UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA A FOUR-MAN CANVAS -ROOF CABIN L. W. NEUBAUER' and H. L. BELTON 2 This plan is one of a series of labor-camp structures prepared to aid farmers in the selec- tion of suitable farm-labor housing during the war emergency, and, at the same time, provide a semipermanent farm housing structure. It is simple in design, provides adequate floor space, and is well lighted and ventilated. When prop- erly arranged in a camp group, it presents a neat appearance; moreover, it provides a struc- ture which meets the requirements of the State Labor Housing and Sanitation Act. Restrictions on Materials Farmers contemplating construction should familiarize themselves with available local ma- terials and should consult with county war boards and other Federal agencies to make certain that they are conforming with regulations regarding the use of any critical materials involved. In some cases, the use of substitute materials may be necessary. Size and Arrangement The illustrations show a canvas-roofed, de- mountable-type cabin, 12 x 14 feet in size, to accommodate four cots. The floor, sides, and end walls, form unit sections which may be readily disassembled to permit storage in the winter, months. The upper 1 foot of the side walls is screen covered to provide ventilation. Screened openings are also shown in the rear wall and in the upper part of the door. Assembly and Framing The finished floor should be about 8 inches above grade. It may be made in two sections, each 7 x 12 feet in size to facilitate moving. All walls bolt to the floor, and two bolts at each corner hold the side and end walls securely together. A bolt dropped vertically through the ridgepole, near each end, and against the out- side of the collar tie, will hold it in position. Framing for the side-wall sections is 2 x 3 inch material placed in the normal position with the siding nailed to the edge of the studding. For the end walls the 2x3 inch studding are placed flatwise and 2x2 inch floor plates are used. This is illustrated in- the oblique fram- ing view and corner detail. Walls The exterior wall siding may be 1-inch boards, or wood or composition panels. The material Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineer- ing and Assistant Agricultural Engineer in the Experiment Station. Associate in Agricultural Engineering. should be dry to prevent shrinkage, and painted to protect the surface. Canvas Cover The canvas roof covering is 14s x 17 feet in size with the seams running lengthwise of the sheet. All edges should have a 3-inch hem, and a 6-inch reinforcing strip across the center of the sheet to take the wear at the ridgepole. G-rommets should be placed at about 2-foot centers along the sides of the sheet to provide means of fastening the canvas to the end walls, and on all seams at the end of the sheet to re- ceive ropes which are necessary to draw the can- vas tightly over the side walls (see elevation). The canvas size as given does not allow for shrinkage, which may be as much as 1 inch per foot, according to the weight and treatment of the canvas. For this type of covering, 12- or 14-ounce material is usually satisfactory. Electric Wiring Electric wiring shall be exposed wire, with knob and tube installation of a type which meets the minimum requirements of the Electrical Safety Orders of the California Industrial Accident Com- mission. One ceiling light and one wall service plug are listed. Bill of Materials Sill blocks ... 24 pes. 2"x 4" x 12" Mud sills .... 3 pes. 2"x 4"-H' Joists 8 pes. 2"x 4"-l2' Floor 200 bd. ft. l"x 4" tongue-and- groove Plates 1 pc. 2" x 2"— 10' 1 pc. 2"x 2"— 12' 4 pes. 2"x 3"_ 14- Studding .... 10 pes. 2"x 3"-l0' 4 pes. 2"x 3"— 6' 4 pes. 2"x 3" — 8' Rails 2 pes. 2"x3»— 14- Ridgepole . . . . 1 pc. 2"x4"-H' Rafters 4 pes. 2"x3" — 8' Collar tie . . . 1 pc. l"x 6" — 8' Siding 300 bd. ft. 1" x 8" shiplap Door 1 only, 2'6" x 6'6" x 1 1/8" screen-and-panel door 1 pc. 5" x lg" — 16' door stop Screens 28 lin. ft. window screen cloth 12" wide 3 lin. ft. window screen cloth 24" wide 80 lin. ft. screen moulding [ ! ] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS Rounded corner OBLIQUE VI OF Framing ^^mmiw^mm/>&>* elevation L Scream G'-O" — >- ^ Cot 30"x74' Floor Plan 12' x 14' Door,2 L 6'xG-e 2- piece platform^ | connection^ \< Joists bolted-* Use £ bolts, 1 on each side, 2 in front. ." *> " ■w*W Cvj Hi \ I x2 Tapered slot in concrete Tunnel for inserting bolt &£- Showing connection between side and front panels. 2"x3" studs 2"x 2"p/afe. vrr/j m Ttr Enlarged Corner detail Universi Division of Ag Branch of the; Universi K^Rounded corners Demountable walls can be stored in dry place when not in use. Floor size is 12' x 14'. ar floor for tent platform, 2" to 6" e, for 10' to 18' sizes. Removable jfxjjbolt. Siding is plywood, : presdwood, ■^ or I" boards. -j OU t. 2" x4" ridged ii I I'f/oorii ■ing-j ■•&iin=ii)i=u//=//m////M///mwniiiM Cross Sect/on of Front Wall I Alternate Floor Slab of Concrete TT EP5 ? 3"-4"s/ab:m 'ii=5miiu= H 6w<6 //?/£> 7>//S PLAN CONFORMS WITH LABOR CODE STATUTES 1937, CHAP. 90, P6./85. APPROVED, DIVISION OF IMMIGRATION AHd HOUSING, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, C Aa^y^^^TLcHIEF. DATE:Jpri/H&L ty of California ^cultural Engineering : College of Agriculture rv Farm — Davis. Cal. plan no B - H 1 4-MAN CABIN -CANVAS APPROVED FOR DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING DRAWN BY H.L.B. $ L.V./N. TRACED BY L.V.N. DATE 4- 14" 43 Nails and hardware. common nails common nails finishing nails wire nails 10 double-pointed Roof canvas Paint .... Electric wiring 10 lbs. 8d 4 lbs. 20d 1/8 lb. 6d 1/8 lb. 2d 1 paper no. tacks 3 only, 3/8" x 7" machine bolts 8 only, 3/8" x j" machine bolts 2 only, 3/8"x 3" machine bolts 2 only, 3/8" x 7" carriage bolts 1 pr. screen-door spring hinges 1 screen-door catch 14sX 17 ft. (see description) 1 only, 100 ft. hank 3/8 inch rope 1 gal. paint, color as desired 30 ft., no. 14 insulated copper wire 10 porcelain split knobs 2 only, 3" porcelain insulator tubes 1 only, 30-amp fused utility switch 2 only, 15 -amp. fuses 1 porcelain cover (shock proof) with pull switch 1 porcelain wall receptacle Rough Summary of Materials 200 bd. ft. 1" flooring 304 bd . ft. lumber less than 2 inches 273 bd. ft. lumber 2 inches and over Hardware and bolts Electric equipment including copper wire lb. (net! .25 .00 Cost The approximate cost of this tent cabin com- plete including material and labor will be about $125, according to the price range of materials and labor costs. Alternate Construction Concrete floor slabs for a permanent camp lo- cation may be more desirable than movable wood floors. A 4-inch slab, with additional thickness under the edges, and a gravel fill beneath the floor to bring the finished surface 6 or 7 inches above grade, is recommended. Slots formed in the edges of the slab to receive bolts to anchor the walls in position are shown. The concrete should be about a l-2f-4 mix, well tamped into place, and the surface edged true and given a smooth finish. Curing for several days with wet sand, straw, or old burlap bags is recommended. For this construction, using the concrete floor slab, deduct the first four items from the materials list; also the 3- and 7-inch machine bolts and 3£ pounds of 8d and 1 pound of 20d common nails. Then add: 14 sacks of Portland cement Is cu. yds. of sand 2 cu. yds. of gravel 5 only, 3/8"x 11" machine bolts The rough summary of materials should then be changed to read: 304 bd. ft. of lumber less than 2 inches 165 bd. ft. of lumber 2 inches and over 10 3/4 lbs. nails [4] 10m-6,*43(6558b)