UC-NRLF .- :. University of California. 187 \ IN HKHAI.F OF THE State of Maw* York. CATALOGUE OF THE NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY, 1872. SUBJECT-INDEX OF THE GENERAL LIBRARY ALBANY: VAN BENTHUYSEN PRINTING HOUSE. 1872. PREFACE. THE last complete Catalogue of the General Library was published in 1856. A Supplement containing the additions of five years was published in 1861, which was larger than the previous volume, on account of the addition by exchange and donation of large numbers of pamphlets. A Catalogue of all the printed contents of the Library to the present time, on the same plan of full titles, including those of the collection of two thousand volumes of pamphlets, would fill more than thirty-five hundred <S >i t * pages. Although the Trustees, under the existing Statute, would be authorized to publish such a Catalogue, they have deemed it best to issue instead a condensed Subject-Index Catalogue. Some of the largest libraries have abandoned all purpose of publishing full Catalogues, both on account of the expense, and because that in a short time the annual additions to a growing Library will have impaired the value of the work as one for reference. While this course was suggested by its economy, it commended - itself also for the reason, that the larger number of readers in a reference library avail themselves of the index of subjects rather than of the alpha betical catalogue of authors. The number who wish to know what may be found in a particular department *or on a topic in which they are interested, is much larger than the number of those who desire to see a list of the works of a particular author, or the exact title of a book. It being decided to publish a condensed Subject-index instead of a full Catalogue, it became necessary that the titles should be short and abbre viated, otherwise a catalogue by subjects would make as large a work as a catalogue by authors. In the abridgment of the titles it has been intended to retain the words of the author, if necessary for identification. iv PREFACE. So far as executed in accordance with the plan, the Index gives with regard to each book at least four facts : The subject, the name of the author, when not anonymous, a portion of the title, and the date of publication, or the period embraced in the work, or both. Under some one of the Topics, each volume is entered once, and some of them are entered several times under different topics. Of the fifty thousand pamphlets in the Library, all are entered by a reference to the number of the volume in which each is bound with others on the same subject, while many of the more important are entered by their specific titles under the subject of which they treat. If the experiment of issuing a Catalogue of this nature as a substitute for the usual Catalogue of authors should prove successful, by increas ing the utility of the Library at a moderate expense, it would be an encouragement to publish after a few years a similar one, improved in its system and execution. Many of the present titles as originally formed were designed as references to the printed Catalogue of authors, and not to be sufficient in themselves. The size of the volumes and Christian names of authors might be added ; the dates also might be more uniformly given ; and especially the contents of collections, as of learned societies, and of authors writing on a variety of topics, might be referred to more frequently. The number of volumes in the Library at the date of the issue of this volume, is 86,800, of which 23,400 are in the Law Library, which contains also all State, Legislative and Parliamentary documents. TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS OF THE LIBRARY THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EX OFFICIO. JOHN V. L. PRUYN, LL.D., CHANCELLOR. (Vacancy), VICE-CHANCELLOR. JOHN T. HOFFMAN, LL.D., GOVERNOR, ALLEN C. BEACH, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, . G. HILTON SCRIBNER, SECRETARY OF STATE, ABRAM B. WEAVER, SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, PROSPER M. WETMORE, ROBERT G. RANKIN, ERASTUS C. BENEDICT, LL.D., GEORGE W. CLINTON, LL.D., LORENZO BURROWS, ROBERT S. HALE, LL.D., ELIAS W. LEAVENWORTH, J. CARSON BREVOORT, GEORGE R. PERKINS, LL.D., ALEXANDER S. JOHNSON, LL.D., GEORGE W. CURTIS, LL.D., WM. H. GOODWIN, D.D., LL.D., JOHN A. GRISWOLD, FRANCIS KERNAN, LL.D., OSWALD OTTENDORFER, JOHN L. LEWIS, HORATIO G. WARNER, LL.D., HENRY R. PIERSON. Library Committee, 1872. THE CHANCELLOR, GOV. HOFFMAN, MR. WETMORE, LT. GOV. BEACH, MR. CLINTON, MR. JOHNSON, MR. LEWIS. SAMUEL B. WOOLWORTH, LL.D., Secretary of the Regents and of the Committee. DANIEL J. PRATT, Assistant Secretary. Officers of the Library. HENRY A. HOMES, Librarian of the General Library. STEPHEN B. GRISWOLD, Librarian of the Law Library. GEORGE R. HOWELL, Assistant Librarian. THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS RELATIVE TO THE NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. I. EXTRACTS FROM THE LAWS OF THE STATE, RELATIVE TO THE LIBRARY. SECTION 1.* The Regents of the University of the State of New York are hereby constituted, and shall continue, the Trustees of the State Library. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 1. 2. The trustees hereby appointed shall have power from time to time to appoint a librarian to superintend and take care of said library, and to prescribe such rules and regulations for the government of the library as they shall think proper, and to remove the librarian at any time when they shall deem it expe dient ; but for the purpose of removing or appointing a librarian, twelve of the said trustees shall be required to form a quorum. Same chapter, sec. 3. 3. The assistant librarian and messenger shall be appointed by the trustees of the library. Laws of 1848 : Chap. 262, sec. 2. In the Laws of 1862, chap. 435, it was enacted that the Librarians be henceforth designated as the Librarian of the Law Library, and the Librarian of the General Library, and the Messenger as Janitor. For Second Assistant, see Laws of 1855, chap. 538, sec. 1; and chap. 539, sec. 1; and 1862, chap. 435. 4. The State Library shall be kept open every day in the year, Sundays excepted, during such hours in each day as the trustees of the said library may direct. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 5. 5. The librarian shall be constant in his personal attendance upon the library during the hours it shall be directed to be kept open, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by law or by the rules and regulations which may be prescribed by the said trustees. Same chapter, sec. 6. 6. The acting trustees will from time to time give directions to the librarian in relation to the proper and safe keeping of the books, maps, charts, and other property belonging to the said library; and may, by way of amercement for every violation or neglect of duty, suspend or deduct from his salary or emolu ment any part thereof, not exceeding half of it in any one year. Laws of 1840: Chap. 381, sec. 3. 7. The trustees of the State Library may, from time to time, sell or ex change duplicate or imperfect books belonging to the library, not necessary for the use thereof. Laws of 1845: Chap. 85, sec. 3. *The sections are, for convenience, numbered without .reference to their original numbers. viii LAWS AND REGULATIONS 8. It shall be the duty of the trustees of the State Library annually to report to the legislature the manner in which the moneys by them received during the year preceding have been expended ; together with a true and per fect catalogue of all the books, maps and charts which have been added to the library since the date of the last preceding annual report ; and whether any, and, if so, what books, maps and charts have been lost ; and, also, at the end of every five years, to report in like manner a full and perfect catalogue of all the books, maps and charts then remaining in the library. Laws of 1844: Chap. 255, sec. 7. 9. It shall be the duty of the trustees to provide, in their regulations, that any member of the senate or assembly, during the session of the legislature, or during the sitting of the court for the correction of errors*, or of the senate only, shall be permitted, under proper restrictions, forfeitures and penalties, to take to his boarding house or private room any book belonging to the library, except such boks as the trustees shall determine are necessary always to be kept in the library as books of reference ; but no member of the legislature shall be permitted to take or detain from the library more than two volumes at any one time. R. S. Part 1, chapter 8, title 8, sec. 8. 10. Before thePresidsntof the senate, or the Speaker of the assembly, shall grant to any member a certificate of the time of his attendance, he shall be sat isfied that such member has returned all books taken out of the library by him, and lias settled all accounts for fines for injuring such books or otherwise. Same title, sec. 7. 11. It shall also be the duty of the trustees to provide in their regulations that no book, map, or other publication shall be at any time taken out of the library by any other person than a member of the legislature, for any purpose whatever. Same title, sec. 8. 12. The heads of the several departments, and the trustees of the State Library, shall have the same right to take books from the library, as is now enjoyed by members of the legislature. Laws of 1845: Chap. 85, sec. 1. 13. The judges of the court of appeals, and the justices of the supreme court, shall be allowed to take books from the library under the same regula tions as the members of the legislature. Laws of 1848: Chap. 262, sec. 3. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly, April 9, 1856. (Laws of 1856, p. 364.) Resolved, That the Trustees of the State Library be authorized and required to close the said library for the period of fifteen days in each year, to wit, from the fifth to the twentieth day of August, for the purpose of cleaning and dusting the books of the said library, and for making such internal arrangements as the trustees may think proper. II. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE LIBRARY, PRESCRIBED BY THE TRUSTEES. 1. The Library shall be open to the public daily as required bylaw (Sundays and fifteen days from the fifth to the twentieth of August excepted), from the hour of nine in the morning till five in the afternoon ; and during the sessions of the Legislature, till six in the afternoon, except on Saturdays, when it will be closed at five. While the Court of Appeals, or any general term of the. Supreme Court is in session in the Capitol during the recess of the Legislature, the Law Library will also be open till six o clock in the afternoon, except on Saturdays as aforesaid. * This Court wa,<= abolished under the State Constitution of 1846. OF THE LIBRARY. ix 2. It shall be the duty of the Librarian and the Assistant Librarian, care fully to preserve the books, maps, charts, engravings, manuscripts, medals, furniture, and other property belonging to the Library. They will be severally held accountable for the full value of every article missing from their respective departments, and for every injury except from ordinary use, unless it can be shown that some other person is responsible for such loss or injury ; the amount of such loss or injury to be deducted from the salary of such officer, pursuant to section 3 of chapter 381 of the Laws of 1840. 3. Whenever the Library is open, the Librarian and Assistant Librarians shall be in attend ince : they shall preserve order, and exclude, if necessary, any dis orderly person : they shall prevent smoking, loud talking, and all noise inappro priate to the quietness of a place of study. 4. Any person who wishes to obtain any book for perusal in the General Library, will be furnished at the desk of the Librarian in attendance, with a card, on which he will inscribe from the Catalogue the title of the book desired, and his own name. The book thus received must not be taken from the library hall, but be returned to the Librarian s desk, otherwise the person will remain responsible for the book. The Librarians will exercise a proper discrimination as to the delivery of such books as they may judge liable to be injure I. Manu scripts, rare and valuable books, and plates are excluded from this rule : they will be shown only on special application to the Librarian in charge, and under such regulations as the circumstances of each case may in his judgment require. 5. In compliance with the provisions of the statute above set forth, any member of the Senate or Assembly, during the session of the Legislature or of the Senate only, is permitted, under the restrictions, forfeitures and penalties hereinafter mentioned, to take to his boarding-house or private room any book belonging to the Library, except such as are herein determined to be necessary always to be kept in the library as books of reference. The Judges of the court of appeals, the Justices of the Supreme court, the Heads of the several depart ments, and the Trustees of the Library, have by statute the same right to take books from the Library, and under the same regulations as the members of the Legislature. No book, map, manuscript, or other article belonging to the Li brary, shall be at any time taken out of the Library by any other person, for any purpose whatever. The restrictions and terms above referred to are con tained in the next three rules. 6. No book can be taken from the Library, until its title, and the name of the person taking it, have been registered by the Librarian A card must also be given for it, in the manner required by the fourth rule. 7. No person can take or detain from the Library more than two volumes at any one time, or for a louger period than two weeks. 8. If, on reasonable notice from the Librarian or either of the Assistant Librarians that the time for which any book or books taken or detained has expired, any person shall omit to return to the Library any such book or books for more than three days after such notice shall have been given ; or if any book, map, chart, engraving, medal, or other article belonging to the Library be lost or destroyed, or so far injured as to be equivalent, in the judgment of the Librarian or Assistant Librarian in charge, to a total loss for the purposes of the Library ; the person by whom such loss, destruction or injury has been occasioned, or who shall fail to make such return, shall be charged the full value of the book or article so lost, destroyed, injured or not returned ; and in case of the loss of a book, or its not being returned, if it belong to a set of two or more volumes, he shall be charged the value of the whole set, or as much as it may cost to perfect it, at the election of the Library Committee. For any injury not amounting to destruction to any book, map, chart, en graving, medal or other article as aforesaid, the person causing the same shall pay a sum sufficient to compensate for such injury. This rule shall be of gene ral application. x LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 9. The Trustees hereby declare, agreeably to the provisions of the Revised Statutes, that the following books are always to be kept in the Library as books of reference, to wit : All the books in the Law Library ; and, in the General Library, all dictionaries, encyclopaedias, registers, directories, newspapers, maps and engravings, and books which are valuable for their rarity or antiquity. 10. Books of reference referred to in the preceding article, cannot be taken from the Library ; except that during the sessions of the Legislature or of the Courts, any member thereof may take to any room in the Capitol any such book, on leaving a card for the same, as required by the fourth rule, after being duly registered. The book must be returned on the same day on which it is taken. 11. No books belonging to the Law Library can be taken to the General Library for perusal ; nor are books, maps, engravings, or any other article belonging to the General Library, to be taken to the Law Library for perusal or examination. 12. For the better preservation from injury of the more costly collections of engravings, and the rare works and maps belonging to the Library, neither the Librarian nor the Assistant Librarians shall exhibit them to any person other than those authorized to take books from the Library, except on a written request from a member of the Joint Library Committee of the Senate and As sembly, the Speaker of the Assembly, or one of the Trustees or the Secretary of the Library. 13. Three days before the day fixed for the adjournment of any session of the Legislature, or of the Senate only, the Librarian shall address a note to each member of the Legislature, or of the Senate, as the case may be, having any book belonging to the Library, requesting the return thereof within twenty- four hours. 14. After the expiration of the said twenty four hours, the Librarian shall immediately make out a list of the members of each house who have omitted to return any books belonging to the Library, specifying the volumes retained by each ; and a list of those against whom any charges for any injury to or loss of books exist, stating the amount of them ; which list shall be alphabetically arranged according to the names of the respective members, and shall be cer tified to be correct. To the President of the Senate, the Librarian shall forth with deliver the list relating to that body ; and the list containing the names of the members of the Assembly, he shall forthwith deliver to the Speaker ; and upon each list shall be written a copy of the section of the Revised Statutes in regard to the matter above set forth. 15. Twenty days before the opening of any annual session of the Legislature, the Librarian shall report in writing to the Trustees the title of every book, map, chart, print, engraving, or other article missing from the Library since the catalogue of the previous year was made out, or, if no such catalogue has been made, then since the date of the said Librarian s last annual report to the trustees ; together with the name or names of the persons who appear, from the entries of the Librarian, to have borrowed or detained the same, to the end that such list may be submitted to the Legislature by the Trustees. 16. All penalties imposed under any of these rules may be remitted by the Library Committee, either wholly, or on such terms as they may deem proper. s YISTOPS i s PRINCIPAL TOPICS OF THE SUBJECT-INDEX. The Fames of persons and places are omitted in this list. I. HISTORY. BIOGRAPHY. II. LITERATURE. POLYGRAPHY. III. POLITICS. SOCIOLOGY. IV. SCIENCES. ARTS. V. THEOLOGY. PHILOSOPHY. I. HISTORY. BIOGRAPHY. Aborigines, 1. Abyssinia, 1. Albigenses, 10. Almanacs, 12, 13. America, Discovery of, 14. History of, Travels, 15. Antiquities, 19. " American, 20. Great Britain, 20. Greek and Roman, 20. Northern, 21. Arabia, 22. Asia, 28, 29. Austria, 32. Autobiography, 33. Battles, 41. Bavaria, 41. Belgium, 42. Biography, General, 68, " American, 68. " British, 70. " French, 71. " Physicians, 71. Printers, 72. Biography, Religious, 72. Scientific, 73. " Theatrical, 73. " Women, 73. British Colonies, 82. Buccaneers, 83. Buenos Ayres, 84. Bunker Hill, 85. Canada, 89. Central America, 97. China, 103. Chronology, 111. Church History, 111. Civil War, United States, 116-119. Colombia, S. A., 125. Crimean War, 135. Denmark, 141. Diaries, 143. Dictionaries of History, 146. Dramatic Biography, 152. Egypt, 161, 162. | Encyclopedias, 165. ; England, 166-169. Epitaphs, 174. Xll PRINCIPAL TOPICS. Eulogies, 178. Europe, 178. France, 196. French War in America, 202. Genealogies, American, 206. British, 209. European, 209. Geography, Discovery, 212. Germany, 217. Great Britain, 228. Greece, 235. Guiana, 239. Historical Addresses, 249. " Societies, 249. History, 249-256. Hungary, 257. India, 261. Indians, American, 264-266. Inscriptions, Ancient, 268. Ireland, 270. Italy, 273. Japan, 276. Man, Antiquity of, 322. Mexico, 347. Mexican War with U. S., 348. Monuments, 362. Mythology, 370. Naval History, 378. Netherlands, 381. North America, 396, 397. Numismatics, 399. Pacific Ocean and Voyages, 409, 620. Palestine, 414. j Peru, 428. Portugal, 459. Pre-historic times, 462. Prussia, 470. Registers, Historical, 438. Revolutionary War, U. S., 488-493, Russia, 505. j Saint Domingo and Hayti, 308. Sardinia, 511. Scandinavia, 512. I Scotland, 518, 519. Shipwrecks, 529. Siberia, 530. Sicily, 530. Sieges. 531. South America, 544. Spain, 546. Statistics, 552, 553. Sweden, 559- Switzerland, 560. Syria, 561. Travels, 581. Turkey, 584, 585. United States of America, 593-608. Voyages, Collections, 617. " Antarctic, 618. Arctic, 618. " Around the World, 619. " Atlantic, 620. " Indian Ocean, 620. " Pacific Ocean, 409, 620. " Miscellaneous, 621. AVar of 1812, 623. II. LITERATURE. POLYGRAPHY. Academies, 1, 2. Addresses, 2. Alphabets, 3. Americanisms, 17. Arabic Literature, 22. Autographs, 34. Ballads, 35. Bibliography, 48-67. Books, Guides to, 75 Church Fathers, 111. Classical Literature, 120. Dialogues, 142. Diaries, 143. Dictionaries of Authors, 143, 146. of Languages, 143. Dramas, American, English, 150. Dutch, French, 151. Education, 156-161. Encyclopedias, 165. Elocution, 163. Essays, 175, 176. Examinations, 181. Fables, 182. Fiction, Fictions, 184-190. Grammars, 222-226. Greek Authors, 236. Humor, 257. Language, Languages, 287. English, 288. French, etc., 290-294. PRINCIPAL TOPICS. xni Latin Authors, 295. Law, 297. Letters, Correspondence, 299. Libraries, 59-61, 301. Literary Addresses, 303. " Criticism, 304. " History, 304. Property, 306. Literature, American, 306-08. English, 309, 310. French, etc., 310. Logic, 313. Manuscripts, 324. Maps, 324. Maxims, 332. Mnemonics, 359. Names, 370. Newspapers, 388. Object teaching, 402. Orations, July 4, 404. Oriental Literature, 406. Pamphlets, 414. Periodicals, 421-426. | Persian Authors, 427. Poetry, American, 437. " British, 443. " Dutch. 450. " French, etc., 451. " Latin, 452. Press, Liberty of, 463. Proverbs, 470. Quotations, 474. Records, Public, 481. Rhetoric, 493. Satire, Satires, 511. Self-culture, 522. Short-hand, 530. Songs, 542. Speeches, 549. Synonymes, 561. Theatre, 73, 571. University Education, 609. Voice, 617. Writing, 646. Young Men, 648. III. POLITICS. SOCIOLOGY. Aliens, 11. American Party, 17. Amusements, 17. Authority, Civil, 33. Banks, 36. Battles, 41. Blind, 74. Book-keeping, 75. Building Associations, 84. Canals, 91, 92. Capital Punishment, 92, 93. Cemeteries, 96. Charities, 98. Civilization, 116. Colonies, Colonization, 124, 125. Commerce, 126. Corn Laws, 132. Costumes, 134. Crime, 135. Currency, 137. Customs-Duties, 138. Deaf and Dumb, 140. Democracy, 141. Diplomacy, Diplomatics, 147. Domestic Economy, 149. Duelling, 153. Education, 156-161. Elections, 162. Emigration, 164. Etiquette, 177. Financial, 190. Fisheries, 193. Food, 194. Free Trade, 201. Government, 220. Harbors, 242. Health, 244. Heraldry, 247. Hospitals, 254. Humane Societies, 256. Idiots, 260. Industrial Schools, 266. Insanity, 266. Insurance, 268. Juries, 281. Labor, 284. Lands, 286. Law, 297. Liberty, 301. Lotteries, 315. XIV PRINCIPAL TOPICS. Manners and Customs, 323. Marriage, 325. Masonry, Free, 327. Military, 350. Military Orders, 353. Militia, 353. Money, 361. Monopoly, 3G1. Mutual Aid Societies, 369. Naturalization, 375. Negro Races, 380. Neutrals, 383. Nobility, 396. Nuns, Nunneries, 401. Oaths, Oaths of Allegiance, 401. Office, Officers, 402. Old Age, 403. Oneida Community, 404. Orphans, 408. Paper Money, 415. Parliamentary Rules, 416. Parties, 417. Patriotism, 417. Peace, 418. Personal Liberty Laws, 427. Political Economy, 454. Political Sermons, 456. Poor, Poor Laws, 457. Population, 458. Postal Service, 460. Press, Liberty of, 463. Prisons, 464. Progress, 466. Prostitution, 468. Punishments, 471. Quarantine, 472. Railroads, 474-479. Pacific, 478. Rak, 480. Rebellion, 481. Reform, Moral, Political, 481. Reform Schools, 482. Republicanism, 487. Republican Party, 487. Revolution, 488. Rights, 495. Roads, 495. Savings Banks, 512. Seamen, 520. Secret Societies, 521. Sewerage, 526. Ship Canals, 529. Sisters of Mercy, 532. Slaveholding, 533. Slavery in the U. S., 535. Social Science, Reforms, 540, 541. Society, 541. Soldier, 542. State Rights, 551. Suffrage, 556. Suicide, 557. Tariff, 563. Taxation, 564. Temperance, 567-5. Theatre, 571. Toleration, 577. Trades Unions, 580. Treason, 581. Trials, 582. Typography, 586-590. United States, Constitution, 595. " Financial, 596, 7. Utopias, 611. Wages, 622. War, 623. Water for Cities, 629, 630. Wealth, 632. Weights and Measures, 623. Whig Party, Whigs, 637. Wills, 640. Woman, 73, 643. Woman s Rights, 644. Young Men, 648. Young Men s Associations, 648. IV. SCIENCES. ARTS. Agricultural Addresses, 5. ! Almanacs, 11, 13. " Periodicals, 5. Amusements, 17. " Societies, 6. Anatomy, 17, 18. " Colleges, 6, 7. Architecture, 22-24. Agriculture, 7-9. Arithmetics, 25. Alcohol, 11. Arts, 26, 27, 28. PRINCIPAL TOPICS. xv Astrology, 29. Astronomy, 29-31. Bees, 42. Book-binding, 75. Book-keeping, 75. Botany, 77. Bridges, 81. Calendars, 87. Cattle Plague, 95. Cements, 96. Chemistry, 101. Cholera, 104. Classification, 121. Climate, 122. Coal, 123. Cotton, 134. Crustacea, 136- Dictionaries of Science, 146. Domestic Economy, 149. Drainage, 149. Earthquakes, 155. Electricity, 162. Encyclopedias, 165. Engineering, Civil, 165. Engraved gems, 171. Engravings, 171. Entomology, 172. Etherization, 176. Ethnology, 177. Exhibitions of Arts, 181. Eyes, 182. Fine Arts, 191. Fishing, 193. Fruits, 204. Gems, 206. Geography, 210. Geology, 213. Gold, 219. Health, 244. Herpetology, 247. Homoeopathy, 252. Horses, 253. Horticulture, 253. Hydro-dynamics, 258. Ichthyology, 260. Insects, 268. Inventions, 269. Iron, 272. Knowledge, 284. Light, 302. Machinery, 318. I Magnetism, 320. Mammalia, 321. Man, 322. Manufactures, 323. Mathematics, 331. Mathemat. Instruments, 332. | Mechanics, 333. Mechanics Institutes, 333. Medicine, 334-342. Metals, Metallurgy, 343. Meteorology, 344. Microscope, 350. Military Science, 350. Mineralogy, 354. Mineral Springs, 354. Mines and Mining, 355. Mollusks, 360. Moulds, 366. Music, 367-369. Natural History, 372. Natural Philosophy, 375. Nature, 378. Naval, Navigation, 379. Numbers, 399. Numismatics, 399. Optics, 404. Ornithology, 407. Painting, 411. Paleontology, 412. Paper, 415. Parchment, 415. Patents, 417. Petroleum, 428. Pharmacy, 429. Philosophy, 430. Photography, 432. Physiognomy, 433. Physiology, 433. Vegetable, 434. Plague, 436. Poisons, 453. Pottery, Porcelain, 460. Pygmies, 472. Receipts, 481. Rivers, 495. Roads, 495. Salt, 510. Science, 513. 1 Scientific Periodicals, 514, 515. XVI PRINCIPAL TOPICS. Scientific Societies, 515-518. Sculpture, 520. Sheep, 528. Short-hand, 530. Silk, 531. Small-pox, 539. Spectrum analysis, 548, 549. Steam Engine, 553. Steam Navigation, 553. Steel, 554. Sugar, 557 Surgery, 558. Surveying, 559. Tables, Arithmetical, etc., 562. Teeth, 565. Telegraphs, 566. Tides, 576, 577. Tobacco, 577. Trades, 580. Trees, 582. V. THEOLOGY Antinomianism, 19. Apostolical succession, 21. Apparitions, 21. Arians, 24. Associate Churches, 29. Astrology, 29. Atheism, 31. Atonement, 31. Authority, Church, 33. Baptism, 37. Baptismal Regeneration, 38. Baptists, 39. Bible, 44. " Commentaries, 45. " History, 46. Bible Societies, 47. Calvinism, 88. Catechisms, 95. Christ, The, 105. Christian Union, 106. Christianity, 107, 108. Evidences, Church and State, 110. Church of England, 112, 113, 114. Church of Scotland, 115. Clergy, 121. Communion, 127 Conformity, 129 Typography, 586-591. Universe, 609. Ventilation, 613. Vine, 615. Voice, 617. Volcanoes, 617. Water, 629. Water for Cities, 629, 630. Water-cure, 630, 631. Weaving, 632. Weights and Machinery, 633. Whales, Whaling, 636. Wheat, 636. Wine, Wines, 641. Wool, 645. Writing, 646. Yellow Fever, 647. | Zoology, 649, 650. j Zoology, Comparative, 651. ! Zoophytes, 651. :. PHILOSOPHY. Congregational Churches, 129. Cosmogony, 133. Creeds, 135. Deism, 141. Delusions, 141. Dissenters, 147. Episcopacy, 173. Episcopal Church, U. S., 173. Friends, Society of, 203. Future Life and State, 204. Holy Spirit, 252. Hymns and Psalms, 259. Infidelity, 266. Irish Churches, 271. Jansenism, 276. Jesuits, 277. Jesuit Missions, 278. Jews, 279. Knowledge, 284. Life, 302. Liturgies, 312. Logic, 313. I Magic, 319. Magnetism, Animal, 320. Man, 322. Mental Philosophy, 342. Methodist Churches, 345. Miracles, 356. PRINCIPAL TOPICS. xvu Missions, Christian, 356-358. Mohammedanism, 360. Monks, Monasteries, 361. Moral Philosophy, 362. Morals, Practical, 364. Mormons, 365. Mysteries, 370. Mysticism, 370. Mythology, 370. Natural Religion, 376. Nature, 378. Nestorians, 381. Nuns, Nunneries, 401. Opinions, 404. Patronage, Church, 418. Perfectionists, 420. Periodicals, Religious, 423-426. Philosophy, 430. Phrenology, 432. Prayer and Forms, 461. Preaching, 461. Predestination, 461. Presbyterian Churches, 462. Probabilities, 466. Prophecy, 467. Protestant Churches, 468. Protestantism, 468-470. Providence 470. Puritans, 471. Rationalism, 480. Reason, 480. Reason in Religion, 480. Reformed Church, 482. Regeneration, 483. Religion, Religions, 484. Religion, Practical. 485. C Revelation of St. John, 487. Revivals, 487. Roman Catholic Church, 407. " in England. 500. in Ireland, 501. Sabbath, 506. Sabbath Schools, 507. Schism, 513. Sermons, 523. Shakers, 526. Sin, 532. Sleep, 539. Soul. 543. Spiritualism, 550. Supernatural, 557. Superstitions, 557. S wedenbcrgians, 560. Taste or Beauty, 563. Test Acts, 569. Theological Education, 571. Theology, 572. Tithes, 576. Toleration, 577. Tractarianism, 579. Tract Societies, 580. Transubstantiation, 581. Trinity, 583. Unitarian ism, 591, 592. United States, Religion in, 604. Universalism, 608. Virtue, 617. Waldenses, 622. Will, 638. Witchcraft, 642. Worship, 646. Zend-Avesta, 64,). EXPLANATORY. The abbreviations most frequently occurring have the following significations : P., Pain. Pamphlets. Pump )-. Pamphleteer. Cat. Catalogue. V., v., vol. Volume. Imp. Imperfect series. B. C. Bleecker Collection. L. Lib. Law Library. The very frequent abbreviations like "U. S." for United States, "Ur, Br," for Great Britain, " Conv. for Convention, etc/, it is believed, will be usually understood from the connection in which they occur. The iigures at the end of titles are either the date of the edition cr editions, or indicate the period embraced in the book. Sometimes both are given. The figures after "P. refer to the number of the volume in the Library Collection of pamphlets, in which the publication may be found. The arrangement of subjects is Alphabetical, as in an encyclopaedia or dictionary. Under many subjects cross-references are given to topics with other names, containing titles cognate to the one in which the reader is inter ested. Cross-references are also frequently made from topics under one name, to the name of the same general meaning adopted by the editor, JU. A. If. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY S U B JE CT-I N D E X OF THE GENERAL LIBRARY. A. Aarau, Switzerland. Aarganisch. Klos- ter, 1841. Abbot, A. Register of G. Abbot. Abbot, A. Tolland Co. Conn. Assoc n. Abbot, C. See Colchester, Lord. Abbot, G. Abbot, A., Genealogy of family. Abbot, J. L. Everett, Address concern ing, 1814. Abbot, S. Woods, L., Death of, 1812. Abbott, J. Remarks on "Corner Stone." Abeel, D. Williamson, G. R., Life of, 1848. Abelard, P. Opera. (Letters), 1616. Berrington, Life of, and letters, 1787. Abt iidroth, A, Wurm, In memoriam, 1852. Abercrombie, J, Bruce, J., Sermon on, 1844. Abercromby,Gen.SrR Memoir, 1861. Aberdeen. Thorns, History of, 1811. Abernethy, John, Macilwain, G., Life of, 1853. Abernethy, R. Curtis, L., Funer. dis course on. Abington, Ms, Hobart, A., Hist, sketch of, 1839. Centenn. oeleb., 1862. Abney, Mary, Price, S^ Sermon on, 1750 Aborigines. Engel, L Amcrique, com ment peuplee ? 1767. Horniua, De Originibus Americanis, 1652. 1 Aborigines (continued). Motte, S., Legislation for, 1840. Rafineyque, American Nations, 1936. Rio, Cabrera s Research, 1822. Sanford, E., United States Hist., 1819. See Indians; Antiquities. Abraham. Molesworth, Sacrifice of Isaac. Abrantes (Duchesse </ .), Madame Ju- not. Memoirs. Absenteeism. Agric. distress, 1834. Hints to all parties, 1834. List of, Ireland, 1730. Absolution. Luther, upon the Keys, 1846. Abyssinia. Baker, S. W., Nile tributa ries of, 1868. Beke, Mission to, 1846. Ditson, Para papers, 1858. Geddes, Church history of. Gobat, Journal of residence in, 1850. Lobo, Voyage to Abyssinia, Pinkerton, vol. 15. Ludolfus, Historic van Abissinia, 16S7. " History of Ethiopia. Poncet, Journey to, Pinkerton, vol. 15. Rassam, British Mission, 1869. Roth, Schilderung der Natur in, 1851. Russell, M., Abyssinia, Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 12. Salt, H., Voyage to, 1814. See Egypt; Africa. Academies. See Education; Scientific Soc. Catalogues of, Pam. vol. 458, 1317, 1638-46. Catalogues of Female, Pam. vol. 459, 460, 1644, 1645. ACADEMIES. Academies (continued). Of New England, Catalogues of, Pam. vol. 458. Of New York, Catalogues, Pam. vol. 456, 457, 596-599, 850-853, 1638-43. Catalogues of Southern, Pam. vol. 458. Acrites. See Zoophytes. Acton, Mass* Adams, Josiah, Centennial Discourse, 1835. Acts of the Apostles. Help to Adam, VV. Genealogy of Adam family. Adams, Mrs. Abigail. Letters, 1840. Adams, Miss Abigail. Letters, 1841-42. Adams, Hannah. Memoir, 1832. Morse s Appeal, 1814. Adams, John. Answer to A. Hamilton, 1800. " Cqrresponclence, 1823. " Letters, Works. " Life, 1851. Adams, C. F., Life of, 1871. Callender, Sedgwick A Co., 1798. Colman, II., Character of. Cranch, W., Memoirs of, 1827. Gushing, C., Eulogy on, 1826. Daveis, C. S., Eulogy on, 1826. Daveiss, J. H., View of, 1807. Duer, W. A., Eulogy on, 1826. Everett, E., Eulogy on, 1826. Frothingham, Sermon on. Gibbs, G., Memoirs of Adin. of, 1846. Hamilton, A., Letters concerning his public conduct, 1800. Knapp, S. L., Eulogy on, 1826. Kidder s Boston Massacre. Narrative of Col. Burr. Pickering, T., Review of Correspond ence, 1824. Rowan, S. N., Eulogy on, 1826. Sprague, J. E., Eulogy on, 1826,. Trescot, Diplorn. history, 185?. Webster, D., Discourse on, 1826. Wood, J., History of his administra tion, 1802. Adams, J. Q. Remarks on letters of, Coleman, 1808. Alien J, H., Discourse on death of, 1848. Hammond, J. D., Sketch of life, 1847. Lathrop, L. E., Discourse on, 1848. Letters addressed to J. Sergeant, 1828. Lunt, W. P., Discourse on, 1848. Parker, Theod., Discourse on. Quincy, J., Life of, 1359. Adams, J. Q. (continued). Seward, W. H., Eulogy on, 184 s *. . Sketch of public service of, 1823. Sketch of several, etc., 1823. Storrs, Discourse on, .848. Adams, Lydia. Adams E., Sermon on, 1751. , Adams, Nehem. Fairchild s Life, 1855. Adams, S. Thacher, T., Sermon on, 1804. Wells, Life of, 1865. Adams, S. W. Bishop, J. P., Mem. of, 1866. Adams, T. Joss, T., Sermon on, 1829. Addington, Viscount Sidmouth. Pel- lew, Life of, 1847. 1 Addison, A. Lloyd, Trial of ; 1803, P. 41. Addison, J. Aikin, Life of, 1843. Drake, N., Essays on. Addison Co., Vt. Swift, S., History of, 1859. Addresses, Literary, Political, Na tional, etc. Pamphlets, vols. 5, 11, 27, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 45, 58, 63, 77, 83, 88, 89, 100, 101, 197, 204, 215, 237, 241, 242, 28ft, 287, 583, 588, 875, 880, 883, 892, 1669, 1694. B. C. vol. 6, 25, 37, 45. See Agricultural, Historical, Literary, Medical, and Orations, July 4. Adet, A. Cobbett, Political Censor. Adirondack Mts., \. Y. Hammond, S. H., Tramp in Chateuugay woods, 1855. Headley, Life in the woods, 1849. Street, A. B., Indian Pass. Sweet, Twilight Hours in, 1870. Adriatic Gulf. Paton, A. A., Islands and coast of, 1849. Adulterations. Beck, L. C., Adultera tions in Med. and the arts. Hassall, Food and its adult. Klencke, Verfiilschungder Nahrungs- mittel. Normandy, Commercial hand book, 1850. See Wines. Adultery. Horsley, S., Speech on, 18CO. House of Peeresses, 1779. Thelypthora (Madan), 1780. See Marriagef Advent. See Christ. Adventures. Barnard, J., Ashton s Me morial, 1725. AFRICA. Adventures (continued). Bishop, N., Life of, 1744. Davenport, R. A., Perilous adven tures, 1846. Edwards, M., Life of Harriot, G., Struggles through life, Travels of, 1807. Trenck (Baron), Life and Adventures, 1798. See Shipwrecks. Advertisements of Arts and Trades. Pamphlets, vol. 402, 658, 1035, 1222, 122.% 1236. Adwert Monastery. Hoppius, F., Vitee ac gesta. Aeronautics. See Balloons. Afghanistan. Burnes, A., Cabool, etc., 1843. Colonial Society, Causes of the war. Conolly, Journey through, 1838. Eyre, Mil. operations at Cabul, 1842. Griffith, W., Travels in, 1847. Harlan, Memoir of India and, 1842. Masson, Journeys inBeloochistan, etc , 1844. Rose, Sir G. H., The Afghans, etc., 1852. Sale, Lady, Journal of disasters in, 1841. Vigne, Visit to Cabul and, 1840. Africa, with Central Africa. American Colonization Soc. Reports. " African Repository. Baker, S. W., Albert Nyanza, 1866. Beke, on the Geog. of Africa, 1850. Boteler, Voyage of discovery to, and Arabia, 1835. Bowen, T. J., Miss y labors in, 1849-56. Bruce, Trav. to source of the Nile, 1790. Burchardt, Travels in Nubia, 1819. Burton, Lake Regions, 1860. Caillie, Travels, Central Africa, 1824. Campbell, R., My mother land, 1861. Damburger, Travels from Good Hope to Morocco, 1781-97. Dapper, Beschreibung, 1671. Daumas, Le Grand Desert, 1848. Davis, W., Travels through, 1755. Denham, Discoveries in, 1822-24. English, G. B., Dongola and Sennaar, 1823. Gregoire, Intell. faculties of negroes, 1801. Hanoteau, La langue Tamachek. Hawkins, J., Voyage to coast, 1797. Africa,with Central Africa(continued) Herbert, Travel in, 1677. Horneman, Trav. from Cairo to Mour- zouk, 1797. Journal d un voy sur les cotes d , 1 730. Kunstmann, Afrika vor den Entdeck. der Portugiesen, 1853. See Bav. Acad. Mem. vol. 2. ^ Legion of Liberty, 1843. Levaillant, Voy. par le cap de Bonne Esperance, 1780-85. Lewis, R. B.. Light and Truth, 1836. Madinier, Projet d une expedit, 1856. Marcus, L., Hist, des Wandalea, 1836. Martin, R. M., Brit. Colon. Lib. V. 3. Murray, H., Narr. of discovery in, Edin. Cab. Lib. vol. 35. Noah, Trav. Barbary States, 1813-15. Owen, Voyages to shores of, 1833. Pamphletsyvol. 956. Park, M., Travels in the interior of, 1795. " Journal of a mission to, 1805. Petherick. Soudan and, 1861. Recueil de divers voyages, 1674. Relation du voyage, 1670-71. Taylor, B., Journey to Central, 1854. Werne, African wanderings, 1852. See Cape of Good Hope, Egypt, Nile. Africa, East. Baldwin, African hunting, 1863. Barbosa, Description of, 1510. Barnard, Three years cruise, Mozam bique channel, 1848. Bradley s shipwreck, 1818. Bruce, J., Travels on the Nile, 1768-70. Cauche, Voyage a Madagascar, 1651. Krapf, J. L., Travels, eastern Africa, 18 years, 1860. Livingstone, Exped. to the Zambesi. Saldanha, Colonias de Portugal, 1839. Valentia, Voy. and trav. to Red Sea, Abyssinia, 1802-6. See Abyssinia; Egypt; Africa. Africa, North. Algiers, Rapport sur les Tribus Arabes, 1851. Ali Bey, Travels in Morocco, 1816. Earth, Travels, north and central 1849-55. Botticher, Geschichte der Carthager, 1827. Browne, W. G., Travels in Africa and Egypt, 1792-98. .Rruce, C. L. C., On Bruce s travels, 1837. Bruce, J., Trav. to source of the Nile. Daumas, La Kabylie. AFRICA Africa, North (continued). Davis, N., Carthage. Hamilton, J., Wanderings in. Hanoteau, Langue Tamachek. Hodgson, W. B., Notes on Northern Africa, 1844. Jowett, Christian Researches, 1815-20. Keatinge, Trav. in Eur. and Morocco, 1816. La Motraye, Travels, 1732. Lerapriere, Tour through Morocco, ! 1813. Mauroy, Commerce de 1 Afrique sep- j tentrionale, 1845. Mouette, Trav. in Fez and Morocco. I See Lawson. J. Noah, M. M., Travels in the Barbary i States, 1813-15. Paddock, Shipwreck, South Barbary, 1818. Russell, M., Barbary States, Edin. ! Cab. Lib. vol. 17. St. John, B., Adven. in Lybian desert, 1849. Shaw, T., Travels, 1738. Sumner, C., White Slavery in, 1847. Tornberg, Annales reguin Mauritania?, 1843. Urquhart, D., Pillars of Hercules, 1848. See Algiers ; Morocco ; Tripoli ; Tunis ; Slavery. Africa, South. Anderson, C. J., Lake Ngatne, Discoveries in S. W. Afr., 1854-5. " Okavango river, 1860. Barrow, Sir J., Travels in the interior of, 1797. Bunbury, Residence at Cape of Good Hope, 1848. Campbell, J., Travels in, 1815. Cuinming, Five years of a hunter s life, 1850. Latrobe, Visit to, 1815, 16. Livingstone, D-, Resear. in South Af., 1857. Mason, G. H., Life with Zulus, 1855. Moffatt, Missionary labors in, 1845. Moodie, Ten years in South Africa, 1835. Pringle, T., Narrative of a residence in, 1840. Prospectus, Delagoa Bay. Rhyne, Ten, Account of, Churchill, vol. 4. Thunberg, Cape of Good Hope, Pinker- ton, vol. 16. Africa, South (continued). Tuckey, Exped. to R. Zaire or Congo, 1816. See Cape of Good Hope. Africa, West. Adams, R., Narrative of wreck, 1810. Adanson, Voy. to Senegal, Pinkerton, vol. 16. Alexander, A., Hist, of colon, of W. Africa, 1846. Allen, W., Expedition to the Niger, 1841. Angelo, Voyage to Congo, Pinkerton, vol. 16. Benezet, Hist. acct. of Guinea, 1771. Beechani, J., Ashantee coast, 1840. Burton, R. F., Abekouta. Bosman, Descr. of coast of Guinea, Pinkerton, vol. 16. Bowdich, E. T-, From Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, 1819. Christian traveler, 1841. Clapperton, Second Expedition. Cokor s Journal, 1820. Cruikshank, Achttien jaren aan. Delany, Niger River. Du Chaillu, Explorations, 1861. Duncan, J., Travels in, 1845. Durand, Voyage au Senegal, 1802. Foote, Africa and the American flag, 1854. Ford, H., Fevers of western Af. 1856. Forbes, F. E., Afr. blockade, 1849. Gray, W., Travels in western Af., 1818-21. Gr. Brit. Danish possessions. Hawthorne, Journal of an African Cruiser, 1845. Honey, W., Captivity in, 1844. Johnson, W. A. B., Memoir, 1853. Labat, Voyage en Guinee, 1725-27. Lajaille, Voyage au Senegal, 1784-85. Leonard, P., Voy. to western coast, 1830-32. Liberia, Const., gov t and laws, 1825. Lopez, Account of Congo, Churchill, Supp. 2. Mayo, Kaloolah, 1849. Mayer, Capt. Canot, an African slaver, 1854. Miller, A., Liberia described. Montefiore, Of Sierra Leone, 1794. Pamphlets, vol. 956. Phillips, Capt., Voy. to Montserrado, 1693 (Churchill, vol. 6). Putnam, L. H., On Liberia. Rawle, R,, Mission to, 1851. AGRICULTURAL. Africa, West (continued). Reade, Savage Africa, 1864. Riley s Narrative, 1851. Spilsbury, Voyage to, 1805. Tanas, G., Portuguese possessions in, 1845. Thompson, T., Miss. voy. to Guiney, 1758. Tracy, Society Western Africa, 1845. Valdez, Six years in, 1861. Voy. aux cotes de Guinee, 1719. Wadstrom on Colonization, 1794. West African Sketches, 1824. See Liberia ; Sierra Leone. Africa; Trade. Netherlands, Deductie, 1664. African Colonization. See Colonization ; Negroes. African Languages. See Bibliography; Language. Africans. Armistead, Tribute for the Negro, 1848. Edwards, B., Maroon Negroes. Gustavus Vassa, Life of, 1837. Lee Boo, History of, 1822. Lewis, Bowies life. Lyceum of N. H. of N. Y., Report, 1848, P., 273. Sancho, I., Letters of, 1782. Wheeler, P., Life of. See Negroes. Agincourt. Hunter s Tracts. Agricultural Addresses. Allen, L. F., N. Y. St. Agr. Soc., 1849. Boutwell, G. S., Hillsborough, N. H. 1852. Cass, L., Kalamazoo Co., Mich. 1850. Cheever, S., N. Y. Agr. Soc., 1856. Colman, H., Monroe Co. N. Y., 1838- 41. See Massachusetts. Davis, G. R., Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 1852. De Chaumont, J. L., Jefferson Co. 1824. Everett, E., N. Y. St. Agr. Soc. 1857. Faxton, N. Y. Agr. Soc., 1857. Featherstonhaugh, G. W., Schenec- tady, 1822. Geddes, G., Onondaga Co., 1854. Genet, E. C., Rensselaer Co. Greene Co., B. P Johnson, 1837. Hallet, J. W., Ontario Agr. Soc. Hallowell, B., Loudoun Co., Va., 1853. Je-sup, W., N. Y. Agr. Soc., 1856. Agricultural Addresses (continued). Kelly, W., N. Y. St. Agr. Soc. 1855. Kirby, E., Jefferson Co., 1831. Lathrop, J. H., Wisconsin Agr. Soc. 1851. Mack, E., Tompkins Co., N. Y., 1844. Norton, J. P., Albany and Buffalo, 1848. Pamphlets, vol. 949. Quincy, J., N. Y. St. Agr. Soc. 1845. Sedgwick, T., Berkshire Co., 1830. Sheldon, J., Evans, N. Y., 1856. Spencer, J. C., Buffalo, 1848. Thomas, D , Aurora, 1845, Pam. 187. Titus, J. H., Franklin Co , N. Y., 1853. Tyson, J. R., Montgomery Co., Pa., 1*56. Watson, W. C., Essex Co., N. Y., 1854. Winthrop, R. C., Bristol Co., Mass., 1852, Pam. 88. Agricultural Advertisements. Pam. V. 1105. Agricultural Books. See Bibliography. Agricultural Essays. Pam. vol. 950. Agricultural Periodicals and Alma nacs. Agric. Almanack, Phila., 1819-1826. Agric. Guide, Aim., N. Y., 1851. Amer. Agr. Aim.. 1844-45. American Agriculturist. Amer. Cultivator Aim., 1849. American Farmer, 1822-27. American Farmer, Skinner, 1820-21. American Farmers Magazine, N. Y., 1858. Am. Quar. Journal of Agricul. and Sc. Albany, 1845-48. Annales de 1 Institut Agronomique, 1852, 4. Annales des Haras et de P, 1845-47. Bath and West of Eng. Agr. Soc. Papers, 1802. Bavaria Agr. Soc. Central Bla., 1844. Canada, Board of, Trans , 1856-58. Country Gentleman, 1853-67. Cultivators Almanac, 1840-41. Farmer (The) and Mechanic, 1847- 1850, 4. Farmer s Almanac, 1851, Lond. Farmer s Journal, Montreal, 1858. Farmer s Library and Journal, 1846- 1848. Farmer s Magazine, 1802-3. Farmer s Mech Man. and Sportsman s Mag., 1827. 6 AGRICULTURAL. Agricultural Periodicals and Alma nacs (continued). Fellenberg, Landwirthschaftliche Blat ter, 1813. Gardener s Almanac, London, 1852. Gardener s Chron. and Agr. Gazette, 1846- 5l. Gardener s Magazine, 1828. Genesee Farmer, 1847-52. Illustrated, N. Y., 1852. Illust Ann. Reg., 1855. Jour, du Cultivateur, Canada, 1855-56. Journal of Agriculture, Edinburgh, 1843-58. LandwirthschaftlichVerein,Zeitschrift, 1859-60. Mass. Agric. Society Repository, 1793- 1832. Medical and Agricultural Register, Boston, 1807. Milburn s Agr. Almanac, Lond., 1852. Moore s Rural New Yorker, 1853-56. New England Farmer, 1822-35, 39-43. N. Y. State Agr. Almanac, 1821-26. " Agr. Soc. Journal, 1855- 1869. Plough Boy, Albany, 18 9-23. Rural Mag., Hartford, 1819. Southern Silk Manual, 1839. U. S. Agr. Soc. Journal, 1857. Year book of, 1855-56 (Wells). Agricultural Societies. Adams Co., 111., Report, 1855. Agr. Associations in G. Britain, 1819, j Pam. 430. Agricultural societies of Mass. Trans. Agricultural Soc. of Eng. Journal. Albany Co. Agr. Soc. 1856, Pam. 266. ! American Agr. Assoc. Trans. 1846. Bavaria, Hauslandwirthschafts Kalen- j der, 1854-58, 61, 64-67. California Agr. Soc. Trans., 1858. Connecticut State Agr. Soc. Trans., 1854-59. Essex Agr. Soc Trans. 1818-65. Franklin Co., N. Y., 1857. Hawaiian Agr. Soc. 1854. Highland Agricul. Soc. Trans. 1855- 1859. Illinois State Agr. Soc. Trans. 1853-57. Indiana State Board, Trans. 1851-53, 1856. Iowa State Agr. Soc. 1858. Kentucky State, Reports, 1856-59. Lewis Co., N. Y., 1858. Maine State Soc. Trans., 1850-68. Massachusetts Soc. for Prom., 1803. Agricultural Societies (continued). Mass. Board of Agriculture Trans., 1837-59. Michigan State Agr. Soc., 1857, 65, 69. Monroe Co., N. Y . , History, 1857, Pam. 461. New Eng. Soc. for Poultry, Reports, 1849-52. New Hampshire Trans., 1854-58. New Haven Agr. Soc. Trans., 1841. New Jersey, Report, 1860. New York, Board of Agr. Memoirs, 1821-24. N. Y. State Agr. Soc. Journal, 1850- 1869. " Transactions, 1841-68. N. A. Pomological Convention, Proc. 1849. Norfolk Agr. Soc., Mass., 1855, 56, 58. Ohio, Board of, Reports, 1850-67. Oneida Co., N. Y., 1853, Pam. 103. Onondaga Co., N. Y., 1854, Pam. 461. Overijsselsche Vereeniging, 1841-56. Pamphlets, vol. 951. Pennsylvania Agr. Soc Memoirs, 182i. Philadelphia Soc. for promoting Agr. Memoirs, 1815-18. Provincial Agr. Ass , Canada, 1856, Pain. 230. Queen s Co., N. Y., 1858, Pam. 461. Rock Co., Wis., 1856. St. Louis Agr. and Mech. Ass., 1857. Soc. Centrale d Agriculture, Paris, 1801-50. Soc. d Agriculture de Lille, 1851- 1852. Societe de Lozere, 1861-62. Soc. for advance, of Useful Arts, N. Y., 1807-16. Soc. for promot. of Agr. N. Y. Trans. 1791-99. Soc. lib. d Agr. du Dep. de 1 Eure, 1841-50. Society of Virginia, Memoirs, 1818. Tennessee Reports, 1855. U. S. Agr. Soc. Exhibition, 1855, 56, 1859. Virginia Agr. Soc. Trans., 1853. Warren Co., N. Y., Report, 1860. Wisconsin Agr. Soc., 1851-52. Workington Agr. Soc. Proc., 1809. Agriculture, Colleges of. Belgium, Ecoles d Agr., 1850-51. t( Inspec. des Ecoles d Agr. 1850. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., Catalogues, Reports, 1867-70. AGRICULTURE. Agriculture, Colleges of (continued). DeWitt, on an Agr. College, 1819. Hall, H. C. van, Landhuishoudkun- dige school, 1844. Handley, On a nat. agr. institution, 1838, Pam. 430. Kocn. Landw. Centralschule, 1863. Massachusetts Agr. College, 1851-71. ; N. Y. State Agricultural College, 1853, Pam. 461. Porter, J. A., Agricultural School, | 1856, Pam. 231. Agriculture, European. Allgemeine Zeitung, 1853, 4 C . Baden, Landwirthsch. Blatt. 1859. Bavaria, Agr. Soc., 1855-58, 4. Brunswick, Land-und Forstwirthe, 1858. Colman, H., European Agriculture. Deby, Agr. en Europe et en Amerique, 1825. Diggelen, Voorlezing, 1842. Enklaar, Verhandeling, 1842. Fraas, Geschichte der Landwirthschaft. Fries, F., Pruk. Anleitung, 1853. Henz, Anleitung, 1856. Hessische Gewerbverein, 1842-68. Hoffmann, Fortschritte der Agr. che- mie, 1861. Hollandsche Maatsch... 1856. Kervyn, Agriculture Flamande, 1849. Landwirthschaftlich Verein, 1857-59. Landwirthschaftlichen Versuch-Sta- tionen/1860. Mengen, Festgabe, Braunschweig, j 1858. Portugal, Exposicao, 1852. Royer, De 1 Agricul. Allemande, 1847. Schultz-Fleeth, Rationelle Ackerbau. Sonsbeeck, Op den landbouw, 1849. Verein fur Land-und Forstwirthschaft, 1857. Agriculture, French. Agriculture Fran- 9aise, 1843-47. Almanach du Cultivateur, 1855, Aim. : vol. 52. Annuaire de 1 Hortic. Fran9aise, 1855, Aim. 52. Basset, Annuaire de 1 Agr., 1855. Becquerel, Des engrais inorganiques, 1848. Belgium, Dc-frichement de la Campine, 1848. " Exposition desproduitsd agr. 1847-48. " Bulletin du conseil superieur, 1847-51. Agriculture, French (continued). Bentz, L., Elements d Agriculture, 1845. Bibliotheque Rurale, Bruxelles, 1849. Bobierre, Des Engrais, 1854, Pam. 233. Boitet, Le pin maritime, 1857. Candolle (Aug. de), Deux voy. agro- nomiques, 1813. Congres central d agriculture, 1844-50. Debeauvoy, Guide de 1 apiculteur, 1851. Delafond, Pleuro-Pneumoniedes Betes bovines, 1840. " Maladie de poitrine du gros betail, 1844. Diet. d Hist. Nat. appl. a 1 agricul- ture, 1816-19. Dombasle, Ann. Agricoles de Roville, 1828-48. Duhamel, Plantations des arbres, 1760, 4. Dumas, Sur le Drainage. Ecoles d Agriculture, Belgique, 1850, P. Eenens, Fertilisation de la Campine, 1849. France, Agric. Bulletin, 1843-51. " Agr. Compte Rendu, 1850. " Min. d Agr. Aniinaux repro- ducteurs, 1853-56. " Animaux de boucherie, 1845, 51, 54, 56. " Colonies Agric. de 1 Algerie, 1851. Gasparin, Cours d Agriculture, 1844- 1846. Gera, De la fabrication du fromage, 1842. Giovanetti, Des eaux qui servent aux irrigations, 1844. Gossin, De la reunion territoriale, 1844. Gourcy, Notes agricoles. " Voyage Agricole, 1855. Jamet, Cours d Agriculture, 1846. Ladoucette, Influence de location sur le produit, 1844. Le Clerc-Chouin, L agr. de 1 ouest de la France, 1843. Le Couteux, Agr. du departement de la Seine, 1840. Le Docte, Mt-m. sur. 1 agriculture, 1849. * Agriculture Luxembour- geoise, 1849. Lescallier, Culture des terres basses dans la Guyane, 1791. Malaguti, Chimie agricole. 1855. 8 AGRICULTURE. Agriculture, French (continued). Malo, Elements de comptabilite rurale, 1841. Martinelli, Manuel d agriculture, 1846. Mauny, Irrigations dans 1 Allemagne, 1844. Morin, Castration des vaches. Nadault de Buffon, Traite des irriga tions, 1843-44. Nicolet, Atlas de Phys. et de Meteor, 1855. Normandie (La) Agricole, Journal d 1843-48. Ossaye, Les veillces Canadiennes, 1852. Picard, L Agriculture raisonnee, 1844. Richard, Diet. d Agriculture, 1855. Royer, Notes economiques, 1843. Sauzeau, Agr. du Poitou, 1844. Schmidt, J. P., Des engrais., 1825. Schlippf, Manuel populaire d , 1844. Scringe, Le petit agriculteur, 1841. Stoltz, J. L., Manuel Elementaire, 1842. Travanet, Agromanie empirique, 1845. Ysabeau, Engrais. See Encyc- Popu laire. " Operations agricoles. " Leeons elem., 1854. Agriculture, miscellaneous. Agricola, Experimental Husbandman, 1726, 4. Anderson, Agric. chemistry, 1860. Allen, R. L., American Farm-book, 1849. Amand-Malo, Comptabilite rurale, 1841. American Husbandry, 1775. Armstrong, J., Treatise on, 1845. Bancroft s Agr. Aim., 1828. Barclay, Capt., Agri. Tour in U. S., j 1842. Beaumont, Utilite du Phosphore, 1857, Beck, On Pelargonium. Bement, Amer. Poulterer s companion, 1845. Bentz, Elements of (Skinner). Blaikie, Farm manure, 1818, Pam. 430. Booke, A., .... how to plant and graffe, etc., 1575. Bordley, R., Rotation of crops, etc., 1797. Boussingault, Rural economy, 1845. " Agronomic, 1860-61. British Husbandry, 1834. Browne, D. J., American Muck-Book, 1850. Buckland, J. M., Agr. Statistics, 1821. Agriculture, miscellaneous (continued) Buel, J., Farmer s Companion, 1847. " Farmer s Instructor, 1847. Cabell, Early History of, in Va., Pam. 461. Canada, Reports on Agr., 1850. Cato, M. P., De re rustica. Set Scriptores. Cleghorn, Depressed state of, 1822. Columella, De re rustica. See Scrip- tores rei. Communications to Board of Agr. 1804- 1811. Darlington, Agricultural Botany, 1847. Davis, H., Farming essays, 1850, Pam. 430. Davis, N. S., Text Book on Agr. 1848. Davy, Agr. chem., works, vol. 7, 8. " Agricultural Chemistry. Day, W., Mechanical Science and prize syst. in Agr., 1857. Dawson, J. W., Improvement of in Nova Scotia, 185(5. Deane, S., N. E. Farmer s Diet. 1790. Douglas, R., Agr. of Roxburgh, 1798. Einhof, Grundriss der Chemie fur Landwirthe, 1808. Emery Brothers, Albany, Instruments, 1856, Pam. 266. Einmons, E., Sci. agriculture. Essays on divided commons, 1778. Forbes, The new husbandry, 1786. Forsyth, W., Management of Fruit Trees, 1803. Fullerton, On soils, 1801. Gardner, D. P., Farmer s Diet., 1846. Gardener s Aim., 1860, Weathersfield, Conn. Gaudry, Machines agricoles. Gaylord, American Husbandry, 1847. Gleanings from Books on, 1802. Good, W. W., Theorists confected, 1 851 . Gourcy, Voyages agricoles, 1861-62. " 4th Voy. en Angleterre, 1859. Great Britain, Patents, 1617-1870. Holdridgc, W., Essay on the Weeds of. Holland, II., View of agr. of Cheshire. 1808. Home, F., Principles of, 1759. Hough, F. B., Farm record, 1860. Houghton, Husbandry and Trade im proved, 1727. IJoward, S., Grasses, Pam. 272. Jay, J., Statist, view of, 1859. Johnson, W., Nugse georgicse, 1815. Johnston, J. F. W., Experimental ag riculture. 1849. AGRICULTURE. Agriculture, miscellaneous (continued) Johnson, J. F. W., Use of lime in agr. 1849. " Agr. chemistry and geology, 1856. Analysis of soils, 1855. Jourdier, Voy . Agronomique en Russie, *1861. Kirwan, Manures to the sorts of soils, 1796. Kollar, Insects injurious to farmers, 1840. Liebig, J., von., On mod. agriculture. (l Organic chemistry, 1841. " Relations of chemistry to, 1855. " Letters on. 1859. Loudon, J. C., Encye. of Agric. 1835. Lowe, R., Agr. of Nottingham, 1813. McKillop, Harvest in Md., 1855. Mac Neven, W. J., Application of chemistry to, 1825. Manny s reaper. Mapes s Illus. catal., 1861. Marshall, W., Minutes on a farm of 300 acres, 1778, 4. Maryland, Higgins s Reports, 1853-58, Pam. 273, 461. Massachusetts, Colman s Reports, 1838- 1841. " Sec. of Board, Reports, 1856-57. Mechi, On British agriculture, 1851, Pam. 430. Mitchell, D. G., Wet days at Edge- wood, 1865. " My farm at Edgewood, 1863. Mitchell, J., Man. of agr. analysis, 1845. Morton, J. C., Cyclopaedia of agricul ture, 1851. Naismith, Agr. of Clydesdale, 1806. Nat. anti-corn law league, prize essays. Nesbit, Agric. chemistry, 1856. New York, Nat. Hist. E. Emmons, 1854. Nicholson, J., Farmer s Assistant, 1820. Niles, H., Agric. in the U. S., 1827. Norton, J. P., Elem. of Sci. Agricul ture, 1850. Palladius, De re rustica. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 187, 430, 461, 505, 614, 667, 765, 949, 951, 1034, 1217, 1218, 1484, 1649, 1650, 1759, 1853, 2514. Parkes, Salt in agr., 1819, Partridge, W., Practical agric., 1849. 2 Agriculture, miscellaneous (continued) Perrine, Raising tropical plants in Florida, 1838. Phillips, P. L., Tropical agr., 1845. Pierre, Culture des cereales et plantes industrielles. Poellnitz, Essay, N. Y., 1790. Prince, L. B., Agric. Hist, of Queens county, L. I., 1860. Reasons and plans, Lond., 1836. Rocque, On Lucerne, 1761. Ruffin, Essays on, 1855. Russell, R., Agriculture and climate of North America. Salisbury, J. H., Prize Essays, 1849. " Analyses of vegeta bles, 1850. Sheppard, Hand-book of statistics, 1860. Sinclair, Sir J., Correspondence, 1831. " Memoir, 1853. " Code of Agriculture, 1818. Sketches, rotation of crops, 1796. Slingerland, Report on. Smith, J. A., Productive farm|ng, 1843. Sorsby, Horizon, plowing. South Carolina, Agr. survey, 1843, 44, 1848. Spurrer, The practical farmer, 1793. Stafford, J. R., Production of cereal grains, 1848. Stefano, Agri. nuova, 1591. Stephens, H., Book of the farm, 1846- 1847. Talpa, or Chronicles of a clay farm. See H. C. W. Taylor, J., Arator, 1818. Taylor J. 0., Farmer s school book. Thaer (Alb.), Principles of, 1845. " GrundsatzederLandwirthschaft, 1810-13. Thomas, J. J., Amer. Fruit Culturist, 1849. t( Farm implements, 1854. Thomson, R. D., Food of cattle, 1846. Topham, Chem. for agriculturists, 1853. Tull, Horse-hoeing husbandry, 1733. Tusser, 500 points of husbandry, 1744. U.S. Commissioners Reports, 1862-69. Varlo, New system of, 1785. Varo, M. T., De re rustica. Vermont Conv. of fruit growers, 1848, Pam. 52. Washington, G., Letters on, 1844. Watson, E., Progress of Agricultural Society, 1820. Weston, Tracts on, 1773. 10 AGRICULTURE. Agriculture, miscellaneous (continued) Whitley, Applicationsof Geol. to, 1843. Youatt, Cattle, 1834. " The Pig, 1847. " Sheep, 1837. See Entomology; Horticulture; U. S. Patent office reports; Manures; Cattle; Bibliography. Aguesseau, H. F. D . Butler, C 1 ., Me moir of. Aiken, S. D. Seelye, S. T., Sermon, death of, 1852, Pam. 555. Aikill, J. Enfield, W., Fun. discourse. Ainsworth, L. Tenney, Sermon on. Air. Boyle s Philos. works, 1725. Griscom, Uses and abuses of, 1850. Priestley, J., Experiments on different kinds, 1781. See Natural Philosophy; Health; Ven tilation. Aisne, France. Annuaire, 1829. Aix, France. Alison, Travels, 1814-15. Akron. O. Portage company, }837, Pam. 223. Alabama. Gcol. survey (Tuomey). Baldwin, J. G., Flush times of Ala bama, 1853. Darby, Geog. description of, 1817. Meek, Romantic passages. Pickett, History of, 1851, Royall, Anne, Letters from, 1830. Alaska. Alaska, what is it worth ? Ball, Expedition to. 1870. Madinier, lies Kouriles, Pamphlets, vol. 1840. Sumncr, C., Speech, Whymper, Travel in. 1869. Albania. De Bosset, Parga & Ionian Is. Ilobhouse, Jour, through to Constant! nople, 1813-17. Holland, H., Travels in, 1815. Hughes, T. S., Travels in, 1820, Murray s Hand-book. Pouqueville, La Grecia, 1826. See Slavonia, Turkey, Greece. Albany, N. Y, Albany, Report on the burial grounds, names, 1866. Albany, Cathedral, Inscriptions on the chime. Albany Co. Directory, 1852, 1870-71. Albany Directories, 1813, 15, 16,43-71. Barnes, W.. Early History of, 1841, 1851-64. Churchill s Cemetery Guide, 1857, P. 478. Albany, N. Y. (continued). Dudley Observatory, 1856-59. First Presbyterian Church, 1846-47, P. 536. Fry, Directory, 1813-15. Harrington, H. F., Statistics of Al bany, 1846. Hoffman, L. G., Directory, 1839-52. Hunt, W., Commercial Directory, 1848-49. Loomis, Adv. and Directory, 1834-35. McAlpine s report on ship canal, 1853. Mass. Hist. Soc , Congr. of 1755. Munsell, Annals of Albany, 1849-55. " Directory, 1852-55 Norris , J., Journal, 1745. Public schools of, 1855. Preston, J., Statistics of the County v 1820. Random Recollections of, 1800-8. Reed, S., Church of the Innocents, 1852, P. 441. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, 1804, 1840-54, P. 547. Rogers, Hist. Disc. Dutch Church, 1857. Second Presb. Ch. (Hist, collection). Scott, Directory, 1831, 32. Selkirk, Trinity Church, 1848, Pam. 204. Sprague, W. B., Hist, discourse, 1854. Troy, N. Y., Resolutions, 1857. University of Albany, Pam vol. 73. Willard, S. D., Address, Med. Soc., 1857. Wilson, S., City guide, 1844, 45. See Newspapers ; Academies; Prisons; Education. Albany Academy. Semi-centennial, 1863. Catalogues, etc., 1816-67. Albany Female Academy. Fiftieth anniversary, 1864. Catalogues, etc., 1837-66. Alumnae Association, Reports. Albany County. Records of, 1656-76. Eaton, Geol. Surv. 1822. Penitentiary Reports, 1849-69. Johnson, A. G., Judicial usurpation, 1863. Alberoni, Card. Life of, 1719. Albert Edward, Prince. Visit to America. Speeches and addresses. Victoria, Life of. Albigenses. Allix. Eccl. Hist. of. Faber, History nnd Theol. of, 1838. ALLEN. 11 Albigeuses (continued). Faureil, Hist, do la Croisade contre, 18.57. See France Docta. ined. Roger, P., Archives historiques des., 1850. Sismondi, Crusades against, 1843. See Waldenses. Albuera Medal. Long, C. E., P. 393. Alchemy. Albineus, Bibliotheca, 1653. Crollius, Mysteries of Nature, 1657. Hitchcock, E. A., On alchymists, 1855- 1857. " Swedenborg, a Hermetic philosopher. Red book of Appin. See Delusions. Alcohol. Anstie, F. E., Stimulants and narcotics, 1864. Dampierre, Eaux de vie, 1858. Graham, T., Methylated spirits. Payen, A., De la distillation, 1858. Youinans, Alcohol and the const, of man. See Temperance ; Wine; Distillation, j Alden, J. Descendants of, by E. Alden. | Aldine Editions. See Bibliography. Ale. Dissertation concerning Barley wine, 1750. Taylor, J., Ale in prose and verse, by Barry Gray, 1866. Aleppo. Russell, A., Natural History of, 1756. Alexander the Great. Curtius, De re bus Alexandri, 1670. Alexander VI., Pope. Gordon, Life of. Alexander, A. Alexander, J. W., Life of, 1845. Alexander, J. H. Pinkney, Memoir of, 1867, P. 1856. Alexander, J. W. 40 years letters. Alexander, W., Earl of Stirling. Duer, W. A., Life of. SeN. J. Hist. Coll., vol. 2. Alficri. Autobiography, 1845. Copping, Life of. Alfred, King. Asser, Life of. (Six old Eng. chron.) Pauli, Life of, 1852-1854. Spelman, Vita. Life of. Tupper, Poems translated. Algebra. See Mathematics. Algeria, Algiers. Almanac d Algerie, 1849-1855. Algeria, Algiers (continued). " Etat actuel, 1862. Barthelemy, Etudes sur 1 Algerie, 1840. Blome, State of, 1678. Chasseurs d Afrique, Pam., vol. 10. Dictionnaire, Fran.-Berbere. Dureau, Province de Constantin, 1837. Fillias, Etat actuel, 1862. Fournel, Richesse minerale de, 1849. France; Tableau de 1 , 1839, 54-59. " Exploration, Scientifique, 1847- 1853. Hunt, G. J., American Algerine war, 1819. Knight, F., Seven years slavery in, 1631, Churchill, Supp. 2. Manert, Geog etatsbarbaresques,1842. Mauroy, Question d Alger, 1844. Moll, Colonization et Agriculture de PAlgerie, 1845. Morell, History of, etc., 1854. Napoleon III, Voyage de, 1860. Pulszky, The Tricolor on the Atlas, 1855. St. Marie, Algeria in 1845. Schmitz, D Abd el Kader, 1845. Shaler, Sketches of, 1826. Stevens, J. W., Hist, account of, 1797. Valliant, Culture du coton, 1854. " Rapport sur, 1853. Ville, Recherches sur les roches, etc., de, 1852. Wagner, M., On Algeria. See Puls zky, F. See Africa, North. Ali Pasha. Vandencourt, Life of. Aliens. Lowell, J., Review of Hay on Expatriation, 1814, Pam. 9 B. C. Reeves, John, Two tracts on Ameri cans . not aliens, 1814, Pam. 129. Review on expatriation, 1814, Pam. 9 B. C. See Emigration ; Naturalization; Sedi tion Act. Allan, J. Memorial of, 1864. Allegiance. See Oaths of Allegi-mce. Allegory. Barclay, Euphormion. Alleine, J. Newton, G., Sermon on. Allen Family of Medfield. Geneal., :8<9. Allen, B. Allen, T. G., Memoir of, 1832. Allen, E. D. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, death of, 1843. ALLEN. Allen, Ethan. De Puy, E. Allen and Green Mountain heroes, 1853. Moore, H., Memoirs of, 1834. Sparks, J., Life of. Mien, Gen. II. W. Dorsey, Recollec tions. Allen, I. Edes, R. S., Fun. disc., 1844. Allen, O. Memorial of, 1865. Allen, S. Allen, E., Biography of, 1852. Allen, T., Jr. Allen, S., Sermon on, 1806. Allen, T. W. Lowry, R., Discourse on. Alleyn, E. Alleyn Papers, 1843. Collier, J. P., Memoirs of, 1841. Alliance. See Christian Union. Allston, W. Jameson, Mrs., Memoirs of Art, etc., 1846. Ware, Lectures on works of. Almanacs. Almanacs, 60 vols. Brady, Clavis Calendaria, 1815. Browne s for 1794-1801. Court de Gebelin, Origines des Aim. (Monde Prim. v. 4). De Morgan, Book of Almanacs. Mcllvaine, W., Perpetual Calendar. Procida, Calendrier Perpetuel. Timprrley, Encyc. of typ. anec. Warzee, Almanachs Beiges. See Registers ; Chronology. Almanacs, American. Albany Pocket Almanac, 1784. Almanacs, miscel., 1777-1865, 60 vols. Almanac for the Blind, 1847. American Ephemeris and Nautical Aim. 1855, 1861-1868. American Almanac, 1830-1861. American Kalendar, 1794, 1795-1798. Ames s, Boston, 1737-1772. Banker s Almanac, 1851-1855. Beers s Hartford, 1798-1825. Belcher s Farmer s, Halifax, 1852. Bickerstaff s, 1768, 1777, 1791. Boston Aim., Dickinson, 1839-1864. Caroline Almanack, 1840. Church Almanac, 1841-1866. Clergyman s, Boston, 1811-1821. Common, 1823-1854, Watertown, N. Y. Congressional Almanacs, 1835-1836. Connecticut Almanack, 1778, 1779. Desilver s, 1827. Disturnell, U. S. Nat. Register, 1850- 1852. Downes, U. S. Almanack, 1843-1845. Dunigan s Catholic Aim., 1858-1860. Farmer s Almanacs, 1800-1850. Almanacs, American (continued). Farmer s Calendar, Utica, N . Y . , 1808- 1844. Free Will Baptist Register, 1847-1864. Friends Almanac, 1852-1860. Gaines N. Y. Pocket Aim., 1761, 1770, 1776, 1786. George s Almanack, 1781. Giddins , Anti-masonic Almanac, 1829. Greenleaf s, N. Y., 1797-1802. Guatemala, Kalendario, 1805. Holt s New York Register, 1804, 1806. Hatchings, N. Y., 1767-1822. Hutchins, New York, 1770-1795, 1810- 1812, 1817-1820. Jamaica Almanac, 1804. Lutheran Almanac, 1857, 59, 62. 64. Longworth s Aim., 1796-1841. Merchants and Bankers, N. Y., 1851- 1865. Methodist Almanacs, 1818, 48, 52, 60. Metrop. Catholic Almanac, 1842-71. Montreal Aim., 1851. Nautical Almanac, New York, 1816. North American s Aim., 1777. Phinney s Calendar, Cooperstown, N. Y., 1816-53. Phonetic Almanac, 1852. Poor Richard (Franklin), 1733. Poor Richard s Almanack, 1850-53. Repr. of Franklin s. Poor Robin s, Phila., 1792-1824. Poor Will s, Phila., 1772-1838. Presbyterian Aim., 1843-62. Presb. Historical, 1858-64. Scobie s Canadian, 1851. Smith, J. V. C., American Medical Almanack, 1839-41. Smith s Gentleman s Almanac, N. Y., 1801. Stoddard s Columbia Aim., 1798-1851. Sword s, New York, 116, 21, 23-28, 34, 43-59. Texaa Almanac, 1867-71. Thomas s, Worcester, Mass., 1796-1854. Tribune Almanac, 1856-71. U. S. Almanac, 1826, 27, 28, 32, 43-45. Virginia and N. C. Aim., 1802. Walton s Vermont Register, 1806-64. Webster s Almanac, 1785-1871. Whig Almanack, 1843-55. And others under special subjects. Almanacs, American-German. Christ- licher Kal., 1852. Deutsche Bilder Kal., 1851. Hoch Deutsche Am. Cal., 1739-1833. Illustrirter, N. Y., 1851. ALPHABETS. 13 Almanacs, American-Cierman (con tinued). Lutherische Kalender, 1857. Neue Americanische, etc., 1796-1835. Neuer Lancasterscher, 1796-1828. Stadt und Land Calender, 1850-54. Almanacs, British. Almanac for 1386 Andrews, W., News from the Stars, 1686-1735. Apollo Anglicanus, 1669. British Almanac and Companion, 1828- 1869. Cassell s Illustrated, 1852. Catholic Directory, 1839, 49, 50, 52, 54. Catholic Register, London, 1851. Churchman s Almanack, Lond., 1851- 1852. Deane s Almanac, 1847-54. Dietrichsen and Hannay, 1845-54. Dublin Almanac, 1834, 37. Dublin University Calendar, 1833, 68. Edinburgh Almanac, 1822, 41. Gutch s Literary Register, 1845, 47, 48. Halliwell, Rara Mathematica. Hone, W., Every Day Book, 1826. Illustrated, London, 1848, 52, 55, 61, 1862. London Univ. Calendar, 1868. Mercurius, 1647, 97, etc., Aim. v. 65. Merlinus, 1699-1714, Aim. v. 60. Moore s, F., Vox Stellarum, 1796, 1845-55. Murphy, P., Weather Aim., 1838, 39, 1841, 48. Nautical Almanac, London, 1769-74. Old Poor Robin, 1779-1819. Oxford Univ. Calendar, 1868. Poor Robin, 1687-1792. Parkers Ephemeris, 1725-79. Partridge s Merlinus Liberatus, 1694- 1783. Perkins , 1701-46. Protestant Almanac, 1693-98. Punch s Almanac, 1856. Aider s British Merlin, 1747, 51-82. Royal Kalender, 1751-1862; not com plete. Watson s Aim., Dublin, 1786, 89. Whitaker s, Lond., 1869, 71. See Registers ; Great Britain. Almanacs, European. Almanach de Gotha, 1852-70. Bavaria, Agr. Soc. Kalen., 1854,65-67. Bremen, Statist. Aim., 1844 GravenhaagscheStadts. Aim., 1841,42. Hebrew, Almanacs, 1841-65. Almanacs, European (continued). Jaarboekje, Amsterdam, 1826-56. Muller, J. II., Katholisches Jahrbuch, 1853. Nederlandsche Israelit. Jaarboekje, 1851-54, 56, 58, 59. Netherlands, Staatkundig jaarkoekje, 1851, 53. Sardinia, Calendario, 1833. Studenten Almanak, 1841. Sweriges Calendar, 1847. Almanacs, French. Almanach d Alge- rie, 1849-53. Almanach de France, 1836. Almanach du commerce, 1818. Almanac Royal, 1738, 43, 50, 53, 54, 56-88, 91, 1805, 6, 8, 12, 13, 22, 29, 30, 54. . Annuaire de 1 Industrie Beige, 1838. Annuaire de 1 instruction pub., 1852-60. Annuaire de 1 Universite, 1850. Annuaire des departements, 1810-45. Annuaire du Bureau des longitudes, 1826-53, 57. Chenedolle, Napoleon, Aim. de Gotha, 1849. Col lot, Aim. du Pere Girard, 1792. Connoissance des Temps, 1696. La Roche-Tilhac, Almanach Ameri- cain, 1783-87. Mere Gigogne, 1855. Nouveau Zodiaque, 1755. Soc. de 1 Hist. de France, Annuaire, 1839. Alms-giving. Hickes, G., Sermon, 1684. Sarpi, P., A. in primitive church. Alost. Gand, Recherches historiques. Iseghem, Biog. de Martens. See Dutch ; Typography, origin of. Alphabets. Alphabets orientaux. Alphabets, Soc. Prop. Fide, Romse, 1771-97. Astle, Orig. and Prog, of writing. Auer, Das Unser Vater, 608 lang. Ballhorn, Grammatography, 1861. Barton, M. H., New alphabet, 1833. Braun, Notitia hist, lit., 1788. Conjectural observations, 1772. Court de Gebelin, Monde primitif, tome 3. Falkenstein, Geschichte der Buchdruc kerkunst, 1840. Fry, Pantographia, 1799. Fursten, Kunstrichtige Schreibart, 1605. Hindustani alphabet. 14 ALPHABETS. Alphabets (continued). Indo-Bactrian alphabet. (Numisinati Soc. Proc.) Jackson, Chronol. antiquities. Johnson, Typographia, 1824. Jones, 1,001 initial letters, 1864. Lepsius, Linguistische alphabet, 1855 Silvestre, Alphabet Album, 1843. Vitray, Linguarum Alphabet*, 1636. See Writing; Typography. Altars. Holy Table, 1637. Round church, restoration, 1845, Pam 401. Yorke, Altar and the East. Alton, 111. Beecher, E., Riots at, 1838. Alvord Family Genealogy. Set Burke, 1864. Amazon River. Acuna, Relat. de la riv. des Araazones, 1682. Agassiz, Brazil journey, 1868. Edwards, W. H., Voyage up the river, 1847. Gomberville, Relation de la riviere. Hartt, Geol. of Brazil, 1871. Herndon, Exploration of the valley of, 1853. La Condaraine, Voy. de la riviere de, 1749. Markhams, Expeditions to, 1539-1639. Michelana, Exploracion, 1859. Orton, Andes and Amazon, 1870. Wallace, Travels on, 1853. See Brazil; South America. Amboyna. A translate, 1624. True relation, 1632. Bickmore, E. India Archipelago, 1869. West India Comp., 1630. Ambler, I. W. Freeman, Biogr. of, 1860. America, Discovery in. Amerique Decouverte, 1782. Anghiera, P. M. d , De rebus oceani- cis, Lat. and Eng., 1533. Barcia, Historiadores de las Indias occ., 1749. Beamish, Disc, by the Northmen. Becher, Landfall of Columbus. Beknopte Beschryving, 1776. Bcnzoni, History of discov. " Hist, de reperta India a Co- lumbo, 1596. " Hist. Indiae Occidental, 1586. " Novi Orbis Historise; and in Italian, 1578. Bergh, Van den, Ontdekking voor Columbus. America, Discovery in (continued). Bry, De, Collection of Voyages, 1590- 1655. Bisselius, Argonauticon Americano- rum, 1647. Burney, Voy. of Disc, of the Russians, 1819. Campe, Hist, de la decouverte, 1851. Cartier, J., Voyages to New France, 1534. (Paris, 1863-67.) Castle, W., A short discovery of, 1644. Cavendish, Journalen, 1643. Cladera, Investigaciones, 1794. Darby, Lect. on Disc, of, 1828. Davis, A., Disc, of N. E. by the Northmen, 1845, Pam. 44 B. C. De Costa, Northmen in Maine, 1870. " Pre-Columbian disc., 1868. Floury, Hist, of Discovery of, 1849. Galvao, A., Tratado dos descobriuien- tos, 1731. Grynseus, Novus Orbis, 1555. Hakluyt, Divers Voyages of discovery, 1599, 1600, 1812. Herrera, Hist. gen. of the continent of America, 1725. " Hist, des voy. des Castellans, 1730. " Novus Orbis, 1622. Irving, W., Voy. of Companions of Columbus, 1831. Jones, G., Hist, of ancient America, 1843. Joutel, Journal du voyage pour le Mississippi, 1713. Kohl, Altesten Karten von, 1527-1529. Kunstinann, Die Entdeckung, 1859. Laet, De, Hist, du Nouveau Monde, 1640. " Novus Orbis, 1633. Lafitau, Decouvertes des Portugais, 1733. Las Casas, Decouvertes des Indes Occi dentales, 1697. " First voyages .... by Span iards, 1699. Lery, Hist. Nav. in Brasiliam, 1594. Lipenius, Nav. Salomonis. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., 1868, Cabot s disc. Mandrillon, Le Spectateur Americain, 1775. Mather, S., Am. known to the an cients, 1773. Montanus, De Nieuwe en Onbekende Weereld, 1671. Morse, A., Northmen in America. AMERICA. 15 America, Discovery in (continued). Murphy, H. C., Hudson in Holland, 1859. Navarette, Descubrimentos que hicie- ron los Espanoles, 1825-37. Nicholls, J. F., Cabot s life, 1869. Novus orbis, Rot., 1616. Pam. vol., 1219. Perry, W. S., Am. disc, and Church of England, 1863. Philoponus, H., Nova navigatio, 1621. Rafn, Discovery in Tenth Century, 1838. Read, J. M., Henry Hudson, a hist. inquiry, 1866. Santarem, On Vespucius. Smith, Capt. John, Descr. of New Eng land, 1614. " True relation of Virginia, 1608. t( Travels in Virginia, N. E., 1630. Smith, Joshua T., Discovery by the Northmen, 1842. Soto, Narr. of Florida Exp. Squier, Collection of documents, I860. I Stevens, H., Notes on the earliest i maps, 1453-1530. Steward, J., Hist. of. Syllacius, De insulis nuper inventis, (Lenox), 1859. Ternaux, Voyages, etc., pour servir a 1 hist., etc.. 1838-41. Tonti, Decouvertes de La Salle, Eng. and French, 1697. Trumbull, H., Hist, of disc, of Am., 1828. Ulloa, Memoires sur la decouverte de, 1787. Varnhagen, Vespuce, premier voyage, 1858. Williams, Disc, by Madoc., 1170. Winchester, E., Oration on, 1792. Witsius, H., Exercitationes, 1695. Wytvliet, C., Descr. Ptolem. augmen- tum, 1597. See Voyages ; Discoveries; Columbus; Vespucius, etc. America, History of, Travels in, etc. Acosta, De Natura Novi orbis, 1596. " Hist. nat. y moral, 1590. Alcedo, Die. geog. hist, de las Indias occid., 1786-89. Almanach Americain, 1783-87. American Notes and Queries, 1857. American Gazetteer, 1762. Alexander, J. E., Transatlantic sketches, 1833. America, History of, Travels in, etc. (continued). Bercy, L Europe et 1 Am. comparees, 1818. Blaew, Gcographia, 1662, Atlas of America. Blome, His Majesty s territories in 1684. Boletto, El nuevo mundo, 1701. British Empire in America, Oldmixon, 1741. Burke, European settlements in, 1770. Callender, Sketches of the history of, 1797. Campbell, J., Span. Empire in Am. 1747. Castellanos, Elegias, 1589. Chambo, Commerce de, par Marseille, 1764. Charlevoix, Hist, et Desc. de la nouv. France, 1744. Chateaubriand, Recollections of, 1816. Chumacero, Excesses contra las natu- rales, 1632. Clune, Dutch Colonies in, 1769. Codice Dipl. Colombo-Americano, 1823. Coke, Journal, 1792. Cortes, H., Expeditions, Kerr. v. 3. Cramer, Natur-wunderin Nord-Amer., 1840. Dapper, Die unbekannte Newe Welt, 1673. Dassie, Desc. gen. des costes de 1 , 1677. DelafieM, Origin of antiq. of, 1839. Description (Exact) of the West^-Ind., 1655. Drake, S. G., Address, 1858. Ebeling, Erdbeschreibung und Ges- chichte von, 1793-1816. Engel, Comment a-t-elle etc peuplee ? 1767. " Situation des pays septentrio- nales, 1765. " Extraits des voy. Septen., 1779. Everett, A. H., Gen. Surv. of Western powers, 1827. Frost, J., Remark, events in hist, of, 1848. Genty, L influence de la decouverte de, 1788. Goodrich, Pict. Hist, of N. and S. Am., 1850. Gordon, T. F., History of America, 1831. Gottfriedt, J. H., Newe Welt, 1655. Grasset, Encyclopedic des voyages, 1796. 16 AMERICA. America, History of, Travels in, etc. (continued). Green, J., Remarks on new chart of, 1753. Helps, Spanish Conquest in, 1855, 57. Herrera, History of the Continent of America, 1725. " Novus orbis, descriptio, 1622. " Historia general de lo Hccho, etc., 1730. Hist. Nat. y moral de las Indias, Span. Eng. and Fr. Historical Magazine, 1857-71. Home, G-, De Originibus Americanis, 1652. Hughes, American Physician, 1672. Huiuboldt, Hist, do la Geog. du Nou- veau Continent, 1836-39. Voyages, 1799-1803. Jeffreys, N., Hist, of Spanish and Fr. Dominion, 1760. Josselyn, Two voy. to N. England? 1672. Kip, Early Jesuit missions in, 1846. Las Casas (B. de), (Euvres, 1822. " Istoria della distruttione, etc., 1630. " Destruyoionde las Indias, 1552. Laon d Aigremont, Relation du voyage au capde Nord, 1654. La Roche-Tilhac, Almanach Ameri- cain, etc., 1783-87. Lory, Hist. Nav. in Brasiliam, 1594. Long, Amer. and W. Indies geographi cally descr.. 1845. Macgregor, Progress of, from its disc., 1848. Marmier, Letters sur 1 Amerique, 1851. Munoz, Historia del Nuevo Mundo, Span, and Eng., 1793. Nuix, Humanidad de los Espanoles, 1782. Pereira, Compendio narrativo, 1760. Pernety, Examen des recherches de Pauw, 1770. Pradt, L Europe et 1 Amerique, 1821. Pritts, J., Mirror of Olden Time, 1849. Rafinesque, American Nations, 1836. Ilafn, Antiq Americaines. Robertson, W., in Eng. and Fr., 1778. Robinson, W. D., Cursory view, 1815. Russell, Wm., Hist, of America, 1778. Saintard, Roman politique, 1756. Scherer, Recherches Hist, et Geog. sur, 1777. Schmidt-Phiseldek, Europe and Amer., 1820. America, History of, Travels in, etc. (continued). Simms, W. G., Views and Reviews, 1845. Smith, J. J., American Hist, and Lit. curiosities, 1847. Snowdon, R., Hist, of N. and S. Am., 1817. Society of Northern Antiquaries, 1837-63. Solorzano, Politica Indiana, 1703. Speed, Epitome of Great Britain, 1676. Staden, Veritable Histoire, 1557. Stokes, A., Views of America, 1783. State of Great Britain and, 1765. The vet, La France antartique, 1558. Torquemada, De la Monarquia Indi ana, 1723. Touron, Hist. g6nerale de, 1769. Ulloa/Noticias Americanas, 1792. Uricoechea, Mapoteoa Colombiana, 1860. Vries, D. P., Voy. to Amer., 1632-44. Wakefield, England and America, 1834. Walton, W., State of Span. Colonies, 1810. Warburton, E., Hoohelaga, 1846. Ward, M., Simple cobbler of Aggawam, 1843. Waterton, C., Wanderings in, 1812-24. West Indische Reizen door Nieuw Nederland, 1705. Williamson, H., Obs. on climate of, 1811. Winthrop, J., Journal of N. E. colo nies, 1630-44. Wood, W. M., Sketches of South Am. and California, 1849. See North America; Central America; South America; United States; Florida; West Indies; Voyages, etc.; Historical Societies; United States; Political Pam., etc. American Antiquities. See Antiqui ties; Aborigines. American Board of Missions. Re ports. 1816-71. Cong, churches of N. Y. Review of the Report of, India, 1856, Pam. 525. American Books, Catalogues, Au thors, Libraries. See Bibliog raphy. American Colonies. See British, French and Spanish Colonies. ANATOMY. sJS 1 American Indian*. See Indians; An tiquities. American Party. American Party of N. Y., 1857. Bell, J., Speech, 1855. Bright, J. M., Speech, Know Nothing- ism, 1855, Pam. 527. Broonie, J., Address, Castle Garden, 1854. Cambell, W. W., Oration, February 22, | 1852. .Carroll, Anna, Star of the West, 1857. ( Ely, A. B., Oration, N. Y., 1850. Know Nothing Almanac, 1855, 5*>. Lee, J. H., Crig. of the Amer. party, 1855. Life and Times of Sam, 1855, Pam. 534. j Pamphlets, v :>l. 537. Putnam, J. 0., Speech, Rochester, 1856. j Sammons, S., Address, Syracuse, 1856. j Sanderson, Repub. Landmarks, 1856. Sons of the sires, 1855. Wehle, Die siellung der. 1856. Whitney, T. 11 , American Policy, 1856 " Add. Order of U. A., \ 1852, 55. See Emigration; U. S. Politics. American Philosophical Society. Patterson, R. M., History of, 1843, Pam. 204. American Politics. SM United States. American Trac* Society. Appeal to the Chr. public, 1849. Fourth Congr. Ch., llartiord, Protest. ! Goodrich, C. A., Letter to, 1656 . American Wars. See Civil War, 1861- 1865; French war in America, 1745-63; Mexican war; Revolu tionary war; War of 1812. Americanisms. Bartlett, Diet., 1859. Elwyn, Glossary of, 1859. National Am. State Convention, 1845. Peabody, On Conversation. Pickering, Vocabulary, 1816. White, R. G., Words and their uses, 1870. Amerigo Vespucci. Sec Vespucci. Ames, Fisher. Life and Works, 1809, ! 1854. Amherst, N. II. Farmer, J., History of, 1820. Amherst College, Mass. Catalogues of j Students, 1830-70. Hitchcock, Inaug. Address, 1845, Pam. 241. n O Amherst Tollege, Mass, (continued). Hitchcock. Re?niniscenccs of Stearns, Inaug. Address, 1855, P. 101. Amistad Africans. Adams, J. Q., Ar gument, 1841. Barber, J. W., History of, 1840. United States, Message of Pres t, 1840. Ampere, M, Galerie des Contem. vol. 10; Vie de. Amsterdam. Brieven ran Candidus, 1782. Wagenaar, Amsterdam in zyne op- komst, etc., 1760-88. Zeegers, Geschiedenis der Stad. Amusements* Almanach des Jeux. Bayley, K., Sermon on. Blaine s Rural sports. Bohn, H. G., Handbook of Games, 1850. Boy s own book. Clericus, on Dancing, 1847. Desormeaux, Les Amusemens de la campagne, 1826. Dorringtoo, Sermon on, 1706. Encyc. Methodique, v. 3. Field Book, or sports and pastimes, 1833. Heliodore, Discours des plaisirs, 1684. Herbert, H. W., Frank Forester s Field sports, 1849. " Frank Forester s Fish and Fishing, 1850. Hone, W., The Every Day Book, 1826. " Year Book of Recreation, 1845. Ide, J., Tendency of Balls. James I., On lawful sports. Pearne, W. H., Fashionable arnus., 1853. Poche (La) a la ligne. Ranking, Sports of the Mongols. Smith, H.. Festivals and Games. Spirit of the Times, N. Y., 1851. Staunton, H., Chess Players Hand book. (t The Chess Tournament. Walker s Manly Exercises. Young Lady s Book. See Chess ; Games ; Drama, treatises on. Ana. See Bibliography ; Maxims; Anec dotes. Anaesthesia. See Etherization. Anatomy. Acad. Lug. Bat., Museum Anat. Auzoux, Anat. clastique. 18 ANATOMY. Anatomy (continued). Bell, J., Anatomy of the human body. Bottman, Cours d Anat., 1788. Catalogue of anat. preparations, 1769. Cox, Synopsis of the body. Cutter, Treatise on, 1850. Douglass, Myographia, 1707. Draper. J. W., Legalization of. Hildreth, C. T., Case of Notencephale. i Heyfelder, Ueber Amputationen. Importance of, 1825. Keill, The Anat. of the human body. Kidd, J., Lect , Compar. Anat., 1824. King, T, Anat. as Sci of organization, i Kobelt, Appareil genital, 1851. Lambert, Popular anatomy, 1852. Maclise, J., Comp. osteology, 1847. Mass., Legalizing study of, 1833, Pam. 271. Mussey, Cat of Cabinet, Pam. 516. Owen, Anat. of vertebrates, 1867. " Of the Invertebrate Animals, 1855. Pare, (Euvres, 1585. Pinnock, Catechism of, 1826. Pam. i 605. Ruysch, Werken, 1744. Smith, J. V. C., Class book, 1836. Soemmering, De 1 organe de 1 Ouie, j 1825. Spurzheim, Anat. of the Brain. Warren, Anat Museum, 1870. Weber, Atlasses von, Pam. 523. See Bibliography; Surgery; Medicine; Zoology, comparative. Andersen, H. C. Story of life of, 1847, 71. Andes Mountains. Orton, J., Andes and Amazon, 1870. U. S Naval Expedition, 1849-52. Andover, Mass. Abbot, A., History of, I 1847. Andover fuss, 1853, Pam. 96. Dana, D., Remonstrance, 1853, P. 96. Edwards, J., Address, 1826. Fuller, S., Education in, 1856, Pam. 241. Jackson, S. C., Sermon, 1827. Theol. Sem., Centen. Celeb., Cata logues. Andover, X. H. Moore, J. B., Hist. of. Andre, Maj. J. The Cow Chace, with notes, 1780. Andreana, Phila., 1865. Barbe-Marbois, Complot d Arnold, 1816. Andre, Maj. J. (continued). Biddle, Washington and, 1857. Clinton, G., Correspondence, 1842. Lyon, C. H., Oration, 1839. Raymond, H. J., Oration, Tarry town, 1853. Sargent, W., Life of, 1860. Smith, J. H., Narrative of causes of his death, 1808. Vindication of the Captors (Benson), 1817. Andrei*, F. de. Rosati, Life of. ^ Andrew, (iov. J. A. Messages and ad dresses, 1860-66. Conspiracy to defame, 1862. Nason s discourse on. Stowe s Men of the time, 1868. Andros, Sir E. Andros Tracts, 18fi6. Brodhead, Address (Hist Mag. N. Y.) Revolution in N. E. justified. Anecdotes. American Anecdotes, 1823. Anecdotes, 1771. Galland, Maximes des Orientaux. Lemon, Jest book. Miller, J., Jests. Original anecdotes. Percy anecdotes. Railway anecdote book. Smith, D , Anecdotes for the young. Wanley, Wonders of the little world. Yonge. Book of golden deeds. Ang^lo, M. Duppa, Life of, 1846. Eastlake, Contribu ns, Sistine Chapel, 1348. Grimm, I!., Life of. Oxford, Cartoons. Vasari, Lives of Painters, 1850-52. Ansreli. Lloyd, J., Ministration of, 1786. Victoreilus, De angel, custodia. Aniline. See Fishing. Amjlo-Saxons. Akerman, Remains of Pagan Saxondom. Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Chron. of G B.) Kemble, Codex diplomaticus. (Eng. Hist. Soo ) Lingard, Hist. Ang. Sax. Church. Miller, T., Hist, of the Anglo-Saxons, 1848. Palgrave s Hist, of England, vol. 3, 1864. Strutt, Chronicle of England. 1778. Thrupp, The Anglo-Saxon home, 1862. Turner, S., Hist, of the Anglo-Saxons, 1828. Wright, T , Biogr iphia Britan. lite- raria, 1S46. See Language; Great Britain. ANTIQUITIES. 19 Aniline* Rcimann, Manufacture of. Animal magnetism. See Magnetism. Animalcules. See Zoophytes; Micro scope ; Mollusks. Animals. Crowe, H., Zoophilos, 1822. Geoffroy, Domestication des Animaux, 1849, 51, Pam. 1014. Gregory, Man and animals. Soc. Zool. d Acclimatation. See Zoology; Cattle; Ornithology; Entomology, etc. Animals, cruelty to. Lord, J. C., Ser mon, 1867. Mant, Cruelty to. Annapolis, Md. Ridgely, Annals of, to 1812. Anne, Queen. Annals of reign, 1708. Hough, N., Sermon, 1713. No conquest, 1710. Sharpe, J., Sermon, Coronation of, 1702. j Sherwill, Sermon, Accession, 1709. Stanhope s, Earl, Life of, 1870. See England. Anne s, Queen, Bounty. Just and impartial, etc., 1704. Returns of Bounty, 1736. Rogers, J., Proceedings, 1837. Annuals. See Registers; Almanacs; Magazines. Annuities. See Insurance. Anonymous Books. See Bibliography. Apsariye. Walpole, Letters on. See Syria. Alison s Voyage. Anson, Voyage, 1740-44. Thomas, P., Account of. See Wager, Ship. Antarctic. See Voyages. Anthon, H. Eastburn, Life of. Anthon, S. Hopkins, S., Life of. Antichrist. Luther, Antichrist revealed. I Antigua. Antigua Weekly Register, : 1842-44. Account of Loss )f Wesleyan Miss. Antilles Is. See West Indies. Anti-Masonry. See Masonry, Free. Antinomianism. Briggs, Strictures on, 1817. Brine, An Antidote, 1827. Burton, H., Law and Gospel, 1631. Defence of Moral Law, 1807. Jacks, Hints, 1825. Reed, T., Letter to Cottle- 1824. Antioch College, Ohio. History of 1858. Catalogues, 1863-68. Antiquities. Aegyptische Monumenten, 1842-46. Antiquitatum Variorum Auctores, 1552. Barges, Inscrip. de Sidon, 185G. Bonorni, Niniveh, 1857. Botta, P. E., Monument de Ninive, 1849. Breval, Remarks on Europe, 1738. Brondsted, 32 Vases described, 1832, Pam. 401. Chambers, Book of Days. Coleman, Ant. of Christ. Church, 1841. Court de Gobelin, Le monde primitif, 1782. Cumberland, Origines gentium. Davis, N., Carthage. Deville, Cceur de Saint Louis, 1850. " Musee des ant. de Rouen, 1845. Encyc. Mi thodique, Antiquites. Ferguson, Nineveh and Persepolis re stored, 1851. Fosbroke, Encyc. of Antiquities, 1825. France. Collec. de Docts. Instruction du C omite. Geneve, Curiosites de la Bibliotheque publique. Herodotus, Rawlinson s ed. Hone, Ancient mysteries. " Every Day Book, 1826. Internat. Congress of pre-historic archaeol., 1868. Keller, Lake dwellings of Switzerland. Landseer, J , Sabsean researches, 1823. Layard, Inscriptions at Nineveh, 1851. Lebas, Obelisque du Luxor, 1839. Lenoir, Museum of Fr. Monuments. Long, G., Egyptian Antiquities. Lubbock, Pre-historic times, 1869 Maffei, Use of Medals. Manutius, Orthographic Ratio, 1566. Markland, On Museum of Soc. of Ant., 1828. Palin, Cat. d objets dans son Cabinet. Palmer, W., Babylonian ant. Pamphlets, vol 401, 1220, 1651. Rouge, Principales collections Egypti- ennes, 1851. Savage, J., Memorabilia, 1820. Seyffarth, Disc, in Egypt, 1857. Soc. d emulation de Montbeliard. Tod, Antiq. of Rajasthan, 1829-32. Turner, W. W., Himyaritic inscrip tions. Am. Ethn. Soc. v. 1. 20 ANTIQUITIES. Antiquities (continued). Univ. of Penn a, Rosetta Stone, 1869. Willis Current Notes, 1851-62. Worsley, Museum Worsleyanum. See France; Bibliography; Pre -historic times. Antiquities, American. American An tiquarian Soc. Trans., 1820-26. Antiquits Mexicaines, 1834. Atwater, C., Writings, Western Anti quities, 1829 Bibaud, Hist, fab du contin Amer. Bollaert, Researches in New Granada. Bradford, A. W., Am. Antiquities, 1841. Brackenridge, Disc, in New Mexico, 1857. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Popol-vuh. Cabrera, Huehuetlapallan, 1822. Clinton, De W., Ant. of Western New York, 1818, Pam. 4. Comite d Archaeol. Amer., 1865. Davis, A., Antiq. of Cent. Amer., 1841, Pam. 79. Delafield, Origin of Antiq. of America, 1839. Dupaix, Antiquifes Mexicaines. Gale, Mound Builders of the Missis sippi. Haven, S. F., Archaeology of the U. S., 1856. Humboldt, Monumens despeuples indi genes de 1 Amerique, 1810. " Vue dcs Cordilleres, 1810. Kingsborough, Mexican Antiquities. Kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift Selskab, Antiquitates Americans, 1837-45. * " Mcmoires, 1836-60. " Annaler, 1836-45. Lenoir, Alex., Monumens Americains et Egyptiens, 1834. Longperier Antiquitcs Americaines au Louvre, 1852. McCulloh, Researches on Aborig. hist, of America, 1829. Mayer, Mexican Archaeology, 1857. Mitchill, S. L., Antiq. and Ethn. of Amer. Am. Antiq. Soc., vol. 1. Moreau, Pierre de Taunton. Pidgeon, Mound Builders of, 1858. Priest, American Antiquities, 1833. Rio, Huehuetlapallan, 1822. Rivero, Antiq. Peruanaa. " Peruvian antiquities, 1853. Society of Northern Antiquaries. See Kongelige. Antiquities, American (continued). Squier, Publications on Amer. Antiq., 1851-52. Stephens, Anc. Mon. of Central Amer ica. Warden, D. B., Recherches sur 1 Ame- rique, 1834. Whittlesey, C.. Ancient works in Ohio. Smith n. Contr., v. 3. Willson, M., American History, 1847. I Antiquities, Great Britain. Archaeo logical Magazine, 1843. Barnes, W , Notes on, 1858. Boyle, Museum Britan., 1791. Brit. Archaeol. Association, Journal, 1847-54. Camden, W., Remaines concerning Britaine, 1637. Eccleston, Introd. to Eng. antiquities, 1847. Hearne, Coll. of Antiquarian discours es, 1775. Higgins, Celtic druids. Kinnersley, Sepulchral curiosities, Eng. and America, 1823. Petrie, Round Towers of Ireland. Roy. Irish Acad., v. 20. Smith, C. J., Lit. and Hist, curiosi ties, 1840. Society of Antiquaries, London, 1779- 1846. Soc. of Antiq. of Scotland. Proceed ings. Tindal, Hist, of Evesham, 1794. Wright, T., Archaeological Album, 1845, See Great Britain; England. Antiquities, Greek and Roman. Adam, A., Roman Antiquities, 1814. Antiquities of Attica, 1833. Antonides, Olyrnp-Speelen, 1732. Begerus, Lucernae ex cavernis Romae, 1702. " Ulysses syrcnes prastervectus, 1703. " Poenae infern. Ixionis, 1703. Berosus, De antiquitatibus. Cappele, Comment de ant. Pcrgamenis. Cochin, Herculaneum, 1754. Disney, Museum, marble bronzes. Dobree, Greek inscriptions. Ellis, Townley gallery of sculpture. Elgin Marble:?, Pamphleteer, v. 8. Eschenburg, Classical antiquities, 1837. Fellows, Discoveries in Lycia, 1841. APPARITIONS. Antiquities, (ireek and Roman (con tinued). Fleetwood, Inscriptionum antiq. Syl- loge. 1691. Fordyce, Mem. concerning Hercula- neum, 1750. (Jell. Pompeiana, 1852. Topography of Rome, 1834. Graeviug, Thesaurus Antiq. Romana- rum Graecarumque, 1732-37. Gronovius, Thesaurus antiquitatum Graecarum, 1732-37. Gruterus, Inscriptioncs antiquae. Hamilton, W. J., Researches in Asia Minor, etc., 1842. Herculaneum et Pompei, Roux et Barre, 1840. Hoffmann, C. F., Der Roiiier stiidte an dem Rheine. Kennett, B., Antiquitiesof Rome,1820. Lowe, Rom. theat. of Verulam. Lumisden, Antiquities of Rome, 1812. Montfaucon, Antiquity explained, 1725-31. Musee des Antiques du Louvre, 1830. Naples, Musc-e Bourbon, 1840, P. 499. Ouvaroff, Mysteries of Eleusis. Pompeii, Lib. E. K. Remarks on LlandafPs llorae Pclasg. Rossi, Roma Sotteranea, 1864, 67. Sarayna, De Orig. Verona?, 1540. Sickler, Herculaneum Rolls, 1817, Pam. 1011. Smith, W., Classical Dictionary. " Diet, of Gr. and Rom. Ant., 1849. Streber, Etrurischen Bronce-Reliefs, 1834. Stuart, J., Ant. of Athens, 1858. Ternite, Wandgemalde aus Pompeii. Thiersch, Mfmchen Antiquarium, 1825. " Der Akropolis von Athen, 1853. Venuti, Scoperti d Ercolano, 1748. Winckelmann, Decouvertes d Hercu- lanum, 1764. " Sendschreiben von Her culaneum, 1792. Worsley, Museum Worsleyanum. Zahn, Herculaneum et Pompei, 1829- 1842. See Classical; Herculaneum, etc. Antiquities, Northern. Depping, Way- land Smith. Kong. Nord. Oldskrift Selskab, Me- moires, 1836-60. " Annaler, 1836-45. Antiquities, Northern (continued). Kong. Nord. Antiquarisk Tids- skrift, 1843-1863. " Aarboger, 18fi6. " Guide to Northern Archae ology, (Ellesmere). Mallet, Northern antiquities, 1847. Nordiske Literatur-Samfund. Old- skrifter, 12 v. 1847-51. Weber, Illust. of Northern Antiq. ,1814. Worsae, Primitive Denmark Anti-rent* Harrington, H. F., Sermon on, 1846. Helderbergia, or the Apotheosis, 1855. Johnson, A. G., Judicial usurpation. Makgill, Rent no robbery, 1851, P. 76. Pepper, C., Manor of Rensselaerwyck, 1846. Antwerp. Nys, les Archives d Anvers, 1852. Apalachicola Land Co. Blatchford, Report to, 1837. Apes, William. The experience of, 1829. Aphorisms. See Maxims. Apocrypha. Apostolical fathers, (Lake). Mansel, S. P., Sermon on. Apoplexy. Alexander, E., Diss. de apo- plexia. Apostles. Cave, W., Lives of. Greenwood, F. W. P., Lives of the 12 Apostles. Whiston, Essay on Apost. constitu tions, 1711. Apostolical Canons. Jenkins, R. C., Lond., 1856. I Apostolical Succession. Benson, C., Writings. Davenport, i. S., The Apostolic Office, 1853. Pam. 104. Luther, Apostolic Succession, 1842. Pam. 307. Mcllvaine, C. P., The Argument for, 1843. Pam. 543. Muskett, W., Apost. Succession, 1848. Perceval, A. P., Apology for. Sinclair, J., Vindication of, 1839. Stebbing, H., Misc. Observ , 1718. See Episcopacy; Church of England. Apparitions. Brierre de Boismont, His tory of. De Foe, History of, v. 13. Hobson, Account of. Thacher, J., Essay on, 1831. Young s Morristown ghost, 1825. See Delusions ; Witchcraft. 252 APPLETON. Appleton, N. Winthrop, Memoir of, 1861. Appleton, S. Jewett, I. A., Memorial of, 1850. Appleton, W. Robbins, C., Memoir of. Apthorp, East. Nichols, Lit. Anec. Ill, 753. Life of. Aquaria. Bishop, J., Handbook. Edwards, A. M., Aquarium in America, 1858. Gosse, Aquarium, 1854. Humphreys, H. N., Ocean Gardens, 1857. Sowerby, Natural History of, 1857. Aqueducts. See Bridges ; Water; Engi neering. Aquinas, Thomas. Hampden, Life of. Arabia. Ante-Mahometan Hist, of, 1853. Baker, S. W., Hamram Arabs. Boteler, Voy. of discovery to, 1821-26. Burckhardt, Notes on the Bedouins. Crichton, Hist, of Arabia, Edin. Cab. Lib. Daumas, Manners of the desert. Dumas, Travels, 1839. Forster, C., Hist. Geog. of Arabia. Herbelot, Bibliot. Orientale, 1697. Landseer, J., Sabsean researches, 1823. Lepsius, Letters from Egypt and Sinaia, i 1853. Marigny, History of the Arabians. Niebuhr, Travels through Arabia, 1792. Ockley, History of Saracens. Owen, Voyages, 1833. Palgrave, Travels in, 1862-63. Sudillot, Hist, des Arabes, 1854. Stanley, Mount Sinai, 1857. Wellsted, Travels in, 1838. Sec Syria; Egypt; Mihammed. Arabic. See Bibliography; Grammars; i Language ; Oriental. Arabic Authors, literature. Abulfeda, Ann. Muslcmici, 1789-92. Do vita Muhamedis. Abou Chodja, Jurisprudence Musul- mane. Ali ben Ali Taleb., Carmina. Asiat. Soc. of Bengal, Bibliot. Indica. Church of England, Prayer. Carlyle, Spec, of Arab Poetry, 1796. Cherbonneau, Les Fourberies de Deli- lah, 1856. " Hist, de Chems-eddina, j 1852. Djemal-eddin, Alfiyya, Grammaire, 1833. Arabic Authors, literature (continued) Dozy, Script. Loci de Abbadidis, 1846, 1852. Hamasse Carmina. Hariri, Les Seances de, in Arabic (De Sacy.) " Makamat, in Engl. (Preston). Harris, James, Philological Inquiries, 1781. Hoogvliet, Diver. Script, de Apthtasid. fam. et Ibn Abduno, 1839. Instit. de France, Notices de manu- scrits. Khaldoun, Prolegomc>nes, 1858. Khalil, Juris. Musul. Malekite, 1855. Koran, in Arabic, and Sales and Lane s translations. Lokman, Fables, 1847. Marracci, L Alcoran, 1697. Pocock, Spec. hist. Arabum. Reinaud, Relation des voyages fait par les Arabes, 1845. Roorda, Abul Abbasi Amedia. . . .vita, 1825. Rutgers, Hist. Jemanae sub Hasano Pascha, 1838. Soyouti, De Tnterpretibus Korani, 1839. " De Norn. Relativis, 1851. Tarikhi Kiniset, (Church History.) Wakidi, De Expug. Memphidis, 1825. Weyers, Locos Ibn Khacenis de Ibn Zeidouno, 1831. " Arabische letters, 1840. Pam. 1056. Zamakhshari, Lexicon Geog., 1856. Arago, F. J. Quetelet, Notice sur., 1855, Pam. 608. Aram, E. Life and trial, 1842. Account of the trial, 1832. Trial and defence, Pamphletear, v. 23. Ararat, Mt. See Armenia. Arblay, F. B. 1) . Diary. Arbuthnot. Narrative of voy. and exec, of Arbuthnot and Ambri^ter, 1819. United States, Mess of Prest., 1818. Archaeology. See Antiquities. Archbold, R. Trail, J., Sermon on. Archery. Hansard, G. A., The Book of. Architecture. Aldrich, Civil Arch., 1824. Annual retrospect, 1861. Architect. Societies, 1856. Aviler, D j , Cours d Architecture,1750. Barnard H., School Archi., 1848. Barr, Anglican Church Archit., 1846. ARCHITECTURE. 23 Architecture (continued). Bayer, Cathed., Strasbourg. Belidor, La Science des ingenieurs, 1813. Boisseree, Denkmale. . .am Nieder- Rhein, 1844. Burrowes, Penn a School Archi., 1855. Builder s Dictionary, 1734. Builder, The, London, 1867-69. Building News, 1868-69. Bury, De Marbrerie. Calliat, Parallele des Maisons de Paris, 1830. Cambridge Caiaden Soc., 1842-43, | Pam. 401. Ceruti, Portici a Magazzini, 1848. Civil Eng. and Arch. Journal, 1838- j 1867. Considerations on the principles, 1843. I Dallaway, Architecture in England, 1833. Daly, Motifs d Architecture, 1869. Dardel, Palais du commerce a Lyon, , 1868. Davy, Artificial foundations, 1839- Denison, On Church building, 1856. Didron, Cathedrale de Chartres, 1861. Doellinger, Die Baukunst, 1833. Elmes, Life of Wren. Fergusson, Hand Book of Architecture, 1855. " Hist, of Modern Architec- , ture, 1862. " Assyr. and Pers. Architec ture, 1851. Field, M., City Architecture, 1853. Garbett, Rud. treat, on principles of design in. Garnaud, Arch. Chretienne, 1857. Gaucherel, Decoration applique a, 1857. Glossary of Architecture, 1850. Gwilt, Encyc. of Archit., 1867. Halfpenny, Chinese and Gothic, 1752. Hart, J., Construction of oblique arches, 1839. " J. C., Parish Churches, 1857. I Hopper, Westminster palace. Hunt, T. F., Architettura campestre, 1827. " Examples of Tudor architec ture, 1841. Johnson, W. R., Building Stones, 1850, Pam. 518. Krafft, Maisons de Paris, 1849. Kugler, F., Geschichte der, 1859. Leeds, W. H , Rudimentary architec ture, 1848. Architecture (continued). Legh, Music of the Eye. Le Noir, Architecture monastique. Lindsay, Hist, of Christian Art. Merlini, Dei tetti degli edifici, 1842. Milizia, Lives of Architects, 1826. Moller, Deutschen Baukunst. Moseley, Mech. Principles of, 1856. Murphy, J. C., Arabian Antiq. of Spain. New York Ecclesiologist, 1848-53. Nicholson, Encyclopedia of, 1861. " Treatise on Projection, 1840. Otis, Specific, for Arsenal, 1858, P. 193. Otte, Kirkl. Kunst. Archaologie, 1855. Owen, R. D., Hints on public archi tecture, 1849. Paddington uew Church. Paley, On Peterborough Cathed. Palladio, L Architettura, 1642. Pamphlets, vols. 1221, 1235, 1652. Papworth, Museums, 1853. Pasley, Obs. on limes, cements, 1838. Peake, Rudiments of Naval Archit., 1849. Plans for Churches, 1854. Poole, Churches, structure, 1845. Popp, Arch. Gothique, 1841. Prony, Archit. hydraulique, 1790, 96. Pugin, A., Gothic ornaments, 1844. " Timber gables, 1839. Pugin A. W., Examples of Gothic arch., 1850-56. " Remarks on Eccl. arch., 1850. " An apology for "Con trasts," 1837. Puttrieh, Baukunst des Mitteliilters, 1844-50. " Bauku. i. d. Obersachsis- chen Landern, 1852. Ralph, J., Public Buildings of London. Ranlett, W. H., The Architect, 1847. Rowe, S., on Gothic archit. Round Church, Restoration, 1845, Pam. 401. Rudiments of ancient, 1821. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, 1851. " Seven Lamps of, 1854. " Notes on Sheepfolds, 1851, Pam. 222. ScamozzijCEuvres d Architecture, 1764. Scheult, Architect, en Italic, 1830. Schinkel, Sammlung Archit. Entwurfe, 1845. " Werke de hoheren Baukunst, 1840. ARCHITECTURE. Architecture (continued). Schlegel, F., Misc. works, On Gothic Architecture, 1849. Schnaase, Gesch. d. Bildcnenen Kiinste bei den alien, 1843-64. Shaw, Civil Architecture, 1836. Simms, F. W., Public Works of Great Britain, 1838. Smeaton, Builder s Companion, 1850. Smith, W., Origin and Progress of, 1831. Society for promoting . . . Eastover church. Soravia, Le chiese di Venezia, 1822. Stichaner, Romisch. Denkmaeler in Baiern, 1808. Stuart, R., Dictionary of Archit. Sturm, Arch. Goldmannianae, 1714. Theory.... of bridges, Weale, 1853. Tower, Illus. of Croton aqueduct, 1843. Tredgold, Principles of carpentry, 1837. Tuthill, Hist, of Architecture, 1848. Verdier, Arch, au Moyen age, 1858. Viollet le Due, Arch. mil. du Moyen age, 1854. Vitri, Le Vignole de poche, 1840. " Diet, d Architecture civile, 1840. Vitruvius, L Architettura, 1758. Von Steinwehr, Specifications, 1858. Ware, W. R., Arch, instruction, 1860. Weale, Dictionary of civil and naval Archit., 1849, 50. Westminister Palace. Wightwick, The Palace of Architect., 1840. " Hints to young architects, 1847. Wills, Anc. Engl. Arch., 1850. Ziegler, Etudes ceramiques, 1850. See Bibliography ; Church. Architecture, Domestic. Allen, L. F., Rural Architecture, 1852. Cleaveland, Villages and farm cottages. Downing, A. J., Designs for rural cot tages, 1844. Fowler, Home for All, 1848. Goodwin, Rural architecture, 1835. Hunt, Picturesque domestic architec ture, 1841. Johnson, S. W., Rural Economy; Pise building, 1806. Maatschappij, etc., Burgerlijke Bouw- kunde. Normand, Decorations pour Maisons. Robinson, P. F., Ornamental cottages, 1838. Strickland, Cottage construction. Architecture, Domestic (continued). Vaux, C., Villas and Cottages, 1857, 1864. Wheeler, G., Homes for the people, 1855. See Building. Arctic Travels. Erman, Travels in Si beria, 1848. Hayes, Open Polar sea. Hearne, Journey to Northern Ocean, 1769-72. Lainont, Seasons with the sea-horses, 1861. Leslie, Discoveries in Polar seas, 1831. Mackenzie s Journal. Memoires, (Engel), 1765, 1779. Scoresby, Description of, 1820. Simpson, S., Discov. on North coast of America, 1836-39. Tytler, P. F., Progress of discovery. Sec Voyages (Arctic); Russia; North America. Ardeche, France. Annuaire, 1836. Ardenne. France. Podesta, Bords de la Scmoy. Argensola, L. Pellicer, Ensayo, 1778. Argentine Confederation. Constit., 1826. Azara, Hutoire naturelle. King, J. A., Twenty-four years in, 1846. Nunez, Account of the United Provin ces, 1825. Page, T. J., Exploration of, 1853-56. Pazos, Letters on the United Provinces, 1819. Rosas, De la dictatura, 1849. " Corregpondencia, 1851. Sarmiento, Life in, 1868. See La Plata ; Paraguay ; Buenos Ayres. Argyle, Duke of. Conduct reviewed, 1740. Arians. Blackrnore, R.. Arian Hypothe sis, 1721. Pam. 340. " Modern Arians, 1721. P. 340. Fulgentius, Opera. Maimbourg, History of Potter, J., Charge, 1719. Remarks upon Dr. Clark s Expos., 1730, Pam. 349. Scriptures and A. compared, 1722. Two Letters, 1751, 1756. Whiston s writings, 1708-29. See Unitarians. Aristocracy. See Dignities; Rank. ARIZONA. 25 Aristotle. Andronicus, Paraph, ethic., Ox., 1819. Beloe, v. 4, Commentators on. Blakesley, Life of. Eustratius, Commentaria., Ven., 1536. Siinplicius, In IV lib. de Coelo. Traj., 1865. Arithmetics. Adams, D., Scholar s, 1833. Alexander s System, 1802. Amer. Tutor s Assistant, 1813. Arithm. fragment, London. Ballard, Gauging unmasked. Bennett, T., Pract. Arith., Phila., 1818. Bertrand, Arit. commerciale. Bezout, Theor. and Pract. Arithmetic, 1825, B. C. Blassiere, Calcul numerique, 1770. Bonnycastle, Scholar s guide. Botham, First Book of. Bowen, T. H., Self-multiplier. Boydell, Merchant freighter. Brion, Arith. industrielle, 1836. Bruce, J. C., Mental arith., 1835. Bullock, Hist, and Rudiments of, 1853. Byrne, Dual arithmetic, Lond., 1864. Cobb, L., N. Y., 1834. Cocker, E., Lond., 1758. Colburn, Boston, 1841. Concise arithmetician, 1829. Constantin, Arith. decimale, 1830, Cornell s Trader s Reckoner. Correct arith. tables. Cruttenden, D. H., The Systematic Ar., 1848. Daboll s Schoolmaster s Assistant. Dalton, Arith- examples. Davies, C., School arith., 1861. " Intell. arithmetic. " Univer. arithmetic. " Grammar of, 1850. De Morgan, Elements of arith., 1846. Dilworth, 1784, 1802. Docharty, Pract. arith., 1854. Dodd, J. B., High School arith., 1853. Doyle, Ready reckoner for boards, wages. Eaton, J. S., Treatise on, 1857. Elemens d arithmetique, 1833. Emerson, F., N. Amer. arith,, 1844. Evans, J., Tables of discount, 1823. Fuller, J. E., Telegraphic computer, 1852. Gelder, De Cijferkunst, 1837. Gordon, W., Universal Accountant, 1796. Arithmetics (continued). Greenleaf, Mental arith. Hadden, Rudimentary arith , 1851. Hunter, J , Modern arith., Lond. ,1866. Hutton, C., Key to. King, J., New system, 1808. Kruijtbosch, Pract. Rekenboek, 1852, 1R55. Lardner, Treatise on Arith., Cyclop. v . 60 . Lee, C., Am. Accomptant. M Kenney, F., Key to Bennett s,1811. Mailly, Science du Calcul, 1848. Meursius, Denarius Py thagoricus,1631 . Muelder, Calcul mental. Newton, Sir I., Univ. Arithmetic. Olney, System of. Parke, N., Lect. on Philosophy of, 1850. Partridge, S., Scale of proportion. Peacock, Mental arith., 1826. Penn, S., Of weight of diff. lengths, 1830. Perkins, G. R., Arithmetics, 1849-51. " Lecciones, 1856. Pike, N., 1793, 97- Preston, J., Introd. to, Albany, 1834. Rihouey, Nouveau traite, 1830. Ritt, Nouv. Arithmetique, 1858. Saigey, Problemes de, 1757. " Solutions Raisonnees, 1857. Saul, J., Tutor s Asst , 1815. Scheutz. Calcul. Machine, 1857. Smith, B., Class book of, 1864. Smith, R. C., Pract. and mental, 1834. " Federal calculator, 1836. Key to, 1844. Sonnet, Leyons d , 1857. Stevens, B., System of, 1822. Stoddard, J. F., Amer. Intel, arith., 1850. " The Amer. Philoso., 1853. Stoddard, W., Federal Calculator, 1815. Thompson, J. B., Practical Ar , 1853. " Ment. arith., 1854, 63. Vogdes, U. S. Arithmetic, 1847. Walsh, M., Mercantile Arith., 1807. Walton, Intellectual Arith., 1866. Young, J. R., Simple Arith., 1855. See Mathematics; Tables. Arizona. Arizona Miner., 1866-70, imp. Bailey, Report on Indians of, 1858. Browne, J. R., Adventures in, 1869. Cram, T. J., Memoir on, 1858. Cremony, Life with the Apaches, 1868. Mowry, Resources of, 1859. 26 ARIZONA. Arizona (continued). Pumpelly, Across America, 1870. U. S., Pacific R. R. Reports, 1855-59. Arkansas. Nuttall, T., Travels in, 1819. Schoolcraft, Journal of a tour, 1818-19. Armenia and Armenians. Ainsworth, \V. F , Travels in, 1842. Aucher, Armenian Convent, Venice, 1825, Pam. 395. Curzon, Armenia and Erzeroum, 1854. Dwight, Christianity among, 1850. Elist us, Soulevement, Ve Sieele. Fink, Der Christenheit in Armenien, 1698. Fontanier, Voy. en Orient, 1829. Ignatius, Untorinagoutiun, 1814. Jauria, Hist, du royaume. Layard, Travels in Armenia, 1853. Moorat College a Paris. Parrot, Journey to Ararat, 1845. Porter, bir R. K., Travels in Georgia and, 1817-20. Sandwith, II., Travels in, 1856. Smith, E., Researches in Armenia, 1833. Somal, Storia Letteraria di, 1829. Southgate, H., Tour in, 1840. See Turkey; Language; Grammars. Armenian Church. Goode, Mechitar- istican Soc. Venice, 1825. Arm. Ch. Liturgie, 1851. Smith, E., Researches in, 1833. Arminianism. Bonsall, Of Knowledge in God, 1830. Pam. 339. Brandt, Hist, of Reformation, 1720. Huntington, W., Funeral of Arminius, 1804. Rous, Testis veritatis, 1626. See Methodists. Arminius. Calder, Mem. of Episcopius. Armor, Ancient. Fosbroke, Encyc. of Antiquities. Grose, Milit. Antiquities. Armory, National. Rock Island, 111. Arms, (Oats of. See Heraldry. Arms of War. See Military. Armstrong, J. Booth, Memoir of, 1853. Armstrong, L. Hay, W., History of, 1855. Armstrong, W . J . Memoir of, and Ser mons. Army. See Military; United States; Great Britain; France. Army Rank. Scott, Gen. W., Corres pondence, 1828. Army, Standing. Letter balancing, etc., 1697. Moyle, Inconsistent with Free Govern ment, 1697. Pam. 408. Seasonable Letter, 1751. Trenchard, History of, in England, 1698. Arnheim. Outrein, Afscheid a Reeden., 1703. Arnold, I*. Barbe-Marbois, Complot d Arnold, 1816. Bradford Club No. 6, Northern inva sion, 1780. Meigs, R. J., Exped. against Quebec. Melvin, Exp. to Quebec, 1775. Sargent, Life of Andre. Stone, E. M., Invasion of Canada. Sparks, J., Life of. Arnold, S. R. Potter, W. J., Discourse on, 1860. Arnold, T. Palmer, W., Remarks on. Rullo, Arnold, a model teacher. Stanley, A. P., Life and correspondence of, 1844. Arnold, W. Wilson, S., Serin., Death of, 1734 . Pam. 381. Art. See Fine Arts; Painting; Taste; Engraving; Sculpture. Artesian well. Smith, J. L., Du Pont s, Louisville. See Wells. Arthur, King . Life, etc. (Southey s ed.) Ritson, Life of. Westminster Rev. Jul., 1871. P. 165. Arthur, Mrs. Hough, A., Sketch of, 1853. Pam. 99. Artie til a ta. See Entomology ; Mollusks; Zoophytes, Arts. Advertisements. Pam.V. 16, 1014. Ajkin, Illust.of Arts and Manuf., 1841. Amer. Inst. of the city of N. Y. Trans., 1842-67. Amer. Polytechnic Jour., 1853-54. Antisell, Handbook of the Useful Arts. Appleton s Mechanic s Magazine, 1852- 1854. Arcana of Science and Art, 1828-38. Art Jour. Illust. Cat. of Lond Exhib., 1851. Artist s Guide, 1829. Bennett, J., Artificer s Lexicon, 1837. Bigelow, J., Elements of Technology, 1829. Boucard, Notions sur. ARTS. 27 Arts (continued). Brandon Paints. Browne, D.J., Etymological Encyclo pedia, 1832. B. C. Buchanan, R , Mill work, etc., 1823. Burgoyne, Quarrying of Stone, 1849. Bulletin des sci. technologiques, 1826- 1831. Byrne, Metal-worker s Asst., 1852. Canada, Exposition, 1855. Canada et 1 Exposition, 1855. Crosby, P., Sawing lumber. Denison, Treatise on clock-making, 1850. Dobson, E., Manuf. of bricks. 1850. Dossie, Observations on potash, 1767. Dunlap, W., Progress of Arts of De sign in America, 1834. Elliot, S., American Museum, 1822. Emporium of Arts and Sciences, 1812- 1814. Epitome of the Arts, 1811. Evans, Young Millwright s Guide, 1795. Ewbank, Hydraulic and other ma chines, 1842. Exhibition, Loud., 1862. Exposition universclle, 1851. Exposition de Paris, 1867. France, Expos, of. 1855. Franke, Technological Dictionary. Franklin Institute Journal, 1826-70. Gill s Technological Repository, 1827- 1830. Gilroy, Art of Weaving, 1847. Gobright, N. Y. Sketch Book, 1858. Gregory, G., Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 1815-16. Gregory, 0., Treatise on Mechanics, 1826. Grumman, Surveyor s chains. Guillery, Technologic. " Arts ceramiques. Hay, D. R., Nomenclature of colours, etc., 1845. Hazen, Pop. Technology. Historical Essay, 1749. History of silk, cotton, wool, etc., 1845. Holland, J., Manufactures in metal. (Lard. Cycl.) Holtzapfel, C., Turning and Mechan. manipulation, 1846-51. Howard s Dredging machine. Invention, L , Journal, Paris, 1857-60. Jamieson, A., Mech. for practical men. Journal des Connaissances usuelles, 1833. Alto (continued). Journal of Design and Manufact., 1849-52. Kingsley s Mechanic s Pocket Book, 1851. Lardner, Treatise on Mechanics. Leonard, The Mechanical Principia, 1848. Littlefield, D. G., Improvements, base burning stove. Mass Char. Mech. Assoc. Addresses, 1837-48. Mechanics Magazine, London, 1823-70. Mining Magazine, 1853-60. Monge, Treatise on Statics, 1851. Morris, Tasker & Co., Pascal Iron Works, Catal. of. Mosely, Illustrations of Mechanics, 1829. " Treatise on Mechanics, 1839. Moxon, Mechanic Exercises. 1677. Nicholson, J., Operative Mechanic, 1834. Overman, Iron Moulder s Guide. Pamphlets on the Arts, vols. 402, 658, 1035, 1222, 1223, 1235, 1653, 1854, 2507. Parrish, Skeletonizing leaves. Payen, Cheinie industrielle. Pilkington, J., Artist s Guide, 1841. Potter, A., Science applied to Arts and Manuf., 1841. Recueil d Ouvrages, etc., Bance. Reimann, Manuf. of aniline. Repertory of Arts, 1794-1806. Repertory of patent inventions, period. 1830-62. Richardson, Metallic Arts and Dis eases, 1790. Scientific American, period , 1846-70. Simmons Edge Tools, 1855, P. 298. Soc. Cen. d Agric. Moulins a bras, 1821. Society for the Encouragement of, etc., 1760, 1836. Soc. for promot. of useful arts, N. Y., 1807. Society of Arts, Journal, London, 1854-70. Spafford, Wheel carriages, 1815. Stearns, S., American Oracle, 1791. Stokes, Cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 1850. Swindell, S. G., Well-digging and pumpwork, 1849. Symons, J. C., Arts and Artisans, 1839. ARTS. Arts (continued). limb s Year Book, 1839-55. Tolhausen, Technological Diet.. 1854, 1855. Tomlinson, Cyclopaedia, 1851,54. Sup plement, 1868 Tomlinson, C , Rudimentary mechan ics, 1851. Totten, Hydraulic and comm. mortar, 1842. " Lime-burning, 1842. Treatise on dyeing and calico-printing, 1846. Turner. R., Introduction to Arts and Sciences, 1783. United States Mag. of Science, Art, etc., 1854, 55. United States Pat. Off. reports to 1868. Ure, Diet, of Arts, Man. and Mines, 1840, 45. Supplement, 1863. Ward, G. G., Essay on the lever, 1829. Weisbach, Mech. of Machinery, 1847, 1848. Whittock, Decorative painter s guide, 1841. Wright, W. H., Treatise on mortars, 1845. Wyatf, llth French Exposition, 1849. Young, T., Lecture on Mech. Arts, 1807. Young Ladies Book. Ziegler, Etudes ceramiques, 1850. See Inventions; Patents; Scientific; Engineering; Exhibitions; Mech. Institutes; Hydraulics; Machin ery; Fine Arts; Cements. Asbury, F. Coke, Ord. Sermon of, 1784. j Strickland, W. P., Life of, 1858. Ashbridge, G. W. Russell, J. T., Ser mon on, 1834. Ashburnham, M. Gushing, J., Century Sermon. Ashland Co., Ohio. Knapp, H. S., History of. A shin ii ii. J. Bacon, L., Discourse on, 1828, P. 61. Gurley, R. R., Life of, 1835. A slit on, J. Memoirs of, 1838. Ash worth, C. Palmer, S., Serm. on. Asia. Baldelli, Relazioni. . .dell Asia. Barros, L Asia, 1562. Bell, J., Tr. to various parts of, 1764. Bergeron, Voy. en Asie, xil-xv sic- ! cles. Bernier, Tr. in the Mogul Empire, 1826. Asia (continued). Buckingham, Tr. in Oriental World, 1830. Cartwright, J., Travels in, (Church ill s Coll.) Chardin, Voyages, 1711. Dapper, Beschryving van Asie, 1680. Drummond, Sir W., Origines, 1824. Engel, Situation des pays septentrion- aux, 1765. Herbert, Travel in, 1677. Keppel, Journey from India to Eng., 1827. Klaproth, Tableaux historiques. La Motraye Travels, 1732. Olearius, Travels, 1639. Ouseley, Travels in the East, 1819-23. Palmer, A. H., Commerce with, 1847. Polo, Marco, II milione. " Travels in the 13th century, 1818, 1854. Remusat, Melanges Asiatiques. Soc. Asiatique, Journal, 1823-67. Tavernior, Six Voyages, 1676-77. Turkish evening entertainments, 1850. Asia, Central. Atkinson, T. W., Ex- plor. in Central, 1858. Burnes, A., Travels to Bol- hara, 1831- 1833. Carpini, Travels in. Conolly, Journey to North of India, 1838. Hervey, T. K., Adventures in Tartary. Hist, of the Tartars. Moorcroft, Himalayan Provinces, 1841. Ranking, Wars of the Mongols. Timour, Histoire de, 1722. Vambery, Travels in Central, 1865. Wolff, J., Travels, 1831-34. " Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45. Wood, J., Sources of the River Oxus, 1836-38. See Persia; Affghanistan; Tibet. Asia, Southern. Baron, S., Descript. of Tonqueen. Crawfurd, Embassy to Ava. 1830. " Embassy to Siarn and Cochin China, 1830. Earl. Phys. Geog. of South Eastern, 1853, P. 402. Ireland, Five years in, 1859. Malcom, Travels in South Eastern Asia, 1839. Roberts, E., Embassy to Cochin China, etc., 1832-34. Shaw, S., Journals, 1847. Texeira, Tr. from India to Italy. ASTRONOMY. Asia, Southern (continued). Valentia, Voy. and trav. to India, 1802-06 See India; China; Voyages. Asia, Western. Chandler, R., Hist, of Troy, 1802. Hamilton, W. J., Researches in Asia Minor, 1842. Kinneir s Journey, 1813-14. Leake, Tour in A. Minor, 1824. Rennell, Compar. Geography of, 1831. Shaw, T., Travels, 1738. Southgate, H., Tour in Armenia, etc., 1840. Stephens, J. L., Incidents of Trav. in, 1841. Taylor, B., Land of the Saracen, 1855. Varthema, Travels, 1503-8. Wellsted, Travels to the cities of the Caliphs, 1840. See Turkey; Armenia ; Syria. Asiatic Languages. See Bibliography; Oriental; Arabic; Languages. Asphyxia. Colhoun, Suspend. Anima- J tion, 1823. Gardane, Sur les Asphyxies, 1774, P. ; 611. Portal, Vapeurs Mcphitiques, 1775, P. 611. See Cholera; Drowning. Aspland, R. Madge, T., Sermon on, 1846. Mardon, B., Sermon on. Assam. Griffith, W., Travels in, 1847. Assassination. Enq y into merit of,1738. Assiento treaty- Assiento que se tomo, etc. National dispute, 1739. Associate Church. Exhibition of some of the means, etc., 1835. Miller, J. P., Sketches of Ministers, 1839. Associate Presbyterian Church. Concise... Narrative, 1789. Sprague s Annals of the pulpit, vol. 9. Associate Reformed Church. Min utes, 1798-1816. Christian Magazine, N. Y., 1833-34. Letter to the members, 1795. Miller s Biog. sketches and hist. Religious Monitor, 1824-37. Associate Reformed Presb. Church. Niven, A. C., Centen. Memor., 1859. Association. See Social Science. Astor Library. Reports, 1845-60. U. S. Mag., vol. 2. Astor Place, riot. Rejoinder to replies, 1849. Assyria. Ainsworth, Researches in. Buckingham, J. S., Travels in Mesopo- tomia. Drummond, Science of the Chaldeans. Fraser, Hist, of Mesop. and Assyr. Rawlinson, The five great monarchies, 1867. Rich, C. J., Voyage down the Tigris, 1836. SeChaldea; Mesopotomia. Astrology. Albertus Mag., De virtutibus. Almanach Astrologique, 1855. Christmas, Cradle of the Twin giants, 1819. Chyromancie, 1619. Forman, Autobiog. and Diary, 1552- 1602. Holwel, J., Catastrophe Mundi, 1683. Lilly, Wm., Introduction to, 1852. " Predictions, 1648. Nostradamus, Prophecies, 1672. % Raphael, Manual of, 1834. Almanacs, 1845, 52, 53. Roback s Astrol Almanac, 1850-54. Spirit of Partridge, 1825. Vox Stellarum, (Moore), 1705-78. See Almanacs; Delusions. Astronomy. Adam*, G., Princ. of, 1801. Airy, G. B., Popular astron., 1866. Reports of the Astron. Royal. Amer. Ephemeris, 185668. Arago, Astron. Populaire, 1855. " Tract on Comets, 1832. < (Euvres, 1854. Astronomical Jour., Cambridge, Mass., 1849-58, 1861. Astronomical Notices (Brunnow) Ann Arbor. Bailly, Hist, de 1 Astron. anci., 1791. " Hist, de 1 Astron. moderne., 1779-82. " Hist, de 1 Astron. indienne., 1787. Baily, Eclipse, 1820. " Roy, Ast. Soc. Add., 1833. Bavaria, Observatory, Resultate, 1820- 1868. Bentley, J., Hindoo system of. Biot, Elem. treatise, 1827. Bond, Donati s Comet, 1858. Boscovich, Opera. 30 ASTRONOMY. Astronomy (continued). Bowditch, Mecan. celeste of La Place, j 1829-39. Bradford, D., Wond. of the heavens, 1837. Brnunow, Comete de Vico, 1849. Bureau des fcongitudes, Annuaire, 1826-57, 59. Burritt, E. H., Astron. Atlas, 1835. " Geog. of the heavens. Gary, Names of constellations. Cassini, J. D., Elemens de 1 , verifies, 1684. {< Lumiere celeste dana le Zo- diaque, 1685. " Satellites de Jupiter, 1693. Chabert, Voyage, 1751. Chambers, G. F., Descript. Astron., 1867. Chappe, Observations de Venus, 1769. Clarke, H., Refraction and parallax, 1800. Conant, Year Book, 1836. Copernicus, De Revol. Orbium, 1543. De La Rue, W., Solar physics, 1865. " Solar eclipse, July 1860. Dick, Practical Astronomer. 1848. " Downes, Occultations in United States, 1851, 52, 53. Druinmond, (Edipus Judaicus. Dudley Observatory, Annals, vol. i, 1866; ii, 1871. Dunkin, The midnight sky, 1872. Dunn, Univ. planispheres. Dupuis, Origine des cultes. Eclipse (The Annular) of 1854. Edwards, S., Copernicus, a poem. Exam, of doct. of moon s rotation, 1847. P. 23. Ferguson, Introd. to Astronomy, 1812. " Astronomy explained, 1799. Firinicus, J., Astronomicon, 1551. Fleurieu, Voy. pour eprouver les hor- loges marines, 1768, 69. Gassendi, P., Institutio Astronomica, ! 1656. Gauss, Theory of the Motion, etc., 1857. Georgetown Coll. Annals of Observat., 1852. Gilliss, Obs. at Observatory, Wash., 1846. " U. S. N. Astr. Exped., 1849- 1852. Goodacre, Expl. of the terms of, 1824. P. 24. B. C. " Eight Lectures on, 1825. Astronomy (continued). Gould, B. A., Hist, of Disc, of Nep tune, 1850. Grant, R., Hist, of Physical Astron., 1852. Guilleinin, The heavens, 1871. Guy, Elements of, 1832. 1 1 ah 11. Descr. of Planetarium, 1781. P. 402. Haskins, R. W., Astr. for Schools, 1841. " Essays on Comets, 1842. Herschel, Outlines of Astron., 1849. " Treatise on Astronomy. " Treatise on (Walker s ed.), 1836. " Obs. at the Cape of Good Hope, 1834-38. " Obs. of Nebulae at Slough, 1825-33. Hind, The Solar system, 1852. HumboldtjObservationsastronomiques, 1799-1803. Hevelius, Annus climactericus, 1685. llolmboe, Chaldaernes astrolab. Hough, G. W., Cataloguing machine, 1863. Kendall, Uranography, 1824. Keith, Use of globes. Kreil, Einfluss des Mondes, 1853. Lawson, H., Obs. on Uranus. Leadbetter, C., Astronomy, 1727. Le Gentil, Voyage .... passage de Venus. LeVerrier, Mouvement de Mercure, 1845. Loomis, E., Progress of, inU. S., 1850. Loomis, W. J., Origin of gravitation, etc. Lovekin, Mental calculator, 1821. Lubbock, Researches in phys. astron., 1830, 37. Ludlam, French tech. terms in. Manilius, Astronomicon, 1679. Marsh, J., The Astrarium, 1806. Maupertuis, CEuvres, 1756. Maurice, Observations on astro, and anc. hist., 1816. Maury, Obs. at Astr. Ob. Washington, 1845, 46, 47. Meech, Heat of the Sun. . Mitchel, 0. M., Planetary and stellar worlds, 1848. Address, Hamilton Coll. ,1856. Astron. of the Bible, 1863. Morgan, Aurora Borealis, Cambridge, 1847. ATTERBURY. 31 Astronomy (continned). Nichol, J. P., Thoughts on the system of the world, 1848- " The Planetary system, 1851. " % Views of, 1848. Oliver, On Comets, 1772. Oswald, Commentaria, 1556. Palmer, C., Heliography, 1798. Pamphlets, vols. 766, 960, 1486. Passement, Descr. des telescopes, 1737. Pinnock, Catechism of, 1829. P. 605. Pritch.ird, C., Ellipticity of the earth. Proctor, The sun, 1871. Purbach, Nov. Theor. Planetarium. Quetelet, A., Rapport, observ. royale, 1856. " Encyc. Pop., Astronomic. (t Sur les aurores boreales. Quetelet, E., Aurore de 1859. " Inclinaison mag. a Bruxelles. Reynolds, Geo., Elements of, 1809. Reynolds, James, Astron. Diagrams. Richer, Observations astron. Caeinne. Robert, Mouvements des Corps Celestes, 1852. Robinson, H. N., Treatise on, 1850. Rosten, Astron. Handbuch. 1726. Rothman, Hist, of astron (Lib. U. K.) Royal Astron. Society, 1835. P. 402. Russia, Observatoire central. SaintePreuve, Elem. de Cosmographie, 1857. Schroter, Selenotopog. Frag., 1791. " Aphroditograph. Frag., 1796. Simplicius, Comm. in Aristot. deCoelo. Smith, G., Eclipse of 1748. Smyth, W. H., A Cycle of celes. objects, 1844. Somerville, M., Mechanism of the heavens, 1831. Stevens, J., Ascertaining Latitude, 1800. P. 402. Sykesv, Eclipse of Phlegon, 1732. Taylor, J., Lunar Tables, 1836. Turner, P., Astron. Obs. in Hudson s Bay Cornp. Posses., 1794. U. S. Naval Exped., Chili, 1848. P. 551. U. S. Naval Observatory, (Maury), 1849, 50. Voiron, Hist, de, 1781-1811. Whewell, Astron. and Gen. Phys., 1833. " Plurality of worlds, 1854. Whiston, W>, Astron. principles of re ligion, 1717. " Astr. lectures, 1728. Wilkins, J. H., Elements of, 1825. Astronomy (continued). Winthrop, J., On Comets, 1759, 1811. " On Transit of Venus, 1769. Young, A., Solar Attraction, 1856. P. 205. See Mathematics ; Earth ; Comets. At field. A. Pearson, R., Sermon on, 1854. Atheism. Beecher, L., Works, v. 1. Bentley, R., Lectures on, 1692, 93. Cudworth, Intel. Syst. of Universe, 1743. Dane, J., Sermon on, 1794. Harris, Boyle Lectures. Origin of Atheism, 1684. Parker, T., Sermons of, 1856. Richards, W., French Atheism. Robles, Hypocrisy worse than .... 1 742. See Natural Religion ; Infidelity. Athens, Greece. Bulwer, E. L. Athens. Colton, W., Visit to, 1836. Leake, \V. M., Topog. of Athens, etc., 1824. Petersen, Fries des Parthenon, etc. Pittakys, Ancienne Athene*. Schumann, Assemblies of Athens. See Greece. Athens Co. Ohio. Walker, C. M., History of. Athol, Ms. Clark, S. F., Cenn. dis course, 1851. Atkinson, W. M. Lacy, B. T., Sermon on. Vtkiuson, N. H. Cogswell, Hist. of. (N. H. H. Coll. v. 6.) Atlases. See Bibliography; Maps; Gcog. Atonement. Criticism, upon Sacrifices, 1761. Dutton, Reply to Hall, 1858. Essay on (Balguy). Evans, C., Doctrine of. Huntington, J., Thoughts on, 1791. Malcom, H., Efficacy of. Mercer, J., Ten letters, 1830. Mills, R., Reasons against, 1829. Murdock, J., Nature of. Pamphlets on the Atonement, v. 1620. Skinner, T. II., Sermon, 1833. Stevenson, Dissertation on, 1832. See Christ; Trinity. : Atterbury, Bp. F. Letters (Stuart papers). Chambers, C., On A . in prison. " Letters to, 1706. Phipps, C., Defence of, 1723. 32 ATTLEBOROUGH. Attleborough, Mass. Crane, J., Hist. | sketches of, 1848. Aube, Fr. Annuaire, 1846. Auburn, IV. Y. Hall, H., History of. Rudd, History St. Peter s Church at. Auckland, Lord. Jour, and cor., 1862. Auctions. Auction system, 1824. Expositions of some of the Evils, 1822. P. 522. Reasons why present system, etc., 1828. Remarks on system in N. Y., 1828. P. 75. See Bibliography. Audenard. See Marlborough, Duke of. Audubon, J. J. Life of, 1869. St. John, H., Adventures of, 1856. Webber, Hunter naturalist, 1851. Augsburg. See Bibliography. Augsburg Confession. Schutt, with introd. and notes, 1848. Augusta, JUe. North, History of, 1870. Weston, Centcn. discourse. lt Scenes in a vestry. Augusta, Oneida Co., N, Y. Bar tholomew, Hist, address, 1847. Augustinus, St. A, Opera et Vita, 1700-1703. Parker Soc., Gen. Index. Augustus, J. Labors of, 1852. Austin, A. Hutchings, T., Sermon on, 1816. P. 382. Austin, C. Emerson, W., Sermon on. Australia. Barrington, G., Voyage to Botany Bay, 1790. Behrens, Exped. des Prov. Unies, 1721. ! Bennett, G., Wanderings, New South I Wales, 1832-34. Blosseville, Colonies Ptinales d Angle- terre, 1831. Braim, T. H., Hist, of New South | Wales, 1844. Brosses, Hist, des Nav. aux terres ! aust., 1756. Byrne, Twelve Years Wanderings, 1835-47. Collins, D., Account of Engl. Colony in New South Wales, 1798, 1802. Dampier, Voyage to, 1699. Davison, Gold deposits in, 1860. Earl, Physical Geog. of, 1853. P. 402. Fleurieu, Voy. sud-est de la Nouv. Guinee, 1768, 69. Flinders, Voyage to Terra Australis, 1801-1803. Australia (continued). Grey, Exped. of discov. in northwest and west of, 1841. Haygarth, Bush life in, for eight years, 1848. History of New South Wales* 1818. Howitt, Land, labor and gold, 1855. Hunter, J., Histor. Journal, 1793. King, P. P., Intertrop. and western coasts of, 1827. Lloyd, Thirty years in, 1862. Lyon, C., Wright s three years in Van Diemen s land, 1844. Major, Early voyages to. (Hakluyt Soc., 1859.) Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib. v. 2. " Brit. Possessions, 1847. Meredith, Mrs. C., Notes and sketches of New South Wales, 1844. Oxley, Two exped. to the inter., 1817. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 767, 1487. Phillip, A., Voy. to Botany Bay, 1790. Reid, T., Two voyages, 1822. Sidney, S., The Three Colonies, 1854. Strzelecki, Disc, of N. S. Wales and Van Dieman, 1845. Three years experience, 1838. Tench, Botany Bay and New South Wales, 1789. Twenty years experience, 1839. Victoria Colony, Productions of. " Exhibition, 1861. Vocabulaires of Australia, 1861. Westgarth, Victoria in 1853. White, J,, Voyage a la Nouvelle- Galles du Sud, 1787-89. Austria. Austria and the Austrians, 1837. Cass, L., Speech on Relat. with, 1850. P. 487. Coxe, W., Mem. of House of Austria, 1820. Desprez, Les Peuples de 1 Autriche, 1850. Dodge, R., Austria and its polity, 1853. Hall, B., Schloss Hainfield, Lower Styria, 183fl. Hartig, Late Austrian Revolu., 1348. Istoria della Casa d Austria, 1792-93. Kelly, History of, to 1848. Kohl, J. G., Austria, 1843. Koubrakiewicz, Rcvelationsof Austria, 1846. Paton, The Adriatic coast, 1849. Peabody, E. P., Crimes of, 1852. Pellico, S., My imprisonments, 1833. Picturesque representations of, 1814. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 33 Austria (continued). Pillersdorf, Political movement 1848, 9. ! Recueil des Representations des Pays Bas, 1787. Russell, J., Tour in, 1822-25. Schimmer, Sieges of Vienna. Stiles, W. H., Austria in 1848. Trollope, Vienna and the Austrians, ; 1838. See Germany ; Hungary. Authority, Church. Authority of the Church, 1718. Betty, Ch. Gov t, A Sermon, 1729. Blackall, 0., Answer to Hoadly, 1709. Bowen, N., Sermon, 1826, Phila. Burnet, G., Answer to Law, 1717. Case of Compelling, 1684. Davisson, J., Prot. Ministers Mission, 1720. Discourse Concerning a Guide, 1683. Discourse Concerning Judge of Con troversies, 1686. Du Moulin, A Replie, 1675. Exam, of the Scheme of Power, 1736. Fitz Gerald, Appeal Canon Law, 1851. P. 329. Garbett, J., Writings, 1843-51. Hoadly, Reply to Bishop of Exeter, 1709. Judgment and Doct. of the Clergy,1687. Necessity of Chr. Subjection, 1640. New Essay, 1739. New Defense of Hoadly, (Hare), 1720. Pam. 340. Religion of the Ch. of Eng., 1673. Remarks on Two Charges, 1738. Sherlock, W., Judge of Contro., 1686. " Prot. Resolution, 1685. Snape, Letters to Hoadly, 1717. Sykes, Letters to Sherlock, 1715. Synge, Divine Authority of, 1710. Tindal, M., Defense of Rights, 1707. P. 340. See Toleration; Conformity; Dissent; Church of Eng. Authority, Civil. Hickes, G., Sermon on, 1682. History of passive obedience, 1789. King s prerogative, 1680. Lake, J., Passive obedience, 1690. Letter from a member, 1719. Mayhew, J., Of Non-resistance, 1750. Milbourne, Serm., Orig. of Civil Power, Nowell, T., Serm., Numb. xvi. 3, 1772. P. 1008. Nye, P., King s authority, 1687. 5 Authority, Civil (continued). Obedience due, 1689. Policy of princes, 1828. Revolution no Rebellion, 1709. Rye, Sermon, Lu. xx., 25, 1714. Sherlock, T., Serm. and Answer, 1718. Sherlock, W.,Caseof Allegiance, 1691. Vandyke, National decay, 1862. Whaley, Sermon, Doctrine of Non-re sistance, 1710. Pam. 364. See Government; Oaths; Revolution; Great Britain ; Pamphlets. Authors. See Bibliography ; Literary his tory ; Literary property. Autobiography. Alfieri, Vittorio, 1845. Auckland, Lord, Journal, 1862. Bailey, Robert, 1822. Barnum, P. T., 1855. Barrington, G., Memoirs, 1790. Barrington, Sir Jonas, 1827-32. Barrow, Sir John, 1847. BasBompierre, Mareschal de, 1765. Beaumarchais, P. A. Caron de, 1837. Beecher, Lyman, 1864. Best, Pers. and Lit. Mem. Binns, John, 1854. Black Hawk, 1834. Bownas, Acct. of life and travels of, 1805. Branagan, Pleas, of contemplation. Brydges, Sir E., 1834. Buckingham, J. S., Pers. Memoirs, 1852. Burroughs, S., Memoirs, 1798. Burton, T., Diary, 1656-59. Calamy, Edmund, Account of life, 1671-1731. Caldwell, Charles, 1801. Campbell, Sir J. W., 1838. Carey, M., Autob. sketches, 1829. Carlyle, A., Edinb., 1861. Cartwright, Rev. Peter, 1856. Casio, A., Life of. Catherine II., Memoires. Caussidiere, Citizen, 1848. Cellini, B., 1823. Champlin, J., 1842. Clarke s, Mrs. Life, 1755. Charles V., 1862. Chase, Bishop, 1847. Churchman, John, 1779. Clapton. T., Memoirs of a mechanic, 1839. Colburn, Z., 1833. Colby, John, 1829. Coleridge, S. T., 1817, 47. Congar, 0., 1851. Cumberland, Richard, 1806. 34 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Autobiography (continued). Delany, Mrs. M., Granville, 1862. De Quineey, Writings, vol. 13, 1851. D Ewes, Sir Simonds, 1845. Digby, Sir K., 1827. Douglas, T., of Florida, 1856. Douglass, Frederick, 1845, 1855. Dundonald, Earl T., I860. Durand, J. R., 1820. Dutens, Rev. L., 1806. Edgeworth, R. L., 1844. Edmundson, Journal of, 1774. Fennell, J., 1814. Finley, J. B , Pioneer life. Fitz James, Z., Autobiography, 1855. Pam. 496. Forman, S., 1552-1602. Frederica, Margravine of Bareuth, 1828. Freytag, Gen. J. D., 1824. Fry, Caroline, 1849. Gardiner, H., 1813. Gates, T. R., Life of, 1818. Genlis, Madame de, 1825. Gibbon, Miscellaneous works, vol. 10. Glendinning, W., 1795. Godoy, Manuel de, 1836. Goethe, W. J., 1849. Goldoni, C., 1828. Gordon, P. L., Personal Memoirs, 1830. Hamilton, A., Count Grammont, 1811. Hanger, Col. George, 1801. Herbert, Edward, Lord, 1792, 1824. Heron, Sir R., Notes, 1852. Hicks, Elias, 1832. Hodgson, John, 1806. Holberg, Louis, 1827. Holcroft, T., 1852. Huet, Bp. P. D., 1810. Hunt, Leigh, 1850. Huntingdon, W., Bank of Faith, 1843. Hutchins, L., 1865. Hutton, W., 1841. Iturbide, Augustin, 1824. Jarratt, D., 1806. Jerdan, W., 1853. Ker, John, of Kersland, 1727. Kotzebue, A. von, 1830. Lafarge, Madame, 1841. Lamartine, Memoirs of my youth, 1849. Lamb, R., 1811. Lancaster, Joseph, 1833. Le Courayer, Last sentiments, 1787. Leslie, C. R., 1860. Lighten, W. B., 1854. Lilly s life and times, 1602-1681. Louis XVIII., 1832. Lutfullah, a Mohammedan, 1757. ! Autobiography (continued). Maceroni, Col., Memoirs, 1838. Marsden, J., Grace displayed, 1814. Miller, Hugh, 1854. Mirabeau, Memoires. Morgan, Lady, 1859. Neal, John, Recollections, 1869. Neill, W., D. D., Phila., 1861. Pennant, Thomas, 1793. Pepys, S., 1841. Pfeiffer, Ida, Last travels and life, 1861. Phases of Interior Life, 1856. Piozzi, Mrs. Thrale, 1861. Priestley, Joseph, 1795. Robinson, Mrs. M., 1802. Russell, S., of Boston, 1857. Sampson, W., Memoir, 1807. Schleiermacher, F. E., 1860. Scott, Gen. W., 1864. Scott, Sir W. See Lockhart. Shepard, T., Of Cambridge, N. E., 1832. Smith, Elias, Of Portsmouth. Steffens, H., My Career, 1863. Stilling, II. Jung, 1844. Thomson, G., 1847. Thorburn, G., 40 years residence in America. Trumbull, J., 1756-1841. Waterton, C-, 1851. White, J. Blanco, Life, 1845. Wikoff. II., 1855. Wilkinson, Gen. J.,1816. Willett, M., His military actions, 1831. Woodman, J., 1794. Zschokke, H., 1845. See Diaries; Letters. Autographs. Bangs, Merwin & Co., Cat. 1858. Bell, Cat. of, for sale, 1853. Brotherhead, Book of the signers, 1861. Corwin s Cat., with prices, N. Y., 1856. Crelle, Catalogue, Berlin, prices, 1856. Crowingshield s Cat., priced, 1860. Gibson s Sale Catalogue, 1859. Morse, Priced Catalogue, 1857. Netherclift, Autograph Miscellany. * Autograph Souvenir. Norton, Cat. of, on sale, 1857. Renouard, Cat. de la Bibliot. de, 1854. Signers of the declaration of Independ ence. Letters by, in MS. Smith, C. J., Hist. & Lit. curiosities, Lond., 1840. Smith, J. J., Amer. Hist. & Lit. curi osities, 1st series, 1847; 2d series, 1860. Soleinne, Bibliot. Dramatique, V. 3, 1843-45. BALLADS. 35 Autographs (continued). Sotheby, Handwriting of Melancthon, 1839. " Autog. of M. Luther, 1839. Tefft, Sale Catalogue, 1867, priced. Weigel, Verzeichniss. P. 471. Avarice. Dancer, D., Anecdotes of. P. 1016. Avignon. Qrosjean, Precis historique sur la ville d , 1842. Avon Springs. Salisbury, S., 1835. P. 79. Ayscough, F. Case of, 1731. Oxford University Proceedings, 1730. Azaui, Turkey. Keppel, Tour to, 1831. Azores Is. Boid, Description of, 1835. Bullar, Winter in the, 1841. Major, Life of Prince Henry. Steele, R., Tour, 1810. Webster, J. W., Description of, 1821 . Aztec children. Conolly, Ethnolog. ex hibition. B. Babajee, Hindoo. Read, H., Life of. Babcock. Family genealogy, 1844. Babcock, C. Robbins, A. R., Sermon on. Babylon. Maurice, Observ. on, 1818. Rich, C. J., On ruins of, 1816. " Journey to. Bache, B. F. Truth will out, 1798. Backus. I. Fish, J., Exam. Examined, 1771. Hovey, Memoir of. Bacon, David. Stearns. S., Sermon on, 1810. Bacon, Delia. Beecher, C. E., A nar rative, 1850. Hawthorne, Our old home. Bacon, Francis. Dixon, Hist, of, 1861. Fischer, Philosophy of. Grosart, On the Christian paradoxes. Mallet, D., Life of, 1740. Napier, M., Bacon and Sir W. Raleigh. Spedding, Life and corres. of, 1870. Bacon, Leonard. Calhoun, G. A., Let ter to. Bacon, N, Burk s Virginia. Campbell s Virginia. Hopkins, S., Youth of the old domin ion, 1856. Tucker s Hansford. Ware, W., Life of. Sparks, v. 13. Bacon, Sam. Ashmun, J., Memoir of, 1822. Bacon, W. Clark, 0., Letter to, 1818. Bacon, W. II. Memorial of, 1863. Baden. Baden, Statistik, 1855. Bingner, Literatur ueber, 1750-54. Dietz, Gewerbe in Baden. Vier briefe eines Demokraten, 1850. Baffin s Bay. Sutherland, Journal of a voyage, 1850-51. Bagdad. Marigny, History of the Ara bians. See Mesopotamia. Bage, R. Scott, W., Life of. Bahama Is. Catesby, Nat. Hist, of, 1754. Edwards, B., Hist of Brit. West Ind., 1806, 10. McKinnen, D., Description of, 1806. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib, v. 4. Townsend, P. S., Topog. and diseases of, 1826. See Florida. Bailey, Jacob. Bartlett, W. S., Mem. of, 1853. Bailey, Robert. Life of, 1821. Letters, 1637-62. Baiubridge, W. Harris, T., Life of, 1837. ! Baines, E. Baines, ., Life of, 1851. Parsons, J., Sermon on. Baird, Sir D. Hook, T., Life of, 1832. Baird, R. Life of. Sprague, W. B., Discourse on. Baker, E. D, Fitch, T., Address on. Balboa, V. N. De. Quintana, Life of, 1832. Baldwin, II. Memoirs of Distinguished Americans, 1853. P. 254. | Baldwin, T, Chessman, Memoir of. Sommers. Life of, 1835. i Baldwin, W. Letters, 1843. BaldwinUuiversity,Ohio. Catalogues, 1854-69. Balkan Mts. Keppel, Journey over. Ball, A. N. W. Morse, 0. A., On "rock me to sleep." Ball, C. Life and adven., 1857. Ball, N. Hyde, A., Fun. Serm. on, 1797. Ballads. Allingham, British ballads. Aytoun, Lays of the Scot, cavaliers. Ballads (1200), British collected, 4 v. Book of Scottish Ballads, 1853. (White- law s.) Burger, G. A., Leonora. " Ballads. See Uhland. Child, English and Scotch ballads, 8 y. 36 BALLADS. Ballads (continued). Hayes, Ballads of Ireland. Jacobite Minstrelsy, 1829. Korner. See Uhland. Moore, J. S., Pict. book of anc. ball. , Nation, The, Ballads and songs of. Percy, T., Reliques of anc. poetry. Percy Society Publications. Robin Hood, Ballads and songs, 1862. : Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scot, border, i Wilkins, Polit. ballads of 17th and 18th \ century. See Songs; Poetry. Balloons. Lunardi V., First voyage, England. Nye, J., Thoughts on, 1852. Wise, JSronautics. Ballot. See Suffrage. Ballou, H. Whittemore, Life of. Ballon, T. Ballou, M. M., Life of. Baltimore, Md. Backus, Hist. disc. 1st Presb. Church. Baltimore, Md., A. D., or how they act, 1862. Baltimore Board of Trade Statistics, 1857, 58. Baltimore Direct., 1799, 1804, 33-56. Baltimore riot, Papers, 1812. Citizen s Aim., 1845, 1850. Exact Narrative of Events, 1812. Federal Gazette, 1808-13. Griffith, T. W., Annals of Baltimore, j 1824. Interesting Papers, on riot, 1812. Lowell, Tables of Mortality, 1849-51. Maryland, Report on Riots, 1813. Pamphlets on, vol. 1655. Parker, Sir Peter, Memoir of, 1814. Purviance, Events in, during the revo lution, 1849. Varle, View of, 1833. Wirt, W., Celeb, of liberty in France, 1830*. See Harper; Maryland; Railroads. Baltimore Family. Browning, C., Ap peal from heirs, 1821. Case of Lord Baltimore. P. 1000. Bamberg. Jaeck, Beschreibung der Bib. Laborde, Debuts de 1 irapr. a. Bancroft, G. Schuyler, G. L., Remarks on his history. Bangor, Me. Directory, 1834. Bangorian controversy. P., vols. 349, 351. Bangs, N. Williston, Reply to, 1817. Banister, E. E. II. Banister, S. W., Sermons on, 1851. Bank of America. Van Ness, Officia 1 conduct of. Bank of England. Bank of England. Bannister, Paterson s life. Baring, Further observations, 1797. Briscoe, J., A discourse, 1694. Cotbett, Hist, of the bank. Considerations on, 1800. Digest of Evidence on Bank of Eng., 1833. Francis, History of. Honest Scheme, 1729. Manchester Chamber of Commerce on Bank of England, 1839. Price, C., Forgeries on, 1786. P. 390. View of .... the Bank of England, 182 1 . Bank of Maryland. Bank of Maryland, 1834, 1835. Johnson, R., Reply on, 1834. Poultney, Appeal, 1835. Union Bank of Maryland. Bank of the United States. Aegles, Letters, 1819. Bank of the U. S., Cong. Docts., etc., 1816-42, 4 v. Carey, M., Nine Letters on Bank of U. S., 1810. P. 22. Letters to Seybert, 1811. Renewal of charter, 1810. Clarke, M., Documentary History of, 1832. Gordon, T. T., The War on, 1834. Letters to a lady in France, 1843. Plain Truth, 1821. Remarks on the Currency, 1840. Seward, W. H., Speech on, 1832. Rush, R., Report against Bank U. S., 1834. Taggart, Address, 1811. Union Comm. Report, 1834. U. S., Banks, Reports, 1819, 1830. Bankruptcy. Ashurst, Law of, 1838. Bankr. law of the U. S., 1841. Banks, Sir J. Letter to, 1802. Banks, T. Flaxman, Address on death of, 1838. Banks and Banking. Allen, S., on the Safety Fund, 1829. Banker s Almanac, 1851-55. Banker s Magazine, 1846-65. N. Y. Bank of Tennessee, Report, 1855. Bollman, E., Paragraphs on Banks, 1810. " Essays, 1816, 19. Commercial Bank of N. 0., 1833. P. 464. Crombie, Depreciation of bank notes. Day s Counterfeit Detector, 1848. Diss. on, (Dorr), Satire. BAPTISM. 37 Banks and Banking (continued). Buncombe s Free Banking. 1841. Dye, Note Plate Delineator, 1855. Etheridge, Gold Tables. Fortune, T., Stocks and funds, 1797. Gilbart, Hist, of Bank, in Ainer., 1837. " Hist, of Bank. in Ireland,1836. " Pract. Treat, on banking, 1849. Girard Bank, 1836. Goddard, T H., Hist, of the Banks of Europe and U S., 1831. Gouge, Pap. Money and Bank, in U. S., 1840. " Journal of Banking, 1841-42. Hardcastle, Banks and Bankers, 1843. Hare, R., Reformation of the Banking system, 1837. Homans, J. S., Banker s Com n Place Book, 1851. Hiibner, Die Banken, 1853, 54. Iniquity of Banking, 1800. Johnson, A. B., An Inquiry, 1813. " Treatise on Banking, 1850. Journal of Banking, 1841-42. Kalff, Onze banken, 1849. Kellogg, E., Labor and other capital, 1849. Lawson, Hist, of Banking, 1855. Louisiana, New Free System. P. 463. Manufacturers and Traders , Buffalo, 1857. P. 464. Massachusetts, Bank returns, 1803-54. Massachusetts, Com. Rep. 1856, 57. Mechanics Bank, N. 0., 1833. P. 464. Merch. and Banker s Aim., 1856-65. Moulton, R. K., Hist, of the Banks of U. S., 1781-1834. Negreiros, De Operayoes de Banco, 1817. New Jersey Ann. Statements, 1855-57. P. 252. O Callaghan, Usury and Banks, 1834. Ormsby, Engraving of notes, 1852. Pamphlets on, vols. 54, 142, 154, 463, 464, 768, 972, 1215. Penn a Debates, 1786. Planter s Bank of Tennessee, 1855. Parnell, Paper money and banking. 1827. Quin, Trade of Banking in Eng., 1833. Rafinesque, Safe banking, 1837. Raguet s Treatise on. Remarks by a merchant on Bank U. S., 1831. P. 21. Remarks on Banks of New Eng., 1826. Royal British Bank, History. Salomons, Defense of joint stock banks, 1837. P. 142. Seropyan s Patent Notes, 1856. P. 274. Banks and Banking (continued). Southern Bank, N. 0., 1853. P. 464. Spencer, J. C., Speech on Private B., 1825. Stansfield, H., Plan for a National Bank, 1860. Thompson, J., Bank Note Reporter, 1861. United States, Reports on, for 1862. Universal Merchant, 1753. Van Buren, M., Message, 1829. Virginia, Reports, 1856, 57. Watt, Theory of joint stock banking, 1836. Webster, N., Misc. Papers, 1802. Wilcox, R., To the President. P. 290. Wisconsin, Banking Laws, etc., 1858. Wood, J. C., Essay on Banking. P. 154. Written for the Governor, Boston, 1855. P. 227. See Financial; Currency; Finance; Paper money. Banks in New York. Bank Conven tion, 1837. Bank of the Interior, 1857. P. 463. Bartow, Expos, of Franklin Bank, 1831 . Canal Bank, Albany, Investigations. Cheetham, On Merchant s Bank, 1804. Edmonds, of Mechanics Bank. Flagg, A. C., Hist, of banks in N. Y. Gibbon, Banks of N. Y., 1857. Jones, J. W., Of Mohawk Bank. Mechanics Bank, N. Y., 1843. P. 464. Memorial .... On Merchants Bank, 1804. P. 197. Merchants Bank, Memor., 1804. New York Reports of Supt., 1857-69. New York Clearing House Report, 185S. P. 463. Origin.. Safety Fund Law, 1834. Pamphlets, vol. 1224. Remarks on, 1858. Report and Obs., Banks of N. Y., 1828, P. 464. Van Buren, M., Message, 1829. Van Vechten, A., Speech, 1811. Banks, Savings. See Savings Banks. Bannister, J. Adolphus, Life of. Banyer, Mrs. Cooke, S., Biog. Mem. of, 1857. P. 30. McVickar, Memorial of, 1858. Baptism. Academia Speculum, 1830. Adams, N., Baptized child, 1837. Address to, Fakenham, 1825. Amer. Doct. Tract Soc. No. 30. P. 466. Armstrong, L., Essay on. Backus, Address, 1779. Baptist Churches of England, 1646. 38 BAPTISM. Baptism (continued). Beckwith, G. C., On the mode of Bap tism, 1831. P. 82. Beecher, E., Import and modes, 1849. Bernard, D-, Essay on. Bradbury, T., Duty and doctrine of baptism, 1810. Brett, Bap. by Laymen. Brown, J., Essay on. Case of house baptism, 1709. Chadwick, J., New light on, 1832. Clark, P., Scripture Grounds of, 1735. Clayton, B., Letters concer., 1756. Craps, J., View of, 1838. Daniell, M., What is Baptism, 1838. P. 314. Dell, Doct. of Baptisms, 1759. Dissertation on, form of, 1726. Dore, Sermons on, 1829. Eastwood, M., Essay on. Freeman, C., Import of. Fuller, A., Uses of, 1814. P. 466. Greatrake, L., Essay on. Hall, E., Expos, of law of. Harris, W., Pract. View of, 1816. Hascall, Definitions of Bapto. etc. P. 466. Hunt, T. P., The Bible Baptist, 1843. Muns. P. 9. Illustrations of Fonts, 1844. Jones, J. A., Joseph corrected, 1834. Judson, A., Sermon on Baptism, 1832. Laird, R. M., Essay on. Lawrence, Lay-Baptism. Martin, J., Miscellanies. Meade, Companion to the font. Morris, H., Sermons on the mode of. Munro, J., Inquiry, 1825. Obs. on Matt, xxviii, 19, 20, 1849. P. 313. Pamphlets on Baptism, vols. 668, 669, 869, 952, 1225, 1855. Pengilly, R., Script. Guide to. P. 623. Phipps, J., Dissert, on, 1781. Pirie, Dissert, on, 1803. Platt, D., Foundations Exam., 1838. Proud, J., Water-baptism. Rahusen, Hand-boek over, 1790. Reed, J., Essay on. Relig. exercise for families. Strong, C., Inquiry, 1793. Truair, Plain Truth on Baptism, 1829. P. 65. Turney, E., The Command, 1849. P. 466. Walker, J., Essays, 1838. Wayland, F., Principles of Baptists, 1857. Word Baptize, Essay on. Baptism of Infants. Addington, Rea sons, 1771. Austin, S., Examination, 1805. Bostwick, Vindication of, 1790. Chapman, W., Sermon on. Clinton, J., Household Baptism, 1838. Close, J., Infant Baptism, 1803. Gobbet, Vind. of covenant, 1642. Edwards, P., Attipaedobaptism, 1802. P. 466. Goodwin, J., Kata-Baptism, 1655. Hammond, Defence of, 1656. Inglis, C., On infant b., 1768. Lathrop, J., Sprinkling, 1789. " On the mode and subjects of, 1803. Oily fife, Defence of, 1694. Perrouet, Defence of, 1749. Presb. Church, Rep. on Bapt. Child., 1812. P. 536. Richards, W., Of Antichrist. Sacrament of Responsibility (Newland), 1852. P. 231. Steele, E , Infant baptism. Thoughts upon, 1807. Tyler, B., Christian Nurture, 1847. P. 231. Wall, W., Conference on. Whiston, W., Prim. Infant Baptism, 1712. P. 314. Withorell, On Subjects and Mode, 1817. P. 466. Baptismal regeneration. Benson, C., Writings, 1817. Brigg, Spiritual regeneration. Cockburn, W., Some remarks. Craik, The Divine life. Dodsworth, On Gorham vs. Exeter, 1850. Goode. W., Letter to Bishop of Exeter, 1850, P. 329. Harrison, B., Charge, 1850. High-Church Theory, 1853. Lindsay, Gorham v. Exeter, 1850. P. 330. Molyneux, Bapt. Regen. opposed, 1842. Pamphlets, vol. 1270. Phillpotts, Letter to Archb. of Canter., 1850. P. 200. Piers, 0., Bapt. Regen., 1843. Scott, J., Effect of Baptism, 1817. Scriptural Rev. of Liturgy, 1851. P. Spurgin, Voice of Warning, 1843. See Tractarianism. Baptist Church Associations, Min utes of. Abington Bapt. A., Pa. Bapt. Gen. Assoc., Va., 1849, 57. Bapt. Gen. Conven., 1814, 16, 17, 32,38. Berkshire, Mass., 1857. BAPTISTS. Baptist Church Associations, Min utes of (continued). Berkshire, N. Y., 1826-28. Black River, N. Y., 1820-1859. Bridgewater, Pa., 1827. Canada Bapt. Ass n, 1822. P. 466. Cattaraugus Ass n, N. Y., 1847. Cayuga Ass n, N. Y., 1817, 20, 25. Chemung Ass n, 1824, 30. Chenango Ass n, N.Y., 1833, 37, 42, 43. Dane Bapt. Ass n, Wis., 1856. Eastern New Brunswick, 1856. Essex Bapt. Ass n, N. Y., 1815. Franklin, Del. Co., N. Y., 1815, 16, 26. ; Holland Purchase Ass n, N. Y., 1821. < Hudson River Bapt. Ass n, 1820, 23, ! 32-67. Illinois Pastoral Union, 1857. Madison Bapt. Ass n, N. Y., 1810, 12- 1832. New London Ass n, 1820. N. Y. Bapt. Ass n, 1820. Oneida Bapt. Ass n, N. Y., 1821. Onondaga Ass n, 1825. Ontario Bapt. Ass n, 1815. Otsego, N. Y., 1796. Pamphlets, vols. 1656, 1657. Philadelphia Bapt. Ass n, 1707-1807. Rensselaerville, N. Y., 1815, 21, 56-68. St. Lawrence Bapt. Ass n, N. Y., 1841 . Saratoga, N. Y., 1821. Stephentown Ass n, N. Y., 1846, 57. Warren Bapt. Ass n, R. I., 1847. Windham Co., Vt., 1848. Worcester, N. Y., 1834. Baptist Churches, United States. Amer. Bapt. Almanac, 1860. Amer. Bapt. Memorial, 1855, 56. Amer. Bapt. Year-book, 1871. Amer. Bapt. Miss. Union Jubilee. Asplund, J., Reg. of Bapt. Churches, 1791. Backus, I., History of New England to 1784. " Hist, of, to 1804. Baptist Almanac, 1846-59. Baptist Churches, 1858. Baptist Memorial, 1848, 51. Belcher, G., The Baptist pulpit in the U. S., 1850. Benedict, D., History of, in the U. S., 1813, 48. " Fifty years among, I860. Campbell, J. H., Georgia Baptists. Clough, S., Christian denomination, i 1827. P. 65. Cone, S. H., Life of, 1856. Cox, F. A., The Baptists in America, 1836. Baptist Churches, United States (con tinued). Ford vs. Everts, Louisville, Ky. Free Will Baptist Foreign Mission Soc. 1855. Gammell, Hist, of Baptist For. Mis., 1849. Gano s life, 1806. Hague, W., Hist, discourse, 1839. Haynes, D. C., Baptist Denomination, 1856. Haynes, T. W., Diet, of Bapt. Biog., 1848. Hiscox, Church Directory, 1859. Hist, sketch, South Reading. Massachusetts Bapt. Conven. Reports, 1848,49. Millet, Hist, of, in Maine. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 232, 314, 465, 466. Peak, J., Memoir of. Purefoy, Hist. Sandy Creek Ass n, N. C. Rogers, W., Letter, 1785. Semple, Hist, of, in Virginia. Smith, S. F., Mem. of Grafton. Sprague, Annals of Am. Pulpit. .Stanton St. Church, N. Y. Taylor, J. B., Lives of Va. Bap. Min. 1838. U. S. Bapt. Ann. Reg., 1832, 71. Worcester, N., Progress of, 1794. Wright, S., Hist, of the Shaftsbury Assoc., 1781-1853. Baptist Communion. Cummings, A., Sermon, 1821. Gould, Open commun. Norwich, Eng. Hall, R., Terms of communion, 1816. P. 465. Robinson, R., On Free Communion, 1781. Smith, J. H., Close Communion, 1853. P. 466. Wright, R., Open Communion, 1809. Baptists, European. Bapt. Ann. Reg., 1792, 4, 5. Batelier, De drie Getuygen, 1672. P. 634. Boerhave, Weder-dooperen, 1661. " Der Mennoniten, 1660. Booth, A., Apology for, 1812. {( Sermons, etc. Carey, Vindication of the Calcutta Miss., 1828. P. 314. Gate, Doopsgezinden in Friesland. Caveat against Anabaptists, 1714. P. 125. Crowell, Members Hand book, 1853. Cox, Hist, of Bapt. Miss. Soc. Cutting, Vind. of Bap. History, 1859. Davis, J., Hist, of Welsh Baptists. 40 BAPTISTS. Baptists, European (continued). Dyer, J., Letter on India Miss. Greenfield, E., Publications, 1825-49. Griffith, J., Two discourses, 1707. Hanserd Knollys Society Publications, 9 vols. Harris, D., Real Facts Stated, 1802. Ivimey, History of Engl. B,ipt. Johns, W., Serm. on India Miss. Perkins, N., Origin of, 1789. Robinson, R., History of Baptism, 1790. Rues, S. F., Staet der Mennoniten, 1745. Ryland, J., Writings. Tallack, W., Foz and Baptists, 1868. Taylor, A., History of Engl. Bapt. Barbadoes. Hillary, Diseases of, 1811. Ligon, Histoire de 1 isle, 1674. " History of, 1657. Short History of, 1768. Sketches (Desultory) of, 1840. See West Indies. Barbaro, F. Epistolae, 1425-53. Barbary States. Philemon, Voyages to. See Africa, North; Algiers; Morocco; Tunis; Tripoli. Barbe Marbois. Societ6 Montyon, 1839. N. A. Review, 1829. Barber, W. H. Stephen, Sir G., The Royal Pardon of, 1852. Barcelona. Records of the inquisition. Bard, S. M Vickar, Life of, 1822. Barker, A. E. Eggleston, Funeral disc., 1863. Barker, G. P. Bryan, G., Life of, 1849. Barker, J. Life of, 1855. Cooke, W., A few facts. Barlass, W. Newton, J., Letters to. Barnard, D. D. Writings collected, 5 v. Newspapers, v. 157. Barnard, F. J. Spraguc, W. B., Sermon, Death of, 1856. Barnard, T. Prince, J., Serm., Death of, 1814. P. 214. Barnard, W. F. Memorial, 1864. Barnes, A. Trial of, 1834, 36. Life at three score, 1859. Examination of his reply. Junkin, G., History of trial before Synod, 1836. Presby. Church, An Address, 1836. Smith, G., Correspondence with. Barney, Joshua. Barney, M., Memoirs, 1832. Barnstable, Ms. Barnstable Confer ence, History of, 1846. Cape Cod Cent. Celebration, 1839. Clark, J. S., Hist, discourse. Freeman, Hist, of Cape Cod. Palfrey, Hist. Disc., 1839. Barnum, P. T. Autobiography, 1855. Humbugs of the world, 1866. Barometer. See Meteorology. i Barr, J. W. Swift, E. P., Mem. of, 1833. j Barre, Col. I. Britton, Memoir of. I Barre, Ms. Thompson, Hist, disc., 1854. Barrier Treaty. Some remarks, 1712. Barrington, Geo. Memoirs, 1790. Barrington, Sir Jonas. Per. sketches, 1832. Barrington, Viscount W. W. Life of, 1815. Barron, J. Decatur, S., Correspondence with, 1820. P. 50. Barrow, Sir John. Autobiog. memoir, 1847. Barstow, S. Memorial of, 1854. Bartels, J. H. Redslob, In Memoriara. 1853. Bartlet, W. Dana, D., Disc, on, 1841. Barton, B. Memoirs and Letters, 1850. Barton, J. Kenney, A. H., Fun. Serm. Barton, W. Williams, Mrs., Life of, 1839. Bartram, J. Darlington, Memorial of, 1849. Bascom, H. B. Henkle, Life of. Bascom, T. Geneal. record, 1870. Basire, J. Correspondence, 1650-85. Baskerville s ed. Brunet, Manuel, v. 5. Basle. Eclaircissements sur, 1833. Bassompierre, De. Memoires, 1765. j Bastille, The. Latude, Account of. Memoirs, 1834. Momoires sur. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 770. Hatavia Boom, Nederl. Oost Indie, 1864. Gibson, Prison of Weltevreden, 1855. See Java. Batavia, N.Y. Seaver, W., Hist. Sketch of, 1849. Bates, E. Gordon, J. W., For the Pres idency. Bates, Josh. Memorial of, 1865. Boston merchants tribute, 1864. BKCKWOURTH. 41 Bath, Eng. Britton s views of (Jones). Bath Directory, 1824. Venner, T., Via Recta, 1650. Wood, J., Description of. Bathin?. Buchan, A. P., Sea-bathing, 1804. Hawes, W., Baths for the people. Kentish, R., Essay on sea-bathing, 1787. Bathurst, II. Bathurst, H-, Memoirs of, 1837. Bats. Teraminck, Publications. Battle Abb -y Roll. Lower s Engl. sur names. Battles. Belcher, Atlas, campaign of Virginia. Cooper s Nav. & Mil. Hist, of UI S. Creasy, The Fifteen Decisive, 1858. Cust, Wars of the 18th Century. Davison, Battles by sea and land. Dawson, H. B., Battles of the U. S., 1858. Depeyster, F. Marshal Traun. Field of Mare, Battles IXth to XlXth cent. Gleig, Light dragoon, 1852. Guillemard, Adv. of a French sergeant, 1805-23. Haughton, Of Clontarf. Kennedy, On Waterloo. Meigs, M. C., Chattanooga. Mudford, Campaign of 1815. Nicolas, B. of Agincourt. Perce, Battle Roll, 1858. Shoberl, Events at Leipzig, 1813. Stanton, B., Letter on battle of Shiloh. Stutterheim, Of Austerlitz. Swinton, Twelve decisive battles of the war, 1861-65 See War; Sieges; Bunker Hill; Water loo. Bausch, J. G. Peterson. In Memoriam, 1837. Bavaria. Barrow, J. jr., Tour in 1840. Bavaria, Publications, 1858. " Statistik, 1864-66. Caesar, J. J., Sermon on, 1704. Hermann, Ueber die Bewegerung der Bevolkerung im. 1853. Mann, Ludwig IV., u Maxim. I., 1806. Maurer, Die Bayrischen Stiidte, ""829. Monumenta Boica, 1763-1852. Nagel, A., Origines doinus Boicse, 1804. Schmitt, Rechtspflege der Pfalz, 1857, 58. Sendtner, Veget. Verhiiltnisse, 1854. Seuffert, Getreide u. Viktualien-Han- dels im, 1857. 6 Bavarian Academy of Sciences. Bad- der, Rede, 1783. Koenigl. Ak. der Wiss. Abhandlungen, 1853-67. Thiersch, Stiftungder, 1849. Westenrieder, Geschichte der, 1795- 1800. See Germany; Palatines. , Baxter, R. Life and times. Napier, Lecture on. Vindicise anti-B., 1696. Bayard, Chev. Simms, Life of. Bayeux Tapestry. Archaeolo., v. 17, 19. Bayle, P. Damiron, Memoire sur. (Inst. de France, Ac. Mor., 6.) Bazas. Oreilly, Historic de, 1840. Beal, Mrs. Chapman, W., Sermon on. Beal, J. Y. Trial of, 1865. Beards. Beard -shaving, 1847. Newton, J., Battle of the Beard. Beattie, J. Forbes, W., account of Life of, 1806, B. C. Beauchene, R. Le Sage, Adventures of, 1745. Beauclerc, Lord. P. 123. Bird, J., Letter to. Beauharnais, Hortense. Mem., 1853. Beaumarchais, P. A. Carcn De. Notice Sur. P. 523 Lomenie, His times, 1856. Beaumont. Darley, Life of. (Lives of Brit. Dram.) Beauty. Walker A., Analysis of. See Taste. Beauvais, France. Beaumanoir, Cou- tumes des Beauvoisis. Beaver, P. Smyth, W. H., Life of, 1829. Beavers. Morgan, L. H., The American beaver. 1868. Newhouse, Trapper s Guide, 1867. Beck, T. R. Biog. notice of, 1855. Hamilton, F. H., Eulogy on, 1856. Herring s Gallery v. I., Life of. Van CortLindt, Biography. Van Deusen, Sketch of, 1856, P. 1858. Becket, T. A. Berington, Vindication of, 1790. Froude, His controversy with Henry II, 1839. Milman, Life of. Percy Soc. Pub., Life of, 19. Stapleton, Life of. Becket, Ms. Mills, J. L., Hist. disc. Beckwourth, J. P. Bonner, Life of, 1856. 42 BEDELL. Bedell, G. T. Tyng. S. H., Memoir of. Bedford, Duke of, See Russell. Bedford, New 1 1 am p. Woodbury, P. P., Hist, of, 1851. Bedfordshire, Eng. Beauties of Eng land and Wales. Fisher, T., Hist. Collections, 1812-36. Beecher, G. Biog. remains, 1844. Beecher, II. W. Bartlett, D. W., Modern agitators, 1855. Dix s Sketches. Stowe, II. B., Men of our times. Beecher, Lyman. Autobiog. and cor. Bartlett, Modern agitators, 1855. Dix s Sketches. Bees. Bevan, E., Nat. Hist., etc., of the honey bee, 1838. Debeauvoy, Guide del apiculteur, 1851. Haughton, Cells of. Huber, Nat. Hist, of bees. Martin s Bee-house, 1846. Miner, American Bee-keeper s manual, 1849. Phelps, Bee-keeper s chart. Richardson, The hire, 1854. Weeks, Management of, 1839. Beeston Cast e. Hecklin, History of, 1845. Beethoven, L. von. Letters, 1790-1826. Beggars. Exposure of the various, etc. Society for the suppression, etc., 1857. See Poor. Behaim, M. Ghillany, Geschichte des Seefahrers, 1853. Belchertown, Ms. Doolittle, Historical Sketch of Cong. Ch., 1852. Belgium. Academic des sciences, An- nuaire, 184(5-67. Annuaire de PIndustrie Beige, 1838. Belgium, Documents, sur 1 instruction | publique. " Official pub., misc., 1849-62. Breval, Remarks on travel, 1723. Dobson, E., Railways of, 1834-42. Gachard, Anciennes Assemblies de la Belgique, 1845. Gibson, W., Belgian Surgeons, 1848. P. 271. Heuschling, Publications on Belgian Statistics, 1844-51. Jottrand, Des rapports de la Belgique et de la France, 1841. Le Roy, Universite de Liege, 1869. Louis XVIII, Journey, 1791. Pamphlets relating to the Belgian ! revolution (1830), vols. 939-941. Papendreoht Hit. Eccl. Ultrajectinae, | 1725. Belgium (continued). Poplimont, La Belgique heraldiquo, 1867. Respublica Namurcensis, 1634. Revolution en, 1830. Tennent, J. E., Belgium, 1841. Trollope, Belgium since 1830. Univ. de Louvain, 1863, 64. See Rhine; Netherlands; Bibliography. Belief. See Opinions; Creeds; Reason. Belisarius. Mahon, Lord, Life of, 1848. *Marmontel, History of, 1770. B. C. Bell, Andrew. Southey, R., Life of, 1844. Bell, B. Trial of. Bell, Sir C. Arnott, Oration on, 1843. Bell, H. Morris, E., Life of, 1854. Bell, John. Past history. P. 1229. Bellamy, George, Anne. Memoirs. Bellamy, J., D.D. Works, Memoir. Belleisle. Impartial Narrative, 1761. Bellow-, B. Bellows. H. W., Sketch of, 1854. Bells. Baker, B., of Westminster. Belles-lettres. See Literature; Poetry; Drama; etc. Benecke, C. D. Lehmann, in Memorium, 1853. P. 1102. Benedict XI, Pope. Scoti, A., Memorie del, 1737. Benedict. Family pedigree. Genealogy, By H. W. Benedict, 1870. Benedict, E. C. Run through Europe. Benedict, L. & S. Memorial of. Canal claims, 1862. P. 1872. Benedict, Gen. L. Memorial, 1866. Albany Bar Proc. 1864. P. 1591. Benevolence. Church, Philosophy of. Lawrence, E. A., Mission of the church. Benevolent Societies. Pamphlets re garding, vols. 90, 97, 232, 263, 472, 509, 1487. See Humane Institutions; Charities. Benezet* A. Vaux, R., Memoirs of, 1817. Bengal Directory, 1824. See India. Benjamin, S. M. Murdock, D., Sermon on. Bennet, Mr. Featley, D., Sermon on, 1708. P. 381. Bennet. T. Atterbury, Sermon on, 1706. Bennett, J. Chickenng, Sermon on. Bennett, J. E. Parish and the minister, 1851. BIBLE. 43 Bennett, W. E. J. Griffith, Letter to, 1853. Bennington, Vt. Butler, J. D., Address on Battle of, 1848. Jennings, Memorials of, 1869. Bentinck. Lord G. D Israeli, A polit- j ical biography, 1852. Bentinck, W. C. East India Comp., Proc. on resignation, 1835. Bentle< r , R. Middleton, C., Proceedings against, 1719. Bentley, W. Craner, Testimony, 1757. Rogers, J., Serm., Death of, 1751. P. 381. Bcntham, Jeremy. Colls, Utilitarian ism. Benton, T. H. Bates, E., Against, j 1828. Benzeville, S. Moore, J., Discours sur la mort de. Beranger, P. J. Memoirs. Berbice. Marryatt, J., Ans. to Com- ; mi^sioners, 1817. Bergen family. Genealogy, 1866. Bergen, N. J. 200th anniversary, 1861. Taylor, B. C., History of, 1857. Berkeley, Bp. Correspondence. Mandeville, Letter to, 1732. Berks and Lebancn Cos., Penna. Rupp, Hist, of, 1844. Berkshire, Kng. Beauties of Eng. and Wales. Berry, County genealogy. Berkshire Co., Mass. Allen, T., Hist. of, 1808. P. 502. Allen, W., Wunnissoo, a poem. History of the County of, 1829. Holland, Hist, of Western Massachu setts, 1855. Hopkins, M., Jubilee Sermon, 1845. See Pittsfield. Bermuda Islands. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib. V. 6. Plaine Description, 1609. Bernadotte, C. J. King of Sweden. See Charles XIV. Bernard, Saint. Les lettres de, 1772. Morison, L : fe of. Ratisbonne, Life of. Bernard, J. Retrospections, 1830. Bernard, Sir T. Baker, J., Life of. Berry, Miss M. Correspondence, 1783- 1852. Berry, H.G. Butler, N., Fun. discourse, ; 1863. Berryer, I 3 . A. Galerie des C>ntem., 1 ; Vie de, 1845. Senior, Biog. of. Bertrand, Gen. Galerie des Contem., Notice sur. 1845. Berwick-upon-TAveed. Fuller, His tory of, 1799. Berzelius. Galerie des Con., Vie de, 1845. Best, H. Pers. and Lit. Memoirs, 1829. Bethlehem Female Seminary. Rei- chel, History of, 1785-1858. Bethune, G. W. Van Nest, Memoir of. Bethune, Mrs. J. Bethune, Memoirsof. Bever y, Ms. Stone, E. M., Hist, of, 1630-1842. Bevois, 31. Dew, S., Sermon on. Bewick, T. Memoir, 1862. Bell, Cat. of Books relating to, 1850. Bible: Miscellaneous. Beecher. C. E., Appeal to the People. Benson, C , On Scriptural difficulties. Biblical Emendations, 1830, P. 15. B. C. Boucher, L homme en face de. Castalio. Dialog. Sac. libri iv. 1722. Chalmers, T., Scriptural Read s., 1849. Chillingworth, Works, 1820. Concise Examinations, 1856. Eastman, J. W., The Bible Excellent, 1823. .P. 559. Excellence of, Hughes, 1803. Female Scripture characters, 1816. Gastrell, Christian Institutes. Halsey, Literary Attractions of, 1858. Higginson, T. W., Scripture Idolatry, 1854. P. 558. How, T. Y., Address, N. Y., 1817. Hunter, Sacred biography. Hutchinson, Music of. James, Bellum Papale ; Hieron. editio- nem, 1678. Jenks, W., Bible Atlas, 1847. Kittredge, Scripture lands described, 1850. Letter to a Friend, 1700. Lewis, T., Bible and Science, 1856. Livermore, G., Circulation of the Scriptures, 1849. Macmillan, Bib., Natural History. Manual of Reflections, 1801. Manrice, F. D., Claims of, 1863. Melmoth, Sublime of Scripture. Nelson, H. A., Bible for the People, 1857. P. 468. Nott, J. C., Bib. and Phys. Hist, of Man, 1849. Pay son E., Oracles of God, 1824. P. 111. Skinner, T. H., Religion of the Bible. 44 BIBLE. Bible: Miscellaneous (continued). Spring, G., The Rule of Faith, 1844. Taylor, I., Transmission of books, 1859. Turner, S., Sacred Hist, of the World, 1831. B. C. Wadsworth, B., Sermon on, 1815. Wells, Geography of, 1721-34. Yates, J., Letter to Vice Chancellor, J 1834. P. 317. See Cosmogony ; Christ, evid. ; Bibli ography. Bible: Commentaries on, Critical and Practical. Bundel van Oeft eningen, 1757-63. Bush, G., Illustrations of, 1836. B.C. Butler, C., Horse Biblicse, 1817. Cocceius Opera, 1689. Critical Notes, Mann, 1747. Doddridge, Family Expositor, 1836. DriiTTimond, W., (Edipus Judaicus. Eiuhhorn, On " Word " and " Spirit," 1834. P. 313. Emdre, Bybels Huis Boek, 1786. Green, Wm, H., Inaug. Disc., 1851. Haas, Exerc. Philologica, 1798. Hamelsveld, Exercitatio in Scrip. Sac. 1763. P. 1016. Hare, F., The Difficulties, etc., 1769. Harmer, Obs. on var. passages. Hawks, Egypt a witness for the Bible, Hieronymus, Opera omnia, 1823-24. Hodge, C., Importance of Bib. Litera ture, 1822. P. 93. Hulsius, Verkl. der. . . .Liederen in. 1726. Lee, S., Prolegomena in Bib. Sac. Lightfoot, Opera, 1686. Lowth, R., Letter to Warburton, 1766. Marsh, H., Hist, of Bib. interpretation. Miscellanea Sacra, Shute. Meyboom, Commen. Theol., 1840. Montanus, Communes Hebr. ling, idio- i tismi, 1572. Origen, Hexaplorum quse supersunt. Ostervald, Pract. Obs. on 0. and N. T. | Ouboter, Verklaaring, 1791. Palm, Van der, Aantekeningen tot de vertaling des, 1834. B. C. Pamphlets relating to biblical criticism and literature, vols. 313, 769, ! 1232, 1262, 1267-1270, 1489, .1760. Patrick, Comm. on the Bible, 1844. Picus Mirandula, Heptaplus, 1479. Plancho, Introd. to sacred philology. Poole, M., Synopsis Criticorum, 1669- 1676. Priestley, Notes on all the books of S., 1803, 4. B. C. Reinecoius, Manuale Biblicum, 1734. Bible: Commentaries on, Critical and Practical (continued). Rendell, E. D., Treatise on the pecu liarities of, 1853. P. 93. Rynink, Exerc. in Scr. Sac., 1765. Sawyer, Elem. of B., interpretation. Schutte, Heilige Jaarboeken, 1779. Spinoza, B., Critical inquiry. Theodoretus, Opera, 1573. Theophylactus Comm. Greek and Latin, Opera, 1754-63. Vermeer, Over Verschede Plaatsen, 1757. Walker, J., Essays, 18"38. Bible: Commentaries, etc. oi\ the old Test.tinent: Vaiious Books. Alexander, J. A., Commentary on Psalms. " On Isaiah. Bonnet, Solomon s Prediger, 1792. Bonomi, Nineveh, 1857. Broadley, Evid. of Relig. of Moses, 1805. P. 335. Bryant, Plagues of Egypt. Buchanan, G., Paraph. Ps. Dav. Poet, 1790. B. C. Catcott, A. S. The Elohim. Chandler, S., Vindication of Old Tes tament, 1741. Colenso, Bp., Pentateuch and Joshua critically examined, 1862, 63. Coleridge, J., Judges 17, 18. 1768. Compendio dell ant. testamento. Costard, On the book of Job. Cotton, J., Comm. on Ecclesiastes, 1657. Critical dissertation on Is. VII, 1767. Gumming, J., Colenso wrong, 1862. Cunningham, Dr., Kennicott s method, 1760. Cyprianus, Opera, 1726. Cyrillus, Horn, in Jeremiam. " On Leviticus. Diraock, Notes on Genesis, Exodus, Isaiah, Jer ** Notes on Psalms, Proverbs, Minor Prophets. Diss. on destruction of Canaan. Dod, J., On the Proverbs, 1606. Doederlein, In vetus Test. Auctarium, 1779. B. C. D Oyly, Letters to Drummond, 1812. Ens, Aanmerkingen over lesaias XI, XII, 1764. Good J. M., Job translated. Green, W. II., Answer to Colenso. Gregorius, Comm. in Hexsemeron, 1553. Gregory I., Opera, 1744. Grotius, Annot. in Vetus Test., 1727. Harcourt, Doctrines of the Deluge, 1833. BIBLE: COMMENTARIES, ETC. 45 Bible: Commentaries, etc. on the old Testument: Various liooks (continued)* Home, G., Comm. on the Book of Psalms, 182^. B. C. Houte, Van, Pa. cx vi, 1736. Hunt, T., Dissertation, 1743. Kennicott, On MSS. of Hebrew. On Gen. I-III. On 1 Sam., vi, 19. Lach, Van lesaias, Chap, vi, 1739. Lawson, Lectures on Ruth, 1816. B. C. Letters of certain Jews. Lettres de Quelques Juifs, 1769. Levi, Defence of 0. T., 1798 Maclear, Shilling book of Hist. of. Mahan, Answer to C >lenso. Marsh, H., Authenticity of Pentateuch. " Moses Vindi ated. " On Michaelis s comment. Marsh, W., On the Pentateuch. Maurice, F. D., Patriarchs and law givers, sermons. Mulder, Letteryruchteu, 1844. Muntinghe, De Psalmen, 1772. Musculus, Cominentarii, 1578-1623. Newcome, W., Cn Ezekiel, 1836. Newton, S., Dissert, on the Prophecies, Io32. B. C. Outrein, Over Psalm axis, 1701. Palfrey, Lect. on the Jewish Scriptures, 1838-40. B. C. Pemble, W., On Ecclesiastes, 1628. " On Zechariah, 1629. Pi kington, Errors in the Heb., 1759. Pintus, In Pro. Jeremise, 1581. Popham, Pentateuch compared. Pseaulmes de David, Estienne, 1552. Rafinesque, Genius of Heb. Bib. , 1838. Rawlinson, Evidences of truth of, 1860. Reply to the Letter to Dr. Waterland, 1732. Rivetus, Med. in Psal. cxix, 1638. Rogers, J., Lowth s corrections. Rose, H. J., On the Mosaic law. S. (D. M. B.), Explication du Can- tique des Cantiques, 1689. Schultens, Proverbia Salomonis. Sharpe, G., On Merrick s Annotations, 1769. P. 334. Sherlock, T., Case of Abraham, etc., 1746. Simon, Hist. crit. du Vieux Test., 1685. Stanley, A. P., Hist, of Jewish church, 1863-6. Stebbing, H., Hist, of Abraham, 1746. Stuart, M., On Daniel, 1850. Thompson, J. P., Man in Genesis, 1869. fiible : Commentaries, etc on the old Testament: Various Books (continued). Warburton, Defence of Div. Legation, 1747. P. 352. Wardlaw. R., On Ecclesiastes. Webber, F., Jewish Dispensation, 1738. Whiston, W., On the true text of, 1722. See Solomon s Song; Job. Bible: Commentaries, etc., on the New Testament. Abrege de la morale des Evangiles, 1689. Adams, H., Letters on Gospels, 1824. Adler, J. G. C., Novi. Test. Syriacse, 1789. Alexander, J. A., On Matthew. Amersfoordt, Annot. Nov-Foed., 1810. Augustinus, Sur le Nouveau testament, 1689. Ballou, H., Notes on the Parables, 1831. B. C. Bengel, Gnomon of, 1857. Blomfield, Use of Jewish Tradition, 1817. P. 313. Bosch, De Magis ab Oriente, 1695. P. 634. Brink, Over den 1 Joannes, 1806. Burgess, T., Writings. Lond., 1815-35. Calvin, On Epist. to Romans, 1836. Carpenter, D. , Supp. to Harm, of Four Gospels, 1838. P. 313. Chapman, Notes on j assages, 1819. Chrysostom, On Galatians, 1833. Colenso, Bp., On Romans, 1863. Collet, S., Paraph, of Romans, Gala tians and Hebrews, 1774. Conybeare, St. Paul s life. Crandall, A. L., Expl. of Revelation, 1841. P. 631. Curtenius, Brieven v. Paulus aan Corin, 1769. Cyrillus, On John. Dwight, T., Genuineness of the N. T. Ellicott, On Galatians, 1860. Elsnerus, Brief aan de Romeinen, 1763. Erasmus, In Evan. Joannis, 1542. " In Novum Testamen. annot. 1522. Eyton, Sermon on the Mount, 1808. P. 238. Fleetwood, On Rom. xiii, 1710. Furness, Remarks on the four gospels, 1836. B. C. Goffine, Auslegung aller Epiatelen, 1849. Grotius, Annot. in Novum Test., 1826- 34. B. C. Gyles, S. F., On Luke 22: 38. Haas, Openbaaring van Johannes, 1804- 117. Haldane, R., On Rom. i-v, 1806. BIBLE: COMMENTARIES, ETC. Bible: Commentaries, etc., on the New Testament (continued). Heinsius, Exerc. ad Nov. Test., 1639. | Heylin, J., Theol. Lectures, 1749, 1761. | Hodge, C., On 2 Corinthians. Hollman, Ad. C. iii et xiii, Pauli ad 1 ! Cor., 1819. P. 295. Janeway, Exposition of Romans. Jewell, Bp. J.,OnThessalonians, 1583. I Jona, Annot. in Acta Apost. Keil, Opus. Acad. adN. T. interpreta- tionem, 1821. Kenrick, Exp. of Hist, books of N. T., 1828. B. C. Knatchbull, N., In lib. Nov. Testa ment!, 1677. Koning, Corinth. Isten zendbrief, 1702. Leighton, Works, Peter s Epistles. Lorgion, De dicentibus in N. T. suo in- genio interpretandis. Luther, Praefatio in Ep. ad Roman. Maclear, Shilling book of hist., 1867. | McLeod, A . , Lectures on the Prophecies of the Revelation, 1814. Martin, D., Upon 1st John v. 7, 1718. | Maurice, F. D., Lect. on St. Luke. Melancthon, In Evang. Joann. et I Matt., 1523. Mills, W., On 1 Cor. 15: 29. Nahuys, Over d. brief v. Paulus aan de Philippensen. Newcome, Harmony of the 4 Evange lists, 1809. B. C. Newton, Sir I., On 1st John v. 7, 1754. Oecolampadius, In Epist. Joannis. Olshausen, Comm. on New Testament. Owen, H., Obs. on four Gospels, 1764. " The modes of Quotation vindi cated, 1789. Paley, Horse Paulhue, works, v. 2, 1830. Peirce, James, Dissertat n on six texts, 1727. " Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles, 1733. Piscator, J., Comm. in omnes libros, N. T., 1613. Plevier, Paulus, aan de Galateren, 1 738. Porteus, Lect. of Gosp. of Matthew, 1805. B. C. Randolph, T., Proph. in the N. T. Schleiermacher, On Gospel of St. Luke, ! 1825. B. C. Sharp, G., Greek Defin. Article, 1798. Socinus, Explicatio Cap. 1. Johannis. Stuart, M., On the Ep. to the Hebrews. " On the Apocalypse. Sykes, Ep. to Hebrews, 1755. P. 1004. Tholuck, On Gospel of St. John, 1836. Tregelles, Lang, of Matthew s Gospel, 1850. P. 313. Bible: Commentaries, etc., on the New Testament (continued). Trench, Synonymes of the N. T. Turner, S. H., Notes on the Romans, 1824. Whately, Difficulties inEp. of St. Paul, 1830. B. C. Whitby, Last thoughts of, 1822. P. 304. White, J. B., Diatessaron, 1800. Zigabonus, Comm. in Evang. 1547. See Bible; Theology; Revelation of St. John. Bible Concordances. Cruden, A., 1817. Englishman s Greek Cone, of theN. T., 1848. B. C. Hugues de St. Cher S. S. Bib. vulg. ed. Concord., 1649. Trommius, Nederl. Concord., 1750. Bible: Dictionaries. Am. S. S. Union, Dictionary. Calmet, Dictionary of, 1832. B. C. Eastwood. Old Bible Words, 1866. Fleming, Scripture Gazetteer, 1837. Kitto, Cyclopaedia of Bib. Literature, 1846. B. C. Smith, W., Dictionary of, 1863. " Hackett & Abbot s ed., 1871. Bible: English Translation. Ander son, C., Annals of Eng. Bible, 1855. Burges, On new Translation of. Conant, History of, 1856. Day, H. T., Inaccuracies of Engl. Gcddes, of a new Translation, 1787. Lenox, J., King James Bible. McClure, Authors of Version. Newman, Emend, of 0. T., 1839. Revision of the authorized, Dub., 1837. Walter, H., Independence of the ver sion, 1823-28. Ward, T., Errata of the Protestant Bible, 1688. Webster, N., Errors of the Eng. P. 173. Bible: History of, and Introductions. Bagster S., Bible of Every Land, 1851. Chevreau, Premieres Leyons, 1855. Dissertation, canon, authority of, 1732. Duruy, Histoire Sainte, 1856. Eichhorn, Inleiding in het Oude Testa ment, 1789. B. C. Glcig, History of the Bible, 1831 .B.C. Hawes, J., Lectures on, 1833. Home, T. H., Introd. to the Holy Scriptures, 1826. Hug s Introduction to N. T., 1836. Jahn, Introd. to the Old Testament, 1827. B. C. Jones, J., Canon of the N. Test., 1798. BIBLE SOCIETIES. 47 Bible: History of, and Introductions (continued). Kimpton, New history of, 1813. Lamy, Introduction a 1 ecriture sainte. McClelland, On the canon of the Scrip tures, 1850. . Mulder, Bijbel v. d. Israel. Jeugd, 1843-54. Nye, Canon of the N. T., 1700. Plea for Protest. Canon of, 1825. Roberts, F., Key to the Bible, 1665. Stackhouse, New History of, 1742. Stowe, C. E., Origin and hist, of, 1868. Stuart, M., Defence of 0. T. Canon, 1845. B. C. Westcott, B. F., Introd. to study of N. T., 1862. " Account of the books, 1866. Wette, De, Introd. to Old Testament, 1843. B. C. Bible, Editions of. See Bibliography. ! Bible, Educational use of. Amer. S. S. Union, Help to Gospels. Amer. S. S. Union, Union Questions. Barnes, A., Questions, on Matthew. Bushnell, II., Roin. Cath. demands. Child s ill. script, quest, book. Clark, R. W., B. and the School fund. Colton, W., The Bible in schools. Dance, R. H., Bible in schools. Eliot, school rebellion. Fisk, Union questions, 1829. Furness, W. H., Bible in Schools, 1844. Gallitzin, D. A., Letter on, 1823. Jacobus, Catec. questions. Maclean, A class book of the 0. T. " Class book of the N. T., 1867. M Dowell, Questions on. Morton, H. J., Sunday school teacher. Primary Bible Questions. See Education. Bible, Inspiration and genuineness of. Blake, J., Bible weighed. Brekell, As rule of faith. Conduct of the prim, fathers, 1776. Gallitzin, Letter on authority of, 1823. Gaussen, Theopneustie, 1840. Horbery, Insp. of moral parts of, 1745. Le Clerc, Disquis. concerning, 1754. Middleton, P., Case of Abraham, 1740. Olshausen, Proof of genuineness. Parry, W., Insp. of the Apostles, 1797 Potter, J., Authority of, 1742. Rennell, Proofs of, 1822. Smith, II. B., Inspiration of, 1855. Spring, G., Bible not of man. Wakefield, G., Essay on, 1781. Woods, L., Lectures on Inspiration. See Christianity, Evidences of. Bible, Translations, versions. Amer. Bible Union. Baptist Miss. Soc., 1815. P. 314. Barrow, Trans, into Indian languages. Bible, Various languages. Bible Union Reporter, 1855. Boone,Bp., Trans, of Eph. I. in Chinese. Botfield, Prefaces to editions of. Brett, Defence of Septuagint. Brief Sketch of, in Irish, 1818. Clarke, G. R., Conquest s 20,000 emen dations. Cotton, H., Mem. of a French N. T., 1863. Critica Sacra, 1774. P. 1267. Defence of the Protest. Bible, 1844. Fulke, Confut. of Rhenish Testament. Grabe, Vet. Test. Sept. Interp., 17*7. Greenfield, Negro version, 1830. Lawrence, Griesbach s classif. of MSS. Lucas, Rom. correetionisinLat. Bibl. Mariana, Pro. edit, vulgata. Marsh, H., History of Translations. Sturges, On Xew Translation of Isaiah. See Bibliography. Bible of Nature. Ames, Albany, 1842. Bible Reformed. Finch, Seven Seals Broken Open, 1853. Bible Societies, History, etc. Dau- beny, connexion with the Bib. Soc. Dealtry, Examination of, Marsh. Ferris, Jubilee of Am. B. S. Haldane, R., Exposure, Ac., 1828. Jay, W., Letters on, to Bp. Hobart, 1823. P. 5. B. C. Xolan, T., objections to. Owen, J., His. of Brit. Bib. Soc., 1817. Pamphlets on Bible Societies, vols. 468, 469, 718, 725, 726, 727, 902, 904, 1263, 1264, 1658. Pamphlets on Bible Societies, Catholic. Reeves, J., Distributing Bibles, 1805. Soc. Beige, 1838. B. C. Soc. Prot. de Paris, 1821. P. 53. B. C. Strickland, Hist, of Am. Bib. So., 1849. Watson, A., Hist, of X. Y. Bible Soc. Bible Societies: American. Albany Co. Bib. Soc. Am. and For. Bib. Soc. Reports, 1841. Amer. Bible Soc. Reports, 1854-1865. Amer. Bible Union, 1852. Aux. Bible Soc., Fulton Co., N. Y , 1840-43. Bible Soc. of Mass., 1854. Bible Soc. of Montgomery, N. Y., 1857. Canada Bible Soc. 1841. Emerson, B., Sermon, Salem, 1819. Hobart, J. H., Letter on, 1815. 48 BIBLE SOCIETIES. Bible Societies: American (continued). Long Island Bible Soc., 1819, 57. New Hampshire Bible Soc., 1848-49. N. Y. Bible and Prayer Book Society, 1830-44. N. Y. Bible Soc , 1851-55. Pennsylvania Bib. Soc Rep., 1845-47. Philadelphia Bible Soc., 1813, 35. Reply to an Answer, Ilobart, 1815. P. 290. Southwestern, N. Orleans, 1856. Strickland, W. P., Hist. Am. B. Soc., 1856. Toronto Bible Soc., 1840. Vermont Bible Soc., 1845-47. Washington Co., N. Y., 1853, 54. Bible Societies: British. Address to Teignmouth, Sines, 1805. Bible Soc. Constantinople. Brit, and For. Bib. Soc. Reports, 1830. j Burn, A., Success of B. & F. B. S., 1812. Cambridge, Eng., Auxiliary, 1812. Dealtry, Letter on Brit, and For. B. S., 1810. " Rev. of Norris Attack, 1815. Dublin Naval and Military, 1824. Edinburgh, 1814-24. Gurney, J. J. , Terms of the Union, 1832. Haldane, R., Review, B. & F. S., 1826. Hibernian Society, 1823, 24. Lister, Speech, 1812. Letter to theS. for Pro. C. K., 1805. Maltby, E., Thoughts on B. & F. B. S., 1812. Marsh, H., Letters on, 1812. Naval and Military, 1824. Noel, Letter on B. & F. B. S., 1831. North London and Islington, 1825. Owen, on French Bible of B. <fcF. B. S., 1822. Pamphlets, vol. 333, 467, 1263, 1264. Pinkerton, R., Letters, 1817. Powys, appeal to clergy, 1830. Simeon, Dr. Marsh s Fact, 1813. Southwark Auxiliary, 1815. Stokes, G., Remarks, 1826. Vansittart, Letter to March, 1811. Wordsworth, C., Letter to Teignmouth, 1810, Bibliography.* ACADEMY DES SCIENCES. Caiuusat. Hist. Journaux. See Societies. AFRICAN LANGUAGES. Astor Lib. Orien tal Lang. See Oriental. Bibliography (continued). AGRICULTURAL. Bibliographic agronomi- que. Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. Weston, Cat. of Eng. Authors on. See Horticultural. Aix. Rouard, Sur la Bibliographic d . ALDINE EDITIONS. Amoretti, Lettere. Bearzi, Cat. de Lives Rares. Bibliog. de la France, 1820. Bohn, Cat. of books printed by. Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. Renouard, Annales. Serie dell edizioni Aldine. ALMANACS: See Almanacs. ALOST. Grand, Recherches Historiques. Iseghem, Biog. de Martens. ALTDORF. Murr, Meinor. Bibl. Altdorfinse. AMERICAN AUCTION SALES. See Auctions. AMERICAN BOOKS, AUTHORS, ETC. Amer ican Publishers Circular, 1855-57. Amer. Lit. Gazette, Phila., 1863-69. Bartlett, J. R., Bibliog. of Rhode Is land. " Literature of the rebellion. Brady, II . A. Auct. N. Y. 1855. Brit. Museum. Cat. of Ame. books in. Brown, J. C., Books in his library, 1493-1800. Duyckinck, Cycl. of Amer. Literature. Girard, Bib. Am. Historico-naturalis. Hand-book of Amor. Literature. Harrisse, Bibliot. Amer. Vetustissima, 1866. Kelly, Catal. of Books pub. in U. S., 1861-66. Kennett, W., Bibliot. Amer. Priuior- dia. Low, Amer. Cat., 1800-56. " Morrell, T. H., Sale, 1869, priced. Norton s Literary Gazette, etc. Onderdonk, Bibliog. of Long Island. Pamphlets of American, early prints, vol. 603. Reuss, Reg. of Authors of N. America, 1770-1803. Roorbach, Biblio. Americana, 1820-61. Sprague, Annals of Amer. Pulpit. Stevens, Am. Books in Brit. Mus., 1858. TrOmel, Bibliot. Amer., 1861. Triibner, Bib Guide to Am. Lit., 1857-59. Woodwa rd, E., Bibliotheca Am., 1849. See Booksellers, American; Auctions. *The references in Italics denote headings under Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY. 49 Bibliography (continued). AMERICAN HISTORY, ETC., BOOKS ox. Allen, E., Cat. of Books, 1856, 58. Almon, Cat. of Books, 1776. Antonio, Bibliot. Hispana. Ashcr, Bib. Essays, New Netherland, 1867. Bibliotheca Americana: Homer, 1789. Boehmcr, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. Boucher, Bibliot. des Voyages. Brown, J. C., Catal. of Books in Library of, 1493-1800. Coolidge, Hist, of New England. Drake, S. G., Cat. of Lib. Ant. of America. Du Pare d Avagour, Aut. sur Guyane. Gowans s Catalogues. Gurley, Cat. of Books on, at auction. Haven, Archaeol. of U. S., Bibliog. Hotton, Tracts on America. London Institution, Cat. v. 2. Ludewig, Lit. of Amer. local history. Mondidier, Cat. of Library of. Muller, F.. Cat. of Books on. Norton s Literary Letter, 1858. Rich, Biblioth. Americana, etc. 11 Catalogue of Spanish books on America. " Cat. of Sp. MSS. on. " Gen. Cat. 1837. " Books relating to. Smith, J. R., Books on Sale. Lond. Squiers, Cat. on Central America. Stevens, Amer. Bibliographer, 1857. Amer. Nuggetts, 1857. Ternaux, Bibliotheque Americaine. Trubner, Cat of Books on Sale, 1857. Warden, Biblioth. Americana, 1820, 1831, 1*40. AMERICAN LIBRARIES, See Libraries in America ; Catalogues of. AMSTERDAM. Bibliot. der Stad, 1858, 60. See Dutch. AMUSEMENTS. Le Verrier, L ecole de la Chasse. See Angling; Chess. ANA. Artigny, Memoires. Peignot, Repertoire de Bibliog. ANATOMY. Douglas, J., Bib. Anatomicae spec., 1734. Vigiliis. Bibliot Chirurgica. 1781. See Medical. ANGLING. Smith, J. R., Books on. ANONYMOUS AUTHORS. Baillet, Auteurs Deguises. Barbier, Diet. desOuvrages Anon. 1827. Chardon, Melanges, V. 3, Revue de Barbier. Bibliography: ANONYMOUS AUTHORS (continued). Diet Bibliographique, V. 3. Hainst, Fictitious names, 1868. Le Long, Bib. Hist, de la France, V. 5. Manne, Dietionnaire anon, et pseud., 1862. Notes and Queries, index. Querard, Litt. Franc. Contemporaine. " France Litteraire, 1864. ANTIQUITIES. Lerouge, Cat. Paris, 1853. Letronne, Cat. de la Bibliot. de. Reimann, Idea Systematis, etc. Soc. of Ant. Newcastle, Eng., Cat. Soc. of Antiquaries, Lond., Cat. Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica. See American History, Books on. ARABIC. Bavaria, Roy. Lib. Col. Arabicos. Casiri, Bibl. Arabico-Hisp. Esc. Herbelot, Bibliot. Orientale. Leyden, Univ. Catalogus. Schnurrer, Bibliot. Arabica. See Oriental; Asiatic. ARCHITECTURAL. Evans, Cat. of Works on, 1851. Malberg, Literatur des Bau-und Ing.- wesens. Weale, Cat. of Books for sale. ARTS, MECHANIC. Blumhof, Bibliot. Ferri. France : Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. Schubarth, Repert. der Tech. Litera tur. Weigel, Catalog. See Architectural; Engineering. ASIATIC LANGUAGES. Astor Library, Lin guistics. Burnouf, Cat. de la Bibliot. Clarke, A., Bibliot. Misc. Klaproth, Verz. der Chines, Bucher. Rask, Cat. of MSS. Zend, etc. See Oriental; Manuscripts. ARMENIAN. Cat. de Pimprimerie anneni- enne. Somal, Storia letteraria di Armenia, 1829. AUCTION SALES, AMERICAN. Allan, J., Catalogue of library, sold N. T., 1864. Bangs Brothers <fc Co., N. Y. Berard, Lib., West Point. Bouton, Cat. of lib., sold 1S68. Brady, H. A., Lib., N. Y., 1851. Campbell, J. N., Cat. of lib. sold N. Y., 1864. Choate, R., Library, 1859. Colman, W. A., Lib., N. Y., 1850. Conway, F. W., N. Y., 1854. Corwin, E. B., Lib.,N.Y., 1856,priced. 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography! AUCTION SALES, AMERI CAN (continued). Dean, Amos, Catalogue. 1868. Griswold, R. G., Lib. sold, N. Y.,1859. Gurley, Sales, 1846-48. Hall, Fitz-Edward, Lib. sold Boston, 187. Hunt, F., Lib. soldN. Y., 1859. Ingraham, E. D., Lib. N. Y., 1855. Ingraham, J. W., Lib., Boston, 1848. Jarvis, S F-, Lib., N. Y., 1851. Ludewig, Lib. soldN. Y., 1858. Philadelphia Trade Sales, 1848-57. Pickering, J., Lib., Boston, 1846. Rice, sale cat., N. Y., 1870. Roche, R. W., Sale N. Y., 1867. Romeyn, J. B., Lib., N. Y., 1825. Stevens, H., Bibliot. Historica, 1870. Town, I., Cat. of Library sold, N.Y., 1847. Townsend, R., Library sold, N. Y., 1868. Turner, W. W., Library sold, N. Y., 1860. Wight, Cat. of Lib. sale, N. Y., 1864. AUCTION SALES, DUTCH. Coster, Bibl. Delphis, 1718, priced. Lennep, Van., 1855. Major, Bibliot. Mechlin, 1767, priced. Meermann, Bibl., Hague, 1824, priced. Servais, Bibliot., Malines,1808, priced. Verbeyst, Lib., Bruxelles, 1852. Water, De, Lugd. Bat , 1823. AUCTION SALES, ENGLISH. Akers, E.F., Lond., 1820. Askew, Bibliot. lib. raris., 1775, priced. Bacon, T. S., Catalogue, 1736. Barrett, J. T., London, 1851. Beauclerk, Lib., London, 1781. Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, Lib., 1823. Bennett, Cat., 1723. Bindley, J., London, 1818. Bird, G., Lond., 1856. Bohn, J., Lond., 1855. Booth, W. H., Lond., 1837. Borromeo, Cat. Nov. Ital., Lond. ,1817. Boucher, J , Lib., Lond., 1806. Brit. Mus., Cat. of Duplicates, priced. Brockett, J. T., Lond., 1823. Clarke, Repert Bibliographicum. Combes, W., Lond., 1837. Crowningshield, Lond., 1860. Dallaway, J., Lond., 1841. Dibdin, The Director. " Decameron, v. 3. Evans, Lond., 1831-39. Farmer, R., Lib., Lond., 1798, priced. Folkes, M., Lib., Lond., 1766. Bibliography I AUCTION SALES, ENGLISH (continued). Francis, Sir P., 1838. Gancia, 1856. Gardner, J. D., London, 1854. Garrick, D., Lib., Lond., 1823, priced. Harding & Lepard, 1838. Harley, R., Bibliot., Lond., 1743. Hawtrey, C., Lib., London, 1854. Heber, Bibliot., London, 1837. Hibbert, Lib., London, 1829, priced. Hill, T., 1811. Lang, R., Lond. 1828. Lansdowne, Lib., Lond., 1806, priced. Lawford, E., Lond., 1855. Libri, Library sold, July, 1861. Marchmont, Lond., 1830. Mathias, T. J., Lond., 1841. Maturin, Lond., 1841. Mondidier, Lib., Lond., 1851. Montagu, Lib., Lond., 1733, 40, priced. Mead, Bibliot., Lond., 1754, priced. Paris de Meyzieux, Lib., Lond., 1791, priced. Parr, S., 1827. Paul, Sir G. 0., Lond., 1828. Payne & Foss, Lond., 1848. Penrose, Lib., Lond., 1851. Pierson, T., Lond., 1815. Perry, J., Lib., Lond., 1822, priced. Pinelli, Bibliot., Lond., 1789, priced. Puttick & Simpson, 1849, 54. Raine, Lib., Lond., 1812, priced. Reed, I., Lib., Lond., 1807. Roscoe, W., Lond., 1816. Rose, H. J., Lib., Lond., 1840. Roxburghe, Duke of, Lib., Lond., 1812, priced. Skegg, Lib., Lond., 1842. Sotheby, Lib., Lond., 1841, 56, priced. Southey, R., Lib., Lond., 1844, priced. Stirling, 1839. Strettell, Lib., Lond.. 1820, priced. Sussex, Duke of, Lib., Lond., 1844. Tooke, J. H., Lib., Lond., 1813, priced. Towneley, J., Lib., Lond.,1814,priced. Turner, D., Lib., Lond., 1853. Wakefield, S., 1835. Watt, 1838. Willett, R., Lond., 1813. Williams, T., Lib., Lond., 1827. York, Duke of, Lond., 1827. AUCTION SALES, FRENCH. Bearzi, Bibli., Paris, 1855. Bossange, Librairie, Paris, 1853. Brunck, M., Bibliot., Paris, 1853. Dallerange, Bibliot., Paris, 1851. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 51 Bibliography: AUCTION SALES, FRENCH (continued). Emmery, Cat. des MSS., etc., Metz, 1849, priced. Gouttard, Cat., Paris, 1781. Jacob, Bibliot. Cat., 1839, priced. Langles, Bibliot., Paris, 1825. Lerouge, Cat., Paris, 1833. Letronne, Bibliot., Paris, 1849. Libri, Bibliot., Paris, 1847. Louis Phillippe, Bibliot., Paris, 1852. MacCarthy-Reagh, 1817. * Nodie,r, Descr. d une Collect., Paris, 1844, priced. Peignot, Bibliot., Paris, 1852. Perrot, Bibliot., Paris, 1775, priced. Raoul-Rochette, Bibliot., Paris, 1855. I Renouard, Bibliot., Paris, 1854. Suard, Bibliot., Paris, 1817. Vanackere, Lille, 1854. Verny, E., Strasbourg, 1855. AUCTION SALES, GERMAN. Carpzovius, Bibliot. Carpzoviana, 1700. Gesenius, Bibliot., Halae, 1843. Julius, Bibliot., Berlin, 1850. Kloss, Library of, Lond., 1835. Krohn, Bib., Hamb., 1796. Lippert, Halle, 1846. Mertens, F. K., Bremen, 1833. AUCTION SALES. See Prices; MSS. AUGSBURG. Braun, Notitia Hist. Lit. Krauth, Augsburg Confession Bibliog. | Meager, Augs. alteste druekdenkmale. > Veith, Orig. typ. in Aug. Vind. Zapf, Ann. typ. Augustanae. BAMBERG. Jaeck, Beschreibung der Bib. Laborde, Debuts de 1 impr. a. BELGIUX. Acad. de Belgique, Stassart, Cat. de la bibliotheque, 1863. Belgium, Chambre. Cat. de la biblio theque. Bibliophile Beige, 1845-64. Foppens, Bibliotheca Belgica, 1739. Hennebert, Bibliologue de la Belgique, 1831. Kervin, Bibliophiles Flamands, 1853. Lambinet, Recherches Historiques, 1798. Major, Bibliot., Mechlin, 1767, priced. Namur, Hist, des Bib. de la, 1840. Neve, Append, a la Bibl. Douaisienne. Provincial Genoot.Noord Braband,Cat. Reiffenberg, Ann. Bibliot. royale, 1840-51. Reume, Variety s Bibliog., 1847. Vandermeersch, Cartes aux archives de la Flandre, 1850. See Libraries in Belgium ; Dutch ; Auc tion Satis. Bibliography (continued). BELLES LETTRES. See Literature. BEUERBERG. Hupfauer, Druckstucke aus dem xv jahrhundert. BIBLE (Editions of the). American Bible Soc. Cat. of Lib. Anderson, Annals of English, 1845. Bagster s Catalogue, 1838. Beloe, v. 3, English editions. Biblical Student s Asst., 1S44* Butler, C., Horse Biblicse. Classical Collector s Vade mecum. Darling s Cyclop. Part II. Commenta. Dibdin, Bibliot. Spenceriana, v. 1, 5. " Introd. to Classics, v. 4. Home, Manual of Bib. Bibliog. O Callaghan, Amer. Editions of. Orme, Bibliotheca Biblica Paitoni, De volgarizzamentidella Bib- bia. Panzer.Von dem alleraltesten deutschen Bibeln. " Gesch. der Nurnberg Ausgaben. " Der Augspurgischen Ausgaben. Pellicer, Traducciones en Castellano. Pettigrew, Cat. of Duke of Sussex s Library. Platt, Cat. of Ethiop. MSS. Rive, Chasse aux Bibliog, 1789-88. Schinmeier,Schwedischen Bibel Ueber- setzungen. Shea, Catholic editions, U. S. Steigenberger, Zwo alleralteste deut- sche Bibeln. Stewart, Catalogue of Bibles on sale. Sussex, Duke of, Library sold. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS, CATALOGUES OP. Hibbert, Cat. of Library of. Labbe, Bibliot. Bibliothecarum. Major, Bibliotheca, 1767. Munsell, Cat. of Lib. for sale, 1857. Namur, Bibliog. pakog. dipl. Bibliol. " Man. du Bibliothecaire, 1834. Peignot, Report. Bibliographique, 1812. Renouard, Cat. de sa Bibliotheque. Tessier, Catalogus Auctorum, 1688. Tross, Cat., Paris, 1855. Trubner, Cat. of Books on sale, 1857. Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica. See Typography. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES. See Dic tionaries. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MISCELLANIES. Aldine Magazine, 1838-9. Analectabiblion, 1836. Artigny, Memoires, 1749-56. Bibliog. Miscellany, London, 1830. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography: BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MIS CELLANIES (continued). Burton, The Book Hunter, 1862. Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron. " Bibliography, a poem. " Bibliomania. " Cat. of books, 15th century, Lib. Cassano. " Library Companion. " Rare editions of the Classics. " Bibliophobia. " Reminiscences of a Lit. Life. Mencke, De Charlataneria. Nodier, Melanges, 1829. Rive, Chasse aux Bibliographes. Savage, The Librarian, 1808, 9. See Books ; Periodicals. BIBLIOGRAPHY, ELEMENTARY. Branca, Cat. Introd. Clarke, A., Bibliog. Dictionary, Essay. " Bibliog. Misc., V. 2. Constantin, Bibliotheconomie, 1841. Dibdin, Decameron. Diction. Bib., Cailleau, V. 3. Guild, Librarian s Manual, 1858. Home, Introduction to, 1814. Namur, Manuel du Bibliothecaire. Peignot, Diet, de Bibliol, 1804. Pseaume, Diet. Bibliog. V. 1. See Classification; Libraries, Adminis tration of. BIBLIOGRAPHY. See Booksellers; Fifteenth Century ; Rare Books ; Libraries. BIOGRAPHICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. (Ettinger, Bibl. Biog. supp. BIOGRAPHIES OF BOOKSELLERS AND PRINT ERS. See Typography; Booksellers. BOCCACCIO. Bearzi, Cat. de Livres Rares. BOOK-KEEPING. Foster, B. T., Works on. BOOKS. See Prices; Rare Books. BOOKSELLERS CATALOGUES. See Law; Manuscripts-, Auctions. BOOKSELLERS CATALOGUES, AMERICAN. Amer. Publishers Circular. Appleton s Bulletins, etc. " Library Manual, 1847, 52. Bartlett <fc Welford, N. Y. Blake, A. V., Booksellers trade list, 1847. Butler, E. H., Phila., 1843. Carter, R., 1858. Catalogues, Miscellaneous, 76 vol. Doyle s Cat., N. Y., 1840-50. Eastburn, Cat., N. Y., 1818, 19, 24. Qowans, N. Y., 1840-64. Harper and Brothers, 1847. Library Reporter, 1854. Bibliography! BOOKSELLERS CATA LOGUE (continued). N.Y. Trade Sales, 1845-51. Cat. 39-43. Norton, Bibliot., Amer., 1857. Norton s Literary Advertiser, 1851-54. Philadelphia Trade Sales, 1850, 55. Cat. 42, 73. Putnam, G. P., For. and Am. 1850. " Book -buyer s Manuel. Roorbach, 0. A., Bibl. Am., 1820-61. Trade Circular, N. Y., 1871. Wiley A Putnam, N. Y., 1842-47. - i BOOKSELLERS CATALOGUES, DUTCH. See Dutch Books; Belgium. BOOKSELLERS CATALOGUES, ENGLISH. Bent, R., London Cat. 1814-39. Bent, Adver., London,, 1846-53. Bibliotheca Londinensis. 1814-46. Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1812. Bohn, H. G.,Cat.,1841-56, " Catalogue, 1848, pp. 1841. " General Catalogue, 1850-67. Catalogues of -Secondhand Books, Cat. V. 3. 6, 7, 21, 23, 27, 28, 46, 47, 65, 71, 77. 79, 88. Chapman s, Lond., 1842-56. Denis, Bookseller s Cat. Lond., 1789. Hodgson, T., Books published in Great Britain, 1814-51. Kerslake, 1823-53. Leslie, Cat. Eng. and For. Theol. Lilly, J., Lond., 1848, 49. Longman, Old Books, 1816-53. Low, S., Brit. Cat, 1837-52, 1835-62, " Amer. Cat., 1856. " Index to Cat., 1858. Montague, R., 1733, 40. Nattali.Cat. with prices, Lond., 1842. Nutt, D., Theol. Books, Lond,, 1837. Pamphlets, Vol. 602. Payne <fc Foss, Lond., 1848. Publishers Circular, 1855-69. Quaritch, Catalogues, classified, 1864, 69, 70. Rich, 0., Lond., 1S31-46. Rodd, relating to America. Smith, J. R., Bibliotheca Americana, 1853. " Catalogue 1865, 1871. Stevens A Haynes, 1870. Stevenson, T. G., Edinb., 1853. Stewart C. J., Cat. of bibles, etc., Lond. 1849. Thorpe, T., Curious books, 1842, 1843. Weale, Lond., 1836-44. Willis, G., Lond. ,1844-62. Willis <fe Sotheran, 1855-69. See London Catalogues; English Books. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 53 ISibliouraphy (continued). BOOKSELLERS CATALOGUES, FRENCH. Ba- chelier, Paris, 1830-53. Bossange, M., 1830-55. Bossange, Sale catologuea, 1845-50. Delalain, Cat., Livres Class. Fr. , 1858. Godde, Ca. de livres relatifs aux arts. Hachette, 1854-58. Reinwald, Lib. Franjaise, 1858. Tross, Cat., Paris, 1855, 71. See French Books, etc. BOOKSELLERS CATALOGUE, GERMAN. As- her & Co., Berlin, 1844-54. Eylert, 1854. Hinrichs, 1835-67. Weigel, R., Lipsise, 1832-43. Weigel, Apparat. lit., 1832. " Cat. Sammlung von Buchern. See German Books and Authors* BOOKSELLERS CATALOGUES, ITALIAN. Bibliog. Italiana. Branca, Cat. Delia Libreria. Molini, Firenze, 1853. Renuccini, Milano, 1850. Scapin, Padova, 1839. See Italian Books. BOTANICAL. See Natural History. BOURGOGNE. Barrois, Biblio, des Dues de. Bock, Liber Guidonis. Bourgogne, Inventaire desMSS. LaSernaSantander,Mem. surlaBib.de. BRITISH MUSEUM. Brit. Mus. Catalogues. " Catalogue of letter A., 1841. f. ! Cumberland, Essay, prints in. George III, Bibl. Regiae Catalogus. Great Britain, Reports of Comm. of j House of Commons, 1850. Hargrave, Cat. of MSS. of Library of. Simms, Handbookof Lib. of Brit. Mus. Stevens, Cat. of Amer. Books in. Waagen, Treasures of Art in G. B.,V.I. BRUSSELS. See Libraries; Belgium. BRY, T. DE. Bure (De), Bib. Instructive. Camus, Mem. sur la Collection de. Tiele, Mem. Bibliographique, 1867. CAMBRAI. Coussemaker, Notices sur la Biblioth. de. Le Glay, MSS. de la Bibl. de. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Crauwefl Trin. Coll. Cat. Halliwell, MS. rarities at Univ. of Cambridge. Hartshorne, Book Rarities of. Parker, M., Cat. Lib. MSS. Bibliography (continued). CANADA. Canada, Cat. of Lib. of Parlia ment, 1857, 58. " Parl. lib., Index, 1862. " Books relating to America. CATALOGUES. Bunau, Cat. de la Bibliot. Catalogues, 97 vols., miscellaneous. Catalogues, Pam. vols. 212, 602, 1218. B. C., 38, 39, 40. Feurlein, Supellex Libraria. Jewett, Construction of Catalogues. Observations on Cat. of Brit. Museum. Panizzi, Letter, 1838. Peignot, Repert. Bib., List of. Royal Society, on Panizzi s notes. Techener, Consid. sur la Bibl. Royale. See Auction Salts; Booksellers; Clas sification ; Bibliography ; Libraries, Catalogues and Administration of; Priced Catalogues. CAXTON, W. See Typography. CHEMISTRY. Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. Zuchold, Bibliot. chemica, 1840-58. CHESS. Game of chess, W. Caxton, 1474. Lond., 1865. Vogt, Principal Works on. CHINESE. Klaproth, Cat. des Imprimes. Klaproth, Verzeichniss der Chinese und - Mandschu Bucher. Trubner, Oriental record, 1865-67. CHURCH FATHERS. Cleaver, List of Books. Darling s Cycl., Art. Bibliotheca. Dibdin, Introd. to Classics. Dodwell s Cat. of Church authors. Lennep, D. J. Van. Cat. de la bibliot. CHURCH HISTORY. Jablonowski, Biblioth. See Theology ; Roman Cath. Church ; Protestantism. CLASSICS, EDITIONS OF GREEK AND LATIN. Baillet, Jugemens, vol. 3, 4. Bibliot: Gr. et Lat. (Reviczky). Books, Rare, etc., Boston, 1815. Botfield, B., Prefaces to First ed. of Classics, 1861. Clarke, A., Bibliographical Diet., 1804. Classical Collector s Vade Mecum, 1822. Dibdin, Introduction to editions of. Engelmann, Bibliot. Philol., 1853. Fabricius, Bibliotheca Latina, 1703. Fournier, Diet, de Bibliog, 1809. Greswell, Early Greek Press. Harless, Notitia Litt. Graecae. Hebenstreit, Diet. ed. Classicorum, 1828. 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography: CLASSICS, EDITIONS OF GREEK AND LATIN (continued). Hoffman, S. F. G., Lexicon Scriptorum Graecoruin, 1832. Jacobs, F., Bibliotheca. Cat. Iriarte, Bibl. Matritensis, Gr. MSS. Lennep, D. J. Van, Cat. dela Biblioth. TVloss. J. W., Manual of Classical Bib- Hog., 1837. Paitoni, Autor . Gr. e Lat. Volgarizzati. Pointer, Miscellanea, 1718. Peignot, Report. Bibliog., 1810. Smith, Diet, of Gr. and Rom. Biog. Tarlier, Traductions de Persius. See Manuscripts. CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS. Alembert, Systeme des Conn. Humaines. Chaudon, Diet. V. 20. Constantin, Bibliotheconomie. Fortia d Urban,Syst.de Bibliog. Alpha. Great Brit. Report Brit. Mus., 1835. PalermOjClassazione dei libri a Stampa. Peignot, Diet, de Bibliol. 1804. See Bibliography, Elementary ; Cata logues ; Libraries. COISLIN, H. C. De C. Montfaucon, Bib. Coisiiana. COLOGNE. Hartzheim, Bibliot. Coloniensis. COTTON, R. B. Brit. Mus. Cat. of Cott. MSS. DALMATIAN. See Slavic. DANISH. Worm, Lexicon over Danske laerde Maend, 1783. DANTE. Bearzi, Cat. de Livres Rares. Colomb, Bibliog. Dantesca, 1845. DEVONSHIRE, ENG. Davidson, Bibliot. De- voniensis, 1852. DICTIONARIES OF BIBLIOGRAPHY. Alli- bone, S. A., Diet of Engl. Lit. & Brit. & Amer. Authors, 1859-71. Bauer, Bibliot. Libr. Rar., 1770-72. Brunei, Manuel du Libraire, 1842-44. " " 5-. cd., 1860-65. Bure, G. F. De, Bibliot. Instructive, 1763-69. Chaudon, Diet. Univ. Hist, et Bibliog., 1810-12. Clarke, A., Bibliograph. Dictionary, Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, 1750- 60. Dictionnairebibliograpbjque,Cailleau, 1790, 1802. Ebert, Gen. Bibliog. Diet., 1837. Fournier, Dictionnaire de Bibl., 1809. Georgi, Allge. Europ. Bucherlexicon, 1750-58. Gesner, Bibliotheca, 1574. Hain, Repcrtorium Bibliog., 1826-38. Bibliography: DICTIONARIES OF BIBLI OGRAPHY (continued). Hallevord, Biblioth. Curiosa, 1678. Konig, Bibliot. Vetus et Nova, 1678. Laire, Index Librorum. . ad an. 1500. La Serna Santander, Diet. Bibliog., 1805-7. Lowndes, Bibliog. Man. of Eng. Lite rature, 1834. " Bohn s ed., 1857-64. Maittaire, Annales Typographical 719- 41, 1789. Osmont, Diet, typog. hist, et crit . , 1 7fi8 . Panzer, Annales Typographic!, 1793- 1803. Pseaume, Diet. Bibliographique, 1824. See Fifteenth Century Editions; Bib- liography, Elementary. DICTIONARIES OF AUTHORS, OF LITERARY HISTORY, ETC. Allibone, Diet, of Brit, and Amer. authors, 1869-71. Aprosio, Bibliot. Aprosiana. Brunet, Manuel du Libraire, 1865. Chaudon, Diet. Univ. Hist, et Biblioe., 1812. Darling, Cyc. Bibliogrnphica. Ladvocat, Diet. Hist, et Bibliog., 1789. Lowndes, Bibliog. manual, (Bohn), 1857-64. Oettinger, Bibliog. Biog. Univ., 1854. Sarrut, Biog. des Hommesdu Jour,1841. See American; English; French, etc. DIPLOMATICS. Bossange, Catalogue. Christ, Abhandlungen, 1776. Maffei, Letter to Countess of Seefeld. Namur, Diplo-Bibliol., 1838. Peignot, Diet, de Bibliol., 1804. Silvestre, Universal Palaeography. See Bibliography, Elementary; Writing; Manuscripts; Alphabets. DISSERTATIONS. Bockeren, Cat. Theol. Dissertationum, 1853. Marklin, Cat. Diss. Acad. Scandina- vise. Muller, Cat. Diss. Juridicarum. Weigel, Corpus Diss. Theol., for sale. DOUAI. Neve, Appen. a la Bib. Douai- sienne. Duthilloeul,Cat. des MSS. do la Bib. de. DRAMATIC AUTHORS. Baker s Bibliot. dramatica, 1812. Barker s List of plays, 1814. Burton, W. E., Bibliot. dram. Auct. . sale, N. Y., 186. Egerton s Theatrical Remembrancer, 1788. Garrick, Cat. of Library of, 1823. Heinsius, Allg. Bucher Lexicon, v. 4. Langbaine, Lives of Eng. Dram. Poets, 1698. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 55 Bibliography! DRAMATIC AUTHORS (con- ; tinued). Reed, Bibl. Rcediana, 1807. Riccoboni, Hist, du Theatre Ital. Roxburghe Library Cat., 1812. Soleinne, Bibliot. Dramat., 1845. See Shakespeare. DRESDEX LIB. Bunau,Cat. Bib. Bunavianae. Ludewig, Zur Bibliothekonomie. DUTCH AUTHORS AND BOOKS. Abkoude. Naamregister : Nederduitsche boe- en, 1600-1761. Asher, Bib. Essay New Nether- land, 1867. Bon, Theol. lib. for sale, Amsterdam. Dutch catalogues, Pam. vols. 38, 39, 40. B. C. Exposition Univ., Cat. de Livres pub- lies en Hollande. Friesch Genootschap, Catal., 1848. Jaarboekje voorden Boekhandel, 1839- 1843. La Rue, Geletterd Zeeland, 1734. Meulrnan, Catalogus, 1500-1688, 1867. Maatschappij van Ned. Lett. Cat. Meerman Uitvinding, etc., Ed. Visser, Muller, Cat. Diss. Jurid. Neerlaudiae. Pauw, Cat. Bibliot. Hagae, 1654. Provincial Genootsch, N. Braband. Revue Bibliog. des Pays Bas, 1822-30. Schotel, Archives en Hollande. Tiele, Mem. Bibliog sur les journaux des Navig. Neerlandais, 1867. Servais. Cat. de la Biblioth., 1808. VereenigingdesBoekhandels, Cat. Lib. Voorst, Bib. de Theol., 1859. See Belgium; Auction Sales; Gand;Alost; Elzevir; Libraries. EARLY EDITIONS. See Fifteenth Century Editions. EDUCATIONAL. Barnard, List of works on. Cat.. V. 57, 59, 60. Delalain, Cat. Livres d education,1858. Hachette, Cat. Livres d education. boc. for Encour. of Arts, Cat. of Educ. Exhib. South Kensington Museum, 1860. ELZEVIR EDITIONS. Jaarboekje voor den Boekhandel, 1839-42. La Faye, Traites luaprimes par. Nodier, Melanges, 1829. Pieters, Annales de 1 Impr. Elsev. Reume, Recherches sur, 1847. ENGINEERING. Blumhof, Bibliot. Ferri, 1803. France: Bridges, Catal., 1856. Malberg, Literatur des Bau. und In- genieur Weseus, 1852. Schubarth, Repertorium Teehn. Bibliography: ENGINEERING (cont d). Weale, Cat. of Books on, for sale. Williams, J., Works on, for sale. ENGLISH* BOOKS AND AUTHORS. Berken- hout, Biog. Lit., 400-1600. British Critic, 1793-1818. Bryges, Censura Literaria, 1815. " Restituta, 1816. " Brit. Bibliographer, 1814. Cole, Bibliog. Tour to a Library. Critical Review, 1756-98. Darling, Cyc. Bibliograph., 1854. Fry, Bibliog. Memoranda, 1816. Goodhugh, Engl. Gent s Library. Literary Blue Book, 1830. Low, Brit. Cat., 1837-57. Lowndes, Bibliog. Man. of Eng. Lit. Reuss, Register of Authors of G. Brit. Savage, The Librarian, 1808, 9. Wright, Biog. Britan. Literaria. See Booksellers, English; Great Britain; Scotland; Dictionaries. ENGLISH HISTORX> GENERAL AND LOCAL. Bonn s Cat. 1841, Index. Local. Chalmers, G., Cat. of Lib. for sale. Davidson, Bibliot. Devoniensis. Farmer, R-, Cat. of Lib., 1798. Great Britain, Lib. of H. of Commons. Ualliwell, Notices of English histories. Leland, Comm. de Script. Britannicis. Macray, Man. of Bri. historians to 1600. Newman Cat. County hist, for sale. Nichols, Cat. of County hist, for sale. Nicolson, Engl. hist, library, 1714. Roxburghe library Cat. Smith, Bibliot. Cantiana, 1837. Soc. of Ant., Newcastle, Cat., 1839. Soc. of Ant., Lond., Cat., 1816. Towneley, Auction sale of lib., priced. Upham & Beet, Books on topog. for sale. ENGLISH LIBRARIES. Botfield Cathedral Libraries, 1849. British Museum. Clark, Repertorium Bibliog., 1819. Dibdin, The Director, Folkes , etc. " Northern tour, and other works. Merryweather, Dibdin, Middle Ages. See Libraries in England, Catalogues of; Cambridge; Oxford; London. ENGLISH POETRY. Beloe, Anecdotes. Brydges, Restituta, etc. Farmer, Cat. of Lib. Greene, A. G., Auction catalogue, 1869. Ualliwell, Account of Vernon MSS. Longman, Bibl. Anglo-poetica. Malone, Cat. of Early Eng. Poetry. Perry, J., Lib. at Auction, 1822. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography: ENGLISH POETRY (con tinued). Heed, I., Cat. of Lib., 1807. Rimbault, Bibliot. Madrigaliana. Ritson, Bibliot. Poetica, 1802." Strettell, Cat. of Library of. ERLANGEN, Irinischer, Handschriften Kat. ESCURIAL LIBRARY. Casiri, Bibliot. Arab. EUROPEAN. Berlin Royal Library. Bibliotheca Uffenbachiana MSS. Christern, Bulletins of For. Lit., N.Y., 1855-67. Frieschgenootscbap, Cat. der Bib- liothek. Georgi, Allg. Bucher Lexikon, V. 5. Gesner, Bibliotheca, redact, per J. Simlerum, 1574. Gryphius, De Script, sec. xvii. Heinsius, Allg. Bucher Lexikon. Palm (Van der), Lib. ac. MSS. Bib. Schultensianaj, 1841. Thott, Cat. Bibliot., sold, 1791. See Dutch; French; German; Book seller s Catalogues. FATHERS OF THE CHURCH. See Church. FIFTEENTH CENTURY EDITIONS. Bauer, Bibliot. Lib. Rar., 1774. Berlin, Lib. Incunab., 1851. Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. Braun, Notitia Hist. Lit., 1788. Catalogus Lib. Rarissimorum. Clarke, A., Bibliog. Misc., V. 2. Clement, Bibliot. Curieuse, 1760. Cranwell, Engl. books, Trin. Coll. Crevenna, Catalogue. 1776. Denis, Supp. to Maittaire. " Merkwurdigkeiten, etc., 1780. Gand, Recherches Historiques, 1845. Hain, Repertoriuni Bibliog., 1888. Holtrop, Cat. Bib. Haganae, 1856. Hupfauer, Druckstucke. .in Beurberg. Kloss, Cat. of Library of, 1835. Laire, Index Librorum ad an., 1500. . Spec. Typ. Romanae xv seo. La Serna Santander, Diet, du Quin- zieme Siecle, 1807. MacCarthy Reagh, Cat. de vente. Maitland, Index of Lib. at Lambeth. Maittaire, Annales typograp., 1789. Meerman, Uitvinding, etc. Ed. Visser. Murr, Memor. Bibliot. Norimb., 1791. Nyerup, Spicil. Bibliog., 1784. Pinelli, Bibliot. Pinelliana, 1790. Panzer, Der Buchdruckerkunst in Nurnborg, 1789. " Annales typographic!, 1803. Seemiller, Incunab. Bib. Ingolst. Servais, Cat. de la Bibliotheque, Bibliography: FIFTEENTH CENTURY EDITIONS (continued). Sussex, Duke of, Library sold, 1845. Towneley, Library sold, Lond., 1814. Visser, Boeken in de Nederl. voor MD. Wurdtwein, Bibliot. Moguntina. Zapf, JElteste Buchdruckergesch. See Dictionaries ; Festivals ; Typo graphy. FIFTEENTH CENTURY EDITIONS IN THE LIBRARY. tineas Sylvius, Historia, 1477, f c . << " Abbreviatio Blondi, 1484. Albertus Magnus, Liber secretorum, 1496, 4. Aristoteles, Lib. Predicamento., 1484. " Libri physicorum, 1482, f . Articella, Thes. opcrum medicorum veterum, 1491. Donatj, ed. minor, 1494. Ficinus, M., Epistolse, 1495, f . Game of Chess, Caxton, 1474. Fac sim., 1865. Gerson, J., Opera, 4 v., 4, 1478-1502. Gouvernayle of helthe, 1483. Fac. situ. Juvenalis, Satyrae, 1486, f. Leonardus de U tino. Sermones aurei, 1473, f . Picus mirandula, J., Heptaplus, 1479, f. Plotinus, Opera, 1492, f . Plutarohus, De viris clariss., 1473, f . Rosa anglica inedicinae, 1492, f . Schedel, H., Chronicon Nurimb., 1493, f c . Socrates, Sozomenus et Theodoricus, 1472, f. Statius, P.P., SylvaJ, 1494, f . . Suidas, Lexicon Greece, 1488, f . Thebais. See Statius. Theramo, Belial, 1472, f. " " 1484, 4. Thomas Aquinas, Catena aurea, 1470. Trithemius, De Scriptoribus eccles., 1492. Vincentius, Speculum historiale, 1494. FINE ARTS. Immerzeel, Bibliothek. Raoul-Rochette, Cat. Bibl. Artistique. Schlegel, Kat. der Bucher Sammlung. Taylor, Cat. of library sold, 1853. Weigel, Cat. von Kunstsachen, for sale, 1840. See Engraving ; Fine Arts. FLEMISH. Kervin, Bibliophiles Flamands. See Belgium. FLORENCE. Biscioni, Bibliot. Med. Laur. MSS., 1752. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 57 Bibliography (continued). FRENCH BOOKS AND AUTHORS. Annonoes de Bibliog., 1790. Baillet, Jugemens, vol. 4, 5, Poctes. Baudry s Catalogues, 1845-49. Bibliog. de la France, Journal de 1 im- priinerie et de la librairie, 1820- 40; 1859-63. Bos^ange, Catalogues, 1836, 45, 47, 53, Delalain, Paris, 185S. Georgi, Allg. Europ. Bucherlexicon, V. 5, 1750-58. Goujet, Bibliot. Francoise, 1740-56. Leber, Bibliotheque de Literature. Lerouge, Local and Revolutionary Hist. Loren*, Librairie Fran9aise, 1840-65. Raynal, Anecdotes Litteraires. Querard, La France Litteraire, 1827 1S64. " Litt. Fran. Conteraporaine, 1827-57- Sarrut, Biog. des Hommes dujour. Soleinne, Bibl. Draraatique et po tique. Techener, Annuaire Pibliographique. Ventouillac, The French Librarian. See Bookseller s Catalogues; Auctions. FRENCH HISTORY AND LITERATURE. Bail- let, Jugemens des .^avans. France, Bibliot., Imp. Gat. de 1 hist. de Is, France, 1855-65 Frere, Bibliog. Normand, 1860. Gouget, Bibliot, Franyoise. Jacob, Biblioth, Cat. 1839. Leber, Cat. de sa Bibliothc>que. Le Long, Bib. Hist, de la France. Monfalcon, Bibliog, de Lyon, 1351. FRENCH LIBRARIES. Bordeaux, Bibliothe- ; que de la ville. Bure, Bibliot. de M. le Due de la Val- . Here. Coussemaker, Bibliot. du Depaatement duNord, 1843. Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour in France. France, Bibliot. Imperiale, 1859-62. " Bibliot de la Marine et des i Colonies, 1843. Larenaudiere, Cat. de livres de sa Bib- liotheque, 1846. Le Glay, Bibliot. du Nord, 14I. Manuscripts in public Libraries in \ France. See Law Library. Petit-Radel, Recherches, sur les Bib liot. anc., 1819. Prousteau, Bibliotheque Publique, fon- dee par, 1777. Voyage Litteraire dedeux Benedictins, 1724. See Libraries in France, Catalogues of ; \ Paris; Douai; Aix; Carnbrai; Lille; ! Orleans: Lyon. Bibliography (continued). FRENCH MANUSCRIPTS. See Manuscripts. FRIENDS. Smith, J., Cat. of books by Soc. of Friends, 1867. GAELIC. Reid, Bibliot. Scoto-Celtica. GEOGRAPHICAL. Boucher, Bibliot. des Voyages, 1808. Engelmann, Bjbliot. Geog., 1858. Pinelo, Bibliot. nautica et geografica. See Maps; Voyages. GEOLOGICAL. Austria, Kat. Bibl. Min. Cabinetes, 1851. Agassiz, Bibliog. Geologiae., 1854. Boehmer, Bibliot. Hiat. ftaturalis. See Scientific. GERMAN BOOKS AND AUTHORS. Aretin, Beytrage, 1807. Bingner, Lit. uber Baden, 1854. Boekeren, Cat. theol. 4issertationum. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1853. Bucherschatz der Deutschen nat. litt. Catalogues, v. 22, 30, 32, 34, 35, 48, 67, 68, 86, 91. Engelmanu, Bibliot der neueren Spra- chen, 1842. " Bibliot. Juridica, 1840. " Bibliot der schonen Wis- seiiscbaften, 1846. " Bibljot. Philologica, 1853. Ersch, Bibl. handbuch der phil. lit. Feuerlein, Supellex libraria, 1768. Georgi, "Allg. Europ. Bucherlexicon. Ileinsius, Allg. Bucberlexicon. Ilinrichs, Verzeicbniss, 1832-58, 1862, 1866. Jordens, Lexikon deutscher dichter und prosaisten, 1811. Kayser, {ndex lib. 1750-1846, in Ger man. Kirchhoff, Gesch. des deutschen buch- handels, 1857. Koehler, Catalog., 1851. Meusel, Das gelehrte Teutschland. " Lex. der lebenden teutsch. schriftsteller, 1806-34. Muller, Cat. Diss, jurid. Germanise. Panzer, Aunalen der iiltern deutschen litt., 1788. Schubarth, Repert. der tech. literatur. Tromel, Litt. der deutschen mundarten. See Booksellers Catalogues ; Auction Sales; Baden; Manuscripts. GHENT. Voisin, Bibliot. Gandavensis. GRAMMARS. Engelmann, Bib. der Xeueren t^prachen, Bib. Philologica, 1853. Estienne, Thesaurus, 1825. See Philological. 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography (continued). GREAT BRITAIN Cooper, C. P., Account of Records in, 1832. See England; Scotland; Ireland; Libra ries; Booksellers. GUICHARD. Vries, A. De, Speculum hum. salv., 1843. GUIDES ix SELECTION OF BOOKS. See Libraries; Hooks. GUTENBERG, J. See Typography. GUYANA. Du Pare d Avagour, Liste d au- teurs sur. HAWAII Is. Hunnewell, Bib. of Hawaiian Is., 1869. I HEBKEW BOOKS AND TYPOGRAPHY. Affo , Vita di V. Gonzaga, 1780. Bartolocci, Bibliotheca Rabbinica. Biscioni, Cat. Medic. Laurent, 1752. Bowycr, Hist, of Printing, Hebrew. Buxtorff, Bibliot. Rabbinica nova. KiatVt, Cod. Hebraic! Bib. Vind. Rossi, De Ueb. Typ . .. . Editionibus. Ann. HebrsBo. Typog., 1799. See Bible. HERALDRY. Bohn s Cat., 1841. Moule, Biblioth. Heraldica, 1822. HISTORICAL. Bunau, Cat. Bibliothecse. Bure, Bibliog. Instructive. Orevonna, Catalogue, 1776. Dupin, Bibliot. Univ. des Historiens, j France, Bibliot. Imper , Catalogue de 1 ilist. G, ryphius, Script. Hist. Seculi xvii. Le Long, Bib. Hist, de la France. Lenglet du Fresnt y, Meth. pour etudier 1 histoire, Catal. des Historiens. See English ; French ; American. HOLLAND. See Belgium ; Dutch; Auctims. HORTICULTURAL. Felton, Eng. Authors on. Johnson, Hist, of Eng. Gardening. Seguier, Bibl. Botanica. Weston, Cat. of Eng. Authors on. See Agricultural. HULSIUS. Tiele, Memoires bibliog. de la coll. de. HUNGARIAN. Koehler, Catalog. 1861. ICELANDIC. Mobius, Cat. Lib. Island., 1856. Worm, Lexicon over Isl. LaerdeMaend. See Swedish. ILLUMINATED MSS. Humphreys, Middle Ages, 1849. Waagen, Treasures of Art, 1854. Wright, Art in the Middle ages. See Manuscripts Writing. INDIA. Elliot, Bibliog. index to Historians of. Bibliography (continued). INDIAN (AMERICAN) LANGUAGES. Am. Phil. Soc., Catal. of MSS. on. Clavigero, Cat. of Mexic. Grammars. Ludewig, Literat. of Am. Abor. Lang. Schoolcraft, Bib. Cat. of books in. INGOLDSTADT. Seemiller, Incunab. Bib. Ingolst., 1789. INSURANCE. N. Y. Insurance report, List of books on, 1868. Pocock, List of books on. IRISH AUTHORS. Berkenhout, Biog. Lit. 400-1500. Hiberno-Celtic Soc. Cat. (O Reilly). Reuss, Reg. of Authors on, 1770-1803. IRON. Bluinhof, Bibliot. Ferri, 1803. ITALIAN BOOKS, AUTHORS, LIBRARIES, TYPOGRAPHY. Aprosio, Bibliot. Aprosiana, 1734. Argelati, Bibliot. Scriptorum, 1745. Azara, Bibliotheca, 1806. Bibliog. Italiana, 1839, 40. Bibliog. Class. Italian!, 1814. Blume, Iter Italicum, 1F24-36. Boutourlin, Cat. de la bibliot. Borromeo, Catalogo, 1817. Branca, Cat. della libreria, 1844. Capponi, Cat. dclla libreria, 1747. " Cat. dei manoscritti istorici. Colle, Storia lit. sci. di Padova, 1824. Coulomb, Bibliog. Dantesca. Crapelet, Progrcs" de 1 imprimerie en. Font mini, Bibl. dell eloqucnza ital. Ginguene, Hist. litt. d ltalie, 18.4. II ay in Bibliot. Italiana, 1741. Hoffman, Imprimerie en Italic. Lechi, Tipog. Bresciana, 1854. Libri, Cat. de la Bibliot., 1847. Marsand, Bibliot. Petrarchesca, 1826. Melzi, Bibliog. dei Rom. e Poem! Molini, C. F., Cat. of Books on sale, Lond., 1848. Molini, L., Cat. de Libri. .. .vendibili, Firenze, 1853. Morelli, Cod. volgari, Naniana, 1776. Muston, bibliog. of Vatidois hist. Osmont, Diet, bibliographique Paitoni, Bibliot. autori ant. volgariz- zati. Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Taurin. Athenaoi. Piuelli, Bibliot. Pinelliana, 1790. Renuecini, Libreria, Milan, 1850. Riccoboni, Hist, du Theatre ital. Saxius, Hist. lit. typ. Mediolan., 1745. Toppi, Biblioteca Napoletana, 1678. Valentinelli, Bibliog. del Friuli, 1861. Valery, Voy. historiques en Italic. Zacharia, Bibliot. Pistoriensis, 1752. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography: ITALIAN BOOKS, AUTHORS, LIBRA HI Es,TYPOGRAPHY(cont d). Zanetti, D. Marci bibl. codicum. Zeno, Dissertation! Yossiane, 1752. See Libraries (Catalogues of) in Italy; Auction Sales; Booksellers; Rome; Milan; Venice. JUNTA EDITIONS. Dibdin, Decameron, v. 2. Ebert, Bibliog. Diet., v, 4. JAPAN. Charlevoix, Liste d Auteurs sur. JESUIT WRITERS. See Roman Catholic. JOURNAL DES SAVANS. Camusat, Hist, dea Journaux, 1734. JEAN, Roi. Barrois, I3ibliot. de, 1830. KENT, ENG. Smith, Bibliot. Cantiana. LATIN AUTHORS. See Classics. LANGUAGES. See Philology; Grammars; Indian Lang. LAW BOOKS, CATALOGUES OF. Bossange, Catalogue, 1845. Brooke, Bibliot. Leg. Angliae, 1788. Butterworth, Catalogues, Lon., 1854. Camus, Biblioth. des liv. de droit, 1819. Crevenna, Catalogue, 1776. Engeluiann, Bibliot. Juridica, 1840. Muller, Cat. Diss. Juridicarum, 1840. New York State Law Lib., 1855, 65. " Law Institute, Cat. Pickering, J., Lib. Boston. Struve, Biblioth. Juris., 1714. U. S. Library of Congress, Cat* on Law, 1861, 69. Voisin, Bibliot. Gand. Cat. Worrall, Biblioth. Leg. Anglise. See Booksellers Catalogues, etc. LEYDEN UNIV. Hamaker, Spec. Cat. MSS. Orient, in, 1820. Leydcn Univ. Cat. 1741. LIBRARIES, SELECTION OF BOOKS FOR. Barbier, Bibliot. d un Uomme de Gout, 1817. Bossange, Ma bibliotheque, 1855. Chaudon, Bibliot. d un Homme de Gout, 1772. Churton, Book Collector s Hand-book. Dana, Biblioth. Probata, 1857. Dibdin, Library Companion. Goodhugh, Eng. Gent s Library. Kett, Elem. of General Knowl. La Borde, Organisation des Biblioth. Livermore, G., Remarks on public libraries. Moore, What to read and how to read, 1870. Manchester Lib.. Books for Purchase, 1851. Oakley, Course of Engl. Reading. Bibliography: LIBRARIES, SELECTION OF BOOKS FOR (continued). Observations on forming a Library. Park, R., Select Cat. on all subjects. Peabody Institute, Cat. of books for purchase, 1861. Potter, Hand-book for readers, 1847. Stevens, My English Library, 1853. Ventouillac, The French Librarian. See Books. LIBRARIES, HISTORY OF. Account of Cele brated Libraries, 1739. Berlin, Royal Library, 1839. Clarke, Repertorium Bibliog., 1819. Delandine, Hist, des Bibl. de Lyon. Edwards, E., Memoirs of Lib., 1859. Eichhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur. Great Britain, Report, Comm . of H . of C. Guild, Librarian s Man N. Y., 1858. Jewett, Notices of Libraries in U. S. Lomeierus de Bibliothecis. Morhof, D. G., Polyhistor, 1808. Namur, Hist, des Bib. de la Belgique. Peignot, Diet, de Bibliol. Petit-Radel, Recherches sur les Bibliot. Rees, Manual of, in the U. S. A. Wynne, Private Libraries in New York. LIBRARIES, ADMINISTRATION OF, ARCHI TECTURE OF, ETC. Budik, Verbe- reitungstudien. Boston, Public Lib. Annual reports 1855-67. Clark, A., Bibliog. Misc., V. 2. Constantin, Bibliotheconomie. Cotton, J. B., Des Devoirs du Biblioth. Critical Account, 1739. Gibbs, Bibliotheca Radcliviana. Gr. Brit., Reports Comm. of H. of C. Guild, Librarian s Manual. Home, T. H., Introd. to the study of Bibliog. Jewett, Construction of Catalogues. Laborde, Organisat. desBibliotheques. Lehmann, Stadtbibliothek. Le Gallois, Traitte des Bibliot. de 1 Eu- rope. Le Prince, Essai sur la Bibliot du Roi. Namur, Man. du Bibliothecaire. Panizzi, Supply for readers. Papworth, Museums and Libraries. Porter, Plea for. Shurtleffj Decim. Syst. of Arrangement. Techener, Amelioration des Anc. Bibl. See Bibliography, Elementary; Classifica tion. \ LIBRARIES IN AMERICA, CATALOGUES OF. Albany Library, 1821. Amer. Antiq. Soc., 183 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography: LIBRARIES IN AMERICA, CATALOGUES OF (continued). Amer. Bible Society, 1855. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1824. Amherst College, 1855. Apprentices Library, N. Y., 1860. Apprentices , Phila. Astor Library, N. Y., 1857, 61, 66. " " Index, 1851. " " Oriental Languages, 1854. Boston Public Library, 1854, 58, 66. Boston Athenaeum, 1827, 40. Bowditch Library, 1841. Bowdoin College Cat., 1863. Brady, II. A., N. Y., 1851. Brookline, Ms., Pub. Lib. 1865. Brooklyn Atheneum, 1855. California State Lib., 1860, 1871. Cleveland, Ohio, Ass n. Cincinnati, Public Library, 1871. Conway, F. W., N. Y., 1854. Farnham, Private Libraries. Georgia State Lib., 1869. Groton, Mass., 1855. Indiana State Lib., 1859. Jewett, C. C., Notices of Pub. Lib. in | theU. S., 1851. King, Hist, of Redwood Lib. Newport, I 1860. Library Comp. of Phila., 1856. Loganian Library, Philadelphia. Lyceum of Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1830. Maine State Lib., 1856. Mass. State Library, 1846, 58. Massachusetts Hist. Soc., 1859,60. Mercantile Lib. Asso., Boston, 1848, 50, 69. Merc. Lib. Asso., Cincinnati, 1855. Mercantile Lib. Assoc., N. Y., 1856, 1865-6, 69. Mercantile Lib. Comp., Philadelphia, 1851-56. Merchants and Clerks , N. Y., 1857. Michigan State Lib., 1855. Minnesota State Lib , 1850. Newark Lib. Assoc., 1857. New Bedford Pub. Lib., 1856, 58, 69. Newburyport, Maes., 1857. New Jersey State Lib., 1853. New Hampshire State, 1857. New Haven Y. M. Inst., 1841. New Orleans Lyceum. New York State Lib., 1855, 58, 61. " " Annual Reports to 1871. New York Maps and Surveys, 1851, 59. New York City Lib. Assoc. New York Hospital Lib., 1845. New York Hist. Soc., 1859. Bibliography: LIBRARIES IN AMERICA, CATALOGUES OF (continued). New York Law Inst., 1843. New York Society Library, 1850. Norton s Lit. and Educ. Reg., 1854. Ohio State, 1859. Oswego, N. Y., 1858. Pamphlets containing Library Associa tions Reports, Vols. 169, 170, 209, 276, 276, 512, 1237, 1692. Peabody Institute, Bait., Cat., 1861. Pennsylvania State Lib. 1857. Portland Atheneum, 1852. Prince, T., Catalogue of Library of, 1868, 70. Prot. Ep. 3. S. Union Library. Providence Atheneum, 1853. Queen s Coll., Toronto, 1853. Redwood Lib., Newport, 1860. Rochester Atheneum, N. Y., 1850. Rochester City Lib., 1839. Salem Atheneumj 1842, 58. Soc. of Friends, Phila., 1853. St. Paul s, Minn. Society of Friends, Library. Syracuse, Central Lib., I860. Tennessee State Lib., 1855. Troy Y. M. Assoc., 1859. U. S., Lib. of Congress Catalogues, 1812, 15, 30, 40, 52-53. 61. " Catalogue of Authors, 1864-69. " Index of subjects, 1869 " Mil Acad. Lib., 1860. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1829. Van Rensselaer, Cat. of Lib., Albany, 1834. Vermont State Lib , 1858. Virginia State Lib., 1856. Voice from the people, 1838. Worcester Free Public Lib. Reports, 1861-70. Worcester, Mass., Lyceum. Yale College, Cat., 1743. Yale College, Soc. Lib., 1836, 46. Yonkers Lib. Assoc., N. Y., 1856. Young Men s Assoc., Alb., Cat., 1853. " " Reports, 1857-67. " Assoc., Buffalo, 1848. " Assoc., Cincinnati, 1855. " Assoc., Milwaukee, Cat., 1855, 61. " Assoc., Rochester, N. Y. Assoc., Utica, N. Y. " Institute, Hartford, 1844. " " Reports, 1840-68. " Lib., Worcester, Mass. " Merc. Assoc., Cincinnati, 1855. See American Books ; Law. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 61 Bibliography (continued). LIBRARIES ix BELGIUM AND NETHER LANDS, CATALOGUES OK. Amster dam, Bibliuth. der stad. Bourgogne, Inventaire dcs MSS. Holtrop, Cat. Bib. Haganae, 1856. La Serna, Bibliot. de Bruxelles. Leyden, Univ. Cat., 1741. Namur, Hist, des Bib. de la Belgique. Pauw, Cat. Bibliot. Hagae, 1654. Provinciaal Genootschap, 1841. Voisin, Bibliotheca Gandavensis. " Hist, dea Bibliot. en Belgique. See Belgium. LIBRARIES i\ ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND, CATALOGUES OF. Advocates Li brary, Edinb ., 1863, 64. Athenaeum of London, 1845-51. ,. Beauclerck, Cat. of Lib., 1781. Bcckford, Fonthill Abbey, 1823. Bibliot. Chctharaensis (Manchester). Brand, J., Cat. of Lib. for sale, 1807. Brit, and For. Bible Soc. British Museum : Letter A. Cat. Lib. MSS. Angeliae, 1697. Dibdin, The Director, Askew s Lib. " Bibliot. Spenceriana. East India Cornp. Cat. Edinburgh Select Subs. Lib. Edwards, E., Lib. in England. " Memoirs of Libraries, 1859. Geol. Soc. of London, Library. George III, Bibl. Regiae Catal. Gibraltar Garrison Lib., 1793. Great Britain, Library of House of Commons, 1830. Halliwell, MSS. in Library at Ply mouth, Eng. Lincoln s Inn, 1835. London, Lib. of the Corporation, 1859. London Library Cat., 1847. London Institution Cat., 1835-52. Macray, Annals of Bodleian Library, 1868. Maitland, Index of Books, Library at Lambeth. Manchester Free Library Cat., 1791, 1826. " Reference Cat., 1864. " Reports, 1860, 67. Minerva Library, Liverpool. Oxford Univ. Cata., 1620, 74, 97. Parr, Bibliot. Parriana. Royal Asiat. Soc. Cat. 1830. Russell Institution Cat., 1837. Salford Borough Cat., 1851. Stowe, The, Catalogue, 1848. Williams* Red Cross St. Lib. Cat. See London: English Libraries; Auctions. Bibliography (continued). LIBRARIES IN FRANCE, CATALOGUES OF. Bordeaux, Chambre de Commerce. Delandine, Cat. de la Bibl de Lyon. Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour, 1829. France: Ecole des Ponts et Chaufsees. Le Glay, MSS. de la Bibl. de Cambrai. " Bibl. pub. de Nord de, 1841. Louis Philippe, Bibliotheque, 1852. Prousteau, Bibliot. Publique, 1777. Rouard, Bibliotheques d Aix, 1831. Voyage Litteraire, 1717. See Lyons; Paris; LMe; Douai; Aix; French Boote; French Libraries. LIBRARIES IN GERMANY, ETC., CATA LOGUES, ETC. Bavaria, MSS. Bib- lioth. a Munich. Berlin Royal Library, 1821-51. Braun, Not. de Bib. ad SS. Udal. et Afrae, 1788. Bunau, Cat. Bibliothecae, 1750. Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour, 1829. Galitzin, Catalogue, 1866. Hamburg Library, 1844, 56. Irmischer, Bibliot. zu Erlangen. Jablonowski, Bibliotbeca, 1755. Murr, Meraorab., Norimb., 1786-91. Petersen, Hamburg Eibliot., 1838. Strauss, Bibliot. in Rebdorf, 1790. See Munich; Vienna; Augsburg. LIBRARIES IN ITALY. Biscioni; Cat. Bib. Medico-Lauren, 1752. Bliime, Iter Italicum, 1824-36. Capponi, A. G., Catalogue, 1845. Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Taurinensis Ath. See Rome ; Milan ; Padua ; Venice ; Italian. ; LIBRARIES. For other libraries see various towns, Manuscripts, etc. ! LILLE. Le Glay, Cat. des MSS. de la Bib. de la Ville, 1859. LITERATURE. Bure, G. F. De, Bibliog. Instructive, 1763. Crevenna, Catalogue, 1776. Dallerange, Cat. de sa Biblioth., 1851. Delandine, Cat. de la Bib. de Lyon. Eichhorn ; Geschichte der Litteratur. Engelmann, Bibliot. der schonen Wis- senschaften, 1837. Jordens, Lexikon Deutscher Dichter und Prosaisten, 1806-11. Quaritch, Catalogue of Literature, 1864, 69. Renouard, Cat. de la Bibliothcque. See French; English, etc. LONDON LIBRARIES AND CATALOGUES. British Museum* Bent, Cat. 18l4-39i 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography I LONDON LIBRARIES AND CATALOGUES (continued). Christie, Scheme of London Library. East India Company. Lincoln s Inn. London City Corporation. London Institution Cat. London Library Cat., 1852. Low, British Cat., 1835-57. Maitland, Ind. of Archiep., Palace Lib. Royal Asiatic Soc. Russell Institution. Soc. of Antiquaries. See Libraries in England^. LORRAINE. Emmery, Cat., des MSS. rela- tifs, 1849. LOUVAIN. Namur, Hist, des Bibl. de. LYON. Delandine, MSS. de la Bib. de Lyon. " Cat. de la Bib. do Lyon. Dolet, E., Viede, 1779. Lyon, Cat. des Doubles, 1831. Monfalcon, Le Nouveau Spon, 1856. " Bibliog. de Lyon, 1851. MADRID. Casiri, Bibliot. Arab. Ilisp. Escu. Iriarte, Codices Greci MSS. See Spanish. MANUSCRIPTS, ESSAYS ON KNOWLEDGE OF, ETC. Delandine, Mem. bibliog. Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron. Humphreys, Art of Illumination. % " Ilium. MSS. of Mid. Ages. Langlois, Calligraphic du Moyen Age. Maitland, The Dark Ages, Essays. Merryweather, Bibliog. Mid. Ages. Namur, Bibliog. Paleog. Dipl. (Jen. Peignot, Diet, de Bibliog. Waagen, Treas. of Art in Gr. Brit. Wright, Illuminated MSS. See Writing-, Ilium. MSS.; Alphabets; Diplomatics. MANUSCRIPTS IN LIBRARIES, CATALOGUES OF. Arwidsson, K., Bib. Stock holm. Barrois, Bibliot. Protypographique. Bavaria: Cat. MSS. Bib. Monacensis. " Bib. Bavar. Cat. MSS. Gr. Bibliot. D. Marci Gnec. MSS. " Lat. et Ital. MSS. Biscioni, Bib. Mediceo-Laurent. Greek and Oriental. Black, Ashmole MSS. Blume, Iter Italicum. Bib. MSS. Ital. Bock, Liber Guidonis. Bourgogne, Invcntaire. Boutourlin, Cat. de la Bibliot. British Museum, Catalogues of. Bibliography! MANUSCRIPTS IN LIBRA RIES, CATALOGUES OF (continued). Capponi, Cat. del Manoscritti dal. Casiri, Bibliot. Arab. Hisp. Escur. Catalogi Lib. MSS. Anglije. Cocchi, Diarium Phillippi III, 1301. Coussemaker, Coll. a Cambrai. Delandine, MSS. de la Bib. de Lyon. " " M^m. Bibliographiques. Duthilloeul, Cat. de la Bibl. de Douai. Fortunatus, Com. de Alcobacensi MSS. Haenel, Cat. MSS. in Bibl. Europse. Halliwell, Vernon MSS. Ilardt, MSS. Grsecorum Bib. Bavaria;. llargrave, Cat. of MSS. of Library of. Iriarte., Bib. Matrit. Graeci MSS. Irmischer, Handsch. Kat. Erlang., etc. Jaeck, Bcschreibung dcr Bib. zu Bain- berg. Joursanvault, MSS. concernant 1 Hist. de la France. Kloss, Cat. of Library of, 1835. La Croix, Not. des MSS. sur la France. Leber, Cat. de la Biblioth. de. Le Glay, MSS. de la Bibl. de Cambrai. " MSS. de la Bibl. de Lille. Leyden Univ,, Cat. Oriental. Libri, Collection of, 1859. Mengarelli, Grseci Cod. MSS. apud Na- nios. Montfaucon, Bibl. Coisliniana. Greek. Morellius, Cod. MSS. Bib. Nanianse, Venet. Notice des Bib. des Departeinents Fr. Nys, Les Archives d Anvers. Ochoa, MSS. Espanolsen Bibl. de Paris. Oxford Univ. MSS. in Bodleian Library. Paris, MSS. de la Bibl. Imper. Parker, M., Cat. MSS. Cantab. Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Gr. Taurin. Ath- enaei. Paulinus, Musei Borgiani Cod. MSS. Pettigrew. Bibliot. Sussexiana. Rask, Cat. of MSS. Zend, etc. Russia, Cat. de la Bibliot. Oriental. Soc. of Antiquaries, Lond., Cat. Vienna Imp. Lib. Cat. Manuscripto- rum. Zacharia, Bibliot. Pistoriensis. Zanetti, D., Marci Bibl. Cod. Fr. Lat. et Ital. MANUSCRIPTS PRICED. Bell, Cat. of MSS. on sale, 1850, 56. Cochran, Cat. of MSS. for sale, 1837. Meerraann, Biblioth., v. 4, priced. Quaritch, Cat. of MSS., 1870, 71. Thorpe, Cat. of MSS. on sale, 1843. Upcott, Cat., 1836. See Booksellers Catalogues. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography (continued). MAPS. Asher, On Maps of New Nether- land. Crelle, Catalogue, Berlin, 1856. George III, Bibl. Regia; Catal., v. 6. Grattan, Cat. of cheap maps. P. 1331. Johnston, W., List of maps by, 1857. Kohl. On anc American Rep., (Smith- son ), 1856. Sl Altesten general Karten von Amerika, 1860. Laurie & Whittle s Maps, 1800. New York State Catalogue of maps at Albany, 1859. New York State Lib. Cat., 1856. Robiquet, Catalogue des Cartes, 1842. Schumacher, Cat., des Cartes, 1855. Stanford s Catal. of maps. P. 1331. Uricoechea, Mapoteca Colombian.-!, 1 860. Vandermeersch, Cartes aux Archives de la Flandre, 1850. MASONIC. Cat. of Books on Masonry (Gassett), 1852. Gowans, Catalogue, 1858. Lerouge, Catalogue, Paris, 1833. MATHEMATICAL. Bachelier, Catalogues, Paris, 1830-53. De Morgan, Arithmetical books, 1847. \ " English Math. Writers. Libri, Catalogue of Math. Hist, and I Bibliog. library, 1859. Schumacher, Livres de la Bibl., 1855. MEDICAL. Bailliere, Catalogues, 1833-56. j Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. Edinb. Univ. Cat. Lib. Med , 1798. Haller, Biblioth. Medicinse, ad 1775. Meding, Biblioth. du Paris Medical. Rosenbaurn, Additain ad Bibl. Med. 1842. Roy, Cat. Med. Bibl., 1830. Vigiliis von Creutzenfeld, Bibl. Chir. See Anatomy- MEJ ANES. Rive,Chasse aux Bibliographes. Rouard, Bibliot. de, a Aix. MELBOURNE. Library Cat. 1861. METHODIST. Decanver, Catalogue : Works against Methodism. MEXICAN. Andrada. BibliothecaMejicana, Auction, 1869. Bibliotheca Mexicana, Auction, 1868. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque, Maxi- milien, 1869. Clavigero, Cat. of Authors in New Spain. Cotton, Typ. Gazetteer. MILAN. Argelati, Bibliot. Scriptorum. Saxius, Hist. Lit. Typ. Mcdiolan. See Italian; Libraries. Bibliography (continued). MILITARY. Anselin, Catalogues, Paris. Corroard, Cat. 1841. Doisy, bibliologie Militaire, 1824. Du Maine, Librairie Mil. Paris. United States Mil. Acad Lib. Cat. Van Nostrand, N. Y., 1861-66. MONOGRAMS. Brulliot, Diet, des Mono- grammes, 1835. MORIN, M. Frere, De 1 imprimerie a Rouen. MUNICH LIBRARY. Aretin, Beytrage zur gesch. und literatur, 1807. Bavaria, Biblioth. a Munich, Cat. Cod. MSS. " Gall., Hisp., Angl. etc., 185S. < Cod. Persian, Frank,1814. " " Cod. Germauicorum, I860. " Renseignemeuts sur la Bib. Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour. Frank, Morgenl. Handsch. der liibliot. Steigenberger, Hist. Versuch von der Bibliot, 1784, 87. MUSICAL. Coussemaker, Col. Musicales a Cambrai, 1843. Moore, J. W., Encyc. of Music, 1854. Rimbault, Bibliot. Madrigaliana. NAMES, FICTITIOUS. Barbier, Diet, des ouv. anon, et pseudonymes, 1822. Hamst, Fict. names of authors, 1868. Manne,0uvragesanon.et pseudonymes, 1862. See Anonymous. NAPLES. Blurae, Iter Italicum. Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani Velitris. Toppi, Biblioteca Napoletana. See Italian. NATURAL HISTORY. Agassiz, Bibliog. Zoologife. Bailliore, Catalogues, T833-56. Boehmer, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. Bohn, Catalogue, 1847, 56. Quaritch, Lond., 1869. Scheuchzer, Bibl. Script. Hist. Nat. llelvet. et Gallise. Seguier, Bibl. Botanica. Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-gothica. See Zo logical; Scientific. NETHERLANDS. See Belgium; Booksellers; Dutch; Libraries. NEWSPAPERS, HISTORY OF. Camusat,llist. des journaux, 1734. Fifty Years Recollections, 1837. Gt. Britain, Report on Newsp. Stamps. Hunt,F. K., The Fourth Estate, 1850. Mitchell, Newspaper Press Directory. Rowclls, Arner. Newsp. Directory, 1870. Timperley, Encyc of Typ. Anecd. See Periodicals; Newspapers. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography (continued). NUHISMATICAL. Bunau, Cat. Bibliothecae. Hearne, Cat. of Numisin., books for sale. Labbe, Bibliot. Nuinmaria, 1672. Lincoln & Son, Lond., 1856. Lipsius, Bibliot. Numinaria, 1801. Selden, De Numinis (Labbc), 1675. NUREMBERG. Murr, Memor. Bibl. Noriinb. Panzer, Deutschen Bibeln, in Bibliot. " Geschichte der Ausgaben. " AelteateBuchdruckergcschichte in, 1789. ORIENTAL. Clarke, A., Bibliog. Miscellany. East India Co., Catalogue, 1851. Elliot, Bib. Index to Historians of India, 1849. Fraehn, Indications Bibliographiques. Frank, Morgenl. llandsch. inMunchen, Garcin de Tassy, Litterature Hindoui, 1839, 47. Gesenius, Bibliotheca Geseniana. Hamaker, Spec. Cat, MSS. Orient. Herbelot, Bibliotheque Orjentale. Klaproth, Cat. des Livres de la Bib. de, Konig, Bibliot. Vetus et Nova, 1678. Langles, Cat. de la Bibliot. Leyden, Univ. Catalogus. Marsden, Bibliot. Philol. et Orient. Ouseley, Cat. of IVJSS. in Orient. Lang. Platt, Cat. of Ethiop. MSS. Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani MSS. Indo- stani. Royal Asiat. Soc. Cat. Russia, Cat, MSS. Orient, de la Bibliot. Sacy, S. de, Cat. de sa Bibliot.. 1842. Stewart, Cat. of Lib- of Tippoo Sultan. Trubner, Books on sale, 1853. (( Am. and Oriental Literary Record, 1865-67. Zenker, Bibliot. Orient., 1846, 61. See Manuscripts; Sanskrit; Asiatic; Arabic. ORLEANS. Prousteau, Bibliotheque Pub.de. OXFORD UNIVERSITY. Black, Ashmole MSS. Douce, Library Bequeathed to. Gibbs, Bibliotheca Radcliviana. Macray. Annals of the Bodleian Lib., 1868. Malone, Cat. of Early Eng. Poetry. Oxford, Bodleian Lib. Cat., 1620. " Cat. inipressorum Lib., 1674. " Cat. Lib. manuscriptorum, 1697. Singer, Account of Book Printed, 1468. Waagen, Treasures of Art in G. B.,v. 3. PAMPHLETS. Almon, Cat. of Publications, 1770. Bibliography: PAMPHLETS (continued). Boon, Sale Cat. of Pains., N. Y., 1869. Halliwell, Tracts of Capt. Cox s Lib. Hamilton, Cat. of Tracts for sale, 1844. Hotten, Tracts on America, Lond. London Institution, Cat., v. 2. Pamphlets relating to Bibliog., vols. 470, 1015, 1226. Rodd, Catalogue of 24,000 Pamphlets, 1819. Smith, J. R., Cat. of 25,000, for sale. PARCHMENT. See Vellum. PARIS LIBRARIES, ETC. Barrois, Bib. Pro- totypog. Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour. France, Bibliot. Imperial. Catal., 1859. Greswell, Early Greek Press, 1833. Parisian Typography, 1818. Jacob, Bibliot. Parisina, 1643-6. Le Prince, Essai sur la Bibliot. Montfaucon, Bib Coisliniana, Bib. Roy. Ochoa, MSS, Espanolesexistcntes Bib. Roy. Paris, MSS. de la Bib. Imper. Platt, Cat. MSS. Ethiop. Bib. Roy. Praet, Cat. Livres sur velin de. Techener, Considerations sur la Bib. R. See French Libraries; Libraries; Typog raphy, PERIODICALS, RE LATINO TO BIBLIOGRAPHY OR LITERARY HISTORY. Aldine Magazine, 1839. American Literary Gazette, Phila. 1863-1870, Amer. Publishers Circular, N. Y., 1855-61. Archaeologist, The, Lond., 1842. Bibliog. de la France, 1820-40, 1859-63. Book Buyer, Scribner, 1867-70. Booksellers Medium, N. Y., 1858-60. British Critic, 1793-1818. Bulletin du Bibliophile, Techener, 1834-53. Critical Review, 1756-98. Gazette Litt,, Amst., 1768-70. Hennebert, Bibliologuede la Belgique. History of the Works of the Learned, 1699-1709, 37, 38. Literary World, Crocker, Boston, 1870-71. Miller, J., Fly-Leaves, Lond., 1854-5. Monthly Review, 1749-1806. Norton s Lit. and Edu. Register, 1854. Notes and Queries, Lond., 1849-71. Phitobiblion, v. I, II, N. Y., 1862, 63. Poole, Index to Reviews and Periodi cals. Publishers Circular, Lond., 1839-69. R.etrpspective Review, 1890-28. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 65 Bibliography: PERIODICALS, RELATING TO BIBLIOGRAPHY OR LITERARY HISTORY (continued). Revue Bibl des Pays Bas, 1822-30. Revue de Bibliographic analytique. 1840-45. Savage, The Librarian, 1808-9. Techener, Annuaire Bibliog., 1851. Willis, Current Notes, Lond., 1851-64. See Booksellers Catalogues. PERIODICALS, CATALOGUES OF, HISTORY OF, ETC. Astor Library, List of. Camusot, Hist, des Journaux. Eiehhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur. Fifty Years Recollections. France, Bib. Imp. Cat. de 1 Hist. Longman, Cat. of London Period. Namur, Bibliog. Bibliologique. Timperley, Encyc. of Typ. Anecd. See Newspapers; Societies for Printing. PERSIAN. Frank, Pers. MSS. Bibliot. in Munchen. Ouseley, Cat. of MSS. Stewart, Lib. of Tippoo Sultan. See Oriental. PETRARCH. Bearzi, Cat. de Livres rares. Marsand, Biblioteca Pctrarehesca. PHILOLOGICAL. Burnouf, Catalogue de la Bib. de. Engelmann,Bib.der Neueren Sprachen. " Bib. Philologie, 1853. Ersch, Bibl. Handbuch der Phil. Lit. Jacobs, F., Bibliotheca, Cat., 1849. Marsden, Bibliot. Philol. et Orient. Pickering, J., Cat. Lib. Boston. Tromel, Litt. der Deutschen Mundar- ten. Trubner, Catalogue, 1857. See Grammars ; Indian Lang. PHILOSOPHICAL Hachette, Cat. Librairie, Paris, 1851. Struve, Bibliot. Philosophica, 1714. See Scientific. PISTORIA. Zacharia, Bibliot. Pistoriensis. POETRY. See English Poetry; French Lit. POLISH. Hoffmann, De Typog. in Reg. Poloniae, 1740. Jablonowski, Bibliotheca, 1755. POLITICAL ECONOMY. McCulloch, J. R., Literature of, 1845. PORTUGUESE. Adamson, Bibl. Lusitana. Barbosa, Summ.irio da Bibl. Luzitana. Fortunatus, Comm.de Alcobacensi MSS. Oliveyra, Memoires : Bibliot. des ecri- vains sur le Portugal, 1743. Southey, Cat. of Library, 1844. See Spanish. 9 Bibliography (continued). PRICES OF BOOKS. Azara, Bibliotheca. Beloe, Anecdotes, vol. 5. Bibliog. Miscellany. Brit. Mus , Cat. of Duplicates. Clarke, A., Bibl. Dictionary. Corwin, E. B., Cat. of Books, 185fi, priced. Delandine, Cat. de la Bibl. de Lyon. Dibdin, The Director, <( Biblioth. Spenceriana, vol. 7. t( Decameron, vol. 3. Dodd, J. W., Library, and prices at the sale, 1797. Haym, Bibliot. Italiana. Hoyois, Ouvrages de 1000 Piastres. Lafontaine, Bibliot., Montreal, 1860, priced. L.eclero, Bibl. Amer., 1867, priced. Major, Bibliot. Mechlin, 1767. Meerinan, Bibliot., 1S08. Morell, T. H., Cat. Am. books, 1859, priced. Norton s Lit. Advertiser, N. Y. Pinelli, Bibliot. Lond., 1789. Stevens, II., Bibliot. Historica, Bost., 1870, priced. See Auctions ; Booksellers; Dictionaries; Manuscripts. PRINTERS. See Typography. PRISONS. Julius, Cat. . .de Disciplina Pau- perum, 1850. PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS. Martin, Bib liog. Cat. of, 1854. PROHIBITED BOOKS. Oettinger, Bibliog. univ. Rom, Cath. Ch. Index Lib. Prohib. PROVERBS. Gowans, W., Cat. of Books of, 1853. Nopitsch, Handb. der Sprichworter. 1833. PSEUDONYMES. See Anonymous; Names. RABBINIC. See Hebrew. RARE BOOKS NOTICED. Analectabiblion. Aprosio, Bibliot. Aprosiana. Azara, Bibliotheca. Bauer, Bibliot. Libr. Rar, Beloe, Anec. of Literature. Bearai, Cat. de Livres Rares. Beauclerck, Cat. of Library of Beyer, Memoriae Lib. Rar., 1734. Bibliog. Miscellany, 1830. Blaufus, Vermischte Beytrage. Brydges, Restituta,"1814-16. " Brit. Bibliographer, 1810-14. " Censura literaria, 1815. Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1834-53. Burton, J. H., The Book-Hunter, 1862. 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography! RARE BOOKS NOTICED (continued). Clarke, A., Bibliog. Misc. Clement, Bibliotheque Curieuse, 1760. Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour. Fischer, Beschreibung typ. Seltenhei- ten, 1804. Freytag, Adparatus Literarius, 1753. Hallevord, Biblioth. Curiosa, 1676. Hartshorne, Rarities of Cambridge. Hoyois, Ouvrages de 1000 Piastres. Murr. Meinor. Bibl. Altdorf. Nyerup, Spicil. Bibliog. Paris, Bibliot. Parisina, 1791. Peignot, Reportoire de Bibliog. " Catalogue, 1852. Strauss, Opera rar. in Bibliog. Rebdorf. Vogt, Cat. Hist. Crit. Lib. Rariorum. See Fifteenth Century Editions; Prices; Dictionaries of Kibliography . REBDORF. Strauss, Opera rariora in Bib. REPUBLICS. La Faye, Cat. des Repub- liques, 1842. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Alcgambe, Bibliot. Script. Soc. Jesu, 1608-42. Backer, Ecrivains des Jesuites, 1853- 1861. Catalogue of Books against Popery, 1669-1688. Dolinan, Cat. Lond., 1843, etc. Foppens, Bibliot. Belgica, 1839. Gratianus, Script. Ord. S. Augustine. Molanus, Bibliot. Cath. SS. Interp. Ribadeneira, Cat. Scr. Soc. Jesu. Rom. Cath. Ch., Index Lib. Prohib. ROME. Blume, Iter Italicum. Papponi, Cat. della Libreria. Laire, Spec. Typ. Romanac. Quirini, Liber de Edit. Romse. See Italian Books; Libraries in Italy. ROUEN. Frore, De 1 Imprimerie a. " Bibliographe Normand, 1858. Leber, Cat. de la Bibliotheque, RUSSIAN. Otto, Hist. Russ. Literature. Galitzin, Cat. de sa Bibliotheque, 1866. Russia, Cat. Bibliot. Horti. Imp. Cat. MSS. et Xylographes. SALES. See Auctions; Prices; Books- SANSCRIT. Burnouf, Cat. dc la Bibl. de. Chambers, Cat. of Sanskrit MSS. Gildemeister, Bibliot. Sanskrit*. Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani MSS. Royal Asiat. Soc Cat. See Oriental; Asiatic. SCIENTIFIC. Bachelier, Paris. Bailliere, Catalogues, 1833-56. Boehuier, Bib. Script. Hist. Nat. Bibliography: SCIENTIFIC (continued). Crellc, Catalogue, en vente, 1856. Dana, J. D , Mineralogical Bibliogra phy, 1837. Koen. Baier. Ak. Verz. Druckschriften. Konink. Ak;ul., Amsterdam, 1858. Ray Soc. Bibliog. Zoologiae, Agassiz. Schubarth, Repert. der Techn. Litera- tur, 1856. Schumaker, Livres do la Bibliot., 1855. Smithson. Cont. vol. 7, List of Trans. of Sci. Societies. " Vol. V, IX, N. Amer. Con- chology. Weale, Cat. of Books on. See Engineering; Arts; Philosophical ; Natural History. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. See Societies; Peri odicals. SATIRES. Baillet, Jugemens, V. 7. SCOTCH. Ames, Typog. Antiq. Borkenhout, Biog. Lit. 400-1600. Dibdin, Typog. Antiquities. " Northern Tour. Reid, Bibliot. Scoto-Celtica. Watson, Hist, of Printing. See English. SHAKSPEARE. Bonn s Lowndes Manual, vol. 4. Burton, Bibliot. Dram., 1860. Halliwell, J. 0., Listof Works on, 1867. Sillig, Die Shakespeare Literatur, 1854. Wilson, Shaksperiana, 1827. SLAVIC. Storch, Antiq. Katal., 1858. Talvi, Lit. of Slavic Nations. ValentinelH, Spec. Bibliog. de Dalmat. " Bibliog. del Friuli, 1861. SOCIETIES, (BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SCIENTIFIC AND PRINTING). Agassiz, Bibli- ographia. Astor Library, Cat. Periodicals. Bossange, Lifete, 1845. Hume, Learned Societies of Gr. Brit. Lilly s Catalogues. Longman, Cat. of London, Transactions of, 1849. Low, Index, 1858. Smithsou. Contr., List of Publications. See Periodicals. SOUTH AFRICAN. Pub. Lib. Cat., 1862. SPANISH. Antonio, Bibliot. Hispana. Diosdado, De Prima Typ. Hispaniae. Escurial Lib. Bib. Arab. Hisp. Hispanise Bibliotheca, 1608. Majansius, Spec. Bibliot. Hisp. Pellicer, Bibl. de Traductores Esp. Southey, Cat. of Library. See Portuguese. BILDERDIJK. 67 Bibliography (continued). STATISTICS. Julius, Cat. dc Statistics. STOCKHOLM. Arwidsson, R. Bibliothek. Holinia Literata, 1701. SURGICAL. See Medical ; Anatomy. SWABIAN. Zapf.Buchdruckergesch. Schwa- bens, 1791. SWEDISH. Alnander, Artis Typog. in Sve- ci, 1725. Arwidsson. K., Bibliot. Stockholm. Holmia Literata, 1701. Marklin,Cat. Diss. Acad Scandinaviae. Mobius, Cat Lib. Isl. et Norvegico- rum, 1856. Schinmeier, Schwedischen Bib. Ueber- setzungen, 1778. Stiernman, Biblioth. Suio-Gothica. Upsal University, Cat. of Lib., 1814. Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica. Worm, Lexikon, Skrifter, 1783. THEATRICAL. See Dramatic. THEOLOGICAL. Biblical Student s Asst. Bray, Biblioth. Parochialis, 1707. British Librarian, Relig. and its his tory (Lowndes), 1839. Bure, G. F. De, Bibliog. Instructive. Carpzovius, Bibliot. Carpzoviana. Coster, Bibl. Costerana, 1718. Crevenna, Catalogue, 1776. Dana, Biblioth. Probata, 1857. Darling, Cyc. Bibliographica, 1854. " Cyc. Bibliog. Holy Scriptures, 1859. Decanvcr, Works on Methodism, 1846. 1868. Einem, Intro, in Bibl. Ecclesiasticam. Eysengrein, Cat. Testium Veritatis. Gratianus, Anastasis Augustiniana. Home, Manual of Bib. Bibliog. Krohn, Cat. Bib. ...Ad Theol. Leslie, Cat. of Eng. and For. Theology, Lond., 1844. Malcom, H., Theolog. Index, 1868. Nutt, Cat. of Foreign Theol. for sale, 1845-57. Parr, Bibliot. Parriana. Peirson, T., Auct. Cat., 1815. Sacy, Silvestre de, Cat. de sa Bibliot., 1842. Smith, J., Catalogue of books written by Friends, 1867. Weigel, Corpus Diss. Theol. for sale. See Church Fathers; Roman Cath. THERESIAN LIB. Denis, Die Merkwurdig^- keiten der. TOLERATION. Arranged Catalogue of pub. on toleration, Lond., 1790. TRAVELS See Voyage*. Bibliography (continued). TROIS EVECHES. Emmery, Cat. des MSS. relatifs. TURIN. Pasinus, Cod. MSS. Athensei. TYPOGRAPHY. See Typography. ULM. Hassler, H., Buckdrucker Gesch. Ulm s, 1840. UPSAL. Marklin, Cat. Dissertationum. Upsal, 1820. Upsal, Univ. Cat., 1814. UNITED STATES. See American. VELLETRI. Paulinus,Musei Borgiani,MSS. VELLUM. Dibdin, Decameron, vol. 2. Praet, Van, Cat. de Livres sur. See Manuscripts. VENICE. See Libraries ; Italian . VIENNA LIBRARIES. Austria, Gesch. Druc- kerei, Wien, 1851. Denis, Merkwurdigkeiten der Bib. am Theresiana, 1780 " V. iens Buchdruckergeschichte. Dibdin, Bibliog. Tour, 1S29. Krafft, Cod. Hebraici, 1847. See Germany. VOYAGES. Boucher, Bibliot. des Voyages. Cat. of Voyages and Travels. Kerr, Cat of, 1822, V. 18. Pinkerton, J., Cat. of Books of Voy. and Trav. Tiele, Journaux des Navig. Neerlandais reiinprimt S, 1867. See American History, etc., Geographical; Maps* WALDENSES. Muston, Bibliography of Hist, of, 1857. WALPOLE PRESS. Lemoine, Typog. Antiq. WELSH. Longman, Cat. V. 36. ZOOLOGICAL. Agassiz, Bibliog. Zo logiae. Allman, Bibliog. of the Polyzoa, Ray Soc., 1856. See Natural History. NOTE. For other sources, see Literary History; Typography. Bickersteth, E. Birks, T. R., Memoir of, 1851. Biddeford, Me. Folsom, G., Hist. Sketch of, 1830. Biddle, N. Waldo, S. P., Life of, 1823. Bigelow, H Young, E. J., Death of 1866. Bigelow, R. Thomson, E., Sketches. Bigelow, T. Hersey, C., Reminiscences of. Bigg, T. Belsham, T., Sermon on. Bilderdijk, W. Iinmerzeel, Works of. 68 BILL. Bill. Family History, 1867. Billerica, Ms. 200th Annsversary, 1855. Farmer, J., Hist. Memoir of, 1816. Binghamtoii,N. Y. Directory, 1869-70. Wilkinson, S. B., Annals of. Bingley, Eiig. M Kaeg, Baptist Ch. at. Binns, John. Recollections, 1854. Biography. See Painting; Architecture; Autobiography; Dramatic, etc. Biography, General and Miscellane ous. Adamus, Vitae Germ jure- consultorum. Adamus, Vitee Germ. Medicorum. " Vitae Germ. Theologorum. Aikin. General Biography, 1799-1815. Appleton s Cyclopaedia of, 1856. Arago, (Euvres, vol. 1, 2, 3, 1854. Biographic Nouvelle, (Arnault), 1820- 1825. Biographie Etrangere, 1819. Biographic Universelle, 1811-62. Biog. of Self-taught men, 1846. Biog. Diet, of Soc. U. K., vol. 1-4, 1842-44. Blake, J. L., Gen. Biog. Diet., 1839, 1856. Bruce, James, Classic and hist, por traits, 1854. Chalmers, Gen. Biog. Diet., 1812-17. Characteristics of Men of genius, 1847. Cox, S. H., Interviews memorable and useful, 1853. Crespin, Galerie Chretienne, 1837. Davenport, R. A., Dictionary of,1832. Despaze, The Five Men, 1793. Diet, of Contem. Biog., 1861. Fabricius,-Bibliot. Latina. Flower of the Jacobins, 1797. Francis, G. H., Orators of the age: Biog., etc., 1847. Godwin, Hand-book of Univer. Biog. (Putnam). Goodrich, S. G., Curiosities of human nature. Hall, J. E-, Memoirs of eminent per sons, 1827. Hardie, New Univ. Biog. Diet., 1805. Harsha, Eminent Orators and States men, 1855. Harwood, E., Biog. Classica, 1778. Hazlitt, W., Spirit of the age; or Contem. portraits, 1825. Historic Gallery, 1807-11. Hoffmann, J. J., Lexicon Universale, 1698. Johnson, G. W., New and Gen. Biog. Diet., 1795. 8 v. Johnson, S., Works, vol. 9, Lives of Eminent Persons. Biography, General and Miscella neous (continued). Jovius, Vitae illust. Virorum, 1596. Koenig, Bibliot. Vetus et Nova, 1678. Ladvocat, Dictionnaire Hist., 1777-79. Lempriere, Universal Biography, 1825. Library E. K., Biog. of Eminent Men, 1847. Lives of the British Dramatists, 1846. Martineau, H., Biog. Sketches, 1869. Men of the Time, 1852, 1868. Oettingcr, Bibliog. Biographique, 1854. Pamphlets, Biographical, vols. 390, 471,601,670-675, 899, 1227-1232, 1490-1494,1659,1761,1856. B.C. 44. Pilkington, M., Gen. Diet, of Painters, Ib40. Priestley, J., Chart of Biography. Rose, Biographical Diet., 1850. Seward, W., Anecdotes of distinguished Persons, 1795. " Biographiana, 1799. Seymour, Self-made men, 1858. Sigourney, Examples, 18th, 19th Cent., 1857. Smith, W., Classical Dictionary, 1851. " Dict.ofGr. <fe Rom. Biog., 1849. Soc.Diff. Use. Knowl. Biog. Diet. A., 1829. Timbs, School Days of Eminent men, 1862. Tuckerman, Biog. Essays, 1857. Universal Biog. Diet. (Baldwin), 1826. Vapercau, Diet, des Contemporains, 1858. Vasari, Lives of the most eminent Painters, etc., 1850-52. Watkins, Biog. Hist, and Chron. Diet , 1807. Willis, N. P., Famons Persons, 1854. You Have Heard of Them, N. Y., 1854. See AUTOBIOGRAPHY, and under the names of individuuls; Sermons, Funeral; Eulogies. Biography, American. Adams, J. Q., Lives of Statesmen, 1846. Allen, W., Amer. Biog. Dictionary, 1809, 32, 57. Amer. Bapt. Memorial, Period, 1855, 6. Amer. Military Biog., 1825. Bailey, J., Amer. Naval Biog., 1815. Baldwin, J. G., Party Leaders sketches, 1855. Bartlett, D. W., Amer. Reformers, 1855. Belknap, American Biography, 1794, 1841 Berrian, Recollections, 1850. Binncy, Leaders of Old Bar, 1859. Biographia Americana, N. Y., 1825. Blake, M., Hist. Mendon Ass n., 1856. BIOGRAPHY. 69 Biography, American (continued). Bogart, W. H., Who goes there, 1866. Bradford, A., Biog. of disting. meu of N. E., 1842. Brown, W. H., Portrait Gallery of Am. Citizens, 1845. Bungay, Off-hand takings, 1854. " Portraits N. Y. Leg., 1857. Campbell, J. H., Georgia Baptists, 1847. Campbell, J. W., Biograph. Sketches, 1838. Coffin, C., Lives and Services, 1845. Cooper, J. F., Lives of Naval Am. Officers, 1846. Corwin, Manual of Reformed Dutch Church, 1869. Crosby, Annual Obituary, 1858, 9. Curvren, Ward s Xoticee of Am. Loyal ists, 1775-84. Davidson, J. W., Living writers of the South, 1869. Delaplaine, Lives of Disting. Amer., 1816-18. Drake, S.G., Biog. of IndiansofX. A., 1845. Duyckinck, Cyclopedia of Amer. Lit., ! 1855-66. " National Portrait Gallery, 1862. Dwight, Theod., Signers of Dec. of Independence. Edwards s Great West, 1860. Eliot, J , Biographical Dictionary, 1809. Ellet, Pioneer Women of the West. Everest, Poets of Connecticut, 1847. Fisher, Physicians of Westchester Co., N. Y. Flint, T., Indian Wars of the West, 1833. Fowler, H., Amer. Pulpit (Living), 1856. Gorrie, Lives of Methodist Ministers, 1852. " Lives of Mem. of Black River Conference, 1852. Glyndon, Notables in House of Repr., 1862. Griswold, R. W., The Repub. Court, 1853. " The Biographical Annual, 1841. " Writers of America, 1847. Gross, S. D., Amer. Physicians and Surgeons, 1861. Hamersly, Biog. of Liv. Officers, U. S. N., 1870 Hampden Co. As n of Cong. Ministers, 1854. Hardie, The Am. Remembrancer. Hart, Female Prose Writers of Amer., 1852. Biography, American (continued). Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1867. Herring, Portrait Gallery of Americans, 1834. Homes of American Authors, 1853. Homes of American Statesmen, 1854. Hunt s Lives of Am. Merchants, 1856. Hunt, W., Amer. Biog. Sketch Book, 1848, " Amer. Biog. Panorama, 1849. Indiana, Legislature of, 1861. Jenkins, J. S., Lives of Governors of N. Y., 1851. " Lives of Generals of War of 1812. Jones. A. D., Am. Portrait Gallery. 18;,5. " Illust. Amer. Biog., 1853~*55. Judson, L. C., The Sages and Heroes of, 1852. Kilbourne, Litchfield, Co., Conn., 1851, 59. Knapp, S. L., American Biography, Ib33. " Biographical Sketches, 1821. Knickerbocker Gallery, 1855. Lanrnan, Diet, of Congress, 1859, 64, 69. Lester, Gallery of illust. Americans. 1840. " The Artists of America, 1846. Livingston, Biog. of Am. now living, 1853. " Am. Portrait Gall., 1854. Loring, 100 Boston Orators. Lossing, Eminent Americans, 1857. ** Sketches of signers of Decl. of Independence, 1848. Magoon, Orators of the Am. revolu- tion, 1848. " Living Orators of Am., 1849. Maury, Amer. Statesmen of 1846. Memoirs of disting. Amer., IS 53, 54. Moore, J. B., Lives of American Gov ernors, 1846. Moore, F., Heroes of Amer., 1861-62. Morgan, H. J., Celeb. Canadians, 1862. Murphy, N. Y. Legislature, 1858-62. New England Biographies, Pam. vol., 1857. New York Biographies, Pain, vol., 1858. Officers of Union Army, 1861. Ohio Legislature, 1862. O Neall, Bench and Bar of S. Carolina, 1859. Parsons, Officers on L. Erie, 1812-14. Peterson, Hist. f Am. Navy, 1852. Pierson, Missionary Memorial. Powell, Living Authors of Am., 1850. Q., 0. P. Sketches N. Y. Press, 1844. Robinson, F., Lives of disting officera U. S. A., 1848. 70 BIOGRAPHY Biography, American (continued). Rogers, T. J., American Biog. Diet., 1824. Sanderson, J., Biog. of Signers to Decl. of Independence, 1820-22. Savage, Living repres. men, 1860. Schussele, Am. Inventors. Shanks, Recoil, of generals, 1866. Shea, The Fallen Brave, 1861. Sigourney, Examples, 19th Century, 1857. Simpson, Eminent Philadelphians,! 859. Smalley, Worcester, Mass., Pulpit, 1851. Smith, J., Hist, of Jeff. Coll., 1857. Sprague, W. B., Annals of Am. Pulpit, 1857-68. Stowe, H. B., Men of our time, 1868. Street, A. B., New YorkCoun. of Re vision, 1859. Summers, Meth. ministers, South, 1859. Taylor, Biog. of Bapt. ministers. Thatcher, B. B., Indian Biog., 1848. Tuckerman, H. T., Book of the Artists, 1867. " Sketches of Am. painters, 1847. U. S. Commer. Register, 1852. Updike, Memoirs of Rhode Island bar, 1842. Washington and the Generals of the Am. rev , 1847. Watterston, Gallery of Portraits,1830. Wealth and Biog. of wealthy citizens of N. Y., 1846. P. 45. B. C. Wheeler, II. G., Hist, of Cong., biog., 1848. Whittier, J. G., Old portraits, 1850. Willard, S. D., Albany Co. Physi cians, 1857. Williams, S. W., Med. Biog., 1845. Willis, W., Lawyers of Maine, 1863. Wilson, Illinois officers, 1861, 62. Wilson, T., Heroes of Rev. and late Wars, 1817. Window, S. N , Phila. Merchants, 1864. Wynne, Lives of eminent Lit. men in America, 1850. Yale College, Class Histories. See Genealogies, American; New York Biographies. Biography, British. Almon,J., Biog... Anecdotes, 1797. Annual Biog. and Obituary, 1817-37. Annual Necrolooy, 1790-97. Aubrey, J., Lives of eminent men. Barlow, Sketches. .. .Cheshire. Berkenhout, Biog. Lit. 400-1600. Biogr. Magazine, 1776. Biogr. Diet, of Living Authors, 1816. Biography, British (continued). Biographia Britannica, 1766. Blore, Monumental Remains. British Histor. Biographies, 1502-1634. Brook, Lives of Puritans, 1813. Brougham, Sketches of Statesmen in Geo 11,111,1839. B.C. " Lives of Men of Lett, and Science, 1845, 46. Brydges, Censura Literaria, 1815. Burke, Romance of the Aristocracy. Calamy, Nonconformist s Memorial, 1802. Campbell, J., Lives of the Admirals, 1750. Carlyle, Alex., Autobiog. Memorials of the Men of his Time, 1861. Catalogue of 500 Authors, 1788. Catalogue (New) of Living English Authors, 1799. Chambers, Diet, of Scotsmen, 1847. Chancellors of England, 1712. Characters, Lond., 1777. Charnock, Biog. Navalis, 1660-1798. Clark, S., Lives of EmineTit Persons, 1683. Coleridge, Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire, 1836. " Biog. Borealis, 1833. Cooper, C. H., Athense Cantabrigienses, 1500-1609. Craik, G. L., Romance of the Peerage, 1849, 50. Cunningham, A., British painters and Sculptors, 1832. B. C. Dodd s Annual Biography, 1842. Drake, N., Essays Biog., etc., 1814. East India Military Calendar, 1823. Fauconberge, Memorial. Forster, J.. Eminent Statesmen, Lard- ner s Cyc. Fox, J., Book of Martyrs. Fuller, T., Worthies of England, 1684. 1830. Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs, 1833-37. Georgian Era, 1832-34. Gleig, Eminent Brit. Mil. Commanders. Granger, J., Biog. Hist, of England, 1804. Harris, J., The Selector, 1814. Hist. Gallery of Portraits, 1811. Howitt, Homes of the Poets, 1847. Hunt, L., Works, Vol. 1, 2, 1854. James, G. P. R., Lives of For. States men, Lardner s Cycl. Jockey Club, 1792. Johnson, Hist, of Eng. Gardening, 1329. Johnson. S., Works, vol. 6, 7, 8, Lives of the Poets. Kay, J., Portraits and Biog., 1842. BIOGRAPHY. 71 Biography, British (continued). Kippis, A., Biograpbia Britannica, 1778, 89. Kirby s Wonderful Museum, 1820. Leland, Coium. de Script. Britannicis. Lit. and Biog. Magazine, 1788-94. Literary Blue Book, 1830. " Memoirs of Living Authors, 1798. Lives, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk Co s., 1820. Lives of the English Saints, 1844, 45. Lives of Scottish Poets. Lodge, E., Portraits of personages of Great Britain, 1835. McClurc, Authors of Engl. Version of Bible. M Crie, Miscellaneous writings, 1841. Mackenzie, W. S., Lives of 1000 Irish men. Manley, Secret Memoirs, 1709. Manning, L .ves of Speakers of the i House of Commons, 1850. Marshall, S., Royal Naval Biog., 1835. Miller, W., Sketches fr. Geo. IV, 1826. Morison, Fathers of Lond. Mis. Society. Naunton, R., Favorites of Elizabeth. Nichols, Lit. anecd. of the 18th cen tury, 1S12. " Illust. of Lit. history of 18th century, 1817-58. O Byrne, Naval Diet, of Living officers, 1849. Parry, Cambrian Plutarch. Philippart, Royal Military Calendar, 1812, ^3. Powell, T., Living Authors of Eng., 1849. Prince, Worthies of Devon, 1701, 1810. Public Characters, 1798-1810. " " 1828. Reid, J., Memoirs of Divines of West minster Assembly. Reuss, Register of authors of Gt. Brit. 1770-90. Roscoe, H., Lives of Brit. Lawyers, Lardner s Cyc. Sandford, P. P., Wesley s Missionaries, 1843. St. John, J. A., Lives of Travellers, 1832. B. C. Scott, Sir W., Biographies, 1840. Sheil, R. L., Sketches of the Irish bar, 1844. Smiles, S., Brief Biographies, 1860. Smith, Gol., Three English Statesmen. Southey, R., Lives- of uneducated Poets, 1836. " Lives of British Admirals, Lardner s Cyc. Sprague, W f B., Visits to Europ. Ce lebrities, 1855. Biography, British (continued). Stephen, Sir J., Essays on Eccl. Biog., 1849. Suppressed Facts, 1843. Taylor, W. C., Mod. Brit. Plutarch, 1846. Walpole, Cat. of Royal and Noble Authors, 1842. Walton, I., Lives, 1848. Watt, Biblioth. Britannica, 1824. Welsby, Lives of English Judges, 1846. West, Sketches of W esley an Preachers, 1848. Willis, B., Survey of St. Asaph, 1801. Wodrow Society, Biographies, 1845, 47. Wood, Athenae Oxonienses, 1691, 92. Wordsworth, C., Eccl. Biog., 1818. AVright, T., Biog. Britan. Literaria, 1846. Biography, French. Alembert, Eulo gies, Fr. Academy. Annales Biographiques, 1825. Annuaire Necrologique, 1826, 7. Arago, (Euvres : Notices Biograph. 1854. Baillet. Jugemens, vols. 4, 5, Poetes, 1732. Blanc, Peintresdes fttesgalantes, 1854. Bouillet, Diet, d histoire, 1858. Bush, Queens of France, 1847. Cormenin, Orators of France, 1847. Flower of the Jacobins. Houssaye, Men of 19th Century. Lamartine, Hist, des Girondius. La Sarthe, Notice des Hommes Distin- gues, 1806. P. 608. Lyon, Almanach historique, 1828. Qutirard, La France HttJraire, 1827-57. Litt. Fran. Contemporainc, 1842-64. Raynal, Anecdotes litteraires, 1752. Robin, Galerie des gens de lettres, 1848. Sarrut, Biographic des Hommes du jour, 1835-41. Shelley, Mrs., Lives of Em. French men, Lardner s Cyc. Societe Montyon et Franklin, Hist, des Hommes utiles, 6 vols. Vapereau, Diet, des Contemporains, 1858. Biography of Physicians. Adamus, Vitae Germ. Medicorum. Davis, N. S., Am. Med. Assoc n. Fisher, Westchester Co., N. Y. Gross, American Physicians. Jackson, J., Mem. of his Son. Jeaffrerson, Book about Doctors, 1861. Parsons, U., Rhode Island Physicians. Pettigrew, Mem. of Distinguished Physicians. 72 BIOGRAPHY. Biography of Physicians (continued). Physic and Physicians, 1839. Spilman, Kentucky Medical Biography. Thacher, American Med. Biog., 1828. Willard, S. D., Albany Co. Physicians. Williams, S. W., Amer. Medical Biog raphy, 1815. Biography of Printers, Booksellers, etc. Almon s Memoirs, 1790. Amoretti, Lett. s. d Aldo, 1804, Baillet, Jugmens desSavans, 1722. Beloe, v. 3, Early Printers, 1807. Blaneken, Bildnisse, 1725. Buckingham, Personal Mem., 1852. Chalmers, Life of Ruddiman, 1784. Cras, Elogium Meermanni, 1817, B. C. Dibdin, Bibliomania, 1842. " Typog. Antiq. Eng. Printers, 1810. Dolet, E., Vie de., 1779. Dunton, Life and Errors, 1818. Falkenstein, Gesch. der Buchdrucker- kunst, 1840. Fifty Years Recollections, 1835. Foppens, Bibliot. Belgica, 1739. Franklin, B., Autobiography, 1818, 68. Gent, The Life of, 1832. Greswell, Early Greek Press, 1833. Hansard, Biog. of L. Hansard, 1829. Hartzheim, Bibliot. Coloniensis, 1747. Hillard, Mem. of J. Brown, 1856. Hutton, Life of, by himself, 1816. Tseghem, Biog. de Martens, 1852, Johnson, Typographia, 1824. Kerr, Life of Smellie, 1811. Kervin, Bibliophiles Flamands. 1853. Knight, Biog. of Caxton, 1844. Lackington, Confessions of, 1804. LaSerna Santander, Diet, Imprimeurs, 1805-07. Lewis, Life of Caxton, 1737. Maittaire, Hist, typog, Parisiensium, Malaspina, Cat. di Stampo, 1824. Nichols, Illustrations, v. 8. " Lit. Anecdotes, v. 3, 1812. " Anecdotes of W.Bowyer,J782. Nodier, Vie de: Par Wey, 1844. Oettinger. Bibliog. biographique univ., 1854. Perthes, C. T., Memoirs of, 1856. Reume, Imprimeurs Beiges, 1848. Saxius, Hist. Lit. Typ. Mediolan, 1465. Teissier, Catalogus auctorum, 1686. Timperley, Encyc. of Typ. Anecd , 1842. Weld, Franklin s Autobiog., 1F48. Winaricky, Jean Gutenberg, 1847. See Coster; Gutenberg; Typography, Biography, religions, individual. Adams, S. \V., Bishop, J. P., Mem. of, 1866. Adorna, Catharine, Upham, Life of. Baldwin, A. G., Utica, 1814. Boston, T , Memoirs. Boyse, Writings, 1839. Bowles, J., 1802. Branagan, Pleas, of contemplation, 1818. Bruyere, J. B., Montreal, 1859. Bunting, Miss, Memoirs. Charma, Saint Anselme. Clark, J., 1855. Clough, Mrs., Life, 1829. Crabtree, W., Memoirs, 1815. D., A., A Brief Account, 1743. Davies, Arabella, Diary, 1788. Dow, L., History of Cosmopolite. Emerson, Eleanor, N. Y.> 1817. Evans, W., 1823. FJetcher, J. W., Appeal, 1814. Graham, Isab., Correspondence, 1838. " Life of, 1816. Holcombe, H., The first fruits, 1812. Landers, A., Narrative of. Lee, Mem. of Preble. Military criminal, 1849. Mitchell, R., 1859. Moody, J., 1809. Morris, T. A., Miscellany, 1854. Nicolas, A., Conversation with God, 1749. Original Memorial*, 1822. Othen, N., 1757. Page, II., Hallock s memoir of. Payson, Rev. E., 1830. Peck, P., Utica, 1848. Peet, Rev. J., 1854. Perry, J., Conv. from Popery, 1819. Pope, M., Life and death, 1709. Raynsford, Lord s Dealings with, 1837. Richards, Miss L,, 1842. Scott, T., Force of Truth. Smith, L. E., Martyrs, etc., of mis- sions. Spicer, T., Autobiography, 1860. Taylor, J. B., 1838. Temple, D., Life of, 1855. Thomson, A., Great Missionaries. Thomson, E., Sketches Biographical, 1856. Turner, Mrs. J., N. Y., 1827. Vaughan, R. A ( , Memoir of. Wagner, G., Simpkinson, Mem. of. Wilder, S. V. S., Life of, 1865. Wren, W., Account of, 1784. Wyer, M., Lond., 1823. BIRON. 73 Biography, religious, individual (continued). Yale, E., Wood, Life of, 1854. Young, Z., Autobiography, 1847. See Autobiography. Biography, Scientific. Alembert, Eulo gies of the French Academy. Arago, Notices Biographiques. Audubon, Life of. Barnard, H., Educat. Biogr. Boyle, R , Life of, Birch. Brewster, Martyrs of Science. Brightwell, Heroes of the Laboratory, 1862. Brougham, Philosophers of Time of George III. Darlington, W., Memorial, 1863. Dunham, Lives of Sci. and Lit. Men in G. B., Lardner s 35. Ed. Cab. Cyc., Lives of Zoologists. Edwards, Biog. Hist, of Fr. Academy. Foucaud, Book of Illustrious Mechanics, 1846. Galilei, Life of. Howe, H., Disting. Amer. and Europ. Mechanics. 1847. Lives of Shoemakers. Macgillivray, Lives of Eminent Geolo gists. Edin. Cab. Lib. 16. Montgomery, J., Lives of European Scientific men. Lardner s 55, -57. Renwick s Lives of Fulton, Rittenhouse, Ruinford. Schussel% Amer. Inventors. Shelley, Mrs., Lives of Sci. and Lit. Men. Smiles, Lives of Boulton and Watt. " Life of G. Stephenson. Stuart, Civ. and Mil. Engineers of America, 1871. Wilson, G.. Mem. of E. Forbes, 1861. Wilson, T. B., Mem., Phila. P. 1492. Wynne, Em. Sci. and Lit. Men of Ame., 1850. Biography, Theatrical, Baker, D. E., ! Biographia Dramatica, 1782. Bell, R., Lives of Eng. Dramatists, Lardner s 1 . Boaden, Life of Kemble and Siddons. Clapp s Boston Stage. Dunham, Lives of Eng. Dramatists, Lardner s 1, 2. Dunlap s Amer. Theatre, 1832. Fennell, J., Life of, 1814. Garrick s Life and Corresp. Genest, Acct. of Engl. Stage, 1832. Houssaye, Philos. and Actresses. Ireland, J. N., The N. Y. Stage, 1867. Lives of British Dramatists, 1846. Wemyss, Chron. of Am. Stage, 1852, 10 Biography, Theatrical (continued). Wood, Personal recollections, 1855. Young, C. M., Memoirs, 1871. See other individual names and Dram. Lit. Biography of Women. Atkinson, Queens of Prussia Brantome, Vie des dames galantes. Clarke, M. C., World-noted women. Costello, L. S., Eminent English women. Doran, Lives of the Queens of Eng., 1855. Ellet, Women of the Am. revolution. tf Pioneer women of the West. " Women Artists. Eminent women of the age, 1869. Forrest. Women of the South in litera ture, 1865. Green, M. A. E., Letters of illus. ladies of G. B. Griswold, Female. poets of America, 1849. Hale, S. J., Sketches of all disting. women, 1853. Hart, Female prose writers of Am. Hist. litt. des femmes fran^-oises, 1765 (La Porte). Houssaye, Men and Women of the 18th century, 1852. James, G. P. R., Biog. of celeb. women. Jameson, A., Beauties of Court of Charles II, 1838. " Memoirs of the loves of the poets. Kavanagh, English women of letters. Knapp, S. L., Female biography. Sainte Beuve, Portraits de femmes. " " Celebrated women, 1868. Starling, Noble deeds of woman. Strickland, Queens of England. Wharton, Queens of Society (by Thom son). See Woman. Biology. See Life; Man; Population. Bird. Family genealogy. Birds. Beckstein, Cage and chamber birds. Browne, D. J., Bird fancier. Canary Bird fancier, 1842. P. 616. See Ornithology ; Poultry. Birmingham, Eng. Hutton, W., Life of, 1816. Birmingham riots. Kenrick, T., Spirit of persecution, 1791. Priestley, Appeal on the riots, 1791. Birney, J. G. Green, B., Life and writings of, 1844. Biron, A. L. S, De. See Lauzun. 74 BISHOP. Bishop, M. Life of, 1744. Bishops in America. Chandler, T. B., Appeal, 1767. " Appeal defended", 1769. Chauncy, C., Appeal, 1768. Maseres, Essays, 1809. Mayhew, J., Remarks, 1764. Sharp, G., Life of Hoare. Bismarck, Von.- Heeekiel, Life of, 1870. Bissell. Family geneal. (Stiles). Black Friars Society, N. Y. Clinton, D. W., Oration, 1795. Watkins, J. W., Oration, 1792. Black Hawk. Life of, by himself, 1834. Drake, B., Life of, 1850. Smith, E. H., Hist, of, 1846. Blackhead, S. Sprat, T., A Relation of, 1692. Black Sea. Arrianus, Ponti Euxini Periplus. Dearborn, Commerce of, 1819. Taitbout de Marigny, Voyages en, 1836. Blackstoiie, W. Blackstone Mon t As- soc n, 1855 Blackwood s Magazine. Hypocrisy unveiled, 1818. Blagdon controversy. P. vol. 1938. Blair, F. p. AlcClurg, Speech on, 1864. Blair, H. Hill, J., Account of Life of, 1808. B. C. Blair, Rob. Wodrow Society, Life of. Blake. Family genealogy, 1857. Blake, J. E. Simison, B.D., Correspond ence with, 1837. Blake, W. Gilchrist, Life of. Bland, T., jr. Bland papers, 1843. Blaregnies. Kennett, W., Sermon. Vic tory at, 1709. Blasphemy. Mulock, Not to be repressed, 1819. Blast furnace. Schinz, Researches, 1870. Bleeding. Campbell, J., Letter on, 1746. Blennerhassett, H. Safford, W. H., Life of, 1853. Blessington, Countess of. Madden, R. R., Life of, 1855. Bligh, Gen. Exam, of a Letter of, 1758. Letter to His Excellency, 1758. Blind. Almanac for the Blind, 1847. Alston, Spec, of printing for. Asyle de Lausanne, Reports, 1850-53. Atlas for the blind, 1837. Connecticut, Reports on, 1851. De Kroyft, Mrs., A place in the memory, 1850. Blind (continued). Guide to devotion : for the use of, 1846. Guillie, Instruction des aveugles. Indiana Institut., Reports, 1854-65. Johnson, Tangible typography. Kitto, The lost senses. Mahony, Musical notation for, 1853. Milburn, Rifle, Axe, etc., 1857. Moon s Printed books. N. Y. Institute for the Blind, Reports, 1845-70. Ohio, Reports, 1850-65. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 218, 473. Pennsylvania Insti., Reports, 1846, 67. Perkins Instit. and Mass. Asylum for, 1834-60. s( Guide to Devotion, and Atlas, 1837, 46. Reynolds, Address Eye and Ear infirm., 1850. School... in St. George s Fields, 1857. Taylor, W., Printing for the blind, 1837. Tennessee, Asylum Reports, 1851. Bliss, J. C. Parker, J., Tribute to. i Blockbooks. Russia, Cat. Xylographes, 1852. Sotheby, PrincipiaTypographica, 1858. Varusoltis,Xylographie Troy enne, 1859. See History and Engraving. Blood. Barry, Mouvementdu sang., 1825. Brander, Sanguinis distributio. Davies, R., Human bloo^. Delany, Of abstinence from. See Physiology. I Blumenbach, J. F. Life of, Anthrop. Soc. Boardman, G. D. King, A., Life of, 1836. Boardman, J. Spraguc, W. B., Serai., Death of, 1853. Boddily, J. Dana, D., Discourse on. Boden, J. Muir, J. H., Sermon on, 1841 . Bodleian Library. See Bibliography; Oxford. Boerhave, A. Burton, W., Life of. Schultens, A., Lykrede, 1739. Bogardus Family. See Yale. Bohemia. Bowring, Cheskian Anthology. Bohun, E. Diary and Autobiog., 1853. Boileau, N. Alembert, Eulogy on. Bokhara. Burnes, Travels into, 1833. Khanikoff, Amir, and People of, 1845. Moorcroft, Trav. in Himalayan Prov inces and, 1841. Wolff, J., Researches, 1837. " Mission to, 1843-5. BOONK. 7o Bolingbroke, II. St. John, Lord. Articles d accusation, 1715. Bulkley, Notes on Writings of, 1765. Cooke s Memoirs of, 1835. Goldsmith, 0., Life of. Heathcote s Philosophy of. Jesse s Memoirs of the Court. Pye, Moses and Bolingbroke. Bolivar, 8. Morillo, Gen., Memoires du Gen Morillo, I82d. Holstein, Memoirs of, and his Generals, 1829. Holies, L. Sharp, D., Discourse on. Boiling. Family Memoir, 1868. Bolton, Mass. Evangelical Church at, 1830. Bombay. Murray s Handbook. See India. Bonaparte Family. Gregorovius Cor sica, and Hist, of the Bonapartes, 1855. Napoleon Dynasty, by the Berkley Men, C. E. Lester, 1852. See Napoleon I, III. Bond, G. Lothrop, Sermon on. Bonin Is. Perry, Paper on, 1856. Bonne ville. Irving, W., Adventures of, . 1850. Book-Binding. Churton, Hand-book of. Cundall, Orna. Book-binding, 1847. Dibdin, Decameron, V. 2, 1817. Exposition Univ., Rapports du Jury, etc., 1856. Hannett, Art of. Nicholson, Manual of the Art, 1856. Walker, E., Hist. of. " The Art of Bookbinding. Woolnough, Art of Marbling, 1854. Bo!)k-keeping, livres. Bertrand, Tenue des Burnham, L. W., Its rules. P. 1295. Colt, J. C., Science of, 1844. Cory, J. P., Practical treatise on ac counts, 1840. Cotheal, On accounts. Crittenden, Treatise on, 1859. Edwards, Book-keeper s atlas, 1834. Goddard, T. H., Practical accountant, 1837. Marsh, C. C., Science of, 1854. Merchants Manual of, 1810. Palmer, J. H., First lessons in, 1853. " Treat, on, 1853. P. 606. Preston, L., Treatise on, 1854. See Arithmetic; Finance; Tables. Book of Judgment. Wilson, E. S., : 1853. Books. Anecdotes of Books, 1836. Baillet, Jugemens, v. 1, 1730. De Bury, Philubiblion, 1832, 1861. Dibdin, Bibliomania. " Library companion. Jewett, Duties on, 1846. P. 17. Knight, The old printer. Le Gallois, Traitte des Bib. de 1 Eu- rope, 1697. Merry weather, Bibliomania, 1849. Spizelius, Infelix Lkeratus, 1680. " Literatus Felicissimus, 1685. See Bibliography. Books: Guides in the Selection of. Atkinson, W. P., B. and reading. Possange, Ma Bibliotheque fran?aise. Chaudon, Bibliot. d un homme de gout, 1772. Churton, Book Collector s hand-book, 1845. Dana, Biblioth. Probata, 1857. Dibdin, Library companion, 1825. Goodhugh, Eng. Gent s library, 1827. Kent, Course of Reading, 1840. Kett, Elem. of general knowl., 1803. Manchester Library, Books for pur chase, 1851. Moore, C. H., What to read, Classif. list, 1871. Oakley, Course of Engl. reading, 1853. Observations on forming a library, Pamphleteer 2. Park, R., Select Cat. on all subjects, 1841. Potter, Handbook for readers, 1847. Stevens, My English library, 1853. Ventouillac, The French librarian, 1829. See Libraries, administration of; Bib liography. Booksellers. Beloc, Sexagenarian. Dibdin, Bibliophobia, 1832. Dunton, Religio Bibliopolse, 1720. Dupont, Hist, de 1 imprimerie, 1854. Kirchoff, Gesch. der Deutschen Buch- handels, 1851. Lackington, J., Memoirs of, 1830. Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, v. 3, 1812. Statist. Soc. Lond. III. Meidinger. See Bibliography ; Typography. Book Trade, American. Freedley, Leading pursuits. Trade circular annual, 1871. Boom*. D. Bogart, W. H., Dan l Boone, etc., 1854. Boone, D., Adventures, 1844. Bryan, The Mountain muse, 1813. Flint, T., Biog. memoir of, 1833. 76 BOONE. Boane, D., (continued). Hill, G. C., Biography of, 1860. Metcalf, S. L., Narratives, 1821. Peck, J. M., Life of (Sparks, 23). Bordeaux. Nouveau conducteur, 1851. Bordes, Hist, des monumens de, 1845. Chambre de commerce de, Memoires, etc., 1850-67. Cocks, Bordeaux, its wines, 1846. Costello, Beam and the Pyrenees, 1844. Guilhe, Histoire de, 1835. Borgia, Lucrezia. Gilbert, Lifeof, 1869. Borneo. Beecktnan, Voyage to, Pinker- ton, 11. Brooke, J., Narrative of events in, 1848. Chamerovzow, Borneo FactSj 1850. Keppel, H., Expedition to Borneo, 1846. Low, H., Sarawak, its inhabitants, 1848. Marryatt, Borneo and Indian Archipe lago, 1848. Boscawen, N. H. Price, E., Chronol. register of, 1820. Bossuet, J. B. Alembert, Eulogies. Boston, T. Memoirs of. Boston, Mass. Ballard s Old South Church. Boston Almanac, 1836-58, 64. Boston Common, 1842. Boston, City Documents, etc., 1838-53. Boston, Directories, 1820-69, not com plete. Boston, Munic. Register, 1856-61, 65. Bowen, Picture of, 1838. Bridgman, Copp s Hill epitaphs, 1851. " Memorials of dead, King s Chapel, 1853. Pilgrims of Boston, Granary Burying ground. Clapp, Letter on Growth of, 1853. Dana, J. F., Geology of: and vicinity, 1818. Dearborn, N., Boston notions, 1630- 1847. " Reminiscences of Boston, 1851. Drake, S. G., Hist, and antiq. of, 1630-1670. Dunton, J., Letters from N. E., 1686. Eliot s New North Church, 1822. Emerson, W., Hist. First Church in, 1812. Federal Street Church, History. Frothingham, Siege of, 1849. Greenwood, Hist, of King s Chapel, 1833. Hales, J. G., Survey of, 1821. Boston, Mass, (continued). Hancock, J., Oration, March 5, 1774. History of, (R. Carver). Hollis Street Society, 1841. Jarvis, S. F., Of St. Paul s Church, 1825. P. 502. Knapp s Ali Bey s journal, 1818. Lothrop, S. K., Hist, of Brattle street Church, 1851. Nason, E., Frankland s life or Boston in colonial times. New Engl. Meth. E. Hist. Soc., Trans. Old South Church History. Palfrey, Brattle Street Church Hist., 1824. P. 485. Parkraan, F., New North Church. Prince, T., Revival in, 1740-43. Pulsifer, Guide to, 1868. Quincy, J., Centennial Discourse, 1830. " History of, to 1830. Robbins, Hist, of Second Church,1852. Rowe Street Baptist Church. Shattuck, Report on census, 1845. Shaw, Description of, 1817. Simonds, Hist, of South Boston, 1857. Sketches of Boston and vicinity, 1851. Snow, C. H., History of, 1828. Sumner, W. H., Hist, of East Boston, 1858. Wisner, Hist, of Old South Church, 1830. Warren, The great tree. Wines, Trip to Boston, 1838. See Earthquake of 1727; Newspapers of New England. Boston Athenaeum. Quincy, J., Hist, of, 18M\ Boston Massacre, 1770. Boston, Short Narrative, 1770. P. 114. Boston Orations on, 1771-82. Clark, J., Sermon on, 1776. Kidder s, History of, 1870. Loring, 100 Boston Orators. Boston, Eng. St. Botolph s church. Boswell, James. Letters to A. Erskine. Botany. Barton, B. S., Mat. Mod., U.S., 1810. Barton, W. P. C., Florae Philad. Prod , 1815. " Veg. Mat. Med. U. S., 1825. " Account of Holcusbicolor,1816. Baster, Voorteeling der dieren en Plan- ten, 1768. Berkeley, Cryptogamic Bot., 1857. Bliss, Sale cat. of flower seeds, 1870. Bonaparte, C. L., Progress of Botany, Ray Soc. Pub. Bordley, Queries of B.of agr. answered, on veg. phys., 1797. P. 39. BOTANY 77 Botany (continued). Bourne, Florist s manual, 1833. Brunei, Planter de Michuux. Candolle, Alph de, Geog. Botanique, 1855. " Geograph. Botany. P. 3, 4. Candolle, Aug. de, Philosophy of plants, 1821. " Various memoirs, 1819-21. Veget. organography, 1841. Catalogues of Botan. Libra. P. v. 188. Clayton, Connubia Florum, 1791. Coxe, J. R., Agaricus atramentarius. Darlington, Lecture on study of, 1844. " Agricultural Botany, 1847. I Darwin, Botan. Garden, Notes, 1795. Diet, des Sciences naturelles, 1816-30. Don, Hist, of Dichlauiydeous plants, 1841. Dresser, Manual of, 1860. Eaton, A., Botanical Dictionary, 1817. Eberle, Bot. terminology, 1818. Feburier, Phenomenes de la vegetation, I 1812. Feuillee, Obs. bot. sur 1 Am. meridio- nale et 1 Inde occ., 17 14. Germain, Conseils sur 1 etude de. Griffith, R. E., Medical Botany, 1847. Grisebach, Botanical Geog., 1842, 43. Henfrey, Botan. and Physiol. Mem., Ray Soc. Hill, John, History of Plants, 1752. Humboldt, Des Melastomacees, 1833. Henslow, Desc. and Physiological i Botany, Lardner s, 44. Jussieu, Cours d hist. nat., 1860. " Elements of, 1858. Knight and Perry, Coniferous Plants. Koenigl. Ak. der Wiss.,Gefasspflanzen. j Lefebure, Methode. ..a 1 etude du nom des plantes, 1814. Linnaeus, Systema plant arum, 1779. Lincoln, Mrs., Familiar lectures, 1831. Lindley, Orchidearum sceletos, 1826. " Introd. to natural system of, 1831. v " TheVegetableKingdom,1846. Link, Prog, of Physiological Bot. Loudon, J. C., Trees and shrubs of Great Britain, 1838. Bncyc. of Plants, 1836. Macmillan, First forms of vegetation, 1861. Martius, Bot. Erforschung des k. Bay- i era, .850. Massachusetts Survey, reports on, 1840. ! Mercklin, Prothallium der Farrnkrau- ter, 1850. Meyen, Outlines of geog. of plants. Ray Soc. Botany (continued). Munting, Oeffening der Planten, 1672. Nageli, On vegetable cells. Ray Soc. Oliver, D., Elem. Botany, 1864. Pamphlets on Botany, vols. 188, 961. Paxton, Magazine of Botany, 1835, 39-49. Flower Garden, 1850-1. Persoon, Synopsis Plantarum. 1805. Pinnock, Catechism of. Pultney, Prog, of Bot. in Eng. 1790. Rogues, Hist, des champignons. Rowden, Poet, introd. to, 1801. Salmon, English Herbal, 1710. Schleiden, Principles of Scient. Bot., 1849. Schrenk, Enumeratio plantarum nova- rum, 1841. Sch-ultze, Ueber den organ der Poly- thalamien, 1854. Sehwaegricben, Species Muscor. Fron- dosorum, L-30. Scringe, Melanges botariques, 1818-26. Smith, E., In Orr s Circle, 1854. Siny ttere, Phytologie Pharmaceutique, 1829, Stark, L. G., Aphorism! Botanici, 1821. Sullivant, Icones Muscorum, 1864. Sweert, Florilegium, 1620. Tcysmann, Rafflesias Rochusenii. Unger, Botan. Letters, 1853. Vinton, Hunt Garden Address, 1855. Vriese, W. H. de, Het gezag van Kaempfer en anderen, 1836. Vrolik,"Ziekte der Aardappelen, 1846. Waterhouse, The Botanist, 1811. Waterman s Flora s Lexicon, 1840. Withering, Syst. Arrangement of Brit. plants, 1801. Wydler, Genre Scrofularia, 1828. Zuccarini, Morphology of the Coniferae. Ray Soc. " Vegetationsgruppen,Bsyern, 1833. See Physiology ; Flowers. Botany, Various Collections and Localities. Aiton, Hortus Ke- wensis. Aldinus, Deser. Plantarum Romee, 1625. Barton, W. P. C., Flora Phil se Pro- dromus, 1815. Beck, L. C., Bot. of the U. S. North of Va., 1848. Bentham, G., Plantes des Pyrenees, 1826. Berkeley, Brit. Fungology, 1860. Bigelow, J , Florula Bostoniensis, 1814, 40. Blume, Orchidees du Japon, 1858. 78 BOTANY. Botany, Various Collections and Localities (continued). Brereton, Florae Columbian* Prodro- mus, 1830. Browne, D. J., The Trees of America, 1846. Bruinsma, Flora Frisica. Christener, Die Hieracien der Schweiz. Darby, Botany of the Southern States. 1855. Darlington, Plants of West-Chester, 1826. " Flora, Chester Co. Penn., 1853. Dewey, Herbaceous Plants of Mass., 1840. Donn, HortusCantabrigiensis, 1807, 45. Eaton, A., Manual of, for Northern States, 1817. " Manual of, for N. America, 1829. Eaton, H. H., Plants near Troy, 1832. Elliott, S.j Bot. of South Carolina, 1821. Emerson, G. B., Trees and shrubs in Mass., 1846. Emory, Mexican Boundary survey. Fischer, Sertum Petropolitanum. Flora Napolitana, 1811-36. Florula Columbiensis, 1819. Gay, C., Chile. Botanica, 3 v. Gibbes, Plants near Columbia, S. C., 1835. P. 188. Graham, Plants R. Bot. Garden, Edin., 1825-33. Gray, A., Chloris Boreali-Americana, 1846. P. 1003. " Man. of Bot. of the U. S., 1848. " The Generaof thePlantsof U.S., 1849. " PlantaeWrightianaeTexano-Neo- Mexicanse. " Plants from Chile. Gray, S. 0., British Sea-weeds. Griffith, W., Plants of India, 1837-41. " Palms of India, 1850. Hartinger, Paradisus V ndobonensis. Harvey, W. H., British Alga;, 1849. " Marine Algae of N. A. " SeaSide Book, 1854. " Australian Sea-weeds, 1858. Hasskarl, Cat. PI. in Hor. Bot. Bogo- riensi, 1844. Henslow, Cat. of British plants, 1835. Hitchcock, Cat. of Plants near Amherst Coll., 1829. Hooker, Flora Boreali-Americana, 1833. " Botany of Capt. Beechey s voy., 1825-28. " Flora of South America. Botany, Various Collections and Localities (continued). Hough, F. B., Plants of Lewis Co., N. Y. P. 188. Houghton, D. D., Plants from North west Expeditions, 1831. Humboldt, Plantes Equinoxiales. Irvine, The London Flora, 1838. Jardin d Iliver, Catalogue des Serres. Johnston, G., The Eastern Borders, 1853. Landsborough, Hist, of British weeds, 1851. Laterrade, Flore Bordelaise, 1846. Laweon, P., Veg. Prod, of Scotland. Lee, C. A., Med. Plants growing in New York, 1848. Loudon, J. C., Trees and shrubs of Britain, 1838. Lowe, R. T., Flora Maderse, 1831 M Murtrie, Florula Louisvillensis, 1819. Marshall, H., Arbustrum Americanum, 1785. Martin?, Botan. Garten in Miinchen, 1852. Meyer, Flora-Hannover, 1837. Michaux, Flora- Boreali Americana, 1803. " Hist, des chenes de 1 Am. Septentrionale, 1811. " Oaks of U. S. " NorthAmericanSylva,1819. Mueller, Plants of Victoria, 1865. " Australian Mosses, 1864. " Vegot. of Chatham Is., 1864. Muhlenberg, Cat. of Plants in N. Am. 1813. Gram, et Calamar. Amer. Septen., 1817. " Gram, et Plant. Calam. Am. Septen., 1817. i New York Nat. Hist.. J. Torrey. Nuttall, Genera of N. A. plants, 1817. " North Am. Sylva, 1849. Oeder, Icones Plantarum Daniae et Norvegiae, 1766-70. Olney, S. T., Cat. of Rhode Island plants, 1844. Pesneau, Plantes de la Loire Inferioure, 1837. Plants, Bot. Garden Edinburgh. P. 188. Plants of New Castle Co. Del., 1844. *Plants near Yale College, 1831. Plumier, Nova plant. Amer. genera, 1703. Provancher, Flore Canadienne. Providence Frank. Soc., Cat. of Plants in R. I., 1844. Pursh, Flora Amer. septentrionalis, 1814. Rafinesque, Flora Telluriana, 1836. BRADFORD. 79 Botany, Various Collections and Localities (continued). Rafinesque, Alsographia Amer., 1838. " Genre Eustachia, etc. " Flora of Louisiana, 1817. " Medical flora, 1828-30. " New flora of N. A., 1836. Riddell, Collec. of West, floras, 1834. Ruiz, Florae Peruv. et Chil. Prodro- mus, 1794. Rumphius, Comment. Botanicae. Indiae Orient., 1835-48. Russia, Bib. horti imp., 1852. Schwemitz, Syn. fungorum Carolina^. " Monograph, N. A. genus Carex, 1825. " Spec, florae Amer. Sept. Cryptogamicae, 1821. Sendtner, Veg. Verhiiltnisse Bayerns, 1856. Short, Plants of Kentucky. P. 188. Siebold, Flora Japonica, 1835. Smith, J. E., Engl. flora, 6 v. 1823-36. Synopsis of Coniferous plants in G. B., 1850. Thornton, R. J., The Brit, flora, 1812. Torrey, Flora of Nor. and Mid. States, 1826. " N. T. Nat. Hist. Botany. " California plants. " Flora of North Amer., 1838-40. " Plants within 30 miles of N.Y., 1819. Tuinbouw, Flora van Nederland, 1854. Turner, D., Muscologia) Hibern. Spi- cileg, 1804. U. S. Expl. Exped. (Gray), 1854. Vriese, Hortus Spaarn Bergensis, 1839. Walter, T., Flora Caroliniana, 178S. Wright, J., Plants near Troy, New York, 1836. Botany, Periodicals and Society Publications. Annales d Hor ticulture, Leide, 1859-62. Botan. Misc. and J <ur. of Botany, (Hooker), 1830-42. Koen. Baier. Ak (Gefiissplanzen). Horticult. Register, Paxton, 1832, 33. Linnean Soc. of London, Trans., 1791- 1846. Magazine of Horticulture and Botany, Bost., 1835-54. Paxton s Magazine of Botany, 1839-49. Ray Society Publications, 1851-69. Soc lib. d Agr. de 1 Eure, 1841-50. See Scientific Periodicals. Botany Bay. See Australia. Botfield, T. Woodward, H., Serin, on. Boultcn, 31. Smiles, Life of. Biuqnet, Gen. H. Expedition of, 1764. Bourbon family. C-, Secret memoirs. Bourbon Is. Arago, Freycinet s voyage, 1820. Dillon, Voyage, 1679. Bourgogne. See Bibliography. Bowditch, N. Bowditch, N. I., Memoir of, 1840. Pickering, J., Eulogy on, 1838. Young, A., Sermon on, 1838. Bowdoiu, J. Buckminster, J. S., Ser mon on, 1811. Thacher, P., Sermon on, 1790. Bowdoiu College. Catalogues of stu dents to 1871. Catalogue of library, 1863. Smyth, E. C., Relig. History of, 1858. Bowen, A. R. Rosseel, Funeral Disc., 1852. P. 555. Bowen, Bp. John. Memorials of, 1862. Bowen, Bp. N. Norton, Life of. Bower, Arch d. Letters from, illus trated, 1756. Answer to letters, 1757. Bowers, S. Nichols, W. T., Sermon on. Bowles, C. Lewis, Life of. Bowles, J. Thornton, J. W., Life of, 1850. Bowles, W. A. Memoirs of ambas. from Creeks, 1791- Bownas, S. Acct. of life and travels, 1805. Bowyer, W. Nichols, J., Biog. anec dotes ef, 1782. Boyd, J. S. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, death of, 1856. P. 268. Boyle, J. J. Defence by, 1851. P. 1872. Boyle, R. Birch, T., Life of, 1744. Brub:uit. Cantillon, Vermakelijkheden van. 1770. Brackeuridge, II. 31. Craig, Exposure of Mistakes, 1859. Bradbury, T. Hall, T., Sermon on, 1759. Braddock, G -n . E. Hist, of Exped. agt. Fort Du Quesne, (Sargent), 1855. Peuple, Le, juge, 1756. See French war. Bradford Family, Eng. Hunter, J., Collections. Bradford, John. Letters, 1540-55. Stevens, W., Memoirs of, 1832. Bradford, Gov. W. Hist, of Plymouth. Fessenden, Geneal. Mem. of, 1850. Waddington. Address on his History, 1858. 80 BRADISH. llradish, L. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Pruc. on. Bradlee, J. P. Frothingham, Sermon on. Bradstreet, Martha. Jac-kson, J., Bill of Exceptions, 1827. P. 23. B.C. Bradstreet, S. See Drake s Boston. Brady, J. T. In Memoriam, 1869. Brainerd Family. Field, Genealogy of. Brainerd, D. Dwight, S. E., Life of, 1822. Edwards, J., Funeral Sermon, 1747. " Life Of, 1749. Peabody, Life of, Sparks 8. Styles, J., Life of, 1808. Braintree, Ms. Storrs, R.S., Hist. Disc. Bramans. See Hindoos. Bramwell, W. Dawson, W., Sermon on. Sigston, Memoir of. Branagan, T. Pleasures of Contempla tion, 1818. Brandt, G. Haes, Het Levenvan, 1740. Brandy wine, Battle. Sparks Wash ington, vol. V. Townsend s Battle of, 1777. Brant, Jos. Drake, S. G., Life of. Stone, W. L., Life of. 1848. Brattle, T. Descendants of, 1868. Brav, T. Life of, 1808. Brazer, J. Flint, J., Sermon on, 1846. Brazil. Adalbert, Travels in Europe and Brazil, 1849. Agassiz, Journey in, 1868. Armitage, Hist, of, 1808-31. Barlaeus, Rerum in Brasilia historia, 1660. Baro, Voy. au pays des Tapuies, 1651. Beauchamp, Hist, du, 1500-1810. " L Independance du, 1824. Brazil, Constitucao, 1830. Brasyls Schuyt-Praetien, 1649. Broeck, Hist. Beschryvinghe, 1651. Conder, Brazil and Buenos Ayres, 1831. Delafaye, Les Portugais d Amerique, 1635. Eechwege, Journal von Brasilien,1818. Evreux, Voyage dans, 1613, 14. Ewbank, Life in, 1856. Gardner, G., Trav. in the interior of, 1846. Gioseppe, Guerre tra Portogallo e Olanda, 1698. Graham, M., Voy. to and residence in, 1821-23. Halfeld, Rio de S. Francisco. Hartt, Journey in Brazil, 1870. Henderson, J., Hisf. of Brazil, 1821. Brazil (continued). Kidder, Residence and trave s in, 1845. " Brazil.... portrayed, 1857. Koster, H., Travels in Brazil, 1816. La Beaumelle, De 1 empire du Bresil, 1823. Lindley, T., Narr. of voy. to Brazil, Magalhanes, History de Sancta Cruz (Bresil), 1576. Mawe, Travels in Brazil, 1816, 22. Michelana, Exploracion. . .del Amazo- nas, 189. Moreau, Derniers trouble* entre les Hollandais, 1651. Netscher, Les Hollandais au Bresil, 1853. Nieuhpf, J., Brasiliuense Zee-en lant Reize, 1682. Patriota Brasileiro, 1830. Pedro I., Correep. pendant les troubles de, 1827. Plante, Mauritiados, 1647. Remontrances de negocians du Bresil, 1814. Rendu, A., Etudes, top., med., et agron., 1848. Saint Hilaire, Voyage dans le dist. de Diamans, 1833. " Voy. dans Rio Janeiro et Minas, 1830. Southey, R., Hist, of Brazil, 1810-19. Spix, Travels in, 1817-20. Staden, Mem. Brasilia Hist. Stewart, C. S., Brazil, 1856. Walsh, R., Notices of, 1828, 29. Warren, J. E., Para, or banks of the Amazon, 1851. Wied-Neuwied, Reise nach, 1815-17. " Natur-geschichte von, 1825-33. " Bresil, corrections, 1850, 53. See South America ; Guyana; Amazon. Bread. Bibra, Getreidearten. Societe de Panification. P. 298. See Domestic economy. Breck, S. Fisher, J F., Memoir of, 1863. Ingersoll, Memoir of, 1863. Breckenridgc, R. J. Defence agt.Wick- liffe, 1841. Wickliflfe, R , Speech, 1840. Brecknock, Wales. Jones, History of 1809. Brecon Church. Thirlwal!, Letter on, 1851. Breda. Barry, Siege of, 1627. Bremen. Delius, Statist. Almanack, 1844. Brctagne. See Brittany. Brewer. S, Ford, G., Sermon on, 1796, BRITISH. 81 Brewing. Baverstock, Obs. on the state of the Brewery. Pamphl r 2. Booth, D., Art of Brewing, Lib. U.K. Byrn, Practical Brewer, 1852. Corbett, Cottage economy. Coppinger, J., Amer. Practical Brew er, 1815. Denneston, Frauds of the Brewers, 1713. Discourse on .... Malt Liquors, 1733. Dissertation cone. Barley Wine, 1750. Hughes, Treatise, 1796. London Brewer, 1758. Ploughman, Family Brewer, 1800. Randall, W., Hop Plantations, 1800. Taylor, J., Ale, by J. Savage. Worth, W. Y., Art of, 1692. Brewster, James. Addresses, N. Haven, 1857. Brewster, Joseph. Smith, A. D., Ser mon on, 1851. Brewster, W. Steele, A., Life of, 1857. Bliberies. Bacon, F., Caseof, considered, 1721. Collection of the debates, 1695. Crosfield, Corrupt Practices, 1694. Gr. Brit. Debates on, 1773. P. 1021. Isaacson, Electoral Reform. Remarks with Suggestions. Russell, Earl, J., Speech, l!?20. P. 703. Bricks. Dobson, Manuf. of, 1850, Bridge at Albany. New York, Bridge at Albany, 1841. P. 493. Seward, W. H., Argument, 1858. Van Santvoord, G., Speeeh, 1856. Van Valkenburgh, Speech, 1856. Wheeler, 0. B-, Speeph, "859. See Law Libr. Catalogue. Bridges. Annales des ponts et chaussees, 1831-65. Buck, Oblique Bridges, 1839. Clark, E., Britannia Tubular Bridges, 1850. Dempsey, Iron Girder Bridges, 1850. Drewry, Suspension Bridges, 1832. Ellet, Suspension Bridge, St. Louis; Middletown, Conn., 1840, >48. Hann, Architecture of Bridges, 1839. Haupt, Theory of construction, 1853. Hawksmoor, London Bridge. Internat. Bridge Co., N. Y., 1858. Jackson, T., Britannia Bridge. Latham, Wrought Iron Bridges, 1858. Lehardy de Beaulieu, Ponts en fonte, 1845. Lentze, Bruckenuberd. Weichsel,1855. London Bridge, 1823. Long, S. H., Plans for, 1841, 11 Bridges (continued). Montreal Railway, Bridge over the St. Lawrence, 1853. Niagara Falls Suspension Co., 1855. Pamv hlets relating to Bridges, v. 493. Poncelet, On draw-bridges. Pope, T., Treatise on Bridge Architec ture, 1811. Pring, Menai Bridge, 1827. Robinson, S. W., Suspension bridges. Theory, Pract. and Arch, of, (Weale), 1843. Theory of; Supp., 1853, (Weale). Town, I., Improvement in construc tion of, 1839. Whipple, S., On Bridge Building,1847. White, A., Wooden Sus. Bridge of, 1852. P. 205. See Military B. Bridgewater, Mass. Mitchell, N., His tory of, 1840. 200th Anniversary, 1856. Bridgeton, Me. Bram, Hist, address, 1852. Brig-. s, G. N. Richards, W. C., Me moir of. Brigham family. Morse, A., geneal. of. Brigham, J. C. Adams, W., Disc. on. Bright family of Suffolk, Eng. Ge neal. hist. Bright, Gen. M. Trial of, Phil., 1809. Brighton, Eng. Brighton, New hist. of. Brighton and its environs. Stranger s guide. Brimfield, Mass. Morse, J., Annals of the Church, 1856. Vaill, J., Memorial Sermon, 1864. Brinsmude, J. E. Coit, T. W., Ser mon on, 1860. Bri^sot de Warville. Life of, 1794. Bristol, Eng. Britten s views, 1829. Bristol Statist. Soo., 1838. " Tabernacle Centenn., 1854. and West of Engl. Archseol. Mag., 1843. Buck, C., Sermon, fires in, 1831. Chillcott s guide. Corry, J., History of, 1816. Hanscrd Knollys Society, Broadmead Church, 1640-87. Rose, J., Disturbances at, 1793. Shiercliff, Guide to, 1793. Talbot, W., Narrative, 1772. Bristol Co., Ms. Directory, 1868. Britain. See Great Britain. British. See English; Great Britain; Bibliography. 82 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. British and Foreign Bible Society See Bible So ieties. British Colonies in America* An- | drews, I. D., Report on Comm. of, 1853. Bray, T., General view of, 1699. British Empire in America, 1741. Buckingham, Travels in, 1841. Burton, R., Eng. Empire in Am., 1711. , Bury, Exodus of the \Vestern nations, 1865. Colonial Policy considered, 1816. Colonising, 1774. Dilke, Greater Britain, 1869. Douglass, W., History of, 1755. Durham, Dispatches concerning, 1839. Edwards, Hist, of Brit. West Indies, 1806, 10, and 19. Hypocrisy unmasked, 1776. Martin, M. R., Hist, of Brit. Colonies. > Pamphlets relating to British Colonies, vol. 434. Relation of ....New England, 1689. Representation on Araer. trade, 1721. I Review of Rise of New England, 1774. | Walsh, Appeal from the judgments, etc. Wynne, Brit. Empire in America, 1820. Whitworth, State of trade, 1776. See United States; Canada; New Eng- j land; West Indies; North Amer- | ica, British; Virginia; Australia. British Columbia. Knight s Hand book, 1864. Lennard, Travels in, 1862. Lowe, On the independence of. Pam phleteer, v. 21, 22. Macdonald, Account of, 1863. Milton, Northwest passage, 1865. See Vancouver s Island. British Museum, Biblioth. Amer., H>- ! mer, MSS. in. Boyle, Curiosities of, 1791. British Museum, Synopsis of contents, 1837, 1851. " Catalogue of MSS., Record Pub. See Law Lib. < Books of reference, 1859. " Catalogue, Letter A. Cumberland, Essay, prints in. Ellis, Townley Gallery in, Lib. E. K. " Elgin marbles in, Lib. E. K. Georg III, Bibl. regise catalogus. Great Britain, Brit. Mus. Reports of Comm. of House of Commons, 1850. Hargrave, Cat. of MSS. of Lib. of. Sims, Hand-book of the Library, ^854. Stevens, Cat. of Amer. books in. Waagen, Treasures of Art in G. B. ^Bibliography: Law Library. British North America. See North America; British Columbia ; llml-a son s Bay; Canada; Arctic, etc. British India. .See India. British Pamphlets, Vols. 123-141,452, 841, 1106, 1107, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1851, 1857, 1876. British Parliamentary Pamphlets. See Parliamentary. British Political Pamphlets, vols. 123- 141, 407-422, 442, 443, 445-448, 450, 451, 572, 573, 591, 640, 700, 701, 709, 735, 738, 743, 745, 756, 757, 811-815, 817, 896, 917, 1011, 1026, 1047, 1108, 1116, 11 17, 1394- 1406, 1544-1547, 1729-1731. British Topographical Pamphlets. Pam. vols. 1478, 1573, 1754-57. Brittany, France. Gourcy, Voyage en, 1862. Pitre-Chevalier, La Bretagne, anc. et mod. Robidou, Histoire d un beau pays, 1861 . Trollope, F., Summer in, 1840. Brock, Gen. Sir I. Correspondence on monument to, 1841. Tupper, F. B., Life of, 1845. IJ rod head, J. Sermon, historical, 1851. Memorial of, 1855. Brodie, H. Mathieson,* A., Sermon, Death of, 1852. P. 555. Broglie, Duchess of. Baird, R., Me moirs of, 1839. Broke, Adm. P. B. V. Brighton, Life of, 1866. Bronaugh, Dr. Coles, Letters of. Broil e, C. Gaskell, E. C., Life of, 1857. Bronte, Th?od. Bayne s Essays. lirooke, II. Brookiana, 1804. Brooke, J. Keppel, H., Extracts from Journal of, 1846. Brookfle d, Mass. Foot, J. I., Hist. discourse, 1828. Stone, M., Hist. Sermon, 1851. See North and West Brookfield. Brookline, Ms. Town documents, 1855- 1863. Directory, 1868. Pierce, J., Hist, disc., 1817. P. 111. " Century Discourses, 1811, 37. " Hist. Discourses, 1845, 47. Brooklyn, N. Y. Manual of Common Council, 1859. " Water- works, reports, 1854-61. " Prospect Park, reports, 1866-70. Brooklyn Directories, 1839, 48-66, 70. " Record, 1855. Field, T. W., Historic scenes, 1868. BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS. 83 Brooklyn, N. Y. (continued). Furman, Histor. notes, 1824, 65. Long Is. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. I. Loraas, Wealthy men of, 1847. St. Ann s Church. Stiles, H. R., History of, 1867, 70. Brooklyn, Conn. Whitney, J., Hist. Discourse, 1806. Brooks, E. Cont. with J. A. Lowell, 1851. Brooks, J. Memoir of. Brooks, P. C. Frothingham, Sermonon. Brothers, R. Brassey s Testimony, 1795. Halhed, Essay, 1795. Brougham, Lord H. Life and Times, 1871. Brought on. W. S. Harrison, B., Charge. 1851. Brown. Abel. Brown, C. S., Memoir of. Brown, Andrew. Family History, 1812. Brown, Miss A. Lee, L., Ordination Sermon, 1853. P. 267. Brown, C. B. Dunlap, W., Life of, 1851. Prescott, W. H., Life of , Spark s. Brown, G. S. Life of. Brown, James. Hillard, G. S., Mem. of, 1856. Brown, John. Sixty Years Gleaning*, 1850. Brown, Capl. John. Life of, 1859. Balkam, Harper s Ferry Invasion. Barker, J., False Philanthropist, 1859. Cook, J. E., of Harper s Ferry. Patton. W. W., Execution of. Redpath, J., Life of, 1860. Rise and Progress, etc., 1860. Taft, Discourse on Trumbull, L., Harper s Ferry, 1859. U. S., Harper s Ferry invasion. Brown, M. Wayland, F., Discourse on, 1857. Brown, N. Wayland, F., Discourse on, 1841. Brownrig, Bp. Garden, Life of, 1660. Brownson, O. A. The Convert.or Leaves from my Experience, 1857. Brnmmell, G. Jesse, Life of, 1844. Brunswirk-Luneuburg. Bytemeister, Comment. Historicus de, 1730. Brunswick Theatre.. Smith, G. C,, Destrnction of, 1828. P. 393. Brussels. Acad. des Sciences, Memoires. Narrative, 1830. See Belgium. Brute, Bp. S. W. G. Bayley, Life of. Mount St. Mary s, Life of, 1859. Brutes. Buckland, W., Death of, 1839. Brnys, F. Bower, A., Life of, 1746. Bry, T. De. Camus, Mcmoiresur sa col- lec., 1802. Tiele, Navigateurs Xt-erlandais. See Bibliography. Bryant, W. C. Century Club Festival, 1864. Brydges, SirE. Autobiography of, 1834. I Brysson, G. Memoirs of, Veitch. Buccaneers. Archenholtz, Hist, des Filibustiers, 1804. Burney, Hist, of Buccaneers, 1816. ** Disc, of America. Dampier, Coll. of voyages. Edin. Cab. Cyc-, vol. 5. Esquemeling, Hist, of the Buccaneers, 1793. Hist, of the Bucaniers of America, 1741, 1810. Johnson, C., General History of the Pyrates, 1724. Le Sage, Robert Chevalier, 1745. (Exinelin, Hist, des Boucaniers, 1688. Raveneau, Jour, du Voyage, 1684. Tonti, Montauban s adventures, 1695. See Privateers; Voyages. Buccleuch and Queensbury, Duke of. Scott, W., Memoir of. Buchanan, C. Pearson, H., Memoirs of, 1837. Brown. T. Memoirs, by himself, 1776-83. j Buchanan,G.& W. Misc. Scotica,v.4. Brown University, Rh. Is. Catalogues of Students. Guild, R. A., Hist. of. " Manning s Life. Pitman, J., Address to Alumni. Brownell, T. C. Burgess, G., Sermon on. Browning, Mrs. E . B . Bayae, Essays . Browning, Rob. Nettleship, Essays on his Poetry, 1868. Brownlee, W. C. Memorial of, 1860. Buchanan, James. Life of, 1856. " Administration of, 1866. Horton, R. G M Life of, 1856. Pamphlets vol. 537. Words of counsel, 1856. Buckingham, G. Villiers, Duke of. Thomson, Life of. Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of. Mem. of courts of George III, Wil liam IV, and Victoria. Private diary, 1862. 84 BUCKINGHAM. Buckingham, Jas. S. Autobiography, 1855. Sketch of life of, 1830. Buckingham, Joseph T. Personal memoirs, 1852. Buckinghamshire, Eng. Berry, Coun ty genealogies. Beauties of England and Wales. Buckle, II. T. Essays and life. Buckminster, J. Parker, N., Discourse, Death of, 1812. P. v. 214. Buckminster, J.andJ.S. Lee, E. B., Lives of, 1849. Buddhism. Bird, J., Origin and princi ples of, 1847. Cunningham, Buddhist monuments, 1854. See Hindoos; India. Budgett, S. Arthur, W., Life of, 1857. Budington, E/L. Blagden, G. W., Discourse on, 1855. Buel, J. Dean, A., Eulogy on. Bnell, Samuel. Life of, in Narrative of revival, 1808. Buenos Ayres. Andrews, Journey from, to Cordova, 1827. Archive Americano, 1850. Beaumont, J., Travels in, 1828. " Authen. descr., 1806. Conder, Brazil and B. Ayres, 1831. Five Years residence in, 1820-25. Funez, Victoria de Ayacucho, 1825. Gerstacker, Travels, 1850. King, A. J., Argentine Republic, 1846. Monarchical projects of the Bourbons, 1820. Nunez, Esquisses Historiques, 1826. Parish, Descr. of, 1852. Rio de Janeiro, Almanac, 1843. S * * E. de G., La Republique de, 1825. Whitelocke, Gen., Trial, 1808. See La Plata; Argentine Confed. Buffalo, N. Y. Barton, J. L., Com merce of the Lakes, 1845, 46. Bedini, Lettres, St. Louis Church. Buffalo, various city Docts , 1836-58. Female Academy Cat., 1852-66. " Directories. 1832, 35-40, 58-69. Clinton, G. W., Hist. Address, 1862. First Presb. Church, 1838, 1852. First Unitarian Church Hist., 1861. Henderson s Trade cf, 1853, 54. Ketchum, History of, 1865. Lord, Dead of the War. Pamphlets concerning, v. 474, 475. Reply to speech of Babcock on St. Louis Church. Buffalo, N. Y. (continued). St. Louis Church, Docts. and History, 1853. P. 1435. Thompson, M. L. P., Sermon, Deaths in, 1850. Timon, Bp., Hist of Diocese. Young Men s Asso. Quart. Cent. Celeb., 1861. Bngeuud. Galeric des Contem., Vie de, 1845. Building. Alderson, on Ryan s Process. Dearn, improved Method of, 1821. Glover, G., Lodging houses. Leadbcter, J., Art of Measuring, 1769. Warren Roofing Co. Wilson, Builders Price Book. See Carpentry. Building Assoc. Building Soc. Dalhou- sie, Canada, 1848. P. 520. Franklin, W., Bull. Assoc. Examined, 1856. Renyon, R., Errors of, 1846. Mutual Benefit Association. Scratchley, Benefit B. Soci.,1851. Soc. for Improved Dwellings of Poor, Gore, M. South Kensington Museum, 1859. See Mutual Aid. Bulgaria. Keppel, Journey in, 1829. Paton, Researches, 1862. See Turkey. Bulkley, M. Adams, E., Sermon on. Bulkely, R. See French Prophets. Bull, W. M. Rudd, Elegiac Essay. Bullard, ( . Wright, L., Fun. Sermon, 1806. Bullions, A. Biog. of, 1858. P. 1856. Bullions, P. Sprague, W. B., Sermon on. Bulwer, E. Lytton. Westmacott, Let ter to, 1833. Bumsted, D. Pawson, J., Sermon on, 1797. Bunbury, Sir II. Corresp. with Hanmer, 1*838. Bundling. Stiles, H. R., Origin of. Bunker Hill battle. Bradford, A., Account of the battle, 1825. Bunker Hill Mon. Afsoc n, Report, 1832; Warren Statue, 1857. Clarke, J., Narrative of Battle, 1775. Coffin, Bat. of Breed s Hill. Dawson, H. B., On Israel Putnam. Ellis, G. E., Oration on. Emmons, C. P., Sketch of the bat. on, 1843. Everett, E., Oration 75th Anniv.,1850. BURROUGHS. 85 Bunker Hill battle (continued). Fellows, Notice of Swett s sketch of battle, 1843. Frothingham, Battle of, 1849. Humphreys Putnam s Life, 1818. Knickerbocker Mag , 1841, Sketch of. Packard, Hist, of Monument, 1853. Panoramic view from. Putnam, Phalanx. Swett, S., Hist, of, 1827. Webster, D., Oration, 1825. See Charlestown, Mass. Buuscn, C. C. J. Life of, 1868. Bunting, II. S. Memoir of, 1837. Bunyan, J. Cheever, Lect. on Pilgrim s Progress, etc., 1845. Ivimey, Life of. Buonaparte. See Bonaparte; Napoleon. Burdett, Sir F. Adam, W., Speech on. Erskine, Opinion of. Bare. Cl. De. Rive, Chasse aux Bibliog. 1788, 89. Burges, T. Bowen, H. L., Memoirs of, 1835. Burgess, T. & D. Family memorial, 1865. Burgess, T. Lear, F., Sermon on. Bnrghley, Lord. Nares, E., Memoirs of administration, 1828. Burgoyne, J. Brief Examination, 1779. Burgoyne, Gen. J., btate of the Ex- ped., 1780. " Letter, 1779. " Reply to letter, 1779. " Letter on the exped., 1780. " Speeches, 1778. " Orderly Book, 1797. Mun- sell s Hist. Ser., 7. Burk, J. D. Campbell, C., Life of. Burke, E. Correspondence, 1744-97. Bisset, R., Life of, 1800. B. C. Leadbeter papers. McCormick, C., Memoirs of, 1797. Miles, W. A., On Letter of, 1796. Pamphlets containing answers to, vol. 754. Philo-Theodosius, Character of, 1770. Priestley, Letters to, on France, 1791. Prior, J., Life of, 1825, 54. Second Thoughts on Letters to Bristol, 1777. Burlesque. See Humor. Burlington, Vt. First Cong. Church, Jubilee, 1867. Tngersoll, G. G., Address 1st Cong. Soc., 1844. Burlington Coll., N. J. Doane, G.W., Lecture on, 1848. P. 286. Burmah. Griffith, W., Travels in, 1847. Malcom, H., Travels inS.E. Asia, 1839. Thevenot, Relations, v 1. See India; China; Asia (South). Burnet, Bp. Braddon, L., Burnet s Hist. on Arthur, Earl of Essex, 1725. Edwards, J., On an Exposition by, 1 792. Gregory, Preface to History (Swift), 1713. P. 340. Higgons, Remarks on. Unmet, Jacob. Fisher, S. W., Sermon on, 1853. P. 268. Burney, C. Arblay, F. B. d Mem. of, 1832. Burnham family. Geneal., 1869. Burnham, A. Noyes, D. J., Fun. disc. Burnham, 31. C. Tompkins, I., Sermon on. Burns, A. Bowditch, Rendition of. Stevens, C. E., History of, 1856. Burns, R. Carlyle, T., Life of. Chambers, R., Life of, 1851-2. Cunningham, A., Life and land of, 1841. Kingsley, C., Essays. Bumside, A. Woodbury, A., Ninth army corps. Burr, Rev. A. Livingston, W., Eulo- giutn on, 1758. Burr, A. Adams, J. Q., "Report on J. Smith, associate, 1808. Cheetham, Letters on his defection, 1803. P. vol. 17. Clark, D., Proofs against Wilkinson, 1809. Clinton, Letters of Marcus, 1810. Daveis, President s conduct, 1807. Davis, M. L., Memoirs of, 1836. Examination of charges against. P. vol. 22. Knapp, S. L.. Life of, 1835. Narrative of the suppression, 1802. Parton, J., Life of, 1858. Safford, W. H., Life of Blennerhassett, 1853. " Blennerhassett papers. Victor, Hist, of Am. conspiracies. View of the pol. conduct of, 1802. Wood, J., Full exposition, 1802. See Law Library. Burrillville, R. I. Reach, Description of. Burritt, E. Thoughts and things, etc., 1854. Burroughs, Stephen. Memoirs, 1798. 86 BURTON. Burton, J. Benthara, E., De Vita, 1771. Bulteel, Reply to, 1813. Burton, R. Anat. of melancholy and life. Burton, T. Diary, 1656-59. Bushiiel , H. Association of Fairfield, ! 1852. Contributions of C. C., 1849. Pond, E., Review of, 1849. Turnbull, R., His theories, 1849. What does Dr. B. mean? 1849. P.v.65. Business. See Elocution; Meetings; Officers. Busteed, R. Charges Against. P. 1872. Butchers. Bizet, Du Commerce de la Boucherie, 1850. France, Anim. de Boucherie, 1849, 51. ! See Cattle. Butler, B. F., of Mass. Parton, Life i of. Pierrepont, Review of, 1865. Butler, B. F., of N. Y. Fun. Address, I 1859. P. 1858. Mackenzie, Life of, 1845. B. C. Butler, Charles. Reminiscences. Le Mesurier, Answer to, 1813. Nightingale, Fun. Serm. 1855. P. 555. Butler, D. Doane, Bp., Sermon on, 1842. Butler, F. A. K. Keinble, Fanny, in America, 1885. P. v. 76. Residence on a Georgia Plantation, 1838-9. Butler, J. Genealogy of. Butler, James, Duke of Ormond. i Carte s Coll. of Papers of, 1641-1660. j Butler, W. O. Blair, F. P., Life of. Butler Co., Ohio. McBride, Pioneer Biography. Buxton, Sir T. F. Memoirs, 1849. Biuney, T., Lecture on. Garwood, Fun. Sermon on. Byberry, I Vim. Comly, J., History of. Martindale, History of. Byng, Admiral. Past Twelve o clock, 1757. Byron, G. N., Lord. Blessington, Con versations, 1859. Byron, Letters and Journals, Moore. Byron, C., Life and genius of, 1840, Dallas, R. C., Recollections of, 1825. Gait, J., The Life of, 1830. Guiccioli, Recollections of, 1869. Hunt, L., Lord Byron and Contempo., 1828. Kennedy s Conversations with. Mackay, Medora Leigh, 1870. Byron, G. N., Lord (continued). Medwin, Jour, of Conversations with, 1821, 22. B. C. Moore, T., Life of, 1851. Murray, J., Notes on Medwin s Con versations with, 1824. Scott, W., Memoir of. Southey, R., Two Letters on, Essays, 1823. Stowe, H. B., Lady Byron vindicated. Trelawny, Recollections, 1858. Byron, Hon. John. Narrative of, 1768. Byzantine Empire. Finlay, Historyof. See Constantinople; Rome; Greece. C. Cabell, J. Bishop, R. H., Fun. Sermon. Cabot, G. Kirkland, J. T , Discourse on, 1823. Cabot, S. Biddle, R., Memoirs of, 1831. Hay ward, C., Life of, (Sparks). Nicholls, J. F., Life of, 1869. Cabul. Burnes, Journey to. Elphinstone, Account of the Kingdom, 1815, 1842. Eyre, Military operations at. Wood s Journey to sources of the Oxus. See Affghanistan. Cpdman, G. Woodhouse, Sermon on. Cadogun, W. B. Cooke, J., Five Let ters, 1797. Goode, W., Sermon on. Caesar, Julius. Cockburn, Route to Fr. Napoleon III, Hist, de Jules Cesar, 1865. " Hist, of Julius Caesar, 1866, Pinch, W., Death of. Rosseuw, Jules Cesar, 1866. Smith, W., Assassination of. Wainwright. J., Did he cross the Channel? 1869. Caesar, Sir J. Lodge, Life of. Cagliostro. Count. Life of, 1787. Cairo, 111. Long, H. C., Prospects of, 1850. Calamy, B. Sherlock, W., Serm. Fun. of, 1686. Calamy, E. My Own Life, 1671-1731. Calas, G. Voltaire, History of. Calcutta. Bengal Directory, 1824. Foster s Cab. Miscellany. Holwell, Narr. of the Black Hole. Life in India. St. Paul s Cathedral at. Caldwell, Charles. Autobiography. Coates, B. H., Biog. not., 1855. CALIFORNIA. 87 Caldwell, J. Miller, S., Address, Mon ument to, 1846. Calendars. Adams, Flowers, Birds, etc., of the Month. Descr. of Dial of the seasons. Howitt, Calendar of the Seasons. Times Telescope, 24 v. See Almanacs; Flowers. Calendars, Perpetual. See Chronology. Calhoun, John C. Life of. Carolina Tribute to. Jackson, A., Correspondence with, 1831. . Jenkins, J. S., Life of. Letters of Lowndes, 1843. Sketch of several, etc. U. S. Sen. Obit. Addreses, 1850. California. Bartlett, J. R., Nar. of explorations, 1854. Brooks, J. T., Four months in, 1849. Browne, J. R., Adventure in, 1863. Bryant, What I saw in, 1846, 47. Buache, Decouvertes, 1753. Buffum, E. G., Six months in the mines, 1847-49. Burriel, Hist. Nat. et civ. de, 1767. California Gold Regions. P. 500. California, its gold, etc., 1856. California State Register, 1859. Capron, E. S., History of, 1854. Chappe, Voyage en, 1769. Colton, W., Three years in, 1850. Cooke, P. St. G., March from Mexico to, 1848. Coulter, J., Adventures in, 1847. Coulter, T., Notes on, 1835. Coyner, The lost trappers. Cronise, History and geog. of, 1868. Cutts, J. M., Conquest by U. S., 1846, 1847. Disturnell, Guide to, 1849. Duflot de Mofras, Exploration de,1840. Emory, Mil. Recon. from Miss, to Cal., 1846-48. Farnham, T. J., Travels in the Cal., 1844. P. 179. Ferris, Finan. econ. of U. S., 1867. Forbes, A., Hist, of upper and lower, 1839. Foster, G. G., Gold region of, 1848. Fremont, Exploring expedl., 1848, 49. " Notes of Travel in, 1849. Gerstaoker, Travels, 1850. Golden dreams, 1853. Greeley, H-, Overland journey, 1859. Greenhow, Geography of, 1845. P. 179. Harris, J. M., Paper, M d Hist. S.Coll. Hittel, Mining in, 1861. " Resources of, 1863. California (continued). Homes, California 100 years since,1870. Hughes, J. T., Account of, 1848. Johnson, T. T., Sights in the gold region, 1849. Kelley s Narrative, 1852. Kelly, W. J. P., Excursion to. over Prairie, 1851. King, T. B., Report on, 1850. Kip, L., California Sketches, 1850. Knight, Hand-book for 1862. 64. L Isle, Nouvelles cartes, 1753. Marryatt, Mountains and molehills, 1855. Murieta, Life of, 1854. Mysteries of California, 1850. Notes on California, 1850. Parkman, California trail, 1849. Randolph, E., Add , History of, 1860. Raymond, Mineral resources, 1869. Revere, Lieut., Tour of duty in, 1849. Robert, Obs. critiques, 1753. Robinson, A., Life in, 1846. Robinson, F., California and gold re gion, 1849. Rovings in the Pacific, 18^7-49. Ryan, W. R., Personal adventures, 1848-49. San Francisco, Munic. reports, 1863-66. Scenes in Rocky Mountains, etc., 1846. *Seward, W. H., Admission of, 1850. Shelvocke, Voyages, 1719-22. Schuck, California scrap-book, 1869. Sitgreaves, Expl. Colorado river, 1853. Stillman, J. D. B., Diseases of Sacra mento Valley, 1851. Stockton, R. F., Life of, 1856. Taylor, B., Eldorado, 1850. Taylor, W., Life in, 1858. Thornton, J. Q., Oregon and Calif., 1848. Tyson, J. L., Diary of physician in, 1850. Tyson, P. T., Geol. and industrial resources of, 1851. U. S-, Pacific R. R. Reports, 1853-54. Van Voorhies, Orat. Soc. of Cal. Pio neers, 1853. P. 88. Venegas, Noticia de la Cal., 1739. " Nat. and Civil Hist. of,1759. Wilkes, C., Western America, 1849. Willard, E., Last Leaves of Am. Hist., 1849. Woods, D. B., Sixteen months at the Diggings, 1851. See Rocky Mountains; Oregon. California, Congressional Debates on. Alston, \V. J., Speech, 1850. Baldwin, R. S., Speech, 1850. Bennett, H., Speech, 1850, CALIFORNIA. California, Congressional Debates on (continued). Benton, T. H., Speeches, 1849, 50. Clarke, C., Speech on, 1850. Hall, W. P., Speech on, i860. King, J. A., Speech, 1850. McLane, R. M , Speech, 1850. Morse, I. E., Speech, 1850. Mullin, J., Speech, 1849. Spaulding, Speech on, 1850. Thurston, S. R., Speech, 1852. Winthrop, R. C., Speech, 1850. See Compromise Measures. Calisthenics. See Gymnastics. Calixtus, G. Dowding, Life of. Calvados, France. Annuaire, 1839, 1840, 48. Calvert, G. Kennedy, J. P., Discourse of the life of. P. 22. Calvert, L. Burnap, Life of, (Sparks). Calvin, J. Audin, Histoire de la vie de, 1843. " History of the Life of. B.C. Beza, T., Life of, 1836. B. C. Burgess,. S., Pol. Principles of. Calvin, J., Letters. Henry, P., Life of. Merle d Aubigm -, Hist, de la Reforma tion of J. Calvin. Waterman, Memoirs of, 1813. B. C. Calvinism. Catton, Mercy and Repro bation. Contrast between, 1824. Contrast with Christianity and C. Dialogue, 1786. Dickinson, M., Inquiry, 1750. Ely, Cal. and Hopkinsianism. Emmons, E., Hopkinsian-Calvinism. Gill, J-, Cause of God. Hill, R., Finishing Stroke, 1773. Holcombe, Defence of, 1818. Horsley, S., Polit. Principles of, 1790. Hunter, J., Calvinism of Ch. of Eng., 1841. P. 327. Huntington, J., Calvinism improved, 1796. Knight, W. B.. Considerations on, 1822. Nichols, J., C. and Arminianism. Osgiod, S., Three Letters. Pearson, E., Remarks on. Remarks on Two Particulars, 1811. Reply to Academicus, 1803. Rouquet, 17th Art. of C.^of Eng. Ryland, J., Writings. Smith, D. D., False Testimony. Cambaceres, Langon, Evenings with, 1837. Cambodia. Mouhot, Travels in, 1859. rain In ai. See Bibliography. Cambridge, Mass. Adams, G., Direc tory, 1848. Harris, T. W., Epitaphs from Burying Ground, 1845. Holmes, A., History of. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Hoppin, Hist. Christ Church. N. Eng. Hist. Register, July, 1871. Newell, W., Hist. Discourse, 1846. See Harvard University; Mt. Auburn. Cambridge, Eng. Brown, J., Sixty Years Gleanings, 1859. Cambridge Univ. Hist., 1721. Concise Descr., 1790. Cooke s Topog. Lib. Frend, W., Proceedings against him, 1893. Fuller, T., History of, 1840. Halliwell, The Rarities of, 1841. Lekeux, Buildings of Univ. and Town, 1845. New Cambridge guide, 1804. P. v. 1573. Cambridge University, Eng. Beverly, "Corrupt State of, 1833. Browne, T., Exam, of Calumnies. Cambridge University, 1790. Cooper, AtheneeCantabrigienses, 1500- 1586. Dyer, Hist, of the Univ., 1814. " Academic Unity, 1827. Everett, W., On the Cam, 1869. Inquiry into the Rightof Appeal, 1751. Maiden, King s College. Miller, On Trinity College, 1710. Opinion of an Em. Lawyer, 1751. Remarks on the actual, 1830. Remarks on the Enorm. Expense, 1788. See Bibliography. Cambridgeshire, Eng. Beauties of Eng. and Wales. Cooke s Topog. Library. Cambridgeport, Mass. Stearns, W. A., Sermons, 1852, 54. Camden, Me. Chase s Hist. Disc., 1855 . Locke, J. S., History of. 1859. Camden, N. J. Fisler, History of. Camden and Amboy Railroad Co. Reports and Pamphlets on. Camel. Marsh, G. P V The Camel, 1850. Savi, Delia vescica, 1824. Camoens, L. de. Adamson, Memoirs of. Camp, II. W. Trumbull, II. C., Life of, 1865. Campan, Mme. Maigne, Journal anec- dotique de, 1825. CANADA. 89 Campaigns. Gleig, Light Dragoon, 1852. Guillcmard,-Adven. of a Fr. Sergeant, 1805-23. See Battles; Sieges. Campbell Family. House of Argyll. Campbell, Alex. Jennings, 0., Debate on, 1832. Rice, N. L., Rise of Campellism. Stiles, J. C., Letter to. Campbell, Arch. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Death of, 1856. Campbell, D. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Death of, 1851. Campbell, G. Detection of the Dan gerous, 17^1. Campbell, Sir J. Autobiography. Campbell, J. N. Memorial of, 1864. Campbell, J. W. Sketches of. Campbell, Thos. Beattie, W., Life and Letters of, 1850. Irving, W., Life of, 1841. Campion, New Ilamp. Centen. Cele bration. Canaan, Me. Hanson, Historyof, 1849. Canada, History and Politics. Ac count of Proceedings at Quebec, 1775. Anderson, D., Canada, Importance of, 1814. Apology for Great Britain, 1809. Barnard, D. D., Of the Caroline, 1841. Barthe, Canada Reconquis, 1855. Beauclerk, Mil. operations in, 1839. Beyard, Actions of the French at Can ada, 1693. Bibaud, Hist, de, sous la France, 1837. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist, du, 1852. Brief von einem Herrn, 1795. British American League, 1849. Brooks, J., Speech, Reciprocity, 1850. Brown, J. B., Views of, 1851. Bury, Exod. of the Western Nations, 1864. Canada, Various Public Documents, 1850-67. Canadian Freeholder, 1777-79. Cavendish, Parl. Debates, 1774. Christie, Hist, of Lo. Canada, 1848-53. Climax of Protection, 1836. Consid. on the importance of, 1759. Creuxius, Hist. Canadensis, lib. x, 1656. Dessaulles, L Annexion aux EtatsUnis. 1851. P. 503. Dreuillette, Recueil, 1648. Drew, Colored Fugitives in, 1856. Duane, W., Canada and Continental Congress, 1850. P. 504. 12 Canada, History and Politics (con tinued). Dunkin, Discours, sur les droits des seigneurs, 1833. " Address, of, Seignories, 1853. Dussicux, C. sous la domination Fran- yaise. Ferland, Hist, du, 1534-1663. Garneau, Histoire du Canada, 1845. " History of. Bell, 1866. Gaspe, P. A.De, The Canadians of old, 1865. Gerin, Catechisme politique, 1851. Glenelg, Dispatches to Sir F. B. Head, 1839. Great Britain: Canada, 1839. P. 1103. Grece, Facts respecting, 18 9. Haliburton, Bubbles of Canada. Heriot, History of Canada to 1804. Hogan, J. S., Canada, An Essay, 1855. Hough, Statist, of Population, 1857. How I came to be Governor in, 1852. Journal Exped., du St. Laurent, 1759. Journal of Education, 1848-69. Justice and Policy of Parl t, 1774. Kennedy, Sir J. S , Mil. defence of, 1865. Kierzkowski, Seignorial tenure in, 1852. La Potherie, Histoire du, 1722. Laroche-Heron, Communautes Relig. des Fernmes, 1855. Le Clercq, Relation de la Gasperie, 1691. Le Moine, Maple Leaves. Three series. Lesearbot, Hist, de la nouvelle,France, 1609. Little, 0., Trade in the Northern Colonies, 1748. Lyon, C., Wright s Narrative, battle of Prescott, 1844. Maseres, Proceedings of Protestants in, 1775. Morgan, H. J., Sketches of celeb. Canadians, 18 2. Narrative of Occurrences, 1817. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., ser. 2, vol. 3. O Callaghan, Relations des Jesuites, 1850. Official Documents, war of 1759-60. Pamphlets relating to Canada, vols. 12, 143, 503, 567, 1265, 1660-61. Parkman, F., Pioneers of France in New World, 1865. Jesuits in North Am., 1867. " Hist, of conspir. of Pontiac, 1851, 70. . Perrault, Abrege de 1 histoire de,1833- 1843. Political and Hist, account of, 1830. Present State of, 1787. Ramcau, La France aux Colonies, 1859. 90 CANADA. Canada, History and Politics (con tinued). Relations des Jesuites, 1611-72. Relations, 1696-1702. Review of Leg. proceed., 1831. Roebuck, J. A., Existing difficulties in, 1836. P. 12. Roy, Hist, of, for schools, 1850. Roger, C., Rise of . ... to Wealth, 1856. Russell, W. H., Defences of. Sagard, Histoire du C., 1615. St. Alban s Raid, 1864. St. Valier, Estat de 1 eglise de la Nou- velle France, 1688. Scrope s life of Lord Sydenham, 1844. Sewell, J., Jurid. hist, of France in Canada, 1824. Short, Gesta Americana. Siege of Quebec, 1759. Sillery, Etudes Biog. sur, 1855. P. 254. Smith, W-, Hist, to 1791. Smyth, Wars in, 1755-1814. Soc. litt. et hist, de Quebec, 1838-43. Stone, E. M., Invasion of, in 1775. Tache, J. C., Esquisse (economiste) sur le Canada, 1855. Th6vet, La France antarctique, 1558. Urquhart, Case of M Leod, 1841. Walker, Sir H., Late exp. to Canada, 1720. Warburton, Conquest of Canada, 1850. See Jesuit Missions; North America; British Colonies; Nova Scotia; United States. Canada, Travels in. Albert, Prince, Tour, 1860. Beavan, Visit to Indian missions, 1846. Bigsby, The Shoe and the Canoe, 1850. Bonnycastle, Canada in 1846. Bouchette, Brit. Dom. in N. Am., 1832. " Descr. of Lower and Upper, 1815. Buckingham, Travels in, 1843. Canada : Crown Lands Commr s Maps, 1857. Canada and the Colonists, 1844. Canada in 1849. Canadian Guide Book, 1849. Canadian Tourist, 1856. Carroll, C., Visit to, 1776. Cartier, Voyages, 1534-35. Champlain, Voy.de la Nouvelle France, 1632. " ffiuvres, 6 v., 1869. Charlevoix, Voy. to North Am., 1761. Crespel, Voyage dans le Canada, 1742. De Veaux, Traveler s own book, 1843. Diereville, Voyage de 1 Acadie, 1710. Duncan, J. M., Travels in, 1818. Everett, Journey through, 1855. Canada, Travels in (continued). Excursion through, 1823. Ferguson, Tour in Canada, 1834. Foster, V., Guide to Emigrants. Einan, Voyage to Quebec, and war of 1812, 13. Gait, J., The Canadas, 1836. Gray, H., Letters from Canada, 1806. Griffin, C., Letter on his miss y labors, 1828. P. 143. Hall, F., Travels in Canada "and the U. S., 1818. Harmon, Voyage, 1820. Head, Sir F. B., The Emigrant, 1847. " A Narrative, 1839. Henry, A., Travels in, and the Indian territories, 1760-76. Heriot, G., Travels through the Cana das, 1807. Howison, Sketches of Upper Canada, 1822. Hunter, W. S., Ottawa Scenery, 1855. " East. Townships Seen., 1860. Button, W. Guide to, 1853. Jameson, Mrs., Rambles in, 1839. Johnston, J. F. W., Notes on North America, 1851. Kingston, W. H. G., Western Wander ings, 1856. Lambert, J., Travels through, and the U. S., 1806-8. Landmann, Adventures of, 1852. Lanman, Tour to the Saguenay, 1848. Le Beau, Avantures; descr. du Can ada, 1738. Lillie, Canada, Physical, etc., 1855. Mackay, C., Life in America, 1857-8. Mackay, Stranger s Guide to, 1854. Mackenzie, E., Descr View of, 1819. Mackenzie, W. L., Sketches of, 1833. Mactaggart, Three Years in Canada, 1826-28. Magrath, Letters from Upper Canada, 1833. Marryatt, Settlers in Canada. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., V. 1. Milton, Viscount, N. W. Passage by land, 1865. Monts, De, Descr. of New France, 1604. Moodie, Mrs., Roughing it in the Bush, 1852. Morris, A., Can. and Resources, 1855. Murray, A., Letters from, 1856. Notes upon Canada, 1832-40. Oliphant, Minnesota and, 1855. Preston, T. R., Residence in, 1837-39. Prevost, Gen., Public Life in the Can adas, 1823. Richardson, Major, Eight Years in, 1847. CANALS. 91 Canada, Travels in (continued). Russell, Red River Country, 1869. Ryerson, Missionary Tour, 1855. Sagard, Voyage du Pays des Hurons, 1630. Sansora, J., Sketches of Lower Canada, 1817. Sarrasin, M., Notes sur., 1856. P. 254. Selkirk, Red River Settlement, 1817. Sketches for Settling, 1822. Sleigh, Pine Forests, etc., 1853. Smyth, D. W., Top. descr. of Upper Canada, 1799. Smith, M., Description of 1813. Stoddard, Expedition to, 1851. Strachan, J., Visit to Upper Canada, 1820. Talbot, E. A., Five Years Residence in, 1824. Taylor, H., Journal of a Tour, 1840. Theller, Canada in 1837. Tunis, Guide, 1859. Viaggio di un Livornese, 1827. Weld, J., Travels through, 1855. See Geology. Canada: Registers and Statistics. Boucher, P., Productions de la nouvelle France, 1663. Bouchette, Diet, of Lower C., 1832. Buchanan, Industry of, 1864. Canada Census, 1851, 1861. Canada Directory, 1811, 1837, 57. Canada Dominion Directory, Lovell, 1871. Canada Year Book, 1867. Canadian Almanac, 1855. Caroline Almanac, 1840. Dunlop, W., Statist. Sketches of Up per, 1832. Exposition de 1855, Paris. Gazetteer of Upper C., 1813. Gourlay, Statist, acct. of Upper Can ada, 1822. Le Brun, T., Statis. des Canadas, 1835. Liste des Eveques, 1834. M Gregor, British America, 1832. Pamphlets on Canada Emigration, vol. 1265. Smith, D. W., Gazetteer, 1813. Smith, W. H., Canadian Gazetteer, 1846. Stewart, C., Eastern Townships, 1815. Sussex Emigrants, 1833. Trail!, Backwoods of. See Montreal; Quebec; Toronto. Canals* Armroyd, Internal Navig. of the U. S., 1830. Barlow on the Strain of Lock -Gates. Belgium, Canal Navigation, 1834-39. Canals (continued). Belly, Percement de Panama, 1858. Canada, Public Works, Reports on, 1851-65. Canada, St. Lawrence Navigation, 1856. Carey, M., Brief view of System of Penn a, 1831. Chapman, W., On Canal Navigation, 1797. Chesapeake and Del. Co. Reports, 1853, 55. Clinton, Hampshire Canal, Mass., 1828. Davis, C. H., luteroceanic C., 1867. Dearborn, H. A. S., Internal Improve ments West, 1839. Dehay, Canal des Pyrenees, 1834. Delaware and Raritan, N. J., Report, 1831, 56-58. Doin, Canal a la Garonne, 1835. Fox and Wisconsin Imp. Co., 1856. Frisi, On Rivers and Torrents, 1818, 61. Fulton, R., Canal Navigation, 1796. Gallatin, Report on Roads and Canals, 1808. * Genet, Address on Rivers and Canals, 1825. Georgian Bay Canal. History of Canals, 1779. Hist, of Canal Navigation in Penn a, 1795. History of Bridgewater s canal. Illinois and Michigan, 1847. Indiana Canal Co., 1856. P. 953. Iowa, Report on Des MoinesR. Keefer, The Canals of Canada, 1850. Kennebec Locks Co., Me., Rep., 1837. Lachine Canal, Docks, 1854. Lesseps, De 1 isthme de Suez. Letter to the Proprietors, 1785, Lond. Maryland, Report, 1825. Massachusetts, Canals from Boston to Conn. River, 1826. Memorial, Welland and Oswego, 1845. Molineau, Jonction du Danube au Rhin, 1836. New Jersey, Reports on, 1824, 56, 57. Ohio, Documents, 1828, 48. Pamphlets on Canals, vola. 145, 223, 477, 953, 1825, 1859. Penn a, Reports, 1854. Pennsylvania Soc., Report, 1826. Phillips, C., Hist, of Inland naviga tion, 1803. Philpotts, Canal nav. in Canada. Priestley, Hist, of Canals of G. B , 1831. St. Mary s Falls Ship Canal Co., 1858. Sandy and Beaver Co., 1835. Schuylkill Nav. Comp. Report, 1840, 54, 56. 92 CANALS. Canals (continued). Shriver, Canais to Ohio river. Strickland, W., Reports on, 1826. Stuart, C. B., Niagara Ship Canal, 1854. Sullivan, J. L., Inland Nav. to Boston, 1813. Susquehanna Comp. Report, 1846, 52. Tanner, Descr. of Canals of U. S., 1840. Treatise on Internal Navigation, 1808. Union Canal of Phila., Report, 1856. U. S., Canal at Panama, 1829. W abash and Erie Reports. Canals of France. P. v. 1001. Canals of New York. Beardsley, S., Opinion, 1851. Campbell, A., Reports on Erie, 1836. Clark, L., Speech, 1846. Considerations Against Continuing, 1819. Delaware and Hudson Rep., 1831-59. Eaton, M., Five Years on, 1845. Evening Post, Hist., of Policy, 1849. Foote, J. J., Chenango Canal, 1859. Genesee Valley Canal, 1855. Hatch, I., Canal Contracts, 1852. Hawley, J., Enlargement of Erie C. Internal Improvements of, Flagg. MeAlpine, Ship Canal from Albany, 1853. McMurray, W., Completion of, 1843. Memorial, Canal Enlargement, 1857. Memorial, Welland and Oswego, 1845. N. Y., Canal Appraisers Reports, 1856-62. State Eng rs Rep., 1856-69. " Reports, etc., 1817-55. " Report, Niagara Ship Canal, 1864. Niagara Ship Canal, 1854, 63. Pamphlets on the Canals of N. Y., v. 3, 7, 223, 1233. B. C., v. 9. Pamphlets on Canal Tolls, Pam. v. 1248. Ruggles, Canal Policy of, 1838, 1849. Sweet, History of N. Y. Canals, 1863. Sweet s Reports, 1859-66. Troup, Canal Policy of, 1821. Van Horn, B., Speech, 1859. Watson, E., Progress of Western Ca nals, 1788-1819. West, The, Vindicated, 1842. Western and Nor. Lock. Nav. Comp. 1796. Western Inland Lock Nav. Co., 1792. Williams, J. B., Speech, 1853. See Erie Canal. Canaries Is. Bethencourt, Decouverte et Conqueste des, 1630. Canaries Is. (continued). Glas, Hist, of Conquest of, 1764. Ledru, Voy. aux iles de Teneriffe, 1796 98. Candia. Du Cros, Siege deCandie, 1669. Strangford, Selected Writings, 1869. Ville, Voyages et Siege de, 1669. Woodford, Speech on Crete, 1868. See Greece. Candia, N. H. Eaton, F. B., History of. Candolle, De. Martius, On the Life of. Canning, G. Bell, R., Life of, 1820. Canning, G., Sketch of, 1828. Biog. of, 1827. Grand Vizier Unmasked, 1827. Hobhouse, J. C., Letter to, and his answer, 1818. Stapleton, A. G., Life of, 1831. Canot, Capt. Mayer, Twenty Years of an African Slaver, 1854. Canova, A. Flaxman, Address, Death of, 1838. Quatremere de Quincy, Mem. sur la vie de, 1834. Cantal, France. Annuaire, 1817. Canterbury, Eng. Guides. P. v., 1787. Pullen s Guide, 1840. Canton, Conn. Phelps, N. A., History of, 1642-1845. Cape Ann, Mass. Babson, History of. Cape Breton. Importance of, 1746. Cape Cod, Mass. Freeman, History of, 1863. Mass., Harbor of, 1857. Palfrey, Hist. Discourse, 1839. Thoreau, Cape Cod, 1865. See Barnstable. Cape de Verde Is. Major, Life of Prince Henry. Capellen, J. v.d. Bergh.,Nagedagtens, 1784. Van Der Kemp, Der Admissie, 1785. Capello, B. Siebenkees, Life of. Cape of Good Hope. Adderley, State ment, 1851. Cape of Good Hope, 1851. Almanac, 1853. Donkin, Government of, 1827. Hawes, W., Description of 1859. Keith, G. M., Voyage to, 1819. Thunberg, Voyage, 1795. See Africa, South. Capital Punishment. Anti-Draco.... of Forgery, 1830. Armstrong, L., Ten Lectures on, 1848. CAKIBEE IS. 93 Capital Punishment (continued). Bascom, A., Sermon, Execution of Converse, 1788. Eerg, J. F., Plea for, 1846. Bond, et al. Speeches, 1849. Boston, Exec, of Magee, 1859. Bowdler, C., Cap. Pun. for forgery. Brief Statement, 1844. Cabanis, De laGuillotine. Cheever, Defence of, 1846. Christmas, H., C. P. unsanctioned, 1846. Cogswell, J., Necessity of. Cooper, J. P., Speech 1860. Crocker, W. R., Speech, N. Y., 1860. Cuyler, C. C., Sermon on, 1842. Dodd, W., Sermon on. Dole, B., Exam, of Rantoul, 1837. Duffield, Divine Law for, 1848. Dyinond, A. H., On Debate in H. of Commons, 1856. Dymond, J., On Cap. Pun. Great Britain, Debate, H. of Lo*rds, 1816. " Report on Capital Punishment. Pamph lr 15. Greenacre, Execution of H. Brown. Grove, G., Authority for, 1849. Haughton, A paper on, 1850. Hinton, J., Exec, of T. Davis. Lett, T., To the People, 1859. Love W., Serm., Exec, of Fonton, 1790. McLeod, Ordinance of God. Mayo, A. D., Death Penalty, 1855. Mittermaier, Treatise on, 1865. Montagu, B., Punishment of Death. Myrick, J., Confession, 1755 Neate, Considerations on, 1857. Newton, W., \Abolition of, 1850. New York, Reports, 1846, 51, 60. Objections to, 1835. Ohio, Report by Ward, 1853. Sullivan, Report for Abolition of, 1841. Pamphlets on, v. 539, 854, 954. Pengilly. R , Exec, of J. O Neil. Pennsylvania, Gov. Mess., 150. Phillips, Vacation Thoughts, 1858. Piggott, S., Exec, of Thurtell. Polidori, On the Punishment of Death. Powers, M., Execut. of, 1820. Richmond, My Concise opinion, etc., 1847. P. 72. Richmond, J., Petition on, 1855. Ripley, E., Sermon on an Execution, 1799. Romilly, Observations on, 3813. Rowe, W.S., Sermon on, 1851. Capital Punishment (continued). Rush, B., Essay on, 1793. Rutherford, Laws of God. Sanson,Sept generations d Executeurs. Sawyer, Appeal on, to Ohio, 1855. Society for Information, etc , 1831. Strang, Execution of, 1827. Strictures on the Right of. Pam r, 3. Strong, N., Serm.. Execution of R. D., 1797. P. 554. Taylor, J. S., Comparative view, 1831. Taylor, T. A., Bible View, 1850. Thayer, I., Execution of, 1825. P. 361. Van Horn, Speech, N. Y., 1860. Waterbury, Speech, I860. Watkin, Reply to Phillips, 1858. Wells, P., Execution of, 1 749. P. 266. Williams, J., et al. Confessions of. Wright, H. C., Man-killing wrong, 1841, P. 97. See Prisons; Crime. Cappe, Mrs. C. Memoire, 1824. Cappe, N. Discourses and Memoir, 1818. Wood, W., Sermon. Capron, B. Family Geneal., 1859. Caraccas. Depons Travels, 1801-4. Flinter, Hist, of Revolution of, 1819. Poudenx, Hist, de la Revolution de, 1814. See Venezuela. Carafas, The, of Mnddaloni. Reumont, Naples, 1854. i Caramania. Beaufort, Survey of Coast. r a run MII*. M. A. V. De Peyster, Hist. of, 1858. Carbonari. Mem. of the Secret Soc. See Secret Societies. Cardano, G. Morley, Life of. Cardiff Giant. History of, 1869. Cards, Playing. Chatto, Facts on Hist. of, 1848. Jansen, Origine de la Gravure, 1808. Leber, Cat. de la Bibliotheque de, 1829. Peignot, Recherches sur, 1826. See Engraving ; Typography. Carew, B. F. Life of. i Carey, A. Haight, Letter on Ordination of. Seabury, S., Sermon on. j Carey, M. Autobiog. Sketches, 1829. New Eng. Mag., vol. 5, Life of. Caribee Is. Caribbeana, 1741. Davies, Hist. of. See West Indies. 94 CARICATURES. Caricatures. Album pour rire. B., H., Political Sketches, 1830-38. Gillray, J., Works. Grose, Rules for Drawing. Hogarth s Prints. Spain Vindicated. Wright, T., Account of Gillray s Works, 1851. " Hist, of Caric. under House of Hanover, 1348. Carleton, Sir Dudley. Letters, 1615-20. Carlile, Rich. Marriott, J., On his Trial, 1819. Carlyle, A. Autobiography, 1861. Carlyle, T. Blackwood v. Carlyle, 1850. Brimley, Essays ; 1868. Carmichael, Dr. Gordon, W. B., Re buke of. Carnahan, J. Macdonald, Serm. on. Caro, Annibale. Lettere. Caroline, Queen. Character of. Diary, with original Letters of, 1838, 1839. Gadsby, W., Serm., of Marriage, 1820. Guernsey, Countess of, Confessions. Home, M., Crisis of England, 1820. Huish, Life of. Reply of the People, 1821. Wilks, J., Memoirs of, 1822. Caroline Matilda, of Denmark. Keith s Memoirs. Caron, R. E. Draper, W. H. Corres pondence with, 1846. P. 503. Carpentry. Builders Dictionary, 1734. Bury, Modeles de, 1855. Nicholson, P., Carpenters Ass t, 1815. " " New Guide, 1818. Tredgold s Carpentry, 1837. See Architecture; Arts; Building. Carr, Sir J. My Pocket Book. Carriages. Adams, W. B., English Plea sure Carriages, 1837. Cook s Catalogue, N. Haven. Carrickfergus, Ireland. M Skimin, Hist, of, 1811. Carroll, C. Sergeant, J., Eulogy on, 1832. P. 268. Carroll, J. Brent, J. C., Biog. Sketch of, 1843. Carson, Mrs. A. History of, 1822. Carson, C. Peters, Adventures of, 1858. Carson, f J. Revealer of Grievances, 1811. Carter, Mrs. E. Letters to Mrs. Mon tague, 1755-1800. " Poems and Life. Pennington, Memoirs of. Carthage. Perry, A., Carthage and Tunis, 1869. Carthagena. Journal of the Expedition to, 1744. P. 131. Account of Expedition, 1743. New Granada Canal Co., 1855. Cartier, J. Voyages au Canada, 1534-6. Cartwright, Edmund. Life of. Cartwritrht, John. Cartwright, P. D., Life of, 1826. Cartwright, Rev. P. Autobiography, 1856. Carver, Capt. J. Centenary, 1867. Cary, H. F. Gary, H., Memoirs, 1847. Cary, Lott. Gurley, R. R., Life of, 1839. Cary, R., Earl of Monmouth. Mem., 1808. Allestree, Sermon, Defeat of, 1685. Interest of the Three Kingdoms, 1680. Cary, T. Andrews, G., Sermon on, 1808. Casault, L. J. Larue, Eloge de. Case, I. Thurston, D., Sermon on. Cashmere. Hiigel, Travels in. See Himalaya Mts. Casio, A. Life of, 1846. Caspian Sea. Holmes, W. B., Sketches of, 1845. Hanway, J., Acct. of Caspian trade, 1753. Hommaire de Hell, Travels. Cass, L. Jarvis, R., Facts and Argu ments, 1848. Schoolcraft, H. R., Outlines of the life of, 1848. Smith, W. L. G., Life of, 1856. Young, W. T., Sketch of, 1852. Cassano, Duke of. Dibdin, Bib. Spen- ceriana, vol. 7. Caste. Bowers, Prize essay on Hindu caste. Muller, Chips from a German, 1867. Small, Mythol. and castes. Tappan, L., Letters on. Castle, A. L. Armstrong, R., Sermon on, 1841. .Castleman, M. A. M Chord, Serm. on. Castlcreagh, Mar. of Londonderry. Letters. Castorland, N. Y. Stephens, W. H., Notes, 1868. Castriot, G. Moore, C. C., Life of, 1850. Casuistry. Casus Conscientiae, 1749. Catalogues of Academies. See Acade mies. CAVOUR. 95 Catalogues of Books. Pamphlets, vols. 212, 602, 1218, 1679. B. C., 38, 39, 40. And * separate seriea under Catalogues, vols. 1 to 97. See Bibliography. Catalogues of Colleges. See Colleges. Catchpole, M. Cobbold, History of. Catechisms. Baker, On Assembly s Cat. Bray, T., Baptismal covenant, 1704. Buckle, William, C. from Common Prayer, 1807. Butler, J., C. of Ireland. Catech. Manual, 1853. Chatel, Catechisme, 1833. Clark, R. W., On doct. of Christianity. Cogswell, W., Theol. class-book. Douay Catechism. Dubourg, Cat. of Louisiana. Emdre, Catechismus, 1787. Evan. Luth. Ch. Cat., 1855. Haeghoort, KetenderWaarheden,1738. Henry, M., Scripture Cat., 1714. Johnson, S., Short catechism. Jones, C. C., For colored persons, 1837. Key to the Assem. catechism. Law, E., Necessity of, 17^57. Lingard, C. on Roman Cath. Church. Luther, M., Der kleine Catech. Molenaar, Melk uit de Catech., 1725. Nature of Catechizing, 1746. Newcomb, H., First question-book. Nowell, A., 1560, Parker Soc. Primitive Catechism, 1718. Princip. of Religion, 1726. Reddiiigius, Over den Heidelberg Cat., 106, 7. Rom. Cath. Ch. Catechism. Short Catechism, 1738. Smith, W., School catechist, 1834. Spener, Erklarung des Cat. Lutheri. Stanford, Catech. for Almshouse, 1819. Westminster Assem Cat., 1658. Cateriua, S. Caffarini, Vita di. Catherine de St. Augustin. Rague- neau, Vie de, 1671. Catherine II, of Russia. Memoirs of, 1859. Catherine II, Autobiog. Daschkaw, Princess, Memoirs, 1840. Tooke, W., Life of, 1798. Catlin, M. North, S., Sermon on. Catskill Mts. Rockwell, C., Descrip tions of. Scenery of. P. 77. See Hudson River. Cattle. Albany Co. Breeding Association, 1860. Cattle (continued). Austria, Elevage du betail. Azyr, Sur la Contagion, 1774. Bardonnet, Zootechnie, 1854. Bellamy, Vache Bretonne, 1857. Bushnan, Cent. Market, Lond., 1851. Camper, P., Lessen over de Veesterfte, 1769. P. 196. Complete Grazier, 1767. Bavy, Devon Herd Book. France, Agriculture, concours, 1853-55. Great Britain, Smithfleld Market, 1851. P. 404. Rowlin, Cow Doctor. Vink, Lessen over de Herkauwing, 1770. P. 196. See Animals. Cattle Plague. Conger, A. B., Rinder pest, 1867. Delafond, 0., Instruc. sur la Pleuro- pneumonia, 1840. * " Peripneumonie contagieuse, 1844. " Typhus de, 1856. Gamgee, Cattle Plague, 1857. Greenhow, Report, 1857. King, S., Sermon, 1750. Massachusetts, Report on Pleuro- pneumonia, 1860. N. Y. State Agric. Soc. Transactions, 1866. 67, 68. Parsons, J., Sermon, 1746. Snow, E. M., Address on, 1861. Caucasus. Hommaire de Hell, Le Cau- cause, 1845. " Travels in, 1847. Potocki, Voyage, 1829. See Russia ; Armenians ; Circassia ; Persia. Causes, Little. Smith, R., Lecture on. Caussidiere, M. Memoirs, 1848 Cavaliere, B. Piola, Elogio di, 1844. Cavalry. See Military. Caves. Buckland, Reliq. diluvianse, 1823. Davidson, R., Mammoth C. of Ken tucky, 1840. Jones, C., Wier s Cave, Va., 1815. Kercheval, Valley of Va., Wier s Cave. Knoepfel, Howe s Cave, Schoharie. McMurtrie s Louisville, Cave in In diana. Seely, Temples of Ellora, India, 1824. Cavendish, T. Edin. Cab. Lib., Life of. Cavour, C. B. di. Botta, V., Discourse on, 1862. Dicey, Memoir of, 1861. 96 CAXTON. Caxton, W. Dibdin, Bibl. Spencer, v. 4. " Typ. Antiq., v. 1. Knight, Biography of Caxton, 1844. Lewis, Life of, 1737. Library U. K., Life of. See Bibliography ; Typography. Cayenne. Aime, Deportation to Cayenne, 1800. Biet, Voyage en 1 Isle de Cayenne, 1652. Chautard, Escape from, 1857. Pitou, Voyaged, 1807. Prefontaine, Maison Rustique de, 1763. Vignal, Coup-d oeil sur, 1822. See Guyana. Cayuga Co., N. Y. Directory, 1868. Celibacy. Lea, H.C., Hist of Sacerdotal Celibacy. Cecil, Sir R. Correspon. (Camden Soc). Cecil, Sir W., Lord Burghley. Peck s Desiderata curiosa. Cellini, 11. Memoirs, 1823. Celtic Nations. Betham, Etruscan <fe Iberno-Celtic languages. Holtzmann, Kelten und Germanen. Logan, Scottish Gael, 1833. Prichard, Eastern origin of. Ritson, Celts or Gauls, 1827. Toland, Hist, of Celtic Religion. See Druids; Language; Ethnlogy. Cements. Davy, On artific. foundations, 1839. Dobson, Foundations and concrete, 1850. Higgins, Art of composing, 1780. Pasley, Observ. on, 1838. Sandusky Manufac. Comp. P. 298. Simms, F. W., Mastic of Seyssel,1838. Totten, On hydr. and common mortars. Vicat, Treatise on mortars, 1837. Wright s treatise, 1845. Cemeteries. Albany Rural Cemet. As sociation, Rules, 1846. Alden, T., Coll. of Amer. epitaphs, 1814. Barnard, D. D., Address. Bigelow, J., Hist Mt. Auburn, 1860. Bliss, G., Hist, of Springfield Cem. Boston Rural Cemetery, 1850. P. 237. Bridgman, T., Inscriptions at North ampton, et., 1850. Camden, Remaines, 1637. Clark, B., Kensal Green Cem. Clinton, N. Y., Addresses, It 57. P.478. Cochet, La Normandie Souterraine, 1854. Congdon, Address, Oak Grove. Dale Cerne. Rules. Cemeteries (continued). Erie Ceme Rules. Forest Hills, Roxbury, Reports, 1850- 1856. Forest Lawn, Buffalo, 1856. P. 478. Godwin, W., Essay on Supulchres,1809. Gosden, Churchyard Monuments. MS. Graceland Ceme. Rules Great Britain: Ceme., 1850. P. 478. Green Lawn Ceme. Green Mount, Baltimore, Rep., 1848. Greenwood illustrated, 1848. Greenwood Cemetery, 1850. Hints on interments, Phila. Kinnersley, Sepulchral curiosi., 1823. Laurel Grove x Ceine. Laurel Hill Ceme., 1854. London Necropolis, 1849. MacDonald, A. J., Monuments and gravestones, 1848. Muns. P. 9. Madden, Shrines and Sepulchres. Maliphant, Monuments. Malone, N. Y., Cemetery. Mayo, A. D., American Ceme., Disc., 1858. Memoir* of the dead, 1806. Mount Auburn illustrated, 1848. " Catalogue, 1857. Mount Vernon, Abingdon, Report, 1853. Muret, Rites of Funeral, 1683. Oakwood, Syracuse, 1^60. Pamphlets on, vols. 478, 955, 1662. Parr, S., Works, vol. 4, Inscript., 1828. Peabody, W. B. 0., Address. Pine Grove Ceme. Pittsfield, Mass., 1850. Poughkeepsie Ceme. Putnam, Add., Forest Hill Cemetery, 1848. River-side Cem., Gouverneur, N. Y., Rules, 1858. Rome, N. Y., Ceme. Roxbury, Report on, 1847, 56. Sargent, Dealings with the dead, 1856. Savage, Memorabilia. Spring Grove Cemetery. Stearns, J. F., Address. Story, J., Address, Mount Auburn. Troy Cemetery. Walker, H. D., Address, Mount Ver non, 1853. Weaver, Anc. Fun. Monuments. Woodlawn Cemetery, Chelsea, 1856. See Antiquities; Monuments; Epi taphs. Cenci, B. Whiteside s Italy. Notes and Queries, Jan. 1853. Censuses. See Statistics; Population. CHALMERS. 97 Central America. Baily, J., Central America, 1850. Byam, Wild Life in, 1849. Cassani, Historia de Granada, 1741. Catherwood s Views in Central Amer., 1841. Clayton Convention, 1850. Cockburn s Journey from Honduras, 1735. Coup-d ceil sur. P. 1001. Crowe, Gospel in. Cullen, Darien Canal. Davia, A., Antiquities of, 1841. P. 77. Douglas, S. A ., Speech on Treaty, 1853. Dunn, H., Guatemala, 1828. Edwards, B., Hist. West Indies, vol. 4, 1806. Gallatin, Indians of Central America. Geog. (Royal) Soc. Jour., vols. 3, 5, 11, 14, 15, 23. Gisborne, The Isthmus in 1852. Greytown, Bombardment of, 1854. Hale, J., Six Month s Residence in, 1826. Henderson, Account of Brit. Honduras, 1811. Hodgson, Account of Mosquito Terri tory, 1822. Hughes, G. W., Intermarine Commu nication, 1850. P. 103. Juarros, Histde laCuidadde, 1808-18. " Statist, and Comm. Hist, of, 1823. La Bastide, Passage de la Mer du Nord a la Mer du Sud, 1791. Memoire Statistique sur, 1840. Mexico and Guatemala, 1825. Molina, Costa Rica and N. Granada, 1853. Mosquito Kingdom. Oviedo, Histoire du Nicaragua. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1266. Pitman, Of a Ship Canal, 1825. Poyais, Const, de la Nation, 1825. Proposed Oceanic Commun. P. 258. Rio, Ruins near Palenque, 1822. Roberts, 0. W., Narrative of Voyage, 1827. Sampson, M. B., Cent. America, 1850. Sealsfield, Scenes in, 1852. Seward, W. H., Speech, 1856. Squier, E. G., The States of, 1858. " Authors on, 1861. " Mosquito Quest. Whig Rev., Feb., Mar., Nov., 1850. <f Nicaragua, and Interoceanic Canal, 1852. " Notes on Cent. Amer., 1855. " Dem. Review, Nov., Dec. ,1852. Stephens, John L., Incidents of Trav. in, 1841. 13 Central America (continued). Strangeways, Sketch of Musquito shore, 1822. Tempsky, Journey, 1853-5. Thompson, G. A., Official visit to Gua temala, 1829. Tomes, Panama in 1855. Trautwine, Interoceanic Canal, 1854. U. S. Cong. Docts., 1855, Mason s Report on Ruatan. United States, Documents, 1854. Velasquez, Mem. of an Expedition, 1850. Villagutierre, Conquista de el Itza, 1701. Wafer s Voy. to Isth. of Darien, 1699. Waikna, or Adven. in Musquito, 1855. Wells, W. V., Cent. Am. War, 1855. " History of, 1857. Young, T., Musquito shore, 1839-41. See Guatemala; Honduras; Grey- town; Nicaragua; New Granada. Central America Steamer. Mayo, A. D., A Discourse, 1857. Rogers, E. P., Discourse, 1857. Century Club. Constit. N. Y., 1858, 71. Gourlie, J. H., Origin of, 1856. P. 253. See Verplanck, G. C. Ceremonies, Religions. Ceremonies Religieuses, Picard, 1783. Rom. Cath. Church, Man. of Ceremo nies. Certosa. Visita alia Certosa, 1836. Ceylon. Baker, S.W., Rifle and Houndin. " Eight Years Wanderings . Baldaeus, Description of, 1670. Colombo Bible Society. Farrington, Speech on, 1851. Forbes, Maj., Eleven Years in Ceylon, 1841. Hoffmeister, Travels in, and Continen tal India, 1848. Marshall, H., Description and History, 1846. Pridham, C., Hist, and Polit. account of, 1849. Tennent, Account of, 1859. Upham, E., Sacred and Hist. Books of Ceylon. See India; Voyages, India. Chaldaea. Loftus, Researches in, 1849. Rawlinson, Hist, of five Monarchies, 1862-67. See Mesopotamia. Chalmers, T. Life of, Cummings. " Correspondence. Edwards, B. B., Discourse on. Hanna, W., Memoirs of, 1850-52. Sprague, W. B., Discourse on, 1847. 98 CHAMBERLAIN. Chamberlain, J. Letters of, Camden Soc. Chambersburg, Pa. Garrard, L. H., A Sketch of, 1856. Chamouni. Glover, S., Description of. Champlain,S.de. Oeuvres,Quebec, 1870. " Voyage, 1599. " Voyages and Life, Hakluyt Soc. Mercure Franfois, Voyages, 1605-44. Champlain, Lake. Butler, B. C., To 1759. Palmer, P. S., Hist, of, 1609-1814. Watson, W. C. Pioneer History of, 1863. SeeTiconderoga. Champlin, J. Early Biography, 1842. Champney Family Genealogy. Champney, S. Whitney, Sermon on. Chance. See Probabilities. Chandler, A. Lord, N., Discourse on, 1852. P. 214. Chandler, S. Amory, T., Serm., Death of, 1766. P. 381. Channing, W. E. Aspland Sermon on, 1842. Serm. v. 6. B. C. Aspland, R., Character of. Bellows, H. W., Discourse on, 1842. Channing, W. H., Memoir of, 1848. Gannett, Address on. Hall, E. B., Discourse on. Hawes, J., Sermon on. Hazard, R. G., Philosophical charac ter of, 1845. P. 44. B. C. Chapin family gathering, 1862. Chapin genealogy, 1862. Chapin, II. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Death of, 1854. Chaplains. Johnson, L. D., Chaplains, U. S. A., 1856. Johnson, L. D., Address, 1857. Wentworth, Speech, 1844. Chapman family geneal,, 1854. Chapman, M. A. Townsend, M., Ser mon on, 1846. Chapman, N. Jackson, S., Discourseon. Patterson, G. S., Ref. of Calumnies, 1830. P. 271. Chapone, Mrs. Letters and Life. Characters. Butler, S., Genuine Remains. Character of an Honest Man, 1683. Earle, Microcosmogvaphy, 1628. Edwards, J., A discourse on. Foxton, Char, of a Gentleman. Mantuan English d. Characters (continued). Phanatick, Char, of a Whig, 1681. Physiognomy, 1763. Wooden World Dissected, 1795. Charente Inferieure. Gautier, Statis- tique du, 1839. Charities and Charity Societies. Al bany Guardian Soc., 1851-55. Amer. Female Guard. Soc., Reports, 1849-55. P. 226. Belgium, Statist, des Liberalites, 1831 a 1849. Humane Institutions, 1851. Benev. Fraternity, Boston, 1835-70. Brougham, Abuses of, 1818. Buck, C., Sermon, 1816. Cabanis, Secours publics. Cappe, C., Charity Schools. Chandler, S., Sermon, 2 Cor. ix. 12, 1748. Charities of France, 1867. Childrens Aid Soc., N. Y., 1854-67. Church Char. Foundation, N. Y., 1854. Goodman, Sisterhoods of Ch. of Eng. Griscom, Memoirs of N. Y. Inst., 1859. Hanway, J., Naval free schools, 1783. " Marine Society, 1758, 75. Harris, S., Zaccheus. P. 616. Johnston, Charities of Frane, 1829. Kennott, Spital Sermon, 1719. Lovelass, P., Proposed plan, 1804. Madinier, H., Charite a Londres, 1862. Mass., Board of, 1865-67. Mather, C., Essays to do good. National Benev. Inst., 1854. Newest keepsake, 1839. N. Y., Report of State Com., 1869, 71. N, Y. City, Charities, 1860-66. Ohio, Rep. of Benev. Inst., 1854, 55. Osborne, S. G., Hints on, 1838. Pamphlets relating to Charity Socie ties, vols. 90 97, 232, 263, 472, 509, 627, 1487, 2508. Penit. Females Refuge, 1823. P. 509. Price, E. K., Speech, Penn a Legis., 1855. P. 206. Sarpi, P., Matters boneficiary, 1676. Soc. Pro. Chr. Knowledge, Sermons be fore, and Reports of, 1702-1859. Temporary Home, Boston, 1852. P. 509. Wake, Account of, 1716. Watts, I., Essay on, 1728. See Humane Societies; Orphans; Dis pensaries; Hospitals; Benevolent; Industrial Schools; Children. Charke, Mrs. Life of, 175^. Charlatanry. Mencke, De la Charlat. des savans, 1721. See Quackery. CHARLES I. Charlemont, Earl of. Hardy, Me moirs of, 4812. Charlemont, N. II. White, J., Hist. Discourse, 1855. P. 504. Charles I. Aikin, Mem. of Court of. Ashburnham, Narrative of his attend ance on, 1830. Birch, T., Times of, 1848-49. Broughton, Eiken Basilike, 1826. Charles I, Proclamations, 1638-47. Bibliot. Regia, 1659. Defence of the Parliament, 1698. Defence of the Vindication, 1699. D Israeli, Comment, on Life of, 1851. Essay towards attaining, 1748. Grey, Z., Character f, 1738. Halford, H., Opening Tomb of, 1833. Harris, W., Life of. Havard, Charles I, a Tragedy. High Church Politicks, 1710. Ludlow, E., Memoirs, 1771. " Letter on Tyranny, 1691. Mansfield, Biog. Tracts. Noble, Lives of the Regicides. Salmasius, Defensio regia. 1649. " Responsio ad J. Miltonum, 1660. Secret Hist, of Calves Head Club, 1703. Wilbee, Justification of, 1648. Charles I, Anniversary Sermons, Jan. 30th, Execution of. Ash- ton, T., 1761. Bagot, L., 1783. Baker, W., Jude v. 11, 1726. Barnardiston, J., Sermon, 1776. Barrington, S., Sermon, 1772. Benson, M., Ps. Ixxviii. 5-8, 1805. Bentham, E., 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2, 1750. Beveridge, W., Acts xxii. 20, 1706-8. " 1 Pet. ii. 13, 1710.- Birch, P., 2 Sam. i. 21, 1694. Blackall, 0., John ix. 3, 1699, 1708. Blackburne, L., !. 1. 10, 11, 1716. Bradford, S., Prov. iv 25-27, 1711. Brydges, Acts vii. 1709. Buck, M., 1711. Burgesa, S., 1783. Burnet, G., 1681, 1695. Butler, J., 1787. Cradock, J., 1752. Crowe, W., 1735. Croxall, S., Prov. xxv. 5, 1729. De Coetlogon, C E., 1790. Delaune, W., 1702. Dormor, J., 168S. Ellys, A., Matt. xxii. 21, 1749. Eyre, 1708. Charles I, Anniversary Sermons, Jan. 3Oth, Execution of (con tinued). Fleetwood, 1710. Freind, R., Jer. iii. 25, 1710. Freind, W., 1755. Gilbert, J., 1742. Gooch, T., 1712. Halifax, S., 1769, 88. Hare, F., 1731. Harrison, A., 30th Jan. Preachers. Hawkins, W., Jer. xii. 1, 1752. Hay, T., Rom. xiii. 5, 1793. Hayter, T., 1750. Hickes, G., 1682. Higden, W., La. xxii. 28, 1811. Hoadly, J., 1 Cor. x. 11, 1718. Horsley, S,, Rom. xiii. 1, 1793. Jennings, Acts xxiv. 16, 1711. Kennett, W., Jer. x iv. 23, 1704. " Gen. xiii. 21, 1706. " Mark xiv. 19, 1720. Keppell, F,, 1766. King, H., 1640. King, J., 1771. Knell, P., 1648. Lamb, R., 1768. Lancaster, W., 1697. Lisle, S., 1762. Lloyd, W., 1697. Lockier, F., 1726. Lowth, R., Prov. xxii. 11, 1767. Madan, S., 1765. Mansel, W. L., 1810. Markham, W., Is. iii, 3, 1774. Mangey, Is. Ivii. 1, 1720. Maurice, H., Is. xxxvii. 3, 1681. Meriton, J., Sermon, 1660. Milbourne, L., Acts xxv, 10, 1709. Moore, J., 1697, 1777. Moss, R., Lam. v. 7, 1707. Newman, R., 1694. Nowell, Numb.xyi. 3, 1772. Osbaldeston, R., 1748. Payne, W., 1683. Pelling, J., 1679, 1682, 1683. Pelling, J., Ex. xx. 5, 1709. Porteus, Jer. iv. 14, 1778. Reading, W., 1 Sam. xxiv. 5, 6, 17U. Reynell, 1729. Rolls, S., 1678. Ross, J., 1779. Rutherforth, Is. Iviii. 1, 1746. St. John, P., Matt, xxii, 21, 1712. Sermon, 1677, (March). " 1710, (South). Sharpe, J., Tit. iii. 1, 1700. 100 CHARLES I. Charles I, Anniversary Sermons, Jan. 30th, Execution of (con tinued). Sherlock, T., Prov. xxiv. 21, 1708. " Mark iii. 24, 1744. Sherlock, W.,Ps. xc. 15, 1692. Smalridge, Gen. xlix. 5, 6, 1702. Snape, A., 1 Ki. xxi. 9, 10, 1710. Sprat, T., Serm. Character of, Matt, v. 10, 1678. Stephens, J., Lam. r. 6, 1694. Terry, I., Prov. xxiv. 21, 1723. Trapp. J.,Lond., 1729. Trimnell, Prov. xvii. 14, 1712. Tyler, J., Eccl. viii. 14, 1707. Wake, Abp., Matt. xxvi. 51, 52, 1707. " Matt. xii. 25, 1715. Ward, S., 2 Kings vi. 33, 1673. Watson, R., Lond., 1784. Williams, J., Acts vii. 59, 60, 1701. Wodsworth, Prov. xxiv. 21, 1820. Young, E., 1 Pet. ii. 17, 1729. See Authority ; Great Britain. Charles II. Boscobel Tracts, Hughes, 1857. Carrel, Counter Revolution in England. Charles II, Narr. of Conspiracy against, 1685. " Secret Hist, of, 1690. Cudmore, Carolus redux. 1662. Defence of the Papers, 1686. Home, T., Serm., Death of, 1685. Jameson, Beauties of the Court of. Morley, G., Coronation Serm., 1661. North, Examen, or Vindication of. Phenix, The, (Tracts), 1707-8. Reply to the Answer, 1686. Reresby, Memoirs and Travels, 1813. Withers, Vind. of Dissenters, 1719. See England, History of. Charles II, Anniversary Sermon*, May 29th, Restoration of. Awbrey, T., 1715. Burscough, W., 1716. Heylin, P., 1661. Hickes, G., 1684. Mather, J., 1705. Middleton, J,, 1730. Pinnell, P., 1748. Smalridge, G., 1716. Snape, A., 1717. Tunstall, J., 1746. Wynne, J., 1715. Charles V,of Germany. Autobiography, 1862. Bradford, Correspondence of the Em peror, 1850. Prescott, Life after Abdication, 1857. J Charles V, of Germany (continued). Robertson, W., Hisf. of, 1802, 1857. Stirling, Cloister Life of. Charles XII, of Sweden. Alderfeld, Histoire Militaire.- Nordberg, Histoire de, 1742-48. Voltaire, Vie de. " History of. Charles XIV, of Sweden. (Bernadotte). Meredith, Memorials of, 1829. Philippart, Memoirs of, 1815. Charles Stuart, Prince. Collection of Proclamations of, 1745. Review of Rebellions, 1747. Charles.... of Burgundy. Kirk, His tory of. Charleston, S. C. Census for 1848. Cardozo, Reminiscences, 1866. Eraser, C., Reminiscences of, 1854. . Shecut, Essays, 1819. Siege of, 1780. Trip of the Oceanus, 1865. Unitarian Church celebration, 1854. Wilkinson, E., Letters of Revo. War, 1838. Charlestown, Mass. Directory, 1848, 1854, 58, 64. Answer to six mo s in a convent. England, Bp., Docts. on Convent in, 1849. Everett, E., Oration, arrival of Gov. Winthrop, 1830. Frothingham, History of. First Parish semi-centen., 1866. Hist, of 1st Church. Charlotte, Princess. Chalmers* Ser mon, Death of, 1819. Collyer, Sermon on, 1817. Delany s Autobiography. Dewhirst, Sermon on. Gray, B., Sermon, 1817. Jervis, T., Sermon on. Journal of a traveller, 1817. Lewis, T., Sermon, 1817. Maltby, E., Sermon, 1817. Plees, W. G., Sermon on, 1817. Thorpe, W., Sermon, 1818. Charters. France: Doct s ined., 35, 39. Koen. Baier. Ak . . . . Comm. dipl. crit., 1831. Lauresham, Codex diplomaticus, 1768- 1770. See Diplomatics. Chartism. High, S., Appeal to the pub lic, 1847. Chase Family Geneal., 1869. Chase, L. Becker, Address on, 1852. CHEMISTRY. 101 Chase, Bp. P. Reminiscences, 1st and 2ded. Norton, J. N., Life of. Chase, S. Mattison, H., Sermon, death of, 1843. P. 554. Chase, S. P. Stowe a .men of the time, 1868. Chastellux, Marq. De. Remarks on travels of, 1787. Chastity. Cobden, Sermon, 1749. Chateaubriand, F. R. de. Memoires d outre tombe, 1849-50. Chateaugay, N. Y. See Adirondack. Chatterton, T. Maitland, Essay on. Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales (Percy Soc). Godwin, W., Life of, 1803. Saunders, Tales from. Chaunccy, C. Boarduian, Discourse on. Chaunceys, The. Fowler, Memorials of, 1858. Chauncy , J. See Drake s Hist, of Boston. Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Foote, E. T., Early Mail routes. Warren, E. F., History of, 1846. Checkley family pedigree. Cheever, E. Barnard, H., Biog. of, 1856. Cheever, G. B. Deacon Giles Distillery. Church of the Puritans. Chelsea, Ms. Boston Directory, 1869. Langworthy, Farewell Discourse. Cheltenham, Eng. Guide, 1834. Davies, H., Guide, 1834. Chemistry. Abel, Manual of, 1857. Accum. Essay on Chemical re-agents,. 1817. Albineus, Bibliotheca, 1653. Anderson, T., Agric. Chemistry. Beck, L. C., Manual of, 1831. Bergman, Usefulness of, 1783. Berthollet, Laws of Chem. affinity. Berzelius, Inorganic Bodies, 1833. " Of the Blow-pipe, 1845. Blair, D., Grammar of, 1827. Boerhave, Elementa Chemiae. Bolley, Technical Analysis, 1857. Booth, J. C., Improvements in the Chemical Arts, 1851. " Encyclop. of Chemistry, 1850. Bowman, J. E., Introd. to Pract. Chemistry, 1849. " Med. Chemistry, 1850. Boyle, R., Works, v. 1. Brande, W. T., 10 Lee. on Organic Chem. " Arts of organic Chemistry. Chemistry (continued). Brande, W. T., Prog, of Chemical Philosophy, 1829. Brard, Dictionnaire, 1855. Cahours, Chimie Generale, 1860. Chandler, Misc. Researches, 1857. Columbian Chem. Soc., Phil a, Me moirs, 1813. Conversations on Chymistry, 1806. B. C. Cooke, J. P., Chemical Physics, 1860. Croockewit, Specimen Chemicum, 1848. Daniel, J. F., Chemistry. Daubeny, Inaugural Address, 1823. Davy, Sir H., Works, v. 2, 3, etc " Elem. of Chem. philosophy, 1812. Donovan, Treatise on Chemistry. Draper, J. W., Introd. Lectures, 1841. " Text-book in, 1846. Dumas, La Chimie appli. aux arts, 1828-46. Eaton, A., Chemical Instructor, 1822. " Agric. Chem., 1847. Ewell, T., Plain Dicourses, 1806. Faraday, Non-metallic Elements. Chemical Manipulation, 1831. Forsten. De aethere et naphthis, 1832. Fownes, Elementary Chemistry, 1847. Fresenius, QuantitativenChem. Analy. Fuchs, Einfluss der Chemie, 1824. Gerhardt, Traite de Chimie organique. 1853, 54. Gibbs, Ammonia Cobalt Bases. Gmelin, Handbook of Chemistry, 1848-66. Gorup Besanez,Zoochemischen i analyse. Gregory, W., Organic Chemistry, 1852. Griffiths, Agric. of the 4 Seasons, 1853. Hare, R., Course of Instruc. on, 1824. " Organic Chem. " Animal Chem. " On the Explosivenessof Nitre. Henry, W.,Epit. ofExper. Chemistry, 1810. Hoefer, Hist, de la Chimie, 1842. Horsford, E. N., Publications, 1846-48. Horsley, Cat. of Chym. Philosophy. Jahres-Bericht, (Wagner), 1861. Johnston, J. F. W., Report on Pro gress of, 1832. " Agricultural Chemistry. Kane, R , Elements of Chemistry, 1841. Kirwan, R., Essay on Phlogiston, 1787. Knapp, F., Chemical Technology, 1848- 1851.* Kopp, Geschichte der Chem., 1847. Laurent, Methodc de Chimie, 1854. Lavoisier, Oeuvres, 1862-68. " Memoires, 1862. 102 CHEMISTRY. Chemistry (continued). Le Docte, Memoire sur la Chimie, 1849. Lehmann, Zoochemie, 1858. " Physiol. Chemistry, 1856. Liebig, Agricul. Chemistry. f Organic Chemistry, 1831. " Familiar letters on, 1851. " Organic Analysis. Lindauer, Der Hiitten-chemie. Mac Neven, W. J., Atomic Theory of! Chemistry, 1819. P. 1004. Macquer, Elements of, 1775. Malaguti, Chimie agricole. Miller, W. A., Elements of Chemistry, 1855, 57. Nava, Caglio Vitellino, 1857. Nesbit, Agricul. chem. Noad, Lectures on, 1843. " Chemical Manipulation, 1852. Normandy, Commercial Hand-book of chem. anal., 1850. Orfila, Pract. Chemistry, 1818. Pamphlets on, v. 1500. B. C. v. 34. Parkes, S., Chymical Catechism, 1807. " Chemical catechism, 1821. Parnell, Applied Chemistry, 1844. Payen, Precis de la chimie industrielle, 1851. Pearson, G-, Papers. Pelouze, Traite Qenerale, 1865. ff General notions of chemistry, 1854. Pettenkofer, Die Chemie und Physiolo- gie, 1848. Phillips, R., Lectures, 1822, 31. Porter, J. A., First Book of, 1857. Rammolsberg, Krystallographischen Chemie, 1855. Regnault, Elements of, 1856. Regodt, Applic. aux usages de la vie, 1858. Renwick, J., Application to arts, 1851. Repertoire de chimie appliquee, 1858 1860. Repertoire de chimie pure, 1858-60. Richter, R., Leitfaden analyt. Chemie, 1853. Rochleder, Chem. der Pflanzen. Roscoe, H. E., Lessons in elem. C., 1868. Rose, H., Chemical Analysis, 1848, 49. Scoffern, Elem. Chemistry, 1854. Silliman, Elements of, 1830. Silliinan, B., jr., First principles of, 1847. B C. Smith, T. P., Revolutions in, 1748. Solly, E., Rural Chemistry, 1852. Stammer, Chem. Rechenaufgaben, 1855. Stockhardt, Principles of, 1850. Chemistry (continued). Stookhardt, Chem. of Agric., 1855. Thomson, R. D., Dictionary of, 1850. Thomson, T., System of, 1802. " History of, 1830. Topham, Chem.... for agriculturists. Turner, E., Elements of, 1835. Ure, Dictionary of, 1824. " Spurious Chemistry, 1843. P. 79. Valerius, Fabrication de la fonte, 1851. Vogel, Laboratorium Muenchen, 1851. " Der Vegetation, 1852. Watson, R., Chemical essays, 1784-87. Watts, H., Dictionary of, 1866-69. Will, H., Chemical analysis, 1855. Woehler, Anal. Chem. Assistant, 1852. Wolff, Chem. Untersuchung, 1857. Youmans, Class-book of, 1852. See Natural Philosophy ; Agriculture ; Dyeing: Photography, etc. Chemung Co., N. Y. Directory, 1868-9. Chemung Valley, N. Y. Cheney, Hist. Sketch of. Chenango Co., N. Y. Directory, 1869. Clark, H. C , History of, 1850. Cherokees. Bell, J., Report, 1840. Bowles, W. A., Authen. memoirs, 1791. Relations with U.S. Government, 1830. P. 75. See Indians. Chesapeake, Ship. Brighton, Adm. Broke s Life. Lawrence, Capt. James, Funeral of. Chester Cr., Pa. Darlington, Flora Ces- trica, 1826. Cherry Valley, N. Y. Campbell, W. W., Centen celeb., 1840. Hosmer, P. H., Kate Clayton, 1855. Cheshire, Eng. Directory (Pigott), 1829. Barlow, T. W., Lit. Illustrations and Biog. Sketches, 1855. Beauties of Eng. and Wales. Cooke s Typog. Library. Holland, View of Agric. of, 1808. Chess. Carrera, Treatise on, 1822. Chess Monthly, 1857. Game of Chess, (Caxton), 1474. Hoyle s Chess. Morphy, Exploits in Europe, 1859. " Games of, 1860. Philidor, Studies of. Philidorian, The, 1838. Staunton, Chess Tournament, 1852. " Chess-player s Companion. " Chess-player s Hand-book, 1847. Trubnor, Bibliot. Scaccariana CHINA. 103 Chess (continued). Vogt, Letters on Chess, 1848. Whittaker s Catechism of. Chester, J. Second Presb. Ch. Albany. Chester, N. H. Bell, C., History of, 1863. Chase, B., History of, 1869. Chesterfield, Earl of. Letters of. Hunter, On Letters of, 1776. Cheveras, Abp. Doubourg, Life of, 1839. Chicago. Directory, 1858, 61, 62. Board of Trade, 1860, 61. Chicago, History, Commerce, etc., 1853-57. Geschichte von, 1854. Pamphlets on Chicago, vol. 475. Patterson, R. W., Second Presb. Ch. in. Chicory. Seymour, Chicory in Ireland, 1851. P. 430. Child, Maj. J. New England s Jonas, 1647. Children. Barrau, Devoirs des Enfants, 1857. Channing, Sermon on, 1835. P. 524. Children s Aid Soo., N. Y., 1854-68. Cooper, A. A., Labor in Factories, 1845. P. 429. Delalain, Nouvelle Legislation pour les Asyles. Fox, W. J., Factory Education, 1843. Gaskell, P., Manuf. Labor for Children. 1833. Gastrell, F., Religious Education of Poor, 1707. P. 379. Gedanken von derKinder-Zucht, 1770. GirardColl. for Orphans, 1850-58. Home, W. W., Discourses on infant salvation. Jardin de 1 enfance, 1825. Aim. 54. Leonard, Relations of, to Church, 1808. Motte, Sermon, A happy child, 1839. Newton, R., Sermons to. N. Y. Juvenile Asylum, 1855-59. Northern Home, Phila., 1855, 57, 58. Nott, S., Sermons for, 1823. Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, N. Y. 1839. Sermons on duties of, 1813. See Education of Children; Industrial Schools; Orphans; Charities. Chili. Barlaeus, Vocab. ling. Bollaert, Researches, 1860. Brawern, Voyage to Chili. Byam, Wanderings, 1850. Chili, Discovery and Conquest of, 1824. Darwin, C., Journal, 1832. Frezier, Voy. to the Coast of and Peru, 1712-14. Chili (continued). Gay, C., Historia fisica y politica, 1844-49. Gerstacker, Travels, 1850. Gilliss, U. S. N. Astron. Exp. 1849-52. Graham, M., Residence in Chili, 1824. Hall, B., Journal on coasts of, and of Peru, 1825. Hunter, D. J., SKetch of, 1866. Johnson, S. B., Three Years in, 1816. Journal of a residence in, 1823. Miers, Travels in Chili and La Plata, 1826. Molina, Storia naturale del, 1810. Ovaglie, Hist, relation of Chile, 1646. Ruiz, Flora Peruviana et, 1794. Schmidtmeyer, Travels to, 1822. Smith, E. R., The Araucanian, 1855. U. S. Naval Exped., 1849-52. Universidad de, Anales, 1854. Wise, Los Gringos, 1849. See South America. Chillingwortb, W. Lif.s by Birch, in his Works. Cheynell, Death of, 1644. Chimney Sweeping. Hudson, J. C., Chimney Sweeps. Society for superseding, 1834. Sufferings of. China. Abeel, Residence in, 1829-33. Address to the People. ...Commerce with, 1836. Anderson, Brit. Embassy, 1792. Anglo-Chinese Calendar, 1839. Anglo-Ind. Almanac, 1844. Barrow, Sir J., Travels in, 1806. Baudier, Hist, of Court and King of. Bowring and Cobden, 1857. Brit, relations with, 1832. Callery, Insurrect. in, 1853. China, Foreign trade, 1864. China, with acct. of Siam and Anam, 1853. Chinese Repository, 1832-51, and Index. Chinese collection, N. Y., 1850. P. 489. Confucius, Works. Cunningham, J.,0bs. at Chusac. Davis, J. F., China, 1840. Duhalde, Description of, 1738-41. Ellis, H., Journal of embassy to, 1818. Forbes, F. E., Five Years in, 1842-47. Fortune, Three Years Wandering! in, 1847. <( Residence with the Chintse, 1857- Goez, Tr. from Lahore to China. Gutzlaff, Sketch of Hist, of, 1854. Hainberg, Chinese Rebel Chief. 104 CHINA. China (continued). Hue, Journey through China, 1855. Hunt s Library, Commerce of. Ides, Travels in, 1706. Kircher, A., Tooneel van China, 1668. Lay, The Chinese as they are, 1843. Muns. P. 7. Livres Classiquos, 1784-86. Ljungstedt, Portuguese Settlement in, 1836. Macfarlane, Chin. Revolution, 1853. Mackenzie, K. S., Second Campaign in, 1842. Majoribanks, Intercourse with, 1833. Martinius, Atlas Siftensis, 1655. Medhurst, China, its state and pros pects, 1838. " Interior of, 1850. Mendoza, Hist, of, 1853, 54. Murray, H., Hist, and descr. of. Nieuhoff, Description of, 1673. Olearius, Travels, 1633-39. Oliphant, Elgin s Mission, 1860. Oriental, Newspaper, 1855. Orleans, P. J. d , Two Tartar Conque rors of, 1854. Pamphlets on China, vol. 1234. Perry, Narr. of Expedition, 1852-54. Picturesque representations, (Alexan der), 1814. Pumpelly, Across America, 1870. Reinaud, Voyages des Arabes, 9* siecle. Renandot, Travels of two Mohamme dans. Ripa, Memoirs at the Court. Rubruquis, Voyage, 1253. Shuok, G. L., Chinese State papers, 1840. Sketches by a Tray., 1830. Smith, G., Visit to the Consular Cities, 1844-4fi. Stp.unton, Sir G., Brit. Embassy to, 1798. SUunton, British Relations with, 1836. Tiffany, 0., The Canton Chinese, 1849. Timkowski, Travels through Mongolia, 1827. Ui S., Chinese Correspondence, 1860. Vfaln, R., View of, 1823. White, C. A., Student s Mythol. Williams, H. D., Year in C., 1864. Williams, S. W.,The Middle Kingdom, 1848. Williamson s Journeys in North China, 1870. See Asia, Southern. Chinese Language. See Language. ( hipraan, N. Chipman, Life of, 1846. Chippewa. Treat, Vindication of Con duct in Battle of, 1815. Chirogr^phy. See Writing. Chisholm, The. Clark, A., Sermon on. < lull n Ini, D. Chipman, Memoir of. Chivalry. Beltz, Order of the Garter. Digby, K. H., Broad Stone of Honor. James, G. P. R., History of, 1832. Maffei, Delia Scienza Cavalleresca. Michelet, Prooes des Templier,s. Mills, C., History of, 1826. St. Palaye, Memoirs of Ancient Chiv. Scott, W., Essay on. See Crusaders ; Knights. Chloroform. See Etherization. Choate, R. Works and Memoir. Parker, E G., Reminiscences of, 1860. Parsons, T., Address on, 1859. Cholera. Acad. de Medecine, Rapport sur, 1831. Adamson, J., Cure of, 1851 . Alfriend, Cholera infantum. Allen, T., Treatment of, 1848. Asbury, Treatise on, 1833. Asiatic Cholera, 1848. Ayre, J., Letter on, 1854. " Treatment of, 1859. Batchelder, J. P., Causes, etc., 1849. Beck, L. C., Report on, 1832. Becker, Choi, in Russia, 1832. Boddy, Diet and Cholera, 1848. Boston, Health Cornm., Report on, 1849. Broussais, Clinical Lectures, 1832. Bryson, Origin of, 1851. Bureaud-Riofrey, Du Cholera, 1847. Caspar, De Verhandeling der, 1832. Clanny, Choi, at Sunderland, 1832. Coventry, C. B., Hist, and Treatment, 1849. Dubrueil, Cholera dans le inidi de la France, 1835. Etienne, Memoire sur le Cholera, 1835. France, Report on, in Paris, 1849. Gazette Medicate de Paris, 1852. Gerardin, Chol6ra en Russio, etc. ,1831. Granville, A. B., Catechism. Gr. Br., Reports on, 1831, 50, 56. Hamilton, F. H., Vegetable Malaria, 1852. P. 271. Hawthorne, G. S., Pathol. Nature of, 1845. P. 405. Heidler, Die Epidemische Cholera, 1848. Joslin, Homoeop. Treatment of. Kingsley, C., Four Sermons. Kirk, J. B., Observations on, 1832. Knapp, M. L., Cure of, 1855. McLoughlin, Premon. Diarrhoea, 1854. CHRIST. 105 Cholera (continued). Montreal, Report of Sanitary Commit tee, 1834. P. 12. Newton, 0. E., Essay on, 1867. New York City, Report on, for 1849. Paine, M., Letters on, 1832. Pamphlets on Cholera, v. 1351, 1352. Providence, R. I., Statistics, 1855. Ralph, J., Treatise, 1849. Reigert, Cause of, 1855. P. 210. Richmond, R. B., Prevention of, 1849. Rochester, Health Report, 1852. Scouttetten, History of, 1832. Sherrill, H., Temperance Method, 1849. P. 235. Skiers, Treatment for, 1849. P. 405. Snow, E. M., Cholera, Providence, R. I., 1857. " Statistics of, Providence, 1832, 1849, 54. Spencer, T., On Nature of, 1833. Stephens, H., Character of, 1854. Vache, Letters on, 1852. Verrollot, Du Cholera, 1845-49. Vindex, Prevention of, 1849. Winslow, G. E., Essay on. 1832. Yates, Obs. on, 1832, B. C. See Medicine; Contagion. Cholmondeley, Lady. Catherall, Ser mon on, 1692. Chopin, F. Liszt, Life of. Choules, J. O. Hague, W., Discourse on, 1856. P. 23^. Christ. Bartoli, Delle grandezze di, 1832. Beekhuis, Leven van Jezus. Belknap, J., Dissertation on, 1795. Bonfield, Pre-existent Soul of, 1835. Brownson, Mediatorial Life of. Came, Origin of Manhood of, 1832. " Sinlessness of, 1829. P. 304. Child, War in Heaven, 1821. Christ s Temptations Christian s Plea, 1719. Chubb s Tracts, 1730. Cole, Corruptibility of Body of. Dissertations, 1740. Farmer, H-, Christ s Temptation, 1805. Fox, W. J , Sermons on Jesus of Na zareth, 1833, B. C. Furness, Veil partly lifted, 1864. Greuve, Het Leven van Jezus. . .tegen Strauss, 1840. Hitchcock, Christ the Spirit, 1861. Impar. Enquiry, 1740. Kidson, Human Spiritof, 1843. P. 306. Lee, Eschatology. Ludolphus, Vita Christi, 1554. Macduff, Mind and Words of. 14 Christ (continued). Moore, T., Agony in the Garden, 1757. My Last, 1848. Neander, Life of Christ. Newcome, His ministry. " Obs. on our Lord s conduct. Nottingham, Eternity of, 1721. Parker, Thomas, Names and titles of, 1828. Pearson, E., Pre-existence of. Reflections on, 1833. Remarks on Levi s Dissertations. Renan, E., Life of Jesus. Reply to Mr. Burgess (The genealo gies), 1818. Roy (Rammohun), The Precepts of Jesus, 1828. B. C. Spear, C., Names of. Taylor, J., Life of, 1832. B.C. Tyrwhitt, Creation by, 1787. P. 373. Usher, J., Immanuel, 1653. Ware, H., Offices and character of, 1825. B. C. Waring, G., Sermon, Isaiah liv. 17, 1792. Watmuff, Anti-pre-existerians, 1837. Wilberforce, Incarnation of, 1849. Williston, S., Disc .... temptations of. Wright, P., Life of, N. Y. f. See Trinity. Christ, Atonement by. Adams, N.. Letter to Gannett, 1841. Balguy, Essay on Redemption, 1785. Benson, G., Second Thoughts, 1747. Disc. cone. Priesthood of, 1748. Eltinge, Atonement of, 1823. Emerson, B., Right views of, Sermon, 1822. | Few Remarks of 1835. Hardy, S., Answer to Chubb, 1744. Kimedoncius, De Redemptione, 1592. Pamphlets, vol. 1620. Phelps, A., The Crucifixion of Christ, 1853. Scripture doctrine of, 1761. Short defence of, 1774. Smith, J. P., Sacrifice of, Serm., 1813. Sufferings of, 1846. Taylor, J., Scrip. Doct. of, 1751. Tillotson, Sermon, Heb. ix. 26, 1693. Townsend, G., On Tract No. 80, 1838. Whitefield, Letter to Wesley, 1814. Whiteley, J., Necessity of, 1783. Christ, Divinity of. Brice, Facts on, 1799. Brunskill, Thoughts on, 1815. Collier, A., Logology, 1732. De Gols, Vindication of, 1726. 106 CHRIST. Christ, Divinity of (continued) Edwards, J., Exposition of Bp. Bur- net, 1792. Hind, T., Sermon, John i, 14, 1717. Home, G., Christ God, a Sermon, 1775. Hughes, T. S., St. Paul s Doct., 1828. Ibbetson, Sermon, 1 Tim. iii. 16, 1712. Kennicott, Sermon, Imrnanuel, 1765. Lardner, Of the Logos, 1759. Law, E., A defence of, 1816. MacWhorter, Yahveh Christ, 1857. Mitchel, J., Sermons on, 1830. Moore, J., Defence of, 1721. Peck, F., Four discourses. Pitkin, J. B., Two natures of. Priestley, Early opinions respecting, 1786. B. C. Riedel, Diss. theologica, 1852. Kobinson, R., Plea for, 1776. Rogers, J. M., Discourse on, 1814. Sharp, G., Divine dignity of, 1806. Smith, T., On 1 Tim. 3:16. Stephens, W., Sermon of, 1722. Supreme deity of, 1757 (Burr). Tulloch, On Renan s life of C. Wilson, S., Deity of, asserted, 1747. Wynpersse, Godhead of, 1795. See Trinity; Unitarian. Christ, Resurrection of. Benson, G., Evidence of, 1754. Brief defence, 1710. Bush, Resurrection of, 1845. B. C. Evidence for, 1730. Evidence of, 1744. Holdsworth, Locke examined, 1720. Impartial Examination, 1730. Lushington, Res. vindicated, 1741. Pamphlets regarding, vol. 309. Perry, R., Harmony on, 1765. Resurrection of Jesus (Annet), 1743. Sermon, 1 Cor. xv. 35, 1757. Sherlock, Trial of the Witnesses, 1729. Sykes, Enquiry on, 1757. Tilly, Serin., Phil. iii. 10, 1718. Tyrwhitt, Resurr. through, 1787. Wilson, T., Serm., Matt. vi. 21, 1711. Christ, Second Advent of. Bates, J., 7th day Sabbath, 1848. Chapman, J., Proofs of, 1846. Churchill, Midnight Cry, 1858. Gumming, J., Lecture on, 1853. Dissertation on the Millenium, 1792. Dowling, Exposition of W. Miller. Evans, F. W., The Second Appearing, 1853. Fessenden, C. P., The Second Advent, 1843. Folsom, N , Dissertation on. Christ, Second Advent of (continued). Hawley, S ... .Vindicated, 1843. Hooper, J., Doctrine of, 1829. Mandell, Six Sermons, 1817. Marsh, W., Thoughts on. Millenial Church, 1829. Miller, W. , Evidences for, 1843, 46. Pelly, J. K., Poem on, 1837. Prior, W. M., On Wm. Miller, 1862. Proud, J., Proofs of. 1792. Putnam, E., Crisis, or Last Trumpet, 1847. B. C. Review of Miller, 1844. P. 866. Spaulding, J., Sentiments concerning, 1796. Voice in New Hampshire, 1842. Christian Associations. See Young Men s C. A. Christian Denominations. Clough, S., Account of, 1827. Evans, Denominations of the Christian World, 1832. B. C See United States; Religion. Christian Union. Bacon, L., Sermon on, 1845. Chalmers on the Evan. Alliance, 1846. Christian Alliance, N. Y., 1843. Conference on, Liverpool, 1846. Eaton, D., Famil. Conversation, 1803. Evangel. Alliance, Conferences, 1845- 1858. Evan. Alliance. P. v. 495. Goode, W., Commun. with foreign Prot. Churches. Greatheed, S., Recommended, 1798. Haweis, T., Plea for Peace. Hints for, 1820. M Master, G., Thoughts on, 1846. Maimbourg, Un . of Prot. and Catholics, 1686. Osborn, G., Evang. Faith, 1794. Pax redux, 1689. Ranney, The Evangelical Ch., 1849. Sectarianism the law, etc., 1846. Shepherd, R., No False Alarm, 1808. Sherlock, W., Discourse on, 1688. TabSraud, Histoire desProjets, 1824. Tracts on Catholic Unity, 1852. Turkey ....Evang. Alliance, 1856. Tyng, S. H., Plea for, 1844. * Union Principle, 1855. Wainright, Plea for Unity, 1850. Christianity. Abbott, The Young Chris tian. Bowdler, Practical Christ y, 1845. Britannus and Africus. Bunsen, E. de, Hidden wisdom of Christ, 1865. CHRISTIANITY. 107 Christianity (continued). Cave, W.. Primitive Christianity. Craig, A., An address, 1850. Eliot, S., Early Christians, 1853. Fox, W. J., Lectures on, 1822. B. C. Frelinghausen, 1 Abstract of. Gorton, B., Prim. Chr. revived, 1804. | Gray, J., Prospects of, 1821. Groot, De theologia futura. Hopkins, J., Theol. Instructor, 1825. Kingsley, C , The hermits. Lay elder s observations, 1819. M Knight, J., View of, 1802. Merivale, Conv. of Roman Empire. Molyneux, What is a Christian, 1853. Newman, J. H., Development of doc trine. Novalis, Christ y or Europe, 1844. Ostervald, Catech. discourse. Pamphlets, vol. 1293. Powell, Chr. without Judaism, 1857. Principles of Chr. philosophy, 1814. Rules of life, 1766. Sprague, W. B., Contrast between C. and other systems. Stearns, G., Mistakes of Christendom, 1857. Superville, Elemens du, 1734. Townley....Inthe 19th Century, 1852. Waldo, L. F., Progress of, 1851. Whately, Rise.... and corruption of. " Peculiarities of, 1825, B. C. " The Kingdom of Christ, 1843. Whiston, Prim. Chr. revived, 1711, I, III. See Church ; Church Hist. ; Theology. Christianity, Evidences and De fences of. Aboab, Introduction to, 1750. Addison, J , Evidences of, 1812, B. C. Apthorp, Letters on, 1778. Arthur, Ch. of the" Catacombs, 1849. Athenagoras, Apologetics. Atheos, Frothingham, 1862. Bayly, Certainty of, 1751. Beattie, J., Evidences of, 1806. Belsham, T., A Summary View, 1809. Benson, C., Twenty Discourses on, 1822. Berkeley, Bp., Works, 1843. Blacka .l, 0., Boyle Lectures (8), 1700. Book How Written, 1863. Boswell, J., Method of Study, 1738. Boudinot, The Age of Revelation, 1801. Broughton, Christianity revealed, 1732. Broughton, Not the Relig. of Nature. Browne, E. H., Fulfilment of, 1836. Butler, J., Analogy of Religion, 1852. Carson, Truth of the Gospel, 1820. Christianity, Evidences and De fences of (continued). Chalmers, Revelation and Astronomy, 1817, B. C. Channing, W. E., Sermons on Infideli ty, 1813. ** Disc, on the Evidences,1821. Christianity and Deism, 1753. Christianity and Free Thinking, 1727. Chubb, T., Cf the New Test. Clayton, R., Hist, of the Old Test., 1752. Cooper, A., Inspiration of the Proph., 1825. Cradock, J., Principal objections, 1739. Croly, G., Divine Providence. Crompton, B., Truth of Chr y, 1835. Cumberland, R., Plain reasons. Gumming, J., Nine Sermons. Davis, H. E., Exam, of Gibbon s Chaps. 15, 16, 1787. Defence of Revelation, (W. Bell). Defence of revel, by West and Ly ttleton. Defence of Scripture Hist., 1730. Discourse on Providence, 1747. Dissertations upon .. .. Josephus, 1749. Doddridge, Writings of, 1736-1804. Dupin, Answer to Salvador. Durham, J. G., Outworks of Christian ity, 1805. Dyer, D., Tests of Truth, 1866. English, G. B., The grounds of. Enquiry into the Evidence, 1728. Erskine, T., Remarks on the Internal Evidence, 1821. B. C. Evans, J., Address on Trial of R. Car lisle, 1819. Evelyn, J., History of. Everett, E., Defence of Christianity, 1814. B. C. Examiners Examined, 1794. Farrar, A. S., Hist of Free Thought, 1863. Findlay s R., Vindication, 1770. Forbes, D., WoAs. Frayssinous, Difesa del Cristianesiino, 1839-40. Full Answer, (H. Taylor), 1777. Fuller. A., Works, Christianity and Deism, 1852. Galatinus, De arcanis Cath. Veritatis, 1550. Gastrell, Bp., Certainty of, 1697, 99. Gibson, E., Pastoral Letters, 1730. Gillespie, G., Treatise, 1735. Gordon, T., Independent Whig, 1752. Gregory, 0., Letters on the Evidences, 1851. Griffin, G., Gospel its own Advocate, 1850. Grotius, De Veritate Rel. Christ., 1755. 108 CHRISTIANITY. Christianity, Evidences and De fences of (continued). Grotius, Truth of the Chr. Rel., 1825. Guillon, Exam, de Gibbon, Strauss et Salvador, 1841, 42. II. W., Spirit of Prophecy, 1679. Hall, C., Sermon, Matt, xxviii. 20, 1756. Hall, R., Works, vols. 4, 5, 6, 1832. Halley, E., The Pantheism of Germa ny, 1850. Halliwell, J. 0., Introduction to, 1859. Hamburgisch Ministerium. Hardwick, C., Parallelisms of, with other Systems, 1863. Haviland, Fitness of the Times. Hincks, T. D., Letters on Age of Rea son, 1796. P. 355. Historic Doubts on Shakespeare, 1853. Hollis, J., On Scepticism, 1790. Hooker s Weekly Miscellany, 1738. Hudson, C., Doubts on Battle of Bun ker s Hill. Hughes, T. S., Defence of St. Paul, 1823. Jackson, J., Address to Deists, 1762. Jacob, Jew turned Christian, 1679. Jortin, Truth of Chr. Religion, 1746. Kenrick, Obs. on Jenyns, 1776. Kneeland, A., A review of, 1830. Lackington, J., Confessions, 1804. Lardner, N., Works, 1788. Lavington, Nature of a Type, 1724. Law, E., On the state of the World, 1745. Learning, J., Evidences, 1785. Lectures on.... Prot. Ep. Ch., 1853-4. Leeke, Serm., Acts vii. 37, 1728. Leland, J., View of Deistical writers of England, 1754. " Inflections on Bolingbroke, 1753. " Remarks, 1744. Leslie, Deism Refuted, 1755. Locke, Reasonableness of, 1695. " Works, vol. 7, 1823. Loftus, Reply to the Reasonings of Gibbon, 1778. Lyttelton, Conversion of Paul, 1747. Malebranche, Recherche de la verite, 1749. Mann, E., Anatomy of a Christian, 1843. Mannynham, Two Discourses, 1681. Marin, II Barone van Hesden, 1841. Maurice, F. D. s What is Revelation? Middleton, C., Letters to Waterland and Bentley, 1755. " Variations of the Four Evangelists, 1755. Minutius Felix, The Octavius. Christianity, Evidences and De fences of (continued). Mitchel, 0. M., Astron. of the Bible. Moral Demonstration, 1775. Neal, J., One Word More, 1854. Nelson, D., Cause and Cure of Infi delity. Nisbett, N., An Attempt, 1807. Norton, A., Internal Evidences. Onderdonk, On Objections to, 1838. Origen vs. Celsus. Orr, Theory of Religion, 1762. Owen, R., Debate on, with A. Camp bell, 1829, B. C. Oxford Young Gent., Reply, 1743. Pamphlets on, rols. 332-335, 686, 805, 1271-1274, 1503, 1762. Paley, Works, vols. 1, 2, 1830. Parkinson, Hulsean Lectures, 1837. Peabody, A. P., Chr y, Religion of Nature. Phillips, C., Defence of. Pianezza, Truth of Chr. Rel., 1703. Plain Discourse, 1752. Priestley, Discourses on the Evidences of, 1794, B. C. Randolph, T., Essays, 1744-52. " Propagation of, 1777. Rawlins, on Heretical Opinions, 1772. Rawlinson, G-, Hist. Evidences, 1860. Reinhard, Plan of founder, 1831, B. C. Remarks on additional Letters, 1814. Richardson, W., Four Sermons, 1730. Robinson, T., Discourses, 1819. Rogers, H., Defence of Faith. Rogers, J., Neces. of Revelation, 1740. Rose, H. J., Brief Remarks. Rotheram, Arg. from Prophecy, 1753. " The One Argument, 1754. Salvianus, Opera, 1684. Sharpe, G., Rise and Fall of Jerusalem, 1765. " Want of Universality of, 1766. Simpson, D., Plea for Religion. Smith, S. S., Lectureson the evidences, 1809. B.C. Southwick, S., Letter to Herttell, 1834. " Layman s apology, 1834. Stebbing, H., Miscellanies, 1718-46. Stillingfleet, Mysteries Vindicated, 1691. Sumner, Verite du Christianisme. Swain, Levi answered, 1787. Taggart, S., Evidences of, 1811. B. C. Taylor, H. B., View of, 1848. Taylor, J., Restoration of Belief. Tracts for Priests and People, 1861. Trollope, Gentile Opposition, 1822. Tuppor, Probabilities. CHUBB. Christianity, Evidences and De fences of (continued). University of Virginia, Lectures, 1850, 1851. Verplanck, Essays on, 1824. B. C. Walworth, The Gentle Skeptic, 1863. Warburton, Divine Leg. of Moses, 1846. Watson, R., Letters to Gibbon, 1791. " Letters to T. Paine, 1796. Webster, D., Defence of, in case of Girard s Will, 1844. Weller, J., Ancient Authors on, 1818. Wette, Skeptic s conversion, 1841. Whately, Hist, doubts on Napoleon. " Lessons on. Winchester, E., Defence of, 1796. Williams, T., Reasons for Faith, 1796. Wilson, D., Evidences of, 1829-30. Wiseman, Connex. of Sci. and Revealed Rel., 1837. See Miracles; Warburton; Prophecy; Natural Theology. Christians. N.Y. Eastern Chr. Confer ence, 1857, 58. Christina, Queen of Sweden. White- lock, Journ. of Embassy, 1653-54. Woodhead, Memoirs of. Christmas. Christmas Carols, 1850. Christmas Greens, 1864. Clarke, H. G., Its History. P. 1651. Hammond, H., Answer to Cawdrey, 1655. Kip, Chr. Holidays in Rome, 1846. Pigot, G., Vindication of, 1731. Thorpe, Yule Tide Stories. Wright, T., Specimens of old Carols, (Percy Soc. Pub.) Christ s Hospital. Trollope, W., His tory of. Chronology. Anniversary Calendar. Belsham, George III, IV, and General, 1828. Blair s Chron. Tables, 1856. Bond, Handy Book of Dates, 1866. Calcndrier Perpetuel, 1810. Censorinus, De die natali. Chambers, Book of Days. Chapman, J., Chronicon Pasquale. Chaudon, Dictionnaire, v. 20. Chron. Tables, Oxford, 1840. Clavius, Novi Calendarii Apologia, 1588. Darby, Mnemonika, 1829. Drey ss, Chron. Universelle, 1858. Gaultier, Logons de Chronologic. Hardie, J., American Remembrancer, 1795. Haskell, Chron. View of the World, 1845. Chronology (continued). Haydn, Diet, of Date^. Helvicus, T^eatrum Historic-urn, 1638. Higden s Polychronicon, (Chron. G. B). Holgate, Geneal. Geog. and Chronolog ical chart, 1838. Hone, Every Day Book, 1826. Jackson, J., Chronol. Antiquities. Lee, Chron. of Christ, era. Macolcsfield, Commencement of Year, 1751. Michelet, Tab. d hist. Moderne. Mnemonika, or Chron. tables, 1812. Morison, View of China. Mulder, Chron. Handboekje, 1846. Munsell, Every Day Book of Chronol., 1843. Newton, Chron- Amended, 1728. Nicolas, SirN. H., Chron. of History, (Lardner s). Outline Chart. P. 1114. Peabody, E., Polish-Amer. System. Petavius, D., De doctrina Temporum, 1627. " Ration. Temporum, 1703. Petit, Eclogae Chronologicae. Phillips, Sir R., A Million of Facta, 1846. Preston s Time Table. Putnam s Cycl., Diet, of Dates, World s Progress, 1850. Reid, Bengal Tables. Rosse, Index of Dates, 1858, 9. Seyffarth, Discov. in Chron. 1857. Shallus, Chronol. Tables, 1817. Shiineall, Eccles. Chart. Steuart, Sir J., Works, chronological, 1805. Tegg s Dictionary of, 1854. Time s Telescope, 1814-1834. Uher, Chron. Sacra. Valerot, Journal de la France, 1722. Warden, D. B., L art de verifier des dates, 1826-44. Watkins, Biog. and Chronol. Diet., 1807. Wilford, Chronol. of the Hindus. Willis, J., Julian <fe Gregor. years, 1700. Yeates, S., On Bible Chronol., 1830. See Registers; Almanacs; History; Statistics; Calendars. Chronometers. See Clocks. Chrysostom, J. Neander, Life of. Possinus, Thes. asceticus. Chubb, T. Writings, 1718-34. Clagget, Answer to, 1719. Weekly Miscellany, 1738. 110 CHURCH. Church, T. Woods, L., Sermon on, 1807. Church. Baxter, R., Catholick Commu nion. Bunsen, Church of the Future. Collection on Free Churches, 1858. Dewhirst, Essays on, 1808. Discourse of Polysynody, 1728. Disputation. New Eng. Divines, 1657. Ecclesia est in Republica, 1828. Harris, J., Principles of a church. Hemmenway, Discourse, 1792. Hook, W. F., Church Dictionary. Huntingdon, Hieroglyphical print of. Johnson, T., Letter to Chandler, 1734. Lacordaire, Of an Instructive Church. Le Clerc, Rights of the Church, 1710. Morell, The Catholic Church, 1843. Municipium Ecclesiasticum, 1697. Orthodox Preacher, 1836. Pamphlets on the Church, vols. 68, 72, 96, 200, 203, 213, 490, 604, 1275, 1763. Parker, Thomas, Names and Titles of, 1828. Priestley, Free Address, 1770. Reverence due Holy Places, 1845. Rochat, Quelques aperyus. Roy, Le Fabricien Comptable, 1843. Turning to the East, 1851. Tuttle, European and Eastern Church es, 1855. Where is the True Church, 1839. Wills, Christian Ordinances. See Authority; Christianity. Church and State. Allen, J., Associa tions against, 1773. Bishop, A., Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1802. Brtt, Independency of Church. Bricknell, On Church Rates, 1837. Brief Statement, 1849. Clarendon, Answer to Hobbes, 1676. Cotton, C., C. A S. in America, 1834. Cunningham, Church Establishments, 1828. Do Coetlogon, Sermon, 1790. Ecclesiastical Establishments, Phila., 1793. Establishment Vindicated, 1730. Fonfrede, Oeuvres, v. 1. Fox, W. J., Church Establishment, 1834. Gisborne, Permanent Security of,1829. Gladstone, J. E., Defence of Union, 1847. Hall, W., Ch. Establishments, 1845. Hayward, Of Supremacie, 1623. Jottrand, Les 6glises d etat, 1849. Church and State (continued). National (On) Property, 1835. Newcome, W., A Sermon, 1767. Noel, B. W., Union of. Pamphlets on, vols. 774, 1290. Penson, Voluntary Churches, 1829. Plumer, W. S., Incorporation of, Ar gument on, 1847. Potter, H., Remarks on Free Churches, 1845. Puffendorf, Religion and Civil Society, 1698. Questions Answered, 1836. Rathbone, J., Reply to Gladstone, 1841. Reeves, J., Coronation Oath, 1801. Revenues of the Church of Eng., 1830. Rotheram, On Establishments, 1767. Sacheverell, Politcal Union, 1702. State Church inconsistent, 1836. State preferable to the Ch., 1848. Stebbing, II., Support of Christianity, 1720. Warburton, Alliance between, 1742. Wilks, S. C., Establishments lawful, 1833. Wrangham, Serm. Relig. Etab., 1814. See Tithes; Authority of Church. Church Architecture and Furniture. Cambridge Camden Society. Cjngreg. Convention, Plans for Ch es, 1852. Cox, T. & E., Account of Ornaments, 1853. Denison, On Church building. Evans, W., Catal. of furniture. Hart, Eccl. Records of Engl., 1846. London Dioc. Ch. Build. Soc. Montalembert, Archit. of the Pusey- ites. N. Y. Ecclesiologist, 1848-53. Perceval, Use of Lights. Piales, Reparation dos oglises, 1762. Walcott, Sacred Archaeology. See Architecture. Church Authority. Allies, T. W., Royal Supremacy, 1850. Inncs, A., Absolute Auth. of, 1717. Manning, Jurisdic. of the Crown. Lowth, S., Letter to Stillingfleet, 1687. See Authority ; Government. Church M\ ten -ion. Chrysostom, Serm. on Extension of, 1843. Ch. Building Soc., Lend., 1848, 9. Church Extension, Lond. 1853. Church Pastoral Aid Soc., 1843. Claim of Ch. Building Soc., 1853. Presb. Ch., Reports on, 1856, 57. CHURCH HISTORY. Ill Church Extension (continued). Rivington, Extension in St. Pancras, 1801-51. Wordsworth, C., Church Extension, 1843. See Missions, Home. Church Fathers. Apostolical Fathers, 1810. B. C. Athanasius, Opera, 1686. Augustinus. Les Confessions, 1688. " Opera, 1700. Bear, J.,De Patrium Auctoritate, 1748. Blunt, J. J., Lectures on, 1840. Butler, A., Lives of. Cave, W., Lives of. Chrysostomus, De Virginitate, 1562. Cyprianus, Opera, 1726. Cyrillus Alexand., Opera, 1528. " Hom-in Jereiniam. Daille, Right use of. Damascenus,Sanct. imag. oppug ,1554. Dionysius, Opera, 1502. Epiphanius, Contra 80 Heereses, 1543. Eusebius, Theophania, Trans. " Eccl. Hist., 1833. B. C. Fulgentius, Opera. Qrabe, Spicilegium Patrum. Greek Eccl. Historians, 1845, 46. Gregorius Nazianzenus, Opera, 1850. " Sermons, 1693. Fren. Gregorius Nyssenus, De Virginitate, 1562. " Comm. in Hexsemoron, 1553. Hieronymus, Opera, 1823, 4. Irenjeus, Fragmenta Anecdota. Isidorianae Collationes, 1670. Justinus, Opera, 1742. Socrates Sozoinen, Eccl. History, 305 445. Tertullianus, Opera, 1584. Theodoretus, Opera, 1573. Theophylactus, Opera, 1754-63. See Bibliography. Church Government. Bowden, Apos tolic Origin of Episcopacy, 1806. Chauncy, View of Episcopacy, 1771. Corbet, Remaines, 1684. Cotton, The Keyes, 1644. Deems, Speech, Trial of W. A. Smith. Hobart, Apology for Apostolic Order, 1844. Homes, W., Proposals on .... Church government, 1732. Hooker, Ecclesiastical polity, 1849. Jarvis, S. F., The Church of the Re deemer, 1850. King, P., Const, of Primitive. Milton, J., Works, Of Prelatical Epis copacy, 1851. Church Government (continued). Noel, Union of Church and State, 1849. Pamphlets, vol. 1291. Parker, R., De politeia Ecclesiastica. Pradt, Les quatre concordats, 1818. Rutherfurd, Surveys of Hooker s dis cipline, 1658. Wigglesworth, Sober Remarks, 1724. Wilson, J., Apostolic Church Govt., 1798. See Church of England ; Presbyterian ; Church of Scotland; Congregat. Church History. Andrews, Review of Fox s Book of Martyrs. Apostolical Fathers, 1810. B. C. Armenian Church, Liturgie, 1851. Baluzius, Nova collectio, concil., 1683. Batavia Sacra, 1714. Bennett, J., Histosy of, 1831. Bourne, G., Lectures: Church of Christ. Boyle, I., Hist, of Council of Nice, 1836. Brady, Clavis Calendaria, 1815. Burnet, Hist, of Ref. of Ch. of Eng., 1781. Campbell, G., Lectures on, 1807. B. C. Coleuian, Antiq. of Chiist Church, 1841. Collier, Eccl. Hist, of Great Britain, 1708-14. Duykerius, Korte Verhandeling, 1686. Erskine, J., Sketches and hints of, 1790-97. Eusebe, Lett, a Morenas sur 1 hist. de Fleury, 1757. Eusebius, Eccle. History, 1833. B. C. Flaccuslllyricus, Cent. Magdeburgen- sis, 1624. Fleury, Moeurs des Chretiens, 1754. Giaunone, Anecdotes Ecclesiastiques. Goodrich, Eccl. Class-book, 1839. Greek Eccl. Historians, lst-6cent. Gregory, G., Hist, of the Chris. Ch. Gieseler, Text-book of. Gillies. Historical Collections. Hales, J., Remains, Letters from Dort. Hardwick, C., History of Middle Age. Hase, Hist, of the Christian Church. Haweis, Reply to Dean of Carlisle, 1801. Hawks, Cont. to Eccl. Hist, of U.S. A. Hetherington, Westminster Assem. of Divines. Jones, W., History of. Jortin, J., Remarks on. Kip, W. I., Early Conflicts of Chris tianity. Labbeus, Sacrosancta Concilia, 1671-2. Maitland, The Dark Ages, 1853. 112 CHURCH HISTORY. Church History (continued). Martini, Staatsreligion durch Constan- tin, 1813. Mass. Hist. Soc., series I, Church Hist, of N. E. Mather, J., Disquisition on Councils, 1716. Maurice, F. D., Lect. on I and II Cent. Milman, H. H., Hist, of Christianity, 1840. " Hist, of Latin Christianity. Miraeus, De Statu Religionis, 1619. Moronas, Abr6ge de Pllist. do Fleuri, 1752. Mosheiui, Eccl. Hist, by Murdock, 1824. B. C. << Hist. Comm. for 325 years, 1852. Naldini, Corographia ecclesiastica, 1700. Neander, A., Hist, of Christ, rel. and Church, 1847-54. " Memorials of Christian Life, 1852. " Planting and Training of the Ch., 1851. Nicephorus, Eccl. Hist. lib. 18, 1566. Odespun, L., Concilia Gallise, 1646. Papendrecht, Eccl. Ultrajectinae, 1725. Pastorini, Gen. Hist, of Christ. Ch., 1807. B. C. Pelletreau, Abridgment of. Priestley, Gen. Hist, of the Church, 1790. History of Corruptions of Christian, 1793. B. C. Pupils of St. John. Kiddle, Eccl. chronology, 1840. Ruffner, Origin of Monkery. Sage, J., Cyprianic age. Schaff, Hist, of the Church, 1-311, 1859. What is Ch. History? Schott, The Augsburg Confession, 1530. Scott, T., Synod of Dort, 1831. Seabury, Continuity of the Church of England, 1853. Sewell, History to Nice, 1860. Sirmond, Concilia Galliae, 1629. Sleidan, De Statu Religionis, 1785. Smith, H. B., Science of C. H., 1851. Socrates Scholasticus....to 445, 1853. Southey, R., Book of the Church. Sozomen, Hist. A. D. 324-440, 1855. Spotswood, Church of Scotland, 1677. Stebbing, !., Hist, of Christ. Church, Lardner s Cyc. Stilling, H. Jung, Siegsgeschichte der. Stillingfleet, Origines Britannicse. Storia della rivoluzioni, 1803. Church History (continued). Strype, Reformation in Eng., 1736-38. Thackeray, F., Eccl. state of Ancient Britain, 1843. Theodoret and Evagrius, 322-594, 1854. Turrettin, J. A., Different fates of, 1708. Union Theol. Sem., Hitchcock s Ad dress. Usher, De Ecclesiarum in Occidentis partibus. Valerot, Journ. de la France, 1722. Vergilius, De rerum inventoribus, 1546. Vitalis, Eccl. Hist, of England and Normandy, 1853, 54. Waddington, History of the Church. Waylen, Eccl. reminiscences of, 1846. Willtsch, Hand-book of Ch. geography. Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1841. Ypeij, Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk, 1819-27. B. C. See Great Britain, Church History; Martyrs; Protestantism. Church Member*. Cobbet, Vind. of covenant, 1642. Emmons, E., Qualifications for. Fish, Primitive piety. James, J. A., Church member s Guide, 1830. Stoddard, S., Right of Saints to, 1709. See Communion. Church Missionary Society. Church her own Enemy, 1818. Considerations on the probable effects, 1818. Defence of, 1818. Terrot, Bp., Correspondence, 1844. Church of England, History, Polem ics, etc. Anderson, J. S. M., History of, in the Colonies, 1856. Address to the Bishops, (Disney), 1790. Advice to Confuter of Bellarmin, 1687. Altham, Vindication of, 1687. Andrews, T., Vindication of, 1799. Answer to a late seditious, 1689. Apol. for adherence, 1801. Appeal to Common Reason, (Jones), 1850. Bedford, BJazon of Episcopacy, 1858. Barrington, Bp , Charges, 1792-1810. Baxter, R., Petition for peace, 1661. Beda, Historia Eccl. Gentis Anglorum. (E. Hist. boc). " Eccl. Hist, of Eng., 1847. Best, S., Deans and Chapters, 1837. Beverley, Corrupt state of, 1831. Black-book, The, 1835. Blandford, Episc. Property, 1853. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. 113 Church oi England, History, Polem ics, etc. (continued). Bowtell, Sermon to dissenters, 1711. Brand, Philanth. Society, 1806. Browne, E. H., Expos, of the 39 Arti cles. Burges, G., Address to Stanley, 1838. Burnet, Exposi. of xxxix Art., 1842. Case of Ch. of Eng., 1834. Catholicism without popery, 1699. Cave, Discourse concerning, 1684. Chamberlain, C., Position of our Ch., 1859. Christmas, Hampden controversy, 1848. Church of England vind., 1739. Church Pastoral Aid Society, 1837, 55. Church Questions, 1855. Church Reviewed, Lond., 1835. Claims of, Lond., 1815. Cobbett, Legacy to Parsons, 1845. Cole, H., Modern Dissent, 1839. Coming Conflict, 1851. Considerations of Present use, 1682. Cooper, C. P., Tracts Concerning. 850, 51. Cosin, De la foi et rites de, 1857. Davys, G., On the Doctrines of. Dealtry, W., Charges, 1830-43. Defence of Doctrines of, (Wake), 1686. Defence of the Doctrine, 1807. Dilemmas of a Churchman, 1838. Discourse, Troubles at Frankfort, 1554. Dow, Innovations of, 1^37. Do not be Duped, 1850. Ecclesiast. Almanack, 1842. Evils of the Policy, 1849. Falkland, Speech on Episcopasie, 1641. Forby, R., Letter to Bp. of Norwich, 1815. Fulhvood, True Churches, 1652. Goodman, Sisterhoods of. Gordon, T., Cordial for Low Spirits, 1763. Gorharn (The great) case, 1850. Gresley, W., Church Clavering. " Real Danger of, 1846. " Short Treatise on, 1845. Gray, J., The Capitular Comm., 1853. Grey, W. H., Church Leases, 1851. Grosseteste s Epistolae, (Chron. G. B.) Grueber, The One Faith, 1850. Hall, Robert, Works, v. 4, 5, 1832. Hamilton, W. R., Cathedral Commis sion, 1853. Hampden, R. D., Writings. Hardwick, Hist, of Articlesof Religion. Hickes, G., Vindication of, 1687. High Church Politics. High Flown Epis. Claims, 1737. 15 Church of England, History, Polem ics, etc. (continued). Hill, Sir R., An Apology for, 1798. Hook, W. F., Sermons, 1838-42. Hunt, J., Religious thought in, 1871. John Search s Last Words, 1839. Keble,Tracts, 1833-54. Keith, G., Two Sermons, 1700. Kenn, Expostulatoria. Kingscote, Wants of the Church, 1846. Knight, The Parochial System, 1854. Landor, Popery, English and Foreign, 1851. Laud, Abp., Speech, 1637. Lawson, Hist of Epis. Ch. in Scotland. Layman s Vindication. Le Grice, Sermon, Matt, xiii, 18, 1812. L Estrange, Relapsed Apostate, 1661. Letter, Respectfully Addressed, etc., 1835. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, 1832. Letters on Church Matters, 1851, 2. Lingard, Hist, of Anglo-Saxon Church, 1845. Maclear, On Catechism of. Madan, Upon the 39 Articles, 1772. Maltby, E., Charges, 1834-49. Marriott, H., Survey of, 1826. Maskell, On High Church Party, 1850. Meyrick, J., ....n est point Schisma- tique, 1855. Miller, J., Claims on Estates, 1831. Milton, J., Civil Power in Eccl. Caus., 1839. Modern Puritanism, 1843. Morres, Duty of Communion with, 181 7 Muscutt, Hist, of Lands of, 1851. Newland, Seasons of the Church. Nourse, P., Homilies fitted for Com mon use. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 128, 322- 331, 6^7-691, 722, 734, 775, 776, 933, 1270, 1276-1293, 1499, 1501, 1502, 1628. Parker Society, Publications. Polling, E., Good Old Way, 1680. Peril of being zealously affected, 1709. Persuasive to Comm. with, 1683. Phillpotts, H., Letters on the Edin. Rev., 1850, 52. Plan for the Cooperation, 1848. Preservative against Separation, 1721. Puritan Discipline Tracts, 1843-45. Questions and Answers, 1723. Raikes, Sermons and Charges. Real Advantages, (Welles), 1762. Reply to Reasons of. . . Clergy 1687. Rhenius, C. T. E., Review of " The Church," 1834. 114 CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Church of England, History, Polem ics, etc. (continued). Robinson, M., Letter to Beverley,1851. Sanders, HistoriaSchismatis Anerlicani, 1628. Sanderson, Biog. of Obsolete Church men, 1840. Scott, T., Evils of Separation, 1817. Seabury, Continuity of, 1853. Seymour, M. A., The Talbot Case, j 1839. Short Defence of, 1681. Short View of the Conduct, 1737. Some Considerations, (Drake), 1702. Southey, R., Book of the Church. Spencer, T., The Pillars of the, 1840. Squire, F., Answer to Ind. Whig on, 1753. Stanley, W. 0., Union of Sees, 1843. Stillingfleet, Origines Britannicee. Strictures on Subjects, 1807. Stubbes, Censure of the Royal Society, 1670. Sturges, Considerations on, 1772. Sulpicius, Letter to nobody, 1775. Sweet, J. B., Discipline in, 1847. Tables for renewing leases. Tucker, J., An apology for, 1772. Value of leases, 1722. Vanity of ceremonies, 1690. Vindication of, 1748. Wordsworth, Sermons, 1850. Yeowell, Anc. Brit. Church. Yorke, Altar and the East. See Tractarianism; Hampden; Dis senters; Church History; Ritual ism; Rubrics. Church of England, Clergy of. Apol ogy for, 1734. Browne, J. S., Catalogue of Bishops. Campbell, A., Rights of, 1823. Church of Eng. vindicated, 1739. Clarke, J., Reply to Chandler, 1749. Clergy List, 1841-59. Curate s appeal, 1819. Defence of the Soc. of the Sons of, 1812. Extraordinary claims of, 1735. Governors of Queen Anne s Bounty. Gutteridge, On Corruptions, 1846. Hale, W. H., Duties of Priests, 1850. Harrowby, Speech, Relief of, 1810. Hickes, G., Catechism, 1710. Hints from a minister, 1776. Hints to young Cler., 1836. Howley, Charges, 1815-44. Le Courayer, Defence of Ordinations of, 1725. Letter to the Author of Hints, 1814. Church of England, Clergy of (con tinued). Lushington, C., Practicesof the clergy. Manning, Principle of Canonries. Obs. on Non-residence, 1802. Pamphlets relating to the clergy, vols. 556, 1282, 1284, 1607, 1616. Pennington, On pluralities. Perceval, Curates Bill. Plan for better Maintenance, 1818. Pluralities, (On the), 1833. Remonstrance .... to Brougham, 1823. Rennell, Letter to Brougham, 1819. Scott, Sir W., Speech, Non-residence, 1802. Society of the Sons of the Clergy. Sermons before,-1678-1853. Spencer, G. T., Letter to Bp. of Bath, 1833. State of theEstab. Ch., 1810. Statutes: residence of, 1814. Thackeray, F., Defence of, 1822. Thoughts on Non-residence, 1803. Townsend, G., Of Non-residence, 1833. Wotton, W., Serin., Rights of, 1706. See Apostolic Succession. Church of England, Colonial. Ander son, J. S. M., Hist, of, in the Col onies, 1845-48. Apology for, in Canada, 1826. Bethune, Clergy reserve, Canada, 1853. Bettridge, Hist, of in Upper Canada. Cunningham, Missions of, 1814. Hawkins, Annals of Dioc. of Quebec, 1849. Pamphlets, vol. 1283. See Episcopal Church, U. S. Church of England, Convocation. Constitutional Assem. of Clergy, 1829. Fraser, W., Constitutional Nature of, 1852. Law of Convocation, 1852. Letter to the Author of Vindication, 1685. Nihill, Ecc l Assemblies, 1836. Pamphlets, vol. 1284. Peace, Phases of Convocation, 601-1 860. Robins, Against Revival of, 18oO. Snape, A , Instructed, (Kennett), 1718. Soc. for the Revival of, 1851. Church of England, Liturgy. Apology for, (Horsley), 1790. Butler, J., Sermon on, 1763. Church of Engl. Common Prayer, 1787. Church of Engl. Prayer, fac-similes, 1549-1844. Eccl. Hist. Soc. Book of Prayer, Car. II. Edward VI, Liturgies, Parker Soc. Elizabeth, Q., Services, Parker Soc. CICERO. 115 Church of England, Liturgy (cont d). Gatford, Vindication of, 1655. Gauden, J., Considerations on, 1661. Gemeene gebeden, 1711. Hints ... .on Revision, 1850. Malham, Dictionary of. Pamphlets, vols. 1286, 1287. Pococke, R., Diatribae, 1710. Procter, History of the Book. Robertson s Conformity to the Liturgy. Scriptural Revision of, 1851. Simeon, Excellency of, 1812. Thoughts on Present State, 1836. Wheatly, On the Common Prayer, 1848. Whiston, Liturgy bro t to Prim. Stand ard, 1713. See Liturgies ; Prayer. Church of England, Reform. Appeal in behalf, 1840. Burton, E., Thoughts upon, 1831. Carlisle, W., Church Reform, 1844. Duncombe, Letter to the Hierarchy, 1834. Ecclesiastical Dignities, 1795. Ecol. Legislation, 1836. Essay on, 1851. Henley, Church Reform, 1832. Pamphlets, vol. 1289. Perceval, Letter to Henley, 1832. Scott, J., Serm., Reformation, 1831. Sparrow, Eccl. Reform, 1833. Surtees, Church Abuses, 1849. Wetherell, Church Reform, 1833. Church of Ireland. Mant, R., History of, 1840, 41. See Irish Churches. Church of Scotland. Argyll, Presby tery Examined, 1848. Seattle, J., Hist, of, 1842. Bridges, J., Patronage in. Bryce, Present Position, 1838. Buchan, G., Hist. Sketch, 1840. Chalmers, T., Destitution in. Chu-rch of Scot. Memoirs and Reports, 1841-43. " " Book of the Kirk. Confession of Faith, etc., 1771. Colquhoun, Hints, 1840. Crookshank, History of Sufferings, 1787. Gumming, J., Apology for, 1837. Dodds, J., Century of History, 1846. Fraser, R. W., Kirk and Manse. Kirkton, History of Church to 1678. Knox s Works. Letter from a Blacksmith, 1758. Letter to the Press, 1842. Church of Scotland (continued). Lindesay, Proceedings, Perth Assem bly, 1618. Lome, Letter to T. Chalmers, 1842. Memorial, 1689. Pamphlets relating to the Church of Scotland, vols. 855, 900, 902, 908, 909, 918, 920, 928, 929, 1498, 155C. Spottiswoode Soc., Publications. Spottswood, Hist, of Ch. and State of, 1677. Sydow, A., Scottish Church quest., 1845. Wodrow, Hist, of sufferings of, 1721-22. Wodrow Society, Publications. See Presbyterian; Scotfand; Church Patronage. Church of Scotland, Episcopal. Drummond Schism, 1842. Lawson, History of, 1844. Church Patronage. Bridges, J., P. in Ch. of Scotland. Chalmers, Sermon on Patronage. Lyall, Nature of, 1832. Pamphlets, vol. 1289. Patronage reformed, 1760. Pluralism, 1838. Progress .... of Patr. in Scotland, 1783. Rose, L., Pat. in C. of Scotland, 1840. Wake, Abp., Charge, Patronage, 1709. Church Primitive. Cave, Primitive Christianity. Coleman, Apostol. Church, 1844. Eliot, S., Early Christians. Fuller, A., Discipline of, 1799. Gorton, Prim. Chris, revived. Kendall, E. 1., Sermon, Primitive Church, 1854. Kingsley, C., The Hermits. Maurice, Le % t. I and II Cent. Naked Truth, (Croft), 1675. Smirke, Mr., Or the Divine in Mode, 1677. See Church History. Church Union. See Christian Union. Churchill, J. SeeMarlborough, Duke of. Churchman, John. Gospel labors of. Cibola. See Mexico. Cicero, M. T. Epistolw. " Letters. Ernesti, Clavis Ciceroniana, 1777. Forsyth, Life of. Grifolus, Defensiones Celii disquis. Home, Somnium Scipionis. Manutius in Epist. Coramen., 1583. Middleton, C., Life of, 1818. Nunnesius, Epitheta collecta, 1570. 116 CICERO. Cicero (continued). Olivet, Delectus comment, 1819. Strieker, J., Life of, 1835. See Classical literature. Cider. Devon, Eng., Duty on, 1763. Phillips, Poem on. Cilicia. Barker, Travels in. Cincinnati, Ohio. Gin. Misc., 1846-46. Cincinnati Directories, 1829, 51, 56-58. Cist, Cincinnati in 1841, 51. Drake, B.,.. C. in 1826. Drake, D . , View of, and the Miami country, 1815. Smith, K., Review of Trade, etc., 1850-55. Cincinnati, Society of the. Barlow, J., Disc. Connec. Soc , 1787. Burke, jE., Considerations, 1783. Dwight, T., Oration, 1792. Girardot, L Ordre Americain. Grimke, T. S., Address, 1809. Henry, S. C., Address, N. J., 1824. Mirabeau, Consid. sur 1 ordre, 1784. Penn a Society, 1785. Rogers, W., Address, Phil a, 1789. Silliman, B., Oration, 1802. Smith, W., Sermon, 1790. Soc. of the Cinn. Proceedings and Inst., 1801, 41, 47, 51. Cipher. Gage, On cypher, 1809. Thicknesse, Treatise on the art of , 1772. See Monograms ; Writing; Short Hand; Alphabets. Circassia. Ditson, Tour in Circassia,1850. Haxthausen, Tribes of Caucasus. Longworth, J. A., A year among the Circassians, 1840. Spencer, E., Travels in, 1837. Taitbout de Marigny, Voyages en, 1836. See Caucasus ; Russia. Circumcision. Brekell, Diss. on, 1763. Reflections on Letter to Watorland, 1732. Cirencester (Engl.) contest, 1753. Cities. Chalmers, T., Civic economy of. Ebrington, Gov t for London. Fox, T. B., Church in cities. Municipalist, (The), N. Y., 1859. See Police ; Social Science. Cities and Towns, Pamphlets relating to, vols. 192, 225, 496, 1603. Citizen. Alden, J., Young citizens manual, 1867. See Officers, Civil; Government; Rights. Civil Authoiity. See Authority. Civil Engineering. See Engineering; Bridges; Railroads, etc. Civilization. Buckle, Hist, of, 1858, 61. Chastellux, Marq. of, Essays. Chenevix, On national character. Dean, A., History of, 1869. Doctrine (De la) du Progres continu., 1834. Doig, The Savage State. Douglas, J., Advanc. of Society. Dunbar, J., Essay on hist, of man kind, 1780. Draper, Intell. devel. of Europe. Duganne, Progress of civil see., 1860. Everett, E., Stability and Progress, 1853. Ferguson, Hist, of civil society, 1782. Fichte, Characteristics of the present age, 1847. Fitzhugh, Sociology for the South, 1854. Fourier, C., Passions of human soul. Goguet, Origin of laws, arts and sci ence, 1761. Guizot s Hist, of Civiliz. in Europe, 1846. Homo, H., Sketches of the History of Man, 1813. Lord, J. C., Progress of civilization, 1851. Mackay, Progress of the Intellect, 1850. Mackinnon, History of civilization. Progress of Nations, 1861. Richard, Voyages chez les peuples sauvages, 1808. Seaman, E. C., Essays on the pro gress of nations, 1846. Southey, R., Colloquies on. .Soc., 1831. Taylor, W. C., Nat. Hist, of Soc., 1840. Vaughan, R., Age of great cities, 1843. Vestiges of civilization, 1851. Warren, S., Intel, and Mor. devel. of the age, 1854. Wilson, D., Pre-historio man. Withington, Growth of thought. See Progress; Society; Pre-historic; Reform; Social Science. Civil Service. Am. Ass n Social Sci., 1871. Mann, II., Civ.Ser. competition, Lon., 1857. North Am. Res. Oct., 1867. U. S., C. Service, Jenckes report. See Officers; Citizen. Civil War in the United States, 1 86 1- 1865. Abbott, A. 0., Prison life, etc., 1865. Addey, T. Jackson s life. Albany Army Relief Bazaar, 1864. Andersonville, Ga., Prisoners at. Antietam Nat. Cemetery. CIVIL WAR IN THE UNITED STATES. 117 Civil War in the United States, 1861- 1865 (continued). Aughey, The iron furnace. Ayer, I. W., Northwest Conspiracy, 1865. Bacon, E., Among the cotton thieves, 1867. Bacon, W. K., Life of, 1863. Baker, Detective service. Barnard, J. G., Battle of Bull Run, 1862. " Peninsular campaign, on Mc- Clellan s Report, 1864. " Penin. Camp., Artill. opera tions, 1864. Bartlett, J. R., The literature of, 1866. " Rhode Island officers. Battle fields of the South. Bechler, Maps of battles in Virginia. Benedict, Vermont at Gettysburg. Benedict, Lewis, Memorial of. Bickham, Rosecrans campaign. Bishop, Union men of the Southwest, 1863. Blake, II. N., Army of the Potomac, 1865. Botts, J. M , The great rebellion. Boudrye, Hist, of 1st N. Y. Cavalry. Boutwell, G. S., Speeches. Bowman, Sherman and campaigns. Boyd, Belle, In camp, etc., 1865. Boynton, Hist. U. S. Navy. Bright, J., Speeches in England. Bristed, Now is the time, 1862. Brockett, Woman s work in, 1867. Brooklyn Fair, 1864. Brown, Negro in the Rebellion, 1867. Brownlow, W. G., Hist, of Secession. Buchanan, J., Admin, on eve of. Cairnes, The slave power, 1862. Castleman, Army of the Potomac, 1863. Cavada, Libby life. Chittenden, Debates in Convention, Feb., 1861. Clark, J. H., The Iron-hearted Regt., (115th N. Y). Clark, 0. S., 116th N. Y. Regt. Clark, P. H., Black brigade of Cin cinnati. Clark, R. W., Heroes of Albany. Confederate States. See Con. States. Connecticut Military History, 1869. " Catal. of Regi., 1861-62. Continental Monthly, 1862-64. Conyngham, Sherman s March. Cook, J., Siege of Richmond, 1862. Corcoran s Captivity. Craft s Hist, of South. Rebel., 1867. Croffut, Mil. His. of Connecticut. Civil War in the United States, 1861- 186.* (continued). Crowell, Hist, of Essex, Ms., in. Dabney, Defence of Virginia, 1867. Davis, W. W. H., 104th Penn a Reg. Day, Down South, 1862. De Forest, B. S., Random Sketches, 1866. De Peyster, Madalin Oration. De Witt Guard, N. Y. Diary of, Deo. 20, 1860-1861. Diary of a South. Refugee, 1867. Draper, J. W., History of, 1870. Driscoll, F., Final Campaign, 1866. Duffield, Hist. Disc., 1861. Duganne, Camps and Prison. Dye, J. S., The Adder s Den, 1864. Eddy, R., Hist. 60thReg t N. Y. S. V. Edge, The Alabama and Kearsage. Ellis, T. T., Diary of a Surgeon, 1863. Ellison, Slav, and Secession, 1861. Ely, Journal in Richmond. Estvan, War Pictures, 1863. Everett, E., Oration, Gettysburg. Farrar, The War, causes. Fisher, G. A., Yankee Conscript. Fisher, R. S., Chronol. Hist, of, 1863. Fisher, S. G., Trial of the Constitu tion, 1862. Foote, H. S., War of the Rebellion, 1866. Forman, Western San. Commission. Foster, J. T , Now Jersey in. Fowler, W. C., Sectional Controversy, 1868. Fremantle, 3 mo s. in Southern states. Fremont, J., Story of the Guard. French, M. A., SI. in S. Carolina, 1862. Gasparin, America before Europe. Geer, Prisoner in Dixie. Gettysburg Cemetery. Giddings, J.R., History of. Gillmore, Operations at Charleston. Glazier, W. W., Escape of, 1865. Goldsborough, The Maryland Lino, 1869. Goodrich, The Tribute Book. Goodwin, Nat. Hist of Secession, 1864. Gould, J. M., Hist, of 29th Maine Regt , 1871. Grant and Campaigns. Grant, Pres. Life of. Greeley, H., The American Conflict. Greenhow, Imprisonment, Washington. Gurowski, Diary, 1861-63. Hackeft, H. B., Christian Memorials. Hamersly, Records of the Navy, 1861- 1865. Hamlin, A. C., Andersonville Prison, 118 CIVIL WAR IN THE UNITED STATES. Civil War in the United States, 1861- 1865 (continued). Hanson, J. W., Hist, of 6th Mass. Regt. Harris, W. C., Prison Life in Richm d, 1862. Haynes, Hist, of Vt. 10th Regt., 1870. Headley, History of, 1863. " Mass, in the Rebellion. Helper, H. R., No joque, 1867. Hepworth, The Gulf Department, 1863. Historicus, Letters, Lond., 1863. Hosmer, Thinking Bayonet. Hospital Transports, 1863. Hotchkiss, Chancellorsvillo Battle. Hough, Hist, of Duryee s Brigade, 1864. Howard, P., Barbarities of the Rebels. Hunnicutt, Conspiracy Unveiled, 1863. Hunt, Shenandoah Cruiser. Huntington s Stamford, Conn. Soldiers. Illinois, Adj. Gen s Reports, 1861-67. Indiana, Adj. Genl s Reports, 1861-69. Iowa, Adj. Gen s Reports, 1863-65. Iron Platform, 1863, 4. Jackson, T. J-, Life of. Jacobs, M., Invasion of Maryland, 1864. Joinville, Army of the Potomac. Judd, 33d N. Y. Volunteers. Junkin, Political Fallacies, 1863. Kellogg, Rebel prisons. Kelso, Stars and Bars in Missouri, 1863. Kennedy, J. P., Ambrose s Letters. Kettell, History of. Kidder, F., First N. H. Regt. Kirke, Down in Tennessee, 1864. Laugel, The U. S. During the War, 1866. Laurie, T., Sermon, 1861. Lecomte, Swiss Mil. Report, 1863. Leslie s Pictorial History of. Life in the Union Army, 1863. Lord, J. C., Sermon, Buffalo, 1862. Loring, C. G., Correspondence, 1861. j " Remarks on Historicus, 1864. Lossing, B., History of the War. Love, Wisconsin in the War. McClellan, G. B., Report, 1861-62. McClcnthen, Campaign in Va. McKinstry s Vindication, 1862. MacPherson, Polit. Hist, of, 1864, 66. Mahony, The Prisoner of State. Maine, Adj. Gen s Report, 1861. Marks, Campaign in Va., 1864. Massachusetts Register, 1862. Adj. Gen s Reports. Mass. 58th Regiment, 1865. Civil War in the United States, 1861- 1865 (continued). Melville, H., Battle pieces, 1866. Memoirs of Nullifier, 1860. Merrell, Five months in. Moore, F., Rebellion Record, 1861-65. " Heroes and Martyrs. " Lyrics of Ltyalty. * Political Ballads. Moore, James, Kilpatrick and Cavalry. Moreau, Politique Franyaise, 1864. Morse, F. W., Perso. Experiences. Myers, 192 Penn a Vols., 1864. My Life in Vicksburg, 1864. Nation s Sin, 1864. Nemo, Mrs., Our Present Men, 1863. New Gospel of Peace. N. Y. Army List, 1862. " County Enrollment Lists. See New York, Civil War. Nicholas, S. S., Conservative Essays. Nichols, G. W., Sherman s March. Noel, The Rebellion in 1863. Nott, C. C., Sketches of the War, 1863, 5. " Sketches in Prison Camps, 1865. Noyes, G. F., The Bivouac, 1863. Old (The) Guard, (Period.), 1863-66, N. Y. Oneida Volunteers. Owen, R. D., Wrong of Slavery. Paige, Address, 1862. Pamphlets relating to the War, vols. 1534-1593, 1819, 1839, 2504, 2505. Pamphlets containing Sermons on, vols. 1594, 1595, 1617. See Ser mons, Political. Patterson, R., Campaign of the Shen andoah, 1861. Pelleton, Au roi Coton, 1863. Penn a, Prisoners of Andersonville, 1864-65. Peterson, F. A., Campaign in Virginia, 1K62. Peyton, J. S., Am. Crisis, 1867. Phelps, Mrs. L., Our Country, 1864. Pittenger, Daring and Suffering, 1864. Police Record, Tennessee, 1863. Pollard, E. A., Southern History of, 1862-5. " Secret Hist, of the War, and Davis s life, 1869. Quint, Potomac and Rapidan. " Second Mass. Infantry. Rawlins, Amer. Disunion. Redpath, Echoes of Harper s Ferry. Red Tape and Pigeon-hole Generals, 1864. Reid, Ohio in the War. Rejected Stone, 1861. CLASSICAL LITERATURE. 119 Civil War in the United States, 1861- 1865 (continued). Reynolds, E. W., The Barons of the South, 1862 Richardson, A. D. Field, Dungeon and escape, 1865. Rhode Island, Registry, 1866. Rogers, W. II., Hist, of 189th Reg t of N. Y. Rosecrans, Battle of Murfreesboro. Russell, W. H., Diary North and South, 1*63. Sabre, War Prisons. St. Andrews Society, Sanitary Fair, Albany, 1864. Schalk, Campaigns of 1862-3. Schouler, Massachusetts in the War. Schuylkill County, Memorial. Semines, Cruise of the Alabama. Sergeant s Mem. (Thompson). Shaffner, The War in America, 1862. Shanks, Recoil, of Disting. Generals. Shea, J. G., The Fallen Brave, 1861. Soldier s Bible. Soldiers .... Half-dime Tales, 1868. Soldiers Letters, 1865. Songs of the War, 1863. Southern Generals, (Snow.) Spence, J., The American Union, 1862. " Recog. of the Confederation. Spencer, C. P., Last Days in N. Caro lina. Sprague, J. T., Treachery in Texas, 1861. Stars and Stripes in Rebellion, 1862. Stanton, R. L., The Church and the R. Stevens, G. T., Army of the Potomac, Sixth Corps. Stewart, A. M., Army of the Potomac, 1865. Stille, Fair at Phila., 1864. Stone, E. W., Rhode Island in, 1864. Strong, R. M., Life of. Swinton, Army of the Potomac. Sypher, Penn a Reserve Corps. Tenney, W. J., Mil. and Nav. Hist. Tharin, Arbitrary Arrests. Tomes, R., Hist, of the War with the South. Trip of the Oceanus to Fort Sumter, 1865. Trumbull, H. C., Camp s Life. " Manning s Life. Tucker, Partisan Leader, 1836. U. S., Harper s Ferry invasion. " Corresp. on Foreign Affairs, 1861- 1864. " Fort Pillow Massacre " General Orders, 1861-63. " Reconstruction, P. v. 1839. Civil War in the United States, 186 1- 1865 (continued). U. S., Rolls of Honor. U. S. Christian Commission Reports, 1863-66. U. S. Sanitary Commission Bulletin, 1863-65. . U. S. Reporter, 1863-65 U. S. Service Maga. Period., 1864-6. Victor, History of, 1862, 63. Western San. Coram. History, 1864. Whiting, War Powers of U. S. Willson, 126th N.Y...Regt. Wilson, H., Hist, of Anti-Slavery Con gress Measures. Woodbury, Burnside and 9th Army Corps, 1867. See Confederate States; Slavery. Claflin, A. L. Warren, W., Sermons on, 1853. Claggett, T J. Norton, Life of. Clap, Roger. Memoirs of. Clapham, Eng. Directory, 1859. Clapp, Rev. T. Autobiography. Clare, T.G. Coleridge, W. A.,Serm. on. Clarendon, E. Hyde, Earl. Life of, 1759. Letters of. Lister, H., Life of, 1838. Clarendon, T.V.Hyde, Earl. Moun tain, Sermon on, 1824. Clark, Dr. Fenwick, Letter to, 1802. Clark, D. A. Biog. Sketch of. Clark, H. Newman, J., Eulogy on. Clark, II. Descendants, 1640-1866. Clark, J. Hall, B. M., Life of, 1857. Clark, Rev. J. Sketches of, (Peck), 1855. Clark, J. L. Descendants, (Sims), 1870. Clark, G. L. Clark, J., Descendants of, 1870. Clarke, A. Clarke, J. B. B., Life of. Etheridge, Life of, 1859. Clarke, E. D. Otter, Life and Rem. of, 1827. B. C. Clarke, G. Voyage of, 1703, N. Y. Colon. Tracts. Clarke, M. Neal, 0., Sermon on. Clarke, M. S. Huntington, F. D., Dis course on. Clarke, T. Descendants, 1623-97. Classical Literature. Adler, G. J., Notes on Aeschylus. Anthon, Classical Dictionary, 1841. - Manual of Greek Lit., 1853. Arnay, Private life of the Romans. 120 CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Classical Literature (continued). Begerus, Ulysses Sirenes praetervectus, 1703. Bentley, Works, vol. 1, 2, 1836. Bonstetten, Voyage sur la scene de PEneide, 1804. Botfield, Editions of the Classics. Brumoy, Greek Theatre, 1759. Caelius, Antiquae lectiones. Campagnol, Themes Latins, 1853. Classical Journal, Lond., 1826-28. Cleveland, First Lessons in Latin, 1831. Coleridge, H. N., Study of Greek Poets, 1831. B. C. Coray, Greek Class. Criticisms, 1812. Corderius, Colloquies, 1783. B. C. Crombie, Gymnasium sive sym. crit., 1838. B. C. Cuperus, Observationes, 1670. Dainm, Lexicon Etyinol., 1765. Dissertation Greek Accents, 1755. Docen, Ueber die Ursachen, etc. ,1815. Donaldson, J. G., Constr. Grsecae prae- cepta, 1845. Donaldson, J. W., Varronianus, 1860. Dunlop, G., Hist, of Roman Lit., 1827. Eschenberg, Classical antiq., 1837. Eusebius, Actual state of, 1826. Felton, C. C., Lectures on Greece, 1867. Fosbroke, Arts of Greeks and Romans. Gellius, Attic Nights, 1795. Graevius, Lectiones Hesiodae, 16G7. Grifolus, Ciceronis defensiones Celii disquis., 1546. Giitho, Ueber den Astrios, etc., 1809. Haldeman, Elements of Latin pronun ciation, 1851. Harpocration, De Vocibus liber, 1696. Harwood, Biographia classica, 1802-4. Heeren, A. H. L., Gesch. des studiuins der Griechischen, 1797. Heyne, Opuscula Academica, 1785-88. Krabinger, Die klassischen studien, 1853. Linacro, De emendata structura lat. serm., 1557. Lobeck, Questionum lonicarum liber, 1850. Lyne, R., Latin Primer, 1801. B- C. Manutius, Orthographic ratio collecta, 1566, Middleton, C., Works, vol. 4, 1755. Millin, Dizionario delle favole, 1804. Mnemosyne, period, 1852-61. Monboddo, Origin of Language. Montfaucon, Antiquity explained. Moore, N. F., Pronunc. of Greek, 1819. Muller, K. 0., Hist. lit. of anc. Greece. Lib. U. K. Mure, Lang, and lit. of anc. Greece, 1867. Classical Literature (continued). Museum Criticum, Cambridge, 1826. Observations on, 1753. Occasional Thoughts, 1762. Olivet, J., Comin. in Ciceronis Opera, 1819. Outhof, Cebes den Thebaner, 1727. Pamphlets, vols. 692, 693, 1294, 1504, 1764. Parr, S., Works, vol. 3, 1828. Pierron, Hist. Lit. Rom., 1857. Person, R., Tracts, 1815. Preston, W., Ancient Amatory Writ., 1797. Pye, H. G., Life of Tyrtseus. Quintus Calabrua, Prsetermiss. ab Ho- mero, 1734. Ramsay, Travels of Cyrus, 1814. Rapin, Critical Works. Roth, Ueber Thucydides u. Tacitus, 1812. " v. d. Class. Gelehrsamkeit, 1825. Schoell, Hist. Lit. Romaino, 1815. Schomann, Assemblies of the Athe nians, 1838. Schweighaeuser, Lexicon Herodoteum. Sigouius, Scholia Livii Historise, 1555. Smith W., Gr. and Roman Geography. " Classical Dictionary, 1851. Sophocles, E. A., Hist, of Greek Al phabet, 1848. Thomas, De vocis atticis, 1757. Turner, D. W., Notes on Herodotus, 1853. Vitringa, De Protagorro Vita, 1852. Waddington, Carmen Graecum, 18!9. Wakefleld, Corres. with Fox, 1795-1801. Weld, B. H., Latin lessons, 1847. B. C. Wellcndarffer, In Aristot. Comment, 1509. Wheeler, Anal, of Thucydides, 1855. Wyttenbach, Of Greek Literature. See Antiquities ; Greek ; Latin; Bibli ography; Cicero; Homer, etc Classical Studies. Atkinson, Class. Studies, 1865. Brooks, M. C., Address, 1840. Clarke, J.. Usefulness of Translations 1734. Essays on a System of, 1829. Essays on a Liberal Ed., 1868. Keynes, Class. Instruction, 1816. Maiden, H., Study of, 1851. Merrill, T. A., Essay on Study of Latin. Pillans, Order of Study. Ray, R., Two Lectures, 1826. Sears, etc., Classical studies, 1843. Urquhart, On Classical Learning. Verplanck, Use of Liberal Studies, 1833. CLERGY. 121 Classification of Rooks and Knowl edge. Bibliog. Miscel., (Clark.) Bulletin du bibl., 1840, Syst. de Dau- nou, 1834-52. Charma, A., Nouv. Class, des Sciences, 1859. Chaudon, Diet., v. 20, 1812. Constantin, Bibliotheconomie, 1841. Edwards, Memoirs of Libraries. Portie d Urban, Syst. de Bibliog. Alpha., 1822. Great Brit., Report Brit. Mus., 1835. Home, Introd. to Bibliog., 1839. AJiddleton, Bib.Canta.ordin.methodus. Palermo, Clas^azione dei libri astampe, 1854. Park, 11., Pantology. Peignot, Diet, de Bibliol. 1802. See Bibliography, elementary; Cata logues: Libraries, scientific. Claverack, N. Y. Zabriskie, History of the Church in. Claxton, T. Memoirs of a Mechanic. Clay, Anne. Jones, C. C., Life of. Clay, H. Anspach, Discourse on, 1852. Ashland Text-book. Baldwin, N. B., Discourse, 1852. Barstow, H , Club House, Detroit. Clay, H., Life and Speeches (Mallory). Colton, Correspondence of; Life of, 1855-6. Green, W., Address to Club, 1844. Lathrop, J. H., Eulogy on, 1852. Leavitt, J., The Great Duelist, 1844." McJilton, Sermon on, 1852. N. Y. State Aux. Clay Mon. Ass n. New Yerk City, Funeral Ceremony of, 1853. Prentice, G. D., Biography of, 1832. Sargent, E., Life and Services of,1848. Scott, W. A., Docts. on Calumnies, 1845. Sketches of Public Services of, 1823. Sketch of Several, etc. Smith, S. L., Eulogy on. U. S. Congress, Eulogies on. Cleaveland, E. Misrepresentations cor rected, 1859. Clarke, E., Discourse on. Woods, L., Address on, 1860. Cleghorn, G. Lettsom, J. C., Memoirs of. Clement, XIV. Caraccioli, Life of. " Leven van, 1778. Ganganelli, Letters of. Clergy. Academia Speculum, 1830. Admonition to the younger ...1764. Advice to a Son.... 1725. 16 Clergy (continued). Advice from a Bishop, 1759. Arnold, W. H., Licentious Clergymen, 1828. Beverley, Of a human Priesthood, 1839. Brooks, C., Salaries in N. Eng., 1854. Cambridge, G. 0., Charges to, 1837, 38. Canada, Report on support of, 1835. Chapman, Charge to, 1746. Christian Deacon. Clerical Papers, 1852. Christian Temple, Lond., 1-49. Clarke, A., Letter to Preacher, 1812. De Lancey, W. H., Sermon, Rev. ii. 10, 1843. " Charges, 1846, 55. Dissuasive from. . ..orders, 1723. Drake, S., Concio, 1724. Ducard, Vicarages of Canterbury. Eachard, Contempt of the, 1705. Evans, H., Sermon on, 1773. Free and apposite Obs., 1782. Gerard, The Pastoral Office, 1760. Goddard, C., Ordin. Service defended, 1846. Goddard, W. S., Visitation Sermon, 1811. Gordon, T., Cordial for low spirits. Griinshawe, Wrongs of ... .Peterbo rough, 1822. Harris, H., Essay on Priesthood. Hickeringill, Lay Clergy, 1695. Hone, Parson s Horn-book. Howitt, W., Of Priestcraft. Jackson, W., Of Supporting them selves, 1821. James, J. A., Minist. duties, 1816. Langley, W., Persecuted Minister, 1655. Latham, Difficulties of, 1736. Laurence, R., Charges, 1822. Lecture, Folly of Servants, 1842. Leechman, Sermon, Duty of, 1744. Letter to Brougham, 1823, (Rennell). Lodington, Honor of, vindicated, 1674. Loehner, Bib. Man. Concionatoria. Mason, J., Letter on Entrance, 1753. Mather, C., Manductio ad ministerium, 1726. " Student and Preacher. Maurice, P., Causes of Contempt of 1729. Messer, Sermons, 2 Pet. i. 13, 1773. Miller, S., On Cler. Manners. Napleton, J., Advice on Duties. Non-residency, 1710. Occasional Paper, 1703. Orion; J., Letters to a Young C. Owen, J., Plea for Ordination, 1694. 122 CLERGY. Clergy (continued). Pamphlets on the Clergy, vols. 556, 694, 695, 777, 1281, 1282, 1607, 1616, 1763. Panton, Guardian s Instruction, 1688. Parochial Duties, 1828. Pascal, Cases of Conscience. Pecock, The Represser. Penton, Appar. ad Theologiam, 1688. Potter, A., Ministerial Study, 1850. Preacher and Pastor, (Park,) 1845. Randolph, J., Charge, 1805. Rockwell, C., War Against Ministers, 1851. Rose, H. J., Apology for, 1834. Ryland, J., Diff. of Christian Ministry. See Apostolical Succession; Church of England Clergy ; Theological Edu cation; Sermons. Cleveland, J. Works and Life, 1687. Cleveland, Ohio. Board of Trade Re ports, 1867-70. Ohio R. R. Guide, 1854. Whittlesey, C., History of, 1867. Clifton, Eng. Man oy, History of. Climate. Blodget, Climate of the U. S., 1857. Booth, On Malaria, 1853. Bonstctton, Influence du C. Dazille, Des climats chauds, 1785. Disturnell, Influence of Climate. Forry, S., (Papers), 1841. Hough, Climate of N. Y., 1857. Johnson, J., Change of Air, 1831. Tropical Climates, 1824. Reynolds, S. H., Recip. Influ. of. See Meteorology. Clinton Family. Nevins, Centennial. Clinton, DeW. Address of Comm., 1812. Campbell, W. W., Life of, 1849. Clinton, DeW., Monument .to, 1849. Tribute to, 1828. Conkling, A., Discourse on, 1828. Corrector, No. 1, 2, 1815, 6. Hosack, D., Memoirs of, 1829. Knapp, S. L., Discourse on, 1828. Letters of Marcus, 1810. Letters by Milo, 1812. Manley, J. R., Eulogium on, 1828. Milnor, J., Sermon On, 1828. Mitchill, S. L., Discourse on, 1828. Pell, F , Review of the Civil Admin, of N. Y., 1807-19. Positive Facts, 1823. Proudfit, A., Sermon on, 1828. Renwick, J., Discourse on, 4829. " Life of, 1845. Clinton, DeW. (continued). Republican Crisis, 1812. Seward, W. H., Life of. Works, v. 4. Staats, C., Tribute to, 1828. Wood, J., The Clintonian Faction, 1802. " Correct Statement, 1802. Clinton, G. Address to the People, 1808. Campbell s Tryon County. Herring, E., Oration on. Morris, G-, Oration on, 1812. Clinton, Sir II. Narrative of his con duct, 1783. " Observations on Cornwallis s re ply, 1783. " Letter to the Comm rs, 1784. Corwallis, Reply to Clinton s narr., 1783. Germaine, Corresp. avec, 1782. Clinton, Gen. J. Bleeckcr s Orderly Book, 1779. Campbell s Tryon Co. Clinton Co., N. Y. Directory, 1862. See Franklin. Clinton, N. Y. Hamilton College, Semi centennial. Williams, 0. S., Hist, of, 1849. Clinton Co., Iowa. Iowa Land Co. Clissold, Mrs. Reynolds, T., Life of. Clive, Lord. Gleig, Life of, 1848. Macaulay s Essays. Malcom, Sir J., Life of, 1836. Paine, T., Reflections on. Clocks. Cassini, C. F., Voy avecMontres Marines, 1768. " Voy. to Newfoundland, 1778. Chabert, Horloges Marines, 1785. Denison, Treatise on, 1850. Earnshaw s Escapement. Fleurien, Voy. pour Eprouver, 1773. Le Roy, Epreuves, 1768. Lesquen, Montrcs Marines. Robert, Oil Employed in. Clowes, Rev. Mr. See St. Peter s Ch. Clubb, T. Wrongs of, in France, 1809. Clubs. Finger Post to Public Business. Pamphlets, vol. 2520. Clydesdale, Scotland. Naismith, Ag- ric. of, 1806. Coal. Blackwell, Explosions, 1853. Bowen, Coal regions of Penn a. Bull, M., Value of varieties of fuel, 1827. Coal Trade, Lond , 1830. Deering, Coal Whippersof Lond., 1851. Derby, Inquiry on anthracite fires. COFFEE. 123 Coal (continued). Devillea, Exploitation de la Houillc. Directions, Use of anthracite. Elucidation of frauds in the trade,1818. Fournel, Gitea houillers du Bocage Vendeen, 1834, 35. Hair, S. H., Collieries of Northumber land, 1844. Hildreth, S. P., Bituminous, in the valley of the Ohio. Holland, J., Hist, of fossil fuel, etc., 1841. Hull, C. fields of G. Britain, 1861. Jackson, C. T., Albert Coal Mine, 1851. James, T. C., Discov. of Anthracite. Johnson, W. R., Alleg. Coal Cornp., 1841. " Report on Am. coals, 1844. (( Report on coals in North Carolina, 1851. Lesley, J. P., Manual of Coal, 1856. Manes, Terrains de gres avec houille . dans le Tarn, 1836. Obs. on the duty on, Lond., 1830. Obs. on the proposed duty, 1842. Penn a Geol. Reports, Rogers, 1858. Remarks on the Coal Trade in Lond., 1830. Remarks on the origin of. P. 92. Roberts, W. P., Colliery explosion, 1844. Sweet, S. H., Report on N. Y., 1865. Taylor, R. C., Reports on Penn a coal lands, 1850. " Statistics of coal, 1848. Whittlesey, C., Origin of, 1845. P. 1866. Williams, Combustion of. See Petroleum. Coal Companies. Bon Harbor, Ky., 1849. Clinton Co. Coal Co., 1855. Cumberland Coal Co., 1852. Deep River Mining Co., 1851. Delaware & Hudson Co., 1831-58. Lehigh Coal Co., 1853-59. Little Schuylkill R. R AC. C., 1858. Manhattan Oil Co. Monroe Coal and Iron Co., 1856. Pamphlets, vol. 1801. Pennsylvania, 1857. Pickell Mining, 1856. Rankin, Cumberland Coal, 1855. Saline C. and Man. Co., 1855. Western Mining Co., 1857. Coal Oils. See Oils; Petroleum. Coast Survey. Begat, Operations geod- esiques en France, 1844. Davis, J., Speech, 1849. Hassler, Papers, Am. Phil. Soc. Trans. ! Coast Survey (continued). Kraijenhoff, Operation Gcodesiquei en Hollande, 1827. La Condamine, Voy. al equateur, 1751. U. S. Coast Survey Reports, 1847-65. See U. S. Coast Survey. Cobbett, W. Bradford, S. F., The Im postor Detected, 1796. Carey, M., A Plumb Pudding, 1799. Cobbett, Life of, 1835. " Kent Meeting, 1828. Lambert, etc., Trial. Strictures on, 1866. Watson s Life of, 1870. Cobden, R^ Richards, A. B., C. and his Pamphlet, 1853. Cochin China. Borri, C., Account of. Crawfurd, J., Embassy to, 1830. Rey, Voyage to, 1819-20. Roberts, E., Mission to, 1832-4. See China; Siam; Asia, Southern. Cochineal. Thiery, La Culture de, 1786. Cochran, J. Stinchfield, Unit m Deli neated, 1819. Cochran, Sir R. Detect, of the False hood. Life of. P. 1228. Cochrane, C. B. Memorial of. Cochrane, T., Lord Dundoiiald. Autobiography. Cockburn, H. T., Lord. Memorials of His Time, 1856. Cocoa. Prescott, W., Description of . Cocoa Tree. Letter from Albemarle St. 1764. Letter from the Cocoa Tree, 1762. Letter to the Whigs, 1762. (od man. John. Allen, W., Memoir of, 1853. Dyer, D., Discourse on, 1848. Second Church, Dorchester. Storrs, R. S., Disc., Death of, 1848. Vaus sLife. (oilman. Mrs. 31 mon on. Means, J. H., Ser (od i in-ton. Sir E. Ralfe. Navarino Battle, 1829. Coe Family Record, 1856. Coe, J. McDonald, Letters, Albany, 1801. Coehoorn, 31. Leven van. Coeur, Jacques. Costello, Memoir of, 1847. Coffee. Analyt. Sanit. Commission, 1851. Chevallier, Falsification de la Chicoree, 1849. Lettre a M. Le Monnier, 1773. COGHLAN. Coghlan, Mrs. M. M. Memoirs, 1794. Cogswell, W. Lancaster, D., Serm. on. Coins and Medals. Pam. vol. 962, and three vols. of Catalogues. See Currency ; Numismatics. Coit, E. Mason, C., Funeral Discourse. Coke , Sir E . See Law Library . Coke, Rev. T. Drew, S., Life of, 1818. Colburn, Z. Memoir by himself. Colby, John. Life of, 1829. Colby, P. Huntington, D., Funeral Discourse. Colchester, C. Abbot, Lord. Diary and corresp., 1861. Colchester, Conn. Exts. from Records, (Taintor), 1864. Colchester, Eng. History of, 1802. Colden, Cad. Conduct of, 1767. Cole Family Genealogy, 1867. Cole, F. W. Fisher, S.W., Life of, 1845. Cole, T. Bryant, W. C., Oration on, 1848. Cole T., Life and Writings of. Greene, G. W., Biog. Studies. Noble, L. L., Life of, 1853. Coleman, T. Family Geneal., 1867. Colenso, Up. Maurice, F. D., Claims of the Bible. See Bible, Old Testament. Coleridge, S. T. Table Talk, 1835. " Biographia Literaria. (( Letters, Conversat. and Recoil., 1836. Cottle, Reminiscences of, 1847. Gilinan, J., Life of, 1838. Green, J. H., Spiritual Philosophy of, 1865. Heraud, Oration on, 1834. Modern Angl. Neology, 1858. Colet, J. St. Paul s School, Lon.,1847, 52. Seebohm, Oxford Reformers, 1867. Colfax. S. Moore, A. Y., Life of, 1868. Richardson, A. D., Sketch of, 1868. Coligny, Admiral. Blackburn, W. M., Life of, 1869. Collamer, J. Barrett, J., Address on, 1868. Collections. See Pamphlets. College, S. L Estrange, Notes Upon, College of If. J. Historical Sketch of, 1859. Catalogues of, 1839-63. College of Phys. and Sur., of If. Y. Catalogues of Students, 1829-60. ! Colleges of Illinois. Pam. v. 1631. Colleges of Indiana and Wisconsin. Pam. v. 1632. ; Colleges, Medical. Pam. vols. 517, 1647. Colleges of New York. Brown, J., Sermon, 1763. Jay, Sir J., Collections for in England, in 1762, 63. Pamphlets relating to. P . vols. 479, 873. Sec Individual Colleges. Colleges of Ohio. Pam. v. 1633. Colleges of Pennsylvania. Pam. v. 1634-5. Colleges, Roman Catholic. P. vols. 482, 1636. ! Colleges, Southern. P. vol. 1637. Colleges, Western. P. vols. 480, 963. Colleges. Catalogues of. Pam. vols. 155, 156, 157, 247, 248, 481. American Year-Book, 1867. N. Y. Observer Year-Book, 1871. Religious Condition of, 1857. See Education and Individual Colleges. Collier, J. P. See Shakespeare. I Collingwood, Lord. Letters. Collins, A. Bullock, T., Answers to, 1728. Queries recommended to, 1713.. Reasonableness of assenting, 1708. Collinson, Peter. Tribute to, 1851. Lettsom, J. C., Memoirs of. Cologne. Hartzheim, Bibli. Colouiensis, 1747. Colombia. Apelacion, 1827. Bache, R., Notes on, 1822, 23. Cochrane, C. S., Jour, of a Residence in, 1825. Colombia, (Mod. Traveller.) Duane, W., Visit to, 1822. Hall, F., Colombia, its present State, etc, 1824. Hamilton, J. P., Tr. through interior Provinces of, 1827. Lallement, Histoire do la Colombie, 1826. Mollien, Voyage dans la repub., 1823. Recollections of a service, 1828. State of, 1827. Vidaurre, Manifesto, 1828. Walker, Co ombia, 1822. Zea, Constitution do la, 1822. See New Granada; Venezuela. Colonies. Arnold, T., Effects of. Ashley, J., Trade of the British Colo nies, 1740. Bancroft, Hist, of Colon, of the U. S. Benedict, E. C., Beginningof America. COLUMBUS. Colonies (continued). Bovis, Esprit des lois coloniales. P. 13. Brown J., Sermon, 1763. Colonial Policy of Great Britain, 1816, Colonial Policy, Milit. settlements, 1 835. Crawford, Emigration and Col., 18.42. Haliburton, Rule and Misrule of the English in America, 1851. Howison, European Colonies, 1834. llowitt, Col. and Christianity. Lewis, G. C., Govt. of Dependencies. Postlethwayt, Britain s Commer. in terest, 1757. Pradt, Les trois ages des colonies, 1802. " The Colonies. Whitmore,W. H., Cavalier dismounted. See British; France; Great Britain; Netherlands; Spanish. Colonization of People of Color. Africa s Luminary, Liberia, 1839-46. Am. Coloniza. Soc. Reports, 1818-67. Blair, F. P., Speeches, 1858, 59. Carey, M., Letters on, 1832. Everett, E., Address, 1853. Gregoire, Intell. faculties of negroes, Kentutky St. Col. Soc., 1855. Liberian Colonization, 1857. Maryland Col. Journal, 1841-43. Maryland State Soc., 1835, 37. Mass. Col. Soc. Rep., 1847, 52, 53, 55, 1863. New Jersey Colon. Soc., 1857. N. Y. St. Col. Soc., 1830-61. Pamphlets on African Colonization, vols. 228, 434, 462, 881, 957, 1054, 1804. B. C. vol. 17, is! Pollock, A., Discourse, Va., 1850. Putnam, L. H., Emig. to Liberia, 1859. Remarks on the Col. Soc., 1833. Review of Pamphlets on, 1833. Shadd, Colored Emig. to Canada, 1852. Slaughter, Virginia, Hist, of, 1855. Stebbins, Facts touching, 1853. U. S. Naval Reports on Steamers, 1844. Vermont Col. Soc., 1850. Wadstrom, Col. of West Africa, 1794. Wilkeson, Hist, of Liberia, 1839. See Negro Races; Slavery. Colonna, V. Roscoe, Life of. Trollope, Life of. Color, People of. See Negroe races. Colorado. Redpath, Guide to, 1857. U. S. Explo., 40th parallel, 1871. Whitney, Das C. Gcbiet. " Silver turning in, 1865. See Rocky Mountains. Colours. Bancroft, E., Philosophy of permanent colours, 1814. Chevreul, Expose d un moy en de definir les couleurs, 1861. " Laws of contrast of, 1859. Davy, Colors of the ancients, v. 6. Fearn, Color images. Field s Rudiments. " Outlines of phil. of. Goethe, Theory of colours Hay, Nomenclature of, 1845. Priestley, Hist, of discoveries, 1772. Reimann, On Aniline, 1868. Roscoe. Spectrum analysis, 1869. Wilkinson, J. G., On colour and taste, 1858. See Dyeing; Eye. Colton, W. Land and lee, 1851. Cheever, H. T., Mem. of, 1851. Columba, St. Kingsley, C-, The Her mits, 1864. Patrick, St., A life of. Columbia. See British Columbia. Columbia, District of. Brent, Letters, 1844. Columbia, Militia of, 1831. Elliot, J., Hist. Researches, 1830. Martin, J., Gaz. of Virginia and, 1835. Snethen, Slave code of. Warden, D. B., Description of, 1816. See Washington City. Columbia, S. C. Sabre, War prisons, 1865. Columbia College, IV. Y. Address to the Citizens, 1830. " Catalogues of students, etc. Blatchford, T. W., Alma mater, 50 years since, 1861. Inaug. of F. A. P. Barnard, 1865. Jay, Sir J., Letter to the governors, 1771. (f Letter on collection for. 1774. Letter to the Trustees, 1856. Moore, N. F., Hist, sketch of, 1846. Raymond, S. G., Address, 1840. Renwick, J., Inaug. Address, 1821. Ruggles, Unitarian Professors, 1854. Columbia County, N. Y. Raymond, W., Biog. sketches, 1851. Terry, Civil List, 1858. Wynkoop s Almanac, 1854. Columbia River. See Oregon. Columbus, C. Barcia, Vida, v. 1 . Bel knap, Discourses on Discovery by, 1792. Benzoni, De reperta India a, 1596. Bossi, L., Vitadi.Ital. etFr., 1818. 1L>6 COLUMBUS. Columbus, C. (continued). Bourgeois, L Arnerique Decouverte, poeme, 1773. Cainpe, Columbus, or Discov. of Am., 1799. Cancellieri, Dissertazioni, 1809. Cladera, Investigaciones, 1794. Codice Dipl. Colombo,- Americano, (Spotorno), 1823. " Translation of the same. Columbus and his Times, 1844. Columbus, C., Letters, Hakluyt Soc., 1870. " Letter to L. De St. Angel, 1493. Columbus, P., Historie del, 1571. " Life of. Dodge, R., Memorials of, 1851. Durazzo, Elogi Storici di, 1781. Irving, W., Life and Voyages of, 1828. Langeac, Colomb dans les fers, 1782. Napione, G. F. G., Delia patria di, 1808. " DelprimoScopritore, 1809. Navarette, Relations des 4 voy. de, 1828. Roselly de Lorgues, Life of, 1869. Syllacius, De insulis nuper inventis, 1859. See America, Discovery in. Columbus, Ohio. Ohio R. R. Guide, 1854. Combe, A. Combe, G., Life of, 1850. Combe, C. Parr, S., Remarks on, 1795. Comberbnch Family Geneal., 1866. Comets. Arago, Tract on. Bond, Donati s Comet. Few Observations, 1835. Great Comet of 1858. Haskins, Essay on. Oliver, A.. Essay, 1772. Pamphlets, vol. 960. Pontecoulant, Halley g C., 1835. Winthrop s Lectures, 1759. Commentaries. See Bible. Commerce. Amer. Comm. Alman., 1852. Anderson, A., Hist, deduction of ori gin of, 1790, 1801. Arnould, DC la Balance du Commerce, 1791. Baker, J. L., Exports and Imp., 1859. Barton, J. L., Commerce of the Lakes, 1845, 46. Bernard, Fr., Hist. Phil, du Comm. des Europeens, 1775. Bordeaux; Cham, de Commerce, 1850- 1857. Boston Board of Trade, 1856, 58-65. Bowring, Commerce of G. Britain and France, 1834. Commerce (continued). Boydell, Merchant Freighter. Bradstrcet s Commer. Agency Reports. 1860, 1. Bremen, Handels, 1853-6. Carey, M., Essays on Trade. Case of Import, of bar iron, 1756. Chapman, Commer. of the Indias, 1851. Child, Sir J., Discourse of Trade, 1693. China, Reports on Trade, 1864, 65. Commer. Reg. of Europ. Nations, 1842. Commer. Reference of Ohio. Complete Engl. Tradesman, 1726, Congres International, 1856. Davenant, Polit. and Comm. works, 1771. De Bow s Review, 1846-61. Decker, M., Essay on Foreign Trade, 1756. Delprat, Convoijen en Licenten, 1816. Depons, Commerce de la France avec les deux Indes, 1807. Dcpping, Arts et Metiers de Paris, 1847. Detroit Commercial Convention, 1865. Dictionnaire de Commerce, 1805. Dietz, Baden-Statistik, 1863. Du Bois, Etab. Hollandois aux Indes. 1763. Dufrvne, Hist, de la Comp. des Indes, 1738. Edwards, B., Trade of West Indies withU. S. A., 1784. Elemens du Commerce, 1774. Ellet, Laws of Trade, 1839. Ellis, R., British Tariff, 1833-39. Fisher s Colonial Magazine, 1842-45. Foster, J. L., Comm. Exchanges, 1804. Freville, Commerce de Rouen. Gee, Trade and Navigation of G. Brit., 1750. Hagendorp, Kolon. Syst. in Frankrijk. Haines, R., Prevention of Poverty. Hakewil, Libertie of the Subject, 1641. Hamilton, R., Introd. to Merchandise. Hceren, Intercourse and Trade of An tiquity, 1833. Heguerty, Interete du Comm. mari time, 1754. Hesse-Darmstadt, Handels-Kammer, 1860-63. Holgate, Conversations on the present age, 1853. Homans, Cyclopaedia of, 1858. " Foreign Commerce of U. S., 1857. Houghton, Husbandry and Trade im proved, 1727. Huet, Hist, du Comm. et de la Naviga tion des Anciens, 1768. " View of Dutch Trade, 1722. COMMUNION. 127 Commerce (continued). Hunt, F , The Library of Commerce, 1845. " Merchant s Magazine, 1839-68. ! Impartial Observations, U. S., 1763. Inquiry Effects of Foreign Trade, 1806. Intorets des nations d Europe, 1767. Jackson, J., Commerce of the Medi terranean, 1804. Jelly, T., Br. Sugar Colonies. Jobard, La marque ou la mort, 1846. Kauffman, Diet, of Merchandize, 1805. Keith, Sir W., Collection of Papers, 1749. Kelly, Universal Cambist, 1811. Kennedy, J. P , Report on, U. S. Lang, Baier. Handelsgeschichte, 1253- 1294. Lauraguais, Mem. sur le Commerce, 1769. Letter from a Merchant, 1718. Letter to the Rt. Hon., the Earl of Buckinghamshire .... on Trade to India, 1813. Lille : Chambre de Commerce, 1832-48. Lushington, Agr. and commerce, 1808. Lyne, Tribunals of Comm., 1854. McCulloch, Dictionary of, 1869. " Literat. ofPolit. Econ.,1845. j " On Commerce. Lib. U. K. Macgregor, Commerc. Legislation.- 1841. " Commer. Statistics, 1850. Mackay, Commer. Delusions. M Konochie, Commerce of the Pacific Ports, 1818. Macpherson, Annals of Commerce, 1805. \ Mant, R., Essay on, 1799. Martensen, Haandbog for Skippere. Merchants and Bankers Aim., 1860-65. Merchants Fund, Phila., 1855, 56. Mill, James, C. Defended, 1808. Minct & Fector, Bills of Exchange, 1791. Mortimer, T., Lectures on Commerce, etc., 1801. Moses, Comm. Directory, N. Y., 1830. Mun, England s Foreign Trade, 1664 New York Cham, of Commerce, 1855- 1869. Oddy, J. J., European Commerce, 1817. x>0tto, Taschenbuch, 1814. Palmer, Am. Comm. in the East, 1849. " Business Aim., 1849-51. Pamphlets relating to Commerce and Fisheries, vols. 778, 878, 1295, 1313, 1504, 1664. Parker, T., Serm. of Merchants, 1846. Paxton, Disc, on Trade, 1704. Commerce (continued). Peuohet, Commerce dans les deux Indes, 1783-1821. Phila. Bd. of Trade Reports, 1836-62. Playfair, Commer. Atlas, 1801. Pope, C., Yearly Jour, of Trade, 1842. Raleigh, W., Observations on. Raynal, Hist, du Commerce des Indes, 1780. Recueil dipl. du commerce, 1784. Regis, Diet, des Articles dans le Com merce. Remarks on the Letter, 1744. Scott, W. A., Trade and Letters, 1856. Sheffield, Lord, Commerce of Am. with Europe, 1783. Stevenson, W., Hist, of, 1824. % Stirling, P. J., Philosophy of Trade, 1846. Swan, J., Causes.... opposes au pro- gresdu, 1790. Tableau du Comm. de 1 Eur., 1763-83. Tibbets, Memoir on Home Markets, 1827. Tryon, Merchant s Instructor, 1701. Tuson, Shipowner s Guide, U58. Un. St., Commerce, Flagg s Reports, 1856, 7. " Restrictions Abroad, 1842. " Treas. dept., Trade with Brit. col., 1851. Universal Merchant, 1753. Ustariz, Theory of Commerce, 1751. Vaughan, W., Mem. and Miscellanies, 1839. B. C. Vincent, Commerce of the Ancients, 1807. Waterston, Cyclopaedia of Commerce, 1843. Wilson, J., Speech, Nav. Laws, 1849. Wood, W., Survey of Trade, 1722. Young, West India Common- Place book, 1807. See Finance; Tariff; Free Trade; Political Economy ; Navigation; Sugar; Neutrals. Common School Controversy. Boston, Pam. vol. 175. Common Schools. See Education. Communion. Bartholomew, Special or dinances, 1769. Belfrage, Sacr. addresses, 1817. Bullinger, Decades, Parker Soc. Christian exceptions, 1736. Colby, Call to the Sacrament, 1709. Companion to the altar. Crewe, An exhortation to, 1844. Devout communicant. Dix, M., Sermon on. 128 COMMUNION. Communion (continued). Gibson, E., The Sacrament. Gordon, Holy Communion, a Sermon, 1850. Grotius, H., Two Tracts, 1708. Hales, J., Tract on, 1708. Harris, W., Of the Lord s Supper, 1733. Hendley, W., Exhortation to, 1723. Henry, M., Comm. companion. Hewlett, J., Manual, 1815. Historical discourse. .. .Minister s in tention. Hoadly, B., Plain acct. of Lord s Supper. " Defence of Plain acct., 1735. Holy Table, 1637. Howard, L., Preparation for, 1750. Jenkins, R. C., Euchar. doct. of Eng land. Knox, V., Considerations, 1809. Lake, E., Off. eucharisticnm. Morgan, T., Grounds of, a Letter, 1725 Pamphlets relating to, vols. 1276, 1765, 1766. Payne, W., Of Comm. in o*e kind, 1687. Pendlebury, Treatise on the mass, 1768. Place, C., Remarks on Hoadly, 1735. Pott, Paul s Testimony on, 1845. Prot. Dissenters Answer to Priestley, 1770. Rahuseo, Hand-bock van, 1790. Remarks on "A plain account," 1757. Remarks on, Dr. Warburton s Serm., 1755. Ridley, Treatise on Lord s Supper. Solution of Dr. Resolutus, 1619. Stokes, J. 0., Denison s Errors, 1855. Synge, Excuses for not coming, 1815. Thomson, A., Catechism. Yorke, P. H., Introduction to, 1821. Wilson, T., Instruction for. Woodhead, On the Eucharist, 1688. Wright, R. , Essay on open Comm . , 1 899. See Church Members; Hoadly; Bap tists; Transubstantiation. Communism. See Social Science. Compagnies des Indes. See Brit., Fr. and Span. Colonies; Indian ocean; East I. Co. Comparative Anatomy and Zoology. See Zoology. Composition. Brenan, C. and Punctua tion. Help to Young Writers. Parker, Aids to Eng. Cornp., 1858. Qunckenbo?, First Lessons. Reid, A., Rudiments of Eng. Comp., 1839. See Rhetoric. Compromise Measures of 1850. Da vis, J., Speech, 1850. Dayton, W. L., Speech, 1850. Foote, H. S., Speech on, 1851. G ddings, J. R., Speech. 1850. Houston, S., Speech, 1851. Jay, W., Letters to W. Nelson, 1850. King, D. P., Speech, 1850. King, P., Speech, 1852. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 486. Seward, W. H., Speech, 1850. Union Meeting; Castle Garden, 1850. See Missouri; United States, politics. Compton, II. Cockburn, J. Sermon on, 1713. Gooch, Sermon on, 1713. Compton, N. II. Centenn. Celeb ,1867. Comte, J. A. Brimley, Essays on. Lewes, Biog. Hist, of Philosophy. Conchology. See Crustacea; Mollusks. Concord, Mass. Everett, E., Oration, 1824-25. Emerson, R. W., Centennial address, 1835. Frost, B., Discourse, 1842. Rantoul, Oration, etc., 1850. Ripley, E., Half Cent. Discourse. " Fight at Concord, 1775, 1827. " Sermon, Execution at, 1799. Shattuck, History of, 1835. See Lexington. Concord, N. H. Bouton, N., History of, 1725-1853. " Hist. Sermons, 1831. Concord Directory, 1844. Farmer, J., List of 1st Cong. Ch.,1830. Moore, J. B., Annals of, 1823. Concordances. See Bible. i Conde, Prince de. Mahon, Lord, Life of, 1845. Condorcet, A. N. C. de. Oeuvres, Correspondancc. Arago, Vie dc. V. 1. Cone, S. II. Life of, 1856. Confectionery. New whole art of. Nutt, The Complete.... 1807. See Domestic economy. Confederate States. Regulations of the Army. ^ War Reports, 1862-64. " Reports of the Army. Craven, Life of J. Davia, 1866. Crawford, Mosby and his men. Dabney, Defence of Virginia. Dorsey, Recollections of II. G. Allen. Fredericksburgh battle field. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. lli .l Confederate States (continued). Jones, C. C., Chatham Artillery. Pollard, Histories of the War, 3 vols. " Life of Jeff. Davis, 1869. Richmond Enquirer, Feb. 1863, Dec. 1864. Richmond Examiner, Feb. 28, 1861, May, 1861; May 14, 1863, Mar. 31, 1865. Richmond Sentinel, Jan. 1864, Mar. 1865. Stephens, A. H , The war between the States, 1868, 70. Stevenson, W. G., In the Rebel Army, 1862. Warder, Manasses battle, 1861. Weekly Register, Lynchburg, Va., 1864. See Civil Wtfr, 1861-65. Confession* Auricular confession. Confessional, The, Lond.,1858. P. 1277. Disc. cone. Auricular . ...1648. Hogan, Auricular confession. Instructions for confession, 1730. Lasteyrie, Histoire de la. Maskell, Letter to Pusey. Mutter, G., Lecture, 1828. Confirmation. Allen, J. M., Apostol. Confirmation, 1858. Baxter, R., Its nature, 1658. Friendly conversation, 1824. Piers, 0., Conf. proved, 1841, Smyth, T., C. examined, 1845. See Church of England. Conformity. Bicheno, Engl. Non-con formity, 1798. Bristow, Non-Conf. recommended,1817. Calainy, E., Sermons. Case of great use, 1677. Case of lay communion, 1683. Charge of Scandal, (Hesketh), 1683. Corbet, Remaines, 1682. De Laune, Plea for the non-conform ists, 1712. Dissertation against joining, 1716. Letter to a Clergyman, 1704. Principle of Prot. Reformation, 1704. Principles of an occasional, 1718. Repeal of the Act, 1717. Serious Inquiry, London, 1704. Short Surveigh, 1663. Some considerations, 1683. See Dissenters ; Toleration. Congar, Capt. O. Autobiography, 1851. Congregational Churches. Allen, J., Worcester Association Hist. Am. Cong. Union Report, 1861. Arner. Cong. Year Book, 1854-59. 17 Congregational Churches (continued). Backus, Church Hist, of New England, 1690-1804. Bacon, L., Letters to G. A. Calhoun. Beecher, L., Rights of Churches, 1826. " Local Churches, Serm., 1819. Bowdoin St. Church, Boston, 1833. Brief narrative, 1645. Bulmer, J., Government of, 1813. Cambridge platform, 1648. Cawdrey, Independencie a great schism, 1657. Christian Witness, vol. 2, Lond., 1845. Clap, T., Doctrines of the Churches of New England, 1755. Clark, J. S., Sketch of Ch. of Mass. Congreg. Almanac, 1846. Congregational Board, 1854-58. Congr. Calendar, Lond., 1841. Cong. Churches, Eng., Minutes, 1838. Cong. Ch. Eng., Decl. of Faith, Lond., 1659. Congregat. Churches, Testimony, 1743. Congregational Churches, U. S., Con necticut, Illinois, Maine, Massa chusetts, New York and Vermont, Minutes of Associations. Congregational Quarterly, Boston, 1859-69. Congregational Union, Eng., 1834-45. Cong. Year-book, Lond., 1855-8. Connec. Evang. Magazine, 1800-08. Cotton, J., Way of Cong. Ch. Cleared, 1648. The Way of the Churches of N. E., 1645. " The Keyes, 1644. Cummings, Diet, of Congregationalism. Davidson, D., Manual, 1833. Fairchild s Life, 1855. Emery, Ministry of Taunton, 1853. Evangel. Magazine, Lond., 1793-1854. Felt, Eccl. Hist, of N. E., 1855. " First Church, Salem. First Cong. Ch., Albany, 1853. First Ch., Cambridge, Mass. First Congr. Ch., Hartford, 1851. First Ch., Worcester, 1820. , Genesee Consociation. Hall., J., Against Brownists, 1610. Hanbury, Hist Mem s of, to 1660. Harris, W., Church Fellowship, 1823. Hinton, Lectures. Homes, W., Proposals on Eccl. Gov.. 1732. Hooker, T., Way of. the New England Churches, 1648. Horton, T. G., Theory of Church, 1854. Inquiry into. . ..Ch. of Mass., 1816. Keep, J., Congregationalism, 1845. 130 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. Congregational Churches (continued). Kenniburgh, F., Independency in Scotland. Lawrence, R. F., New Hamp. Church es, 1856. Le Bosquet, Manual, 1841. Letters to a Friend . ...North Yar mouth, 1824. Marsh, S., Uncle Nathan, 1854. Mather, C., Magnalia, 1702,1820,1853. Mather, I., Eccl. Councils, 1716. Mather, S., Apology for liberties of, 1738. Mayhew, J., Obs. on Propagation Soc., 1763. Melrose, Essay on gov t of Church, 1799. Neal, Hist, of New England to 1720. New Haven County Association, 1769. N. Y. Assoc n, Minutes, 1847-66. Orine, W., Three Sermons at Settle ment of. Pages from Eccl. Hist, of New Eng land, 1740-1840. Palmer, S., Sermons, Lond., 1771. Pamphlets relating to Congregational Churches, vols. 483-485, 696, 965, 1296, 1667. Pamphlets relating to Congregational Associations, vol. 964. Peet, Hist, of, in Wisconsin. Prince, Christian History; 1743-45. Proscription Delineated, 1819. . Punchard, History of, to 1616. Rawson, Nottingham, 1737. Reed, A., Disc, at Norwich, Eng. Rights of Congregational Churches, (Beecher), 1826. Rights of the Congregational Parishes, (Lowell), 1827. Review of the Berkeley case, 1828. Reading Congr. Church, Mass., 1847. Roaf, Catechism on, 1839. Second Church, Dorchester. Shedd, Congregationalism, Address, 1858. Some Seasonable Enquiries, Boston, (C. Mather), 1723. Sprague, Annals of Am. Pulpit, 1857. Stiles, E., Sermon, 1760. Uhden, Congregationalistsof N. E., to 1740. Upham, C. W., Principles of, 1829. Walker s Hist, of Independency, 1661. White, D. A., N. Eng. Congregation alism. White, J., N. E. s Lamentations, 1734. Wigglesworth, E., Sober Remarks, 1724. Wise, J., Vind. of N. Eng. Churches. 1772. Congregational Churches (continued). Wise, J., Churches quarrel espoused, 1648. Worcester, S., Facts.... in Fitchburg, 1802. See Church Government ; New England ; Puritans. Congressional Speeches. Pamphlets, vols. 35, 59, 60, 193, 206, 486,487, 561, 1575-1579. B. C., vol. 13. 21, 28, 34, 46. See United States. Connecticut. Answer of the Friend, 1755. Barber, J. W., Hist. Collections,1837. Bishop, A., Conn. Republicanism,1801. Bulkeley, G., Peoples Right, 1689. Carpenter, W. H., Hist, of, 1854. Charter Oak, 1856. Congregational Churches, Minutes. Congregational Churches, Hist., 1861. Connecticut Colony Records, 1636-1716. " Conn, in N. E. vindicated, 1694. <e Rep. of comm rs on boun dary, 1774. " Heads of Inquiry, 1775. Connecticut, Catal. of 1st 21st Regts., 1861-62. Geol. Survey rep. (Shep- ard), 1837. " Statist, of industry, 1845. Connecticut Evan. Magazine, 1800-8. Connecticut Gore title stated, 1799. Conn. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 1, 2. Connecticut M ; l. Hist., 1861-65. Connecticut Register, 1827-1865. Count the Cost, 1804. Croffut, Mil. Hist., 1861-65. Day, T., Judiciary of. De Forest, Hist, of the Indians of, 1850. Dwight, Theo., Hist, of., 1841. Dwight, Timothy, Oration, 1801. Federalism triumphant, 1802. Fitch, Gov., Reasons against taxation of the Colonies, 1764. Goodwin, N., First Settlers, 1856. Hininan, Hist, of Conn, in the Revol., 1842. " Letters of Eng. Kings to Gov s, 1836. " Names of first settlers of, 1846-56. Hollister, G. H., Hist, of, 1855. Huntington s Stamford in the war, 1861-5. New Haven, Colony Records, 1638, to the Union. New York, Boundary Report, 1857, 60. Pease, Gazetteer of, 1819. CONTROVERSY. 131 Connecticut (continued). Peters, S., History of, 1781. Porter, W. S., Hist, notices of, 1842. Remarks, By a Conn, farmer, 1784. Right to Western Reserve, 1773. Rise of Connecticut Gore Claim, 1802. Sigourney, Sketch of, 40 years since, 1824. Steady habits vindicated, 1804. Some reasons that influence, 1766. Trumbull, B., Hist, of, 1630-1764. " Title to lands in N. Y.,1774. Voices from, 1865. Watson s Almanac, 1777. Connecticut Election Sermons for 1751-53, 55, 57, 60, 63, 65, 66, 68, 75, 76, 78-80, 83, 1st and 2d ed., 84-94, 96-1800, 02, 14, 16-18, 22- 24, 30. Connecticut Local History. See Brooklyn ; Canton ; Colchester; Danbury ; Durham ; East Haddam ; E. Hartford; Farmington ; Frank lin; Glastenbury; Granby; Green wich; Hartford: Harwinton ; Lis bon; Litchtield* Mansfield ; Meri- den; Middlesex; Middletown; New Britain; New Gate; New Haven; Newington; New Lon don ; Norfolk ; North Coventry ; Northhaven; Norwalk; Norwich; Pomfret; Ridgefield; Salisbury; Simsbury ; Stafford ; Stamford ; Wallingford ; Waterbury ; West Hartford; Windham ; Windsor; Woodbury ; Woodstock. Conscience. Hackshaw, Inquis. Philos- ophica, 1690. Sharpe, J., Disc, on Conscience, 1687, 1688. See Moral Philosophy. Conservatism. Morgan, W. F., Address, 1812. National Conser. Institution. Constable, J. Leslie, Life of. Constable, T. M CulIa, Rod for Scor pions, 1806. Constantine, Empr. Eusebius, Life of. Crackanthorp, Defence of. Constantinople. Bouldin, An American among the Orientals, 1855. Brewer, J., Visit to, 1827. Codinus, De officialibus Eccl. et aulse, 1625. Colton, W., Visit to, 1836. " Land and lee, 1850. Constantius, Constantiniade, 1846. Fisher s Illustrations of, 1839. Fontanier, Voyages, 1829. Hornby s (Mrs.), Stamboul, 1857. Oscanyan. The Sultan and his people, 1857/ Constantinople (continued). Pancirolus, Notitia dignitatum. Pardoe, Bfeauties of Bosphorus, 1839. " City of the Sultan, 1838. Porter, D., Constantinople and envi rons, 1835. Post, H. A. V., Visit to, 1830. Smith, A., A month at, 1850. Walsh, R., Const, and seven churches illustrated. See Turkey. Constitutions. Bowen, F., Doct s of England and America. France, Const, de la Republique,1848. Jackson, Const, of the States, 1783. Jameson, Hist, of Conventions, 1867. Massachusetts, Discussions, 1853. N. Y. Const. Conv., 1821, 46, 68. See Great Britain; United States Gov ernment. Construction. See Architecture; Bridges; Engineering; Railroads; Hydrau lics, etc. Consuls. Lester, The Artist, Merchant, etc., vol. 2, 1845. Tuson, Mariner s guide, 1858. Warden, D. B., Consular Establish ments, 1813. See Diplomacy. Consumption. Bernardeau, Hist. Phthi sis pulm., 1848. Getting, Statistics, Roxbury, 1854. Cox, J., De tuberculis. Fitch, S. S., Six lectures. " Guide, N. Y. P. 614. Hall, W. W., Throat ail, 1851. P. 515. Hunter, R., Diseases of lungs. Jeffreys respirator. New Treatise on, 1796. Potter, J. H., Consumptive s guide. Rafinesque, C. S., The Pulmist. Contagion. Francis, On febrile conta gion, 1816. P. 87. Henry, W. C., Our knowledge of, 1834. Maclean, Evils of quarantine laws, 1824. " Suggestions on pestilen. dis eases. Pamphl r 10. MacMichael, Opinion on Contagion, Pamphl r 25. Potter, Memoir on. Russell on the Plague. Webster, N., On Pestilential diseases, 1799. See Yellow fever; Cholera; Medicine; Plague ; Quarantine. Contarini, Card. Beccatello, Vita del. Controversy, Theological. See Theo logical. 132 CONVENTIONS. Conventions. Jameson, J. A., Hist, of Consti. Conventions, 1867. Convicts. Boston Society tr Discharged Convicts, 1847-57. Bucquet, Jeunes liberes, 1853. Carpenter, Mary, Our Convicts, 1864. i Convict Treatment, 1847. Hints for the regulation of, 1782. Mudie, J., Treatment of C. Servants. Murray, J. P., on Transportation, 1857. Palmer, T. F., Sufferings on Voyage, j Pamphlets Relating toConv s. P.v.822. Pocock, Z. P., Discipline of. Reed, T. S., Ticket of Leave, 1857. See Punishmerts; Prisons; Crime. Conway, Ms. Centen. Celeb., 1867. Cook, Mrs. Manning, E., Serm. on, 1826. Cook, D. P. Brown, W. H., Memoir of, 1857. P. 494. Cook, E. Robbins, T., Sermon, Death of, 1823. P. 104. Cook, James. Forster, G., Voy. with, 1774. Ellis, W., Narr. of Voy. of, 1776-80. Hawkesworth, Account of his Voyages. 1773. Kippis, A., Vie de, 1789. Ledyard, J.. Journal of his last Voy., 1776-79. Cook,Rev. J.M. Bacon, H., Review of Memoir, 1851. P. 488. Cook, Hon. J. M. Memoir of, 1869. Cooke, H. Cogan, E., Sermon on. Cookery. See Domestic Economy. Cooley, T. M. Sprague, W. B., Dis course on. Coombs, W. Dana, D., Discourse on. Cooper, Sir A. Cooper, B. B., Life of, 1843. Cooper, A. A. See Shaftesbury, Earl of. Cooper, J. F. Memorial of, 1832. Greeley, H., Trial, 1851. Greene, G. W., Biog. Studies. Livermore, S. T., Sketch of, 1862. Cooper, S. Clark, J., Sermon on, 1784. Cooperation. See Labor; Trades. Cooperstown, N. Y. Cooper, J. F., Chronicles of, 1838. Livermore, S. T., History of, 1862. Coos County, N. II. Powers, G., Hist. Sketches of, 1754-85. Copper Companies. Hafod Works, Smelting, 1833. Montreal Mining, 1853. Montreal River Co., 1846. Copper Companies (continued). N. Y. & Lake Superior, 1846. Pamphlets, vol. 1802. Copway, G. Life of, 1847. Copyright. See Literary Property. Coral Islands. Darwin, C., Journal. 1832. Corcoran, II. Caldicott, Narrative of Conversion of, 1853. Corder, W. Hyatt, C., Sermon, Execu tion of, 1828. Pam. 380. Corea. Du Halde, Description o/, 1738. Hall, B., Voy. to West Coast of, 1818. Ilamel, Dutch Travels in, (Pinkerton). M Cleod, Voyage, 1818. Williamson, A., Journeys, 1870. Corfu Island. Quirini,PrimordiaCorcyrB. See Ionian Islands. Cork, Ireland. Tuckey, F. H., Remem brance, 1837. Corn, Indian. Banks, Disease in Corn, 1805. Brown, On Maize. Cobbett, A Treatise on, 1828. Corn Laws. Byrne, Letters on, 1851. Day, G. G., Anti-Corn Law League, 1843. Fitzwilliam, Addresses on, 1839. France, Legis. do cereales, 1859. Free Trade in Corn, 1828. Great Britian ; Commerce, 1806. Greg, R. H., Pressure of, 1842. Greg, W. R., Prize Essay. Pam. 424. Hall, G.W., Observations, Lond.,1822. Lauderdalo, A Letter on, 1814. National Anti-Corn Law League. Malthus, Restriction of Trade, 1815. Obs. on the prop, measure, 1842. Pamphlets relating to the corn laws, vols. 424, 779, 1297. Peel, R., Papers on, 1845. Representations aux magistrals, 1769. Ricardo, On Protection, 1822. P. 424. Sheffield, Remarks, 1800. Thompson, T. P., Fallacies. Tyrconnel, Address to the People, 1840. See Free Trade ; Tariff. Corneille, P. Guizot, Corneille and his times, 1852. Cornelius, E. Edwards, B. B., Life of, 1833. Corning, J. Memorial of, 1870. Cornplanter, Chief. Snowden, Sketch of. Cornwall, Conn. Obookiah s life. COSMOGONY. 133 Cornwall, Eng. Beauties of England and Wales. Cornwall, its mines, etc., 1855. Delabeche, Geology of, 1839. Miiller, Essays, v. 3. Cornwall, Vt. Matthews, Hist, of, 1862. Cornwallis, Lord. Clinton, Sir H., On hie conduct, 1783. Cornwallis, Correspondence, 1776-1805. Coronations. Account of ceremonies, 1727. Lane, C. T., The Coron. oath. Marshall, Panorama of George IV. Pamphlets on, vol. 1621. Thomson, R., Ceremonies observed. See Pageants. Coroners. Herford, Coroner s Inquests, 1851. P. 403. Corns. Law, D., Causes of. P. v. 1568. Corporation and Test Acts. P. vol. 1298, 1300. See Test Acts. Corporations. Remarks upon the rights, 1837. Wordsworth, C., Joint stock companies. Corpulence. Banting, Letter on, 1865. Culverwell, Essay on, 1842. Correge, France. Annuaire, 1825. 1827, 1830. Correspondence. See Letters. Corruption. Lean, G., Root of.... Ex posed, 1832. Plain truth, 1680. See Officers; Bribery. Corsa, A. Macdonald, J N., Life of, 1853. Corse, France. Annuaire, 1829. Corsica. Boswell, Account of. Cluverius, Sicilia antiqua. Forester, Rambles in, 1861. Graevius, Thesaurus Antiquitatum. Gregorovius, Account of, 1851. Cortes, F. Correspondence, 1778. " Despatches, (Folsom), 1848. Balboa, Life of. Gomara, Hist, di Don F. Cortes, 1560. Hakluyt Society Pub. Fifth letter of. Cortlaud Co., N. Y. Goodwin, H. C., Pioneer History, 1859. Directory, 1869. Corvinus, ^f . Berwick, Life of. Cosmo, Duke. Travels and life. Cosmogony. Anderson, J., The Course of Creation, 1851. Belsham, Serin., Gen. ch. 1, 1821. Cosmogony (continued). Burnet, T., Archaeol. philosophic, 1729. " Theory of the Earth, 1816. Catcott, A., On the Deluge, 1761. Catcott, A. S., Tractatus, 1738. Christmas, Echoes of the Universe. Colman, B., On Gen. chap, i, ii, iii, 1735. Dissertations, 1740. Essay, Eternity of world. Explanations, Sequel to Vestiges,1845. Figuier, World before the Deluge, 1867. Fragment from anc. Gr. Ms. Harcourt, Doctrines of the Deluge, 1838. Harris, J., The Preadamite Earth, 1847. Hickok, Rational Cosmology, 1858. Jennings, D., Genesis, chap i, 1747. Lewis, T., The Six days of creation, 1855. Loomis, W. I., Origin of gravitation, 1866. Lord, E., The Epoch of creation, 1851. Miller, H., The foot-prints of the Creator, 1850- 11 The two records: Mosaic and geol., 1854. Nature and man before, etc-, 1855. Ocellus Lucanus, Nature of the Uni verse. Parker, B., Phil, meditations, 1738. Picus Mirandula, Heptaplus, 1479. Polignac, Anti-Lucretius. Poole, R. S., Genesis of the earth, 1860. Powell, Essays on Phil, of creation, 1855. Pye, Mosaic theory, 1770. Ray, J., Discourses, 1721. Roberts, W., Thoughts on Creation, 1782. Schrank, Urkunden der Vorwelt, 1827. Taylor, H., System of Creation, 1842. Telliamed, or the world explained, (Maillet), 1743. Toulrain, G. H., Antiq. of the world, 1780. Vestiges of Creation, 1846. Watworth, The Gentle Skeptic. Whewell, Plurality of Worlds, 1854. Whitehurst, Inquiry into origin, 1792. Winchell, A., Sketches of Creation, 1870. Winslow, C. F., Views of the Universe, 1853. Wright, T., The Universe and stars, 1837. I See Geology and Scripture ; Nature. 134 COSTA RICA. Costa Rica. See Central America. Coster, L. J. Kortebrant, Lof der druk- kunst, 1740. Lennep, Carmen, auctore H. Bosscha, 1817. Linde, A. van der, The Haarlem le gend, 1871. Loosjes, Gedenkschriften, 1823. Scriverius, Laurea L. Costeri, 1609. Vries, A. De, Notice sur le Speculum, 1823. See Harlem; Typography. Costumes. Album des costumes des Pays Bas. Ambert, Armee Frangaise. Costumes of Turkey, 1814. Costumes Suisses. Encyc. Methodique : Antiquites. Ferrario, Costume, 1831-37. Glen, Habits du monde, 1601. Hope, Costume of the Ancients. Kinsey, Portugal, illustrated. La Belle Assemble, 1810-33. Malcom, London, twelve plates. Mazuy, Types Anciens, 1841. Musce Beige populaire, f. Nicholas, Orders of Knighthood. Observateur en Espagne, 1822. Picturesque representations of China, Turkey, Austria, Russia, 1814. Pinelli, Italian costumes. Pitre, La Bretagne. Planche, British Costumes. Lib. E. K. Semple, Netherlands. Shaw, Dress of middle ages. Solvyns, Costume of Indostan. Stone, Mrs., Chronicles of fashion. Strutt, English Dress, 700-1800. Stuart, Costume of the Clans. Trollope, Bretagne. Voy. du Roi a Windsor, f. See Costumes. Cote d Or, France. Annuaire, 1820-28. Cotes du Nord. Annuaire, 1845. Cotton, Father. Du Moulin, Answer to, 1615. P. 1425. Cotton, John. M Clure, Life of. Cotton, R., Family. Drake s Hist, of, Boston. Cotton, Sir R. Brit. Museum, Cat. of Mss. Cotton. Arnold, R. A., Cotton famine, 1861-64. Atkinson, E., Report, 1862. Bazley, Lectures on, 1852. Bishop, Hist, of Am. manufactures, Bronson, Manufacture of. Calais, Industrie tullicre a, 1851 Cotton (continued). Chapman, J., Cotton of India, 1851. Cordova, Cultiv. of, in Texas. Cotton is King, 1855. Dudley, J. G., Paper on Cotton, 1853. Fibrilia, (Vattemare). History of silk, cotton, wool, etc., 1845. Johnson, W., Nugae georgic$e. Lawrence, A. A., Prospects of Ameri can, 1849-50. P. 273. Loring, F. W., Cotton culture, 1869. Montgomery, J., Cotton man. of U. S. and G. B. compared, 1840. Olmsted, The Cotton Kingdom, 1861. Remarks on, in Alabama, 1850. P. 69. Tryon, Merchants instructor, 1701. Un. St., Duties on Am. Cotton, 1856. Ure, A., Cotton.... in Great Britain, 1861. Ure, Manufact. of, in Great Britain, 1836. Vaillant, Culture da.... en Algerie, 1854. Woodbury, L., Tables on cult, and trade in, 1836. See Manufactures ; Tariff. Councils. See Church History. Counterfeiting. Assoc n of Banks, Re ports, 1857-64. Collection of counterfeit bills, MSS. Ormsby,W. L., Cycloidal config.,1862. (( Pres. syst. of note engraving, 1852. Society for Encour. of Arts, Report, 1819. Thompson, Autog. counterf. detector, 1849. " Coin Chart Manual, 1853. See Engraving. Courten, Sir W. Several remarkable passages, 1673. Courthope, J. Rose, G . , Serm. on, 1 845. Covenants, Scripture. Deakin, Treat ise on, 1816. Colman, G., State of differences, 1768. Covent Garden Theatre. Covent Gar den Journal, 1810. Harris, T., Narrative, 1768. Rebellion (The), 1809. Coventry, C. B. Batchelder, Reply, 1829. Coventry, Conn. Tolland Co. Assoc n, 1812. Coventry, Eng. Coventry guide, 1824. Shakespeare Soc., 1841, The Coventry mysteries. Coventry, Vt. White, P. H., Hist, of, 1859. J Cow. Milburn, M. M., The Cow. CRIMEAN WAR. 135 Cowell, J. Thirty years among the players, 1844. Cowles, H. Porter, N., Sermon on. Cowper, W. Works. Greathead, S., Sermon on. Grimshawe, T. S. , Life and letters of, 1847. Hayley, Life and Posthumous writings, 1803. B. C. Cox, E. W. Lowe, Account of. Cox, S. S. Eight years in Congress, 1857-65. Crabb, II. Palmer, S., Discourse on. Cradock, Sir M. Roberts, Life of. Crafts, W. Writings and life, 1828. Cranberry. Eastwood, Cultivation of. Starr, The Cr. culturist. ( ranch, R. Whitney, P., Discourse, 1811. Crandall, C. M. Hough, F. B., Biog. of, 1868. P. 1858. Crane, E. B. Hotchkiss, Sermon on. Crane, J. W. De. Biog. Bijdragen, Cranmer, Abp. T. Letters, (Parker Soc.) Le Bas, C. W., Life of. Maitland, On Strype s life of. Maskell, Corresp. with Jenkins. Strype s Memorials of. Craven, Eng. Carr, Dialect of. Crawford, T. Hicks, T. , Eulogy of, " 858. Crawford, W. H. Greene, G. W., Biog studies. Sketch of several, etc. Crawford Co., Pa. Huidekoper, Hist, of, 1847. Credit. Colwell, Analysis of Credit, 1S59. Crisis (The), by Junius, 1843. Pedley, The case of, 1783. See Debt; Financial. Creeds. Arcana, (R. Robinson), 1774. Beecher, L., Bible a Code, 1854. Carter, N., Sermon on, 1752. Channing, Letter on, 1837. Church of Scotland, Confessions. Consid. on.... subscription, 1774. Creeds of Chr. Church. Defence of the Scripture, (S. Browne). Dodwell, Athanasian C. vindicated. English, E., A Tale and a Creed, 1850 Halifax, S., Subscr. to the 39 Articles. Heidelberg Catechism. Hook, W. F., On the use of, 1838. Ibbetson, Plea for 39 Articles, 1768, 72. Creeds (continued). Letter to a Bishop, 1772. Letter to the Rt. Rev. the L d Bp. of Carlisle, 1777. Paris, J., Miscellanea, 1726. Randolph, T. Subscription to, 1771 . Richardson, J., The Athanasian, 1822. Ridgley, Truth and Charity, 1721. Rotheram, Apol. for Athanasian, 1762. Rutherforth, Subscriptions to, 1767. Seagrave, Principles of Liberty, 1755. Short way (Subscriptions to), 1730. Squier, J. 0., Emancip. from, 1833. Toplady, Free Thoughts, 1771. Usher, De Rom. Eccl. Symbolo. Waterland, Of Fundamentals, 1734-5. See Opinions ; Toleration. Creek Indian s Speech. Smith, W., works, v. I, p. 213. Cresap, M. Jacob, Life of. Crete. See Candia. Cretinism. See Goitre ; Idiots. Creuse, France. Annuaire, 1824-6. Crime. Antrobus, Prison and School. << Causes of, 1853. Augustus, Labors with Criminals. Baden, Strafrechtspflege im, 1861-64. Dornford, Letters on the Causes, 1785. Evans, J., Educ. of the Poor. Fregier, Des classes dangereuses, 1840. Haggerty s Life. Hill, T., Causes and Remedies of,1853. New York, Grim. Statistics, 185J-59. Pamphlets on, vol. 403. Pearson, What to do with Criminals. Plint, Crime in England, 1801-48. Pugh, G., C. and Education, 1857. Reynolds, G., God s Revenge, 17^4. Rush, B., Effects of Punish nt, 17.-. 7. See Punishments. Crimea. Guthrie, M., Tour through the Taurida, 1802. Hommaire de Hell, Steppes de la mer Caspienne. " Travels in Caucasus and Crimea, 1847. Oderico, Lettere Ligustiche, 1792. Pallas, Travels through Southern Pro vinces, 1773, 94. Spencer, E., Travels in, 1837. Tott, Baron De, State of, 1785. Wyld, Descr. of Sebastopol, etc, 1855. See Russia; Circassia. Crimean War. Alger, American voice on, 1856. Pam. 558. Bright, G., Letter on, 1854. Conduct of the W T ar, 1855. 136 CRIMEAN WAR. Crimean War (continued). Douglas, H., Naval Operations. Emerson, Fall of Scbastopol. France, War Department, Rapport, 1856. Pam. 521. Gladstone, Speeches, 1855. Horton, T. G., Voice from Pulpit. Kinglake, Invasion of the Crimea. Layard, A. H., Conduct of, 1854. McClellan, G. B., Report, 1856. Miller, E., Sermon, 1854. Nolan, History of. Object of, 1855. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1479. Pict. Hist, of the War, 1854-6. Powers of Europe, 1855. Russell, W. H., The War, 1855. " British Expedition to Crimea, 1858. Traite de Paris, 1856. Criminals. See Crime; Convicts. Criticism. See Rhetoric; Dramatic; Lit erary Criticism ; Literary History ; Classical Literature. Crockett, D. Life of, 1823. " Exploits, 1839. Croes, Bp. J. Norton, Life of. Cromwell,O. Bristed, C., Usurpation of. Canfield, Lecture on. Gary, Civil war in England. Cromwell, 0., Letters ed. by Carlylc. " Coll. of Proclamations of. Cromwelliana, 1642-1658. Forster, J., Life of. Godwin, W., Hist, of the Common wealth. Harris, W., Life of, 1772. Headley, J. T., Life of, 1848. Leti, La vie de, 1703. Maseres, Select tracts, 1815. Mentet, Hist, des troubles, 1643-49. Merle, The Protector, a vindication, 1847. Morgan s Phoenix Brittannicus, 1732. Nickolls, Letters addressed to, 1743. Noble, M., Mem. of the protectorate house of, 178.4. Shuffling, cutting, 1659. Smith, G., Three Eng. statesmen, 1868. Vaughan, R., Protectorate of, 1839. World s mistake in, 1668. Crooked Billet. Belville s addresa,1862. Crosby, Brass. Memoir of, 1770. Ciosby, D. Greene, D., Serm. on, 1843. Crosby, E. Barnum, H. L., Spy un masked. Croswell, F Croswell, H Croswell, J Harwood, E., Address on. Trial for libel, 1804. Norton, J., Sketches of the life of, 1809. Croswell, H., Mom. of, Croswell, W, 1853. Croton Aqueduct. King, C., Construc tion and cost of, 1842. Schramke, Descr. of, in Eng., Germ. and Fr., 1848. Tower, F. B., Illustrations of, 1843. See Water for cities. Croup. Hosack, D., Observations, 1811. Crowell, R. Fitz, D., Sermon on. Crown Point. Watson, W. C., Mil. Annals of. Crown, Prerogative. Great Britain Report, 1783, 84. Crown, Succession to. Kearsley, Order of succession, 1783. Cruelty. Moore, T., C. to Brutes. Cruger, H. Van Schaack, Notice of, 1859. Crusades. Chronicles of the Crusades 1848. Jauna, Hist, de Jerusalem. Michaud, History of, 1853. Secret So\ of Mid. Ages, (Lib. U.K.) See Chivalry ; Jerusalem; Knights. Crustacea. Adams, Zool. of the Voy. of the Samarang, 1848, (Belcher). Baird, Brit. Entomostraca, (Ray Soc. Pub.) Bell, T., Brit. Crustacea, 1853. Burmeister, Trilobites, (Ray Soc. Pub.) Dana, (U. S. Expl. Exped.). Darwin, The Cirripedia, (Ray Soc. Pub.) Diet, des Sciences Naturelles, (Desina- rest), 1816-30. Encyclopedic Methodique : Vers, 1790. 6 vols. Lamarck, Hist, des animaux sans ver- tebres, 1835. N. Y. Nat. Hist., Zoology. Sars, Lophogoaster typicus. See Mollusks. Cruttenden, R. Porter, W., Sermon on, 1763. Crystal Palace. See Exhibitions. Crystallography. Rome de 1 Isle, Essai de, 1772. See Mineralogy. Cuba. Abbot, A., Letters from, 1823. Bell, J., Speech, 1858. Brooks, E., Speech, 1853. CURRENCY. 137 Cuba (continued). Dallas, R. C., History of the Maroons, 1803. Dana, R. H., A Voyage, 1859. Everett, E., Correspondence on, 1853. Gan-Eden, (W. H. Herbert), Pictures, 1854. Gurney, Letters from the W. I. Huber, Statistique de 1 Isle, 1826. Humboldt, Cuba, Thrasher s ed., 1856. Kimball, R. B., Cuba and the Cubans, 1850. Materiales a la Historia, Habana, 1830. Murray, A., Letters from, 1856. Murray, H. A., Land of the Slave, 1855. Norman, Notes of Trav. in, and Mexi co, 1845. Notes on, (Wurdeman), 1844. Seward, Speech, 1859. Thompson, J. B., Acquisition of, 1859. Torrente, Slavery in, 1853. Turnbull, Travels in, 1840. Un. St., Tripartite Comvention, 1853. Valiente, Reformes dans, 1869. Voyage to Havana. 1841. Willis, N. P., Trip to the Tropics, 1853. See West Indies. Culture. See Self-culture. Cumberland. R. Memoirs, by himself, 1807. Scott, W., Life of. Cumberland, Eng. Beauties of Eng. and Wales. Cooke s Topog. Lib. Cumberland Glossary, 1851. " Gilpin, Observations, 1808. Cumberland Co., Penn a. Nerin, Churches of, 1852. Cumberland, Me. Weston, J., Hist, of Cong. Church in. Caming, W. Lettsom, J.C , Memoirs of, Cumings, H. Allan, W., Sermon on, 1823. ramming, H. Chester, Trial, Presb. of ; Albany, 1818. Cariosities. Blanc, Le Tresor de, 1857. See Antiquities ; Museums. Cuneiform Writing. See Language; Oriental. C urratt, J. P. Craly, Eloquence of Ire- j land. Curran, W. H., Life of, 1822. Phillips, C., Recollections of, 1818. Currency. Alison, A., Monetary Fam- i ine, 1847. " England in 1814, 15. ! 18 Currency (continued). Appleton, N., Remarks on, 1857. Bailev, S., Mon. and its vicissitudes, 1837. Banfill, Bullion question, 1811. Barbon, Coining money lighter. Bell, G. M., On the curr. ques., 1840. Brooks, J., Report on Coinage. Budelius, De Monetis, 1591. Chalmers, G., Bullion and coin, 1811. Cobbett, Paper against gold. Comstock, Hist, of the precious metals, 1849. Conrad, Legirungs-Rechnung. Decimal Association, 1855. Discourse, Paper money in Brit. Col., 1740. Duncombe s Free Banking, 1841. Finch, Town dues, currency, etc. ,1850. Fleetwood, Acct. of English money, 1745. Frolich, Sketch of a plan, 1855. Gilbert, State of the bullion question. Pamphl r 14. Goddard, T. H., McDuffie s report on currency, 1831. Great Britain, Mint, 1817. Hale, Sir M., SherifFs accompts, 1683. Halliwell, Collection of some thousand . bills, etc., 1650-1750. Hare, R., Credit preferable to Coin. 1834. Harley, The Currency, its influence, 1839. Haskins, Effects of increase of money metals, 1850. P. 74. Hayes, Interest tables. B. C. Humboldt, Fluctuation in supplies of gold, 1839. P. 17. Hunter, R. M. T., Reports on coinage of the U. S., 1852. P. 92 Johnstone, G., Premium on gold, 1811. Kelly, P., Universal Cambist, 1811,21. King, J. G., Speech, Branch Mints. 1851. P 487. Law, J., Money and Trade considered. 1750. Leake, S. M., Hist, of English money. 1745. Le Long, Wissel-styl tot Amsterdam, 1729. B. C. Locke, T., Pap. relating to mon., etc.. 1^96. Letters on Engl., 1840. Lopes, Reforma dos Pezos, 1849. Mendenhall, T., New plan for, 1834. Merrey, Coinage of England, 1789. Moorsom, Letter on, 1847. Moran, Money, 1863. Mu?het, Bank restriction bill, 1810. National Cur. Reform Ass n, 1850. 138 CURRENCY. Currency (continued). Obs. on coin in Ireland, 1730. Otto, Taschenbuch, 1814. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 780, 972, 1506, 1514. B. C. 36. Parnell, Currency in Ireland. Phil a Board of Trade, Report on the Mint. Phoonsen, Wissel-styl tot Amsterdam, 1737. B. C. Preface examined of Huskisson, 1810. Ricardo, S., Writings. " Our papor curr., 1838. Roosevelt, C., Protecting industry, 1833. P. 290. Rutherford, A. W., Hints from Hol land, 1811. Senior, Cost of Money. Taylor, Gold and Silver Coin Exam., 1847. Taylor, J., Banks of Circulation,1822. Thompson, J., 750 Fac-similes of coins, 1849. Thornton, H., Paper Credit of Great Britain, 1807. Tooke, T., History of Prices, 1793- 1839. Two Supplem. Letters, 1819. U. S. Mint Reports, 1855-67. Webster, P., Nature of Money, etc., 1791. Wheatley, Remarks on, 1803. White, C. P., Report on Coins, 1834. Wright, J., The Amer. Negotiator, 1763. (See Banking; Finance; Numismatics; Decimal; Paper Money in the U. S. ; Political Economy. Currie, J . Life and Writings, 1831 . Curry, O. Thomson, E., Sketches. Curtis, C. Parr, S.. Answer to, 1792. Curtis, J. Sedgwick, C. M., Memoir of, 1858. Curtis, J. L. Facts and Considerations, 1852. Curtis, W. Descendants of, 1869. Curwen, G., Family. Drake s Boston. Curwen, S. Journal and Letters, 1775-83. Cushman Family. Cushman, H. W., Hist. Genealogy of. < iislinian, T. II. Huntington, E. A., Discourse on, 1841. Customs Duties. Alkemade, Neder- land s displegtigheden. Andros, U. S. Customs Guide, 1859. Loggin, Frauds on Pepper, 1718. O Dowd, Customs Adrninist. Recueil d Observations, 1749. Remarks on the Customs, Lend., 1851. Customs Duties (continued). Short, The Waterguard, 1849. U. S. Tariff, (Ogden), 1870. U. S. Warehousing System, 1849. See Tariff; Free Trade. Customs of People. See Costumes; Etiquette; Manners. Cutler, A. Bramwell, Acct. of. P. 471. Cuvier, Baron. Lee, Mrs., Memoirs of, 1833. B. C. Cuvier, Clem. Life of, (Evang. Mag.), 1828. Cuyahoga, Ohio. Portage Company, 1837. Pam. 233. Cypher. Gage, On Cypher, 1809. Thicknesse, Treatise on the art of, 1772. Wilkins, Secret Messenger, 1668. See Monograms; Writing; Alphabets; Short-hand. Cyprian. Shepherd, E. J., Genuineness of Writings of, 1853. Pam 395. Cyprus Is. Du Cange, Families d Outre- mer. Jauna, Hist, du royaume de, 1747. Loredano, Hist, des rois de, 1732. See Levant; Mediterranean. Cyrus the Great. Xenophon, Cyropaedia. Czartoryski, M. Gal. des Contem. vol. 6, Vie de, 1838. D. Dacotah. Andrews, C. C., Minnesota and Dacotah. Da Costa, II. G. Persecution of, 1811. Daemoniacs. See Demoniacs. Daffodil. Pinondel, Sa culture, 1855. Dairy. Willard, D., in Herkimer Co. Dale, S. Claiborne, Life of, 1860. Dallas, G. M. Letters, 1856-60. Biddle, C. J., Eulogy on. Dalmatia. Allason, Antiq. of Pola. Paton, Researches in. Wilkinson, J. G., Dalmatia and Mon tenegro, 1859. Dairy in pic. II. Hague, T., Letter to Duke of York, 1818. Pam. 389. Damascus. innear, D. in 1839. Porter, J. L., Five Years in, 1855. See Syria. Dampier, W. Edin. Cab. Library, vol. 5, Life of. Danbury, Conn, liobbins, T., Cent. Sermon, 1801. Stone, R. S., Church Manual, 1853. DAVY. 139 Dances of the Dead. See Danses. Dancing. Colardean, Larvina Satyri- con, 1619. Fowler, P. H-, Dancing by Christ ns, 1859. Pam. 558. No slur.... N. Y., 1840. Smith. A. D., Sermon, 1847. Weston, Scenes in a Vestry, 1841. Young Ladies Book, 1858. See Amusements. Danes. See Denmark. Dauses des Morts. Holbein, Dances of Death, 1803. Jubinal, Danses des Morts de la Chaise-Dieu, 1841. Peignot, Recherches sur, 1826. Dansville, N. Y. Clark, J. W., Minia ture of. Dante Alighieri. See Bibliography. Danube River. Formby, Visit to the East. Mansfield, Log of the Water-Lily, 1854. Quin, M. J., Steam Voyage down the Danube, 1836. See Austria; Turkey; Moldavia: Wal- lachia* Danvers, Ms. Centenn. Celeb., 1852. Hanson, History of, 1848. King, D. P., Danvers Men at Lexing ton Battle, 1835. Nichols, A., Danvers, a Poem, 1852. Osgood, G., Of North Danvers, 1855. Darien. Davis, C. H., Rep. on inter- oceanic Canals, 1867. Gisborne, The Isthmus in 1852. Hacke, Sharp s Voyage, 1699. Houston, Scotch Expedition to. Hughes, G. W., Intermarine Commu nication, 1850. Pam. 103. Thiers, Hist, of the Expedition, 1859. Wafer, Voyage, 1699. See Central America. Darlington, W. Memorial of, 1863. Darracott, R. Bennett, J., Life of, 1815. Dartmoor Prison. Journal of a Young Man, 1813. Prisoner s Memoirs, (Andrews), 1815. Dartmouth, Mass. Ricketson, History of, 1858. Centennial of, 1864. Dartmouth College. Clark, S., Class of, 1812. Dartmouth Coll., Catalogus of Stu dents. " Vindic. of Trustees, 1815. Sketches of, 1779-1815. Dartmouth College (continued). Tenney, Class of 1843. Webster, D., Plea in Case of, Works. Wheelock, E., Collec. of Pamphlets, 1763-1815. * Indian charity school. Darwin, Dr. E. Seward, Anna, Life of, 1804. Daschkaw, Princess. Memoirs of, 1840. Davenport, A. B. Hist, and Geneal. of. Davenport, James. Chauncey, Letter to, 1742. Davenport, Iowa. Wilkie, F. B., His tory of, 1858. David, King. Ellwood, Life of, a Poem, 1792. Porteus, Character of, 1761. P. 379. Partridge, S., Serin, on the Curses of. See Bible, Commentaries; Psalms. David d Angers. Galerie des Contem. Notice sur, 1845. Davidson, L. M. Sedgwick, C. M.,Life of. Sparks, 7. Davidson, M. M. Irving, W., Biogra phy of, 1841. Davie, W. R. Hubbard, F. M., Life of. Sparks, 25. Davies, Arabella. Diary, 1788. Davies, C. Dodd, J. B., Strictures. Davies, J. Pearson, M. D., Narrative of, 1818. Davies, S. Gibbons, T., Sermon on,1761. Davies, T. Biog. of, 1843. Da Vinci, L. Brown, J. W., Life of. Davis. Family Record, 1867-8. Davis, H. W. Life and speeches. Creswell, Oration on, 1866. Davis, Jeff. Craven, J. J., Prison Life of, 1866. Pollard, Life of, 1869. Davis, John-. Gannett, Sermon on. Kinnicutt, T., Life of, 1854. Davis, N. Sprague, W. B.. Serm. death of, 1857. Davis, T, A. Pierce, J., Ad. at funeral, 1845. Davis, W. J. Life of. Davison, Mrs. M. E. Chester, A. T., Sermon on. Davison, W. Nicolas, Sir N. H., Life of, 1823. Davy, Sir H. Consolation in Travel and Life of, 1830. Davy, J., Memoir of, 1836. Paris, J. A., Life of, 1831. 140 DAVY S LAMP. Davy s Lamp. See Safety lamp. Day, R., Family, of Hartford, descend ants. Day, T. Keir, Account of. Days. Times Telescope, 1814-1834. See Chronology ; Calendars. Dayton, A. O. Memorial of, 1858. Dayton, Ohio. Hall, B. F.. Sketch of, 1849. Ly ford s Directory, 1837. Dead Sea. Lynch, W. F., Exploration of, 1852. Saulcy, Journey round, 1850-1. Deaf and Dumb. Am. Asy. for, Hart ford; Reports, 1819-45. Am. Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, 1848-51. Amer. Instructors Conventions, 1856. Clerc, L., Address, Hartford, 1818. Connecticut Asylum for, 1817, 18. Connecticut, Reports on, 1851. Convention of Instructors of, 1850, 51. France, Statistique, 1861. Gallaudet, Addresses on, 1817,21,28. Glasgow Society for Education of, 1840. Illinois, Asylum for. P. 167. Indiana Instit. lleports, 1853. Instituut voor Doofstommen, 1845-50. Kitto,*The Lost Senses. Lieber, Vocal Sounds of L. Bridgman. N. Y. Institution, Reports, 1828-69. Ohio Asylum Reports, 1843-1864. Pam. vols., 167, 168, 218, 235, 473. Peet, Statistics of, 1852. " Report on Education of. Address, North Carolina, 1848. Pennsylvania Inst. for, Reports, 1844- 1862. Puybonnieux, Mutisme et surdite, 1846. Tennessee, Asylum Reports, 1853. Turnbull, Recoveries of, 1849. U. S. Public Lands for, 1848. . Wisconsin, Reports of Institute. Deane, J. Bowditch, Address on. Deane, Li. Family genealogy. Deane, S. Papers Relating to, (Seventy- six Soc. Pub.) <( Theodosius, Anecdotes of. Dearborn, H. Coffin, C., Life of, 1845. Dearborn, H. A. S. Putnam, G., Ad dress on. P. 1857. Death. Charron, Of Wisdom, 1729. Dodd, W , On death. M Gowan, Death, A Vision. N. A. Review, Jan. 1834. Reid, John, Philoso. of Death, 1841. Death (continued). Sormani, Morti repentine, 1834. Struve, Suspended animation, 1803. Vigne, Morte apparente, 1841. Woodward, J., Warnings, 1758. See Soul; Future State. Debating. See Elocution. De Berdt, E. Reed, W. B., Life of. Debt. Address to Prince of Wales, 1783. Beaumont, Abolition of Imprisonment for, 1836. Ellis, C, M., Law betwixt Debtor, etc., 1857. Martin, H., Twenty Reasons Against. Whitmore, Serm., Running in Debt, 1800. Stephen, J., Considerations on impris onment, 1771. See Great Britain, Debt of. De Candolle. See Candolle. Decatur, S. Life of, (Sparks Biog.) Waldo, S. P., Life of, 1821. Decency. Dissertation concerning, 1751. Decimal Currency. Bowring, J., Deci mal System, 1854. Decimal Assoc. Tracts. Liverpool Fin. Ref. Assoc n, 1855. Nation. Curr. Ref. Assoc n, 1850. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1504. Decoration. See Architecture; Arts. Decretals. Gregory IX, Pope, 1585. Dedham, Ms. Dedham Pulpit, 1840. Haven, J., Hist, disc., 1796. Haven, S. F., Hist. Address, 1836. Lamson, Hist, of 1st Parish. Mann, H., Annals of, to 1847. Worthington, E., History of, 1635- 1827. Dee, John. Diary, 1554-1601, (Camden Soc.) Deerfield, Mass. Bradford Club Pub., Papers concerning, 1859. Taylor, John, Cent. Sermon, 1804. Willard, S., Eccl. Council at, 1807. Williams, J., Redeemed Captive, 1776. Williams, S. W., Memoir of Rev. J. Williams, 1837. De Foe, D. Life and newly discov. writ ings, Lee, 1869. Chalmers, G., Life of, in Works. Scott, W., Memoir of. Wilson, W., Life of, 1830. Deformity. Hay, W., Essay on, 1754. Dehou, T. Gadsden, C. E., Life of, 1833. DENMARK. 141 Deism. Account of Growth... (Stephens), 1691. Brown, G., Philos. and Atheism, 1797. Christianity true Deism, 1762. Dissertation on the Unreasonableness, 1725. Fox, W. J., Duties to Deists, 1819. Halyburton, T., Nat. Religion, 1812. Morgan, The Moral Philosopher, 1738. Letter to a Deist, (Balguy), 1730. Ogden, Antidote, 1795. Reflections upon a Pamphlet, 1696. Remonstrance... to the Clergy, 1731. Rogers, H., Greyson Letters, 1857. See Natural Theology ; Infidelity. Deitz, Capt. Brice, Captivity of. De Lancey Family. Holgate s Gene alogies. Delany, Mrs. M. G. Autobiography, and Corresp., 1861-2. Delaroche, P. Galerie des cont., No tice sur, 1845. De Lanne,T. Plea and Sufferings,1733. Delaware. Baltimore, Articles, 1760. Booth, Geolog. Survey, 1841. Delaware Register, 1838-9. Scott, J., Geog. descr. of, 1807. See Wilmington; Pennsylvania. Delaware Co., N. Y. Gould, J., His tory of, 1856. Delaware Co., Penn a. Smith, G., History of, 1862. Delft. Beschrijving der, 1729. Gribius, Redenvoeringen, 1831. Oosterland, Delfshaven, Serm., 1746. Deluge. Catcott, A., Treatise on, 1751. Fairholme, G., Geol. of Scripture, 1833. Harcourt, Doctrine of the Deluge, 1838. Harris, On Nat. History of the Earth, 1697. Whitehurst, Orig. State of the Earth, 1792. See Cosmogony.; Geology. Delusions. Apocatastasis, 1854. Barnum, P. T., Humbugs. Boismont, Hallucinations. Brown, T., Works, Vulgar errors. Christmas, Cradle of the Twin giants, 1849. Defoe, Hist, of apparitions, vol. 13. Syst. of Magic. Keightley, Fairy Mythology, 1850. Mackay, Mem. of popular delusions, 1841. Madden, R. R., Phantasmata, 1857. Delusions (continued). Polydorus, De rerum inventoribus, 1546. Salverte, The Occult Sciences, 1847. Southcote, History of. Whittier, Supernaturalism of N. E., 1847. See Witchcraft; Mythology; Magic. Demerara. M Donnell, Negroes in, 1825. Democracy. Barruel, Hist, du Jacobin- isme. Byrdsall, Hist, of the Locofoco party, 1842. Camp, G. S., Democracy, 1845. Carey, M., The Olive Branch, 1814, 16. Cobbett, W., New Years Gift, 1796. " Hist, of Jacobinism, 1796. Consolatory Odes, 1799. Democratic Conventions, 1852, etc. Dumas, A., Progress of, 1841. Guizot, Democracy in France, 1849. Jones, W. D., Mirror of Modern, 1864. Macauley, Cath., Loose Remarks, 1769. National Dem. Conv., 1851. N. Y. Dem. Ass nof Washington, 1856. Representative Govt., 1863. Tappan, M. W., Speech, 1856. Tocqueville, A. De, Dem. in America, 1836, 38. " Mem. and Remains, 1862. See Republics ; Liberty ; Government ; Revolution; United States, Poli tics. Demoniacs. Church, T., Vindication, 1750. Critical Dissertation, 1738. Dissertation on, 1775. Dixon, T., Christ s Temptation. Farmer, R., An inquiry, 1765. Pegge, Examination of, 1739. Thacher, J., Essay on, 1831. Woodwarn, T., Demon. Possession, 1849. Denmark. Berlien, Der Elephanten- Orden, 1846. Biernatzki, The Sheep-Fold. Boisgelin, Trav. Through, 1810. Crichton, History of. Dunham, History of. Geffrey, Histoire de, 1851. Hamilton, Danish Isles, 1852. Harris, Voy. vol. 1, Danish East Ind. 1744. -Keith, R. M., Mem. of Queen Matilda of, 1849. " Correspondence, 1861. Laing, Observations, 1851. Leavitt, Den. and its relations, 1864. 142 DENMARK. Denmark (continued). Letters on the Sound-dues, 1855. P. Lovenorn, Navig. of the Cattegat. Marryat, Residence in, 18621 Nicholls, W., Serm. Death of Pr. George, 1708. P. 364. Non-intervention, 1864. Remarks on the Injustice, etc., 1807. Binding, Hist, of Scandinavia, 1866. War of the Gaedhill (Chron. G. Brit.). Wheaton, H., Hist, of the Northmen, 1831. Who is to Blame, 1849. Wraxall, N. W., Tour, 1807. See Sweden; Scandinavia. Dent, J. Bray, T., Sermon on. Dentistry. Allen, J., Of Dentures, 1854. Baltimore College of, 1855. Brown, W.. S., Treatise, 1847. Clark, F. Y., Dental Monitor, 1856. Dwindle, On Watts Crystal Gold, 1855. Family Dental Journal, 1854. Gidney, Treatise, 1824. Howard, Loss of Teeth. N. Y. College of Dental Surgery, 1851. Penn a Coll. of Den. Surgery, 1856. Phil a Col. of D. Surg., 1855. Potter, E., Dissertation on. Putnam. C. S., The Forcep, 1857. Depravity. See Sin; Evil. De Quincey,T. Bayne, Essays. Derby, Earl. Era in the Life of, 1857. Derbyshire, Eng. Beauties of England and Wales. DeRham, W. M. M Vickar, Address on, 1834. Dervishes. Brown, J. P., Oriental spir itualism. See Mystics. De Saumarez, James, Lord. Ross, Mem. and corresp. of. Des Moines. Iowa, Descr. of Central Iowa, 1858. Despotism. Mirabeau, Essai sur. Spirit of Despotism, (V. Knox), 1795. See Government. Despreaux. See Boileau. Detroit, Mich. Darby, Tour to, 1818. Detroit Directory, 1858. Hough, Siege of, 1763, (Muns. Hist. Series.) Trowbridge, C. C., D. past and present, 1864. P. Deux Ponts, Coiyit W. De. My cam paigns in America, 1780-81. I De Veaux, J. Gibbes, R. W., Memoir of, 1846. i Deventer, Neth. Jaarboekje, 1857. Devereux, Earls of Essex. Lives and letters, 1540-1646. Devonshire, Eng. Beauties of England and Wales. Davidson, Bibliot. Devoniensis, 1852. Delabeche, Geology of. Moore s Hist, and topog. of, 1829. Prince, The Worthies of Devon, 1701, 1810. Shortt, Antiquities of, 1850. Devotional. Clergyman s Companion. Companion for sick room. Possinus, Thes. asceticus. See Prayers ; Religious. Dewees, W. P. Hodge, H. L., Eulo- gium on. D Ewes, Sir S. Autobiography and let ters. Dewey, D. L. Memorial of, 1864. De Witt, J. Barnwell, R. G., Life of. James, G. P. R., Life of, 1837. D Wolf, A. A. Cooley, T. M., Serm. on. Dexter, S. Reminiscences of, 1857. Dexter, Tim. Knapp, S. L., Life of, 1838. Dial. Descr. of d. of the seasons. See Calendars ; Chronology. I Dialling. Ferguson s Lectures, 1814. Lacroix, App. of trigonometry. Moxon s Mechanical exercises, 1703. Oughtred, Dialling, 1652. ! Dialogues. Corderius, Centur. Colloquia, 1743. " Colloquies, 1743. f< Les colloques, 1646. Erasmus, Colloquia, 1810. Familiar dial, in Gr., Arm., Eng. and Fr. Fenelon, Dial, des morts. Infernal conference, 1795. Landor, Imaginary conversations. Leone, Dialoghi d amore, 1545, 52. Lovell, J. E., School dialogues, 1851. Lucianus, Select dialogues of, 1785. Lyttelton, Dialogues of the dead. Plato, Works. Swift, Polite conversations, v. 22. See Elocution. Diamond. See Brazil; Gems; Precious Stones. Diamond Necklace. La Motto, Life of. DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES. 143 Diaries. Arblay, F. B. d, 1842. Bohun, E., Diary, 1853. Buckingham & Chandos, Diary, 1862. Caroline, Queen, 1838, 39. Colchester, Lord, 1861. Dodge, Robert, 1847. Dodington, Diary, 1749-61. Evelyn, John, 1641-1706. Extracts from diary of a lover of Lit., 1810. France : Documents inedits : Journal d Ormesson, 1643-50. Luttrell, Affairs from 1678 to 1714. Pepys, Samuel, 1659-69. Raikes, T., Journal, 1831-47. Robinson, Henry Crabb, 1869. Rose, G., Diaries, 1783-1815. Teonge, H., Diary, 1675-79. Thoresby, Diary and Corresp., 1830, 32. Walpole, H., Journal, 1771-83. Washington, G., From 1789 to 1791. Windham, W., 1784-1810. See Autobiographies; Letters. Dibdin, T. Reminiscences of, 1825. Dibdin, T. F. Reminiscences of, 1836. Dickens, C. Mackenzie, Life of, 1870. Dickinson Family, of Montreal. See Lyman. Dickinson, D. S. Life and Speeches. " Respect from N. Y. Bar. Dickinson, J. Wetmore, Answer to. Dictionaries. See Encyclopedias. Dictionaries of Authors, of Literary History, etc. Allen s Am. Biog. Diet., 1825, 1857. Allibone, Diet, of Authors, 1859-71. Aprosio, Bibliot. Aprosiana, 1734. Bayle, Diction. Historique, 1740. Biog. Diet, of the Living Authors of G. B., (Upcott s), 1816. Biographic Universelle, Paris, 1811-62. Catalogue of 500 Authors living, 1788. ! Chalmers, Bib. Diet., 1812-17. Chaudon, Diet. Univ. Hist, et Bibliog. j 1810-12. Darling. Cyc. Bibliographica, 1854. Kippis, Biog. Britannica, 1778, 89 KokjVaderlandschWoordenboek, 1785- j 1799. Ladvocat, Diet. Hist, et Bibl., 1789. Literary Mem. of Living Authors, 1798. New Cat. of Living Eng. Authors, 1799. : Oettinger, Bibliog. Biog. Univ., 1854. Sarrut, Biog. des Homines du jour, 1841. Watt, Bibliotheca Britannica. See Bibliography, American; English; French; etc. Dictionaries of Biography. See Biog raphy. Dictionaries of Languages. See Gram mars; Language. Dictionaries of Languages: AMERICAN. Arenas, Vocabulario Mexi- cana, 1583. Boyer, Relation do Bretigny, (Ind.), 1654. Bruyas, Mohawk Vocabulary. Cuesta, Mutsun vocab. English and Dakota Vocab., 1852. Ludewig. Lit. of Amer. Lang., 1858, List of Diet. Riggs, S. R., Dakota Lang., 1852. Sagard, La Langue Huronne, 1632. Shea, American Linguistics. " French Onondaga, 1860. Sitjar, Lengua di Alta California. ANGLO-SAXON. Bosworth, Anglo-Saxon and English Diet., 1848. ARABIC. Dozy, Diet, des Veteinens Arabes, 1843. Kieffer, Diet- Turc-Arabe. ARMENIAN. Aucher, Franais Armenien Turc, 1840. Diet, of Armeno-Turkishlang., 1843. Riggs, E., Modern Armenian, 1847. ASIATIC. Klaproth, Asia polyglotta. ASSYRIAN. Morris, E., 1868. AUSTRALIAN. Teichelmann, Australian Vocabulary. Vocabulaires de 1 Australie. BERBER. Diet. Franyais-Berber. CBLTIC. Court de Gebelin, Diet, etymol. CHINESE. Guignes, Diet. Chinois, Fran9 et Lat., 1813. Morrone, Vocab. Cochin-Chinese. Williams, S. W., 1856. CIRCASSIAN. Loewe, 1854. CHALDAIC. Fabricius, Diet. Syro-Chal- daicum, 1572. COPTIC. Parthey, Vocab. Coptico-Lati- nuin. DANISH. Dictionary English and Danish, 1855. DUTCH. Blusse, Diet. Franc- Hollandois, 1828. B. C. Bomhoff, Dutch and English, 1851. " English and Dutch, 1851. Dictionary, English and Dutch, 1855. Heldoren, English and Nether-Dutch Diet., 1675. B. C. Hoogstraten, Nieuw Woordboek, Dutch and Latin, 1756. " Gebruikelykste Naem- woorden, 1733. 144 DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES. Dictionaries of Languages : DUTCH (continued). Lemans, Heb. Nederduitsch, 1831. Meyer, L., Woordenschat, 1745. Marin, Pierre, Diet. Franc-Hollan- dois, 1793. Martin, H., Beredeneerd Nederd. Woordenboek, 1836, B. C. Polyglott, Dutch, Eng., Fr. and Germ. Sewell, W., Eng. and Dutch, 2 parts. Werninck, Pocket Diet., Dutch and English. Wilcocke, Pocket Diet, of English and Dutch. EGYPTIAN. Bunsen, Egypt, hieroglyphics. ENGLISH. Ash, J., 1775. Bailey, N., Univ. Etym. Eng. Diet., 1755, 59, 66, 93. " English and German, 1792. Bartlett, Diet, of Americanisms, 1859. Bolles, W., Phonographic Diet., 1845. Booth, D., Analyt. Diet, of English Lang., 1836. Bulloker, An English Expositour, 1680. Burhans, Expositor, 1827. Cobb. L., Abridgementof Walker,1828. Cooper, Thesaurus ling. Rom.-Britan., 1584. Dialect of Craven, 1828. Diet, of Modern slang, 1860. Dyche sNew, 1759. Eastwood, Bible word-book, 1866. Franke, Technological Diet., 1855. Gallaudet, School Diet., 1844. Glossographia Anglicana, 1719. Glossary of Herefordshire. Grimshaw, Gentleman s Lexicon, 1830. " Etymological Diet., 1821. Grose, Prov. glossary, 1811. Halliwell, Diet, of Archaic.... words, 1855. Hearne, Langtoft s Chronicle, 1810. Holloway, Gen. Diet, of Epglish pro vincialisms, 1839. Holyoke s, T., 1677. Johnson, S., English Diet. 4 vol. 8vo. and 2 vol. 4to, 1818, 19. " Improved by Todd, 1828. Jones, S , Sheridan improved, 1802. Lemon, English Etymology, 1783. Manipulus vocabuloruin, 1570, Levins. Camden Soc. Mason, G., Supplement to Johnson s, 1800. Minsheu, Guide into tongues, 1627. Nares, Glossary of obscure words, 1867. New critical Diet., Burlington, N. J., 1813. Oswald, Etymolog. Diet, of Eng., 1832. | Phillips, E., World of words, 1700. I Dictionaries of Languages: ENGLISH (continued). Polyglott Eng., Fr., Ger. and Dutch. Richardson, C., Eng. Diet., 1838-1846. Rowson, S., Boston, 1807. Sternberg, Dialect of Northampton shire, 1851. Tothausen, Technolog. Diet., 1854, 55. Trench, Glossary of changed tenses. Webster, N., 1806, 1st ed. " Am. Diet, of Eng. lang., 1828. " Unabridged, 1865. " English, 1859. Webster, W. G., Elementary Diet. Wedgwood, Diet. Engl. Etymol., 1862. Wiggins, N. Y. Expositor, 1844. Worcester, J. E., Universal Diet, of English, 1847. " English Diet., 1860. Wright, T., Diet, of Provincial Eng., 1857. See Bibliography; Language; Gram mars. ESKIMAUX AND ENG. vocAB., (Washing ton s.) FLEMISH. Ende, Gazophilace, Fran9oise et Flamande. FRENCH. Academic Franfaise, Diet, do la langue, 1814, 35. Barre, Complement du Diet, de 1 Acad., 1847. Blanche, Diet. d Administration, 1857. Boyer, A., French Diet., Boston, 1841. Court de Gobelin, Diet. Etymol. Diet. Fran., All., Anglais, 1336. Fleming, Complete Fr. and Eng. Diet., 1844. Landais, Diet, gen., 1843. Polyglott Lex. French, Dutch, Ger man and Eng., 1848. Wilson, J., French and Eng. Diet., 1850. GAELIC. Highland Soc. of Scotland, Diet. Gaelic, 1828. Jamieson, Etym. Diet, of the Scottish, 1840-41. GEORGIAN. Klaproth, Vocab. de la Lan gue Gjeorgienne, 1847. GERMAN. Adler, Germ, and English Diet., 1849. Birlinger, Schwabisch Worterbuch. Dictionnaire Allemand-Franyois, 1762. English-German Diet., Phila., 1834. Flugel, Diet, of Germ, and English, 1845. German-Eng and Eng-Ger. Diet., Muhlenberg, 1812. Grieb, Eng. and Germ.... Ger. and Eng., 1866. Grimm, Deutsches W6rterbuch,1854-62. DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES. 145 Dictionaries of Languages: GERMAN (continued). Kaltschmidt, Germ. diet. Leipsic, 1837. Kilianus, Etymologicum Teutonic Linguae, 1777. B. C. Meidinger, Diet. Etym. languesTeuto- Gothiques, 1833. Polyglott, German, Fr., English and Dutch. GREEK. Alexandre, Diet. Grec-Fran9ais, 1857. " Diet. Fran9ais-Grec, 1856. Apollonius, Lex. Graecum, 1773. Burke, W., Gr. Eng. Dictionary, 1806. Court dc Gebelin, Diet. Etymol. Damm , Lex . Ety raol .... Homer, et Pindar., 1765. Donnegan, Greek and Eng. Lexicon, 1839. Estienne, Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, 1572, 1816-25. Gesner, Lexicon Grseco-Latinum, 1545. Hederious, Lexicon Man. Gr. Latinum, 1825. B. C. Hesychius, Lexicon. Lexicon Graecum, Antverpiae, 1592. Lowndes, Eng., Modern Greek, 1827. " Modern Greek English, 1837. " Hebrew Modern Greek, 1842. Morell, T., Lex. Graeco Prosodiacum, 1815. Parkhurst, Gr. and Eng. to the N. T., 1825. Photius, Lexicon, (Porson), 1822. Pickering, John, Greek and English Lexicon, 1829. Reineccius, Manuale Biblicum, 1734. Robinson, E., Gr. and Eng. Lex , 1825. Scapula, Lex. Gr. Latinum, 1816. Schleusner, Lex. Gre. Lat. in NOT. Test., 1814. Schrevelius, Lex. Manuale Gr. Lat., 1670, 1818. Schweighaeuser, Lexicon Herodoteum. Sophocles, Rom. and Byzantine, 1870. Suidas, Lexicon, Graece, 1498. HEBREW. Gesenius, Heb. and English, 1844. Goldenthal, Clavis Talmudica, 1847. Lex. Gnec. Thes. Heb. Pagnino, 1572. Lowndes, Heb. and Modern Greek. Parkhurst, Heb. Lex. and Grammar, 1792. HINDUSTANI. Shakespear, Hindustani and English. See Tamil; Oordu. ITALIAN. Antonini, Diet. Fran. Lat. et Ital., 1766. Baretti, Diet, of Eng. and Ital., 1839. 19 Dictionaries of Languages! ITALIAN (continued). Mandosio, Vocab. Italiano-Latino, 1818. Millhouse, Engl. and Ital., Ital. and Eng. Pianzola, Dizionarie Ital.Greca e Turca. LATIN. Ainsworth, R., Lat. and Eng., 1818, 1823. Andrews, E. A., Lat. Lex. of Freund, 1851. Calepinus, Diet. Latinum, 1521. " Diet, undecim ling, 1511. Cellarius, Lat. lib. Memorialis, 1709. Cicero, Epitheta, 1570. Ciceronianum Lexicon, 1743. Cooper, Thesaurus Ling. Rom. -Britan, 1584. Court de Gebelin, Diet, ctymol. Dictionarium Latinum. Du Cange,Glossarium ad scrip, medii ri. Entick, Latin English Diet., 1826. B.C. Facciolati, Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, Lond., 1828. Holyoke, T., Lat. and English, Lon don, 1677. Leverett, New Lexicon, 1850. Martinius, M., Lex. Etymologicum, 1623. Quicherat, Diet. Lat. Franyais, 1853. " Diet. Fran. Latin, 1858. " Thes. Poet. Ling. Latinae, 1857. Riddle, J.E., English-Latin Lexicon, 1849. Salmon, Etymol. Lat. Diet., 1796. MALAY. Eysinga. Maleisch en Neder- duitsch, 1825. Marsden, Malai, Holland., Fran. ,1825. PERSIAN. Angelus, Gazophylacium ling. Pers., 1684. Burhani Kati, Calcutta. POLYNESIAN. Mosblech, Vocab. oceanien. PORTUGUESE. Vieyra, Diet, of Portng. and English lang., 1840. ROMAN. Raynouard, Lexique Roman. Roquefort, Langue Romaine, 1808. RUSSIAN. Dictionary, English and Rus sian, 1855. SPANISH. Taboada, Fran-Espan., Espan- Fran. Velasques, Span, and Eng. Diet. ,1852. SWEDISH. Dictionary, Eng. and Swedish. SYRIAC. Uhlemann, Gram, and Diet. Syr. , 1855. See Chaldaic. TAMIL. English and Tamil, 1842. 146 DICTIONARIES OF LANGUAGES. Dictionaries of Languages (cont d). TURKISH. Armenien-Turc-Franyais. Bianchi, Turc, Arabe, Franyais. Knight, W., Eng. and Turk. Vocab. URDU. Thompson, Oordoo and English. WELSH. Owen, W., 1793, 1803. Richards, English-Welsh. Dictionaries of Geography and His tory. Anthon, Classical Diet., 1841. Blanche, Diet, de I administration, 1857. Bayle, Diet. Hist, et Grit. Fr. and Eng., 1740. Bouillot, Diet. d Hist. et de Geog., 1845, 58. Collier. See Moreri. Crabb, Diet, of General Knowledge, 1830. Dozy, Diet, des Vetements Arabes, 1843. Evans, Denominations of the Christian World, 1832. Fosbroke, Encyc. of Antiquities, 1825. Glossary of Heraldry, 1847. Hall, B. H., Collection of College words, 1851, 56. Hoffman, J. J., Lexicon Universale, Hist. Chron., 1698. Hook, Church Dictionary, 1854. Kitto, Cyclopaedia of Bib. Literature, 1846. Ladvocat, Diet. Hist. Portatif, 1755. La Martiniere, Le Grand Diet. g6og. hist, et crit., 1739-41. Lempriere, Classical Dictionary, 1816. Luiscius, Alg. hist. geog. Woorden- boek, 1724-27. Millin, Dizionario delle favole, 1804. Moreri, Grand Diet, historique, French and English, 1698. Murray, H., Encyc. of Geography, 1834. Nuttall, P. A., Diet, of Nations of Antiquity, 1840. Political Dictionary, 1845, 46. Smith, W., Classical Diet., 1851-54. See History ; Geography; Gazetteers; Encyclopaedias. Dictionaries of Science and Arts. Appleton, Diet, of Mechanics, 1852. Beeton, S. 0., Diet, of Universal in formation, 1865. Brown, D. J., Etymol. Encyc. of arts, 1832. B. C. Chambers, E., Cyclopaedia of, 1784-6. Crabb, Univ. Technological Diet. ,1823. Diet, des Sci. Naturelles, 1816-30. Falconer, Univ. Marine Diet., 1830. Franke, Technolog. Diet., 1855. Dictionaries of Science and Arts (continued). Gardner, Farmer s Dictionary, 1846. Glossary of Architecture, 1850. Gregory, G., Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 1815-16. Gwilt, Encyc. of Architecture, 1867. Harris, Lexicon Technicum, 1710. Hebert, Engineer s and Mech. Ency clopaedia. 1837. Hubner, Kouranten-Tolk; and Kunst- Woorden-boek, 1748. Humble, Diet, of Geol. and Mineralo gy, 1843. Johnson, G. W., Diet, of Mod. Gar dening, 1847. Lomax, Encyc. of Architecture. McCulloch, Dictionary of Commerce, 1834, 40 and 69. Nichols, J. P., Cyc. of Phys. Sciences, 1857. Nicholson s British Encyclopaedia, 1 809. Nieuwenhuis, Woordenboek van Kun- sten, 1826. Ogilvie, Imp. Technolog. and scien tific, 1851. Stuart, Diet, of Architecture. Tolhausen, Technological Diet., 1864. Tomlinson s Cyc. of useful Arts, 1852. " Supplement, 1868. Uro, Dictionary of Chemistry, 1824. " Dictionary of Arts, etc., 1840, 45. " Supplement, 1863. Weale, Diet, of civil and naval Arch., 1849, 50. See Encyclopaedias; Sciences; Arts. Diet; Dietetics. See Health; Food; Domestic Economy. Digby, Sir K. Private Memoirs, 1827. Digby, Simon, Lord. Kettlewell, Ser mon on, 1686. Dighton rock. Moreau, Pierre de Taun- ton. Dignities. Ashmole, Order of the Gar ter. British compendium, 1721. Dodd, Book of Dignities. Haydn, Book of Dignities, 1851. Murray, Hand-book of church and State. Nicolas, Hist, of orders of Knighthood, 1842. " Precedency of Peerage. Pancirolus, Notitia dignitatum, 1608. Pegge, Curialia. Selden, Titles of Honor. Tomkins, Sketches of aristocracy. See Heraldry ; Officers ; Rank. Dike, T. Hill, J., Answer to, 1818. , DISSENTERS. 147 Dikes. Deventer, Mcmorie. Nanninga, Deichbauverbesserung. Dillnye, S. D. Pittsburgh case, 1860. Dimmick, L. F. Withington, Memorial, 1860. Dinsmore, J., Family genealogy, 1867. Diplomacy. Adair, Negotiations, 1808, 1809. Avaux, Negociations, 175455. Capefigue, Diplomat, of Europe, 1842. Chateaubriand, Congress of Verona, 1838. Coalition (La) et la France, 1817. Demeunier, Economic diplomatique. Estrades, Lettres et Negociations, 1743. Flassan, Hist, de la Dipl. Franyaise, 1811. France, Negociations dans le Levant. " Negociations avec 1 Autriche, 16me siecle. Goertz, La Neutralite armee, 1801. Grotius, Rights of War and Peace, 1814. B. C. Guines, De, Ambassade, 1775. Hill, R.. Diplom. Correspond., 1845. Koch, Hist, des traites de paix, 1796, 1797. Lyman, T. jr., Diplomacy of the U. S., 1828. Martens, Guide diplomatique, 1832. Portfolio, Lond., 1843. Pradt, Congress of Vienna, 1816. Torcy, Negotiations from the treaty of Ryswick, 1757. Traite diplomatique, 1833. B. C. Trescot, The Diplomacy of the revolu tion, 1852. Warden, D. B., Consular establish ments, 1813. Wheaton, H., International law, 1836. See Consuls. Diplomatics. Abella, Noticia Col. dipl. Espagna, 1795. Bartlett, Preservation of archives. Bossange, Catalogue, 1845, 47, 50, 53. Christ, Abhandlungen, 1776. Encyc. Methodique. Great Britain, Record commission rep., 1857-59. Maffei, Letter to Countess of Seefeld, 1730. Martens, Bibliographic diplomatique. Namur, Bibliog. diplo-bibliol., 1838. Peignot, Diet, de bibliol., 1802, 04. See Bibliog. Elementary; Alphabets; Writing; Manuscripts; .Charters. Diptheria. Copeman, Essay on. Cotting, Diptheritis, 1859. Paine, H. D., Essay, 1859. Diptheria (continued). Pamphlets, vol. 1361. Willard, S., Diphtherite, 1859. Directories. See Towns by name ; Joint Stock. Discoveries. See Geographical: Ameri ca, Discovery in. Disease. Bigelow, J., Enquiry into ori gin of, 1859. " Nature in Disease, 1854. Jackson, J., Letters to a young Physi cian, 1856, 61. Holmes, 0. W., Currents and Counter- currents, 1861. See Medical; Health. Disney, G. Life of, 1692. Disney, J. Jervis, T., Serm., Death of, 1817. P. 382. Dispensaries. Boston Dispensary, 1856, 1858. Bury Dispensary, 1790. Demilt, N. Y., Reports, 1856, 57. Eastern Dispen., N. Y., 1853. N. Y. Dispensary, 1846, 57. N. Y. Homoeop. Dispensary, 1852. Northern Dispensary, N. Y., 1851, 55 and 59. Public Disp., Lond., 1838. Williamsburgh, N. Y., Report, 1855, 1858. D Israeli, I. Corney, Review of Curios ities of Literature, 1838. Dissenters. Abrabanel, Complaint, 1736. Address to .... on Regium Donum, 1774. Apostolic Conformity, 1703. Bogue, History of, to 1808. Brown, J. B., Brougham s Education bill, 1821. Calamy, E., My Own Life. " Church and D. compared, 1719. " Letter to Echard, 1718. Campbell, J., Anal, of Binney, 1856. " Non-conformist theology,1856. Canne, J., Separation from Ch. of Eng. Case of Dissenters, 1703. Case of Dissenters in Carolina, 1706. Case of the Dissenters, 1833. Chandler, Letter to, 1748. Collins, R., Advice to, 1733. Conder, Political Position, 1853. Conscientious Nonconformity, 1737. Consid. on a Comprehension, 1748. Dissenters to the Queen, 1714. Statement of Case, 1827. " Apology, 1739. Dissenting Gent s Answer, 1748. Dorrington, T., D. Ministry Censured, 1703. 148 DISSENTERS. Dissenters (continued). England, H. C., Letter on the Case of, 1790. Enquiry into Decay of, 1830. Essay on the Origin, etc., 1790. . Godwyn, T., Non- conformists, Bristol. Hampden, Bp., Tests at Oxford, 1835. Interest of England, (Shute), 1703. Keble, Diss. at Oxford, 1854. Kippis, Vindication, 1773. Lay Non-conformity, 1718. L Estrange, Dissenter s Sayings, 1681. Liddon, Serm., Diss. defended, 1793. Magistrate s Monitor, 1682. Marsh, H., Letters, 1813, 18. Nares, R., Charge, On Sectaries, 1712. Narrative of Proccdings, 1734. Observations on the Case, 1790. " on the conduct of, 1790. " on the conduct of the toriea. 1730. Owen, C., Plain dealing, 1715. Cxenham s Letters, 1834, 5. Pamphlets, vols. 318-320, 848, 1298- 1300, 1507, 1508, 1767. Perfect Guide for, 1682. Priestley, Free Address to, 1770. " View of the Principles of, 1789. Protestant Reconciler, 1683. Reasons for enabling, etc,, 1717. Reed, A., Case of, 1834. Rees, Non-conform. in Wales, 1861. Religion of Papists, 1717. Report of the Speeches, 1826. Rivers, Obs. on.... and History, 1800. Roe, P., Evils of Separation, 1817. Rosewell s writings, 1715. Some considerations, (Drake), 1702. Some seasonable. ...queries, 1719. Steele, R., Bill on Schism, 1714. Stillingfleet, Sermon, Mischief of, 1680. Synge, Of Nonconformists, 1698. System of Congr. Dissent., 1832. Tucker, J., Letter to Kippis, 1773. Vindication of, 1837. Vindication of the Principles. P. 1735. Wells, E., Dowley s letter, 1706. Why should not I go, 1840. Wilks, M., Sermon, Nonconformity, 1818. Withers, Vindication, 1719. Wood. W., Writings, 1773-88. See Church of Eng. ; Evangelicals; Conformity; Toleration; Test Act; Congregational. Distillation. See Alcohol ; Arts; Chem istry; Temperance; Wine. Diving. Green, J. B., Diving adven.. 1859. Hough s Diving Bell, 1813. Maillefert s Blasting, 1850. Taylor, Pearl Fishing Co. Divining Rod. Steiner, Essay on. Divorce. Greeley, H., Recollections, 1869. Milton, J., Doctrine of, (Works). V. oolsey, T. D., Essay on, 1869. See Marriage. Dix, D. L. Bigelow, L. J., Life of. Dix, J. A. Banquet to, Paris, 1869. Doane, G.W. Binney, H., Correpon- dence, 1849. Doane, G. W., Life and Works. " Controversy concerning, 1852, 1853. Hiitten, Epistle, 1853. Lee, A., Vind. of the Bishops, 1853. Prot. Ep. Ch., Trial of, 1853. Vindication of the four laymen, 1858. Dobbs, A. Middleton, C., Answer to, 1743. Docks, Dry. Dakin, Sectional Floating, 1846. Pain. 529. Morse, J. P., Liverpool docks. Rennie, Brit, and for. harbors, 1854. Sectional Floating Dry Docks, 1843. U.S. Navy Reports, 1845, 47. Dod. Family genealogy. Dod, A. B. Hodge, C., Account of,1845. Maclean, J., Serm., death of, 1846. Doddridge, P. Buckley, J., Life of, 1812. Doddridge, P., Corresp. and Diary. Orton, J., Serm., death of, 1752. Dodge, Robert. Diary, 1850. Docl in-ton, G. B. Diary, 1749-61. Dogs. Clayton, Sir R., Treatise on Grey hounds. Pamph lr 9. Jesse, E., Anecdotes of, 1858. Johnson, T. B., Shooter s Companion, 1830. Legal protection of. Richardson, H. D., Origin, etc. Smith, C. H., Dogs. Youatt, The Dog, 1847. Dolcino, Fr<i. Gallenga, A., Memoir of, 1853. Doleman, Father. See Parsons, R. Dollinger, J. Walther, Rede zum An- denken, 1841. Domesday-book. Great Brit. Record Publications. W., P. C., Account of, 1756. Webster, N., Origin: Essays. DRAKE. 149 Domestic Economy. A., L. E., La Cuisinii-re dc la campagnc, 1851. Art of cookery. 1854. Bibra, Getreidearten, 1860. Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du gout. < Physiology of taste. Buchoz, Manual alimentaire, 1771. Carter, S., Frugal housewife, 1760. Cobbett, Cottage Economy. Donovan, Domestic Economy. Lard- ner s, 17, 18. Evans s Expense-book. Gilman, Lady s Annual Register,1838, 1839. Green, W., Plans of Economy, 1802. Hints on the abuses. Hollandsche Keuken-Meid. Leslie, Lady s House book. Markham, Engl. Housewife, 1683. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1768. Patissiere, La, de la campagne, 1825. Robert, La grande cuisine, 1845. Rosny, Parfait oeconome, 1710. Rumford, Essays, 1797. Skinner, American book of, 1850. Society of Antiquaries, Receipts, 1790. Say re, History of Food, 1853. Stafford s Receipt book, 1857. P. 515. Stone, R., Family book, 1836. Sylvester, C., Philosophy of, 1819. Timbs, J., Dom. Science. Viart, Cuisinier Royal, 1838. Webster, T., Encyc. of domestic econ., 1845. Wittenmyer, Milit. kitchens. See Confectionery ; Receipts. Dominica Is. Atwood, T., History of, 1791. Dominique, St. Caro, E., Yiede. Doncaster, Eng. Miller, E., Hist, of, 1804. Doniphan, Gen. Edwards, F. S., Cam paign of, in Mexico, 1848. Doolittle, W. M. Wood, N. N., Serm., Death of, 1842. Dorchester, Mass. Allen, W., Hist. discourse, 1848 P. 233. Blake, J., Annals of, 1750. Codman, Hist. Sermon, 1846. Davenport, D., Cemetery Memo., 1826. Dorchester Antiquarian Soc., 1859. Dorchester Directory, 1868. Dorchester Epitaphs, 1869. Dorchester Town Documents, 1850-53. Drake, S. G., Early History of, 1851. Harris, T. M., Mem. of First Church, 1830. " Discourse, 1799. Dordogne, France. Annuaire, 1802,45. Dordrecht. Outrein, Intreeds-reden,1703. Wall, De, Handvesten, Privilegien, Costumen, 1770-83. Doria, A. Durazzo, Elogio, 1781. Dorr, T. W. Frieze, Hist, of Suffrage in. King, D., Life of, 1859. U. S., Report on Rh. Is. affairs, 1844. Waterman, H., Fun. Address. Dorsetshire, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Cooke s Topog. Library. Douai. Duthilloeul, Biographies des hom ines de, 1844. See Bibliography. Donbs, France. Annuaire, 1845. Douglas, Sir H. Fullom, Life of, 1863. Douglas, S. A. Polit. Record. Addresses in Congress on his death, 1861. Marshall, H., Speech on, 1852. Schurz, C., Speeches. Sheahan, Life of. Wright, J. A., Eulogy on. Douglas, T. See Selkirk, Earl of. Douglass* D. B. Hale, B., Sermon on, 1849. Douglass, Fred. My Bondage, etc. Stowe s Men of the Time. Dow Family, Genealogy. See Stranahan. Dow, L. History of Cosmopolite, 1859. Dow, N. Marsh, J., Sketches of, 1852. Downam, G. Answer to a sermon of, 1609. Downing, Jack. Davis, C. A., Letters of, 1834, 36. Dowse, T. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1859. Dracut, Ms. Gould, W., Farewell Dis course. Drainage. Banister, Letter, 1853. Donald, J., Land Drainage. France, Lois sur le drainage, 1854. Green, R., Under Draining, 1832. Hawkins, Dra. of London, 1848. Johnston, J., Experiments in. P. 205. Morton, J , Whitfield Farm. Rawlinson, R., D. of towns, 1854. Wood, T. L , Thames embankment, 1857. See Sewers. Drake, D. Mansfield, E. D., Memoirs of, 1855. Thomson, E., Sketches. 150 DRAKE. Drake, Sir F. Burton, R., Account of, 1687. Maynard, Voy . of, (Hakluyt Soc. Pub). Dramas, American. Bailey, J. J., Waldimar, 1834. Brackenridge, Death of Montgomery, 1777. Calvert, Arnold and Andre. Dunlap, W., Dramatic Works, 1806. " Tho Archers, 1796. Featherstonhaugh, Death of Ugolino. Fayette in Prison, 1802. Hillhouse, J. A., Dramas, 1839. Howe, J. W., The World s Own, 1857. loor, Independence, 1805. Lord, W. W., Andre, 1856. Miles, G. II., Mohammed. Owen, R. D., Pocahontas, 1837. Paulding, American Comedies, 1847. Ritchie, A. C. M., Plays and Tales. Rush, J., Hamlet, 1834. Sargent. E., Velasco, 1839. Tarnation Strange. P. 396. Taylor, C. W., Goblet of Death, 1847. Warren, Mrs. M., Poems, dramatic, 1790. Willis, N. P., Bianca Visconti. Tortesa, 1839. See Literature ; Poetry. Dramas, Dutch. Bruhl, DeBurgemees- ter, 1789. Dutch Dramas, 1711-40. Engelant, Tooneel-Poezy, 1730. Holberg, L., Blyspelen, 1747-66. " De Maskarade, 1766. Hooft, P. C., Werken,1671. Loghem, Krispyn, 1725. Muller, Admirael Piet Hein, 1832. Pool, Adeka, 1834. Tafereel, De, etc., 1720. Treuerspelen, 1728-45. Vondel, Treuerspelen, 1660-62. " Jerusalem. Palamedes, 1707. Wiselius, Adel en Mathilda, 1817. See Poetry, Dutch. Dramas, English, and Translations. Addison, J., Cato, 1761. JEschylus, Tragedies, 1834. Antonio Foscarini, 1836. Aristophanes, Comedies, 1853. Armstrong, J., Misc. The Forced Mar riage, 1770, Baillie, J., Dramatical Works, 1851. Banim, Damon and Pythias. P. 621. Beaumont and Fletcher, works, 1840. " Finest scenes of, 1855. Beaumont, The Chances. P. 396. Dramas, English, and Translations (continued). Becket, Dram. Miscellanies. Bride of Abydos, 1818. Buckston, J. B., 1833-38. Burgoyne, J., Dramatic Works, 1808. Butler, F. A. K., Francis the First, 1833. " Star of Seville, 1837. Byron, G. N., Manfred, 1817. . Carey, Honest Yorkshireman. P. 396. Centlivre, Mrs., Comedies. Gibber, Work?. Coleridge, S. T., Remorse, Zapolya Wallenstein, (Schiller). Collection of Farces, 1792. Colman, G., jr., 1788-1808. Congreve, Dramatic Works, 1840. Cumberland, R., 1775-1804. D Avenant, Sir Wm., 1669-77. Dennis, J., Appius and Virginia. Dibdin, T., Miscellany. Dodsley s Collection of old Playe, 1827. Dryden, Works, 1808. Edgcworth, M., Comic Dramas, 1817. Euripides, Tragedies, 1834-5. B. C. Fabian, Trick for Trick, 1761. Farquhar, Dramatic Works, 1840. Fielding, Works, vol. I, 18)0. " Don Quixote, 1733. " Pasquin, 1736. Ford, J., Dramatic Works, 1827. Garrick, D., Misc. Plays. Glengall, Irish Tutor, 1847. Goldsmith, Miscellaneous Works, 1839. Gregg, Edward VI. Halliwell, The Poetry of Witchcraft, . 1853. Hart, Bell-ringer of St. Paul s. Hey, R., Captive Monarch. Holcroft, T., Road to Ruin. P. 396. Home, J , Works : Agis, Douglas, etc., 1822. Johnson, S., Works, Jonson, B., Works. Jones, T. P., Firmilian, 1855. Killigrew s, Works, 1663-4. Knowles, J. S., Select Dramatic W ks, 1835. " [Plays collected.] The Hunchback, 1832. Lamb, C , Specimens of Eng. Dram. Poets, 1854. Works, vol. I, 1818. Lillo, G., Dram. Works, 1810. " George Barnwell, 1761. Lilly, J., Dramatic Works, 1858. Marston, J., Works, (Halliwell), 1856. DRAMAS. Dramas, English, and Translations (continued). Massinger, Plays, 1840. Maturin, Bertram, 1816. Middleton, T., Works, (Dyce), 1840. More, II., Sacred dramas. Morgan, Lady, Dramatic scenes. Murphy, A., Works, 1756-73. Newton, C., Arnold, 1856. O Keefe, J., Plays collected, 1789-1800. Orphans, (The), 1814. P. 1725. Pamphlet volumes containing Dramas, vols. 396, 621, 639, 643, 697-699, 739, 740, 782, 783, 936, 1020, 1301, 1302, 1510, 1511, 1622, 1623, 1769, 1860, 2522. Penn, J., Battle of Eddington. Pilon, F., Plays, 1769-93. Pictcairns, Assembly^ 1692. Plautus, Comedies, 1852. Racine, The Victim. Reynolds, F., 1793-1808. Rowe, N., Works. Schiller, Works, 1846-49. Scott, W., Halidon Hill, 1822. Select Plays, Baltimore, 1802-1804. Shakespeare s Plays, 1623, 1664, 1795, 1819, 42, 44, 45, 47, 50, 51, 54, 57- 1859. Shakespeare Soc., Contin. of Dodsley s Collection. Sheridan, R. B., Dram. Works, 1848. " The Critic, 1781. Sophocles, Tragedies. Southey, Wat Tyler, 1817. Steele, R., Conscious Lovers, 1755. Suckling, J., Poems, 1646. Talfourd, Athenian Captive. Taylor, Philip Van Artevelde. Terentius, Comedies. Vanbrugh, 1840 Vortigern, (Ireland s). Whitehead, W., Creusa, 1754. Wiseman, N., Hidden Gem. Wycherley, 1840. Wynne, G., Three Plays, 1853. Set Literature; Poetry. Dramas, French. Alvin, Beausire, Education a la mode, 1809. Beaurnarchaid, (Euvres, 1837. " Barbierde Seville. Boissy, (Euvres de Theatre, 1837. Chalory, Report, des ecoles. Chamfort, La Jeune Indienne, 1777. Collet, L Isle deserte, 1758. Corneille, (Euvres, 1838. " Theat. choisi. Crebillon, (Euvres. Delavigne, Les Comediens, 1834. Dramas, French (continued). Destouches, (Euvres, (Regnard). Ducancel, Esquisses dramatiques. Ducange, Calas, 1819. Gherardi, Le Theatre Italien, 1701. Kailaz, ou les Jeunes Sauvages, 1770. Le Blanc, Manco-Capac, 1782. Lucas, Thiiatre Espagnol, 1851. Mars, Cadet Roussel, 1834. Meudes da Costa, Le Dey d Alger. Moliere, (Euvres, 1739. B. C. " Theatre choisi. Montrose et Amelie, 1783. Perrot, Esmeralda, 1856. Phillippell, Portrait de, 1785. Piron, Fernando Cortes, 1756. Poemes sur 1 Amerique, 1756. Racine, (Euvres, 1737. " Theatre choisi, 1847. Raynouard, Les Templiers, 1805. Regnard, (Euvres, 1837. Rozoi, Azor ou les Peruviens, 1770. St. Evremond, Melange curieux, 1726. Sauvigny, Hirza, 1767. Scribe, Ees Huguenots, 1838. " Guido et Ginevra, 1838. " Bertraud et Raton, 1834. Viollet le Due, Anc. Theatre Franais. Voltaire, (Euvres, 1785-89. Dramas, German. German Theatre, (Thompson), 1811. Goethe, W. J. von, Faust, B. Taylor s trans., 1871. " Faust, Hayward s trans. ,1851. t( Faust, Swanwick s translation, 1850. " Dramatic Works, 1850. Kotzebue, Translations. Lessing, Nathan the wise, 1868. Ludvigh Kossuth, 1853. Rosenthal, Theater fur die Jugend. Schiller, F. von, Werke. Die Rauber. " Wilhelm Tell, 1850. " Maria Stuart, 1851. " Historical dramas, (Bohn). Early dramas, (Bohn). Dramas, Italian. Alfieri, Tragedie. " Rosamunda. Guarini, II Pastor Fido, 1590. Manzoni, A., Tragedie, 1825. Metastasio, P., Opere, 1813. Dramas, 1800. Monti, V., Opere, 1835. " Aristodemo, 1833. Pistucci, F., Marozia, 18:57. P. 992. Polcastro, Opere, vol. I, 1832. 152 DRAMAS. Dramas, Italian (continued). Teatro Moderno, 24 vol., 1838-41. Varano, A., Opere Scelte, 1818. Dramas, Miscellaneous. Pamphlets, vols. 396, 621, 639,643,697-699, 739, 740, 782, 783, 936, 1020, 1301- 1305, 1510, 1511, 1622, 1623, 1769. Dramatic Biographyjind Literature. Adolphus, Bannister i life. Aikin, S. C-, Sermon on Theat.exhib., 1825. Baker, Biog. Dram., 1782, 1812. Barker, J., List of Plays. Bernard, J., Retrospection of the Stage, 1830. Betterton, T., Hist, of Eng. Stage, 1814. Betty, Life of, 1804. Boaden, Life of Kemble. Brayley, Prynne s Defence, 1825. British Theatre and Church of Eng land, 1804. Bunn, The Stage. Calcraft, Defence of the Stage, 1839. Gibber, C., Apology for the Life of, 1822. Clapp s Boston Stage, 1853. Collier, Immorality of the Eng. Stage, 1698. Colman, G., Covent Garden, 1768. Covent Garden Journal, 1810. Cowell, Thirty Years among Players, 1844. Cradock, J., Literary Memoirs, 1828. Defence of the Drama. Dibdin, T., Reminiscences. Dickens, Grimaldi s Life, 1838. Destrem, Projet de reforme theatrale, 1846. Diss. on Anc. Tragedy, (Francklin). Dumesnil, Mcmoires de, 1798. Dunlap, W., Hist, of Amer. Theatre, 1832. Edwards, S., Hist, of Opera, 1862. Egerton s Theatrical remembrancer, 1788. Felix, Raehel, Memoirs, 1858. Ford, Lives of Brit, dramatists. Garrick, D., Correspondence, 1831, 32. Genest, Account of Engl. stage, 1832. Girardin, Lectures on, 1849. Hazlitt, Essays of the Eng. stage, 1851. " Dram. Lit. of Queen Eliza beth s age, 1845, 46. Hodgkinson, J., Old American Comp.. 1792-97. Hone, Miracle plays. Houssaye, Philosophers and Actresses, 185^ Hunt, L., Works, vol. 1, 1854. j Dramatic Biography and Literature (continued). Ireland, J. N., New York stage, 1867. Kelley, Reminiscences, 1826. Langbaine, Lives of Dram. Poets,1698. Lawrence, J., On the state of the Theatres. Pamph lr. 2. Lives of British Dramatists, 1846. Lives of Dramatic Poets, 1698. Macklin, C., Memoirs of, 1804. Macready, Mrs., Life of, 1855. P. 471. Manzoni, Teoria dell dramma tragico. Mathews, C., Memoirs. Mirror of Taste, Bait., 1811. Monies, Lola, Reply, 1851. P. O Keefe, Recollections, 1827. Peake, R. B., The Colman family. Riccoboni, Hist, du Theatre Ital., 1660. Ritchie, A. C- M., Autobiography. Robinson, Mrs. M., Autobiography. Schlegel, A. W., Lectures on, 1846. Scott, W., Essays on. Shakespeare Society Publications. Smith, E., The Theatre, 1841. Smith, S., Management, West and South. Taylor, J., Records of my Life, 1833. Vandenhoff, Reminiscences. Wallack s Life. Wemyss, Chronol. of the Amer. Stage, 1752-1852. Witherspoon, Effects of the Stage, 1812. Wood, .W. B., Recollections of the Stage, 1855. SM Amusement; Bibliography ; Covent Garden; Shakespeare. Drawing. Cave, Cours de Dessin. " Le Dessin sans Maitre, 1850. Clarke, H., Practical Perspective, 1776. De Witt, S., Elements of Perspective, 1813. France : Education : Ecole de Dessin, 1857. P. 499. " " ModelesdeDessins, 1857. Goubaud, Human Figure. Ignatius, (Perspective, in Armenian), 1814. Le Bealle, Dessin Lineaire. Minifie, Lectures on. Montesson, Art de lever les plans, 1775. New Treatise on Perspective, 1810. Nicholson s Treatise of Projection, 1840. Peale, R., Graphics. Pyne, G., Treatise on Perspective, 1851. Rowbotham, Sketching from nature. Ruskin, Elements of, 1857. DUMBARTONSHIRE, SCOTLAND. 153 Drawing (continued). Seiss, Address, on Design, 1857. . niiili. R. S., Topographical Drawing Verkaven, Art de Lever les Plans. Se Painting; Engraving; Perspective. Dreadnought Ship. Mostyn, Court Martial, 1745. Dreams. Amyraldus, Divine Dreams, 1676. Biran, Memoire, Inst. de France, Acad. Mor., 1837. Boismont, A. B. de, Hallucinations, 1853. Random Sketches, 1817. See Apparitions; Sleep; Delusions. Dred Scott. Benton, T. H., Case of. Washburn, I., Speech, 1860. Drenthe, Neth. Magnin, KerkeL Ges- i chied. van, 1855. Dress. See Costume; Manners. Drinkwater, R. Randall, M., Sermon on, 1743. Drowning. Fothergill, Suspended Ani mation. Kite, Submersion of Animals, 1795. Kool, Soc. pour Secourir, 1855. Murray, J., Artif. Respiration, 1838. Portal, Cause de la Mort, 1775. Royal Humane Soc., 1814. Struve, Suspended animation, 1803. See Asphyxia; Humane Societies. Drugs. Bailey, M. J., Report on Adul terations, N. Y., 1849. See Pharmacy. Druids. Bowles, W. L., Monuments of. Cooke, W., Enquiry, 1754. Cromwell, The D., a Tragedy. Davies, E., Mythology of. Higgins, The Celtic Druids. Macpherson, Anc. Caledonians. Millingen s Boulogne. Parker, J., Sermon, 1779. Shortt, Ant. Dunmonia. Toland, Account of. See Celts. Druses. See Lebanon. Dryden, J. Hardinge, G., Essence of Malone, 1800. P. 394. Scott, W., Life of. Some reflections, (Shadwell), 1683. Duane, S. Jones, S. W., Memoir of. 1852. Dnane s, W. Collection. P. vols. 40, 41. Dublin, Ir. Dublin Almanac, (Watson s). 1786, 99, 1834, 37. Dublin University Calendar, 1837, 68. 20 Dublin, Ir. (continued). D Alton, Hist, of the County, 1838. Mason, St. Patrick s Cathedral. Taylor, W. B. S., Hist, of University of, 1845. Whitelaw, Walsh and Warburton, Hist. of Dublin, 1818. See Ireland. Dublin, N. II. Leonard, L. W., Hist, of, 1852. Dubois, J. Mount St. Mary s, Life of, 1859. Dncarel, Dr. Bowyer, Correspon. with Meerman, 17fil. Du Delia ml, Mad. Letters and Memoirs. Berry, Memoirs of, 1844. Dudevant, Mme. Galerie des Contem. vol. 2, Vie de, 1845. Dudley-Adlard. Families of Eng. and Mass., 1862. Dudley. D., Dudley Genealogies, 1848. Dudley, R. Family Pedigree. See Drake s Boston. Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester. Secret Memorials, Letters. Dudley, T. Thornton s Life of Heath. Dudley, Ms. Bates, J., Hist. Discourse. Duelling. Basnage, Traite sur, 1720. Black, J., Sermon on, 1827. British Code of Duel. Cauchy, Du Duel., 1846. Colton, W., Remarks on, 1828. Dunlop, J., Anti-Duel. Essay on Duelling, 1830. False Honor, a Poem, 1844. Hey, R., Dissertation, 1801. Hist, des Ordrea Militaires, 1720. Lea, H. C., Superstition and force, Sabine, L., Duels and Duelling, 1855. Sampson, W., Trial of Lieut. Rcn- shaw, 1809. Sega, Essay on, 1830. Spring, S., Sermon on, 1804. Weems, God s Revenge, 1818. Duffield, Dr. Finney, Reply to, 1S48. Du Guesclin, B. Jamison, Life of, 1864. Du Hausset, Madame . Memoirs, 1825 . Dulwich Gallery. Clarke, H. G., Cata logue. Dumas, A. Gal. des contem., vol. V, vie de, 1845. Mirecourt, Fabrique de Romans. Robin, Gens de lettres. Dumbartonshire, Scotland. Irving, J., History of, 1860. 154 DUNBAR. Dunbar, R. Dunbar, R., Phren. char acter of. Muns. Pam. 12. Dunbarton, N. II. Stark, C., History of, 1860. Duudonald, T. Cochrane, Earl. Au tobiography, 1860. Dunkers. Conyngham, On the Dunkers. Dunkin, M. Townsend, J., Serin., fun. of, 1806. Dunkirk. Case of Dunkirk, 1730. Dunkirk or Dover, 1713- Steele, R., Importance of, 1713. Dnnnel. Family Genealogy. Dunstable, N. II. Fox, C. J., History of, 1846. I ) ii M t (in. J, Life and Errors. I>u Ponceau, S. Dunglison, Commem. Discourse on, 1844. Dupuytren, G. Galerie des Contem. Vie de, 1845. Du Quesne, Fort. Registre, baptcmes a, 1753-6. Beaujeu, Relations sur la bataille, 1755. See Braddock Pittsburg. Dm and, J. R. Life and adven. of, 1820. Durer, A. Scott, W. B., Life of. Durham, Conn. Fowler, W. C., His tory of. Durham, Eng. Bagg, Antiquities of, 1866. Beauties of Eng. and Wales. Cooke, Topog. Library. Liddel, Speech, 1840. Raine, History of North Durham. Westmoreland and Durham illust., (Allom.) Dutch. See Dramas ; Language ; Liter ature; Netherlands; Poetry; etc. Dutch Church. See Reformed (Prot. D.) Church. Dutch Colonies. See Indian Ocean; Guyana; Voyages to India; Java; Sumatra; Netherlands. Dutch East India Co. Begin cnde Voortgangh, 1646. Boom. Nederl. Oost Indie, 1864. Dubois, Vie des gouverneurs gen. Montanus, Embassy to China and Japan, 1670. Nieuhoff, Embassy to China, 1673. Dutch History, etc. See Netherlands. Dutch Pamphlets, in vols. 107-110, 568, 569, 633, 634, 966, 1782, B. C. 30, 31, 32, 35. See Literary; Miscellaneous; Poetical; Political; Theological. Dutch Voyages. Tiele, Memoire bibli- ographique, 1867. Dutch West India Co. Consideration, 1629. Dutchess County, N. Y. Davis, S., Moravians in, 1858. Dntens, Rev. L. Memoirs, 1806. Dutton, A. Bacon, L., Sermon on. Duty. See Moral Philosophy. Du \ hii ry, Ms. Winsor, J., Hist, of, 1849. Duy,A.W. Clark, S. A., Mem. of, 1847. Cutler, B. C., Sermon on, 1846. Duyckinck, E. A. Griswold, Cyclopae dia, etc., 1856. P. 266. Dwight, B. W. Life of, 1862. Dwight, F. Biog. of, 1858. Dwight, Mrs. E. B. Dwight, II. G. 0., Memoir of. Goodell, Sermon on. Dwight, Rev. L. Jenks, Memoir of. Prison Discipl. Soc. Reports, 1846-54. Dwight, M. S. Fisher, S. W., Sermon on, 1845. P. 554. Dwight, T. Incidents in Life of, 1831. " Theology and Lite of. Chapin, Sermon on. Silliman, B., Eulogium on, 1817. Sprague, W. B., Life of. Dyckman, J. Ducachet, H. W., Tri bute to, 1823. Dyeing. Bancroft, E., Researches on Perinan. Colours, 1813. Berthollet, Elements of the Artof, 1824. Bronson, Manufac. Assistant. Dyer and Color Maker, 1850. Lasteyrie, Treatise on Pastel or Woad, 1816. Napier, J., Artof Dyeing, 1853. Persoz, Impression des tissus, 1846. Smith, D., Dyer s Instructor, 1853. Treatise on, 1846. See Colors. Dyspepsia. Culverwell, Hints to the Nervous. Peppercorne, Remarks on, 1851. See Health. E. Ear. Buchner, For the deaf, 1770. Curtis, J. H., Hearing Trumpets. Du Verney, Treatise on, 1737. Lighthill, On Deafness. Neill, H., Report on Deafness, 1841. Soemmering, De 1 organe de 1 ouie, 1825. See Deaf and Dumb. ECCLESIASTICAL PAMPHLETS. 155 Earle, II. F. Memoir, 1868. Earle, R. Family, Descendants of. Earth. Arago, Astron. Populaire, v. 3, 1856. Fromondus, Orbis-terrae immobilis. Guyot, Earth and Man, 1849. Humboldt, Kosmos, Stuttg., 1845-62. " Kosmos. trans, of Otte, 1849-51. " Kosmos, trans, of Sabine, 1847-51. Marsh, G. P., Man and Nature, 1864. " L Uomo e la Natura, 1870. Maury, Terre et I Hornme, 1857. Morinus, De Telluris Motu. Schouw, The Earth. ..and Man. Shecut, New Theory of, 1826. Sec Cosmogony ; Geology; Geography. Earthquakes. Account of, Lisbon, 1755. Auldjo, Sketches of Vesuvius, 1833. Barnard, J., Sermon, Bost., 1727. Daubeny, Descr. of Volcanoes, 1848. Dolouaieu, Earthquakes in Calabria, 1783. Fowler, West India Is., 1781. Gardiner, South America, 1820. General Theory of, 1756. Hales. J., Causes of, 1746. Hallifax, J., Sermon on Lisbon Earth quake, 1756. Hist. desTremblemensde terre a Lima, 1746. Home, G., Serin , 1756. Horton, Leghorn, 1742. Lyell s Prin. of Geology. Mallet, Naples Earthquakes, 1857. Mather, C., Sermon, Earthq. in N. E., 1727. Michell, J., Phaenomena of, 1760. Mitchill, S. L., Earthquakes of, 1811. Moss, C., Sermon on, 1756. Newman, T., Sermon, 1750. Orton, J., Sermon on, 1756. Pamphlets relating to Earthq., v. 967. Pope, J., Sermon, 1777. Portal, Sermon, 1750. Ray, J., Phys. Discourses, 1721. Stebbing, H., Sermon on, 1756. Thomas, J., Sermon on, 1756. True and Exact Relation Naples, 1688. True Relation ... .Lima, 1746. See Geography, Geology; Volcanoes; Lima; Lisbon. F. as t burn. J. Green, A., Memoirs of, 1828. Eastham, Mass. Pratt, E., Hist, of, 1644-1844. East Hamptou, L. I. Buell, S., tetter, 1764. Beecher, L., Historical Sermon, 1806. Gardiner s Notes, 1798, N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1869. Hedge, H. P., Centennial Disc., 1850. Eastbampton, Ms. Lyman, P. W., History of. East Haven, Conn. Dodd, S., East Haven Reg., 1647-1823. East India. See India; Indian Ocean; China, etc. East India Comp. Clive, R., Speech, 1772. Cotsford, Letters to, 1784. Davidson, A., Papers, 1789. East India Comp., Docts., 1775, 96. East India Register, 1835-54. Hastings, W., Letter to, 1784. Holland, Resolutions, 1761. Hoi well, Hints to, 1766. Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, 1783. Letters to a Member, 1784. Narrative of Debates, 1784. Playfair, H. W., on the Charter, 1829. Popular Topics, 1784. Twing, On Renewal of Charter, 1813. United Company, etc., 1762. Waring, J. S., The conduct, etc., 1784. See India. East India Company, French. Com- pagnie des Indes, Coll. of Tracts. Dufrene, Hist, de la compagnie, 1738. Du Pont, Compagnie des Indes. Morellet, Mem. sur la Compagnie des Indes. East India Companies. See India; Commerce; Colonies; Dutch. Eaton, II. H. Short, C. W., Life of, 1832. Eaton, Gen. W. Corrector, The, No. 2, 1816. Eaton, Life of, 1813. Felton, C. C., Life of. Ray, W., Horrors of Slavery, 1808. Ecclesiastical Courts. Lambert, W., Baling Parish, 1856. Muscutt, History of. Pritchard, W., Reform of, 1853. Yesselsteyn, Over den invloed, 1857. See Church History. I Ecclesiastical History. See Church. East Haddam, Conn. Parsons, I., ! Ecclesiastical Pamphlets. Vols. 68, Hist. Sermons, 1841. 72, 96, 200, 203, 213, 490, 604. 156 ECHARD. KchnrtI, Dr. Calamy, E., Letter on his Hist, of Eng., 1718. ^ Answers to Calamy, 1718. Economy. Observations, 1669. See Domestic Economy. Ecton, Eng. Cole, J., Hist of, 1865. Ecuador. Bollaert, Researches in, 1860. Orton, J., The Andes, 1870. See Brazil; New Granada; Peru. Eddy, T. Knapp, S. L., Life of, 1834. Edge worth, R.L. Memoirs by himself, 1844. Edinburgh. Anderson s History of. Britton s Views of Mod. Athens, 1829. Creech, Fugitive pieces, 1815. Edinburgh Almanac, 1822, 41. Grant s Castle of Edinburg. Kay, J., Portraits and biog. Sketches, 1842. Lockhart, Peter s Letters, 1819. Memorial of Catholics, 1779. Peddie, J., Sermon, Fire in, 1824. See Scotland. Edinburgh Review. Reviewers Re viewed, 18L6. Edinburgh University. Bower, A., History of, 1817, 30. Edinb. Univ., Catalogue of graduates, 1858. " Catal. of Med. gradu ates, 1846. " Uuiv. Calendar, 1859, 67. " Med. Dissert., 1778 1819, 127 vols. Great Britain, Report on Univ. of Scotland, 1837. Edmonds, H. A. Willard, S. D., Eu logy on, 1857. Edmonton, Eng. Robinson, W., His tory of. Edmiindson, W. Journal of, (Friends Library.) Education, Treatises, Method, etc. Abbott, J., Mt. Vernor School. Anderson, G., Ed. of working classes. ; Baines, E., Writings, 1843-56. Batchelder, J. P., Life and matter and Ed., 1845. Bell, Mutual Instruction, 1807. Booth, What to learn. " National education, 1847. Bouillon, Objet moral de 1 education, 1802. Braun, T., Principes d Education. Bristed, C. A., Lett, to Horace Mann. 1850. Brougham, Speeches, etc. " Pract. observations on,1826. Education, Treatises, Method, etc. (continued). Burgh, Dign. of human nature, 1816. Burrowes, Scb. Architecture, 1855. Cainpe, Lcerstelsel van Opvoeding, 1785, 86. Castalio, Dial. Sac. lib. iv, 1722. Castille, Nouvel Eraste, 1808. Chapman, G., Treatise on, 1790. Chambers, Educa. Course, 1837-41. Clark^, W. B., Sermons on, 1838. Cobb, L., Corporal punishment. Colquhoun, for Labouring People, 1806. Common School Assistant. Condit, Discourse, 1849. Consequences of a Sci. ed., 1826. Cornelius, Jacotot s System. Crandall, Talks with the People, 1853. Edgeworth, M., Practical education. Educational aphorisms. Foster, Review of Wyse, 1837. Fox, W. J., Lect. on National Educa tion, 1840. Genlis, Adele et Theodore, 1782. Girard, Meth. Instruc. in the mother tongue, 1847. Goodrich, S. G., Sow well and Reap well, 1846. Gordon, R. A., Village Schools, 1850. Gresley, Church Clavering. Hall, B. R., Teaching, a Science, 1848. Hall, S. R., Lectures on. Hart, J. S., In the School room, 1870. Hecker, J., Sci. basis of Ed., 1867. Helvetius, On man, 1810. Henry, J., The family and school monitor, 1852. " Address on Education in Com mon Schools, 1843. Hill, F., Prospects of national educa tion, 1836. Hinton, J. H., Essays. Hitchcock, Enos, Bloomsgrove family, 1790. Holbrook s School Apparatus. Hook, W. F., National educ., 1847. Hoppus, Crisis of, 1847. How can the church educate, 1844. James, Fam. and school monitor, 1852. Jardine, G., Outlines of Philosophical education, 1818. Johonnot, Country School-houses, 1859. Kaines, Loose hints, 1782. Lancaster, J., Improvements in, 1807. Locke, J., Works, vol. 9, 1823. Mann, II., Lectures and reports. Mansfield, E. D., Am. education, 1851. Martineau, H., Household educa., 1849. Means, Duties of Parents, 1852. EDUCATION. 157 Education, Treatises, Method, etc. (continued). Mercer, C. F., Disc, on popular educ., 1826. Mill, J., Lancastrian Schools. Modern. The, theme, 1847. Neat, J. W., Christ, ed. in India, 1846. Nesbit, A., Essay on, 1841. Nova Scotia, Report, 1857. Olin, Works, vol. 2, 1852. Panton, Guardian s instruction, 1688.- Parr, S., Discourse on. Parson, B., Educ. as it ought to be. Pears, Mind and body, 1855. Peers, American Education, 1838. Pemberton, R., Mind-formation, 1858. Phillips, J. T., Of Teaching lang., 1750. Phillips, R., New theories of ed.,1835. Pillans, Ed. for the Orders of Society, 1836. Pole, T., History of adult School. Poole, J., Village School, 1812. Popular Educator, 1853, 54. Preston, S., Ed. in the 19th Century, 1846. P. 1704. Publication of Books at the public ex pense. Randall, S. S., Princ. of pop. Ed. " Mental and Moral Culture. Richson, Pauper education. Rollin, Method of teaching Belles- lettres, 1749. B. C. " New thoughts, 1738. Rousseau, J. J., Emilius and Sophia. Schmidt, H. J., Hist, and Plan, 1848. Schoolmaster (The), from Ascham, etc., 1836. Seward, W. H., Discourse on, 1837. Shuttleworth, Public educa., 1846-52. Simpson, J., Necessity of pop. educa tion, 1834. B. C. Smith, S. H., Remarks on, 1798. Soc. for the Encouragement of Arts: Educat. Exhibition, 1854. Spencer, H., Essays on, 1861. Spur"Zheim, Elemen. principles of, 1833 . Styles, J., Lancastrian System, 1812. Surtees, Ed. for. the People, 1846. Symons, J. C., School Economy, 1852. Taylor, J. 0., The District School. Temple, Sir W.. Works, 1720. Thompson, D. W., Day Dreams of a Schoolmaster, 1864. Thoughts on domestic, 1806. Todd, Student s Manual, 1835. Tweed, D., Teacher s and Pupil s assistant, 1820. Vincent, On Public Education, 1802. Wordsworth, Public Education, 1844. Education, Treatises, Method, etc. (continued). Youmans, Culture of Modern life, 1867. See Children; Academies; Military Ed.; Object Lessons; University Ed.; Self-culture. Education, Teachers and Normal Schools, Addresses. Abbott, J., Address Addresses. P. vols. 969, 1669. Babington, View of Christian E., 1818. Barnard, H., Papers for the Teacher. " Normal Schools; 1851. Bates, J., On T. Arnold, 1852. Benedict, E. C., N. Y. Normal School Address, 1858. Board of Nat. Education, Report, 1848, 52-57. Bond, T. E., Dickinson Inst., 1837. Brown, J., Mech. Assoc., Oswego, Ad., 1841. Burgess, R., Serm., National Educ., 1839. Calthrop, Lecture, 1859. Clinton, G. W., Normal School Address, 1856. Conolly, Lecture on, 1836. Garnett, J. M , Address, Richmond, Va., 1830. Hagar, Supervision of Schools, 1851. Hall, S. R., On School-keeping, 1832. Huntington, F. D., Home and College. Indiana State Teachers Assoc., 1854. Jones, R. D., N. Y. Teachers Assoc., 1855. Kennedy, B., On School Discipline, 1842. Keyes, E. W., N. Y. Teachers Assoc., 1858. May, S. J., Normal Asso., Ad., 1855. Normal Schools. Pam. vol. 994. Oliver, Lect., Teachers Morals, 1851. Onondaga Teachers Institute, 1851, 52. Page, D. P., Theory of Teaching. Penn a State Convention, 1850. Perez, Inoculacion del Entendimiento, 1789. Perkins, F. B., Conn. Normal School Address, 1858. Phelps, W. F., N. J. Normal School Address, 1857. Rogers, E. P., Normal School Address, 1857. Russell, W., Ass ns of Teachers, 1830. " Normal Training. Sands, Philosophy of Teaching, 1869. Shepard, D., ColchesteV Ed. Asso., 1843. Sinclair, W., Baltimore Coll. Sweet, S. N., Temporary Normal Sch s, 184S. 158 EDUCATION. Education, Teachers and Normal Schools, Addresses (continued). Teachers Institutes. P. vol. 1808. Ware, H., Ed. the Business of Life, L-37. Warren, R., Board of Ed., N. Y. city, 1859. Washington Co. .Teachers Inst., 1857. Way land, F., Union College, 1855. Western Lit. Institute, 1833. White, C,, Responsibility of Teachers, f838. Wisconsin Teachers Assoc., 1854. Education, Female. Academies. Pam. vols. 459, 460. Beecher, C. E., Female Teachers, 1835. " Mental Culture for. " True Remedy, 1851. Bennett, Letters to a Young Lady. Blackwell, E., Med. Education of, 1856. Burton, J., Lectures, 1799. Common Th : ngs, 1856. Cours Complet pour les filles, 1844- 1857. Daubeny, Letter to Miss Hannah More, 1799. Davies, E,, Higher Ed. of Women. Fairchild, J. H., Joint Education, 1852. Female Medical College Reports. Fenelon, Lettres (CEuvres). Gregory, S., Letter to Ladies, 1854. Harris, S., Report, 1853. Hervey, J., Relig. Educ. of Daughters, 1762. Hitchcock, E., Address, Mt. Holyoke, 1842. Ladies Soc. for the West, 1846, 47, 50. Lady, To a, on.... 1791. Letamendi, Sobre la Educacion de .... 1833. Longshore, Add. , Female Med. College. Mass., Ed., Normal School, 1858. Mental Improvement for, 1793. Pam. vols. 969, 1216. Phelps, L., On Female Education. Rockland Co. Female Institute, N. Y., 1856, 57. Sanford, Mrs., Address, Riga, N. Y., 1852. Strictures on Female Education, 1794. St. Pierre, B de, Education des Fem- mes. V. 12. Troy Female Seminary, 1846-54. Tyson, J. R., Address, 1854. West, C. E., Address, Buffalo, 1852. Willard, E., Addresses, 1819, 33. Education, Canada. Normal School Reports, 1850-63. Education, Canada (continued). Canada, Supt s Reports, 1845-67. Canada Educ. Directory, 1858. Journal de 1 instruction publique, 1855-70. Journal of Education, 1848-70. Remarks on Educ. in Canada, 1848. Ryerson, Reply to Attacks, 1857, 59. Universite de Toronto, etc., 1857. Universite-Laval, 1858-59. Education, Children. Boniface, Mem. Poet. del Enfance, 1858. Brenton, Ed. of, in Gr. Brit., 1834. Brownlee, W. C., Christian Father at home. Bushnell, H., Christian Nurture,1847r Cochin, Manuel des, 1857. Combe, A., Management of infancy. Euen, Early Educ. of children, 1848. Foxcroft, T., Sermon, 1719. Gillette, Salles d Asile, 1839. Hints for, 1828. Hints to a governess. Howland, Infant School Manual. Hufeland, Advice, 1808. Images .... Salles d Asile. La Perrelle, Des Salles d Asile, 1853. Loudon, Mrs., Moral training, 1845. Masson, Salles d Asile, 1836. Mayo, On Infant education, 1837. Nott, S., Sermon for, 1823. Pape-Carpentier, Enseig. Pratique, 1854. " Conseils, 1856. Pestalozzi, Educ. of Infancy, 1830. Rollin, Des Etudes des enfans, 1800. Sovet, Ed. physique de 1 enfance. Wilson, II. B., Letter, 1853. See Children. Education, Massachusetts. Attle- boro Report. Boston: Reports, 1848-68. Brighton, Mass., Reports, 1853. Brookline, Mass., Reports, 1846,56,58. Common School controversy, Boston. Concord, Supt s Reports, 1849-54. Lowell, Reports, 1849, 54, 57. Mann, Reports and Lectures. Mass. Comm. School, Journal, 1889-50. Massachusetts, Superintendent s Re ports, 1838-40. Mass., Sec. of Board, Reports, 1841, 54-66. Penitential Tears: " by the 31." Remarks on the 7th Rep., 1844. Roxbury, Mass., Reports on, 1843-58. Salem, Mass., Reports, 1854, 58. Smith, M. II., Reply to Mann, 1847. EDUCATION. 159 Education, Massachusetts (contin d). Taunton, Reports, 1851-2. Twistleton, E., Schools in Mass. ,1854. West Roxbury, Reports, 1854. Wightinan, J. M., Boston Primary Schools, 1818-55. Education, New York. Academies of N. Y., Catalogues. Pam. v. 456, 7, 9, 596-99, 850-853. Albany, Reports of Free Academy, 186;*, 9. Boese, T., Ed. in the City of N. Y., 1869. Bourne, Hist. Pub. Sch. Soc. in N. Y. City, 1870. Brooklyn Reports, 1856-68. Buffalo Female Academy, Proc. and Catalogues, 1852-56. Hawley, G., Instructions, 1819. High School Society, 1828. New York, Reports of Com. Schools, 1839-69. " Code of Public Inst., 1856. " Decisions of Sup t, 1837. New York City, Board of Education, Reports, 1851, 54. ({ Free Academy, Col- legeof N. Y., Reg isters to, 186B. New York Normal School Reports, 1845-68. N. Y. State Teachers Assoc. Advo cate, 1845-50. New York Teacher, 1854-67. Oswego, Board of Education, (Object lessons), 1863. Reports, 1854-62. Public Sch. Soc. N. Y. Reports, 1832, 1835, 42. Randall, S. S., Digest of N. Y. Sys tem, 1844, 45. Hist. Sketch of, 1851. " Hist, of, in N. Y., from 1795- 1871. Russell, A., Account of New York Schools, 1847. Rochester, Board of Education, Re ports, 1858-67. Schen ectady, N. Y., Reports, 1856. Seton, Manual of primary, 1830. Stone, W. L , On the Board of Educ. of New York, 1843. Syracuse, Educ. Reports, 1852-61. Troy, Manual of Board, 1869, 71. University of N. Y., Regents Reports, 1823-1870. Education, Pennsylvania. Morgan, (*., Report on, 1836. Penn a Reports, etc., 1848-57. Common School Laws, 1870. Phil a Charity Schools. Education, Pennsylvania (continued). Phil a, Reports, 1841-58. Union Schools, Phil a., 1847. Education, United States. Amer. Ass n for, 1852-6. Allston, System in S. Carolina, 1847. Andrews, C. C., Reflections on, 1853. Bangor, Me., Report, 1854. Baltimore Reports, 1851, 52. Bushnell, Rom. Cath. Demands, 1853. California, Reports, 1856, 65, 68, 69. Charleston, S. C., Report on Schools, 1859. Chicago, Supt s Reports, 1866-69. Cincinnati, Supt s Reports, 1833-56. Cleveland, 0., Supt s Reports, 1853-56. Connecticut, Reports on, 1850-58. Convention of Friends of, 1830. Education dans les Etats Unis, 1812. Education Reports, 1829-54. Pam. vol. 171, 174, 190. Illinois School Reports, 1859, 61-62, 65, 67, 69. Indiana, Supt. Reports, 1855, 57. Iowa Reports, 1854. " School Laws, 1856. Kentucky, Reports, 1855, 59, 63. Louisiana, Supt s Report, 1853. Maryland, Lands for Schools, 1823. " Report, 1821. " Washington Coll., 1784. " Univ. of Maryland. Michigan, Rep. on Pub. Ins., 1859-69. " School Laws, 1864, 70. Nashville, Tenn. Report, 1858. New Hampshire, Supt s Reports, 1847, 59, 60. N. J. Reports on, 1848, 55-57 . New Orleans Public Schools, 1858. Ohio, Comm rs Reports, 1854-59, 62-66. Penn a, Reports of Superintendent. Phil a, Reports of Public Schools. Phil a Soc. for Charity Sch. Report on Ragged Schools, Phil a. Rhode Island, Supt s Reports, 1845, 48, 53-57. San Francisco, Cal., Report, 1855. Smyth, T., Parochial Schools, 1849. Tucker, J., N. Y., Appeal for Free Schools, 1850. U. S., 1st Report, (Barnard), 1868. " 2d Report, 1870. Vermont Report, 1857-60. Virginia School Laws, 1842. Virginia Report, 1842. Watson, A., Bible in Schools, 1846. Wisconsin, Supt s Rep., 1852, 53, 58, 59. " School code, 1867. 160 EDUCATION. Education, England. Baines, Stric tures, 1853. Barnard, H., English Pedagogy. Boone, J. S., National Ed., 1833. " Educ. Economy in Eng., 1838 Bristed, Five Years in an Eng. Univ., 1852. British and Foreign School Society, 1818. Buckler, Views of 60 Grammar Schools. Central Soc. of Education, Papers, 1837-39. Christ s College, Brecon, 1853. Close, F , Writings. Great Britain. Council of Education, Minutes, 1840-53. Hamilton, H. P., Church of England Schools, 1850. P. 388. Harrow, Prolusiones, 1850. Hinton, J.H., Manchester Education ists, 1852. P. 388. Huber, English Universities, 1843. Hughes, T., School Days at Rugby, 1858. Ingestre, Meliora, 1852, 53. Irish School System. Longman, School-books by Gov t., 1851. P. 388. National Society, England. Obs. on Brougham s bill, 1821 . Packard, F. A., Schools in, 1841. Philanthropes, Letters, Lon., 1841. Potter, J P., Proposed Systems, 1828. Pound, W., Church Education Society, 1852, 53. Rapier, Education for Private Gentle men, 1842. Reed, A., Review of Ed. Commission of the Privy Council. 1852. Shrewsbury School List, 1838. P. 387. Slaney, Reports to Parliament, 1838. South Kensington Museum, Educ. Di vision, 1860. Staunton, Great Schools of England, 1865. University Coll. of London, 1845-47. Westminster School, Letter on, 1831. Wickham, G., Hertford School, Eng. (See University Education; Cambridge; Oxford. Education, French and European. Annuaire del Instr. Publique, 1851-58. Arnold, M., Schools and Univ. in Eu rope. Bache, Education in Europe, 1839. Barnard, H.. Nat. Ed. in Europe, 1854. te German Schools. Barrau, Educ. Privee, 1857. {S Lois en vigueur, 1853. i Education, French and European (continued). Barrau, Conseils, 1852. f< Direction Morale, 1855. Belgium, Instruc. Primaire, 1830-40. " Instruc. Moyenne, 18 : 2-48. " Etatdel enseignement, 1842. Buddingh, Jaarboekje, 1846. " Kerk, School en Weten- schap, 1853. Charte (La) Verite, 1844. Cousin, Instruction en Hollande, 1838. " Instruction in Prussia, 1835. France: Education, 1851, 52, 54, 57. " Rapport par A. Thiers. " Plan d etudes des lycees,1852. " Statis. de 1 enseign. supe- rieur, (Duruy), 1865-68. Gelliers, Trap der Jeugd, 1715. B. C. Greuve, Volkslees, 1807-8. Henry, P., Manuel des Maitres, 1854. Heun, Briefe an Jiinglinge die auf Uni- versituten, etc., 1792. Hickson, Dutch and German Schools. James, G. P. R., Educ. Institutions of Germany, 1835. Jourdain, Le Budget de 1 Instr. Pub., 1857. Julien, Methode d education de Pes- talozzi, 1842. Lorain, Man. de 1 Enseig. Prim. ,1858. Maes, Schriftuurlyk School-boekje. Manuel General, Jour, hebdom., 1832- 1857. Neigebauer, Preussischen Gymnasien, 1835. Netherlands, Verslagen, 1840-51. Pamphlets, relating to Education in France, vols. 657, 784. Prevost, Du Role de la Famille, 1857. Rendu, Enseigne. obligatoire, 1853. Roman States, Organisation des Uni- versiti S, 1847. Saint Marc Girardin, Instruction inter mediate, 1835. Steffens, Deutsch. Prot. Univcreitiiten 1820. Stowe, C. E., Instruction in Europe, 1838. Pain. 490. Taylor, J. 0., Digest of Cousin s Re port, 1836. B. C. Thery, Conseils.... 1853. Thiers, Instruction secondaire, 1844. See University Education. Educational Biography. American Journal of Education. American Annals of Education. Barnard, English pedagogues. " Educ. Biography. " Pestalozzis Life. EGYPT. 161 Educational Biography (continued). La Rue, Geletterd Zeeland, 1734. Lewis, Life of S. Lewis. Mann, H., Life of, 1865. Stanley, Life of Arnold. Ed ward, P. of Wales. Collins, Life of. Edward, Duke of Kent. Neale, Life of, 1850. Edwards, H. B. Memoir and writings. Park, E A., Discourse on, 1852. Educational Pamphlets. Vols. 21, 51. 70, 73, 171-174, 190, 216, 217, Edwards, C. In memoriam, 1863 229, 249-251, 277-280, 387, 388, 491, 552, 553, 605, 625, 644, 849, 874, 913, 921, 968-970, 994, 1314- 16, 1318, 1512, 1668, 1703, 1704, ! 1770, 2523; B. C. 35, 37. Edwards, John. Lightfoot, R., Re marks, 1709. Educational Books and Apparatus. Pam. v. 968. Educational Periodicals. Amer. An nals of Education, 1831-39. American Educ. Monthly, 1865-66. Amer. Educ. Year Book, 1858. Amer. Inst. of Instruction, Lectures, 1830-39. Amer. Jour, of Educ., McKeen, 1847. Amer. Jour, of Ed., Barnard, 1855-67. Amer. Jour, of Ed., Peters, 1855-57. Annuaire de 1 Instruct., Paris, 1854, 8. Buddingh, Jaarboekje, 1846. College Courant, 1868-71. Common School Journal, Bost., 1839-50. Conn. Common School Jour., 1854, 55. District School Jour, of N. Y., 1840-52. Jour, de 1 Instruction Pub., Canada, 1857-69. Journal of Ed. for Canada, Ryerson, 1848-54. Jour, of Educ. for L. Canada, 1857-6 Massachusetts Teacher, 1859-61. New York Teacher, 1853-67. Northwestern Jour, of Educ., 1850. Ohio Teacher, 1850, 51. Revue de 1 Instruc. Publique, Paris, 1842-58. Education in New England. Pam. v. i 167C. Education Societies. Pam. v. 968. Education State Reports. Pam. v. 1671. Education. See Bibliography ; Theologi- j cal Education ; Universities ; A cud- . emies; Colleges. Edward I, of England. Year books of the reign of, (Chron. G. B.). Adam. Chronica, (Eng. Hist. Soc.). Edward III. Bree, J., Campaign of. Longman, Life of, 1869. Edward VI. Tytler, England under E. and Mary, 1839. Edward, Confessor. Lives of, (Chron. G. B.). Edward I VI. See England, Hist. of. 21 Edwards, Jonathan, 1st. Dana, On E on the Will. Dwight, S. E., Life of, 1830. Edwards, J., Family meeting, 1871. Miller, S., Life of, (Sparks 8). Tracy, J., The great awakening, 1845. Wynne, Life of, 1850. Edwards, Jonathan, 2d. Works and memoir. Smith, R., Sermon on. Edwards, Justin. Hallock, Life of. Edwards, Monroe. Life of. Edwards, N. Edwards, Hist, of Illinois. Efien, J. van. Bisschop, Zijn Leven. Egerton Family Papers, (Camden Soc.). Egerton, J. W. Brewster, Sermon on. Eggs. Bucknell, Incubation, 1839. Smithsonian Institute, Preservation of. See Poultry; Natural History. Egypt. Abbott, H., Coll. of Antiquities of, 1853. Pam. 489. Antes, Obs. on the Egyptians, the Nile, the plague, 1800. Baldwin, Recoil. Brit. Campaign,1801. Belzoni, G., Egyptian tombs, 1821. " Discoveries in, 1822. Bruce, Travels to source of the Nile, 1790. Bryant, J., Observations, 1767. Bunsen, Egypt s Place in Univ. Hist. " Vol. 5, Diet, of hieroglyphics. Cailliaud, Oasis of Thebes. Clark, E. L., Homestead of Nations, 1864. Communications through, 1846. Cooley, J. E., American in Egypt, 1839-40. Curtis, G. W., Nile Notes, 1851 . Description de 1 Egypte, 21 vol. fol., 1822. Ditson, Para papers, 1858. Dorr, Notes of Travel, 1856. Drummond, W., Science of. Dumas, A., Impressions of Travel. Forster, N., Reflections on, 1743. France, Discussion dans les chambres, 1840. Furniss, Waraga, 1850. 162 EGYPT. Egypt (continued). Gabb, Finis Pyramidis, 1806. Gliddon, Otia Egyptiaca, 1849. " Ancient Egypt, 1848. Greaves, Description of the Pyramids. Greppo, Hieroglyphic Syst. of Cham- pollion. Hand-book for Travellers, 1846. Hawks, The Monuments of Egvpt, 1850. Henniker, Visit to Egypt, Nubia, etc., 1823. Irby, Travels in Egypt, etc., 1844. Jackson, John, Chronol. Antiquities, 1752. Keary, Early Egypt. Hist, for the Young. Lambert,etc.,Trois relations d Egypte, Relations veritables, 1651. Lane, E. W., Modern Egyptians. Leibnitz, Conquest of, 1803. Lepsius, Letters from Egypt, 1853. " Denkmaeler aus Aegypten, 1842-45. Lesseps, Isthme de Suez. Lettres de 1 Armee, 1799. Lindsay, Letters on, 1858. Lond. Inst., Descr. of the French work on Egypt. Maillet, Beschryvinge van Egypte, 1737. Maurice, Observations, 1818. Olin, Trav. in Egypt and Holy Land, 1843. Osburn, Monum. History of, 1857. Palmer, W., Egyp. Chronicles, 1861. Petherick, Egypt and Soudan, 1S61. Ptolemy V., Decree in honor of. Puckler-Muskau, Egypt under Mehe- met AH, 1845. Quatremere, Recherches, 1808. Reimann, Idea Systematis, etc., 1718. Russell, M., View of A*nc. and Mod ern, 1831. St. John, J. A., Egypt and Nubia, 1845. " Egypt under Mohammed Ali, 1834. Sandys s Travels, 1621. Sethos s Life, (Terrasson), 1732. Seyffarth, Recent Discoveries, 1857. Seaton s Map. Sharpe, S., History of, 1842, 59. " Egyptian Hieroglyphics, 1837. <f Antiq. in Brit. Museum, 1862. Smith, J. V. C., Pilgrimage to, 1852. Sonnini s Travels, (Pclham). Stephens, J. L., Incidents of Trav. in, 1841. Thompson, J. P., Views of, 1854. (continued). Volney s. Travels through, 1783-85. Univ.ofPenn a. . .Rosetta Stone, 1858. Wilkinson, J. G., Manners of anc. Egyptians, 1837. " Hand-book for Travellers in, 1846. Wilson, R. T., Brit. Exp. to Egypt, Wilson, W. R., Travels in, 1847. Yates, Hist, of, 1843. See Turkey; Africa; Nile; Pyramids. Eldon, Lord. Surtees, W. E., Life of, 1846. Twiss, H., Life of, 1844. Election. Brake, Serm., Rom. xi. 21. Polling, E., Sermon on, 1694. See Predestination; Will. Elections. Baylies, Case of Plymouth 1809. Calvert, F., Letter, 1851. Cowley, Candidate s Guide. Durham Co., Engl. Mass. Elections, Contested, 1815. New Windsor, Eng., Case of, 1665. Northampton Co., Eng. Poll, 1831. Oldfield, Hist, of Contested, 1794, 97. Prentiss, Mississippi Contested Elec., 1838. Reflections on Wilkes case, 1768. Scott, G. G., Speech, Mandeville s case; 1859. Wakeman, A., Speech, Powers of the House, 1856. See Suffrage; Officers ; Law Library. Electricity. Arago, (Euvres; Notices Sci., 1854. Brewster, G., NewPhilos. of Matter. Davy, Sir H., Works. Du Bois, On Animal Electricity, 1852. Electrical Magazine, 1845. Evans, Mr., Lecture, on Med. elect. Faraday, Researches in, 1839-44. Franklin, B., Experiments of, 1769. Gale, T., Ethereal Fire, 1802. Great Britain : Patents, 1766-1866. Green, J., Electro-Magnetism, 1827. Green, Wm. P., Fragments on, 1833. Hare, R., Course of Instruction. " Anal, of his Lectures on. Harris, W. S., Nature of Thunder Stm s, 1843. " Rudimentary Electricity, 1848. Elementary Laws of, 1734-39. " Protection of Ships. Henry, J., Pub. on; and Galvanism, 1835-39. Hortensius, Observations on, 1822. ELOCUTION. 163 Electricity (continued). Lardncr, Treatise on. Nairne s Machine. Noad, Text-book, 1867. Nollet, Phenoinenes Elect., 1754. Otis, G. W., On Conductors, 1857. Priestley, Introduction to, 1769. " Hist, and Present State of, 1794. Rabiqueau, Du feu eleinentaire, 1853. Read, J., Elect, of the Earth, 1793. Roget, P. M., Electro-magnetism. Secchi, Elect-Rheoraetry. Whe*rell, Progress of, 1835. See Natural Philosophy; Magnetism. Electric Telegraph. See Telegraph. Electro-plate and Type. Gore, Electro- deposition, 1856. Herr, Jeweller s Hand-book, 1855. Palmer, V., Descr. of the Art, 1844. Smee, Electro-Metallurgy, J852. Watt, Electro-Metallurgy, 1860. Elephants. Extraor. SiamEleph. P. 489. Naturalist s Lib., (Jardine). Ranking, Wars of the Mongols. Tennent s Ceylon, vol 2, 1859. E Hot Family genealogy, 1854. Eliot, A. Letters, 1766-71, (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll.). E Hot, Sir John. Forster s Biography of. Eliot, J. Adams, N., Life of, 1847. Dunton, J., Letters from N. England, 1686. Francis, C., Life of. Mather, C., Life of, 1694. Moore, M., Memoirs of, 1822. Whitfield, H., Letters of, 1651. Eliot, J. Character of, 1813. Eliot, J., jr. Thornton, J. W., Life of, 1850. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Aikin, Memoirs of the Court. Bohun, Character of. Brief hist. acct. of, Jesuits, 1689. Camden, History of. Gary, Her favorites. Conduct of ...to Spain, 1729. P. 443. Elizabeth, Corresp. with James VI, (Camden Soc.). Forbes s State papers. Froude s History of reign of, 1866. Gonzalez", Documents, 1558-68. Great Brit., Calendars of State papers, 1581-90. Hayward, Reign of. Important considerations, 1601. Lodge s 111. of Br. Hist., 1838. Naunton, Court of. Elizabeth, Queen of England (con tinued). Peck s Desiderata curiosa. Sadler, State papers. Sidney, Letters and memorials of State. Strickland s, Queens of England. See England. Elizabeth, Pr. Palatine. Blaze, Me moirs of. Elizabeth of Bohemia. Benger, Life of. Elizabeth Farnezio. Memoirs of, 1746. Elizabethtown, N. J. Christ Church, 1858. Clark, S. A., Hist, of St. John s Ch., 1703-1857. Hatfield, History of. Murray, N., Hist, notes concerning, 1844. Ellery, W. Channing, Life of, (Sparks Biog.). Elliott, Comm. J. D. Burges, On Bat tle of Lake Erie, 1839. Elliott, Life of, 1835. " Address, (an autobiography). Ellora. Seely, Journey to the Temples of, 1825. Ellsworth, O. Flanders, Lives of the Chief Justices, 1858. Rowland, H. A., Fun. Serm. on. Van Santvoord, Lives of the Chief Justices. Elmira, X. Y. Directory and History, 1863. Elocution. Art of. . . .voice and ear. Barber, J., On gesture. " Grammar of, 1830. Bautain, Extempore Speaking. Besplas, Eloq. of Pulpit, 1790. Bingham, Amer. Preceptor, 1810. " Columbian Orator, 1821. Bronson, Vocal Philosophy, 1845. Burgh, Art of speaking. Burleigh s Legislative guide. Chapman, Select Speeches, 1808. Cochrane, J., Address, 1836. Cormenin, Orators of France. Denman, Student s Speaker, 1856. Dwight, T., Decisions of Questions de bated. Dwyer, Essay on, 1844. B.C. Fenelon, Works, vol. 2, 1822. Foot, J. F., Treatise on, 1833. P. 1243. Griffin, E. L., Address, (Debates), 1849. Hamilton, W. G., 1 Parliamentary Lo gic, 1808. Hazlitt, Eloquence of the Brit. Sen., 1810. 164 ELOCUTION. Elocution (continued). Henley, Oratory transactions. Knowles, J. S., Elocutionist, 1854. Langhorn, Eloq. of the Pulpit, 1765. Lovell, J. E., New School dialogues, 1851. " Young Speaker, 1845. McElligott, American Debater, 1855. Maglathlin, Practical Eloc., 1850. Maury, The Principles of Eloquence, 1797. Neil, Young debater. Orator (The), Period., 1856. Peckard, Serin., Christian Oratory, 1770. Porter, E., Anal, of Rhet. Delivery, 1831. " Rhet. Reader, 1839. . Practice of extern. Preaching, 1794. Pulpit Orator, Boston, 1804. Quintilian, Instit. of Oratory, 1856. Russell, W., Prospectus, 1844. Rush, Philosophy of the voice. Scott, W., Lessons in Eloc. Skinner, T. II., Elements of Power. Smith, J. F., Pulpit Eloquence, 1848. Sweet, Practical Elocution, 1846. " Oratorical Reader, 1855. Vandenhoff, Art of Elocution, 1847. Walker, Elements of, 1810. " Rhetorical Grammar, 1822. " Academic Speaker, 1789. Williston, Eloq. of the U. S., 1827. Witherspoon, Works, vol. 3, 1801. See Rhetoric ; Speeches. Elsden, R. Raven, J., Sermon on, 1832. Elsworth, J. M Clure, D., Sermon on. Eltham Palace. Buckler, History of. Elwall, E. Trial for Heresy, 1788. Elwes, J. Topham, E., Life of. Elzevir Family. See Bibliography. Embargo of 1808-12. Clopton, J., Address, Va., 1812. Smith, S., Speech, 1808. U. S. Report, 1808. See United States; War of 1812. Emblems. Alciatus, Emblemata, 1608. Comenius, Orbis Sensualium pictus. Emblems of mortality, 1846. Erasmus, Eloge de la folie, 1715. Holbein, Dances of Death, 1803. Saavedra, Idea Prin. Christ. Polit., 1660. See Proverbs; Dances of Death. Embury, P. Maffit, Oration on, 1832. Emigration. Archer, Em. to Mauritius, 1840. Brit. Ladies Fern. Emig. Society. Bromwell, Hist, of Emig. to thelJ. S., 1819-55. Busey, S. C., Evils of, 1856. Canada, Report on Emigra. from, 1849. Canada, Emig. to the U. S., 1857. Capper, Where to Emigrate, 1850. Champion, R., Reflections, 1787. Chickering, J., Immigration to U. S., 1848. Cobbett, Emigrants Guide, 1830. Crisis, (The), N. Y., 1844. Dunn, T., Discourse, 1794. Emigrants Guides. P. v. 1705. Everett, E., Colonization of Am., 1853. Female Emig. Fund, Lond., 1851. Fish, H., Mortality on Board Emi grant Ships, 1854. Gr. Brit., Information, 1832, 1854. Hale, E. E., Irish Emigration, 1852. Hoffman, D., Emig. to the U. S., 1851. Horton, R. W., Ireland and Canada, 1839. Hotten, List of Emig. to America, 1600-1700. Imminent Dangers of Foreign Ernie., 1835, 1854. Johnson, C. B., Letters, 1821. Kingdom, Amer. and Brit. Colonies, 1820. Loring, F. W., Cotton Culture, 1869. McGee, Irish in America, 1850. Marcus, Address on Emigration, 1846. Mass. Emigration Report, 1852. Michigan, To Emigrants, 1845. P. 565. Mooney, Nine Years in America, 1850. Nachweisungs Bureau, Bremen, 1852, New York, Commissioners Reports, 1847-67. N. Y. City, Castle Garden Rep., 1856. North Am. Col. As n of Ireland, 1844. Notes and Queries, July 20, 1867. Pamphlets on, v. 131, 492, 1705. Rolph, T., Emig. and Colonization, 1839-42. Sanderson, J. P., Views of Imraig n, 1856. Schade, Immig. to the U. S., 1856. Seward, W. H., Speech, Immig. Free Labor, 1856. Shamrock Soc. of N. Y., 1817. Sketches for Settlers in Canada. Sons of the Sires, 1855. Sturtevant, J. M., Disc., Amer. Home Jliss. Soc., 1857. P. 492. Webb, C. H., Manual for, 1849. See American Party; Naturalization; Aliens. ENGINEERING. 165 Emmet, R. Madden, Life of, 1857. Emmet, T. A. Haincs, C. G., Memoir of, 1820. Madden, Memoir of, 1857. Mitchill, S. L., Discourse on, 1828. Emporium Co. Smith, J. F., Details, 1857. Emmons, N. Cox, S. H., Interviews, 1853. Williajns, T., Character of. Encyclopaedias of Knowledge. All- gemeine Deutsche Real-Encyk., 1848. American Annual Cyclopedia, 1861-70. Beeton, Diet, of univ. information, 1865. Bouillet, Diet, des Sci., des Lettres et des Arts, 1845, 58. Browne, D. J., Etymol. Encyc. of technical words, 1832. Chambers Cyclopaedia, 1786. Chambers Encyclopedia, 1868. Collier, Historical Diet., 1701. Crabb, Univ. Hist. Diet., 1825. Diet, of Gen. Knowl., 1830. " Univ. Technolog. Diet., 1823. Dictionnaire de 1 Indus. Manuf. Comrn. et Agr., 1833-41. Diet. Univ. de Trevoux, 1740. Edinburgh Cab. Lib , 1835-44. Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, 1832. Encyclo. Americana, 1829-47. Encyclo. Britannica, 1853-60. Encyclo. Dobson, Phil a, 1798-1803. Encyclo. Metropolitana, 1845. Encyclopedic, (Diderot), 1778. Encyclo. Methodique, 1782-1832. Encyclo. Populaire, 1848-50. Faber, Thes. Erudit. Scholast., 1696. Iconographic Encyclopaedia, 1851. New Amer. Cyclopaedia, Appleton, 1860-64. Nichol, Cycl. of Phys. Science, 1857. Nicholson s Brit. Encyclopaedia, 1809. Nieuwenhuis, Alg. Woordenboek,1829. Ogilvie s Imper. Dictionary, 1851. Penny Cyclopaedia, 1833-46. Rees, A., Cyclopaedia. Soc. pour 1 eman. intell., Encyc. pop., 1848-50. Standard Library Cyclopaedia, 1858. Tomlinson, Cycl. of Useful Arts, 1852. Supplement, 1868. Ure, Diet, of Arts, Man. and Mines, 1840. " Supplement to Diet., 1845, 63. Vincentius, Speculum Majus, 1494. Waterston, Cyclopaedia of commerce, 1843. Encyclopaedias of Knowledge (con tinued)- See Dictionaries of Sci., Hist., etc. ; Sciences; Arts; History; Bridges; Railroads. Engel, Mary. Memorial, 1860. Savary, Memoir Enghien, Due d>. relative. Engineering, Civil and Mechanical. Aeneae, Verhand om afstanden te me- tem, 1812. Alexandria aqueduct, 1837-38. Annual retrospect, 1861. Appleton s Diet, of Mechanics, 1852. Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, 1831 1859. Barlow, On the strength of timber, 1826. Belgium, Des Inondations, 1844. Byrne, Model Calculator,. 1852. Chapman, W., Reports, 1792-1832. Civil Engineer s Journal. 1838-68. Clark, E., Britannia tubular bridges, 1850. Cole, G., The Contractor s Book, 1855. Cresy, Encyclopaedia of Civil Engin., 1847. Davy, Artificial foundations, 1839. Downes, Marine Railway. Eaton, A., Direct, for Surveying and, 1830. Ecole R. des Ponts et Chaussees, 1827. France, Bridges and Roads, li-56. Frazer, W. A., Algemeene voorwaar- den, 1857. Galbraith, Surveying and Railway en gineering, 1842. Gillespie, Treat, on Land surveying, 1855. Gurley, Instruments for Engineering. Hebert, Engineer s and Mech. Encyc., 1837. Henz, Anleitung zum Erdbau. Hoppus, Tables for measuring, 1823. Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Compa ny, Report, 1868. Institution of Civil Engineers, Trans actions, 1836-40. Konink. Inst. van Ingen., Verhande- lingen. Kraijenhoff, Operations geodesiques en Hollande, 1827. Long, J. H., Cadet engineer. Mahan, Elementary course of, 1848. Millington, J., Elements of Civil en gineering, 1839. x Moseley, Mech. Principles of, 1856. Mount Cenis tunnel. N. Y. State Inst. of Civil Engineer ing, Transactions, 1849. Nicholson s treatise on projection, 1840 166 ENGINEERING. Engineering, Civil and Mechanical (continued). Pamphlets relating to Engineering, vol. 493; B. C. 36. Rankin, Manual of, 1863. Itennie, Rivers and Harbors of Great Britain. Roads, Railroads and Bridges, 1839. Routledge, Sliding rule. Sganzin, Elementary Course of, 1828. Simms, F. W., Public Works of Great Britain, 1838. Smeaton s Reports, 1812. Stuart, C. B., Naval Dry-Docks of U. S., 1852. Tomlinson, Cy -lopedia, 1852, 68, Weisbach, Mechanics of Engineering, 1847, 48. Weissenborn, American Engineering, 1858, 59. Whewell, Mechanics of, 1841. Zusto, Estrazione della Nave La Fenice, 1789. See Railways; Bridges; Steam En gine; Machinery; Military Sci ence; Croton Aqueduct; Cements; Drawing. England, Antiquities. See Great Bri tain; Antiquities. England, Church of. See Church of Eng. England! History: General* Baker, Sir R., Chron. of the Kingsof, 1679. Barlace, Prog, of Knowl. in Eng. Buckle, Hist, of Civilization in, 1858. Camden, Rerum Ang. annales, 1639. Camden Society publications, 1838-69. Catechism of, 1842. Chronicles and Memorials of G. B., (Rolls Pub.), 80 vols. Chronicle of the Kings. P. 1708. Clarke, S. R., Vestigia Anglicana. Craik, G. L., Pict. Hist, of, 1849. Doleman, Succession to the Crown, 681. English Histor. Soc. Publications, 1838-n6. Farr, School History, 1848. Goldsmith, 0., History of, to 1802. Granger, J., Biog . Hist, of, 1769, 1804. Green, W., Chron. Epitome of. Hardy s Catalogue of Materials, (Chro. G. B). Hume, D., History of Eng. to Rev. of 1688. Kennett, W., Hist, to Death of Wil liam III, 1719. Leland, De rebus Britann. Collectanea, 1774. Lingard, History of, 1826-31. tf Vindication of his Hist, of, 1826. England: History: General (cont d). Lloyd, T., Gen. Hist, of, 1764. McMasters, Index to Hume. Millar, J., Hist. View of Eng. Gov. to 1688. Markham, Mrs., History of. Mortimer, T., History of, 1764. Nicolson, Engl. Hist. Library, 1714. Pearson s Hist, of the Early and Mid dle Ages of, 1867. Rapin, Hist, of Eng., 1728*31. Rhymes for Youthful historians. Sanford, Governing Families of. Strickland, Lives of Queens of, 1848. Tindal, Summary, to George II, V. 3. Thompson, Municipal Hist . of, 1867. Towers, On Hume s History, 1778. Turner, Hist, of Anglo-Saxons, 1828. White, J., History of, to 1858. See Great Britain; Bibliography. England, History : Early Chronicles, etc. to Henry VIII. Abingdon, Chron. Monasterii, (Chron. G. B.). Adamus Murimuthensis, Chronica sui teinporis, (E. Hist. Soc.). Anglo-Saxon Chron., (Chron. G. B.). Annales Monastici, (Chron. G. B.). Arnold s Chronicle, 1811. Arthur, History of, 1858. Bacon, Lord, King Henry VII, 1824. Bede, Eccl. Hist, of Eng., 1847. " Opera Historica Minora, (E. Hist. Soc.). Berington, Hist, of Henry II, 1154- 1216. Blondell, Narr. of Expulsion of Eng. from Normandy, 1449, 50, (Chron. G. B.). Brady, Hist, to Henry III. Brougham, History of, 1861. Camden Soc. Publications. Capgrave, J., De Illust. Henricis,1858. " Chronicle of England, 1858. Chronicles of Great Britain, 1863-69. Cobbe, Norman Kings of England. Cotton, B. de, Historia Anglicana, (Chro. G. B.). Domes-Day Book, Liber judicialis. Du Fresnoy, Chron. tables. Edward, King, Lives, 1858. EulogiumHistoriarum, (Chron. G.B.). Fabyan, New chronicles, 1811. Florence of Worcester, Chronicle. Florentius Wigorniensis, Chronicon, (E. Hist. Soc.). Geoffroy of Monmouth s Brit. History, 1848. Gildas, Opus de Excidio Britannia, (E. Hist. Soc.). ENGLAND. 167 England, History! Early Chronicles, etc. to Henry VIII (continued). Giustinian, Four years at Court of Henry VIII, 1815-19. Gloucester, Cart. Monast. S. Petri Gloucestriae, (Chron. G. B.). Gonzalez, Docts. from Simancas, 1568- 16. Graf ton s Chronicle, 1189-1558. Halsted, Richard III, as Duke and King. Harding s Chronicle to Henry VIII. Hearne, Curious Discourses. Henrici Quinti Gesta cum Chronica Neustriae, (E. Hist. Soc.). Henry of Huntingdon, Chronicles, 1853. Higden, R., Polychronicon, (Chron. G. B.). Hyde, Liber monasterii de Hyde, (Chron. G. B.) History of Eng. and France, 1852. Hopkins, S., The Puritans, Edw. VI and Eliz., 1859. Hoveden, Annals of, 732-1201. Ingulph, Chron. of Abbey of Croyland, 1854. Johannes de Oxenedes, (Chron. G. B.). Johannes de Trokelowe, Chronica Mon asterii S. Albani, (Chron. G. B.). John de Wavrin s Chronicles, (Chron. G. B.). Keinble, J. M., Codex Diplomatieus Aevi Saxonici, (E. Hist. Soc.). Langtoft, P. de, Chronicle to Edward I, (Hearne, and Chron. G. B.). Lappenberg, Under Anglo-Sax. Kings, 1845. Leland, De rebus Britannicis, 1774. Letters of the wars of, with France, in Henry VI, (Chron. G. B.). Livere (Le) de Reis de Brittanie, (Chron. G. B.) Lyttelton, Hist, of Henry II, 1767. Matthew of Paris, Historia Anglorum, (Chron. G. B.). " Eng. Hist., 1235-73. Matthew of Westminster, Chronicle to 1307. Melsa, Chron. Monast. de Melsa, (Chron. G. B.). Miller, T., History of the Anglo-Sax ons, 1848. Monumenta Franciscana, 1858. Monumenta Historica Britannica,(Pe- trie), 1848, f. More, Sir T., Reigns of Edward V, and Richard III. Nennius : Historia Britonurn, (Eng. Hist. Soc.). Palgrave, Hist, of Normandy and, 1851, 57, 64. te Rise and Prog, of Eng. Commonwealth, 1832. England, History: Early Chronicles, etc. of Henry VIII (continued). Paston Letters, 1840. Pauli, Life of King Alfred, 1852. Polydorus, Anglica Historia. Richard I, Chron. of the reign of, (Chron. G. B.). Richard II, Chronicque de la Trai son, (E. Hist. Soc.). Richard of Cirencester Speculum His- toriale, (Chron. G. B.). Ricardus Divisiensis: Chron. de Rebus gestis Ricardi I, (E. Hist. Soc.). Rishanger s Chron. Monast. S. Albani, (Chron. G. B.) Roberts, E., Hist, of York and Lan caster. Roger de Wendover, Chronica, (Eng. Hist. Soc.) Flowers of Hist, to 1235. Six Old English Chronicles, 1848. Stapleton, Rot. Scaccarii Normannise, 1840. Stephen: Gesta Stephani, Reg. Angl., (E. Hist. Soc.). Thierry, History of Conquest by Nor mans, 1847. Thomas of Elmham s Hist. Monast. Cantuar., (Chron, G. B.). Thomson, R., Hist, of Magna Charta, 1829. Trivetus, (F. N.), De Ord,ine Fratrum praedic., (E. Hist. Soc.). Turner, S., Hist, of, during Middle ages, 1825. Tyler, J. E., Mem. of Henry of Mon- mouth, 1838. Tytler, P. F., Reigns of Edward IV and Mary, 1839. " Life of Henry VIII. Verstegan, Restitution, 1634. Walsingham, T., Historia Anglicana, (Chron. G. B.). Walter de Hemingburgh .... Chron. de Gestis Regum, (E. Hist. Soc.). William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum Angl., (E. Hist. Soc.). " Chron., 1847. Willelmus Parvus, Hist. Rerum Angli- carum, (E. Hist. Soc.). Zurich Letters, 1537-58. See Great Britain; Parliament; Names of the Sovereigns. England, History to 1688. Aikin, L. , Mem. of C tof Elizabeth, 1819. " Mem. of Court of James I, 1822. " Mem. of Court of Chas. 1, 1833. Bell, R., Memorials of the Civil War, 1849. Birch, T., Times of Charles I, 1848, 49- Carrel, A., Counter-Rev, in: Charles II, 1846. 168 ENGLAND. England, History to 1688 (continued). Gary, Civil War in, 1646-52. Caulfield, High Courtof Justice, 1820. Charles I., Bibliot. Regia, 1659. Clarendon s Life, 1759. Clarendon, Earl of, Hist, of Rebellion, 1641. " State Papers, 1621-45. Coll. of Proclam. of the Pretender. Coll. of State Tracts, Rev. of 1688. Cromwell, 0., Letters and Speeches, 1845. Dahlman, Hist, of the English Rev., 1844. Description.... des Guerres, 1668. Echard, Hist, of Rev. to 1688. Ellis, H., Original Letters, Illustrative of, 1824. Ellis, J., Correspondence, 1686-88. Evelyn, J., Memoirs and Diary, 1641- 1706. Fox, C. J., Hist, of James II, 1808. Froude, J. A., From fall of Wolsey to Death of Elizabeth, 1856-70. Godwin, W., Hist, of Commonwealth. 1824. Goodman, G., Court of James I, 1839. Guizot, Hist of Eng. Rev. of 1640. " Hist, de la Repub. d Angle- terre, 1649-58. Henrietta Maria, Letters. Historical Collections, 1674. Hallam, Constitutional Hist, of, 1829. Hamilton, A., Mem. of Count Gram- mont, 1811. Hay ward, J., Reign of Elizabeth, 1849. Hobbes, T., Works, v. 6, Civil Wars, 1839. Howard, Earl of, Life of. Johnson, G. W., Fairfax Corresp., 1848. Le Clerc, On Clarendon s History. Leycester, Civil War of, 1641-48. Lodge, E., Illustrations of Brit. Hist. Henry VII, to James I, 1838. Ludlow, E., Mem. of Charles I, 1771. Macaulay, T. B., History of, from Jas. 11,1849. Mem. of God s last 29 Years of Won ders, 1689. Milton, J., Literae, 1676. Nalson s collection of State Papers. 1639-50. Nickolls, Letter, to Cromwell, 1743. North, R., Examen. Vind. of Charles 11,1740. Orleans, P. J. d , Revol. d Angleterre, 1723. Peacock, List of Roundheads and Cav aliers. Peck s Desiderata Curiosa, 1779. England, History to 1688 (continued)* Political poems and Songs Relating to, (Chron. G. B.). Plot of 1679. Prynne, Opening of the Great Seale of, 1643. Rushworth, Hist. Collections, 1721. Sadler, Sir Ralph, State Papers, 1809. Salmasius, C., Defensio Regia, 1649. Secret Hist, of Reigns of Charles II, and James II, 1690. Sidney, H., Diary of Times of Charles II, 1843. Slingsby, Memoirs of Civil War, 1806. Somers, Coll. of Tracts,- v. 1-9. Somerville, T., From Rest, of Charles II, to William, 1793. . State Tracts, 1660-93. Stiles, Hist, of Three of the Judges, etc., 1794. Stoughton, Eccl. Hist., 1640-50. Stafford s Dispatches. Sydneys, Memorial and State Papers. Temple, Sir W., Works, 1720. Thurloe, Coll. of State Papers, 1742. Vaughan, R., Revolutions in English History, 1860. " Protec. of Cromwell, 1839. " Hist, under the Stuarts, 1603-88. Vicars, England s Worthies, 1642-47. Walker, C., Hist, of Independency of Parl., 1640-1660. Ward, R. P., On the Revolution of 1688. Welwood, Mem. for last 100 years,1700. Whitlock, Memoir of the English Af fairs, 1732. Wiffen, Mem. of House of Russell, 1833. York, Duke of, Mem. of Eng. Affairs, 1660-73. See Names of the Sovereigns. England, History of, 1688 to present time. Account of the Young Chevalier. Adolphus, Hist, of, to death of George III, 1840-45. Aikin, J., Annals of George 111,1760- 1820. Amer. and Brit. Chron., 1773-83. Auberteuil, Admin, of Lord North, 1784. Baring, Orders in Council, 1808 Belsham, W., Chron. George III, IV, 1828. ee Mem. of Kings of H. of Brunswick, 1800. " Reign of George III, 1801-5. Birch, T., Reign of Queen Eliz., 1754. Bisset, R., Reign of George 111,1820. ENGLAND. 169 England, History of, 1688 to present time (continued). Buckingham, Court of George III, 1853-54. " Court of Engl., 1811-20. Bunbury, French War, 1799-1810. Burke, E., Works, 1826, 27. Burnet, Hist, of his own time, 1318. Butler, C., Hist, of Brit. Catholics, 1822. Caroline, Queen, Character of, 1738. Cavendish, Parl. Debates, 1768-74. Cole, State Papers, 1697-1708. Cockburn, Mem. of his time, 1856. Devereux, Lett, of the Earls of Es sex, 1540-1646. Dodinfton, Diary, 1749-61. Doubleday, Finan. and Statis. History of, 1688-1847. Dutens, L., Etablissement d un R6- gence, 1788, 89. Eustace, Lettres sur les crimes do George III, 1794. Pam. 33. Fonblanque, Eng. under 7 administra tions, 1837. George, Prince of Wales, Tracts con cerning, 1795-1816. Pam. 141. fcreat Brit., Parl., Rebell., 1722. Hamilton, Lady, Secret Hist, of reign of George III, IV, 1832. Hervey, Reign of George II, 1S48. Historical Memorial, 1761. Holland, Lord, Mem. of the Whig Party, 1852-54. Holt, E., Life of George III, 1820. Intercepted Letters, 1804. Jesse, J. H., From 1688 to death of George II, 1843. " Memoirs of the Pretender,1846. King, W., Polit. and Lit. Anecdotes, 1818. Lexington Papers, 1694-1698. Macaulay, T. B., Hist, from James II. Mahon, Lord, Insurrection of 1745. " Hist, of Eng., 1713-83. Marchmont, Events from 1685-1750. Marlborough, Duke of, Letters, 1702- 1712. Massey, Hist, under George III, 1855. Martineau, H., Hist, of, 1816-54. l( Introd. to Hist, of Peace, 1800-15. Mem. des Commissaires du roi,1755 57. Meinoires touchant le gouvernement de, 1764. Neale, E., Life of Edward, Duke of Kent, 1850. Nicholls, Public Affairs under George III, 1822. Parkin, Invasion by William. Pitt, W., Anecdotes of Life of, 1736-94. 22 England, History of, 1688 to present time (continued). Roebuck, J. A., History of Whig Min istry, 1830-52. Rolt, Hist, of War, 1739-43. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, Works. Smollett, T., History of, 1758-61. Somers, Collection of Tracts, v. 10-13, 1809-15. Sophia, Consort of George I, Memoirs. Steele, Sir R., Political Works, 1715. Stuart, The, Papers, 1847. Thomson, A. T., Memoirs of the Jaco bites, 1715-45. * Life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, 1839. Tindal s Hist, of Eng. from 1688-1747. Turner, Modern Hist of Eng., 1828. Vernon, Letters, 1696-1708. Waldegrave s Memoirs, 1750-58. Walpole, H., Mem. of George II. " Mem. of George III, 1845. Walpole, R., Grit. Hist, of his admin istration, 1743. te Rapport du Comite secret, 1715. Walsh, Sir J., Chap, of Contemporary History, 1836. William III, Letters. Wraxall, Hist. Mem. of his time, 1836. " Posthumous Memoiss, 1836. Wright, T., Eng. under House of Hanover. England, Manners and Customs. Andrews, The 18th Century. Brief Remarks on, 1816. Brookes, Man. and Gust. of. Brown, J., Estimate of Manners, 1757. Ellis, Daughters of. " Mothers of England. Female Jockey Club. Goldsmith, 0., Citizen of the World. Goodman, Social Hist, of G. B., to 1688. Kay, Social condition of, 1863. La Belle Assemblee, 1810-33. M Elheran, Woman in Gothic Na tions. Merryweather, Glimmerings. Saunders, English Life. Stone, Mrs., Chron. of Fashion, 1846. Thornbury, Shakespeare s England. Thrupp, Anglo-Saxon Home, 1862. Wright, Superstit. of Middle Ages. England, Registers and Almanacs. Almanacs, 1679-1800. Annual Register, 1758-1769. Army List, 1757-1850. British Almanac, 1828-69. 170 ENGLAND. England, Registers and Almanacs. (continued). Chamberlayne, Present state of, 1676, 1735, 43, 55. " Staat van, 1743. Clergy List, 1841-50. Dietrichsen s Royal Aim., 1842, 44, 52. Englishman s Aim., 1852. Gilbert s Clergyman s Aim., 1836-8. Great Britain, Census, 1851. " Registrar Gen., Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1839-53. Gutch, Lit. Register, 1845, 7, 8. Hull and Yorkshire Almanac, 1852. Martin s Statesman s Year-book, 1865- 1871. Price, R., Population of, from 1688. Royal Blue Book, 1855. Royal Calendar, 1763-1855. Whitaker s Almanac, 1867, 71, 72. See Great Britain. England, Topographical, Travels, etc. Angleterre, L , en 1800. Account of the Manors, 1787. Archseol. Inst. of G. B., 1851. Austin, Letters from London, 1804. Baker s Northamptonshire, 1822-41. Beauties of England and Wales, 25 v. Bray, W., Tour, Derbyshire and York shire. Brayley s Surrey, 1850. Britannia .... Chorog. Descriptio. Bulwer, England and the English, 1833. Cooke s Topog. Library. Coxe, A. C., Impressions, 1856. Dibdin, C., Obs. on a Tour, 1801. Dickinson, A., My First Visit to Eu rope, 1851. Drew, Glimpses in, 1851. Elmham, Hist. Monast. S. Augustini, 1858. Emerson, English Traits, 1856. Etat de 1 Angleterre, 1822, 23. Fisher, Bedfordshire, 1812-36. Gilpin, W., Observations on England, etc., 1808. Goede, C. A. G., Foreigner s Opinion of, 1822. Gourcy, Quatrieme Voyage en. Granville, The Spas of England, 1841. Great Brit., County Boundaries, 1832. Howitt, Rural Life in. (t Visits to Remarkable Places. Items, (Todd), 1855. Johnson, W., England as it is, 1851. Lee, Hist, of Lewes, 1795. Lester, C. E., Condition and Fate of. " Glory and Shame of, 1841. England, Topographical, Travels, etc. (continued). Lewis, S., Topog. Dictionary of, 1831, 1838. Lowe, J., Present State of, 1824. Mackenzie, A. S., The Ainer. in, 1835. Magna Britannia, 1720. Mezaque, Bilan general de 1 Angleterre, 1600-1761. Miller, H., First Impressions of, 185" 1 . Mirabeau, Letters from, 1832. Misson, Memoirs in his Trav. in, 1719. Montgaillard, Situation of, in 1811. Moritz, Travels in. Nash s Worcestershire, 1781, 82. Olmsted, F. L., Walks of an American Farmer, 1852. Pamphlets, vols. 1478, 1573, 1754-1757. Patterson, Cross Roads in. Pegge, Curialia. Raumer, F. Von, England in 1835. Reresby, Memoirs and Travels, 1813. Rogers, Three Years in, 1694. Rose, Westmorland, Cumberland, Dur ham, Northumberland, 1833. Rush, R., Memoranda of a Residence, 1833. Salisbury Guide, 1830. Sedgwick, T., Public and Private Eco nomy, 1836. Shebbeare, Letters on the English Na tion, 1756. Sherburne, Tourist s Guide, 1847. Silliman, B., Travels in, 1805-6, 1820. Smith, J. T., A Book for a Brainy Day, 1845. Society of Antiquaries, Lond. Sorbiere, Voyage to, 1709. Southey, R., Letters of Espriella from, 1808. B. C. Topographer and Genealogist, J. G. Nichols, 1846-58. Tuckerman, II. T., A Month in Eng., 1853. Tymms, Family Topographer. Tyng, Recollections of Eng., 1847. Uncle Tom in England, 1852. Voltaire, Letters, 1733. Ward, Matt. F., English Items, 1833. See also the following: Anglesea; Berwick; Cheshire; Cumberland; Durham ; Edmonton; Ecton ; Gravesend; Guernsey; Hackney ; Islington; Jersey; Kent; Liver pool; London; Man Is.; New castle ; Norfolk ; Norwich ; Oxford shire ; Reading; St. Saviour s; Salisbury; Smithfield; Sussex; Tottenham; Upminster; Uxbridge, Wales ; Windsor ; Whitby ; Worces tershire; Wight; Wiltshire; York; and other counties and towns. ENGRAVING. 171 English Authors, Books and Libra ries. See Bibliography. English Dictionaries. See Dictiona ries. English Education. See Education. English Government. See Great Bri tain. English Grammar. See Grammars, English. English Language. See Language, English. English Literature. See Literature. English Naval History. See Great Britain. English Pamphlets. See British; Po litical British. English Politics. See Great Britain. English Printing. See Typography. English Readers. See Language. English Universities. See Universities; Oxford; Cambridge. Engraved Gems. Bartoli, Museum Odescalchum, 1752. Disney, Museum Disneianum. Florence, Galerie de. Graevius, Thes. Antiquitatum. Gronovius, Thes. Gr. Antiquitatum. Jonge, Pierres graves, La Haye. King s Hand-book of Engr. Gems,l866. Klotz, Der alten geschittenen steine, 1768. Montfaucon s Antiquity explained. Winckelmann, Werke. Worsley, Museum VVorsleianum. See Gems. Engravings. Album Cosmopolite, 1837. B., H., Political Sketches, 1830-38. Bordes, Monumens de Bordeaux, 1845. Boydell, Illust. of Shakespeare, 1852. Catherwood, Views in Cent. America, 1841. Chatto, Gems of wood-engraving,1849. Entwiirfe Nederlandschen meisters aus deni XV jahrhundert. Flaxman, Illustrations, 1831. Florence, Galerie de, 1790. Gillray, J., Works, 1851. Gilpin, Essay on Prints, 1802. Greenwood illustrated, 1848. Herring, National Portrait Gallery, 1834. Hogarth, W., Works, from the origi nal plates. Holbein, The Dances of Death, 1803. Images a.... des Salles d Asile. Jackson, J., Treatise on wood-engra- 1839. Engravings (continued). Journal of Design, 1849-52. Jubinal, La Danse des Morts, 1841. Landseer, Devil s Walk, 1831. Lester, Gallery of Americans, 1850. Lodge, Portraits of Personages of Great Britain, 1835. Mount Auburn illust., 1848. Musee Populaire de Belgique, 1849,50. Nash, Descr. of Mansions in England. Petits Albums pour rire, 1849. Thomason, Mem. during half a Cen tury, 1845. Villas on the Hudson. SeeN. Y. Catalogue of Maps and En gravings. Engravings, Catalogues and Prices of, etc. Brit. Mus., Guide to Drawings, 1856. Caulfield, Printsellers Chronicle,1814. Colman, W. A., Cat. of Engrav. N. Y., 1850. Corwin, Cat. of, sold, N. Y., 1856. Exposition de 1855, Paris. George III, Bibl. Reg. Cat., vol. 6, 1820-29. Goupil & Co., N. Y., 1854. Hogarth s sale, 1854. Joubert. Manuel, 1821. Leber, Cat. de laBibliothequede,1839. Malaspina, Cat. di Stampe, 1824. Muller, Cat. 7000 Portretten van Ne- derl., 1853. Roscoe, W., Auct., 1816. Soleinne, Bib. Dram., Estampes rela- tifs, 1843-45. Vattemare, Cat. des 1200 Dessins de sa Coll. . Weigel, Cat. von Kunstsachen, 1834-43. Williams & Co.&t . Y., 1854. See Bibliography; Typography. Engraving, History of, etc. Basan, Diet, des Graveurs. Bewick s, T., Memoirs. " Cat. of Works by, 1851. Blancke, Bildnisse beriihmte Kunstler, 1725. Bryan, Diction, of Engravers, 1849. Caulfield, Calcographiana, 1814. Chalcographimania. a Poem, 1814. Chatto, Hist, of Playing Cards, 1848. " Gems of wood-engr. and Hiat., 1849. Christ, Diet, des Monogrammes, 1750. Chron. list of Engravers. Cumberland, Essay on Engravers and Prints, 1827. Deleschamps, Traite complet de, 1836. Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron, 1817. " Typog. antiq., vol 1, 1810. 172 ENGRAVING. Engraving, History of, etc. (cont d). Donlevy, The Graphic arts, 1854. Gilpin, Essay on Prints, 1802. Exposition Univ., Rapports du Jury, 1856. Fielding, The Art of Engraving, 1844. Fournier, Orig. de PArt de Graver, 1758. Granger, Biog. Hist, of England, 1804. Heinekcn, Idee d une Coll.d Estampes, 1771. Jackson, Treatise on wood-engraving, 1839. Jansen, Origine de la Gravure, 1808. Joubert, Man. de 1 Amateur d Es- tampes, 1821. Landseer, Lectures on the art of, 1807. Menapius, Statera Chalcographise. See Wolf. Ormsby, Bank-note Engr., 1852. Ottley, Early use of wood engr., 1863. Peignot, Repertoire de Bibliog., 1810. " Recherches sur les Danses des morts, 1826. Sotheby, Principia Typographica, 1858. Spooner, Diet, of Engravers, 1853. Strutt, Biog. Diet, of Engravers, 1785, 1786. Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain, 1854, 57. Walpole, H., Catalogue of Engravers. See Cards; Typography; Fine Arts. Enoch. Brake, Character of, 1839. Enthusiasm. Chauncy, Sermon, 1742. Green, T., Diss. on, 1755. Henry, G. W., Shoutings in the Church, 1859. Lavington, Enthusiasm of Methodists, 1749. Milman, II. II., Sermon, 1826. Reflections upon a Letter on, 1709. Taylor, J., Natural History of, 1830. See Revivals ; Methodist; Moral Phi losophy. Entomology. Abbot, S., Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, 1797. Adams, H. G., Insects of the Month. Agassiz, Classification of Insects, 1849. Boisduval, Lepidoptcres de 1 Amer. Scptentrionale. Burmeister, Manual of, 1836. Candeze, Des Elaterides. Chenu, Coleopterea. Curtis, John, British Entomology, 1823-49. Cuvier, Animal Kingdom. Duncan, J., Introd. to; Beetles, Nat. Lib. " Brit. Butterflies and Motha, Nat. Lib. Entomology (continued). Duncan, J., Foreign Butterflies and Moths, Nat. Lib. " Transformations of, ! 871. Encyc. Methodique, Entomologie, (Olivier; Latreille), 1818, 9 v. Entomologists Annual, 1855. Episodes of Insect Life, 1851. Fitch, A., Noxious Insects, 1855, 56, 1859. " Hessian Fly, Winter Insects of N. Y., 1846. Muns. P. 5. Guerin, Des Insectes, 1852-54. Harris, M , Engl. Moths and Butter flies, 1840. Harris, T. W., Insects injurious to Vegetation, 1842, 62. " Entomol. Corresp., 1869. " N. A. Coleopterous insects. Hope, F. W., Coleopterist s Manual, 1838. Humphreys, II. N.. Butterfly Vivarium, 1858. Jaeger, Life of North Amer. Insects, 1854. Jardine, Naturalist s Lib., 1833-40. Kirby, W., & W. Spence, Introduc. to Entomol. Kollar, Insects Injurious, 1840. Lacordaire, Coleop. Subpentameres. Library of Ent. Knowl., Rennie, 1848. Melsheimer, Cat. of the Coleoptera of U. S., 1853. Morris, Lepidoptera of N. America. Nederlandsche Entom. Vereeniging. Newport, Sawfly of the Turnip. New York: Nat. Hist., Emmons. Phillippi, Orthoptera Berolinensia, .1826. P. 1003. Raumer, Konst om Tamme-vogelen optebrengen, 1751. Richardson, Pests of the Farm. Sacken, Diptera of N. America. Say, T., Amer. Entomology, 1824-28. Selys-Longchamps, Several Publica. Smithsonian Institute, Misc. Contr., Catal. Snellen, Nederl, Insekten. P. 523. Stephens, J. F., Illus. of British Ent. 1828-46. Swainson, W., Hist, and Nat. Arange- ment of. Uhler, Hemipterae. Westwood, Classification of, 1839. " Arcana Entomologica, 1845. " Entomologist s Text-book, 1838. See Bees; Insects; Zoology ; Zoophytes. Bon de Beaumont. Kirby s Museum. Lettres, Memoiros, 1763.. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 173 Epidemics. Hooper, R., Observations, 1803. Marchant, Causes des, 1836. Martin, E., Ep. in Maryland, 1813. Vingtrinier, Epidem. a Rouen, 1850. Willard, M., Fever in Albany, 1809. See Cattle; Diptheria; Cholera; Med icine; Plague; Yellow Fever. Epigrams. Booth, Epigrams, 1865. Martialis, Epigraminata. * Epigrams. Sec Maxims : Proverbs ; Poetry. Epiphany. Maurice, F. D., Sermons on. I Episcopacy. Address by Plain Truth, 1827. Answer to a Sermon, 1609. Baynes, P., Diocesan s Tryall, 1621. Beman, Episc. Exclusive, 1856. Bolles, J. A., Episc. Defended, 1843. Bowden, J., On Chauncy s View, 1789. Brittan, Apology for. Bunsen, Church of the Future, 1847. Butler, C. M., Old Truths, 1850. Cave, W., Gov t of the Church. Church and the Sword, 1847. Collection of Essays on, 1806. Defence of the Vindication, 1695. Discourse about Novelty, 1685. Discourse Showing, 1698. Dixon, Exam, of Catechism, 1845. Emmett, Of the word Bishop, 1836. Episcopacy Examined, (Gallagher), )849. Hobart, Companion to Festivals and Fasts, 1804. " Candidate for Confirma., 1816. Ives, L. S., The Trials of a Mind, etc., 1854. " Pastoral Letter, 1846. Letter from Congregationaliat, 1820. M Vickar, Dr. Hook s History of, 1838. Miller, S., Const, and Order of the Ministry, 1807. B. C. Newman, J. H., Suffragan Bishops, 1835. Onderdonk, H. U., Tested by Scripture. Pamphlets, vols. 622, 857, 866, 877, 999, 1000, 1201, 1202, 1281,1282, 1673, 1861. Pearson, Opera Posthuma. Smith, E., Epis. Examined. Stanley, W., Faith of a Churchman, 1688. Wainwright, No Church Without a Bishop. White, W., On Episcopacy, 1859. See Authority; Church of England; Church Government; Apostolical Succession. Episcopal Church Brotherhoods. Brotherhoods of P. E. C., 1853, 56. Fitch, C. W., James the Lord s Brother. Prot. Epis. Church, U. S. Episcopal Church, England. See Church of England. Episcopal Church, Ireland. See Irish Church. Episcopal Church, Scotland. Law- son, History of, 1844. Low, D., Charge, 1826. See Scotland. Episcopal Church, United States. Address from Clergy, N. Y , 1771. Address to the Ministers, 1790. Allen, E., Clergy of Maryland. Anderson, Hist, of, in the Colonies. Appeal to the Members, 1826,(Phil a). Barnes, A., Evang. Party in, 1844. Beardsley, Hist, of, in Connecticut. " Address, Cheshire, Conn. Blackburne, F., On Bishops in Amer , 1770. Brief Directory. Candid hints concern., 1858. Caswall, Synodical action in. Catholic Work, 1855. Chandler, T. B., Appeal, 1767. Appeal defended, 1769. " Appendix to Seeker s Life. 1774. Chase, Bishop, Reminiscences, 1847. Chauncy, C., Appeal answered, 1768. Christ Prot. E. C., New York, 1845. Church Almanac, 1851-66. Churchman s Almanac, 1830-46. Churchman s Year-book, 1870. Clark, J. A., Letters on the Church, 1839. Clark, 0., Principles of, vindicated, 1818. Clark, S. A., Hist, of Ch., Elizabeth- town, N. J., 1703-1857. Comment, of F. Blackburne, on Bish ops in America, 1770. Consid. on the Eastern Diocese, 1837. Conversation with a Churchman, 1858. Croswell, W., Letter to Bp. of Mass., 1845. Defence of the Conv., 1832. Doane, G. W., Collection of publica tions on, 1836-52. Explanation of Common Prayer, 1834. Fitch, James the Lord s brother. Gallagher, M., True Churchmanship, 1851. Greenwood, Hist, of King s Chapel, 1833. 174 EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Episcopal Church, United States (continued). Hawkins, E., Mission of Ch. of Eng. in America, 1845. Hawks, Epis. Ch, in Virginia, Mary land, 1836, 39. Hoare, Life of G. Sharp, 1820. Hobart a Writings. Hobart, N., Epis. Sep. in N. E.,1751. Hoffman, M., Penal Law of, 1853. Hopkins, J., Letters to the Bishops, etc., of, 1844. Is the Diocese vacant ? (N. Y.), 1850. Letter to the Clergy, (N. Y.), 1850. Letter to the Rev. J. N. Campbell, 1844. Letters to Editor of Essays in Albany Centinel, 1806. Letters to the Laity, 1843. Lewis, W. H., Consid....0n Daily Service, 1853. Mayhew, J., Obs. on Soc. Prop, the Gospel, 1763. Memorial Papers, 1857. Narrative of Occurrences, (N.Y.),1851. Norton, Lives of Bishops of. Odenheimer, On the Prayer-book. Onderdonk, Hist, of, in N. Y. City, 1843,44. Perry, Hist. Collections, vol. I, Vir ginia; II, Pennsylvania. Pamphlets relating to the, vols. 541, 543, 678, 679, 690, 699, 942, 999, 1000, 1201, 1202, 1552. Present State of the Quest., (N. Y.), 1838. Protestant Episcopal Brotherhoods. Pam. vol. 656. Prot. Epis. Church, Jour, of Conv., 1785-1867. " Journals of Conventions in Con necticut, Maine, Massachu setts, New York, Western York, New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Vermont. Remarks upon Bp. M Coskry s Ser mon, 1853. Response t Bp. Potter, 1858. Right of Eastern Diocese, 1837. Seeker, Bishops in America, 1750-1. Sherlock, T., Some Considerations, 1750. Smith, W., Answer to Blatchford, 1798. Smyth, Eccl. Republicanism, 1843. Sprague, Annals of Am. Pulpit, 1857- 1869. Swords s Eccl. Register, N. Y., 1816, 21-27, 5(5-59. Tremlett, Botolph Ch., Boston, 1851. Trinity Church, N. Y., Pamphlets, 1836-57. 4 vols. Two Letters, (Bowden), 1807. Episcopal Church, United States (continued). Trapnell, Trial of, 1847. Vindication of N. England, 1691. Vital truth, 1853. Waylen, Eccl. Reminiscences, 1846. White, W., Memoirs of. " Two addresses, 1826. Whittingham, Division of the Diocese, (N. Y.), 1838. Wilberforce, S., History of, 1846. See Trinity Church. Episcopal Societies. Pam., vol. 542. Episcopius, S. Calder, F., Memoirs of. Epitaphs. Abbey of Kilkhampton, 1780. Alden, Coll. of American, 1814. Bridgman, Granary Cemetery, Boston. " King s Chapel, Boston. " Copps Hill Cemetery, Bos. " Mem. of the Dead, North ampton. Camden, Remains, 1637. Davenport, D., Dorchester Cemetery, 1826. Dingley, History from marble, (Cam- den Soc.). Dorchester, Epitaphs, 1869. Epitaphs and Epigrams, (Palmer), London, 1869. Gosden, Fun. Monum., Lond. Grutcrus, J., Inscriptiones. Harris, W. T., Cambridge, Mass. 1845. " From Watertown, 1869. Kinnersley, Sepul. curiosities. Memoirs of the Dead, Bait., 1809. Parr, Works, vol. 4. Pettigrew s Collection, 1857. Walker, G. A., Gatherings from, 1839. Weever, Funerall Monuments, 1631. Cemeteries; Monuments. Epithets. Jermyn, Book of Epithets, 1849. Equador. See Ecuador. Equator. Spilsbury, Nautical shaving Erasmus, D. Butler, C., Life of. Erasmus, Epistolae, 1521. Jortin, J., Life of, 1808. Seebohm, F., Oxford Reformers, 1867. Ericsson, J. Braithwaite, Voyage of Victory, 1835. Coles, Cupolas and Turrets, 1864. Erie, Pa. Slie, War of the gauges. Erie Canal. Beach. S. B., Against Continuing, 1819. Fact and Observations, 1825. Fulton, R., Correspondence with G. Morris, 1814. ESSAYS. 175 Erie Canal (continued). Haines, C. G., Considerations on. N. Y. State Canals, 1812-70. Randel, J., Description of a Route for, 1822. Renwick, J., Water for, 1846. See Canals, N. Y. Erie Co,, N. Y. Union Anti-Lecompton Meeting. Erie Co., Penn a. Sanford, History of. Erie (Lake), Battle. Burges, T., Ac count of, 1839. Calvert, Address, M d. Hist. Soc. Cooper, J. F., Answer to Burges, Duer and Mackenzie. Parsons, U., Hist, of Battle of, 1852. See Perry, Comm. Ernest, Duke of Saxe Gotha. Philipps, Life of, 1740. Erskine, Andrew. Boswell, J., Letters between, 1765. Erskine, T, Defence of the People, 1819. " Sketch of, Pam r vol. 23. Espartero, M. Gal. des Contem. vol. 3, Vie de, 1840. Espernon, Duke d>. Life of, 1670. Essays, Critical, Historical, Moral, etc. Abercrombie, Essays, 1845. Addison, Spectator, 1809, 10. " The Freeholder, 1746. B. C. Alison, A., Miscel. Essays, 1845. Ames, Fisher, Works : Polit. Essays, 1809 and 1854. Argenson, E., Civil, Moral, fec., 1797. Arnold, T., Misc. Works, 1845. Bacon, Lord, Essays, Works, vol. 2, 1824. Bailey, Samuel, On Pursuit of Truth, 1831. B. C. " On formation of opinions, 1831. Barbauld, A. L., Works, 1826. B.C. Barnes, A., Miscel. Essays, 1855. Beattie, J., On the Nature of Truth. Belsham, W., Ess. Phil. Mor. Hist., 1799. B.C. Bowdler, H. M., Poems and Essays. British Essayists, 56 vols. Browne, M., Views and Opinions, 1866. Browne, T., Works, 1686. Brownson, 0. A., Essays and Reviews, 1852. Bruen, M., Ess. Descr. and Moral, 1823. B. C. Buckle, H. T., Essays, 1863. Cambridge Essays, 1855. Carlyle, T., Crit. and Misc. Essays, 1846. Castilio, B., De curiali, 1603. Chalmers, A., The Projector. Essays, Critical, Historical, Moral, etc. (continued). Chalmers, T., Miscellanies, 1847. Characteristics of Men of Genius, 1847. Coleridge, S. T.. The Friend, 1831. Collier, Jer., Essays, 1709. Comedian, The, 1732. Conybeare, W. J., Essays Eccl., 1855. Cotton, Posthuma, 1679. Crafts, W., Misc. Writings, 1828. Croly, Histor. Sketches and Characters, 1842. Dana, R. H., Prose Writing?, 1850. Dennie, J., The Lay Preacher, 1796. De Quincey, Writings, 1851-54. Dewy, , Works, 1847- Downing, A. J., Rural Essays, 1853. Drake, N., Mornings in Spring, 1828. Edinburgh Essays, 1856. Emerson, R. W., Essays. 1st, 2d series. " Society and Solitude, 1870. " Conduct of Life, 1864. Essays from London Times, 1852. Everett, A. H., Essays, Crit. and Misc., 1845. Fichte, The Vocation of the Scholar, 1847. Foster, John, Essays, 1807. " Fosteriana. Fox, W. S., Lectures to the Working Classes, 1845-46. Freneau, P., Miscel. Works, 1788. Friswell, Gentle Life. Froude, Remains, Part2, v. 1, 1838-39. Fry, C., The Listener. General Index to Spectator, etc. Goldsmith, Miscel. Works, 1839. Grimkc, Reflect, on Character and Ob jects of Lit., 1831. Hamilton, Sir W , Discussions in Phi losophy, etc., 1852. Hare, C. J., Guesses at Truth, 1847, 55. Hazlitt, W. Plain Speaker, 1826. " Winterslow. " Table Talk, 1846. " Political Essays, 1818. Headley, J. T., Miscellanies, 1850. Helps, A., Friends in Council. " Companions of my Solitude. Hoffman, D., Miscel. Thoughts, 1841. Hume, Essays on Several Subjects, 1809. B. C. Humphrey, H., Misc. discourses. Hunt, L., Works, vol. 2, 1854. " Works, vol. 4, Indicator, 1854. " Men, women and books. The Seer, 1864. Jeffrey, F., Contrib. to Edin. Rev*, 1844. 176 ESSAYS. Essays, Critical, Historical, Moral, etc. (continued). Johnson, S., Works, vol. 2, 3, 4, 1823. Judson, L. C., The Probe, 1846. Knox, V., E. moral and literary, 1792. Lamb, Charles, Essays of Elia, 1851. Lounger, The, 1789. B. C. Lunt, G., Three eras, 1857. Macaulay. T. B., Grit, and Hist., 1841. M Crie, Miscel. Writings, 1841. Martineau, H., Life in a sick room, 1844. " Miscellanies, 1836. B. C. Melancthon, Select, declamationum, torn. 5, 1544, 1590. Mercicr, Fragments of politics, etc., Mere, (Euvres, 1701. Mill, J. S., Dissertations and discus- I sions, 1859-67. Miller, Hugh, Essays, Hist, and Biog., 865. 18( " Witness papers, 1863. * Montaigne, M., Essais, 1745. B. C. Essays, Wight s ed. Montesquieu, (Euvres : Essais, 1842. Ossoli, M. Fuller d , At home and abroad. Oxford Essays, 1855, 56, 57. Oxford prize essays, 1830. Pamphlets, vol. 606. Parker, T., Grit, and Misc. writings, 1843. Pictures of men, manners, 1779. Play fair, Works, vol. 4, 1822. Prescott, W. H., Biog. and Grit. Misc., 1845. Roberts, Looker-on. Sampson, E., Brief remarker, 1355. Sands, R. C., Writings, 1835. Sargent, L. M., Dealings with the dead, 1856. Saunders, F., Salad for the solitary, 1853. Shaftesbury s Characteristicks, 1733. Simms, W. G., Egeria, 1853. Smith, Sydney, Works, 1840. Sorbiere, Lettres et Discours. Southey, R., Essays, Mor. and Polit. Spencer, H., Essays, Sci., Pol., and Speculative, 1864. Stephen, Sir J., Grit, and Misc. Ess., 1843. Sterling, Johr, Essays and Tales, 1848. Story, Joseph, Misc. writings, 1852. Talfourd, Grit, and Miscel. Essays. Tatler, The, 1786. Tucker, G., Essays on Subjects of taste, 1822. Tuckerman, II. T., The Optimist,1850. Essays, Critical, Historical, Moral, etc. (continued). Tuckerman, H. T., Essays, Biog. and Grit. Whipple, E. P., Essays and reviews, 1848. " Success and its conditions, 1871. Witherspoon, Misc. Works, 1803. Essex, Earl of. Elizabeth, Secret Hist, of the Queen. B C. Essex, Earls of. Devereux, Letters. Essex, En&. Beauties of England and Wales. Berry, County genealogies. Wright, T., History of, 1836. Essex, Mass. Crowell, R., History of. Felt, J. B., History of, 1834. Essex Co., Mass. Newhall, Essex Me morial. Essex Co., N. J. Boyd s* Directory, 1870-1. Essex Co., IV. Y. Cook, Home Sketch es, 1858. Watson, W. C., History of, 1869. See Champlain. Estienne, R. Crapelet, Nouvelles Re- cherches, 1839. Etherization. Anstie, Stimulants and Narcotics, 1864. Channing, On Etherization, 1849. Edwards Reports on Morton s discov. Ether Controversy, a collection. Forsten, Responsio do aethere, 1832. Gay, M., Claims of C. T. Jackson, 1847. Jackson, C. T., Manual of, 1861. Lord, J. L., Defence of Jackson, 1848. Morton, W. T. G., Rep. in Cong, on, 1852. " Claim as discoverer, etc. ,1853. Pamphlets, vol. 1674. Rice, N. P., Trials of a benefactor. Sedillot, Chloroforme et Ether, 1848. Smith, T., Exam, of claims, 1858. Stanly, E., Vind. of Jackson s Claims, 1852 United States Reports on Dr. Morton s Claim, 1849. Wells, H., Use of, in Surg. operat., Ethics. See Moral Philosophy; Morals. Ethiopia. Geddes, Church History of. Lepsius, Denkmaeler aus, 1842-45. Ludolfus, Historic van Abissinien. Santos, History of. See Abyssinia; Egypt; Nubia. ETKURIA. 177 Ethnology. Agassis, Origin of the hu man races, 1850. Pam. 74. American Ethn. Soc. Trans., 1845, 48. Bartlett, J. R., Prog, of Ethnology, 1847. Brace, C. K., Races of the Old World. Bronson, Unity of the Race, 1831. Coles, Crit. on Nott and Gliddon, 1857. Donaldson, Ethn. of Anc. Italy, 1860. Earl, Races of Indian Archipelago, 1853. Ethnological Journal, 1848, 49. Gobineau, Inegalite des Races, 1855. " Diversity of Races, 1856. Garros, Die Japhetiden, 1844. Gliddon, Types of Mankind, 1854. See Nott. Hale, H , Ethnography, U. S. Exp., 1838-42. Haxthausen, Tribes of Caucasus, 1855. Hodgkin, On Inquiries into the Races, 1841. Holtzmann, Kelten und Gerinanen, 1855. Klaproth, Tableaux Hist. d Asie. Knox, R., Races of Men. Lang, Polynesian Nations. Latham, R. G., Germania of Tacitus, 1851. (< Varieties of the Race. " Prog, of Ethn. Philol., 1847. " Races of Russia, 1854. " Essays, 1860. Ethnol. of the Brit. Col. ,1851. Massy, Tribes of Britain and Ireland. Mastinan, Deutsch und Weltsch, 1843. Maupertuis, (Euvres. Maury, Terre et I Homme, 1857. Meigs, Catal. of Human Crania. Morgan, L. H., Systems of Consan- fuinity and affinity of the Human amily (Smithson. Contrib. v. 17.). Morton, S. G., Pigmy Race of theMis- sbsippi P. 74. " Crania Egyptiaca, 1844. " Crania Americana, 1839. Nicholas, T., Pedigree of Eng. People. Niebuhr, B. G., Lectures on. Nott, J. C., Indigenous Races, 1857. " Types of Mankind, 1854. " Bib. and Phys. Hist, of Man, 1849. Palma, Delia Nazionalita. PUkering, C., The Races of Men, 1851. Potocki, Astrakan, 1829. Pouchet, Plurality of the Race. Prichard, J. C., Nat. Hist, of Man, 1855. " Applicat. of Philol. searches to, 1832. Re- Ethnology (continued). Prichard, J. C., Ethnog. of High Asia. " Celtic Nations, 1831. Pruenr, Der Altagyptisch. Menschen- race, 1846. Reid, M., Odd People, 1861. Ritson, Celts and Gauls, 1827. Schoolcraft, Algic Researches, 1839. Oneota, 1844. Smith, S. S., Variety in the Species, 1787. Smyth, T., Unity of Races Proved, 1850. Taylor, I., Words and Places, 1865. Van Amringe, Nat. Hist, of Man, 1848. Vaughan, L, Revolutions of Race, 1860. Walker, A., Physiognomy. See Philology; Indians (American) ; Man. Etiquette. Ainer. Chesterfield, 1827. Brown, D. M., Young Ladyism. Butler, C., The Amer. Gentleman. Calvert, G. H., The Gentleman. Chapone, Mrs., Works, 1818. B. C. Chesterfield, Practical Morality. " Prin. of Politeness. Chevigni, La Science des Personnes de lacour, 1725. B. C. Dinocourt, Cours de Morale Sociale, 1839. Dodd, C. R., Manual of Etiquette, 1842. D Orsay, Etiquette, ,1843. Friswell, The Gentle Life. Galateo, or Treatise on Politeness, 1811. Gayot, Esprit des Convers. Agreables, J731. B. C. Gracian, L Homme Universel, 1723. Habits of Good Society, 1860. Laws of Etiquette, 1836. B. C. Nash, R., Life of, 1762. Pamphlets, vol. 1793. Parisian Etiquette. Wagstaff, Collection of Conversations, 1738. William R., Gov t of the bed-chamber. Young Man s own book. See Customs; Gentleman; Manners. Eton College. Creasy, Memoirs of Eto nians, 1850. Jesse, E., Favorite haunts, 1847. Staunton, Great Schools of Eng., 1865. Etruria. Betham, Etruria-Celtica. Byres, Sepul. caverns of. Disney, Museum Disneianum. Ferrario., Costume. Gray, Mrs., Sepulchres of. Janssen, Inscriptiones, 1840. See Tuscany. 23 178 ETYMOLOGY. Etymology. See Language; Philology. ; Europe, History of (continued). ,m Uallam, View of, in the middle ages, Eugene, Prince of Savoy. Memoirs, 1811. Dumont, J., Veldslagen den Prins, 1729. Passionei, Orazione, 1737. Rousset, Veldslagen van Eugenius. Eulogies. Pamphlets, vols. 80, 214, 268, 494, 1102. B. C. vol. 29. See also Funeral Sermons; Biographical. Euphrates River. Euphrates valley Comp., 1856. Euphrates valley route, 1856, 57. Euphrates vs. Suez, 1857. P. 1485. Hoseason, Transport, to India. Set Syria; Turkey; Mesopotamia. Eure, L , France. Statistique, 1850. Europe, History of. Abbott, J. S. C., Kings and Queens, 1848. Adlerfeld, Hist, de Charles XII, 1700- 1709. Alison, A., Hist, of, from French Rev., 1839-42. " History of, to 1851. " Abridged by Gould, 1845. Arlington, Des Traites de Breda, Aix la Chapelle, 1701. Aubigne, Hist. Univ., 1552-1601. Beamish, Hist, of the King s German Legion, 1832. Bradford, W., Corresp. of Charles V, 1850. Brougham, Hist. Sketches of States men, 1840. Boucicaut, Histoire, 1378-1415. Charles V., Correspondence, 1519-51. Chronicon Norimbergense, 1493. Chronologist, 1790-98. Comyn, Rise of the Western Empire, 1841. Comnena, A., Alexias, 1651. Cust, Wars of the 18th Cent. D Anverian History, 1732. Description des guerres . . 1 668. Draper, J. W., Hist, of intel. develop ment of, 1863. Du Mont, Veldslagen den P. Eugenius, etc., 1729. Dumouriez, Specul. sketch, 1798. Dunham, Hist, in the middle ages. Entick, Gen. History of the late war, 1775. Frederick II, Oeuvres historiques, 1763-75. Froissart, Chronicles of ; Fr.andEng., | 1839. Gibbon, Decl. of Roman Empire. Guizot, Hist, of civilization in, 1846. Gurowski, America and Europe, 1857. Hist, of France, 1574-1610. Ker s Memoirs, 1727. Koch, Hist, des traites de paix, 1796, 1797. Lecky, Hist, of Eur. morals, 1869. Manley, Memoirs of Europe, by Eginar- dus, 1718. Merle d Aubigne, Germany and Great Britain, 1848. Monstrelet, Chron. of England, France, Spain, etc., 1840. Nesle, Marquise de, Imposture. Pradt, Europe and America, 1821.- Robertson, W., Hist, of Charles V, 1812, 57. Ripperda s Memoirs, 1715-1736. Rolt, Conduct of the Powers in the War, 1739-48. Russell, Wm., Hist, of Anc. and Mod., 1786, 93. Schoell, Histoire, jusqu en 1789. Spruner, Hist. Geog Atlas. Swinburne, H., Courts of Europe, 1800. Thou, Hist, sui Temporis, 1543-1607. Turkish Spy, Letters, 1736. Ungewitter, Europe, Past and Present, 1850. Valkenier, Verwerd Europa, 1675. Wright, J., Hist, of War in Europe, Asia and America, 1765. See the Several Countries. Europe, Politics of. Adair, Sir R., Mission to Vienna, 1806. Ballance of Europe, 1711. Barnard, D. D., Aspect of, 1854. Bignon, Les Cabinets depuis 1815. Brougham, Colonial Policy of, 1803. Calonne, State of Europe, 1796. Chateaubriand, Congress of Verona, 1838. Coalition, La, et la France, 1817. Cotton, R., Gondamor s Embassy to England, 1618. Congrea de Paris, 1856. Coup d oeil Politique, 1800. Cushing, C., Revclut. in Europe, 1830. Diplomatic Revelations, 1851. Echard, The Gazetteer s or Newsman s Interpreter, 1741. " Roman History, 600-1453. Ensor, G., State of Eur., 1816. Eustaphieve, Predic. of the Events of, 1814. Everett, A. H., Gen. Survey of Eur. Powers, 1832. Fermentation of Europe, 1848. Free Conference, 1745. EUROPE, 179 Europe, Politics of (continued). Froeliehius, Biblioth. sive Cynos. Pe- regr., 1643. Genlis, Memoirs of, 1825. B. C. Gents, Vindication, 1803. Ileeren, Man. Hist du systeme politi- quede, 1821. Hist, of the Pol. System of, 1829, 34, 46. Holland, Lord, For. Reminiscences, 1850. Hughes, T. S., Political System of, 1855. James, G. P. R., Hist, of Chivalry, 1832. Kossuth, Future of Nations. Laing, Notes on France, Prussia, etc., 1842. Letter to the Craftsmen, 1734. Linguet, Pol. and Phil. Speculations, 1788. Memoirs of the most Chr. Brute, 1747. Musgrave, Balance of Power in. Oracle de ce siecle, 1743. Pamphlets, vols. 817, 1320-1322, 1513, 1852. Portfolio, Period., 1835-7, 1843. Present Measures. . .Balance of Power, 1743. Present State of Europe, v. x, 1699 Pres. State of Politics of, 1739. Private conference, 1744. Revision de la carte de, 1854. Rousset de Missy, Les interets presens des puissances, 1741. Schmidt-Phiseldek, Europe and Amer., 1820. Society Inst. in London for Relief of Sufferings by War, 1814. Theremin, Des interets des puiss. con- tinentales, 1794. Tucker, J., Cui Bono ? 1781. Urquhart, D., Myst. of the Danube, 1851. " LaCrise, 1840. Zimmerman, Political Survey of, 1787. See Diplomacy ; Great Britain ; France ; Spain. Europe, Registers, etc. Almanach de Gotha, 1856-72. Annual Register, 1854-69. Annuaire des Deux Mondes, 1856-62. Edinburgh Ann. Register, 1808-26. Historical Register, 1714-38. Lesur, Annuaire Historique, 1818-24. Lowrie, Geog. and Stat. Chart, 1835. Martin s Statesman s Year-book, 1866- 1870. Schnitzler, Statist, generale, 1846. Europe, Travels in. American Wan derer, 1783. Europe, Travels in (continued). Baird, R., Visit to Northern Europe, 1840. Baker, P. C., Early Recollections. Bartol, C. A., Pictures of Europe, 1855. Benedict, E. C., A run through, 1860. Benjamin, Rabbi, Trav. through, to China. Bernard, R. B., France, Switzerland, etc., 1814. B. C. Breckenridge, Memoranda of for.trav., 1845. Brooks, C., Remarks on Europe, 1846. Browne, E., Travels on Continent. Bruen, M., Essays.... on scenes in, 1823. B. C. Bryant, W. C., Letters of a Traveler, 1850. Brydges, Sir E., Recoil, of for. trav., 1825. Brydges, E., Letters, 1822. Buckingham, Belgium, Switzerland, etc. Budget of Letters, (Eames), 1847. Burnet, G., Travels in. Burr, Aaron, Jour, of resid. in, 1838. Butler, Mrs. F. K., Year of Consola tion, 1847. Calvert, Scenes and thoughts in, 1846. Carr, J., Trav. in Northern Europe, 1804. Carter, N. H., Letters from, 1825-27. Catlin, Eight years residence in, 1848. Chishull, Trav., 1747. Clinton, C. A., A Winter from Home, 1852. Clarke, J. F., Eleven weeks in, 1852. Colman, H., Eur. Life and Manners, 1849. Colton, W., Notes on Fr. and Italy, 1851. Cooper, J. F., Recollections of, 1837. Copway, G., Running sketches, 1851. Corson, Loiterings in, 1848. Coryat, Crudities, 1776. Cox, S. S., A Buckeye abroad, 1852. Coxe, W., Trav. in Russia, Sweden, etc., 1787. Derby, Two Months Abroad, 1843. Desultory Reminiscences, 1838. * Dewey, 0., Old World and New, 1836. Dodge, R., Sketches in Eur. tour, 1847. Dore, by a Stroller, 1857. Douglas, Bp., Works, 1820. Durbin, Observations in, 1844. Dutens, Routes les plus frequenteos, 1783. Echard s Gazetteer, 1741. 180 EUROPE. Europe, Travels in (continued). Fetridge s Hand-book, 1862. Fisk, W., Travels in, 1843. Furniss, The Old World, 1850. George, W. C., A Year Abroad, 1852. Granger, J., Letters, 1805. Granville s St. Petersburgh, 1809. Greeley, H., Glances at, 1851. Griscom, A Year in, 1818, 1819. Haight, Letters from the Old World, 1840. Headley, J. T., Rambles and Sketches, 1851. Holthaus, Wanderings, 1821. " Humphrey, II., G. Britain, France, Belgium, 1835. Jacob, W., View of the Agr. Man., etc., 1820. Johnson, James, Change of air, 1831. Jousiffe, Hand-book, 1846. Keatinge, Trav. in Eur. and Afr.,1816. Keysler, Trav. in Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, 1758. Kimball, R. B., Romance of student life, 1853. Kirkland, Mrs., Holidays abroad, 1849. Laing, S., Notes of a traveller, 1854. La Motraye, Travels, 1732. Lester, C. E., My Consulship, 1853. Le Vert, Souvenirs of, 1859. Lithgow, Travels, 1609. Matthews, H., Diary of an invalid, 1835. Mitchell, D. G-, Fresh Gleanings, 1847. Mitchell, J., Notes from over sea, 1843, 44. Moore, J., Soc. and manners in Fr., etc., 1820. Mott, V., Travels in Europe and the East, 1842. Murray s J., Hand-books, 1836-49. Murray, N., Men and things, .in, 1854. Noah, M. M., Travels, 1819. Ossoli, At Home and abroad, 1856. Piozzi, Obs. on Journey. Pollnitz,Trav. through Poland, Germ., Eng,, etc., 1739. Prime, S. I., Travels in Eur. and the East, 1855. Ray, In Harris, vol. 1. Rives, Residence in, 1842. Rockwell, C., Sketches of, 1842. Rolamb, N., Jour, to Constantinople, 1657. Salvo, Travels, 1806. Sansom, J., Letters from, 1801, 02. Schroeder, Shores of the Mediterra- . nean, 1843-5. Sedgwick, C. M., Letters from abroad, 1841. Europe, Travels in (continued). Sherburne, Tourist s guide, 1847. Sherlock, Lettres d un Voyageur An glais, 1781. Smith, Sir J. E., Tour on the Cent., 1786, 87. Smith, J. J., Jaunt across the water, 1846. Stephens, J. L., Incidents of Tr. in Turkey and Russia, 1844. Talfourd, T. N., Vacation Rambles, 1841, 42, 43. Taylor, B., Views a-foot, 1848. Thackeray, W. M., Cornhill to Cairo, 1846. Tour in Germany, Eng., etc., 1826-28. Upham, T. C., Letters from, 1855. Wall St. Bear in, 1855. Wallace, H. B., Art and Scenery in, 1855. Ware, W., Sketches of Eur. capitals. 1851. Watson, E., Travels, 1777-1842. Weed, T., Letters, 1842-62. Wikoff, H., Roving diplomatist, 1857. Wilson, Sir R., Journal, 1812-14. Wilson, W. R., Records of a route through, 1835. Wraxall, Tour in Northern, 1807. Wright, E., Tr. in France, Italy, etc.. 1720-22. Wyndham }> Travels through. See Travels in the several countries of. Eusebius. Greek Eccl. Hist., Life of. I lust is, Gov. W. Barnaby, J., Fun. Sermon, 1825. Sharp, D ., Sermon on. Evangelical Alliance, Conferences, 1845-57. Pamphlets, vol. 495. See Christian Union. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Pro ceedings, 1858-67. Mayer, Semi-Centennial Disc., 1756. Pamphlets, vols. 1675, 1676. Sprague s Annals of the Am. Pulpit. See Lutheran. Evangelicals. Church Parties, (Cony- beare), 1854. Hints to the Public, (Sedgwick), 1810. Jephson, W., Bp. of Peterborough s Questions, 1821. Lorimer, Old Orthodox Faith, 1847. Merewether, Thoughts, 1824. Minton, On " Church Parties," 1859. Obs. on Death Bed Scenes. Remarks on a Charge. Truth Against Error, 1828. See Dissenters ; Church of England. EXHIBITIONS OF ARTS AND INDUSTRY. 181 Evans, C. Stennett, S., Serm., Death of, 1792. Evans, Rev. P. Death of, 1679. Evarts, J. Spring, G., A Tribute to, 1831. Tracy, E. C., Life of, 1845. Woods, L., Serm., Death of, 1831. Evelyn, John. Diary and Corresp. Hone, R. B., Life of, 1833. Everett, E. Bartol, C., Sermon on. Boston, Memorial to, 1865. Bunker Hill Mon t Associa., on his Death. Dana, R. H. jr., Address upon, 1865. Davis, T. T., Eulogy on. Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Pro., Tribute to, 1865. New Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Tribute to, 1866. Evertsen, J. and C. Jonge, Levens- Beschrijving, 1820. Evesham, Eng. Chronicon Abbatiae, (Uhron. of G. B.). Tindal, Antiquities of, 1794. Evidences. See Christianity; Bible. Evil, Origin of. Blood, B., Optimism, I860. King, W., Origin of, 1731. Philosophy of Evil, Phil a, 1845. Proclus, Essay on Subsistence of. See Sin. Ewinsr, C. J. Southard, S. L., Eulogy on. Ewing, G. Wardlaw, R., Serm., Death of, 1828. Examination Questions. Annual Cal- eudiir, Lond., 1857. Answers to 300 Questions, 1839. Booth, Exam, by the State. Bristed s, T., Five Years in University. Camb. Univ. Ex. Papers, 1830. " Calendar, 1867. Dalton, Arith. Examples, Lond. Dublin University Calendar, 1867. Edinburgh Univ. Calendar, 1867. France : Programmes des Examens, \ 1857,59. Lincoln s Inn Exam., 1857. London Univ. Cat., 1867. N. Y. Free Acad. Exam., 1854, 58. Oxford Univ. Calendar, 1869. Parkinson, Government Examinations. Pluck Exam. Papers, 1836. Sargent, J. Y., Passages for trans, at Oxford. Snowball, Camb. Course of Nat. Phil. Three hundred ordin. quest., 1838. Un. of. Toronto, Ex. Parers, 1858, 60. i Exchange. Considerations on Protested Bills. James, System of, N. Y., 1800. See Finance ; Currency; Banking. Excise. Appeal to Landholders, 1733. Bagot, Observations, 1853. Denneston, A Scheme for Excise, 1713. Devon, Eng., Case of the County, 1763. Gr. Br. Parl. Protest, on Act, 1743. Letter from a Member, 1733. Maddox, J., Sermon, 1750. Nicholson, R., Sale of Beer, 1854. Prynne, Protestation, 1654. Rise and Fall of, 1733. Remarks on the Horrible Oppressions, 1706. Scott, N., Proposals, 1705. Some Observations, 1733. Some Observations, Bost., 1754. True Discovery Wine Project, 1641. See Taxation; Customs; Temperance. Exeter, X. H. First Congr. Soc. Council. Nason, Events of 1861. Exhibitions of Arts and Industry. Academic de 1 Industrie, 1836. Amer. Inst., of City of N. Y., 1842- 1853. Art Journal, Illus. Cat. Lond. Exhib., 1851. Art Treasures, Manchester, 1857. Association... of Industry, N.Y., 1853. Cox, J., Mechanism and Jewelry, 1773. Dilke, Cat. of Works on, 1851. Dublin International, 1865. Exhibition of London, 1851, Catalogues. " Reports of Juries. Exhibition of London, 1861. Exhibition, N. Y., 1853. Exposition Universelle, 1851. Exposition de 1855, Paris. Exposition des Prod, de 1 Ind. Fran9-, 1834, 39, 44. Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1867, 15 vols. France : Algeria, Catalogue, 1855. Great Britain: N. Y. Exhib. of 1851. Gr. Brit. Reports on Paris Ex. of, 1855. Greeley, H., N. Y. Exhib. of 1853. Hoyt, U. S. Commrs. Report, 1867. Hunt, R., Synopsis of Ex. of 1851. Int?rnat. Ex. of 1862. Lond. 111. Cat. " Report of Juries. Italy, Espos. Internaz. del, 1862. " Exp. a Parigi, 1867. Johnson, B. P., Report on London Exhib., 1851. 182 EXHIBITIONS OF ARTS AND INDUSTRY. Exhibitions of Arts and Industry (continued). Johnson, B. P., Exhib. of 1862. Mass. Char. Mech. Assoc. Exhib., 1856. Moniteur do 1 Exposition Universelle, 1865. New York Exhibition, 1853. Pamphlets, vol. 1244. Paxton, What is to become of Crystal Palace? Phillips, S., Guide to Crystal Palace, 1854. Portugal, Exposiyao, 1855. Restelli, Delle Assoc. Indust., 1845. Sociedade Pro. Ind. Nac., Lisboa,1850. Soc. d Encouragement, 1842. Tuscany, Esposizione della Tus., 1850. Victoria Colony, 1866. Victoria Exhibition, 1861. Vignon, Exposition de 1855. Waagen, Manchester Exhib., 1857. Walk through Paris, 1855. World of Science, N. Y. Exhib., 1853, 1854. Wyatt, llth French Exposition, 1849. See Arts; Mechanics Institutes. Exmouth, Lord. Osier, E., Life of. Express Companies. Stinison, History of, 1858. Thompson <fc Co., Directory, 1853. Wells, H., History of, 1863. P. 976. Extreme Unction. Discourse concern ing, 1687. Eyes. Adams, J. J., Impaired vision. Ammon, On Squinting, 1841. Brainerd, Treatment of, 1854. Brett, Mechanism of, 1854. Clark. J.H., Sight preserved, 1856. Crossinan, Strabismus, 1843. P. 1359. Curtis, J. II., Obs. on the Sight. Davis, T. J., Artificial Eyes. Dawson, T., Sore Eyes, 1782. Descemet, la Goutte Sereine, 1773. Eble, Maladies de la conjonctive, 1836. Fearn, Color images, 1831. Goulin, Hygiene des yeux, 1843. Harris, T., Brief Treatise, 1839. Kennedy, P., Opthalmographia, 1773. Legh, Music of the Eye, 1831. Lobstein, Semeiology of, 1830. N. Y. Opthalmic Hosp., 1852. Priestley, J., State of Discoveries on vision, 1772. Sichel, Uses of Spectacles, 1850. Thomin, Optique Mechanique, 1749. Turnbull s Operations, 1850. West, F., Treatise on, 1827. Eyes (continued). Wheatstone, Physiol. of Vision. See Optics-, Medicine; Color. Eyster, Rev. M. Life of, 1853. P. 1856. F. Fables. Abrege de la Fable, 1821. Aesop, Fabulte, 1810. Fables. Banier, Fables of the Ancients, 1840. Bussey, F. Orig. and selected. Fenelon, Recueil de. Krumraacher, F. A., Parables, 1858. La Fontaine, Fables choisies. Langles, Fables et contes Indiens. Leasing, Fabeln, 1857. Lichtwer, Fabeln. Lokman, Fables, 1847. Magasin littcraire. Nivernois, Fables, Trans. Perrin, Fables Amusantes, 1821. Pheedrus, Fabulae, 1727, 1824, 25. Pilpay s Fables, (Jones s Works,v. 13). See Anecdotes; Mythology; Flowers; Facetiae. See Humor. Fairchild, J. II. Adams, N., Corres- dence, 1846. Fairchild, J. H., Life of. " Address, 1H62. Fairfax. Family Genealogy, 1868. Fairfax, Sir T. Memorials, (Maseres* Tracts). Full relation, 1647. Fairfield, S. L. Life of. Fairhaven, Mass. Ricketson, Hist, of, 1858. Fairies. Hamilton, A., Fairy Tales, 1849. Keightley, Fairy Mythology, 1850. Mulock, Fairy book, 1863. Red-book of Appin, (Hitchcock), 1863. Ritson, Dissertation on. Shakespeare Soc., Fairy Mythol. Tales of the Genii, (Ridley), 1857. Thorpe, Yuletide Stories, 1853. See Mythology; Fable. Faith. Baxter, R., Saving Faith. Bright, G., Sermons, 1695. Clarke, A., Sermon, Act. xvi. 10,1816. Dore, J., Letters on. Erskine, E., Assurance of Faith, 1759. Essay on, 1825. Fide, De, 1653. Inquiry concerning, (Butler), 1744. Ives, Struggle of Sense, 1844. Parsons, B , Discourse on, 4851. FICINUS. 183 Faith (continued). * Pemble s Writings, 1629. Reflections on Faith, 1790. Rotheram, Essay on, 1766. " Origin of, John iii. 37,1761. Sandeman, Letters. Sherlock, W., Prot. Resolution of, 1685. Stillingfleet, Grounds of, 1688. Falck, A. R. Kesteloot, Hulde aan de Nagedachtenis van, 1844. Falconry. Barker s Cilicia. Falkland, Lord. Teale, Life of. Falkland Is. Bougainville, Voyage to, 1763, 64. Pernety, Voyage to, 1763, 4. Fall of Man. See Depravity; Evil. Fall River, Mass. Directory, 1859, 64. Fowler, 0., History of, 1862. Falsehood. See Truth. Family. Harris, J., Patriarchy. Pickard, E., Gov t and Worship in, 1762. See Education ; Marriage. Fanaticism. Madden, Phantasinata. Taylor, J., Fanaticism. See Enthusiasm. Fanning, D. Adven. in N. Carolina, 1775-83. Fanshaw, R. Bagshaw, Serm. on, 1667. H. Memoirs of, Fanshawe, Lady A 1836. Farel, W. Kirchhofer, Life of. Farmer, Hugh* Life of, 1804. Farmington, Conn. Porter, N., Half Cent. Discourse, 1856. Porter, N., jr., Hist. Discourse, 1841. Faroe Islands. Edin. Cab. Lib. vol.28. Landt, G., Description of, 1810. Farragnt, D. G. Headley, Life of. Montgomery, Cruise of, 1867-8. Stowe s Men of the Time. Farrar, Mrs. Recoil, of 70 years, 1866. Farrar, T. Clary, T. F., Disc, on, 1847. Farriery. See Horses. Fashion. See Costumes. Fast Sermons. See Sermons. Fasting. Close, F., Thoughts on. Remarks on, 1848. Robinson, R., Hist, of Good Friday, 1777. Fathers. See Church Fathers. Faust, Dr. Goethe, Taylor s Trans. ,1871. Thorn s Early Romances. Fearing, P. Campbell s Biog. Sketches. Federalists. See U. S. Government; Democracy; Republic; War of 1812. Feejee Is. See Fiji. Feltns, Rev. Mr. Jones, C., Appeal to the Church, 1811. Female Education. See Education; Woman . Fencing. La Boessiere, Art des Armes. Fenelon, F.de S. Butler, C., Life of, 1811. B. C. Channing, Character of, Works, v. 1. Fenelon, Letters; Works, vol. 3. (Euvres et Vie de. " Life of. Upham, T. C., Life of, 1847. Fenian. Origin of; Notes and Queries. Feb. 68. Fennell, J. Apology for Life of. Fenner, D. Word for the Unwary, 1825. Ferdinand V of Spain. Bernaldez, A., Historia, 1856. Prescott, W. H., History of. Ferdinand VII of Spain. Kolli, Me moirs, 1823. Fermentation. Basset, Traite de la Fcrni., 1858. See Alcohol; Wine; Chemistry. Festivals. Anniversary Calendar. Answer to Mr. Johnson s Tract, 1722. Hammond, H., On Cawdrey s Diatribe, 1655. Hobart, J. H., Companion to the Fes tivals, 1816. Ridgley, T., Superstitions in, 1718. Sre Christmas; Church of Engl. ; Rom. Cath. Ch. Feudal Tenures. Brougham, Political Philosophy, 1844. Guizot, Hist, of Civilization, 1856. Hallam, Hist, of Middle Ages. Kierzkowski, Feud. Tenure in Canada, 1852. Wills, J. A., Address, 1843. Sf History; Anti-Rent. Fever. Booth, F., Of Malaria, 1853. Clark, J. F., F. in Newcastle. Louis, P. C., Researches on, 1836. Marchant, Fievres a Cubzac. Pringle, Jayl fevers, 1750. See Yellow Fever; Medicine. Fichte, J. T. Wieland, Iloogduitsche Clarissa, 1772. Ficinus, M. Epistolae, 1495. 184 FICTION. Fiction. Dunlop, J., History of Fiction 1814. Dutens, Heros des Romans. P. 1824. Forsyth, On the Novels of the 18th Century, 1870. Ogilvie, J., Philosoph. Essays, 1816. Pamphlets containing, Vols. 496, 497 971, 1323, 1677, 1678, 1706, 1707 2506. "Scott, Sir W., Essay on. Senior, N. W., Essays on, 1864. Wheeler, W. A., Dictionary of Noted Names in Fiction, 1865. Fiction, American. Algcrine Captive, (Tyler). Allston, W., Monaldi. Arthur, T. S., Old Man s Bride. Beecher, II. W., Norwood. Benjamin, S. G. W., Choice of Paris, 1870. Brackenridgc, Modern Chivalry, 1801. Brainard, J. G. C., Fort Braddock Letters, 1830. Brown, C. B., The Novels of, 1827. Brownson, 0. A., Charles Elwood. Buccaneers, The, 1827. Burdett, Margaret Moiicrieffe. Carlotina, 1853. Chubbuck, C., Charles Linn. Clare, The Trial, 1851. Cooper, J. F., Novels and Tales, 1823- 1851. Curtis, G. W., Potiphar Papers, 1853. " Prue and I. Curtis, N. M., Bride of the Northern Wilds, 1843. Dana, R. H., Prose Writings, 1850. Debtor s Prison, 1834. Dickinson, A. E., What Answer ? Dixon, C. H., Scenes in Practice, 1855. Eastman, Aunt Phillis s Cabin, 1854. Ewer, Nights of Aug. 20, 21, 1855. Fanatic, (Brisbane). Flint, T., Shoshonee Valley, 1830. Fay, Countess Ida. Garangula, 1857. Gebcl Teir, Mountain of birds, 1829. Grahame, 1850. Greene, Am. Nights Entertainments. Hall, B. R., Frank Freeman s Bar- bur s Shop, 1852. Hall, J., Wilderness and War-path, 1846. " Legends of the West, 1832. " The Soldier s Bride, 1833. " Harpe s Head, 1833. <> Tales of the Border, 1835. Hawthorne, House of the seven gables, 1851. The Scarlet Letter, 1850. Fiction, American (continued). Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance, 1850. " Twice-Told Tales, 1852. " Mosses from an Old Manse, 1846. " Marble Faun, 1860. Hermit of Aleova, 1857. Highlands, The, 1826. Hildreth, Archy Moore. Hitchcock, Enos, The Farmer s Friend, 1793. Bloomsgrove family, 1790. Hoffman, C. F., The Greyslaer, 1849. Hoffman, D., Chron. of Cartaphilus, 1853. Holland, J. G., The Bay Path, 1857. Holmes, 0. W., The Professor at the breakfast table. " Autocrat of breakfast table. Hopkins, S., Yuuth of the Old Domin ion. Huntington, Miss, Sea-Spray, 1857. Hypocrite, The, 1851. Ingraharn, J. W., Lafitte. " Montezuma. Irving, J. T., The Attorney, 1853. " Harry Harson, 1853. Judd, S., Margaret, 1857. " Richard Edney. Judson, E., The Kathayan Slave, 1853. Kelroy, 1812. Kennedy, J. P., Quodlibet. Rob of the Bowl, 1855. " Swallowbarn, 1851. (< Horseshoe Robinson, 1852. Kimball, R. B., Saint Leger, 1853. Kip, L., Aenone, 1867. " The Volcano Diggings, 1851. Knapp, S. L., Tales of the Garden of Kosciusko, 1834. Knickerbocker Ms., 1824. Leggett, W., Naval Stories, 1835. Lippard, Writings. Locke Amsden, or the Schoolmaster, 1847. Locke, R. A., Discov. at Good Hope. Longfellow, Kavanagh, 1853. > " Hyperion, 1851. Longstreet, A. B., Georgia scenes, 1854. M Henry, J., Waltham, 1823. Mary Hollis, 1822. P. 5. B. C. Mayo, W. S., Romance Dust, 1851. " The Berber, 1850. " Kaloolah, 1849. Melville, Mardi, 1849. " Moby Dick, or the Whale, 1851. " White Jacket. FICTION. 185 Fiction, American (continued). Midsummer s Day Dream, 1847. Mitchell, S. T., Spirit of the Old Do minion, 1827. Motley, Merry-Mount. Murdock, Dominie of the Catskills. Neal, J., Rachel Dyer, 1828. Errata, 1823. " True Womanhood. New England s Chattels. Old Fort Du Quesne. Otis, Barclays of Boston, 1854. Otiska, 1832. Page, J. W., Uncle Robin, 1853. Pamphlets, Vols. 496, 497, 971, 1323, 1706, 1707, 1863. Parmelee, Mrs., Little Ellis. Paulding, The Dutchman s Fireside, 1831. " The Old Continental, 1846. " The Puritan and his Daugh ter, 1849. " Konnigsmarke, 1836. " Wise Men of Gotham, 1839. " John Bull in America. Poe, E. A., Works, v. 1, 1850. Porter, W. S., Quarter Race in Ken tucky, 1850. Read, T. B., Paul Redding. Robinson, S., Hot Corn, 1854. Roe, Long Look Ahead. Rowson, S., The Inquisitor, 1796. " Charlotte Temple, 1802. " Reuben and Rachel, 1798. Ruth Hall, 1855. Scenes at Washington, N. Y., 1848. Sedgwick, C. M., Redwood, 1850. " Home, 1850. New England Tale, 1822. " The Traveller, 1825. Hope Leslie, 1827. < Clarence, 1830. Sedgwick, T., Alida, 1844. Shady Side. Simms, J. R., Amer. Spy, 1857. Simms, W. G., Confession. " Vasconcelos. " Border Beagles- " Guy Rivers. " Lily and the Totem. " Southward Ho! 1854. ". The Maroon, 1854. " Richard Hurdis, 1855. " The Yemassee, 1835. Sixty Years of Jeremy Levis, 1831. Smith, J. H., Gilead, 1863. Stone, W. L., Ups and Downs, 1836. " Tales and Sketches, 1834. 24 Fiction, American (continued). Stowe, H. B., Mayflower, 1844. " Uncle Tom s Cabin, 1852. Dred, 1856. " Minister s Wooing, 1859. " Pearl of Orr s Island, 1862. " Oldtown folks, 1869. " Pink and White Tyranny, 1871. " My Wife and I, 1872. Spectre of the Foreat, 1823. Talvi, (Robinson), Life s Discipline. Tayler, The Merchant s Clerk, 1848. Taylor, B., John Godfrey s Fortunes, 1864-6. Tucker, B., Partisan Leader, 1861. Tucker, St. G., Hansford, 1857. Walworth, M. T., Stormcliff. " Lulu, 1863. I" Hotspur. " Warwick, 1869. Ware, W., Aurelian, or Rome in third Cent., 1848. " Letters from Palmyra, 1837. " Julian, or Scenes in Judea, 1841. Warner, S., Hills of the Shatemuc, 1856. Warren, C. M., The Gamesters. Watterston, The Lawyer, 1829. Week in Wall St., 1841. White, The, Slave, 1845. B. C. Whittier, Leaves from M. Smith s Jour., 1678. Williams, C. R., Religion at Home. Willis, N. P., Paul Fane. f( Inklings of adventure. Winkfield, Unca E., 1814. Wirt, Letters of the British Spy, 1832. Wood, G., Modern Pilgrims, 1855. Young, The, Emigrant, 1830. B. C. Young Parson, 1863. Young Patroon in 1690. See Literature. Fiction, English. Aguilar, Home In fluence. Ainsworth, W. H., Crichton. " Windsor Castle, 1844. Alexis, or the Young Adventurer, 1746. Almacks. Arblay, D , Evelina. " Camilla. " The Wanderer, 1814. B. C. Arthur, King, Actes of. Austen, Miss, Pride and Prejudice. Beckford, W., Vathek. Borrow, G., Lavengro, 1851. f< Romany Rye. Bouchier, Eveling Lodge, 1847. P. 619. Braddon, Eleanor s Victory. 186 FICTION. Fiction, English (continued). Braddon, John Marchmont s Legacy. Bronte, Jane Eyre, 1837. " Shirley, 1850. " Wuthering Heights, 1848. " Villette. Brooke, The Fool of Quality. Brunton, Self-Control, 1811. B. C. Bulwer, Pilgrims of the Rhine, 1846. " Harold, 1848. B. C. " Alice. " Zanoni. The last of the Barons. " Rienzi. " The Caxtons. " My Novel. " The Disowned. " Peer s Daughter. Leila. " Pelham. " Paul Clifford. Bulwer, Lady, Cheveley, 1839. B. C. Bunyan, Pilgrim s Progress. Carleton, Traits of Irish Peasantry, 1833, 34. Charlesworth, England s Yeomen. Children s Week, 1830. B. C. Classic Tales. Cobbold, Margaret Catchpole. Collins, After Dark. Confessions of an Etonian, 1846. Cottage and its Visitor, 1860. Cunningham, J. W., World without Souls, 1815. B. C. << Velvet Cushion, 1815. " Pneumanee, 1815. B. C. Day, T., Sanford and Merton, 1833. DeFoe, Works, 1840-41. De Quincey, Klosterheim. " The Avenger. Destiny, (Ferrier), 1831. Devotee, The, Marriott, 1823. Diary of Lady Willoughby, 1845, 48. Dickens, C., Barnaby Rudge. Martin Chuzzlewit. Hard Times. tf Great Expectations. Battle of Life, 1847. B. C. " Oliver Twist, 1840. " Bleak House, 1853. D Israeli, B., Venetia. Young Duke. {( Contarini Fleming. " Tale of Alroy. tf Coningsby. " Sybil. te Vivian Grey. " Lothair Fiction, English (continued). D Israeli, Henrietta Temple. D Israeli, I., Romances. Edgeworth, M., Belinda, 1814. B. C. " Castle Rackrent, 1814. " Patronage, 1814. B. C. " Harrington 1817. B. C. " Rosamond. Elton, P. S.,The Piedmontese envoy, 1852. Evans, Rectory of Valehcad. Evenings at Haddon Hall. Female Foundling, 1802. Fielding, II., Works, 1806. Friarswood Post-Office, (Yonge). Gait, J., Annals of the Parish, 1844. " Ayrshire Legatees, 1844. " Sir Andrew Wylie, 1854. " The Provost and other tales, 1850. " The Entail, 1850. Gaskell, North and South. " My Lady Ludlow. " A dark night s work. Gaspc-, Canadians of old, 1864. Gaudentio Di Lucca, Memoirs, 1737. Gerund, History of Friar, 1772. Godwin, Mary W., Wrongs of Woman, 1798. Godwin, W., Fleetwood. " Caleb Williams, 1832. B. C. Goldsmith, Vicar of Wakefield. Gore, Mrs., Banker s wife. " Agathonia. " Abednego. Grattan, T. C., Agnes- de Mansfield, 1836. Gresley, Church Clavering. Grey, Mrs., Novels, 3. Griffin, Tales of my neighborhood. Guernsey, Death-bed Confessions, 1822. Gurney married, 1839. Haliburton, T. C., The Attache, 1856. " Wise Saws, 1853. (( Nature and Human Na ture, 1855. " The Old Judge. Hamilton, Eliz., Memoirs of Modern Philosophers, 1804. Hawkstone, A tale of England, 1848. Haywood, Cleomelia, 1727. Helen s Fault. Henri Quatre, (Mancur.). Hesitation, 1819. B. C. Hofland, Daughter-in-law. " Son of a Genius. Hogg, J., Tales and Sketches, 1836. Hook, T., Sayings and Doings, 1836. FICTION. 187 Fiction, English (continiued). Hope. T., Anastasius, 1831. Howitt, Our Cousins in Ohio, 1849. " Stories of Engl. and For. life, 1853. " Traditions of the most Ancient j Times, 1839. << Hall and Hamlet. Hunt, R., Panthea, the Spirit of nat., j 1849. Independent, The. 1784. B. C. Ingelo, Bentivolio and Urania, 1682 James, G. P. R., Morley Ernstein. " Agnes Sorel. " Old Dominion. " The Commissioner. " Gentleman of the old School. " The Forgery. " Margaret Graham. " Old Oak Chest. " False Heir, etc. " The Gipsy. " The Jacquerie. " The Huguenot. ({ Mary of Burgundy. " Attila. Rose d Albret, 1844. B. C. Johnson, S., Rasselas, Works, vol. 5, 1823. Justina, or the Will, 1823. B. C. Kingsley, C., Alton Locke, 1850. Westward Ho ! 1857. " Yeast. tl Here ward. " Hypatia. Kingsley, H., Ravenshoe. Landon s Prose Works. Lawrence, Brakspeare. <e Maurice Deering. Lever, C., Sir Jasper Carew. " Fortunes of Glencore. " Maurice Tiernay. Gerald Fitzgerald. " Charles O Malley. " The Daltons. " Harry Lorrequer. " Jack Hinton. " Roland Cashel. " Tom Burke of "Ours." " The Dodd family abroad. Lewis, M. G., Tales of wonder. " The Monk. Lights and Shadows of German life 1833. B. C. Lockhart, J. G., Reginald Dalton, 1849. ** Passages in the life of Adam Blair, 1849. Lover, S., Handy Andy, etc. Fiction, English (continued). Mackenzie, H., Man of feeling; Julia de Roubigne. McLeod, Pynnshurst, 1852. Marriott, W. M. S., Royal promise, 1824. Marryatt, Novels, 1856, 7. Marsh, Mrs., Mount Sorel, etc. Martineau, H., Deerbrook. Times of the Saviour, 1832. Mason, J., Fact and fiction. Maturin, Fatal Revenge, 1808. B. C. Maxwell, W. U., Captain O Sullivan. Melville, Good for Nothing, 1861. Meredith, G., Emilia in England,1864. Miller, Hugh, Tales and Sketches. Moir, Life of Mansie Wauch, 1853. Moore, J., Zeluco, Works, v. 5, 1820. f < Edward, Works, vol. 6, 1820. " Mordaunt, Works, vol. 7, 1820. Moore, T., Epicurean, 1839. More, H., Coelebs, 1809. B. C. Morgan, Lady, The O Briens. Morier, Hajji Baba. Mulock, Miss, Ogilvies. " Life for a Life. Munchausen, Gulliver revived. Murray, C. A., The Prairie Bird. " Trapper s Bride. Old English Baron, 1805. Oliphant, Madonna Mary. " Miss Marjoribanks. Opie, Mrs., Adeline Mowbray. " Father and Daughter. " Madeline. Valentine s Eve. {t Temper. Pardoe, Confessions of a pretty Woman. Parismus, 1725. Peacock, Headlong Hall; Night-mare Abbey, 1845. B. C. Pickering, E., The Fright. " Agnes Serle. " The Expectant. " Merchant s Daughter. Porter, A. M., Honor O Hara. Priest s Turf Cutting Day. Radcliffe, A., The Italian. Reade, Love me little, etc. " Griffith Gaunt. " Foul Play. Reid, Mayne, The Wood Rangers. " Osceola. " Rifle Rangers. Richardson, S., Pamela. " Clarissa Harlowe. " Sir Charles Grandison. Roche, Children of the Abbey, 1822-28. 188 FICTION. Fiction, English (continued). Rotchfords, The, 1786. Roue, The. Royall, A., The Tennessean. Sandwith, Hekim Bashi. Scott, Sir W., Novels, 1852-53. Sealsfleld, Works, 1844. Shelley, M., Frankenstein. Sherwood, Indian Pilgrim. Sidney, Pembroke s Arcadia. Simpkinson, The Washingtons. Sir Ralph Willoughby, (Brydges.)- Sir Roger de Coverley, 1850. Smollett, T., Works, 1796. Sterne, Laurence, Works, 1847. Swift, J., Works, 1812-13. Sydenham, 1833. Tales of Passion, 1829. Tales of the Genii, (Ridley), 1857. Thackeray, Wm., The Newcomes, 1855. " The Luck of Barry Lyn don, 1853. " Fatal boots. Things by their right names, 1812. Thinks-I-to-myself. Thorns, Early prose romances. Trollope, He knew She was right. " Miss Mackenzie. Tapper, M. F., Works, 1851. Uncle Tom in England. P. 199. Walker, G., The Three Spaniards, 1831. Walpole, Castle of Otranto. Ward, R P., Illust. of human life, 1838. " De Clifford. Warren, S., Ten Thousand a Year. " Merchant s Clerk. " Works, 1854. Watkins, L., Henry and Eliza, 1823. Whitty, Knaves and Fools. Wilson, J., Margaret Lyndsay. " Lights and Shadows of Scot tish Life. Wiseman, Card., Fabiola, 1855. Yonge, Dove in the Eagle s Nest. See also Friarswood. Fiction, French. About, E., Madelon. " Germaine. " Trente et quarante. " King of the Mountains. Adeline et Solignac, 1802. B. C. Arlincourt, D , De Pelgrim, 1842. Balzac, Lcs Petits Maneges, 1845. B. C. " Cesar Birotteau. Beaumont, Marie: 1 Esclavage, 1840. Berthet, E., Garde-Chasso : Chauf feurs, 1853, 57. Capendu, Chasseur do Panthereg. Fiction, French (continued). Capendu, Marthe de kerven. " Le Pre Catelan. Chateaubriand, Atala, Fr. and Eng. " The Martyrs, 1812, Fr. and Engl. " Les Natchez, 1827. Cleveland s Life, (Prevost). Cottin, Exiles of Siberia, .853. Chauveau, Charles Guc-rin, 1853. Diable, Le, diplomate, 1825. Dudevant, Mine., Jeanne, 1844. B. C. " MontReveche, etc. 1853, 54. " Jean de la Roche. " Consuelo, Engl. " ElleetLui. " Famille de Germandre. ft Marquis de Villeneuve. Dumas, Les Meraoires d un Medccin. kt Les Mohicans de Paris. tf Hist, d un Casse-noisette. " La Batard de Mauleon, 1846. <* Vingt Ans Apres, 1846. " Le Comte de Monte Christo, 1846, Fr. and Eng. t( Les Louves de Machecoul. " Black. " L Horoscope. " Les Compagnons de Jehu. " Le Chasseur de Sauvagine. " Edmond Dantes. " Three Musketeers, Trans. Duplessis, Les Mormons. Entretien des Beaux Esprits. (Engl.). Feinmes, Les, Militaires, 1739. Fenelon, Aventures de Telt inaque. " Adventures of Telemachus. Feuillet, 0. , Jeune homme pauvre, etc. Feval, Le Bossu. Bouche de Fer. " Les Habits Noirs. ft Le Champ de Bataille, etc., 1854. " Madame Gil Bias, 1857. Gasparin, Tristesses Humaines. Gautier, Le Capitaine Fracasse. Genlis, Alphonsus, 1809, B. C. The Rival Mothers. Gilbert, ou le Poete malheureux, 1840. Gleizes, Selena, 1838. Gomez, La Belle Asseinblee, Engl., 1736. Gondrecourt, Les pretendans de Cathe rine, 1853. " M6m. d un Vieux Gar- 9on, 1855. " Une vraie Femme 1856. " Le prix du sang. FICTION. 189 Fiction, French (continued). Gondrecourt, L Anaia. ft Le Bon Hoinme. Gracien, B., Le Heros, 1725. Hoffman, Contes fantastiques. Horizons celestes, (Guizot). Hugo, V., Les Mist-rabies. Kock, Madeleine, 1842. " Edmund and his Cousin. Lamartine, Les Confidences, 1849. " Genevieve, (Engl.). " The Stone Mason, (Engl.). " Fior d Aliza. " Raphael, 1849, (Engl.). La Motte-Fouque, Undine, etc. " Wild Love. Le Brun, History of Tekeli, 1815. Le Sage, Gil Bias, 1831,(Fr. & Engl.). Asmodeus, 1850, (Engl.). " Le Diable Boiteux, 1785. " Bachelor of Salamanca. Liaisons dangereuses, 1722. Libertin, Le, devenu vertueux, 1777. Maquet, La Belle Gabrielle ; etc. ,1854. l < L envers et 1 endroit. Dettes de coeur. Margaret, Heptameron, (Engl.), 1855. Marmontel, Les Incas, 1817. Mayer, Asgill, ou les desordres des guerres civiles, 1784. Mery, J., Le Dernier Phantome, etc., 1854. Mille et une Favours, (Mouhy), 1783. Mouhy, La Paysanne parvenue, 1749. Musset, A., Lui et Elle. Nouvelles de 1 Amerique, 1679. Pain, Voyage au hasard, 1819. Petit, Vertueux Ouvrier. Pigault Le Brun, (Euvres. Princesse, La, de Cloves, 1719. Puymaigre, Aquarelles, 1842. Rabelais, Works, 1849. Reid, M., Les Chasseurs.... 1354. " Les Tirailleurs 1855. Relation d un Voyage du Pole, 1721. Reybaud, Pierre Mouton. Romagnesi, Coll. des Romances, etc. Rousseau, J. J., CEuvres, 1801. " Eloisa, (Engl.). " Letters of a Nun. Saint-Georges, Les Princes de Maque- noise. St. Pierre, J. H. B., Paul et Virginie. " Voy. of Amasis. Scarron, Le Roman comique. Scudery, Clelia, (Engl.). Seinaine Litteraire, (Collection), 1844- 63, 31 volg. Fiction, French (continued). Sethos, Life of, (Terrasson). Soulu , Au jour le jour. " Huit jours au Chateau. La Lionne, 1858. Soupirs d Euridice, 1770. Souvestre, Philosophe sous les toils. " Au bord du lac. Stael, De, Corinne, 1848, (Fr. and Engl.). Sue, E., Le juif errant, (Fr. and En.). " Martin, 1 enfant trouve. " Les Sept peches capitaux. " Fernand Duplessis. " Les Mysteres du peuple " Commander of Malta,, etc. Ulbach, Pauline Foucault. Vigny, Cinq Mars. Villedieu, Les Exilez, 1695. Voltaire, Romances, etc., 1794. Fiction, German, Dutch, Italian, Latin, etc., and translations. Aleman, Guzman de Alfarache. " Life of Lazarillo De Tormes. Amadis of Gaul of Lobeyra, 1803. Andersen, H. C*| ImproTisatore. " Only a fidler. 0. T. Arabian Nights Entertainments, Scott s and Lane s editions. Azeglio, Ettore Fieramosea. Bandello, Novelle. Barclay, J., Argenis, 1621. " Euphorinion. Boalini, Advertisements from Par nassus. Bremer, F., Works, 1852, 53. < The Bondmaid. Calcar, De Zoon v. d. Klepperman, 1854. Capella, M., Satyricon. Carlen, E., John. " Louise, 1854. Carlyle T., German romances, trans. 1841. Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1852, (Sp. and Engl.). Exemplary Novels, 1855. " La Galatea. Chamisso, Peter Schlemihl, 1824. Collier, Selima and Azon. Florian, Guillaume Tell. " Eleazar and Naphtali, 1830. " Novelas Nuevas. Goethe, Wilhelm Meister, 1855, Engl. " Hermann und Dorothea, 1829. " Sorrows of Werther. " Novels and tales, 1854. 190 FICTION. Fiction, German, Dutch, Italian, Latin, etc., and translations (continued). Hauff, the Jew Suss, 1737. Hebrew tales, (Hurwitz). Holberg, Iter subterraneum, 1766. " Onderaardsche Reis van Klim, 1741. " Journey under the ground, 1844. Janhen, De Dienstmeid. La Motte Fouque, Undine. Meinhold, Amber-witch. Montgomery, Bernardo del Carpio. Muntz, C. (Muhlbach), Henry VIII. Joseph I. " Marie Antoinette. " Louisa of Prussia. " Empress Josephine. Palmerin of England, 1555. Petrarca, Le Sage resolu, 1644. Pulszky, Tales of Hungary, 1852. Quevedo, Works. Richter, Titan, (Engl.). Rivera, Life of Alonzo. Roscoe, Italian Novelists. Ruffini, Doctor Artonio, 1857, (Engl.). " Vincenzo, 1863, (Engl.). Schiller, The Ghost seer. Spindler, C., Arch. Werner. " The Invalide. " The Jew. Tyll Uilenspiegel, Leven van. " Marv. Adventures of Tyll Uilen- epiegel. Wieland, So^ates, (Engl.). Field, G. P. Williams, W. G., Disc., interment of, 1847. Pain. 494. Fielding, H. Scott, W., Memoir of. Fife & Kinross. Maclaren, Geology. Sibbald, History of. Fiji Is. Arthur, W., What is Fiji ? Dix, Customs of; Wreck of the Glide. Oliver, Recollections, 1848. Rowe, Hunt s life. Williams, T., Account of, 1859. Filibusters. See Buccaneers; Priva teers. Fillmore, J. Biog. of, 1S48. Fillmore, M. Brooks, J., Defence of, 1856. Fillmore, M., Biography of, 1856. Taylor, Z., Life of, 1847. Fillmore Co., Minn. Bishop, Hist. of. Financial. Banker s Magazine, N. Y., 1846-65. Barker, Jacob, Life of. Financial (continued). Boston Stock Board, 1844. Bristed. J., Bankruptcy of Gt. Brit., 1809. Browne s Bank, and Merc. Table, 1794-1901. Chevalier, M., Fall of Gold, 1859. Cohen, Compendium of, 1822. Cory, Treatise on Accounts, 1840. Dew, Law of Credit, 1840. Diet, de Cornm., Banque, etc., 1805. Elliott, J., Funding System of U. S. and G. B., 1845. Fonfrede, (Euvres, v. 7, 1845. France : Finances, 1809. Francis, J., Chron. of the Stock Ex change, 1850. Gallatin, A., Consid. on the Currency, 1831. " Sketch of Finances of U. S., 1796. Grenville, G., Admin, des Finances d Angleterre, 1768. " On a Sinking Fund. Joerres, Equation of Payments, 1843. Johnson, A. B., An inquiry, of Capi tal, 1813. Joplin, W., Panics, 1854. Josseau, Credit foncier et aericole, 1851. Roster, Trade in Bullion, 1811. Laurent, Cours des receveurs des com munes. McCulloch, Principles of taxation, 1848. Mass. : Auditor s Reports, 1860-62. Martin s Boston Stock Market,1835-56. Morgan, W., Review of Dr. Price, 1795. National, A, Exchange, 1842. Necker, Finances of France, 1781. Nolte, Fifty years in both hemispheres, 1854. Pamphlets relating to Finance, vols. 252, 427, 498, 786, 787, 931, 972, 1324-1326, "514, 1864. Parnell, H., Finan. Reform, 1830. Patterson, Science of Finance, 1868. Preston s Interest Tables. Price, R., Funds, 1795 National debt, 1775. Rosaz, Elemens ....des changes etran- gers, 1810. Rowlett s Interest Tables, 1842. Sedgwick, T., What is Monopoly ? 1835. P. 29. B. C. . Societe Gen. de credit mobilier. Tate, Modern Cambist, 1852. Trotter, Observations on Public debt of the States, 1839. Turgot, (Euvres, 1808-11. Usury Explained. Pamphr. 11. FINE ARTS. 191 Financial (continued). Waterston, Cyclo. of Commerce, 1843. Week in Wall St. See Banks; Currency; Polit. Econ. ; G. B., Financial; U. S., Finan cial ; Taxation. Fine Arts. Abbott, H., Antiquities of Rome. Agincourt. See Seroux d Agincourt. Albany Art Exhib., 1859, 62. Allston, W., Lectures on Art, 1850. Almanack of 1852. Alphen, Van, Theorie der Schooner Kunsten, 1778. American Academy, 1828. Am. Art Union, Trans, and Bulletin, 1843-51. Art Journal, Lond., 1847-69. Art Treasures Manchester, 1857. Art Union of Lond., 1841-57. Art Union of Phil a, 1848, 49. Arundel Castle. Barbarigo-Pisani, Lettere su le belle arti, 1793. Bardi, Galleria Pitti, 1838. P. 499. Bethune, Prospects of Art, 1840. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, 1857, 8. ! Bohn, Guide.... objects of Vertu, 1857. j Boston Atheneum gallery. Brent, Letters, 1844. Brit. Mus., Prices of casts. P. 470. Bromley, Hist, of, 1793. Brulliot, Diet, des mongrammes, 1832. Gary, T. G., Address on, 1845. Charles I, By Velasquez. Christ, Abhandlungen, 1776. tf Diet, des Monogrammes, 1750. Clarac, Hist, de 1 Art chez les Anciens, 1847. Cleghorn, Ant. and Modern Art, 1848. Cole, T., Exhibitions of, 1848. P. 499. Constable, J., His life. Cosmopolitan Assoc., 1854-6. Crayon, The, 1854-61. Decker, Der Friedhof, 1847. Didron, Christian Iconography, 1851. Disney, Museum, (marbles, bronzes). Eastlake, Lit. of the Fine Arts, 1848. i Eckhartshausen, Einflusse der Schonen Wissenschaften, 1783. Edwards, E., Administ. Economy of, 1840. Ellet, Women artists. Ellis, Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. " Townley Gallery of Sculpture. Elmes, Letter to T. Hopeon. Pamh r 3. Encyc. Methodique : Beaux Arts. European Museum, 1805. Explan. of painted windows at Gouda. Fine Arts (continued). Exposition de 1855, Paris. Fine Arts Quarterly Review, 1863, 67. Flaxman, Illustrations of Dante, He- siod, etc., 1854. " Lectures en Sculpture, 1838. Forbin, Portefeuille du ComteF., 1843. Fougeroux, Fabrique des mosaiques, 1770. Francis, F. J., A Lecture, 1839. Godde, Cat. de livres, etc. relatifs aux arts, 1850. Goethe, Essays on Art, 1845. Great Britain, Fine Arts, 1843. Great Britain, Report on the Elgin Marbles, 1816. Pamphl r 8. Hamerton, P. G., Painter s camp, 1866. Harris, J., Treatise on art. Hartley, 0. C., Address, 1843. Hayley s Life of Romney. Historic Gallery, 1807-11. Hoare, P., Epochs of the arts, 1813. " Arts of Design in England. Hogarth, Analysis of Beauty, 1843. Hopkinson, J., 1810, Address. Houssaye, De 1 Art en France. Howitt, Art student in Munich. Hubard, Gallery of cuttings. Iluntington, D., A General view of, 1851. Internal. Art Jour., 1849. Jahn, Vasensammlung.. . zu Munchen, 1854. Jameson, A., Sacred Art, 1857. " Legends of the.. Orders, 1852. " Legends of the Madonna, 1857. " Hist, of our Lord in works of art. Jarves, J. J., Art Hints. 1855. " The Art idea, 1864. < Art studies in Italy, 1861. " Manual of Coll. of Pictures, 1868. Jervis, K. P., Modern Art, 1858. Jonge, J. C de, Medailles et Pierres gravees, La Haye. B. C. Jour, of Design Advertiser, 1849-51. Keratry, Du beau dans les arts, etc., 1822. Klotz, Der alten geschnittenen Steine, 1768. Lanzi, Galleria di Firenze, 1782. Lawrence, W. B., Address, American Acad , 1825. Lefevre, Les Musees en France, 1750. Legh, Music of the eye. Lenoir, Museum of Fr. Monuments. Lester, The Artist, Merchant, etc., 1845. Lindsay, Hist, of Christian Art. 192 FINE ARTS. Fine Arts (continued). Marion, G. C , Applic. to Manufactures, 1858. Memes, Hist, of Sculpture, Painting and Architecture, 1831 B C. Mercey, Etudes sur, 1855. Monuments of art, Kugler, 1862. Moor, J., Essays. 1759. Mor&e, S. F. B., Discourse on, and Reply, 1827, 28. Muller, C. 0., Anc. art and its remains. Muller, E., Donaustauf und Walhalla, 1847. Mulvany, Fine Arts in Ireland, 1847. Musee de Bordeaux, 1787. Musee du Louvre, 1830, B. C. Musee du Luxembourg, 1842. Musee de Peinture, etc. de Belgique, 1846. Nat. Acad. of Design. N. Y., Exhibi- tions, 1832-60. Nat. Gallery, London, 1846, B. C. Netherlands, Schilderijen van het K. Kabinet, 1826-40. N. Y. Hist. Soc., Cat. of Museum, 1868. Norfolk and Norwich Museum, Eng. Painter s Primer. Palgrave, F. T., Essays on Art, 1866. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 69, 400, 489, 499, 607, 659, 787, 788, 973, 1015, 1022, 1036, 1235, 1515, 1679 2509. B. C. vol. 20, 52. Parkes, M., Art monopoly, 1850. " The Bowyer collection. Paterson, M. C-, Address, Am. Acad. 1826. Pam. 71. Perry statue. Perugino, L Ascension. Peters, W., Nude Human Beings. Price, U., On the Picturesque, 1796. Profess. Sketches of Mod. Artists. Quatremere de Quincy, Essai sur 1 Ideal, 1837. " Essay on the Fine Arts, I 1837. Rembrandt, L CEuvre, 1858. Reynolds, Sir J., Literary Works, 1835. Ripley, Hand-book of Lit. and. Rossi, G. B. De, Roma sotterranea, 1864, 67. Ruskin, Political Economy of, 1857. (f The True and the Beautiful, 1868. Modern Painters, 5 v. t( Lectures on. 1870. Samber, Rome illustrated, 1721. Schlegel, Letters on Christian Art, 1849. t( Descr. of Paintings in Paris and Netherl., 1802-4. Fine Arts (continued). Seroux d Agincourt, History of Art, 1847. Shaw, H., Catalogue of Illuminated Drawings. Soc. of Artists of U. S., 1811. South-Kensington Museum, 1860. Stothard, Life of. Sulzer, J. G., Alg. Theorie der Sehoe- nen Kunste, 1792-94. Taine, Philos. of Art. 1865. Taylor, Condition, in Great Britain, 1841. Trumbull J., Encouragement of, 1827. Tuckerman, H. T., Book of Artists. Verplanck, Add., Am. Acad., 1824. Vignon, Exposit. de 1855. Visconti, (Euvres; Musee Pie Clemen- tin, 1818. " Monumens du Musee Chiara- monti, 1822. Waagen, Treasures of Art in G. Brit., 1854,57. Wallace, H. B,. Art in Europe, 1855. Walpole H., Painting in England. Washington Exhibition, 1853. Wechniakof, Economic des travaux esthetiques, 1870. Whitmore, On P. Pelham. Winckelmann, Hist, of Anc. Art., 1849. Werke, 1808-20. Works of Eminent Masters, Lon., 1854. See Engraving; Drawing; Gems; Mu sic; Fainting; Taste; Sculpture; Museums. Fine Arts! Sale Catalogues. Abra ham, R. For sale, New York, 1830. Hone, P., Catalogue, N. Y., 1852. Pamphlets, vols. 996, 1679. See Bibliography. Finistere, France. Annuaire, 1845. Finland. Acerbi, Travels, 1797-99. See Russia. Finley, J. B. Pioneer Life. Fiiftey, R. Brown, I. V., Biog. of,1857. Finney, C. G. Perkins, E., Bunker Hill Contest. Rand, New Divinity Tried, 1832. See Oberlin. Fire-Arms. Sec Military. Fire Departments. Albany, F. D. Rules, 1350. Boston, F. Dep. Report, 1855. Buffalo, Report, 1858. Cincinnati Reports, 1854, 56. Fire Engine Companies, 1839-58. FLAGELLATION. 193 Fire Departments (continued). Fire Marshal Almanac, 1859. N. Y. City Fire Dep t Hep., 1860. Phil a Detective Pofice, 1*58. Portland, Me., Report, 1857-8. Roxbury Fire Dep. Report, 1856. Fire Companies, etc. Pamphlets, vols. 236, 624, 1680. Fires. Channing, Fire Alarm Telegraph, 1855 Dana, D. D., The Fireman, 1858. Fireman s Almanac, 1860. Janeway, Fire in Boston, 1760. Neal, Fire at Portland, Me., 1866. Smyth, T., Sermon, Fi. in Charleston. Fire- Works. Ruggieri, Elem. de pyro- technie. Firinin, T. Toland, Life of, 1698. Fish, H. Jenkins, Lives of Gov s of N. Y. Fish Culture. Edwards, II. M., Em- poisonnement. P. 233. France, Pisciculture, 1850. P. 233. Francis, Practical Guide, 1863. Garlick, T., Artificial Propagation, 1857. Marsh G. P., Artificial Propagation, 1857. P. 273. Mass., Fish Propagation Report, 1857. Fisher, A. 31. Kingsley, J. L., Eulogy on. Fisher, Mrs. E. Milner, W., Sermon. Fisher, J. Thurston, Sermon on, 1847. Fisheries. Anderson s Hebrides. Andrews, W., Irish fisheries. British Fish and fisheries. P. 662, 778. Browne, J. R., Etchings of Whaling Cruise, 1846. Canada, Fish in Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1856. P. 567. Fall, R., Obs. on Brit. Fishery, 1786. Frazer, R., F. of Scotland, 1803. Macpherson, Annals of Commerce and, 1805. Macy, Hist, of Nantucket, 1835. Nettle, Salmon Fisheries, St. Law rence, 1857. North Amer. Fisheries Debate, 1852. Pamphlets, vols. 778, 878, J295, 1313, 1504. Plans.... British Fishery, 1750. Sabine, L., Report on the principal, 1853. Salmon Fisheries, Dublin, 1852. Scoresby, Northern Whale Fishery. Seward, W. H., Speech, Whaling, 1852. Sheil, Salmon Fisheries, Ulster, 1842. 25 Fisheries (continued). Soule, P., Speech on, 1852. Statement River Tay, 1824. Ward, J., To Regenerate Ireland,1850. Wealth of Great Britain, 1749. Zorgdrager, Groenlandsche Viachery. See Commerce; Newfoundland; Whal ing. Fishes. See Ichthyology. Fishing. American angler s guide, 1857. Davy, Sir H., Salmonia. Elliott, W., Carolina Sports, 1859. Game Fish of America, (Roosevelt). Hand-book of, (Ephemera), 1853. Hawes, W. P., Sporting scenes, 1842. Herbert, W. H., Fish and fishing, 1850. Hofland, Brit. Ang. Manual, 1848. Oppianus, De piscatu. Pc-che, La, a la ligne. Pennell, Angler naturalist. Royal Cornwall Soc., Pilchard. Simeon, Notes on, 1860. Smith, J. R., Catalogue of Engl. writers on, 1856. Walton s Angler, 1856. Wilson, Rod and the gun. See Bibliography. Fishkill, N, Y. Kip, Hist, discourse. Fisk, Mrs. Plea., .at Stockbridge, 1786. Fisk, P. Bond, Memoirs of. Fisk, Wilbur. Travels, 1843. Bangs, N., Discourse on, 1839. Holdich, J., Life of, 1842. Whedon, Trib. to, 1839. P. 1857. Fis-ke, J. Bentley, W., Sermon on, 1797. Fiske, N. W. Humphrey, II., Tribute to, 1848. P. 238. Fiske, W., Family genealogy," 1867. Fitch, Family genealogy. See Stranahan. Fitch, E. Durfee, C., Memoir of, 1843. Fitch, J. Westoott, Life of, 1857. Whittlesey, C., Life of, (Sparks 16). Fitchbnrg, Ms. Worcester, S., Facts Ecclesiastical, 1802. Fitz, Family genealogy, 1869. Fitzclarence, G., E. of Mnnster. National Portraits. Fitzgerald, Lord E. Moore, T., Life of, 1832. Fitzwilliam, Earl. National portraits. Playfair, W. letter to, 1795. Flagellation. Cooper, W. M., History of the rod, 1869. De Lolrne, History of the Flagellants, 1777. 194 FLAGET. Flaget, B. J. Spalding, M. J., Life of, 1852. Flags. Hamilton, S., Hist, of U. S. Flag, 1853. Hartland s Chart of flags of Houses of Europe. III. Lond. News, Aug. 7, 1858. Jal, Trois couleurs nationales. Lowell, S., Consecration of. P. 1852. Marine Atlas : All Nations, Heather s, 1802. Miles, Royal Naval Service, 1841. Saffell s Hail Columbia, 1865. Steel s Marine Atlas, 1812. Wadhains, A , On the U. S. Seal and flag, 1865. Flanders. Chronyke van Vlaenderen, 1725. Exposition de Flandres, 1711. Flatbush, N. Y. Strong, T. M., Hist, of, 1842. Flattery Plutarch, Treatise on. Flavigny, Abbey of. Ansart, Histoire de. Flax. Claussen, The Flax Movement, 1851. Combe, Flax Yarn Manuf., 1849. Dublin Soc. Weekly Obs., 1739. Fibrilia, Vattemare, 1861. Kindt, Industrie Liniere. Moore s Flax-culture, 1863. N. Y. Report, Flax-cotton, 1863. Select essays, 1777. Seymour, Flax in Ireland, 1851. Textile plants, 1852. Wilson, J., Lecture on, 1853. Wool and flax raising. See Linen; Hemp. Flechere, J. W. De la. Benson, J., Life of. Fleetwood, W. Revolution Principles, 1713. Fletcher, J. Barley, Life of. Fletcher, R. Descendants of, 1871. Fleury, Card. De. Neuville, Oraison fun. Flexman, R. Rees, A . , Discourse,1795. Flight, T. Dore, J., Discourse. Flint, T. Genealog. Register, 1860. Flood, H. Flood, W., Memoirs of, 1838. Floods. See Freshets. Florence. Bruto, Historia Florentina, 1764. Landini, Istoria di tutte le chiese, etc. Machiavelli, Hist, of Florence, 1847. * Flor. histories Florence (continued). Napier, H. E , Florentine Hist, to Ferd. Ill, 1846-47. Poggio, Histdia Florentina, 1715. Trollope, Hist, of Florence, 1865. See Tuscany; Italy. Florida. Bartram, J., Account of East Florida, 1769. Bartram, W., Travels through, 1792. Berquin-Duvallon, Vue de, 1802. " Travels. See Davis, J. Bradford Club, No. 5. Career of De Soto in conquest of. Brinton, Notes on, 1859. Cardenas, Ensayo Cronologico, 1732. Chauveton, De Gallorum expeditione, 1565. Citri, Hist, de la Conqueste de, 1685. Cohen, Campaigns in, 1836. Darby, Geog. and Nat. Hist, of, 1821. Davis, J., Travels in, 1802. Descr. of Windward Passage. Dickenson, J., Shipwreck in, 1811. Douglas, T., Autobiography. Florida, Discov. by De Soto, 1851. Fontaneda, Memoir on, 1851. Forbes, J. G., Sketches of, 1826. Garcilasso, Conquete de la, 1709. Giddings, Exiles of Florida, 1858. Gourges, La Reprinse de la. Hakluyt Soc. Pub., Discov. and Con quest of, v. 9. Hilton, W., Discovery in, 1664. Hutchins, T., Descrip of West, 1784. Irving, T., Conquest of Florida, 1835, 1851. Jackson, A., Corresp. on Seminole War, 1824. King, W., Letters, 1820. Latour, Mem. of the War of 1812. Laudonniere, Histoire de ; et trois Voy., 1586. Lemoyne, Brevis Narratio, 1609. Letters, 1820. Melish, Descrip. of, 1813. Menendez, Mendoza s Voyage to. Nunez, Narrative of, 1527. Original Memoir, 1821. Parkman, Pioneers of France in. Potter, W., War in Florida, 1836. Rattenburg, Cession of Florida. P r 15. Ribaut, Voyage, 1566. Roberts, W., Account of Discovery of, 1763. Romans, B., History of, 1776. Sewall, Sketches of St. Augustine, 1848. Sketch of Seminole War, 1836. Smith, B., Coleccion de Documcntos, 1857. FOUNDLINGS. 105 Florida (continued). Soto, Narrative of Exp. to, 1846. Spraguc, J. T., Origin, etc., of War, 1848. Stork, W., Description of, 1769. U. S. Documents, 1821, 22, 24. Verscheyde Scheeps-togten, 1562. Vignolea, Observations on, 1823. Williams, J. L:, West Florida, 1827. Sketches of Florida, 1827. See St. Augustine. Floris, Graaf. Beeloo, Orde van St. Jacob, 1845. Flowers. Adams, Flowers of the month. Bourne, H., Florist s Manual. Burnett, Floral Hand-book. Cottage Garlands, 1847. Crichton, A., Fest. of Flora, 1818. Flora s Dictionary, 1830. Hale, S. J., Flora s interpreter, 1854. Howitt, Pictorial Calendar. Laughorne, Fables of Flora. Times Telescope, 1814-34. Waterman, Flora s Lexicon. See Botany. Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Goodwin, F. J., St. George s Church. Mandeville, History of. Folkestone. Remarks on the Convey ance of Mails, 1850. P. 416. Follen, C. Life by E. L. Follen. Channing, W. E., Sermon on, (Works). May, S. J., Discourse on. Fond du L,ac, Wis. Mitchel, M., His- j tory of, 1854. Fonfrede, H. Lettres, v. 10, 1847. Food. Accum, Adulterations of. Agutter, Serm., John vi. 12, 1796. Almanach des Gastronomes, 1855. Almanach des gourmands, 1820. Brillat-Savarin, Physiol du gout. " Physiology of taste. Buchoz, Manuel Alimentaire, 1771. Central Coop. Comp., adulterations. De Voe, Market Assistant. Exposition de Paris, 1867. Gleizes, Thalysie, Ou la nouvelle exist ence, 1842. Gould, J. S., Food for Prisons, etc., I 1852. P. 539. Kilburn, C. L., Stores for U. S. Army, 1863. Klencke, Verfiilschung der Niihrungs- mittel. Knapp, F. C., Niihrungsmittel in ihren chem. Beziehungen, 1848. Lankester, Vegetable substances for j man, 1847. Food (continued). Moore, G., Health, disease and remedy, 1850. Pereira, On Food and Diet, 1843. Rumford, B. T., Count, Essay on, 1797. Soyer, A., The Pantropheon, 1853. Suggestions .. ..cheap Substitu., 1799. Treatise of Crust of Bread, 1756. Walker, T., Art of Dining. See Domestic Economy; Cookery; Re ceipts; Health, Fools. Delepierre, Hist. Lit. des Fous, 1860. Doran, Hist, of Court Fools, 1858. Foot, A. Memorial of, 1867. Foot, S. U. S. Cong. Eulogies. Seaver, N., Discourse on, 1866. Foote Family. Goodwin, The Foote Family, 1849. Foote, S. Cooke, W., Memoir of, 1806. Forbes, D. Burton, J. H., Life of,1847. Forbes, E. Wilson, G., Memoir of, 1861. Ford, J. Coleridge, H., Lives Brit. Dram., 1846. Fordham. See Westchester. Forman, S. Autobiography, 1552-1602. Forms. Brissonius, De formulis pop. Romani, 1583. See Law Library. Forster, J. Family Genealogy, 1870. Fort, Forts. See Name of the Fort Fortune-Telling. Every Lady s own, 1791. Lust-Schez-Biichlein. Fort Wayne, O. Brice, History of. Fossils. See Paleontology. Foster, A. D. Smalley, E., Sermon on. Foster, G. King, D. P., Eulogy on. Foster, H. T. E. Conger, A. B., Me morial, 1870. P. 1858. Foster, J., or Forster. Family Gene alogy, 1870. Foster, Jas. Bulkley, Sermon on, 1753. Foster, John. Life and correspondence. Foster, J. W. Peabody, A. P., Memo rial of, 1852. Foster, N. Simms, J. R., Life of, 1850. Fothergill, J. Lettsom, Life of. Fothergill, S. Life of, (Friends Lib.). Foundlings. Chandler, G., Serm., 1839. France, Infanticide, Rapport, 1845. Gaillard, A. H., Recherches sur, 1837. Lawson, C., Sermons. Terine, Hist. Statistique, 1837. 196 FOURIER. Fourier, C Gal. des Contem. vol. 10, Vie de, 1840. Pellarin, C., Life of, 1848. Fowler, O. Life of, 1862. Fowler, W. Descendants, 1870. Fowls. See Poultry. Fox, C. J. Speeches, 6 v. Correspondence, 4 v. Green, W., Portrait of. Letter to a Country, Ac., 1784. Letter to the Electors of Westminster, 1793 Parr, S., Character of, 1809. Rogers, Recollections. Russell, Life of, 1859. Tooke, J. II., Two Portraits, 1788. Trotter, Memoirs of. Fox, E. Revolutionary Adven. Fox, G. Friends Library, v. 1, Journal and Life. Tallack, Notes on. Wood, E. R., Essay on Writings of. Fox, James. Hay, C. A., Discourse on. Fox, John. Andrews, Review of Book of Martyrs. Maitland, Townsend s Ed., 1841. Foxborough, Ms. Williams, T., Ded. Sermon, 1823. Foxcroft, S. Moseley, E., Sermon on. Fox Hunting. Radcliffe, The Noble Science, 1839. Framing ham, Ms. Barry, W., History of, 1640-1847. France, Almanachs, Registers. Al- manach du Commerce, 1818. Almanach de France, 1855. Almanach du Marin, 1855. Almanach Reyal, 1738-1854. Annuaire de 1 instruction publique, 1851-56. Annuaire de 1 Universite, 1830. Annuaire de la Societe de 1 hist. de la France, 1837. Annual Registers of Departments: See Aisne, Ardeche, Aube, Brest, Cal vados, Cantal, Correge, Corse, Cote d or, Costes du Nord, Creuse, Dordogne, Doubs, Finistere, Gard, Gers, Garonne, Haute Marne, He- rault, Landes, Loire, Lot, Lozere, Lyon, Manche, Marne, Meurthe, Meuse, Montpelier, Morbihan, Moselle, Nievre, Nord, Puy de Dome, Pyrenees, Rhin, Saone et Loire, Seine et Marne, Sevres (Deux), Somme, Tarn, Vienne, Vosgea. France, Colonies of. Bury, Exodus of the Western nation?, 1865. Compagnie des Indes, 1765-69. Depons, Commerce avec les deux In des, 1807. Expose de la situation actuello. 1822. Jcffery, Hist, of Sp. and Fr. dominion in America, 1760. Malouet, Mem. sur 1 administration de, 1801. Memoires des Commissaires, 1755-57. Petit, Sur le gouv. des esclaves, 1777. Recueil de differentes pieces, 1785. Recueil dipl. du commerce, 1784. See French war, 1743-63; Colonies; Guyana; St. Domingo; Voy., etc.. France, General Histories. Crowe, History of, Lardner, 12, 13, 14. Duruy, Histoire de, 1858. Gaultier, Histoire do F. Lacretelle, Histoire de, 1844. Mignet, Hist, of, to 1814. Millot, Histoire de a Louis XIV. Ranken, A., Hist, of, 1801. Segur, Le Comte de, Hist, de, 1830. Smedley E., Hist, of France. Stephen, J., Lectures. France, History from early period to 1789. Adams J., Discourses on Davila, 1790. Aubigne, Histoire, 1552-1601. Avaux, D>, Negotiations, 1754-55. Barante, Hist, des Dues de Bourgogne, 1836. Bassompierre, Memoires, 1765. Blondel, Expulsion of the English, 1449-5. Bush, Memoirs of the Queens of, 1847. Cayet, Guerre sous Henry IV, 1608. " Hist, de la Paix, 1(505. Charriere, Negotiations dans le Lev ant, 1848. Choisy, Memoires de Louis XIV, 1725. Chronicles of Great Britain, Letters and papers of the wars of the English with. Collezione di Carte, Venezia, 1806-07. Commines, Memoirs, Louis XI, Charles VII, 1757. Comyn, Hist, of the Western Umpire, 1841. Costello, Jacques Coeur. Cuvelier, Chron. de Bertrand du Gues- clin, 1839. Dangeau, Memoirs of the Court, 1684- 1720. Davila, Hist, of Civil Warres of, 1647. Depping, Correspondance sous L ouis Du Bouchet, Seconde et troisieme ligne royale, 1646. FRANCE. 197 France, History from early period to 1789 (continued). Du Hausset, Private Memoirs of, 1827. Du Monstier, Neustria pia, 1663. Espernon, Life, from 1598. Estrades, Lettres et Negotiations, 1743. Etatactuel, 1756-63. MS. Fabyan, New Chronicles, 1811. Flassan, Hist, de la Diplomatic Fran- 9aise, 1811. Formeville, Canonniers de Caen. Fortoul, Versailles et Louis XIV. France, Documents inedits sur PHis- toire de, 1839-69. Freer s Henry IV. Gaillard, Rivalite de : et de 1 Angle- j terre, 1771. Godwin, P., Hist, of Ancient Gaul, I860. Golnitz, Itinerarium Belgico-Galli- cum, 1655. Guilhe, De Bordeaux, de PAquitaine et de la Guienne, 1835. Baton, Memoirs, 1553-82. Hist of Eng. and France under House of Lancaster, 1852. Hotoman, Franco-Gallia. Hunter, J., Agincourt. James, G. P. R., Li*;s of Henry IV and Louis XIV, 1847, 51. Jamison, Life of De Guesclin. Kremer, Des Rheinischen Franziens, 1778. Louis XIV, Memorials, 1688. " CEuvres. Mably, Obs. sur 1 Histoire de, 1794,95. Maintenon, Secret Correspondence. Mariobert, L Espion Anglois, 1782-84. Margaret de Valois, Memorials, 1664. Martin, H., History of France, 1866. Michelet, History of, 1847. Montluc, Commentaries, 1520-57. Mornay, P. de, Histoire de la Vie de, 1647. Noailles, Rome and the Constitution, 1728. Notice.. ..des Assassins, 1804. Ossat, Lettres, 1594-1604 Palgrave, Hist. of Normandy and Eng., 1851-64. Pardoe, Louis XIV and the Court of, 1847. " Court of Francis I, 1849. Life of Marie de Medicis. Phillippe d Orleans, Regent, 1736. Rathery, Hist, des Etats Generaux. Read, Charles, Henri IV. Retz, Card., Memoirs. Richlieu, Memoires. France, History from early period to 1789 (continued). St. Simon, Mi-moires. . .regne de Louis XIV. Satyre Mtaipp&e, 1726. Soc. de 1 Hist. de France, 1837. Soulavie, Hist. Mem. of Louis XVI, 1802. Stapleton, Rot. Scaccarii Normanniae, 1840. Sully, Duke of, Memoirs, 1856. Taylor, W . C., Mem. of House of Or leans, 1850. Thierry, Hist. Ess., Scenes of 6th Cen tury, 1845. X Prog, of the Tiers Etat, 1855. Thou, Hist, sui Temporis, 1543-1607. Tocqueville, The Old Regime, 1856. Tommaseo, Relations au xvi siecle. Turgot, (Euvres, 1808-11. Varin, Archives, Ville de Reims. White, Queens and Princesses in. William III, Letters of Louis XIV. Wraxall, History, 1574-1610. f{ Hist, under House of Valois, 1364-1574. France, Pamphlets Political, to 1789. Allies, The, defended, 1711. Bell|isle, Letters, 1759. Candid Enquiry, 1770. Duvcrgier, Politique de la, 1841. Examination of a Letter, 1758. Great Bastard Protector, 1689. Historical Memorial, 1761. Impartial Narrative, 1758. " " of Belleisle, 1761. Journal of Campaign, 1758. Letter from a Mem. of Parl., 1758. Modest Vind. of French King, 1703. Needham, Christianissimus, etc. ,1678. Sherlock, W., Letter on Invasion, 1692. Sketch of, 1735. France, History, 1789-1830. Abbott, J. S. C., French Revolution, 1859. Abrantcs, Duchesse d , Memoirs, 1833- 1835. Adolphus, Hist, of, 1790-1802. Baines, E., Hist, of the Wars of, 1817. Barlow J., Waitings. Barruel, Mem. on Hist. Jacobinism, 1799. Barruel, Hist, du Jacobinisme. " Storia del Clero di Francia, 1794. Beauharnais, H., Memoirs. Blanchard, Clerge Fr. a Londres, 1808. Bonaparte, L., CEuvres, Works, 1848. Bonaparte, N., Correspondence, 1855. 198 FRANCE. France, History, 1789-1830 (cont d). Bonaparte, N., Tstoria di Napaleone, 1807. Bouille, Memoirs relating to, 1797. Bowles, French aggression. Brissot, Life of. Brune, Campagne en Batavie, 1800-1. Burke E., Reflections on, 1791. Calonne, De I ctat de. ...a venir, 1790. " State of Europe, 1796. Campan, Court of Marie Antoinette, 1850. Carlyle, T., French Revolution, 1837. Cartwright, Letter to D. of Newcastle, 1792. Chronologist, 1790-98. Clavicrc, France et les Etats Unis, 1787. Clubb, Narr. of sufferings. Cobbett, Bloody Buoy, 1823. Collection of Addresses, 1793. Cooke, J. II., Narrative of Events in, 1814-15. Dechaumereix, Esprit en Bretagne, 1795. Ducancel, Exquisses Dramatiques. Dugardier, De la Constit. de 1 an 8. Dumas, A., Democracy in France, 1841. Dumas, Count, Memoirs of^his own Time, 1838. Dumouriez, Correspondance avec Pache, 1792. Essai phil. pol. sur les ctats generaux, 1791. Fantin, Ilist. Phil, de la Rev. 1797. " Hist, de la Repub., 1797. Fasti della Rivol., 1799. Giguet, Rev. du 18 Fructidor. Gourgaud, Gen., Memoirs, History of. Grouchy, Campagne de 1815. Guizot, Democracy in, 1849. Harper, R. G., Works; U. S. and Fr., 1797, 98. Headley, J. T., The Imp. Guard of Napoleon, 1852. Histoire Pitt, de la Convention, La Mothe, 1833. Holstein, Baroness, Appeal against the Continental System, 1813. Ivernois, D , Reflections, 1798. " Preparatifs de Guerre, 1804. " Budget, Au XIII. Jal, Mem. sur les trois couleurs natio- nales. Knox, V.,Narr. of Transactions, 1793. Lamartine, Hist, des Girondins, 1847. " History of the Girondists, 1847. " History of Restor. of the Monarchy, 1851. France, History, 1789-183O (cont d). Langon, Evenings with Cambaceres, 1837. Laroche Jaquelein, Mem. de la Vendee, 1816. " Memoirs of La Vendee, 1816. Lavalette, Pers. Memoirs. Le Sur, Annuaire Historique, 1818-24. Lettres de 1 Armee en Egypte, 1779. Lloyd s Hamburgh, 1813. Lomenie, Beaumarchais 1856. Louis XVI., Trial, 1793. Pam. 454. Louis-Philippe d Orleans, Correspond ance, 1SOO. Louvet, J. D., Quelques notices, 1793. Mackintosh, Sir J., Fr. Revol. de fended. Mallet Du Pan, Hist, du Republican- isme Franyais, 1796. " Considerations on, 1793. te Mem. and Corresp. illustrative of, 1852. Michelet,Hist. View of Fr. Rev. ,1848. Mignet, History of Fr. Rev., 1827- Moleville, Hist, de la Rev., 1803. Money, History of Campaign of 1792. Moniteur, Le, Newsp., 1789-1836. Montgaillard, Etat de la France, 1794. Moore, J.* Causes and Progress of, 1820. Narrative of Invasion, 1806. New and Concise History, 1794. Normandie, Misfortunes of the Dau phin, 1838. Paine, T., Answer to the Attack of Mr. Burke. Philipppart s Bernadotte, 1815. Playfair, History of Jacobinism, 1796. Pradt, La Restauration en 1814. " Les Quatre Concordats, 1818. Priestley, Letters on the Rev., 1798. Proyart, Louis XVI d6capite, J800. Puisaye, Mcmoires, parti royaliste. Rabaut, Precis Historique de, 1813-15. Ramel, Journal, 1799. tf Anecdotes, 18 Fructidor. { Nar . of deportation to Cayenne. Recueil de Pieces officielles, 1815. Reflections on Peace, 1793. Reign of Terror, 1826. Renee, Louis XVI, 1858. Siborne, Hist, of War, 1815. Sketch of, and of Napoleon, 1792-1815. Sketch of Military System of, 1812. Smyth, Lectures on Fr. Rev., 1855. Somerville, W. C., Letters on Fr. Rev., 1823. Stael, Mine, de, Considerations on Events of Fr Rev. FRANCE. 199 France, History, 1789-183O (cont d). State Papers of the War, Lond., 1791- 1800. 9 v. Street, Reign of Louis XVI. Sybel, Von, Hist, of the Fr. Rev., 1667-9. Thiers, Hist, of the Fr Rev., 1838. " Hist, du Consulat et de 1 Em- pire, 1845. " "Hist, of Consulate and Empire, 1845-57. Tchuykevitch, War of 1812. United States, Negotiations, 1798-1 800. " Acteset Mem. ,1793-1 800. Vilate, Rev. du 9 au 10 Thermi||r. Wallace, W., Memoirs, 1821. Walsh, R., Genius of Fr. Govt., 1810. Williams, H. M., Events since 1815. See Napoleon I. France, History, 1789-1830, Politi cal Pamphlets. Blaire, France pendant 14 siecles, 1796. Bowles, J., Thoughts on Jacobinism, 1802. Burke, Two Letters, 1793, 95. Coalition, La, 1817. Considerations on the.... War, 1796. Coup d oeil politique, 1800. Crisis Stated, 1793. Erskine, Present War with. Fauchet, Relations with the U. S., 1797. Fruits of Gallic liberty, 1798. General View, 1815. Glasse, G. II., Sermon, 1793. Illingworth, Sermon, 1798. Inquiry., relations of and Amer ica, 1811. Independence of Gr. Br., 1804. Ivernois, Of the Assignats, 1795. Le Brun, Memorial, 1792. Letter on the Government, 1810. Lettre a My Lord Lauderdale, 1795. Lofft, C., Remarks on Burke s letter, 1790. P. 411. McKeen, J., Discourses, 1798. Marsh, C., Appeal to G. Brit., 1803. Memoires d un detenu, 1795. Montgaillard, France, May, 1794. Montlosier, Effets de la violence, 1796. " Vues sur la paix, 1796. Mornington s speech, 1794. Nicholls, R. B., Considerations, 1798. Observations on the formation, 1810. Patriot s Calendar, 1794. Picture of the times, 1795. Plain thoughts, 1797. Playfair, W., Of diminishing France, 1793. France, History, 1789-183O, Politi cal 1 amphlets (continued). Playfair, W., Resources of, 1793. Priestley, Copies of Letters to, 1798. Prince, J., Sermon, 1798. Prospect before us, 1794. Public Spirit, 1808. Rennell, T., Sermon, 1793. Reply to the Sermon of Horsley, 1795. Revolutionary Justice, Phila., 1798. Robison, Proofs of Conspiracy, 1799. Stillman, Serin, on the Revolution, 1794. P. 559. Thayer, J., Sermon, 1798. Towers, Oration on, 1788. Two-penny worth of Truth, 1793. Watson, R., Address to the People, 1 788. " Sermon, 1793. Whitney, P., Discourse, 1812. Wilkes, M., Tocsin sounded, 1795. Wilson J., Letter political, 1793. Windham, Speech on Peace with, 1801. Wollaston, F., Parson s Address, 1799. Wright, W., English arrested by, 1803. Wyvill, Letter to Pitt, 1793. Young, A., Example of France, 1793. France, History, 183O-1871. Blanc, L., History of, 1830-40. Carn^, Hist, du Gouv. representatif, 1789-18*8. Cobbett, Lectures on Rev. of 1830. Cochrane, The Great Week in Paris, 1830. Corbiero, Les Trois Journees, 1830. Corkran, Hist. Nat. Assem., 1848. Dumas, Le Mois, 1848. Events in Paris, July 1830. Fetridge, Paris Commune in 1871. France and her Emperors, 1860. Guizot, Memoirs, 1858-61. Hawkins, T., On Brougham s Letter. Letters of Times Correspond. ,1870-71. Lamartine, Hist, of Rev. of 1848. Military Events of 1830. Mitchell, D. G., The Battle Summer, 1848. Morgan, Lady, France in 1829, 30. Raikes, France since 1830. Saint Arnaud, Marechal, Lettres,1851, 1853. St. John, P. B., French Rev. in 1848. Sarrans, B., Mem. of Lafayette, 1832. Schnitzler, Statist, generate, 1846. Tenot. Coup d etat, Dec. 1851. Trois journees de Feb. 1844. United States: Mess, of Prest., 1836, 1848. Wirt, W., Address, Rev. of 1830. See Napoleon III ; Louis Philippe. 200 FRANCE. France, History, 1830-71, Pam phlets. Amer. Claims on France. 1836. Audifret, Le Budget, 1841. Bonaparte, L., Au Confessional, 1853. Caldwcll, J., Sermon, 1830. Causeries sur les affaires, 1831. Considerations sur la crise, 1830. Etudes Politiques et historiqucs, 1836. ! Girardin, Des 52, 1849. Hunter, R. M., Speech, Spoliations of, | 1851. Pamphlets of this period, vols. 7S9, 1327-1330, 1516. Romand, Dictature de Paris, 1848. Sinclair, G., Reflections, 1859. France, Navy. Bonfils, Hist, de la Ma rine Franyaise, 1845. France: Ordinance, 1689. Grasse, Combat Naval du 12 Avr.1796. Joinvillc, Naval forces of. La Serre, Essais sur la Marine de, 1661 a 1785. Letter from an Officer, 1798. France, Society and Manners. Aristocratic en France, 1834. Beaumanoir, Coutumes du Beauvoisis. Berry, Social Life in Eng. and France, 1844. Bulwer, II. L., Frandb, social, 1834. " Monarchy of the Middle Ages, 1836. Cheruel, Diet. Hist, de la France, 1855. Costello, Beam and the Pyrenees. Houssaye, Men and Women of 18th Century. Lauzun, Memoires, 1747-83. Recamier, Mme., Sketch of. Renneville, Coutumes Gauloises, 1823. See France; Travels. France, Travels in and Descriptions. American Wanderer, 1783. Angouleme, Voy. de Louis XVI, 1824. Berrian, W., Travels in, and Italy, 1817, 18. Blessington, Countess, Idler in France, 1841. Breval, Tr. through, and the Low Countries, 1726. Carr, J., Stranger in France. Cass, L., Its King, Court, etc., 1840. Chiniac, La Religion Gauloise. Cobbett, J. P., Ride of 800 miles, 1824. Cobbett, J. M., Letters from, 1825. Cooper, J. F., Residence in, 1836. Coste, Voyage... sur lo littoral, 1855. Costello, Beam and the Pyrenees, 1844. " Valley of the Meuse. Cradock, J., Lit. Mem., Trav. in, 1828. Prance, Travels in and Descriptions (continued). Ditson, Para papers, 1858. Donelan, My trip to, 1857. Dumas, Pictures of Travel in. Faber, Sketches of France, 1813. Few weeks in Paris, 1814. Gentleman s guide, 1768. Inglis, The Pyrenees. James, J., Sketches of Travel in Italy and, 1820. Jefferys, Maps of Maritime parts, 1761. Johnston, D., Charity in, 1829. Letters concerning the French, 1769. Utters descriptive of, (Gushing), 1832. Letters from Geneva and France, 1819. Louis XVIII, Voy age a Bruxelles,l791. Meissas, Quest, sur la carte, 1858. Merimee, Voy. dans 1 Ouest de, 1836. <f Voyage en Auvergne, 1838. Moore, J., Jour, of Residence in, 1792. Overbury , Sir T , Observations on, 1 609. Pardoe, The River and the Desert, 1838. Pinkney, Col., Tr. in South of, 1807. Rombise, Itin . . . .Galliae, 1639. St. John, Letters from. 1787. Simpson, J., Paris after Waterloo, 1853. State of France, 1760. Stearns, S., Tour from London to Paris, 1790. Steffens, Adventures, 1813, 14. Taylor, J. N., Sketch of, 1815. Thicknesse, Journey through, 1789. Trollope, Summer in Brittany, 1840. Vatout, Residences Roy ales, 1845. Willard, E , Journ. and letters from, 1833. Young, A., Trav. in, 1787. See Europe, Travels in; French See also Avignon, Bazas, Bordeaux, Brittany, Lillebourne, Lyon, Nev- ers, Normandy, Paris, Rheims, Rouen, Toulon. See also Antiquities, Genealogy, Her aldry, Literature, Language, Pro testantism, Typography, etc. France, Isle of. See Mauritius. Francis, B. Ryland, J., Discourse on. Francis, C. Newell, W., Memoir of, 1866. P. 1857. Francis, Sir P. Burke, E. H., "Not Junius." Parkes, J., Memoirs of, 1867. Taylor, J., Identity of Junius, 1816. See Junius. Franciscus, 8. Bourchier, De Martyrio Francisci. Franck, A. H. Life of. FREE TRADE. 201 Frankland, Sir C. II. Nason, E., Life of. Franklin, B. Autobiography, Bigelow, 1868. " Vicde, Paris, 1791. Life of, by himself, cont. by W. T. Franklin, 1818. Life and Writings,(Sparks),1840. Boston, Inaug. of Statue of, (Shurt- leff), 1857. Fauchet, Eloge de, 1790. Franklin, B., Letters by his family, . 1859. Gilpin, H. D., Address on, 1857. Green, S. A., Oi his Autobiography, 1871. Histoire d un pou, 1779. Holley, 0. L., Life of, 1848. Mignet, Vie de, (Inst. de France; Ac. Mor. v. 7). Parton, J., Life of. Smith, W., Works, Eul. on, 1803. Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. Essays. Weems, Life of, 1835. Weld, H. H., Narr. of his life, 1848. Winthrop, R. C., Speech, Statue of, 1856. P. 242. Wynne s Lives, 1850. Franklin, Sir J. Kennedy, W., Voy. of the Prince Albert, 1853. La Roquette, Notice Biog. sur, 1857. Osborn, Fate of, 1860. Weld, C. R., The Search for, 1851. See Arctic Voyages. Franklin, W. Whitehead, W. A., Life of, 1763-1776. Franklin, Conn. Nott, S., Half Century Serm. Woodward, Congr. Church Centenn. Franklin Co., Ms. Holland, Western Massachusetts. Packard, Hist, of Churches in. Franklin Co., N. Y. Gazetteer, 1862. Hough, B. F., History of, 1853. Franklin Co., Ohio. Martin, W. T., History of. Fraser, H. Rosewell, J., Discourse on. Fraunhofer. Thiersch, Biog. Nachrich- ten, 1852. Frazer, S., Lord Lovat. See Lovat. Frederica, Margravine of Bareith. Memoirs, 1828. Frederick. See York, Duke of. Frederick I of Prussia. Jablonski, Memoriae . . . Monumentum, 1713. Kugler, F., Campaigns of, 1845. 26 Frederick II of Prussia. Abbott, J. S. C., Life of, 1871. Carlyle, History of, 1858, 62, 64, 65. Dover, Lord, Life of, 1832. Frederick II, (Euvres, 1846-53, 23 v. * Hist, de mon temps. " Recueil de lettres, de 1757. Grimm et Diderot, Correspondance, 1753-1790. Mirabeau, Secret Hist, of the Court. Frederick William III, of Prussia. Towers, Life of. Frederick, Md. Zacharias, Centen. Ser mon, 1847. Pam. 267. Free Communion Brethren. Wauby, Sermon, 1811. Freedmen. See Civil War; Negro races; Slavery. Free Masonry. See Masonry. Free Soil. -See U.S. Territories; Slavery. Free Thinking. See Natural Religion; Deism. Free Trade. Agricola, Letters on, 1845. Agriculture, Commerce, 1826. Alison, A., F. T. and Currency. Assoc. Beige, Liberte commerciale, 1846, 47. Atkinson, S., Effects of, 1829. Badnall, Letters, 1830. Bastiat, Sophisms of the protect, pol. " Popular fallacies, 1849. " Harmonies economiques, I860. Brown, C. B., Address to Congress. Carey, H. C., Principles of Social Science, 1858. " Dinner to, 1859. " Letters to the President, 1858. (( [Writings collected] . Carey, M., Views on the Lib. System, 1826. Chaptal, Impost duties, 1821. P. 153. Commercial facts, 1855. Dunckley, A., The Charter of the Na tions, 1854. Essay, 7th, P. Webster, 1785. Essay on, 1825. P. 153. Finch, Town dues.... free trade, etc., 1850. Free Trade Convention, 1831. P. 55. Fonfrede, (Euvres, v. 8, 1845. Gladstone, Intended repeal of the Corn laws, 1846. Greeley, H., Essays of Polit. Econ., 1870. " Protect, of industry. P. 290. Lee, H., An Exposition, 1832. Letter to the Electors, 1848. Lherbette, De la liberte cominer. P. 10. 202 FREE TRADE. Free Trade (continued). Maitland, Export, of Wool, 1818. Morton, J , Protection on Agriculture, 1846. P. 424. Necessity of Comm. treaty with France, 1787. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 153, 424. Pearson, R., A reply, 1850. Raguet, Principles of, 1840. Report of Comm. of Citizens of Boston, 1828. Review of H. G. Otis s Speech, 1831. Stewart, A., Review of Walker. Turgot, (Euvres, Liberte du cornm. des grains, 1808-11. Urquhart s Turkey. , Webster, P., Essays, 1785. Young, G. F., F. T. Fallacies, 1852. See Tariff; Corn Laws; Monopoly; Commerce; Polit. Econ. Free Will. See Necessity ; Will. Free Will Baptists. F. W. B. For. Miss. Soc., 1855. P. 604. F. W. B. Register, 1847-59. Treatise of Faith of. Mark s Life. Stewart, History of. Fielinghuysen, T. Campbell, W. H., Sermon on, 1862. Chambers, Life of. Fremont, J. C. Life of, 1856. " Explorations. " Trial, etc., 1848. " Claims, U. S. Sen., 1848. Bigelow, J., Life of, 1856. Fish, H., Reason for support, 1856. Fremont, J. B., Story of the Guard, 1863. Hall, B. F., Republican Candidates, 1856. Headley, J. T., Letter on, 1856. Lord, 0. P., His Principles, 1856. Pam., v. 537, Pres. Election, 1856. Steele, A., Letter on, 1856. Willard, E., Late Amer. Hist., 1856. French Judiciary. Floquet, L Echi- quier de Normandie. French Pamphlets. Vols. 523, 608, 747, 748, 789, 1109, 1783; B. C. 41. See Political; France. French Prophets. Bulkeley s Answer, 1708. Calamy s, E., Life and times, vol. 2. " Caveat against, 1708. " Bulkeley s remarks consid ered, 1708. Luttrell, v. vi, 307, 571. Pamphlets, vol. 2516. French Spoliations. Clayton, J. M., Speech on, 1846. Hunter, R. T. M., Speech on, 1851. Spoliations of Am. Commerce. See France, Hist., 1789-1830; Neutrals. French Wars in America, 1744-63. Banvard, Tragic Scenes. Beaujeu, Bataille du Malangueule. Bradstreet s expedition, 1759. Brief view of Penn a, 1756. Chauncy, Braddock s defeat, 1755. Clarke, W., Obs. on conduct of the French, 1755. Comparative importance, 1762. Craig, N. B., Washington s first Cam paign, 1848. Dobson, Chronol. of the war, 1755-63. Drake, S. G., History of French war. Evans, L., Letter on Fort Frontenac, etc., 1756. Gardiner, Exped. toW. Indies, 1759. Gibson, Siege of Cape Breton, Louis- burg, etc., 1747. Knox, J., Jour, of campaigns in N. America, 1757-60. Le Moine, Maple leaves, 1864. Letter to the people of England, 1756. Lettres d un Franyois, 1755. Livingston, Review of operations. Loudon, Conduct of a commander re viewed, 1758. Mante, History of the late war, 1772. Memoire contenant le precis des faits, 1756. Memoiresdescommissaires du roi,1755- 1757. Memoirs of the war from 1744. Mitchell, Contest in America, 1757. Niles Hist, of, (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll.). Parsons s Hill family. Peuple, Le, Juge, 1756. Pouchot, Memoir upon, Trans. 1866. Poullin, Hist, de la guerre, etc., 1759. Proposals for uniting the Colonies, 1757. R6g. Baptemes a Fort Du Quesne, 1753-56. ^ Reminiscences of the French war, 1831 . Review of the Military opera., 1753-56. Rogers, R., Journals, 1765. Sabine, Hist, address, 1859. Sargent, W., Braddock s expedi., 1855. Serious Consid., (Kennedy), 1754. Shirley, Gov., Conduct of, 1758. " Louisbourg Siege, 1746. Smyth, Sir J. C., Wars in Canada, 1755-1814. Washington, G., Journal to Ohio, in 1752. Wright, J., History of, 1865. See France. FRIENDSHIP. 203 Frcnd, W. Sermon on, Camb., Eng., (Garnham), 1794. P. 374. Freshets. Anderson, Flood of Red river, 1852. Belgium, DCS inondations, 1844. Farrar, Disc, on flood of 1781. Fletcher, Stoppage of the Severn. Marsh, G. P., Man and Nature, 1864. See Rivers; Hydrodynamics. Fresnel, A. J. CEuvres, Lettres, 1868. Moon, R., Reply on, 1849. Freytag, Gen. S. D. Memoires, 1824. Friend, Sir J. Letter to the 3 absolvers, 16%. Friendly Societies. Becher, Constitu tion of, 1824. France, Mut. Aid Soc., 1859. Prov. Clerks* Association. Suggestions to, 1852. See Building Societies. Friends, Society of. American Annual Monitor, 1859, 63. Barclay, R., Catechism. " Apology for.. Quakers, 1805. " Anarchy of Ranters, 1783. Benezet, Account of, 1780. " Sur 1 Origine de Quakers, 1787. Besse, Collection of the sufferings of, 1650-1689. Bishop, G., N. E. judged: answer to C. Mather, 1702. Brownlee, Enquiry into principles of. Burrough, E., Persecu. in N. Engl., 1660. Chalkeley, Works, 1754. Clarkson, Portraiture of Quakerism, 1806. Cockburn, J., Disorders and divis. of, 1829. Collection of Memorials, 1788. Collection of tracts, 1799. Cox, S. H., Quakerism and Christian ity, 1833. Croese, Gen. Hist, of the, 1695. Dean, A. A., Letter to Hibbard, N. ., 1810. Evans, J., On Discipline of. Exiles in Virginia, 1777. Fothergill s Discourses. Fothergill, J., Life, 1754. Fox, G., New England Fire-brand quenched, 1678, 79. " Journal of life, 1694. Friends, American Minutes. " London Minutes to 1783. " Memorials of deceased, 1846. " Proceedings for Indians, 1806, 1838. Friends, Society of (continued). Friends, Proceed, on Slavery, 1754-1842 Friends Almanac, 1855-60. Friends Library, 1837-50. 14 v. Gorton, S., Simplicity s defence, 1646. Greer, Quakerism, 1852. Gurney, J. J., Relig. peculiar, of, 1825. " Letter to Adrian, Mich.,1839. Holme, B., Epistles. Hume, S., Epistle to S. Carolina, 17 54. Hussey, Answer to Rand. Leslie s Snake in the Grass, 1698. Letters to a member, 1840. Nayler, J., Writings, 1653, 56. " Examination, 1657. " Life of, 1656 Neale, S., Life of. Pamphlets relating to, vole. 24, 186, 566, 665. 885, 888, 889, 890, 893, 927, 1212, 1213, 1849. Paying tithes. Pearson, Jane, Sketches of piety. Penn, W., Works, 1726. " Account of ; 1803. Penn a Yearly Meet, of Progressive, 1856, 57, 59. P. 296. Phipps, Orig. State of man, 1818. Pike, J., An Epistle to, 1783. Prince, J. H., Letters to Proud. Quaker quiddities, 1860. Reply to Anguis flagellatus, 1702. Rogers, J., Persuasive to, 1747. Sewell, Decl. of Faith of, 1693. " History of, 1725. Shotwell vs. Hendrickson, 1833. Smith, J., Cat. of books written by Friends. Lond., 1867. Story, T., Life of, 1747. Sufferings of, in New England. Tallack, G., Fox and Baptists, 1868. Thomas, A., His life. Truth Vindicated, 1836. Underbill, S., Memoir of, 1827. Vindication from " Quakerism," 1852. Wight s Hist, of, in Ireland, 1811. Wagstaff, History of, 1845. Woolman, J., Journal of Life of. " Works, 1774. Zell, Memoir of, 1859. See Penn, W. Friendship. Amitie, De 1 , 1767. Alger, Friendships of Women. Cicero, De Ainicitia. " On Friendship. Plato, Works, v. 1. Rowe, Friendship in Death. Taylor, Jeremy, Discourse on. Thomson, Celebrated Friendships, 1861 204 FRIESLAND. Friesland. Gate, Doopsgczienden in Fricsland. EekhofF, Geschiedenis van, 1846. Friesland, Tocstand, 1859. Hedendnagsche Historic, 1785. Leeuwen, J. Van, Kronyk, 1834. Schik, Geschiedenis der staaten, 1581- 1795. Sjoerds, Jaerboeken van. Winsem, P., Rerum sub Philippe II, 1646. See Netherlands. Frignano. Tondini, Mem. della vita. 1782. Frisbie, L. Writings and Life, 182.3. Froissart, J. La Curne, De, Life of, 1801 . Froment-Coste, A. Labretonniere, Notice sur, 1846. P. 240. Frontenac, Fort. Bradstreet s expedi tion, 1759. Fronto, M. C. Epistolae. Fruits. Am Pomological Soc., 1854. Daily, Catalogue, 1859. Downing, Fruit Trees of America,1847. Forsyth, Management of Fruit Trees, 1803. Hovey, C. M., The Fruits of America, 1847-56. Knoop, Pomologia, 1758. Lindley, Pomologia Britannica, 1841. N. Y. Nat. Hist , (Einmons). North Am. Pomolog. Convention, 1849. North-Western Fruit Growers, 1852. Thomas, J. J., Am. Fruit-culturist, 1849. Vermont Fruit Conv , 1848, 50. P. 52. See Agriculture; Horticulture. Fry, Caroline. Autobiography, 1849. Fry, Elizabeth. Journals and Letters, 1847-8. Fryeburg, Me. Davies, C. S., Address, coinmein. at, 1825. Fuel. See Ventilation; Warming. Fuller, Andrew. Works and memoir of. Observations on. Fuller, Arthur. Life of. Fuller, J. Descendants of, 1869. Fulton, R. Cartwright s, E., Me:n. of, 1843. Chapman, W., On his wheel-boats, 1797. Clarkson, Biog. Hist, of Clermont. Colden, C. D., Life of, 1817. " Vind. of Steamboat right, 1818. Duer, W. A., Letter to C. D. Colden on his life of, 1817. Fulton, R. (continued). Fulton, R., Corresp. with G. Morris, 1814. P. 145. Latrobe, The Lost chapter, 1871. Livingston, Petition respecting steam boats, 1814. P. 9. B. C. Reigart, Life of, 1856. Renwick, J., Life of, (Sparks 10). Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. Essays. Wynne s lives, 1850. See Stoam. Fulton Co., N. Y. Directory, 1869. Fulton St. Prayer Meeting. Cham bers, Account of, 1858. Funeral Sermons. See Sermons; Eulo gies. Funerals. Madden, Fu. Customs. Maitland, P., Burial Service. Muret, Rites of Funeral, 1683. See Cemeteries. Fungi. See Botany; Microscope; Mil dew; Mushrooms. Furniture. Attingham Catalogue, 1827. Normand, Decorations. Shaw, H., Spec. Anc. Furniture, 1836. See Architecture; Domestic Economy. I m man, R. Sommers, Life of. Fur Trade. Neill, Dahkotu Land. See Hudson s Bay Co. Future Life and State, ^Eneas, De immortalitate. Alger, Hist, of the Doctrine, 1864. Athenagoras, De mort. resurrec. " Jews on resurrection. Blanchard, J. P., An Examination, 1858. Cobbold, An Essay, 1793. Coleridge, Words of Instruction, 1834. Coxe, R. C., Death Disarmed, 1848. Craven, W., Sermon, Gal. vi. 9, 1775. Cruickshank, W., No Intermediate Place, 1839. Dorr, B., Recognition in, 1839 Edwards J., Justice of God, 1773. Fiddes, Serm. on the Judgment, 1707. Fisk, W., Future Rewards, 1823. Friendship in Death, 1733. Future Punishment. P. 296. Gould, G. B., Origin of relig. belief, 1869. Gray, J. T., Immortality, 1847. Hopkins, S., State of those dying in Sin. Hudson, C. F., Debt and Grace, 1858. Huidekoper, Christ in the under world, 1854. Human Nature, 1844. GARONNE, HAUTE. Future Life and State (continued). Jelf, R. W., On Maurice s Essays, 1853. Jephson, On future Judgment, 1742. King, W. W., Of Immortality, 1859. Lape, T., Friends in Heaven, 1838. Lee, S., Eschatology, 1859. Lupton, W., Serm^, Matt. ii. 5, 1708. Mansel, Of Eternity, 1854. Maurice, F. D., The Word . Eternal." Moral proof of the Certainty, 1728. Parry, Defence of Sherlock, 1760. Plato, On Immortality, 1713. Polwhele, Sleep after Death, 1819. Povey, Torments after Death, 1740. Randolph, T., Certainty of, 1755. Ricketts, Intermediate State, 1831. Rye, Personal Remembrance, 1791. Scripture account of, 1754. Shepherd, R., Sermons on, 1795. Sherlock, W., Discourse, 1744. Short Hist. View, (Blackburne), 1763. Smalbroke, Sermon, John. v. 28, 29, 1706. Storrs, Of Souls of the Wicked, 1857. Towne, Grit, inquiry on, 1747. Warburton, Crit. inquiry, 1747. Williams, H. D., Leaves of Consola tion. Woodward, J., Warning, 1758. See Life; Christianity, evidences of; Soul; Universalism. G. Gabriel, R. B. Letter to, on Dr. White, 1789. P. 394. Gadsden, Bp. Life of. P. 1856. Gaelic. See Celtic; Languages. Gaines, Gen. Potter, W., War in Flori- | da, 1836. Scott, W., Letter on Rank, 1827. " Letter concerning, 1827. Gale. Family Genealogy. Gale, J. Kinch, J., Fun. Serm. on. Galilei. Bj-ewster, Sir D., Life of, 1841. Galilei, Life of, Lib. of U. Knowl. Galileo, Life of, 1870. G. and the Inquisition, 1844. Gallagher, W. Western Quar. Review, Life of. Gallatin, A. Bacon, E., Address, 1844. Maine Hist. Coll., v. 6, Autobiogra phy of. Gallaudct, T. H. Barnard, H., Dis course on, 1852. Humphrey, H., Life of, 1857. 1 Galphin, G. Brooks, J., Speech, Claim of, 1853. P. 487. Conger, Remarks on Claim, 1850. Stanley, E., Speech on Claim, 1850. Galloway, J. Examination, 1779. I Galloway, Scotland. Murray, T., History of. Galvanism. See Electricity. Gambling. Browne, J., Sermon on, 1752. Chapin, Evils of Gaming, 1*59. p. 558. Greeks, The, a Poem, 1817. Green, J. H., Gamb Unmasked. N. Y. Assoc., Suppression of, H52. Poulter, J., Discoveries of, 1754. Rennell, Of Gaming, Serm., 1794. Richmond Reports, 1833. Steinmetz, The Gaming Table, 1870. Weems, M. L., God s Reveuge, 1822. Woodward, J., Dissuasive, 1726. Game Laws. Berkeley, Defence of, 1845. P. 403. Martineau, H., Forest Tales. Poetical Remarks, 1797. Remarks on the Suggested, 1830. Games. Boys Own Book. Elaine s Encyclopedia. Fabri, Agonisticon, 1575. Finger-jost to Public Business, 1864. Hoyle s Games, 1779. Matthews, T., Whist Player. Pamphlets, vol. 1771. Philidorian, The. Richardson, H. D., Holiday sports. Some Thoughts on ....a lot, 1750. Strutt, Sports of England. Traveller s Tour. See Amusements ; Chess; Cards Ganganelli. See Clement XIV. Ganges. Raper, Narrative source of. Gano, J. Biog. Memoir of, 1806. Gard, France. Annuaire, 1828. Gardening. See Horticulture; Agricul ture; Fruits. Gardiner, H. Memoirs of. Gardiner, J. Doddridge, P., Life of. Gardiner, M. P. See Blessington, Countess. Gardiner, Me. Hanson, History of. Garibaldi, Gen. G. Life, by himself, 1859. Dwight, Life of, 1861. Garneau, F. X. Casgrain, Vie de,1866. Garonne, Haute, France. Annuaire 1825. 206 GARRICK. Garrick, D. Beloc, v. 1, Collection of, 1807. Davies, Life of, 1786 Garrick, Correspondence. Melmoth, Monody on. Murphy, A., Life of, 1801. Verplanck, His Portrait, 1857. Garrison, A. Hill, R. W. } Discourse on. Garrison, W. L. Boston Fern. Anti SI. Soc., 1835. Stowe s Men of the Time, 1868. Gas. Aubin Gas Works, 1856. P. 255. Barlow, J. ; Expenses of. Blake, J. H., Observations, 1849. Brookline Gas Company, 1853. Buffalo Gas Company, 1848, 55. Clegg, Manuf. and Distribution of. 1841. Compagnie Parisienne, 1861. Cooper s Regulator. P. 298. Hoard s Regulator, 1856. P. 227. Manhattan Gas Company, 1857. P. 260. New-Orleans Gas-light Comp. report, 1847. P. 53. Pamphlets, vols. 1236, 1865. Phil a Gas Works, 1840-56. Portland, Rep. of Agent. P. 476. Gaspe. See Canada. Gates, T. R. Life of, 1818. Gay-Lussac, J. Gal. des Contem. vol. 6, vie de, 1840. Gayrard, R. Duval, J., Notice Biogra- phique, 1859. Gazetteers. See Geography; Dictiona- | ries of Geography; Typography. Geddes, A. Good, J. M., Memoirs of, 1803. Gems. Feuchtwanger, Treatise on gems, 1838. Pliny s Nat. History. Theophrastus, History of stones, Gr. and Lat., 1774. Victoria, Australia, Notes on, 1866. See Engraved Gems. Genealogies, American. Abbot, A., Reg. of G. Abbot, 1847. Adam, W., Adam family, 1848. Adams family, 1861. Adams, J. See Drake s Boston. Adlard, Sutton-Dudley s, 1862. Alden, E , Alden memorial, 1867. Allen s of Medfield, 1869. Andrews, A., New Britain, Conn., 1867. Babcock family. Barry, J. S., Stetson family, 1634-1847. Bascom, T., Descendants, 1870. Genealogies, American (continued). Benedict family, 1870. Bergen family, 1866. " Van Brunt family, 1867. Bill family, 1867. Bird family, 1855. Bissell Genealogy, (Stiles), 1859. Bissell family, 1859. Blake family, 1857. Bogardus. See Gale. Boiling family, 1868. Bond, Watertown, Mass., families, 1855. Bradstreet, S. See Drake s Boston. Brainerd family. See Field, 1857. Brattle family, 1867. Brighams, The. See Morse. Bright, Brights of Suffolk, 1858. Brown, A., A Letter, 1812. Burgess geneal., 1865. Burke & Alvord memorial, 1864. Burnham family, 1869. Butler, C., J. Butler s descendants, 1849. P. 1490. Capron, B., family, 1859. Carpenter family of Penn a. See Lloyd. Chapin family, 1862. Chapin gathering, 1862. Chapman family, 1854. Chase family, 1869. Chaunceys, The. See Fowler. Chauncy, J. See Drake s Boston. Checkley family pedigree. Clark, Hugh, Geneal., 1866. Clark, J. L., Descendants, 1870. Clarke, T., Records, 1869. Coe family, 1596-1856. Coleman family, 1867. Cook, M. C., Federal St. Ch., New- buryport, 1862. Cotton, R. See Drake s Boston. Curtis, W., Records, 1869. Curwen, G. See Drake s Boston. Cushman, H. W., Hist. Gen. of, 1617- 1855. Cutler families. See Morse. Cutter family, 1871. Davenport, A. B., Hist, and Geneal. of, 1086-1850. Davis family record, (C. H. S. Davis, Nos. 1, 4-8), 1868. Day, R., Day of Hartford, 1848. Deane, S., Jour., Portland, Me., 1849. Deane, Leonard Fam., 1851. Dinsmore, J., Genealogy, 1867. Dod Family, 1839. See Dodd. Dodd, S., East- Haven Register. 1647- 1823. G EN K A LOO IKS. 207 Genealogies, American (continued). Dow. See Stranahan. Drake s Hist, of Boston, Pedigrees. Drake Family, 1845. Dudley, D., Dudley Geneal., 1848. Dudley, R. See Drake s Boston. Dunnel and Dwinell Family, 1862. Durrie, Bibliog. Geneal. Americana, 1868. Dutton Family, Cope, 1871. Earle, R., and Descendants, 1860. Eliot. See Drake s Boston. Eliot Family, 1854. Fairfaxes of England and Amer., 1868. Farmer, Geneal. of Settlers of N. E., 1829. Fessenden, Bradford Family, 1850. Field, Geneal. of Brainerd Family, 1867. Fiske, W., Family of N. II., 1867. Fitch. See Stranahan. Fits Family, 1869. Flint, T., Gen. Register, 1860. Fletcher Family, 1871. Foot Family, Supp., 1867. Forster, J., Family, 1870. Fowler, W. C., Mem. of the Chaun- ceys, 1858. Fowler, W., 1870. Fuller, J., Descendants, 1869. Gale family, 1866. Giles Memorial, 1864. Gilman family, 1864. Gilman, J., of N. H., 1869. Gilpin family geneal., 1870. Glover genealogies, 1867. Goddard, E., Genealogy of, 1833. Goodwin. N., Olcott descendants, 1845. " Gen. notes of Conn, settlers, 1856. Goulding family. See Morse. Grant family. See Marshall. Greene, T., family, 1858. Greenleaf, J., 1854. Grout family. See Morse. Guild family, 1867. Hallock, J. & M., Ancestry, 1863. Harklakenden pedigree. Harris, R., 1861. Hastings Memorial. 1866. Hatch family, 1850. Haven, R., Geneal. of, 1859. Hayden, W., 1859, (Stiles Geneal.). Heacock family, 1869. Heraldic Journal, (Whitmore), Boston, 1865-68 Herrick, J., Gen. Reg., 1846. Hill, Lloyd family, 1854. Genealogies, American (continued). Hintnan, Descendants, 1856. Hinman, Settlers of Conn., 1846, 52-56. Hodges Family, 1633-1853. Holgate, Geneal. chart, 1838. " American Genealogy, 1848. Holt family, 1864. Hoyt, D. W., Gen. Hist, of J. and D. Hoyt, 1857, 1871. Hudson, Lexington MS., families. " Hist, of Marlborough, Ms. Hull, R., Descendants, 186y. Hunt family, 1862-3. Huntington family, 1863. Hutchins, L., Autobiography, 1865. Hutchinson, W., Notes, Chester, 1866. " Ancestry of, (Whitmore), 1866. Hyde family, (Walworth), 1864. Janes family, 1868. Josselyn. See Stranahan. Judd, T., Judd and descendants, 1856. Judd s Hist, of Hadley. Kellogg family, 1858. Kellogg, A. S. See White, J. Lathrop family, 1867. Laurence family, 1858. Lawrence, J., of Watertown, 1857. Lee family, of Va., 1868. Leland Magazine, 1850. Leverett family, 1856. Leverett, T. See Drake s Boston. Lincoln families, 1865. Livermore Association. Lloyd family of Penna., (Hill.). Locke, J. G., Locke family, 1853. Loomis family, 1870. Lyman, Dickinsons and Partridges, 1865. Lyman, R., family, 1865. McKinstry family. See Willis. Macy family, 1868. Marshall s Grant, 1869. Marvin family, 1848. Mather family, 1848. Messinger family, 1863. Minshell family, 1867. Montgomery family, 1863. Moody, Moody family, 1847. Morgan, James, family, 1-69. Morse, A., Grout, Goulding, Brigham, Hapgood, Cutler, Pettee, Hewins, Frary, Willis, Rich ards families, 1859-67, 4 vols. " Geneal. of Towns of Sherborn and Holliston, 1856. Mudge family, 1868. Munsell family, (From Stiles). Nason family, 1859. 208 GENEALOGIES. Genealogies, American (continued). New Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Regis ter, 1847-71. Olcott. See Goodwin, 1845 Oliver, T., Ancestry. See Hutchinson. Olmsted family, 1869. Otis, H. N., Family of R. Otis, 1851. Ott family. Paine family register. 8 Nos., 1857-58. Parsons, Hill family, 1854. Peabody family, 1867. Pease, F. S., Gen. of I. Lawrence, 1848. Descendants of J. Pease, 1847. Peck, Descendants, 1868. Phelps, 0., St Catharines, 1862. Pitman, G. See Thurston. Plummer family. See Salem Athe- neum, 1857. Poor, A., Gen. of Merrimack Valley, 1857, 58. Pope, J., Family. Pope, W., family, 1862. Pratt, S., Pratt Memorial. Pratt, W., family. Pratt Memorial, Chapman, 1864. Pratt, Z., Genealogy, 1857. Preble family, 1850, 1870. Prescott Memorial, 1870. Preston family, 1864. Quincy family, 1857. Rawlins, or Rollins family, 1870. Rawson, E., family, 1849. Read r J., Descendants, 1859. Redfield family, 1860. Redfield, T., family, 1839. Reed family, 1861. Reed, W. D., Leonard family, 1851. Rice family. See Ward, A. H., 1858. Richards families, 1861. Ripley, H. W., family, 1867. Robinson family, Pittsburgh, 1867. Robinson, E., Mem. of W. Robinson, 1859. Rockwood family, 1856. Rollins. See Rawlins. Root family, 1600-1870. Salem Ath., Plummer family, 1857. Satkeld family, 1867. Sanbbrn family, 1856. Savage, J., Geneal. Diet, of New Eng land, 1860, 62. Sawin, T. E., family, 1866. Scranton, E. J., Scranton family, 1855. Sears, Pictures of the family. Sewall, II. See Drake s Boston. Shattuck family, 1855. Shattuck, L., Syst. of family regis tration, 1841. Genealogies, American (continued). Shippen family, (Balch). Sigourney family, 1854. Sill family, 1859. Slaftor, E. F., Discourse on, 1870. Slafter, John, Memorial, 1869. Smith, N., Family, by D. Smith, 1849. Smith, T., Journal, Portland, Me., 1849. Spotswood family, 1868. Stafford family, 1870. Steele, J. and G., family, (Durrie), 1859, 62. Stickney family, 1869. Stiles, II . R , Mass, family of Stiles, 1863. < Windsor, Conn, families, 1859, 1863. Stoddard, A-, Family, 1849. Stranahan families, 1868. Strong family, (B. W. Dwight), 1871. Sumner, R., 1854. See Drake s Bos ton. Taft pedigree. Tainter family, 1859. Tappan, Mrs. S., Memoir. Thayer, E., Family Memorial, 1835. Thomas, J., Descendants, 1850. Thurston, C. M., Descendants, 1868. Todd, A., family, 1867. Townsend, J. II. and R., Descendants, It 65. Turner, J., Fam. of H. Turner, 1852. Vail, Questions for a family record. Van Brunt family, 1867. Vassall, J., Geneal. Sketch, 1862. Vinton, J., Descendants of, 1858. Vinton, J. A., Giles Memorial, 1864. Waldo family, 1863. Waldron. See Gale. Walker Memorial, Plymouth Co., 1861. Ward, A. H., Rice, E., Family, 1858. " Ward family, 1857. Warren, J. C., Warren family. Weaver, Anc. Windham, Conn., gene alogy, P. I, 1864. Wentworth, W., Descendants of. 1850. Wetmore family, 1861. White, J., Memorials of, 1860. Whiting, W., Address, Hist. Gen. boc., 1853. Whitmore, F., Family, 1855. Whitinore, W. H., Medford families, 1855. " Lane, Reyner, Whipple fam ilies, 1857. " Temple family, 1856. Am. Genealogist, 1862, 68. " Elements of Heraldry. GENEALOGICAL. 209 Genealogies, American (continued). Whitmore, W. H. See Heraldic Jour nal; Hutchinson. Whitney s Champney, 1855. Park fam., 1855. Willard, S., Descendants, 1858. Williams, S. W., Williams family, 1847. Willis, W. , McKinstry family, 1858, 66. Winchell family, 1869. Winegar family, 1859. Winsor, J., Hist, of Duxbury, 1849. Wolff, C. A A., Memorial, 1863. Woodman, E., Descendants of, (Coffin), 1855. Worcester, W., Descendants, 1856. Wynkoop family, 1866. Yale family, 1850. Young. See Gale family. See Heraldry. See also the town histories. Genealogical, British. Beatson, Polit ical Reg. of Great Brit., 1786. Berry, W., Berkshire, Buckingham shire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Surrey, Sussex Counties, Genealogies, 1830-37. Biographical Peerage, England, Scot land and Ireland. (Brydges), 1808-17. Bridger, Index to printed pedigrees. Bridgman, J., Sackville & Dorset families, 1821. Burke, J. and J. B., Diet, of extinct Baronetcies. " Diet, of extinct Peerages. 1831 , 1861. " Geneal. hist, of landed gentry, 1838, 48. " Geneal. Diet, of Peers and Barons, 1841, 61. " Royal families of Eng., 1848. " Encyc. of Heraldry of G. B., 1847. " Hist. Lands of Engl., 1849. " Family Romance, 1853. " Romance of the Aristocracy, 1855. Burn, J. S., Parish Registers of Eng land. Camden Soo. Publications, 1838-68. Chronicles of Great Britain, Livere de Reis de Brittaine et Engletere. Cole family. Coleman, Index to printed peJigrees. Collectanea Topog. et Geneal., 1834-43. Collins, A., Peerage of Engl., 1756, 1812. Comberbach family. Craik, G. L., Romance of the Peerage, 1849-50. 27 Genealogical, British (continued). Davidson, Holte family. Drummond, (Malcolm, D.), family. Forster pedigree, 1871. Foster, J., pedigree of. Gordon, Sutherland family. Grace family. Gun A Co., Advertisements for kin. Hale, Sir M., Law of hered. descents. Lodge, E., Peerage of the Brit. Emp., 1845. Lower, English surnames, 1842. Nichols. See Collectanea Topographica. " Collec. of Royal wills, 1780. O Kelly, Families d Irlande, 1837. Playfair, British family antiquity, 1809-11. Pocock, Tufton family. Pollard, Stanley s of Knowsley. Shirley, Nobles and gentlemen of, 1866. Sims, Genealogist s Manual, 1856. " Index to Pedigrees, 1849. Stirling Peerage. Sutherland, Countess, caso of. Thorns, W J., The Book of the English gentry, 1845. Topographer and geneal., 1846, 53, 58. Tracy pedigree, 1854. Travers Pedigrees. Tymms Family Topographer. Walford s County families, 1869. Waldo family, (Jones), 1863. Genealogical, European. Anderson, J., Royal Genealogies, 1732. Beeldsnijder, Verbond Nederl. Ed- elen. Fitzgerald, Kings of Europe. Forstemann, Alt. deutsches Namen- buch, 1856. France, Docts. ined., Du Cange, Fam ilies d outre mer. Hartland, Chart of Royal houses. Hauterive, Annuaire de la noblesse, 1868. Hozier, D., Armorial general de la France, 1737-1768. Jurisprudentia Heroica, (Chrystin), 1616, 68. Lastborn, Geneal. of noblemen of Swea and Gotha since 1720, 1842, 43. Lavoisne, Atlas.. Royal families, 1834. Nesle, L imposture de, 1756. Poplimont, La Belgique heraldique. 1867. Siebmacher s Grosses u-allgem. Wap- penbuch, 1865-70. Spener, Opus heraldicuui, 1717. Wall, De, Handvesten, Privilegien, etc. , .... Dordrecht, 1770-83. See Heraldry. 210 GENESEE COUNTY. Genesee County, N. Y. Directory, 1869. " Memorial of Water Owners, | 1853. P. 477. Genesee Farmer, 1840, 42, 47, 48, 50,52. Munro, Description of, 1804. Peck, Q., Methodism in, 1860. Post, Fevers, etc. of, 1823. 1 Williamson, Description of, 1798. Geneva, N. Y. Directory, 1863. Geneva, Switz. Du Roveray, Proceed. of the French, 1793. Geneve: Reglemens, 1662. Ivernois, Tableau Historique. Revolution in, 1792-4. Letters from, (Kinloch), 1819. Revolution Franfoise, 1792-4. Spon, History of, 1687. Genlis, M me De. Memoirs, 1825. Genoa. Descrizione di Genova, 1846. Guide de, 1833. Lester, My Consulship, 1853. Oderico, Lettere Ligustiche, 1792. Gent, T. Life of, 1832. Gentleman. Butler, C., The American Gentleman, 1851. Calvert, G. II., The Gentleman, 1863. Foxton, T., Serino, 1723. P. 1795. Gracian, B., L homme universel, 1723. Lieber, Character of a, 1864. Roberts, Christian Gentleman, 1831. See Etiquette; Young men. Geodesy. See Surveying; Coast Surveys; Geography; Clocks; Mathematics. Geography. Abbot, G., Brief Descrip tion, 1635. Amer. Geog. and Statist. Soc. Journal, 1856, 59. Ansted, Elera. Course of....phys. Geog., 1850. Anville, D , Ancient Geog., 1814. Audiffret, Geog. anc. mod. et hist., 1689-94. Belle-Forest, L Hist. univ. du monde, 1570. Bigland, J., Geog. View of the World, 1811. B. C. Binghara, C., Astr. Catechism, 1810. Blomfield, View of the World, 1807. Botero, Le Relazioni universal!, 1595 Brent, Notes, Config. of continents. Busching, New System of, 1762. Carey, H. C., Geography of America, 1822. . Cellarius, Geog. antiqua, 1731. Cities and towns of the World, Lard- ner, 133. Cluverius, Introd. in univ. Geog., 1697. Geography (continued). Cockburn, Hannibal s route over the Alps. Comeiras, Geographe Manuel, 1801. Coulier, Positions geonomiques, 1828. Davenport, Guide, N. America and W. Indies, 1833. Dunn, Univ. planispheres. Encke, Longit. de Bruxelles. Fage, Descr. of the World, 1658. " Cosmography, 1667. Fer, N. De, Introd. a la Geog., 1717. Fitch, G. W., Outlines of, 1855. Fosbroke, Foreign Topography, 1828. Geographical Gazette, 1855. Geog. Soc. of Lond., Journal, 1831-69. Goldsmith, Grammar of, 1814. Goodrich, S. G , Comp. geog. and hist., 1855. " Universal Traveller, 1850 . Gordon, P., Geog. Anatomized, 1733. Gottfried, Archontologiacosmica, 1638. Guilmin, Cosmographie, 1856. Guthrie, W-, New System of Modern Geog., 1788. Hamilton, W. R., Progress of. Heylin, Cosmographie, 1665. Higgins, W. M., The Earth, 1836. B C. Hubner, Oudc en Nicuwe Geog., 1722. Humboldt, Tableaux de la Nature, 1828. <{ Cosmos, Phys desc. of the Universe, 1847-58. " Ksmos, 1858-62, (German). Ingraham, Geog. of the N. Test. Johnson, A. K., Ordnance Surv. of Scotland. Johnson, R., Relations of the world, 1611. Jourdan, Cosmographie, 1669. Jovius, Regionum descrip., 1596. Kaiserl. Geog. Gesellschaft, 1857-64. Kloden, Handhuch der Erdkunde, 1862. Koeppen, Authors on geog. of middle ages, 1854. LaCondamine, Voy. al 6quatcur, 1751. La Croix, G6og. moderne, 1773. Weereld-Beschryving, 1705. Lamont, Ortsbestimmungen . . Baycrn. " Karten von Deutschland. Le Rouge, Introd. a la Geog., 1748. Linda, Dcscript : o orbis, 1665 Lloyd, Physical Geog., Lib. U. K. " Mathematical Geography, Lib. U. K. Maclot, Precis sur le globe terr., 1765. Mahlmann, Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1842-43. Mallet, Descr. de 1 univers, 1683. GEOGRAPHY. fico^raphy (continued). Maltc Brun, Univ. Geog., 1827-3J. Mass., Trigon. Survey Rep., 1833. Maupertuis, (Euvres, 1756. Maury, L. F., Progres en Geog., 1859. Maury, M. F., Amazon and Atlantic slopes of South Ameri., 1853. * Phys. Geog. of the sea, 1855, 57. Medrano, Breve descr. del Mundo, 1686. Mela, P., De Situ Orbis, 1700. Melish, Descrip. of the World, 1818. Mercator, Historia Mundi, 1635. Middleton, C., System of, 1788. Mitchell, S. A., View of the World, 1846. Morden, R., Geog. of the World, 1688. Morse, S. E., System of, 1822. Munster, Cosmography, 1574, 88. Muratori, Diss. Chorographica. Murchison, Address Geog. Soc. Lond., 1859. P. 500. Murray, II., Encyclopaedia of, 1834. Niebuhr, B. G., Lectures on ancient, 1853. Notions Elomentaires de. Novo grajdansko Zemliopisanie. Ortelius, Teatro del mondo, 1608. " Theatrum orbis terrarum, 1570, 73. Ostervalt, F., De gcographische On- derwyzer, 1781. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 500, 645, 646, 1331, 1683, 1772, 2510. Pelham, The World, 1806. Pennant, T., Le Nord du Globe, 1789. Petavius, Geog. of World, 1659. Pinkerton, J., Modern Geog., 1804. Porcacchi, L Isole del mondo, 1576. Ptolemaeus, Geographies lib. viii, 1552. Ritter, C., Geog. Studies, 1863. Robert de Vaugondy, Essai sur 1 his- toire de, 1755. " Institu. Geographiques, 1766. Royal Geog. Soc., Lond., Proc., 1859- 1869. Journal, 1858-69. Salmon, Geog. Grammar, 1785. Smyth, W. H., Address Roy. Geog. Soc., 1850. Societede Geographic, Bulletins, 1852- 1858. Solinus, C. J., Commentaria in, 1557. Somerville, Mary, Phys. Geog., 1848. Stengel, Uber die Alpen, 1786. Strabo, Geography of, 1857. " Rerum Geographicarum, 1707. Taylor, J., Select, from Huinboldt. Thevet, Cosmographie, 1575. Geography (continued). Totius Orbis Descriptio, 1643. Tuckey, Mar. Geog. and Statist. ,1815. United States Pacific R. R., Explora tions, 1854. Vaissette, Geog. Hist. Eccl. et Civile, 1755. Wells, E., Anc. and Present Geog., 1738. " Treatise of Anc., 1717. Wilson, J., Hist, of Mountains, 1807. See Earth; Geodesy; Maps; Biblio graphy; Voyages; Mountains. Geography, Dictionaries. Alcedo, Dizionario di America, 1789. Baldwin, T., Universal Gaz., 1845. Blackie, W. G , Imperial Gazetteer, 1852. Bouillet, Diet. Univ. d Hist. et de Geog., 1858. Brookes, R., Gen. Gazetteer, 1782, 1839. Callicott, T. C., Hand-book of Univ. Geog. Corneille, T., Diet. Univ. Geog. et Hist., 1708. Crutwell, Universal Gaz., 1800. Dizionario di Geog., 1797. Edinburgh Gazetteer, 1822. Fisher, R. S., U. S. Gazetteer, 1553. Forsteinann, Altdeutsches Namenbuch. Goodrich, Pocket Gaz., 1832. Harper s Statist. Gaz., 1855. Hayward, U. S. Gazetteer, 1853. Hoffman, J. J., Lexicon Univ., 1698. Hubner, Kouranten-Tolk, 1748. La Martiniere, Grand Diet. Geog., 1739-41. Landinann, G., Universal Gaz., 1840. Luiscius, Alg. Hist. Geog. Woordenb., 1724-27. McCulloch, Universal Gaz., 1845. Malham s Naval Gaz., 1801. Morse, Universal Gaz., 1823. Peuchet, Diet, de la Geog. Commcr- yante, 1799. Salmon, Gazetteers 1746. Scott, J., United States Gaz., 1795. Univ. Gazetteer, 1799. Smith, W., Diet, of Gr. and Roman Geog. Thomas, J., Complete pronouncing, (Lippincott), 1855. Universal Gazetteer, London, 1760. Watson, Geog. Diet., 1773. Wiltberger, Vocabulary of places. Worcester, J. E., Universal Gaz. ,1817. Zamakhshari, Lexicon Geog., 1856. See History; U. States and the Several States, etc.; Dictionaries; Geog. of Typography. 212 GEOGRAPHY. Geography, Discovery. Buache, De- couvertes iner du sud, 1 753. Burney, Hist, of N. E. Discov., 1819. " Hist, of Dis., South Seas. Clarke, J. S., Prog, of Maritime dis covery, 1803. Cooley, W. D., Hist, of Marit. discov. Edinburgh Cab. Lib., vols. 5, 9, 21, 34. La Popcllinere, Lcs trois mondes,1582. L Isle, Nouv. cartes des mere septen., 1753. Retrospect of the Origin of. Robinson, C., Discoveries in the West to 1519. Stevenson, W., Hist, of, 1824. Traite de la Nav. et des voy. de des- couvertes, 1629. Tytler, P. F., Progress of disc. United States Exploring Expedition, 1855. See Voy ages; America, Discovery of. Geography, Elementary for Schools. Bond, R., Popular Geog., 1853. Campe, Bibliothc que Geog., 1804. Cortambert. Leyons de, 1856. Dwight, N., Short System of, 1801. Elementos, N. Orleans, 1818. Free, J., Tyrocinium Geog., 1789. Gaultier, Geog., 1859. Gonzalez, Elementos de, 1852. Grandpre, Abreg6 clem., 1825. Guyot, A., Primary Geog. Series, 1866. " Second Series, 1866. Hart, J. C., Exercises on Maps. Hughes, W., Scholar s Atlas, 1854. Mitchell, S. A., School Geog. " New Intermediate, 1868. Monteith s Intermediate, 1863, 1866. Morse, J., Geog. made easy, 1796. Muenscher, Outlines, 1827. Olney, Introduction to. " Practical System of, 1835. Pinnock. See Williams. Sanis, Leons de. Petite Geog., 1855. Scott, J., Elem. of Geog., 1807. Smith, R. C., Geog. for Schools, 1848. Spafford, H. G., General Geog., 1809. Stewart, K. J., Palmetto Geog., 1864. Thayer, W. A., Compendium, 1816. Willetts, J., School Geog., 1838. Williams, E., System of Modern, 1835. Woodbridge, W. C., System of Uni versal. Worcester, J. E., Elem. of, 1829. Geography, Biblical. Calmet s Dic tionary, (Robinson). Fleming, W., Essay on. Geography, Biblical (continued). Fleming, W., Scripture Gazetteer. Jenks Bible Atlas, 1847. Kitto s Cyclop, of Bib. Lit. Parish, E.> Sacred Geography, 1813. Robinson s Researches in Palestine. " Geog. of Holy land, 1865. Sanson, N., Geog. Sacra, 1665. Scripture Atlas, Lond., 1813. Smith, W., Diet, of the Bible. " The Same, (Hackett), 1870. Spanheim, Introd. ad Sac. Geug.,1686. Wells, Geog. of the Bible, 1721-34. Willtsch, Church Geog., 1868. See Bible; Palestine. Geography, Atlases of Maps. Atlan tic Neptune. Bannister, Maps of Land and Sea, 1849. Blaew, Atlas, America, Africa, 1662. Bradford, T. G., Atlas, 1835. Brender a Brandis, Zak-en Rois-Atlas. Bromme, Atlas zu Von Humboldt s Kosmos, 1851. Burr s new univ. atlas, 1833. " New York Atlas, 1829. Cartes du monde, 1660, 61. Charts, Admiralty office, Lond., 1775- 1809. Colton s Atlas of the World, 1855, 6. Colton s Geog. cards, 1856. Cortambert, A. de, Gt -og. Moderne, 1850. Delisle, Atlas, 1700-1750. Encyclopedic methodique, 1787. Gage, L., Modern Hist. Atlas, 1869. Giustiniani, El Nuevo atlas, 1755. Jeffery s Amer. Atlas, 1776. Johnson s Atlas of the World, 1863. Johnson s Physical Atlas, 1848. Lavoisne, Atlas. Maps, misc., vol. 1-25. Marine Atlas (Heather), 1802. Martinius, Atlas Sinensis, 1655. Mercator, Atlas, v. 2, 1636. f. " Atlas, Minor, 1607. Mitchell, General Atlas, 1863. Moll, H., Atlas Manuale, 1713. Morse, Cerographic Atlas. New General Atlas, Edinb., 1817. Ortelius, Theatrura, 1570. Robert, Atlas universel, 1759. Snnson, L., Maps of the World. Society diff. use. knowl., Atlas, 1844. Steele s Marit. Atlas, 1814. Vandermaelen, Atlas universel, 1827. See Particular countries; also N. Y. Catalogue of Maps in the Library. GEOLOGY. 213 Geology, Elementary Treatises, j G Ansted, Elem. course of min., geol., etc., 1850. Beudant, Cours. d hist. nat., 1859. Dana, J. D., Manual of, 1863. Foster, J. T., Introduction to, 1850. Gray, A., Elements of Geology, 1853. Hart, J. C., System of. Houghton, Manual, 1866. Hitchcock, Ed., Elem geol., 1847. Jukes, J. B., Popular physical geol., 1853. Lyell, Manual of, 1851. Mather, W. W., Elements of Geol., ! 1833. Mitchell, W., Manual of, (Orr), 1854. Miller, Hugh, Sketch of popular Geol. Page, D., Elements of Geology, 1848. " Advanced book of, 1859. " Introd. Text-book, 1860. Phillips, Treatise on Geology, 1835. " Manual of, 1855. Playfair, Huttonian Theory. Richardson, G. F., Introd. to, 1851. " For Beginners, 1842. St. John, S., Elements of, 1851. Thomson, T., Outlines of, 1836. Geology, Miscellaneous. Anderson, J., The Course of Creation, 1851. Ansted, The Ancient World, 1847. " Stone book of Nature, 1863. Bertrand, A., The Revolutions of the Globe, 1835. Boase, H. S., Treat, on Primary geol., 1834. Bourrit, Glacieres de Savoie, 1785. Brainerd, Sandstone Conglomerate, 1852. P. 272. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Quatre lettres sur le Mexique, (Glaciers). Breislak, Geol. de Milano, 1822. Buckland, Reliquiae Diluvianaj, 1823. Buckman, J., Stone steps, Gr. Brit., 1852. " Straits of Malvern. Conybeare, On progress of, 1832. Cook, Subsidence of Land, 1857. Cordier, Temperature of the Earth, 1828. Cotta, Erzlagerstatten, 1859. Cuvier, Theory of the Earth, 1818. Dana, J. D., Addresses, 1847, 54, 55. Darwin, C., Voy. of H. M. S. Beagle, 1840-42. Davis, C. H., Deposit of flood tide. Dawson, J. W., Writings. De La Beche, Geol. of Cornwall, De vonshire, 1839. " Geol. Memoirs, Selections, 1824. eology, Miscellaneous (continued). De La Beche, How to observe Geology. 1836. " Geological Observer, 1851. Dixon, Geology of Sussex, Eng., 1850. Dufr. -noy, Exp. de la carte geol. de la France, 1841. Eaton, Geol. Text-book, 1830. Egloffstein, Geol. of Mexico, 1864. Ehrenberg, Mikrogeologie, 1854. Figuier, World before the Deluge,1867. Flurl, Gebirgsformationen, 1805. Forbes, Theory of Glaciers. Great Britain, Geol. Survey, Memoirs, 1846-48. " Memoirs, Figures, Decade I- XII, 1846-66. Greenough, Exam, of first prin. of, 1819 . Griffith, R., Address, Geol. of Ireland. Hamilton, W., Researches in Asia Minor and Armenia, 1842. Hand-book of, Lond., 1840. Harting, De bodem onder Amsterdam, 1852. Hartt, Sci. results of journey, 1870. Haskins, R. W., Poisson on Tempera ture, 1837. Hauer, Mines de 1 Autriche, 1855. Haughton, S., Sci. Papers, 1851-63. Hayden, Geological Essays, 1820. Hayes, J. L., Influence of icebergs on drift, 1843. P. 79. Hiortdahl, Undersogelser i Bergens. Hitchcock, E., Surface Geol. " Geol. of the Globe, 1854. " On Ichnolithology, 1858. Holmes, F. S., The Horse, etc., 1858. Hopkins, E., Geol. and Magnetism, 1851. Hopkins, W., Resear. in Phys. Geol., 1839, 40, 42. Humble, Diet, of Geol. and Mineral., 1843. Johnston, Catech. of Agr. Geol., 1845. " Agricultural Geol. Junghugh, Cat. Geol. Samm. v. Java, 1854. Kranz, Cat. of specimens for sale. Lea, J., Contributions to, 1833. Lee, C. A., Elements of, 1848. Lyell, Sir C., Lectures on, 1842, 43. " Principles of, 1850. *< Antiquity of Man, 1863. McClelland, Geol. of Kemaon, India, 1835. Maclaren, Geol. of Fife and Lothian. MaoCulloch, Memoir of Surv. of Scot land, 1836. Manes, Mem. geologiques sur PAlle- magne, 1828. 214 GEOLOGY. Geology, Miscellaneous (continued). Mantell, Excursions, Isle of Wight, and Devonshire, 1854. " Geology of Sussex, 1827. " Medals of Creation, 1844, 53. < Wonders of, 1857. fe Petrifactions and their teach ings. Miller, H., Geology of the Bass Rock. 1851. " Old Red Sandstone, 1842. " The Foot prints of the Creator, 1850. Murchison, The Silurian system, 1839. " The oldest rocks with or ganic remains. Netherlands, Verhandelingen, 1853, 54. Orbigny, Geol. appliquee aux arts, 1855. Osborn, A., Field Notes of, 1858. Page, D., Geolog. terms. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 790, 791, 974, 1517, 1866. Phillips, J., Geol. of Yorkshire, 1835. " Life on the earth, 1860. Playfair, Works, 1, Huttonian The ory, 1822. Portlock, Geol. of Londonderry, etc., | 1843. . " Address, 1857, 58. Ramsay, Geol. of Is. Arran, 1841. Randall, S. S., Incentives to the study of, 1846. Raspe, Basaltes, 1776. Ray, J, Discourses, 1721. Reynolds, Atlas of. Rogers, H. D., Am. Geol. Assoc. Address, 1844. P. 92. Rooke, J., Reclamation of land from sea, 1840. Schafhiiutl, Gcognos. Untersuchun- ungen. Die Geologic in ihrem Verhiiltnisse, 1843. Science of Geology, 1837. Scrope, Volcanoes of Cent. France. Sexe, Af Hardangerfjorden. Silliman, P., Philos of, 1839. P. 1517. Sopwith, Treatise on Isomet. drawing, 1838. Tjader, Stora Kopperbergs Grufwor. Travanet, Physiol. de la terre, 1844. Trimmer, Pract. Geol., 1841. Tyndall, Glaciers of the Alps, 1861. Vaughan, Phen. of World, 1856. P. 222. Vestiges of creation, 1846. Victoria, Austr., Notes sur. Ville, Recherches sur 1 Alger, 1852. Vose, Orographic geol., 1866. Geology, Miscellaneous (continued). Winchell, A., Sketches of creation, 1870. Woodward, Nat. Hist, telluris, 1>14. See Cosmogony; Bibliography; Min eralogy; Earthquakes; Paleon tology; Volcanoes. Geology of North America. Surveys of United States, etc. Akerly, Geol. of Hudson river, 1820. Alabama, Reports of, by Tuomey, 1850. " 2d Report, 1858. Arkansas, Report, 1858. " (Owen), 1860. Blake, W. P., Fossils of California, 1855. Booth, J. C., Survey of Delaware, 1841. California, Tyson, Geology of, 1851. " Reports of J. B. Trask, 1853, 54 Canada, L. Superior and Red River, 1858. t( Rottermund s Survey of Lake Superior and L. Huron, 1856. " Sir W. E. Logan s Reports, 1857, 58, 63, 66-69. " Report, 1858. Connecticut, C. U. Shepard s report, 1837. Cozzens, J., Geolog. Hist., of Manhat tan, 1843. Dana, J. D., U. S. Expl. Exped., 1855. Dana, J. F., Geol. of Boston, 1818. Dawson, J. W., Acadian Geol., 1855. Delaware, by Booth, J. C., 1841. Dufrenoy, Survey of France, 1840. Eaton, A , Index to Geol. of North ern States, 1820. <{ Survey of Renss. and Albany Cos., 1822. Eights, J., Hiatt Tract, Surry, N. C. Emmons, E., The Taconic system, 1844. " Bones of the Zeuglodon cet- oides. P. 79. " American Geology, 1855. ". Second Geol. Dist. N. Y., 1842. North Carolina Rep., 1856 58, 60. Foster, J. W., Geol. of Lake Superior lands, 1850, 51. Gesner, Geol. of Nova Scotia, 1836. Hall, J., Key to Chart of geological formations, 1851. " Niagara Falls, Geol. P. 74. " See New York; Iowa. Hayden, The Platte to Ft. Benton, 1857. P. 551. Hitchcock, Economic Geol. of Mass. GEOLOGY. C.eology of North America (cont d). Hitchcock, Reports on the Geol. of Mass, 1833, 41. llovey, S., Geol. of St. Croix and Antigua. Illinois Report, Norwood, 1858. " Report, (Worthen), 1866. . Indiana, Reconnoissance, 1838. Iowa Reports, 1856, 57, 70. Kentucky, Report, 1854, 55. " 4th Report, 1861. Logan, W. E., Esquisse Geol. du Canada, 1855. " See Canada. Maclure, W., Geol. of the U. S., 1817. Maine, 1st, 2d and 3d Reports, 1837-39. Marcou, Geol. map of U. S. and Can ada, 1853. Maryland, Reports, 1834, 35, 40. " 1st and 2d Reports, 1860, 62. ; Mass. Surv. by E. Hitchcock, etc., 1833,41. Mass. Survey of lands in Maine, 1838. Mather, Geol. of New York, 1842. " Geol. New London, etc., Conn., 1834. Mease, Geol. acct. of the U. S., 1807. Michigan, Survey, (Houghton), 1838- 1842. Minnesota, Survey, (Owen), 1852. Missouri, Survey, (Swallow), 1855. New Brunswick, (Bailey), 1865. New Hampshire, C. T. Jackson s rep., 1841. New Jersey, H. D. Roger s reports, 1836, 40. " Reports, 1855-57, 68. New Orleans Ac. of Sci., 1858. P. 273. New York, Reports, 1837-51. " Nat. Hist. Four districts, 1853. " Nat. Hist. Emmons Agric. " Paleontology, (Hall). Ohio, Geol. Surv., 1871. " Reports of W. W. Mather, 1838. Owen, Chippewa District. " Kentucky Survey, 1854, 55. " Arkansas Survey, 1858. Penn., Rep. of H. D. Rogers, 1836-40, 1858. Rhode Island Geol. Sur., 1840. Rogers, H. D., Report on North Am., 1835. Schoolcraft, Geology of Missouri, 1819. South Carolina Geol. Survey, 1844, 48. Swallow, S. W., Missouri, Pac. R. R., 1859. Tennessee, Reports, 1856, 57. " Rept. by J. Safford, 1869. (Geology of North America (cont d). Texas, (Buckley), 1866. Tuomey, Pleiocene Fossils of S. C., 1855-57. Tyson, P. T., Geol. and Indus, resour. of California, 1851. Uniied States, Exam, between Mis souri and Red R., 1834. Report on California, 1850. * Reports on Iowa and Michigan, 1847. " Illinois, Minnesota and Ne braska. " Lake Superior land districts, 1850, 51. " Report of Geol. of Wisconsin, 1839. Pacific R. R. Explorations, 1856. Van Rensselaer, J., Lectures oh, 1825. Vanuxem. See N Y. Nat. Hist. Vermont, Reports by C. B. Adams, 1845-48. Hitchcock s Reports, 1857, 1858, 61. Virginia, Reports of, (Rogers), 1836, 1838, 40, 41. Webster, M. H., Min. of N. Y., 1824. Whitney, J. D., Metallic Wealth of U. S., 1824. Whittlesey, C., Geol. of Ohio, 1848. Wisconsin, Percival s Report, 1856. " Report, (Daniels), 1854. " Report, 1862. See Gold; Iron; Mining, etc. Geology, Periodicals and Societies. Am. Jour, of Geol., Featherstonhaugh, 1832. Assoc of Am. Geol. and Nat., 1844. Austria, Jahrbuch, 1850-56. Geol. Soc. of Dublin, 1844-55, 62-64. Geol. Soc., Lond., Transac., 1811-19, 1822-35. " Proceedings, 1826-45. " Journal, 1845-68. Geol. Soc. of Penn a, Trans., 1835. Geologist, The, C. Moxon, 1842, 43. " Mackie, 1862-64. Jahrbuch fur, (Leonhard), 1830-57. Kaiserlich Geol. Reichanstalt, Jahr buch, 1850-66. London Geological Journal, 1846, 47. McClurian Lyceum, Contr. Palaeontographical Society, Publica tion, 1848-69. Socicte des Sci. Nat. de Strasbourg, 1862. Soc. Geol. de France, 1844-52. Zeitschrift fur Mineralogie, 1825-29, (Leonhard). 216 GEOLOGY AND SCRIPTURE. Geology and Scripture. Burnet, Sa cred Theory of the Earth. Catcott, The Deluge, 1756. Christinas, Echoes of the Universe. Fairholme, G , Geol. of Scripture, 1833. Foulke, W. P., H. Miller s Testimony, 1857. P. 269. Gurney, J. J., Accordance of, 1836. Harcourt, Doctrines of the Deluge, 1838. Harris, J., On the Deluge, 1697. Hitchcock s Elem. Geology. Lord, E.j Epoch of Creation, 1851. Miller, H., Testimony of the Rocks, 1857. Paine, M., Review of Theor. Geol., 1856. P. 233. Poole, Genesis of the Earth, 1860. Silliman, B., Consistency of, 1833. Smith, J. P., Relations between Bible and, 1852. Thompson, J. P., Man in Genesis, 1870. See Bible; Christianity; Cosmogony. George I. Annals of the reign of. De Gols, Accession, Serm., 1722. Earle, J., Access., Sermon. Histor. Register, 1714-38. Knaggs, Sermons, 1716, 17. Lovell, E., Access., serm. Oily fife, Madness of Treas., 1724. Potter, J., Sermon, Aug. 1, 1715. Stephens, J., Sermon, Second deliv- rance, 1714. Tindal s Hist, of England, 1747. Venn, R., His title Asserted, 1734. George II. Chandler, Sermon on, 1760. Davies, S., Sermon on, 1761. Francklin, T., Serm., death of. George II, Letters, 1737. Hervey, Reign of, 1848. Potter, J., Coronation Serm., 1727. Radcliff, E., Sermon on, 1760. Stennett, S., Serm. on, 1760. Thomson, Mrs., Mem. of court of. Waldegravc, Memoirs, 1754-58. Walpole, H., Memoirs of, 1822. George III. Adolphus, Hist, of reign of. Aikin, J., Annals of, 1760-1820. Anticipation: of Speech of, 1778. Belsham, Reign of, 1800. Bissett, Reign of, 1820. Bowden, Sermon on, 1789. Brief deductions, 1788. Chaplin, W., Sermon on, 1820. Collyer, Sermon on, 1820. De Coetlogon, Faint Sketches, 1820> Delaney, Mrs., Autobiography. Denham, J. E., Sermon on, 1820. George III (continued). Desca, Ode, 1762. Drummond, R., Coronation Serin. Eustace, Lettres sur les crimes du roi, 1794. P. 33. George III, Declaration, 1796. " Sketch, 1791. " Corresp. with Ld North, 1867. Great Britain, George III, 1789. Grenville, Memoirs. Hinton, J., Sermon on. Holt, E., Life of, 1820. Hughes, J., Sermon on, 1820. Important facts, 1788. Massey, Hist, of reign of, 1865. Mountain, Sermon on. Pamphlets, vol. 141. Pitt, W., Letter to P. of Wales, 1788. Scott, W., Memoir of. Strachan, Disc, on, 1810. Townsend, G.,Serm., Sickness of, 1789, 1792. Walpole, Journal, 1771-83. " Letters. Woodhouse, Sermon on. Wright, Gilray s caricatures. George IV. Bury, Lady, Diary illust. of times of, 1838-39. Croly, G., Memoirs of, 1841. Hamilton, Lady, Secret hist, of reign of, 1831. Huish, Coronation of. Knighton s Memoirs. See England, History of. George, Prince of England. Sturmy, D., Serm., Death of, 1708. George of Denmark. Knaggs, Sermon on, 1708. George, G. Barford, Orat. in Funere. George, Lake. Butler, B. C., Lake George to 1759. Do Costa, Description of, 1868. " Events at, 1868. Marvin, H., History of, 1853. Thompson, Z., Guide to, 1845. Van Rensselaer, C., Battle of, 1855. Georgetown, D. C. Berry, Hist, of Bridge St. Ch. Washington Directories, 1S34, 58. See Columbia ; Washington. Georgia, Asia. Tournefort, Jour, du voyage, 1718. See Russia; Circassia; Turkey. Georgia. Account of Progress, 1741. Acct. of causes retarding, 1743. Arthur, T. S., History of, 1852. Brief Account, 1743. Campbell, J. II., Georgia Baptists. GERMANY. 21 Georgia (continued). Cherokee Land lottery, 1838. Description of Georgia, 1741. Georgia, Governor s Message, 1857. Gorman, J. B., Med. acct. of, 1845. Hewatt, Rise and progress of, 1779. Impartial Enquiry, (Martyn), 1741. Jones, C. C., Monumental remains of, 1861. Longstreet, A. B., Georgia Scenes, 1854. McCall, H., History of, 1811. Miller, S. F., Bench and Bar of, 1790- 1857. Moore, F., Voyage to, 1735. Narrative of the Colony, 1741. New and Ac. Account, 1733. New Voyage to, 1737. Reasons for estab. the colony, (Martyn), 1733. Richards, T. A., G. illustrated, 1842. Sibbald, Pine lands of, 1801. Sicilius, Sale of Western lands of, 1755. Sherwood, Gazetteer of, 1837. State of, London, 1742. State of facts ....on lands, 1795. Stephens, W., Proceedings from 1737. Stevens, W. B., Hist, of, to 1798. Strobel, The Salzburgers, 1855. Tailfer, Pat., Narrative of, 1741. Urlsperger, Nachrichten der Saltzburg. Eniigranten, 173546. t( Amerikanisches Ackerwerk, 1756. Von Reck, Journals of, 1734. Voyage to Georgia, 1737. Wesley, Journal, 1743-54. White, G., Hist. Collections, 1854. " Statistics of, 1850. Whitefield, Works, V. 3. " Journal, 1738. Wright s Life of Oglethorpe. See Florida. Georgia! Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia. Ser mons before: 1734, Hales, S.; 1735, Watts, G. ; 1737, Warren, R. ; 1738, Bearcroft, P. ; 1739, Berriman, W. ; 1742, Best, W.; 1743, King, J.; 1743, Bruce, L ; 1746, Ridley, G. ; 1748, Thoresby, R. ; 1749, Crowe, W.; 1749, Harvest, G. ; 1750, Francklin, T. Gerando, J. M. De. Bayle, Eloge de, 1846. P. 238. Gerard, J. W. Dinner to, 1869. P. 1858. Geree, J. Penrose, T., Discourse, 1774. German Books, Authors, Libraries. See Bibliography. 28 German Catholic Church. SeeRonge; Treves. German Language. See Language; Grammar; Dictionaries. German Literature. See Literature. German Pamphlets. Vols. 609, 842, 991, 999, 1109, 1784. German Reformed Church. German Ref., Acts, 1841. Harbaugh, The Fathers of, 1857. Mayer, History of, 1851. Tercentenary Monument. German Typographical History. Hupfauer, Druckstucke aus dem xv Jahrhund., 1794. Panzer, Annales typographic!, 1793- 1803. Wolf, Mon. Typog., 1740. Zapf, Aelteste Buchdruckergesch., 1791. See Augsburg; Bamberg; Beuerberg; Erlangen ; Mayence ; Nuremberg; under Typography. Germans in America. Bokum, Dis course, 1836. See Emigration. Germantown Academy. Centennial, 1860. Germany, History of. Almanach de Gotha, 1856-71. Audiffret, Geog. Historique, 1694. Blaze, Mem. of Princess Palatine, 1R53. Bunnett, L. Julianne and her times. Butler, C., Revolutions of. Capgrave s Book of the Illustrious Henries, (Chron. G. B.). Caumont, Ant. de Treves et Mayence. Denina, Revoluzione della, 1805. Draseke, Wiedergeburt, 1813. Dunham, Hist, of the Empire. Fessmaier, DCR Oberdeutschen Stadte- bundes, 1819. Fink, Einfluss jener Confoederationen, 1822. Frederick II, (Euvres Hist., 1763-65. Freyberg,Der Bayer. Landes-Gesetzge- bung, 1834. Goerres, Prof., Germany and the Revo lution. Pamphr. 15. Hawkins, Germany, The Spirit of her History, 1838. Heineccius, Antiq. Goslarienses, 1648. Heintz, Pfalzgraf Stephan, 1823. Hubner, Jahrbuch, 1852. John of Austria, Leven van, 1737. Kingsley, C., The Roman and Teuton, 1864. Kohlrausch, History of, 1845. Kreiner, Zur Gulch-u.Berg. Geschich- te, 1769-81. 218 GERMANY. Germany, History of (continued). Kugler, Pict. Hist, of, 1845. Lauresham, Codex Diplora., 1768-70. Leopold I, Answer to France, 1688. Leuckfeld, Rerum Germanic., 1707. Macgregor, Germany under Fred. Wm. IV, 1848. Marcus, L., Hist, des Wandales, 1836. Meibonius, Rerum Germanicarum. Menzel, History of, 1848, 9. Mussato, Hist. Henrici VII, 1636. Perthes, Memoirs of, 1789-1843. Pfeffel, Droit Public d Allema^ne, 1776. Revolution, W., The Real Crisis, 1735. Schaeffer, Three Saxon Electorc. Schiller, Hist. 30 years War. Schreiber, Taachenbuch, 1S23. State of the Palatines, 1710. Urstisius, Germ. Historicorum. . .usque ad 1400. Wraxall, Mem. of principal Courts, 1806. Germany, Travels, <Src. Adams, J. Q., Letters on Silesia, 1800. 1801. Anthon, C. E., Pilgrimage to Treves, 1844. Daniel, Handb. derGeog., 1863. Dwight, H. E., Trav. in North of, 1825-26. Freytag, Pictures of Ger. Life. Gleig, Germany and Bohemia, 1839. Granville, Spas of Germany, 1837. Heine, Pictures of Travel, 1863. Hodgskin, Travels in North of, 1820. Howitt, Art Student at Munich. * German Experiences, 1844. Hugo, The Rhine, 1845. Jacquemin, L Allemagne agr. indust. et pol., 1843. Johnson, A., Peasant Life in, 1858. Lights and Shadows of German Life, 1833. B. C. Mansfield, Log of Water Lily, 1854. Muller, Donaustaf und Walhalla,1847. Murray s Hand-book. " Hand-book of Southern. Planche, The Danube, 1827. Reinbeck, Travels, 1805 Riesbeck, Travels, (Pinkerton). Roese, F. A., Lectures. Russell, J., Tour in, 1820-22. Samuelson, The Working Man of, 1869. Spencer, E., Sketches of, 1836. Stael, Madame de, Germany, 1814. Tacitui, Manners of. Tour in Germany, 1826-8. Varnhagen von Ense, Sketches of Ger man Life, 1847. Germany, Travels, &c. (continued). Wheaton, II., Address on Progress, See Prussia; Austria; Saxony. i Gerry, E. Austin, J. T., Life of, 1828, 1829. Gers, France. Annuaire, 1846. ; Gettysburg, Pa. Boubleday, Battle of. Everett, Oration at, 1863. Penn a, Soldiers National Cemetery. Pennsylvania College, Cat., 1848-50. See Civil War. Gholson, T. S. Collier, R. R., Reply to, 1847. P. 81. Giant s Causeway. Dubourdiou, An trim, 1812. Gibbon, E. Chelsum, Remarks on two chapters, 1778. Gibbon, Letters: Misc. Works. " Mem. of Life, 1796. Gibbons, T. Davies, B., Sermon on, 1785. Gibraltar. Boland, On the Straits of. D Anverian History, 1731. Drinkwater, Siege of, 1791. Gr. Br., Charter for Civ. gov t, 1741. James, T., History of the Herculean Straits, 1771. Letter to the Indep. Whig, 1720. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., v. 7. Newyear, Gib. or the Pretender, 1737- Pamphlets relating to Gibraltar,v.770. Propriety of retaining, 1783. Bayer, History of, 1865. Urquhart, Pillars of Hercules, 1848. Gibson, E. Letter to the Lord Bishop of London, 1750. Gibson, J. B. Porter, On Life of, 1855. Gitfbrd, A. RSppon, Serm., Death of, 1784. Gilbert, II. Lawson, C., Sermon on. Giles. Family Memorial, (Vinton). Gill, H. Lambert, G., Serm. on, 1784. Gill, J. Stennett, S., Serm. on, 1772. Gillies, R. P. Mem. of a Lit. Veteran. Gilliland, W. Watson, W. C., Life of, 1863. Gillray, J. Wright, T., Caricatures of, 1851. Gilman. Family Genealogy, 1869. Gilman, C. Recollections, 1838. Gilmanton, New Hamp. Lancaster, History .of, 1845. Gipsy. See Gypsy. * GOLD. 219 Giraffe* Vosmaer, Beschryving, 1787. Girard, S. Estate of. Pam. v. 1001. Simpson, S., Life of, 1859. Girard College. Reports. Arey, Girard College Hist., 1856. Lieber, F., Plan of Education for, 1834. Tyson, J. R., Disc., 1st Anniv., 1849. Webster, D., Case of the will, 1844. Girardin, M me. Lamartine, Cours de Litt. Girona, P. Leti, Leven van, 1731. Giusti, G. Homer, S., Life of. Glaciers. See Geology. Glasgow. Cleland, Census of Lanark and, 1832. " Annals of, 1829. Glasgow Statist. Soc. Statist. Soc. Jour., v. 23, Harbor of. Glasgow Univ. Calendar, 1868, 69. Great Britain, Rep t on Univ. of Scot land, 1837. Hay, J. B., University of, 1839. Glass. Artigues, De flint-glass, 1811. Haudicquer, L Art de la verrerie, 1697. Jarves, D., Of Glassraaking. Manuf. of, for optical purposes. Merrifield, Art of painting on, 1849. Pellatt, A., Improvement of glass manuf., 1821. " Illust. catalogue. Porter, G. R., Manuf. of porcelain and. Whittock s Glazier s Guide, 1841. Glass Paintings. Arundel castle. Merrifield, Arts of painting, 1849. See Porcelain. Glastenbury, Conn. Chapin, A. B., Centen. discourse. Glen Cove, N. Y. Scudder, Centen. address, 1868. Glendinning, W. Life of, 1795. Glenville, If. Y. Semi-centennial. Globes. Harris, J., Description of, 1763. Jennings, D., Introduction to. See Astronomy ; Geography. Gloucestershire, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. British Archaeol. Ass n, Trans., 1846. Britton s Views of Bath and Bristol, 1829. Gloucester, Mass. Babson, History of, 1860. Glover. Family genealogy, 1867. Glover, Gen. J. Upham, Memoir of. Gloversville, N. Y. Sprague, H., Sketches, 1859. Glyphography. Palmer, E., Treatise on. God. Argument a priori, 1737. Argument to prove Unity, 1737. Bridgewater treatises. Christie, Discourses on unity of, 1784. Clark, G., Defence of Unity, 1789. Colinan. Incomprehensiblenessof, 1714. Derham, Physico-Theology. Du Moulin, Knowledge of, 1634. Harris, Boyle lectures. Harrower, Nine Sermons. Hunt, J., On pantheism, 1866. Marriott, G., Incomprehensibility of. 1772. More, H., Antidote to Atheism. Newton, Sir J., Proof of a Deity. Pamphlets, vol. 1253. Ray, J., The Wisdom of God, 1721. Ryland, J., Perfection of. See Natural Theology ; Theology ; Trinity; Christ; Holy Spirit. Goddard, E., Genealogy of, 1833. Goddard, W. G. Wayland, F., Disc., Life of, 1846. P. 248. Godfrey, Sir E. Observator, a trimmer, 1685. Godfrey, E. B. Lloyd, W., Sermon, Funeral of, 1678. P. 359. Godfrey, T. Emerson, G., Address con cerning, 1843. Godman, Dr. Sewall, T., Life of, 1830. Godolphiu, Mrs. Evelyn, Life of, 1847. Godoy, Manuel De. Memoirs, 1836. Godwin, M. W. Godwin. W., Mem. of, 1799. Goes, Netherlands. Historie van de "Satisfactie, 1577. Goethe, J. W. Von. Eckermann s conversations with, 1839. Goethe, Autobiography, 1849. " Corres. with Schiller. Lewes, G., Life of, 1856. Gofle, W. Plan for seizing the regicide, 1678. Goitre. Ayres, H. P., Report to Am. Med. Assn. Blackie, On Cretinism, 1855. Guggebuhl s Report, 1845. Inglis, J., On Bronchocele, 1838. Vingtrinier, Du goitre endemique,1854. See Idiots. Gold. Ansted, Gold-seeker s Manual, 1849. Calvert, Gold-rocks of G. Britain. Chevalier, Remarks on Produc. of, 1323. P. 498. 220 GOLD. Gold (continued). Chevalier, Fall in value of, 1859. Davidson, Discov. in Australia. Fisher, Alcinda mine, 1839. P. 92. Gold of St. Domingo, I860. Gold-und silber Wiihrung. 1855. Hittell, Mining in Pacific States. Jacob, W., Consumption of precious metals, 1831. Jukes, etc., Lectures on Gold, 1852. Mariposa Company, 1863, 68. Merritt, Mines of Veraguas, N. G., 1854. P. 255. Neubauer, Refining of. Nova Scotia, Gold Mines Reports, 1869, 70, 71. " Gold fields. P. 1114. Pedro, Exped. to El Dorado, 1560. Pioneer Mills Mine, N. C., 1856. Soyer, Modeles d Orfevrerie, 1839. Symons, W., On weighing gold, 1756. U. S. Geol. Expl. 35, 1870. " Expl. 40th Parallel, 1871. Victorian Exhibition, 1861. See Australia: California: Currency: Metals. Gold Mining Companies. Pamphlets, vol. 1802. Golden Circle. Wright s Narrative of Knights of, 1864. Goldoiii, C.. Memoirs of, 1823. Copping, E., Life of, 1857. Goldsmith, O. Forster, G., Life of, 1848. Irving W., Life of, 1849. Kalisch, Lectures on. Prior, J., Life of, 1837. Scott, W., Life of. Gonzaga, V. Affo , Vita di, 1780. Good, J M. Gregory, Memoirs of. Jerram, Serin, on, 1827. P. 382. Goode, W. Wilson, D , Serm. on, 1816. Goodhue, J. Bellows, Serm. on, 1848. Goodrich, C. Stanton, R. L., Reply to, 1845. Goodrich, S. G. Pera. recollections. Goodrich Castle. Bonnor, T., Views of. Goodwin, J. Jackson, T., Life of. Goodwin Sands. Taylor II., Light on, 1796. Gordon, G. 1780. Plain.... Acc t of Riots, Gordon, Mary J. Calhoun, J. S., Con fession of, 1847. Gordon, P. L. Personal Memoirs. Gore family genealogy. (Whitmore e Heraldry.) Gorges, Sir F. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. Popham celebration, 1863. Gorham Case. Pamphlets, vol. 1270. Gorham, Me. Pierce, J., History of. Gorton, S. Mackie, J. M., Life of, (Sparks 15.)- Goslar, Sax. Heineccius, Antiq. Goslar et vie ,918-1648. Gough, J. B. Autobiography, 1848, 1870. Alliance Week. News, 1857. Pound, J., Hist, of, 1845. Gould, J. W. Private Journal, 1839. Goulding, J. Vinall, J., Reply to, 1827. Gout. See Medical. Government. Ahrens, Das Naturrecht, 1846. Alden, Young Citizen s Manual, 1867. Aristotle, Politics and economics. Barclay, G., Argenis, 1621. Bathurst, Christianity and politics, 1818. Bentham, J., Theory of Legislation. * Fragment on Government. Benton, T. H., Thirty years view. Blanche, Diet. d Administration, 1857. Boccalini, New-found Politicke, 1626. " Advertisements from Parnassus. Bonaparte, L., (Euvres, Works, 1854- 1856. Boogert, Veiligheid van een Burger- staat, 1762. Brougham, Brit. Constitution, 1861. Political Philosophy, 1844. Burgh, Political disquisition, 1775. Calhoun, J. C., Disquisition on. 1851. Cartwright, J., Rights of the Com monalty, 1777. Catechism of Man. Catholicism compatible with repub. Chalmers, Sermon on, 1820. P. 288. Chapter to the Engl. multitude, 1798. Chipman, N., Principles of, 1793,1833. Coleridge, J., Sermon on, 1777. Consideratie van een vrye en gohey- men Staets-regering. Condorcet, (Euvres, 1847. Conkling, A., Young Citizen s Manual, 1836. B. C. Cousin, (Euvres; Discours, 1851. Doleman, Conf. on Succession to tho Crown, 1681. Do States.... tend.... to Dissolution ? 1830.. P. 415. Dove, P. E., Political Science, 1854. Duganne, A. H. H., Hist, of govt a, 1860. Eachard s Works, 1774. GOVERNMENT. 221 Government (continued). Edwards, G., Scheme of Human Econ., 1808. P. 413. Ellmaker, Revelation of Rights, 1841. Enquiry into the Measures, 1700. Ensor, G., On National gov t, 1810. Essays on Reform, 1869. Filiner, Collection of his Tracts, 1680. Fletcher, A., Political Works, 1737. " On Federations, (in Dalrym- pie). Fonfrede, (Euvres, v. 1-4, 1844-47. Force, La, Armeo et 1 etat de la so- ciete, 1836. Forster, English Freedom under Tu- dors. Fortescue, Absolute Mon., 1714. Franklin, B., Works, 1836-40. Freeman, Hist, of Federal gov t, 1863. Gelstrupius, Trifolium politicum, 1624. Gilbank, Duties, a Sermon. Godwin, W., Political Justice, 1793. Goodrich, P. Brusque s Adventures. Guizot, Origin of represent, gov. in Europe, 1852. Harrington, Oceana, 1700. Hawles, Reply on the Magistracy, 1689. Hay, R., Happiness and Rights, 1792. Hildreth, Theory of Politics, 1853. Hoadly, Sermon, 1 Sam. viii. 9. Hobbes, T., Works, vol. 2, 3, 1839. Holberg, Iter Subterraneum. Humboldt, W., Sphere and Duties of. Hume, D., Political Essays, 1816. Hurlbut, Essays on Human Rights, 1845. Jackson, J., Grounds of, considered, 1718. ^ Jenyns, S., Essays. Johnson, A. B., The Philosophical Emperor, 1841. Johnson, S., Works, vol. 12, Polit. Tracts. Jones, C., Who am I ? Lond. Kingsbury, Law and Government, 1849. Kingsford, Two Lectures, 1848. Lewis, G. C., Gov t of Dependencies, 1841. " Influence of Authority, 1849. " Treatise on Methods of reason ing in Politics, 1852. Lewis, T., Idea of the State, 1843. Lib. of U. K., Political Philosophy, (Brougham). Lieber, F., On Self Gov t. Locke, J., Works, vol. 5. Macaulay, Cath , Observations, 1770. Machiavelli, Opere, 1811. Maistre, De, Generative Principles of Polit. Const., 1847. Government (continued). Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees. Marmontel, History of Belisarius. Mercier, Fragments of Politics, 1795. Mill, J. S., Disquisitions, 1859. " Representative Gov t, 1861. " On Liberty, 1863. Millar, Distinction of ranks in Society, 1773. Milton, Works, Fro populo Angl. de- fensio, 1652. Monroe, Pres., The People Sovereign, 1867. Montesquieu, Esprit des lois. More, SirT., Utopia, 1838. Mulford, The Nation, 1870. Mystery of Magistracy, 1708. Napoleon III, Works, vol. 1, 2, 1852. Narrow, The, way, 1681. Nash, Morality and* the State, 1859. Necker, On Executive Power. Nicholls, W., Relig. of a Prince, 1704. Northcote, T., Civ. rights of mankind, 1781. Nott, B., Const, ethics. O Brien, W. S., Principles of, 1856. Observations concerning, 1652. Obser. upon Aristotle s Politics, 1652. Ollyffe, Madness of Treason, 1724. Paine, T., Political Writings, 1792, 1824, 37. Pamphlets relating to Government, vols., 792, 793, 1332, 1333. Pamphlets relating to the British Gov ernment. See Political British. Pastoret, Histoire de legislation, 1817- 1837. Philosopher, The, 1771. Putt, C., Civil Policy, 1830. Rapier, Polity of. Governments. Ricard, de la souveraincte individuelle. Roebuck, J. A., Pamphlets for the People, 1835. Rossaeus, De reipublicae in reges au- thoritate. Rous, G., Thoughts on Burke s Re flections. Rousseau, J. J., The social compact. Saavedra, Idea prin. chri. politici. Scurlock, Influence of Relig. on, 179?. Shebbeare, National Society, 1776. Sismondi, Polit. Economy, 1847. Sinclair, Sir J., Lucubrations, 1783. Somers, Lord, The judgment of whole kingdoms, 1773. Sonsbeeck, Zelfstandigheid derregterl. Magt., 1829. Standard Lib. Cyclopaedia, 1853. Sydney A., Disc, concerning, 1763. Talleyrand, Reminiscences of, 1S48. 222 GOVERNMENT. Government (continued). Three letters to a noble Lord, 1721. Vind. of Bp. of Exeter, 1709. Walsingham, Arcana Aulica, 1655. Whiston, W., Government from the bible, 1717. Wrottlesey, Thoughts on, 1860. Young, A. W., Introd. to sci. of, 1842. " Science of gov t, 1845 . " First lessons in, 1846. See Officers; Republican; Authority; Great Britain; U. S. Government; Utopias. Grace, S. Memoirs of the Family. Grafton, Duke of. Belsham, T., Ser mon on. Grafton, J. Smith, S. F., Life of. Graham, Mrs. I. Unpub. letters, 1838. Graham, J. Quincy, J., Memoirs of, 1825. Graham, Mary J. Bridges, Memoir of, 1834. Graham, Gen. S. Memoir, 1779-1801. Graham, Silvester. Lectures and Life of. Grain. See Corn. Grain in Distilleries. Bell, A., Pro hibition of. Grammar, General. Bentham, Works, vol. 8. Barrett, Principles of, 1865. Court de Gebelin, Le mondo primitif, 1774, v. 2. Harris, Hermes, or Univ. Gram. ,1786. Sacy, S. de, Gen. Principles of, 1837. See Language. Grammars: AFRICAN. Gram, of Bakele, 1854. Gram, of Mpongwe, 1847. Hanoteau, La Langue Tamachek. Mackey, J. L., Benga Lang., N. Y., . 1855. Schreuder, Grammatik fur Zulu-spro- get, 1850. ANGLO-SAXON. Gwilt, Joseph, Anglo- Saxon, 1829. Klipstein, L. F., N. Y., 1853. Rask, Grammar of Anglo Saxon, 1830. See Language. ARABIC. Erpenius, Rudim. de, 1844. L homond, Gr. Fr., (Harairi), 1857. Soyouti, De nom. relativis, 1840. Taalibi, Syntagma Dictorum, etc., 1844. ARMENIAN. Aucher, Gram, of the Ar menian Lang. Arm. English Grammar. Riggs, Modern Armenian, 1847. Grammars (continued). I ASSYRIAN. Menant, 1868. BASQUE. Eys, Langue Basque. 1 BOHEMIAN. Tham, K. I., 1798. j CELTIC. See Language. CHALDEE. Harris, W., Elements of,1823. Palfrey, Chal. Syr. Samar. and Rab- binic, 1835. Riggs, Chaldee Grammar, 1832. CHINESE. Morrison, R., 1815. Remusat, Elemens de, 1822. Summers, Rudiments of. CURDISH. Garzoni, Gram, e vocabulario. 1787. DANISH. Deensche Spraakkunst. Lund, H., 1860. Rask, E. C., Gram, of, 1846. DUTCH. Bolhuis, Spraakkunst, 1793. Janson, B., Pract. Grammar of, 1803. Murray, L., Engelsche. Peplier, Gr. Fran9oise et Holl. Pyl, Van der, Practical Gram. Scherber, Taalregelen, 1845. ENGLISH. Alexander, Caleb, 1814. Alger, Israel, jun., 1824. Allison, M. A., 1841. Andrew, James, 1817. Angel, Oliver, 1850. Angus, William, 1807, 12, 25. Arnold, Thomas K., 1841. Ash, John, 1778, 94, 95, 98, 1802. Babbit, A. Bacon, C., 1823. Baldwin, E., 1824. Barnard, F. A. P., 1836. Barnes, W., 1842. Barrett, Solomon, jr., 1848. Barton, J. G., Outline of, 1855. Bell, J., 1769. Blair, D., 1809. Blair, John, 1831. Booth, D., 1837. Booth, L., 1819. Brace, Joab, 1840. Bradley, C., Grammat. Questions, 1816. Brightland, John, 1714. British Grammar, 1779, 1784. Brown, Goold, New York, 1825, 26, 51. " First lines of. " Institutes of, 1863. Brown, J., Difficulties in sys., 1819. " An American Grammar, 1821. Bucke, C., 1714. Bullions, P., 1834, 37, 42, 44. Burton, C. W., Grammatical trees. GRAMMARS. 223 Grammars! ENGLISH (continued).- Butler, Noble, 1846. Cardell, W. S., 1826. Champlin, J. T., 1850. Chandler, J. R., 1847. Churchill, T. 0., 1823. Clark, S. W., 1847. First Lessons. Cobbett, W., 1818, 32, 37. Cobbin, I , 1827. Comic English Grammar, 1840. Comly, J., 1832. Cooper, J. G., 1828, 45. Coote, C., 1788. Corner, Miss, The Play Grammar. Dale, W. A., Teacher s Assistant. Dalton, J., 1803. Davenport, B., 1830. Dearborn, B., 1795. Del Mar, C., 1842. Devis, Ellen, 1825. Doherty, H., 1841. D Orsey, Alex., 1842. Dowd, J. N., 1830. Dyche, T., 1736. Earnshaw, Grammat. Remembrancer, 1817. Elmore, D. W., 1830. Elphinstone, The Principles of, 1765. Emmons, S. B., Grammat. Instructor, 1632. English Gram, for Classical Schools, 1838. English Grammar in Persian. Farnum, C., 1844. Felch, C., 1817. Felton, 0. C., 1843. Fenning, D., 1787. Fisher, A., 1781. Fisk, A., 1821. Flint, A., 1813. Flint, J., 1834. Flower, M. and W., 1844- Fowle, W. B., 1827, 28. " Common School G., 1842. Fowler, W. C., English Gram., 1855. Frazee, B., 1845. Frost, J., 1829,42. Gartly, G., 1830. Giles, Rev. Dr., 1839. Gilleade, G., 1816. Gough, J., 1760. Goodrich, J. and A,, 1828. Grammar, A new, of, 1831. Grant, J., 1813. Gray, J., 1818. Green, M., 1837. Green, R. W., 1829. Grammars: ENGLISH (continued). Greene, C. R., 1830. Greene, Sam l S., Phil a, 1848. Greenleaf, J., Gram. Simplified. Greenwood, J., Essay towards, 1729, 1753. Guy, J., 1829. Hall, S. R., 1832. Hamlin, L. F., 1831, 32. Harrison, R., 1792. Hart, J. S., 1832. Hazen, E., 1844. Hiley, R., 1832, 35, 40. Hornsey, John, 1816. Hort, W. J., 1822. Hubbard, A. 0., Bait., 1827. Hull, J. H., Lectures, 1829. Inductive Grammar, 1829. Ingersoll, C. M., 1822, 31, 35. " Conversations on. Irving, C., Lond. Jenkins, System, Lect. on", 1836. Johnson, S., N. York, 1750. Juvenile, Boston, 1829. Key to Murray, 1817. King, W. W., Gramm. Chart, 1841. Kirkham, S., 1824, 32, 36. Latham, R. G., 1847. Lennie, W., 1815, 34. Leonard, S., The American, 1819. Lowis, J., The Essentials of, 1828. Little, The Grammarian, 1830. Locke, J., Cincinnati, 1827. Loughton, W., 1739. Lovechild, Mrs., Parsing lessons, etc., 1832. Lowth, R., 1794. Lyle, J., Lexington, Ky., 1804. M Culloch, J. M., Prefixes, etc. " Manual of, 1834. MacGowan, James, 1825. Marcet, Jane, Mary s Grammar, 1835. Martin, T., 1824. Mennye, J., 1785. Millen, J., 1846. Miller, The Misses, 1830. Miller, Alexander, 1795. Miller, F. H., Oral Grammar, N. Y. Miller, G. B., Dansville Gram. Milligan, George, 1831. Morey, A. C., 1829. Morgan, J., 1814. Morley, Charles, 1830. Mudie, George, 1840. Munsell, H., Albany, 1851. Murray, L., Abridgments. " Eng. gr. 1823, 2 v. Mylne, A., 1832. 224 GRAMMARS. Grammars: ENGLISH (continued). Newbery, John, 1787-^ Nixon, H., 1853. Oliver, James, 1807. Oram, Miss E., 1846. Palmer, Mary, 1803. Parker, R. G., 1835. Peirce, 0. B., N. Y., 1839, 43. Pengelly, E., 1840. Pictorial Grammar. Pinnock, W., 1830, 37, 39. Pond, Enoch, 1832. Priestley, Joseph, 1763, 72. Productive Grammar, 1831. Putnam, Samuel, 1816. Putsey, Rev. W., 1829. Rand, A., Teacher s Manual, 1832. Reid, A., Rudiments of, 1837. Ross, R., The Amer. Grammar, 1782. Russell, J., London, 1835. Ryland, J., 1767. Sabine, H. A. M., London, 1802. Sanborn, D. H., 1836. Shatford, \V., London, 1834. Sheridan, T., Rhetorical Gram., 1783. Simmonite, Self-teaching Gram., 1841. Smart, London, 1811, 41. Smith, C. J., London, 1846. Smith, P., Edinburgh, 1826. Smith, R. C., 1832, 1837. Spencer, G., 1851, 1853. Sullivan, R., 1843. Sutcliffe, J., 1815. Thring, E., Principles of, Oxf., 1868. Tower, D. B., 1847, 55. Turner, B., 1840. Treatise on the Eng. tongue, 1767. Usher, G. N., 1803. Wallis, J., Gram. Ling. Angl., 1664, 1765. Ward, W., York. Webber, S., 1832. Webster, N., 1807, 11, 31. Weld, A. H., 1847. Parsing book, 1848. B. C. Wells, W. H., 1846. Wickes, E. W., 1840. Williams, Mrs., 1830. Willymot, W., English particles, 1789. Wilson, J. P., Essay on Grammar, 1840. Wilson, T., First Catechism of. Wood, H., Gramm. read, book, 1841. Wright, J. W., 1838. Writer s and Student s Gram., 1838. FLEMISH. Ende, Le Gazophilace Fran, et Flam., 1669. Nouv. Gram. Flamand. Grammars (continued). FRENCH. Beauzee, Grammaire et Litte- rature. Boeuf, J. and A., Gram, of the Fr., 1834. Bolmar s Levizac, 1851. Comenius, Janua aurea, 1668. Duvivier, Gram, des Grammaires, 1822. Genin, Grammaire de Giles de Guez, Heusch, Practical French Grammar, 1796. Holstein, H. V. S. D., Albany, 1836. Levizac, Abrege, 1798. L Homond, Gramm. Fran<;., 1805. " Elemens du Franyais. Noel et Chapsal, Lond., 1848. Nolan, Compendious Gram. Perrin, J., Gramm. of, 1806. Pinney, Pract. teacher Raynouard, Langue des Troubadours. Rhasis. Gram, in Turkish. Robertson s Method. Rogissard, Nouv. Mcth. pour appren- dre, 1724. B. C. Wanostrocht, Gramm., 1819. B. C. I GAELIC. Kelly, Gram, of the Manks Language, 1870. See Irish. GEORGIAN. Klaproth, Gram, de la Lang. Georgienne, 1847. GERMAN. Ahn, Pract. Method. . Bernay, Compendious, 1832. Bokum, H., Introd. to Study of, 1832. Follen, C., Gramm. of the German, 1828. B. C. Grimm, Deutsche Grammatik. 1822, 26, 1831, 37. Hartmann, Nouv. Methode, etc. ,1838. Lemouton, Grammatik, 1833. Meidinger, Nouv. Gram., 1804. Stamm, Der Gothischen Sprache, 1851. Woodbury, New Method, 1854. GREEK. Alexander, C., Worcester, Mass.. 1796. Bullions, P., New York. Camden, Inst. Gr. Grainrnatices, 1763. Campbell, Inst. Gr. Gram., N. Y., 1804. David, La Languo Moderne, 1821. Hachenberg, Elements of, Hartford, 1822. Hickie, Gr. accidence. Matthias, A., Bloomfield s ed., 1820. Milner, J., Lond., 1740. Moor, Elementa, 1780. Elements of, 1807, 1831. Mynas, Grammaire Grecque, Anc. et Mod. Nolan, F., A compendious, 1819. GRAMMARS. 225 Grammars: GREEK (continued). Pianzola, Gramatichc Mod., 1801. Smith, J., Grammar, Bost., 1809. Valpy, Elements of, 1820. See Classical Literature. HEBREW. Bennet, T., Gramm. Hebraea, 1731. Buxtorf, J., Epitome Heb. Gram., 1658. Bythner, Lingua Eruditorum, 1650. Danzius, Comp. Gramm. Hebrse.,1748. Grammar in Hebrew. Heinemann, Catechism of, 1823. . Johnson, S., 1767. Kendrick s Ollendorff, 1851. Lyons, I., Camb., Mass., 1812. Mayer, I., Gram, and Chrestomathy. Pamphlets, vol. 975. Petit, P., Heb. Guide, 1752. Probert, Elements of, 1832. Seixas, Manual, 1834. Smith, J., Heb. Gram., Boston, 1810. Stuart, M., 1823, 1835. HINPOSTANI. Shakespeare, J., London, 1843. Peretti, On Tourner s Gram. Pianzola, Gramatiche, 1801. Vriend, Italiansche Spraakkunst, 1858. HUNGARIAN. Csink, Grammar, 1853. Lemouton, Grammatik, 1833. Wekey, S., Gram, and spec, of poetry, 1852. ICELANDIC. Marsh, G. P., Icelandic lan guage, 1838. Rask, Icelandic, 1843. INDIAN, AMERICAN. Arenas, Langue Mexicaine. Byington, Choctaw definer. Cuesta, Mutsun Grammar, 1866. Du Ponceau, Gram, of the Delaware. Eliot, Indian Grammar. English and Dakota vocab. Hamilton, W., loway Grammar, 1848. Howse, Gram, of the Cree and Chip- pewa, 1844. Ludewig, H. E., Lit. of Am. Orig. Languages. List of Grammars, 1858. Mengarini, Flat-head Gram. Pandosy, Yakania language. Riggs, S. R., Dakota Grammar, 1852. Schoolcraft, Information on the tribes. Shea s Library of Am. Linguistics, 13 v. Smith, B., Heve language. te Pinia language, 1862. Williams, R., Key to, 1643. See Language; Dictionaries. 29 Grammars (continued). IRISH. Furlong, Irish Primer. O Brien, Pract. Gram, of Irish, 1809. Vallancey, Gr. of Iberno-Celtic, 1781. See Gaelic. ITALIAN. Barberi, Grammaire, 1825. Grimani, Key to Grammar. JAPANESE. Page s Grammaire Japonoise. Rodriguez, Japanese Grammar, 1825. LATIN. Adam, A., Cleveland s ed., 1836. Andrews <fc Stoddard s, 1839. Bullion s Principles of, 1843. " Jacob s Lat. Reader, 1845. Burr, Amer. Lat. Gram., 1794. Cooper, J. G., New Latin Grammar, 1829. Donati,-Editio minor, 1494. Grant, Instit. of Lat., 1823. Introduction to the Latin, 1755. Kenrick, J., Key to Zumpt s Gram., 1831. Lily, Short Introduction, 1673. Mair, Latin Syntax, 1779. B. C. Milton, J., Works, vol. 6, 1851. Nolan, F., Compendious Gr., 1825. Parent s, The, Latin Grammar. Putschius, Gram. Lat. auctores antiq. Ramus, P., Grammatica, 1585. Ruddiman, Rudiments of, 1807. Scheller, Additions by Walker, 1825. Smith, J., N. Hamp. Lat. Gram., 1802. Tricot, Les Rudiments de la Langue Latine, 1777. B. C. Turner, Exerc. on the verbs. Westminster Grammar, 1643, 1741. Zumpt, Grammar, 1829. MALAY. Breugel, Maleische taal, 1823. Marsden, Langue Malaie, 1812. MARATHI. Marathi Grammar, 1854. MEXICAN. Arenas, Langue Mexicaine. PERSIAN. Altinghius, Synopsis, 1730. Bleeck A. H., 1857. English Grammar in Pers. Jones, Sir W., Works, vol. 6, Persian Gram., 1807. POLYNESIAN. Mariner, Tonga Islands. 1818. Teichelmann, Australian. PORTUGUESE. Tillbury,Gram. Portugueza. " Artelngleza, 1827. Vieyra, Portuguese Grammar, 1827. RABBINIC. Altinghius, Synopsis, 1730. See Hebrew. RUSSIAN. Reiff, Engl.-Russ. Gram. ,1853. SAMARITAN. Altinghius, Synopsis, 1730. Palfrey, Samaritan Gramm., 1835, 226 GRAMMARS. Grammars (continued). SANSCRIT. Boiler, A., Sanskrit Gram- matik, 1847. Lebedeff, Grammar, 1801. Williams, M., Pract. Grammar, 1857. See Gram., Hindostani; Tamil; Mara- thi. SIAMESE. Caswell, J. SPANISH. Academia Espanola : Gram. Lengua Castellana, 1796. Cubi, Spanish Grammar, 1825. Del Mar, Lond., 1848. Ollendorff, Clef, des Themes, 1854. Pineda, Short method, 1762. Vriend, Spaanscho Spraakkunst, 1858. SWEDISH. Lenstrom, Method, 1861. May, Pract. Gram. Moberg, Larobok for Engelska spraaket, 1808. Vriend, Zweedsche Spraakkunst, 1854. SYRIAC. Altinghius, Synopsis, 1730 Josephus, A., Syriac Gram., 1647. Masius, Gramm. Ling. Syricae, 1572. Uhlemann, Syriac Grammar, 1855. See Assyrian; Chaidee. TAMIL. Rhenius, Gram, of Tamil Lang., 1853. TURKISH. Davids Grammar, 1836. Pfizmaier, Grammaire Turque, 1847. Pianzola, Grammatiche, 1811. Rhasis, Gramm. Fr. en Turque. See Languages; Dictionaries; Bibliog raphy. Grammont, (Hamilton), Count. Me moirs. Granada. See Spain; New Granada. Grauby, Conn. Phelps, N. A., History of, 1642-1845. Phelps, R. H., Hist, of Newgate, East Granby, 1860. Grant, Mrs. A. M. Letters from the mountains. Grant, A. The Nestorians. Lathrop, Memoir of. Laurie, Memoir of, 1853. Grant, J. S. Campbell, W. W., Mem. of, 1844. Dwight, H. G. 0., Life of. Grant, M. Lothrop, Sermon on. Grant, U. S. Badeau, Mil. History of. Coppee, G., and his campaigns. Grant, U. S., Honors at N. Y., 1865. " Life of, 1865, 1868. P. 1856. Headley, Life of. Larke, Memoir of. Marshall, E. C., Ancestry of. Richardson, A. D., History of. I Gravel. See Medical. , Graves, Adm. W. Letters on, 1781. | Gravesend, Eng. Cruden, History of. | Gray, F. T. Peabody, E., Discourse on. i Gray, J. Dalzell, Life of, 1868. I Gray, R. Townsend, G., Serm. on, 1838. Gray, T. Correspondence, 1853. Works, with Memoir, 1814. Gray, Rev. T. Frothingham, Sermon on. Graydon, A. Memoirs, 1822. Great Harrington, Ms. Todd, Centen. Discourse. Great Britain: Antiquities. Aker- man, Remains of Pagan Saxon- dom, 1855. Antiquarian and topog. Cabinet, 6 vols , 1817-19. Archaeolog. Institute of G. B., Trans., 1851. Antiquarian Reposit., (Grose), 1807-09. Archaeological Magazine, 1843. Beauties of Eng. and Wales, (Brewer), 1818. Bowles, W. L., Hermes Britannicus, 1828. Brand, J., Obs. on Pop. Ant. of, 1849. British Arehoeolog. Association, Jour., 1846-54. " Trans., Winchester, Glou cester. Burton, W., Comment, on Antoninus. Burton, R., Curiosities of, 1682. Camden, W., Remaines, 1637. Eccleston, Introd. to Eng. Ant., 1847. Grose, Antiq. of England and Wales. l< Mil. antiquities. Hearne, Collection of curious discour ses, 1773. Herbert, A., Of Stonehenge. Johnstone, Antiq. Celto-Normannica?. Leland, J , Antiq. collectanea. Itinerary, 1769-70. Nichols, T., Pedigree of the people, 1868. Pegge, S., Curialia, 1818. Sammes, Britann. antiqua, 1676. Scott, W., Border Antiquities, 1814. Soc. of Antiquaries: Archaeologia to 1869. " Vetusta Monumenta. Stukely, W., Palaeographia Britann., 1743-52. Topographer, The, for 1789, 90. Verstegan, Restitution, 1634. Wilson, D., Prehist. Ann. of Scotland. Wright, T., Archaeolog. Album, 1845. See Antiquities; Druids; England- Pre-historic. GREAT BRITAIN. 227 Great Britain, Church Hist. Thrown, J., Hist, of Brit. Ch., 1823. Camden Soc. Publications, V 8, etc. Hart, R., Eccl. Records of Eng., etc., 1856. Mere wether, Thoughts, 1824. Vitalia, EC. Hist, of Eng., 1856. See Church of England; Church of Scotland. Great Britain, Colonies. Ashley, Trade with America, 1743. Banister, T., Crisis in our C., 1848. Blome, Ainerique Anglaise, 1688. Bourne, The story of, 1869. Brougham, Speech, maltreatment of, 1838. Colonial Almanack, 1855. Gr. Br., Board of Trade, 1733-4. McGregor, British America, 1847. Martin, H. M., Brit. Col. Lib., 1844. Thriug, Supremacy of, 1851. See America; Canada; West Indies; North America; British Colonies; Statistics. Great Britain, Commerce and Trade. Address to the King, 1822. Address to the Majority, 1784. Ashley, Trade with America, 1743. Bourne, English merchants, 1866. British Spirits, Evidence, 1848. Child, Disc, of trade, 1693. Eden, F. M., Eight letters, 1802. Huskisson, Speech on, 1825. McCulloch s Diet, of Commerce, 1869. McGregor, Commercial statistics, 1850. Moreau, Statist, of Commerce of. A. D. 55-1828. Montesquieu, Consid. sur le Commerce de, 1750. Porter, G. R., Progress of the Nation to 1836. Postlethwayt, Britain s Commer. in terests, 1757. Povey, Unhappiness of England, 1701. Present State of, (Mitchell), 1767. Rose, G., Writings, 1802-17. Some considerations, 18HO. Spence, Brit, indep. of Commerce, 1808. View of Depredations of Spain, 1731. Whitworth, State of trade, 1776. " Commerce de la, 1697-1773. Great Britain, Debt of. Brabier, Ex pedient to pay, 1719. Britain regenerated, 1831. Daniel, E., Appeal.. on Debt of, 1833. Essay on the Pub. Debts, 1726. Essay on the Sinking Fund, 1737. Hamilton, R., Inquiry concerning Na tional -lebt, 1816. Great Britain, Debt of (continued). Hansard, Proposition, 1845. Heathfield, N., Plan of Liquid n, 1820. Honest Scheme, 1729. Hume, J., Speech on, 1822. Koops, Method of reducing. Morgan, W., Facts for the People, 1796. New Haven, W. L., Reduction of the Debt of, 1786. Pebrer, Extinction of the Whole debt of, 1833. Pitt, Speech, 1792. Present State of, Lond-, 1740. Public, On the, Debt, 1830. Some considerations, 1729. Great Britain, Financial. Adding - ton, Speech, 1802. Asgill, Pub. Funds, 1715. Barnard, J., 3,000,000 for 1746. Brickwood, Four per cent. Stock, 1830. Collection of the Supplies, 1763. Douglas, R. K., Income Tax, 1842. Ellis, R., British Tariff, 1833-39. Finances and trade of, 1852. Ivernois, Effets du blocus, 1809. Killigrew, A proposal, 1702. Letter from a Member, 1733 Morgan, W. Review of Dr. Price. Mushet, Bank restriction bill, 1810. Remarks on a letter to Sir J. Barnard, 1746. Robinson, F. J., Speech, 1823. Some considerations, 1729. Vansittart, Plan of Finance, 1813. Great Britain, Government of. Aris tocracy of Great Britain, 1844. Black, The, Book, 1835. Brady, Introd. to Eng. Hist., 1684. British Liberty Asserted, 1714. Brodie, G., History, 1822. Brougham, Brit. Constitution, 1861. Buchan, P., The parallel, 1844. Cassandra, 1705, 1704. Constitution de PAngleterre, 1820. Citizen, The, (Thornton), 1794. Creasy, Rise and Progress of the Con stitution, 1853. De Lolme, On the Constitution. Dolman, Conf. on succession to the crown, 1681. Dyer, G., Four letters on the Con stitution, 1812. Erskine, Opinion on, 1810. Evans, C., Const. Lib., Serm., 1775. Hist. Essay on balance of power, 1748. Johnson, S. M., Free gov t in, 1864. Kettle, Hist, of Constitution. Laws and const, explained. 228 GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain, Government of (con tinued). Leckie, Essay on practice and theory of, 1812. Mann, A., Black-book, 1845. May, Const. History of, 1760-1860. Observations on the Brit. Cons., 1831. Paine, T , Political Writings. Jests, 1796. Principles of the Br. Const., 1793. Pusey, The New Constitution, 1831. Russell, Earl, Essay on, 1866. Thoughts on Eng. Gov., (Reeves), 1803. Toland, Memorial of England, 1705. " Limitation of the Crown. Trenchard, J., Tracts, 1751. See Authority; Government; G. B., Political Pamphlets; Oath of Al legiance. Great Britain, History of. Annals of, from Geo. Ill to Amiens. Bartholomseus, Hist. Angl., 449-1298. Baxter, R., Life and times. Belsham, W., Hist, of, 1688-1802. Bos, Hist, landbcschryvinge, 1685. Bree, State of the kingdom, 1300-1400. Brief and perfect journal, 1655. Brief Hist, of the Succession, 1683. Brief History of the Wars, 1797. Brodie, Hist, of Brit. Empire, from Chas. I to the restor., 1822. Buckingham, Courts of William IV and Victoria. Calendars of State Papers, 1513-1667. Carlisle, Three embassies, 1663-4. Carr, Administrations of, 180169. Carstare s State Papers, 1689-1709. Cary, R., Memoirs. Charles I, Reliquiae Sacrae. Constitution of 1688, 1709. Cornwallis, Correspondence, 1859. Cumberland, Duke of, Memoirs of, 1767. Dalrymple, Memoirs of, and Ireland, 1771, 73, 88. e( Mem. and letters, 1766. Etat Politique, 1757-59, Genest. Fleury, Hist, de 1 Angleterre. Forbes, R., Mem. of Rebellion of 1745. Forbes, State Papers, 1558-60. Forster s Eliot s Life, 1590-1632. " Grand Remonstrance, 1641. Gardiner, Exped. to W. Indies, 1759. Geoffrey, Brit. History. Gildas, Epistle, A. D. 548. Giles, Hist, of Ancient Britons. Great Britain; Orders in Council, 1807, 1809. " Rolls Publications, 1857-66. Great Britain, History of (continued). Grosseteste, Epistolse, 1225-1253. Hardwicke, State papers, 1501-1726. Henry III-VII, (G. B., Rolls, Chron.). Henry, R., History of, 1771-96. History of Prime Ministers, 1763. Holinshed, Chronicles of England, Ire land and Scotland, 1587. Impartial account, 1702. John of Oxnead, 900-1290. Leckie, Hist. Survey of Affairs of, 1810. Leland, De Script. Britann., 1709. " De rebus Britannicis, 1774. Letter to a Friend on King James, 1691. Lewis, G. C., Admin, of, 1783-1830. Lodge, Illust. of Br. Hist. Luttrell, Diary of Affairs, 1678-1714. Macpherson, J., Original papers, 1688- 1715. " Hist., to II. of Hanover, 1775. Introd. to Hist, of, 1772. Massey, Hist, under George III. Mentet, Hist des troubles, 1643-49. Mercurius politicus, 1716-20. Milton, J., History of Britain. Moleville, Chron. Abridg. of Hist, of, to 1763. Monk, Letters on restoration, 1714. Monumeuta historica, (Petrie), 1848. Gates, Narr. of Conspiracy, 1679. Oldfield, Hist, of the Boroughs. 1794, 1797. Ormonde, Campaign of 1712. O Sullivan, Agency of divine prov., 1816. Palgrave, Hist, of Normandy and Eng land, 1864. Plowden, Hist, for 1794. " Short History of, 1792, 93. Present State of British Empire, (Gold smith), 1768. Rapin, Acta Regia. Richard, Speculum, 447-871. Rolls Publications, Calendars, 1603-62. " Calendars of Colon, papers, 1574-1660. Rushworth, Historical collections, 1721. Somers, Coll. of tracts, (W. Scott), 1815. Stanhope, Hist, of reign of Q. Anne, 1870. Stow, English Chronicle, 1618. Succinct Hist, of Regencies, <fec., 1751. Thomas, S. F., Historical notes, 1500- 1711. Thurloe, Coll. of State papers, 1742. Toone, Chronol. of George III, IV, and William IV. GREAT BRITAIN. 229 Great Britain, History of (continued). United States, Corres., 1809, 56. Veruon Letters, 1696-1708. Wade, Brit. Hist, chron. arranged, 1841. Walker, Sir E., liist. Discourses, 1705. Wallington, Notices of Events, 1869. Welwood, Memoirs, 1588-1688. Wilkins, Polit. Ballads, 1600-1700. See England; Scotland; Ireland; Brit ish Colonies; Gunpowder Plot; and the several Kings. Great Britain, Land. Danson, On Farming Agreements, 1855. Great Britain; Waste Lands, 1795. Greene, I. G. J., Present Laws, 1851. Landed Interest, 1733. Rainy, On Landed Property, 1851. Great Britain, Military. Army Lists, 1757-1855. Beatson, Naval and Mil. Memoirs, 1727-1783. Bowles, W. C., National Defence, 1852. Burton, Wars of, 1625-1660. Campbell, J., British Army, 1840. Cavalry Regulations. Chesney, Roval Regiment of Artillery, 1849. P. 406. Clode, Mil. forces of G. B., 1869. Douglas, H., Defence of, 1859. Grose, Mil. Antiquities of. Harris, National Defences. Hints for Ordering Militia, 1759. Hist. Records of Brit. Army, (R. Can non), 1834-66. 64vols. Macgregor, Plan for Militia, 1849. MacKinnon, Coldstream Guards. Military Defence of the Kingdom, 1852. Napier, Defence by Militia, 1852. National Regeneration, 1844. Nugent, N., Case of, 1776. Operations of the British Arms, 1744. Reorganization of the Med. Dep t, 1855. Royal Horse Artil., Instructions. Smyth, R. C., Memorandum on defence of, 1852. Stewart, Gen., Reform of, 1806. Suggestions for Defence of, 1851. Tayler, J. N., Def. of Coast, 1848. Thomson, Mil. institutions of, 1855. Treatise Concerning Militia, 1752. Trenchard, Hist, of Standing Armv, 1698. Pam. 416. West, Col., Training for, 1859. Wood, H., Military Education, 1847. See French war in America; Waterloo. Great Britain, Naval. Allen, J., Bat tles of the Brit. Navy, 1852. Beatson, Naval and Mil. Memoirs, 1727-83. Brenton, Naval History of, 1783-1834. Byng, Fleet at Sicily, 1739. Charnock, Biog. Navalis, 1660-1798. Clavel, British Dominion of the Seas, 1665. Dundonald s Autobiog., 1860. Exposition of the Case of Surgeons, 1850. P. 406. Field of Mars: Nav. and Mil. Engage. to 1801. Great Britain; Navy Lists, 1811, 54. 1862. " Steel s List, 1812, 13. James, W., Naval history, 1793-1820. Lediard, T., Naval Hist, of, to 1734. Lestock, Engagement near Toulon, 1745. P. 391. M., J., Campaign of 1778. P. 1113. Manderson, Present State of, 1812. Marshall, Royal Naval biog., 1823-35. Miles, Epitome of R. N. Service, 1841. Napier, The Navy, past and present, 1851. Naval Chronicle, 1799-1818. Naval Considerations, 1810. Nelson, Lord, Dispatches^, 1843, 46. Nicolas, Sir N. H., History of Royal Navy. 1847. Sainte Croix, Hist, de la Puissance navale, 1786. Some observations, 1847. Specimen of Naked Truth, 1746. Standing Navy Economical, 1851. Steel, Naval Chronologist, 1793-1801. Tomlinson, R., Letters on Naval in terests of, 1782. United Service Journal, 1829-60. Warning Voice of a Seaman, 1751. Great Britain, Navigation. Collection of Reports, 1807. Huskisson, Speech, 1827. Obs. on the Manuf. of Rope, J829. Thring, Merch. Shipping Law, 1854. See Gr. Br. Commerce. Great Britain: Parliament. Black Book, 1826. P. 414. Black Book, 1835. Burdett, Power to imprison. Burke, Speech, Independence of, 1780. Christian, E., Lords in judicature, 1792. " Privileges of Parl., 1810. Cooper, C. P., Lords Appeal. Creevey, Formation of, 1826. Essay on the power of, 1770. 230 GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain: Parliament (cont d). Free Elections, 1690. Full declaration, 1660. Further Vindication, 1741. Grant, R., Recollections of House of Commons, 1830-35. B/C. " Recoil, of House of Lords, 1S36. Hope, J., Letters on Proceedings, 17H9. Johnson, S., Debates in. Just and Modest Vindication, 1681. Levi, Annals of British Legislation, 1856-59. Lewis, Top. Diet, of Eng , Suppt., 1831, 38. Macpherson, Opposition in Parliament, 1799. Marshall, J., Right to. . .annual, 1819. May, T., Hist, of, 1640. May, T. E., To facilitate business, 1849. P. 415. Mundell, Interest and prejudice in, 1825. Narrative of the cause, &c., 1677. Oldfield, Representative History, 1816. " Hist, of the Boroughs, 1794, 97. " Key to H. of Commons, 1820. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 808, 1111, 1382, 1539. Parry, Parliaments of Eng. to 1688. Peacock, Structure of, 1794. Ponsonby, Privileges of, 1810. Raleigh, Prerogative of, 1628. Raynal, Hist, of Parliament, 1751. Rehearsals, The, Period., 1704-8. Rotten House of Commons, 1835. Scott, A., Corrupt Parliaments, 1689. Sharp, G., Annual Parliaments. Some Reasons, 1733. Somers, Annual Parliaments, 1817. Speech, Triennial Act, (Hutcheson), 1722. P. 417. Todd, On Part. Gov t. in England. Townsend, W. C., Hist, of House of Commons, 1688-1832. Two Seasonable Discourses, 1675. Use and Abuse of Parliaments, 1744, Vox Populi, 11)81. We have been .... wrong, 1785. Windham, Speech, Independence of, 1810. Witherspoon, Authority of Brit. Parl., 1774. Wooddeson, Rights of, 1799. See Parliamentary. Great Britain: Parliament. Reform. Brougham, Speech, 1831. " Reply to Russell, 1839. Canning, G., Speeches. Fox, C. J., Speech on Reform, 1793. Great Britain: Parliament. Reform (continued). Jebb, J.,Parl. Reform., 1784. Merewether, Hist, of Boroughs. Merritt, J., Letter to Roscoe. Palgrave, F., Letter on, 1831. Pamphlets, vols. 439, 440, 703, 1383, 1384. Pitt, Speech on Reform, 1793. P. 440. Protest against, 1834 Radical Reform, 1819. Roseoe, Letters to Brougham, 1812. Soc. of Friends of the People, 1793. Wyvill, C., State of Representation, 1793. I Great Britain: Political Pamphlets. Vols. 123-141, 407-422, 442, 443, 445-448,450, 451, 572, 573, 591, 640, 700. 701, 709, 735, 738, 743, 745, 756, 757, 811-815, 817, 896, 917, 1011, 1026, 1047, 1108,1116, 1117, 1394-1406, 1544-1547, 1729- 1731, 2515, 2519. See Charles I; France; Holland; Spain; Germany. Great Britain: Political Discussions and Pamphlets, to 1660. Ar- rowsmith, Serm., 1645. Cabala, sive scrinia sacra, 1663. Dow, Innovations, 1637. Dury, J., Just re-proposals, 1650. Gauden, J., Protestation, 1648. " Sermon, 1659. Maseres, Select tracts, 1630-49. Modern Policies, (Sancroft), 1652. Remonstrance of the State, 1641. Several Resolves of Junto, 1659. 1660-1685. Bohun, Address to the Freemen, 1683. Charge of a Tory Plot, 1682. Clavel, His Majesties Propriety, 1665. Cooper, A. A., Speeches, 1675. " No Protestant Plot, 1675. Dialogue at Oxford, 1681 . Ellis, Ph., Sermon, 1685 England s Appeal, (Trevor), 1673. Fitz William, Serin, on the Conspiracy, 1683. French, The, Politician found out, 1680. Letter from a Parliamentinan, 1675. Letter to Sir T. Osborn, 1672. No droll, but a rational account, I860. No Protestant Plot, 1675. Pacquet of Advices, 1676. Pelling, E., Sermon, A Fanat. Con spiracy, 1683. Penn, Engl. present interest, 1675. Present interest of E., 1671. Relation of the adventures, 1083. GREAT BRITAIN. . Great Britain: Political Discussions and Pamphlets, to 1685 (con tinued). Thompson, R., Sermon, Monmouth s Rebell., 1685. Tory Plot, 1682. Trimmer, The, 1683. See Charles I, II; Authority, Church and Civil. 1685-1689. Answer to the late K. James, 1687. Coventry, Char, of a trimmer. 1689. Dialogue, 1689. Great Bastard Protector, 1689. Higden, W., Rev. of 1688. History of the desertion, 1689. Important Questions, (Stephens), 1689. Kippis, Serm. n Rev. of 1688. Letter to a person of Quality, 1687. Ludlow, E., Letter on Tyranny, 1688. Proceedings of pres. Parl. justified, 1689. Seventh Collection of Papers, 1689. 1689-1702. Appeal to Heaven, (Stephens), 1691. Consid. upon.... Speaker, 1698. Easie method, Ac., 1691. James II, Manifesto, 1697. Johnson, S., Abrogation of K. James. 1692. Last year s transactions, 1690. Parable of the three jackdaws, 1694. Persuasive to consideration, 1693. Remarks on the Affairs of Eng., 1.691. Their Present Majesties, etc., 1691. 1702-1714. Barrier Treaty Vindicated, 1712. 3isse, P., Serm. on the Rebellion, 1711. Brett, T., Serm. of the Rebellion, 1713. Caveat against the Whiggs, 1710-12. Character of a Popish Successor, 1712. Evans, J., Serm., Victory in Brabant, 1706. Faults in the Fault-finder, 1710. Faults on both sides, 1710. Gravenor, B., Sermon, Nov. 7, 1710. Haversham s, Lord, Speech, 1707. Learned Comment on Hare s Serm , 17U. Letter to the Author, 1705. Letter to the Examiner, 1714. Nahash s Defeat, 1708. Neck or Nothing.... 1713. Norris, R., Thanksgiving Sermon, 1704. Rehearsals, The, 1704-8. Re-representation, The, 1711. Revolution Principles, 1713. Great Britain: Political niruin and Pamphlets, to 1714 (con tinued). Secret Hist, of Calve s Head Club, 1703. Spademan, Serm., Victory in the Bra bant, 1706. Steele, R., The Crisis, 1713. Toland, Memorial of England, 1705. Wyvill, Serm., The Peace, 1713. See Marlborough, Duke of. 1714-1727. Browne, S., Sermon, 1716. Clodius and Cicero, 1727. Fleetwood, Serm., Rebellion, 1715. Gibson, Serm. on Rebellion, 1716. Gretfne, T., Sermon on Rebellion, 1715. Harley, Impeachment of, 1715. Kennett, "Serin., 1715, 1716. Lambe, Sermon, the Rebellion, 1715. Letter to the Clergy, 1722, (Pearce). Merchant, Peace and Trade, 1729. Non-resistance, 1714. Obs. upon a pamphlet, Lond., 1717. Old Whig, On the Peerage, 1719. Pearse, R., Sermon, 1716. Plebeian, The, N. Ill, 1719. Public Spirit of Whigs, 1714. Sherlock, Sermon, Rebellion, 1716. Some Observations, 1728. See George I, 1727-1760. Ancient and Mod. Liberty, 1734. Answer to a Pamphlet, (Shebbeare), 1756. Apology for the Conduct. ...1744. Brief State pedlars, 1730. Burton, J., Serm., Rebellion, 1746. Carr, Serm., Culloden Victory, 1746. Characteristics of pres. pol. state, 1758. Coleire, Serm., Rebellion of 1745. Compleat List. . ..votes on Septennial Act, 1734. Compleat view of Politicks, 1743. Conduct of the Ministry, 1759. Conduct of the Opposition, 1734. Consid. upon the present state, 1739. Consolatory Letter, 1760. Con-Test, Period., 1756-7. Cooke, W., An enquiry, 1754. Craftsman Exttaordinary, 1729. Dialogue, 1747. Drapier s letters, 1730. Dutch Reasoner, 1745. Enquiry into Conduct. 1734. Enquiry into the Reasons, 1729. Essay on Polit. lying, 1757. 232 GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain: Political Discussions and Pamphlets, to 1760 (con tinued.). Examination of the Principles.... of the two B....S, 1749. Faction Detected, (Perceval), 1743. False Accusers Accused, 1741. Farther Vind Hanover Troops, 1743. Fatal consequences, 1736. First Letter, (Shebbeare), 1756. Fitness... Septennial Act, 1740. Fourth Letter to the People, 1756. Free and Irapar. Examiner, 1745. French influence, 1740. Full answer to Fourth Letter, 1756. Grand Accuser, 1735. Hoadly, Enquiry into Reasons, 1728. Huddesford, Sermon, Rebellion, 1745. Hue and cry, 1739. Important Question, 1755. Lavington, Sermon, Rebellion, 1745. Letter addressed to two great men, 1 760. " from a Gentleman, 1727. " from Mem. of Parl., 1729. " to a friend, 1755. " to a Member, etc., 1729. " " 1740. " to C. D Anvers, 1729. " to the Craftsman, 1733. " to the People of England, 1751. " to the Whigs, 1748. Ministry and Government of, 1734. Miscellan. Thoughts, (Hervey), 1742. Modest Enquiry, 1742. New Miscellany for 1737-39. Obs. on the Conduct of G. B., 1729. Occasional letter, 1749. Occasional writer, No. 4, 1738. Ogden, S., Sermons, 1758. Pasquin & Marforio, 1750. Patriot, The, 1734. Peuple (Le) instruit, 1756. Polit. cabinet, 1745. Political state, 1736. Politicks on both sides, 1734. Pres. state of Politics, 1739. Proper Reply, (Pulteney), 1731. Prussia, Motives of the King, 1752. Question whether England .... 1745. Reasons for the Neutrality, 1734. Resignation, The, Discussed, 1748. Richardson, A., Serm., Rebellion, 1745. Roberts, S., Sermon, 1745. Royal, The, Sin, 1738, (Croxall). Seasonable Expostulations, 1742. Serious Exhortation . . elections, 1 740. Shebbeare, Letters on the Eng., 1756. Great Britain: Political Discussions and I amphlets, to 1760 (con tinued). Short View of the State. ...1730. Sketch of French pol., 1735. Sky, The, Rocket. Some farther remarks, 1729. Some of the Roman Hist, of Fabius, 1749. Test, The, 1757. Period. Warburton, Serin., Rebell. of 1745. See Walpole, R. ; George II ; Scotland. 1760-1783. Abbey of Kilkhampton, 1780. Address to Prot. Dissenters, 1774. Anticipation, 1779. Appeal of Reason, 1763. Auckland, Four letters, 1779. Budget, The, 1764. Campbell, J., Political Survey of, 177~4. Candid Thoughts, 1781. Conduct of the Late Administration, 1767. Consid. on the Dependencies, 1769. Consid. on the Times, 1769. Consid. on the Trade, etc., 1766. Davis, G., Sermon, 1763. Day, T., Reflexions, 1782. " Letters of Marius, 1780. Description of a Parliament, 1769. Elcutheria, 1763. Englishman Deceived, 1768. Facts addressed to Landholders, Tooke, 1780. Free Appeal, 1767. Fugitive Polit. Essays, 1770. Gordon, Cordial for low spirits, 1763. Hardwicke, Original papers, 1763. History of Lord North s Administra tion, 1782. Hist, of the Minority, 1765. Import, of Brit. Dominion in America, 1770. Import, of Br. Dominion in India, 1770. Letter to tha Earl of Bute, 1771. toII.G.,Dukeof Grafton, 1768. " to the Rt. Hon. C. T., 1763. Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, 1762. Macaulay, C., Observations, 1770. Political Essays concerning, 1772. Political Tracts, Collection, 1764-73. Pres. state of Nation, Grenville, 1768. Principles of the late changes, 1765. Right Honorable Annuitant, 1761. Robinson, M ., Peace the best policy, 1777. Sandercock, Serm., Peace of 1763. GREAT BRITAIN. 233 Great Britain! Political Discussions and Pamphlets, to 1783 (con tinued). Shebbeare, Answer to the Queries, 1775. Short Considerations, 1766. Short Hist, of conduct of Ministry, 1765. Some thoughts on.. the Colonies, 1765.- Watson, R., Revolu. Vindicated, 1776. See Revolutionary War. 1783-1820. Adolphus, Rupture with France, 1803. " Political state of, 1818. Anti-Corsican, The, 1804. Anti-Jacobin, 1800. Answer to the inquiry into the State .... ! 1806. Appeal to the head, 1798. Appeal to the people, (Hawker), 1798. Armata; Satire, 1817. Atcheson, Amer. Encroachments, 1808. Authentic Pieces ...Power of the Crown, 1780. Beauties of Fox & Burke, 1784. Berkeley, Sermon, English Rev., 1789. Bowles, J., French aggression, 1797. Strictures, 1807. Brief answer, 1803. British Lion, (Penn), 1797. British tocsin, 1795. British Union Society, 1797. Brougham, Speech, Orders in Council, 1808. Burke, E., Letter to noble Lord, 1796. Butler, Political fugitive, N. Y., 1794. Callender, Political Progress of, 1795. Campbell, D., Letter to Mar. of Lorn, 1798. Cartwright, J., Letter, 1793. Cause and cure, Reforms, 1817. Chalmers, G., Peace of Paris, 1815. Champion, Reflections on the Whigs, 1787. Collection of Addresses, 1793. Conduct of the present Parliament, 1789. Considerations on public affairs, 1796-8. Consid. on sedit. practices, 1795. Consid. on the Appr. Dissolution, 1790. Consid. upon the State, 1796. Countrymen, 1815. Courtenay, T. P., State of the Nation, 1811. Crambe repetita, 1799. Crisis, The, 1785. Datos sobre algunas Leyes Inglesas, 1807. De Lolme, Obs. upon the. .embarrass ment, 1789. 30 Great Britain: Political Discussions and Pamphlets, to I82O (con tinued). Dumouriez, Specul. sketch, 1798. Edwards, G., True Scheme of Economy, 1808. Electors of Westminster, 1819. Enquiry into the. . .Constitution, 1792. Extracts from the Album.... 1788. Few Cursory Remarks, (Bentley), 1803. Fox, C- J., Speech on Peace, 1800. Frend, W., Peace and Union, 1793. Glover, Mem. of a eel. polit. character, 1813. Grenville Agonistes, 1807. Hartley, D., Address, York, 1781. Heeren, Continental Interests of. Hone, W., Miscellanies, 1817-20. Inquiry into the state, etc., 1806. Knox, W., Considerations, 1789. Lister, Opposition dangerous, 1798. Miles, W. A., Conduct of France, 1793 . Morfitt, Observations, 1797. Mornington s Speech, 1794. Munkhouse, Thanksgiving Sermons, 1797, 98. National Danger, (A. Young), 1797. O Bryen, D., Utrum horum, 1796. Pax in bello, 1796. Penn, J., Timely appeal, 1798. People s Answer to, Wraxall, 1787. Picture of the Times, 1795. Political Letters, 1784. Question as it stood, 1798, (Francis). Randolph, F., State of the Nation, 1808. Rennell, T., Thanksgiving Ser., 1798. Reply to a Short Review, 1787. Review of Mr. Roscoe s Considerations, 1808. Review of Public Affairs, 1802. Review of the Principal Proceedings, Rights and Remedies, 1795. Roscoe, Negotiations of, 1807. " On the Present War, 1808. Rose, G., Brief Examination, 1799. Royal Register, 1788, 9. Searcher, The, after Truth, 1817. Short Review of state of, Wraxall, 1787. Sins of the Government, (Barbauld), Solemn appeal to Citizens, 1788. Some Remarks on the.... War, 1795. Southey, R., Essays, 1811-16. Stephens, Crisis of the Sugar Colonies, 1802. Thelwall, J., Fraternity, 1795. Thoughts on the relative, Ac., 1806. 234 GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain : Political Discussions and Pamphlets, to 182O (con tinued). View of the History of. under North, 1782. View of the relative . . . 1796. Wakefield, Reply to Burke, 1796. " Reply to Bp. of Landaff, 1798. " Spirit of Christianity in, 1794. War with France, (Rennell), 1794. Waring, J. S., Letter to Burke, 1784. Webster, N., Political Progress of, 1795. Wellesley, Formation of Administra tion, 1812. Whigs Unmasked, 1795. Wilson, J., Letter.... political, 1793. Word to the Wise, 1790. Wyvill, Defence of R. Price, 1792. See George III. 1820-1867. Balance of Power, 1831. Boone, J. S., Political View, 1821. Brougham, Speech, Reform bill, 1831. Bulwer, Letter on Crisis, 1834. " Letters to John Bull, 1850. Burghley, England subsists by miracle, 1859. Calm Statement, 4826. Carlyle, Chartism. Coalition Guide, 1854. Cochrane, Who are Liberals ? 1852. Country without Government, 1830. Countrymen, 1815. Dallas, G. M., Letters, 1856-60. D Israeli, Crisis Examined, 1834. Essays on Reform, 1867. George IV, Letter, 1821. Gladstone, W. E., Speech, 1853. Grey, Earl, Policy of Russell s Admin., 1853. Mullins, Magistracy of England, 1836. Opinions as to the real state, 1823. Pecchio, Osservazioni, 1827. " Elezione di membri del Parl. Perils of England, 1853. Political Nomenclature, 1838. Real Character of, 1833. Russell, Prin. of Reform Act, 1839. Short letter to Earl of Derby, 1852. Tracts for the Times, No. 10, 1852. Twiss. T., Letters of Pius IX, and Laws of England, 1851. Whigs, The, 1847. Whitehurst, Coalition, 1787 and 1853. See England; Ireland; Church of Eng land. ! Great Britain, Registers, Almanacs and Statistics. Almanacs, 1679- 1732. Annual Register, 1758-1870. Baert, Tableau de, 1800. British Almanac, 1854-69. Bristed, J., Resources of British Em pire, 1811. Catholic Directory, 1839, 49, 52, 54. Colquhoun, Treat, on Resources of, 181 5. Court and City Register. See Royal. Court Calendar, 1747. See Royal. Chalmers, G., State of, 1815. " Comp., strength of, 1782. Chamberlayne, Present state of, 1674, 76, 1735, 43, 55. Clergy List, 1841-50. Dietrichsen s Almanac, 1842, 44, 52. Etat Militaire, 1774. Goldsmith, Almanach, 1852. Great Britain, Official reg., 1728, 42. Haward, Charges, 1647. Haydn, Book of Dignities. McCulloch, Statist. Account, 1837. McQueen, Statistics of, 1836. Marshall, Digest of, 1799-1833. Millan s Register. See Royal. Murray, Hand-book of Church and State, 1852. Owen s Book of Fairs, 1834. Parl. Companion, 1836, 41, 52. Parl. Directory, 1853. Parl. Guide, 1837. Rickman, Pop. account of, 1800. Royal Blue Book, 1855. . Royal Kalendar, 1751-1855, not com plete. Watson s Almanacks, 1786, 99. Will s Clerical Almanack, 1852. See Almanacs. Great Britain, Travels and Descrip tions. Beauties of England and Wales, Brewer & Brayley, 1801-15. Burke, Historic lands of England. Camden, W., Britannia, 1772. Carus, King of Saxony s Journey, 1844. Colton, C., Four Years in, 1836. De Foe, D., Tour through. Gonzales, Voy. to Eng. and Scotland. Gorton, Topog. Dictionary, 1833. Great Britain : County Divisions, 1832. Green, W., North of England, 1810. Head, G., Tour through the United Kingdom, 1837. Jones s Views of Mansions. Kohl, J. G., Ireland, Scotland and England, 1844. Long, Geography of. Magna Brit, ant., (Cox), 1738. GREECE. 235 Great Britain, Travels and Descrip tions (continued). Mangles, J., Diet, of Geog., 1848. Otley, J., Descr. of Eng. lakes. Pecchio, Ital. exile in England, 1833. Simond, Tour, 1810, 11. Speed, Theatre of G. Britain, 1676. Spiker, Reis door, 1816. Stael, Mme. De, Letters on, 1830. Stewart, C. S., Sketches of Soc. in, 1835. Stowe, H. B., Sunny Memories, 1854. Thorburn, Men and Manners in. Tymms, Family Topographer. See England; Scotland; Ireland; Wales. See also names of Counties and Towns. Greece, Ancient. Athenian Letters, 1800. Barthelemy, Travels of Anacharsis, 1806. Becker, W. A., Charicles, Private Life of, 1845. Boeckh, Pub. Econ. of Athens, 1828. Bulwer, Athens, Rise and Fall. Chalcondile, Hist, do la Dec. de 1 Emp., 1650. Chase, T., Her Monuments, 1863. Clinton, H. F., Civil and Lit. Chronol. of, 1851. Comnena, Alexias. Douglas, Resemblance of Anc and Mod. Duruy, Histoire Grecque, 1856. Echard s Roman History. Felton, Lectures, 1867 Finlay, G., History of. " Greece under the Romans. B. C. 146-A. D. 717. Freeman, Greek Federations, 1863. Gillies, Hist, of Ancient Greece, 1840. Gronovius, Thesau. Antiq Grsec. Grote, History of Greece, 1846-53. Gruterus, Inscriptiones antiques. Heeren, Politics of Ancient, 1824, 29. Hobbes, T., Works, Vol. 8, 9, Trans. of Thuycidides. Janssen, Mus. Lug., Inscriptiones. Keightley, History of, 1839. Koen. Baier. Ak., Theodosius, 1859. Mably, Osservazioni sopra i Greci, 1766. Malkin, F., History of Greece. Meiners, Hist, des Sciences dans, 1798. Mitford, W., History of Greece, 1823. Muller, K. 0., Hist, of the Doric Race, 1839. " Hist. Lit. Anc. Greece, Lib. U. K. New Hist., Grecian States. Pancirolus, Notitia Dignitatum, 1608. Greece, Amcient (continued). Pausanias, Description of, 1794. Peterson, Gesch. der Religion. Pococke, India in Greece, 1856. Potter, J., Antiquities of, 1825, 32. Thirlwall, Hist, of, 1835. See Antiquities; Greek Authors; Clas sic Literature. Greece, Modern. About, Greece of the Present, 1857. " King of the Mountains, Fict. Anderson, R., Obs. on the Pelopon nesus, 1829. Appeal from Greek Comm., 1822. Beaujour, View of the Commerce of, 1800. Carlisle, Earl of, Diary in Greek Waters, 1854. Chateaubriand, Travels in, 1806, 07. Chatfield, Appeal for, 1822. Contostavlos, Building of Greek Fri gates, 1826. Dorr, Notes of Travel, 1856. Dodwell, Class, and Topographical tour through, 1801-06. Duer,*J., Controversy on the Greek Frigates, 1826. Emerson, J., Letters from the JSgean, 1829. Erskine, T., Letters on the Greeks, 1822. Felton, C. C., Letters from Europe. " Lectures, 1867. Finlay, G., History of. Gamba, Byron s Journey, 1825. Gell, Itinerary of the Morea, 1817. B.C. " Journey in the Morea, 1823. B. C. Gladstone, W. E., Speech on, 1850. Gordon, T., Hist, of the Revolution, 1844. Greek Frigates Controversy, 1826. " Relief Comm., Boston, 1823. History of Modern, 1827. Howe, S. G., Hist, of Revolution, 1828. Hughes, T. S., Address on, 1822. Ionian Islands, 1851. Laurent, Classical Tour, 1822. Leake, W. M., Researches in, 1814. Travels in the Morea, 1830. Miller, J. P., Letters from, 1824. Murray s Handbook of. Nazro, Narr. of Sufferings in. P. 647. Orlandos, Greek vessels, N. Y., 1826. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 726. Perdicaris, The Greece of the Greeks. Post, H. A. V., Visit to Greece. Pouqueville, Voyage, 1826, 27. " La Grecia. Randolph, J., Speech, 1823. 236 GREECE. Greece, Modern (continued). Savary, N., Letters on Greece. Slade, A., Sketches of travel, 1828-31 Stephanini, Capture of Patras, 1829. Strangford s Writings, 1869. Strong, F., Greece as a Kingdom, 1840 Taylor, B., Travels in, 1855. See Turkey; Ionian Islands; Candia Athens. Greek Authors. Achilles Tatius, Clit opho, 1855. JElianus, Varia Historia, 1545, 1829. " Do natura aminalium. jEneas Gazaens, De immortalitate. Aeschylus, Tragedies, Graece, 1745. " Tragedies; Translations. JEsopus, Fabulae, Fables. Anacreon, Carmina; Gr., Eng. and Fr Andronicus Rhodius, Ethic. Nicom. Paraphrasis. Antoninus Liberalis, Transform. Con geries, 1774. Apollonius Dyscolus, Gr. and Lat. Apollouius Rhodius, Argonauticorum 3 lib. IV, Gr. and Lat. and Eng. Trans. Apollonius of Alex., Lexicon Grsec., 1773. Apostolius, Paroemiae. Aratus, Eratosthenes, etc., 1672. Archimedes, (Euvres. Aristides, A., Opera, 1829. Aristophanes, Plutus, Gr. and Fr. " Comedies, Eng. Aristoteles, Works in Latin. " Hist, des Animaux. " Works, Translations. Arrianus, Opera, 1792. " Periplus. " Exped. Alexandri. Athenseus, The Deipnosophists. Athenagoras, De Resurrectione, Lat. Auteurs Grecs, Gr. and French. Bion, with Sappho, in French, 1829. Brumoy, Greek Theatre. Callimachus, Gr. and Ital. Cebes, Tabula. " Tabula, (Outhof.) Chronicon Alexandrinum. Cory, Ancient Fragments. Demosthenes, Gr., Engl. " Discours sur la couronne. " Orations, translated. Diodorus Siculus, Biblioth. Historic se. Dionysius Halicarnas., Opera. " Periegesia, trans. Diescorides, De Materia Medica. Epiotetus, Manuale, Trans. English, 1798. Greek Authors (continued). Epicurus, Morals. Euripides, Ta Zufrfteva, Musgrave. Tragoediae, Scholefield. Notae in, Lond., 1828. Translated by Potter. " Alcestis, Trans. " Hippolytus & Alcestis, Trans. Eustratius, Comment, in Libroa Aris- totelis, 1536. Heliodorus, Romances of. Heraclides, Quae supersunt. Herodotus, Gr. and Lat. Historiarum Lib. ix, Gr. and Engl. " History of, Rawlinson s Trans., 1860. Hesiodus, Gr. and Eng. Hesychius, Lexicon. Hierocles, On the* Golden Verses. Hippocrates, De Morbis Popularibus, 1717. " Reliquiae, 1859-64. Homerus, Ed. Ernesti. " Ed. Heyne. " Ed. Ansse do Villoison. " Iliad or Odyssey, Cowper s, Pope s, Derby s, Buckley s, Chapman s, Hobbe s, Bry ant s, Herschel s Transla tions. Isocrates, Opera, 1803. Jacobs, Gr. Reader. Koen. Baier. Ak., Theodosius. Libanius, Prseludia Oratoria. Longinus, Greek and Latin. " DeSublimitate,Gr. and Lat. " On the Sublime. Longus, Daphnis and Chloe, Engl. Lucianus, Gr. and French. " Translations. " Dialogues, Trans. Lycophron, Cassandra. Lysias, Greek and Latin. Manasses, C., Annales. Maximus Tyrius, Dissert., Gr. " Diss., Trans. Meletius, Peri tes arches tou papa. Menandriet Philemonis reliquiae, 1823. Mercurius, Pimandras, Gr. and Lat. Montfaucon, Bibliot. Coisliniana. Moschus with Sappho, in French. Musaeui, Carmen. Oratores Attici, Bekker. Orpheus, Trans, of T. Taylor. Outhof, Cebes, Tabula. Passow, Pop. carmina. Pausanias, Greeciae descriptio, 1829. GREENLAND. 237 Greek Authors (continued). Pausanias, Description of Greece. Phalaris, Epistles, Trans. Philemon. See Menander. Philo Judaeus, Lucubrationes. " Works, Translation. Philostratus, Appollonius Life, Trans. Photius, Lexicon, (Parr). Pindarus, Ed. Heyne. " Romae, 1515. " Odes, Translation. Plato, Opera, Greek, Latin and Eng. " Apol. Sokratous, Eng. ft Immortality. Plotinus, Opera, in Latin. " Select Works. Plutarchus, Vitae, Gr., Lat. and Eng. tf Apothegmata, Gr. and Lat. Polybius, History; translation. Proclus, Abp., Analecta, 1630. Proclus, Platorlist, Six books of, T. Taylor. " Commentaries, Trans., T. Taylor. (f Select theorems. See Ocellus. Quintus Calabrus, Praetermiss. ab Homero. Sappho, in French. Socratis et aliorum epistolse. Sophocles, Gr. and Lat. Strabo, Rerum Geograph., Graece. " Geog. Trans. Taylor, T.,, Fragments of Archytas and Pythagoreans. Themistius, Opera, 1534. Theocritus, Bion ajid Moschus, Eng. Theodorus, Rhodanthe et Dosicles. Theophrastus, On stones, Gr. and Eng. " The Characters. Thucydides, De belloPelop., (Bekker). " Pel. War, Trans. Tryphiodorus, Ilii Excidium, Gr., Lat. and Eng. Wagner, Chronicon Parium, Gr. et Lat., 1832. Winterton, Poetse minores, 1684. Wright, R. S., Treas. of Gr. poetry, 1867. Xenophon, Opera, Edinb. 1811. " Trans., Cooper, etc. " Anabasis, (Owen). " Minor Works, Trans. See Antiquities; Classical Lit. ; Bibli ography. Greek Church. Bodinus, DeOfficialibus. Curzon, Monasteries in the Levant, 1849. Eckardt, Greek Orthodox Church, 1870. | Greek Church (continued). Great Britain, Turkey, 1854. Greek Church identified, 1842. Greek Church, A Sketch, E. S. A. Irenseus, Liturgia Grseca. Meletius, Dissertatio. Papal aggr. in the East. Plato, Abp., Catechism of, in Turkish. Proclus, Abp., Analecta. Romanoff, Rites and Customs of, 1F69. Tuttle, Europ. and Eastern Churches, 1855. See Greece, Travels in. Greek Frigates Controversy. P. v. 12. Greek Language. See Languages; Classical; Grammars; Diction aries. Greek Rom. Cath. Church. Select preces, 1848. Greeley, H. Reminiscences, 1870. Hall, A. 0., Dissected, 1862. Parton, Life of, 1855. Green, A. Jones, J. H., Life of, 1849. I Green, S. Storrs, R. S., Mem. of, 1836. Green, T. Extracts from Diary, 1810. Greenboro , Vt. Stone, J. P., Hist, of, 1854. Greene, 31. C. Hague, W., Disc, on, 1856. P. 268. Greene, IV. Caldwell s Life of, 1819. Greene, G. W., Life of, 1867-71, and in Sparks s Biog. Johnson. W., Life of, 1822. Lee, H., Campaign of 1781. Simnis, W. G., Life of. Greene, S. S. Bumpstead, Reply te, 1845. P. 513. Greene, T. Family genealogy, 1858. Greene, Z. Ordronaux, Life of, 1859. Greene Co., N. Y. .Tuliand, Hist. Rem iniscences of, 1858. Rockwell, C., Hist. Discourse. Greenfield, W. Calumnies of the Rec ord, 1832. Greenfield, Mass. Willard, D., Hist. of. Greenland. Anderson, Efterretninger, 1748. Cranz, History of, 1820. Edin. Cab. Lib., vol. 28. Edmond, Voyage, 1857. Egede, Description of, 1745, 1818. Graah, East Coast of, 1837. Hakluyt Soc., No. 18, 1855. Hayes, Arctic boat Journey, 1854. Kane, E. K., Exp. for Sir J. Frank lin, 1854. 238 GREENLAND. Greenland (continued). La Peyrere, Account of. Manby, Voyage to, 1821. Mesange, Vie et Voyage de, 1720. O Reilly, B., Greenland and the adja cent Seas, 1818. Saabye, H. E., Extracts from a Jour nal, 1770-78. Scoresby, Voy. to Northern Whale Fishery, 1822. See Arctic Voyages. Greenleaf, J. Family Genealogy, 1854. Green leaf, M. C. Vermilye, Sermon of 1M7. Greenough, II. Tuckerman, Memoria of. Greenwich, Conn. Mead, History of. Greenwood. See Cemeteries . Greenwood, F. W. P. Burnap, Dis course on. Greenwood, J. Hartley, J., Sermon on, 1755. Greer, Mrs. S. The Story of my Life. Gregg, W. Hoffman, F., Transactions in prison, 1711. Gregory I. Epistolae. Gregory VII. Bowden, Life of. Greisley, Life of, 1832. Gregory, D. Gregory, J., Memorial of. Gregory, O. Molyneux, Sermon on. Greig, J. Cawood, J., Sermon on. Grellet, S. Seebohm, Life of. Van Rensselaer, C., Discourse on. Grenada. See Granada. Grenada Is. Nar. of the Revolt, 1795. Grenville, Lord. Brief Reflect ] 800 . Grenville, The, Papers. Popish Divan, 1809. Gresham, T. Burgon, J. W., Life of, 1830. Gresham College, Eng. Ward, Livea of Professors. Grey Town, 1859. Memorial to Congress, Carmichael, Destruction of, 1854. Grey town, Bombardement, Recueil A. Lettre du delegue, 1856. Griffin, Edmund D. Remains. M Vickar, Mem. of, 1832. Griffin, Edward O. Sermons and Life of, 1838. Nash, A., Mem. of, 1842. Griffith, J. T. and E. Furness, W. H. Discourse on, 1854. P. 555. Grigg, T. Patrick, S., Fun. Serm. Grimaldi, J Dickens, Memoirs of, 1838. Grimm, P.M. Corresp. litteraire. Griscom, J. Griscom, J. H., Mem. of. Griswold, A. V. Mason, C., Discourse on, 1843. Stone, J. S., Life of. Griswold, R. Daggett, Eulogium of, 1812. P. 494. Griswold, S. B. Lynch, J., Corres pondence, 1824. Griswold, Fort. Downer s Narrative of Capture. Harris, Battle of Groton Heights, 1871. Groningen. Roskes, Intree-rede, 1837. Segaar, Leerrede, 1760. Grosseteste, B p R. Epistolae, (Chron. G. B.). Grosvenor, B. Barker, J., Sermon on, 1758. Grote, G. Mure, W., Remarks on his History. Grotius, II. Epistolae. Brandt, C., Hot Leven des, 1732. " Rechtspleging, 1618. Groton, Conn. Downer s Fort Griswold. MS. Harris, Narratives of Battle of the Heights. Rathbun, J., Massacre, 1781. Groton, Ms. Butler, C., Hist of, 1848. Lawrence Acad. Jubilee, 1854. Gruber, J. Strickland, Life of. Guadalnpe. Carrillo, Pensil Americano, 1793. Guano. Amer. Guano Comp., 1857. Guano, N. Y., 1845. Hints to Farmers. Lodi Manuf. Comp., 1857. Long Island Fish Guano, 1858. Mulder, Leesboek, 1854. National Fertilizer, 1858. Nesbit, On Peruvian Guano. Peruvian and Bolivian Guano. " Guano Trade, 1854. P. 205. Sheppard, J. H., Treatise on, 1845. Teschemaker, Essay on, 1845. P. 223. U. S. Guano Co., 1859. U. S. Alto Vielo Is. U. S., Aves Island. Vogel, Der Guano, 1860. See Manures. liialcmala. Cabrera, Huehuotlapallan. Crowe, Gospel in. Dunn, H., Guatemala. GUNPOWDER PLOT. 239 Guatemala (continued). Guatemala, Kalendario, 1805. " Modern Traveler. Montgomery, G. W., Journey to, 1838. Palacio, D. G. De. See Squier. Rio, Huehuetlapallan, 1822. Squier, Description of, 1576. Tempsky, Journey, 1853-5. Thompson, Official visit to, 1819. Ximenes, De los Indies de, 1857. See Central America. Guerin, Eugenie de. Letters. Guernsey Is. Berry, W., History of, to 1814. Hoskins, S. E., Climate of. Keulen, Beschryvinge. . .Zee-kaarten. Gnesclin, B. De. Jamison, Life of. Guenx, lies. Liefde, Founders of Dutch Republic. Guiana. Bajon, Hist, de Cayenne et de la, 1777. " Voy- a la, et a Cayenne, 1789. Bancroft, On nat. hist, of, 1769. Barbe-Marbois, Journal d un deporte, 1797. Barrere, La France Equinoxiale, 1743. Bellin, Desc. Geographique de, 1758. ! Bolingbroke, H., Voy. to the Deme- rary, 1807. Boyer, Relation de Bretigny, 1654. Brett, W. H., Indians of Guiana, 1852. ; Catineau, La Guyane Franchise, 1822. ! Cayenne, Official Documents, 1790-97. . Gaze, Compagniede Colonisation, 1826. Coll. of docts. on Gui. Fr., 1777-99. Du Pare, La Guyane, 1852. Essai sur Surinam, 1788. Fermin, Description de Surinam, 1769. Freytag, Memoirs of, 1824. Giguet, Des Deportes a, 1799. Grillet, Voyage dans, 1674. Guiana, Brit., Contrib. to Exhib. of 1855. P. 1266. Guisan, Torres de la Guiane, 1788. Hancock, J., dim. and Soil of, 1840. Hartsink, Beschryving van, 1770. Keyen, Von Neu Niederland und Gua- jana, 1672. Labat, Voyages a Cayenne, 1725-27. Le Blond, La Guyane Fran9aise, 1814. Lescallier, Moyens d Administrer la Guyane, 1791. Malouet, Mem. sur 1 Administration de la, 1801. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., V. 5, 1844. Mem. sur la Guyane Fran9aise, 1803. National Assoc., 1852. Peck, N., Report on, 1840. Guiana (continued). Raleigh, Sir W., Discovery of, 1595. Sack, Reize naar Surinamen, 1821. 11 Voyage t6, 1810. Schomburgh, Descrip. of Brit. Guiana. Scoble, J., Speech on, 1838. Stedman, J. G., Expedition against Negroes of, 1772-1777. " Voyage a Surinam, 1798. Tableau de Cayenne, 1798. Vignal, Coup-d oeil sur Cayenne, 1822. See Cayenne; Amazon. Guides. See Self-culture; Books. Guides to Towns, &c. Patfr. vols. 610. See Topog., Emigrant s Guides. Guidon. Bock, Liber Guidonis, 1850. Guild. Family genealogy, 1867. Guizot, F. Memoirs, 1858-61. Gun Cotton. Gladstone, J. H., Of Gun Cotton. P. 402. Maynard, J. P., Ethereal Solution of. Gnnn, W. Lintner, G. A., Memoirs of. Gunning. See Shooting. Gunpowder. Essays upon Saltpetre, 1776. Gunpowder Plot. Everard, E., Depo sitions, 1679. Jardine, Narrative of. Pain., Vol. 600, Hist. of. Plotters Doom, 1680. Prance, Narr. of Discovery, 1679. Sherlock, W., Some Reflec. on, 1683. True Narrative, 1679. Gunpowder Plot, Sermons at Anni versary of. Adams, J., Dan. iii. 28, 1696. Atterbury, F., Matt. xvii. 12, 1704. Bradford, S., Gal. v. 1, 1713. Burnet, G., Ps. xxii. 21, 1684. Micah vi. 5, 1689. Butler, L., 1 Sam. xii. 23, 24, 1710. Dalton, J., Sermon, 1747. Dawes, Sermon, 1686. Dove, H., Sermon, 1680. Evans, C., Bristol, 1775. Fleetwood, Sermon, 1700. Forster, N., Sermon, Popery, 1746. Hooper, G., Matt. xxii. 21, 1681. Kennett, W., 1715. Lamplugh, Lu. ix. 55, 56, 1678. Lloyd, R. L., Is. viii. 10, 1712. Lloyd, W., Sermon, 1678. Newton, R., Sermon, 1713. Polling, 1681. Pindar, W., Sermon, 1679. Reynell, Bristol, 1730. 240 GUNPOWDER PLOT. Gunpowder Plot, Sermons at Anni versary of (continued). Roper, J., Sermon, 1743. Bundle, Acts x. 34, 1718. Sacheverell, Lond., 1709. Sharpe, J., Rom. x. 2, 1691. Smalridge, Matt. x. 16, 1708. Standen, Sermon, 1709. Stanhope, G., Sermon, Lu. xxlv. 25, 1709. Stillingfleet, Sermon, Matt. vii. 15, 16, 1673. Taylor, 1., Five Sermons on, 1619. Tilly, Is. liv. 17, 1705. Townsend, G., 1 Sam. xvii. 12, 1792. Wake, Abp., Matt. vii. 15, 16, 1699. Wincop, Job v. 12, 1702. Willis, R., Gen. xlix. 7, 1705. Gurley, J. Nott, S., Sermons on. Gurney, J. J. Braithwaite, J. B., Me moirs of, 1854. Friends, Defence against, 1839. Gustavus Vassa. The African, Life of. Gutenberg, J. Fournier, Dissertation, 1758. Koehler, Urkunden, J. G....1741. Laborde, Debuts de 1 Impr. a Stras bourg, 1840. Lichtenberger, Initia Typog., 1811. Nee de la Rochelle, Eloge de. Oberlin, La vie de, 1801. Winaricky, Essai Historique, 1847. See Typography. Guthrie, J. Life of, (Henderson), 1846. Guthrie, W. Life of. Guy, Rev. W. Ryland, Discourse on. Guyana. See Guiana. l.u you, Mme. Upham, Life of. Guyse, J. Conder, J., Sermon on. Guzman, A. E. de. Life of, Hakluyt Sec. Gymnastics. Albany Gymnasium, 1858. Beecher, C. E., Calisthenics. Boy s own Book. Chiosso, On Gymnastics, 1854. Fabri, Agonisticon, De re athletica, 1595. Kloss, Katechismus, 1852. Maclaren, On Training, 1866. Roth, Ling s Exercises. " Letter on, 1854. Walker s Manly Exercises, 1855. Watson s Calisthenics, 1864. See Physical Training Gypsies. Borrow, Gypsies in Spain, 1842. Caret s Adventures, 1775. Grellman, Histoire des Bohemiens. Dissertation on, 1807. Hoyland, Hist. Survey, 1816. Phillips, G. S., G. of Dane s Dike, 1864. Simson, History of, 1866. H. Haarlem. See Harlem; Typography. Habeas Corpus. Habeas C. Act ex plained, 1817. Nicholas, S. S., Suspension of. Pam. vol. 1246, Speeches in N. Y. Leg., 1861-64. Pendleton, G. H., Suspension of. See Law Library Catal. Hackney, Eng. Robinson, W., His tory of. Hadfield, T. Chandler, S., Sermon on. Hartley, Mass. Hadley Falls Co., Hist., 1853. Hopkins, S., Hist. Discourse, 1805. Judd, History of. Hafiz ool Moolk. Life of, 1831. Hague, The. Does, S Gravenhage, 1688. Dyp, Itineraire de la Salle d Oranje, 1826-30. Netherlands, Schilderijente s,1826-30. Reimer, Beschryving van Gravenhage, 1730. B. C. Verzameling van Staats-stukken, 1786. Hail Columbia. Saffell, 1870. Hainspach. Zierngibl, Geschichte.,1802. Hair* Boucheron, Systeme pileux des cheveux et de la barbe, 1837. Haiti. See Saint Domingo. Haldane, R. & J. A. Memoirs, 1853. Walker, J., Essays, 1838. Haldimand, Gen. Papers, Vermont Hist. Sc., Coll., 1871. Hale, David. Thompson, J. P., Me moirs of, 1850. Hale, Sir M. Burnet, Life of. Williams, J. B., Life of, 1835. Hale, Capt. If. Niles, J. M., Speech on. P. 60. Simms, J. R., Am. Spy, a tale. Stuart, I. W., Life of. Hales, J. Phenix, The, 1708. Halifax, If. S. AJuns, Settlement of, 1847. Hall. C. Smith, "A. D., Discourse on, 1854. HAPPERSALT. Hall, J. Dana. J., Sermon on, 1763. Hall, II., sen. Ryland, Sermon on, 1791. Hall, R. Life of, in Works. Murscll, J. P., Sermon on. Hall, TV Conder, J., Sermon on. Hallam, II. Monk, Correspondence with, 1844 Halle, Germ. Franck, Hospital at. Halleck, F. G. Wilson, J. G., Life of. Haller, C. L. De. Conver. to Cath. Ch., 1822. P. 1743. Ha Hook. Gerard. Carroll, J. H., Me morial of, 1866. P. 1858. Hallock, J. Ancestry of, 1863. Yale, C., Life of. Hamburg. Kraft, Hist. Joannei Hamb., 1855. P. 513. Lehmann, Stadt Bibliothek, 1840. Lloyd s Account, 1813. Pamphlets relating to, Vol. 1102. Petersen, Gesch. Stadt-Bibliot., 1838. Hamilton, Alex. Answer to, 1800. Coleman, W., Collection of Facts on his Death, 1804. Dawson s Corresp. with Jay, 1864. Examination of the late proceedings on, 1793. Hamilton, J. C., Life of, 1834-40. " Hist. U. S. Amer., 1857-60. M Donald, Sermon on, 1799. Mason, J. M., Oration on, 1804. Nott, E., Discourse on, 1804. Otis, H. G., Eulogy on, 1804. P. 45. Renwick, J., Life of, 1845. Smucker, Life of. Tator, H. H., Oration on, 1851. Hamilton, Ant. Count Grammout. Memoirs. Hamilton, Lady Emma. Memoirs. Hamilton, J. & W., Dukes of. Bur- net, G., Memoirs of, 1677. Hamilton, Sir W. Mill, J. S., Exami nation of. Murray, Outlines of Philos. of, 1871. Veitch, Memoir of, 1869. Hamilton College. Catalogues, Tri ennial and Annual, to 1871. Davis, H., Narrative of Decline of. 1833. Fisher, S. W., Hist. Discourse. Hamilton, Ms. Cutler, M., Hist. Disc., 1815. Felt, J. B., History of, 1834. II anil in. H. Bartlett s Life of. Lincoln, Life of. 31 Hamliu, II. A. L. Lawrence, Life of. Hammond, II. Hone, R. B., Life of, 1833. II am pd i>ii, J. Forstcr, J., Life of. Nugent, Lord, Memorials of, 1832. Rives, W. C., Discourse on, 1845. 1 1 am pd en, Up. R. Cox, W. U., Prop ositions of, 1847. Christmas, Hist, of Controversy, 1832- 1848. Elucidations, 1836. P. 330. Hampden, Memorials of, 1871. Hare, J. C., Appointment of. Lancaster, T. W., Strictures, 1836. Miller, J., Conspectus of, 1836. Powell, B., Remarks, 1836. Remarks on the Protest, 1847. Third Hampden Agitation, 1847. Hampshire, Eiig. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Berry, County Genealogies. Driver, Agriculture of. Gilpin, The New Forest. Hampshire Co., Ms. Bliss, G., Hist. Address. Holland s Western Massachusetts. Hampton Court. Grundy, Stranger s Guide, 1847. P. 610. Hampton Court Guides, 1860. Hampton, N. H. Dow, J., Hist. Ad dress, 1838. Hancock, J. Laco s Essays. Loring s Boston Orators. Hancock, W. S. Penniinan, Life of. Handel, G. F. Schoelcher, Life of. Hauford, L,. Bushnell, C. I., Life of. Hanger, Col. Life of, 180.1. Hnnmer, SirT. Corresp. and Life, 1838. Hanna, S. Brice, Hist, of Fort Wayne. Hannibal. Cockburn, His Route, 1845. Law, W. J., Of His Route, 1856. Wickham and Cramer, Passage over the Alps, 1828. Hanover. Gibbon, E.. Antiq. of House of Brunswick, Misc. Hanover, Statistik, (Law. Lib.). Vindication. . Case of Han. Troops, 1743. Hanover, Ms. Barry, J. S., Hist. Sketch of, 1853. Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth College, 1846-58. Review of a Pam. on, 1828. Hansard, Luke. Biog. Memoir. Hanson, E. Captivity of, 1782. P. 1761. Hapgood Family. See Morse. Happersalt, Dr. Calm Review of. 242 HAPPINESS. Happiness. Bercsford, Miseries of Human Life. Chastellux, Essays. Harris, J., Treatise on. Spencer, II., Social statics, 1851. Harbors. Bache, N. Y. Harbor, 1857. Bagshaw, Harwich Pier, 1850. Bordeaux, i rojet de Docks, 1855. Brooks, W. A., Redcar, Yorkshire, 1834. P. 426. Chicago Convention, 1848. Glover, Harbours of Refuge, 1846. Hampton, M., Speech on, 1848, U. S. Hatch, I., Speech, 1858, U. S. King, G., Holyhead Harbour, 1847. McClelland, Speech, 1846, U. S. New York, Rep. of Comin rs, 1857. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 426, 529. Rayner, II., Speech, 1845, U. S. Rennie, Brit, and For. Harb., 1854. Reply.... W. India Docks, 1823. Rockwell, J. A., Speech, U. S., 1846. St. George s Har. and R. R. Comp., 1836. P. 428. Saint Louis, Mo., Harbor of, 1848. Williams, C. W., Holyhead Harbor, 1847. P. 426. Worthington, Dover Harbor, 1838. See New London; Philadelphia; Docks. Haouran. Recovery of Jerusalem, 1871. See Syria. Hardwick, Ms. Paige, L. R., Centenn. Address. Hardwicke, Lord. Harris, G., Life of, 1847. Hardy, II., L d Langdale. Memoirs. Hardy, N. M. Morris, C., Serm., death of, 1843. P. 380. Harklakenden. Pedigree of. Harlaem. See Typography. Harlaem River: Its use, 1857. Harley, R. Brit. Mus., Cat. of Harleian MSS. Dibdin, The Director, 1807. Harlingeu, N. J. Hoagland, Hist, of Dutch Ch. in, 1847. Harold, Rev. W. V. Rejoinder to, (Carey), 1822. Meade, R. W., Reply to, 1823. Harper s Ferry Invasion. Brown, J., Life of. Butler, R. R., Speech, 1859. Cooke, J. E., Confession of. Redpath s Life of Brown, 1860. " Echoes of Harper s Ferry, 1860. Williams, J., South vindicated, 1862. Harris, Gen. Geo. Lushington, Life of, 1845. Harris, R. Family genealogy, 1861. Harris, T. M. Frothingham, N. L., Memoir of, (Mass, Hist. Soc. Coll.). Frothinghara, N. L., Sermon on. Hall, N., Discourse on, 1842. Harrison, J. Harrison, A., Sermon on, 1724. Harrison, W. II. Bayard, S. J., Life of. P. 222. Burnett, J., Speech, Life of, 183 J. Burr, S. J., Life of, 1840. Camillus, Letters, 1841. Dawson, M., Narr. of Services, 1824. Hall, J., Public Services of. Hard Cider Almanac, 1841. Harrison Almanac, 1841. Harrison, W. H., Lives of, 1836, 40. Hildreth, R., People s Candidate. Jackson, J. R., Lebensgeschichte. Johnson, W. C., Speech on, 1840. Montgomery, H., Life of, 1859. N. Y. City, FOB, Ceremonies, 1841. Niles, J. M., Life of, 1821. " Tippecanoe Text Book, 1840. Pictures of the Times, 1840. Sprague, P., Remarks on, 1839. Harrison, W. II. Eulogies on. Abbott, J., Sermon, 1841. Bacon, L., Sermon, 1841. Carpenter, H. S., Eulogy on, 1841. Cobb, S., Sermon. Codman, J., Sermon. Cooke, P., Discourse. Cumpston, Discourse. P. 104. Damon, N., Sermon. Dorr, B., Sermon. Duffield, G., Discourse. Dyer, P., Sermon. Goddard, W. G., Address. Humphrey, H., Sermon. Krebs, J. M., Sermon. Lamson, A., Sermon. Leeser, I., Address. Nott, S., jr., Discourse. Olmstead, J. M., Sermon. Peabody, E., Sermon. Porter, C. S., Sermon. Potter, H., Discourse. Putnam, G., Sermon. Rogers, J. M., Sermon. P. 214. Spencer, I. S., Two Sermons. Sprague, W. B., Discourse. Upham, C. W., Discourse. Van Rensselaer, C., Discourse. West, N., Sermon. HAWAII. 243 Harrison, W. II. (continued). Williams, T-, Eulogium. Wilson, H. N., Two Discourses. Harrison, New York. Baird, Hist, of Rye, 187). Hnrt, J. Parker, J., Monument to. Hartford, Duchess of Somerset. Cor respondence. Hartford, Conn. Beardsley, Trinity Coll., Hist., 1851. P. 241. Bushnell, Hist. Disc., North Church, 1853, P. 267. Convention of Delegates at, 1814. Directories, 1851-55, 63. Hartley, H., In Olden Time. Hawes, Hist, of First Church. " Centen. Address, 1835. Porter, W. S., Hist. Notices of Conn. I in 1640. Hartshorne, J. Evans, Biog. Notice of, j 1852. P. 64. Ilurtz Forest. Behrens, Nat. Hist, of, 1730. Harvard University. Catalogues and Reports to 1871, 13 vols. Eliot, Hist, of 1848. Everett, E., Speech on Memorial of, 1849. Farmer, J., Memorials of the Grad uates, 1642-1833. Gray, F. C., Letter on, 1831. Harvard Memorial biographies, (Hig- ginson), 1867. Hollis and others, Facts and Docu ments, 1829. P. 28, B. C. Lowell, J. R., Fireside Travels. Morse s Appeal, 1814. Quincy, J., Hist, of, 1840. Palmer, Deaths of Alumni, 1851-63. Pierce, B., Hist, of, to 1776. Popkin, J. S., Memorial, 1852. Ticknor, Changes proposed, 1825. See Cambridge, Mass. Harvey, W. Coxe, J. R., Discovery Claims, 1834. Harwinton, Conn. Chipman, History of, 1860. Hasenclever, P. Case of, 1774. Hasheesh. Ludlow, The Hasheesh Eater. | Hasselt, A. Van. Bock, Liber Guidonis, ! 1850. Hastings. Family Genealogy, 1860. Hastings, W. Burke, E., Works, vol. i 6, 7, Impeachment, 1826, 27. East India Co., Proceedings, 1783. East India Question, 1813. Gleig, Memoirs of, 1841. Hastings, W. (continued). Gr. Br , India Report. 1773. " East India affairs, 1783, 5. Letter to his Majesty, 1808. Letter to the Hon. E. Burke, 1783. Letters on Impeachment of, 1790. Macaulay, T. B., Essays. National Portraits. Observations on Burke s Speech. Parkes, Life of Francis, 1867. Rumbold, Vindication, 1868. Waring, J. S., The Conduct, etc., 1784. Hastings, Eng. Osborne, H., Guide to. Ross, Guide to. Hatborough Monument. Belville s Address, 1862. Hatch. Family Genealogy, 1850. Hatch, J. Hist. Sketch of, 1850. Hatfield, Mass. Bradford Club Publi cations, ( Hough, Attack on, 1677). Harris, S., Discourse, 1850. Hatheway, S. G. Randall, II. S., Obit, of, 1864. Hanser, C. Feuerbach, Account of, 1833. See Stanhope, (Earl). Havelock, H. Brock, Life of, 1858. Headley s Life of. Mursell, Lecture on. Haven, N. A. Ticknor, G., Life of, 1828. Haven, R. Geneal. of, 1859. Haverhill, Ms. Directory, 1860. Chase, G. W., History of, 1861. Mirick, B. L., History of, 1832. Hawaii. Account of the visit, <tc., 1839. Amer. B. of Missions, 1824-67. Anderson, R., The Hawaiian Islands, 1864. Baxley, What I Saw, 1865. Bingham, Twenty-five years at, 1849. Cook, Capt. J., Voyages, 1778. Ellis, W ., Narrative of a Tour through, 1827. Gulick, Climate, etc. of, 1855. P. 272. Hawaii, King s Accounts, 1854. Hawaiian Club Papers, 1868. Hawaiian Spectator, 1838. Honolulu, 1848. Hopkins, Condition of, 1862. Jarves, J. J., History of, 1843. " Scenes and Scenery in, 1840. Mortimer, Voyage to, 1791. Narrative of Five Youth, 1816. Obookiah s Life. Perkins, Na Motu, 1858. Sandwich Is. notes, by a Haole, 1854. 244 HAWAII. Hawaii (continued). Stewart, C. S., Visit to the South Seas, i Washburn, J., Speech, 1854. See Polynesia; Pacific. 1 1 award . S. Nowcome, P., Discourse on. Haweis, Dr. Milner, I., Cbs. on his history, 1800. P. 392. Hawick, Scotland. Wilson, R., His tory of, 1825. Hawker, R. Comb, Sermon on, 1827. Lane, S., Sermon on, 1827. P. 382. Mutter, G., Sermon on, 1827. P. 382. i Hawkes, M. Townsend, J., Disc., death of, 1308. Hawkes, T. Townsend, J., Disc., death of. Hawkins, J. H. \V. Hawkins, W. G., | Life of, 1859. Hawks, F. L. Quarterman, Narr., 1844. Hawley, W. Laurie, J., Sermon on. Hayden Family. See Stiles. Hayden, S S. Oviatt, G. A., Mem. of. Haydn, J. Bombet, Life of. Haydon, B. R. Taylor, T., Lifa of, 1853. Hayes, I. Norton, S. H., Memorial, 1857. Hayes, J. Earle, J., Sermon on, 1729. Hay Fever. Smith, W. A., Observa tions, 1865. P. 1529. Haynes, S. Ceoley, T. M., Life of, 1837. Hayti. See Saint Domingo. Hazlitt, W. Lit. Remains, etc., (Bul- wer & Talfourd). " Memoirs, 1867. Hazzard, D. Wallace, A., Memorial of. Head, F. B. How I became Governor, 1852. Health. Alcott, W. A., Tracts. " Address, 1857. Alexander, W., Vital Statistics of Halifax. Armstrong, Art of Health, 1744. Annales d Hygiene, 1829-70. Barton, E. H., Hygiene of Louis a, 1851. Becquerel, Hygiene privee et publ., 1851. Beddoes, Essay on Hygeia, 1801-02. Beecher, C., Letters to the People. Belgium, Comm. de Salubrite, 1850. " Hygiene Publique, 1850-51. " Service Sanitaire, 1839. " Service Med. Rural, 1749. Belinaye, The Sources of Health, 1833. Bell, J., Sanitary Measures, 1860. Health (continued). Beneficent Visits, 1817. Bernard, Sir T., Comforts of Old Age, 1818. Blake s Calendar, 1850. Boston, Report on, 1848. Bourdon, Hygiene Pratique, 1844. Brigham, A., Influence of Mental Cul tivation upon, 1832. British Physician, 1716. Buchan, Fleecy Hosiery, 1795. Buffalo, N. Y., Reports, 1854. Burnett, W., On Chi. of Zinc. Chadwick, Interment in Towns, 1845. Chevallicr, A., Nettoiement do Paris, 1849. Chloride of Zinc, 1850. Churchman, The air we breathe, 1871. Citizens Assoc. of N. Y., Rep., 1865. Clavel, Aim. de la Sante. Combe, Principles of Physiology ap plied, 1834. B. C. " Physiology of Digestion, 1836. " Physiology and Health. Cornaro s Guide to Long Life " Sure Means of. P. 18, 19. Cuisine, La, de Sante, 1832. Curtis, J., Sanitary Obs., 1856. Cutbush, H. of Soldiers, 1808. Cutter, Treatise on. Day, G. E., Diseases of Advanced Life, 1849. Duchatelot, Hygiene publique, 1836. Duhring, Art of Living, 1843. B. C. Easy Way to Prolong Life. P. 47. Evans, T. W., San. Inst., Austr. Ital. Conflict, 1868. Exposition de Paris, 1867. Tomo 13. Falconer, W., Diet and Regimen, 1778. Fowler, 0. S., Tight Lacing. P. 292. France; Bains et Lavoirs, 1850. , Graham, S., Lectures on. Great Britain, Report on Preserved Meats, 1852. " Sanit. Commission, 1848. Griscom, San. Cond. of Labor in N. Y., 1845. Hall, W. W. Hygiene of the Night, 1870. " Health and Disease, 1870. " Coughs and Colds, 1870. " Health by Good Living, 1870. Halliday, Mortality in W. Indies. Hammond, W. A., Treatise on Hy giene, 1863. Harper, A., Q3conomy of Health. Hassall, Food and its Adulterations, 1851-54. Hay, Deformity, An essay. HEAT. 245 Health (ontinucd). Hosking, Reg. of buildings for, 1848. Health* and Temp. Almanac, 1834. Hubbard, S. J., On Registration, 1855. Jarvis, E., Laws of Health. * Mass. Sanitary Survey. Johnson. Economy of, 1837. Johnston, J. F. W.,Chem. of Common Life, 1855. Journal of Health, I, III, 1830, 32. Kitchiner, Directions for Invig. Life, 1833. Lambert, Hygienic Physiology, 1851. Lawrence, Mass., Sanitary Survey, 1850. . Lawson, T., Mortality U. S. Army, 1819-39. Letter to G. Cheyne, 1824. Letters Concerning, (Romaync), 1805. Limagne, Manuel de Police, 1858. London, Regent Sq. Church, 1854. Marchant, Travaux du Conseil de la Gironde, 1833. Martineau, Life in the sick room, 1844. Mass. Health Survey, 1850. " Board of Health, Report, 1871. " Health Ins. Comp. P. 53. Melier, Marais salants, 1847. Medical Man s Plea, 1851. Metrop. San. Assoc n, 1850. Moore, G., Health, disease and rem edy, I860. Moreau, Hist. nat. de la femme. Neison, Vital Statistics, 1846. Nelson, D., Principles of, 1850. Newnham, Man in his phys. relations. New Orleans Health Reports, 1849, 50. Newton, J. T., Defence of Vegetable Regimen. P. 19, 20. New York, Report of Comm., 1857. " Report on New York City, 1859. " City Inspector s Report, 1853, 1860. Owen, R., Improvements of Manuf. System. P. 11. Pamphlets relating to Health, Vols. 404, 501, 794, 1334, 1519. Paris, Rapports du conseil de salu- brite, 1840. Philadelphia, Board of Health, Re ports, 1860-70. Piquet, Catechisme de Sante, 1830. Porter, H. H., Catechism, 1831. Preceptes de Sante, 1772. Providence, Supt s Rep., 1857-67. Quar. Jour, of Public Health, 1855. Kadcliffe, J. N., Hygiene of Turkish Army. Health (continued). Roberton, On Medical Police, 1809. Roper, Of Hackney District, 1842. Sanatorium, Lond., 1843. Sanitary Assoc., London, 1852. Sante, La, Journal d Hygicne, 1849-50. Sauveur, Police des deces, 1843. Scalpel, The, Period., 1849-50. Sinclair, Sir J., Code of Health, 1844. Smith, S., Philos. of Health, 1835. Soldier s Health companion, 1861. Stewart, L., An Oration, 1844. Sykes, Vital Statist. . .Scotland, 1842. Thackrah, Effects of Trades on, 1832. Ticknor, C., Philo. of Living, 1836. Tissot, Sante des gens de Lettres, 1769. " Maladies.. gens du Monde, 1770. / Avis au peuple, 1776. Tourtelle, Principles of Health, 1819. Tracts for the People, 1848. U. S. Army, Statist. Report, (Lawson), 1839-55. U. S. San. Comm., Docts., 1861-5. Venice, Precautions at, 1752. Venner, T., Via Recta, 1650. Versluys, Construct, des egouts, 1850. Walker, T., Art of Dining. Warren, J. C., Phys. Education, 1846. Washington, Board of Health, 1850, 51. Weems, Immortal Mentor, 1810. M illich, Lect on Diet, 1801. Wilson, E., Healthy Skin. See Diet; Food; Quarantine; Vegeta rian; Gymnastics; Old Age. Hearing. See Ear. Hearle, D. Tidcombe, Serm. of, 1734. Hearne, T. Leland, Biog. of. Heart. Bogart, Angina pectoris. Drury, Disease of, 1860. Heat. Derby, Anthracite Fire. Hare, R., Course of Instruction. Lardner, Treatise on Heat. Cycl. 64. Metcalfe, S. L., Caloric, Agency in Nature, 1843. Ogg, On Heat. Lib. U. K. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 1236,1865. Powell, B., Science of Radiant Heat, 1832, 40. Rumford, Count, Works, 1797. Seguin, Sur les Causes, et les Effets, de, 1865. Stewart, B., Treatise on, 1866. Tyndall, On Radiation, 1865. " Heat as means of Motion, 1863. See Ventilation; Warming; Natural Phil. 246 HEATH. Heath, Gen. W. Memoirs, 1798. Brissot de Warville, Nouveau voyage. " New Travels, 1788. " Examen. critique, 1786. Chastellux, Travels, 1780-82. Thornton s Life of J. Heath. Heathen. See Pagans; Theology; Mis sion?. Heber, R. Life and Correspondence. Bonner, Memoir of. Grey, C., Address on Death of. Robinson, T , Sermon on. Smyth, T. S., Character of, 1831. Taylor, T., Memoirs of, 1835. Hebrew. See Bibliography ; Grammars; Languages; Dictionaries. Hebrews. See Jews. Hebrides. Anderson, J., Account of, 1786. Buchanan, R., Land of Lome, 1871. Jameson, R., Mineralog. trav. in, 1813. Johnson, S., Tour to, (Works). McNicol, Reply to Johnson. Martin s St. Kilda, Misc. Scotica, v. 2. Monro, Descrip., Misc. Scotica, v. 2. Heckewelder, J. Rondthaler, Rev. E., Life, 1847. Hedding, E. Clark, D. W., Life of, 1855. Heidelberg Catechism. Tercentenary Monument, 1863. Heise, J. A. Peterson, In Memoriam. Held, J. T. Weitenweber, Leben des Herrn. Helfenstein, Judge. Shamokin Coal Estates, 1854. P. 251. Heller, D. F. Lape, T., Memorial of. Helvetius, C. A. Damiron, Memoire, (Inst. de France, Ac. Mor. et pol. T 9). Hell Gate. Husted, Removal of, 1855. Maillefert, Blasting at, 1850. P. 1014. Hemans, Mrs. F. Chorley, Memorials of. Hemp. France, Enquete, 1860. Quincy, Hemp Husbandry, 1765. See Flax ; Agriculture. Hempstead, N. Y. Carmichael, St. George s Church. Hemsterhuis Family. Crane, Ver- zameling, 1841. Henderson, A. Life of, 1846. Hendrick,J.T. Marquess, Trial, 1849. Hengel, D. v. Wingen, Afsterven van, i Henries, Kings. Capgrave, Latin and English, 1858. Henrietta Maria, Queen. Letters, 1630-60. Henry II of Eng. Becket, Hist, du demele de, avec T. B., 1756. Berington, History of, 1790. Chron. of reign of. (Chron. G. B.). Lyttleton, History of, 1772. Henry III. Letters of the reign of. (Chron. G. B.). Henry IV. Letters, of the reign of. (Chron. G B.). Henry V. Memorialsof. (Chron. G. B.). Gesta Henrici V. (Eng. Hist. Soc.)- Henry V & VI. Brougham, Hist of England. Tyler, J. E., Memoirs of, 1838. Henry VI. Letters and papers of the wars of, in France. (Chron. G. B.). Henry VII. Historia Regis. (Chron. G. B.). Letters of Reign of. (Chron. G. B.). Bacon, F., History of, Works. Henry VIII. Letters to Anne Boleyn. Bacon, F., History of, Works. Froude, Hist, of England. Giustinian, Four years at Court. Herbert, H. W., Memoirs of, 1855. Lodge s Illust. of Br. Hist. Papal Jewel, 1845. Reflections on the Relation, etc., 1688. Rutland Papers, (Camden Soc.). Tytler, P. F., Life of. Henry IV, of France. Aubigne s Life. Berger, Lettres de, 1843-50. Costello, Beam and the Pyrenees, 1844. Duplessis de Mornay, Lettres et Cor- resp. Freer, Life of, 4858. James, G. P. R., Life of, 1847. Read, Charles, Henri et D. Chamicr, 1602. Rossseus, De reipub. in reges author- itate, 1592. See France, Histories of. Henry, Frederick, Pr. of Wales. Birch, Life of, 1760. Cornwallis, Life of, 1738. Price, D., Sermons, 1610, 13. I Henry, of Portugal. Major, Life of, 1868. Henry, J. Essex Junto, 1812. Henry, P. Arnold, Life of. Everett, A. H., Life of, (Sparki 11). Wirt, Wm., Life of, 1818. HERPETOLOOY. 247 Ilenshaw, D. Refutation of Calumnies, 1844. Ilenshaw, J. P. K. McJilton, Serm. on. Norton, Life of. Heraldry. Arms of the Peers, 1795-1846. Bedford, Blazon of Episcopacy, 1858. Beltz, Order of the Garter, 1841. Berry s Encyc. of Heraldry, 1828. Book of Crests, 1854. British compendium, 1721. Brydon, Hints on, for ladies. Burke, J. B., Orders f Knighthood, 1858. " Royal Fain, of G. B., 1848. " Dictionary of Peerages in G. Britain, 1861. Encyc. of Heraldry, 1847. * Extinct Peerages, 1866. Catechism of, (Whittaker). Clark, H., Hist, of Knighthood. Collins, A., Peerage of England, 1756, 1812. Court le Gebelin, Blason des anciens, (Monde prim. v. 8). Dallaway, H , Manual of, 1828. Dallaway, J., Origin and progress of, in England, 1793. Debrett, Baronetage, 1840, 1867. " Peerage, 1805, 1867. Donaldson, W. L., H. and Gothic Architecture. Ellis, W. S., Antiquity of, 1853. Elvin, C. A., Anecdotes of, 1864. Encyc. Meth., Diet, de Blazon. European Coats of Arms, 1773. Glossary of Brit. Heraldry, 1847. Hartland s Chart, (Coats of Arms). Heraldic Journal, (Whitmore), Bost., 1865-8. Histor. Anecdotes of, 1795. Hozier, Armorial de France, 1738-68, 1869. Jurisprudentia Heroica (Chrystin), 1668. Kearsley s Arms of the Peers, 1795. Lodge, Peerage of Brit. Empire, 1845. Magny, Traite des Armoiries, 1856. Mapleson, Hand-book of, 1851. Mijdrecht, Nederlandsche edelen, 1567. Millan, Arms of Eng. nobility. Moule, Bibliot. Heraldica, 1822. Nicolas, Hist, of Orders of Knight hood, etc., 1842. " Peerage of England, 1857. Noble, Hist, of College of Arms, 1805. Notitia Anglicana, 1724. lleusnerius, Symbola Imp. et Heroica, 1650. Ridgway s Peerage, 1834-46. Heraldry (continued). Selden, J., Titles of Honor, 1673. Siebmacher, J., Allgemeine Wappen- buch, 1865-71. Sims, R , Index to Her. Visitations, 1849. Spener, In?ignium Theoria, Francof., 1717. " Hist. Insig. Illustrium, 1717. Stockdale s Arms of the Baronets. Weisius, Ord. Aurei Velleris, 1730. Whitmore, W. H., Elements of, 1866. See Bibliography; Dignities; Genealo gies; Nobility; Rank. Herault, France. Annuaire, 1846. Herbert Family, Eng. Warner, Epist. curiosities, 1818. Herbert, Edward, Lord. Life by himself. Herbert, G. Duyckinck, Life of. Herculaneum. Cochin, Herculaneum, 1754. Fordyce, Mem. concerning, 1750. Fougeroux, Recherches sur les Ruines de, 1770. Sickler, Hercu. rolls. P. 1011. Ternite, Wandgemaelde aus Pomp, und Here. Venuti, Degli prime scoperte. Winckehnann, Von den Ilercul. Entdc- ckungen, 1764, 92. Zahn, Ornemens d Herculanum, 1842. See Antiquities; Pompeii. Herefordshire. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Cooke s Topog. Library. Heresy. Hodges, Sermon on, 1647. See Schism; Toleration. Hcrkimer Co., N. Y. Benton, N. S., Hist of, 1856. Directory, 1869. Herodotus. Rawlinson, History, with notes, 1860. Schweighaeuse, Lexicon. Turner, Notes on. Heroism. Book of golden deeds. Herpetology. Baird, Catalogue of N. A. Reptiles, 1853- Barton, Fascination of rattlesnake. " Fasc. of serpents, 1814. Bell, Hist, of Brit. Reptiles, 1839. Blainville, De, Osteographie. Bonnaterre, Ophiologie, (Enc. Meth.). Buffon, Ovip. Quadr. and Serpents, 1802. Cantor, Reptiles of Malacca. Cuvier, Animal kingdom, v. 9. Gibbes, New Sp. of Salamander. 248 HERPETOLOGY. Herpetology (continued). Girard, U. S. Expl. Expedition. " Reptiles of Chili. Holbrook, N. A. Herpetology, 1842. Mass. Surveys, Reptiles, 1839. Mitchell, Venom of Rattlesnakes, (Sraithson. Contr. xii). N. Y. Nat. Hist., 1842-54. Oppel, Der Reptilen, 1811. Owen, C., Nat. Hist, of Serpents, 1742. Partic. Acct. of Sea-serpent. P. 266. Siebold, Fauna Japonica, 1825-30. Smithsonian Contr., v. 12, (Mitchell, on the rattlesnake). Swainson, Nat. Hist, and Classifica tion of. U. S. Expl. Exped., Wilkes. U. S. Pacific R. 11. Reports^ 1853-4. Herrick, J. Geneal. register of, 1846. Herrou, F. Paxton, Two Discourses on, 1861. Hertfordshire, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Berry s County genealogies. Hessians. Eelking, Die Deutschen Ilulfs- truppen im Nordamerikanischen Befreiungskriege, 1776-1783. Hewes, R. T. Memoir of. Thatcher, B. B., Traits of the Tea Party, 1835. Hewley Charity. Christ s Gospel Vin dicated, 1834. P. 317. Cooper, C. P., Speech on, 1834. Coulton, T., Sermon on. History of Engl. Presbyterianism. Hunter, Jo?., Defence of Trustees, 1834. Rolfe, Speeches, 1835. Stock, Observations on the case. Tottie, T. W., Statement, 1834. Unitarians Defeated, 1834. Hexham, Eng. Brown, J., Serm., In surrection at. Hey, W. Pearson, J., Life of. Heyliu, P. Life of. Hibbard, W. Dean, A. A., Letter to, 1800. Hickcok, L.P. Hall, E., Exam, of the Psychology of. Murray, D., Review of Cosmology. Hicks, Elias. Life and Labors. Gurney, J. J., Letter, 1840. Society of Friends. P. 24. Hicks, T. II. U. S. Obit. Addresses, 1865. Hieroglyphics. Bailey, J., Hier. Origo, 1816. Bunsen s Egypt, vol. 5., (Gram, and Diet.). Hyeroglyphics (continued). France, Descr. de PKgypte. Greppo, Essay on. Sharpe, Vocab. of Egyptian Hierogl. Univ. of Penn a, Rosetta Stone. See Antiquities; Egypt; Languages. I lie ron. J. Porter, R.. Life of, 1691. Hill. Family geneal., 1864. Hill, Isaac. Biography of. Hill, H. M. Thompeon, A. C., Sermon, 1856. Hill, J. Hall, T., Sermon on, 1746. Hill, Rich. Nowell, Axis, to Pietas Oxon., 1768. Hill, Rowland, Lord. Disney, T., Correspondence with, 1838. Sidney, E., Life of, 1845. Hill, Rowland. Diotrephes admon ished. Sidney, E., Life of, 1840. Hillhouse, J. Bacon, L., Life of. Himalaya Mountains. Arc*her, Tour in, (Greenbank.) Fraser, Journal of a tour, 1820. Gerard, Koonawur in, 1841. Lloyd, Cawnpore to Himalaya. Moorcroft, Travels in. Himyaritic. See Language. Hinckley, Gov. T. Letters and papers, 1676-99. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll.). Hincks, W. Latham, T. B . , Observ . on. Hind, Rev. Dr. Martyn, T., Address. 1777. Hindoos. Bhngvat Geeta, Wilkins s Trans., 1867. Bjornstjerna, Theogony of the Hindoos, 1844. Bowers, II., Essay on Hindu Caste, 1854. Colebrooke, Ceremonies of the Hindus. Coleman, Mythology of the Hindoos, 1832. Garcin de Tassy, Litt. Hindoui, 1847. Jones, Sir W., On the Gods of India, 1807. Lib. E. K., The Hindoos, 1847. Mahawanso. Trans., Tumour, 1837. Miiller, Chips from Germ. Workshop, v. I. Narr. of 5 converted Hindoos. Palladius, De Gentibus India). Playfair, Astronomy of. Read, H., Life of Babajee, 1836. Robbins, All Religions, 1823. B. C. St. Hilaire, Sur le Sankhya, (Inst. d Fr., Ac. mor., v. 8.) Small, G., Mythology and Castes, 1866. HISTORY. 249 Hindoos (continued). Ward, F. de, India and the Hindoos, 1850. White, C. A., Student s Mythol. 1870. Willard, N , Music of. Wilson, Chronology of. Wilson, H. II., Religion of, 1840. " Works, 1862-68. See Buddhism; Caste; India. Hindustan. See India; East India Co. Ilines, D. T. Autobiography, 1840. Hingham, Ms. First Church, Vindica tion. Gay, E., Old Man s Calendar, 1781. Richardson, J., Hist. Discourse, 1856. Hint on, J. Boswell, Case of, 1774. Hippocrates. Petersen, C., Hipp, nom ine scripta, 1839. P. 1003. Historical Addresses. Bacon, E., Recoil, of 50 years, Utica, 1843. Barlow, J., Conn. See. Cincin. 1787. Benson, E., N. Y. Hist. Soc., 1816. Betts, W., St. Nicholas Soc., 1851. Blunt, J., N. Y. Hist. Soc., 1827. Bouton, N., The Fathers of N. Hamp shire Ministry. Bradford, A. W., N. Y. Hist. Soo. 1845. P. 44. B. C. Brodhead, J. R., N. Y. Hist. Soo.. 1844. Butler, J. D., Vt. Hist. Soc. 1846. Clinton, De W., N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1811. Cushing, J. P., Virginia Hist. Soc., 1833. Day, T., Conn. Hist. Soc., 1843. Drake, D., Disc, on Hist, of the West, 1834. Gallagher, Hist. Soc. Ohio, 1850. Gammell, R. I. Hist., 1844. P. 17. Greene, G. W., R. I. Hist. Soc., 1849. P. 71. Hazard, R. G., R. I. Hist. Soc. 1848. Kent, J., N. Y. Hist. Soo., 1828. Marsh, G. P., Union Coll., 1847. Miller, S., N. Y. Hist. Soc. 1809. Pamphlets of, vols. 504. B. C., vol. 55. Pettit, Hist. Soc. of Penn a, 1828. Potter, E. R., Providence, R. I., 1851. Reed, W. B., Historical Soc. Penn., 1848. Story, Joseph, Essex Hist. Soc., 1828. Tyson, J. R., Hist. Soc. of Penn a, 1831. P. 504. Vaux, R., Hist. Soc. of Penn a, 1831. Verplanck, Discourses, 1.-18, 34. Wheaton, H., N. Y. Hist. Soc , 1821. Winthrop, R. C., Maine Hist. Soc., 1849. 32 Historical Addresses (continued). Woodbury, L., Am. Hist. Soc., Wash-, 1837. P. 204. See Hist. Societies and various subjects. Historical Pamphlets, Vols. 17, 195, 233, 253, 254, 391-393, 502-504, 647, 716, 723, 795, 872, 907, 976, 977, 1037, 1335, 1336, 1345, 1684, 1708, 1773, 1774. B. C. vol. 44,47, 55. See Pamphlets. Historical Societies, American, Col lections. Alabama, Hist. Soc. Trans., 1851, 55. Araer. Antiquarian Soc., 1820, 36, 1853-70. Buffalo Hist. Soc. Papers, 1863-4. Connecticut Hist. Soc., 1860. Essex Institute, Salem, 1848-66. Fireland s Hist. Soc., Ohio, 1858-68. Georgia Hist. Soc. Coll., 1840-48. " Discourses, 1843-57. Hist. Soc. of Penn a, Coll., 1826-70. Licking Co. Pioneers, Ohio, 1869. Long Island Hist. Soc., vol. 1,1867. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., 1831-69. Maryland Hist. Soc., 1844-52. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1806-71. " Proceedings, 1855-70. Minnesota Hist. Society, 1850-53. Papers and Report, 1870. New Eng. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Register, 1848-71. New Jersey Hist. Soc. Coll., 1846-67. New Harnp. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1824-50, 1865. New York Hist. Soc. Coll., 1809-70. Ohio Hist, and Phil. Soc., 1839. Pioneer Ass n, Central N. Y., 1868, 9. Presbyt. Hist. Soc., 1857. P. 536. Prot. Epis. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1851-52. Rhode Island. Hist. Soc., 1827-43. South Carolina Hist. Soc., 1857. Ulster Co., N. Y., Hist. Soc., 1863. Vermont Hist Soc. Coll., 1870, 71. Virginia Hist. Register, 1848-53. Wisconsin St. Hist. Soc., Collections, 5 v., 1855-69. Addresses before, 1870. History, Dictionaries of. Bayle, Diet. Hist, et Crit. Fr. and Eng., 1740. Bouillet, Diction. Univ. d Hist. et de GOog., 1845, 1858. Chaudon, Diet. Univ. Hist. etBibliog., 1810-12. Collier, Hist. Diet., 1701. Corneille, T., Diet. Univ., 1708. Crabb, Univ. Hist. Diet., 1825. Genouille, Diet. Abrege, 1852. 250 HISTORY. History, Dictionaries of (continued). Hofraann, Lexicon Univ., 1698. Ladvocat, Diet. Hist. Portatif, 1755. La Martiniere, Grand Diet. Geog. et Hist., 1739-41. Luiscius, .Alg. Hist. Geog. woorden- boek, 1724-27. Moreri, Grand Diet. Hist., 1701. Nuttall, Diet, of Nations of Ant., 1840. See Dictionaries ; Encyclopedias; Geog. History, General. Abrego de, 1825. JEneas Silvius, Historia Rerum, 1477. " Decades Blondi, 1481. Anquetil, Summary of Univ. Hist., 1805-9. Art, L , de verifier les dates, 1783. Belle-Forest, Hist. Univ. du Monde, 1570. Becmanus, Hist. OrbisTerrarum, 1865. Bergomas, J. P., Hist. Omn. Reper- cussiones, 1506. Bossuet, Disc, sur 1 JIist: Univ., 1836. " Discourse on, 1731. Bostwick, Lectures, 1838. Coccius, M. A., Opera, 1538. Cumberland, Origines gentium. Ellis, T. F., Outlines of. Eulogium Historiarum . . . . ad 1366. Feyjoo, Reflections on. Goodrich, S. G., Parley s History. " A Primer of, 1851. Herbet, Lemons d Histoire, 1849. Herrera, Hist. Gen. del Mundo, 1606. Histoire Universelle, 1747-92. Hist. Catechism, 1784. History in all ages, 1839. Keightley, Outlines of. Lambert, C. F., Histoire Generale de tous les peuples, 1750. Lavoisne, Hist Atlas. Millot, Elements 0^1779. Moke, Histoire Universelle. Miiller, J. Von, Univ. Hist., 1831, 2. Muratori, Diss. Chorographica. Ogilby, Hist. Collec., Africa, Asia, America, 1670-73. Parker, R. G., Outlines of, 1848. Petavius, Hist, of the World, 1659. Piozzi, H. L., Review of 1800 years, 1801. Prevost, Revue de 1 IIist. Univ., 1854. Puffendorf, Hist G6n. et Pol., 1743-45. Raleigh, Sir W., Hist, of the World, 1614. Ramsay, D., Univ. History American ized, 1819. Rotteck, Hist, of the World, 1840. Roubaud, Hist. Gen. de PAsie, Amer. et Afrique, 1770-75. History, General (continued). Salmon, Hedendaegsche Historic, 1729- 1742. Smith, G., Lectures on, 1866. Taylor, W. C., Manual of ancient and modern. Tytler, Elements of, 1828. B. C. Vincentius, Speculum Historiale, 1494. Vitriaco, Orien. et Occid. Historic, 1597. See Bibliography. History, Ancient. Bailly, Sur 1 anci- enne Hist, de PAsie, 1779. B. C. Bryant, J., Observations, 1767. Cappele, De Regibus Pergamenis. Chronicon Alexandrinum. Drummond, Sir W., Origines, 1824. Echard, Roman History, 1724-26. Fosbroke, Arts of the Romans and Greeks. Gibbon, History of Roman Empire. Gillies, History of the World, 1809. Guillemin, Hist. Ancienne, 1852. Heeren, Manual of Anc. Hist., 1847. Labbeus, Nova bibliotheca MSS. lib- rorum, 1657. Leland, T., Hist, of Philip of Mace- don, 1806. Lenormant, Manual of Oriental his tory, 1869, 70. Rawlinson, Four Ancient Monarchies. * Manual of Anc. Hist., 1869. Riedel, Algem. geschied .. . . der Oud- heid, 1841-52. Robinson, J., Summary of: Rollin, History of Egypt, Garth, and Assyr., 18u7, B. C. Schomann, Assemblies cf the Atheni ans, 1838. Simson, Chronicon ... .ad A. D. 71. Stackhouse, History of the Bible. Volney, Recberches nouvelles, 1822. See Antiquities ; Man; Prehistoric. History, Modern and Miscellaneous. Arnold, T., Lect. on Mod., 18J3. Bav. Acad. of Sci., Mem., 1838-66. Bigland, Letters on Modern. Colvin, Historical Letters, 1821. Ewald, Last Century of, 1868. Gage, Modern Hist. Atlas. Goodrich, Second book of. Hist. Register, 1714-38. Hubner, Kouranten Tolk, 1748. B.C. James, G. P. R., Dark Scenes of. Koch-Stcrnfeld, Betrachtungen, 1841. Koappen, A. L., World in the Middlo Ages, 1854. Le Sur, Annuaire historique, 1818-24. Lieber Great Events -Described, 1847. HOGARTH. 251 History, Modern and Miscellaneous (continued). Lucas, Secularia, 1862. Mahon, Lord, Hist. Essays, 1849. Malkin, Hist. Parallels. Miller, G., Hist, philosophically illus trated, J848. Miller, S., Retrospect of the 18th Century, 1803. Prideaux, Old and New T. Hist, con nected, 1799. Priestley, Lectures on, 1791. Polydorus, De Rer. Inventoribus, 1546. Raumer, F. Von, Contributions from Brit. Museum, 1837. Hist. Ifi and 17th Centuries, 1835. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, Works, 1793. Salmon, T., Modern History, 1745. Schlosser, Hist, of 18th Cent., 1845. Schroeder, E. A., Handbok i Philoso- phiens Hist., 1846-8. Shuckford, Sac. and Prof. Hist, con nected, 1743. Smyth, W., Lect. on Mod. Hist., 1840. Spruner, Hist. Geog. Atlas, 1200-1800. Surius, Comment, gest. ab 1500 ad 1586. Thou, Histoire Univ., 1543-1607. Two, The, Americas, Great Brit, and Holy Alliance, 1824. Vestiges of Civilization, 1851. Voltaire, CEuvres, 1785-89. Wassenafr, Hist. Verhael, 1621-32. See Registers; Chronology; Statistics, etc. History, Study and Philosophy of. Bigland, J., Study and Use of, 1806. Bliss, L., Address, Uses of, 1840. Boone, Essay on Study of, 1821. Boswell, J., Method of study. Bunsen, Phil, of Univ. Hist., 1854. Creasy, Spirit of, 1840. Dean, A., Method of Study, 1857. Froude, Sci. method applied to, 1871. Hearne, T., System of, 1723. Hegel, Philosophy of History, 1857. Hervey, J., On Bolingbroke s Letters on, 1752. P. 334. Jamieson, The use of sacred, 1810. Lenglct du Fresnoy, Methode pour etudier, 1729-41. Method of Study, 1730. Lipowsky, V. d. Ntitzen d. Geschichte, 1775. Mably, De 1 Etude de ...1794-5. Nimrod, A discourse, 1826. Schlegol, F. von, Philosophy of, 1846. Shedd, Lect. on Philosophy of, 1856. Smith, G., Lectures on study of, 1866. History, Study and Philosophy ot (continued). Sullivan, W., Historical causes and effects, 1838. Volney, Lectures on History, 1801. History. See Dictionaries ; Registers. 1 1 itch i n. T. Brewer, Serm., Death of, 1774. P. 381. Hoadly, B. Best Answer Made, 1709. Church of England, Report, 1717. Letter to a Noble Lord, 1709. Letter to.... (Sykes), 1717. Out of the Road Visit, 1709. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 349, 351. Prat, D., Answer to Snape, 1717. Pyle, Answer to Stebbings, 1719. Remarks on l * A Plain Account," 1735. Snape, A., Letters to, 1717. Submissive Answer to 1709. Tom of Bedlam s Answer, 1709. Vind. of Bp. of Exeter, 1709. Vind. of Bp. of Winchester, 1736. See Communion. Hoar, S. Frost, B., Sermon on. Hobart, J. Lord, W. H., Sermon on. Hobart, J. H. Allen, B., Letter to. Guion, J. M., Discourse on, 1830. Harris, J. H., Letter to Strahan, 1833. Hobart, Memorial of, 1831. . M Vickar, Early Life of. " Profess, years of, 1836. Onderdonk, B T., Serm. on, 1830. Rudd, J. C., Address on, 1830. P. v. 1000, 1114. Schroeder, Discourse on. Strachan, J., Letter on, 1832. i Hobart, N. Welles, N., Serm. on, 1774. Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y Catalogues of Students to 1869. < Hobbes, T. Damiron, (Inst. de Fr., Ac. Mor.), 1841. Eachard, J., His State of Nature Con sidered, 1705. Macaulay, Cath., Loose Remarks, 1769. Wood, Ath. Oxonienses. Hodges. Family Genealogy, 1853. Hodges, B. Tuck, Speech on his Slave, 1848. Hodgson, J. Autobiography. Hoffman Family. Holgate s Geneal. Hoffman, S. Stanford, S., Sermon on. Hog. Richardson, H. J., Manage t of. Hogg, J. Life of, (S. Bloodgood). Hogarth, W. Nichols, J., Biog. Anec dotes of. 252 HOHENLOHE, PRINCE. Hohenlohe, Prince. Badely, Extraor dinary Cure by. Pamp r 22. Holberg, L. Autobiography, 1827. Holcroft, T. Memoirs: Hazlitt, 1852. Holden, Ms. Damon, History of. Holland. See Netherlands. Holland Lodge. Balestier, History of, 1862. Holland Purchase. Turner, 0., Pio neer Hist, of, 1849. Erie Co. N. Y., Conv. on Holland Land Comp., 1830. Holley, Horace. Caldwell, C., Dis course on, 1828. Pierpont J., Sermon on, 1827. P. 62. Holley, M. H. Smith s, G. Address, 1844. P. 504. Hollis, Denzil, Lord. Memoirs (Mas- eres, Tracts). Ilollis, J. Hunt, J., Sermon on, 1736. Hollis, T. Memoirs, 1780. Greenwood, I., Discourse on, 1731. Holliston, Mass. Biglow s Sherburne. Morse, A., History of, 1856. " Geneal. of Holliston. Holmes, E . Smith, T. M . , Discourse on. Holmfirth. Margoliouth, Sermon, 1850. Holt. Family Genealogy, 1864, (Durrie). Holt, J. Croker, T. C., Memoirs of, 1838. Holyoke, E. A. Brazer, Serm., Fun. of, 1829. P. 214. Holy Spirit. Ashdowne, Opera, of, 1798. Brealey, Essay on, 1823. Dissertation on " Angel," 1752. Evans, C , Doctrine of. Faber, G. S., Operations of the H. S. Gospel, The Power of God, 1845. Knowles, Answer to Clayton, 1753. Ludlam, Two Essays, 1788. " Four Essays, 1797. Moncrieff, Hebrew Ruach. Mulock, The Doctrine of, 1841. S y, Congrat. Letter, 1739. Stephens, W., Sermon of, 1717. P. 361. Waterland, Regeneration, 1829. See Trinity; Baptismal Regeneration. Holy Spirit Flower. Harper s Maga zine, 1858. Holy Week. See Rome. Home, D. D. Incidents of my life, 1863. Homer. Apollonius, Iliadis Metaphr. Lexicon Iliadis, 1773. Benjamin, S. G. W., Choice of Paris, (Fiction), 1870. Homer (continued). Bonstetten, Voyage sur la Scene de 1 Eneide. Chandler, R., Hist, of Troy. Damm, Lexicon Etymol. Flaxinan s Compositions. Hobbes, T., Works, vol. 10, Trans. Nimrod, (Apperley), 1826. Oxford Essays, (Gladstone), 1857. See Greek Authors. Homer, H. Parr, S., Letter to Combe, 1795. Homer, N. Y. Benson, G. R., Princi ples, 1859. Keep, Narrative of Congreg. Church. Homestead Bills. Cleveland, Speech on, 1852. Cochrano, Speech, 1859. Porter, G., Speech, 1852. Sutherland J., Speech, 1852. Homoeopathy. Amer. Institute of, 1855, 1859. Batchelour, F., Treatise on. Becker, Allopathy and.. 1848. P. 271. Blatchford, T. W., Illustrated, 1842. Canadian Jour, of Homoeopathy, 1856. Chepmell, Domestic Homoeop., 1849. Epps, Constipation. Forbes, J., Homoeopathy and Young physic, 1846. Geib, An Essay on, 1842. Gray, J. F., Inaug. add., Hahnemann Acad. Guidi, Letter on, 1824. Homoeop. Med. Soc. of N. Y., Proc., 1851, 56. Transact., 1863-70. Horn. Oper. Pharmacy. P. 515. Horn. Med. Coll. of Penn a, 1849-57. Hospital System of, London. Humphreys, L., Materia Medica, 1851. Lee, E. Animal Mag. and.... 1835. Mabey, What is Homoeopathy? 1858 Metcalf, J. W., Homoeopathy, 1852- Neidhard, Homoeop. Delusions, 1842. N. Y. Central Dispensary, 1857. N. Y. City Alms House Dept., Report, 1858. Pamphlets, vol. 1337. Provincial Med. and Surg Ass n., Lond. 1851. Quarterly Homoeop. Journal, 1849. Rhode Is. Homoeop. Soc. 1850, P. 515. Rosenstein, J. G., Treatise upon, 1836. Sharp, W., Tracts on, 1856. Sherill, Manual for prescribing, 1845. Vanderburgh, An Appeal for, 1844." Western Coll. of Horn. Med., 1854, 57. HORTICULTURE. 253 Homoeopathy, Addresses on* Beak- ley, J., Horn. Med. Coll., Penu a, 1854. Brainerd, J., West. College, 1855. Helmuth, W. S., Valedictory Address, 1850. P. 286. Okie, R. I. Homoeop. Soc. 1850. Payne, W. E., Am. Inst. of, 1854. Preston, H. C., Rhode Island Horn. Soc., 1852. Searle, W. S., Address, 1870. Small, A. E., Am. Institute of, 1850. " Horn. Coll. of Pa , 1852. Ward, I. M., Horn. Coll. of Pa., 1854. Watson, W. H., Address en, 1861. Honduras* Crowe, Gospel in. Squier, Interoceanic Railway, 1857. Wells, W. V., Explorations in, 1867. See Central America. Honors. See Heraldry. Hoogland, II. R. Mandeville, Dis course on, 1858. P. 555. Hooker, A. Strong, J., Serm., Death of, 1813. Hooker, C. Sanford, L., Memorial of. Hooker, N. Perry, J., Serm., Death of, 1770. P, 1016. Hoosic Tunnel. Pain. Vols. 223, 237, 1685. Hope, T. Maurice, T., Elegiac Lines, 1795. P. 1012. Hopkins, A. Thompson, M., Memor. Discourse, 1858. Pam. 555. Hopkins, S. Life of, 1850. Associate Church of N. A., Warning, 1826. Bangs, N., Errors of Hopkins, 1815. Bradford, E., Strictures on, 1794. Ely, Calvinism and liopkinsianism. Hopkinsian Magazine, 1831. Patten, Reminiscences of. Williston, Vind. of Hopkinsianism. Young Men s Miss. Soc. N. Y., 1817. Hopkinton, Mass. Howe, N., Hist. Discourse, 1817, 25, 51. Hopper, I. T. Child, L. M., Life of, 1853. Hops. See Brewing. Horfield Manor. Monk, Documents, 1851. Richards, Letter, 1849. Hornblower, J. C. Field, R. S., Ad dress on. Home, T. H. Reminiscences, 1862. Horses. Bartlet, J., Farrier s Reposi tory, 1766. Horses (continued). Boigne, Du Cheval en France, 1843. Bouley, Discoursa 1 Ecole veter., 1845. Clark, J.. On Shoeing Horses, 1782. Dadd, Reformed Veter. practice, 1848. Dauinas, Horse of the Sahara. Eclipse, History of, 1823. P. 26.. General Stud Book, Fait., 1834. Girardin, Popul. chevaline en France, 1844. Herbert, II. W., Horse and Horseman ship of the U. S., 1857. Holmes, F. S., Origin of, 1858. Horse Emancipation, bearing rein. Jewett, New England Farrier, 1795. Knowlson, Complete Farrier, 1850. Linsley, Morgan horses. Messenger Horse, 1807. P. 261. Miles, Horse s foot. Morris, L. G., Sale catalogue, 1854. Osmer, Dissertation on, 1756. Pamphlets, vol. 1521. Pontet, Chevaux pures en Fr., 1856. Rarey, Taming of, 1858. Recueil....Mcd. Vete., 1847-58. Reeves, Art of Farriery, 1758. Richardson, H. C., Management of. Smith, C. H., Nat. Hist, of, 1839. Soles, Book on, 1860. South Carolina Jockey Club, 1857. Stud Book Fran^ais, 1851-54. Tom Thumb. P. 489. Tuffnell, Pocket Farrier, 1832. Vegetius, Artis Veterinariw. Walker s Manly Exercises, 1855. Weisse, F. D., Veter. Med., an Ad dress, 1867. Youatt, The Horse, 1845. Horticulture. Albany and Rensselaer Co., 1848. P. 505. Albany Hort. Soo. Rep., 1829. P. 92. Almanach du Jardinier, 1855. Am. Gardner s Mag , (Hovey), 1836. Amer. Pomolog. Congress, 1850. Annales d Hort., Leide, 1-859-62. Badham, Esculent funguses, 1863. Bon Jardinier Aim., 1855. Brown s Pat. Fumigator, 1851. P. 430. Browne, T., Works, Cyrus-garden, 1852. Buffalo, Hort. Soc. Rep s. P. 198, 505. Burr, F., Vegetables of America, 1863. Chambers, Oriental Gardening, 1772. Champlain Hort. Soc., 1851. P. 79. Clinton, G. W., Address, 1830. Cole, S. W., Amer. Fruit-book. Copeland, Country life, 1859. Courtois, Culture Maraichere, 1856. 254 HORTICULTURE. Horticulture (continued). Cutbush, Address, Hort. Soc. N. Y., 1831. Downing, A. J., Treatise on Garden ing, 1859. " Landscape Gardening, 1841. Duhamel, Culture des arbres, 1760. Ecoles d Horticulture, Belgium, 1850. Es^ay on design in, 1768. Felton, English Authors on, 1830. Fessenden, Kitchen gardener, 1854. " American gardener, 1858. Florist, The, and Hort. Jour., 1853, 4. Garden Companion, 1800. Gardener s Chronicle, 1846-51. Gardener s Magazine, 1828. Greenhouses for the many. Holley, M., Address, Geneva, 1828. Hort. Soc. of London, Jour., 1846-50. " Proceedings, 1838, 41. Hort. Reg., J. Paxton, Lond., 1832-34. " Fessenden, 1836-38. Horticulturist, Downing, Albany,Roch- ester, 1846-54. Horticulturist, Phil a, 1855, 6. Hosack, D., Inaug. Disc. N. Y. Hort. Soc., 1824. Hovey, C. M., Fruits of America, 1847-56. Hughes, W., The Flower Garden, 1683. Johnson, G. W., Hist, of Engl. Gar dening, 1829. " Diet, of Modern gardening, 1847. Johnson s, L., Flower gardener, 1854. Kemp, Laying out a garden, 1858. Knight, T. A., Hort. Papers, 1841. . Lawson, W., Orchard garden, 1626. Lee, Z., Hort. Soc. of M d, 1839. Leuchars, Construction of hot-houses, 1851. Lindley, J., Theory and Practice of, 1841, 1855. Longworth, N., On the Strawberry, 1852. Loudon, Encyc. of gardening, 1865. " Cottage gardening, 1830. Magazine of Hort. (Hovey), 1835-58. Maling, In-door plants, 1861. Marshall, C., Gardening, 1799. Mass. Hort. Soc. Reports, etc , 1829, 30, 1839-48, 1861-66. Miller, Diet, des Jardiniers, 178R. Morren, Hort. de Bolgique, 1851. New Haven Co. Hort. Soc., 1847. Pamphlets, vol. 69, 505, 1686. " vol. 949, Addresses on. Paxton, J., Mag. of Botany, 1839-49. | Cottager s calendar. Horticulture (continued). Poiteau, Cours d Hort., 1848. Poynter, Cottage garden. Ragonot, Aim. du Jardinago, 1855. Revue Horticole, 1841-53. Koessle, T., On Celery, 1860. Sheppard, W. P., Hand-book, 1860. Soc. Cen. d Hortic., 1847-51, 55. Vermont Hort. Soc. proceedings, 1850. Watelet, Essai sur les jardins, 1764. Wilkinson, Geometric gardens. Wisconsin Fruit Growers Ass n, 1855. See Agriculture ; Fruits ; Bibliography ; Guano. Horticulture, Catalogues. Booth, W., Cat., Balti., 1810. Breck, Cat. of- Dahlias, etc., 1845. Crosman, Garden Seeds. P. 222. Ellwanger & Barry, Trees, etc., 1950- 55. P. 222. Frost & Co., 1854. Hooker, H. E. & Co., 1856. P. 505. Manley & Br., Buffalo, 1853. P. 505. Pamphlets, vol. 1218. Parsons & Co., Flushing, 1845. P. 261. Prince s Catalogue, 1823, 42-57. Thompson, W., Flower Seeds, 1857. Thorburn & Son, Cat., 1822. Thorp & Co., Syracuse, 1858. P. 505. Vibert, Rosiers et Vignes, 1847. Watson s, B. M., Plymouth, Mass. Wilson, J , Albany, 1857. Hospitals. Albany Hospital, By-laws, 1852; Reports, 1857-67. Barton, W., Marine Hosp., 1814. Boston City Hosp., Rep., 1860-68, 70 Boston Free Hospital, 1861. Brooklyn City, 1858. Buffalo Gen. Hospital. P. 506. Cabanis, De la medecine. Christ Church H., Phil a, 1856. Cincinnati Township, 1851. City of London Lying in Hospital. Columbia Hosp., for women, 1866. Coxe, W., In Russia, Sweden, Den mark, 1781. P. 403. Dalton, J., Sermon, 1745, 1751. Hallifax, J., Sermon, Lying in, 1755. Hammond, W. A., Hygiene inmilitary service. Hayter, T., Sermon, 1759. Herne, Domus Carthusiana, 1677. Herring, Serm., Lond. Infirmary, 1747. Hospital, P. E., Ch., Phil a., 1858. Madan, M., Sermon, 1764. Maddox, Serm., Lond. Infirmary, 1743. Malin, Of Penn a Hospital, 1832. Mass. Hospital, Rainsford, P. 243. HUDSON S BAY. 255 Hospitals (continued). Mass. Gen. Hospital, 1843, 59-62, 64, 65, 68, 69. Meding, Vade-mecum des m6decins etrangera. Mount St. Vincent s Md., 1843. P. 166. Muhlenberg, Plea for Church Hos. N. Eng. Hospital for Women and Child., 1864 : 68. N. Y. Hospital, Account of, 1820. " Reports, 1846-58, 60, 63, 65, 66. N. Y. Soc. for Ruptured and Crippled, 1864-65. Nolan, W., Abuses in, 1786. Pamphlets, vol. 506, 1023, 1340, 1522, 1687. Packard, F. A., Visits to, 1840. Pennsylvania Hosp., 1846. Pam. 506. Phil a Hosp. of Prot. Epis. Ch., 1863. Phil a Lying-in Charity, 1854. P. 627. Pittsburgh Infirmary, 1853. P. 506. Rainsford Is. Hosp., Boston. P. 506. Roosevelt Hospital, opening, 1871. Royal Free Hospital, 1856, 59. St. Cross Hospital, Winchester, Hist. St. Luke s Hosp. N. Y., 1850, 59-61, 63. St. Luke s, Detroit, 1868. St. Mary s Lond., 1851, 58. Scots Corporation, Lond., 1807. Volz, Spitaler des Baden, 1861. Western Penn a Hosp., 1854-56. Woman s Hospital, N. Y. Woman s Hosp., Phil a, 1866. Woman s Hosp. Assn., N. Y., 1867. See Dispensaries; Insane. IIoiulin.lt. Memoirs, 1859. Hough, Dr. Impartial Relation, 1688. Hough, A. P. G. Green, B , Memorial of, 1844. P. 18. Hough, F. B. Testimonials. 1870. Houses of Refuge. Pamphlets, vols. 507, 1340, 1522. See Prisons. Houssaye, A. Robin, Gens de Lettres. Houston, Sam. Life of. Burges, T., Speech, Assault of, 1832. Green, T. J., Reply to, 1854. Lester, Houstonandhis Republic, 1846. See Texas. Honstoun, J. Works, Life and Travels, 1753. Houteu, F. Van. Immens, Lyk-rede, 1727. How, D. Diary, 1775-80. Howard, J. Aikin, J., Life of. Brown, J. B., Memoirs of, 1823. Dixon. Prison World. Palmer S., Serm. Death of. Howard, O. O. Stowe s Men of the Times. Howard, Philip, Earl. Life of, 185ft Howard, T., Earl. Walker, E., Hist. Disc., 1705. Howard, W. Milner, J., Life of. Howe, J. Fisher, G., Sermon on. Howe, R., Earl. Barrow, Life of. Candid and Impar. Narr., 1779. Galloway, Letters to a Nobleman, 1779. Letter to the Rt. Hon., 1779. Mason, G., Life of, 1803. Narrative of the proc. of fleet, Boston, 1796. Trotter, Monody on, 1800. Howe, Gen. Sir W. Galloway, J., Examination of, 1779. Galloway, Letters to a Nobleman, 1779. [Mauduit]. Obs. on Howe s account, 1778. Howe s Cave. See Caves. Howell, J. Epistolae Ho-elliante, Let ters, 1645. Howell, N. W. Daggett, 0. E., Ser mon on. Howland, J. Hall, E. B., Disc, on, 1855. Stone, E. M., Life of, 1857. Howley, Abp. Harrison, B., Charge, 1848. Hoyt, Haight and klight. Geneal., 1871. Hoyt, A. Hist, of Libel of, 1833. Hoyt, D. E. Hoyt, C., Memoirs of, 1828. Hoyt, J. Mackenzie, Life of, 1845. Hoyt, J. and D. Geneal. Hist. of. flubbard, S. Aiken, S., Serm. Death of, 1848. P. 554. Hubbardstown? Vt. Clark, H., Hist. Discourse. Hubbell, W. Daggett, Disc, on, 1848. Hudson, Henry. Asher, Account of. Cleveland, H. R., Life of. Murphy, H. C., H. H. in Holland, 1859. Read, J. M., jr., Inquiry, 1867. Hudson s Bay. Ballantyne, Hudson s Bay, Life in, 1848. Coats, Geography of, 1727-51. Dobbs, A., Countries adjoining, 1744. Ellis, H., Voyage to, 1746, 47. Jeremie, Relation du detroit, etc., 1720. McKeever, Voyage to, 1812. Martin, R. M , Territories and corpo ration of, 1 84 9. 256 HUDSON S BAY. Hudson s Bay (continued). Monck, Voy. to Hudson s straits. Morris, A., A Lecture on, 1859. Robson, Six years residence, 1733-37, Ryerson, Missionary tour, 1855. Selkirk, Lord, Statement respecting, Umfreville, Present state, 1790. See Arctic Regions; Greenland. Hudson s Bay Co. Fitzgerald, Eiam. of the Charter, 1849. Great Britain, Hud. Bay Co., 1857. Hudson s Bay Co., Possessory rights, 1848, 57. Kelley jj Narrative, 1852. McLean, J., Twenty-five years service in Territory of, 1849. Martin, R. M., Expos, of rights, 1849. Mercator s communications, 1817. Morris, Lecture on territories of. U. S. and Brit. Commission on, and Pugets Sound Co., 1865-68. 8 vols. See Law Library. Hudson Co., N. J. 1870-71. Boyd s Directory, Hiidson, N. Y. Directory, 1863. Balance, Newsp., 1801-1806. First Presb. Church, 1852. P. 536. Hudson Gazette, 1785-1803. Miller, S. B., Sketches of, 1862. Random Recollec. of, 1800-08. Hudson River. Brewerton s Rep., 1839. Genet, Mem. on obstructions of navi gation of, 1818. Hudson, H., Sailing directions, 1608. Hudson R. and Railroad, Bost., 1851. Hudson Illustrated, 1852. Hudson river guide, 1857. P. 1683. Hunt, F., Letters concerning, 1837. Irving, W., Book of the Hudson, 1849. Legends and poetry of, 1868. M Alpine s Report, 1853. Milbert, Itineraire, 1828. Munsell s Guide, 1863. N. Y. Leg. Reports, 1855. " Rep. on obstruc., 1863-67. New York State Tourist, 1840. Ruttenber, Obstructions of, 1777, (Muns. Hist. Ser. V). Simms, J R., Obstructions of, 1777, 8. Tourist s Manual, 1836. Wade s Panorama of, 1845. Wilson, H. , Guide to, 1854. Hudson River R. R. Reports, Mi.-o., 18H9-52. Jervis, Reports to, 1846. Morgan, R. P., Reports to, 1842. Huet, Bp. Memoirs of, 1810. Hughes, Abp. J. Biog. Sketch of. Beman, Letters to, 1851. Brooksiana, Controversy with, 1855. Hassard, Life of, 1866. Miles, J., Review of Sermon, 1851. Murray, N., Letters to, 1855. Hughson, W. Buel, S., Fun. Sermon, 1858. Hugo, S. VitaS. Hugonis (Chron. G. B.). Hugo, V. Gal. des Contemp. vol. 1 ; Vie de, 1845. Robin, Gens de lettres. i Huguenots. Agnew, Prot. exiles from France, 17I. Blackburne, Adm. Coligny. Fontaine, Mem. of a Hugu. fam. See France; Protestantism in. Hull, R. Descendants of, 1869. Hull, Gen. \V. Campbell, M., Revolu tionary services of, 1848. Dalliba, Batt. of Brownstowu. Forbes, Report of the trial of, 1814. Williams, S., Two campaigns, 1870. Humane Societies. Burgess, S., Ser mon, etc., 1789. Caan, Redevoering, etc., 1838. B. C. Cunningham, On Friendly Societies. Hawes, W., Address on, 1782. Markham, R , Sermon, 1778. Montyon, Prix de Vertu, 1851-55. National Shipwreck Assoc n, Lond. N. Y. Life Saving Assoo., 1856, 57. Pamphlets relating to Humane insti tutions, Vols. 243, 244, 978, 1023, 1522. Royal Humane Soc. Spring, S., Sermon on, 1807. Soc. Protec. des animaux, 1854. Soc. Montyon et Franklin, 1836-41. See Charities; Drowning; Shipwrecks. Human Rights. See Civilization; Re publics; Rights; Social questions. lliiiuholdt. A.von. Alger, W. R., Dis course on, 1859. Clinton, G. W., Oration, 1869. Cotta, Briefe, Uber A. von H. s Kos- mos, 1850-52. Humboldt, Life of, (Stoddard), 1859. " Letters to Varnhagen, 1860. Klencke, Lives of A. and Wm , 1852. Stillc, Life of, 1859. Humboldt, W. von. Letters of. Adler, Linguistical Studies of. Klencke, Li e of, 1852. HUNGARY. 257 Hume, D. Life, by himself, 1777. " Dispute with Rousseau, 1766. " Letter on, (Home), 1784. " Private Correspondence, 1761-76. Burton, J. H., Life and Correspond ence of, 1846. D Israeli, Calamities of authors, Quar rels of authors. Hurd, R., Rein, on Essay of, 1777. Letters on his history, (McQueen), 1756. Humor. Album pour rire, 1849. Almanach Coruique, 1855. Almanach Drolatique, 1855. Almanach pour rire, 1855. B. H., Political Sketches, 1830-38. Browne, C. F., Artemus Ward. Burton s Cyclopaedia, 1858. Comic English Grammar, 1840. Davis, Downingville letters, 1834. Dornavius, C., Amphitheatrum sapien- tiae Socrat. joco-seriae, 1619. Doyle, R., Manners of ye Englyshe, 1849, 50. Elite des Bon-mots, 1731. Elton s Comic Almanacs, 1840-51. Ball of Yarn, 1850. P. 619. Erasmus, L Eloge de la Folie, 1715. Fisher s Almanacs, 1841-54. Fragm. of Hist, of Bawlfredonia, 1819. Fun for the Camp, 1862. Gillray, Caricatures. Haliburton, The Clock-maker, 1840-43. " The letter bag of the Great Western, 1840. Hogarth s Works. Jerrold, Caudle Lectures, 1851. P. 227. Kay, J., Original Portraits, 1842. Larvina Satyricon, (Colardeau), 1619. Lemon, Jest-book, 1865. Miller s, J., Jest-book, 1847. Moet, Lucina sine concubitu, 1750. Nasby Papers, 1864. National Comic Almanac, 1852. Negbauer s Comic Almanac, 1855. Newdescr. of Merryland, 1741. P. 503. N. Y. Comic Almanack, 1847. Pamphlets, vol. 1775. Pigot, Political Dictionary, 1796. Preston, W., Essay on Wit and Hum., 1788. Punch s Humorous library, 1851. P. 619. Punch, Miscellany. Satyre Menippee, 1726. Shillaber, Mrs. Partington. Smith, J., Irish Diamonds. Staudt, Diss. de Jure Facetiarum, 1688. P. 1016. 33 Humor (continued). Smith, A., Nat. Hist, of the Gent, 1847. Smith, S. Jack Downing s letters, 1834. Stephens, H. L., Comic Nat. Hist., 1851 . Sterne, Laurence, Works, 1847. Swift, J., Art of Painting, 1812. " Tale of a Tub, 1812-13. Tafereel, De, der Dwasheid, 1720. Turner s Com. Almanac, 1841-49. Valentine, Comic Metamorphoses. Wright, T., England Illustrated, 1848. Yankee Doodle, 1846, 7. Newsp. See Anecdotes ; Literature; Satires. Humphryes, W. Winter, R., Fun. Dis course, 1808. Hungary. Brace, C. L., Hungary in 1851. Bright, R., Travels through Lower, 1814. Depuy, Kossuth and his Generals, 1852. Desprez, Peuples de 1 Autriche, 1850. Georgei, My life and acts in, 1849. Gleig, Hungary visited, 1839. Great Britain, Parl. Pap., Hungary, 1851. Harris, vol. 2; Travels in, 1774. Henningsen, C. F., Past and future of, 1852. Hist, des Rev. de, 1739. Hist, of Prot. Church in, 1854. Hulsemann, Corresp. with Webster, 1851. P. 213. Hungary and its revolutions, 1854. Isthuanffius, Regni Hung. Hist., 1685. Klapka, War in, 1848. Kossuth and the War, 1851. Kossuth, L., Life of. " Speeches in N. England. Merin, Mines in Hungary. Paget, Hung, and Transylvania, 1839. Pardoe, City of the Magyar, 1840. Paton, A. A., The Goth and the Hun, 1849. " Modern researches, 1862. Patterson, A. J., The Magyars, 1869. Peabody, E. P., Constitution of, 1850. Pragay, Outlines of the struggle, 1848. Pulszky, Tales and Traditions. of, 1852. " Mem. of a H. lady, 1850. Putnam, M. L., Hist, of Constitution, 1850. Quin, Steam voyage, 1836. S. P., Hungarian Exile, 1855. Sandor, Farkas, Utazas Eszak Ameri- kaban, 1834. Scheifele, Schlacht bei Hermanstadt, 1849. P. 609. . Seward, W. H., Speeches, 1850, 52. 258 HUNGARY. Hungary (continued). Stiles, W. H , Austria in 1848. Tefft, Hungary and Kossuth, 1852. Ujhazy, Termination of revolution, 1850. B. C. Ungarische Revolution, 1850. See Austria; Kossuth, L.; Transylva nia. Hunt Family. Genealogy, 1862. Hunt, C. Bailey, J. M. B., Disc. on. Hunt, C. A.. Kittredge, C. B., Sermon on, 1846. Hunt, J. Rowe, Life of, 1860. Hunt, Leigh. Autobiography, 1850. Hunter, E. Stanford, J., Discourse on. Hunter, J. Arnott, Hunt, oration, 1843. Callaway, T., Oration, 1856. Green, J. H., Address on. Rees, G. 0., Hunt, oration. Hunting. Baker, S. W., Rifle and hound in Ceylon, 1854. Baldwin, W. C., African hunting, 1863. Craven, Recreations in, 1859. Gumming, Hunter s lifts in S. Africa, 1850. Elliott, Carolina Sports. Hawker, Instruc. to sportsmen, 1859. Johnson, T. B., Shooter s Companion, 1830. Le Verrier, L Ecole de la Chasse, 1763. Newhouse, Trapper s guide, 1867. Oppianus, De venatione. Radcliffe, Fox hunting, 1839. Thornton, Tour, North England, 1804. Thorpe, Hive of the bee hunter. Walker s Manly Exercises, 1855. Wilson, J., Rod and Gun, 1810. Wyndham, Life in Norway, 1861. See Amusements; Games. Huntingdon, Countess 8. New, Life of. Huntingdon Peerage. Bell, H. N., Restoration of, 1820. Huntingdonshire and Wales. Beauties of Eng. Huntington Family. Genealogy, 1863. Huntington, S. Strong, G., Sermon on, 1796. Huntington, Susan M. Wisner, Me moir of, 1826. Huntington, W. Bank of Faith, 1805. Huntington, Long Is., N. Y. David son, Hist, of First Chnrch. Huntley, J. R. Memoir of. Huntting, J. Wiswell, G. F., Serm. on. Hurd, A. H. Holdich, Memoir of. Huron, Lake. Canada: Geol. Surveys, 1853-57. Lands Dep. Rep., 1858. Ifuss, J. Gillett, Life of. Hutcheson, F. Philosophy and Life of, 1755. Hutchius, L. Autobiography, 1865. Hutchinson, Anne. Ellis. G. E., Life. (Sparks, 16). Hutchinson, Col. J. Hutchinson, Lucy, Memoirs of, 1846. Hutchinson, L. Life of, 1808. 13. C. Hutchinson, W. Chester, Notes. Whitmore, Ancestry of, 1866. Hutchinsoiiianism. Bate, J., Uso of Prophecy, 1750. Home, G., Cicero s Somnium Scipionis, 1751. P. 399. " An Apology for certain, 1756. Letter to a Bishop, (Forbes), 1747. Moody, J., The Evidence.... 1752. Word to, 1756. Hutson, M. Bryan, II., Diary of, 1760. Hutton, W. Life, by himself, 1816. Hyde Family. Walworth, Geneal. of, 1864. Hyde, A. Memoir of, 1835. Hyde, E. See Clarendon, Earl of. Hyde Park, N. Y. Sherwood, R., Ref. Dutch Ch., 1839. P. 547. Hyder Aly Khan. History of, 1842. Stewart, Memoir of, 1809. Hydrodynamics: Hydraulics, Hy drostatics. Aeneae, Kellend Water-Scheprad, 1775. Amsden s Hydrostat. scale, 1849. Beaufoy, Hydraul. Expcriments,1834. Belgium, Des inondations, 1844. Black River Water Claims, Evidence, 1869-71, (Law Library). Brougham, Lib. U. K., Nat. Phil. Coulomb, Travaux sous 1 eau, 1819. Dempsey, Drainage of districts and sands, 1849. Dobson, Founda. and Concrete works, 1850. Ducros, Eaux pour les canaux. Ewbank, Descr. acot. of Hydraulic Machines, 1842. Genet, Upward forces of fluids, 1825. Glynn, Power of Water applied to flour mills, 1853. Hale, E., Horizontal water -wheel, 1820. P. 298. Hough, H. G., Principles of liquid attraction, 1829. HYMNS AND PSALMS. 259 Hydrodynamics: Hydraulics, Hy drostatics (continued). Hughes, Drainage of low lands. " Hydraulic works of Holland, 1843. P. 36. B. C. Jamieson, A., Mechanics of fluids, 1837. Lacroix, Mech. of floating bodies, 1775. j Lardner, Treatise on hydrostatics. Milligan, Hydraulics. Lib. U. K. Mitchell, Penetr^iveness of fluids. Morin, Roues hydrauliques, 1836. Pellizer, Syphon pump, 17PO. Phear, Elem. hydros., 1866 Prony, Archil, hydraulique, 1790, 96. Rochester water owners, Memorials, , 1846, 52, 53. Russell, On waves, (Brit. Ass n, 14th | meet ). Smith, B., Italian Irrigation, 1855. Vacani, Delia laguna di Venezia. See Engineering ; Canals ; Croton Aqu. ; j Cements; Nat. Philosophy; Water ] for cities. Hydrometers. Qilpin, G., Tables, 1794. I McCulloh, Sugar and Hydrom., 1848, 51. \ Hydropathy. See Water Cure. Hydrophobia. Blatchford, T. W., Ori gin, etc., 1856. Chapman, N., Canine fever, 1801. Thacher, J. ; Observations on, 1812. Hydrostatics. See Hydrodynamics. Hygrometer. See Meteorology. Hymns and Psalms. Advent Harp, 1849. Allen, W., Ps. and Hymns, 1835. Am. S. S. Union, Hymns. Ballou. Universalist Coll. Baptist Hymn and Tune book, 1858. Barlow, Dr. Watts imitation of, cor rected, 1786. Barnard, J., New version of, 1752. Bay Psalm book of 1640: repr., 1862. Benedict, E. C., Mediaeval hymns, 1867. Berridge, Sion s Songs, 1785. Bickersteth, E., Christ. Psalmody. Brady, N., New version, 1755. Brady A Tate, Psalms, Boston, 1770. Catholic Hymns, Albany, 1860. Cennick, Sacred Hymns, 1763. Church of Scotland Psalms, 1815. Church Psalmody, (Maaon s), 1833. Church Psalmist, 1845. Cottle, J., New version, 1801. Dickinson, W., Hymns, Passion week, 1846. Ps. v. 2. Dwight, T., 181 . Hymns and Psalms (continued). Erskine, Gospel Sonnets, 1798. Esher Church Hymns. Fawcett, Hymns, 1782. Fitz, Araer. School H. Book. Gibbons, T., Hymns, 1769. Greenwood, F. W. P., Coll. of Psalms and Hymns, 1830. B. C. Hamburgisches Gesangbuch, 1855. Harris, T. M., For Lord s Supper, 1821. Hastings, T., Spiritual Songs, 1836. Hawaiian Is., Mission Hymns, 1831. Hazen, Chris. Psalms and Hymns, 1849. Hillinan, Tho Revivalist, 1869. Hymni ecclesiee, E. Brev. Rom. et Par., 1865. Hymns for the Army, 1862. Hymns in Armeno-Turkish, 1S50. Jones, A., Melodies, 1832. Kennett, B., Paraphrase of, 1706. Langley, Sacred Hymns, 1776. Lov, Geistelykc Gesangen, 1756. Maltby, E., Psalms and Hymns, 1815. Marburgcr Gesangbuch, Sauer, 1759. Mather, C., Ps.ilterium Americanum, 1718. Medley, S., Hymns, 1800. Merrick, J., Vers. of Ps., 1791. Miller, E , Psalms, 1825. Ps. v. 3. Milman, H. H., Selection, 1837. Ps. v. 3. Mutter, G., Psalms, 1829. Pa. v. 3. Needham, J., H. Devotional, 1768. Nettleton, Village Hymns, 1824. New England Psalm book, 1773. Palmer, R., Book of Praise, 1864. Parker Society : Devotional poetry, 1585. Parkinson, A Selection, 1809. Peabody, Springfield collection, 1835. Pilsbury, A., Sacred Songster, 1825. Prichard, R., Bedydd, 1848. Prime, N. S., Collection, 1809. Prot. Epis. Ch. Coll., 1827. Psalms and Hymns, (collecteo>in three vols.) : Newington, 1817; Lond., 1813; Oundle, 1834; for chant ing: Lond., 1840; Lond. Miss. Soc., 1814; Islington, 1830; Isle of Wight, 1844, etc. Psalms and Hymns: Boston, 1737. Recueil de Psaumes, 1815. Reformed (P. Dutch) Church version, 1769-91, 1814, 39. Revival Melodies, Bost., 1843. Relly, Christian Hymns, 1776. Rippon s Selection. Robert s Clavis Bib., 1665. Sacred Songs, Am. Tr. Society. Schaff, Hymns of all Ages, 1869. 260 HYMNS AND PSALMS. Hymns and Psalms (continued). Selections from old and new vers., 1848. Smith, J., Ac., Divine Hymns, Dan- bury, 1806. Sommerville, W., Version of Ps., 1834. Sternhold s Psalms, 1585, 1638. Trinity Church Coll., Boat., 1808. United Brethren, Hymns, 1754. Wallin, B., Evangelical Hymns, 1750. Watts, I., Ps. and Hymns, 1781, 1806, 1816. Williams, B., Book of Ps., 1781. Worcester, Chris. Psalmody, 1815. Wither, Q., Hymns of the Church. 1856. See Music, Sacred. Hymns, History and Criticism. Belcher, Hist, sketches of, 1865. Brydges, Censura Lit., On Sternhold. Creamer, Methodist Hymnology, 1848. Holland, Psalmists of Britain, 1848. Hood, Hist, of Music in New England, 1846. Hymnology, Bibliot. Sacra, 1859, 60. Marsh, W., Biblical versions of hymns, 1845. Tripp, R.H., Imprecations in the Pa., 1833. See Music, Sacred. I. I. I., Jr. Woodd, B., Funeral Sermon, 1794. Iceland. Anderson, Efterretninger,1748. Arwidsson, Handskrifter, 1848. Barrow, J., jr., Visit to, in 1834. Dufferin, Voyage, 1856. Edin. Cab. Lib., vol. 28. Edmond, Voyage, 1857. Henderson, E., Journal in, 1831. Mackenzie, Travels in, 1810. Miles, P., Rambles in, 1854. Mobius, Cat. lib. island., 1856. Paijkull, A Summer in, 1868. Pfeiffer, Journey to, 1S52. Troil, Letters on, (Pinkerton, 1). Voyage en Islande, (Olafsen), 1802. Worm, Lexicon over isl. loerde maond., 1771, 73, 83. See Scandinavia. Ichstadt, J. A. F. Torring, Eulogy on, 1777. Ichthyology. Agassiz, Poissons fossiles, 1844. Brevoort, J. C., Japanese fish. Bushman, Naturalists Lib. Encyc. Method., 1788, (Bonnaterre). Gay, Hist, de Chile. Ichthyology (continued). Girard, Fishes of Chili. Hamilton, R., British fishes, 1843. Jardine, Naturalists Lib. Mass., Storer s report, 1839. Mitchill, S. L., Fishes of America. N. Y. Nat. Hist., 2 vols. Owen, Anat. of vertebrates. Schomburgh, Fishes of Guiana. Smith, J. V. C., Fishes of Mass.,1833. Swaineon, W., ]frat. Hist, of, 1839. Yarrell, British fishes, 1836. See Natural History; Zoology; Fish Culture; Fisheries; Fishing. Idaho. Six months in, 1864. See Rocky Mountains. Idea; Idealism. See Mental Philos. Idiots. Appeal for, Phila., 1853. Ayres, H. P., Report on educ. of. Barre, Mass., Priv. Inst. for. Boston Lunatic Hospital, 1851, 55. Conn., Report on, 1856. P. 235. Howe, Prevention of Idiocy, 1848. Letter to Governor, 1857. Mass., Educa. for Idiots, 1856. Mass., Idiot School, 1859-70. N. Y. State Idiot Asylum, Reports, 1854-69. Penn a, Reports, 1865-69. Scottish Nat. Inst., Reports, 1864, 5. Sundt, Veretning om Fantefolket, 1859, 63, 65. See Insanity : Goitre. Idolatry. See Missions ; Paganism. Ignatius of Antioch. Epistles and Martyrdom. P. 405. Whiston, Diss. on the Epistles of. Ignatius Loyola. Bartoli, Life of. Maffei, G. P., Historia Indica, Vita. Taylor, J., Loyola and Jesuitism. Illinois. Adlard, Visit to, 1821. Allouez, Voyage to, 1676, (French s Coll.). Beck, L. C., Gazetteer of, 1823. Birkbeck, Letters from, 1818. " Supp. Letter, 1819. Brown, H., History of, 1844. Carpenter, W. H., Hist. of. Chicago, Northern Counties Gaz. Cooley, H. S., Appeal for Schools in. Edwards, History of, 1870. Flower, R., Letters from, 1822. Ford, Hist, of Illinois, 1854. Gerhard, F., Illinois as it is, 1857. Gravier, Relation, 1694. Illinois: Adj. -Gen s Reports, 1861-66. " Geol. Survey, 1866-70. 4 v. INDIA. 261 Illinois (continued). Illinois Directory, 1854. Illinois in 1837. Illinois Volunteers, 1846. Jones, A. D., Illinois and the West. Keokuk Directory. Peck, J. M., Gazetteer of, 1834. " Guide to, 1831, 37. Reynolds, J., Pioneer Hist, of, 1852. Rock River Country. P. 565. Shepard, C. U., Geology of. Welby, Visit to N. America, 1821. Woods, J., Resid. at English prairie, 1822. See Alton; Chicago; Joliet; Keokuk; Monticello; Ogle Co.; Randolph Co.; Rock Island; Wabash. Illinois College. Catalogues, 1864, 7. Hist. Sketch of, 1832. Quarter Cent. Celeb., 1855. Illinois Indust. University* Reports, 1868-70. Dib- Illuminated Books and MSS. din, Bibliog. Decameron. Humphreys, Art of Illumination. " Books of the Middle Ages. | Jones, 1001 Initial Letters. Silvestre, Universal Palaeography. Waagen, Treasures of Art, 1854. Wright, T., Archaeological Album, 1845. See Manuscripts ; Writing. Immigration. See Emigration. Immortality. See Future State ; Soul. Impey, Sir E. India, Min. of Council, 1781. Impostures. See Delusions; Magic; ! Superstitions. Impressment. Butler, C., Legality of. ! Pamph r v. 23. Essay on the pernicious practice of. Impressments unlawful. Pam. 66. Right and practice of. Pamphr. 14. Taggart, S., Addresses, 1813. Urquhart, T., Letter, 1816. Imprisonment for Debt. See Prisons ; | Debt. Income Tax. See Taxation. Incunabula. See Bibliography. Independents. See Cougregationalists. India, History, etc. Allen, D. 0., In dia, Anc and Mod., 1856. Anglo-Ind. Almanac, 1845. Arthus, Hist. Indiae, 1608. Asiat. Soc. of Bengal, Bibliot. Indica, 35 Vols. idia, History, etc. (continued). Bengal Directory, 1823. Bird, J., Researches on the Buddha and Jaina religions, 1847. British India Society, 1839. Buist, Annals for 1848. Castagneda, Histoire de 1 , 1553. Chapman, J., Cotton and Comm. of, 1851. Coorg and its Rajahs, 1857. P. 773. Coppier, Hist, et Voy. des, 1645. Cunningham, Buddhist Monuments, 1854. Despatches.... on the Sutlej, 1846. Dirom, Campaign in, to 1792. Dow, A., History of Hindostan, 1812. Dufrene, De la Comp. des Indes, 1738. East India Co., Nabob of Arcot, 1785. East India Register, 1835-54. Edinb. Cab. Lib., vol. 6, 8: Hist, ac counts of. Elphinstone, History of, 1841. Elliot, Bibl. index to historians of. Erskine, W., History of, 1854. Garcilasso, Guerres des Espagnols dans, 1658. Garcin de Tassy, Littrature Hindoui. Great Britain: East India, 1783, 5. " Parl. Pap., 1857. Guyon, History of the East Indies, 1757. Hist. Nat. y moral de las Indias. Span., Eng. and Fr. History.... Campaign on the Sutlej, Holwell, Bengal and Hindostan, 1766. Illustrations of the Thugs, 1837. Indian Territories, Notes, 1852. Inquiry on policy of conquests in, 1789. Jeflferys, S., Seat of War, 1754. Kerr, Voy., vol. 2, Portuguese Discov. Langles, Fables Indiens. Letter from an Officer, 1810. Lutfullah s Autobiography, 1857. Maffei, Historiarum Indicarum lib. 16, 1614. Major, R. H., I. in the loth Century, 1857. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., v. 10. " History of Eastern India, 1838. Martineau, Brit, rule in, 1857. Maurice, T., Antiquities of Indostan, 1800-06. <f Hist, of Hindostan, Anc., 1795. Modern Hist, of Hindostan. 1802, 08. Mill, J., History of, 1826. Murray, H., Hist, and descr. acct. of. 262 INDIA. India, History, etc. (continued). Narrative.. Conquest of Mysore. Oakes, Tippoo s Prisoners, 1785. Origin of the Pindarics, 1818. Orme, R., Hist. Fragments of the Mo gul Empire, 1805. Oudo Qov t vindicated, 1857. P. 1312. Palladius, De gentibus Indies. Pococke, E., India in Greece, 1856. Pownall, 1., Duly of Government, 1781. Raynal, Hist, of Trade in, 1777. Reid, Chronol. Tables, 1835. Retrospective View, 1783. Ricards, Condition of, 1828. Robertson, W., Ilistor. Disquisition, 1812. Rumbold s Vindication, 1868. Sleeman, Hist, of the Thugs. Stanhope, P. D., Memoirs of Asiati- cus, 1785. P. 432. Symonds, Geog. and Hist, of, 1846. Taylor, W. C., Anc. and Mod. India, 1851. Tod, Annals of Rajasthan, 1829, 32. War in India, 1845. Welsh. Military Reminiscences, 1830. Westmacott, G. E., Russian intrigue, 1838. Wilson, H. H., History of, 1805-35. Wytfliet, Hist. Universelle, 1611. Sec Hindoos; Commerce; Pondichery. India, Rebellion of 1857. Chettle, Indian Mutiny. Duff, Indian Rebellion. Frost, T., Narrative of, 1857. Gardiner, G., Causes of Rebellion, 1858. Kaye, Hist, of the Sepoy War, 1870. Lay thoughts, 1858. Mutiny in, 1857. Mutiny of Bengal Army. Narrative of . . ..Bolaruin, 1857. Revolt of the Sepoys, 1858. Richard, H., Future of, 1858. Trevelyan, Cawnpore, 1865. Wilson, J. L., The Great Revolt, 1857. See Havclock. India, Travels in, etc. Acland, A popular account of, 1847. Badger, Education in, 1858. Barbosa, 0., On the East Indies, 1606. Barr, W., Travels to Cabul and the Punjab, 1844. Bontekoe, Journal van Ost-Indische Reize, 1618. Broecke, Reysen, 1634. Broughton, Customs of the Mahrattas. Burges, B., Indostan letters, 1790. India, Travels in, etc. (continued). Burnes, J., Court of Sindo, 1831. Chardin, Travels, 1686. Considerations on Christianity in, 1808. Coryat, Journey to liindostan, 1824. Cubero, Peregrinacion, 1688. Dellon, Voyage, 1699. Dubois, Desc. of the people of, 1818. Fitch, R., Voy. to Ormus and E. Ind. Forbes, Oriental memoirs, 1834. Fraser, J. B., Himala mountains and sources of the Ganges, 1820. Gama, V. de, First Voyage to. Garcin de Tassy, Musulrnanes de 1 Inde. Gerard, Koonawur in the Himalaya, 1841. Godman, Coates Voyage to India, 1833. Groot, Reis in Nederl. Indie door Prins Willem, 1837. Hamilton, F. B., Journey from Madras, 1800-03. Harlan, Memoir of India and Avghau- nistan, 1842. Heber, R., Jour, in upper provinces of, 1828. Herklots, Customs of Mussulmans of. Hoffmeister, Contin. India and Nepal, 1848. Hiigel, Travels in N. W. India. India, Pictorial, descriptive, 1854. Jaoqueraont, Letters from, 1834. Kaye, Corresp. of Metcalfe, 1854. Kelly, Indo-Europ. tradition. Lancaster, Sir J., First Voy. to. Le Gentil, Voyage, 1761, 69. Letter to a Friend . ...on Christianity in India, 1812. Life in India, 1829. Linschoten, Nav. in Lusitanor. In diana, 1599. " Voy. to, and West Indies, 1598. Lloyd, Cawnporo to the Himalaya, Lowrie, Two years in Upper, 1850. Mackenzie, Mrs., Six years in, 1853. Malcolm, Sir J., Memoir of Central, 1832. Moorcroft, Travels in Himalayan Prov., 1841. Mundy, Pen and Pencil sketches in, 1833. Murray s Hand-book of. Nieuhof, Zee-en lant reize, 1682. Nieuhoff, Travels in, (Pinkerton, 7,14). Oliphant, Journey to Nepaul, 1852. Oriental Annual, 1834. Orlich, Travels in India, Sinde and Punjaub, 1845. INDIANS. 263 India, Travels in, etc. (continued). Orlof, lleisen, Ib50. Presb. Oh. Missions in, 1857. Purmerent, Oost-Indisch reys, 1651. Renaudot, Travels of two Mohamme dans. Robinson, T., Missions, Tinnevelly, 1845. P. 384. Rochon, Voyage to, 1792. Roe, Sir Thomas, Jour, to Hindostan. Seely, Temples of Ellora, 1825. Sleeman, Rambles of an official, 1844. Siromani, Law of adoption. Stavorinus, Voyages to, 1798. Tennant, Brit. Gov. in, 1807. Thornton, Gazetteer of, 1844, 54. Trevelyan, Competition Wallah. Tijdschrift, Batavia, 1840. Valentini, Museum Museorum, 1700. Verthema, Travels to, (Kerr, 7). Vries, S. de, Reysen door Oost Indien, 1675-86. Walsh, J. J., Futtegurh Mission, 1859. Ward, F. de W., India and the Hin doos, 1850. Wilberforce, Speech, Educ. of Natives, 1813. P. 433. See British, French, Spanish Colonies; Commerce; Voyages; Indian Ocean; East India Company; E. I. Comp., French; Hindoos; Hi malaya Mts. India : Pamphlets relating to. Ap peal to England, ag t Stamp Act. 1828. Buchanan, Colonial Eccl. Establish ment, 1813. Campbell, L. D., Charges ag t Welles- ley. Crawfurd, Letters from, 1831. Dalhousie, Administration of. Dickinson, Gov t of a Bureaucracy, 1853. Furdoonjee, On Bombay, 1853. Green, H., The Deccan Ryots, 1852. Hale, W. P., Oude Question. Justice for India, 1858. Knight, R., Inam commission, 1859. Napier, Defects in government, 1853. Observations on Bengal, 1777. Pamphlets relating to India, vols. 431- 433, 715, 771-773, 937, 1021,1038, 1112, 1310, 1312, 1313, 1499. Peggs, J., Letter, 1843. Prinsep, H. T., India question, 1853. Remarks on the affairs, 1852. Remarks on the Oude . ...1801. Reply to a Pamphlet, 1845. True Alarm, 1770. See East India Company. Indian Archipelago and Ocean. Argensola, Conquista de la Molucas, Sp., Fr. and Eng., 1707, 08. Begin ende Voortgangh Ned. Oost Ind. Comp., 1646. Belcher, Voy. of Samarang, 1846. Bickmore, Trav. in East Indian Archi pelago, 1869. Brooks, Events in Borneo and Labuan, 1848. Constantin, Recueil des Voyages,1702. Crawfurd, Hist, of Indian Archipelago, 1820. Gibson, Prison of Weltevreden, 1855. Groot, Reis in Nederl. Indie, 1837. Hinderstein, Expl. de la carte des colonies Neerland:iies, 1841. Nederlandsche : Natuurlyke geschiede- nis, 1839-44. See Java; Sumatra; Voyages, Indian. India-rubber. Gillett, Arg. on Good- year s Pat., 1853. P. 298. Great Britain : Patents, 1627-1859. Indiana. Beste, The Wabash, 1855. Dillon, History of, 1843, 1859. Ellsworth, Valley of the Wabash, 1838. Indiana: Adj. Gen s, reports, 1^61-65. Plain facts, Phila., 1781. Smith, 0. H., Early Trials in, 1858. Sutherland, Legislature of 1861. Topog. Desc. of, 1818. See New Harmony; Vincennes; Madi son; Wabash. 1 Indianapolis. Directory, 1855. 61. Indians, American. Abbott, J. S. C., Hist, of King Philip, 1857. Account of the Micmakis, Cape Breton, 1758. Adair, J., History of, 1775. Alden, T., Missions to the Senecas and Munsees, 1827. Amer. Society for, 1828. Anecdotes of, 1844. Annual Register of Ind. Affairs, 1838. Apes, W., Life of, 1829. * Indian Nullification, 1835. Bailey, G., Reserves of Cal. and Ari zona. Barton, Origin of the tribes of, 1797. Beeson, Plea for, 1857. P. 508. Benton, N. S , Hist, of Herkimer, 1856. Bibaud, Biog. des Sagamos. Bigot, Relation, 1684, 5. Boiler, Eight years in the West, 1868. Bonner, Beckwourth s Life, 1856. Boscana, Indians of California, 1846. Bouquet, Expedition against, in Ohio, 1764. 264 INDIANS. Indians, American (continued). Bowles, Ambassador of Cherokees to London, 1791. Bradford, A. VV., Origin and hist, of, 1841. Brainerd, D., Journal among, 1748. Brett, W. H., Indians of Guiana, 1852. Brinton, Myths of the new World, 1868. Bromley, Appeal for, 1820. Brownell, C., Indian Races, 1854. Buchanan, J., Hist. Man. and cust. of, 1824. Bulkley s Pref. on rights of, to Wol- cott s Poems, 1725. Burder, Welsh Indians, 1797. Case of the Seneca Indians, 1840. Cass, L., Exam, of Ind. question, 1832. Catlin, Notes on N. A. Ind., 1841. " N. A. Indian Portfolio, 1845. " Cat. of Portraits of, 1837. " Mandan customs, 1867. Church, Hist, of Philip s war, 1675, 76. Clark, J. V. H., Lights and Lines of Character, 1854. " Hiawatha Legend, 1856. Clinton, D. W., Disc. N. Y. Indians. Golden, C., Five Indian Nations, 1747, 1750, 55. Colton, Tour of the Lakes, 1833. Commuckj Indian Melodies. Copway, G., Life, by himself, 1847. " Sketches of the Ojibways, 1850. Crawford, Descended from the ten tribes. Cremony, Life with the Apaches, 1868. Cusick, D., Hist, of the Six Nations, 1848. Do Forest, Indians of Conn., to 1850. Do Puy, H. W., Mishaps of an Indian agent, 1863. P. 13il. Documents, Abor. Protec. Soc., 1829. Drake, B., Life of Black Hawk, 1850. Drake, S. G., Biog. and Hist, of, 1845. " Catalogue of his library, 1845. " Tragedies of the Wilderness, 1846. Old Indian Chronicle, 1836. Eastman, Am. Aborig. Portfolio, 1854. * Dahcotah legends, 1849. Easton, King Philip s War, 1675, 76. Edmonds, J. W., Claims of Potawa- tomies, 1837. P. 508. Eliot, J., Brief narrative, 1670. Enquiry into .... Delaware and Shawa- nese, 1769. Events in Indian Hist, with Biog. ,1812. Ewbank, Remains in S. Amer., 1843. Falconer, R., Voyages, 1764. Fisher, W., Trav. among, from Lewis and Clark, 1812. Indians, American (continued). Flint, T., Indian Wars of the West, 1833. Friends, Comm. on Civilization of,1838. Frisbie, Journal of Mission to, 1775. Gale, G., Tribes of Upper Mississippi, 1867. Gallatin, Indians of Mexico, etc. Synopsis of Tribes. Garcia, Origen de los Indios del Nuevo Mondo, 1729. Geddes, G., Onondaga Co. Indians, 1860. Georgia, Controv. with Creeks, 1827. Gookin, Indians of N. Engl., 1674. " Doings and sufferings of New Eng. Indians, Am. Ant. Soc. Halkett, Hist. Notes respecting, 1825. Hall, J., Wilderness and War-path, 1846. Hanson, Elizabeth, Captivity, 1782. Hanson, J. W., Sketch of the Abna- quis, 1849. Harrison, W. II., Aborigines of Ohio valley, 1838. Hayes, D., Captivity by, 1707. Heard s Sioux War, 1862. Heckewelder, Morav. Mission among, 1820. Henry, A., Travels ... .in the Indian Territories, 1760-76. Hinman, Journal with the Sioux, 1869. Hist, of Morav. Missions to. Hopkins, S., Housatunnuk Ind., 1753. Hough, F. B., Ind. Antiquities. " Visit to St. Regis Ind., 1852. Hoyt, Indian wars on the Connecticut, 1824. Hubbard, W., Indian wars, 1609-77. Hunter, J. D., Indians west of Mis sissippi, 1823. Indian Advocate, 1846. P. 508. Indian Board in N. Y. City, 1829. Indian Narratives, 1854. Indians, The, or Massacres in Wawa- sink, 1846. Inquiries respecting Hist. of. P. 1003. IroquoiSjThe, By Minnie Myrtle, 1855. Irving, J. T., jr., Indian Sketches, 1835. Jackson, H., Civilization of, 1830. Jacobs, Nonantum and Natick, 1853. Jarvis, S. F., Religion of, 1819. Jogues, Captivity with the Mohawks. Johnson, Sir W., Conferences with, 1755, 56. Johnston, C., Capture and Ransom from, 1790. Jones, C. C., jr., Sketch of Tomo-chi- chi, 1868. Jones, J. A., Traditions of, 1830. INDIANS. 265 Indians, American (continued). Journal of Sibley s Exped., 1863. Kip, The Indian Council, 1855. Kippis, A., Sermon, (Soc. in Scot land), 1777. Knight and Slover s Narratives, 1782. Kohl, Wanderings, 1860. Laet, De, De Origine Gent. Am., 1643. Lafitau, Moeurs dea aauvages, 1724. Lang, Visit to Tribes of, 1843. Las Casas, Cruelties of Spaniards. " CEuvres, vols. 1, 2, 1822. Latrobe, Missions of Unit. Brethren among, 1815, 16. Lee, N., Life with the Camanches. Lefroy, Ind. Pop. of Brit. Arner., 1853. Pam. 508. L Estrange, Americans. . .Jews? 1652. Lives of Celebrated Indians. Long, J., Travels of an Indian Inter preter, 1791. McCoy, Baptist Indian Missions, 1840. Mclntosh, Origin of, 1853. McKenney, T. L., Tribes of N. A., 1844. " Memoirs of Travels among, 1846. Manheim, Captivity, 1794. Manypenny, Rapport sur les hommes rouges, 1855. Massachusetts, Instructions, 1762. Mather, C., India Christiana, 1721. Mather, I., Early Hist, of N.E., 1677. i " King Philip s War, (Drake s | edition). Maurault, Hist, des Abnaquis, 1866. Mayer, Logan and Cresap. Mayhew, Indian converts, 1727. Megapolensis, J., Korte Antwerp, 1651. Menasseh, Spes Israelis, 1650. Metcalf, S. L., Narra. of Warfare, 1821. Milfort, Voy. dans la Nation Creek, 1802. Mitchill, S. L., Ethnology of. Morgan, L. H., League of the Iro- quois, 1851. Laws of Descent. P. 502. " Systems of Consanguinity, ! Smithson. Cont. v, 17. Morse, J., Rep. on Indian affairs,1822. Morton, S. G., Crania Americana, 1839. Inq.into Aborig. races,1842. Narrative of Seminole campaign, 1819. New England s First Fruits, Repr. N. Y., Commissioners, 1784-91. Mun- sell, Hist. Ser., 9, 10. Pamphlets on, vols. 508, 1341. Parkman, F., jr., Hist, of conspir. of I Pontiac, 1851, 55. 34 Indians, American (continued). Penhallow, Wars of New Eng. with, 1726. Pidgeon, W., Traditions of De-Coo- Dah. Plain Facts: Rights of, 1781. Plummer, C.,Capt. by the Camanches. Riggs, Gospel among Dakotas, 1869. Rights of the Indians, 1830. Rowlandson, Mrs., Captivity by, 1676. Sanders, Hist, of Indian Wars, 1812. Schoolcraft, H. R., Thirty years resi dence among, 1812-42. " Hist, and Statis. informa tion, 6 vols., 1851-57. (< Notes on the Iroquois, 1846-47. " Algic researches, 1839. " Oneota, 1844. " Indian in his wigwam, 1848. Scouler, Observ. on Tribes of N. W. coast. Seneca Ind. Controversy, 1840-48. Seneca Indians, Doc ts, 1857. Shea, Hist. Cath. Miss, among, 1829- 1854. Shirley, Gov., Conferences with, 1742. Sinet, Residence among, 1843. " New Indian sketches, 1863. " Voyage aux montagnesrocheuses, 1859. Smith, Col. James, Captivity with, 1755-59, 1831-34. " Darlington s edit., 1870. Society for Prop, the Gospel, 1819. Some Observations on, 1784. Speeches in Cong, on, 1830. Squier, Aboriginal Monuments, N. Y. " Ab. Mon., Mississippi. Stanley, J. M., Portraits of, 1852. .Stone, W. L., Brant and Redjacket, 1838, 1841. - " Hist, of Wyoming. " Uncas and Miantonomoh, 1842. Stratton, Captivity among, 1858. Strong, N. T., Appeal, 1841. Swan, J. G., Indians of Washington Terr., (Smithsonian Contr., XVI). Symmes, Lovewell s fight. Tanner, J., Narrative of Captivity, 1830. Treaty with the Creeks, 1790. Thatcher, B. B., Indian Biog., 1848. Thomas, W. H., Claims of, 1853. Thorowgood, T., Jews in America? 1660. Timberlake s Memoirs, 1762. Traits of Amer. Indian life, 1853. Tubbee, Choctaw, Life of. 266 INDIANS. Indians, American (continued). Turner, G., Traits of the Indiana. Twiss, Ind. in far West, 1856. Tyson, J. R., Remnant of the Race, 1836. P. 287. U. S. Commr s Reports, 1847-50. U. S. Terms of Treaties with, 1854. Vetromile, The Abnaquis, 1866. Vide, American Tableaux, 1846. Vindication of the Cherokee claims, 1830. P. 15. B. C. Walcot, Acct. of H. Gelashmin, 1748. Washington Territory, Report, 1856. West, J., Mission to, in New Bruns wick, etc., 1827. Wheelock, Ind. Char. School, 1762-75. Whitfield, II., Indians of New Eng land, 1651. " Light appearing, 1651. C( Further discovery, 1651. (( Strength out of weakness, 1652. Williams, J., Captivity by, 1776. Williams, J., Welsh Indians, 1791. Williams, S. W., Captivity of S. Wil liams, 1837. Wilson, T., Instruction for, 1740, 46. Worsley, J., View of Amer. Indians, 1828. Ximenes, Indios de Guatemala, 1857. See Antiquities; Ethnology; Gram mars; Dictionaries; Languages; Seneca. Industrial Schools. Asso n of .... Girls School, 1854. P. 250. Brace, Address, 1857. East River Indust. School, 1855, 56. Fourth Ward Schools, N. Y., 1854-56. Indust. School, Rochester, 1858. Mass. Indust. School for Girls, 1856, 57. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 509. Wilson Indust. School, N. Y., 1855, 56 a 1859. P. 509. See Charities ; Reform Schools. Industry. Cocquiel, Ind. instruction in England, 1853. Massachusetts, Statistics, 1846, 55, 65. Mazuro, Leyons sur, 1848. Societc d Agr. et ind. Lozere, 1861, 2. See Exhibitions; Labor; Political Economy; Mechanics Instit. Infant Salvation. See Children. Infant Schools. See Children. Infidelity. Address to the Inhabitants of London, 1729. Christian House, 1820. Clark, T. M., Lecture on, 1848. P. 288. Dialogue, 1804. Hooker, R., Weekly Miscellany, 1738. I Infidelity (continued). Nelson, D., Cause and cure of, 1841. Norton, A., Discourse on, 1839. Payson, S., Proofs of illuminism, 1802. Roustan, Conduite des incredules. Treatise on, 1831. See Atheism; Christianity, Evidences of; Deism; Natural Religion. Infusoria. See Zoophytes; Microscope. Inglis, R. II. Harrison, B., Charge, 1854. ; Ink. History of Ink, 1860. Pens, inks and ink-stands, 1858. Innocent III, Pope. Hurter, Histoire de. Inquisition. Da Costa, II. J., Persecu tion of, 1811. Gavin, A., Compendio del origcn. Lithgow, Narrative, 1609. Limborch, Hist, of Inquisition, 1731. Llorente, Histoire de, en Espagne, 1818. " Hist, of, in Spain, 1843. Marchena, Man. de inquisidores, 1822. Mem. on Portuguese Inquis., 1769. Records of the Spanish I., 1828. Sarpi, Opere, 1750. Van Halen s Narr. of imprisonment, 1828. View of . ... in Portugal. See Toleration ; Persecution. Insanity. Aberdeen Roy. Asy., 1867. Am. Ass n Superintend ts of Insane, Proc. of 1867, 8. Amer. Journal of Insan., Utica, 1844- 1869. Argyll Dist. Asy., 1867. Asylum at Frankford, Pa., Reports, 1819-52. Austria, Berichte iiber die Irren-heil und Pflege-Anstalt, 1858. Baltimore Hospital, 1848. P. 218. Barlow, J., On Self Control, 1843. Beck, T. R., Address on, 1811. Beddoes, Observations, 1802. Bloomingdale Asy., Reports, 1845-48. Bombas, Fishponds Asylum. Boston, Lunatic Hospital, Reports, 1839-51, 1869. Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals. Brierro de Boismont, Directions for Gov tof. P. 27. B. C. Brigham, A., Inq on Diseases of the Brain, 1840. " UticaAsylumSouvenir,1849. Brigham Hall Hospital, 1860, 63, 69. Browne, J. C., Of Psychology, 1861. Browne, W. A. F., Micropsychology, 1862. INSANITY. Insanity (continued). Bucknill, Shakespeare s 1867. Mad folk, Butler Hospital, 1851-53, 66. California Ins. Asy., 1865. Chapin, Provision for chronic insane. Colney Hatch Asylum, Rep., 1851, 59. Connect. Retreat for the Insane, 1829- 1865. Conolly, Inquiry concerning. 1830. " Construction of Asylums, 1847. Cook, G., Provision for insane poor, 1866. Coventry, Its causes, 1843. Cox, Observations on, 1811. Crichton, Nat. of ment. derangement, 1798. Crichton Royal Inst., 1847, 48, 60, 63. | 1865. Davis, Phebe, Two Years in Asy., 1855. j Dickens, C., A Curious dance, 1860. Dix, D. L., Memorials for Hospitals for, 1843, 45, 48, 52. P. 165. Earle, Visit to 13 Asylums in Europe, 1841. " Bloomingdale Asylum, 184S. Psychopathic Hospital of the | future, 1867. Eddy, T., Treatment of, 1815. Edinburg, Lun. Asy., 1867. Ellis, W. C., Treatise on, 1838. Esquirol, Des Maladies Mentales, 1838. Fodere, Traite du Delire, 1817. Forster, T., Obs. on Insanity. Glasgow Asylum, Report, 1863. Great Britain, Insane, 1845-56. " Comm rs Reports, 1857, 1864, 65, 66, 69. Lunacy, Metr. Comm. Report, 1844, 4fc Sl Mad-houses inEngland, 1815. Haslam. Bethlehem Hospital. Illinois, Reportofinvestig.com. 1869 Indiana ITosp., Reports, 1854, 64, 69. Inverness Lun. Asylum, 1866, 67. Jarvis, E., What shall we do with our Insane ? 1842. " Causes of Insanity, 1851. Jour, of Psychol. Med., 1857, 58-60. Kentucky Eastern Asylum, 185457. Knox, W. E., Serm., Ded. of Asylum, 1858. P. 556. Madan, S., Sermon, 1798. Marc, De la Folie, 1840. Maryland Hospital/ 1852. Mass Lun. Hosp. Reports; at Worces ter, 1833-67. " at Northampton, 59-67. at Taunton, 61-67. isnnity (continued). Maudsley, A., Physiol. of mind, 1868. Michigan Asylum, 1865, 66. Millingen, J. G., Considerations on hereditary, 1848. Missouri State Lunatic Asylum, 1859. Morison, A., Mental Diseases, 1826. Mount Hope Inst., Baltimore, 1847-52. Murray Royal Asylum Reports, 1827- 1868. Netherlands, Verslagen, 1847-50. New Hampshire, Asylum Reports, 1838, 1843-67. New Jersey, Asylum Reports, 1840, 1849, 58, 66, 67. New York,Lun. Asy. Reports, 1844-69. te Hudson River Asylum, 1868, 1869. " Willard Asylum, 1869-70. Nova Scotia, Prov. Hospital, 1860. Ohio, Lunatic Asylum Reports, 1835- 1851, 60-67. Opal, The, Utica, 1852-59. Packard, Mrs., Reproof to McFarland, 1864. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 165, 166, 201, 218, 235, 244, 510, 854, 979, 1338, 1523, 1638. Parchappe, Construction des Asiles, 1853. Parkman, G., Manage, of Lunatics, 1817. Pargeter, Maniacal disorders, 1792. Parish, Med. opinions on case of, 1857. Pearce, E. W., Atrocities at Bethnal Green. Pennsyl. Hosp. for the Insane, 1845, 1846, 9, 63, 67. Penn a, State Hosp. Reports, 1853, 1855, 57, 61, 67. Percival, J., Narr. of Treatment,1838. Perfect, Select Cases, 1787. Pinel, P., Sur 1 Alienation Mentale, 1809. Pinel, S., Phys. de 1 Homme Aliene, 1833. Prichard, J. C., Treatise on Insanity, 1837. Prichard, T., Report of cases. Retreat, Hartford. See Connecticut. Ross, A., Recoil, of an ex-maniac. Simons, T. Y., Mental Alienation, 1828. Smyth, C., Private Mad House, 1823. Stanford, J., Discourse, 1821. Sundt, Om Fantefolket, 1859. Tennessee, Hospital Report, 1855. Thurnam, Statistics of, 1846. Upham, Disordered Mental Action, 1843. Vermont, Report, 1842, 68. INSANITY. Insanity (continued). Virginia, Asylum Reports, 1849-55. Wain, Frankford Asylum. Warden, R. B., View of Man and law, 1860. Wharton, J., De Mania. 1806. P. 86. Wilts Co. Asylum, 1860, 65. Winslow, F., Anatomy of Suicide, 1840. " Diseases of the brain, 1860. Wisconsin State Hospital, 1867. Wood, W., Plea of insanity, Lond., 1851. Worcester, Eng., Lunatic Asylum, 1867, 69. See Physiology ; Idiots; Medical. Inscriptions, Ancient, etc. Barges Inscr. du roi de Sidon, 1856. Forster, C., Himyaritic inscriptions. Ghirardinij Antiche inscrizioni. Ginsburg, The Moabite stone, 1871. Gruterus, Inscriptionum Rom. corpus. Janssen, Mus. Lug. Bat. Inscr. Etrus. Gr. et Lat., 1840. Laurie, 1., Of Assyr. inscrip. Bibliot. Sac., 1857. Layard, Inscriptions at Niniveh, 1851. Lepsius, Denkmaeler aus Eeypten, 1842-45. Montfaucon, Antiquity Explained. Odericus, G. A., Dissertationes, 1765. Parr, S., Insc., Lat. and English, Works, 4. Penn a Society, Rosetta stone ex plained. Rossi, Roma sottoranea, 1864, 67. Wagner, Chron. Parium, 1832. See Antiquities; Greece; Epitaphs. Insects. Agassiz, Classification of, (Smithson. Contr., v. 2). Bentham, On insects, 1871. Fitch, Noxious and benef. Insects of New York, Reports, 1855-59. " The Hessian fly, 1846. Harris, T. W., On Injurious insects, 1842, 52, 62. N. Y. Nat. Hist., Zoology, (Emmons). See Entomology. Instinct. Brougham, Dialogues on. (See Mental Philosophy; Natural His- \ tory. Insurance. Abbink, Zee-assurantie- j wetten. Arguments for Insuring, 1680. Bard, W.. Letter on Life Insurance, 1832. P. 154. Barton, E. H., Statistics on, 1851. Baylis, E., Arithmetic of Annuities, etc., 1844. Belgium: Assur. par 1 Etat, 1849. Bethune, J. D., Annuities. Insurance (continued). Bridges, The prudent man. Christie, Letter on Life, 1852. Compton, On Tontine. Conven. of Ins. Comp., 1849. P. 154. Corbaux, Laws of Mortality. De Morgan, Essay on Probabilities, Lardner, 15. De Witt, J., Life annuities. Ducat, The practice of fire underwrit ing, 1865. Farr, Finance of Life Ins. Francis, J., Annals of Life Assur., 1853. Gordon, W., Plan of a Society, Bost., 1772. Gouverneur, Remarks on Life Ins., 1852. Hillman, W. E., Illust. of practice, 1848. P. 1689. Insurance Guide, 1811. Jones, D., On the value of Annuities. Johnston, Life Ins. Examiner. Lake Insurance, 1866. Lance, Life and Marine Ins., 1854. Life Insurance, its nature, etc., 1852. London and Pro v. . .Directory, 1849. Mass. Insurance returns, 1838-54. Mass. Commr s Reports, 1854, 56, 63. Morgan, Tables of Probabilities, 1834. Morgan, N. D., Geo. Cardwell, (On Life Ins.). N. Y. Ins. Reports, 1854-70. Pamphlets on Insurance, vols. 54, 142, 154, 239, 464, 511, 655, 768, 796, 972, 1215, 1339, 1689, 1709, 2511. Pocock, Explan. of Life Assur., 1842. " List of Books on, 1842. Post Magazine, 1860. R.> L., Second letter, 1681. Rankin, R., Treatise on life, 1830. Smith, J. J., Phil a Contributionship, 1852. P. 239. Templeton, Joint stock Direc ry, 1867. Tuckett, H. G., State of Life Ins. in the U. S., 1851. P. 511. U. S. Insurance Almanac, 1856. Webster, N., Hist, of, in U. S., (Misc. pap.). % Insurance (Fire) Companies. Assoc. Lake Underwriters, 1856, P. 529. Columbus Ins. Co., 1845. P. 239. Cumberland Mut. Assoc. 1854. Farmers Fire Ins. Co., N. Y., 1836. Farmers Mutual, Montpelier, 1852. Genesee Mutual, 1849. Hand-in-hand, Lond. P. 1041. Howard Ins. Co., 1855. P. 239. Jefferson Co. Mutual, 1836. P. 511. Knox Mut. Ins. Assoc., 1858. INVENTIONS. 269 Insurance (Fire) Companies (cont d). London Assurance, 1750. Merchants and Mech. Mut., 1853. Metropolitan Fire, Boston, 1856. Middlesex Mutual, 1848. P. 239. Mutual Ins. Assoc., 1858. P. 511. N. Y. St. Mut. Co., 1850. P. 239. North Am. Mutual. P. 239. St. Lawrence Co. Mutual, 1849. Scottish Prov. lust., Edinb., 1853. Shawmut Mutual Fire, 1857. Times Fire, Lond., 1856. U. S. Mutual, Potsdam, N. Y. Vermont Mutual, 1851. Insurance (Life) Companies. Amer. Mut. Life, N. Haven, 1858. Baltimore Life, 1831. Colonial Co., Scotland. P. 239. Connecticut Mutual, 1849. Hand-in-hand, London. P. 1041. London Assurance, 1750. Monarch Life, London, 1852. Mutual Life Ins. Co., N. Y. National Loan Fund Life, Lond. New Eng. Mut. Life, 1845-58. N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Prot. Diss. and Gen. Life, Lond., 1839. Soc. for Eq. Assur., 1775, Lond. Union Mutual, Boston, 1850. United Kingdom Total Abstinence. U. S. L. Ins. Annuity Co , Phil a. Intellectual Philosophy. See Mental. Intemperance. See Temperance. Interest. Bucklin s tables, 1835. Delisser s tables, 1854. Hayes, Int. Tables. B. C. Preston, L., Tables, 1829. Hewlett s Interest Tables, 1802, 26, 31. Wylie, Investment Tables, 1855. See Usury. Intermediate State. Pam., vol. 934. See Future State; Immortality; Soul. Interments. Chadwick, Interments in Towns, 1845. Gt. Brit., Extra Mural Sepulture, 1850. " Metropol. Interments, 1852. Walker, Gatherings from grave-yards. See Cemeteries ; Funerals. International Exchange of Books. Great Britain : Internat. Exchange, 1853. P. 1105. Maine, Legis. report on, 1847. New York, Leg. Report, 1849. U. S., Reports, 1848. Vattemare, A., Reports, Ac., 1848. " Reports and Letters,8 vols. International Law. American juris prudence, 1815. Historicus, Letters, 1863. Importante question, (La Plata block ade). Lawrence, W. B., Maritime Police, 1858. , Mackintosh, Discourse on. Moseley, Contraband of War, 1861. Wheaton, H., International law. Woolsey, T. D., Introduction to, 1864. See Neutrals; Diplomacy; Law; and the Law Lib. Cat. Interoceanic Canals. Davis, E. H., Report on. 1867. Squier, E. G., Nicaragua, and pro posed Canal. See Panama; Central America. Inundations. Sec Freshets. Inventions. Allen s Mowing Machine, 1855. P. 230. Amer. Jour, of Improvements, 1828. Ball s Water Pipe, 1853. P. 272. Beardslee, Planing Machine, 1852. Beckman, History of, 1846. Cartwright, E., Memoirs, 1843. Dutens, Origin of Modern Discoveries, 1769. Franklin Inst. Jour., 1826-70. Gr. Brit. : Patent Commr s Reports, Specifications and drawings to 1770. Gwynne s Pump, 1855. P. 255. History of Wonderful Inv., 1849. Invention, L , Journal, 1857. Inventors Advertiser, 1851. London Journal and Repertory of Pat. Inv., 1820-47. Mechanics Magazine, Lond., 1823-71. Palmer s Rotary Pump, 1858. P. 298. Pamphlets, TO!S. 298, 402, 658, 1035, 1222, 1223, 1653, 2507. Panciroli, Rerum Memorabilium, 1646. Plough, Loom and Anvil, 1848-57. Porter s Stone Dressing Machine. Remarks on Rights of Inventors, 1807. Repertory of Arts, 1794-1806. Repertory of Patent Invent., 1830-48. Scientific American, 1844-70. Soc. for the Encour. of Arts, Exhibi tions, 1854. Soc. of Arts, Journal, Lond., 1852-69. Stearns, American Oracle, 1791. U. S. Pat. Comm Reports, 1842-1868. Whewell, Philos. of discovery, 1860. Worcester, Marq. of, Century of in ventions. Woodworth s Planing Machine, 1852. See, Arts; Scient. Journals; Patents- Exhibitions. 270 INVERTEBRATA. Invertebrata. See Crustacea; Mollusks; Zoology; Zoophytes. Ionian Is. De Bosset, Parga and, 1822. Davy, J., Notes on, 1842. Holland, H., Travels in, 1815. Ionian Is., by an Ionian, 1851. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., 1836. Murray s Hand-book. Vaudoncourt, Memoirs on. See Greece; Corfu. Iowa. Congregational Churches of, 1855. Hawk Eye Pioneer Assoc n. Iowa, Geol. Survey, 1856-58. Census returns, 1867. Newhall, J. B., Glimpse of, 1846. Parker, N. H., Iowa as it is in 1855. f( Hand-book, 1856. Plumbe, Sketches of, and Wis., 1839. Sargent, G. B., Notes on, 1849. U. S., Northern Iowa, Owen s Survey, 1848. Williams, J., U. S. Lands in, 1849. See Davenport; Des Moines; Rail roads. Ipswich, Mass. Cleaveland, Revival in 1763. Dana, J., Hist. Discourse. Felt, J. B., History of, 1834. Fitz, D., Hist. Discourse. Khnball, D. T., Centennial Disc. ,1834. " Eccl. History of, 1823. " Hist. Sermons, 1846. Iredell, J. McRee, Life of, 1857. Ireland, Dean J. Hawkins, E., Lec ture. Ireland, W. H. Confessions, 1805. Ireland, Almanacs, Registers, etc. Dublin Almanac, 1834, 37. Dublin International Exhibition, 1865. Dublin University Calendar, 1833, 68. Irish Churchman s Aim., 1854. Martin, R. M., As it was and ought to be, 1833. Parl. Gazetteer of, 1846. Watson s Almanack, 1786, 99. Wilson, J. M., Gazetteer, 1844. See Great Britain; England. Ireland: Antiquities. Betham, Etru- ria-Celtica. Celtic Society, Publications. Croker, Researches in. Giraldus Cambrensis, Works. Johnstone, Antiq. Celto-Normannicae. Ledwich, Antiquities of. Milner, Inquiry, 1808. O Brennan, Antiquities of, 1858. Ireland: Antiquities (continued). Petrie, Round Towers of, 1847. . Reeves, W., Antiq. of Down, Connor and Dromore, 1847. Villanueva, Ibernia Phoenicea, 1831. Walker, Bards, Armor, Ac., of, 1818. See Great Britain, Antiquities. Ireland, History, etc. Annals ...by the four masters, to 1616, 1856. Barrington, Sir J., Hist. Mem. of, 1833. " Legislative Union of, 1844. Calendars of Ancient Charters, 1772. Carte, Life of Ormond, 1851. Celtic Society Publications. Chronicum Scotorum, (Chron. G. B.). Cox, R., History of, 1689. Croker, Researches, Rebell. of 1798, 1824. Cusack, Student s Manual of, 1870. Dalrymple, Memoirs of, 1771, 73, 88. Desiderata: State Papers, 1640-1650. Diary ....Siege of Londonderry, 1702. Dublin Soo. Weekly Obs., 1739. Duigenan, Answer to Grattan, 1800. Gordon, J., Civil war, 1782-1798. " History of to the Union. Gr. Brit., Calendars of State Papers, 1509-1585. " Reports of Comm. of Se- cresy, 1797-99. Hay, E., Insurrection of 1798. Jones, J., Narrative of rebellion. Kane, R., Indust. Resources, 1845. Leadbeater papers, 1862. Leland, T., History of, 1773. List of absentees, 1730. Mac Geoghegan, Histoire de 1 Irlande, 1763. Mac Neven, W. J., Pieces of Irish History, 1807. Mac Nevin, T., History of the Volun teers of 1782. Madden, D. 0., Revelations of, 1848. Madden, R. R., The United Irishmen, 1842-60. Maule, II., Acct. of Massacre, 1641. Mooney, T., History of, 1845. Moore, T., History of. Morcau, Past and Present Statist. State of, A. D. 55 to 1828. Mountmorres, Hist. Irish Parliament, 1634-66. Mullala, Polit. History of, 1793. Murphy, J. N., I., indust., polit. and social, 1870. Narrative.... French Invasion, 1806. O Brennan, School history of, 1858. O Brien, Trade and Manuf. of, 1785. O Connell, D., Memoir on, 1844. IRISH CHURCHES. 271 Ireland, History, etc. (continued). O Connell, J., Recollections and Expe riences, 1833-48. " Argument for, 1844. O Connor, R., Address to the People, 1799. O Curry, MS. materials of anc. history, ! 1861. O Kelly, Families d Irlande, 1837. Prendergast, Cromwellian settlement of, 1870. Plowden, Hist. Review of the State of, 1805. Revans, J., Evils, and Remedy. P. 11. Ryan, Biog. Hibernica, 1822. Sampson, \V., Memoirs, 1807. Savage, J., 98 and 48, 1856. Smith, Gold., Ir., History andcharao- ter, 1862. Soc. of United Irishmen, 1791-94. Taafe, Hist, from Engl. invasion,l811. j Temple, Sir J., Hist. Rebell. in, 1641. ; Thompson, R., Stat. Survey Co. of \ Meath, 1802. Ticheborne, Siege of Drogheda, 1641. War of the Gaedhill with the Gaill., > (Chum. G. B.). See Great Britain; England; Dublin. \ Ireland: Travels, Descriptions, etc. Balch, W., Ireland as I saw it, 1850. Barrow, J., jr., Tour round, 1835. Bigelow, Rambles in, and North Brit., 1817. Carr, Sir J., Stranger in, 1805. B. C. Cloncurry, Lord, Personal Recollec tions, 1849. Croker, T. C., Researches south of. I>ewar, Observations on Manners, etc., 1812. Dubourdieu, Survey of Antrim, 1812. Forbes, R. B., Voyage of the James town, 1847. Foster, T. C., Condition of, 1847. Hall, S. C., Sketches of.... Character, 1855. Heath s Annual, (Ritchie), 1838. Irish abroad and at home, 1856. Kennedy, P., Fireside Stories, 1871. " Legends of the Irish, 1866. Kohl, Travels in, 1844. McElheran, Woman among the Celts, 1858. McGee, Irish Settlers in N. A., 1850. Maguire, The Irish in America, 1868. Morgan, Lady S. 0., Patriot, sketches. My Pocket-book, 1807. Nicholson, Miss, Ireland s Welcome to the Stranger, 1844, 45. Phillips, C., Emerald Isle, a poem. Sketches of, 60 years ago, 1847. Ireland: Travels, Descriptions, etc. (continued). Smith, J., Irish diamonds. Trench, W. S., Realities of Irish life, 1869. Young, A., Tour in, (Pinkerton, 3). Visit to Dublin, 1825. Watkinson, J., Philosoph. survey of, 1777. See Carrickfergus; Dublin; London derry; Meath; Roscominon ; Wa- terford. Irish Authors. Berkenhout, Biog. Lit., 400-1500. Dibdin, Typog. antiquities, 1810. Hiberno-Celtic Soc. Cat. to 1750, 1S20. O Reilly, Aco t of Irish writers, 1820. Reuss, Reg. of authors on, 1770-1803. Ryan, Biog. Hibernica, 1822. Irish Bible. Brief Sketch of Attempts, 181S. P. 395. Hibernian Bib. Soc., 1823, 24. P. 467. Irish Churches. Address to the Prot estants of, 1829. Cator, Letter on Nati al Church, 1835. Caulfield, Seals of the churches. P. 1344. Colquhoun, Of reducing the Estab. Ch., 1836. P. 342. Do Foe, The Parallel, 1704. Dickson, W., Narr. of Exile of, 1812. Dublin, Debate, 1792. Full and true relation, 1679. Grattan, H., Life and times, 1839. " Speech on Tithes, 1788. Gregory XVI ad Epis. Hibernise, 1832. Hales, W., Obs. on Tithes of, 1794. Historical apology for, 1807. Incor. Soc. in Dublin, 1735-73. P. 368. Inquiry into penal laws. Ireland, E. S., Political State of, 1837. Ireland; Its Eccl. State, 1844. Irish Evangel Soc., 1824. P. 472. Jebb, J., Irish Tithes, 1824. Jones, W. T., Letter to Unit. Irishmen, 1792. King, W., Protestants in, under King James, 1692. Letter to the Rt. Hon. C. Grant, 1S20. MacDonnell, Principles of R. C. Ch., 1829. M Gee, T. D., Prot. reformation in, 1853. Magee, W., Charge, 1826. Mant s Hist, of the Church of, 1841. Marrable, Missions to Catholics, 1852. Milner, J., Inquiry, 1808. Notes and Queries, Oct., 1866, on Irish Bishops. Obs. on the State of, Dubl., 1822. 272 IRISH CHURCHES. Irish Churches (continued). Pamphlets relating to, vols. 342, 1345. Parliamentary Talk, 1855. Parnell, Sir H., Hist, of Penal laws against Catholics, 1825. Parnell, W., Apology for Cath., 1807. Petition of Catholics, 1792. Position of Church of, 1835. Ramsay, J., Sermon on deliv. of Prot estants, 1641. Reeves, Eccl. Antiq. of Down, Con nor, 1847. Robinson, W. E., St. Patrick and the Irish. Sherlock, Serm., Prot. Schoolsin,1738. Short view Protest. Religion, 1689. Stopford, E., Letter to Raphoe, 1833. Tone, Argument for Catholics, 1792. Trail, J., Sermon, Irish Schools, 1779. Triamoirai, Dublin, 1822. Walsh, T., Hist, of Irish hierarchy. Wyse, Hist, of the Cath. Assoc n, 1829. See Rom. Cath. Ch. Emancipation. Irish Commercial propositions. Pain. vol. 144. Irish Politics, Pamphlets, etc. Ad dress of N. A. Colonies to, 1775. Albany Democ. Reformer, 1844. Auckland, Speech, Union of, 1799. Barnes, G., Rights of the Imperial Crown in, 1799. Belfast and Repeal. Bryan, View of the Union of. Canning, G., Speech, 1825. Carey, M., Ireland Vindicated, 1837. Christmas 1846 in Ireland. Cropper, J., State of, 1825. Curran, J. P., Speeches in Irish Trials, 1805. B. C. Daunt, Ireland and her Agitators,1845. Dedication on Dedication, 1753. Edgeworth, On defence of, 1797. " Three speeches on, 1800. Facts for the Repealers, 1834. Fitzgibbon, Speech, 1798. Grattan, H., Answer to E. of Clare, 1800. Graves, R., Serm., Deliverance from the French, 1797. P. 374. Hibernicus, Improvement of, 1823. Hillary, Landlord and Tenant, 1849. Inquiry, .of penal laws, 1775. P. 1344. Ireland, Parl., Debates, 1792. Ireland as a Kingdom, 1843. Ireland; its Landlords, 1851. Jackson, W., Landlord and Tenant, 1848. P. 423. Lambert, R., Serm., On the Massacre. Irish Politics, Pamphlets, etc. (con tinued). Letter to a gentleman of, 1720. Letter to L>d Vis ct Beauchamp, 1783. Letter to the Rt. Hon. L d J. Russell, 1847. P. 423. Loyal Nat. Repeal Assoc., 1845. MacDonnell, E., Gt. Brit, and I., 1826. Meagher, J. F., Speeches. Memoranda on Irish Matters, 1844. Minto, Speech on Union. Mollyneux, Case of, 1770. Morris, W. 0., The land question, 1870. Mountmorres, Speech, 1790. N.,S., Tithes in I., 1823. Necessity of Union, 1799. O Brien, W. S., Speech, 1843. Pamphlets relating to Ireland and the Irish, vols. 423, 725, 797, 1342- 1346. Peter Plymley s letters, 1809. Pitt, Speech on Union, 1799. Ray, On Irish Coercion Bill, 1846. Read, W. G., Ir. Eman Soc., Bait. Reflections on the Ir. conspir., 1797. Seymour, Use of Capital in, 1851. Soc. of Unit. Irishmen, 1791, 2. State of Ireland, 1754. Stevens, R., Present State of, 1822. Synge, Serm., Thanks for Deliverance, 1711. Tighe, R. S., Observations, 1804. Townshend, T-, Conduct of ministers, 1801. Tucker, J., Reflections, 1785. " Union or Separation, 1799. Utility of an union, 1788. Williams, C. W., Observations, 1831. Wilson, D. J., Six Mile Bridge, 1853. Yelverton, Speech on, 1800. See Great Britain, Politics. Irish Poor. Alcock, Poor Relief Bill, 1847. British Association for distress in, 1849. Fisher, W., Sermon, Distress in, 1847. Litchfield, Serm., Poor Peasantry of. Irish Poor Law, 1849. Nicho lg, G., Reports on, 1836-8. O Connell, Taxation Injustice. O Flynn, The Irish Poor, 1836. See Poor. Iron. Bishop, Hist, of Am. Manufac tures, 1861, 64. Bramah, Experiments on Strength of. Coulthard, Cold-blast Engines, 1867. Du Frenoy, De 1 Air chaud dans les usines a fer, 1834. Fairbairn, W., Iron for building, 1854. ITALY: HISTORY. 278 Iron (continued). Fairbairn, W., Iron, its history, etc., 1869. Fran9ois, Minerais de fer dans les Pyrenees. French, B. F., Iron Trade of the U. S., T621-1S57. Great Britain; Patents for Manufac tures of, to 1870. Report on Railways, 1849. f. Hasenclever, P., Case of, N. Y., 1774. Hassenfratz, La Siderotechnie, 1812. Hewitt, Statistics of, 1856, 67. Hodgkinson, Strength of cast-iron pillars, 1840. Indian Iron Works, 1854. P. 1854. Iron of Michigan, 1856. Iron Workers Conv. Albany, 1849. Karsten, Metallurgie, 1830. Kerl, Metallurgy of, 1869. Lesley, J. P., Manufacturers guide, 1859. Lindauer, Der Hutten Chemie, 1861. Memorial from Phil a, 1830. Morewood, Galv. Tinned Iron, 1853. Morris, Tasker <fc Co., Iron Works. Needham, Manufacture of Iron. Overman, Manuf. of Steel, 1851. " Manufacture of Iron, 1854. " Moulders guide. Pamphlets, vol. 1854. Schinz, Researches on blast furnaces, 1870. Scrivenor, H., Hist, of Iron trade, 1841. Tredgold, Strength of, 1824. Turnbull, Strength of Cast Iron. Valerius, Fabrication de la fonte,1851. Vinton, Braintree Iron Works, 1858. Vismara, Fusione dell Acciajo, 1825. Ward, J. D., Cast Iron Water-pipes, 1858. P. 274. Young, C. D., Wire-work, 1850. See Metals; Mines; Engineering; Stoves. Iron Bridges. Latham, J. H., Of Wrought Iron Bridges, 1858. See Bridges. Iron Companies. Adirondack Co., 1854. Amer. Iron Mount. Comp., 1843. Fort Ann Magn. Ore Comp., 1869. Monroe Coal and Iron Co., 1856. Mottville Iron Works. P. 298. Schoolcraft Iron Co., 1865. Townsend s Furnace, 1857. Irons, Mr. Croker, Slander Exposed, 1844. Irons, J. Greenfield, E., Disc. on. Irrigation. Smith, R. B., On Italian irrig., 1855. See Drainage; Water; Horticulture. 35 Irving, Edward. Apostolic Church, 1858. Candid Examination, 1829. Colyer, W. H., Animadversions, 1830. Crabb, J., Address to, 1836. D. M., Letter to T. Hughes, 1834. Manual of the Objects of Faith, 1843. Narrative of Events, 1847. Oliphant, Mrs., Life of, 1862. Orme, W., Letter to, 1825. Pilkington, Unknown tongues. Supplement to the Candid Exam., 1830. P. 1572. Irving, W. Darley s Rip Van Winkle, illus., 1848. " Sleepy Hollow, il lus., 1849. Davis, A., Visit to, 1860. Everett, E., Remarks on, 1860. Greene, G. W., Biog. Studies. Irvingiana, From Hist. Mag. Irving, P. M., Life and Letters of. Irwin, Mrs. A. M. Memorial of. Isaiah. See Bible. Isle. See Mauritius; Man; Wight, etc. Islington, Eng. Gosden, Funeral Mon uments. MS. Nelson, J., History of, 1829. Italy I Antiquities. Betham, Etruria- Celtica, 1842. Breval, Remarks on, 1738. Graevius, Thesaurus Ant. Ital. Gray, Mrs., Sepul. of Etruria, 1840. Maflfei, S., Opere, 1790. Montfaucon, Ant. Explained, 1725. See Rome. Italy ! History. Abrege Hist, et Pol. de 1 , 1781. Amari, M., Vespro Siciliano, 1843. Annali della Liberta Padovana, 1797. Botta, E., Italy, under Napoleon, 1829- Coppi, Annali d ltalia, 1750-1838. Denina, Rivoluzioni d , 1820. Dennistoun, Mem. of Dukes of Urbino. Gallenga, Italy in 1848. Italy, Past and Present, 1849. < Mem. of Dolcino, 1853. Garibaldi, G., Life of, 1859. Ginguene, Histoire Litteraire, 1824. Goethe, Letters from, 1849. Guicciardini, History of, 1490-1532. Homer, S., Giusti and his times, 1864. Italia del Popolo, period., 1849. Italian Church Reform Comm., 1869. Joanna of Sicily, Hist, life of, 1824. Leti, G., Italia Regnante, 1676. 274 ITALY: HISTORY. Italy: History (continued). Maceroni, Col., Memoirs, 1838. Machiavelli, Hist, of Florence and, 1847. " Opere, 1811. M Crie, Prot. Reform in, 1855. Mariotti. See Gallenga. Muratori, Diss. Chorographica. Mazzini, Royalism and Republicanism in, 1848. Mussato, Hist. Henrici VII, 1636. Newspapers of Rome and, 1848, 49. Ossat, Card, d , Lettres, 1594-1604. Pacca, Historical Memoirs, 1808-14. Pamphlets, Italian, vols. 661, 842, 992, 1785. Pagnoncelli, Gov. Municipali nelle citta. Pepe, Memoirs, Events of Modern Italy, 1846. Rome et le congres, 1860. Sanfermo, Condotto ministeriale, 1798. Sisniondi, Italian Republics, Lardner, 96. Soc. of the Friends of, 1852. Strictures on Ct Dal. Pozzo, 1834. Tiraboschi, Letteratura Italiana,1805- 1813. Urquhart, Life of Sforza. Volkman, Historic van, en Reisboek door, 1779. Whiteside, Italy in the 19th Century. Zeller, Histoire de, 18o3. See Rome; Florence; Naples; Sar dinia; Tuscany. Italy, Travels, Descriptions, etc. Adalbert, Tr. in South of Europe, 1849. Addison, J., Remarks on various Parts of, 1701, 2, 3. Bakewell, R., Travels in the Taren- tine, ete., 182^-22. Beckford, W., Italy, with Spain and Portugal, 1835. Berrian, W., Travels in. Bremer, Life in the old world, 1860. Butler, F. A. K., Year of consolation, 1847. Chateaubriand, Voyage en, (CEuvres). " Recollections of, 1816. Ciceri, Portefeuille de. Cooper, J. F., Excursions in, 1836. Coste, Voyage sur le littoral, 1855. Dickens, C., Pictures from. Eustace, Classical Tour through, 1821. Ferber, Travels through in 1771, 72. Ferrario, Costume, 1833. Forbes, Four lectures, 1851. Forsyth, J., Excursion in, 1802, 3. Headley, J. T., Italy and the Italians, 1844. P. 43. B. C. Italy, Travels, etc. (continued). Hillard, Six months in, 1854. Heare, Classical Tour, 1819. Honan, Adven. of Correspond ^ 1852. Howells, Italian Journeys, 1867. Jameson, Mrs., Diary of an ennuyee. Jarves, J. J., Italian Sights, 1856. Landscape Annual, Roscoe, 1832. Laurent, Classical tour, 1822. Letters from, 1770, 71. Letters from North of, (W. II. Rose), 1819. Lowell, J. R., Fireside travels, 1864. Mahoney, Six years in the Monasteries, 1844. B. C. Mendelssohn, Letters from, 1863. Montfaucon, Travels, 1712. Moore, J., Soc. and Manners in, 1820. Morgan, Lady, Italy, Travels, 1821. Murray, Hand-book of Northern I. " Hand-book of Central I. Peale, Notes on, a Tour, 1829, 30. Raumer, F. von, Italy and the Italians, 1840. St. John, B., Subalpine Kingdom, 1856. Sansom, Letters during a tour, 1801-2. Sardinia, Calendario, 1833, 34. Spalding, W., Italy and the Italian Islands. Turnbull, The Genius of Italy, 1849. Tuscany, Almanac, 1846. Valery, Voy. Hist, et litt., 1826-28. See Language ; Literature; Bibliogra phy. Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell University, Cata logues and Reports to 1871. Goodwin, H. C., Ithaca as it is and was, 1853. Ithaca, Views of its Environs, 1835. King, H., Early History of, 1847. Iiurbide, A. Momoires, (Quin). Autobiography, (in Pamphleteer). Beneski, Narr. of death of. Gilliam, Tr. in Mexico; Life of, 1843, 1844. Ives, L.S. Trials of a Mind, 1854. Exam, of Doctrine of, 1849. P. 200. Jay, W., Letter to, 1848. Izard, R. Letters, 1774-1804. J. Jackson, A. Aristides, Invasion of Flo rida, 1827. P. 50. Black, J., Eulogy on, 1845. P. 268. Butler, W. 0., Speech, his fine, 1843. Cobbett, Life of. Dusenbery, Twenty-five Eul. on, 1846. Eaton, J. H., Life of, 1824. JAM US II. 275 Jackson, A. (continued). Ely, E. S., Sermon on rulers, 1827. Ewing, Oration on, 1859. Frost, J., Pictorial Life of, 1847. Goodwin, P. A., Biography of, 1852. Important facts. Ingersoll, Injustice of Fine on. Jackson, A., Corresp. with Calhoun. " Lives of, 1828, etc. " Pamphlets concerning. Jackson Wreath and Biog. of, 1829. Jackson Dem. Assoc., 1852. Jenkins, J. S., Life of, 1847. Letters of Wyoming, 1824. Mayo, R., Polit. Sketches of 8 years, 1839. " Affidavit analyzed, 1840. N. Y. City Fun. Ceremonies, 1845. Official Rec.; Six Militia Men, 1828. Parton, J., Life of, 1860. Political Mirror of, 1835. Slavery the mere pretext, Ac. Stokes, W., Oration on, 1844. Truth s Advocate, 1828. Voice from the interior, 1828. Waldo, S. P., Life of, 1820. Walker. A., Jackson and New Orleans, 1856. While s, H. L., Memoir, 1856. See Seminole Campaign. Jackson, J. Gushing, J., Disc, on, 1797. Jackson, J., jr. Memoir of, 1836. Jackson, Gen. T. J. Life of, 1863. Addey, Life of, 1863. Cooke, J. E., Life of, 1866. Dabney, Life of, 1866. Jackson, W. Wickham, J. D., Fun. Sermon, 1843. Jackson, W. A. Memoir of, 1859. Jacob, B. Andrews, E. a Fun. Oration on, 1829. P. 380. Jacobinism. Barruel, Histoire du Ja- cobinisme. " Meinorie, 1800. Payson, S., Proofs of illuininism, 1802. Playfair, W., History of, J796. Robison, Proofs of a conspiracy, 1798. See France, Hist., 1789-99. Jacobitism. Dissuasive from, 1713. See England; Great Britain; James I, II. Jamaica Is. Anderson, W. W., Descr. of, 1851. P. 1686. Barclay, Emancipation, 1861. Beckford, W., Descriptive Account of, 1790. Bigelow, J., Jamaica in 1850. Jamaica Is. (continued). Blomc, Descr. de 1 Isle de, 1674. Bridges, Annals of, 1827. Browne, P., Civ. and Nat. History of, 1789. Burge, W., Speech, 1839. Coke, Visit to, 1789. Cooper, T., Facts illustrative of, 1824. Edwards, B., Hist, of W. Indies, 1806. " Maroon negroes, 1796. Facts and docts. on the Insurrection, 1832. Histoire de la, 1751. Jackson, R., On fevers of, 1795. Jamaica, Two reports on slave trade, 1789. " Acts for gov t of slaves, 1789. Acts, 1839. Jamaica Almanack, 1804. Lewis, M. G., Journal in, 1834. London Anti-Slavery Soc., 1838, 39. Long, E., History of, 1774. Merewether, Speech on, 1839. National Association, 1852. New History of, 1740. No abolition of slave trade, 1789. Roughley, Jamaica Planters Guide. 1823. Soc. for the Mitigation, etc., 1828. State of, 1726. Stewart, J., View of, and Slavery, 1823. Whiteley, Three Months in, 1832. See Slavery; West Indies. Jamaica, N. Y. Garretson, Hist, dis course. Macdonald, Presbyt. church in. See Long Island. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Brookline Di rectory, 1868. James I. Aikin, Memoirs of court of. Camden Society, Correspondence of. Deus et Rex, 1615. Goodman, Court of, 1839. Harris, W., Life of, 1772. Kilborn, R., Sermon, 1729. Lodge, Illust. of Br. Hist. James II. Autobiography, (Macpherson papers). Character ef a Jacobite, 1690. Collect, of State Tracts. Defence of the papers, 1686. Fox, C. J., Hist, of reign of. Humble hint, 1685. Mackintosh, Hist, of the revolution of 1688. Oates, T., Eikon basilike, 1696. Parr, S., Notes on Fox s history. 276 JAMES II. James II (continued). Reasons humbly offered, 1680. Remonstrance, 1689. Reresby, Memoirs and Travels, 1813. Secret hist, of, 1690. See England, History of; Gr. Britain; Pamphlets. James V, of Scotland. Misc. Scotica. James, St. Mariana, Advent, in Hispa- niain. James, D. Kitcat, J., Sermon on, 1822. James, J. A. Dale, Life and letters of. James, R. W. English, T. R., Sermon on. James, T. C. Hodge, H. L., Memoir of. Jamestown, Va. Old Dominion Soc. celeb., 1866. Janes Family. Genealogy, 1868. Jansenism. Arnauld, Renversement. .. par les Calvinistes, 1672. Boursier, Hist, du Livre de Faction de Dieu, 1753. Diss. sur les Bulles contre Baius, 1737. Eusebe, Lettres a Morenas, 1757. Janon, P. De, Defence ? 1864. P. 1872. Jansenius, Augustinus de hum. nat. sanitate. Lancelot, Tour to Alet, etc., 1816. Pascal, Lettres provinciales. " Provincial letters. Pavilion, Rituel d Alet, 1678. Tosini, Storia. ...sopra, 1717. Tregelles, S. P., The Jansenists, 1851. See Roman Catholic Church. Januarius, St. Mazochius, Actorum. . . Vindicise, 1759. Tutini, Meinorie, 1681. Japan. Albertinus, Hist. Relation, 1609. Alcock, Three years residence, 1863. Caron, Account of, (Pinkerton, 7). Charlevoix, Hist, et Description. Golownin, Captivity in, 1824. Hildreth, Japan as it was and is, 1855. Japan, Description in Japanese, of foreign countries, 1863. Japanese Newspaper, 1862, 8. Kaempfer, History of, 1727. Mac Farlane, Geog. and Hist, of, 1852. Memorials of, Ed. byT. Rundall, 1850. Montanus, Embassy to, 1670. Oliphant, Elgin s Mission, 1860. Perry, Narr. of U. S. Expedition, 1852-54. Pumpelly, Across America, 1870. Sicardo, Christianidad del Japon, 1698. Siebold o Flora and Fauna of, 1825-30, 1835. Japan (continued). Siebold s Manners and customs of, 1841. Sketches by a trav., 1830. Spalding, Japan and around the world, 1855. Taylor, J. B., Visit to China and, 1853. Thunberg, Voyages, 1796. U. S., Narr., etc., of Com. Perry, 1852-54. Varen, Desoriptio, 1673. Watts, T., J. and the Japanese, 1852. Yedo, Map of, in Japanese. See China. Jaquith, G. W. Whitcomb, Sermon on. Jardine,Col. E. Petition, 1866. P. 1858. Jarratt, D. Life, by himself, 1806. Jarvis, W. Cutts, Life of, 1869. Java. Bennett, Wanderings in Batavia, 1832-34. Bickmore, E. I. Archipelago, 1869. Kussendrager, Aardrijkskundige van hat eiland, 1841." Nahuijs, Oorlog op Java, 1825-30. Polanen, Brieven, 1816. Raffles, Sir T. S., History of, 1830. " Geschiedenis van, 1836. Selberg, Reise nach, 1846. Wolfe, J., Account of, 1595. See Indian Ocean ; Voyages to India. Jay, Miss. Cook, S., Biog. Memoir, 1857. McVickar, Memorial of, 1858. Jay, John. Flanders, Lives of the chief justices. Jay, J., The effigy burning, 1795. Jay, W., Life of, 1833. Renwick, J., Life of, 1845. Van Santvoord, Lives of the chief jus tices. Jebb, Rev. J. 30 years correspondence, 1835. Resignation no Proof, 1776. Jebb, J., (M. D.). W orks and life, 1787. Jefferson, T. Address to the people, 1802. Baldwin, J. G., Party Leaders, 1855. Bayard, R. H., Refutation of Two passages of, 1831. P. 15. B. C. Biddle, N., Eulogium on, 1827. Croswell, Trial for Libel on, 1804. Gushing, C., Eulogy on, 1826. P. 71. Danvers, J. T., Picture of. P. 34. Daveis, C. S., Eulogy on. " View of, 1806. Defence of, 1838. JESUITS. Jefferson, T. (continued). De Witt, C., J. and the Democracy, 1862. Duer, W. A., Eulogy on, 1826. Dwight, T., Character of, 1839. Everett, E., Eulogy on, 1826. Everett, A. H., Defence of, 1836. Hammond, J. D., Sketch of Life, 1847. Jefferson, T., Letters: Works. Memoirs, 1809, (Carpenter). Memoirs, 1830, (Randolph). * Eulogies on. See Adams. Lee, H., Obs. on Writings of, 1832. Linn, W., Life of, 1835. Lyman, T. P. H., Life of, 1826. Mitchill, S. L., Discourse on Charac ter of, 1826. Narrative of suppression, 1802. Parton, J., Sketches, Atlan. Monthly, 1872. Pierson, H. W., Private life of, 1862. Pretensions of, 1796. Randall, H. S., Life of, 1858. Randolph, S. N., Domestic life of, 1871. Rayner, Life of, 1834. B. C. Simpson, Life of. Sinclair, J., Correspondence. Smucker, Life of. Sprague, J. E., Eulogy on, 1826. Tillinghast, J. L., Eulo., Prov., 1826. Tucker, G., Life of, 1837. B. C. Wirt, W., Discourse on, 1826. See Adams, J. Jefferson College. Smith, Jos., Hist. of. Jefferson Co., N. Y. Hough, F. B., Hist, of, 1854. Notice sur Alpina, 1847. Jeffrey, Lord F. Cockburn, Lord, Life of, 1852. Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. Essays. Jeffreys, G. Woolrych, Memoirs of, 1827. Jemison, Mary. Seaver, J. E., Narra tive of, 1844. Wright, A., Captivity of, with the In dians, 1834. Jenkins, C. M. Emmous, H., Sermon on, 1857. Jenkins, J. S. Hammond, Review by. Jenkinson. See Liverpool, Earl of. Jenner, E. Baron, J., Life of, 1838. Jennings, J. Chaplin, W., Sermon on, 1826. Jennings, N. Chaplin, W., Sermon on, 1814. Jephthah s Vow. Romaine, W., Ser- uion on. Jerdau, W. Autobiography, 1852. Jerome, St. Epistolse. Jersey, Eng. Berry, W., Hist, of, 1814. Jersey, Authent. narrative, 1771. Le Quesne, Const. Hist, of, 1&56. Plees. Account of, 1824. Jersey City, N. J. Directory, 1857. Jersey Prison Ship. Dring s recollec tions, 1865. Hawkins, Detail of captivity. Wallabout Prison ship series, 1865. Jerusalem. Barclay, J. T., City of the great king, 1858. Bartlett, W. H., Walks About. " Jer. revisited, 1863. Bore, E., Des lieux Saints, 1850. Du Cange, C., Families d outremer, 1869, (Fr. Docts.). Evidence on Josephus, 1788. Jauna, Hist, du Royaume de, 1747. Maundeville, Travaile of, 1330. Maundrelle, H., Travels, (Harris 5 voy.). Meshullam, 1850. Recovery of, (Wilson and Warren), 1871. Reise nach Jerusalem, 1792. Reponse a M. Bore, 1851. Robinson, Researches in Palestine, 1841, 56. " Topog. of, Bibliot. Sac., 1844, etc. Sharp, G., Etymology of, 1808. Strauss, Helen s Pilgrimage. Thompson, J. P., Topog. of, Bibliot. Sac., 1858. Verite, La, sur les Lieux Saints, 1853. See Palestine ; Syria; Jews. Jerusalem, Engl. Bishoprick. Bun- sen, Church of the future, 1847. Examination of an announcement, 1842. Gobat, Bp., Journal and life, 1850. Hook, W. F., Eng. Bishoprick at. Palmer, W., Bishoprick at, 1841. Jerusalem, Knights of. See Knights. Jesuits. Backer, Bibl. des Ecrivains des, 1862. Bernardin, Persecution par, 1691. Bower, A., Answer, 1757. Brief Account, 1815. Brief hist, account, 1689. Caraccioli, Life of Clement XIV. Caradeuc, Constitutions des, 1826. Carlotina and the Sanfedesti, 1853. Destruction des J., (Alembert), 1765. Documens historiques, 1827. Eusebe, Lettres, (Clemencet), 1757. 278 JESUITS. Jesuits (continued). Great Britain, Parl., 1663. Hints to Protest.mts, 1826. Jesuites, Les, dans 1 Anc. et Nouveau Monde, 1759. Jezuiten, De, de Troon der Nederlan- den, 1841. P. 33. B. C. Jouyancy, Epit. Histeriae Soc. J. Kostka s Life. La Marteliere, Argum. against Jesuits. Lockman, J., Travels of, 1743. Mercure. Le, Franyois, 1605-44. Michelet, The Jesuits, 1845. B. C. Michelsen, Modern Jesuitism, 1855. Nicolini, History of, 1854. Norbert, Meinoires Historiques, 1765. Gates, T., Exact discovery, 1679. Orleans, W., Travels. Padilla, Hist, de Santiago de Mexico, 1625. Palafox, Viede, 1690. Pamphleteer, vol. 9: Account of. Pascal, Les Provinciales, 1823. " Provincial Letters, 1828. B. C. Proces contre, 1750. B. C. Relation abregee, 1758. Rivet, A., Jesuita vapulans, 1635. Secreta Monita, 1831. Seymour, M. H., Mornings among, Steinmetz, History of, 1848. Taylor, Isaac, Loyola and the J., 1857. Xavier, F., Novena, 1850. See Ignatius; Roman C. Ch. Jesuit Missions. Acosta, E., Rerum Gestarum in Oriente, ad 1568. Assoc. de la Prop, de la Foi, Annales, 1828-52. Avisi dall Indie Portogallo, 1558. Epistolae Indicae, 1566. " Japanicae, 1570. Histoire....de la Chine, 1624: Tibet, 1626. " d Ethiopie, 1824-26. Lettres Edifiantes, 1717-76. Lettres Nouvelles de la Chine et des Indes, 1818-23. Litteraa Annuae, 1584-1654. " . Japonenses, 1591-92. " In Regno Sinae, 1610, 11. " In Prov. Peruana, 1604. Ljungstedt, Roman Catholics in China, 1836. Magistris, H. de, Relation de Madure, Tanjeor, 1663. Memoires des Miss, dans le Levant, 1 I -) . Mercure, Le, Fran9ois, 1605-44. Muratori, Missions du Paraguay, 1754. Jesuit Missions (continued). Nouvelles des Missions, Amerique, 18^7 Murr, Keisen einiger Miss, in Amer., 1785. Pelleprat, Miss, dans I Amer. merid. 1655. Relation abregee, 1758. Stocklein, Brief Schriften von denon AJiss., 1642-1731. Tanner, M., Vita et Mors eorum, 1675. Travels of several Learned Miss , 1714. See Missions, Rom. Cath. Church. Jesuit Missions; North America. Biard, P., Relation 1616, Repr., 1872. Bigot, J., 1684, 85. Bigot, V., 1701. Bressany, Rel. de quelques Missions, Chaumonot, Vie de, 1688. Copie de deux Lettres, 1656. D Ablon, Relations, 1670-79. Dreuillette, Narre du Voy., 1650, 51. Gravier, J., Relation, 1694, 1700. Kip, W. I., Early Jesuit Missions in N. A., 1846. Lalemant, Relation, 1545-48; 1662-64. " 1659. See Copie de. Le Jeune, 1634, 1635, 1656, 57, 1660, 1661 . Le Mercier, Relation, 1637, 38, 1653, 1654, 1664-65. " 1665. Sec Copie de. Marquette, Recit, 1673-75. Mercure Franyois, 1605-44. Milet, Relation, 1690-1. Mission du Canada, Relations, 1672-79. Montigny, Miss, du Missisipi, 1700. O Callaghan, Relations des Jesuites, 1850. Parkman, F., J. in N. America, 1867. Ragueneau, Relation, 1649-51. Relation, 1657-60. Relation, 1676, 77. See Copie de. Relation, 1676, 77. MS. Relations des Jesuites, 1611-72, Mon treal, 3 vols., 8. Relations, 1696-1702. St. Vallier, Estat de la Nouvelle France, 1856. Vimont, Relation, 1642-43, 1644, 45. Jesus. See Christ. Jewel, Bp. J. Letters, Parker Soc. Jews. Adams, H.. Hist, of, 1812. Amer. Society for, 1818-47. " Jewish Chronicle, 1845-7. Ancient Hist, of, 1741. Andrews, W. W., Heb. commonwealth, 1841. JEWS. 279 Jews (continued). Archives Israelites, 1853. Berruyer, Histoire du peuple de Dieu, 1738. Boon, C., Hist, ab exsilio Babylonico, 1834. Boudinot, Star in the West, 1816. British Society for, Report, 1843. Brown, W., Antiquities of, 1826. Burns, R., N. Y. Jewish Society ar raigned, 1853. Buxtorf, Operis Talmudici Recensio, 1616. Christian, Cry from Turkey, 1854. Clayton, R., Restoration of, 1751. Cockayne, Civil History of, to Hadrian. 1841. Collyer, W. B., Aspect of prophecy, 1829. Creighton, J., Origin of Religion, 1803. Cunseus, Republica Hebrseorum. Da Costa, History of, 1855. D Israeli, Genius of Judaism, 1833. Drummond, W., (Edipus Judaicus,1811. Dusselthal Abbey Asylum. Epistola ad Phil-Hebrseos, 1743. Essai sur Surinam: Colonie Juive, 1788. Faudel, On Jewish Disabilities, 1848. Faussett, Jew. Hist. Vindicated, 1830. Female Soc. Boston for, 1818, 19. Franck, A., La Kabbale, 1843. Frey, J. S. C. F., Narrative, 1813. " Converted Jews, 1847. Further Considerations, 1753. Galatinus, De Arcanis Cath. Veritatis, etc., 1550. " Reuchlin, De Arte Cabalis- tica. Gale, T., Court of the Gentiles, 1672. Gawler, Emancipation of, 1847. Goldsmid, Disabilities of, 1848. Grant, A., The Nestorians or Lost Tribes, 1841. " Les Nestoriens. Hanway, J., Naturalization of, 1753. Harby, Misc. writings, Charleston, S. C., 1829. Hebrew Dedication, Phil a. 1843. Hebrew Y M. Lit. Ass n, N. Y., 1852. Herschfeld, P., Strictures, 1833. History of, (Brownlee), 1842. Hist, of the Hebrew Monarchy, (New man), 1847. Hoffman, D., Chronicles of Cartaphi- lus, 1853. Isaacs, H., Ceremonies of, Lond. Jahn, Biblical archaeology. " Hist, of the Hebrew Common wealth, 1828. Jews (continued). Jarvis, S. F., Church of the Redeemed, 1850. Jennings, D., Jewish Antiquities, 1P37. Jewish Admiss. in Parl., 1849. P. 321. Jewish Chronicle, 1845-47. Jews Hospital, N. Y., 1865, 6. Jones, C., Restoration of, 1855. Josephus, F., Opera, Lat. and Eng., 1726, 1839. London Society, Report, 1816. P. 321, 1859. Longley, Serin. Epis. Jews Chapel, 1841. P. 321. Lyons, Jewish Calendar, 5164-5664. Maatsch., Tot nut der Israelieten, 1849-54. P. 230. Madden, F. W., Jewish coinage, 1864. Magill, Claims of, 1851. Maitland, S. R., On conversion of, 1828. Margoliouth, Hist, of Jews in Great Britain, 1851. " Israel s ordin ces exam., 1844. Martineau, Providence manif. through, 1833. Mendelssohn, Ritual-Gesetze der Ju- den, 1778. (< Eccl. authority and Ju daism. Michaelis, Laws of Moses. Law Lib. Milman, History of, to the present, 1831. B. C. Milman s History of: refuted, 1833. Mt. Sinai Hosp., N. Y., 1867, 69. Mulder, Orde v. de Feestdagen, 1843. " Chron. Handboekje, 1846. Myers, A. M., Jerusalem and the Jews, 1840. Narr. of Miss, of Inquiry, 1839. Naturalization of, Pamphlets, vol. 980. Noah, On Restoration of the Jews, 1845. " Trans, of Jasher, 1840. Orobio, Israel avenged, 1839. Oxford Essays, (Bridges), 1856, 57. Palm, Van der, Apokryfe Boeken, 1829, 30. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 321, 980, 981. Peckard, Clamor agt., indefensible, 1753. Phenix, The, 1707; Council of Jews in Hungary, 1656. Prideaux, Old and New Test. Hist. connected, 1799. Priestley, Comparison of the Institu tions of Moses, 1799. B. C. " Letters to Jews, 1794. Prot. Epis. Ass n, 1865. 280 JEWS. Jews (continued). Raphall, Post-biblical hist, of, 1856. Bobbins, All Religions, 1823. B. C. Smith, E., View of the Hebrews, 1823. Sprague, W. B., Serm., Melior. Soc., 1847. Stanley, Hist, of Jewish church, 1863. Stewart, J., Serm., Future of, 1826. Sulpicius, Opera, 1693. Tappan, D., Jewish Antiq., 1802, 03. Thorold, 70 Years Captivity, 1809. Thorowgood, Jews in America, 1660. Van Oven, Rothschild in Parl., 1847. Weemse, Laws of Moses, 1632. Wise, I. M., Hist, of Israelitish Na tion, 1854. Wolff, J., Travels in Asia, 1831-34. Wollaston, F., Brief Survey, 1820. See Bible; Theology; Christian Evi dences; Samaritans; Language; Grammars ; Hebrew. Joan of Arc. Madden R. R., Phantas- mata. Southey, R., Poetical works. Joanna, Queen of Sicily. Life, 1824. Job. Bible: Am. Bib Union, Version. Costard, On the book of. Good, J. M., Version and notes. Jenour, Translation. Peters, C., Dissert, on Job, 1757. Smith, L., Hist, of, 1806. P. 65. Tatham s trans, of Coptic version. Jogues, Rev. I. Narr. of captivity of, 1642. John, St. Velingius, Redenvoering over, 1736. See Revelation of St. John. John of Austria. Het leven van, 1737. John of Gaunt. Collins, Life of. Johnson, A. B. Obit, notices, 1868. Johnson, Pres. A. Life of, and speeches. " Speeches and Life, 1865, (Moore). Savage, J., Life of. U. S., Impeachment of. Johnson, B. P. Patrick, M. R., Memo rial of, 1870. P. 1858. Johnson, G. W. Fairfax Correspond e. I Johnson, Sir J. Northern invasion, (Bradford Club No. 6). Johnson, SirW., MSS., vol. 26. Johnson, J. Johnson, S. R., Discourse on, 1854. Johnson, R. M. Authentic biog., 1834. " Biog. sketch of, 1843. Van Buren, M., Life of. Johnson, Samuel. Works and life. Boswell, J., Life of, 1792, 1848. Hawkins, J., Life of, 1787. Johnson, S., His Religious Life, 1850. " Life and letters, 1805. " Letter to, 1770. McNicol s Hebrides. Piozzi, H. L., Autobiography, 1861. Scott, W., Life of. Johnson, S., D. D. Chandler, T. B., Life of, 1805. Johnson, Sir VVm. Correspondence, MSS., 26 vols. Campbell, W. W., Hist, of Tryon Co. Simms, J. R., Account of, 1850. Stone, W. L., Life of, 1865. Johnson, W. A. B. Life of, 1853. Johnston, C. Narr. of Indian captivity, 1790. Johnstone, C. Scott, W., Life of. Joli list one. G. Read, J., Remarks on, 1779. Johnstown, N. Y. Stewart, D., Hist. discourse. Joint Stock Companies. Day, H., Defence of, 1808. Templeton, Joint Stock directory, 1867. Joliet, 111. Description of. P. 565. Jonah. Muir, Prophet life. Jones, D. S. Memorial of, 1849. Jones, D. T. Taylor, W., Memoir of. Jones, Inigo. Cunningham, Life of, (Shakespeare Soc., v. 6). Jones, J. Paul. Memoirs, Lond., 1829. " Memoirs, (Miss Taylor), 1830. f( Memoirs, with Miss Taylor s MS. notes. Mackenzie, Life of, 1845. Sherburne, J. H., Life of, 1825. Starkweather, Speech for heirs, 1848. Waldo, S. P., Life of, 1823. Jones, R. K. Hill, R. L., Letter con cerning. Jones, Sir W. Hayley, W., Elegy on, 1795. Maurice, T., Elegiac Poem on, 1795. Teignraouth, Lord, Life o<", 1805. B. C. Wilks, S. C., Life of, 1835. Jonson, Ben. Druraraond, Conversa tions with, (Shaks. Soc., v. 6). Gifford, W., Memoirs of, 1846. Nichols, Progresses of James I. Jordan River. See Palestine. Jortin, J. Disney, Memoirs of. KANSAS. 281 Josephine, Empress* Le Normand, Hist, and Secret Mem. of, 1848. Memes, Memoirs of, 1832. Napoleon I, Confidential correspond. Josephus, F. Dissert, upon, 1749. Evidence on Relation of, 1788. Findlay s vindication. Josephus, Works and life of. Whiston, Six dissertations, 1734. Josselyu Family. See Stranahan. Jovian, Emperor. Julian Emperor, Life of. Judas Iscariot. Observations on. Thompson, J., Life of, 1771. Judgment. See Future State. Judicial Tenure. Hopkinson, J., Ad dress, 1838. Judiciary. Bland, T., Memorial, 1825. Judd Family. Descendants, 1856. Jmlson, A. Clement, J., Life of. Conant, Sketch of, 1856. Hague, W., Life of, 1851. P. 238. Middleditch, R. T., Life of, 1854. Way land, F., Memoirs of. 1853. Judsoii, A. II. Knowles, J. D., Me- inoir of, 1845. Judsou, E. C. Kendrick, Life of. Jukes, C. Dyer, D., Sermon on. Jukes, II. M. Gilbert, H. A., Memoirs. Julian, Emperor. Works of. Neander, Life of. Julius Cjesar. See Caesar. July 4, Orations. See Orations. Juniata Valley, Penn. Jones, U. J., History of. Juuius s Letters. Almon, Prefatory in quiry, 1806. Barker, Claims of Sir P. Francis. P. 27. Britton, Authorship of, 1848. Chalmers, G., Author of, 1817. Cockburn, Sir G., Author of, 1845. Coventry, Enquiry on, 1825. Cramp, W., J. compared with Chester field, 1850. Glover, Mem. of a Get. Lit. and Pol. character, 1813. Girdlestone, Gen. Lee, Author of, 1813. Good, J. M., Essay. See Wade s ed. Graham, J. A., Mem. of J. H. Tooke, 1828. Griffin, F., Junius discovered, 1854. Identity of. See Taylor. Jaques, History of, 1843. Junius s Letters, Heron s ed., 1804. " Almon s ed., 1806. 36 Junius s Letters (continued). Junius s Letters, Woodfall sed., 1813. " Wade s ed., 1850. Junius, Inquiry respecting, Bellows, Newhall, I., Letters on, 1831. Parkes. J., Life of Sir P. Francis, 1867. Serres, 0. W., Sir P. Francis denied, 1817. Simons, N. W., Refut. of Officer, 1841. Taylor, J., Identity of Junius, 1816. Waterhouse, B., Essay on, 1831. Whisperer, The, 1770. Juries. Clarke, G. R., Unanimity .of, 1859. Hawles, Englishman s Right, 1689. Humphreys, W. C., Inutility of grand juries. Juryman s guide. Obser. on trials by, 1803. Somers, Security of Englishmen, 1681. Justification, Theol. Green, S., Gos pel way, 1758. Holden, G., Treatise on, 1840. Rogers, W., Letter on, 1785. See Christ. Justin Martyr. Cave s Prim. Chris., Life of. K. Kattraria. See Africa, South. Kalb, Baron J. De. Kapp, F., Lebeu des Gen., 1862. Smith, J. S., Memoir of, 1858. P. 504. Kaleidoscope. Brewster, Description of, 1818. P. 618. Kampen. Moulin, Hist. Kamper Kron., 1839, 49. Kamtsrhatka. Cochrane, J., Pedest. journey, 1822. Dobell, Travels in, 1830. Grieve, Hist, of, and the Kurilski Is., 1764. Habersham sExped., 1857. Sauer, Geog. Exped., 1785-94. Kanawha River, Va. James R. A K. Co., Reports, 1835-58. Kane, E. K. Elder, W., Biography of, 1858. Kane, Am. Geog. Soc., Proc. Phil a, Report, Funeral of, 1857. Shields, Eulogy on, 1857. Smucker, Life of, 1858. Kane, J. I. Kindred dead. Kansas, Address to the People, 1854. Beecher, H. W., Defence of, 1858. 282 KANSAS. Kansas (continued). Brewerton, The War in, 1856. Byers, Gold fields of, 1859. Emigrant Aid Comp., 1854. P. 565. Fremont, Explo. on Kanzas River, 1843 Gihon, Geary and Kansas, 1857. Gladstone, The Englishman in, 1857. Guide to the Gold Region, 1859. P. 610 Hale, E. E., Kanzas and Neb., 1854. Higginson, T. W., A ride through, It 56 Hyatt s Appeal, 1860. Kansas, Governors Messages, 1861-68 " Census, 1865. P. 1690. <e Memorial of Legis., 1856. Kansas Aid Societies. P. 227. Kansas and the Const., Cecil, 1856. Kansas Border Ruffian Code. P. 537. Kansas Democ. Conv. Address, 1857. Kansas Herald of Freedom, 1855, 6. Kansas State Rights, 1857. P. 560. Kansas struggle of 1856 P. 259. New Eng. Em. Aid Soc., 1857. P. 565. Pacific Railroad Reports, 1853. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 560, 561, 1690. Parkman, F., The California Trail, 1849. Phillips, W., Conquest of, 1856. Redpath, Guide to, 1857. Robinson, S., Kansas history, 1856. Sage, R. B., Wild Scenes in, 1855. Six Months in, 1856. Three Years in, 1856. U. S., Douglas Reports, 1856. " Investigation on Troubles, 1856. " Indemnities for, 1855-6. Walter, G., History of, 1854. See United States, West. Kansas, Debates on Affairs in. Bell, J., Speech, 1854, 58. Benjamin, J. P., Speech, 1856. Breckinridge, Speech, 1854. Brown, G. M., Remarks, 1857. Carpenter, D., Speech on, 1854. Colfax, Speech, 1856. Collamer, Speech, 1856. Crittenden, Speech on, 1858. Cullom, Speech on, 1854. Dawes, H. L., Speech, 1858. Diven, Speech on, 1858. Dodge, A. C., Speech on, 1854. Doolittle, Speech, 1858. Douglas, S. A., Speeches, 1853, 56, 58. English, W. H., Speech on, 1854. Everett E., Speech on, 1854. Farley, E. W., Speech on, 1854. Green, J. S., Speech, 1858. Hale, J. P., Speech on, 1856. Kansas, Debates on Affairs in (con tinued). Haskin, J. B., Speech, 1858. Hatch, I. T., Speech, 1858. Haven, S. G., Remarks, 1856. Hughes, J., Speech, 1858. Meacham, J., Speech, 1854. Peckham, R. W., Speech, 1854. Richardson, J. W., Speech, 1858. Sage, R., Speech, 1856. Soward, W. H., Speeches, 1854, 56, 58. Simmons, G. A., Speech, 1854. Simmons, J. F., Speech, 1858. Sumner, C:, Speech, 1856. Stephens, A. II., Speech, 1856. Taylor, J. J., Speech, 1854. Thompson, J., Speech, 1858. W alley, S. II. f Speech, 1854. Kars. Sandwith, H., Siege of, 1856. Kay, J. Sutcliffe, T., Testimonial, 1846. Kean, E. Life of, 1835. Kearney, P. De Peyster, Hist, of, .869. Keats, J. Life of, (Works). Milne.s, R. M., Life of, 1848. | Keble, J. Oolcridge, J. T., Memoir of, 1870. Remarks on tract of. Keeue, II. Dore, J., Sermon on. Keene, New Hamp. Hale, S., Annals of, 1734-1 8J 5 Keeseville, N. Y. Old, The, Settler, 1847-56. Ncwsp. Keith, Rev. G. Jour, of travels, 1706. Prot. Epis. Hist. Soc., 1851. Keith, Sir R. M. Memoirs and corres pondence, (Smyth). Keith, Tho. Memoir, 1824. P. 390. Kellogg family meeting, 1858. Kellogg, O. U. S., Obit, addresses, 1865. Kelly, M. Reminiscences, 1826. Kelly, R. Van Winkle, E. S., Tribute to, 1856. P. 80. Kelly, T. Milue, R., Answer to, 1817. Kemble, Frances. See Butler. Kemble, J. P. Boaden s Life of. Covent Garden Journal, 1810. Rebellion, The.. 1809. Kempis, T. a. Cancellieri, Notizie di G. Gersen, 1809. Navarette, Diss., autore " De Imitat. Christi." Kenilworth Castle. Laneham, Pageant at. Nightingale, Account of, 1821. KIPPEN, SCOTLAND. 288 Kenncbec Co., Me. Boanlman, S. L., Industry and history of. Kennedy, J. P. Tuckermann, II. T., Life of, 1871. Keunett, Bp. W. Life, 1730. Kenrick, T. Kentish, J., Sermon on, 1804. Kent, Edward, Duke of. Neale, Life of, 1850. Philip, R., Sermon on, 1820. Kent, J. Duer, J., Discourse on, 1848. Kent, Eng. Beauties of England and Wales. Berry, County genealogies. Brown, E., Sermon, 1699. Camden Soc., Surrender papers, 1640. Cooke, Topog. Lib. Gilpin, Obs. on coast of Kent, 1774. Jura Populi Anglicani, 1701. Smith, J. R., Bibliot. Cantiana, 1837. Kentoii, Gen. S. McDonald, Biog Sketch, 1852. Kentucky. Arthur, T. S., History of. 1852. Bishop, The church in, 1824. Butler, M., History of, 1834. Collins, L., Hist. Sketches of, etc., 1848. Cuming, Tour in, 1810. Darnell, Kentucky Volunteers, 1812. Davidson, R., Mammoth Cave; The Barrens, etc., 1840. Description of, 1792. Drake, D-, Pioneer life in. Filson, Desc. and present State of, 1793. Imlay g Western territory, 1792. Kentucky, Governors Messages, 1859, 1862, 63, 65, 67, 68. " Adj. Gen s report, 1864. " Geol. survey, 1854, 55, 61. Kentucky State Agric. Soc., 1856-59. Kentucky Aim., 1846. Kentucky State Register, 1847. Littell, Polit. Trans, in, 1806. Marshall, H , History of, 1824. Morehead, Add., First Settlement of, 1840. Nicholas, G., Letter to Virginia, 1798. Spalding, Early Cath. Missions, 1787- 1827. Rafinesque, Ancient History of, 1824. Voyage au Kentoukey, 1821. See Louisville ; Boone. Kenyon College. Catalogues of stu dents. Chase, Bp., Reminiscences. Douglas, D. B., Facts concerning, 1845. Keokuk, Iowa, Directory, 1856. , Kepler, J. Brewster, Sir D., Life of, 1841. Lib. U. K., Life of. Keppel, Adm. A. M. J , Campaign of, 1778. 1 alliser, Speech, 1780. Vindication of, 1779. Ker, J. Memoirs, 1727. j Kerosene. See Petroleum. I Kerrigan, J. E. Johnson, R., Defence of. Ketchum, A. A. Rogers, E. P., In Memory of, 1848. P. 268. Khorassan. See Persia. Kidd, Capt. W. Campbell, W. W., Sketch of, 1853. Kilbonrn Family. Kilbourne, P. K., Geneal. of, in U. S. and Canada, 1635-18*5. Same, enlarged, 1856. Kilmarnock, Earl of. Foster, J., Ao- count of, 1746. Kilpatrick, Gen. J. Moore, K. and our cavalry, 1865. Kimball, J. Munroe, J., Sermon on. Kimberley, D. Cleaveland, Funeral of. Kincaid, E. Patton, Life of. King, James. Campbell, J. N., Dis course on, Albany, 1841. King, James. Fargo, Assass. of. P. 504. King, J. A. Gould, J. S., Eulogy on, 1867. King,T.S. Frothingham, R., Tribute to. Mayo, Tribute to, 1865. King, Wm. Watson, J., Sermon, Death of, 1769. P. 372. King, W. R. Pierce, F., Memoirs of their lives. P. 75. Addresses on death of, 1853. Kingsboro, N. Y. Wood s, J., Life of Yale. Yale, Farewell discourses, 1852. Kingston, Eng. Frost, C., Literary biography of, 1831. Hadley, G., Hist, of, 1788. Timperley, Harbor and Dock of. Kingston, N. Y. Kingston Directory, 1857, 58. Pratt, G. W., Vaughan sExped., 1777. Kinsale. Narrative of the dispute, 175>: Kip, W. I. Schneller, Letters in Answer to Christmas Holidays, 1848. Kippen, Scotl. Campbell, J., Account of, 17<5. 284 KIRKALDY. Kirkaldy, Sir W. Grant, J., Memoirs, 1849. Kirkland, J. T. Palfrey, J. G., Serm. ! on, 1840. Parkman, F., Discourse on, 1840. Young, A., Sermon, 1840. Kirkland, S. Diary, 1769-93. MS. Lothrop, S. K., Life of, (Sparks, 25). j Kirkpatrick, Rev. J. Hale, G., Sketches of, 1867. Knox County, Ohio. Norton, A. B., History of. Kitto, J. Ryland, J. E., Memoirs of, 1856. Klopstock, F. & M. Memoirs of, 1810. j Smith, E , Memoirs of, 1811. Knapp, J. Burchard, C., Case of, 1846. Knapp, J. F. Trial of, 1830. P. 1684. Achievements of, 1830. P. 881. Kuaresbrough, Eng. Hargrove, Hist. of, 1798. Knight, Mrs. S. Journal, 1704. Knighthood. See Chivalry; Military Orders. Knighton, Sir W. Memoirs, 1838. Knights of St. John of Jerusalem and Malta. Bozio, Ilistoire de, 1643. Porter, W., Hist, of Knights of Malta, J 858. Vertot, Hist, de Pordre, 1819. " Hist, of the Knights, 1770. See Chivalry. Knitting. Hope, Mrs., Knitter s friend. Knole, Engl. Bridgman, J., Sketch of, 1 b 2 1 Knowledge . Blair, D., Univ. Preceptor, 1822. Kett, Elements of General 1803. Lefranc, Manuel, -baccalau. es lettres 1857. Lempe, Begrip der Wetenschappen, Mann, J., Objects of thought. Marsh, G. P., Human knowledge, Dis course, 1847. P. 287. Tegg, Young Man s Book of, 1833. Williams, T., Moral Tendencies of, 1815. P. 395. See Science; Arts; Books. Knowles, Dr. Lofft, C., Answer to,1789. Knowles, James S. Life: Select Works, vol. I. Knowlton, T. Coffin, C., Life of, 1845. Knox, John. M- Crie, Life of, 1831. Knox, Rev. J. Memorial, 1858. Knox College, Ohio. Bailey, Hist. of. Gale, History of, 1845. P. 83. Kohrasan. See Persia. Kolli, Karon De. Memoirs, 1823. Koordistan. See Kurdistan. Korner, Carl T. Life of, 1833. Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. Essays. Kosciusko, G. Petigru, Oration, West Point, 1828. Tochman, Petition on, 1847. Kossuth, L. Amer. Anti-Slav. Soo., Letter to. Andrews; C., Speech on, 1852. Boardman, On Intervention. Clemens, Speech on, 1851. De Puy, Kossuth and his Genl s, 1852. Douglas, S. A., Speech on. Few thoughts on intervention, 1852. Hungary, and its Revolutions, 1854. Kossuth, L., Life and Speeches, 1852. " In New England, 1852. " His career, 1851. " Speeches, war in the East, 1854. Ludvigh Kossuth, Drama, 1853. McCalla, Review of Boardman, 1852. Meszlenyi, S. K., Memorial of, 1856. New York City, Reception of, 1852. Walker, R. J., Speech at banquet, See Hungary. Koster, L. J. See Coster; Typography. Kotzebue, A.von. Autobiography,1830. Kurdistan. Fraser, J. B., Travels. Grant, The Nestorians, 1841. Kinneir, Asia Minor and K., 1818. Laurie, T., Dr. Grant and the Nes torians, 1853. Layard, Travels in, 1853. Rick, C. J., Residence in, 1836. Southgate, H., Narr. of a tour, 1840. See Nestorians; Armenia; Persia. Kurile Is. See Kamtschatka. Labor. Albany Iron Moulders Coope rative Association. Appeal of the distressed, 1850. Baines, E., Unemployed labor, 1826. Baird, H. C., Protection of. Barnard, H., Child Labor in Factories. 1842. P. 229. Barrau, Conseils aux Ouvriers, 1855. Bellairs, H. W., Serm., Work, the lot of man, 1852. Brereton, Writings, 1825-46. LAFAYETTE. 285 Labor (continued).. Brownson, 0. A., Laboring Classes, 1840. P. 513. Carey, H. C., Social Science, 1864. Carey, M., Essay on Wages, 1835. Cayley, The Working Classes. Colquhoun, P., On Indigence, 1806. Colton, C., Rights of Labor, 1846. Colwell, S , Claims of, 1861. Condy, G., Factory children, 1833. Couling, S., Our laboring classes, 1851. Dunoyer, Travaux reputes dangereux (Ac. mar. et pol. v 10). . Essay on the state of the country, 1829. Essays addressed to employers, 1848. Fit/.hugh, Cannibals All!, 1857. Friend, The, 1837. Gaskell, P., Artisans and Machinery, 1836. " Manuf. Pop. of Engl., 1833. " Past and present condition of, 1835. Hansard, On Strikes, 1854. Hood, E. P., Literature of, 1852. Institut de France: Ac. Mor., v. 11. 1862. Iron Platform, 1863-64. Kellogg, Labor and other capital. Leask, Early Closing, 1849. Lectures to Lab. Classes, 1831. Lieber, Essay on prop, and labor. Liddell, Iruprov of Condition of, 1836. M , Projet d association, 1855. Marriage, Distress of Agric. Labor, 1830. P. 424. Marriott, C., Cooperative principle, 1855. Martineau, H., Factory Controversy, 1855. P. 429. Maurice, F. D., Six lectures on learn ing and working. Metrop. Early Closing. T . 405. Michelet, The People, 1846. Miller, H., Essays, political, 1865. Mursell, A., Lectures to working men, 1858. National Ass n for Social Science, Trans., 1857-1870. " Trades Societies, Strikes. Observ. on child labor, Manchester, 1819. Paley, W., Reasons for contentment, 1793. Pamphlets relating to Labor, vols. 798, 1347. Paul, W., Operative Societies, 1838. Penn a, Child labor, Report, 1838. Penot, Instit. de Prevoyance, 1855. Plummer, J., Strikes, 1859. Labor (continued). Plummer, J., Hours of, 1859. P. 1347. Rights of labor, 1859. Poor Man s Guardian, 1847. Price s Pat. Candle Co., 1852. Rogers, J. E. T., Man. of pol. Econ., 1868. Rogers, J. W., Labor for Irel d, 1846. Saddlers, etc., Union, Albany. Sainuelson, German working men, 1869. Scoresby, W., American factories, 1845. Shaw, W., Needlewoman s wages, 1847. Wade, Hist, of working classes, 1S35. Wilson, J. P., Advice.. Candle factory, 1853. Workingman s Coop. Ass n, 1864. Wing, C., Evils of Factory System, 1837. See Poor ; Trade Unions ; Children ; Re forms ; Polit. Economy ; Social Science; Wages. Labrador. Anspach, L. A., History of, 1819. Cartwright, Residence of 1(5 years, 1792. Chappell, Voyage to New Foundland, 1818. Noble, After icebergs, 1862. See Hudson s Bay. Labuan. Brooke s Sarawak, 1848. Forbes, Five years in China, 1848. See Borneo; China. Lace. Considerations, 1769. Edinburgh Review, Jan. 1872. As a fine art. Lacey, Dr. Notes on, Sayings of, 1830. Lackawanna Valley. Hollister, Hist, of, 1857. Laconics. See Maxims; Proverbs; Quo tations. Lacorduire, J. II. H. Gal. des Contem. vol. 5: Vie de, 1845. La Crosse, Wis. Carr, Sketch of, 1854. Lacy, J. Rowles, S., Sermon on, 1781. Ladd. W. Beckwith, Eulogy on. Ladrone Is. Arago, Freyciuet s voyage, 1817-20. Lafargre, .lladame. Memoirs, 1841. Lafayette, G. M. Cloquet, Souvenirs sur, 1836. Cooley, E., Claim to lands, 1827. Cutter, W., Life of, 1849. Elliot, S., Tribute, 1842. Everett, E., Eulogy on, 1834. Foster, J., Tour of, 1824. Frothinghain, Sermon on. Hillhouse, Oration on. 286 LAFAYETTE. Lafayette, G. M. (continued). Lafayette, Life of. Pamph r v. 26. * MemoiresHistoriquea, 1793. " Memoirs, vol. I, 1837. Memoirs, 1837, 3 v. Life of, 1837. Levasseur, Rcise (lurch Amerika, 1825. " Lafayette in Am. Mack, E., Life of, 1841. Sarrans, L. et la revolution de 1830. " Memoirs of, 1832. Sprague, W. B., Oration on, 1834. Lake. See Name of the Lake. Lake Harbors. Graham, J. D., Report on, 1856. Harbor and River Convention, 1847. See Harbors. Lakes. Agassiz, Lake Superior, 1850. Gilpin, Lakes of Cumberland. Lumsden, Scotch lake*. Lally, Count T. A. Memoirs, 1766. Lamartine, A. De. Leg confidences. " Memoirs of my youth. Lamb, Charles. Letters and Life, 1837. " Correspondence, 1868. Procter, Memoir of, 1866. Talfourd, T. N., Literary Sketches of. 1848. Lamb, J. Leake, I. Q., Memoir of, 1850. Lamb, R. Memoirs of his life, 1811. La Marne, Fr., 1824. Pam. v. 608. Lamarqne, M. Bonaparte, L., Re- ponse it. Lambrechsten, N. C. Citters, Lofrede op, 1824. La Mennais, F. R. de. Gal. des Con- tern, vol I : Vie de, 1845. La Motte, Countess de. Life of, 1792. Lanarkshire, Scotl. Cleland, Statis tics, 1832. Lamps. Barrachin, Lampehydrostatique, 1828. P. 18. Lancashire, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Cheshire & L., Hist. Collector, 1845. See Liverpool ; Manchester. Lancaster, Jos. Life of, 1833. Origin of system of Education of. Lancaster and York Cos., Penn. Rupp, Hist, of, 18-14, 45- Lancaster, Ms. Harrington, T., Cen tury Serrn., 1753. Rowlandson, Narr. of captivity in 1 676. Thayer, W., Discourse, 1816. Witl-ird, J., Histor. address, 1853. Lancaster, Pa. Eyan. Luth. Church in. Land Companies. Amer. Land Co. . Cabell, West Va., Description of 100,000 acres, 1864. Canton Cornp. of Baltimore. Illinois Central R. R. Co s Lands, 1855-57. Iowa Land Co. McKean A Elk, Pa. North West. Trans, and Land, 1858. Pamphlets, vol. 69. Pine lands of Michigan, 1856. St. Mary s Falls Ship Canal Co., 1857-63. Smith, G., Land Auction, N. Y. See Great Britain, Lands; United States, Lands. Landes, France. Annuaire, 1826. Landon, L. E. Works and life. Blanchard, L., Life of, 1841. Landon, S. Fifty years in the ministry, 1868. Landon, W. S. Forster, Biog. of, 1869. Lands. Bulkley, Prof , On Indian rights. (Wolcott s Poems, 1725) Greene, I. G. I., Laws relating to, 1851. P. 1548. Hewlett, J., Enclosures, 1787. Humbert, C. F., Loans on land, 1855. Karnebeek, De distrib. praediorum, 1854. Kent, J. H., Of small farms, 1844. Letters to an editor, 1866. Low, D., On landed property, 1856. New South Wales, Disposal of. Noakes, Aristocracy s rights, 1847. Northumberland, Petition, 1831. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 69, 1691. Principles of freedom, 1852. Rainy, A.*, On real property, 1852. Savage, H., Canterbury Association, New Zealand. Land Slides. Dwight, W. B., Paper in Am. J. of Science, 1866. Perliins, G. H., In New Hampshire. A. J. of Sci., 1870. Gardner, D., Treatise, Troy, 1837. Roberts, G., At Lyrne Hegis. Land Stewards. Hints on the duties of. ! Lane Family. Whitmore, Memoranda, 1857. Langdale, H. Hardy, T., Memoirs of. Langdon, J. Memorial, 1870. Langdon, S. Bradford, E., Stricture? on, 1794. LANGUAGE. 287 Language aud Comparative Phi lology Adelung, Mithridates, 1806-17. B. C. Adler, On W. Humboldt. Am. Philol. Ass n, 1871. Bagster, Bible of every land, 1851. Ballhorn s Grammatography. Bilderdijk, Qeslachten der Naaniwoor- den, 1818. B. C. Bopp, Comparative Grammar. Brerewood, Inquiry, 1635. Bunsen, Phil, of Univ. Hist. Charma, Essai sur, 1S46. Clifford, A., Learning of, 1827 Court de Gebelin, Monde primitif, 1779. Des Brosscs, C. Formation meoanique, ; 1765. De Vere, Outlines of Compar. Philol., 1853. Doherty, Philos. of lang., 1835. Dwight, B., Modern Philology, 1860, 64. | Fearn, J., Anti-Tooke, 1824. Forster, C., The one primeval lang., 1854. Ghirardini, A., Sulla lingua umana, 1869. Goropius, Hieroglyphicorum lib. xvi, 1580. Grimm, Ursprung der Sprache. Hale, Philol., U. S. Expl. Exped. Hapgood, G. R., Origin of, 1868. Harris, Hermes, or Univ. Grarnm., ; 1786. Harrison, B., Study of, 1832. P. 1241. Hazard, R. G., Language, 1836. Herder, J. G., Origin of, 1827. Jenisch, Vergleichung von 14 Sprachen. j Jenour, On Language. Johnes, Philolog. proofs of Unity of : race, 1846. Johnson, A. B., Meaning of words, i 1854. (i Treatise on, 1836. Johnson, S., Works, Philol. Tracts, 1823. Klaproth, Asia Polyglotta, 1831. Kraitsir, Significance of the Alphabet, 1846. " Glossology, 1854. Latham, Essays, I860. Leibnitz, Collect, etymologica, 1717. Lewis, J., Coinp. Etymol. of European languages, 1828. Meidinger, Diet. Etym. Langues Teu- to-Gothiques, 1833. Merian, Etude comp. deslangues, 1828. Michaelis, Influence of Opinion* on, 1771. Michel, Etudes sur 1 argot, 1856. Minsheu. Guide into tongues, 1627. Language and Comparative Phi lology (continued). Monboddo, Origin of, 1792. Moore, N. F., Names of Anc. Mine rals. 1834. Muller, Max., Lectures, 1st and 2d series, 1862, 65. Murray, A., Hist, of European Lang., 1823. Nerses, Preces 33 linguis. Philological Soc. Proc. and Trans., 1858-69. Prichard, J. C., Celtic Nations. Quatremore, Langue d Egypte, 1808. Rask, Afhandlinger, 1838. Raynouard, Langue des troubadours comparee, 1644. Rees, Influences of Christianity on. Remarks on a Letter to Waterland, 1731* P. 353. Schlegel, F., Philosophy of Lan guage, 1848. Sherman, John, Philosophy of, 1826. Smith, A., Origin of, 1853. Taylor, I., Etym. of words and places. Thornton, W.. Cadmus; or Elements of written, 1793. Tytler, A. F., .Principles of Trans lation, 1813. Webb, J., Primitive language. Welsford, Mithridates Minor, 1848. Whiter, Univ. Etym. Dictionary, 1800. Whitney, W. D., Study of: 12 lectures, 1867. Wilkins, Philosophical Lang., 1668. Winning, Manual of compar. philol., 183H. See Oriental Lit. ; Classical Lit. ; Al phabets; Translations. See, besides, the languages below and under Dictionaries and Grammars. Languages, .Vfrican. Diet. Fran-Ber- bere. Gram, of the Bakele, 1854. Gram, of Mpongwe, 1^47. Benga Primer, 1855. Hanoteau, Langue Tamachek. Hayne, Hist, of the Greboes, 1860. Smithson. Cont., Yoruba Lang., 1859. Wilson, J. L., Comp. of language of, Bibliot. Sac., 1847. See Bibliography. Language, Anglo-Saxon. Aelfric So ciety, Aelfric s Homilies. " Dialogues of Solomon. Am. S} st. of Ed., Handbook of Ang. Sax. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, (Chron. of G. B.). Beowulf, Poems of. 288 LANGUAGE. Language, Anglo-Saxon (continued). Boethius, Alfred s version, 1864. Bible: Anglo-Saxon gospels, (Thorpe). Bosworth, Ang. Sax. Dictionary. Conybeare, Anglo-Saxon Poetry, 1826. Layamon s Brut, (Madden). Miller, T., History of. MonumontahistoricaBritannica, (Har dy), 1848. North, S., Oration on. Ormin, The Ormulum. Rask, E. GK, Grammar of, 1830. See Dictionaries ; Grammars. Language, Arabic. Arabic Exercises, 1840. See Arabic Authors; Oriental Lit. Language, Armenian. Armenian ex- j ercises. Ignatius, Untorinagoutiun, 1814. Somal, Storia letteraria di Armenia, 1829. Upham, T. C., Mental philos., in Ar menian. Languages, Asiatic. See Oriental; Turkish; Persian; Sanscrit ; Bib liography. Language, Celtic. Chapin, A. B., The Study of, 1840. Priohard, Orig. of Celtic nations, 1831. See Gaelic; Irish; Welsh. Language, Chinese. Andrews, S. P., Syst. of writing of. (f Discoveries in Chinese, 1854. Confucius works; text and trans., ! Serampore, 1809. Du Ponceau, Diss. on Chinese Writing, 1839. Klaproth, Asia polyglotta. " Verzeichniss der Chin, und Mandschu Biicher, 1822. Legge, J., Argum. for Shang Te, 1850. Morison, View of, 1817. Morrone, Vocab. of Cochin Chin., 1780. | Summers, Chi. language, 1864. Webb, J., Chinese language, 1669. See Grammars ; Dictionaries; Bibliog raphy. Language, Coptic. See Hieroglyphics; Grammars. Language, Dutch. Meyer. J. D.,Ver- handelingen, 1844, 46. Mulder, Leesboekje, 1846. Peel, Leerwijze der Engelsche, 1855, 6. Quintus, Loerwijze der Engelsche, 1848. Volks Letter-kunde, 1852. See Bibliography ; Literature; Gram- Language, English. Alford, Queens English. Amer. System of Ed., Hand-book of engrafted words. Anti-Spelling-book, 1853. Barclay, J., Sequel to Diversions of Purley, 1826. Barrett. S., jr., Principles of Lang,, 1 837 Bartlett, J? R., Diet, of American- isms, 1848. Bearoroft, Prac. Orthography, 1828. Booth, D., Prin. of English Composi tion, 1833. Camdeu, Remaines, 1637. Cardell, Essay on Language, 1825. Carey, Pract. Prosody and Versifica tion, 1809. Chambers, R., Hist, of, 1837. B. C. Cobb, L., Webster s Orthog., 1831. Coleridge, II.. Index to lit. of 13th cent. Crabb, English Synonymcs, 1824. Crombie, A., Etyrnol. and Syntax of, 1836. B. C. Cumberland glossary. Davidson, Difficulties of Eng. Gramm.. 1839. Dialect of Craven, 1828. Dictionaries, (F. A. Poole). Douglass, W., On Pronunciation. Du Ponceau, English Phonology, 1818. Elements of English Composition. Elphinstone, The Principles of, 1836. " Anal, of French and Eng lish, 1756. Evans, Leicestershire Words, 1848. Flugel, LiterarischeSympathien, 1843. " Philol. in Nordamerika. Forby, Vocab. of East Anglia. Fowler, W. C., Eng. Lang, in its Ele ments, 1850. Gilchrist, Philosophic Etymol., 1816. Girard, Meth. Instr. in Mother tongue, 1847. Greene, R. C., Treatise on Structure of, 1848. Grimshaw, Etymol. Dictionary, 1821. Guy, Exercises in Engl. Syntax, 1829. " Outlines., in English Themes, 1828. Haldeman, S. S., Affixes to words, 1871. Halliwell, J. , Hist, of Prov. dialects. Harrison, M., Structure, etc., 1850. Hiley, R., Treatise on Grammar, 1840. Holloway, Gen. Diet, of provincial isms, 1839. Hurd, S. T., Common Errors of Speech, 1847. Ingersoll, C. M.,Conv. on Etymol. ,1822. LANGUAGE. 289 Language, English (continued). Jamieson, J., Etymolog. Diet, with Supp., 1840-41. Jermyn, Book of Epithets, 1849. Kennion, Etym. and Synt. of Murray s Gram., 1842. Ker, J. B., Archaeology of our popu lar phrases, 1837. Latham, R. G., TheEngl. Lang. ,1841. . " Hand-book of, 1852. Lower, English Surnames, 1842. Lynd, First Book of Etymol., 1856. Lyon, C. J., Analysis of Parti of Speech of. Maroh, F. A., Meth. of philol. study of, 1868. Marsh, Q. P., Inaug. Ad. Columb. Col. " Lectures on, 1860. " Origin and Hist, of, 1862. Matheson, J., Theory of Eng. Gram mar, 1821. Moon, The Dean s English. Morris, R., Spec, of early English. Mulkey, Treatise of Orthoepy, 1856. Nares, Elements of Orthoepy, 1784. Odell, J., 0*n the Elements of, 1806. Ormin g Orinulum. Parker, R. G., Aids to composition. " Engl. composition. Peabody, A. P., Conversation, 1856. Pegge, Anecdotes of Eng., 1844. Pickering, J., Vocab. of American isms. 1816. Philological Society, 1842-54. Transactions, 1854-67. Quackenboss, First lessons in comp., 1856. " Course of Comp., 1855. Redesdale, Thoughts on prosody. Reed, H., Lectures on English Litera ture, 1355. Revis, B., Right words abused, 1857. Robbins. R., Amer. Contr. to English language, 1837. B. C. Rogers, II., Course of lectures. Roget, Thesaurus of English Words, 1854. Schoolmaster at home Errors. Sheridan, T., Dissertation, 1762. Smith, C. J., Synonyms discriminated, 1871. Smith, Wm. W., Etym. of Eng., 1867. Soule, Eng. Synonymes, 1871. Swan, W. D., On Worcester s Dict ry. Talbot, H. F., English Etymologies, 1847. Thomas, J., First Book of Etymology, 1856. Tooke, Home, Diverfeions of Purley, 1806. 37 Language, English (continued). Town, S., Analysis of Derivative Words, 1-36. B. C. Treatise on the Eng. Tongue, 1767. Trench, R. C., On Study of Words. 1852. English, Past and Present. " Deficiencies in Dictionaries, 1860. " Glossary of changed senses, 185^. Verstegan, Restitution, 1634. Walker, Key to Pronunciation, 1804. Rhyming Diet., 1852. Ward, J., Four Essays upon, 1758. Webster, Jt. t Ob?, on Language, 1839. Welch, A. S., The English Sentence, 1855. Welsford, Ramifications of the Eng. Lang., 1845. Whately, English Synonyms, 1852. White, R. G., Words and their uses, 1870. - Whiter, Etymolog. Magnum, 1800. Wilkins, J., Philosoph. Lang., 1668. Wright, J. W., Hours of Idleness, 1843. < Philol. lectures, 1844. See Grammars; Rhetoric; Dictionar s. Language, Eng. Punctuation. Bre- nan, Composition and P., 1849. Burrow, J., De usu interpungendi, 1771. Butterfield, Lessons in, 1846. Greenleuf, B., System of, 1822. Smallfield, Punctuation, 1838. Wilson, J., Gram, punctuation, 1855. Language, English, Spellers and Readers. Angell, Union Series, No. 1-6. . Bailey, R. W., Exercises in orthog. and deriv.. 1866. Barry, J., Spelling Book, 1814. Bentley, R., Pictorial Reader, 1844. Bingham, C., Am. Preceptor. " Child s Companion, 1819. Bullions, P., Parsing, 1852. Burhans, Instructor, Spelling, 1836. Chapin, A. B., Classical sp. book, 1845. " Spelling book, 1841. Cobb, L-, N. American reader, 1844. Comly, Reader, 1849. Crandall, D , Spelling Book, 1831. Emerson, Nat. Spelling Book. Fowle, W. B., Common sch. Speller, 1849. Frost, J., 500 Exercises in Parsing, 1827. Gallaudet, Practical spelling book. 290 LANGUAGE. Language, English, Spellers and Readers (continued). Good, P. P., Exercises, 1830. Guide to Spelling, 1697. Hart, Class-book of prose, 1845. Hazen, The speller. " Gram, reader, No. I, II. Hopkins, II., Orthography, 1837. Hubbard, J., Am. reader, 1807. Hull, J., Guide to, 1818. Leavitt, Joshua, Part II, Easy les sons. McElligott, Manual of orthography, 1845. McGuflfey, Eclectic Reader, 1849. Mandeville, H., Course of reading, 1851. " 4th Reader. Manual of orthoepy. March, F. A., A Parser, 1869. Moral Amusement, 1808. Murray, L., Eng. Reader, 1817. N. Y. Reader, 1844. New York Spelling book, 1813. Northend, Exer. for dictation, 1862. Parker, R. G., Nat. Fifth reader, 1862. Pierce, 0. B., Second Reader, 1849. Pierpont, J., 1st, 2d, 5th Reader. " Introd. to Nat. Read., 18J5. Pike, J., Colurab. orthographer, 1808. Randall, S. S., Educational R., 1845. " Elem. reader, 1846. Rickard, Class-book for Parsing, 1856. Ryland, John, The Preceptor, Lond. Sanders, Analysis of Words, 1859. " Anal, definer, 1860. Staniford, Art of Reading, 1816. Swan, W. D., Primary Readers, 1844. Torrey, Jesse, Mental museum, 1835. " Pleasing companion, 1835. Tower, D. B., Second reader, 1855. Town, S., Spelling book, 1844. " Third reader, 1854. Webb, J. R., Normal reader, No. 1, 2, 4, 1848-51. Webster, N., Pictorial Sp. book. tf American selection, 1799. " The Teacher, 1836. Wiggins, N. Y. Expositor, 1825. W T illiamg, D., Preceptor s Assistant, Lond., 1851. Willson, Am. class reader, 1836. Worcester, S., Third book, 1843. Fourth book, 1844. Language, Finnish. Vogt, Bibbal- historia. Language, Flemish. See Literature. Language, French. Art, L , de bien parler Franyais, 1730. Bescherelle, Diet, des Verbes, 1843. Binn s Exercises in False Engl., 1841. Bossut, Word-book. Elphinstone, Anal, of the French and English, 1756. Genin, Eclaircissement de la Langue. Gouin, French and E. Pronun., 1859. Jullien, Cours Raisonne de Lanjjue Franfiiiee, 1851-56. Lafaye, Diet, des Synonymes, 1858. Laveaux, Diet. de Difficultes, 1857. Lehman, Hand-boek ter beofening der Fransche taal, 1819. B. C. Manesca, Course of Lessons in French, 1834. B. C. Martinet, New Dialogues, French and English, 1815. B. C. Melcy, Recueil de Lettres, 1856. Michel,Etude de philol. comparee,1856. Monument* historica (Hardy), 1848. Palsgrave, Sur la Grammaire. Pamphlets, vol., 1243. Picard, Diet, of phrases. Raynouard, Langue des Troubadours, 1844. " Choix des poesies del trou badours, 1816-21. Schutz, Eng. Franz. Rasirpiegel, 1830. Soc. d Emul. de Montbeliard. Trav. Man. of Conv., Eng., Ger., French and Italian, 1840. B. C. See Grammars ; Dictionaries. i Language, French: Readers and Spelling books. Alphabet de Lecture. Alvarez, Dictees normales. Barbauld, Mrs., Lemons pour enfans. Beleze, Enseignement Elementaire pour les Enfants", 1855-59. " Syllabaire. Boniface, Leoture par Jour, 1851-2. Damiette, Bibliotheque. Delapalme, Exer. de Lecture, 1857. Fenelon, Morceaux Choisis, 1857. Fremont, Leyons de litt. Gillet, Bibliot. de 1 instr. primaire. Guerard, La Corbeille. Holstein, French Reader. Monteith, A. H., Lessons in. Oppen, French reader, 1864. Perrin, J., Entertaining Exercises, 1801. " Fables Amusantes, 1804. B. C., 1821. Conversation, 1839. Picot, Hist. Narr. in Fr., 1845. " Scien. Narr. in French, 1847 Pinney, French teacher. LANGUAGE. 291 Language, French: Readers and Spelling Hooka (continued). Recita Moraux, 1838. Sanders, G. J. H., Student s First Book, 1848. Sardou, Lemons de Grammaire. Simon, Alphabets, des oiseaux, etc. Vijver, Chrestomathie, French, 1826. Wanostrocht, Recueil Choiii, 1820. Language, Gaelic. Doddridge, Teagasg, etc. Gaelic Soo., Dublin, v. I, 1808. Grant, Mrs., Superstit., etc., trans, from G., 1811. Ossianic Soc., vol. for 1857. Soc. for the support of Gaelic schools, Edinb., 1824. P. 1550. Stewart, Highland bards. See Dictionaries; Grammars; Litera ture; Ossian; Irish. Language, German. Adi-lung, Anwei- sung zur Deutschen Or- thog., 1790. B. C. " Worterbuch far die Auspra- che, etc., 1791. B. C. " Bernays, Lecture, London, 1831. P. 395. Donatti, Germ, nouns. Ertheiler, On study of, 1846. Follen, C., Lesebuch, 1831. B. C. Gibbs, J. W., Teutonic etymology, 1860. Kinder Tafel. B. C. Klauer, Deutsches Handbuch, 1840. " German Exercises, 1843. Krauth, Advantages of German. Monteith, A. H., Lessons in. Muhlenfels, Study of Germ., 1829. Nevin, A Lecture on, 1842. P*. 287. Ollendorff, Methode pour apprendre. See Grammars; Dictionaries; Bibliog raphy. Language, Greek. Anthon, C ., Manu al of Greek Lit., 1853. Apollonius, De Syntaxi. Arnold, Greek reading book. Boise, Gr. Prose composition, 1850. Bos, L., Ellipses Grsecse, 1750. Brooks, First lessons in, 1847. Brumoy, Greek Theatre, 1759. Chandler, H. W., Gr. accentuation, 1867. Coleridge, H. N., Study of Gr. Poets, 1831. B. C. Coray, Greek Class. Criticisms, 1812. Crosby, A., Greek lessons, 1859. Dalzel, Collec. Grseca minora. " Collec. Grseca majora. Damm, Lexicon Etymol., 1765. Dissert Greek Accents, 1755. Language, Greek (continued). Dwight, T., jr., Lessons in, 1833. Exempla Minora, 1821. Gaily, H., Pronunciation of accent*, 1755. Greevius, Lectiones Hesiodae, 1667. Greswell, Hist, of Greek press, 1833. Gronovius, Thes. Gr. Antiquitatum. Harkness, A., First Greek book. Harpocration, De Vocibus liber, 1696. Heeren, A. H. L.. Gesch. des studiums der Griechischen, 1797. Hemsterhuis, Anecdota. Hodgkin, Greek penmanship, 1835. Hoogeveen, Doct. Particu. Grsecee, 1769. Jacobs s Greek Reader, 1827. Kenrick, Gr. prose composition. Lennep, Etymol. Ling. Graecae, 1790. Linwood, Lexicon to Aeschylus, 1847. Moor, J., Tracts on the Cases, etc., of, 1830. P. 395. Moore, N. F., Pronunciat. of Greek, 1819. " Lectures on, 1835. Neilson, Greek exercises, N. Y., 1810. Outhof, Cebes, Tabula, 1727. Pollux, J., Onomasticon, 1608. Primatt, W., Greek Accent, 1764. Quintus Calabrus, Praetermiss. ab Ho- mero, 1734. Ramsay, Travels of Cyrus, 1814. Roth, Ueber Thucydides u. Tacitus. Sophocles, E. A., Greek Lessons, 1843. Hist of Greek Alphabet, 1848. Thomas, De vocibus Atticis, J757. Turner, D. W., Notes on Herodotus, 1853. Veitch, Greek verbs, 1866. Vigerus, De Idiotismis, 1813. Abridged in English, 1828. Vitringa, De Protagorae Vita, 1852. Waddington, Carmen Graecum, 1819. Wheeler, Anal of Thuycidides, 1855. See Classical Literature; Antiquities; Greek; Latin; Bibliography, etc. Language, Greek, Modern. Biblos Kaloumene Euterpe, 1830. Constantinos, Enchiridion, 1819. Passow, Popularia carmina. St. Pierre, B., Diegemata tessara. Tales, 1825. P. 615. Wilson, S. S., Tou Klerou o odegos, 1829. See Diet.; Gram. Language, Gypsy. Paspati, A. G., Am. Orient. Soc. Journ., v. 7. See Gypsies. 292 LANGUAGE. Language, Hebrew. Bartolocci, Bib- liotheca Rabbinica, 1775-94. Ben Sira, Proverbia, 1597. Biscioni, Cat. medic Laurent., 1752. Bowyer, Hist, of Printing, Hebrew, 1776. Buxtorf, De abbreviaturis Ilebraicis, 1613. Church of Engl. Prayer. Conant, Defence of Heb. Grammar, 1847. P. 269. Forster, C., One primeval language. GroDt, Exercitatio, 1767. Jelf, Neglect of, 1832. Koolhaas, Disser. Heb. Linguae, 1748. Krafft, Cod. Hebraici bib. Vind., 1847. Lowth, Hebrew Poetry, 1829. Martinet, Heb. Chrestomathie, 1837. Montanus, Communes Hebr. Ling, idio- tismia, 1572, Noah, Trans, of book of Jasher, 1840. Pamphlets, vol. 975. Reeves, Text of the Psalms, 1800. Stuart, M., Heb. Chrestomathy, 1829. Vienna, Imp. Lib. Cod. Heb. catal., 1847. Withington, Solomon s Song. See Bible; BibliograpSy; Jews; Gram mars; Diet. Language, Himyaritic. Forster, C., Geog. of Arabia, 1844. " One primeval language, 1854. Salisbury, E. E., On Forster s dis covery, Bibliot. Sac., 1845. Turner, W. W., Himyar. writing (Am. Ethn. Soc.). Language Icelandic. See Bibliography. | Lauguages,Indian, American. Aiamiu tipadjimoonin, masinaigan, 1859. | Allen, W., Wunnissoo, a poem. Am. Antiq. Soc., Gallatin s Synopsis. Am. Ethnol. Soc. Trans., vols. 1, 2, 1845*, 48. Am. Phil. Soc. Trans., v. 4, 3, 12. " Trans, of Phil. & Lit. Com. " Catal. of MSS. on. Arenas, Guide, Langue Mexicaine. Barratt, Lang, of New Eng., 1850. Beatty, Two Months Miss. Tour in Penn a, 1768. Beloourt, Langue des Sauteux, 1839. Bible, N. T., St. John s Gospel in Mo hawk, 1818. " Bible, Chahta New Test. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Lettres sur le Mexique. * Popol vuh, Quiche. Bruyas, Mohawk language. Byington, Choctaw Definer, 1852. Languages, Indian, American (con tinued). Chahta Almanak, 1843. Choctaw Hymn Book, 1851. Church of Eng., Prayers in Mohawk, 1787. Clavigero, Cat. of Mexic. grammars. Cuesta, Mutsun language. Dakotah Friend, Newsp , 1850-52. Davies, J., Caribbian Vocab., 1666. De Kay, Long Island names. Dencke, John s Epist. in Delaware. Du Ponceau, Gram, of the Delaware. " Mem... sur les Langues de, 1835. " Corresp. with Heckewel- der, 1816. Durocher, Catech. forthe Montagnars, 1848. Edwards, J., Obs. on Muhkeekaneew Lang., 1788. P. 28. Eliofc, J., Indian Bible, 1680. " Indian Grammar, 1666. English and Dakota Vocab., 1852. Etudes philologiques, 1866. Fisher, W , Travels, Diet, of Indian tongue, 1812. Gabelentz, Der Tscherokesischen Sprache. Gallatin, A., Notes Am. Ethn. Trans., 1845, 48. Gallaudet, Scripture Biog. in Choctaw. Hale, H., Ethnol. and Philol. of U. S. Expl. Exped., 1846. Haven, S. F., Amer. Archseol., 1856. Howse, Cree language and Chippewa, 1844. Lang, Polynesian migrations. Lieberkuhn, Hist, of Christ, in Dela ware, 1821. Long, J., Trav. of an Indian Inter preter, 1791. Ludewig, Literature of Am. aborig. lang., 1846. Triibner sed., 1858. McKenney, Vocab. of Chippewa lang., 1827. Marshall, Names at Niagara. Mass. Hist. Soc., v. 10, (Pickering). Morgan, L. H., Syst. of consang. of families, Smithson. Contr., v. 17. Munkokee Hymns, 1859. New York Hist. Soc., v. 3, Jarvis s Gramm. Pickering, J., Notes on Ind. lang. Prefontaine, Dictionn. Galibi, 1763. Prot. Episc. Ch. Prayer-book in Mo hawk, 1853. Rhode Island Hist. Collec., Williams Gram. Rochofort, Vocab. Caraibo, 1665. LANGUAGE. 293 Languages, Indian, American (con tinued). Roman Cath. Ch., Catechism of the Abenaqui, 1832. " Paroissien Iroquoia.. " Kaiatonsera, etc., 1852. Sagard, Langue Huronne. Schoolcraft, Hist, of Indian tribes, U. 8., 1855. " Myth of Hiawatha, 1856. Bib. cat. of books in, 1849. Seneca Indian Hymns, 1852. Shea, J. G., Library of Am. Linguis tics, 13 v., 1860-64. Shea, French .... Onondaga Diction ry. 1860. Vetromile, Indian Good Book, 1857. * Ahiamihewintuhangan,1857. Williams, R., Grammar, 1643. Wright, A., Mark in Choctaw, 1852. Zeisberger, Delaware Spelling-book, 1776. " Indian Hymns, 1803. See Bibliography ; Dictionaries; Gram mars, Indians. , Language, Irish. Aram, Spec, of An glo-Celt. Lexicon. Diarmid and Grace, Ossianic Soc.,1857. Furlong, Companac an Criosdaig. Gaelic Society, Trans., 1808. Prichard, Celtic Nations, 1831. See Bible; Grammars; Dictionaries; Literature; Poetry; Gaelic. Languages, Italian. Donaldson, J. W., Varronianus, 1860. Ghirardini, A., Ortografia Italiana, 1869. Lewis, G. C., Romance language?, 1835. Millhouse, Dialoghi, I. ed Inglesi. Monboddo, Origin of Language, 1792. Monteith, Lessons in.. Mussolini, Ital. exercises. Pepoli, Lecture on, 1838. Raynouard, Poesies des troubadours, 1816-21. See Literature ; Gramm. ; Diet. Language, Japanese. Japanese trav els to the U. S., 1863. Pnzmaier, Ein Japanischer Roman, 1847 Language, Latin. Adams, H. C., Lat. Lectures, 1854. Andrews, E. W., Key to L. exercises, 1838. Arnold, T. K., 1st and 2d Lat. book. Brissonius, De formulis pop. Romani, 1583. Brooks, N. C., First Lessons, 1846. Campagnol, Themes Latins. Clarke, J., Introd. to making of, 1769. Language, Latin (continued). Cleveland, First lessons in Latin. Corderius, Colloquia, 1743. " Colloquies. Court do Gobelin, Diet. Etymol., (Monde Prim., v. 5. 6). Dana, J., Liber Primus, 1815. Donaldson, J. W., Varronianus, 1860. Dumesnil, Latin Synonyms, 1819. Dunlop, Hist, of Roman literature. Enchiridium parvum, 1849. Erasmus, Colloquia, 1810. Farrand, W. P., Course of Studies, 1817. Goodrich, Lessons in, 1833. Greenwood, J.*, Lond. vocabulary. Haldeman, Elem. of Lat. pronuncia tion. Jacobs, Latin Reader, 1830. Latin Tutor, 1819. Linacre, De emend, structura Lat. Serm., 1557. Lowe, S., Perfecting Lat. gram., 1722. Lyne, R., Isagoge, 1791. " Latin primer, 1801. Mair s Syntax. Monteith, Lessons in. Olivet, Comment, in Cic opera. Pamphlet?, vol. 30. B. C. Paret, Versions Latines, 1848-9. Parr, Notes on Comb s Horace, v. III. Pierron, Hist. Lit. Rom., 1857. Quicherat, Thes. Poet. Latinae, 1857. Ross, Selectee e Vet. Test., 1812. Sanctius, Minerva, 1714. Sargent, J. Y., Passages for transla tion, 1868. Satirae duae, (Scioppius), 1617. Sawyer, H. E., Latin primer, 1867. Scaliger, De causis ling. Lat., 1583. Schoell, Hist. Lit. Romaine, 1815. Spencer, G., Latin lessons, 1857- Terentianus, De lit^ris, etc., tractatus, 1531. Thring, E., Latin gradual, 1863. Valpy, Elegantiae Latinae, 1821. Viri Romae, (L Homond), 1857. Weld, A. H., Latin lessons. See Classical Liter ; Latin authors. Language, Murnthi. Bombay Soc., Tracts. Marathi Hymn book. Language, Persian. See Persia. Language, Polish. Zendavesta, Trans, of Pietraszewski, 1862. Languages, Polynesian. vocabularies. Australian Hale. H., Ethn. and Philology: U. S. Expl. Exp., 1838. 294 LANGUAGE. languages, Polynesian (continued). Hazlewood, Fcejee Grammar, 1850. " Feejee Dictionary, 1850. Lang, J. D., Polynesian migrations, 1834. Mosblech, Vocabulaire oceanien-fran- jais, 1843. Sandwich Is. Newspapers, 1846, etc. " Himoni Hawaii, 1834. Ste Grammars ; Dictionaries. Language, Portuguese. D Orsey, Colloquial Portuguese. Language, Sanscrit. Adclung, Hist. of Sans. lit. Alphabetum Greecum, etc. Bhagvat-Geeta, Trans. Wilkins, 1785. Bibliotheca Indica, 30 vols. Buchanan, F., Languages of India; Asiat. Res., 1800-03. Jones, Sir W., Works. Mahawanso, Trans. Tumour, 1837. Papers on Roman letters for, 1858. Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani MSS. Prichard, J. C., Celtic nations and Sanscrit, 1831. Schlegel, Uber die sprache der Indier. " On the Indian language. Small, Hand-book of Sans. Lit. Stevenson, Trans, of the Sanhita, 1842. Vishnu Purana, (Wilson, H. H.). Whitney, W. D., Papers, Am. Orient. Soc. Journal. Wilson, II. H., Essays on. Yajnadattabada, trans. Chezy, 1826. See Bibliography ; Grammars Language, Siamese. Bradley, Elem. Lessons. Caswell, Tract in. Language, Spanish. Monteith, Les sons in. Pamphlets in Spanish, vol. 628. Language, Swedish. Moberg, P., For- sj()k for nybegnnare i Engelska, 1808. Rydquist, Svenskasprakets lagar,1850. Language, Syriac. Eusebius on the Theophania, (Lee), 1843. John of Ephesus, Eccl. Hist., (Cure- ton), 1853. Lee, S., Prolegomena in Biblia. See Bible. Language, Turkish. Bianchi, Guide, Fra. et Turc, 1852. Biblos, Euterpe, Gr. Tur., 1830. Plato s catechism in Greek-Turkish. Rhasis, Gram, of French in Turkish. Language, Welsh. Brown, J., Corph o dduwinyddiaeth, 1812. Cambrian Register, 1795, 96. Language, Welsh (continued). ^ Layard, A. H., Ninefeh. Prichard, R., Bedydd, 1848. Richards, W., Athrawiaeth bedydd. Roberts, J., Orthography of. P. v. 729. Williams, P., Mynegeir Yfrythurol, (Concordance), 1773. Languedoc. Parmentier, Les grains, 1786. Voyages pittoresques, Nodier et Tay lor, 1834. Lansing A. F. Wyckoff, Fun. Sermon Lansing, J. Wyckoff, Serm., Death of, 1858. P. 555; Lansingh, C. S. Street, 0., Serm. on. LaPezuela, J. De. Cavero, J., Elogio, 1816. La Pilloniere. Mills, II., Answer to, 1718. Key, C., Persecutions, 1718. La Place, P. S. Haskina, R. W., Fou rier s Eulogy, 1829. Lapland. Account of the family of. Acerbi, Travels, 1798-9. Buch, L. von, Travels through, 1806- 1808. La Martiniere, Voyage, 1676. Leems, Account of Danish. Linnaeus, Tour in, 1811. Regnard, (Euvres, 1837. " Journey, (Pinkerton). Scheffer, History of, 1704. See Sweden; Scandinavia. La Plata. Beaumont, J., Travels in. 1828. Hey wood, Navigation of, 1813. Importante Question, 1856. McKinnon, Warfare in the Parana, 1848. Miers, Tr. in Chili and La Plata, 1826. Nunez, Noticias historicas de, 1825. " Account of, 1825. Page, T. J., Narrative of Exploration, 1853-56. Parish, Descrip. of, 1852. Pfeil, Anglo-Fr. Intervention, 1847. Politica, La, Brasilera, 1864. Stuart, C. S., La Plata, 1856. Twenty -fifth of May, 1852. See Argentine Confederation; Buenos Ayres. Lamed. S. Gurley, R. R., Life of, 1844. Larochejaquclein, Marquise. Me moirs, 1816. Larrabee, C. Appeals, Cincin., 1833,4. LATIN AUTHORS. 295 Larrey, Baron. Gal. des Contem. TO!. 5: Vie de, 1845. Larue, M. Casault, L. J., Vie de. La Salle, R. < . De. Falconer, Mem. of his discov., 1844. French Hist. Coll., 1678-1691. Parkman, F., Discovery of the west, 1869. Sparks, J., Life of, vol. 11. La Sarthe. Notices Biograph. P. 608. Las Casas, B. Gregoire, Defence of, 1801. X Helps, A., Life of, 1868. La Sologue. Beoctuorel, Amelioration de. Lathom House. Hutchinson, L., Siege of, 1846. Lathrop, E. Lathrop, J.,Serm., Death of, 1809. P. 554. Lathrop, Rev. J. Family tree, 1867. Lathrop, L. E. Hickok, L. P., Serm. on, 1857. Lathrop, Mary. Lathrop, J., Sermon, 1779. Latin Authors. Achilles Tatius, Trans., Eng., 1855. Allacci, L., Symmikta, 1653. Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum gesta- rum lib. xviii, 1693. " Roman History of, 1862. Ampelius, L., Memorialis. Antoninus, M., Meditations, 1701. Apuleius, Works, trans., 1709, 1853. Asconius, Cornm. in Ciceronis Ora- tiones. Ausonius, Opera, 1580. Auteurs Latins, Lat. and French, 1846-58. Bennet, J., Collec. Sententiarum. Caesar, C. J., Lat., French and Eng., 1513, 1813. " Comm., Andrews ed. Capella, M. M. F., Satyricon, 1600. Cassiodorus, M. A., Var. Epist. lib. xii. Cato, D., Disticha, 1727. Cato, M. P., De re rustica, 1787, 88. Catullus, Tibullus, 1502, 1680. " Translation, 1854. Cicero, M. T., Opera omnia, 1606, 1780, 1815. " Orationes, 1546. " Orationes selectae, 1612, 1820, 1848. " Dial, de Oratore, 1845. " De nat. Deorum, 1546. J< Hist. Phil, antiquse, 1782. " De Republica, 1826. t{ Orations (Duncan, Yonge, Guth- rie, Anthon, King). Latin Authoss (continued). Cicero, M. T., On Oratory, (Watson, Guthrie). " Academic questions, 1853. " Nature of the Gods, etc., 1853. " Letters, 1772, 1803. Claudianus, Opera, 1650, 1760. ColuineLa, J. N., De re rustica, 1787, 1788. Corderius, M., Colloquia, 1816. " Los colloques, 1646. Corippug, Johannidos Lib. vii, 1820. Curtius Rufus, Historiarum libri, 1670, 1723. Delrius, Syntagma trag. Latinae, 1620. Dictys Cretensis, et Dares, De bello Trojse, 1702. Dornavius, C., Aniphitheatrum Sapi- entiae Socraticae joco-serise, 1619. Encius, Q., Annalium lib. xviii, 1595, 1825. Eutropius, JTist. Roman., 1759. " Cum vers. Anglica, 1759. Fabricius, Bibliot. Latina, 1734-46. Ficinue, M., Epistole, 1495. Flaccus, C. V., Argonauticon lib. viii, 1724, 81. Florus, L. A., De Rom. rebus gestis. " Epit. rerum Rom., 1702. Fronto, M. C., Epistulse, (Mai), 1815, 1823. Hist. Rom. Script. Lat., 1621. Horatius, Opera, and Trans. English, French and Ital., 177U, 1830, 50. " Opera, Gould s Ed. Justinus, Historia? Philippicse, 1759. Juvenalis, Satirae, 1750, 1825. " Lat. and Eng., 1777. " Schimpdichten, 1709. " Eng. trans, of Dryden, Evans, Gifford, Hodgson. Holyday and Madan. Livius, T., Hist., quae supersunt, 1628, 1752, 71, 1825. " Lib. v. priores, 1827. " Hist, of Rome, Baker s and Bohn s ed. " In Dutch, 1541. Longus, M., English, 1855. Lutanus, Pharsalia, English, 1853. Lucretius, De rerum natura, Wake- field, 1796. " Nature of things, Watson, Good. " Natura delle cose, Mar- chetti. Martialis, Epigraminata, 1617, 1693. Maximus, V., Factorum lib. ix, 1782. Mela, -P , De Situ orbis, 1557, 1700, 1814. 296 LATIN AUTHORS. Latin Authors (continued). Nepos, C., Vitae Iraperatorum, 1773, 1786. Obsequens, De Prodigiis, 1720. Ovidius Naso, Opera, 1629. t{ Metamorphoses, 1591. " Excerpta, .1827, 1868. " In English, Sandys, Riley, Dryden. Choix, In French, 1850. .Werken, Dutch, Valentyn. < Herschepinge, Vondel. < Feestdagen, Hoogvliet. Pamphlets, Latin, B. C., vol. 30. Porsius, Satirae. See Juvenalis. Petronius, Satyricon. " Trans. See Propertiua. Phwdrus, Fabulse, 1727, 1824, 35. Trans. See Terentius. Plautus, Comoedise, 1630, 1778. Trans., 1769, 1852. Plinim, Histories Mundi, 1549. Nat. Historia, 1778-91. Natural History, 1855-57. " 1st and 33d Books of Natural Hist., 1828. Plinius, C. C., Epistolae. 1800. Letters, 1805. Poetae Latini Minores, Werusdorff, 1789. Poetse Latini Minores, Bunnann, 1731. Pollio, Valerian, Galienus, 1544. Polybius, Folard s Fr. Trans, and Coinin., 1727-30. " Hampton s trans., 1823. Person, In Xenophontis Anabasin. Propertius, Elegiae, and in Eng., 1780. <f Petronius and Secundus : trans. 1854. Prudentius, A., Opera, 1613. Quintilianus, Institut. Oratorise, 1533, 1792. Inst. of oratory, 1856. Rutilius Lupus, De Figuris Senten- tiaruin, 1768. Sallustius, Quae extant, 1823. " Bellum Catal. et Jugurth., 1521, 1774, 1831, 5?. " Trans, of Watson. Scriptores Rei Rusticae, 1787, 88. Scriptores Romani, 23 vol. 1815-17. Seneca, Opera Omnia, 15)5, 1665. Epistolae, 1509. " Tragoedise, 1809. " Tragedies, Sherbyrne s trans., 1702. Sidonius Appollinaris, Opera, 1609. Silius Italicus, Punica, 1798. Statius, P. P., Sylvaa, Thebais, Achil- leis, 1494. Latin Authors (continued). Suetonius, Opera, 1802. * Lives of the Caesars, 1796, 1855. Symmachus, Q. A., Epistolae, 1604. Syrue, P., Sententiae, 1726. Tacitus, C. C., Opera, 1801, 1805. " Libri v priorcs, 1581,1823, 32. " Works, 1794, 1813, 54. " Le opere, Davanzati, 1832. Terentianus, De literis, tractutus, 1531. Terentius, P., Comoediae, 1726, 1837. " Andria Adelphique, 1837. " Comedies, Colman, 1768. " Comedies, Riley, 1853. " Trad, en Franyais, 1658. Tibullus, Carmina, 1502, 1798. " Trans. See Catullus. Varro, M. T., Opera, 1573. De re rustica, 1787 ; 88. Vegetius, De re uiilitari, 1592. Velleiua, C., Paterculus, Hist. Ro- manae, 1779. Victor, S. A-, Vita Imp. Romanorum, 1544. Virgilius Maro, Opera, 1703, 17, 59, 1823. " 111. a C. (J. Heyne, 1803. " In English, Dryden s, Da vidson s, Martyu s trans. " In French: Delille. " Lat. and F. : Sommer, 1858. In Dutch: Vondel, 1659. Vopiscus, Hist. Romanae, 1544. See Poetry, Latin; Theology, Latin; Church-fathers; Bibliog y; Lan guage, Latin. Latin Criticism. See Classical Litera ture. ; Latitude Men. Brief account, 1662. La Trappe. Lancelot, Tour, 1816. La Tude, II. M. de. Memoiri of, 1834. Laud, W. Heylin, Life of, 1668. Prynne, W., Life of, 1645. Laughton, Capt. Evans, Q., Sermon on. Laurence, P. Oxenham, Letter to, 1835. Laurens, II. Correspondence, 1861. Laurens, J. Bradford Club, Correspond, of, 1777. Lauzun, Due De. Memoires, 1858. Laval, M. Tache, Notice Historique, 1859. Universit6 Laval, 1857-59. P. 482. Lavalette, Comte de, 1831. Memoiri of, LAWRENCE. 297 La vat or, J. C. Secret Journal. < Mcndelszoon, M., Brief van, 1770. Law, John. Chimera, The, 1720. " Hunt, F., Lib. of Comm., Mississippi Scheme, 1845. Tafereej, De, 1720. Thiers, Memoir of, 1859. Law, J. O. Musgrave, Sermon, Death of, 1847. P. 494. Law. Argyll, Reign of Law, 1867. Barrister s Education, 1791, 2. Bloudeau, Enseignement du Droit en Hollande, 1846. Blue Laws of New Haven, etc., 1838. Butler, C., Horae Juridicae, 1808. Closset, A. de, Droit civil, En. Pop. Criticisms on the bar, 1819. Cummins, Mankind and law, 1861. Dissertations: Droit public des Colon., 1778. Edward I, Year Book, (Chron, of G. B.). Field, D. D., Practice of the Courts, 1847. B. C. Fleury, Inst. au Droit ecclesiastique, 1688. Gendebien, Droit commercial^ En. Pop. Gratama, Opuscula acadeinica, 1821. Grimke, Codes of Law, 1827. Grotius, Rights of War and Peace, 1814. B. C. Gnin, Droit General, 1844. H., J., Of human laws, 1671. Hogerbeets, Practijcke. . .in Hollandt, 1641. Irving, D., Obs. on Civil law, 1815. Jones, Sir W., Law of Bailments, Works, vol. 8, 1807. Jottrand, Des Avocats en Belgique. 1850. Justice to a judge, 1793. Lapouyade, Coutratde Metayage. 1850. Luzac, Du Droit naturel, civil et pol., 1802. B. C. Meinesz, Staatsreglelijke bepalingen, 1856. Pamphlets on Law and Legislation, vols. 799, 800, 907, 1524, 1776. Puffendorff, De Jure Naturae, 1698. Rawle, W., Addresses to the Bar, 1824. Sampson, M. B., Rationale of crime, 1846. Sampson against the Philistines, 1805. Sanford, H. S., Penal Codes in Europe, 1854. Sheil, R. L., Sketches, legal and plit., 1855. Story, Joseph, Misc. Writings, 1852. Strictures on educat. for the Bar, 1792. 38 Law (continued). Townsend, W. C., Lives of Twelve eminent Judges, 1846. Univ. of Albany, 1851-69. Univ. of City of N. Y., 1840, 52-59. Updike, Mem. of Rh. Is., Bar, 1842. Veder, De Antiq. juris notione, 1832. " Hist. Phil, juris apud veteres, 1832. B. C. Welsby, Lives of em. Eng. Judges, 184(1. Woodbury, L., Writings, judicial, 1852. Ste International; Neutrals; and Law Library Catalogue. Law Addresses. Butler, B. F., Law school, N. Y., 1835. P. 25. B. C. Colquhoun, Suggestions for educat. Dickinson, D. S., Hamilton Coll., 1858. P. 486. Dwight, T. W., Columbia Coll., 1858. Ferris, Univ. of City of N. Y., 1858. Graham, D., Law school, N. Y., 1838. Hopkinson, J., 1826. Kent, J., Colum. Coll., N. Y., 1824. Kent, W., Law School, N. Y., 1838. Lord, J. C., Law Stud. Assoc., 1852. Marvin, D., Law School, Albany, 1857. P. 514. Noyes, W. C., Hamilton Coll., 1856. Quincy, J., Dane Law College, 1832. Story, Joseph, Harvard Univ., 1829. Sullivan, W., Ad. to Suffolk bar, 1824. Thacher, P. 0., Suffolk bar, 1831. Townsend, J. F., Law and Medicine, 1854. P. 204. Van Santvoord, G., Albany, 1856. Law Forms. Butts, I. R., Business man s ass t, 1847. Christopher, N. Y. Business Man. Clerk s Magazine, 1803. Davis, A. S., Traveler s Legal Guide. Jenkins, J- S., Clerk s assistant, 1846. , Lawes, J. Harrison, T., Fun. Serm. on. Lawrence family. Holgate s geneal. Hist, genealogy, 1858. Lawrence, Abbot. Appleton, N., Me moir of, 1856 P. 494. Everett, E., Remarks on, 1855, v. 3. Preicott, W. H., Memoir of, 1856. Lawrence, Amos. Gray, F. T., Serm. on, 1853. P. 555. Hopkins. M., Discourso on, 1853. Lawrence, W. R., Diary of. Lawrence, I. Pease, Geneal. of, 1848. Lawrence, Capt. J. Account of fune ral, 1813. Nilea, J. M., Life of, 1821. Voice of truth, 1807. P. 195. 298 LAWRENCE. LaAvrence, J. Family genealogy, 1857. Lawrence, L. Miles, H. A., Serm., death of, 1839. Lawrence, Sir T. Williams, D. E., Life of, 1831. Lawrence, T. B. Difficulties with S. D. L. Lawrence, W. Lothrop, S. K., Serin. on, 1848. P. 554. Lothrop, S. K., Memoir of, 1850. Lawrence, Ms. Munic. Regis., 1853, 1854, 59. Directory, 1864. Pemberton Mill calamity. Whiting, T.... Hist, discourse, 1849. Lay, B. Vaux, R., Memoir of. Lead. Percival, T., Poison of. See Poisons; Metals. Leadbeater, M. Correspondence. Leahey, E. Conversion of, 1846. Leaves. Parrish, Phantom bouquet. Leather. Morfit, Leather Dressing, 1852. Lebanon, Mt. See Syria. Leckie, J. Mason, C., Eulogy on, 1841. Le Courayer, P. F. Declar. of senti ments, 1787. Ledyard, J. Sparks, J., Life of, v. 24. Lee family of Va. and Md. Geneal. Hist., 1868. Lee, Andrew. Nott, S., Sermon on. Lee, A. Lee, R. H., Life of, 1829. Lee, Gen. C. Girdlestone, Proving him j Junius, 1813. Hannier s Corresp., Life of. Langworthy, E. , Life of, 1813. Lee, C., Memoirs of, 1792. Moore, G. H., Mr. Lee s Plan, 1777. Sparks, J., Life of, vol. 18. Lee, C. Sprague, W. B., Serm., Death of, 1854. Lee, Gen. II. Hartley, Life of, 1859. Jones, C. C., jr., Last days of. Lee, H., Campaign of, 1781. " Observ. on Jefferson s writ- ! inge, 1832. Lee, J. Lee. L. M., Life of, 1848. Lee, N. Among the Camanches, 1859. Lee, O. Beach, J., Sermon on, 1818. Lee, Gen. R. E. Cooke, J. E., Life of, j 1871. Lee, R. H. Lee, R. H., Life of, 1825. I i Lee, R. P. Adam, M. T., Fun. Serm., ! 1849. [ Lee Boo, Prince. Hist, of, 1822. " Wilson, W., Acc t of Pelew Is. | Lee, Mass. Gale, A., Hist of, 1854. Leech, S. Thirty years from home, 1843. Leeches. Chevallier, Comm. dos gang- sues. Horn, Treatise on, 1798. P. 1353. Leeds, Eng. Hook, W. F., Rural Dean ery of. Thoresby, History of church of, 1724. Leeu.warden. Eekhoff, Beschrijving, Reynders, Gezigten der, 1850. | Le Fevre, C. T. Kendall, J. P., Dis cussion with. Legare, Hugh S. Life and writings, Legends. Kennedy, Legends, of the Irish Celts, 1866. Le Roux, Le livre dcs legendes. See Mythology. Legislation. Maine, Ancient law, 1864. Moseley, Elem. of mod. legis., 1852. Sarmiento, A. J., Themis, 1856. Wrottlesey, Thoughts on legis., 1860. See Government. Leibnitz, G. W. von. Huygens, Epis- tolae, 1833. Mackie, J. M , Life of, 1847. Mcmoires sur le Jugement de 1 Acad. Petsch, Leven van, 1763. P. 107. Leicestershire, Eng. Beauties of Eng. and Wales. Burton, W., Description, 1622. Curtis, Topog. Hist, of County, 1831. Hollings, J. F., History of, 1840. Leicester, Mass. Academy, 71st celeb., 1855. Washburn, E., Hist, of, 1860. " Hist, address, 1849. Leigh, M. Mackay, History of, 1870. Leipzig. Shoberl, Events at, 1813 Leisler, J. Hoffman, C. F., Adminis tration of, (Sparks 13). New York Hist. Soc. Coll., 1868. Leland family. Leland Magazine, 1850. Biog. reminiscences, Lennox, Lord. 1863. Leo I, Pope 1687. Maimbourg, Histoire de, Leo X, Pope. Papal Jewel : Bull for Henry VIII, 1845. Roscoe, W., Life of, 1846. Leorninfter, Mass. Stebbin, Centenn. discourse, 1843. Wilder, D., Hist. of, 1853. LETTERS. 299 Leon, Spain. Risco, Historia de. Leonard family. Reed, W.D., Goneal. Mom. Leonard, J. L. Memorial of, 1867. Lepard, W. Rippon, J., Memoirs of, 1800. Leprosy. Deutschbein, Verslag, 1851. Le Sage, A. R. Scott, W., Life of. Leslie, Capt. Endicott, Account of Re treat of, 1775. Leslie, C. R. Autobiography of, 1860. Lessing, G. E. Stahr, Life of, 1866. Lestock, Adm. Mathews, Adm., Let ters, 1744. Lesure, C. B. Warren, W., Sermon on, 1853. Letter writing. Reed s Lectures. Letters. Abeilard, Opera. Adams, Mrs. Abigail, 1840. " Miss Abigail, 1841-2. Adams, J., Works, 1856. Alexander, J W., 40 years corresp., I860. Ames, Fisher, Works, vol. 1, 1809. Atterbury, F., 1687-1724. Aubrey, Letters of Emin. persons, 1600-1700. Baldwin, W., 1843. Baillie, Robert, 1841. Barbaro, F., Epistolse, 1425-53. Basire, J. ; Correspondence, 1650-85. Beethoven, 1790-1826. Bedford, J. Russell, Duke of, 1842-6. Bernard, Saint, Les lettres. Berry, Misses, Corresp., 1783-1852. Bland Papers, 1840-43. Boileau, CEuvres, 1837. Bunbury, Corresp. with Hanmer, 1838. Burke, E., Correspondence, 1744-97. Burr, Aaron, 1838. Byron, Lord, 1840. Calvin, John, Letters of, 1855. Caro, Annibale, Lettere, 1825. Carter, Mrs E., To Mrs. Montagu, 1755-1800. Chalmers, T., 1853. Chamberlain, J., (Camden Soc.). Chapone, Mrs., 1818. B. C. Chesterfield, Earl of, 1845. Choix de lettres Chretiennes. Cicero, Epistolae, 1855. Castlereagh, Marq. of Londonderry, 1849-53. Clarendon, Earl of, 1687-90. Collingwood, Lord, 1829. Cowper, W., Works, 1847. Letters (continued). Cromwell, Oliver, (Carlyle), 1845. Delany, Mrs. M., Corresp., 1862. Devereux, W. B., Letters of Earls of Essex, 1540-1646. D Ewes, Sir Simonds, 1845. Doddridge, Philip, 1829-21. Du Deffand, Madame, 1810. Dudley, Earl of, to Bp. of Llandaff. Duplessis-Mornay, Memoires et Cor resp., 1571-1623. Erasmus, Epistolae. Espriella s, Southey, 1808. B. C. F6nelon, Works, vol. 3, 1837. Ficinus, M., Epistole, 1495. Franklin, B., Works, (Sparks). " Familiar correspondence. Frederick II of Prussia, <Euvres,1757. Ganganelli, (Clement XIV), Lettere. Gibbon, Miscell. works, 1796. Goethe, Corresp. with Schiller, 1845. Granger, J., Letters, 1805. Grant, Mrs., Letters from the Moun tains, 1773-1807. Gray, T., Correspondence, 1853. Green, Of Royal and illust. women, 1100-1500. Gregory I, Epistolae, 1744. Grenville, The, Papers, 1852. Grimm et Diderot, Corresp. litteraire, 1753-90. Grotius, Epistolae, 1829. Henrietta Maria, Queen, 1630-60. Henry VIII, to Anne Boleyn. Painph r 71,22. Hieronymus, Epistolje, 1704. Hill, A., 1710-38. Howell, J., Epistolse Ho-Elianae. Hull s Select letters, 1778. Hume, D., 1761-76. Humboldt, W. von, 1849. Izard, R., 1774-1804. Jefferson, T., Works, 1853, 4. Johnson, G. W., Fairfax Correspond., 1848 Junius: pseud., 1804, 13, 50. Kaye, Corres. of Lord Metcalfe, 1854. Keith, Sir R. M., 1849 Lamb, Charles, 1837, 68. Leadbeater papers, 1862. Lexington papers, 1851. Lewis, M. G., Correspondence, 1839. Louis XVIII, Corres. privee, 1830. Luxborough, Lady, 1775. Lyttelton, Lord, 1807. B. C. Maintenon, Secret correspondence. Malherbe, (Euvres, 1837. Manutius. Epistolarum lib. xii., 1580. " Tre libri di lettere, 1556. 300 LETTERS. Letters (continued). Maryborough, Duke of, 1702-12. Mary Stuart, Queen, 1844. Masson, Selection in French. Melancthon, Epist. Eelectiores, 1565. Mendelssohn, From Italy and Switzer land. Milizia, Francesco, Lettere, 1827. Mirabeau, Lettrea a Sophie. Mirabeau, Count, From England, 1832. Mist s Weekly Journal: Miscellany, 1722. Montgomery, J., Memoirs, etc. Monti, Opere, vol. 1, 5, 1832, 35. Montague, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1810. Montague, Lady Mary W., 1766, 1837. Montesquieu, (Euvres, Lettres Per- sanes, 1842. Moore, T., Letters, 1854, 6. Napoleon I, (Euvres choisies, 1843. " Confiden. corresp. with Jo sephine, 1855. Nelson, H., to Lady Hamilton, 1814. Newton, girl., 1851. Nicolson, W., 1683-1727. Oastler, R., 1885747. Oxenstiern, J., Epistolee, 1829. Parr, S., Works, vol. 7, 8, 1828. Paston Letters, 1840. Peter of Blois, Works, vols. 1, 2. Piozzi, Mrs., To Conway, 1843. Pitt, William, 1838-40. Proclus, Abp., Analecta, 1630. Rabutin, Comte, Lettres, 1720-27. Raikes, T., Corresp. with Wellington, etc., 1861. Randolph, J., To a young relative, 1834. Rathbun, D., To J. Whittaker. Richardson, S., 1804. Richlieu, Card. (Docts. ined.). Robertson, F. W., Life and letters, 1865. Robinson, H. C., Diary and Corresp., 1869. Rose, G., Correspon., 1783-1815. Saint Arnaud, Letters, 1855. Schiller, Corresp. with Korner, 1849. <f Corresp. with Goethe, etc., 1845. Schotel, a M. de Wai., 1850, 51. Sevigne, Mme, Recueil, 1734-37. Seward, A., Letters, 1784-1807. Sharp, Richard, 1835. B. C. Sidney, Sir Philip, 1845. Sidoniua Epis., Opera, 1614. Smith, John C., 1846. Socrates, Epistolse, 1637. Strafford, Earl of, Dispatohei, 1740. Letters (continued). Stuart, The, Papers, Bp. Atterbury s letters, 1847. Suffolk, Henrietta, Countess of, 1712- 17&7. Swift, J., Works, 1812, 13. Tasso, T., Opere, v. 4, 5. Temple, Sir W., Works, 1720. Thoresby, Diary and Corres., 1830, 32. Vernon Letters, 1696-1708. Walpole, H., 1735-97. Webster, D., Correspondence, 1857. Whitefield, G., Letters, 1771, 72. Wilberforce, W , 1840. Wilkes, John, 1769, 71, 1805. See Diaries. Leupp, C. M. Gourlie, Trib. to, 1860. Levant. See Turkey; Syria; Greece; Mediterranean. Leverett, Sir J. Biog. and geneal. memoir, 1856. Leverett, T. Pedigree, Drake s Boston. Lewes, Eng. Lee, W., Anc. Hist, of, 1795. Lewesdon, Eng. Crowe, W., A poem. Lewis, Gov. M. Account of Dissolu tion of Committee on, 1807. Impartial inquiry, N. Y., 1806. Lewis, M. G. Life and Corres., 1839. Journal of, in Jamaica, 1834. Lewis, R. Stanford, J., Sermon on. Lewis, S. Biog. by W. G. Lewis. LewisCo.N.Y. Hough, Hist, of, 1860. Notes sur Alpina, 1847. Stephens, W. H., Watson Settlers, 1864. " Castorland, 1868. See Lowville. Lexington, R. Sutton, Lord. Papers, 1851. Lexington, M. Cooke, S., Sermon on battle of, 1777. Thomas, E. S., Reminis. of battle, 1840. Hudson, C., History of, 1868. Military Journal, 1758-75. Phinney, Battle at, 1775. See Concord. Lexington Steamer. Furness, W. H., Sermon, Loss of, 1840. P. 288. Lothrop, Sermon, 1840. Mathews, J. M., Sermon, 1840. Rogers, W. M., Serm., 1840. P. 94. Leyden, John. Scott, W., Memoir of. Leyden, Netherlands. Historisoh Ver- haal, 1785, 6. P. 108. LIBRARIES. 301 Leyden Acad. Fabricius, Redenvoering. Leydt,J. Ritzema, 1763. L Hopital, M. de. Butler, C., Life of. Libel* Another Letter to Mr. Almon, 1771. Dyer, Q., Doctrine of. Enquiry into the Doctrine, 1765. Law of Libel, 1823. P. 800. Letter concerning Libels, 1764. See Press, Liberty of. Liberal Christianity. See Unitarian. Liberia. Constitution, etc., 1848. Adventures in Africa. Africa s Luminary, Liberia, 1839-46. Alexander, Hist, of Col. in West Africa, 1846. Amer. Col. Soc. Reports, 1818-65. Ashmun, Life of S. Bacon, 1822. Bacon, E., Journal, 1821. Bacon, L., Life of Ashmun, 1828. Brown, G. S., Life of, 1849. Colonizationist, The, 1833, 4. Gurley, R. R., Report on, 1850. " Life of Ashmun, 1835. B. C. Liberia : Tables of emigr., 1845. Maryland Colon. Journal, 1841-43. Mass. Col. Soc. Reports, 1844, 52, 53, 1863. Miller, A., Liberia described, 1859. N. Y. Col. Soc. Reports, 1823, 50, 52. News from Africa, 1832. Peterson, D. H., Life of, 1854 Putnam, L. H., On Liberia, 1859. Wilkeson, S., History of, 1839. Ste Africa, West; Colonization. Liberty, Civil. Ancient and Modern Lib., Hervey, 1734. P. 418. Bedenkingen over de vryheid, 1738. Budgell, E., Liberty and property, 1732. Considerations on warrants. Defence .. .on general warrants. Eliot, S., The Liberty of Rome, 1849. " Hist, of Early Christians, 1853. Everett, E., Orat., Hist, of, 1828. Experience preferable, 1776. Griffiths, Autographs for freedom. Grimke, Tendency of Free instit., 1848. Guizot, Democracy in France, 1849. Hey, R , Observations on, 1776. Hotoman, Franco-Gallia, 1721. Keith, Sir W., Colleo. of Papers, 1749. Knox, V., Spirit of Despotism, 1795. Lacy, J., Peter s visitation. P. 299. Letter from Candor, 1770. Lieber, On civil liberty, 1853. Martin, J., Remarks on, 1776. Liberty, Civil (continued). Miall, J. G., Footsteps of our fore fathers, 1852. Mill, J. S , On Liberty, 1863. Milner, J., Essay, 1824. Mirabeau, Essai sur le despotisme. Naked truth, 1790. Patton, C., Basis for, 1793. Price, R., Obs. on the nature of, 1776. Prinsterer, Vrijheid, Gelijkheid, Broe- derschap, 1848. Protestant, The, Against Lowth. Sacheverell, Serm., False notions of, 1713. Shebbeare, Essay, 1776. Vindication of Liberty, 1730. Vindiciae contra tyrannos (Beza), Trans., 1648. Wilkes, J., North. Briton, 1772. See Authority ; Government; Democ racy; Toleration; Republics; Ora tions July 4. Liberty, Religious. See Toleration; Persecution; Dissenters. i Liberty of the Press. See Press. , Libourue. Guinodie, Histoire de Libourne. Libraries. Account of celebrated libra ries, 1739. Bartlett, Preserv. of Public Archives, 1824. Botfield, Cathedral lib. of Eng., 1849. De Peyster, F., Influence of, 1866. Edwards, E., Memoirs of Libraries, 1859. " Founders of Brit. Museum, 1870. Eichhorn, Geschichte der Litteratur, 1805-12. Encyc. Britannica, Art., Libraries, 1855-58. Farnham, Glance at pri. lib., Boston. Hints for Book Societies. P. 1781. Home, Introd. to bibliog., 1814. Jewett, Pub. Lib. in the U. S., 1851. La Borde, Organization des Bibliot., 1845. Liverraore, Remarks on Pub. Libraries, 1850. Ludewig, Bibliothekonomie, 1840. Mass., Report on State Lib., 1849. N. Y. State Library, Reports, 1845-71. Pamphlets, vol. 1237. Rhees, Man. of Pub. Lib. in the U. S., 1859. Schotel, Lettre a M. de Wai, 1850, 51. Traice, Hand-book Catalogues of. Wynne, Priv. Lib. of N. Y. See Bibliography for other books on Libraries. 302 LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS REPORTS. Library Associations Reports. Pam phlets, vols. 169, 170, 209, 275, 276, 512. See Bibliography. Lichfield, Eng. Jackson, J., History of, 1796. Staffordshire Directory, 1834. Licking Co., Ohio. Pioneer pams.,1869. Lieber, F. Letters, 1834. Liege. Le Roy, Universite de, 1869. Life. Agassiz, L , Structure of animal life. Bacon, F., Life and Death. P. 516. Beale, L. S., Protoplasm, 1870. Bell, A. N., Knowl. of living things, 1860. Catlow, J. P., JEsthetic medicine, 1867. Coleridge, S. T., Theory of, 1848. Colhoun, Suspended Animation, 1823. Dean, A., Philosophy of life, 1889. Elliott, Vital Statistics. P. 246. Freke, Dependence on decomposition, 1871. Gorman, J. B., Phil, of animated existence, 1845. Graham, S., Lect. on Science of, N. Y. Greene, W. B., Doctrine of Life, 1843. Letter to the Rt. Rev. Samuel Horsley, on vitality, 1789. Lewes, G. H., Physiol. of, 1857. Linsley, J. H., Lectures on, 1828. Morris, W., What is man ? 1862. Observations on, 1842. Philip, A. P. W., Vital functions, 1818. Problem of life, N. Y., 1859. Reichenbach, Researches on vital forces, 1851. Rennell, S., On Scepticism, 1823. Rolleston, Forms of animal life, 1870. Schlegel, Philos. of life. Snow, E. M., Statistics, 1859. Spencer, H., Prin. of Biology. Woodward, A., Address, 1861. See Future State; Health; Physiology; Old Age; Longevity. Life Insurance. See Insurance. Light. Brewster, D., Polarization of. Fresnel, (Euvres, 1868. Hunt, R., Researches, 1844. Hunter, H., Properties of, 1793. Marsh, Sir H., Evolution of.... from Man., 1842. O Brien, M., Refraction and absorp tion of, 1843. Powell, B., Dispersion of light, 1836. Priestley, History of discoveries in, 1772. Light (continued). Proctor, The Sun, ruler, 1871. Roscoe, Spectrum analysis, 1870. Rum ford, B., Count. Essays. Tyndall, On Radiation, 1871. See Colors; Eye; Optics; Natural Philosophy; Spectrum Analysis. Lighthouses. France; Lighthouses, 1855. Fresnel, Nouveau systeme d eclairage, 1822. " (Euvres, 1868. Smeaton, J., Reports as engineer, v. 1, 1812. Smith, J. T., On lighthouses, Eng. Prof. Papers, v. 5. Stevenson, A , Treatise on, 1850. Taylor, H., Lights on Goodwin sands, 1796. United States, Lighthouse Board, 1 852. Lightning. See Electricity. Lighton, W. B. Autobiography, 1854. Liguria. Oderico, Lettere Ligustiche, 1792. Lille, France. LeGlay, Cat. des MSS. de la bib. de. " Cat. de la bibliot., 1859. Lille, Proces du clerge, 1757. Lillebonne. Rever, Mom. sur les ruines de, 1821. Lilly, J. Works and life. Lilly, W. Life and times, 1602-1681. <( Life of. See Ashmole. i Lima. Hist, des tremblementsde terrea, 1746. Hoyo, Auto da fe, 1694. Relation of the dreadful earthquake, 1746. See Peru. Lincoln families genealogy, 1855. Lincoln, A., President. Arnold, J. N., History of, 18fi6. Barrett, J. H., Life of, 1864. Bartlett, D. W., Life of, 1860. Bingham, Arg. on assassination of. Boyd, A., Bibliography of, 1870. Carpenter, F. B., Life of, 1867. Hart, A., Sketch of, 1870. Lincoln. A., Hanes Bywyd, Utica, 1860. " Leben des Priis., 1860. Raymond, H. J., Life of, 1865. " Hist, of administration of, 1864. Thayer, W. M., Pioneer boy, 1863. Tribune Tracts, Life of, 1860. Walker, R. J., Letter, 1864. Washburne, E. B., Speech, 1860. LITERARY ADDRESSES. 303 Lincoln, A., Eulogies, etc. Athencuui Club, N. Y., 1865. Atwood, E. S., Salem, Ms. Bancroft, G., Congress, U. S., 1866. " N. Y. city, 1865. Briggs, G. W., Salem, Ms. Burrowa, J. L., Richmond, Va. Butler, J. G., Washington. Chester, J., Washington. Coggeshall, Lincoln memorial. Coddington, D. S., Charleston, S. C. Crocker, S. L., Taunton, Ms. Duane, R. B., Providence. Dyer, D., Albany Peniten. Everett C. C., Bangor, Me. Fowler, J., jr., New Rochelle, N. Y. Frelin<;huysen, F. T., Newark, N. J. Hathaway, W., Coxsackie, N. Y. Hawley, B., Albany, N. Y. Holland, J. G.,Springfield, Ms. Ives, A. E., Castine, Me. Jordan, E. S., Cumberland, Me. Lincoln memorial, (Life, etc.), N. Y. Lincoln, A., Sermons in Boston, and fun. at Washington. Loring, C. B., Speech, Salem, Ms. Lowe, C., Charleston, S. C. Martyr s monument, N. Y. Myers, L., Phila. Nason, E., N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., Boston. N. Y. State, Honors to. N. Y. City, Obsequies of. Noble, M., U. S. Nav. Ac., Newport. Norton, R., St. Catharine, Canada. Post, J., Harrison s Landing, Va. Saunders, R. S., Island 40, Teun. Sirnonton, A. S., Rio de Janeiro. Spear, Dr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stewart, D ; , Johnstown, N. Y. Stoddard, R. H., Poem. Stone, A. L., Boston, Ms. Storrs, R. S., jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sumner, C., Boston. Providence, Central Church. Tapley, R. P., Saco, Maine. Tappan, II . P., Berlin, Prussia. Troy memorial. Twombly, A. S., Albany. Tyler, G. P., Brattleboro, Vt. United States, Foreign Expressions of condolence. Walden, T., Philadelphia. Wilson, W. T., Albany, N. Y. Lincoln , B . Bowen, F., Life, of (Sparks, Lincolnshire, Eng. Beauties of Eng. and Wales. Lincolnshire, Eng. (continued). Killigrew, Draining of level, 1698. Noble, Gazetteer of, 1833. LimUJ. Rosenberg, Life of, 1850. P. 471. Willis, N. P., Life of. Lindsay, J. Rees, A., Sermon on, 1821. Liudsey, T. Addenda to remarks, 1775. Belsham. Sermon, Death of, 1808. Randolph, T., Answered, 1775. Linen. Knowles Linen Fibre Co., 1855. Letter from a Merchant, 1738. Letter to the Author, 1734. SeFlax. Lingan, J. M. Custis, G. W., Oration on. Lingard, J. Allen, J., Reply to his vindication, 1827. Lingard, Vindication, 1826. Link, II. F. Martius, Denkrede, 1851. Linn, L. F. Linn, E. A., Life of, 1857. Linnaeus, C. Travels in Lapland. Correspondence, (J. E. Smith), 1821. Edinb. Cab. Lib., Lives of Zo:l. Jarvis, S. F., Address on, 1835. Milliard. A. J. Baird, R., Memoir, 1837. Lippard, G. Life of, 1855. Lisbon, Port. Clark, S., Serm., Earth quake at, 1755. Lisbon, Conn. Lee, A , Half Century Sermon, 1818. P. 504. Litchfield Co., Conn. Davies, T., Life of. Kilbourne, Biog. History of, 1851. " Sketches of, 1859. Litchfield Co. Centen. celeb., 1851. Morris, J., Statist, acet. of towns in, 1815. Literary Addresses. Adams, J. Q., Inaug. Add. as prof., 1806. Barbour, B. J., Mil. Institute, Va., 1854. P. 532. Bard, W., Alumni, Columbia Coll., 1826. P. 58. Barnard, D. D., Rutgers Coll., 1837. " Phi Beta Kappa, 1837. Bethune, G. W., Orations, 1850. Bond, T. E., Newark Coll., Del. Brodhead, J. R., Mer. Lib. Ass., N. Y., 1854. P. 100. Brougham, Univ. of Glasgow, 1825. Burdick, Bakersfleld Acad., 1854. Chapin, E. H., Waterville Coll., 1846. Choate, R., Works. A862. Clarke, J. M., Hobart Coll., 1858. Clinton, G. W., N. Y. Alpha, 1857. Cunseus, Orationes, 1735. 304 LITERARY ADDRESSES. Literary Addresses (continued). Curtenius, Oratio Inaug., 1754. Davis, H., Inaug., Middlebury. 1810. Deinarest, D.D., Rutgers Coll., 1855. Dix, J. A., Geneva Coll., 1839. P. 204. Draper, J. W., N. Y. Univ , 1853. Emerson, R. W., Waterville, Me. ,1841. Everett, E., Orations and discourses. Everett, A. H., Rutgers Coll., 1838. Felton, J. B., College of Calif., 1858. Fisher, S. W., Inaug. Hamilton Coll., 1858. Fitch, E., Baccalaureate, 1799. Foote, T. M., Hamilton Coll., 1848. Frelinghuyaen, F. T., Rutgers Coll., 1853. P. 100. Forsyth, J., Rutgers Coll., 1848. Goddard, W. G., Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Gourlie, Merc. Lib. Assoc., N. Y., 1839. Grimke, T- S., Phi Beta Kappa, 1830. Harrison, J. B., Hampden bidney Coll. Hemming, J., Mary-le-Bone Inst., 1835. P. 395. Hillhouse, J. A., Phi Beta Kappa, 1826. P. 88. Hitchcock, E., Inaug., Amherst, 1845. Homes, W., Mer. Lib. Ass., St. Louis, 1854. P. 209. Humphrey, H., Amherst Coll., 1823. Kennedy, J. P., Univ. of Maryland, 1831. Kent, J., Phi Beta Kappa, 1831. Lunt, G., Three eras, etc., 1857. Mann, H., Lectures, 1859. Maxcy, J., Collegiate Addresses. Mayer, C. F., Dickinson College, 1827. Neal, J., Waterville Coll., 1830. Pamphlets of, vols. 514, 887, 982-984, 1625, 1694. B. C. 10, 11, 19. . Parker, H. W., Hamilton Coll., 1851. Parsons, T., P. B. K., Harvard, 1835. Potter, A., Discourses, etc., 1858. Raymond, H. J., Univ. of Rochester. Russell, G. R., Phi Beta Kappa, 1849. Savage, J., Mass. Lyceum, 1832. Seward, W. H., N. Y., 1837, 44. Shedd, Univ. of Vermont, 1845. Sprague, W. B., 1829-65. Southard, S. L., Nassau Hall, 1832. Stanton, H. B., Williams Coll., 1850. Stille, C. J., Yale College, 1863. Story, J., Phi Beta Kappa, 1826. Sumner, C., Orations, 1845-60. Van Santvoord, G., Discourses, 1856. Verplanck, G. C., Columb. and Amh. Coll., 1833, 34. Walker, T., Harvard Univ., 1850. Wayland, J., Geneva Coll., 1845. Wharton, G. M., Univ. of Penn a, 1858 Literary Addresses (continued). Wheaton, II., N. Y. Athen., 1824. White, A. D., Yale College, 1870. White, D. A., Harvard Univ., 1844. Whitehead,C. E., Delta Phi Soc., N. Y. Williams, J., Inaug. at Trin. College, Hartford, 1849. Winthrop, R. C., 1849-55. Young, S., 1826-41. See Speeches ; Oration; Addresses. Literary Criticism. Arnold, M., Ee- says in, 1865. Atkinson, W., Books and reading, 1860. Blount, T. P., Censura celeb, autho- rum, 1690. British Essayists, 55 vol. Chambers, Hand-book of Amer. lit. De Bury, On the love of books, 1832, 1861. D Israeli, Lit. charac. illustrated. Ernesti, Elements of interpretation, 1827. Forsyth, Novels of the 18th Cent., 1871. Gale, T., Original of human litera ture, 1669. Hamilton, Sir W., Discuss, on philos. and lit., 1852. Hazlitt, W., Writings. Heron, Letters of literature, 1785. Home, R. H., New spirit of the age, 1844. Johnson, Samuel, Works. Macaulay, T. B., Grit, and hist. essays. Ossoli, Papers on literature, 1846. O Reid, Reviewers reviewed, 1811. Reed, H., Lectures on Eng. Lit., 1855. Remarks on a late pamphlet. P. 1238. Sears, B., Essays on ano. lit., 1849. Stael,Mme. De, Influence of literature. Tuckerraan, H. T , Essays, biog. and critical, 1857. Wallace, H. B., Literary criticisms, 1856. Whipple, E. P., Lectures, 1850. " Essays, 1848. See Poetry; Books; Essays; Rhetoric; Classical Literature ; Language. Literary History. Allibone, S. A., Diet, of Engl. Lit., 1859-71. Aretin, Beytriige zur Gesch. und Lit- eratur, 1803-7. Artigny, Memoires, 1749-56. Athenian Gazette, (Dunton), 161. Barba-o, F., Diatriba praelim., 1741. Beloe, Recoil, of a Literary Life, 1818. " Anec. of Lit. and Books, 1807- 1812. Berington, Lit. History of the Middle Ages, 1846. LITERARY HISTORY. 805 Literary History (continued). Blakey, Hist, of political literature, 1855. Bouterwek, Hist, of Span, and Port. Lit , 1823. Brimley, Essays, 1868. Brydges, Censura Literaria, 1815. Burnet, G., Reflexions on his travels, 1688. Butler, C., Lit. Hist, of Netherlands. " Life of Erasmus. Camusat, Hist. Grit, des Journaux, 1734. Chambers, Cycl. of Engl. Lit., 1859. " Hist, of Eng. Literature, 1837. B. C. " Robbins, American Litera ture, 1837. B. C. Chardon, Melanges, 1812. Chasles, Am. Lit. and Manners, 1852. Chaudon, Dictionnaire, v. 20, Tables. Coggeshall, W. T., Western literature, discourse, 1858. Colle, Storia Lit di Padova, 1824. Collet, S., Relics of Lit., 1823. Cradock, J., Liter. Memoirs, 1828. Craik, Hist, of Engl. lit., 1863. Dacier, Progres de 1 His. et de la Litt. Anc., 1789. Delepierre, Flemish literature, 1860. Demogeot, Histo ire de la Litt. Fran., 1857. Denina, Revolutions of Lit., 1771. D Israeli, Quarrels of Authors, 1814. " Amenities of Lit., 1841. Curiosities of Lit., 1824. " Miscellanies of Lit., 1840. Dunlop, J., History of Fiction, 1814. Dunton, J., Life and Errors of, 1818. Dutens, Memoirs of a TravL, 1806. Eichhorn, Geschichte der Litt., 1812. Fauriel, Hist, of Proven9al Poetry, 1860. Fry, Bibliog. Memoranda, 1816. Garcin de Tassy, Litt. Hindoui. Gazette Litt. de 1 Europe, 1768-70. Gilfillan, Sketches of Modern Lit., 1846. Gillies, Mem. of Lit. Veteran, 1849. Goujet, Hist, de la Litt. Fran, 1740-56. Gravenweert, Hist, de la Litt. Neer- landaise, 1830. B. C. Gruter, Lampas, sive Fax artium lib- eralium, 1602. Hallam, Introd. to Lit. of Europe. 1837. Halliwell, Pop. Engl. Histories, 1848. * Hamst, Fictitious names of authors, 1868. Haneberg, Lehrwesen der Muhameda- ner, 1850. 39 Literary History (continued). Hart, J. S., Fem.ile Prose Writers of America, 1852. Howitt, Lit. of Northern Europe, 1852. Huet, P. D., Memoirs, 1810. Hunt, L., Works, vol. 1, 2, 1854. Ireland s, W. H., Confessions. Jones, W. A., Essays upon Authors and Books, 1849. Kay, J., Series of Orig. Portra : ts, 1842. King, W., Polit. and Lit. Anecdotes, 1818. Knapp, S. L., Lect. on Amer. Litera ture, 1829. La Rue, Geletterd Zeeland, 1734. Le Verrier, Ecole de la Chasse, 1763. Libri, Reponse a M. Boucly. Literary and crit. remarks, 1800. Literary Blue Book, 1830. Lockhart, Peter s Letters, 1819. Lounger s Common-place Book, 1805- 1807. Maitland, The Dark Ages, 1853. Mencke, Charlataneria erud., 1715. Menzel, German Literature, 1840 Miller, J., Fly leaves, 1854. Mills. A., Literature and Lit Men of G. B., 1851. Mitford, Mary R., Recoil, of a Lite rary Life, 1852. Mohedano, Hist. Lit. de Espafia, 1768- 1772. Morhof, D. G., Polyhistor, 1708. Morse, 0. A , Rock me to Sleep, 1870. Neal, J., Recollections, 1869. " Newnham, Disorders of Lit. Men. Nichols, J., Lit. Anecdotes of 18th Century, 1812. " Illustrations, Sequel to Anec dotes, 1817-58. Nodier, Melanges, 1829. Norton, Literary Almanac, 1852-54. Notes and Queries, 1849-70. Patmore, My Friends and acquaint ance, 1854. Pegge, S., Anonymiana, 1818. Pinkerton, J., Correspondence, 1830. Puibusque, Hist. Comp. des Litt. Esp. et Frany., 1843. Raynal, Anecdotes Litteraires. Ripley, Hand-book of Lit. Putnam s Cycl. Ritson, J., Life and letters, 1833. Robinson, H. C., Diary, 1869. Roscoe, W., Origin and viciss. of lite rature. Pamph r 11. Schlegel, F. von, Lect. on Hist, of Lit., 1818. B. C. Simms, W. G., Views and Reviews, 1845. 306 LITERARY HISTORY. Literal y History (continued). Sismondi, Lit. Hist, of South of Eu rope, 1823. Smith, C. J., Lit. and Hist. Curiosities, 1840. Smith, J. J., Amer. Hist, and Lit. Curiosities, 1847, 60. Soane, G., Curiosities of Lit., 1849. Steffens, II., My Career, 1863. Talvi, Lit. of Slavic Nations, 1850. Thackeray, W. M., The English Hu morists, 1853. Thomason, Mem. during Half a Cen tury, 1845. Ticknor, Hist, of Spanish Lit., 1849. Tiinoni, Tableau des Litt., 1853. Trithemius, De Script. Eccles., 1494. Vail, E. A., De la Litt des Etats Unis, 1841. Vinet, A., Hist, of French Lit., 18th Cent., 1864. Vericour, Mod. French Lit., 1848. Villemain, Souvenirs de Litt., 1855. Willis, G., Current Notes, 1854-64. Wright, T-, Lit. under the Anglo- Saxons, 1842. Zeno, Dissertazioni Vossiane, 1752. See Bibliography ; Poetry, Treatises; Rhetoric; Classical Literature. Literary Pamphlets, vols. 394, 395, 513, 648, 676, 677, 801, U44, 1024, 1039, 1238-1243, 1525, 1624> 1777, 1693. Literary Property. Blake, American Trade List, 1847. Bohn, H.J., Foreign Copy-right, 1851. Booseyvs. Purday, 1849. P. 1242. Boswell, Case of Hinton, 1774. Brydges, Sir E., Amendment of, 1818. Buckingham, S. I., Speech on, 1836. Bulwer, Speech, 1851. Burke on Copy Right. L. L., 1842. Burrow, Literary Property, 1773. Christian, E., Universities Copy right, 1814. Conkling, Copy Right in MSS., 1852. Coggeshall, Protective Policy,, 1859. Copyright act, Lond. P. 1242. Crawford on Copy Right, 1839. L. L. Dupont, Hist, de 1 imprimerie, 1854. France, Comm. de la prop, litt., 1836. Jobard, Le Monautopole, 1845. Jottrand, Societe des gens de lettres, 1849. Internat. Copyright Ass n, 1868. Lemoine, Typog. antiq., 1797. Letter from a Gentleman, 1769. Letter from an Author, 1747. Lowndes,Law of Copyright. L.L.,1840. ; Maugham, Laws of lit. property, j L. L., 1828. Literary Property (continued). New York Review, 1839. Nicklin, Remarks on lit. property, 1838. Ralph, Ca.se of Authors, 1762. Renouard, Des droitsd auteurs. L. L., 1838-9. Sheard, A., Assumed Copy -right, 1851. Some remarks, Lond. P. 1242. Tegg, T.. Speech on Copy-right, 1837- See Libels; Press; Typography. Literature* See Essays; Bibliography; Classical ; Poetry ; Dramatic ; etc. ; Letters; Diaries. Literature, American. After-dinner Table-talk, 1850. Appleton, N., Works. Artemus Ward, 1862. Atlantic Club Book, 1847. Atlantic Souvenir, 1826-32. Baldwin, J. G., Flush Times of Ala bama, 1853. Baltimore Book, 1839. Bancroft, G., Lit. and Hist. Misc., 1855. Barnwell, New Orleans Book, 1851. Beecher, H. W., Star Papers, 1855. Blackwater Chronicle, 1851. Biglow Papers, (Lowell). Bogart, W. H., Who goes there? 1866. Boston Book, 1836, 37, 41, 50. Bowen, B. B , Blind Man s Offering, 1847. Bradford, Mrs., Ups and Downs, 1855. Brenton, Voices from the Press, 1850. Buckingham, J. T., Newsp. Litera ture, 1850. Burton s Cyclopaedia, 1858. Carey s Libr. of Choice Lit , (covers), 1836. Charleston Book, 1845. Choever, Am. Common-place Book, 1839. . " Miscellanies, 1849. Clemens, Innocents abroad, 1870. Cobb, Leisure Labors, 1858. Cooper, Miss F-, Rural Hours, 1850. Cozzens, F. T., Sparrowgrass papers, 1856. Curtis, G. W., Lotus-eating, 1852. " Potiphar papers, 1853. Davidson, J. W., Living Writers of the South, 1869. Doctor Oldham, 1860, (C. S. Henry). Dow, jr., Patent Sermons. Duyckinck, Cyclop, of Am. Lit., 1855. Edwards, B. B., Writings, 1853. Elliot, S., Humble tribute, 1842. Emerson, R. W., Represent. Men, 1858. LITERATURE. 3U7 Literature, American (continued). Emerson, R. W., Conduct of life, 1864. " Society and solitude, 1870. Everett, E., Mount Vernon Papers, 1860. - Farrar, Mrs., Recollections, 1869. Fay, T. S., Crayon sketches, 1833. Ferguson, P. K., On Ugliness, 1852. Forrest, M., Women of the South in lit., 1865. Frost, Book of Amer. Lit., 1826. Gallaher, Western Sketch Book, 1850. Gardiner, M. L., Prose and Poetry, 1843. Gem, The, 1848. Gift, The, Annual, 1842. Gilmer, F. W., Sketches, Essays, etc., 1828. Goodrich, S. G., Recollections, 1856. Greene, Amer. Night s Entertainm ts. Griswold, R. W.,The Prose Writers of America, 1847. Hale, E. E., Sybaris and other homes, 1869. " Ingham papers, 1869. Hammond, S. H., Hills, Lakes and Forest Streams, Ib54. " Country Margins, 1855. Hand-book of, (Chambers). Hart, Female Prose Writers of Amer., 1852. Harte, Luck of roaring camp, 1870. Hasheesh eater, (F. Ludlow). Hawes, Sporting Scenes, 1842. Hawthorne, Our old home, 1863. " English note-book, 1870. j " Amer. Note-book, 1868. " Italian Note book, 1872. | Hints to my Countrymen, 1826. B. C. History of the Garret. P. 615. Hitchcock, Ed., Phenomena of the seasons, 1850. Hitchcock, Enos, Bloomsgrove family, 1790. Hoffman, D., Viator, or a Peep into my Note Book, 1841. " Thoughtson men, etc., 1841. Hopkinson, F., Misc. Essays and Writings, 1792. Irving, W., Knickerbocker s N. Y. " Sketch book. " Bracebridge Hall. Crayon Miscellany. " Wolfert s Roost, etc. " Spanish papers, 1866. Jones, J., Prospect of Am. lit., 1839. Jones, W. A., Characters, etc., 1857. Judson, E., Trippings, 1846. Ladd, J. B., Lit. Remains, 1833. Literature, American (continued). Legare, H. S., Writings, 1846. Leslie, Miss, Pencil Sketches, 1833. Locke, D. R., Swingin round the cirkle. Longfellow, Outre-Mer, 1846. Lynch, W. F., Naval Life; Sketches, 1851. Manhattan Souvenir, 1850. Mayo, W. S., Kaloolah, 1850. Mind among the spindles. Mitchell, D. G., Reveries of a Bache lor, 1851. " Wet days at Edgewood, 1865. " My farm at Edgewood, 1863. Dream life, 1867. Murray, N., Parish pencillings, 1854. Neal, J. C., Charcoal sketches, 1843. Nemo, Mrs., Series of appeals, 1863. New Hampshire Book, 1844. Nichols, W., Essays, N. Y., 1826. Noah, Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest, 1847. Ossoli, Life without, life within, 1864. " Papers on literature, 1846. Parthenon, Papers by Am. Authors, 1851. Parton, Mrs. S., Fern leaves. Paulding, J. K., Book of Vagaries, 1868. " Letters from the South, 1817. Phelps, Mrs. L., Our country, 1864. Philadelphia Book, 1836. Phoenixiana, Derby, 1856. Portland Sketch Book, 1836. Pratt, S. D., Inklings, 1852. Pray, I. G., Prose and Verse, 1836. Prentice, G. D., Prenticeana, 1860. Rainbow, The, 1804. Rhode Island Book, 1841. Rush, B , Essays, 1806. Salad for the Solitary, 1853. Salmagundi, 1814. Sands, R. C., Writings, 1835. Sarmint agin Bull fights, 1860. P. 2504. Scrap Table for 1831. Scribblings, (Watmough), 1844. Sedgwick, C. M.. Facts and fancies, 1848. Shahcoolen, Letters, 1802. Shelton, F. W., Peeps from a belfrv, 1855. Shillaber, B. P., Mrs. Partington, 1859. Sigourney, L. H., Water-drops, 1859. " Pleasant Memories, 1844. (< Scenes in my native land, 1845. 308 LITERATURE. Literature, Americnn (continued). Simins, W. G., Egeria, 1844. Sketches by a traveller, 1830. Spalding, Bp. M. J., Miscellanea,1858. Sprague, C., Writings, 1843. Street, A. B., Woods and waters, 1860. " The Indian Pass, 1869. Talisman, The, 1828-30. Tator, H. H., Essays, 1850. P. 606. Taylor, B., At home and abroad, 1860. " 2d series, 1862. Taylor, J., Essays on various subjects, 1822. Thompson, M., Hist, of Elephant club, 1857. Thoreau, H. D., Excursions in Mass., 1863. " Wnlden : life in the woods, 1854. . " Yankee in Canada, 1866. " Cape Cod, 1865. " Concord and Merrimac rivers, 1862. Thorpe, T. B., Hive of the Bee-hunter, 1854. " Mysteries of the back woods, 1846. Token, The, 1828, 1832. Tother side of Ohio, 1818. Tuckerman, H.T., Diary of a dreamer, 1853. " The Optimist, 1850. Tudor, W., Miscellanies, 1821. Up Country Letters, 1852. Verplanck, Disc, and Addresses, 1833. Wallace, H. B., Lit. Criticisms, 1856. Ware, H., Works, 1846. Webber, Hunter Naturalist, 1851. Webster, D., Beauties of. Webster, N., A Collection of Essays, etc., 1790. Western Souvenir, 1829. Whipple, E. P., Lectures on, 1850. Whitney, A. D. T., Real folks, 1872. Whittier, J. G., Lit. recreations, 1854. tf Margaret Smith s Journal, 1849. Willis, N. P., Dashes at Life, 1845. " Rural Letters, 1849. " Inklings of adventure, 1836. (( Letters from under a bridge, 1840. " A 1 abri, 1839. The Legendary, 1828. " Hurry-graphs, 1851. " Penoillings by the way, 1839. " Fun-jottings, 1853. The Rag-bag, 1855. " The Convalescent, 1859. Literature, American (continued). Wintergreen, The, 1844. Wirt, W., The Old Bachelor, 1818. Wright, Elizabeth, Lichen tufts, 1860. See Fiction; Poetry; Essays; Litera ry, History. Literature, Danish. Nordiske Literatur Samfund, 1847-51. Literature, Dutch. Bowring, Batavian Anthology, 1824. Diligentise Ornnia Kunstgenootschap, 1774. Douwama, Geschriften, 1849. Duyse, Nederlandsche Versbouw, 1854. Erasmus, Samenspraken, 1697. Friesch Genootschap, 1856. Genootschap, Dulces, etc., 1775. God-ge~leertheid en dicht-kunden der Ouden. P 109. Hagen, J., Verzameling van Bruil- oftsvorzen, 1835. P. 31. B. C. Hemsterhuis, (Euvres philosophiques. Hooft, P. C., Brieven, 1600-40. Hoeven, A. Des Amorie v. d., Ad dresses, 1828. P. 30. B. C. Jonckbloet, Op de Rym-Kronyk, 1840. Kerkhistorisoh Archief, 1857. Kemper, Verhandelingen, 1835, 36. Kolyn, K., Ilistoria of Rym-chronik, 1745. Letterkundig genootschap. Mengelin- gen, 1843-51. Maatschappij der Ned. Letterkunde, 1846-50. Maatschap., Tot nut van t Algemoen, 1790, 1804-12. Maerlant, Rymbybel, 1859. <( Glossarium op. Rym Bibel. Spiegel Historiael, 1857-62. " Alexanders Geesten, 1861. Meyer, J. D., Verhandelingen, 1844, 1846. Mulder, Letteryruchten, 1844. Muller, P. L. S., Eenzame Nagt-ge- dagten, 1761. Pamphlets, vol. 107. Samenkomst der Geleerden, 1739. Taal en Dicht, Mengelstoffen, 1776. Tafereel, Het groote, der Dwaasheid, 1720. Vereen. ter bervord. Oude Nederl. Letterkunde, 1844-48. Vries, J. de, Nederduitsche Dicht- kunde, 1808. B. C. See Poetry; Drama. Literature, English and Transla tions. Addison. Joseph, Works, 1809, 10, 56. Amory, T., Life of Buncle, 1766. Blanchard, L.,SketchesfromLife,1846. LITERATURE. 309 Literature, English and Transla tions (continued). Boyd, A. H., Every day philosopher, 1863. " Recreations of a country parson, 1861. " Leisure hours in town, 1862. " Graver thoughts, 1862, 63. British Essayists: Spectator, etc. Brown, J., Spare hours, 1862. Browne, T., Works, 1836. Brydges, Restituta, 1814-16. " British Bibliographer, 1810. " Censura literaria. 1815. " DesuHoria, 18 1 5. Buckingham, Duke of, Works, 1726. Bulwer, Convers. with a Student, 1832. Burton s Cyclopaedia, 1858. Camden Society Publications, 1838-69. Carlyle, T., Sartor Resartus, 1837. " On Heroes, 1841. " Misc. essays, 1846. Challenge sent by a young lady, 1697. Chesterfield s Letters, 1777, 1865. Coleridge, S. T., Works, 1854. " Table talk, 1835. Colman, G., Prose, 1787. Comedian, The, Xo. 1-9, 1732. Comforts of human life, 1807. Cooper, A. A , Wit and Humour, 1709. Creech, W., Edinb. fug. pieces, 1815. Davy, H., Consolations in Travel, 1830. Death of Cain, 1811. De Quincey, Writings, 1851-54. Desultoria, 1850, N. Y. Doran, Habits and Men, 1855. " Table Traits, 1854. " Hist, of court fools. Drake, N., Mornings in Spring, 1828. Dunton, J., Athenian Oracle, 1791 Earle, Microcosmography, Repr., 1867. Elegant Extracts, 1818. Evelyn, J., Misc. writings, 1825. Fick, Elegant Extracts, 1804. Fitzosborne s letters, 1814. Froude, Short studies of great subjects, 1867, 1871. Fry, C., The Listener, 1832. Fugitive pieces, Dodsley, 1765. Gibbon, Miscel. Works, vol. 3, 1798. Godwin, Mary W.. Posthumous Works, 1798. Governayle of Helthe, Repr. Gray, W., Hist. Sketch of, 1835. Guileville, Pylgreiuage of the Sowle, 1483, Repr. Hall, B., Patchwork, 1841. Hallam, Remains, 1863. Literature, English and Transla tions (continued). Hanway, J., Journal of 8 days, 1756. Hazlitt, Characteristics, 1837. " The Plain Speaker, 1826. " Winterslow, 1850. Table talk, 1846. " Spirit of the age, 1825. Head, F. B., Bubbles from the Briin- nen, 1845. Heath s Book of Beauty, 1836. Helps, A., Companions in Solitude, 1857? " Friends in Council, 1849. Herbert, W., Works of, 1842. Heron, Letters of Literature, 1735. Hiffernan, Miscellanies, 1755. Hood, T., Prose and verse, 1845. " Whims and oddities, 1854. Hook, T., Sayings and Doings, 1836. Howitt, Pictorial Calendar of the Sea sons, 1854. Hunt, L., Works, 1854. " Men, Women and Books, 1847. " Table talk, 1851. " Book for a Corner. " The Seer, 1864. Infernal conference, 1795. Jackson, W., The Four ages, 1798. James I, Workes. James, G. P. R., Dark scenes of his tory. Johnson, S., Works. Keate, Sketches from nature, 1793. Knight, C., Half- hours with Best Au thors. Knowles, J. S., Works. Lamb, C , Works, 1818, 38. " Elia, 1838. Landor, W. S., Works, 1840. " Imaginary convers., 1826-29. " Exam, of Shakespeare, 1834. Lorgnette, The, or Studies of the Town, 1850. Lyttelton, G., Works, 1775. " Dialogues of the Dead,1797. Mackinnon, Atlantic and Transatlan tic Sketches, 1852. Maginn, The Odoherty Papers, 1855. " Fraserian Papers, 1857. Shakespeare Papers, 1856. Meikle, J., Solitude sweetened, 1811. " The Traveller, Life of, 1812, 1813. Microcosm, Canning, etc., 1788. Mill, J. S., Dissertations, 1864. Miller, H., Essays, 1865. " Tales and sketches, 1863. Mitford, M. R., Our Village, 1848. 310 LITERATURE. Literature, English and Transla. tions (continued). More, Hannah, Works. Murphy, A., Works. My Grandfather s farm, 1829. Percy Society Publications, 1840-52. Pinkerton, J., Letters on, 1785. Polyanthea, Lond., 1804. Prout, Reliques of, 1861. Punch: miscellany, Lond , 1844-5. Rickman, T. C., Evening walk, 1795. Rogers, II., Essays from Ed. Rev 1840, 55. " Greyson Letters, 1857. Rogers, S., Table Talk, 1856. Rolliad, 1787, 90. Roscommon, Letters for the press, 1832. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, Works, 17*0* Scenes in our parish, 1833. Serious Inquiry, Lond., 1752. Shaw, Manual of Eng. lit., 1867. Sidney, Sir P., Misc. works, I860. " Pembroke s Arcadia. Smith, H., Gaieties and GravitieB, 1852. Smith, Sydney, Wit and Wisdom of, 1856. Southey, R., Omniana, 1812. " Common-place Book, 1849, 1851. The Doctor, 1844. Stephen, J., Grit, and Misc. Essays, 1860. Sterne, L-, Works, 1847. Taylor, Jane, Writings. Thackeray, W. M., Mr. Brown s Let ters, etc., 1853. " Paris Sketch Book, 1852. ** Early and late papers, 1S67. Tupper, M. F., Rides of ^Esop Smith, 1858. Turkish Spy, (Marana), 1736. Vaughan, H., Works, (Grosart), 1870. Vaughan, Sir W., Golden fleece, 1626. Warburton, W., Lit. Remains, 1841. Warren, S., Miscellanies, 1854. " Diary of a physician. Welsted, Works, 1787. Wharton, Wits and beaux of Society. Willmott, Journ. of Summsr Time. 1852. Wilson, J., Noctes Ambrosianse, 1855, " Dies Boreales, 1850. tf Recreations of, 1842. Winter s wreath, Lond., 1831. See Essays; Literary criticism and History; Fiction; Bibliography. Literature, Flemish. Bibliophile Beige, 1845-64. Delepierre, Hist, of Flemish lit., 1860. Reiffenberg, Ann. Bib. Royale, 1840- 1851 . Literature, French. Alembert, Me langes de Litt., 1760. Artiguenave, Morceaux choisis. Beauinanoir, Coutumes des Beauvoisis. Beaumarchais, (Euvres, 1837. Besnier, Le Mexique Conquis, 1752. Boileau, Works, Trans. Boniface, Lecture par Jour, 1851, 54. Brantome, Les Dames Galantes, 1834. Brillat Savarin, Physiol. du gout. " Physiol. of taste, 1854. Buffon, Morceaux choisis. Carraud, Maurice, 1858. " La petite Jeanne, 1858. Cartier, Melange Curieux, 1767. Chateaubriand, CEuvres, 1836, 37. " Sketches of Engl. lit., 1836. Chenier, (Euvres Diverses, 18J6. Chevreau, (Euvres Meslees, 1697. See Perron. Condorcet, CEuvres, 1847. Courier, P. L., (Euvres, 1837. Du Fail, Discours d aucuns propos, 1732. Erasmus, L Eloge de la Folie, 1715. Estienne, Souvenirs, 1855. Fauriel, Hist, of Provencal poetrv, 1860. Fenelon, CEuvres, 1836, 37. Feugere, Morceaux choisis. Fonfrede. (Euvres, 1844-47. Genlis, Jeux champetres. Hist. Lit. des femmes fran^-aises, 1769. Jay, A., Le Glaneur, 1812. La Harpe, Cours de Litterature, 1837. Lamartine, Cours Familier, 1856. Les confidences, 1849. Lambert, Marquise de, CEuvres, 1750. Le Blanc, Lettres de Londres, 1751. Le Brun, Lecture Courante, 1857. * Etudes de Litterature, 1822. Leniare, Cours de Lecture. Maistre de Sacy, Journey round my room. Masson, French classics. Meon, Contes des xii* xv* Siecles. Mere, (Euvres, 1701. Montaigne, M. de, Essais de. " Essays, Wight s Ed. Ottavi, Recueil des Travaux de, 1843. Perroniana, etc. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1851-70. Revue du Nouveau Monde, 1849-50. LITERATURE. 311 Literature, French (continued). Sainte Beuve, C. A., Portraits de femmes, 1858. " Portrait* of celeb, women, 1868. St. Evremond, C. M. de St. D., (Euv., 1726. See also Perroniana. St. Pierre, J. H. B., (Euvres, 1836. Salui, La Princesse de, (Euvres, 1842. Suard, J. B., Melanges, 1803. Thery, Cours de Litt., 1847. Thou. De. See also Perroniana. Turgot, (Euvres, 1808-11. Vijver, Chrestomathie, 1826. B. C. Villeinain, Tableau de la lit. Fr. See Language; Poetry, French. Literature, German. Arnim, Armuth der Griifin Dolores. Eichhorn, Gesch. der Litteratur. Gessner, Works. Goethe, W. J von., W. Meister s ap prenticeship. Hedge, Prose Writers of Germany, 1848. Korner, C. T., Tales, Poems, etc. Lessing, Fabeln, 1857. Literarische Verein, Niirnberg, 1841- 1865. Luther, M., Table Talk, 1857. Schiller, F./Sammtliche Werke. " Translations, Bonn s ed. Schlegel, ^Esthetic and misc. works. Scholl, G. H., Geschichte der alt-und neu-deutschen Lit., 1845. Wagenseil, Von der Meister-Singer, Anfang, etc., 1697. Literature, Italian. Alfieri, V., Amer ica libera. Tragedies: Trans. Lloyd. Boccaccio, Decamerone, 1825. Collezione in dialletto Veneziano. Dante, Le monde Dantesque, 1856. Da Ponte, L., Storia della vita, 1807. Doddridge, P., Principii, etc. Foresti, Chrestomazia, 1851. Ganganelli, L., Lettere, 1823. Ginguene, Hist. Lit. d ltalie, 1824. Giordani, Prose, 1827-29. Leone, Dialoghi di Amore, 1545. Machiavelli, Opere, 1811. " Translations, Bonn s ed. Mafiei, S., Opere, 1790. Manzoni, A , Tragedie, 1825. " I promessi sposi, 1845. Metastasio, P., Opere, 1813. Dramas, etc., Hoole,1800. Monti, Opere, 1832-35. Oration on Ital. works of imagination, 1832. Literature, Italian (continued). Pellioo, S., Opere, 1835. Pezzoli, L-, Prcse e Poesie, 1835, 6. Polcastro, G., Opere, vol. 1, 4, 1832. Roberti, G., Opere, 1831. Rosetti, G., Discorso inaug., 1831. Soave, F., Novelle morali, 1825. Tasso, T., Opere, 1724. " Translations, Bohn, 1854. Tiraboschi, Letteratura Italiana, 1803, 1813. Vannetti, C., Opere, 1826-31. Villardi, F., Operette, 1832. Literature, Latin, Modern. Barclay, J., Argenis, 1621. tr Euphormion, 1671. Caelius, Antiquae lectionis, 1616. Goropius, J., Opera, 1580. Gruter, Lampas, sive Fax lib. artium, 1606. Larvina Satyricon, (Colardeau), 1619. Politianus, A., Opera, 1553. Sidonius, C. S., Opera, 1609. See Poetry, Latin. Literature, Russian. Bowring s Rus. Anthology. Otto, Russ. Lit., 1839. Talvi, Lit. of Slavic Nations. Literature, Sanscrit. Asiat. Soc of Bengal; Researches, 1812. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Bibliot. In- dica, 31 v. Garcin de Tassy, Hist. litt. Hindoui. Jones, Sir W., Works. Lamartine, Cours de litt., 1856. Mahawanso, Trans, of Tumour, 1837. Ramchunder, Memorial, 1838. Schlegel, Essays on Ind. literat. Small, G., Sanscrit lit., 1866. Stevenson, Trans, of the Sanhita, 1842. Yajnadattabada, Chazy, 1826. See Language, Sanscrit. Literature, Spanish. del P. Guzman. Aleman, Vida Botello, F., El nuevo mundo, 1701. Cervantes Saavedra, M., Don Quijote, 1853. " Galatea, 1784. " Viage al Parnaso, 1784. " Trabajos de Persiles, 1781. Ercilla, La Araucana, 1776. Feyjoo, Works, Trans. Florian, Novelas nuevas, Trans Gallardo, El Criticon, 1836. P. 628 Hita, G. P. de, Vandos de los Zegries ....de Granada, 1757. Manrique, R., Coplas, 1779. Mohedano, Hist. lit. de Espana, 1772. 312 LITERATURE. Literature, Spanish (continued). Pellicer, Bibliot. dc Traductores, 1778. Solorzano, Obras varias, 1676. Ticknor, Hist, of Sp. Literature. See Language. Literature, Swedish. Arwidsson,Hand- lingar till upplysning af Finlands Hafder, 1846. " Anders Schonborgs historiska bref, 1649. Bethuce, Spec, of Swedish Poetry. Cavallius, Sver. Hist, och Pol. visor. Kong. Nord. Oldskrift Selskab : Anna- ler; Memoires, 1836-66. Lastrom, Swea och Gotha Hofdinga- minne sedan, 1720. Nordiske Literatur Sainfund, 1847- 1851. Snorreson, Olaf Tryggvesons Saga. Sturlasson, Olafs Saga Svenska Fornsiinger, (Arwidsson),183J . Svenska Fornskrift Sallskapet, Sam- lingar. Tegner, Frithiof s Saga, Trans. See Bibliography. Lithography. Bregeaut, Man. del impr., 1850. Dupont, Mem. sur la litho. typo- graphie, 1839. Engelmann, Traite de lithog., 1841. Ferchl, Senefelder schen erfindungen, 1856. Raucourt, Manual of, 1820. Senefelder, Complete Course of, 1819. Tudot, Traite de lithographic, 1834. See Engraving; Typography. Little, Mrs. S. E. Withington, Sermon on, 1851. Little Britain, N. Y. Niven, Centen. Memor., 1859. Littleton, N. Hamp. Foster, E., Cen tury Sermon, 1815. Liturgies. Baxter, R., Cath. Commu nion, 1684. P. 356. Beveridge, Of Common Prayer, 1681. Calvin, J., Common Prayer. Church of Eng., Book of Cornm. Prayer : Reprints, 1844, 8 v.fo. * Common Prayer, Eng lish, Latin, French, Dutch, Arabic, He brew, Marathi, Mo hawk. Eccl Hist. Society; Common Prayer, 1849, 50. Eutaxia, or Presbyterian liturgies, 1856. Fox, F., Present with the Prayer Book, 1819. P. 543. Horsley, S., Apology for, 1790. Liturtries (continued). Irish Church; Common Prayer, 1849. King s Chapel, Boston. 1811. Lindsey, A Liturgy, 1776. Liturgy of the Church, (Cardale), 1856. Lushington, Judgment of, 1855. Martini, Medulla Alissse Germanica, 1750. Order in Hebrew. P. 975. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 308, 1286, 1287. Presb. Church; Preces ecclesiasticae, 1856. Prot. Ep. Ch., Book of Prayer, 1855. Pulpit conceptions, 1662. Question truly stated, 1751. Ref. Dutch Ch. of N. A., 1822. Respectful Address, Lond., 1825. Riland, British Liturgy, 1832. P. 308. Rom. Cath. Ch., Missale, 1852. " Breviarium, 1852. " Graduate, 1848. " Excerp ta ex Rituali Romano, Bait ,1857. " Ordoadm.Sacramenta in missione Angli- cana, 1831. <c Ordinario de la Misa. Rowe, S., Appeal to the Rubric, 1841. Watkins, H. G., Sermon, 1823. Watson, J., Serm., Lu. xi. 2. 1731. Whiston, W. , L. of Ch. of Engl. primi tive, 1713. See Prayer; Church of Engl., Liturgy; Communion; Rom. Cath. Church. Livermore. Association of Descendants. Liverpool, 2d Earl of. Life of. Yonge, C. D., Life of, 1868. Liverpool, Eng. Baines, T., History of, 1852. Brown, W., Library for. Liverpool Guide, 1834. P. 1756. Lives. See Biography. Livingston family. Holgate s genealo gies. Livingston, E. Gilpin, H. D., Biogra phy of, 1840. Hunt, C. H., Life of. Mignet, Notice aur, (Inst. de Fr., Ac. Mor., 1841). Livingston, J. II. Cuyler, C. C., Ser mon on. De Witt, J., Funeral Disc, on, 1825. Gunn, A., Memoirs of, 1829, 1856. Livingston, R. R. Francis, Life of, 1847. Livingston, W. Sedgwick, T., Life of, 1833. LONDON. 313 Livingston County, N. Y. Directory, 1868. Livingston Manor. Clarkson, Biog. History of, 1869. Livonia* Account of, 1701. Heath s Annual, (Ritchie), 1836. Lobdell, II. Tyler, W. S., Memoir of. Locke, J. Burnet, G., Preface on, 1732. Grenville, Oxford <k Locke, 1829. King, Lord, Life of, 1830. Locke, W. Locke, J. G., Geneal. Re cord of, 1853. Lockhart, G. Lockhart papers, 1817. Lockhart, J. G. Life of, in Spanish ballads, 1856. Peter s Letters to his Kinsfolk, 1819. Scott, J., Statement, 1821. Locks. Chubb, Construction of. Fiehet, Notice sur les travaux de, 1855. P. 233. Newell s Bank Lock, 1849. P. 298. Tomliuson. C., Treatise on, 1853. Lodging Houses. Great Britain, Lodg ing Houses, 1853. P. 472. See Building Societies; Poor. Loevenstein, II. Vollenhoven, Brooders gevangenisse, 1842. Logic. Blakey, R., Hist. Sketch of. 1851. Bouhours, Art of, 1728. Brenan, Old and new logic, 1838. Brerewood, Tractatus de Praedicalibus, etc., 1659. " Elem. logicse, 1668. Burgersdicius, Instit. Logica., 1668. Crousaz, J. P., Art of thinking, 1724. De Morgan, Formal Logic, 1847. Devey, Logic, 1854. Duncan, W., Elements of, 1792. B. C. Duns, Scriptumsuper4 Sententiarum. 1520. Fowler, T., Elem. of deduct. logic,1867. Hamilton, W., Lectures on, 1860. Hamilton, W. G., Parliam. logick, 1808. Hedge, L., Elements of. Hornstein, Dialectica anal. imaginiDus illust., 1779. Lacretelle, Logique et Metaphysique. Latham, R. G., Logic applied to Gram., 1847. Lombard, Sententiarum lib. iv., 1634. Melancthon, Erotemata Dialectices, 1577. Mill, J. S., System of, 1846. Milton, J., Works, vol. 5, 1851. Mocenicus, Univ Instit. ad Horn, per- fectionem, 1581. 40 Logic (continued). Neil, S., Art of Reasoning, 1853. Rogers, J. E. T., Lect. on Aristotle. Tappan, H. P., Elements of, 1856. Thomson, W., Laws of Thought, 1859. Watts, I., Works. Whately, R., Elements of, 1834. Wilson, W. D., Elem. Treatise, 1856. See Philosophy; Language; Mental Philos. Loire, France. Annuaire, 1845. Lollards. Netter, Fasciculi 1858. See Wickliffe, J. Lombardy. Barrow, J., jr., Tour in, 1840. Kingsley, C., Roman and Teuton, 1864. Smith, B., Italian irrigation, 1855. SeCertosa; Milan; Padua; Pavia; Venice; Verona; Vicenza; Italy. London. Allen, T., Hist, and Antiq. of, 1837, 39. Arnold s Chronicle, 1810. Bray ley, London and Middlesex. Burton, Histor. remarks, 1681. Calamy, B., Sermon on the fire, 1666. Sermon, 1685. Cansick, Epitaphs in St. Pancras, 1869. Change for Dickens s notes, 1843. Cock, Dock Company, 1825. Colquhoun, Commerce of the Thames, 1800. Comparative statement, 1799. Concanen s Southwark, 1795. Cooper, J. F., Society in the Metropo lis, 1837. Crosby, Brass, Memoirs of, Cunningham, P.> Hand-book of, 1850. Deering, Coal Whippers of, 1851. De Foe, Works, Plague in. Deykes, Pavement of the Streets, 1824. P. 139. Elmes, Survey of Harbor of, 1838. " Topog. Description of, 1831. Emerson, G. R., How London grew. Essay on increase of trade, 1749. Estell, Commercial list, 1860. Franeklin, Serm. after the fire, 1748. Gavin, Unhealthiness of, 1847. Gerard, London and New York, 1853. Gosden, Funer. Monuments in. Grafton s Chronicle (List of Officers). Grant, R., Great Metropolis, 1837. Graunt, Nat. and pol. Obs. on, 1676. Hawkins, T., Drainage of, 1848. Herbert, 12 Great Livery Companies. Hewitt, The Tower of. Hogg, J., London as it is, 1836. 314 LONDON. London (continued). Hopkins, W., Sermon on the fire, 1683. Howard, L., The Climate of, 1833. Howell, T., Day s business in, 1850. Hughson, Walks through; and West minster. 1817. Jesse, J. H., Lit. and Hist. Memoirs of, 1847. Lappenberg, Des Hansischen Stahlofes, 1851. Lester s Illustrations of, 1816. P. 392. Letter to the Common Council, 1765. London: Pleas of the city, 1681, 82. " Addresses to the King, 1769- 1774. " Rights on Sheriffs, 1695. (t Remembrancia index, 1870. London: Acct. of fire of, 1665. London and environs described, 6 v., 1761. " Description of, Coll. voy. 7. London directory, 1677, 1789, (P. 139), 1841, 43, 50, 55, 63. London Pictorially Illust., 1841-44, (Knight). London, Picture of, 1815. London s Liberties, 1682. P. 1112. Lorrain, P., Sermon on the fire, 1707. Low, S., The Charities of, 1850. Madinier, Charite privee &> 1862. Malcolm, Manners in, to A. D. 1700. " Manners in 18th century. McCulloch, London in 1850, 51. Marshall, J., Statistics of the Metro polis, 1801-3, 1833. Massy, Halles et Marches dc, 1862. Mayhew, H., Prisons of, 1862. ef London Labor and Poor, 1851, 61. Modest enquiry, Sheriffs, 1682. Mogg, Coach fares. Morris, C., Past growth of, 1751. Munimenta Gildhall Londoniensis, (Chron. G. B.). Murray, J. F., The World of, 1845. News from Guildhall, 1680. Pamphlets relative to, vols. 1112,1348, 1710. Pickett, W., Pub. improvement in, 1788. Pickett Street, 1804. Pictorial Hand-book of, 1854. Player, T., Proc. at Guildhall, 1679. Ralph, J., Reviewof the Public build ings of, 1783. P. 1710. Reas. for extending., .wharfs, 1758- Redding, C., Stranger in, 1851. Reports on Wet Docks, 1797. P. 139. Royal Blue Book, 1855. St. Michael s Church. London (continued). Seasonable answer, 1681. Smith, J. T., Antiquarian Rambles in, 1846. Somerset Chapel, Marriages in. Stone, W., Franchises of the Corpora tion, 1797. P. 1*9. Stow, Survey of, 1633. Taylor, J. R., Chancery lane, 1850. Thames Tunnel, Rep., 1828. Vetch, Sewerage of, 1851. Walker, G. A., Gatherings from grave yards in, 1830. Watkins, Directory for 1855. Week in London, 1850. Wilson s Merchant Taylors School, 1814. Wood, T. L., London he;ilth and traf fic in, 1859. Yankey in London, 1809. See Westminster Abbey; St. Paul s. London Missionary Society. Mem. of first attempts, 1795. " Reports, 1807-52. Morrison, Biog. of fathers of, 1844. Reed, A., Appeal, 1847. Londonderry, Ir. Colby s Survey of, 1837. Graham, History of the Siege in, 1688, 1689. Sampson, Survey of, 1802. Londonderry, New Hamp. 150th An niversary, 1870. Parker, E. L., History of, 1851. Longevity, Human. Bailey, Records of, 1857. Cicero, On Old Age, (Logan), 1741, 58. Culverwell, The art of. Easton, Longev. of 1712 persons, 1799- Flourens, Human Longevity, 1855. Kinnersley, Sepul. curiosities. Lambert, Longevity, 1869. Robert, De la Vieillesse, 1777. Sinclair, Sir J., Code of, 1844. Thackrah, Causes of, 1832. See Life; Old age; Population. Longfellow, H. W. Clark, J. V. H., * Hiawatha legend, 1856. Poe, E. A., The literati. Long Island, N. Y. Ayres, Legends of Montauk. Bergen families, 1866. De Kay, Indian names of. De Sille, New Utrecht, Hist, of, 1660. Documents relating to land, 1850. Long Is. Hist. Soc., 2-5 Reports, 1865- 1868. Onderdonk, H., jr., Long Island in Olden Times, 1851. LOUISIANA. 315 Long Island, N. Y. (continued). Ondordonk, H., Names of persons and places on. Bibliography of. " Suffolk, Kings and Queens Cos. in olden times, 1865-6. Prime, N. S., History of, 1845. Riker, Annals of Newtown, 1852. South Hampton, Documents, 1863. Suffolk Co. Agric. Soc., Nicoll s ad dress, 1866. Thompson, B. F., Hist, of, 1839. Watson, W. C., Plains of, 1860. Wood, S., Settlement of Towns on, 1828. See Brooklyn; Queens Co. ; Southamp ton, etc. Loo Choo Is. Bettelheim, Letter, 1852, Habersham s Exped., 1857. Hall, B., Account of Voyage to, 1818. McLeod, Voyage, 1818. Sec Japan; China. Loomis, J. Descendants of, 1870. Lopez, Gregory. Life of, 1841. Losa, F., Vie de, 1865. Lord, D. M. Whitaker, E., Fun. Ser mon on. Lord s Prayer. Auer, In 608 lang., f. Fauvel, In 100 languages. Strale, In 50 languages, 1 sheet. Lord s Supper. Ste Communion. Loredano, L. Navagero, A., Funeral Oration on. Pamph r 12. Lot. See Lotteries ; Chance; Games. Lot, France. Annuaire, 1828, 33, 45. Lotteries. Cherokee Land Lottery, 1838. Explan. of Permutation Plan, 1832. Gordon, G. W., Lecture on, 1833. Leclerc, Reflections on, 1758. P. 1370. Lotteries Exposed, 1827. Massachusetts, Gov. Message, 1833. New York: Lottery ticket blanks: Yates & Mackintyre, 3 v., P. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 182. Penn a, Report on, 1832. Phil a, Report on, in Penn a, 1831. Some thoughts on.... a lot, 1750. Spencer, A., Lottery Contractors,1827. Tyson, Lott. System of U. S., 1837. Yates, J. B., Statement of Objections, 1826. P. 12. B. C. Louallier, L. Appeal, N. Orleans,1827. Louis XI. Berger, Decouverte du Cceur de, 1846. Commines, Secret History of, 1856. VarillaSj Histoire de. Louis XIII. Aubigne, Histoire, lf>26. Bassompierre, Mcmoirea, 1765. France: Docts. Incdits, Lettres, etc., de Richelieu, 7 v. Richelieu, Memoires, (Aubery), 1660. Louis XIV. (Euvres : Mi-moires. Memoirs of, 1747. Anquetil, Louis XIV, Sa cour. Choisy, Memoires de. Depping, Corresp. sous L. XIV. Memorial to the Emperor, 1688. Graminont, Memoirs. James, G. P. R., Life of, 1851. La Motraye, Travels, 1732. Mignet, Negotiations sous. Pardoe, Misi, Louis XIV and the court, 1847. Retz, Card., Memoirs, 1817. St. Simon, L. De R., Memoires. Temple, Sir W., Works and Memoirs. Voltaire, Siecle de Louis XIV. Louis XV. Beauvais, Oraison funeb. Louis XV, Vie privee, 1781. Voltaire, Le siecle de. Louis XVI. Trial of, 1799. Aperyu arrestation de, 1795. Deseze, Defence of. Edgeworth, Death of. Fox, W., On the death of, 1793. Goudemetz, Execution of. Malouet, Defense de, 1792. Moleville, Dernieres annees du regne, 1803. Renee, A., Louis et sa cour, 1858. Soulavie, Memoirs, 1802. Williams, H. M., Corresp. of, 1803. Louis XVII. Hanson, The lost prince. Louis XVIII. Memoirs by himself. " Correspondance privee. Narr. of journey to Coblentz, 1791. Louis Philippe. Cass, L., France, its king, 1840. Granier, Hist, de la chute de, 1857. Guizot, Meinoin of my time, 1860. Michaud, Life of, 1851. Pingret, Voyage a Windsor, 1846. Poore, Rise and Fall of, 1848. Victoria and L. P., Private Letters, 1848. See France. Louise Julianne, Elect. Palat. Bun- net t, Life of,. Louisbourg. See French War in Ameri ca, 1743-1759. Louisiana. Account of, 1802. Baudry des Lozieres, Voyage a, 1794- 1798. 316 LOUISIANA. Louisiana (continued). Barbe-Marbois, Hist, de ; et de la Cession, 1829. " History of, 1830. Barnwell, New Orleans Book, 1851. Bastrop Grant, 1852. Berquin-Duvallon, Colonie du Missis sippi, 1F02. " Schilderung von. Voyage a la Louisiane, 1794- 1798. Bossu, Travels through. .. .Louisiana, 1771. Brackenridge, Views of; and Voy. up ! the Missouri, 1811. Brown, 0. B., Cession of, 1803. Bullard, Disc. Hist. Soc. of La., 1836. Bunner, History of, 1843. Champigny, Etat present de, 1776. Coxe, Of the River Meschacebe, 1722. | Champigny, Memoir on, 1853. Darby, Gcog. Description of, 1817. Davis, J., Travels in, 1802. Dumont, Memoires Hist, sur, 1753. " History of, 1853. Durant, Letter to H. J. Davis, 1864. Forstall, Documents in Libraries on 1846. French, Hist. Collec. of, 1846-53. Hist. Coll., 1869. Gayarre, C., Histoire de la, 1846, 47. | " Romance of the History of, 1848. " Hist, of Span, domination, 1854. t( Hist, of French domin., 1854. " Hist, of Am. domin., 1866. Hennepin, Description de la, 1683. New discovery, 1698. Ueustis, J. W., Topog. and diseases of, 1817. Hutchins, T., Description of, 1784. Joutel, Journal historique, 1713. La Harpe, B. de, Establissement des Franyais dans, 1831. La Salle, On taking possession of. Laval, Voyage de, 1720. Lepago du Pratz, Histoire de, 1758. Lettre de M. D., 1756. Louisiana, Gov. Messages, 1860, 64. " Geog. and statist, acct.. 1803. Louisiana Directory, 1870-71. Marcy, R. B., Expl. of Red River, 1852. Martin, F. X., History of, 1827-29. Memoires sur, 1804. Milburn, Rifle, Axe, etc., 1857. Morris, T. A., Miscellany, 1854. Louisiana (continued). Perrin Du Lac, Voyage, 1805. " Travels, 1807. Pittman, Europ. Settlements on the Mississippi, 1770. Poydras, Speech on the batture, 1810. " Defence 011 the batture, 1809. Robin, C. C., Voyage dans, 1802-06. Sauvole, Etablissement des Franyaisa. Sketches of life and character in, 1847. Stoddard, A., Sketches of, 1812. Tonti, Of La Salle s Exped. Topog. Desc. of, 1818. Valette, Journal d un Voyage, 1720. Vergennes, Mem. Hist, et Pol sur 1802. View of Claims of Am. Citizens, 1803. Set Mississippi; New Orleans. Louisville, Ky. Directory, 1855. Lyford s Directory, 1837. M Murtrie, Sketches of, 1819. Louvain. Universite, Annuaire, 1864. Namur, Hist, des bibliotheques de. L Ouverture, P. Touhsaint. History of, 1803. Beard, J. R., Life of, 1853. Dubroca, Vie de, 1802. Elliott, Lecture on, 1855. Lee, Memoir of, 18o4. Louvet, J. B. Quelques notices de, 1794. Lovat, M. Ruggieri, Narrative of Exe cution of, 1805. Pamph r, 3. Lovat, S. Eraser, Lord. Burton, J. H., Life of, 1847. Lovat, Behaviour of, 1747. P. 1541. Love. Leone, Dial, di Amore, 1545. Michelet, L Amour, 1859. Swedenborg, E., Conjugial love. See Marriage; Friendship; Woman. Lovejoy, E. P. Beecher, Alton riots, 1838. Lovejoy, J. C., Life of, 1838. Lovejoy, O. U. S., Obit, addresses, 1864. P. 1857. Lovewell s fight. Kidder, F., Expedi tion of, 18j65. Symmes, Account of, 1725, (Bouton s ed.). Low, S. Farley, F. A., Tribute to. Lowe, Sir H. Forsyth, W., Extracts from his Letters, etc., 1853. Lowe, P. Vanpelt, Fun. Sermon. Lowell, C. Bartol, C., Sermon on. Lowell, J. A. Reply to Brooks. Brooks, E., Answer to, 1848. LYNN, MS. 317 Lowell, Maes. Docts., 1849-53. " Hand-book for, 1848. Mortality tables, 1840-50, 57. Miles, H. A., Lowell as it is, 1845. Lowman, 31. Chandler 8 Serra. on, 1752. Lowrie, W. 31. Lowrie, W., Memoirs of, 1850. Lowth, R. Warburton, Answer to, 1766. Lowville, N. Y. Lockwood, W. H., Sermon, 1862. Lowville Acad. semi-centenn., 1858. Rural cemetery. Loyola. See Ignatius. Loyalists of 1776. Brief statement,1800. Cunningham s claim, 1794. Sabine, L., Biog. sketches of loyalists, 1847, 64. Wilmot, J. E., Hist, of the Commis sion on losses of, 1815. Lozere, Fr. Annuaire, 1828. Lucas, C. Biography of, 1817. Ludlow, Gen. E. Memoirs, 1771. Ludlow, J. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Death of, 1857. Taylor, W. J. R., Sermon on, 1857. Wyckoff, Discourse on, 1857. P. 555. Ludwick, C. Rush, B , Life of, 1831. Luflt, J. Zeltner, Kurz Historic, 1727. Luitpold, Hzg. Horinayr, Gedachtniss- rede, 1831. Lake, St. Points at issue, (Dunster), 1811. Lullny, C. Schoolcraft, W. H., Fire at Central Hotel, Washington. Lunatics. See Insane. Lundy, B. Life of, 1847. Lime 11, W. P. Evans, J., Oration on. Lunenburg, 3Is. Damon, D., Hist, dis course, 1828. Lutignan Kings. See Cyprus. Lutf C Hah. Autobiography, 1857. Luther, 31. Audin, History of Life of, 1841. B. C. Herrnschmidius, Life of, 1780. Luther, Life of, 1853. Table Talk. " Propos de table. Merle d Aubigne, Hist, of the Reform. Meurer, Life of, 1848. Michelet, Life of, 1846. Scott. J., Life of. Sears, E., Experiences at Erfurt. (Bib- liot. Sac.), 1848. Zeltner, Bibel-version und anderer Schriften, 1727. Lutheran Church. Evan. Luth. Ch. Conv, 1833, 37, 45, 62. " Ministerium of N.Y., Minutes, 1828-67. " Catechism, etc., 1855. P. 604. Franckean ET. Luth. Synod, 1853, 56. Genera, Copy of a letter, 1708. Germ. Evan. Luth. Min. of Pa., 1847. Germ. Er. Luth. Ch. Boston, 1857. Hartwick Synod, 1850, 51, 55, 56, 60- 1867. P. 1675. Haselius, Hist, of Am Luth. Church, 1685- 842. Lutheran Almanac, 1852, 55, 57, 59, 1862, 64. Pohlman, H. N., Disc. Lut. Church in Maine, 1869. Schaeffer, Early History of, 1857. Schinucker, Discourses, 1841, 53. " Am. Luth. Ch. delineated, 1851. Smith, J. F., Appeal, 1845. Sprague s Annals, Vol. 9, 1869. See Evang. Lutheran. Luttrell, N. Diary, 1678-1714. Luxembourg. Respublica Lutsenbur- gensis. 1634. Lnzenberg, C. A. Phys. Med. Soc. of N. Orleans, 1838. P. 87. Lnzerne Co., Pa. Pearce, S , Annals to 1860. Lyall,W.R. Harrison, B., Charge, 1855. Lyceums. White, D. A., Addresson, 1830. See Library Assoc ns; Young Men s. Lying-in Hospital, Loud. Dodd, W., Sermon and Report, 1754. See Hospitals; Medicine. Lymans of Middleficld, Descendants of. L vina n. C. Wadsworth, C., Sermon, Death of, 1848. P. 268. Lyman, H. Memoir of, 1856. Thompson, W., Memoirs of, 1839. Woods, L., Funeral Sermon on. Lyman, J. Ellis, R., Sermon on, 1848. Lyman, P. Woodbridge, W., Sermon on, 1800. Lyman, R. Genealog. Chart of, 1869. Reunion of the family, 1871. Lyminge, Eng. Jenkins, R. C., Churches in. Lynchburg, Va. Sketches of. 1858. Weekly Register, 1864. Lynn, 3Is. Munic. Regist., 1860. " Directory, 1854, 57, 58, 60. Cooke, Century of Puritanism. Lewis, A., History of, and Nahant, 1844. 65. Lin : or Jewels, 1862. 318 LYON. Lyon, Miss M. Humphrey, H., Fun. Sermon on, 1849. White, P. H., Life of, 1858. P. 494. Lyon, Gen. N. Life and writings, 1861. Woodward, A , Life of, 1862. Lyon, France. Annuaire, 1828. Dardol, Palais du commerce, 1866. Desjardins, Hotel de ville, 1864. Epoques de 1 Eglise de Lyon, 1827. Monfalcon, Hist, de la Ville, 1851. Le Nouveau Spon, 1856. See Bibliography. Lyttelton, George, Lord. Phillimore, Memoirs of, 1734-73. Lyttelton, T., Lord. Letters, 1807. M. Maatschappij, Amst., P. vol. 570. Macarius. Possinus, P., Thes. Asce- ticus, 1684. McArthur, D. McDonald, J., Biog. Sketch, 1852. Macartney, Enrl. Barrow, Life of, 1807. Macaulay, T. B. Dixon, On W. Penn. Hollings, Lecture on. Maginn, Fraserian Papers. Miller, H., M. on Scotland, 1857. Paget, J., Charges against Penn, 1858. McCail, Gen. G. A. Thirty years in the army, 1868. M Cheyne, R. M. Bonar, Memoir of, 1847. Roxburgh, Disc, on, 1843. Macchiavelli, N. Opere, 1811. 12 v. Macaulay s Essay on. McChord, J. Bishop, R. H., Discourse on, 1821. McClellan, Gen. G. B. Eliot, C., jr., Papers, 1862. Hillard, G. S., Life of. Joinville, Army of the Potomac, 1862. McClellan, Report from Se.it of war in Europe, 1855-6. " Reports of Army of the Potomac. 1864. Pamphlets, vols. 1586, 1591, 1819. Prim, Gen., Army of the Potomac, 1864. Swinton, Military career of, 1864. Wilkes, Ball s Bluff to Antietam, 1863. McClellan, S. Blatchford, Eulogy on, 1857. McConihe, I. In memoriam, 1868. McCoskry, S. A. Kelly, H., Letter from, 1850. McCoun, J. T. Kennedy, D., Fun. address. McCoun, Mrs. M. Andrews, E. W., Sermon, 1847. McCrea, Jane. Case s Revolut. Mem. Wilson, D., Life of. McCullock,C. Davis, W. P., Sermon on, 1864. McDiarmid, A. M lver, Sermon on. M Dowall, J. R. Memoir of, 1838. Refutation of himself, 1836. Macedonia. Hackett, H. B , Jour, to Philippi, Bibliot. Sac., 1860. See Greece; Turkey. Maceroni, Col. Memoirs of, 1838. McGarrahan claim. Shepard s state ment. P. 1872. Machinery. Appleton s Diet, of ma chines, mechanics, etc., 1852. Babbage, Economy of Mach., 1832. Barlow, On the Manuf. and Machinery of G. B., 1836. Buchanan, R., Mill-work, etc., 1823. Great Britain, Exportation of. Hachette, Traite element, des ma chines, 1811. Miers, Machines to make cables. Nicholson, Operative mechanic, 1834. Weisbach, Mech. of Mach y, 1847-48. See Arts; Engineering; Hydraulics; Mechanics; Milhvork. Mclntyre, A. Sprague, W.B., Sermon, Death of, 1857. Tompkins, D. D., Letter to, 1819. Mclutyre, E. Sprague, W. B., Disc. on. Mackay, Gen. II. Mackay, J., Life of, 1836. McKean, Gov. Impeachment of, 1808. McKean, J. Frothingham, Sermon on. McKenney, T. L. Armstrong, K., Re ply, 1847. P. 194. Mackenzie, A. Slidell. Cruise of the Somers. P. 1774. Mackenzie, Case of the Someri Mutiny Defence, 1843. Mackenzie, H. Scott, W., Life of. Mackenzie, W. L. Lindsey, C., Life of, 1863. Mackinaw City. Mansfield, Descrip tion of, 1857. P. 565. Strickland, Old Mackinaw, 1860. McKinstry family descendants, (Willis), 1st, 2d eds. McKinstry, Gen. J. Vindication of, 1862. P. 1872. MAGIXN. 319 Mackintosh, Sir J. Macaulay s Essays, Life of. Mackintosh, R. J., Memoirs of, 1836. " Life of, in his History. Macklin, A. Gray, J., Sermon on, 1859. McKnight, J. Patton, J., Discourse on. Macky, J. Mem. of secret services of, 1733. McLagan, J. Davidson, A. D., Sermon Maclaine, J. Allen, Dr., Behavior of, 1750. McLean, J. Sprague, W. B., Disc. on. McLeod. Urquhart, Case of, 1841. McLeod, A. Wylie, S. B., Memoirs, 1835. Macnaught, J, Lowe, J. B., Reply to, 1856. . M Neale, J. Johnson, S. C., A Few Thoughts, 1843. P. 331. Macomb, A. Richards, George H., Me moirs, 1833. Macon, E. Gotten, Life of, 1840. McPherson, J. Buiat, On death of, 1806. Macrea, Jane. See McCrea. Macready. Rejoinder, Astor Opera House, 1849. Macnrdy, E. Elliott, D., Life of, 1840. McVickar, J. In meraoriaui, 1868. McWhorter, A. Griffin, E. D., Sermon on, 1807. Macy, S. J. Genealogy of, 1868. Madagascar. Boothby, R , Description of. Gauche, Voyage a, 1651. Copland, History of, 1822. Drury s Adventures, 1807. Ellis, W., History of, 1838. " Three Visits to, 1859. Everard, Sufferings near. Jeffreys, K., Journal, 1827. Madagascar, Past and Present, 1847. Pfeiffer s, Visit to, 1861. Relations Veritables, 1651. Rochon. Voyage to, 1792. See Africa. Madeira Is. Bowdich, S., Excursions in Madeira, 1823. Campden, C. G. N., British Chap laincy, 1847. P. 238. Dix, J. A., A Winter in, 1850. Lord, J., Persecution at. March, C. W., Sketches, 1856. Steele, R., Tour, 1810. Madiai family. Evang. Mag., 1852. Persecu. in Tuscany. Madison, J. Adams, J. Q ,. Eulogy on, 1831. Bacon, E., Address, 1844. Barnard, D. D., Lecture on, 1837. Jennings. P., Reminiscences of, 1865. Lowell, J., Mr. Madison s war. Madison, Papers, 3 v., 1840. " Corresp., 1859, (Maguire). " Letters, 4 v., 1865. Rives, W. C., Life of, 1859-68. Madison Co., N. Y. Directory, 1868. Madison , Ind. Ly ford s Directory, 1 837. Madison, Win. Statistics, 1352. Draper s Descr. of, 1857. Madison University, N. Y. Cata logues, 1846-64. Madras. Letter to a proprietor, 1750. Lewin, M., Rupture with the Court, 1848. Murray s Handbook. Madrid, Spain. Desoripcion, 1833. Manual, 1833. Maffitt, J. N. Elsemore, Life of, 1848. Maffitt, Trial of, 1822. Magaw, L. Bend, J., Sermon on, 1790. Magdalen*. Pam. vols. 985, 986. Magee, J. Howe, F. S., Life of. Magazines. See Periodicals. Magellan Strait. Bry, J. De, Peregrin. Collectio. Hacke, Wood s Voyage, 1699. Pernety, Two voyages, 1763-64. See Pacific voyages. Magic. Boulton, Possibility of, 1722. Brewster, D., Letters on Collinde Plnncy, Dictionnaire infernal. De Foe, System of. Ennemoser, History of, 1854. Gentilis, S., In Apulei apologiam, 1607. Godwin, Lives of the Necromancers, 1834. Hauber, Bibliotheca Magica, 1739-45. Horst, Zauber Bibliothek, 1821-26. Leeohdoms, Wortcunning, and star- craft of early Engl. (Chron. G. B.). Maiden, R. R., Phantasmata. Maffei, Opere, Arte magica anuichilata. Porta, Magiae Naturalis, 1607. Salverte, E., Philosophy of, 1847. Wright, T., Narr. of Sorcery and, 1852. See Delusions. Maginu, W. Mem., in Fraserian Papers. 320 MAGNA CHARTA. Magna Charta. Bower, F., Documents, i Creasy, The Engl. constitution, 1858. j Greene, J., Lecture on, 1850. Thouison, R., Hist, essay on, 1829. Magnetic Telegraph. See Telegraph. Magnetism* Allan, Ship s Compasses. Arago, (Euvres : Notices Scientifiques, 1854. Barnard, F. A. P., Recent discoveries in, 1837. Christie, Magnetism of the Earth, 1833 Great Britain: Patents, 1766-1857. Harris, W. S., Rudimentary Magnet ism, 1850. Kroil, Magnet. Beobachtungen, 1855. Lamont, Magn. Observatoriuin, 1854, 1856. Locke, J., Obs. on Terrestrial, 1850. Loomis, E., Mag. Dip in the U. S., 1850, 51. Makerstoun Mag. and Meteor. Obs , 1841-44. Metcalf, S. L., New Theory of, 1833. Page, C. G., Hist, of induction, 1867. Quetelet, Magnetisme Terrestre. (C Lea Aurores Boreales. " Obs. des Ph6nomenes period., 1840-63. Sabine, E., Contribu. to, etc., 1840-43. Sonntag, Terr. Mag. in Mexico. Sherwood, H. II., Memorial, 1839. Toronto Observatory : Observa., 1845. Tyndall, J., On diamagnetism, 1870. " Fragments of Science, 1871. U. S. Report on, 1838. U. S., Naval Astronomical Exped., Chile, (Gilliss), 1849-52. Yelin, Ueber Magnetismus, 1818. See Electricity; Natural Phil. Magnetism, Animal. Animal Mag., a ballad. Archives du magnetisme, 1820-23. Ashburner, J., Facts in clairvoyance, 1848. Atkinson, Letters on Man s Nature, 1851. Bakker, G., Tegenwoordige Staat,1814. Beldon, Account of Jane Ryder, 1834. Biran, Memoire, (Inst. de Fr., Aad. Mor.), 1837. Boismont, Hallucinations, 1853. Bush, G., Mosmer & Swedenborg. Cahagnet, Celestial Telegraph, 1857. Christmas, Cradle of the Twin Giants, 1819 Corfe, G., Mesmerism tried, 1848. Dendy, Phil, of Mystery, 1845. Du Bois, On Animal Electricity, 1852. Du Commun, Three lectures, 1829. Magnetism, Animal (continued). Elements of, 1836. P. 69. Esdaile, Mesmerism in India, 1847. Gregory, W , Letters to an Enquirer on, 1851. Grimes, J. S., Etherology, 1850. Haddock, J , Psychology, 1850. Jones, II., An. Mag. repudiated, 1846. Key to Electrical Psychol., 1849. Lee, E., An. Mag. and Homoeopathy, 1835. P. 405. M Neile, Satanic Agency, P. 213. Manual of Magnetism, 1856. Martin, J., M. Examined, 1790. Martineau, H., Letters on Mesmerism, 1845. P. 43. B. C. Mesmerism, its pretensions, 1845. Mill, J., Clairvoy. in medicine, 1858. Mitchell, J. K., Essay on, 1859. Morley, C., Elements of An. Mag., 1847. P. 238. Obfuscationibus (De), Hitchcock, 1845. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 858, 959. Perkins, Elisha, Metallic tractors, 1796, 1800. Poyen, Letter to Col. Stone, 1837. Reichenbach, Dynamics of, 1851. Sherwood, Manual for Magnetizing, 1850. " Motive power, 1841. Sinee, A., Electro-biology, 1852. Smith, Gibson, Lecture on, 1845. Smith, S. B., Mod. appli. of Electro- mag., 1850. Sousselier, L Ami de la Nature, 1784. Stone, W. L., Letter to Brigham, 1837. Tonna, Mesmerism, 1846. Townsend, C. H., Facti in Mesmerism, 1841. Williams, B. B., Mental alchemy, 1853. See Spiritualism. Mahon, Lord. Sparks, J., Letter and Reply to, 1852. Mahony, D. A. Prisoner of State, 1863. Mahratta. Pindarics, Origin of, 1818. Maid*, Old. Philosophical Essay on, (Hayley). Mailly, De. See Nesle. Mails. See Post Offices. Maine. Allan, During the Revolution. Bourne, Address on Popham Colony. Bradman, Sufferings, 1794. Casco Bay Chronicle. Consid. on N. E. Boundary, 1826. Congreg. churches, Minutes, 1845-69. Coolidge, History of, 1859. De Costa, B. F., Northmen in Maine, 1870. MAMMALIA. 321 Maine (continued). De Peyster, Dutch in Maine, 1857. Fenn, W. H., The hope of Maine, Dis course, 1868. Folsom, G., Discourse on, 1847. " Cat. of Engl. Doct s on, 1858. Gallatin, On the North-eastern Boun dary, 1840, 43. Qreenleaf, J., Eccl. History of, 1821. " Statistics, 1816. * Survey of State of Maine, 1829. Gorges, F., Voyages, 1657. Gould, J. M., Hist, of the 29th Regt., 1871. Hopkins, J. D., The Cumberland bar, 1833. Jackson, C. T., Geol. of Pub. Lands of. Maine, Memorial to Mass., 1820. " Agricul. Soc. Trans., 1850-57. " Adj. -Gens. Reports, 1861-66. " Geol. Survey, 1837-39, (Jack son). " Hydrog. Survey : Water power of, 1868. Maine Hist. Soc., Coll. to 1869. 7 v. Maine Miss. Soc., Reports, 1840-65. Maine Register, 1837, 41, 43, 56, 71. Millet, Hist, of Baptists in. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1695. Patterson, Popham colony, 1865 . Pemaquid Papers, 1856. Poor s Vindication of Gorges, 1862. Popham celebration, 1862. Popham colony, Discussion, 1866. Rosier s Weymouth s voyage, 1605. Sewall, R. K., Anc. Dominions of,1859. Statement of Kennebec Claims, 1786. Sullivan, J., Hist, of District of, 1795. Thornton, J. W., Pemaquid, 1857. " Of Popham and Gorges, 1863, Vinton, J. A., Gyles on the Kennebec, 1867. Wells, Water power of, 1869. Whipple, Hist, of Acadia, etc., 1816. Williamson, W. D., Hist, of, 1602-1820. Willis, W., Hist, of Portland and gov t of Maine, 1865. " Lawyers and Courts of, 1863. See New England; Massachusetts; North Eastern Boundary ; Popham colony. Maine, Local history. See Augusta; Biddeford; Camden; Canaan; Cumberland; Gardiner; Gorham ; Kennebec; Machias ; Mount Des ert ; Norridgewock ; Norway; Pitts- ton; Portland; Popham; Rock- land; Saco; Shapleigh; Thoinag- ton; Union; Warren; Western fort; West Gardiner; Winthrop. 41 Maingy, R. Philip?, G. W. , Sermon, Death of, 1827. P. 377. Maintenon, F. D A. de. Secret cor respondence with Des Ursins, 1827. Genlis, Histoire de, 1813. Mainwaring, R. Trial for sedition, 1709. Mair, H. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Death of, 1854. Malacca* Bickmore, East India Archi pelago, 1869. Memoirs of a Malayan family. Malaga, Spain. Lena, C. de la, Conv. historicas Malagueiias, 1789-92. Maiden, Ms. Maiden, Bi-cent. Cele bration, 1849. Malham, Eng. Hurtley, Natural curi osities in. Malibran, M. F. Life of. Merlin, De, Memoirs of, 1840. Nathan, Memoir of. P. 673. Maloiie, E. Hardinge, G., The Essence of, 1800. P. 394. Prior, Life of. Malta Is. Badger, Description of, 1838. Bigelow, A., Travels in, 1827. Bozio, Histoire de, 1643. Bryant, J., On Melita, 1767. Brydone s Tour, 1813. Davy, J., Notes on; See Sicily, 1842. Gait s Travels, 1812. Malta Island, Guide, 1850. Mitrovich, Claims of the Maltese, 1835. Tallack, W., Malta, 1861. Malta, Knights of. See Knights of St. John. Maltby, J. Pond, E., Discourse on. Malthns, T. R. Ensor, G., On his Es say, 1818. Malvern, Eng. Legends of. Prior, J., Invitation to, 1851. Mammalia. Azara, Quad, du Paraguay, 1861. Audubon, Quadrupeds of N. America. Bell, T., Hist, of Brit. Quadrupeds. Bewick, Gen. Hist, of Quadrupeds, 1791. Blainville, De, Osteographie, 1856. Bonaterre, P. J., Quadrupedes et ceta- ces, (Encyc. Method.), 1782. Browne, T. A., Trichographia mam- malium. Buffon, Histoire naturelle, 1750-83. Cuvier, The animal kingdom, v. 1-4. Darwin, Zool. of the Beagle. Emmons, E., Quadrupeds of Mass. Fremery, De casuario Novae Hollandiae. Godman, Amer. Nat. History, 1828. 322 MAMMALIA. Mammalia (continued). Jardine, Felinae, Ruminantia, Mon keys, Whales, (Naturalist s Lib.). Macgillivray, British quadrupeds. N. Y. Nat. Hist., v. 1, Mammalia. Owen, R., Reports on Brit. foss. mam malia. Smith, C. H., Mammalia. " Dogs, Horses. Swainson, Classification of quadrup. <f Nat. Hist, of quadrupeds. Trimmer, Hist, of quadrupeds. U. S. Expl. Expedition, Mammalogy, (Gassing. <s Mammalia, Peale. Watcrhouse, Hist, of Mammalia. White, A., History of Mammalia. Youatt, The horse, dog, sheep. See Zoology; Jfotural History; Pyg mies. Mammoth Cave. See Caves. Man. Anthropological Society, Transac tions, 1858-69. Atkinson, Lect. on Man s Nature, 1 851 . Blanc St. Bonnet, De 1 Unite Spiritu- elle, 1841. B. C. Bory de St. Vincent, L Homme, Essai zoologique, 1827. Boyne, L. S., Phys. and Mor. Hist, of, 1815. Buffon, Hist, de 1 Homme, 1750. Bulkely, C., Apol. for human nature, 1797. P. 1787. Burgess, Bp. S., Principles of vitality in, 1789. Burgh, J., Dignity of human nature, 1816. Cabell, Testimony on Unity of Race, 1859. Caldwell, C., Thoughts on Unity,1852. Carter, Primitive State of, 1836. Chalmers, Constitution of Man, 1833. Charron, P. De, Of wisdom, 1729. Coles, Grit, on Nott and GHddon, 1857. Combe, G., Constitution of man. Comparative view, 1766. Darwin, Descent of man, 1871. Dunlap, S. F., Vestiges of Spirit His tory of, 1858. Ewbank, Relation of: to the earth. Forry, S., On the Position of Man, 1844. P. 272. Fourier, Passions of human soul. Goodrich, S. G., Curios, of human nature. Gregory, J., Faculties of, and animals. Guyot, The Earth and Man, 1849. Harris, J., Man primeval, 1854. Helvetius, C. A., L homme et ses facultes. 1 Man (continued). Helvetius, C. A., Trectise on man, 1810. Hemsterhuis, (Euvres philosophiques, Herder, J. G., Philos. of hist, of, 1803. Home, H., Sketches of Hist, of, 1813. Hugo, T., Dignity of the body, 1856. Hunt, J., Addresses, 1863-67. Johnes, Philolog. proofs of Unity of race, 1846. Kidd, Adaptation of nature to, 1833. Laurence, W., Lectures, 1848. Liharzik, Law of increase, Vienna, 1862. Lubbock, Primitive condition of, 1870. Marsh, G. P., Man and nature, 1864. " Uomo e la natura, 1870. Marsh, H., Evolution of light from, 1842. Maury, Terre et 1 Homme, 1857. Meigs, J. A., Catal. of human crania, 1857. Moore, G., Man and his motives, 1848. Morris, What is man? 1862. Mudie, His physical, intell. and moral nature, 1839. Neal, J., Man, an address, 1858. Nott, J. C., Indigenous Races, 1857. Quetelet, L hainme et ses facultes, 1833. Reid, M., Odd people, 1861. Schouw, Earth and Man, 1852. Smith, C. II., Nat.. Hist, of, 1848, 59. Spurzheim, Natural laws of man. Tourtelle, Principles of health. U. S. Sanitary Commission, Statistics, 1869. Van Amringe, Nat. Hist, of, 1848. Waitz, T., Introd. to anthropology, 1863. Wanley, Wonders of the little world, 1806. Warden, R. B., View of man and law, 1860. See Philosophy; Soul; Ethncjpgy; Mental Phil.; Physiology; Anato my; Longevity; Life; Gentleman. Man, Antiquity and Origin. Agassiz, Geog. distr. of animals. Argyll, Primeval man, 1869. Babbage, Remains of Human art with bones. Clarkson, T., Antediluvian researches. Darwin, Descent of man, 1871. Davenport, A., Origin of, 1846. Hale, Sir M., Prim, origination of. Huxley, Man s place in nature, 1863. Lesley, J. P., Origin and destiny of, 1868. MANUFACTURES. 323 ->Ian, Antiquity and Origin (contM). Lubbock, Prim, condition of, 1870. Lyell, Antiquity of man, 1863. Poole, R. S., Genesis of man, 1860. Quatrefages, A. Do, Metamorphoses of, 1864. Tuttle, H., Origin of, 1866. Vogt, C., Lectures on, 1864. See Geology; Pre-historic period. Man. Isle of. Beauties of England and Wales. Johnstone, Antiq. Celt. Normannicae. Man, Is., Letters from, 1847. Robertson, David, Tour in. Townley, R., Journal in. Train, Hist, of Isle of Man, 1845. .Handle, France. Annuaire, 1828. Manchester, Eng. Aikin, J., Descr. of I country around, 1795. Hulton, Case of Westhoughton, 1851. I Lee, J. P., Correspondence, 1849. Manchester, Free Lib., Reports to 1870. j Manchester Chamber of Cornm., 1839. Manchester massacre, 1819. P. 795. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc., Me- I moirs, 1785-98. Manchester: Visitor s guide, 1857. Philips, F., An Exposure, riot, 1819. Pigot s Directory, 1829. Prentice, A., Hist. Sketches of, 1792- 1832. Radical Monday, 1819. Wheeler, J., History of, 1836. Manchester, New Hump. Directory, 1858, 64. Potter, C. E., History of, 1856. Manchuria. Williamson s Journeys, 1870. See China ; Tartary. Maudeville, B. de. Law, W., Reply to. True meaning, 1726. Manet, M. Sechelles, Vie de. Manley, Mrs. Nichols, Coll. of poems, v. 7. Mann, H. Life of, 1865. Bristed, Letter to, 1850. Common School controversy. P. 175. Manners and Customs. Arnay, Pri- ! vate life of Romans. Berry, Social life in Eng. and France, 1844. Brookes, J., M. and C. of the English, 1860. Brown, J., Estimate of manners, 1757. Bu .wer, France, Social, 1834, 36. Chasles, American manners, 1852. Friswell, The Gentle Life, 1864. Glen, Des habits., .dc 1 EiHrope, 1601. Manners and Customs (continued). Hermit in London, 1819. Malcolm, London to 17th cent. " London in 18th cent. Panton, Guardian s Instruction, 1688. Planche, British costume, Lib. E. K. Renneville, Coutumes gauloises, 1823. Reviewers reviewed, 1815. Sauzeau, Usages locaux dans les Deux Sevres, 1846. Shady Side, (Torrey), 1853. Soc. lib. d Agr. de 1 Eure, Usages lo caux, 1846-50. Some doubts on Brown s Estimate of, 1758. Strutt, J., Sports of England, 1801. " English dress, 700-1800, 1842. Trollope, Domestic manners of the Americans, 1839. Tylor, On primitive culture, 1871. Vergilius, Dererum inventoribus, 1546 . See Etiquette; Travels; Voyages; England, Manners. Mannheim, F. Distresses of, 1794. Mannheim. Acad. des Sciences, Collini, Discours, 1799. Manning, J. Guild, R. A., Life of,1864. Manningham, J. Diary, 1602-1603, (Camden Soc.). Mansfield, C. F. Memorial of, 1866. Mansfield, Lord. Butler, C., Life of, 1817. Holliday, J., Life of, 1797. Mansfield, Conn. Sherman, J., Eccles. proceed, at, 1806. Mantua, Italy. Description of, 1797. Manufactures. Aikin, Illust. of the Arts and, 1841. Barlow, P., Treat, on man. of G. Brit. Bishop, History of American, 1861, 64. Essex Comp., Lawrence, 1852. P. 266. France, Enquete, Indust. Metall. et Textiles, 1861. Great Britain : Patents, 1617-1867. Hadley Falls Corpor., 1854. P. 298. Journal of Design, 1849-53. Lowell, Mass., Statistics, 1855. P. 192. Macpherson, Annals of Cornm., M^nuf., etc., 1805. Persoz, De 1 impression des tissus,1846. Repertory of Arts and Manu. period. London, 1794-1848. Society of Arts, Journal, 1852-70. Strictures on Montgomery, 1S41 . Tomlinson, Cyclopaedia of 1852, 68. Ure, Cotton Manf. of Gr. Brit., 1861. See Cotton; Wool; Silk; Iron; Arts; Statistics; Exhibitions; Mechan ics Insttttrtes. 324 MANURES. Manures* Dana, S. L., Essay on, 1853. Donaldson, Soils and manures. P. 667. Dumas, On manure, (Stephenson, Book of the farm). Emerson, G., Superphosphate of lime, 1859. Jehnston, J. F. W., Use of lime, 1849. " Analysis of, 1855. Kirwan, Essay on, 1796. Martindale, J., Soils and manures, 1849. P. 667. Morfit, C., On manures, 1848. National fertilizers, 1858. P. 950. Nat : ve guano, 1849. P. 1217. Rendleb, Kein guano mehr. Solly, Rural chemistry, 1852. Stockhardt, Chem. of agriculture, 1855. See Agriculture ; Guano. Manuscripts, Essays on knowledge of, etc. Delandine, Mem. bib- Hog., 1817. Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron, 1817. Humphreys, Art of Illumination, 1849. " Illumina. MSS. of Mid. Ages, 1849. Langlois, Calligraphic du moyen age, 1841. Maitland, The Dark Ages; Essays, 1853. Merryweather, Bibliomania in the Mid. Ages, 1849. Namur, Bibliog. paleog. dipl. generate, 1838. Peignot, Diet, de bibliol., 1802, 04. Waagen, Treas. of Art in Gt. Brit., 1857. Wright, Illuminated MSS. See Writing; Alphabets; Ilium. MSS; Bibliography. Manutius, P. A. Epist. lib. zii, 1580. Tre libri di lettere, 1556. Manzoni, A. Gal. des Contem. vol. 6: Vie de, 1845. Mappa, A. G. Specimens of Dutch type foundries. Perkins, E., Bunker hill contest, 1826. Maps, Geographical. Arrowsmith, Atlas, 1805. Astier, On Maps of New Netherland, 1867. Bible Atlas, 1832. Blaew, America, Geographia, 1662. Burr, County atlas of N. Y., 1829. Carey, Amer. Atlas, 1802. Catalogo de hidrografia de Madrid. Catalogue of, (N. Bale s), 1862. Crelle, Catalogue, Berlin, 1856. Faribault, Catal. sur 1 Amerique, 1887. Maps, Geographical (continued). Fitch, G. W., Mapping plates. France, Uydrog. Fran^aise, 1847. Gage, Mod. hist, atlas, 1869. George III, Bibl. Regiae Catal., v. 6, 1829. Gr. Br., Crown lands: Maps. Johnson, Family Atlas, 1862. Family Atlas of the world, and the U. S., 1872. Keulen, G. Van, Atlas, Marine, 1710. Koeppen, Authors on Geog. of Mid. Ages, 1854. Kohl, On Maps of America, 1856. Mackenzie, M., Survey, Coast of Ire land and Gt. Britain, 1776. 2 v. f. Martens, Cat. de cartes geographiques, 1837. L. L. Mercator, Atlas, 1636, v. II. Mitchell, S. A., Atlas, 1863. New York, Cat. of Maps in the depart ments. 1851, 59. N. Y. County maps, folded, 1851-60. N. Y. State Lib., Catalogue of maps in, 1856,61. Ortelius, A., Teatro del mondo, 1608. Pelton, Key to Maps, 1845. Phelps, 100 cities, U. S., 1853. P. 565. Picquet, Cat. Syst. de cartes anc. et mod., 1837. Spruner, Hist. Geog. Atlas, 1846. Steel s Marino Atlas, 1814. Stevens, H., On the earliest maps of America, 1869. Vandermaelen, P., Atlas Universel, 1827. 6 v. Vandermeersch, Cartes aux archives de la Flandre, 1850. Wyld, Cat. of, for sale, Lond., 1846. See Bibliography ; Geography. Marathi. See Language. Marble* Bury, Modeles de Marbrerie, 1855. Hager, Marbles of Vermont, 1858. Jervis, Min. of Central Italy, 1862. Marble worker s Manual, 1856. Roxbury, Vt., Verd Antique Co. ,1857. See Geology; Exhibitions. March, A. Tribute to, 1870. Marchmont, Earls of. Papers, 1685- 1750. Marcy, R. B. 30 years of army life, 1866. Marcy, W. L. Allen, W. F., Address, Ham. Coll. Jenkins, Lives of Gov. of N. Y. Marcy, W. L., Funeral of. P. 1858. Scott, W., Corresp. with, 1848. MARRIAGE. 325 Margaret of Aujoa. Letters, (Camden Soc.). Marguerite d Angonleme. The Hep- taineron. Freer, M. W., Life of, 1856. Maria de los Desamparados. Xovena, Habana, 1848. Maria of Lisboa. Geddes, History of. Marianne Is. See Ladrone Is. Marie Antoinette. Campan, Mem. of the court of. Polignac, Meinoires de, 1796. See Louis XVI. Marie de Medici. Pardoe, Life of. See Medici. Marie Louise. Meneval, Excursion de, dans la Savoie en, 1814. Marie, J. L., de Savoie. Oraison funubre, 1810. Bouvens, Marietta, Ohio. Walker, C. M., Hist, of Athens Co. Marion, Gen. F. Hartley, Memoir of. I Horry, P., Life of, 1821. Simms, W. G., Life of, 1844. Markets. De Voe, T. F., Market assist ant, 1867. " Hist of Markets in the cities, I v. I., 1862. Massy, Halles de Londres, 1862. Paris: Construction des halles, 1845. Markoe, F. Abert, Col., Correspond ce, Wash., 1843. Marks, D. Memoirs of, 1847. Marlborough, Duke of. Alison, A., Military life of, 1848. Coxe, W., Memoirs of, 1847, 8. Jesse, Mem. of the Court. Lediard, Life of, 1736. Marlborough, Duke of, Letters. Stanhope s Queen Anne, 1870. Marlborough, Sermons on Victories of Duke of. Atterbury, L., Aug. 23, 1705. Beveridge, W., At Oudenarde, 1708. Fleetwood, At Oudenarde, 1708. Hare, F., Serm., Victories of, 1709. " At Bouchain, 1711. Higgins, F., 1705. Manningham, T., At Oudenarde, 1708, 1709. Sherlock, W., 1704. Stanhope, Serin., Viet, at Oudenarde, 1710. Trimnell, Sermon, 1704. Willis, R., 1705. Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of. Remarks upon the acc t., 1742. Thomson, Mrs. A. T., Life of. Marlborongh, Mass. Field, L. A., Sketch of First Ch,, 1859. Hudson, C., History of, 1862. Marmontel, J. F. Memoirs, vol. 2. Marne, France. Annuaire, 1827. Marolles, L. De. Bufferings of, 1788. Maronites. See Syria. Marot, C. Morley, H., Life of, 1871. Marquette, J. Recit des voyages. Dablon, Voyages of, (French s Hist. Coll. of L a.). Sparks, Biog. v. 10. Marrant, J. Journal of, 1790. Marriage* Abercrombie, Documents re lating to, Phil a, 1809. Act for marriages simplified, 1836, Lond. Alcott, W. A.,Theyoun husband,1855. Andrews, E., Matrimony. Appeal to philosophers, 1857. Beaumont, Marr. with wife s sister, 1842. P. 1339. Bunny, Divorce for adulterie, 1610. Carlier, A., Marr. in the U. S., 1867. Considerations upon, 1737. P. 737. Divorce considered, 1840. Doctrine of Divorce, 1857. P. 528. Facts; Marriage with wife s sister. Fowler, 0. S., Matr. and Phrenology. Fry, J. , Between kindred, 1756. Guizot, F. P. G., L Amour dans le mariage, 1855. Hickeringill, Doctors Commons, 1681. Hill, R., Criticism of polygamy, 1781. Hillcoat, H. B. W., Statement of, marr. in church, 1831. P. 1499. Letter to the public clandestine marr., 1753. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sp. Perceval, 1810. P. 986. Livingston, J. H., Marriage with sister-in-law, 1816. M Caul, Marr. with dec. wife s sister. Marriage and Divorce. Pamph rl7, 18. Marriage rites, 1824. Marshall, W., Inquiry on M. of affin ity, N. Y., 1843. Matrimonio, Del, 1762. Milledoler, Incestuous Marriage, 1843. Milton, J., Doctrine of Divorce, 1845. Miner, Dr., Of Polygamy, 1781. Morer, Two cases, 1702. Mussolini, Dettami, 1794. New York, Marriages to 1784. Nuptise Sacra, 1821. Oneida Association, Reports to 1S69. Opinions: Marr. with deceased wife s sister, 1827. P. 72. S26 MARRIAGB. Marriage (continued). Pamphlets relating to, vols. 985, 986, 1526. Reasons., deceased wife s sister. Religious courtship, (De Foe), 1777. Robinson, E., Bibliot. Sacra, 1843, (Marr. with wife s sister). Ross, F. A., On Bishop Colenso, 1857. Sanchez, T., De Matrimonio, 1739. Thelypthora, (Madan), 1780. Thoughts on from adultery, 1800. Walker, A., Intermarriage, 1839. West, M., Treatise, (Quaker), 1728. Wilder, A., Intermarr. of kindred, 1870. Young husband s book. See Woman; Love; Social Questions, etc. Marsden, J. Grace displayed; life of, 1814. Marseilles. Berteaut, Marseille et les int6rets nationaux, 1843. Julliany, Commerce de, 1834. Marseilles, Journal of the plague, 1720. Marseille, L Hermes, 1826. Marsh, E.G. Dwight, T., Discourse on. Fowler, B., Oration on. Marsh, H. Refutation of, 1822. Marsh, J. Wheeler, J., Fun. discourse. Marshall, A. West of Scotland arch- voluntary, 1835. Marshall, C. Diary, 1774-77. Marshall, II. Darlington, Memorial of, 1849. Marshall, J. Binney, H., Eulogy on, 1835. Story, J., Discourse on, 1835. P. 494. VanSantvoord s lives of Chief justices. Wynne s lives of eminent men, 1850. Marshfield,Mass. Thomas, M. A., Me morials of, 1854. Martens, T. Gand, Recherches sur la vie de, 1845. Iseghern, Biographic de, 1852. Martha s Vineyard Is. Mayhew, In dian converts, 1727. Nantucket Papers 3 1856. Martial Law. Nicholas, S. S., Martial law, 1861. See Civil War, 1861-65. Martin, L. Keene, R. R., Letter to, 1802. Martin, M. Captivity in Algiers, 1807. Martinique. Bouton, Etablissement d.es Franyais dans, 1635. Chanvalon, Voyage a, 1751. Essai sur 1 Etat actuel, 1SI7. Martinique (continued). Gardiner, Expedition against, 1759. Sainte Croix, Statistique $e, 1832. See West Indies; French Colonies. Martyn, II. Sargent, Memoir of. Martyrs. Bourchier, T., Mart. Frat. Francisci, 1582. Briefe collection, 1611. Fox, J., Book of Martyrs, 1684, 1830. . Mall, History of, 1747. Tanner, M., Soc. Jesu....mors eorum, 1675. See Persecution. Martyrs of Science. Brewster, D., Lives of. Marvin family genealogy, 1848. Marvin, A. Sprague, W. B., Sermon, Death of, 1858. Mary, Blessed Virgin. Collin de Plau- cy, Legends of, 1860. Gallagher, Regard due to, 1855. Home, T. H., Worship of, 1844. Jameson, Legends of the Madonna, 1857. Lambruschini, Treatise on Immac. conception, 1860. Lowe, J. B., Worship of, 1851. P. 1554. McCarthy, On the Devotion to, 1849. Mary Stuart, Queen of Eng. Barnett, A., Sermon on, 1695. Bates, W., Sermon on, 1695. Bowber, T., Sermon on, 1695.} Bridgewater, Poem on, 1695. D., J.,0de to, 1694. Gould, R., Poem on, 1695. Jenison, Serm. on, 1695. Le Roy, Een predikatie, 1695. Manning, F., Pastoral Essay, 169. Manninghain, T., Sermon, 1695. 0., S., Epicedium, 1695. Partridge, W., Poem, 1695. Payne, W., Sermon on. Procession, The, 1695. Sherlock, W., Serm., Death of, 1694. Tenison, T., Serm., Fun. of, 1695. Urania, 1695. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Ander son, J., Collections, 1727. Barnestaple, Maria innocens ji ceede Darleana, 1588. Bell, H. G., Life of, 1831. B. C. Hays, Mary, Female Biography, 1803. Labanoff, Lettres et mcinoires de, 7 v.. 184/1. Sadler s State papers, 1809. 3 v. Scotus, R., Summarium de morte, 1588. Whitaker, J., Queen vindicated, 1789. MASONRY. 327 Mary, Sloop. N. Y. Colon, tracts, Voy age, 1701. Maryland. Account of settlement of, 1735. Address to the voters, McKim, 1834. Allen, E., Hist, of St. Ann s Parish, 1649-1857. " Clergy, Epis. Ch. of, 1860. < e Toleration in 1650. Alsop s, Character of, 1666. Baltimore, Articles, 1760. Banvard, Tragic Scenes in, 1856. Bland, T., Chancellor s Mem., 1825. Bozman, Hist, of, first three years, 1811. " Histf of, 1633-60, 1837. Bray, T., Bibliot. Paroch., 1st Ed. " Visitations, 1700. Brief sketch of, 1845. Brown, G. W., Civil liberty in, 1850. Collins, W. H., Addresses to, 1861. Davis, G. L., Day Star of Freedom, 1855. Fisher, R. S., Gazetteer of, 1852. Griffith, T. W., Hist, of, 1821. Handy, On East Shore R. R. Co., 1839. Kennedy, J. C. G., History of, 1852. Kilty, Landholder s assistant, 1808. Lynn, J., Address to citizens, 1804. M Mahon, HJst. View of Gov tof, 1831. M Sherry, History of, to 1848. Maryland Colonization Jour., 184143. Maryland, Geol. and Agric. reports, 1835, 40, 53, 58. <f State agric. chemist s re ports, 1852, 60, 62. Maryland Historical Soc., Addresses before, 1844-59. Maryland Institute, Exhibitions, 1850, 51, 52, 59, 60, 61. Maryland Register, 1861. Massachusetts Leg. Proc. on 6th Regt., 1862. Memoirs of the Dead, 1806. Neill, E. D., Terra Marise, 1867. Pamphlets relating to Maryland, vols. 582, 1696. Prot. Ep. Ch. Md., Clergy of, 1783- 1860. Read, W. G., Orat., Pilgrims of, 1842. Relation of, 1634, Repr., 1865. Relation of, 1635, Repr., 1865. Scott, J., Geog. Desc. of, 1807. Seventy-Six Soc. Pub., Maryland Line Papers, 1857. Speed, Speech on Debts of, 1845. Streeter, S. F., Hist. Discourse, 1852. White, A., L d Baltimore s Colony, to 1677. See Annapolis; Baltimore; Frederick Masaniello. Rise and fall of. aseres, F. Gent s Mag., 1824. Occasional Essays, 1809. Mason and Dixon s Line. Maryland, Governor s Mess., 1850. Mason, E. Cox, S. H., Disc, on, 1851. Ripley, W. B., Sermon on. Mason, Jer. Proc. on death of, 1849. Mason, John. Life of, 1696. Mason, John. Ellis, GU E., Life of, (Sparks, 13). Mason, J. M. Works, 4 v. Van Vechten, J., Memoirs of, 1856. Mason, W. Gray, T., Correspondence, 1853. Letter to, on his Ode. Mason, New Ilamp. Hill, E., Hist. lectures, 1846. Hill, J. B., Hist, of, 1649-1858. .Masonry, Free. Allyn, Ritual of, 1854. Amer. Free Mason s Magazine, 1859- 1860. Amer. Masonic Record, Albany, 1827- 1831. Anderson, J., Constitutions of, 1723. Ashlar, period, 1855. Balestier, HJst. of Holland Lodge, 1862. Barber, E. D., Address, 1830. Bartlett, J., Disc, on origin, 1793. Bradley, J., Address to Masons, 1824. Calcott, Disquisition on, 1772. Carter, J. G., Add., Plymouth, 1826. Chandler, J. R., Oration, 1851. Da Costa, H. J., Imprisonment of, Dallaway, Hist, account of Master and Free masons, 1833. Demosthenes vs. Cicero, 1799. De Quincey, Hist. crit. enquiry on. Eastman, Masonic Melodies. Free Masonry in Reply, 1840. Free Masons: Constitutions, 1820. " Proceedings of Chapters and Lodges in thirty states and territories ; various dates. " Proceed. G. E. Knights Templar, 1816-59. " Ohio, Gr. Lodge, Proc., 1808-47. " Texas, Proc. of Grand Lodge, 1837-57. <{ Wisconsin Grand Lodge, 1846-64. " Sup. Coun., 33d degree, Proc., 1869. Free Mason s calendar, 1777. 328 MASONRY. Masonry, Free (continued). Free Mason s Directory, 1851. Free Mason s Magazine, Lond., 1855. Gowans, Cat. of Books on, 1858. Halliwell, Early hist, in England. Harris, T. M., Discourses, 1801. Hitchcock, E. A., Christ the Spirit, 1861. Iris, period., N. Y., 1827. Knapp, S. L., Oration, 1811. P. 1697. Knights Templar, Pilgrimage to Vir ginia, 1859. London Magazine, 1824, (De Quincey). MacArthur. C. L., Address, Troy, N. Y., 1853. P. 287. Mackey, A. G., Of Masonic Law, 1855. Macoy & Sickels, F. Mason s Monitor, 1865. Masonic charac. of Washington, 1830. Masonic Mirror, Boston, 1825. Masonic Mirror, Key to, 1819. Masonry the same, etc., 1830. P. 184. Michelet, Proces des Templiers. Milnor, J., Oration on, 1811. Moore, C., The Craftsman, 1854. Mother, The, of Masons, 1831. P. 183. Oliver, G., Hist, of, 1829-41. " Symbol of Glory, 1855. Pamphlets relating to Masonry, vols. 183, 184, 211, 550, 882, 1697. Paine, Thomas, Origin of. Parker, J., Sermon, 1779. Pratt, L., A defence of, 1828. Risley, H. A., Oration at Dunkirk, N. Y., 1858. St. Andrews R. A. Chapter, Boston, By-laws; Biog. sketches, 1859. Series of letters, 1815. Soane s Curiosities of Lit., 1849. Stanford, J., Discourse, 1800. Storer. Free Masons in Connecticut, 1859. Thacher, P., Address, Dorchester,1797. Town, S., A System of, 1818. Vocal Companion, (with Names of lodges), Bost., 1802. Webb, Free Mason s Monitor, 1816. Yates, P. W., Addresses, Albany, 1783. See Bibliography; Secret Societies. Masonry, Controversy on Free. Adams, J. Q., Letters on the Insti tution, 1847. Address ... .by a Cit. of N. Y., 1830. Address to Mass., 1832. Anti-Masonic Almanac, 1829, 30. Anti- Masonic Review, 1829. Barruel, Hist, of Jacobinism, 1799. Brown, H., Anti-Mas. Excitement in N. Y., 1826-29. Masonry, Controversy on Free (con tinued). Catalogue of books on, 1829. Collection of Letters on, 1849. Convention of Anti-masons, Leroy, 1828. P. 12. B. C. Crary, J., Statement to Anti -masons, 1828. P. 67. Speech, N. Y. Sen., 1828. Democratic Anti-Mas. St. Conv., Pa., 1822. P. 194. Genesee Consoc., to J. Emerson, 1829. Greene, The broken seal, 1870. Letters of Rush, Adams, Wirt, 1831. Marshall, J., Opinions on Free Ma sonry. P. 184. Massa., Leg. Report on, 1834. P. 184. Mass. Anti-Masonic Convention, 1830. P. 55. Morgan, W., Rep. on his abduction, 1830. " Narr. of kidnapping, 1827. " Illust. of Masonry, 1829. National Observer, Albany, 1826-31. N. Y. Anti-Masonic State Conv., 1829. Odiorne, J. C., Opinions on, 1830. Payson, S., Proofs of illuminism, 1802. Penn a Anti-Mas. Almanac, 1830. Phil a Add. on Secret Soc., 1829. Revelations in, 1827. Rhode Is. ; Legis. Investigation, 1831, 1832. P. 211. Rhode Is. Anti-Masonic Conv., 1831. P. 211. Ritner, Vind. of Washington, 1837. Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1798. Rush, R., Letter on, 1831. Seward, W. H., Speech, Anti-Masonic Celeb., 1831. Southwick, S., Oration, 1829. " Warning against, 1829. Sprague, W., Report, R. I., 1832. Stearns, J. G., Inquiry and Dia logue on. " Appendix, on Morgan, 1828. P. 624. Stone, W. L., Letters on, 1832. Sumner, C. P., Letter on, 1829. Tatem, Reply to R. I. Chapter, 1832. P. 211. Thacher, M., Address, Anti-Masonic Conv., 1832. P. 204. United States Anti-Mas. Conv., 1830, 1832. See Secret Societies. Mass. See Communion; Roman Cath. Church. Massachusetts. Addresses to, 1805, 06, 1810. Allen, E., Claims of N. H. and Mass. Bay, 1780. MASSACHUSETTS. 329 Massachusetts (continued). Ames s Almanac, 1737-72. Andrew, Gov. J. A., Speeches, etc. Andros Tracts, 1689-90. Answer of the Whig Members, 1840. Barry, J. S., Hist, of, 1856, 7. Bollan, Petitions presented by, 1774. Bradford, A., Hist, of, 1764-1820. Byfield, Revolution in N. E., 1689. Capen, Mass. State Record, 1847-50. Carpenter, W. H., Hist, of, 1853. Chickering, Jesse, Stat. view of popu lation of, 1765-1840. Church, Hist, of Philip s war, 1675,6. Clark, J. S., Hist, of Cong. Churches, 1620-1858. Congre. Churches; Results of three Synods, 1648, 62, 79, 80. 1725. Congr. Churches of, Minutes, 1824-60. Cooke, P., Century of Puritanism. Crowell, Hist, of Essex Co , in the rebellion, 1865. Cushing, Letters on First Charter of, 1839. Dawson, H. B., Decl. of Independence by, 1862. De Costa, Northmen in Maine, 1870. Defense cf the Legislature, 1804. P. 1698. Derby, J. B., The Statesman Party, 1835. Dickinson, Statist, view of, 1813. Everett, E., Add., settlement of, 1830. Felt, J. B., Who first Governor? 1853. Fleet s Register, 17S6-1800. Forbes, A., Rich Men of, 1851. Fowler s Fall River: On boundary. Gorton, S., Simplicity s Defence, 1835. Hallett, B. F., Oration, July 4. Hanson, Hist, of 6th regiment, 1865. Hayward, J., The Mass. Directory, 1835. Gazetteer of, 1847. Holland, J. G., Hist, of West. Mass., 1855. Hutchinson, T., Speeches in Assembly, 1773. P. 115. " Letters sent to Gr. Brit., 1773. " Hist, of the Colony of, 1765-69. Maseres, Essays, Charter of Ms., 1809. Mass., Records, 1628-86. " Case of boundary, 1764. " Public documents, Hartford Conv., etc., 1815. " Census, 1850, 55, 65. " Civil List, 1630-1774. " Election sermons, 1747-1869. " Geol. Survey, Reports, 1838-53. 42 Massachusetts (continued). Mass., Registration Reports, 1843-58. " Speeches of Governors, 1765-75. " Statistics of Industry, 1845, 56, 1865. Massachusetts Annual Register, 1790- 1870. Massachusetts in the revolution, (Sev enty-Six Society Pub.). Mass. Hist. Society, Collections, 1806- 1869. Mass. Hist, of 58th Regt., 1863-5. Maes. Manual, (Burdick), 18U. Mauduit, Short view of, 1774. Minot, G. R., Hist, of Mass. Bay, 1748-65. " Insurrection in, 1786. Moore, G. H., Hist, of Slavery in, 1866. Moore, J. B., Lives of the Governors, 1620-1692. N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg., vols. 22, 23, 24, Bibliog. of the towns. Niles, S , Sermon, Mass. Missionary Society, 1801. Oliver, Peter, The Puritan Common wealth, 1856. Otis, J., Vindication of, 1762. " Appeal to the world, 1769. Pamphlets containing town documents, vols. 590, 987, 1698. Plymouth Col. Records, 1633-92, 10 v. Quint, Second Mass, infantry in the civil war. Rantoul, R., Speech, Coalition in, 1852. Review of Rise of New Eng., 1774. Sargent, Dealings with the Dead, 1856. Savage, J., Address, Hist, of Const. of, 1832. Schouler, History of, in the rebellion. Scottow, Planting of the Colony, 1694. Strong, Gov., Speeches, 1800-07. Sullivan, J., Land titles in, 1801. Sullivan, W., Address to the bar,1825. Thoreau, A week on the Concord and Merrimack, 1849. Thornton, J. W., Landing at Cape Ann, 1854. Thoughts upon thepol. situation, 1788. Towle and Foster, Enlargement of State House, 1854. P. 99. True State of Proc. of Parl., 1774. Twistleton, E., Education in Mass., the religious quest., 1854. P. 1315. Wood, W., New England s Prospect, (Youjj*4 Chronicles). Young, A., Chronicles of the first plan ters, 1623-36. See New England; Plymouth Colony; Puritans; Bunker Hill; Paper Money; Newspapers. 330 MASSACHUSETTS. Massachusetts, Local History. See Abington ; Acton; Ashburnham ; Athol ; Barnstable ; Barre ; Becket; Belchertown; Berkshire; Bever ly; Billerica; Boston; Brain- tree; Bridgewater; Brimfield ; Bristol County; Brookfield; Brookline; Cambridge ; Cape Cod ; Charlestown; Chicopee ; Concord; Conway ; Danvers; Dartmouth; Dedham; Deerfield; Dorchester: Dudley; Duxbury; Eastham ; Easthampton; Essex; Fairhaven; Fall River; Fitchburg; Foxboro; Framingham; Franklin Co. ; Gran- ville; Great Barrington ; Green field; Groton ; Hadley; Hamilton; Hampshire Co.; Hanover; Hard- wick; Hatfield; Haverhill; Iling- ham; Holden; Holliston; Hop- kinton; Ipswich; Jamaica Plain; Lancaster; Lee; Leicester; Leo- minster; Lexington; Lowell; Lu- nenburgh; Lynn; Maiden; Marl boro; Marshfield; Martha s Vine yard : Medford ; Medw y ; Melrose ; Mendon ; Merrimac Val y ; Milton ; Monson; Nantucket; Natick ; New Bedford; Newbury; New- buryport ; Newton ; Northborough ; North Bridgewater ; North Brook- field; North Hampton; Norton; Orleans; Pepperell ; Petersham; Pittsfield; Plainfield; Plymouth; Princeton: Quincy ; Raynham ; Reading; Rohoboth ; Roxbury ; Rowley; Salem; Scituate; Shel- burne; Sherborn ; Shrewsbury; Southwick; Spencer; Springfield; Stockbridge ; Stoneham; Stough- ton; Sturbridge; Taunton ; Tem- pleton ; Topsfield; Upton; Ware; Watertown; Wellfleet; Wenham ; Western; Westfield; Westhamp- ton; Westminster; West Roxbury ; West Springfield; Whately ; Wi- braham; Williamstown ; Woburn; Worcester; Worthington; Wrent- ham. Massie, N. McDonald, J., Biog. sketch, 1852. Mnssillon, J. B. Alembert, Eulogy on. Massinger, P. Coleridge, H., Life of, 1846. Mastodon. Am. Quar. Journ. of Agr., 1845. F. 1866. Cohoes Mastodon. P. 1866. Richardson, Voy. of the Herald. Warren, J. 0., Mast, giganteus, 1855. See Paleontology. Materialism. See Matter; Natural The ology; Natural Religion. Mathematics. Adams, J., Logarithms, 1796. JSnese, Yerhandel., om afatanden to meten, 1812. Alombert, D , Traite de Dynamique, 1750. Mathematics (continued). Alexander, J., Synopsis of Algebra, 1709. Archimede, (Euvres, 1808. Atkinson, H., Roots of equations , 1831. Barlow, P., Theory of numbers, 1811. Berkeley, Bp., Works, vol. 2, 1843. Bezout, Elem. of Calculus, 1824. Biot, Analytical geometry. Blennerhassett, Longitude rules, 1750. Blundeville, His exercises, 1622. Bonnycastle, Algebra. Bordinus, F., Math, discipline, 1573. Boscovich, R. J., Opera, 1785. Bowditch, Mecan. Celeste of Laplace, 1829-39. Bridge, B., Conic sections, 1831. " Plane trigonometry. Burrow, R., Apoll. Pergaeus, On in clinations, 1779. P. 1049. Byrne, Model calc., Logarithms, 1852. Chasles, Geometric Suporieure, 1*847. Chauvenet, Trigonometry, 1860. Church, Elements of the Calculus, 1855. Clairaut, Gronden der, 1760. Comte, Philos. of Mathematics, 1851. Cowper, S., Parallactic angle, 1766. Crambrook, Cat. of Math, puzzles, 1842. Davies, C., Mathemat. Diet., 1855. " Pract. Mathematics, 1852. " Elements of Geometry. Day, J., Algebra, 1814, 20, 38. " Course of Mathematies, 1846. Delambre, Progrc-s des, depuis 1789. De Morgan, Mathematics. Lib. U. K. " Calculus, 1847. Lib. U.K. Des Cartes, Geometria, 1683. Docharty, Algebra, 1867. f< Elem. of Geometry, 1867. Dodd, J. B., Strictures on C. Davies, 1860. " Elem. Algebra, 1853. Donne, B., Mechan. Geometry, 1796. Eaton, A., Art without Science, 1830. Encyc. Methodique, 1782-91. Euclid, De ses eerste boeken, door La Bordus, 1752. " Les Elemens d Euclide, 1730. B. C. " Editions of Blassiere, 1762; Dechalles, 1753; Playfair, 1819; Todhunter, 1867; Van Lorn, 1738. " Enunciations, etc., 1823. Euler, In analysin infinitorum, 1797. Flauti, Opere; Prospetto, I860. Fleming, P., Quadrature of the Circle, 1WO. MATHEMATICS. 331 Mathematics (continued). Plint, A., System of Qeom. and Trig., 1825. Floryn, GrondbeginzelsderMeetkunde. Galloway, TreatiseonProbability,1839. Gill, C., Angular Analysis, 1848. Girault, C., Elem. de geometric, 1858. Graaf, De Wiakunst, 1706. " De Verfulling van. Gregg, Novum organum moralium, 1859. Gregory, 0., Math, for practical men, 1833. Guilmin, Cours Elementaire, 1856. Hackley, Treatise on Trigonometry, 1853. Halliwell J. 0., Kara Mathematica, 1841. Hamilton, Bishop, Works, De sectioni- bus conicis, 1809. Hann, Plane Trigonometry, 1H49. Integral Calculus, 1850. Harris, J., Treat, of Algebra, 1702. " Spher. Trigonometry, 1706. " Algebraist, 1818. Hassler, Analytic Trigonometry, 1826. " Geometry of Planes and Solids, 1828. " Logarith. and Trigon. tables, 1830. Haswell, Mensuration, 1856. Hewitt, S., Key to Walkingaine, 1856. Hobbes, T., Works: Opera philoso- phica. Huygens, Opera Varia, 1724. " Exercit. Mathematics, 1833. Introd. to Geometry, 1857, Bost. Jackson, I. W., Conic sections, 1845. Jones, C. A., Alg. exercises, 1867. La Caille, Werktuig-kunde, 1764. La Condamine, Voy. a 1 equateur, 1751 . Lacroix, S. F., Trigonometry, 1826. " Der Trigonometrie, 1839. " Der Meetkunst, 1838. Der Stelkunst, 1825. Ladies Diary, 1767-1803. Questions. La Lande, Mathematiques, Encyc. Meth. La Place, (Euvres, 1843-47. Lardner, Treatise on Geometry. Lawrence, C. D., Treat, on algebra, 1853. Lawson, J., Of triangles, 1773. P. 1049. Lea, W., Equations in, 1811. P. 1049. Leadbetter, C., Math. Companion, 1748. Lobatto, Van de Statika 1857. Mathemat. Monthly, Camb., Mass., 1858-59. Meyer, A., Integrates definies. Mathematics (continued). Miller, W. H., Differential calculus, 1833. P. 988. Monge, Treatise on Statics, 1851. Muller, J., Plane geometry, 1769. P. 989. Myers, C. J., Differential calculus, 1827. P. 988. Newton, Sir I., Principia, 1713. Newton, T., Conio Sections, 1794. P. 989. Orr s Circle of the Sciences, 1854, 6. Oughtred, W., Opusc. Mathematica, 1677. " The Key of the Mathema- ticks, 1647. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 660, 766, 988, 989, 1527, 1778. Pardies, Elem. of geometry, 1705. Pascal, Cours de geometric, 1853. Pasley, Course of pract. geom., 1822. Paterson, J., Calculus of Operations, 1850. " Process of causation, 1858. Payne, Wm., Introd. to Geometry. Peacock, D. M., On Logarithms, 1812. " Conic Sections, 1817. " Fluxional calculus, 1819. Peirce, B., Analyt. geometry, 1857. " Elem. Geometry, 1858. Perkins, G. R., Elements of Geom., 1848. " Elements of Algebra, 1850. " Plane and Solid Geom., 1855. " Plane Trigonometry, 1852. Piola, Meccanica Analitica, 1825. Playfair, Works, 2, 3, Math. Science, 1822. Quarterly Journal of....Lond., 1857. Rheticus, Opus...de Triangulis, 1596. Ray, J., Algebra, 1848. Rigaud, On Newton s Principia, 1838. Robinson, H. N., Math, recreations, 1851. Ryan, J., Elem. algebra, 1824. Schmidt, Beginselen der Statica, 1823. " der Dynamica, 1825. " . ...der Hoogere Meetkunst, 1826. Simms, F. W., Sectio-planography, 1837. Smith, R., Opticks, 1778. Smith, S., New elements of geometry. Snowball, J. C., Spher. Trigonom. and logarithms, 1863. Sopwith, Trea. on Isomet. drawing, 1838. Stanley, A. D., Tables of logarithms, 1847. Strachey, Early Hist, of Algebra. 332 MATHEMATICS. Mathematics (continued). Swindcn, Theoreraeta Geometrica, 1786. Tait, On Quaternions, 1867. Tillett, Key to Exact Sciences, 1824. Todhunter, Algeb. for beginners, 1867. " Elem. Trigonometry, 1866. Tower, D. B., Intellec. Algebra, 1845. Twisden, Planes; Spher. Trig., 1854. Ward, J., Young Math. Guide, 1730. Warren, S. E., Elem. Geometry, 1867. Whewell, Doctrine of Limits, 1838. Whitlock, G. C., Elem. of, 1849. Wilkins, John, Math, works, 1802. Wolf, C., Elem. Matheseog Univ., 1732-41. Woodhouse, R., Plane and sph. trigo- nom., 1809. Young, A., Quadrature of the circle, 1852. P. 79. See Arithmetics ; Astronomy ; Dialling ; Engineering; Natural Philos. ; Navigation; Numbers; Survey ing; Weights and Measures. Mathematical Instruments. Cogge- shall, Sliding rule, 1722. Curtis, On Gunter s scale. . Douglas, SirH., Reflecting semicircle. Hadley s Quadrant. Heather, Treatise on. Jones, W., Catalogue of, 1793. Ludlam, W., Hadley s quadrant, 1771. McAllister s Catalogue, 1855. Palmer, Cath. Planisphear, 1658. Pennington, Descr. of Sector, 1780. Phillips, G., Use and construction of, 1840. Mather, C. Bishop, G., New England judged, 1702. Drake, S. G., Memoir of, 1851. Mather, C., Genealogy of, 1848. Mather, S., Life of, 1729. Peabody, Life of, Sparks, 6. Poole, W. F., Essay on, 1869. Stevens, H., The Mathers weighed, 1870. Mather, I. Calamy, E., Life of, 1735. Keith, G., Reply to, 1703. Pond, E., Life of, 1847. Mather, Nath. Mather, C., Life of, 1857. Mather, Richard. Journal and Life. Mather, I., Life of, 1670. Mathew, Rev. T. Maguire, Life of. Mathews, C. Memoirs, 1839. " Trip to America, 1824. Matter. Beale, L. S., Protoplasm, 1870. Berkeley, Bp., Prin. of human knowl edge. Matter (continued). Brewster, G., New philos. of, 1843. Davy, Sir H., Works, Vol. 4. Essay on, Phil a, 1784. P. 1874. Hazard, R. G., Existence of, 1869. Schyanoff,.A., Forces de la Matiore, 1857. Tyndall, Fragments of Science, 1871. See Natural Philosophy. Matthews, S. Thurston, S., Discourse, 1853. i Matthias, R. Stone, W. L., His impos tures, 1835. Vale, G., Fanaticism, 1835. Maumee Valley, Ohio. Hosmer, Early history of, 1858. Maupertuis, P. L. M. Anglieviel, Vie de, 1856. Damiron, Memoire, Inst. de France, Ac. mor- et pol., v. 10. Mauritius Is. Arago, Freycinet s voy., St. Pierre, Voyage a, (CEuvres). Maury, J. W. Cummins, G. D., Fun. Disc. on. Maxcy, J Addresses, with memoir. Maximilian II. Thiersch, Reden, 1849, 62, 53. Maximilian, of Mexico. Hall, F., Life of, 1868. Salm-Salm, F., Diary in Mexico, 1868. Maxims. JEsopus, Fables of ^Isop, 1844. Atterbury, F., Maxims, reflections, &O..P. 1483. Bartlett, J., Aphorisms, 1810. Bennet, J., Collec. Sententiarum. Britaine, Humane prudence, 1701. Cato, D., Dicta Graeca sapientium. P. 692. Colton, C. C., Laon, 1832. B. C. Dictionary of Pop. quotations, 1831. Erasmus, Adagiorum 4000, 1574. Fenelon, Works, vol. 2, 1836, 37. Galland, Maximes des Orientaux. Halliwell, Diet, of Archaic words, 1855. Hare, Guesses at truth, 1834, 47, 55. Home,H.,Artof thinking, 1813. B.C. Jameson, Common-place Bok, 1855. Joannes, Summa de Exemplis, 1597. La Bruyere, J. de, Works, 1776. Laconics, 1829. B. C. La Rochefoucauld, Reflexions, 1678. " Moral reflections. Lingree, Reflexions et Maximes, 1827. Luther, M., Table Talk. Lycosthenes, Apothegmata ex optim. script., 1684. MECHANICS INSTITUTES. 333 Maxims (continued). Macdonnel, Diet, of Quotations, 1817. Marica, Novas Reflexoes, 1844. Montague, M. W , Works, vol. 3, 1837. Napoleon s Oraculum. P. 618. Oxenstiern, Pensees sur divers sujeta, 1762. Parr, S., Aphorisms, etc., 1826. B.C. Pascal, B., Pensees, 1844. " Thoughts, (Wight), 1859. Percy Soc. Publications, V. 20. Phenix, Coll. of rare fragments, 1835. ! Poynder, Literary Extracts, 1847. Proverbs and precepts, 1842. Reusnerius, Syinbola Imp. et Heroica, 1634, 50. Rule of life, 1800. Selden, Table Talk, 1819. Southey, Common-place Book, 1849, 50, 51. Theophrastus, Characters. See La | Bruyere. Waithman, Maxims, Lond., 1824. Walsh, R., Didactics, 1836. B. C. Webster, N., The Prompter, 1839. See Essays; Literature; Proverbs; Quotations. Mayence. See Typography. Mayer, P. F. Stoever, Memorial of. Mayflower Ships. Hunter s Coll. , App., Lyst. Mayhew, Jonathan. Chauncy, C., Discourse on, 1766. Bradford, A., Life of, 1838. Maynooth Grant. Brown, J., In favor of, 1845. P. 1442. Bull, O. S., Books used at, 1845. P. 1438. Perceval, D. M., Maynooth bill, 1845. P. 1554. Popish College of, 1839. P. 342. Mayo, R. Petition, 1860. Meade, Bp. Ten Broeck, Letter to,1847. Measures. See Weights. Meat Biscuit. Borden, Letters on, 1850. P. 271. Meath Co., Ir. Thompson, R., Statis. urvey, 1802. Mecca. Burton s Pilgrimage, 1856. See Mohammed ; Arabia. Mechanic Arts. 5eeArts; Engineering; Inventions, etc. Mechanics. Blassiere, Werktuie-kunde 1764 Byrne, Calculator s companion, 1854. Carpenter, Mechanical Phil , 1857. Culthard, Cold Blast Engines : Draw ings, 1867. I Mechanics (continued). La Caille, Grondbegintzelen, 1764. La Croix, Motions of Floating Bodies, 1775. Lardner, Treatise on, Cycl., v. 67. Monge, Treatise on statics, 1851. Moseley, Illust. of Mechanics, 1839. " Treatise on, 1839. Motte, A., Treatise of mechan. powerg. Nicholson, J., Operative Mechanic, 1834. Parkinson, S., Elem. treatise, 1863. Piola, Meccanica Analitica, 1825. Poisson, Traite de Mccanique, 1833. Smeaton, Machines with Circular Mo tion, 1794. " Reports, 1812-14. Todhunter, I., Mech. for beginners, 1867. Weisbach, Mechanics of machinery, 1848. See Natural Philosophy; Hydrodyna- mici; Engineering, etc. Mechanics Institutes. Amer. Insti tute, N. Y., Tram., 1829-69. " Fair of, 1870. Buckingham, Massach. Char. Mech. Inst., Annals. Cooper Union, Reports, 1860-64. (t Commencement, 1871. " Charter, By-Laws,1859. Dundee Watt Institute, 1841. P. 472. General Society of Mech., N. Y., 1845- 1854, 62-68. Istituto Tecnico Toscano. P. 518. Kilgour, What they are, 1853. P. 518. Maryland Institute, Reports, 1852-59. * Exhibitions, 1850- 1859. Massachusetts Char. Mech. Ass n., Festival, 1845, 56. Exhibition, 1856. Mech. Inst. of Montreal, 1855. P. 260. Mech. Inst. of San Francisco, 1868. Ohio Mech. Inst., Report, 1860. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 518, 1244, 1245, 1699. Providence Assoc. of Mech., 1825. P. 518. Salem, Ms. Char. Mech. Assoc., Exhi bition, 1849. Societe Industrielle de Mulhouse, Bul letin, 1845-1863. Syracuse Mech. Ais n, 1857. P. 518. Society of Arts, Lond., Jour, to 1870. Traice s Hand-book, 1856. Valencia, Sociedad de Amigos del pais, 1777. Worcester Co., Mass., Exhib , 1857. P. 518. See Exhibitions of Industry. 334 MECHANICS INSTITUTES. Mechanics Institutes : Addresses before. Burges, T., Am. Inst., 1830. Gurney, J. J., Providence, R. I. ,1833. P. 518. Henry, J., Lecture, N. Y., 1854. Hunter, W. Rhode Island Soc., 1826. P. 241. Huntington, F. D., 1856. Jackson, C. T., Amer. Instit., N. Y., 1851. Johnson, W. R., Maryland Inst., 1849. P. 518. Lloyd, J. A., Colleges of Arts, 1851. P. 388. Lynch, J., Am. Institute, 1829. Mason, C., American Institute, 1840. Pamphlets of Addresses and Reports, vols. 518, 1244, 1245. Rost, Agric. and Mechan. Ass n of Louisiana, 1845. P. 461. Russell, B., Address, 1810, Boston. Seward, W. H., Amer. Instit., N. Y., 1853. Sprague, J. E., Salem, Mass., 1821 Tyler, J., Maryland Institute, 1855. P. 518. Walker, R. J., Nat. Inst., Washing ton, 1844. P. 518. Mechi, J. J. Good, Theorists confuted, 1851. Medals, See Numismatics. Medford, Mass. Brooks, C., History of, 1630-1855. Medici. Cosmo de. Travels and life of, 1821. Medici, L. De. Politianus, De Conjur. Pactiana, 1553. Roscoe, Life of, 1796. Ten Hoeven, Mem. of the house of Medici, 1797. Medici, Marie de. Pardoe, Life of. Medicine: Addresses relating to. Abernethy, J.. Hunterian Orat., 1819. P. 14. Armshy, J. H., Albany, 1851. P. 100. Bailey, R. W., Pittsfield, 1824. P. 84. Ballingall, G., Surg. lect., Edinb., 1828. Bard, S., On Med. education, 1812. P. 64. Bartlett, E.. Of Hippocrates, 1852. P. 271. Beach, W., Refor. Med. Soc., 1820. P. 614. Bedford, G. 8., N. Y., 1834, 39. P. 84. Bell, J., Infl. of Medicine, 1828. P. 246. Biddle, Penn a Coll., 1856. P. 286. Bigclow, H. J., Boston, 1849. P. 89. | Medicine: Addresses relating to (con tinued). Blake, J., St. Louia Univ., 1848. P. 271. Brown, W., Med. Miss. Soc., Edinb., 1854. P. 406. Brownell, P., On animal heat, 1814. P. 86. Carr, E. S., Castleton, Vt., 1843. P. 84. Channing, W., N. Y., Phys. Soc., 1838. P. 35. B. C. Coates, R., Med. instruo., 1835. P. 64. Cook. S. A., Rensselaer Co., 1844. P. 84. Cutbush, E. M., Geneva, N. Y., 1835. P. 84. Delafield, E., Coll. Phys. and Sur. N. Y., 1837. P. 84. Drake, D., Cincin. Med. Lib. Assoc., 1850. Dunglison, R., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1847. P. 246t Elliotson, Harveian Oration, 1846. P. 405. Elliott. S., Med. Coll., Charleston, S. C. Emmons, E., Albany, 1845. P. 84. Frost, Orat. Med. Botan. Soo. London, 1825. P. 1003. Gibson, \V., Unir. of Pa., 1843. P. 8. Oilman, C. R, New York, 1840. P. 84. Green, J., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1834. P. 84. Griscom, N. Y. Acad. of Med., 1855. P. 100. . Halei, S., Sermon, 1751. P. 1007. . Halford, II., Orations, Coll. of Sure., 1833. Hamilton, F. H., Buffalo, 1853. P. 516. " New York, 1839. P. 84. Holmes, A. F., McGill College, 1854. P. 89. Holmes, 0. W., Addresses, 1844, 60. Hosack, D., Rutgers Med. Coll., 1826. B.C. Hull, L., N. Y. Med. Soo., 1840, Muns. P. 5. Hun, T. ; Albany Med. Coll., 1839. P. 84. Hunteria*! Oration, 1851. P. 405. Jackson, S., Univ. of Pa., 1851. P. 84. Jeffries, J., Suffolk District Soc., 1860. P. 89. Jenkins, C. J., Med. Coll. Georgia, 1842. P. 84. Johnson, W. R., Penn. Coll. Phil a, 1840. P. 84. Kennedy, D., Albany Med. Coll., 1858. P. 516. Lee, C. A., Geneva Med. Coll., 1847. P. 204. Lindsley, J. B., On Med. Colleges, 1858. P. 516. MEDICINE. 335 Medicine: Addresses relating to (con tinued). McCall, J., N. Y. Med. Soc., 1847. Muns. P. 5. McClintock, Castleton, Vt., 1843. P. 85. McCready, B. W., New York, 1850. P. 85. M Naughton, J., Western district, 1830. P. 22. B. C. Manley, J.R., New York, 1826. P. 11. B. C. March, A., Med. Soc., N. Y., 1857. P. 287. Morgan, J., On Med. education, 1765. Mott, V., New York city, 1850. Onderdonk, J., Med. Soc. of N. Y., 1825. P. 85. Paine, M., Univ. of N. Y., 1846. P. 516. Pamphlets, Volumes composed of Med. addresses, Vols. 84, 85, 1349- 1350, 1800. Prescott, W., Dartmouth Coll., 1852. P. 89 Reese, D. M., Castleton, Vt., 1842. . P. 516. " Albany, 1839. P. 64. Reese, J. J., Penn a Med. Coll. ,1854. P. 89. Rhoades, S., Geneva, 1841. P. 85. Romayne, N., New York, 1808. Rudder, W., Albany Medical Coll., 1860. Smith, J. A., N. Y., 1837. P. 85. Smith, J. G., Forensic Medicine, 1829. P. 516. Smith, J. M., 1831-50. P. 85. Smith, N. R., Baltimore, 1829. P. 22. B. C. Spencer, T., Geneva Coll., 1840. P. 204. Stanhope, P. H., Med. Botan Soc., 1831. P. 405. Stevens, A. H., N. Y. Med. Soc., 1849. Ticknor, L., Yale Coll., 1841. P. 85. Townsend, H., Albany Med. Coll., 1853. P. 89. Ware, J., Disc, on Med. education, 1847. Watson, J., Pract. education in med., 1846. P. 85. " N. Y. Ac. of Med., 1855. White, S., N. Y. State Med. Soc., j 1844. Muns. P. 5. Wilder, A., Eclect. Med. Soc., 1869, 1870. Willard, S. D., Alb. Med. Soc., 1856. P. 254. Wood, G. B., Univ. of Penn a, 1836. | " Amer. Med. Ass n, 1856. " Penn. Hospital, 1851. Medicine! Biography of physicians. See Biography. Medicine : Colleges : Catalogues, etc. Albany Med. Coll. ,1833-57. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., Cat., 1860-71. Berkshire Med. Inst., 1834-40. Coll. of Phys., N Y., 1829-70. Eclectic Coll., Phil a and Cine., 1855, 1856. Eclec. Med. Coll., N. Y., Circ., etc., 1867-70. Eclec. Med. Inst., Cincin., 1855. Female Med. Soc., 1853-55. P. 246. Female Med. Coll., Pa. Geneva College, 1838, 40, 44. P. 282. Harvard Univ., 1794-1858, 70. Homoeop. Hos. Coll., Cleveland, Ohio, 1871. Homoeop. Med. Coll. of Penn a, 1864. Jefferson Med. Coll. of Penn a, 1835- 1851. P. 156. Letter to a republican, 1812. Lindsley, J. B., Address on, 1858. Long Is. Coll. Hospital, 1866. Med. Coll. of Lous a, 1839. Med. Inet. Kent y. 1842. Memphis Med. Coll., 1855. Montreal Med. School, 1858. National Med. Coll., Wash , 1850. New Engl. Fern. Med. Coll., 1856-8, 1864. New Hamp. Med. Inst., 1840, 55. N. Y. Homoeop. Med. Coll., 1867-71. N. Y. Med. Coll., 1852. N. Y. Med. Coll. for Women, 1864-71. Penn a Coll., Gettysburg. Penn a Med. Univ. P. 156. Phil a Coll. of Med., 1854. Private Med. Inst., Bait. Quebec School of, 1848. South Carolina Med. Coll., 1838. Tremont Med. School, Boston, 1851, 1852, 5. University of Buffalo, 1856. University of Louisville, 1855. University of Nashville, 1851, 7. Univ. of N. Y., Cat., 1867. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1749 to 1849. Vermont Academy, Castleton, 1828-41. Vermont Med. Coll., Woodstock, 1837, 1840, 55. Women s Med. Coll., N. Y., 1860. See Woman. Medicine: General and Miscellane ous. Alden, Mass. Med. Soc., Hist. Almeloveen, Inventa Nov-antiqua, 1684. 336 MEDICINE. Medicine! General and Miscellane ous (continued). Balfour, Sol-lunar influence in India fevers, Asiat. Res. Bancal, Lettres medicales, 1834. Beck, J. B., Misc. Mod. publications, 1817-42. " Hist, of Med. before Am. revol., 1842. Beck, L. C., Miso. and med. publica tions, 1824-50. Beck,T. R., Misc. med. pub. 1811-40. Beddoes, Abuses in medicine, 1808. Besson, ^Equilibrium Corporis, 1759. P. 612 Beverwyck, Epistolicae quaestiones, 1644. Bigelow, J., Nature in disease, 1854. " Rational medicine, 1858. Blane, G., Medical Logick, 1825. Blatchford, T. W., Dissertations, 1817- 1856. " On feigned diseases, 1817. P. 86. Bleuland, Otium Academ., 1828. Book about doctors, (Jeaffreson),1861. Booth, On Malaria, 1853. Boucheron, Du Systeme pileux, 1837. Bouillaud, Philos. Medicale, 1836. Bowman, Med. chemistry, 1850. Bowron, J. S., Planet influences in epidemics, 1850. Breggen, Geneeskundige Bijdragen, 1842. P. 269 Bronson, Medical Reasoning, 1832. P. 86. Broussais, Physiolog. Medicine, 1832. Brown, R., Physiognomy in, 1807. Brunet, C., Progres de, 1697. Buc hoz, Medecine Pratique, 1771. Cabanis, De la certitude, 1803. Caldwell, Med. and phys. memoirs, 1801. Cavallo, Properties of factitious airs, 1798. Chevalier, Diss. Physico-M6dicale, 1758. Circular Letter, N. Y., 1829. Conkling, Remarks, 1854. Cours des Etudes Medicales, 1803. Cronin, Med. no mystery, 1853. Currie, Diseases of Un. States, 1792. Da-Olmi, Hygiene Navale, 1828. Desperriercs, Fievres de St. Domingue, 1780. Dessaix, Thesis Medica, 1758. Digestion, De la, 1712. Donaldson s Review of systems, 1821. Dunglison, Medical Lexicon, 1846. Edelen, Theories of inflamm., 1815. Medicine: General and Miscellane- OUS (continued). Edinburgh Univ., Med. diss., 1778- 1819. Ewell, Improvements in, 1819. Fenner, Southern Med. Reports. Gallup, Epidemic diseases in Vt.,1815. Gardner, D. P., Medical Chemistry, 1848. Golleville, Maladies incurables, 1862. Gr. Brit. Register : Statist, nosology, 1845. Green, A., Nature of diseases, 1835. Hale, E., Med. Prize dissertations, 1821. Haller, Disputationes, 1757-60. Hedges, P., Strictures on- Dr. Brown * Work. Herisson, The Sphygmometer, 1835. P. 87. Ilerpin, Sur 1 enfanoe et 1 adolescence, 1826. Heustis, Diseases of Louisiana. Holmes, 0. W., Currents and counter- currents, 1861. Hosack, D., Misc. publications, 1812- 1825. Huff, Electro-physiology, 1853. Jackson, James, Letter, Utility of, 1861. " Letters to a young physician, 1856. Joyand, Thesis Med., Hydropis, 1765. Kuhn, Med. Graecorum Opera, 1821-30. Leechdome, Wortcunning, etc., of early England, (Chron. G. B.). Leroy d Etiolles, Lettres a 1 Academic des sciences, 1842, 43. Lettsom, Hints on temperance and med. science, 1801. Mann, J., Med. sketches, war of 1812. Manningham, R.,Valetudo mulierum, 1756. Mead, R., Medical works, 1762. Merrett, C., Self-conviction, 1670. Middleton, C., De Medicorum apud Vet. Rom. Cond. Dial., Works, vol. 4, 1755. Miller, E., Med. works, N. Y., 1814. Mitchell, J. K., Cryptogamous origin of epidem. fevers, 1849. " Five essays, 1859. Mitchell, T. D., Chem. and medicine, 1837. Morel, Traite des maladies mentales, 1852. Morris, C., Med. Hist, of Penn., 1826. Musgrave, Gulstonian lectures. Nature in disease, and her agents, Lond., 1859. P. 1713. Newton, R. S., Eclectic treatise, 1866. N. Y. Kappa Lambda Conspir., 1839. MEDICINE. 337 Medicine: (General and Miscellane ous (continued). Pamphlets relating to, vols. 64, 86, 87, 89, 98, 196, 210, 235, 246, 271, 405, 515-517, 575, 579, 593, 611- 614, 649, 650, 713, 802, 923, 945, 1040, 1351-52, 1354-1361, 1711- 1714, 1528, 1529, 1779. B. C. 22. Parrot, Epidemic de la suette miliaire, 1841, 42. Pearson, C. H., Letter on med. ed. in Oxford Univ., 1858. Pettigrew, Superstitions in, 1844. Physic and its phases, B . T. Moore, 1 858. Pitcairn, Elem. Med. phys. math ,1717. Pringle, Diseases of the Array, 1753. Pugh, Nature in disease, 1804. Pulverraachen, Hydro-electric chains, 1856. Purple, Medical Observations, 1852, 54. P. 89. Quincy, Lex. Physico-medicpm, 1767, 1802. Ramazzini, Maladies des Artisans, 1777. Raymond, Maladies, dangereux a gue- rir, 1808. Reply on a new Corporation of Physicians, 1812. P. 37. Retz, Epidemiques a Rochefort, 1784. Roberton, On Medical Police, 1809. Rowley, W., Essays, 1770-1800. Rush, B., Med. inquiries on the mind, 1835. " Sixteen Lectures, 1811. Shecut, Med. and Phil. Essays, 1819. Sherwood, Motive power, 1841. Solly, S., The human, brain: diseases of, 1848. Soule, Science of Reproduction, 1856. Spence, De vasis absorbentibus, 1790. Swieten, Diseases of Armies, 1776. Thomson. T., De Acre atmosphaerico, 1799. Tissot, Moyens de Perfectionner, 1785. Trnka, Hist. Haeuiorrhoidum, 1895. Tucker. Med. Reg. of city of N. Y., 1862. Turner, W., Triumphs of Young Phys., 1847. P. 89. Uwins, D., Mod. Maladies. Pamp r 13. Whitlaw, I*bw Discoveries in, 1847. Willard, S. D., Col. writings, Albany. Williams, S W., Improvements of the half century, 1852. P. 1800. See Anatomy ; Asphyxia ; Cholera ; Cli mate; Consumption; Contagion; Death; Dispensaries; Drowning; Ear; Epidemics; Ether; Eyes; Homoeopathy; Health; Hospitals; Hydrophobia; Insanity; Plague; Poison; Quackery; Quarantine; Small Pox ; Surgery ; Temperance ; Teeth; Urine; Water-cure, etc. 43 Medicine! Legal. Accura, On poisons. Beck, T. R., Elem. of Med. Jurispru dence, 1842. Clark, H. G., Address on, 1868. Esquirol, Des maladies mentales. Hall, A. G., Inst. of med. jurispru dence, 1860. Lobstein, Of the Eye, 1830. Loomis, H., Trial, 1850. Taylor, Poisons in relation to, 1859. Webster, J., jr., Essays on, 1824. Wharton, F., Invol. confessions, 1860. See Insanity ; Poisons, and Law Library Catalogue. Medicine t Materia Medica. Acosta, Arom. et medic, in Orient. India, 1593. Albertus Mag., De virt. herbarum. Alderson, Rhus toxicodendron. Allen, J. A., Pharmacology. P. 86. American Chem. Inst., Manual. Amer. Jour, of Pharmacy, 1832-68. Amer. Pharmaceutical Assoc n, Pro ceedings, 1851-69. Anderson, A., Eupatorium, 1813. P. 64. Barton, W. P. C., Veg. Mat. Med. of the U. S., 1818-25. Bird, F., Sanguinaria Canadensis, 1822. P. 86. Brandreth s Medicines. P. 515. Brunfels, Onomasticon medieinje, 1533. Buchan s Balsam. P. 271. Cartwright, S. A., Jussieua grandi- flora, 1840. P. 98. Chamberlaine, W., On Cowhage, 1792. Christison, Hemlock and Conia, 1836. Clark s Peruvian Syrup, 1854. P. 235. Cutter, E., Veratrum viride. Dale, Pharmacologia, 1737. Deguise, Effets de 1 acetat de Mor phine, 1824. P. 86. Dioscorides, De rnateria medica, 1822. Edwards, H. M., Manuel de Mat. Med., 1831. Farvacque, Medecina pharmaceutica, 1741. Forskal, Arabic Mat. Med. Francis, J. W., On Mercury, 1811. P. 86. Fuller, T., Pharmacopoeia, 170*. Garcia, Medicamentorum apud Indos, 1593. Hoffman, F., On Asses Milk, 1754. P. 449. Hooper, On Antimony, 1774. Horsley, J., Cod liver oil, 1856. Jacquet, Del Antimoine, 1765. P. 612. James, R., Pharmacopoeia, 1764. Labarraque, Use of Chlorides of soda and lime, 1851. P. 79. 338 MEDICINE. Medicine: Materia Medica (cont d). Ledoyen s Disinfecting fluids, 1847, 1848. Lemery, N/, Verhand. der Enkele Droogeryen, 1743. Magendie, Formul. de nouv. medicnm., 1836. Mass. Coll. of Pharmacy, 1851. P. 89. Mead, Pharmacopoeia, 1757. Monardus, Remedies brought from Am., 1677. Montot, Amidon de Sante, 1777. Murray, J., Fluid Magnesia, 1840. P. 235. Nat. Pharmaceut. Conv., 1852. Norwood, Veratrum Viride, 1852. P. 515. O Shaugnessy, Preparations of Indian hemp. P. 1353. Paine, M., Mat. Med., 1848. Pamphlets relating to Materia Medica, vol. 1353. Paris, Pharmacologia, 1833. Patent Medicines. See Pam. V. 614; Aim. V. 38-40. Percy, S. R., Veratrum viride. Pharmaceut. Conv., 1852, 3. Pharmacopoeia, Lond., 1758. Pharmacopoeia chirurg., 1794. Philip, Minute doses of Mercury, 1834. P. 210. Pison, De medecina Brasiliensi, 1648. Purple, S. S., On Cimaba Cedron, 1854. P. 89. Quer, Uva-ursi. Rafinesque, Medical flora, 1828-30. Rayner, John, Cod-Liver Oil, 1849. P. 87. Reece, R., Rhatany rot, 1808. Rogers, J. L., Catalogue, Mat. Med., 1826. P. 28. B. C. Rougier, De la morphine, 1843. Royle, Materia Med. and Therap., 1847. Salisbury, J. H., Papers, 1862, 3, 7, 8. Salmon, English Herbal, 1710. Sauveur, De la vente des medica ments, 1846. Schoepf, Mat. Med. Americana, 1787. Slare, Bezoar Stones, 1715. Smy tti re, Phytologie pharmaceutique, 1829. Steel, T. E., Digitalis purpurea. Strotfel, Med. Prop, of the Aralia spinosa, 1826. Swaim s Panacea, 1829. P. 229. Thacher, J., Am. New Dispensatory, 1813. Thayer & Co., Fluid Extracts. P. 516. Thomson, S., Botan. fam. physician, 1841. Medicine: Materia Medica (cont d). Tilden & Co., Extracts, 1855. Tournefort, De la Mat. Medicale, 1717. Treatise of Crust of Bread, 1756. P. 405. Tully, W., Materia Medica, 1857, 8. " On Sanguinaria canadensis. P. 86 " On Narcotine and Snlph. of Quinine. P. 86. U. S., Adulteration of, 1848. Yvan, Pharmacie en Chine, 1847. See Pharmacy. Medicine; Obstetrics, etc. Bacoffe, Plethora Menstrui, 1759. P. 612. Bard, S., Compendium of Midwifery, 1812. Barker, B. F., Puerperal Fever, 1857. P. 271. Burns, Prin. of Midwifery, 1810. < Observ. on Abortion, 1808. Cleveland, Mrs., Address, 1858. P. 517. Engeltrum, Waarneming, 1825. Female Medical College, 1858. P. 517. Freind, Emmenologie, 1730. Gregory, S., Man midwifery. Krause, Der Geburtshulfe, 1853. Letter to a young lady, 1764. Maternal Physician, 1811. Pehey, Compleat Midwife, 1698 Pollard, Obstetrical Supporter, 1849. Preston, Address, Fern. Med. Coll., 1858. P. 517. Quackenbush, Add., Albany Med. Coll., 1855. P. 287. Spratt, G., Obstetric Tables, 1850. Medicine: Periodicals and Transac tions. Albany Jour, of Neurology, 1843. Amer. Jour, of Insanity, 1855-70. Amer. Eclectic Med. Register, 1868. Am. Eel. Med. Review, 1866-69. Am. Jour, of Med. Sciences, Phil a, 1827-69. Am. Jour, of Pharmacy, 1832-69. Am. Med. Assoc., Trans. Phil a, 1848- 1868. Am. Med. Monthly, N. Y., 1854-61. Am. Med. Times, N. Y., 1860-63. Annales d Hygiene, 1829-70. Anti-Lancet (Chron. Thermal), 1853. P. 196. Archief van Geneeskunde, 1846. Archives de Physiologic, etc., 1854. Boston M. <fc Sur. Journal, 1835-37, 41-49. Bouchardat, Annuaire de thcrap.,1842- 1846. Braithwaite, W., Retrospect of Medi cine, 1854-60. iMEDICINE. 339 Medicine: Periodicals and Transac tions (continued). Brit, and For. Med. Review, 1836-44. Brit, an* For. Med. Chir. Key., 1854- 1860. Buffalo Med. Jour., 1845, 46. Bulletin dea Sci. Med., (Fcrussac), 1829-31. Edinburgh Med. A Phil. Jour., 1805-42. " Med. Jour., 1855-60. " Med. <k Sur. Jour., 1855. Esculapian, The, period., 1853. P. 4 3. Etat de Medecine, 1770, 77. Fautes dans la Gazette de Sante, 1776. P. 612> Foote, J., Med. Pocket Book, 1837, 40. Gazette Med. de Paris, 1859. Jahrbuch, 1840, Wildberg. Lancet, The, 1823-71. Literarische Annalen, (Hecker), 1825- 1S30. London Med. Gazette, 1831-51. Magazinder Ausl. Lit. der Heilkunde, 1825, 30, 31, 34. P. 265. Med. and Agric. Register, Bost.,1807. Med. and Surg Journal, Phil a, 1858- 1863. Medical Critic, (Winslow), 1861-63. Medical Repository, 1800-24. Med. Soc. of Pennsylvania, 1851, 2. Medical Times, Lond., 1839-60. Medico-Chirur. Review, 1820-44. Meding, Bibliot. Paris Medical, 1855. Miscellanea curiosa, (Serial), Lipsiae, 1670-97. Missouri Med. aud Sur. Jour., 1846. P. 196. New England Jour, of Med. 1816. New York Med. and Phil. Jour., Ho- sack, 1809-11. New York Med. and Phys. Jour., Fran cis, 1822-30. N. Y. Med. Magazine, (Mott), 1815. Pharmaceutical Jour., 1841-59. Pharmaceutical Repertory, 1844-46. Phil a University Jour, of Med., 1871. Physo-Med. Jour., Cincinnati, 1851. P. 196. Quarterly Homoeop. Journal, 1849. Smith, Am. Med. Aim., 1839-41. Southern Med. and Surg. Jour., 1836- 1839. Southern Med. Reformer, 1854. Medicine I Societies. American Med. ABSOC., Transactions, 1S48-68. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Proc. , 1851-70. Connecticut St. Med. Soc. 1852, 55. P. 89; 57-62. Eclectic Med. Soc. of N. Y., Trans., 1865-70. Medicine! Societies (continued). Homoeop. Med. Soc. of N. Y., Trans., 1863-70. Illinois State Med. Society, 1860. Impartial enquiry, etc., Lond., 1763. Maine Med. Aseoc., 12 and 13th meet., 1865. Mass. Med. Soc., 1787-1854. P. 210. " Disa., 1823-46. * Communications, 1854-9. Med. Assoc. of Southern N. Y., 1853- 1857. Med. Conv. of Va., 1846. Med. Delegates, N. Hampton, Mass., 1827. P. 271. Med. Soc. of N. Y., Trans., 1807-70. Med. Soc. of Penn a, 1851, 2. Nat. Eclectic Med. Assoc., Transac., 1852. National Med. Convention, 1846. New Hampshire Med. Soc., Trans., 1854-61. New Haven Co. Med. Soc., 1837. New Jersey State Med. Soc., Trans., 1859, 62, 64. N. Y. Acad. of Med., Trans., 1851. Norfolk, Mass., Dist.Med. Soc. ,1855. P. 615. Provin. Med. and Sur. Assoc. Lond., 1839, 40, 47. " On Homoeopathy, 1851. Soc. des Sci. Mod. de la Moselle, 1838- 1852. Vermont Med. Soc., 1852. P. 516. Medicine: Therapeutics and Special Diseases. Ag., Le Medecin des campagnes, 1832. Alibert, Maladies de la pean, 1822. Alpini, De prsesagienda Vita, 1733. Amussat, Anus artificiel : tumeurs fibreuses, 1839. Aretaeus, Opera omnia, 1821-30. Argolus, De Diebus Criticis, 1651. Armstrong, Diseases of Children. Articella, Med. treatises in Latin, 1491. Astruc, De Morbis venereis, 1740. Asylum for cure of scrofula, 1824. P. 98. Aurelianus, De morbis acutis, 1709. Averill, Disinfecting by chlorine, 1832. P. 86. Bacher, L Hydropsie, 1782. P. 613. Banning, Chronic diseases. 1846. Barrv, D., De phlegmasia dolente, 1807. P. 86. Baumes, Sur le vice scrophuleux, 1805. " Science Method, des Mala dies, 1801. Beck, J. B., Infant Therapeutics, 1849. 340 MEDICINE. Medicine! Therapeutics and Special Diseases (continued). Beddoes, Nitrous acid in Ven. mal., 1797. Bell, B., Treatise on Gonorr., 1814. Bennett, J. H., Princ. and pract. of, \ 1863. Bird, G., Chem. and Therapeutics, 1848. P. 402. Blake, A., Delirium Tremens, 1834. P. 210. Bliss, Strictures of the urethra, 1816. P. 86. Boerhave, H., Study of physick, 1719. Bouchard, Degen. of spinal cord, 1869. Boudin, Traite des Fievres intermit- tentes, 1845 Bouteille, Traite de la Choree, 1810. Br6ra, Sopra i verini del corpore umano, 1802. " Mem. Medico-cliniche, 1816. P. 515. Britt, W., Indigestion, &c., 1857. P. 1712. Bright, R., Adhesions of the peri toneum, 1835. " Obs. on jaundice. Broussais, Inflam. Chroniques, 1808. Bryson, Fevers of Sierra Leone. Buchan, Domestic Med., 1828. B. C. " On Venereal disease, 1797. Cadogan, On gout and chron. diseases, 1772. Carter, Vegetable Prescriptions, 1813. Celsus, A. C., Of Medicine, 1756. Cezan, Manuel Anti-Syphil., 1789. Charpentier, Meningo-Cephalite, 1829. Chavy, Sur la Goutte, 1774. P. 613. Chevallier, A., Sur les empoissonne- ments. Clark, H. G., Ship-fever, 1850. Clark, J., Syph. disease in the East. P. 405. Clark, T., Scarlatina anginosa, 1795. Glossy, Diseases of parts of the body, 7 1763. Cole, On Apoplexies, 1689. Copeland, Diseases of the rectum, 1810. Cotunnius, Hip gout, 1775. Cox, D., Intermitting pulse, 1758. Cullen, Practice of Physic, 1805. Cunier, Maladies oculaires en Belgique, 1847. Dana, S. L., Lead diseases, 1848. Davey. J. G., Uterine hydatids, 1849. Davis, C. S., Phlegmasia alba dolens. j Davis, N. S., Diseases of Spinal col., 1840. P. 86. Dawson, Cases of rheumatism, 1776. Dickson, S., Chrono-thermal system, 1845. Medicine! Therapeutics and Special Diseases (continued). Disser. on gravel, 1733. Doeveren, Sur les Vers, 1764. Douglas, J., Diss. on gout. Dubreuilh, De la nevrite, 1845. Dumoulin, Du Rhumatisme, 1710. Dupuy, De febre quotidiana, 1747. P. 612. Eble, Maladies de la conjonctive,1836. Epps, Epilepsy, 1834. Fallot, Medecine, (Encyc. Pop.). Family Phys. and Surgeon, 1796. Favarielle, De la Gale, 1807. Fitzpatrick, Angina Pectoris, 1830. P. 405. Flores, Specifique pour la guerison du chancre, 1785. Floyer, De 1 Asthme, 1761. Forbes, J., Cyclopaedia of medicine, 1859. Ford, H., Fevers of West Africa, 1856. Fremery, Hydrop. ligam. uteri. Gabucinius, De Comitiali morbo, 1561. Galenus, Opera omnia, 1562. Gales, Fumigations sulfureuses. Gallup, J. A., Institutes of, 1839. Gardlane, Maladies Veneriennes, 1773. P. 611. Garth, S., Works, 1769. Giannini, Nature des Fievres, 1808. Good, J. M., Study of Medicine, 1826. Gouraud, Etudes sur la Fievre inter- mittente, 1842. Granville, A. B., On Counter-irrita tion, 1839. Halsted, On Motorpathy, 1853. Haly filius Abbas, Liber medicinae, 1521. Hamersley, Phthisis pulmonalis, Diss., 1816. Hand-book of Domestic Med., 1855. Hawkins, C., Tumour of the liver, 1833. Hecquet, Medecine des Pauvres, 1740. Hees, C. C., De Icter, 1829. Hillary, W., Diseases of W. I. Is., 1811. Hippocrates, Opera Omnia, 1695. " Trad, des (Euvres medi- cales, 1801. .... Reliquiae, 1859-64. " De morbis popularibus, 1717. Hollerius, De Mrb. internis, 1571. Hooper, J. H., On Phrenitis, 1815. Hooper, R., Physician s Vade-mecum, 1809. Hopkins, J., Of Epispastics, 1815. Hosack, D., Emetics in constipation. P. 4. MEDICINE, 341 Medicine! Therapeutics and Special Diseases (continued). Hosack, D., Miscellaneous publica s, 1812-20. " Essays on Medical subjects, 1824-30. " Obs. on Contagious diseases, 1815. " On Croup, 1811. Hun, E. R., Trichina spiralis, 1869. Imray, K., Cyclo. of Pop. Med., 1842. Jackson, R., Fevers of Jamaica, 1795. Jackson, S., Gangrene of the cheek. P. 6. Jeffreys, J., The respirator, 1841. P. 1779. Jenner, W., Acute specific diseases, 1853. Johnson, F. G., Private Med. Com panion, 1855. Johnstone, J., Putrid sore throat, 1779. Kelley s New System, N. Y., 1848. Kirkland, T., Paral. and apoplexy, 1792. Lee, W., Brandy and Salt for inflam mation. Levrat, Goutte, Rhumatisme, etc., 1850. P. 89. Lommius, De...- Febris, 1562. Long, St. John, Discoveries in heal ing, 1830. Louis, P., On fevers, 1836. Mahon, Medecine clinique, 1804. Makellar, Black phthisis, 1846. Malcomson, Of Beriberi, 1835. Rheumatism in India,l835. Mann, J., Cholera infantum, 1804. Marchant, Sur la langue, 1841. Medecin des Hommes, 1772. Medecine Experimentale, 1755. Menuret, Traite du Pouls, 1768. Millar, J., Asthma and Hooping cough, 1769. Milman, F., De Nat. hydropis, 1779. " Scurvy and putrid fevers, 1782. Morin, J., De Dolore, 1761. P. 613. Morton, C., De tussi convulsiva, 1748. Murchison, C., Gastro-colic fistula, 1857. Murray, J. W. B., Essay on Neural gia, 1816 P. 86. Musgrave, On Worm fever, 1776. Nonnus, De curatione Morborum, 1794, 1795. Nouveau Recueil, 1744. Olliffe, Sur la Methode ectrotique, 1840. P. 1003. Orr, W. S., Homsehold handbook, P. 1779. Osgood, Treatment of Fevers, 1848. Medicine! Therapeutics and Special Diseases (continued). Paine, M., Institutes of Med., 1860, 1867. " Materia Med. and Therapeu tics, 1848. " CommentarieSj Med. andphys., 1844. Par6, A., (Euvres, 1585. Parguez, De luflammatione, 1758. P. 612. Parker, E. H., Scarlet fever, 1859. Pattison, J., Of Cancer, 1859. Paul, G. 0., Gaol fever, 187. Pavy, F. W., On Diabetes, 1862. Pemberton, C., Dis. of the viscera, 1806. Perry, R., Silent friend. PetJt-Radel, Pyretologia, 1808. Portal, De 1 epilepsie, 1827. Porter, W. 0., Management of typhus, 1819. P. 1361. Price, R., Sulphurous fumigation, 1821. Ramadge, F., Curability of consump tion, 1854. Rees, G. 0-, Rheumatism and Lemons, 1849. Reynal, Fievres putrides, 1763. Reynolds, J. R., On Vertigo, 1854. Riolan, Ars Medendi, 1601. Robertson, F., Chorea Sancti Viti, 1805. P. 516. Rogerson, J., De sang, detract, abusu, 1786. Rosa Anglica, Joan. Anglici, 1492. Rose, J. S., Consumption curable. Rossi, F., Medecine operatoire, 1806. Rousseau, Remedes Eprouvez, 1718. Roussel, De la pellagre, 1845. Rowaa, M., On Hepatitis, 1815. Rowley, W., Medical essays, 1779. Samuells, P. S., De Haemoptysi, 1798. Schroeder, Waarnemingen, 1852. Schultz, De Entero-Mesenteride 1830. P. 210. Seutin, Maladie syphilitique, 1843. Some papers writ, 1670. Spencer, T., Epidemic Diarrhoea, 1832. P. 87. Taney, On Hydrocele, 1815. Tanquerel, Lead diseases, 1848. Taylor, C. F., Spinal irritation, 1866. " Potts s Disease of the spine, 1863. Teale, T. P., On Neuralgic diseases. Thomas, R., Mod. Practice of Physic, 1811. Triplet, On Apoplexy, 1798. P. 235. Turner, W., Of Bleeding, 1851. Underwood, Di?ea?es of children, 1800. 342 MEDICINE. Medicine: Therapeutics and Special Diseases (continued). Upham, J. B., Typhus or ship fever, 1852. Typhus fever in G. B-, 1858. Van Solingen, Worms in the intes tines, 1792. Vingtrinier, Guerison de tetanos, 1.845. Viviand, Thesis, Regimen, 1762. Vowell, On Dysentery, 1815. Wadd, On Corpulence, 1822. Wakeman, On Somnolency, 1815. Warren, J. C., Diseases of the heart, 1809. P. 44. Warton, Obstinate Constipation. Waterhouse, On Hooping Cough, 1822. Watson, W., Exper. in inoculation. P. 126. Watt, De Scarlatina anginosa, 1803. Whitney, D. H., The Fain, physician, 1834. B. C. Wildrik, W., Kinderpokjes, Mazelen, Loop, etc., 1781. Wilkins, H., Family Adviser, 1804. Winslow, F., Diseases of the Brain, 1860. Wilson, A. P., Febrile diseases, 1809. Wilson, E., The heat cure, 1860. Woodward, Camp diseases of the U. S. Armies, 1863. Wyck, D., Redelyke Heelkonst, 1775. Yates, Bilious fever of N. Y., 1813. See References above under Medicine, General. Mediterranean Sea. Colton, W. s Land and lee, 1851. Sea and sailor, 1851. Digby, Sir K., Voyage, 1628, (Cam- den Soc.). Gait s Travels around, 1809-11. Jackson, J., Commerce of, 1809. Mahoney, S., Two years in the Medi terranean, 1844. Records of Travel, Bost., 1838 Rockwell, C., Sketchesof Travel, 1842. Sandwich, Voyage, 1738-9. Schroeder, F., Shores of the Med., 1844. Torrey, F. P., Cruise of the Ohio, 1839-41. Willis, N. P., Summer cruise in, 1853. Med way, Mass. Wright, L., Century Sermon. Meermann, J. Cras, Eulogium, 1817. B. C. Meetings, Public. Fingerpost to, 1864. , Meggott, R. Sherlock, W., Sermon, Funeral of, 1692. Meigs, R. J. Campbell s Biog. Sketches. Meikle, J. The Traveller, or, Life of, 1812. Melancthon, P. Epist. selectiores, 1565. " Life of, 1830. Kloss, Cat Annotations of, 1835. Merle, History of the Reformation. Sotheby, Observat. on handwriting of, 1839. Melrose, Ms. Goss, M. Memorial, 1868. Melvil, Sir J. Scott, G., Memoirs of, 1683. Melville, Lord. Brief remarks on, 1805. Letter to his Majesty, 1808. Melville, A. M Crie, Life of, 1819. Works, v. 2, 1855. Memory. See Mnemonics; Mental Phi losophy. Menapii. De Peyster, Hist, of Carausius, 1858. Mendelssohn, F. B. Letters from Italy, 1863. Mendon, Ms. Centenn. celebration, 1868. Blake, M., Hist. Mendon Assoc., 1851. Menefee, R. H. Marshall, T. F., Life of, 1841. Mengs, A. R. Works with Life of, 1796. Mennonists. Acct of, 1727. Rues, Staet....der Mennoniten, 1745. Mental Philosophy. Abercrombie, In quiries, Intellect. Powers, 1833. Bain, A., Mental Science, 1868. Beasley, Search after Truth, 1822. Blakey, R., History of, 1850. Brodie, B., Mind and Matter, 1857. Brown, T., Lectures on, 1826. Buchanan, J., Phil, of Human Nat., 1812. Consciousness, 1864. Crichton, A., Phys. of the mind, 1798. Crousaz, J. P., Art of thinking, 1724. Edwards, J., Essay on Freedom of Will, (Watts), 1790, 1844. Fearn, Physiol. of the Mind, 1829. " Essay on External Perception. Parnph r 5. Gall, F. J , Origin of the faculties, 1835. Gaskell, Sense and Sound, 1854. Hamilton, W., Lectures on metaphy sics, 1859. Discus, in Philosophy, 1852. Hartley, D., Theory of the mind, 1775. Helvetius, C. A., Treatise on man, 1810. " Essays on the mind, 1810. METALS AND METALLURGY. 343 Mental Philosophy (continued). Hickok, L. P., Empirical Psychology, 1857. Huet, P., Weakness of human under standing, 1725. Hume, D., Treatise on Human Nature, 1739. t( Essays on the Human Under standing, 1750. Inquiry into the functions, 1824. Johnson, A. B., Deep sea sound., 1861. Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 1855. Kinker, J., Le Dualisme de la Kaison humaine, 1852. La Forge, De 1 Esprit de 1 Homme, 1666. Lewes, G., Physiol. of life. Liberty of the Will, 1790. P. 301. Locke, J , Works, 1823. Lord, J., Christian Philosopher, 1852. Lyons, Of Human Judgment, 1724. M Cosh, J., Intuitions of the mind, 1866. M llvaine, Of Voluntary Attention, 1849. P. 287. Mahan, A., A System of, 1857. Malebranche, The Search after truth, 1694. Marsh, J., Remains of, 1843. Maudsley, Physiol. of mind, 18fi8. Mill, J. S., On Hamilton s Phil., 1865. Pamphlets relating to Mental philoso phy, vol. 1362. Pearl, C., Youth s book on, 1851. Porter, N., The human intellect, 1869. Rauch, Psychology, 1840. Read, D., Address, Madison, Wis., 1856. P. 287. Reed, S., Growth of the Mind, 1838. Reid, T., Works, 1846. Rush, B., Diseases of mind. Scott, R. E., Limits of Metaph. and Phys. Sci., 1810. Stearns, J., Phil, of Mind, 1840. Steuart, Sir J., Works, 1805. Stewart, D., Works, 1829, 55. Taylor, H., Elements of Thought, 1851. Tissot, Causes des Idees, 1846. Tucker, A., The Light of Nature, 1831. B. C. Upham, T. C., Disordered Mental Ac tion, 1843. Elements of, 1838. Vindication of Mankind, (Lowe), 171 7. Wayland, F., Elem. of intell. phil. West, On Edwards on the Will, 1772. W illiams, B. B., Mental Alchemy,1853. Wirgman,Kantesian Phil. Pamph r 23. Zetemata dianoetika, 1821. SeMan; Philosophy; Soul; Will. Mercer, H. Reed, W. B., Oration on, 1840. Merchants. Bourne, English Merchants: Memoirs, 1866. Hunt, F., Lives of American Mer chants, 1856. See Commerce. Merchant Taylors School. Wilson, H. B., History of, Lond., 1814. Meriden, Conn. Perkins, G. W., His tory of, 1849. Merle d Anbigne, J. H. History ef the Reformation, 1849, 69. Baird, R., Of his writings and life, 1846. Merriam, W. W. Murray, J. 0., Ser mon on. Merrill, W. P. Decision on, Portland, 1861. Merrimac River and Valley. Meader, History, etc., 1869. Poor, A., History of, and geneal. re searches, 1857. Potter, C. E., History of, 1856. Mesmerism. See Magnetism, (AnimaJ) ; Spiritualism. Mesopotamia. Ainsworth, W. F., Re searches in, 1838. Travels in, 1842. Buckingham, J. S., Travels in, 1827. Fraser, J. B., History of Ray s voyages, 1693. Rich, C. J., Narrative of residence, 1836. " Journeys, 1811. Southgate, H., Syrian church in, 1844. Wai pole, F., Travels in, 1851. See Assyria; Chaldea; Tigris; Tur key ; Niniveh. Messinger family genealogy, 1863. Metals and Metallurgy. Bloxam, C. L., On Metals, their treatment, 1871. Byrne, Metal-worker s Ass t, 1852. Comstock, Hist, of the precious metals, 1849. Coulthard, Cold blast engines, 1867. France, Enquete, 1860. Heron, Des metaux en France, 1837. Holland, J., Manufactures in metal, (Lardner, 85-87). Hughes, G. W., Working of copper ores, 1844. P. 79. Jars, Voyages Metallurgiques, 177J. Kerl, Treatise on metallurgy, 1868-70. Le Play, Affinage par cristallisation, 1837. Lesley, J. P., Iron manufact. guide, 1859. 344 METALS AND METALLURGY. Metals and Metallurgy (continued). Lieber, 0. M., The Assayer s Guide, ^ 1852. Lindauer, G., Der Hiitten-chemie, 1861. Lottner, F. II., Hiittenkunde, 1859. McCulloh, R. L., Memorial, refining gold, 1851 " Refining California gold, 1852. Manes, Mem. geologiques sur 1 Alle- magne, 1828. Mitchell, J., Manual of assaying. Overman, Moulder and founder s guide, 1851. Phillips, J. A., Records of Metall., 1857. Richardson, W., Metallic Arts and diseases, 1790. Sehinz, Researches on the action of the blast furnace, ^1870. See Iron; Gold; Mines. Metaphysics. See Philosophy; Mental Philosophy; Moral Philosophy. Metastasio, P. H. Bornbet, Obser. on, 1820. Burney, C., Memoirs of, 1796. Metcalfe, C. T., Lord. Papers of, 1855. " Life and Oorresp. of, (Kaye), 1854. Meteorology. Ailing, Register, 1785- 1810. Ainer. Philds. Soc., Direct, for Obs., 1837. Ample Instruct, for Thermometers, etc., 1841. P. 551. Andrews, J. W., Barometer. P. 222. Annuaire Meteor, de la France, 1850. Arago, (Euvres, V. 4, 7, 8, 12, 1854-59. Bache, Obs. at Girard Coll., 1840-45, (Srnithson, Contr., xiii, xiv). Bavaria; Observ., 1820-27, 1841-47. " Annalen, 1865. " Resultate, 1825-56. Belville, Man. of Barometer, 1849. Birt, W. R., The Hurricane Guide, 1850. Blodget, Climatology of U. S , 1857. Brocklesby, Elements of, 1848. Brooks, Tornado at Medford, 1857. Caswell, Obs. at Providence, 1831-60, (Smithson Contr.). Coffin, J. H., Winds of North Hem. Coulvier, Recherches sur, 1859. Dalton, Meteor, obs. and essays, 1834. Daniel, J. T., Elements of, 1845. Delatour, Record, N. Y., 1850. Disturnell, Influence of climate, 1867. Dixat, Lunar almanac. Dove, Im Preussischen Staate : Beob- achtungen, 1849>. Meteorology (continued). Ellinger, Voraussicht der Witterung, 1815:- Epp, Ueber den Hehrrauch, 1783. Espy, Philosophy of Storms, 1841. " Reports on Meteor., 1843, 50. " Exam, of Col. Reid s Work. P. 92. Fitzroy, Met. Observ., 185P-61. Forbes, Reports, Progress of, 1832, 42. Force, P., Phenom. of N. Latitudes, 1856. Forry, S., Essay on, 1843. Forster, T., Atmospheric Phenomena, 1823. Gamier, Traite de ineteorologie, 1837. Giddins, Rise and fall of Lake Ontario, 1838. P. 79. Gilliss, Obs. Nat. observatory, 1846. Glaisher, Hygrometrical tables, 1847. Great Brit. : Board of Trade, Papers, I860, 61. Guyot, Meteorol. Tables, 1852, 59. Hare, R., On Dove s Essay on Storms. " On the Water-spout. " On the Whirlwind theory. " On Espy s Meteorolog. Report, 1852. " Les Ouragans, 1853. Harris, A. 0., On Patent Barometers, 1851. Harris, W. S., Nature of Thunder storms, 1843. < On Whewell s anemometer, 1840, 41. Ilaughton, S., Wind at Leopold har bor, 1863. " Rainfalls, 1860, 62. Herschel, In^tr. for Obs. in S. Africa. P. 79. Higginson, F., Meteorolite, 1852. Hildreth, S. P., Obs., Marietta, Ohio, (Smithson. Contr., xvi). Hodgins, Meteor. Obs. in Canada. Hopkins, T., Atmospheric changes, 1844. Howard, L , Cycle of Eighteen Years of Brit., 1824-41. " The Climate of Lond., 1833. " Seven Lectures on, 1837. Huette,0bs. Meteorol. a Nantes, 1832- 1851. Ilutchinson, G., Causes of Meteor, phenomena, 1843. Imhof, Ueber das Schiessen, 1811. Kaemtz, Complete Course of, 1845. Kirwan, R., Temp, of different lati tudes, 1787. Koen. Baier. Ak., Anzeige, 1781. Konink. Nederl. Meteor. Inst., 1854. " Waarnemingen, 1863. METHODIST CHURCHES AND DOCTRINES. 345 Meteorology (continued). Kreil, Meteor. Beobachtungen, 1856. Kupffer, Corresp. Meteor., St. Peters burg, 1850. Lachlan, Uniform Syst. of Obs., 1859. P. 551. Lardner, D., Treatise on. Legh, Ombrological Almanac, 1847. Loomis, E., The Aurora Borealis, Smithson. Rep., 1865. Lowe, E. J., Prognost. of weather, 1849. McClintock, Meteor, obs., Arctic seas, 1857-8, Smithson. Contr., xiii. Magnetical Obs., Toronto Obs., 1853- 1862. Mahlmann, Instr. fur die Beobachter, 1847. Makerstoun, Mag. and Meteor, obs,, . 184L-44. Maury, Magnetism and the circulation of the atmosphere, 1851. " Winds and currents of the sea, 1851. I " Wind and Current Charts, 1857. Meteorological Almanac, 1852. Muller, J , Prin. of physics and, 1847. Morris, 0. W., Climate of N. Y. and Kansas, 1858. " Quantity of Rain, 1855. P. 222. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Montreal, Obs., j 1842. P. 255. Neumayer, Obs. at Victoria 3 1865. N. Y. Univ., Meteorology of the state, 1826-50. N. Y. Almanac, (Meriam), 1856, 57. Nicolet, H., Atlas de Meteor. Agri- cole, 1855. Nicollet, J. N., Essay on Meteorol. Obs., 1829. Olmsted, D., On the Atmosphere, 1838. P. 273. " Meteors of November: Am. Jour, of Sci. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 858, 990, 1486. Piddington, Sailor s Hornbook, 1848. Pleasanton, A. J., Influ. of color of air on life, 1871. Pointer, Of the weather, 1723. Polehampton s Gallery of Nature, v. 4. Pouillet, Elemens de, 1836. Prussia, Tabellen ... Meteor, instituts, 1848-57. Quetelet, Obs. des Phenomenes period., 1840-63. " Aurora boreale de 1859. ** Atmosphere a Bruxelles en 1865. ** Instructions pour 1 observa- tion des phen. period. 44 Meteorology (continued). Redfield, W. C., Course of hurricanes, 1838. " Hurricanes of Atlantic,1853. P. 233. Regnault, Hygrometrical tables. P. 74. Reid, W., Law of Storms, 1849. " Notes on the Winds, 1842. P. 274. Reporton Mr. Espy . .on storms.^*. 92. Royal Soc., Obs. in Tasmania, 1861. " Meteor. Committee Reports for 1867-69. " Strong winds and baromet. differences, 1868. " Meteorology of North At lantic, 1869. Schott, C. A., Cleaveland Obs., Bruns wick, Me., (Smithson. Contr. xvi). Schwaiger, Des hohen Peissenbergs.. . Selys-Longchamps, Obs. sur les phen. period, du regne animal, 1848. Silliman, Mrs. G. S., Origin of Aeor- lites, 1859. Smithsonian Inst., Directions for Obs., 1850. P. 74. " Coffin s tables, Misc. Coll., v. 1, 1862. " Reports, 1853-67. " Contributions, vol. 11, 1859; v. 14, 1865. Smits V. den Dampring, 1849. Stonyhurst Coll., Obs., 1865. Thorn, A., Course of storms in Indian Ocean, 1845. Thomson, D. P., Introduction to, 1849. Trembley, Obs., Toledo, 1866. United St., Meteor. Reg., 1826-59. Directions for Obs., 1844. " Espy s Report, 1857. " Naval Exped., Chili, 1848. P. 551. " Nav. Observatory Obs., 1861-68. " Use of Meteor. Reports and weather maps, 1871. Vaughan, Causes of rain. P. 79. Walker, S. C., Meteors of Aug. and Nov., 1850. Wilkes, C., Theory of Winds, 1855. See Electricity; Climates; Natural Philosophy. Method. Coleridge, S. T., The Friend. Des Cartes, Method of reason, 1853. See Philosophy ; Science; Reason. Methodist Churches and Doctrines. Benson, J., Vindication of, 1800. P. 314. Bowen, J., Review of Kurts, 1848. P. 490. Calder, F., Life of S. Episcopius, 1835 346 METHODIST CHURCHES AND DOCTRINES. Methodist Churches and Doctrines (continued). Cartwright, P., Autobiography, 1856. Challoner, Caveat, 1803. Chronol. list of preachers, Engl., 18!4. P. 1363. Church, T., Letter to Whitefield, 1744. Church Meth. Soc., Const., Lon., 1826. Clark, J., M. Inconsistency, 1814. Olarke, A., Wesley family. Clarke, J. B., Life of A. Clarke. Coke, Dr. T., Journal in Ames., 1789- Comparison between Ch. of Eng. and, 1741. Conference reviewed, Lond., 1819. Cooke, P., Century of Puritanism, 2d part, 1855. Creamer, Meth. Hymnology, 1848. Decanver, Works in refutation of, 1846, 68. Deems, Annals of Southern Metho dism, 1855, 1856. " Speech, Trial of W. A. Smith. Dialogue between a Meth. and, 1803. Dixon, Tour in U. S., Hist, of Meth., 1849. Downes, J., Meth. exposed, 1759. Elliott, C., Life of Roberts. " The Great Secession from, 1845. Emory, Defence of, 1827. Enquiry after New Lights, 1755. Finley, Western Methodism, 1856. Fly-sheets., Lond. P. 1364. Fox and Hoyt s Quadren. Reg., 1852- 1856. Free, J., False Prophets, 1758. Further Defence of Priestcraft, 1768. Genesee Ann. Conference, 1855, 63. Gorrie, Black River Conference, 1852. " Episcopal methodism as it was and is, 1852. Green, T., Diss. on enthusiasm, 1755. Henkle, M. M., Life of Bascoin, 1860. Henry, G. W., Shoutings in the church. Hill, Sir R., Logica Wesleiensis, 1773. Hill, R., Pietas Oxoniensis, 1768. Hodgson, F., Great iron wheel, 1848- Huff, The Government of, 1852. P. 93. Jackson, T., Vindication of, 1842. Jobson, F. J., American methodism, 1857. Lavington, Enthusiasm of, 1749. P. 262. Lee, J., Hist, of Meth. in the U. S., 1766-1809. Legacy to the World, (L Estrange), 1762. Letter to the Rt. Rev. Bp. of Exeter, 1748. Methodist Churches and Doctrines (continued). Love, B., Increase of ministers, 1847. M Caine, Mystery of M. Episcopacy, 1 $27 . M Ca-ter, Borde- Methodism, 1858. Macgowan, Priestcraft defended, 1768. P. 603. Mason, J. A., Conversion to Catholi cism. Mattison, H , Crisis on Slavery, 1860. Meth. and Popery dissected, 1779. P. 1363. Methodism displayed, 1770. Methodist Almanac, 1835, 47-52, 54- 1861. Methodist Church in Canada, 1835. P. 91. Methodist Conference minutes, Lond., 1813, 32, 41. " Miss ? y notices, 1816-25. Methodist Epis. Church, U. S., minutes, 1773-1861. " Missionary Society, Reports, 1844-51, 61, 62. Meth. Ch. Property case, 1851. Meth. Mag. and Quar. Review, 1822- 1863. Modern Wesleyanisui, Lond., 1844. Nature and fitness of things, 1742. Nelson, J , Life of, 1745. New Engl. Meth. Ep. Hist. Society, Transactions, 1859-61. New Year s gift, Lond., 1822. Observations upon the conduct, 1756. Olin, S.. Life and letters, 1853. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 314, 519, 1363, 1364, 1701, 1715. Parks, S., Troy Conference Miscel., 1854. Peck, Of the Genesee Conference. Perronet, Remarks on, 1749. Perry, J. H., Reply to Mattison, 1856. Phantom of Philo s, Lond., 1835. Pocock, Ejectment, Bristol, Eng. Pounder s Wesleyan Almanac, 1818. Prince, J. H., Defence of, 1797. Principles and practices, (Green), 1761. Prindle, C., Memorial sermon, 1865. Queries recommended, 1772. Review of Robinson s Obs., 1824. S y, T., Reply to J. Bate, 1740. Sandford, P. P., Wesley s Missionaries, 1843. Scott, J., Wesleyan discipline, 1850. Scott, 0., Appeal to, 1838. Shank, D., Meth. in Schoharie, 1863. Sketches and incidents, 1844. Sketches of an itinerant, 1851. Southern Meth. Pulpit, 1849, 50. MEXICO. 347 Methodist Churches and Doctrines (continued). Southey, R , Life of Wesley, 1846. Sowden, Causes of prosperity, 1809. Spicer, T., Autobiography, 1860. Sprague, W. B., Annals of the Pulpit. Stebbing, H., Religious Delusion, 1739. Stevens, A., History of Meth. Ep. Ch., 1859-67. " History of Methodism, 1861. " Memorials of, in East, states, 1848, 52. * Centenary reflections. " Gov t of Meth. Church. P. 1364. Strictures on Subjects .... Lond., 1807. Summers, T. 0., Biog. of ministers South, 1859. Taylor, I., Wesley and Methodism. Tottie, Two Charges, 1766. Troy Conference Minutes, 1845, 54, 58, (P. 519, 604), 60-68. Troy Conf. Miss. Soc , 1860-65. Vevers, Wesleyan Meth., 1828. Wakeley, Heroes of Methodism, 1856. Lost Chapters of Hist., 1858. Walker, J., Expost. Address, 1804. Ward, J., Wesleyan Meth., 1799. Wesley, J., Account of J. W., 1791. " Account of Meth., 1749. P. 2502. " Journals, 1743-54. Wesleyan Trials, Lond. P. 1364. West, Wesleyan preachers, 1848. Wkitefield, G., Some remarks on a pamphlet, 1749. " Remarks on enthusiasm, 1749. " Letter to Durell, 1768. P. 314. Works, V. 4, 1771. Whitehead, J., Lives of the Wesleys, 1845. Young, D., Autobiography, 1860. See Ethusiasm ; Revivals. Metrology. See Weights and Measures. Metz. Academic: Memoires, 1821-48. Meurthe, France. Annuaire, 1846. Mexico. Abbot, G. D., Mexico and the U. S., 1869. Alarchone, Voy. to New Spain, 1606. Anglo-Mex. Mining Assoo n, 1830. P, 1365. Antiquites Mexicaines, (Dupaix & Lenoir), 1834. Arenas, P. De., Vocabulario, 1853. Guide, Langue Mexicaine,1862. Aztec club, 1848. Bartlett, J. R., Narr. of Explor.,1854. Mexico (continued). Beaufoy, Mexican Illustrations, 1825- 1827. Bolena, Autos de esta Nueva Es- pana, 1787. Beltrami, J. C., Le Mexique, 1830. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Quatres lettres sur, 1868. Bullook, Six months residence in, 1824. " Panorama of city of. Bustainente, Revolucion de, 1823. Butterfield, Steamship Line, 1860. Calderon de la Barca, Life in, 1843. Carpenter, W. W., Adventures, 2500 miles in, 1851. Carrillo, Pensil Americano, 1793. Champlain, Voyage to, 1599. Claimants on, No. 1-4. P. 75. Clavigero, Storia Antica del, 1789, 81. " History of Mexico, 1787. Complaint of Mexico, 1843. Cortes, H., Expeditions (Harris, Ru- musio). " Historia de, 1770, 1828. " Correspondance, aveo Charles V, 1778. " Dispatches of, 1843. Cubero, Peregrinacion, 1680. Davis, W. H., E4 Gringo, 1857. Diaz, Conquista de la Nueva-Espana, 1632. " Conquest of Mexico, 1800. Duran, Indiasde Nueva-Espana, 1867. Egloffstein, Geog. and Geol. of Mexico, 1864. Emory, Boundary survey, 1859. Farnham, T. J., Mexico, its gog., etc., 1846. P. 17. Ferry, Voyage et aventures au, 1847. Flint, Mex. under Maximilian. Following the drum, (Viele), 1858. Folsom, G., Mexico in 1842. Gallatin Notes on uncivilized nations of, (Am. Ethn. Soc.). Gage, T., Voy. dans la Nouvell* Es- pagne, 1699. Gilliam, Travels in Mexico, 1843. Gomara, Historia del Mexico, 1564. Graham, Boundary with the U. S., 1852. Gray, A. B., Report on Boundary, 1855^ Gregg, Commerce of the Prairies, 1844. Gregory, S., History of, 1847. P. 502. Guanajuato, Constitucion, 1826. Gusman, Account of New Spain, 1606. Hall s Life of Maximilian. Hardy, R., Travels in, 1825-28. Heller, C., Reisen in Mexiko, 1810. Historic dell India, 1567. 348 MEXICO. Mexico (continued). Humboldt, Vues des Cordilleres, 1810, 1816. " Essai pol. sur la Nouv. Es- pagne, 1811. (t Selections frm his works on, 1824. Plantes equinoxiales, 1813. " Narr. of travels, 1799-1804. Iturbide, A., Memoires autographes, 1824. " Political life. Pamph r 28. Ixtlilxochitl, Cruautes des conque- rants du, 1829. " Hist, des Chichimeques, 1838-41. Jordan, ~., Danger to foreigners in, 1826. Ker, H., Travels in U. S. and Mexico, 1808-16. Kingsborough, Lord, Antiquities of, 1831-48. Kingsley, V. W., French intervention, 1863. P. 1589. Latrobe, The Rambler in, 1834. Letter to a member of Parl., 1828. P. 1365. Losa, Vie do Lopez, 1655. Ludecus, Reise, 1834. Lundy, Travels in, 1847. Lyon, G. F., Residence in Mexico, 1828. Maclure,W., Letters, (Opinions), 1831. Mayer, B., Mexico, Hist., etc., Acc t, 1853. " Mexico as it was and is, 1844, 1846. Mexican Archaeology, Smith- son. Contr., ix. Mill, N., History of Mexico, 1824. Niles, J. M., History of, 1839. Norman, Rambles in Yucatan, 1844. Ortiz, T., Mexico como independiente, 1832. Padilla, Hist, de Santiago de Mexico, 1625. Palafox, Abp. Juan de s Histoire de, 1696. " 1st. della vita, 1773. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 486, 1365, 1867. Poinsett, Notes on Mexico, 1822. Portilla, Mejico en 1856. Poyet, C. F-, Notices Geog., Jalapa, Orizaba, 1863. Prescott, W. H., Hist, of Conquest of, 1843. Ranking, Conquest of, 13th cent., 1827. Reid, Mayne, The Rifle Rangers, 1851. Robertson, W. P., Visit to, 1853. Robinson, F., Mexico and her chief tains, 1847. Mexico (continued). Romero, M., Dinner to, N. Y., 1866. Ruxton, Adventures in, and the Rocky Mountains, 1849. Salm-Salm, My Diary in, 1868. Santangelo, Claim on, 1841. " Charges against commis sioners, 1841. Sartorius, Landscapes, etc., 1859. Seatsfield, Scenes in, 1844. Shepard, Two years in, 1859. Simpson, J. H., Mil. Reconn. from New Mexico, 1852. Smith, J., jr., Romanism in, 1844. P. 1365. Smith, T., Phys. Char, of N. States, 1848. P. 486. Sociedad Mex. de Geografia, Boletin, 1839-51. Solis, Conquest of, 1783. Stephens, J. L., Incidents of Tr. in, 1841. Tacoteno estate, 1855. Tempsky, Jour, in, 1853-5. Thompson, W., Recollections of, 1846. Ticknor, G., On Prescott s & Wilson s Histories. Trip to Mexico, 1849, 50. Triunfo mines, Lower California. Tudor, H., Travels in, 1834. U. S. : Corresp. of Sec. of State on present condition, 1862. " Boundary and Map, 1855. University of Mexico, Constituciones, 1775. Van der Velde, C. F., La conquete du M., 1827. View of South America and, 1826. Villagutierre, Conquista de el Itza, 1701. Voyage to, 1841. Ward, H. G., Mexico in 1825. Wilson, R. A., Mexico and its Religion, 1851-54. " Hist, of Conquest of, 1859. Wise, Los Gringos, 1849. Wislizenus, Tour to Northern Mexico, 1846, 47. Young, C. B., Catalogue of antiq. of. Young, P., Hist, of, 1520-1847. Zavala, Rcvoluciones do Megico, 1808- 1830. See New Mexico; Span. Col.; Texas; North America; Tehuantepec; Vera Cruz. Mexico! War with the U. S. Allen, C., Speech on Indemnity, 1852. Amer. Star, Newsp., 1847. Ashraun, Speech on, 1847. Benton, T. H., Speech on Treat/, 1854. MICHIGAN. 349 Mexico! War with the U. S. (cont d). Breese, S., Speech, 1848. Brooks. N. C., History of, 1849. Buhoup, Army of Chihuahua, 1847. Calhoun, J. C , Speeches, U. S. Sen., 1847, 48. P. 486. Carleton, J. H., Bat. of Buena-vista, 1848. Carroll, Speech on, 1847. Cass, L., Speech on, 1848. Cobb, Speech, 1848. Collauier, Speech, 1848. Corwin, T., Speech, 1847. Cutts, Conquest of, by the U. S., 1846, 47. Davis, G., Speech on, 1846. Davis, G. T., Speech on Indein., 1852. Dixon, J., Speech on, 1848. Duer, W., Speech on, 1848. Edwards, F. S- Campaign with Doni- phan, 1848. Furber, Twelve Months volunteers, 1846, 47. Gallatin, Peace with, 1847. Gordon, S., Speech, 1846. Heiman, A., Tennessee volunteers, 1846, 47. P. 502. Henry, W. S., Sketches of the War, 1847. Houston, S., Speech on Yucatan, 1848. P. 486. Hudson, C., Speech, 1846. Hughes, G. W., March to Saltillo, 1846. Jay. W., Causes and Consequences, 1849. Jenkins. J. S., Hist, of the War,1848. Jenkinj, T., Speech, 1-849. Johnson, H. V., Speech, 1846. Kendall, G. W., War between the U. States and, 1850. Livermore, War with, reviewed, 1850. M Sherry, R., El Puchero, 1850. Mansfield, E. D., History of, 1848. Marsh, C. P., Speech on the war,1848. Mayer, B., History of the War, 1848. Mexican War: Review of Message of the Pres., 1847-8. New York city, reception of volunt., 1850. N. Y. city volunteers, Medals. North American, Mexico Newsp., 1847- 1848. Obs. on the origin of, 1847. P. 22. Parker, T., Sermon on, 1848, Serin. 5. B.C. Phelps, S. S., Speech, 1848. Porter, C. T., Review of, 1849. Putnam, H., Speech on Treaty, 1849. Ramsey, A., The other side, 1850. Mexico! War with the U. S. (cont d). Reid, S. C., jr., The Scouting expedi tion, 1846. Remarks on Questions at issue, 1849. Republic of U. S. A with Mex. war, 1848. Richardson, W. H., Journal, 1847. Ripley, War with, 1849. Rough and Ready Annual, 1848. Rowles, Capt. Allen s life. Scott, W., Officers entering Mexico with W. S., 1847. " Memoirs, by "himself, 1864. Scribner, Life of a Volunteer, 1847. Semmes, Services afloat, etc., 1851. " Scott s Campaign, 1852. * Severance, Speech, 1847. Sketches of campaign, 1846-7. Smith, C. B., Speech, 1847. Stapp, Prisoners of Perota. Starkweather, Speech on Treaty, 1849. Stephens, A. H., Speech, 1848. Stevens, I. I., Campaigns of, 1851. Taylor, F. W., The Broad Pennant, 1848. Taylor, Z., Lives of. Texas Almanac, 1860. Thorpe, Our Army on the Rio Grande, 1846. " Our Army at Monterey, 1847. U. S., Message of Pres., with treaty of 1848. P. 26. " Claims against, 1849. ft Treaty and Corresp., 1848. Upham, W., Speech on, 1848. Vermilya, A year in, 1848. Webster, D., Speech on, 1848. Willard, E., Last Leaves of Amer. hist., 1849. Williams, W. G., Interment of, 1847. Winthrop, R C., Speech, 1849. Wynkoop, Anecdotes and Incidents, 1848. See Texas; California; Scott; Taylor. Meymott, J. Abdy, Serm., Death of, 1820. P. 382. Michaelis, J. H. Remarks on "Intro duction to N. T.," 1802. P. 1258. Michuux, F. A. Travels, west, 1805. Brunet, Notice sur les Plantes de. Michel, W. Barclay, R , W. M. un masked, 1672. Michigan. Blois, Gazetteer of, 1840. Congregational Churches of, 1847, 58. P. 483. Lanman, J. H., History of, 1839. Polit. history of, 1871. Michigan: Governors Mess., 1859-67. 350 MICHIGAN. Michigan (continued). Michigan: Agric. Soc. Trans., 1849- j 1853, 57, 65, 69. " Geol. survey, 1838-44, 6! 1861. " To Emigrants, 1845. " Statistics, 1860, 64. Ohio and Michigan boundary, 1834-36. Romeyn, T., Letter on Gov. Mason, 1841. Sheldon, Early History of, 1856. See Detroit; Mackinaw. Mickiewicz, M. Gal. des Conteinp. vol. ! 3, Vie de. 1845. Mickle, W. Life and poems. Microscope. Baker, H., Hot Mikros- coop, 1744. Bailey, Micr. exam, of soundings. Beale, L., How to work with, 1859. " Examin. of Urine, 1856. Carpenter, The Microscope, 1856. Catlow, Drops of water, 1851. Cooke, Rust, smut, mildew and moulds, 1870. Ehrenberg, Mikrogeologie, 1854. Germain, Botanique et le microscope, 1852. Hogg, The Microscope, 1858. Improvements in the, 1832. Leeuwenhoek, A. van, Micr. discover ies, 1800. Mantcll, G., Thoughts on animalcules, 1846. Micros. Soc of Lend., Trans., 1862-68. Passement, Description, 1737. Pritchard, List of objects. Quar. Jour, of Micr. Science, 1862-70. Quekett, Treatise on the use of, 1848. Schacht, The Microscope, 1855. Soinerville, Mrs., Molec. and Micr. Science, 1869. See Natural Philosophy ; Optics; Urine. Middle borough, Mass. First Cong.Ch. Hist., 1854. Putnam, I. W ., Semi-centen. discourse. Mid (Mr bury. Vt. Hall, F., Account of, 1821. Swift, S., History of, 1859. Middlebury College. Catalogues of Students. Lawrence, M., Address on, 1851. P. 242. Middlesex, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales, (Brayley). Middlesex Co., Conn. Field, D. D., Statist, account of, 1819. Middleton, Capt. Chr. Dobba, A., Voyage for North passage, 1745. Middleton, Con. Bate, J., Use of Prophecy, 1750. P. 350. Bayly, On his Examination, 1751. P. 350. Middleton, Con., Controversy on Mira cles. P. v. 350. Middletown, Conn. Barratt, Early working of the mines, 1850. Field, Centen. address, 1853. Middletown, Vt. Frisbie, History of, 1867. Miel, Abbe. Collette, Pope s supremacy. Mifflin, W. Defence of, Phil., 1796. Milan. Aresius, S. Ambrosii Abbatum series, 1674. Breislak, Descr. Geologica, 1822. Istituto Lombardo : Memorie, 1806-13, 1860-63. Reina, Arch of Peace at, 1839. See Lombardy ; Bibliography. Milbourne, L. Bradbury, Remarks on Sermon of, 1714. P. 366. Mildew. See Mould; Botany. Milet, P. Captivite de, 1690. Military Science, History, General and Miscellaneous. Aide-me moire to the Military sciences, 1846-52. Ambert, L armee Francaise, 1840. Andrews, C. C., Hints to company offi cers. Army and Navy Chron., 1833-41. Army List, British, 1757-1855. B., D L. C. D., Diet. Mil. Portatif, 1759. Barnard, J. G., Mil. schools in Europe. Baudens, L., Mil. Hospitals, 1862. Baxter, Handbuch des Freiwilligen, 1861. Beardslee s Mil. telegraph, 1865. Belidor, Science des ingenieurs, 1813. Brancatio, Nuova disciplina militare, 1585. Brewster, Milit. law, 1740. Brunings, De Krijgsstand, 1857. Campbell, E. S. N., Diet, of Mil. Sci., 1830. Cathcart, Coinm. on the War in Russia, 1812. Chamberlin, T., Discipline of a reg t, 1810. Chambray, Philosophie de la guerre, 1839. Conolly, Hist, of Roy. Sappers and Miners, 1855. Corps of Roy. Engineers, Papers, 1844- 1852. Creasy, The 15 Decisive Battles, 1858 Cullum, Mil. bridges in the U. States, 1863. MILITARY SCIENCE, ETC. 351 Military Science, History, General and Miscellaneous (continued). Dalliba, Mil. Establ. of the U. States, 1822. P. 102. Decker, De kleine Oorlog, 1834. Defence of our Seaports, Lond., 1852. Delafield, R., Art of War in Europe, 1860. Denison, Charges of Mil. Mines, (Eng. Prof. Papers, v. 2). De Peyster, Reports toGov rof N. Y., 18 r .2-54. " Military strategy of Traun, 1863. " Mil. lessons, 1861, 62. Documents: Champ d Isly, 1845. P. 10 Donkin, Military Collections, 1777. Douglas, Sir H., Military Bridges, 1815. " On Fortification, 1859. Duane, W., Mil. Dictionary, 1810. Dufour, G. H., Travaux de la guerre, 1821. Du Mont, Veldslagen den P. Eugenius, etc., 1729. Duparc, Mil. art and history, 1863. East India Co., Seminary Rules, 1825. Eclaireur, The, Period., (De Peyster), 1853-58. Evans, G., Speech on Fortifications, 1836. P. 437. Fave, Recrutement de 1 Arraee, 1848. Field of Mars, Nav. and Mil. Engage ments, 1801. Folard, L Esprit du Chev. F., 1760. France, Ecole Polytechuique, Rapport sur, 1850. (t Connaissances exigees pour St. i Cyr, 1858. P. 625. t( Aerage des mines, 1840. P. 1113. Gaines, E. P., Defence of western frontier, 1838. Gardiner, R., Mil. Essays, 1849-58. Gillmore, Operations at Charleston, 1863. " Siege of Fort Pulaski. Graham, J. J., Hist, of Art of War, 1858. Gr. Brit. : Mil. Commissary Regula tions. Hall, W. J., Iron fortresses. Halleck, Laws of war and martial law, 1863. " Elem. of Mil. art and science, 1846. Hamilton, J. S., Mil. Volunteer Guide to health, etc., 1851. Hough, W., Attack on intrenchments, 1855. P. 1532. Jackson, R., Med. Depart, of British Army, 1803. Military Science, History, General and Miscellaneous (continued). Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, 1854. " Life of Napoleon, 1864. Ker, Duties on piquet, 1828. P. 1780. Konink. Nederl. Inst. v. Ingen., Jaar- boekje, 1852. Lebas, Art de fortification, 1834. Le Blond, Geometric de 1 officier, 1748. SurlaCastramentation,1748. " Elemens de Fortifica., 1764. Letter to a young officer, 1778. Macdougall, Theory of War, 1858. Machiavelli, Art of War, 1815. B. C. Mahan, D. H., On Advanced Guard, 1847. Maine: Adj. Gen., Report, 1862. Marshall, H., Mil. Miscellany, 1846. Meijcr, Krijgs Scheikunde, 1840. Memoir on Reconn. of Rivers, 1837. P. 205. Military Companion, 1808. Military Pyrotechny : U. S. Mil. Acad., 1839. Minnesota: Adj. Gen., Rep., 1862, 63. Montecucoli, Arte de la Guerra, 1746. P. 609. Monthly Mil. Reposit., N. Y., 1796, 7. Mordecai, Experiments on Gunpowder, 1843, 44. Muller, J., Defence of fortified places 1791. Napier, Mil. Life. See Vigny. Netherlands: Mil. Acad., Leereursus, 1839. N. Y. Adj. Gen., General Orders, 1861- 1862. " Adj. Gen. Reports, 1851-70. O Connor, J. M., Treatise of War and Fortification, 1817. Pamphlets: Military, American, vols. 102, 234, 521, 1366, 1780, 1868. Pamphlets : Military, British, vols. 406, 1367, 1G68, 1532, 1780, 1868. Pasley, C. W., Siege operations, 1857. " Copper Pontoons, 1805. Pel, Militair regt, 1856. Phipps, J., System of Discip., 1777. Reed, T. B., Address at West Point, 1827. P. 71. Reid, W., Assaults; Intrenchments. Richard, J., Atlas, Manoeuvres van de Troepen, 1771. Roberts, Military Offences, 1853. Rochambeau, Memoires Mil., 1809. Schalk, Campaigns of 1862, 3. Schmidt Der Statica, 1823. " Der Dynamica, 1825. Schweiz, Militair Bibiiothek, 1817. P. 609. S52 MILITARY SCIENCE, ETC. Military Science, History, General and Miscellaneous (continued). Scott, H. L., Mil. Dictionary, 1861. Series of letters on mil. Ethics, 1804. Smith, F. H., Virginia Mil. Institute. Swett, S., Rogniat s Art of War, 1817. P. 102. Szabad, Modern War, 1863. Texas, Army Regulations, 1839. Thomson, Mil. Instit. of Gt. Britain. Timour, Institutes, 1783. Torcy, Des Remontes de l Armee,1842. Travaux de Mars, 1684. Tripler, Hand -book for Mil. Surg., 1862. U. S. Army Regul., 1812, 41, 61, 63. " Arsenal Stores, 1836. P. 102. (t Military Instruction, 1861. On National Foundry, 1835. P. 102. U. S. Mil. Phil. Soc., 1806, 09. U. S. Corps of Engineers, Pract. Pa pers, 1840. Vacchiery, Wehrhaftmachung der Alten, 1785. Vauban, Plans of Fortification. Vegetius, De re Militari, 1592. Vigny, Lights and Shades of Military Life, 1850. Virginia Mil. Institute, 1854. Whitman, Z. G., Hist. Anc. and Hon. Art. Cornp., Bost., 1637-1842. Williams, J , Fortifying the Narrows, N..Y. P. 2. " Elements of Fortification, 1801. Wolfe, J., Instruct, to young officers, 1768. See Great Britain, Mil. ; United States, Mil.; Waterloo; Battles; Sieges. Military Arms, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry. Adye, R. W., The Bombardier, 1804. Aide-memoire artillerie, 1836. Allix, Systeme d artillerie, 1827. Artillery for U. S. Land Service, Mor- decai, 1849. Beadle s Dime Drill book, 1861. Beuscher, Handleiding . .. .der Artil., 1836-44. Brand, H. v , Taktiek, 1847. Bruyn, Over de artillerie, 1835. Burtchaell, Practical artillery, 1847. MS. Campbell, Soldier s companion, 1798. Casey s Infantry Tactics. Cavalerie d Afrique. P. v. 10. Cavalry, British, Regulations, 1833. Chambray, Fusil de guerre, 1839. Colt s Firearms, 1857. Conn., Volunteers of 1861. Military Arms, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry (continued). Coppee, H., Battalion drill, 1862. Coquilhat, Fabr. des bouches a feu en fonte, (Soc. de Liege). Culmann, Military Projectiles. P. 102. Darrow, P., The Artillerist, 1821. Desbordeliers, Du Tir du fusil. Duane, W., Hand-book for infantry, . 1813. Dundas, Sir D., Field Exercises of H. M s Forces, 1795. Fave, Napoleon s field artill. Forbes, H., Manual for the Volunteer, 1855. Fulton, K., Torpedo War, 1810. Gray, J., Treatise on Gunnery, 1731. Gr. Brit. : Army, Cavalry riding. " Patents of inven., 1857-59. Greener, Science of Gunnery, 1841. Hackett, W.. Movements of Cav., 1841. Hale, J., Arming with pikes, 1781. Hall, J. H., Rifles, 1816, 1825. Hardee, Rifle and Infan. Tactics. Herries, Inst. for Volunteer Cavalry, 1811. Hewes, Sword Exercise, 1812. Holbrook, J., Mil. Tactics. Honourable Artill. Co., Lond., 1849. P. 1113. Hotchkiss, Projectiles, 1863. P. 1780. Hubbard, W. W., Explosive shells. Hubbell, Patent Firearms, 184i. P. 102. Infantry Exercise, 93 plates, French. Jenour, J., Spiral cartridges, 1827. P. 1532. Kelton, Manual of the Bayonet, 1861. Kosciusko, Manceuv. of Artillery, 1808. Lallemand, Treat, on Artillery, 1820. Libert, Garnet... de cavalerie, 1832. McClcllan, G. B., Bayonet exercise, 1856. Manoeuvres of Artillery, Metz, 1828. Lithog. Memoir on Artillery, Metz, 1828. Lithog. Mordecai, A., Mil. Commission to Europe, 1861. Muller, J., Treatise on Artillery. 1779. Pel, Beknopte handleiding, 1856. Persy, On form of Cannon, 1832. Pettibone, Bullet Mould, 1840. P. 102. Roomer, Cavalry, uses, 1863. Royal Horse Artillery, Instructions, 1835. Scheel, Treat, of Artillery, 180 Schon, Rifled arms, 1855. Scott, W., Infantry Tactics, 1846> MILTON. 353 Military Arms, Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry (continued). Smyth, A., Infantry Excr. U. S.,1812. Stephens, T., Sword Exercise, 1844. Steuben, Regula., U. S. Troops, 1794. Stevens. E. A., Battery: Memorial, 1862. P. 1035. Stevenson, R., Mil. Instr. forfield.1775. Thackeray, Rifle Firing, 1853. P- 406. Tone, Wolfe, School of cavalry, 1824. Tousard, Am. Artillerist, 1808, 9. Un. States, Cannon of Clarke, 1833. " Navy, Dahlg nGuns, 1850. " War Department, Small Arms, Exper., 1856. " Colt s Pistols, 1856. " Infantry Tactics, 1825, 61. " Cavalry Tactics,S856. " Artillery Exercise, 1829, 60. " Field Artill., 1839, 60, 61. " Ordnance manual, 1841. Van Ness, W. W., Elem. mil. tactics, 1862. Viele. E. L., Hand-book for service, 1861. Wilkinson, H., On Swords. P. 406. " Anc. and Modern En gines of war, 1841. Woodbridge, W. E., Of Making Can non. P. 102. See Militia. Military Orders. Clark, H., Hist, of Knighthood. Hist, des Ordres Militaires, 1720, 21. Historical view of. Pamph r, 5. Maffei, Delia seienza cavalleresca. Nicolas, Sir H., Battle of Agincourt, 1832. Porter, W., Hist, of Knights of Malta, 1858. Vertot, Knights of St. John and Malta. See Knights : Malta. Militia. Bustin, A Militia, 1847. P. 406. Canada, Militia Laws, 1838. P. 521. Dyckman, Militia Off. Manual, 1824. Kinlock, Volunteer force, 1852. Mansfield, Col., Application of, 1854. Massachusetts, Adj. Gen s. Rep., 1851. Military Ass n of N. Y., Proc., 1853- 1859, 60, 64, 60, 66, 69. Military Gazette, N. Y., 1860. New York: Adj. Gen s Reps, 1851-69. " Militia, 1842-70. Ohio, Gen. Regulations, 1859. Palfrey, J. G., Plea for, 1835. Para bellum, 1852. Sumner, W. H., Importance of, 1823. See Great Britain, Military: Armv United States. 45 Milizia, F. Lettere e vita, 1827. Milk. Xava, Sul caglio vitellino. Treatise on, 1825. P. 1521. See Food. Millennium. Lord, N., Essay, 1854. Millenial Church, Lond., 1829. Miller, W., Views of prophecies, 1842. Priest, J., View of, 1828. See Christ s Second Advent; Prophecy. Miller, C. Kip, F. M., Memoirs of, 1848. Miller, Mrs. E. Millar. D., Sermon on, 1733. Miller, Hugh. Autobiography, 1854. Bayne s Essays. Brown, T. N., Life of, 1858. Miller, J. Bradford, G. W., Memoir of, 1862. Miller, M. S. Anthon, Serm., Death of, 1824. P. 268. Miller, S. Boardman, H. A., Disc. on. Presb. Mag., 1852, Biog. of. P. 1856. Sprague, W. B., Serm., Death of, 1850. Mills, S. J. Spring, G., Life of, 1820. Miller, W. Views and life (Himes), 1842. See Prophecies; Millenium; Christ, Second advent. Millstone, N. J. Corwin, Hist. Disc. Mill-work. Buchanan, R., Pract. essays on, 1823. Evans, Young mill-wright. Nicholson, J., Opera, mechanic, 1834. See Engineering, Civil; Mechanics. Milne, W. Philip, R., Life of, 1840. Milner, J. Parr, S., Letter to,-1825. Milnor, J. Stone, J. S., Memoir of. Milton, J. Addison, On Paradise Lost. Barber, A. D., Life and Opin. of, Bibliot. Sac., 1860. Camden Soc., Papers illustrative of. Channing, W. E., Essay on, 1826. Cleveland, Index to Poetry of. Douglas, J , Vind. from plagiarism, 1751. P. 1238. Fry, A. A., Lecture on, 1838. Godwin, Philips s Milton, 1815. Hayley, W., Life of, 1797. Hunter, Jos., Gleanings on, 1850. Ivimey, J., Life of, 1833. Keightley, T., Life of, 1855. Macaulay, T. B., Essay on. Masson, D., Life of, 1859. 71. Nickolls, J., Papers of, 1743. Richardson, J., On Paradise Lost, 1734. Todd, H. J., Life of, 1809. Toland, J., Life of, 1761. 354 MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee, Wis. Elliott, A. B., North western Directory, 1858. P. 610. Milwaukee Board of Trade, 18 5, 56. P. 565. Milwaukee, Directories, 1851-62. Wheeler, Chronicles of, 1861. Mind. See Mental Philosophy. Minehead Doctrine. Letter to Sir J. Banks, 1711. Mineral Springs and Waters. Allen, R. L., Analysis, at Saratoga, 1848. Bell, J., On Baths and Min. waters, 1831. B. C. Bell, J., Springs of U. S. and Canada, 1855. Bliss, J., Hampstead & Kilburn. Burke, W., Virginia Springs, 1853. " Red Sulphur Spr., 1860. Daubeny, Report on our Knowledge of, 1837. Fonda, Sharon, etc., Springs, 1854. Fontan, Eaux Miner, des Pyrenees, 1838. Gairdner, Origin of, 1832. Garnett, T., Harrogate water. Goode, T., Virginia hot springs, Bath County, 1848, 54, 58. Granville, The Spas of Germany, 1837. " The Spas of England, 1841 Hargrove, Hist of Harrogate, 1798. Huntt, H., Red Sulphur Spring, Va., 1837. Indian Reser. Sulph. Spr., 1848. P. 210. Johnstone, J., Tewksbury water. Lepage, De Contrexeville. Letters Descr. of Virginia Spr., 1837. McGuier, H., Hist, of High Rock Spr., Sar., 1868. Mineral Spring at Niagara, 1842. Mississquoi Springs, Vt., 1868. Mitchill, S. L., Schooley s Mountain Spring. Nicklin, Virginia Springs, 1837. North, M. L , Analysis of Saratoga waters, 1846. Observations on the min. wat. of Va., 1834. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1530. Pilhes, Eaux thermales d Ax, 1787. Randolph, G., Bristol water, 1750. Rockbridge and "Bath, Va. P. 516. Roux, Des eaux Minerales, 1775. Salisbury, S., Avon Springs, 1835. P. 79. Seaman, V., Diss. on Saratoga, 1793. Diss. on Ballston, 1809. Six Weeks in Fauquier, Va., 1839. Spengler, Thernies d Ems, 1855. P. 222. Mineral Springs and Waters (cont d). Steel, J. H., Anal, of Waters of Sara toga, 1819, 31, 38. " Congress Spring, 1856, 60. Stringfellow, Fauquier Sulphur Spr., 1851. P. 89. Treuille, De Contrexeville, 1859. Trip to the Va. Springs, 1835. Vermont Spring, Saxe A Co., 1868. Waddle, Capon Springs, Va., 1860. See Saratoga. Mineralogy. Amer. Mineralog. Journal, 1814. Beudant, Cours d hist. nat., 1859. Blum, Der Oryktognosie, 1854. " Der Lithologie, 1860. Brisson, Chem. analysis of, 1800. P*. 974. Brongniart, A., Traite clem., 1807. Cleaveland, Elein. Treatise, 1822. Cornynet, Onyx, Albutre antique, 1854. Dana, J. D., Manual of, 1848. Delesse, Extraitsde Mineralogie,1851. Emmons, E., Manual of, and Geol., 1826. Faure, Anal, de tuf, 1847. Girardin, Elemens de, 1826. Gobet, Anciens mineralogistes de Fr., 1779. Gras, Stat. Min. des Basses Alpes, 1840. Hall, F., Cat. of Min. found in Ver mont, 1824. Jackson, J. R., Minerals and their uses, 1849. Jahrbuch fur, (Leonhard), 1830-33. Jameson, R., Mineralog. Travels in the Hebrides, 1813. Jervis, W. P., Min. of central Italy, 1862. Kenngott, Tabell. Leitfaden, 1859. Kobell, Die Mineral namen. " Discrimination of Min. Krautz, Cat. of Specimens. Maclure, W., Cat. of Specimens at New Harmony, 1840. Mineralogical Soc. of St. Petersburgh, 1830. Moore, N. F., Ancient Mineralogy, 1834. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mincralogie (Leonhard), 1834-60. N. Y. Natural History; Mineralogy, (Beck). Nicol, Manual of, 1849, Overman, Pract. Mineralogy, 1851. Petzl, Sammlungend. K. Ak. d. Wiss., 1814. Phillips, W., Elem. of Miner., 1844. MINNESOTA. 355 Mineralogy (continued). Pinnock, Catechism of, 1828. P. 233. Rome de 1 Isle, Essai de cristalloraphie, 1772. Russisch. k. Gesells. f. d. Gesammte Min., 1842. Schmeisser, System of, 1795. Schopf, Miner. Kenntniss von Nord- Anierika, 1787. Shepard, C. U., Treatise on, 1835. Smith, J. L.. Papers, 1850-53. P. 274. Sochting, Einschlus.se von Min. in Kryatall. Min., 1860. Sowerby, Pop. Mineralogy, 1850. Thomson, T., Outlines of, 1836. Yanberchera-Berthout, Principes de, 1794. Volger, Min. der Talkglimmer Fami- lien, 1854. Widenmanh, des Oryktognostischen theils der Min., 1794. Williams, J., Nat. Hist, of Min. Kingdom, 1810. Zeitschrift fur Mineralogie, (Leon- hard), 1825-29. See Geology; Paleontology; Gold; Iron; Copper; Coal; Gems, etc. Mines and Mining. Am. Bureau of Mines, Prospectus, 1866. P. Annales des Mines, 1860, 61. Beer, A. H., Erdbohrkunde, 1858. Berg-und Huttenmanner .. ,.*u Wien, 1859. Berg-und Huttenmanische Zeitung, Freiberg, 1860. Bodemann, T., Berg u. Hutt. Probier- kunst, 1857. Browne, J. R., Min. resources of the U. S., 1867. Budge, Pract. Miner s Guide, 1845. Coal-Hill lead mines, Canada. Cornwall, its mines, 1855. Cotta, Gangstudien, I860. France : Army, Ecole. . .du genie, Aer- age des mines. Gouin, L., Mines de Sardaigne, 1867. Instruction pratique sur les Lampes de surete, 1824. Keating, Art of Mining, 1821. Kerl, B , Harzer Hutten Prozesse, 1857. P. 1797. Kimball, J. P., Our mineral interests, 1866. P. Leonhard, Bergbaukunde, 1852. Lottner, F. H., Bergbau und Hutten- kunde, 1859. Mariposa Corap., 1863, 68. " Browne s report, 1868. Merin, Mines in Hungary. Mines de cuivre, Lac Superieur, 1861. P. 1802. Mines and Mining (continued). Mining Magazine, N. Y., 1853-60. Mining Review, No. 9, 10, Lond.,1837. Mowrv, S., Shall government seize ? 1864. P. National School of Mines, Cocsidera tions, 1867. P. " Opinions of the press, 1868. P. Orton, J. W., Miner s Guide, 1849. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 69, 520, 1801, 1802. Phillips, J. A., Records of, 1857. Pract. Miner s Guide, 1858. Quarterly Mining Review, 1830-35. Raymond, R \\ ., Miner, resources of U. S., 1869. Richards vs. Smith, 1836. Tomlinson s Cyclopedia, 1868. U. S. Explor. Exped., 40th par. ,1869. U. S. Mineral resources, 1868. Whitney, J. D., Metallic Wealth of U. S., 1824. Whitney, J. P., Silver mining, Colo rado, 1865. Wilkes, Deep River, North Carolina. See Iron ; Gold; Copper; Metallurgy. Mining Companies. Albany and Bos ton, 1861, 4, 5, 6. Cleveland Min. Co. Cypress River Co. Fort Ann Hem. and Magn. Ore Co.,1869. Fort Fillmore Silver M. Co. Lake Superior Copper Co. " Iron Co. Mariquita and New Granada M. Co. Mendota Mining Co., 1864, 5. Nantahala and Tuckasege Land and Mineral Assocn., N. C., 1856. Pamphlets of mining comp., vol. 854, 1801, 1802. Phoenix Copper Comp., 1855. St. Mary s Copper M. Comp., 1863. Schoolcraft Iron Comp., 1865. Stephenson Mining Company, El Paso. Triunfo Silver M. Co., L. California. See Coal; Iron; Copper; Gold. Minneapolis. St. Anthony, Sketch of. Minnesota. Andrews, C. C., M. and Dacotah, 1857. Bishop, H. E., Floral home, 1857. Bond, J. W., Minn, and its Resources, 1853. Carver, J., Travels, 1766-68. " Centenary of, 1867. Donnelly, Minnesota, 1857. Eastman, Mary H., Dahcotah, 1849. Featherstonhaugh, Voyage up the Minnay Sotor, 1847. 356 MINNESOTA. Minnesota (continued). Gale, G., The Upper Mississippi, 1867. Heard, Hist, of Sioux war, 1862. Hinman, Journal, Sioux Indians. Keating, Exped. to source of the St. Peters, 1824. Minnesota: Statistics, 1861, 70. " Resources, 1870. " Governors Mess., 1859-68. Minn., Its Advantages, 1867, 69. Minn., As a Home for Emigrants, 1866. Minnesota Hist. Soc. Annals, 1850-67. Neill, E. D., History of, 1858. Oliphant, Minnesota, 1855. Parker, N. H., Hand Book, 1857. Putnam, J. W., Description of, 1849. Riggs, Among the Dakotas, 1869. Saint Anthony and Minneapolis, 1857. Schoolcraft, Residence of 30 years. Seymour, E. S., Sketches of, 1849. Sibley, H. H., Condition of, 1852. Strickland, Northwest Almanac, 1858. Taopi and his friends, 1869. Williams, J. F., Bibliography of, 1870. Winona and Southern M., 1858. See United States, West; Red River; Mississippi R. ; Wisconsin. Minorca. Armstrong, J., Hist, of the Island, 1752. Byng, Letter... case of, 1756. P. 391. Foltz, Climate, Topography, 1843. Full answer, 1757. Minot, G. R. Adams, J. Q., Mass. Fire Soc., Address, 1802. P. 514. Minshall Family Genealogy, 1867. Mints* See Currency; Numismatics; U. S. Mint. Mirabeau, H. G. R. Cabanis, Mort de. Dumont, Recolfections of, 1832. Mirabeau, Memoires, 1836. " (Euvres, avec la vie de. tf Letters from England, 1832. Miracle Plays. See Mysteries. Miracles. Bowman, W., Answer to Wool- ston, 1721. P. 309. Bullock, T., Defence of, 1728. Chronicon Abbatiae de Evesham, (Chro. G. B.)- Church, T., Vindication of First three centuries, 1750. " Second Vindication of, 1751. Clanny, W. R., Cure of M. Jobson, 1841. Croly, G., Five Sermons. Dodwell, Answer to Middleton, 1749. P. 350. Douglas, Bp., Works, 1820. Miracles (continued). Girard, Defence against M. Cadiere, 1732. P. 343. Greenwell, Discourse on, 1842. Jackson, J., Miraculous Powers, 1749. Jenkin, Exam, of Middleton, 1750. Lawton, J., A Remarkable Healing, 1821. P. 601. Leckie, Rise of Rationalism, 1868. Maillard, Wonderful Cure of, 1693. P. 601. , Morison, J., Serm., Modern Gifts, 1833. P. 377. Myers, F., Hulsean Essay, 1831. P. Myers, T., Norrisian Essay, 1833. P. Newman, J. H., M. of the Early Ages, 1843. Obsequens, De Prodigiis, 1720. Owen, H., Intent of Script. Mir., 1755. P. 309. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 309, 350. Parker, W., Mir. of Early Ages, 1749. P. 370. Pearce, Z., Mir. vindicated, 1749. P. 309. Pearson, J . N . , On Warburton s Moses. Penrose, J., Of the use of, 1824. Phlegon Examined, 1734. Sykes, Two Questions, 1750. Toll, Middleton s Free Enquiry, 1749. P. 350. Townsend. G., Church of England and Gifts, 1839. Turnbull, G., Mir. and Doctrines of Christ, 1739. P. 309. Tyndall, J., Fragments of Sci.,1871. View of the Controversy, 1748. Vince, Answer to Hume, 1809. Whiston, W., Cessation of Mir. Gifts, 1749. P. 262. Whitaker, Doct. of Peter s Epistles, 1751. P. 350. See Christianity, Evidences of; Natu ral religion. Miranda s Expedition. Biggs, J., Attempts at Revolution, 1809. Miranda s Exped. and Life, 1808. Smith, M., Sufferings in, 1814. See South America. Mirth. Colman, The Government of, 1707. Miscellaneous. See Pamphlets, Mis cellaneous. Misletoe. Colbatch, Dissertation on, 1720. P. 1353. Missions. Amcr. Miss y Ass n, N. Y., 1846-68. Baptist Miss y Magazine, 1845, 46. Foss, Facts for Baptists, 1850. Last Command. P. 525. Maclear, Hist, of, in Middle ages, 1863. MISSIONS. 357 Missions (continued). Pamphlets relating to Missionary Soc., Vol. 1533. Prot. Ep. Ch. Miss. Soc., Reports, 1829. P. 541. See Christianity. Missions, City. Albany City Miss. Soc , 1849-68. Bailey S., Sermon on, 1856. Bannard, W., Sermon, N. Y., 1851. P. 230. Boston City Miss. Soc., 1853, 56, 57. Channing, W. E., Ministf^ for the Poor, 1835. Serm. 4. B. C. Charleston, Ministry at large. Cleveland, C., Reports, 1847-59. Cuyler, T. S., Discourse for, 1854. P. 80. Ely, E. S., Journal, N. Y., 1812. Everett, 0. C , Min. at large, 1853. P. 93. Five Points H. of Industry, 1854, 56. Home Miss. Soc., Phil a, 1848. P. 524. Lowell, Ministry at large, 1852. P. 93. Murray, J., London City Miss., 1847. P. 328. New York: City Missions, 1869. Roxbury Ministry at Large, 1850-59. P. 525. Salem City Mission, 1849-51. P. 525. Stafford, W., Report, 1817. Stanford, J., Discourses, 1819-26. Tuckerman, J., Ministry at Large, 1832. P. 25. B. C. Warren St. Chapel, Boston, Reports to 1863. See Charities; Poor. Missions, Domestic. Amer. Baptist Home M. Soc , 1848, 56. P. 263. Amer. Home Miss. Soc., 1849-59. Bradford. A., Discourse, 1830. BushnelT H., Serm., Barbarism- 1847. P. 524. Canada Educa. Soc. Report, 1836. P. 294. Canadian Home Miss. Fund. Colonial Miss. Soc. Lond., 1839-41,45. P. 384. Copy of Three Letters, 1740. Dwight,W. T., Am. Home Miss., 1859. Free Mission Record (Baptist), 1857. Hampshire Miss. Soc., 1808-24. Home Miss. Soc., Lond., 1823. P. 472. Livingston, J., Serm., N. Y., 1809. Maine Miss y Soc. Rep., 1824-62. .Mass. Miss. Soc., 1830-50. P. 624. Meth. Ep. Ch. Miss. Soc., 1844, 47. Mission. Soc. of Conn., 1795-1822. New Hamp. Miss. Soc., 1848. P. 524. N. Y. Miss. Magazine, 1800-03. Missions, Domestic (continued). N. Y. Miss. Society, Reports, 1796, 97, 99, 1804. See McWhorter, Mason, J. M. Miller, S. Living ston, J. H. N. Y. Prot. Episc. Miss. Soc., 1843. P. 542. Pamphlets relating to Domestic Miss., Vols. 90, 93, 524, 525, 912, 1803. Phil a Home Miss. Soc., 1849. P. 524. Presb. Ch. Reports, 1850-55. Shaw, J. B., Disc., Am. Home M. S., 1858. P. 525. Society for Pro. of Chr. Knowledge, Sermons and Reports, 1710-iy42. Society in Scotland for Prop. Chr. Knowl., 1812-24. Southern Aid Society, 1854-57. P. 525. Surrey Miss. Soc., 1839. United Dom. Miss. Soc. Reports, 1824- 25. P. 5, 53. B. C. Wilson, J. L., On Am. Home Miss. Soc., 1831. P. 525. See Episcopal, Presb., Baptist, Cong., Churches. Missions, Foreign. Amer. Baptist Magazine, 1817-32, 45-47. Amer. Bapt. Miss. Union, 1845, 50, 53, 56. P. 465. Amer. Board of Comm rs ... .Reports, 1823-69. " Missionary Herald, 1821-71. " Mem. of fifty years, 1861. Am. Miss y Ass n, Monthly, 1859-70. " Reports, 1855-65. Buchanan, Star in the East, 1810. P. 453. " Christian Researches,181 2. Campbell, J., Maritime Discovery and Christ. Miss., 1840. Chapin, Missionary Gazetteer, 1825. Cecil, Serm. on Is. xl, 3, 1803. P. 384. Choules, History of, 1851. Church Miss y Intelligencer, 1855-8. Church Miss. Soc. Rep., Lond., 1817, 44, 45. Coke, Hist, of West Indies, 1808. Conference on, Lond., 1860. Dealtry, Sermon, Ch. Miss. Soc., 1813. P. 380. Dwight, T., Sermon, Am Board, 1813. P. 267. Enquiry into the causes, etc., 1808. Essex South Conference, 1845. Fay, Ordination Sermon, 1826. Ferris, Sermon, A. B. C. F. M., 1848. Foreign Evang. Soc., 1841, 42, 45. P. 548. Gammell, Hist, of Baptist Miss. ,1849. Grant, A., The Nestorians, 1841. Hawaiian IB. Mission, 1837. 358 MISSIONS. Mission*, Foreign (continued). Haweis, T., Instructions for. Hibernian Miss. Soc., 1823. P. 472. Hopkins, M., Serin., A. B. C. F. M., 1845. P. 270. Home, M., Letters on, 1815. Humphreys, Hist, of Soc. for Prop. the Gospel to 1728. Heurnius, De Leg. Evangel, ad Indos, 1618. Holmes, J., Missions of the United Brethren, 1818. Hist, of Am. Miss, to the heathen, 1840. Judson, E., Kathayan Slave, 1853. Latrobe,Miss.U. B. among the Indians, 1815, 16. Letter to the Rt. Rev. A. Potter, 1850. London Miss. Soc. Reports, 1795, 96, 1807-51. Lowrie, Expenditures of, 1851. P. 525. " Man. of Miss, of Presb. Ch., 1854. Lyman, H., Martyr of Sumatra. McCoy, J., Baptist Indian Miss., 1840. Malan, S. C., Letters to a Miss, in India, 1858. Marsden, J., Narr. of Miss, to Amer., 1810. Marshraan, Christianity in India, 1813. P. 433. Martyn, H., Journal and Letters, 1851. Mason, E., Serin, and Report, 1850. Mill, W. H., Sermons, 1828. Missionary Manual, Phil a. Mission Schools, 1855. Moore, E. D. } Life Scenes from, 1857. Nederl. Zendeling-Genootschap, 1821. P. 568. Nestorians of Persia. Newconib, Cyclopaedia of, 1854. Niecampus, Hist. Miss, in India, 1737. Orme, W., Hist. South Sea Missions, 1827, 29. Pamphlets relating to Foreign Miss., Vols. 525, 1530, 1615. Pamphlets relating to British Foreign Missions, Vols. 384, 715, 879. Periodical Accounts, (Baptist), 1794. Pierson, H. W., Amer. Missionary Memorial, 1853. Presb. Ch., Board of Missions, 183.5- 1849, 54-63. Prot. Episc. Ch., Spirit of Missions, 1836-47, 59-62. Reed, A., Sermon, Lond. Misa. Soc. Case of Tahiti. Scudder, J., Letters from the East, 1833. Soc. for the Prop, of the Gospel, Lond., Reports and Sermons, 1711-1869. Spirit of Brit. Misa. ,1815. Missions, Foreign (continued). Stevenson, W., Prot. Miss., India, 1721. Tappan, L., Am. Miss. Assoc., 1855. P. 630. Turkey Miss. Aid Soc., 1855. P. 472. United Breth. Miss. Intelligencer, 1828-30. United Brethren: Missions, 1774, 97- 1839. United For. Miss. Soc., Amer. Miss. Register, 1822-25. Ward, F. de, Miss, among the Hin doos, 1850. Western For. Miss. Soc. Reports, 1833- 1836. Wilder, Schools in India, 1861. Wiley, Cemetery at Fuh Chau, 1858. Wilks, S. C., Missions vindicated, 1819. P. 384. Williams, J., South Sea Missions, 1837. Wilson, J., Voy. in the Pacific of the Duff, 1796, 7, 8. Winslow, M., Hints on Miss., 1856. Missions, Roman Catholic. Assoc. de la Prop, de la Foi, Annales, 1828-52. " Annals, 1839-45. Kip, Early Jesuit Missions in North America, 1846. Lettres Edifiantes, 1717-76. Lettres Edifiantes (Querbocuf), 1819. Litteree annuao Soc. J., 1586-1654. Parkman, F., Jesuits in Ndrth Amer., 1867. Relations des Jesuites, dans la Nou- velle France, Quebec, 3 v., 8. St. Valier, Estat de 1 Eglise de la Nouv. France, 1688. Shea, Miss, among the Indians, 1829- 1854. Smet, Residence with thelndians,1843. * Cinquante Nouv. Lettres, 1858. Spalding, Early Cath. Missions, 1787- 1827. Vetromile, The Abnaquis and their history, 1866. See Jesuit Missions; Rom. Cath: Ch. Missisco. Sumner, History of, 1860. See Mineral Springs. Mississippi. Afleek s Almanac, 1854. Darby, Ge<Jg. Description of, 1817. Gravier, J., Relation, 1700. Louisiana and Miss. Directory, 1871. Meek, A. B., Romantic passages, 1857. New Orleans Directory, Biog., 1855. Mississippi River and Valley. Ban- vard, Panorama of. Beltrami, Sources of the Mississippi, 1824. MNEMONICS. 359 Mississippi River and Valley (cont d). Chicago Convention, 1847. Coze, D., Of Ca.olana: and the Mes- chacebe R., 1722. Cumings. Western pilot, 1832. Drake, N., Disc, on Hist, of the West, 1834. Ellet, C., jr., Phys. Geog. of tHe Val ley, (Smithson. Contr. 2). Flint, T., Hist, and geog. of the Val ley, 1832. Foster, J. W. f Miss. Valley, 1869. French s Hist. Collections, 5 v. Gale, Hist. Sketches of Upper M., 1867. Hart, Hist, of the Valley, 1853. Hennepin, Nouvelle decouverte, 1697. " New discovery, 1698. Humphreys, Report on, 1861. Journal ...guerre du Micissippi, 1739. Joutel, Journal Historique, 1713. La Salle, Voy. pour Decouvrir, 1685- 1687. Le Page du Pratz, Hist, of Louisiana. Letters of Verus, 1797. Long, S. H., Voy. to Falls of St. An thony, 1817. Marquette, Voy. et decouvertes, 1673, Repr. Milburn, Pioneers of, 1860. Mississippi, The, Question, Camillus, 1803. Monette, Hist, of D?sc. and Settle ment of, 1846. Monroe s Embassy, 1803. Munsell s Hist. Series : Early Voyages. Navigator, The, 1811, 18. Parkman, F., Discovery of the West, i 1869. Pike, Exped. to the sources of, 1810. Sagean, Voyages, 1701. St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, on j improv. navig. of, 1842. Schoolcraft, Travels to Source of, 1821. ! " Exped. to Itasca Lake, 1834. te Exped. completed in 1832, 1855. Shea, Disc, and Exp. of, 1852. Tonti, Discovery of, 1678. View of the Valley of: A Guide, 1832. See Louisiana; Minnesota; Wisconsin. Mississippi Scheme. Chimera, The, 1720. Mackay, C., History of, 1845. Tafereel, De, 1720. Thiers, L. A., Mississippi Bubble, 1859. Missouri. Beck, L. C., Gazetteerof,1823. Brackenridge, Voyage, 1811. Edwards Great West, 1860. Missouri (continued). Leffingwell, Resources of Southern .... 1858. P. 565. Lewis &, Clarke, Expeditions, 1804-6. Missouri: Governors Messages, 1858- 60, 65, 68, 69. " Geolog. Survey, 1855. Monroe s Conduct on Navig. of, 1803. Perrih du Lac, Voyage, 1805. Schoolcraft, Geology of, 1819. Lead Mines of, 1819. " Scenes in the Ozark Mts., 1853. " Journey to Interior of, 1818, 19. Statement, Miss. Dem. Delegation, 1856. Swallow, Geol. Report on S. W. Mis souri, 1859 .... Wetmore, Gazetteer of, 1837. See United States, West; St. Louis. Missouri Compromise. Fessenden, W. P., Speech on, 1854. Free remarks, 1819. Hemphill, J., Speech, 1819. King, R., Speeches, 1819. M Lane, R. M., Speech, H. of R., 1820. Plumer, Speech, 1820. Putnam, J. 0., Speech, N. Y., 1854. Sergeant, J., Speech, 1820. Seward, W. H., Speech, 1854. Tallmadge, Speech, 1819. Webster, D., Boston memorial, 1819. Mitchel, Rev. J. Mather, C., Life of. Mitchel, O. M. Headley, P. C., Life of, 1865. Mitchell, Sir A. Bisset, A., Mem. and Papers of, 1756-1771. Mitchell, Rev. E. Memoir, 1858. P. 1856. Mitchill, S. L. Francis, J. W., Remin iscences of. Pascalis, F., Eulogy on, 1831. Mitford, M. R. Life and letters, 1870. Mnemonics. Coglan, T., Improved sys tem, 1813. Fauvel-Gouraud, Phreno-Mnemotech- ny, 1845. Fowler, 0. S., On memory, 1856. Gayton, Memoria Philosophica, 1826. Grey s Memoria technica, 1796. Hornstein, Dialectica anal, imagini- bus illus., 1779. Introduction to a new, <fec. P. 1624. Memoria technica, 1730. Miles, American Mnemotechny, 1848. Murden, Art of Memory, 1818. 3GO MOABITE STONE. Moabitc Stone. Ginsburg, The Moabite Stone, 1871. North British Review, 1870. Mobile, Ala. Farrow, N., Memorial. P. 1366. Mobs. See Riots. Mohammed, and his Religion. Abul- feda, Ann. Musleinici, 1789-1792. De Vita Moham., 1723. Burton s Pilgrimage, 1856. Bush, G., Life of, 1847. I)Ollinger,Muhammed s Religion, 1848. Garcin de Tassy, Musulmanes dans 1 Inde, 1831. <f La Foi Musul., 1822. " Litterature Hindoui,* 1847. Haneberg, Lehrwesen der Muhameda- ner, 1850. Herklots, Customs of Muss, in India. Higgins, G., Life of, 1829. Irving, W., Mahomed and Successors, 1850. Jones, Sir W., Works, Mohammedan Law, 1807. Koran, Ms. in Arabic. Printed text. See Maracci. " Sale s Translation, 1801, 33. " Lane s Selections and introd., 1843. " Du Ryer s French, 1775. Marracci, Refutatio Corani, 1698. Martineau, H., Essay, for Disciples of, 1833. B. C. Mills, ., Hist, of Muhammedanism, 1817. Mohammed, Vita di, 1745. Mohammed, Vita et Doctrina, 1550. Murphy, Mahoin. Emp. in Spain, 1816. Ockley, History of the Saracens, 1718. " Conquest of Syria and Egypt by, 1708. Pomponius, De Exortu Maomethis, 1533. Price, D., Events of Mahommedan History, 1821. Prideaux, H., Life of, 1718. Raleigh, Sir W., Life of, 1637. Robbing All Religions, 1823. B. C. Southey, Chronicle of the Cid, 1846. Sprengor, A., Life of, 1851. Turpin, Hist, de Alcoran, 1775. See Arabic Authors; Arabia; Egypt; Persia; Turkey. Mohawk, Indians. Sohoolcraft, H. R., Address on the Confederacy of. See Indians; Senecas. Mohawk River. Simms, J. R., Hist, of Schoharie, 1845. Moldavia. Colson, Etat present, 1839. Hagemeister, Rep. on Ccinmerce, 1836. Question of the Danube, 1857. See Roumania; Wallachia. Moliere, J. B. P. Clet, Le Monument de, 1843. Voltaire, Vie de, 1739. Mollusks. Adams, Voy. of the Sanaa- rang, (Belcher), 1850. Alder and Hancock, Mon. of Brit. Nudibranchiata, 1845-54. Beechey s Voyage, Zoology, 1839. Bergsoe, Philichthys Xiphise, 1864. Brown, T., Land and Fresh water, G. B., 1845. Carpenter, W., Microscopic structure, 1844. Catlow, Conchol. Nomenclator, 1845. Clark, W., Brit. Testae. Mollusca, 1855. Conrad, Unionidae of N. America. Cuvier, Animal kingdom, v. 12. Deshayes, Descr. des Coquilles, 1831. Diet, des Sciences Naturelles^ 1816-30. Edwards, Recherches sur les polypes, 1848, 49. Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Naked-eyed Medusae, (Ray Soc.), 1854. Gould, A. A., Mollusca and Shells, 1844. Gray, M. E., Figures of Moll, ani mals, 1850. Hartwig, Th^ Sea 1861. Hunt, W., Cabinet of shells, 1833. Joues, Catal. of recent shells, 1849. Journal de Conchyliologie, 1850. Klein, Tentamen meth. Ostrac., 1753. Lamarck, Hist. Nat. des Animaux sans Vertebres, 1835-45. " Conchology, 1827. Landsborough, British Zoophytes, 1852. Lea, J., Syn. of the fam. of Naiades, 1852. " The Genus Unio, 1857-67. " Papers, 1860-68. Lowe, E. J., Cone, of Nottingham. Rafinesque, Ohio river bivalves, 1832. Ray Society Publications, 1851-69. Say, T., Am. Conchology, 1830-34. " Conch, of United States, 1858. Sowerby, Conch. Illustrations, 1841. Smithson. Contr., v. viii, ix, Shells of N. America. Swainson, W., Treat, on Malacology, (Lardner s iii). Tryon, List of Am. writers on, 1861. U. S. Expl. Exped., Gould s Mollusca. Wheatley, Shells of U. S., 1845. Wood, W., General Conchol., 1835. " Cab. of For. and British shells, 1828. MONTAGUE. 361 Mollusks (continued). Woodward, Manual of Mollusca, 1851. Wyatt, T-, Manual of, 1838. See Aquaria; Crustacea; Inverte- brata; Natural Hist. ; Zoology. Moluccas. Arago, Freycinet s Voyage. Argensola, Conquest of, 1708. Forrest, Voy. aux Moluques, 1774-6. Middleton sVoy., 1606, (HakluytSoc., No. 19). Kolff, Voyage, 1825. See Voyages, East Indian; Indian Archipelago. Monaco. Pemberton, H., Hist, of, 1867. Monagas, J. T. Apuntes Biograficos, 1868. Monarchy. See Government. Monasteries. See Monks. Money. Carey, H. C., Money, a Lecture, 1857. Dealtry, Money, its History, etc., 1858. P. 290. Guineas an incurnbrance, 1802. P. 1324. Justice, Treatise of Monies, 1707. Labbe, Bibliot. nummaria, 1675. McCulloch, J. R., Treatise on, 1858. See Currency; Banks; Decimal; Nu mismatics; Polit. Econ. Monk, Gen. Art of Restoring, 1714. Guizot, Memoirs of, 1838. " Monk and Washington, 1851. Price, J., Sermon, Victories of, 1660. Monk, M. Awful Disclosures, 1836. Answer to (St. Mary Edmond), 1835. England, Bp., Documents concerning, . 1849. Smith, S. B., On Disclosures of, 1836. P. 548. Monks and Monasteries. Ansart, A. J., Abbaye de Flavigny, 1783. Buchanan, G., Franciscan and his Friars. P. 1794. Curzon, Monasteries in the Lev.int, 1849. Emerson, Early Hist, of Monasticism, Bibliot. Sac., 1844. Emiliannej Frauds of, 1691. Fosbroke, T. D., Monastic life, poem. France: Documents inedits: Cartulaires de Notre Dame de Paris; de St. Pierre ; de Chartres. Great Britain: Chronicles, (Rolls Pub.),Chron. Abingdon, S. Augus tine, etc. Hieronyinus, De vita monachorum, (Bennet, T.). Jameson, A.,L e g e nds of the Monastic orders. 46 Monks and Monasteries (continued). Kingsley, C., The Hermits. Laureshain : Codex abbatiae, 1768. Lea, H. C., Sacerdotal celibacy, 1867. Mahoney, Six years in the monaster ies, 1844. Montalembert, Monks of the West, 1872. Ruffner, H., Fathers of the Desert, 1850. Trollope, W., Narr. of Grey Friars, 1834. Twisden, Beginners of Monast. Life, (Spelman). See Church history. Moumouth, Duke of. See Gary, R. Monmouthshire. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Cooke s Topog. Library. Gilpin, Obs. on the Wye, 1800. Heath, Tintern Abbey, etc. Monograms. Brulliot, Dictionnaire des monog., 1832. Bryan, Diction, of engravers, 1849. Christ. Diet, des monogrammes, 1750. Dibbin, Decameron, 1817. See Engraving. Monopoly. Jobard, Le monautopole, 1844. Morris, E., M. and forestalling, 1800. P. 1407. O Connor, M. the cause of all nvil, 1848. Sedgwick, T-, What is Monopoly ? 1835. P. 29. B. C. See Tariff; Free Trade; Commerce; Polit. Economy. Monroe, James. Adams, J.Q., Eulogy on, 1831. Jackson, A., Correspond, with, 1824. Narr. of a Tour of, in the U. S., 1817. View of the Conduct of, 1797. Waldo, S. P., Tour of, 1817. Wolfe, Removal of Remains. Monroe Co., N. Y. Directory, 1869. Monsters. Dowler, Gigantic Headed Bov. 1857. P. 516. Geoffrey, Monstres humaines, 1822. Kirby s Eccentric Museum. Siamese Twins, 1831 Montague. Duke of, Uring, N., Hist. of his Voyages, 1826. Montague, Mrs. Elizabeth. Letters, 1810. Montague, Lady M. W. Letters, 1743, 1766. " Works, Letters and memoir, Wharncliffe, 1837. 362 MONTAIGNE. Montaigne, M. de. Essais, 1745. " Essays, 1603. " Works, Hazlitt and Wight, i?61. f< Le Christianisme de. Pur L . . . . 1819. Montana. Boiler, Eight years West, 1868. Raymond, Mining resources, 1869. U. S. Geol. Explor., Vol. iii. See Rocky Mts. Montcalm, Marquis de. Eloge his- torique de, 1855. P. 254. Journal d Instruc. Pub., 1858, 59, 63. Stevens, H., Bib. Hist., 1870, p. 114. Warburton, Conquest of Canada, 1850. Wright, R., Life of Wolfe, 1864. Montenegro. Krasinski, Montenegro, 1853. Wilkinson, Dalmatia and Montenegro, 1848. See Turkey. Monies, Lola. Reply to Papon s Hist., 1851. Montesquieu, C. De. (Euvres, Lettres familiures. Montevideo. Almanao del Commer. del Plata, 1851. La Sota, Rep. Orient, del Uruguay. Nunez, Aco t of, 1825. See Argentine; La Plata; Buenos Ayrea. Montgomery family genealogy, 1863. Montgomery, J. Knight, H. C., Life of, 1857. Montgomery, J., Memoirs and corres pondence, 1856. Montgomery, Gen. R. Entretiens, 1776. Armstrong, J., Life of, (Sparks). Smith, W., Oration on, 1776. Montgomery Co., N. Y. Directory, 1869. Montgomery Co., Penn a. Buck, W. J., History of, 1859. Richards, Sermon at Trappe. Monticello, 111. Baldwin, T., Hist. Add., 1855. P. 237. Montluc, B. de. Commentaries, 1 521-72. Montpelier, Vt. Thompson, History of. Montpeliier, Fr. Annuaire, 1821. Herault, Annuaire, 1819, 22, 46. Monuments, Sepulchral, etc. Aker- IIKIII, J. Y., Pagan Saxondom, 1855. Begcrus, Lucerna sepulchrales, 1704. Blore, E., Mon. remains. .Gt. Britain, 1826. Brit. Museum, Handy Book of Antiq. in, 1870, Monuments, Sepulchral, etc. (cont d). Camden Society : Dingley, Hist, from marble. Gosdcn, Church-yard Monuments. MS. Graevius, Thes. Gr. Antiquitatum, v. 12. Greenwood illustrated, 1848. McDonald, A. J., Monuments, 1848. Maliphant, G., Designs for, 1852. Mount Auburn Cemetery illust., 1848. Oderici, Dissertationes, 1765. Weever, Anc. funeral monuments, 1631. Wheildon s Life of Willard. with ILit of Mon. in Massachusetts. See Epitaphs; Cemeteries; Antiqui ties; Sculpture. Montreal. Bosworth, N., Hist, of, 1839. Lachland, On Nat. Hist. Soc. of, 1852. P. 242. Mackay, Montreal Directory, 1842-53. Montreal, Annuaire de Ville-Marie, 1863, 68. Montreal in 1856. Montreal, Guide, 1857. St. Andrew s Church, 1844-49. See Canada. Montrose, Earl. Napier, M., Life and Times of, 1840. Moody Family. Sketches, 1847. Moody, J. Narrative of, 1865. Moore. See More. Moore, Up. B. Hobart, Bp., Serin, on. Moore, Sir J. Charmilly, Correspond ence. Moore, J. C., Life of, 1834. Napier, W. F. P., Reply, 1832. Moore, Thomas. Memoirs, Journal and Corresp., 1853. Croker, J. W., Corresp. with Russell, 1854. Power, Notes from his letters, 1854. Moore s Creek. Wright, J. G., Battle of, N. C., 1857. P. 504. Moral Philosophy. Abercrombie, Phil. of the moral feelings, 1834. B. C. Adams, J., Elements of, 1837. Ahrens, Das Naturrecht, 1846. Aristotle, Ethics, 1813, 50. Ast, Epikur. Ethik, 1831. Attempt to shew, 1836. Bailey, S., Essays on the Pursuit of Truth, 1831. B. C. Beattie, J., Elem. of Moral Science, 1807 Bentham, E., Introduction to, 1746. P. 399. Bentham, J., Principles of Morals, 1823. B. C. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 363 Moral Philosophy (continued). Bentham, J., Deontology, 1834. B. C. Blakey, K., Hist, of Mor. Science, 1833. " Essay, of good and evil, 1831. Boyd, J. R., Eclectic Mor. Phil., 1846. Buchner, Eth. Elem. in Rechtsprincip. 1848. Burgh, Dign. of Human Nature. 1816. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, 1826. Butler, J., Works, 1827. Catlow, Esthetic Medicine, 1867. Chalmers, T., Pol. Econ. in connexion with, 1832. Chubb, T., Tracts, 1730. Clap, T., Essay on.. .. .Moral Virtue, 1765. Cogan, T., On the Passions, 1821. Coleridge, S. T., Works; The Friend, 1831. " Aids to Reflection, 1839. B. C., 1854. Combe, G., Lectures on, 1836. B.C. " Moral Const, of Man, 1834. U. C. Crombie, A., Philos. necessity, 1795. Dana, J., Edwards on the Will. Demon de Socrate, 1829. Discours sur les deplaisirs. Disc, concerning Virt ie, 1735. P. 332. Drummond, W., Academ. Questions. 1805. Dyer, Theory of Benev. Pamph r 14. Dymond, Principles of Morality, 183 i. Enquiry on practice of virtue, 1725. Ensor, G., Princ. of Morality, 1801. Epictetus, Enchiridion. Fairchild, J. H., Moral Phil., 1869. Follen, Works, vol. 3: Lectures on, 1841. B. C. Fourier, Passions of Human Soul. Gambier, Study of Moral Evidence, 1824. Geulings, Ethica, 1697. Gioja, Elementi di Filosofia, 1835. Gleixes, Thalysie, 1840. Godwin, W., Political Justice, 1793. Gros, Treatise on, 1795. Hall, E., On Hickok s Psychology, 1863. P 1362. Harris, J., Man primeval, 1854. Hiokok, System of, 1853. Hildreth, Theory of Morals, 1844. Holbach, P. P. von, System of nature, (Mirabaud). Hopkins, M., Law of Love, 1869. On Moral Science, 1862. Hutcheson, De nat. horn, socialitate, 1756. " System of Mor. Phil. ,1755. Moral Philosophy (continued). Illustrations of Hume on Necessity, 1795. P. 1369. James, H., \toralism and Christianity, 1850. " Nature of Evil, 1855. Jarves, J. J , Why and What am I? 1857. Johnson, A. B., Encyc. of Instruction. Jouffroy, T., Introd. to Ethics, 1841. Jouin, Elem. phil. moralis, Ih65. Lavater, Jour, of a self observer. Law, W., Reply to Fable of the Bees. Louvain, Phil. Moralis, 1820. P. 15. Mackintosh, Sir J., Progress of Ethic. Phil. Malebranche, De la Recherche de la Verite, 1749. " The search after truth, 1694. Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees, 1806. Moore, G., Body and mind, 1847. More, H., Enchiridion Ethicum, 1712. Mudie, Man as a mor. being. Nash, Morality and the State, 1859. New Estimate of Manners, 1760. Origin of duty, 1796. Paley, Moral philosophy. " Analyses of. Palmer, E., Principles of Nature, 1830. Pamphlets relating to, Vols. 399, 1369, 1789. Pavonius, Summa Ethicae, 1668. Payne, G., Elem. of Ment. and Moral Science, 1829. Penrose, Discipline of human motives, 1820. B. C. " Utilitarian theory, 1836. Philosophy of evil, 1845. Plutarch, Morals, Goodwin s ed., 1870. Powers, G., Imagination and nervous system, 1828. Price, R., Principal Questions in morals, 1769. B. C. Remarks upon Dr. B s 6th Chap., 1737. Rousseau, J. J., OZuvres, 1801. Rush, Influence of Phys. Causes, 1786. St. John, Innate Mor. Principles, 1752. P. 399. Self Entertainment, (Whateley), 1751. Senault, Usage des passions, 1664. B. C. Shaftesbury, Characteris., 1733. B. C., 1837. Simon, B. A., View of the human heart, 1825. Smith, A., Theory of Mor. Sent., 1792. Smith, J. A., Monograph on the moral sense, 1847. P. 46. B. C. Smith, S. S., Leot. on, 1812. 364 MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Moral Philosophy (continued). Spedalieri, Diritti dell uomo, 1797. Spirit of Humanity, 1835. Stewart, D., Works, 1855. Stewart, J., Mor. State of Nations, 1841. Taylor, I., Nat. Hist, of Enthusiasm, 1849. Tucker, A., The Light of Nature, 1831. B. C. Wayland, F., Elements of Mor. Sci., 1843. West, S., On Moral Agency, 1772. Whewell, Four Sermons, 1837. <l Elements of Morality, 1845. Witherspoon, Lectures on, 1810. See Philosophy; Soul; Social Ques tions; Will; Necessity; Evil; Sin. Morals, Practical. Alexander, J. W., The American Mechanic, 1847. Austin, J. M., Voice to Youth, 1846. Barrau, Morale Pratique, 1828. Barret, Serm., Evil of Scandal, 1711. P. 365. Beecher, H. W., Industry,1850. P. 215. Benef. Effects of Christian temper. Brewer, D. R., Errors of ultraism, 1851. Britaine, W. de, Humane prudence, 1701. Britain s Remembrancer, 1747. Broad Shadows, 1862. Browne, T., Works, Religio Medici, 1686, 1836. Caterpillars and Gooseberry bush, 181 2. Carey, M., Phil, of Common Sense, 1838. Castilio, B., De Curiali, 1603. Chapin, On Shameful Life, 1859. P. 558. Chapone, Mrs., Works, 1818. B. C. Charron, Of Wisdom, 1729. Cicero, Offices, 1850. Cobbett, W., Thirteen Sermons, 1834. Combe, W., Letters, 1824. Confucius, Morals. Croiset, Reflexions sur la Morale, 1707. De Foe, Works; Family Instructor, 1840-41. Dewey, Mor. Views of Comm., Soc., and Politics, 1838. B. C. Dialogues on Uses of For. Travel, (Hurd). Dinocurt, Cours de Morale sociale, 1839. Ecole de 1 homme, Genard, 1752. Edgoworth, Early Lessons, 1815. B.C. Eldridge, J., Sermon on Mor. Reform, 1843. Erasmus, Lingua, 1649. Experimental Knowledge, 1849. Morals, Practical (continued). Felltham, Resolves, 1840. Fenelon, Selections from, 1829. B. C. Fowler, E., Vindication of Mor. Soci eties, 1692. Fox, W. J., Lectures to the Working Classes, 1845, 46. B. C. " Morality of the Scriptures, 1833. B.C. Fragment, Phil a, 1796. Franklin, B., Works, 1836-40. Friendly Instructor, 1811. Fruytier, Salomons Raad. Gracian, L Homme unrversel. 1723. B. C. Graham, S., To young men, on Chas tity, 1838. Graver thoughts, (Boyd), 1865. Greg, T. D., Novum organura moral- ium, 1859. Guide du Bonheur, 1840. Hanway, J., Journal, 1756. Hooker, R., Weekly Misc., 1736. Hopkins, S., Serm. of Mor. Reform, 1839. Huarto, Exam, of men s wits, 1596. Hunter, R., Cruelty to animals, 1835. Hunter, T., On Chestsrfield s letters, 1776. La Colonio, Traito en Morale instruc tive, 1736. Law, On the Fable of the Bees. Lecky. Hist, of European Morals, 1869. Le Prohon, Vol., Abortion, 1867. Lieber, Manual of Political Ethics, 1838, 39. Life s Evening, 1860. M Dowall s, J. R., Life, J838. Maltby, J., Sermon of Mor. Reform, 1845. Mann, H., Thoughts for a young man, 1850. Mason, J., Self-knowledge, 1814. B.C. Mather, Essays to do good, 1815. B.C. Meikle, The Traveller. Mercier, Manuel de Morale, 1858. Messinger, Sentiments on resignation. Mitchell, J., Serm. on Mor. Reform. Moral Almanac, 1847. Moral Societies Conv., Albany, 1819. Moral Societies in N. Y., 1819 P. 65. More, H., Christian Mor., 1831. B. C. Newman, T., Progress of vice, 1755. (Economy of Human Life, 1752, 1790. Opic, Illustrations of Lying, 1833. B. C. Osborne, S. G., Beer shop evil. Owen, Fashionable World, 1806. B.C. Pamphlets relating to practical Morals, Vols. 1370, 1534, 1716, 1787. MORMONS. 365 Morals, Practical (continued). Patrizzi, Discorsi, 1545. Peacock, L., Visit for a week. Plutarchus, Morals, 1684, 1870. Questions Traitees, 1639-1641. Reform or Ruin, (Dowdier), 1797. Richter, J. G. 0., Vischkundige On- derwyser, 1780. Rives, Ethics of Christianity, 1855. P. 94. Rowland, J., Ruin and Restoration, 1862. Rule of life, 1800. Rush, Charges, Phil a, 1804. Ryland, Select essays, 1802. Sampson, Ezra, Brief Remarker, 1855. Seneca, Morals, 1831. B. C. Sewell, W., Christian Morals. Shaw, R., Cabinet of Gems, 1845. Southwick, S., Five Lessons to young men, 1837. Sprague, W. B., Lectures to the Young, 1830. B. C., 1836. " Hints, 1834. Stone, T., Serm., Selfishness, 1788. Torrey, J., The Moral Instructor. 1819. B.C. Tottie, Sermon on Ridicule, 1734. P. 368. Tracts for Cities, 1849. Tryon, Merchants instructor, 1701. Tuthill, Success in Life, 1854. Valerius Max., Factorum Lib. IX, 1782. Watts, I., Doct. of the Passions. Webster, N., Letters to a young gen tleman, 1823. B. C. Weekly Monitor, 1WO. Wette, De, Human Life, 1842. Whateley, R., Lessons on morals, 1857. Woodward, J., Sodom s vices. " Monitor, 1770. Young Man s Manual, 1838. B. C. Young Man s Mentor, 1842. Zedekunde. . . voor Huisgeziunen, 1808, 1809. Ziinmermann, Solitude considered, 1796. B. C. See Conscience ; Death; Essays; Gen tleman; Maxims; Prostitution; Self Culture ; Temperance ; Virtue ; Young Men. Moravians. Davis, S , Shekomeko, N. Y., 1858. Green, S., Diss. on Enthusiasm. Heckewelder, Missions "among Indians, 1820. Henry, J., Sketches of life of, 1859. Hildreth, Hist., of, in Ohio. Hist, of Mor. Miss, to Indians, 1838. Moravians (continued). Holmes, Hist of Missions of, 1827. Latrobe, Missions of the Uni. Breth., 1818. London association, 1845. Moravian Ch. Fourth Centen., 1857. Moravian Ch. Miscell., 1851-61, imp. Moravian Hist. Soc., 1860. Moravians compared, 1755. P. 449. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 449. Perceval, Collection of Papers. Reichel s Nazareth Hall, 1869. " M. in North Carolina, 1857. " Bethlehem Sem. Souvenir, 1858. Rimius, Of the Herrnhuters, 1753. Ritter, Mor. Ch., Phil a, 1742-1827. Some Observations, 1751. Spangenberg, Zinzei.dorf s life. United Breth., Miss y Intelligencer, 1828, 48. United Brethren, Text Book, 1854. United Brethren, Missions, 1797-1839. Whitefield, G., Letter to Zinzendorff. Moray, Scotland. Survey of, 1798. Morbih:iu, Fr. Annuaire, 1845. More, Hannah. Roberts, W., Memoirs of, 1834. B. C. Ward, H., Life of. More, Sir T. Mackintosh, Sir J., Life of, Lardner, 68. More, C., Life of, 1828. Seebohm, Oxford reformers, 1598. Stapleton, T., Vita, 1612. Moreau, J. V. Svinine, Details concern., 1814. Moreland, Penn. Martindale, J. C., History of, 1867. Morgan, D. Graham, J., Life of, 1856. Morgan, James. Hist, of family of, 1607-1869. Morgan, Lady S. O. Autobiography, 1859. " Memoirs and correspond., 1862. Morgan, W. Narr., kidnapping of. Greene, S. D., The broken seal, 1870. Stone, W. L-, Letters, 1832. See Masonry. Morghen, R. Bardi, Catal. delle stampe, 1841. Mormons. Bennett, J. C., Hist, of the Saints, 1842. Book of Mormon, N. Y. Bowes, J., M. exposed. Bowles, S., Our new West, 1869. Burton, City of the Saints, 1862. Chalmer, E. B., A delusion, 1852. 366 MORMONS. Mormons (continued). Dixon, W. H., New America, 1867. i( Spiritual wives, 1868. Female life among, 1855. Ferris, B. G., Mormons at Home, 1852, 1853. " Utah and the Mormons, 1854. Grant, J. M., The truth for, 1852. Gunnison, J. W., Latter-day Saints at Great Salt Lake, 1852. History of the Mormons, 1852. Hyde, J., Mormonism, 1857. Latter-day Saints, Doctrine, Ohio, 1835. Lowe, J. B., Lecture on, 1851. Mormons or Latter-day Saints, Lond. Jackson, J. H., Experiences at Nau- voo, 1844. v Smith, M. E. V., Fifteen years with, 1858. Stansbury, Exploration of Utah, 1852. Van Dusen, Nauvoo Temple, 1848. " Disclosures, 1849. Waite, Mrs., Mormon prophet, 1866. See Utah. Mornay, P. De Duplessis. Hist, de la v e de, 1647. Memoires et Corresp , 1824. Morocco. Ali Bey, Travels, 1816. Caillie, Travels in, 1824. Inhabitants of, 1843. P. 500. Keatinge, Travels, 1816. Lempriere, Tour through, 1813. Mouette, Travels in, (Lawson). Paddock s Narrative, 1818. Philemon, Voyage to, 1736. Richardson, J., Travels in, 1860. Riley, Loss of the brig Commerce, 1815. Robbins, Journal of the Commerce, 1815. Ross, 0. C., War with, 1860. St. Olon, Present state, 1695. Urquhart, D., Pillars of Hercules, 1850. See Africa, North. Morphy, P. Exploits in Europe, 1860. See Chess. Morris, C. E. Hoge, M. D., Sermon on. Morris, G. Sparks, J., Life of, 1832. Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. Essays. Morris, J. G. Breck, S., Sketch of, 1854. P. 1227. Morris, L. New Jersey Hist. Soc., Papers of, 1738-1746. Morris, R. H. Obit. add. on, 1855. Morrison, J. R. Brown, S. R., Sermon on, 1844. Morrison, R. Fletcher, J., Sermon on. Morse, Jed* Adams, H., Controversy with. Austin, B., jr., Old South letters, 1803. First Church Centennial and Hist. I Morse, R. C. M Jilton, Discourse, 1849. Morss, J. Burroughs, Fun. Disc, on, 1 842. : Mort, J. Toulmin, Life of, 1793. Mortality. See Life; Population; Sta tistics. Mortara. See Cereghini. i Mortars. See Cements. Mortimer, E. Bulmer, A., Memoirs of, 1836. Morton, S. G. Grant, W. R., Life of, 1852. Meigs, C. D., Memoir of, 1851. Mosaics. Fougeroux, Fabrique de, 1770. Moselle, Fr. Annuaire, 1846. Moses. Pye, Moral System of, 1770. Warburton, W., Divine legation of, 1846. See Bible, Commentaries. Mosquito Country. See Central Amer ica; Nicaragua. Mosul. Laurie s Life of Grant, 1853. Tyler s Life of Lobdell, 1859. See Mesopotamia. Motorpathy, 1853. Halsted, Exposition of, Mott, V. Travels, 1842. Francis, S. W., Memoir of, 1865. Post, Eulogy Ojp, 1866. j Mottershed, J. Calamy, E., Funeral Sermon, 1729. Mottoes. Book of Crests. Reusnerius, Symboia heroica, 1650. <( Symbolorum imperatorum Classis, 1634. See Heraldry; Maxims; Proverbs. Moulds. Cooke, M. C., Microscopic funeri, 1870. Corda, A. C., Brand of the cereals. Am. Quar. Agr. Mag., 1847. Linnean Soc. Trans., v. 18. Smith, Bauer, Quekett, Obs. on Ergot. N. Y. State Agric. Soc., Trans., 1870. A. Fischer von Waldheim, Con- trib. to the biology of Ustilagineaj. Sinclair, Sir J., Nature of rust and mildew, 1809. Somerville, M., Molec. and Microsco pic Science, 1869. Tyndall, J., Dust and disease, 1871. Vrolik, Ziekte der Aardappelen, 1846. -See Botany. MUSIC. 367 Moultrie, Gen. Hartley, C. B., Life of, 1866. Mountains. Bromine, Atlas to Hum- boldt. Humboldt, Kosmoa, German and Eng lish. Needhara, Hauteurs des Alpes, 1752. Orton, J., The Andes, 1870. Polehampton s Gallery, v. 2. Saussure, Voy. dans les Alpes, 17S6. Stengel, Ueber die Alpen, 1786. Whitney, J. D., Mountain building, (N. A. Rev. Oct., 1871). Wilson, J., History of, 1807. See Geog. ; Himalaya; Alps; Andes. Mount Desert, Me. Be Costa, Scenes in, 1868. Mt. Vernon. Everett, E., Mt. Vernon papers, 1862. Lossing, B. J., Home of Washington. Mt. Vernon Ladies Assoc n, Illust. Record, 1858-9. Saffell s, Hail Columbia. Wineberger, Guide to. See Washington. Mouth. Nasmyth, A., On the human in., 1846. Mowatt, A. C. See Ritchie. Mozart, J. C . W. Bombet, Life of, 1820. Holmes, E., Life of, 1845. Mudge family memorials, 1868. Muggletonians. Principles of, 1735. True Representation of, 1694. Williams J., Principles of, 1694. Muhlenberg, P. Muhlenberg, H. A., Life of, 1849. Mulberry Tree. See Silk. Mulgrave Is. Lay, W., Residence on, 1828. Paulding, H., Visit to, 1831. Mulhouse. Societe Industrielle de, Bul letin, 1845-63. Mailer, G. Lord s dealings with, 1863. Munich. Bildergallerie, 1825. Howitt, Art student in, 1853. Kuhn, C., Das Klima von Munchen, 1854. Martius, Botan. Gartens in, 1852. Schmeller, Munchen, 1397-1403. See Bavaria; Bibliography; Walhalla. Mnnro,.Sir T. Gleig, Life of, 1831. Munsell family genealogy, (Stiles). Munson, S. Thompson, W., Memoirs of, 1839. Muntinghius, H. Eerde, Oratio, 1825. Murat, Joachim. Maceroni, Life of, 1838. Murder. Reynolds, J., God s revenge against, 1704. Woodford, Mjirder of R. Dobell. See Crime; Suicide; Capital Punish. Murieta, J. Life of, 1854. Murphy, Tim. Life of, 1868. Murrain. Sec Cattle Plague. Murray, A. Waldo, P., Life of, 1823. Murray, J. Eddy, T-. Memoir of, 1819. P. 4. B. C. Murray, Lindley. Memoirs of, 1827. Murray, N. Hughes, J., Kirwan un masked, 1848. P. 1744. Kirwan s letters, 1855. Prime, S. I., Life of, 1862. Sprague, W. B., Sermon on. Mnrrell. Stewart, V. A., Trial and Exe cution of, 1836. Muscat. See Arabia. Muscovy Company. See Russian. Museums. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 489. <SeFine Arts; Paintings; Monuments; Sculpture. Mushrooms. Badham, Treatise on escu lent funguses, 1847. Berkeley, M. J., British fungology, 1860. Cuthill, Cultivation of, 1871. Roquet, J., Histoire des champignons, Atlas, 1841. See Botany. Music, Historical, Elementary and Miscellaneous. Adorno, Melo- graphie, 1855. Almanach Musical, 1855. American Acad. of, Phil a, 1852. P. 230. Ansorge, M. at home, in schools. Art of Voice and Ear. Barnett, J., Wilhem System, 1842. P. 400. Bawr, Hist, de la Musique, 1823. Bird, Voc. Mus. reader, 1861. Bradbury, Singing School, 1844. Braun, Amateur composer. Chorley, Handel Studies. Comparative view, 1766, (Gregory). Catalogues of, Pam. V. 1104. Cole s, Juvenile Instruc., 1831. P. 56. Concerts of ancient, 1795. Coussemaker, Coll. musicales a Cam- , brai, 1843. Day, Sight-singing manual. Edson, The Vocal guide. 308 MUSIC. Music, Historical, Elementary and Miscellaneous (continued). Encyclopedic Methodique, Framery, 2 vols. Estienne, Lettres sur la, 1854. Fetis, A. Stradi-vari, Biog. Graham, G. F., Essay on Mus. Comp. Hastings, T., Elem. of Vocal M., 1839. " The Musical Reader, 1819. Higgins, The Philosophy of Sound, 1838. Hood, G., Hist, of, in N. Engl., 1846. Hullah, Wilhem s Method. P. 400. " Selection of Pieces. P. 400. Inquiry. .Nature and Design of Music, 1881. Johnson, A. N., Musical Class Book, 1845. Jones. Thorough Bass. Jones, Sir W., Musical Modes of the Hindus, 1812. Kiesewetter, Verhandelingen, German and French. " Hist, of Modern Music, 1848. La Madeleine, Theories du Chant, 1854. Lind, J., Concert. P. 266. Liszt, F., Life of Chopin, 1863. Liverpool Mus. Festivals, 1823, 27, 2y, 30, 33, 36. P. 400. Maatschappij : Tot bevorderung der Toonkunst, 1854-6. Mason, L., Musical letters, 1854. " Manual of vocal music, 1844. Mendelssohn, Letters, 1865. Moore, J. W., Encyclopaedia of, 1854. Musical Directory, Lend., 1853. Musical Fund Soc., Phil a, 1856. N. Y. Musical Fund, 1830. P. 615. North, E., Address, Uses of Music, 1858. Novello, Voice and vocal art, 1856. Ortigue, Diet, de Plain-Chant, 1854. Pamphlets relating to, Vols. 400, 803, 1042, 1371-1373, 1717-1719. Patriot s Cal., Marseilles Hymn, 1794. Aim. 54. Quicherat, Principes do, 1846. Richardson s Catalogue, 1855. Rimbault, Bibliot. madrigaliana, 1847. Romagnesi, Romances, Chansonnettes, Nocturnes. Rossini, Memoirs of, Lond., 1824. Rousseau, J. J., Diet, de musique, v. 12, 13. Roussier, Sur differens points de Phar- monie, 1755. Royal Mus. festival, 1834. Royal Society of Musicians, 1856. Scudo, Critique et Litterature musi- cales, 1850. Music, Historical, Elementary and Miscellaneous (continued). Spencer, C. C., Treatise on, 1850. Sight Singing, 1842. Sontag, H., Life of, 1852. Van Tassel, Phonographic Harmonist, 1846. Walker, J. C., Irish bards, 1818. Wheatstone, Transmis. of Mus. Sounds. P. 400. Wilhem s Method. " Hullahism. Willard, N. A., Mus. of Hindostan, 1834. Winthrop, R. C., Addr. Mus. Festiv., Bost , 1857. P. 287. See Bibliography; Fine Arts. Music, Collections and Single Au thors. Baker, B. F., School chimes, 1853. Beethoven, Fidelio, Opera, 1840. P. 41. B. C. Bellini, Sonnambula. P. 616. Benjamin, L. A., Normal School song book, 1851. Biblos Kaloumene Euterpe, Const ple, 1830. Bradbury, W. B., Flora s festival, 1847. " The Jubilee, 1858. " The Young choir, 1841. Commuck, Ind an melodies, 1845. Dana, M. S. B., Northern Harp, 1841. " Southern Harp, 1841. Eastman, L., Masonic melodies, 1825. Hastings, T., Crystal fount, 1847. Hullah, Song book, 1866. Kingsley, G., Juvenile choir, 1848. Mason, L., Boston school song book, 1841. " Madrigals and glees, 1843. Juvenile lyre, 1835. " Bost. Juvenile Singing School, 1843. Music, Misc. Coll., Lond., 1815-25. Music Coll. for Piano, 1800-25. Musical Olio, (Olmsted), 1805. Nederlandsche Muzijk, A Collection of, by various authors, 1837-50. Root, G. F., Acad. vocalist, N. Y. Rossini, Cenerentola. Sanders, C. W., Young Vocalist, 1847. Scott, T., Harmonica lyrica, Lond. Shaw, 0., Mus. Olio, etc., 1807. Vocal Companion, 1802. Watson, H. C., Ladies Glee Book,1854. Webster, W. C., School chorister, 1850. Willard, J. D., The Arion, 1862. Woodbury, I. B., Chorus Glee-book, 1850. See Dramas; Operas. MUTUAL AID. 369 Music, Sacred, Essays, etc., on. An derson, J., Of psalm-singing, 17U1. Bagnall, In divine worship, 1762. Barr, J., Organ in Brunswick Chapel. Chester, A., Sermon, 1852. Hickman, Sermon on, 1696. Hodges, E., On cultivation of, 1841. P. 1371. Home. G., A Sermon, 1784. Hutchinson, E., M. of the Bible, 1864. Letter to Haldane, 1825. Marshall, W., Of Singing the Psalms, 1774. Mason, L., Address on. Milbourn, L., Sermon on, 1713. Miller, E., Sermon on, 1849. Naish, T., Sermon on, 1701. Nevin, J. W., Address on, 1827. P. 71. Newte, J., Use of organs, 1701. Newton, B., Apology for, 1760. Pamphlets relating to Sacred Music, vols. 914, 929. Pears, S. A., Protestant theory of, 1852. Pittman, People in the Church, 1858. " People in the Cathedral, 1859. Rees, D., Singing of psalms, 1710. Music, Sacred, Collections of. Balti more Collection. 1819. Bayley, D., The Essex Harmony, 1771. Belknap, Middlesex Collection, 1802: Bertelmann, Mass to Music. Cambrian Choir, 1850. P. 1525. Collection, Albany, 1817. Dingley, C., Devot. Harmonist, 1852. Gould. N. D., Social Harmony, 1823. Hamilton, E., Songs of Sac. praise, 1845. Harmonist, The. N. Y-, 1839. Hastings, T., Congr. Harmony, 1849. " Spiritual songs, 1833, 36. " Musica Sacra, 1819. Haydn, J., The Creation. Hill, U. C., N. Y. S. M. Soc. Collec tion, 1843. Hillman, J., The Revivalist, 1869. Janes, W., Harmonic Minstrelsy, 1807. Johnson, A N., Bay State Collection, 1849. Kingsley, G., Templi Carmina, 1853. Lambert, J., Vesper psalms, Lond., 1843. P. 1114. Law, A., Select Harmony, 1780. " Harmonic Companion, 1807. Leavitt, J , Christian Lyre, 1833. Lyon, J., Urania, 1761. Mason, L., Sacred Harp, V. I. " Modern Psalmist, 1839. " The Psaltery, 1848. 47 Music, Sacred, Collectionsof(cont d). Mason, L., Boston Handel and Haydn Soc. Coll., 1833. Sacred Harp, 1841. " Sentences, 1834. Muenscher, J., Church Choir, 1841. Recueil do Psaumes, 1815- Revival Melodies, 1843. Rom. Cath. Church, Graduate. ..1848. Root, G. T., A Collection, 1849. Sacred songs, 1842. Shaw. 0., Sacred melodies, 1818. Taylor, V. C., Sacred Minstrel, 1847. Wainwright, Choir Psalter, 1851. Wyeth s Sacred Music, 1834. See Hymns; Psalms. Music, Instrumental. Burrowes, Piano forte Primer. Francken, A., Gebruik desOrgels,l743. Gr. Brit. Patents: Abridg. of Specif. for Mus. Instr. to 1866. Hand-book for the Piano-forte, 1850. Howe, E., Musicians Companion, 1854. " School for the flute, 1850. Piano-forte Instructor, 1843. Instruction for the Molina. Keith, C. H., Flute-book, 1847. Koehler, Instr. for Accordeons P. 1042. Music for the piano, 1801-25. Regnier, J., L Orgue, IS^O. Rimbault, Flutist s manual. Musquito. See Central America; Nica ragua. Mussulmans. See Mohammed ; Arabia; India. Mutiny. Belcher, Mut. of the Bounty, 1871. Black, M. on Lady Jane Shore. P. 1708. Lay, On Ship Globe. Mackenzie, Mut. of theSomers. See Navigation ; Sea. Mutter, T. D. Pancoast, J., Discourse on. Mutual Aid. Belgium: Secours Mutu- els, 1851. France, Societes de Secours mutuels, Rapports, 1S53, 54. 56, 57. Friendly Societies, Rules and instruc tions, 1835. " Tables of Contributions, 1857. Hardwick, Manual for Friendly Socie ties, 1859. Mechanic s Mutual Protection, 1847. P. 260. Mutual Benefit Societies, 1853, 54. P. 542. Societe Indust. de Mulhouse, Inst. de Prevoyance, 1855. See Building Societies; Trade Unions. 370 MYRICK. Myrick, J. Life of, 1755. Mysteries. Dendy, W. C., Philosophy of, 1845. Dissertation on the Pagan, 1760. DupuiSj Origine des cultes. Hitchcock, E. A., Christ the spirit, 1861. Hone, W., Ancient mysteries. Jamblichus, De Mysteriis. " On the Mysteries, 1821. Mysteries of Isis. Ouvaroff, Mys. of Eleusis, 1817. Sainte Croix, Mystures du Paganisme, 1784. Shakespeare Society, Coventry Mys. Taylor, T., Eleusin. and Bacc. Myst. Pamph r 15, 16. Viollet le Due, Ancien Th6atre Fran- jais. See Mythology ; Superstitions. Mysticism. Behmen, J., Theosoph. phi losophy, 1691. Brown, J. P., The Dervishes, 1868. Delafield, J., Myst. and Secret Socie ties, 1857. Madden, R. R., Phantasmata, 1857. Schmid, Myst. Allemand, XIV e siecle, (Ac. Mor., 1847). Taylor, I., Nat. Hist, of enthusiasm. Upham, T. C., M me Adorna s life,1347. f< Madame Guyon s and Fenelon s lives, 1847. See Friends ; Enthusiasm. Mythology. Banior, A., Mythol. and Fables explained, 1740. Bell s New Pantheon, 1790. Betham, Etruria Celtica, 1842. Biog. Univ., Mythologique, 3 v. Brinton, D. G., Myths of the New World, 1868. Bryant, J., System of Mythology, 1776. Bulfinch, T., The age of fable, 1863. Colebrooke, Mythology of the Hindus, 1831. Collin De Plancy, Dictionnaire infer nal, 1826. Court de Gebelin, Lo monde primitif, 1777. Disser. on Prim, objects of idolatry, 1817. P. 1220. Dwight, M. A., Grecian and Roman Mythology, 1849. Encyc. Methodique : Antiquites. Gale, T., Court of the Gentild*, 1671. Goropius, Hermathena; Hieroglyph., 1580. Gould, S. B., Origin of religious belief, 1869. *< Myths of the Middle Ages, 1869. Mythology (continued). Hamilton, A., Fairy Tales, 1849. Hodgson, Myth, for versification, 1866. Jones, Sir W., Works; Gods of Greece and India, 1807. Keightley, Fairy Mythology, 1850. Knight, R. P., Worship of Priapus, 1865. Montfaucon, Antiq. Explained, 1722-5. Muller, M., Essay, Comp. Mythol., 1867. Mysteries of Isis, 1858. Newton, J. F., Three Enigmas, 1821. Nimrod : A Discourse, (Apperley), 1826. Pococke, E., India in Greece, 1856. Ramsay, Travels of Cyrus, 1814. Rolle, Recherches sur le Culte de Bacchus, 1824. Ruskin, The Greek myths of cloud and storm, 1869. Shakespeare Soc., Fairy Mythology, (Halliwell). Smith, W., Diet, of Gr. and Rom. Mythology and Biog., 3 v. Taylor, T., Eleusin. and Bacchic Mys. Pamph r 8. Thorpe, Yule-tide Stories, 1853. Tooke, A., Pantheon, 1845. Tyler, On primitive culture, 1871. Vestiges of Civilization, 1851. White, C. A., Student s Mythology, 1870. Wilson, H. H., Hindu Mythol., 1862. Sec Antiquities; Religions; Hindoos; Classical Lit.; Delusions; Mys teries; Pre-historic Times. N. Nadir Shah. Hanway, N., History of, 1753. Jones, W., Histoire de Nadir, (Works), v. 11, 12. Nadir, History of, 1742. P. 1250. Names. Arthur, W., Dictionary of,1857. Bowditch, Suffolk surnames, 1857, 58. Brady, Dissertation on, 1822. Buchanan, Ancient . Scottish Names, Misc. Scot., v. 4. Court de Gebelin, Noras dc famille, v. 8. Dixon, H. B , Surnames, 1857. Du Cange, Families d Outre Mer, France: Docts. im -dits., 1869. Ferguson, English surnames, 1858. Forstemann, Altdeutsches Namenbuch, 1856. Lower, M. A., Dictionary of family names, 1860. Nichols, Christian names, 1857. Nicolas, Battle of Agincourt. NAPOLEON I. 371 Names (continued). Onderdonk, H., jr., N*mes of persons and places on Long Is., N. Y. Pott, A. F., Die Personennamen, 1859. Salverte, E., Essai sur les noms d homme?, etc. Sims, Scottish Surnames, 1862. Taylor, I., Words and places, 1865. Yonge, History of Christian names, 1863. See Genealogies. rfantucket, Ms. Crevecoeur, Letters of an Aiuer. Farmer. Macy, 0., History of, 1835. Nantucket Papers, 1856. Napier, Sir C. Buist, Errors in life of. Napier, C. J. Indian misgovernment. Rathborne, Gov t of Scinde, 1854. Napier, John. Napier, M., Memoirs of, 1834. Napier, Sir W. F. P. Bruce, H. A., Life of, 1854. Napier, W. F. P., Tracts collected on his History, 2 v. 1831-41. Naples. Blume, Iter Italicum, 1835-48. Calabria, Lond., 1832. Capecelatro, Istoria della Citta e Reg- no, 1724. Colletta, History of, 1734-1856. Costanzo, Istoria del Regno di, 1735. Craven, Travels in Abrucci, 1838. Descrizione del Monast. di Mon. Casino, 1731. Dolomieu, Earthquakes in Calabria, 1783. Giannone, Histoire du Royaume, 1742. " Anecdotes ecclesiastiques, 1753. B. C. Gladstone, Letters on Persecutions of, 1851. Gondon, La Terreur dans le Royaume, 1851. Grant, J., Adventures of an Aide-de- Camp, 1851. Joanna of Sicily, Life of, 1824. Macoroni, Col., Memoirs, 1838. Mazochius, Actorum S. Januarii vindi- cise, 1759. Paulinus, Mus. Borgiani Velitris, 1793. Spallanzani, L., Travels in the Sicilies, 1798. Swinburne, Travels in, 1777-80. Toppi, Biblioteca Napoletana, 1678. See Sicily; Italy; Rome; Bibliogra phy. Napoleon Family. Bonaparte family, by the Berkeley men, 1852. Gregorovius, Corsica and the B. family, 1855. Napoleon I. Abbott, J. S. C., History of, 1855. " N. at St. Helena, 1855. Abell, E., Recollections of, at St. Helena, 1845. Abrantes, Duchesse d , Memoirs of, 1836. Answer to O Mcara s Napoleon, 1823. Antornmarchi, The Last Days of, 1825. Bausset, Private Mem. of Court of, 1805-14. B. C. Bonaparte, Lucien, Memoirs. 1836. B. C. Bourrienne, Life of, 1832. B. C. Carnot, Expose, 1814. Cathcart, Comm. on the War in Rus sia, 1812-13. Caulincourt, Recollections, 1838. Cevallos, Usurp, of Crown of Spain, 1808. Chambray, Expedition de Russie. Cbanning, W. E., Essay on, 1827. Chateaubriand, Of Buonaparte, 1814. Chenedolle, Napoleon le Grand, 1808. David, Picture of Coronation. Delalonde, Statue a Cherbourg. Edwards, E., Napoleon Medals, 1837. Forsyth, W., Captivity of, at St. He lena, 1853. French Pretender unmasked, 1815. P. 392. Goldsmith, Secret Hist, of Cabinet of, 1810. . Gourgaud, Memoirs of, 1824. * Napoleon and the Army in Russia, 1825. Haley, Abbott unmasked, 1855. Hall, B., Voy. to Eastern Seas; and interview with, 1817. Hazlitt, Life of, 1828. Headley, J. T., Napoleon and his Marshals, 1846. " Imperial guard of. Holland, Lord, Foreign Reminis., 1850. Humblet, Accomplissement de la Pro phetic, 1808. " Non plus ultra. Jomini, Life of, 1864. Labaume, Campaign in Russia. Langon, Evenings with Cambaceres, 1837. Las Casas, Mem. de Sainte Helene, 1823, 24. B. C. Mem. of St. Helena, 1818. Lee, H.. Life of, 1835. Maceroni, Col., Memoirs, 1838. Maitland, Narr. of Surrender, 1826. Manuscript brought from St. Helena, 1817. Meadley, Two Pairs of Hist. Portraits, Pamph r 18. 872 NAPOLEON I. Napoleon I (continued). Montholon, Captivity at St. Helena, 1846. Muffling, Campaign of 1813, 14. Napoleon I, Correspondance, 7 v. " Confid. corresp. of, and Josephine, (Abbott). " CEuvres choisies, (Pujol), 1843. " Istoria di: Venezia, 1807, 15 v. Napoleon and the Marshals, 1848. Ney, Marshal, Memoirs of, 1834. Noyes, T., Two sermons, 1809. O Meara, Napoleon in Exile, 1822. Pelet, Napoleon in Council, 1837. Peltier, Trial for^ libel on, 1803. B. C. Phillips, C., Dethronement of. Pinch, W., Death of. Plunder and partition, 1804. Poore, Life and Campaigns of, 1851. Porter, R. K., Campaign of 1812. Rapp, Memoirs, 1823. Recit Hist, de la Campagne en Italie, 1797. Relation do la derniere campagne,1815. Reply to Irwin, 1798. Sainsbury, J., Napoleon Museum, 1844. Scott, Sir W., Life of, 1827. " Paul s Letters, 1840. Sneed, J., Riee and fall of, 1866. P. 1491. Stutterheim, Battle of Austerlitz. Tchuykevitch, On the war of 1812. Thiers, Hist, of the consulate and em pire. Villemain, Souvenirs d Histoire, 1855. Walsh, Letters on the Fr. gov t, 1810. Wilson, R., Journal, 1812-14. See France, History of; Spain; Water loo. Napoleon III. Almanach de Napoleon, 1855. Briffault, F. T., The Prisoner of Ham, 1846. De Puy, L. Napoleon and his Times, 1852. Henrichs, Aper;u de ses actes, 1857. P. 1773. Napoleon III, CEuvres, 1856. " Works, vol. 1-4, and me moir, 1852. " Voyage en Algerie, 1860. Napoleon et 1 Italie, 1859. O Brien, P., Notes of interviews, 1852. Pascal, A., Histoire de, 1853. Persigny, Relation, 1837. Rogeard, Sayings of Labienus, 1865. Rogers, B. B., An enquiry, 1855. Roth, Life of, 1856. Napoleon III (continued). Schcelcher, Hist, du Deux Decembre, 1852. Smucker, History of, 1858. Tenot, Paris, Dec , 1851, 1870. See France, Revolutions. Narcissa. Pierquin, Tombeau de, 1851. Narcotics. Anstie, Stim. and Narcotics, 1864. Beard, G. M., Stim. and Narcotics, 1871. ^ Parrish, J., The Probe, No. I-IV, Phil a, 1869. See Opium; Stimulants; Temperance; Tea; Tobacco; Wine. Narragansett, Rh. Is. Updike, Hist, of Oh., 1847. Nash, R. Life of, 1762. Nash, S. Journal, 1776. Nashotah. Kip, A few days at Nashotah, 1849. Nashotah Sem., Catalogues. Seabury Miss, papers. Nashua, New Hump. Directory, 1864. Fox, C, J., History of, 1846. Nashville, Tenn. Directory, 1861. Tennesee, Reports on the Capitol. Nason, R. Genealogy, 1859. Nassau, Bahamas. Decript. of, 1869. Nassau, Ger. Belgium and Nassau. Breval, Hist, of House of, 1734. Head, Bubbles from the Brunncn. Nassau, N. Y. Knox, J. P., Hist, disc., 1841. Natal, South Africa. Arbousset, Tour in S. Africa, 1852, Mann, Dr., Description of, 1860. Methley, Information, 1850. See Africa, South. Natick, Mass. Bacon, 0., History of, 1856. Biglow, W., History of, 1560-1830. Jacobs, S. S., Nonantum and N., 1853. National Armory. See United States. Nationality. See Naturalization; Aliens. National Politics. See Political, Amer ican; Congressional Speeches ; U. S., Political. Native Americans. See American party. Natural History I General and Mis cellaneous. Acad. of Phil a, Cat. of Crania, 1857. Adams, A., Manual of, for travellers, 1854. JElianus, De natura animalium, 1784. NATURAL HISTORY. 373 Natural History: General and Mis cellaneous (continued). Agaseiz, L , Contributions, Nat. Hist. of U. S., 1857-62. " Methods of study, 1863. Albertus Magnus, Liber Secretoruin, 1486. Allen, R. L., Domestic Animals, 1848. Baird, Cyc. of Nat. Sciences, 1858. Barrington, D., Miscellanies, 1781. Bell, A. N., Knowl. of living things, 1860. Bingley, Useful Knowledge, 1818. Brown, T., Taxidermist s Manual, 1859. Buc hoz, Manuel Econ. des Plantes, 1782. Buckland, F. T., Curiosities of, 1858, 1860. Buffon, Hist. Naturello, 1750-83. Cooper, Miss, Rural Hours, 1850. Cuvier, Animal Kingdom, 1827-35. " Prog, des Sciences Nat., 1789. Darwin, C., Origin of Species, 1860. " Variation of animals and plants, 1868. Dawson, J. W., Misc. papers, 1860-63. Dekay, Progress of the Nat. Sci. in the U. S , 1826. Delafosse, Notions d , 1846. Diet, des Sciences Naturelles, 1816-30. Dumas, J., Balance of organic nature, 1844. Duncan, P. M., Transformations of insects, 1871. Ed. Cab. Lib., Lives of Zoologists. Edwards, M.,Cahiers d hist. nat.,1858. Encyc. Methodique, Hist. Nat. Flint, T., Lectures on Nat. History. 1833. Forskal, Descriptions, 1775. Geoffrey, Directions for preparations in, 1846. Goldsmith, Hist, of Earth and Ani mated Nature, 1833. Good, The Book of Nature, 1837. Gosse, Life in. . .animals, 1857. " The Wonders of the deep sea, 1854. Hall, J., Addresses, Auburn and Cam bridge, 1843, 48. P. 74. Hartwig, The Sea and its Wonders, 1861. Harvey, W. H., Sea-side Book, 1854. Housset, Memoires d Hist. Nat., 1787. Huxley, Origin of species, 1863. Jesse, E., Gleanings in, 1854. Kabinet der Natuurlijke Historien, 1719-21. Kirby s Wonderful Museum, 1820. Knapp, Jour, of a Naturalist, 1838. Vttur .1 History: General and Mis cellaneous (continued). Leeuwenhoek, Send-brieven, aan de Kon. Soc. te Lond., 1718. Linnauis, On the study of Nature, 1772. Lyell, C , Antiquity of man, 1863. Martvn, W. F., New Dictionary of, 1785. Mass. Educ., Report on Museum, 1859. P. 551. Mivart, Genesis of species, 1871. Mudie, Obs. of Nature, 1833. Naturalist s Library : Jardine, 1833- 1844. Neckam, De Naturis rerum, (Chron. G. B.). Numan, Verhandeling, 1851. Oken, L., Elem. of physio-philos., (Ray Soc.). * Allgemeine Naturgeschichte, 1833-43. Orr, Circle of the Sciences, 1855. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 804, 1535, 1869. B. C. vol. 48. Peck, On the Slug worm, 1790. P. 36. Piso, W , De Indiae re naturali, 1658. Plinius, C. S., Natural History, (Bohn). Plutarch, Morals, Goodwin s ed., 1870. Quatrefages, Metamorphoses of man and animals, 1864. Rafinesque, Hist, of Natural Science, 1840. Redfield s Chart of An. Kingdom. Reeve, Torpidity of Animals, 1809. Richter, Vischkundige Qndenvyser, 1790. Rolleston, Forms of animal life, 1870. Ruschenberger, Hist. Acnd. Nat. Sci., Phil a. 1852. " First book of, 1846. Scheuchzer, Bijbel der Natuur, 1784. P. 107. Schouw, The Earth, Plants and Man, 1852. Seba, A , Rerum Nat. Thes. Descrip- tio, 1738. Selys-Longchamps, Phmom. period, du Regne animal, 1841, 46. Siamese Twins. 1831. P. 199. Smellie, W.,. Philosophy of, 1827. Smithsonian Contributions, 1856-70. (f Preserving specimens of, 1852. Someryille, Mrs., Molec. and micro scopic science, 1869. Spectacle de la Nature, or Nature dis played, (Le Pluche), 1740-48. Stark, J., Elements of, 1828 Stieren....der Zibethmaus. P. 205. Sulivan, View of nature, 1794. Sullivan, J., Cat. of his Cabinet, 1838. 374 NATURAL HISTORY. Natural History: General and Mis cellaneous (continued). Swainson, W., Discourse on, Lardner, 106. Temrainck, Misc. publications. Thorp, C., Field-club of Tyneside, 1853. P. 395. Townsend, P. S., Disc., Lye. of Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1820. P. 85. Turner, S., Sacred Hist, of the World, 1832. B. C. Tyson, Homo Silvestris, (Pygmies), 1699. U. S. Nav. Lyceum preserving Articles, 1824. P. 551. Valentini, Museum Museoruin,* 1700. Vincentius. Speculum Naturale, 1494. Wagner, A., Andeutungen. . .des Org. Leben, 1845. Walker, A., Intermarriage. Waterton, C., Essays on, 1851. See Aquaria; Botany; Man; Minera logy; Nature; Zoology, etc. Natural History; Particular Coun tries. Adams, A., Notes on, Belcher s Voyage, 1843-46. Azara, Quadrupedes du Paraguay, 180 1. Bancroft, E,, Nat. Hist, of Guiana, 1769. Barton, Nat. Hist, of Penn a, 1799. Catesby, Nat. Hist, of Carolina, etc., 1754. Darwin, C., Voy. of H. M. S. Beagle, 1845. Descourtilz, Voy. d un Naturaliste, 1809. Gay, Hist, fisica de Chile, 1849. Godman, American Nat. Hist. ,1826-28. " Rambles of a Naturalist,1833. Goeze, Europaische Fauna, 1797. Gosse, The Canadian Naturalist, 1840. Hernandez, Plantarum Anim. et Min. Mexi. Historia, 1651. Hughes, Nat. Hist, of Barbadoes,1750. Josselyn, New England s Rareties discorered, 1672. Kingsley, C., Glaucus, 1855. Knapp, Journal of. Gr. Brit., 1838. Massachusetts, Survey on Zo61ogy, Botany and Geology, 1838-41. Molina, Storia Nat. del Chili; and in Eiig., 1808, 09, 10. Morgan, L. H., American beaver. New York, Nat. Hist, of the State, 1842-70. Nicolson, Hist. Nat. de Saint Domin- gue, 1776. Piso, W., De Indiae re naturali, 1658. Pontopidon, Nat Hist, of Norway. Quat refuges, Rambles in France, Spain, Sicily, 1857. Natural History; Particular Coun tries (continued). Ray Society, Publications to 1869. Romans, Nat. Hist, of Florida, 1776. Rousselot de Surgy, Hist. Nat. de Penn ie, 1768. Russell, A., Nat. Hist, of Aleppo, 1756. Siebold, F., Schinesischer und Japan- ischer Naturgeschichten, 1837. Sloane, Nat. Hist, of Jamaica, 1707- 1725. Suckley, Nat. Hist, of Washington and Oregon, 1860. Tenuent, J. E., Nat. Hist, of Ceylon, 1S59. U. S. Naval Exped., Chile, 1849-52. U. S. Expl. Exped., Wilkes, 1844-54. U. S., Pac. Railroad Rep., 1853-54. Vermont Report, (Young), 1856. Victoria, Aust., Productions, 1861,66. White, G., Nat. Hist, of Selborne, 1851. Wied-Neuwied, M., Naturgesch. v. Brasilien, 1833. See Botany; Mineralogy; Zoology, etc. Natural History ; Serials. Acad. of Nat. Sci., Phil a, Jour., 1817-69. " Proceedings, 1841-68. Allgem. Schweiz. Gesellschaft, 1855- 1867. Annals of Natural History, Lond., 1858-70. Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist., Memoirs, v. 1, 1869. Journal, 1834-63. " Proceedings, 1841-68. Elliott Soc., S. Carolina, 1853-58. Essex Co. Nat. Hist. Soc., 1852. Essex Institute, Communications, 1867. Harvard University, Museum of Zool ogy. Bulletins to 1871. Linnean Soc. Transactions, v. 1-20. Lyceum of Nat. Hist, of N. Y., Annals, 1824-70. Magazine of Nat. Hist., 1829-40, Lond. Miscellanea curiosa, (Acadeiu. Cses. Leop.), 1670-97. Nat. Hist. Soo. of JTartford, Trans., 1836. Nat. Hist. Soc of Montreal, 1857. P. 551. Naturalists Miscellany, (Shaw and Nodder), Lond., 1789-1813. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern, 1856-64. Naturforsch. Gesellsch. in Emden, 1859-64. N. Y. ; Rep. of Cabinet of Natural History, 1848-70. Ray Society, Publications, 1845-69. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 375 Nntuial History; Serials (continued). Soc. des Sci. Nat. de Neuchatel, 1835- 1845. Soo. des Sci. Nat. de Strasbourg, 1862. Soc. Helvetique des Sci. Nat. See Allgemeine. Zoological Soc., Lond., Trans., 1830- 1868. Proceedings, 1830-70. See Sclent. Periodicals and Trans. Naturalization. Ato*cha, Memorial, 1852. Essay on, 1816. Hanway, Nat. of the Jews, 1753. Hay, G.,0f Expatriation, 1814. Hunt, W., Speech on the Laws of, 1845. P. 487. Lowell, Review of Hay. Martin, L., Charge, 1813. Massachusetts, Report on Aliens, 1811. Obser. on impressment, 106. Page, J., Address on aliens, 1779. Palma, Principio di nazionalita, 1867. Pamphlets, vol. 980. Plowden, Rightsof Brit, subjects, 1784. Pumroy, J. N., Defence of our Laws, 1845. Question whether a Jew, 1753. P. 1026. Republic, The, periodical, 1841-54. Rhodes, J. R., Speech, N. Y. Assem., 1855. P. 530. Sanderson, Repub. Landmarks, 1856. Sons of the Sires, 1855. Two Tracts. . . Aliens in England, 1814. Tucker, J., Letter concerning, 1753. Willard, J.,Nat. in the colonies, 1859. P. 1684. See American Party ; Emigrants; Suf frage. Natural Philosophy. Adams, G., Lec tures on, 1794. ^rnott, N., Elements of Physics,1829. Bacon, F., Works. Bacon, R., Opera inedita, (Chron. G. B.). Bailey, S., On Berkeley s Theory of vision, 1842. Barker, G. F., Forces of nature, 1863. P. 1207. Bartlett, W. H. C., Elements of: Me chanics, 1850. Bird, G., Elem. of Nat. Phil., 1839. Blair, D., Grammar of, 1821, 24. Blake, J. L., Conversations on, 1831. Boscovich, Opera pert, ad Opticam, 1785. Boyle, R., Philos. works, 1725. (< Christian virtuoso. Brard, Dictionnaire, 1855. Brewer, Guide to Scientific Knowl., 1851. Natural Philosophy (continued). Bridgewater Treatises, 1832, 33, etc. Brisson, Principes de Physique, 1799. Codazza, Sci. papers, 1852-3. Colden, First causes in matter, 1746. Comstock, J. L., System of, 1847. Conv. on Latent Heat, 1830. P. 402. Cooper, C. C., Identities, 1848. Correlation of Forces. (Youmans ed.). Dana, J. D., Laws of Cohesion, 1847. P. 272. Darwin, E., Temple of Nature, Notes, 1803. Demonville, Examen des Ouvrages de M. Azais, 1846. Desaguliers, De Natuurkunde, 1736, 1746. Dexter, -Phil. Apparatus, 1842. P. 551. Draper, J. W., Text-book of, 1848. Dumas, J., Balance of organic nature, 1844. Eaton, A., Philosophical Instructor, 1824. Edwards, J., Tremors affecting Tele scopes. P. 74. Euler, L., Letters on Nat. Philosophy, 1833. Faraday, M., Forces of matter, 1860. Ferguson s Lectures, 1814. Fresnel, A., CEuvres, 1868. Frick, Phys. Technik, 1856. Hamilton, Bishop, Works, 1809. Herschel, Prelim. Disc, on Study of, Lardner, 46. Home, G., Sir I. Newton s case, 1753. P. 1207. Horsford, E. N., Publications, 1846- 1849. Hunt, R., Elementary Physics, 1855. " Poetry of Science, 1854. " Researches on Light, 1844. Imison, Elem. of Sci. and Art, 1808. Joyce, Scientific Dialogues, 1846. Johnston, J., Manual of Nat. Phil., 1846. Knight, G., Attract, and repulsion, 1754. Knight, R. A G., Catal. of Apparatus. La Croix, Motions of Floating Bodies. Lardner, Pop. Lectures ot*Science and Art, 1846. " Treatise on Mechanics, 67. Lavoisier, Mernoires, 1862. Lawson, W. M., Introd. Lect., 1836. Magnen, Democritus Reviviscens,1648. Marcet, Introduction to. Martin, B., Philosophical Grammar, 1738. Mather, C., Christian Philosopher, 1721. 376 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Natural Philosophy (continued). Maupertuis, P., (Euvres, 1756. Meluncthon, Initia Doctrines Physicse, Metcalfe, S. L., Caloric, Agency in Nature, 1843. Miscellanea Curiosa, 1723-27. Mitford, Pendulum experiment. Motte, A., The Mechanical powers, 1733. Muller, J., Prin. of Physics and Me teorology, 1847. Musschenbroek, Beginsels d. Natuur- kunde, 1739. Newton, Sir I., Nat. Phil. Principia, 1713, 1848. Nichol, Cyclopaedia of Phys. Sci. O Gallagher, Investigation of Nature, 1785. Olmsted, D., Introduction to, 1844. " Compendium of 1847. Palmer, E., Catal. of apparatus, 1840. Pamphlets, vol. 1870. Parker, R. G., Compendium of. Parkinson, On Mechanics, 1863. Passement, Descr. des telescopes, 1737. Peirce, B., Phys. and Celest. Mechan ics, 1855. Phelps, A. H. L., Nat. Phil, for Schools, 1848. Phillips, R., Mech Causes of Phenom., 1818. P. 402. " One hundred Aphorisms. Pike, Catal. of Instruments. Pike, S., Phil. Sacra, 1815. P. 303. Piola, Meccanica analitica, 1825. Plateau, Figures of equilibrium of a liquid mass withdrawn from the action of gravity ; Smithson. Rep., 1863, 64, 65, 66. Playfair, J., Outlines of, 1814. " Prog, of Math, and Phys. Sci. Poisson, Traite de Mecanique, 1833. Porta, Magiae Naturalis, 1607. Pouillet, Physique experimentale,1836. Powell, B., Hist, of Nat. Phil. Pratt, J. H., Prin. of Mechan. Phil., 1836. Priestley, J., Experiments, 1779. " Exper. on air, 1781. " Hist, of discov. on light and colours. Principles of, 1748. Pritchard, Optical Instruments. Questions traitees, 1639, 41. Riolan, J., Preelectiones, 1602. Rose, H., Qual. Analysis of Inergan. substances, 1844. Silliman, B., First Principles of, 1859. Smeaton, Misc. Papers, to Royal Soc., 1814. Natural Philosophy (continued). Snowball, Cambridge course, 1864. Somerville, M., Connection of the phys. sciences, 1842. Sonnet, Notions de Physique, 1857. Stallo, J. B., General Principles of, 1848. Stainkart, Burgerlijke Tijdsbepaling, 1747. Swift, M. A., First lessons in, 1851. Taylor, Janet, Diurnal Register, 1844. Taylor, R., Scientific Mem. of Learned Soc., 1837-52. Tomlinson, Pneumatics, 1848. " Cyclopaedia of Sci., 1868. Tyndall, J., On radiation, 165. " Heat as means of motion, 1863. << On sound, 1867. Troughton, Catal. of instr. Wai, Prijsverhandeling, 1833. Walferdin, Echelles Thermometriques. Walker, A., Lectures on, 1780. Wandelaincourt, Man. des Jeunes Phy- siciens, 1778. B. C. Wilkins, J., Math, and Phil. Works, 1802. Winkler, Beginselen d. Natuurkunde, 1768. Wolf, C., Elem. Matheseos univ.,1741. Young, T., Lectures on, 1807. See Arts; Electricity; Engineering; Heat; Hydrostatics; Hydraulics; Magnetism; Meteorology; Micro scope; Optics; Science; Tides, etc.- Natural Religion and Theology. Babbage, Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, 1837. Bate, J., Answer to Chubb and Collins, 1746. P. 333. Bell, C., The Hand, 1837. Bentham, J., Influence of. Bentley, R., Works: Confut. of Athe ism, 1836. " Remarks on Collins, 1737. Bergier, Esame del Materialismo, 1835. Berkeley, Minute Philosopher, 1803. Bible of Nature, 1842. Black, The, Dwarf, 1821. P. 1536. Boulanger, Principles of Chr. rel., 1795. Bridgewater Treatises, 1835. Brougham, Discourses on, 1827. B. C. Buchanan, R., Author of evil, 1843. " Modern priestcraft, 1840. Buckland, Geol. and Min. in Refer ence to, 1837. Bulkeley, B., Observations on, 1757. " Bolingbroke s writings, 1765. Bullock, T., Writings, 1724, 30. NATURAL RELIGION AND THEOLOGY. 377 Natural Religion and Theology (con tinued). Chalmers, T., External Nature and Const, of Man, 1833. Cicero, Nature of the Gods, 1853. Common sense, 1751. Concise Examinations, 1856. Correspondent, The, Period., N. Y., 1827-29. Cudworth, Intel. System of the Uni verse, 1837. Culte des Theophilanthropes, 1798. P. 608. Derham, Astro-theology, 1741. " Physico-theology, 1716. Dove, A Creed founded on Truth, 1750. P. 337. Dunton, J., Religio Bibliopoles, 1720. Ellis, New Britain, 1820. Emanuel, Janus on Zion, 1816. P. 337. Everett, L. S., Of the Free Inquirers, 1831. P. 1260. Farrar, Hist, of free thought, 1863. Five Letters, 1737. Free, The, Inquirer. Period., N. Y., 1729-30. Free Thinking. ...stated, 1713. Gale, T., The Court of the Gentiles, 1669. Geometry infidelity, 1734. Green, J., Dispute with Carlile, 1837. P. 1536. Hamilton, Bishop, Works, 1809. Heinzen, K., Letters to a Pious Man, 1826. P. 528. Herbert, E., Lord, Relig. of the Gen tiles, 1705. . Herttell, T., Of Infidelity, 1845. P. 1720. Howitt, Hist, of Supernatural, 1863. Hurd, R., Remarks on Hume, 1777. P. 334. Jackson, J., Remarks on Tindal, 1749. Jones, C., Who am I? Lond. Kate, L. Ten, Den Scheppen, etc., 1716. Lewis, T., Discourse on, 1849. P. 528. Magalotti, Lettere contro 1 ateismo, 1837. Martin, T., On Brougham s Paley, 1836. P. 337. Messengers of truth, 1833. Mirabaud, Sys. of nature, (Holbach). Monthly Jubilee, Phil a, 1855. Moore, J., Propositions of, 1736. Morgan, The Moral Philosopher, 1738. {f Defence of Moral Philosopher, 1737. P. 444. Movement and Anti-Persecution Ga zette, 1845. Muir, Exam, of T. Paine, 1795. 48 Natural Religion and Theology (con tinued). Munch, F., Treatise on Religion, 1847. P. 528. Nairne, Atheism and Pantheism, 1848. P. 63. Nieuwentyt, Gebruik der Werelt-Bes- chouwingen, etc., 1730. Origine des principes, (Meister), 1768. Paine, Theological Works, 1831. B. C. Paley, Works, vol. 4, 1R30. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 336, 337, 528, 806, 1374, 1375, 1536, 1720. Pascoa, G., The Cosmopolitan, 1855. Patten, T , Religion of Nature, 1759. P. 371. Payson, S., Of Illuminism, 1802. Plato, Against the Atheists, 1845. Priestley, J., Letters to a Phil, unbe liever. Principles of a Rationalist, 1721. Principles of Deism, 1711. Prout, W . , Chemistry, etc., with refer ence to, 1845. Pye, S., Moses and Bolingbroke, 1765. Queries to Collins, 171.3. Remarks upon a Late Discourse, 1737. Revision, or the pruning knife, 1857. Reynolds, G. W. M., Errors of Chr. rel., 1832. Robinson, A., On Hall s Mod. Infideli ty, 1800. P. 337. Shaftesbury, Characteristicks, 1733. Sharp, G., On the Law of Nature, 1809. Smith, J. A., Sense of touch, 1837. Smith, S. S., Princip. of Nat. and Re vealed. Stewart, J., Revel, of Nature, 1841. Tindal, M., Christianity old as crea tion, 1730. Defence of Rights, 1708. Toland, Tetradymus, 1720. " Nazarenus, 1718. True and faith, account of Veritas. P. 1720. Truth ascertained, 1736. P. 444. Vind of Divine Attributes, (Collins), 1710. P. 340. Whewell, Indications of a Creator. Whiston, Astron. princ. of religion. 1717. Willatts, C., Serm., Rel. of Nature, 1756. Williams, D., Letter to Collins, 1713. Williams, T., Answer to Hollis, 1796. Wollaston, W., Rel. of Nature, 1738. Young, E., Centaur not fabulous, 1806. See Atheism; Christianity, (Evidences of); Collins; Deism; Infidelity; Paine; Reason; Soul. 378 NATURE. Nature. Aikin, J., Calendar of Nature, 1785. P. 605. Bange, Boek der Natuur, 1839. Boyne, Cursory remarks, 1815. Bushnell, Nature and Supernatural. 1858. Darwin, E., Zoonomia, 1803. " La Zoonomie. Emerson, R. W , Essays, 2d series. Ewbank, T., The world a workshop, 1855. Good, Book of Nature, 1837. Uowitt, Pictorial Calendar of the Sea sons, 1854. Humboldt, Aspects of Nature, 1849. " Kosmos, 1845-62. McCosh, The Supernatural and N., i 1862. Marsh, G. P., Man and Nature, 1864. } " Uomo e la natura, 1870. Martinet, Catech. of Nature, 1818. P. 402. Mudie, Obs. of Nature, 1833. Neckam, De naturis rerum, (Chrou. C. B.). (Ersted, The Soul in Nature, 1852. Polehampton s Gallery of, 6 v. Polwhele, R., Pictures from: Sonnets, 1786. Priest, J., Wonders of, 1825. Rafinesque, Analyse de la, 1815. Reiche, C. C., 15 discourses of wonders of, 1791. St. Pierre, B. de, Etudes sur la na- j ture. " Studies of Nature, 1798. " Harmonies de la nature. Somerville, Molecular and micr. sci ence, 1F69. Sulivan, View of N., 1794. Tucker, A., Light of nature pursued, 1831. Tyndall, Fragments of Science, 1871. See Cosmogony; Earth; Man; Nat. History; Philosophy; Theology; Medicine. Naunton, Sir R. Memoirs, 1814. Fuller, T., Worthies of England. Naval, Miscellaneous. Anderson, A., Speech, Steam Navy, 1852. P. 406. j Boynton, Navies of Europe, 1865. Butler, J., American Bravery, 1812-15. j Carroll, Star of the West, 1857. Cespedes, Regimiento de Nav., 1606. Clavel, Brit. Dominion of the Seas. Da-Olmi, D llygione Navale, 1828. Dickerson s Exposure, 1864. Douglas, H., Warner s discoveries, 1864. P. 416. Falconer, Univ. Marine Diet., 1830. Naval, Miscellaneous (continued). France, Naval. Memoire, 1777. " Ordinance, 16S9. Fulton, R., Torpedo war. Jal, Archoologie navale, 1840. La Serre, La Marine Franeaise, 1661- 1785. McClellan, J. L., Guns burst on the Egmont. Marine Soc., (Hanway), 1775. Marine Societies, 1835. Pamphlets, Naval, Vols. 521, 807, 993, 1376. Pecquet, Plan de Comptabilitc pour la Marine. P. 10. Sargent, J. 0., Improvements in N. Warfare, 1844. P. 274. Totten, Naval Text Book, 1841. U. S. Boat Armaments, 1852. " Uniform of, 1852. " Armored vessels, 1864. Ward, J. H., Naval tactics, 1859. Zusto, Estrazionedella nave LaFenice, 1789. See France; Great Britain, Navy; U. S., Navy. Naval, Flogging. Essay on Flogging in, 1849. Porter, Speech on Flogging in, 1850. Stockton, Speech on Flogging in, 1852. P. 521. Naval History and Battles. Allan, Battles of Brit. Navy. Bonfils, Hist, de la Marine Franyaise, 1845. Bouvet de Cresse, Hist, de la Marine de tous les Peuples, 1824. Brandt, G., Vie de Ruyter, 1698. Cooper, J. T., Hist. U. S. Navy, 1840. Cruise of the Somers. Dawson, H. B., Battles of U. States, 1858. De Peyster, Battle of the Baltic, 1658. Duncan, Victory over the Dutch, 1797. Field of Mars, to 1801. Grnsse, French fleet, 1781-2. Hist. Gi -n. de la Marine, 1744. Impartial account of fleet, 1702. Kimbail, H., Amer. Naval Battles, 1831. Leech, S., 30 years from home, 1843. Lipenius, Nav. Salomonis, 1660. Morisot, Orbis Marit. Gen. Historia, 1643. Narrative of the proceedings, Toulon, 1744. Narrative, U. S. Brig Vixen, 1813. Ralfe, Battle of Navarin, 1829. P. 392. Russell, E., Against French fleet, 1692. Steele s Naval chronologist. NAVIGATION. 379 Naval History and Battles (cont d). Thysius, Historia Navalis, 1657. See France; Great Britain; United States. Naval Architecture. Annesley, Syst. of Naval Archit., 1822 Barney, Collins s Steamers, 1855. P. 529. Beaufoy, Naut. Experiments, 1834. Collection of papers, 1791. Estancelin, Destruction des bois de construction, 1845. P. 23. Forbes, R. B., New Rig for Ships, 1849. P. 74. Francis, Metallic Life-boats, 1854. Genet, Upward Forces of Fluids, 1825. Great Republic ship, 1853. Green, W. P., Raising masts. Griffiths, J. W., Treatise on Marine and Naval Archit., 1851. Mickles, Snag Nullified, 1843. P. 529. Peake, Rudiments of Naval Archit., 1849. Plates of masts, 1791. Remarks on the Calumnies. . .on Ship builders, 1814. Shreve, Removal of Snags, 1847. P. 205. Sullivan, J. L., Naval Architecture, 1823. Naval Schools. Amer. Jour, of Ed., 1864, 65. Marine Soc., (Hanway), 1758, 75. U. S. Nav. School, Annapolis. Navigation. Abbink, Zee-regt, 1856. Am. Assoc n, Report on the Coast Sur vey, 1858. Amer. Ephemeris, 1856-68. Atkinson, J., Epitome of the art, 1759, 1778. Bache, N. Y. Sailing Directions, 1856. P. 529. Blackborrow, On Longitude, 1678. Blundeville, His exercises, 1622. Blunt, E. M., Guide du Navigateur, 1821. Blunt, J., Shipmaster s Assist., 1822. " West Coast of N. A., 1849. P. 274. " Amer. Coast Pilot, 1812. Bowditch, N., Amer. Pract. Naviga tor, 1802, 21. Brady, Young Sailor s Assistant, 1848. Brown, R., Speech, Nav. Laws, 1847. Bureau des Longitudes, Annuaire, 1826-57. Busby, Propulsion of Navi.a. Bodies, 1818. P. 74. Cassini, Montres marines, 1770. Chabert, Horloges marines, 1785. Cumings, Western pilot, 1810. Navigation (continued). Curtis, M., The Arte of, 1609. Dana, R. H., Seaman s friend, 1841. Davies, C., Elements of, 1846. Diston, J., Lowerstoft to London. P. 1626. Dollen s Transit Instrument, 1870. Ericsson, Petition to Congress, 1848. Fleurieu, Voy. pour eprouver les hor- loges marines, 1773. Fournier, Hydrographie, 1679. Gietermaker, t Vergulde licht der Zeevaart, 1706. Givry, Pilote Franfais, 1845. Great Britain: Board of Trade; Sail ing directions, 1859, 61. Greenwood, Sailor s Sea-book, 1850. Harlaem River improvement, 1857. Heather, North American Pilot, 1801. Hillary, Preservation from Shipwreck, 1823. P. 429. Holden, Sermon on, 1680. P. 1005. India and Australia Steam Co. P. 434. Instruction Nautique pour le Mis sissippi. King, R., Speech, On Narig. laws, 1819. Konink. Ak. : Over den Paalworm. Leeuw, Opde koopvaardijschepen,1857. Lindsay, W. S., Letters on Eng. Nav. laws, 1849. Lovenorn, Direct, for Cattegat. Macgregor, Statistics of navig. laws. Macpherson, Annals of Commerce and, 1805. Martensen, Haandbog for Skippere. Maury, Explan. Directions of Wind Charts, 1854. " Abstract Log, 1848. Mendoza, Tables for navig., 1805. Mills, R., Am. Lighthouse Guide, 1845. Nanninga, Pract. Zeeman, 1815. " VandenScheepsbouw,1812. Nautical Almanac, Lond., 1766-1872. N. Y. Yacht club, 1848-62. Norie, North Sea directions. Palmer, J., Catholique Planisphaer, 1658. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 426, 529, 807, 993, 1537. Pilote, Le, de Terre Neuve, 1784. Pilote de St. Domingue, 1781. Ricardo, J. L , Anatomy of the Nav. Laws, 1847. Schuylkill Nav. Company, Reports, 1822-62. Seamanship: practice, 1795. Seyxas, Theatre Naval Hidrographico, 1704. Truxton, T., On Lat. and Long.; and th Compass, 1794. 380 NAVIGATION. Navigation (continued). United States Coast Surrey, 1847-65. Virginia, Reports, 1846. Wilkes, C., Theory of Winds, 1855. Wrottlesey, Lord, Navigation, (Lib. U. K.). Young, G. F., Free Trade and. ..1849. Zorgdrager, Groenlandsche Vischery, 1720. See Commerce ; Gt. Britain ; Sea ; Ship wrecks; Steam Navigation; Uni ted States; Voyages. Nazareth Hall. Reichel, History of, 1855, 1860. Neal family genealogy, 1856. Neal, D. Jennings, D., Sermon on, 1743. Neal. J. Recollections, 1869. Neale, J. Pierce, S. E., Sermon on, 1814. Neale, S. & M. Lives of, Lond., 1845. i Neander, J. A. W. Bibliot. Sacra, 1857, (H. B. Smith). Nebraska. Botts, J. M., Letters on, 1853. Hale, E. E., Kansas and Nebraska, 1854. Mass. Emig. Aid Co., Report, 1854. Nebraska, Agric. Report, 1869, 71. lt Governors Messages, 1859- 61, 65, 66, 67. " Resources, etc., 1871. " Seine Vortheile, 1871. Sage, R. B., Wild Scenes in, 1855. Woolworth, J. M.. Nebraska, 1857. See Kansas ; United States, West. Nebraska, Debates on. Clayton, Speech on, 1854. Clingman, Speech, 1854. Comments on: Albany, 1854. Fenton, R. E., Speech, 1854. Houston, S., Speech, 1854. Hunt, T. G., Speech, 1854. Hunter, R. M. T., Speech on, 1854. Preston, W., Speech, 1854. Toombs, Speech, 1854. See Kansas Debates. Necessity. See Election ; Moral Philos ophy; Predestination; Will. Neele, H. Remains and life of, 1829. Negro Races. Aldridge, J., Life of J. Marrant, 1820. Andrews, C. C., N. Y. African schools. Armistead, Tribute for the negro,1848. Association for, N. Y., 1853. P. 225. Assoc n for Relig. Instruct, of, Savan nah, Ga. Ball, C., Adventures of, 1837. Negro Races (continued). Black Brigade of Cincinnati, 1864. Blair, F. P., Speech on Cent. Amer., 1858. P. 486. Boen, W., Memoir of, 1834. P. 665. Brissot, Examen critique, 1786. Brodnax, Speech, Va., 1832. Brown, G. S-, Journal of, 1849. Brown, W. W., The Black man, 1863. " Negro in the Rebellion. Callicot, T. C., Speech against suf frage, 1860. Catto, Colored Churches in Phil a, 1857. Christian directions and instruct, for, 1789. P. 1752. Coker s Journal. West Africa, 1820. Colored Home, N. Y., 10-16th Report, 1850-56. P. 227. Crummell, Duties of, 1861. Cuffee, P., Lee Boo, Life of, 1822. Douglass, F., My bondage and freedom, 1855. Drew, North-side View, 1856. Eaton, J., Freedmen in Tennessee, 1865. Ellis, H.W., Serm. by, 1847. P. 1604. Freedman s Union Cominis., N. Y., 1867. Gregoire, Intell. and Mor. faculties of negroes. Griffin, E. D., Discourses, African School, 1817. Hammon, Address to negroes, 1806. Helper, H. R., No joque, 1867. Incorp. Soc. for Educ. of negro slaves, Lond. Jennings, P., Reminiscences, 1865. Jones, C. C., Religious instruction of. Lee Boo, Life of, 1822. Legion of Liberty, 1843. Lewis, R. B., Light and truth: Hist. of race, 1836, 49. Liverraore, G., The Founders of the U. S. on Negroes, 1862. L Ouverture, T., Life of. Loyalty of, in war of 1812, 1861. Macauley, J., Negroes in Revol. war, vol. 3. Moore, G., Negroes in the army in the Rev., 1862. Moore, S., Life of Baquaqua, 1854. P. 956. Mott, A., Biographies of, 1839. Negro, The, Pew, Boston. Nell, Colored Am. Patriots, 1855. N. Y. Nat. Freed. Relief Ass n, 1866. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 889, 890, 958, 1681, 1804. Paul, N., Address at Albany, 1827. P. 186. Peterson, D. H., Life of, 1854. NETHERLANDS. 381 Negro Races (continued). Prince, Nancy, Life of, Bost., 1853. Proceedings, Convention of Colored people, Albany, 1851. P. 560. Prot. Ep. Ch , N. Y., St. Philip s Ch., 1851. P. 200. Prot. Epis. Freed. Commiss., 1866. Smith, T. P., Colored Schools, 1850. Soc for the support of Colored Home, 1850-56. P. 627. Sojourner Truth, Narrative. Statis., People of Col., Phil a, 1849. Suffrage question, N. Y. P. 958. Sweet, S. N., Address, Colored Bapt. Ch., 1834. Un. St., Commerce, Charleston, S. C., 1823. " Reports of Bureau of Refu gees and 1 reedmen, 1866, 1867, 68. " Report for Tenn. and Ark., 1864. P. 1681. VanEvrie, J. H., Negroes andSlavery, 1853. Vassa, G., (Equiano), Life, 1791, 1837. Wheatley, P., Elegiac Poem, 1770. " Memoir of, 1834. White, G., Life of, 1810. P. 1701. Whitfield, J. M., America and other poems, 1853. Yates, Rights of colored men, 1838. P. 185. Se,e Slavery; Liberia; Colonization; Africa. Negro River, S. America. Wallace, Travels on, 1853. Neill, W. Autobiography, 1861. Nelson, D. On Infidelity, and his life. Nelson, H., Lord. Clarke, J. S., Life of. Evans, T. A., Nelson Coat; Nelson Sword. Manby, Nelson gallery. Nelson, H., Lord, Dispatches and Letters. " Letters to Lady Hamilton, 1814. Pamphlets, Vol. 379, Serm., Trafalgar Viet. Pearce, P. H., Victory and Bronte. Pettigrew, Memoirs of, 1849. Rotta, P. R., Ode on, 1805. P. 1388. Southey, R., Life of, 1861. Townsend, J., Serm., Death of, 1806. White, J., Life of. Nelson, J. Walsh, T., Journal of. Neology. See Rationalism; Theology. Nesbitt, J. Hurrion, J., Serm. on, 1728. Nesle, Marquise C. de Mailly de. L imposture de, 1756. Nesselrode. Gal. des Contem., Vie de, 1845. Nestorians. Grant, The Nestorians or Lost Tribes, 1841. " Les Nestoriens. Laurie, Dr. Grant and the N., 1853. Nestorians of Persia, Phil a. Perkins, J., Eighteen Years in Persia, 1843. Smith, E., Researches, 1833. Stoddard, D. T., Na rrative of, 1857. Tyler, W. S., Life of Lobdell, 1859. See Kurdistan ; Persia. Netherlands. A a, Van der, Leven van Willem den V, 1806-9. B. C. Abbink, Proeve van Staat-kundige Fabeln, 1848. " Leven van Willem II, 1849. Abrege de 1 Histoire de, 1759. Aitzeina, Saken van Staat en Oorlogh, etc., 1621-97. " Nederlantsche Vrede-handel- ing, 1650. " Herstelde Leeuw, 1650, 51. Notable Revolutions, 1650, 1651. Alkemade, Nederl. displegtigheden. Barnwell, De Witt s Times. Basnage, An,n. des Prov. Unies, 1719. Batavia Sacra, 1714. Beaumarchais, Le Hollandois, 1738. B. C. Beeldsnijder, Smeekschriften der N. Edelen, 1567. Beijerman, Geschiedenis der Nederlan- den, 1830. Belgium, Coll. de Docts. sur les Anc. Assemblies, 1600. Beverningk, Verbael Gehouden, etc., 1725. Bijsterbos, Provinciaale Wet. 1855. Bonaparte, L., Hist. Documents, 1820. Bor, Nederl. Oorlogen, 1555-1600. Bosscha, Staats-Omwenteling, 1813. Bowdler, T., Letters, 1787. Brandt, Hist, of Reformation, 1720. Breval, Hist, of the House of Nassau, 1734. Britaine, Dutch Usurpation, 1672. Brune, Campagne en Batavie, 1800-1. Burnet s Travels, 1685. Butler, C., Minutes of Civ. and Eccl. Hist, of, 1826. C., H. J. Z., Nasporing van, 1567- 1672. Carleton, Sir D., Embassy to, 1615-20. Carr, Sir J., Tour through, 1806. Chronyke van Vlaenderen 3 1725, 36. Cluverius, Batavische Out-Heeden, 1719. S82 NETHERLANDS. Netherlands (continued). Costerus, Hist. Verhaal, 1572-1673. Dagverhaal. . .Nat. Vergadering,1796- 1798. Davies, C. M., History of, 1841-44. De Peyster, Battle of the Baltic, 1658. De Witt, C. and J., Vie de, 1709. De Witt, J., Brieven, 1652-69. " Secrete Resolution, 1653-68. " Polit. Maxiuis of the Repub lic, 1702. Du Lignon, Hollande consolee, 1752. Esquiros, Dutch at home, 1861. Estrades, Lettres et Negoeiations,1743. Frederick Henry, Het Leven, 1737. B. C. Friesland, Toestand, 1859. Froger, Verdediging der Landgrenzen, 1849. Qiustiniano, Delle Guerre di Flandra, 1609. Grattan, T., History of, Lardner, 41. Grondwettigo Herstelling vau Neder- lands Staatwezen, 1785. Grimestone, Hist, of, to 1608. Grotius, H., De antiq. reipub. Bata- vicse, 1610. t( Apologeticus eorum qui Hol- landiee, etc., 1618. " Holl.Rechtsgeleertheyt,1649. H. V., Historic de Gravelike Regeer- ing in, 1662. B. C. Hall, F. A. van, Publications, 1828- 1840. B. C. Hedendaagsche Historic, 1750-53. ....Friesland, 1785-88. " ....Overyssel, 1781. Hist. Abr. des Prov. Unies, 1701. Holcroft, Travels, 1804. Hooft, P. C., Nederl. Historien, 1656. Jonge, J. C. de, Resolutions des Etats genuraux, 1576. Jurigprudentia Heroica, Christyn,1668. Kampen, Beschrijving van het k. der Nederl., 1827. B. C. Kernoux, Abrege de 1 histoire de la, 1778. Keverberg, Vom Kunigreicho der,1836. Koenen, Der Nijverheid in... 1856. Kok, Vaderl. Woordenboek, 1785-96. Koning, Voorvaderlijke Levenswijze, 1810. La Fayette, Mem. de Hollando, 1856. Lange, Der Oude Batavieren, 1730. La Sagra, Voy. en, et en Belgique, 1839. B. C. Lauts, Ontdekkingen der Nederl. ,1835. P. 30. B. C. Le Clerc, Hist, des Provinces-Unies, 1723-28. Leeuwen, Bataria illustrata, 1685. Netherlands (continued). Liefde, De, Founders of the Dutch Re public, 1869. Ligtdal, Despotisme do la inaison d Orange, 1785. Limburg, Betrekkingen van het her- togdom, 1848. Luzac, La Richesse de la, 1778. Maatschappij der Ned. Letterkunde, 1849. Maerlant, Spiegel historiael, 1288. Maestricht, Engravings of. Martinet, Het Vaderland; beschry- ving, 1830-33. Meerten, Reis door het k. van Nederl., 1223-33. Meteren, Histoire van de Oorlogen der, 1315-1611. Motley, J. L., Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1856. " History of the United Neth., 1861-68. Nederl. Historic, 1572-1611. Nederl. Jaerboeken, 1766-87. Netherland Historian, 1671-74. Netherlands, Doc ts, 1816-51. " Manifesto, 1702. Palm, V. d., Gedenkschrift van Ne derl. Herstelling, 1816. B. C. Pars, Catti Aborigines Batavorum, 1745. Paulus, Unie van Utrecht, 1775-77. B. C. Polanen, Brieven, 1816. Prinsterer, Proeve over de zamenstel- ling, etc., 1826, 30. Quetelet, Statist, des Pays Bas, 1829. Recueil de pieces diplom., 1830-32. Recueil des Representations. ... 1787. Reglemens. .. .des Eglises Wallones. Reynolds, Sir J., Journey to, 1809. Rhiyn, Hydrogr. Kaart van de Zuider zee, 1846. Romans, B., Annals of, from Charles V, 1778. Royaards, Bijdragen der Nederl., 1830. St. Simon, Guerres des Bataves et Romains, 1770. Schiller, Hist, of Revolt of Netherl., 1847. Scriverius, Batavia Illustrata, 1609. Sjoerds, Jaarboeken van Friesland, 1768-71. Spranckhuysen, Triumphe, teghen de Silver-Vlote, 1628. Staring, Aardkunde Van, 1844. Strada, De Bello Belgico, 1578-90. Stuart, M., Vaderl. Historic, 1822. Vaderlandsche Historic, 1758. Valkenier, Verwerd Europa, 1675. Wagenaar, Vaderl. Historic, 800-1751. NEUTRALS. Netherlands (continued). Wagonaar, By voegsels der ... .1790-95. Watson, E , A Tour in, 1784. Wicquefort, Retablissement de la re- j publique, 1749. William I, II, IV of Holland, Leven, 1732, 38, 52. B. C. Winsem, Rerum per Frisiam gestarum ad 1581. Worper, Chronicon Frisiae, 1847. See Amsterdam; Delft; Deventer; j Dordrecht; Friesland; Goes; Gro- nigen; Harlaem ; .Kampen; Ley- den ; Utrecht, etc. See Belgium; Indian Ocean; Language; { Dutch Pamph. ; Voyages, India; j Commerce. Netherlands : Colonies. Bickmore, E. I. Archipelago, 1869. Boom, Nederl. Cost Indie, 1864. Clune, Dutch Colonies, 1769. Dubois, Vie des gouverreurs gener. Groot, J. P. C. De, Reis in Nederl. Indie door Prins W. F. Hendrik, 1837. Michiels, Tegen het Tijdschrift, 1850. Mijer, Reize Indischen Archipei., 1840. Nederl. Overzeesche Bezittungen, 1844. Netscher, Holl. au Bresil, 1853. See Dutch E. India Co.; Guiana; Java; Sumatra; Indian Ocean. Netherlands ; Political, &c., Pam phlets. Amboyna, Three Pams., 1632. Bussing, Voor Oranje Vrienden, 1795. Catalogue of the Damages, 1664. Clavel, His Majesties Propriety, 1665. Dermout, Sermon on late Queen, 1837. Downing, Sir G., A Discourse, 1672. Dutch Faith, 1745. Eustace, J. S., Letter on Emancipa tion of, 1794. Greaves, 1., Sermon, Thanksgiving, 1764. Grondwettige regeringsvorm, 1857. Groot A. B C. Boek, 1795. Hofstede, Voorbeeld, 1795. Justification of the Present War, (Stubbes), 1672. P. 407. Laatste Repub. Raadgevingen, 1786. Nationaale Brieven, 1785. Orange, Prince of, Zaaklyke inhoud, 1782. Paape, G., De Aristocraat en de Bur- ger, 1785. P. 108. Pamphlets, in Dutch, vols. 107-110, 568, 569, 633, 634, 966, 1782, B. C. 30, 31, 32, 35. Present state of Brit, influence, 1742. I Rechteren, Beschouwingen.1843. P. 33. B. C. Netherlands; Political, &c., Pam phlets (continued). Several remarkable passages, 1673. Vaderlands Sermoen, 1785. Velzen, Verheffinge van W. K. H. Friso. Verzaraeling van Brieven, 1804. West India Company, 1630. Netherlands: Registers, etc. Deven ter, Jaarboekje, 1857. Konink. Akad. van Wetenschappen, Jaerboek, 1857-68. Nederl. Jaarboeken, 1766-87. Netherlands, Army list, 1851. " Register, 1842-6, 51. " Statist. Jaarboekje, 1851. Nederl. Israel. Jaarboekje, 1856, 58- 1859. Overijssel, Jaarboekje, 1858. Post van den Neder-Rhijn, 1746, 1781- 1787. Reis-book, 1689. Nettleton, A. Smith, R., Recollection! of, 1848. Tyler B., Life of, 18-18. Neutrals. Allen, Ira, Capture of the Olive Branch, 1783. American arguments, 1806. Amer. jurisprudence, 1815. Appeal to the Government, 1819. Atcheson, American encroachments, 1808. Austin, B., jr., Old South Letters, 1803. Baring, A., Inquiry on Orders in coun cil, 1808. Belligerent rights asserted, 1806. Cass, L., Examination, 1852. P. 36. B. C. Oubb, Narr. of Sufferings, 1808. Considerations sur 1 admission, 1779. Exam, of Brit, doctrine. France, Rapport, 10 Mars, 1812. General Armstrong, Brig. Goertz, Neutralite armee, 1801. Goldsmith, Conduct of France in the Council of Prizes. Great Brit. : Memoire sur, Marriott, 1778. Hamilton, A., Letters of Pacificus, 1793. Harper, R. G., Obs. on dispute with France. Hints to both parties, N. Y., 1808. Jenkinson, Discourse, 1801. Lampredi, Commerce des neutres,1802. Lawrence, W. P., Visitation and search, 1858. Lee, W., Les Etata Unis et 1 Angle- terre, 1814. Lowrey. The Alabama, 1863. P. 1586. 384 NEUTRALS. Neutrals (continued). Madison, J., Helvidius on Neutrality. | Marcy convention, 1859. Mem.... a 1 cgard des neutres, 1810. Memoires sur la conduite do la France, 4810. Pamphlets on Neutrals. B. C. 54. Pelletreau, French spoliations, 1838. Pinckney, C., Three Letters, 1799. St. Just, Depenses pour les prises, 1794. Smith, R., Address, 1811. Stephen, J., War in disguise, 1806. United States, Neutral Rights, 1856. Webster, Noah, Rights of, (Miscel. Papers), 1802. Woodward, J., Opinion : rights of neu tral Merchants, 1817. See Privateering ; Law Library Cata logue. Nevada. Angel, M., Nev. Orientalc, 1867. Browne, J. R., Adventures, 1869. Nevada, Reports, 1861-65. il Memorial on the Sutro tunnel, 1867. Raymond, Mining resources, 1869. U. S., Geol. Expl. 40th par., 1870. U. S., Pacific R. R. Reports, 1853-4. Nevers, France. Morellet, Le Nivernois, 1838, 40. New Albany, Ind. Directory, 1856. Breckinridge, Theol. Seminaries. Newark, N. J. Directory, 1857. Condit, Hist. 2d Presb. Ch. of New ark, 1831. Henderson, M. H., Centen. Disc., Tri nity Ch., 1846. N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1864. Smith, J. T. f 2d Presb. Ch., 1861. New Bedford, Ms. Dartmouth cele bration, 1865. New Bedford, City documents,1831-64. Ricketson, History of, 1858. Newberry, S. C. O Neall, Annals of, 1859. New Boston, New Hamp. Cogswell, E. C. ; History of, 1864. New Brighton, N. Y. Wotherspoon, Case of the Church, 1850. P. 200. New Britain, Conn. Andrews, A., History of, 1867. New Brunswick. Atkinson, W., Account of, 1844. Bouchette s North America, 1832. Gesner, Hints to Emigrants concern ing, 1847. McGregor, British America, 1832. Monro, A., Account of, 1855. New Brunswick (continued). New Brunswick, Geol. of Southern, 1865. Sketches of, 1825. Springer, Forest Life, 1851. See Canada; Nova Scotia. New Brunswick, N. J. Davidson, R., Presb. Church in, 1847. Janeway, Hist. Discourse, 1840. Steele, Hist. Disc. 1st Ref. Ch., 1867. Newburgh, N. Y. Directory, 1856,1857. Ruttenber, History of, 1859. Newburgh Letters. Collection, 1793. Newbury, Ms. Coffin, J., History of, 1632-1845. Withington, Hist.. Discourse, 1846. P. 106. Newburyport, Ms. Cook, M. D., Federal St. Church, Hist., 1862. Gushing, C., History of, 1826. Dana, D., Discourses, 1820, 45. Lowell, C., Sermon, 1831. Morss, J., Hist. Discourse, 1838. Newburyport Directory, 1851, 1860. Newburyport festival, 1854. Smith, E. V., History of, 1854. Stearns, J. F., Centenn. Disc., 1846. Vermilye, Centen. Disc., 1856. Newcastle, Engl. Brand, J., Hist, and antiquities of, 1789. Chapman, W., Reports on navig.,1792- 1813. New England. Adams, Amos, Hist. View of the Hardships, etc., two Disc., 1769, 70. P. 114. Adams, H., Hist, of New England, 1799. Allin, Animadversions, 1664. Andros Tracts, (Prince Soc.). Backus, I., History of, to 1784. " Church History, 1620-1804. Barber, J. W., Hist, and Antiq. of, 1841. Bishop, G., N. E. Judged, 1660. Bradford, A., New England Chronol., 1497-1820. Brief Relation, 1689. Brief Review of, 1774. Brodhead, J. R., Of Andros s gov t, 1867. Brooks, C., Clergymen s Salaries, 1854. P. 564. Byfield, Revolution in, 1689. Calef, Wonders of the invis. world, 1 709. Certain inducements, 1643. Chauncy, State of Religion, 1743. Child, J., New England s Jonas, 1647. Christian Monthly History, (Prince), 1743, 44. NEW ENGLAND. 385 New England (continued). Church, T., History of Philip s war, 1772, 1829, 46. Clarke, J., Ill Newes from, 1652. Coolidge, History of, 1860. Cotton, J., Abstract of tho laws of, 1655. Dillinghain, Orat., N. E. Soc., Phil a, 1847. P. 63. Dreuillette, Narre du Voy., 1650, 51. Drake, S. G., Settlement of, 1856. " Old Indian Chronicle, 1867. " British Archives on, 1860. Dummer, Defence of N. E. Charters, 1745. Dwight, T., Travels in, 1821. Edwards, J., Thoughts on the Revival of 1740. Eliot, J., The Day Breaking, 1647. " Brief Narrative, 1670. Elliott, C. W., New England Hist, to 1776. Everett, E., Oration, First settlement of, 1821. Exam, of Commer. pretensions, 1814. Farmer, Geneal. of First Settlers, 1829. Felt, J. B., The Customs of, 1853. Fleming s Register, 1772, 86. Further accompt, 1659. Further queries, 1690. Gillies, Hist. Coll. : Revivals of 1740. Good Newes from, 1648. Gorges, Sir F., Planting of. Hall, J. P., Discourse, N. E. Soo., N. Y., 1847. Hayward, J., New England Gazetteer, 1839, 1857. Hewett, Gazetteer of, 1829. Higginson, New England s Plantation, 1630. Hillard, G. S., Address, N. E. Soc.. N. Y-., 1851. Hopkins, M,, Oration, 1854. Hoyt, Hist, of Indian Wars on the Connecticut river, 1824. Hubbard, W., Gen. Hist, of N. Eng., 1815, 48. " Narr. of troubles, 1677,1801. " The same, Drake s ed., 1865. Humble address of the Publicans, 1691 . Jenks, W., Address, N. E. H. G. Soc., 1852. Jen(n)ison, W., Lash for a Lyar, 1658. Johnson, E., History of, 1654. Josselyn, N. E. Rarities, 1672. " Two Voyages to, 1674. Keith, G., Tr. from N. Hampshire to Caratuck, 1706. " Reply to I. Mather, 1703. Knight, Mme., Journal, 1704. 49 New England (continued). Lechford, Plain dealing, 1642. Levett, Voy. to New England, 1624. Lucas, S., Essays, 1862. Marsh, G. P., Address, N. E. Soc., N. Y., 1845. " The Goths inN. E., Disc. ,1843. Mass. Hist. Soc., Collections. Mather, C., Magnalia Christi Ameri cana, 1702, 1820, 63. Mather, I., Day of trouble near, two sermons, 1673. " Early history of N. E., 1677, 1864. " Philip s war, 1862. " Elijah s Mantle, 1722. " Revol. in N. E. Justified, 1690. " Remarkable Providen., 1856. Mauduit, Hist, of N. Eng. Col., 1776. Modest Enquiry, Lond., 1707. Morse, J., History of, 1809- " Compend. History ef, 1808. Morton, N., N. England s Memorial, 1826, 55. Morton, T., N. E. Canaan, 1632. Mourt, G., Relation, 1622, 1865. Neal, D., History of, 1720, 47. New and Further Narr., 1676. New England, Laws, 1641. New E. and her institutions, 1835. New England Business Directory, 1849, 1856, 1860. New England s First Fruits, 1643; repr., 1865. New England Historic-Genealogical Register, 1848-71. New England Soo., N. Y., Celebra tions, 1855, 59, 64, 68, 70. News from New Eng., 1676. N. Y. Hist. Soo. Coll., S. 2, V. 3 1648-51. Old England forever, 1740. Oliver. P., Puritan Commonwealth, 1856. Owen, R. D., Reconstruction without N. E., 1863. Pages from Eccl. History of, 1740-1840. Palfrey, History of, 1858-64 Penhallow, Hist, of Wars of, 1703- 1726. Planters Plea, (White), 1630. Phips, W., Action with the French, 1691. Present State of N. E., 1675. Prince, T., Chronolog. History of, Relig. Intelligence, 1800. Review of the Rise of, etc., 1774. Robbins, T., Hist. View of Planters of, 1815. NEW ENGLAND. New England (continued). Roberts, D., Life of Sir M. Cradock, 1856. Robertson, Hist, of America, 1803, 12. Shepard, T., The Clear Sunshine, 1648. Silliman, B., Oration on, 1802. Smith, J., Description of, 1616. " N. E. s Trials, 1622. " Advertisements, etc., 1631. Stephenson s sufferings, I860. Story, J., Hist. Discourse, 1828. Thornton, J. W., Oliver s Puritan Com monwealth, 1857. " % Of Popham and Gorges. Thorowgood, Jews in America, 1660. Traits of character, 1837. Uhden, Congregationalists of N. E. to 1740. Upham, C. W., Oration, 1846. Vindication of New England, 1691. Ward, N., CoUbler of Agawam, 1713. Warrin New England, 1677. Whelpley, S., Disc., N. E. Soc. of N. Y., 1823. Whitfield, Light appearing, 1651. " Strength out of weakness, 1652. Wiggles worth, Doctrines of W. Balch, 1746. Winslow, E., Brief Narrative, 1646. " Good news from, 1624. " New England s Salaman der, 1647. Wood, W., New England s Prospects, 1634. See Plymouth; Puritans; Massachu setts; Congregational Churches. Newfoundland. Adams. J. Q., Letters on the fisheries, 1815. Anspach, L. A., History of, 1819. Bonnycastle, Newfoundland in 1842. Bouchette, N. America, 1832. Chabert, Voyage, 1751. Chappell, Voyage, 1818. Jukes, J. B., Excursions in, 1839. McGregor, J., Brit. America, 1832. Mullaly, Trip to, 1855. Reeves, J., Hist, of, 1793. Vaughan s Golden Eleece, 1626. Whitbourne s Discourse, 1622. New France. See Jesuit Miss. ; Canada. Newgate, Conn. Phelps, R. H., Hist, of, 1860. New Guinea. Earl, Geog. of, 1853. See Australia; Pacific. New Granada. Bollaert, W., Antiqua rian researches in, 1860. Caasani, Historia del Nuevo Granada, 1741. New Granada (continued). Fabens, Life on the Isthmus, 1853. Holton, Twenty Months in the Andes, 1857. Mariquita and N. G. Mining Comp. Merritt, Of Mineral deVeraguas, 1854. P. 255. Michelana, Eiploracion del Ama- zonas, 1859. Mosquera, Geography of, 1853. Proposed Oceanic Comrn. P. 258. Tomes, Panama in 1855. See Carthagena; Central America. New Hampshire. Barstow, History of, 1819. Belknap, Hist, of N. H., 1784-92. Bouton, N., Fathers of the N. H. Ministry, 1848. Charlton, E. A., N. H. as it is, 1856. Chase, F., Gathered sketches, 1856. Congreg. Churches of, 1843. P. 483. Coolidge, History of, 1859. Farmer, J., Gazetteer of, 1823. " Hist. Collections, 1822-24. Kidder, First N. H. Regt., 1865. Lawrence, R. F., N. H. Churches, J856. Meader, J. W., Merrimac River Hist., 1869. Merrill, E., Gazetteer of, 1817. New Hamp. : Prov. papers, 1623-1722. Geological Survey, 1841, 1870. New Hamp. Ann. Register, 1801-61. New Hamp. Book, 1844. New Hamp. Festival, Boston, First, 1849; Second, 1853. New Hampshire Hist. Soc., Coll., 1824- 1850. Poor, A., Hist, researches, Merrimao Valley, 1858. Potter, Military History of, 1869. Wallace, C., Geog. of, 1829. Whiton, Hist, of, 1623-1833. New Hampshire Grants. Allen, E., Refutation of N. H. Claims, 1780. Chiprnan s Life of Warner, 1858. Hall, B. H., Hist, of Eastern Vermont, 1858. Hall, Hiland, Hist, of Vermont, 1868. Houghton, G. F., Address on, 1848. New York Colony, State of the Right, (Duane), 1773. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collection of evidence, 1869. Present state of the Controversy, 1782. Public defence of New Hamp. Grants, 1779. Resolves of Conv., 1778. S$t Vermont. NEW MEXICO. 387 New Hampshire Local History* Ste Ainherst; Andover; Atkinson; Bedford; Candia; Campion; Char- lemont; Chester; Concord; Coos Co.; Dublin; Dunbarton ; Dun- stable; Exeter; Hampton; Keene; Littleton; Londonderry; Manches ter; Mason; Merritnac Valley; Nashua; N. Boston; N. Ipswich; Orford; Portsmouth; Rindge; Templeton; Warner; Warren; Wilton. New Haven, Conn. Bacon, L., Thir teen Discourses, Centennial, 1839. Barber, J. W.. Views in 1825. " Hist, and Antiq. of, 1831,1870. Beecher, C. E.. Truth stranger than Fiction, 1850. Croswell, H., 40 years in Trinity par ish, 1856. Dutton, S. W. S., History of North Church, 1842. Dwight, T., Statist. Aoct. of, 1811. Kingsley, Hist. Disc. 200th Anniv., 1838. New Haven Colony Hist. Soc., Papers, 1865. New Karen Col., Records, 1638-1685. New Haven Directories, 1840-68. Trumbull, B., Discourse, 1773. See Yale College; North Haven. New Ipswich, New Hamp. History of, 17S6-1852, (Kidder). Newington, Conn. Brace, J., Hist, discourse, 1855. New Jersey. Armstrong, Hist, of Fort Nassau, 1853. Barber, J. W., and H. Howe, Hist. Collections, 1844. Brown, A. H.,Hist. Presb. Church in. Carpenter, W. H., History of, 1854. Doane, G. W., Goodly heritage of, Disc., N. J. Hist. Soc., 1846. Elizabethtown, Bill in Chancery, 1747. Eumenes, Letters on the Constitution, (Griffith), 1799. Field, R. S., Prov. Courts of; N. J. Hist. Soc. Coll. Foster, J. Y., N. J. in the Rebellion. 1868. Gordon, T. F., Gazetteer of; and His tory, 1834. Green, A., Baccal. Addresses, College of, 1822. Haven, C. C., Thirty days in, 1776-77. Historical notes, 1842. Lawrence, W. B., Colonization of, 1842. P. 11. Letter from a gentleman, 1764. Lloyd, N. J. Annual Register, 1846. Morris, L., Letters, 1738-1846. Mulford, Civ. and Polit. Hist, of, 1848. New Jersey (continued). New Jersey: Geol. Survey, 1831-68. < Revolutionary Corresp., 1848. N. J. Central R. Road Gnide, 1864. New Jersey Hist. Soc., Coll. and Proo., 1846-66. N. J. Register, Potts, 1837. New Jersey Congr. Elect., 1838. Pyne, Hist, of First Reg t, 1871. Soot, G., Model of Gov t of, 1685. Scott, J. W., Of the Legis. Council, 1842. P. 197. Smith, S., Hiit. of Nova-Caesaria, to 1721. Tatham, N. J. Monopolies, 1852. P. 81 . Thompson, T., Missionary Voyage to, 1758. Whitehead, W. A., East Jersey hist. " Robbery of Treasury in 1768. " Hist, of Perth Amboy and vicin., 1856. New Jersey ; Local History. Set Bergen; Camden ; Elizabethtown; Essex; Harlingen; Hudson Co. ; Jersey City; Millstone; Newark; New Brunswick; Paterson ; Perth Amboy; Princeton; Raritan; Salem; Trenton; Union Co.; Westfield. New Jerusalem Church. See Sweden - borg. New London, Conn. Brainard, W. F., Address at Groton Heights, 1825. Caulkins, History of, 1660-1845. Now London, Navy Yard, 1862, 66. Newman, J. H. Achilli vs. Newman. Froude, On the Grammar of Assent, 1871, (Studies). Newman, Apologia pro vita sua, 1865. Rowan, Review of, 1852. Newman, T. Pickard, Serm., Death of, 1758. P. 381. Newman, W. Pritohard, G., Memoir of, 1837. New Mexico. Abert, Examination of. " Report; with Cook s and John ston s, 1846-47. Bartlett, J. R., Explorations in, 1854. Brackenridge, Early Discoveries in, 1857. Clever, C. P., Her Resources, 1868. Cremony, Life with the Apaches, 1868. Davis, W. W. H., El Gringo, 1857. Span. Conquest of, 1869. Edwards, Doniphan s campaign, 1848. Emory, Mexican boundary survey, 1848. 388 NEW MEXICO. New Mexico (continued). Gregg, Commerce of the Prairies, 1844. Pike, Z. M., Exped. to West of Louis iana, 1807. " Voy. au Nouveau Mexique, 1812. U. S. War Dept. Reports, 1850. Weightman, Memorial, 1851. See Arizona; Mexico; Rocky Mts. New Orleans. Clapp, T., Sketches,1857. Cooke, J. H., Narrative of Attak, 1814. Faithful picture, 1807. Gleig, Campaign of Brit, army at. Hall, A. 0., Manhattaner in New Orleans, 1851. Howard Assoc., 1853. Memoires sur, 1804. New Orleans, San. Commiss. on Epi- dem. Fever, 1853. New Orleans as it is, 1850. New Orleans Directory, 1855. Norman s, B. M., Descrip. of, 1845. Tranohepain, Urs6lines a, 1727-33. U. S., N. 0. riots, 1866. Se War of 1812-14; Jackson, A.; Louisiana. Newport, Rh. Is. Cahoone s Sketches of, 1842. Visit to Grand-papa, 1840. Controversy on the Old Stone Mill, (Hammett), 1851. Mason, Reunion of sons of, 1859. Newport Directory, 1858, 71-2. Newport Long Wharf, 1863. Redwood Library, Catalogue and hist. Ross, A. A., Civil and rel. hist, of, 1838. United Congr. Church, Hist., 1834. New Rochelle,N.Y. Bolton, R., jun., Guide to, 1842. New South Wales. See Australia. Newspapers, History of, etc. Alma nack of British, 1841. Andrews, History of, 1859. Buckingham, Specim. of newsp. press, 1850. Chalmers, Life of Ruddiman. Eng. Newsp., 1794. Cobden, R., On the "Times," 1864. Coggeshall, Newsp. Record, 1856. Fifty Years Recollections, 1837. Follett, Press of W. N. York, 1847. Gt. Brit., Report on Newsp. stamps, 1851. Hunt, F. K., Hist, of, 1850. Mitchell, Newspaper directory, 1851. Munsell, Typog. miscellany, 1850. Nichols, Lit. anecdotes, v. 4, 1812. Newspaper duties, 1836. P. 425. Newspapers, History of, etc. (cont d). Periodical press, Inquiry, Lond., 1824. Rowell, The men who advertise, 1870. " Amer. Newsp. directory, 1869. Streeter, G. L., Period, of Salem, Mass., 1768-1856. P. 233. Timperley, Encyc. of typ. anecd., 1842. Thomas, Printing in America, 1810. Westmacott 5 C. M., Stamp duties,1836. P. 1242. Wilmer, Our press gansr, 1859. Wisconsin Editorial Assoo n, 1F59-70. See Press, Liberty of; Periodicals, Newspapers, American. Alta Cali fornia, San Francisco, 1849-52. American Weekly Messenger, Phil a, 1814, 15. American Star, Mexico, 1847. Aurora, Philadelphia, 1796. Boston Atlas, 1841-52. Boston Commercial Gazette, 1818, 19. Boston Chronicle, 1768. Boston Evening Post, 1767-75. Boston Gazette, 1758, 59, 62. Boston News Letter, 1762, 1826. Boston Recorder, 1825, 28, 31-32. Boston Weekly Messenger, 1815-19. Boston Weekly Transcript, 1856-61. Buenos Ayres Newsp., 1849, 50. Cabinet, The, Selections, 1815. Chicago (Church,) Record, 1859-62. Christian Register, Boston, 1836-60. Church Register, Phil a, 1826-29. Columbian Centinel, Boston, 1793- 1818, 22, 26, 28-32. Columbian Star, Washington, 1823-26. Connecticut Courant, 1774-1819, imp. Connecticut Mirror, 1813-20. * Dakotah Friend, 185C-52. Dunlap s Maryland Gazette, 1777. Farmer s Chronicle, Conn., 1793. Federal Galaxy, Vt., 1797. Federal Gazette, Baltimore, 1808-13. Gazette Fran^-aise, Phil a, 1845-46. Independent Chronicle, Boston, 1776- 1783, 94, 1800-1807. Independent Gazetteer, Phil a, 1791. Kansas Herald of Freedom, 1855-56. Liberator, The, Boston, 1831, 34. Massachusetts Spy, 1795, 1800-17. Missouri Republican, 1822-24. Mor. and Pol. Telegraph, 1796. National Intelligencer, 1813-69, imp. National Gazette, Phil a, 1823-41. National Recorder, Phil a, 1819-21. New Engl. Palladium, Boston, 1801-27. New England Republican, Danbury, 1805-6. NEWSPAPERS. 389 Newspapers, American (continued). Newspapers, Miscellaneous, 160 vols. Nieuwsbode, De, Sheboy an, 1849-57. Niles ? s National Register, 1811-49. North American, 1847-48, Mexico. Ohio State Journal, 1845-46. Pamphlets, vol. 1242. Pennsylvania Chronicle, Phil a, 1767- 1771. Pennsylvania Gazette, 1779-80. Pennsylvania Packet, 1771-79. Presbyterian, Phil a, 1841-71. Richmond Enquirer, 1861-63. Richmond Examiner, 1863-65. Richmond Sentinel, 1864-65. Salem Gazette, 1790-1815. Santa Fe Gazette, 1858, 9. United States Gazette, 1804-17. United States Telegraph, 1828. Newspapers, New York. Albany Ar gus, 1813-71. Albany Daily Advertiser, 1815-45. Albany Daily Statesman, 1856-7. Albany Dutchman, 1849, 50. Albany Evening Atlas, 1850-56. Albany Evening Journal, 1835-71. Albany Freeholder, 1845-47. Albany Gazette, 1784-1822. Albany Herald, 1846. Albany Microscope, 1832-38, imp. Albany Morning Express, 1854-55, 68, 1870, 71. Albany Register, 1793-1819, 21, 22. Albany Spectator, 1844-47. Albany State Register, 1854-6. Albion, The, N. Y., 1849. Ainer. Daily Citizen, Albany, 1842-44. Asmonean, N. Y., 1852-54. Atlas and Argus, Albany, 1855-60. See Albany Argus. Balance and Repos., Hudson and Alb., 1801-11. Boys* Daily Journal, Ogdensburgh. 1855-57. Chenango Free Democrat, 1850. Christian Intelligencer, N.Y., 1830-71. Christian Visitant, Albany, 1815-16. Church Journal, New York, 1853-54. Churchman, N. Y., 1854-55. Columbian Gaiette, Utica, 1813. Columbian Mercury, Canaan, 1794. Courrier des Etats Unis, 1840-59, 1862. Daily Advertiser, N. Y., 1787, 1789-95. Evening Mirror, New York, 1844-55. Examineror N. Y. Recorder, 1855, 56. Family Newspaper, Albany, 1838-39. Franco- A merioain, Le, New York, 1841-47. ; Newspapers, New York (continued). Franklin Gazette, Malone, N. Y., 1855- 1859. Herald, New York, 1794-1797. Herkimer American, 1812-15. Home Journal, New York, 1850. Hudson Weekly Gazette, 1785-1803. Illustrated American News, N. Y., 1851. Illustrated News, P. T. Barnum, 1853. Illustrated N. Y. News, 1851. Independent, N. Y., 1854-1871. Journal and TeUgraph, Albany, 1832- 1834. Jefferson and St. Lawrence Cos., News papers, 1812-52, imp. Jeffersonian, The, (Greeley), Albany, 1838-39. Log Cabin, (Greeley), 1840. Nation, The, N. Y., 1866-68. National Advocate, N. Y., 1819-22. National Observer, Albany, 1826-31. National Police Gazette, N. Y., 1850- 1859, 1861-65. New World. 1842. N. Y. American, 1831-33. New York Bapt. Register, 1826-55. N. Y. Columbian, 1809-10, 1818-21. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, 1820-29, 1831-33, 35-44, 46-48. N. Y. Daily Times, 1851-71. N. Y. Daily Tribune, 1842-71. New Yorker, The, 1838, 39. N. Y. Evangelist, 1834-53, 57-64, 69, 1871. N. Y. Evening Post, 1810-12, 19, 30, 60-63 . New York Gazette, 1805-20. N. Y. Herald, 1802-1811. N. Y. Herald, Weekly, July, 1838- July, 1856. " Daily, July, 1861- June, 1863. N. Y. Journal and Patron of Industry, 1821. New York Leader, N. Y., 1862. N. Y. Newspapers of 1851, specim. N. Y. Newspapers of 1855, specim. N. Y. Observer, 1855-70. N. Y. Recorder, 1855. N. Y. Reformer, Watertown, 1851. N. Y. Spectator, 1820-21. N. Y. Statesman, Alb., 1820-22, imp. N. Y. Statesman, N. Y., 1824-28. N. Y. Tablet, 1857. North American, Watertown, N. Y., 1835-39. Northern Budget, Troy, 1802, 03. Northern New Yorker, Gouverneur, 1850. 390 NEWSPAPERS. Newspapers, New York (continued). Northern N. Y. Journal, Watertown, 1859-62. Northern State Journal, Watertown, 1848-50. Northern Whig, Hudson, 1811-23. Ogdensburgh Daily Journal, 1863-64. Ogdensburgh Sentinel, 1854-68. Old Settler, Keeseville, 1847-56. Peoples Democratic Guide, 1841-2. Phare, Le, de New York, :852, 53. Plaindealer, Leggett, 1830-31. Plebeian, Kingston, N. Y., 1805, 06. Potsdam Courier, 1856-59. ProgreB, Le, N. Y., 1855. Protestant Churchman, 1843-48, 54-6. Repub. Advocate, Batavia, N. Y., 1820-23. Rochester Observer, 1827. St. Lawrence American, Ogdensburgh, 1855-59. St. Lawrence Advertiser, 1850. St. Lawrence Free Press, 1854. Schoharie Observer, 1818-23. Schoharie Republican, 1819-24. Spectator, N. Webster, 1797-1802. Spirit of the Times, N. Y., 1851-3. Standard, Albany, 1829. Voice of the People, Albany, 1858. Watertown Register, 1830-50. Weekly Journal, Ogdensburgh, 1857, 1858. World, The, N. Y., 1868-71. Yonkers Examiner, 1856-59. Young America, N. Y., 1856. See Periodicals. Newspapers, British Colonies. Anti gua Weekly Gazette, 1842, 44. Canada Newspapers, 1848-51. Canadien, Le, 1850. Colonial Herald, Prince Edward, 1837- 1840. Examiner, The, Toronto, 1850. Evening Courier, Montreal, 1850. Globe, Toronto, 1850. Minerve, La, Montreal, 1848-50. Moniteur Canadien, 1850. Pays, Le, Montreal, 1853, 54, 57. Royal Gazette, Prince Edward Island, 1837-44. See Periodicals. Newspapers, European. Amsterdam Gazette, 1744-69. Courier du Bas Rhin, 1789-94. Courier van Europa, 1783, 84. Dublin Courant, 1723-25. Europische Staats Secretaris, 1763. Examiner, The, London, 1810-20, 58- 1860. Newspapers, European (continued). Flying Post, 1709. Galignani s Messenger, Paris, 1851. Illustrated London News, 1842-59. Illustrated News of the World, 1858- 1860. Journal de Constantinople, 1846-56. Journal Politique, Leyde, 1805-09. Liverpool Chronicle, 1849-52. London Chronicle, 1780-81. London Gazette, Oct. 24, 31, 1851. Mist s Weekly Journal, P22. Moniteur, Le, Paris, 1789-1836. Moniteur de 1 Exposition Universelle, 1865, 66. Moniteur Ottoman, 1831-36. Nouvelles Extraordinaires, 1784-98. Nouvelles Politiques, 1799-1804. Post, De, van den Nedor Rhijn, 1781- 1787- Presse d Orient, Smyrne, 1855. Railway Chronicle, Lond., 1844-49. Railway Times, Lond., 1855-58. Rehearsal, The, 1704-8. Saturday Review, Lond., 1860-62. Spectator, London, 1831-33, Times, Daily, London, 1832-37, 41-71. " Index to, 1862, 63, 67-69. Newstead Abbey. Irving, W., De scription of. Newton, Sir I. Brewster, Sir D., Life of. Home, G., Case of I. N. and Mr. Hutchinson, 1753. P. 1207. Newton, I., Correspondence, 1851. " Two Letters to Le Clerc, 1754. Library Use. Knowl., Life of. Rigaud, On the Principia, 1838. Newton, I. Hague, W., Discourse, 1859. Newton, Rev. J. Letters, 1819. Evans, C., Sermon on. Newton, R. Jackson, T., Life of. Newton, T. Life of, (Pocock). Newton, Mass. Jackson, W., History of, 1854. Newton, Ms., Notice of, 1852. Newtown, N. Y. Riker, Annals of,1852. New Utrecht, L. I. De Sille, Hist, of settlement of, 1660. New York Central College, McGraw- ville. Reports, 1*49-56. New York City. Alvarez, Guiade,1863. Barnard, J. G., Defence of, 1859. Barnes, D. M., Draft riots, 1863. Bayley, J. R., Catholic Ch. in, 1870. Bayley, R., Account of fever in, 1795. NEW YORK CITY. 391 New York City (continued). Beekman, J. W., On the Founders of, 1870. Booth, History f, 1859. Bourne, W. 0., Hist of Public School Society, 1870. Boyd s Tax Book, 1857. Brick Church Memorial, 1861. Brief Treatise on the N. Y. Police, 1812. Browne, J. H., The Great Metropolis, 1869. Bulls and bears, 1854. Commodities of Manati, 1650. Cozzens, J., Geolog. Hist, of, 1843. Davis, A., Hist, of New Amsterdam, 1854. Dawson, H. B., Sons of Liberty, 1776. De Forest, New York in olden time, 1833. De Voe s Market History of, 1862. Disosway, Earliest Churches of, 1865. Disturnell, Description of, 1847. Dix, J. A., Sketches of, 1827. Duer, W. A., Hist. Address, 1848. Dunshee, School of the Ref. Prot. Dutch Ch., 1633-1853. Ely, Journal of Alms-house preacher, (1st, 2d series), 1812, 13. Englishman s Sketch-book, 1828. First Baptist Church, 1829. P. 466. Francis, J. W., New York, 1800-57, a discourse. Old New York, 1858. Free School Society, 1814. P. 552. General Society of Mechanics, Reports, 1845-54. Glentworth, Election frauds, 1838. Gobright, N. Y. Sketch-book of trades, 1858. Great Metropolis, Doggett, 1846, 53. Greenleaf, Hist, of Churches of all de nominations to 1846. Bardie, J., Acc ts of Epidemics, 1799, 1805, 2,2. Description of N. Y., 1827. Harkness, J., Reformed Dutch Church ! burned, 1840. High Life in N. Y., 1844. P. 496. King, C., Progress of last fifty years, 1852. Martyrs.... at Wallabout Bay, 1855. Mathews, J. M., Fifty Years in, 1858. | Michaelius, J., Letter, 1628. Moulton, View of New Orange, 1673. New Jersey Rep. on N. Y. Encroach ments, 1855. N. Y. City; Documents, 1853-55. " Census, 1865. " Maps of Senate and Assem bly Districts. New York City (continued). N. Y. City; Manual of the Corpora tion, (Valentine, etc.), 1841-70. " Mortality, 1804-53. N. Y. City, Growth of N. Y., 1865. P. 1806. " Manualof the corporation, (Valentine), 1841-70. " Quarantine, 1857-67. P. vol., 1807. " Guia, 1855. N. Y. City Mission and Tract Society, 1872. New York State, Report on the harbor. 1857, 60. New York as it is, 1837. N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, History, 1867. New York City in the Revolution; Papers, 1861. New York Guides, 1817, 53. New York in Slices, 1849. New York Jour, of Commerce, Abuses, 1853. New York, Sketch of, 1853. New York, Walks about, 1865. New York, Strangers Guide, 1817. Olden Time in, 1833. Old Merchants of, (Scoville), 1863- 1870, 5 v. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 531, 1806. Paulding, Affairs of New Amsterdam. Picture of New York, 1807, 28, 48. Plain Statement on real estate, 1818. P. 75, 1806. Public School Soo., 1828, 32, 42. Reminiscences of the City, 1855. Remonstrance Pilot Law, 1857. P. 529. Remonstrance.. Ships and Piers, 1857. St. Jude s Prot. E. Free Church, 1846. P. 543. Skillman, Police reports, 1828, 9. Skinner, T. H., Mercer St. Church, 1845. Smith, M. H., Sunshine and shadow in, 1869. Soo. for the Ref. of Juv. Delinquents, Rep., 1832, 35-55, 57, 64. Spring, G., Hist. Discourses, 1858. Stanton St. Bapt. Ch., Ih60. Stone, W. L., History of, 1868. Stryker, Hist. Disc., Broome St. Ch., 1860. Thompson, J. P., Hist, of the Taber nacle, 1857. Thorburn, G., Reminiscences of, 1845. Valentine, Hist, of the city, 1853. " Plots below Wall St. Van Nest, 21st Dutch Church. 392 NEW YORK CITY. New York City (continued). Vertoogh van N. Nederland, 1649-50. Watson, J. F., Historic tales of olden time, 1832. Wealthy Citizens of, 1842. Williams, E., New York in 1833, 1834. Wilson s Copartnership Direct., 1856. Witches of N. Y., (Thompson), 1859. Wood, F., Communications, 1856-67. See Yellow Fever. New York City Directories. Boyd s Pict. Directory, 1859. Doggett, Directory, 1842-52. Elliot, 1812. Franks, 1786. Repr. Longworth, Aim. and Directory, 1797- 1841. Wanting, 1799, 1801, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14. Low, 1796. New York Business Direct., 1840, 41. New York Mere. Un. Direct., 1850-51. N. Y. Pictorial Directory, 1851. Rode s, 1850-55. Trow s, 1856-71. Wilson s Bus. Direct., 1852, 56. New York City University. See Uni versity. New York State: Geography, Statis tics, Travels, etc. Accountofa Journey to Niagara, Quebec, 1765. Asher and Adams, Atlas and Gazetteer of, 1870. Beck, N. F., Road from Erie to the Hudson, 1827. Brookett, L. P., Geography of, 1847. Burr s County Atlas, 1829. " Guide to Map. Child, L. M., Letters from, 1845, 1848. Clinton, D. W., Letters on the re sources of, 1822. Crevecoaur, Voyage dans 1 etat de, 1801. Denton, D., Deso. of New York, 1670. Dewey, Buffalo and N. York Railway Hand-book, 1849. Disturnell, Gazetteer of, 1842. " State Reg., 1858. < State Guide, 1842. - Western traveler, 1844. Donck, A. v. d., Beschr. van Niouw Nerderlant, 1656. Dwight, T., Travels in, 1821. Evening Journal Almanac, 1858-72. Forest Arcadia of North N. Y., 1864. Fowler, J., Tour in New York, 1820. French, J. H., Gazetteer, 1860. Gaine i N. Y. Almanac, 1766, 70. Univ. Register, 1776, 86, 1802. Goodenow, Top. and statis. Manual of, 1811. P. 17. New York State: Geography, Statis tics, Travels, etc. (continued). Gordon, T. F., Gazetteer of, 1836. Hamilton, T., Men and Mann, in America, 1831, 33. Hammond. S. H., Wild Northern Scenes. Headley, J. T., The Adirondacks, 1849. Holley, 0. L., N. Y. State Reg., 1843-47. Holt, N. Y. State Register, 1804-06. Hough, N. Y. Civil List, 1855-69. Jogues, New Netherland, 1642-44. Lambrechsten, Disc, of N. Nether- land, 1818. Longworth, Pocket Aim., 1817. Mather, J. H., Geography of, 1847. Milbert, Itincraire du Hudson, 1828. Miller, J., Descr. of Province and city, 1695. Munro, Descr. of the Genesee country, 1804. N. Y. Almanac, (Meriam), 1857, 58. N. Y. Manual for the Legislature, 1842-71. N. Y. Pocket Aim., 1761, 70, 88, 95. N. Y. State Register, Disturnell, 1847. New York State Tourist, 1840. N. Y. State Business Directory, 1850, 59, 67, 70. N. Y. Statistics, Pamp. vol., 1247. N. Y. Traveller, 1845. O Callaghan, Register, 1626-73. O Reilly, Sketches of Rochester and Western N. Y., 1838. Pocket Guide, Hudson R. and Erie canal, 1824. Post, Fevers of Genesee country, 1823. Rivington s Aim., 1774. Seymour, H., Lect. on Topog. and hist, of, 1856. Smith, C., Gentleman s Aim., 1801. Spafford, Pocket Guide on the Canals, 1824. " Pocket Book of the towns, etc., -1825. " Gazetteer of, 1813, 24. Street, A. B., Saranac and Racket, 1860. " The Indian Pass, 1869. Tanner, Hand-book, 1844. Timon, Bp. J., Missions in Western N. Y., 1862. Vertoogh, Een, van de Colonie, 1676. Vertoogh van Nieu Nederland, 1650. West Indische Reize, 1705. Williams, E., New York in 1833. " Register, 1830-45. Wooley, C.,Two Years Journal, 1679. See Canals; Railroads; Education, etc. NEW YORK STATE. 393 New York State, History of, etc. Account of settlement of, 1735. Allen, E., On the Claims of N. York, 1774. Aaher, Dutch Books on, 1867. Barber, J. W., Pict. History of, 1846. Barton, J. L.,Remin. of West. N. Y., 1848. Belden, New York, Past and Future, 1849. Brief and True Narrative, 1650. Brodhead, J. R., History of, vol. I, 1609-64; vol. II, 1664-1691. Buccaneers, The, Fiot., 1826. Butler, B. F., Const. Hist, of N. Y., 1847. Campbell, W. W., Border Warfare of, 1831, 49. Carpenter, W. H., History of, 1853. Chassanis, Assoc n pour Exploration. Clinton, De W., Nat. Hist, and Re sources of, 1822. " Antiq. of West. N. Y., 1818. " Disc., Indians of, 1811. Cluny, A., Dutch colonies, 1769. Colden, Completion of Canals, 1825. Vindica. of Steamboat right, 1818. Congregational Churches of, 1848-67. Connecticut, Rep. on Boundary, 1857. Democratic Conventions, 1849, 56. Donck, Van dcr, Remonstrance, 1649. Dunlap, W., History of, 1837, 1844. Eastman, History of, 1833. Fontaine, Mem. of a Huguenot Fam. Form of Prayer, 1762. Gerard, London and New York, 1853. Hammond, J. D., Hist, of Political parties in, to 1840. Hasenclever, P., Case of, 1774. Hastings, H. P., Constitut. Reform. Herinneringen eener reize, 1832. Hoffman, C. F., The Pioneers of, 1847. Horsmanden, N. Y. Conspiracy, 1741. Hotchkin, Hist, of Settlement of Wes tern N. Y., 1848. Hough, Results of N. Y. Census, 1855, 1865. Hurlbut, Civil office and Polit. ethics, 1844. Jenkins, J. S., Hist, of Political par ties in, 1783-1844. t{ Lives of the Governors of, 1851. Jottrand, Comm. sur la Nouvelle Con stitution de, 1847. Kapp, F., Gesch. der Deutschen im Staate N. Y., 1869. Kent, Disc., N. Y. Hist. Soc., 1829. Keyen, Von Neu Niederland und Gua- jana, 1672. 50 New York SfUe, History of, etc. (continued). Lambrechsten, Ontdekking van Nieuw Nederland, 1818. " The same : translation. Lerow, Duties of Officers. L. I. Hist. Soc., Danker s voy., 1679. Macauley, J., History of, 1829. Massachusetts Bay, The case of.... boundary, 1764. Michaelius s Letter, 1628. Moulton, Hist, of State of N. Y., 1826. Munsell s Hist. Series : Indian Treaties. N. Y. Colony: Journal of Dutch Com- mis rs, 1663, (Blue Laws). State of the Right.1773. Colonial History, 11 v. " Documentary Hist., 4 v. " Provincial Congress. Journals, 1775-77, 2 v. N.Y. State: Comm rs treaties, 1784-91. Legislature, Speeches in, 1861-63. Pam.vols.246, 1247, 1248. " Mil. appointments, 1786- 1802. MS. " Public Documents ; Series of reports of various departments collected, 1845-65. N. Y. Colonial Tracts, 3 v., (O Cal- laghan). New York Historical Society, Collec tions, 1809-70. " Proceedings, 1843-49, 57. New York Marriages to 1784. Niles, S., Serm., Mass. Miss. Soc., 1801, P. 1598. O Callaghan, Hist, of New Nether- land. 1846, 48. Photog. Senate Album, 1858. Prot. Episc. Church, N. Y., Journals. Rees, Nederl. Volkplantingen in N. A., 1855. Republican Conventions, 1810, 1828. etc. Russell, Harper s N. Y. Class-book, 1847. Seymour, H., Lect. on the History of, 1856. Smith, W., Hist, of, to 1732. " Hist, of, to 1762. Squier, Aborig. Monuments of, Smith- son. Contr. 2. State of Controversy with N. H.,1782. Street, A. B., Hist, of Council of Re vision, 1859. Tibbets, Finances of the Canal fund, 1829. Turner, 0., Hist, of Phelp and Gor- ham s purchase, 1851. 394 NEW YORK STATE. New York State, History of, etc. (continued). Uncle Philip s Conversations, 1844. Vertoogh, etc, 1650. " Representation of N. Neth., trans., (H. C. Murphy). Yates, Hist, of, 1824. Young, A. W., First lessons in gov t. Whitehead, W. A., East, bound, of N. Jersey, 1866. Zenger, Libel controversy, 1732. See Canals; Education; New Hamp. Grants; Railroads, etc. New York State, History: Local. See Albany; Auburn; Augusta; Ba- tavia; Binghampton; Buffalo; Champlain Lake; Chautauqua; Chemung County ; Chenango Co.; Claverack; Clinton; Columbia Co. ; Cooperstown; Cortland Co. ; Dan ville; Delaware Co.; East Hamp ton; Essex Co.; Fishkill; Flushing; Franklin Co. ; Genesee ; Glen Cove ; Glenville; Gloversville ; Greene; Herapstead; Herkimer; Holland Purchase; Hudson; Huntington; Lewis Co.; Little Britain; Long Island; Nassau; Newburgh ; New Rochelle; Newtown; N. Utrecht; Oneida Co. ; Onondaga Co. ; Orange Co.; Oswego; Otsego; Owego; Ox ford; Palmyra; Port Jervis; Poughkeepsie; Putnam; Queens Co.; Rochester; Rome; Rye; St. Lawrence Co.; Saratoga; Sche- nectady; Schoharie Co.; Seneca Co.; Sherburne; Southampton; Southold; Spencertown ; Staten Is.; Steuben Co.; Suffolk Co.; Syracuse; Ticonderoga; Troy; TryonCo. ; Utica; Warsaw; Wash ington Co.; Watertown; West- chester Co.; West Point; White hall; White Plains; Yonkers. New York in the Civil War. Albany Army Relief Bazaar, 1864, Collections. " Photographs of (35). Boudrye, L. N., Hist. 1st N- Y. Cav alry, 1865. Brooklyn Fair, Hist., 1864. Clark, J. H., Iron Hearted Regt., 115th N. Y. Clark, 0. S., 116th N.Y. Regt., 1868. Clark, R. W., Heroes of Albany, 1866. Corcoran, Gen. M., Captivity of, 1862. Dewitt Guard. P. 1246. Eddy, R., Hist. 60th N.Y. Regt., 1864. Ellsworth (44th) N. Y. Vet. Assoc., Proo., 1871. Judd, D. W., 33d N. Y. Vol., 1864. Knipe, J. F., Testimony on Price, 1864. P. 1589. Mil. Assoc n of N. Y., Proo., 1860-69. N. Y. Adj. Gens. Reports, 1861-69. New York in the Civil War (cont d). N. Y. Adj. Gens. General Orders, 1861, " Army list, 1862. Roll of the Volunteers, 8 v. " Bureau of Mil. Statistics, l-5th Reports, 1864-68. " Soldiers Home, Agent s Rept., 1864. tf Legislative speeches, 1861-63. N. Y. City, Memory of A. Lincoln, 1865. New York County : Reports of volun teering Commit., 1863-66. <f Enrolment lists. N. Y. 2d Comp. of 7th Regt. Hist., 1864. Old, The, Guard, 1863-66. N. Y., Pe riod. Oneida Volunteers, Reception, N. Y., 1861. P. 2504. Pinckney, S. R., Nat. Guard Manual, 1864. Rogers, W. H., Hist, of 189th Regt., 1865. Spirit of The Fair, N. Y., 1864. Stevens, G. T., Three Years in the Sixth Corps, 1867. Swinton, W., Hist, of the 7th Regt., 1870. U. S., Rolls of Honor of soldiers in terred in the Nat. Cemeteries, 1865- 1870. Willson, A. M., Disaster Triumph, 126th N. Y. Regt., 1870. See Civil War. New York State: Biographical. Ber- rian, Recollections, 1850. Boone, Life Sketches of the Legisla ture, 1868, 69, 70. Bungay, Off-hand takings, 1854. Fisher, Physicians of Westchester Co. Gorrie, Black River Confer., Mem., 1852. Harlow, Legislature of 1867. Hunt s Amer. Biog. Panorama, 1849. Jenkins, J. S., Lives of the governors, 1851. Murphy, Biog. of Legislature, 1859, 1860, 61, 62-3. Livingston, Biog. of Am. now living, 1851. N. Y. Chamber of Commerce, (Ste vens), 1867. N. Y. Geneal. and Biog. Record, 1870- 1871. Old Merchants of N. Y., (Scoville), 1863-70. Pamphlets, Biographical, N. Y., vol. 1858. Q., 0. P., Sketches of the N. Y. Press, 1844. NICARAGUA. 395 New York State: Biographical (con tinued). Raymond, Distin. men of Columbia County. Street, A. B., N. Y. Council of Revi sion, 1859. Wealth and biog. of citizens of N. Y., | 1846. Willard, S. D., Albany Co. physicians. \ See Biography. New York, Pamphlets : Political, i etc. Address, 1784. Address, Great State Road, 1826. Address to the Indep. Electors, 1810. Address to the People, 1808. Aitkin, Speech on Taxes, 1854. Albany Atlas: Syracuse Conv., 1847, Albany Ratification, 1853. Amer. Repub. Party, 1845. Appendix to Impartial Statement,1792. Branch s Daily Hand, 1859. Cheetham, Reply to Aristides, 1804. Colles, Waste Lands, 1785. Constitutional Reform, 1841. Epaminondas, Answer to Troup. Examination of .. ..Military Grants, 1800. Facts and Considerations, 1852. Haines, C. G., Speeches, N. Y. Conv., 1824. Impartial Statement, 1792. Loudon, Conduct of a commander rev., 1758. Marcus, Letters to Clinton, 1810. Middleton, W. H., Hist of my Friend, 1816. Orange County, Dividing of, 1859. Nat. Democ. State Conv., 1855. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 530, 1246, 1247, 1805. B. C. 4, 8, 9. Party in Power, 1848. Perkins, B., Speech, Wash., 1854. Pilgrims, The, of hope, 1820. Political Wars of Otsego, 1796. Reasons for Rejoicing, 1837. Result of the Election, 1846. Review and Expos., Ballston, 1816. Schuyler, Remarks on Revenue, 1792. Schuyler County, Facts, 1856. Short Advice, 1774. Society of Tammany, Address, 1819. Southwick, S., Two Letters, 1819. U. S., N. Y. Election frauds, 1869. View of the conduct of Burr, 1802. Vindication of the Public Faith, 1840. Westbrook, Speech, Hards and Softs, 1854. Wood, J., Expose of ClinUnian fac tion, 1802. New Zealand* Canterbury Colonisti, 1850. Collins, N. S. Wales and N. Z., 1798. Earle, Residence in, 1832. Library of Enter. Knowl., N. Zea- landers. Martin, M. R., Hist, of Brit. Col., 1835. Mundy, G. C., Our Antipodes, 1855. New Zealand Church Almanac, 1846. P. 1538. New Zealand Comp. Rep., 1843, 44. Terry, C., Advantages as a Brit. Col., 1842. See Australia; Voyages. Ney, M., Marshal. Memoirs, 1834. Niagara Co., N. Y. Directory, 1869. Niagara Falls. Acct. of a Journey to, in 1765, 1846. P. 17. Barham, W., Descriptions, selected. Bartram, Observations, (Kalm sacct.), 1751. Bulkley, C., Niag., A Poem, 1848. De Veaux, Traveller s own book, 1843. Hulett, Every man s own guide to, 1844. Johnson, F. H., Guide to, 1852. Marshall, 0. H., Frontier of, 1865. Maude, Visit to the Falls, 1800. Mineral Spring at, 1842. N. Y., Repts. on ship canal, 1854. Niagara Falls Hydraulic Co., 1853. P. 260. Niag. Falls Susp. Bridge Co., Roeb- ling s Rep., 1855. P. 545. Orr, J. W., Pictorial Guide to, 1842. Parker, A. X., Speech on canal, 1864. Parsons, H A., Book of, 1836. Peck, Tourist s Companion, 1850. Steele s Western Guide-book, 1836. Summer month, 1823. Tivoli, Guide to falls of, 1846. Tunis, Guide to, 1855. Nicaragua. Bard, S. A., Mosquito Shore, (Squier), 1855. Oviedo y Valdez, Histoire de, (Ternaux Compans, Voy.). Pamphlets, vol. 1001. Squier, E. G., Nicaragua, its people, monuments, 1852. " Letter on the Treaty, 1850. Stout, P. F., Past and Future of, 1859. Strangeways, T., Sketch of Musquito and Poyais, 1832. Walker, W., The War in, 1860. Wells, W. V., Amer. Expedition! to, 1856. Wright, J., Memoir of the Terr., 1808. Sec Central America. 396 NICHOLS. Nichols, I. Peabody, A. P., Sermon, Funeral of, 1859. P. 555. Stebbins, H., Sermon on. Nichols, T. L. Journal in Jail, 1840. Nicol, J. Copy of Three Letters, 1740. Nicolson, W. Letters, 1683-1727. Niebuhr, B. G. Bunsen, Life of, 1852. Lieber, Fr., Reminiscences of, 1822-23. Niebuhr, C. .Life of, Lib. U. K. Nievre, Fr. Annuaire, 1845. Niger River. See Africa, West. Nile River. Baker, S. W., Nile tribu taries, 1868. " Albert Nyanza, 1866. Beke, On Abbadie s journey, 1850. Bruce, Travels to discov. the Source, 1790. Gliddon, G. R., Picture of, 1849. P. 996. Macgregor, Rob Roy on the Nile, 1869. Speke, Discov. of Source of, 1863. Warren, H., Picture of, 1849. Wycke, Relation of, 1791. See Abyssinia; Egypt; Ethiopia; Nubia. Nineveh. Bonomi, Nineveh, 1857. Botta, Monument de Ninive, dessinee par E. Flandin, 1849. Cooper, F. C., Diorama of. Fergusson, Niniveh and Persepolis, 1851. Fletcher, Notes from Niniveh, 1850. Layard, A. H., Niniveh and its re mains, 1849. Martin, J., Picture of. Rich, C. J., Journey to, 1836. Walpole, F., Visit to, 1851. See Antiquities; Mosul; Tigris. Nisbet, C. Miller, S., Memoirs of, 1849. Nismes, Fr. Masse, Les protestants de. Nobility. Black, The, Book, 1835. Carpenter, W., Peerage for the people, 1841. Lettre sur la noblesse, 1812. Macky, J., Memoirs: Rise of the Nobility, 1733. Millar, J., Obs. on the distinctions of ranks, 1773. Plebeian, The, 1719. Selden, Titles of honor, 1673. See Genealogy ; Heraldry; Ranks. Nodier, C. Gal. des Contem., Notice sur. Non-Conformity. See Conformity ; Tole ration; Dissenters. Noorddijk, Neth. Boeles, Leerrede, 1846. Nord, France. Annuaire, 1845. Norfolk Co.. Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Blomefield, History of, 1805-10. Gilpin, W., Scenery in, 1809. Kent, N., Agriculture of, 1794. Norfolk Co., Mass. Alden, Hist, of Med. Prof. in. Norfolk, Conn. Roys, History of, 1738- 1844. Norfolk Is. Hunter, J., Hist. Journal, 1793. Norfolk, Va. Forrest, Hist. Sketches of, 1853. " Directory of, 1851. Howard Assoc n, Report on Relief, 1855. P. 1846. Normal Schools and" Teachers. Brooks, C., Hist, of, 1864. P. 1669. Pamphlets on, vol. 994, 1808. See Education, Teachers and. Normandy. Benoit, Chronique des dues de, France : Docts. ined. Blondelli s Narr. of expulsion of Eng lish from, 1849, 50, (Chron. G. B.). Duchesne, Hist. Norinann. Scriptores. Du Monstier, Ncustria pia, 1663. Floquet, Sur 1 cchiquier de Norm., 1840. Ordericus Vitalis, Eccl. Hist, of Eng. and Norm., 1853. Palgrave, Hist, of, 813-1101. Regnard, (Euvres ; Voyage de. Thierry, Conq. of England by, 1856. See France; England. Norridgewock, Me. Hanson, History of, to 1849. Norris, I. Journal, 1745. North, Hon. D. and J. North, R., Lives of, 1826. North, Francis, Lord. North, R., Life of, 1742, 1826. North, Fred., Lord. Donne, Corresp. with George III. Letter to, 1780. North America. Alvarez, F., Colon. Inglesas, 1778. America, or Descr. of W. I., 1655. Baily, Tour, 1796, 97. Bellin, Carte de : 28 a 72 de lat. Bingley, W., Travels in, 1821. Bossu, Voy. dans 1 Am. septentrionale, 1777. Bourgeois, Voy. int6ressans dans. diff. colonies, 1778. Brissot, Examen des voyages de Chaa- tellux, 1786. Bromme, Nordamerica s Bewohner, 1839. NORTH BROOKFIELD, MS. 397 North America (continued). Butel-Dumont, His. des Col. Anglaises, 1755. Burnaby, Travels, 1759, 60. Campbell, H., Travels in, 1791, 92. Carver, Travels, 1766-68. Chabert, Voyage dans, 1750. Chastellux, Voyage, 1780-82. Cooper, R., History of, 1805. Davenport, Gazetteer and Geog. Diet. of, 1842. Denys, Desc. geog. et hist, des costes de, 1672. Description de 1 Amerique, 1638. Douglass, W., British settlements in, 1755. Force, P., Tracts on the colonies of, 1836-46. Gordon, J. B., Hist, and Geog. Mem. of, 1820. Hall, B., Travels in, 1827, 28. Harmon, Voy. and Tr. to the Pacific, 1820. History of the Brit. Dominions in, 1773. Hodgson, A., Remarks during a jour ney in, 1819, 21. Humphreys, Hist. Soc. Prop. Gosp. to, 1728. Johnston, J. F. W., Notes on, 1851. Kingdom, Amer. and Brit. Colon., 1820. Knox, J., Campaigns in N. A., 1757- 1760. La Hontan, Voyage to, 1735. Laon, Voy. au Cap de Nord. 1654. La Potherie, Hist, de 1 Amerique sep- tentrionale, 1722. Logan, J. K., Notes of a journey, 1838. Lyell, Travels in, 1845. McGee, History of Irish Settlers in, 1852. Marquette, Recit de voyages, 1673. Repr. 1855. Voy. et Decouverte, 1673; repr. 1845. Moser, N. A. nach den Fried., 1783. Murray, C. A., Travels in, 1834-36. Murray, Hugh, Hist, of travels and discov. in, 1829. Murray, H. A., The land of the slave and free, 1855. North Amer. and West Indies Gazet teer, 1778. Present State, Mitchell, 1767. Present State of Brit. Empire, 1768. Rafinesque, Travels, 1836. Robin, Nouveau voyage, 1781. Rogers, Robert, Account of, 1755. Russell, R., Agric. and climate of, 1857. North America (continued). Saxe-Weimar, Travels through, 1825, 1826. Shirreff, Tour through, 1835. Stansbury, P., Pedestrian Tour in, 1822. State of Brit. Col., 1755. Stuart, J., Three years in, 1833. Sutcliff, R., Travels in, 1804-6. Talbot, J., History of North America, 1820. Trollope, A., Travels, 1862. Tudor, H., Travels in, 1834. Welby, Visit to, 1821. See America; Canada; Louisiana; Florida; S. Carolina; New Eng land; United States; Mexico; British Colonies; North W. Coast. North America, British. Bouchette, Brit. Dominions in, 1832. Buckingham, J. S., Provinces of Brit. Am., 1843. Canada, Northwest Territory, 1858. Coke, Subaltern s Furlough, 1833. Doyle, W., Brit. Dominions in. Haliburton, Resources of, 1857. Booker, W. J., Bot. of the Northern parts, 1833. Macgregor, British America, 1832. Murray, Hist, and descr. acc t of, Ed- inburg Cab. Lib. Richardson, Fauna Boreali- Americana, 1837. Sleigh, Pine forests and hacmatack clearings, 1853. Smith, M., British Possessions in,1814. See Canada; New Brunswick, etc. Northampton Co., Eng. Baker, Hist. of, 1822-41. Beauties of England and Wales. Marcus, M., Letter, 1822. P. 389. See Ecton. Northampton, Mass. Allen, W., Hist. Discourse, 1854. Bridgman, T., Inscript. in grave yards of, 1850. Williams, S., Hist, of, 1815. See Hampshire Co. Northborough, Ms. Allen, J., Two Hist. Sermons, 1842, 67. " Hist, sketch of. Northbridgewater, Ms. Directory, 1869. Kingman, B., History of, 1866. North Brookfield, Ms. Snell, T., Ser mon, 40th anniv., 1838. " Sermon, 50th anniv., 1848. " Hist, sketch of the town, 1854. Hist, sketch of the church, 1854. 398 NORTH CAROLINA. North Carolina. Bartram, Travels through, 1791. Brickell, J., Nat. Hist, of, and cus toms, 1737. Byrd, The Westover MSS., 1841. " The Dividing line, 1728. * Colton, H. E., Mountains of Western, 1859. Cooke, W. D., Revolut. Hist. of,1853. Drayton, Mem. of the Revolution in, 1821. Em mons, E., Geol. and Agr. Survey, 1856-60. Fanning s Narrative, 1775-83. Foote, W. H., Sketches of, hist, and biog., 1846. Qoodloe, Letter on affairs in, 1868. Hall, J., Revival in, 1802. Jones, J. S., Defence of Rev. Hist, of, 1834. " Memorials of, 1838. Letter. . .of the Roanoke, 1811. Martin, F. X., History of, 1829. Mecklenburgh Gold Mining Company, 1833. P. 69. Moultrie, Mem. of the Am. Revolution in, 1802. Nantahala Land Assoc n, 1856. North Car., Geol. Surveys, 1856-1860, (Emmons), 1866. " The Swamp lands of, 1867. North Car. Univer. Magazine, 1860-61. Purefoy, Hist. Sandy Creek Baptists. Reichel, Moravians in, 1857. Wheeler, J. W., Hist. Sketches of, 1584-1851. Wiley, Nor. Car. Reader, 1851. Wilkes, Deep river Country, 1859. Williamson, H., History of, 1812. See South Carolina. North Coventry, Conn. Calhoun, G. A., Centen. Disc., 1845. North-Eastern Boundary. Colonial Policy, London, 1835. Considerations of the claims, London, 1826. Evans, G., Speech on, 1838. Featherstonhaugh, Obs. on, 1843. Gallatin, A., Right of the U. S., 1840. Memoir on, 1843. Gr. Brit. ; North Amer. Boundary, Parl. papers, 1831-43. Hamilton, W. R., Vind. of treaty of, 1783. Maine Legis. Report, 1828. N. E. Boundary, (N. A. Rev.), 1832. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1843-44. Palmerston, Remarks on, 1842. Remarks on the disputed, St. Johns, N. B., 1838. North-Eastern Boundary (continued). U. S., Message of Pres t, 1836, 38. " State Dep. : Case for Nether lands, 1829. Urquhart, D., Exposition, 1839. Webster, D., Speech, N. Y. Hist. Soc., 1843. Williams, R., Speech on, 1838. See Maine. North Haven, Conn. Trumbull, B., Century Sermon, 1801. See New Haven. Northmen. See America, Discovery of; Scandinavia. Northrop, E. C. Bodwell, J. C., Fun. of, 1861. Northumberland, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Cooke s Topog. Library. Pinnock s Topography of. Scott, W., Border Antiquities, 1817. Westmoreland and Northum. illust., 1833. Northup, S. Twelve years a slave, 1853. North-West Boundary. See Oregon. North West Coast of America. See British Columbia; Oregon; Van couver; Alaska; North America; Pacific, etc. North-West Passage. See Voyages, Arctic. North West Territory, U. S. Burnet, J., Notes on the early settlement of, 1847. Coles, E., Hist, of Ordinance of 1787. Hist. Soc. of Pa., 1856. Gallagher, W. D., Add., Progress in theN. W., 1850. Harris, T. M., Journal of tour, 1803. Hildreth, Contrib. to early hist, of, 1864. Ohio Hist. Soc., Burnet s Letters,1838. See Ohio; U. S., Travels West. North Yarmouth. Me. Letters to a Friend, 1824. P. 484. Norton, A. Blodgett, L., Question be tween, 1840. Norton, Mrs. C English laws for women, Norton, Sir J. Manningham, Disc. on. Norton, J. P. Memorials of, 1853. Norton, Mass. Clark, G. F., Hist, of, 1857. Norwalk, Conn. Hall, E., Anc. Hist. Records of, 1847. Norway. Forester, T. See Price. Laing, Residence in, 1837. " The Heimskringla, 1844. NUMISMATICS. 399 Norway (continued). La Martinitre, Voyage, 1676. Lamotte, Voy. principalement en Nor- wege, 1813. Norway, Statistik, 1862. Price, E., Norway and its Scenery, 1853. Smithson. Rep., 1866, Statistics of Mountains and Lakes of. Sturleson, Chronicle of Kings of, 1844. Taylor, B., Northern travel, 1858. Wyndham, F. M., Wild life in, 1861. See Sweden. Norway, Me. Noyes, D., History of, 1852. Norwich, Conn. Bond, A., Hist. Dis course, 1860. Caulkins, History of, 1660-1845. Gilman, D. C., Hist. Discourse, 1859. Morgan, Centenary Sermon, 1849. Norwich Jubilee, 1859. Norwich, Ene. Gould, G., Baptists of. 1860. Norwich, History of, 1768. Reed, A., Congregationalism in, 1842. Nothing. Essay on, Arnot, 1795. P. 1777. Nott, E, Backus, J. T., Fun. address, 1866. P. 1857. Nott, E., 50th Anniversary, 1854. Union College, Pamphlets, 6 vols. Union Coll. Mag., Mar. 1862. P. 1857. Nott, Sir W. Stocqueler, Memoirs of, 1854. Nottinghamshire, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Nourse, J. Van Rensselaer, C., Disc, on. Nouvelle France. See Canada; Jesuit Missions; North America. Nova Scotia. Allan, J., Mil. opera. during Am. Revolution, 1867. Belcher s Alman., 1846-59. Bouchette, North America, 1832. Chabert, Voyage, 1751. Cunabell s Almanac, 1859. Dawson, J. W., Agriculture in, 1856. " Acadian Geol., 1855. " Scien. papers, 1860-63. De Peyster, J. W., Settlement of. P. 976. Diereville, Voyage de 1 Acadie, 1710. Gesner, Indust. Resources of, 1849. Haliburton, Hist, and Statist, acct. of, 1829. " The Old Judge, 1849. Hamilton, P. S., N. S. for Emigration, 1858. Hist. Geog. de la Nouvelle Ecosse, 1649. Nova Scotia (continued). Howe, J., Speeches, etc., 1858. Little, 0., Trade in Northern Colonies, and Descr. of, 1748. Marrant s Journal, 1785-90. Marsden, Mission toN. S., 1810. Martin, M. R., Brit. Col. Lib. V. 6. Memoires des Comm. du roi. Eng. and Fr. 1755. Monro, A., Account of, 1855. Moorson, Letters from Nova Scotia, 1830. Nova Scotia: Record commission, 1858, 1859. " Census, 1861. Nugent s Almanac, 1856. Pichon, Memoires du Cap. Breton, 1718. Present State of, 1787. Provin. Wesleyan Aim., 1859. Rameau, France aux Colonies, 1859. Robertson, J., Hist of Miss, of Seces sion Church from 1765. Whipple, J., Hist, of Acadia, 1816. Williams, C. R., The neutral French, 1841. See Canada; British Colonies; New Brunswick ; Gold. Novels. See Fiction. Noyes, G. A. Withington, Fun. Sermon, 1852. Noyes, G. F. Campaign Sketches, 1863. Noyes, W. C. Fisher, S. W., Discourse on, 1866. P. 1858. Nubia, Burckhardt, Travels in, 1819. Russell, M., Hist, of Nubia. See Abysinia; Egypt; Ethiopia; Nile river. Nullification. See Secession; Civil War; South Carolina ; State Rights. Nnllum Tempus Act. Portland, Duke of, Case, 1768. Numbers. Aristoteles, Metaphysics, (T. Taylor). Barlow, T., Theory of Numbers, 1811. Byrne, 0., Dual Arithmetic, 1864. See Arithmetics; Mathematics. Numismatics. Addison, Dialogue on Medals. Akerman, Numismatic Manual, 1840. Introd. to Study of coins, 1848. Tradesmen s Tokens, 1648- 1672. " Forgeries of money. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, Hindoo coins. Begerua, Regum Roman, numis. au- rea, 1700. " Numis. Pontif. Romanorum, .1704. 400 NUMISMATICS. Numismatics (continued). Birchall s Eng. Prov. coins, 1796. Bizot, Hist. Metal, de Hollande, 1688, 1690. Bonicelli, De Numis. "Lucillam Aug. fil., 1828. Bowring, J., Decimal System, 1854. Burn, J. H., Lond. Trademen s Tokens, 1600-1700, 1853, 55. Bushnell, C. I., Amer. Tokens, 1798- 1858. " Three Amer. Tokens, 1859. Cardwell, Coinage of the Gr. and Rom., 1832. Conder, British provin. coins, last 20 years, 1798. Charles I, Medals of, 1851. Chijs, Incrementa Mus. Lug. Bat., 1842-45. Cuper, Observationes, 1670. Coins of German Emperors, imp. Dickeson, Amer. Numis. Manual, 1859. DuBois, Coins at Mint of U. S., 1846. DuCange, Glossarium, Art. Moneta. Durand, Fabrication des Monnaies Franyaises, 1853. Eckfeldt, Coins within the last century, 1842. " New varieties, etc., 1850. Edwards, E., Napoleon Medals, 1837. " French Medals, 1789-1830. England, T. R., Hebrew Medal, 1819. P. 401. Erizzo, Le medaglie degli antichi, 1571. Evelyn, J., Disc, of Medals. Fleetwood, Acc tof Eng. money, 1745. " Sermon on Clipping, 1694. Folkes, Engl. Gold Coins, 1736. Goltz, Hist. Imp. Rom. ex Numism., 1563. Guillemot, Monuments Merovingien- nes, 1845. Hennin, Manuel de Numismatique an- cienne, 1830. Hickcox, J. H., American Coinage, 1858. Hist. Abr. des Prov. Unies, 1701. Homes, H. A., The Design of Medals, 1863. Humphreys, Coin Collector s Manual, 1853. " Coinage of G. B. to the present time, 1854. Jonge, J. C. De, Notices dos medailles a La Haye. Julien, Les Cesars; Trad. De Span- heim, 1728. Labbe, Bibliot. nummaria, 1672. La Motraye, Travels, 1723. Langlois, Num. des Nomee d Egypte, 1852. Numismatics (continued). Leake, History of English money, 1745. LeClere, Medailles des Provinces Unies 1723-28. Leipzig, Stadtbibliothek, Munzkabi- net, 1853. Loon, Van, Nederlandsche Historipen- ningen, 1723. Madden, F. W., Hist, of Jewish coin age, 1864. Manutius, De vet. Notarum Explana- tione, 1566. Marsden, W., Numis. Orientalia,1825. Mease, J., Descr. of Amer. medals, 1821; also, N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3. Monfalcon, Hist, de Lyon, 1851. " Archeologie Lyonnais,1856. Monumenta Historica Britannica, (Pe- trie), 1848. Nicolas, Hist, of Knighthood, Hist, of Medals, 1842. Odericus, G. A., Dissertationes, 1765. Orsini, Familise Romanae, 1597. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 962. Phil a Board of Trade on U. S. Mint, 1861. P. 962. Pietraszewski, Numi Mohammedani, 1843. Prime, Coins, Medals, 1861. Rouillio, Prontuario delle Medaglie, 1577. Revue de la Numis. Beige, 1842-8. Riddell, Monograph of the dollar. 1845. Ruding, Annals of Coinage of Great Britain, 1840. Satterlee, Medals of Presidents, 1862. Schoenemann, Vaterlandischen Miini- kunde, 1852. Selden, De Nummis, 1675. Simon, J., Irish coins, 1749. Snelling, Coinage of England, 1762, 63, 66. Snowden, Medals of Washington, 1861. " Descr. of Foreign Coins,1860. Soc. of Antiquaries, Archaeologia, Lond. Souvenirs Numismatiques, 1848. Spanhemius, Numismatum Antiquo- rum, 1706. Svenska Mynt, 1845. Taylor, Gold and Silver Coin Exam., 1847. Thomason, Memoirs during half a cen tury, 1845. Thompson, J., 750 fac-similesof coins. " Coin chart manual, 1853. Till, Roman Denarius, 1846. Tindal s England, Medals of William III, Anne and George I. OATHS OF ALLEGIANCE. 401 Numismatics (continued). Tornberg, Nutni Cufici, 1848. Tristan, Commen. Hist, de 1 Empire Remain, 1657. U. S. Mint, Reports, 1859-68. Wyatt, T., Nat. Medals of Amer.,1854. Yale College, Catalogue of coins, 1863. See Bibliography; Currency; Inscrip tions. Numismatics : Sale Catalogues. Bangs, Brother A Co., June, 1855. Priced. Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1858-63. Bolland, Cat. of the Coll. of coins of, 1841. Priced. Bunau, Cat. bibliothecee, 1750, 53. Chaffers, Cat. Anc. and Mod., Lond., 1855. Priced. Chambers s Collection, 1866. Cogan s Sales, 1859, 60, 62, 63. Coin Catalogues, 2 vols., 1840-48. Curtis, J. K., Sale, 1858. Eves s Coll., Toronto. Finotti Coll., N. Y., 1862. Hearne, J. A., Cat. of Nutnism. books for sale, 1847-53. Heberle, Vente a Cologne, 1862. Kerrick, T., Cat. of Roman Coins, 1852. Leavitt s Sale. P. 962. Lincoln & Son, Cat., Lond., 1856, 57, 60, 61. Priced. Lilliendahl, Sale, 1863. Mason A Co , Phil a, 1869. New York State Lib., Cat. of Coins and Medals, 1856. Northwick Coll., Lond., 1859. Robinson, A. S., Sale, 1862. Roper s Sale, 1851. Sage s Sale, 1859. Sotheby s Sale, June, 1856. Priced. Syke s Collection, Sale, 1824. Priced. Woodward s Sales; May, Oct., 1863; May, Oct., 1864; Mar., 1865, N. Y. Some priced. Young, M., Sale Cat., Lond., 1839. Nnneham-Courtenay. Desorip., 1806. P. 1755. Nunez de Balboa. Quintana, Life of, 1832. Nuns ; Nunneries. Bunkley, Test, of a novice, 1855. Goodman, Sisterhoods in Church of Eng., 1863. Hampden, C., N. in France, 1845. P. 1441. Monk, M., Disclosures of, 1836. Montalembert, Anglo Saxon Nuns, Monks of the West, v. 2. Nunnery Question, R%port. Lond., 1854. P. 1434. 51 Nuns; Nunneries (continued). Priests and victims. Protest. Sisters of Charity, A letter, 1826. Reed, Six months in a convent, 1835. " Supp. to Six months, etc. Reflections on communities of women, 1815. Review of Reply, 1835. P. 871. St. George, Mary E., Answer to Six months in a convent. See Sisters of Mercy. Nuremburg. Wagenseil, De cir. com- mentatio, 1697. See Bibliography. Nursing. Nightingale, F., Notes on, 1860. Training Institution, 1857. o. Oastler, R. Letters, 1835-47. Gates, Titus. Dangerfield, Narrative of the Plot, 1679. Impartial account of Parl., 1679. Instrument., .of the true Protestants, 1679. P. 1116. Gates, T., Narr. of plot, 1679. " Trials of, 1685. Observator, 1685. Some observations on the tryals, 1679. See Great Britain ; Pamphlets. Oaths. Briefe Treatise, 1650. Brownlee, W. C., Diss. on a civil oath, 1825. P. 13. Higden, W., View of the Constitu tion, 1709 Junkin, The Oath, a divine ordinance. Hudson, C., Incompet. of Witnesses, 1838. Leigh, Speech on Oaths, 1855. P. 530. L Estrange, Three pamphlets, 1680-81. Lewis, E., Dissertation on, 1838. Mass., Witnesses Belief, 1838. Our Political Oaths, 1855. Phipps, J., Oaths Prohibited, 1781. Steele, T., Iniquity of, 1829. Willard, S , On Laying the hand on the Bible, 1689. Oaths of Allefiance. Friendly con ference, 1689. Hellier, Obligation of Oaths, 1688. P. 1005. Hint, The, 1737. Lawfulness of, 1689. Letter to a Diss. Clergyman, 1690. Penn, W., Treatise on, Works, 1736. Reflexions upon, 1661. Sherlock, T., Vind. of Test Acts, 1718. Stillingfleet, On the Oaths, 1639. 402 OATHS OF ALLEGIANCE. Oaths of Allegiance (continued). Their present Majesties, 1691. Venn, R., Lawfulness of the Oaths,1734. Whitby, D., Hist, account of. 1690. See Authority ; Government. Oatman, Misses. Stratton, Captivity of, 1858. Obedience. See Authority; Charles I; Oaths, etc. Oberlin, J. F. Last moments of, 1826. Oberlin, Ohio. Fairchild, History of. Oberlin College, Catalogues. Smith, D., Oberlin unmasked, 1837. Object Teaching. Barnard, H., Object teaching, 1860. Eduo. Conven., Oswego, 1862. Oswego, Reports, I860, 2, 3. Vindication of, 1863. Wilbur, H. B., Lecture on, 1862, 4. See Education. Obookiah, H. Memoirs, 1819. Obstetrics. See Medicine. Ocean. Gosse, P., Aquarium, or Won ders of the Sea, 1854. Hartwig, Sea and its Wonders, 1861. Harvey, Sea-side book, 1854. Howe, H., Life on the Ocean, 1856. Kingsley, C., Glaucus, 1855. Maury, Phys. Geography of, 18rfY. Pearsall, Contemplations on. Sea, Narratives of the, 1840. Ten minutes advioe. See Shipwrecks ; Navigation. Oceanica. See Pacific; Polynesia; Ha waii; Fiji; Tahiti. O Connell, D. Belfast and Repeal,1841. Huish, R., Memoirs of, 1836. O Connell, J., Life of and speeches of. Raphael, A., Disclosure, Dublin, P. 1343. October Club. Some advice, 1712. Odd Fellows Order. Cockburn, Ad dress, 1837. Emblem, Magazine, 1856-7. Gavel, The, period!., 1846. Hume, J. W., Address on, 1848. Independent Order of, 1850, 54. P. 550. G. L. of N. Y., Proc., 1840-54. Madison, J. M., Exposition of the forms of, 1848. P. 50. B. C. Nichol, J. S., Sermon, 1839. Odd Fellow s Lit. Mag., 1848, 49. Odd Fellowship exposed, 1840. P. 211. Townsend, G. F., Sermon, Engl.,1840. See Secret Societies. Oersted, J. C. Beaumont, Elogc de. Office : Officers, Public. Admin. Re form Assoc n, Lond., 1855. Barber s Plan for candidates. Barton, D., Removal of, 1830. Blanche, Diet. gen. d administration, 1857. Bouriaud, Administration Communale, 1845. Brown, B., Duties of public officers, 1838. P. 59. Burgh, Political Disquisitions, 1775. Burleigh s American manual. Came, Legal nominations. Clark, A., Parliamentary Rules, 1825. Ewing, T., Speech on Removals, 1851. P. 487. Goepp, Organization of the people to select. Gr. Brit., Officers fees, etc., 1793. P. 1377. Hurlbut, Civil Offices, 1844. Impartial enquiry, 1740. Jefferson, T., Manual of Parliamen tary rules, 1834. Jenckes, Report on civ. service, 1866. Knight, Political Dictionary, 1845. Lerow, Politician s Manual, J840. L Herbette, Le fonctionnaire citoyon. P. 10. Mann, H., Civil service competition. Morality of, 1853. Municipalist, N. Y., 1859. New York; Manual of Legislature, 1850-71. " Clerk s with Croswell s Manual, 1850-72. Observations on duties and emoluments of, 1822. P. 18. Officeholders, N. Y., 1832. Pamphlets relating to public officers, vol. 1377. Parkinson, J. C., Government exami nations, 1859. " Under-government officers guide, 1862. Plunder and bribery, 1712. Political Almanac, 1843. Protective Department in the customs, 1849. Smith, T., Speech on Removals, 1860. P. 487. Bterne, S., On Representative Govern ment, 1871. Union League of Phila., Prize Essays, 1868. U. S. Investigating Committee s Re ports, 1857, 60. See Elections; Suffrage; Dignities; Examinations; Government; Civil Service; Registers. ONANISM. 403 Ogle County, 111. History, 1859. Oflethorpe, J. Harris, T. D., Biog. of, 1841. Peabody, Life of, (Sparks, 12). Wright, R., Memoir of, 1867. Ohio. American, The, Pioneer, monthly, J. S. Williams, 1842, 43. Bouquet, Exped. against Indians in 1764. Carpenter, W. H., History of, to 1854. Gaming, Tour in, 1810. Description du sol . . . . entre la Pen- sylvanie, etc., 1787. Firelands Pioneer, 1858-70. Great Britain, Report on Petit, of Franklin for land, 1772. Harris, T. M., Tour N. W. of the Alleganies, 1805. Hildreth, First exam, of the Valley, 1848. " Early settlers of, 1852. Howe, H., Historical Collect, of, 1847. Jenkins, W., Ohio Gazetteer, 1837. Kilbourn, J., Ohio Gazetteer, 1817, 1826. Jones, D., Journal, 1772, 3. Navigator, The, 1811, 14, 18. Ohio Adj. Gens, reporti, 1864-67. " Auditor s report, 1861, 62, 64. " Agriculture, reports, to 1869. " Statistics, 1857-69. " Geolog. Survey, 1838, 54, 69, 70. Ohio Commercial Reference Book. Ohio Legislature, Biog. notices, 1862. Ohio Railroad Guide, 1854. Ohio State Directory, 1854. Ohio State Gazetteer, 1859, 60. Ohio Valley Histor. Series, Nos. 1-6. Olden Time, period., 1846. Patterson, Hist, of the Backwoods,1843. Reid, W., Ohio in the War, 1861-65. Sackett, N., Memorial for grant of land, 1785. Strickland, W. P., Pioneers of the i West, 1856. Taylor, J. W., History of, 1854. Topograph. desc. of, 1818, (Cutler). Walpole s Grant on the Ohio, 1772. Whittlesey, C., Early History of, 1852. Young, D., Autobiography, 1860. See United States, West; Northwest Territory. Ohio I Local History. See Ashland Co.; Butler Co. ; Cleveland; Cin cinnati; Columbus; Dayton; Fort Wayne ; Franklin Co. ; Knox Co. ; Licking Co.; Maumee Valley; Portsmouth; Seneca Co. ; Summit Co.; Tallmadge; Toledo; Vinoen- nes; Zanesville. Ohio River. Cincinnati Chamb. of Com , 1853, 55. P. 255, 565. Conclin sNew River Guide, 1852. Cumings, Western Pilot, 1832. Haupt, Improvement of, 1855. Hildreth, S. P., Pioneer History, 1848. Navigator, The, 1808, 11, 14, 18. See Mississippi Valley and River. Oil Companies. Pamphlets, v*l. 1801. Reno Oil and Land Co., 1866. U. S. Petrol. Ass n, Report, 1868. See Petroleum. O Keefe, John. Life of. Olcott Family. Goodwin, Geneal. of. Old Age. Bernard, Sir T., Comforts of, 1818. B. C. Cicero, De Senectute. " On old age, (Logan). Day, G. E., Diseases of advanced life Essays, 1762. Essays on Retirement and old age, (Mackenzie), 1812. P. 1787. Johnson, J., Economy of health, 1837. Life s evening, 1860. Orton, J., Discourse to the aged, 1771. Robert, De la vieillesse. See Life; Long|vity; Health. Oldenbarnevelt, J. van. Brandt, Rechtspleging, 1618. Oldfield, J. Hughes, 0., Discourse on, 1729. Oldmixon, J. Grey, Z., Defence against, 1725. Old South Church, Boston. Ballard, J., Poor funds of. Old South Church Manual. Olimpia, Donna. Gualdi, Life of, 1846. P. 907. Olin, S. Life and letters, 1853. Olive Brunch. Allen, I., Capture of the ship 0. B., 1798, 1805. Oliver, T., Family. Hutchinson geneal. Olives. Bompard, Sur la culture do 1 olivier, 1842. Olmstead family genealogy, X869. Olmsted Co., Minn. Mitchell, W. H., History of, 1866. Olney, S. Williams, Mrs., Life of, 1839. Omaha, Neb. Woolworth, J. M., His tory of. Omens. Aubrey, J., Miscellanies. See Dreams; Second Sight; Supersti tions; Delusions. * Onanism. Tissot, Treatise on. 404 ONDERDONK. Onderdonk, B. T. Trial of. No Church, etc., 1845. Onderdonk, Statement of facts, 1845. Plebs, Reply to, 1843. Prot. Epis. Ch., N. Y., Report, 1845. Puseyisra and Episcopacy, 1845. P. 543. Richmond, J. C., Conspiracy against, 1845. P. 543. " Laugh of a layman. St. Peter s Ch., Albany, Report, 1845. Seabury, S., Fun. Sermon on, 1861. Smith, J. A., Remarks. Trapier, Narrative of facts, 1845. P. 72. Trial tried, 1845. Onderdonk, II. U. Statement of the Facts, 1827. P. 543. O Neale, J. Weems, Life of, 1818. Oneida Community. Circular, The, 1851-68. Dixon, Spiritual wives. Free Church circular, 1850-51. Hand book, 1847. Noyes, J. II., Hist, of Socialisms, 1870. " The Berean, 1847. Oneida Association, Bible communism, 185S. Oneida Assoc n, Reports, 1849, 51 ; Handbook, 1867; Miscellanies. Perfectionist, The* 1843-45. See Perfectionists ; Noyea. Oneida County, N. T. Directory, 1862, 1863, 69. Jones, P., Annals of, 1851. f Tracy, W., Notices of men and events in, 1838. Oneida Indiana. Hough, F. B., No tices of P. Penet, 1866. Onondaga County, N. Y. Directory, 1868. Clark, J. V. H., Reminiscenses of, 1849. Exam, of the opinion of the Ononda. Comm rs, 1800. P. 195. Geddes, G., Report on Industry, Agr., Aborigines, N. Y. Agr. Soo., 1860. N. Y. St. Agric. Trans., 1859. Onondaga Comm rs on Milit. lands, Minutes, 1798 to 1802, 18 vols. MS. Pioneer Ass n, Proc., 1869. See Salt ; Syracuse. Ontario, Canada. Hand book, 1852. See Canada; Toronto. Ontario County, N. Y. Dickson, Speech, 1834. Directory, 1869. Operas, Musical. Librettos, Pamphlets, vol. *373, 1717-1719, 2524. Set Dramatic ; Music. Opinions, Religions. Bailey, S., Es says on the formation of, 1831. Foster, J., Letters on, to Stebbing, 1735. Palmer, Formation of Rel. Opin, 1860. Reflections on Faith, 1790. P. 337. Simonde, Progress of, 1827. Stebbing, H., Religious Sincerity,1718. Sykes, Innocency of Error, 1715. Wilks, S. C., Influence of a Moral Life, 1822. P. 339. See Creeds; Reason. Opium. Allen, N., The Opium Trade, 1853. Carlyle, Engl. opium eater. Collins, Theriaki, 1871. Fry, W. S., Facts on, 1840. Pam. v. 1234, (China). Statement of claims, 1840. See China; Narcotics. Optics. Berkeley, Bp., Theory of viiion, Works, vol. 6, 1843. Boscovich, R. J., Opera pertin. ad op- ticarn, 1785. Brewster, Sir D., Treatise on Optics, Lardner, 8. Faraday, Glass for optical purposes, 1830. Jackson, I. W., Treatise on Optics, 1848. Lardner, Account of Newton s Optics, Lib. U. K. Martin, B., Visual glaises. Priestley, J., Discourses on vision, 1772. Thoinin, Traite d Optique m6oaniquo, 1749. See Natural Philosophy; Eye; Light; Spectrum Analysis. Optimism. Blood, B., O..the lesson of ages, 1860. Tuokerman, H.T., The Optimist, 1850. Voltaire, Candide, ou 1 optimiste. See Theology ; Philosophy. Orange, Prince d . Montgomery, Gen., Entretiens de, 1776. Orange, N. J. Hoyt, Hist. 1st Presb. Church. Orange Co., N. Y. Denniston, E., Sur vey of, N. Y. Ag. Soc. Tr., 1862. Eager, History of, 1845-47. Stickney, C. C., Hist, of Minisink re gion, 1867. Orations. Pamphlets containing, vols. 77, 83, 88, 100, 101. B.C. 55. See Addresses; Speeches; Agr., Hist., Law, Litor y and Mod. Addressee. Orations, July 4. Abbot, D., Nashua, N. H., 1803. Adaini, J. Q., Boston, 1798, 1831. ORATORY. 405 Orations, July 4 (continued). Alger, W. R., Boston, 1857. Allen, Thomas, 1803: Pittsfield, Mass. Atherton, C. C., Amherst, 1798. Austin, J. T., Lexington, 1815. Austin, S., Worcester, 1798. Bangs, E., Worcester, 1800. Barnard, D. D., Albany, 1835. Bates, I. C., Northampton, 1812. Bidwell, B., Sheffield, Conn., 1805. Bigelow, T., Boston, 1853. Blake, F., Worcester, Mass., 1812. Boies, P., Blandford, Masa., 1814. Boston Celebration, 1858. Bradford, Alden, Wiscasset, Me., 1804. Callender, J. Boston, 1797. Choate, Oration, Boston, 1858. Cogswell, N., Newburyport, 1808. Gushing, C., Newburyport, 1832. Dana, S., Groton, Mass., 1807. Danforth, T., Boston, 1804. De Saussure, Columbia, S. C., 1826. Doane, G. W., Address, 1848. " Burlington, 1852. Douglass, F., Rochester, N. Y., 1852. Drayton, W., Charleston, 1831. Dunlap, A., Salem, Mass. Dutton, W., Boston, 1805. Dwight, T-;, Hartford, 1798. Everett, D., Amherst, N. H., 1804. Everett, E., Cambridge, 1826. " Boston, 1858. Fondey, W. H., Albany, 1838. Force, P., On the Deelaration of Ind. Foote, H. G., Ogdensburgh, 1856. Forrest, E., New York, 1838. French, E., Dem. Repub., Boston. Furman, R., Sermon, Charleston, S.C. Gleaaon, B., Hingham, Mass., 1807. Grimke, T. S., Charleston, S. C., 1833. P. 71. Grosvenor, T. P., Hudson, 1808. Hammond, Wells S., Cherry-valley, 1839. P. 63. Hall, J., Boston, 1800. Holmes, J. S., Boston, 1858. Hunter, W., Newport, R. I., 1801, 1826. Ingersoll, C. J., Phil a, 1832. Johnson, J. B., Albany, 1798. Ketchum, H., New Haven, 1851. P. 88. Langdon, C., Castleton, Vt., 1812. Law, S. A., Stamford, N. Y., 1858. Learned, W. F., Newburgh, N. Y. Linn, A. L., Schenectady, 1822. Livermore, E. S., Boston, 1813. Lord, J. C., Buffalo, 1858. Lathrop, S. K., Boston, 1866. Orations, July 4 (continued). Lowell, J., Boston, 1799. Lunt, G., Newburyport, 1856. McClay, W. B., New York, 1839. Maxcy, J., Columbia, S. C., 1819. Maxcy, M., Schenectady, 1803. P. 58. May, S. .)., Jamestown, N. Y., 1856. Miles, W. P., Charleston, S. C., 1849. P. 52. Mitchell, N., Charleston, S. C., 1848. P. 52. Moseley, E., Newburyport, 1808. Nichols, I., Salem, 1805. Otis, C., Scituate, Ms., 1800. Otis, H. G., Boston, 1788. Paine, C., Boston, 1801. Pamphlets containing Orations, July 4, and Feb. 22, Vols. 532, 995, 1809, 1871. Parker, E. G , Boston, 1856. Pickering, J., Salem, Mass., 1804. Potts, George, Phil a, 1826. Powers, H. P., Ypsilanti, Mich. Putnam, J. 0., Lockport, 1856. Quincy, Josiah, Boston, 1798, 1826. Ramsay, D., Charleston, S. C., 1794. Rantoul, R., Gloucester, Mass., 1853. Richardson, E. J., Utica, N. Y., 1850- Richardson, Luther, Roxbury, 1800. Ritchie, A., Boston, 1808. Rush, R., 1812, Washington. Savage, J., Boston, 1811. Starr, G., Schenectady, 1831. Story, J,, Salem, Mass., 1804. Sheldon, J., Buffalo, 1852. Smith, G.W., Fairfield, N.Y., 1856, 9. Smith, H., Albany, 1858. Smith, J. C., Sharon, Ct., 1798. Smith, 0., Johnson, Vt., 1826. Sullivan, W., Boston, 1803. Sumner, C., Boston, 1845. Sumner, G., Boston, 1859. Thaoher, P., Boston, 1807. Tower, C., Frankfort, 1843. Tuft, J., Charlestown, 1814. Van den Heuvel, J. A., Ogdensburgh. Verplanck, G. C., New York, 1809. Warner, G. J., New York, 1797. Waterman, E., Hartford, 1794. Wells, J., New York, 1798. Whipple, E. P., Boston, 1850. White, W. C., Rutland, 1802. Whittlesey, F., Rochester, 1842. Wilder, J. N., Ballston, 1855. Winthrop, R. C., Washington, 1848. Zabriskie, J. C., Princeton, 1843. Oratory. See Elocution; Rhetoric; Speeches. 406 ORDER OF UNITED AMERICANS. Order of United Americans. See Amer. Party. Orders. Hist, des Ordres militaires. See Knights; Milit. Orders; Teutonic. Ordination. Beckwith, G., Invalidity of lay, 1763. Doctrine of Ch. of Engl., 1851. See Clergy ; Church of Eng. ; Epis copacy; Sermons; Presbyterian. Oregon. Beeson, Late war in, 1857. Cox, Adventures on Columbia R.,1832. Cross, Maj., Journal by land to, 1849, 1850. Disturnoll, Guide to, 1849. Dodge, H., Expcd. to Rocky Moun tains, 1835. Dragoon Campaign to the Rocky Moun tains, 1836. Duflot deMofras, Exploration de,1840. Dunn, J., Hist, of, and of the Fur trade, 1844. Farnham, T. G., Tra. in the Prairies and Oregon, 1843. P. 179. " Hist, of, 1844. P. 179. Franchere, Voy. N. W. coast, 1811- 1814. Fremont, Exploring expedition, 1845. Gass, Journal of Lewis and Clark s travels, 1804-06. Gray, W. H., History of Oregon, 1870. Greenhow, Geography of, 1845. P. 179. Hines, Oregon, Its History, etc., 1851. Howison, Report of Examination of, 1846. Hudson s Bay Co., 1848. Irving, W., Astoria, 1836. " Rooky Mountains, 1837. James, E., Exped. to Rocky Moun tains, 1819. Kelley, H. J., Circular to emigrant!, 1831. Kelley s Narrative, 1852. Kip, The Indian Council, 1855. Knight, Hand-book for 1862, 1864. Library E. K., Backwoods and Oregon. Nicolay, Account of the country, 1846. Palmer, J., Rocky Mountains, 1845, 1846. Parker, S., Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, 1835-37 Parkman, F., California and Oregon trail, 1849. Ross, A., Adventures of the first set tlers, 1849. Scenes in, by a New Englander, 1846. Sniff, Oregon missions, 1845, 46. f< Voy. aux Montagnes rooheuses. Thornton, J. Q., Oregon and Califor nia in, 1848. Townshend, J. K., Rocky Mountains and Columbia river, 1840. Oregon (continued). Tucker, E., History of, 1844. Un. States, On Columbia R., 1823. P. 500. " H. of R., Report on Mili tary Posts to, 1843. Warre, H., Sketches of N. A. and Oregon Fol. White, E., Concise view of, 1846. Ten years in, 1850. Wilkes, G., Western America, 1849. " History of, 1845. See Rocky Mountains ; California. Oregon, Boundary, etc. Calhoun, J. C., Speech, U. S. Sen. Cass, L., Speeches, Mar., June, July, 1846. Crittenden, Speech on, 1846. Dickinson, D. S., Speech, 1846. Dix, J. A., Speeches on, 1846. Falconer, On the Oregon question, 1845. Gallatin, The Oregon question, 1846. P. 45. Great Britain, Correspondence on dis puted territory, 1842-46. Billiard, H. W., Speech, 1846. Haywood, W. H., Speech, 1846. Oregon, Claims to, London, 1846. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 179, 180. Robertson, W., Our right and title, 1846. Rockwell, J. A., Speech, 1846. Rush, R., Memoranda of a residence in London, 1845. Sampson, M. B., Oregon question, 1846. Twiss, T., On the Oregon question. Webster, D., Speech, 1848. Yancey, W. L., Speech, 1846. Orford, Earl of. See Walpole, H. Orford, N. H. Centenn. celeb., 1865. Orient, N. Y. Griffin, A., Journal, 1857. Oriental Literature. Adelung, Hist. of Sanscrit Literature, 1832. Adler, Poetry of the Arabs. Alger, Poetry of the Orient. Amer. B. of Commissioners, Tamil Phrases. Amer. Orient. Soc., Journal, 1849-66. Asiatic Sec. of Bengal, Bibliotheca Indica, Sanscrit, etc., 30 vols., 1845-63. Bible, N. T., In Bengali, Sanscrit, etc., 1839-41. Brosset, Chronique Georgienne, 1831. Carlyle, Specimens of Arabian poetry. Chinese Repository, 1832-51. Clarke, A., Bibliog. Misc. 1806. Colebroke, H. T., On the Sanscrit. I Asiat. Resear., 7. ORNITHOLOGY. 407 Oriental Literature (continued). Dabistan, The, from the Persian. Dies, Denkwiirdigkeiten von Asien in Kiinsten, etc., 1811. " Ermahnung an Istambol, 1811. " Des Koeniglichen Buohs, 1811. " Buch des Kabus, 1811. Oghuzische Cyclop, 1815. " Unfug und Betrug in der morg. Litt., 1815. " Wage der Blumen. Dow, Hist, of Hindostan, from the Persian, 1812. Dozy, Diet, des Vetements Arabes, 1843. Elliot, H. M., Index to Muhammed&n Hist., 1849. Garcin de Tassy, Adventures de Kam- rup, 1834. Hafiz ool Moolk s Life. Hall, B., Acct. of Loo Choo Is., Vocab. Haneberg, Canones Hippolyti Arab, e cod. Romanis, 1870. Hariri, Makamat, Orient. Trans. Fund. Herbelot, Bibliot. Orientale, 1697. Institut de France, Notices et Extraits des Mss., 12 v. John, Bp. of Ephesus, Eccl. Hist, in Syriac (Cureton), 1853. Jones, Sir W., Works, 1807. " Poesie Orientale, 1807. The Moallakat, Nadir Shah, 1807. Journal Asiatique, 1822-67. Khallikan, Ibn, Biog. Diet., Trans, of De Slane, V. I. Klaproth, Spraohe der Uiguren. Koran, The, In Arabic, English and Dutch. Langles, L., Fables Indiens, 1790. Mahawanso, Trans, and Comments, Tumour, 1837. Marathi Tracts, 1841-44. Morrone, Vocab. of Cochin-Chinese lang., 1780. Oriental Trans. Fund, 22 vols. Pamphlets relating to Oriental litera ture, Vols. 1788, 1810. Perron, Lett, sur Tarafah et Mouta- lainmis. Pfizmaier, Ein Japanischer Roman, 1847. Phenician Inscr., Sidon, 1855. P. 1104- Recherohes du despotisme Oriental, 1761, Boulanger. Remusat, A., Melanges Asiatiques, 1829. Richmond, L., Gualeki beliki, (]Jrdi). Robinson, C., Faith, (in Siamese). Sadi, Gulistan, Ross s trans. Oriental Literature (continued). Schlechta, Fruhlingsgarten von Dsch- ami, 1846. Small, G., Handbook of Sanskrit lit., 1866. Tornberg, Annal. Regum Mauritania, 1843. Turkey, Treaties with Austria. Turkish Proverbs in Eng., 1844. Turner, W. W., Himyaritio insorip., 1845. White, C. A., Student s Mythology, 1870. Wilson, H. H., Works, 1862-68. Wiroho Djanvo, In Kawi lang, Ba- tavia. Withington, L., Solomon s Song. Yajnadattabada, 1826. Zambelli, Influenza dagli Arabi, 1855, 1856. See Arabic; Persian; Languages; Grammars; Dictionaries; Philol ogy; Sanscrit; Turkey. Oiigenes. Account of opinions of, Phenix, v. 1. Origenes, Against Celsus, 1700. Hexapla,(Montfaucon),1713. Original Sin. See Depravity. Orinoco R. Gumilla, Hist de las Na- ciones en la riveras del, 1791. Hippisley, Exped. to the river, 1817. See Venezuela; Guyana. Orkney Is. Mackenzie, J., Grievances of, 1836. Orleans, Mass. Pratt, E., History of, 1644-1844. Orleans Co., Vt Sumner, History of. White, P. H.,Hist. of Congr. Churches, 1868. Ormond, Duke of. Carte, Life of, 1851. Ornithology. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1827-30. Barrington, D., Migrations of birds, 1781. Bechstein, Cage and Chamber birds, 1853. Bonaparte, Prince, C. L., American Ornithology, 1825-33. " Leg Ordreb de pigeons, 1855. " Notes ornithologiques, 1854. tf Papers collected. Buffon, Hist. Naturelle, 1750-83. Cassell s Feathered Tribes, 1854. Cassin s Birds of California, 1856. " Birds of Chile, 1848. P. 541. Elliot, Birds of N. America, 1866. " Ant-Thrushes, 1863. Encyc. Methodique : Ornithol. 408 ORNITHOLOGY. Ornithology (continued). Giraud, Birds of Long Island, 1844. Gosse, The Birds of Jamaica, 1847. " Popular Brit. Ornithol., 1853. Gould, J., Humming Birds, 1852-61. " Toucans, 1854. " Partridges of Amer., 1844-50. Gregg, W. H., Birds of Cheinung Co., N. Y., 1870. Jardine, Humming-birds, Nat. Lib. Gallinaceous Birds, Nat. Lib. " Game Birds, Nat. Lib. " British Birds, Nat. Lib. " Sun-birds, Nat. Lib. ,1833-40. Knox, A. E , Rambles in Sussex, 1855. Latham, J., Gen. hist, of birds, 1821- 1824. Le Moine, Orn. du Canada, 1861. Le Vaillant, Des Oiseaux d Afrique, 1799-1808. Memoirs of a Goldfinch. Morris, F. 0., Hist, of British birds, 1851-68. " Nests and Eggs of Brit, birds, 1853-6. Malherbe, Faune ornith. de la Sicile, 1843. Mudie, R., Feathered tribes of G. B., 1835. Neckam s De Naturis rerum, (Chron. G. B.). Nuttall, Man-Gala of, of U. S. and Canada, 1832, 34. Owen, Anat. of Vertebratei. Peale, T. R., U. S. Expl. Exp., 1838- 1842. Samuels, Ornith. of New England. Schlegel, Fauna von Nederland. Selby, Illustrations of British, 1833. " Parrots, Pigeons, Nat. Lib. Strickland, H. E., Rep. on Prog, of, 1844, 48. Swainson, W., Nat. Hist, of Birds. Lardner, 102, 103. Birds of W. Africa, Nat. Lib. " Flycatchers, Nat. Lib. Taylor, Wonders of Creation. Turnbull, Birds of Penna. and N. J. Waterton, C., Essays on Nat. Hist., 1851. Wilson, A., American Ornithology, 1808. Set Natural History. Orphans. Buffalo Orphan Asylum. Clergy Orphan Soc., 1846. Markham, R., Sermon, 1778. Miller, G., Narrative of facts. Montreal Prot. 0. Asylum. Orphan Asylum, N. Y. Orphans (continued). Orphans Home, Iowa. Orphans Home, Prot. Epis. Ch. Orphan Work, School, Lond. Oswego Asylum, 1862, 3. Phil a Orphan Soc. Soc. for the Relief of, N. Y. See Charities; Children; Industrial. Orr, I. Baker, A. R., Sermon on, 1844. Orsua. Hakluyt Soc. Pub., (Simon). Southey, R., Expedition of, 1560. Osboru, E. Commemoration of, 1858. Osborn, Sarah. Hopkins, Life of. Osborii, Sir T. Montagu, R., Two Let ters, 1679. Osborn, V. R. Phelps, R. R., Letter to, 1830. Osgood, S. Sermon, 40th year of min. Ossat, Card. A. D. Lettres, 1594-1604. Ossiau. Clark, J., Authorship of Poems, 1781. P. 1239. Highland Society s Report, 1805. McNicol, On Johnson s Hebrides, 1779. Ossian, Poems, McPherson s ed., 1792. Ossianic Soc., Trans, for 1855. Ossoli,M. Foller. At Home and Abroad. Ostend Comp. Ker s Memoirs, 1727. Oswego Co. N. Y. Clark, J. V. H., Reminis. of, 1849. De Forest, Random Sketches, (Regi ment of), 1866. Oswego Directories, 1852-62, 64, 66. Otis, II. G. Address, Boston, Defense of Hartford Conv., 1821. " Inaug. Address as Mayor. Resistance to the laws, by Leolin, 1811. Otis, J. Bowen, F., Life of (Sparks, 12). Loring, Boston Orators. Tudor, W., Life of, 1823. Otis, Richard. Otis, H. N., Geneal. of, 1851. Otsego Co., N. Y. Beardsley, L., Re miniscences, etc., 1832. Political wars of, 1796. Ott. Family Genealogy. Ottawa. Canada, Lands Dept. Report, 1856. P. 567. Otter, W. Chandler, G., Serm. on, 1840. Oude. King s petition, 1857. P. 1112. Oude, its Princes vindicated, 1857. Sleeman s Journey, 1858. See India. Oudinot, Gen. Galerie dos Contom.,Vie de, 1845. PACIFIC OCEAN AND VOYAGES. 409 Ovidias. Heinsius, Commentarius, 1758. Owego. Pioneer Festival, 1855. Owen, J. Cawdrey, D., Answer to, 1857. Owen, J. Hughes, J., Sermon on, 1822. Owen, Rob. Journal, 1851. Oxenstiern, J. Epistolae. Oxford, Earl of. Jesse, Mem. of the Court. Oxford, N. Y. Academy, Jubilee, 1856. Oxford, Eng. Blacow, Account of riot, 1747. Gr. Brit. Parl. ; Riots at, 1717. Oxford, Poll, 1818. See Berks. Oxford Guide, 1790. Railway tr., walk through, 1851. Oxford University. Ayscough s case. Black, Ashmole Mss., 1845. Chalmers, A., Hist, of the Colleges, 1810. Coplestonj Education at, 1810. Reply to Edinb. Rev. ,1810. Cox, G. V., Recollections, 1868. Douce, Library bequeathed to, 1840. Few Observations.. All Souls Coll. Gibbs, Bibliotheca Radcliriana, 1747. Great Britain, Report on University of, 1852. Hawkins, E., Representation of, 1853. P. 1384. Hinton, J., Dissenters in, 1792. Huddesford, G., Exeter College, 1755. Hughes, T., Tom Brown at, 1870. Ingram, Memorials of Oxford, 1837. Laud, Archbp., Letter to the Univ., 1641. Newton, R., Hertford Coll., Statutes, 1747. Nicklin, P. H., Report concerning, 1834. P. 156. Nowell, Expul. of six students, 1768. Oxford, The, Commission; Letters to Gladstone, 1852. Cxford, Bodleian library, 1697. " On Univ. charters, 1680. Calendar, 1868. " Catalogue of all graduates, 1659-1850. " Corpus Christi Coll., Proc., 1730. P. 1030. " " Regulations, 1856. " Exeter College, 1755. " " Regulations, 1856. P. 1318. " " Vindication of,1755. P. 1039. " Parecbohe, 1721, 1808. " Visit of King of Prussia and Russia, 1814. P. 1037. 52 Oxford University (continued). Sandford, D. K., Letter on, 1822. Seebohra, Oxf. reformers of, 1498. Skelton, J., Pietas Oxoniensis, Rec. of founders, 1828. Smith, G., Lecture on, N. Y., 1864. Terrse filius, (N. Amhurst), 1726. Waagen, Treasures of Art in G. B., v. 3, 1854. Wood, Athenae Oxonienses, 1691, 92. See Universities ; Bibliography. Oxford Co., Canada. Shenston, Gazet teer of, 1852. Oxfordshire, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Cooke s Topog Lib. Old and New Interest, 1753. Oxfordshire contest, England, (1751), Pam., vol. 935. Oxford Tracts. Dibdin, T. F., Three letters, 1843. Oakeley, F., Tract XC. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 331, 776, 1270, 1292. See Church of England ; Traotarianism ; Newman ; Pusey. Oysters. Virginia, Report, 1858. P. Pacific Ocean and Voyages. Alcala- Galiano, Viage, para el Estrecho deFrica, 1802. Beechey, Voy. to Pacific and Beering Straits, 1825-28. Bligh, Mutiny on board the Bounty, 1790. Brosses, Navig. aux terres australes, 1756. Br,oughton, Voyage to North Pacific, 1795. Brouwer, Journal .... naer de custen van Chili, 1643. Browne, J. R., Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, 1846. Cheever, The Island World of the Pa cific, 1851. Cook, J., Voyages, 1776-80. Coulter, Adventures in the Pacific, 1845. Dalrymple, Hist. Coll. of voy. to South Pacific. Ellis, W., Voy. of Cook, 1776-80. Entrecasteaux, D>, Recherche de La Perouse, 1808. Fanning, Voyages, 1830-37. Franchere, Voy. to N. W. Coast, 1811- 1814. Frezier, Voyage to the South Sea,1712. Habersham, North Pacific Exped.. 1857. 410 PACIFIC OCEAN AND VOYAGES. Pacific Ocean and Voyages (cont d). Jacobs, T. J., Scenes in the Pacific Ocean, 1844. JefFerys, T., Voy. from Asia to Ame rica, 1761. Jewett, J. R., Adventures on N. W. Coast. Labillardiere, Voy. in search of La Pe- rouse. Ledyard, Jour, of Capt. Cook s voy , 1776-79. M Konochie, Statist, and Coinm. of Shores of, 1818. Maurelle, Voy. North of California, 1775. Meares, J., Voy. to N. W Coast of Am., 1788. Melville, Omoo, Adventures in, 1847. Morrell, Voyages to the Pacific, 1822- 1831. Mortimer, Voyage to, 1791. Muller, S., Voy. N. E. Coast of Am., 1766. Oliver, J., Wreck of the Glide; The Fijiis, 1848. Palmer, A. H., Asiatic Isles of North ern Pacific, 1848. P. 50. B. C. Perkins, Reef-rovings in the South Seas, 1854. Porter, D., Cruise of the Essex, 1812- 1814. Raveneau, Jour, du Voy., 1684. Reynolds, J. N., Corres. with Dicker- son, 1835. " Letter on Islands, reefs in, etc., 1835. Rovings in the Pacific, 1837-49. Smith, W., Voyage of Ship Duff, 1796- 1802. Stewart, C. S., Visit to the South Seas, 1829-30. Vancouver, Voy. of Disc., 1790-95. Walpole, F., Four Years in Pacific, 1844-48. Wheelwright, Pacific Steam Nav. Co., 1845. See Voyages; Polynesia; Hawaii; Ta hiti; Fiji. Pacific Railroads. Atlantic and Pacific, 1855. P. 208. Colton, C., Lecture on, 1850. Dearborn, Description of Route, 1849. Few Remarks upon, 1853. Gwin, W. M., Speech on, 1854. Hall, W. M., Speech, 1847. Heap, Central route to the Pacific, 1853. Kansas City, Memorial, 1858. Mills, R., Plan of Roadway, 1846. P. 546. Pamphlets relating to. vol. 1205. San Francisco Railroad, 1849. Pacific Railroads (continued). Smyth, R. C., Brit. Col. R. R.,, 1844. Southern Pac. R. R., Texas, 1855, 6. Stevens, I. N., Address, 1858. U. S., Pacific R. R. Reports of sur veys, 1853-54. " War Depart. Report on, 1855. Whipple s Exploration, 1855. Whitney, A., Project for, 1849. Williamson, R. S., Explorations for, 1855. Wilson, H., Speech, 1859. See Railroads. Packard, II., Autobiography, 1850. Padua. Colle, Storia lit. scient. di, 1824. Pignoria, Le origini di, 1625. Portenari, A., Di Padova, 1623. Paganism. Coventry, Hist, of, 1736. Dissertation on idol worship. Gale, Court of the Gentiles, 1671. Herbert, Religion of the Gentiles,! 705. Sainte Croix, Mysteres du Paganisme. See Mysteries; Mythology; Nat. Re ligion; Idolatry. Page, II. Hallock, Memoir of. Page, S. Willis, Madame, Letters, 1788. Pageants. Huish, Coron. of George IV. Laneham, Kenilworth pageant. Nichols, Progresses of James I, 1828. Percy Soc. Publications, v. 10, Lord Mayor s Pageants, 1240. Prussia, Fun. Process, of Frederick I. (( Fun. Procession of Sophia Charlotte. Soc. of Antiquaries, Descriptions of historical paintings, 1770-81. See Coronations. Paiire, C. Van Dyck, Fun. Disc. Paine family register, 1859. Paine, C. Gannett, Fun. Serm., 1853. " P. 95. Paine, R. Treat. Works and Life. Paine, R. Troup. Paine, M., Memoirs of, 1852. Paine, Thomas. Adams, J. Q., Answer to Rights of man. Bellamy, J., On Age of reason. Boothby, Observations, 1792. Cheetham, J., Life of, 1809. Christianity, The only true . Cobbett, W., Life of. Examiners Examined, 1794. Hawtrey, C., P. Reviewed. Hincks, T. D., Letters on Works of, 1796. P. 335. Investigation of, by a Wagoner. P. 920. PAINTINGS. 411 Paine, Thomas (continued). Letters to, on Rights of man, 1791. P. 1332. Muir, Exam, of Age of Reason, 1795. Ogden, U., Antidote to Deism, 1795. Oldys, F., Life of, (Chalmers), 1791, 92. Osborne, J., Poem on Age of Reason, 1795. Paine, T., Writings, etc., 1792, 1824. Life of, Pol. Censor, 1796. " Life of, Hist. Mag., Lond., 1800. Plain Truth, Ans. to Common Sense. Priestley, J., Answer to A. of R. Protest against < f Rights of man," 1792. Rickinan, Life of, 1819. Scott, T., Answer to, 1815. Shenrin, W. T., Life of, 1819. Simpson, D., Plea for religion, 1824. Southwick, S., Pleasures of Poverty, 1823. Vale, G., Life of, 1837, 41. Watson, R., Letters to T. Paine, 1796. B. C. Winchester, E., Answsr to, 1796. Wood, W. H. R., Age of Reason, 1862. Paine, L. W. Six Years in Georgia Prison, 1852. Painting. Barnard, G., Painting in Water Colors, 1855. Barry, Lectures on, 1848. Blanc, C., Les Peintrea des Fetes galantes, 1854. ** Catalogue des peintures do Rembrandt, 1861. Bryant, W. C., Oration, Death of Cole. Buchanan, Memoirs on, 1824. Campanari, Ritratto di Colonna. Correggio, (Euvres completes. Dryden, Works, Obs. on Du Fresnoy s art of, 1808. Dn Fresnoy, De Arte graphica, 1808. Dunlap, Progress of arts of design in | the U. S., 1834. Eastlake, History of Oil painting, 1847. | Entwurfe. . Niederlandischen meisters. . j xv jahjhundert, 1830. Field, G., Rudiments of the Painter s art, 1850. Fielding, T. H., Theory and Practice l of, 1852. Fuseli, Lecture on, 1848. Gibbes, Deveaux s Memoir, 1846. Gilpin, Essays on Picturesque beauty, 1808. Hand-book for young artists, 1845. Harrison, H., Mixture of water colors. Hay, D. R., A Nomenclature of colors, etc., 1845. Painting (continued). Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paint ings, 1811. James, J. T., Flemish, Dutch and German Schools, 1822. Jarves, J. J., Art Studies: Italy, 1861. Kugler, The Italian Schools, 1855. Lanzi, Hist, of, in Italy, 1847. Latilla, Fresco, encaustic and tem pera, 1842. Leslie, C. R., Autobiography, 1860. Merrifield, Mrs., Original treatises on, 1849. Michiels, Histoire de la peiuture Fla- mande, 1847-49. Murray, H., On Landscape painting, 1853. " On Portrait Painting, 1853. Montaiglon, Hist, de 1 Academie de Peinture, 1648-1664. New Society Water colors, 1849. Pamphlets relating to Painting, v. 996. Phillips, T., Lect. on hist, and prin ciples of, 1833. Rembrandt, OEuvre de, (Blanc). Reynolds, Sir J., Literary Works, 1835. Ruskin, Modern Painters, 1835-60. Sainsbury, W. N., Rubens s life, 1859. Society of Antiquaries : Historical Paintings, 1770, 78, 81. Soc. of Pai. in Water colors, 1836, 58. South Kensington Museum, 1860. Spooner, Diet, of Painters, 1853. Traite de la Peinture, 1708. Tuckerman, H. T., Artist Life, 1847. Vasari, Lives of the most eminent painters, 1850-52. Waagen, Treas. of Art in G. Britain, 1857. Walpole, H., Works, Anecdotes of, 1798. Ware, W., Lectures on Allston, 1852. Whittock, Decorative Painter s Guide, 1841. Wornuin, R. N., Epochs of, 1847. See Drawing; Fine Arts. Paintings, Catalogues and Descrip tions of. Ainer. Art Union, 1852,. Amer. Exhib. of British Art, 1857. P. 1015. Apsley House, Lond. P. 489. Auction Sales, Catalogues, N. Y., P. 499. Bangs, Brother A Co., N. Y., 1850. Banvard, Holy Land, 1852. P. 1015. Bayne s Europe, Panorama, 1849. P. 489. Belmont Exhibition, N. Y., 1857. P. 1015. Brewer s Mammoth Cave, etc. P. 489. Bryan Gallery, N. Y., 1832. P. 499. 412 PAINTINGS. Paintings, Catalogues and Descrip tions of (continued). Bullock s Mexico, 1830. P. 103. Bunyan Tableaux, 1855. P. 489. Burford, Deser. of Rome, 1840. P. 103. Carey, W., Chaucer s Pilgrims, 18C8. P. 400. Chauncy, N. Y., 1858. P. 499. David, Coronation of Napoleon. P. 103. Dubufe s Exhibition, N. Y. P. 499. Dusseldorf Academy, N. Y-, 1849, 50, 55, 57. P. 222, 225, 499. Exeter Hall Exhib., 1832. P. 400. France : Museums, Catalogues. P. 615. French School of Artists, 1857. P. 1015. Godde, Cat. relatif aux arts, 1850. Huntington, D., Catalogue, 1850. Inman, H., Works by, 1846. P. 499. Jarvis, S. F., Cat. of, 1851T Koning, Notice des Tableaux ...a la Haye, 1842. P. 39. B. C. Las Marismas, Cat. de la Galerie de, 1841. P. 607. Leuchtenberg, Cat. de la Galerie, 1841, P. 607. Leutze, Washin ton, 1852. P. 499. Marshall s Panoramas. P. 489. Munich, Verzeichniss dor gemaelde in, 1825. Musee du Louvre, Notice, 1834. Musee du Luxembourg, 1831. National Acad. of Design, Exhibitions, 1830-58. National Instit. of Fine Arts, Exhib., 1855. P. 1036. Netherlands, Musee Royale. P. 499. N. Y. Exhibition Cat., 1853. Nye, G , Old Masters, 1858. Pamphlets containing catalogues of, vols. 489, 499, 996. Peale s Court of Death. P. 499. Penn a Acad. Exhib., 1819, 55. Royal Acad. of Arts, 1835, 37. P. 1011, 1015. " Exhibitions,1849, 52-58, 1860. P. 1022. Royal Colosseum, Desor., 1848, 51. Smith, J. R., Panorama of Europe, 1855. P. 261. Spain, Musee du Roi, 1830. Tofanelli, Pitture nel Museo Capitol., 1843. Turner Gallery. P. 489. Vanderlyn, Panorama of Versailles. P. 489. Vernon Gallery, Catalogue. Weir, Embark, of Pilgrims, 1843. P. 499. West, B., Christ rejected, 1830. P. 499. See Museums. Paisley, Scotland. Mackie, History of, 1835. Palafox, Abp. J . de. Histoire de, 1690. " Istoria della vita, 1773. Palatines. Account of the present, 1699. Art de Verifier les dates; Hist, des Comtes Pal. Bachmann, Hauses Pfalzbaiern, 1780. Benton, Hist, of Herkimer Co., 1856. Homes, Palat. emig. to Engl. in 1709. Schmitt, Rechtspflege, 1863-5. State of the Palatines, 1710. See Germany. Paleario, A. Young, M., Life of, 1860. Paleography. See Writing; Alphabets; Diplomatics. Paleontology. Account of origin, 1705. Agassiz, Monog. des poissonsfoss., 1842. " Recherches sur les poissons foss., 1843-44. Ansted, D. T., The Ancient World, 1847. Artis, Antediluvian Phytology, 1838. Barrandc, J., Cephalopodes SilurienF, 1867. " Faune Silurienne, 1868. " Defense des colonies, III, 1865. Blainville, De, Osteographie, 1856. tf Mem. sur les Belemnites, 1827. Boeck, Graptolitherne, 1861. Brongniart, Hist, des Vcgetaux foss., 1828, 37. Brougham, H., Fossil osteology, 1845. Buckland, Reliquiae Diluvianae, 1823. Burtneister, Organiz. of Trilobites, 1846. Bush, Fossil Polyzoa. Cuvier, Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles, 1812. Darwin, C., Fossil Lepadidae, 1851. " Foss. Cirripedia, 1854. " Foss. Balanidae. Delano, C., Fossil Man. Egerton s cabinet. Ehrenberg, Mikrogeologie, 1854. Gibbes, On Mosasaurus, 1847. Green, J., Monog. on the Trilobites, 1832. " Inferior surface of Trilobites, 1839. Haldeman, Writings, 1847. Harris, On the Deluge, 1697. Haughton, S., Scien. papers, 1851-63. Hawker, P., Catalogue of, 1817. Hill, John, History of fossils, 1748. Holmes, F. S., Post pleiocene, S. Caro lina, 1860. PALEONTOLOGY. 413 Paleontology (continued). Koninck, Monogr. des genres Produc- j tus et Chonetes, 1847. Lea, I., Papers, 1855-65, on the genus ! Unio. " Fossils from the Sandstone. Maotell, Medals of creation, 1853. Petrifactions, 1851. " Geol. and Foss. of Sussex, 1827. Martin, W., Knowledge of Extrane ous Fossils, 1809. Megatherium Cuvieri, (Ward), 1864. Mitchill, S. L., Organic Remains, Cat. of, 1826. Owen, R., Fossil Reptilia, 1853-64. The extinct sloth. Palaeontographical Soc. Pub. " Fossil mammalia in Darwin s Zool. of the Beagle. Page s Geology, advanced text book. Palaaontographieal Soc., Publications, 1848-70. Parkinson, Oryctology, 1822. < Exam, of Mineral Remains, 1820. Phillips, J., Life on the Earth, 1860. Pritchard, A., History of Infusoria, 1841. Ray, Discourses, 1721. Richardson, J., Foss. mammals of voy. of the Herald, 1854. Soc. d Emul. de Montbeliard, Foss. Jurassiques, 1860. Ward, Casts of fossils. Warren, J. C , Mastodon giganteus, 1842. Mastodon Skeleton, 1855. Woodward, S. P., Manual of the Mol- lusca, 1851. See Geology ; Mineralogy. Paleontology, of Particular Coun tries. Barrande, Graptolites de Boheme, 1850. Bosquet, Fossiles de Limburg. Brander, G., Hampshire Foss., 1829. Braun, Verzeichniss der..zu Bayreuth ! befindlichen Petrefacten, 1840. Bush, Fossils of the crag. Conrad, T. A., Fossil shells from the , Andes. " Tert. Form, of N. America, i 1832. Crawfurd, Fossils in Ara, 1830. Davidson, Fossil brachiopoda, 1863. Dawson, J. W., Air breathers, coal for mat, of Nova Scotia, 1863. " Devonian flora, N. E. Amer. " Devonian rocks of N. Scotia. " Precarb. flora of Maine and N. Scotia. Paleontology, of Particular Conn- tries (continued). Deane, J., Ichnographs, Mass., 1861. Edwards, F. E., Eocene Mollusca, Eng., 1849. Edwards, H. M., Recherches sur lea Polypiers, 1848, 49. " British Fossil Corals, 1850- 1853. Forbes, E., Echinodermata of Brit. Tertiaries, 1852. Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germanise, 1826- 1833. Great Britain, Geol. Survey: Memoirs, 1846-48, 49-66. Hall, J., Castoroides Ohioensis, 1846. P. 4 3. Haughton, S., Fossil plants of Devo nian rocks. " Granites of Ireland, 1858. " Cyclostigma, 1859. " Fossils from Arctic re gions, 1859. Hisinger, Lethaea Suecica, 1837. Hodgson, W. B., Megatherium of Georgia, 1846. Humboldt, Purifications en Amerique. Jones, T. R., Entomostraca of Cretac. formation, 1849. " Fossil Estheriae, 1862. King, W., Permian Fosiils of Eng., 1850. Koch, Missourium Theristocaulodon, 1843. P. 273. Lea, I., Fossil Footmarks, Pottsville, Pa., 1855. " Mollusk from Red Sandstone, 1855. Leidy, Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. " Extinct mammalian fauna of Dakota and Nebraska, (Ac. of Nat. Sci.), 1869. " Cretaceous reptiles, U. S., Smithson. Contr., xiv. Lindley, Fossil Flora of G. B., 1831-33. Lyoett, Mollusca of the Oolite, 1863. Mantell, Fossils of Sussex, 1827. " Fossils of the South Downs, 1822. Mass., Hitchcock s Ichnology, 1858. Meek, New Genera, Nebraska, 1857. P. 551. Meek and Hayden, Of the Upper Mis souri, 1856, Smithson. Contr. xix. Miller, H., Cruise of the Betsey, 1858. Morris, J., Mollusca from the great Oolite, 1853. New York Nat. Hist., Palaeontology, 1854-69. Owen, R., Brit. Foss. Reptiles and Mammalia, 1849-69. Palaeontographical Society, Publica tion, Lond., 1848-70. 414 PALEONTOLOGY. Paleontology, of Particular Coun tries (continued). Phillips, J., Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, 1841. Sharpe, Mollusca, Engl., in the chalk, 1856. Warren, J. C., Conn. Sandstones, 1854. Wood, S. V., Crag Mollusca, Eng., 1849-55. Wright, Oolitic echinoderinata. Wyman, Fos. Mammals, S. America, 1849-52. Palermo, Sicily. Amari, Vospro Sicil- iano, 1843. Hager, Picture of, 1800. Mortillaro, Guida, 1836. Mount-Edgcumbe, Revolution in 1843 . See Sicily. Palestine. Bibliotheca Sacra, Papers on Geog. of, 1845-60. Coleman, L., Geog. and Atlas of Holy Land, 1871. Early Travels in Palestine, 1848. Edwards, H., Colonization of, 1846. Hahn-Hahn, Letters from the Holy Land, 1849. Headley, J. T., Sacred mountains, 1852. Henniker, Visit to Mt. Sinai and Je rusalem, 1823. Ingraham, Index to map of. La Brocquiere, Travels in 1432-33. Macgregor, Rob Roy on the Jordan, 1869. Millard, Tr. in Petra and Holy Land, 1841, 2. Montague, E. P., Exped. to the Dead Sea, 1849. Newman, J. P., Dan toBersheba, 1864. Olin, Tr. in Egypt and Holy Land, 1843. Osborn, H. S., Palestine, 1859. Robinson, E., Bibl. Researches, 1838. " Later Researches, 1852. " Depression of the Jordan, Bibliot. Sacra, 1848. " Geography of, 1865. Saulcy, F. De., Journey in, 1854. Schwarz, Rabbi, Geography and Hist. of, 1850. Seaton s Map of. Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, 1857. Strauss, Helon s Pilgrimage, 1824. Thomson, W. M., Land and the Book, 1857. Upham, T. C., Letters from, 1855. Wilson, W. R., Travels in, 1847. See Dead Sea; Jerusalem; Syria; Tur key. Paley, W. Meadloy, G. W., Memoirs of, 1809, B. C. Palfrey, W. Palfrey, J. G., Lift of, (Sparks, 17). Palissy, B. Morley, H., Life of, 1853. Palliser, H. Hunt, R. M., Life of, 1844. Palm, Van der. Hengel, Meritorum commemoratio, 1840, P. 33, B. C. Palmer, Mrs. Cowper, W., Sermon on, 1845. Palmer, W. Life and Career, 1856. Palmer, W. B. L., Few Words, on, 1856. Palmerston, Lord. Bulwer-Lytton, Life of, 1871. Palmerston, Two tours, 1815, 1818. Palmyra. Porter, J. L ., Researches, 1855. Prescot, B , Sculptures at, 1830. See Antiquities ; Syria. Palmyra, N. Y. Eaton, H., Early His tory of, 1857. Pamphlets: Reprints. Collection of tracts on the Revolution of 1688, 3 v., f. Fugitive Pieces, 1765, 2 v. Harleian Miscellany, 1808, 11. 12 v. Maseres, F., Select tracts Wars, Charles I., 1815, 2 v. (t Occasional Essays collected, 1809. Miscellanea Scotica, 1818, 3 v. Morgan, J., Phoenix Britannicus, 1732, 2 v. Oldys, Essay on Pamphlets. See Mor gan. Pamphleteer, The, 1813-28, 25 v. Phenix, The, 1707, 8, 2 v. Phenix, The, Gowans, 1835. Remembrancer, The, Almon, 1775-84, 18 v. Somers, Collection, (W. Scott), 1815, 13 v. See Bibliography. Pamphlets, New York State Library collection, 2,OOO vols. Mis cellaneous in their contents: American authors, volumes, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 18, 50, 52, 56, 76, 81, 91, 99, 103, 194, 198, 199, 220, 227, 230, 231, 260, 261, 266, 269, 454, 522, 576, 578, 580, 581, 587, 615- 618, 636-638, 736, 741, 742, 74-4, 750, 751, 753, 861, 863, 1016, 1025, 1104, 1110, 1113, 1114, 1349, 1350, 1781. B. C. 5, 24, 43, etc. British, vols. 706, 720, 721, 729, 762, 1041, 1110, 1626-1628. See Great Britain. Dutch, vols. 623, 966, 1782. See Dutch. French, vols. 523, 747, 748, 1783. Ste France. German, vols. 609, 842, 991, 999, 1109, 1784. Italian, vols. 661, 992, 1785. See also, for others under the various subjects. PARIS. 415 Panama. Belly, Percement de, 1858. Bidwell, Isthmus of, 1865. Chevalier, L Isthme de Panama, 1844. Dickerson, M., Speech on mission, 1826. Fabens, J. W., Life on the Isthmus, 1853. Griswold, C. D., The Isthmus, 1852. Houston, Scotch Exp. to Isthmus of Darien, 1753. Otis, Panama Railroad, 1862. Tomes, Panama in 1855. Wheelwright, W., Observations on, 1844. Winthrop, T., Isthmiana, 1863. See Central America; New Granada. Pantheism. Hunt, J., Essay on, 1866. Hittell, J. S., Pleas for, 1857. Nairne, C. M., Lect., Atheism and ! Pantheism, 1848. Penrose, The Divine mind, 1849. See Mental Science; Philosophy ; Nat Religion; Theology; God. Paoli, P. Boswell, Memoirs of, 1769. Paper. Arrowsmith, Paperhanger s com- J panion, 1852. Auer, Naturselbst-druckes, 1854. Delandine, Mem. Bibliog., 1817. Dupont, Hist, de 1 imprimerie, 1854. Great Britain: Patents to 1857. Guettard, Materials for, 1777. Guilandinus, Papyrus, 1572. Howson, Amer. jute, 1862. Jansen, Origine de la Gravure, 1808. Kops, Substances used for, 1801. Meerman, De chartae vulg. origine, 1767. Munsell, Chronol. of paper making, 1857. Observations.. Duties on, 1836. Paper Manufacturers Assoc n, 1862. Polydor Vergil, De rerum invent. ,1546. Pinondd, L Asphodele, 1855. P. 233. I Reirnann, Idea Systematis, etc., 1718. ! Reynolds, D., P. from wood, 1858. Roy. Soc. Phil. Trans., 1731. Schubarth, Repert. der techn. litera- tur, 1853. Substances used in. P. 1223. Paper Money, United States. Breck, S., Hist, of Continental p. m., 1863. Bronson, H., Hist, of Conn, and conti nental currency : New Haven Hist. Soc. Papers. Discourse on p. m. in Mass., 1740. Felt, J. B., Hist, of Mass, currency, 1839. Gouge, Hist, of p. m. in the U. S. 1840. Paper Money, United States (cont d). Hickcox, J. H., Hist, of New York p. m., 1866. Hist, of Extra Sess. of Cong. 1837. Hist, of Paper Money in Am., 1851. Hist, sketch, Penn a paper money, (Phillips). N. Y. State Library, Collection of bank bills and continental currency. Phillips, H., New Jersey bills, 1723-86. " Hist, of Curr. to 17b7, 1865,6. Review, of Art. in Harper s Mag., 1863. P. 962. Roelker, Legal tender clause, 1863. See Banks; Currency; Counterfeits; U. S., Financial. Papyrus. Naples, Guide pour le cabinet de. P. 1220. Paraguay. Bibaud, Des Jesuites au.. 1857. Charlevoix, Histoire de, 1756. Davie, J. C., Letiers from, 1855. Dubrizhoffer, Account of the Abipones, 1822. Duran, Relation, 1638. Lozano, Descr. del Gran Chaco, 1733. McKinnon, Steam warfare in the Pa rana, 1848. Muratori, Relat. des miss, du Para- guai, 1754. Relation.. la Republique des Jesuites, 1758. Rengger, Essai hist., 18^7. Robertson, J. P., Letters on, 1838. Ruiz, Conquista espiritual, 1639. Sepp, Voyage a. Techo, Hist, provinciae, 1673. Thompson, G., War in, 1869. Washburn, C. A., History of, 1871. See La Plata; Buenos Ayres. Paralysis. Malcomson, Hist, of Beri beri, 1835. Parchment. Bure, Cat. de La Valliere. Priced, 1783. Dibdin s Bibliomania. P. 515, 1842. " Decameron, r. 2, 1817. Praet, Van, Cat. de livres sur, 1822. Wailly, Paleographie, 1838. See Bibliography ; Diplomatics ; Manu scripts. Parents. Parent s monitor. See Children; Marriage. Parian Chronicle. Wagner, C. F. C., Chron. Par., Gr. et Lat.> 1832. Paris. Alison, A., Travels, 1814, 15. Almanach du commerce, 1818. Baily, Notice de 1 Hotel de Ville, 1612 a 1839. 416 PARIS. Paris (continued). Bizet, Du Commerce de la boucherie a, 1850. Dopping, Arts et metiers de, 1847. Eustace s Letters, 1814. Fetridge, The Paris commune, 1871. Forester, T., P. Illustrated, 1859. Gardner, A. K., Old wine in new bot tles, 1848. " The French metropolis, 1850. Geraud, Paris sous Philippe le Bel, 1837. Guerard, Cartulaire de 1 Eglise Notre Dame, 1850. Head, F. B., Paris in 1851. History of, 1832, 3 v. Holcroft s Travels, 1804. Jarves, J. J., Parisian Sights, 1855. Le Noir, Statist, inonumentale de. Library E. K., Paris and its histori cal scenes, 1846-48. Memoires sur la Bastille. P. 32. Paris: Statistiques, 1823-44. Paris Directory, 1834. Paris, Guide, (Lacroix), 1867. Peregrine in France, 1815. Robinson, W., Parks of, 1869. Sanderson, J., American in Paris,1847. Scott, J., Visit to, 1814. Tenot, P. in Dec., 1851. Tricolored Sketches in, (Goodrich), 1851, 53. Valpy, Sketch of a trip, 1788. See Bastille ; Bibliography; Fine Arts; France; Natural History; Typo graphy. Parish, H. Mental competency of, 1857. Park family genealogy, (Whitney). Park, Rev. C. Storra, Discourse on, 1847. Pa k, Mungo. Travels and life, 1815. Jackson s Timbuctoo. Parker, D. Proscrip. Delineated, 1819. Parker, Abp. M. Correspondence, (Par ker Soo.). Parker, T. Dix, J. R., Portraits, 1854. Furness, W. H., Discourse on, 1845. Mayo, A. D., Character of, 1860. Questions addressed to. Review of, On Webster. P. 1241. Sargent, J. T., Discourse on, 1852. True position of, 1845. Weiss, J., Life and corresp. of, 1864. Parkinson, W. First Baptist Ch.,N.Y., 1829. P. 466. Parks. Albany Proposed Park, 1868. Baltimore Park Comm., Report, 1862. Boston Common, 1842. Parks (continued). Brooklyn, Prospect .Park, Reports, 1866-70. Murray, D., Plan for Albany Park, 1865. N. Y. City, Central Park, Reports, 1857-70. Pamphlets relating to Parks, vol. 492. Robinson, W.. Parks of Paris, 1869. Roxbury, Report on Public Squares, 1851. P. 492. Snelling, Memorial for, 1859. P. 501. Swan, T., Addr., Druid Hill Park, Bait., 1860. Parliament, British. Pamphlets relat ing to, vols. 808, 1111, 1382, 1539. See Officers; Great Britain, Parlia mentary. Parliamentary Reform. Ensor, G., Radical reform, 1819. " Pamphlets on, vols. 703, 1383, 1384. See Great Britain, Parliamentary Re form. Parliamentary Rules. Burleigh, Leg islative Guide, 1852. Clark, A., Manual of, 1825. Finger-post to public business, 1864. Gr. Br., Report on Privileges of Parl., 1783-4. Jefferson s Manual of. Massachusetts, Rules and Orders, 1848- 1864. New York, Clerk s Leg. Manual, 1857- 1871. Penn a, Leg. Hand-book, 1869, 70,71. Sutherland, Congress. Manual, 1846. Salem: Rules of C. Council. Tennessee, Rules of H. of R. U. States, Constitution and Rules, 1859. f< Parl. Rules, Barclay s Di gest, 1863, 67. Vermont Manual, 1868, 69. Parliamentary Speeches. Pamphlets, vols. 439, 440. See Speeches. Parr, S. Field, W., Memoirs of, 1828. Parr, S., Life, Works, v. 1. " Letters: Works, v.7, 8. White, J., Statement, 1790. Parrish, I. Jackson, S., Memoir of. Parrish, J. Wood, G. B., Memoir of, 1840. Parrish, R. A. Petition, 1866. P. 1872. Parry, Capt. Lyon, Capt., Journal of Voy. of the Hecla, 1824. Parry, First to Fourth Voyages, 1819- 1827. PATRIOTISM. 417 Parsees. Blcecker, A. II., Rcl. books of, 1864. Hyde, Religio Persarum, 1700. Lord, H., Religion of, 1630. Mullor, Chips, 1867. See Persia; Religions; Zoroaster. Parshall, R. F. Trial, Sandy Hill,1860. Parsons, F. Rogers, E. P., Memorial of. 1861. Parsons, J. Murray, J., Disc, on, 1785. Parsons, L. Morion, D. 0., Mem. of, 1830. Parsons, P. Searl, J., Funeral Serm., 1776. Parsons, R. Polling, Apostate Protes tant, 1682. Parsons, T. Parsons, T., Memoir of, 1859. Parsons, W. Young, A., Disc., Death of, 1837. P. 202. Parties. Ames, F., Works, 1809. Beardsley, Party prejudice, 1809. Duer, J., Evils of Party, 1841. P. 241. Federalist, The. Hammond, Hist, of pol. parties in N. Y., 1844. Holmes, A., Parties and their princi ples, 1859. Sherman, H.. Governmental Hist, of the U. Si, 1860. See American Party; Democratic; Re publican. Partnership. Articles of. . . Association, Ib36. P. 498. Partridge family genealogy. See Lyman. Partridge, H. Tucker, J. T., Disc, on, 1853. Pascal, R. Condorcet, Elogede,(Euvres,3. Jesup, E., Life of, 1773. Pascal, B., Thoughts and letters, (Wight), 1859. Paston, Sir J. Letters, 1435-1484. Pastoret, Jean de. Blosseville, Notice de, 1845. Montor, Notice de, 1845. Patagonia. Bourne, The Captive in, 1853. Byron, John, Sufferings in, 1768. Coyer, Letter concerning, 1767. Falkner, Description of, 1774. Hamilton, J., Mem. of Williams, 1854. Patagonian Society, 1852. P. 384. See Pacific Voyages. Patents. Beardslee, Remarks on pat entees, 1852. Canada, Pat. from 1824 to 1855. 53 Patents (continued). Christian, Brevets dont la dure eat expiree, 1820. Elliot, S., Am. Museum and List of patents, 1790-1820. France, Brevets d invention. " Descriptions, 1850-59, 61, 63. " Catalogues, 1844-59, 62, 63. Franklin Institute, Journal of, 1826- 1870. Great Britain, Patents, 1617-1870. " Specifications to 1870. " Indexes to 1869. Abridgments of specifi cations to 1869. tc Commissioners Journal, 1860-64. Hindmarch, Patent LawDefects,1851. P. 416. Jobard, Organon de le propriete intel- lectuelle, 1851. Journal of Improvements, 1818. Patent, The, a poem, 1776. Patent Invention Soc., 1851, P. 1114. Pritchard, A., List of in England, of 19th Cent., 1841. Remarks on the rights of inventors, 1807. P. 50. Register of the Arts, 1824-32. Repertory of Patent inventions, Lond., 1794-1848. Repertory of Pat. Inv., Indexes,1815- 1845. Scientific American, N. Y., 1847-1871. Stanley, Improvements in laws, 1856. Thomson, J., Protection to patterns, 1840. U. S. Comm rs Reports, 1837, 41-68. " New Series, weekly, 1871-72. Ellsworth s Digest, 1840. See Inventions; Exhibitions; Lite rary Property. Paterson, W. Bannister, S., Life of, 1859. Paterson, N. J. Archdeacon, Descr. of Passaic falls, 1845. Passaic, a Poem. Patrick, St. Life of, 1861. Taylor, W., Serm., Fest. of, 1819. P. 218. Patriotism. Character of Public Spirit, 1705. Chevenix, Essay on National character, 1832. Feyjoo, On Love of Country. Johnson, S., The Patriot, v. 12. Patriot, The, Poems, 1767, 1804. Patriot, The, Tragedy, Gildon, 1703. Patriotism, Poem, 1763. P. 1018. 418 PATRIOTISM. Patriotism (continued). Price, R., Love of Country, 1789. Skinner, T. H., Serm., 1850. Zimmerman, Stricture on Nat. Pat. See Orations, July4i Patronage, Church. Cause between p. and election, 1769. P. 1415. Howie, J., Patronage anatomized, 1782. P. 920. Hutcheson, Considerations, 1773. P. 902. Pluralism and non-residence, 1838. P. 1284. See Church of England; Church of Scotland. Paul, St. Bruin, Hetleven van, 1734. Bonybeare, Life of, 1866. Haack, Het leven van, 1797-1801. History of Paul the Apostle, 1830, B.C. Hughes, T. S., Miracles of, 1824. Lyttelton, Conversion of, 1747. P. 333. Mardon, B., P. a Unitarian, 1826. More, H., Essay on Character of, 1815, B. C. Paul, St., Address, Character of, 1857. P. 495. Character of. P. 1608. " Life of, in Sanscrit and Eng. P. 1788. Pearson s Annals of. P. 1268. Pierce, S. E., P.- s Apost. Curse, 1820. Prescot, K., St. P. at Athens, 1770. Rowntree, M., Answer to Clarke, 1838. Stubbs, A., Preaching of, 1861. Yorke, Contradiction with James, 1824, P. 304. See Bible. Paul II, Pope. Vita, 1740. Paul, Chev. 1597-1667. P. v. 608. Pawlet, Vt. Hollister, P. for 100 years, 1867. Pawley, S. Wallinger, J. A., Notice of, 1853. P. 390, Pawson, J. Moore, H., Sermon on,1806. Pawtucket, R. I. North Providence centennial. Pawtucket Directory, 1857. Payson, E. Cummings, A., Memoir of, 1830. Payson, E., Memoir of, 1830. " Our pastor, 1855. " Selections from conversations. Pazzi, F. Politianus, A., Opera, 1553. Peabody family genealogy, 1867. Peabody, George. Hanaford, Life of, 1870. Maryland Hist. Soc., Memorial of, 1870. Peabody, George (continued). Peabody Dinner, Lond., 1851. Peabody Institute, Bait., Hist., 1868. Portland, Mortuary honors, 1870. Wallis, S. T., Eulogy on, 1870. Winthrop, R. C., Eulogy on, 1870. Peace. Amer. Peace Soc., 1830, 53. P. 509. " Tracts, P. v. 655. Beckwith, U. C., Peace Manual, 1847. Blakslee, Address, 1819. Brief Illustration , 1631. Brittan, S. B., Discourse on, 1847. P. 78. Chandler, J. R., Address, 1829. Channing, Sermon on, 1812. P. 43. Dymond, Accordance of war with Christianity, 1834. Friend of Peace, period., 1815-21. Gallison, J., Address, Peace Soc. ,1819. Hancock, T., Address on, Lond., 1828. P. 215. Jackson, J., No universal peace, 1816. Jay, W., Address, Peace Soc., 1845. P. 43. B. C. " Causes of Mexican war, 1849. Ladd, W., Essay on a Congress, 1840, P. 509. Love, A. H., Appeal for Peace, 18fi2. Mass. PeaceSoc. Report, 1816. P. 509- 1818. P. 13*78. Observations on the feasibility, 1858. Pamphlets relating to Peace and War, vols. 885, 1378. Peace Almanac, 1845. Peace and War, 1823. Prize Essays: Congr. of Nations, 1840. Quincy, J., Address, Mass. PeaceSoc., 1820. Soc. for the promotion of, Lond., 1832. Tracts, No. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11. * Report, 1826. Thoughts on the doctrines of. 1816. P. 9. B. C. Worcester, N., Solemn Review, 1833. P. 72. See War. Peak, J. Autobiog. of, 1832. Pearce, D. J. Slanders refuted, 1828. Pearce, S. Fuller, A., Biography. Ryland, Serm., Death of, 1799. P. 382. Pearce, Z. Pocock, Life of, 1816. Pearson, E. Simeon, Cautions, or a let ter to, 1810. P. 330. Pearson, Jane. Life of, 1817. Pease, C. In Memoriam, 1865. Pease, J. Descendants of, 1847. PENNSYLVANIA. 419 I eat. Jameson, R., Dissert, upon, 1813. Leavitt, Facts about, 1867. Rogers, J., Peat and Sanit. reform, 1849. Peck. Family Genealogy, 1868. Peck, J. Polit. wars of Otsego, 1796. Peck, L. B. Death of, 1867. Peck, P. and L, M. Memoirs of, 1848. Pecock, R. Lewis, J., Life of, 1744. Peddle, J. Harper, J., Discourse, 1845. Peebleshire. Chambers, W., History of, J864. Peel, Sir R. Earle, J. C., English premiers, 1871. Gurney, J. H., Sermon on. Peel, R., Speeches, 4 v. Taylor, W. C., Life of, 1851. Peerage. See Genealogy; Heraldry; Nobility. Peet, J. Memoir, 1854. Pehmoller, C. N. Petersen, In memo- ria.ni. Peirson, S. Nichols, J. T. G., Disc, on, 1852. Pelew Is. Keate, G., Account of Wil son s Voy., 1789, 92, 93. Pelham, H. Coke, W., Memoirs of his administration, 1808. Conduct of the two B. a, 1749. Facts and arguments, 1749. Pelham, P. Whitmore, W. H., Notes concerning. Pellew, E. and I. Osier, E., Lives of, 1835. Pellico, S. Memoirs, 1833. Gal. des Contem., vol. 4, vie de, 1845. Pemaquid. See Maine; Popham. Pemberton, E. Colman,Disc. on, 1727. Pemberton, J. Testimony concern., 1798. Wilkinson, Journey of, 1810. Pembrokeshire, Wales. Cambrian Register, Hist, of, 1796, (Owen). Fenton s Hist. Tour, 1810. Penal Laws. Brighton, Eng., Meeting, 1 oo2 Collection of several treatises, 1688. See Ireland; Roman Catholics. Pendleton, Mrs. J. T. Brooke, J. T., Disc, on, 1839. Penet, P. Hough, F. B., Notices of, 1866, Fengelly, Sir T. Life of, 1733. P/3nnington, I. Letters written by, 1796. Penitent! tries. See Prisons. Penmanship. See Writing. Penn Family. Webb, M., Penns and Penningtons, 1867. Penn, R. Duche, J., Sermon on, 1771. Penn, Sir William. Penn, G., Memo rials of, 1*544-1670. Penn, W. Clarkson, T., Life of, 1827. Dixon, W. H., Life of, 1851. Duche, Caspipina s Letters, with Life of, 1792. Dunlop, Controv. with Ld. Baltimore. Ellis, G. E., Life of, Sparks, 22. Fairb.iirn, Defence of, 1849. Forster, W. E., W. P. and T. B. Macaulay, 1850. P. 566. Hist. Soc. of Penn a, Collections. Janney, S. M., Life of, 1852. Lewis, Life of, Friends Library. Macaulay, Hist, of Eng., 1849. Mayer, B.; Discourse, 1852. Paget, I., Macaulay s Charges, 1853. Penn, W., Farewell to England, 1682. Works and Life, 1726. Phenix, Ihe, 1708, Trial of. Reed, W. B., Address, Hist. Soo. of Penn a, 1848. Sargent, Dealings with the Dead, 1856. Tyson, J. R., Discourse, 1845. Wakefield, P., Memoir of, 1818. Weems, Life of, 1829. See Macaulay, T. B. Pennant, T. Literary Lifa of, 1793. Pennsylvania. Acrelius, Beskrifning . ...Nya Swerige, 1759. Armstrong, Hist. Add., 1852. Balch, T., Papers relating to, 1855. Beatty, Two Months missionary tour, 1768. Bowen, E., Sketch-book of, 1854. " Coal regions of. Boyle, R., Viaggi ed Avventure, 1734. Brackenridge, Insurrection of 1794. Breck, S., Internal improvements in, 1818. P. 7. B. C. Brief state of, 1755. Brief view of, 1756. Budd s Order in Penn a, 1685. Campanius, Nya Swerige, 1702. " Deso. of New Sweden. Carpenter, W. H., Hist, of, 1854. Carson, A., History of herself, 1822. Chambers, Irish and Scotch Settlers in, 1856. Ciay, J. C., Swedei on the Delaware, 1835. Connecticut Colony, boundary quest., 420 PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania (continued). Connecticut Gore Title, 1799. Conrad, R T., Address, First Const. of, 1853. Crevecoeur, Voy. dans la haute Penn e, 1801. Day, S., Hist. Collections of, 1843. Desc. du sol entre, 1787. Doddridge, Notes on, 1763-93. Du Ponceau, Hist, of Penn s Treaty, 1682. " Early History of, 1821. " Disc., Hist. Soc. of P a, 1832. Etat present de la Pensilvanie, 1756. Experience, the test, of government, 1807. P. 41. Explan. of Map of \V est Pennsylvania, 1787. P. 47. Ferris, Settlement on t .e Delaware, 1846. Findley, Hist, of Insurrection, 1794. Franklin, B., Hist, of Constitution of, 1759. Gordon, T. F., Hist, of, 1829. Gazetteer of, 1832. Graydon, A., Mem. of a Life in, 1811. Hammond, J. W., Financial affairs of, 1844. Hazard, S., Annals of Penn a, 1609- 1682. " Register of Penn a, 1834-36. Hist. Soo. of Pennsylvania, Bulletin, 1845-8. " Collections, 1851-3. " Pub. Memoirs, 1826-70. Hutchins, Topog. descr. of, 1747. Jardine, L. J., Letters from, 1795. Johnson, C. B., Letters, 1819. Letter from a gentleman, 1764. M Kean, T., Impeachment of, 1808. Meginness, Hist, of Susquehanna river settlement, 1857. Mem. of pub. creditors, 1790. Mittolberger, Reiso nach, 1750. Nevin, Hist, of Presbyterian Churches, Cumberland and Franklin counties, 1852. Nicholson, J., Addresses to, 1790. P. 917. Nicklin, Pleasant peregrination, 1836. Pastorius, Geog. description of. Penn a, Colonial Records, 16 v. . Archives, Hazard, 10 v. " Adj. Gens. Reports, 1863-65. " Soldiers at Andersonville, Ga. Plantagenet s New Albion, 1648. Proud, R., Hist, of Penn a to 1742. Rousselot de Surgy, Hist. pol. de la Pennsyl., 1768. Royall, Mrs. A., Travels in, 1829. Pennsylvania (continued). Schuylkill Fishing Comp., 1732, 1830. Susquehannah Title, 1796. Thomas, G., Geog. Account of, 1698. Transactions between the Indians, etc., 1791, 2. Trego, Geog. of, 1843. True and Impartial State, 1759. Tyson, J. R., Soc. and Intell. System of, to 1743, (Am. Phil. Soc. Hist. Trans., v. 3). United States, Rep. on rebellion,1794. Upland Court Record, 1776-81. Watson, J. F., Historic tales of olden time, 1833. Wheeling Bridge case, 1851. See Geology. Pennsylvania, Local History. See Berks Co.; Byberry ; Chambers- burg; Crawford; Delaware Co.; Erie Co.; Germantown; Juniata; Lackawanna; Lancaster Co. ; Lu- zerne; Montgomery Co.; More- land; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Reading; Schuylkill Co. ; Scran- ton; Upper-ten-mile ; Wyoming; York Co. Pennsylvania Penitentiary System. Pam. vol. 164. See Prisons. Penry, J. Waddington, Life of. Pentland Hills, Scot. Maclaren, Sketch of geology of, 1839. Pensions. Hubbard, 11., Speech, 1832. Saffell, Records of the Revolution, Pension laws, 1858. Peoria, 111. Drown, Directory and hiit. of, 1844. Pepe, Gen. G. Memoirs in Italy, 1846. Pepperell, Sir W. Parsons, U.. Life of, 1855. Pepperell, Ms. Andrews, D., Centen. Discourse. Pepys, Samuel. Diary, 1659-69. " Life and Corresp., 1841. Perceval, Sp. Gray, R., Sermon on, 1812. P. 382. Moser, J., Memoir of, 1813. Williams, C. V., Life of, 1812. Percival, J. G. Ward, J. H., Life of, 1866. Perfectionists. Dixon, W. H., New America, 1867. Eastman, Noyesism unveiled, 1849. Finney, C. G., Reply to Duffield, 1848. Letters to the Rev. Mr. J. Wesley,l743. Perfectionist, The, 1843-45. Treatise, 1767. See Methodists ; Oneida Community. PERIODICALS. 421 Perfumes. Farina, Eau de Cologne, 1830. P. 614. Morfit, Manuf. of perfumery, 1847. Riinmel, Book of, Lond., 1867. Periodicals. See Scientific; Medical; Education; Temperance, etc. Periodicals, History of. Cainusat, Hist, des Journaux, 1734. Eichhorn, Gcschichte der litteratur, 1805-12. Fifty Years Recollections, 1837. Follett, Press West. New York, 1847. Nauiur, Bibliog. bibliologique, 1838. Nichols, Lit. Anecd., v. 8, 1812. Timperley, Encyc. of typ. anecd., 1842. See Newspapers ; Societies for Printing. Periodicals, American, Literary and Miscellaneous. Albany Bouquet, 1835. Albany Quarterly, 1832, 3. Albion, N. Y., 1849-1861. Alleghany Magazine, Meadville, 1816. American Apollo, Boston, 1791. American Eclectic, N. Y., 1841, 42. American Farmer s Mag., 1858. American Freemason s Magazine, 1 859, 1860. American Laborer, 1842. Am. Literary Mag., (Sprague), 1847. Am. Magazine, Bost., 1743-1746. Am. Magazine, N. Y., 1787, 88. Am. Mag. and Repos., (Wood), 1841, 1842. Am. Mag. of Useful Knowl., Boston, 1834-37. Am. Masonic Record, Albany, 1827-31. Am. Monthly Mag., (Herbert, Benja min), 1832-38. Am. Monthly Mag., (Willis), 1829-31. Am. Monthly Mag., (Holley), 1817-18. Am. Mor. and Sent. Mag., N. Y.,1797. Am. Museum, (Carey), 1787-92. Am. Museum, Bait.. 1838-9. Am. Pioneer, Cine., 1842-3. Am. Pub. Circular, N. Y., 1855-59. Am. Pub. Circular and Lit. Gaz., (Childs), 1863-71. Am. Quar. Register, (Stryker), 1848- 1851. Am. Quar. Review, Phil a, 1827-37. Am. Register, (Brown), 1807-10. Am. Register, Phil a, 1*17, 18. Am. Review, (Brown), N. Y., 1801-2. Am. Universal Mag., Phil a, 1797-8. Am. Whig Review, N. Y., 1845-52. Analectic Mag., Phil a, 1813-20. Anglo-American Magazine, 1852-55, Toronto. Periodicals, American, Literary and Miscellaneous (continued). Antiquarian, Lansingburgh, 1845-47. Anti-Slavery Record, N. Y., 1835-37. Archive Americano, Buenos-Airei, 1849, 50. Arcturus, N. Y., 1846. Atlantic Mag., N. Y , 1824, 25. Atlantic Monthly, N. Y., 1857-70. Atlantis, Buffalo, Gerin., 1857. P. 523. Ballou s Pictorial, Boston, 1855-59. Baltimore Magazine, 1807. Baltimore Phoenix, 1841-42. Baltimore Repertory, 1811. Banker s Magazine, N. Y., 1846-65. Belding s North Western Review, 1857, 1858. P. 533. Belles-Lettres Repos., N. Y., 1819-21. Bibliot. Canadienne, 1823. Book-buyer, (Scribner), 1867-71. Boston Magazine, 1783-86. Boston Monthly Magazine, 1825. Boston Museum, 1850. Branch s Daily Hand, N. Y., 1859. Broadway Journal, (Poe), 1845. Brownson s Quarterly Review, 1844- 1864. Bryant s Am. Merchant, 1859. Carey s Library of Choice Lit., (cov ers), 1836. Casket, The, Phil a, 1832-6. Cincinnati Miscellany, (Cist), 1844-46. College Courant, N. Haven, 1868-71. Colonizationist, Bost., 1834. Columbian Magazine, Phil a, 1786, 87, 1789. Columbian Phenix, Bost., 1800. Comet, The, Bost., 1811, 12. Companion and Weekly Miscel., Bait., 1804-5. Continental Monthly, 1862-64. Corsair, The, 1839, 40. Cozzen s Wine Press, 1854-61. Crayon, The, N. Y., 1855-60. Critic, The, Leggett, 1828, 29. Criterion, The, N. Y., 1855-6. Cronica politica, Lima, 1827. De Bow s Review, N . Orleans, 1846-61 . Delaware Register, 1838-9. Democratic Review, N. Y., 1838-52. Eclectic Magazine, 1844-60. Eclectic Museum, 1843. Emblem: Odd Fellows Mag., 1858-7. Emerald, The, Boston, 1806, 7, 8. Emerson s Magazine, N. Y., 1858. Family Magazine, N. Y., 1834-40. Fantasque, Le, Quebec, 1848-9. Farmer, J., Collections and Monthly Lit. Jour., 1822-24. 422 PERIODICALS. Periodicals, American, Literary and Miscellaneous (continued). Farmer s, Mech., Manuf. and Sports man s Mag., N. Y., 184?: Farmer, The, and Mechanic, N. Y., 1847-50. Fort Edward Institute Mag., 1857. Friend, Albany, 1815. Friend of Progress, 1864, 5. Gazette Franyaise, Phila., 1846. Gen. Repository and Review, Camb., 1812, 13. Genius of Univ. Emancipa., (Lundy), 1830. Gentleman s Mag., Burton s, 1838. Gleaner, 1801. Gleason s Line of Battle Ship, 1858-9. Gleason?s Pictorial. See Ballou. Green Mountain Repository, 1832. Harper s New Monthly Mag., 1850-59. Historical Magazine, N. Y., 1858-70. Hive, Northampton, 1804. Home Monthly, (Arey), Buffalo, 1859- 1861. Illustrated News, N. Y., 1851, 53. Independent Reflector, N. Y.", 1752. International Magazine, New York, 1850-52. Iron Platform, 186 ?-64. Knickerbocker, The, New York, 1833- 1855. Knoxiana, Galesburg, 111., 1851-53. Laborer, The, Gouverneur, N. Y., 1853. Lady s Book, 1834. Ladies Companion, 1838-44. Lit. and Sci. Repository, N. Y., 1820- 1822. Literary Gazette, 1821, Phil a. Literary Magazine, 1803-08, Phil a. Literary Miscellany, Cambridge, 1805, 1806. Literary Union, Syracuse, N. Y.,1849- 1850. Literary World, New York, 1847-53. Literary and Phil. Repertory, Middle- bury, Vt., 1812-14. Littell s Living Age, Boston, 1844-63. Long Island Journal of Phil., 1825. Maryland Colonization Journal, 1841- 1843. Massachusetts Magazine, 1789-95. Massachusetts Quarterly Review, 1847- 1850. Mechanic s Journal, Albany, 1846-7. Metropolitan Magazine, N. Y., 1836- 1841. Merchants Magazine, N. Y., (Hunt), 1839-71. Military and Nav. Mag. of the U. S., j 1833-36. Periodicals, American, Literary and Miscellaneous (continued). Military Gazette, N. Y., 1860. Minerva, The, N. Y., 1822-25. Mirror of Taste and Dram. Censor, Philadelphia, 1810-11. Monthly Anthology and Boston Re view, 1804-11. Monthly Chronicle of Events, Boston, 1840-42. Monthly Magazine, C. B. Brown, N. Y., 1799 : 1800. Monthly Magazine, E. Sargent, 1843. Monthly Military Repository, N. Y., 1796, 7. Monthly Recorder, New York, 1813. Monthly Register, Mag. and Rev., Bristed, 1807, 8. Monthly Repository, New York, 1831- 1834. - Monthly Review, Charleston, 1806. Montreal Museum, 1832. Moonshine, Baltimore, 1807. Museum of For. Lit. and Sci., Phil a, 1836-46. Nation, The, N. Y., 1866-68. National Government Journal, 1823, 4. National Magazine, Baltimore, 1830- 1831. National Magazine, A. Stevens. N.Y., 1852. National Quar. Review, N. Y., 1860- 1866. National Magazine, Lyon, Richmond, 1799. Naval Magazine, N. Y., 1836, 7. New England Family Mag., 1845, 6. .New England Mag., Boston, 1831-35. New Englander, New Haven, 1842-T1. New England Quarterly Mag., 1802. New Hampshire Repository, 1846. New Haven Gazette and Conn. Mag., 1786. New Mirror of Literature, Morris and Willis, 1843, 44. N. Y. Periodicals of 1851. Specim. N. Y. Periodicals of 1855. Specim. N. Y. Literary Gazette, J. G. Brooks, 1826. N. Y. Literary Journal, 1819-21". N. Y. Magazine, 1790, 92-95, 97. N. Y. Magazine, No. 1, 1814, Hardie. N. Y. Mirror, 1823-45; wanting vol. 4 and 6. N. Y. Missionary Magazine, 1800-03. N. Y. Quarterly, 1852-55. N. Y. Review, 1825, 26, 1837-42. N. Y. State Mechanic, Albany, 1842, 1843. N. Y. Visitor, 1838-40. N. Y. Weekly Magazine, 1795. PERIODICALS 423 Periodical**, American, Literary and Miscellaneous (continued). Nightingale, The, Boston, 1796. Nineteenth Century, N. Y., 1848, 49. North American Magazine, Fairfield, 1833-38. North American Review, Boston, 1815- 1871. Norton s Literary and Educ. Register, 1854. Northern Light, Albany, 1842-44. Northwestern Journal of Ed., 1850. Observer, 1807, Baltimore. Observador Lusitano, 1815. Odd Fellows Literary Magazine, 1848- 1849. Olden Time, Pittsburgh, 1846. Old, The, Guard, N. Y., 1863-66. Onward, (M. Reid), 1869. Opal, The, Utica Asylum, 1852-59. Ordeal, Boston, 1809. Orion, Richards, Georgia, 1842-44. Orphan s Friend, Bait., 1804. Parthenon, N. Y., 1827- Parthenon, Union Coll., 1832-34. Pastime, Schenectady, 1807. Patriota Brasileiro, 1830. Penn a Jour, of Pris. Discipline, 1845- 1857. Periodicals, Miscellaneous, 1825-54. Philadelphia Magazine, 1799. Phil a Monthly Magazine, 1798. Phil a Repertory, 1810, 11. Phil a Repository, 1802-05. Phrenological Journal, N. Y., 1865- 1867. Pioneer, San Francisco, May, 1855. Plough, Loom and Anvil, N. Y., 1848- 1857. Political Economist, (Carey), 1824. Polyanthos, Boston, 1805-14. Popular Educator, N. Y., 1853-4. Portfolio : Dennie, 1801-27. Portico, Baltimore, 1816-18. Prisoner s Friend, Bost., 1848-57. Provincial, 1852, 53, Halifax, N. S. Putnam s Magazine, N. Y., 1868-69. Putnam s Monthly Mag., N. Y., 1853- 1857. Rafinesque s Atlantic Journal, 1832-3. Rambler s Magazine, N. Y., 1810. Revue du nouveau monde, N. Y., 1849- 1850. Rhode Island Lit. Repos., 1814-15. Round Table, N. Y., 1866-68. Rural Magazine, Hartford, 1819. Rural Repository, Hudson, N. Y., 1824-51. Rural Visitor, Burlington, N. J.,1810. Saturday Magazine, Phil a, 1821-22. Periodicals, American, Literary and Miscellaneous (continued). Saturday Courier, 1838-48. Silk Grower, Phil a, 1839. Southern Liter. Messenger, 1835-1848, 1850-2, 54, 55. Southern Quarterly Review, 1842-56. Spirit of the Fair, N. Y., 1864. Stranger, The, Albany, 1814. To-Day, Boston, 1852. Truth s Advocate, Cincin., 1828. Union Monthly, Albany, 1867. U. S. Democratic Review, 1856-59. U. S. Literary Gazette, Bost., 1824-26. U. S. Magazine, Newark, 1794. U. S. Magazine of Science, Arts, etc., 1854. U. S. Review, Phil a, 1834. U. S- Review, N. Y., 1853-55. U. S. Rev. and Gazette, Boston, 1826- 1827. U. S. Service Mag., N. Y., 1864-66. Universal Asylum and Columb. Mag., Phil a, 1790-92. University Quarterly, N. Haven, 1860- 1861. Virginia Hist. Register, 1848-53. Waldie s Select Lib., (covers),1836-38. Weal Reaf. Salem, Ms., 1860. Weekly Register, Lynchburg, Va., 1864. Western Gleaner, Pittsburgh, 1814. Western Monthly Review, Cincinnati, 1827-29. Western Messenger, Louisville, 1837. Western Quarterly Review, Cincin., 1849. Western Review, Lexington, Ky M 1819- 1821. Williams Quarterly, 1857-59. Worcester Magazine, 1786-88. Yale Literary Magazine, 1842, 45-58. Yankee Doodle, 1846, 7. Zodiac, The, Albany, 1836. See Scientific Journals; Education; Agriculture; Arts, etc.; Regis ters; Almanacs. Periodicals, American, Religious. Adviser, The, v. 3, Vt., 1811. Alleghany Magazine, Meadville, 1816. Am. and For. Chr. Union Monthly, N. Y., 1850-68. Amer. Baptist Magazine, Bost., 1817- 1832. Amer. Baptist Memorial, 1855, 56. Amer. Christian Record, 1860. Amer. Church Monthly, N. Y., 1857, Amer. Educ. Soc., Am. Quar. Reg., Bost., 1829-43. PERIODICALS. Periodicals, American, Religious (continued). Amer. Home Miss. Soc. : Homo Mis sionary, 1829-60. Amer. Miss. Register, N. Y., 1822-25. j Amer. Quar. Church Review, N. Ha ven, 1848-71. Amer. Quar. Observer, 1833-34. Amer. Soo. : Jewish Chronicle, 1845- 1847. Amer. Sunday S. Magazine, 1823, 27. Amer. Unit. Assoc n, Quar. Journ., 1854-59. " Monthly Journal, 1860-69. Associate Presb. Mag., Albany, 1838- 1842. Baltimore Lit. and Relig. Mag., 1838- 1841. Baptist Memorial, 1848, 51. See Am. Baptist. Baptist Missionary Magazine, 1845,6,7. Baptist Preacher, 1847-8. Biblical Repertory, Princeton, 1829- 1871. Biblical (American) Repository, An- dover and N. Y., 1831-48. Bibliotheca Sacra, Andover, 1844-60. Brownson s Quar. Review, 1844-64. Chicago Record, 1857-62. Christian Advocate, (Presb. ), 1823-34. Christian Disciple, Bost., 1813-23. Christian Examiner, Boston, 1827-69. Christian Herald, N. Y., 1816. Christian History, Prince, 1743-45. Christian Journal, Swords, 1822-24. Christian Magazine, N. Y., 1806-11. Christian Magazine, Geneva, N. Y., 1833-34. Christian Messenger, N. Y., 1832-35. Christian Monitor, N. Y., 1812-13. Christian Observatory, Bost., 1847-50. Christian Palladium, Albany, 1847-49. Christian Review, Bost., 1837. Christian s, Scholar s and Farmer s Mag., N. J., 1789. Churchman s Magazine, Hartford, 1821, 22. Churchman s Monthly Magazine, N. Haven, 1804-11. Churchman s Monthly Mag., N. Y., 1854-59. Churchman s Repository, Mass., 1820. Church Record, Hawks, 1840-2. Church Review. See Amer. Quarterly. Circular, The, Oneida Community, 1851-68. Columbian Register, Washington,1828. Congregationalism Quarterly, Boston, 1859-69. Connec. Evangel. Mag., 1800-8. Correspondent, The, N. Y., 1827-29. Periodicals, American, Religion* (continued). Cry from the North, Bost., 1827, 8. Danville Quarterly Review, 1861, 62. Enquirer for Truth, Canton, Ohio, 1827. Episcopal Magazine, Phila., 1820, 1. Evangelical Guardian, N. Y., 1817. Evang. Record, Lexington, Ky., 1812, 13, imp. Evangelical Review, 18 : <5-GO. Evergreen, The, New Haven, 1844-53. Five Points House of Industry, Record, 1858-9. Foreign Miss. Chronicle, 1833-42. Free Inquirer, N. Y., 1829-30. Gospel Herald, 1821-26. Guardian, The, N. Haven, 1819, 20. Halcyon Luminary, N. Y., 1812-13. Home, School and Church, Phila., 1850-59. Hopkinsian Magazine, 1831-2. Lit. and Evang. Mag., Richmond, 1826-28. Lit. and Theological Review, N. Y., (Woods), 1834-39. Magazine of the Ref. Dutch Church, N. Brunswick, 1826-30. Meth. Conference, Miss y Notices, 1816-25. Methodist Magazine, N. Y., 1822-27. Methodist Quar. Review, N. Y., 1841, 42, 45, 48-61,63. Missionary Herald, Boston, 1821-71. Monthly Relig. Mag., Bost., 1844-54. New Brunswick Review, 1855. New Englander, N. Haven, 1842-71. N. Y. Ecclesiologist, 1848-53. Panoplist, Boston, 1806-20. Perfectionist, The, J. H. Noyes, 1843- 1845. Pittsburgh, Pa., Recorder, 1822-24. Plain Truth, Rochester, 1829. Presbyterial Critic, Bait., 1855, 6. Presbyterial Reporter, Milwaukee, 1852. Presb. Church, Home and Foreign Re cord, 1851. " Missionary Chronicle, 1833-49. Presbyterian Mag., Janeway, Phila., 1821, 22. Presbyterian Magazine, Van Rens- selaer, Phila., 1855-58. Presb. Quar. Review, Phil a, 1853-62. Presbytery Reporter, Alton, 111., 1851- 1865. Prot. Episc. Church, Spirit of Mis sions, 1836-62. Protestant Quarterly Review, Phil a, 1850-53. PERIODICALS. 425 Periodicals, American, Religious (continued). Quar. Christian Spectator, 1829-39. Quarterly Theol. Magazine, Burling ton, N. J., 1813-14. Quarterly Theol. Review, Ely, Phil a, 1818, 19. Radical, The, Boston, 1866, 67. Religious Intelligencer, Xew Haven, 1816-28. Religious Magazine, Boat., 1828-29. Religious Repository, Concord, N. H., 1808. Shekinah, The, Brittan, 1831-33. Sacred Circle, N. Y., 1855. Southern Meth. Pulpit, 1846-50. Spirit of the Pilgrims, Boet., 1828-33. Theol. and Lit. Jour., (Lord), N. Y., 1848-60. Theol. Magazine, N. Y., 1795-97. Theol. Review, Bait., 1822. Tiffany s Monthly, 1856-59. Unitarian, The, Whitman, 1834. United Breth. Miss y Intelligencer, 1828, 48. Universalist Quarterly, 1851. Universalist Union, 1837. Utica Christian Repository, 1822-26. Vehicle, orChr. Magazine, N. Y., 1814. Virginia Evjfng. Mag., 1818-20. Western Messenger, Louisville, 1837. Western New York Bap. Mag., 1823. Periodicals, British, Literary and Religious. Aldine Mag., 1839. Anti-Jacobin Review, 1798-1804. Archaeologist, The, Lond., 1842. Art Journal, Lond. 5 1847-69. Athenjeum Journal, Lond., 1828-63, 1870, 71. Athenian Gazette, 1691. Baptist Annual Register, 1795. Bee, or Litt. Intell., Edinburgh, 1791- 1793. Belle (La) Assemblee, 1810-33. Bentley s Miscellany, Lond., 1839-42. Bentley s Quarterly Review, 1859. Blackwood s Edinb. Magazine, 1817-71 . British Critic, 1793-1815. British Mag. and Reg. of Eccl. Intel., 1832-40, 43-45, 48- Campbell s For. Monthly Mag. , 1 842-4. Chamber s Edin. Journal, 1832-60. Chimney Sweeper s Friend. 1825. Christian Moderator, 1826. Christian Observer, Lond., 1802-40, 43. Christian Physician, 1836. Christian Remembrancer, 1819-27. Christian Witness, 1845. Church and State Revkw, 1862-64. 54 Periodicals,. British, Liternry and Religious (continued). Church Miss y Intelligencer, 1855-58. Classical Journal, 1826-28. Colonial Mag. and Commercial Mar. Journal, 1840-42. Companion to the Newspaper, Lond., 1833-6. Congreg Magazine, Lond., 1818-44. Constitutional Magazine, Lond., 1768. Cook, (Eliza), Journal, 1849-53. Critical Review, 1756-90. Director, The, Dibdin, 1807. Dolman s Magazine. 1847, 8. Dublin Review, 1836-70. Dublin Univ. Mag., 1833-69. Eclectic Review, 1805-46. Edinburgh Review, 1802-71. Edinburgh Monthly Review, 1819-21. European Magazine, 1784, 8B, 97, 99. Evangelical Magazine, London, 1793- 1854. Exchange, The, 1862. Fine Arts Quarterly Review, 1863. 67. Fisher s Colonial Magazine, 1842-45. Foreign Quarterly Review, 1827-46. Fortnightly Review, 1865-71. Fraser s Magazine, 1850-61, 64-69. Gentleman s Magazine, 1731-71. Gentleman s and London Mag., 1759. 1765, 67-72. Gospel Missionary, London, 1854. History of the works of the learned, 1699-1710. History of the works of the learned, 1737-38. Home Miss y Mag., Lond., H20. Household Words, London, 1850-56. Ho.g s Weekly Instructor, Lon.,1848, 1849. Hewitt s Journal of Lit., 1847, 8. Illust. Lond. News, 1842-60. Illust. News of the World, 185S-6 Imperial Mag., 1829. Irish Presbyterian, 1854-3. Knight s Penny Magazine, 1860. Literary and Biog. Mag., Lond., 1788- 1794. Literary Chronicle, 1823. Literary Gazette, 1818-51, 58-60. London Magazine, 1732-85. London Magazine, 1820-29. London Review, 1777, 78. London Review, 1835, 36. Marlborough Magazine, 1848. Mercurius Politicus, Do Foe, 1716-20. Microcosm, 1788. Monthly Lit. and Sci. Lecturer, 1850 I Monthly Magazine, 1799 426 PERIODICALS. Periodicals, British, Literary and Religious (continued). Monthly Miscellany, Dec., 1708. Monthly Review, London, 1749-1806. Museum, The, London, 1746-7. National Review, Lond., 1855-60. New Miscellany, London, 1737, 38, 39. New Monthly Magazine, 1822-25. North British Review, 1844-71. Notes and Queries, Lond., 1849-71. Penny xMngazine, 1832-45. People s Journal, 1846-48. People s and Howitt s Journal. Philadelphian Magazine, (Stearns), 1788, 9. Political Magazine, 1781-7. Political Register and New books. 1767- 1769. Portfolio, The, 1835-7. Poor Man s Guardian, 1847. Punch and Lond. Charivari, 1841-58. Quarterly Review, Lond., 1809-71. Register of the Arts, Lond., 1824-32. Rehearsals, The, 1704-08. Repertory of Arts, 1794-1806. Repertory of Inventions, 1830-48. Retrospective Review, Lond., 1820- 1828, 53, 54. Theol. Repository, London, 1773-88. United Service Journal, 1829-60. Westminster Magazine, 1777. Westminster Review, 1824-71. Whisperer, The, 1770. Willis, G., Current Notes, 1854-62. Periodicals, European, etc. Alge- ineene Konst-en Letter-Bode,1793. i Algemeene Vaderl. Letter-Oefeningon, ! 1783. Alliance Evangelique, Geneve, 1850. Ami de 1 Enfance, Paris, 1835-57. Amsterdam, Gazette, 1744-69. Annalen der Verbr. des Glaubens,1857- 1859. Annales de la prop, de la foi, 1828-52. | Annales d hygiene, Paris, 1829-71. Annuaire de 1 Instruction Publique, Paris, 1851-58. Archives du Christianisme, 1840. Archives du Magnetisme animal, 1820- 1823. Bernard, J. See Nouvelles. Bibliotheque Americaine, Paris, 1807. Bibliotheque Britannique, La Haye, 1733-1746. Bibliotheque Italique, Geneve, 1728- 1734. Chinese Repository, Macao, 1832-51. Eco di Savonarola, Lon., 1847. Friend, Honolulu, 1848. Periodicals, European, etc. (cont d). Gazette Litt. do 1 Europe, Amst., 1768-70. Hawaiian Spectator, 1838. Indo-Chinese Gleaner, 1818-9. Italia del popolo, Losanna, 1849-50. Janus Verrezen, Utrecht, 1787-95. Journal Asiatique, Paris, 1822-67. Letter- kundig Genootschap, Mcngel- ingen, 1813-51. Literarisch Vereinr Nurnberg, Jahres- bericht, 1841-65. Maandelyke Uittreksels, Amst., 1716, 67, 70. Mercure de France, 1756-67. Merg der Akad. Verhandelingen, 1738. Middelaer, De, 1840-43. Minerve Franaise, 1818-20. Mnemosyne, Ley den, 1852-61. Museum Hist. Phil. Theol., Bremee, 1728, 9. Nouvolles de la Repub. des Lettres, Bernard, 1700-10. Pastorale Brieven, 1686, 87. Philosooph, De, 1766-69. Polytechnische Centralhalle, 1851-56. Post van den Neder-Rhijn, 1781-87. Questions traitees, 1639-41. Revue Anecdotique, 1851. Revue Bibliog. des Pays Bas, 1822-30. Revue Contemporaine, 1852-64, wants 1856 and 7. 62. Revue de bibliog., Paris, 1840-45. Revue de Plnstr. publique, 1842-58. Revue des Deux Mondes, 1851-70. Revue Encyclopedique, Paris, 1820-31. Revue Independante, Leroux, Sand, 1841-4. Tijdschrift toegewijd aan het Zecwe- zen, 1830-35. Periodicals. Odd Numbers of, Pamph lets, vols. 264, 265, 533, 708, 712, 724, 1629, 1630. Perkins, J. H. Channing, W. If., Me moir of, 1851. Perkins M. A. Duncan, A. G., Fun. Sermon on. Perkins, T. II. Cary, Memoir of, 1856. Perry, O. II. Calvert, G. H., Oral., Battle of L. Erie, 1854. Irving, W., Spanish papers, v. 2. Mackenzie, A. S., Life of, 1835. Niles, J. M., Life of, 1821. Perry, 0. H., Documents, 1821. Perry, Statue inaug., 1860. See Erie, Lake, Battle of. Perry, Lt. Stephens, W. W., C. Mar tial of", 1855. PERSONAL LIBERTY LAWS. Persecution. Briefe Collection of. Mar tyres, 1611. Cereghini, A., Persecution of, 1852. Da Costa, Imprisonment at Lisbon, 1811. Lecky, Rise of Rationalism, 1865. Limborch, Hist, of the Inquisition, 1731. Marrollcs, Sufferings of. Rotheram, Sermon on, 1780. Voltaire, Hist, of Calas, 1776. See Toleration; Inquisition; Witch craft. Persepolis. Francklyn, Tour to, 1786. Rich, C. J., Journey to. Persia. Abu l Feda, Annales Moslemici. Ali Hazin s Life, Eng. and Pers., 1830, 31. Aucher, Voyages, 1843. Chardin, Voyages en Perse. (i Travels, 1686. Conolly, A., Jour, through Persia, 1838. Contarini, Journey to, Kerr. Dabistan, The, Trans., 1843. Elphinstono, Account of, 1842. Flandin, E., Voyage en Perse, 1843- 1854. Francklyn, Tour to Persia and Perse polis, 1786-87. Fraser, J. B., History of, Edin. Cab. Lib., 15. " Journey into Khorasan, 1825. " South of Caspian Sea, 1826. Freyer, Reysedoor Oost Indien en Per- sien, 1672-81. Hafiz ool Moolk, Life of, 1831. Hanway, Revolutions of, 1753, and Contin. Holmes, W. R., Sketches of the Cas pian, 1845. Hyde, Hist. Religionis veterum Persa- rum, 1700. Kajar Dynasty, History of, 1833. Le Bruyn, Travels , 1737. Loftus, Chaldaea and Susiana, 1849. Malcolm, Sir J., Hist, of Persia, 1829. " Sketches of, 1838. Mirkhond, Hist, of Kings of, 1832. Morier, Hajji Baba, Fict. Nadir Cha, Hist, of, 1742. P. 152. Olearius, Travels, 1639. Ouseley, Travels in the East, 1819-23. Perkins, J., Eighteen years in Persia, 1843. Porter, Sir R. K., Travels in Georgia, Persia, etc., 1817-20. Relation d un Voyage, 1598. Relations Veritables, 1651. Schahnazar, Etat do la Perse, 1817. Persia (continued). Southgate, Tour in Armenia and Per sia, 1840. Tavernier, Six Voyages, 1676. Texeira, Travels to India, (Lawson). Thevenot, Relations de voyages. Timour, Institutes, 1783. Valle, P. della, Travels, (Pinkerton). Vincent, W., Anc. Commerce of the Ind. Ocean, 1807, Voy. of Near- chus. Waring, Tour to Sheeraz and Hist, of Persia, 1807. See Turkey; Asia; Khorasan; Cabul ; Nestorians; Kurdistan. Persian! Work* in. Ali Hazin, Life of, 1810. Persian and Engl. Attar, Pendeh, 1809. Burhani Kati, Ibn Khalif el Tebrizi, Calcutta, 1836. Din i haqq ki tahkik, (Evi. of Christi anity;. Firdoosi, Shah nameh, Trans. " Soohrab, Trans. Garcin de Tassy, Aventures de Kam- rap. Hafiz, Lyrics, Pers. and Engl. " Trans, by Sir W. Jones. New Birth, etc., Tracts in P. Sadi, Gulistan, Ross s trans. Schahnazar, Etat actuel de la Perse, 1817. Schlechta,Frulingsgarten von Dschami. Wilson, J., Decline of Mohammedan ism, 1846. Personal Controversies. Pamphlets, vols. 389, 488, 809, 1377-1380, 1540, 1872. Personal Liberty Laws. Hall, R. B., Removal of E. G. Loring, 1855. P. 206. Holmes, A., Speech, May 9, 1859. P. 561. Mass., Loring and Burns, 1855. P. 560. " Per. Lib. Reports, 1855. P. 560. " Remonstrance against repeal of, 1861. P. 1584. Maxson, D. E., Speech, N. Y. Leg., 1860. . New York, Lament s Report, 1859. P. 560. Mayo, A. D., Address to the Leeris., 1859. Pamphlets, vol. 1246, Speeches on. Parker, J., Pers. Lib. Laws of Ms., 1861. P. 1585. Spencer, C. S., Speech, N. Y., Asern., 1859. P. 561. Thomas, B. F., Suggestions, 1861. Vermont, Report, 1858, 1861. See Slavery, Fugitives. 428 PERSPECTIVE. Pers-pectire. See Drawing. Perth, Scotland. Memorabilia, 1806. Penny, G., Traditions, etc., 1S36. Perth Amboy, N. J. Whitehead s His tory of, 1856. Peru. Agucro, Exposicion acerca de su Conducta, 1824. Apollonius, Do Peruviae Regionis in - vontione, 1567. Balboa, Histoire do Perou, 1576-86. Butagh, Account of, Harris, I. Bollaert, Antiq. Researches in, 1860. Bouguer, Voyage to, Pinkerton, 14. Brande, C., Voyage to, and Passage over the Andes, 1827. Campe, Pizarro, or Conquest of, 1799. Cartas Peruanas, 1828. Cieca de Leon, Chronioa del, 1554. " Delle Historie del, 15R5. Courte, Voyage fait au, 1751. Frezier, Voyage, 1712-14. Garcilasso dc la Vega, Commentarios, 1609, 16. * Commentaries of, 1688. " Histoire des Incas, 1633, 1715, 37. " Life, 1534-43, (Hakluyt Soc.). Hall, B., Extracts from a Journal, 1824. La Llosa, Proyecto do Constituoion, 1827. Larrwa, Sermon, Lima, 1816. Lettre sur 1 Emeute en 1739. Monteagudo, Admin. Labors of the Go vernment, 1823. Montesinos, Mem. Hist, sur 1 anoien, Ternaux, 17. Morisot, Poruviana, 16J5. Prescott, W. H., Hist, of Conquest of, 1847. Ranking, Hist, of Conquest of, 1827. Rivero, Antiquedadcs Peruanas. * Peruvian Antiquities, 1853. Ruiz, Flora Peruviana, 1794. Squier, Geog. and Arohaeol. of, 1870. Sobreviela, Voyages au Perou, 1791-4 Temple, E., Travels in, 1830. Trueba, Hist, of Conquest, 1830. Tschudi, Travels in, 1838-42. Velasco, Hist, du Roy. de Quito, Ter- nauz, 17, 18. White, C. A., Student s Mythology, 1870. Xeres, Conquete du Perou, 1547. Zarate, Conquete du Perou, 1774. See Chili; Equador. Peruvian Syrup. Clark, N. L., Letter, 1859. Pestnlozzi, II. Barnard s Life of. Biber, Life of, 1833. Pestilence. See Contagion; Plague; Quarantine; Yellow Fever. | Peter, St. Hymn to the Pope, 1735. Modest Enquiry, 1687 Neal, D., Supremacy of, 1735. P. 1440. Reland, Van bet Hanen gekraay. See Rome; Roman Cath. Peter of Blois. Letters; Works, vols. 1, 2. Peters, Iluph. Felt, J. B., Defence and Memoir of, 1851. Peters, H., An account of, 1751. " Legacy to daughter, 1717. Peters, S., Life of, 1640, 1660. Upham s Centenn. Discourse. Peterson, D. II. Life of, 1854. Petersham, Ms. Wilson, E. B., Hist. Address, 1855. Petitions. Adams, J. Q , Speeches, 1837-38. Jura Populi Anglicani, 1772. Magna Charta, Petit, and Bill of right. P. 1332. Right of British Subjects,- 1733. P. 433. See Liberty; Rights. Petrarch, F. Campbell, T., Life of, 1841. Dobson, Life of, 1807. B. C. Set Bibliography. Petroleum. Antisell, Manuf. of hydro carbon oils, 1859. Chandler, C. F., Rep. on Kerosene oil, 1870. Derrick and Drill, (Morris), 1865. Gesner, Coal, etc., oils, 1861. Horsford, E. N., An explosion of burn ing fluid, 1852. Murray, D., Petroleum, 1862. P. 801. Pacific Coast Petroleum Comp., 1865 P. 1801. Silliman, B., jr., Petr. in California. P. 1801. See Coal; Oil Companies. Pettengill, A. Hart, L., Memoir of, 1834. Petvi. Molyneux, A Letter, 1856. Wooden Walls, 1844. Pezuela, J. De La. See La Pezuela. Pfeiffer, I. Last Travels, Autobiog., 1861. Phalaris. Epistles, Trans. Bentley, Dissertat. on. King, W., Dialogues of the Dead, (Works). PHILIPS. 429 Phnrmacy. American Phar. Association, Conr. Minutes, 1851-63. American Jour, of Pharmacy, 182 J-69. wanting 1835. Buchner, Antheil der Pbaruiacie, 1849. Henke, Zeitschrift, 1831. Mathews, A. I., Hints ...1856. Mod. Times, Pharm. Repertory, 1844- 1846. Pharmaceutical Journal, Lond., 1841- 1870. Pharmacopoeia Coll. reg. Lond., 1788, 1836- P. 1779, 1713. Pharmacopoeia chirurgica, 1794. Pharmacopolae justificati, 1756. P. 802. Ph l a Coll. of P., Report, 1846. " Charter and Ethics, 1856. P. 1647. Procter, W., Address, Phil a College, 1855. P. 196. Wood & Bache, Dispensatory, 1870. See Medical, Materia Medica. Phelps, II. A. Baynes, J. W., Sermon on, 1849. Phelps, M. Haswell, A., Mem. and Ad ventures of, 1773-80. Phelps, O. Genealogy of, 1862. Cooke, J., Sermon on, 1851. Phenicia. See Syria; Ireland. Philadelphia. Address to Inhab. of Pa., 1777. Belisle, Independence Hall, 1859. Binney, Leaders of Old Bar, 1859. Boardman, H. A., Hist. Discourse, 1858. Boyle, R., Viaggi ed avventure, 1734. Broad St. Bapt. Church, 1854. Brown, D. P., 40 Years at the Bar, 1856. Carpenters Company, Charter, Phil a, 1857. History of, 1858. Catto, Colored Churches, 1857. Davies, B., Account of, 1794. Dorr, Account of Christ Church, 1695- ! 1841. Duche, Caspipina s letters, 1792. Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, Me- moirs, 1830. See Schuylkill Fi. Co. History of, and Vicinity, 1812-14. Kayser,, Commercial Directory, 1823. Mease, Picture of Philadelphia, 1811. Mysteries of, 1853. P. 81. Neill, W., Sumi-Centen. Disc., 1857. i Pennsylvania Hall Ass n, 1838. Phil a Directories, 1793, 1837,42,45, 52, 57, 58, 1860-67. Phil a Guide, 1865. Phil a, List of Loyalists of 1776, 1865. ! Philadelphia (continued). Picture of Phil a, 1835. Hitter, A., Phil a and her merchants, 1860. St. Mary s Church: Address, 1822. P. 482. St. Peter s Church, Memorial. P. 200. Scott, J. W., Pine St. Presb. Ch. Hist., 1837. Schuylkill Fishing Co., Hist. Mem , 1830. Shepherd, T. J., First Presb. Churoh, 1864. Simpson s Lives of eminent Philadel- phians, 1859. Smith, R. A., Phil a as it is, 1852. Stephen s Phil. Direc., 1796. Tyson, J. R., Resources of, 1852. P. 269. Watson, J. F., Annals of, 1830. Historic Tales of Olden Time, 1833. Wharton, T. I., Address, biog., 1847. Wilson, T., Picture of, for 1824. Winslow, S. N., Biog. of merchants of, 1864. Philanthropical. See Charities; Hu mane; Poor. Philidor, F. A. D. Allen, J., Life of. See Chess. Philip of Macedon. Leland, T., Hist. of, 1806. Olivier, Histoirc de, 1740. B. C. Philip II. Leti. Het Leven van, 1731. Philippe II, Portrait de, 1785. Prescott, W. H., History of, 1855, 58. Watson, R., Hist, of reign of, 1818. Philip III. Cocchi, Lettera Critica, 1746. Watson, Hist, of reign, 1818. Philip of Hesse. Bachmann, Zwolf Urkunden, 1768. P. 609. Philip, Indian Chief. Abbott, J. S. C., Hist, of King Philip, 1857. Church s History, 1772, 1829. Drake, S. G., Old Indian Chronicle, 1836. SeNew England. Philippine Is. Argensola, Disc, and conquest of. Bowring, J., Visit to, 1859. Guignes, Observa. on. Pinkerton 11. La Gironiere, 20 Years in, 1854. Philippine Is., Guia, 1865. Torrubia, Dissertacion de, 1753. See Span. Col. ; Indian Ocean. Philips, E. and J. Godwin, W., Lives of, 1815. 430 PHILIPS. Philips, R. Dean, A., Discourse, 1814. P. 1464. Phillipopolis, Turkey. Constantinos, Encheiridion, 1814. Hackett, H. B., Tour to, Bibliot. Sao., 1860. Phillips, Miss E. Parsons, T., Sermon on. Phillips, S. Tappan, D., Disc., Fun. of, 1802. P. 554. Taylor, J. L., Memoir of, 1856. Phillips, W. Speeches and Letters, 1870. Stowe s Men of the Time, 1868. Phillpott. See Philpot. Phillpotts, Bp. Writings, (collection), 3 v. Edinburgh Review, Rejoinder, 1852. P. 331. Philology. See Bibliography ; Classical; Ethnology; Languages; Orient. Lit. Philomena, S. Memoria, 1835. Philosophy. Abelard, Ouvrages inedits, 1836. Albertus Magnus, Liber Secretorum, 1496. Ahrens, Das Natur-recht, 1846. Alletz, Harmonies de 1 Intell. humaine, 1845-46. Aristotle, Metaphysics, (T. Taylor). Atkinson, H. G., Letters on Man s Nature, 1851. Averroes, De Substantia Orbis. Bacon, Lord, Works, 1824, 61. Bacon, R., Opera inedita, (Chron. G. B.). Bailey, S., Essays on the pursuit of Truth, 1831. B. C. Barbay, In Aristot. Phil. Introductio, 1690. B. C. Barruel, El Viennesi, 1801. Bates, E., Rural Philosophy, 1803. Baxter, A., Enquiry on Soul, 1745. Beale, L. S., Protoplasm, 1870. Beauvais, Manuel de, 1832. Bcntham, J., Works, 1843. Berkeley, Bp., Works, 1843. Bielfield, Elements of Universal Eru dition, 1770. Boerhave, Study of Physick, 1719. Boethiu?, Consolations of, 1811. B. C. ! Bouttier, Essai de Phil. Fran9-, 1844. Boyle, R., Philosophical Works, 1725. Brenan, J., Old and new logic, 1838. Caelius, L., Antiquae lectiones, 1516. Chalybaus, H. M., Phil, from Kant to Hegel, 1854. Chardon, Melanges, 1812. 1 Philosophy (continued). Charma, A., Saint Anselme, 1853. Cicero, Hist. ant. Philosophise, 17S2. Coleridge, S. T., Works, 1854. Comte, Cours de Philosophic positive, 1830-42. Phil, of the Sciences, Lewes, 1853. " The Positive Philosophy, Mar- tineau, 1854. Condillac, Traite des Systemes, 1771. Condorcet, (Euvres, 1847. Cory, I. P., Inquiry into objects of, Cousin, V., Cours de Philosophic, 1828. " Introd. to Hist, of, Linberg, 1832. " Course of Hist, of, Wight, 1852. " Destiny of Modern Phil. " Elements of Psychology, Hen ry, 1834. Cros, Thcorie de 1 Homme, 1838. Cudworth, Intell. System of the Uni verse, 1837. Davy, Consolations in travel, 1830. Defoe, D., World of Cartesius. Degerando, Hist, coinp. des systemes. Delavigne, Manuel.... au Baccalau- reat, 1836. De Quincey, Writings, 17, 18, 1851-54. Des Cartes, R., Epistolse, 1683. " Principles of, 1853. " Conduct of the Reason, 1850, 53. Dick, The Christ. Philosopher, 1831. Drumrnond, Sir W., Acad. questions. 1805. Durfee, J., The Panidea, (Works), 1849. Enfield, History of Philosophy, 1837. Essays on Truth, G. Hawley, 1856. Faber, Thes. Eruditionis Scholast., 1696. Fichte, Characteristics of the Present Age, 1847. Field, G., Analogical Philosophy, 1836. Fischer, P., Beobachtung in Naturl- ichen Dingen, 1782. Fishbough, Macrocosm and Microcosm, 1856. Fleming, W., The Vocabulary of, 1860. Foxius, Do Natures Philosophia, 1622. Franck, A., La Kabbalc, 1843. Girard, Renovation philosophique, 1838. Giusti, Corso di Filosofia, 1836. Green, J. H., Spiritual phil. of Cole ridge, 1865. Grote, -G., Companions of Socrates, 1867. PHLEGON. 431 Philosophy (continued). Gruyer, Du Spiritualismo au xix siecle, 1835. Hamilton, Bishop, Works, 1809. Hamilton, Sir W., Discussions on Phi losophy, 1852. " Lectures on Metaphysics, 1859. Harris, James, Philos. arrangements, 1779. (< Hermes or .. Universal Gram mar, 1786. Hartley, De 1 Homme, aes facultes, 1802. Hazlitt, Essays on the Principles of human action. B. C. Helveiius, System of nature, 1810. Hemisterhuis, F., (Euvres philoso- phiques, 1846. lamblichus, De mysteriis. " On the mysteries, (Taylor). Jamieson, G., Essentials of, 1859. Jarves, J. J., Why and What am I ? 1857. Johnsor, S., Introduction to, New Lond., 1743. Jouffroy, T., Philosophical Miscell., 1838. B. C. Kirwan, R., Metaphys. Essays, 1811. La Chambre, Systeme de 1 Ame, 1665. Lewes, Biog. History of, 1857. McCosh, Typical Forms, 1856. Malebranche, Search after truth, 1694. Hansel, II. L., Limits of relig. thought, 1859. Masson, D., Recent Brit. Philos., 1866. Marah, J., Remains of, 1843. Melancthon, Select. Declamationum torn. 5, 1670. " Coinm. de Anima, 1544. Mendelssohn, Philosophische Schriften, 1790. Metaphysique, La, 1753. Mocenicus. Univ. Instit. ad horn, per- fectionem, 1581. Monestier, Vraie Philosophic, 1774. More, H., Philos. writings, 1712. Morell, Hist, of Spec. Phil, in the 19th Cent., 1847. " Philos. Tendencies of the Age, 1848. Muller, Chips from a German work shop, 1870. Murdock, J., Sketches of German Philos., 1843. Murray, Outlines of Hamilton s Phil., 1871. Naigeon, Philosophie Anc. et moderne, (Encyc. Meth.). Neckam, Do naturis rerum. (Ersted, The Soul in Nature, 1852. Ogilvie, Philosophical Essays, 1816. Philosophy (continued). Paine, T., Age of Reason, 1794. Pamphlets relating to Philosophy, vols. 1542, 1721, 1789. Paracelsus, Three Books of, 1657. Park, R., Pantology, 1841. Pascal, B., Pensees, 1844. " Thoughts, (Wight), 1853. Plotinus, Opera, 1492. " Select works, 1817. Plutarch, Morals, Goodwin s ed., 1871. Prantl, Die Gegenwartige Aufgabe der, 1852. Priestley, J., Discussion of Material ism, 1778. " Disq. on Matter and Spirit, 1775-82. B. C. Psychological Speculations, 1827. Purchot, Institutiones Philosophies, 1711. Rauch, Psychology, 1840. Riolan, Opuscula, 1602. Ritter, Hist, of Ancient, 1838. Schlegel, Weisheit der Indier, 1808. Sorbiere, Lettres, 1660. Spencer, H., First principles, 18YO. " Principles of Biology, 1866. " Principles of Psychol., 1855. Stewart, D., Works, 1855. Tenneman, Manual of Hist, of, 1852. Tongiorgi, S., Instit. philosophies, N. Y., 1864. Tyler, S., Progress of Phil., 1858. Vanuxem, Essay on Ultim. Principles, 1827. Vincentius, Speculum Morale, 1494. " Speculum Doctrinale,14y4. Volney, LesRuines, 1792. B.C. Voltaire, (Euvres. Warden, R. B., View of man and law, 1860. Westenrieder, V., Von den Nomina- listen, 1786. Whewell, W., Hist, of aci. ideas, 1858. " Phil, of discovery, 1860. Wieland, C. M., Socrates out of his senses, 1797. See God; Logic; Man; Mental Phil.; Moral Phil.; Nature; Science; Soul; Theology. Philpot, J. Examination of, 1555, (Parker Soc.). Phipps, Sir W. Pond, E., Life of, 1847. Sparks a Am. Biog., vol. 7: Life. Phlegon. Chapman, J., Answer toSykea, 1735. P. 1272. Phlegon examined, 1734. P. 336. Phlegon re-examined, 1735. Sykes, Diss. on eclipse, 1732. Whiston, Six dissertations, 1734. 432 PHOENICIA. Phcenicia. See Syria. Phonography. Andrews, Phonog. reader. 1846. Comstock, Phonetic Minstrel, 1847. P. 534. Ellis, A. J., Plea for, 1845. P. 1693. Fauvel-Gouraud, Cosmophonography, 1850. Pitman, I., Manual of, 1845. See Short hand. Photography. Aikin, Of tho Daguer reotype, 1840. American Journal of, 1860-1. Aubree, Traite pratique de, 1852. Blanquart, Epreuves sur papier, 1847. Chein. Disc. Soc., Waxed negatives, 1854. Chevalier, Catalogue des Daguerreo types, 1850. P 69. Daguerrinn Journal, 1850-53. Delamotte, The Practice of, 1856. Davy, Sir H., Works, v. II. Hardwick, Photog. Chemistry, 1855. Hersohel, On Photographic processes, 1842-43. Hill, L. L., On Heliochromy, 1856. Humphreys, S. D., Journal, 1853-56. Hunt, R., Researches on Light, 1844. Monckhoven, Treatise on, 1863. Photographic Soc. Exhib. Lond., 1860. P. 1022. Photog., a Treatise by J. E., 1847. P. 2509. South Kensington Museum, 1860. Sutton, Dictionary of, 1867. See Light. Phrenology. Abernethy, Lectures, 1 82 1 . Barber, J., Progress of, 1836. P. 29. B C. Barlow, T., A Phrenological Guide, 1838. B. C. Chenevix, R., From For. Quar. Rev. Christian Physician, 1836. Collycr, R. II., Manual of, 1838. Combe, G., Outlines of, 1835. " System of, 1835. " Moral Philosophy, 1855. " Constitution of Man, 1841. Crandall, Talks with the People, 1853. Cubi y Soler, Lecture on, 1839. Dean, A., Lectures on, 1834. B. C. Donovan, C., Reply to Brodie, 1857. Ethnological Journal, Lond., 1848, 49. Falkener, A., Profiles, 1840. Forster, R., Organology of the brain, and Education. Pamph r, 5. Fowler, 0. -S., Phrenology proved, 1838. B. C. " Practical Phre., 1848. Phrenology (continued). Fowler, 0. S., Phren. Almanac, 1852. " Temperance and Phrcn., 1852. P. 292. " Matrimony and Phr., 1845. Froelichius, Biblioth. Physio "no mi a), 1643, 4. Gall, F. J., Writings, 1835. " Functions of tho Cerebellum. Grimes, J. S., Outlines of, 1840. " New System, 1850. Hamilton, W., Lectures; Append. 1859. Haskins, History of, 1839. Heald, C. W., Manual of, 184r. Horsford, On Grimes s Phren., 1840 P. 522. Jones, P., P. and the Word of God, 1845. P. 399. Mackenzie, Sir G. S., Convicts, N. S. Wales, 1836. P. 399. McVey, Philosophy of Human Nature, 1854. Olcott, T. W., Address, at Albany, 1843 P. 83. Pamphlets, Phrenological, vol. 997, 2525. Phrenological Almanacs, 1840-52. Phren. Guide, (Fowler s), 1852. Phrenological Journal, 1865-67. Pierpont, J,, Phren. and Bible, 1854. Scott, W., Harmony ... .with Scrip ture, 1836. Sewall, T., Examination of, 1839. Smith, J. A., Functions of tho Ner vous system, 1840. . Smith, L. M., Phren. charac. of the War, 1862. Spurzhoirn, J. G., Phren. and Mcnt. Phenom., 1833. " Anat. of the Brain, 1834. " Exam, of Objections, 1833. " Phrenol. and Physiology, 1833. B. C. Tomlinson, J. C., Consistent with Christianity. Pamph r 26. Warne, J. A., Phren. in tho Family, 1843. See Physiognomy ; Spurzheim. Physical Training. Chiosso, Gymnas tics, 1854. McLaren, On Training, 1866. See Gymnastics; Health. Physicians. See Biographies of; Medi cine. Physick, P. S. Examination of a Pam phlet, 1838. P. 98. Physics. See Natural Philosophy; also, Electric. ; Hydrodynamics; Light; Magnetism; Optics; Science, etc. PHYSIOLOGY. 488 Physiognomy. Brown, R., On truth of, 1807. Chyroraancie, 1619. Evelyn, J., Digression on, 1697. Franzius, J., Scriptores physiog. ve- teres, 1780. Frcelichius, Bibliot. Physiognoiniae, 1644. Lavater, J. C., Essays on Phys.,1860. Redfield, J. W., 12 qual. of mind,1850. fs Resem. of men and animals, 1852. Walker, A., Physiognomy founded on physiol., 1834. Physiology, Animal, Human. Aber- nethy, Physiol. lectures, 1821. Adamucci, Syst. Mecan. des fonct. nerv., 1808. Adelon, Physiol. de 1 homme, 1823. Adriani, De pulmon. structura. Agassiz, Comparative Embryology, 1849. Bacon, F., Life and Death. Barry, M., Researches in Embryology, 1838-41. Beaumont, Of Digestion, 1833. Bell, A. N., Knowl. of living things, 1860. Bell, C., Papers on Physiology, 1832, 1834, 35, 41. Bichat, Phys. Researches on Life and Death, 1827. B. C. Blatchford, On Equivocal Generation, 1844. Muns. P. 5. Bleuland, Otiuin Acad., 1828. Bluraenbach, Anthropological treati ses, 1865. Bordenave, Essai sur, 1778. Boucheron, Du Systeme pileux, 1837. Broca, On hybridity, 1866, (Anthrop. Boo-)- Brodie, B., Mind and matter, 1857. Bromm, Entwicklungs-gesetze derorg. Welt, 1858. Buchanan, J., Phil, of Human Nat., 1812. Caelius, L., Antiquae lectiones, 1516. Carpenter, Animal Physiol., 1853, 59. f Principles of human, 1853. Clark, W., Report on Animal Phys., 1834. Cole, De Secretione, 1674. P. 1711. Combe, A., Physiology of Digestion, 1836. B. C. " Management of infancy, 1850. Coxe, Harvey s claims, on circulation of the blood. Cutter. C., Anatomy and Physiol., 1847, 49. Dalton, J., Treatise on, 1861. Darby, J. T., Supra-renal capsules, 1859. 55 Physiology, Animal, Human (cont d). Darwin, E., Zoonomia, 1803. Dean, J., Substance of the medulla oblongata, (Smithson. Contr. xvi). Doellinger, Von den Fortschritten, 1824. Douglas, L., Functions of Liver, spleen, etc., 1816. P. 86. Draper, J. W., Human Physiol., 1856. Du Bois, On Animal Electricity, 1852. Dumas, J., Balance of Organic Nature, 1844. Dunglison, Human Physiology, 1850. Edwards, H. M., Outlines of Anat. and Phys., 1841. Elliotson, Human Physiology, 1840. Fearn, J., Color images, 1831. Flint, A., jr., Physiol. of man, 1866, 7,70. Geoffroy, Des monstruosites humaines, 1822. Hammond, W. A., Physiol. mem. ,1863. Hasselt, De Metamorph. Ranoe tempo- rariae, 1820. Henry, W. C., Physiology of the Ner vous system, 1833. Hildrop, The brute creation, 1742. Housset, Memoires physiologiqucs, 1787. Hunter, W., Med. commentaries, 1762. Jackson, S., Organ, molecular action, 1856. P. 272. Jarvis, E., Primary Physiology, 1850. " Practical Physiology, 1848. " Phys. and laws of health. Johnson, A. B., Phys. of the Sensei, 1856. Joslin, B. F., Phys. Explan. of beauty of form, 1837. P. 64. Kiernan, Anat and Phys. of the liver, Roy. Soc. Tr., 1833. Kobelt, De 1 Appareil genital, 1851. Kolk, Sanguinis coag. historia. Lambert, T. S., Pop. Anatomy and Physiol., 1852. Hygienic physiol., 1851. Lawrence, W., Lectures, 1848. Le Cat, Couleur de la peau huraaine, 1765. Lehmann, Chemical physiol., 1856. Liebig, Motion of the juices, 1850. P. 551. t( Analyse organ. Korper. " Organic analysis. Lewes, G. H., Phys. of common life, 1857. Macnish, The Philosophy of sleep, 1834. B. C. Malpighi, Structure des Viscere?, 1683. Marchant, Systeme nerveux, 1846. Matteuci, Physical Phenom. of living beings, 1847. 434 PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology, Animal, Human (cont d). Moultrie, Organic Functions of ani mals, 1844. P. 86. Musgrave, On the Nerves, 1776. Oliver, D., First Lines of Physiology, 1835. Ontijd, VerhandelingoverhetVerschil, etc., 1840. Oken, Zahlengesetz in d. Wirbeln. . . . Owen, Of the invertebrate animals. " Struct, of the Skeleton. Paine, M., Med. and physiol. com mentaries, 1840-44. < Disc.onSoulandInstinct,1849. Pamphlets relating to Physiology, Vols. 1381, 1568. Philip, A. P. W., Vital Functions, 1818. Gen. Principles of. P. 402. Reid, P., Respiratio, 1804. Roget, Animal and Veg. Phys., 1840. Schmidt, J. II., De Corporuin genesi, 1825. P. 1003. Smith, J. A., Functions of Nervous system, 1840. Sense of Touch, 1837. Smith, N. R., On Digestion, 1825. Smith, S , Animal Physiol. Lib. U. K. " Philos. of Health, 1835. Smith, S. S., Complexion and figure in man, 1810. Solly, E., The Human Brain, 1848. Somerville, Mrs., Molec ;lar and Mi cros. Science, 1870. Spallanzani, Dissertations, 1789. Spurzheim, Diseases of the mind, 1836. Taylor, Mrs. J., Outlines of, 1858. Upham, T. C., Disordered mental ac tion, 1843. Valentin, Lehrbuch derPhys. desMen- schen, 1844. Walker, A., Nervous system, 1834. " Intermarriage, 1839. Wheatstone, Phys. of Vision, 1838. "Williams, C. J. B., Lungs and Air tubes, 1840. Wyraan, J., Nervous Sys. of Rana pipiens. See Man; Soul; Ethnology; Health; Life; Etc. Physiology, Vegetable. Brind, Phil. of Vegetation, 1857. Candolle, A. De, Vegetable Organo- graphy, 1841. " Philosophy of Plants, 1821. Carpenter, W. B., Veg. Physiology, 1858. Darwin, E., Phytologia, 1800. Goadby, Text-book, 1858. Hooper, R , Struct, of Plants, 1797. Knight s Physiol. papers, 1841. Physiology, Vegetable (continued). Mohl, II. von, Phys. dcr vegetabilis- chen Zelle, 1851. Parlatore, F., Viaggio al Monte Bi anco, 1850. Richard, L. C., Structure of fruits, 1819. Rochleder, F., Phys. der Pflanzen. " Anat. von Pflanzen, 1858. Roget, P., Vegetable Phys. and Nat. Theol., 1840. Schacht, H., Phys. der Gewiichse, 1859. " .... des Pflanzen -embryon. Thomson, S., Botan. fain, physician, 1841. Ville, Recherches, 1857. Ward, N. B., Plants in glazed cases, 1852. (See Botany; Microscope. Pickard, T. Harris, W., Disc, on, 1720. Pickeus,Gen. Hartley, Life of. Pickering, J. White, D. A., Eulogy on, 1847. Pickering, T. Pickering, 0., Life of, 1867. Upham, C. W., Disc., Decease of 1829. P. 214. Pickett, A. Reading, Mass., Congr. Ch., 1847. P. 484. Pickman, B. I5razer, Disc, on, 1843. P. 214. Picton, Sir T. Robinson, H. B., Me moirs of, 1825. Picus, J. Jesup, E., Life of, 1723. Pidgeon, E. Roe, P., Sermon on, 1808. Piedmont. Allix, P., Eccl. Hist, of, 1692. Murray s Hand-book. See Sardinia; Waldenses. Pierce, F. Bartlett, D. W., Life of, 1852. Carroll, Administration of. Cooley, Review, 1854. George, J. H., Speech concerning, 1852. P. 75. Hawthorne, Life of, 1852. Papers for the People, 1852. Pierce, F., Life of. " Life of, by Hermitage, 1852. " Sketch of, P. 75. Whig charge of intolerance, 1852. P. 527. Pierce, J. Harris, T. M., Ordin. Serin., 1797. P. 111. Knapp, F. N., Fun. Sermon of, 1849. P. 555. Lowell, C., Memoir of. P. 111. See Brookline, Mass. PIUS IX. 435 Pierpont, J. Bacon, E., Address, 1844. Dix, J. 11., Pulpit portraits, 1854. Holjis Street Soc,, Boston, Proc. 1838, 1839, 41. Pierpont, J., Reply to Bost. Assoc n, 1846. Pietrowski, R. Escape from Siberia, 1863. Pigeons. Bonaparte, C. L., Sur les or- dres des, 1855. Naw and comp. treatise, 1802. Selby, Naturalist s Library. See Birds; Ornithology; Poultry. Piggott, J. Stennett, J., Serin., Death of, 1713. P. 365. Pigmies. See Pygmies. Pigot, Lord. Observations, Madras, 1776. Pike, Z. M. Whiting, H., Life of, Sparks, 15. Niles, J. M., Life of, 1821. Pinckuey, C. C. Garden, A., Eulogy on, 1825. Pinkney, W. Pinkney, Rev. W., Life of, 1853. Story, J., Sketch of, (Misc. Wri.). Wheaton, W., Life of, 1826. Pinto, F. M. Voyages advantureux, (16th Cent.). Piozzi, Mrs. H. L. Autobiography and letters, 1861. * Letters to Conway, 1843. Delany, Mrs., Correspondence, 1862. Wharton, Queens of Society, 1860. Pirates. See Buccaneers. Pisa. Nuova guida,, 1833. Pisciculture. See Fish Culture. Pitcairn s Is. Belcher, Mutineers of the Bounty and their descendants, 1871. Bligh, W., Voy. and mutiny in the Bounty, 1792. Brodie, W., Pitcairn s Is., 1850. Shillibeer, Nar. of Briton s Voy. ,1817. Pitman, J., Family. Descendants, (Thurston), 1868. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. Almon, J., Anecdotes of life of, 1810. Elijah s Mantle, 1807. P. 397. Enquiry into the Conduct of, 1766. Examination of the Principles, 1766. Letter from the anonymous. ... 1761. Macaulay, T. B., Essays, Misc. Pitt, W., Correspondence. " Letters to his nephew. Right Honorable Annuitant, 1761. Thackeray, F., Hist, of, 1827. See Junius. Pitt, Rt. Hon. W. Bcddoes, T., Essay on, 1795. P. 573. Commercial policy of and Peel s, 1847. Gifford, J., History of Political Life of, 1809. Green, W., Portraits of, and Fox, 1808. Meadley, G. W., Two pairs of Hist. portraits. Pamph r 18. Orme, J. B., Muse s tribute. Reply to the charges .... 1821 . Rose, G., Brief Examination, 1799. Smith, G., Three English Statesmen, 1868. Stanhope, Life of, 1861. Tomline, G., Life of, 1821. Tooke, J. H., Two portraits, 1788. P. 411. View of Relative Situations, 1804. Waterhouse, B., Essay on, 1831. Pittsburg, P a. American, The, Pio neer, 1842, 43. Beanjeu, Bataille du Malangueule, 1755. Craig, N. B., History of, 1851. Jones, S., Pittsburgh in 1826. Looinis, A. W., Oration on Fort Du- quesne, 1859. Lyford s Directory, 1837. Olden, The, Time, Monthly, (Craig), 1846. Pittsburg, Directory, 1859, 65. Pittsburg, Its Resources, 1845. Thurston, Pittsburg as it is, 1857. See Du Quesne, Fort. Pittsfield, Mass. Field, History of, 1844. Pittsfield, .Septuagenarian Celebration, 1870. Smith, J. E. A., History of, 1869. See Berkshire Co. Pittston, Me. Hanson, History of, 1852. Pius VI. Beccatini, Storia di Pio VI, 1841. Merck, De, Mort de, 1814. Pius VII. Gaschet, Lettres apologeti- ques, 1809. Pius IX. Dowling, J., Life of, 1849. P. 1491. Maguire, Pontificate of, 1871. Montalembert, Pius IX and France, 1859. Newspapers, vol. 12, 13, Italian, 1848, 1849. Proceedings, New York City, 1847. Twiss. T., The Letters of, considered, 1851. See Rome. 436 PIZARRO. Pizarro, F. Balboa, Life of Balboa and F. P. Campe, J. H., Pizarro and the Con quest. Quintana, Life of, 1832. Plagiarism. Almelooveen, Opuscula, 1686. Amer. Whig Review, vol. 10. Douglas, J., Milton vindicated, 1751. Jackson, W., The Four Ages, 1798. Munro, J., Defence of Self, 1790. P. 1239. Plague. Assalini, Observations on, 1806. Bennett, W. J. E., Sermon on, 1849. Donaldson, P., Review of Systems, 1821. France ; Algeria, Explor. Scicnt., 1847. Harris, W., De peste, 1721. Kingsley, C., Who Causes? 1854. P. 2500. Lupton, Fast Sermon, 1720. Payn, T., Sermon on, 1722. Rowlandson, Two Sermons, 1623. Russell, A., Nat. Hist, of Aleppo, 1756. Russell, P., A treatise of the plague, 1791. Tyndall, Dust and Disease, 1871. See Contagion ; Quarantine; Medicine; Yellow Fever. Plagues. Fleming, G., Animal plagues, 1871. See Cattle. Plaiuficld, Ms. Porter, J., Hist. Sketch of, 1834. Plantagenets. The Greatest of the, 1871. Plata, La. See La Plata. Plated Ware. Burton, Catalogue of. Elkington, Catalogue of. See Arts. Plato. Gale, T., Court of the Gentiles, 1671. Grote, G., Plato and companions of, 1867. Plotinus, Opera: Comment. Mars. Fi- cini, 1492. Proclus, Hist, of Restor. of Platonism. " Commentaries on, (Taylor), ! 1816. Woolsey, T. D., On Platonic philos., j Bibliot. Sac., 1845. See Philosophy ; Classical Lit. Plattsburgh, N. Y. Moore, A. C., On battle of, 1844. See Champlain Lake. Playfair, J. Life, in Works. Playing Cards. See Cards ; Engraving. Plays. See Dramas. Plinius, C. Masson, Vita, 1709. Plinius, Epistolae, Lipsife. " Letters, Mclmoth, 1805. Plot of 1GO4-G. See Gunpowder plot. Plot of 1679. See Gates, T. Plumer, W. Plainer, W., jr., Life of, 1860. Plummer Family. Descendants, Sa lem Athenaeum. Plurality of Worlds. Brewster, D., More worlds than one, 1870. Chalmers, T., Astronom. discourses. Fontenelle, Conversations on, 1767. Whewell, W., Plurality of, with In troduction by Hitchcock, 1854. Plymouth, Eng. Hand-book to. P. 1755. Worth, History of, 1871. Plymouth, Ms. Banvard, Plymouth and the Pilgrims, 1851. Baylies, F., Hist, of New Plymouth, 1830, with S. G. Drake s Supp t. Bradford, W., Hist, of Plymouth Col., Young s Ed. " The same; Mass. Hist. Soo. Coll., 1856. Cheever, G. B., Repr. of Journ. of the Pilgrims, 1848. Clark, J. S., Hist, discourse, 1856. Everett, E., Oration, Dec. 22, 1824. " Pilgrim fathers, 1853, v. 3. Hunter, J., Founders of New Ply mouth, 1849. Mass. ; Records of the Col. of P., 1633- 1692, 1855-59. Morton. N., New England Memorial, 1669. Repr., 1826, 55. Moore, J. B., Lives of the Gov rs, 1620-1692. Mourt, Relation, 1622. " The same, repr., 1865. Plymouth Co., Ms., Directory and roll of honor, 1867. Pilgrim Soc., Celeb., 1853." Russell, W. S., Guide to, 1855. Scott, B., Pilgrim fathers not persecu tors, 1866. Steele, A., firewater s Life, 1857. Thacher, J., History of, 1835. Webster, D., Hist, disc., 1843. Winthrop, R. C., Hist, disc., 1870. Young, A., Repr. of Chronicles of the Pilgrims. See Puritans; New England; Mass. Plymouth Christians. Babb, On Cottle. 1824. Cottle, Strictures on, 1823. Plymouth Ch., Jirooklyn. Manual, 1848. Shearman, Revival in, 1858. POETRY: COLLECTIONS. 437 Pneumatic I)ipatch. Beach, A. E., N. Y,, 1867, f. Pneumatics. Hereof Alexandria, Pneu matics of, 1851. Lardner, Treatise on. Tomlinson, P. for beginners, 1848. See Natural Philosophy ; Air; Meteo rology. Pocahontas. Neill, E. D., Virginia Comp.; 1869. " Coloniz. of America, 1871. Pocahontas, a drama, 1837. Pocahontas s memory vindicated, 1847. P. 976. Webster, M. M., Pocahontas, a legend, 1840. See Virginia. Pocock, E. Life of, (Twells), 1816. Poe, E. A. Works and Memoir, (Gris- | wold). Whitman, S. H., Poe and his critics, 1860. Poetry, Treatises, etc., on. Aristotle, ; Treatise on Poetry, 1850. Barrett, S., Grammatical Analysis of, 1881. Blom, Friesche Dichtkunst, 1840. Burman, Poetische Verrukking, 1762. Campbell, H.Y.,Ossiana. Pamph rlS. I Campbell, T., Essay on Eng. Poetry. ! 1848. Carey, J., Pract. Versification, 1809. Gary, H. F., Lives of the poets, from Johnson to 1846. Gaze, Systeme de Versification. 1843. Chevreau, CEuvres Melees, 1697. Dwyer, Poetry of the Hebrews, 1830. i P. 19. B. C. Duyse, Nederlandsche Versbouw, 1854. ; Edgeworth, R. L., Readings on, 1816. Elzevier, Drie Dichtproeven, 1761. Emerson, J., Poetic reader, 1832. Essays on various subjects, 1780. Fauriel, Hist, of Provencal Poetry, i 1860. Geysbeek, Over het Puntdicht, 1810. i P. 230. Hazlitt, Lectures on the Eng. Poets, 1845. Holland, J., Psalmists of Britain, 1843. j Hood, Literature of Labor, 1852. Hunt, L., Works, Criticisms, vol. 1, 2. 1854. " Book of the Sonnet, 1867. Hurd, Works, Notes on Horace, 1811. Johnson, S., Lives of the poets. Jones, Sir W., Works, Poesie Orien- tale, 1807. Macrlant, Spiegel of Rijm-kronik, 1849. Poetry, Treatises, etc ., on (continued). Manners, C. R., Review of poetry, 1779. Marmontel, Poetique Franyaise, 1763. Montgomery, J., Lectures on General Literature, 1830, 31. " Lectures on Poetry, etc., 1833. B. C. Neale, H., Lectures on, 1829. Pasquali,Istituzioni di Estetica, 1827. Phrases Poeticse, 1626. Pinnock, Catechism of. Poeinatum cantu, 1673. Puttenham, Art of Eng. Poesie, 1589. Reed, H., Lectures on the Brit. Poets, 1857. " Loot, on Eng. Lit., 1855. Richards, G., Differ, of Anc. and Mod. Poetry, 1789. P. 1013. Schlegel, F. von, Romance poetry. Sidney, Sir P., Apologie for. Swift, J., Works; M. Scriblerus, 1812- 1813. Talfourd. T. N., Poetic Talent of the age. Pamph r 5. Taylor, H., Notes from Books, 1849. Taylor, W., Hist. Survey f German Poetry, 1830. Temple, Sir W., Works, 1720. Walker, Rhyming Diet., 1852. Warton, Hist, of English Poetry, 1824. White, R. G., National Hymns, 1861. See Rhetoric; Literary History; Dra ma, Treatises on. Poetry 1 Collections, American and British. Aikin, J., Select Works of British Poets, 1831. B. C. Alexander, C. F., Sunday book of, 1865. Anti-Jacobin, Poetry of the, 1801, 54. Asylum for Fug. Pieces, 1785. Barnwell, New Orleans book. Boston Book, 1836-50, 4 v. British Poets, Bohn s ed., 4 v. Brydges, Brit. Bibliographer, 1810-14. " Restituta, 1814-16. Camden Society Publications, 1838-58. Chalmers, A., English Poets, to Cow- per, 1810. Cheever, G. B., Amer. Common-place book of, 1843. Coggeshall, Poets of the West, 1860. Columbian Muse, N. Y., 1794. Dana,.C. A , Household Book of, 1858. Dodsley, Coll. of diff. Authors, 1775. Eastman, L., Masonic Melodies, 1825. Ellis, G., Earlv Eng. Met. Romances, 1848. * " Early English Poets, 1811. 438 POETRY: COLLECTIONS. Poetry! Collections, American and British (continued). Everest, Poets of Connecticut, 1847. Fuller Worthies Library, (Grosart), Miscellany, vol. I, II, 1870, 71. Gallagher, W.D., Selections,Western, 1841. Gem, The, 1848. Griswold, R. W., The Female Poets of America, 1849. " Poets of America, 1860. Halliwell, Early Engl. Miscel., 1855. Hart, J. S., Class Book of, 1845. Hay ward, T., The British Muse, 1738. Hazlitt, Select British Poets, 1824. B. C. Hemenway, Poets of Vermont. Hill, G., Select, from Catholic Poets, 1867. Hunt, J. H. L., Book of the Sonnet, 1867. t( Selections from Eng. Poets. Hutchinson Family, Book of Words of, 1851. Jacobite Minstrelsy, 1640-1734, 1829. Kettell, Specimens of Am. Poetry, 1829. Knickerbocker Gallery, 1855. Knox, V., Elegant extracts, 6 v., 1818. Moore, F., Songs of Am. Revolution, 1856. " Lyrics of Loyalty, 1864. " Songs of the Soldiers, 1864. " Rebel Rhymes, 1864. " Pers. and Polit. ballads, 1864. Moore, J. S., Ballad Poetry of Gr. Br., 1853. Morley, II., Cavalier and Puritan song, 1868. Murphy, H. C., Anthol. of New Neth- erland, 1865. Nation, The, Ballads and Songs of, 1846. New Foundling Hospital for Wit, 1768-71, 1786. New York Book of Poetry, 1837. Nichols, J., Select Collection of poems, 1782. Palgrave*, The Golden Treasury, 1863. Pamphlet volumes of American Poetry, vols. 620, 1391, 1392, 1722, 1845. Pamphlet volumes of British Poetry, vols. 397, 398, 534, 642, 810, 1012, 1013, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1043-1046, 1115, 1385-1391, 1543, 1723-1728, 1790-1792, 1845, 2512. Pauline, The, No. I, 1831. Pearce, G., A Collection, etc., 1775. Percy, Relics of Ancient English Poe try, 1839. Percy Society, Publications, 1840-52. Poet, The, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1849. Poetry: Collections, American and British (continued). Poetical Register, 1800-12. Poetical Review, No. I, II, 1852. Poet s Magazine, 1842. Poet s Magazine, No. I, II, Albany. Read, T. B., Female Poets of Amer., 1849. Ritson, J., Caledonian muse, 1821. Scott, Sir W., Minstrelsy of Scottish Border, 1839. Southey, R., Brit. Poets, Chaucer to Johnson. Taylor, E., Sabbath Recreations, (Pier- pont), 1839. Wilkins, Political ballads, 1600-1700. Wreath, The, Hartford, 1824. See Ballads; Satires; Songs; Quota tions; Bibliography. Poetry, American. Adams, G. Z., Musings, 1835. Adams, J., Death of Mrs. Turell, 1735. " Poems, 1745. Adams, J. Q., Dermot M Morrogh, 1832. " Poems on Religion and Soci ety, 1848. Alasco, Phil a, 1857. Aldrich, T. B., Course of True Love, 1859. " Poems, 1863. Allen, Mrs. B., Pastorals, 1806. Allen, W., Wunnissoo, 1856. Allston, W., Lectures and Poems, 1850. Alsop, R., Poem to George Washing ton. P. 47. " Charms of Fancy, 1856. " Enchanted Lake, Tr. See Echo, 1807. Anarchiad, Repr., 1861. Andrews, E. W., Wash. Benev. Soc., 1816. Aquarelles, by S. Sombre, 1858. Arey, H. E. G., Household Songs, 1855. Aristocracy, Phil a, 1795. Arnold, J. L., Poems, 1797. Astrop, Orig. Poems, 1835. Atalantis, (W. G. Simms), 1832. Atlee, Religion of the Sun, 1826. Ayres, J. A., Legends of Montauk, 1849. B., M. E., Poems and tales, 1851. Bacon, E., JEgri Somnia, 1843. " Vacant Hours, 1845. Bacon, W. T., Poems, 1840. Ball, B. W., Elfin land, 1851. Ballou, H., Miscel. poems, 1852. Barlow, Joel, Elegy on T. Hosmer. Hasty Pudding, 1773, 1847. POETRY, AMERICAN. 439 Poetry, American (continued). Barlow, Joel, The Vision of Columbus, 1787. " The Columbiad, 1807. Barrett, S. A., Maintonomah, 1849. Bartlett, J., Physiognomy, 1810. Bartley, Lays of Virginia, 1855. Batchelder, Border Adventures, etc., 1851. "Bates, D., Eolian, 1849 Beach, E. T. P., Pelayo, 1864. Benedict, E. C., Mediaeval hymns, 1867. Benedict, F. L., Shadow Worshipper, 1857. Benjamin, P., Poetry, 1842. < Infatuation, 1844. Benjamin, S. G. W., Constantinople, etc., 1860. Bethune, G. W., Lays of Love and Faith, 1848. Bennett, E. T. B., Song of the rivers, 1855. Bigelow, J., Poem, Phi Beta Kappa, 1811. P. 42. Bleecker, A. E., Works in prose and verse, 1793. Boker, G. H., Plays and poems, 1&56. " Konigsmark, 1869. Boston city: by Phillipiad, 1849. Bourne, W. 0., Sale of a Distillery, 1845. P. 534. Brackenridge, Divine Revelation, 1774. Bradstreet, A., Poems, 1678. Brainard, J. G. C., Poems of, 1847. " Occasional, 1825. Brannan, Vandyke Browne, 1865. Bridal of Vaumond, 1817. Brooks, C. E., Ballads, 1866. Brooks, C. T., German Lyr. Poetry, 1853, 63. Brooks, J. G., Rivals of Este, 1829. " Poem, Phi Beta Kappa, 1826. Brooks, M., Judith, 1820. Brooks, N. C., History of the Church, 1841. Brower, W. S., Y. M. C. Ass n, Alb., 1859. Brown, J. W., Michael Agonistes, 1843. P. -620. Brown, W. A., Harp of Nature, 1846. Bryan, The Mountain Muse, 1813. Bryant, J. H., Poems, 1855. Bryant, W. C., Poems, 1847. Bucktail Bards, 1819. Buckwheat, The, Cake, 1831. Bulfinch, S. G., Poems, 1834. Bulkley, 0. H. A., Niagara, 1848. Surges, T., Valley of Alvarado, 1847. Burroughs, C., Poetry of Religion, 1851. Poetry, American (continued). Butler, C. M , Themes for the Poet, 1852. Butler, F. A- K., Poems, 1844. Butler, J. H., Wild Flowers, 1843. Butler, W. A., Two Millions, 1858. C., E. H., The Chaplet, 1846. Calvert, F., Coelestes et Inferi, 1771. " Gaudia Poetica, 1769. Camp, P., Poems, 1859. Canning, J. D., The Harp and Plow, 1852. " Poems, 1838. Caprices, (E. S. Miller), 1849. Case, W., Revolutionary Memorials, 1778, (Dodd), 1852. Chandler, E. M., Works, 1835. Channing, W. E., The Woodman, etc., 1849. Chase, Elizabeth, Miscellaneous, 1821. Chester, A. G., Delta Phi Society, 1855. Chester, J. L., Greenwood Cemetery, 1843. Cheves, Sketches, 1849. Child, Mrs., The Coronal, 1832. Chivers, T. H., Virginalia, 1853. Chronicles of Yonkers, 1864. Clark, W. G., Past and Present, 1834. Clarke, G. W., Dreams of Pindus,1829. Clarke, McD., Poems, 1836. " Afara II, 1843. Coffin, R. S., Misc. poems., 1818. " Oriental Harp, 1825. Cole, F. W., Poems, 1845. Colgan, W. J., Poems, 1844. Colman, J. F., Island Bride, 1846. Colton, G. H., Tecumseh, 1842. Columbia s Naval Triumphs, 1813. Condottier, 1821. Cone, S. W., Proud Ladye, 1840. Consolatory Odes: P. Quince, 1799. Cottage garland, 1847. Coxe, A. C., Advent, 1837. " Christian ballads, 1840. " Athanasion, 1840. " Misc. Poems, 1835-45. Craigenfelt, Fashionable Satires, Visit from the moon, 1832. Cutler, E. J., War poems, 1867. Dabney, R., Poems, 1812, 1815. Dana, R. H., Poems, 1850. Davidson, L. M., Amir Khan, 1829. Davidson, M. M., Writings, 1843. Davis, B. W., Poetry for the people, 1855. Davis, R. B., Poems, 1807. Dawes, R., Valley of Nashaway, 1830. (i Poems, 1839. 440 POETRY, AMERICAN. Poetry, American (continued). Day, S. M., Pencilling, 1850. Denison, C. W., The American Village, 1845. Devereux, R., Poet, pieces, 1803. Discipline of earth and time, 1854. Dix, S. A., Poem, Merc. Lib. Assoc n, Bost., 1848. Doane, G. W., Works, v. 1. Don Paez, by a Virginian, 1847. Drake, J. 11., Culprit Fay, 1844. P. 260. The Croakers, Bradford Club, 1860. Duganne, A. H., Mission of intellect, 1853. Durfee, J., Whatcheer or Roger Wil liams, (Works). Dwight, T. f Conquest of Canaan, 1785. " Greenfield Hill, 1794. Triumph of Infidelity, 1788. Dyer, S., Songs and Ballads, 1857. Eastburn, J. W., Yamoyden, 1820. Eastman, C. G., Poems, 1848. Echo, The, And other Poems, 1807. Ed. by Alsop. Effigy, The, Burning, 1795. Ellet, E. F., Poems, 1835. Elliot, J., Poet, and Misc. Works, 1798. Emigrant, The, Cincinn., 1833. Emmons, R., Battle of Bunker Hill, 1841. " The Fredoniad, 1827. Epistle to Zenas. P. 45. Evans, N., Poems, 1772. Everest, C. W., Vision of death, 1837. Everett, A. H., Poems, 1845. Experience by a Green Mountain girl, 1821. Extracts from Humbuggiana, 1847. P. 99. Fairfield, S. L., Poems, 1823. Lays, 1824. " Last Night of Pompeii, 1832. B. C. Abaddon, 1830. t{ Poems and Prose Writings, 1841. Family and guest, 1850. Farmer, C. M., The Fairy, 1847. Farmer, H. T., Imagination, 1819. Fay, T. S., Ulric or the Voices, 1851. Felton, J. B., The Horse-Shoe, 1849. Fenner, Poems, 1846. Fessenden, T. G., Terrible Tractora- tion, 1803, 1806. " Democ. unveiled, 1805. " Original Poems, 1806. " Ladies Monitor, 1818. Poetry. American (continued). Fields, J. T., Poems, 1849. " Poem, Merc. Lib. Assoc n. Fitz Clarence, N. Y., 1838. Flagg, W., Anat. of Female beauty, 1834. Flint, M. P., The Hunter, 1826. Follen, Mrs., Poems, 1839. Fosdick, W. W., Ariel, etc., 1855. Foster, W. C., Poetry, 1805. Freneau, P., Miscell. Works, 1788. " Poems, 1809, 61. Fresh Hearts that Failed, 1860. Frisbie, L., Misc. Writings, 1823. Frothingham, N. L., Metrical Pieces, 1855. Gallagher, W. D., Erato No. I, 1835. " Erato II, III, 1837. j Genin, The Napolead, 1833. Gibson, W., Vision of Fairy Land, 1853. Giles, D. S., A Collection, Ann Ar bor, 1845. Gilman, C., Verses of a Life Time, 1849. Goodrich, S. G., The Outcast, 1836. * Gordon, N. M., Alleghan, 1856. Gotham, N. Y., 1823. Gould, H. F., Poems, 1841, 1850. Grate, C., Eugene, 1842. Grattan, H. P., The Bottle, 1848. Grayson, W. I., The Hireling and Slave, 1855. Guest, M., Poems, 1824. Hale, Sarah J., Three Hours, 1848. Hall, Mrs. J., jr., Phantasia, 1849. Halleck, F., Poetical Works, 1847. " Fanny, 1821. " Alnwick Castle, 1827, 1845. " The Croakers, 1845, 60. Hardy, D., Poems, 1858. , Harney, J. M., Crystalina, 1810. Harris, T. L., Lyric of the Golden Age, 1856. Harte, Bret, Poems, 1871. Harwood, J. E., Poems*, 1809. Headsman, The, 1840. Hemenway, Poetry of Vermont, 1858. Hempstead, T., Poems, 1859. Heroes of the Last Lustre, (Mines), L858. Hersey, A. C., Poet. Effusions, 1835. Hewitt, J. H., Misc. Poems, 1838. Hill, G., Ruins of Athens, 1839. Hitchcock, D., Poet. Works, 1806. Hoffman, C. F., Vigil of Faith, 1842. " The Echo, 1844. " Love s Calendar, etc., 1858. Holland, J. G., Bitter-Sweet, 1859. POETRY, AMERICAN. 441 Poetry, American (continued). Holland, J. G., Kathrine, 1867. Holmes, 0. W., Poems, 1849. " Astrsoa, the Balance of Illu sions, 1850. Honeywood, St. John, Poems with Prose, 1801. Horace in N. Y., (Clason), 1826. P. 1722. Horsford, M. G., Indian Legends, 1855. Hosiner, W. H. C., Pioneers of West ern N. Y., 1838. " Yonnondio or Warriors of the Genesee, 1844. Hoyt, R., The Koh-i-noor, 1852. P. 88. " Edward Bell. Humboldt, G., Poems, 1857. Humphreys, D., Miscellaneous Works, 1790. " Discours en Vers, 1786. Happiness of Amer., 1790. Hymns for the Sick Room, 1860. James, Maria, Wales, 1839. Judd, S. t Philo, 1850. Judson, E., An Olio, 1852. Kennedy, T., Songs of Love and Lib erty, 1817. Key, F. S,, Poems of, 1857. Knight, H. C., Poems, 1821. Know-Nothing, 1854. Krause, W. E. F., America, 1869. Ladd, J. B., Remains, 1832. Landis, J., Letter, 1854. " Life of the Messiah, 1851. Landscape sketched in N. H., 1821. P. 534. Lane, G. C., Poems, 1860. Lash, The, by Swammerdam, 1840. Lawson, J., The Maniac, 1811. Lays of the Kansas Emigrants, 1854. P. 103. Leisure Hours, (Leggett), 1825. Leland, C. J., Hans Breitnaann, 1869. Lesdernier, Voices of life, 1853. Lewis, E. A., Myths of the Minstrel, 1853. Lewie, H. C., Lyre of Love, 1818. Lewis, Sarah A., Records of the heart, 1844. Lincoln-, E., The Village, 1816. Linen, J., Songs of the Seasons, 1852. Linn, J. B., Powers of Genius, 1802. " Miscel. Works, 1795. " Valerian, 1805. Longfellow, H. W., Poems, 1844. " Poetry of Europe, 1845. " Waif and Spanish Stu dent, 1845. " Belfry of Bruges, 1846. " The Estray, 1847. 56 Poetry, American (continued). Longfellow", H. W., Evangeline, 1850. Golden Legend, 1852. " Hiawatha, 1855. " Miles Standish, 1858. " Tales of a Wayside Inn, 1863. " New England Tragedies, 1868. Low, S., Winter Displayed, 1784. " Poems, 1800. Lowell, J. R., Fable for Critics, 1848. " Biglow papers, 1848. " Poet. Works, 1860. Under the Willows, 1869. Lunt, G., Poems, 1839. M Jilton, J. N., Sovereignty of Mind, 1841. Mack, R., Kyle Stuart, 1834. Mackellar, T., Tain s Fortnight Ram ble, 1847. McLeod, C. D., Plasmion, 1841. P. 83. McMasters, Silver Pictures, 1856. MacMullen, J., Poem, Columbia Coll., Alum. Assoc n, 1858. March, D., Yankee Land, 1840. Markoe, P., The Times, 1788. P. 66. Marsden, Rev. J., Leisure hours,1812. Marsh, W., England, 1839. Mellen, G., Martyr s triumph, etc., 1833. Melville, H., Battle pieces, 1866. Mengwe, A Poem, 1825. Merrick, J. L., Pilgrim s Harp, 1847. Merry, R. See Poetry, British. Midnight, 1858. Miller, J., Songs of the Sierras, 1871. Mitchell, J. K., Indecision, 1839. Mormoniad, 1858. Morris, G. P., Poems, 1860. Morris, R., The Past and Future. Moses ; or. the Man who Supposes, 1866. Munford, W., Poems, 1798. Muzzy, H., Poems, 1821. Myers, P. H., Poem, Euglossian Soc., 1841. My Native Land, Va., 1827. Mynehieur von Herrick, 1824. Nack, J., Legend of the Rocks, 1827. " Carl Rupert, 1839. " The Immortal. 1850. " Romance of the Ring, 1859. Neal, J., Battle of Niagara, 1819. Nicholls, A., Danvers, 1852. Nichols, L. H., Poems, 1857. " Songs of the Hearth, 1851. Northmore, T., Washington, 1809. No Slur, (Richmond), 1840. Nothing to Eat, 1857. 442 POETRY, AMERICAN. Poetry, American (continued). Ode: Atlantic Tel., (Fenn), 1858. Odiorne, T., Prog, of Refinement,1792. Old things and new, 1835. Olio, The, 1823. Oliver, J. E., Class Poem, Harv.,1849. Orig. Poems, Albany. P. 1722. Orton, J. R., Arnold and Poems, 1854. Oaander, Misc Poems, 1812. Osborn, S., Poems, 1823. Ostrea, 1857. Ouabi, (Morton), Boston, 1790. Our Chronicle of 26, 1827. Paine, R. T., Works in Verse and Prose, 1812. " The Ruling Passion, 1797. P. 88. " Invention of letters, 1819. Paine, T., Poems, (Rickman). Paradise of Fools, 1831. Parker, H. W., Poems, 1850. Parmelee, H. L., Poems, 1865. Parnassian shop, 1801. Passaic, The, 1842. Paulding, J. K., Lay cf Scottish Fid dle, 1813. Backwoodsman, 1818. Peck, J., A short Poem, 1817. Peirson, L. J., Forest Minstrel, 1846. Percival, J., Clio, No. Ill, 1827. " Poem, Phi Beta Kappa Soc., 1825. " Poet, works, 1861. Pierce, W. L., The Year, 1813. Pindar, Jonathan, Probationary odes, 1796. Pierpont, J., Airs of Palestine, 1840. ! Pinkney, E. C., Poems, Bait., 1838. Pinkster Ode, Albany, 1803. Pious remains, 1764. Pise, Pleas of Religion, 1833. Pleasures of Religion, 1820. B. C. Poe, E. A., Works, v. 2, 1850. Power, T., Secrecy, 1832. Pratt, S. D., Inklings, 1852. Pray, I. O., Prose and Verse, 1836. Price, J. II., Miscellany, 1813. Progress of Society, 1817. Quincy, J. P., Chariclos, 1856. Rafineaque, The World, 1836. Ray, W., Poems, 1821, 26. Read, T. B., Wagoner of the Alle- gany, 1863. " Summer Story, Sheridan s Ride, 1865. Redden, Idyls of battle, 1864. Reid, J., King Slavery s council. Reporter, The, Prin. by S. Snowden, 1812. Reveries by Nemo, 1846. Poetry, American (continued). Richards, W. C., Electron, 1858. Ritchie, A. C. M., Pelayo, 1838. " Reviewers reviewed, 1837. Robinson, P., Immortality, 1846. Rogers, D., Liberty and Equality, 1804. Rogers, E. P., Missouri Compromise, 1856. Rouquette, Wild Flowers, 1848. " Fleurs d Amerique, 1856. Rowson, Susanna, Poems, 1804. Rudder, The True Light, 1850. Saint John, P., Death of Abel, 1793. St. Jonathan, Lay of a Scald, 1838., (A. C. Coxe). Sands, R. C., Yamoyden, etc., 1835. Sangster, C.,* Hesperus, 1860. Sargent, L. M., Hubert and Ellen, 1813. Saxe, J. Q., Poems, 1861. Schoolcraft, H. R., The Rise of the West, 1841. " Helderbergia, 1855. Scott, J. M., Blue Lights, 1817. " Sorceress, 1817. Scott, M. Y., Deaf and Dumb, 1819. " Fatal Jest, 1819. Sewall, J. M., Misc. Poems, 1801. Shaw, J., Poems, 1810. Sigourney, Mrs., Moral Pieces, 1815. " Traits of the Aborigines, 1822. " Scenes in my native lar;d, 1845. tf Pleasant memories, 1844. Simrns, W. G., Early Lays, 1827. " Southern Passages, 1839. " Atalantis, 1832. " Vision of Cortes. 1829. " Donna Florida, 1843. " Egeria, 1853. Shatzel, J., The Mexican, 1841. Shippey, J., Specimens, 1841. Smith, D. E., Destiny, Delta Phi, 1846. Smith, J., Mirror of Merit, 1808. Smith, Seba, Powhatan, 1841. Smith, W., Poema, 1786. Snowden, R., The Columbiad, 1800 ? Snelling, W. J., Truth, 1831. Some Lines about Shakers, 1846. Soldiers Companion, 1862. Song leaves, 1852. Song of the Sexton. Muns. P. 9. Songs in the night, 1802. Southwick, Pleasures of Poverty, 1823. P. 99, 931. Spear, T. G., Sylvan scenes, 1838. POETRY, BRITISH. 443 Poetry, American (continued). Sprague, C., Curiosity, 1820. P. 63. " Centennial Ode, 1830. P. 20. B. C. Writings, 1843. Sprague, H., Gloversville, N.Y., 1859. Sprawn of Ixion, 1846. Stagg, E., Poems, 1852. Stansbury, J., Loyal Verses, 1775-83. Muns. Hist. Series, Repr. Stoddard, R. H., The King s Bell, 1863. Stone, H., Freedom, 1864. Story, Joseph, Power of Solitude, 1804. Story, W. W., Nature and Art, 1844. P. 37. B. C. Street, A. B , Drawings and Tintings, 1844. " Frontenac, 1849. " Poems at Hamilton, Yale Coll. and Pittsfield, 1850, 51, 52. < Poems, 1867. Strother, J. H., The Golden Calf, 1854. Stuart, C. D., lantho and other P. P. 1843. Sukey, (Walter), 1821. Swanwick, J., Poems, 1797. Sweet, H.D. L., Twilight Hours, 1870. Taggart, C., Poems, 1834. Tappan, W. B. 3 Poems and lyricks, 1842. Tator, H. H., Hercules, 1856. Taylor, B., Poems of Home, 1855. " Poems of the Orient, 1855. " Poet s Journal, 1863. Thaxter, A. W., P. at Harvard, 1850. Times, The, No. I, Standish, jr., 1809. Triumph of Peace, N. Y., 1840. Trumbull, J., Poetical Works, 1820. " M Fingal, 1776, 82, 91, 1806. Twins, The,.. by J. Verity, 1856. Two Poems, Newburyport, 1829. Tyler, R., jr., Ahasucrus, 1842. Umphraville, Siege of Baltimore, 1817. Vail, J., Noah s Flood, 1796. Village, The, (Lincoln), 1816. Vision of Rubeta, (Osborne), 1838. Waddell, Texas, etc., 1844. Walter, Win. B., Sukey, 1821. Wanderer, The, Trenton Falls, 1823. Ware, H., Works, V. 1. Warren, Mrs. M., Poems, 1790. Warren, 0. G., Dream of the High lands, 1840. Waterford Literary Society, 3 Poems. Waterston, R. C., Merc. Lib. Ass n, Boston, 1845. Webber, S., War, 1823. Webster, M. M., Pocahontas, 1840. Poetry, American (continued). Wheatley, P., Poems, 1773, 1802, 34. " Elegiac Poem, 1770. Whitfield, J. M., America, 1853. Whitman, Leaves of Grass, 1855. " Drum-taps, 1865. 6. Whitney, T. R , The Ambuscade, 1845. Whittier, J. G., Poems, 1838. " Poems of Abolition, 1838. " Lays of My Home, 1843. " Poems, 1849. " In War Time, 1864. Whitwell, Experience, 1806. P. 44. Wife of Leon, (Warfield), 1844. Wigglesworth, E., Day of Doom, (1662), 1867. Wilcox, C., Age of Benevolence, 1822. " Remains, 1828. Wilder, J. N., Rochester, 1857. " Y. M. Ass n, Albany, 1858. Willis, N. P., Sketches, 1827. " Fugitive Poetry, 1829. " Poem with other Poems, 1831. Bianca Visconti, 1839. " Tortesa, the Usurer, 1839. " Sacred Poems, 1843. Winter, W., Queen s Domain, 1859. Withington, 0. W., The Pilgrim, 1849. Wolcott, R., Poet. Meditations, 1725. " On J. Winthrop, 1750. Wolf, Ethel, The Glad New Year, 1867. Woodworth, Melodies, Songs, Ballad?, 1830. Wright, N. H., Boston, a poem, 1819. Yellott, G., Maid of Peru, 1848. See Ballads; Hymns; Songs. Poetry, British. Academ. Contribu tions, Camb. Univ., 1795. Adams, J., Charles Edward, 1847. Akenside, M., Pleasures of Imagina tion, 1803. B. C. " Poetical Works, 1857. American War, 178t, (Cookings). Andre, J., Cow Chace, 1781. Andrew, J., Anatomic of Baseness, 1615. Fuller Misc., 1871. Anketell, J., Poems, 1795. Anstey, C., Poet. Works, 1808. " New Bath guide, 1766. Armstrong, J., Art of Health, 1744. P. 1012. Arnold, C., Commerce, 1751. Ashburnham, Elegiac sonnets, 1795. Auction, The, a town eclogue, 1778. Aurelia, 1783. Ay toun, Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers 1851. 444 POETRY, BRITISH. Poetry, British (continued). Bacon, Sir F., Poems, (Grosart), 1870. Bailey, P. J., Festus. The Age, 1858. " The Mystic, 1856. Baillie, J., Poetical Works, 1851. Bakewell, T., Moorland Bard or poetry of a weaver, 1807. Bale, Bp. R., The temptacion, 1548. Fuller Misc , 1871. Ball, W., Night Watches, 1834. B. C. Baptistery, The, 1852-54, (Williams). Barbauld, A. L,, Works, 1826. B. C. Biirham, R. W., Ingoldsby legends, 1856. Barrard, B., Abol. of Death, 1827. Barton, B., Mem. and Poems, 1850. Bath, 1748. Beach, W. W., Abradates, 1765. Beattie, J., Poet. Works, 1854. k< The Minstrel and other Poems, 1811. Beauty, or Art of charming, 1735. Bidlake, J., Poems, 1794. Bishop Bonner s Ghost, 1789. Black Gowns and Red Coats, 1834. Blair, R., The Grave, 1755, 1807, 47. " Poet. Works, 1854, (Beattie). Blake, W., Poems, (Gilohrist), 1863. Bloomfield, R., (Brit. Poets). Booker, L., The Hop garden, 1799. Bounden, J., Fatal curiosity, 1805. Bourne, V., Poetical Works, 1826. Bowdler, H. M., Poems and Essays, 1803. Bowles, W. L., Poet. Works, 1855. Braithwait, R., Barnabse Itinerarium, 1818. Branagan, T., Avenia, 1840. " Pleasures of contemplation, 1818. Brandon, I., Instruction, 1811. Brecknock, T., Prejudice detected, 1752. Bridges, Divine wisdom and prov., 1737. Bright, J. H., Palmyra, 1822. Britannia, 1730. British Blessings, 1844. British, The, Patriot, 1794. Brooke, Lord, Fulke Greville Works, 1870, (Grosart). Brown, Dr., Cure of Saul, 1763. Browne, M., Piscatory eclogues, 1750? Browne, W., Works, 1772. Browning, E., Aurora Leigh, 1857. " Poems, 1858. " Napoleon III. Browning, R., Men and Women, 1856. Poetry, British (continued). Browning, R., Ring and the Book, 1869. " Bordello, 1869. " Poems, 1868, 69. Brunswick, The, 1829. Brydges, E., Sonnets, 1785. Bucke, C., Fall of the leaf, etc., 1819. Budget, The, 17U5. Building, On the, of a monastery, 1795. Burges, J. B., Birth of love, 1796. Burgoyne, J., Poetical Works, 1808. Burns, R., Poems, N. Y., 1788. te Poems, 1845, 65, 68. Butler, F. A. K., Poems, 1844. Butler, S., Poetical Works. B. C. " Hudibras, 1847. Byron, Lord, Works, 1840. Cambrian and Salopian Minstrel. Campaign of one day, 1816. Campbell, T., Poetical Works, 1846. Canning, G., (Brit. Poets), 1851. Carlisle, Earl of, Poems, 1773. Carter, Mrs. E., Poems, Lond., 1816. Catherall, S., Essay on the conflagra tion, 1720. Cayley, G. J., Sir R. Mohun, 1849. Chamberlain, T., Windsor, 1846. Charms of liberty, 1709. Charter House School, 1827. Chatterton, Poetical Works, 1842. Chaucer, G., Works, 1561, 1843. Cheffins, S., Sighs of the poor, 1825. Cheltenham poetical alphabet, 1832. Childe Harold s monitor, 1818. Christmas, H., Trans, from Camoens, 1835. " The Voyage, 1833. Churchill, Poet. Works, 1855. Churchyard, T., Fun. of F. Knowles. " Good will, 1815. Clark, C., Doctor s doings. Clark, J-, The fortun. discovery, 1807. Cleveland, J., Works, 1687. Clifford, M. M , Poems, 1808. Cobbold, E., The Galley, 1835. Cookings, G., Poems. " Benevolence, 1772. " The American war, 1781. Coleridge, S. T., Works, vol. 7, 1854. Coll. of Poems on the Pretender, 1775. Collins, W., Poetical Works, 1771. Column, G., Pieces in verse, 1787. Colvil, The Whigs Supplication, 1751. " The Cyrnean hero, 1772. Combe, W., Dr. Syntax s tours. Common sense, 1819. Compliments to Painters, 1797. Conciliad, The, 1761. POETRY, BRITISH. 445 Poetry, British (continued). Congreve,W., Poet, works, 1784, 1840. Conversation, (by E. Lloyd), 1767. Cook, E., Sot-weed factor, 1708. Cook, Eliza, Molaia, etc. Coronation, 1821. Corporation, The, 1775. Cossack, The, 1815. Cotton, C., Works of, 1734. Cotton, N., Poet, works, 1806. Courtier, P. L., Pleasures of solitude, 1802. P. 1723. Cow, The, of Haslemere, 1754. Cowley, A., Select Works, 1777. Cowley, Mrs., Maid of Arragon,1780. Cowper, W., Works, 1847, 1853, 54. Coxe, R. C., Wood notes, etc., 1848. Crabbe, G., The Village, 1783. P. 1012. " Poetical Works, 1847. Crambe repetita, 1799. - Crashaw, R., Complete Works, 1858. Creation, 1852. Crichton, A., Festival of Flora, 1818. Croly, G., Angel of the world, 1821. Cromwell, T., The School boy, 1816. Crowe, W., Lewesdon Hill, 1788. Cumberland, R., Retrospection, 1812. Cunningham, J., On a pile of ruins, 1761. Curate, The, (by E. Lloyd), 1766. Dale, T., Outlaw of Taurus, 1820. P. 397. Dalton, J., Two Epistles, 1745. P. 1012. fc Descrip. poem, 1755. Darwin, E., Temple of Nature, 1804. " Botanic Garden, 1795. Davis. J., The American Mariners. Day, T., Devoted Legions, 1776. Dying Negro, 1787. De Foe, D., True born Englishman, 1701. " JureDivino, 1706. " Moderation displayed, 1709. De La Mayne, Love and honour, 1742. Denham, Sir J., Court of Cupid, 1770. " Cooper s Hill, 1709. P. 397. Description of Summer, 1786. Deserter, The, 1836. Diabo-lady, 1777. Diaboliad, 1777. Dibdin, C., Mons. Mong-tong-paw. Dibdin, T. F., Bibliography, 1812. Dick, R., Spiritual Dunciad, 1859. P. 1728. Dissertator in Burlesque, 1701. Dodd, W., African prince, 1755. " Thoughts in prison, 1813. Poetrv, British (continued). Don Juan in search, 1839. Donne, J., Poet. Works, 1855. Douglas, G., Descr. of May, 1752. Drummond, W., Poetical Works, 1856. Dryden, J., The Medall, 1682. P. 1012. " Absalom and A chitophel, 1708. P. 810. " Religio Laici, 1710. P. 910. Works, 1808, 1854. Dutton, T., The Wise Man of the East, 1800. Dyer, J., The Fleece, 1757. Eagle s, The, Masque, 1808. Ecclesia Dei, 1848. Edwards, S., Copernican System, 1728. Elijah s Mantle, (Pitt), 1807. P. 397. Elliott, E., Corn Law Rhymes, 1831. Ellis, W. R., Brief Narr. with Poems, 1832. P. 81. Ellwood, T., Davideis, 1712, 92. Eloisa en deshabille, (Matthews), 1801 . Emmett, Belshazzar s Feast, 1836. England s Helicon, 1614. Epistola ad Augustum, 1828. Erskine, R., Gospel Sonnets, 1798. Essay on Wind. Evans, J., Poet. Garland, 1808. Exton, R. B., A Discourse. 1832. P. 1824. Fables for Grown Gentlemen, 1761. Faction Displayed, 1709. P. 138. Falconer, W., The Shipwreck, 1843. " Poet. Works, 1854. Fall of Man, (by G. M.), 1840. False Honor, Ib44. Fellows, J., Grace Triumphant, 1820. Fenton, E., Works, 1802. Fergusson, R., Poems, 1815. Fitz James, 0., The Wandsworth Epis tle, 17o2. Fleming, W., Destroying Angel. 1825. Fosbroke, T. D., Monastic Life, 1795. Foxton, T., Night Piece, 1719. Francis, B., The Conflagration, 1786. Fribbleriad, The, 1761. Friendship, 1769. Fry, J., Select Poems, 1805. Fudge Family in England, 1823. Gaggin, J., Poems, 1808. Garth, Sir W., Works, 1769. Gay, J., Trivia, 1795. " Poet. Works, 1854. Gaynam, J., Marlborough Conquers, 1708. Gibbons, T., Juvenilia, 1750. Gifford, H., A Poesie of Gilloflowers, 1580; Fuller Misc., 1871. 446 POETRY, BRITISH. Poetry, British (continued). Gifford, W., Baviad and Mseviad, 1811. " Poems, (Brit. Poets), 1851. Glover, R., Leonidas, 1770. Godwin, C. G., Reproving Angel, 1835. P. 397. Goldsmith, 0., Poetical Works, 1856. Gower, J., Confessio Amantis, 1857. Graces, The, An Epistle, 1775. Grahame, J., Poetical Works, 1856. Grant, C., Restor. of Learning in the East, 1807. Grattan, H. P., The Bottle, 1848. P. 534. Gravener, T., Leviathan drawn out, 1832. P. 397. Gray, D., Poems, 1864. Gray, T., Poetical Works, 1855. Gr. Br., Rolls: Chron. : Metr. Chron. of Scotland. " Political Poems and Songs. Greeks, The, a Jeremiad, 1817. Green, M., The Spleen, 1804. Green, W. E., Dedic. of Solomon s Temple, 1854. Gregg, St. G., Ambition, 1840. Griffin, G., Poet. Works. H., G., Unsuccessful suit, 1829. Halcomb, J., Peace, 1814. Hall, Jos., Satires, 1824. Hall, T., Benevolence, 1788. " Poems, 1804. Hallam, A. H., Remains, 1863. Halls, J. J., Clouds and Sunshine, 1849. Hammond, J., (Brit. Poets), 1851. " Love elegies, 1757. Hankinson, T. E., The Druids, 1827. Harbart, W., Proph. of Cadwallader, 1604. Fuller Misc., 1871. Hardyknute, 1740. Harte, W., Essay on Satire. Hawkshaw, Dionysius, 1842. Hay, W., Immortality, 1754. Hayes, S., Duelling, 1775. Hayley, W., Poems and Plays, 1785. Hearne, Robert of Gloucester s and P. Langloft s Chronicles, 1724-5. Heber, R., Palestine, 1828. B. C. Hemans, F., The League of the Alps, etc., 1826. B. C. " Poet. Works. Herbert, G., Poems and Country Par son, 1824. B. C. Herbert, W., Attila, (Works). The Guahiba, 1822. P. 1S89. Herrick, R., Poet. Works of, 1825. Hewitt, Mrs., Meditations, 1830. Hill, A., Works, 1753. Poetry, British (continued). Hobbes, T., Life by himself. Trans. from Latin, 1680. Hobson, T., Christianity, Light of the World, 1745. Hodgson, P., Gov tof the Passions, 1775. Hogg. J., Poetical Works, 1826. Holford, Miss, Margaret of Anjou, 1816 B. C. Homo: A Poem, 1806. Homer s Battle of the Frogs. Hood, T., Poetical Works, 1856. " Prose and Verse, 1845. < Whims and Oddities, 1854. " Dream of Eugene Aram, 1831. Hope, The, that is in us, 1843. Howard, M., The Conquest of Quebec, 1768. Howard, II., Earl of Surrey, Poetical Works, 1854. Howie, J., Queen in Scotland, 1842. Hoyland, F., P. and translations, 1763. Hudibrastick Brewer, 1714. Hughes, J., Court of Neptune, 1700. " The House of Nassau, 1702. Hughes, T. S., Belshazzar s Feast, 1818. P. 397. Hull, T., Richard Plantagenet, 1774. Humanity, the rights of nature, 1788. Hunt, L., Juvenilia, 1802. Hurdis, J., Village Curate, 1790. " Tears of Affection, 1794. " Adriano, 1790; Influences of Sensibility, 1810. Inglis, M. M., Misc. collection, 1838. Injured, The, Islanders, T. C. D.,1779. Ironside, Canto of Spenser, 1714. Irwin, E., Eclogues, etc., 1774-98. Jacob, H., Bedlam, 1723. James I, Essayes of a prentise, 1584, repr., 1814. Jerumat, C., Miscellanies, 1768. Jeopardy and hope of Gt. Br., 1835. Johnson, S., Vanity of human wishes, 1749. " London, a poem, 1750. " Poet. Works, 1855. Katherine Hill, MS., 1730. Keate, G., Epis. to Voltaire, 1768. " Epist. to A. Kauffman, 1781. 4t Poet. Works, 1781. Keats, J. Works, 1854. Keble, J., The Christian Year, 1848. tf Lyra innocentium, 1850. Kent, J., Fall... of Zion, 1828. King, W., Works, 1776. Kingsley, C., Poems, 1856. Kitchener, J., Trans, from Casimir, etc., 1821. POETRY, BRITISH. 447 Poetry, British (continued). Landon, L. E., Complete Works, 1856. Langhorne, Fables of Flora, 1773. Langtoft, P., Chronicle, 1724-5. Layamon s Brut, 1847. Lay of the Sea, 1853. Lays of Poland, 1836. Lays of Straiton llouse. Lewis, M. G., Life and Poems, 1839. Liberal, The, Hunt and Byron, 1822- 1823. Lilliput Levee, 1868. Lloyd, R., Night, 1761. Lockhart, Spanish Ballads, 1856. Loe, W., Songs of Zion, 1620; Fuller Misc., 1.-71. Logan, J., Poems, 178!. " Poems, (British Poets), 1851. Lok, H., Poems, Sonnets, 1597. Ful ler Misc., 1871. Longland, R., Vision of Pierce Plow man, 1550. Lopez, F. De, The Piscopade, 1748. Loves of the Saints, 1835. Lyttelton, G., Works, 1801. Lytton, Chronicles, 1868. Macaulay, T. B., Pompeii, 1819. P. 398. (f Lays of Ancient Rome, 1852. McCreery, The Press, 1803. McGregor, M. See Mason, W. Mackay, C., Songs and Poems, 1834. Mac Neill, H., Works of, 1815. Madge s addresses, 1777. Makarony Fables, 1768. P. 1002. Malcolm, D., Sorrows of love, 1814. Mallet, D., Poet, works, 1805. Marjoribanks, Slavery, 1792. Markham, G., Teares of the beloved, 1600. Fuller Misc., 1871. Markland, Art of shooting flying, 1735. Marriott, W. S., Old and mod. times, 1855. Marvell, A., Poet, works, 1726, 1857. Mason, W., Isis, 1749. " Odes, 1756. < Epist. to Shebbeare, 1777. " The Dean and the Squire, 1782. " Elegies, 1763. P. 1012. Epist. to W. Chambers, etc., 1805. Mathias, T. J., Pursuits of Literature, 1794, 1805. <( Epist. from Kien Long, 1794. Maurice, T., Kien Long, 1795. " Crisis of Britain, 1798, 1803. " On Sir W. Jones, 1795. To Mem. of H. Hope, 1811. Poetry, British (continued). Mayne, W. E., Field and Factory, 1849. Mole Ephemeria, 1783. P. 1013. Melmoth, C., Ode to Garrick. Memoirs of a Goldfinch, 1819. Merivale, J. H., Orlando, 1814. Merry, A., Dying Words of 18th Cent., 1800. P. 398. Merry, H., Pains of memory. " Paulina, 1787. Mickle, W., Poet, works. Middleton, S., Pompeii, 1835. P. 398. Millikin, J. H., Poetical fragments, 1823. Milnes, R. M., Poems of many years, 1846. Milton, J., Paradise Lost, 1808, 39, 50. " Poems, 1791, 1851. Milward, T., Peleia, or the old woman, 1763. Minot, L., Poems, 1352, (Ritson). Mofifet, W., Irish Hudibras, 1755. Moncrieff, W. T., Poems. P. 1726. Montague, M., Names, etc., 1853. Montague, Lady, Works, vol. 3,1837. Montgomery, J., Harp with a Sabbath tone. " On R. Reynolds, 1816. Poetical Works, 1845. Montgomery, R., Hero s Funeral, 1853. Moore, T., Corruption and Intolerance, 1808. Poetical Works, 1837, 56. More, H., Slavery, 1788. " Ode to Dragon, etc., 1777-88. " Poems, (Brit. Poets), 1851. Mundus dramaticus, the new Rosciad, 1852. Murphy, A., Works, 1786. My Dog Brace, by Cal. Currens, 1844. New Popular Rhymes, 1843. New, The, Jerusalem, Ancient Hymn. Newton, C., Arnold, 1856. Newton, John, Battle of the Beard, 1858. Niool, Win., Scraps by the Printer, 1849. Normanby, Temple of Death, 1709. Norton, Hon. Mrs., Child of the Islands, 1846. " Poems, 1833. Noyes, R., Distress, 1806. Nun s Path, by Huntingford, 1787. Nuptial Dialogues, 1753. Nut Brown Maid, (Arnold s Chroni cles). Ode, Odes, 1765-1814. Ode.... on leaving S. Carolina, 1783. 448 POETRY, BRITISH. Poetry, British (continued). Odes and Addresses, 1705-1829. Ogilvie, J., Paradise, 1769. Orme, J. B., Monody to Pitt, 1806. Orphans, The, a Romance, 1814. Osborne, J., Scripture and Reason, 1795. Osro and Tylo, 1755. P. 1043. Ossian, Poems. 1801, 16. " Poems, (Macpherson) 1792,1805. Overbury, Sir T., Misc. Works, 1856. Oxford Sausage, 1822. Paddock, R., Thoughts in Adversity, 1800. Painter s Primer, 1810. Palace, The, Martyr, 1840. Paper Lantern for Puseyites, 1843. Paradise of Coquettes, (Brown), 1816. Paradise of Dainty Devices, 1576, (Brydges s Brit. Bibliog.). Parnell, Poet. Works, 1855. Parson-ography, 1857. Parson s, The, Choice, 1821. Parsons, W., Ode to a Boy, 1796. Partridge, S. W., Idea of a Christian, 1858. Pasquin, A., Poet. Epis. from Gabri- elle D Estrees, 1788. Patent, The, 1776. Patmore, Children s Garland, 1866. Patriot, The, 1804. Patriot, The, a Pind. address, 1767. Patriot, The, Vision, 1778. Patriotism, a Mock Heroic, 1763. Paul, Sir J. D., Ruth, 1841. Peace, W., Christian Conflict, 1853. Peacock, T. L., Phil, of Melancholy, 1812. Pearce, P. H., Victory and Bronte. Peat, J., On a Plurality of Worlds, 1856. Pelly^ J. K., Christ s Pers. Reign, 1837. Penrose, T., Flights of Fancy, 1775. Percy, W., Ccelia, (1594), 1818. Philips, J., Poems, 1744. " Cyder, 1708. Phillips, C., Emerald Isle, 1813. " Lament of the Emerald Isle, 1818. Physic and its phases, 1858. Physiology-Hygiene, 1848. Pickering, A., Sorrows of Werter, 1788. Piers Ploughman s Vision, 1856. Pindarics, to P. Pindar, 1800. Plutus, Or Spirit of the age, 1857. Poem, Poems, Poetic, 1676-1854. Poems by a young lady, 1815. Poetry, British (continued). Poetical Essays, 1791. Poetical Sketches. Political Nomenclature, 1838. Pollok, Course of Time, 1828. Polwhele, R., Pictures from nature, 1786. Pomfret, J., Poems, 1785, 91. Pope, A., Poet. Works, 1797, 1808, 1858. " Dunoiad, 1729, 50. " Epistles, 1734-7. Pope, W., The Wish, 1710. Popish, The, Divan, 1809. Pordage, S., Azaria and Hushai, 1682. Powers, The, of Britain, 1813. Praed, W. M., Poetical Works, 1852. " Lillian and other Poems, 1850. Pratt, S. J., The Contrast, 1808. " Triumph of Benevolence, 1786 " Humanity, 1788. Prime", The, Minister, 1835. Prior, J., Invit. to Malvern, 1851. Prior, M., Poetical Works, 1784. Probationary Odas, 1788. Procter, A. A., Legends and Lyrics, 1858. Procter, B. W., Dramatic Scenes, 1857. Prophecy of Liberty, 1768. Prospect of Liberty, 1767. Pye, H. J., War elegies of Tyrtajus imitated, 1795. " Carmen Seculare, 1800. Quarles, F., Divine poems, 1717. Queen s, The, Voyage, 1842. Quizzical Quorum. P. 1013. Radcliffe, A., Poems, 1816. Radical Monday, 1821. Raleigh, Sir W., Works, v. 8, 1829. Ramsay, Allan, Works, Edinb. Randolph, T., Poems, 1638. Rawlins, E. A., Famine in Ireland, 1847. Reed, E. J., Corona, etc. Reed, T., Believer s hope, 1825. " Ascension of Christ. P. 1013. Reflections from Shakspeare s Cliff, 1851. P. 398. Request, The, 1762. Revolution, The, Canto 1, 1791. P. 1016. Rhodes, S., Poetical Miscellanies. Richards, G., Aboriginal Britons,l791. " Poem, 1791-5. Richardson, C., Poems, 1806. Richardson, G. F., Poetic hours, 1825. Richardson, J., Poems, (Brit. Poets), 1851. Richardson, R., Muse of Whitby, 1837. POETRY, BRITISH. Poetry, British (continued). Rickman, T. C., Poetical scraps, 1803. | Rival, The, Demons, 1836. Robinson, T. R., Juven. Poems, 1807. Rodolph, a contin. of Don Juan, 1832. | Rogers, S., Pleasures of Memory, 1796. " Jaqueline. Room, C., Herculaneum, 1828. Rosciad, The, of Covent Garden, 1762. Rossetti, D. G., Poems, 1870. Rota, P. R., Death of Nelson, 18C5. Rout, The, by TB. CO., 1769. Royal, The, Brood, Pindar, jr., 1813. Rowden, F. A., Introd. to Botany, 1801. Rowe, N., Works, 1703. Russell, T., Sonnets, 1789. Ryan, On Sacred Subjects, 1824. Ryves, Eliz., Poems, 1777. Sackville, T., Works, 1859. Satyr against Brandy, 1683. Saundcrs, J., Chaucer s Tales, 1845. Scott, J., Four Elegies, 1760. Scott, J., House of Mourning, 1817. P. 398. Scott, Sir W., Poetical Works, 1840, 1857, 66. Scribbleomania, 1815. Search after Claret, 1691. P. 1013. Senators, The, London, 1772. September, London. P. 1002. Seward, A., Ode, Gen. Eliott, 1787. " Poet. Works, 1810. Shadwell, Medal of J. Bayes, 1682. Sharp, R., Letters.. ..in verse, 1835. B. C. Shakeshaft, J., Faith and Works, 1824. Shakespeare, W., Poems, 1842. Shelley, P. B., Poet. Works, 1855. " Queen Mab, 1829. Shenstone, W., Works, 1764, 9. Shooting, 1784. Sidney, Sir P., Misc. works, 1860. Shelton, J., Poet. Works, 1856. Skerries Light-house, 1842. P. 620. Smart, C., Immensity of God, 1751. P. 1013. Smith, A., City Poems, 1857. Life Drama, 1856. " Edwin of Deira, 1862. Smith, C., Poems, (Brit. Poets), 1851. Smith, E., Fragments, 1810. Smith, H., Poetical Works, 1851. " Rejected Addresses, 1851. Smith, Sir S., On Escape of, 1798. Smollett, T., Poet. Works, 1855. Solitude: by J. C., P. 1723. 57 Poetry, British (continued). Somerville, W., Works, 1851. " The Chace, 1796. Songs.... not by J. M. Neale, 1848. Southey, C., Birth-day, 1855. " Solitary Hours, 1846. Southey, R., Roderick, 1815. B. C. " Poet. Works, 1860. Southwell, R., Poet. Works, 1856. Spencer, J., Hermas, 1772. Spencer, W. R., Year of Sorrow. P. 1013. Spenser, E., Works, 1825. B. C. Sprat, T., Plague of Athens, 1675. State, The, Farce, a lyrick, 1756. Stevenson, J. Hall, Works, 1795. Stewart, W., Chron. of Scotland, 1858. Stonehouse, J., Verses, occasional, 1794. Suckling, J., Poems, 1646. Surrey, Earl of. See Howard. Swift, T., Temple of Folly, 1787. Swinburne, A. C., Atalanta, 1866. Sylvestre s Du Bartas, 1641. Taylor, Jane, Writings. Taylor, Jer., Poems, Fuller Misc., 1870. Tecumseh Of the West, 1828. Tennyson, A. 3 Poems, 1842, 1870. " In Memoriam, 1851. " The Princess, 1848. " Ode to Wellington, 1852. P. 398. " The Third Napoleon, 1854. " Maud, 1855. Thackeray, W. M., Ballads, 1856. Thistlethwaite, J., Predic. of Liberty, 1776. Thomson, James, Anc. and Mod. Italy, 1735. " Seasons, 1777, 1814. Thornton, B., Battle of the Wigs, 1768. Tighe, M., Psyche, 1852. Timbuctoo. P. 398. Timperley, Songs of the Press, 1845. Tomlinson, J. W., Pentachord, 1843. P. 398. " Eleventh Hour, 1843. Tracts for the improvement, 1848. Travellers, The, A Satire, 1778. Tupper, M. F., Proverbial Philosophy, etc., 1846. " Poems, 1851. Vaughan, H., Works, (Grosart), 1871. " Sacred Poems, 1856. Vaughan, W ., Golden Fleece, (in part), 1626. Visions of the West. Railways, 1838. 450 POETRY, BRITISH. Poetry, British (continued). Walker, J.. Three Original Poems, 1796. Waller, E., Works, 1729. Ward, T., England s Reformation, 1814. Warreniana. Warton, J., Poems, 1794. Warton, T., Works, 1856. Welsted, L., Works, 1787. West, Mrs., The Mother, 1809. West Indian eclogues, 1787. Whalley, T. S., Edwy and Edilda, 1800. " Mont Blanc, 1788. Whiffin, R., Loves of the Roses, 1835. P. 398. White, II. K., Works, 1856. Whitehead, W. Elegies, 1757. Whittle, T., Of the Elect, 1829. Williams, Sir C. H., Works, 1822. Wilson, A., Poet. Works, 1820. Wolcott, Peter Pindar s Works, 1800. Wordsworth, W., Poet. Works, 1854. " Yarrow revisited, 1835. Wreath, The, 1824. Wyatt, T., Poet. Works, 1854. Wyntown, A., Cronykill of Scotland. Young, Edward, Works, 1802. " Night Thoughts, 1851. Young, J. W., Scraps, 1849. See Bibliography; Hymns; Ballads; Songs. Poetry, Danish. Feldborg, Selections from, 1816. Poetry, Dutch. Alphen, II., Gedigten, 1778. B. C. Apollo s Nieuwe-Jaers Gift, 1745. " Kermis-Gift, 1763. Bosch, M., Stichtelyke Gedichten, 1775. Bowring s Batavian Anthology. Broeckhoff, Dichtkundige Bespiege- lingen, 1770. Cats, J., Dichterlyke Werken, 1818. Costa, I. Da, Aan Nederland, 1844. P. 33. B. C. Does, S Gravenhage, 1688. Eigenbaat, De. P. 110. Elzevier, Drie Dichtproeven, 1761. Hagen, J., Verzameling van Bruil- oftsverzen, 1835. Helmers, Nagelaten Gedichten, 1814. P. 110. Hoogvliet, A., Zydebalen, 1740. Eerkroon, 1743. " Abraham, de Aartsvader, 1744. (( Lof de Drukkunste door Coster, 1741. Poetry, Dutch (continued). Hoogvliet, A., Vervolg der Mengel- dichten, 1753. Hoogstratten, Republyk van Venetic, 1715. Huygens, Koren-Bloemen, 1672. Janssonius, R. B., Lentebladen, 1844. Kiehl, Die Liebe u. d. Leben. Kortebrant, Lof der Drukkunst. Kraeyvanger, Dichtlievende lente en zomcr, 1735 Kumpcl, Vaderl. Gedenkstukken. Lodensteyn, Uytspanningen, 1727. Mengelpoezij, Door T. II. M. F., 1778. Moonen, A., Poezy, 1700. Murphy, H. C., Anthol. of N. Neth- erland, 1865. Onveranderlyke Santhorstsche Geloofs- belydenis, 1786. Opregte, De, Zandwoorder Speel-Wa- gen. B. C. Overbeke, Rym-Werken, 1719. Pamphlets of Dutch Poetry, vol. 110. Parnassus Kunstkabinet, 1735. Pluimer, Gedichten, 1692. Pollius, M., Mengeldichten, 1745. Poot.JJedichten, 1722. " Vervolg, 1735. Post, E. M., Gedichte, 1789. Potgieter, E. J., Mount Vernon, 1861. Scheltema, Dichtstukjes, 1848. Slicher, Weegschaal ...1786. Smits, D., Gedichten, 1740. " Izraels Baiilfegorsdienst, 1737. De Rottestroom, 1750. Sprong, II. van der, 1841. B. C. Swaanenburg, W. van, Parnas, 1724. Tafereel, De, 172% Thijm, Gedichten, Xlle-XVI Eeuw. Vaderlandsche Zeeheld, 1781. Van Zant, Een niew liedt, Albany, 1802. Vink, N., De Redding-maatschappij, 1847. Voet, Uitticht van Nebo, 1753. Volks-Liedjens, 1790-93. Vondel, Hekeldigten, 1707. " Poezy of verscheide Gedichten, 1682. " Trans, of Virgil and Ovid, 1659. Treuerspelen, 1660-62. Wits, Stigtelyke bedenkinge, 1693. Wolff, E. B., De Natuur, 1784. " Econ. Liedjos, 1791. Woordt, Gedichten, 1843. Zeeus, Jakob, Gedichten, 1721-26. See Dramas; Literature, Dutch. POETRY, ITALIAN. 451 Poetry, French. Aix, D , Annales poetiques de la France, 1839. Almanach Chantant, 1855. Ameriquo Delivree, 1783. Art latrique, (Bourdelin), 1776. P. 612. Audet, Syndics de Geneve. P. 1104. Avrigny, D , Lc Depart de la Perouse, 1807. Baudoin, Reveries, 1841. Beranger, Poems, (Young), 1850. Besnier, Le Mexique Conquis, 1752. Boileau, (Euvres Poetiques, 1857. Bonaparte, L., Charlemagne, 1814, and in Eng. Boulay-Paty, Odes, 1844. Bourgeois, Christophe Colomb, 1773. Canonge, Poemes Nouvelles, 1839. Chenier, J., (Euvres diverses, 1816. Chevreau, U., (Euvres mesU -es, 1697. Colet, Le Monument de Molicre, 1843. Delille, J., (Euvres, 1808-22. " Rural philosopher, 1804. Deschamps, Etudes Franyaises, 1829. Dion, Tableau d Hist. Universelle, 1807. Duault, Poesies, 1823. Du Boccage, La Colombiade, 1756. Fenelon, (Euvres, vol. 3, 1837. Fernand, Poesies, 1860. Frederick II, (Euvres Poetiques, 1847- 1850. Gay, Dernier jour de Pompeii. Hugo, V., Songs of Twilight, 1836. P. 398. La Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles, 1764. " Fables, 1857. " E. Wright s English trans., 1841. La Motte, Odes, 1709. Langtoft, P., Chronique, (Hearne). Lemay, L. P., Essais poetiques, 1865. Le Mercier, L Atlantiade, 1812. Le Suire, Le Nouveau Monde, 1781. Malherbe, (Euvres, 1837. Marinontel, Les Incas, 1817. Martin- Maillefer, Les Fiances de Car acas, 1829. Masson, G., La Lyre Francaise, 1867. Nivernois, Fables, Eng. and Fr., 1799. Miitzner, Altfranzdsische Liedcr, 1853. Petits Poetes Fran^ais, 1838, 39. Poemes sur 1 Amerique, 1756. Rapin, Christus patiens, 1720, Trans. Raynouard, Poesies des troubadours. Rouquette, Fleurs d Amerique, 1856. Roure, La Conqm-te du Mexique, 1611. Rousseau, J. B., OZuvres Poetiques, 1837. Poetry, French (continued). Salm, La Princesse de, (Euvres, 1842. Travers, Gerbes glanees, 1859. Tresor, Le, du Parnasse, 1763. B. C. Turgot, A. R. J., (Euvres, v. 9. Villiers, L Art de Precher a un abbe, 1642. Voltaire, (Euvres, 1785-89. " Henriade, 1797. The Henriade, Eng., 1797. La Pucelle. Voyage d Amerique, 1786. Poetry, Gaelic. Fugitive Pieces, Mac- pherson s. fragments, 1765. Highland Soc. Report, by Mackenzie, On Ossian, 1805. Ossian, Macpherson s ed. Stewart, A. and D., Coll. of works of Highland bards, 1804. See Language, Irish. Poetry, German. Bethune, Specimens of, 1848. Brooks, C. T., German lyrics, 1853. " German ... .Songs and ballads, 1863. Burger, Leonora. Trans. Follen, Works, vol. 1, 1841. Goethe, Select Minor Poems, 1839. ** Dramatic works, (Swanwick) . " Faust, Hayward s, Taylor s tr. Heine, H., Poems, Engl. Korner, C. T., Lyre and Sword, 1834. " See Uhland. Klopstock, DerMessias, 1780. Lonicer, J. A., Stand und Orden der H. Rom. Kath. Kirchen, 1585. Neuhofer, G. A., Gedichte, 1804. Nibelungenlied, 1840. Schiller, F. von, Sammtliche Werke, 1836. " Die Glocke, 1839. P. 620. * Minor Poems, 1839. " Maid of Orleans, 1843. Uhland, German Songs, 1842. Umbreit, F. W. S., David and Jona than, 1844. Voss, Gedichte, 1802. Wagenseil, J. C., Von der Meistei Singer ....Anfang, etc., 1697. Wieland, Oberon, 1791. B, C. Poetry, Greek. See Greek Authors. Poetry, Hungarian. Bowring, Poetry of the Magyars, 1830. Poetry, Italian. Alfieri, L Americn Libera, 1784. Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, 1829. - Hoole s trans., 1791. " Satirici e burleschi sec. xvi, 1787. 452 POETRY, ITALIAN. Poetry, Italian (continued). Bartolomei, L America, 1650. Berni, Enchanted Lake, 1806. " Opere burlesche, 1760. Botta, C., II Camillo, 1853. Callimacho, La Chioma di Berenice. Cattuffio, Baiaraonte Tiepolo, 1769. Clericetti, Canto, 1851. Collezione in dialetto Veneziano. Colpo d occhio, 1848. Contarini, Poesie, 1778. Conti, G., Opere original!, 1819. Gotta, G. } Dio: Sonetti ed inni, 1820. Dante, La Coinmedia, Tommaseo,1837. " Commedia, 1854. " La Commedia, in Eng., (Gary), 1845. " The new Life, (Norton), 1859. " (Euvres, Rheal, 1845, 52. Fantoni, G., Poesie, 1823. Forteguerri, N., II ricciardetto, 1789. Franceschinis, F., Morte di Socrate. " L Atenaide, 1837. Giusti, G., Versi editi ed inediti, 1856. Grazeosa canzone. P. 1785. Graziani, Conquisto di Granata. Guarini, B., II pastor fido, 1590. Hunt, L., Ital. poets, trans, into Eng. prose. Marini, Suspicion of Herod, 1646. P. 398. Marino, G. B., L Adone, 1789. " Murder of the Innocents, (Crashaw), 1834. Mathias, C. J. Componimenti lirici scelti, 1802. Metastasio, P. B., Dramas and Poems, Trans. Monti, V., Opere inedite e rare, 1834. Neri, Saggi di rime, 1700. Ogone, II vero lume, 1790. Parini, II mattino, 1818. Petrarcha, F., Rime. P. 1785. " Sonnets, 1859. " Poems, Bohn s ed., 1859. Pezzoli, L., Prose e poesie, 1853. Pimbiolo Opere postume, 1824. Poeti del primo secolo, 1816. Polcastro, G., Opere, 1833. Politiano, A., Stanze. Ponte, L. Da, Composizione e tradu- zione, N. Y., 1807-30. Pyrker, La Tunisiade, 1827. Redi, F., Bacco in Toscana, 1821. Romanze, 1838. Scritti, Italiani vicende, Malta, 1848. Tanfiillo, L., The Nurse, 1800. Taiso, Gerusalemme liberata, 1745, 1844. Poetry, Italian (continued). Tasso, Trans. Wiffen, 1846, 54. " Opere, 1724. Teatro moderno, 1838-41. Vannetti, C., Opere, 1826-31. Varano, A., Opere scelte, 1818. Villardi, F., Varie operette, 1832. Vittorelli, J., Opere ed. epostume, 1841. Poetry, Latin. Augurello, G. A., lam- bicus, 1505. Auratus. See Dorat. Bardomachia, 1800. Boethius, Metres in Cons, of Phil., 1811, (Lat. and Eng.). Bottarelli, J. G., Ad J. Com. de West morland, 1759. Bourne, V., Poet. Works, 1825. Galvert, Gaudia Poetica, 1769. Capella, M., Satyricon, 1600. Catullus, Venet., 1502. Traj., 1680. " Trans. Kelly, 1854. Causton, P., Tunbrigialia, 170. Claudianus, C., Cpera, 1650, 1760. Cotton, J. D., Lachryinoeelegiac8e,1765. Dorat, J-, Poematia, 1586. Dufresnoy,Deartegraphica,and trans., Dryden and Mason. Ekker, A. H. A-, Exeunte Octobri, 1868. Este, C., Carmina quadragesimalia, 1741. Estienne, H., Principum monitrix musa, 1590. Excerpta e Test. Vet. Versibus, 1828. Flaccus, C. V., Argonauticon. 1724. Gr. Brit. : Rolls: Chronicles of Great Britain. Grove, R., De Sanguinis circuitu,1685. Holdsworth, E., Muscipula, 1709. Horatius, Q. F., Opera, 1779, 1815, 28, 1853. " En Franyais, Sommer, 1855. " English Trans., Buckley, Smart. " Opere, Gargallo, 1830. Iscanus, J., De bello Trojano. Jortin, J., Lususpoetici, 1748. P. 1012. Juvenalis, Satirse, 1486, 1750, 1825. " Satires, Trans, of Holyday, GifiFord, Hodgson, Dry- den, Evans, Madan. " Trans, in Dutch, 1709. Juvencus, Hist. Evangelica, 1490. Leeuwen, Lycidas Ecloga, 1856. " Octaviue Querula, 1857. <e Carmen elegiacum, 1864. Lennep, Van, Carmina, 1790. Lucanus, M. A., Pharsalia, Trans., Riley. POLAND. 453 Poetry, Latin (continued). Lucretius, T. C., De rerum natura, Ed. Wakefield. " Trans, of Good, Watson. " Natura delle cose, Mar- chetti. Lycophron, Cassandra, 1566. Mantuanus, B., Adolescentia, 1634. iMartialis, M. V., Epigramtnata, 1617, 1693. " Trans., Lond., 1865. Okes, Epigrammata, 1819. Ovidius, P., Opera, 1591, 1629. " Eng. Trans., Riley, Sandys. " Dutch Transla., Hoogvliet, Vondel, Valentine. " French Trans., Le Sage, 1850. Ossian, Phingaleis, (M Donald). Pamphlets of Latin Poetry, vol. 1393. Pedo Albin., Elegiae, 1755. Persius Flaccus, Satirae. See Juve- nalis. " Eng. trans., Howes, etc. Pervigilium Veneris, 1712. Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon, 1629. " Eng. trans. See Propertius. Planta, Mauritiados, 1647. Poetae Latini minores, 1731, 1789. Polignac, Anti-Lucretius, 1745. Politianus, Opera, 1553. Pope s Messiah, Ihillips s Splendid Shilling, Lat., 1752. Propertius, Elegiae, 1780. " 1680. See Catullus. " Trans., Bohn s ed. Prudentius, A., Opera, 1613. Rombise, I tin. . .Galliae, 1639. St. John, T. P., AnnusMirabilis,1848. Schurman, Anna M., Opuscula, 1652. B. C. Secundus, Trans. See Propertius. Severus, P. C., ^Etna, 1715. Sidonius, C. S., Opera, 1609, 14. Silius Italicus, Punicorum lib., 1798. Statius, B. P., Silvse, Thebais, Achil- leis, 1494. Tibullus, Carmina, 1798. " 1502, 1680. See Catullus. " Trans. See Catullus. Virgilius, P. M., Opera, 1717, 59,1803, 1823. " English Trans., Davidson, Martyn, Buckley. " French Tr., Delille, Sommer. " Dutch Trans., Vondel. Vitrioli, Xiphias, 1745. See Latin Authors. Poetry, Oriental. See Oriental Litera ture; Arabic; Persian; Sanscrit. Poetry, Portuguese. Camoens, Os Lusiadas, 1818 " Lusiad, Mickle, 1798. Durao, Cararauru, Poeme Bresilien, 1829. Ercilla, L Araucana, 1776, 1824. Poetry, Russian. Bowring, Russian poets. Poetry, Spanish. Alvarez, F., Puren indomito, 1862. Botello, F., El nuevo mundo, 1701. Castellanos, Elegias, 1589. Conti, G., Scelta da poesie Castig- liane, sec. xvi, 1819. Lima University, 1816. Lockhart, Anc. Spanish ballads. Manrique, J., Coplas, 1779. Poetry, Swedish. Cavallius, Sveriges Hist, och Politiska Visor, 1853. Klemming, Flores och Blanzeflor, 1844. Tegner, E., Poems, 1848. " Frithiof s Saga. Pohlman, S. C. Sprague, W. B., Dis course on. Poisons. Accum, Chemical re-agents, 1817. (( Culinary poisons, 1820. Chevallier, A.*Sur les empoisonne- inents, 1848. Christison, R., Hemlock and Conia, 1836. Ducachet, H. W., Action of Poisons, 1817. P. 86. Fontana, Venom of the Viper, etc., 1787. Hammond, W. A., Physiol. Memoirs, 1863. Hasheesh Eater, (Lu llow). Hendrickson, C., On Trial of J. Hen- drickson, 1855. P. 516. Koelliker, Upas Antiar, 1857. P. 551. Orfila, Traite des Poisons, 1826. c Treatise on, 1826. " Traite de Toxocologie, 1852. Otto, F., Detection of, 1857. Swinburne, J., Papers, 1862. Taylor, A. S., Pois. in Med. jurispru dence, 1859. Wooler, J. S., Great Burdon case, 1855. See Chemistry ; Medicine. Pola, Austria. Allason, Antiquities of, 1819. Poland. Connor, Account of, (Coll. Voy., 4). Dunham, History of, Lardner, 29. Forman, GO Election of King, 1733. Galecki, History of, 1843. Hordynski, Hist, of Polish Revolu tion, 1833. 454 POLAND. Poland (continued). Johnston, R., Trav. through Russia and Poland, 1815. Jones, S., History of, 1795. Kraitsir, Hist, of Slavonians and j Poland, 1837. Krasinski, Russia and Europe, 1854. Lays of Poland, 1836. P. 1792. Mably, Gouvernement de, 1794, 95. Mackintosh, Account of partition of, Works, 2. Mem. Hist, de Pologne, 1795. Montalerabcrt, Insurrection of, 1863. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1443. Poland, Const, charter, 1815. P. 1443. Recueil de documents, 1853. Regnard, Voyage, (Euvres, 1837. Remembrances of a Polish Exile, 1835 B. C. Russia, Droits des dissidents, 1766. Saxton, L. C., Fall of, 1851. Some remarks, 1726. Tochman, G., Poland, Russia and the U. S., 1844. P. 17. Turkey and Russia, 1766. Williams, C. H., Account of, 1822. See Russia. Polari, C. Herinnringen eener reize naar Nieuw York, 1S32. Pole, R., Abp. Hook, W. F., Life of, 1869. Ridley, Review of Phillips. Police. Boston, Report, 1856. Brereton, Writings, 1825-46. Colquhoun, Police of the Thames, 1800. " Police of London, 1800. Considerations on seditious practices, 1795. Deykes, Pavements of London, 1824. P. 139. Duchatelet, De la Prostitution, 1837. < Prostitution in Paris, 1846. Ducpetiaux, Question des Mort-nes, 1848. Fielding, H., Works, Increase of rob bers, vol. 10, 1806. Fielding, J , Plan for prevent, rob beries, 1755. P. 403. Fregier, Des Classes dangcreuses dans les grandes villes, 1840. Gerard, London and New York, Police of, 1853. Gr. Brit., London Police, 1816. " Rep. on Constabulary force, 1839. B. C. " Police: Bills, 1848. Mather, J. C., On Metr,op. Police Law. N. Y. City, Reports, 1856-58. N. Y. Metr. Pol. Regulations, 1858. Noxon, Speech, Met. Police, 1853. Police (continued). San Francisco, Ordinance. " Address of Comm. of Vigilance, 1856. Sauveur, De la Police des Deces, 1843. Skillman, N. Y. Police reports, 1830. Vidocq, Memoirs, as Agent of. Vivien, Le Prcfet de Police, 1845. Unlawful Meetings, Lond., 1848. Waters, T., Recollections, 1853. See Punishments; Convicts; Crime; Health; Prisons; Statistics. Polignac, Diana de. Memoires, 1790. " Confession de, 1789. Politeness. See Etiquette; Gentleman; Self Culture; Woman. Political Economy. Baring, On the Commutation Act, 1786. Bascora, J., Pol. Econ., a text-book, 1861. Bastiat, Harmonies econoiniques, 1860. l( Popular fallacies. Bell, A., Prohib. of grain for distil ling, 1808. P. 1472. Bowen, F., Am. pol. economy, 1870. Brereton, Writings, 1825-46. Cadet de Vaux, Des Disettes, 1812. Carey, H. C., Principles of, 1837, 8. " Harmony of interests, 1849, 50. " Manual of Social Science, 1864. * Miscellaneous writings, 1838- 1868. Carey, M., Twenty-one golden rules, 1824. " Fifty-one reasons, 1824. Olive Branch, 1814, 32. " Cursory views, 1826. Casaux, Effets de 1 impot, 1787. Chalmers, G., Consid. on commerce, 1811. Chalmers, T.. Connection with morals, 1832. " Civic Econ. of towns, 1823. Colton, C., Public Econ. of U. S., 1848. Cotton, R., Disc., of Foreign war, 1690. Comber, W. T., State of National subsistence, 1808. Condorcet, OZuvres, 1847. Conversations on, 1817. Cooper, T., Lectures on, 1829. Corbet, Causes of Wealth, 1841. Davenant, Polit. and Comm. Works, 1771. Demeunier, Economic politique, Encyc. Meth. De Quincey, T., Logic of, 1844. Dove, P. E., Elem. of pol. science, 1854. POLITICAL ECONOMY. 455 Political Kconomy (continued). Dunlop, A., Sketches on. Pamph r 11. Eisdell, On the Industry of Nations, 1839. Eon de Beaumont, Impot des Egyptiens et Babyloniens, 1764 Fawcett, Manual of, 1865. Fonfrede, (Euvres, 1844-47. Ganilh, Political Economy, 1812. Gasparin, Des petites proprietes, 1820. Greeley, H., Essays on, 1870. Haines, R., Preven. of poverty, 1674. Hamilton, R., Prog, of Society, 1830. Hakewil, W., Libertie of the subject, 1641. Hooke, A., Essay on the National Debt, 1751. P. 134. Hume, D., Political Essays, 1816. Jobard, Le Monautopole, 1845. . _ Joplin, T., Outlines of a system of, 1823. Joyce, Anal, of A. Smith s Wealth of Nations, 1821. Kellogg, D., Labor and other capital, 1849. Lauderdale, Nature and origin of pub lic wealth, 1819. Lawrence, W. B.", Two Lectures on, 1832. Lieber, Essays on property and labor, 1847. List, F., National System of.... 1856. Low, D., Landed Property, 1826. P. 425. McCullagh, Industrial history of free nations, 1846. McCulloch, Principles of, 1843. Maclure, W., Opinions for industrious producers, 1831-37. M Vickar, Outlines of, 1825. Makgill, Rent no robbery, 1851. P. 76. Malthus, Principles of Polit. economy, 1821. " Writings, coll., 1807-23. Marcet, John Hopkins s Notions on, 1833. B. C. Martineau, H., Illustrations of, 5 v. Mercier, Man. d Econ. Politique,1858. Mill, J., Elements of, 1826. Mill, J. S., Principles of, 1848, 69. Murray, T., Catechism of, 1835. Notes on, 1821. Oastler, R., Writings, 1835-47. O Connor, Monopoly, the cause of all evil, 1848. Opdyke, G., Treatise on, 1851. Opinions of Ricardo and Smith. Osborne, J. T., The Food Question, 1847. P. 430. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 55, 704, 730-734,818,819, 916, 926, 1027, 1407, 1408, 1548. Political Economy (continued). Paxton, P., Disc, on trade, 1704. Petty, Essays in Polit. arithmetick, 1775. Phillips, W., Manual of, 1828. Piers, 0., Warning to Agr. Laborers, 1838. P. 416. Pinsent, Conversations on, 1821. P. 414. Platt, Hist, of Brit, corn laws, 1845, Potter, A., Polit. Economy, 1844. Quetelet, Sur 1 homme, 1833. Rae, J., Statement, 1834. Raymond, D., Elements of, 1823. " Thoughts on, 1820. Ricardo, Works, 1846. " Essays of: Collected, 1810- 1822. Rogers, J. E. T., Man. of, for col leges, 1868. Rose, G., Writings, 1802-17. Rossi, P., Cours d Econ. Pol., 1840. Royer, Des Inst. credit foncier, 1845. Rumford, Count, Essays, 1797. Say, J. B., Treatise on, 1836. Scrope, G. P., Principles of, 1833. Senior, N. W., Lectures on, 1850. " Provision for the poor, 1835. Sismondi, Polit. Economy, 1847. Smith, A., Causes of Wealth of Na tions, 1828. Smith, E. P., Manual of, 1853. Society for the special study of, 1857. P. 290. Some Illustrations of M Culloch, 1826. Stewart. D., Works, v. 9, 1856. Stirling, P. J., Phil, of Trade, 1846. Thoughts .... price of Provisions, 1800. Torrens, On the Production of wealth, 1821. Turgot, CEuvres, 1808. " Distrib. of Wealth, 1793. P. 412. Twiss, T., Progress since the 16th cent., 1847. Urbain, Introd. a 1 etude de, 1833. Waithman, R., War and Scarcity, 1800. Walker, A., Science of wealth, 1866. Walras, De la nature de la richesso, 1831. ,- Wayland, F., Elements of, 1842. Western, Distress of the Agric. Classes, 1830. P. 430. Whately, Lectures on, 1831. B. C. Young, A . , Rise of Prices. Pamph r 6. See Banks, Commerce ; Corn laws ; Currency; Debt; Excise; Free trade; Labor; Navigation; Poor; Prices; Population; Taxation; Tariff; Wages, etc. 456 POLITICAL PAMPHLETS. Political Pamphlets, vols. 30-34, 46. 67, 75, 234, 259. Political, American, vols. 19, 22, 26, 38, 44, 47, 57, 66, 234, 526, 527, 584, 589, 860, 878, 916, 917, 931, 1247, 1580-1583, 1838. B. C., vols. 1, 2, 27. See Congressional speeches. Political, British, vols. 123-141, 407- 422, 442, 443, 445-448, 450, 451, 572, 573, 591, 640, 700, 701, 709, 735, 738, 743, 745, 756, 757, 811- 815, 817, 896, 917, 1011, 1026, 1047, 1108, 1116, 1117, 1394-1406, 1544-1547, 1729-1731, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1851, 1852, 1876. See Great Britain. Political, Dutch, vol. 108. Political, French, vols. 10, 651, 816, 946-948. B. C., 41. See France. Political, German. See German. Political Science and Legislation. See Government; Great Britain, Political; U. S. Government, ; Suf frage; Toleration. Political Sermons. Barnes, A., Serm., Suprem. of Law, 1838. P. 557. Beman, Serm., Zech. iii, 1. Fast Day Sermons, 1861. Fisher, S., Sermons, 1814. Hall, N., Sermon, 1855. Hedge, F. H., Conscience and the State, IR51. P. 557. Hopkins, A. 1., Amer. Patriot, 1843. James II, Concerning Preachers, 1685. P. 356. Lindsley, A. H., National Righteous ness, 1857. P. 557. Lyman, J., Northampton, 1804. M Coskry, S. A., Sermon, 1862. M Knight, J., Sern?on, N. Y., 1795. MacMaster, E. D., Jer. xviii. 1-10, 17, 1849. P. 557. Nelson, J., Discourse, 1854. Pamphlets containing, vols. 557, 1617. Parker, T., Coll. of Sermons, 1851-56. Patriot Preachers of the Amer. Rev., 1^66-1783. Pike, J., Discourse, 1855. Porter, N., Sermon, 1856. Putnam, G., Discourse, 1843. Reynolds, E. W., Serm., Sphere of the Gospel, 1856. P. 558. Roy, J. E., On Kansas, a discourse, 1856. Rudder, W., Our Present Difficulties, 1861. Sargent, J. T., Serm., Reform. Pulpit, 1852. P. 558. Smith, A. D., Sermon, 1851. Political Sermons (continued). Smyth, T., The Curse of the Union, 1860. paulding, W., Sermon. 1863. Stow, T., Sermon, Ministry and Poli tics, 1846. Thornton, J. W., Pulpit of the Revol. Thurston, D., Sermon, 1825. Tucker, J. T., Sermon, 1851. \*inton, F., Sermon, 1861. See Authority; Charles I; Slavery; Rebellion; Sermons; War of 1812. Polk, J. K. Chase, L, B., Hist, of his administration, 1850. Dallas, G. M., Eulogy on, 1849. P. 494. Jenkins, J. S., Life of, 1850. Porter, J. M., Eulogy on, 1849. P. Woodbury, L., Eulogy on, 1849. Pollio, C. A. Berwick, Life of. Pollnitz, C. L. de. Memoirs, 1739. Polo, M. Baldelli-Boni, Storia delle relazioni, 1827. Edinb. Review^ Jan., 1872. Murray, ,H., Travels of, Edin. Cab. Lib., 38. Polo, M., II milione, (Viaggi), 1872. " Travels,(Harris, Wright). Polygamy. See Marriage. Polynesia. Ellis, W., Polynesian Re searches, 1829. Melville, Typee, Polyn. life, 1846. Perkins, E. T., Roving in the North Seas, 1854. Rowe, Life of J. Hunt of Fiji, 1860. Russell, M., Polynesia, Edin. Cab. Lib., 33. Williams, T., South Sea Missions, 1837. Fiji Isles, 1859. Wilson, J., Voy. of the Duff, 1796-8. See Fiji; Hawaii; Tahiti; Pacific; Pelew; A ulgrave. Polypes. See Mollusks. Polyzoa. See Mollusks ; Zoophytes. Pombal, Marquis de. Dezoteux, L ad- ministration du, 1788. Pomeroy, L. Todd, J., Sermon, Death of. Pomfret, Rev. J. Poems and Life of. Browne, S., Letter on, 1723. Pomfret, Conn. Hunt, D., Hist, disc., 1841. Pomology. See Fruit; Horticulture. Pompeii. Barre, I., Recueil des pein- tures, etc., 1840, 8 v. Burford, Picture of. POOR, AND POOR LAWS. 457 Pompeii (continued). Chateaubriand, Notice sur, vol. 7. Gell, W., Pompeiana, 1852. Jorio, Guida di. Library E. K., Pompeii, vol. 2. Tcrnite, Wandgemilldc aus. Zahn, Les Tableaux de, 1829-42. SeeHerculaneum ; Antiquities; Sicily; Naples. Pondichery, ludia. Lally, Memoirs, 1766. Ponte, L. Da. Life of, N. Y., 1807. " Meinorie, 1823. " Memorie, 1829, 30, 3 v. Pontiac, Chief. Hough, Diary, Siege of Detroit. Johnson s, Sir W., Manuscripts. Parkman, F., Conspiracy of, 1855. Poole, W. Wakeley, J., Fun. of, 1855. Poor, and Poor Laws. Abridgment of apian, 1787. Assoc n for, N. Y., 1853. P. 501. Assoc n for, Lond., 1850, 51. P. 472. Baltimore; Rules, 1848. P. 218. Bayly, W. D., The state of, 1820. Bcchcr, J. T., Friendly Soc., 1824-38. Boston Asylum and Farm School re port, 1852. P. 97. Boston Provident Assoc n Reports, 1858-70. Boston Soc. for preventing pauperism, 1852. P. 96. Bowen, J., Bridgwater, (Eng.), Case, 1839. P. 429. Bowles, W. L., Thoughts on the in crease of crime. Pamph r 14. Buffalo Assoc n for, 1852. P. 535. Chalmers, Serm. on Pauperism, 1822. P. 535. Channing, The Ministry for, 1835. P. 524. Clark R. W., Discourse on, 1854. Cobbett, W., Five letters on laws for, 1834- Colquhoun, P., On Indigence, 1806. Coode, G., Law of Settlement of, 1851. Courtenay, On the poor laws. 1818. Crumpe, Employment for the people, 1795. Curtiss, T., The new poor law, 1842. Ducpetiaux, Farmes- Hospices, 1848. " On Mendicity, 1834. Dunn, T., Sermon, Phil a, 1793. Eden, The state of the poor, 1797. Ensor, G., The poor and their relief, 1823. Erie Co., N. Y., Workhouse, 1846. P. 525. Farming Labourers of G. B., 1837. 58 Poor, and Poor Laws (continued). Few Words to Friends, 1803. Fielding, H., Effectual provision for, 1753. P. 134. Gilbert, T., Employment of, 1781. Gore, M., Dwellings of the Poor, 1851. Gould, J. S., Food for alms-houses, 1852. Great Britain; Poor Laws. P. 429. t( Poor Law Cemm. Re ports, 1835-43. Haines, R., Prevention of poverty, 1674. Hanway, J., Causes of dissoluteness, 1772. Head, F. B., English Charity, 1835. Hints respecting, 1795. Horton, R. W., Remedies of pauper ism, 1830. P. 1549. Jee, Manage t of the Poor. Pamph r 5. Jour, of Stated Preacher, N. Y., 1812: Kings Co., N. Y., Reports, 1853-61. Ladies Depository, 1852. P. 226. Leicester Soup Kitchen, 1850. Letter to the Rt. Hon. G. Canning, 1823. Letter to Visc t Castlereagh, 1SI8. London Female Dormitory, 1852. P. 403. London Society for. . . 1803. Lurieu, Colonies de Mendiants, jeunes detenus, 1851. Martin, M., Mendicity in London, 1803. P. 429. Martineau, H., Illust. of poor laws. Mass.: Poor, Pauper System, 1833. " Almshouses, 1863-69. " Charities Reports, 1865-69. " Poor overseers, returns, 1841- 1848. Mayhew, London labor and Lond. poor, 1851, 81. Monroe Co., N. Y., Workhouse, 1855. Moule, H., Houses of the poor, 1854. Netherlands, Verslagen, 1840-49. Newburgh Poor System, 1852, 7. New England s chattels, 1858. New York, Returns of county superin tendents, 1833. 1856. N. Y. Comm rs of Charities, Reports, 1860-67 N. Y. City, Almshouse returns, 1847- 1854. N. Y. Association, Reports, 1844-69. Nicoll, S. W., Of the Poor Laws, 1818. Old and new poor law, 1835. Paine, J. M., On Labor Rates, 1834. Pamphlets relating to the poor, vols. 243, 429, 535, 820, 1346, 1409-1412, 1549. Penn a, Laws for Phil a, 1814. 458 POOR, AND POOR LAWS. Poor, and Poor Laws (continued). Pettigrew, T. J., Pauper farming sys tem, 1836. Phil a, Regulations, 1835, 44. " Reports on, 1810, 27. P. 127, 55. Phil a Soc. for employment of, 1858. Provident Society, Phil a, 1825. Remarks on the laws of settlement, 1854. Rhode Island, Report, 1851. Riehson, C., Pauper education, 1850. Rose, G., Obs. on poor laws, 1805. St. Mary-le-bone, Evidence, 1834. Scheme for the relief, 1765. Scrope, Irish Poor Law, 1846. Senior, Provision for the poor, 1835. Short view of the frauds under the laws, 1744. Six letters on Poor Laws, 1834. Soc. for preven. of pauperism, N. Y., 1820. P. 8. B. C. Spectacle de la Nature, v. 6; Suppres. of beggary, 1748. Spencer, T., New Poor Law, London, 1836, 41. Voght, Poor in Hamburg, 1817. Walsingham, Law of Settlement, 1851 . Waterston, Address on, 1844. P. 37. B. C.. See Charities ; Political Economy ; La bor; Social Questions; Irish Poor. Pope Family. Genealogy, 1862. Pope, A. Bowles, W. L., Final Appeal, relative to, 1825. (t Lessons in Criticism to Roscoe, 1826. Caruthers Life of, 1857. Gibber s Letters to, 1744. P. 394. Dilworth, W. H., Life of, 1769. Pope, A., Correspondence. Roscoe, Letter to Bowles, 1825. Warburton, On Essay on Man, 1742. Pope, J. Descendants of, (Essex Inst.). Pope, JJf. Life of, 1709. Pope, Sir T. Wbarton, T., Life of, 1772. Popes of Rome. Baluzius, Vitfe Pa- parum Avenionensium, 1693. Bower, A., History of, to 17<>8. Chandler, J. R., Temp, power of, 1855. P. 1435. Controversial letters, 1674. P. 1428. Crakanthorp, Temporal Monarchic, 1621. Doubts of... .infallibility, 1688. P. 1004. Du Molinet, C., Hist. Pont, ad Inno- centem XI, 1679. Fin Ion, De Sum. Pontif. auctoritate. Popes of Rome (continued). Gordon, Life of Alexander VI. Hergenrothcr, Anti-Janus, 1870. Histoire des Papes, (Bruys), 1734. Howel, Hist, of the Pontificate, to 1563. Illcscas, Historia Pontifical, 1589. Maimbourg, Hist, du P. Leon, 1687. Miel, Pope and Prim. Church, 1851. P. 348. Owen, R. D., The Debatable Land, 1872. Papal Diplomacy, 1848. Platina, In vitas Pontificum, 1481. Pope and the Council, (Janus), 1870. Pope s rights and wrongs, I860. Popes, Portraits of, 1801. Ranke s History of, 1840. Religio laici, 1688. Roman Pontiffs... N. Y., 1845. Temporal Government of, 1788. Vertot, Rise of Papal power, 1737. P. 419. Wiseman, Recollections of last, 1858. See Roman Cath. Ch. ; Benedict; Cle ment XIV; Gregory; Innocent III; Leo I, X; Paulus II; Pius IX; SixtusV. Popham Colony, 3Ie. Benedict, E. C., Disc., the beginning of America, 1864. Bourne, E. E., Address on, 1864. Haven, S. F., Remarks, Am. Ant. Soc., 1865. Historical Claims, 1866. Patterson, J. W., Address, 1865. Poor, J. A., Address, claims of Gorges, 1862. Popham Celebration, 1862. Popham Colony Discussion, (Poolo), 1866. Thornton, J. W., Schemes of Popham, a Speech, 1862. See Maine. Popkin, J. Memorial of, 1852. Popoi-Vuh. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Livre Sacre .. ..des Quiches, 1861. Miiller, Chips from a German Work- Shop, 1862. Population. Alison, A., Principles of Population, 1840. Brydges, Pop. and Riches. Canada, Census, 1851, 61. Carey, H. C., Pol. Econ , On Popul., 1837. Elliot, Law of Mortality in Mass., 1857. Ensor, G., Inquiry concerning, 1818. Everett, A. H., New Ideas on Popula tion, 1826. PORTUGAL. 450 Population (continued). Godwin, Of Pop., Answer to Matthews, 1820. Hamilton, R., Progress of Society, 1830. Hough, F. B., Hist, of N. Y. Census, 1866. Ivernois, Pop. dans les Isles Britan- niques, 1830. " Mortality des peuples, 1833. ; Malthus, T. R., Essay on Prino. of, , 1809. " Additions to Essay, 1831. Nova Scotia, Census, 1862. Pamphlets, vol. 240, 564, 565. See Statistics; Political Economy; j Longevity; Old Age. Porcelain. See Pottery. I orson, R. Watson, J. S., Life of, 1861. Porter, D. Bealc, Report of Trial of, 1825. Irving, W., Spanish papers, v. 2. Porter, D., Expos, of facts on Foxardo, 1825. " Journal of the Essex, 1812-14. " Letters from Constantinople. 1835. Porter, E. Mathews, L., Memoir of. Porter, Fitz John. Reply to General Pope, 1870. Johnson, Rev., Defence of, 1863. P. 1589. Porter, N. Memorial of, 1867. Porter, P. A. Century Assoc n in honor of, 1865. Cozzens, F. S., Memorial of, 1865. Porter, P. B. Baylies, F., Reply to Address of, 1828. P. 67. Porter, Mrs. S. T. Dickson, A., Fun. Address. Porter, T. Richardson, J., Serin , Death of, Lond. 1752. P. 381. Porter, W. T. Brinley, Life of, 1869. Porteus, Bp. II. Works and Life. Hodgson, R., Life of, 1811. Port Jervis, N. Y. Slauson, Hist. Ser mon, 1854. Portland, Duke of. Case of, 1768. Debate, H. of Com., 1771. Defence of Some Proceedings. Portland, Me. Freeman, S., History of Falmouth, 1821. High St. Congreg. Ch., Manual, 1868. Hopkins, J. D., Cumberland bar, 1833. Neal, J., Recollections, 18169. " Fire in, 1866. Nichols, I., Hist, discourse, 1826. Portland, Me. (continued). Portland, Report on the riot, 1855. P. 1831. Portland and Ogdensburgh Railroad, (Wells), 1872. Portland Board of Trade, 1863, 64, G6. P. 1664. Portland Reference book, 1847, 50. Smith, T., and S. Deane, Journals at, 1788. Willis, W., History of, 1632-64. " Guide book, 1859. Porto-Rico. Turnbull, Travels in. 1840 . Valiente, Reformes dans, 1869. Port Royal. Gregoire, The Ruins of, 1801. Lancelot, Tour, 1816. Port Royal, Moral essays, 1696. Racine s Hist, of, 1767. See Jansenism. Portsmouth, N. H. Adams, N., An nals of, 1825. Brewster, Rambles in, 1859. Peabody, Discourses, South Parish, 1859. Portsmouth Almanac, 1856. Ports. Congr. Ch., Eccl. Council, 1834. P. 484. Portsmouth Jubilee, 1853. Portsmouth, Ohio. Lyford s Direct y, 1837. Portugal. Balbi, A., Essai Statist. ?ur, 1822. Beawes, Civ., Comm. and Lit. hist, of, 1793. Beckford, Excursion to monasteries. (( Italy, Spain and Portugal. Bouchot, Histoire de, 1854. Bush, History of, 183S . Campagnede 1810-11. Civil War in, 1836. Colmenar, Annales de, 1741. Convention laid, 1808. Costigan, Sketches of Society, 1787. Cudena, Von Portug. Amerika, 1780. Cunha, Essay on the Commerce of, 1801. Da Costa, H. J., Persecution of, 1811. Dezoteux, Admin, du Mar. de Pombal, 1788. Dunham, Hist, of Spain and Portugal. Faria, History of, 1698. Kinsey, W. M., P. illustrated, 1828. Link, Travels in, 1801. Mareh, C. W., Sketches, 1856. Memoria....Colonias de, 1814. Observador Lusitano, 1815. Oliveyra, Mem. hiat., pol. et litt. con- cernant, 1743. 460 PORTUGAL. Portugal (continued). Osorio, History of the Portuguese, 1752. Palmerston, Speech on, 1836. Pecchio, Portug. revolution, 182.3. Quillinnan, Residence in, 1847. Relation abregee, 1758. Saldanha, Colonias d Africa, 1814. Twiss, R., Trav. through, and Spain, 1722, 23. Vasconcellos, Actorum Regum Lusita- niae, 1621. " Vida del Rey Juan II, 1639. Walton, W., England s Relations, 1830. See Bibliography; Spain; Lisbon; Colonies. Portuguese Discoveries. Barros, G. di, L Asia, 1562. Kerr, Coll. of Voy., vol. 2, 6. Lafitau, Hist, des decouvertes, 1733. Major, Life of Prince Henry the Navi gator, 1868. See America, Discovery of. Posey, T, Sparks s Araer. Biog., vol. 9.: Life of. Postal Service and Stamps. Account .... Mails on Sabbath. Appleton s Guide, 1864. Ashurst, R. Hill s plan, 1838. Bowen, E., U. S. P. Office Guide, 1851. British Postal Guide, 1859. P. 998. Canada, Postmaster Gen ls reports, 1859-62. Catalogue of Stamps, 1863. Crawfurd, J., Newspaper postage, 1836. Derecourt, International Postage,! 854. P. 425. France : Post Office, 1806. Gr. Brit., Penny postage act, 1839. Debates, 1811. " Newspaper stamps, 1851. " Postmaster Genl s Report, 1857. Kline, Stamp Coll. Manual, 1863. Lawrence, A., Cheap Ocean Post, 1851. P. 266. Leavitt, J., Cheap Postage, 1848. Matteson, Speech on, 1851. Pamphlets on, vol. 998. Portugal, Refortna Postal, 1852. Postal Reform, N. Y., 1856. Rainey, Ocean Post, 1858. U. S., Post Offices, Lists of, etc., 1811- 1869. " Rates of Postage, 1850. Potashes; Potassa. See Chemistry. Potato. Bonjean, De la pomme de terre, 1845. Potato (continued) Goodrich, On the Culture of, 1852. P. 70. Phillips, G., The Potatoe Diseaee, 1845. P. 23. Raley, Management of, 1782. Ro ers, J W., P. Truck System, 1847. Vrolik, Ziekte der Aardappelen, 1845. See Agriculture. Potomac R. Maryland, Survey of, 1822. Potter, I. R. Life of, 1824. Melville, H., Israel Potter, 1855. Pottery. Birch, S., Hist, of Ancient Pottery, 1858. Bohn, Guide objects of Vcrtu, 1857. Brongniart, Traite des arts ccrami- ques, 1844. De La Beche, Cat. of Specimens of, 1855. Disney, J., Museum of Anc. Fictile Vases. Guillery, Arts ceramiques. Marryatt, J., Hist, of Pottery and Porcelain, 1850. Merrifield, Arts of Painting, 1849. Porter, G. K., Porcelain Manufacture. Ziegler, J., Etudes cerainiques, 1850. See Glass; Arts. Potts, G. Sprague, W. B., Sermon on. Potts, J. Neill, E. D., Biog. Sketch of, 1863. Poughkeepsie, If. Y. Directory, 1850, 1856, 60, 61, 63. Poultry. Bement, Poulterer s Compan ion, 1856. Bennett, J. C., Poultry Book, 1853. Boswell, P., Poultry Yard, 1841. Cantelo, Of Hatching Eggs, 1851. Cock, Am. Poultry Book, 1843. Dipple, Poultry Keeper s Man., 1848, P. 430. Miner, Poultry Book, 1853. New Eng. Soc . . . . for Poultry, 1849- 1852. Richardson, II . D., Domestic Fowl, 1854. See Agriculture ; Birds. Powell, T. Brown, J. H., Sermon on, 1856. Van Kleeck, Memorial of, 1857. Power, T. Gough, H. T., Monody on. Pownall, Gov. T. Griffin, F., Junius discovered. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 5, 6. Nichols, Lit. Anec., v. 8, p. 60; Lit. Illust., v. 7. Poyais. Stt Nicaragua. PREDESTINATION. 461 Practical Religion. Morals. See Religion; Praed, W. M. Poems and life. Prairie du Chieu. Atwater s writings, Tour to, 1833. Brunson, A., Account of, 1857. Praslin, C., Dae de Choiseul. Hist, of the tragedy, 1847. P. 1011. Pratt, J. Descendants of, by Stilhnan Pratt. Pratt, W. Descendants of, (Chapman), 1864. Pratt, Z. Biography of. " Chronol. and Genealogy, 1857. Prattsville, N. Y. Pratt, Z., Descrip tion of, 1847. P. 530. Prayer and Forms of Prayer. Altar at home, (Miles), 1855. Becon, Works, (Parker Soc.). Bennett, B., Christian oratory, 1776. Benson, G., Design of, 1731. Blomfield, Family Prayers, 1829. P. 308. Brcwster, Family P. recommended, 1804. Bright, G., Treatise of, 1678. Bull, H., Christian Pr., 1566. Chalmers, Sermon on, 1832. P. 559. Christian Common Prayer Book, 1761. Christian s duty, 1730. Coleridge, J. D., Family P., 1824. Course of., .prayers, 1834. Dorrington, Reformed devotions, 1727. Eden, C. P., Early prayer, 1840. Elizabeth, Queen, Private prayers, (Parker Soc.). Evans, A. B., Sanctuary service, 1843. Family Liturgy, 1847. Forms for Consec. of Church, 1850. P. 308. Form for every day, 1751. P. 308. Forms, Victoria R., 1830-49. Furness, W. H., Doinest Worship. Gandolphy, Letter to Dr. Marsh, On Prayer Book, 1812. Gibson, E., Family Devotion, 1809. P. 308. Houres of Adolie. Hunt, J. H. L., Relig. of the heart. Jay, W., Family Prayers. Johnston, W. D., Family Prayers,1844. P. 308. Kniphuysen, Prayers, 1693. Mather, I., Prevalence of, 1677. " Discourse on, 1710. Morn, and Evening Prayers, 1826. Nerses, Preces, 33 Linguis, 1862. New Jerusalem Churcji, Liturgy. Prayer and Forms of Prayer (cont d). Oakham, School Prayers. Pamphlets relating to Prayer and Prayers, vols. 1413, 1732, 2526. Pearson, E , P. for families, 1801. Piggott, S., Family altar, 1820. Pittman, J., The people in Church, 1858. Prayer for the church militant, 1843. P. 722. Prayers of the Bible, (Teneyck), 1855. Presbyterian Book of Prayer, 1661, Repr. 1864. " Preces ecclesiastic*, 1856. Procter, F., Hist, of Engl. liturgy, 1864. Pulpit conceptions, 1662. Scot, Cases of Conscience, on forms, 1683. Slie, D., Tri-daily concert of, 1865. Tyler, W.S., Prayer for Colleges, 1855. Tyndall, Fragments of Science, 1871. Tyng, S. H., Prayer-book illustrated, 1863. Village Family Prayers, 1843. P. 308. Walton, Treatise on, 1833. Wellbeloved, C., Devot. Exercises for the young, 1824. See Liturgies ; Church of England, Liturgy; Rom. Cath. Ch., Lit. ; Lord s Prayer. Preaching. Besplas, Eloquence of the pulpit. Fordyce, The art of, 1755. Inefficsicy of, (Coyer), 1771. Langhorne, Eloquence of the pulpit. Park, E. A., The Preacher and Pastor, 1845. Practice of extern, preaching. Roussel, How not to preach. Smith, J. F., Pulpit eloquence. Witherspoon, J., Lectures on Elo quence, 1810. See Church of England; Clergy; Po litical Sermons. Preble Families. Genealogical sketch, 1850. " By G. H. Preble, 1868. Preble, Com. E. Sabine, L., Life of, (Sparks 22). Waldo, S. P., Life of, 1823. Preble, H. Lee, H. R. s Memoir of. Precious Stones. See Engraved Gems; Gems. Predestination. Benson, G., Two Let ters, 1737. Copleston, E., On neces. and predest., 1821. Cooper, W., Four Sermons on, 1740. 462 PREDESTINATION. Predestination (continued). Examen confectionis .... 1692. Fisk, W., Sermon on, 1831. P. 559. Free and Candid Thoughts on, (Ed wards), 1761. P. 300. Fulgentius, F. C. G., Opera, 1587. Gepredestineerden Dief, 1732. Gill, J., Doctrine of, 1766. God s love to man, 1633. Hartley, J., Trial of the Two Opin ions, 1767. P. 300. King, W., Serm., Rom. viii. 29, 30, 1709. P. 365. Kimedoncius, De Div. Prsedestina- tione, 1592. Parker, W., Two Discourses on, 1769. Parnell, T., Glance upon, 1803. Peirce, T., Of Reprobation, 1658. " God s Decrees, 1657. Rogers, C., Husbandman s Aim, 1801. Roots, R., Paul Vindicated. Rous, Testis Veritatis, 1626. Sharp, G., Answer on, 1801. Toplady, A., The Doctrine Stated. Wright, G., Sermon, Of Decrees, 1842. See Election; Necessity; Providence; Theology; Will. Predictions. See Astrology; Delusions; Prophecies. Pre-historic Times* Anthropological Soc., Review and Memoirs, 1863- 1869. Argyll, Duke of, Primeval man, 1869. Bollaert, Pre-incarial monu. of Peru, 1860. Brasgeur de Bourbourg, Quatre lettres sur le Mexique, 1868. Ethnological Soc. Trans, and Journal, 1848-68. Gastaldi, B., Lake habitations in Italy, 1865. Internat. Cong, of pre-hist. Archseol. Trans., Norwich, Eng., 1868. Keller, F., Lake dwellings of Switzer land, 1866. Lesley, J. P., Orig. and Destiny of Man, 1868. Lubbock, Sir J., Pre-historic times, 1869. Lyell, C., Evid. of Antiq. of man. 1863. Moore, G., Ancient pillar stones, Scot land, 1865. Moore, J. S., Pre-glacial man, 1869. Morlot, A., Gen. views on archeeo- lo gjj Smithson. Rep., 1859. Nilsson, On the stone age of Scandi navia, 1868. Philological Society, Trans., 1855-67. Poole, R. S., Genesis of Earth and Man, 18t)0. Pre-historic Times (continued). Thompson, J. P., Genesis and geology, 1870. Toulmin, Antiq. of world, 1780. Troyon, Lake cities of Switzerland, Smithson. Rep., 1861. Tylor, C. B., Primitive culture, 1871. Wilson, D., Pre-historic man, 1862. ** Pre-hist. annals of Scotland 1863. Worsfce, Prim. ant. of Denmark, 1849. See Antiquities; Civilization; Druids; Geology. Presbyterian Churches. Alexander, A., Biog. Sketches of the Log College, 1845. Amer. Prosb. Almanac, 1855-68. Argyll, Duke of, Presbytery exa mined, 1848. Ballantine, The Elder s Office, 1807. P. 622. Barnes, A., Trial of, 1836. Blatchford, Validity of ordination of. Breckinridge, R. J., P. not a hier archy, 1843. P. 859. Brewer, Trial, Cortland, N. Y., 1859. P. 536. Brown, A. H., Hist, of church in West Jersey. Brown, I. V., Plan of Union, U. S., 1855. Calder, Mem. of Episcopius. Call to all the souldiers, Lond., 1647. Century of Presb. preachers, Lond., 1723. Chauncy, Validity of Presb. Ordina tion, 1762. Christian Advocate, Phila., 1823-34. Cleland, T., Presb. Controversy, U. S. Cooke, J., Presb. ordination, 1830. Davidson, R., Plea for, 1844. P. 82. " Place in history, 1854. P. 1811. " Hist, of, in Ky. and Va., 1847. Dill vs. D. Wilson, Ireland. Duffield, Coates St. Ch., Phila. Ely, Proceedings cone 3d Presb. Ch., Philadelphia, 1814. Evans, J. C., Charitable trusts, Lond., 1844. Examiner Examined, Lond., 1732. First Presb. Ch., Albany, 1846, 7. P. 536. Fisher, S. W., Sermon on, 1850. P. 536. Fitz, J., Preab. unmasked, 1830. Forsyth, J., Presbyterianism, A Disc., 1858. P. 536. Gillett, E. II., Hist, of, in U. S. A., 1804. PRESS, LIBERTY OF. 463 Presbyterian Churches (continued). Haldane, J. A., Obs on Brown s vin dication, 1806. Hewley s, Lady, Charities, Engl. Hetherington, Hist. Westminster As sembly, 1843. B. C. Historical evidence, Lond., 1849. History of Eng. Presb., 1834. Hodge, C., Constit. History of, 1705- 1788. Hotchkin, Ch. in Western New York, 1848. Hughes, J., Debate with Breckinridge, 1856. Irish Presbyterian, 185-1, 5. Judd, G. N., Hist, of Division of, 1852. Katterns, Let. on Westminster Assem., 1846. Kingston, R., Sermon on Plot, 1683. Knox, R., Conflicts of the clergy,185l. Lauder, A., Of Bishops, 1711. L Estrange, Interest Mistaken, Lond., 1661. Letter from a Blacksmith, 1758. Makemie, Narr. of Imprisonment, 1707. Marshall, S. V., Peace and Union in the church, U. S A., 1835. Melrose, A., On Gov t of the Church, 1799. Miller, S., Presbyterianism, 1837. P. 622. " Const, and Order of the minis try, 1807. B. C. Nail, Dead of Syn. of Alabama. Nevin, Churches of Cumberland Co., Penn a. Newton, J., Letters to Barlass, 1819. Olds, G. S., Sermons on . .parity. Pamphlets on Presbyterianism, Vols. 536, 595, 622, 855, 859, 869, 895, 898, 915, 1414-1420, 1550, 1733, 1811, 2518. Presbyterial Critic, Bait., 1.955, 6. Presbyterial Reporter, Milwaukee, 1852. P. 1811. Presb. Almanac, 1843, 5fi, 60, 62. Presb. Church, England, 1661. " Vindication of, 1649. " Form of gov t of, 1648. Presb. Ch. U S. of America, Records, 1706-88. Minutes, to 1868. < Minutes of, (New School), 1838- 1861. " Reports on Education, Church Extension, Missions. " Presb. of Albany, 1821-1839. " Presb. of Rochester, Semi Cen- tenn., 1869. Presbyterian Churches (continued). Presb. Hist. Almanac. 1859-68. Presbyterian Magazine, Phil a, 1821- 1822. Presbytery Reporter, Chicago, 1851- 1865. Ref. Pres. Ch., Principles, 1852. Ref. Pres. Ch. of Scotland, 1842. Scott, T., Articles of Synod of Dort and history, 1831. Short Surveigh, 1663, Lond. Sage, J., Presbytery examined, 1695. Smith, J., Old Red-stone Presbytery, 1854. Smyth, T., Tracts on Presb sm, 1840. " Eccl. Republicanism, 1843. Sprague, Annals of Am. Pulpit, 1857. Squint at a Co-presbyter, N. Y., 1840. Stearns, Hist. Disc., Newark, N. J., 1853. Synod of Dort, Judicium de quinque doetrinae capitibus, 1619. Thompson, M. L., Church, its ministry, 1851. Vincent, Assembly s Catechism. Virginia Evan, and Lit. Ma^., 1818-20. Walker, C., Relations, (Maseres Tracts). Webster, R., History of, in the U. S. to 1760. Wells, N., Vind. of Presb. ordination, 1767. See Associate Church of Scotland ; Church Government; Reformed Presbyterians; Relief Church; Se cession Church; Theology. Prescott Family. Memorial, 1870. Prescott, W. Young, A., Disc., Death of, 1844. P. 554. Prescott, W. H. Historical Magazine, Life of, 1859. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc., Bost., 1859. Ticknor, G., Life of, 1864. Presidential Election, 1856. Pam. vol. 537. See Political, American. Press, Liberty of. Buckingham, J. S., Statement, 1821. Budgell, E., Letter to Ypres, 1731. Chateaubriand, De la Censure, 1822. P. 513. Censorship of. Pamph r 24. Cobbett, Republican Judge, 1798. Connon, Liberty of, in India, 1857. Considerations on the matter, 1791. Constant, Liberty of. Pamph r 5. Crapelet, Des Brevets d Imprimeur, 1704, 39, 1810, 30, 40. Dissertation on Freedom of, 1801. Essay on the liberty of, 1755. i Gentz, Liberty of, Great Britain. 464 PRESS, LIBERTY OF. Press, Liberty of (continued). Hall, R., Apology for, 1793. Hanson, Argument for Irvine, 1808. Hay, G., Essay on liberty of, 1799, 1803. Hughes, J., Catholic Press, 1856. Hunt, F. K., Hist, of Newspapers and Lib. of press, 1850. Just vindication of learning, 1679. L Estrange, Regulation of, 16fi3. Milton, J., For unlicensed printing: Works, vol. 2. Morris, R., Letter, on doctrine of li bels, 1770. Muquardt, Propriete litteraire, 1851. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 703. Phocion to Cato, 1821. Sullivan, J., 1 iss. on Lib. of, 1801. Thomson, J., Enquiry ... .liberty of, 1801. P. 103. Zenger, J. P., Trial of, N. Y., 1765. See Libels; Literary Property ; Books; Typography; Biographies of Prin ters. Preston Family. Descendants, 1864. Priapus. See Mythology. Price, A. Ivimey, J., Life of. 1819. Price, R. Kippis, A., Fun. Address on, 1791. Morgan, W., Review of his writings, 1795. Life of, 1815. Priestley, J., Serin., death of. Prices. Blane, G., Of High Prices. Pam phleteer, v. 9. Cooke, E., Cause of Increased Price. Pamphleteer, v. 14. Heslop, Assize of Bread, 1799. Pamphlets on Prices, vol. 821. Thoughts . . . .prices of provisions, 1800. Tooke, T., History of Prices, 1838. Wade, History of Prices, 1835. Young, A., Rise of Prices. Pamphl r v. 6. " Regular price of Wheat, 1800. P. 730. See Political Economy. Prichard, J. C. Symonds, Life of, 1849. Prideaux, Gen. Orderly Book, 1759, MS. Priestley, J. Belsham, T., Sermon on, 1804. " Vindication of. Cobbett, Observations on, 1795. - Cuvier,Eulogiuin on. Warden s Trans., 1807. e< The Same. Alexander s Trans., 1858. " La Roehefoucault, Travels. Priestley, J. (continued). Lindsey, Vind. Priestleianae, 1788. Priestley, J., Memoirs, 1806. " Works and correspondence. Remarks upon Dr. P. s2d letter, 1786. Twig of birch, Emigration of Dr. P., 1795. Wansey, Travels, 1794. Wood, W., Sermon on, 1804. Priests. See Clergy. Primitive Church. See Christianity; Church Hist. Primogeniture. Rogers, J. E. T., Letters, 1864. See Nobility. Prince, Mrs. IV. Life of, 1853. Prince, Thomas. Drake, S. G., Me moirs of, 1851. Wisner, B. B., Hist, of Old South Church. Prince Edward s Is. Account of, 1839. Colonial Herald. 1837-40. Monro, A., Account of, 1855. Royal Gazette, 1837-44. See Nova Scotia; Newfoundland. Princeton, Ms. Centennial, 1860. Hanaford, History of, 1739-1852. Princeton, N. J. Schenck, History first Presb. Church, 1850. Princeton Theol. Sem. Sketch, 1817 : Catalogues of Students. Semi-centen. celeb., Sprague s disc., 1862. MoGill, Inauguration of, 1854. Printers and Printing. See Biographies of; Typography; Specimens. Prism. See Spectrum analysis. Prisons. A dshead, Prisons and Prisoners, 1845. Alabama Penitentiary, 1851. P. 162. Albany Co. Peniten., Reports, 1848- 1870. Allday, Goal of Birmingham, 1853. Baltimore, II. of Refuge, 1856. P. 228. Beaumont, Systeme Peniten. aur Etats-Unis, 1836. ef Peniten. System in the U. S., 1833. Belgium: Statistique des, 1849. Blosseville, Colonies Penales d Angle- terre, 1831. Boston, Reports, 1856, 7. " Houses of Industry and Re form, Reports, 1838-49. Boston Soc. for discharged convicts, 1847, 48, 50. P. 160, 162. Bowen, T., Thoughts on disc., 1797. PRISONS. 4G5 Prisons (continued). Bowring, Prisons in Spain and Portu- i gal. Pamph r 23. Brice, J. R. Secrets of Mt. Pleasant, 1839. P. U30. Buxton, T. F., Inq. on Prison Disci- pline, 1818. Canada, Annual Reports, 1855, 60, 66. ; Carey, M., Thoughts on Penitentia- j ries, 1831. Chipman, Report of Examination of, 1834. P. 176. Clay, Mem. of Chaplain Clay, Lond., 1861. Comments on N. Y. State Prisons, 1833. P. 159. Connecticut: Reports on, 1826, 29, 32. P. 191. Coxe, W., In Russia, Sweden, 1781. Crawford, W., Report of Inspectors of, 1837. Demetz, Resume sur, 1848. Dix, D. L., Remarks on, 1845. Dixon, Prison World, 1850. Dugat, Champs d asile en Algerie. P. 16. Dyer, D., Hist, of Albany Pent y, 1867. Erie County Peniten. Report, 1856. P. 538. Fay, Imprisonment for debt, 1818. Field, J., Prison Discipline, 1848. Foulke, W. P., Penal Syst. of Penna., 1855. P. 191. Cellular separation, 1861. France, Prisons: Rapports, 1838-43. Fry, E., Memoirs, 1847-48. Good, J. M., Letter on the tread-wheel. Pamph r 23. Gould, J. S., Food for Prisons, 1852. P. 539. Gray, F. C., Prison Discipline in Am., 1847. Gr. Brit. : Prisons, 1729. " Construction of P., 1844. " Prisons, Report, 1850, 51. P. 538; 1870. Grillon, Construction des Prisons, 1854. Gurney, J. J., Prisons in Scotland, 1818. Halles-Claparede, Pris. de la Prusse, 1843. P. 1109. Holford, G., Thoughts on, 1821. " Peniten. at Milbank, 1828. House of Refuge, Phila., Reports, 1830-44. P. 163. Houses of Refuge, Pamph. vols. 507, 1340, 1522. Howard, J., Prisons of Engl., 1789-92. Hubbell, G. B., Remarks on Disci pline, 1859. Impartial statement, Cruelties, 1800. 59 Prisons (continued). Inquiry ... .on separation of convicti, 1849. Ingestre, Meliora, 1852, 53. Iowa Penitentiary, Report, 1856. P. 245. Jebb, Ventil. and construction, 1844. Jongh, Het Gevangeniswezen in d Nederlanden, 1846. La Farelle, Regime peniten. du Nou- vcau monde, 1844. P. 16. Letters on the Compar. Merits, 1836. Lieber, F., Subjects of penal law^ 1838. P. 164. Livingston, E., Letter on Penn. syst., 1828. Luckey, S., Prison Sketches, 1849. Maconochie, A , Benevolence in pun ishment, 1845. Marquet-Vasselot, Moralite des loia penaies, 1838. Maryland Peniten., 1847. P. 538. Mass., Prisons, Returns, 1850-56. " Prison inspectors rep., 183550. " Reform schools, reports, 1847, 49, 50. Mechanics State Conr., Utioa. P. 161. Mirabeau, ffiuvres, Lettres de cachet, 1834-35. B. C. Mollet, Emprisonn. Cellulaire, 1848. Moreauj Reforme des prisons de la G. Bretagne, 1838. t( Mortalitc dans le regime peni ten., 1839. National Cony., Proc., Cine., 1870. Nederlandsche gonootschap, 1857, 58. Neild, J., Prisons of Gr. Brit., 1812. Nelson, R. J., Value of convict and other labor, Engin. Prof. Pa., 4. Nihill, D., P. discipline, 1839. Netherlands, Tabellen, 1845-49. New Hampshire, Reports, 1849, 54. P. 159, 538. New Jersey, Reports, 1856, 57. N. Y., Rep. of Pardons by the Gov., 1852-69. " Reports of inspectors, etc. ,1840, 49, 50-56, 62-64. " Criminal Statistics, 1851-64, 67. " Pamphlets on N. Y. prisons, vol. 856. " Western H. of Refuge, 1850-67. Obermair, P. discipline, 1853. Ohio, Warden s Report, 1851, 56. P. 539. Osborn, C. W., Plea of not guilty, 1847. Packard, Auburn Peniten., 1842. Pamphlets on Prisons, vols. 16, 20, 158-163, 191, 207, 228, 245,538, 539, 719, 822, 925, 1421, 1422, 1812. B. C., 16, 51. 466 PRISONS. Prisons (continued). Parchappe, Plans des Prisons, 1853. Paul, G. 0., Defects of, 1784. Peacock, J , In a French Prison, 1814. Peirce, B. K., Half century with juv. delin., 1869. Penn., Reports of the Peniten., 1831- 1853. " Rep. of Eastern Pen., 1834, 58- | 1866. " Rep. of Committees, 1830, 34- I 1866. Penn. Journ. of Prison Disc., 1845-57. Penn. Penitentiary system. P. v. 164. Penn. System in France, 1847. P. 162. Pentonville, La Prison do, 1848. Phelps, R. H., Hist, of Newgate and VVethersfield Prisons, 1.860. Phil a County Prisons, Reports, 1848- 51. P. 162. House of Refuge, Reports,1845- 53. P. 161, 102; 1860-67, and specials. Phil a Soo. for alleviating 1859. P. 539. " Penn a system defended, 1867. Powers, G., Auburn State Prison, Report, 1828. P. 16. B. C. Preston House of Correction, Eng., Calendar, 1819. P. 1016. " Report, 1858. Prison Assoo. of N. Y., Reports, 1844- 1869. " Special report of Wines and Dwight, 1867. Prison Disc., Auburn System, 1839. P. 164. Prison Disc., Lond., 1835. Prison Disc. Soo., Boston: Reports, 1826-53. Prisoner s friend, Boston, 1849-57. Prisons, Des, de Philadelphie, 1796. Providence, R. I., House of Reforma tion, Report, 1848. P. 159. Public instruction in, 1846. Rat-trap, The, 1857. Roscoe, W., Penitentiaries in the U. S. A., 1827. gmith, G. W., Defence of solitary confinement, 1833. P. 164. Sneed, Hist, of Kentucky Penitentiary, 1860. Soc. for the Improv. of P. Disc., Treadmill, 1823. P. 403. Reports, 1821, 22; Rules, 1818, 1822. Soc. for Reform, of Juv. delinq., N. Y., Reports, 1828-67. Soc. pour le patronage ds jeunes detenus, 1833-52. Prisons (continued). Sumner, G., The Penn a System of Prison Disc in France, 1847. P. 20. Suringar, Bestaan, Nederl. Genoots.. tot. .Gevangenen. " My Visit to Mettray, 1845. Tallack, Humanitarianism, 1870. Tennessee, Peniten. Reports, 1857, 59. Thoughts on prison labor, 1824. Tracts on, 1861-62. Vidal, Prisons de Sardaigne, 1857. Vind. of the Separate system, 1839. P. 164. Wisconsin, Ann. Report, 1856. Whately, R., Thoughts on secondary punishments, 1832. See Police; Punishments; Convicts; Reform Schools ; Crimes. Privateering. Appeal to the Govern ment, 1819. Coggeshall, Hist, of, 1812-1814. Congres de Paris, 1856. General Armstrong privateer, Coll. of papers, 1833. Practice of, Gallison, 1819. Proposed Memorial, 1819. Taylor, R. B., Memorial for losses, 1819. See Buccaneers; Neutrals. Probabilities. Condorcet, Disoours sur. (Euvres, v. 1 . De Morgan, A., Essay on, (Lardner a Cyc.). Galloway, T., Treatise on, 1839. La Place, Essai sur les prob., 1814. Quetelet, Theorie des Probabilitcs,1846. See Mathematics; Insurance. Proclus. Fabricius, Vita a Marino, 1703. Proclus, Works, Taylor s trans. Proclus, Abp. Analccta, 1630. Procter, W. Orde, Sermon on, 1839. Proctor, E.G. Eichelberger, L., Dis course, 1851. Prognostications. See Prophecy; Sec ond Sight; Astrology. Progress. Bunsen, C., God in history, 1870. Everett, E., Remarks on progress, 1853. Froude, Short Studies, 2d series, 1871. Hamilton, R., Prog, of Society, 1830. Hatnpden in the 19th century, 1834. Mably, Du Developpement, 1795. Magoon, E. L., Westward Empire, 1856. Nott, S., Improvement of the people, 1831. PROPHECY. 107 Progress (continued). Olmsted, Orat., Progress of the Age, 1827. P. 514. Philip, R., World improving, 1816. Price, R., Future Improvement, 1787. Progress of Nations in Statesmanship, 1861. Seaman, Progress of Nations, 1853. Slack, H. J., Philosophy of, I860. Smith, G., On doct. of histor. progress, 1866. See Civilization; Social Questions; So ciety. Prohibited Books. Mendham, Index Expurg., 1837. " Edition of, 1840. Oettinger, Bibliog. Univ., 1854. Rom. Cath". Ch., Index lib. prohib., 1619, 67, 1745, 1852. Propellers. See Navigation ; Steam. Property. See Polit. Economy; Literary Property. Prophecy. Almanach prophetique,1850. Analogy of Sacred Hist., 1800. Arnold, T., Two Sermons, 1839. Aslin, A Treatise, 1834. Aubrey, J., Miscellanies. Barton, P., Firinitas Proph. Sermonis, 1757. Bate, J., Use of Prophecy, 1750. Bicheno, Signs of the Times, 1800. Bray, T., Serm., Evidence of, 1761. Brewster, J., On Keith s Evidence, 1836. Brothers, R., Revealed Knowl., 1798. Burnett, T., Theory of the Earth,1816. Churches of Christ, 1854. Clayton, R-, Dissertation on, 1749. Coming Struggle, 1853. Cotton, J., Expos, of Rev. xvi, 1642. Gumming, J., Coming Struggle, 1853. D y, J., Theism, a prophecy, 1763. Dimmick, The spirit of; Bibliot. Sac., 1847. Downfall of Despotism, Lond., 1853. England and Exhib. of 1851. Every lady s own Fortune-teller. Explanation of St. John, 1851. Faber, G. S., Fifth Apocalyptic Vial, 1815. Fleming, R., Fulfilling of Scripture, 1776. " Fall of Papacy, 1701. Galloway, J., Proph. hist, of Ch. of Rome, 1803. Gates, T. R., Writings, 1818. Gorton, Anti-typical Babylon, 1808. Gregg, T. D., Daniel s proph., 1853. Haas, De Toekomende Waereld, 1798. Prophecy (continued). Hales, W., Signs of the Times, 1817. Halhed, Speech on Mr. Brothers, 1795. P. 310. Herbert, H., Interp. of Proph. Higby, A., An Expose, 1859. Keith, A., Evidence of. Key of David, 1855. King, E., Signs of the Times, 1798. Lawyer, J. D., Apokalupsis, 1862. Lead, J., Divine revelations, 1830. Literary and crit. remarks, 1800. Lord, D. N., Review of Elliott s Work. McDonald J., Isaiah s Message, 1814. Maitlaid, S. R., On Antichrist, 1853. Marsh, E. G., Essays on, 1844, 45. Marsh, J., Age to come, 1851. Middleton, C., Exam, of Sherlock, 1750. Millenial Institutions, 1833. Miller, W., Views of, 1842. Moore, D. A., Age of Progress, 1856. Moore, J., 70 Hebdom. apud Danielem. Morhouse, A., Writings of, N. Y., 1816. Myst. Num. in Daniel. P. 1734. Napoleon s Oraculum. P. 618. Newcome, J., Serm., 2 Pet., i. 19, 1724. P. 367. Newton, B. W., Elliott and Cumming s system, 1850. Nisbett, N., Epistles Illustrated, 1787. Nolan, F., Time of the Millennium, 1831. Nostradamus, Prognostications, 1672. Osgood, S., Three Letters, 1811. Pamphlets on Prophecy, vols. 310, - r ;40, 1423, 1424, 1551, 1734, 2516. Park, I. R., Ezekiel s Visions, 1862. Parry, R., Messiahship, 1773. Partridge, New Prophesie, 1684. Peden, A., Sermons on Scotland, 1682. Penn, G., Christian Survey, 1814. Priest, J., View of the Millennium, 1828. Prior, W. M., The King s Vesture, 1862. Prophecie of P. Reillor. Prophecy of Orval. P. 1734. Reference to History of the Past, 1850. Remarks on some parts of Faber, 1809. P. 310. Review of a Pam. on the Coining Struggle, 1854. Riley, J., Proph. explained, 1859. Roos, Illustration, etc., 1797. Rotheram, Arg. for Christianity, 1753. P. 350. Rutherforth, Def. of Bp. of London" Serui., 1750. P. 350. 468 PROPHECY. Prophecy (continued). Sanderson, R. B., Stagnation of Trade, 1842. Schmucker, J. G., Expos, of Revela tion, 1817. Scott, J., Serm., Destiny of Israel, 1813. P. 321. Scott, S., Exp. of Revelation, 1848. Sherlock, T., Appendix to 2d Diss., 1749. Smith, F., Proph. Catechism, 1839. Strictures on...R. Brothers, 1795. P. 310. Stuart, M., Interpretation of, 1842. t( Beast in the Apoc., Robinson s Bibliot. Sac., 1843. Thorold, 70 years captivity, 1809. P. 321. Thoughts on Millennium, 1833. Whiston, W., Boyle lectures, 1708. Whitaker, On St. Peter s Epistles, 1751. P. 350. Williston, S., Millennial Discourses, 1849. Winthrop, J., Appendix to the N. T., 1809. Witherby, On Daniel and Revelation, 1821. P. 310. See Christ, Second Advent of; Jew s Millennium. Prophets, French. See French pro phets. Prostitution. Parent-Duchatelet, Prost. dans la ville de Paris, 1837. Prostitution in Paris, 1846. Enquiry on Practice of Virtue, 1725. Hansard, Remarks, 1844. Hanway, J., Observations, 1772. Le Prohon, Voluntary Abortion, 1867. Mandeville, Fable of the Bees, 1806. Pamphlets, vols. 985, 986. Sanger, History of, 1858. Talbot, J. B., Miseries of, 1844. Thelypthora, (Madan), 1780. See Marriage; Morals, Practical; Wo man. Protection. See Tariff; Free Trade; Pol. Economy. Protestant Churches in France. Agnew, Prot. exiles from France in Louis XIV, 1871. A lord, G., 1860, Life of. P. 674. Archives du Christianisme, period., 1840. Baup, P., Disoours historique, 1842. Bonvoust, J. L., Disc., Edit de Nantes, 1735. Browning, W. S., Hist, of tho Hugue nots, 1845. Confessions de Foi, 1825. Protestant Churches in France (con tinued). Discov. of slan. against refugees, 1708. Epoq-es de 1 Eglise de Lyon, 1827. Fontaine, J., Mem. of a Huguenot family, 1853. French Protestants, Letjre aux Etat Unis, 1857. Gibbons, T., Sympathy with, 1755. Horrible persecution, 1681. Lettrede M. D., 1756. Lombard, A., Speech to Her Majesty, 1665. P. 1116. Marrolles, L. De, Sufferings of, 1830. Masse, Protestants de Nimes, 1819. Merle d Aubigne, Hist, of the Reforma tion, 1849. " Hist, of, time of Cal vin, 1869. Palory, S.^Declarations, 1602. Papal Usurpation, (T. Bray), 1712. Report of a French Prot. refugee, 1687. Smiles, S., The Huguenots abroad, 1868. Societe de I Hist. du Prot. Fran., Bul letin, 1853, 54. Soc. Evang. de France: Assemblee, 1841. Soc. Evan, de Geneve, 1833-53. Synode des Eglises Wallones, 1763. Tonge, E., Massacres of, in Fr., 1679. Weiss, Hist, of French Prot. refugees, 1854. White, H., Massacre of St. Bartholo mew, 1868. See France ; Protestantism. Protestant Dutch Church. See Re formed; Protestantism. Protestant Episcopal Church. See Episcopal. Protestantism. Amer. Prot. Aim. ,1846. Amer. Prot. Assoc., Address of. P. 8. Amer. Prot. Society, 1848. P. 548. Bailie, Catechesis erronum, 1654. Balmes, Protestantism and Catholicity, 1851. Blackburne, F., The Confessional, 1770. Blomfield, Letter to Butler, 1835. Boon, A., De duplici principio, 1839. Bosauet, Hist, of Variations of Prot. churches, 1829. Letter to new Catholics, 1686. P. 356. Brandt, Hist, of Reformation, 1720. Brit. Soo. for the Reformation, Tracts 1-18. " Short Tracts, No. 4-15. Brooke, Prot. persecutions in Switzer land, 1854. Burder, H. F., Sermon on, 1817. PROTESTANTISM. 469 Protestantism (continued). Burnet, Hist, of Ref. of Ch. of Eng. 1781. Campbell, J. N., The Reformation, ; 1844. Carey, M., Views on Catholjc Con- j spiraoy in 1641. Catholic Association reviewed, 1825. Challoner, Beginning of, 1832. Chauncy, Doct. of Godliness, 1737. Chillingworth, Works, 1836. " Religion of, 1854. Cobbett, Hist, of, in Engl., 1825. Colton, C., Protestant Jesuitism, 1836. Conder, J., Condition of Prot. dissent ers, 1853. Crespin, Galerie Chretienne, 1837. Crisp, J., Prot. compendium, 1840. Dalhusius, Salvation of Protestants, 1689. P. 357. De Beaulieu, Protestants safe, 1687. Do Coetlogon, Prot. Ref. considered, 1818. Developments of, 1849. Dialogue between two, 1686. Dominis, Archiep., Suw profec. con- silium, 1616. " My motives, 1827. Du Moulin, A Replie, 1675. Evans, C., Former Days, Lond., 1778. Fox, J., Book of Martyrs, 1684, 1830. Fratelli, C., Vcreenigingh der twee Religien, 1725. P. 109. Froude, Prospects of. (Short studies), 1871. Gardiner, II. W., Emanc. of Protest. churches, 1825. Gillett, E. H., Life of Huss, 1863. Gilly, W. S., Our Prot. forefathers, 1836. Haller, C., Conversion to Cath. Ch., 1822. Hardwick, C., History of the Church, 1865. Harmony of Protestant Confessions, 1832. Hawkins, E., Sermon, 1850. Heidelberg Catechism, 1654. Heylin, Hist, of the Reformation of the Church of England, 1849. Historical Collections, (Hickes), 1674. Hist, of Prot. ch. in Hungary, 1854. Hopkins, J. H., End of controversy. Hopkins, S. M., Prot. of 19th Century. Homo, T. H., Prot. Memorial, 1835. Horton, R. W., Prot. securities, Lon don, 1628. Hurst, J. F., Hist, of rationalism, 1865. Knibbe, Katechisatie, 1724. B. C. Koefler, Reformbewegurg in Deutsch- land, 1500. Protestantism (continued). Labadie, DCS Geloofs de gereformeerd* Kerke, 1682. Leahey, Narr. of conversion. Letter to a Member. . . on Union, 1689. Luther, Bulla In coena Domini, 1769. P. 109. < Wittemberg Theses. " Life of, illustrated, 1853. McCrie, Hist, of Refor. in Italy,1833. " Hist, of Refor. in Spain ,1829. M Gavin, W., The Protestant, 1833. M Gee, T. D., Lect. on causes, 1853. " Ref. in Ireland, 1853. Massingberd s Hist, of, in England, 1844. Merle d Aubigue, Hist, de la Refor mation. " History of the Reformation, 1849. " Hist, of the Ref., time of Cal vin, 1863-9. Millar, Prin. of Ref. churches, 1731. Moehler, J. A., Symbolism, 1843. Molesworth, Not a new Religion, 1835. Mystery of iniquity, 1689. National Club, Address, 1852-56. Nolan, L. J., Of leaving church of Rome. No Protestant Plot, 1675. O Donnoghue, H. C., Hist, of Ch. of Rome, 1830. Palmer, S., Prot. Diss. Catechism. Pamphlets on Protestantism, vols. 1048, 1425-1429, 1628, 1735, 1774. Popery always the same, 1746. Popery of Protestantism, 1850. Protestant Almanac, 1693-98, 1841, 1851, 52, 55. Protestant Association, Tracts, 1839. Protestant Catechism, 1778, 80. Protestant Dissenters Committee, 1796, 1813. Prot. Meeting, Liverpool, 1835. Protestant Quar. Review, 1850-53. Protestant s Resolution, 1766. Protestants Union, 1813. Rankc s Hist, of Ref. in Germany. 1845. Reflections on the Reformation, 1688. Roussell, Cath. and Prot. Nations compared. Sayous, Ecrivains de la Reformation, 1841. Schaf, P., Principles of, 1845. Sleidan, Hist, de la Ref. Lot. and Fr. 1767. " De Stat. Rel. Car. V. Caes., 1556. Societc Evang. de Geneve, 1833-53. Some considerations, 1680. 470 PROTESTANTISM. Protestantism (continued). Some dialogues, 1687. Spalding, M. J., Review of Aubigne, etc., 1860. Strype, Reformation in Engl., 1736-38. Tercentenary Anniv. of Heidelberg Catech., 1863. T6moin de la Verite, 1850. Tillotson, Serm., Prot m Vindicated, 1680. Upham, C. W., Principles of: a Ser mon, 1826. P. 106. Weninger, F. X., Prot. and Infidelity, 1862. Weiss, Hist, do la Reformation, 1854. Young, M., Life of A. Paleario, 1860. Zurich, The, Letters, 1537-1602. See Church; Presbyterian; Puritans; Roman Catholic Church, etc. ; Augsburgh Confession; Sisters of Mercy. Protozoa. See Natural History; Zoolo gy; Microscope; Zoophytes. Proiulfit, A. Forsyth, J., Memoirs of, 1846. Prorerbs. Apostolius, M.. Parcemiro, 1619. Ben-Sira, Proverbia, 1597. Bohn, Polyglott of foreign Proverbs, 1857. " Hand-book of, Ray s, etc. ,1855. Book of Crests, (Mottoes), 1854. Draxe, Bibliot. Scholastica, 1654. Erasmus, Adagiorum chiliades qua- tuor, 1574. Grose, F., Glossary and Proverbs,18ll. Hazlitt, W. C.. Eng. Proverbs and phrases, 1869. Herbert, G., Jacula prudentium, (Works). Luther, M., Spruch-und-schatz Kast- lein, 1824. Lycosthenes, Apotheg. ex opt. Script., 1684. Nopitseh, Handb. der Sprichworter, 1833. Reusnerius, Symbola heroica, 1650. Trench, On the lessons in, 1856. Tupper, Philos. of Proverbs, 1851. See Emblems; Maxims; Quotations; Bible. Providence. Berkeley, Theory of Vis ion, 1733. P. 236. Birch, T., Serm., Const, of Man, 1749. P. 1006. Bridgea, Divine Wisdom, 1737. Bridgewater Treatises, 9 vols. Bunsen, C. De., God in history, 1868- 1870. Croly, G., Divine Providence, Lond., 18:54. Providence (continued). Drummond, Sir W., Academ. ques tions, 1805. Durham, Prize Essay, 1804. Franck, A. H., Footsteps of Prov., 1788. Gorman, J. B., Phil, of animated ex istence, 1845. Gregory, T., Doctrine of, 1694. Pilkington, Doctrine of, 1838. Priest, J., Wonders of, 1825. Proclus, Essay on Providence. Rotheram, Sermon on, 1762. Salvien, Opera, 1684. " De la providence, 1701. Sanford, M., Punitive Justice, 1855. P. 558. Thurling, Things of Time, 1837. P. 339. Young, E., Vindication of, Sermon, 1747. P. 370. See Predestination ; God; Theol. Providence, Rh. Is. Hagar, W., Hist. First Bapt. Church. Pitman, J., Centennial disc., 1836. Providence, Marr. and Deaths, 1859- 1866. Providence Directory, 1832, 61, 62. Rhode Island Hist. Coll., v. 5. Snow, E. M., Statistics of, 1855-60. Staples, W. R., Annals of, 1843. Tucker, M., Centennial Serm., 1843. See Brown University. Provoot, Bp. Norton, J. N., Life of. Perry, Fragment on. Prndden, N. Robbins, T., Sermom, Death of. Prussia. Atkinson, E. W., Mem. of Queenss of, 1856. Campbell, J., Court of Frederick, 1842. Cappe, N., Serm. on victory of, 1757. Carlyle, T., Life of Frederick the Great. Cernitius, Viea des Electeurs de Bran- denbourg, 1707- Denina, Vita di Federioo II, 1789. Dover, Lord, Life of Frederick II, 1839. Franckel, Thanksgiving Serm. on vic tory of, 1757. Frederica de Prusse, Memoires, 1812. Frederick II, (Euvres, 1846-53. Germanic Empire, 1803. P. 1322. Krug. Statistik, 1805. Letters of Times Corresp t on the war, 1870-71. McCabe, Hist, of the war, 1870-71. Memoires de la Maison de Brande- bourg, 1787. PURITANS. 471 Prussia (continued). Mirabeau, II. G. de, De la Monarchic Prussienne, 1788. " Secret hist, of Court of I Berlin, 1789. Muffling, Passages: Campaign of 1813, ! 1814. Natural reflexions, 1745. Prussia, Vindication of, 1756. Tabellen, 1858. " Von den Eisenbahnen, 1863. Ranke, Hist, of, 1849. Towers, J., Life of Frederick III, 1788. See Germany; Frederick. Pruyn, D. Wyckoff, Serm. on, 1843. P. 268. Pruyn, II. Wyckoff, Serm. on, 1855. P. ! 268. Psalmanazar, G. Descr. of Formosa and Vind. of self, 1704. Psalms. See Hymns. Psychology. See Philosophy; Soul; Magnetism. Public Spirit. See Patriotism. Public Works. See Great Britain; Uni ted States; Engineering; Archi tecture; Railways, etc. Puget s Sound. Petermann, A., Mit- theilungen, 1859. See Vancouver; Brit. Columbia; Wash ington Terr. Pugilism. American Fistiana. Maclaren, On Training, I860. See Gymnastics. Pugin, A. W. Reply to, 1837. P. 1221. Pnlaski, Count. Bentalou, P., Reply on, to Johnson, 1826. Johrson, Remarks, 1825. Pulaski, History of. See Lovzinski. Pulaski vindicated, 1824. Sparks, J., Life of, vol. 14. Pulpit. See Clergy- Elocution; Preach ing. Pulteney Estate. Remarks. P.v. 1247. Pumps. See Inventions; Hydrodynamics. Punctuation. See Language, English; Writing. Punishments. Adderley, Pun. not Ed ucation, 1856. Anthony, Sanctions of Law, 1857. P. 269. Barnard, H., Reformatory education. Boyd, On Transportation, 1847. Bucquet, Jeunes Detenus, 1853. Buxton, T. F., Speech, Severity of, 1821. P. 403. Carpenter, Mary, Our Convicts, 1864. Punishments (continued). Clay, J., Crime in England, 1850. P. 403. " Life of Chaplain Clay. Combe, G., Crim. Legislation, 1854. Dyer, G., Practice of Benevolence, 1795. Eckhartshausen, Von den Quellen der Verbrechen, 1783. Fielding, Prevention of Robberies, 1755. Foulke, Cellular separation, 1861. P. 1041. Good, J. M., On the tread -wheel. Pamph r 28. Uaskins, G. A., What shall we do, 1853. Loveless, G., Dorchester laborers, 1837. Maekonochie, Benevolence in punish ment, 1845. Montagu, B., Of death for forgery, 1830. " Debates on, 1811. Murray, P., Of Transportation, 1857. Pamphlets on Punishments, 403, 1430, 1431, 1541. Phil a Society, Separate confinement, 1867. Prisoner s Friend, Bost., 1848-57. Remade, Les Infanticides, 1845. Rogers, H., Greyson Letters, 1857. Saint Clair, U. S. Crime Calendar, 1833. Smith, G. W., Solitary confinement, 1833. Tallaok, Humanitarianism, 1871. Wally, Cess-pool of Crime, 1853. P. 539. Whately, R., On Secondary punish., 1832. See Capital Punishment; Convicts; Crime ; Houses of Refuge ; Prisons ; Reform Schools. Purgatory. Earle, J., Sermon on, 1735. Purgatorian Society, 1855. P. 548. Tillotson, Sermon on, 1685. P. 536. Townsend, G. F., Sermon on, 1838. P. 377. Wright, T., Legends of. P. 1242. Puritans. Bridgman, Pilgrims of Bost., 1856. Brook, B., Lives of the, of 1662, 1813. Budington, W. I., P. our glory, 1852. P. 1667. Bushnell, H., Fathers of New Eng land, 1849. Cheever, Journal of the Pilgrims, 1620, repr. 1848. Coit, T. W., Puritanism, 1845. Collection of sundry petitions, 1642. Congregational Churches: U. S. A. 472 PURITANS. Puritans (continued). Cong. Churches, N. Y., Minutes, 1837-67. Cooke, P., A century of Puritanism, 1855. Cordner, Discourse on, 1857. Cotton, J., Way of Congreg. churches, 1648. Dewey, Claims of: A Sermon, 1826. P. 557. Dudley, T., Letter, 1631. Eels, W. W., Disc., Fathers and th children, 1848. Emerson, R., Sermon on, 1848. Field, T. P., Disc, on, 1863. P. 1867. Frost, B., Discourse on, 1842. Hall, E., The Puritans and their principles, 1846. Hawes, Tribute to Memory of the Pilgrims, 1830. Hickok, M. J., Sermon on, 1860. Hine, T. C., Our ejected ministers, 1662, 1861. Hopkins, S., The Puritans, A history, 1859. Hunter, J., Of Scrooby Church, 1854. Illust. Pilgrim Almanac, 1860, 61. Keith, G., Churches in N. Eng., 1702. Marsden, J. B., Hist, of, to 1642, 1850. Martin Mar Prelate. See Pur. Disc. Tracts. Miall, J. G., Footsteps of our fore fathers, 1852. Neal, D., History of the Puritans, 1517-168*, 1837, 44. " Hist, of New England, 1720, 47. Oliver, P., Puritan Commonwealth, 1856. Pamphlets on, vol. 1667. Peacock, Army lists of 1642, 1863. Pilgrim Soc., Plymouth, Celeb., 1853. Puritan, The, Essays by J. Oldbug, (Withington), 1836. Puritan Discipline Tracts, 1588-90, Repr. Scott, B., Pilgrim Fathers not Puri tans, 1866. Story, J., Disc., Influence of, (Misc. writings). Stowell, W. H., Puritans in England, 1849. Stoughton, J., Spiritual Heroes, 1848. Sullivan, W., Disc, at Plymouth, 1829. Thornton, J. W., Landing at Cape Ann, 1854 tc Review of Oliver s Work. Waddington, J., Penry sLifo, 1559-93. " On Bradford s Hist. ,1858. Webster, D., Plymouth Address, 1820. White, H., Early Hist, of New Eng., 1845. Puritans (-continued). White, J., New Eng. lamentations, 1734. Williams, T., The Catechism of West minster, 1858. Wilson, D., The Pilgrim Fathers, 1849. Winthrop, J., Hist, of New Eng., 1630-1649. " Humble Request, 1630. Winthrop, R. C., Life and Letters of J. W., 1864, 7. " Disc., Plymouth, 1871. Withington, L., Serm., Puritan Morals. Worcester, S. M., Serm., Plymouth, 1848. Young, A., Chronicles of the Pilgrims, 1602-36. See New England ; Mass.; Plymouth; Congregational. Pusey, E. B. Case as it is, 1842. Cooper, P., The Anglican Church, 1844. Dodsworth, Letter to, 1850. Elucidations of Hampden s statements, 1836. Garbett, Review of P. s Sermon, 1843. Hampden s Theol. Statements. Pamphlets, vols. 1270, 1292. Peace, W., Tractarian heresy, 1863. " An Appeal, 1855. See Church of England; Hampden ; Tractarianism ; Newman. Putnam, I. Cutter, W., Life of, 1847. Dawson, H. B., Correspondence con cerning, 1860. Fellows, J., Humphreys Essay on his life of, 1843. Humphreys, D., Misc. works, on his life of, 1790, 1818. Knickerbocker Mag., 1841. Peabody, Life of, Sparks, 7. Putnam Phalanx, Excur., 1859. Swett, Bunker s Hill battle, 1827. See Bunker s Hill. Putnam, G. Remarks on his Sermon, 1846. P. 81. Putnam, R. Campbell, J. W., Biog. sketches, 1838. Putnam Co., N. Y. Blake, W. J., Hist. of, 1849. Putnam Phalanx. Excur., 1859. Puy-de-Dome, Fr. Annuaire, 1842. Pygmies. Bischoff, Verschiedenheit dcs Gorilla und Orang-Outang, 1867. Du Chaillu, Explor. in Africa, 1861. Morton, S. G., So called Pygmies of Mississippi. P. 74. Ritson, J., Dissertation, 1831. Tyson, Anat. of a pygmy, 1699. See Natural History ; Mammalia. QUINCY. 478 Pfm, J. Forster, J., Life of. Smith, Gold., Three Engl. Statesmen. Pyramids. Belzoni, Discov. in Egypt, 1822. France: Description de 1 Egypte. Gabb, T., Finis Pyramidis, 1806. Greaves, J., Descrip. of; Churchill s Voy. Lepsius, Denkmaol*r aus Aegypten, 1842-45. Smyth, C P., The Great Pyramid; Quar. Jour, of Sci., 1871. Ward, A., Around the Pyr., 1864. See Egypt. Pyrenees. Inglis, H. D s , France and the Pyr., 1840. See France; Spain. Pyrenees, -(Basses), Fr. Annuaire, 1845. Pythagoras. Gale, T., Court of the Gentiles, 1671. Hierocles, On the Golden verses of. Pamphlets, vol. 1542. Somers, Coll. of Tracts j Lloyd, Life of. Taylor, T., Fragments of the Pytha goreans, 1822. Q. Quackery. Phil a Med. Soc., Quack Med., 1828. P. 87- Reese, Humbugs of N. Y., 1838. Thomson, J., The steam quack. P. 713. Ticknor, C., On Quackery, 1844. See Medicine ; Delusions. Quadrupeds. See Mammalia; Zoology; Mastodon. Quakers. See Friends, Society of. Quarantine. Caldwell, Thoughts on, 1834. Clark, II. G., Sanitary meas. prefer able, 1852. Harris, E., Pestilential diseases, 1858. P. 501. Henry, W. C., Laws of contagion, 1834. Maclean, C., Quarantine laws, 1824. " ^Suggestions on the Plague. Pamph r 16. MacMichael, Opinions on Contagion. Pamph r 25. National Quarantine Conven., Proo., 1857, 59, 60. New Jersey, Report on N. Y. Quar., 1858. P. 501. New York, Removal of, 1858. Reps, on, 1856, 7. P. 1807. " LetterofSeo.ofState,1863; " Comm. from Governor, 1865, 1866. 60 Quarantine (continued). New York, Leg. Rep. on Quar. laws, 1846. Papon, I. P., De la Peste. Russell, P., Of the Plague, 1790. Swinburne, Report, N. Y., 1865. Staten Island, Quarantine, 1858. See Cholera; Contagion; Health; Plague; Yellow Fever. Quebec. Adams, A., Sermon, Victory at, 1759. Canada Directory, 1857. 1871. Hawkins, Annals of the diocese, 1849. Hawkins, Directory, 1844, 5. Heury, Campaign against, 1775. Lyttelton, Letter on bill, 1774. Mayhew, J., Sermon on reduction of. Melvin, J., Jour, of exped. to, 1776. Quebec, Memoire cone, lea Grc-ves du Sault-au-matelot. .du Seminaire, 1830. Quebec Directories, 1852, 53. Quebec Papers, 1775, 76. Quebec, Pictures of, 1830, 51. " Hand book, 1850. Reminiscences of, 1862. Seminaire de, 200 anniversaire, 1863. Siege de Quebec, 1759, 1847. Silliman, B., Tour in, 1819. Winter, R., Sermon on, 1759. Queen s Co., N. Y. OnderdoiTk, H., jr., Sketches of, 1851. " Q. C. in olden times, 1865. Queen s Co. Agric. Soc., Addressei before, 1858-62. Queensland, Australia. Emigration to. P. 1683. Queeiistoun. Van Rensselaor, Narr. of affair at, 1812. Quiche Lang. See Languages, Indian. Quincy family. Acct. of, 1857. Quincy, J., jr. Quincy, J., Mem. of the Life of, 1825. Quincy, Josiah. Addresses, etc., 1798- 1856. Everett, E., Remarks, 1864, v. 4. Gannett, E. S., Discourse on, 1864. Mass. Hist. Soc., Proc , 1864. Quincy, E., Life of, 1867. Walker, J., Memoir of, Mass. Hist. Soc. Quincy, Ms. Cutler, Hist, discourse, 1828. Dorchester and Q. Directory, 1869. Lunt, W. P., Century discourses, 1839. Whitney, G., History of, 1827. " Centen. discourse, J840. 474 QUITMAN. ljuitmnn, J. A. Claiborne, Life of, 1860. Quito. See Peru. Quotations. Addington, Poetical Quo tations, 1829. B. C. Bartlett, J., Dictionary of, 1858. " Familiar Quotations, 1S68. Brewer, E. C., Diet, of phrase and fable, 1869. Dictionary of Latin, etc., Quota., 1831. Friswell, J. H., Familiar words, 1866. Hale, Diet, of Poet. Quot., 1855. Jermyn, Book of Epithets, 1849. McDonnel, Diet, of Quot., 1817. Moral Encyclopedia, N. Y., 1839. New Diet, of Quotations, 1859. Notes and Queries, Index to three j series, 1849-70. Rice, Mor. and rel. Quot., 1863. Hi ley, Diet, of Lat. Quot., 1S~66. (See Maxims; Proverbs; Pootry. E, Rabelais, F. Brunei, Recherches bib- liog. sur, 1852. Rabutin. R. Bussy, Lettres, 1727. Race. See Ethnology. Racine, Wis. Wisconsin and R., 1856. Radcliffe, Mrs. A. Scott, W., Life of. Radcliffe, E. Cogan, E., Sermon on, 1809. Radcliffe, J. Memoirs, 1715. Radiata. See Mollusks; Zoophytes. Radiation. See Heat; Light. Raffaello Sanzio d Urbino. Batte, L., Apollon et Marsyas, 1859. P. 973. Eastlake, Contributions, Life of, 1848. Oxford, Cartoons of. Quatremere de Quincy, Hist, de la vie de, 1835. " Life of, (Duppa), 1846. Raffaello, Of his tapestries at Rome, 1838, 42. P. 1235. Vasari, Lives of the Painters, 1850-52. Raffles, Sir T. S. Raffles, Mrs., Me moir of, 1835. Rafinesque, C. S. Life and Travels, 1836. Ragged School Churches. Richard son, W. E., A Letter, 1852. See Industrial Schools ; Charities. Raikes, T. Journals, 1831-47. Priv. Corr. with D. of Wellington, 1861. Railroads, Construction, etc. Ab bott, C. M., Speech, Tolls on, 1858. P. 546. Am. Railroad Journal, N. Y., 1831- 1871. Anthony, J., Forms of car axles, 1868. Baadcr, Bauart von Eisenbahnen. 1826. Baxter, R. D., Results of R. R. Ex tension, 1866. Borden, S., Useful formula in con-, struction, 1851. Brees, S. C., Railway Practice, 6 vol. 4, 1838-47. Broad Gauge, Lond., 1846. Burn, C., Construction of Horse R.R., 1860. Byrne, 0., Pocket-book for R. R. En gineers, 1856. Cammell s Railroad Springs, 1857. Carey, H. C., Railroad monopoly. 1848. Chadwick, Regulation of Laborers on, P. 1432. Chandler, C. F., Water for Locomo tives, 1865. Chaplin, F., Plan for Management. 1856. P. 1553. Coates, S., On R. R. Legislation, 1854. P. 1432. Colburn, Railway Economy. P. 546. Gumming, T. G., Origin of R. R., 1824. P. 1432. Dartnell, R. R. Clearing House, 1858, P. 546. Day, J., Treatise on Construction of, 1839. Degrand, Low Fares on, 1840. P. 546. Dempsey, On Railways: Engin. Prof. Papers, 7. Dowd, C. F., System of National Timo for, 1870. Earle, Treatise on, 1830. Fallacies of the Broken Gauge, 1840. Franklin Institute, Joints of, 1857. P. 272. Galloway, E., System of traction, 1846. Gillespie, W. M., Railroad curves. Great Britain, Report on iron in Rail ways, 1849. Head, F. B., Stokers - and Pokers, 1850. Herron s Trellis Structure, 1841. Jackson, W., Lecture on, 1829. Johnson, E. T., Remarks on trans continental R. R., 1871. Kcefer, Philosophic des .... 1853. Knight, J., Plans of Construction, 1838. Laing, Obs. on Strutt s bill, 1847. Lardner, Railway economy, 1850. Lecount, Treatise on Railways, 1839. RAILROADS, EUROPEAN. 475 Railroads, Construction, etc* (con tinued). Lushington, Broad Gauge, 1846. P. 428. Marivault, Des cherains de fer, 1839. Martin, R. M., Railways, 1849. Melville, H. S., Narrow Gauge, 1846. P. 428. Navier, On Railways and Locomotive Engines, 1836. Nicholson, P., Railway masonry, 1840. Obser...en los E. U. Mejicanos, 1833. P. 284. Obs. on Mr. Strutt s bill, 1847. Observations on Gauge, Lond., 1846. O Rielly, H., Reform in railroad man agement, No. 3, 4, 5, 1867. Palmer, II. R., A new principle, 1824. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 1203, 4, 5. Pirn, J., Atmospheric R. R., 1841 Rail Road Tolls, N. Y. P. v. 1248. Railroad.. Moral View, 1845. P. 339. Railway eccentrics, on Guage, 1846. Railway Chronicle, Lond., 1844-49. Railway Magazine, Lond., 1836-39. Railway Times, Lond., 1855-58. Reply to "Obs." on Gauge, 1846. Rightway, L., Railways, 1851. Routes to the East, 1857. Sidney, Speed on, 1847. Slie, War of the Gauges, 1854. Societe d Encouragement .... Freins automoteurs. Stevens s plan in 1812, (Albany Inst. Coll.). Strickland, W., Reports on, 1826. Sullivan, J. L., Principles of, 1830. Train, G. F., Observations on street R. R. Tredgold, Treatise on, 1825. Truth without fiction, (Private freight expresses), 1867. Vose, G. L., Hand-book of Construc tion, 1857. Weale, Ensamples of railways, 1843. Whiting, W., 20 years war against the R. R., 1860. Wishaw, Analysis of railways, 1838. With, E., R. R. Accidents, 1856. Woods. E , On Railway constants, 1841. See Engineering. Railroads, British. A. B. C. Railway Guide, 1854. Adam, W., On the Great North Road, 1832. P. 1553. Andrew, W. P., Railways in Bengal, 1853. Atkinson, Caledonian R. R., 1842. Barlow, On the Liv. and Munch. R. R., 1837. Railroads, British (continued). Bombay, Baroda Central, 1854. Booth, H., Hist of Liv. and Manch. R. R., 1831. Bradshaw a Railway Guide, 1847, 51, 1852, 53, 57, 71. Cape Town R. R., 1858. P. 1553. Clarke, H. G., Excursion Guide, Lon don. P. 1573. Eastern Counties R. R., 1852-59. Great Britain; India R. R., 1857. Hudson, G., Report of evidence of, 1850. Letter to the Rt. Hon, L d J. Russell, on India R. R., 1848. P. 1553. Liverpool and Manch. R. R., 1830. London and Southwestern, 1846. P. 428. ManchesterR. R., Description of,1835. Pamphlets on British Railroads, vol. 428. Railroads, London and Brighton, 1836. Railway Chronicle, 1844-49. Railway Magazine, 1836-39. Railway Times, 1855-58. Reasons for direct lino to Manchester, 1846. P. 428. Scrivenor, Railways of Great Britain, 1849. Upper India R. R. Co., 1852. Railroads, European. Amsterdam naar Rotterdam, Verslag, 1851. Austria, Den Semniering. " Eisenbahn Coursbuch, 1851. Belgium: Comptes rendus, 1844-51. Chatelain, Atlas des Chemins de fcr, 1855. Chemin de fer de Namur, 1845. Compagnie . . . . de 1 Espagne. Dobson, E., Railways of Belgium, 1834-42. Duplessy, Chemins de fer de 1 Alsac* 1842. Est-il-vrai! Reponse. . .des interot? materiels, 1864. France: Railroads; Suret6 d exploita- tion, 1858. " Documents, 1823-1860. " Bridges, Notices, 1859. " Legislation des chemins de fer. Situation generale, 1861. Ghega, Chemin du Semmering. " Uebersicht, Oesterreich, 1852. Grande Societe. ..Russe, Assem.,1861. Mount, In the, Cenis Tunnel, 1866. P. 1553. Prussia, Statis. Nachrichten, 1863. Societa Anon. . ..Firenze a Livorno, 1841. P. 546. i Socit tc Autrichiennc, As(?emblee,1861. 176 RAILROADS, NORTH AMERICAN. Railroads, North American. Brant- ford and Buffalo, 1851. Canada; Project. R. R. to the Pacific, 1851. P. 148. Canada: Rapport, Explo. du chemin do fer intercolonial, 1868. Grand Trunk, Reports, 1856, 61, 63. P. 1813. Great Western, Rep ts, 1851-57, 63-66. Howe, J., On Inter-colonial R. R., 1851. P. 571. Imperial Atlantic & Pacific, 1851. Montreal et Bytown, 1853. P. 284; 1856. Niagara & Detroit, 1845. P. 545. Nova Scotia, Despatches, 1851. P. 284. Nova Scotia Railways, 1859. P. 1014; 1864. Northern, 1852. P. 285. Ontario, Simcoe & Huron, 1852. Pamphlets on Canada R. R., vol. 1813. Panama R. R., 1849. P. 546. St. Lawrence & Atlantic, 1847. Squier, Inter-oceanic Railway. Stevens, II., Tehuantepec R. R. Co. Tomes, Panama R. R., 1855. Vermont, Atlantic & St. Lawrence, 1849. P. 148. Railroads, United States. Amer. R. R. Guide, 1851. Amer. R. R. Journal, 1831-71. Appleton s R R. Guides, 1856-71, imp. Cobb, Am. Railway Guide, 1850. Dinsmoro, Railway Guide, 1852, 57. Disturnell, Guides, 1851-56. Flint, If. M., Railroads of Un. St., 1868. Holbrook s U. S. Guide, 1850. Low s R. R. Directory, 1862. Merchants. ...St. Nicholas Compact, 1859. P. 546. Northern Lines, Conven., 1851. Pamphlets containing Railroad Gem- panics Reports, vols. 146-152, 208, 256-258, 281, 285, 544-546, 671, 1203-1205, 1432. Pathfinder, New England, 1852, 3, 69. Phelps, J. A., Shipper s Guide, 1859. P. 529. Poor, Manual of, U. S., 1871-2. R. R. Comp. Conv., 1854. P. 546. Redfield, Route to the Mississippi, 1329, 30. Sketch of the geog. route of a great railway, 1829. Stone s Guide, 1859. U. S., War Dept., Portage, 0., to Hudson River, 1832. P. 148. U. S. Railroad Directory, 1856. Williams, W., R. R. Guide, 1848. Railroads, U. S., Reports of Com panies, etc.: CONNECTICUT. Canal Railroad, 1845. Conn., Commissioner s Report, 1861. Connecticut River, 1847-66, imp. Hartford & New Haven, 1835, 6, 9. Hartford A Springfield. Naugatuck R. R., 1864. New Lond., Wilman. <fc Springfield. New York & New Haven, 1864. N. Y., Prov. & Boston, 18fi3. Norwich & Worcester, 1840, 50. i ILLINOIS AND INDIANA. Bellefontaine <fe Indiana, 1850. Central Military Tract, 1856. Chicago & Alton, 1869. Chicago & Northwestern, 1862, 65, 67. Chicago & Rock Island, 1855, 64. Chicago, Burlington A Quincy, 1860, 64. Chicago, Danville & Vincennes, 1870. Chicago Railroads, 1854. Chicago, St. Paul, etc., 1852-57. , Danville, Urbana, etc., 1869. Galena & Chicago, 1859, 61, 62. Great Western, 1857, 64. Illinois: R. R. & Warehouse Comm. Report, 1871. Illinois Central, 1851-57, 60-64. Indianapolis, Bloomington, etc., 1870. Lafayette <fc Indianapolis, 1851. Louisville, New Albany & Chicago, 1861. Mount Vernon, 111., 1859. Northern Indiana, 1851. Ohio & Mississippi, 1867. Rock IB. <fc St. Louis, 1868. St. Louis, Terre Haute, etc., 1864. Terre Haute & Alton, 1855. Terre Haute & Richmond, 1863. Toledo, Wabash & Western, 1868. IOWA. Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Minn., 1869. Central, of Iowa, 1870. Desmoine Company, 1856. Dubuque & Pacific, 1855. Mississippi and Missouri, 1856. Nebraska and South Iowa, 1858. MAINE. European & North American, 1850. Maine, N. Y. to London, 1850. Portland, Saco <fc Portsmouth, 1856, I860, 69, 70. St. Lawrence <fc Atlantic, 1847, 52. Smith, F. 0. J., York <k C. R. R. York & Cumberland. MARYLAND. Baltimore A Ohio, 1836-59. " Winans letter to, 1857. Baltimore & Susquehanna, 1827-54. RAILROADS, U. S. 477 Railroads, IT. S.: MARYLAND (cont d). Eastern Shore R. R., 1837. Long, Baltimore A Ohio, 1830. Maryland A Delaware, 1857. Northern Central, Maryland, 1855-57. Western Maryland, 1859. MASSACHUSETTS. Bliss, G., Hiit. of Western R. R., 1863. Boston and Albany, 1870. Boston A Lowell, 1851. Boston & Maine, 1848-69. Boston A Providence, 1856, 65, 66, 70. Boston A Worcester, 1832, 40, 58, 63, 1867. Boston, Concord A Montreal, 1858, 64. Boston, Hartford A Erie, 1854, 70. Boston Railroad Jubilee, 1851. Choate, Speech, South Dedham A Bos ton R. R. Concord R. R. Co., 1844-62. Eastern R. R. Co., 1838-68, imp. Fitchburg, R. R., 1854, 60, 62-64, 66, 1868, 69. Guild, Boston and Western R. R., 1847. " Chart of, from Boston to N. Y., 1850. Hayward, Report, proposed, Boston to Ogdensburgh, 1831. Letter to a Representative, 1854. Manchester A Lawrence, 1851. Mass. Returns of companies, 1837-52, 1856, 64, 65. Mass. Report, Hudson R., 1829. Mass. Troy A Greenfield, 1853, 6, 7. Metropolitan, Boston, 1864, 66. " Review of Management, (Fowler), 1865. Northern Lines of Railway Conven., 1851. Old Colony, 1847, 50, 54, 55, 65, 67-69. Phelps, Speech on Troy A G sh. R. R. Co. Troy A Greenfield, 1853/56. Western R. R. R., 1832-60. Worcester A Nashua, 1849-56, Worcester A Norwich, 1835. MICHIGAN. Detroit A Milwaukee, 1862, 1866-69. Drake, Lake Superior R. R. Green Bay A Lake Superior, 1831. Jervis, J. B., Report on Michigan R. R., 1850. Michigan, Canals and R. R. Report, 1846. Michigan Central, 1S62, 64, 69. Michigan Southern, 1849, 60, 61. Mich S. and Northern Indiana, 1858- 1865. Oakland A Ottawa, 1854. Railroads, U. S. (continued). MISSOURI. Hannibal A St. Joseph, Letter to, Bailey, 1870. " Report, 1871. Iron Mt. R. R. Co., 1855, 57. Missouri, Rep. on Public Works, 1857, 1859. Pacific R. R. Rep., 1853, 57, 59. St. Joseph A Hannibal, 1848. St. Louis A Iron Mountain, 1859-67. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Cheshire R. R. Co., l47-9, 52. Cocheco, N. H., 1858. Concord R. R. Corporation, 1854. Nashua A Lowell, 1836, 47, 51, 55, 64. . " Investigation of, 1851. Northern R. R., N. Hampshire, 1864. Sullivan R. R. Co., 1849. NEW JERSEY-. Cainden A Ainboy, Rep., 1855-64. " Various reports and pam phlets on C. A A. Central, of N. J., 1866, 68. Central Railroad Guide. Morris A Essex, 1868. New Jersey, Comm rs Reports, 1855, 1857. te Report on Caniden and Ainboy, 1856. New Jersey Midland, 1871. New Jersey Trans. Co., 1858, 59. Van Rensselaer, C., Accidents, etc. NEW YORK. Albany A Schenectady,1848. Albany A Susquehannah, 1853, 56, 59. Albany A West Stockbridge, 1836, 42. Albany Northern, 1854. Attica A Allegany, 1853. Brantford A Buffalo, 1852. Broadway R. R. Ass n, 1854. Brooklyn, Atlantic St., 1838. Buffalo A Mississippi, 1849. Buffalo A New York, 1851, 54. Buffalo and Niagara, 1845. Buffalo A Pittsburgh, 1853, 54. Buffalo, Corning A N. Y., 1852. Buffalo, Warren A St. Louis, 1854. Canajoharie A Catskill, 1831. Cherry Valley and Mohawk, 1864. Dewey, W., Rome to Watertown, 1844. Dutchess and Columbia, 1868. Erie R. R. Rept., 1868. Erie Railway, The Local Prcsi on, 1872. Erie, The, War. Grant, W. H., Observations, 1846. Harper s New York and Erie Railroad Guide, 1851. Hudson R. R. R. See Hudson R. R. 478 RAILROADS, U. S. Railroads, U. S.: NEW YORK (cont d). Ithaca <fe Owego, 1832, 3H. Lake Ontario & Hudson R., 1857. Lawrence, E. A., Speech on N.Y. City, 1859. Lebanon Springs R. R., 1852. Local, The, Press on Erie Manage ment, 1872. P. Lockport and Niagara Falls, 1846. Long Island, 1845, 58. Lord, E., History of N. Y. and Erie R. R , 1855. Manhattan R. R., 1866. Mohawk & Hudson, 1826, 28. Mohawk Valley, 1850, 51. New York Commr s Reports, 1855, 66. " Surveyor s Reports, 1857- 1870. Now York & Albany, 1836, 33, 40. New York & Erie, 1841-55. N. Y. & Harlem, 1831, 40, 55, 61. N. Y. & Hartford, 1845. N. Y. & Oswego Midland, 1871. N. Y. Adirondack Company s R. R., 1870. N. Y. Central, 1853-65. N. Y., Newburgh & Syracuse. Niagara Falls & Lake Ontario, 1853. Northern, (Ogdensburgh), 1847, 51, 54, 55. Ogdensburgh, Clayton & Rome, 1853, 1854. Oswego & Syracuse, 1856, 58, 60-65. Pamphlets on, vol. 1248. Potsdam & Watertown, 1852. Remarks of a Tax Payer. P. 146. Heview of the N. Y. Central Expose, 1859. Sacket s Harbor & Saratoga, 1854. Schenectady & Troy, 1847. Seymour, R. R. to Goshen, 1842. Smith, G., Speech on Tolls on, 1857. Syracuse & Bingharaton, 1852, 56. Syracuse & Rochester, 1849. Third Avenue, N. Y. City, 1856. Tioga R. R. Co., 1852. Tonawanda, 1837. Tower, Utica & Binghamton, 1854. Utica & Schenectady, 1846, 47. Watertown & Rome, 1852, 55, 60, 64- 1867. Williams, Map, etc., 1846. OHIO. Bellefontaine & Indiana, 1851, 55, 1858. Cincinnati & Chicago, 1854. Cin. Hamilton & Dayton, 1864. Cin. Wilm. & Zanesville, 1852, 57, 58, 1859. Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 1864. Railroads, U. SI OHIO (continued). Cleveland and St. Louis, 1854. Cleveland and Toledo, 1859, 61, 64. Cleveland, Columbus. Cine, and In- dianopolis, 1853-71. Cleveland, Painsville and A., 1850. Clinton Line, 1854. Columbus, Piqua and Indiana, 1S52. Dayton <fc Cincinnati, 1854, 55. Dayton &, Michigan, 1852. James, J. H., Mad River, 1843. Lake Erie & Mad River, 1833. Little Miami, 1864, 70. Madison & Indianapolis, 1852. Mad River <fc Lake Erie, 1851. Marietta & Cincinnati, 1853, 63, 64. Ohio, Ann. reports, 1867. Ohio & Indiana, 1852. Ohio & Mississippi, 1850, 51, 55. Ohio & Penn a R. R., 1849. Ohio Falls Marine R. R., 1853. Ohio R. R. Guide, 1854. Pittsburgh, Maysville <fc Cin., 1854. Sandusky, Day ton & Cin., 1859-61, 64. PACIFIC RAILROADS. Bonton, N., Disc., Bost Mer. Lib., 1854. Central Pacific, 1865-68. " Statement, 1855. Conkling, E., Benton s policy, 1864. Gwin, W. M., Argument, U. S. Sen., 1860. Kansas Pacific, 1868, 69. McDougall, J. A., Speech, H. of R., 1854. Northern Pacific, Memorial, 1867. Comm. from Gen. Grant, etc., 1866. P. 1873. " Johnson s Report, 1867. Oregon Branch of the Pacific, 1868. Pacific R. R., Act to aid, etc., 1862. Pacific R. R. Conv., Phil a, 1850. Pacific Railroad Reports. P. v. 1873. Palmer, Kansas Pacific, 1869. St. Louis & St. Joseph, 1868. Sweat, L. D. M., Speech, H. of R., 1864. Terminal Central Pac. Co., 1867. Union Pacific, Organization, 1864. " Progress, 1867, 68. Union Pacific Central Branch, Argu ment, 1867. Union Pacific R. R., Views of. U. S. Expl. for Pacific R. R , 1853-54. Windom, W., Speech, II. of R., 1869. " On Northern Pac. P. 1873. See Pacific Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA. Alleghany R. R., 1855, 56, 58. RAMSAY. 479 Railroads, I T . S.t PENNSYLVANIA (con tinued). Catawissa, Willinrasport A Eric, 1853, 1855. " Case with Phil a & Erie, 1866. Huntingdon & Broadtop A Coal Co. , 1853, 57. Little Schuylkill & Susquehanna, 1835, 38, 39. Mine Hill A Schuylkill, 1853, 4, 6. North Pennsylvania, 1853-58. Pamphlets on, vols. 285, 545, 1203, 1814. Pennsylvania: Auditor s Rep., 1864- 1870. Penn a R. R. Co. Reports, 3 vola. to 1867. Pequa R. R. Co., 1849. Phil a and Columbia, 1854. Phil a A Reading, 1834-67. Phil a A Sunbury, 1852. Phil a, Easton A Water Gap, 1852, 1853. Phil a, Wilrn., and Baltimore, 1835-57. Pittsburgh A Allegheny, 1843. Sunbury A Erie, 1854-60. Susquehanna Co., 1852, 54. Williainsport A Eluiira, 1850, 56, 68, 1859. SOUTHERN. Alabama Central, 1859. Alabama A Florida, 1848, 58. Brunswick A Florida, 1855. Cairo A Fulton, Arkansas, 1856, 55. Chesapeake A Ohio, 1868. Georgia Railroads, 1859. Macon A Western, 1848. Memphis, Helena A St. Louis, 1869. Mobile A Ohio, 1848, 49. Nashville Cham, of Commerce, 1856. Newcastle A Frenchtown, Del. 1849. New Orleans, Mobile A Texas, 1871. New Orleans, Opelousas A Great West ern, 1S68. Pamphlets on Southern, vol. 1815. Petereburgh (Va.) R. R., 1847. Pope, South Western Tenn., 1846. Raleigh A Gaston, N. C., 1840. Richmond A York, 1849. Southern R. R. Co., Miss., 1845. Tennessee Coin rs Rep., 1857, 59. Texas Western R. R., 1855. Virginia A Tennessee, 1856. Wilmington A Manchester, N. C., 1853. VERMONT. Connecticut A Passumpsic Riv ers, 1846, 49, 64. Connecticut River R. R., 1863, 64. Pamphlets, vol. 1817. Quincy, J,, Letter to Stockholders, 1852. Railroads, U. S. : VERMONT (continued). Rutland A Burlington. 1848-52, 54-58, 1860, 63. Rutland A Whitehall, 1852, 54, 59. Vermont Comm rs Reports, 1856-66, 1868. Vermont A Canada, 1859. Vermont A Massachusetts, 1849, 64-66, 1868. Vermont Central, 1850-52, 65. Vermont Valley, 1851-55; mortgage, 1862, 63. Western Vermont, 1851. WESTERN. Ohio Falls Marine R. R., 1853. Pamphlets on Western, vol. 1818. Whittlesey C., R. R. with Lake Supe rior, 1853. WISCONSIN. La Crosse A Milwaukee, 1855- 1857, 63. La Crosse A Milwaukee Bondholders Deed, 1858. Milwaukee A Beloit, 1857. Milwaukee A Horicon, 1856. Milwaukee A Mississippi, 1852-57. Milwaukee A St. Paul s, 1866. Mineral Point, R. R., 1857. St. Croix A Lake Superior, 1850. St. Croix A Lake Superior: Acts of Congr. and Wisconsin, 1866. W atertown A Mississippi, 1857. Wisconsin, Report of Board, 1853. Wisconsin A Superior, 1856. Raleigh, Sir W. Drake, S. G., Memoir of, 1862. Edwards, E., Life and Letters of, 1868. Harris, J. M., Life of, M d. Hist. Soc. Kingsley, C., Essays, 1859. Napier, M., Lord Bacon and Sir W. R. Raleigh, Works, Life of, by Birch. " Collection of fourtraots, 1618, 26, 48, 17. Thomson, Mrs. A. T., Life of, 1841. B. C. Tytler, P. F., Life of, Edin. Cab. Lib., 11. Van Heuvel, El Dorado, 1844. Ralston, R. Cuyler, C. C., Sermon on, 1836. Green, A., Fun. Address, 1836. Rambach, A. J. Peterson, In Memo- riam, 1856. Ramcke, J. H. Senior, Biography of. Ramel, Gen. J. P. Journal, 1799. Narrative of deportation, 1799. Rammohun Roy. Fox, W. J., Disc, on, 1833. Ramsay, M. L. Ramsay, D., Memoir 1845. 480 RAMSGATE, ENG. Ramsgate, Eng. Guide to, 1833. P. 1755. Randolph, . Vindication, 1795. Randolph, J. Baldwin, J. G., Party Leaders, 1855. Garland, Life of, 1350. Randolph, Letters to ayoungrelatire. Sawyer, L., Biography of, 1844. Thomas, F. W., Sketch of, 1853. Randolph Co., 111. Montague, Sketches of, 1859. Rank. Millar, Distinctions of ranks, 1773. Playfair, W., Advantages of rank. Qu est ce que le tiers-etat? (Sieyes), 1789. Selden, J., Titles of honor, 1673. Sieyes, E. J., Essay on privileges, 1791. Tasso, Opere, v. 3, 1723. Torakins, Sketch of aristocracy, 1835. See Nobility; Heraldry; Republic; Society. Ransom, T. B. Hopkins, F. W., Eulogy on, 1849. Raphael. See Raffaello. Raritan, If. J . Messier, Hist, of Dutch Church in, 1832. Rathbone, J. Sprague, W. B., Dis course on. Rathbun, D. Letter to J. Whittaker. Rationalism. Brctschneider, Over de Strijdigheid, 1843. Hurst, J. F., History of, 1865. Lecky, W., History of, 1865. Mackay, R. W., Tubingen School, 1863. Murdock, J., Mod. Germ. Philosophy, 1843. Schleiermaker, F. E., Life of, 1860. See Reason; Natural Religion; Th- ology. Ratisbonne, A. Account of conversion of, 1842. P. 674. Ravenscroft, Kp. Norton, Life of. Rawdoii, M. Life of, (Camden Soc.). Rawle, W. VVharton, T. I., Memoir of. Hist. Soc. Pa. 4. Rawlins Family. See Rollins. Rawson, E. Rawson, S. S., Mem. of> 1849. Ray, John. Lankoster, Memorial of, (Kay Soc.). Ray, J., Correspondence. Raymond, H. J. Letters and speeches collected. Raynham, Mass. Sanford, E., History of, 1870. Read, G. Life of, 1870. Read, J. Descendants of, 1859. Read, J. Benson, G., Sermon on, 1755. Reading. Boswell, John, Method of study, 1738. Marcel, C., The study of languages, 1869. See Books, Guides in the selection of; Language, English; Bibliog phy; L braries. Reading Books, Elementary. See Language. Reading, Eng. Coates, C., History of, 1810. Hearne s Journey to, (Aubrey). Reading, Mass. Pickett, Of the South Church, 1848. P. 484. Reading, Bi-centenn. Celeb., 1844. " Cong. Church Council, 1847. South Church case, 1835. Stone, E., Hist. Discourse, 1811. Reading, Pa. Stahle, Description of, 1641. Reason. Coleridge, S. T., Aids to Re flection. Des Cartes, Method of Reason. Durfee, J., Panidea, (Works), 1849. Gambier, On Moral Evidence, 1824. Kant, E., Critique of Pure Reason. Mayo, D., Dissertatio, 1697. Spinoza, B., Critical Inquiry, 1862. Treatise on Human Reason, 1735. See Logic; Mental Philosophy; Phi losophy; Rationalism. Reason in Religion. Bliss, Remarks on Chubb, 1735. P. 333. Bulkeley, Serm., Insufficiency of, 1731. P. 368. Glanvil, Logou Threskeia. 1670. P. 354. Hart, W., Harmony of R. and Reli gion, 1737. P. 368. t Heathcote, R., Use of R. in Religion, 1756. P. 300. Henriquis, R. and faith, 1804. Jackson, J., Plea for, 1730. Kennedy, H., Serm., Human Reason, 1736. P. 368. Place, C., R. insuffic. guide, 1735. Randolph, T., Use of Reason, 1762. Reasonableness of Assenting, 1708. Smith, G., Religion of, 1859. Tottie, Sermon, View of, 1736. Watts, I., Sufficiency of, (Works 2). Whitby, Serm., Reason our Guide, 1714. P. 366. See Natural Theology; Christianity; Rationalism. REFORiM. Rebellion. Brewster, Jus feciale Angl., Laws on Rebellion, 1740. Barbery, Hist, of clemency, 1715. Greene, T., Sermon on, 1716. Kinnington, Sermon on, 1716. Maddox, I., Sermon on, 1757. Milbourne, L., Sermon on, 1682. Pearse, R., Sermon on, 1716. Pooley, G., Sermon ori, 1716. See Great Britain; Pamphlets, 1714- 60; Political Sermons; Treason. Rebellion of 1745, Eng. Herring, Sermon on, 1745. Home, J., Hist, of Rebel, of 1745. Huddesford, W., Sermon on, 1745. P. 1453. Hughes, M. t Plain Narrative of, 1747. P. 795. Johnstone, De, Hist, of Rebel, of 1745. Mills, B., Sermon on, 1745. Nicolls, S., Sermon on, 1745. Ray, James, Hist, of Rebel, of 1745, 1750. Review of the two late rebellions, 1747. Seeker, Sermon on, 1745. Sherlock, Sermon on, 1745. Wanderer, The. P. 795. Rebellion of 1861-05. See Civil War, U. S. Recamier, Mme. J F. J. Memoirs by Mme Mohl, 1862. Memoirs and corresp., by Miss Luyster, 1867. Receipts. Albertus Magnus, De virt. herbarum, 1486. Artist s Guide, 1829. Buchoz, Manuel alimentaire, 1771. Hirte, Der Freund, 1793. McKenzie s 5,000 receipts, 1829. Markham s Engl. Housewife, 1683. See Arts; Domestic Economy; Food. Records. Bartlett, Preser. of Archives, N. H. Hist. Coll. Bruce, W. D., Courts of record, 1854. * Anc. parochial registers, 1850. Cooper, C. P., On registration, Law Lib. Gr. Brit. Record publications, Law Lib. Rolls publications, 1855-69. Nicolas, Sir H., Record commission, 1832. Plowden, F., Enrollingof deeds, 1789. Public Records, Custody, Lond., 1834. P. 1226. Wright, A., Court Hand restored, 1856. See Registry. Redemptioners. Portfolio, Ser. 1, v. 2. | Rupp s Histories of Berks, York, etc., | counties, Penna., 1844. 61 Rcdtield. Family genealogies, 1839, 60. Redfield, W. C. Olmsted, Life of, 1857. P. 494. Red. jacket. Stone, W. L., Life of, 1841. Red River, Canada. Anderson, D., On the flood, 1852. Canada: Reports on, 1858. " Memorial of people of, 1863. Hind, Narrative, 1858. Huyshe, Red river exped., 1871. Russell, A. J., Red River country,1869. Selkirk, Lord, Statement, 1817. " Precis touchant, 1815, 16. West, J., Red river country, 1824. See Selkirk, Earl of. Red Sea. Vincent, Periplus of the Ery- threan Sea, Trans., 1807. See Arabia; Egypt; Suez. Reed, D. H. Keppler, H. S., Discourse on, 1854. Reed, Esther. Life of, 1853. Reed, J., family descendants, 1861. Reed, Joseph. Bancroft, G., Hist. Essay, 1867. Reed and Cadwalader pamphlets, re printed, 1863. Reed, J., Life of, 1847. " Remarks on Jolmstone s speech. 1779. " Reprint of Washington s letters to him, 1852. Smith, H. W., Cadwalader Pamphlets, 1856. Reed, R. R. Addresses, Death of, 1865. Reed, R. T. Six months in a convent, 1831-2. " Supplement, 1835. Review of answer, 1835. St. George, Answer to, 1835. Reed, W. Cozzens, S. W., Sermon on, 1837 Serm. 4. B. C. Reeve, Clara. Scott, W., Life of. Reeve, J. Banister, D., Life of. P. 1228. Reeves, J. Annual Obituary, 1830. Reflections. See Maxims; Essays. Reform. See Parliamentary Reform. Reform, floral. Political. Armstrong, J., Church Penitentiaries, 1851. P. 403. Barrows, E. P., Scriptural method, 1847. Bowles, J., Dispass. Inquiry, 1806. Buckingham, Era of reform, 1853. Burgh, Political Disquisitions, 1775. Carlyle, T., Latter Day Pamphlets, 1850. Comte, Positive Philosophy, 1854. 482 REFORM. Reform, Moral, Political (continued). Dewey, A Lecture, 1852. Greeley, H., Hints towards Reforms, 1850. Association discussed, 1847. Ingestre, Viscount, Meliora, 1852, 53. Mangles, R. D., Reasons for being a Reformer, 1840. P. 1384. Michelct, The People, 1846. Penitent Female s Refuge, Report, 1623. P. 509. Reese, Humbugs of N. Y., 1838. Smith, C. B., Philosophy of Reform, 184fi. Wells, E. M. P., Address, 1835. <Se Morals; Political Economy ; Civil ization; Social Science; Society for the Reform, of Manners. Reformation. See Protestantism. Reformed Church, N. A. Graham, D., Proceedings, 1811. Sabelis, B., Thoughts on declension, 1836. Sprague, W. B., Annals of the Ameri can Pulpit, v. 9, 1869. See Associate ; Associate Reformed. Reformed Presbyterian Church. Our Polit. Oaths, 1855. Narr. of occurrences, 1834. P. 895. Pamphlets relating to Reformed. Pres byterians, vols. 895, 905, 915, 922. Reform Presb. Ch., Proc. of Gen. Sy nod, 1848. Reform Principles, 1862. Sprague s Annals of the Amor. Pulpit, v. 9, 1869. Reformed Presbyterian Ch., Scot- land. History of, 1842. Reformed (Protestant Dutch) Ch., U. S. Amerman, A., On the Classis of Montgomery, 1823. Bergen, N. Jersey, Centennial of the Church, 1861. Brief van do Classis van Amster dam aan N. Y., 1772. Brownlee, W. C., Life of, 1860. Buddingh, De Kerk in N. America, 185J, 53. Corwin, Manual of, 1859. " Manual of, 1869. Demarest, D. D., History of, 1856. Dewitt, T., Hist. Disc., N. Y., 1857. Dortsma, Het Aanwesen, 1772. Ferre, Van den Heidelberg. Catechis- mus, 17S3-86. Ferris, I., Characteristics of, 1848. Hudson First R. D. C., 1854. P. 547. Knox, J., Memorial of, N. Y., 1858. Leydt, J., Ware Vryheit tot vrede, 1760. Magazine of R. D. Church, 1826-30. Reformed (Protestant Dutch) Ch., U. S. (continued). Michaelius, Letter, N. Y., 1628. New Brunswick Review, 1855. Pamphlets relating to the Ref. Church, vol. 547. Reddingius, Overden Heidelberg Cat 1806, 7. Ref. Prot. Dutch Ch. of tf. A., Pro ceedings, 1771-1812. " Minutes, 1806-1868. Proceedings of Ministers of N. Y. and N. J., for union, 1771. Liturgy of, 1856, 57. " Address to.... the Seces sion, 1822. " Message to Ministers, Tracts, 1856. " Message to Ruling elders, Tracts, 1856 " Synod of N.Y. city, Proc., 1840, 56. " Synod of Albany, Proc. Remarks on lib. of conscience, 1828. Ritzema, J., Aan J. Leydt, N. Bruns wick, Phil a, 1763. Taylor, B., Classis of Bergen, 1857. Van Nest, A. R., Sermon, 1859. Life of G. W. Bethuno, 1867. Van Zandt, A. B., Rightful name of the church, 1807. Reform Schools. "Boston II. of Indus try and Ref., Report, 1851. P. California Ref. School, Rep., I860. Chicago Reports, 1856-60, 63. Clark, T. M., Discourse, Ref. Sch., Hartford, 1852. Colonie do Mettray, 1S53-9. Connecticut, Reports on, 1853, 58 P 507; 56, 57. P. 1820. Houses of Refuge and Ref., 185*. P. 507. Houses of Refuge: Conven. of Mana gers, 1860. Howe, S. G., Letter on, for girls, 1854. Lamarque, Colonies des jeunes dete- * nus, 1850. Maine: Ref. Sch. Reports, 1856-8. Mass. ; Ref. Sch., Docts., 1847-57. P. 159, 507. Murray, P. J.. Ref. Schools, 1854. Orphans Home, Pittsburgh, 1860. Pamphlets regarding, vol. 1820. Providence, 7th Report, 1858. P. 507- 1861, 63. Rochester Juv. Asylum, 1854. Soc. for the Ref. of Juv. Delin., N. Y., Repts., 1825, 47-64. HEIMS. 483 Reform Schools (continued). Suringar, My Visit to Mettray, 1845. Vermont, Reports, 1857, 8. Warwick Co. Asylum, Eng , 1842. Wisconsin, Reports, 1862, 67. See Industrial Schools; Children; Ed ucation. Regeneration. Brigg, Spiritual Reg., 1816. Browne, S., Travels of Seektruth. Church, T., C. of England on, 1739. . On Wesley s Journal, 1745. Harrower, Four Sermons, 1838. Mant, B., Two tracts on. Whitman, B., Discourse on, 1828. Wright, S., Treatise on, 1802. See Baptismal Regeneration; Church of England; Holy Spirit. Regicides. Noble, M., Lives of, 1798. Stiles, E., Lives of the judges, 1794. See Charles I, and Law Library. Registers, General, Historical, etc. American Annual Cyclopedia, (Apple- ton s), 1862-70. Am. Annual Reg., 1796. Am. Annual Reg., 1825-33. Am. Educ. Soc., Ain. Quart. Reg., 1829-43. American Kalendar, 1794, 95, 98. Am. Register, 1807-10. Am. Weekly Messenger, Phil a, 1813- 1815. Annuaire des Deux Mondes, 1850-64, 1867. Annual Register, Dodsley, 1758-1870. Annual Retrospect, 1830. Archives Diplotnatiques, Stuttgart, 1821. Baird, R., Christian Register, 1800- 1850. Camp s American Year-book, 1869. Collius s Memoranda, 1838. Edinburgh Annual Register, 1808-23, 1826. Examiner, The, New York, 1813-16. Gentleman s Magazine, 1731-1871. Gentleman s and London Mag., 1759, 1765, 67-72. Gothaischer Kalender, 1816-70, Historical and Polit. Mercury, 1715. Historical Register, 1716-38. Hone, Every-day Book. Lesur, Annuaire Historique, 1818-24. London AJagazine, 1732-85. Martin, Statesman s Year-book, 1865- 1871. Massachusetts Register, Record, 1801- 1865. Mercure, Le, Franois, 1611-48. Registers, General, Historical, tr . (continued). Monthly Chronicle of Events, Boston, 1840-41. Monthly Register, J. Briated, 1807-8. Nederlandsche Jaarboekje, 1776-87. Nederlandsche Post- Ryder, 1766-70. National Gov. Jour., 1823, 24. National Register, Washington, 1316- 1819. New York Register, 1845-47. Niles s National Register, 1811-49. Palmer, J. T., Hist. Reg. of U. S., 1812-14. Pamphlets containing Annual Regis ters, vol. 610. Soc. de 1 Hist. de France, Annuaire, 1837. Societe Philoteohnique, Annuaire, 1840-47. United States; Army Register, 1311, 1812-67, imp. " Mil. Acad. Registers, 1828-50. Navy Register, 181 7-68, imp. " Register of all officers, 1802, 1806, 17-69. United States Kalendar, 1813. Vacher, Parl. Comp. for 1845. Virginia Repos. and An. Re^., 1802. Walton s Vermont Register, 1806-63. See Almanacs; Periodicals; Statistic.*; History; U. S. Registers; C^ro- nology. Registration of Births, Marriage* and Deaths. Pamphlets, vol. 240. See Statistics, and Individual State , Registry of Land Deeds. Fortnightly Review, 1871. Ker, H. B., Question considered, 1830. P. 1524. New-Castle, Petition. See Records. Rehoboth, Mass. Bliss, L., History of, 1826. Ellis, J., Narrative, 1795. Newman, S. C., Hist. Oration, 1860. Thompson; 0., Hist, discourse, 1821. Reichenbach, M. Thiersch, I iog. Nachrichten, 1852. Reid, S. Houghton, P., Discours-- or.. 1821. ! Reid, T. Reid, Works: Life of, lr Stewart, 1846. Reims, France. Amiel, Archives le. Povillony Eglise de St. Nicaise. T. 608. Varin, Archives Admin, et Lt-gis. 484 RELICS. Relics. Toursel, Worship of Holy Relics, Cath. pulpit, 19. See Rongc, John ; Treves. Relief Church, Scotland. Struther s, G., History of, 1858. Thomson, A., Hist, of Secess. Church. Religion, Religions. Adams, H., Com pendium of Various Sects, 1784. Brerewood, Inquiry, 1635. Child, L. M., Prog, of rel. ideas, 1855. Colloquies on, 1837. Constant, De la Religion, 1824-5. B.C. Dupuis, Origine des Cultes, 1821. Essay in favour, etc., 1728. Evelyn, John, History of, 1850. Glade, Du Progres Religieux, 1838. Gould, S. B., Origin of Belief, 1869. Hay, W., Religio Philosophi, 1753. Hunt, J., Relig. Thought in England, 1871. Hunt, Leigh, Rel. of the Heart, 1853. | Moore, G., Man and his Motives, 1848. j Morell, Philosophy of Religion, 1849. ! Norton, A., Thoughts on True and False, 1820. P. 8. B. C. Novissima tuba, 1632- P. 1795. Occasional Paper, 1-10, 1697. Orr, J., Theory of Religion, 1762. Parker, T., Ten Sermons on, 1855. Plain Truth, Rochester, N. Y., 1829. Puffendorf, S., Nature and Qualifica- | tion of, 1698. Renan, Studies of Relig. Hist., 1864. ! Robbins, T., All Religions, 1823. Ross, A., View of all Religions. " Les religions du Monde, 1666. Rupp, Hist, of Relig. denominations, 1844. Sismondi, Progress of Relig. Opinions, 1827. P. 65. Steele, E., Five Discourses, Nature of, 1805. See Bible; Christ ; Theology ; Mythol ogy; Antiquities. Religion in America. Sec U. States, Religion in. Religion, Practical. Adam, T., Pri vate Thoughts, 1825. Advice to a Young Christian. Alleine, Alarm to the Unconverted. Baptistery, The, (J. Williams), 1844. Bartoli, L Eternita consigliera, 1832. Baxter, R., Select Prac. Writings, 1831. " Saint s Everlasting Rest. " Call to the Unconverted. " Principles of Love, 1671. Beveridgo, W., Private Thoughts. Religion, Practical (continued). Beecher, H. W., Life Thoughts, 1858. Bernard, S., Opera, 1781. Bogatzky, Golden Treasury. 1797. Bogue, D., Sermon, 1800. Breeden, Plain Things, 1846. P. 262. Brodbelt, Orig. Essays, 1796. Brown, J., Remains, 1792. Buck, C., Religious Anecdotes. Bunyan, Pilgrim s Progress. " Holy War. Burkitt, Poor Man s Help, 1804. Cameron, J., The Messiah, 1770. Carson, J., Rcvealer of Grievances. 1811. Cecil, Friendly Visit, 1820. P. 339. Charbonnel, J., Devotion a la sainto famille, 1850. Cheap Repository Tracts, II. More, 1800. Clarke, J., Why are you a Christian ? Cottage Dialogues, 1821. Couling, The Saints Perfect, 1647. Dickinson, J., Familiar Letters, 1745. Devout Meditations, (J. Howe). Divine Breathings, (Lucas), 1792. Divine Maxims, 1755. Doddridge, Rise and Progress, 1812. Dolman, J., Contemplations, 1755. Dream, The, Lond., 1747. Drexelius, II., Prodromus aeternitatis, 1628. " Palaestra Christiana, 1648. Dutton, A., Letters, 1823. Edwards, T., Conversions in North ampton, 1636. " Treatise on tho affections, 1746. Experimental Knowledge, 1849. Felltham, Resolve?, 1709. Flower, T., Union with Christ, 1840. Foster, J., Importance of, 1827. Fuller, Thomas, The Holy State. Gastrell, Necessity of, 1697. Grosvenor, The Mourner, 1783. P. 615. Guide to Heaven, 1815. P. 231. Harrison, T., Topica sacra, 1658. Hasted, F., Writings, 1861-3. Herbert, G., Works, 1846. Hervey, J., Meditations. Hobson, Garden Enclosed, 1647. Hooker, H., Uses of adversity, 1846. Hopkins, E., Exposition of the Ten Commandments. Huntington, W., Bank of faith, 1805. Inmons, Pious Communicant, 1801. Jackson, L., Letter to a Young Lady, 1756. P. 338. James, J. A., The Anxious Enquirer. RELIGIOUS. 485 Religion, Practical (continued). Jay, \V., Morn, and Eve. Exercises, 1841. B. C. Jenks, B., Prayers for Families, 1813. B. C. Johnson, A. B., Religion in the Pre sent Life, 1841. Kempis, Imitation of Christ, 1805, 12. " Little Kempis, Boston, 1836. " Nachfolge Christi, 1810. Kenn, T., Crown of Glory, 1725. Krummacher, The Parables, 1858. Law, W., Address to the Clergy, 1796. Letters to a Young Christian, 1858. Macduff, J. R., Grapes of Eshcol, 1861. McLeod, Power of True Godliness, 1816. Malan, C., Theogenes, Am I a Child of God? 1828. . " Convent of Rolle, 1825. Martineau, H., Devotional Exercises, 1833. B. C. Martineau, J., Endeav. after Christ. life, 1844. B. C. Meade, W., Companion to the Font, 1846. Meikle, J.. The Traveller, 1812. " Solitude Sweetened, 1811. Melmoth, Importance of Relig. Life, 1849. More, H., Reflections on Prayer, 1820. B. C. " Practical Piety, 1812. B. C. Newton, R. , Sermons to Children, 1860. Ogden, U. t Address Salvation, 1785. " Theological Preceptor, 1772. Osorio, De gloria: de Nobilitate chris- tiana, 1671. Palmer, R., Closet Hours, 1851. Pamphlets relating to, American, vols. 90, 93, 219, 232, 495, 623, 2527, 2528. Pamphlets relating to, British, vols. 338, 339, 623, 1433, 1736-1741, 1795, 1796. Pastor s Daughter, (Payson), 1835. Payson, E., Conversations, 1833. Pcarsall, R., Sacred dialogues, 1765. Phelps, A., The Still Hour, 1860. Phillips, R., On Watchfulness. P. 623. Poole, M., Apology for, 1673. Ridley, T., Strictures on party in re ligion, 1841. P. 1275. Romaine, W., Works of, 1837. Rowe, Mrs. E., Devout exercises,1739. P. 1433. Rowland, H. A., Way of peace, 1853. Rundell, Relig. in the Soul, 1845. Ryle, J. C., Writing.", 1853. Religion, Practical (continued). Satchel, J., Thornton Abbey, 1806. Scougal, H., Life of God in the soul of man, 1801, 27. Eedgwick, J., Fragments, 1826. Serle, A., Christ. Husbandry, 1825. P. 339. Shepard, T., Sound Believer, 1649. Sherlock, Discourse on Death, 1814. B. C. Slie, The Closet, 1853. P. 78. " Closet Cyclopaedia, 1851. P.J95. Society for Pro. Chr. Knowl , Tracts. Spencer, I. S., Pastor s sketches.,1850, 1855. Spring, G., Ess. on Christ, character, 1813. Steel, R., Antidote, 1667. Sturm, Morn. Communings, 1858. Styles, T. L., Alarm in Zion, 1828. Taylor, I., Saturday evening, 1833. B. C. Taylor, J., Holy living and dying, 1810, 11. B. C. Upham, T. C., Interior or hidden life, 1854. Valsecchi, Fondainenti della rel., 1834. 1835. Vives, L., Opera, 1782-90. Wadsworth, B., Guide to the doubt ing, 1720 Wilberforce, W., Practical View of the prevailing religions*, 1840. Williams, R., Exper. of spir. life, 1652. Wilson, Bp. T., Sacra privata. " Knowl. and practice of, 1742. B. C. Worcester, N., Last Thoughts, 1829. B C. Young, View of Afflictions, 1667. P. 390. See Theology; Christ; Morals; Biog- raphy; Religions. Religious, Dutch Language. Alar- din, De Geluksaligheyd, etc. ,1738. Alberthoma, Leere der Waarheid,1757. B.C. " Prin. of the Chr. Reli gion, (Westerlo), 1789. Appelius, Aanmerkingen, 1762. Arndt, Waare Christendom, 1747. Augustinus, Alleenspraeck der siele. Bijbelsch Dagschrift, 1840-42. B. C. Binning, H , Ettelijcke gronden, 1678. Bouman, De Werkzaamheden. . .1728. Burgh, Gereformeerde Bloem-Hof, 1721. B. C. Crucius, Guide Regeln, 1656. Dortsma, Der Naam-Remonstranten, 1772. P. 109. 486 RELIGIOUS. Religious, Dutch Language (cont d). Drelincourt, Vertroost. der Ziele, 1719. B. C. Drelineourt, Gebruyk van des Avond- rnael, 1709. B. C. Driessen, Evang. Zedekunde, 1717. Du Moulin, Vrede de Ziele, 1680. Elgersma, De Herder Israels, 1664. Espagne, J. d , Alle de Werken van, 1678. Guthrie, W., Des Christens groot in terest, 1745. B. C. "Hagen, Hus^elyk llandboek voor Christenen, 1834. B. C. " Verborgenheyt der Godsa- ligheyt, 1716. B. C. Hellenbroek, De Kruis Triomph... 1764. Heymenberg, Moses en Aaron, 1710. Ilier beghynt : Vertroestinghe, 1500. Hillenius, Eenigo Keurstoft enj 1755. Huysinga, No dinge Betragtinge, 1716. B. C. Hulk, Troost-rijcke Leere, 1666. P. . 634. Keinp, Van der, Drie Brieven, 1719. B. C. Lampe, Oeffeningen, 1720. Lossius, Gumal en Lina, 1809, 10. Meiners, Jesus, etc., 1725. Mel, De Lust der heiligen . . 1728. Mollerus, Handt-Boecken. B. C. Neugerger, Dagelijck Gebedo. Kiel, Balsem uyt den Boom des Le- vens, 1683. B.C. Pamphlets relating to Religion, Dutch, vols. 109, 632, 634. Itenesse, De Voorsienigheyt, 1658. B C. Royaards, Van Jesus Koningrijk, 1799. P. 568. Rulams, Kerck-heyligingh, 1670 Saldenus, De Wegh des levens, 1666. Schacht, De Noodzakelykheid, etc., 1762. Schortinghuis, Het innige Christen dom, 1750. B. C Smytegelt, Pract. Leer-Reedenen. Spranckhuysen, Balsem, 1731. B. C. Swartte, Oudc. . . Waarheid, 1727. Theminen, Het Vervolg, 1764. Uderuans, Geestelyck roer, 1655. Verloren, Den, Zondaar. B. C. Vieroot, Wcgwyzer, 1764. Westerhout, Afbeedsel, 1745. Wilkinson, Heyligen pilgrom, 1661. Willemsem, Een Graaggetrouw Rent- ineester, 1779. Willet, Meditation op don PB. 122. B. C. See Theological; Sermons. Religious, French. Bonnet, Sermons, Priere du Seigneur, 1837. Famille de Bethanie, 1838. Bourdaloue, L., CEuvres, 1837. Fcnelon, (Euvres, vol. 1, 1836. Joli, (Euvres melees, 1702. Jules Chretien, on Dialogues, etc., 1805. Loys, (Euvres spirituelles, 1613. Saurin, J., Sermons, 1776. Soc. Belg., Traites evangcliques,1838. B. C. Thurlot, Thresor de la doct. chretienne, 1653. Vinet, Indifferentisino religieux, 559. Religious, German. Christliche Hand- reichung, 1821. Luther, Spruch-und Schati-Kastlein. Starke, J. Fr., Tagl. Handbuch, 1710. Stilling, J. II. Jung., Siegsgeschichte derChr. rel., 1814. Theologia, Germanica, 1856. See Theology. Religious Biography. See Biography. Religious Ceremonies. Vanity and Mischief of, 16 JO. Picart, Ceremonies rel. do tons lei Peuples, 1783. See Roman; Mythology; Ritualism. Religious Liberty. See Toleration; In quisition. Religious Opinions. See Opinions. Religious Orders. De Lolme, Hist, of the Flagellants. See Military Orders; Knights. Religious Societies. Missions. See Benevolent; Rembrandt, P. Blanc, C., L CEurre de, decrit, 1859. See Painting. Renfrew, Scot. Crawfurd, Hist, of, 1782. Renfrew, Meeting on the distress,1816. Rennell, T. Life of, 1824. P. 1494. Rensselaer Co., N. Y. Eaton s Geol. Surv., 1822 Directory, 1870-71. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institnte. Reports and Catalogues, 1825-66. Reussclaerwyck, N. Y. Pepper, C., Account of. Van Rensselaer, C., Manor of. From Burlington Gazette, 1844. See Albany. Reptiles. See Herpetology. REVIVALS. 487 Republicanism. Austin, Constitutional | Rei)iiblicanism, 18C3. Barlow, J., Advice to privileged orders, \ 1792. Barruel, History of Jacobinism, 1790. ! Boccalini, T-, Iragguagli di Parnasso, 1674. " The New found Politickc, 1626. " Kundschappcn van Parnas, 1673. Brackenridge, II. II., Mod. Chivalry, 1807. Ceba, Rights and Priv. of citizens of, i 1845. Ensor, G., On National Gov t, 1810. Gardner, D., Treat, on Represent. Gov t, 1837- Grirnkc, Nature and tendency of free ; institutions, 1848. Hare, T., Election of Represent. ,1865. Harrington, Jaines, Oceana, 1700. " The Rota, 1660. Montagu, E. W., Rise and fall of the Ancient Republics, 1759. Moral and Political Magazine, Lond., 1797. Mynors, W., Sermon against, 1716. Peace Republican s Manual, 1793. Plato, The Republic, (Davies), 1858. Poussin, Principe dernocratique aux Etats-Unis, 1841. B. C. Progressive democ. in religion, 1848. P. 46. B. C. Prospects of, Lond., 1836. Representative Gov t, 1863. P. 1590. Revolution in France, 1848. Society for preserving liberty, 1793. Sterne, Abridgment of Hare s treatise, 1871. Tocqueville, De, Democracy in Amer., 1836. <f Review of Tocqueville, N. Y., 1836. P. 926. Truth and Reason, 1793. See Democracy; Liberty; Govern- < ment; Revolution; France; U. S. I Gov t. Republican Party. Blair, F. P., Let ter, 1855. Democratic Rep. Conv., 1856. Fremont, J. C., Pamphlets, 1856. P. j 537. Hall, B. F., The Republican Party, 1796-1832, 1856. ;. - Pamphlets, vol.537; Presidential Elec tion, 1856. Republican Party Conventions, 1856, 1862. Stearns, J. T., Serm., Good Republi can, 1850. P.. 2 57. See United States, Politics; Whig. Repudiation of Debts. mith, Syd ney, Letters on, Works, v. 3. Speed, J. J., Letter on, 1842. Reshid Pacha. Galerie des Contem., vol. 7: Viede, 1845. Resignation. See Morals, Practical. Resurrection. See Christ; Soul; The ology; Universalism. Retrenchment. Ogle, Speech, The East Room, 1840. Randolph, J., Speech II. of R., 1828. Slade, W., Speech on, 1839. Wright, J. C., Speech, 1828. See Reform. Retz, Card de. James, G. P. R., Life of, 1837. B. C. Joli, G., Memoirs of self, 1775. Revelation. See Bible; Christianity, Evidences of ; Pagans; Prophecy. Revelation of St. John. Bengel, In troduction to, 1757. Brief Interpretation, 1855. Browne, H., Arrangement of, 1850. P. 1424. Evidence for authenticity of, Lond., 1802. Nature and Purpose of God in, 1857. Ralston, S. S., New Theory of Apoca lypse, 1852. P. 1551. Stuart, M., Comm. on the Apocalypse, 1845. See Bible; Prophecy. Revere, J. Mott, V., Biog. of, 1847. P. 1857. Reviews. See Periodicals. Revivals of Religion. Adams, W. Ne cessity of pouring out, 1679. Bradley, Account of, in America, 1815- 1818- Buell, S., R. in Easthamptom, 1808. Christian Monthly History, (Prince), Boston, 1743-45. Cleaveland, R. at Ipswich, 1763. Conant. Conversions in 1857-8. Display of God s grace, 1742. Edwards, J., Reviv. in New England, 1740. " Marks of work of the spirit, 1741. Evangelist, The, Utica, 1827. Gillies, Hist, collections, 1752. Griffin, E. D., Letter to A. D. Eddy, 1832. P. 495. Hall, J., Work in North Carolina, 1802. Hecker, The dancing mania, 1835. Henry, G. W., Shoutings in the church, 1860. Hinton, J. H., Means of, 1833. 488 REVIVALS. Revivals of Religion (continued). Kennedy, H., Work in the Nether- lauds, 1752. P. 449. Le Grice, Revivalism, 1814. Letters on, 1828. B. C. Macfarlan, Rev. of 18th Cent., 1852. Nevin, J. W., The anxious bench, 1843. Oneida Ass n, Pastoral letter, 1827. Presb. "of Albany, Revival in, 1820. P. 65. Presb. of Oueida, Revival in, 1826, P. 65. Prince, T., Revival in Boston, 1740-3. Rankin, Revival in Kentucky, 1801. Review of Mr. Cushman, 1842. Sabelis, B., Thoughts on declension, 1836. Skelton, Rev. of Christianity, 1736. Smith, R., Recollec. of A. Nettleton. Sprague, W. B., Lectures on revivals, 1832. Tracy, J., The Great Awakening,1740- 1750. Wesley, J., The Work in America. 1778. See Methodists; Church History. Revolution. Barlow, J., To privileged orders, 1792. Bradbury, Right of Revolution, 1708. " Serm., of resisting tyrants, 1714. Edwards, E., Civil liberty, a Sermon, 1794. Fonfrede, (Euvres, v. 4, 1845. Gamon, II.. Sermon against revolting, 1629. History of all revolutions and rebel lions, 1712. P. 138. Macintyre, Influence of aristocracies, 1843. Price, R., Obs. on nature of civil lib erty, 1776. Progress of the Pilgrim, 1798. Revolution no rebellion, 1709. Revolution principles, defence of Shep- ley, 1713. P. 340. Revolution vindicated, 1777. Roland, Mine., Appeal to Posterity, 1798. Sketches of Popular tumults, 1837. B. C. Talbot, Bp., Speech, on Sachevercll s Trial. Watson, R., Revol. Vindicated, 1776. See Authority ; Charles I, Sermons on ; Sacheverell; Rebellion; Liberty; France, revolutions. Revolutionary War, United States, General Histories. Allen, P., History of, 1822. Andrews, J., Hist, of the war with Am., Fr., etc., 1785. Revolutionary War, United States, General Histories (continued). Bancroft, G., Hist, of the U. S. ; The Am. Revolution, vol. 4-9, 1852-66. Botta, Storia della guerra, etc., 1819. " Hist of the War of Independ ence, 1820. Boucher, J., Causes and consequence! of, 1797. " Hist, de la guerre, 1787. Chas, Hist, de la Revolution, 1801. Greene, G. W., Hist, view of, 1865. Hall, Capt. History of civil war in America, 1780. Hist, de la derniere guerre, 1785. Hist, of the Am. Rev., 1830, (Soc. Pro. U. K.). Hist, of the War in Am. to 1778. Hubley, Hist of the Am. Rev., 1805. Impartial History, 1779, 1783. Lendrum, J., Hist, of the Am. Rev.. 1795. Lossing, 1776, or the War of Indepen- ence, 1847. " Pictorial Field-book of, 1851, 1852. Morse, J., Annals of the Am. Rev., 1824. Murray, J., Hist, of the present war, 1778-82. Ramsay, D., Hist, of the Am. Rev., 1811. " Geschichte der, 1794. Raynal, Revol. d Amerique, 1781. Sears, Pictorial Hist, of, 1845. Shepherd, Rev. Dr., Hist, of the Rev., Lib. U. K. Snowden, R., The Am. Rev. written in Scripture style, N. D. Soules, Hist, des troubles de 1 Aincr., 1787. Stedman, C., Hist, of Rise, Progress, etc., 1794. Warren, Mrs. M.. Hist, of, 1805. Wilson, S. F., History of, 1834. See United States, History; Washing ton, G. Revolutionary War, Partial Histo ries, e c. Adams, J., A Collec tion of State Papers, 1782. Affaires de 1 Anglctorre et de 1 Amcr., 1776-79. Almon, J., The Remembrancer, 1775- 1784. American Anecdotes, 1823. Amer. and Brit. Chron., 1773-83. Amer. Military Biog., 1825. Andros, Captivity on the Jersey prison ship, 1781. Barclay, S., Recollections of, 1859. Barnum, II. L., Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, 1831. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Revolutionary War, Partial Histo ries, etc. (continued). Bartlett. J. R., Destruct. of the Gaspee, 1861. Bernard, Gov., Letters on Government and trade of, 1763-68. " Letters to the Ministry, 1767. . Black List of the Attainted, etc., 1802. P. 40. Bleecker, Capt. L., Orderly Book, 1779. N. Y., 1865. Bradford Club, No. 3, French fleet un der De Grasse, 1781-2. " No. 6, Northern Invasion of 1780, Hough, 1866. " No. 7, Corresp. of Col. J. Laurens, 1777-8. Bland Papers, 1840-43. Bland, R., Inquiry into the rights of the Col., 1769. Bloodgood, The Sexagenary, or Remi niscences of, 1833. Boston Massacre, 1770. Boston Orations: Massacre of 1770. Brown, Capt. T., Memoirs, (Bushnell), 1862. Burgoyne, Exp. from Canada, 1780. Bushnell, C. I., L. Hanford s Life, 1863. Case, W., Revolutionary memorials, 1852. Chalmers, G., Polit. annals of, 1780. " Introd. to Hist, of revolt, 1845. Clark, G. R., Campaign in Illinois, 1778, 9. Clark, H., Disc, at Hubbardstown, 1859. Clark, T., Naval Hist, of U. S., 1814. Clinton, G., Correspondence, 1842. Clinton, Sir H., Let. on kis conduct, 1784. Coghlan, Mrs., Memoirs, with anec dotes of, 1795. Collection of Letters, Newburgh, 1783. Collection of Papers, 1764-75, by Al- mon. Collection of Papers, N. Y., 1778. Cooper, J. F., Naval History of, 1840. Cowell. Spirit of 76 in Rhode Island, 1830. Curwcn, Journal, 1775-84; Loyalists. Dawson, H. B., Battles of, 1858. " Sons of Liberty in N.Y., 1859. " Stony Point Attack, 1863. " How 8 Diary, 1865. " Corresp. on Gen. Putnam, 1860. Detail of Services in 1776-79. Deux-Ponts, Count W. De., My Cam paigns, 1780-81. 1868. Dickinson, John, Polit. writings, 1801. 62 Revolutionary War, Partial Histo ries, etc. (continued). Drayton, Memoirs of, in South Caro lina to 1776. Dring, T., Jersey Prison Ship, 1831. Eelking, Die Deutschen hulfstruppen im Nordamerikanischen Befrei- ungskriege, 1776-83. Ellet, The Women of the Am. Rev., 1848-50. Estaing, Extrait d un Journal, 1782. Exiles in Virginia, 1777. Fanning s Narrative, 1775-83. Force, P., Notes on History of Decl. of Independence, 1855. Fox, E., Revolutionary Advent, of, 1838. Freneau, Poems during the War, 1809. Gage, T., Letters, 1769. Garden, Anecdotes of tho Revol. War, 1st, 2d series. Gentz, Principles of, compared with French rev., 1800. Gibbcs, R. W., Doc. History of, 1764- 1782. Girod, Voyage d un Suisse pendant, 1786. Godefroy, Estampes des Evenemens de la guerre. Graham, Gen. S., Memoir of, 1862. Graves, W., Letters, 1781. Gray, D., Narrative as spy, 1776-82. Graydon, A., Rem. of men and events of, 1811, 22, 46. Great Britain, Stamp Act, 1765. Griffith, W., Hist, notes from 1754-75. Grigsby, Virginia Conv. of 1776. Haven, C. C., Thirty days in New Jersey, 1776-77. Headley, J. T., Chaplains and clergy of the Rev., 1864. Heath, W., Military events during, 1798. Henry, J. J., Hardships in Campaign against Quebec, 1775. Hewes, Traits of the Tea Party, Boat., 1835. See Thatcher. Hildreth, Journal of Arnold s com mand, 1775. Historical anecdotes, 1777. Hist. Doc ts from the Old Dominion, March, 1776 Aug. 1776. Howe, Gen., Report on his conduct in 1779. Hubbard, J. N., Border adventures of Van Campen, 1842. Hull, W., Revolutionary services of, 1848. Humphreys, D., Miscellaneous works, 1790. Indians, The, or Massacres in Wawa- sink, 1846. Izard, R., Correspondence, 1774-1804. 490 REVOLUTIONARY WAT*. Revolutionary War, Partial Histo ries, etc. (continued). Jacob, Cresap s life, 1866. Jenkins, J. S., Lives of Patriots and Heroes of the Rev., 1849. Johnson, Joseph, Traditions and Remi- | niscences of the Rev. in the South, j 1851. Jour, d un officier do PArmee Navale, i 1781, 82. Judson, L. C., The Sages and heroes of, 1852. Kapp, F., Der Soldatenhandel Deut- scher Fursten, 1775-83, 1864. Kidder, F., Hist, of Boston Massacre, 1770. Lamb, R., Journal of occurrences to J783. Laurens, II., Correspondence, 1861. Lee, H., Campaign of 1781 in the Ca- rolinas, 1824. " " Mem. of Southern Dept. of the U. S., 1812. Lewis, Gen. A., Orderly Book, 1776. See Hist. Docts. McAlpine, Advent, from 1773 to 1779. Mackenzie, R., On Tarlcton s Hist, of 1780, 81. Magoon, Orators of the Rev., 1848. Marshall, C., Passages from his diary, 1774-77. Martyrs of Wallabout Bay, 1855. Massachusetts, Penobscot Expedition. Massachusetts I rov. Cong. 1774. Meigs, R. J., Jour, of Exped. against Quebec, 1775. Melvin, J., Expedition to Quebec, 1775. Military Journals of Lyon & Haws, 1758-75. Minutes of the trial for Conspiracy, Lond., 1786. Repr. 1865. Moody, J., Narrative of, (Bushnell), 1865. Moore, F., Diary of the Revolution. 1860. " Songs and Ballads of, 1856. Morris, Margaret, Private Journal, 1836. Moser, Nord. Am. nach den Fried, 1783. Moultrie, Memoirs of N. and S. Caro., 1802. Munsell s Hist. Series, No. 1-7, 1857- 1860. Narrative, Exchange of Prisoners, at the Cedars, 1777. Nash, S., Journal, 1776-77, (Bush nell), 1861. Neilson, C., Burgoyne s campaign, I Bemis s Heights, 1844. New England Convention, 1780. New Jersey, Executive correspondence, 1776-86. i Revolutionary War, Partial Histo ries, etc. (continued). New York, Jour, of Prov. Cong., 1775- 1777. New York City in the Rev., 1861. Niles, H., Principles and Acts of the Revolution, 1822. Onderdonk, H., Incidents in Queen s Co., 1846. " Incidents in Suffolk and King s Co., 1849. Pennsylvania : Col. Reo , Min. of Exec. Coun , 1852, 53. " Archives, 1664-1786. Peterson, Heroes of the. Revolution, 1848. Political Register, Lond., 1767-9. Potter, I. R., Life and Adventures of, 1824. Pratt, G. W.,Vaughan s Exped. ,1777, Burning of Kingston. Putnam, I., Mem. of the life of, 1839. Ramsay, Hist. Rev.,S. Carolina, 1785. Remer, Amerikanischea Archiv, 1777, 1778. Iliedesel, Gen., Leben und Wirken, 1856. " Memoirs and letter*, 1868. Riedesel, Mine., Berufs-reise, 1776-83. " Journals and letters, 1827, 1867. Rochambeau, Comte de, Memoirs, 1838. Sabine, L., The American Loyalists, 1847, 64. Saffell, Records of the war, 1858. Sampson, Deborah, A Continental Soldier, 1797. Scott, W., Rioting in America, 1775. P. 1455. Seventy-Six Soc. Pub., S. Deane papers; Galloway s examination; "Massachusetts papers; Maryland papers, 1855-7. Simcoe, Military Journal, 1844. Sketches of Bunker Hill, 1844. Smith, J. J., Amer. Hist. Curiosities, 1847, 60. Smith, S., Memoirs, (Bushnell), 1776- 1786, 1860. Smith, T. M , Legends of the war, Louisville, 1855. Sparks, J., Corresp. of Am. Rev. ,1853. Sprengel, Die Geschichte der, 1784. Stone, E. M., Invasion of Canada in 1775. Stone, W. L., Border wars of, 1846. Street, A. B., Battle of Saratoga, 1858. Sullivan s campaign, 1842. Sullivan, W., The Public men of, 1783- 1815, 47. Talbot, S., Hist, sketch of the Rev., and Life of, 1803. REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 491 Revolutionary War, Partial Histo ric, etc. (continued). Tarleton, Campaigns of 1780, 81. Thacher, J., Military Journal, 1823. Thatcher, B. B., Tales of the Revol., i 1846. " Traits of the Tea party, Hewes s life, 1835. Townsend, J., Army under Howe, 1846. Trescot, The diplomacy of th^ revolu tion, 1852. United States, Votes and proceedings of Congress, 1774. " Declaration by Con gress, 1775. " Address to Ireland, 1775. " Observations on, 1779. P. 47. (t American Archives, (P. Force), 1774-6. Van Rensselaer, Hist. Disc, of Lake George, 1855. Wallabout prison-ship series, N. York, 1865. Washington, G., Writings, (Sparks), 1833-37. Monuments of, 1800. Washington s Head-Quarters, New- burgh; Cat. of relics m, 1858. Watson, E-, Men and Times of, 1856, 1861. Watson, H. C., Camp-fires of the Rev., 1852. Wells, W. V., Life of S. Adams, 1855. West India Merchant, 1778. Wilkinson, E., Letters, Charleston, S. C., 1838. Wilmot, J. E., Losses of the loyalists, 1783. Witherspoon, J., Misc. works, 1803. See under the several States; United States; Orations, July 4, Wash ington, G. Revolutionary War, Controversy regarding it, chiefly Pam phlets, etc. Abingdon, Thoughts on Burke s Letters, 1780. Adams, J., Twenty-six letters on,lZ80. Additions to Plain Truth, 1776. Address, (Dalrymple), 1775. Address to Prot. Dissenters, Lond., 1774. Address to the People of Gt. Br., from i Congress, 1774. Address to the Rulers, 1778. America Vindicated, 1774. America s Appeal, 1775. American Querist, (Cooper), 1774. Americans Roused, 1774. Anderson, J., Interest of G. B., 1782. i Answer from Elect, of Bristol, 1777. i Revolutionary War, Controversy re garding it, chiefly Pamphlets, etc. (continued). Anticipation, (of debatein Parl.),1779. Appeal to Reason, 1778. Appeal to the World, 1769, Boston. Appeal to the People of Great Britain, 1775. P. 117. Articles of Confederation, 1777. Auberteuil, Administration de Lord North, 17S4. " Essais....sur les Anglo- Americains, 1782. Authentic Papers, 1774. Baillie, H., Boston and Quebec Acts, 1775. Bancroft, E., Remarks on the Review of the Controversy, 1769. Boston Massacre, 1770, Orations on. Brown, J., Sermon, 1763. Burgoyne, J., Speeches, 1778. Burke. E., Speech, Taxation, 1774. Campbell, G., Fast Sermon on, 1778. Cappe, N., Fast Sermon, York, 1776. Cartwright, J., Letter to Abingdon, 177S. Case of American Loyalists, 1783. Causes of the Distractions. 1774. Champion, Reflections on Parties,1776. Charters of the Provinces, 1760. Claim of the colonies, 1765. Complaint against a Speech, 1775. Complete Debate, House of Commons, 1782. Conciliatory Address, London, 1775. Congress, The, Canvassed, by A. W. Farmer, 1774. Considerations on certain polit. trans., S. Carolina, 1774. Consid. on the Bill for Peace, 17S2. Considerations on the dependencies, 1769. Consid. on the expediency of admit ting, Lond., 1770. Considerations on the propriety of im posing taxes, (Dulaney), 1765. Consid. on the late Act, Edinburgh, 1776. Considerations on the measures, Robin son, Lond., 1774, 76. Consider, on the prov. treaty Lond., 1783 Consid. sur PAdmission, 1779. Consider, upon the Amer. inquiry, Dallas, 1779. Considerations upon the rights of the colonists, N. Y., 1766. Consolatory thoughts. .. .1782. Constitutional answer to Wesley, 1775. Constit. Right of G. B., 1768. Conway, Speech, Parl., 1780. 492 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Revolutionary War, Controversy re garding it, chiefly Pamphlets, etc. (continued). Cool Reply to J. Wesley, 1775. Cool Thoughts, (Franklin), 1764. Cool Thoughts, (Galloway), 1780. Correct copies of the protests: On Stamp Act, 1766. Crisis, The, 1776. Dalrymple, Rights of G. Brit, asserted. Day, T., Reflections upon, etc., 1782, 1783. Defence of the Res. of Congress, 1775. Dialogue on the principles, 1776. Dissertations on the Grand Dispute, 1774. Dulaney, Taxation of British Colonies. Essay in Vindication of, 1764. Estwick, Letter to Dean Tucker. Evans, C., Political Sophistry, 1776. " Letter to Wesley, 1775. Evans, J., Sermon, N. Y., 1783. Examination into the conduct, 1779. Fabrioius, or Letters, (Galloway), 1782. Fall of Brit. Tyranny, 1776. Farmer Refuted, (A. Hamilton), 1775. Fletcher, J., American Patriotism, 1776. P. 103. Free and Calm Consideration, 1774. Free thoughts on the Gout. Congress, 1774. Friendly address to all reasonable Amer., (Cooper), 1774. Further Examination, 1775, (Robin son). Galloway, Candid Examination, 1780. " Reply to the Observations, 1780. " Exam, of mutual claims, 1775. " Hist, reflec. on the rebel lion, 1780. " Exam, before House of Com mons, 1779. General opposition, etc., 1766. Genuine Prin. of Brit. Const., 1776. Gerard, Sermon, Fast, 1778. Glover, Evidence of West Indian Planters, 1774. Great Britain s Right to Tax, 1774. Grenvilte, G., Taxes on the Colonies, 1775. Grievances of the Amer. Col., 1774. Hartley, D., Address, Co. of York. " Speech, Parl., 1776. Histoire d un pou, 1779. Historical reflections. See Galloway. Hypocrisy unmasked, 1776. Ingersoll, J., Letters on stamp act, 1766. Revolutionary War, Controversy re garding it, chiefly Pamphlets, etc* (continued). Instructions to Collectors, 1768. Interest of the Merchants, Lond., 1774. Johnson, S., Taxation no Tyranny, 1775. Journal of Conv. for a Monument of the Declar. of Independence, 1853. Justice and Neces. of Taxing, 1766. Knox, W., Controversy with G. B. reviewed, 1769. Lathrop, J., Sermon, 1774. Letter from a Merchant, 1766. Letter to a Member of Parl., 1774. Letter to Burke, (on taxation), 1775. Letter to the Lord Mayor, 1762. Livingston, W., Letter to Bp. of Landaff, 1768. London Addresses, 1769-1773. Lovell, J., Oration, Mar. 5, 1770. Macaulay, C., Address to Great Brit. on the crisis, 1775. P. 8. Martin, J., Familiar dialogues, 1776. Maseres, F., Essays, 1809. Mayer, Ligues Acheenne, etc., com- parees avec, 1787. Mayhew, J., Sermon, repeal of stamp- act,_1766. Memorial of Common Sense on, 1778. Montgomery, Gen., Conv. with Prince of Orange, 1776. Murray, J., Finishing strokes, 1778. Nature of parliamentary power, 1768. Oration on the beauties of liberty, 1773. Origin of the Amer. Contest, (Leon ard), 1775. Other side of the question, 1774. Otis, J., Rights of the British Colo nies, 1766. " Vindication of the Brit. Col., 1769. Paine, T., The, Crisis. " Common sense, 1776. Political works, 1792, 1824. " Letter to the Abbe Raynal, 1783. Pamphlets relating to the revolution, vols. 48, 112-122, 1219. Plain truth, to the Inhab. of Am., 1776. Political reflections, 1777. Present state of liberty, 1769. Price, R., Obs. on nature of civil lib., 1776. P. 32. " Importance of the Am. Rev. Eng. and Dutch, 1784, 5. Public Advertiser, Lond., Bystander s letters, slips of, 1776-83. Pulteney, Thoughts on present state of affairs, 1778. RHINE RIVER. 493 Revolutionary War, Controversy re garding it, chiefly Pamphlets, etc. (continued). Reed, J., Reprint of Reed <fe Cad- walader pamphlets, 1863. Reflections on the Rise, 1780. Remarks on the principal acts, (Lind), 1775. Robinson, M., Peace the best policy, 1777. Scott, W., Sermon, 1775. Second Thoughts, London, 1777. Sewall, Jona., Origin of Am. contest, 1775. Shebbeare, Answer to Queries, 1775. " Essay on Nat. Soc., 1776. Short hist, of conduct of rtrinistry, 1766. Smith, H. W., Nuts for Future His torians, 1856. Strictures, (Hutchinson), 1776. Thoughts on government, 1776. True merits of a late treatise, 1776. True State of Proc of Parl., 1774. Tucker, J., Four Tracts, 1774. " Humble Address, 1775, 76. " True interest of Great Britain, 1776. " Cui Bono ?, 1781. Tumultibus, De, Americanis, 1776. View of the Controversy, N. Y., 1774; Lond., 1775. Wesley, J., Some Observations, 1776. " Calm Address, 1777. Zubly, J. J., Sermon, Prov. Cong, of Georgia, 1775. Reynard the Fox. Bost., 1865. Percy Soc., Pub. v. 12. Reyner. Family genealogy, (Whitinore). Reynolds, Sir J. Jackson, W., The four ages, 1798. t( Northcote, Life of, 1817. Reynolds, Works and memoir, E. Ma- lone, 1809. t( Works and memoir, Beechey, 1852. Rheims, France. See Reims. Rhetoric. Adams, J. Q., Lectures on, and Orat.. 1810. Aristides, A., Opera, 1829. Aristotle, Treatise on, 1850. Baron, A., Rhetorique, (Encyc. Pop.)- Blair, H., Lectures on, 1817. Boileau, (Euvres, 1745. B. C. Bouhours, Art of Criticism, 1705. Art of Rhetoric, 1728. Brookfield, 1st Book in Composition. Rhetoric (continued). Burrowes, Essay on Stylo, Roy. Irish Ac., 5. Campbell, G., Philosophy of. B. C. Cicero, De Oratore, 1822. B. C. Copleston, Prselectiones Academicae, 1828. Comenius, Ars Oratoria, 1664. Edwards, T., Canons of Criticism, 1765. B. C. Eloquence du temps, enseignee, 1707. Farnabius, Index Rhetoricus, 1689. Fromondus, Labyrinthu?, 1634. Hobbes, T., Works, vol. 6, 1839-45. Home, H., Elements of Criticism,1768. " The Art of Thinking, 1813. B. C. Hurd, Works, Critical dissertations, 1811. Jamicson, Questions to Rhetoric. La Motte, Reflexions sur la critique, 1716. Libanius, Prseludia oratoria lxxii,1606. Melancthon, Elem. rhetorics, 1572. Mills, A., Outlines of rhetoric, 1854. Morley, C., Guide to Composition, 1838. Newman, S. H., System of, 1851. Parker, R. G., Rhetorical readings, 1836. Parsons, S. H., Grammatical Reader, 1836. Pinnock, Catechism of Rhetoric. Quackenboss, G. P., First lessons in. " Course of, 1855. Reed, H., Lect. on.Eng. Lit., 1855. Reid, A., English composition, 1839. Riccius, De imitatione, 1845. Rutilius, De fig. eententiarum, 1768. Sheridan, T., Rhetorical Grammar, 1783. Spengel, Rhet. bei den Alten, 1842. Whately, R., Elements of, 1834. See Classical Literature; Elocution; Language; Taste; Poetry, trea tises on ; Preaching; Criticism. Rhett, R. B. Wallace, D., Life of. P. 1229. Rheumatism. See Medicine. Rhin, France. Annuaire, 1816, 1846. Rhine River. Belgium and Nassau, tourist s guide. Carr, Tour through Holland, 1807. Champney s Panorama of, 1849. Hoffman, Der Romerstadte. Hooff, Navigation du Rhin, 1826. Hugo, The Rhine, 1845. Ritchie, Heath s Pictor. Annual, 1832, 1833 See Belgium; Netherlands. 494 RHODE ISLAND. Rhode Island. Arnold, S. G., History of, 1859. Spirit of R. I. Hist., 1853. Bartlett, J. R., Officers of 1861-6. " Bibliography of, 1864. Congregational Churches of, Minutes, 1851. P. 483. Conspiracy to defeat Dorr s liberation, 1845. Cowell, Spirit of 76 in R. I., 1830. Dailey, C. F., Soldiers of 1861-63. Durfee, Job, Works, 1849. ; < Disc., Hist. Soc., 1847. Facts involved in. . .controversy, 1842. Gainmell, W., Add., Rh. Is. Historical j Soc., 1844. Goddard, Change in Gov t of R. I., | 1843. Gorton, S., Simplicity s defence, 1835. Hazard, B., Letters to J. Q. Adams, 1834. Jackson, H., Acct. of Churches in, 1854. j Parsons, C. W., Hist, of population in. Pearce, D. J., Slanders refuted, 1828. Pease, Gazetteer of, 1819. Peterson, E., History of, 1853. Potter, E. R., Suffrage in, 1842. " Address, R. I. Hist. Soc. ,1851. Reply to the letter of Morton, 1842. Rhode Is., Charters, etc., 1844. " Colon. Records, 1664-1769. " Convention Add. on a new const., 1834. * Report on Mass. Boundary, 1849. " Adj. Gen ls report, 1865. " Officers and soldiers regis ter, 1861-66. " Statistical Reports, (Bart- ! lett), 1852-68. Rhode Island brigade, 1806. Rhode Island Register, 1793, 1852, | 1856. Richmond, J. W., R. I. Repudiation, i 1855. Ross, A. A., Civil and Rel. hist, of, 1838. Ribaut, J. French s Hist. Coll., Voy age of. Sparks, J., Life of. Ricci, S. de. Potter, L. de, Memoirs of. Rice, B. II. Schenck, W. E.. Discourse on, 1856. P. 1613. Rice, D. Bishop, R. H., Memoirs of, 1824. Rice, E. Family Genealogy, (Ward). Rice, J. H. Maxwell, W., Memoir of, 1835. Rice, M. White, J., Hist. Discourse, 1855. P. 504. Richard I, of England. Chronicles of, (Chron. of G. B., 1865.) Chronicon do rebus gestis, (Eng. Hist. Soc.). James, G. P. R., Life of. Richard II. Traison et mort de, (En*. Hist. Soc.). De concordia inter, .et Lond., (Camden Soc. Pub.). Mercks, T., Speech on. Richard III. Letters, Reign of, (Chron. G. B.). Halsted, C. A., Memoirs of, 1844. Richards. Family Genealogy, (Morse). Richards, II. S. Pease, A. G., Sermon, Death of, 1853. P. 555. % Richards, Miss L. Memoirs, 1842. Richards, W. Evans, J., Life of, 1819. Richardson, Hannah. Wesley, C., Account of, 1754. Richardson, J. Chapone, Mrs., Letters to, on his novels, 1818. Richardson, J., Lit. Relics and Life, 1807. Richardson, J. Life of, (Friends Li brary) . Richardson, S. Letters, and life of, A. L. Barbauld, 1S04. Works and Life by Mangin, 1811. Scott, W., Memoir of. Staples, Hist, of Grim. Law of, 1853. ; Riches. See Wealth. Stone, E. W., R. I. in the Rebellion, ! 1864. Tucker, M., The Deliverance of R. I., 1842. United States : Rep. on Gov. Dorr, 1844. Vinton, F., Oration on Annals of,1863. Wayland, F., Disc., Affairs of, 1842. ! See Dorr, T W. ; Williams, R. Rhode Island, Local Histories. See R. I. Hist. Soc. Coll. ; Narragan- sett; Newport; Pawtucket; Prov idence; Warren. Richelieu, Card. A. du P. de. M6- moires, par Aubory, 1660. Cousin, Nouvelles relations de, (Jour. des Savans), 1864. James, G. P. R., Life of, (Lardner s Cab.). Richlieu, Lettres et papiers d etat, France, Docts. ined., 6 v. Richmond, Va. Beaurepaire, Acad. des Sciences a, 1788. Journal of a trip to, 1865. Little, J. P ., Its History, lb. r >l. ROADS. 495 Richmond, Va. (continued). Miller, S., Serin., Of Theatre at, 1812. Mordecai, R., lu by-gone days, 1860. Richmond Directories, 1845-6, 60-1, 1852. Ridgefield, Conn. First Congr. Church. Cat., 1851. P. 470. Goodrich, S. G., Recollections, 1856. Riedesel, Baroness F. Von M. Be- rufs-reise, 1776-1783. Journals and Letters, 1827, 67. Riedesel, Gen. F. A. Memoirs and Letters, 1868. Leben und Vv irken, 1856. Rights. Cousin, V., Social Order, 1848. P. 2501. Ellmaker, E. E., Rerelation of Rights, 1841. Hey, R., Happiness and rights, 1792. Ilurlbut, E. P., On human rights, 1845. Mirabeau, Lettres de Cachet. Rights and remedies, 1795. Rights of Englishmen, Lond., 1793. P. 732. Rights of the devil, Engl. P. 1332. Sharp, G., Decl. of the people s natu ral rights, 1774. Vincent, Hints on levelling, 1795. See Government; Social Science; Woman s Rights. Riley, J. Loss of the Brig Commerce, 1817. Riloy, W. R., Lifte of, 1851. Robbins, A., Loss of the Commerce, 1842. Rinderpest. See Cattle Plague. Ringgold, S. Wynne, J., Life of, 1847. Ring Mottoes. Notes and queries, June, 1863, p. 504. Rings. Edwards, C., History of, 1855. Licetus, F., De anulis antiquis, 1645. Rio de Janeiro. Baker, J. M., Com merce with the U. S., 1838. Darwin, C., Journal, 1831. Gould, J. W., Voyage to, 1838. See Brazil. Ripa, Father. Memoirs at Pekin, 1844. Ripley, H. W. Genealogy of family of, Ripley,J. W. Defence of, 1846. P. 1366. Ripperda, Duke of. Memoirs, 1715-36. Ritson, J. Life and letters, 1833. Rittenhouse, D. Barton, W., Life of, 1813. Renwick, J., Life of, (Spark?, 7). Wynne s Lives, 1850. Ritualism. Hickeringill, E., Ceremony- mon er, 1700. Ingle, J., Letter to Mayor of Exeter, 1848. Paper lantern for Puseyites, 1843. Phillpotts, Letters, 1844, 52, etc. Robertson, J. C., Conformity of Lit urgy. Rowe, S.,. Appeal to the rubric, 1841. P. 691. Yorke, The Altar and the East. See Church of Engl.; Religious Cere monies; Tractarianism. Rivers. Annuaire des eauxde la France, pour 1851. Frisi, Treatise on rivers and torrents, 1818, 61. Genet, E. C., Obstructions of the Hud son, 1818. Humphreys, A. A., Report on the Mississippi, 1861. Marsh, G. P., Man and nature, 1864. Memoir on the reconnaissance of rivers, (Palmer), 1843. P. 205. N. Y. Leg. Reports on obstruc. of Hud son, 1867, etc. Polehampton s Gallery of nature, v. 3. Priestley, J., Hist, of, in Gr. Britain, 1836. Severn River, Stoppage of, 1773. Shreve, H. M., Steam Snag-boat for, 1847. P. 205. Williams, C. W., Obs. on the Shan non, 1831. See Navigation; Canals; Hydrodyna mics. Roads. Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, 1831-55. Belgium: Chemins Vicinaux, 1848. Canada, Rapports sur les Chemins, 1855. P. 567. Colles, Roads of the U- S., 1789. Ecole R. des Ponts et Chaussees, De signs, f, 1827. Eight letters on pavements, 1817. Gautier, Traite de la construction des, 1721. Gillespie, W. M., Principles of making, 1847. Gordon, Fitness of Turnpikes, 1835. P. 428. Hemphill, J.. Speech, National Road, 1830. Hughes, T., Making and repairing, 1838. Kingsford, History, etc., of plank- roads, 1851. McAdam, Present system of making, 1823. Marlette, L Art de faire 1842. Montreal, Rapport sur, 1855. Navier, Police du Roulage, 1835. 496 ROADS. Roads (continued). Parnell, Treatise on, 1838. Penfold, C., Repairing roads. P. 1222. Roads and railroads, and modes of travelling, Lond., 1839. Series of letters of clay roads, 1755. See Bridges ; Engineering; Railroads. Robarts, A. Evans, C., Sermon on, 1771. P. 1402. Robbing, A. R. Lee, C., Sermon on. Robbins, Mrs. E. Emerson, E., Ser mon on. Roberts, R. R. Elliott, C., Life of, 1846. Robertson, F. W. Life and letters of, 1865. Robertson, J. Putnam, A. W., Hist, of Middle Tennessee, 1859. Robertson, W. Robertson, W., Life of, 1801. B. C. Robespierre, F. J. M. Qucrard, France Littcraire, 1863. See France. Robin Hood. Campbell, W. W., Sketch of, 1853. Hunter, Jos., Hist. Tracts, No. 4, 1852. Robin Hood, Ballads and Anecdotes, 1862. Robinson. Family Register, Pittsburgh, 1867. Robinson, Henrietta. Wilson, D., Life of, 1855. Robinson, H. C. Diary and Corres pondence, 1869. Robinson, Rev. John. Works and Memoir. 1851. Robinson, M. Shepherd, J., Appeal for, Lond., 1825. Robinson, Mrs. Mary. Memoirs, 1802. Robinson, Rev. R. Priestley, J., Serm., Death of. Robinson, S. W. Lodge of Sorrow, 1869. Robinson, T. H. Family History, 1867. Robinson, W., and W. Leddra. Epis tles from Now Engl., 1669. Robinson, W. Robinson, E., Memoir of, 1859. Rocliambeau, Comte. Mem. Hist, et politiques, 1809. " Mem. rel. to the war of Indep., 1838. Rochefort, France. Candicf Reflec tions, 1708. Short Account, 1757. P. 1329. Rochester, J. W., Earl of. Burnet, G., Life of. Parsons, R., Serm., Funeral of, 1680, P. 354. Rochester, N. Y. Daily Am. Directory, 1847-52. Canfield s Directory, 1846. Moore, E., Disappearance of, 1855. P. 227. O Riclly, H., Sketch of, and Western N. Y., 1838. Plymouth Church Manual, 1856. P. 484. Presbytery of, Semi-Centennial, 1869. Rochester, Reports, etc., 1847-57. P. 174, 280. Rochester 1 irectory, 1827, 3- , 54-57, 1864, 66-68. Rochester in 1827. Univ. of Rochester. Cat. 1853-66. Ward, F. D., Junior Pioneer Ass n, Hist. Add., 1860. Rock Co. Wis. History of, (Guernsey), 1856. Rockingham,Marq. Albemarle, (Earl of), Memoirs of, 1852. Rockland, Me. Eaton, C., History of, 1865. Rockport, Ms. See Gloucester. Rock River Country. Illinois, De scription. P. 565. Rockwood. Family Genealogy, 1856. Rocky Mountains. Altowan, Incidents and Life in, (Webb), 1846. Bonneville, Adventures in, 1850. Bowles, S., Across the Continent, 1865. Coyner, D. H., The Lost Trappers, 1859. Cross, Maj., Report of Journey, 184<J- 1850. Domenech, Abbe, Seven Years Resi dence in, 1860. Farnham, T. J., Travels, 1843. Fremont, Exploring Expedition, 1842. Gass, Journ. of L. and Clarke s Ex pedition, 1806. Irving, W., Bonneville s Adventures. James, E., Expedition to, 1819-20. Keating, Narrative of Maj. Long s Expedition, 1824. Kelly, W., Excursion, 1851. Lewis and Clark, Exped. to, 1804-6. Long, S. H., Exped. to the Rocky Mountains, 1819, 20. Marcy, R. B., The Prairie Traveler, 1859. Mollhausen, Journey to the Pacific, 1858. Palmer, J., Travels over, to the Colum bia, 1846. Parker, S., Journal, 1835-37. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. 497 Rocky >loimt;iiiiR (continued). Parkinan, F , California and Oregon trail, 1849. Pattie, Exp. from St. Louis to, 1833. Ruxton, Q. F., Adven. in Mex. and the R. M., 1849. Sage, R. B., Scenes in, 1855. Smet, P. J. de, Travels over, 1845. See Oregon; California; Pacific R. R. ; Pacific Voy. ; U. S. Travels West, and several States. Rod, The. Cooper, W. M., Flagellation, 1869. De Lolme, The Flagellants, 1777. Rodgers, J. Miller, S., Memoirs of, 1813. Rodney, Admiral. Mundy, Life of, 1836. Roebeck, J. Allen, E., Biography of, 1852. Rogers, A. Memoirs, 1834. Rogers, John, of Chester, Eng. Life of, 1861. Rogers, John, of Ipswich, Ms. Wig- glesworth, Sermon on, 1746. Rogers, Josias. Gilpin, W., Mem. of, 1808. Rogers, N. Chester, Sermon on, 1853. P. 555. Rogers, Robt. Expeditions of, 1765. " Acct. of N. America, 1765. " Plan of, MS., Johnson papers. Stark, C., Biog. of, 1860. Rogers, Sam. Recollections of, 1859. Roland, Mine. Appeal, (Memoir). Hays, M., Female Biography. Rollins. Family genealogy, 1870. Romaine, W. Cadogan, W. B., Serm. on, 1795. Charitable morsel, 1793. De Coetlogon, Sermon on, 1795. Qoode, W., Sermon on, 1795. Haweis, T., Life of, 1797. Nash, M., Ans. to Charit. morsel. Roman Catholic Church, America. Allen, W., Report on Popery, 1844. Andres, Imagen de N. S. de Copaca- vana, 1663. Babcock, Speech, Church Property, 1853. P. 530. Bayley, J. R., Hist, of, in N. Y. city, 1870. Life of Bp. Brute, 1860. Beecher, E., Papal Conspiracy, 1855. Blythe, Conversion of, 1815. P. 482. Brooks, E., Controversy with Archbp. Hughes, 1855. Brooksiana, 1855. 63 Roman Catholic Church, America (continued). Brownson s Quarterly Review, 1844-64. Bunkley, St. Joseph s Sem., 1855. Carroll, Abp., Address to, 1785. Carroll, A. E., Starof the West, 1857. " Great American battle, 1856. Catholic Almanac, 1833-46. Clark, R. W., Romanism in America, 1859. Dubourg, J. H., Life of Bp. Cheverus, 1839. Dunigan s Am. Cath. Almanac, 1858, 59, 60. Duran, Relation du Paraguai, 1638. England, Bp., Works, 1849. Familiar Letters to Bp. Fitzpatrick, 1853. P. 97. Hassard, Life of Abp. .Hughes, 1865. Hughes, Abp. J,, Life of. " The Catholic Chapter of,1852. lf Debate with Breckinridge. Julian, Trasformazione dell America, 1790. Metropol. Cath. Alinan., 1845-60. Monk, M., Disclosures, 1836. Morse, S. F. B., Foreign conspiracy, 1844. N. Y. Tablet, 1857, 58. Reed, R. T., Six Months in Convent, 1831-2. Roman Cath. Ch., Manual of cere monies, Bait., 1852. " Concilia Prov., 1829-49, 52. Sadlier s Catholic Almanac, 1864, 65, 67, 69, 71. St. George, Answer to Reed. Spalding, Life of Bp. Flaget, 1852. e( Missions of Kentucky, 1844. " Miscellanea, 1858. White, C. A., Life of Mrs. Seton, 1862. See Jesuits; Missions; Education. Roman Catholic Chirch, Doctrine, History, etc. Apologicall epis tle, (Parsons), 1601. Baines, P. A., Sermon, 1825. Balmes, Protestantism and Catholicity, 1851. Basil, Catholic Faith, 1825. P. 307. Bartoli, F. Xavier s Life. Bernard, <S., Les lettres de. Bossuet, Doctrine of, 1685. Bunsen, Hippolytus and his age, 1852. Butler, C., Book of the, 1825. " Lives of the Saints, 1838. Cabeljau, De oude Catholijcke, 1650. Challoner, The Touchstone, 1823. Cerri, Etat present de 1 eglise, 1716. Cooper, C. P., Tracts concerning,1850. 1851. 498 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Roman Catholic Church, Doctrine, * History, etc. (continued). Corsini, Sacri corpi de S Ciriaco, etc., 1756. Davila, Teatro Eclesiastico, 1649. Disconzi, Santuario di Maria Vergine, 1820. Digs, de apost. pedis imperio in urb. Comacli, 1709. Diss. sur les Bulles, centre Baius,1737. Dolman s Magazine, Lond., 1848. Dublin Review, 1836-70. Du Bourg, J. H., Catechisme, 1817. Du Perray, M., Concordat de Leon X, et Franyois I, 1740. Emilianne, Frauds of the monks, 1691. Fenelon, Works, vol. 1, 1836. First Communion, Letters, 1856. Franceschinis, Delia relig. cattolica, 1832. Gregorius, Papa, Decretales, 1585. Ground of the Catholic doctrine, 1843. Hist. View of Rol. and Mil. orders in. Pamph r 5. Hospinianus, Historian sacramentarise, 1681. Howard, H., Historical References for, 1827. P. 346. Hurter, Hist, de Innocent III, 1841. Kenrick, F. P., Primacy of Rome, 1845. Kliipfel, C. E., Instit. Theol., 1838. Laing, Progress of the Schism from, 1846. B. C. Leti, Life of Sixtus V. Lille, Proces du Clerge, 1757. Lonicerus, Stand und Orden der, 1575. Lumbier, Proposiciones condenadas por Innocencio XI, 1679. Luther, Propositiones theol., 1560. Mahoney, Six Years in the Monas teries, 1844. B. C. Manahan, A., Triumph of, in Early ages, 1860. Mendham, Mem. of Council of Trent, 1834. Michelet, Spiritual direction, 1845. B. C. Middleton, Works, vol. 5 : Popery and Paganism, 1755. Milman, H. H., Hist, of Latin Chris tianity, 1867. Mirseus, De statu religionis, 1619. Moehler, Differences between Cath. and Prot., 1843. Moorb, T., Travels of an Irish gentle man, 1844. B. C. Muller, J. H., Katholisches Jahrbuch, 1853. Murray, N., Romanism at Home, 1854. Nichol, J., Triumph of Truth, 1829. Observateur en Espagne, 1822. Roman Catholic Church, Doctrine, History, etc. (continued). Observations by a Protestant, 1816. O Donnoghue, H. C , Hist, of the Church and Court, 1830. Ossat, A. D , Lettres, 1600. Pamphlets by Roman Catholic authors, vols. 1344, 1742, 1743. Pamphlets relating to the Church, vols. 1434, 1435, 1554. Pastorale Brieven, 1686, 7. B. C. Patrick, St., St. Bridget, and St. Co- luinki , Lives of. Pavilion, Rituel d Alet, 1678. Quinet, The Roman Church, 1845. B. C. Ratisbonne, Bernard s Life. Roman Cath. Church, Canones Cone. Tridentini, 1666, 74. " Catech. ad Ordinandos, 1706. Catech. ad Parochos, 1656. Romano, D., Hist, del Cone. Trid. di P. Soave, 1741. Rosati, Life of Andreis. Roothaan, Method of Meditation, 1858. Rouquette, La Thebaide, 1852. Sarpi, Opere varie, 1750. " Hist, del Cone. Trident., 1660. Sicardo, Christianidad del Japon, 1698. Spalding, Abp., Pastoral letter, 1865. Storia delle rivoluzioni, 1803. Taxatio Papalis, 1825. Theologia universa, 1801. Wiseman, Card., Doctrines of the R. C. Ch., 1836. " Lectures on offices of Holy week, 1852. Zenone, Mem. intorno al corpo di,1839. Zonaras, Sac. Cone. Commentarii, 1618. See Missions, Catholic; Jesuit Miss.; Jansenism; Popes; Purgatory; Prohibited Books. Roman Catholic Ch., Controversy concerning. Answer to a late printed paper, 1686. Answer to Dr. Sherlock, (Sabran), 1688. Bailie, Catechesis, 1654. Bank of the Pope, 1846. P. 1441. Barlowe, T., Popery, 1679. Baxter, R., Key for Catholics, 1839. Bennett, W. J. E., Errors of, 1842. P. 328. " Lectures on, 1842. Bentley, R., Sermon, 2 Cor. ii, 17, 1715. Berkeley, Letter to Sir J. James, 1741. Blake, J., The Bible weighed, 1854. Bossuet, Letter to new Catholics, 1686. P. 356. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. i99 Roman Catholic Church, Contro versy concerning (continued). Brief Discourse, (Billingsly), 1714. P. 340. Bristow, Briefe treatise, 1599. British Soc. for Prin. of the Reforma tion, Tracts. Burton, J., Serm., Matt, xv, 1-6,1766. Campbell, J. N., Papal Rome, 1838. Case fairly stated, 1702. Catholic Tracts, (15), N. Y., 1851-53. Channing, W. E., Catholicism, 1836. P. 25. B. C. Church of Scotland, Proc., 1813. Close, F. /Writings collected, 1837-46. Cobbett, W., Book of, 1825. Connelly, Reasons for abjuring, 1852. P. 548. Conversation between Dominie and " Patrick, 1860. Controversy between M. B., 1818. Cooke, Worke, More Worke, 1628. Corless, Reply to Review, 1827. Correspondence, Dublin, 1821. Crane, Letter on Conversion to. Croft, The Legacy, 1679. Croly, G., Sermons, 1831-55. Cross, A. B., Trial of Antichrist, 1838. P. 104. Gumming, J., Romish Worship, Brit. Ref. Soc., 21. Defence of Relig. Liberty, 1825. Derby, The Catholic, 1856. Discourse concerning Idolatry, 1688. Dodsworth, Sermon, Phil. i. 10, 1839. P. 380. Dodwell, H., Two Discourses, 1688. " De Pont. Successione, (Pear son). Doubts concerning Infallibility, 1688. P. 1004. Douglas, J., Popery, 1852. Downes, R., Serin., A popish prince, 1745. Edgar, S., Variations of Popery, 1849. Enchiridion theol. anti-Rom., 1836. Essay on the Merchandize, etc., 1732. Fleming, T., Apocalypt. Key, 1701. G., Rev. E., Pax vobis, 1685. Gavazzi, Twenty Orations on, etc., 1851. Gavin, A., Key to Popery, 1815. Gray, J., Appeal to Protestants, 1837. Griffin, J. N., Sermons on Creed of Pius IV, 1852. P. 1563. Hamilton, G., Leading Errors of, 1824. P. 345. Harleian Miscellany, v. 10. Hogan, W., Synopsis of Popery, 1845. " Auricular confession, 1845. " High Mass in, 1846. Roman Catholic Church, Contro versy concerning (continued) . Inquiry into the moral, etc., 1790. Janus, The Pope, 1871. Keary, Fathers of the Church and, 1830. P. 347. Keys of the Prot. Establishment, 1813. P. 344. King, W., Answer to Manby, 1687. Kirk, J., Rom. Cath. Principles on God and the King. Pamph r 13. Late Apology, (Castlemain), 1667. Lucas, Reasons for becoming 1839. P. 347. - M Gavin, W., The Protestant, 1833. Manning, R,, Modern controversy, 1720. Mannock, J., Poor Man s controversy, 1769. Marnix, P. De, The Hive of the Romish Church, 1623. " DeByen-korf derH. R. Kerke, 1733. Maturin, C. R., Five Sermons, 1824. Maurice, F. D., Lectures, Influence of, 1854. Menno, S., Departure from. P. 548. Meyrick, F., La Santa Chiesa Cattol., 1855. P. 661. Miller, J. C., Despotism of, 1851. P. 348. Munnings, W. G., Remarks on Baines s sermon, 1835. Murray, N., Letters to J. Hughes, 1855. Newman, J. H., Apologia pro suavita, 1865. New Test, (Tutchin), 1687. Oaths of the Bishops. P. 347. Observations, Dublin, 1823. O Reilly, Life of, 1838. O Sullivan, Romanism post-tridentine, 1850. Owen, Chamber of Imagery, 1682. Palmer, W., Letters to Card. Wise man, 1841-44. Pamphlets of Roman Catholic Contro versy, vols. 343, 348, 548, 823, 824, 909, 921, 930, 1048, 1279, 1436-1442, 1744, 1745. Papal Usurpation, (Bray), 1712. Papists Misrepresented, 1683. Parker Society, Reprints, 1849-5o. Penington, Root of Popery struok, 1660. Pierce, T., Novelties of Rome, 1663. Plausible Arguments, ^Comber), 1735. Pope and Maguire, Debate, 1827. Popery and Protestantism, 1835. P. 347. Popery a Snare. P. 347. Popery not founded on Scripture, 1688. 500 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Roman Catholic Church, Contro versy concerning (continued). Protestanism and Popery, 1845. Protestant Armory, 1839. Protest. Quarterly Review, 1850-53. Protestants in Ch. of Koine. P. 347. Prudence and Patriotism, 1815. Pye, B., Five Letters, 1769. Questions and Answers, 1723. Reasons against Conversion, 1726. Reasons why a Protestant, <tc., 1687. Redesdale, Lord, Letters on the Cath. Quest., 1-9, 1829.. Reflections upon ... .Papist Misrepre sented, 1686. P. 355. Remarks on Dr. Bentley s Serm., 1716. Request to Rom. Oath., 1687. Roman Catharist, (Rogers), 1621. Rooinschen, Den, Uylen Spiegel, 1716. B. C. Roussell, N., Cath. and Protestant nations compared, 1855. Sail, A., Reasons for Deserting, 1840. P. 347. Scott, A. J., Discourse on. Seasonable Discourse, (Lloyd), 1673. Seeker, Abp. T., Five Sermons. Sherlock, \V., Papist not misrepre sented, 1687. P. 355. " Preservative against, 1688. " On a judge of controversy, 1686. Sibthorp, Of the Papacy, 1828. Southard, S. L., Virgin s Honor, 1855. P. 548. Stanley, W., Devotions of the Church, 1685. Stillingfleet, Doctrines of, 1686. " Authority of the Church, 1686. Sturgea, J., Refl. on Popery, 1799. Townsend, G., Reply to Butler, 1826. Turner, W., The Romish Fox, 1543. P. 307. Turrettin, Tyranny of, 1820. P. 307. Uilenspiegel, 1716. B. C. Wake, Abp., Of Idolatry, 1688. " State of the Controversy, 1687. Warburton, Portrait of Popery, 1745. Weninger, F. X., Protestantism, 1862. Wescombe, Fabulee Pontificse, 1639. Wesley, J., Act in favor of Popery, 1781. P. 103. Whately, Errors of. .in human nature, 1843. P. 548. Whitby, Laws against Heretics, 1682. P. 343. White, J. B., Doblado s Letters, 1826. " Poor Man s Preservative, 1825. P. 345. Williams, J., Answer to Addres6,1688. Roman Catholic Church, Contro versy concerning (continued). Williams; J., Worship in Latin, 1685. Williams, T., Popery Unmasked, 1828. P. 346. Wiseman, Card., Letter to J. H. New man, 1841. P. 347. Letter to W. Palmer, 1841. P. 347. Wiseman rs. Pascal the Younger, Re- ply of Pascal, 1851. Woodhead, A., FourConferences,168S. Wray, Secession of a Curate, 1846. P. 345. Young, H., On II . W. Wilberforce s Letter, 1851. P. 348. See Authority; Church; Church of England; Protestantism; Prohib ited Books; Inquisition. Roman Cath. Ch., England. A-tchi- son, British troops in Malta. Barrington, S., Separation from, 1809. Bowyer, New Hierarchy, 1850. P. 348. Brown, A. W., Papal aggression, 1850. Burgess, T., Engl. Reformation, 1819. " Founder of C. of Eng., 1812. Butler, C., Lives of Brit. Catholics. Catholic Directory, 1839, 49-54. Gumming, J., Cardinal s Manifesto, 1850. P. 348. Defence of the Missionaries, 1689. Dewhirst, Papal Encroachments, 1850. P. 347. Fitzherbert, De antiq. Cath. rel. in Anglia, 1608. Fleetwood, W., Exclusion from the throne, 1745. Inglis, R., Speeches, 1828. La Chaise, Conference, 1680. Law, W. T., Usurpation, 1850. Letters to a friend, 1850. L Estrange, No Papist nor Jesuite, 1681. Lloyd, W., Discourses, 1673-90. Luther, M., In England, 1841. P. 307. Newman, Lives of the Eng. Saints, 1844, 45. Gates, J., Letter on bishops in, 1850. Gates, T., Plot, 1679. O Dwyer, Cath. Quest, of 1851. Ollyffe, Madness of Treason, 1724. Parallel, The, 1679. Pelling, Apostate Protestant, 1682. Popery & Patronage, 1851. P. 348. Protestant Assoc., Appeal, 1780. Pugin, Catholic Hierarchy in Eng., 1851. Reply to the Answer, 1686. Rom. Cath. Question, 1850. .Roman Cath. Principles, 1680. i Seele^y, Pope a Pretender, 1850. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. 501 Roman Catholic Church, England (continued). Soames, The Romish Reaction, 1843. P. 331. Stewart, R., Sermon at Paris, 1687. Vigo, Romish Bishops in G. B., 1850. Warren, S., Queen or Pope, 1850. Wiseman, Card., Appeal to Reason, 1850. P. 347. Wix, Polit. power to Papists, 1822. P. 345. Wordsworth, C., Bp. of Rome in Eng land, 1850. P. 455. See Church of England; Authority. Roman Catholic Ch., Emancipation in Great Britain. Andrews, R. C., Letter to Peel, 1828. Arguments for, 1813. Baldwin, W. J., Appeal, 1823. Brief warning, 1829. Catholic Emancipation, 1825. Catholic State Wagon, 1829. Claims of Rom. Cath., 1812. Claims of. ...1816. Clarence, Speech, 1829. Colchester, C., Speeches, 1828. Dangers with which, 1817. Devon Meeting, 1829. Dillon, Catholic Claims, 1813. England, H. C., Letter on, 1790. Evans, W.D., Legal disabilities, 1813. Firth, W., Letter to H. Bathurst,1813. j Four Letters by a lay Catholic, Lond., 1825. French, D., Letter to Lord Gifford, 1824. P. 345. Furness, W. H., Sermon on, 1829. Garratt, T., Appeal to Protestants, 1829. Grenville, Lord, Letter on, 1810. Hippisley, Sir J. C., Letters on Cath. claims, 1813. Holland, Lord, Letter to Shuttle- worth, 1827. Horton, R. W., Letter on, 1826. James, M., Letters on Cath. relief bill, 1829. Lefroy, Speech, Const. Club of Ireland, 1827. Letter to a Protestant Dissenter, 1812. Letter to G. Silvertop, 1826. Letter to Viscount Milton, 1827. Letters to a Prot. Dissenter, 1813. Look before you Leap, 1825. Midland Cath. Ass n, London, 1826. P. 346. Miller, G., Policy of R. C. Ch., 1826. Peel, R., Speech, 1817; Papers. Short letter to Wellington, 1829. Sparrow, Eccl. rin, 1833. Roman Catholic Church, Emanci pation in Great Britain (con tinued). Stonard, J., Letter to Bp. of Chester, 1829. P. 347. Substance of a Speech, 1810. Sussex, Duke of, Speech, Cath. relief bill, 1829. Van Mildert, Speech, H. of Lords,1825. Wardle to his Countrymen, 1828. P. 347. Wrangham, Catholic Claims, 1829. Roman Cath. Ch., Ireland. Address, Cath. of Ireland. Brennan, Ans. to Finnegan, 1788. Burke, E., Letter to Langrishe, 1792. P. 348. Butler, C., Address to Prot., 1813. * Memoirs of the Irish Catholics. Carey, M., Vindiciee Hibernicee, 1837. " Conspiracy of the Catholics in 1641. Carlisle, Lord, Letter, 1795. Croly, An Essay on, 1834. " Address to lower orders, 1835. P. 342. Dwyer, Popery Unmasked, 1852. P. 342. Elrington, Remarks on J. H. L., 1827. Foster, J. L., Speech, 1817. Grattan, H., Speeches, Miscellanies. Parnell, H., Penal laws, 1825. Peter Plymley s letters, (S. Smith), 1809. Stipendiary Priesthood, 1835. Walsh, Hist, of the hierarchy and Irish Saints, 1854. Wyse, Hist, of Cath. Assoc n, 1829. See Irish Churches ; Ireland. Roman Catholic Church, Liturgies and Private Devotions. Ange Conducteur, Paris. Book of Cath. Prayers, Coll. S. J., Dublin, 1850. Bona, Le Phenix, 1858. Catholic Manual, Bait., 1831. Choir Manual, Sisters of Mercy, N. Y., 1856. Collet, M., Christian Student. P. 1742. Daily Exercise, N. Y., 1846. Daily Piety, N. Y., 1854. Devout Manual, N. Y., 1860. Diamante, El, N. Y., 1858. Flowers of Piety, Selected, N. Y. Furlong, J., Companac an Criosdaig. Garden- of the Soul, N. Y., 1861. Golden Book, N. Y., 1854. Golden Manual, N. Y., 1854. Herbert, Lady L., Methods of hearing Mass, 1722. 502 ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Roman Catholic Church, Liturgies and Private Devotions (con tinued). Horstius, Paradise of the soul, 1858. Key of Heaven, N. Y., I860. Kyrie Eleison, Monaeterii, 1854. Libellus precum, Georgiopoli, D. C.. 1831. Liguori, A., Mission-book, 1858. Little Flowers of Piety, N. Y., 1859. Manuel de Piete, Paris, 1856. Manual of Christ. Soldier, Soc. of St. Vincent de Paul, 1861. Manual of Piety, Bait , 1856. Manual of Prayers, Seminaries, N.Y., 1859. Martin, H., Medulla Missae, German- ica, 1750. Nakatenus, Coeleste i almetum, 1854. Officium Beatae Marias ; MS. on vellum. Paradise Giirtlein, N. Y., 1859. Paradise of the Christian Soul, N. Y., 1858. Paroissien des petits enfants, Mon treal, 1861. Path to Paradise, N. Y., 1862. Rayment, B., The Divine Office, V. I, 1806. R. C. Ch., Graduale Romanum, 1848. (< Missale Romanum, 1856. " Breviarium Romanum, 1851. " Ordo adm. sacr. in Missione Anglicana. " Excerp. ex Rituali Romano, 1857. " Ordinario de la Misa, Paris, 1826. Rosa Mystica, Lyon. Rosarist s Companion, Chicago, 1845. St. John, A., The Raccolta, Indul- genced Prayers, N. Y., 1859. St. John s Manual, N. Y., 1857. f St. Vincent s Manual, Bait., 1857. Seraphic Manual, N. Y., 1859. Star of Bethlehem, N. Y,, 1859. True Piety, Baltimore. Ursuline Manual, N. Y., 1857. Visitation Manual, (F. de Sales), 1858. Way to Heaven, N. Y., 1860. Xavier, F., Novena, Montreal, 1850. See Prayers ; Liturgies. Rome, Ancient. Abbott, II., Antiqui ties of, 1820, f. Adam, A., Roman Antiquities, 1814. Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum ges- tarum lib. xviii, 1693. Arnay, D , Private Life of the Ro mans, 1808. Arnold, T., Hist, of the later Common wealth, 1845. " History of Rome, 1843. Rome, Ancient (continued). Arthur, W., Lect., Church in the cat acombs, 1849. Becker, W. A., Gallus, or Roman Scenes, 1844. Blackwell, Mem. of the Court of Au gustus, 1753. Burges, D., Account of R. Senate, 1729. P. 1037. Burgess, R., Circus on the Via Appia, 1828. Burton, E. D., Antiquities of, 1821. Cassiodorus, M A., Var. Epist. lib. xii, 1472. Chapman, Roman Senate, 1750. Cooper, Rev., History of, 1818. Crevier, Hist, of the Rom. Emperors, 1755. Diaz, Hist, del Senado, 1867. Duruy, Histoire Romaine, 1855. Dyer, Hist, of the City, 1865. Echard, L., Roman History, 1726. Eliot, S., .The Liberty of, 1849. Ferguson, Hist of prog, and termina tion of Republic, 1805. Fosbroke, Encyc. of Antiquities, 1825. Gell, Topography of, 1834. Gibbon, Decline and Fall of Roman Empire, 1820, 39, 53. Goldsmith, 0., Roman history, 1793. Graevius, Thesau. A/ntiq. Rom., 1735- 1737. Gruterus, Inscriptionum Rom. Corpus. 1616. " Inscriptions Antiqua9,1707. Hooke, N., Roman History, 1821. Kennett, B., Antiquities of, 1820. Kingsley, C., The Roman and Teuton, 1868. Kip, Catacombs of Rome, 1854. Koen. Baier. Ak., Theodosius, 1859. Livius, Hist, of, 1849, 50. Lumisden, Antiquities of, 1812. Mably, Ossorvazioni sopra i Romani, 1766. Maiden, Prof., History of, Lib. U. K. Manutius, De quaesitis, 1576. " Ant. Rom. : de legibus,1557. Merivale, Hist, of Romans under the Empire, 1850-62. " Conversion of the Empire, 1865. Michelet, Hist, of the Republic, 1847. B. C. Mommsen, History of, 1868. Montfauc jn, B. De, Antiq. Explained, 1721-5. Montesquieu, Consid. sur la grandeur des Remains, 1748. B. C. Newman, F. W., Regal Rome, 1852. New Roman history, 1785. ROSE. 503 Rome, Ancient (continued). Niebuhr, Roman History, 1842. Nieupoort, Rituum apud Rom: expli- catio, 1767. Pancirolus, Notitia utraque dignita- tuu;, etc, 1608. Pinnock s Goldsmith, with questions, 1845. Pollio, (Egnatius de Prin. Romano- rum), 1544. Pomponius, Rom. Hist. Compend., 1544. Polybius, Gen. history, (Hampton). Rich, A., Of St. Peter s chair, 1851. P. 1220. Rich, Diet, of Gr. and Roin. Antiq., 1860. Rollin, Ch., Hist. Rom., Eng. and Fr., 1769-73. Rombise, A. de, Itinerarii, et rerum Roman., 1639. Rossi, Cav. de, Roma sotteranea, 1864, 1867. Sallengre, Thes. Antiq. Roman. Schlosser, Hist, of, 1837. Schmitz, Hist, of, to A. D. 192. Short Roman History, 1773. Silius Ital., Lib. xvii Punicorum, 1798. ! Sismondi, Fall of Roman Empire ; Lardner s, 97, 98. Sketches of damestic manners of, 1823. i Souligne, De, London and Old Rome, I 1701. P. 1606. Spanhemius, Numisniatum Antiquo- rum, 1706. Suetonius, Lives of Twelve Caesars, 1796, 1855. Tacitus, Opera, Works, 1801, 1794. Tristan, J., Comment. Historiques, 1657. Vertot, R. A. De, Hist, des rev. de la republique, 1806. B. C. " On the Roman Senate, 1721. Wiseman, Remarks on St. Peter s . Chair, 1833. See Classical Literature; Italy; Latin ! Authors; Fine Arts; Antiquities. Rome, Modern. About, The Roman j Question. " Rome contemporaine, 1861. Barker, H. A., Painting of. Bonaparte, J., Sac de Rome en 1527. Bryce, J., Holy Roman Empire, 1866. Cancellieri, La Semaine Sainte. Chumacero, Excesses que se cometen en Roma, 1633. Doria and the Revolution, 1849. Dyer, T. H., Hist, of the City, 1865. Eaton, C. A., Rome in the 19th cent., 1854. Gell, Topog. of Rome, 1834. Rome, Modern (continued). Gilleepie, Rome in 1843, 4. Hall, N., Land of the Forum, 1855. Head, G., Rome, a Tour of many days, 1849. Humphreys, H. N., Rome illustrated, 1840. Kingt-ley, C., Roman and Teuton, 1864. Kip, W. I., Christmas Holidays in Rome, 1846. The Catacombs of Rome, 1854. Maguire, J. F., Rome, its ruler and inst., 1858. Miley, J., History of Papal states, 1850. Mt. Edgcumbe, Revolution of 1848. Neligan, R , its churches, schools,1858. Newspapers, vol. 12, 13, Italian, 1848, 1849. Roma, Notizie pel anno, 1832. " Pianta topografica, 1748, 1799, 1829. Samber, Roma illustrata, 1721. Seymour, M. H., Mornings.. at Rome, 1849. Story, W. W., Roba di Roma, 1864. Tofanelli, Sculture e pitture nel Mus. Capitol., 1843. Vasi, Itinerario di Roina, 1824. Wiseman, Card., Ceremonies of Holy Week, See Italy; Bibliography. Rome, IV. Y. Knox, W. E., Semi-cen tennial Sermon, 1850. Oneida Co., Directory, 1862. Romero, M. Dinner to, 1864. Romeyn, J. B. Rowan, S. N., Sermon on, 1825. P. 62. Romilly, Sir S. Life of, 1841. Belsham, T., Sermon on, 1818. Romuey, G. Hayley, W., Life of, 1809. Rouge, J. Andresen, Account of, 1845. P. 390. Laing s Notes, 1846. Ronge, J., Coat of Treves, 1845. See Treves. Roome, Mrs. R. Stanford, J., Sermon on, 1820. Root Family. Genealog. records, 1870. Roscoe, W. Bowles, W. L., Lessons in Criticism to, 1826. Roscoe, H., Life of, 1833. B. C. Roscommon, Ir. Weld, I., Survey of the county, 1832. Rose. Amer. Rose culturist, 1852. Buist, The Rose Manual, 1847. Parsons, S. B., History of, and culti vation, 1847. See Horticulture ; Flowers. 504 ROSE. Rose, G. Diaries and corresp., 1783- 1815. Rose s Biographical Dictionary. Corney, B., Criticism of, 1839. P. 1240. Rosecrans, Gen. W. S. Bickham, Rosecrans s campaign, 1863. Fitch, J., Annals of army of the Cum berland, 1863 Rosecrans, Report: Battle of Mur- freesboro. Rosmini, A. Life of, 1856. Ross, B.C. Macauley, Trib. to, 1851. Ross, Gen. H. H. In Memoriam, 1862. Rossini, G. Memoirs, (Beyle), 1824. Gal. des Contem. vol. 3: Vie de, 1845. Roth, M. Thiersch, Biog. Nachrichten, 1852. Rotheram, C. Daye, J., Sermon on, 1752. Rothschild, Baron. Exclusion of, 1850. Rouen, France. Deville, Museede. Fr6re, De 1 imprimerie a. Freville, Hist, du Commerce de, 1857. Licquet, Histoire : guide, 1827. Roumania. See Moldavia; Wallachia. Rousseau, J. J. (Euvres, completes, 1793, 1810. Eloisa, Series of Letters, 1803. Hume, Account of Dispute between, 1766. Remarks on Writings and Conduct of, 1767. P. 677. Saint Pierre, Essai sur : v. 12. Rovigo, Duke of. Memoirs, 1828. Vindication of, Pamph r 9. Rowan, A. H. Autobiography, 1840. Mac Nevin, Life and Trial of,- 1846. Rowe, Mrs. E. Letters, 1786. Life of, and devout exercises, 1739. Rowlandsou, Mrs. Narr. of captivity in 1676. Rowley, Mass. Bradford, J., Centenn. Add., 1839. Gage, History of, 1840. Pike, J., Disc., Rifle Guards, 1855. " Anniv. Discourse, 1862. Rowson, Susanna. Nason, Memoir of, 1870. Roxburghshire, Scotland. Douglas, Agric. of, 1798. Scott, W., Border Antiquities, 1814. Roxbury, Mass. Dearborn, H. A. S., Address, 2d Centenn., 1830. P. 977. Dillaway, Hist, of Grammar School of 1645. Roxbury, Mass, (continued). Ellis, C. M., History of, 1847. Roxbury, City Documents, 1846-58. Roxbury Directory, 1848, 62, 64. Roxbury Ministry at Large, 1850-59. Thornton, Lives of Heath and Bowles, 1850. Royal Institution of Great Britain. Acct. of, (Smithson. Rep.), 1867. Royal Society. Grew, Cat. of Nat. and Art. curiosities of, 1681. Hill, J., Review of, 1751. Kippis, A., Late conflicts in, 1784. Maty, Index to Transactions, 1787. Miscellanea Curiosa, 1723-27. Royal Society, Transactions, 1800-69. " Proceedings, 1857-68. Smeaton, Misc. papers to, 1814. Stubbes, H., Censure upon, 1670. Thomson, T., History of, 1812. Weld, C. W., Hist, of, 1648. Royer-Collard, M. Gal. des contem., Vie de, 1845. Kubens, P. Sainsbury, Illust. Life of. 1859. Rubrics. Benson, C., Writings, 1832. Lushington, Judgment of, 1853. See Church of Eng. ; Ritualism. Rudd, Mrs. M. Anecdotes of, 1776. Ruddiman, T. Chalmers, G., Life of, 1794. Ruggles, R. Suffield, Conn., Anniv. of, 1858. Rumford, Count. Ellis, G. E., Life of, 1871. Renwick, J., Life of, Sparks 15. Rumpff, Mrs. Baird, R., Memoirs of. 1839. ^ Rundle, Dr. Case of Dr. R. s Promo tion, 1734. Reasons alleged against, 1734. P. 341. Rupert, Prince. Spruner, K., Pfalz- graf Rupert, Bin Lebensbild, 1854. Warburton, E., Memoirs of, 1849. Rush, B. Hosack, D., Tribute to, 1813. P. 55. B. C. Ramsay, D., Eulogium on, 1813. Rusk, T. J. Seward, W. II., Remarks on, 1858. Ruskin, J. Notice of, in True and Beau tiful, 1868. Baynes, P., Essays in biog., 1857. Kussel, W. Yates, C. C., Exposition, 1817. Russell, A. Lottsom, J. C., Memoirsof, 1786. Russell, D. Autobiography, 1857. RUSSIA. 505 Russell, .)., Duke of Bedford. Cor respondence, 18-12-6. Russell, J., Earl. Grey, Earl, Colonial Policy of, 1853. Russell, Lady Rachel. Letters, 1792. Berry, Memoirs of, 1844. Russell, T. Morse," J., Serin., Death of, 1796. P. 554. Warren, J., Eulogy on, 1796. Russell, Lord Wm. Russell, Rachel, Trial of, 1792. Russell, Lord John, Life of, 1847. Russia. Account of Livonia, 1701. Ackarsdijck, Verhaal eener Reize in, 1835. ^ Anthing, F., Campaigns of Gen. Su- warrow, 1799. Beauplan, Description of the Ukraine. Bell, R., History of, Lardner. Bulgarin, Ivan Vejeeghen, or Life in, 1832. B. C. Catherine II, Memoirs of, 1859. " Memoires par elle-meme, 1859. Cathcart, Commen. on War of, 1812. Cobden, R., What Next ? 1856. Cochrane, J., Pedest. Journey, 1824. Collins, P. M., Voyage on the Amoor, 1860. Cottrell, Recollections of Siberia,1840, 1841. Custine, Russia, 1844. Daschkaw, Princess, Memoirs, 1840. Eckardt, J., Modern Russia, 1870. Eustaphieve, A., Strictures, (Tchuy- kevitch). " Resources of, 1812, 13. Fletcher, R. in the 16th Cent., (Ha- kluyt Soc.). Fowler, G., Lives of Sovereigns of, 1858. Granville, Travels to St/Petersburg, 1829. Grenville, Lord, Speech, On Treaties, 1802. Guagnino, Delia Sarmatia Europea, 1606. Gurowski, Russia as it is, 1854. Hagemeister, Commerce of New Rus sia, 1836. Hamel, Early Voyages to Northern R., 1857. Hanway, J., Trade with the Caspian, 1753. " Account of, Coll. of Voy., 5. Harper, R. G., Corresp. on the Rus sian victories, 1813. Haxthausen, A. Von, The Russian Empire, 1856. 64 Russia (continued). Herberstoin, Notes upon Russia, 1851 . History of Eudoxia, 1816. Hist, of R. under Peter, 1835. Hoinmairode Hell, Russiemeridionale, 1843-5. Travels in Crimea, the Cau casus, etc., 1847. Johnston, R., Travels through, and Poland, 1815. Jourdier, Voyage agronomique, 1861. Kelly, W. K., History of, 1854. Kinglake, Invas. of Crimea, 1863, 68. Labaume, Campaign of 1812. Latham, R. G., Races of Russia, 1854. Le Bruyn, C., Travels into Muscovy, 1737. Le Perski, Verwisselinge van Russland, 1742. Lingard, v. 5, p. 261 ; Russian Com pany. Macarius, Travels, (Orient. Trans. Fund). Marx, E., Serf and Cossack, 1854. Maxwell, J. S., The Czar, his Court and People, 1848. Milton, J., Works, History of Mosco- via. Muscovy, Churchill, Supp. vol. 1. Niemcewicz, Captivity in, 1794-96. Olearius, Travels, 1633-39. Otto, Hist. Russ. literature, 1839. Pallas, Voyages dans plusieurs provin ces de, 1793. Pamphlets relating to Russia, vols. 825, 1443, 1479. Pinkerton, R., Misc. Obs. on the pro &ent state, 1833. Political pict. of Europe, 1806. Porter, R. ^., Campaign of 1812. Potocki, Voyage, Astrakhan, 1829. Pradt, Comparison of, with England, Pamph r 24. Recueil de Doc ts, 1853. Reinbeck, G., Travels from St. Peters- burgh, 1805, Phillips s Coll. Revelations of Russia, 1844. Ritchie, Pict. Annual, 1832, 3. Russia: Droits des dissidents, 1766. Russia under Nicholas I, 1841. B. C. Sauer, Geog. exped. to North, 1785- 1794. Schnitzler, Aper^u General de, 1844. " Secret History of, 1847. Schrenk, Reise nach dem Nord-osten, 1848. Staat van t Russische Keizerryk, 1744. Strangford, Lord, R. and Central Asia, 1869. Taylor, B., Travels in, 1855. 506 RUSSIA. Russia (continued). Tchuykevitch, War of 1812. Tcgoborski, Productive Forces of, 1857. Timkowski, Travels to China, 1827. Tochinan, G., Russian Policy to the U. S., 1844. P. 17. Tooke, W., History of, 1800. View of, 1799. U. S. Sen., Banks s Report on Treaty, 18(58. Urquhart, D., Mystery of the Danube, ! 1851. Ustrialoff, Nicholas I, 1854. P. 1443. j Van Halen, Narr. of travels, 1828. Walsh, R., Correspond, with R. G. Harper. P. 9. Whitworth s Acc t, (Fugitive pieces), 1758. Wilbraham, Tr. in Transcaucasian Provinces, 1837. VVilloughby, II., Travels in; Pinker- ton, 1. Wilson, R., Private Journal, 1812-14. Ysenbeek, Der Doopsgezinden, 1848. See Crimean War, 1854; Poland; St. Petersburgh; Siberia; Karats- chatka. Rust. See Mould s; Smut. Rutgers, II. MeMurray, W., Sermon, Death of, 1830. l\ 208. Rutgers College, N. J. Centennial celebration, 1870. Catalogues, 1856, 62-65. Inaug. of W. H. Campbell, 1863. Rutgers Female College. 25th anni versary, 1864. Catalogues and commencements, 1843- j 18158. Rutland, Vt. Town reports, 1861-67. Centennial celebration, 1870. Rutland Directory, 1867. Rutland Herald, 1867-68. Rutland Co., Vt. Agric. Soo. Reports, 1857-G2. Almanac, 1862. Williams, C. L., Statistics of the bar of, 1847. Rutlandshire. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Rutledge, J. Flanders, Lives of the Chief Justices. Van Santvoord, Lives of the Chief Justices. Ruyter, M. De. Brandt, G., La Vie de, 1698. Ryder, J. C. Belden, Account of, 1834. Rye, Kng. Durham, J. G., Address on Contiagration in, 1813. P. 1738. Rye,N.Y. Baird, C. W., Hist, of, 1871. Sabbath. Am. and For. Sabbath Union, 1844, 46. Blatchford, S., Sermon, 1826. Bowdler, C., Abolition of, 1333. P. 490. Brerewood, E., Treatise on Sabaoth, 1630. Considerations on the Sabbath wails, 1829. P. 15. B. C. Cox, R., Liter, of the Sabbath Ques tion, 1865. De Coetlogon, Sermon, Profanation of, 1776. Edwards, J., Sabbath Manual, (A. Tract S.). Exposition of unconstitutional law of * N. Y., 1826. P. 14. B. C. General Union for observance, 1828. Hall, W., Plea for, 1845. Hessey, J. A., Lectures on history of, 1860. Higgins, G., Errors respecting. Pam phleteer 27. Hooker, Horace, Temporal benefits of, 1835. P. 1753. Horton, T. G., Holiday or Holy-day, 1856. P. 1563. Hughes, T. S., Letter to Higgins re specting. Pamph r 27.- Humphrey, II., On Sanctification of, 1829. B. C. Jay, W., Prize Essay on, 1827. Krauth, C. P., Lutherans and Sun day, 1856. P. 1444. Logic of Col. Johnson s Report, 1829. P. 72. Low life, 1764. Maguire, R., Discussion on, 1858. P. 1444. N. Y. Sabbath Committee, 1860. " Doc ts, 1858-62. N. Y. State Sabbath Convention, 1844. Orr, J.> Sanctification of, 1808. P. 1444. Pamphlets relating to the Sabbath Observance, 490, 1444. Pearson, C , Letter on obser., 1855. Permanent Sab. Documents, etc. Quinton, J. A., Prize Essay, 1849. Remarks on the existing, .laws, Mass., 1816. P. 490. Sabba-th, The Ends of the, Albany. P. 490. Sabbath Desecration, 1850. P. 490. Seventh Day Baptist Conference, 1843, P. 490. Simpson, Civil Mandates, 1793. P. 320. Society for Promoting, etc., Lond., 1833. P. 490. SAINTE CROIX. 507 Sabbath (continued). Stukely, W., Scrui., Profanation of, 1742. P. 189. Sunday Legislation, Buffalo, 1858. P. 4 JO. Utica Presbytery: Sunday Cheese Ma king, 1865. P. 1444. Whately, On the Sabbath question, 1845. Willison, J., Sanctification of, 1820. Willicton, S., Five Discourses, 1818. Sabbath Schools. Alexander, Vindi cation of, 1829. P. 289. Am. Sunday School Union, Reports, 1834-58. 4 < Magazine, 1823, 27. Bennett, J., Sermon on, 17S5. Boardman, H. A., Union Principle, 185S. P. 289. End and Essence of, 1827. Ferris, I., Hist, of N. Y. S. S. Union, 1866. " Sermon, A. S. S. U., 1834. First Presb. Ch. Utica, Celebr Glasse, S , History of, Serm. on, 1786. Grimke, T. S., Address, 1831. Hibernian Society, 1811-15. Hill, R., Apology for, Lond., 1801. Home, G., Sermon, 1785. Lectures to Teachers, 1838. P. 605. Libraries of, Pam. V. 627. London S. S. Union. 1821. P. 289. Mass. Sab. Scb. Society, Report, 1833- 1852. P. 289. Mercein, The masses saved with, 1854. P. 441. Meth. Episc. Church, S. S. Union, Reports, 1853-58. P. 519. Moore, C., Serm., 1785, and History. P. K08. N. Y. Sunday S. Union, 1850. P. 289. Pamphlets relating to Sabbath Schools, 289, 1753," 1828. Prot. Ep. Ch., S. S. Union, 1827, 36, 1850. P. 541. Prot. Epis. S. S. Sue., Phil a, Reports. 1826-30. P. 289, 542. Sunday School Society, Lond., 1785. Sunday School Soc., Boston, 1850, 54. Sunday School Teacher, Chicago, 1867. P. 1828. Universalist S. S. Union, 1858. P. 289. Words in a Sabbath School, 1842. Sacheverell, H. Bisset, W., Modern Fanatick, 1710. P. 340. Burnet, G., Impeachment of, 1710. Chapman, R., On two Sermons of Dr. S., 1709. Pamphlets on, vol. 811. Peril of being zealously affected. 1709. P. 322. Sacheveiell, II. (continued). Saphcverell, Speech on trial, 1709. Talbot, Bp., Speech on Trial of, 1710. P. 340. Winston, W , Account of, 1719. P. 314. Sack vi lie Family. Bridgman, J., His tory of, 1821. Saco, Me. Dwight, E. S., Centen. Dis course, 18fi2. Folsom, G., Hist. Sketch of, 1830. Nichols, J. T. G., Hist. Sermon, 1863. P. 1832. Sacraments. Barrow, I., Doctrine of, 1829. P. 295. Henry, C. S., Sermon, 1845. Pamphlets, vols. 1276, 1279. Wickliff, J., Dialogi, 1753. See Communion; Baptism; Church of England; Rom- Cath. Church. Sacrilege. Spelman, H., Hist, of, 1698. Sadler, Sir R. Scott, W., Memoir of. Safety Lamp. Blackwell, Explosions, 1853. P. 402. Davy, Sir H., Misc. papers, v. vi. Instruction pratique, 1824- Sagas. See Literature; Icelandic; Swe dish. Sagean, M. Adventures et voyage de, 1863. Sailors. See Seamen. St. Albans, Vt. Dutcher, L. L., Hist. discourse, 1860. P. 997. St. Albans Raid, Montreal, 1864, 5. Saint Andrews Society of Albany. Hist., Members, Sanitary Fair, 1864. Saint Andrews Soc. of N. Y. State. Hist., Members, Centen Orat., 1856. St. Arnaud, Gen. Letters, 1855. St. Asaph. Willis, Survey of, 1801. St. Augustine, Flor. St Augustine, Cath. Church, Report, 1848. P. 548. Fairbanks, G. R., History of, 1858. Sewall, R. H , Sketches of, 1848. St. Anlaire, M. de. Broglie, Discours sur, 1856. P. 944 Saint Bartholomew. White, H., His tory of the Massacre, 1868. St. Charles, Illinois. Congreg. Ch. in, 1854. P. 484. St. Clair, Gen. A. Narrative of Cam paign, 1791. Sainte Croix. Hawley, F. J., Sermons, 1856, 1859. Hovey, S., Geology of, Am. Jour, of Sci., v. 35. 508 SAINTE CROTX. Sainte Croix (continued). Knox, J. P., St. Thomas and St. Croix, 1852. Tuckerman, .)., Winter Residence in, 1837. P. 210. West, Beschreibung von, 1794. St. David s College. Williams, R., Working of, 1851. P. 36. Saint Denis Abbey. History of, 1795. Saint Domingo and Hayti. Atwood, T., Hist of the Isle, 1791. Bellin, Dcbouquemens au Nord de. 1768. Briefe and Perfect Journal, 1655. Brown, W. W., Revolutions of, 1855. P. 958. Charlevoix, Histoire de, 1730, 31. Charmilly, Answer to B. Edwards, 1797. Chaetenet, Nav. aux cotes de, 1787. Clark, B. C., Plea for Haiti, 1853. Courteney, W. S., Gold Fields of, 1860. Cri, Le, d un Colon de, 1795. Dalmas, Hist, de la Revolution de, 1814. Descourtilz, Voyage d un naturaliste, 1809. Desperrieres, Fievres de, 1780. Ducoeurjoly, Manuel des Habitans, 1802. Edwards, B., Hist, of W. I., 1797. Elliott, C. W., Revolution of, 1855. Fabcns, Resources of, 1862, 69. France, Debats. . ..dans 1 Affaire des Colonies, 1795. Gouy, Jour. Hist, de toutes les assem- blees, 1788. Gregoire, H., Liberte a Haiti, 1824. Guillermin, Revolution de, 1808. " Pr6cisdesEvenemens,1811. Billiard d Auberteuil, Etat present de, 1776. Journal de St. Domingue, 1765. Laujon, Hist, de la derniero Expedi tion de, 1802. Lee, Mem. of Touss. L 0uverture,1854. L Ouverture, History of, 1803. Madiou, Histoire de Haiti, 1848. Malenfant, Des Colonies et de, 1814. Moreau de St. Mery, Descr. of Spanish part of, 1797-98. Pons, Situation politique, 1790. Pradt, Pieces relatives a, 1818. Rainsford, M., Hist. Acct. of Hayti, 1805. Recueil de Pieces, remises, 1788. Redpath, J., Guide to Hayti, 1860. Rural Code of Hayti. Seul, Du, parti a prendre, 1819. Smith, J. M., Lect. on Haytien Rev olution, 1841. P. 958. | Saint Domingo and Hayti (continued). Toledo, Objeciones, 1812. Walton, W.,Pres. Stateof Span. Col., 1810. Willis, N. P., Trip to the Tropics, 1853. Wimpffen, Voyage a, 1788. W right, E , Lesson of, 1861. Ifurtz, Memoires: 1, 2, 1820, 22. See West Indies; French and Spanish Col. Saint Evremond, C. De. (Euvres,Vie, par Des Maizeaux. St. Francis Xavier College, N. Y. Catalogues, 1860-70. St. George, Va. Slaughter, History of, 1847. St. Helena Is. Beatson, Tracts on, 1816. Selberg, Reise nach, 1846. See Napoleon I. St. Jago Is. Descourtilz, Voy. d un naturaliste, 1809. St. John, Lord Bolingbroke. See Bolingbroke. St. John s Is. Egtnont, Memorial, 1764. P. 1684. St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Directory, 1859, 62. Hough, F. B., History of, 1853. Jefferson and St. Lawrence Co. News papers, 1812-52. Saint Lawrence American, 1855-59, (Newsp.). St. Lawrence Co. Advertiser, 1850. St. Lawrence Free Press, 1854. St. Lawrence River. Journal de 1 Ex- pedition, 1759. See Canada. St. Leonard s, Eng. Ross s Hastings. St. Louis, Mri. Chouteau, A., Settle ment of, 1858. P. 971. Edwards, The Great West, 1860. Illinois Directory, 1855. Lyford s Directory, 1837. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 475. Reavis, Future of, 1871. St. Louis, Ann. Reviews of commerce, etc., 1851-5. Saint Louis, Description of, 1858. " Thoughts about, 1854. St. Louis Cha. of Comm., Report on Navig., 1842. St. Louis Directory, 1857. 59. St. Louis Register, 1821, 22, Newsp., v. 4. St. Louis Church, Buffalo. See Buf falo. SALISBURY, CONN. 509 St. Louis University, Mri. Catalogues, 1842-64. Saint Lucia Is. Breen, History of, 1844. Uring, N., Hist, of his Voyages, 1722. St. Malo, France. Robidou, B., Hist, d un bean pays, 1861. St. Mark s Church, N. Y. Anthon, Sermon, 1845. St. Mary s Falls. Ship Canal Co. Lands, 1858, 62, 63. St. Mary Overy Church, London. Taylor, W., Annals of, 1833. St. Nicholas Society. Banquet to the Prince of Orange, 1852. Beekman, J. W., Address, Dec. 4, 1869. Betts, W, Anniv. Add., 1851. Duer, W. A., Address, 1848. B. C. P. 50. Hoffman, C. F., Discourse, 1847. St. Paucras Parish. Cansick, Epitaphs in, 1869. State of the Parish, 1845. Saint Patrick s Cathedral, Dublin. Mason, W. M., History of, 1820. St. Paul s. Minnesota, Rise of. St. Paul s Cathedral. Hist. Sketch, 1837. P. 253, 616. Guide to, 1850. P. 1710. Plan for Worship in, 1839. St. Paul s Coll., Mri. Giddings, Acc t of, 1855. P. 215. St. Petersburg. Plan en relief de. P. 41. B. C. See Russia. St. Peter s Church, Albany. To the Members, J. Tayler et al., 1816. To the Congregation, No parishoner, 1816. Report to the Vestrymen, 1816. Answer of the members, 1816. Finan. Reports, 1830, 32, 36. Reports to the Vestry; 1845, 49, 70, 71. To the parishioners, 1868. Orphans Home, Rep., 1866-70. Review of a Pam., by Spencer, 1846. St. Peter s Lake. Logan, W. E., Report of Survey of, 1850. P. 274. St. Pierre, J. H. B. de. (Euvres: Vie de. St. Saviour s Church, Loud. Taylor, \V., Annals of, 1833. St. Simon, Due de. Memoires, 1789. " Memoirs, 1857. St. Stephen s College, Annandale, N. Y. Reports and catal., 1863- 1871. St. Thomas Church, Whitemarsh, Md. Millett, D. C., History of, 1864. St. Thomas Is. Belgium, Enquete sur, 1846. Knox, J. P., Hist. acct. of, 1852. St. Thomas Rectory. Wilson, H. B., Letter, 1851. St. Vincent, Earl of. Naval anecdotes, 1805. St. Vincent Is. Shephard, C., History of, 1831, Uring, Intended settlement of, 1725. Sainte Beuve, C. A. Galerie des Con- tern., Vie de, 1845. Saints. Ansart, Hist, de Reine d Alise. Butler, C., Lives of the Saints, 1838. Discourse concerning invocation of, 1684. Gennaro, S. } Novena, 1816. Newman, Lives of English Saints, 1844. Patrick, Sts , Bridget and Columba, Lives of. Philomena, ., Memorie, 1835. Salem, Mass. Colman, Install, of J. Flint, 1821. P. 105. Emerson, B., Jubilee discourse, South Church, 1355. Essex South Conference. Felt, J. B., Annals of, 1845-49. " Did the first church, etc., 1856. First Cong. Church, Corresp., 1832. P. 262. Flint, J., Hist. Discourses, 1845, 46. P. 105. Howard St. Church, Eccl. Counc.,1850. Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Coll., I, 6, Hist. of. Mills, R. C., Hist. 1st Bapt. Church. Morison, First Church, Hist of, 1853. Salem, City Documents, 1857-70. Salem, Reports, etc., 1854-58. Salem Directory, 1832, 42, 46, 50, 51, 1853, 55, 57, 59, 64. Story, J., Hist. Discourse, 1828. Tabernacle Church, 1821, 32, 63. Upham, C. W., Hist, of First Church, 1867. " Hist, of Witchcraft in, 1692. White. D. A., Hist, of First Church, 1861. Worcester, S. M , Centennial Disc., 1835. " Mem. of the Tabernacle Church, 1855. Salem, N. J. Johnson, R. G., Histori cal account of, 1839. Salisbury, Conn. Reid, Hist, address, 1845. 510 SALISBURY, ENG. Salisburv, Eng. Archaeol. Inst. of G. B., Memoirs, 1849. Dodsworth, Guide to Cathedral, 1800. Wansey, Poor-houses in. Salisbury, Vt. Weeks, J. M., History of, 1860. Salkeld. Family genealogy, 1867. Salmon. See Fisheries. Salm-Salm, Prince. Evanson, W r . A., Conversion of, 1827. P. 346. Salm-Salm, F. My diary in Mexico, 1868. Salt, II. Halls, J. J., Life and Corres pondence of, 1834. Salt. Beck, L. C., OnondagaSalt springs, 1826. Brownrigg, Art of making, 1743. De Witt, B., Mem. on Onondaga Salt, Soc. of Arts, 1798. Edwards, H. M., Emploi du sel en Angleterro, 1850. Geddes, G., S. and the way to use it, N. Y. Ag. Soc., 18S8. Goessman, Chem. of the springs, On ondaga, 1866. " Mnnufac. of salt in Cuba, 1865. " Chem. of brines, Am. J. of S., 1867. Hauer, Mines d Autriche, 1855. Houghton, Husbandry improved, 1727. Howard, R., A Treatise on Salt, its effects, 1WO. Kanawha Co , Va., Manufacturers memorial, 1830. P. 205. Koch-Sternfeld, Deutschen Saltz- werke, 1836. Kohl, J. G., Austria, 1843. Melier, Sur les marais salants, 1847. Michigan, Geol. Survey, 1869. N. Y. Onondaga Salt Springs, Reports, 1843-71. " Testimony on the distrib. and manufacture of, 1862. * Report on manuf. and duty on, 1854. Parkes, S., Salt in agriculture, 1819. P. 765. Phil a Monthly Mag., 1798. .^aginaw Valley, 1862. Skene, Danubian Principalities, v. 2. Soc. for Pro. Agr. v. I, DeWitt s Es say. Struve, H., Mcrnoires sur les Salines, 1803. Thomassy, Sel aux Etats Unis, 1855. P. 205." Zeitschrift Salinen-wesen in dem Preuss. Staate, 1859-60. SaltoHstnll. L. Brazcr, Discourse on, 1845. P. 214. Saltpetre. Pamphlets, vol. 804. i Salvador. See Central America. Salvandy, Conite de. Robin, Gens de lettres. Samaritans. Juynboll, Coinm. in Hist. Gentis, 1846. Sampson, Deborah. 1866. Life of, 1797, Sampson, William. Memoirs, 1817, 32. Sanborn Family. Genealogy, 1856. ! Sanborn, P. Whiting, L., Fun. Ser mons, 1857. P. 1613. Sancho, Ignatius. Letters and Life, 1782. Sancroft, Abp. D Oyly, Life of, 1821. Sandeman, D. Bonar, A. A., Life of, 1861. Sandeman, R. Bellamy, J., Nature of the Gospel, Works, 1850. Fuller, A., Works, 1852. Glass, J , Marrow of Divinity, 1800. P. 683. Langdon, Examination of, 1769. Letters of Theron, etc. Payne, G-, Remarks, 1820. Reflections on an Epistolary, 1759. Saudercock, E. Cappe, N., Sermon on, 1760. P. 1564. Sandiford, R. Vaux, R., Memoir, 1815. Sands, R. C. Writings and Memoir, 1835. Sandwich Is. See Hawaii; Pacific Ocean; Polynesia. Sandys, G. Nichols, Coll. of Poems, v. 8. Sandys, Journey in Turkey, etc., 1621. Sanfermo, Conte R. Condotta Minis- teriate, 1798. Sanford, David. Emmons, N., Sermon on, 1810. Sanford, Deborah. Hotchkiss, F. W., Serm. Death of, 1795. Sanford, J. Baird R., Memoir of, 1836. San Francisco, Cal. Colton, W., Deck and port, 1850. Newman, B. B., Land titles and Senate bill, 1864 San Francisco, Munic. Rep s, 1862-65. San Francisco Directories, 1854, 56, 1861, 63. San Francisco Vigilance Committee, Address, 1856. P. 1840. Soule, Annals of, 1855. Taylor, W., Seven Years Preaching in, 1856. See California. *> rur T O 7 SATIRE AND SATIRES. Sanitary. See Health ; Quarantine ; Social Science. San Jose, Cal. Hall. History <f, 1870. San Juan Is. Milton, Hist, of Water bound quest., 1869. North West Boundary Quest., 1868. Sanskrit. See Grammars; Language. Sanson. Mrmolres des Sansons, execu | teurs, 1688-1847. Santa Anna, Gen. Gilliam, Tr. in Mcx- ; ico: Life of, 1843, 44. Houston, S., Letter to, 1852. P. 527. j Santa Cruz. See Sainte Croix. Santangelo, O. A. De. Charges of. P. 1365. Claim of, 1841. Santa Fe. See New Mexico. Saragossa. Gavin, De la inquisi. de, 1826. Rice, P. M.. Second Siego of, 1809. Vaughan, Narr. of Siege of, 1809. P. 1467. Saratoga. Allen, R. L., Hand-book of, 1861, 18 6. De Veaux, Traveller s own Book, 1843. Enimons, The Empire Spring, 1849. Peck, Tourist s Companion, 1850. Steel, J. H , Analysis of Waters, 1817, 19, 31, 38, 60. See Mineral Springs. Saratoga Co. ,N.Y. Directory, 1869, 71. j Hay, Hist, of Temperance in. Sarawak. Brooke, Narr. of events, : (Mundy.), 1848. Low, II., Residence in, 1848. See Borneo. Sardinia. Allix, Eccl. Hist, of Pied mont, 1692. Cluverius, Sic. antiq., item Sardinia, 1619. Forester, Rambles in island of, 1861. Gallenga, History of Piedmont, 1 855. Gait, J., Voyages and travels, 1809-11. | Gouin, Sur les mines de, 1867. Greevius, Thesaurus antiquitatum. Hill, R., Diplomatic Correspond. ,1845. Histoire de Genes, 1742. Muston, The Israel of the Alps, 1857. Oderico, Lettere Ligustiche, 1792. Santa Rosa, Piedmontesc Revolution. Pamph r 19. St. John, B., The Sub-Alpine King dom, 1856. Sardinia, Calendario, 1833, 34. Tesauro, Campeggiamenti del S. Pri. Tomaso, 1674. " Historia di Torino, 1679. See Italy; Walclenses; Newspapers, vol. 12: Italian, 1848; Turin. Sargent, D Frothingharn, N. L., Ser mon on, 1842. Sargent, Ciov. W. Papers regarding, 1801. Sarmienlo, D. F. Argentine repub., and Life of, 1868. Sarpi, P. Fontanini, Storia arcana thella vita di, 1803. Saskatchewan. Hind, Narrative, 1858. See Canada. Satan. Buchanan, R , The devil dis sected, 1843. Dublin Univ. Mag., 1859; Luther s Devil talk. Hall, R., Personality of, Works. Letters, Existence of fallen spirits, (Shedd), 1828. Priest, J., Anti-Universalist. Satire and Satires. Abbey of Kilk- hampton, 1780. Anstey, C , New Bath guide. Baillet, Jugemens, v. 7, 1722. Boileau, Discourse on. Butler, S., Hudibras, 1847. Butler, W. A., Two millions. Byron, Lord, English bards and Scotch reviewers. De Foe, D., The true born English man. Dissertation in burlesque, 1701. Female Jockey Club, 1794. Fessenden, T. G., Terrible tractora- tion, 1803, 06. Full and true acct. of Earthquake, 1750. Gifford, Essay on Rom. Satirists, (Ju- venalis). Hall, Jos., Satires, (Singer), 1824. Harte, W., Essay on Satire, 1730. P. 810. Hone, W.,Man in the Moon, etc. ,1820. " Parson s Horn Book, 1832. " Miscellanies, 1817-20. Horatius, Satires, in Lat. and Engl. Jockey Club, 1793. Juvenalis, Satires in Latin and Eng lish. Kennedy, J. P., Annals of Quodlibet, 1860. Letter from a gentleman, 1750. Madman, The, 1754. Manley, Mrs., The New Atlantis. Mathias, T. G., Pursuits of Litera ture, 1805. Moore, T., The Fudge Family. My Dog Brace, 1844. Paulding, J. K., John Bull in Amer ica, 1825. Persius, Satires, in Lat. and Eng. Physiognomy, 1763. 512 SATIRE AND SATIRES. Satire and Satires (continued). Pope, A., The Dunciad, 1729. , Quevedo, T. De, Works, 1798. Ritchie, A- C. M., Reviewers Re viewed, 1837. Rogeard, A., Propos de Labi6nus, 1865. Satirae duse, (Scioppius), 1617. Spain vindicated, 1825. Strother, J. H., The Golden Calf, 1854. Swift, J., Tale of a Tub. Tafereel, Het groote, der dwaashoid, 1720. Trollopiad, The, N. Y., 1837. Trumbull, J., M Fingal, 1782, 91, 1806. Ward, N., Cobbler of Agawam, 1843. Wolcott, J., Peter Pindar s Works, 1794. See Humor; Latin Authors; Poetry. Saumarez, Admiral de. Ross, Me moirs of, 1838 Sauquoit, N. Y. McGiffert, Hist, dis course, 1860. Savannah, Ga. Siege of, 1779, (Hough), 1866. Savary, J. M. R. See Rovigo, Duke. Savery, J. Bourne, Miniature of, 1830. P. 390. Savings Banks. Bank for Savings, N. Y., Report, 1863,68. " Memorial to Congress, 1866. Beaumont, Essay on, Pamphleteer, v.7. Becher, J. T., Friendly Societies, 1824. Bowles, J., Reasons for, 1817. Buffalo Savings Bank, Report, 1859. Christian, E., Plan for, 1816. Denio, H., Funds of Depositors, 1853. P. 464. France : Caisses d Epargne, 1851, 54, 1856. Friendly Advice to Indust. Persons, 1816. Girard, F., Des caisses de retraites, 1850. Hawkins, J. B., Savings Banks: Sug gestions, 1857. Haygarth, Explanation of Bath Inst., 1816. P. 1821. Manchester and Salford. Report on, 1845. P. 252. Martou, Institutions de prevoyance, Encyc. Pop. Massachusetts, Reports on, 1846-54. Mass. Loan Fund Assoc ns, 1862-65. N. Y. Supt s Reports, 1858-66, 68-71. Unclaimed deposits, 1863. " Special Report, Koyes, 1868. Nicoll, Acct. of York Bank, 1817. Observations on Benefit Clubs, 1827. Savings Banks (continued). Pamphlets relating to Savings Banks, vols. 535, 1821. Paris : Bakers : Compte de la caisse de service, 1856. Penn a, Reports on, 1848, 52, 63, 66. " Report oh Phil a Inst., 1836. P. 1821. Penot, Instit. de prevoyance, (Soc. de Mulhouse). Provident Fund Soc. of N. Y., 1866. Provident Inst., Bost., Laws, 1842. Savings Inst., Newark, 1847. Sixpenny Savings Bank, N. Y., 1853. P. 252. Suffolk Savings Bank, Laws, 1855. Syracuse Savings Inst., Laws, 1861. Savory, W. Cox, J., Sermon on, Lond., 1854. Savoy. See Sardinia; France. Sau in, T. E. Descendants of, 1866. Saxony. Philipps, History of Princes Ernest and Bernard, 1740. Shoberl, House of, 1816. Stanford, J. F., Rambles in, 1842. See Germany. Saybrook Platform. Congr. Churches of Connecticut. Scammell, A. Coffin, C., Life of, 1855. Scandal. Barret, Serm., Evil of, 1711. P. 365. Durham, J., Treatise on, 1740. Woodward, J., Baseness of Slander, 1787. Scandinavia. Acerbi, Travels through, 1802. Clarke, E. D., Travels, 1816. Coxe, W., Travels, 1787. Crichton, A., Scandinavia, a history. Ed. Cab. Lib. Dunham, S. A., Hist, of; Lardner s Cyc. Herbert, W., Horae Scandicae, 1842. Howitt, W. A M., Lit. of Northern Europe, 1852. Keyser, R., Religion of the Northmen, 1854. Kong. Nord. Oldskrift-Selskab; An- naler, 1836-38. Laing, The Kriinskringla, 1844; Trans. Mallet, Northern Antiquities, 1847. Miiller, Chips from German workshop, v. II. Nilsson, Primitire inhabit, of 1868. Nordiske Literatur Samfund, 1847-51. Rietz, J. E., Skunska Skolviisendets Hist., 1848. Sinding, History of, 1866. Taylor, B., Northern travel, 1858. SCIENCE. 513 Scandinavia (continued). Wheaton, II., Hist, of the Northmen, 1831. See Sweden; Denmark; Iceland; Lap land; Norway. Scarboro, Eng. Cole, Guide to, and history. Scarborough, Me. Maine Hist. Soc. Coll., v. 3. Schaf, P. Helfenstein, Mercersburg theology. Schamyl Chief. Mackie, J. M., Life of, 1856. Scheffer, A. Grote, II. L., Memoir of, 1860. Schemerhorn, H. O. Folsom, G. D. F , Fun. Discourse. Schenectady, N. Y. Directories, 1856, 1860-67, 70. DeWitt, Mem. of the French exped. to, 1690. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Proc., 1846. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1869, Destruc tion of, 1689. Stree^ A. B., Burning of, A Poem. Toll, Hist, of First Settlers, 1847. SeeNott; Union College. Schenk, G. Chambers, Funeral Serm. on, 1852. P. 268. Scherpf, G. A. Appeal on Meisel, 1851. Schiller, F. Carlyle, T., Life of, 1846. Follen, On Life and Dramas of, 1841. B. C. Schiller, F., Life of, 1837. " Corresp. with Korner. " Corresp. with Goethe, etc. Schism. Cassan, S. H., Sin of, 1819. Cawdrey D., Independencie a Schism, 1657. Charge of Schism, Norris, 1703. Durham, J., Treatise on Scandal, 1740. Fosdick, D., Sect is Sin, 1855. P. 558. Harness, W., Two Sermons, 1829. Kettlewell, Discourse on, 1684. Modern Pleas for, 1715. Owen, J., Vind. of Non-Conformists, 1680. P. 354. Severn, Serm., Diversity of Sects, 1809. Tallents, History of, 1705. See Dissenters; Church of Ingland ; Conformity ; Toleration ; Christian Union; Sects. Schlatter, M. Harbaugh, Life of, 1716- 1790. Schleiermacher, F. E. Life and Let ters of, I860. 65 Schluter, D. Redslob, In Mernoriam, 1853. Schoharie County, 1C. Y. Brown, J. M., Brief Sketch of, 1823. Homes, Palatine Emigration in 1709. Knoepfel, Account of Schoharie Care, 1853. P. 253. Lintner, Hist, disc., Bible Soc., 1863. Murphy, T., Life of, 1863. Schoharie Observer, 1818-24. Schoharie Republican, 1819-23. Shank, D., Methodism in, 1863. Simms, J. R., Hist, of, 1845. State of the Palatines, Lond., 1710. Scholefield, Prof. J. Memoir of, 1855. Schomberg, Dukes of. Agnew, Pro testant exiles, 1871. School Books, Schools. See Educa tion ; Industrial ; Normal ; Reform . Schuueman, J. Vlierden, P. van, Lyk- reden op, 1794. Schuyler, P. Lossing, B. J., Life of, Vol. I, 1860. Schuyler, G. L., Corresp. on Bancroft s Hist, of the U. S. Schuyler Co., N. Y. On dividing it, 1856. " Directory, 1868-9. Schuylkill Co., Penn a. Patriotism in the war, 1865. Schuylkill Fishing Co. Memoir of, 1830. Schuylkill Navig. Co. Reports, 1822- 62, imp. Schwartz. See Swartz. Schwartz, J. G. Bachman, Fun. Ser mon on, 1831. Science. Abroge d toutes les scioncei, 1811. Admiralty Manual, 1859. Annual of Scientif. discovery, Bost., 1850-71. Arago, CEuvres, V. 4-11, 1854-59. Bacon, F., Works, 1824, 61. Bacon, Roger, Opera inedita : Opus tertium. Opus minus, 1859. Barnard, H.. Scientific schools, France, 1862. Baillie, Sur 1 Atlantide de Platon, 1779. B. C. Bielfield, Elements of Univ. erudition, 1770. Browne, D. J., Etymological Encyclo paedia of, 1832. B. C. Bruce, J., Letter on Soc. of Anti quaries, 1852. Capella, M. M. F., Satyricon, 1600. Cod"azza, G., Polarizzazione della luce, 1853. 514 SCIENCE. Science (continued). Comte, Philos. of the Sciences, 1853. Cream of Scientific Knowledge, 1841. B . C. Dick, T., The Chr. philosopher, 1830 Diet, des Sci. Philosophiques, 1844-52. Dusseau, Verbeenigen in zachte deelen, 1850. Epitome of science, 1811. Ewbank, T., World a work-shop, 1855. Excelsior, Lond., 1854. Garnett, Annals of Philosophy, 1801. Germain, S., Consid. sur 1 etat des, 1833. P. 10. Haughton, Rev. S., Scientific Papers collected, 1851-63. Hellingwerp, Wiskoustige Oeffening, 1718. Herschel, Manual of Scientific Inquiry, 1849. Historical Essay on origin, etc , 1749. P. 253. Jamieson, G., Essentials of Philos., 1859. Johnson, F. G., Philosoph. Charts, 1855. Lardner, Museum of Science and Art, 1854, 55. " Course of Lectures, N. Y., 1842. Meiners, History des Sci. en Grece, 1748. Orr s Circle of the Sciences, 1854-5. Pamphlets, Scientific, vols. 23, 74, 79, 92, 205, 222, 233, 255s 272-274, 402, 551, 662, 749, 781, 826, 827, 858, 907, 923, 1014, 1024, 1049, 1050, 1206, 1207, 1797, 1822,. 1874. Peirce, Phys. and Celest. Mechanics, 1855. Potter, A., Sci. applied to the Arts, 1842. Quetelet, A., Papers, 1863-5. Quetelet, E., Papers, 1863-8. Timbs, Year-book of facts in Science, 1839-60. Tyndall, Fragments of" Science for the unscientific, 1871 . Wechniakof, Economic des travaux cientifiquos, 1870. Whewell, W., Philos. of discovery, 1860. " Hist, of inductive sciences, 1857. " Hist, of Scien. ideas, 1858. Vincentius, Speculum Dootrinale,1494. Wing, H. II., Effects of studying the Sciences, 1834. P. 237. Youmans, E. L., The future demanded. Selected addresses, 1867. See Knowledge ; Philosophy; Physics; Arts; Natural Philosophy; Nat ural Hist.; Geology; Biography, Scientific. Sciences, Classification of. Bacon, F., Novum Organon. Charma, A., Une nouvelle classifica tion, 1859. P. 1207. Coleridge, S. T., Method, Encyc. Met- ropol. Comte, Cours de Philosophic. " Positive Philos., (Mnrtineau). Palermo, F., Classazionedei libri,1854. Park, R., P.intologia, 1841. Spencer, H., Class, of the sciences, 1864. P. 1207. See Bibliography. Scientific Discourses. Bowdoin, J., Amer. Acad. of Arts and Science, 1780. Brande, W. T., Lond. Inst., 1819. Brougham, Disc, on the Objects of, etc., 1827. B. C. Davy, Sir H., Six Lectures, 1827. Forbes, J. D., Brit. Assoc n, 1834. Foulke, W. P., Ac. of Sci., Phil a, 1854. P. 100. Frick, W., Univ. of Maryland, 1831. P. 587. Gregory, 0., Oration, Phil.Soc., Lon don. Pamph r 13. Luke, S., Lect., Chester Mech. Ass n., 1838. P. 1822. Lyman, C. S., Address on Sci. Ed., Sheffield School, 1867. Northampton, Marq. of, Addr., Royal Soc., 1840. Poinsett, J. R., Disc., Objects of the Nat. Inst., 1841. Townsend, P. S., Disc., Lyceum of Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1820. Watkins, T., Columbian Inst., Wash ington, 1826. P. 581- Whewell, W., Lecture, 1854. See Am. Assoc n; British Assoc n, etc., the Ann. Addresses. Scientific Periodicals. Academician, (Picket), N. Y., 1818-20. Amer. Journal of Photography, 1861. Amer. Jour, of Science, (Silliman), 1819-72. Ainer. Mineral. Jour., (Bruce), 1814. Amer. Repertory of Arts, Science and Man., (Mapes), N. Y., 1840-42. Amer. Polytechnic Journal, 1853, 4. Annales des mines, I860, 61. Annales d Horticulture, (Leide), 1859- 1862. Annals and Mag. of Natural History, 1858-70. Annals of Philosophy, (T. Thompson), 1813-20. Annals of Science, Cleveland, O.,1853. Annual of Scient. Discovery, Boston, 1850-71. Anthropological Review, 1863-66. SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES. 515 Scientific Periodicals (continued). Appleton s Mechanic s Mag., 1852-54. Arcana of Science and Art, 1828-38. Astron. Jour., Oamb., Mass., (Gould), 1849-52. Berg und Hilttenmiinische Zeitung, Freiberg, 1860. Boston Jour, of Phil., 1824-26. Bulletin des Sciences, Hist., Antiq., PhiloU, 1824-31. Bulletin des Sci. technologiques, 1824- lt-31. Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art, 1852-65. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, 1863-69. Civil Engineers Journal, Lond., 1838- 1867. Daguerrian Journal, 1850-53. Echo du Monde Savant, 1841. Edinburgh Philos. Jour., (Brewster), 1819-32. Edinburgh New Phil. Jour., (Jama- son), 1826-72. Elliot, American Museum, 1822. Emporium of Arts and Sciences, 1812- 1814. Ethnological Journal, 1848, 49. Farmer and Mechanic, 1847-50. Genees-Natuur en Huishoud-kundige Jaarboeken, 1780. P. 107. Geologist, The, (Moxon), Lond., 1842, 1843. Geologist, The, (Mackie), London, 1862-4. Gill s Technological Repository, 1827- 1830. Guttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, 1854- 1863, Humphrey s Jour, of Photog., 1853- 1856. Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, etc., (Leon- hard), 1830-57. Journal des Connaissances usuelles, 1833. Journal of Design and Manuf., 1849- 1852. Journal of Organic and Med. Chem., 1852. P. 98. Journal of Botany, (Hooker), 1834-42. London, Edin. and Dublin Phil. Mag., 1832-72. London Geolog. Journal, 1846, 47. London Jour, of Arts, Sciences, etc., 1820-47. Long Island Jour, of Phil., 1825. Magazine of Nat. History, London, 1829-40. Mechanics Magazine, London, 1823- 1872. Monthly Lit. and Sci. Lecturer, Lon don, 1850. Mining Magazine, N. Y., 1853-60. Scientific Periodicals (continued). Nash, Ladies Diary, N. Y., 1813-21. N. Y. Med. and Philosoph. Journal, 1809-11. Nicholson s Jour, of Nat. Phil., 1797- 1813. North Western Jour, of Edu., Sci., etc. , 1850. Paiton s Magazine of Botany, 1834, 1839-49. Philosophical Magazine and Journal, 1793-1826. Plough, Loom and Anvil, 1848-57. Quarterly Journal of Science, (W. T. Brande), 1817-30. Quarterly Journal of Science, London, 1864-71. Quarterly Mining Review, 1830-35. Repertoire de chimie, 1858-60. Repertory of Patent Invent., 1830-48- Repertory of Arts and Manuf., 1794- 1817. Scientific American, N. Y., 1846-72. Scientific Journal, (Marratt), N. Y., 1818. Scientific Tracts, Serial, Boston, 1832. Timbs, Year-book of facts in Science, 1839-60. United States Magazine of science, art, etc., 1854, 55. Zeitschrift fur das Berg-Hiitten uml Salinen . . . . wesen in dem Preuss. Staate, 1859-60. Zeitschrift fur Mineralogie, (Leon- hard), 1825-29. See Arts, and the several Sciences. Scientific and. Learned Societies, Transactions and Journals. Acad. Cses. Leop. Car. Nat. Cur., 1818-20. AcademiaGandavensis : Annales,1818- 1820. Academia Groningana, Annales Acad- emici, 1815-37, 53-58. Academia Leopoldina: Miscellanea curiosa, 1671-97. Academia Lugduno-Batava: Annales Academici, Hagee, 1837- 1840, 53-54, 56-57. " Museum Anatomicum,Sand- ifort, 1793-1827. AcademiedeBelgique, Annuaire,1846- 1868. " Memoires, 1840-71. " Bnlletin, 1848-71. Academic de Bordeaux, Recueil, 1839, 1842-53. " Seances publiques, 1820-35. Academic de Caen, Memoires, 1855. Academie...de Lyon, Classe des Sci ences, 1851-56. Academie de Metz, Memoires, 1821- 1848, 61-62. 516 SCIENTIFIC AND LEARNED SOCIETIES. Scientific and Learned Societies, Transactions and Journals (continued). Acad. of Nat. Soc., Phila., Proc., 1841-69. " Journal, 1817-68. " History of, Ruschenberger,1860. Acad. of Sci. of St. Louis, Trans., 1857-69. Albany Institute, Trans., 1850-70. Allgemeine Schweizerische Gesells- chaft fiir die Gesamm- ten Naturwissenschaft- en, 1819-66. " Denkschriften, 1860-62, 1865, 67. Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sci., Me moirs, 1785-1850. " Proceedings, 1846-8. Am. Assoc. for Adv. of Science, Proc., 1848-69. Am. Ethnological Soc., Trans., 1845, 1848. Am. Inst. of the City of N. Y., Trans., 1842-68. Am. Oriental Soc., Journal, 1849-66. Am. Philos. Soc., Trans., 1789-1869. " Trans. Hist, and Lit. Comm., 1819, 38. " Proceedings, 1838-64. Am. Statist. Assoc., Coll., 1847. Anthropological Soc., Journal, 1863- 1866. " Transactions, 1863-66. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Bibliot. Indica, 1848-60. Bataafsch Genootschap te Rotterdam, 1784. Bataviaasch Genoot. der Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 1780-1850. Boston Society of Nat. Hist., Proc., 1841-68. Journal, 1834-63; Memoirs, 1866-69. " Condition and doings, 1868. P. 1822. Botanical Soo. of Edinburgh, 1838-41. British Assoc. for Adv. of Sci., Proc., 1831-69. Cagnola Fondazione Scien., 1856. Columbian Chem. Soc., Phil a., 1813. Connect. Acad. Arts and Sci., 1810. Elliott Soo. of Nat. Hist., S. C., 1853-58. Essex Institute, Proo., 1848-67. Essex Nat. Hist. Soc., Jour., 1852. Ethnological Soc. of London, Proc. A Trans., 1848-68. Franklin Institute, Journal, 1826-72. Friesch Genootschap, 1840-57. Geographical Soo. of Lond., Journal, 1834-70. Scientific and Learned Societies, Transactions and Journals (continued). Geolog. Soc. of Dublin, Jour., 1844-64. Geolog. Soc. of London, Trans., Journal and Proc., 1811-68. Geolog. Soc. of Penn a, Trans., 1835. Georg- Augusts-University, Gottingen, Nachrichten, 1859-03. Georgetown Observatory : Annals, 1852. Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 1856- 1858. Hist. Soc. of Science. Publications of treatises of the middle ages. Hollandsche Maatsch. der Weeton- schappen, 1777-81. Hollardsche Maatsch. van Fraijekun- Bten, 1840. B. C. Hume, A., Lists of books of learned Soc., 1853. Institut de France, Acad. des Soi. Memoires, 1692-1S62, imp. " Comptes Rendus, 1838-62. " Annuaire, 1840. " Biog. Hist, of French Academy, (Edwards, E.), 1864. Institution of Civil Engineers, Jour. Lond., 1836-40. Institut National Genevois, Memoires, 1859-68. Institute Hist., Qeog. e Ethnog., Rio de Janeiro, Revista triiuensal, 1839-63. Institute Nacional de Geografia. . . .de la Republica Mexioana, Bolotin, 1839-51. Istituto Lombardo, Milano, Memorie, 1812-63. " Atti, 1860, 62. Istituto Nazionale Italiano, Bologna, Memorie, 1806-13. Internat. Congress of Pre-hist. Arch aeology, Norwich, 1868. Italian Sci. Association, Atti, 1846. Kaiserlioh k. Ak. der Wisaenchaften, Sitzungsberichte, Wien, 1857, 58, 63, 64. " Alraanach, 1858, 63-4. Kaiserlich k. Geographische Gesell- sohaft, Mittheil., 1859-64. Kaiserlich k. Geolog. Reichsanstalt, Jahrbuch, 1850-66. Konink. Ak. der Wetensohappen, Ver- handelingen, 1854-68. Konink. Zool. Genoots., Jaarboekje, 1852-57. Koeniglich Baier. Akad. der Wisaen- schaften, Monument* Boica, 1763-1849. Abhandlungen, 1763-1866. " Gelehrte Anzeigen, 1850-60. " Sitzungsberichte, 1860-66. SCLAVONIANS. 517 Scientific and Learned Societies, Transactions and Journals (continued). Koeniglich Gesellschaft der Wiss. zu Gottingen. See Gutting, gelehrto Anzeigen. Linnean Soc. of London, Trans., 1791- 1846. Lit. and Phil. Boo. of N. Y , Trans., 1815. Lyceum of Nat. Hist, of N. Y., Jour., Annals, 1822-67. Maatschappij derNeder. Letter-kunde, 1849. McLurian Lyceum, Contr., 1827. P. 92. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soo , Mein., 1785-98. Maryland Academy, 1837. Med. <fe Phys. Soc. of Bombay, Trans., 1838. Meding, Acad. Leopoldino-Carolina, 1854. P. 222. Microscopical Society, Lond., Trans , 1862-68. Mineralogical ( Imperial ) Society of St. Petersburgh, Trans., 1830. National Ac. of Sciences, Wash., An nual, 1863-66. National Institution, Washington, 1840-46. Natur. Hist. Soc., Montreal, Reports, 1828-53, 63-65. Naturforschende Gesellsohaft, in Em- den, 1859-66. Naturforschende Gesellsc., Bern, 1855- 1864. Natuur en Geneeskundige Soc. : Ver- handelingen, 1779-80. Nederlandsche Entomol. vereeniging, 1858-9. New Orleans Ac. of Sci., Report, 1858. New York State Instit. of Civil Eng. Trans., 1849. Overysselsche Vereeniging, 1841-57. Palaeontographical Soc. Publications, 1848-69. Palma, Principio di nazionalita, 1867. Peabody Ac. of Sci., Salem, Reports, 1-3, 1869-71. Physikal^sch Verein zu Frankfort, 1851-54. Provinciaal Friesch Genootschap, ! Werken, 1835-7. Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genoot. ran Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 1845- 1859. Ray Society, Lond., Publications, 1845-69. Royal Botan. Soo. of London, Proo., 1839, 57. Royal Irish Acad., Trans., 1787-1849. Proceedings to 1864. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, Proc., 1854-66. Scientific and Learned Societies, Transactions and Journals (continued). Royal Soc. of Edinburgh, Trans., 1788-1867. Royal Soc. of London, Trans., 1665- 1869. Russisch k. Gesellsch. f. d. Gesammte Mineralogie, 1842, 57, 58. Smithsonian Institution, Wash n, Re ports, 1846-69. " Contributions, 1848-71. " Misc. Collections, 1862-69. Soc. Acad. de Nantes, Annales, 1831- 1846. Soc. Asiatique, Journal, 1822-67. Sooiete Chimique de Paris, 1858-60. Societe de Geographic, Bulletin, 1844- 1853. Societe des Sciences, Liege, Memoires, 1843-60. Societe des Sciences de Lille, Memoires, 1851, 52. Soc. des Sci. Nat. de Neuchatel, 1835- 1845. Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Strasbourg, Memoires, 1862. Soc. Geologique de France, Bulletin, 1844-54. Soc. Helvetique des Sci. Nat., Me- morres, 1829-53.. Soc. Libre de 1 Eure, Recueil, 1841-50. Society of Arts, London, Journal, 1852- 1869. Soo. for Encour. of Arts, London, 1819. Soc. for Prom, of useful Arts, N. Y., Trans., 1791-99, 1807. See also Albany Institute. Society of Antiquaries, London, 1779- 1867. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Archaeologia, 1792-1857. " Proceedings, 1851-60. Statistical Soc. of Lond., Journ., 1839- 1868. Svenska Akad., Hanlingar, 1832-37. Taylor, R., Scientific Memoirs, 1837- 1852. Zoological Society of London, Trans., 1830-62. " Proceedings, 1857-68. See Arts; Agriculture; Horticulture; Medicine; Education; History; Literary; Bibliography ; and Spe cial Sciences. Scilly Is. Heath, R.. Acct. of, Pinker- ton s Voy. Scipio Africanus. Berwick, Life of, 1817. Scituate, Hass. Deane, S., History of, to 1831. Sclavouians. See Slavonians. 518 SCOFIELD. Scolield, A. Trial before Presb., 1845. Scoresby, W. Scoresby, Life of, 1861. Scotch Propag. Soc. Reports and Ser mons, (12), 1763-1840. Scotland. Abbott, J., A Summer in, 1848. Abercrombie, boots Warriors, 1329- 1514. Anders-on, J., Collections on Mary, Queen of, 1727. Anderson, J., Western coasts of, 1786. Baillic, Proceedings against, 1704. Balcarres, Account of, 1833. Bannatyne, R., Journal, 1570-73. Bannatine Club, Publications, No. 1, 2, 3, 1836. Beauties of, (Forsyth), 1805. -Bigelow, A., Rambles in, and Ireland, 1817. Boece, Book of the Chronicles of, (Chr. of G. B.)- Boswell, J., Tour to the Hebrides, 1810. Brand, J., Descr. of Orkney and Zet land, (Pinkerton, 3). Brown, J., Hist, of Scotch Churches, 1823. Browne, J., Highland Clans, 1843. Buchanan, G., Rerum Scot. Historia, 1762. " Hist, of Scotland, (Aik- inan). " Do jure regni, 1689. P. 1396. Buchanan, J. L., Trav. in Western Hebrides, 1793. - Buchanan, R., Land of Lome, 1871. Buckle, H. T., Hist, of Civilization, v. 2, 1861. Burt, Uncommon Customs of, 1754. Calendars of the Ancient Charters, (Ayloffe), Lond., 1772. Calendar of State papers, 1509-89. Carrick, J. D., Life of Sir W. Wallace, 1840. Carstares, State papers, 1688-1709. Chalmers, G., Caledonia, Hist, and Topographical, 1807, 10, 24. Charles I, Proclamation in 1638. Crawfurd, G., Lives of State Officers, 1726. De Foe, Hist, of Union with England, 1786. Description of the Regalia of, 1843. Douglas, Agr. of Roxburgh. Edinburgh University Calendar, 1860, 1867. Forbes, Jacobite Memoirs of 1745. Fraser, R., Fisheries of, 1803. Fraser, R.W., Kirk and Manse, Views, 1857. Scotland (continued). Garnett, T., Tour through the High lands and Western Isles, 1800. Gilpin, W., Obs. on the Highlands,1808. Glasgow University Calendar, 1868-70. Gordon, R., Earldom of Sutherland, 1813. Grant, A., Superstitions of Highland ers, 1811. Grant, J., Mem. of W. Kirkaldy, 1849. Great Britain, Report on Universitiea of, 1837. Grose, F., Antiquities of, 1797. Hamilton, W., Life of Sir.W. Wallace, 1816. Heron, R., Hist, of, 1796. Home, J , Works, Rebellion of 1745. Hooke, Secret Negot. for the Pre tender, 1760. Innes, C., S. in the Middle Ages, 1860. Irvine:, J., Hist, of Dumbartonshire, 1860. Johnstone, Rebellion of 1745 Keith, History of, 1540 to 1568. Kerr, R., Hist, of Reign of Robert I, 1306-71. Knox, J., Works, Hist, of the Refor mation in S. Labanoff, Lettres de Marie Stuart, Reine, 1844. Laing, History of, 1819. Lawson, J. P., Hist, of Epis. Ch. in, 1844. Lindsay, Lives of the Lindsays, 1849. Lockhart, J. G., Peter s letters to his kinsfolk, 1819. Logan, J., The Scottish Gael, 1833. McCallum, Hist, of the Culdees, 1855. Al Crie, Sketches of Scottish History, 1849. " Lives of Vtch and Brysson. McKenzie, G., Antiquity of the royal line, 1685. M Lellan, I., Residence in, 1834. McNicol, On Johnson s Hebrides, 1779. Macpherson, James, Hist, of rebel, in 1745. Macpherson, John, Diss. on the Ano. Caledonians, 1768. . Maitland, W., History of, to 1603,1757. Martin, M., Descr. of Western Islands of, (Pinkerton, 3). Miller, H., Scenes and Legends of North of, 1851. " Cruise of the Betsey, 1858. Miscellanea Scotica, 1818-20. Moore, G., Anc. Pillar Stones of,1865. Naismith, Agr. of Clydesdale, 1806. Napier, J., Montrose and the Cove nanters, 1838. Ossianic Society, Trans., 1857. Ossian s Poems. SGOTT. 519 Scotland (continued). Pamphlets relating to Scotland, vols. 828, 1445, 1550. Pinkerton, J., Inquiry into the Hist, of, 1814. Ramsay, Reminisc. of Scot. Life, 1861. Review of the Two late Rebellions, 1747. Richmond, A. B., Condition of Manu- fact. Pop, 1825. Ritson. J., Mem. of the Celts, 1827. Robertson, W., History of, 1811. Rogers, C., Scotland Social, 1869. Sadler s State Papers, (Scott), 1809. Scotland, Topog. and Stat. Gazetteer, 1853. Scott, G., Melvil s Memoir?, 1683. Scott, Sir W., Hist, of, 1840. " Tales of a Grandfather. " Border Antiquities of, 1817. Selkirk, Obs. on Pres. State of High lands, 1806. Sibbald, R., Hist, of Fife and Kin ross, 1803. Sinclair, Sir J., Statistical Account of, 1791-1801. " Account of the Highland Society. Skene, Highlanders, History of, 1837. Slingsby, Orig. Memoirs, 1640-60. Smellie, Hist, of Soc. of Antiquaries, 1782, 4. Soc. for the Support of Gaelic Schools, 1824. P. 1550. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Archaeologia, 1792, 1822, 31, 57. " Proceedings, 1851-60. Spalding, J., Hist, of Troubles, 1624- 1645. Spottiswood Society, Publications, 1844-51. Stewart s Chronicles of, 1858; Chr. of G. B. Stewart, D., Sketches of the High landers, 1822. Stuart, Costume of the Clans. Sykes, Report on Vital Statistics of, 1842. Thomson, K. B., Mem. of the Jacob ites, 1715, 1745. Tytler, P. F., Hist, of, 1845. Wilson, D., Prehistoric Annals of, 1863. Wodrow Society, Publications, 1842-47. Wyntown, A. of, Crony kill of, 1795. See Groat Britain; England. Scotland, Church of. See Church of. Scotland, Local. See Berwick; Dum bartonshire ; Edinburgh ; Fife; Galloway; Glasgow; Hebrides; Kippen; Kinsale; Lanarkshire; Peebleshire; Pembrokeshire; Rox burghshire; Selkirkshire; Shet land. Scotland, Pamphlets concerning. Account of S. grievances, 1675. Address to the People.. .Militia, 1792. Alison, Highland Destitution, 1851. P. 403. Brady, N., Serm., Union with, 1707. Buchanan, G., De jure regni, 1689. P. 1396. Christie, Injustice to S., 1854. Cochrane, Justice to, 1854. Considerations on the State of the Rom. Cath. in, 1789. Destitution of the Highlands and Is lands, 1847. Detection of the falsehood against Sir R. Cochran, 1735. Documents, Reform of boroughs, 1847. P. 1445. English translation of Declaration against Montrose, 1650. P. 1445. Fraser, R., Letter on improve, of Western Scotl , 1803. Graham, R., Reform of Boroughs, 1788. P. 411. Great Britain s Union, 1705. Havershain, Lord, Speech, 1705. Herring, Sermon on Rebellion, 1745. Hints on a Constitutional police, 1822. Interest of Scotland, (Seton), 1702. Late proceedings, 1689. Lauderdale s Speech, 1669. Memorial for Rom. Cath. of Edin burgh, 1789. Miller, H., Macaulay on S., 1857. P. 1445. Montrose, Declaration, 1649. North Briton Extraordinary, 1769. Observations upon a bill abolishing jurisdiction, 1747. Pamphlets on, vols. 828, 1445, 1550. Parainesis pacifica, 1702. Part of a letter from a freeholder, 1750? Pead, Sermon on the Union, 1707. Penney, W., Tract for the times, 1842. Question relating to a Scots militia, 1760. P. 1445. Scotland, Some Papers, 1646. Seeker, Sermons on Rebellion, 1745. Sherlock, T., Serm., Rebellion, 1745. Society for the support of Gaelic Schools, Report, 1824. Soc. in Scotland for Pro. Chr. Knowl., Sermons and Accounts, 1729-1823, imp. Specimens of Eccl. destitution in, 1835. Talbot, W., Sermon, Union of, 1707. See Great Britain, Pamphlets, 1727-60; Rebellion. Scott, Rev. James. Memorials, 1858. Scott, John. Ishara, Sermon on, 1699. 520 SCOTT. Scott, R. Adventures, 1850. Scott, Tho. Force of truth, 1841. Scott, J., Life of, 1823. Scott, Sir W. Adolphus, On Authorship of Waverley, 1821. Allan, G., Life of, 1835. Ballantyne and Lockhart Controversy, 1838, 39. Bonaparte, L., Reply to his history of Napoleon, 1829. Chambers, R., Life of, 1832. P. 15. B. C. Depping, Wayland Smith, 1847. Hogg, J., Anecdotes of, 1834. Hunnewell, Lands of Scott, 1871. Irving, W., Crayon miscellany. Lockhart, J. G., Life of, 1838. Maginn, Fraserian papers, 1857. Robberd s Mem. of W. Taylor, Letters of, 1843. Scott, Sir W., Autobiography, 1831. B. C. Scott, Gen. W. Galphin case, 1852. Headley, Life of, 1861. Mansfield, E. D., Life of, 1846. New York City, Reception of, 1849. Papers for the People, 1852. Potter, W., War in Florida, 1836. Scott, W., Life of, 1852. < Memoirs, by himself, 1864. See Mexico, War with the U. S. Scranton Family. Descendants, 1855. Scraiiton, Pa. History and Directory, 1867, 68. Scrooby Church. Hunter, J., Collec tions, 1854 Sculpture. Barbedienne, Collec., Paris. P. 499. Bottman, Cours d Anatomie, 1788. Canova, A., Engravings from, Port folio 4. Chiaramonti Museum, Engravings of the Hall, Portfolio 4. Clarac, Musee du Louvre, 1847. Disney, J., Museum of anc. marbles, 1849. Elgin Marbles, selected from Revett, 1816, 4 J . Ellis, Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. Lib. E. K. " Townley Gallery of Sculpture. Flaxman, Compositions from Dante, 1831. " Illustrations of the Iliad and Odyssey. " Illust. of ^Eschylus, 1831. Illust. of Hesiod, 1831. " Lectures on Sculpture, 1838. Fogelberg, B., L CEuvre de, 1856. .Sculpture (continued). Great Britain, Report on the Elgin Marbles, 1816. Pamph r 8. See also, Elgin Marbles. Hay, E. W. A., Roman Monument at Colchester, 1821. P. 401. Hope, Costume of the Ancienti, 1841. Meraes, Hist, of Sculpture, Painting and Architecture, 1831. B. C. Mercey, Etudes sur les Beaux Arts, 1855. Montfaucon, Antiquity Explained, 1721-25. Montaiglon, Hist. Acad. de Sculp, a Paris, 1853. Newton, C., Sculptures at Wilton House. 1849. P. 1220. " Sculptures from Halicarnas- sus. P. 1220. Pio-Clementine Museum, Engravings of the Halls. Portfolio 4. Powers s Greek Slave, 1848. P. 499. Quatremore, Canova et ses ouvrages, 1834. Spooner, Diet, of Sculptors, 1853. Thorn s Tom O Shanter, 1833. P. 499. Visconti, OZuvres; Musee Pie Clemen- tin, 1818. " MoBumens du Musee Chiara monti, 1822. Worsley, Museum Worsleyanum,1824. See Fine Arts; Engraved Stones. Sea. See Naval ; Navigation ; Ocean ; Shipwrecks. Seabury, S. Perry, W. S., Fragment on. Jarvis, A., Discourse on, 1796. Seal of the U. S. Columb. Mag., 1786. Seals. Prime, W. C., Coins and Seals, 1861. Wadhams, A., Use of, 1865. Seamen. Amer. Bapt. Mariner s Socie ty, 1857. P. 549. Amer. Bethel Soc., Reports, 1838-53. Amer. Seam. Friend Society, History, 1858. P. 549. Report, 1860. Boston Port Society, Report, 1858. P. 549; 1836, 44. Boston Seaman s Friend Society, Re ports, 1832. P. 90; 1856, P. 1823. Brazer, Addr., Seaman s Ass n, 1836. Canada, Return on desertions of, 1857. P. 567. Churchman s Miss. Assoc n for, 1848. Colton, W., Sea and Sailor, 1851. Cooke, J., Sermon, 1789. Dana, R. H., jr., Seaman s Friend, 1841. " Two years before the Mast, 1869. Forbes. R B., An Appeal on, 1854. SECTS. 521 Seamen (continued). Goin, An Apprentice System, 1853. P. 529. Gren, .!., Regulation of, 1780. Green, W. II., .Sermon, 18^0. Hanway, J., Letters to the Marine Society, 1758, 83. " Naval Free Schools, 1783. Howe, H., Life on the Ocean, 1856. Howes, E., jr., Acct. of Proceed, on the Niagara, 1836. Inquiry into the causes, 1707. Louisville Marine Hospital, 1864. Mariners Church. N. Y., Address on, 1818. Mariners Fain. Indust. Soc., Reports, 1851-56. P. 549; 1867, P. 1823. Marine Society, Lond., 1775. New Bedford Port Soc., 1859-62. N. Y. City, Report on tax on Seamen, 1831. Obs. on Impressment, 1806. Pamphlets relating tQ, vols. 549, 993, 1823. Payson, E., Address to Seamen, 1821. Penn a Seam. Friend Soc., Reports, 1852, 53. Phillips, W. W., Sailors Snug Har bor, N. Y., 1855. Pilot, The, or Sailor s Miscellany, 1833-4. Right and practice of Impressment, 1814. School of Reform, Bost., 1816. Seaman s Almanack, 1852, Lond. Seamen s Aid Soo., Boston, 1840. P. 549; 1837, 55, P. 1823. Seamen s Fund Retreat, N. Y., 1854, 57. P. 549; 1859. Society for Promoting, etc., N. Y., 1857. P. 549; 1858. Sullivan, W., Sea Life, 1837. Truair, J., Call from the Ocean, 1826. P. 1823. Urquhart, Impressment of, 1816. Webster, J., Ordin. Serm. of J. C. W., 1837. Woodward, J., Seaman s Monitor, 1776. See Impressment ; Mutiny; Naval. Sears, R. Descendants of, 1857. Seasons. See Calendars. Seaton, W. W. Biog. Sketch, 1871. Sebastian!, Gen. Gal. des Contem., Vie de, 1845. Secession. See State Rights; Civil war, 1861-5. Secession Church, Scotland. M Ker- row, J., History of, 1848. Newton, J., Letters. 66 Secession Church, Scotland (cont d). Robertson, Seces. Ch. in Nova Scotia, from 1765. Thompson, A., History of, 1858. Seeker, Abp. Burton, J., Epistola, 1768. Porteus, Review of life of, 1773. Second Advent. See Christ; Prophecy; Millennium. Second Sight. Aubrey s Miscellanies. Grant, Mrs. A., Superst. of the High- landers, 1811. Miscel. Scotica, v. 3. See Superstitions. Secret Societies. Allyn, Rituals of, 1854. Application of Barruel, 1798. Backus, J. S., On Secret Societies, 1850. P. 550. Brooks, E., Speech, 1855. Chi Psi Society, Members, 185*. Cross, J. L., Templar s chart, 1852. Delafield, J., Mysticism and its re sults, 1857. De Quincey, T., .Essay on, v. 12. De Witt, W. R., A Discussion on, 1847. Greig, G., Are they safe? 1850. Hist, des Ordres Militaires, 1720. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Proceedings, 1847-54. Indep. Order of Rechabites, 1853. P. 624. Kappa Alpha Society, Members, 1859. La Hodde, History of, in France, 1830 to 1848. Library of Ent. Knowl., Sec. Soc. of Middle Ages. Memoirs of the Carbonari, 1821. National Temple of Honor, 1848. P. 550. N. Y. Kappa Lambda Soc., Hist., 1839. Opinions on, of distinguished men. P. 99. Pamphlets relating to Secret Societies, v. 133, 550, 624. Phi Beta Kappa Society, N. Y. Alpha, Members, I860. Psi Upsilon Society, Members, 1844, 70. Raynouard, Les Templiers, tragedie, 1805. Review of a Tract on Secret Societies, W. A. Jackson, 1850. P. 550. Sigma Phi Fraternity, Members, 1846, 54, 56, 59. Zeta Psi Society, Members, 1846, 59. See Odd Fellows; Masonry, Free; Milit. Orders; Knights. Sects. B,eman, N. S. S., Kingdom of Heaven, 1837. Blaikie, A., Philos. of Sectarianism. 1855. 522 SECTS. Sects (continued). Sectarianism the bane of the church, 1846. P. 306. Wys, Van der Meer do, De Sectis Cor- inthien., 1838. P. 1572. See Schism ; Dissentera ; Opinions; Toleration. Sedan, Fr. Fitz George, Mem. of the Battle of, 1871. Sedition Law. Addison, A., A charge, 1798. Otis, H. G., Speech, 1818. Virginia, Address on, 1798. (See Aliens; Naturalization. Seekoiik. See Rehoboth. Seine, France. Annuaire, 1828. Selden, J. Aikin, J., Life of, 1812. Johnson, G. \V., Memoirs of, 1835. Self-Culture. Cave, Le dessin sani maitre, 1850. Channing, W. E., Address on, 1839. Chapone, Mrs., Letters on improve, of mind, 18l8. Craik, Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. De Peyster, F., Address, The Culture demanded, 18t>9. De Quincey, T-, Letters to a youn^ man, 1843. Edwards, B. B., Biog. of self-taught men, 1846. Emerson, R. VV., Ess., Self-reliance. Foster, J., Essay on Decision of char acter. Gracian, B., LMiomme universe!, 1723. Moral Encyclopa>tia, N- Y., 1839. Naylor, F. W., Continuous education, 1858. P. 1704. Seymour, C. C. B., Self-mado men, 1858. Smiles, S-, Self-help, 1871. " Character, 1872. Watts, I., On the improvement of the mind. See Books; Guides in Reading; Edu cation; Gentleman; Young Men. Selkirk, A. Saintine, The Real R. Cru soe, 1851. Selkirk, Earl of. Mercator s commu nications, 1817. Selkirk, Statement of settlement, 1817. " Narrative of Occurrences, 1818. " Precis touchant la Colonie de, 1818. Selkirkshire. Douglas, Agc. of, 1798. Scott, W., Border antiquities, 1817. Sellon, Miss. See Sisters of Mercy. Selwyn, G. Jesse. J. H., G. S. and hie Contemporaries, 1843. Seminole War. Concise Narrative, 1819. Narrative of the Seminole campaign, 1819. Overton, Vindication of, 1819. Sketch of, 1836. U. S., Pres. Messages: Florida, 1818. -See Jackson, A.; Florida. Semmes, R. Service afloat, 1851. " Campaign in Mexico, 1852. " Cruise of the Alabama, 1864. Seneca Co., N. Y. Delafield, J., Sur vey of. N. Y. Agr. Soc., Trans., 1850. Sacket, G. V., Hist. Address, 1841. P. 22. Seneca Co., List of civil officers, 1804- 1867. Seneca Co., N. Y., Directory, 1867-8. Seneca Co., Ohio. Butterfield, History of, 1848. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Geneva Directory, 1863, Hist. of. Seneca Indians. Collection of Pamph lets on case of, 1840-48. Delafield, J., History of; N. Y. Ag. Soc., Trans., 1850. Mass., Report on, 1840. N. Y. State, Legis. Reports. Nonville, Expedition against, 1687. Seneeas, Proc. of Ind. coun., Catta- raugus, 1846. Seneeas, Docts. on their Revolution, 1857. P. 253. U. S., Report on Losses of, 1848. P. 508. See Indians ; Languages. Senegal. See Africa, West. Senses, The . Berkeley, Theory of vision. Smith, J. A., Sense of touch, Ift37. Smithson. Rep., 1866, Trans, from " Aus der Natur." (See Mental Jrhilosophy; Eye; Vision. Sepoy War. See India. Sepulchres. See Cemeteries ; Funerals; Monuments. Sergeant, J. Meredith, W. M., Eulogy on, 1853. P. 1229. Sermons. Biblical Student s Assistant, 1844. Darling, J., Cyclopaedia of theo. lit., 1854. " Cyclopaedia, .of Texts treated of and by whom, 1859. Malcom, H., Theological Index, 1863. See Theology; Preaching; Religion, 7 practical. SERMONS. 523 Sermons, American, Volumes of* Adams, J. W., 1851. Alexander, J. W., Consolation, 1853. Armstrong, W. J., 1853. Baptist Preacher, 1847-8. Barnard, J., Janua ccelestis, Boat., 1750. Bedell, G. T., Phil a, 1835. B. C. Beecher, H. W., N. Y., 1868. Beecher, Lyman, 1809-32. Buckminster, J. S., 1815. B. C., 1839. Castleman, T. T., S. for servants, 1851. Chauncy, C., Five Sermons, Bost. ,1816. " Twelve Sermons, 1765. Clark, D. A., Works, 1846. Clark, R. W., Collected, 1848-63. Clowes, T., Albany, 1816. Column, B., Discourses, Bost., 1747. Colman, H., 1833. B. C. Davies, S., 1845. B. C. Dedham Pulpit, 1840. Dewey, 0., Works, 1847. Doane, G. W., Works, 1861. Duche, J., 1799. Duffield, Princeton Pulpit, 1852. Dwight, T., 1828. B. C. Edwards, J., 1844. Eliot, A., Twenty Sermons, Bost., 1774. Emmons, N., 1812. Flint, J., Salem, Mass., 1852. Follen, C., Works, vol. 2, 1841. Foxcroft, T., Bost., 1719. Ilemmenway, M., Bost. 1767, 92. Hitchcock, E., Amherst, 1850. Hooker, T., Saints Dignitie, 1651. Hopkins, S., Salem, 1803. Lathrop, J., Hartford, 1789. " Northampton, 18l>3. Lee, C., Conn., 1824. Linn, William, New York, 1791, 94. Mason, J. M., Works, N. Y., 184J9. Mather, C., Bost., 1717. Mather, I.. Bost., 1710. Mather, S., Self-justiciary, 170. Mayhew, J., Seven Sermons, Bost., 1749. " Practical Discourses, Bost., 1760. Mayo, A. D., Albany, 1852, 1860. National Preacher, N. Y., 1826-29. Nott, Eliphalet, Schenectady, 1810. Nott, Sam., jr., Bost., 1841. Olds, Gam. S., Greenfield, 1815. Olin, S., Works, N. Y., 1852. Osgood, David, Boston, 1824. Palfrey, J. G., Bost., 1834. B. C. Sermons, American, Volumes of (con tinued). Pamphlets containing sermons, Amer ican, vols. 25, 28, 29, 61, 62, 78, 80, 82, 94, 95, 104-106, 111, 189, 202, 238, 267, 288, 441, 453, 556- 559, 574, 635, 641, 652,755,862, 864, 868, 870, 884, b94, 1596-1606, 2503, 2519, 1824. Parker, T., Boston, Sermons, 1846-56; 1841-52. Pemberton, E., Bost., 1727. Proudfit, Alexander, Salem, N. Y., 1798, 1815. Quincy, S., Charlestown, S. C. 1750. Richards, James, Albany, 1849. B. C. Romeyn, J. B., N. Y., 1816. Rifdder, W., Albany, 1858-61. Sewall, J. Four Sermons, Bost. 1741. Simmons, G. F., Six Sermons, Albany, 1856. Smalley, J., Conn., 1803. Smith, Gerrit, Peterboro, 1861-64. Smith, S. S., Newark, 1709. Smith, William, London, 1762. Sprague, W. B., Albany, 1843-65. Stillman, S., Bost., 1808. Stoddard, S., Three Sermons, Bost., 1717. " Safety, etc., Bost., 1742. Strong, N., Sermons, Hartford, 1798. Swett, W. G., Five Sermons, Bost., 1843. P. 106. Swift, J., Discourses, Middlebury, 1805. Tennent, G., Discourses, Bost., 1743. Thacher, S. C., Bost., 1824. Things new and old, Portland, 1845. B. C. Thornton, Pulpit of the Revolution, Bost., 1860. Wainright, Bp.^ 34 Sermons, N. Y., 1856. Ware, H., Works, Bost., 1846. Willard, S., Boston, 1684, 86. Williston, S., Millenial Discourses, Utica, 1849. ** Scrm. practical, Hudson, 1812. Winslow, B. D., N. Y., 1841. Witherspoon, Works, Phila., 1800-01. Worcester, S , Six Sermons, 1800. See Political Sermons; Slaves, Fugi tive; Massachusetts; Connecticut. Sermons, British, Volumes of. Ali son, Archibald, 1815. B. C. Allestree, R., Forty Sermons, 1684. Balguy, Thomas, 1817. B. C. Bates, G. F., 1816, 17. Beard, J. R.. 1831. B. C. Blair, Hugh, 1802. B. C. 524 SERMONS. Sermons, Hritish. Volumes of (cont d). Booth, A., 1770-1804. Bowdler, Mrs. II., Bath, 1815. Bridge, W., 1S23. B. C. Bright, G., Six Sermons, 1695. Buchanan, C., 181 2 Burder, G., Village Sermons, 1808. Butler, W. A., 1857. Calamy, B , 1690, 1704. Calamy, E., 1641-1603. Cappe, N., 1818. B. C. Catcott, A. S., 1753. Catholic Pulpit, 1849. P. 380. Chalmers, T., 1817, B. C. 1823. Chevalier, T., Hulsean Lectures, 1826, 1827. Church of England, Homilies, 18:52. Clarke, S., A Collection, 1705-25. " Works, 1738. Cole, T., Luxury, Infidelity, 1761. Collier, J., Discourses, 1726. Conybeare, J., Oxford, 1722-51. Cooper, E., 1818. Copleston, E., 1830-48. Cotes, H., 1813-17. Cretghton, J., Lond., 1780-96. Creyghton, It., 1720. Croly, G., 1831-52. Cummings, John, 1846-54. Dawcs, Sir W., 1704-13, 1096-1712. Dealtry, W., 1812-49. Dodwell, W., Oxford, 1743-60. Dorman, W., Twelve Serm., 1744. Doughty, J., Ten Discourses, 1761. Evanson, E., Three Discourses, 1773. P. 373. Fawcett, J., 1801. B. C. Five Sermons, 1738. Foster, James, 1774, 5. B. C. Foster, John, 1853. Fothergill, G., 1745-58. Froude, R. H., Remains, 2d vol. ,1838. Garbett, J., 1843-51. Gill, J-, 1777. Graver Thoughts, etc. (Boyd), 1862. Griffith, T., 1756-70. Hall, Robert, Works, 1832. Hales, J., Remains of, 1688. B. C. Hardy, N., 1848-1661. Hare, Francis, 1700-30. Hawkins, E., 1818-43. Horsfall, S., 1808. P. 1560. Horsley, S., 18U. B. C. Hughes, 0., Five Sermons, 1743-6. Hull, W., The Mirrour of Majestic, 1615. Irving, Edward, 1823. Jay, William, 1805, 1807. B. C. Sermons, ft ritish, Volumes of (cont d). Johnson, Samuel, 1812. Jortin, J., Discourses, 1746. Rennet, B., Twenty Sermons, 1727. Kettlewell, J., 1696. Kingslcy, C., 1858. Latimer, II., Fruitful Sermons, 1578. " Parker Soc. Publications. Leighton, R., Works, Ib25. Leland, J.., 1769. Lloyd, W., 1B73-90. Mangey, T., Lond., 1717-19. Manning, II. E., 1838-52. Mant, R., 1795-1836. Marsh, G., 1737. Maurice, F. D., What is revelation? 1859. " The Patriarchs, 1867. " Lectures on Luke, 1864. Mitchell, M., Five Sermons, 1848. Murray, J., Sermons to Asses, 1819. Ogden, S., 1780. Orton, Job, Discourses to the Aged. Paley, W., Works, vols. 5, 6, 1830. Palmer, Sam., 1771-1814. Pamphlet vols. of Sermons, British, 359-380, 705, 717, 728, 737, 746, 758,830-837,911, 1005-1009, 1028- 1032, 1459-1466, 1650-1565, 1618, 1619, 2500, 2517. Parr, S., Works, vol. 2, 5, 6, 1828. Patrick, S., 1670-1707. Pearson, J., Twelve Sermons, 1803. Pelling, E., 1679-1692. Pope, J., 1792. Porter, J. S., 1829-49. Porteus, B., Works, 1811. Practical Sermons, London, 1845. Preston, J., 1630-38. Price, Richard, 1794. B. C. Pulpit, The, 1830-35. Raikes, H., 1842-51. Randolph, F., 1799. Reeves, Win., 14 Sermons, 1729. Rennell, T., 1792-98. Reynolds, E., 1634-8. Reynolds, H. R., Christian Life, 1866. Robinson, R , 17-73-1781. Rogers, John, 1719. Roscwell, S., 1705-19. Scott, Sir W., Works, vol. 8, 1840. Seeker, T., Works, 1792. Sermons on duties of Children, 1813. Sherlock, T., 1704-1729. Sherlock, W., 1683-1704. Smalridge, G., 1702-1716. Smith, II., Twelve Sermons, 1769. Sprat, T., 1676-1696. SERMONS. 525 Sermons Rritish, Volumes of (cont d). . tan ley, A. P., before Princo Albert, 1862. Stillingfleet, E., 1667-1691. Swift, J., Three Sermons, 1744. Taylor, Jeremy, Works, 1836-37. Tillotston, J., Works, 1660-94. Torshell, S., Sermons, 1633-44. Townsend, G., Lond., 1826-40. Trapp, J., 1708-39. Trench, R. C., Hulsean Lectures, 1845-6. Wake, W., 1688-1710. Whitcficld, G., Works, V. 5, 6, 7. Wiseman, Card., Cath. Pulpit. See Charles I; Charles II; Gunpowder Plot; Marlborough, Duke of ; Earthquakes. Sermons on the Civil War, 1861-5. See Civil War; Polit. Sermons. Sermons on the Clergy and Ordina tions. Pamphlets, vols. 556, 1607, 1616. See Church of England; Clergy. Sermons, Dutch. Alardin, 1738. Aal?t, Predikatien, 1748. Beels, L., Amst., 1748, 9. Bemmelcn, Leerredenen, 1843. Bierraan, Kerkredenen, 1714. Bosch, B., Leerredenen, 1786. Brinkman, Eenigo plaatsen nit het N. T. Brouwer, Leerredenen, 1769, 75. Busing, Salomons Lessen. Bybelsche Keurstoffen, 1720. Claassen, Redevoeringen, 1785. Clarisse, Leerredenen, 1784, 8. Costerus, F., Nederlandts etc., 1693. Cramer, J. A., 1773-5. Curtenus, Der Epheseren Geluk, 1770. Curtius, H. H., Leerredenen, 1840. Dam, Intre-predikatie, 1734. Driessen, Predicatien, 1731. Du Bosc, Lceredenen, 1775-86. Gendt, Predikatie, 1738. Gockenius, Leeredenen, 1752. Goltzius, Predikatien, 1720. Groen, Predikatien, 1727. Groot, Leerredenen, 1759. Hagen, Predikatien, 1737. Hallo, Zestal Leerredenen, 1847. Herderschee, Leerredenen, 1845. Hulshoff, A., Redenvoeringen, 1795. Kerklyke Leerredenen, 1789. Kist, Leerredenen, 1800, 11. Kuypers, De Christen Patriot, 1786. Leeuw, I., Leerredenen, 1781. Leeuwarden, Godvreezende Zeeman. Sermons, Dutch (continued). Le Roy, De vior Laatstc etc., 173fi. Loo, Leerredenen, 1784. Martinus, J., XV Praedieatien, 1647. Moonen, Stefanus de Diaken, 161>6. Mosheiui. Mengelwerk, 1780. Nijhoff, Leerredenen, 1845. Nyloe, XII Predicatien, 1702. Outrein, Dordrecht, 1714. Pamphlet Vols. of Sermons in Dutch, vols. 568, 569. Pontanus, Davids Respiegeling, 1717. Rossam, Leerredenen, 1849. Rotterdam, Leerredenen, 1751. Saurin, J., Fr., Eng. and Dutch. Schagen, Leerredenen, 1746. Schaick, Amst., 1846. Serrurier, Intree-redcn, 1763, 88. Smytegelt, Leerredenen, 1742. Spanheim, Predikatsien, 1688. Stavern, II Leerredenen, 1749. Steenmeyer, Leerredenen, 1783. Stuart, M., Brief van Jakobus, 1804. Themmen, Kerk-reeden, 1764. Turrettin, Vier Predicatien, 1696. Velzen, Redevoeringen, 1745, 47. See Theology, Dutch ; Bible, Commen- . taries; Religious. Sermons, Fasts. Adams, W., Dedham, 1679. Austin; S., Worcester, 1811, 12. Bacon, L., New Haven, 1857. Emmons, N., Newburyport, \Vren- tham, 1798, 99, 1803. Frothingham, N. L., Bost., 1841. Hicks, G., Lond., 1645. Kingsley, C., Who Causes Pestilence, 1854. Palfrey, J. G., Bost., 1832. Pamphlets, Fast Sermons, vols. 912, 1608. Price, R., Lond., 1779. Sermons, Funeral. Pamphlets, vols. 381, 382, 554, 555, 891, 1461-1464, 1609-1614, 1850. See Eulogies. Sermons, French, German, Latin, etc. Albertus Magnus, Sermones de Jempore et dc sanctis, 1478. Augustfnus, S., Opera, 1700. Bernardus, S., Opera, 1781. Bonnet, L., Priere du Seigneur, 1837. " Famille de Bethanie, 1858. Bossuet, Oraisons Funebres, 1836. B. C. Bourdaloue, CEuvres, 1837. Calvin, J., Selection of, 1829. Chrysostoin, J., Panegyric, Trans., 1774. 526 SERMONS. Sermons, French, German, Latin, etc. (continued). Du Bosc, P , Choix cle discours, 1826. Gerson, J., Opera, 1502. Gregorius, Opera, 1744. Heliodore, Discours sur les Desordres du Monde, 1684. Lagemans, Auswahl, 1844. Leonardus de Utino, Sermones, 1473. Ludovicus, Conciones, 1585. Luther, M., Serm., Trans., 1829. B. C. Mangin, Annonces Dominicales, 1757. Pamphlets, vols. 943, 2519. Pepin, Guliclmus, Sermones Domini cales, 1530. Saurin, J., Sermons sur divers textes, Amst. 1776. " Sermons, Trans., 1813-16. Tauler, J., 25 Sermons, 1340, Trans., 1858. Vinet, Indifferentisme Religicux, 1833. P. 559. " Discours, 1837-44. P. 734. See Theology; Religion. Sermons, Missions. Pamphlets, vol. 1615. Set Missions. Sermons, Political. See Political. Sermons, Thanksgiving. Pamphlets, vol. 1608. Serpents. See Herpetology. Serres, Olivia Wilmot. Macauley, E. W., Wrongs of, 1833. Serres, Proofs of legitimacy. P. 1379. Servetus, M. Alwoerdcn, Historic van, 1727. See Calvin, J. Servia. Paton, A. A., Residence in, 1845. Researches, 1862. Ranke, Hist, of, 1847. Talvi, Slavic Nations, 1850. See Slavonians ; Turkey; Hungary. SethoK. Life of, (Terrasson), 1732. Fict. Scton, E. A. White, C.J.,Lifeof, 1862. Severn River. Fletcher, J., Stoppage of, 1773. Sevigne, Mme. De. Lettres, 1734-7. Tuckcrman, H. T., Charac. of Lit., 1851. Seville, Spain. Calendario, 1835. " Guia, 1832. Zuniga, D. 0. de, Anales de, 1795. Sevres, Fr. Annuaire, 1828. Sewall, II. Pedigree. See Drake s Bos ton. Sewall, Jotham. Sewall, J., Memoir of, 1853. Sewall, S. Sewall, J., Disc., Death of, 1730. Seward, Anna. Letters, 1783-1807. Public Characters, v. 6. Scott, W., Memoir of. Seward, Life of Dr. Darwin, 1804. Works and Lit. Corresp., 1811. Seward, W. II. Baker, G. E., Life of, 1855. Greeley, II., Letter to, 1854. New Sartor Resartus, 1861. Jenkins, J. S-, Governors of N. Y. Review of Mr. Seward s diplomacy, 1862. P. 1587. Sewerage. Chesbrough, Chicago Sewer age, 1856-57. P. 501. Clarke, G. N., Of Sewers. P. 1519. Dover, R., On Sewage, Ib53. P. 1222. Ebrington, Speech, 1851. P. 1040. Gr. Brit., Plymouth, Sewerage, 1853. Griscom, J. H., Report on, 1859. London, Brunei s Report, 1848. P. 1040. Rawlinson, R., On Drainage of towns, 1854. P. 1334. Sutcliffe, J., On Public Drains, 1816. Versluys, Construction des egouts, 1850. Vetch, S., Sew. of London, 1851, f j . See Drainage. Sewing Machines. Armitage, Circular, 1859. Dunlop, On Wilson s, 1860. Great Britain: Patents for, to 1858. Grover & Baker s, 1859. Wheeler* Wilson s, 1858. P. 298. Seymour, D. Kelly, R., Address on Character of, 1851. P. 88. Seymour, J. F. Knox, C. E., Sermon on, 1860. Sforza, F. M. Urquhart, Life and times, 1852. Shade, M. Imposture detec., 1829. P. 56. Shaftesbnry, A. A. Cooper, Earl of Brown, J., Essays on Characteristicks of, 1752. B. C. Christie, Life of, 1871. Cooke, G. W., Life of, 1836. Reflections upon a Letter, 1709. P. 332. Shakers. Account of the Shakers. Brief exposition of the fanaticism, 1822. P. 1269. Brown, T., Account of, 1812. Chapman s Account of, 1817. Considerations in regard to.. Privi leges, 1839. P. 296. Darrow, Christ s Second appearing, 1810. B. C. SHAKESPEARE. 527 Shakers (continued). Dunlavy, J., The Manifesto, 1818. True Church of Christ, 1847. ! P. 540. Dyer, J., Character of Mary Dyer, 1826. Review of the Portraiture, 1824. Dyer, Mary, Portraiture of, 1824. " Reply to Review of Portraiture, Ib24. Evans, F. W., Origin of, 1859. " Tests of Divine Inspiration, 1853. " Second appearing of Christ through the female, 1853. Green, C., A View of the Millennial Church, 1848. Investigator, The, or a Defence of the Order, 1846. Leonard, W., On Divine Inspiration. Mace, F., Dialogues on, 1838. New Hampshire, Case of. Law Lib. New York, Report on, 1849. Rathbun, D., Letter to Whittaker. Rathbun, V., Some Brief Hints, 1781. Return of Departed Spirits, (Thomas), 1843. Shakers, Testimonies concerning Ann Lee, 1827. " Brief Exposition of the Regu lations, etc., 1830, 46, 51, 1862. " Society of Believers: A Dec laration, 1815. P. 9. B.C. " Memorial for Exemption, 1802. P. 1260. Some lines about Shakers, 1846. Youngs, Testimony.... 2d Appearing, Shakespeare, W. Ayscough, Index to passages and words, 1827. B. C. Bacon, Delia, Philosophy of Plays of, 1857. Bowdler, Family Shakespeare, 1831. " Prospectus of, 1831. P. 1242. Boydell, John, Cat. of the Pictures in I the Shakespeare Gallery, 1810. P. 996. " Prospectus for Am. edit, of, 1848. P. 1242. " Plates to Shakespeare. Bucknill, J. C., Mad folk of, 1867. Burton, W. E., Bibliot.. Dram., Cat. of Library of. Campbell, J., His Legal acquirements. 1859. Campbell, T., Life of, 1846. Clarke, Mrs., Concordance to, 1845. Clarke, C. C., Characters of, 1863. Coleridge, S. T., Lectures on, (Works, v. 4). Collier, J. P., Notes on text, 1853. Shakespeare, W. (continued). Craft, Z., Monument to Shakespeare. Pamph r 22. Dodd, W., Beauties of, selected, 1830. B. C. Dolby, T., Shakespearian Dictionary, 1832. B. C. Drake, N., Shakespeare and Times, 1817. " Memorials of, 1828. Dyce, A., A few notes on, 1853. Edwards, T., Supp. to Warburton s edition of, 1765. B. C. Evans, J., Shakespeare s Seven ages, 1831. B. C. Fairholt, Home of, illustrated, 1848. Farmer, R., Essay on the learning of, 1821. i . 710. Guizot, F. De, S. and his times, 1852. Hackett, J. H., Notes, Criticisms, 1863. Halliwell, J. 0., Curiosities of criti cism, 1853. P. 1242. Obs. on emendation, 1853. " Last days of, 1863. " List of works on, 1867. Hamilton, N. E., On Collier s edition, 1860. Hazlitt, Characters of his plays, 1845. Holmes, N., Authorship of, 1866. Hows, J. W. S., Shakesp. Reader, 1855. Hudson, H. N., Lectures on, 1848. Hunter, J., New illustrations of, 1845. Hurst, J. F., Why Americans love... 1856. P. 513. Ireland, S., Misc. papers (forged), Ireland s, W. H., Confessions, 1805. Jackson, Z., His genius justified, 1819. Jameson, A., Char, of women of, 1866. Johnson, S., Obs. on the plays, v. 10. Kellogg, His delineations of insanity, etc., 1866. Kemble, J. P., Macbeth and Richard III, 1817. Lamb, C., On the tragedies of. Landor, W. S., Exam, of, before Sir T. Lucy, 1834. Lenox, J., On the folio editions of, 1862. Maginu, Shakespeare papers, 1856. Malone, E., Letter to R. Farmer, 1792.. Montagu, E., Essay on, 1810. Nares, R., Glossary, Wright s ed., 1867. Pamphlets relating to Shakespeare, vol. 710, Reflections from Shakespeare s Cliff, 1851. P. 398. Richardson, W., On Richard III, Lear, Timon, Hamlet, 1784. 528 SHAKESPEAKE. Shakespeare, W. (continued). Shakespeare, W., Works, with lives of, by Chalmers, Howe, Symtnons, Verplanck, White. " Harvey s Life of and Introd., 1825. " Illustrations of, Thurs- ton s designs, 1825. Merry Tales of, 1845. " Poems of, and Memoir, 1842. Shakespearean Miscellany, Waldron. 1802. Shakespeare s Library: of novels and poems used, (Collier), 1843. Shakespeare Repository, Fennell,1853. P. 1113. Shakespeare Soc., Publications, 48 v. Shakespeare Tercent. Memorial, 1864. f. ft Offic. programme of Ter cent. fest., 1804. Singer, On Collier s text, 1853. Skottowe, A., Life of, etc., 1824. Stearns, C. V? ., Treaa. of Wisdom of, 1869. Thornbury, G. W., Shakespeare s England, 1856. White, R. G., Memoirs of, 1865. Wivell, Acc t of Bust of, 1827. P. 400. Youth of Shakespeare (Williams),1840. See Bibliography ; Drama, Treatises on. Slr.imil. See Schamil chief. Shannon River. Williams, C. W., Ob servations, 1831. Shupleigh, >Ie. Loring, A., History of, 1854. Slurp, G. Hoare, P., Memoirsof, 1820. Mass. Hist. Soc Coll. S. I., v. 3. Stuart, C., Life of, 1836. Sharp, Richard* Letters and Essays, 1835. Shattuck, Family descendants, 1855. Shut tuck, G. O. Bartol, C. A., Dis course on, 1854. P. 95. Jaryis, E., Memoir of, 1854. P. 1230. Shaw, D. II, Walker, H. D-, Sermon on, 1854. P. 1013. Shaw, Elijah. Sketch of, 1845. Shaw, O. Williams, T., Discourse on, 1851. Shaw, Sum. Journals and Life by Quincy, 1847. Shaw, W. S. Felt, Memorials of, 1852. Shay, D. Minot, Hist, of the insurrec tion in Mass., 1786. Victor, 0. J., Hist, of American con spiracies, 1863. Shebbcare, J. McGregor, M., Epistle to, 1777. Sheep. Bakewell, R., Obs. on Wool and Sheep, 1814. Livingston, R. R., Essay on Sheep, 1809. B. C. Mackenzie, Sir G. S., Diseases, etc., of Sheep, 1810. Morrell, L. A , The American Shep herd, 1845. Randall, H. S., Sheep Husbandry, 1852. " Fine Wool Sheep Husbandry, 1862. " Practical Shepherd, 1864. Youatt, Sheep, breeds, etc., 1^37. See Wool. Shiel, R. L. Speeches, with Memoir, 1845. McCullagh, Memoir of, 1855. Shelburne,Earl of. Defense of, 1782-3. Shclburne, Mass. Packard, T., Hist. Discourse, 1849. . Sheldon, Father. Bower, A., Six Let ters, 1746. Sheldon, T. D. Walker, J. F., Sermon, Funeral of, 1855. P. 214. Shelley, P. II. Hogg, T. J., Life of, 158. Shelley, Works and Memoir. Trelawney, Recollections, 1858. Sheiistone, W. Letters, 1737-69. Hull, Select letters, 1778. Shepard, T. Albro, Life of, 1847. Shepard, T., Autobiography, 1832. Sherbnrue, A. Memoirs, 1828, 31. Sherborn, Mass. Biglow, W., History of, 1830. Morse, A., History of. 1856. Sherburne, N. Y. Hatch, J., jr., Early Settlers of, 1862. Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Stowe s Men of our Times, 1868. Sheridan, R. B. Moore, T., Memoirs of, 1825. Watkins, J. B,. Memoirs of, 1818. Sherlock, T. Letter to Sykes, 1717. Nicolls, S., Sermon on, 1762. Sherlock, W. Their present Majesties, eto., 1691. Sherman, John. Eccl. proceedings, 1806. Wreath for D. Dow, 1806. i Sherman, R, Edwards, J., Sermon on, 1793. P. 25. SHIRLEY. Sherman, Gen. W.T. Bowman, S. M., His campaigns, 18G5. Conyngham, His March, 1865. Headley, P. C., Life of. Nichols, C. W., Story of the great march, 1865. Sherwin, T. Waterston, Address on, 1870. Shetland Is. Brand, J., Descr. of, Pin- kerton, 3. Mackenzie, Grievances of, 1536. Sinclair, C., Shetland, 1840. Shillitoe, T. Journal of Life of, 1839. Ship-Building. See Navigation. Ship Canals. Albemarle and Chesa peake Canal Co., 1859. Bloodgood, S. D., Remarks at Detroit, 18*55. Byarn, G., Wanderings: Cutting C. in Central Am., 1850. Churchill, J. C., Speech, H. of R., Niag. Canal, 1869. Day, H. H., Testimonials for cheap transit, 1866. Defense of the Great Lakes, 1863. Fox and Wisconsin Improve. Co., Jenne s Report, 1862. Hayes, J. D., Niag. S. Canal and Reciprocity, 1865. Illinois: Joint resolution on increa. facilities, 1863. Illinois and Mich. Canal, Circular, 1865. Johnson, C. F., On Marine Railway at Niagara, 1865. Letters on cheapening transit, 1868. Mass. : Report on Canal between Barn- stable and Buzzard, 1864. National Conv., Chicago, Report; Pro ceedings: on S. Canal, 1762. N. Y. Report, Enlargement of Erie and Chainplain, 1862. " Report, on Niag. S. Canal, 1854, 62. " Comm. from Canal Board on Niag. Canal, 1866. N. Y. Meeting for Improv. Erie Ca nal, 1863. Niagara Ship Canal, its necessity, 1863. Niles , Mr., Plan of Ship Canal, Cent. America, 1868. P. 1859. Pamphlets relating, vol. 1825. Portage Lake and L. Superior S. Canal Co., 1865. Prairie du Chien Conv., Memorial to Congress on, 1869. Proposed S Canal at Sturgeon Bay. U. S., Report, Canal around Niagara Falls, 1838. " Report on Canal from L. Michi- to Miss. River, 1862. 67 Ship Canals (continued). U. S., Report on placing Vessels of War on the Lakes, 1863. " Report oa Wise, and Fox T. Improvement, 1863. Van Horn, B., Bill for Niag. S. Canal, 1867. See Canals. Shipley, T. Purvis, R., Tribute to, 1836. P. 1493. Shipman, J. Winter, C., Serin., Death of, 1772. Shippen Family. Balch, T., Papers, 1855- Shippen, W. Boardman, H. A., Dis course on, 1867. Shippey, J. Specimens and life of, 1841. Shipwrecks. Adams, R., Narrative of, 1810. Aime, Shipwreck in Scotland, 1800. Chase, Of the Essex, 1819. Dalrymple, Loss of the Grosvenor, 1782. P. 432. Dickenson, J., Narrative, 1811. Dix, Of the Glide, 1848. Fairy Ship, Loss of, 1840. Fellowes, Loss of Lady Hobart, 1803. Francis, Metallic life boats. Gray, F. T., Henry Clay steamer, 1352. Greig, Fate of the Blenden Hall, 1847. Inglefield, Loss of the Centaur, 1783. P. 391. Kent, Loss of the, 1825. Lloyd s Steamboat directory, 1856. Lutwyche, Loss of the Meridian, 1854. National Shipwreck Assoc n, Lond. N. Y. Life Saving Assoc n. Oliver, J., Of the Glide, 1848. Paddock, J., Shipw. of the Oswego, 1818. Perthes, Histoire desNaufrages, 1794. Reney, Of the Corsair, 1835. Riley, Narrative of Brig Commerce, 1815. Robbins, A., Loss of the Commerce, 1815. Smith, T. W., Narrative, 1815. Steamboat disasters, J843. Sussex ship, Account of, 1740. Weiss, J., Loss of the Arctic, 1854. P. 1606. See Lexington; Naval; Humane So cieties; Seamen; Voyages, Mis cellaneous; Wager. Shirley, W. A. Letters and Memoir, 1850. Shirley, Gen. Wm. Drake, S. G., Memoir of, 1870. Review of Milit. Operations, 1753-56. 530 SHOEMAKERS. Shoemakers. Lives of, 1849. Shoes. Meyer, II . , Why the shoe pinches, 1861. P. 1223. Plumer, J. C., Improved lasts, I860. Shooting. See Hunting. Shore, James. Craig, B., Case of, 1849. Eardley, Appeal for, 1849. Shore, John. See Teignruouth, Lord. Shoreham, Vt. Goodhue, J. F., History of, 1861. Short Hand. Barton, M. II., Something new, 1830-33. Fauvel-Gouraud, Cosmo -phonography, 1850. Gould, M. T. C,, Analytic Guide and Key to the Art, 1823. Gurney, T., Brachygraphy, 1825. Lewis, J. H., Hist, of Stenography, 1816. N. Y. Conatit. Conv., 1821, Gould s Stenog. report of the debates, MS. Pitman, I., Man. of Phonog., 1845, 53. " Phonog. instructor, 1853. " Reporter s Companion, 1853. Shelton, Tachygrnphy, 1647. Stenog. Nachrichten aus Lissa, 1856. P. 513. Towndrow, Stenography, 1832. Univ. Phonographer, 1852. P. 513. See Alphabets; Cypher; Phonography; Writing. Shrewsbury, C. Talbot, Duke of. Coxe, W., Priv. Correspondence of, 1821. Vernon, Letters to, 1696-1708. Shrewsbury, Mass. Sumner, J., Hist. Sermon, 1812. Ward, A.H., Hist, of, 1717-1829. Shropshire. Beauties of England and Wales. Shunk, F. R. Champncys, B., Address on, 1849. P. 1493. Siam. Crawfurd, J., Jour, of Embassy to, 1830. Malcom, H., Trav. in S. E. Asia, 1839. Wouhot, H., Travels in, 1864. Roberts, E V Embassy to Siam, 1832- . 1834. Turpin, Hist, of, Pinkcrton, 9. Varen, B., Descriptio, 1673- See Asia, Southern. Siamese Twins. Hist. acct. of. P. 199. Morehcad, Lives of. Siberia. Atkinson, T. W., Orient, and West. Siberia, Ex- plor., 1858. Travels, Upper and Lower Amoor, 1860 Siberia (continued). Bell, J., Travels to divers parts of Asia, 1764. Cochrane, J., Pedest. Journey through, 1824. Collins, P. M., Voy.on the Amoor,1860. Cottrell, C. H., Recollections of, 1840, 1841. Dobell, Travels in, 1830. Erman, Travels in, 1848. Fischer, Nations etablies en Siberie, 1798. Palmer, A. H., Memoir on, 1848. P. 50. B. C. Pietrowski, R., Escape from, 1863. Pumpelly, R., Across America and Asia, 1870. Sarytscliew, G., Voy. N. E. of Siberia, 1807. Phillips Coll. See Russia; Kamtscbatka; Tartary. Sibthorp, R. W, Dodsworth, Remarks on, 1842. P. 722. Sicily. Amari, M., Guerra del vespro Siciliano, 1843. Bartlett, W. H., Pictures from, 1863. Bigelow, A., Travels in, 1827. Brydono, Tour through Sicily, 1813. Byng. Adm., British Fleet at, 1739.. CJuverius, P., Sicilia antiqua, 1619. Ferrara, F., Guida, 1822, Forbin, Souvenirs de la Sicile, 1823. Gait, Travels, 1812. Gemmellaro, Progr. della Scienzo in, 1833. Graevius, Thesaurus Antiquitatum, 1737. Hoare, R. C., Classical Tour, 1819. Hughes, T. S., Travels in, 1820. James, J., Sketches of Travel in, 1820. % Oxford Essays, (Duff), 1857. Petit, Politique des Normands dans, 1846. Pietrasanta, Le antichitii della Sici lia, 1834-42. Quatrefages, Rambles, 1857. Spallanzani, L., Tr. in the Two, Sici lies, 1798. Spalding, Italy and Italian Islands, Ed. Cab. Lib. Swinburne, H., Travels in the Two S-> 1777-80. Thompson, W. H., Observations in, 1809. Tuckerman, H. T., Sicily, 1856. See Naples; Palermo. Sickles, D. E. Tucker, G. J., Letter from, 1858. P. 488. Siddons, S. Boaden, Memoir of, 1827. Campbell, T., Life of, 1835. B. C, Galindo, Mrs., Letter to, 1809. SIMPSON. 531 Sidmouth, Lord Viscount. Pellew, Life of, 1847. Sidney, A, Van Santvoord, G., Life of, 1851. Winthrop, R. C , Lecture on, 1854. Sidney, lion. II. Diary, timea of Charles II. Letters, (Collins), 1746. Sidney, Sir Philip. Brooke, Lord, Life of. Lloyd, Life of, 1862. Sidney, P., Misc. Works, Life by W. Gray. " Life and Times, (Davis), 1859. " Letters, (Collins), 1746. " Correspondence, 1845. Sidon, Syria. See Inscriptions; Pheni- cia; Syria. Sieges. Bacon, J. F., Sieges of Bilbao, 1835-6. Barry, G., Siege of Breda, 1627. Du Mont, Belegeringen den Prins Eu- genius. " Belegeringen den Hertog van Marlborough. Ewald, Cent, of Univ. Hist., 1860. Frothinghain, Siege of Boston. Impartial account of the siege of Gib- ralter, 1728. P. 770. Mtestrioht, 1673. P. 1116. Mantua, 1797. P. 1037. Pasley, Rules for a siege, 1857, P. 1368. Perce a Battle Roll, 1858. Rice, P. M., Of Saragossa, 1809. P. 14B7. Robson, W., Great Sieges of History, !858. Siege of Bomarsund, 1854. Siege of Charleston, S. C., in 1780. Siege of Quebec, 1759. Siege of Savannah, Ga., in 1779. Siege of York, Va., 1781. Tichborne, Siege of Drogheda. Vaughan, R., Narr. of Siege of Zara- goza, 1809. P. 1469. See Battles; Military. Sierrn Leone. African Instit., Reports, 1807, 21, 2, 4, 5. Bryson, A., Fevers of, 1849. Martin, R. M., Brit. Col. Lib., v. 10. Thorp, Letter on the S. L. Comp.,181 5. Waditrom, Essay on Civil, of Africa, 1794. See Africa, West; Slavery. Sight. See Eyes; Light; Senses. Signboards. Larwood, J., History of, 1866. Signers of Declaration of Indepen dence. See Biography, American. Sigourney. Family descendants, 1854. Silk. Boulk-nois, Aux educateurs do rera a soie, 1842. Boyer, F., Culture du murier, 1845. Charrel, Culture du murier, 1840. ^ fe Traite des Magnancries. Ciccone, De la muscardine, 1853. Convcn. of Silk-growers, 1843. P. 55. Cowdin, E. C., Report on silk manu factures, 1872. Filature, De la, de la soie. Gaudry, Recherches en Orient, 1853-4. Guerin, Recherches sur, 1854. Hartlib, Virginia silk-worm, 1655. llazzi, On the Rearing of silk-worms, 1828. History of silk, cotton, wool, etc., 1845. llouiergue, J. D , Report; Essays on. 1830. P. 461. Julien, Traitea Chinois sur les muriers, 1837. Porter, G. R., Present state of manu facture of, Lardner, 95. Pullien, The culture of silk, 1758. Rufinesque, the mulberry tree, 1839. Robinet, De Vers a soie, 1848. Silk, Letter of Sec. of Treas., 1828. Silk Grower, Period., Phil a, 1839. Southern Silk Manual, 1839. Tyndall, J., Dust and disease, essay, 1871. Whitmarsh, S., Culture of the mul berry tree, 1839. Williams, J., Speech on the trade, 1826. See Manufactures. Sill. Family descendants, 1859. Sillem, M. C. Petersen, In memoriam, 1837. Silliman, Benj. Fisher, G. P., Life of, 1866. Jackson, I. W., Remarks on his chem istry, 1830. P. 79. SiUbee, N. Flint, J., Sermon on, 1850. Silver. See Gold; Metals; Mining. Simeon, C. Carus, W., Life of, 1847. Marsh, H., Ltter to, 1813. Simmons, C. Ide, G., Fun. Serin, on, 1856. P. 1613. Simon, J. Travers, J., Vie de, 1856. P. 1232. Simony. Gerson, Tractatus de, 1470. Simpson, J. Hunter, J., Tribute to, 1813. Simpson, R. 1818. Cloutt, T., Sermon on, Simpson, T. Simpson, A., Life of, 1845. 532 SIMSBURY. Simsbury, Conn. Phelps, N. A., His tory of, 1845. " Hist, of Newgate, 1860. Sin* Bulkeley, Apology for human ca- ture, 1797. P. 2516. * Burroughs, Evil of Evils, 1654. Chubb, T., Essays, origin of. Clark, P., Defense of orig. sin, 1760. Dana, D., Letters to Stuart, 1839. Doctrines of (orig. sin), Appleton, 1759. Fitch, E. T., Nature of sin, 1826. P. 1603. Hales, J., Corruptions of nature, 1720. Hampton, J., Account of fall of man, 1750. Harvey, Review of Taylor, 1829. P. 1260. Inquiry into nature of, 1829. Letters to W.Wilborforce, Cogan, 1806. Lusk, W., Sermons, 1832 Mason, D. II., Essay on human deprav., 1846. Murray, J., Original Sin, 1791. Parry, W., Orig. of moral evil, 1808. Payne, G., Answer to Stuart, 1839. Spring, S., Moral disquisitions, 1815. See Evil; Natural Religion; Theology. Sinai, Mt. Clayton, Tour., Pinkerton, v. 10. Dumas, A., Lc Sinai, 1838. Henniker, Visit to, 1823. Robinson, E., Biblical researche?,1841. Stanley, A. P., Sinai and its history, 1858. (See Arabia; Syria; Palestine. Sinclair, Sir J* Correspondence, 1831. Sismondi, J. C. L. Simonde de. Gal. des. Contem., Vie de, 1845. Sinde. Burnes, J., Visit to the court of, 1831. Orlich, L. von, Travels in, 1845. See India. Sisters of Mercy, Prot. Campbell, D. A. G., Rules of the Society, 1852. P. 331. Colics, W. M., Of Miss Sellon, 1852. Cookesley, Letter to Abp. of Dublin, 1853. P. 331. Goodman, M., Sisterhoods of England, 1863. Letters on the Plymouth Sisters, 1852. P. 776. Liefde, Charities of Europe, 1865. Phillpotts, Letter to Miss Sellon, 1852. P. 331. Prot. Sist. of Charity, 1S26. Sellon, Reply, 1862. Spurrell, Miss Sellon and. . .1852. S& Nuns, Nunneries. SixtusV. Leti, Life of. Skandinavia. See Scandinavia. . Skin, Human. Marwick, Pilinofor, 1847. See Medicine. Skinner, II. C. Whittlesey, E., Funer. diso., 1860. P. 1614. Skinner, J. B. Sketch of, 1853. Skinner, R. Watson, W. C., Lif of, 1863. Sladen, J. Ridgley, Serin., Death of, 1733. P. 381. Slafter, J. Descendants of, 1859. Slater, S. White, G. S., Memoirs of, 1836. Slaveholding. Adams, F. C., Manual Pereira: rule of S. Carolina, 1853. Address to the inhab., (Rush), 1773. Address to the People, Lond., 1792. Ames, J. R., Guardian genius, 1839. Antidote to W. I. sketches, 1817. Armstrong, G. D., Christian doctrine of, 1857. Assiento. .con Delbas, 1615. Aughey, J. H., The iron furnace, 1863. Bacon, L., Essays on, 1846. Ball, C., Adventures of, 1837. Barnes, A., Scriptural Views, 1846 Beecher, C. E., Essay on Slavery, 1837. Benezet, Caution to G. Britain, 1766. Bible against Slavery. P. 1208. Blagden, G. W., Diso. on Slavery, 154. Bourne, G., The Book and, 1816. Brisbane, Slaveholding, 1847. Brissot, Oration on abol., Paris, 1788. Brougham, Opinions on, 1830. P. 437. Brown, I. V-, Irrecon. with Christ y, 1858. Burnley, Observations on, in Trinidad, 1842. Channing, W. E., Slavery, 1836. " Lenox Address, 1842. P. 241. Cheever, G. B., Address, Bost., 1858. Cheever, H. S., Is it right to withhold fellowship, 1859. Clarke, W., Obs. on the Conduct of the French, 1755. Clarkson, T., Essay on, 1786. " Letter to the Clergy, etc., 1841. P. 36. B. C. (< On Improving the Cond. of slaves, 1823. " Le Cri des Africains. Clingman, Political Aspect of, 1847. P. 486. Cochin, A., Results of Emancipation, 1863. Condorcet, L Eiclavage, (Schwarti), 1788. SLAVEHOLDING. 533 Slaveholdiug (continued). Congr. Churches, Mass , 1849. Conquerors, The, of the New World, (Helps), 1848. Daumas, Esclavage chcz les Musul- raans, 1848. Davenant, Polit. and Com. work?, vol. 5, 1771. Day, T., Letter on SI. of negroes, 1784, 85. Edwards, B.B.. Writings, 1853 England, Bp. J., Letters on, 1844. Essays, Commercial and Political, 1777. Essays on, by Vigornius, 1826. Exposure of Marryatt, 1816. P. 1466. Facts for the People, 1855. Fermin, Possession des esclaves dans les Colonies, 1770. Foster, R. W., Servants rights, 1854. France, Dcbats dans 1 Affaire des Colo nies, 1795. * Res iltats du Patronage des es claves, 1844. 44 Regime des Esclaves, 1845. Abolition de, 1843. Free, Anti-Slavery Manual, 1855. Friends, Declaration, 1754, etc. Giles, W. B., Polit. Misc., Slave labor, etc., 1830. Gladstone, Sla. in W. I. and America, 1830. P. 437. " Corresp. with Cropper. Griffiths, J., Autographs for freedom, I, 2 series, 1853, 54. Grimke, A. E., Letters to C. E. j Beecher, 1838. Gurney, J. J., A Winter in the West Indies, 1840. Hague, W., Christianity and.., 1847. Helps, Spanish Conquests, 1855, 67. Hiller, 0. P., A chapter on, 1860. Historical notes, 1842. Hodgson, A., Free and slave labor. 1823. P. 1466. Hopkins, S., Dialogue, 1776. Hurd, J. C., Topics of Jurisprudence, 1856. Jamaica, Slave laws, 1828. Jarvis, R., Factsand Arguments, 1848. Jay, W., Misc. Writings of, 1S53. " Mosaic Laws of, 1854. Johnson, W., Essay on slave labor, 1815. Koster, H., Amelioration of. Pamph rS. Lafon, T., Obstruct, to Conver. of Souls, 1843. Laurens, H., Protest, 1776. Letters on the Necessity of Abolition, 1826. Lovejoy, 0., Speech, Property in Man, ! 1858. Slaveholding (continued). Lundy, B., Life and Opinions, 1847. M Culloch, Lit. of Political Economy, 1845. M Donnell, Considerations on, 1825. M Donough, Self-emancipation, 1862. P. 1209. Mann, Horace, Letters and Speeches, 1851. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. S. I. v. 3. Morse, S. E., Letter on, 1847. Negro Slavery, Tracts, 1 ondon. O Connell, D., Ext. from Speeches on. P. 1826. O Kelly, Essay on, 1789. Pamphlets relating to Slavery, vols. 185, 186, 435-438, 462, 560-562, 626, 663, 664, 726, 838-840, 886, 887, 916, 917, 1208-1210, 1465, 1466, 1506, 1752, 1826. B. C. 50. Parry, J., Remarks on the SI. of the Black People, 1806. P. 889. Patterson, J., 0. S. Presb. Ch. on SI., 1857. Paxton, J. D., Letters on, 1833. Petit, Dangers de l emancipation,1845. Petit, Sur le Gouvernement des os- claves, 1777. Phelps, Letters to Dr. Bacon, 1848. Philemon, Voyages to Barbary, 1736. Priest, J., Slavery in the light of His tory, 1843. Questions and Expositions of, 1856. Real bearings of Slave Sugar, etc., Reflections on, 1803. Rights of Man, 1824. Sacy, L Esclavage des Americains et des Nc-gres, 1775. Schwartz, L Esclavage des Neeres, 1788. Sharp, G., A Representation, 1769. " An Essay, 1776. Smith, E., Ancient Servitude, 1852. Smith, G., Letter to Smylie, 1837. P. 1208. Sumner, C., Barbarism of, Speech. 1860. Sunderland, L., Anti-Slav. Manual, 1837. Sweetser, R., Prise Essay, 1857. Taggart, C. M., Si. in light of Chris tianity, 1851. Thompson, G., Discussion with Breok- inridge, 1836. P. 562. " Lectures and Discus, with Borthwick, 1836. Torrente, M., SI. in Cuba, 1853. Tucker, St. G., Dissertation on, Va., 1796. Van Dyke, J., Reply to Dr. How, 1856. Webster, N., Effects of, 1793. 534 SLAVEHOLDING. Slavcholding (continued). Whittier, J. G., Justice of, 1833. Williston, S., A Ground of Division, 1844. Willson, J. R., Divine Displeasure at, 1836. See Jamaica; Sugar. Slave Trade. Adger, J. B., Revival of, 1858. P. 1211. African, The, Trade, 1745. Analysis of Evidence, 1850. Bacon, E., Journals, West Africa, 1821. Beatson, J., Sermon, 1789. Booth, A., Sermon, 17U2. Brougham, Speech, 1804. Brown, I. V., Life of Finley, 1819. Carey, H. C., The Slave Trade, 1853. Charles et Georges, Slavers, 1859. Clark, R. W., African Slave Trade. Clarkson, T., Rise and Abolition of the Trade, 1839. " Impolicy of. Cooper, T., Letters on, 1787. P. 1465. Dissuasion, A, etc. Elmos, Life of T. Clarkson, 1854. Friends, Declaration, 1824. " Facts, 1841. Great Britain, Parl. Debates, 1806, 7. Gregory XVI, Bull, 1856. P. 537. Grcnvillo, Lord, Speech, 1814. Hawkins, J., Voyage to Africa, 1797- Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Denmjin, 1851. Man stealing, Lond. P. 1566. Maseres, F., Essays, 1809. Newton, J., Thoughts upon, 1788. P. 1752. New York Colonial tracts : Voyages, 1659. No abolition of slave trade, 1789. Old Truths established, 1793. Pamphlets relating to the Slave trade, vol. 906. Pitt, Speech on Abolition, 1792. Ramsay, J., Add/ess on Abolition of, 1788. P. 1750. Smith, W. R., Speech, Alabama Con vention, 1861 . Snolgrave, Account of Guinea and the trade, 1734. Thorpe, R., On Sierra Leone, 1815. U. S., Introduction of slaves, 1822. Walsh, R., Appeal respecting America, 1819. Wilberforce, W., On abolition of, 1807. Wilson, J. L., Coast of Africa, 1851. P. 438. Wilson, J. R., Tokens of displeasure, Newburgh, 1836. P. 438. Slavery, Defences of. African servi tude, how long be maintained, I860. Adger, J. B., Review, Revival of Slave trade, 1858. Baxter, G. A., Essay on abolition, 1836. Berry, H., SI. and abolition, Va., 1832. Berry. P., Review of Bp. of Oxford, 1848. Bondage a moral institution, 1837. P. 56. Brownlow, W. G., Discussion, 1868. Cassels, S. J., Servitude, aSerm.,1843. Cleveland, W. N., Disc., African Ser vitude, 1861. Dabney, Defence of Virginia, 1S67. Dew, Prof., On the Virginia Debate, 1838, Pro-Slav. Arg. Dred Scott, Report of decision in case of, 1857. Elmore, F. H., Correspondence, 1838. P. 1208.* Ewart, D., Scriptural view of, 1849, 1859. P. 1826. Ewbank, T., Inorganic forces, etc., 1860. Fisher, E., Lect. on North and South, 1849. Fitzhugh, G., Cannibals all! 1857. Fletcher, J., Studies on, Natchez, 1852. Ganse, H. D., Slaveholding not sinful, 1856. P. 1211. Goodloe, Southern Platform, 1858. Green, W. L., Two sermons, 1860. Grenada, Act for increase of. Hammond, J. H., Speech, U. S. Sen., 1858. Harper, Chanc., Essay, (Pro-Slav.). Heron, R., Letter to Wilberforce, 1806. Uibbert, R., jr., Slaves in Jamaica, 1824. P. 1483. Hopkins, J. II., Scriptural view of, 1864. How, S. B., Slaveh. not sinful, 1855. Jacobs, F., Sermon, Charleston, S. C., 1850. Jaggcr, W., Information on, 1858. James, H. F., Abolitionism unveiled, 1856. Letter, (Speed), 1841. Letter from an elder, 1863. Morse, S. E., Letter on, 1847. Nott, B., Constit. Ethics, 1857, 60. P. 1583. Nott, S., Present crisis, 1860. " Necessities of 1861. Pamphlets defending Slavery, vol. 1211. Peck, G., SI. and the Episcopaoj, 1845. P. 519. Pro-Slavery Argument, 1852. SLAVERY. 535 Slavery, Defences of (continued). Ross, F. A., Slavery ordained of God, 1857. Seabury, American slavery, 1860. Shannon, J., Address, Pro-Si. Conv., Missouri, 1855. Slaveholding proved to bo just, 1846. P. 663 Slavery in the South. States, (Pringle), 1852. P. 626. Smith, W. A., Philosophy of, 1856. Smylie, J., Mississippi Presb., 1836. South vindicated, 1886. Spratt, L. W., Source of power, 1858. Stiles, J. C., Speech, Presb. Assem., 1850. Stringfellow, T., Its origin and wis dom, 1860, 61. " Scripture Testimony, 1841. P. 562, 1211. Taylor, S., Relat. of master and serv., 1836. Thornton, T. C., History of, in U. S.. 1841. Thornwell, J. H., Duties of Masters, 1850. P. 267. Times, London, Review of Uncle Tom, 1S52. Van Dyke, H. J., Of Abolitionism, I860. Van Evrie, Negroes and Slavery, 1853. P. 1211. Voice from the South, 1847. Wheat, M. T., Proof of Slavery, 1862. Slavery, British Abolition of. At tempt to strip, etc., 1824. Barbadoes, Report, 1824. Barclay, Slavery in the West Indies, 1826. Barrett. Speech against, 1833. Bevan, Apprenticeship System. Brief Remarks, Lond., 1816. Brit. W. I. Colonies, Statutes for. Burnley, Opinions on, 1833. Case of the oppressed Africans, (Qua kers), 1784. P. 28. Claxton, Colonial Crisis, 1831. Couder, Wages or the Whip, 1883. Condition of the Slave, Lond., 1833. Cooper, T., Facts on Jamaica, 1824. Clark, G. D., W. I. Free Labor, 1833. Davy, J., The West Indies, 1854. Death Warrant of, 1829. Douglass, F., Speech, W. I. emaiic., 1857. Duncan, West India Question, 1830. Emerson, R. W., West India emanci pation, 1844. P. 37. B. C. Gladstone, W. E., Speech, 1838. Grey, Sir G., Negro Apprenticeship. 1838. Slavery, British Abolition of (cont d). Hancock, J., Emano. of W. I. Slaves, 1833. Horton, R. W., Letter on, Lond., 1830. Innes, On Negro Apprenticeship. Jordan, Slave Registry Bill, 1816. Jamaica, Addresses, 1826. Letter to the Lord Chancellor, 1833. Letter to the Mem. of Parl., 1816. M Donnell, W. I. Legis. vindicated. Mortimer, Immed. Abolition, 1833. Negro Apprenticeship, 1837. Negro Emanc. made easy, 1816. Negro Slavery: View of, 1823. Pennington, British Eman., 1856. Phillips, G., West India Question. Remarks on an Address, 1826. Review of some of the Arguments, 1 823. Robinson, R., Sermon, Lu. x. 10, 18, 1788. Romilly, Sir S., Speech. Pamph r 4. Rose, G. H., Conversion of Slaves. Scoble, J-, On Brit. Guiana. Slave.Colonies of Eng., 1825. State of the Question, 1830. Stephen, J., Registration of, 1816. Wilberforce, W., Appeal, 1823. Wilson, D., Sermon, Guilt of, 1830. Young, West India Common-place book, 1807. See Jamaica; West Indies. Slavery in the United States. Adama, N., South-side View of, 1854. Address on Slav. ; plan of Colonizing, 1834. Agitation of, who commenced ? Allen, G., Duty of Resistance to, 1847. Arner. Anti-Si. Almanac, 1837, 9. Am. Quar. Ch. Review, Jan., 1864. American Slavery. P. 269. Am. Slavery as it is, 1840. Bacon, T., Education of Slaves, 1750. Baird, T. H., Memorial on, 1864. Bake-pan for Dough-Faces, 1854. Beaumont, Esclavage aux Etata Ucis, 1840. Beecher, E., Alton Riots, 1838. Bentley, E. W., Serm., duty of emanc., 1862. Benton, T. H., Dred Scott case, 1858. Bettle, E., Slavery in Penn a, Hist. Soc. Penn a, vol. 1. Bittinger, A Plea, 1854. Blair, F. P., Destiny of the Races, U. S. S., 1859. P. 514. Blanchard, J., Debate on, at Cincin nati, 1846. Bourne, G., Picture of. Brisbane, J. H., Constitution of U. S. 536 SLAVISH Y. Slavery in the United States (cont d). Brodnax, Speech, Va., 1832. Brown, B. G., Address, St. Louis, 1862. Brown, J., Am. Slavery, 1840. P. 663. Buffalo Presbytery on A. B. C. F. M., 1845. P. 626. Bushnell, II., A. Discourse on, 1839. Butler, R. R., Speech, Harpers Ferry inv., 1859. Cairnes, The Slave power, 1862. Carey, M., Slave Representation, 1814. Caste and SI. in the Am. Church, 1843. Chambers, W., Amer. Slavery, 1857. Chandler, E. M., Essays, 1836. Chase, II., The North and the South, 1857. Cheever, The Fire and Hammer, etc., 1858. P. 560. " Quilt of Slavery, 1860. Child, Appeal to Abolitionists, 1844. P. 560. Coffin, Ji, Acc tof Insurrections, 1860. P. 1210. Coles, Hist, of Ordinance of 1787. Colonization and Abolition. P. 56. Conkling, C., Slavery abolished. Consid. on the Missouri Quest., 1820. Constitution expounded, 1850. Conway, M. D., The Golden hour, 1862. Day, W., S. in America, 1841. Desul. remarks: SI. in Missouri, 1856. Drew, North Side View of, 1856. Duffield, G., Sermon on, 1840. Dunning, H. N., Design of Agitation, 1861. Effect of Secession, 1861. Elder, Emancipation policy, 1856. Ellison, 81. and Secession, 1861. England, Bp., Works, Letters on, 1849. Essay in Vindication, etc., 1764. Fisher, E., The North and South, 1849. I Foster, S. S., Brotherhood of Thieves, 1843. P. 663. Free Soil Ass n of D. of Columbia, Addr., 1849. French Protestants: Lettre, 1857. P. j 1104. Friends, Soc. of, Address, 1822. " Proceedings, 1840,62. P. 1213. I " Appeal, 1858. P. 958. Garrison,W. L., Addresses, 1832, 54, 57. Giddings, J. R., Exiles of Florida, 1858. Goodell, W., Our National Charters, 1863. " Am. Constitutional Law on, ! 1845. P. 626. Am. Slave Code, 1853. Grahame, J., Who is to blame, 1842. Greeley, H., History of the Struggle, 1856. Slavery in the United States (cont d). Green, B., Things for Northern men, 1836. " Church carried along, 1836. Grirake, A., Appeal to Women. P. 560. Grimke, S. M., An Epistle to the Clergy. - Grosvonor, C. P., Address, 1834. Helper, Impending Crisis, 1857. " No Joque, 1867. Hildreth, Despotism in America, 1854. Inquiry, Prospects of Africans in U.S., 1839. James, H., Sermon, Our Duties, 1847. Jay, W., Amer. Colon, and Anti-sla very Societies, 1835. B. C. " Address, 1849. Kemble, F. B., Journal, Georgia Plan tation, 1858 to :9. Kettell, Southern wealth, 1860. Lanphear, 0. T., Discourse, Lowell, 1856. Learned, J. D., View of, Slaves west of the Missis., 1826. Leggett, Political Writings, 1840. Legion of Liberty, 1843. Leisler, J., Letters on Free Soil, 1850. Liberty, 1 837. Liberty Bell, 1842. Livermore, Founders of the U. S. on Negroes, 1862. Louisville, Ky., Workingmen s Addr., 1849. M Carter, Border Methodism and Sla very, 1858. McDonough, J., Self-emancipation, 1862. Marshall, T., Abolition of, in Virginia, 1832. P. 15. B. C. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., Ser. 1, v. 4, Belknap on S. in Mass. Mattison, Crisis of 1860. May, S. J., Disc., SI. in the U. S., 1832. " Recollections, 1869. Mayo, A. D., Herod, John and Jesus, 1860. Mod, Case of, 1836. Memorial of Boston to Congress, 1819. Meth. Epis. Ch., Debates, 1844. Moore, G. H., SI. in Massachusetts, 1866. Murray, II. A., The Land of the Slav* and Free, 1855. New Democratic Doctrine, 1856. Nqrthup, S., Narrative of kidnapping of, 1841. Nott, S., Jr., The Remedy, 1856,1857. Olmsted, F. L., Our Slave States, 1860, 3 v. " The cotton kingdom, 1861. SLAVERY. 537 Slavery in the United States (cont d). | Origin and end of the conflict. Pamphlets. See Slaveholding. Parker, T., Duty of the Whigs, 1858. P. 562. " Letter to the People, 1848. P. 626. Parsons, C. G., Inside view of, 1855. Paulding, Slavery in the U. S., 1836. Perkins, J., Our Country s Sin, 18f-4. Perry, B. F., Speech, H. of R., South Carolina, 1851. Phillips, S. C., Addr., Annex, of Texas, 1845. Phillips, W., Addresses, 1852-57. Plain Statement for Democrats, 1856. Practicability of Abolition of, 1831. P. 15. B. C. Randolph, P., Slave Life, 1855. Remarks on Abolition. P. 186. Responsibility of the North, 1850. Root, D., Abolition to triumph, 1836. Rubek, Sennoia, Burden of the South, 1864. Ruffner, Address to Virginia, 1847. P. 228. Ruggles, Answer to Reese, 1838. P. 562. Sawyer, G. S., Southern institutes. 1859. Scott, Dred, Case, 1857. See Dred. Secret Hist, of the Trade, 1861. Senior, N. W., Amer. Slavery, 1856. Serious Address, 1783. Sherman, H., Slavery in the U. S. A., 1858. Slavery among the Puritans, 1850. P. 1209. Slavery in the U. S., (Peabody), 1851. P. 462. Slave Representation, by Boreas, 1812. P. 38. Smith, G., Address at Albany, 1850. Smylie, J., Review of Chillicothe Presb., 1836. P. 1416. Snethen, Black Code of D. of Columbia, 1848. Society of Friends, Testim., 1843. P. 6. South and the North, Reply to Fisher, 1S49. Spenoer, I. S., Sermon, Obedience to Law, 1850. Spermaceti for inward bruises, 1851. Stanly, E., Speech, Slavery Agitation, | 1850. P. 60. Stearns, E. J., Notes on Uncle Tom s Cabin, 1853. Stewart, A., Argum., SI. inN. Jersey, 1845. P. 1208. Stiles, J. C., Speech, Presb. Assem., 1850. P. 562. 68 Slavery in the United States (cont d). Stockton, R. F., Letter to Webster, 1850. Stowe, H. B., Key to Uncle Tom, 1853. Stroud, G. M., Sketch of laws on, 1827. Sumner, C., The Anti-slavery enter prise, 1855. Suppressed book, 1864. Tallmadge, J., Speech, H. of R., U. S., 1819. Thompson, J. P., Sermon, Nebraska, 1854. P. 95. Torrey, J., Jr., Slavery in the U. S., 1817. Turnbull, Travels in the West, 1840. Vindication of the Address, 1773. Wallace, C. W., Oppose extension of, 1857. Webster, D., Memorial on Missouri, 1819. Weston, G. M., Progress of, in the U. S., 1858. Whipple, C. K., Amer. Board of Mis sions and SI., 1861. Wiggins, J. H., Review of Wiles s Serni., 1838. Wilberforce, Bp., Reproof of Amer. Church, 1846. P. 47. B. C. Willard, S., The Grand issue, 1851. Wilson, H., Hist, of Congr. Anti- Slavery, 1864. Wisner, Serm., Matt. xxii. 21, 1844. Woolman, J., Life : Keeping of ne groes, 1794. See Colonization; Liberia; Compro mise of 1850; Un. States, Travels South; Personal Liberty Laws; Missouri Compromise; Negro Race. Slavery, Congressional Debates, &c., relating to. Bayly, T. H., Speech, 1848. Berrien, J., Speech, 1850. Bissell, W. H., Speech, 1850. Brown, A. G., Speech, 1856. Calhoun, J. C., Speech U. S. Senate, 1850. Clay, H., On Abolition Petitions, 1839. " Speech, Jan. 29, 1850. Crisfield, Speech, 1848. Davis, J., Speech, 1850. Douglas, S. A., Speeches, to 1860. " Record of, I860. Duer, W., Speech on, 1848-50. Floyd, J. G., Speech on, 1852. Giddings, J. R., Speech, 1858. Hale, J. P., Speech, 1846. Kansas, Struggle of, 1856. Lawrence, S., Speech, 1848. Lincoln, A., Debate with Douglas. Mann, H., Speech, 1850, 538 SLAVERY. Slavery,Congressional Debates,&c., relating to (continued). Mann, H., New Dangers. Murphy, H. C , Speech, 1848. Nebraska, The, Question: Speeches, U. S. Senate. Palfrey, J. G., On the Slave Power. " Speech, 1848. Quincy, J., Address, 1856. Sackett, Speech. . .Extension of, 1850. Schoonmaker. Speech, 1852. Seward, Speech, Rochester, 1858. " Works, 4 v. Collected Speeches. Smith, G., Speeches in Congress. Stanly, E., Speech, 1850. Stewart, J. A., Speech, 1856. Stockton, R. F., Speech, 1852. Stow, H. J., Speech, N. Y. Assem. Sumner, C., Speeches, 1852-68. Thayer, E., Speech, 1859. Van Horn, B., Speech, N. Y., 1858. Van Valkenburgh, Speech, N. Y.,1858. Wade, B. F., Speech, 1858. Wilraot, Speech on Proviso. Wilson, H., Speeches collected to 1868. See Missouri; Compromise; Kansas; Nebraska; United States, Terri tories. Slavery, Fugitive Slaves, Address, Boston, 1846. Beecher, C., Serm. on fug. law, 1851. Bowditch, Rendition of Burns, 1854. Butler, A. P., Speech, 1850. Douglass, F., My bondage and free dom, 1855. Fifty years in chains, 1858. Forman, J. G., Sermon, 1850. Foster, D., Sermon, 1851. Friends, Proceedings on, 1862. P. 1213. Hancock, Letter on, to S. A. Eliot. Hildreth, R., Archy Moore, 1855. Howard, B. C., Rep. of Decision in Dred Scott case, 1857. P. 1211. Jackson, A., of Kentucky, Narrative of, 1847. Krebs, Serm., On Surrender of. Letter to W. H. Seward, (Gray). Lewis, J. W., Bowles s life, with Dear- ing s essay, 1852. Lord, J. C., The Higher Law, 1851. Marvin, A. P., Sermon on, 1850. May, S. J., Address, 1851. Northup, S., Twelve years a slave, 1853. Patton, W. W., P. Williamson s case, 1855. P. 238. Quincy, J., Speech on, 1854. Rand, A., Slave-catcher caught, 1852. Slavery, Fugitive Slaves (continued). Scott, Dred, Remarks by Woolsey, 1857. P. 562. " Opinions of Taney, etc., 1857. Smith, G., Argument, 1852. Spear, 8. T., Serm., Brooklyn, 1850. Spencer, I., Sermon, N. Y., 1850. Spooner, L., A defence for, 1850. Stevens, C E., Burns s Life, 1856. Storrs, R. S., Discourse, 1850. Stuart, M., Conscience and the Const., 1850. Thompson, G., Prison life, 1848. Treaty.... discussed, 1795. Union Safety Committee: Selections, 1851. U. S., Debate Fug. Slave Law, 1850. Walker, Trial for aiding slaves, 1845. Wheeler, P., Chains and freedom, 1839. Young, J., Serm., Rendition of Burns, 1854. P. 104. See Personal Liberty Laws; Political Sermons; Negro Ra ces. Slavery, Anti-Slavery Periodicals and Societies. Abolition So cieties, Conv. of Del., 1792, 94, 1795. P. 1826. African Institution, Lond., Report, 1820, 22, 24. Amer. and For. A. S. Soc., Proceed ings, etc., 1849-54. Address, 1852. Amer. Anti-Si. Soc., Protest to Eng land, 1846. " Decl. of sentiments, 1833, 61. " Reports, etc., 1834-59. Amer. Col. Soo., Reports, 1818-65. " African Repository, 1826-66. American Convention for Abol., llth, 1806. P. 1208. Amer. Free Produce Ass n, 1843. P. 627. Anti-Slavery Record, N. Y., 1836, 37. Anti-Slavery Examiner, N. Y., No. 3, 5, 6, 1837, 8. Anti Slavery Reporter, Lond., 1830. Anti-Slavery Soc., Lond., 1826-34. Boston Female Anti-Slavery Soc. ,1835. British and For. Anti-Slavery Soc., Reports, 1843-45, 47-53. Church Anti-Slav. Soc., Proc., 1859. Colonizationist, The, Bost., 1833-4. Emancipator, 1833-55. Genius of Univ. Emancipation, 1830. Illinois Anti-Si. Conv., Proc., 1838. Liberator, Boston, 1831, 34, 53. London Anti-Si. Soc. Pub., 1839. P. 438. Louisville Examiner, 1850. Manumiss. Soc. of N. Y., Proc., 1819, SMITH. 539 Slavery, Anti-Slavery Periodicals and Societies (continued). Maryland Soc., Colon. Journal, 1841- 1843. Massachusetts Abol. Soc., 1841. " Hist, of the division, 1841. Massachusetts Colon. Soc., Reports, 1852, 53, 63. New Jersey Soc., 1793. P. 1208. N. Y. Anti-Si. Conv., 1835. N. Y. Soc. for Manumission, 1808. N. Y. Young Men s Anti-Slav. Soc., 1834. P. 462. Pennsylvania Abolition Soc., 1788, 92, 1838, (P. 889), 1853. Phil a Anti-Si. Soc., 1835. Quart. Anti-Si. Mag., N. Y., 1835-7. Socicte des amis des noirs, 1789. Society for the Abolition, Lond., 1833. Soc. for the Mitigation, etc., Lond , 1828. P. 437; 1823, P. 828. Vermont Anti-Slav. Soc., 1836. Slavonians. Bulgarian Catechism. Krasinski, Relig. history of, 1869. ts Montenegro and the S., 1853. Storch, Antiq. Katal., 1858. Talvi, Hist, and lit. of Slavic nations, 1850. Valentinelli, Spec. Biblio. deDalmatia, 1842. Wilkinson, J. G., Dalmatia and Mon tenegro, 1848. See Albania; Servia; Russia; Poland; Dalmatia. Sleep. Fosgate, B., Sleep Psychol. Con sidered, 1850. Hall, W. W., Hygiene of the night, 1870. Macnish, R., Philosophy of sleep,1834. Wakeman, B., Essay OTI Somnolency, 1815. P. 578. See Health; Man; Nature. Slidell. See Mackenzie, A. S. Slingsby, Sir H. Original memoirs, 1640-60. Sloan, A. Boardman, II. A. , Sermon on, 1851. P. 95. Sluyter, R. Currie, R. 0., Memoir of, 1846. Small-pox. Ac. de Med., Rapports sur les vaccinations, 1836-50. Bateman, State of vaccination, 1812. Boylston, Hist, of Small-pox in New Eng., 1726. Byrde, H. M., Diss. de epidein., 1824. Dimsdale, On Inoculation, 1776. Dodd, W., Sermon on vaccin., 1767. Dordrecht, Prov. Commissie, 1819. Small-pox (continued). Duvillard, Influence de, sur la mor- talite, 1806. Fisher, J., Description of, 1834. Gardane, Le Secret des Suttons, 1774. P. 611. Gibbs, J., Vaccination, 1857. P. 405. Greenhow, Value of vaccin., 1825. Hallifax, J., Hospital Sermon, 1768. Jenner, E., Baron, J., Life of, 1838. Long, P. W., Dublin Institution, 1860. Maddox, I , Sermon on, 1752. Marc, La Vaccine, 1836. Milton, Mass., Proceedings on, 1810. P. 1800. Moore, J., History of, 1815. Nahuys, G. J., De Bedroefden, 1777. Providence, Report on, 1859. Pruen, S., Of Inoculation, 1807. P. 1354. Royal Jenncrian Soc., 1827, 30. P. 1522. Snow, E. M., Protec. of vaccination, 1869. " Statistics of, Prov., 1859. Waterhouse, B., Hist, of Cow-pox, 1800. Watson, W., Exper. in inoculation. P. 126. Wildrik, Kinderpokjes, etc. Woodville, Hist, of Inoculation, 1796. Smeaton, J. Reports, and life, 1814. Smellie, W. Kerr, R., Memoirs of, 1811. ! Smelt, C. E. Waddel, M., Lifeof,1819. Smelting. See Metallurgy. Smet, P. J. De. Cinquante lettres,1858. Smith, Adam. Life of, Lib. U. K. Smith, Charlotte. Scott, W., Memoirof. Smith, C. J. Buell, S., Serm., Death of, 1770. P. 554. Smith, D. Baldwin, A. C., Sermon on, 1862. Smith, Elias. Life of, by himself. Smith, Ger. Speeches, Sermons, Essays, 1856-61. Hawley, F., Review of his discourses, 1858. P. 1261. Smith, Goldwin. Welcome to, by citi zens of N. Y., 1864. P. 1872. Smith, Col. J. Life, with the Indians, 1799. Smith, J. A. Manley, J. R., Exposition of Character of, 1841. Smith, Sir James E. Memoirs and Corresp., 1832. Smith, Jeremiah. Morison, J. H., Life of, 1845. North Am. Review, July, 1845. 540 SMITH. Smith, rapt. John. Hiliard, G. 8., Life of, (Sparks 2). Simms, W. G., Life of, 1846. Smith, J.. Life of, 1630. " Advertisements, 1631. Smith, J. Relations with Burr, 1808. Smith, J. B. Blair, S., Discourse on, 1799. P. 82. Smith, John C. Corresp. and letters, 1846. Smith, John Pye. Testimonial to,1851. Belsham, Answer to, 1809. Smith, M. W. Memorial of, 1864. Smith, N. Smith, D., Family of, 1849. Smith, O. D. Eells, J., Sermon on, 1854. Smith, P. Duim, Zedige Aanraerkingen, 1738. Smith, 11. Addr. to the People, 1811. " Answer to R. Smith, 1811. P. 1580. Smith, S. Memoirs of a soldier, 1776. Smith, Sir S. Poem, Escape of, 1798. Smith, Sidney. Holland, Lady, Memoirs of, 1855. Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. Essays. Smith, S. L. H. Hooker, E. V., Me moir of. Smith, Rev. T. Journals, Portland, Me., 1821, 49. Smith, W. Phillips, J., Memoirs of, 1844. Smith, W. Colden, Letters on his Hist. of N. Y., (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1868, 9). Smith, W. A. Deems, C. F., Speech on trial of, 1856. Smith, Sir W. S. Barrow, Sir J., Life of, 1848. Smithfield, Eng. Gaspey, History of. P. 1774. Smithsonian Institution. Barlow, W., Address and outlines of a plan for, 1847. Choate, Speech, U. S. Senate, 1845. Rhees, Account of, 1857. Six articles from Boston Post, 1855. P. 1874. Smithson. Instit., Contributions, 17 v. " Miscell. Coll., 7 v. Reports to 1868. Southern Lit. Mess. V, VI, VII. United States, Report, 1842. Varnum, J. B., Notice of, 1848. Smollett, T. Anderson, R., Life of,1803. Scott, W., Memoir of. Smut. Butin, J., Treatise on Smoth, Cazenovia, 1803. P. 205. See Moulds ; Agriculture. Smylie, J. A. Van Court, J. H., Re view of Presb. proceedings, 1850. P. 1416. Smyrna. Arundell, Discoveries, 1834. Lane, G. M., Paper on, Bibliot. Sao., 1858. Smyrna, Guide Smyrneen, 1840. See Asia, Western; Turkey. Smyth, Mrs. C. Abduction of, 1823. Smythe, Sir S. E. De Coetlogon, Ser mon on, 1778. Snape, A. DC la Pillonicre, Answer to, 1717. Pamphlets, vol. 351. Prat, D., Answeron Bp. Hoadly,1717. Whitby, Answer to, 1717. See Hoadly, B. Snowdeu, Mrs. II. Greaves, T., Ser mon on, 1763. P. 1461. Soaue, Sir J. Donaldson, View of life of. Soap. Morfit, Manuf. of, 1847. Social Science, Reforms, etc. Amer. Assoc n Advan. of, Journal, 1869- 1871. Andrews, S. P., Science of Society, 1852. Audiganne, Les Populations ouTrieres, 1854. Bancal, Du nouvel Ordre Social, 1792. Barhydt, Industrial Exchanges, 1849. Brindley, J., Infidelity of, 1841. P. 1720. Brisbane, A., Social Destiny of Man, 1840. Brownsou, 0. A., Essays, 1852. Brun, Triomphe du Nouveau Monde, 1785. Buchanan, ft., Hist, of modern priest craft, 1840. Buckingham, J. S., National Evils. " Considerations, 1846. Buret, E., Misere des classes laborieu- ses, 1846. B. C. Burke, E., Vindication of Natural Society. Carey, H. C., Prin. of Social Science, 1858, 69. " Manual of, 1864. Catlow, ^Esthetic medicine, 1867. Couling, S., Laboring classes, condi tion, 1851. Cousin, V., Justice and charity, 1848. Curel, T., Des Enfans trouves, 1845. Davenport, A., Orig. of Man, etc., 1F46. Davies, Late Hours of Business, 1843. P. 429. SOCIETY. 541 Social Science, Reforms, etc. (cont d). Dialogue, Ihoroughgood and Simple, 1840. Dinocourt, Cours de morale sociale, 1839. Dixon, W. H., Spiritual wives, 1868. Early Closing Assoc n, Lond., 1857-60. Eckhardt, Russian communism, 1870. Essays to employer and employed, 1839. P. 2501. Fichte, The Vocation of the Scholar, 1847. Fitzhugh, Sociology for the South, 1854. Fregier, Des Classes dangereuses dans les villes, 1840. Garngee, Narrative, 1857. Gaskell, P., Prospects of industry, 1835. P. 1567. Henry, C. S., Social Welfare and Pro gress, 1861. Institut de France; Acad. Mor., v. 1 11, 1837-62. Johnson, A. B., Encyc. of Instruction, 1857. Knigge, Pract. Phil, of Soc. Life, 1805. M., Marie L., Projet d association in- dustrielle, 1855. Mably, Dea Passions dans, 1795. Maclure, W., Opinions of, 1831. Magdalen Facts, 1832. Magee, W. C., Christian Socialism, 1852. P. 1459. Meliora, A Quarterly Review of, 1859. Mercier, Du Bien-etre materiel, 1854. Merson, Du Communisme; Refutation, 1848. Mill, James, Essays, 1808, 12. Mill, J. S., Claims of labor, Diss., 1864. Millar, Distinction of ranks in society, j 1773. National Assoc. for the Pro. of Social Sci., Trans., 1857-66, 70. f< Inaug. addresses, 1857. New Bond of Love, 1853. Noyes, J. H., Hist, of Am. Socialisms, 1870. Oneida Association, 1853. Oneida Circular, 1851-69. Osborne, S. G., Hints to the charita ble, 1838. Owen, R., New View of Society, 1816. " Millennial Gazette, 1857, 8. Publications by, 1817-51. P. 1536. Pamphlets relating to Social Science and Reform, vols. 429, 1567, 2501. Penn. Yearly Meet, of Progr. Friends, 1856-59. Poor Man s Guardian, 1847. Revue Independante, (Leroux and ! Sand), 1841-44. Social Science, Reforms, etc. (cont d). Rights of Swine, 1795. Saint Simon, C. H., CEuvres choisics, 1859. Scott, A. J., Discourses on, 1866. Sismondi, Etude sur les Sciences soci- ales, 1838. Sketch by Hubert, 1796. Societe Indust. de Mulhouse, Bulletin, 1845-58. Tayler, C. B., Social Evils and reme dies, 1835, 36. B. C. Thonissen, Le Socialisme et ses pro- inessea. " Socialisme dans le passe. Wilson, J. P., Belmont Factory, 1851. P. 524. Wright, F., Lectures, 1829. See Polit. Econ. ; Civilization; Labor; Woman; Progress; Reform, etc. ; Oneida Community. Societies. Finger post to public busi ness, 1864. Societies. Pam., vol. 627. See Benevolent; Building; Friendly; Humane; Mechanics; Missionary; Mutual; Scientific, etc. Societies, Dutch. See Maatschappij. Society. Browne, M., Views and opin ions, 1866. Burke, E., Vind. of natural society. Doig, D-, The Savage state, 1792. Douglas, J., Advancement of, 1830. Hamilton, R., Progress of, 1830. Hampden in the 19th century, 1834. Hanway, J., Dangers of, 1772. Millar, J., Distinction of ranks, 1773. Spencer, H., Social statics, 1865. Southey, R., Colloquies on prog, of, 1831. Wharton, Wits and Beaux of, 1861. Zimmerman, On Solitude. See Social Science; Aristocracy; La bor; Civilization; Man; Progress. Society for Pro. Chr. Knowledge, Eng. Blomfield, Claims of, 1815. P. 472. Murray, T. B., Jubilee Tract, 1849. P. 472. Society for Pro. Chr. Knowl., Sermons and Reports, 1706-1842, imp. See Bible Societies. Society for the Prop, of the Gospel, Eng. Chandler, T. B., Ap peal, 1767. " Appeal defended, 1769. Chauncy, Answer to Chandler, 1768. De Lancey, W. H., Report on Jubile* of, 1852. P. 203. Griffin, C., Controversy. P. 690. 512 SOCIETY. Society for the Prop, of the Gospel, I Eng. (continued). Jlenshaw. J. P. K., Jubilee Sermon, 1851. Humphreys, D., Account of, 1730. Mayhew, J., Observations on, 1763. " Remarks on a Tract, 1764. Middleton, T. F., Letters to, 1819. Prot. Ep. Ch., Board of Miss., Recep- j tion of delegates, 1853. I " New York, Response on j Jubilee, 1851. Riland, Slave Estates of, 1828. Seymour, R., On Subscribing to, 1852. Society for the Prop, of the Gospel, Sermons and Reports, 1702- 1867, not complete. Coll. of papers, 1788. P. 1023. Church in the Colonies, No. 24, 25, 31, 33, 41, 43, 45, 1850-61. Church in Canada, 1844, 45. " Quarterly Papers, 1851-54, 1858. " Gospel Missionary, 1851-58. Mission Field, 1856-59. Society fo the Reformation of Man ners, Eng., Discourses before and Accounts of. Stillingfleet, E., 1700; Pomfret, S., 1701; Kennett, B., 1701; Dunn, F., 1703; Galpine, J., 1703; Nicolson, W., 1706; Bray, T., 1708; Mer- rell, Z., 1709; Newman, J., 1709; Newcome, P., 1710; Colnctt, W., 1711 ; Trimnell, C., 1711; L oulter, H., 1716; Hunt, J., 1716; Hay- ley, T., 1717; Ash, G., 1717; Hayley, T., 1717; Leng, J., 1718; Rosewell, 1719; Lowinan, M., 1720; Neal, D., 1722; Wilt-ox, J., 1722; Gibson, E., 1723; Price, S., 1725; Heylin, J., 1728; Gastrell, F., 1731; Knight, J., 1733. Pamphlets, vol. 829. Society of Friends. See Friends. Society of the Cincinnati. See Cin cinnati. Society of the Sons of the Clergy. Sermons and Reports. Pam. rols. 385, 829, 1010, 1029, 1549. Defence of, 1812. P. 385. Society Is. See Tahiti Islands. Socinian. See Unitarian. Socrates. Bentley, R., Works; Diss. on his epistles. Cato, D., Ad demonicum oratio parse- netica. P. 692. Dornon, Le, de Socrate, Paris, 1829. P. 944. Grote, Plato and the companions of Socrates, 1867. Nares, R., Demon of, 1782. Plato, Crito, Works, v. 1. Socrates (continued). Plutarch, Morals, Goodwin s ed.. 1871. Priestley, Doct. of heathen phil.,1804. St. Pierre, La .Mort de, v. 12. Socrates, Apology, Plato, v. 1. Socratis, Antisthenis, et aliorum Soc- raticoruin epistolro, 1637. Xenophon, Memorabilia of. See Classic Literature. Sojourner Truth. Narrative of, 1850. Solano, F. Courtot, La vie de, 1677.. Soldier. Broughton, The duties of. Mouat, British S. in India. Plea for British soldier, 1859. Soldier s pocket Bible. Woodward, Soldier s monitor, 1722. See Military. Soldiers Aid Societies, 1801-05. Pam., vol. 1827. Solomon s Song. Brightman, T., Com mentary on, 1644. P. 1619. Dod s Exposition, 1606. Duport, Metaphrasis, 1662. Good, J. M., Translation of. S., D. M. B., Explication du, 1G39. Withington, L., Translation of, 1861. See Bible. Somers, Lord Chunc. Maddock, Life of, 1812. Somers Mutiny. Cruise of the Somers, 1844. Mackenzie, A. S., His defence, 1843. P. 195. Somerset. See Worcester, Marq. of. Somerset, Frances, Duchess of. Cor respondence, 1805. Somersetshire. Beauties of Engl. and Wales. Britton s Views of Bath and Bristol. Somerville, Lord. Scott, W., Memoir of. Somme, Fr. Annuaire, 1806, 27. Somnambulism. See Magnetism, ani mal; Spiritualism. Songs. Aikin, J., Collection of, 1810. Amateur s Song Book, Part I. Am. National Song Book, (McCarty), 1842, 3 v. Arne, Coll. of catches and glees, 1775. Aytoun, Lays of the cavaliers. Baker, School chimes. Ballads, a collection of 800 sheet-bal lads, 4 v. Benjamin, Normal School Song-book. Beranger, Lyrical Poems, 1850. Book of English songs, 1851. Book of Scottish songs, 1854. SOUL. 543 Sonps (continued). British Musical Miscellany, 1805. Brooks, C. T., German lyric poetry, 1863. Chodzko, Pop. poetry of Persia, 1842. Christy s Melodies, 1854. Clay Minstrel. Columbian Songster, 1797. Croker, T. C., Songs of Ireland. Dempster s Ballad Soirees, 1858. Dibdin, C., Sea Songs, 1845. Drew, Fremont Songs, 1856. Dutton s, Dollie, Songs, 1859. Dyer, Songs and Ballads, 1857. Forecastle Songster. Gem, The, 1846. Glover s Magazine. Graham, J., Flowers of Melody, 1825, 1834. Hager s, J. M., Concerts, 1863. Hastings, Songs of Temperance. Hayes, Ballads of Ireland. Heice, Poems, Book of Songs. Hullah, The Song Book, 1866. Johnson, J. H., Union Songs, (50). Kennedy, Songs of Love and Liberty, 1817. Log Cabin Song book, 1840. London Songster, 1767. Lovers Magazine. P. 1543. Malvina, etc., Modern Syren, 1807. Moore, F., Songs of Am. Revol., 1856. " Lyrics of loyalty, 1864. " Songs of the Soldiers, 1864. " Rebel rhymes, 1864. Moore, T., Poet, works, y. 4, 5. Nason, E., Our National Song, 1869. .Nation, The, Ballads and Songs of, Dublin, 1846. Palgrave, Gulden Treasury, 1863. Pamphlets, v. 534, A. D., 1760. Pantomimic Songster, N. Y, Percy Society Publications, 1840-52. Songs of the Soldiers, (Moore), 1864. Songs of the War, P. 1, 1863. Stansbury, Loyal Verses of the Revo lution, 1860. Star Spangled Banner Coll., 1817. Timperley, Songs of the Press, 1845. Uhland, Korner, etc., tr. by Brooks. Union Songs. Universal Songster, Lond., 3 v. Warren s, G. W., Singing classes, 1857. Watson, H. C., Ladies Glee book, 1854. Watts, I., Songs, Moral. P. 398. Whig Banner Songster, 1844. Whig Songs, 1844. P. 1392. See Ballads; Poetry. Sonora. Browne, J. N., Adventures, 1869. Rudo ensayo, 1761. Mowry, Resources of, 1859. See Mexico. Sons of the Clergy. See Society of the Sons, etc. Sophia Dorothea Consort of George I. Memoirs, 1845. Soren, J. Narrative, Case of, 1800, 1813. Sorghum. Haraszthy, Grapes and Sorgho, 1862. Hedges, North. Sugar plant, 1863. Hyde, J., Chinese cane, 1857. Madinier, Canne de sorgho, 1858. See Sugar. Soto, F. De. Bradford Club.... No, 5, Career of, (B. Smith). Irving, T., Conquest of Florida by, 1835, 51. Wilmer, Life and travels of, 1858. Soul. Abiezer, Letter on, 1845. JEneas Gazaeus, Deimmort. anirnarum, 1655. Alger, W. R., Doctrine of future life, 1864, Bakewell, F. C., Nat. Evi. of a future life, 1840. Batey, J., Thoughts on Immortality, 1843. Muns. P. 3. Baxter, A., Inquiry into nature of, 1745. Berkeley, Works, Three dialogues, 1713. Broughton, Psychology, 1703. Bush, Scripture Psychology, 1845. B.C. " Anastasis, 1845. B. C. Cioero, Immortality of the Soul, 1833. B. C. Clarke, S., Proofs of Immortality, (Works). " Immateriality of, 1712. Coward, Second thoughts, 1702. Coxe, Recognition in Heaven : Soul in brutes, 1845. Fine, Resurrection of the body, 1851. Gaudenzio, P., De animarum transmi- gratione, 1641 . Grove, H., Immateriality of, 1718. P. 1251. Guizot, F., Immortality of, 1864. P. 1542. Haddock, J., Psychology, 1850. Hickok, L. P., Empirical psychology, 1857. Hildrop, J., The brute creation, 1742. Immortality of, (Parsons), 1714. Man more than a machine, 1752. Melancthon, De anima, 1544. Mendelssohn, Unsterblichkeit der Seele, 1789. 544 SOUL. Soul (continued). Moore, G., Power of the Soul over the body, 1847. More, H., Immortality of. Newman, F. W., The soul, her aspi rations, 1849. Paine, M., Disc, on Soul and Instinct, 1849. Plato, Phsedon, 1833. B. C. Pomponatius, De immortal, animse, 1700. Porter, N., The human intellect, 1869. Powers, G., Influence of imag. on ner vous system, 1828. Price, R , Serm., Dignity of, 1766. Raleigh, Sir W., Treatise of, 1829. Reflections on Mr. Clark, 1711. Reid, Philosophy of Death, 1841. Remarks on Dr. Warburton s Account, 1757. P. 352. Rotheram, J., Distinction between S. and body, 1781. Spencer, H., Principles of psychology, 1855. Storrs, R. S., Const, of Human Soul, 1857. Toland, Letters to Serena. Watts, I., Philosophical Essays. Withington, L., Sermon on, 1832. See Life; Man; Mental Phil.; Moral Phil.; Philosophy; Theology; Fu ture State; Universalism. Soult, N. Galerie des Contein., vol. 1: Vie de, 1845. South Africa. Arbousset, Tour in, 1852. See Africa, South ; Cape of Good Hope. South America. Acuna, Voy. and Disc. in South America, 1698. Appeal to the gov t. N. Y., 1818. Argentine Republic, Constit., 1826. Azara, Voy. dans 1 Amer. Meridionalo, 1809. Baxley, What I saw, 1865. Bolivar, Proyecto de Constitucion, Re- pub, do Bol : via, 1826. Brackenridgo, Voy. to South Amerioa, 1817. Brown, C., Patriotic Expedi. to, 1819. Byron, John, Sufferings in Patagonia, 1768. Caldcleugh, Travels in, 1824. Coleti, Diz. Stor, Goog. dell , 1771. Consid. sur 1 Amer. Espagn., 1817. Cooper s History of, 1789. Coulter, Adventures on Coast, 1847. Cudena, Von Portugieschen Amerikc,, 1780. Davila, Teatro Eclesinstioo, 1649. Depons, Voy. dans la Terre Forme, 1801-04. South America (continued). Dupons, Travels in, 1801-04. Disturbances in, 1830. Empson, Narratives of, 1836. Gerstacker s Travels, 1854. Giliji, Saggio di Storia Americana, 1780-84. Great Britain : Navigation, 1825. Gumilla, Las naciones en la riveras del Orinoco, 1791. Hawkshaw, Reminiscences of, 1838. Head, F. B., Journeys across the Pam pas, 1826. Helms, Voy. dans PAmerique merid., 1812. ft From Buenos Ayres to Lima, 1807. Historie dell India, 1566. Julian, Hist, de la Province do Santa Marta, 1787. Keith, G. M., Voyage to, 1819. La Condamine, Voy. dans 1 Ainerique merid., 1745. Mathison, Visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, 1821-22. Morillo,Gen., Memoires, 1826. Miranda, Hist, of his Revolution, and Life of, 1808. Newspapers, vol. 8, 9, 1834-51. Nieuhoff, Travels to Brazil. Niles, J. M., History of, 1839. Noel, L Amerique Espagnole, 1817. Nunez, A., Commentaires, 1555. Paez, Wild Scenes in, 1862. Pagan, Descr. of country of the Ania- zones, 1661. Palacio, Outlines of the Revolution in, 1817. Pamphlets relating to South America, vol. 585. Pazos, Letters on the U. Provinces of, 1819. Phillips, C., Speech on Rerol. in, 18-1. Pointis, De, Expedition de Carthagene, 1697. Pradt, Des trois derniers mois, 1817. Eur. and Amer., in 1821. Precis sur la Revolution de, 1819. Prootor, R., Journey across the Andes, Resid. in Lima, 1825. Robertson, W., History of, (Knapp). Rodney, Present State, 1819. Rolt, R., History of, 1756. Scarlett, Travels in, 1838. South America, Letter on, 1817. gouthey, R., Exped. of Orsua, 1560. Stevenson, W. B., 20 years residence in, 1825. Strictures on a Voyage to, 1820. Terry, Tr. in Equatorial region of, 1832. SOUTH SEA COMPANY. 545 South America (continued). Thomson, J., Letters on, 1827. " Letters in behalf of, 1830. Two, The, Americas, 1824. Ulloa, Relacion del Viage a la: Span. and Eng., 1748, 1807. Van Heuvel, El Dorado, 1844. View of South America and Mexico, 1826. B. C. See also the several States; America; Miranda expedition; Amazon R. ; Span. Col. ; Guiana; Voyages. Southampton, Eng. Coghlan, F., Des cription of. P. 645. Englefield, H. C., Walkthrough, 1801. P. 1573. Southampton, N. Y. Howell, G. R., History of, 1866. South Carolina. Adams, F. C., Manuel Pereira, 1853. Archdale, Description of Carolina, 1702. Bartram, Travels through, 1791. Carroll, B. R., Hist. Collections of, 1836. Case of Prot. Dissenters in, 1706. Catesby, Nat. Hist, of, 1754. Chalmers, L., Weather and Diseases of, 1776. Consid. on certain transactions, 1774. Coxe, D., Description of Carolana, 1722, 1741. Dalcho, Hist. Prot. Episo.Ch. in, 1820. Dray ton, Mem. of Am. Revolution to 1776. " View of, 1802. " Beschreibung von, 1805. Elliott, W., Carolina sports, 1859. Gibbes, Doc. Hist, of Am. Rev. in, 1855, 57. Great Brit., Address respecting, 1705. Green, A., A Yankee among the Nul- lifiers, 1833. Hewatt, Rise and progress of, 1779. Historical Account of, 1779. Johnson, J., Reminiscences of the Revol. in, 1851. Laurons, H., Correspondence of, 1861. Lawson, History of, 1714. tl Beschreibung der Provinz. Letter from a Gentleman, 1718. Mass., Report on S. Hoar, 1845. Mills, R., Statistics of, and History, 1826. Mountgomry, Sir R., Discourse con cerning, 1717, (Force). New and accurate account, 1733. Nicholson, Gov. F., Vindication, 1724. O Neall, Annals of Newberry, 1859. " Sketches of Bench and Bar, 1859. 69 South Carolina (continued). Ramsay, D., Hist, of, 1670-1808. " Hist, of Revol., 1785. Rivers, Hist, of, to 1719. Short Description of, (Milligan), 1770. Simms, W. G , History of, 1860. South Carolina, Proceed. ,1719,(Force s Tracts). " Board of Naval Com missioners, Minutes, 1776-80. MS. " Naval Commiss rs pay book, 1777-79. MS. " Agric. Survey, 1843. " Geol. Survey, (Tuo- mey), 1844-8. " Governors Messages, 1857, 59. " Address to the People, 1860. * Declaration of Seces sion, I860. " Rep. on Georgia, I860. South Carolina Hist. Soc. Collections, 1867. Southern Quarterly Review, 1842-56. State Rights Almanac, 183:5. Tuomey, Fossils of, 1855-7. United States, Mess, of Prest., 1833. Wilson, S., Account of, 1682. Yonge, Proceedings, 1719. See North Carolina; Florida; Charles ton; Georgia. South Carolina College. La Borde, History of. Catalogue, 1847, 51. Sonthcott, Joanna. History of, 1814. Heece, R., Last illness of. Southey, R. Letters of, 1856, 4 v. Southey, C. C., Life and corresp. of, 1849. Southgate, H. Amer. Board of Commis sioners Corresp. with, 1844. Southold, N. Y. Griffin, A., Journal, 1857. Sonthold, Index of names to 1698. South Sea. See Pacific; Voyages. South Sea Comp. Aislabie, Speech,1721. Farther considerations on the present state, 1739. Holmes, ~E., Letter, Lond., 1853. Hutcheson, South Sea Stock, 1720, Mackay, C., Mem. of Coinmer. delu sions, 1845, (Hunt). Poem on, 1720. Some proposals, 1716. Tafereel, Het groote, der dwaasheid, 1720. Thiers, Hist, of, 1859. 546 SOUTHWARK. Southwark, Eng. Concanen, M.,jr., Hist, of Parish of St. Saviour, 1795. Southwick, L. C. Ide, J., Sermon on, 1835. P. 1610. Southwick, Mass. Fletcher, T., Fare well Discourse, 1846. P. 164. Soyer, A. Gore House Catalogue-, 1846. P. 1627. Spademan, J. llosewell, S., Sermon on, 1715. Spain* Abella, Coleccion diplomatica de, 1795. Adams, J., History of, 1793. Alberoni, Card , Life of, 1719. Attache in Madrid, 1856. Avecilla, Diario d. 1. Guerra, 1836. Azanza, Expose, 1808-1814. Bacon, J. F., Six Years in Biscay; Sieges of Bilboa, 1830. Beawes, Civ., Com. and Lit. Hist, of, 1793. Beckford, W., Sketches of S. and Portugal, 1835. Biscay, Manifiesto historico, 1798. Borrow, G., Bible in Spain, 1843. Bouterwek, Hist. Sp. literature, 1823. Breval, Remarks in travel, 1738. Bryant, W. C., Letters of a Traveller, 1850. Buckle, H. T., Hist, of Civilization, v. 2. Busk, Hist, of, Lib. U. K. Carleton, G., Memoirs of an English officer, 1809. Cartas Espanolas, 1832. Clarke, E., Account of. Coll. Voy. 5. Conde, Dominion of the Arabs in, 1854. Colmenar, Annales d Espagno, 1741. Coxe, W., Memoirs of the Kings of, 1815. Gushing, C., Reminis. of, 1833. Dix, J. A., A Summer in, 1850. Dunham, History of. Lardner, 30. Dunlop, J., Memoirs of, 1621-1700. Elizabeth Farnesio, Memoirs of, 1714- 1746. Espinalt, Atlante Espanol, 1787. Estrada, Dissensiones de la America con, 1811. Ferrario, Costume, 1837. Florian, Les Maures d Espagne. % Fonfrede, De la Revolution, T. 5. Ford, II., Hand-book for, 1845. " Spaniards and country, 1847. France: Documents Incdits, Negocia- tions, Success. d Espagne, 1855-59. " Meraoires Militaires de la Succession, 1855-59. Spain (continued). Garcilasso, Guerres des Efpagnols dans les Indes, 1658. Gleig, The Light Dragoon, 1852. Goslinga, Guerre de Succession, 1706- 1711. Grant, The Highlanders in, 1852. Great Britain : Spain, rupture with, 1762. P. 1011,422. Spanish Legion, 1837. Grimestone, E. See Mayerne, 1612. Hamilton, T., Annals of the Peninsu lar campaigns, 1808-14. Henegan, Seven Years campaigning in, 1848. Hughes, T. M., Revelations of, 1845. Impugnaoion del Codigo para la Ame rica, 1817. Inglis, H. D., Ramblings after Don Quixote, 1840. Irving, W., Conquest of Granada, 1829. " The Alhambra: History and Legends. " Spanish Papers, Legends and Chronicles, 1866. Kincaid, J., Random Shots, 1815. Kolli, Mem., Ferdinand VII, 1810. Laborde, A view of, 1809. Leti, Leven van Filips den II. Letters Descriptive of, 1832. Link, Travels in, 1801. Llorente, J. A., Hist, de 1 Inquisition d Espagne, 1818. " Hist, of inquis. in Spain, 1843. Mackenzie, A. S., Year in Spain, 1831. " Spain revisited, 1836. M Crie, Prot. Reform, in, 1855. Mahon, (Stanhope), War of the suc cession, 1832. Marcellus, Politique de la restaura- tion, 1823. Match, C. W., Sketches, 1856. Mariana, J. de, Hist. gen. de Espana, 1804. Maxwell, W. H., The Peninsular war, 1837. Mayerne, Hist. G6n des Espagnoles. Gen. Hist, of, 1612. Merimee, Hist, of Peter the Cruel, 1849. Mignet, Succession d Espagne sous Louis XIV, 1835-42. Moore, J., Brit. Army in, under Sir J. Moore, 1809. Murphy, J. C., Mohamm. Empire in, 1816. " Arabian Antiquities of,1813. Napier, W. F. P., Hist, of peninsular war, 1840. Controversy regard, the Hist. SPAIN. 547 Spain (continued). Nellerto, Mom. de la revolution d , 1814. Noah, M. M., Travels in, 1813-15. Onis, Negotiations with the U. States, 1821.^ Pamphlets relating to Spain, vola . 628, 841, 842, 1467. Pecchio, Anecdotes of the Sp. revolu tion, 1823. Philip V, His Manifesto, 1739. P. 131. Philippart, Royal Military Calendar, 1812-13. Philippe II, Portrait de, 1785. Pradt, Mem. sur la revolution de, 1816. Prescott, W. U., Reign of Ferd. and Isabella, 1838. " Hist, of Philip II, 1855, 58. Quatrefages, A. De, Rambles on the coasts, 1857. Ranke, Ottoman and Sp. Empires, 16th and 17th centuries. Reumont, The Carafas of Maddaloni, 1854. Risco, M., Hist, de la ciudad de Leon, 1792. Rosseuw St. Hilaire, Hist, jusqu a . Ferd. VII, 1844-52. Scenes in Spain, N. Y., 1837. Silva, DC Rebus gestis Joannis II. 1712. Simonot, Resume de Phist. de, 1823. Solorzano, J. De, Obras varias, 1676. Southey, Chronicle of the Cid, 1846. " Hist, of Penin. war, 1828- 1837. Spain, Letters and memorials between S. and Gr. Brit., 1727. " Manifesto on the Convention, 1739. " Constitucion politica, 1812. " Constitution of 1812. " Constitution juree, 1820. P. 842. " Espana dividida en provincias, 1789. " Guia general, 1830. " Exposition de 1867; Travaux publics. Spain: New Geog. History, 1809. P. 647. Stanhope, A., S. under Charles II, 1840. Stockdale, J. J., On Convention of i Cintra, 1809. Subaltern, The, (Gleig), 1852. Swinburne, H., Travels in, 1777-80. Tenison, L., Castile and Andalusia, illus., 1853. Ticknor, G., Hist, of Sp. literature, 1849, 64. Tofiuo, Atlas do las costas* 1786. Spaiii (continued). Toledo, J. A. de, Objeciones etc., 1812. Urquhart, The pillars of Hercules, 1848. Vane, Story of the Peninsular war, 1848. Vault, Mcmoires Militaires. Verardus, Hiatoria Bsetica, 1533. Wallis, S. T., Glimpses of, 1847. Warren, J. E., Attache in S., 1851. Watson, Philip II and III, 1818. Wellesley, Ambass. Dispatches, 1838. Willoughby, Travels in, (Harris 2) Young, A., Trav. in Fr. and S., 1789- 1792. Zuniga, Afiales de Sevilla, 1796. See Madrid; Malaga; Seville; Portu gal; France; Bibliography; Lan guage. Spain, Pamphlets relating to. Ad dress to the electors., .on the late secession and Spain, 1739. P. 841. Answer to the observations, 1762. Appeal to the good sense of the British, for the Liberals, 1843. Appeal to the unprejudiced on the Convention, 1739. Britain s mistakes in the. . ..present war, 1740. Cevallos, P., Exposition of the us irp. of the crown, 1808. Charmilly, His transactions in Spain, 1810. Convention, The, vindicated, 1739. Cordova, R. M. De, Espana en 1857. Crisis, The, of Spain, 1823. Farther considerations on the present state, 1739. P. 841. Ferrer, Espana regenerada, 1835. P. 1773. Full Exposition .... 1762. Great Britain, Letters between the ministers, 1727. P. 841. Grand question considered. . .war with Spain, 1739. Iberia s crisis, an epic poem, 1809. Legitimacy the only salvation for Spain, 1835. Letter from a member of the last Par liament, 1742. Manifiesto....des de 17 Marzo 1 asta 15 Mayo, 1808. P. 15. Ministerial prejudices for the Conven tion, 1739. National disputes or the Convention treaty, 1739. Newyear, R., Gibraltar or the pre tender, 1727. Observations arising from the war, 1739. P. 1467. Observ. on the conduct of G. B., 1729. 548 SPAIN. Spain, Pamphlets relating to (cont d). Observations on the present Conven tion, 1739. Observations, The, upon the treaty examined, 1730. Observ. upon the treaty of Seville, 1729. Pamphlets relating to Spain, vols. 841, 842, 14fi7. Pereda, V. M. De, La Situacion contra el deseo nacional, 1848. Policy of England, 1837. Profit and loss of Gr. Brit, in the war, 1741. Proposals for humbling, 1740. Propriety of retaining Gibraltar, 1783. Reply to a pamphlet, Popular preju dices, 1739. Rodil, Manifiesto, 1836. Ross, 0. C. D., Spain and the war with Morocco, 1860. Seeker, Fast Sermon, War, 1741. Some farther remarks, 1729. Some observations, 1728. Some observations on the plan of peace, 1736. Series of wisdom .... in our foreign ne gotiations, 1736. Spain vindicated, 1825. P. 1627. Treaty of Seville considered, 1733. View of depredations of, 1731. Spanish Colonies. Account of Span. sett, in Amer. 1762. America, or descr. of W. I., 1655. Bonnycastle, Dcmin. of Spain in Am., 1819. Burke, W., Emancipation of Col. in America, 1808. P. 128. Campbell, J., Span. Emp. in Amer., 1747. Campillo, Nuevo Sistema de Gobierno, 1789. Castellanos, Elegias, 1589. Consid. sur l Am6r. Espag., 1817. Coreal, Voy. aux Indes d Espagne, 1722. Helps, Spanish Conquest in America, 1855, 57. Herrera, Conquetes des Castellans, 1660. Las Casas, Destruycion de las Indias, 1552. < < First voyages of Spaniards, 1699. Letters of Verus, 1797. Old England Forever, 1740. Pamphlets relating to the Spanish American Colonies, 14, 15. Robertson, Hist, of South America. Robinson, W. D., Cursory View of Span. Amer., 1815. Ternaux, Recueil de Meinoires, 1840. Spanish Colonies (continued). Ulloa, Retablisseinent du commerce de, 1753. Uricoechea, Mapotcca Colombiana, 1860. Veitia, Norte de la contratacion de, 1672. Walton, W., State of the Spanish Co lonies, 1810. " Dissensions of Span. Amer., 1814. See America; North America; South America; Cuba; Mexico; Philip pine Is., etc. Sparks, J. Ellis, G. E., Memoir of, Mass. Hist. Soo. Mahon, Correspondence, 1852-3. Mayer, B., Memoir of. P. 1659. Spectacles. See Eye; Optics. Spectrum Analysis. Airy, Wavelengths for Kirchoff s lines; Roy. Soc. Trans., 1869. Anal, of the Sun-beam, Am. Ch. Rev. Jan. 72. Barnard, F. A. P., Undulatory theory of light, Smithson. Rep., 1862. Brewster, D-, History of, Inst. de Fr., Comptes, Ixii, 17. " Obs. on Solar Spectrum, Roy. Soc. Trans., 1860. Browning, J., Spec, of Met. of Nov., Lon. Ed. and D. Phil. Mag., 1867. De La Rue, Resear. on Solar physics, 1865. P. 1052. Gibbs, W., Descr. of Spectroscope, Am. Jour, of Sci., 1863. Map of the Spectrum, A. J. S., 1867. Wave lengths of lines, A. J. S., 1869. Guillemin, A., The Heavens, 1871. Huggins, W., Exam, of micros, ob jects, Quar. Jour, of Mic. Sci., J865. " t Lect., Results of, applied to Astron., Brit. Assoc n. " Spectra of chem. elements, Roy. Soc. Trans., 1864. " Spectra of the Stars, Roy. Soc., 1868, 69. ." Roy. Soo. Proc., 1865. Janssen, Phil. Mag., XXX, 78 ; XXXII, 315; Comptes Rendus, Ivi. 538; liv. 1280. Kirchoff, Chemical analysis, London, Edin. and Dub. P. Mag., 1860, 65. Miller, W. A., Obs. on the Spectrum, Lectures on Pharm. Jour., 2d Ser., iii. 399. Norton, Corona in Eclipse of Sun, Am. Jour, of Sci., 1870, 71. Pasteur, Phosp. light of animals, Inst. deFr., C. R., lix. 509. SPENCERTOWN. 549 Spectrum Analysis (continued). Pickering, Of Spectroscope!, Amer. Jour, of Sci., May, 1868. Proctor, R. A., The Sun, ruler, fire, etc. of Plan, syst., 1871. Roscoe, H. E., Spectrum analysis, 1869, with List of Memoirs on, App. Roy. Foe. Proc., XVII, p. 91, 128, 358. Silliman, J. M , Exam, of Bessemer flame, Am. J. of Sci., 1870. Sorby, Of Zirconia, Lond., Edinb. and Dublin P. Mag., 1870. Stoddart, Applic. of, to pharmacy, Phar. Jour., 1869. Watts, H., Diet, of Chem., Art., Spect. Anal., 1869, Suppt.. 1872. Zullner, Phys. const, of Sun, Lon., Edinb. and Dub. Phil. Mag., 1870, 1871. See Light; Astronomy; Chemistry. Speeches, Volumes of, American* Adams, John Q., 1834-38. Barnard, D. D., 1831-43, 3 v. Benton, T. H., 1829-46. Boutwell, G. S., 1867. Buchanan, J., 1836-44. Calhoun, J. C., Works, 5 v. Carpenter, S. C., Select American. Cass, Lewis, 1836-46. Clay, C. M., Coll., 1848. Clay, Henry, Coll., 1824-50. Congressional Speeches, Pamphlet vols. 35, 59, 60, 193, 206, 486, 487, 561, 1575-1579. B. C., vols. 13, 21, 28, 34, 46. Davis, H. Winter, Coll., 1867. Dickinson, D. S., Coll., 1867. Dix, J. A., Coll., 1864. Douglas, S., 1852-61. Everett, A. H., 1830-39. Everett, E., Works, 4 vols. Giddings, J. R., Speeches, 1853. Hill, Isaac, 1834-36. Billiard, H. W., Coll., 1855. Johnson, A., Coll., 1365. Marsh, G. P., 1844-48. Moore, F., Am. Eloquence, Coll., 1857. Sergeant, J., Coll., 1832. Seward, W. H., 5 vols. Smith, Gerrit, Congress. Speeches. Sumner, C., Coll., 1850. " Recent Speeches, 1856. Speeches, 1856-63. Webster, D., 5 vols. Williston, Eloquence of the Un. 6t", 5 v., 1827. Winthrop, R. C., 1852. Woodbury, Levi, Writings, 1852. Wright, Silas, Coll., 1828-41. See Orations, July 4; Addresses. Speeches, Volumes of, British. Beau ties of the British Senate, 1786. Brougham, H., 1832-41. Burke, E., Works, 1856. Burrows, P., Select Speeches, 1851. Campbell, J., Coll., 1842. Chapman, N., Select Speeches, 180t. Curran, J. P., Speeches, 1811. Erskine, T., Coll., 1813. Fox, C. J., Coll., 1815, 6 v. Goodrich, C., Select Brit. Eloquence. Grattan, H., Coll., 1813. Hazlitt, Eloquence of the Brit. Senate. 1810. Huskisson, William, Coll.. 1831. King, P., Lord, Coll., 1844. Macaulay, T. B., Coll., 1853. Mackintosh, Sir J., Works, vol. 3. Peel, Sir R., Coll., 1853, 4 v. Pitt, Wm., Lord Chatham, 1736-78. Pitt, Hon. Wm., Coll., 1783-1803. Sheil, R. L., Coll,, 184&. Sheridan, R. B., Coll., 1842. Wilkes, J., Speeches, 1774-77. Windham, W., Coll., 1837. See Parliamentary. Speeches, Volumes of, Miscellane ous. Bossuet, Oraison funebres. Chateaubriand, Discours, vol. 23. Cicero, Orations, Lat. and Eng. Cormenin, Orators of France, 1847. Demosthenes, Orations, Greek and Engl. Kossuth, Select Speeches, 1854. " Speeches in New England, 1852. Mirabeau, H. G. R., Speeches, Trans., 1792. CEuvres, 1835. Talleyrand, A. A. de, Speeches, Trans., 1848. See Elocution; Addresses. Spelling. See Language, English. Spencer, Earl. Dibdin, Biblioth. Spence- riana, 1814, 15. Spencer, A. Barnard, D. D., Discourse on, 1849. Potter, H., Sermon on, 1848. Sprague, W. B., Discourse on, 1849. Spencer, J. S. Life and Sermons, 1855. 11 Pastor s Sketches, 1853. Spencer, T. Raffles, Memoirs of, 1814. Roby, W., Sermon on, 1811. Spencer, T. Willard, S. D., Memoir of, 1858, P. 494. Spencer, Mass. Draper, J., History of, 1860. Spencertown, N. Y. Jubilee, 1846. 550 SPENSER. Spenser, E. Works and Life. Jortin, J., On poems of, 1734. P. 1238. Spice Is. See Moluccas. Spicer, T. Autobiography, 1860. Spiuola, A. Barry, G., Siege of Breda, by, 1627. Deza, Istoria della famiglia, 1694. Spiuola, C. Broeckart, Life of, 1869. Spiiioza, B. Dainiron, Mcmoire sur, Inst. de Fr., Ac. Mor. et pol., 1844. Jaquelot, Leven van, 1698. Spinoza, Tract. Theol. Polit., Introd. to. Toland, Letter on, 1704. Willis, Life and ethics, 1870. Spira, F. Brownlee, W. C., Fearful state of, 1814. B. C. Spirit. See Holy Spirit. Spirits. See Chemistry; Alcohol; Tem perance; Wine. Spiritualism. Apocatastasis, 1854. Arnold, L. M., Hist, of Man, 1852. Ballou, A., Views respecting, 1853. Beecher, C., Review of, 1853. Brittan, S. B., Review of Beecher, 1853. Brown, W., Individuality, 1863. Bush, G., Davis s Revelations, 1847. P. 45. B. C. Capron, E. W., Explan. and Hist, of, 1850. Capron, Singular Revelations, 1850. P. 563. Close, F., Table turning, Lond., 1853. Cooke, P., Necromancy, 1857. Davis, A. J., Principles of Nature, 1850. " A pproaching Crisis, 1852. i{ Philosophy of .... intercourse, 1851. " The Present age, 1853. " The Great Harmonia, 1859. " The Magic Staff, autobiog., 1859. Dendy, Philosophy of Mystery, 1845. Dewey, Hist, of the Rappings, 1850. P. 563. Dods, J. B-, Spirit manifestations, refuted, 1854. Edmonds, J. W., Reply to Bishop Hop- j kins, 1855. P. 563. " Spiritual Intercourse, 1856. P. 563. " Spiritualism, 1854. Ferguson, J. B., Spirit Communion, 1855. P. 563. " Divine Illumination, 1855. ! P. 563. " Statement of belief, 1854. I Spiritualism (continued). Fish, W. H., Orthodoxy against, 1857. P. 563. Gasparin, Turning Tables. P. 563. " Science vs. Spiritualism, v. i, 1857. Hare, 11., Investigation of, 1856. Henry, G. W., Shoutings in the Church. Home, D. D., Incidents in my life, 1863. Incidents of Personal experience, 1852. P. 93. Kardec, Qu est le Spiritisme? 1859. King, D., An address, 1857. Linton, Healing of the Nations, 1858. M llvaine, J. H., Mod. Divination, 1865. P. 213. Mahan, A., Spiritualism, a discussion, 1855. " Review of Mahan, 1855. Mallery, D. G., Necromancy, 1857. Mattison, H., Spirit Rapping, 1853. New Engl. Spirit. Assoc n, Constitu- tion, 1854. P. 563. Newton, A. E., Charges of belief in, 1854. P. 97. Obs. on the Theol. Mystery, 1851. P. 219. Owen, R. D., The debatable land, 1872. " Footfalls, of anotherworld,1860. Page, C., Psychoniancy, 1853. Pamphlets on Spiritualism, vol. 563. Priohard, J., Table talk, 1853. Pugh, G., S. an old epidemic, 1857. Putnam, A. , Spirit wotks, 1853. P. 101. Return of Dep. Spirits, (Thomas), 1843. Sacred Circle, Period., N. Y. 1855. Shekinah, Period., N. Y., 1853. Snow, H., Inoid. of experience, 1852. Society for Diffu. of Sp. Knowl., 1854. P. 563. Thoughts... Review of Mahan, 1855. P. 563. Tiffany s Monthly, 1856-59. Toohey, Review: Dwinell s Sermon, 1857. P. 63. Tuttle, Year book of, for 1871. " Scenes in the Spirit world, 1855. Tyndall, J., Fragm. of Sci., 1871. Wilson, R. P., Spiritual Science, 1854. P. 563. See Magnetism, Animal. Spitzbergen. Dufferin, (Blackwood), Voyage, 1856. Fabvre, Rapport, sur voyage a, 1839. Le Roy, Narr. of four Russ. Sailors, Pinkerton, 1. Martens, Voyage to. Hakluyt Soo., No. 18, 1855. See Arctic; Russia; Voyages, Arctic. STATE RIGHTS. 551 Spleen. Cheyno, G., The Eng. malady, 1733. Dobson, W., Function of, 1830. P. 1568. Spooner, W. Descendants of, 1871. Sports. See Amusements; Games; Hunt ing. Spotwcod family genealogy, 1868. Sprague Family. Soulc, Memorial of, 1847. Sprague, W. B. Second Presb. Church, Albany, (a Collection), to 1870. Sprague, Corresp. with E. C. Delavan. Spring, S. Woods, L., Serm., Death of, 1819. Springfield, Mass. Bliss, G., Hist, ad dress, 1828. " Address to the bar, 1827. " Hist, of Cemetery, 1857. Chapin genealogy, 1862. First Church, Manual, 1866. Memorial Church, Manual, 1866. Osgood, Hist, discourse, 1849. See West Springfield. Springs. See Mineral Springs; Saratoga. Spurgeon, C. H. Knight, R., Criticism on, 1857. Pulpit dialectics, letter to P. 1282. Prynne, G. R., Address, 1852. Phrenology with Spurzheim, J. G life of, 1833. Bartlett, E., Address, 1838. Carmichael, Life of, 1833. B. C. Follen, C., Oration on, 1842. See Phrenology. Squier, 31. P. Writings and autobiog raphy, 1866. Stafford family genealogy, 1870. Stafford, E. Stafford, J.,Serm., Death of, 1775. P. 381. Stafford, Mrs. 31. L. Cox, S. H., Dis course on, 1843. P. 1611. Stafford, Conn. Woodward, G. H., Historical Sermon, 1845. Staffordshire, Eug. Gazetteer and Di rectory, 1834. Beauties of Eng. and Wales, 1815. Letter to Sir J. Wrottlesey, 1811. P. 221. Pearson, J., Letter, 1797. Stamford, Conn. Alvord, Centen. Dis course, 1841. Huntington, History of, 1868. " Soldiers Memorial, 1869. Standish, 31. Belknap s Am. Biogra y. Standish Assoc n, Monument, 1871. Standish, S. Holmes, S., Sermon on, 1847. P. 1611. Stanford, J. Sommers, Life of, 1835. Stanhope, Lady II. L. Memoirs, 1846. " Travels, 1846. Stanhope, P. D. See Chesterfield, Earl. Stanley Family. Pollard, History of, 1868. Stanley, E. Stanley, A. P., Life of, 1851. Stanley, H. Pellew, G., Serm. on, 1849. Stanwix, Fort. Schoolcraft, Siege of, 1776. Stark, J. Everett, Life of, Sparks, 1. Reminiscences of Fr. war, 1831. Stark, C., Memoir of, 1860. Stassart, G. Jc A. Quetelet, Notice sur, 1854. P. 608. Staten Is. Tysen, R. M., Hist, of, 1842. State Papers. See France; Gr. Britain; Letters; Records. State Rights. Calhoun, J. C., Works. " Disquis. on gov t, 1851. Carey, M., Dissolution of Union, 1832. " The Tocsin, 1832. De Peyster, J. W., Seces. in Switzer land, 1863. P. 977. Effects of secession, N. Y., 1861. P. 2504. Everett, E., Remarks, 1830. Falkland, Review, 1830. P. 587. Fowler, W. C., The Sectional contro versy, 1868. Goodwin, T. S., History of, 1864. Granger, A P., Speech, 1859. Green, Yankee among the Nullifiers. Grimke and Dayton s Addresses, 1833. P. 71. Grimke, T. S., Speech, 1828. Haynes, R. Y., Speech, 1830. Junkin, G., Political fallacies. 1863. Lewis, T.. State rights.... in Greece, 1865. Loyal Pub. Society, 1813-66. Memoirs of a Nullifier, 1860. P. 2504. Nicholas, S. S., Conservative essay?, 1863. Remarks on Ordinance of Nullification, 1833. Spence, J., The Amer. Union, Lond. Taylor, J., Construction construed, 1820. " New views of the Constitu tion, 1823. Washburn, E., Sovereignty and State rights, 1865. Webster, Speech, 1830, 1833. See U. S. Government; Civil War. 552 STANTON. Stanton, E. M. Stowe s Mon of the Time, 1870. Statesman. See Government ; Officers. Statistics. Albany, Census, 1814. Alexander, W., Vit. Stat. of Halifax, 1842. P. 1713. Almanach de Gotha, to 1872. Amer. Statist. Annual, 1854. Amer. Statist. Assoo. Collect., vol. 1. 1847. " Constitution, 1862. Baden, Uebersicht, 1861. Baltimore, Tables of mortality, 1849- iwr, Banfield, Statistical Companion, 1848- 1850. Bavaria, Statis., 1857-65. Belgium, Bulletin do la Comm. cen- trale, 1848. Boston, Registrar s Reports, 1838-68. " Report on Census, 1855. Brunswick, Ger., Der Bevolkerung. 1856-65. Canada, Census, 1851, 52, 55, 61. Cheshire, Results in Gr. Britain, 1851. Conn., Registration of Births, etc. " Statistics of Industry, 1845. De Bow, Indust. Resources of South. States, 1852. Dehay, Soo. Fran, de Statist, univer-. selle, 1834-38. Emerson, Popul. of Phil a, 1821-30. Ferrario, Morti Improvise, Milano, 1750-1834. France, Census, 1856. " Prisons, Returns, 1838-43. Graunt, Natural and Political observa tions, 1676. Gr. Brit , Population returns, 1831. " Census, 1851, 11 v. " Registrar Gen. of England, Reports, 1849-52. Hale, W. H., On Registry of Births, Henschling, Belgian statistics, 1844-51. Hough, F. B., Instructions for takfng census, 1865. " Comm. on 9th census, 1869. Hiibner, 0., Jahrbuch, 1852. " Survey of all Nations, 1852. Internat. Statist. Congress, 1860. Iowa, Census, 1856, 59, 67. Kettell, Southern wealth and Northern profits, 1860. Lowell, Mass., Tables of Mortality, 1840-60. P. 564. Macqueen, Agr., Manuf. and Comm., 1850. P. 430. Marshall, J., London Statist., 1801-31. " Statistics of Europe and the U. S., 1833. Statistics (continued). Martin, Statesman s Year book, 1865- Mass., Census, 1850, 55, 65. " Prisons, Returns, 1848-56 P 162, 191. " Statist, of Industry, 1845, 55, 1866. " Registration Reports. 1837, 43- 1851, 53-71. Miles, Statistical Register, 1846. Minnesota, Report, 1860. Missouri, Report, 1866. Neilson, Vital Statistics, 1846. New Jersey, Registration Reports, 1854-56. P. 240. " Prison Statist , 1799- 1845. New York, Census, 1855, 65. " Statist, of Convicts, 1839 P. 191. Ohio, Commissioner s Reports, 1859-69. Pamphlets relating to Statistics, vols 240, 564, 565, 1001, 1053. Paris, Recherchesstatistiques, 1823-44. Petty, Essays in Polit. arithmetick, Phillips, Sir R., A Million of facts, Pocock, List of Books on, 1842. Porter, G. II., Progress of G. B., 1838. Providence, R. I., Registrar s Report, 1855-67. Quetelet, Statist, des Pays Bas, 1829. " Sur 1 Homme. 1833.- Theorie des Probabilites, 1846. Rhode Island, Reports, 1852-67. Roxbury, Ms , Report of Births, etc., Royer, Notes Economiques, 1843. Russell, A., Principles of statistical inquiry, 1839. Sadler, M. T., The law of population, 1830. Seybert, A., Stat. Annals of U. S.. 1789-1818. Shattuck, Report on Census of Boston 1845. Statistical papers, 1845-49. Family registration, 1841. " Memorial on, 1848. Six Letters on Population, 1834. Snow, E. M., Statistics of R. Island and Providence, 1855-64. Standard Library Cyclopaedia, 1853. Statist. Soc. of Lond., Journal, 1839- 1871. Statist. Tables of N. Y., 1828. Sutton, W. L., Plan for reg. marr. and deaths, 1859. Thurnain, Statistics of insanity. STEAM NAVIGATION. 558 Statistics (continued). Tuthill, On Registration, 1853. United States Census, 1700-1850, CO. " Compendium of Census, 1850,60, 71. U. S. Manufactures, Statist., 1859. U. S. Sanitary Commission, 1869. Vermont, Registration Reports, 1857- 1869. Victoria Colony, Census, 1861. Warden, D. B., Statist, acct. of U. S., 1819. See Almanacs ; Registers ; U. S. Statis tics; Great Britain; Commerce; Life; Longevity; Population, etc. Staughton, W. Lynd, 6. W., Memoir of, 1834. Staynoe, T. Adams, J., Fun. Sermon, 1707. P. 1557. Steam Engine. Arago, (Euvres, v. 5, 1854. Armstrong, R., Treatise on Steam boilers, 1850. Baker, II. F., Improvements in boiler furnaces, 1846. P. 205. Baltimore <fc Ohio R. R., Winans,1857. P. 282. Bartol, B. H., Marine boilers of the U. S. 1851. Bourne, J., A Catechism of the steam engine, 1849. Byrne, Model calculator, 1852. Dickerson, E. N., Argument on Sick- els cut-off, 1856. Ericsson s Caloric engine, 1859. P. 2507. Ewbank, Descr. of Machines, etc., 1842. France, Machines a rapeur, 1828. Franklin Institute, Report, 1837. Galloway, E., Hist, of steam engine, 1828. Gold, S. J., Steam heating apparatus. Gr. Brit., Steam examina., 1852. * Report on steam carriages, 1832. " Patents; Abr. pf Specifi. to 1859. " Patents for steam culture to 1856. Grimes Spark arresters. Guthrie, A., Explosion of steam-boil- era. 1852. Harshman, Explosions of boilers. P. 493. Higgins, W. W., Hand-book, 1842. P. 1797. Hodge. P. R., Its origin and improve ment, 1840. James, C. T., Expense of steam power, 1844. Kindt, De la vapour et ses applications. 70 Steam Engine (continued). Lardner, Explosion of engine at Read ing, Pa., 1844. P. 74. Latrobe, Lost chapter of, 1871. Liverpool and M. Railway Report, 1830. Long, J. H., Cadet engineer, 1865. Long, S. II., Improvements in locomo tives, 1828. Macfarlane, History of propellers and steam nav., 1851. Mann, W., Descr. of new locomotives, 1830. Menomonee Locomot. Manuf. Comp., Report, 1854. Morris, E., Life of II. Bell. % N. Y. City, Hague St. accident. Norris, S., Hand-book for locomotive engineers, 1852. Pambour, Engines on railways, 1840. " Theory of the steam engine, 1839. Pamphlets on the use of steam, vol. 1236. Parkes, J., Steam boilers and engines; Inst. Civ. Eng. 3. Partington, Popular account of, 1836. Renwick, J., Treatise on, 1830. Rumsey, Treatise on, 1788. Russell, J. S., Treatise on, 1851. " On the nature of, and steam navigation, 1841. Smiles, Life of G. Stephenson, 1858. " Lives of Boulton and Watt, 1865. Sooiete de Mulhouse, Bull., vol. 30, 31. Steam for the million. Tredgold, T., The steam engine, 1838- 1840. Steam Gun. Perkins, A. M., Descrip tion, 1840. P. 1236. Steam Navigation. Bescke, W., Me morial., on iron clad vessels, 1865. Braithwaite, Voy. of the Victory, 1835. P. 1037. Cameron s Australian Steamers. P. 529. Clarkson, Biog. Hist, of Livingston Manor, 1869. Conn. R. St. Boat Co., Report, Explo. of the New England, 1833. Duer, W. A., Letter to Colden on, 1817. " Reply to Colden s vind. of mo nopoly, 1819. Ericsson, Ship Ericsson s trial, 1853. P. 1236. Evans, 0., His Patent Rights. P. 198. Ewbank, Paddles. P. 272. Fitch, J., Reply to Rumsey, 1788. Gibbons vs. Ogden, U. S. Sup. Court, Opinion, 1824. P. 13. 554 STEAM NAVIGATION. Steam Navigation (continued). Gr. Brit. : Patents for Marine Propul sion to 1859. " Plan for volunt. exam, in steam, 1852. Great Eastern Steamship. Descr. Lloyd s Steamboat Directory, 1856. Maine : Plan for short passage to Lon don, 150. Memorial . . . impolicy of law on steam boats, 1840. Miller, W. 0., Submerged propeller, 1856. Montgomery, Steam on Canals, 1858. N. Y. and Galway Co., 1851. P. 529. N. Y. Leg. Rep., Steam on the canals, 1872. Pamphlets on, vol. 993. Rainey, Ooean St. Nav., 1858. Redfield, Letters to Com. Perry, 1841. Explosion of the New Eng land, 1833. Rumsey s Treatise, 1788. Russell, J. S., Treat on St. Navig. Smyth, T , Sermon on loss of the Home. Statements of, for 1840. Steamboat disasters, 1843. Stuart, C. B., Naval and Mail Steam ers of U. S., 1853. Sullivan, J. L., Steam-boat rights, 1822. Woodcroft, B., Progress of ateain navigation, 1848. U. S , Explosions of steam boilers,1838. " Princeton Steamship. See Fitch ; Fulton; Engineering; Na val; Railways. Steams, A. Sewall, S., Discourse on, 1859. P. 1227. Stearns, F. A. Life, 1862. Tyler, W. S., Memorials of, 1864. P. 1055. Stearns, G. I. Willard, S. G., Funeral Sermon, 1862. P. 1614. Stearns, H. C. Hedge, F. H., Funeral of, 1857. Stearns, S. H. Life and discourses, J846. Stebbing, H. Pyle, Answer on Hoadly. Warburton, Answer to, 1746. StebbiiiH, S. W. Wright, E., Funeral Sermon, 1844. P. 1611. Steel. Dessoye, J. B. J., Proprietes de 1 acier, 1857. Ede, G., Management of, 1864. Fairbairn, Iron manufacture, Besse mer process, 1869. " Mech. properties of, Brit. Assoc n, 1867, 69. Steel (continued). Hassenfratz, Fonte de 1 acier, 1812. Kerl, Metallurgy of, 1870. Landrin, Traite de 1 acirr, 1859. Overman, Manufacture of, 1851, 54. Pearson, G., Exper. on Bombay steel, 17D5 Steel Memorial to Congress, 1865. Vismara, Fusione dell Aceiajo, 1825. >SeIron; Metallurgy. Steele, J. & G. Family genealogv,1859, 1862. Steele, Sir R. Brief Reflections on, 1715. P. 343. Drake, N., Essays, 1809, 14. Montgomery, II. R., Life of, 1865. Steele, S. N. Niles, H. E., Disc, at Fu neral, 1854. P. 555. StefTenn, II. Story of My Career, 186.3. Stennett, S. Jenkins, J., Sermon on, 1795. P. 1564. Stenography. See Short-hand. Stephauini, J. Personal narrative, 1829. (ireswell, Early Greek Stephens, H. Press, 1 Stephens, R. 1839. Crapolet, Rob t Estienne, Greswell, Parisian Typography, 1818. | Stephenson, G. Smiles, S., Life of, 1858. Stereotype. Camus, Histoire de, 1802. Jansen, De 1 orig. de la gravure, 1808. Lavallee, J., Report on, 1804. P. 1041. Westreenen, De I impr. stereotype, 1833. See Typography. Sterling, John. Carlyle, T., Life of, 1851. Sterling, J., Essays, with life, by Hare. Sterne, L. Ferriar, J , Illustrations of, 1812. Fitzgerald, P., Life of, 1864. Scott, W., Life of. Sterzinger, F. Zech, Zuin Andenken des. 1787. Stetson family. Barry, J. S., Geneal. mem. of, 1634-1847. Steuben, F. W. von. Bowen, F., Life of. Sparks, 9. Kapp, F., Life of, 1859. Steuben Co., N. Y. Directory, 1868-9. Denniston, (Survey of, 1862. McMaster, G. II., History of, 1853. Steuben Co., Enlistments, 1867. Stevens, J. II. Whitcomb, Sermon on, 186*. STRAUGHAN. 555 Stevens, P. Stark, C., Biog. of, 1860. Stevenson , O. Stuart, J., Correspon dence with, 1821. Stevenson, J. G. Biog. of, 1854. Stevenson, S. C. Johns, J., Fun. addr., i 1848. P. 1612. Stewart, < oinm. C . Appeal, 1856. P. j 1540. Biog. Sketch of, 1838. Stewart, J. II. Marsh, W., Disc, on, 1854. P. 1464. Stickuey. Family Geneal., 1869. Stiles, E. Holmes, A., Life of, 1798. Kingsley, J. L., Life of. Sparks, 16. Stiles, R. Family Genealogy, 1863. Stilling, II. Jang. Autobiography, 1844. Stillmnn. Rev. S. Sermons and Life, 1808. Baldwin, T., Fun. Sermon on, 1807. Stimulants. Anstie, F. E., Stimulants and Narcotics, 1864. Beard, Narc. and Stim., 1871. See Alcohol; Narcotics; Opium; To bacco; Temperance; Wine. Stirling, W. A., Earl of. Remarks on trial of, pretender, 18S9. Duer, W. A , Life of, N. Jer. Hist. Soc., Coll., 2. Stirling, Narr. of oppress, law pro ceedings, 1836. Stirling Peerage, and geneal., 1826. Stockbridge, Mass. Jones, E. F., Past and Present of, 1854. Plea before Eccl. Council, 1780. West, S., Vind. of Church in, 1780. Stock Companies. Templeton Joint Stock Directory, Lon., 1867. Pamphlets, vol. 53. Stockdale, Rev. P. Memoirs of, 1809. Stockholm. Arwidsson, R. Bibliothek, 1848. Holraia Literata, 1701. Wraxall, N., Tour, Northern Europe, 1807. See Sweden. Stockton, R. F . Stockton, Life of, 1856. Stoddard, A. Family Genealogy, 1849. Stoddard, D. T. Thompson, J. P., Me moir of, 1858.- Stone, W. L. Life of, in Red Jacket s life. Evidence demon. Falsehoods of, 1837. Stoner, N. Simms, J. R., Life of, 1850. Stoneham, Mass. Cleaveland, Sermon, 1795. Deane, S., History of, to 1831. Stonehenge. Bowles, Hermes Britanni- cus, 1828. Herbert, Argument on Antiquity, 1849. See Druids; Great Britain; Antiqui ties. Stoningtou, Conn. Defence of, 1811. Storks, R. L. Pritchard, G. Discourse on, 1829. Storms. See Meteorology. Storrs, Rev. E. Hyde, A., Sermon on, 1811. Story, J. Autobiography, (Misc. wri.). Greenleaf, S., Diec. on life of, 1845. P. 44. B. C. Story, W. W., Life of, 1851. Story, W. Bacon, E., Address, 1844. Stothard, C. A. Memoirs, 1823. Stonghton, Mass. Richmond, E., Hist. Discourse, 1809. P. Ill Stoves. Circulars of Albany Manufac turers: Jagger; Learned; Me Ar thur; McCoy; Rathbone ; Rich ardson; Shear; Treadwell; Vose. Klein, Fourneaux Econ., 1856. P. 298. Littlefield Burners. Peclet, E., Doo ts relat. au chauffa^o, 1853. " Traite de la chaleur dan PCS applications, 1843, 61. Perry s Oriental. Sanford s Heaters. Stove Manufacturers Memorial, 1866. P. 1836. SceHeat; Ventilation; Warming. Stow, H. J. Cooke, J., Sermon on, 1860. Stowell, Lord. Surtces, W. E., Life of, 1846. Stratford, Earl of. Forster, J., Life of. Strafford, Trial of, Rushworth s Hist. Coll., 1721. " Letters and Dispatches,1740. Stranahan, Josselyn, etc. Genealo gies, 1868 Strange, Sir R. Dennistoun, Memoirs of. Strasbourg, Fr. Duplessy, Guide de 1 Alsace, Ir42. Rhin, Bas, Annu.iire, 1816, 46. Soc. des Sci. Naturelles, Mem., Geolo- gie, 1862. Strasbourg, Precis. . .contre le Sem. Protestant, 1855. See Typography. Stratford, Conn. Paddock, Hist, disc., 1855. Straughan, S. L. Semple, R. B., Life of, 1822. 556 STRAUSS. Strauss, F. A. Guillon, Examen des doctrines de, 1842. Strawberry Hill. Walpolc, II., Cata logue of contents of. Strikes. See Labor ; Trade Unions ; Wages. Strong Family descendants, Dwight,1871 Strong, Caleb. Speeches, 1800-07. Bradford, A., Biog. of, 1820. P. 1857. Strong, N. Perkins, N., Serm., Funeral of, 1817. P. 104. Strong, R. M. Memoir, 1863. Stuart Family. Macpherson papers, 1(588-1715. See Charles I, II; James I, II; Chas. Stuart. Stuart, Arabella. Cooper, E.,Life and letters of, 1866. Stuart, J. Review of Proc. of Canada, 1831. Stuart, Moses. Letter to, 1819. Park, E. A., Discourse on, 1852. Sprague, Annals of the Pulpit, 2. Sturbridge, Mass. Clark, J. S., Hist, sketch of, 1838. Sturgis, M. Martin, J., Discourse on, 1795. Styria. Hall, B., Schloss Hainfield, 1836. Subscription to Creeds. See Creeds. Sucre, Gen. Funez, Resumen do la vita deV 1825. P. 14. Suffolk, Henrietta, Countess of. Letters and biog. notes, 1712-67. Suffolk Co., Eng. Beauties of Eng., 1815. Forby, Vocab. of East Anglia, 1830. Suffolk, Excursions through, 1818, 19. Suffolk Co., N. Y. Onderdonk, Sketches of, 1851. Suffolk Ag. Soo., Niooll s address, 1866 See Long Island. Suffrage. Bagehot, W., Parl. reform: an essay, 1857. P. 1468. Bright, J., Speeches on, 1859. Bright, Mr., His thoughts, 1859. Brown, B. G., Address on Univ. Suff.., St. Louis, 1865. Buckalew, C. R., Speech, on the cumu lative vote, 1867. Calvert, F., Letter on controverted elections, Lond., 1851. Christie, W. D., Argum. for the bal lot, 1839. Conington, H., Election law. P. 1468. Dialogue on Univ. Suffrage, 1795. Doubleday, T., Of the vote by ballot, I 1831. I Suffrage (continued). Enquiry into the evils, 1810. Five letters on electoral reform. Frieze, Suffrage in Rhode Is. ,1811-43. Griffith, E., Parl. reform, 1832. P. 1539. Hale, R. S.. Speech, Suff. in Dist. of Columbia, 1866. Hare, T., Elec. of representatives, 1865. Harris, G., Extension of, Lond., 1852. Honest Elector s Proposal, 1767. Household suffrage, 1841. Hume, J., On household suffrage, 1839. P. 34. B. C. Hurlbut, Essays on Human rights, 1845. Miall, The Suffrage, 1848. Milnes, R. M., On the ballot, 1839. P. 439. Modified Scheme, 1833. Memorial, on pers. representation, N. Y., 1867. N. Y. Registry law with Scott s in structions, 1859. N. Y., Report on Registry law, 1857. " Instructions for the Soldiers voting law, 1864. " Three Reports on Soldiers vot ing, 1863. Notes on the reform bill, 1831. Objections to the ballot, 1837. Ord, W. H., Elect, by ballot, 1831. P. 1468. Pamphlets relating to suffrage, vol. 1468. Parl. Reform : Purification of elective franchise, 1853. Pierce, E. L., Letter on the Foreign Vote, 1857. Political game of national hazard, Lond., 1849. Proposal for educational suffrage. Question stated, right to vote lost. 1768. Refloc. on the ballot, 1831. P. 1468. Reflections on the nullity of the elec. franchise, Lond., 1830. Remarks on Morpeth s bill for Ireland, 1841. Rights of Brit. Subjects, 1740. Rotten House of Commons, 1835. Sharp, G., Declaration, 1774. Sterne, Abridgment of Hare, 1871. Sickles, Speech, Voting in N. Y.,1856. P. 530. Somers, Defence of the Constitution, 1817. P. 414. Tracts on the Ballot, No. 1, Lon. 1853. Tremenheere, The franchise, 1865. Westminister, Reform in Parl., 1810. P. 1383. Yates, Rights of colored men to, 1858. See Elections ; Officers; Parliamentary Reform; Republics; Government. SUPERSTITIONS 557 Sugar. British Spirits, Evidence on the trade, 1848. P. 415. Consid. relating to, 1747. Dehay, Sucre exotique, 1839. "East and West India Sugar, 1823. P. 433. East India Comp., Debates, 1823. Evans, Sugar-planter s Manual, 1848. France: Enquete. 1860. Gr. Brit. ; Patents, Abr. of Specif, to 1866. Ilaraszthy, Grapes and Beet Sugar, 1862. Iluzard, Sucre de betteraves, 1836. P. 18. Jelly, T., Brit. Sugar colonies, 1848. P. 1548 Jones, E., Sugar Maple Tree, 1832. P. 402 Letter to W. W Whitmore, 1823. McCulloh, Sugar and Hydrometers, 1848. Marryatt, J., Protection to, 1823. Martin, R. M., Free Trade in, 1848. P. 438. Melsens, Sucre de la canne et de la betterave, 1845. Napoleon III, Works, vol. 2, 1852. Protection to W. I. Sugar, 1823. Slare, Vindication of, 1715. Shepard, C. U., Cult, of Sug. Cane, 1833. P. 198. Some Considerations .. ..W. I. Col., 1823. Statement of Claims of W. I., 1823. P. 436. West India Planters and Merchants, Reports, 1849, 50, 55. Young, W. India Common-place Book, 1807. See Sorghum. Suicide. Cockburn, J., Sermon on, 1716. Hey, Dissertation on, 1785. Kellogg, Shakespeare s delineations of. Lathrop, J., Two Sermons on, 1805. Lisle, Du Suicide, 1856. Pearce, Z., Of Self-murder, 1773. Piggott, S., Furneaux s Suicide. Watts, I., A Defence against, Works, 2. Winslow, F., Anatomy of, 1840. Sullivan, Gen. J. Amory, T. 0., Life of, 1868. Buckminster, J. S , Sermon on, 1809. P. 37. Davis, N , Hist, of exped against the Five Nations, Hist. Mag., 1868. Peabody, Life of, Sparks, 13. Sullivan s campaign, 1842. Sullivan, W. Pickering, T., Corres pondence, 1808. Sully, I>e liethnne, Due de. Memoirs, 1817. Sumatra. Bickmore, E. I., Archipelago, 1869. Gibson, Prison of Weltverden, 1855. Korthals, Topog. Schcts van, 1847. Lyman, H., The Martyr of, 1856. Marsden, W., History of, 1811. Osthoff, Beschrijving van, 1840. Reynolds, Voy. of the Potomac, 1835. See Indian Ocean; Voyages, Indian. Summerfield, J. Holland, J , Memoirs of, 1830. Summit Co., Ohio. Bierce, History of, 1854. Sumner, C. Hall, R. B., Speech, As- sault on, 1856. P. 487. Harsha, D. A., Life of, 1856. Hunter, R. M. T., Speech, Assault on, 1856. P. 537. Pennington, Speech, Brooks s assault. Sunnier, Increase. Sumner, W. H., Memoir of, 1854. Sumner, R. Pedigree of. See Drake s Boston. ; Sumlcr, Gen. T. Hartley, C. B., Life of, 1859. Sun. See Astronomy ; Spectrum Analysis. Sunday, Sunday Schools. Sec Sabbath. Thomson, Mrs., Me- Sundon, Lady. moirs of. Sun Worshippers, Zoroaster. See Parsees; Persia; Superior, Lake. Agassiz, Its Physical character, 185U. Houghton, J., Reports and Map, 1846. Jackson, C. T., Copper at Keweenaw Point. Silliman s Jour., 49. Kohl, J. G., Waterings, 1860. Lanman, C., Summer in the wilder ness, 1847. Oliphant, Minnesota, 1855. St. John, J. R., Description of the country, 1846. See Copper Companies ; Michigan ; Wisconsin. Supernatural. Bushnell, H., Nature and the Supernatural, 1858. Howitt, W., History of the Supern., 1863. M Cosh, The Supern. and the natural, 1862. Owen, R. D., Footfalls of... another world, 1860. See Nature; Spiritualism; Magic. Superstitions. Aubrey s Miscellanies. Browne, T., Vulgar errors. i Chandler, Incurableness of, 1749. 558 SUPERSTITIONS. Superstitions (continued). Collin I)c Plancy, Dictionnaire infer- j mil, 1826. Croker, T. C., Researches, South of ; Ireland. False Religion, 1730. Grant, Sup. of Highlanders, 1811. Hammond, H., Concerning Sup., 1655. llorklots, Customs of Muss, of India, 1832. Horst, Zauber-Bibliothek, 1821-26. Lea, H. C., Supcrst. and force, 1861. Madden, R. R., Phantasmata, 1857. Manningham, T., Sermon on, 1692. Merryweather, F. S., Glimmerings in i the dark, 1850. Pettigrew, T. J., Sup. in medicine, 1844. Plutarch, Morals, Goodwin s ed., IR71. Soane, Curiosities of literature, 1849. Stillingfleet, Nature of, 1682. Wright, T., England in the middle ages, 1846. Young, D., The Morristown ghost, 1825. See Witchraft; Mythology ; Delusions; Fairies; Natural Religion. Surinam. See Guiana. Surgery. Adams, J. J.,0per. for amau- rosis, 1841. Andry, Difformites du Corps, 1743. Arnold, Opium in Surg., 1863. Ballingfcl, Military Surgery, 1844. P. 406. Bancal, Lithotritie, 1829. Bell, B., System of Surgery, 1804. Ely s Artifio. legs, 1862. Boston city hospital, Report, 1870. Brainard, D., Traitement des fracture?, etc., 1854. ^ Brit, and For. Orthopedic Assoc. Brodie, Diseases of Joints, 1834. P. 210. Canniff, Manual of, 1866. Cheselden, Anat. of Human body, 1795. Civiale, Retrocissemens de 1 uretre, 1842. " TraitedelaLithontritie,1848. Clendinen, A., Disloc. shoulder, 1815. P. 57. Cooke, J., Inflam. of cavities, 1804. P. 575. Cox, W. S., Essay on Hernia. P. 1568. Dejcan, Des Hernies, 1762. Delagenevriere, Ls Hernies, 1768. Deleau, Du Catheterisme, 1838. Gibson, W., Introd. Loot., Penn a, 1843. P. 8. Greenhow, Fractures of the leg, 1833. Guillon, Retrocissenients de 1 Uretre. Surgery (continued). Hamilton, J., On regulating the prac tice of. 1 amph r 12. Hawkins, C., Congen. tumor of the neck, 1839. " Stricture of the colon, 1852. " . Encysted tumors, 1833. Heurteloup, Hist, de la Lithotripsie, 18-16. Hints.... Dissections, 1795. Hoogvlict, J., Konst oia Wonden te Sehowen, 1749. Hosack, D., Tumors from the nose, 1825. P. 86. Howship, J., Huuterian Oration, 1833. Hull, S. G., On the nature of hernia, 1826. P. 12. B. C. Humbert, Les luxations, 1835. Jackson, W., Luxations of ankle, 1787. Jones, J., Of Wounds and Fractures, 1776. Larrey, Military Surgery, 1814. Lawrence, W., Hunterian Orations, 1834, 46. Le Roy d Etiolles, Hist, de la Lithon- tritie, 1849. L Espinasse, Tart. emet. in tumori- bus, 1822. P. 593. Lidell, Gunshot wounds, 1863. Low, D., Chiropodologia, London. Major, J., Blistering and cautery,1853. P. 1521. March, Alden, Writings collected. Martin, F., D6placements du tibia, 1852. P. 945. Maynard, J. P., Liquid adhesive plas ter, 1848. P. 1714. Medico-Chirurg. Review, Lond , 1820- 1844. Otto, C., Wundiirtze, 1843. Pamphlets relating to Surgery, vols. 1568, 1714. Pare, A., (Euvres, 1585. Pharmacopoeia chirurgica, 1794. Ranby, J., Gunshot wounds, 1760. Riggs, J W., Hernia and treatment, 1859. Sanson, L. J., Traite de la Cataracte, 1832. Sayre, A., Morbus coxanus, 1863. P. ,1712. Shipman, Address, Indiana Med. Coll., 1848. P. 196. Sims, J. M., Silver sutures, 1857. Stevens, A. H., On Lithotomy, 1838. Stevens, G. T., Review of Fero s case, 1870 Sweet, W., Natural Bone-setting, 1844. Swinburne, J., Writings collected. Syme, J., Prin. and Practice of, New ton, 1866. SWEDEN. 551) Surgery (continued). Taylor, C. F., Angular curvature, 1863. P. 1359. Tripler, Handbookof .Military Surgery, 1862. Use of the Dead, 1828. Vclpoau, Elements of operative, 1847, 1851. Vigo, Opera . . . in chyrurgia, 1521. Walker W. J., Compound fractures, 1845. Warren, J. C , Disloc. of hip joint, 1826. Water, Do polypis uteri, 1824. Willemier, De Otorrhoea, 1835. P. 593. Wood, J. R., Ligat. of Carol. Artery, 1857. P. 516. Sec Anatomy; Medicine; Eyes; Phy siology; Teeth. Surrey, Eug. Allen, T., History of the County, 1831. Beauties of Eng. and Wales. Berry, Pedigrees of families of. Brayley, E. W.,Topog. Hist, of, 1850. Surveying. Atwell, G., Faithful surveyor, 1662. Davies, C., Elements of, 1846. Flint, A., Treatise on, 1825. Grumman, On Surveyor s chains, 1859. P. 1223. La Croix, Der Meetkunst, 1838. Lee, T. J., Tables and formula for, 1853. Massachusetts, Trigonometric survey of. Moore, S., System of, 1796. Perkins, Trigonometry and, 1852. Puissant, Arpentage et nivellement. See Mathematics; Engineering; Coast Survey. Susquehaniia River. Johnson, C. B., Letters, 1819. Meginness, J. F., Hint, of Settlement of, 1857. Perkins, G. A., Early timca on, 1870. See Wyoming. Sussex, Duke of. Dibdin, Sermon on, 1843. Pettigrew, Bibliot. Sussexiana, 1827. Sussex. Eng. Beauties of England and Walei. Berry, Sussex pedigrees. Cooke s Topog. Library. East Bourn village, descr., 1799. Lee, W., History of Lewes, etc., 1795. Sussex Co., N. J. Centenary, 1853. Sutherland. Gordon, R., Geneal. Hist, of the family, 1813. Sutherland, E ., Countess of. Case of. Sutner, < C. v. Mussinan, Denkredo auf, 1837. Suit on, R., Lord. Lexington papers, 1851. Sutton, S. Hernc, S., Life of, 1677. Suwurrow, Gen. Anthing, Campaigns and life of, 1799. Swalm, L. B. Life of, 1852. Swartz, C. F. Pearson, H., Memoirs of, 1839. Sweden. Acerbi, Travels, 1798, 9. Arkiv till upplysning om Svenska.... historia, 1854. Arwidsson, Svenska Fornsiinger, Coll. of national songs, 1834- 1842. " Anders Sch nbergd histo- riska bref, etc., 18 9-51. " Handlingar, Finlands HLf- der, 1846-53. Aslak Bolts Jordebog, 1852. Boisgelin, Tr. through, and Denmark, 1810. Brerner, F., The Home, Life in Sweden, Fict. Brunius, Skanes Hiatoria, 1S50. Buch, L. von, Travels through, 1806- 1808. Cavallius, Sveriges Hist, och Pol. vi sor, 1853. Crichton, Hist, of, Ed. Cab. Lib., 23. De Lolme, Parallel of gov t of. Dunham, History of, Lardner, 19. Falkman, Hallundska Kyrkshemma- nen, 1848. Fortia, Travels in, Pinkerton, 6. Fryxell, History of Sweden, 1844. Gaimard, Voyage en Scandinavie,l&3S. P. 18. Geffroy, Histoire de la, 1851. Geijer, History of the Swedes, 1845. Gustavus Vasa, History of, 1852. Handlingar rorande Sveriges inre for- hallenden, 1841. Hiortdahl, Geol. undersogelser i Ber- gens, 1852. P. 1052. Howitt, W., Lit. of Northern Europe, 1852. Laing, Tour in, 1839. Lastborn, Geneal. of noblemen of Swea and Gotha, since 1720. Letter to Sir J. Banks, 1711. P. 409. Letters between Gyllenborg and others, 1717. P. 1335. Ljungberg, Sou developpement, 1867. Meredith, Bernadotte s life. Munch, Symb. ant-rerum Norvegica- rum, 1850. Nordberg, Hist, de Charles XII. Obs. upon a Pamphlet, 1717. 560 SWEDEN. Sweden (continued). Perceval, A. P., Coll. of papers on Swedish Church, 1843. P. 1502. Pfeiffer, Jour, to Iceland and Sweden. Puffendorf, S. De, Hist, de Charles Gustave, 1697. Rambles in Sweden, 1847. Samling af Instructioner, 1852. Sinding, P. C., Hist, of Scandinavia, 1866. SuecicaAnt. et Hodierna. Svenska Fornskrift Sallskapet, 1845. Svenska Saralingar, 1845-53. Sweden, Hof Kalendar, 1816, 1859. " Officiela Statistik, 1851-55. Taylor, B., Northern Travel, 1858. Thomson, T., Travels in, 1812. Tjader, I. I., Stora Kopperbergs Gruf- wor, 1845. Universitas Fredericiana, 1849. University of Upsal, Catal., 1847, 48. Weber, Illust. of Northern Antiq , 1814. Whitelocke, Journal of Eng. Embas. to Sweden, 1053, 54. See Norway; Scandinavia; Biblio graphy; Typography; Language. Sweden foorg, E., and Swedenbor- gians. Amer. New Church Ass n, 1858. P. 540. Bush, G., Centenary Address, 1857. P. 540. " Mesmer and Sw , 1847. <f Davis s revelations revealed, 1847. Clfssold, Nature of doctrines of, 1839. Cottle, E., Lamb s book, 1863. Cramer, Writings. Dawson, G., Lecture on, 1855. Dialogue on the atonement, 1829. Dike, S. F., Doctrines of, 1844. P. 1214. Dissertation on. .atonement, (Worces ter). Fornald, Eternity of Heaven, 1857. P. 540. Hayden, Review of Dr. Pond. Herald of New Jerusalem, 1854. P. 540. Hitchcock, E. A., Swe., a hermetic philosopher, 1858. Hobart, W., Life of Swedenborg, 1845. Little, Biog. of a New Churchman, 1852. Mystery of God, 1774. New Jerusalem Ch., Reportof meeting, Lond., 1851. " Liturgy, 1792,1857. " Order of worship, N. Y.,1860. P. 1214. " Articles. P. 540. Swedenborg, E., and Swedenbor- gians (continued). New Church Herald, 1858. Pamphlets relating to, vola. 540, 1214. Proud. J., Two discourses, 1796. P. 1214. Reed, S., Growth of the mind. Rich, E., The Soul, 1848. P. 1214. Swedenborg, Memorabilia, 1846. P. 1214. Works, 26 vols., 1837-48. " Remarks on tendency of his writings, 1800. P. 1214. White, J , The Retina reviewed, 1843. P. 882. Worcester, T., Discourse, 1822. Swift, B. Smith, W., Oration on, 1848. Swift, II. Stone, T., Sermon on, 1815. P. 1609. Swift, Jon. Letters. Barrett, J., Essay on, 1808. Boyle, Earl of Orrery, Life of. Pope, A , Correspondence with. Scott, W., Life of. Swiftiana, 1804. Switzerland. Bochat, Memoires critique*, 1749. Bremer, F., Life in the Old World, 1860. Burnet s, Bp., Travels, 1685. Cheever, Shadow of Mt. Blanc, 1845. " Shadow of Jungfrau Alp, 1846. Cooper, J. F., Residence in Fr. and, 1836. " Sketches in, 1836. Coxe, H., Guide, 1816. Coxe, W., Travels in, 1789. De Peyster, J. W., Secession in. Forbes, J., Physician s Holiday in, 1848. Goethe, Letters from, 1849. Haussonville, Diplom. Hist, of France and England, 1850. P. 1321. lleadley, J. T., The Alps and the Rhine, 1848. Inglis, H. D., Travels in, 1840. Johnson. A. J., Life and manners in, 1860. Keller, Lake dwellings of, 1866. Kinlock, Letters from Geneva and Fr., 1819. Lardner s Cab. Cyc., History of. Law, W. J., Alps of Strabo, 1848. P. 1294. Luc, Lettres sur la Suisse, 1778. Mallet Du Pan, Hist, of Helvetic Union, 1799. Mugge, Switzerland in 1847. SYlitA. 501 Switzerland (continued). Murray s Hand-book of, 1858. Napoleon III, Works, vol. 1, 1854. Pamphlets on, vol. 843. Parlatore, F., Viaggio alia Monte Bianco, 1850. Planta, J., Hist, of the Confederacy, 1800. Saussure, Voyage dans les Alpes, 1780- 1796. " Mont Blanc, Pinkerton, 4. Simond, Tour, 1817-19. Sonzenbach, Handelsverhiiltnisse,1840. Switzerland, Statistik, 1850-57. " Alliance des Cantons, 1847. Tyndall, Glaciers of the Alps, 1861. Vieusseux, Hist, of, Lib. U. K. Zschokke, History of, 1855. See Mountains; Geology. Sydenham, Lord. Scrope, G. P., Life of, 1844. Sydney. See Sidney. Sykes, A. A. Disney, J., Life of, 1785. Sykes, T. Deck, J., Sermon on, 1847. P. 1464. Symonds, J. Ryland, J., Sermon on, 1788. Symons, B. Jennings, H., In mem. of, 1858. P. 1792. Symsoii, S. Milbourne, L., Sermon on, 1704. Syuonymes. Crabb, G., Synonymes ex plained, 1824. Jerrayn, Book of Epithets, 1849. Roget, P. M., Thesaurus of Eng. words, 1854. Smith. C. J., Synonymes discrimi nated, 1871. Soule, R., Diet, of Eng. Synonymei. 1871. Webster s Dictionary, Goodrich s table of, 1861. See Language, English. Syphilis. Mahon, P. A. 0., Hist, de la Medeoine clinique, 1804. See Medicine. Syracuse, N. Y. Cheney, Reminis. of, 1857. Saint James Church, 1854* P. 213. Syracuse Directories, 1851-1862, 68. Syracuse Daily Journal, 1851, 2. See Salt; Onondaga. Syria. Addison, C. G., Damascus and Palmyra, 1838. Barker, C. F., Memoir on, 1845. Betharn, Etruria-Celtica, 1842, (lan guage of). 71 Syria (continued). Browne, W. }., Travels in Africa and Syria, 1792-98. Chasseaud, The Druzes of Lebanon, 1855. Churchill, C. H., Mount Lebanon, 1842 to 1852. * Druzes and Maronites, 1840- 1860. Curtis, G. W., Howadji in Syria, 1852. Dandini, Voyage to. Pinkerton, 10. Dumas, A., Le Sinai, 1838. Early Travels in Palestine, Maundrell, etc., 1848. Fletcher, Notes from, 1850. Formby, H., Travels in the East, 1845. Gaudry, Recherches Sci. en Orient, 1855. Irby, Travels in Egypt and, 1844. Jones, G., Excursions to Damascus, Balbec, 1836. Jowett, Christian Researches, 1815- 1820. Kelly, W. K., Syria and the Holy Land, 1844. Lamartine, Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 1848. Lavenden, Tra. of certain Englishmen, Churchill, Supp. 1. Lindsay, Letters on, 1858. Lucas, P., Voyage dans, 1720. Lyde, Ansyreeh and Ismaeleeh, 1853. Lynch, W. F., Explor. of Dead Sea, 1852. " Expedition to the Jordan and Dead Sea, 1849. Maundevile, Voy. and travaile of, 1350. 1839. Maundrell, Jour, from Aleppo to Jeru salem. Pinkerton, 10. Napier, The war in, 1841. Porter, J. L., Five years in Damaious, 1855. Ray, J., Voyages, 1693. Robinson, E., On Mt. Lebanon, Bibliot. Sac. ,1843. " Biblical Researches, 1838, 1866. Rose, Sir G. H., The Afghans, the Druses, 1852. Stanhope, Lady H., Travels, 1846. Thomson, W. M., Tour to Aleppo, Bibliot. Sacra, 1848. Villanueva, Ibernia Phoenicea, 1831. Vitriaco, J. De, Oocidentalis Historic, 1597. Volney, C. F., Travels through, 1783- 1785. Walpole,*F., The Ansariye, 1851. Warburton, Crescent and Cross, 1845. Ward, A., Around the pyramids and S., 1864. 562 SYRIA. Syria (continued). Wood, Journey to Palmyra, Coll. Voy. 6. See Language; Palestine; Turkey; Aleppo; Damascus; Jerusalem; Palmyra. T. Tabernacles. Bristol Tabernacle Cen- tenn., 1853. Haldane, R., Address, 1800. Long, Union tabernacle tent, 1859. Tables, Arithmetical, etc. Albany, List of Builders prices, 1826. Bowen, T. A., Self-multiplier, 1855. P. 290. Brown, T. R., Arit. and commer. ta bles, 1840. P. 660. Buoklin, I. B., Interest tables, 1835. P. 1709. Byrne, 0., Calculator s companion. 1854. " Pocket-book for R. R. Engi- gineers, 1856. Chase, E., Merchants tables, advance on Brit, sterling, 1822. Cole, G., Contractor s book of Ma chines, 1855. Cooke, L., For valuing tithes, 1840. Evans, J., T. of discount and profit, 1823. Fernald, For prices of staves, Ac Gilpin, G., Reducing mixed spirits and water, Royal Soc., 1794. Kingsley, J. L., Mechanic s Pocket- book, 1851. Preston, Time tables, 1828. Wilson, J., Mech. and builders price book, 1859. Wylie, Of investment and commission, 1H55. See Arithmetics ; Interest; Mathemat ics; Wages. Taft. Family Genealogy, 1863. Taggart, C. & W. Poems and Life of, 1834. Tahiti Is. Ellis, W., Polynesian re searches, 1829. Perkins, E. T., Na Motu, 1854. Rovings in the Pacific, 1851. Smith, W., Voy. of Ship Duff, 1796- 1802. Tyerinan <fc Bennot, Journal, 1821, 2v. Williams, South Sea Missions, 1837. Wilson, J., Voy. of the Duff, 1796-8. See Pacific; Polynesia. Tailoring. Queen, Taylor s instructor, 1809. Fainter, D. W. Geneal. Hist, of, 1859. i aintor, M. Colchester records. Talbot, C. See Shrewsbury, Earl of. Talbot, Mrs. Cadogan, W. B., Sermon on, 1785. P. 1462. I Talbot, S. Tuckerman, H. T., Life of, 1850. Talcott. A. B. Rogers, E. P., Dis course on, 1861 . Talleyrand, A. A. I) . Galerie des Contem.: Vie de, 1845. Me liar.. , Life of, 1857. Talleyrand, Reminiscences of, 1848. Tallmadge, Benj. Hickok, L. P., Ser mon on, 1835. P. 80. Tallmadge, Memoir of, 1858. Tallmadge, Ohio. Centenn. celebra tion, 1857. Whittlesey, C., Hist, of, 1842. Tammany Society, N. Y. Celebra tions, 1862, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70. Horton, R. G., History of, 1867. Johnson, J. I., Oration before, 1797. Linn, W., Sermon before, 1791. Marcy, W. L., Address, 1809; with Life of Tammany. Observations on Conventions, 1793. Soc. of Tammany, Address to mem bers, 1819. P. 198. Waterbury, N. J., Grand Sachem s Address, 1862. Taney, R. B. Memorial. P. 1492. Tanner, J. Narr. of captivity with In dians, 1830. Tanning. Davy, H., Observ., vol. V. Morfit, Art of, 1852. Rogers, S., Essay, 1821. MS. Tapestry. France, Tapestry of Gobe lins, 1847. P. 607. Tappan, A. Life of, 1870. Tappan, Mrs. S. Memoir of, 1834. Tarbell, T. Gannett, E. S., Fun. Ser., 1852. Tariff. See Free Trade ; Polit. Economy ; Commerce; Customs. Tariff, United States. American, The, System, 1828. Barnard, D, D., Speech, 1844. Bates. I. C., Speech, 1844. Becson, H. W., Speech, Congr., 1842. Bigelow, E. B , Tariff question, 1862, 1865. Bradford, S. D., Injurious effects, 1850. Carey, H. C., French and Amer. com pared, 1861. Carey, M., Autobiog. Sketches. " Political Economist, 1824. ". Collectanea, 1833. P. 197. TASTE OR BEAUTY. 563 Tariff, United States (continued). Clay, H., Speeches, 1832. P. 237. Colton C., Public Econ.of U. S., 1848. Cooper, T., Proposed alteration in, 1824. " A tract on, 1823. Dubois, Tariff of 1824. Examination of, 1821. Evans, G., Speech on, 1844. Friends of Dom. Industry, Memorial, 1832. P. 290. " Proceedings, 1831. Greeley, H., Tariff, Protection. P. 290. Hampton, M., Speech on, 1851. Hayne, R. Y., Speech on. 1832. Hunt, W. Speech on, 1846. Ingersoll, J. R., Speech, 1846. Jones, Digest of Officers duties. Kennedy, J. P., Letter on, 1842. Lawrence, A., Letters to W. C. Rives, 1846. McDuffie, G., Speech, 1832. Morris, E. J., Speech, H. of R., 1844, 1859. Pamphlets relating to Tariff, vols. 49, 153, 290. Phil a Soc. for Nat. Industry, 1819. Polk, Wright, etc., Speeches. P. 290. Purviance, S. A., Speech, 1859. Simmons, J. F., Speech, 1842. Slade, W., Speech, 1842. Smith, S., Discriminating duties. Stewart, A., Speeches, 1824, 27, 44, 1845. Strictures on Lee, of Sugar duty. Tariff question, 1852. Verplanck, Letter to Col. Drayton, 1831. P. 21. B. C. Wethered, Speech, H. of R., 1844. Winthrop, R. C., Speech, 184&. . j See Free Trade; Political Economy, : Customs. Tariffs, Foreign. Decker, On Duties, 1756. Ellis s British Tariff br 1833-34. France, Tarif . . .des douanes, 1856. P. 1053. Krieg, Zollverein, 1851. M Culloch, Dictionary of Commerce, 1869 Peel, Sir, R., Speech, 1842. Stanley, E. J., Speech, Parl., 1846. See Great Britain, Financial; Free Trade; Commerce; Corn Laws.. Tarn, France. Annuaire, 1846. Tartary. Account of. Pinkerton, 9. Clarke, E. D., Travels in, 1801-3. Cochrane, J., Pedest. journey, 1824. I Tartary (continued). Du Ualde, Description of, 1738. History of the Tartars, 1730. Hue, Travels in, and Thibet, 1844-46. Ides, Three years in, 1706. Olearius, Travels, 1633-39. Polo, M., Travels, 13th cent., 1818. 54. Rubruquis, Voyage, 1253. See Asia; Tibet; China; Siberia; Bokhara; Timur. Tar Water. Berkeley, G., Works; Siris. Prior, T., Success of, 1746. Tasmania. Evans, G. W., Description, 1824. Gates, W., Recollections of, 1850. Lloyd, Thirty years in, 1862. Nixon, Cruise of the Beacon, 1857. Parker, H. W., Progress of, 1833. Royal. Soc., Meteor, obs., 1861. Stoney, H. B., Residence in, 1856. Tasman, Voyage. Pinkerton, 9. See Australia; Pacific. Tasso, T. Black, J.. Life of, 1810. Hunt, L., Grit, notice of life and genius, Works, 1. Mills, R., Life of, 1850. Tasso, Correspond., Opere, 4-6. " Jerusalem delivered, with Life, (Wiffen), 1846. Wilde, R. H., Researches concerning, 1842. B. C. Taste or Beauty. Alison, A., Essays on, 1821. Burke, E., Idea of the Sublime, etc., 1826. Cousin, The Beautiful and the Good, 1854. Crousaz, Traite du Beau, 1724. Donaldson, Principles of. Gilpin, Picturesque beauty : Forest scenery, 1808. Hogarth, W., The analysis of beauty. Home, H., Elements of criticism, 1762. Hunt, R., Panthea, the Spirit of Na ture, 1849. Jardine, On education, 1818. Joslin, B. F., Physiol. explan. of beauty of form, 1837. P. 64. Legh, P., Music of the eye, 1831. Longinus, On the Sublime. M Dermot, M., Nature of taste, 1823. Moffat, Study of aesthetics, 1856. Pasquali, Istituzioni di Estetica, 1827. Rapin, Les Idecs du Sublime, 1686. Ruskin, The true and the beautiful. t( Modern painters. Schiller, Werke, vol. 12, ^Esthetische Erziehung des Menschen. 564 TASTE OR BEAUTY. Taste or Beauty (continued). Schlcgcl, ^Esthetic works. Tucker, H. S., Essays on Taste, 1822. Ziegler, Principes du Beau, 1850. See Fine Arts ; Rhetoric; Mental Phi losophy. Tanler, J. Hist, and Life of, 1858. Tauntoii, Ms. Directory, 1861, 64. Baylies, Hist, of Plymouth Co., 1830. Emery, S. H., Ministry of, 1853. See Plymouth Co. Taunt on Rock. Court de Gebelin, v. 8, p. 562. " Pierre de Taunton. Taxation. Attempt. . .income tax, 1833. Auckland, Four letters, 1779. Boutwell, Manual of: in the U. States. Boston, List of the Taxed, 1841. P. 564. Bowen, T. A., Self-multiplier, 1855. P. 290. Brief reminiscences of opinions on, 1849. Burnup, H., Carriage Tax, 1851. Casaux, De, Consid. sur les effets de 1 impot dans .... taxation. . . 1794. Cockburn, W., Letter on the state of the nation, Lond., 1831. Comparaison de 1 impot, 1766. Comparative merits of direct and indi rect, 1846. Considerations on. .property tax, 1815. Crawfurd, Taxes on education, 1836. Davies, E., Sermon on, 1817. Decker, M., Essay on foreign trade, 1756. Dorchester, Mass., Taxed Polls, 1850, 1855. P. 225, 476. Eisdell, J. ., Treatise, 1839. Eon de Beaumont, Impot des Egyp- ticns. Essay: Of equal taxes, 1702. Essay upon Taxes, (Temple), 1693. Fosgate, B., Letter on the tax on liquors, 1867. Furnivall, Taxing made Easy, 1859. Galloway, A., Treatise on the Income tax, 1856. Graglia, Abolition of Taxes by Collec tors, 1796. P. 448. Haldane, R., Right of, 1838. Hall, E. H., National Tax La*, 1863. Hayes, S. S., Taxation in the U. S., 1867. Hints from a Hermit, 1830. Hubbard, J. G., Reform the Income tax, 1853. Income tax fathered, (Edwards), 1801. P. 1549. Income tax, Act of 1842. P. 1549. Taxation (continued). Income Tax Reform Assoc., 1855. P. 844. Letter on Assessed Taxes, 1850. Letter on the .... French gov t, 1810. Letter to a freeholder, Lond., 1732. Letter to R. Cleeve, 1757, (Massie). Letter to Peel on Public Taxation, 1820. P. 1469. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir C. Wood, 1850. P. 425. Levi, L., T., How it is raised, 1860. McCulloch, J. R., Principles of taxa tion, 1845. Macgregor, J., Commercial Legisla tion of Eur. and Amer., 1841. Massachusetts, Assessors reports,1850. P. 590. Matson, Tenant Fanner s Speech, 1850. Miller, S., Land and Income Tax, 1848. Milne, J., Essay on remedies, 1843. Morrill, J. S., Speech, H. of R., on the tax bill, 1864. Mouse-trap maker. New York, Report of Comin rs to re vise the Tax laws, 1871. New York City Tax Book, 1856, 7. Observations upon the... land tax, Lond. P. 1469. Pamphlets relating to taxation, vols. 425, 844, 1469, 1549. Pebrer, Brit, taxation, 1833. Penny Stamps, 1853. People s mirror, or corruption and tax ation unmasked, 1816. Peto, Its levy and expenditure, 1863. Petty, W., Treatise on taxes, 1679. Plan for supplies during the war, Lon., 1798. Popular Expo, of Stamp Acts, 1854. P. 425. Providence, R. I., List of Assessed, 1854. P. 564. Prynne, Against the New Tax, 1654. Purdy, F., Pressure, on real property, Brit. Sci. Assoo n, 1869. Richards, J., Letter on agric. distress, Lond., 1820. Rogers, J. E. T., Man. of Pol. Econ., 1868. Street, A. B., Digest of Taxation in N. Y. Taxation of the U. Kingdom, 1842. P. 425. U. S. Tax Law of 1815. " Intern. Rev. Reports, 1865. 67. " " Operations, 1863. " Internal Revenue Pamphlets, vol. 1836. Word to the wise, 1790. See Excise; Great Britain, Debt; Pol. Economy; U. S., Financial. TEHUANTEPEC. 565 Taxidermy. Brown, T., Taxidermist s Manual, 1859. King, H., Directions, 1840. Swainson, Treatise on, Lardner s Cycl. Taylor. Taylor, I., Hist, of the family of Ongar, 1867. Taylor, Ed. T. Dix, Pulpit portraits, 1854. Taylor, Jane. Memoir and Corresp. Taylor, I., Memoir of, 1867. Taylor, James B. New tribute to, 1838. Rice, J. H., Memoir of, 1833. Taylor, Jer. Heber, R., Life of, 1832. B. C. Taylor, Works and Life of, 1835, 37. Taylor, John. Impartial Remarks on Warburton, 1758. Taylor, John. Records of my life,1833. Taylor, N. W. Dow, New Haven Theo logy, 1834. P. 295. New Englander, v. XVI, Review of, (Thompson). Wisner, W., On Thool. views of. Taylor, O. A. Taylor, T. A., Life of. Taylor, S. L. Jones, L., Memoir of, 1838. Taylor, T. Public Characters, v. 1. Taylor, T., Notice of, 1831. P. 390. Taylor, William. Robberds, Memoir of, 1843. Taylor, Zachary. Anderson, T. D., Eulogy, Boston, 1850. Bell, L. V., Eulogy on. Bullions, Sermon on, 1850. P. 78. Clayton, Defence of, 1848. Ely, A. B., Eulogy on, 1850. P. 238. Flint, J., Sermon on, 1850. P. 214. Frost, J., Life of, 1847. Fry, J. R., Life of, 1847. Gales, J., Sketch of, 1848. P. 103. Halley, E., Sermon on, 1850. P. 61. Hopkins, J. H., Address on, 1850. P. 56. Ingersoll, J. R., Eulogy on, 1850. Magie, D., Serin., leath of, 1850. P. 555. Montgomery, H., Life of, 1847. N. Y. City, Funeral Ceremonies, 1851. Old Rough and Ready Almanac, 1849, Potter, H., Sermon on, Albany. Powell, C. F., Life of, 1847. Prentiss, G. L., Eulogy on. Reed, W. B., Oration, Feb. 22, 1849. Smith, C. A., Sermon on, 1850. P. 82. Spencer, W. H., Disc., Death of, 1850. P. 238. Taylor, Zachary (continued). Stearns, W. A., Disc., Death of, 1850. P. 214. Taylor, Z., Life of, 1847. " Lives of, 1846, 7. " Gen. Taylor and his staff, 1848. Taylor Anecdote book, (by Thorpe), 1848. U. S., Obituary addresses, 1850. Upham, C. W., Eulogy on, 1850. Van Zandt, Sermon, death of. West, J., Sermon, death of. Worcester, S. M., Tribute to, 1850. P. 214. See Mexican War. Tazewell, Gov. Grigsby, Discourse on life of, 1860. Tea. Ball, S.. Manufacture of, 1848. Fortune, Wanderings in China, 1847. Hanway, Journal, 1756. Great Britain, Tea, 1847. Johnston, Chemistry of common life. Lettsom, J. C., The Tea tree, 1772. P. 1040. Nye, G., Tea and the Tea trade, 1850. Sigmond, Its effects, 1839. See Food; China; Narcotics. Teachers. See Education. Technology. See Sciences; Arts; Dic tionaries. Tecumseh. Dawson, M., Life of W. H. Harrison, 1824. Drake, B., Life of, 1841. Tecumseh, a poem, 1828. P. 642. Teeth. Boddaert, Verb, over de Onge- makken der Tanden, 1780. Brockway, On decay of teeth, 1832. P. 89. Brown, W. S., Treatise on, 1847. P. 46. B. C. Dental Soc. of N. Y., Laws, etc., 1869. Hunter, J.,Hist. Nat. dentium, 1780. Keep, N. C., An Address, 1865. Nasmyth, A., Of Owen on Teeth, 1842, P. 1540. N. Y. Colt, of Dentistry, 1866-70. Ohio Coll. of Den. Surgery, 1856-7. Owen, R., Compar. anat. of, in verte brates, 1845. Skinner, Treatise on, 1801. P. 7. B. C. Spooner, S., On diseases of, 1835. P. 1358. See Dentistry; Natural History. Tehuantepec. Barnard, J. G., Survey of, by J. J. Williams, 1852. Davis, C. H., Report on Canal, 1867. Giordan, Description de, 1838. 566 TEHUANTEPEC. Tehuantepec (continued). Moro, G., Report on Ship canal at. P. 1365. Stevens, Tehuantepec Company s re port, 1869. Tacoteno, at Minatitlan, 1855. See Mexico. Teigiimouth, Lord. Life and corresp., 1853. Wilks, S. C., Life of, 1835. Tekeli, E. Lo Brun, The history of, 1815. B. C. Telegraphs. Abbreviated alphabet for. Annales Telegraphiques, 1858. P. 1470. Atlantic Tel. Celeb., Albany, 1858. P. 529. Allan. Tel. Company, Letters of Field, etc., 1856, 57. P. 529. " Report, 1859. Briggs, Atlantic Cable, 1858. Brit. Teleg. Monopoly, 1858. Channing, W. F., Fire Alarm Tele graph. Davis, D., Book of the Telegraph, 1851. Denny, A. S., Fog Signal and Steam Telegraph, 1863. East India Telegraph Co., 1866. Edgeworth, R. L., On the Tellograph, 1797. P. 573. Farnsworth s Report on Postal Tel., 1869. Field, C. H., Prospects of Atl. Tel., 1862. Field, H. M., History of Atlantic Tel. Hough, G. W-, Velocity over wires, 1869. House. R. G., Tel. fully explained, 1849. Lardner, Telegraph popularized, 1855. Marryatt, Signal numbers, 1841, 42. Monopoly of Elect. Tel., On Kane s decis., 1851. Morse, S. F. B., Letters from, 1837, 1842, 44. P. 551. Mullaly, The Ocean Tel., 1855, 57, 58. " Trip to New Foundland,1855. Noad, Text-book of, 1867. N. Y. City, Proc. of Meeting for Ihe Atl. Tel., 1863. O Rielly, II. , On Atlantic Tel. Co. P. 99. Pamphlets relating to Telegraphs, vol. 1470. Parker, J. R., Scmaphorio Signal- book, 1836. Pickering, J., Teleg. language, 1833. Prescott, G. B., History and Practice of, 1860. Richardson, I. S., Atmospheric Tel., 1853. P. 255. I Telegraphs (continued). Sabine, R., Electric Tel., 1867. Sargent, C. L., System of Signals, Seward, W. H., Papers on Interconti nental Tel., 1864. P. 1470. Shaffner s Teleg. Companion, V. II, No. 1, 1855? Smith, F. 0. J., The Secret Vocab., 1845. Sinithson. Inst., Misc. Coll., 1862. Proceedings on. Steinheil, Ueber Telegraphic, 1838. Sutton, Speech on Submarine Tel., 1857. P. 255. U. S., Report on, 1842. " Act for Tel. to the Pacific, 1862. Vail, Am. Elec. Mag. Telegraph, 1845. Van Choate, Ocean telegraphing, 1865. P. 1035. Van Rensselaer, C., Atlantic Teleg. ooleb., 1858. Verard, Mem., Teleg. de Mossoul, Calcutta, 1860. Washburn, C. C., On postal tel., 1869. Wes-tern Union Teleg. Comp y Report, 1865, 69. ; Telescopes. Draper, H., Construction of, Smithson. Contr., xiv. (See Natural Philosophy; Astronomy; Math. Instruments. Temperance. Alger, W. R., The facts of intern., 1852. Appeal to Liquor Makers, 1850. P. 292. Armstrong, L., History of, 1851. Woes of intemp., 1845. Armstrong, W. J., Evils of, 1829. Arthur, T. S., Sons of Temp. Offering, 1850. Attention ! Excise laws of Conn. ,1789. Barnes, A., Traffic in ardent spirits, 1834, Serm. 4. B. C. Bates, Two sermons, 1813. Beard, Stimulants and Narcotics, 1871. Benezet, Effects of Liquors, 1782. Blake, Of Delirium Tremens, 1834. P. 210. Bottcher, Het groote huiskruis. Breckinridge, W. L., New test tested, 1843. Buckingham, Hist, of the Reforma tion, 1854. Burne, P., Teetotaler s companion, 1847. Cheever, G. B., The Dream. P. 1056. " Defence for libel, 1836. Chipman, The Temp. Lecturer, 1845. P. 292. Clark, J. H., Prize Essay, 1847- TEMPERANCE. 567 Temperance (continued). Cold water man, 1832. Conn. Med. $oc., Asy. for inebriates, 1830. P. 87. Davis, A. S., A Loud Call, 1842. Delavan, Adulterations, 1857. P. 292. " The Amer. Tem. moTenient, 1862. Devol, C., Defence of rumselling, 1850. Dickinson, A., Appeal. P. 629. Distilled spir. liq. the bane of the na tion, 1736. Dunlap, W., Mein. of a water drinker, 1837. Edwards, J., Temperance Manual. Ellis, Mrs., Voice from the vintage, 1844. Enquirer, The, Dr. Nott s Ten Lcct. Fosdick, D , Scriptural Temperance, 1846. P. 238. Gale, H., Apostol. temp., reply to Cumming, 1855. Gough, J. B., Autobiography, 1848, 1870. Greville, Med. opinion on spirits. P. 1113. Grindrod, Essay on Intemp., 1840. Hains, J., Satyr against brandy, 1683. P. 1115. Hall, J. G., Sermon, 1844. Hastings, Songs of Temperance. Hay, Hist, of Saratoga Co., 1855. Hitchcock, Essay on Alcoholic and Narcotic substances, 1830. Humphrey, H., Inteuip. and Slave Trade, 1828. P. 629. Huydecoper, Een woord van ernste, etc., 1853. Jeffreys, Objections to teetotalism, 1840. " Affectionate appeal,1846. Kitchol, Liquor Traffic, 1850. Klein, M., Life and labors, Lond., 1837. Kleine Geschriften, 1844-50. Lees, F. R., Summary of the Scrip. Argument. Lettsom, Hints to promote, 1801. Lillie, J., Reply to gtuart on the Wine quest., 1848. Macuish, Anatomy of drunkenness, 1835. B. C. McCarthy, Marriage in Cana, 1843. P. 559. Manchester, E. , The Reform Defended, 1854. P. 292. Marsh, J., Half Century Tribute, 1851. P. 292. 200 Anecdotes. " The Battle not man s, 1858. Martin, A., Essay on the Sons of Tem perance, 1851. Temperance (continued). - Montagu, B., Effects of ferrn. liquor?, 1841. Morewood, Hist, of inebriating liquors, 1838. Mussey, R. D., Address on Ardent Spirits, 1P28. N.Y. State Inebriate Asylum, Letters etc , 1858, 59. P. 291. " Report, 1867. Nott, E.,Ten lectures, Enquirer, 1S57. O Flaherty, Med. Essay on Drinking, 1828. P 1471. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 176, 234, 292, 629, 865, 876, 886, 893, 1471, 1472, 1831, 2529. Parker, H., Allsop s Pale Ale, 1853. P. 404. Parsons, B., The Wine Question, 1841. " Anti-Bacchus, Lond., 1840. Pelton, Correspondence with L. Sher wood, 1833. P. 26. B. C. Prescott, Strong drink and tobacco, 1869. Rankin, A., Disc., Thornton, N. H., 1827. Root, Of Delirium Tremens, 1844. Ross, Sir J., Intern, in the Navy, 1852. Rum-drinking Christian, 128. P. 629. Rush, Effects of Spirits, 1823. P. 629. Sargent, L. M., Review of Sprague s Serin., 1835. P. 630. " My Mother s gold ring, 1833. P. 29. B. C. Scheltema, Aanprijzing, 1848. Schneller, J. A., Disc., Troy Catholic Ass n, 1843. Sewall, T., Effects of iutemp. Sewall s Drawings of effects on the stomach. P. 1472. Sherrill, H., Med. Lect., N. Y., 1859. Sigourney, L. H., Water drops. Smith, W. A., Evils of, a Serra.,1830. Sprague, W. B., Wine at Communion, 1835. P. 292. Stuart, M.. The Wine Question, 1848. P. 292. Taylor, C. W., Goblet of Death, 1847. P. 621. Taylor, J., vs. E. C. Delavan, Trial, 1840. Temp, text-book, 1836. Temperance Tracts. P. 1472. Toy, J., On Drunkenness, 1836. Tract on Drunkenness, 1811. Tracts for our Army and Navy, 1862. Weems, Drunkard s Glass, 1818. West Assoc n of New Haven, 1813. Wetmore, An appeal, 1851. \Vight, W., Common sense, 1847. Williams, B. W., Trial of. Libel on Wilbar. 1846. P. 1473. 568 TEMPERANCE. Temperance (continued). Woodward, J., Dissuasive from Drunk enness, 1786. Youmans, E. L., Alcohol and the const, of man, 1853. Set Excise; Wine. Temperance, Addresses on. Apple- ton, J., Boston, 1816. Baker, R. L., Lawrenceville, 1834. Beecher, L., Six Sermons on. Bristol, N., Owego, 1850. Caruthers, W. A., Savannah, 1840. Channing, W. E., Address on. Chiokering, J. W., Portland, 1854. Delavan, E. C., Albany, 1854. Greeley, H., Lecture on, 1850. P. 292. Herbert, J. C., Annapolis, 1832. Intemperance, An Address, 1813. Kittredge, J., Address, 1827. Kirkland, J. T., Sermon, 1814. Lane, S. E., Lecture, 1857. P. 292. Livesey, Temp. Lecture, Engl., 1836. P. 292. Marsh, J., Putnam and the Wolf, 1829. P. 629. " Sunday traffic, 1848. Nicholls, A., Danvers, 1819. Nichols, I., Portland, 1854. Nott, E., Lectures on, 1857. Oration of Creek Indian, 1755. Osgood, G., Danvers, 1820. Peirson, A. L., Salem, 1830. Perry, G. B., Haverhilt, 1828. Pinckney, H. L., Washington, 1836. Porter, E., Sermon on, 1813. Potter, A., Drinking usages. Sprague, C., Mass. Soc., 1827. Sullivan, W., Disc., Mass. Temp. Soc., 1832. Ware, H., Address, 1832. Whittlesey, F., Clarkson Soc., N. Y., 1843. Wilson, H. N., Southampton, L. I., 1846. Wines, E. C., Huntington, L. I., 1852. P. 234. Yates, J. A., Schenectady, 1834. See Temperance, Pamphlets. Temperance, Legislation for. Alba ny, Mayor s rep. on licenses, 1846. Amer. Temp. Union, Appeal for the Maine law, 1854. Barnes, A., Ser., 1852. Barrows, W., Legislation on. Bell, A., Prohibition of grain in dis tilleries, 1808. Haskett, W. J., Letter on the N. Y. Excise law, 1862. < Against prohibition, 1858. P. 292. Temperance, Legislation for (cont d). Hedges, H. P., Hist. Excise law of N. York, 1853. Langworthy, I. P., Serm., Liquor law Mass., 1852. Law and Liberty, on prohib., (Lees). Leigh, C. C., The Maine law, 1854. P. 292. Lovejoy, J. C., Speech for repeal, 1853. P. 630. Maine Law in Balance, 1855. P. 292. Marsh, J., Expos, of Excise law of N. Y., 1846. Mass., Rept s on traffic, 1852. P. 2912. Mass. Liquor Cominiss r, Report, 1860, 1861. Maxson, D. E., Speech on prohibition, N. Y., 1860. May, S. J., Second revolution. Metrop. Soc. for protect, of rights, N. Y., 1855. Ministerial conferences for suppression of traffic, Lond., 1857. New York, Reports on, 1851, 52, 54, 1855, 56, 60, 61. New York liquor law contrasted, 1853. Nicholson, R., Treatise on the Sale of Beer Bill, 1854. Pamphlets relating to Temperance in New York, vol. 1473. Portland, Rep. causes of the riot, 1855. Rational appeal on despotic legislation, 1851. P. 96. Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Report on ad min, the law, 1860. Resurrection of the blue-laws, 1852. P. 81. Seymour, H., Veto of the Bill of 1854. Warren, C. J., vs. Coleinan and Stet son, 1856. Temperance Periodicals and Socie ties Affschaffings-Genootschap. Am. Quar. Temp. Magazine, 1833, 4. Am. Temp. Mag. : Gary, 1851. Am. Temp. Soc. Reports, Bost., 1831- 1835. Am. Temp. Union, Journ., period., 1837-57. Am, Temp. Union, Reports, 1837-52. Almanac of A. T. Union, 1833-45, 1851. Annales de la Temperance, 1854. Bristol Total Abst. Soc., 1838. Brit, and For. Temp. Advocate, 1834- 1835. Brit, and For. Temp. Soc., 1832. P. 630. Connecticut Temp. Soc., 1832. P. 291. Enquirer, Albany, 1841-46. International Convention, 1862. Lund, Sons of Temp., 1850. P. 292. Manchester, Eng., Assoc n for regul. pub. houses, 1851. TEST ACTS. 569 Temperance Periodicals and Socie ties (continued). Maryland Inch. Asylum, Rep., 1860. Maryland Temp. Soc., Rep., 1841, 42. Mass. Soc. for Supp. Internp., Report, 1827, 34. P. 291. Mass. Temp. Soc., Tracts, 1834. P. 630. Mass. Temp. Union, Address, 1846. National Temp. Convention, 1851, 68. National Temp. Soc., N. Y., 1850. P. 630. New British and Foreign, 1838. P. 291. New Orleans Temp. Soc., Addr., 1841. N. Y. City T. Alliance, 1855, 56. N. Y. City T. Society, 1848. N. Y. State Temp. Soc., Reports, 1830- 1833, 48, 52, 53, 67, 68. " Quar. Temp. Mag., 1833, 1834. " Temp. Recorder, 1832-43. " Temp. Tracts, 1854. Pamphlets relating to Societies, vols. 291, 630. Penn a Soc. for discoura. use of ardent spirits, 1828. P. 5. Phil a Med. Soc., Report on spirits, 1829. Richmond Soc. for Temp., 1830, 31. Prohibitionist, The, 1854-7. Soc. for the Supp. of Vice, 1813. Son of Temperance and Rechabite, No. 7, 1847. Sons of Temperance, 1846-51. P. 630. Sons of Temp, of Va., Minutes, 1850. United Kingdom Alliance, Report, 1858. P. 1472. " Lees, on the Maine Law, 1857. " Pojitics of Temperance, 1859. " Prohib. in Gr. Brit., 1864. " Monthly Papers, 1859. U. S. Inebriate Asylum, Addresses, 1855. P. 291. Van Loon, Sons of Temp, defended, 1846. Washingtonian Home, Bost., 1860. World s Convention, N. Y., 1853. P. 234. Templar Knights. Du Cange, Families d outre mer. See Knights. Temple Family. Whitmore, Account of, 1856. Temple, Rev. D. Sermon by, 1825. P. 1615. " Life of, 1855. Qoodell, W., Fun. Sermon, 1851. P. 1612. Temple, H. J. See Palmerston, Lord. Temple, R. G., Earl. Letter concern ing libels, 1764-70. 72 Temple, Sir W. Work?, with Life of, 17:0. Courtenay, Memoirs of, 1836. Macaulay, T. B., Essay on. Temple, New Hamp. Blood, H. A., History of, 1860. Templeton, Mass. Adams, E. G., Hist. Discourse, 1857. Tenants. Bishop, J., Law of tenants. Teneriffe Is. Mortimer, G., Voyage to. 1791. See Canary Is. Tennent, G. Alexander, A., Biograph. sketches, 1845. Tennent, W. Life of, 1816. P. 925. Tennessee. Bokum, H., Sketches of East T., 1864. Carpenter, W. H., Hist, of, 1854. Crockett, D., Life of, 1833. Haywood, J., Civil History, 1823. " Natural Hist., 1823. Nashville and Tenn. Directory, 1853. Pamphlets, vol. 1829. Putnam, A. W., Hist, of Middle Tenn., 1859. Ramsey, J. G. M., Annals of, 1853. Smith, J. G., Descriptive Review of, 1842. Tennessee, Geolog. Survey, 1837, 39, 1841, 55-7, 1869. " Agric. Report, 1860. Tennyson, A. Bayne, P., Essays in Biog., 1857. Brimley, G., Essays, 1868. Kingsley, C., Papers, 1859. Tent Worship. See Tabernacle. Teonge, H. Diary, 1675-79. Terrill, Gen. W. R. Burial of, 1862. P. 1856. Test Acts, Eng. Answer to the Bp. of Oxford, 1688. Case of the test acts, 1736. P. 848 . Church of Englandman s answer.1790. P. 322. Consid. on the danger, 1828. Croft, G., Test laws defended. Defence of Chris, liberty, 1807. Defence of Relig. liberty, 1825. Dispute, The, Adjusted, 1732. Equal liberty of conscience, 1780. Enquiry into the reasons, 1688. Essay on imposing articles of relig., Fox, C. J., Speech, repeal of, 1790. History of the Test act, 1790. Hoadly, Refutation of Sherlock, 1718. Horsley, Case of Prot. Disaenters,1790. P. 319. 670 TEST ACTS. Test Acts, Eng. (continued). Letter from a person of quality, 1675. Letter to a bishop, by Sturges, 1773. Letter to Earl Stanhope, (Hawtrey), 1789. P. 319. Letter to Pub. Meet, of Repeal, 1790. Letter to the Deputies of the Prot. Diss., 1787. P. 319. Narrative of Proceedings, 1734. Pacquet of advices, 1676. Parker, S., Reasons for abrogating, 1688. Pearce, C., Unjust tendency of, 1790. j Pearson, G., University testa. Philo-Theodosius on Burke, 1770. P. 319. Sense of the Ch. of England, 1714. Sherlock, T., Vind. of Test Aots,l718. Theodosius, Admonition, 1790. See Dissenters; Conformity; Tolera tion; Authority. Teutonick Order. Account of Livonia, i 1701. Du Cange, Families d outre mer. See Knights. Tewksbury, Eng. History of, 1790. Texas. Adams, C. F., Texas and Mass., 1844. Arispe, State of Coahuila, 1814. Austin, S. F., Address, 1836. Bartlett, J. R., Narrative of Explo- , rations, 1854. Braman, Information on, 1857. Complaint of Mexico, 1843. Cordova, Resources and men, 1858. Crockett, D., Exploits in, 1839. Domenech, Seven years in, 1860. Edward, D. B., History of, 1836. Emory, Mexican boundary survey,! 859. Foote, H. S., Texas and the Texans, 1841. Gougo, W. M., The Fiscal History of, 1852. Green, T. J., Texian Exped. against Mier, 1845. Hunt, R. S., Guide to the republic of, 1839. Kennedy, W., Rise and prospects of, 1841. <( Its geography, etc., 1844. Kendall, G. W., Texan Santa Fe Ex pedition, 1844. History of, or Emigrant s guide, 1845. Holley, Mary A., Observations on, | 1833. Houstoun, Mrs., Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, 1844. Leclerc, Sa revolution, 1840. Lh., L. F., Le champ d asile, 1819. Ludecus, Reise, 1834. Texas (continued). Lundy, B., Travels in, 1847. McCalla, Adventures in, 1840. Maillard, History of, 1842. Morris, T. A., Miscellany, 1854. Newell, C., Hist, of Revolution in, 1835, 36. Olmsted, Journey through, 1857. O Neill, Guide to, 1834. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 181, 486. Paxton, Stray Yankee in, 1853. Peirce, 0. B., The Truce, 1847. Phillips, E. D , Mil. occupation of, 1862. Political Essays, 1844. Prairiedom, by a Southron, 1845. Rambles and Scrambles in, 1845. Rankin, M., Texas in 1850. Republic of U. S. A., The late war, 1848. Seatsfield, The Cabin Book, 1844. Smith, A., Notice sur la geographic d. Smith, E., Journey in, 1849. Sprague, J. T., Treachery in, 1862. P. 1055. Stiff, E., The Texan emigrant, 1840. Texas, Army regulations, 1839. " Report of Comm. on violence, 1868. Texas: Sketches by Milam, 1839. Texas Almanac, 1857, 60, 67-71. Texas in 1840. Viele, Mrs., Following the drum, 1858. Visit to Texas, 1834. War, The, in Texas... a review, 1837. P. 57. Woodman, Guide to Texas emigrants, 1835. Yoakum, History of, 1856. See Mexico ; Mexican war ; New Mexico. Texas, Annexation of. Adams, J. Q., Annexation of, 1838. Annexation of. . . Opinions on, 1844. P. 486. Benton, T. H., Speech, 1844. Channing, W. E., Annexation of, 1837. P. 26. B. C. Considerations on annexing, 1829. Gallatin, Annexation of, 1844. P. 181. Green, T. J., Reply to Houston, 1854. P. 527. Haywood, W. H., Speech, 1845. Jones, A., Annexation of, 1848. Letters upon the annexation, 1846. Phillips, S. C., Annexation of. Rayner, K., Speech, 1845. Sedgwick, T., Annexation of, 1844. P. 181. Thoughts on annexation, 1844. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES. 571 Texas, Annexation of (continued). Vermont, On annexation, 1845. Walker, R. J., On annex, of, 1844. Wharton, W. II., and S. F. Austin, Addresses, 1836. Set Congressional Speeches. Thacher, P. Mather, C., Sermon on, 1727. Thacher, P. O. Lothrop, Sermon on. Thacher, S. C. Serm. and Memoir, 1824. Thackeray, W. M. Taylor, T., Life of, 1864. Thames River. Davidson, G. H., Guide. Illust. Lond. News, View of. Thames Tunnel, Hep., 1828. P. 493. See London. Thanksgiving. Hough, Proclamations for the U. S. to 1858. See Sermons. Thaxter, R. Hall, N., Sermon on death of, 1852. P. 78. Thayer, E. Family Memorial, 1835. Thayer, I. Jr., and Brothers. Lives of, 1825. Thayer, N. Review of a Discourse by, P. 631. Theatre. Address to the Ladies, 1756. Cal craft, Defence of, 1839. Collier, Immorality of, 1698. East, J., Sermon, on, 1844. Immorality of the English pulpit, 1698. Knox, V., Account of outrage on. * Letters on the new Theatre, (Hale), Mariana, J., De Spectaculis, 1609. Murray, L., Tendency of. Witherspoon, Effects of. See Dramas; Dramatic Literature. Theological Education and Semi naries. Amor. Education Soc., Reports, 1819-58. American Society for, 1816. Baptist Educ. Soc., 1835, 56, 57. Boswell, J., Method of Study. Fisk, E., Sermon, Norfolk Co., Mass., 1819. P. 288. Freeman, Z., Manual of Theol. Sem., 1856. Galena, 111., Theol. Sem., 1853. P. 294. Hackney, Theol. Sem., 1843. P. 294. Hampshire Eduo. Soo., 1824. P. 278. Hartwiok Seminary, 1827, 55. P. 456, 294. Haven, Sermon, Am. Ed. Soo., 1856, P. 293. James, Serm., Am. Ed. Soc., 1854. P. 293. j Theological Education and Semina ries (continued). Kenyon College, Theol. Sem., 1850, 55. P. 247. Marsh, H., Usefulness of. Meadville Theol. Sch., 1845-58. Miller, S., Introd. Lecture, 1829. P. 294. N. Y. Bapt. Union for, Report, 1855, 1856. P. 465. Obs. on the proposition, (Channing), 1816. P. 294. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 293. Pamphlets containing catalogues of Theol. Seminaries, vol. 294. Presb. Church, Reports, 1850-55. Prot. Ep. Ch., Gen. Theol. Sem., Plan of, 1820. " Introd. disc., Turner, 1820. " Constitution, etc., 1822, 32, 1867. " Proc. of trustees, 1837, 38, 1843, 51, 53, 66, 67. " Catalogues, 1845-60. Rice, N. L., N. W. Theol. Sem. ,1857, P. 294. Rochester Theol. Sem., 1852-56. Society for the Prom, of Coll. and Theol. Ed. at the West, 1848-58. P. 293. Society for promoting, etc., Camb., Mass., 1824. P. 294. Sweetser, S., Minis. Educat., Serin., 1858. P. 293. Theol. Inst., Windsor, Conn., 1339. P. 294. Theolog. Sem., Andover, Catal., 1813, 37, 39, 43, 45, 47, 57-60, 1867. " Triennial, 1842, 67, etc. " Semi-centennial celeb., 1859. Theol. Sem., Auburn, Cat., 1857; Tri ennial, 1858. P. 1648. Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., Cat., 1860, 1861. Theol. Sem., Columbia, S. C., Cat., 1853, 58, 59. Theol. Sem., Danville, Ky. ; 1856. Theol. Sem., New Brunswick, Cat., 1846, 47. Theol. Sem., Princeton, History of, 1817, 1838. P. 872. " Semi-centennial, 1862. " Catalogues, 1849, 51, 53-55,61. Union Theol. Sem., N. Y. city, Cata- loguts, 1840-61. " Triennials, 1850, 53, 56, 59. " History of, 1852. Wayland, F., Address, 1853. Western Bapt. Theol. Inst., 1850. W estern Theol. Sem., Allegheny, 1858. 572 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES. Theological Education and Semina ries (continued). Wheatly, Serm., Schools of Prophets, 1721. P. 367. Willard, S., Directions inStudy, 1735. P. 603. Wotton, W., Method of Study, 1734. P. 341. See Clergy; Church of Engl., Clergy; Preaching. Theology, in English. Abbadie, Change in the Eucharist. Aids to Faith, 1862. Alberthoma, Princ. of Chr. rel., 1789. Allen, E., Reason the only Oracle, 1784. Andover Fuss, 1853. P. 96. Andros, Divine efficiency, 1820. Apostolical Fathers, 1810. B. C. Bad Effects of Speculative Theology. P. 50. Baptismal bonds, (Heywood), 1687. Beasley, Answer to Channing, 1830. P. 200. Beecher, L., Works, 1853. Bellamy, J., Works, 1850. Bentham, Heads of Lectures, 1774. P. 399. Boston, T., A View of tlie Covenant of Grace, 1770. B. C. Bradford, E., Strictures on Langdon. Brake, Serm., Election, Rom. ix. 11, 1839. P.. 378. Bretschneider, Theol. of Germany. Brothers, Revealed Knowledge, 1795. Buck, C., Theolog. Dictionary, 1833. Bunyan, J., Works, 1830. B. C. Burch, Free grace, 1757. Burrough, Lect. on Church Catechism, 1793. P. 301. Burnet, Exposition of xxxix Articles, 1842. Bush, Anastasis, 1845. B. C. Bushnell, God in Christ, 1852. Butler, J., Works, 1827. Butler, T., Gospel Liberty, 1819. Calvin, J., Institutes, 1587. Carmichael, Theol. and Metaphysics of SS., 1840. B. C. Chalmers, T., Institutes of, 1849. Chillingworth, Works, 1836. Christmas,Hampden Controversy, 1832- 1848. Chubb, T., Tracts, 1730. Clarke, S., Works, 1738. Clarkson, D., Works, Wyokliffe Soc., 1846. Cogswell, W., Theol. class book, 1838. Copleston, On Necessity and Predesti nation, 1821. Cotton, J.n Of the Cov t of Grace,1671. Theology, in English (continued). Cudworth, Intel. Sys. of the Universe, 1837. Gumming, H., Christian s Vademeoum, 1819. Davies, Principles of Chr. Religion, 1726. P. 338. De Quincey, Writings, 15, 16, 1851. De Ronde, Princ. of the Christ. Rel., 1763. Dewey, 0., Disc, on Controv. Theol., 1846. B. C. Dissertation fall of man, 1723. Dissertations, Lond., 1740. Divine Rectitude, 1730. Doddridge, P., Misc. works, 1830. Dunlap, S. F., Vestiges of Spirit His tory, 1858. Dwight, T., Theology explained, 1846. Eaohard, J., Works, 1705. Edwards, B. B., Writings, 1853. Edwards, J., 1st., -Works, 1844. Edwards, J., 2d., Works, 1842. Ely, Calvinism, and Hopkinsianism, 1811. England, Bp., Works, 1849. Engles, On prevailing errors, 1837. P. 631. Erskine, E., Worke, 1798. Essays and Reviews, 1860. Exam, of Dr. Tyler s Strictures, 1830. Faber, G. S., Calvinistio controversy, 1804. Fellowes, The Anti-Calvinist, 1801. Fenelon, Works, vol. 1, 1836. Fisher, E., Marrow of divinity, 1743. Fletcher s, J. W., Appeal, Man s lost estate, 1814. Forbes, D., Works. Frith s Works. See Tyndale. Fuller, A., Work. 1852. Gastrell, F., Christian Institutes ; 1709. Gill, Doctrine of Predestination. P. 125. Gouge, T., Works. Gray, J., Mediatorial Reign, 1821. Gregorius, Pope, Dialogues, 1689. Greenfield, E., Publications, 1825-49. Hampden, R. D., The 39 Articles, 1842. P. 330. Harris, J., Man primeval, 1854. Hasted, Works, 1862. Heylin, J., Theol. lectures, 1761. Hoadly, B., Writings coll., 1705-37. Hodgson, F., Exam, of New School, 1839. Hollingsworth, Lectures, 1835. Hooker, R., Works, vol. 2, 1825. Hopkin, S., System of, 1793. " Dialogues. THEOLOGY. 573 Theology, in English (continued). Horsley, Controv. with Dr. Priestley, 1821. B. C. Howe, John, Works. Hunt, J., Relig. thought in Eng.,1871. Hurd, Works, vol. 5, 8, 1811. James, H., Lectures and Miscellanies, 1852. Jebb,J., Theol. Lectures, 1770. P. 1004. " Works, 1787. Jenks, F., Reply to Beecher on infant damnation, 1825. B. C. Knapp, G. C., Lectures on, (Woods), 1831. Knox, John, Works, Wodrow Soc. Lardner, N., Works, 1788. Law, W., Reply to Hoadly, 1717. Leighton, Bp. R., Works, 1825. Letters, Agency of fallen spirits, (Shedd), 1828. Lindsey, T., Conv. on Divine Govern ment, 1802. " Inquiry into the Doctrine of theSS., 1818. Mackay, Tubingen school, 1863. Maclellan, Exclusive Deity, 1843. P. 317. Mainard, Law of God ratified, 1674. Malcom, H., Theol. index, 1868. Malebranche, The Search after Truth, 1694. Marsh, H., Lectures, 1810, 11, 22. Marshall, W., Sanctification, 1769. Martin, J., Disc, on Rom. x. 3, 1771. P. 372. Martineau, H., Faith of the Universal Churoh, 1838. B. C. Maurice, F. D., Theol. Essays, 1853. | Millar, D., Of Justification, 1748. Milton, Treatise on Christ. Doctrine, 1825. B. C. Miss. Soc. of Conn., Summary of doc trine, 1804. More, H., Theol. Works, 1708. Morell, Ph ; losophy of Religion, 1849. Morgan, E., Decrees and Free Agency, 1859. Neander, History of Christ. Dogmas, 1858. Norton, J., The Orthodox Evangelist, 1657. Occasional paper, 1-10, 1697. Ott, A crack in the wall, 1846. Pacific Discourse, (T. Smith), 1688. Pamphlets, Theological, vols. 65, 262, 295, 296, 307, 308, 586, 631, 653- 655, 680-685, 866, 867, 871, 1249- 1262, 1830, 1875, 2502, 2513. Pamphlet?, Theological, British, vols. 299-306, 340, 341, 444, 455, 707, 711, 760, 761, 845-847, 1004, 1028, 1033, 1570-1572, 1619. Theology, in English (continued). Pamphlets of Theological Controversy, vols, 354-358, 488, 600. Park, E. A.> Address, Cong. Min. of Mass. ; 1850. Pearson, On the Creed, 1833. Pecock, R.,The Repressor, (Chron. G. B.). Penrose, J., Writings, Coll., 1821-49. Philosophy of Salvation, (Walker), 1846. Pococke, R., Diatribae, 1710. Polhill, Precious faith consid., 1675. Price, R., Four dissertations, 1777. B. C. Priestley, Letters to Dr. Horsley.1783. " Inst. of Nat. and rev. relig. Kenan, E., Studies of Relig. History, 1864. Replies to Essays and Reviews, 1862. Ridgley, Body of Divinity, 1731. Rowles, On divine truth, 1797. Sandeman, Theron and Aspasia. Scott, T., Treatises on, 1815. Sharpe, W., Course of Sermons, 1816. Shepard, T., Parable of the Virgins. Silver, F., Miscellanies. Smith, M., Epitome of, 1837. Sparks, J., Comp. Tend, of Unit, and Trin. Doct., 1823. B. C. Spring, G., Diss. on Rule of faith, 1844. Spring, S., Moral disquisitions, 1815. Squier, Sin not of God, 1855. Writings. Storr <fc Flatt, Biblical Theol., 1836. Swift, E., Serm., West. Theol. Serm. Synod of Dort, 1619. Taylor, Jeremy, Catholic faith, 1765. P. 343. Works, 1836-37. Tillotson, J., Works, 1820. Tracts for Priests and People, 1861, 62. Tucker, A., The Light of Nature, 1831 . B. C. Tyndale, W., and J. Frith, Works. " Dissertations. P. 307. Upham, Letters on the Logos, 1828. B. C. Walker, J., Essays, 1838. Watson, R., Theol. institutes, 1825. B. C. Watts, I., Works, 1810. Weller, J., Free Grace, 1846. P. 306. Westminster Assemb., Catechism, 1813. " Confes. of faith, 1658. Whelpley, The Triangle, 1832. White, J. B., Obs. on Heterodoxy etc., 1839. B. C. Willard, S., Body of Divinity, 1726. 574 THEOLOGY. Theology, in English (continued). Wilson, J., Concessions of Trinitari ans, 1845. B. C. Wilson, J. P., Probation of man, 184. Wilson, T., Instruction for Indians, 1792. Witherspoon, Works, 1800-01. Witsius, H., Econ. of tho Covenants, 1798. Woods, L., Works, 1851. Worcester, N., The atoning sacrifice, 1829. B. C. Sn Nat. Theol. ; Bible; Christ ; Church ; Faith; Soul; Religion, practical ; and various Churches ; Catechisms ; Bibliography; Creeds; Hoadly; Unitarian; Predestination; Trin ity; Periodicals, religious, etc. Theology, in Dutch. Buurt. . .Godge- Icerdheid, 1776. Byler, Heilige mengelstoffen, 1730. Comrie, Verhandeling, 1744.. Elgersnia, Zeedige verhandelinge,1684. Francken, A., Stellige Godgeleertheyd, 1757. Hakvoord, De . . . . Schole van Christus, 1722. Heijningen, Onfeilbaarheid der Apos- telen, 1845. Honert, Van Christus koningryk, 1742. Labadie, Qeloof der Evan. Kerke, 1672. Leydekker, De Verborgentheid, 1729. Leydt, Ware vryheyt, 1760. Meyer, Het geloof van Abraham, 1757. Pamphlets, Theol., Dutch, vol. 109. Pastorale Brieven, 1688. Vitringa, Gelove der alg. Kercke,1691. P. 669. See Sermons; Religion. Theology, in Latin. Abelardus, P., Opera, 1616. Abelly, L., Medulla Theolog., 1673. Alfonsus, Adversus onines haereses, 1565. Altenstaig, Lexicon Theologicum,1576. Ames, Bellarminus enervatus, 1629. Annato, Apparatus ad pos. theol.,1705. Aquinas, T. d , Catena Aurea, 1470. " Tabula Quaestionum, 1512. Augustinus, Opera, 1700. De gratia Dei, eto. Baronius, Phil, theologiae ancillans, 1641. " Peccati mortalis, 1658. Bay, J. de, Instit. Rel. Christianre, 1626. Bellarminus, R., De controversiia Christ, fidei, 1601. Bellovissius, Docl. term, theologies, etc., 1586. Bernardus, (Sanotua), Opera, 1781. Theology, in Latin (continued). Beza, Conf. Christ, fidei, 1573. " Epist. theologies;, 1575. Calvin, Opuscula, 1563. Canisius, De fide, spe et charitata, 1671. Chrysostom, De virginitate, 1562. " Panegyrics, 1775. Cocceius, Opera, 1689. Crellius, J., Opera, 1656. Cyprianus, Opera, 1726. Cyril of Alex., Co-substan. filii, 1514. Damascenus, Sanct. imag. oppugna- tores, 1554. Dens, P., Theol. mor. et dogm., 1832. Dionysius, Celestis hierarchia, 1503. Doorenbos, B., De amove Dei, 1838. P. 592. Fulgentius, F. C. G., Opera, 1587. Garsias, P., Determinationes magis- trales, 1489. Gerson, J., Opera, 1502. Giraldus Cambrensis, Opera, (Chron. G. B.). Gregorius, De Virginitate, 1562. Groot, Compendium Theol., 1851. Hospinianus, Historian sacramentariao, 1681. " Conoordia discors, 1678. Jansenius, Augustinus de Hum. nat. Sanitate, 1643. Joannes, Summa de Exemplis, 1597. Leeinhuis, J., Libertas volendi, 1847. P. 592. Lightfoot, J., Opera, 1686. Lombardus, P., Sententiarum lib. ir, 1634. Melancthon, Corpus Doctrine Christi anas, 1565. " Loci Communes Theol., 1547. Netter, Fasciculi Zizanioruui, (Chron. G. B.). Pamphlets, Theol., Latin, vol. 592. Pareau, Series Coinpend. theol., 1848. Paulus, Scrutinium Scriptorum, 1478. Peter of Blois, Opera, 1847. Proclus, Archiep., Analecta, 1630. Roman Cath. Church, Canons, Cate chisms. Socinus, F., Opera, 1618. Sulpicius, Opera, 1693. Sutcliffe, De recta stud, theol. ratione, 1602. Theramo, Consol. pecoatorum, 1484. Trithemius, De Scriptoribus eccles., 149-1. Turretini, Compendium theol., 1703. Velleus, De Gratia universal!, 1619. Viucentius, Speculum doctrinale, 1494. TICKNOR. 575 Theology, in Latin (continued). Vindicinruin pars 1, adv. Libarii de haeret. praedest., 1615. Vives, L. Opera, 1782. Wiekliffe, J., Dialogi, 1753. Zuinglius, De vera religiono, 1525. See Church Fathers; Biblo; Commen taries. Theology, in Various Languages. Arnauld, A., Kenver. des Calvin- istes, 1672. Bartoli, D., Delle grandezze di Gesu Cristo, 1832. " DelP ultimo fine dell uomo, 1833. Fiickel, Theol. Schatz-Kastlein. Franccschinis, Delia religione Catto- lica, 1832. La Paluelle, Resolution de Cas de con science, 1710. Magalotti, Contro 1 ateismo, 1837. Martin, H., Medulla Missse, German - ica, 1750. Sarpi, Opere, 1750. Thermometer. Traill, Prof., Lib. U.K. Thibet. See Tibet. Thicknesse, P. Mem. and Anecd. of, 1790. " Journey in France, 1789. Thierry, A. Essays and Autobiog.,1845. Galerie des Contem., Vie de., 1845. Thiers, M. Gal. des Contem , Vie de. 1845. Thomas, St. Stapleton, T, Vita, 1612. Thomas a Becket. See Becket. Thomas, A. Memoir, 1824. Thomas, D. Couch, P., Fun. Serm. on. Thomas, D. Evans, H., Sermon on, 1773. Thomas, E S. Reminiscences of 65 years, 1840. Thomas, G. T. Watson, W. C., Eulo- gium on, 1862. P. 1493. Thomas, J. Descendants of, Bost. Thomas, Gen. John. Coffin, C., Life of, 1845. Thomas, T. Cox, C. C., Oration on. 1847. Thomas, T. Eells, J., Fun. discourse. Thomason, Sir E. Memoirs, 1845. Thomason, T. T. Sargent, J., Life of, 1833. Thomastown, Me. Eaton, History of, 1865. Thompson, A. R. Ferris, I., Fun. ad dress, 1838. P. 2503. Thompson, A. T. Memorial of, 1868. Thompson, G. Reception, 1836. " Lectures, 1836. Thompson, George. Narrative. . .aid to slaves, 1848. Thompson, J. II* Sergeant s Memo rial, 1864. Thompson, Conn. Dunning, A., Hist, discourses, 1855, 56. Thomson, A. Brown, J. R., Serm. on, 1831. Grey, J., Letter from, 1828. Thomson, C. Autobiography, 1847. Thomsoninn Medical System. Bad ger, Book of Health. Thomson, T., Mat. Medica, 1841. Thorburn, G Forty years in America, 1834. " Reminis. of N. Y., 1845. * Note book of Laurie Todd, 1847. Thoreau, H. D. Excursions and Life of, 1863. Thoresby, R. Diary and Corresp., 1832. Thorn, Poland. Some Remarks, 1726. Thorns, D. Luckin, R., Discourse, 1837. Thornton, J. Epistle on death of. Thorwalsdeu, B. Gal. des Contem., Vie de, 1845. Thou, J. A. de. Buckley, S., On a new edition of, 1730. Thoughts. See Maxims ; Essays; Pro verbs; Quotations. Throop, E. T. Jenkins, Lives of Gov. of N. Y. Thugs. Illustrations of Hist, of, 1837. Sleeman, Hist, of, 1839. Thurston, E. Descendants of, 1863. Thurstou, Rev. J. Parsons, T., Church Dime, in Manchester, Ms., 1823. Tibbitts, G. Van Kleeck, Discourse on, 1849. Tibet. Duhalde, Description of China and Tibet, 1738-41. Hervey, Adventures in. Histoire de oe qui s est passe dans, 1626. Hue, Trav. in Tartary, Thibet, etc., 1844-46. Jacquemont, V., Letters from India, 1834. Tibet, Descr. of, Pinkerton, 7. Turner, S., Embassy to the Court of, 1800. See Himalaya; China. Tickaor, C. Reid, A., Fun. Address, 1840. P. 1610. 576 TICKNOR. Ticknor, G. Hart, C. H., Memoir of, 1871. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. Ticouderoga, N. Y. Allen, I., Capture of Olive Branch and, 1805, v. 2. Cook, Home Sketches, 1858. Hall, Hiland, Capture of, 1869. Watson, W. C., Mil. annals of, 1869. j Wayne s Orderly Book, 1776, 77; Muns. Hist. Series, 3. Wilson s Orderly Book, 1759; Muns. Hist. Series?, 1 . Winslow s Letters, Mass. Hist. Coll. See Champlain, Lake; George, Lake. Tides. Davis, C. H., Deposit of the flood tide, Smithson. Contrib., v. 3. Haughton, S., Tides of Dublin Bay, 1864. St. Pierre, B., Mem. sur les marces. Whewell, Researches on, 1835-40. Wilcocks, A., Essay on, 1858. See Astronomy ; Harbors. Ticck, L. Gal. des Contem., Vie de, 1845. Tiers-etat. Sieyes, Qu estce que? 1789. <r Essay on Privileges, 1791. Tigris River. See Assyria. Tiles. Albany Tile Works, for draining. P. 205. Minton s Encaustic tiles, 1852. Rochester Brick and Tile Company, 1858. P. 1223. See Arts. Tilghman, W, 1827. Du Ponceau, Eulogium on, 1827. Tilghman, W., Life of, (Golden), 1820. Wistar, Eulogy of, 1818. Tillam, T. Jen(n)ison, W., Lash for a lyar, 1658. Tillotson, J. Birch, T., On life of, 1755. P. 390. Burnet, G., Serin., Funeral of, 1694. Timber. Dickson, R., Loot, on Dry Rot, 1837. P. 1222. See Trees. Timbuctoo. Adams, R., Narrative, 1817. Jackson, J. G., Account of, 1820. Riley, J., Account of, 1817. See Africa. Time. Dowd, F., National time table, 1870. See Clocks; Chronology. Timour. Clavijo, Embassy to, 1403, (Hakluyt Soc.). Erskine, W., History of reign of. Timour, Institutes, pol. and mil., 1783. Binney, H., Eulogy on ; Timour (continued). Timour, Inst., pol. et mil., 1787. " Histoire de, par Shcrif-eddin Ali. Tindul. M. Hooker s Weekly Misc., 1738. Jackson, J., Remarks on, 1731. Middleton, C., Letter on, to Water- land, 1732. Tinker, R. Serm. and Memoir, 1856. Tin^ey, T. Ridgley, T., Serm. on, 1729. Tinteru Abbey. Heath, C., Monmouth shire, 1806. Tintern Abbey, Description of, 1798. P. 1478. Tippoo Sultan. Dirom, A., Campaign of 1792. East India Co., War with, 1800. P. 1038. Stewart, C., Memoir of, and Cat. of Libr. of, 1809. Tiptaft, Rev. Brief reply to, 1831. Tithes. Bearblock, Treatise upon, 1809. Cobbett, W., Doom of the tithes, 1836. Concise history of, 1819. Cooke, L., Theory of valuing, 1840. P. 1474. Defence of the right, 1794. Devie vs. Brownlow, Exemptions from tithes, 1792. Hale, W. H., Essay on tripartite di vision of, 1832/33. Hales, W., Observations on, 1794. Harrison, A., On the Vicar s com plaint, 1742. Harrison, B., Church rates, 1851. Malet, Tithe rederap. Trust, 1849. Markham, Defence of York Prisoners, 1797. Miller, J., Connexion with agr. dis tress, 1831. P. 425. Moorsom. Letter on Church rates, 1837. P. 327. Newsome, Church rates, 1851. P. 330. Pamphlets relating to, Vels. 785, 1291, 1474. Paying Tithes inconsist. for Quakers, 1774. Pearson, A., The Great Case stated, 1762. Phillpotts, J., Of Tithes and the Poor Rate, 1838. Phipps, J., Animadversions on. P. 1212. Reasons for refusing to pay tithes, 1832. Rolph, T., Address to Citizens, Lond. Rose, H. J., Letters on, 1832. Sheppard, W., Law of Tithes, 1654. Succinct History of, in Lond., 1824. TOLERATION. 577 Tithes (continued). Townley, A., Sacerdotal Tithe, 1856. Treleinie, Undeceiving the People, 1648. P. 354. Wake, R., The Priest s Complaint, 1703. P. 641. See Taxation; Church and State. Tiziano,T. V. Northcote, Life of, 1830. Toasts. Burder, Letter, 1810. Tobacco. Adams, C. S., Poem on use of, 1838. Allen, J. A., Use of Narcotic sub stances. P. 86. Anstie, F. E., Stimulants and Narco tics, 1864. Anti-tobacco Tracts, G. Trask. Athenaeum, Lond., Aug., 1857, Stein- metz. Beard, G. M-> Stim. and Narcotics, 1871. Burdell, J., Use of, 1848. Clarke, A., Diss. on use of, 1829. P. 629. Confessions of an Old Smoker. Diary of Rev. S. Spittle, 1847. P. 45. B. C. Everartus, Do herba panacea, 1644. Fairholt, History of, 1859. Fermondj Monographic du, 1857. Hammond, W. A., Physiol. Mem., 1863. Harris, E., The effects of, 1853. Hitchcock, E., Essay on Alcoh. and ! Narc. substances, 1830. James I, Misocapnus, 1644. " Workes: Counterblast. Jennings, History of, 1830. Lancet, v. I, 1857: Is Smoking Inju rious ? Lane, B., The Mysteries of Tobacco, 1845. B. C. Musey, Influence of, 1836. Neander, Tabacologia, 1644, (Everar tus). Paper of Tobacco, 1839. Prscott, H. P., Tob., its adultera tions, 1858. t( Strong drink and tobacco, 1869. Schoon, T., De culture van de tabak, 1692. Stories of Uncle Toby, 1853. Thorius, Hymnus Tabaci, 1644. Tobacco, A satire, 1857. P. 1392. Tobacco Almanac, 1849. Trask s Tracts. P. 1831. Tully, W., Materia Medica, 1858. Venner, Via recta, 1650. Villeneuve, Traite de la culture du, 1791. 73 Tobacco (continued). Waterhouse, B., Lecture on, 1822. Welford, Duties on: moral effects of, 1848. P. 425. See Narcotics. Tobacco Trade, etc. Bradford, L. J., Culture of, in Ky., N. Y. Ag. Soc. Trans., 1862. Magruder, W. B., Answer to Banna- tyne, 1802. Pierce, W. B., Address, Nat. Conven. of Tobacconists, 1867. Reply: Planters of Virginia, 1733. Reply to the Planters of Virginia, 1733. Tobacco Manufacturers, Address to Congress, 1868. Tobacco Receivers Petition, N. Y., 1863. U. S., Foreign trade in, 1840, 48. Virginia, Case of the planters of, 1733. Welford, R. G., Impol. of high duties, Lond., 1848. P. 425. Word about the tax on, 1864. Tobago. Memoires des commiss. du roi, 1757. Poyntz, Present prospects of, 1695. Robinson, F. P., Defence, 1830. Rochefort, Le tableau de 1 isle, 1685. Tobago, Adresse a la France, 1791. Tocqueville, A. de. Memoir and let ters, 1862. Todd, A. Genealogy of, 1867. Toland, J. Dalrymple, G., Letter to Sherlock, 1718. P. 351. Some reflections, on, 1699. Toland, Works and life. " Christian belief, 1696. " Defence of himself, 1702. Toledo, Ohio. Toledo War of 1835. Toleration. Answer to a late pamphlet. 1687. Backus, I., Secular force in religion, 1779. Bowditch, Cath. Church on Jail lands, Bost., 1853. P. 548. Canning, G., Catholic emancipation. 1842. Capel, Unitarian Britain, 1828. P. 320. Cassan, Considerations against, 1828. Chandler^ Case of subscription, 1748. Cholmondeley, Doctor Codex, 1737. Christianity interested, 1821. Chubb s Writings, 1717-36. Clagett, N., A Perswasive, 1685. Clagett, W., The Difference of the Case, 1686. Collection of testimonies, 1790. Collins, Of Free-Thinking, 1713. TOLERATION. Toleration (continued). Conference Papist and Jew, 1678. Consid. moving to tol., 1685. Consid. on the state of subscription, 1774. Davis, G. L., Day-Star of Freedom, ! 1855. Debate, H. of Com., repeal of Test acts, 1790. P. 310. Defence of considerations, 1774. Defence of the charge of persecution, 1730. Defence of relig. liberty, 1825. Exam, of some arguments, 1712. Exclusion of Rothschild, 1850. .Expedient for peace, 1688. Delays Dangerous, 1739. Dispute Adjusted, 1732. Duncan, J., Persecutions for relig. opinion, 1825. Ellis, J., Narrative, Rehoboth, 1795. Evans, J., A preservative against un- charitableness. " Relig. liberty, 1811. P. 1560. Exposition of the Orthodox System, 1749. Findley, Obs. on " The two sons of oil," 1812. Fownes, J., Principles of, 1790. Forney, J. W., Address on relig. intol., 1855. Great Britain; Conformity, 1701. Gregoire, Liberte de Conscience a Haiti, 1824. Hammond, H., Disarmer s dexterities, 1656. Harvest, G., Letter to S. Chandler, 1749. Herttell, Relig. doctrines as qualif. of witnesses, 1828. P. 24. B. C. Hickes, G., Sermon, 1681. Hill, R., Parochial Assessments, 1811. P. 320. <( Freedom in danger. Hull, Eng., Proceedings of Dissenters. Humble Proposals, 1650. Hypocrisy Unmasked, 1776. Inconveniences of Toleration, 1667. Indulgence not Justified,(Perrinchief), 1668. P. 354. Jottrand, Les Eglises d Etat, 1849. Kent, W., Conviction of W. Rice, 1811. Letter on Toleration, 1808. Letters of Philopatris, 1819. Liberty the Support of Troth, 1732. Locke, J., Works, vol. 6, 1823. M Neile, State in Danger, 1846. P. 347. Mallet, J., Penal Laws, 1680. Marsh, H., Letter on, 1810. Mill, James, Principles of, 1837. Toleration (continued). Observations .... Rom. Cath. Subjects, 1817. O Leary, M., Essay on, 1785. P. 1476. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 318-320, 848, 1298, 1475-1477. B. C., 15. Paston, J., Penal Laws, 1688. Tax redux..the reconciler, 1689. Penal Laws, 1680. P. 1475. Penington, I., Liberty of Conscience, 1681. Penn, W., Treatise on Persecution, (Works), 1726. Philosopher, The, 1771. Porteous,W., The Doct. of Toleration, 1778. Potter, J., Charge to Clergy, 1719. Priestley, Letter to Pitt, 1787. Principles and Facts, 1856. Protestant Reconciler, 1683. Question.... admis. of Cath. to Parl., 1801. Ramsay, W., Rel. Liberty, 1856. Randerson, Refusal to bury, etc., 1847. Remarks on Liberty of Conscience, 1828. P. 10. B. C. Right of Prot. Dissenters, 1789. Roaf, On Head s Proclamation, 1838. P. 495. Robertson, J., Wolverhampton Case, 1818. P. 316. Sharpe, J., Serm. onConscience,1687, 1688. Some remarks, Exeter, N. H., 1823. P. 1477. South, R., Sermon, 1716. Short Answer to Buckingham, 1685. Steele, T., Iniquity of Oaths, 1829. Strong, Cyprian, Christian forbear ance, 1789. Sturges, On Subscription, 1772. Tate, Sermon, Matt. vii. 12. Taylor, J., Works, Lib. of prophesy ing, 1836. Toleration Act Explained, 1812. True liberty, 1677. Tucker, J., Relig. Intolerance, 1774. Turgot, Mernoire sur, (Euvres, 7. Underbill, Liberty of conscience, 1614- 1661. Vindicia) Britannicoj, Christophilus, 1821. Werenfels, Three Discourses, 1718. Whitman, B., Relig. liberty, 1830. William III, Of Lib. of Conscience, 1689. P. 408. Wordsworth, C., Relig. Liberty, 1850. P. 455. Se Conformity; Test Acts; Authority; Liberty; Persecution; Rom. Cath. Emancipation; Oaths. TRACTARIANISM. 579 Tolls on Railroads. Pam., v. 1248. Tomliiison, I)., Jr. Snell, T., Sermon on, 1811. To mm iso de Frignnno, Card. Ton- dini, Mem. Istoriche, 1782. Tompkins, D. Granger, Q., Speech on grant to, 1820. P. 530. Jenkins, J. S., Lives of the Gov. of, N. Y. M Intyre, A., Letter to, 1819. Tompkins, Letter to Mclntyre. Tompkins Co., N. Y. Direc y, 1868-9. Tone, T . W. Life of, Washington, 1826 London, 1828. Tonga Is. Mariner, W., Account of, 1818. Tonquin. Richards, History of, (Pink er ton, 9). (See Asia, Southern; China. Tooke, J. H. Trial of, 1795. Fellows, Junius s Posthumous Works. Life of. Fox, C. J., Plaintiff vs., 1792. Graham, J. A., Memoirs of, 1828. Paull, J., Refut. of Calumnies, 1807. P. 389. Review of the Const, of G. Br., 1791. P. 259. Stephens, A., Memoirs of, 1813. Topsfield, Mass. Cleaveland, Hist. Ad dress, 1850. Tornado. Brooks, Account of, Medford, 1851- See Meteorolgy. Toronto. Canada, Land Dep t Report, 1856. Toronto Almanac, 1839. Directory, 1837, 46. " Board of Trade, I860. P. 1661. " Hand Book, 1858. Torrey, C. T. Lovejoy, J. C., Memoir of, 1838. Torrey, F. P. Cruise of the Ohio, 1837. Torrey, J. Dole, G. T., Disc, on, 1851. P. 1612. Torrey, Mrs. M. Brigham, D., Funeral Discourse on, 1847. P. 1611. Torstenson, L. De Peyster, Lifa of, | 1855. Totten, J. G. Barnard, J. G., Eulogy on, Smithson. Rep., 1865. Tottenham, Eng. Robinson, W., Hist. of, 1840. Toulmin, Mrs. Lewis, W. G., Sermon, Death of, 1829. P. 380. Toulon, France. City documents, 1860- 1864. Tourists. See United States ; Geography. Toussaiut, P. See L Ouverture. Towgood, M. Manning, J., Life of, 1792. Towns. See Cities; Water. Townsend, H. In memoriam, 1867. Townsend, J. Memor. of, Albany, 1854. Townsend, J., H., and R. Memorial, genealogical, 1865. Towushend, E. Andrews, E., Sermon, Death of, 1340. P. 380. Towson, N. Life of, 1852. P. 494. Tractarianism. Allport, Serin., Jer. ix. 3, 1842. P. 378. Are the Innovations, etc.? 1840. Bennett, W., Letter to Lord Russell, 1850. P. 328. Bickersteth, Divine Warning, 1842. Bicknell, On Keble, 1841. " On Rev. I. Williams. Buchanan, J., Tracts for the Times, 1843. Conferences of the Reformers, 1841. Dibdin, T. F., Three Letters, 1843. Dodsworth, Remarks, 1850. Fish, H., Jesuitism traced in, 1842. P. 331. Garbett, J., The University, etc., 1845. P. 328. Hampden s Theol. statements, (Pu- sey), 1836. P. 330. Hardy, T., Priestcraft Exposed, 1838. Hildyard, W., Letter to A. T. C-irr, 1843. P. 330. Hopkins, J. H., On Tract No. 90, 1846. P. 543. Lee, C., Tractarian Teaching, 1853. P. 330. Letter to the Bishops, 1843. Marriott, C., Hints on Private Devo tion, 1848. P. 1740. Maskell, W., Two Letters on the High Church Party, 1850. Maurice, P., Popery in Oxford, 1833. P. 331. " Popery of Oxford repudi ated, 1837. Meade, W., Companion to the Font, 1846. Merle d Aubigne, Geneva and Oxford. Monro, E., Present Crisis, 1850. New Popular Rhymes, 1843. Newman, J. H., Letter to Jelf, 1841. P. 331. " Letter to Bp. of Oxford, 1841. P. 331. Palmer, W., Letter to Golightly, on Oxford Practices, 1842. " Exam, of Sibthorp s Reasons for Secession, 1842. 580 TRACTARIANISM. Tractarianism (continued). Palmer, W., Letter to W. P., on Auric ular Confession, etc., by Verax, 1841. " Narrative of Events, 1843. Pamphlets, vol. 330, 331, 776, 999, 1270, 1292. Paper Lantern, 1843. Pepys, H., Charges, 1842, etc. Perceval, A. P., Letter to T. Arnold, 1842. P. 306. Plain Sermons, 1839. Plain Words, 1842. Remarks upon the "Papal Aggres sion, 1851. P. 548. Sanderson, R. B., Stagnation of Trade, 1842. Ward, R., Jer. Taylor s Testimony, 1838. P. 331. Weaver, View of Puseyism. Willatjs, C., Monitory Address, 1848. Williams, A., Five Sermons, 1842. Worthington, J. W., Tr. Tendencies, 1850. See Church of England; Baptismal re generation; Hampden; Newman; Pusey; Ritualism; Tradition. Tracts. See Pamphlets. Tract Societies. Amor. Tract Society, Boston, Reports, 1827-52. " History of, 1857. Amer. Tract Society, N. Y., Reports, 1826-64. Appeal to Chr. Public, 1849. Canada Rel. Tr. Soo. Report, 1839. Hartford Tract Soc. 1859. Jay, W., Letters on, 1853, 59. Meth. Episc. Church, Tract Soc. Re ports, 1854-57. New Eng. Tr. Soc., Rep., 1821. N. Y. City Tract Soc., Rep s, 1849-56. Pamphlets, relating to, Vol. 297. Prot. Epis. Tr. Soc., N. Y., Reports, 1843, 44. Religious Tract Soc., Lond., Proc., 1800-20, 1848, 54. Soc. des Livres relig., Toulouse, 1853. Tracy. Family pedigree, Lond., 1854. Tracy, E. C. Byington, E. H., Funeral discourse, 1862. P. 1614. Trade. See Commerce ; Navigation ; Free Trade; Polit. Economy. Trades. Advertisements of, Pam. V. 618. Colwell, S., Claims of labor, 1861. Freedley, E. T., Leading pursuits of theU. S., 1856. Hints on the abuses of trade, 1827. Pamphlets relating to Trades, vol. 298. (See Arts; Labor; Social Science. Trades Unions. Albany Iron Moulders Coop. Assoc n, lM>f>. Builders Assoc n, London, 1834. Capital Cooperative Foundery Co.. 1868. Carpenters and Joiners Union, Const., Albany, 1864. P. 2520. Central Assoc n of Employers of En gineers, Lond., 1852. Character, etc. of, 1834. Coachmakers Internal. Union, 18G6. Co-operative League, 1852. Gen. Soc. of Mech. and Tradesmen, N. Y., Reports, 1862-68. Hotel Keepers Prov. Inst., London. Manual Labor vs. Machinery, London, 1834. Marriott, C., The Cooperative Prin ciple, 1855. Maskell, C., The Cooperative Prin ciple, 1855. P. 2501. Moore, E., Addr. Gen. Trades Union. N. Y., 1833. Nat. Assoc. for Soc. Sci. Rep., Trades Societies; Strikes, 1860. National Indust. Congr., 8th Proo., 1853. New York TypDg^. Soc., Const., 1848. Plumrner, J., Causes and evils of strikes. Smddlemakers Union, Albany, 1853, 1854. Samuelson, German workmen, 1869. Thurlow, Unions abroad, 1869. Workingmen s Coop. Ass n, Portland. 1864. See Labor; Mechanics Institutes; Wages. Tradition. Benson, C., Writings, Coll., 1832. Brett, T., Trad, necessary, 1718. Close, F., Writings, Coll., 1837-56. Daille, J., Right use of the Fathers. Hawkins, E., Sermon, 1818. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 897. Pearson, G., Doct. of Ch. of England, 1837. P. 331. Powell, B., Tradition unveiled, 1841. Russell, A. T., On Keble s Sermon, 1837. P. 331. Shuttleworth, P. N , Not Trad, but Scripture, 1841. Stillingfleet, Sermon on, 1687. Taylor, I., Transmission of Books, 1859. See Church; Tractarianism. Train, G. F. Speeches, 1862, 64. Transactions. See Scientific Societies. Transcendentalism. Coleridge, S. T., Aids to reflection, 1839, 47. Green, J. H., Spiritual Philos y, 1865. TREAT. Transcendentalism (continued). Greene, \V. B., Transcendentalism, 1849. Kant, E., Critique of pure reaion, 1855. Wirginan, T., Principles of Transcen., Phil. Pamph r 23. SeeNature; Philosophy; Supernatural. Translations. Clarke, J., Usefulness of, 1734. P. 1764. Cubi y Soler, On translations. Tytler, Principles of, 1813. See Language; Classical Literature. Transportation. See Punishments; Convicts. Transubstantiation. Aylmer, Serm., 2 Pet. ii. 1, 1713. P. 265. Cahill, Rev. Dr., Lecture, The Holy Eucharist, 1860. Clagett, On John 6th, 1686. P. 356. Jenkins, R. C., Difficulties of, 1843. P. 1501. Leon, The Miraculous Host, 1822. P. 1554. Marsh, W. T., A Sermon, 1846. Pamphlets regarding, vol. 1249. Parker, S., Reasons for .. ..Test, 16S8. Payne, W., Adoration of the Host, 1685. P. 356. Piers, 0., Not Doct. of Church of Eng land, 1S36. P. 348. Tillotson, Disc, against, 1684. Transubstantiation, (Goodman), 1688. See Communion ; Rom. Cath. Church. Transylvania. Boner, Its people, 1865. Paget, Hungary and Transyl., 1839. Paton, The Goth and Hun, 1851. See Hungary ; Roumania. Trapnell, J. Trial of, 1847. Trapping. Newhouse, S., Trapper s Guide, 1867. Travels, Miscellaneous. Adams, J., Flowers of, 1797. Carletti, Ragionamenti, 1701. Carver, J., New Univ. traveller, 1779. Charton, Tour du Monde, 1861, 62. Clarke, E., Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, 1816-24. Costello, Jacques Coaur, 1847. Evliya, Narrative of Travels, 1834. Foster s Cabinet Miscellany, 1836. Hall, B., Patchwork, 1841. Harriot, J., Travels and adventures of, 1807. Hoffman, The Monitor, 1862. Houstoun, Works, Mem. of his travels, 1690-1753. Jenkinson. Reys, 1558. Johnson, J., Philosophy of, 1831. Travels, Miscellaneous (continued). La Motraye, Tr. through Europe, Asia and Africa, 1723. Langsdorff, Voy. and Trav., 1803-7. Martinrau, How to Observe, 1838. B.C. Mavor, General Collection of, 1810. Melton, Zee-en Land Reizen, 1660-77. Minturn, N. Y. to Delhi, 1858. Mocquet, Trav. in Afr., Asia and Am., 1696. Over the Ocean : by a Lady, 1846. Pages, Travels round the World, 1767- 1779. Pfeiffer, Last Travels, 1861. Portfolio, 1812. Pumpelly, Across America and Asia, 1870. Rapelye, Excursions, 1834. Sargent, E., American Adventure, 1847. Simpson, Sir G., Overland Journey around the World, 1841-42. Smith, Capt. J., Trav. in Eur., Asia, Afr. and Am., 1593-1629. Smith, T. W., Narrative of Life, tra vels, etc., 1844. Taylor, B., At Home and Abroad, I860. Thompson, E., Sailor s Letters, 1766. Wheeler, D., Journals of, 1835. P. 1212. See Voyages, Collections of, and tra vels; and the several countries; Geography. Travers, S. S. Pedigrees of Family, 1864. Treacher, B. Bulkley, C., Sermon on, 1766. Treadmill. See Punishments. Treadwell, J. Olmsted, D., Memoir of. Porter, N., Fun. Sermon, 1823. Treason. Earbery, Hist, of Clemency, 1715. P. 1518. Holcroft, T., Defence on Prosecution for, 1795. P. 412. Jenkins, D., The Armies Indemnity, 1647. Joyce, J., His Arrest for, 1794. P. 1545. Method of the Proceedings in Im peachments, 1715. P. 1520. Plowden, F., Rights of Subjects, 1784, 1785. Rocks and Shallows discovered. ..billi of attainder, 1716. P. 1399. Wilkes, M., Athaliah, Trials for Trea son, 1795, P. 320. Wilson, W. D., Attainder of Treason, 1863. See Rebellion. Treat, Capt. J. Vindic. of, 1815. 582 TREATIES. Treaties. Austria: Treaties with Tur key, in Turkish. Bianchi, Guide: Traites de la Tur- quie aveo la France. Brief Enquiry ink) leagues. P. 409. British Treaty with America, and Ap pendix, 1808. Great Britain, Treaty with France, 1713. " Treaties of 1748, 1762. Jay, J., Treaty, 1795. Johnson, Sir W., Indian Treaties, 1755, 56. Rousset, Recueil d Actes, etc., 1728- 1755. " Interets de PEurope, 1741. Some Remarks on the Barrier Treaty, 1712. See Diplomacy; and Law Library. Trees. Cooper, J. G., Forests of North America, Smithson. Rep., 1858. Downing, A. J., Fruit Trees of Amer., 1845. > Duhamel, Culture des arbres, 1760. Evelyn, J., Sylva, Disc, of forest trees, 1811. Frost, E. C., Rural Surroundings, N. Y. Agr. Soc. Trans., 1865. Layman, W., Forests and timber, 1813. London, Trees of Gr. Brit., 1838. Marsh, G. P., Man and Nature, 1864. Michaux, Chenes de 1 Amerique, 1811. " North Am. Sylva, 1819. Nuttall, North Am. Sylva, 1849. Rafinesque, Trees of North Am., 1838. Robinson, Parks of Paris, 1869. Wade, E., Plantations of, 1755. Watson, W. C., Influence of forests, N. Y. Agr. Soo. Trans., 1865. Wisconsin, Report on destruction of, 1867. P. 1686. See Agriculture; Botany; Horticul ture; Parks. T remain, F. L. Memorial of, 1865. Trenck, Baron F. Life of. Trent, Council of. Bungener, Hist, of Council of. Sarpi, Historia del Concilio, 1660. " Historie of the Councel, 1620. See Roman Catholic Church. Trent, Ship. Case of the Seizure, 1861, 1862. Smith, P. A., Seizure of, Lond., 1862. P. 1593. U. S., Diplom. corresp., 1861-62. Trenton, N. J. Hall, J., History of Presb. Church, 1859. Southard, S. L., Centen. address,1832. Trenton Directory, 1857. Trenton Falls, N. Y. Wanderer, The, By Aroowar, 1828. Willis, N. P., Description of, 1851. Trevelyan Papers, 1558-1663. Cam- dem Soc. Pub., 1863. TreTes. Anthon, Pilgrimage to, 1844. Caumont, Antiquites de. Laing s Notes on, 1846. Ronge, The Holy Coat, 1845. Trials* Andre, J., Proceedings of gen. officers, 1780. Aram, Eugene, Trial and life, 1842. " Trial, Pam r 23: P. 873. Arnot, Trials in Scotland, 1536-1784. Beale, R., Report of Trial of Comm. Porter, 1825. Blanchard, J. H., Whitelocke s Court Martial, 1808. Bright, M., Phil a, 1809. Cobbett, W., Mary A. Tocker s Trial, N. Y., 1818. Cooper, J. F., On Mackenzie s Court Martial, 1844. Craik, G. L., English Causes celebrei, 1840. Croswell, H., Libel on T. Jefferson, 1804. P. 45. Curran, J. P., Speeches in Irish trials, 1805. B. C. Feuerbach, Remarkable Criminal, 1846. Gardner, Maj. C. K., Court Martial on, 1816. Gibbons vs. Ogdcn, Steamboat Contro versy, 1824. P. 13. .Gordon, C., Court Martial, London, 1783. Great Britain, Tryal of the Lords, 1679. Harmar, Gen., Exped. against Miami Indians, 1790. Holcroft, T., For High Treason, 1795. P. 412. Jardine, D., Narr. of Gunpowder plot. " Criminal Trials. Lambert and Perry, with Cobbett s, 1810. P. 7. B. C. Lloyd, Trial of A. Addison, 1803. P. II. Loring, Capt. S., Exhib. of Facts on, 1806. P. 33. Mackenzie, Case of the Somers mu tiny, 1843. Maffit, J. N., Buckingham acquitted, 1829. P. 56. Marshall, Rev. G., Trial of, PhiPa, 1843. Nichols, J. and N., for Murder, 1794. P. 1011. Paget, J., Letter on Talbot vs. Talbot, 1855. P. 1526. Paine, T., Libel, 1793. Palmer, W., Life, and Remarki on trial of, 1856. TRINITY CHURCH. 583 Trials (continued). Pamphlets, Vola. 577, 714, 873, 882. B. C. 7. Pennsylvania, vs. John Smith, 1809. Peltier, Libel on Napoleon I, 1803. B. C. Phillips, Capt. I., U. S. Navy, 1825. Pillow s, Gen., Defence, 1848. Porter, D., Foxardo Expedition, 1825. Sampson, W., Trial of Lieut. Ren- shaw, 1809. P. 4. B. C. Tyng, S. H., jr., Trial, N. Y., 1868. Warren, S., Miscellanies. Wheeler, E., Trial, 1805. P. 36. Williams, J., Murder, Boston, 1819. See Capital Punishment; Law Library Catalogue. Trinidad, W. Indies. Adam, T., Fare well Sermon. Burnley, Observ. on, 1842. Gr. Brit., Geol. Survey of T., Wall, 1860. Kingsley, C., At Last, 1871. Marryatt, J., Speech on, 1822. Peck, N., Report on, 1840. Picton, A Letter on, 1804. Political Acc t of, 1807. Stephens, Crisis of the Sugar Colonies, 1802. Trinity. Burgess, T., Writings, 1820-35. Burgh, W., Answer to Lindsey. Burnet, G., Judgment on, 1732. Calm and Sober Inquiry, 1694. Christian Layman, 1842. Christian Liberty asserted, 1734. Clayton, R., Essay on Spirit, 1751. Coningsby, G., Sermon, Rom. i. 22. Consid. on the Explications of, 1694. Cornelius, E., Sermon on, 1826. Craig, R., Treatise on, 1828. Doctrine of the blessed, 1719. Doctrine of, (Evanson), 1772. Doctrine of, 1768. P. 312. Emlyn, On 1 John, 5, 7, 1719. P. 313. Eveleigh, Sermon, Zech. ii. 8-11, 1796. P. 313. Essay on Religion, 1734. P. 444. Essay towards Demonstration of, 1738. Evans, J., Letter to Mr. Gumming, 1722. P. 341. Forrest, J., Acc t of origin of Trin. theology, 1836. Greene, W. B., The Doctrine of, 1847. P. 295. Hawkins, J., Address to Dr. Priestley, 1788. P. 315. Haywood, W., Exam, of Dr. Clarke s Doct., 1719. P. 312. Howell, W., Sermon on 1 John, 5. 7, 1711. P. 365. Trinity (continued). Huntingford, G. I., Thoughts on, 1804. Jackson, J., Exam, of Nye, 1715. Jones, W., The Doctrine proved, 1795. Letter to the Rev. Dr. Watcrland, 1722. P. 353. Lindsey, T., Writings, Coll., 1774-88. Martin, Exam- of Emlyn on John V, 1719. Newton, W., Curiosity in Religion, 1725. P. 312. Nolan, Vind. of Bampton Lect., 1817. P. 303. Obs.on Dr. Waterland, (Clarke), 1724. P. 353. Pamphlets relating to the Trinity, vols. 311, 312, 353, 1250, 1620. Prim. Chri ty vindicated, 1712. Randolph, T., Vindication of, 1754. Remarks on Dr. Waterland s Defense, 1723. P. 353. Remarks upon a late Dissertation,1726. Reply to the 2d defence, 1795 Resignation no Proof, 1776. P. 315. Richardson, J., Athanasian Creed, 1822. P. 304. Rowles, S., Remarkson Priestley,1784. Some Considerations, 1721. P. 312. Toulmin, J., Doct. of Unity, 1802. P. 316. Treatise of, 1748. P. 312. Two Letters, 1688. P. 357. Two Schemes of, 1793. P. 652. Vaillant, J., Scripture compared with, 1819. Waterland, D., Arian Subscription, 1721. (< Hist, of the Controversy, 1736. Wells, E., Letter to Clarke, 1713. Williams, J., Vindication, 1695. Williams, J., Sermon, Conn., 1850. Wilson, J., Doctrine considered, 1835. Whiston, W., The Doxologies, 1719. P. 314. " Historical preface, 1711. " Collec. of anc. monuments on, 1713. Whitaker, E. W., Four Dialogues, 1786. Worcester, N., Bible News, 1812. See Arians; Christ; Unitarians. Trinity Church, N. Y. Apol. for rote on the Bishop, 1859. Berrian, W., Hist, of, 1847. tf Semi-centenn. Sermon, 1860. " Report on state of, 1856. Boorman, J., Letter to, 1855. Church of Holy Evan., Rep. on, 1860. Hobart, The Charter of, defended, I 1813. 584 TRINITY CHURCH. Trinity Church, N. Y. (continued). Jans, Anneke, and Tr. Ch., Title of, 1857. Jay, W., Letter to Berrian, 1856. N. Y., Leg. Debates on, Brooks, Sick les, 1857. Redfield, I. F., Power to Modify the charter, 1858. Trinity Church, A Collection of Re ports and Pamphlets, 1814-1861, 4 v. Troup, Remarks on bill, 1813. Vinton, F., Arg., Exten. of Albany St., 1858. What ought the N. Y. Dioeese to do ? 1845. P. 203. Trinity College, Conn. Remarks on Washington Coll., 1825. P. 222. Trinity Coll., Annual Catalogues, 1847, 57, :8, 64, 66, 67. " Triennial Cats., 1855, 71. Tripoli, Africa. Mackenzie, Life of Decatur. Ray, W., Horrors of Slavery, 1808. Tully, Letters from, 1819. See Africa, North. Tromp, M. H. Barentz, Journael, 1639. Trotman, N. Barber, J., Serin., Death of, 1793. P. 381. Troubadours. Fauriel, C. C., History of Provei^al Poetry, 1860. Raynouard, F. J. M., Choix des Poe sies des troubadours, 1819-21. t( Lexique Roman : Gram- maire, 1844. Troup, G. M. Life of. Tronson Du Coudray, P. C. J. B. Senior, N. W., Biog. Sketches, 1863. Troy, Asia Minor. Chandler, Hist, of, 1802. Dictys Cretensis, De Bello Trojae, 1702. Iscahus, Do Bello Trojano. Tryphiodorus, Destruction of, 1739. f( Ilii excidium, 1741. Virgil, Destruct. of, Essay on Virgil, 1656. See Homer. Troy, N. Y. Buel, D., Troy for 50 years, 1841. P. 11. Northern Budget, Newsp., 1802-3. Trojan Sketch Book, 1846. Troy ; Chamberlain s Reports, 1838, 40, 1843, 48, 49, 51-54, 67, 68. Troy Directories, 1829, 40-46, 48, 50- 1869. Troy, First Presb. Church, Divisions, 1827. Woodworth, Reminiscences of, 1790- 1807. True Ref. Dutch Ch. Patilison, On Union with, 1831. Trumbull, II. C. The Knightly Soldier, 1865. Trumbull, John. Autobiography and Letters, 1841. Trumbull, Jonathan. Dwight, T., Discourse on, 1809. Ely, Z., Sermon on, 1786. Stuart, I. W., Life of, 1859. Trumbull, J., Sketch of. Truth. Cotes, H., A Sixth Sense, Truth, 1817. Drake, F., Nat. of falsehood, 1760. Snelling, J. W., Truth, a poem. See Essays; Knowledge. Trnxillo. Young, T., Account of, 1842. Tryon Co., N. Y. Campbell, W. W., Annals of, 1831. Tubbee, O. Life of, 1848. Tucker, G. J. Refut. of Sickles, 1858. Tucker, Dean J. Public Characters, v. I. Tucker, S. Sheppard, Life of, 1868. Tudor, W. Carey, M., Address to, 1821. Loring, J. S., Lives of 100 Boston Orators, 1852. Tufton. Family history, (Pocock), 1800. Tuft s College, Mass. Catalogues, 1864-67. Horsey, Claims of, 1856. Tuke, II. Murray, L., Life of. P. 924. Tully, W. Bronson, H., Biog. notice of. Tunis. Davis, N. Carthage, 1861. Eaton, W., Life of, 1813. France: Algeria, Descrip. T. xvi. Jowett, Greaves s Journal, 1826. Perry, A., Carthage and Tunis, past and present, 1869. See Africa, North. Turell, J. Colman, Serm. on, and life of, 1735. Turgot, A. JR. J. CEuvres et Vie, 1811. Condorcet, Vie de, (Euvres, v. 5. Turin. See Sardinia; Piedmont. Turkey. Ainsworth, W. F., Travels in Asia Minor, 1842. Arundell, Discov. in Asia Minor, 1834. Aucher, Voyages en, 1843. Austria, Treaties with, in Turkish. Baltazzi, Reponse a Moussa Pasha, 1844. Baltimore, Lord, Tour to the East, 1763. Barker, VV. B., Lares and Penates, or Cilicia, 1853. TURKEY. f.sf, Turkey (continued). Blount, II., Voy. to the Levant. Pin- kerton, 10. British diplora. and Turk, independ ence, 1838. Browne, J. R., Yuaef, or the journey, 1853. Buckingham, J. S., Travels in, 1827. Carlisle, Earl of, Diary in Turkish waters, 1854. Chalcondile, Hist, de 1 etablissement de, 1650. Charriere, Negociations dans le Levant, 1848. Chateaubriand, Travels in, 1806, 07. Chesney, The Russo-Turk. Campaigns, 1828. Chishull, E., Sermon, Levant Comp , 1698. " Travels in, 1747. Christian, J. H. L., Cry from empty lands of, 1854. Cobden, R., Sultan Mahmoud; 3 let ters, 1835. Colton, W., Land and Lee, 1850. Combi, Guerra a Venetia, 1645. Costumes of Turkey, 1814. Cox, S. S., A Buckeye abroad, 1852. Crowe, The Greek and Turk, 1853. Crusius, Turco-Graecias viii lib., 1584. Darner, Mrs. H., Diary of a tour, 1842. Dekay, J. E., Sketches of, 1831, 32. Du Cros, Voyages de Ville, 1669. Durbin, Observations in the East, 1845. Eardley, Christianity in, 1855. Egnatius, De origine Turcarum, 1633. Finlay, G., Hist, of Greece and empire of Trt-bizond, 1204-1461, 1851. " Hist, of Greece under Othman domination, 1856. Fontanier, Voy. en Orient, 1821-33. Formby, H., Visit to the East, 1845. Churchman s Library. Forsyth, Few Monthsin the East,1861. Fowler, Hist, of War with Russia, 1855. France, Discussion dans les chainbres, 1840. Fraser, Journal, from Constantinople to Tehran, 1838. Gait s Travels, 1809-1811. Gaudry, Recherches en Orient, 1853- 1854. Gilson, Czar and Sultan, 1852. Goodell, W., The Old and New, 1853. Grassi, Charte Turque, 1825. Great Britain, Turkey; Eastern Pa pers, 1854. Grey, Earl, Speech on, 1855. Griffith, Jour, across the desert, 1845, Hammer, Storia dell Impero Ottomano, 1828-31. 74 Turkey (continued). Hawes, J., Religion of the East, 1845. Hints on the East, question, 1853. Hist, of War in Bosnia, 1737-39. Hobhrmse, J. C., Journey through Albania, etc., 1813. Horton, T. G., People and gov t of, 1854. P. 1479. Keppel, G., Across the Balcan, and to ruins in Asia Minor, 1829. Kinglake, J. A., Eothen, 1845. Kinnear, J. G., Cairo, Petra and Da mascus, 1839. Kinneir, J. M., Tour through Asia Minor, etc., 1818. Ivnolles, R., Historic of the Turkes, 1603. La Brocquiere, B. de, Travels to Pal estine, 1432-33. La Croix, J. Fr. de, Abrege de 1 his- toire de, 1768. Lake, W. M., Geog. Tour in Asia Minor. Lamartine, A. de, Hist, of Turkey, 1855. Laurent, P. E., Classical Tour, 1819. Lavenden, Travels to Syria and Asia Minor, 1605. Churchill, Supp. Leunclavius, Ann. Sultanorum Othma- nidarum, 1588. Livingston, E., Speech on Mission to, 1831. Lucas, P., Voyage dans, 1720. Macarius, Patriarch, Travels, Orient. Trans. Fund, 1836. MacFarlane, C., Turkey and its Des tiny, 1847, 48. Madden, R. R., The Turkish Empire, 1862. Martineau, H., Eastern life, 1848. Moltke, Russians in Roumelia, 1828. Monro, V., Ramble in Syria and to Stainboul, 1835. Montague, Lady, Letters during trav els, 1743, 66, 1837. Morris, E. J., The Turkish Empire, 1855. " Tour through, and Egypt, 1842. Mouriez, Des int^rets Europeens,1842. Naima, Annals of, 1591-1659, Orient. Trans fund, 1832. Nicholay, Travels in Turkey, 1550. Nioolay, Voyages en, 1577. Nogues, L independance de, 1852. Oriental Museum, Lond.. 1854. P. 1479. Oscanyan, C., The Sultan.... 1857. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 825, 1479. Pococke, R., Travels in the East, (Pinkerton, 10). Porter, Sir J., Obs. on the Turks,1771. 586 TURKEY. Turkey (continued). Porter, Sir J., Aanmerkingen, 1770. Powers of Europe and the great quar rel, 1855. Ranke, L., Ottoman Emp. in 16th and ;7th Centuries, 1845. Ray, J., Coll. of Voyages, 1693, (Rau- wolff). Reid, J., Turkey and the Turks, 1846. Ricaut, Hist, of Turk. Emp., 1623-77. Robertus, Christ. Prin. Bello contra Turcas, 1088. Rolamb, Journey to Constantinople, (Churchill). Russell, W. H., The War to the death of Raglan, 1855. Sal name, (Almanac), 1269, A. H. Sandwith, H., Siege of Ears, 1856. " Hekim Bashi, 1864. Sandys, G., Rel. of a journey, 1621. Schneider, Mrs., Letters from Broosa, 1846. Slade, A., Sketches of trav., 1828-31. Smith, J. V. C., Travels in, 1852. Southgate, H., Visit to Syrian church, 1844. Spon, J., Voy. du Levant, 1675. S trangford, S . S . , Lord, Wri tings, 1870 . Thevenot, M., Voyages, 1683. Thomson, C., Asia, Holy Land and Egypt, 1810. Tott, Baron de, State of, 1785. Tournefort, Voyage du Levant, 1718. Turkey, Charte. P. 227, 1104. " Manifesto, 1853. Ubicini, Lettres sur, 1851. United, The, States and Turkey, 1868. Urquhart, D., Resources of, and free trade, 1833. Van Lennep, H. J., Travels in Asia Minor, 1870. Vassif, Guerre oontro les Russes, 1769. Walpole, F., The Ansayrii and Travels, 1851. See Albania; Armenia; Asia, West.; Constantinople ; Crimean War ; Egypt; Mohammedanism; Pales tine; Slaronians; Syria; Walla- chia. Turkish Literature. See Oriental Lit. ; Language. Turkish Newspapers. Courrierde Con stantinople, 1847-55. Impartial, L, Smyrne, 1855. Jeridei Havadis, Constantinople, 1848- 1854. Journal Asiat. de Constantinople,1852. P. 1485. Journal de Constantinople, 1846-56. Levant Herald, Constantinople, 1863- 1865, Odd Numbers. Turkish Newspapers (continued). Moniteur Ottoman, 1831-36. Presse d Orient, 1855. Turnbull, J. Brewer, S. K., Letter to, 1827. P. 1379. Turner, D. Evans. J., Sermon on, 1798. Turner, II. Turner, J., Descendants of, 1852. Turner, Mrs. J. Memoir, 1827. Turner, S. H. Autobiography, 1863. Turner, T. Chishull, E., Sermon, 1714. Turner, W. Wood, W., Fun. Discourse, 1794. Turnip. Commerell, Bericht .... of Man- gel-Wortel, 1789. P. 205. Turrettin, J. A. Clarke, Jos., Reply, 1749. P. 299. Tuscany. Almanacco Tos., 1846. Burke, E., Peep into, 1853. Cosmo III, Travels and Life, 1821. Crawford, M. S., Life in, 1859. France: Docts. ined., 1859, Ncgocia- tions avec. Gray, Mrs., Sepulchres of Etruria, 1840. Trollope, T. A., Hist, of Florence to 1531, 1865. Tuscany, Rapporto dell Esposiziono indust., 1850, 54. See Etruria; Florence. Tweddell, J. Hunt, P., Literary Re mains of. Twickenham, lint;. Richmond Hand book. Tyler, Pres. J. Life of, 1844. Confed. Congr., Proc. Death of, 1862. Who and what is ? 1843. Tyng, D. A . Tyng, S. H., Memorial of, 1858. Tyng, S. H., Jr. Trial of, ISfiS. Typography. See Bibliography; En graving; Lithography; Block Booka. AMERICAN TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY, ETC. Buckingham, Personal Memoirs, 1850. tf Specimens of Newsp. lit erature, 1850. Follett, History of the Press of West. N. Y., 1847. Munsell, Typog. miscellany, 1850. New Hampshire Celebration, 1856. New York Typograph Soc., 1850. Pamphlets containing early printing, vol. 603. Thomas, History of printing in Arner., 1810. TYPOGRAPHY. 587 Typography! AMERICAN TYPOGRAPHI CAL HISTORY, ETC. (continued). Troy Typog. Assoc n. Celeb. Wisconsin Editor. Ass n, 1857-70. Wallace, J. W., Address on W. Brad ford. ART* OP TYPOGRAPHY. Adams, T. F., Typographia, 1845. Auer, Raumverhjiltniss der Buchsta- ben, 1849. " Das Unser Vater in 608 lang., 1847. " Naturselbstdruck, 1854. Bertrand, Traite de, 1798. Bodoni, Manuale tipog., 1818. Brun, Manuel de la typog. Fran^aise, 1826. " Handbuch der Buchdrucker- kunst, 1828. Camus, Hist, du polytypage ct dc la stereotype, 1802. Crapelet, Etudes pratiques, 1837. ft De la prof. d Impriraeur, 1840. Donlevy, The Graphic Arts, 1854. Fertel, La science pratique de, 1423. Fournier, H., Traite de la typographic, 1758. " Manuel typographique,1764. Grattan, Printer s companion, 1846. Gr. Brit., Patents on printing to 1859. Guignes, Principes de composition ori- entale, 1790. Hansard, Treatise on Printing and Typefounding, 1841. Hoe, Printing Machinea. Hoogvtiet, Lof der Drukkunste, 1740. Johnson, H., Introd. to Logography, 1783. " Tangible typography. Johnson, J., Typographia, 1824. Kortebrant, Lof der Drukkunste, 1740. Long, T., Printing Machines. Luce, Essai d une nouvelle typoer., 1740-70. Luckombe, Hist, and progress of, 1770. Momoro, Traite elementaire, 1793. Moxon, Mechanick exercises, 1677-83. Palmer, E., Glyphography. P. 1235. Partington, Printer s guide, Lond. P. 1222. Peignot, Diet, de bibliol., 1802, 04. Saundera, F., Print, ass t, 1839. Savage, W., Decorative printing,1822. " Diet, of Printing, 1841. Smith, Printer s grammar, 1755. Slower, Printer s grammar, 1808. Timperley, Printer s manual, 1838. Trumbull, Pocket typographia, 1846. Type Machine Co., 1862. Typography: ART or TYPOGRAPHY (con- . tinued). Vin9ard, L Art du typographe, 1823. Wcstreenen, Imprimerie Stereotype, 1833. Wolf, Monum. typog. v. 1, Elenchus, 1740. See Lithography ; Stereotype. AUGSBURG. See Bibliography. I BAMBERG. See Bibliography. I BELGIUM. See Bibliography, Belgium. BIBLIOGRAPHY OP TYPOGRAPHY. Delan- dine, Mem. Bibliog., 1817. Dupont, Hist, de I imprimerie, 1854. Namur, Bibliog. paleog. bibliol., 1838. Peignot, Repert. bibhog., 1812. Renounrd, Cat. de sa bibliot., 1854. Schubarth, Repert. der techn. Litera- tur, 1823. BIOGRAPHIES OF PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, ETC. Amoretti, Lett. s. d Aldo Manuzio. Baillet, Jugemens des Savans, 1730. Beloe, v. 3, Early Printers, 1807. Blancken, Bildnisse, 1725. Buckingham, Personal Memoirs, 1852. Dolet, E., Vie de. Dunton, Life and Errors, 1818. Falkenstein, Gesch. der Buchdrucker- kunst, 1840. Fifty Years Recollections. 1837. Gent, The Life of, 1832. Hansard, Biography of Luke Hansard, 1829. Hartzheim, Bibliot. Coloniensis, 1747. Hillard, Mem. of J. Brown, 1856. Hutton, Life of, by himself, 1816. Iseghem, Biog. de Martens, 1852. Johnson, Typographia, 1824. Kerr, Life of Smellie, 1811. Kervin, Bibliophiles Flamands, 1853. Lackington, Confessions of, 1804. La Serna Santander, Diet., Impri- rneurs, 1805-7. Maittaire, Hist. Typog. Parisiensium, Malaspina, Cat. di Starape, 1824. Nichols, Anecdotes of W. Bowyer, 1782. Nodier, Vie de: Par Wey, 1844. Oettinger, Bibliographic Biographique Univ., 1854. Perthes, C. T., Memoirs of, 1789-1843. Reutne, Imprimeurs Beiges, 1848. Saxius, Hist. Lit. Typ. Mediolan., 1665. Teissier, Catalogus Auctorum, 1688. Timperley, Encyc. of Typ. Anecd.. 1842. 588 TYPOGRAPHY. Typography! BIOGRAPHIES CF PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, ETC. (continued). Zeltner, Von dem Leben J. Luffts,1727. See Caxton, W. ; Coster, L. J.; Gu tenberg, J.; Bibliography; Biog raphy of Printers. BLOCK-BOOKS. Ottley, Inv. of Prin. and Block-books, 1863. Russia, Cat. Xylographes, 1852. Sotheby, Principia Typographies, 1858. Varusoltis, Xylographie Troyennc. See History; and Engraving. CAXTON, W. Dibdin, Bibl. Spencer., V. 4, 1815. Dibdin, Typ. Antiq., V. 1, 1810. Knight, C., The Old Printer, 1854. Lewis, Life of, 1737. COSTER, L. J. Kortebrand, Lof der Druk- kunst, 1740. Loosjes, Gedenkschriften, 1824. Vries, A. De, Notice sur le Speculum, 1841. See Bibliography, and Haarlem. ENGLISH TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Ames, Typ. Antiquities, 1749. Atkyns, Origin of Printing, 1664. Baskett, Case of, vs. Parson, 1720. Blackstone, W., Clarendon press. Clarigny, Hist. de.. en Angleterre, 1857. Cranvrell, Books before 1600 at Cam bridge. Dibdin, Bibliot. Sperceriana, V. 4, 1815. Typ. ant. of England, Scot land and Ireland, 1810-19. Fifty Years recollections, 1837. Qreswell, Annals of Parisian Typog., 1818. Herbert, Typ. Ant. of Great Britain, 1471-1600. Johnson, Typographia, 1824. Knight, C., The Old Printer and Mod. Press, 1854. Lemoine, Typog. antiquities, 1797. Middleton, Disserta., 1776, (Bowyer). Palmer, Hist, of Printing, 1733. Singer, Book printed, Oxford, 1468. Titnperley, Encyc. of Typog. Anec dote, 1842. See Caxton, W. ; History of Typog. FESTIVALS (CENTENNIAL) OF PRINTING. Clessen, J. J., Drittes Jubel-fest. Falkenstein, Geschichte, 1840. Lcssern, Typog. Jubilans, 1740. Loosjes, Gedenkschriften, 1823. Schmidt, Danckpredigten, 1640. Seiz, Annus tertius suec. Inven. Typ., 1742. See Origin; Haarlem; Strasbourg; May Typography (continued). FRENCH TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Crape- let, Des Brevets d lmpri- meur, 1704-1840. " Imprimerie en France, 1836. Delandine, Cat. de la bibl. de Lyon, 1818. Dupont, Hist, de 1 Impriinerie, 1854. Frere, De 1 imprim. a Rouen, 1843. " Bibliog. Normand, 1858-60. Greswell, Annals of Parisian typoe., 1818. " Early Greek Press at Paris, 1833. Laborde, L Impr. a Strasbourg, 1439. Maittairo, Hist. Typog. Parisiensium, 1717. Monfalcon, Hist, de Lyon, 1851. Notice de I lmprimerio Roy. a Paris, 1842. See Paris; Strasbourg; Origin; Bibli ography. GAZETTEERS OF TYPOGRAPHY. Clarke, Bibl. Misc ,V. 2, 1806. Cotton, Typog. Gazetteer, 1st series, 1831: 2d series, 1866. Falkenstein, Geschichte, 1840. La Serna Santander, Dictionnaire, V. 1, 1805. Namur, Man. du Bibliothecaire, 1834. Peignot, Diet, de Bibliologie, 1802. GERMAN TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Denis, Wiens Buchdruckergeschichte, 1782. " Geschichte der k. k. Druckerei in Wien. Hlipfauer, Druckstiicke aus dem XT Jahrhunderte, 1794. Hassler, K., Buchdrucker-geschichto Ului , 1840. Jaeck, Beschreibung der bib. zu Bain- berg, 1831-35. Kirchhoff, Gesch. der Deutschen Buch- handels, 1857. Mezger, Augsburg s Druckdenkmale. Panzer, Annales Typographic!. Zapf, Augsburg s Buchdruckergesch., 1786. Zeltner, Kurz historic, J. Lufft, 1727. See Bibliography; Augsburg; Jlamberg; Bewrberg; Erlungen;. Mayence. GREEK. Bowyer, Hist, of Printing, 1776. Greswell, Hist- of Greek Press, 1833. See Bibliography. GUTENBERG, J., His Acts, 1860. Koehler, Urkunden J. Guttenbergs. . . 1741. Nee de la Rochelle, Elogo de : 1811 Winaricky, Jean Gutenberg, 1847. Zapf, yElteste Buchdruckergeschicht> 1790. TYPOGRAPHY. 589 Typography (continued). HAARLEM. Bowyer, Hist, of Printing, 1776. Holtrop, Mon. typ. des Pays Bas,1858- 1861.. Kocncn, Voorlezigen, 1856. Kortebrand, Lof der Drukkunst, 1740. Lichtenbcrger, Initia Typog., 1811. Loosjes, Gcdenkschriften, 1824. Meerrnan,Conspectu30rig.Typog.,1761. " OriginesTypographicae,1765. j Seiz, Annus tertius saec. Inven. Typ , 1742. Vries, A. De, Eolaircissement, 1823. " Guichard s notice, 1841. Westreenen van Tiellandt. Boekdruk- kunst in Nederland, 1829. B. C. HISTORY OF TYPOGRAPHY. Alnander, Artis Typ. in Svecise, 1725. Ames, Typog. Antiq., 1471-1600. Baiilet, Jugemens, V. 1, 1722. Bagford s Essay, 1707. Brunei, Imprimeurs imaginaH-es, 1866. Clarigny, Hi&t de....en Angleterre, 1857. Corbelli, Einfluss auf die Wissenschaf- | ten, 1779. Cotton, Typog. Gazetteer, 1831, 66. Crapelet, Des Progrcs de, au XVI Sieclfe, 1836. " Des brevets d imprimeur, 1704-40. Denis, Wicns Buckdruckergeschichte, 1782. Dibdin, Bibliog. Decameron, 1817. Delandine, Cat. de la Bibl. de Lyon, 1818. Dupont, Hist, de I imprimerie, 1854. Falkenstein, Gesch. der Buchdrucker- kunste, 1840. Frere, De 1 Imprim. a Rouen, 1843. Greswell, Annals of Parisian Typog., 1818. Hassler, K., Buchdrucker-geschichte Ulm s, 1840. Herbert, Typog. ant. of Great Britain, j 1471-1600. Hoffman, De Typog. in Reg. Poloniae, 1740. Jaeck, Beschreibung der Bib. zu Bam- berg, 1831-35. Johnson, Typographia, 1824. Kirchhoff, Gesch. der Deutschen Buch- handels, 1857. La Serna Santander, Dictionnaire, 1805-07. Lemoine, Typog. Antiquities, 1797. Luckorabe. History of, 1770. Maittaire, Annales typographic!, 1719- 1741. Mezger, Augsburg s Druckdenkmale, 1840. I Typography: HISTORY OP TYPOGRAPHY (continued). Munsell, History of Printing, 1839. Palmer, General History of Printing, 1733. Panzer, Annales Typographic!, 1793- 1803. Renouard, Annales dee Aides, 1825. Rossi, De Hebraicse Typ. Orig., 1778. Saxius, Hist. Typog. Mediol., 1745, (Argelati). Watson, History of Art of, 1713. Westreenen, Verhandeling, 1809. B C. See Biographies of Printers; Gazetteers; English, French, German, Typog.; and, Bibliography. INVENTION OF TYPOGRAPHY. Baiilet, Jugemens, v. 1, 1722. Bagford s Essay, 1707. Bernard, De 1 origine, 1853. Besoldus, Dissert, de, 1740, (Wolf). Bockenhoffer, Brevis relatio, 1691. Boecier, Oratio, 1640. Bosscha, Carmen de, 1817, (Lennep). Bowyer, Origin of Printing, 1776. Boxhorn, De" typog. inventione, 1640. Braun, Notitia hist, lit., 1788. Brehmen, Expositio inventionis, 1740, (Wolf). Chevillier, Dissertation sur, 1694. Clarke, A., Bibliog. misc., 1806. Cotton, Typog. gazetteer, 1831, 66. Diosdado, De prima typ. aetate, 1793. Ellis, C., Invention of printing, 1703. Fischer, Beschreibung typ. Seltenhei- ten, 1800-04. Fournier, Dissertation, 1758. Heineken, Idee d une coll. d estampes, 1771. Jansen, De 1 orig. de la gravure, v. 2, 1808. Koehler, Urkunden J. Gutlenbergs. . . 1741. Kortebrand, Lof der drukkunst, 1740. Laborde, Debuts de I impr. a Stras bourg, Mayence et Bamberg, 1840. Lambinet, Origine de I imprimerie, 1798. La Serna Santander, Diet, bibliog.. 1805-07. Lessern, Typog. jubilans, 1740. Lichtenberger, Initia typog., 1811. " Hist, de 1 invention, 1825. Lille, Catal. de la Bibliot., Essai, 1859, (Paeile). Loosjes, Gedenkschriften, 1823. Mallincrot, De ortu et prog, typ., 1639 iMarchand, Hist, de 1 Origine, 1740. . Meerman, Conspectus Orig. Typog., 1761. 590 TYPOGRAPHY. Typography: INVENTION OF TYPOGRAPHY (continued). Meerman, Uitvinding, etc., Ed. Goc- kinga, 1767. Mentel, De vera orig. paraenesis, 1650. " Brevis excursus. . .ad G. Nau- daeum, 1844. Mercier, Supplement a Marchand,1775. Middleton, Dissertation on, 1776, (Bowyer). Munch, Primaria Docuinenta de orig., 1740. Ottley, Invention of, 1863. Paeile, L Invention de 1859. See Lille. Panciroli, Rerum Memorabiliuni, 1646. Relatio de origine typ., 1619. Roy. Soc. Phil. Trans., 1703, 1707, 1727. Schoepflin, Vindic. typog., 1760. Sotheby, Principia typog., 1858. Toland, Conjecturadeinventione,l726. Vries, A. De, Notice sur lo Speculum, 1841. " Eclaircissements sur Phist. de, 1823. " Arguments des Allemands,1845. " Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, 1841. Brief over Guichard s notice, 1841. Westreenen, Uitvinding der boekdruk- kunst, 1809. B. C. " Voortgang der Boekdruk kunst, 1829. B. C. Willett, Memoir on, 1820. Wurdtwein, Bibliot. Moguntina, 1787, Wolff, Munumenta Typographica,1740. See Gutenberg ; Haarlem ; Coster ; Strasbourg; Mayence. ITALIAN TYPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY. Hoff man, F. L., Liste des ouvrages sur 1 imprimerie en Italic, 1852. Quirini, Liber de edit. Romee, 1467-72. Renouard, Annales des^Aldes, 1825. Saxius, Hist, typog. Mediol., 1465. Tiraboschi, Storia della lett. Italiana, 1805-13. See Bibliography. KOSTER, L. J. See Coster, L. J. LITHOGRAPHY. See Lithography. LYON. See Bibliography. MAYENCE. Fischer, Beschreibung typ. Seltenheiten, 1800-04. Heineken, Idee, etc., 1771. Laborde, Debuts de 1 impr. a Mayence, 1454. Lambinet, Recherches sur 1 Origine, 1798. Marchand, Hist, de 1 Orig. de 1 Impr., 1740. Typography: MAYENCE (continued). Willett, Orig. of 1 rinting, 1820. Wurdtwein, Bibliot. Aloguntina, 1787. Zapf, Buckdruckergesch. von Mainz, 1790. See Gutenberg, J. ; Invention. NUREMBERG. See Bibliography. PARIS TYPOGRAPHY. Crapelet, Etudea pratiques, 1837. Crapelet, Robert Estienne, 1839. Dupont, Imprimerio nationale, 1854. Greswell, Annals of Parisian Typog., 1818. Maittaire, Historia Typ. Parisiensinm, 1717. Petit-Radel, Bibliot. Mazarine, 1819. See French Typog. History. PRINTERS. National Typ. Union. See Biographies. SPECIMENS OF PRINTERS. Austria. Ge- schichte der Druckerei 1850 . Bodoni, Manuale tipog., 1818. Bruce, G., Son & Co., N. Y., 1869. Caslon s Specimen, 1808, (Stower). Chicago Press, Illinois, 1859. P. 298. Falkenstein, Typenschau von Orient., 1840. Figgins, V. & G., Lond., 1838. Fournier, Manuel, v. 2, 1764. Fry, Specimen, 1787. Luce, Essai d une Typog., 1771. Mappa, A. G., Epreuves, 1780. Miller, W., & Co., Edinb., 1834. Munsell, J., Albany, 1858. Ploos van Amstel. Amster., 1767. Rand & Avery, Specimen Book, Bost., 1865. Silberman, Album Typog., 1840. Specimen of Dutch Typog., 1760-80. Specimen Typog. de 1 imprimerie roy. Stower, Fry and Caslon, 1808. Tauchnitz, Proben, Leipzig, 1831. Trow, J. F., Specimens, N. Y., 1856. Watson, Hist, of Art of Printing, 1713. White, Foundry, N. Y., 1819. Wood <fc Sharwood, Lond. P. 470. See Alphabets. STEREOTYPE. Auer. A., Naturselbstdruck, 1854. Camus, Histoire de, 1802. Jansen, De 1 Orig. de la Gravure,1808. Westreenen, De Pimpr. stereotype, 1833. STRASBOURG. Laborde, Debuts de 1 impri. a Strasbourg, 1840. La Serna Santander, Diet, bibliog., 1805-07. Lichtenberger, Initia typographica, 1811. UNITA1UANISM. 591 Typography: STRASBOURG (continued). Schmidt, Danckpredigten, 1640. bchoepflin, Vindiciee typog., 1760. Schragius, Hist. typ. Argentorati, 1640. Wolf, Monumenta typ., 1740. See Gutoiberg ; Invention SWEDISH. Alnander, Artis typog. in Svecise, 1725. Arwidsson, A., K. Bibliot. Stockholm, 1848. Holinia Literata, 1701. Marklin, Cat. Diss. Acad. Scandinavise, 1820. Mobius, Cat. Lib. Isl. et Norvegico- rum, 1856. Schinmeier, Schwedischen BibelUeber- setzungen, 1777, 78. Sticrnraan, Biblioth. Suio-Gothica, 1731. Upsal University, Cat. of Lib., 1814. Warmholtz, Bibl. Hist. Sueo-Gothica, 1782-1817. * Worm, Lexikon, Skrifter, 1771, 73, 83. ULRIC, S. Braun, Notitia Hist, lit., 1788. Tyson, E. Life of, 1825. u. rim. See Typography. Ulric, S. Braun, Notitia Hist, lit., 1788. Ulster Co., N. Y. Clinton, G., Papers, MSS. Indians of Wuwasink. Ulster Co. Hist. Soo. Coll., 1860. Uncas. Stone, W. L., A Hist. Sketch, 1842. Underbill, S. Life of, 1827. Union, Conn. Hammond, C , Hist, dis course, 1867. Union, Jle. Sibley, History of, to 1850. Union, Christian. See Christian Union, Union College. Nott, E., 50th Anniv. of his Presidency, 1854. N. Y., Regents of Univ., Docts. in controv., 1823. P. 5. B. C. " Legis. Reports, 1849, 50. Parthenon, The, 1833-34. Potter, A., Disc., Fiftieth Anniv., 1845. P. 202. Spy-glass, The, 1840. Union Coll., Catalogues, Reports, etc., to 1868, 5 v. Semi-centen. celeb., 1845. Van Vorst, H. C., Oration, Psi Upsi- lon Frat., 1852. Wizard, The, Union College, 1838. Yates, C., Reply to Spencer, 1854. See Schenectady, Union Co., N. J. Boyd s Dircc., 1870-1. Union Theol. Seminary, N. Y. Cata logues, etc., 1840-61. Unitarianism. Andrews, W. S., Treat. on theol. subjects. Appeal to the Christian, Roy," 1820. Aspland, Unit. Creed, 1827. Beasley, Answer to Channing, 1830. P. 200. Belsham, T., Writings, 1802-30. Berkeley, G., Caution against, 1787. P. 302. Brief History of, 1691. Brief Review, 1838. Causa Dei contra 1747. Charge of ignorance against G. B. Cheever, 1833. Chewney, N., Anti-Socinianism, 1656. Christian Moderator, 1826. Chubb, T., Writings, Coll., 1727-28. Crellius. J. F., Opera, 1656. Defence of Brief history of, 1691. Dialogue between the Devil 1791 . Disney, J., Sermons, 1792. D Oyly, Two Discourses, 1811. Edwards, J., Preservative against, 1693. Eliot, W. G., Unity of God, etc. P. 219. Ferguson, Of Justification, 1608. Ferguson, J. B., Relation of Pas tor, 1854. P. 563. Few Words of Obvious Truth, 1829. Forrest, J., Acct. of origin of Trin. theology, 1836. Free and Serious Address, 1781. Freeston, Nature of, 1813. Fullagar, J., Brief Observations, 1811. " Discourses, 1818, 37. Fuller, A., Works, Unit, and Calvin ism, 1852. Socin. indefensible, 1797. Gannett, E. S., Not a Negative Sys tem, 1833. P. 106. Oilman, S., Sermon, John i. 1-10, 1825. P. 441. Great and Learned among Christians, 1793. P. 3J6. Hamilton, L., Reasons of Belief, 1830. Harris. G., Unit m defended, 1824. Higginson, T. W., Sermon, Matt. v. 32, 1853, P. 558. Hints and Essays, 1775. Hobhouse, Reply to Randolph, 1792. Indispensible obligation, 1707. Jones, J., Develop, of Remark. Events, 1800. Kenrick, J., Obstacles to, 1827. P. 317. Leonard, Twenty-seven Questions. P. 111. 592 UNITARIANISM. Unitariniiism (continued). Leslie, C., The Socinian Controversy, 1708. Letter to the Rev. S. Miller, 1821. Lyons, J., Dissemination of, 1808. Maimbourg, Hist, del Arianisme, 1686. " Hist, of Arianism, 1728. Mann, I., Socin. and Deism, 1826. P. 1481. Marson, Of the Holy Ghost, 1807. P. 316. Manineau, Faith of the Univ. Church, 1838. B. C. Miller, S., On Ordin. Serm., Bait., 1821. P. 295. " Letters on, 1821. Modern Unitarianisin, 1848. Morgan, T., Letter to R. Blackmore, 1722. P. 336. National Conference, Fourth meeting, 1870. Nicholls, W., Ans. to Naked Gospel, 1691. Norton, Statement of Reasons, 1833. B. C. Pamphlets relating to, Vol. 315-317, 905, 924, 932, 1250, 1480-1482. 1758, 1832. B. C., 14. Plain dealing, 1719. Plea for Truth, 1781. Porter, J. S., Sermons, 1829-49. Porter, T., Defence, of, 1793. Preservative against, 1804. Price, Christian Doctrines, 1815. B. C. Priestley, Disquisitions, Tracts, 1775- 1782. " On Free Inquiry, 1785. Defences of, 1787. Protestant s Plea, 1686. Questions to Trinitarians. P. 317. Robberds, J. G., Discourses, 1829, 38. P. 1482. Roberts, W., Letter from, 1722. Scrutator s Letter, 1812. Serious Address ...Lend., 1827. Severn, Vindication of, 1806. Sherman, Rev. J., One God in one person, Utica, N. Y., 1806. Socinianism unmasked, (Jamieson), 1790. P. 104. Socinua, F., Expl. Johan. i. 1618. " Opera omnia, 1656. Sparks, Essays and Tracts, 1823-26. B. C. Unit, and Calvinism, 1823. B. C. Stearns, C., Sermon, origin of, 1815. P. 1601. Stinchfield, Unitarianism Delineated, 1819. P. 488. " Stuart, M., Letter to Channing, 1819. Unitarianism (continued). Toulmin, Free Address, 1814. Trinitarian Syllogisms. P. 316. Tucker, J., View of the Difficulties, ,1774. Uni tarian Miscellany, 1821-24. Vind. of the Unitarians, 1700. Wardlaw, R., Reply to Yates, 1817. Wasson, D. A., Sacrificial Religion, 1853. P. 556. Wawne, Unit. Christianity, 1825. Wellbeloved, C., Letters to Wrang- ham, 1823. P. 317. Wilson, Scripture proofs, 1847. " Illustrations of, 1846. B. C. Whiston, W., Three Essays, 1713. Worcester, N., Bible News; Atoning Sacrifice, 1825, 29. B. C. Word to the Candid. P. 317. Yates, J., Sequel to Vindication, 1822. P. 316. SeeArians; Trinity; Christ; Theology. Uuitarianism, American; Am. Unit. Assoc. Reports, 1826-53. " Tracts, 1825-55, 6 v. < Quarterly Journal, 1854-59. " Monthly Journal, 1860-69. Belsham, T., Amer. Unitarianism, 1815. Channing, W. E., Works, 1846. Christian Disciple, 1813-24. Christian Examiner, 1824-69. Ellis, G. E., 50 Years of the Contro versy, 1857. Federal St. Ch., Boston, Memorial, 1860. Friends, Appeal to New Jersey, 1836. P. 566. General Repository, Camb., MS. ,1812- 1813. Greenwood, F. W. P., Camb. Divin. School, 1830. P. 106. Harris, G., Antichrist, 1831. Hollis Street Society, Boston, Pro ceedings, 1838, 39, 41, 46. Monthly Relig. Mag., Bost., 1844-54. Morse, J., Appeal on Harvard College, 1814. Pages from Eccl. Hist, of New Eng., 1847. Parker, T., Letter to Unit. Assoc n, 1853. P. 495. f< Writings, collected. Remarks upon a Disc, of G. Putnam, 1846. P. 94. Review of Tracts of Am. Un. Soc., 1827. P. 65. Ruggles, S. B., Professors.... Columb. Coll., 1854. P. 251. Sprague, W. B., Annals of the Pul pit, 1865. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 593 Unitarianism, American (continued). Unitarian, The, Whitman, 1834. Unitarian Ch., Charleston, S. C., 1854. Unit. Congr. Register, 1846-56. Unitarian Miscellany, Bait., 1821-24. Western Messenger, Louisville, 1837. Which Society shall you join ? 1828. Year Book of, for 1867, 69, 70. Unitarianism, England.. Baird, S.J., Engl. Presb. Churches, 1856. P. 536. Belsham, T., Writings, Collection. Cappe, Mrs., Memoirs, 1824. Considerations on the oath, 1821. Dissenters Chapels Bill, 1844. Elwall, E., Trials of, 1788. P. 315. Evans, J. C., Charitable trusts, 1844. Free Address to Prot. Diss., (Priest ley), 1815. P. 316. Frend, W., Addresses, 1788, 89. " Animad. on G. Prettyman, 1800. -P. 308. Gifford, J., The Remonstrance of, 1818. Hewley s, Lady, Charities, 1836. P. 1481. " Third act of the controversy, 1837. Jebb, J., Of a late Resignation, 1775. P. 315. " Works, 1787. Nation vindicated, 1711. Price, R., On Christ, doctrines, 1815. Priestley, Letters to Horsley, 1783. Socinianism unmasked, 1790. P. 104. Thoughts on Progress of, 1787. Unitarian Soc., Lond., 1794. Unitarianism old and new, 1817. See Dissenters ; Priestley. United Americans. See American Party, United Brethren. See Moravians. United States of America. Beaujour, Aperyu des E. U., 1800-1810. " Sketch of the U. S., 1800-1810. Bonnet, Etats Unis a la fin du XVIII siecle, 1802. " Tableau des E. Unis, 1816. Brissot, De la France et des Etats Unis, 1787, Claviere. British, The, Treaty, 1795. Brothers, U. S. as they are, 1840. Carroll, Star of the West,. 1857. Chalmers, G., Opinions on interesting subjects, 1784. Claviere, France and the U. S., 1788. Cobbett, W., Porcupine s Works,1801. Cr6vecoeur, Letters from an Am. Far mer, 1782. Duhring, Remarks on, and on Europe, J833. 75 United States of America (continued). Dwight, T., On Inchiquin s letters, 1815. Ellicott, Journal, Determination of Boundary, 1796. Eisner, Befreiungskainpf der N. A. Staaten, 1838. England and America, A comparison, etc., 1833. Extra-official State Papers : Knox, W., 1789. Furstenwarther, Der Deutsche in Nord Amer., 1818. Grassi, G., Notizic, 1822. Great Britain, Debate in Parl. on the Peace, 1783. Grisson, Charakteristik der, 1844. Grund, F. J., The Americans, 1837. " Die Amerikaner, 1837. Die Aristokratie in Am., 1839. Hale, S. J., Sketches of Am. charac ter, 1831. Ingersoll, C. J., Inchiquin s Letters, 1810. " Remarks on Review of,1815. " Views of Rights and Wrongs of, etc., 1808. Lettres d un citoyen, 1826. Mandrillon, Le Spectateur Americain, 1785. Mease, Descr. of medals of important events, 1818. Murat, A., United States of N. Am., 1833. " America and the Americans, 1849. Nord-Amerika : Von einem Wiirtem- berger, 1818. Notes on the U. S. of America, 1806. P. 44. Picture, A True, of the U. S. A., 1807. Poussin, De la Puissance Arnericaine, 1848. " Travauxd ameliorations,1824- 1831. Refalo, Forensic tour, 1828. Republic of U. S. A., 1848. Roux de Rochelle, Etats Unis d Ame- rique, 1845. Schmidt, Die vereinigten Staaten, 1821. Thomas, E. S., Reminiscences of 65 years, 1840. Tremenheere, Notes on public subjects, 1852. Turreau, Apergu sur la situation poli- tique, 1815. United States, Insurrection of 1794. United States of A. as they are, 1828. Winterbotham,View of, 1796. Zimmerman, Comparaison entre la Fr., 1797. See North-eastern Boundary; Oregon. 594 UNITED STATES, ARMY. United States, Army. Banks, N., Speech, 1854. Beaumont, W., Brevet rank. Berrien, J. M., Speech, relief of offi cers, 1828. Force, P., Register of, 1830. Gardner, Dictionary of Officers, 1789- 1853. " Recollections of, 1845. Gordon, W. A., Compilation of Regis ters of, 1815-37. Hobby, W., Exp. of Frauds, 1830. Military reflections, 1807. National Armory, Chicago memorial, 1861. Notice, U. S. Artillery, 1850. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 102, 234, 521, 1366, 1780. Reply to.,.. on U. S. Artillery, 1852. Robinson, F., Account of Organiza tion, 1848. Steuben, Regulations for, 1794, 1803. Thalheimer, An. Reg. and Mil. Roster, 1821. Tone, Of improving our national forces, 1819. Totten, National Defences, 1851. U. S. Army, Ann. Registers of Officers of, 1815-55, 7, 8, 63. " Reports on rank, 1851. P. 102. " Armory expenses, 1832. " War Department, 1820, 32. " Regulations, 1812, 61, 63. " Instructions, 1860-62. " Mortality in the Army, 1835-55, 1860. See Civil War, 1861-65 ; Mexican War ; Revolutionary War; War of 1812; West Point Mil. Acad. United States Boundaries. See North Eastern; Maine; Oregon, North Western. United States Coast Survey. Am. Sci. Assoc n, Report, 1858. Bache, Reports to Congress on, 1848- 1850. Coast, The, Survey, cost, abuses, "B. B., 1858. P. 1834. Coast, The, Survey, By one who has exam. pub. docts., 1858. Coast, The, Survey, Reply to the Offi cial Defence, " B. B." Davis, J., Speech, 1849. Hassler, Papers on, 1842. Pearoe, Speech on, 1849. U. S. Coast Survey, Reports, 1847- 1867. See Coast Surveys*. United States, Colonial. Bancroft, G., History of, 1854. Chalmers, Political Annals, 1780. United States, Colonial (continued). Clarke, S . , True and Faithful Account, 1670. Collection of State Papers, Hague, Concise Hist. Account, 1775. Douglass, History of, 1755. Eddis, Letters from Amer., 1769-77. Essays, Commercial and Political,1777. Frost, S., Book of the Colonies, 1846. Graharne, J., Hist, of the N. A. Colonies, 1836. Importance of the Brit. Plantations, 1731. Marshall, J., Hist, of the Colonies. Pitt, Rejected Act, 1775. Political Reflections on, 1777. Pownall, Administra. of the Colonies, 1758. " Administration des Colonies, 1758. " Memorial on America, 1783. Pradt, The Colonies. Sherman, Governmental History of, 1860. Tyson, J. R., Hist, of East, and Sout. States, 1842. U. S. Colonies, Proceedings, 1774. " Articles of Confederation, 1777, f. Walsh, R., Appeal from G. Britain, 1820. See U. S. History; Great Britain; Col onies. United States, Congress. Speeches. Pamphlets, Vols. 35, 59, 60, 193, 206, 486, 487, 561, 1575-1579. B. C., vol. 13, 21, 28, 34, 46. See Congressional Globe, Law Library. United States, Constitution, Govern, ment and Politics. Actes et Momoires, 1798-1800. Adams, J., A Defence of the Gov t of the U. S., 17.-7-8. B C. " Letters from Quincy, 1809. Allen, T., Views of the Founders, 1845. Amor, and Americans, 1833. Ames, Fisher, Works, 1809-54. Austin, B., Jr., Old South, Letters, 1803. Ballantyne, T., The Cheap Gov t of, 1858. B. 1333. Barnes, W. H., Hist, of the XXXIXth Congress, 1867. Benton, T. H., Thirty-years View, 1820-50. Brief View of, (Hare), 1810. Brownson, Am. Republic, 1806. Buchanan, J., Administration of,1866. Burleigh, The American Manual, 1848. UNITED STATES, CONSTITUTION. 595 United States, Constitution, Govern ment and Politics (continued). Burnett, American theory of, 1803. Burr, C. C., Notes on the Const , 1864. Calhoun, J. C., Disquisition on, 1851. Carey, M., New Olive Branch, 1820. " The Olive Branch, 1814. Carroll, A.; Great American battle, 1856. " Union of the States, 1856. Cluskey, Political Encyclopedia, 1860. Cocke, Condtitut., Hist, of, 1858. Coltoji, C., Public Economy for the U. S., 1848. Conference Convention, 1861. Conkling, A., Powers of the Execu tive, 1866. Consid. on the Treaty, 1783. Cooper, J. F., Notions of the Ameri cans, 1828. " The American Democrat, 1838. Cooper, T., Polit. Essays, 1800. Curtis, B. R , Exec, power, 1862. P. 1586. Curtis, Q. T., History of the Constitu tion, 1854, 58. " Disc., Strength of the Consti tution, 1850. Dallas, G. M., Letters from London, 1856-60. Davis, W. B., Southern book, 1854. Democratic National Convention, 1860. Dickinson, John, Political Writings, 1801. Dissertation on the Union, 1783. Draper, J. W., Future civil policv, 1865. Duane, W., Narrative of Removal of deposites, 1838. Duden, Nordamerikanische Demokra- tie, Ie37. Evans, E., On State Rights, 1844. Exposition of the Weakness of Gov t of, 1845. Fisher, Trial of the Constitution, 1862. Flanders, H., Exposition of Const , 1860. Fry, Repub. Campaign Text Book, I860. Gasparin, Uprising of a People, 1861. Giles, W. B., Political Miscellanies. 1830. Gillet, R. H., Officers and their duties, 1871. Granger, Vindication of the Adminis tration, 1803. Grimke, Nature and Tendency of Free Inst., 1848. Hamilton, A., Works, 1851. " The Federalist, 1788. Hamilton, J. A., Address, 1864. " Reminiscences, 1869. United States, Constitution, Govern ment and Politics (continued). Harby, Misc. Writings, Charleston, S. C., 1829. Harper, R. G., Dispute with France, 1797. Hartford Convention of Delegates,1814. Hickey, The Constitution, Electoral votes, etc., 1848. Hillhouse, Dissertation, 1789. Hist, of Congress, 1789-93. Hist, of Congress of 1801. Holmes, Parties and Principles, 1859. Hulseinann, Gesohichte der Democratie in, 1823. Jackson, W., Constitutions of, 1783. Jameson, J. A., The Constitutional Convention, its history, 1867. Jay, J , Address on, to the People, 1787. Johnson, A. B., Guide to the Am. Union, 1857. Kent, J., Speech on Veto power, 1835. P. 59. Leggett, Political Writings, 1840. Letters to a Lady in France, 1843. Livingston, E., Speech, U. S. Sen., power of the President, 1831. Livingston, W., Gouvernement d An- gleterre compare, 1789. Lyman, T., Diplomacy of the U. S./ 1828. Lyon, N., Writings, 1861. Mably. Des Etats Unis, 1784. ( * Remarks on the Gov t and laws of, 1784. McPberson, Pol. Manual for 1865, 66, 1867. Madison, J., Private correspondence, 1859. " Letters and writings, 1865. " Papers; Gilpin, 1840. Mansfield, E. L., Political Grammar of U. S., 1834. Marshall, T. F., Speeches, 1833-51. Martin, L., Genuine information, 1788. Massachusetts Manual, 1814. Moulton, R. K., Constitutional guide, 1834. Mulford, The Nation, 1870. National Magazine, 1799. Observations on proposed Const., 1788. Observations on the new, 1788. Onis, Negotiations with Spain, 1821. Pamphlets, vol. 19. Partridge, J. A., The making of the Amer. Nation, 1866. Payson, S., Proofs of illuminism, 1802. Plan of the New Const., 1792. Poesche, The New Rome, 1853. Poletica, Internal Condition of, 1826. 596 UNITED STATES, CONSTITUTION. United States, Constitution, Govern ment and Politics (continued). Political Mirror, 1835. Political text-book for 1860. Politics for Am. Christians. Porter, W. D., State Sovereignty, 1860. President s Messages, 1819-50. Puglia, The Federal Politician, 1795. Rawlins, Amer. dis-union, 1862. Reed, H., Lectures on the Hist, of the Union, 1856. Reporise aux princ. questions, 1795. Republic of North America, 1863. Robertson, G., Lecture, K y, 1854. Russell, R. W., America comp. with England, 1848. Shurtleff, Gov t Instructor, 1849. Smith, W. L., Court of U. S. and the several States, 1832. Spofford s Polit. Register, 1849. Stansbury, Constit. Catechism. Story, Joseph,- Const. Class-book, 1834. Strictures by Massachusettensis, 1792. P. 96. Strictures upon Const, powers of Con gress, 1825. Sullivan, .!., Observations on, 1791. P. 94. Tallmadge, Speech, U. S. Sen., En largement of Exec, power, 1838. Taylor, J., Inquiry into principles of, 1814. " Tyranny unmasked, 1822. " New Views of Constitution, 1823. Throop, M. H., The future, 1864. Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1836. Towle, Hist, and Anal, of the Consti tution, 1871. Tremenheere, H. S., The Const, comp. with that of G. B., 1854. Trescot, Foreign Policy of, 1849. U. States, Constitution of, 1787. " In Dutch, Albany, 1788. " In German, Albany, 1788. Van Buren, M., Course of pol. parties, 1867. Voice from America, 1839. Wheeler, Hist, of Congress, 1848. Whiting, War powers of the President, 1862. Williams, E., The Statesman s manual, 1789-1858. Winchester, E., Political Catechism, 1796. Withorspoon, J., Miscell. Works, 1803. Woodward, A. B., Considerations on Exec. Power, 1809. Wylie, S. B., Sentiments in 1803 and 1832. P. 894. United States, Constitution, Govern ment and Politics (continued). Yates, Proc. and Debates of Conven tion of 1787, 1821. Young, A. W., Gov t Class Book, 1842. See Suffrage ; Democracy; Elections; Government ; Republic ; State Rights; U. S. Pol.it. Pamphlets. United States, Financial and Com mercial. Am. Gog. Soc., Fin. credit of, 1862. Atkinson, E., Loot, on cotton, 1865. * Sen. Sherman s fallacies, 1868. Atkinson, R. J., A view of the situa tion, 1867. Bannan, B., Plan for currency, 1867. Barnes, D.. Speech on finan. cond.. 1868. Benton, T. H., Speech, 1840. Blair, A., Speech, Nat. finances, 1868. Bollman, E., Plan of new system,1816. Bond, W. K., Speech, 1838. " Speech, Treasury Notes, 1840. P. 193. Brissot, Commerce of, 1795. Butler, B. F., The currency question, 1867. Carey, H. C., The finance minister, 1868. Champion, Considerations on comm., 1784. Clarke, R. W., Speech, H. of R., On the Currency, 1868. Clarke, S., Speech, H. of R., On finance, 1868. Commercial conduct of, 1786. Considerations on the nature of a funded debt, N. Y., 1790. Cooper, P., Letter to H. J. Rcdfield, 1868. Correspondence on Loan, 1822. Cromelien, R., Specie payments, 1867. Dean, G., Speech, Expenditures, 1852. Derby, E. H., Prospects of the U. S., 1868. Elder, W., Debt and resources of,1863. " How our debt can be paid, 1865. Examination .... effect of the National banks, 1863. P. 1835. Ferris, J. A., Financial Economy of, 1867. Financial, The, Problem, 1868. P. 1833. Gallatin, J., Two Letters to S. P. Chase, 1861. " Government Finances, 1862. Garfield, J. A., Speech, on the Cur rency, 1868. Gould, C., Financial Scheme for, 1862. Henderson, J. B., Speech, U. S. Sen., 1868. High prices, causes and remedy, 1864. UNITED STATES, GEOGRAPHY. 597 United States, Financial and Com- merciai (continued). Johnson, A. B., Our Monetary Condi tion, 1863. " The Advanced value of Gold, 1862. Kelley, W. D., Speech, on ontraction : of the currency, 1868. Lanier, J. F. D., Remarks at Frank fort en, 1865. Lord, E., Theories of currency, 1864. McCulloch, H., Our National future, 1865. McDuffie, G., Speech, on Deposits, 1834. Mann, A., Jr., Corresp. on Paying Bonds in Paper, 1868. Morrell, D. J., Speech, H. of R., 1868. Morris, R., Organ, of the Debt, 1863. National Conimer. Conv., Bost., 1868. National, The, Finances, Six Letters, 1868. National Loan, Appeal, 1861. Newcomb, S., Fin. Pol. in the Rebel lion, 1865. New Views of the Currency, 1866. Our National Finances, No. 10, 11, 13, 15, S. P. Townsend, 1865-8. Pamphlets relating to Currency, vol., 1833. Pamphlets relating to Finance, vols. 1834, 1835. Pamphlets relating to Internal Reve nue, vol. 1836. Pendleton, C. H., Payment of Debt in legal tender, 1867. Reflections on the Policy, New York, 1786. Remarks on the Currency, 1840. Richardson, D. M., Resuming Speoie Payments, 1866. Rockwell, J. A., Speech, 1848. Sherman, J., Speech, Funding Bill, 1868. Stilwell, S. M., Gold and Paper, 1866. Stokes, C., Notes on the Stocks of, 1839. Talleyrand, Relat. Coinmer. aveo 1 An- gleterre. Three Financial Problems, 1868. U. S., Kennedy s Report, 1842. "Walker, R. J., Review of our Fi- J nances, 1862, 63, Wells, D. A., Our Burden and our Strength, 1864. " Our Finan. Credit Abroad, 1866. Williams, C. P., Review of the Finan. Situation, 1868. Williams, J., Letter on the U. S. j Banking System, 1868. See Banks ; Currency ; Financial; Re trenchment. United States, Geography, and Gaz etteers. Appleton s American Travel., 1857. Appleton s Railway Guide, 1852-71, imp. Bache, Tide Tables. Bradford, T. G., Illustrated Atlas, 1842. Brown, S.R., Western Gazetteer, 1820. Chapin, Reference Gazetteer of, 1839. Cobb, Am. Railway Guides, 1850, 1. Collins, S. H., Guide to. Colton, J. H., Western Tourist, 1845. Cooper, T., Information respecting, 1794. Curtiss, D. S., Western Portraiture, 1852. Darby, West, and Southwest. Guide, 1818. " New Gazetteer of the U. S., 1833. Disturnell, Guide, Eastern and Middle States, 1848. " Railway and Steamship Guide, 1849-53. " Springs : Bathing Resorts, 1855. " The Great Lakes, 1863. Doggett, U. S. R. R. and Steam Nav. Guide, 1848. Ellet, Physical Geography of, Smith- son. Contr., 2, 3. Emigrant s Guide, 1818. Evans, L., Analysis of Map of Brit. Col., 1755. Fisher, R. S., Complete Gaz. of the U. S., 1853. Forry, Climatic features of U. S., Am. Jour, of Sci., 47. Foster, J.W., Mississippi Valley, 1869. Guide between Washington, etc. Harper s Gazetteer of the World, 1855. Haskel, Gazetteer of the U. S., 1843. Hayward, J., Gazetteer of the U. S., 1853. Hewett, Am. Traveller, or Nat. Direc tory, 1825. Hinckley, Traveller s Pocket-guide, 1848-49. Lippincott, Gazetteer of the World, 1855. Lloyd s Steamboat Guide, 1856. Loher, Aussichten fur Deutsche in N. A., 1853. Lorain, Hints to Emigrants, 1819. Marcy, The Prairie Traveler, 1847. Melish, J., Trav. Directory, 1815. " Geog. description of, 1816. Miller, A., New Territories, 1818. Mitchell, S. A., Princ. Routes, 1834. Moore, S. S., Traveller s Directory, 1802. 598 UNITED STATES, GEOGRAPHY. Phelps, One Hundred Cities, 1853. P. 565. Scott, J., U. S. Gaz., 1795. " Goog. Diet, of U. S., 1805. Southern Business Directory, 1854. Smith, J. C., Guide for Travellers. Steele s Western Guide Book, 1849. Stevens, I. N., Address, Geog. Soo., 1858. Tanner, Am. Traveller, 1844. " Recent Surveys, 1830. " The Central Traveller or guide, 1844. Thompson, Z., Guide to Lake George, Montreal, etc., 1842. Trip through the Lakes, 1857. Tunis, Guide, 1359. U. S., Pacific R. R. Reports, 1854. Vade mecum for America, 1731. Volney, Tab. du Climat et du Sol, 1803. View of the Soil and Climate of, 1804. Webster, N., Eiem. of Use. Knowl., 1808, 12. Williams, Traveller s Guide, 1851. " Tourist s Guide, 1856. See United States, Travels in North America; Northwest Terr. ; Geog raphy; Climate; U. S., Lands. United States, History of. American Annual Cyclopedia, Appleton, 1861-70. American Archives, 1774-76. American Historical Mag., 1836, New Haven. American Pioneer, 1842-43. American Remembrancer, 1795. Anderson, J. J., School History, 1869. Bancroft, G., Hist, of the United States, from discovery to 1777- 1838-66. Barbaroux, Resume de 1 histoire de, 1824. Barber, J. W., History of, 1832. " Incidents in Am. Hist., 1847. " Hist. Poet. Amer. Scenes, 1852. Blunt, J., Hist, of formation of, 1825. Bradford, A., Hist, of the Fed. Gov t, 1789-1839. Butler, F., Complete History of, to 1820. Callender, Hist, for 1796. Chapin s Hist. Picture Gallery, 1856. Cox, S. S-, Eight years in Congress, 1857-65. United States, Geography, and Gaz- ! United States, History of (continued). etteers (continued). Morse, J., American Geography, 1792. " American Gazetteer, 1797, 1810. New American Cyclopedia, Appleton, 1863. Northern Traveller, 1825. Davis, E., The Half Century, 1851. Dawson. H. B., Battles of, by Sea and Land, 1858. Eliot, S., Manual of, 1856. Emerson, J., Questions to Goodrich s. Farmer, J., Collections, Historical, etc.. 1822-24. Fergus, Hist, of the United States, Lardner, 53. Frost, J., Book of the Colonies, 1846. Gilij, Saggio di Storia Americana, 1780- 1784. Goodrich, C., History of, 1824. Goodrich, S. G., Pictorial Hist., 1845. Gordon, W., Hist, of Rise and Inde pendence of, 1788. Grahame, Hist, of, to Independence, 1827-36. Great Britain: America, Correspond ence, 1810, 46. Grimshaw, W., Hist, of the U. S., 1820. Guernsey, E., Hist, of, for Schools, 1848. Hale, S., History of, to 1837. Hamilton, J. C., History of, 1860. Hazard, E., Hist. Coll. of State Pa pers of, 1792. Hildreth, Hist, of the U. S. A., 1840- 1852. Hinton, J. H., Hist, of the U. S.,1834. Histor. Catechism, 1834. Historical Magazine, N. Y., 1858-68. History of, Keene, N. H., 1821. History of, N. Y., 1838. History, New and Universal, of, 1827. Holmes, A., American Annals, 1805. Journal. ..Guerre du Micissippi, 1739. Knapp, S. L., Lib. of Amer. Hist., 1835. Latrobc, J. H. B., Hist, of Mason and Dixon s line, 1855. Lossing, Pict. Hist, of, for Schools, 1854. Ludlow, J. M., History of, 1862. McCartney, Origin and Progress of, 1847. McCulloch, Concise Hist, of, 1797, 1807. Macpherson, Pol. Hist, of, 1860-67. Madison, J., Papers of, 1840. March, Reminiscences of Congress, 1850. Martineau, H., Hist, of Am. com promises. Mazzei, Recherches Hist, sur, 1788. Modern view of, Lond., 1783. Monroe, J., On Mission to France, 1794-6. UNITED STATES, NAVY. 599 United States, History of (continued). Munsell s Historical Series, 1857-60. Murray, H., Pictorial Hist, of, 1851. " Hist, of the U. S., Edin., Cab. Lib., 35. Neff, Army and Navy Hist., 1845. Patton, J. H., History of, 1860. Peabody, E. P., Chronol. Hist, of, 1856. Pelet, Precis de 1 histoire de, 1845. Perkins, S., Hist, from 1815 to 1830. Philippij Geschichte der V. F., 1827. Pitkin, T., Polit. and Civ. Hist, of, 1763-97. Political Mirror of Jacksonisni, 1835. Pritts, J., Mirror of Olden Time, 1849. Ramsay, Hist, to 1808. Saffell, Records of Rev. War, 1858. Sanford, E., History of, 1819. Scheffer, Hist, des Etats Unis, 1825. Sena, Hist, de los Estados, 1807. Sherman, Government Hist., 1860. Smith, J. J., Am. Hist. Curiosities, 1847, 60. Trescot, Dipl. Hist., Washington and Adams, 1789-1801. Trumbull, B., Hist. o<", 1810. Tucker, G., History of, to 1841. U. S., France, Negociations, 1793- 1800. Victor, Hist, of Am. Conspiracies, 1863. View of the U. S. of America. P. 752. Walsh, R., Appeal from Great Britain, 1819. Washington, G., Diary, 1789-91. Webster, N., History of, 1835. Wells, National Hand-book, 1857. White, H., Early Hist, of New Eng land, 1845. Willard, E., Late Amer. Hist., 1856. Willson, M., Hist, for Schools, 1846. Winterbotham, Hist. View of U. S., 1795. Winthrop, J., Hist, of New England, 1630-49. Wood, J., Adams s Administration, 1797-1801. Woodbury, L., Disc., Am. Hist. Soc., Wash. ,1837. Wraxall, Records of Indian Aff., 1678- 1751, MS. See Historical Societies ; America ; North America; Civil War, 1861- 1865; French War; Mexican War; Revolut. War; War of 1812; Bi bliography. United States, Lands. Bennet, H., Speech, 1852. Jenkins, T., Speech, 1852, Giving away. United States, Lauds (continued). Martin, T. S., Speech, 1852. Schoonmaker, Speech, 1852. Snow, W. W., Speech, 1852. Strictures on the Land- . ..Interest, 1781. U. S. Land-Office Reports, 1847, 56, 1865-67. United States, Military. See U. S. Army. U. S., Military Academy. See West Point. United States, Mint. Annual Reports, 1859,60,62-68. tf Instructions on business at, 1867. " Rules of Assay, 1868. " Denver Mint Re ports, 1863, 64. King, J. G., Speech, Branch Mints, 1851. P. 47. Phil a Board of Trade, Report on. See Numismatics. United States, Xaval Academy. Rules and Regulations, 1850, 62. Register, 1862, 63, 67, 68. Marshall, History of Nav. Acad.,1862. U. S., Report on Loyalty of Officers of, 1862. United States, Navy. Boynton, Hist, of in the Rebellion. Brief History of .... Assimilated Rank, by W. S. W. R., 1850. Cairo, Memorial for Naval Depot. Clark, T., Naval History of, 1814. Cooper, J. F., History of, 1840. Dawson, H. B., Battles by Sea and Land, 1858. Examination of the legality 1848. Forbes, P. S., Petition to Congress. Goldsborough, Naval Chronicle, 1824. Goldsborough, Reply to Attack on the Navy, 1845. Hamersly, Biog. of Living Offi., 1870. Houston, S., Speech, U. S. Sen., Na val Retiring Board, 1856. Isherwood, Remarks on his Defence of Wampanoag, 1868. Hull, I., Court of Inquiry on, 1822. Kimball, H., Amer. Naval Battles, 1831. Lawrence, J., Chesapeake and Shan non, 1813. Levy, U. P., Memorial, 1855. Lyon, C., Increase of, 1854. Memorial of U. S. Engineers, 1864. P. 1837. Memorial of officers for increased pay. 1866. 600 UNITED STATES, NAVY. United States, Navy (continued). Naval Monument: Bowen, 1816. New London as a Naval station, 1862, 1863, 64. P. 1837. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1837. Peterson, History of, 1852. Philadelphia as a Naval station, 1864. Philadelphia Board of Trade on Navy Yard, 1862. P. 993. Remarks on the Home Squadron and Naval School, 1840. Reply to a Pam. on League Is., 1864. Rockwell, C., Foreign travel : Treatise on, 1842. Sanborn, S. H., Tyranny in, 1841. Sandusky memorial for Naval depot. Shaw, E., Life of, 1845. Somers Mutiny, 1843. P. 195. Taylor, F. W., The flag-ship, 1840. Thoughts on the subject of, 1806. P. 1376. U. S., Navy Register, 1817-68, imp. " Reports of Sec. of, 1861-68. " Naval contracts, 1859. <{ Maj. and Min. reports on a new Naval station, 1864. tl. S. Steamer Wampanoa :, Report of trial trip, 1868. " Remarks on the above report, 1858. Voice of Truth : Leopard and Chesa peake, 1807. P. 195. Whitney, C. W., Memorial on the Keokuk, 1868. Wood, W., Nav. Inst. of a Republic, 1853. P. 521. See Civil War; Mexican War; Naval. United States: Patents. See Patents, United States, Political Pamphlets. Vols. 19, 22, 26, 38, 44, 47, 57, 66, 234, 526, 527, 584, 589, 860, 878, 916, 917, 931, 1247, 1580-1583, 1838, 39. B. C., vol. 1, 2, 27. 1760-1787. Address by Congress to the States, 1783. P. 13. Chauncy, C., Sermon, Repeal of Stamp Act. Complaint to the . . against a pamphlet, 1775. Conciliatory address, Lond., 1775. Considerations on taxing, (Dulanoy), 1765. Considerations on the dependencies, Lond., 1769. Considerations on the late act, 1776. Considerations on the measures, (Rob inson), 1774. Considerations upon the rights, N. Y., 1766. United States, Political Pamphlets (continued). Constitutional right of the Legislature, 1768. Full, A, Vindication of the measures of Congress, 1774. Hopkinson, The old farm and the new farm, 1774. Observ. on the peculiar case of Whig merchants, N. Y., 1785. See Revolutionary War. 1787-1801. Addison, A., Obs. on Gallatin s speech, 1798. Address to the people on Jefferson, 1800. Barlow, J., Letters, 1800. Callender, Sedgwick & Co., 1798. Carey, M., A plumb pudding , 1799. Cobbett, Bone to Gnaw, 1795. " Kick for a Bite, I, II, 1795. " Little Plain English, 1795. " New Year s Gift, 1796. " Scare Crow, 1796. Desultory Reflections, 1800. Examination of Conduct of Executive, 1797. P. 19. Examination of the Treaty, 1795. Fallacy Detected, 1790. Fauchet, J., Sketch of French rela tions with, 1797. Federalist, The, Strictures on Phocion, 1796. Five Letters, (Laughan), 1792. Harper, R. G., Treaty with G. B., 1795. Leland, J., A Storke at the Branch, 1801. Page, J., Addr., Gloucester Co., Va., 1799. Paine,- R. T., Oration, on Franco, 1799. Paine, T., Writings of, 1792. Politicks of a certain Party, 1792. Pretensions of Jefferson^ 1796. Prince, J., Serm., Difficulties with France, 1798. Prospect before us, 1800. Reply to A. Hamilton, on J. Adams, 1800. Rub, A, from Snub.. to P. Porcupine, 1795. Scipio, Reflections on Monroe s View of the Conduct. Smith, Speech, Friendship with G. Britain, 1794. Strictures., .upon the Three Depart ments, 1792. Stuart, W., Oration, N. Y., 1794. Tanguy de la Boissiere: Obs. on Pick ering s Dispatch, 1797. UNITED STATES, POLITICAL PAMPHLETS. 601 United States, Political Pamphlets (continued). Thoughts upon the Pol. Situation, 1783. Treaty Discussed, 1795. Tulliu3 Americus, Strictures on L. J. Brutus, 1801. Varnum, J. B., Address, Concord, 1800. ViewoftheN.E.Illuminati, 1799. Wortman, T., Address to N. Y. on Jefferson, 1800. See Adams; Aliens; Jefferson; Wash ington. 1802-1816. Adams, J., Correspondence, 180S. Address of State Comm., Penn a, 1808. Address to the peo. of N. E., A. Sid ney, 1809. American Dialogues of the Dead, 1814. American Arguments, Neutral Trade, 1806. Answer to War in Disguise, (Morris), 1806. Appeal to the People, (Coleman), 1810. Atcheson, American Encroachments, 1808. Banks, H., Truth without Guile, 1808. Barlow, J., Two letters, 1806. Bayard, J. A., Speech, Embargo, 1809. Bishop, A., Proofs of a conspiracy, 1802. Bliss, H., An Oration, 1815. Clopton, J., Speech, Non-importation, 1806. Colvin, J. B., Republican economy, 1802. Conduct of Washington compared,1813. Corrector, No. 1, 1815; No. 2, 1816, N. Y. Cursory sketch of the motives, 1809. Custis, G. W., Orat. on Lingan, 1812- Exam, of Brit, doctrine, 1800. Examin. of the Pres ts Message, 1802. Fessenden, T. G., Some thoughts,! 807. Freyheit die treue Liebe, 1809. Foreign Relations, 1810. Gen. Rep. Comm. of N. Y. City, Addr., 1809. Hartford Convention, 1815. Inquiry into Relations with France, 1811. Jefferson, T., Inaug. Speech and Re ply to N. Haven remon., 1802. Johnson, R. M., Speech, Ky., 1815. Lewis, R. W., Oration, 1812. Lynn, J., Address to citizens, 1804. M Henry, Letter to Speaker of H. of R., 1803. Moseley, J. 0., Speech, Embargo,! 809. Niles, H., Things as they are, 1809. 76 United States, Political Pamphlets (continued). Peace without Dishonor, (Lowell), 1807. Pickering, T., Letter, Danger of war, 1808. Politics for farmers, 1807. Republican crisis, 1812. Reviewers reviewed, 1816. Sedgwick, Oration, 1811. Sixth of August Fest., Litchfield, Conn., 1806. Stanley, G. W., Oration, "Corrup tion," 1805. Strachan, Disc, of George III, 1810. Things as they are, 1809. Touchstone to the People, 1812. Tyrant, The, Caught, 1809. P. 75. View of the Policy of, 1810*. P. 1, B. C. Vindication of the Measures, 1803. Webster, N., Misc. Papers, 1802. White, W. C., Avowals of a Republi can, 1813. Worcester, S., Serm., War, 1812. See Neutrals; War of 1812; Washing ton Societies. 1817-1837. Address of tate Conv., N. Y., 1828. Address to the People of Maryland, 1832. American Recorder, No. I, 1832. Binney, H., Speech, Phil a, 1832. Brackenridge, H. M., To the Public, 1832. Cabinet Literature, 1830. Crisis, The, by Brutus, 1827. Dorsey, J. L., Address, Maryland, 1831. Essays of Camillus, Norfolk, 1841. Essays on the Origin of the Fed. Gov t, 1830. Falkland, On Foote s Resolutions, 1830. Few Hints on Monar. and Repub., 1825. Grimshaw, W., Exposition of the... Republic, 1822. Hallett, B. F., Oration, Palmer, MS. 1836. History of Extra Session of Congress. 1837. Important facts for the People, 1832. Jarvis, W. C., The Republican, 1820. Letter to the Hon. D. Webster, by Marcellus, 1837. Letters from Phil a Comm. of Corresp., 1828. Letters on the Richmond Party, 1823. Letters of Wyoming, 1824. MoDuffie, State Rights, 1821 602 UNITED STATES, POLITICAL PAMPHLETS. United States, Political Pamphlets (continued). Nat. Rep. Conv. of Young Men, Wash., 1832. Nat. Rep. Conv., Worcester, 1832. Political Balance, 1832. Romaine, State Sovereignty, 1832. Republican Conventions, 1825. Scriptural View of Pol., 1826. Storrs, H. R., Pres. Election, 1828. Two, The, Americas, 1824. Van Rensselaer, J. S., Address, Sche- nectady, 1839. Voice from the Interior, Who Presi dent ? 1828. Wilde, R. H., Speech, " Deposits," 1834. Woodbee Family, Sketch of, 1823. 1837-1853. Andover Husking, Bost., 1842. Bacon, D. F., The Mystery of Ini quity, 1845. * Progressive Democracy, 1844. Bancroft, G. ; Address, 1840. Botts, J. M., Speech, Newark, 1853. Brown, A. V., Speeches, 1854. Buel, A. W., Speech on the Union, 1851. Campbell, L. D., Speech, U. S. H. of R., 1850. Cass, L., Speech, Wilmot Proviso, 1847. Constit. meeting, Boston, 1850. Defence of the Whigs, 1844. Democratic Conventions, 1848, 52. Democ. Rep. Meet,, N. Y. City, 1838. Democ. Republicans opposed, 1838. Dem. Whig Ass n, Addr., 1839. Faots^or the Laboring Man, 1840. Graham, S., Letter to Webster on Compromises, 1850. Green, W., Addr., Clay Club, Alex andria, 1845. Harrison, W. H., Why Elect ? Identity of Federalists with Whigs, 1840. Jackson, W., Essay on rights of gov t, 1846. Junius Tracts, (Colton), 1844. Kurtze Geschichto der politischo Par- teien, 1850. Leisler, J., Letters to Ponn a, 1850. Loco-focoism Displayed, 1844. Lowndes, Letters to Calhoun, 1843. National Free Soil Conv., Buffalo, 1848. Native American State Conv., Proo., 1845. Northern States, Their Peril, 1850. Peck, J. M., Prin. of Democracy, 1839. United States, Political Pamphlets (continued). Pictures of the Times, 1840. Platforms, The, 1852. Pumroy, J. N., Defence of our Natu ralization Laws, 1845. Religious Lib. in Danger, 1844. Riell. H. E., Appeal to Voluntary Citizens, 1840. Secret History of Tyler Dynasty. 1845. Smith, J., Mr. Van Buren s Letter, 1841. Spencer, J. C., Corresp. with, 1842. Stephens, Speech, Rights of Members, 1844. Union Meet., N. Haven, Proc., 1850. Utica Convention, Proc., 1848. Venable, Speech, Internal Improve ments, 1848. Washington, Meet, of Opponents, 1840. Whig Charge of Intolerance, 1852. Whig Congr. Committee, 1844. Whig Text-book, 1844. Whig Nat. Convention, 1848. Whig State Conventions, 1846, 48. White, J. L., Speech, 1843. Wilson, J. P., Serm.. Perpetuity of the Union, 1851. Winthrop, R. C., Vote on the War Bill, 1846. Words of Counsel, 1850. Yeadon, R., Speech, Charleston, S. C., 1844. See Compromise ; California; Missouri; American Party. 1854-1868. Address, Democratic, 1854. American Destiny, 1864. Appleton, N., Letter on Slavery and Union, 1860. Austin, R. F., Buchananism, 1858. Barstow, B., Letter to Buchanan, 1857. Boll, J., Relations with G.Brit. ,1856. Benton, T. H., Dred Scott Case. Blair, M., Speech, Bait., I860. Bradford, S. D., Works. Brooks, E., Speech, 1856. Brown, A. V., Addr. on the Parties, 1856. Browne, C., The U. S. Power and Con stitution, Lond., 1856. Buck, E., The Drift of the War. Cairnes, J. E., The Revol. in America, 1862. Cameron, S., Address, Phil a, 1859. Campaign of 1860. Caroy, H. C., Letters to the President, 1858. Coggeshall, W. T., Address, Ohio, 1860. UNITED STATES, RECONSTRUCTION. G03 United States, Political Pamphlets (continued). Common Sense, Nashville, 1860. Cosmopolitan Ideas on the Union, 1859. Cowdin, E. C., The Presidential Issue, 1868. Crosby, A., Pres. Posit, of the Seceded States, 1865. Curtis, G. T., Suprem. of Congr. over the Territ., 1859. Democratic Conventions, 1854, 56. Demoo. Conv., Montgomery, 1860. Democ. State Cent. Coinm., N. Y., Addr., 1859. Disunion Convention, 1857- Dix, W. G., The Presidency, 1856. Dorr, J. A., Justice to the South, 1856. Dougherty, D., The Peril of the Re public, 1863. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Assocn., Tracts. Eighteenth Ward, N. Y., Repub. Fest., Speeches, 1860. End of the Irrepr. Conflict, 1860. Exhibition of Wolves, 1856. Facts for the People, 1855. Fast Day Sermons, 1861. Goodloe, D. R., Federalism unmasked, 1860. Gordon, G. W., On Bates for Pres t, | J860. Halstead, Caucuses of 1860. Ilambleton, Review of the Parties, 1856. Henry, C. S., Reasons for the Repub. Move., 1856. Howe, J., Speech, Recruiting, 1856. Hunt, E. B., Arner. Nationality. Hunt, W., Speech, N. Y., 1859. Impending crisis, No. 1, 2, 1862. Infidelity and Abolitionism, 1856. Kroeger, A. E., Our form of govern ment, 1860. Laboulaye, E., The U. S. and France, 1862. Lee, F. A., Speech, Cooperstown, N. Y., 1856. Letter to Americans, 1859. Lewis, Tayler, Heroic periods of a Nation s Hist., 1866. Lincoln, A., Debate with Douglas, 1858. " Speech, 1858, 1860. Loyal National League, ^Proc., 1863. Maclay, W. B., Selection of letters, 1859. Macon, N., Letters to O Connor, 1862. Mason, J. Y., Addr. Univ. of N. Caro lina. Moody, L., The destruction of Repub licanism, 1863. " Plain statement to Democrats, 1868. United States, Political Pamphlets (continued). Nott, B., Constitutional ethics, 1857. " Remedy for the irrepr. conflict, 1860. Pamphlets, Presid. elect., 1856, vol. 537. Pamphlets, Politics, 1860-68, vol. 1838. Parsons, T., The Constitution, 1861. Pelletan, E., Address to King Cotton, 1863. Plain facts., in favor of J. Buchanan, 1856. Plumb, D., Citizenship and suffrage, 1868. Popular Sovereignty: reviewed, 1859. Porter, W. D., State Sovereignty.,1860. Presid. Platforms, 1856. Pruyn, J. V. L., Remarks, H. of R. Gov t of the South. States, 1863. Radical reconstruction, Sacrain., 1867. Recruiting in 1856. Reed, W. B., Speech, Somerset, 1856. Reeder, A. H., Speech, 1856. Remarks on Popular Sovereignty,1859. Reminiscences 1856* Reply to Prof. Hodge on the state of country, 1861. Repub. Documents, 1859. Repub. Nat. Conv., Proc., 1856. Rise and progr. of outbreak, Harper a Ferry, 1859. Scroggs, G. A., etal., Speeches, 1860. Seward, W. H., Speeches, 1860. Shaffer,.Letter, 1856. Squatter Sovereignty, 1858. South, The, a letter, 1856. South alone should govern the South, 1860. States against Territories, 1860. Stephens, A. H., Speech against Seces sion. Stringhain, Address, 1856. Union, The, Helper condemned, 1859. Union as it was, Const, as it is, 1862. Union Meet., Phil a, Proc., 1859. Walker, R. J., Appel, Lettre, 1856. Yancey, W. L., Speech, Syracuse, 1860. Washington Despotism Dissected, 1863. Weller, etal., Speeches, 1856. Wilson, H., Speech, Repub. Party, 1856. See Homestead Bills; Fremont; Sla very; Kansas; Civil War of 1861- 1865; U. S. Constitution ; Govern ment. United States, Railroads. See Rail roads. United States, Reconstruction. Pamphlets, vol., 1839: Speeches, etc., 1865-68. 604 UNITED STATES, RELIGION IN. United States, Religion in. Amer. Christ. Record, 1860. Am. Ed. Soc., Quar. Register, 1829-43. Baird, R., Hist, of Evang. Churches, 1844. " Christian Register, 1800-50. 11 Religion in America. Belcher, J., The Clergy of America, 1849. Blaikie, Philosophy of Sectarianism, 1855. Caswall, Amer. and the Amer. Church, 1851. Colton, C., Relig. State of, 1836. Davis, E., The Half Century, 1851. Gorrie, The Churches and Sects of, 1850. Grandpierre, Parisian Pastor s Glance at, 1854. Lewis, G., Impressions of, and the Amer. Churches, 1845. Miller, S., Retrospect of the 18th Century. Miiller, Gesch. d. Amer. Urreligion, 1855. Oliver, Puritan Commonwealth, 1856. Parker, T., Sermons, 18515. Reed and Matheson- s Visit to American Churches, 1835. Rupp, Hist, of Relig. denominations, 1844. Schaff, P., Amer. Polit. and Religious, 1855. Schermerhorn, View of Relig. and Mo rality of, 1814. Thornton, Oliver s Puritan Reviewed, 1857. Uhden, N. Engl. Theocracy, 1859. Voice from America, 1839. See various Churches ; Puritans; Re vivals. United States, Statistics and Regis ters* Addison, A., Oration, 1798. Almanach des Etats Unis, 1851-3. Amerioan Almanac, 1830-fiO. Amer. Ann. Cyclopaedia, 1861-70. American Annual Register, 1796, 1825- 1833. Amer. Statesman s Cal., 1813. American Statistical Ann., 1854. Am. Statist. Assoc., Coll., 1847. Amerioan Year-book, 1869. American Annual Kalender, 1794, 95, 1798. Biblioth6que Amer., 1807. Blodgett, Statist. Man. for 1806. Brion, Almanach interessant, 1778. Bristed, Resourced of, 1818. Chase, The North and the South, 1857. Congressional Directories, to 1869. Coxe, T., View of, 1787-94. United States, Statistics and Regis ters (continued). Coxe, T., Arts and Manufactures of, 1810. Darby, View of the United States, 1828. De Bow, Statist. View of the U. S. De Bow Review, Period., 1846-61 . Disturnell s U. S. Register, 1852, 62, 1864. Donnant, Statist. Account of, 1805. Downe s U. S. Almanac, 1843-45. Edwards, B., Trade of Brit. W. Indies with the U. S. A., 1784. Elliot, J., Supp. to U. S. Register, 1829. Financial Register of, 1838-39. Fisher, R. S., Census for 1850. Force, National Calendar, 1820-24, 1828-36. Gaines, Univ. Register, 1776, 86. Geographical, Histor. Comm. and Agr. view of, 1820. Hadley, Am. Citizens Manual, 1840. " U.S. Hist, and statist, index, 1840. Hall, J., Statistics of the West, 1836. Hazard, U. S. Comm. and Statist. Register, 1840-42. Homans, B., U. S. Register, 1843, 44. Kettell, Southern wealth, 1860. Lanman, Diet, of Congress, 1858, fl4, 1868. Ming sU. S. Register and N. Y. Pocket Almanacs, 1812, 13, 14. National Register, 1816-19. N. Y. Observer, Year Book, 1871. Ouseley, Remarks on Statist, and Insti. of, 1832. Outline of, her Resources, etc., Phil a, 1825. Palmer, J. T., Hist. Reg., U. S.,1812- 1814. Peto, Resources of, 1866. Picket,Tableau de la Situation actuelle des, 1795. Pitkin, Statist. View of Commerce of, 1835. Putnam, American Facts, 1845. Seybert, A., Statist. Annals, 1789- 1818. Stiles, E., Discourse, 1760. Stryker s Amer. Register, 1848-51. Tazewell, Negot. on Commerce with W. Indies, 1829. Tribune Almanac, 1856-72. Tucker, G., Progress of, in 50 yean, 1843. Un. States Census, 1791, 1810, 20, 30, 1840, 50, 60, 70. U. S. Official Register, 1795, 1810-67, 18G8, imp. UNITED STATES, TRAVELS IN. 605 United States, Statistics and Regis ters (continued). U. S. Almanacs, 1797-1845. U. 8. Kalendar, 1813. U. S. Hist, and Statist. Index, 1840. Walker, G., Resources of, 1865. Warden, D. B., Statist. Account of, 1819. Watterston, Statist. View of, 1829. Whig Almanac, 1843-55. Wigglesworth, Calculations on Popula- i tion, 1775. Williams, E., Statist. Companion 1846. Woodward, A. B., Considerations, 1809. World Almanac, 1869-72. See Statistics ; Commerce; Registers; ; Almanacs; U. S. Army; U. S. Navy; Washington City. United States, Territories. Goodwin, i H. C., Speech, 1855. Grover, M., Speech on Wilmot Proviso 1847. Hale, J. P. Speech, 1850. Hudson, C., Speech, 1848. Law of the Territories, 1859. Quitman, J. A., Speech, 1857. Rhett, Speech, 1848. Rockwell, J., Speech, 1848. Smart, E. K., Speech, 1849. Walsh, R., Free Remarks. Woodworth, W. W., Speech, Wilmot Proviso, 1847. Yulee, Speech, Rights of the People, 1848. See Slavery, Debates; Kansas; Mis souri; Compromise of 1850. United States, Travels in. Abdy, Residence and Tour in, 1833, 34. Albert Edward, Prince, Visit, 1860. American Memoranda, 1843. Anburey, Travels through Interior, 1789. Arusmont, F. W. d , Voy. aux Etats Unis, 1818-20. " Views of Society in, 1821. ! Bartram, Tr. from Penn a to Canada, ! 1751. Baxter, W. E., The Americans, 1855. ! Bradbury, J., Tr. in the interior of, 1809-11. Bremer, F., The Homes of the Now World, 1853. Briefe aus den V. Staaten van N. , Amer., 1853. Buckingham, Eastern and Western States, 1842. Buddingh, Kerk, School, Wetenschap in. ...1852. Bulow s Travels, (Portfolio, Ser. I, v. 2). United States, Travels in (continued). Bunn, Old and New England, 1853. Burns, Jabez, Tour in U. S. and Can ada, 1847. Busch, Wanderungen, 1851. Butler, F. K., Journal, 1835. Carli, Lettres Americaines, 1789. Carlisle, Earl of, Travels in Amer., 1851. Castiglioni, Viaggio negli Stati Uniti, 1785-87. Chambers, Things as they are in, 1854. Chasles, American Manners, 1852. Chastellux, Voyage de Newport. Chevalier, Lett, sur 1 Amerique, 1839. B. C. * Society and Manners in, 1839. Cobbett. W., A Year s Residence in, 1818, 19. Coles, G., Seven Years in Amer., 1852. Collot, Voyage dans 1 Am. Septentrio- nale, 1826. Combe, G., Notes on the U. S., 1841. B. C. Crockett, Tour North and East. Cunynghame, Glimpse of, 1851. Darby, Tour from N. Y. to Detroit, 1819. Davis, J., Travels of 4 years and a half in, 1798-1802. De Roos, Narrative of Travels in,1826. Dickens, American Notes, 1842. B. C. Dilke, Greater Britain, 1869. Dixon, Tour in U. S. and Canada,1849. " New America, 1867. Duncan, Mrs., America as I found it, 1852. Duncan, J. M., Travels in, 1818. Dwight, Theo., Summer Tours, 1847. Edmundson, Journal of, 1654-95. Everest, Journey through, 1855. Excursion through, 1822-3. Eyre, The European Stranger in Amer., 1839. Eyre, Travels, 1852. Fashionable Tour, 1825. Faux, Memorable Days in Amer. ,1823. Fearon, Sketches of America, 1818. Ferrall, Ramble of 6000 miles, 1832. Fidler, Observations. ...in U. S. and Canada, 1832. Finch, Travels in U. S. and Canada, 1833. Forest, P., Voyage aux Etats Unis, 1831. Fowler, R., Hither and Thither. 1854. Gall, Auswanderung nach den V. S., 1819, 20. Gerstner, Beschreibung einer Reise, 1842. 606 UNITED STATES, TRAVELS IN. United States, Travels in (continued). Oilman, C. and S., The Poetry of Tra velling, 1838. Godley, Letters from America, 1844. Grant, A., Mem. of an Am. Lady, 1846. Grattan, T. C., Civilized Amer., 1859. Grund, Aristocracy in America, 1839. Hall, B., Travels in North Amer., 1827, 28. Hall, F., The East and the West, 1840. Hamilton, T., Men and Manners in, 1833. Harris, W. T., Tour through, 1817-19. Howitt, E., Tour in, 1820. Janson, C. W., The Stranger in Amer., 1807. Johnson, C. B., Letters, 1821. Jones, Maj., Tour .from Georgia to Canada, 1850. Kalm, P., Travels in; German and English, 1754-64. Kendall, E. A., Travels through, 1809. Laboulaye, Paris in America, 1863. Lannmn, Letters from the Alleghanys, 1849. La Rochefoucault, Voyage dans, 1795- 1797. " Travels through,1799. La Sagra, Cinco meses en los E. U. Am., 1835. Latrobe, The Rambler in N. A., 1832, 1833. Lieber, F., Letters to a Gentleman in Germany, 1834. L. I. Hist. Soc., Banker s Voyage, 1679. Lyell, Sir C., Travels in, 1844. Mackay, A., The Western World, 1846, 47. Mackay, C., Life and Liberty in, 1859.. Mackenzie, E., Descriptive View of, 1819. Mackenzie, W. L., Sketches, 1833. Marquette, Recit des Voyages, 1673, 1674, 75. Marryat, Diary in America, 1839. " Diary, 2d Series, 1844. Martineau, H., Society in Amer., 1837. " Retrospect of Western Travel, 1838. Maxwell, A. M., A Run through the U. S., 1840. Melish, Travels in the U. S., 1806-11. Mitchell, D. W., Ten Years in, 1862. Mooney, Nine Years in, 1850. Montlezun, Voy. do N. Y. a N. Or- 16JW1S, 1816. Murray, A., Letters from, 1856. Murray, C. A., Tr. in N. Amer., 1834. Murray, H. A., Land of the Slave and Free. 1855. United States, Travels in (continued). Notes upon Canada and .... 1832-40. Ossoli, Summer on the Lakes, 1824. Palmer, J., Tr. in U. S. and Canada, 1817. Parkinson, Tour in, 1798-1800. Pfeiffer, Second Voyage, 1855. Power, T., Impressions of Amer., 1833. Priest, W., Travels in, 1793. Pulszky, White, Red, Black ; Sketches, etc., 1853. Raumer, F. von, America, etc., 1846. Reid, Sketches in, 1861. Remarks on Chastellux, 1787. Reminiscences, 1825. Reviewers reviewed, 1815. Robertson, J., Few months in America, 1855. Robertson, W. P., Visit to, 1853. Royall, Anne, Tours, 1826-30. " Black-book, etc., 1829. Runnell s, Mrs., Journal of facts, 1839. Schopf, Reise. .nach Ost Florida, 1788. Schultz, Travels in N. Y., Penn., Va., etc., 1810. Scoresby, American Factories and Ope ratives, 1845. Seward, W-., Journal with Whitefield, 1740. Silliman, B., Tour, Hartford to Que bec, 1819. Shillitoe, Journal of labors, etc., 1839. Sketches of Hist., Life, etc., 1826. Sturge, J., Visit to, in 1841. Things as they are, 1834. Tournee a la mode^ 1829. Trans-Atlantic Tracings, Lond., 1853. Trollope, Domestic manners of the Amer., 1839, Tuckerman, H. T., Am. and her com mentators, 1864. Tudor, W., Letters on Eastern States, 1821. Vigne, Six Months in America, 1833. Wansey, Excursion in, 1794. Watkin, E. W., A Trip to the U. S. and Canada, 1852. Weld, C. R., Tour in, 1855. Weld, I., Travels through, 1795-97. Willis, N. P., Amer. Scenery, (Bart- lett), 1852. Wortley, E. S., Travels in, 1849, 50. Zavala, Viage a los Estados, 1834. See New Eng., and the several States; Canada; Pacific Railroad; U. S., Geographical; North America. United States, Travels South. Adams, N., Southside View, 1854. Bartram, W., Tr. N. and S. Carolina, Ga., Florida, 1792. UNITED STATES, TRAVELS WEST. 607 United States, Travels South (con tinued). Borquin-Duvallon, Tr. in Louisiana and tho Floridas, 1806. Buckingham, J. S., Slave States, 1842. Coxe, Descr.of Carolana and Louisiana. Day, Down South, 1862. Featherstonhaugh, Excur. through Slave States, 1844. Oilman, C., Recollections, 1838. Ingraham, J. W., The Southwest,1835. Kirke, Among the Pines, 1862. " My Southern friends. Knight. Letters from South and West, 1824. Lanman, Letters from the Alleganys, 1849. Lilly, Early Hist, of Southern States, 1852. Mackie, J. M., To Dixie and the tropics, 1864. Milburn, Pioneers of Mississippi, 1860. Olmsted, Our Slave States, 1856, 60. " Seaboard Slave States, 1856. " The Cotton Kingdom, 1861. Paulding, J. K., Letters from tho South, 1816. Royall, Anne, Travels, 1826-30. Tasistro, Random Shgts, 1847. Willis, N. P., Health trip, 1853. See Slavery. United States, Travels West. Ashe, Travels in America, 1806. Atwater, C., Tour to Prairie du Chien, 1829. Baxley, What I saw on the West coast, 1865. Beste, The Wabash, 1855. Birkbeck, M., Notes, 1818, 22. Bowles, S., Across the Continent,1865. " Our new West, 1869. Brackenridge, Voy. on the Missouri, 1816. " Recoil, of persons and places, 1834. Bradbury, J., Travels in the interior, 1809-11. Bradford, W. J. A-> Notes on the Northwest, 1846. Brown, S. R., Western Gazetteer,1820. Burnet, J., Settlement of N. W. Ter ritory, 1847. Burton, Rocky Mountains and Cali fornia, 1862. Caird, Prairie Farming, 1859. Carleton, R., The New Purchase, 1843. Carver, J., Travels, 1766-68. Coffin, C. C., Seat of Empire, 1870. Colton, Western Guide, 1850. Colton, C., Tour of the Lakes, 1830. Conclin s River Guide, 1852- United States, Travels West (cont d). Cuming, Tour in Ohio, Ky., etc., 1810. Cumings, Western Pilot, 1825. Dana, E., Geog. Sketches; Western States, 1819. Darby, W., Emigrant s Guide, 1818. Decalves, New Travels, 1796. Domenech, Seven Years in Deserts, 1860. Duden, Reise nach den Westlichen Staaten, 1824-27. Ellet, Mrs., Summer Rambles. Ellis, New Britain, Plain of the Mis souri, 1820. Evans, E., Pedestrian Tour, 1818. Farnham, Life in Prairie Land, 1846. Ferris, States of the Great West, 1856. Finley , J. B., Autobiography: Pioneer Life, 1853. Flagg, The Far West, 1838. Flint, J., Letters from America, 1822. Flint, T., Ten Years in Mississ. Val ley, 1826. " Geog. of the Western States, 1828. Greeley, H., Overland Journey, 1859. Hall, B. F., Hist, of the North Wes tern Terr., 1849. Hall, B. R., The New Purchase, 1855. Hall, J., Letters from the West, 1828. " The West, its Comm. and Pro duct, 1848. " Notes on the Western States, 1838. *f Sketches of the West, 1836. Harris, T. M., Tour to the Northwest Territory, 1805. Haswell, Phelps, Voyage to the Mis sissippi, 1773. Hart, A. M., Hist, of Valley of the Mississippi, 1853. Hawley, Tour from Mass, to Ohio, 1822. Heart, The Western Country, 1792. Hildreth, S. P., Pioneer History, 1848. " Biog. of Early Settlers,1852. " Early History of, 1864. Hoffman, C. F., A Winter in the West, 1835. Houstoun, M. C. H., Hesperos, or Travels in the West, 1850. Iinlay, Topog. Descr. of West. Terr., 1792. Keating, Expedition under Long, 1823. Ker, H., Travels in the West, 1808- 1816. Kinzie, Early Days in the North West, 1856. Kip, L., Army Life on the Pacific, 1858 Kirkland, Mrs., A New Home. Who ll follow ? 1840. B. C. 608 UNITED STATES, TRAVELS WEST. United States, Travels West (cont d). Lanman, C., Summer in the Wilder ness, 1847. " Haw-ho-noo, 1850. Lederer, Marches to the West of Caro lina, 1669. Lyford, Western Address Directory, 1837. M Call, Letters from the Frontiers, 1868. McClung, Western Adventure, 1755-94. Marcy, R. B., Army Life on the Bor der, 1866. " Border Reminiscences, 1872. Miohaux, Voy. a 1 ouest des Allegha- nys, 1804. Milburn, Rifle, Axe, etc., 1857. Mills, S. J., Miss. Tour West of the Alleghanys, 1815. Mollhausen, Diary to the Pacific, 1858. Mullan, Capt. J., Mil. Road from Walhalla, 1863. Nicollet, Report, Basin of Upper Mis sissippi, 1843. Ogden, Letters from West, 1823. Olmsted, F. L., Our Slave States. 1856, 1860. Pages, Travels, 1767-71. Pamphlets relating to the West, Vol., 1840. Parkman, F., Discov. of Great West, 1869. Parkman, F., Jr., Prairie Life, 1852. Peck, J. M., Guide for Emigrants, 1831, 37. Perkins, J. H., Writings, 1851. " Annals of the West, 1850. Perrin-du-Lac, Travels, 1807. Peyton, Over the Alleghanies, 1869 Pike, Z. M., Exp. to Sources of the Mississippi, 1805-07. Pritts, J., Mirror of olden time, 1849. Raynolds, Yellow-Stone River, 1868. Richardson, A. D., Beyond the Mis sissippi, 1867. Ruxton, Life in the Far West, 1849. Sargent, G. B., Lecture on, 1858. Schoolcraft, Trav. in the Mississippi Valley, 1825. Smet, Voy. aux Montagnes Rocheuses, 1858. " Western Missions, 1863. " New Indian sketches, 1863. Smith, T. M., Early settlement, 1855. Steele, Mrs., Journey in the West, 1841. Steele s Western Guide-book, 1836. Strickland, W. P., Pioneers of the West, 1856. Thomas, D., Travels in the West, 1816. Thorpe, T. B., Mysteries of the Back woods, 1846. United States, Travels West (cont d). Topog. Descr. of Ohio, etc., (Cutler), 1812. U. S-, Pacific R. R. Reports, 1853-4. Western Travellers . . . .Guide, 1836. Winthrop, T., Canoe and Saddle, 1863. See Canada; North America; Missis sippi River; Rocky Mts. ; Oregon; United States Guides; North West Terr. United States, Wars. Thomson, J. L., Hist, of the Wars of, 1854. f( Thrilling incidents in, 1848. See Civil War, 1861-.5; French War; Mexican War; Revolutionary War ; War of 1812. Universalism. Balfour, Doctrine on Satan, 1827. B. C. Balfour s opinion of the devil. Ballou, H., Dedica. Sermon, 1817. " The Universalist pulpit, 1851. " On the Atonement, 1805. " Hist, of anct. Univ. Ballou, H., 2d, Phraseology of the Jews on future state, 1844. Bernard, D., Universalism weighed, 1853. Blain, J., Death not Life, 1854. P. 630. Boston Assoc n Home Missionary Soc., Report, 1850. P. 524. Braman, M. P., Discuss, with T. Whit- temore, 1833. Browne, J., Essay on Univ. Redemp., 1798. . Chapin, E. H., Serm., Install, of H. Bacon, 1842. " What it is. P. 558. Christian Messenger, N. Y., 1832-35. Devol, Anti-Universalism, 1843. P. 267. Emmons, On gen. judgment, 1791. Empie, A., On Universalism, 1825. P. 65. Foster, John, Letters on Future Pun ishment, 1849. P. 96. Fuller, A., Letters on, 1802. Gospel Herald, N. Y., 1821-26. Hopkins, S., Future State of Sinners, 1783. Hudson, C. F., Is evil eternal? 1859. Huntingdon, Advoc. for devils, 1794. Johnson, Rev. S., Everlasting punish ment, 1786. Kneeland, A., Lectures, 1824. Layman s Letter, 1752. Lee, L., Universalism examined, 1836. Loveland, S. C., Corrosp. with J. La- beree, 1818. McCluro, A. W., Lectures on. Maurice, F. D., Theological Essays, 1853. UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. 609 Uuiversalism (continued). Mitchell, J., Sermon on, 1833. Murray, J., U. Vindicated, 1795. Philadelphia Magazine, Lond, 1788- 1789. Priest, J., The Anti-Universalist, 1837. Smith, J. M. H., The Great Work, 1858. P. 558. Smith, M. II., Text-book of, 1845. Stephen, Sir J , Doctrine of Endless Misery, 1801. Stuart, M., On Future Punishment, 1830. B. C. Thomas, A. C., Sinners, Servants and Saints, 1853. Universalism Tested, 1848. Universalist Companion, 1842, 48. Universalist s Gen. Reform Assoc n, 1849. Universalist s Home Miss. Soc. Re ports, 1851, 52. P. 96. Universalist Quarterly, Bost., Oct., 1851. Universalist Register, Rochester, 1837, 1838. Universalists: General Convention of, 1861, 62. Universalist Union, N. Y., 1836-7. Whitman, B., Letters to M. Stuart, 1830. P. 15. B. C. Whitman, J., Serm., Ord. of Edes, 1832. Whittemore, T., Sermon, Rich Man and Lazarus, 1829. " Modern History of, 1830. " Ballou s Life. Winchester, E., Universal Restora tion, 1803. Wood, E., Exposition of, 1823. Wright, R., Add. to Deists, Lond. < Add. on Mut. Toleration. " Addr. to Calvinists. Yates, F., Discuss, with E. Francis, 1843. See Future Life ; Theology. Universe. De Foe, Voy. to world of Cartesius, 1694. Hassler, F. R., Plates to Expos, of System of, 1828. Huinboldt, A. Von, Kosmos, Germ. and Engl. La Place, P. S., (Euvres, with Bow- ditch s Commentary. Mitchel, 0. M., Plan, and Stell. Worlds, 1848. Nichol, J. P., Thoughts on Syst. of the World, 1848. St. Pierre, B. De, (Euvres, 11. Somerville, Mrs., Connexion of the Phys. Sciences, 1842. Winchell, A., Sketches of Creation, 1870. 77 Universe (continued). Wright, T., The Universe, 1750; Noteg by Rafinesque, 1837. See Astronomy; Cosmogony; Nature; Plurality of Worlds; Philosophy. Uiiiversidad de Chile. Anales, 1854. Universite de France. Annuaire, 1850. Rendu, Code universitaire, 1846. See Education, French. ; Universite Laval. Memoire sur, 1862. University Education. Arnold, Univ. on the Continent, 1868. Barnard, F. A. P., Report for Ala bama Univ., 1855. Belgium, Educ. Superieure, 1843.* Beverley, R. M., Corrupt state of Camb., 1833. Blakesley, Thoughts, Lond., 1837. Brown University, Changes, 1850. P. 481. Cambridge Univ. Calendar, 1868. Coker, J.. On election of a Chancellor, Oxf, 1*10. Considerations on the late Regulations, Camb., 1751. De Lancey, W. H., Public Exam. P. 479. Dublin Univ. Calendar, 1868. Edinburgh Univ. Calendar, 1868. English Universities, (Rich), 1854. Enquiry into the Studies in Eng.,1824. Few Obser. on All Souls and Charities, 1819. Foster, C. J., Univ. of London, 1851. France, Annuaire de I Universite de, 1850. < Enseigne. des Lycees, 1852. " Statist, de 1 enseig. superieur, 1868. Freeman, Z, Manual of Am. Colleges, 1856. Further Inquiry .. .Discipline at Cam bridge, 1752. P. 1574. Gastrell, Bp. of Chester s case. Gilman, Sci. Schools in Europe, 1856. P. 233. Glasgow Univ. Calendar, 1868-70. Great Britain: Report of Evidence on Universities of Scot land, 1837. " Report on Univ. of Ox ford, 1852. Hay, J. B., Univ. of Glasgow, 1839. Hildyard, Consid. of the Univ. System, 1845. Hill, T., Address, Liberal Education, 1858. P. 286. Horsman, E., Speech, Univ. Reform, 1854. Howitt,.W., Student Life in Germany, 1845. 610 UNIVERSITY EDUCATION. University Education (continued). I Hoyt. Add., Univ. Progress, 1870. Hughes, T., Tom Brown at Oxford. Inglis, R. H., Speeches, 1850, 53. Inquiry into the Right of Appeal at Cambridge, 1751. P. 1574. Jebb, J., Ed. Univ. of Cainbr., 1774. King s College, London. P. 156. Knox, V., Liberal Education, 1789. Krauth, Address, Penn aCollege,1834. P. 286. Le Roy, Univ. de Liege, 1869. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir R. Peel, 1828. P. 386. Lindsley, P., Speech, Univ. Nashville. London Univ. Calendar 1868. Louvain, Universito de, Annuaire, 1863, 1864. Maiden, H., Study of Greek and Latin, 1831. Marriott, C., Letter to Gladstone, Oxford, 1854. Memorial on National University,1852. Miller, Present state of Camb., 1710. Monk, Vindic. of Cambridge, 1818. Newland, H., Thoughts on Lond. Uni versity, 1828. Newman, J. H., Office of Univ., 1856. " Discourse, 1852. Oxford Commission, 1852. Oxford Univ. Calendar, 1868. Pamphlets relating to University Edu cation, vols. 386, 1023, 1318, 1574. Paris, Guide, 1867, Morin. Pearson, G., Of abrogating religious tests, 1834. Philograntus, Exam, at Cambridge. Pillan, J., Three lectures on method, 1836. Powell, Dissenters at Oxford, 1834. P. 1104. Pratt, D. J., Statist, of Colleg. ed., Univ. Conv., Proc.. 1866. Pruyn, J. V. L., Volun. endowments for Colleges, Univ. Conv., 1867. Pycroft, Guide for University honors, 1842. Queen s College, Birmingham, 1851-52. P. 156. Raumer, German Univ., 1859. Remarks on the actual state of Camb., 1830. Remarks on the prop, reform at Cam bridge, 1855. Remarks on the Rev. Dr. P. a Sermon, 1758. Rendu, Code Universitaire, 1846. Reply to the....Edinb. Rev., 1810. \ P. 386. Row, C. A., Letter on U^iv. reform, ! 1850. University Education (continued). Sedgwick, A., Studies of the Univ. Shoveller, Scholastic Educ., 1F24. Some account of Durham Coll., 1840. P. 386. Tappan, H. P., University Education, 1851. " Address, Mich. Univ., 1855. Terrse fllius, 1726. Universitas Regia Fred., 1849, 52. Univ. of Albany, Circular, 1852. P. 73. " Speeches, 1852. P. 70. " Memorial on National Univ., 1862. P. 173. Univ. of London, Regul. for Degrees, 1839. P. 1574. Univ. of Maryland, Memorial, 1830. University of Sydney, N. S. W., 1851. Venable, Address, 1859. Yale College, Sci. School, Appeal for, 1856. P. 251. Wagenseil, Priv. Univ. Altdorf., 1623. Waterland, Advice to a Student, 1760. Wayland, Present Collegiate System, 1842. Whewell, Of a Liberal Education, 1845. " Eng. Univ. Education, 1838. Wiseman, Card., Sermon on, 1852. Wordsworth, C., Eccck-s. Commission, 1837. Wratislaw, On the Cambridge System, 1850. P. 386. See Education; Theological Education; Examinations; Cambridge; Ox ford; Edinburgh. University of Michigan. Catalogues, 1843-49, 1856-66. Haven, E. 0., Inaugural Address, 1863. Tappan, H. P., Report, 1853. University of N. Y. City. Anthon, Greek Professorship, 1851. Hist, of Controversy in, 1838. P. 73. Inaug. of H. Crosby, 1870. Univ. of N. Y., Catalogues, etc , 1839- 1871. Vethake, Resignations, 1833. University of Penn a. Catalogues, 1845, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 1864, 66. General Cat., 1849. Bell s Memorial on Med. Ed., 1850. Nicklin s Report on Oxford and Camb., 1834. Philo. Math. Soc., Rep. on Rosetta Stone, 1856. Wood, G. B., Hist, of, 1834. University of Rochester, N. Y. Cat alogues, etc., 1850-70. VALERIUS. 611 University of Vermont. Marsh, J., Momoir and Remains, 1843. Univ. of Vt., Catalogues, 1834-63. Triennial Cat., 1843, 46, 51, 54, 61. Scmi-Centen. Celeb , 1854. Expos, of System, 1828. University of Virginia. Catalogues, 1837, 49, 50, 54, 57. Jefferson, T., and J. C. Cabell, His tory of, 1856. Upminster, Eng. Wilson, T. L., Sketches of, 1856. Upper-ten-mile, Penn n. Wines, E. C., Hist, disc., 1859. Upsal. Marklin, Cat. Diss., 1778-1819. Upsal Univ., Cat. lib. impres., 1814. Cat. forvarterminen, 1847, 1848. Upton, Ms. Wood, B., Centenn. Ad dress, 1835. Urbino, Dukes of. Dennistoun, Me moirs of. Urine. Beale, Examination of, 1856. tc Constituents of, 1858. Bird, G., Urinary deposits. Courtenay, Strict, of Urethra, 1823. Hammond, W. A., Physiol. mem., 1863. Haughton, S., Diabetes naellitus, 1863. " Natural Constants of, 1860. Morland, W. W., Retention of the se cretion in the blood, 1861. P. 1357. Thornthwaite, Guide in exam, of, 1847. See Medicine. Uruguay. Almanaque, 1851. La Sota, Rep. orient, del Uruguay, 1815. See La Plata; Argentine Con. ; Monte Video. Usages. See Etiquette ; Manners. Useful Arts. See Arts. Usher, J., Abp. Aikin, J., Life of, 1812. Hone, R. B., Life of, 1833. Smith, T., Vita, 1707. Ustilagineae. See Moulds: Smut; Bot any ; Microscope. Usury. Bentham, Opinions on. P. 290. Defence of Usury, 1837. Coppinger, History of Laws on, 1849. P. 290. Dickinson, D. S., Speech on, N. Y. P. 290. Essay concerning, 1702. Gallatin, J., Usury laws, 1859. P. 290. Giraud, Pret chez lea Remains. Ac. mor. et pol., v. 5. Humphreys, W. H., Letter. Usury (continued). Kelly, W., Speech, Usury Laws, 1856. N. Y. Legis. Report on, 1855. O Callaghan, Usury nd Banks, 1834. Pamphleteer, vol. 13, (Cooke). Pamphlets on Usury, vol. 290. Remarks upon the Usury Laws, 1852. P. 290. Sherlock, W., Sermon, Lu. vi. 35, 1692. Spencer, J. C., Speech on, 1833. P. 193. Usury Explained, Pamph r, 11. Vindication of Laws on Loans, 1820. Whipple, J., Free trade in money, 1855. P. 290. See Interest. Utah. Boiler, Eight Years West, 1868. Burton, R. F., City of the Saints, 1862. Chandless, Visit to Salt Lake, 1857. Dixon, W. H., Spiritual Wives, 1868. See Mormons. Utica, N. Y. First Presb. Church, 1844. P. 536. Utica Chr. Repository, 1821-26. Utica Daily Gazette, 1844-56. Utica Daily Observer, 1857-62. Utica Directories, 1817, 43, 45, 51, 52, 1857. Utica Rail oad. Cooper, B. F., Report on, 1834. P. 28. B.C. P. 146, 151. Utopias. Armata, (Erskine), 1817. Bacon, F., New Atlantis. Barclay, J., Argenis, 1621. Ellis, New Britain, Lond., 1820. Gauden-tio di Lucca, Memoirs, (Berke ley), 1737. Hale, E. E., Sybaris, 1869. Harrington, J., Oceana, 1700. Holberg, L. De, N. Klimii Iter Sub- terraneum, 1766. " N. K. s Journey under ground. More, T., Utopia, 1838. Plato, The Republic. St. Pierre, J. H. B. de, L Aroadie. Wieland, C. M., Socrates out of his Senses, 1797. Utrecht. Segaar, Leerrede, 1760. Uxbridge, Eng. Redford, History of. V. Vacchiery, C. A. Westenrieder, Denk- rede, 1808. Vaccination. See Small Pox. Valerius, M. Berwick, E., Life of, 1815. 612 VALLANDIGHAM. Vallnudigham, C. L. Speeches... and Memoir, 1864, Vallejo, Ctal. Resources of, 1869. Van, Lake of. Wilbraham, Travels, 1837. Van Brugh, Sir J. Works and Memoir, U ycherley. Van Brunt Family, (Bergen). Van Buren. Numis. Beige, III, 404. Van Buren, M. Butler, VV. A., Sketch of, 1862. Camillus, Letters, Essays, 1841. Crockett, D., Life of, 1836. Emmons, W., Biog. of, 1835. Grund, F. J., Als Staatsman, 1835. P. 29. B. C. Hardin, J. J., Speech on, 1844. Harrison, W. H., Why Elect ? Holland, W. M., Life of, 1836. Hopkins, G. W., Letter- on, 1840. P. 66. Jenkins, J. S., Lives of Gov. of N.Y. Letters addressed to, 1830. Mackenzie, W. L., Life of, 1846. Portrait, The, Painter, 1831. U. S. Senate, Debate on nomination, 1831. P. 197. Van Buren, M., Life of, 1840. P. 198. " Life of by McElheney, 1853. " Biog. of. P. 1001. f< Democ. Almanac, 1844, Life of. " Polit. Parties in the U. S., 1867. " Review of Polit. life of, 1840. P. 198. Voice of the people, 1832. Voice from the interior, 1828. White s, H. L., Memoir, 1856. See Harrison, W. H. Van Buren Harbor. Gushing, S. B., Report on, 1836. P. 529. Van Carapen, M. Hubbard, J. N., Border Adventures of, 1842. Vancouver s Island. Jewitt, Adven tures, 1815. Lennard, Tr. in Brit. Columbia, 1862. MacDonald, D. G. F., British Colum bia and V., 1863. Macfie, Its hist, and prospects, 1865. " Vancouver s Island, 1871. Martin, R. M., Hudson s Bay Comp. Territories, 1849. Mortimer, G., Voyage to, 1791. Scouler, On Indian tribes of. See British Columbia; Oregon; Pacific. Van Dam, R. De Peyster, Memoir of. Vandenhoflf,G. Dramat. reminis.,1860. Vauderlyn, J. Dunlap, Hist, of Arts of Design in the U S., 1834. " Review of biog. sketch, 1838. " Key to Panor. of Versailles. P. 489. Vanderpool, G. Stanford, J., Sermon on, 1820. A 7 andervoort, R. Burtis, Funeral of, 1848. P. 554. Van Dieman s Laud. See Tasmania. Vane, Sir II. Upham, C. W., Life of, Sparks, 4. Van Ilalen, J. Narr. of imprisonment, 16*8. Van Lennep, M. E. Life of, 1848. Van Mildert, W. Townsend, G., Ser mon, Death of, 1836. P. 1009. Van Ness, W. W. New York, Report on offio. conduct, 1820. Van Olinda, A. Sharts, Col. John, Eulogy on, 1848, Mucs. P. 1. Van Polanen, R. G. Bryant, W. C., Notices of, 1833. B. C. Van Reimselaer Family. Holgate i genealogies. Van Rensselaer, C. Writings and me moir, 1861. Sprague, W. B., Discourse on, 1850. Van Rensselaer, Sol. Narr. of Queens- town, 1812-36. Van Rensselaer, Stephen. Address to the Freeholders, 1801. Barnard, D. D., Discourse on, 1839. Griswold, R. W., Biog. Annual, 1841. Vermilye, Sermon on, 1839. Vans, W. Demand on Codman, 1824. " Life of, 1825. " True statement, 1805. Van Santvoord, G. Memorial of, 1863. Van Schaack, P. Van Schaack, H. C., Life of, 1842. Van Sinderen, A. Jacobus, M. W., Sermon on, 1843. Varro,M.T. Berwick, E., Life of, 1813. Vassa, G. Life of, the African, 1837. Vassall Family. Descendants, (E. D. Harris), 1862. Vassar, J. G. Twenty years around the world, 1861. Vassur Female College, Poughkeep- sie, N. \ . Catalogue! of Students, 1865-67, 69. Proc. of trustees, 1861. " Laws and regul., 1866. " Students manual, 1867. " Art gallery report, 1864. VENTILATION. 613 Yandois. See Albigenses; Waldenses; Piedmont. Yaiiuhan, R. A. Memoir of, 1864. Yaughan, W. Memoir of, 1839. Vaux, Richard. Sketch of, Democ. i Rev., 1847. Vaux, Roberts. Pettit, Memoir of. Hist, i Soc., Penn a. Vega, L. T. De. Holland, Lord, Ac- j count of, 1806. Vegetarianism. Gleizes, Thalysie,1340, j 1842. Graham, S., Lectures. Graham Journal of health, 1837, 8. Health Almanac, 1842. Horsford, E. N., Value of. P. 210. Moncrieff, On the stomach, 1856. Plutarch, On eating of flesh. Morals, 1871. See Food; Health. Vegetation. Set Botany; Physiology, vegetable. Veitch, W. Memoir of; autobiog., 1825. Vellum. See Parchment. Vendee, La, France. La Rochejaque- j lein, Memoirs. Venezuela. Biggs, Miranda s revolu- ( tion. Chesterton, Narrative, 1819, 20. Depons, Voy. to Terra Ferrna, 1801-4. ; Giliij, F. S., Saggio di storia Ameri cana, 1784. Hackett, Exped., 1817, pour joindre les patriotes de. Hawkshaw, Residence in, 1838. Hippisley, Exped. to the Orinoco,1817 ; Lavaysse, Voyage de, 1813. Michelana, Exploracion....del Ania- zones, 1859. Paez, R., Wild scenes in, 1862. Recollections.of a Service, 1828. Robinson, J. H., Expedition up the Orinoco, 1822. Venezuela, Constitution, 1817, " Official Docts., 1812. See New Granada ; Guiana; Orinoco. Venice. Bembo, Storia Vinitiana, 1522. i Collezzione di carte pubb., 1806, 7. Combi, Guerra de Selim a , 1645. Contarini, Delia repubblica, 1591. Daru, Hist, de la republique, 1821. France: Docts. ined., Relations des ambass. Venitiens, 1500-1600. Flagg, E., History of, 1797-1849. Gratarol, P. A., Narr. apologetica, 1797. Gr. Brit., Calend. of State Pap. of MSS. at Venice, 1202-1509. Venice (continued). Hazlitt, History of, 1860. Hist, de la Rev. de la republique de, 1807. Howell, J., Survey of the signorie of, 1651. Howells, Venetian life, 1867. Hull, Select letters, 1764. Mauroceni, Hist. Veneta, 1521-1615. Memoria della Repubblica di, 1798. Raccolta cron.. 1799. Raccolta di carte, 1797, 98. Raccolta (Nuova) di leggi, 1799. Ruskin, Stones o*F Venice. Saint Real, Espagnols centre, 1781. Sanuto, M.,Itinerario per Terra Firma, 1483, 1847. Sketches from Venetian Hist., 1832. B. C. Soravia, Le Chiese de Venezia, 1822. Vacani, Laguna di Venezia, e del Fiumi, 1867. See Italy; Austria. Ventilation. Am. Acad. of Arts, Re port, 1848. P. 501. Amer. Calorifere Comp. Patent Stoves, 1854. P. 1805. Beck, Van, Beschrijving, etc., 1833. Bell, L. V., Method of ventilating buildings, 1848. Bernan, Hist, and Art of warming and, 1845. Boston, Report on school-houses, 1855- 1857. Culver s.Ventilators, 1856. P. 298. Gouge, H., A new system of, 1866. Griscom, Uses and abuses of air, 1850. lladfield, T. J., Construction of fire places, 1833. Heat and ventilation, 1851. P. 990. How to subdue smoke. Inman, Ventilation, warming, etc., 1836. Kelland, Laws of Conduction of heat, 1841. Kirkbride, Heating and Ventilating hospitals, 1850. P. 64. Jebb, Ventilation of prisons, 1844. La Cambre, Le Systeme a Paris, 1845. " Divers Systemes de. Leeds, Lectures on, 1867. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1865. Peclet, Traite de la Chaleur, etc. ,1843. " NouveauxDocts.rel.ala,1853. " The same, 3 e ed., 1860, 6.. " Assainissement des Ecoles, 1846. P. 278. Reid, D. B., Illustrations of the Theory, 1844. * Vent, in Amer. Dwellings, 1858. 614 VENTILATION. Ventilation (continued). Richardson, C. G., Popular Treatise on, 1839. Ritchie, R., Treatise on, 1862. Ruttan, Ventilation, 1862. Tracts for the People, 1848. Tredgold, Principles of warming and, 1824. U. S. Sen., Report on, 1865. " H. of R., Report on, 1869. Uses and abuses of air, 1848. Watson, J., Thermal Ventilation, 1851. Wyman, M., Treatise on, 1846. See Heat; Natural Philosophy. Ventriloquism, Explained, 1834. Verbeek, II. Sohnius, Nagedagtenisse van, 1737. P. 569. Vermont. Allen, E., On the claims of N. Y , 1774. " On claims of N.H. and Mass., 1780. Allen, I., Nat. and Polit. Hist, of, 1798. Arthur, T. S., History of, 1853. Beckley, H., History of, 1846. Bradley, S. R., Vermont s Appeal, 1780. Butler, J. D., Addr. Vt. Hist. Soo., 1846. Chase, F., Gathered sketches, 1856. Congregational Churches of, 1842, 59. Coolidge, History of, 1859. Dean, Gazetteer, 1808. Deming, L., Catalogue of Officers, 1778-1851. Gallup, Epidemic Diseases in, 1815. George s Gazetteer of, 1823. Graham, J. A., Sketch of present state of, 1797. Grout, W. W., Oration, Reunion of Vt. Officers, 1868. Hall, B. H., Hist, of Eastern Vt., 1858. Hall, Hiland, History of, 1868. Haynes, E. N., Tenth Vt. Regiment, 1861-65, 1870- Hemenway, Vermont Hist. Gazetteer, 1867,71. Hoskins, N., History of, 1831. Merrill, T. A., Election Serm., 1806. Present State of the Controversy, 1782. Rutland Co. Almanac, 1862. Thompson, D. P., Address, Hist. Soo., 1850. Thompson, Z., History of, and Appen dix, 1842, 53. " Gazetteer, 1824. Vermont: State Papers, (Slade), 1823. " Dennison s resolution, war of 1812, 1814. I Vermont (continued). Vermont: Adj. Gens. Reports, 1863-65. " Geological Survey, Reports, 1845, 48, 57, 58. " Natural Hist. Report, Young, 1856. " Register of Officers of Volun teers, 1863. " Registration of Births, etc., 1855, 9, 60, 62-68. " Debates on Location of tho Capitol, 1857. Report on construction of, 1857. P. 493. Vermont Almanac, 1854. Vermont Directories, 1847, 49, 56, 64- 1867. Vermont Hist. Soc., Coll., V. I, II, 1870, 71. Walton s Vermont Register, 1806-46, 1858-64. Washburn, P. T., Oration, Reunion of Vt. Officers, 1869. Williams, S., Hist, of, 1794. Young, A., Natural History of, 1856. See New Hampshire Grants. Vermont Local History. See Addison Co. ; Bennington ; Burlington; Cornwall; Coventry; Greensboro; Hubburdton; Middlebury; Mid- dletown; Aliss.sco; New Hampshire Grants; Pawlet ; Rutland Co.; St. Albans; Salisbury; Shoreham. Vernet, H. Gal. des Contem. vol. 4, Vie de, 1845. Verney Family. Letters, (Camden Soo.). Vernon, James. Letters, 1696-1708, to Duke of Shrewsbury, 1841. Verona, Italy. Maffei, Opere, 1790. Privilegiis, De> Cathedralis diss., 1753. Siwayna, T., De orig. Veronee, 1540. " Dell origine et ampiezza della citta, 1649. " Historie de Veronesi, 1649. Zenone, S., Memorie, 1839. Verplanck, G. C. Bryant, W. C., Eulogy on, 1870. Century Club, Proceedings, N. Y., 1870. Daly, C. P., Eul., N. Y., 1870. Hart, C. H., Eul., Phil a, 1870. Versailles. Fortoul, Splendors of, 1847. P. 1328. Galeries hist, de, Gavard, 1838. Paris Directory, 1834. Ritchie, Pict. Annual, 1838. Vatout, Souvenirs Higtor., 1837. Vespucci, A. Bandini, Vita e lettere di, 1745. Bartolozzi, Richerche circa alle ioo- perte d , 1789. VIRGINIA. 615 Vespucci, A. (continued). Camus, Voyages de De Dry. Canovai, Viaggi e elogio, 1817. Lastri, Elogio di, 17b6. Lester, Life and Voyages of, 1846. Napione, Del pritno scopritore, 1809. Santarem Viscount, Researches re specting, 1850. Varnhagen, Son premier voyage, 1858. See America, Discovery of. Veterinary. See Horses. Vicars, Capt. H. Memorials of, 1856. Vice. See Morals, Practical. Vicenza. Disconzi, Santuario di Maria Vergine, 1820. Victoria, Queen. Buckingham s^Me- moirs, 1861. Ebden, J. C., Sermon regarding, 1840. Howie, J., Queen in Scotland, a poem, 1842. Victoria, Coronation records, 1838. P. 1621. Victoria and Louis Philippe, Corresp., 1848. Victoria, Australia. Howitt, Two years in, 1855. Victoria, Exhibition of 1861 and Pref. Essays. Victoria, Exposition, 1866. Progres, Geographic, Statistique. Westgarth, Port Phillip district, 1853. See Australia; Law Library. Vidocq, F. . Memoirs. Vienna. Adair, R., Mem. of mission to, 1806. Coke, Vienna in 1848. Ellesmere, Sieges of, by the Turks, 1847. Karajan, Uebernahme des Univ. Ge- baudes. Lexington papers, Sutton, 1700. Pradt, Congress of Vienna. Stiles, Austria in 1848-9. Trollope, Vienna and the Austrians, 1838. See Austria; Bibliography. Vienne, France. Annuaire, 1844. Ville, Le Marquis. Du Cros, Hist, de ees Voyages, 1669. Villemain, A. F. Gal. des Contem., Vie de, 1845. Villiers, G., Duke. See Buckingham. Vincennes, Ohio. Law, J., Hist, ad dress, 1839. History of, 1858. Vine. Armailhacq, Culture des vignes, 1858. Busby, J., Vineyards of Spain and France, 1838. Vine (continued). Denniston, G., Grape Culture, Steuben Co., N. Y , Agr. Trans., 1864. Gaudry, Recherohes en Orient, 1855. Guyot, Culture do la vigne, 18C6. Haraszthy, Grape culture, 1862. Homes, Produce of the Vineyard in the East, Bibliot. Sac., 1848. Martin, W., Jr., Renewal System of Training, 1854. P. 1686. Pamphlets relating to, vol. 1218. Parker, S. J., Training of grapes, N. Y. Ag. Soc. Trans. 1865. Pleasant Valley Co., N. Y. Wetherill, C. M., Chern. anal, of grapes, 1862. P. 950. Set Wine. Viuelaud. Morse, A., Northmen in America. See New England; Taunton. Vinton, G. Rudder, W., Serm., Funeral of, 1852. Vinton, J. Vinton, J. A., Geneal. sketches of descendants of, 1858. Virgil, Cortland Co., N. Y. Gather ing, 1855. Virgilius Maro, P. De Lille, Georgi- ques, Eneide. Dryden, Translation of. Ramius, Praelectiones in, 1606. Turgot, Traductions, 1810. Virgilius, Opera, Ed. of Heyne, Da vidson, Masvicius, Martyn, Som- mer. See Poetry, Latfh ; Classical Lit. Virginia. Account of Settlement of. 1735. . Arthur, T. S., History of, 1852. Bayard, Voy. dans 1 Interiaur des E. U., 1791. Beverley, R., Hist, and present state of, 1705. Birkbeck, Jour, from, to Illinois, 1817. Blaokwater Chronicle, 1853. Botts, J. M., Correspondence, 186C. Brereton, Discovery of, 1602. Burk, J., History of Virginia, 1804-16. Byrd, The Westover MSS., 1841. " Dividing line, 1728. Cabell, Hist, of Agric. in. P. 461. Campbell, C., Introd. to Hist, of, 1847. " History of, 1860. Campbell, J. W., Hist, of, to 1791. Captives of Abb s Valley. Clayton, Letters to the Royal Society, 1688. Cook, Sotweed factor, 1708. Davidson, R., Presb. Ch. in Valley of, 1847. 616 VIRGINIA. Virginia (continued). Davis, J., First Settlers of, 1806. Declaration of State of. 1620. Do Hass, Settlement and Wars of Wes tern Va , 1851. Do La Warr, Relation, 1611. Doddridge, Notes on, (Kercheval). Exiles in Virginia, 1777, Gilpin, 1848. Fisher, AlcindaGold mine, 1839. P. 92. Foote, W. H., Sketches of, 1850, 55. Force s Tracts, Bacon s rebellion. Grigsby, Convention of 1776. Hakluyt, Virginia richly valued, 1609. Hainor, R., True Discourse of, 1615. " Reprint, 1861. Harriot, De commodis incolarum, 1590. Harrison, J. H., Letters in, 1828. Hartlib, Va. Silk worm, 1695. Hartwell, Present state of, 1727. Hawks, Contrib. to Eccl. Hist. of,1836. Hist. Docts. of Old Dominion, 1776. Lewis s Orderly book. Hopkins, S., Youth of the Old Do minion, 1856. Fict. Howe, H., Historical Coll. of, 1845. Howison, R. R., History of, 1846-48. Hunter, R. M. T., Obs. on the Hist, of, 1855. Hutchins, T., Topog. Descr. of Va., Penn., Md , etc., 1788. Jefferson, T., Notes on, 1782, 87, 94, 1801. " Observations sur la, 1786. Jones, H., Present state of, 1724. Joynes, T. R., Speech, Basis of repre- sensation, 1829. Keith, Sir W., Hist, of Brit. Planta^ tions, 1738 Kercheval, Hist, of Valley of, 1833, 50. Le Page du Pratz, Louisiana, or Wes tern Va., 1763. Letters descr. Virginia Springs, 1837. Martin, J., Gazetteer of, 1835. Mass., Message on Resolutions, 1844. Aleado, W., Old Churches. .. .Families of, 1857. Mordecai, Virginia in by-gone days, 1860. Neill, E. D., Hist, of Va. company, 1869. " Engl. Coloniz. of America, 1871. New Life of Virginea, 1612. Norwood, Voyage to, 1649. Nova Britannia, 1609. Force, 1. Old Dominion Soc., Celeb., 1860, Pamphlets relating to, vols. 1215, 1841. Peirpoint, Gov., Letter, abuse of mil. 1 power in, 1864. Perfect Desor. of, 1649. Plain facts: Rights of Indians, 1781, Virginia (continued). Pritts, Mirror of Olden Time, 1849. Reformed Va Silk Worm, 1655. Reply, Case of Tobacco planters, 1733. Riparian rights on the Potomac, 1859. Robertson s Hist, of America. Rosier, Voy. of Waymouth, 1605. Rouello. Treatise on Va. Min. waters, 1792. Secret, The, out, or the reason why. 1857. Sernple, Hist, of Baptists in, 1810. Short acco nt of, 1735. Shrigley, True relation, 1699. Smith, J., Travels, 1627. e < True relation of, Repr., 1866. Stith, Discovery and Settlement of, 1747. Strachey, Hist, of Travaile into, 1849. Laws Divine, 1612. Summers, G. W ., Anniv. of Settlement of Jamestown, 1860. Taylor, J. B., Lives of Va. Bap. Min., 1838. Thornton, J. W., First records, 1859. Upshur, Speech, On Representation, 1829. View of the Conduct of the Executive, 1825. P. 1841. Views of the Constitution of, 1850. Virginia, Proc. First Assetu., 1619. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1857. " Case of the Planters of To bacco, 1733. " Vindic. of the Representa tion, 1733. " Resolutions, 1799. " Address of the Majority. 1799. " Address of the Minority, 1799. " Geological Survey, 1836-41. * Population, 1840-46. " Governor s Message, 1866. Virginia, True Declaration, 1610. Force s tracts, 3. Virginia and Maryland, 1655. Force s tracts, 2. Virginia s Cure, 1662. Force s tracts, 3. Virginia Almanack, 1802, 3, 1811-56, imp. Virginia Directory, 1853, 1871-2. Virginia Historical Register, (Max well), 1848-53. Virginia Repository, 1802. Virginia Richly Valued, 1609. Whitmore,W. H., Cavalier dismounted, 1864. Williams, E., Va. truly valued, 1650. Wingfield, E. M., A Discourse of, Repr., 1860. VOYAGES TO AMERICA. 617 Virginia (continued). Wirt, W., Letters of Brit. Spy. Withers, Settlement of N. W. Va., 1831. See James River; Maryland; Poca- hontas; Railroads. Virginia Local Histories. See James River; Lynchburg; Norfolk; Rich mond; St George; Mineral Springs; Wheeling. Virtue. Edwards, J., Diss., Nature of true virtue. Essays on the nature, 1778. Hart, W., On Edwards s Diss., 1771. King, Origin of evil, 1731. Law, On the Fable of the bees. Mandeville, Fable of the bees. Peckard, P., Nature of, 1766. See Moral Philosophy. Vision. See Color; Eye; Optics; Senses; Sight. Voice. Barber, J., Gram, of elocution. Bronson, Elocution, or mental and vocal philos., 1845. Brosses, C. de, Mecanique des langues, 1765. Fox, E. L., De Voce humana, 1784. Lieber, On Laura Bridgman, Smithson. Contr., v. 2. Rush, Philosophy of the voice. See Elocution; Deaf and Dumb. Volcanoes. Arago, Des eruptions vole., v. 12. Davy, Sir H., Works, v. 8. Egloffstein, Ascent of Popocatapetl, 1864. Hamilton, Sir W., Vesuvius, 1786. " Vuurbergen in Italie, 1783. Lyell s Princ. of geology, 1850. Mallet, Neapol. earthquake of 1857. Mecatti, Eruzione del Vesuvio, 1751. Raspe, German volcanoes, 1776. Scrope, Volcanoes of France, 1858. Whitney, J. D., North Am. Review, 1869, 72. See Earthquakes ; Geology. Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Condorcet, (Euvres, Vie de. " Correspondance avec, v. 1. Findlay, Vindication, 1770. Iloussaye, Philosophers and actresses, 1852. Querard, La France Litteraire, v. 10. Voltaire, (Euvres, Vie de. Ilist. memoirs of, 1777. Voluntary Churches. See Church and State. Vosges, Fr. Annuaire, 1828, 45. 76 Votes; Voting. See Ballot; Suffrage; Elections. Voyages, Collectionsof. Aa, Vandcr, Versameling, 1707. Account of voyages, Narborough, etc., 1724. Astley s Collection, Greqn, 1745-7. Barrow, J., Collection of Voyages and Disc., 1765. Begin ende Voortgangh, Nederl. Oost Ind. Compagnie, 1646. Bry, I. T. De, Collection of Voyages, 1590-1634. Latin and German. Churchill, A. and J., Collection, 1732. Coll. of Voy. by Dutch E. I. Comp., 1703. Coustantin, Recueil des Voy., 1702. Drake, E. C., Collection of Voy. and Travels, 1771. Du Perier, Gen. Hist, of Voy. and Travels, 1708. Grasse, Encyclopedic des voyages,1796. Hacke s Collection, 1699. Hakluyt, Principal Navigations of the English, 1599, 1600. Hakluyt Society, Publications of, 1847- 1871. Harris, A complete Coll. of Voy. and Travels, 1705. Kerr, General History and Coll. of, 1824. Mavor, General Colle<jtion of, 1810. Montemont, Hist. Univ. des Voy. par mer et par terre, 1833-36. New Collection of Voy., Disc, and Travels, Knox, 1767. Ogilby s Africa, America, Asia, 1770, 1771, 1773. Pelham, The World, a Collection, 1806, 2v. Phillips, Sir R., New Voyages, 1820-23, 10 v. Pinkerton, J., Collection of Voy. and Travels, 1809-14. Prevost d Exiles, Hist. Gen. des Voy., 1746-70. Purchas, S., His Pilgrimes, 1625, 4 v. " His Pilgrimage, 1626. Ramusio, Raccolte, 1606. Reoueil de divers Voyages en Afrique et en Amerique, 1674. Stevens, J., New Collection, 1711. Th6venot, Relations de divers voy. " Recueil, Supplement, 1681. Tour du Monde, Journal des Voyagei, 1860-6. Verscheydc Scheeps togten, 1562. See Travels. Voyages to America. See America; America, discovery of ; North America; West Indies; Columbus; Vespucci. 618 VOYAGES, ANTARCTIC. Voyages, Antarctic. Cook, J., 2d voy age, 1772-75. Farming s Voyages, 1792-32. Ross, J. C., Voyage, 1839-43. Weddell, Voy. to South Pole, 1822. Wilkes, C., U. S. Explor. Exp., 1851. Wilkins, P., Life of. Voyages, Arctic. Arctic Regions, Grinnell search. P. vol. 500. Arctic Rewards, 1856. Back, Arctic Land Expedition, 1833-35. Barrington, Possib. of approaching the Pole, 1843. Barrow, Sir J., Chron. Hist, of, 1818. " Voy. to, to present time, 1846. Beochey, Voy. towards the North Pole, 1843. Belcher, E., Last Voyage, 1852-54. Bellot, Journal. 1855. Burney, N. E. Voy. of Russians, 1819. Button, T., Of a N. W. Passage,16l2. Bibliog. Misc. Coxe, Russ. Discov. between Asia and Amer., 1780. Davis, J., Voyages, 1585-87, (Hak- luyt). De Peyster, Dutch at the North Pole. Digges, Sir D., Of the N. E. Passage, 1611. Bibliog. Misc. Dufferin, Voy. to Iceland, Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen, 1859. Edmond, C., Voyage, 1857. Ellis, II., Voyage, for N W. Passage, 1747. Fisher, A., Voy. of Disc, to, 1818. Force, P., Remarks on English maps of, 1850, 51. Supp. to Grinnell Land, 1853. Forster, J. R., Hist, of Voy. to the North, 1786. Foxe, L., Nort-hwest Passage, 1635. Franklin, Sir J., Exped. to the Polar Sea, 1822 and 1827. Frobisher, Voy., Disc, qf N. W. Pas sage, Pinkerton, 12. " The same, Latin and French, 1577-78, 1675. True report, 1577. Gat.onbe, Voy. for N. W, Passage, Churchill, 2. Goodsir, Voy. in Search of Sir J. Franklin, 1850. Gr. Brit., Parl. Papers, Arctic Exped., 1834-52. Hall, C. F., Arctic researches, 1860-62. Hatnel, J., Early Engl. Voy. to N. Russia, 1857. Hayes, I. I., Arctic boat journey, 1854. " Open Polar Sea, 1867. Inglefield, Search for Sir J. F., 1853. Voyages, Arctic (continued). James, T., Strange and Dangerous voyage of, 1633. Kane, E. K., The U. S Grinnell Ex pedition, 1853. " Arctic Explorations, 1856. Kennedy, W., Voy. of the Prince Al bert, 1853. King, R., Journey under Capt. Back. 1836. Kotzebue, Voy. to Beering s Straits, 1815-18. La Martiniere, Voyage, 1676. Lamont, Seasons with the Sea-horses, 1861. La Poix de Freminville, Voyage, 1819. Leslie, Prof., Discov. in Polar Seas, 1831. B. C. Letter to J. Barrow, on Polar Exped., 1819. Letter from a Russian Officer, 1754. Lyon, Capt , Journal of Disc, under Parry, 1824. " Voy. in the Griper, 1825. McClintock, Voyage of the Fox. 1860. M Clure, R., Voyage of Investigator, 1853-4. M Cormick, Wellington Channel, 1852. M Dougall, Voy of Resolute, 1852-54. Mackenzie, A., Voyage to the Frozen Ocean, 1789, 93. Maupertuis, Journey to Polar Circle, Pinkerton, 1. Middleton, C., Answer to Dobbs, 1743. Muller, (3. P., Decouvertes des llusscs, 1766. Muller, S., Summary of Russ. N. E. Voy., 1761. Murray, Disc, in Polar regions, (Edin. Cab. Lib.). Noble, L. L , After icebergs, 1861. O Reilly, Greenland illust., 1818. Osborn, S., An Arctic Journal, 1852. " McClure s Discovery, 1856. f< Fate of Franklin, 1860. Pages, Voyages, 1767-78. Parry, Voyages, 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 1819- 1827. Petermann, Search for Franklin, 1852. Phipps, C. J., Voy. towards the North Pole, 1773. Rae, J., Narrative of exped., 1846-47. Richardson, Sir J., Arctic Searching Exp., 1851. Ross, Sir J., Voyages, 1825-33. " Explan. of Sabine s remarks, 1819, Rundall, T., Narr. of Voyages to N. W.. 1496-1831. Sabine, J., Remarks on Ross s Voy. to Baffin s Bay, 1819. VOYAGES AROUND THE WOULD. 619 Voyages, Arctic (continued). Sargent, E., Arctic Adventure, 1857. Sauer, Geog. and Astron. Exp. of Bil lings to Russia, 1785-94. Seemann, B., Voy., Herald, 1845-51. Scoresby, The Franklin Expedition, 1850. Simpson, T., Narr. of Disc, by Hud son s Bay Co., 1836-39. Snow, W. P., Voy. of the Prince Al bert, 1853. Sonntag, Grinnell Exped. of Kane. Sutherland, Voy. in Baffin s Bay and Davis s Str., 1852-54. Veer, (jr., Descr. of Three Voyages, 1594-96. Weld, R., Arctic expeditions, a lect., I860. White, W., Prob. fate of Franklin, 1852. Wrangell, F. Von, Voy. to Polar Sea, 1820-23, with Sabine s additions. See Arctic Travels; Hudson s Eay; Greenland; Russia; Spitzbergen. Voyages Around the World. Adven ture and Beagle, Voy., 1826-36. Anson, G., Voyage, 1740-44. Arago, J., Voy. under Freycinet,1817- 1820. Banks, Sir J., Voyage autour, etc., 1768-71. Belcher, E., Voy. in Ship Sulphur, . 1840-41. Bennett, F. D., Whaling Voyage, 1833-6. Betagh, Voy., 1719. Bougainville, Baron, Jour, do la fre- gate Thetis, 1824. Bougainville, L. de, Voy., 1766-69. Byron, J., Voyage, 1769. Campbell, A., Voy., 1806-1812. Careri, Voyage du tour du monde, 1719. Carteret, Philip, Kerr, vol. 12. Cavendish, Sir T., Voy., 1599, inLat., in Bry; Eng., in Harris, Kerr. Circumnavigation and Prog, of discov., Edin. Cab. Lib., 21. Clipperton, J., Kerr, vol. 10. Cook, J., Voy., 1772-75. Cooke, E., Voy., 1708-11. Dampier, New Voyage around, 1699. Dixon, Voy., 1785-88. Drake, Sir F.,The World Encompassed, 1653, 1854. " Descrip. trium itinerum, Bry, 8. " His Voyage, 1595. Hak- luyt Soc. " Revived, 1652. Fanning, E., Voyages around, 1792- 1832. Voyages Around the World (cont d). Forster, J. R., Obs. in a Voy. around with Cook, 1778. " Observ. faites pendant. Forster, G., Voy. with Capt. Cook, 1777. Funnell, W., Voy. round the World, 1703. Hacke, Cowley s Voyage, 1699. Heremite, Journael van deNassausche Vloot, 1623-26. Kotzebue, Voyage, 1823-26. Krusenstern, Voyage, 1804-6. La Barbinais, Voy. autour du Monde, 1728, 29. La Perouse, Voy. autour, 1785-88. " Voy. around, Lond. La Place, Circumnav. de I Artemise, 1837-40. Le Gentil, Voyage autour du Monde. 1725. Lisiansky, Voy., 1803-6. Marchand, E., Voyage en 1790-92. Noort, 0. van, Beschryvinghe van de voyagie, etc., 1596-1601. " Descr. peric. navigationis, Bry. Pages, Voyages, 1767-76. Pfeiffer, A Lady s Voy. around, 1852. Philips. J., Voy. of Anson, 1744. Pigafetta, Premier Voyage, 1519-22. Portlock, Voyage, 1785-88. Read, G. C., Narrative, 1840. Reynolds, J. N., Voyage of Potomac, 1831-34. Rogers, W., Voy., 1708-11, in French, Dutch and Eng. Roquefeuil, Voyage, 1816-19. Ruschenberger, Voyage, 1835-37. Sack, Voyage to Surinam, etc., 1810. Seemann, Voy. of the Herald, 1845-51. Shelvocke, Voy., 1719-22. Spilbergen, G., Voy., 1614. Taylor, F. W., Voy. U. S. Ship Co lumbia, 1840. Turnbull, Voy., 1800-4. United States Expl. Expedition, 1838- 1842. Vancouver, Voy. to N. Pacific, 1790. Vassar, Twenty Years around the World, 1861. Voyages around the World. Edin. Cab. Lib., 34. Vries, D. P. De, Korte Historiael, 1655. " Translation, Murphy. Wallis, Kerr, vol. 12. Warriner, F., Cruise of the Potomec , 1835. Weert, Nav., Fretum Magellanicum, 1598, Bry. Wilkes, C., Un. St. Explor. Exped., 1851. 620 VOYAGES, ATLANTIC. Voyages, Atlantic. Battel, A., Na Brasilien, 1589. Chappell, Voyage to New Foundland, J818. Chastenet, Navigation aux cotes do St. Domingue, 1787. Columbus, C., Letters, and Personal Narrative, 1827, 47. Lee, Cruise of the Dolphin, 1852. Relation d une traversee d Angleterre, 1812. Uring s Voyages, 1728. Wafer, Voy. to Isthmus of Darien, 1699. Webster, W. H. B., Voy. to South Atlantic, 1828-38. See the several Countries adjacent. Voyages, Indian Ocean. Belcher, Voy. East Indian Archipel., 1843-46. Broecke, Reysen . . . .Oost Indien, 1634. Forrest, T., Voy. aux Moluques, etN. Quinee, 1774-76. Gilbert, T., From N. S. Wales to Canton, 1789. Hall, B., Voy. to the Eastern Seas, 1816. Jukes, J. B., Voy. of Fly, New Gui nea, etc., 1842-46. Kolff, Voy. through Moluccan Archip. 1825-26. L6guat, Reyzen. ...Oost Indische oy- lander, 1690. Linschoten, Voy. to East and West Indies, 1598. Navigatio, 1599. " Hist, de la navig., 1619, 1638. Pinto, F. M., Voyages de, 1830. Prior, James, Voy. in the Indian Seas, 1810, 11. Purmerent, Oost Indische Reys, 1651. Reinaud, Voy. des Arabes, 9 e Siecle. Spilbergen, Oost en West Indische Voyagie, 1648. Steele, R., Tour, 1810. Wilson, H., Account of the Pelew Is., 1789. Wood, W. M., Voy. in East Indies, 1859. See Indian Ocean ; Moluccas; Philip pine; Sumatra. Voyages, Pacific Ocean. Alcala- Galiano, Viage, para el Estrecho de Fuca, 1792. Beechoy,Voy. to Pacific, and Beering s Straits. 1825-28. Bligh, W., Voyage, 1792. " Mutiny on board the Bounty, 1790. Broughton, Voyage to North Pacific, 1795. Brouwer, Journael . . . .naer de ousten van Chili, 1643. Voyages, Pacific Ocean (continued). Browne, J. R., Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, 1846. " Crusoe s Island. Bulkeley, Voy., 1740, 41. Burney, Hist, of Disc, in, 1819. Callander, Voyages to the Southern hemis., 1766. Campbell, A., Sequel to Bulkeley s Voy., 1747. Cano, Juan S. del, Magellan s Voy., Byron. Cheever, The Island World of the Pacific, 1851. Cookburn, J., Journ. from Honduras, 1735. Colnett, Voy. to South Atlantic, 1797. Colton, W., Deck and Port, 1850. Cook, J., Voy., 1772-75. " Voy., 1776-80. Coulter, Adventures in the Pacific, 1845. Crozet, Voy. a la Mer du Sud, 1783. Dalrymple, Hist. Coll. of voyages in, 1770. " Voyages dans, par les Es- pagn. et Holland., 1774. Dillon, Voy. aux iles de la mer du Sud, 1827, 28. Ellis, W., Voy. of Cook, 1776-80. Entrecasteaux, D , Recherche de La Perouse, 1808. Fanning, Voyages, 1830-37. Fleurieu, Decouvertes, S. E. de la Nouvelle Quince, 1768, 9. " Discov. of the French, 1768- 1769. Franchere, Voy. to N. W. Coast, 1811- 1814. Frezier, Voy. to the South Sea, 1712. " Voy., Mer du Sud, 1712-14. Gainboa, Viage al Estrecho de Magel- lanes, 1679, 80. Habershatn, North Pacific Exped. Hawkesworth, Voyages of Cook, Wal- lis and Byron, 1773. Hawkins, R., Obs. in his voy., 1593. Holmesby, J., Voyages, 1745. Jacobs, T. J., Scenes in the Pacifit Ocean, 1844. Jefferys, T., Voy. from Asia to Ame rica, 1761. Jewett, J. R., Adventures on N. W. Coast. Kerguelin, Voy. dans les Mers Austra- los, 1771-74. Kotzebue, Voyage to, 1815-18. Labillardiere, Voy. in search of La Perouse, 1791-94. La Borde, Hist, de la Merdu Sud, 1791. Ledyard, Journ. of Capt. Cook s voy., 1776-79. WADSWOBTH. 621 Voyages, Pacific Ocean (continued). M Konochie, Statist, and Comin. of Shores of, 1818. Maurelle, Voy. North of California, 1775. Mcares, J., Voy. to N. W. Coast of Am., 1783. Melville, Oraoo, Adventures in, 1847. Morrell, B., Four voy. to, and to Pa cific Ocean, 1822-31. Moulton, W., Voy. to Staten Island, 1799. Muller, S., Voy. N. E. Coast of Am., 1761. Oliver, J., Wreck of the Glide: The Fijiis, 1848. Parkinson, S., Journal of a voyage, 1773. " Voy. autour, 1794. Paulding, H., Dolphin s Cruise, 1831. Pernety, Voy. to the Falkland Is., 1763, 1764. " Voy. aux lies Malouines,1763. Peron, Voy. aux terres australes. 1800-4. Porter, D., Cruise of the Essex, 1812- 1814. Raveneau, Jour, du Voy., 16S4, 1705. Relacion viage . . . S. M. de la Cabeza, 1785-86. Reynolds, J. N., South Sea Exped., 1835, 36, 41. " Corresp. with Dickerson, 1837-8. Ross, J. C., Voy., 1839-43. Smith, W., Voyage of Ship Duff, 1796- 1802. Stewart, C. S., Voy. of Vincennes, 1829, 30. Tastnan, Voy. of Diso., Pinkerton, 11. Thomas, P., Anson s voyage. Tyerman, S. Sea Islands, A sia, 1821. Vancouver, Voy. of Disc., 1791-95. Voy. du Wager, 1756. Walpole, F., Four Years in Pacific, 1844-48. Webster, W. H. B., Voy. under H. Foster, 1828. Wilkins, P., Adventures. See Polynesia; Hawaii; Tahiti; Fiji; Pacific Ocean. Voyages, Miscellaneous. Albertinus, llist. relation, 1609. Atkins, J., To Guinea, Brazil and West Indies, 1735. Boyle, R., Viaggi, 1734. Voyages, 1794. Chase, Shipwreck of the Essex, 1821. Cleveland, R. J., Narr. of N. England voyages, 1843, 58. Coggeshall, G., Various Voy., 1799- 1844. Voyages, Miscellaneous (continued). Colton, W., Cruise of U. S. Fr. Con gress, 1850. Coreal, Voy. aux Indes d Espagne, 1722. Cubero, Peregrinacion, 1688. Dampier, Voy. to New Holland, 1699. Dana, R. H., jr., Two years before the mast, 1869. Delano, A., Voy. in N. and S. Hemi spheres, 1817. Dunham, J , Jour, of Voyages, 1850. Durrett, Do Marseille a Lima, 1720. Fanning, Voyages, 1830-37. Frederick, C., Keys na en door Indien, 1563. Froger, Voy., Africa, Brazil, etc. ,1695. Gama, Voyage, HakluytSoc., Pub. Ghillany, Geschichte der M. Behaim, 1853. Gottfried, Zee en Landreizen, 1727. HakluytSoc., Publications. Holmesby, J., Voyages, 1745. Lade, R., Voy. en Afrique, Asie et 1 Amerique, 1744. Le Blanc, V., Les Voyages, 1658. Le Maire, Speculum Orien. et Occid. Nav., 1614-18. Spilbergen. Lynch, Naval Life, 1851. Major, R. H., Early Voy. to Austra lia, 1857. " Life of Henry the Navigator, 1868. Melville, Redburn, his first Voy. ,1849. Miroir Oost et West Indical, 1614-18. Spilbergen. Morrell, Narr. of Four voyages. 1822- 1831. Noordt, 0. van, Journael, 1602. Patterson, S , Narrative of voy., 1825. Pfeiffer, Second Voyage, 1855. Pinto, F. M., Voyages avantureux. Philoponus, H., Nova Navigatio, 1621. Pyrard de Laval, Voy. aux Indes orient, et au Bresil, 1615. Sandwich, Around the Mediterranean, 1738, 9. Torrey, F. P., Cruise of the Ohio. 1840. Uring, M., Hist, of his voyages, 1826. Viaud, Strane Avventure, 1784. See Buccaneers; Shipwrecks; Travels. W. Wabash Valley. Beste, The Wabash, 1855. Cox, S. C., Early settlement of, 1860. Ellsworth, The upper Wabash, 1838. Wadsworth, J. S. Allen, L. F., Memo rial of, N. Y. Agr. Trans , 1864. Century Assoc n, in honor of, 1865. 622 WAGER. Wager, Ship. Bulkeley, P., Voyage of, Campbell, A., Sequel to voyage, 1747. Cummins, J. See Bulkeley. Morris, I., Loss of, 1748. Voy. a la mer du Sud, 1756. Wages. Brandreth, G. A., Speech, N. Y. Leg., eight hour bill, 1866. Carey, H. C., Rate of, 1835. Considerations on, 1767. Essay on the state of the country, Lond., 1829. P. 1567. Fawcett, Manual of Pol. Boon., 1865. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Ld. Nugent, 1830. P. 429. Morgan, J., Book of Wages, 1825. Senior, N. W., Rate of wages, 1830. Tuckett, J. D., Hist, of the labouring classes, 1846. Wade, J., Hist, of working classes; rate of wages, 1835. See Labor; Political Economy; Poor. Wagner, G. Simpkinson, J. N., Life of, 1862. Wainwright, J. M. Norton, J. H., Life of, 1858. Wainwright, Sermons and Memoirs by Doane, 1856. Wait, M. Eaton, J., Memorial of, 1863. Wakefield, G. Memoirs of, 1804. " Correspondence, 1813. Wakefield, T. Pattison, E., Sermon on, 1807. Wakefield, Eng. White, W., Directory of, 1866. Walcheren. Echt... .Verhaal, 1813. Gargon, Walchersche Arkadia, 1715. Great Britain: Scheldt, 1811. Walcutt, W. Perry Statue, 1861. Waldegrave, J., Earl of. Memoirs, 1754-1758. Waldenses. Allix, Chronicles of Pied mont, 1690. Bridge, Visit to, 1825. Epoques de 1 Eglise do Lyon, 1827. Faber, Hist, of Vallensesand Albigen- ses, 1838. Hill, R., Corresp. diplomatic, 1845. Jones, W., History of, 1824. Lowther, Obs. on state of, 1821. P. 393. Lyst der. . .collecte, 1731. Maitland, Letter on Faber, 1839. Matchlesse Crueltie, 165" . Monastier, Hist, de 1 Eglise, 1847. Muston, Israel of the Alps, 1857. Perrin, History of, 1712, (Papal Usur pation). Waldenses (continued). Roger, Archives de 1 Albigeois, 1850. Stouppe, J. B., Narrative of persecu tions, 1655. Vaudois Committee, 1846. See Sardinia; Piedmont; Protestant ism. i Waldo Family. Notes on, by Jones, ttdinh IWfi -l Edinb., 1863. Waldo, D. Sweetser, S., Fun. Sermon, 1845. Wales, Prince of. See George, Henry. Wales. Annales Cambria}, (Chron. G. B.). . Barnes, W., Notes on Anc. Britain, 1858. Beauties of Engl. and Wales, 1815. Bennett, G. J., Guide toNorth Wales, 1837. Broughton, Picturesque Views, 1801. Brut y Tywysogion, (Chron. G. B.). Burder, Welch Indians, 1797. Cambrian Quarterly Review, 1829. Cambrian Register, 1795, 96. Cambrian Traveller s Guide, (Nichol son), 1813. Davis, J., Hist of the Welsh Baptists, 1835. Evans, J., Dial, concerning Bishops in Wales, 1744. P. 1281. Evans, J., Tour in North W., 1804. Giles, Hist, of Anc. Britons, 1847. Gilpin, W., On the River Wye, etc., 1800. " Obs. on North Wales, 1809. Giraldus Cambrensis, Opera, (Chron. G. B.). Grose, Antiq. of Eng. and Wales, 1776. Hicklin, North Wales, 1848. Jones, E., Vind. of Condit. of, 1848. " Dissent and Morality in, 1849. Jones, T., Hist, of Brecknock, 1809. Louis, M. L., Tour in, 1839. P. 1757. Malkin, Tour through, Pinkerton, 2. Pamphlets relating to Wales, Welsh, vols. 828, 1786. Parry, J. H., Cambrian Plutarch, 1834. Pennant, T., Tours in, 1810. Proposals for enriching, 1775. Rees, Hist, of non-conformists in, 1861. Walters, J., Diss. on the language, 1771. P. 828. Warrington, History of, 1823. Weish Charity School, Lond., 1851. Williams, J., Disc, of America by the Welsh, 1791. Williams, R., Biog. sketches, 1836. WAR OF 1812, HISTORY. 623 Wales (continued). Willis, B., Survey of St. Asaph, 1801. j See Moninouth ; Pembrokeshire; Eng- ! land; Language. Walh ilia. Muller, Donaustauf and Wai- ! halla described, 1847. Walker. Memorials of the Plymouth family, 181. Walker, J. Essays and corresp., 1838. Walker, Jon. Trial of, 1845. Walker, S. C. Gould, Address on, 1854. Walker, W. Wells, W. V., Exped. to Nicaragua, 1856. Wall, G. D. Proc. on death of, 1851. Wallabout, i\. Y. Prison Ship Hist., 1808; Kepr. Stiles, 1865. Wallace, Sir W. Carrick, J. D., Life of, 1840. Hamilton, W., Life of, 1816. Wallace, W. Memoirs of, 1821. Wallachia. Bratiano, Correspondence, 1853. Chesney, Russian Campaign, 1828. Colson, Etat present de, et de Molda- vie, 1839. Conservateur, Le, 1856. Danubian 1 rincipalities, 1854. Desprez, Peuples de I Autriche, 1850. Hagemeister, Commerce of, and Black Sea, 1835. Macarius, Travels, Oriental Trans. Fund. Meyer, Progres des Sciences naturelles, j 1835. P. 18. Question of the Danubian prin., 1857. Quin, Voy. on the Danube, 1836. See Moldavia; Danube. Wallack, J. W. Life of, 1865. Wallenstein, Gen. Art-tin, Seines Characters, 1845. Mitchell, J., Life of, 1840. Rudhart, Wallensteins Schuld, 1850. Wallingford, Conn. Dana, J., Cent y disc., 1770. Davis, C., History of, 1870. Walloons. Costello, Meuse valley,1846. Synode des Eglises Wallones, 1763. See Protestant Churches, France. Walpole, Horace. Berry, Miss, Cor respondence, 1866. Du Deffand, Letters to, 1810. Macaulay, T. B., Essays. Scott, W., Life of. Walpole, II., Journal of, 1771-83. " Letters of, 1861, 9 v. Walpo e, Horatio. Coxe, W., Memoirs of, 182Q. Walpole, Sir R. Answer to the Charac ter of, 1717. Coxe, W., Mem. of, 1816. Earle, J C., English premiers, 1871. Jesse s Mem. of the Court, 1843. Letter from a gentleman, 1729. Ranby, Last illness of, 1745. Sense of the Nation, 1741. Short history of 10 years, 1737. Walpole, Sir R., Hist, of his admin., 1743. See Great Britain, Political. Walsh, M. Writings and Corresp., 1843. Walsh, R. Griswold, Am. Prose Writers. Mass. Hist. Soc., Proc., 1858-60. Philadelphia Book, 1836. Walsh, T. Life of, 1792. Walton, I. Life of. by Zouch. Walton, The Angler and Memoir, 1856. Walton, W. C. Danforth, J. N., Me moir of, 1837. Walworth, R. H. Potter, C. N., Ad dress on, 1868- War. Address to the Soldiers, 1795. Benezet, Religion and War, 1782. Brittan, S. B., Discourse on, 1847. Chastellux, F. J. De, Essays, 1790. Curses of War, 1795. Flower, B., National Sins, 1796. P. 338. Friends, Mem. on Militia Fines, 1818. P. 261. Helps, A., Conversations on, 1871. Letters addressed to C. Strong, 1817. Maitland, Sermon on, 1854. Oxford Essays, (Bernard), 1856. Philo-Pacificus, (Worcester), 1816. Raleigh, Works, V. 8, 1829. Rees, E., Horrors of War, 1818. Rogniat, Consid. on art of, 1817. P. 102. Sermon, Fast Day, 1712. Thoughts on, 1796. Wells, J. I., Essay on, 1812. P. 893. Whipple, C. K., Non-resistance, 1860. P. 1378. See Peace; Social Science; Army; Battles; Military; Sieges. War of 1812, History, etc. Arm strong, Notices of the War, 1840. Atcheson, Points to be discussed with the U. S., 1814. P. 129. Atherton, Narrative of Suff. of North western Army, 1842. Baltimore, Monument of. Barbarities of the Enemy exposed, 1814. Baring, Brit. Orders in Council, 1808. 6*24 WAR OF 1812, HISTORY. \V;ir of 1812, History, etc. (cont d). Brackenridge, Hist, of the luto war, 1817. IJrannan, J., Letters of Officers during the war, 1823. Brown, J., Two Letters. P. 512. Brown, S. R., Hist, of, Auburn, 1815. 14 Campaigns of N. AV. Army, 1814. Burges, Battle of Lake Erie, 1839. Butler, J., Capture of 1400 vessels, 1816. Christie, Operations in the Canadas, 1818. Claiborne, Notes on the war in the South, 1819. Cobbett, W., Letters on, 1815. " To Clergy of Massachusetts. < The Pride of Britannia,18lo. Coffin, W. F., The war, a Canadian Chronicle, 1864. Coggeshall, Hist, of Privateers, 1812- 1814. Compendious History of, 1815. Compressed View, London, 1814. Cooper, J. F., The Battle of Lake Erie, 1843. Dallas, A. J., Causes and character of, 1815. Dalliba, Battle of Brownstown, 1816. Darnell, Kentucky Volun., 1812, 13. Dispassionate Inquiry, (Lowell), 1812. Dwight, T., Hist, of Hartford Conv., 1833. Etats Uniset 1 Angleterre, (Lee), 1814. Fairman, Letters on the Difficulties, 1813. Fay, Offi. accounts of battles by sea and land, 1812-15. General Armstrong brig, Documents, 1833. Gilleland, Hist of the late war with Gr Brit., 1817. Gleig, Campaigns at Wash, and N. 0., 1814, 15. Headley, J. T., The Second War with Eng., 1853. Hickman, N., Soldiers at Fort Mc- Henry, 1814. Hist, of the Am. war of 1812, 1817. History of Phil a and operations in the war, 1812-14. Hull,-W., Campaign of North Western Army, 1824. History of, by Clarke, 1848. Hunt, G. J., The late war; and Alge- rine war, 1819. Impartial History of, N. Y., 1816. Ingersoll, C. J., Hist, sketch of, 1845- 1849, 53. Ingraham, Capture of Washington, 1814. Wai of 1812, History, etc. (cont d). Izard, G., Correspondence with Sec. of War. 1814, 15. James, W., Military occurrences of, 1818. " Inquiry onNaval actions, 1816. Jenkins, J. S., The Generals of the war, 1849. Journal of a Dartmoor Prisoner, 1816. Latour, Hist, of War in Louisiana, 1812. Lawrence, W. B., British Right of Search, 1858. Lossing, Field-book of the war of 1812, 1869. Lundy s Lane, Account, 1853. P. 502. McAfee, History of, in the West, 1816. Mann, J., Medical sketches of, 1816. Massachusetts: Legis. Address on Em bargo, 1809. " Legis. docts. on, 1813. P. 42. Legis. Rep. on, 1808, 1811. Massachusetts claim for expend., 1818. Merritt, W. H., Events near Detroit, 1863. Naval, The, Monument, 1816. New York, Awards on claims, 1860. Otis, H. G., Defence of the Hartford Conv., 1824. Palmer, J. T., Hist. Regis. U. S., 1812-14. Parker, Sir P., Memoir of, 1815. Parsons, U., Hist, of Battle of Lake Erie, 1852. , Sketches of Officers on Lake Erie, 1862. Perkins, S., Hist, of War with Great Britain, 1825. Porter, D., Cruise of the Essex, 1812- 1814. Prisoner s Memoirs, Dartmoor Prison, 1815. Richardson, Major, Canadian Army, 1812. Russell, J., History of, 1815. Servoss, Battle of New Orleans, 1858. P. 402. Soldiers of 1812, Proc. of Conv., Syra cuse, 1854. P. 103. " Proc. of Conv., 1856. P. 1868. Stephen, J., War in Disguise, 1806. Sabaltern, The, in America, 1833. Thompson, D., Hist, of, 1832. Thomson, J. L., Sketches of, 1318. Turner, 0., Reminiscences of, 1849. United States; Adj. Gen s Orders, 1815-18. State Pap. on the Peace, 1815. P. 129, WARD. War of 1812, History, etc. (cont d). Van Rensselaer, Affair of Qucenstown, 1815. Vermont Official Papers, 1808. War, The, Periodical, 1812-14. Williams, S., Two Campaigns, 1870. See United States, History. War of 1812, Pamphlets and Ser mons on. Address of Leg. of N. Y., 1811, 1813. Address of Members of Congress. 1812. P. 57. Address to N. Y. Republicans, 1813. Address to Norfolk Co. P. 259. Address to the Clergy of New England, 1814. P. 57. Address to the Fair Daughters, 1811. P. 199. Analysis of Corresp., U. S. and G. Brit., 1811. Appeal to the People, Bost., 1811. Austin, J. T., Oration, Peace of 1815. Blake, F., Oration, July 4, 1812. Blatchford, S., Sermon, Lansingburgh, 1815. Bliss, H., Oration, Colebrook, Conn., 1815. Cary, 6., Fast Sermon, Bost., 1813. Catlin, J., Sermon, New Marlboroueh, 1812. Channing, W. E., Fast Sermons, July 23, Aug. 20, 1812. Dow, M., Fast Sermons, Beverly, 1812, 1813. Dwight, T., Fast Sermon, N. Haven, 1812. Emerson, B., Sermon, Salem, 1812. Emmons, N., Thanksgiving Sermon, 1813. Ess-ex Junto, 1812. Exposition of the Causes, (Dallas), 1815. Free Trade and no Impressment, 1813, Poem. Gardiner, J. S. J., Fast Serm., Bos ton, 1812. P. 411. Gillet, E., Sermon, Hallowell, 1812. Griswold, Gov., Message to Conn. Legis., 1812. Hampshire Co., etc., Conv. Proc., 1812. Harper, R. G., Speech, Annapolis, Jan. 20, 1814. Holcomb, R., Sermon, Sterling, Ms., 1812. Jackson, R., and E. R. Potter, To their Constituents, 1813. Lathrop, J., Sermon, Springfield, 1814. Letter to a Mem. of Congress, 1812. Lowell, J., Dispass. Inquiry, 1812; Perpetual War, 1812; Road to Peace, 1813; Peace without Dis honor, 1807; etc. 79 War of 1812, Pamphlets and Ser mons on (continued). M Donald, J., Sermon, Albany, 1812. McLeod, Scriptural view of, 1815. Madison s, Mr., War, Dispass. In quiry, Lowell, 1812. Morse, Jed., Fast Sermon, Charles- town, 1812. New, The, States : A Comparison, Bost., J813. New York, Conv. Rept., Proc., 1812. Norfolk, Mess., Conv., Proc. on, 1812. Osgood, D., Sermon, Protest, 1812. Pamphlets relating to, vols. 752. B. C. vol. 3, 6, 7, 9, 54. Parish, E., Fast Sermon, Byfiold, Ms., 1811. Perpetual War Policy, 1812. Pickering, T., Unnecessary War, 1808. P. 1698. " Danger of War, 1808. Smith, J., Sermon, Salem, N. H., 1813. Stanford, R., Speech, H. of R., U. S., 1812. Stewart, C., Sermon, Montreal, 1815. Ward, A., Speech, H. of R., U. S., 1814. Webster, D., Addr., Wash. Beaev. Soc., 1812. Worcester, Mass., Proc. of Ccnv., 1812. P. 37. See United States, Pamphlets, 1801-17. War. Civil War of 1861-65; French War in America, 1745-60; Mexican War; Revolutionary War. Warburton, W. Brown, J., Letter to Lowth, 1766. P. 352. Letter to the Rev. Mr. W., 1742. Letter to the Rt. Rev. Dr. Warburton, 1760. Letter to Rev. Dr. Parr, 1789. Lowth, R., Letter to, 1766. P. 352. Pamphlets on the Warburton contro versies, vol. 352. Parr, Warburtonian Tracts, Werks, 3. Parry, Defence of Sherlock, 1760. P. 352. Review of the Div. Legation. Warburton, Letters, 1809. " Literary remains, 1841. * Corresp., Nichols s Lit. Illust., v. 2. See Communion. Ward Family. Descendants, 1851. Ward, Rev. N. Dean, J. W., Memoir of, 1865. Ward, R. P. Phipps, E., Memoirs of, 1850. Ward, S. Gammell, Life of, Sparks, 19. 626 WARDLAW. Wardlaw, R. Lynch, T. T., Glasgow Case, 1850. P. 809. Wardlaw, Discourses on death of, 1854. P. 652. Wardle, Col. Clarke, M. A., The Ri val Princes, 1810. Wardlo, Col. To his Countrymen, 1828. Ware, H., Jr. Robbing, C., Discourse on, 1843. Ware, J., Memoir of, 1846. Ware, M. L. Hall, E. B., Memoir of, 1853. Ware, W. Bellows, Memorial of, 1852. P. 555. Ware, Mass. Coburn, D. M., Hist dis course, 1851. Hyde, W., Hist. Address, 1847. Wareham, Mass. Nott, S., jr., Six teen years preaching at, 1845. Warming. Bull, M., Compar. value of fuel, 1827. Derby, Anthracite fires, 1868. Parker, T. N., Suggestions, 1836. Peclet, Traite do la chaleur, 1861. Prideaux, F. S., On Economy of, 1853. Reid, On Ventilation and Warming. Williams, On combustion of coal and smoke. See Coal ; Heat; Stoves; Ventilation. Warner, Col. S. Chipman, D., Life of, 1858. Houghton, O. F., Address on, 1849. Warner, New Hump. Long, M., His tory of, 1832. Warren Family. Genealogy, 1854. Warren, F. S. Pollock, The National Society, 1853. Warren, John C Warren, J. C., Life of, 1860. Warren, Gen. Jos. Biog. of, 1857. Bunker Hill Monument Association, Statue of. Everett, A. H., Life of, Sparks, 10. Everett, E., Inaugural of Statue of, v.3. Frothingham, R., Life of, 1865. Loring, J. S., Lives of 100 Boston Orators, 1852. See Bunker Hill. Warren, Up. J. Hughes, R., Defence of, 1796. Warren, J. P. Plymouth Congr. Church, ! 1856. P. 484. Warren, Me. Eaton, C., Annals of, 1851. Warren, New Hamp. Little, W., His- ! tory of, 1870. Warren, Rhode Is. Fessenden, G. M., History of, 18-15. Spalding, A. F., Centen Disc., First Bapt. Church, 1804. Tustin, Hist. Baptist Church, 1845. Warsaw, N. Y. Warsaw Presb. Ch., Hist., 1841. P. 1416. Warwickshire, Eng. Beauties of Engl. and Wales, 1815. Universal Magazine, Descr., 1760. P. 1629. West, W., Hist., Topog. and Direc tory of, 1830. Washington, B. Story, J , Sketch of, (Misc. wri.). Washington, George. Circular Letter, June 18, 1783. Corresp. with J. Anderson, 1800. Diary from 1789-91, 1858. Epistles, Domestic, etc., Forged, 1796. Fac-similes of his public acct s,1844,f . Fao-similes of letters to Sinclair, 1844. Farewell Address, 1796, 1810, 46, Eng. and Germ. Journal, 1754: Repr. 1865. Letters to A. Young, 1803. Monuments of Patriotism, Phil a,1800. Official Letters, 1775-83. Political Legacies, Bost., 1800. Revolutionary Orders, (Whiting), 1778- 1782, 1844. Will of, N. Y., 1800. Writings, (Sparks s ed.), 1837. Washington, George, Biographies, etc. Bancroft, A., Life of, 1833. Clark, J., Life of, 1813. Corry, Life of, 1807. Craig, N. B., His first campaign, 1848. Custis, G. W. P., Recollections of, 1860. DeWitt, C., Histoire do, 1855. Edmonds, C. R , Life of, 1839. Everett, E., Life of, 1860. Frost, J., Pictorial Life of, 1847. Glass, F., Life of, in Latin, 1836. Guizot, Etude hist, sur, 1855. Headley, J. T., Life of, 1856. Irving, W., Life of, 1855-59. Kingston, J., Life of, 1813. Kirkland, C. M., Memoirs of, 1857. Marshall, J., Life of, 1823-35. Paulding, J. K., Life of, 1848. Pickell, J., New chapter of life, 1856. Ramsay, L\, Life of, 1807. Rush, R., Domestic life of, 1857. Simpson, S., Lives cf W. and Jefferson, with a parallel, 1833. Sparks, J , Life of, 1833. WASHINGTON, GEORGE. G27 Washington, George, Biographies, etc. (continued). Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. Essays, 1857. Portraits of, 1859. Upham, C. W., Life of, 1852. Washington, G., Life of, (Weems), Bait., 1800. Washington and the Gen. of Am. Rev., 1847. Weems, Life of, 1801, 09, 58. Washington, G., Eulogies, Death of, 1799, 18OO. Alexander, C., Ser mon, Mendon, Ms. Alsop, 11., Poem, Boston. P. v. 47. Ames, F., Oration, Boston. Bancroft, A., Worcester. Bayard, S., New Rochelle. Beers, W. P., Oration on, Albany, (Hough). Bigelow, T., Boston, (Coll.). Blake, G., Eulogy on, Boston. P. 39. Blyth, J., All Saints Parish, (Coll.). Brooks, J., Medford, (Coll.). Chaudron, Oraison funebre, Phil a. P. 39. Davis. J., Bostoa, (Coll.). Dubroca, Eloge de, Paris. Durham, S., Oxford, Ms., (Coll.). Fontanes, Elogo de, Paris. Glendy, J., Staunton, 1800. Greene, B., Eulogy on, Berwick. P. 39. Hitchcock, Enos, Discourse on, Provi dence. Houdin, M. G., Oration on, Albany, P. 29. B. C. Jackson, W., Eulogium on, Phil a. Kirkland, J. T , On Death of, Boston. P. 39. Lee, H., Eulogy on, Phil a. P. 1. Linn, W., Eulogy on, N. Y. Lisle, H. M., Eulogy on, Hingham. Low, J., Tribute to, Poem, (Hough). Madison, J., Discourse on, Williams- burgh. Mason, J. M., Oration on, N. Y. Miller, A., Sermon onj Greenbush. Miller, S., Sermon on, N. Y. P. 47. Minot, G., Eulogy on, Boston. Morris, G., Oration on, N. Y. P. 1. Morse, J., Charlestown, Ms. Paine, R. T., Eulogy, Newburyport. P. 219. Pamphlet volumes, containing Wash ington eulogies, vols. 1, 532, 995. Parker, I., Portland, (Coll.). Pierce, J., Eulogy on. Brookline. P. 214. Ramsay, D., Charleston, (Coll.). Richardson, L., Eulogy on, Tewks- bury. Washington, G., Eulogies, Death of, 1799, 18OO (continued). Sowall, J. M., Portsmouth, (Coll.). Smith, Jer., Exeter, (Coll.). Smith, S. S., Eulogy on, Trenton, N. Jersey. Story, J., Eulogy, Marblehead. Strong, N., Disc., Hartford, 1799. Sumner, C. P., Eulogy, Milton. Tappan, D., Eulogy, Cambridge, Ms. Trumbull, B., Funeral disc., North Haven. Van der Kemp, Lofredo op, Trenton, N. Y. P. 109. Wadsworth, B., Eulogy on, Danvers, Ms. Washington, G., Colleation of Eulogies on, Boston, 1800. White, S., Union Brigade, N. Y. Willard, J., Address, Cambridge. Worcester, S., Oration, Fitchburg. Washington, G., Orations on Feb. 22, etc. Boardman, H. A., In tervention, tried by W. s teach ings, Address, Feb. 23, 1852. Botts, J. M., Speech, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1859. Brayton, I., Discourse, Watertown, N. Y. Briggs, G. W., Addr., Feb. 22, 1862, Salem. Burlingame, A., Address on, 1843. Butler, C. M., Disc., H. of Rep., Washington, 1852. Clark, W. G., Orat. on char, of, Easton, Pa., July 4, 1840. Gumming, H., Oration on, Albany. 1831. P. 63. Doane, G. W., One World, One Wash ington, Burlington, 1859. Drake, C. D., St. Louis, 1862. Everett, E., Orat., Youth of, 1835. " Remarks, v. 3. " Character of, v. 4. Fox, T. B., Orat., Newburyport, 1832. Gray, F. C., Centenn. Orat., Bost., 1832. Hale, S., Orat., Keene, N. H., 1832. Harper, R. G., Oration on, Feb. 22, 1810. Jones, J. G., Oration, Lond., 1825. King, R., Address, Washington Chap ter, 1846. Maynard, H., Orat., Order of Unit. Amer., N. Y., 1861. Mumford, J. I., Orat., Feb. 22, 1812, N. Y. N. Y. Celeb, of Feb. 22, 1851. Onesimus, Oration, Centen. Anniv. of, 1841. Owen, R., Lecture, Mt. Vernon Asso ciation, Nashville, 1857. 028 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Washington, G., Orations on Feb. 22, etc. (continued). Pickrnan, B., Oration, Feb. 22, 1797, Salem. Putnam, J. 0., Orat., Paris, Fr.,1866. Reed, W. B., Orat. Feb. 22, 1849. Schenck, N. H., Orat., Bait., 1861. Smith, C. A., Discourse, 1852. Spaulding, J., Addr., Initiation of W. ! as Freemason, 1854. Sprague, W. B., Albany, Feb. 22, 1847. Stewart, K. J., Orat., Centenn., Free- j masons, Newport, 1852. Tator, H. H., Orat., Feb. 22, 1851. Tyng, S. H., Centen. Celeb., Freema sons, N. Y., 1852. P. 1697. Ullman, D., Orat., 0. U. Amer., Feb. 22, 1856. Warner, H. W., Oration on, N. Y., 1814. P. 58. Washington s Birth-day, A Poem, J. Lovett, Albany, 1812. Whipple, E. P., Oration on, 1850. Whitney, T. R., Orat., 0. U. Amer., Feb. 22, 1855. Winthrop, R. C., Orat., Washington Monument, 1848. " Address, Boston, Ball s Statue, 1859. Wood, F., Scranton, Feb. 22, 1862. V/ashington, G., Volumes and Pam phlets relating to. Appeal for the Fut. Preser. of the Homo of, 1855. Biddle, C. J., W. and Andre, 1857. Binney, Formation of Farewell Add., 1859. Collection of Letters of Half-Pay Offi cers, 1793. Conduct, The, of, Compared, 1813. Cooper, Miss S., Mount Vernon, 1859. Dwight, Jasper, Letter to W., 1796, (Duane). Gaspe, P. A. De, Canadians of Old, (Appendix), 1864. Germanious, Letter to the People, 1793. Qibbs, G., Memoirs of Administration of, 1846. Guizot, Etude Hist, sur, (De Witt), 1855. " Monk and W., 1851. Hayden, W. and his Masonic Com peers, 1866. Headley, J. T., Washington and his Generals, 1847. Hough, F. B., Washingtoniana, Proo. on Death of, List of Eulogies, 1865. Jackson, James, Memoir on Death of, 1861. Kennedy, P., Answer to Mr. Paine s letter to W., 1797. Washington, G., Volumes and Pam phlets relating to (continued). Ladies Mount Vernon Assoc., Appeal, 1857. P. 502. Lossing, Mt. Vernon, 1859. " The home of, 1866. Lowell, J., New-England Patriot, 1810. M Guire, Religious Opinions of, 1836. Mahon, Lord, Letter to J. Sparks, 1852. Minutes of a Conspiracy, repr., 1865. Mt. Veruon Assoc n Record, Phil a, 1858-59. Paine, T., Letter to, 1797. Ponn a, Legis. Proc., Feb. 22, 1861. Reed, W. B., Reprint of letters of, 1852. Remarks occasioned by the late con duct of, 1796, 97. Ritner, Vindication of, on secret soo., 1841. P. 184. Schroeder, J. F., Maxims of, 1859. Simpkinson, The Washingtons, a tale, with hist, appendix, 1860. Sinclair, Sir J., Correspondence, 1831. Sparks, J., Corresp. of the Am. Revo lution, 1853. " Letter to Lord Mahon, 1853. " Strictures on Lord Mahon, 1852. " Remarks on Reed s reprint, 1853. Stanhope, Earl. See Mahon. U. S., H. of Rep., Proo. on Sword of, Feb., 1843. Washington, G., Fac similes of memo rial Stones of the family in England, 1862. " Centenn. Anniv. Wash ington, 1832. P. 504. " Washington s Birth-day, Cong, banquet, 1852. " Eere Penning, etc., Poems in Dutch of Erkelens and Brandis. Washingtoniana, Bait., 1800. Washington Exhibition Pictures, N. Y., 1853, Washington s Head-Quarters, Now- burgh, Cat. of MBS., etc., 1858. Washington Monument Assoc n, Penn., lit Report, 1860. Washington National Monument Soo. Report, 1855. Wineberger, The Tomb of, 1858. Word to Federalists. P. 44. See Revolutionary War; U. S. Govern ment. Washington, Martha. Conkling, Me moir of, 1850. Lossing, B. J., Life of, 1863. WATER, IN CITIES. 629 Washington, Mary. Conkling, M. C., Memoirs of, 1850. Tator, Oration on, 1851. P. 88. Washington City, D. C. Elliot, W., Washington Guide, 1837. Gaither, Directory, 1846. Gleig s British Army at Washington, 1847. Gobright, L. A., Recoil, of Men und things at, 1869. Ingraham, Capture of, 1814. Johnson, L. D., Pastors of, 1857. Mayo, R., Political Sketches, 1839. Mills, R., Guide to, 1834, 1847. Pamphlets on, vol. 1842. Power of Congress over Dist. of Co lumbia, 1838. Rush, R., Letter on Eur. loan for, 1830, with Docts. St. Louis Univ., Debate on the Capi tol, 1870. Smith, J. C., Sermon for New Church, 1840. Toner, J. M., Hist. Address, Medical Soc. of, 1866. United States, Report on, 1796. " Congressional Directo ries, 1810-13, 32-36, 1840-51,54,55,61-64, 1867. Varnum, J. B., The Seat of Govern ment, 1848, 54. " Washington Sketch-book, 1864. Warden, Descr. of Dist. of Columbia, 1816. Washington, P. G., Oration, Wash., 1867. Washington : Laying Corner Stone of City Hall, 1820. " Public School Report, 1867. Washington Directories, 1834, 58, 64. Washington Tontine, Names, 1805. Watterston, Wanderer in Washington, 1827. " New Guide to, 1847. Williams, J. S., Invasion of, 1814. Winchester, E., Desor. of, 1792. See Columbia, District of. Washington Benevolent Society, Orations. Andrews, E. W., A poem, Newburyport, 1816. Bates, I. C., Northampton, 1812. Grimke, T. S., Oration, July 4, 1833. Hanson, C. W., Bait., Feb. 22, 1811. Hopkins, S. M., New York, 1809. Howard, J. E., Alexandria, 1815. Lewis, E. W., New York, 1812. Mills, E. H., Northampton, Ms. ,1813. Pierpont, J., Poem, 1812. Washington Benevolent Society, Orations (continued). Quincy, J., Boston, 1813. Sedgwick, R., N. York, 1811. Spafford, J., Address, Concord, 1814. Sullivan, W., Boston, 1812. Verplanck, G. C., New York, 1809. Webster, D., Portsmouth, 1812. Washington College, iHd. Account of, 1784. Washington Co., N. Y. Directory, 1859, 1869. Corey, Gazetteerof, 1849, 50. Fitch, A., Hist, of; N. Y. Agr. Soo. Trans., 1847, 49. Wash. Co. Seminary, Catalogues,1855- 1863. Washington, Fort. Graydon, Memoirs. 1811, 46. Langworthy s Lecture. Lossing s Field Book. Heath s Memoir, 1798. Washington Territory. Knight, Hand book for 1862. Meares, Voy. N. W. Coast, 1790. Milton, San Juan water boundary, 1869. Swan, J. G., Three years residency 1857. U. S., N. W. Boundary, 1822. U. S. Pacific R. R. reports, 1854; Ste vens Narr. andGeog. Memoir. " Scientific reports, Suokley and Cooper, 1860. Winthrop, T., Canoe and Saddle, 1863. See Oregon; Pacific; Rocky Moun tains. Watches. See Clocks. Water. Devol, C., Biog. of a Drop of Water, 1853. Cold-water Man, 1832. Dunlap, Memoirs of a Water Drinker, 1837. Fenwick, Essays, Water-wheels, 1824. Trance, Annuaire des eaux pour 1851. Hales, S., Distillation of Sea w., 1756. Maine, Water Power of, 1867. Marchand, E., Des eaux potables, 1855. Smith, J., Curiosities of, 1723. Shew, 1853. Stevenson, W. F., Composition of, 1851. Watt, J., Corresp. on the Compos, of Water, (Muirhead), 1846. See Bathing ; Irrigation ; Mineral Springs. Water, in Cities. Albany, Reports of Water Commiss., 1857-69. Alexandria aqueduct, 1837, 38. 630 WATER, IN CITIES. Water, in Cities (continued). Birkinbine, Turbine Wheels at Fair- mount, Phil a, 1861. Bordeaux, Distribution do.... dam la ville, 1851. Boston, Cochituate water, reports, 1849, 50, 52, 62. Brooklyn: Reports, 1854-61. Brooklyn Water-Works, Plates, 1867. Browne, J., Supply for N. Y., 1799. Channing, W., Parl. Sketches: Water from Long Pond, 1845. " Plea for Pure Water, 1844. Chicago, Commissioners, 1858, 59, 61. Cincinnati, Report of Trustees of Wa ter-Works, 1854. Clay, W., Water for London, 1849. Cleveland, Ohio, Water-Works, 1855. P. 1843. Craven, A. W., Answer, on Croton Aqueduct, 1860. Detroit Water Comm rs Report, 1872. Dolphin.. .Nuisance, London. Endicott, C. M., Hist, of Salem and Danvors Aqueduct, 1860. Essay on boring for water, 1826. P. 92. Ewbank, Desor. Acct. of Hydraulia machine, 1842. France, Annuairo des Eaux, 1851. Green, J. D., Remarks on Cambridge Water- Works, 1858. Hale, M., Spring Water vs. River Wa ter for N. Y., 1835. P. 178, 1843. Hamilton, Canada, Report, 1855, (McElroy). P. 1843. Hartford, Conn., Reports on Addt l Supply, 1862. History of Supply of Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1851. Jervis, J. B., Desc. of Croton Aque duct, 1842. P. 74. Kerrison, R. M., Letter, on Supply for London, 1828. P. 1843. King, C., Hist, of the Croton aqueduct, 1843. McAlpine, Supply of Albany, report, 1850. " Supplying Brooklyn; Chi cago, 1851. M Elroy, Review of Albany Commis- sioners report, 1857. Marsh, D., Report on water for Roch ester, N. Y.. 1860. Metropolis W. Comp., London. Mille, Assainissement des villes en Angleterre, (water supply of Lon don), 1^54. Milwaukee, Report on water works, 1860. Montreal, Rapport, 1852, 64. Mosher, J. S., Water for large towns, 1867. Water, in Cities (continued). Napier, W., Supply from Surrey Sands. Newburgh, N. Y., Water Comm rs Re- port, 1869. New Haven, Water Comm rs Report, 1852, 54. N. Y. City, Supply of, 1799. P. 199. New York City, Water Commiss. Rep., 1833, 38, 40. " Croton Aqueduct Re ports, 1833-58. Ohio, Artesian well, Columbus, 1859. Pamphlets on Water for cities, vols. 178, 236, 404, 1843. Paris, Memoire sur les eaux de, 1854. Patent Water and Gas Pipe Company of N. Jersey, 1857. Peck, L. G., Remarks in Leg. Comm. on New Haven, 1854. Phil a, Reports of the Watering Com mittee, 1315-31, 1849, 52, 63. " Water rates, 1855. " Chief Engineer s report, 1858, 1859. Poughkeepsio, N. Y., Report on sup ply for, 1855. Prestwiok, Water-bearing strata around London, 1851. Quar. Review, 1869, Water Supply of London. Rochester Water Works Co., 1853. P. 1843. Sari, Distrib. des eaux dans Paris, 1852. Steffen, Wasserwerk, der Stadt Berlin, 1845. Stuart, C. B., Report, Rochester, N. Y., 1853. P. 274. Sullivan, J. L., Submarine aqueduct, 1830. Tabberner, Supply for London, 1847. Terme, Des eaux pour le service pub. a Lyon, 1843. Troy, N. Y., Reports, 1835-56. P. 236. U. S., Sec. of Interior, Doct. on Washington aqueduct, 1865. Ward, J. D., On cast iron water pipes, 1857. P- 274. Zeehuisen, J., Bronnen, 1850. See Croton Aqueduct; Wells; Hydro dynamics. Waterbury, Conn. Bronson, H., His tory of, 1858. Water-cure. Am. Water-cure Almanac, 1858. Balbirnie, Philosophy of, 1847, 53. Brattleboro Establishment, 1845-48. P. 210. Bulwer, Confess, of a Patient. P. 2fl6. Clifton Springs, Addresses, 1857. P. 515. Clifton Springs Water-cure, Report, 1857. WAYNE CO., N. Y. 631 Water-cnre (continued). Coffin, .1. G., Discourses on cold and warm bathing, 1818. Elmer, Gynecian Sanatorium. Forbes, JT., The Water-cure, 1847. Graefenberg Manual. Harsha, The Principlesof, 1852. P. 515. Humpage, E., Address, Brit. Assoc n for Pro. Sci-, 1847- Lee, E., Hydro- and Homoeopathy, 1848. P. 515. New Graefenberg Water-cure, 1849. P. 210. N. Y. Hydrop. School, 1855. Nichols, M. S. G., Experience in, 1850. Nichols, T. L., Introduction to, 1850. Priessnitz Monthly, No. 1, 5, N. Y., 1861. Rauase, Miscellanies, 1848. Rausse, Graeffenberg. Shew, J., Hand-book of, 1847. Water-cure in America, 1849. Water-cure Journal, 1846. Wilson, J., Water-cure, 1847. Waterford, Ir. Ryland, Hist, of, 1824. Wnterford, N. Y. Powell, M. C., Case of, 1858. Waterland, D. Answer to the letter, 1731. Letter to 1731. Middleton, C., Letter to, 1731. Pamphlets on the Waterland contro versies, vol. 353. Wetmore, J., Reply to Dickinson, N. Y., 1744. See Arians ; Trinity. Waterloo* Campaign of; a poem, 1816. Charras, Hist, de la Campagne, 1858. Cotes, H., Sermon, 1815. Gleig, Story of the battle of, 1847. Grouchy, Observations sur, 1818. Jomini, Life of Napoleon, 1864. Mil. Hist, of, 1864. Kennedy, J. S., Battle of Waterloo, 1865. Lenting, Leerredenen, Bntavia, 1823. Mudford, W., Campaign of 1815, 1817. Scott, Sir W., Paul s Letters to his lynsfolk. Siborne, Hist, of War of 1815. Southey, R., Life of Wellington, 181fi. Waterloo, Descr. of Panorama, 1816. " Report on Siborne s Model of. P. 1022. Sea Napoleon ; Wellesley. Waters, Mrs. A. Memoirs, Bost., 1817. Waters, Mrs. S. Payson, S., Sermon on, 1802. Waterton, C. Essays and Autobiog., 1851. Watertown, Mass. Bond, Genealogies of. Francis, C., Three Discourses, Hist., 1836. " Hist. Sketch of, 1830. Harris, W. T., Epitaphs in, 1869. Watertown, N. Y. Common Almanac, 1823-55. Right s... Hydraulic Works, 1855. Watertown Directory, 1840, 50, 55, 59. Watertown Register, (Newsp.), and continuations, 1830-50, imp. Watertowii, Wis. Description, 1856. Water-wheels, Water-Works. See Hydro -dynamics. Watmough, J. G. Services of, 1814- 1815. P. 1493. Watson, E. Memoirs and Corresp., 1777-1842, 1856, 61. Troup, R., Vindication of his claims, 1821. Watson, J. F. Dorr, B., Memoirs of, 1861. Watt, J. Arago, Eulogy on, 1839. Smiles, Life of. Watt, Correspondence of, on composi tion of water, 1846. Wattles, N. Bacon, J., Fun. Sermon, 1798. Watts, I. Chandler, S., Oration on. See Jennings. Jennings, D., Sermon on, 1748. Milner, J., Sermon on, 1748. Moore, S. W., Memoir of, 1831. P. 1492. Watts, I., Works, and Life byBurder, 1810. " Choice Works and Life, Har sha, 1857. Willson, J. R., Dr. W., anti-trinita- rian, 1821. ! W r atts, M. Calamy, E., Sermon on, 1708. Waves. See Hydro-dynamics. I Wax Work. Tussaud s Exhibition of, 1849. P. 489. Waymonth, G. McKeen, Remarks on his voyage, Maine Hist. Coll., v.5. Rosier, Relation of the voyage of, (Mass. Hist. Coll., S. 3, v. 5). Wayne, Gen. A, Armstrong, J., Life of, Sparks, 4. Boyer, W. s campaign, 1794. Brice, W. A., Life of, 1868. Moore, H. N., Life of, 1845. i Wayne Co., N. Y. Directory, 1867-8. 632 WAYNFLEETE. Waynfleeto, W. Chandler, Life of, 1811. Wealth. Brydges, Sir E., Pop. and Riches, 1819. " What are Riches ? Pam r, 20. Corbet, T., Causes of Wealth, 1841. Lieber, F., Essay on Property and Labor. Love of Money, 183fi. P. 1787. Rafinesque, C. S., Pleasures of, 1840. Smith, A., Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 1805, 18, 28. Torrens, On the Produc. of, 1821. Turgot, Distribution of Wealth, 1793. " (Euvr. Walker, A., The Science of Wealth, 1866. Walras, A., Nature de la richesse, 1831. See Political Economy ; Finance ; Money. Weather. See Meteorology. Weaving. Bronson, J. & R., Manufao. assist., 1817. Gilroy, C. G., Art of, 1847. Gr. Brit. Patents: Abr. of Specif, on, to 1866. Murphy, Art of Weaving, 1847. See Arts. Webb Family. Vinton s Giles Memo rial, 1864. \Vebb, J. Eliot, A., Sermon on, 1750. P. 654. Webb, J. W. On W. D. Christie s Let ter in the Times, 1864. Webber, S. Ware, H., Eulogy on, 1810, Webster, D. Adams, N., Sermon on, Bost., 1852. Allen, W. H., Eulogy on, 1853. P. 204. Am. Whig Review, Dec., 1852. Ames, J., Last days of. P. 996. Appeal to the Whig National Conv., 1848. Ashmun, Reply to Ingersoll, 1846. P. 487. Baldwin, N. B., Discourse, N. Y. Barnard, D. D., Discourse on, Albany. Bartol, C. A., Sermon on, Boston. Boardman, H. A., Discourse on, Phil a. P. 263. Boston : Memorial of, by Hillard. Butler, C. M , Sermon, Death of. Choato, Discourse ... .of, 1853. Cleaveland, E. L., Sermon, Death of. Curtis, G. T., Life of, 1870. Davis, T. T., Eulogy on, Syracuse. Eells, W. W., Discourse on, Newbury port. : Webster, D. (continued). Everett, E., On inaug. of Statue, 1859, v. 3, 4. " Biog. Memoir of, in Works. Ewing, Oration on, 1852. Haven, J., Address, Amherst Coll., 1852. Hitchcock, R. D., Eulogy on, Bruns wick. Junius, Letter to; on illegality of State Bonds, 1840. Ketchum, H., Eulogy on, New Haven, 1853. P. 214. Knapp, S. L., Life of. Lanman, C., Private life of, 1852. Lothrop, S. K., Sermon, Bost. P. 555. Lyman, S. P., Life of, 1853. McCoy, A., Oration, 1852. P. 77. Marcker, F. A., D. W., der Ameri- kanischeStaatsmann, Berlin, 1853. Mayo, A. D., Sermon on, Gloucester. Parker, T., Discourse on, Boston. Poem: Death of, 1854. P. 139. Rawlings, A., Eulogy on, Albany. Remarks on life and writings, Phil a, 1831. Rogers, E. P., Discourse on, Augusta, Ga. Stuart, M., The Andover Address,1844. P. 527. Taft, A., Oration on, Cincinnati. Van Ronsselaer, C., Eulogy on, Bur lington, N. J. Van Santvoord, C., Discourse on, Saugerties. Webster, D., Works and life. " Private correspondence,1857. " Sketch of life, 1835? " Beauties of, and crit. Essay on, 1839. " Twenty-second Anniv. at Astor House. Webster, G. W. , Sermon on, Wheeling, 1853. P. 95. Weiss, Disc., New Bedford. P. 555. Wiley, C., Discourse, Utica, 1852. Williams, T., Discourse of, Providence, 1858. Wood, G., Speech to friends of, 1852. Woods, L., jr., Eulogy, Brunswick, 1852. P. 494. Webster, N. Andrews, J. W., His Dic tionaries, 1856. P. 227. Defence of the New Jersey dissent. P. 173. National Port. Gallery, v. 2. Webster, N., A summary summing, 1854. " Crit. review, 1828. P. 513. Worcester, J. E., Gross lit. frauds, 1853. " Reply to Merriam, 1854. \YKNTWOHTl I. (333 Weights and Measures. Adams, J. Q., Report on, 1817. <f Report on, 1821. See Da- vies. Airy, Q. B., Extracts of papers on, 1840. Alexander, J. H., Dictionary of, 1850. Arbuthnot s Tables of ancient coins, etc., 1727. Astier, Systeme Legale, 1857. Bache, Reports, 1845, 48. Barnard, F. A. P., The metric system, 1871. Barney, Par of weights. . .U. S., 1829. Blainville, De la jauge universelle, 1726. Bowring, The Decimal system, 1854. Brit. Sci. Assoc n, Reports, 1867, 69. Canada: Report on Decimal Currency, etc., 1855. Davies, C., The metric system, 1871. Goddard, Pract. accountant, 1837. Gr. Brit. Parl. Rep., Decimal coinage, 1857, (Levi). Greaves, J., Roman foot and denarius, 1647. Hassler, Comparison of, 1832. " Report upon, 1842. Hayes, Negot. Magazine, 1764. Herschel, Sir J., Lecture on, 1863. See Davies. Macgregor, J., Commer. statistics, 1850. Mann, W. W., Linn-base dec. syst., 1871. N. Y. City: B. of Educ., Report on, 1867- Observations on, 1814. Otto, Taschenbuch, 1814. Pasley, Plan for simplifying, 1857. P. 1506. Penn a: Legis. report on, 1833. Ruggles, S. B., Report on, 1864. Saigey, Poids et Mesures, 1856. P. 625. Silbermann, Rapport sur, 1852. Smithson Rep., 1865, H. A. Newton s paper. Thomson, J. B., The Metric System, 1868. U. S. Treas. Dept., Comparison of, 1832. " Reports, (Bache), 1857. Yates, J., On the Decimal System, 1856. P. 233. Weir s Cave. Jones, Descr. of. Wellesley, A., Duke of Wellington. Brown, J. R., Ode, Death of,1853. Croly, G., Sermon, Death of. Donkin, R. S., Parallel, 1830. Doyle, The Funeral : A Poem, 1852. 80 Wellesley, A.., Duke of Wellington (continued). Earle, J. C., English Premiers, 1871. Gurney, J. H., Sermon, Lond., 1852. Hugo, T., Sermon, Bishopsgate, 1852. Kinnaird, Corresp., Prop. Assassina tion of, 1819. Letter to L d Folkstone, 1804. Manly, Estimate of, 1852. P. 380. Marriott, C., Sermon, Oxford, 1852. Maxwell, W. H., Life of, 1845. Miller, E., Sermon, Bognor, 1852. Montague, Capt. M., Dirge to, 1853. Montgomery, R., The Hero s Funeral, Poem, 1853. Ode on, Oxford, 1834. Hobinson, T., Sermon, Lond., 1852. Sou they, R., Life of, 1816. Wellesley, Life of, 1852 " Memoir of, 1852. " Dispatches and Corresp. from Spain, 1838. " Selection from Dispatches, (Gurwood), 1841. Wellesley, A., By a Citizen of the World, 1852. Yonge, N. C. D., Life of, 1860. See Waterloo. Wellesley, Richard, Lord. Pearce, Mem. of, 1846. W T ellesley, W. L. Letters, pers., and Docts., 1827. Wellfleet, JIass. Pratt, E., History of, 1644-1844. Wellington, T. Obit. Notice, 1853. Wells, G. W. Bartol, C., Address on, 1843. Wells, H. Discov. of Anaesthesia, 1860. P. 1674. See Etherization. Wells, P. Life and Exec, of, 1749. Wells, Capt. W r . McDonald, J., Sketch of, 1852. W r ells. Jebb, J., Theory of Artesian, Eng. Prof. Papers, 5. Ohio, Artesian Well, Columbus. Smith, J. L., Artesian Well, Louis ville. P. 1830. Swindell, Treatise of Well Digging, 1860. Welsh. See Wales; Language. Welsted, L. Works and Memoirs by Nichols, 1787. W r enham, Mass. Allen, M. 0., History of, 1860 Mansfield, D., Ded. Sermon, 1844. " Histor. Address, 1845. W T entworth, . Strafford, Earl of. 634 WENTWORTH. Wentworth, W. Descendants of, 1850. : Wesley. Clarke, A., Mem. of Wesley Family, 1851. Wesley, C. Whitehead, J., Life of, 1845. Wesley, J. Constitutional Answer to, 1775. Creamer, D., Meth. Hymnology, 1848. Hart, J., Remarks on a Sermon of, i 1741. P. 308. Murray, James, Finishing Stroke, 1778. Some Remarks, 1741. Southey, R., Life of, 1846. Taylor, J., W. and Methodism, 1855. j Vindication of the Last Minutes of, i 1771. Watson, B., Life of, 1835. Wesley, J., Journals, 1743-54. (e Narr. of Remark. Transact., 1848, 62. Whitehead, J., Life of, 1845. See Methodism. Wesleyan University, MiddletoAvn, Conn. Catalogues, 1859-67. | West, B. Cat. of Pictures of, 1815. Gait, J., Life of, 1816. West, D. Peckwell, H., Sermon on, 1783. West, E. F. Page, R., Fun. Sermon, 1853. P. 1613. West, G. M. Impostures of, Albany, 1850. P. 72. West, Living martyr, 1850. West Boxford, Muss. Eaton, P., Dedic. Sermon, 1843. P. 105. West Brookfield, Mass. Stone, M., Hist, discourse, 1851. See Brookfield. WestchesterCo.,N.Y. Bolton, R , jr., History of, 1848. Hist, of Prot. Epis. Ch. in, 1855. Waldron, Huguenots of, 1864. See Rye ; Yonkers. Westenrieder, L. Von. Koen. Baier. Ak., 1828. Roth, Lobschrift, 1852. Western, Fort, Me. Woston, N., Orat., centenn. celeb., 1854. Western Isles. See Azores; Hebrides. Western, Mass. Kendal, S., Century Sermon, 1813. Western Railroad, Mass. Guild, Descrip. of, 1847. See Railroads, Massachusetts. Western Reserve, Ohio. Kennedy, Hist, of Pre. and Cong. Churches. Western Reserve College. Catalogues of Students, 1837-51, 64-67. Westfield, Mass. Davis, E., Hist. Sketch of, 1827. " Hist, discourse, 1851. Westfield, Ne\v Jersey. Huntting, J. M., Hist, discourse, 1840. West Gardiner, Me. Hanson, J. W., Hist, of G. and W. G., 1852. Westhamptou, Mass. Reunion, 1866. Gould, V., Sermon in sickness, 1802. P. 559. West Hartford, Conn. Perkins, N., Hist, discourse, 1822. West India Companies. See India; Commerce; French, etc.. Colonies; Netherlands; West Indies. West Indies. Alcedo, Geog. and Hist. Diet, of, 1812-15. Antidote to W. I. sketches, 1817. Antigua Gazette, 1842, 4. Are the W. I. Colonies, Ac.? 1840. Baird, R., Impressions of, in 1849. Bellin, Descr. geog. des Antilles, 1758. Benzoni, Hist, do repcr. India, 1596. " Hist. Ind. occid., 1586. Blomo, Description of, 1678. Bosanquet, Depreciation of property, 1807. Bossu, Voy. aux Indos occid., 1768. Brief and perfect Journal, 1655. Calveton, Nov. Orb. Hist. See Ben zoni. Caribbcana, Dissertations in, 1741. Champlain, Voyage to, 1599. Hakluyt Soc., 1859. " CEuvres, Quebec, 1870. Coke, T., History of, 1808. Coleridge, H. N., Six months in, 1825. Coreal, Voy. aux Indes d Espagno, 1722. Davies, J., Hist, of Caribby Islands, 1666. Davy, J., The West Indies, 1854. Description of the West Indies, 1655. Dorvo-Soulastre, Voy. de Santo Do mingo, 1809. Drake, Sir F., Yoyages, 1653. Du Tortre, Hist, des Antilles, 1671. Edwards, B., Hist, of British Colo nies in, 1810, 19. Ens, Indiae occid. Historia, 1612. Expose.. des Colonies Fran9aises,1822. Gage, New Survey of, 1648. Glover, Evid. of Planters, 1774. Gomara, Hist, des Indes occidentales, 1584. Gurney, J. J., A Winter in, 1840. Halliday, The West Indies; Nat. and Phys. Hist., 1837. WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY. 635 West Indies (continued). Hamilton, A., Sixteen Months in the Danish Isles, 1852. Herrera, Descr. Indiaa occidentalis, 1619. " Descr. desIndesOccid., 1619. " Hist. gen. do los Castolla- nos en, 1730. " Hist. g6n. des conquutes, 1660. " Gen. Hist, of the W. I., 1725. Hist, et Comm. des Antilles Angloises, 1758. Jofiferys, T., Descr. of Span. Islands, 1762. " West India Atlas, 1780. Knox, J. P., St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Johns, 1852. Koromantyn Slaves, 1823. Labat, Voy. aux isles de PAinerique, 1722. La Borde, Origine des Caraibes, 1674. Laet, De, Beschrijvinghe van West Indien, 1650. " Hist, du Nouveau monde, 1640. Novus Orbis, 1633. " Gecctroyeerde W. I. Compag- nie, 1644. Las Casas, Distruttione delle Indie Occidentali, 1630. " The same in Gerin. and Lat., 1578, 97. " Decouverte des Indes Oc- cid., 1697. Lavaysse, Voy. de Trinidad, Tobago, etc., 1813. Linschoten, Voy. to East and West Indies, 1598. " Nav. in Orien. Indiana, 1599. " Hist, delanavig., 1638. Maffei, Historiarum Indicarum lib. 16, 1614. Marryatt, J., State of, 1818. Martin, 11. M., Brit. Col. Lib., v. 4, 1836. Pamphlets on the West Indies, Vols., 435-438, 839, 840, 1483. Pinckard, G., Notes on the West In dies, 1806, 1816. Porteus, Lett, to Proprietors, 1808. P. 435. Protection to W. I. Sugar, 1823. Raynal, Hist, of trade in, 1777. Real Bearings of W. I. Question, 1849, 1850. Recueil d arrests, 1720. Ribaut, Voy age, 156 9. Rochefort, Hist. nat. et mor. des An tilles, 1667. Society for Conv. of Negroes, Report, 1823. West Indies (continued). Schmidel, Verissima .... Deecriptio, 1599. Solorzano, Politica Indiana, 1703. Some considerations. . ..Sugar, 1823. Southey, T., Chronolog. Hist. of,1827. Statement of Claims, 1823. Taylor, L. W., On negotiations with Gr. Brit., 1829. Trollope, A., Travels in, 1860. Weed, T., Letters from, 1843-62. West India Ass n of Glasgow, 1852. P. 438. West India (Dutch) Company, three Treatises, 1630. West India Manual, 1842. West India Merchant, Lond., 1778. West India Reporter. No. 39, 40, 42, 1831. West India Planters, Comm. Reports, 1849, 50, 55. West India Question, Lond., 1826. West Indische Compagnio, 1651. West Indische Zee en Land Reizen, 1705. Willis, N. P., Health Trip to, 1853. Willyams, Campaign in, 1794. Wood, C., Speech, 1848. Wsellinx, Vertoogh van te hand. op. West-Indien, 1608. Wytfliet, Hist. Universelle, 1611. Young, West-India Common-place book, 1807. See Voyages; Columbus; America; Florida; France, Colonies; Sla very; Sugar; Barbadoes; Cuba; Dominica; Jamaica; Martinique; Porto Rico; Ste. Croix; St. Do- iningo; Tobago; Trinidad. Westminster. Bray ley, History of, 1836. P. 401. Hawkins, J. S., On Antiquities of, 1807, 8. Hopper, T., Letter on architects of the new palace, 1837. P. 1036. Nicoll, D., Munic. institutions, 1853. Saint James Church, Proo., 1846. P. 328. Short narrative of bridge, 1738. Westminster palace, Descr. of, 1850. P. 1515. Westminster Abbey. Buckland, W., Sermon, 1848. Nealo, Hist, and Antiq. of, 1856. Westminster Abbey .... guide, 1814 " Description of, 1827. P. 1710. Westminster Assembly. Fletcher, J., Hist, of Independency, 1849. Hetherington, History of, 1843. Reid, J., Lives of members of, 1815. 636 WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY. Westminster Assembly (continued). Westminster Assembly, Conf . of faith, 1658. " History of, 1841. See Presbyterian. Westminster, Ms. Centenn. celeb., 1859. Hudson, C., History of, 1832. Westmoreland, Eng. Beauties of Eng land and Wales, 1815. Gilpin, Mountains and Lakes of, 1808. Otley, J., Descr. of lakes and moun tains, 1825. Westmoreland illustrated, Descr. by Rose, 1833. West Point, N. Y. Am. Archives IV, Hi., 1520. Boynton, E. C., History of Academy, 1863. Cadet life at, 1862, (G. C. Strong). Colton, J. H., Guide to, 1844. Eager, Hist, of Orange Co., (on the chain at). Empire of Reason, 1829. Hudson Tourist, 1851. Janon, Prof. P. Do, Defence by, 1864. Mansfield, E. D., Utility of Academy, 1847. Marshall, E. C., Loyalty of Acad., 1862. P. 2504. Military Acad. unmasked, 1830. P. 234. Park, R., Hist, and Topog. of, 1840. Poore, B. P., West Point Cadet, 1863. P. 2506. Reed, T. B., Address to, 1827. P. 71. Ruttenber, Obstructions at, in 1777. Simms, Chain over the Hudson, 1855. IT. S., Mil. Acad. Register, 1801-50, 53, 1863-65, 67. " Regulations, 1829, 32, 39, 53. <f Seo. of War, Let. on expenses, 1830. < Report on state of, 1830. " Report of Select Comni., 1837. " Report on organization, 1860. Report of Visitors, 1863. Whittlesey, J. II., Plan for reorgani zation of, 1868. See Hudson River. West Roxbury, Mass. Brookline Di rectory, 1868. West Springfield, Mass. First Cong. Church Manual, 1858. Lathrop, J., Sermon, 60th year of Ministry, 1816. Sprague, W. B., Hist, discourse, 1825. West Virginia. Dodge, J. R., W. V., its farms, etc., 1865. West Virginia (continued). West Virginia, Governor s Messages, 1864, 5, 7, 8. West Virginia Immigration Co., 1866. Sve Virginia. Wetmore Family. Genealogy, 1861. Weymouth, Eng. Comtnins s Guide. See Waymouth. Whales, Whaling. Bennett, Whaling Voyage, 1833-36. Bonaterre,Cetologie, (Encyc. Method.). Browne, J. R., Etchings of a Cruise, 1846. Cheever, Whale and its captors, 1850. Dana, R. H., Jr., Two Years before the .Mast, 1869. Jardine, Naturalist s Library -.Whales. Leslie, R. J., Polar Seas, Adventures, 1831. Macy, Hist, of Nantucket, 1835. Martens, Voy. to Spitsbergen. Hak- luyt Soc. Pub. Missing Whalers, 1836. Ray Soc. Pub., Flower s Recent Me moirs, 1866. Scoresby, Arctic Regions and Whale Fishery, 1820. Zorgdrager, Van do Walvisohganat, 1720. See Fisheries; Nat. Hist, j Voyages, Arctic. Wharton, Philip, Duke of. Jesse, Mem. of the Court, 1843. Wharton, Life and Writings, 1737. Wharton, H. D Oyly, Life of, 1821. Whately, Abp., R. Life and Corresp., 1866. Whately, Mass. Temple, J. H., Eccl. Hist, of, 1849. Wheat. Browne, W. H., Its Worth, 1862. Butin, On Smoth, 1803. Coles, B. U., Wheat of Now York, 1820. Dupont, Sur les insectes do .... 1857. Fitch, Reports on Insects, 1855-59. Hind s Essay on Insects 1857. Mildew on Wheat. Painph r, 8. Sinclair, Blight and Rust, 1809. United States Mag., v. 2. See Agriculture; Moulds; Prices. Wheatley, Phillis. Memoir and poems, 1834. Wheaton, R. 1854. Wheeler, P. Wheeler, W, 1864. Memoir and writings, Life and adv. of, 1839. Dwight, T., Discourse on, WHITE MOUNTAINS. 637 Wheeling, West Va. Lyford s Direc tory, 1837. Wheeling Bridge case, 1851. Wheelock, E. McClure, D., Mem. of, 1811. Wheelock, Narr. of Indian School, 1763-7*. Wheelock, J. Allen, S. C., Eulogy on, 1817. Wheelwright, A. Apthorp, Sermon on, 1764. Wheelwright, W. Corresp. and Reply, Pac. St. Nav. Co., 1838. 43, 44, 1845. W hichcot, B. Tillotson, Serm., Death of, 1683. W r hig Party. Curtis, G. T., Letter, Speech, 1856. P. 537. Holmes, A., Parties and their princi ples, 1859. Ormsby, History of, 1859. Whig Almanac, 1843-55. Whig Congress, Exec. Comm., 1844. Whig Conv., Utica, 1840. Whig Nat. Conv., Appeal, 1848. Whig State Conv., Mass., 1846. White, J. L., Speech, H. of R., On the two parties, 1843. See Republican ; U. S., Pamphlets. Whigs, Eng. Caveat against, 1712. Ker, Origin of, vol. 3. Parr, S., Notes on Rapin s Diss. on, Works, 3. Tom Double returned, 1709. P. 138. Whigs, The, or country party, 1847. See Gr. Brit., History. W r hipple Family. Whitmore, Memo randa, 1857. Whiston, W 7 m. Hist. -Pref. and Acct. of persecution, 1711. " Acct. of Proc. of Convocation, 1711. t( On Sacheverell s Proc. against him, 1719. Whitby, Eng. Charlton, History of, 1779. White, D. A. Walker, J., Memoir of, 1863. W T hite, George. Life of, 1810. P. 1701. White, H. Van Vorst, H. C., Orat., Death of, 1845. White, H. K. Works and Memoir, by Nicolas. " Works and Life, by Gil - fillan. White, II. L. Memorial of, 1856. W r hite, John. Memorials of, Kellogg, 1860. White, Jos. Gabriel, R. B., Facts con cerning, 1790. White, Statement of Obligations, 1790. White, J. Blanco. Life of, by himself, 1845. Extracts from Jour nals and Letters, 1847. White, Bp. W. Doane, Serm. on, 1836. Headley, Chaplains of the Revolu tion, 1864. Norton, Life of, 1856. Ondetdonk, Disc, at Funeral, 1836. P. 214. Wilson, B., Memoirs, 1839. Whiteaker, W. Miller, W., Sermon on, 1794. Murlin, J., Sermon on, 1794. Whitefield, G. Bristol Tabernacle Cen- ten., 1854. Defence of the Rev. Mr. W., 1739. Garden, Letters to, 1740. Gillies, J., Life of, 1774. Gladstone, Life and Travels of, 1871. Harman, J., Remarks on his Charao ter, 1764. Letter from a Gentleman, 1743. Newell, D., Life of, 1846. Nicol, Copy of Letter, 1740. Parsons, Jon., Sermon on, Portsmouth, 1770, and interment. Pemberton, E., Sermon on, Bost., 1770. Robert, T., Narrative of. Some remarks on, 1741. Tracy, J., The Groat awakening, 1845. Trial of Mr. W. s spirit, 1745. Wesley, C., Eulogy on, 1771. W r esley, J., Sermon, Death of, 1770. Whitefield, Works: Letters, 1771,72. " Contin. of Jour, in Eng., 1739. White-Hall, Eng. Jones, D., Secret history of, 1717. Whitehall, N. Y. Kellogg, L., Hist. discourse, 1847. Old, The, Settler, 1847-54. Newsp. Whitehead, O. Cooley, T. M., Life of, 1860. W hitehouse, Bp. H. J. Kerfoot, S. II., W. and Illinois, 1860. Whitelocke, B. Journal of Swedish Embassy, 1653, 54. Whitelocke, Gen. J. Tnal of, 1808. White Mountains. Eastman, Guide book, 1867. Mount Washington in winter, 1871. White Mount. Guide, 1846. Willey, B. G., Incidents in hist, of, 1856. 638 WHITE PLAINS. White Plains, N. Y. Baird, Hist, of Rye, 1871. See Westchester. White Sulphur Springs, Va. Six weeks in, 1839. See Mineral Springs. Whitman, B, Whitman, J., Memoir of, 1837. Whitman, J. Muzzey, A. B., Memorial of, 1848. P. J231. Whitman, W. O Connor, W. D., The good gray poet, 1866. P. 1624. Whitmore, C. M. Parsons, I., Sermon on, 1822. Whitmore, F. Descendants of, Cam- I bridge, 1855. Whitney, Eli. Olmsted, D., Memoirs of, 1846. Wynne s Lives, 1850. Whittemore, T. Biog. Sketch, 1849. Whittlesey Family. Whittlesey, E., Address, 1855. Whittlesey, Charles. Dana, J., Ser mon on, 1764. Whittlesey, Chauncey. Dana, J., Sermon on, 1787. Wickes, E. Haliey, E., Sermon on, 1850. P. 1612. Wickford, R. I. Hist, of Bapt. church in. P. 924. Wicklifle, J. Brougham, H., Hist, of Eng., 1861. Cowell, H., Character of, Essay, 1857. King, W., Works, Reflect, on Varillas Hist., 1732. Le Bas, C. W., Life of, 1833. Lewis, J., Life of, 1720. Netter, Fasciculi, Chron. G. B., 1858. Vaughan, R., Life of, 1831. Wickliffe, R. Reply to Breckinridgo, 1840. P. 1380. Wieland, C. M. Taylor, Hist, of Ger man poetry. Wier s Cave. See Weir. Wigglesworth, E. Appleton, Diso. on, 1765. Wigglesworth, M. Dean, J. W., Sketch ! of, 1871. Wigglesworth, M., Poem; Memoir, | 1867. Wight, T. Wight, D. P., Life of, 1848. | Wight Is. Beauties of England and ! Wales, 1815. Coghlan, F., Description of, 1840. Gilpin, H. D., Observ. on, 1808. Hassell, Tour of, 1790. Roscoe, T., Summer tour in, 1843. Wikoff, H. Roving Diplomatist, 1857. Wilberforce, W. Correspondence, 1840. Wilberforce, R. J. and S., Life of, 1838. Wilbraham, Mass. Stcbbins, R. P., Centen. Celebration, 1864. Wilbur, J. Pomcroy, J. L., Sermon on, 1816. Wilcox, C. Remains and Memoir, 1828. Wilde, S. S. Peabody, E., Discourse on, 1855. P. 1613. Wilder, S. V. S. Life of, 1865. Wilkes, Coinin. C. Smucker, Life of, 1858. Wilkes, C., Defence by, 1864. Wilkes, John. JEolus, Constit. politi cian, 1770. Constitutional Magazine, 1768. Cradock, J., Life of, v. 3. Fugitive Polit. Essays, 1770. Grenville, G., Speech on, 1769. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Ld. Grenville, 1763. London Addresses, 1769. Reflections on the case of, 1768. Watson, J. S., Life of, 1870. Wilkes, J., Corresp. and Life by Al- mon, 1805. " Letters, 1769. " North Briton, 1772. " The Philosopher, 1771. Speeches, 1775-77. See Great Britain, Political. Wilkeson, S. Lord, J. C., On Death of, 1848. Serm. 6. B. C. Wilkinson, Gen. James. Mem. of my Own Times, 1816. Burr s A., Trial, 1808, 64. Law Lib. Clark, D., Corruption, of, 1809. Wilkinson, Jemima. Hudson, D., Hist, of, 1821. Wilkinson, W. Luckin, R., Serin, on, 1841. P. 1565. Wilks, Matthew. Collison, G., Sermon on, 1829. P. 1464. Will, The. Blakey, R., Essay, of free dom of, 1831. Collins, A., Human liberty, 1735, 90. Cooper, S., Free-agency, 1789. Dana, James, Exam, of Edwards on, . 1773. Day, Jer., Self-determining power of, 1838. Edwards, J., Freedom of the will, 1790. Edwards, J., On liberty and neoesiity, 1797. Fenwick, A., An Essay on, 1818. WILLIAMS. 639 Will, The (continued). Hazard, R. G., Letters on causation, 1869. " Freedom in willing, 1864. Hobbes, T., Questions concerning. Hume, D., Philosoph. Essays. Illust. of Mr. Hume s Essay, 1795. P. 1369. Jackson, J., Vindication of Human liberty, 1730. King, W., Origin of evil, 1731. Leemhuis, Libertas volendi, 1847. Morgan, E., Decrees and free agency, 1859. Nisbet, C., Lectures on, 1840. Preservative against fate, 1770. Rotheram, On human liberty, 1782. Tappan, H. P., Doctrine of, 1840. Watts, I., Philosoph. Essays. West, S., On Moral agency, 1772. See Election; Evil; Mental Philoso phy; Moral Pnilos. ; Necessity; Predestination; Sin. Willard, Mrs. A. G. Bradley, T. S., Fun. Discourse. Willard. Emma. Journal and Letters, j Hunt, W.. Am. Biog. Sketch 1848. P. 47l. N. Y. Univ. Convocation, 1870, No- ! tices of. Willard, E., Appeal, 1847. Willard, Sidney. Bartol, Tribute to, 1862. Willard, S., Memories of, 1855. Willard, Simon. Willard, J., Life of, and descendants, 1858. Willard, Sol. Wheildon, W. W., Me moir of, 1865. Willard, S. D. Hough, F. B., Biog. Notice of, 1866. P. 1492. Spragpe, W. B., Sermon on. Willett, M. Narr. of his Military Ac tions, 1831. William I, of Neth. Het leven van, ! 1732. William II, of Xeth. Het leven van, i 1738. Abbink, L., Leven van, 1849. William IV, of Neth. Het leven van, 1752. William III, of Eng. Ereval, Hist, of House of Nassau, 1734. Brief justification of, 1689. Burnet, G., Sermon before, 1688, 89. Burton, R., History of, 1693. Earle, J., Sermon on, 1725. Gregory, F., Intended Assassination of, 1696. William III, of Eng. (continued). Jesse, Memoirs of the Court, 1843. King, W., Sermon on, 1691. Late Proceedings, Scotland, 1689. Memorial for, 1689. Pead, D., Sermon on, 1696. Piggott, Serm., Death of, 1702. P. 363. Shebbeare, Answer to queries, 1775. Shrewsbury, Earl of, C. Talbot, Cor respondence with, 1821. Some Reflections, 1688. Stephens, W., Serm., Attempted As sassination, 1696. P. 361. Tindal s Hist, of Eng., 1747. Vernon Letters, 1696-1708. William III, and Louis XIV, Letters, 1697-1700, (Grimblot). 4 < Collection of State tract?, 1688-1708. " Ceremonie ontrent de Krooninge, 1G88. See Charles II; Great Britain, Pamph. William IV. Buckingham s Memoirs, 1861. Huish, R., Life of, 1837. Parties and Factions, at accession. P. 1405. Toone, W., Chronology of Reign of, 1834. Wright, G. N., Life of, 1837. William of Wykeham. Chandler, J., Life of, 1842. Williams Family. Genealogy, 1847. Williams, C. K. Obit, notices of, 1854. Williams, Rev. Eleazer. Life of, 1859. Hanson, J. H., The Lost Prince, 1854. Williams, Mrs. Eliz. Calamy, E., Sermon on, 1698. Williams, Eliz. Mutter, G., Ser., Death of, 1828. P. 382. Williams, H. B. H. Clark, E. W., Sermon on, 1858. Williams. Rev. John. Hist, of Cap tivity of, 1773-76. Williams, S. W., Life of, 1837. Williams, Rev. John. Sommers, C. G., Life of, 1835. Prout, E., Memoirs of, 1843. Williams, J. D. and M. Hooper, De fence of Merchants, 1866. Williams, Mrs. M. Kcrshaw. J., Fun. Sermon on, 1820. Williams, O. H. Tiflany, 0., Life of, 1851. Williams, Reuel. Poor, J. A., Memoir of, 1864. 040 WILLIAMS. Williams, Roger. Elton, R., Life of, 1852. Evans, J., Account of, 1819. Fox, G., New England Fire-brand quenched, 1678, 79. Gammell, Life of, Sparks, 14. Hague, Hist. Discourse, 1839. Hamilton, J., Memoir of, 1854. Knowles, J. D., Memoir of, 1834. Tuckerman, H. T., Biog. Essays. Williams, Sol. Cogswell, J., Sermon on, 1806. Williams, Tho s. Williams, E., Life of, 1859. Williams, T. S. Memorial of, 1862. Sprague, W. B., Discourse on. Williams, T. W., 2d. Edwards, T., Sermon on, 1856. P. 1613. Williamsburg, N.Y. Directories, 1847- 1855. Reynolds, S., Hist, of, 1852. Williams College, Mass. Durfee, Wil liams Biog. Annals, 1871. " Hist, of Williams College, 1860. Robbins, T., Address, 1843. Wells, D. A., Sketches of, 1847. Williams College, Catalogues of Stu dents, 1832-64. " Missionary Jubilee, 1856. Williams Quarterly, 1855-58. Williamson, H. Hosack, D., Memoir of, 1820. Williamson, P. Hildreth, R., Atro cious judges, 1856. Williamsport, Pa. Directory, 1867. Williamstown. See Williams College. Willis, Mrs. L. Letters, 1788. Willis, N. P. Mag inn, Fraserian Papers. Poe, E. A. The Literati. Willis, N. P., The Convalescent, 1859. Willis, W. Hart, C. H., Tribute to, 1870. Willoughby, M. Locke, N. C., Sermon on... 1849. P. 554. Willoughby, S. Pierce, I. B., Dis course on, 1838. Wills. Charters, S., Duty of Making, 1802. P. 1534. Molloy, Laws of Mortmain, 1845. P. 415. Nichols, Wills from Doctors Commons, (Camden So.). " Wills of the Kings of Eng land, 1780. Plain advice on, 1826. See Records. Wilmington, Del. Ferris, Settlements on the Delaware, 1846. Montgomery, E., Reminiscences of, 1851. See Delaware. Wilmot, J. See Rochester, Earl of. Wilmot, Sir J. Memoirs, 1802. Wilson, Alex. Ord, G., Life of, 1828. Peabody, Life of, Sparks, 2. Wilson, Poet. Works and Memoir, 1820. Wilson, Bp. D. Bateman, J., Life of, 1860. Reply respecting, 1839. Brief Defence, .against. . 1818. Wilson, H. Keate, G., Account of Pe- lew Is , 1793. Wilson, Henry. Speeches, 1856-68. Wright, C., "Mountaineer," 1864, 5. P. 1591. Wilson, Prof. J. Gordon, Memoir of. 1863. Wilson, J. B. Borrows, Sermon on, 1835. P. 1464. Wilson, Gen. Sir R. Diary, 1812-14.* Wilson, Bp. Thomas. Howe, R. B., Life of, 1833. Keble, J., Life of, 1863. Stowell, H., Life of, 1845. Chu. Lib. Wilson, T. Leifchild, J., Sermon, De cease of, 1843. P. 380. Wilson, T. B. Memoir, 1865. P. 1492. Wiitou, S. Palmer, S., Sermon, Death of, 1778. P. 381. Wilton, New Hamp. Peabody, E , Centen. Address, 1839. Wiltshire, Eng. Archoeol. Inst. of G. B., Memoirs, 1849. Beauties of Engl. and Walea, 1815. Davis, T., View of Agriculture of, 1794. Winchell Family. Genealogy, 1869. Winchester, Gen. J. Atherton s Nar rative, 1842. Darnell s Journal, 1S54. See War of 1812. Winchester, Eng. Brit. Archreo. Ass., Trans., 1845. Savage, W., Antiquities of. Winchester College, Eng. Golding, .Defence, 1755. Windham, Hon. W. Diary. 1784-1810. Holcroft, Letter to, 1795. Wiudham, Conn. Waterman, E., His torical discourse, 1801. Weaver, History of, 1864. Windham Co., Conn. Sherman, Rev. J., Eccl. proceed, in, 1806. WISCONSIN. 641 Winds, W. Tuttle, J. F., Life of, 1853. Winds. See Meteorology. Windsor, Conn. Stiles, H.-R., Hist, of, 1859. * Windsor families. Windsor, Eng. Hakewill, History of, | 1813. Jesse, E., Favorite haunts, 1847. Pingret, Voyage de Louis Philippe, ! 1840. Voice from Windsor, 1847. Windsor, Guide, 1842. P. 1755. Wines. Armailhacq, Culture des vignes, 1858. Buchanan, R., Culture of the grape, etc, 1852. Cooks, Bordeaux, Its wines, 1846. Cozzens Wine press, Period., 1854-60. Forrester, J. J., On Port wine, 1848. P. 402. France, C J., De diversis qualitati- bus, 1758. P. 612. Fries, M., Praktisohe Anleitung, 1853. Gaudry, Reoherches en Orient, 1853- 1854. Gu6rin, Maladie de Ja vigne, 1854. Guyot, De la vinifioation, 1866. Haraszthy, Grape culture, 1862. Hitchcock, E., Anal, of Syrian wines, Am. J. of Sci , 1844. Hughes, W., English wines, 1683. In vino veritas, 16 J8. Juice of the grape, Shaw, 1724. M Mullon, Hand-book of wines, 1852. Morewood, Hist, of inebriating liq., 1838. Mulder, Chemistry of, 1857. Mysterie of vintners, 1675. Parmontier, L art de faire lea eaux de vie, 1806. Parsons, B., Wine question settled, 1841. Rafinesque, C. S., Art of making, 1830. Redding, C., Hist, and description, 1851. Rendu, Maladie de la vigne, 1852. Rollc, Recherohes sur lo culte de Bac chus, 1824. % Shaw, T. G. f Wine, the vine, 1863. Spooner, A., Cultivation of rrape wine, 1846. True Discovery ....wine project, 1641. Weston, Domestic English wines. Worth, W. Y., Making English wines, 1694. Ste Temperance ; Vine. Winegar Family. Genealogy, 1859. Wines, A. Farley, S., Sermon on, 1834. P. 1610. 81 Wingfield, E. M. Discovery of Vir ginia, Dean s notes, 1860. Neill, Coloniz. of America, 1871. Winnebago, Wis. Mitchel. History of, 1856. Winona, Minn. Sketch of, 1858. Winslow, H. L. Winslow, M., Mem. of. Winslow, M. Winslow, 0., Life of,1860. Winslow, R. Fisher, S. W., Sermon on, 1847. Winthrop, J. Drake, . G., Review of his Journal, 1854. Winthrop, Journal, 1630-44. " Humble Request, 1630. Winthrop, R. C., Life and letters of. Winthrop papers, 1628-74. Mass. Hist. Soc., Coll., 4S., 6, 7. Winthrop, Prof. J. On comets, with life of, 1811. Winthrop, Me. Thurston, D., Hist, of, 1764-1855. Wirt, W. Kennedy, J. P., Memoirs of, 1849. Sherwood, G. W., Eulogy on, 1834. Southard, W. L., Discourse on, 1834. Thomas, F. W., Sketch of, 1853. Wirt, W., Brit. Spy and Memoir of, 1832. Wiscasset, Me. Packard, H., Fire at, 1824. Wisconsin. Atwater,C., Tour to Prairi du Chien, 1831, 33. Bayfield, Lake Superior, History o$, 1858. P. 565. Brunson, A . , North West wilderness of, 1843. P. 500. . Carr, E. S., Pioneers Address, 1857. Carver, J., Travels, 1766-68. Chapman s Hand-book, 1855. Featherstonhaugh, Lead and copper mines of, 1847. Gregory, J., Resources of, 1855. Hunt, J. W., Wisconsin Gazetteer, 1853. Lapham, Geog. and topog. desor. of, 1844. " Chronol. of, 1870. Lea, A. M., Notes on the territory of, 1836. Love, Wis. in the war, 1866. McLaod, History of Wiseonsan, 1846. Martin, M. L., Hist. Address at Madi son, 1851. Mitchel, General view of, 1856. Neill, Dahkotah land, 1859. Peet, Hist, of Presb. and Congreg. Churches in. Pierce County, Statist. Descr., 1854. 642 WISCONSIN. Wisconsin (continued). Ritchie, Wisconsin, 1858. Rock County, History of, 1856. Sketches of the West, 1847. Smith, W. R., History of, 1854. Watertown, Statistics, 1856. Wiseonsin, Geol. Survey, 1854, 57, 61, 1862. ft Geol. Sur. of Lead Re gions, 1871. " Roportof Charities and Re form, 1871. " Description of, 1853. " Statistics, 1870. " Bescrivelse over.. 1870. " Ysladogau 1870. " Same in Dutch, German. " Advantages of Brown, Door & Oconto Co. s, 1870. Wisconsin Almanac, 1856, 7. Wisconsin Editorial Assoc n, Proc., 1857-69. Wisconsin State Agr. Soo , Trans., 1851-69. Wisconsin State Hist. Soc. Collections, 1855-68, 5 v. See U. S., Travels West; Mississippi River. Wisconsin Local History. See La Crosse ; Madison ; Milwaukee ; Winnebago. Wise, II. A. Hambleton, Biog. Sketch of, 1855. Wiselius, S. J. Brouwer, Leven van, Wiseman, Card. N. Bowyor, G., The Cardinal, 1850. P. 348. Gumming, J., Lectures on, 1850. Important Questions, 1854. Palmer, W., Letter to, 1841. Wiseman, Card , Speeches and Tour in Ireland, 1859. Wisner, B B. Fay, W., Sermon on, 1835. P. 1610. Wistar, C. Caldwell, C., Eulogium on, 1318. P. 1230. Tilghman, W., Eulogium on, 1818. Wit. See Humor; Satire. Witchcraft. Boulton s Vindication, 1722. Calef, More Wonders of the Invisible World, 1700, 1823, 66. Christmas, Cradle of the Twin Giants, 1819. Chyromanoie, 1619. Cotta, Trial of, 1616. Douce, Cat. of Books on, 1840. Drake, S. G., Annals of, in New Eng., 1869. Filmer, To the jurymen of Eng., re specting, 1680. Witchcraft (continued). Fowler, Salem witchcraft, 1861. Giffard, Dialogue concerning, 1593. Percy Soo. Pub., v. 8. Glanvil, Evidence concerning, 1681. Halliwell, The Poetry of witchcraft, 1853. Hutohinson, F., Hist. Essay on, 1718. Mackinnon, W. A., Hist, of civiliza tion, 1849. Madden, R. R., Phantasmata, 1857. Mather, C., Wonders of Invis. World, 1693; Ropr., 1861, 66. Poole, W. F., Mather and Salem witchcraft, 1869. Random sketches, 1817. Muns. P. 8. Soott, Sir W., Demonology and Witch craft, 1830. B. C. Some miscellany observations, S. Wil- lard, 1692; Repr., 1869. Spurious reprints, Deane, 1865. Thacher, J., Essay, 1831. Upham, C. W., Lectures on, 1832. " Salem witchcraft, 1867. Witches of N. Y., 1859. Woodward, W., Delusion in N. Eng land, Drake, 1866. " Recordsof Salem W.,1864. Wright, T., Sorcery and Magic, 1852. See Delusions; Magnetism, Animal. Witsius, Herman. The Covenants and Life of, 1798. Witherspoon, J. Rodger?, J., Fun. Sermon, 1795. Woburn, Mass. Bennett, Sermon, 1846. Sewall, S., History of, 1868. Wodrow, J. Wodrow, R., Life of, 1828. Wodrow, R. Correspondence, 1709-31. Wolcott, E. McClure, D., Sorm., Death of, 1794. P. 80. Wolcott, J. Pindarics, 1800. Works and Life of. Wolcott, Roger. Poems and Preface, 1725. Perry, J., Disc, on Death of, 1767. I Wolfe, Gen. J. Sabine, Hist. Address, 1860. Wolfe, Instruo. to Officers, 1768. Wright, R., Life of, 1864. Wolfe-Tone, T. See Tone. Wollf, C. and A. Memorial of, Goneal., 1863. Wolff, Jos. Researches, 1831-34. " Narr. of Mission, 1845. Wollaston, W. Burnet, T., Judgment on, 1732. Wollstonecraft. See Godwiq. WOMAN. 613 WoUey, Card. Cavendish, G., Life of, 1827. Fiddes, Life of, 1724. Gait, J., Life of, 1846. Library of Use. Knowl., Life of. Wolverhamptou, Eng. Staffordshire Directory, 1834. Woman*. Alexander,W., History of, 1796. Alger, W. R., Friendships of, 1868. Amer. Fern. Guard. Soc., Reports, 1849-55, 61. Almanach des dames, 1855. Amer. Woman s Ed. Ass n, 1853-56. P. 226, 277. Bauister, Mrs., Hints on Education, 1856. Beecher, C. E., Evils suffered by Am. Women, 1847. Beecher, H. W., Addr. on Ment. Cul ture for, 1859. Blackwell, E., Addr. on Med. Eduo. for, 1856. Brady, J. T., Addr. on Ment. Culture for, 1859. Brother Jonathan s Wife, 1842. P. 1216. Brown, D. M., Young-ladyism, Lond. P. 1793. Brown, J., Sermon, Fern. Orphans, 1765. Carlier, A., Marriage in the U. S.. 1867. Challenge... or The Female War, 1697. Chapone, Mrs., Works, 1818. Child, L. M., Condition of, in all ages, 1845. B. C. Clarke, M. C., World noted women, 1868. Cleveland, Mrs. E. H., Lect., Female Med. Coll., Phil a, 1858. Craig, J., Use of church service on a late occasion, Lond., 1840. Cushman, R. W., Amer. female ed., 1855. Davies, E., Higher education of, 1866. Defenses du Beau Sexe, 1753. De Foe, D., Religious courtship. Doctrine of Divorce, Agonistes, Albany, Du Montier, Lettres a sa Fille, 1756. Edwards, J., Disc., Pen. Fern. Refuge Soc., 1826. Ellet, Mrs- E. F., Women artists, 1859. Ellis, Mrs. S. S., Women of England, 1843. " Mothers of England, 1844. " Wives of England, 1843. < Daughters of England, 1842. Eminent women of the age, Parton, 1869. Fact* and important infonuation,1842. Femftle Med. Educ. Sec., Bost., Re ports, 1851, 52. P. 64; 1853-56,64. Woman (continued). Fern. Med. Coll. of Penn a, Announce., 1853-57. Feyjoo, Defence of the women. Fullom, History of, 1855. Gisborne, T., Duties of the sex, 1801. Green, Mrs., Letters of royal and illus trious, 1200-1500. Gregory, J., Father s Legacy, 1779. P. 266. Guardian Soc., Lond., Report, 1840. P. 472. Gynaecological Society, Bost., Const., 1869. Hale, S. J., Distinguished Women, 1850. Hanway, Jonas, Journal in Eng.,1756. Hayley, Essay on old maids, 1786. Hays, Mary, Female biography, 1803. Histoire litt. des femme? Franyoises, 1769. Holland, J. G., Titcomb s letters, 1867. Hous.*aye, Men and women of the 18th century, 1852. Jameson, Mrs. A., Characteristics of Shakespeare s W. " Mem., Woman s mission, 1846. " Biog. sketches of women celeb, in poetry, 1844. Jones, Mrs. M. M., Woman s dress, 1865. Kavanagh, J., English women of let ters, 1863. Knox, V., Liberal education of, 1789. Kurtz, B., Choice of a wife, 1863. Lambert, Marq. De, Reflexions sur, 1750. Legouve, Moral history of, 1860. Lewis, Dio, Our girls, 1871. Longshore, J. S., Addr. Fern. Med. Coll., 1850. Loving words, 1860. M Elheran, Condition of, in Celtic nations. Magdalen Soc., Phil a, Report, 1859. Mann, Horace, Lectures, 1859. Mental improvement for a young lady, 1793. P. 606. Michelet, La Femme, 1860. Milburn, Rifle, Axe, etc., 1857. Modern women, Linton, 1868. Moreau, Hist, naturelle de la femme, 1803. Mulock, D. M., A woman s thoughts about. Necker, Mme., Study of Life of, 1844. New, The, Bond of Love, N. Y., 1853. New Engl., Female Med. Coll., Re port, 1857, 58. N. Eng. Female Moral Reform Soc., Bost., Report, 1857, 68. 644 WOMAN. Woman (continued). N. Y. Asylum Report, 1854. P. 506. N. Y. Magdalen Soc., Report, 1854, 1857. P. 504. N. Y. Med. Coll. for Women, An nounce., 1864-71. Niohols, T. L., Woman in all Ages, 1849. P. 606. Ossoli, Woman in the 19th Century, 1855. Palmer, B. M., Diso., Female Excel lence, 1859. Pamphlets relating to Woman, Vols. 226, 666, 985, 986, 1216. Parent-Duchatelet, Prostitution, 1836. Pennington, Lady, Advice to a daugh ter, 1760. Peters, H., Father s Legacy, 1717. Preston, Ann, Addr., Fern. Med. Coll., Phil a, 1858. Purple, Influence of Dress on, 1848. Muns. P. 5. Rosine Assoo n, Phil a, Report, 1852. Rush, B., Thoughts on Fern. Ed., 1787. P. 864. Sainte Beuvc, Portraits de femmes, 1858. " Celebrated Women, 1868. Sanger, Hist, of Prostitution, 1858. Saurin, The Unchaste Woman. Segur, Women, Condition of. P. 606. Sigourney, L. H., Letters to Mothers, 1838. Smith, E. Oakes, Woman and her Needs, 1851. P. 226. Starling, Noble Deeds of, 1858. Storer, H. R., Why Not ? A Book for Women, 1866. Strictures on Fern. Ed., 1794. Todd, J., Serpents in the Doves Nest, 1867. Toner, J. M., Maternal Instinct, 1864. Walker, A., Beauty Illustrated, 1836. " Book of Beauty. P. 513. Woman Physiologically con sidered, 1840. Wardlaw, R., On Magdalenisin, 1843. Washburn, G., Her Work in the Church, 1868. Wilbur, H., Female Piety, 1812. P. 1600. Woman s Aid Society, N. Y., 1868. Woman s Hospital, Phil a, 1866. P. 1687. Woman s Hosp. Assoo n, Reports,! 856- 1857. P. 246, 506. Woman s Med. Coll., N. Y., 1869. Woman s Mission, 1840. Woman s Work and Culture, Essays J. E. Butler, ed., Lond., 1869. Woman s Prison Ass n, Report, 1858. P. 226. Woman (continued). Wright, C., Woman in Pagan Lands, 1845. P. 287. Young, 8., Influence of, 1837. See Biography of Women; Social Ques tions; Education, Female. Woman s Rights, and Suffrage. Beocher, C. E., True Remedy for Wrongs of, 1851. Brown, J., Sermon, Rights of, 17(53. Bushnell, H., Women s Suffrage, 1869. Curtis, G. W., Addr., Rights of, 1858. Dall, C. H., College, Market and Court, 1667. Davis, J. E., Laws Protecting W. Dewey, C. C., Speech on Suff., Mont- pelier, 1869. Dillaye, S. D., Addr. in favor of Suff., Syracuse, 1869. Godwin, Mary W., Vind. of Rights of W., 1792. Herttell, Remarks on Rights of Prop erty, 1839. Higginson, T. W., Woman. . An Essay, 1853. P. 226. Hurlbut, Essaya on Human Rights, 1845. Ingersoll, H. C., Woman s Plea for Suff. Logan, Olive, Apropos of Women, 1869. Mansfield, E. D., Legal Rights of, 1845. Mill, J. S., Enfranchisement of, 1851. Diss., 1864. " Speech on Suff., 1867. " The Subjection of, 1869. Nonsense, The, of it, (Suffrage). Norton, Caroline, English Laws for, 1854. Rupert, R6habilitation de la femme, 1851. Stanton, E. C., Addr. on the Divorce Bill, 1861. " Addr. for Univ. Suff., 1867. Universal Suffrage, Female Suffrage, 1867. Weld, A. G., Woman s Rights, 1852. P. 269. Woman s Rights Almanac, 1858. Woman s Rights Conventions, 1851-59. P. 226; 1868. P. 1216. Woman s Rights Tracts, May, Foster, etc., 1853. Woman s Rights Tracts, (5). P. 666. Woman s Work, Essays, J. E. Butler, ed., 186V. Ste Marriage; Divorce. Wood s Half Pence. Drapier s Let ters, J. Swift, 1730. Wood, Ant. Life of, Bliss, 1848. Life of, (Leland, Hearne), 1772. WORCESTERSHIRE 645 Wood, F. MacLeod, D., Biography of, 1856. Wood, F., Life of, 1855. A history of, 1854. Wood, G. B. Shorb, J. C., etal., Ad dresses on, 1860. Woodbridge, Mrt . J Lockwood, Ser mon on, 1799. Woodbridge, M. A. Hitchcock, E., Fun. Discourse, 1858. P. 555. Sprague, W. B., Ser Lanman, C., Life of, Appeal for Justice, Writings and Biog. No Woodbridge, T. mon. Woodbridge, W r . 1867. Woodbridge, W. 1868. Woodbury, L. tice. Rantoul, R., Jr., Eulogy on, 1852. W r oodbury, Conn. Cothren, History of, 1659-1854. " Second Centennial Celebration, 1859. Woodcock, T. Woodward, H., Sermon on, 1850. Woodcock, W. J. Nelson, R. J., Tri bute to, 1852. Woodd, Mrs. Ho Woodd, B., Memoir of, 1799. Woodd, W.O. Mann, J., Lerm., Death of. 1811. P. 382. Woodhull, N. Marsh, L. R., Orat. on Life and Services, 1H48. Onderdonk, H., Lett, on his Capture, 1848. Woodman, E Descendants of, 1855. Fun. W r oods, L. Lawrence, E. A., Discourse, 1854. W r oodstock, Conn* Grosvenor, Hist. of First Cong Ch., 1860. Woodward, W. H. Perkins, C., Eu- logy of, 1818. Wood worth, W. W. Patents to 1845. P. 92. " Arguments on his patent, Kel ler, Porter, 1852. U. S. Report of Comm. on Patents, 1852. OOl, Gen. Baylies, F., Narrative of his campaign, 1851. Wool. Buohan, Fleecy hosiery, 1795. Carpet manufacture, Statement, 1866. Essay upon trade, 1741. P. 123. France, Enquete, 1860. History of silk, cotton, wool, etc., 1845. Manly, Exportation of, destructive, 1677. P. 1407. Wool (continued). National Assoo nof W. Manufacturers, Proc. of Conv., 1866. " Bulletin, 1869-71. Obser. on British, 1738. Rhode Is. W. Manufacturers, 1864. Sheffield, Lord, Trade in. Pamph r 3. Statist, of Wool Manuf., U. S., 1845. Webber, Prohib. of Export, 1740. White, W., Directory of Bradford, etc., Worsted Manuf., 1866. Wool and Flax Raising. P. 950. See Manufactures; Sheep; Tariff. Woolley, Col. Memorial of, 1832. P. 102. Woolman, J. Life and Journals, 1774, 1790. Wooster, D. Deining, H. C., Oration on, 1854. Wooster, Monument to, 1854. Worcester, Jlarq. of. Dircks, Life of, 1865. Worcester, Noah. Channing, W. E., Tribute to. Ware, H., Jr.. Life of, 1844. Worcester, S. Cornelius. E ,Fun. disc., 1821. P. 1610. Woods, L., Serm., Death of, 1821. Worcester, S. A., vs. Georgia. Opin ions, 1832. Worcester, W r . Descendants of, 1856. Worcester, Mass. Allen, J., Wore. Assoc n, Hist, of, 1868. Bancroft, A., Half Century Serm., 1836. Davis, J., Address, 1825. First Church, Difficulties in, 1820. First Parish Anniversary, 1863. Goodrich, C. A., Reiultof Eccl. Coun cil, 1820. Hersey, Hist, of, 1836-61. Set Lincoln. Lincoln, L., Address, Rural Cemetery, 1838. Lincoln, W., History of, to 1836. Massachusetts Spy, 1795-1817. Smalley, The Pulpit of, 1851. Worcester, Ms., Directories, 1840-69. " Guide, 1856. Worcester Magazine, 1786-88, 1826. Worcester Co., Mass. Allen, Jos., Hist, of Worcester Assoc n, 1868. Whitney, P., Hist, of, 1793. Worcester, Eng. History of, 1829. Worcestershire, Eng. Allies, Geol. Observations, 1835. Beauties of Eng. and Wales, 1815. Nash, T., History of, 1781. Pomeroy, W. T., Agriculture in, 1794. 646 WORDSWORTH. Wordsworth, W. Coleridge, S. T., Works, 1854. Taylor, H., Notes from Life, 1847. Wallace, W., Poem on, 1846. Wordiworth, C., Memoirs of, 1851. Wordsworth, W., Works and Mem., 1854. World. See Earth; Nature; Plurality of; Universe; Voyages Around th World. Worship. Amory, Dialogue on Devo tion, 1733. P. 336. Barbauld, Publio Worship, 1792. Baxter, R., Oath. Communion, 1684. P. 356. Brewster, J., Hist, of Churches in England, 1818. " Restor. of family worship, 1804. Dupuis, Origine des oultes. H. J., Dissenting Worship, 1793. Hammond, II., Of Will-Worship,1655. Mapletoft, J., Persuasive to, 1687. Milner, J., Benefit of, 1748. Pope, J., Answer to Wakefield on, 1792. Serious and Dispas. Inquiry, 1753. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, Dis course of, 1635. P. 1249. See Church; Religion. Worth, Gen. \V. J. N. Y. City, Mon ument Reports, 1857. Seminea, Scott s Campaign, 1852. Wood, F., Fun. Address, 1857. Worthiugton, Mass. Rice, Secular and Eccl. Hist, of, 1853. Wotton, Sir H. Reliquiae, and Life, 1672. Walton, I., Life of. Wraiigham, F. Cole, Bibliog., Tour to Library of, 1824. Wraxall, Sir N. W. Mem. of his Own Time, 1772-84. Posthumous Memoirs, 1784-89, Wren, C. Elmes, J., Life of, 1823. Wren, W. Life of, 1784. P. 390. Wreiitham, Mass. Bean, J., Century Sermon, 1774. Fisk, E., Jubilee Sermon, 1850. Wright, Edmund. Narrative of, 1864. Wright, Elizur. A Curiosity of Law, 1866. Wright, Samuel. Hughes, 0., Fun. Disc., 1746. P. 1564. Milner, J., Fun. Disc., 1746. Wright, Silas. Clark, D., Report to Med. Soc. on his Death, 1848. Gilpin, H. D., Eulogy on, 1847. Wright, Silas (continued). Hammond, J. D., Life ai:J Times of, 1848. Jenkins, J. S., Life of, 1847. N. Y. St. Agr. Soc., Trans., 1847, Biog. of. Sprague, W. B., Discourse, 1847. Wright, S. O. Thatcher, B. B., Life of, 1835. Writing. Alphabets orientaux, Encyc. Mcth. Alphabetum Grtecum, etc., 1771. Astlo, Grig, of Writing, 1784, 1803. Burdick.T.. Guide to Penmanship, 1831 . Choix Gradu6, 1851. Court de Gebelin, Monde primitif, 1773. Origine do 1 ccriture. Descriptions of a Univer. character, Bath, Eng. Dissertation showing invalidity of sim ilitude, 1666; Kepr. 1744. Ellsworth, H.W., On penmanship, 1862. Forster, C., One primeval language, 1851-54. Foster, B. F., Prize essay on, 1834. P. 658. Fiirsten, P., Schreibart allerhand Ver- sali, 1605. Gatterer, J. C., Elementa artis dipl. Univ., 1765. Hodgkin, J., Greek Penmanship, 1835. P. 1039. Humphreys, Art of Illumination, 1849. " Origin and Progress of Writing, 1853. Jansen, De 1 orig. de la gravure, 1808. Knapp and Rightmyer s Copy-books. Langlois, Callig. des MSS. du moyen age, 1841. Maes, Schriftuurlyk School -boekjo, 1728. B. C. Marcel, C., The Study of Languages, 1869. Payson, etc., Reply on Spencorian Syst., 1871. Peale, R., Graphics, 1838. Pelaud, Methode d Ecriturc. Pillon, L. F., Modeles d Ecrituro,1857. Reimann, Idea Systematis, etc., 1718. Silvestre, Universal palaeography, 1850. Spectacle de la Nature, v. 7, French Paleography. Wailly, N. De, Elom. de Pal6ographie, 1838. Wilkins, Bp. J. The Mercury, 1802. Winchester, G. W., Muscular Discipli narian, 1844. Wright, Court Hand Restored, 1856. See Alphabets ; Bibliography; Cypher; Diplomatics; Manuscripts; Short Hand. YELLOW FEVER. 647 Wnrtemberg. Wnrttembergische Jahr- bucher, 1852. Wyniidotte Indians. Finley, J. B. History of tho Mission, 1840. Wyatt, H. Life and Trial, 1846. Wyckliffe, J. See Wickliffe. Wylie, A. Parvin, T., Address on, 1858. P. 555. Wyukoop, R. Genealogy of, 1866. Wyoming. Campbell, T., Gertrude of Wyoming. Chapman, I. A., History of, 1830. Manheim, F., Affect. Hist, of, 1794. Miner, W. P., History of, 1845. Peck, G., Wyoming History, 1858. Stone, W. L., Hist, of, 1841, 64. Willis, N. P., Letters from under a Bridge, 1840. See Susquehanna. Wyoming Co., N. Y. Directory, 1870. X. Xavier, Fran. Bartoli, D., Life of, 1859. Dryden, Works, Life of. Epistolje Indicte, 1566. Epistolso Japonic, 1570. Xcnophou. Ainsworth, W. F., Geog. Commen., Anabasis, Bonn s Ed. Kinneir, J. M., Asia Minor, Retreat of the 10,000, 1818. Xenophon, Works, Gr. and Eng. and Memoir. Xylography. 6 ee Black Books; Typo graphy. Y. Yachting. N. Y. Yacht Club, Regattas to 1863. Yale, D. Descendants of, 1850. Yale, E. Wood, Jer., Life of, 1854. Yale, E., Pastor s Farewell, 1855. Yale College. Baldwin, R., Annals of, to 1831. Clap, T., Annals of, 1700-1766. " Religious Const, of Colleges, 1754. College Courant, 1868-71. Day, T., Class of 1797. Fisher, G.P., Hist, of Church in, 1858. Reminiscences of Scenes, Mitchell, 1847. Sketches of, 1843. Sprague, W. B., Our Trienn. Cat., A Discourse, 1860. Woolsey, Hist. Discourse, 1850. Yale College (continued). Yale College, Triennial Catalogues of Students, 1805-67, imp. " Ann. Catalogues, 1827- 1870, imp. " Various Reports. " Commemorative Celeb., 1865, Roll of Honor. " Class Histories, 1797, 1802, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 1837,48,50, 51,52, 54, 1856, 60. Yale Literary Mag., 1844-58. Set New Haven. Yankee Doodle. Nason, Our National Song, 1869. Saffell, Hail Columbia, eto., 1864. Yarmouth, Eng. Swinden, History of, 1772. Yarranton, A. Dove, P. E., Life of, 1854. Yate, Lady A. L. Horneck, A., Fun. Discourse, 1695. P. 1448. Yates, J. C. Jenkins, Lives of Gov. of N. Y. Yeamans, Mr. Goodwin, H., Appear ance of to, 1800. P. 1734. Yellow Fever. Armstrong, G., Fever, Norfolk, Va.,, 1855. Assalini, Observations, 1806. Barton, E. H., Prevention of, 1857. Bayley, Fever in N. Y., 1795. Brown, S., Y. F. in Boston, 1800. P. 39. Carey, M., Account of, at Philadel phia, 1790. Condie, History of, at Phil a, 1798. Davis, M. L., Account of, in N. Y., 1795. Deveze, Trait6 de la ficvre jaune,1820. " Memoire centre la Comm. sani- taire r 1821. P. 1003. Griscom, J. H., Hist, of, in N. Y., 1858. Bardie s Acc t of, in N. Y., 1798. In 1805; In 1822. Hastings, J., Lectures on, 1848. Howard Assoc n, Norfolk, Va., 1857. P. 1841. Leblond, Obs. sur la fievre jaune, 1805. Miller, E., Works, Obs. on, N. Y., 1814. Moreau, Ficvre jaune des Antilles, 1820. New Orleans, Reports, 1853. N. Y. Board of Health, Report, 1870. Osgood, D., Cautions for, 1821. Pamphlets relating to Yellow Fever, vol. 177. Portsmouth, Va., Relief Association, 1855. 648 YELLOW FEVER. Yellow Fever (continued). Potter, N., Memoir on Contagion, 1818. Reese, Epidemic in Baltimore, 1819. Romaine, B., Contagion of, 1823. Shecut, Medical Easays, 1819. Vacb.6, Letters on, 1852. See Contagion; Epidemics; Quaran tine: Medicine. Yellow Stone River. Haydon, F. V., Hot Springs, A. J. of Sci., Mar., 1872. Yezidees. Homes, The Yez. of Mesopo tamia, Bib. Repos., N. Y., 1842. Laurie, T., Tour among, Bibliot. Sac., 1848. Yonkers, N. Y. Chronicles of, Poem, 1864. Cole, D., Hist. Address, 1868. Yonkers Examiner, H. B. Dawson, 1856-59. York, Frederick, Duke of. Adams, W., Speech, 1809. Clarke, M. A., Authentic Memoirs, 1809. Defence of, 1826. Mentoriana, 1817. Pitman, J. R., Sermon on, 1827. Review of charges, 1809. P. 140. Scott, W., Memoir of. Taylor, Sir II., Memoir of, 1827. York Co., Penn a. Rupp, Hist, of, 1844. York, Eng. Guide, 1844. P. 645. Hargrove, W., History of, 1818. Sharpe, J., Meeting in Lond., 1680. Yorkshire, Eng. Beauties of Eng. and Wales, 1815. Cooke s Topog. Library. Yorktown, Vn. Siege of York in 1781. Yoruba. Bowen, T. J., Labors in Af rica, 1857. Young Family. Genealogy, (Gale),1866. Young, A. Ellia, G. E., Discourse on, 1854. Gannett, E. S., Discourse on, 1854. Young, C. M. Young, J. C. ; Memoir of, 1871. Young, Dan. Autobiography, 1860. Young, E. Pierquin, Tomboau de Nar- oisse, 1851. Young s Night Thoughts and Life, by Boyd. Young, J. Dinner to, 1851. Young, Jacob. Autobiog., 1859. Young, John. Jenkins, Lives of Gov. of N. Y. Young, R. Sprat, T., A Relation of, 1692. Young, T. J. Keith, P. T., Sermon on, 1852. Wallace, C., Commemoration of, 1852. P. 555. Young Men, Guides to. Addington, S., Letters to, 1767. Arthur, T. S., Advice to, 1848. Austin, J. M., Voice to youth, 1846. Bcecher, H. W., Indust. and idleness, 1850. P. 215. Clark, R. W., Lectures to, 1861. Columbian Library, Milns, N. Y., 1797. Graham, S , Lecture to, 1838. Hawes, Joel, Lectures to, 1828. Holland, J. G., Titcomb s Letters, 1867. Landels, W., True Manhood, 1861. Magie, D., Advice to, 1855. Mann, H., Lectures for, 1859. Milns, W., Well Bred Scholar, Colum. Lib., N. Y., 1797. Nott, E., Counsels to, 1844. Rack, E., Mentor s Letters, 1778. Smith, D., Lectures to, N. Y., 1853. " Anecdotes for, 1852. Southwick, S., Five Lessons for, 1837. Sprague, W. B., Lectures to, 1836. Tuthill, Mrs., Success in life; the lawyer; the merchant; the me chanic, 1854, 3 v. Young Husband s book, 1838. Young Man s Manual, 1858. Young Man s Mentor, 1842. Young Man s own book, 1833. Ware, J., M. D., Hints to, 1850. Webster, N., Letters to a young gent., 1823. Woodward, J., Young Man s Monitor, 1770. See Morals, Practical ; Books; Educa tion; Self oulture. Young Men s Association, Albany. Charter, 1835, 41, 53. " Reports, 1839-43, 45-55, 57-69. " Celeb, of July 4, 1859. Young Men s Association, Buffalo. Reports, 1837-56, 60-71- " Quarter Cent. Celeb., 1861. Y r oung Men s Associations. Su Bib liography, Libraries. Young Men s Christian Associations. Albany Reports, 1858-71. Auburn Young Men s Chr. Ass n,1859. Boston Y. M. C. A., Reports, 1852-8. Brooklyn Y. M. C. A., 1857-9. Chicago Assoo n, Report, 1866. Cunningham, T. M., Address, St. Louis, 1853. Lewis, W. H., Serm., Brooklyn, 1857. ZOOLOGY. 649 Young Mcn Christian Associations i (continued). Lord, D., Address, 1852. Montreal Assoc n, Report, 1856. New York Y. M. C. A., 1852-57, 71. Pamphlets regarding, vola. 224, 1844. Providence Y. M. C. A., Dedio., 1854. Rochester Y. M. C. A., 1855. Russell, C. T., Address, Bost., 1852. St. Louis, Report, 1856. Upson, A. J., Address, Utica, 1859. Walker, G. J. S., Address, Mobile. Washburn, E., Addr., Y. M. C. Union, Bost., 1856. Winthrop, R. C., Address, 1859. Young Men s Cath. Inst-, Albany, 1857. Young Men s Cath. Lyceum, Albany, ! Const., etc., 1871. Y. M. Chr. Ass n, of Baltimore, 1859. I Y. M. Chr. Ass n of London, Conf., i 1855. " of Philadelphia, 1860. " of Richmond, Corresp., 1861. " of San Francisco, 1853. " of Troy, Const., 1857; Re port, 1859. " of the U. S., Interna. Conv. Proo., 1859, 65, 66. " of Washington, Appeal, 1866. " of Worcester, Hist, of, 1868; Report, 1870. P. 1844. Young Men s Chr. Union, Boston,1852. Y. M. Chr. Union, Buffalo, Quarterly Reporter, 1858. Y. M. Chr. Union, N. Y., 1856, 58. Young Men s Home, Phil a, Rep., 1863. Young Men s Institute, Hartford. Reports, 1840-68. Vouug Women. See Woman; Eduoa- j tion. Ypsilanti, Mich. Foster, G. L., The I past of, 1857. Yucatan* Cathorwood, Views of Ano. Monuments in. Fancourt, History of, 1854. Norman, Rambles in, 1844. Stephens, J. L., Incidents of Travel in, 1841, 1843. Set Vera Cruz : Mexico. z. Zanesville, O. Lyford s Directory, 1837. Zanzibar. Browne, J. R., Etchings of a Cruise, 1846. Zeeland. Short Narr. of Campaign, 1810. P. 1520. See Netherlands. 82 Zeisbergcr, D. De Schweinitz, E.,Lifo of, 1870. Zell, Mme. Stevenson s Lives, 1870. Zell, Tho s. Memoir of, 1859. Zend-Avesta. See Zoroaster. Zenger. J. P. Coll. of Sheets from Press of, 1733-36- Narr. of the Case and Trial,1736. " Prool. of the Governor, 1734. " Trial of, Polit. Tracts, v. 2, 1765. Zenone, S. Memorie, 1839. Zetland Is. See Shetland. Zinc. Burnett, Chloride of. Zinzendorf, N. L. Pond, E., Memtir of, 1839. Spangenberg, A. G., Life of, 1838. See Moravians. Zodiac of Dendera. Denon s Tr. in Egypt. France, Descr. do 1 Egypte, II. N. A. Review, Oct., 1823. Zollverein. De Bow s Review, 1848. Krieg, Waaren Verzeichniss, 1851. Zoology. Agaasiz, L., Nomenolator Zoo- logicus, 1842-6. f< Geog. Distrib. of Ani mals, 185C. P. 255. " Contrib. to the Nat. Hist, of the U. 8., 1857-62. " Structure of Animal Life, 1866. tf Bibliotheca Zoologiae, Ray Soc. Agnew, D. H., Classif. of Animal Kingdom, 1860. Allen, R. L., Domestic Animals, 1848. Aristotle, Hist, des animaux, 1783. " Nat. Hist, of Animals. Azara, Quadrupedes du Paraguay, 1801 . Bachinan, J., Exam, of Agassiz on Geog. Distr., 1855. " Changes of Color in Ani mals, Am. Phil. Soc., Trans., 6. Baird, W., British Entomostraoa, Ray Soc. Battelle, Premieres le$ons, 1855. Beeehey, F. W., Voy. to Pacific, 1825- 1828. Belcher, E., Zool. of Voyage of the Samarang, 1850. Bischoff, T. L., Des Gorilla, 1867, f. Bonaparte, C. L., Progr. of Zoology, Ray Soc. Pub., 1-6. " Fauna Italiana, 1832-41. Bonnaterre, Encyc. Methodiquo, 1791. Bouwstoffen voor eene fauna van Ned- erland, 1854. P. 1869. 650 ZOOLOGY. Zoology (continued). Broderip, Zoolog. Recreations, 1848. Carpenter, Zoology, 1857. Cuvier, Animal Kingdom, 1827-35. Dallas, W. S., Zoology. Orr s Circle, 2,3. Darwin, C., Voy. of H. M. S. Beagle, 1832-36. " The Lepadidse. Ray Soc. Darwin, E., Zoononiia, 1803. De Kay, Zoology of New York. See N. Y. Nat. Hist. Derby, Earl of, Menagerie at Knows- ley, 1851. Diet, des Sciences Naturelles, 1816-30. Doubleday, Nomenc. of Brit. Birds, 1836. Du Chaillu, Pigmies of Africa. Amer. Geog. Soc., 1870. Duncan, P. M., Transformations of insects, 1871. Eaton, A., Zoolog. Syllabus, 1822. " Zoolog. Text-book, 1826. Edinb. Cab. Lib., Lives of Zoologists. Edwards, H. M., Notions prelimi. naires, 1853. " Cours d hist. nat., 1858. Elliot, Grouse Family, 1864-5. Fremery, De CasuarioNova-Hollandise, 1819. Gay, Chile, Zoologia. Goetze, Europaische Fauna, 1797. Gosse, Life in Animals, 1857. Gould, A. A., Invertobrata of Mass., 1844. Haldeman, Writings, 1847. Hamilton, Amphibious carnivora, Nat. Lib. Harlan, Fauna Americana, 1825. Herklots, Fauna van Noderland, 1853. Hill, J., Hist, of animals, 1752. Hippopotamus, Account of, 1861. P. 1869. Humboldt, Obs. do Zoologie, 1779-1803. Jaeger, B., Class-book of, 1850. " Anal, of Lectures on, 1835. P. 1869. Jardino, Nat. Library, 1833-44, Mon keys. " Felinte. " Ruminating Animals. " Pachydermes. " Cotacea or Whales. Jenyns, British Vertebrate Animals, i 1835. " Progress of, 1834. Kidd, J,, Introd. Lect. on, 1824. Konink. Zool. Genootschap, 1852-57. Laming, J. V., Frogs, 1869. L.OW, D., Domestic Anim. of G. B., 1845. Zoology (continued). Lowe, R. T., Fauna Maderse, 1831. P. 1950. Maitland, Animalium Belgii, 1851. Martyn, T., Elem. of Nat. Hist., 1775. Mass. Survey, Reports on Zool. 1838, 1839. Mitchell, D. W., Guide to Zool. Gar dens, Lond., 1852. P. 1535. Niccol, R., Acarus Sacchari, in raw sugar, 1868. Owen, R., Extinct Sloth, and Megath- erioid Quad., 1842. Peck, On the Slug Worm, 1790. Plinius, Natural History. Rabbit and Fowl Fancier. Ray Society Publications, 1845-69. " Spiders of Great Britain. Redfield, Chart of An. Kingdom. P. 551. Reeve, Torpidity of Animals, 1809. Richardson, J., Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1829-37. " Voy. of the Herald, 1845- 1851. Rogers, J., Pigeon Fancier. Rolleston, Forms of Animal Life, 1870. Saint-Hilaire, Domestication des ani- maux utiles, 1849. Selys-Longchamps, Phenom. period. du regne animal, 1841, 46. Siebold, P. F., Fauna Japonica, 1838. Soc. Imp. Zool. d Acclimatation, 1858- 71, imp. Steenstrup, On the alternation of gen erations, Ray Soc. Stieren, E., Dor Zibethmaus. P. 205. Swainson, W., Animals in Menageries, Lardner, 101. (t Habits of Animals, Lar., 109. " Taxidermy, La., 104. " Geography of Animals, La., 105. " Zoological Illuat., 1820-33. U.S. Exploring Exped., Wilkes, 1854- 1858. Wagner, Progress of, 1842-44, Ray Soc. Pub. Wyatt, T., Syn. of Nat. Hist., 1839. Youatt, The Horse, Dog, Sheep, 1837, 1845, 47. Zimmerman, Specimen Zoologies, 1777. Zoological Miscellany, (Nodder), 1814, 1815, 17. Zoolog. Soc. of Lond., Trans., 1830-70. " Proceedings, 1833-70. See Animals ; Cattle ; Entomology ; Fishes ; Herpetology ; Insects ; Life; Mammals; Natural History; Ornithology ; Pygmies ; Quadru peds; Whales. ZWAAG-WESTEINDE. 651 Zoology, Comparative. Agassiz, Cora- par. Embryology, 1849. " Principles of, 1848, 59. Blainville, De, Osteographie comparee ...d aniinaux vertebres, 1839-56, 4 v. Browne, P. A., TrichographiaMamm., 1848. P. 1050. Cuvier, Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles, 1812, 1825. Dana, J. D., Classif. on Prino. of Cephalization, Edinb. New Jour., 1864. Darwin, C., Origin of Species. " Variation of Animals, 1868. Harvard Coll., Mus. of Comp. Zoology, Bulletin, 1R63-71. Home, E., Lectures on, 1814-28, 6 v. Huxley, Origin of Species, 1863. Kidd, J., Lect.,Comp. Anatomy, 1824. Maclise, Comp. Osteology, 1847. Mivart, Genesis of Species, 1871. Owen, R., Comp. Anat. and Phys. of Invertebrates, 1855. " Comp. Anat. of Vertebrates, 1866-68. " Comp. Anat. of the Teeth, 1840- 1845. " Structure of the Skeleton, Orr s Circle, 1. Quatrefages, Metamorphoses of Man and Animals, 1864. Rolleston, Forms of Animal Life, 1870. Siebold, C. T., Comparative Anatomy, 1854. Zoophytes. Agassiz, Contrib. to Nat. Hist. U. 3., 3, 4, Aoalephs. Baird, The Entomostraca, Ray Soo. Bailey, Infus. of fam. Bacillaria. Boworbank, Brit. Spongiadce, Ray Soc., 1864, 66. Catlow, Drops of Water, 1851. Dana, J. D., On Zoophytes, Am. J. of Sci., 1846, 47, etc. " Corals and Coral Islands, 1872. Darwin, C., Researches, Voy. of the Beagle, 1845. Diet, des Soi. Nat., 1816-30. 1 Zoophytes (continued). Edwards, H. M., Recherches sur les polypes, 1838, 49. Ehrenberg, Infusionsthierchen, 1830. " Mikrogeologie, 1854. Encyo. Method., Les Vers, 1791-1832. Qosse, Life in its lower forms, 1857. Landsborough, British Zoophy tes,1852. Mantell, Thoughts on Animalcules, 1846. Owen, Anat. of the Invertebrates, 1855. Pritchard, Hist, of Infusoria, 1841. Siebold, Anat. of the Invertebrata, 1854. U. S. Expl. Exped., 1838-42; Dana, J. D., Zoophytes. See Crustacea; Entomology; Mollusks; Microscope. Zoroaster. Bleeok, A. H., A vesta; Re ligious books of the Parsees, 1864. Bunsen, C. J., God in History, 1868- 1870. Bunsen, Ernest, Hidden Wisdom of Christ, 1865. Hyde, Hist, relig. vet. Persarum, 1700. Lord, H., Relig. of Persees, 1630. P. 1626. Muller, Max., Essays on the Zend- avesta, Chips, v. 1. Trubner s Am. and Orient Record, Bib liography, 1867. Zend-avesta, Texts Zend, Polonaiie, Franfaisc, Pietraszewski, 1858-62. See Parsees ; Persia. Zschokke, H. Autobiography, 1845. ; Zuccarini. J. G. Martius, Denkrede auf, 1848. Zuinglius, U. Croly, Hist. Sketches, 1842. Robbins, R. D. C., Life of, Bibliot. Sac., 1851, 2. Zurich. The Zurich Letters, 1537-1602, Parker Soc. Zwaag-westeinde. Zwaag, Leerreden- en, 1830. 07336 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY