kemp *M r Houstoun M r Pugh M r Odingsells M r Morrison M r Bard M r Lewis M r Gunn M r Candler M r Cunningham M r Glascock M r Andrew M r Crawford M r Hardey , M r M c niel M r Saltus 22 M p Lanier The following amendment was proposed, and is as follows At the Little Kiokee on the new road which leads from Au- FEBRUARY, 1784. 567 gusta to the Kiokee meeting house where the said road Crosses the Little Kiokee Creek which was carried in the Negative The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows ; v Yeas Yeas M 1 Bard M r Conyers M r Catchings M r W m Few M r Rutherford M r Lee M r Heard M r Ben n Few M r M c Farland M r M c intosh M r Meazle M r Williamson M r Lanier 14 M r M c kenzie Nays Nays M r Gibbons M r Palmer M r Habersham M r Kemp M r Bryan M r Pugh M r Houstoun M r Morrison M r Odingsells M r Candler M r Ja s Houstoun M r Glascock M r Gunn M r Crawford M r Cunningham M r M c niel M r Andrew 18 "^ M r Hardey ^ The main Question was then put which is as follows At the place where the road crosses the little Kiokee Creek leading to the meeting house, and that the superior Courts be held at Augusta till a Jail and Court house are built, and that elections be held at the place fixed on, which was carried in the affirmative The Yeas and Nays being called for are as follows. 568 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Yeas M r Gibbons M r Habersham M r Bryan M r Houstoun M r Oding-sells M r Ja s Houstoun M T M r M* M r M r M r M M M M Yeas Freeman Cunningham Andrew Hardey ;_ Nays Catchmgs Heard M c kenzie William Few M c farland M r M r M r M r M r M r M r M r MF M Meazle Lanier Palmer Kemp Pugh Morrison Glascock M c intosh Crawford 22 Nays M r Lee M r Ben n Few M r Williamson 8 The Bill for establishing Court houses and Jails and the fixing and regulating Elections in the different Counties of the State was read a third time and ordered to be engrossed, and that the same do pass into an Act under the above title RESOLVED that the Clerk be empowered to purchase one or more books of a proper size for the purpose of making a fair Entry of the Minutes of the several Houses of Assembly, and that he be allowed four pence per Copy Sheet as a compensation for his trouble in entering the same and the expence of Books, Quills, et caetera : which was agreed to. RESOLVED that any Member producing to the Treasurer his Account signed by the Speaker he shall be empowered and he is hereby required to pay such Member the sum of Five pounds in part, and that he give a Treasury Certificate for the balance FEBRUARY, 1784. 569 which shall be paid out of the first Money that may be received in the Treasury or received as Specie in payment of principal or Interest for any money due the State at the option of the Holder Be it also Resolved that on any Member of the Council pro ducing to the Treasurer a Certificate signed by the Governor for money that may be due for his attendance in Council, then and in that case the Treasurer is hereby required to pay the same sum out of any money that may be in the Treasury, or to give a Certificate which shall be received in all payments as aforesaid. The Committee find that there is in the hands of the States At torney Bonds to the amount of Specie for Negroes that were sold by an Order from the Court of Admiralty that has been sometime due RESOLVED that His Honor the Governor and Council be re quested to Order the States Attorney immediately to take measures to recover the same, and all other debts that are due or may be owing to the State and that His Honor the Governor and Council be empowered and required if they should find it necessary to employ some other sworn Attorney or Attorneys to assist and aid the States Attorney in such Actions or to employ such other Attorney or Attorneys to recover debts due to this State, and That the Commissioners of confiscated Estates be directed im mediately to advertise for Sale, for Cash or Bills at the usual Discount, so much of the confiscated property either real or personal as have not been sold, or was sold and relinquished as will amount to the sum of One thousand pounds, and pay the same into the Treasury for the purpose of defraying the ex- pences of the Continental Delegates and that the aforesaid prop erty be disposed of by the Commissioners either at public auction or private sale as may be most conducive to the Interest of the State. Provided they do first give information thereof to His Honor the Governor and Council; and obtain their approbation thereon ; 570 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY That His Honor the Governor with the advice of the Execu tive Council shall be and they are hereby authorized to draw on the Treasury for a sum not exceeding three thousand pounds for the contingent expences of Government. RESOLVED that His Honor the Governor be authorized and requested to draw on the Treasurer, monthly and every month, for the pay of each Councillor, during his or their attendance in Council ; and That His Honor the Governor be requested to draw on the Treasurer for a sum not exceeding One thousand pounds for the use of the Continental Delegates, and also to use and apply any other means the resources of this State will admit of, to draw forth that sum. The House taking into consideration the Accounts of Heze- kiah Wade are of opinion, that he apply to the persons whom he supplied for payment, as no other Accounts of that nature has been passed by this House, which was agreed to. RESOLVED that the Auditor settle the Accounts of M r Joseph Dunlap against the Estate of Doctor John Joachim Zubly, and on his attesting the same, give him a Certificate for one third thereof The House proceeded to take into Consideration the petition of Benjamin Few and Andrew Burns Esquires praying that the heirs, devisees and Assigns of John Howard be taken off the Act of confiscation, as they have administered on the Estate, which is so circumstanced that the State can derive no benefit from it which was agreed to. A Bill to empower the Governor and Executive Council to Issue special Commissions of Oyer and Terminer to the Chief Justice, and the Assistant Justices in the several Counties within this State for the Tryal of Criminals, was read a third time. FEBRUARY, 1784. 571 ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed, and that the same do pass into an Act under the above title. A Bill for fixing- and establishing Court Houses and Jails, and for regulating elections in the different Counties was read the third time ORDERED that the said Bill be engrossed and that the same do pass into an Act under the above title. RESOLVED that William Glascock Charles Crawford James M c farland, and Benjamin Few Esquires be appointed assistant Justices, and that Andrew Burns, William Candler, James M c neil,Zacharias Fahn, John Germany, James Stallings James Bowie Nathan Harris, Lewis Gardner, Rhesa Howard, John Shackel- ford, Charles Lynn and Ignatius Few Esquires be appointed Justices for the County of Richmond, and that all former ap pointments are made void. The House proceeded to the Election of a Councellor for the County of Richmond, in the room of Robert Middleton Esquire, who resigned, and on counting the Ballotts James M c farland Esquire was elected. The House then proceeded to the Choice of a Counsellor for the County of Liberty in the room of Phillip Low Esquire, who resigned, and on counting the Ballots Benjamin Andrew was elected. RESOLVED that M r !Netherclift, M r Joseph Habersham M r Oclingsells, M r Gibbons, and M r Houstoun, or any three of them be a Committee to examine the Bills which have passed into Laws, and to see the Speaker sign the same RESOLVED that James Houstoun Joseph Habersham Peter Bard, William Obryan and William Stephens Esquires, be Com missioners to contract for building a Market in the Town of Savannah, and the said Commissioners are hereby empowered 572 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY to give the rent of the same as a compensation for the expence of erecting the said Building, for such time as they may agree upon RESOLVED that M r James Houstoun and M r Morrell be a Com mittee to lodge the Acts passed this Session in the Secretary s Office, and have the Seal of the State affixed thereto. RESOLVED that the Speaker draw an order on the Treasurer in favor of the Clerk of this House for five pounds in part of his Salary, he to be accountable. RESOLVED that the Messenger be allowed the sum of Twenty pounds for this Session, and that he receive an Order for the sum of Ten pounds immediately, and a Treasurers Certificate for the balance. RESOLVED that Hezekiah Wade be allowed the sum of Twenty Pounds for the use of his House this Session, and that he re ceive five pounds out of the Treasury immediately, and that he receive a Certificate for the balance The Speaker then signed the Accounts of the Members for their attendance this Session Benjamin Andrew, Esquire. . . Samuel Saltus, Esquire .... John Cunningham, Esquire. . John McKenzie, Esquire Benjamin Few, Esquire Micajah Williamson, Esquire. Joaathan Kemp, Esquire Lyman Hall , Esquire Joseph Habersham, Esquire. . Benjamin Catching, Esquire. William Gibbons, Esquire John Rutherford, Esquire Francis Pugh, Esquire Greenberry Lee, Esquire William Glascock, Esquire . . . William Few, Esquire William Brian, Esquire Theophilus Lundy, Esquire.. Peter Deveaux, Esquire Carried orer, s (1 20 18 4 21 18 4 28 18 8 14 28 9 4 15 8 26 2 8 13 I 4 22 8 28 20 10 8 28 27 I I 28 27 10 8 28 19 12 16 6 g 18 13 4 432 19 t FEBRUARY, 1784. 573 Amount brought forward 4*2 s 19 d S William Downes, Bsquire 28 Stephen Heard, Esquire 28 John Elliott, Esquire. . . 19 12 John Mitchell, Esquire 9 16 Peter Bard Esquire. . ... 17 e 1 John Hardey, Esquire .... 2T> 6 8 John Palmer, Esquire 27 I 4 John Conyers, Esquire 26 2 8 James McFarland, Esquire 28 Thomas Netherclift, Esquire 21 9 A Caleb Howell, Esquire 21 T 8 Daniel Howell, Esquire 21 18 8 Benjamin Lanier, Esquire 26 2 8 James Houstoun, Esquire . 17 14 8 Charles Crawford, Esquire 20 IO 8 Luke Meazle, Esquire . .... 26 2 8 James McNeil, Esquire .... 21 i Charles Odingsells, Esquire 21 John Clements, Esquire . 26 2 S Benjamin Lewis, Esquire IO 14 Holman Freeman, Esquire 28 Robert Middleton Esquire. 8 8 John Morrison, Esquire ... 27 i 1 Elijah Clarke, Esquire 20 I A James Habersham, Esquire 41 I Q John Wilkinson ( for Supplies) II ifi s Jarrat Irvine 26 2 s Lachlan Mclntosh. . 1.5 18 Agreable to the resolve of this day, the Committee attended, and examined the following Acts when the Speaker signed the same Viz. An Act for the fixing and establishing Court Houses and Jails, and the fixing and regulating Elections in the different Counties of this State An Act to empower the Governor and Executive Council to issue special Commissions of Oyer and Terminer, to the Chief Justice and the Assistant Justices in the several Counties within this State for the tryal of Criminals. An Act for regulating the trade ; laying duties upon all goods, wares Liquors and merchandize and Negroes imported into this 574 JOURNAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY State, also an Impost on the Tonnage of Shipping, and for other purposes therein mentioned, and An Act for the revising and amending the several Militia Laws of this State The House then adjourned to meet at Augusta the first Mon day in July next. INDEX. Acts of Assembly of force in this State, committee appointed to collect and have same reprinted and bound, 435. Adams, Josiah, amerced, 169. Adams, Nathaniel, qualifies as member of the House, 191 ; granted permission to resign seat in the House, 199. Agents chosen to adjust northern boundary of this State, 276; committee ap pointed to prepare instructions to, 276 ; instructions to, 283 ; commis sioned by the Governor, 285. Alexander, Hugh, petition praying to be discharged from the Georgia regi ment read, 210; committee reports on petition of, 212. Alexander, James, Jr., petition of read and referred to committee, 113; com mittee reports on petition of, 118. Alexander, Samuel, fined for non-attendance, 81 ; memorial of read and re ferred to committee, 94; conduct approved of, 99; appointed Justice, 106; qualifies as member of the House, 191. Allen, Rev. Moses, son of, allowed five hundred acres of land as compensation for father s services, 550. Allison, Henry, and others, petition from read and referred to committee, 363. Andrew, Benjamin, elected member Executive Council, 35, 302, 571; appointed Justice, 107 ; chosen Speaker pro tern., 133 ; qualifies as member of the House, 192, 419; chosen Chairman, 192; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Andrew, John, qualifies as member of the House, 192, 211. Andrew, Mr., to investigate report of small-pox in Savannah, 126. Ansley, Thomas, petition from read and postponed, 72; fined for non-attend ance, 81 ; appointed Justice, 106; petition read and referred to committee, 107; resigns seat in the House, 115. Ansley, , appointed Justice, 254. Apling, John, appointed Register of Probates for Richmond county, 53, 497. Applin, John, see Apling. Appling, Martha, petition from, considered by the House, 29. Artillery companies for the defense of the State entitled to all the emoluments respecting land bounties, pay, etc., as officrs of the State Line, 298. Atkinson, Jeremiah, must serve in the army or furnish substitute, 178. Atkinson, Joseph, must serve in the army or furnish substitute, 178; petition of with sundry resolutions of the Executive Council, 343. Attaway, James, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Georgia regiment, read and referred to committee, 216. 576 INDEX. Attorney-General, to commence suit against persons who purchased at con fiscated sales and refuse to comply with conditions of same, 74; allowed 300 per annum for services, 114; to call on all persons indebted to the State for public sales to make immediate payment, 181 ; empowered to class certain persons who stayed within the British lines, etc., 185 ; salary to be 200 per annum, 244; letter from read, 247; to be paid last year s salary, 296; letter from, to the Governor, referred to committee, 331; to collect purchase-money for confiscated property sold, 339; letter from, read and referred to committee, 432; to lay before the House accounts of property sold under the confiscation law, 435 ; lays before the House books and accounts of property sold under the confiscation law, 438; salary to be 50 per annum, 440 ; to lay before the House state of all pub lic moneys furnished public officers, 462 ; transmits accounts of public moneys furnished public officers, 463; committee reports on letter from, 468; committee reports on books and accounts of, 476; letter from read, 493. SO 2 5 ordered to state case of negro, belonging to Capt. Deane s estate, under sentence of death, 527; reports charges against said negro, 541 ; committee reports on letter from, 555. Auditor, committee recommends appointment of, 180 ; requested to prepare and lay before the House table of depreciation, 196 ; directed to demand of all persons who have received public moneys an account of the ex penditure thereof, 218; petition of Gen. Twiggs and Daniel McMurphy referred to, 238; reports on said petition, 240; salary to be 300 per an num, 244, 440 ; letter from read, 247, 282 ; to settle accounts of the regular line of the army by scale of depreciation, etc., 264; instructions to, 287; to discount with the Commissioners of Confiscated Estates sum paid Clerk of Assembly, 305 ; to audit accounts of Commissioners of Confiscated Estates, 356; to make enquiry into policies of insurance made on the part of the State, 362; letters from, with accounts, referred to committee, 431; to lay proceedings before the House, 432 ; letter from, with his books, read and referred to committee, 434; to be paid thirty guineas, 447; to lay before the House state of public moneys furnished public officers, 462 ; letter from, with account of moneys due the public, 464; letters from, with accounts read, 478; letter from read, 510; to audit and reduce cer tificates of Mr. Greaves, 549; to audit Treasury certificates in possession of Col. Downis, 551; to audit and reduce Treasury certificate of Edward Langworthy, 551 ; directed to audit accounts of militia in manner pointed out by law, 556 ; to settle accounts of Joseph Dunlap against the estate of John Joachim Zubly, 570. Augusta, legislature meets at, 7; nine hundred bushels of salt to be sent to, 159; petition from ladies of, read and referred to committee, 220; dra goons on the way to this State to take best route to Augusta and await orders, 243 ; petition from ladies of, in behalf of Andrew Johnston, re jected, 367; petition from inhabitants of, read, 381; petition from in habitants of, in behalf of Dr. Johnson, read and referred to committee, 384; letter from Commissioners for laying out reserve land in, read and INDEX. 577 7 referred to committee, 445 ; petition from lot holders of, read and re ferred to committee, 445 ; committee reports on letter from Commis sioners for laying out reserve land in, 453 ; letter from Commissioners, with plat of lands surveyed for Andrew McLean, read and referred to committee, 464; committee reports on letter from Commissioners for laying out reserve land in, 475 ; letter from George Walton, Commis sioner for the town of, read, 476 ; Commissioners for the town of, House considers report of committee on letter from, 477. Axley, John, must serve in the army or furnish substitute, 178. Aycock, Richard, appointed Justice, 76, 106; petition from read and referred to committee, 472. Ayecock, Richard, see Aycock. Ayers, Abraham, appointed Justice, 76, 254. B Bacon, John, petition from, with account, read and referred to committee, 61 ; appointed Justice, 75 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 96, 339; committee reports on petition of, 387, Bacon, John, and others, committee reports on petition of, 416. Bacon, Josiah, appointed Magistrate, 15; chosen Register of Probates, 54; appointed Justice, 75 ; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Bailey, Anne, petition of to carry grain to East Florida and for protection on St. John s River, referred to committee, 208; committee reports on peti tion of, 212. Baillie, Ebenezer, petition from read and referred to committee, 500; petition granted, 502. Baillie, George, Jr., letter from, read and referred to Governor and Council, 218. Baillie, Robert, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced eight per cent., 178. Baily, Anne, see Anne Bailey. Baker, John, elected Colonel, 24; fined for non-attendance, 81 ; appointed Jus tice, 107; elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115; memorial from, read and referred to committee, 263 ; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Baker, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 419; account from, read and referred to committee, 433. Baker, Thomas, elected Register of Probates for Liberty County, 497. Baker, William, appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. 37 r r vol 3 578 INDEX. Baker, , elected Register of Probates for Liberty County, 246. Baldwin, Abraham, petition from, with certificates, read and referred to com mittee, 438; petition praying to be admitted to practice law in this State granted, 451; elected trustee for a college, 557. Baldwin, David, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Baldwin, Mordecai, petition from, read and referred to committee, 487. Baldwin, William, petition from read, 210; committee reports on petition of, 212, 294. Balew, Thomas, and George Cook, petition from read and referred to com mittee, 361. Ball, Sampson, and other inhabitants of South Carolina, petition from, for re serve land, read and referred to committee, 207. Bard, Peter, qualifies as member of the House, 446 ; petition from read and re ferred to committee, 522; committees report on petition of considered, 542. Bard, Peter, and Anne, his wife, committee reports on petition of, 412. Barfield, James, amerced, 169. Barklay, John, committee appointed to confer with, concerning powder, 134; conditions on which he will sell powder, 138. Barks, John, petition in behalf of, read and referred to committee, 324. Barksdale, John, petition of, referred to Superior Court of Wilkes County, 411. Barnard, John, appointed Justice, 560. Barnard, Timothy, petition from, with papers, read and referred to commit tee, 329; committee reports on petition of, 397. Barnard, William, elected Surveyor for Liberty County, 302; elected Sur veyor for Chatham County, 497. Barnes, George, petition from read and referred to committee, 241 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 245 ; petition granted, 268. Barnet, Nathan, petition from, read and referred to committee, 18; petition postponed, 20. Barter, John, chosen door-keeper of the House, 35. Barton, Willeby, petition from, read and referred to committee, 91 ; com mittee reports on petition of, 106. Barton, William, petition from, read and referred to committee, 347. Basket, Thomas, and Francis Lewis, petition from read and referred to com mittee, 448. Basset, William, restored to citizenship, 168. Baxton, William, petition from, read and referred to committee, 263. Bayley, Christopher, petition from, in behalf of children of Arthur Bowyers, referred to committee, 247. Beal, Archibald, appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal per sons, 12; elected Major, 23. Beatty, Thomas, taken off confiscation act and put on amercement act, 407. Bedingback, Andrew, exempted from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. INDEX. 579 Beechtley, George, report of committee on petition of, 213. Belcher, James, petition from read and referred tn committee, 322; petition granted conditionally, 410. Bennet, Richard, amerced, 169. Bennet, William, amerced, 169. Bernad, Timothy, see Barnard. Bevel, Robert, appointed Magistrate, 15. Biddle, Absalam, appointed Magistrate, 16. Biddle, Abraham, appointed Justice, 76, 254. Bidwell, Absalam, elected member Executive Council, 6 Bilbo, Nicholas, appointed Messenger and Door-keeper, 322. Bill for the better regulation of the militia, read first time, 14; passed, 27. Bill for admitting certain persons as citizens, read first time, 14; passed, 27. Bill for the prevention of internal conspiracies, read first time, 19; passed, 27. Bill for continuing several laws expired or near expiring, read first time, 25; passed, 27. Bill for the relief of distressed persons, read first time, 44; passed, 57. Bill entitled an act for erecting goals, etc., read first time, 46. Bill entitled an act to repeal an Act for drawing an imaginary line in this State, read first time, 50; passed, 61. Bill to amend an act declaring certain persons therein described citizens of this State, etc., read first time, 57; passed, 74. Bill to repeal part of an act for the better regulation of the militia, read first time, 62. Bill on report of committee on ways and means, read first time, 66. Bill for confiscating the estates of certain persons therein described, etc., read second time, 69; passed, 74. Bill for inflicting penalties n and confiscating the estates of such persons as have been guilty of treason against this State, read first time, 97 ; amend ed, no; passed, 114. Bill for amercing certain persons guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors against this State, read first time, 112. Bill for amercing certain persons therein mentioned, read first time, 139; read third time and passed, 186. Bill for establishing churches and schools, read first time, 141. Bill for preventing improper or disaffected persons emigrating from other places and becoming citizens of this State, etc., read first time, 143; amended, 146; read third time and passed, 185. Bill for opening Courts of Justice under certain restrictions therein men tioned, read first time, 145 ; amended, 156 ; read third time and passed r 173- Bill for restoring certain persons hereinafter mentioned to the rights of citi zenship within this State, read first time, 167. Bill for taking the name of William Stephens from and out of the amerce ment law of this State, etc., read first time, 219; read third time and passed, 243. 580 INDEX. Bill to enable the United States in Congress assembled to levy a duty on cer tain goods and merchandises, and on all prizes condemned in this State, read first time, 235. Bill for establishing a town and building a courthouse and jail in the county of Richmond, read first time, 240; amended, 256; read third time, 292. Bill for the relief of helpless orphans, widows and old men, read first time, 248; amended, 250; read third time and passed, 271. Bill for building and repairing courthouses and jails in the several counties and for other purposes, etc., read first time, 256. Bill to explain so much of that part of the Constitution as relates to the ad mission of practitioners in the Superior Court, read first time, 259. Bill for laying out the reserve land in the town of Augusta into acre lots, the erecting a university or seminary of learning, and for other purposes, read first time, 259. Bill for empowering a less number of commissioners to be a board, etc., read third time and passed, 260. Bill for opening the land office and for the better strengthening and settling this State, and for other purposes, read first time, 264; read third time and passed, 280. Bill to point out mode for the recovery of property unlawfully acquired under British usurpation, etc., read first time, 262; read third time and passed, 285. Bill for ascertaining various periods of depreciation, etc., read third time, and passed, 271. Bill for laying out reserve lands near Augusta into acre lots and for erecting a seminary of learning in or near said town of Augusta, read first time, 324; read third time and passed, 391. Bill to empower commissioners to regulate hire of porters and labour of slaves in the town of Augusta, read first time, 326; read third time and passed, 38i. Bill to continue several laws of this State, read first time, 329; amended, 334; read third time and passed, 361. Bill for laying a duty on transient trade, etc., read first time, 332; read third time and passed, 378. Bill to amend an act for opening the land office, read first time, 341; read third time and passed, 392. Bill to amend an act for laying out a road through Newington Village, read first time, 343 ; read third time and passed, 360. Bill for establishing a public warehouse or warehouses on the land of Wil liam Brown for inspection of tobacco, flour, hemp, etc., read first time, 344. Bill to regulate grist mills and ferries within this State, read first time, 348. Bill for carrying into effect the several parts of the report respecting the finance as agreed to by the House, read first time, 355. Bill for raising the sum of by imposing a tax on the inhabitants of the State of Georgia for the use and support of the government, read first time, 357 ; read third time and passed, 391. INDEX. 581 Bill for the more speedy trial of criminals in each county within this State, read first time, 361. Bill for amercing certain persons therein mentioned, read first time, 370. Bill to take off the interest of all debts contracted before the war between the periods mentioned, read first time, 378. Bill for releasing certain persons from their bargains, etc., read third time, and passed, 378. Bill for erecting warehouses in the town of Augusta and for establishing inspections in the State, read first time, 378. Bill for ascertaining qualifications necessary for the admission of attorneys, solicitors and proctors in this State, read first time, 434; amended, 437; passed, 450. Bill to explain more fully so much of the fifty-first article of the Constitution as respects the distribution of intestate estates, read first time, 437. Bill for fixing and establishing court houses and jails and fixing and regu lating elections, read first time, 442; amended, 445; read third time and passed, 568. Bill for establishing salaries and fees of public officers, read first time, 448; amended, 467 ; read third time, 490. Bill for laying out a county or counties to the westward, etc., read first time, 451- Bill to explain so much of the fifty-first article of the Constitution as respects the distribution of intestate estates, read first time, 455. Bill to regulate Indian trade, read first time, 459; amended, 479; read third time, 504. Bill for revising and amending several militia and patrole laws of this State, read first time, 459 ; amended, 501 ; read third time and passed, 538. Bill for promoting religion and piety and securing to religious societies certain immunities, etc., read first time, 465. Bill for laying out a county or counties to the westward, etc., read first time, 466 ; amended, 476 ; read third time and passed, 523. Bill for amending and continuing several acts of assembly of this State, read first time, 468; read third time, 538. Bill for vesting in the Governor and Executive Council the powers now ex ercised by the Board of Claims, etc., read first time, 472. Bill to empower the Auditor of Acounts to take measures expedient to compel certain persons entrusted with public money to account for same, etc., read first time, 479; amended, 490; read third time, 513. Bill for establishing several ferries in this State, read first time, 481. Bill for taking off interest of debts contracted before the war between the periods of 1775 and 1783, and for regulating the interest of money, read first time, 493 ; amended, 505. Bill to secure persons purchasing negroes and other personal effects included in the act of confiscation and banishment, and that have been removed from and without the jurisdiction of this State, read first time, 495. Bill to establish a hospital for the reception of sick and distressed seamen, read first time, 504. Bill to empower the Governor and Executive Council to call special courts for the speedy trial of criminals, read first time, 506; read third time and passed, 570. 582 INDEX. Bill for selling and disposing of certain confiscated land for the purposes therein mentioned, read first time, 506. Kill to make valid marriages by Justices of the Peace, read first time, 510. tor regulating trade and commerce of this State and laying an impost on the tonnage of shipping, read first time, 513; amended, 527; read third time and passed, 539. Bill to point out the regulation necessary for the admission of persons to the _ rights of citizenship in this State, read first time, 526; amended, 539. Bill to prohibit trade to the British West Indies, read first time, 527. Bird, Israel, appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560; appointed Justice, 561. -Bishop, Stephen, appointed Justice, 411. Bissett, Alexander, petition from, read and referred to committee, 491. Black, John, reward offered for apprehension of, 469. Blogg, William, petition from, read and referred to committee, 442. Blount, William, and others of North Carolina, petition from, read and re ferred to committee, 492 ; report of committee on petition of, 525. Boats in the public service sent off contrary to resolve of the House to be brought back, 164. Bonds, public, account of delivered committee that have been fully complied for by mortgages, etc., 545, 546. Bonds, list of, given for personal property purchased at the sales of confiscated estates in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two, 548. Bonnell, Anthony, amerced, 169. Bonnell, Daniel, appointed Justice, 76, 443 ; qualifies as member of the House, 89; amerced, 169. Bonnell, John, amerced, 169. Bonner, Robert, petition from, with account, read and referred to committee. 69. Bostick, Chesley, petition and memorial from, read and referred to committee, 343- Bostick, Chesley, and Mr. Woodruff, appointed to collect vouchers in the Com missary s and Quartermaster s Departments, 73. Bostick, Littleberry, appointed Magistrate, 16, 76, 417; petition from, read and referred to committee, 339. Bounty provided for volunteers enlisting for three months, 90; bounty al lowed to seamen enlisting for two years, 162. Bowen, Oliver, memorial from read and referred to committee, 335. Bowey, James, appointed Magistrate, 16 ; appointed Justice, 254. I Bowie, James, appointed Justice, 76, 571. Bowling, Robert, appointed Justice, 76. Bowyers, Arthur, petition, in behalf of children of, referred to committee, 247 ; committee reports on petition, 247. Boyd, Jane, petition from, read and referred to committee, 238 ; petition post poned, 374. Boykin, Francis, elected Major, 23. Brawnfield, Capt. John, petition for reserve of land read and referred to com mittee, 207. British merchants allowed twelve months in which to dispose of their goods and leave the province, 121 ; to furnish committee with quantity of goods, especially salt, in their hands, 133 ; committee to contract with for sup plies for Georgia Battalion, 134; to be furnished with certain resolutions and to conform to same, particularly respecting price of goods, 134; peti tion from, read and referred to committee, 249; report of committee on petition of, 269 ; Governor to make partial payments to, 296 ; Governor and Executive Council empowered to appropriate any funds of the State to payment of debts of, 531. British merchants in Savannah, petition from, read and referred to committee, 322. Brown, Henry, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Brown, Capt. John, elected Searcher for the port of Savannah, 536. Brown, Oliver, committee reports on petition of, 340. Brown, Walter, desires to bring into this State and sell rum, sugar and coffee on certain conditions, 175 ; request agreed to, 175. INDEX. 583 Brown, William, amerced and declared ineligible to hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179; petition from, read and referred to committee, 324; committee reports on petition of inhabi tants requesting that warehouses should be erected on lands of, 327. Brownson, Nathan, elected Speaker, 8; elected Governor, 8; qualifies as Governor, 13; reported ineligible to seat in the House by committee, 34; qualifies as member of the House, 41 ; committee to receive accounts of, 54; resigns seat in the House, 66; appointed Justice, 75; elected dele gate to Continental Congress, 300; to qualify as Justice of Peace, 551; elected trustee for a college, 557. (See, also Governor Brownson.) Brownston, John, appointed Magistrate, 15. Bryan, James, appointed Magistrate, 15 ; elected Treasurer, 17 ; elected Regis ter of Probates for Chatham county, 54; chosen Commissary of Military Stores, 77 ; qualifies as member of the House, 191 ; elected member of Executive Council, 193. Bryan, Jonathan, elected member Executive Council, 8, 34; appointed Magis trate 15 ; appointed Justice, 75. Bryan, William, ineligible to seat in the House, 206; qualifies as member of House, 419; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560. Bryen, William, see Bryan. Buddy, George, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Georgia Regiment, read, 203. Buckhalter, J. Me., petition from, read and referred to committee, 255. Bucroft, Samuel, letter from read and referred to committee, 126 ; committee reports on petition of, 129. Buffington, Hannah, petition from, read and referred to committee, 327 ; com mittee reports on petition from, 416. Bufroft, Samuel, petition from, read and referred to committee, 343. Bugg, Edmund, appointed Magistrate, 16; petition from read and referred to committee, 18; petition rejected, 20; appointed Justice, 76; qualifies as member of the House, 83 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 139; committee reports on petition from, 151; to receive and dispose of salt in Richmond county, 159. Bullock, Mary, letter from, with memorial from John Glenn, read and referred to committee, 245. Buntz, Christopher, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Conti nental service read, 209; committee reports on petition, 213. Burke, Aedanus, chosen Chief Justice, 187; salary fixed, 188; Governor re quested to write to informing him of his election, 188. Burke, Charles, memorial of, read and referred to committee, 94, 347; quali fies as member of the House, 191. Burke County, members of Legislature from for the year 1781, T; for the year 1782, 32 ; Committee of Clemency in, 145 ; petition of inhabitants of, in behalf of Peter Wynne, 210; petition of inhabitants of, in behalf of heirs of George Walker, 210; petition of inhabitants in behalf of Mr. Walker, read, 211 ; petition of inhabitants of, in favor of James Lambeth, 243; committee reports on petition of inhabitants of, in behalf of Amos Whitehead, 295; petition of inhabitants of, in behalf of Peter Wynne, rejected, 367; petition of inhabitants of, in behalf of Amos Whitehead, rejected, 371 ; petition of inhabitants of, in favor of James Lambeth, read and referred to committee, 433. Burnet, Andrew, appointed Magistrate, 16. Burnet, Daniel, appointed Justice, 76, 106, 254. Burnett, Daniel, qualifies as member of the House, 191. Burns, Andrew, elected member Executive Council, 35 ; letter from, resign ing seat as member Executive Council, read, 144; appointed Justice, 76, 2 53> 572 ; petition of, read and referred to committee, 327. Burns, Andrew, and Benjamin Few, petition of, in behalf of the heirs of John Howard, granted, 570. Burns, Gerald, petition of, read and referred to committee, 234. Burton, Robert, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Burton, Thomas, appointed Justice, 560. 584 INDEX. Bynam, Luke, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Call, Richard, elected Surveyor General, 245, 496. Camden County, members of Legislature from for 1782, 32. Campbell, McCartan, amerced twelve per cent., 177; petition, concerning amercement of, 388. Candler, Henry, petition from, read and referred to committee, 106; doctor paid for attendance on, 116. Candler, William, petition from, read and referred to committee, 325 ; petition rejected, 411; qualifies as member of the House, 423; leave of absence granted to, and part of account paid, 557; appointed Justice, 571. Carney, Arthur, petition in behalf of children of, 210; petition granted, 405. Carr, Patrick, petition from, in behalf of himself, officers and men under his command, referred to special committee, 214. Carr, Leannah, petition from, read and referred to committee, 324; committee reports on petition of, 412. Carson, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 324; committee reports on petition of, 412. Carter, Alexander, petition from, read and referred to committee, 361. Carter, Hepworth, appointed Magistrate, 15 ; appointed Justice, 107 ; qualifies, as member of House, 321 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 362; committee reports on petition from, 417; letter from, read and re ferred to committee, 474, 482 ; letter from read, 487. Carter, James, qualifies as member of the House, 86, 126; resigns seat in the House, 130. . . Carter, Thomas, petition from, read and referred to committee, 379! petition from read and referred to Executive Department, 379 ; appointed Justice, 550. Cartledge, Edmond, Sr., appointed Justice, 254. Cartledge, Mr., elected Councilor, 304. Cartlidge, Edmund, qualifies as member of the House, 191. Caswell, Richard, and others of North Carolina, petition from, read and re ferred to committee, 492 ; committee reports on petition from, 525. Catching, see Catchings. Catchings, Benjamin, petition from read and referred to committee, 39; ap pointed Justice, 76, 105; qualifies as member of the House, 191, 419; com mittee reports on petition from, 418. Cavalry, part of Infantry Battalion to be mounted as, 161 ; allowed same pay as other United States cavalry, 161 ; to be equipped, 161. Cavena, David, amerced eight per cent, 178; committee reports on petition from, 330. Cavena, Nicholas, amerced eight per cent., 178. Cavenah, see Cavena. Certificates, certain, to be delivered the Auditor, 336 ; list of Certificates paid on bonds of confiscated property to be entered in the Journals of the House and certificates destroyed, 515. Chatham County, members of Legislature from for 1781, 7; for 1782, 31; committee of clemency in, 145; vacancies in militia of, to be filled, 170; petition from number of inhabitants of, read and referred to committee,. 322 ; petition and memorial from Justices of the Peace of, read and re ferred to committee, 478; Collector of Taxes for, to produce moneys re ceived, 503. Chevalier and Cheveleur, see Chevelieur. Chevalieur, Charles Francis, letter from, read and referred to committee, 131 ; committee reports on petition from, 148; petition from, read and referred to committee, 243; petition rejected, 376. Chief Justice, salary to be 300 per annum, 244, 440; to be paid thirty guineas in part of salary, 447. Chisholm, Thomas, appointed Justice, 76. INDEX. 585- Cicil, or Cecil, Leonard, petition from, read and referred to committee, 324. Citizens of this State having property with the British to make claim thereof,. 127. Civil officers, salaries of fixed, 25, 77, 188, 44; civil officers chosen, 187, 245, 496. Clarendon, Smith, petition from, read, 157 ; amerced eight per cent., 178. Clark, Jonathan, petition from, read and referred to committee, 472. Clark, William, petition from, read and referred to committee, 514. Clarke, Barbara, petition from granted, 377. Clarke, Colonel Elijah, appointed Commissioner to collect property of dis loyal persons, 17; letter from read and referred to committee, 18; com mittee reports on letter from, 21 ; rewarded for services, 21 ; elected Colonel, 23 ; one hundred bushels of corn to be delivered to regiment of,. 112; elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115; presented with plantation of Thomas Waters as reward for services, 116; to be given certificates for articles purchased for the public, 118; qualifies as member of the House, 420; to have full and sufficient titles for plantation of Thomas Waters as reward for services, 439. Clarke, Elijah, and George Walton, memorial from read and referred to com mittee, 105. Clarke, Elijah, and Col. Twiggs, petition from, read and referred to committee,. 236; committee reports on petition from, 298. Clay, Joseph, appointed Magistrate, 15 ; appointed Justice, 75 ; qualifies as member of the House, 94; chosen Chairman, 119; chosen Treasurer, 187; salary fixed, 188; declines to serve in Continental Congress, 299; memo rial from, in behalf of Roux & Co., read and referred to committee, 480; elected trustee for a college, 557. Clay, Joseph, attorney for Peter Bard, petition from, read and referred to committee, 277. Clay, Mr., ineligible to seat in the House, 85 ; appointed Commissioner for regulating pilotage of the bar and river Savannah, 181 ; qualifies as mem ber of the House, 234. Clem, Valentine, must serve in the army or furnish substitute, 178. Clements, John, appointed Magistrate, 15; fined for non-attendance, 81 ; peti tion from, read and referred to committee, 107 ; qualifies as member of the House, 192; appointed Justice, 263, 560. Clements, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 421. Clerk of Assembly, to arrange accounts in his possession chargeable to the United States and deliver them to the Governor, 78 ; ordered to deliver to the Secretary of State all original acts in his possession, 228 ; to pay Messenger twenty dollars in part of salary, 241 ; to furnish the Governor with list of civil officers for present year, 253 ; entitled to draw part of his salary, 298; allowed 25 in part of salary, 308; salary of to be 100 per annum, 440; to write to absent members requiring their attendance, 474; authorized to purchase books for entering minutes of the several Houses of Assembly, 568; paid 5 on salary, 572. Clerk of Council, allowed 150 per annum on condition that he act as private secretary to the Governor, 180; salary to be 100 per annum, 244; salary of to be 50 per annum, 440. Clerk of Superior Court, fees of, 301. Clifton, William, elected Surveyor for Effingham County, 302, 497. Clyat, Isaac, petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; petition post poned, 375. Cobbs, John and others, petition from, read and referred to committee, 432. Cochran, James, appointed Magistrate, 15 ; qualifies as member of the House,. 70, 124, 192, 217; appointed Justice, 75; resigns seat in the House, 439. Cochrane, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 233. Cockspur Island, small garrison on, 257 ; ordnance and ammunition for garri son on, 257. Coleman, Daniel, elected member Executive Council, 8; appointed Justice, 76,, 106, 254; fined for non-attendance, 81 ; elected Commissioner for Con fiscated Estates, 115. 586 INDEX. Coleman, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 419; elected member Execu tive Council, 424. Collection of debts stayed indefinitely, 28. Collector for the port of Savannah, directed to lay before the House exact ac counts of all exports and imports, 490; delivers in said account, 491; to render to the House state of moneys received in his office for the use of the State, 494; renders said account, 497; committee reports on papers and accounts of, 512. Collectors of Savannah and Sunbury, salary to be 50 per annum, 244. Collector empowered and required to demand and receive the rates of two and one-half per cent, on prime cost of goods, wares and merchandise im ported into this State, 501. College, trustees elected for a, 557; Governor requested to sign eight land warrants in names of the trustees for a, 563 ; trustees for, to proceed with Surveyors to superintend survey of land for, 563 ; Governor requested to draw order in favor of trustees for college to defray expenses of survey ing, 563. Colson, Mathew, amerced, 169. Commanding officers of regiments or battalions of militia to deliver to the Governor certified pay rolls, 48. Commissaries to collect salt, 63 ; ordered to impress corn, 97 ; to deliver unto Col. Clarke s regiment one hundred bushels of corn, 112; to make return to the Governor, 117; allowed nine pence per ration, 536. Commissary of Military Stores chosen, 77. Commissioners of Sequestered and Confiscated Estates appointed, 12 ; instruc tions to, 13 ; authorized to sell all personal property, except negroes, for the benefit of the State, 17; committee appointed to prepare instructions for, 18; oath of, 28; to report to House, 40; to account for property dis posed of, 70 ; ordered to deliver to the Governor all books, bonds, etc., in their possession, 71 ; notes and bonds taken by, to be delivered to the Governor, 78; to set aside a number of negroes in order to comply with the public engagements made with Col. Clark and Col. Jackson s corps, 112; commissioners elected, 115; authorized to vest plantation of Thomas Waters in Elijah Clarke, 116; authorized to purchase negroes within enemy s lines, 119; to take charge of the estate of John Maxwell, 127; to postpone sales of confiscated estates for one month, by order of the House, 141 ; to postpone sales of confiscated estates until further orders from the House, 195 ; to furnish Governor with property sufficient to pur chase presents for the Indians, 214; letter from, 223; letter referred to committee, 224; all powers vested in for making sale of confiscated prop erty postponed until further orders from the House, 226 ; ordered to make titles to Major General Greene for a tract of land, 228; ordered to sell enough of the property in their possession to meet expenses of govern ment, 228; to sell negroes sufficient to pay Lacke & Co. for horses, 231; ordered to deliver to Mary Maxwell forty negroes as the gift of the Legislature, 238 ; letter from, read, 239 ; authorized to carry into effect resolve respecting supplying provisions for Continental Troops, and also resolution authorizing Governor to call on them for one hundred pounds for said troops, 239; to sell lands to an amount not exceeding 500 for contingent expenses, 246; to settle with John Jones for acting as Vendue Master, 252, 261 ; to procure sum for immediate exigencies and pay same to Clerk of the House, 265 ; letter from, read and referred to committee, 274 ; committee reports on letter from, 275 ; letter from read and referred to committee, 286; committee reports on letter from, 286; to pay all ac counts signed by the Speaker, 295 ; to pay account of Thomas Ogden, 303 ; to retain a sum sufficient to keep an office and defray necessary expenses, 305; to pay Mr. Peak 5 for rent of room used by the Assembly, 308; accounts of, to be audited, 356; letter from, read and referred to com mittee, 379; committee appointed to inspect accounts of sales of property by, 429; authorized to give full and sufficient titles to Waters plantation to Col. Clarke as reward for services, 438; to allow sum not exceeding 5 for each confiscated negro secreted from them to persons delivering INDEX. 587 such negro, 487 ; letter from, read, 503 ; committee appointed to examine books of, 513; committee reports on letter from, 552; to advertise for sale such part of confiscated property as has not been sold, 569. Commissioners of Claims, Board of, to lay proceedings before the House, 432; books and proceedings of laid before the House, 456 ; committee reports on books of, 470; committee appointed to take under consideration pro ceedings of, 504; committee reports, 509; required to attend the House, 510; letter from Clerk of, with proceedings read, 510; committee ap pointed to revise rules of, 514; books containing proceedings to be re turned to, 532 ; books of to be delivered to committee to revise rules, then delivered to Auditor, 559. Commissioners of Sequestered Estates in Wilkes county to make return of matters transacted, 25. Commissioners appointed to purchase galleys, 162 ; appointed to superintend building of galleys, 164. Commissioners appointed for regulating and directing pilotage of bar and river Savannah, etc., i8r. Commissioners to treat with Indians given power to appoint agents to pur chase goods for Indians, 229 ; to be furnished with a guard, etc., 230 ; may adjourn Congress with Indians to time and place most convenient, 230; Commissioners elected to hold Congress with Creek and Cherokee In dians, 231; proceedings of, referred to committee, 336; committee reports on proceedings of, 357 ; report of committee appointed to examine ac counts of considered by the House, 398 ; committee reports on books and proceedings of, 556. Commissioners for building court house and jail in the county of Richmond to require contractors to begin immediately to erect said buildings, 292. Commissioners for examining quantity and quality of lands on Tennessee River appointed, 536. Commissioners appointed to contract for building a market in the town of Savannah, 571. Commissioners for Augusta, see Augusta. Committee appointed to prepare address to the Governor, 8 ; reports, 10. Committee appointed to draw up rules for the government of the House, 8 ; report of, 9. Committee appointed to procure a clerk, doorkeeper and messenger for the House, 9. Committee appointed to receive names of persons to fill public offices, n, 38, 195,433; report of, 455. Committee on petitions appointed, 18 ; report, 20. Committee on ways and means appointed, 18, 47, ; report of, 48, 50, 56, 59. Committee appointed to revise laws of this State near expiring, etc., 20. Committee appointed to draw up instructions to Continental Delegates and letter to President of Congress, 24. Committee for the civil list recommend certain salaries for State officers, 25. Committee appointed to prepare letter to President of Congress and to the delegates respecting situation of the State, 27. Committee appointed on privileges and elections, 34 ; report of, 34. Committee appointed to prepare address to the Governor acquainting him of his election, 35 ; report of, 36. Committee appointed to enquire into Quartermaster s Department, 35. Committee appointed to report business necessary to be considered by the House, 35, 86, 204, 506; report of, 38, 90, 204, 511. Committee, standing, on accounts appointed, 36, 126, 430; report of, 72, 163, 444- Committee on rules appointed, 36 ; report, 37. Committee appointed to procure provisions, 37. Committee appointed to consider letter of delegates with account of money drawn from Continental treasury, 38 ; report of, 42, 44. Committee appointed to enquire into situation of the State and prepare in structions to the delegates, 38 ; report of, 46, 47. Committee on petitions appointed, 38; report of, 54. 588 INDEX. Committee on privileges and elections appointed, 40, 125, 192, 421. Committee on privileges and elections reports, 85, 87, 89, 127, 192. Committee, a standing, appointed to receive vouchers for public moneys, 42. Committee appointed to draw up estimate for current year, 43 ; reports, 47. Committee appointed to consider Gen. Greene s letter, 43 ; reports, 46. Committee appointed to consider situation of State Legion, 49 ; reports, 54, 64. Committee, a special, on Indian affairs appointed, 50; reports, 74. Committee appointed to receive accounts of Nathan Brownson, late Governor,. 54 ; report of, 58. Committee on ways and means of building jail in Augusta reports, 55. Committee from Council returns certain bills, 57, 264. Committee appointed to form depreciation table, 58. Committee appointed to examine books of Commissioners of Confiscated Es tates, 6l. Committee from Council waits on House with certain recommendations, 62. Committee appointed to prepare instructions for the Auditor of Accounts, 65 ; report of, 66. Committee appointed to examine and revise minutes of the House, 78. Committee appointed to prepare answer to address from the Governor, 85;. reports, 88. Committee appointed to deliver copy of certain resolution to the Governor, 87 ; reports, 94. Committee appointed to consider resolution concerning impracticability of the militia marching to aid of Gen. Wayne, 88; report of, 89, 98. Committee appointed to consider articles deposited in Augusta by Mr. Few, 92; report, 92. Committee appointed to prepare letter to Gen. Wayne requesting wagons to transport rice, 93. Committee appointed to consider important papers laid before the House by the Governor and Council, 95. Committee appointed to enquire into propriety of measures pursued by Gov ernor and Council respecting paying for horses for the use of the State, 95; reports, 155. Committee appointed to point out mode of transporting rice from South Caro lina, 95; report of, in. Committee appointed to report sugar, rum, etc., purchased by the Governor for the use of the Governor and Council and House of Assembly, 95 ; re port of, 96. Committee appointed to point out mode of distribution of articles purchased for the use of the Governor and Council and House of Assembly, 97. Committee appointed to ascertain number of officers to act under Col. Clarke, 97- Committee appointed to consider ways and means to raise quota of Continental Troops, 98 ; report of, 107. Committee, letter from Governor referred to, 105. Committee of three appointed to consider mode by which public accounts may be settled, 107. Committee appointed to examine return made by Col. Williamson for sundry negroes delivered to the mountain men, 109. Committee appointed to inform Gen. Greene and Brigadier General Wayne of resolution of the House in their favor, no. Committee appointed to purchase estate for Gen. Greene and Gen. Wayne, 115; report of, 171. Committee appointed to request the Governor to order public filature fitted up for use of the General Assembly, 123; instructions to said committee, 123. Committee appointed to consider letter of Gen. Wayne, 123 ; report of, 125, 137- Committee appointed to consider resolves of members of the House, 124; opinion of committee, 130. Committee appointed to consider all petitions presented, but not reported on to last House of Assembly, 128 ; report of, 129. INDEX. 589 Committee, letter from the Governor, with proposal of Mr. Struthers for pur chasing negroes for this State, referred to, 128 ; report of, 129. Committee appointed to enquire into state of the magazine, 129. Committee appointed to request Governor to furnish the House with papers, letters, etc., of a public nature, received or signed since meeting of the House in January, 132. Committee appointed to provide accommodations, diet, etc., for members of the House, 132, 323 ; report of, 341. Committee appointed to treat with merchants for goods, 133. Committee to be furnished with quantity of goods, especially salt, in mer chants hands, 133. Committee to contract for articles necessary for the use of the Georgia Bat talion, 134; report of, 142. Committee appointed to attend the Governor with certain resolutions, 134. Committee appointed to confer with John Barklay concerning powder, 134; report of, 138. Committee on petitions, application of Richard Leake to serve as Clerk re ferred to, 136. Committee appointed in each county to consider and point out objects of clemency, 145 ; report of, 147. Committee appointed to consider proper means for the defense of the South ern Country, 146. Committee appointed to report business necessary to be done before House adjourns, 147; report of, 157, 180. Committee appointed to consider letter of Daniel McMurphy concerning In dians, 157. Committee appointed to consider and point out mode for carrying into execu tion report of committee concerning business necessary to be transacted before adjournment of the House, 158; report of, 161. Committee appointed to take possession of buildings on the Bay, 160; report of, 169. Committee appointed to select names of persons entitled to clemency, 160. Committee appointed to enquire into abuses committed respecting public boats and salt ordered sent to Augusta, 163. Committee appointed to consider petition of Hill, Jordan and others, concern ing cattle impressed by the Commissary, 164; report of, 165. Committee appointed to consider letter from the Governor enclosing list of men who surrendered to Col. Johnson, 165 ; report of, 168. Committee appointed to revise confiscation act reports, 173. Committee, a special, letter from Brigadier General Wayne, enclosing talk to Creek Indians and proclamation to inhabitants of East-Florida, referred to, 176 ; report of committee, 179. Committee appointed to class persons to be named in the amercement bill and fix rates of amercement, 176; report of, 177. Committee appointed to consider recommendations from the Governor, 176; report of, 180. Committee appointed to express to Gen. Wayne appreciation of the House for important services rendered the State, etc., 179. Committee appointed to obtain supplies, 182. Committee appointed to see the bill for opening Courts of Law and Justice within this State, etc., engrossed and see Speaker sign same, 183. Committee appointed to revise minutes of the House, 188. Committee appointed to prepare address to the Governor informing him of his appointment, 193 ; report of, 194. Committee appointed to revise rules of last House, 196 ; report of, 197. Committee appointed to consider eligibility of William Houstoun, 198; report of, 200. Committee appointed to consider motion authorizing Commissioners of Con fiscated Estates to sell property to pay expenses of members of the House, 200. Committee appointed to examine letter and Council books received from the Governor, 201. 590 INDEX. Committee to examine salutary and necessary laws near expiring and prepare bill for continuing same, 201. Committee appointed to prepare bill for taking the name of William Stephens from and out of the amercement law, 202. Committee appointed to examine into sales of confiscated and amerced prop erty, 202; petition of John Jones referred to said committee, 221; letter from Commissioners of Confiscated Estates referred to said committee, 224. Committee, a standing, on petitions appointed, 204, 321, 430. Committee appointed to consider memorial of James McKay, 206 ; report of, 212. Committee, a special, petitions for reserve of lands on Oconee River referred to, 207. Committee appointed to consider petition of Anne Bailey, 208. Committee, Governor s letter with sundry papers referred to, 208. Committee appointed on ways and means to defray civil list and necessary provision for the Continental quota, 208. Committee appointed to consider all letters and papers of Congress, etc., 208. Committee, petition of inhabitants of Virginia for land referred to, 208. Committee appointed to reconsider resolution of the House respecting cession of lands from the Indians, and to report number of Commissioners nec essary, 211 ; report of, 213. Committee appointed to prepare address to Major General Greene, 212. Committee on petitions reports, 212. Committee, petition of Patrick Carr in behalf of himself, officers and men un der his command, referred to a special, 214. Committee, a special, memorial of James Johnston referred to, 218; report of, 221. Committee appointed to confer with Major General Greene and report the best means of putting State in proper posture of defense, 218. Committee, appointed to contract for printing House Journals and laws, 221. Committee appointed to examine purchase of all goods, wares and merchan dise made for the State since the evacuation of Savannah, 222; letter from the Governor referred to said committee, 232; committee reports, 249. Committee, letter from John Wereat, Auditor General, referred to, 222, 247. Committee, message from the Council respecting salaries of clerk, door-keeper and messenger referred to, 223. Committee appointed to examine accounts of irregular Councils and Assem blies and report what should be ratified and confirmed by the Legislature, 224. Committee, petition of sundry inhabitants of the United States of America referred to, 227. Committee, a special, letter from Gen. Mclntosh with extracts of legislative and executive powers of this State referred to, 227. Committee appointed to purchase land for Major General Greene desired to make return, 228. Committee appointed to report what laws are necessary to be printed and fur nished to different counties, 229; report of, 232. Committee, message from the Governor referred to, 232. Committee, a special, appointed to consider letter from Gen. Mclntosh with extracts of legislative and executive powers, 232 ; report of, 237. Committee, memorial of Nehemiah Wade referred to, 233. Committee, reports on petition of inhabitants of North Carolina, South Caro lina and Virginia, 233. Committee, petition of Col. Clarke and Gen. Twiggs referred to, 236. Committee, special, on lands reports, 236, 281. Committee appointed to examine and report proceedings of the legislative and executive powers, report of referred to committee, 241. Committee, letter from Brigadier General Mclntosh enclosing letter from officers of the Georgia Line referred to, 241 ; report of, 243. Committee, part of message from the Governor referred to, 243. INDEX. 591 Committee, petition of inhabitants of South Carolina referred to, 243. Committee for estimating public salaries, report of, 244. Committee to call on persons to give information respecting Journals of As sembly and Minutes of Council for the year 1779, 250; report of, 253. Committee, message from the Governor and Executive Council referred t, 250. Committee, message from the Governor with letter from Governor of East- Florida referred to, 255 ; report of, 265. Committee, petition from inhabitants of Virginia read and referred to, 255. Committee, appointed to confer with the Governor respecting purchase of Capt. Howell s galley, report of, 256. Committee appointed to superintend sale of confiscated property, 258; report of, 258. Committee, letter from Gen. Elbert referred to, 258 ; report of, 272. Committee, letter from Commissioners of Confiscatd Estates referred to, 274, 286 ; report of, 275, 286. Committee appointed to prepare and report instructions to Agents appointed to settle and adjust northern boundary of the State, 276. Committee appointed to confer with the Governor on his message, 282; re ports, 291. Committee appointed to attend at affixing Seals to acts passed, 300; report of, 308. Committee appointed to obtain from Kelland Gibbons account of sales of cer tain articles, 304. Committee appointed to meet and prepare business before meeting of House of Assembly, 304. Committee, message and papers from the Governor referred to, 322; report of, 335, 349- . Committee appointed to consider petition of sundry inhabitants requesting that warehouses be erected on lands of William Brown, report of, 327. Committee from each county appointed to arrange and class persons who have petitioned to be taken off the confiscation act, 325 ; report of, 341. Committee, letter from Attorney General referred to, 331. Committee appointed to consider petitions of banished persons, 331. Committee, petitions from inhabitants of Virginia and South Carolina read and referred to, 332. Committee, proceedings of Commissioners for treating with the Indians re ferred to, 336; report, 357. Committee, message from the President with dispatches from the President of Congress referred to, 355 ; report of, 380. Committee on privileges and elections appointed, 421 ; double returns from Richmond County referred to said committee, 421 ; reports on same, 422. Committee appointed to procure proper place for meeting of the House, 422 ; report of, 422. Committee appointed to draw up address to the Governor elect, 424; report of, 425- Committee appointed to enquire why this State was not represented in Con gress in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, 425 ; re port of committee considered by the House, 449. Committee appointed to report to the House salary for public officers for the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, 429. Committee appointed to inspect account of sale of confiscated property, 429. Committee on privileges and elections report Joseph William Spencer ineligi ble to seat in the House, 431. Committee appointed to procure proper place for the horses of members of the House, 432. Committee appointed to consider means for providing for families of persons included in the confiscation act, 433. Committee appointed to collect all acts of Assembly of force in this State and have same reprinted and bound, 435. Committee, books and accounts of property sold under confiscation act re ferred to, 438 ; report of, 483. 592 INDEX. Committee appointed to receive books and papers from late Governor Hall, 441; report of, 461, 537; report of Committee on said papers and books referred to special committee, 468. Committee, books and proceedings of Commissioners of Claims referred to, 456. Committee appointed to acquaint Rev. Mr. Holmes that the House will attend divine service to-morrow, 459. Committee appointed to consider measures necessary for raising and support ing force for preventing depredations, 462 ; report of, 465. Committee appointed to receive and examine the accounts of the public officers, 465 ; report of, 478. Committee on petitions, two additional, appointed, 480. Committee appointed to recommend most proper mode of raising sum of money for public purposes, 496; report of, 500. Committee appointed to receive accounts of late Governor Hall, 496. Committee, letter from the President of Congress, with enclosures, also letter from Governor of Virginia, referred to, 497 ; report of, 499. Committee appointed to deliver bonds in possession of the House to the Treas urer, 511 ; report of, 515, 545. Committee appointed to consider means of raising supplies for Continental Delegates, for the support of the Council and members of the House, 544. Committee appointed to correct minutes of House and have same published, S6f Committee appointed to examine bills which have passed into laws and see the Speaker sign same, 571. Committee appointed to lodge acts passed this session in Secretary s office and have seal of State affixed to same, 572. Compiler s preface, 3. Confiscated property not paid for, immediate payment to be demanded, 339; how paid, 344. Congress to be informed of House resolution providing for cavalry, 161 ; to be applied to for further aid of troops for defense of the State, 161 ; to be written to concerning certain measures, 163. Congress, letter to President of, 79. Conner, Daniel, petition from referred to committee, 487. Continental Congress, Representatives in, 26. Continental delegates to be appointed, u; allowed expenses, 26; letter from, enclosing accounts, 38; elected, 58; instructions for, 80; salary to be four dollars per day, 244 ; Governor to give certificate to of their ap pointment by the House, 299; to proceed at once to Congress, 299; to proceed to Congress as soon as provided with necessary money, 391 ; money to pay expenses of, to be raised, 417; allowed four dollars per day while on service, 440; to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Congress, 499 ; additional delegates elected, 540. Continental Galleys, officers and men of, entitled to all land bounties, pay, etc., as officers of State line, 298. Conyers, John, appointed Magistrate, 15 ; appointed Justice, 76, 560. Conyers, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 421. Google, Christopher, exempted from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. Cook, Benjamin, restored to citizenship, 168. Cook, George, and Thomas Balew, petition from, read and referred to com mittee, 361. Cook, Henry, restored to citizenship, 168. Cook, James, amerced, 169; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Cook, John, amerced, 169. Cooke, William, petition from read and referred to committee, 247. Coope, Lewis, petition from read and referred to committee, 135, 278; report of committee on petition from, 413 ; petition from referred to committee, 430. Cooper, Henry, petition from, read and referred to committee, 347. Cooper, John, fined for non-attendance, 81. Cooper, Samuel, amerced, 169; amerced and declared ineligible to vote or INDEX. 593 hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Cooper, Thomas, petition from, read and referred to committee, 103. Cooper, , elected Lieutenant Colonel, 24. Cope, Lewis, see Coope. Corker, Edward, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Corker, Stephen, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Corn to be purchased for the benefit of inhabitants of this State, 95. Cornish, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 480. Cosgrief, John, petition from read and referred to committee, 453. Council, see Executive Council. Councilors to be elected to fill vacancies, 180; allowed three dollars per day in lieu of salary, 180 ; salary of, two dollars per day, 440. County Surveyors, fees of, 301. Cowens, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 324; petition from referred to Superior Court of Wilkes County, 411. Craddock, Samuel, amerced, 169. Crawford, Charles, appointed Magistrate, 16; appointed Justice, 76, 253, 571; fined for non-attendance, 81 ; qualifies as member of the House, 193, 311, 447; elected Councilor, 193; declines serving as Councilor, 198; again elected Councilor, 198. Crawford, John, amerced, 169. Creamer, Christopher, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Creek and Cherokee Indians, see Indians. Creighton, Alexander, petition from read and referred to committee, 172, 249; taken off act of confiscation, 376. Creswell, Samuel, elected Surveyor for Wilkes County, 304, 497. Crittendon, Elizabeth, petition from read and referred to committee, 57. Cronberger, Jacob, chosen Register of Probates for Effingham County, 497. Grouse, Samuel, appointed Justice, 246. Culdwell, Sarah, petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; petition granted, 368. Cunningham, John, elected Lieutenant Colonel, 23 ; appointed Justice, 76, 106, 254; qualifies as member of the House, 191. Cuthbert, George, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced twelve per cent., 177. Cuthbert, Joseph, amerced eight per cent., 178. Cuthbert, Seth John, qualifies as member of the House, 320. D Dala Plane, Peter, petition from read and referred to committee, 222. Daniely, Daniel, appointed Messenger of the House, 9; petition from, read and referred to committee, 100; petition from, with account, read and re ferred to committee, 474. Dasher, John Martin, qualifies as member of the House, 192, 201. Dasher, Martin, appointed Magistrate, 15. Daughtry, Joseph, amerced, 169. Daughtry, Michael, amerced, 169. Davies, Edward, late Auditor General, all papers in possession of to be de livered to Daniel McMurphy, 71 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 249; petition referred to Governor and Council, 405. Davies, Jenkin, elected member Executive Council, 8, 193 ; chosen State Sur geon, 54; qualifies as member of the House, 193; appointed Justice, 263. Davies, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 420 ; elected member of Execu tive Council, 424. Davies, Myrick, qualifies as President of Executive Council, 13 ; appointed Magistrate, 15. Davis, David, to be rewarded for faithful services and for discovering con spiracy against the government, 137. 88 r r vol 3 694 INDEX. Davis, Jenkin, appointed Magistrate, 15; elected member Executive Council, 35; appointed Justice, 76; petition from, read and referred to committee, 131 ; committee reports on petition, 148. Davis, Jenkins and Benjamin Lewis, petition from, read and referred to com mittee, 511. Davis, Myrick, elected member Executive Council, 8. Davis, Sarah, petition from, read and referred to committee, 210; report of committee, 213. Davis, William John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 498. JDawson, Ferrebee, report of committee on petition from, 376. Dawson, William, qualifies as member of House, 420. Dawson, , petition from, with affidavit, referred to committee, 234. Day, Robert, Sr., petition from, read and referred to committee, 487. Day, Robert, appointed Justice, 106, 254. Deane, Capt., negro belonging to estate of under sentence of death, 527; charges against said negro reported by Attorney General, 541 ; pardoned conditionally, 541. Dejong, Dr. Jacob, petition, with account, read and referred to Auditor, 557. De la Playne, Capt. Peter Emanuel, to be paid 50, 277. De la Plane, Capt. Peter, petition from read and referred to committee, 330. De La Plagne, Captain, allowed sum of 50, 418; petition from, read and re ferred to committee, 527. Delegall, David, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced eight per cent., 178; petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; petition rejected, 367; petition from, read and referred to committee, 453. Delegall, Phillip, petition from, read and referred to committee, 265 ; petition rejected, 407. De Lion, Isaac, petition from, read and referred to committee, 459. Deloch, Hardy, petition from, read and referred to committee, 41 ; report of committee on, 55. Demere, Raymond, appointed Justice, 76; memorial from, read and referred to committee, 243 ; report of committee on memorial from, 258 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 438; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560. Demeree and Demerie, see Demere. Demeree, Raymond, Jr., petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; taken off act of confiscation, 374. Denny, Samuel, amerced, 169. Depreciation Table, committee to form, 181 ; a scale of depreciation to be added to, 280. Deputy Quartermaster General, Joseph Woodruff appointed, 21. Deputy Quarter Master and Commissaries General to make report, 48. Devaux, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 419. Deveaux, Peter, appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 75! chosen member Executive Council, 115; qualifies as member of the House, 191; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560. Dill, Philip, Jr., amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178; petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; petition rejected, 366. Director General of Hospital to be appointed, 17; James Dunwoody elected, 18 Dollar, John, petition, with certificate, read and referred to committee, 500; report of committee on, 535. Dolly, Benjamin, petition from, read and referred to committee, 130; com mittee reports on petition of, 151. Donaldson, Elizabeth, committee reports on petition from, 368. Donaldson, John, appointed Commissioner to examine lands on lennessee Donworth , Peter, petition from, read and referred to committee, 334, 349. Dooly, George, fined for non-attendance, 81. Dooly, Col. John, sons of allowed land, 545- INDEX. 695 Doran, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 477. Douglas, James, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174. Douglass, David, amerced eight per cent., 178. Douglass, James, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Downes, William, appointed Magistrate, 16; appointed Justice, 76, 105, 254;. appointed Commissioner to examine lands on Tennessee River, 536. Downey, Isaac, taken off confiscation act and put on amercement act, 407. Downis, Colonel, certificate of to be audited and taken in payment for his bond to the State, 551. Dowse, Gideon, appointed Justice, 107 ; declines seat in the House, 237 ; re signs seat in the House, 452 ; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Dragoons under Col. Jackson to be paid bounty for services, 155. Dugan, Thomas, petition from read, 236. Duhart, John, appointed Magistrate, 15. Duncan, David, petition from, read and referred to committee, 144 ; report of committee, 154; account of laid before the House, 186: Dunlap, Joseph, petition from, read and referred to committee, 460 ; Auditor to settle accounts of, against estate of John Joachim Zubly, 570. Dunn, Joshua, elected Colonel, 23. Dunn, Josiah, petition from, read and referred to committee, 133 ; report of committee, 149. Dunwoodie, see Dunwoody. Dunwoody, James, appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal persons, 13 ; appointed Magistrate, 15 ; elected Director General of Hos pitals, 18; appointed Justice, 75; fined for non-attendance, 81 ; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 555. Durgan, Mary and sister, petition from, read and referred to committee, 243; committee reports, 368. Durgan, William, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174. Dysart, Cornelius, petition referred to committee, 430; committee reports, 451.. Ealy, Samuel, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Ebenezer, the House meets at, 118. Edwards, Ann, petition of, in behalf of her husband, Peter Edwards, read and referred to committee, 522. Edwards, William, appointed Justice, 560. Effingham County, members of legislature from for 1781, 7; members for 1782, 33; committee on clemency in, 145. Elbert, Gen. Samuel, elected Commissioner to hold Congress with Indians, 231 ; letter from, read and referred to committee, 258, 270; committee re ports on letter from, 272; elected Surveyor for Chatham County, 302; elected delegate to Congress, 426; declines serving as Continental Dele gate, 455- Elliott, John, appointed Justice, 107 ; elected member Executive Council, 193 ; qualifies as member of the House, 195, 419; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559- Emanuel, Asa, elected Colonel, 23. Emanuel, David, appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 76, 560; peti tion from, read and referred to committee, 100; qualifies as member of the House, 321. Eustace, John Skey, petition from, read and referred to committee, 432; peti tion granted, 446; petition, with accounts and certificate read and referred to committee, 480. Evans, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 62. Evans, James, James Miller, and other Commissioners, authorized to collect in North Carolina and South Carolina one negro each for services, 70. Executive Council, elected, 8, 34, 424; committee from, attends the House 496 . with certain recommendations, 62; letter from three members of, read to the House, 95; vacancies in filled, 115, 180; allowed three dollars per day in lieu of salary, 180; 150 allowed to Clerk of, conditionally, 180; members who have attended ten days allowed to draw twenty dollars each, 236; message from, with petition of George Barnes, sent to the House, 241 ; John Habersham elected President of, 427 ; message from offering reward for apprehension of Thomas Jones and John Black, 469; accounts of members of, to be paid when signed by the Governor, 569. Executive Council, a temporary, selected for certain purposes, 276. Fahn, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 424 ; elected member of Execu tive Council, 424, Fahn, Zachariah, petition from referred to committee, 58; committee reports on petition from, 62; appointed Justice, 76, 253, 571; petition from, read and referred to committee, 113, 133; committee reports on petition from, 149. Fann, Zacharias, qualifies as member of the House, 191 ; elected member Ex ecutive Council, 198; petition from, read and referred to committee, 258. Farley, Benjamin, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174 ; amerced twelve per cent., 177. Fees of officers to be paid in specie, 22. Felps, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 125. Fenly, Thomas, petition from, read and referred to committee, 238. Ferguson, Lucretia, petition from, read and referred to committee, 343, 432 ; report of committee on petition from, 441. Ferries, certain made public, 78. Ferru, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 522. Few, Benjamin, appointed Justice, 254, 571 ; qualifies as member of the House, 311, 424; petition from, read and referred to committee, 327, 478. Few, Benjamin, and Andrew Burns, petition from, in behalf of heirs of John Howard, agreed to, 570. Few, Ignatius, letter from, read and referred to committee, 91 ; to inform House respecting articles deposited in Augusta, 92 ; bargain made with for sundry articles confirmed, 92; petition from, read and referred to com mittee, 147; appointed Justice, 571. Few, William, elected Continental Delegate, 23, 58, 540; declared Representa tive of this State in Congress, 26 ; to be furnished 20 to defray expenses to Congress, 78 ; fined for non-attendance, 81 ; qualifies as member of the House, 191, 424; elected Commissioner for holding Congress with In dians, 231 ; appointed Justice, 253 ; lays before the House proceedings of the Commissioners for treating with the Indians, 336; petition from, pray ing to be admitted to plead as Attorney in any Court of Record in this State granted, 417; elected trustee for a college, 557. Few, William, Jr., appointed Justice, 76. Field, James, letter from read and referred to committee, 262. Filature, the public, Governor requested to order same fitted up for use of the General Assembly, 123. Finden, William, petition from read and referred to committee, 442. Finley, Thomas, petition rejected, 375. Firguson, see Ferguson. Flyming, Mary, petition from read and referred to committee, 511. Ford, Isaac, qualifies as member of the House, 128. Ford, James, petition from read and referred to committee, 62. Fort, Arthur, elected member Executive Council, 187, 193; qualifies as mem ber of the House, 191 ; declines serving as member Executive Council, 198; appointed Justice, 550. Fort Wayne, barracks at, to be moved to Savannah to be used for seamens hospital, 534; lottery authorized to support same, 534, Fox, Joseph, amerced eight per cent, 178. Frashur, George, petition from, read and referred to committee, 237. INDEX. 597 Frazer, Sarah, petition from read, 172; petition from, read and referred to, committee, 220; petition rejected, 367; petition from, read and referred to committee, 500. Freeman, Holman, elected member Executive Council, 35; appointed Justice, 76, 106, 254 ; qualifies as member of the House, 420. Fulton, Mr., elected member Executive Council, 424. Fulton, John, qualifies as member of the House, 192, 482; elected member Executive Council, 193. Fulton, Samuel, qualifies as member of the House, 420; resigns seat in the House, 439; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Furguson, see Ferguson. Gaines, Daniel, and others, petition from read and referred to committee, 432. Galleys to be manned for defense of the State, 162; to be officered, manned and paid, 162 ; to have one large boat fitted as a gun boat, 163 ; Com missioners appointed to superintend building of, 164. Galphin, George and John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 453, 487 ; report of committee on petition from, 543. Gardner, Lewis, appointed Magistrate, 16; appointed Justice, 571. General Assembly, Governor requested to have public filature prepared for use of, 123; Governor requested to issue order for supplying members with necessary rations and accommodations, 124. George, John, appointed Justice, 550. Georgia Battalion, committee appointed to contract for supplies for, 134; petition from number of soldiers of, read and referred to committee, 265 ; report of committee on petition, 295. Georgia Continental Line, officers of to select officers to be appointed to com mand one Battalion of Infantry, 57 ; memorial from officers of, read and referred to committee, 461 ; committee reports on petition from, 466. Georgia State Legion, 25. Germany, John, appointed Magistrate, 16 ; appointed Justice, 76, 253, 571 ; qualifies as member of the House, 191. Gibbons, John, application to be appointed Vendue Master for Savannah granted, 188; qualifies as member of the House, 191; resigns seat in the House, 335. Gibbons, John, and John Wereat, chosen Auditors of Accounts, 187; salary of, 188. Gibbons, Joseph, appointed Justice, 560. Gibbons, Kelland, committee appointed to obtain from, account of certain sales, 304. Gibbons, Samuel, committee reports on petition from, 213. Gibbons, Thomas, petition from, praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, 217; taken off act of confiscation and put on act of amercement, 365. Gibbons, William, elected Speaker of the House, 35 ; appointed Justice, 75 ; qualifies as member of the House, 212; petition from, read and referred to committee, 221 ; committee reports on petition, 325 ; petition from, in behalf of Anne Hall, read and referred to committee, 321 ; petition con sidered, 410; letter from read and referred to committee, 452; com mittee reports on letter from, 467; elected Continental Delegate, 540; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560. Gibbons, William, Sr., elected member Executive Council, 8; appointed Mag istrate, 15; elected Speaker pro. tern., 258, 320; elected Chairman, 310. Gibbons, William, Jr., appointed Magistrate, 15 ; qualifies as member of the House, 229, 419. Gibson, Samuel, petition from read, 210. Giger, Abraham, amerced, 169. Giger, Felix, amerced, 169. Giger, John, amerced, 169. Gilstrap, John, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Georgia Bat talion, read, 211; consideration of petition postponed, 365. Glamer, John, exempted from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. 698 INDEX. Glascock, William, appointed Magistrate, 16; elected member Executive Council, 35 ; appointed Justice, 76, 253, 571 ; qualifies as member of the House, 423. Glen, John, taken off act of confiscation and put on act of amercement, 368. Glen, Sarah, petition from, read and referred tQ committee, 549. Glynn County, members of legislature from, for 1781, 7; members for 1782, 32. Gnam, George, petition of, in behalf of Solomon Gnam, read, 203 ; committee reports on petition from, 213. Gnamon, John, exempted from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. Goldsmith, Hannah, petition .from, read and referred to committee, 228 ; com mittee reports on petition, 371. Goldsmith, Henrietta, petition from, read and referred to committee, 135; report of committee on petition from, 150; petition from read and re ferred to committee, 232. Goldwire, John, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for .. three years, 174; amerced twelve per cent, 177; petition from, read and f referred to committee, 220; petition rejected, 368. Gordon, Samuel, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Georgia Battalion read, 210; committee reports on petition, 212. Gorham, John, elected Surveyor for Franklin County, 542. Gough, or Gouph, Thomas, petition from read and referred to committee, 227; petition granted, 365. Governor, Nathan Brownson, elected, 8; address to, 10; requested to issue proclamation requiring citizens who have fled from this State to return to defend it, n; qualifies as Governor, 13; answer of, to address of the House, 13 ; 150 allowed to for secret services, 28 ; to be required to deliver to the House all papers of a public nature in his possession, 52. Governor, John Martin, elected, 34; address to from the House, 36; attends the House and answer their address, 39; takes oath, 40; to dispose of Carolina State Troops to best advantage, 49; to be required and empow ered to issue certificates to persons producing certificates from command ing officers of regiment in which they served during their refugeeship, for their quota of land, 73; certain papers delivered to, 78; address from, to the House, 85 ; requested to lay before the House all letters, etc., of public nature, 87 ; address to from the House, 88 ; indisposition of, renders it impossible for him to attend to business, 91 ; requested to inform House what measures have been taken to bring persons who have received public money to account for it, 99; to lay before the House account of sales from confiscated property, and other accounts, 99; requested to issue orders for preventing impressing horses of any member of the Executive Council of House of Assembly while sitting, iqi ; to give immediate order to the Commissary General to furnish provisions for the use of officers of government and requirements of the House, 102 ; letter from, read and referred to committee, 105 ; empowered to take two negroes, who have been forfeited, for the support of his family, 113; Speaker of House to deliver bonds, notes, etc., to, 113; authorized to purchase salt for in habitants of this State, necessary articles for Jackson s troops and the Continental regiment, 121 ; requested to have public filature fitted up for use of General Assembly, 123 ; requested to inform the House what propositions he has received respecting loan of money for purchasing negroes, 125 ; requested to appoint proper persons to take charge of printing materials belonging to this State, 125; requested to grant per mission to every citizen having property with the British to go and make claim thereof, 127 ; letter from read to the House, 128 ; letter from, with proposal from Mr. Struthers for purchasing negroes for the State, referred to committee, 128 ; requested to grant permission to no person unfriendly to American independence to purchase negroes from persons departing State under British protection, 130 ; requested to furnish the House with papers, letters, etc., of public nature, 132; requested to adopt measures for preventing salt, etc., being carried out of Savannah, 134; requested to oppoint proper persons to receive and examine powder of Mr. Barkly s, 138; to be furnished with copy of resolution of House postponing sale INDEX. 599 of confiscated estates, 141 ; letter from, enclosing letter from Gen. Wayne, read, 143 ; to order public stores or arms to be removed to any place that may be necessary, 144; letter from, recommending election of officers in the Civil Department, also to fill vacancies in the Executive Council, 157; to appoint proper persons to collect arms, in possession of any inhabitants, belonging to the British government, 159; requested to purchase arms for the Regular Troops, 159 ; requested to procure armed boats for guard ing rivers, 163; to dispatch officers with guard to bring back boats in public service sent off contrary to resolution of the House, 165 ; letter from, with list of men who surrendered to Col. Johnson, read, 165 ; requested to issue proclamation appointing day for general meeting at Savannah to consider conduct of suspected persons, 170; requested to fill vacancies in Chatham County militia, i?o; sundry recommendations from, read and referred to committee, 176; requested to write to Gen. Greene recommending Frederick Rolfes to act as Deputy Commissary of Issues, 184; requested to write to Aedanus Burke informing him of his election as Chief Justice, 188. Governor, Lyman Hall, elected, 192; address to, notifying him of election, 194 ; accepts office, 195 ; takes oath and delivers address to the House, 105 ; requested to prepare talk to Creek and Cherokee Indians concerning Congress to be held at Big Shoals, 207 ; message from, with sundry papers, laid before the House, 208 ; requested by the House to grant pro tection to Anne Bailey, 213 ; requested to appoint persons to receive plun dered property and to send a talk to the Indians, 214; authorized to call on Commissioners of Confiscated Estates for property necessary to pur chase presents for Indians, 214; message from, requesting papers respect ing Indian affairs, 221 ; message from, read, 227, 234, 235, 242, 270, 272, 299; to require all persons having bonds, etc., belonging to the State tp deJiver same to him, 230; messages from referred to committee, 232; requested to take measures to enable Capt. Howell to carry into execution expedition against enemies galleys, 242 ; requested to inform command ing officers of the Continental troops with the Dragoons on their way to this State to take best route to Augusta and await orders, 243 ; salary to be five hundred pounds per annum, 244 ; authorized to contract for two hundred barrels of rice for the use of the inhabitants of Liberty County, 251; to be furnished with list of civil officers for the present year, and to make official communication to them in order that they may qualify, 253 ; requested to communicate to Governor of South Carolina resolution of the House appointing Agent to adjust northern boundary of this State, 254; message from, with letter from Governor of East- Florida, 255 ; to issue proclamation requiring all citizens to render ac count of damages sustained by ravages of the enemy, 266 ; requested to take such order on Governor Tonyn s letter as seems best, 278; message from received and committee appointed to confer with him on same, 282; message from, and House resolution thereon, 282 ; to communicate with commanding officers of the Southern army, 292 ; requested to pay At torney General last year s salary, 296; to order payment of one-fourth year s salary to John Wereat, Auditor General, 296; empowered to nego tiate bonds, 299 ; to give- certificate to Continental Delegates of their ap pointment by the House, 299 ; fees of, 301 ; required not to issue any more certificates until further orders, 303 ; answer to letter of House complaining of want of a quorum, 314; message from, read and referred to committee, 322, 339, 479; to issue proclamation requiring all persons having certificates for moneys loaned to the State, and persons having in their possession paper currency of the State to render account thereof, 348; to pay Secretary of State 50 on salary, 384; empowered to apply first 500 available towards sending two delegates to Congress, 391 ; to appoint inspectors of tobacco for Savannah, 396. Governor, John Houstoun, elected, 424; address to, notifying him of his elec tion, 425 ; qualifies, 426 ; answer of to address of the House, 427 ; salary of, 440 ; message from, with several letters, read, 497 ; same referred to committee, 498 ; committee reports on same, 507 ; message from, with reference of Council respecting officers and privates of the Minute Bat- 600 INDEX. talion, 527; requested to deliver to the Auditor account of all treasurer s certificates, 537 ; committee reports on accounts of, 544 ; requested to draw order on the treasurer in favor of John Wereat, 551 ; message from received, 551; requested to grant eight land warrants to trustees for college, 563 ; requested to draw order on the treasurer in favor of trus tees for college, 563 ; authorized to draw on the treasurer for pay of Councilors, and for a sum for the use of Continental Delegates, 570. Governor and Executive Council, to be empowered to issue special commis sions of Oyer and Terminer to the Chief Justice for trial of offenders,. 27 ; to procure necessaries for troops, 28 ; distribution of corn left to t 63 ; to curtail such part of rations of forage as may appear necessary, 64 ; to appoint agents in each county to make account of confiscated property, 71 ; to dispose of remainder of confiscated estates, 71 ; requested to furnish House with copy of minutes of Council respecting certain pur chases, 87 ; House recommends removal of, to Ebenezer or elsewhere, 112; letters from George Baillie, Jr., referred to, 218; letter from H. Laws referred to, 221 ; message from, read, 223 ; petition of Margery Haven again referred to, 223 ; empowered to draw on the treasurer for sum in favor of Commissioners for treating with the Indians, 229; to furnish carriages and guard to Commissioners to treat with Indians, 230; message from, read and referred to committee, 250; commissions agents to adjust the northery boundary of the State, 285; to have public papers and records, brought back from the northward, 335 ; requested to transmit to the executive and legislative departments in other States a list of persons named in act of amercement, banishment and confiscation, and request similar list from each State, 337; to pay George Walton, Chief Justice, ;ioo on salary, 383 ; to give certificate to persons having rights to land and to grant certificates to soldiers of the Georgia Line, 385 ; em powered to appoint Commissioners for ascertaining and making the line southwest between this State and Cherokee Indians, 404 ; empowered to appropriate any funds of this State to payment of debts of British mer chants, 531 ; to draw on treasurer for sum to be paid Commissioners to purchase presents for the Indians, 540; authorized to grant protection to persons applying for citizenship, 558 ; empowered to grant land bounties to officers and privates formerly belonging to Minute Battalions, 561 ; requested to contract with some person to bring records and public papers from the northward, 563; to direct treasurer to pay John Wereat such part of his salary as remains due, 563 ; to pay printer s accounts for print ing Journals of the House and other public printing, 563 ; to order State Attorney to take measures to recover bonds overdue and all debts due and owing to the State, 569; authorized to draw on the treasurer for contingent expenses of government, 570. Gragg, Thomas, appointed Justice, 550. Graham, Francis, petition from, read and referred to committee, 271; me morial from, read and referred to committee, 322; memorial considered, 408. Graham, John, petition from James Mossman in behalf of, read and referred to committee, 322. Grand Jury, presentments from read before the House, 322. Granon, Andrew, exempted from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. Grant, Daniel, and others of North Carolina, petition from, read and re ferred to committee, 324. Grant, John, appointed Magistrate, 15; petition from, read and referred to committee, 231 ; protection granted to, 407. Graves, or Greaves, William, petition from, read and referred to committee,. 245 ; committee reports on petition from, 323 ; report of committee on petition from, considered by the House, 431, 537! petition, with affidavit, read and referred to committee, 477 ; certificates of, to be audited and reduced by the table of depreciation, 549. Graybill, Henry, appointed Justice, 411. Green, Anne, memorial from, read and referred to committee, 321 ; me morial considered, 410. Green, or Greene, Benjamin, petition from, read and referred to committee, INDEX. 601 259 ; committee reports on petition from, 413 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 430. Green, or Greene, General, letter to, from Speaker of House, informing him of election of John Martin as Governor, 43 ; letter from, to the Gov ernor, read, 43; appropriation made to purchase an estate for, 109; com mittee appointed to purchase estate for, 115; letter to, describing de fenseless situation of the State, 167 ; committee appointed to purchase land for, reports, 171 ; letter from read, 179 ; address of thanks to, from the House, 215 ; letter from, ordered to be entered in minutes of the House, 217; declines land purchased by committee, 228. Green, or Greene, John, appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560; petition from, read and referred to committee, 125; committee reports on petition, 129; petition from read and referred to committee, 220; committee reports on petition from, 414; elected member Executive Council, 424; qualifies as member of the House, 425 ; petition from read and referred to com mittee, 469, 491. Green, Mackeen, petition, with account, read and referred to committee, 469. Green, Moses, petition from read and referred to committee, 458. Green, William, petition from, read and referred to committee, 474; ap pointed Justice, 560. Greenhpw, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 239, 445 ; petition to become a citizen of this State granted, 374. Greer, McKeen, petition from, read and referred to committee, 126. Greer, Thomas, Sr., appointed Justice, 76. Greer, Thomas, petition from, read and referred to committee, 106 ; ap pointed Justice, 254. Gresham, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 172; com mittee reports on petition from, 173. Gunn, James, qualifies as member of the House, 447, 452; appointed Com missioner of Roads, 560 ; appointed Justice, 560. H Haberer, Eve, petition from, in behalf of her son, read, 204. Habersham, James, appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 75^ chosen Speaker, 123; appointed Commissioner for regulating pilot age of bar and Savannah River, 181; qualifies as member of the House, 320, 419; chosen Speaker of the House, 421; elected trustee for a college, 557. Habersham, Major John, letter from, enclosing list of men who enlisted for defense of the State, 143; elected member of Executive Council, 424; elected President of Executive Council, 427. Habersham, Major John, and Samuel Stirk, appointed to enquire into conduct of suspicious persons, etc., 170. Habersham, Joseph, appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 75; elected Delegate to Congress, 426; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560. Habersham, Major, petition of Hugh Ross referred to, 172; empowered to class certain persons who have stayed within British lines, 185. Hall, Anne, petition of William Gibbons in behalf of, read and referred to committee, 321; petition considered, 410. Hall, John, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Hall, Lyman, qualifies as member of the House, 192; elected Governor, 192; address to, notifying him of his election, 194; accepts office of Governor, 195; takes oath and delivers speech to the House, 195; letter from, requesting bonds and other public papers in his hands may be received by the House, 441; qualifies as member of the House, 452, 467; ineligible to seat in the House, 457; account of public moneys received from, 464; special committee appointed to consider report of committee appointed to receive bonds and public papers, reports, 468; certificates received by for which credit is given* 02 INDEX. on bonds of confiscated property, 515; account of, remainder of cer tificates received by, 538; withdraws from the House, 562; to be taken into custody for contempt, 503. [See also Governor Hall.] Hamilton, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 459. Hamilton, Captain Thomas, and others, petition from read and referred to committee, 363. Hammet, John, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174. Hammitt, John, must serve in the army or furnish substitute, 179. Hammock, Elisabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 100. Hammond, Samuel, petition from, read and referred to committee, 172. Hancock, Francis, petition from, read and referred to committee, 347. Handley, George, appointed Justice, 550. Hannah, Milley, petition from read, 209; committee reports on petition from, 212, 294; petition from read and referred to committee, 498. Harbour, Eve, committee reports on petition from, 213. Hardey, or Hardy, qualifies as member of the House, 133, 233, 419; petition from, read and referred to committee, 135; report of com mittee on petition from, 150; delivered in accounts as treasurer, 472; appointed Justice, 550; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Harkell, Joseph, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Geor gia regim-ent, read and referred to committee, 216. Harper, Leonard, amerced, 169. Harper, John, amerced, 169. Harper, Robert, appointed Justice, 76, 106, 254; fined for non-attendance, 81; qualifies as member of the House, 191. Harrel, Noah, amerced, 169. Harrigan, Brantley, amerced, 169. Harriott, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 325, 455. Harris, Nathan, appointed Justice, 571. Harris, or Harriss, Walton, appointed to .collect property of disloyal per sons, 12; qualifies as member of the House, 191. Harrison, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 421. Harriss, Ezekiel, petition from read and referred to committee, 339. Harriss, Nathaniel, appointed Magistrate, 16; appointed Justice, 76, 254. Harriss, Walter, elected member Executive Council, 193. Harriss, William, petition from read and referred to committee, 263; granted permission to practice as Attorney, 295. Hay, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 419. Heard, Barnard, chosen Register of Probates for Wilkes county, 53, 246, 497; appointed Justice, 76, 106, 254. Heard, Stephen, appointed Magistrate, 16; elected member Executive Council, 35; takes oath as President of Council, 40; appointed Jus tice, 76, 105, 254; resigns Presidency of Executive Council, 113; re quested to withdraw resignation, 117; to receive and dispose of salt for Wilkes county, 159; qualifies as member of the House, 191, 420; account of public money received from, 464 ; appointed Commission er to examine lands on Tennessee River, 536. Heart, John, restored to citizenship, 168. Heaton, Isaac, taken off confiscation act and put on amercement act, 407. Henderson, Richard, petition from, read and referred to committee, 50; allowed 20 for services and losses, 74; petition from read and re ferred to committee, 250; committee reports on petition from, 255. Henderson, Mr., allowed 25 for extra services as Deputy Superintend ent of Indian Affairs, 180. Herndon, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 69. Hicks, John, amerced, 169. Hicks, Nathaniel, petition, with account, read and referred to committee, 107; petition read and referred to committee, 379; committee reports on petition, 387. INDEX. 603 Hicks, Nathaniel and others, committee reports on petition from, 416. Hicks, Samuel, petition from, read and referred to committee, 337. Hill, Edmund, Sterling Jordan and others, petition from, concerning cat tle impressed by the Commissary, 164; committee reports on said petition, 165. Hill, John, appointed Magistrate, 16; appointed Justice, 254; petitions from, read and referred to committee, 432; petition for land re ferred to Executive Council, 446; petition for compensation for serv ices during the war, 446. Hillary, Christopher, petition, with certificate, read and referred to com mittee, 491; elected Surveyor for counties of Glynn and Camden, 497. Hobbs, Augustine, amerced, 169. Hollinger, Titus, petition from, read and referred to committee, 113; pe tition from read, 203; referred to court of law, 408. Holly, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 223; referred to court of law, 365. Holmes, Rev. Mr., thanks of the House to, for excellent sermon, 460. Holzendorf, William, qualifies as member of the House, 191; elected member of Executive Council, 193; appointed Justice, 246; resigns seat in the House, 482. Horneby, or Hornby, William, letter from read, 245; letter from read and referred to committee, 335; petition from read and referred to com mittee, 349; petition rejected, 365. Hornsby, William, petition for land read and referred to committee, 215; letter from read and referred to committee, 252; committee re ports on letter from, 273; petition from read and referred to com mittee, 322. Horsby, William, ineligible to seat in the House, 206. House, meets at Augusta, 7; elects a Speaker, 8; elects Executive Coun cil, 8, 193, 424; rules for government of, 9, 33, 93, 428; to choose Brigadier General of Militia, n; chooses Magistrates, 15; elects Chief Justice, Attorney General, Treasurer and Secretary, 17; letter to the Speaker laid before the House, 18; chooses Continental Dele gates, 22, 426; elects John Martin Governor, 34; elects William Gibbons Speaker, 35; chooses J ames Jones Clerk and John Barter Doorkeeper, 35; address to from Governor Martin, 39; Speaker of the House to write to Gen. Greene informing him of election of John Martin as Governor, 43; considers account of moneys drawn out of Continental treasury, 44; Governor to deliver to the House all papers of a public nature in his hands, 52; elects officers, 53; elects Continental Delegates, 58; elects Councilor for Burke County, 64; considers report of committee on the Georgia State Legion, 64; resolutions of on said report, 64; chooses Justices for the different counties, 75; fixes salaries of civil officers, 77; appoint^ committee to examine minutes, 78; adjourns until July next, 81; meets agree able to proclamation, 82; adjourns for want of quorum, 82, 132, 136, 175, 189, 190, 191, 214, 308, 309, 310, 312, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 419, 420; chooses Samuel Saltus Speaker, 85; address from Governor read to, 85; requests Governor and Council to furnish them copies of min utes of Council respecting certain purchases, 87; requests Gov ernor and Council to lay before them all letters, etc., of a public nature, 87; address of thanks from to the Governor, 88; provides bounty for men enlisting for three months, 90; orders writs of elec tion, 90; appoints committee to consider articles deposited in Au gusta by Mr. Few, 92; orders corn to be purchased, 95; to be in formed concerning measures taken for bringing persons receiving public moneys to account for same, etc., 99; resolves that next ad journment be to meet at Ebenezer, no; recommends removal of Governor and Executive Council to Ebenezer or elsewhere, 112; resolution of empowering the Governor to take ten forfeited ne groes for support of himself and family, 113; fills vacancies in Ex- 604 INDEX. ecutive Council, 115; approves conduct of Mr. Walton, 115; meets at Ebenezer, agreeable to adjournment, 118; adjourns to meet at Savannah, 122, 188; chooses James Habersham Speaker, 123; re ceives information that small-pox is in town, 126; letter from the Governor read to, 128; decides that John Houstoun and Thomas Maxwell have right to seats in the House, 128; considers resolutions entered into at Ebenezer by number of members of the legislature, 130; accommodations, etc., to be provided for members of, 132; rec ommends that sales of confiscated property be postponed, 141; boats sent off contrary to resolutions of to be brought back, 164; orders committee to dispose of certain buildings erected on the Bay, 170; agrees to report of committee on Mrs. Gresham s petition for pay ment for salt, 173; agrees to report of committee on revising con fiscation act, 173; agrees for Walter Brown to bring rum, sugar and coffee into the State and dispose of same on certain conditions, 175; agrees to bill for amercing certain persons, etc., 184; agrees to bill for preventing improper persons emigrating from other places and becoming citizens of this State, 185; accounts of David Duncan for providing for members of Assembly laid before, 186; vacancies in to be filled, 187; chooses civil officers, 187, 245, 535; elects Lyman Hall Governor, 192; chooses John Houstoun Speaker, 193; address to from the Governor, 195; rules of to be revised, 196; orders writs of election to fill vacancy in Chatham County, 200; post pones consideration of eligibility of William Houstoun, 201; orders writs of election to fill vacancy in Liberty County, 201; agrees to report of committee on privileges and elections concerning eligibili ty of certain members, 206; orders writs of election to fill vacancies in Chatham and Camden counties, 206; resolves to appoint Com missioners to attend Congress with the Indians, 207; message from the Governor, with sundry papers, laid before, 208; considers re port of committee appointed to arrange necessary business of the present session, and makes orders thereon, 208; petition of James McKay referred to decision of, 212; petition of John Jones referred to decision of, 212; agrees to committee s report appointing Com missioners to attend Congress with Indians, 213; grants protection to Anne Bailey, 213; receives information that number of Creek and Cherokee Indians have been some time on the Oconee with ne groes and other plundered property, 214; orders thereon, 214; ad dress of, to General Greene, 215; thanks of, to Col. Walton for pre senting copies of the Journals of Assembly of Pennsylvania and laws of that State, 217; orders letter from General Greene to be in serted in the minutes, 217; agrees that all matters touching finance and encouraging settling of the State, and proper defense of same, when called for be considered order of the day, 219; Journals of, ordered to be printed weekly, 221; considers petition of John Jones, 221; resolves to appoint committee to examine acts of irregular Councils and Assemblies, 224; resolves that persons appointed to purchase land for Gen. Greene make report, 228; resolves that Gov ernor and Council be empowered to draw on treasurer in favor of Commissioners appointed to treat with the Indians, 229; elects Com missioners to hold Congress with Creek and Cherokee Indians, 231; considers report of committee on petition of inhabitants of Xorth- and South Carolina and Virginia, 233; members of who have attend ed ten days entitled to draw $20 each, 236; considers report of com mittee appointed to examine and report proceedings of the legislative and executive powers, 240; message from Council with petition of George Barnes read and referred to committee, 241; approves Gov ernor s arrangements with Capt. Howell, 243; considers report on Gen. Mclntosh s letter, 248; resolutions on said letter, 248; message to from Governor and Council, read and referred to committee, 250; action of on memorial of Peter Henry Morell, 253; resolves to ap- INDEX. 605 point agents with powers and instructions to settle and adjust north ern boundary of the State, and requests the Governor to communi cate resolution to Governor of South Carolina, 254; chooses dele gates to United States Congress, 255; on account of indisposition of Speaker chooses William Gibbons Speaker pro tern., 258; resolves to acquaint the Governor of appointment of Agents to adjust north ern boundary of the State, 282; agrees to instructions to said Agents, 283; considers report of committee appointed to prepare instructions to Auditor General, 287; fills vacancies in Executive Council, 302; resolves first business to be considered shall be petitions not decided, 305; adjourns to meet at Augusta, 308; meets agreeable to procla mation, 308; adjourns, for want of quorum, until August, 310; letter from to the Governor, concerning want of quorum, 313; meets pur suant to proclamation, but adjourns for want of quorum, 317; letter to from George Jones, informing them of illness of his father, Speaker of the House, 321; presentments of Grand Jury laid before, 322; proceedings of Commissioners for treating with Indians laid before, 336; Samuel Scott apologizes to the House for insulting member of, 338; considers report of committee on message from the Governor accompanied with letters, papers, etc., from Congress, 349; considers report of committee on Governor s message with letters, papers, etc., from Congress, 388; considers report of committee on memorial of Francis Williss, 397; considers report of committee to examine accounts of Commissioners for treating with Indians, 398; considers memorial of Col. John Mclntosh in behalf of Donald Mc- Leod, 400; presents Edward Lloyd with lot and dwelling as reward for services, 415; elects James Habersham Speaker, 421; committee appointed to procure proper place for meeting of, 421; house of Hezikiah Wade selected for meetings of, 422; meets at house of Mr. Wade, 422; elects John Houstoun Governor, 424; considers petition of William Graves, 431; Attorney General lays before House books and accounts of property sold under confiscation act, 438; members of while on service, allowed $2.00 per day, 440; considers report of committee appointed to enquire why this State was not represented in Congress in 1783, 449; attends divine service, 460; message to from Council offering reward for apprehension of, 469; hears the Governor in behalf of himself and Council, respecting failure of representation in Congress, 469; considers reasons for fail ure of representation of this State in Congress unsatisfactory, 470; absent members of required to attend, 474; considers report of committee concerning laying out town of Augusta into acre lots, 477; considers report of committee on books and accounts of sales of confiscated estates, 483; considers report of committee on ac counts of public officers, 483, 494; considers report of committee on letter from Andrew McLean, 511; considers report of committee on accounts and papers of Collector of Customs for Savannah, 512; certificates paid on bonds of confiscated property, list of to be en tered in Journals of House and certificates destroyed, 515; re solves that the seventh article of Constitution empowers House of Assembly to make laws conducive to good order, 529; approves conduct of John Martin, 532; considers report of committee on pe tition of Mary Lupina and John Dollar, 535; considers letter from Auditor, 536; resolve of convention appointing John Wereat Com missioner of Confiscated Estates, laid before, 536; elects Surveyors for Franklin and Washington counties, 542; considers report of committee on petition of Peter Bard, 542; considers report of committee on petition of John and George Galphin, 543; considers report of committee on accounts of the late Governor, 544- consid ers report on letter of Lucy Tondee, 544; resolves of binding on all officers of this State, 555; elects trustees for a college, 557; de cided that resolves of the legislature ought to operate as an order 606 INDEX. and be carried into full effect, 561; decides that resolutions for taking persons off confiscation act and putting them on amercement act are invalid, 561; members of producing accounts to be paid in part, 568; considers accounts of Hezekiah Wade, 572; accounts of members of signed by the Speaker, 572; adjourns to meet at Augusta, 574. Houstoun, George, petition from read and granted, 141; bill to be pre pared for restoring him to citizenship, 141; amerced eight per cent., 178. Houstoun, James, qualifies as member of the House, 446; memorial from read and referred to committee, 556; committee reports on pe tition from, 558; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560; appointed Justice, 560. Houstoun, John, qualifies as member of the House, 85, 191, 419; House decides on eligibility of, 128; chosen Speaker of the House, 193; resigns as Speaker of House, 211; chosen agent to adjust northern boundary of State, 276; elected Governor, 424; address to, notifying him of his election, 425; qualifies as Governor, 426; address from, to the House, 427; elected trustee for a college, 557. [See, also, Gov ernor Wall.] Houstoun, Patrick, petition from, postponed, 142; petition from, read and referred to committee, 144; committee reports on petition from, 154; amerced twelve per cent., 177. Houstoun, William, petition from, praying to become practitioner of law, read and granted, 175; qualifies as member of the House, 191; committee appointed to consider eligibility of, reports, 200; elected Continental Delegate, 426; elected trustee for a college, 557. Howard, John, heirs of taken off confiscation act, 570. Howard, Rhesa, appointed Justice, 76, 254, 571. Howell, Caleb, appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal persons, 13; appointed Magistrate, 15; elected Colonel, 23; appointed Justice, 76; fined for non-attendance, 81; elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115; qualifies as member of the House, 433. Howell, Captain, to carry expedition against galleys of enemy, 242; al lowed expenses and necessary supplies, 243. Howell, Daniel, appointed Magistrate, 15; elected Major, 23; appointed Justice, 76; fined for non-attendance, 81; qualifies as member of the House, 192, 433- Howell, Elizabeth, petition from read and referred to committee, 482. Howell, John, petition of, in behalf of his father rejected, 376. Howley, or Howly, Richard, chosen Chairman, 82; appointed Justice, 107; qualifies as member of the House, 233; letter from, desiring to know with whom he is to settle accounts of public money, read, 491; letter from, read, 498. Hudgens, John, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Hudgens, Joseph, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Hudson, Nathaniel, appointed Magistrate, 15. Hunt, James, petition from, read and referred to icommittee, 238; petition rejected, 374. I Indians, Creek and Cherokee, Governor requested to prepare talk to de siring them to meet in Congress at Big Shoals, 207; have been some time on the Oconee, orders thereon, 214; Commissioners elected to hold Congress with, 231; presents to be purchased for, 540. Indians, Cherokee, treaty with to be recorded and deposited in archives of State, 400. Indian Hunting Grounds, Surveyor General to have land surveyed that is to circumscribe the, 565. Indian Nation, memorial from merchants and traders to, read and re ferred to committee, 474. INDEX. 607 Infantry Battalion, part of to serve as cavalry, 161. Ingles, Alexander, petition from read and referred to committee, 327. Ingles, Jenkins & Gibbons, report concerning wharf lot and stores in Savannah, property of, considered, 328. Ingram, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 243; peti tion rejected, 368; letter from, with petition and other papers, re ferred to committee, 384; report on letter from, 404; allowed six months to settle affairs, 409. Inman, Joshua, petition from, read and referred to committee, 263; re ferred to Court of Law, 407. Irevin, Jarred, appointed Justice, 263. Irvine, or Irvin, Alexander, fined for non-attendance, 81; petition from read and referred to committee, 492; committee reports on petition from, 564. Irvine, Jared, appointed Justice, 76, 560. Irvine, Dr. John, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced twelve per cent., 177. Irwin, Jared, qualifies as member of the House, 192. Irwin, Col. Robert, petition for land read and referred to committee, 207; Irwin, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 421. J Jackson, Colonel, letter from, read and referred to committee, 140; dra goons serving under allowed bounty, 155; committee reports on petition from, 160; rewarded for services, 165. Jackson, Isaac, appointed Magistrate, 16; elected Lieutenant Colonel, 23; appointed Justice, 76, 254. Jackson, James, appointed Magistrate, 15; reported ineligible to seat in House by committee, 34; qualifies as member of the House, 41, 166, 191; appointed Justice, 76. Jackson, Joseph, petition from read and referred to committee, 259; pe tition postponed, 408. Jackson, Mary, petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; re ferred to Court of Law, 376. Jarret, Devereux, appointed Justice, 550. Jeffers, Hugh, restored to citizenship, 168. Jenkins, William, amerced, 169. Johnson, or Johnston, Andrew, petition from, read, 157; petition in be half of, rejected, 367; petition in favor of, read and referred to com mittee, 384; allowed six months to settle affairs, 409; petition from, read and referred to committee, 500; to remain in State and be pro tected until meeting of Legislature, 563. Johnson, or Johnston, Ann, petition from, read and referred to com mittee, 143; committee reports on petition from, 153. Johnson, Daniel, restored to citizenship, 168. Johnson, James, informs House that he has left printing materials of the State in possession of his wife, 125. Johnson, Rachael, petition from, read and referred to committee, 480. Johnson, Snelling and others, petition from, read and referred to the State, 432. Johnson, Stephen, appointed Magistrate, 15; elected Lieutenant Colonel, 23; petition from, read and referred to Committee, 47; report of committee on petition from, 55; memorial from, read and referred to committee, 91. Johnson, Thomas, amerced twelve per cent., 177. Johnston, Abram, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Johnston, Clark, amerced, 169. Johnston, Daniel, petition from, read and referred to committee, 227; petition postponed, 367. 608 INDEX. Johnston, David, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced eight per cent., 178. Johnston, James, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced eight per cent., 178; memorial from, read and referred to committee, 218; report of committee on memo rial from, 221. Johnston, Stephen, qualifies as member of the House, 229; appointed Justice, 246. Johnston, Thomas, restored to citizenship, 168; amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174. Jones, Abraham, appointed Clerk, 16; letter from, with account, referred to committee, 52; petition read and referred to committee, 216; re ferred to Board of Claims, 409; petition for payment for whiskey referred to Auditor, 412. Jones, Abram, petition from, read and referred to committee, 323. Jones, Drury, appointed Justice, 443. Jones, Doctor, required to attend House as soon as health will permit, 442. Jones, Edward, chosen member Executive Council, 115, 187; qualifies as member of the House, 132; petition from, read and referred to committee, 239; remonstrance from, read and referred to committee, 474- Jones, George, letter from, to the House, 321; chosen Register of Pro bates for Effingham County, 496. Jones, Henrietta B., petition from, read and referred to committee, 465. Jones, Henry, appointed Magistrate, 15; memorial from, read and re ferred to committee, 94. Jones, Henry, of Wilkes, petition from, read and referred to committee, 18; report of committee on said petition, 20; petition from, read and referred to committee, 58; appointed Justice, 76, 106; qualifies as member of the House, 85, 86; resigns seat in the House, 321. Jones, James, elected member Executive Council, 8; appointed Magis trate, 15; elected Clerk of House, 35; declines serving as Clerk, 46; restored to citizenship, 168 ; qualifies as member of the House, 195 ; appointed Justice, 263; committee reports on memorial from, 375. Jones, John, elected Speaker of House, 8; appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560; petition from, read, 209; report of committee on petition from, 212; House considers petition from, 221; committee reports on petition from, 252; to be paid for services as Vendue Master, 261. Jones, Noble Wimberly, appointed Magistrate, 15; elected Continental Delegate, 23, 58; declared Representative of this State in Congress, 26; appointed Justice, 75; qualifies as member of the House, 191, 201; John Houstoun resigns as Speaker of House in favor of, 211. Jones, Seaborn, letter from, read and referred to committee, 343. Jones, Thomas, reward offered for apprehension of, 469. Jones, William, petition from, read, 209; report of committee on petition from, 213; petition from, read and referred to committee, 223; re port of committee on petition, 295; petition rejected, 366. Jones, William, Sr., appointed Justice, 417. Jones, , elected Register of Probates for Chatham County, 246. Jrard, Relph, Jr., of South Carolina, memorial in behalf of himself and others, read and referred to committee, 327. K Kean, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 144; report of committee on petition, 153. Keifer, Emanuel, exempted from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. INDEX. 609 Kelsall, Roger, memorial in behalf of children of, referred to committee, 447- Kemp, Jonathan, appointed Justice, 560. Kemp, Solomon, petition, with certificate, read and referred to com mittee, -436. Kemp. Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 421. Kennebrew, Jacob, petition from, read and referred to -committee, 50; committee reports on petition of, 54. Kennedy, John, amerced, 169. Kent, Charles, appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 75. Ketcnings, Benjamin, appointed Justice, 254; petition from, read and referred to committee, 361; report of committee on petition from, 3.63. King, William,- amerced eight per cent., 178. Kitchen, Mr., report of committee on petition from, 54. Knight, James and others,, inhabitants of South Carolina, petition from, read and referred to committee^ 207. Lacke and Company, to be paid for horses with negroes, 231. Lamar, Basill, appointed Justice, 254. Lamar, John, petition from, with pay roll, read and referred to com- ,. , mittee, J07; 234; petition- from, referred^ to Auditor of Accounts, 377. Lamar, John and James StalHngs, - petition from, read and referred to committee, 361. Lamar, Zarchariah,.. appointed: Magistrate, 16; appointed Justice, 76, 105, 254; qualifies as member of the House, 191. Lamb, Thomas, amerced arid declared ineligible to vote or bold officer ; for three? years, 174 >- must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Lambert, or Lamberth, James, amerced twelve per cent.,. 177; petition of inhabitants of Burke County in: favor t>f, 433. : ": Lambeth, James, petition of inhabitants of Burke County in favor oif 243;. petitioCpQ$tp<5ned,; Jff :Ti : Land Oftee, committee recommends? opening of, under certain" condi tions, 236. Langhanij Willia^m,.- amerced* .169, Langley, Samuel, amerced and declared. ineligible to vote or hold office oj , fof;; thfee- yeses; : ,i74"; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Langworthy, Edward, petition from read and referred to committee, 487; committee reports on petition -frpm y 534;: treasury, certificates o f to - / ; I>L a u dit ed and r ed u c ed , 551. Lanier, Benjamin; appointed Justice* -76; "qtatmes as member of - the House, 192. Lanier, Benjamin^ amerced,- i^Q./.Triis: Lanier, John, restored to citizenship, 168. Lanier, Lemue}, : chosen: m-ember Executive ; Council;: 115. ; Lanier, Mr., qualifies as member of the. House, 420. Larissa, William, amerced, 169; Law, Joseph, appointed Justice, 442; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559- Law, Joseph, executor of Arthur Carney, petition in behalf of Carney s children of, 210; petition rejected, 405. Laws, H., letter from, 220; letter referred to Governor and Council, 221. Lawson, Hugh, appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560; resigns seat in Council, 113; elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115. Lawson, Hugh, Jr., elected Collector for town and port of Sunbury, 246. Lawson-, H., petition from, read and referred to committee, 379. Lawson, John, appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560; petition from, read and referred to committee, 472. 39 r r-vol 3 610 INDEX. Lawson, John, Jr., chosen Collector of Customs for Sunbury, 188, 539; salary of, fixed, 188. Lawson, Mr., elected Councilor for Burke County, 64. Lawson, Roger, elected Register of Probates for Burke County, 497. Lawson, Roger, Jr., appointed Magistrate, 15. Layer, Christiana, petition from, read and referred to committee, 227. Leake, Richard, application of to serve as Collector referred to com mittee, 136; petition, with certificate, read and referred to com mittee, 442. Leadbetter, Nemia, report of committee on petition from, 54. Le Conte, William, qualifies as member of the House, 86, 124; ineligible to seat in the House, 87; memorial from, read, 504; appointed Com missioner of Roads, 560; appointed Justice, 560. Ledbetter, Neomia, petition from, read and referred to committee, 43. Lee, Greenberry, appointed Justice, 76, 254; qualifies as member of the House, 191. Lee, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 424. Lee, Thomas, petition from, read and referred to committee, 47; report of committee on petition, 55. Lee,* William, amerced, 169. Legislature, committee appointed to examine acts of, irregular councils and assemblies, and report what should be ratified and confirmed by the, 224. Lewis, Benjamin, qualifies as member of the House, 83, 492; chosen member of Executive Council, 115, 193; appointed Justice, 263, 560. Lewis, Benjamin, Jr., appointed Justice, 263. Lewis, Benjamin and Jenkins Davis, petition from read and referred to committee, 511. Lewis, Elijah, elected Surveyor for Liberty County, 497. Lewis, Francis and Thomas Basket, petition from, read and referred to committee, 448. Lewis, Jacob, appointed Justice, 560. Lewis, James, petition for land, granted, 556. Lewis, Josiah, chosen Register of Probates for Burke County, 54. Lewis, Mary, petition from, read and referred to committee, 52; report of committee on said petition, 62. Lewis, Oliver, petition from, with (certificates, read and referred to com mittee, 436; petition granted, 451. Lewis, Rev. Mr., house and plantation of Martin Weatherford granted to temporarily, 41. Lewis, Thomas, ST., appointed Magistrate, 15; elected member Execu tive Council, 35; appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560; resigns seat as Councilor, 113; elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115; elected Surveyor for Burke County, 302, 497. Lewis, Thomas, Jr., appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560. Lewis, Thomas, petition from, read and referred to committee, 379. Liberty County, members of Legislature from for 1781, 7; members for 1782, 31; petitions from inhabitants of read, 140; committee of clemency in, 145; Governor to contract for rice for use of inhabi tants of, 251. Lillibridge, Hampton, petition from, read and referred to committee, 434; petition that Laurel Hill plantation may be confirmed to him, his heirs, etc., granted, 446. Lindsay, John, chosen Treasurei-. 53; petition from, read and referred to committee, 59; committee reports on petition from, 62; appointed Justice, 76, 105, 254; eligible to seat in the House, 89; Dr. Timothy Russell paid for attendance on, 116; petition from, read and referred to committee, 142; committee reports on petition from, 151; re warded for services to his country, 183; authorized to purchase ne- INDEX. 611 groes for Dr. Timothy Russell for professional services, 183; elected member Executive Council, 187. Little, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 18; petition postponed, 20; resigns seat in the House, 321. Little, Thomas, appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560. Livingston, William, to superintend building jail at Augusta, 55. Lloyd, Benjamin, and Mordecai Sheftall, letter from read, 383. Lloyd, Edward, petition from, read and referred to committee, 326 ; presented with lot and dwelling by House of Assembly as reward for services, 415; petition from, read and referred to committee, 490. Lloyd, Lucretia, petition from, read and referred to committee, 94; com mittee reports on petition, 106. Locke, William, memorial from, read and referred to committee, 227. Lord, William, elected member Executive Council, 35; declines taking seat as member of the House, 43. Lottery authorized to support hospital for seamen, 534. Low, Isaac, appointed Justice, 76. Low, Mr., elected member Executive Council, 424. Low, Phillip, appointed Justice, 442; petition from, read and referred to committee, 500; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Lowennan, John, amerced eight per cent., 178; petition from read, 203; report of committee on petition from, 213; petition from read and referred to committee, 271. Lucas, Captain, letter from, in behalf of himself and other Continental officers, read and referred to committee, 104. Lumpkin, George, appointed Justice, 550. Lunday, or Lundy, Theophilus, appointed Magistrate, 15; qualifies as member of the House, 192; elected Register of Probates for Effing- ham County, 246; appointed Justice, 246; leave of absence granted to, 492. Lundy, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 420. Lupina, Mary, petition from, read and referred to committee, 498; com mittee reports on petition, 535. Lynn, Charles, appointed Justice, 571. Lyons, John, amerced, 169. Lyons, Samuel, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. M Maddox, Joseph, petition from, read and referred to committee, 339. Maddox, William, memorial from, read and referred to committee, 91. Main, W T illiam, amerced, 169. Manadue, Henry, appointed Justice, 76, 106. Mann, Luke, petition from, read and referred to committee, 172; amerced eight per cent., 178; petition from, read and referred to committee, 232; petition rejected, 367. Marbury, Horatio, petition of, in behalf of himself and officers of Dra goons, read and referred to committee, 136; report of committee, 150. Marre, Samuel, amerced, 169. Marshall, Martha, petition from, read and referred to committee, 216; committee reports on petition, 372. Martin, Betty, petition from, read and referred to committee, 339. Martin, James, appointed Magistrate, 16; elected Colonel, 23; appointed Justice, 76. Martin, James, fined for non-attendance, 81; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178; petition from, read and referred to commit tee, 379; committee reports on petition from, 387. Martin, James and others, committee reports on petition from, 416. Martin, John, elected Lieutenant Colonel, 23; elected Governor, 34; address to, 36; address of, to the House, 39; takes oath as Gov ernor, 40; elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115; ap- INDEX. pointed Commissioner to hold Congress with Indians, 231; elected Treasure., 245, 496; to deliver bonds received by him for sale of negroes to the Governor, 296; letter from, read, 299; letter from, containing several accounts, 464; letter from, read and referred to committee, 493; committee reports on letter from, 509; contract made by to be discharged, 510; certificates signed by, 518; memo rial, from, with enclosures, read and referred to committee, 523; committee reports on memorial, 532. [See also Governor Martin.] Martin, John, restored to citizenship, 168. Martin, John and others, petition from, read. and referred to committee, 451. Martin, Joseph, appointed Commissioner to examine lands on Tennessee River, 53$., Mathews, Oliver, exempt from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. Matthews, George, petition for land,, referred to committee, 219. Maxwell, James, appointed Magistrate, .15; elected Major, 24; elected member Executive Council, 35; appointed Justice, 75, 107; declines! seat in Council,. 79 ;, qualifies as member of the House, 2$i<- : Maxwell, John Butler,, .allowed six. months to settle affairs, 409. Maxwell, John Butler, and .wife,, petition ^cprn,; praying that said!jVfax- ; well may be taken off confiscation law, 211; petition postponed., ,3231 petition rejected, 364. Maxwell, John, whose estate is. confiscated, disposes qf part of. estate, 126;: property taken in charge by. Cpmmissionexs of Confiscated Estates, Maxwell, Mary, forty negroes to be delivered to, ..238^ petition rpm, : jfeacj ; and referred to committee, 277; petition rejected, 408,.. Maxwell, Thomas, committee reports as t# ^eligibility of, , \lfij \ jjtipjuse decides as to eligibility of, 128; elected Couricilor," 135 . Maxwell, William, eligible to seat in the House, 206.^-,^ Maybank, Andrew, appointed Commissioner of Roads,, :$59. . McBride, Jean, petition from, in behalf of her son, read and refe.rre.a to committee, 216; petition postponed, 367. McCarty, John, petition from, read and referred to committee^, ^ 39 ; { J air j lowed corn, 54. McCormick, John, heirs of amerced and declared ineligible to Vote or" hold office for three years, 174. McCormick, Paul, heirs of amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174. McDaniel, Milley, petition from, read and referred to committee, I4GL McDonald, Margaret, petition from, read and referred to committee, 231;: property granted to, 370. McDonald, Mary, committee reports on petition from, 151. McFarland, James, appointed Justice, 76, 254, 571; petition from, read and referred to committee, 478; elected Councilor, 571. McFarland, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 423. McGee, Hugh, petition from, read and referred to committee, 347. Mclntosh, Brigadier General, letter from, with enclosure, read and re ferred to committee, 241; committee reports on letter, 248; House resolutions thereon, 248; letter from, praying that certain persons be admitted to plead at any Court of Justice in this State, 300. Mclntosh, Christiana, the younger, petition from, read and referred to committee, 263. Mclntosh, Donald, petition from, read and referred to committee, 221; petition granted, 364. Mclntosh, Georgina, petition from, read and referred to committee, 223; icommittee reports on petition, 414. Mclntosh, General, letter from, with instructions to legislative and executive powers of this State, referred to committee, 227; elected Commissioner for holding Congress with Indians, 231; memorial INDEX. 613 and account from, referred to committee, 336; committee reports on memorial, 345. Mclntosh, John, Memorial from, read and referred to committee, 282; committee reports on committee, 282; memorial of, in behalf of Donald McLeod considered, 400. Mclntosh, Lachlan, appointed Agent to adjust northern boundary of the State, 276; reappointed Continental Delegate, 540. Mclntosh, Lachlan, Jr., qualifies as member of the House, 436; appointed Commissioner to examine lands on Tennessee River, 536. Mclntosh, Mr., committee reports as to eligibility of, 436. Mclntosh, William, appointed Justice, 75; fined for non-attendance, 81; qualifies as member of the House, 229; petition in behalf of, read and referred to committee, 455; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559- Mclntosh, William, Jr., elected Surveyor for Glynn and Camden Coun ties, 302. Mclntosh, Winewood, petition from, read and referred to committee, 265; petition considered, 405. McKay, James, elected Lieutenant Colonel, 23; petition for land read, 203; memorial from, read and referred to committee, 206; committee reports on memorial from, 212; petition from, read and referred to committee, 261; petition postponed, 295; committee reports on peti tion, 413; petition from, read and referred to committee, 432; memo rial from, in behalf of children of Roger Kelsall referred to com mittee, 447. McKenzie, John, qualifies as member of the House, 481. McKenzie, - , appointed Justice, 246. McLane, John, elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115. McLean, Andrew, amerced twelve per cent., 177; letter from, read and referred to committee, 477; committee s report considered, 511. McLean, John, qualifies as member of the House, 86; petition from, read and referred to committee, 324. McLeod, Dr. Donald, petition in behalf of, considered, 400; allowed to reside in this State six months, 409. McMurphy, Daniel, appointed Commissioner to collect property of dis loyal persons, 12; appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 76; fined for non-attendance, 61; letter from, concerning Indians, 157; petition from, read and referred to committee, 238; petition from, referred to Auditor General, 238; Auditor General reports on peti tion from, 240; elected Register of Probates for Burke County, 246; petition from, referred to Auditor of Accounts, 406; qualifies as member of the House, 431; ineligible to seat in the House, 434; petition from, read and referred to committee, 458; letter from, read and referred to committee, 490. McMurphy, Daniel, and John Twiggs, memorial from, read, and referred to committee, 137; report of committee on petition from, 150; letter from, with account against State, read, 361. McMurphy, Daniel, and James Rae, appointed Superintendents of Indian affairs, 75. McNeal, James, fined for non-attendance, 81. McNeil, James, elected Lieutenant Colonel, 23; appointed Justice, 76, 253. 57i; qualifies as member of the House, 456. McNeil, Mr., declines serving as Councilor, 456. McNely, Andrew, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. McNiel, James, appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal persons, 12; elected member Executive Council, 424. Meazel, David, restored to citizenship, 168; appointed Justice, 443. Meazel, James, restored to citizenship, 168. Meazel, John, restored to citizenship, 168. 40 r r vol 3 614 INDEX. Meazel, Luke, restored to citizenship, 168; qualifies as member of the House, 420. Meazel, William, restored to .citizenship, 168. Meazle, Charlton, restored to citizenship, 168. Meek, or Meick, Matthew, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Continental service, read, 203; committee reports on petition from, 213. Melvin, George, petition from, read and referred to committee, 465, 510. Memorial from merchants aand other citizens, creditors named in act of confiscation and banishment, read, 503. Mercer, James, petition in behalf of read, 203; committee reports on petition, 330. Messenger of Assembly, salary of, 244, 440; entitled to draw part of salary, 298; to be paid part of salary, 308; to be paid 10 on salary, 572. Messenger of Council, salary of, 244, 440. Metzgar, Jacob, petition praying to be discharged from the Georgia Battalion, 203; committee reports on petition, 213. Metzgar, John, exempt from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. Metzgar, Margaret, petition in behalf of her son read, 203; committee reports on petition, 213. Meyers, Jacob, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Meyers, or Myers, James, petition from, read and referred to committee,. 139; committee reports on petition, 152. Middleton, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 423. Middleton, Robert, qualifies as member of the House, 191; letter from, read, 278; elected Councilor, 456. Millen, Stephen, petition from, read, 172; amerced eight per cent., 178; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560. Miller, George, petition from, read and referred to committee, 62; peti tion from, praying to be discharged from the Georgia Regiment, read and referred to committee, 216. Miller, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 62. Miller, Nathaniel, appointed Justice, 263. Miller, Samuel, appointed Magistrate, 15. Mills, Archibald, restored to citizenship, 168. Mills, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 100. Mills, Stephen, restored to citizenship, 168. Milton, John, elected Secretary of State, 17, 53, 187, 246, 496; salary fixed, 188; petition from, read and referred to committee, 339, 536. Milton, John and others, petition from, read and referred to committee, 451. Mincey, Phillip, amerced, 169. Mitchell, John, petition and remonstrance, read and referred to com mittee, 140; committee reports on petition, 151; qualifies as member of the House, 419. Mock, Michael, petition, praying to be discharged from Georgia Regi ment, read, 204; committee reports on petition, 213. Montaigut, David, appointed Justice, 303. Moore, Catharine, petition of, in behalf of Josiah Tatnel, read and re ferred to committee, 321. Moore, Samuel, petition from, read and referred to committee, 322. Mor, John, elected member Executive Council, 193. Morgan, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 144; report of committee on petition, 154. Morell, John, qualifies as member of the House, 171, 173, 420; appointed Commissioner to examine lands on Tennessee River, 536; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560. Morell, Peter Henry, petition from, praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, granted, 361. INDEX. 615 Morrison, Alexander, petition, with memorial, read and referred to com mittee, 453. Mossman, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 144; committee reports on petition, 154; amerced eight per cent., 178; memorial from, read and referred to committee, 286; petition from, in behalf James Graham, read and referred to committee, 322; peti tion in behalf of John Graham, read and referred to committee, 322; petition to be restored to citizenship rejected, 410; petition to bring certain negroes into this State granted, 414. Moul, Peter Henry, petition from, read and referred to committee, 249; committee reports on petition, 253. Mulryne, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 265; peti tion rejected, 405; allowed six months to settle affairs, 409. Munro, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; committee reports on petition, 323; petition rejected, 364. Munro, Simon, petition in behalf of, read and referred to committee, 144; report of committee on petition, 155; allowed six months to settle affairs, 409; petition in behalf of, read and referred to committee, 487- Murdock, David, petition from, read, 157; petition from, read and re ferred to committee, 223; petition rejected, 367. Murphy, Mills, appointed Magistrate, 15. Murray, Richard Donnovan, petition from, read and referred to com mittee, 172. Musick, Lewis, petition from, read and referred to committee, 62. N Negroes not to be transported out of this State by the British, 121. Nelson, Christopher, restored to citizenship, 168. Nesler, John Adam, qualifies as member of the House, 124. Netherclift, Thomas, qualifies as member of the House, 191, 419; ineligi ble to seat in the House, 206. Nevil, John, restored to citizenship, 168. Nicholl, Henry, goods landed by exempted from duty, 557. Nicholls, Rebeckah, petition from, read, 209; committee reports on peti tion, 326. North Carolina, petition from inhabitants of, read, 19; petition post poned, 29; petition from inhabitants of, read and referred to com mittee, 238, 324, 492. Nunes, Daniel, elected Harbour Master for port of Savannah, 497. O Oats, Jeremiah, petition from, read and referred to committee, 18; com mittee reports on petition from, 20; petition from, read and referred to committee, 379. Obrey, Henry, restored to citizenship, 168. Obrey, Priscilla, petition from, in behalf of her son, read and referred to committee, 478. G Brian, William, appointed Magistrate, 15. O Bryan, William, appointed Justice, 75; qualifies as member of the House, 86. O Bryan, Mr., appointed Commissioner to superintend building galleys, 164; appointed Commissioner for regulating pilotage at Savannah, 181. Odingsells, Charles, elected member Executive Council, 8, 34; appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal persons, 13; appointed Magistrate, 15; elected Major, 23; appointed Justice, 75; resigns seat in Council, 113; elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115; petition from, read and referred to committee, 332; letter from, referred to committee, 332; committee reports on letter from, 345; 616 INDEX. qualifies as member of the House, 430; resigns seat as member of Board of Claims, 503; officers and soldiers enrolling for three, months entitled to bounty, upon producing certificates as to faithful serv ices, 98. Officers composing line of this State, thanks of House to for services, 108; presented with one hundred guineas, 108; to be paid arrearages, 108. Officers commanding regiments or companies to make out pay rolls, 114. Officers of Hospital and Medical Department to be put on same footing as officers of State Line, 294. Officers, public, to render to the House accounts, 450; committee ap pointed to examine accounts of, 465; committee reports on same, 478. Officers of the State allowed same pay as Continental army, 556. Ogden, Thomas, petition from, read, 209; memorial from, read and re ferred to committee, 236; committee reports on petition from, 294; Commissioners of Confiscated to pay 231 to, 303. O Neal, John, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Ordinance empowering the Governor to issue proclamation commanding all officers belonging to this State to repair to the same, and to point out a mode for regulating their rank, read first time, 44. O Sullivan, Florence, petition from, read and referred to committee, 223. Oswald, Joseph, qualifies as member of the House, 271; letter from read, 278. Ott, Nathaniel, petition, praying to be discharged from Georgia Regi ment, read, 203; report of committee on petition, 213. Outlaw, Mary, petition from, praying to be discharged from obligations of her late husband, read and referred to committee, 216; petition granted, 374- Overstreet, Henry, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Overstreet, William, amerced, 169. Owens, Owen, petition from, read and referred to committee, 322; peti tion granted conditionally, 410. Palmer, John, qualifies as member of the House, 344. Palmer, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 421. Panall, Mr,, qualifies as member of the House, 419. Pannell, Joseph, elected Surveyor for Washington County, 542. Paris, Peter, appointed Magistrate, 16; elected Commissioner Confis cated Estates, 115; petition from, read and referred to committee, 379- Patterson, Archibald, restored to citizenship, 168. Patterson, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 481. Paxton, William, petition from, postponed, 409. Peak, Mr., to be paid for use of room by Assembly, 308. Peariss, Francis, petition from, read and referred to committee, 136. Pendleton, Nathaniel and William Leigh Pierce, memorial from, with enclosures, read and referred to committee, 480. Pendleton, Solomon, letter from, read, 472. Penrose, John, petition praying to be discharged from Continental serv ice, read, 203; report of committee on petition, 213. Perkins, Avington, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in the army or furnish sub stitute, 178. Persons indebted to British merchants to be reimbursed for losses, 130; persons having received British protection disqualified, 176. Petition from sundry inhabitants of United States referred to committee, INDEX. 617 227; petition of sundry inhabitants in favor of Thomas Young, read and referred to committee, 227. Phillips, Hillary, petition from read and referred to committee, 96. Phillips, Mark, ST., amerced, 169. Phillips, Mark, Jr., amerced, 169. Phillips, Zachariah, appointed Justice, 106. Pickeron, William, petition from, read and referred to committee, 238; petition postponed, 376. Pierce, Joshua, Sr., amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office fcr three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Pierce, William Leigh and Nathaniel Pendleton, memorial from, with enclosures, read and referred to committee, 480. Pilcher, Edward, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Polhill, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced twelve per cent., 177; petition from read, 209; committee reports on petition from, 294; petition rejected, 371. Porteous, Robert, taken off confiscation act and put on amercement act, 409- Porteous, Robert and William Struthers, petition from read and referred to committee, 276. Porter, William, petition read, 206. Potts, John, restored to citizenship, 168. Potts, Thomas, and others from South Carolina, petition of for reserve lands, read and referred to committee, 2QJ. Powell, Josiah, qualifies as member of the House, 83; appointed Justice, 107; elected Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, 115; letter from read and referred to committee, 126. Powell, William, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. President of Council, Speaker of House to write to requesting his at tendance on account of indisposition of Governor, 91; letter to Pres ident postponed, 92; message from received, 342; message from with dispatches from President of Congress, referred to committee, 355. President of Congress, letter to, 79. Price, Cader, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Property taken in action to be sold for benefit of captors with certain exceptions, 29. Public records and papers to be brought from the northward, 335, 563. Public officers to give bond, 61. Pugh, Francis, appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560; qualifies as member of the House, 83, 192; petition from read and referred to committee, 500. Pugh, James, appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 76, 263, 560. Pugh, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 421. Q Quartermaster, orders to, 63; ordered to furnish Governor with articles necessary for use of the House, 75; to make returns to the Governor, 117. Quarterman, William, appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. R Rae, James, petition from read and referred to committee, 349; petitions from read and referred to committee, 438; letter from read and re ferred to committee, 469. Rae, James, and Daniel McMurphy, appointed Superintendents of Indian Affairs, 75. Rae, Rebeckah, petition from, read and referred to committee, 52; com mittee reports on petition, 62. INDEX. Rahm, Jonathan, committee reports on petition from, 213. Rahn, Matthew, petition from read and referred to committee, 220. Randolph, Mary, petition from read and referred to committee, 41; com mittee reports on petition, 55; petition from, with account and vouchers, read and referred to committee, 107. Ravot, or Ravott, Abraham, elected member Executive Council, 8, 35; appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal persons, 13; appointed Magistrate, 15; appointed Justice, 76; elected Commis sioner of Confiscated Estates, 115. Rea, David, appointed Justice, 303. .Read, Jacob, petition from, read and referred to committee, 227; com- * Tnittee reports on petition, 412. Rees, David, memorial from, read and referred to committee, 379; 100 added to salary of, 386; allowed 6 for engrossing several acts, 418; lays before the House books and proceedings of Commissioners of Claims, 456; directed to deliver bonds and mortgages of Richard Rowley s to the treasurer, 558. Reeves, William, amerced, 169. Rehm, Frederick, qualifies as member of the House, 85; petition from, read and referred to committee, 142; committee reports on petition from, 153. Reid, Robert, petition from, read and referred to committee, 252; peti tion rejected, 372. Reighley, William, petition from read and referred to committee, 125; committee reports on petition, 129. Reizer, Israel, exempted from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. Rely, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 335. Rentz, John, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Rham, Jonathan, petition from read, 203. Richardson, Benjamin, restored to citizenship, 168. Richardson, Hardy, restored to citizenship, 168. Richardson, Timothy, petition from, read and referred to committee, 343. Richardson, William, restored to citizenship, 169. Richmond County, members of legislature from, for 1781, 7; members for 1782, 32; petition from inhabitants of read and referred to com mittee, 143; committee reports on petition from inhabitants of, 152; Councilors from, refuse to serve, 198; petition of inhabitants of, in behalf of James Mercer, 203; petition from inhabitants of read and re ferred to committee, 379, 390; double returns made for members of, 421; ten gentlemen having majority vote to take seats in the House, 422; petition from number of invalids in read and referred to com mittee, 448. Riden, Benjamin, elected member Executive Council, 8; appointed Mag istrate, 1 6. Roberson, Alexander, petition from read and referred to committee, 500. Roberson, James, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174. Roberts, Arthur, amerced, 169. Roberts, Isham, amerced, 169. Roberts, James, amerced, 169. Roberts, John, appointed Justice, 107. Robertson, Andrew, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Robertson, David, qualifies as member of the House, 191. Robertson, James, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Rogers, Reuben, appointed Justice, 411. Rolfes, Frederick, recommended as proper person to act as Deputy Commis sary General of Issues, 183 ; petition from, read and referred to com mittee, 220. Ronaldson, Elizabeth, petition to be admitted to privileges of citizen of this INDEX. 619 State, read and referred to committee, 216; petition read and referred to committee, 465. Rose, Alexander, petition from, read and referred to committee, 234; com mittee reports on petition, 372. Rose, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 326; committee reports on petition, 333. Rose, Hugh, petition from, setting forth incapability to serve as soldier, 172. Ross, Malcolm, petition from, read and referred to committee, 477. Roux & Company, memorial in behalf of, read and referred to committee, 480; letter from, referred to committee, 498. Rules for government of the House, 9, 33, 93, 428. Rus, David, allowed 6 for engrossing several acts, 418. Russell, Dr. Timothy, paid for professional services, 116; given negroes for curing John Lindsay, Thomas Greer and Henry Candler, 183. Rutherford, Griffith, and others of North Carolina, petition from, read and referred to committee, 492 ; committee reports on petition, 525. Rutherford, John, appointed Justice, 254. Rutherford, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 419. Rutledge, John, petition praying to be discharged from Georgia Regiment, read and referred to committee, 216; petition postponed, 368. Ryals, Arthur, amerced, 169; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Ryals, John, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Salt, Governor requested to prevent exportation of, 134; salt reserved for public use to be augmented to three thousand bushels, 139; nine hundred bushels of salt to be sent to Augusta, 159. Saltus, Samuel, elected Councilor, 79, 115; chosen Speaker, 85; appointed Justice, 107 ; qualifies as member of the House, 419 ; appointed Commis sioner of Roads, 559. Sapena, or Supena, Mary, petition from, read and referred to committee, 133; committee reports on petition from, 149. Saunders, Joshua, fined for non-attendance, 81. Savannah, House meets at, 122; letter from number of merchants of read, 291. Savy, , letter from, with account, read and referred to committee, 441. Sayer, Christiana, committee reports on petition of, 371. Scott, Samuel, fined for non-attendance, 81 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 324; ordered into custody for insulting member of the House, 338; apologizes and is discharged, 338; petition from, referred to Superior Court of Wilkes County, 412. Scriven, Col. James, land granted to daughters in recognition of his services, 524- Seagar, George, and Samuel Stirk, requested to give information respecting Journals of the House and Minutes of Council for the year 1779, 250. Secretary of State, original acts in possession of the Clerk to be delivered to, 228 ; salary of, 244 ; fees of, 301 ; to be paid 50 on salary, 384. Settles, Francis, petition of considered, 29. Sevier, John, appointed Commissioner to examine lands on Tennessee River, 536. Seymore, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 322. Shackelford, John, to be added to Justices of Richmond County, no; ap pointed Justice, 254, 571. Sharp, Jacob, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Sharp, Milley, petition from, read and referred to committee, 140; commit tee reports on petition from, 150. Shave, John, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Shave, Richard, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Sheftall, Levi, taken off act of confiscation and put on amercement act, 406. Sheftall, Mordecai, letter from, with petition from Levi Sheftall, read and referred to committee, 261; letter from, read, 297, 513; letter from, with affidavit read and agreed to, 448 ; letter from, enclosing letter of Stephen Drayton, read, 555. 620 INDEX. Sheftall, Mordecai, and Benjamin Lloyd, letter from, read, 383. Shepherd, Samuel, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Sherrell, David, petition from, read and referred to committee, 245 ; com mittee reports on petition from, 377 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 473. Shervin, William, petition from, read and referred to committee, 234. Sherwood, Simon, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Shields, Margaret, petition from, read and referred to committee, 448. Shirley, John, amerced, 169. Shirley, William, amerced, 169. Shorter, Drury, restored to citizenship, 168. Silcock, Mary, petition from, read and referred to committee, 232. Sill, Jonathan, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Simms, Paris, amerced, 169. Sims, John, restored to citizenship, 168. Skey, John, petition from, praying to be admitted to plead at the bar, granted, 446. Smith, Daniel, petition from, read and referred to committee, in. Smith, Gotleib, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Smith, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 487. Smith, John, appointed Justice, 76; petition from, read and referred to com mittee, 327. South Carolina, petition from inhabitants for reserve of land, 207 ; petition from inhabitants of, read and referred to committee, 243 ; dragoons from, to be furnished supplies, 257 ; petition from inhabitants of, read and referred to committee, 332. Sowerby, Henry, petition from, read and referred to committee, 487. Spalding, James, petition from, read and referred to committee, 255 ; petition praying to be taken off confiscation act, granted, 366 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 549. Speaker of House, to deliver to the Governor bonds and notes, 113; to sign writs of election to fill vacancies for members of the House, 115, 187; Nathan Brownson chosen, 123 ; to request Governor to inform the House what propositions he has received respecting loan of money for pur chasing negroes, 125 ; to request Governor to appoint proper person to take charge of printing materials, 125; indisposition of, 258; allowed four dollars per day, 304; letter concerning illness of, 321; James Hab- ersham elected Speaker, 421 ; to enquire of Mr. Hall, late Governor, concerning bringing from the northward, papers and records, 435 ; to write to Dr. Jones requiring his attendance as soon as possible, /\.\?- ; received letter from Chief Justice requesting part of salary, 447 ; to pay Chief Justice and Auditor thirty guineas, 447 ; to write to delegates to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Congress, 499 ; empowered to receive resignations and issue writs of election to fill vacancies during recess of the House, 542 ; to draw on the treasurer for 5 in favor of Clerk of House, 572 ; signs accounts of members of the House, 572. Spence, John, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Spencer, George Basil, petition from read, 172 ; amerced twelve per cent., 177 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 232 ; committee reports on petition of, 366. Spencer, John, qualifies as member of the House, 420; elected member Executive Council, 424; appointed Justice, 443. Spencer, Joseph William, qualifies as member of the House, 420; ineligible to seat in the House, 431. Stallings, Ezekiel, petition from, read and referred to committee, 476. Stallings, James, appointed Justice, 571. Stallings, James, and John Lamar, petition from, read and referred to com mittee, 361. Stallings, James, and others, petition from, read and referred to committee, 363- Stanley, Adar, petition from, read and referred to committee, 100. State Commissary and Quarter Master to be under same regulations as those of the Continental Line, 69. INDEX. 621 Stephens, Mary, committee reports on petition from, 62. Stephens, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 419; elected Councilor, 424. Stephens, Nancy, petition from, read and referred to committee, 52. Stephens, Thomas, appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Stephens, William, petition from read, 142 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 154; amerced eight per cent., 178; bill for taking name of from and out of amercement law passed, 242 ; appointed Justice, 560. Stewart, Ann, petition from read and referred to committee, 231; presented with house and lot, 369. Stewart, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 234 ; re ferred to Court of Law, 376. Stewart, James, qualifies as member of the House, 192, 222 ; elected mem ber Executive Council, 193, 222 ; letter from, read and referred to com mittee, 344 ; committee reports on letter from, 357. Stewart, John, memorial from, with account, read and referred to com mittee, 103. Stewart, Mathew, petition from, read and referred to committee, 334. Stiles, Benjamin, appointed Commissioner to superintend building of gal leys, 164. Stirk, Samuel, appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal per sons, 13 ; elected Attorney General, 17, 53, 245, 496 ; elected Continental Delegate, 23 ; declared representative of this State in Continental Con gress, 26 ; elected Continental Delegate, granted leave of absence on ac count of duties as Attorney General, 27 ; appointed Justice, 75 ; fined for non-attendance, 81 ; petition from, referred to committee, 91 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 164 ; letter from read, 247 ; requested to give information respecting Journals of House and Minutes of Council for year 1779, 250; petition from, read and referred to committee, 263 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 332, 448; letter from, read, 493, 502, 555; to return 200 improperly obtained, 508. Stone, Thomas, qualifies as member of the House, 171 ; appointed Commis sioner of Roads, 560 ; appointed Justice, 560. Storr, John, oetition from, read and referred to committee, 245 ; petition rejected, 372. Strong, John, memorial from, read and referred to committee, 131 ; com mittee reports on petition, 148; recommended as proper person to act as Deputy Commissary General of Issues, 183 ; memorial from, read and referred to committee, 382; committee reports on memorial, 390; petition from, read and referred to committee, 433. Struthers, William, proposal to purchase negroes for this State referred to committee, 128 ; committee reports on proposal, 129 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 147; amerced twelve per cent., 177; petition from, read and referred to committee, 259, 271 ; committee reports on petition, 278 ; petition postponed, 377. Struthers, William, and Robert Porteous, petition from, read and referred to committee, 276. Stubbs, Isaac, amerced, 169. Stubbs, John, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Sullivan, Florence, admitted citizen of this State, 297 ; petition praying to be admitted to practice law, granted, 297. Sullivan, Florence O., petition of, 223. Sullivant, Daniel, chosen member Executive Council, 115. Supena, see Sapena. Surveyor General, fees of, 301 ; to have land surveyed and marked that is to circumscribe Indian hunting grounds, 565. Sutcliffe, John, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced twelve per cent., 177. Sutcliff & Company, account from for hospital stores furnished Continental troops ordered paid, 523. INDEX. Tandee. or Tondee. Lucy, letter from read and referred to committee, 264; committee reports on letter from. 271. Tarlingh. Peter, petition, with certificate, read and referred to committee, .u- . letter from, with enclosures, read and referred to committee, $23. Tarvm. George, petition from, read and referred to committee. 106. 379. Tatnal. John Mulryne. petition from, read and referred to committee, 321. Tatnal. josiah. petition from Catharine Moore in behalf of. 321. Telfair. Kdward. appointed Magistrate. 15: elected Continental Delegate, 23. 4^6. 58: declared Representative of this State in Continental Con gress. Jt>; letter from. read. 36, 502; appointed Justice. 76; qualifies as member of the House. IQJ; elected Commissioner for holding Congress with Indians. 431 ; appointed Agent to adjust northern boundary of this State. J7t>: letter from, read and referred to committee. 443: letter from, concerning presents for Indians. 540; appointed Justice. 560. Thomas. John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 128; com mittee reports on petition. 148; restored to citizenship. 168. Thomas. Phillip, restored to citizenship. 108. Thompson. Benjamin, appointed Justice. 70, 106, 254; fined for non-attend ance. 81, Thompson. James, petition from, read and referred to committee. 133; report of committee on petition. 149; petition from. read. 157: amerced and declared ineligible to vote or holu office for three years. 174. Thompson. Thomas, amerced. 100. Thompson. Victor, must serve in army or furnish substitute. 176. Thorn, David, qualities as member of the House. 104. Thrcddcroft. George, appointed Justice. 75. Tidwell. William, petition from, read and referred to committee. 324; lands restored to, 411. Tillman. Robert, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for thrrc years, 174; must serve in artny or furnish substitute. 1791. Tlman, George, amerced. 1691. Todd. William, restored to citizenship. lt>8. Tondee. Mrs- Lucy, allowed 15 for use of room for General Assembly. 187; House considers report of committee on letter from. 544. Towers, Henjannn, petition of, for land in consideration of services, 447. Tray wick. Francis, petition from, read and referred to committee. 469. Treasurer, salary of. 444; salary postponed. 440; to lay before the House state of public moneys, 462; lays before the House state of moneys received from Sheriffs and Tax Collectors, 404: required to attend the House. 501 ; attend the House. 50^ : to call on Attorney General for bonds, 510; to call on persons havmg public moneys in their hands to pay same into treasury, .23 ; to require all persons owing interest on bonds to pay same immediately, 539; list of bonds delivered to, 546, 547. 548 ; mjuirtd to give bond. 560 : to pay accounts of members when signed by the Speaker. 5*8; to pay accounts of Councilors when signed by the Governor. jt*x Tnxxp, George, petition praying to be admitted a citizen of this State, granted, A.W Troup, C.vrge. petition from, in behalf of Wrn. Mclntosh. read and referred to committee. 455. Truitlen, Jon Adanx, appointed Magistrate. 15; cbosen Register of Probates for OKnghaun County. 54; appvnnted Justice. 70. John, appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal per sons, u: appomted Justke. 76; tined for non-attendance, 81; to receive sah for Burke Cwanty, 159; petition frpnx read and referred to com mittee. jfr: petition from, read and referred to Auditor General 238; Auditor General reports on petition from. 240. Twiggs. Joha. and Daniel McMurphy. memorial from, read and referred to committee. 137: committee reports on petition from. 150; letter from. with account against the State, read. 361. Colonel, and Elijah Clarke, petition from, read and referred to com mittee. i*>. committee reports on petition. .29$. INDEX. 62* U Underwood, Augustus, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Vauchier, or Vouchier, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 252; committee reports on petition from. 413. Virgin a. petition from inhabitants of for land, read and referred to com mittee. 208; petition of inhabitant* of, read and referred to committee, 255. 33* Voght, Casper & Co., merchant* in Hamburgh, letter from to be published in the Gazette, with list of articles enclosed, 491. W Wade, Hezekiah, account from, read and referred to committee. 140; ac count rejected, 407; house of. chosen as place for meeting of the Hotue, 422; account considered by the House, 570; allowed 20 for ue of hi house, 572. Wade, Nathaniel, petition from, read and referred to committee, 275 ; com mittee reports on petition from, 414. Wade, Nthemiah. qualifies as member of the House. 41 ; elected State Quar ter Master, 58; accepts appointment as Quarter Master, 71; petition from, read and postponed, 72; petition from read and referred to com mittee. 107; account of public moneys from, 464. Wade, Nehud, petition from, read and referred to committee, 94; memorial from, read and referred to committee. 233 Waggnon. Thomas P.. petition from, read and referred to committee, 514, Walker. David, appointed Magistrate. 16. Walker. George, heirs of amerced eight per cent., 178; petition in behalf of heirs of. 210; committee reports on petition, 330. Walker, Mary, petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; petition considered. 408. Walker, Mr, petition of inhabitants of Burke County in behalf of, 211. Walker, Thomas, amerced eight per cent, 178; committee reports on petition* from, 372 Walker. William, appointed Commissioner to collect property of disloyal persons. 12; elected Major, 23. Wall, David, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Georgia Regi ment, read and referred to committee, 216. "Wall, William, amerced, 169. Wallecon, Daniel, petition from, read and referred to committee, 52; com mittee reports on petition from, 62. Walton. Colonel, presents copy of Journals of Assembly of Pennsylvania and laws of that State to House of Assembly, 217. Walton. George, elected Deputy Commissary of Purchases, 16; elected Col onel. 23; letter from, read and referred to committee, 99; appointed Justice. 106. 254; conduct of. approved by the House. 115; to be given certificates for articles purchased for the public. 118; elected Chief Jus tice. 245, 496; letter from. read. 342. 476; to b paid part of salary. 383; qualifies as member of the House, 420; elected member of the Executive Council, 424 : renders account of public moneys. 464 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 500; committee report* on petition from. 541 Walton. George, and Elijah Clarke, memorial from, read and referred to committee, 105. Walton, John, elected Surveyor for the county of Richmond. 302, 497. Walton, Robert, petition from, read and referred to committee^ 343. Walsh or Welsh. Patrick, letter from, read and referred to committee, 224; committee reports on letter from. 365. Warden. Elijah, petition from read and referred to committee, 50; com mittee reports on petition from, 54. 624 INDEX. Ware, Henry, appointed Justice, 76, 106, 254; qualifies as member of the House, 191. Washington, George, committee reports on letter from, 380. Washington, Thomas, qualifies as member of the House, 85 ; elected Com missioner of Confiscated Estates, 115; appointed Commissioner of Roads, 560. Waters, Charles, letter from, read and referred to committee, 57; committee reports on petition from, 63. Watts, Charles, petition from, read and referred to committee, 220, 321; petition rejected, 368. IWauden, or Waudin, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 220; letter from, read, 282, 234; committee reports on petitions from, 375- Way, Edward, qualifies as member of the House, 238. Way, William, appointed Commissioner of Roads, 559. Wayne, General Anthony, estate to be purchased for, 109 ; committee ap pointed to purchase an estate for, 115; letter from, referred to committee, 123 ; committee reports on letter from, 137 ; offers clemency on certain conditions, 145 ; requested to countermand farther march of troops from the State, 167; land purchased for, 171; latter from, enclosing talk to the Creek Indians and proclamation to inhabitants of East-Florida, 176; thanks of the House to for services rendered the State, 179. Weakley, or Weekly, George, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute. 178. Weatherford, James, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Weatherford, Martin, petition from read and referred to committee, 480. Weathers, Edward, appointed Justice, 560. Webster, John, amerced, 169. Weeden, Dr. John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 236 ; report of committee on petition from, 375. Wells, Humphry, memorial from, read and referred to committee, in; petition from, read and referred to committee, 221 ; committee reports on petition from, 330. Wells, Humphry, Jr., elected member Executive Council, 8. Wereat, John, appointed Magistrate, 15 ; elected Chief Justice, 17 ; ap pointed Justice, 75; ineligible to seat in the House, 89, 94; letter from, read and referred to committee, no, 222; chosen Auditor of Accounts, 187 ; salary of, 188 ; letter from, read, 247, 282, 291 ; letter, with ac count, read and referred to committee, 261 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 263 ; Governor requested to order payment of one quarter s salary for, 296 ; letter from, referred to committee, 336 ; letters from, with accounts, read and referred to committee, 431 ; letter from, read and referred to committee, 448 ; committee reports on letter from, 463 ; letter from, with account of moneys due the public, 464 ; committee reports on letter from, 473 ; letter from, with account, read, 478; chosen Auditor of Accounts. 496; letter from, read, 510; resolve appointing John Wereat Commissioner of Confiscated Estates, together with his account, laid before the House, 536; Governor requested to draw order on treasurer in favor of, 551 ; letter from, together with State of Continental Loan Office certificates, read and referred to committee, 561 ; treasurer to pay part of salary due to, 563. Wereat, John and others, petition from, read and referred to committee, 451. Wereat, Mr., appointed Commissioner for regulating pilotage of bar and river Savannah, etc., 181. Wertsh, John, heirs of, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. West, Samuel, qualifies as member of the House, 194; granted leave of absence, 282. White, Anthony W., petition from, in behalf of orphan child of Christian Dasher and others, read and referred to committee, 216; petition from, read and referred to committee, 239; committee reports on memorial from, 304, 413. White, James, petition from, read and referred to comittee, 234; petition granted, 372. INDEX. 625 White, William, amerced, 169. Whitefield, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 255 ; petition referred to court of law, 409. Whitefield, James, allowed to practice in Superior Court, 296; letters from, with proceedings of Board of Claims, 510. Whitehead, Amos, amerced twelve per cent., 177 ; petition praying to be taken out of amercement law read, 210; committee reports on petition, 213; committee reports on petition in behalf of, 295 ; petition in behalf of, rejected, 371. Whitehead, Mr., qualifies as member of the House, 419, 437; granted leave of absence and account paid in part, 557. Wicks, George, appointed Justice, 254. Wilkes County, members of legislature from, for 1781, 7 ; members for 1782, 32 ; irregularities in appointment of Justices in, 105 ; petition from in habitants of, read and referred to committee, 324, 357 ; petition granted, 411; petition from inhabitants of, read and referred to committee, 467. Wilkinson, John, appointed Magistrate, 16; ordered to attend the House, 24; letter from, read and referred to committee, 42 ; chosen Clerk of the House, 47; chosen Auditor of Accounts, 54; petition from, read and referred to committee, 139, 39 ; committee reports on petition from, 152 ; memorial from, read, 298; memorial read and granted, 390; chosen Clerk of General Assembly, 496. Williams, Burton, petition from to be restored to citizenship and for negroes and land, read and referred to committee, 216; petition rejected, 365. Williams, Stephens, appointed Magistrate, 15. Williams, William, appointed Justice, 442. Williamson, Colonel, and others, contract said to have been made by, for delivery of negroes repudiated, 70. Williamson, Micajah, appointed Justice, 76, 105; fined for non-attendance, 81 ; elected Councilor, 136 ; declines serving as Councilor, 137 ; qualifies as member of the House, 356, 481. Willis, or Willes, Francis, petition from, read and referred to committee, 336; committee reports on petition from, 345 ; House considers report on memorial from, 397. Williss, William, amerced, 169. Wilson, Benjamin, petition from, read and referred to committee, 147; amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174 ; amerced eight per cent, 178. Wilson, James, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Wilson, John, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Wilson, William, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Winecoff, see Wyncauf. Winn, Joshua, elected Major, 23; petition from, considered by the House, 28. Wood, Henry, declines serving as member of the House, 235. Wood, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 271 ; petition rejected, 409. Woods, Archibald, petition from, read and referred to committee, 379. Woods, Dennis, restored to citizenship, 168. Woods, Thomas, restored to citizenship, 168. Woodruff, Joseph, elected member Executive Council, 8; appointed Commis sioner to collect property of disloyal persons, 13 ; appointed Magistrate, 15 ; appointed Deputy Quarter Master General, 21 ; to deliver all prop erty of public nature in his possession to Nehemiah Wade, 71; ap pointed Justice, 75, 107 ; admitted temporarily to seat in Council, 79 ; case of, referred to the House, 89 ; ineligible to seat in the House, 89 ; qualifies as member of the House, 94; petition from, read and referred to committee, 172; chosen Collector of Customs, 187; salary fixed, 188; petition from, read and referred to committee, 231 ; elected Collector for town and port of Savannah, 246, 535 ; petition from read and referred to committee, 249; letter from, read, 348; petition rejected, 375; me morial from, read and referred to committee, 443. 626 INDEX. Woodruff, Mr. and Chesley Bostick, appointed to collect vouchers in the Commissary and Quarter Master departments, 73. Wright, Abednego, appointed Magistrate, 16. Wright, Sarah, petition from, read and referred to commmittee, 523. Writs of election to be issued by Speaker of the House, 35 ; writs to issue to fill vacancy in Burke County, 43, 321, 435; to fill vacancy in Glynn County, 66, 439; to fill vacancy in Liberty County, 90, 130, 167, 235, 440, 452, 458; to fill vacancy in Richmond County, 115; to fill vacancy in Chat ham County, 125, 167, 200, 302, 429, 542; to fill vacancies in the House, 187; to fill vacancy in Camden County, 206; to fill vacancies in the differ ent counties, 302; to fill vacancy in Wilkes County, 321; to fill vacancy caused by resignation of John Gibbons, 335 ; to fill vacancy in Effingham County, 431, 482. Wyche, George, appointed Magistrate, 16; appointed Justice, 76. Wylly, Richard, memorial from, read and referred to committee, 91. Wylly, Thomas, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; amerced twelve per cent., 177. Wylly, Mr., appointed Commissioner for regulating pilotage for bar and river Savannah, 181. Wynecof, or Wyncauf, Matthew, petition from, praying to be discharged from the Continental service, read, 203 ; report of committee on petition, 213 ; petition from, read and referred to committee, 241 ; petition post poned, 377. Wynne, Peter, amerced eight per cent., 178; petition in behalf of, read, 210; petition rejected, 367. Yarbrough, Thomas, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178; petition in behalf of, read, 210; committee reports on petition from, 330. Yoakley, Jacob, exempted from requirements of Gen. Wayne s order, 147. Young, Atkin William, must serve in army or furnish substitute, 178. Young, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 322 ; petition postponed, 410. Young, John, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Young, Thomas, petition in behalf of, read and referred to committee, 227; petition granted, 373. Young, William, amerced and declared ineligible to vote or hold office for three years, 174; must serve in army or furnish substitute, 179. Zubly, Elizabeth, petition from, read and referred to committee, 321. Zubly, John, petition from, read and referred to committee, 271 ; committee reports on petition from, 412. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewals only: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals may be made 4 days prior to date due. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. RKTD ID OCT 1 3 72 -2 PM 7 4 26 M SENT ON ILL NOtf 2 6 2001 LD21-100m-7, 39(402s U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES \