Id 1 1 o 1 - ; 1 .. 1 1 ° = ===== 1 1 ^ " r "-^ : ; 1 1 n ^B 1 X •*k '*&& ilifornia ional ility • ml "A N .i THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES — ^— ft CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS I N THE POSSESSION OF THE EARL OF HARDWICKE. 1794. 3 #*- ADVERTISEMENT. THIS Catalogue was formed by the late Earl of Hard- wicke, and contains, among many curious and inter ejling papers never given to the public, feveral which have been printed by the Earl of Hardwicke him/elf, as well in Sir Dudley Carleton's Collection of Letters, and his two volumes of State Papers, as in fome other modern publications. Want of leifure, and the difficulty of exaSlly afcertaining all fuch as are in print, have prevented their being particularly dijlinguijhed. January 1794. v&- ■ -f the D Sold from the r lruftW s, C H R O- Ubrary by «*» rt » 190K556 CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY OF THE CONTENTS. JVICHARD II. "J Edward IV. > Mifcellaneous Subje&s ----- Vol. 109. Richard III. J Henry VII. - - D° - - - - - Vol. 99. 109. Henry VIII. - - D" Vol. 98. 99. 101. 104. 108. 109. 139. 150. Edward VI. - - D" - - - Vol. 102. 104. Mary - - - - D* » - - Vol. 97. 101. 102. 127*. Elizabeth. MSS. Papers relating to Scotland, from 1558 to 1560. V. 128.— from 1560 to 1565, V. 129. — from 1566 to 1567. V. 130. — from 1567 to 1568. V. 127. — from 1568 to 1578. V. 131. — from 1578 to 1589. V. 136. MSS. Papers relating to France, from 1559 to 1562. V. 132. — from 1563 to 1564. V. 133. — from 1564 to 1568. V. 134. — from 1568 to 1597. V. 135. Throgmorton's Difpatches, from 1559 m 1562. Vol. 113. 114. 115. Cajtknau's Difpatches, &c. (France) from 1568 to 1587. V. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Robert and John Bozves's Letters, 1582 - - Vol. 64. Mr. CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY Mr. Robert Bozves's Letters, from 1583 to 1597 - Vol. 93. 94. 95. Sir Edzv. Stafford, from 1584 to 1590 - - Vol.116. Mr. Nicholfcn, from 1600 to 1603 - Vol. 112. Mifcellaneous Papers, from 1570 to 1576. V. 125. — from 1580 to 1587. V. 123. — from 15S6 to 1588. V. 120.— from 1588 to 1590. V. 121. Mifcellaneous Papers, Vol. 66. 69. 78. 97. 99. 101. 102. 103. 104. 106. 108. 109. in. 117. 118. 119. 124. 126. 127*. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. James I. Chrifiophle de Har lay's Difpatches, from 1602 to 1605. Vol. 1 to 9. Sir "Thomas Edmonds's Difpatches (Bruflels) from 1605 to 1609. Vol. 65. Letters to Sir Thomas Edmonds, from 1605 to 1609 - Vol. 77. Hague Correfpondence, from 1604 to 16 12 - Vol. no* Earl of CarliJIe's MSS. Papers, from 161 2 to 1620. Vol. 12 to 19. Sir Dudley Carleton's Difpatches, from 1620 to 1624. Vol. 73- 74- 75- Letters of State, from 1613 to 1615. V. 105. — from 1614 to 1617. V. 106. — from 1617 to 1624. V. 69. — from 1619 to 1627. V. 122. Mifcellaneous Papers, Vol. 71. 72. 86. 99. 101. 103. 104. 107. 108. 125*. 126. 141. 142. 150. Charles I. French Negotiations, 1625 - Vol. 85. Beaulieu's Letters, from 1626 to 1633 - - Vol. 144. Sabran's Negotiations, 1644 and 1645 - - Vol. 10. n. Mifcellaneous Papers, Vol. 66. 67. 69. 71. 72. 82. 90. 96. 100. 101. 103. 104. 107. 108. 109. 117. 122. 139. 142. 145. 149. 150. Charles II. Monf. Bordeaux Letters, 1657 and 1658. - Vol. 146. Letters to Prince Rupert, 1673 - - - - Vol.126. Earl of Torrington's Memoirs, 1683 - Vol.84. Mifcellaneous Papers, Vol. 67. 69. 72. 78. 82. 90. 107. 117. 139. 142. 145- '49- James cf the CONTENTS. James II. D. of Monmouth's Rebellion, 1685 - Vol. 83. 126. Mifcellaneous Papers - Vol.78. 90. 100. 107. 130. 150. William III. Lord Somers's Papers, from 1688 to 1701 - Vol. 81. Lord Torrington's Memoirs, from 1688 - - Vol. 10 1. General Mackay's Memoirs, 1689 - - - Vol. 147. Mifcellaneous Papers - Vol. 71. 78. 90. 107. 139. 140. Anne. Lord Torrington's Memoirs to 1704 - - Vol. 101. Mifcellaneous Papers - - - - Vol. 140. 150. George I. Letters on Triple Alliance, 17 15 - - Vol. 5$. Letters on i^uadruple Alliance, from 1715 to 17 18 - Vol. 25. 26. Letters to and from Sir L. Schaub, from 17 1 5 to 1724, Vol. 35 to 49. Earl of Stair's Letters, from 1716101720 - Vol. 151. 152. St. Saphorin's Letters, &c. from 17 1 7 to 1728 - Vol. 27. 28. 29. 3°- 3 2 - Letters relating to the North, 1717 and 1718 - - Vol. 57. Whit-worth's Letters (Berlin) I7i9and 1720 - - Vol. 56. Letters relating to Spain, 1720 and 172 1 - - Vol. 57. Lord Polworth's Letters, &c. from 1722 to 1724 - Vol. 59. Count Hoym's Letters, from 17 19 to 173 1 - - Vol. 53. Mifcellaneous Papers, - Vol. 62. 72. 88. 89. 107. 125*. 140. 150. George II. Count Hoym's Letters (Poland) 1729 and 1730 - Vol. 54. St. Saphorin's Letters, from 1729 to 173 1 - - Vol. 31. State Papers, Dre/den, &c. from 1729 to 173 1 - Vol. 23. 34- Sir Luke Schaub's Letters, 1730 and 173 1 - - Vol. 50. 51. Letters, &c. Hanover, 1731 and 1732 - Vol. 60. Mr. Walpole's Letters, 1734 and 1735 - - Vol. 143. Letters, States General, from 1743 to 1748 - - Vol. 58. Eafl India Affairs, from 1750 - Vol.80. American Papers, from 1754 to 1756 - - - Vol. 63. SwediJJj Papers, from 1756 to 1759 " " " V°'* ^ u Admiral Bxng's Expedition ----- Vol. 92. MifceJlaneous CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY, fefo Mifcellaneous Papers, from 1738 to 1748. Vol. 68. — from 1753 tot- 1759. V. 91. Mifcellaneous Papers, Vol. 62. 63. 6j. 69. 71. 72. 79. 82. 90. 100. 104. 125*. 140. 149. 150. Georce III. Eaji India Affairs to 1767 _ _ - Vol.80. Lord Grantham's, Letters, from 1772 to 1779 - Vol. 125*. Mifcellaneous Papers, from 176410 1766. V. 79. — from 1767 to- 1771. Vol. 90. — from 1773 to 1782. Vol. 82. Mifcellaneous Papers, Vol. 82. 90. 149. 150. Journals and Periodical Papers. Englifh Mercuries, from Elizabeth to Charle3 I. - Vol. 71. Camden's Diary, from 1558 to 1602 - - Vol. 108. Journal of Lord Montague (Spain) 1560 - - | Sir Thomas Chaloner's Journal (Spain) 1562 - j o . 1 4.. Lord Willoughby's Journal (Prance) 1589 - - VoL 121. Sir R. Cecil's Diary, from 1595 to 1603 - - Vol. 108- Journal of Weftern Rebellion, 1685 - Vol. 83^ Log Book of the Royal Sovereign, 1691 - - Vol. 52. Earl of Stair's Diary (France) - Vol. 88. 89. Braddock's Journal (America) 1755 1 Journal of American Affairs in 1755 and 1756 - J 3" Journal of Swedifh Embaffy in 1756 - Vol.61. Journal of Swedilh Diet in 1765 - Vol.79. Treaties, &c. Treaty at Bruffels, 1622 - Vol. 98^ Quadruple Alliance, 17*8 » • - - .- Vol. 26. Family Compact, 176.1 - - . . Vol. 79^ F O L I O. FOLIO. I to 9 vjhristophle de Harlay Comte de Beaumont, De- peches pendant fon Ambaflade d'Angleterre, 9 torn 1602 au 1605 10, 11 Negotiations de Monfieur de Sabran, Envoye en An- gleterre au Roi tres Chret. 2 torn — — 1644, 1645 12 — 19 The Earl of Carlifk's Manufcript Papers, 8 vols 1612 — 1620 20, 21, 22 Caftelnau Ambaflade de Monfieur, 3 torn 1568 — 1584 23 Depeches, &c. de — — 1571 — 1587 24 Depeches a Monfieur de par Hen. III. &c. — — — — 1580 — 1584 25 Letters from Lord Townfhend relative to the Quadruple Alliance — — — 1715 — 17 18 26 Quadruple Alliance, Plans and Letters concerning 17 17 — 17 18 27—30 St. Saphorin, Lettres, &c. 4 torn —17 17 au 1730 31 Lettres — — J 7 2 9 — I 73 l 32 ——---— — on the Court of Vienna and the Affairs of Europe — — — 1721 — 1728 22 Drefden and Warfaw, State Papers — — I 7 2 9 — 1731 34 Drefden, Vienna, and Warfaw — — 1730, 1731 35 Sir L. Schaub, Letters, &c. from Vienna, — 17 15, 17 16 26 Letters, and of Whitworth, Horace Wal- pole, Lord Stair, &c. — — — 1715,1716 37 Ditto, Mr. Bubb, Lord Stanhope, Lord Stair, Cragg, &c. — — — 1717 — 1720 3 8 ' from and to Abbe Du Bois — 1718 — 1721 39 Ditto, Lord Stanhope and Sir L. Schaub 17 19 40 Papers during his Refidence at Paris 1720, 17 21 B 41 Sir i FOLIO. 41 Sir L. Schaub to Lord Carteret, relating to Spain — 17 19 42 Lord Carteret's Letters to Sir L. Schaub, 3 vols — — — — 1721 — 1723 43 Mr. Stanhope's to Ditto — 1720 — 1723 44 Letters to Lord Carteret — — 1721 45 Lord Carteret to L. Schaub — 1722 46 to Lord Carteret from Paris — 1721, 1722 47 Lord Carteret to H. Walpole — 1722 48 — to Lord Carteret — — 1721 — 1724 49 to Sir R. Walpole, Colonel Stanhope, Til- fon, &c. — — — 1721— ro — Ditto of Lord Harrington — 1730, t Ditto of various 52 Log Book of the Royal Sovereign, commanded by Admi- ral RufTel in the Engagement off La Hogue — 53 Count Hoym, Letters of and relating to him, 2 vols 17 19 — £4 1 . Letters of, &c. relative to Poland 1729, 5 5 Letters relating to the Triple Alliance — — 56 Letters of Mr. Whitworth from Berlin — 171 9> 57 Letters relating to Spain, in — — 1720, • relating to the North — — J 7i7> 58 Etats Generaux, Lettres des Miniftres des — 1743 — 59 Letters of the Lords Polworth and Whitworth — 1722 — 60 Lettres, Memorials, &c. des Miniftres Hanoveriens 1731, 61 Journal of Swedifh Embafiy — Refolution of the States of Sweden at Stockholm — Account of Revenues of Sweden Lift of the Swedifh Army — — I 7S9 Account of the Bank at Stockholm, from — 1756 Extracts of Generals Lewenhaupt and Buddenbrock's Cafe Exceptions to the Charge and Sentences againft thofe Generals. 62 Treafonable 724 73i 691 73i 73° 715 720 721 718 748 724 731 756 756 '7i7 '749 1752 FOLIO. 62 Treafonable Paper in Mill's Journal La Seducteur Bruxellois — — Draught of the Memorial concerning Dunkirk Extract du Regiftre des Etats Generaux — '744 Do — from a Paper of Mr. Trevois to Lord Har- rington — — — 1746 Extracts from Admiral Leftock — 1746 Leftock's Inftruclions — — 1746 Etat de la Marine de France — — French Anfwer to the Memorial concerning Dunkirk Etat de l'Armee Prufllenne — — Letter from Stringer Lawrence, Efq; to the Eaft India DirecTors — — — J 752 Letter from Fort St. Davids - from the Camp at Tritchenopoly — 1753 Letter from Mr Hopkins to Mr. J. Yorke — 1753 Projet remis a Mr. Le Comte Bentinck par Le Comte de Kaunitz — — — l 7S3 Letter from Mr. Franklin at Philadelphia — 1753 Sir Ch. H. Williams, on the Affairs of Poland — '753 Relation of the State of the Court of Vienna Lettre d'un Confeiller de la Grand Chambre de Pontoife a les Exiles de Bourges & dAngleterre — 1753 State of the Emprefs Queen's Troops in — 1753 State of the French and Dutch Fleets in — J 754 Lettre de Voltaire Relation de l'Expedition enterprife contre les Millions du Brefil par les Efpagnoles & les Portugais, Lifbon, 1754 Letter from Mr. Page to the Duke of Newcaflle — '754 Aniwerto the Court of Vienna about the Barrier Lyte's Account of the French Marine — '754 B 2 Letters FOLIO. Letters from Mr. Jones to Lord Royfton Account of Duties on Bricks, &c. and on Servants in Holland Form of Paper given to Families paying Servant's Tax in Holland Troops in South Britain as they lay brigaded, and the Winter Cantonments of the Troops in North Britain — — — 1755 Lift of the Weft Squadron under Bofcawen — 1756 Lift of the Squadron in the Mediterranean under Sir Edward Hawke — — 1756 Minutes oftheHoufe of Commons, Dublin — 1756 Lift of Troops raifing in America for the Year — J 746 Supplies for the Year — — 1756 State of Monies raifed for Britifh Mufeum — 1755 Lifte des VaifTeaux de Guerres qui font fur les Chantieres dans les Ports de France — — 1756 Cantonment of Britifh Troops in — J 7 56 Mr. Fox's Paper on refigning — — 1756 )>C 63 Articles of Sir. D. Ofborn's Inftructions Encroachments of the French in North America State of our Colonies in North America — J 754 Proceedings of General AfTembly at New York — T 754 Journal of Braddock's March to Ohio — — 1755 Extract from Lieutenant Dunbar at Wills Creek — 1755 Minutes of Letter from Mr. Wraxall — — 1755 Letter from Captain Bradftreet to General Shirley at Ofwego — — — — 1755 Council of War at Ol wego — ■ — — 1755 Letter from General Shirley to Sir Thomas Robinfon 1755 Council of War at Lake Ontario Letter of General Shirley — — — 1755 Major Rutherford's Letter to General Shirley — 1755 Ditto from America, dated Lake George — — 1755 Minutes FOLIO. 5 Minutes of the Treafury relative to the Expedition to North America, and the Provifion Contract — 1756 Letter from General Shirley to Mr. Fox — — 17 rft Journal of Affairs in North America from March 1755 to — — — _ j 75 6 General Shirley's Letters to General Winflow, and Let- ter to Lord Loudon Declaration of a Soldier of General Shirley's Regiment upon the Surrender of Ofwego — — i 7S^ Letter from Thomas Pownal, Efq; to a Gentleman at Bofton — — — _ I75 g Letter from Lord Loudon to the Governor of Maffa- chufet's Bay — — — — 1756 Shirley's Speech to the Affembly at Maffachufet's Bay 1756 Shirley's Letters to Lord Loudon and to Mr. Fox Caufes of the Quarrel with the Nabob, and the Lofs of Calcutta — — — — 1756 French Proceedings at Verfailles — — J 755 Arguments for and againft Subfidy Treaties with Pruffia and Heffe Caffel Refolution of the States of Holland on the Demand of 6,000 Men — — — — 1756 Heads of the Pruffian Convention — — 1756 Letter from Colonel Yorke — — — 1756 Refolutions of the States General in — — 17 56 News a la Main from different Parts of Europe — J 757 64 Bowes's (Robert and John) Letters to Sir Francis Wal- fingham — — — — 1582 65 Sir Thomas Edmonds's Difpatches from Bruffels 1605 — 1609 66 Leicefter, Earl of, his Letters to the Queen, in — 1586 Danfon's Letter to the Earl — — • — 1587 The Earl's Letters to the Queen — — 1587,1588 To Secretary Walfingham — — — 1587 To ; FOLIO. To Lord Buckhurft Lords of Council to the Earl, and the Earl's Letter to the Council, &c. Letters of Mr. H. Killigrew to the Queen, to Secretary Walfingham, Lord Leicefter, to the Lord Trea- furer — — — 1 S^7> 1588 Letters of Sir William Rufiell to the Lord Treafurer 1587 Letters of Mr. Thomas Wylkes to Lord Leicefter, to the Queen, the Lord Treafurer, the Earl of Derby, &c. 1586 Lord Leicefter's Letters to Walfingham, and the Lord Treafurer, &c. — — — 1585, 1586 To Monfieur Junius — — — 1587 To Lord Burleigh — — — 1586 To Lord Buckhurft — — — 1587 Letter of Dr. Dale — — — 1587-8 Wylkes's Negotiation with the States General — I 59Q Extracts from Commiffioners at Bourborough — 1588 Don R. Valde's Letter to the King of Spain Extracts from Sir Francis Drake — — 1588 Extracts from Sir Thomas Edmonds's Letters from France — — — 1629-30 Norgate's Letters in the North — — *&39 57 Depofitions relative to the Death of Arthur Earl of Efiex, in 1683 againft Simon Lord Frazer of Lovat Letters relating to his Conduct during the Rebellion Abftract of Secretary Murray's Examination, foon after his Commitment to the Tower, with Two Letters found after the Battle of Culloden Convention for the Campaign of — 1747 and of 1748 Subfidy Treaty with the Duke of Wolfenbuttle Treaty between Great Britain, the Emprefs of Ruifia, and the States General, for 30,000 Ruffians Refolution FOLIO. 7 Refutation of the States General relating to the Mar- riage of the Prince of Orange — — 1733 . of the fame relative to the MafTacre of the Chine fe at Batavia — — — 1741 Robins's Account of the Taking of Bergen-op-zoom 1747 Relation de ce qui eft pafle en Zelande, Avril — 1747 Lettre de la Haye Earl of Chefterfield to Mr. Trevor — — 1746 Earl of Sandwich to Lord Chefterfkld — — *747 Minute of a Cabinet Paper, by Lord Chancellor in 1744 Etat des Troupes de la Reine d'Hungrie — 1744 Speeches in the Houfe of Commons upon Motions for Addrefles, &c. Letter to Mr. Walpole from Baron Edlin relating to the Highlands — — — 1747 Corbyn Morris's Hints concerning the Forfeited Eftates Report of Council of War to King Charles I. relat- ing to the Attempt for Relief of Rochelle — 1628 Earl of Lindfay's Letter on the fame Subject Lift of Troops prefent at the Battle ofFontenoi 174c 68 Heads of two Projects of Adjuftment, the Bafis of the Convention in — — 1738 Duke of Newcaftle to Mr. Kecne and Mr. Caftres 173S Mr. Keene and Mr. Caftres to the Duke of Newcaftle Inftructions to Keene and Caftres Lord Harrington to Sir Thomas Robinfon — ! 740 Anfwer of the Court of Vienna to Lord Harrington's Letter — — — — 1741 Paper given by Mr. Robinfon to the Court of Vienna after his Return from Silefia delivered by Count Zinzendorf to Mr. Robinfon Paper given in by Mr. Robinfon after his Second Journey to Silefia Count FOLIO. Count Oftein's Note Conclufion of the Anfwer mentioned in Count Oftein's Note Anfwer of the Court of Vienna Project of a Convention in Anfwer to the Court of Vienna, with the Anfwer Letter from Spithead relating to Commodore Moftyn's Rencontre with two French Men of War 1 744 1 about the Battle of Dettingen — *743 Refolution of the States General — — 1 746 Letter from the Duke of Bedford to the Board of Trade — — — 1748 Lord Halifax Plan for Nova Scotia Emperor's Refcript concerning the Conduct of Counts Nieporg and Wallis 69 Mr. Jones to Sir N. Throgmorton, AmbaiTador in France — — — 1559-60 Lord Salifbury's Propofition made by Spain for the Marriage of the Infanta with the Prince of Wales, to Sir D. Carlton — — — 161 1 Sir H. Welton to King James, from the Hague Lord Doncafter to Sir R. Naunton, Saltzberg 16 19 — - — to Secretary Calvert, Moiflac 1621 — ■ to King James Baron Dhona's Remarks on King James's Reafons againft aflifting the King of Bohemia, in French Mr. Trumbull to Lord Doncafter — BrufT. 1620 Extract of a Letter from London to the fame 1 6 1 9 ' from Lord Doncafter to Sir D. Carlton — — — 1619 from Secretary Naunton to Lord Doncafter — — — 161 9 Extract FOLIO. 9 Extract of a Letter from Lord Digby to Mr. Cotting- ton ■ from the Earl of Bucks to Lord Doncafter Secretary Calvert to Lord Doncafter — 1621 Lord Doncafter, then Earl of Carlifle, to the Duke of Bucks — — — Paris 1624 Extracts relating to King Charles the Firft's Marriage, from the Negociations of the Marquis d'Effiat and Blanville, which are in the Queen's Library, St. James's Lord Carlton to Lord Conway . — Hague, 1627 Mr. Carlton to the fame Mr. De Vie to the fame — Ifle of Rhee SirBalthaz. Gerbier's Relation to King Charles the Firft, on the State of the Cutti Prifbners in Brabant and Flanders j a very curious Paper, but the Englifh in- correct Extracts from Sir T. Roe's unpublifhcd Papers. — In the PoiTelTion of Mr. Richardfon the Printer's Heirs State of Foreign Affairs during the Protectorfhip of Oliver Cromwell and his Son Richard (imperfect) by Secretary Thurloe Extracts from the Difpatches of the Marquis d'Har- court, the French Embaffador at Madrid, relating to the Treaties of Partition and the King of Spain's Will. — This MS. was given to the late Lord Bolingbroke by the Marquis de Torcy Letter to Dr. Birch relating to the MS. Negociations of Sir R. Spencer and Sir R. Winwood at the Hague — — _ r 6o8 Account of the prefent State of the Paper Office, &c. 1746 1/ C Letters JO FOLIO. Letters between Admiral Haddock and the Duke of Newcaftle, from — Feb. 1739 to Nov. 1741 %* Thefe were fele&ed from a large Lift laid before the Houfe of Commons, in order for an Enquiry, never entered upon 70 Extracts of Mr. Afhby's Negociations in Scotland 71 Englifti Mercuries pubiifhed by Authority in Queen Elizabeth, King James, and Charles the Firft's Times Extracts from the Letters of Sir Edward Stafford, Embaffador in France ; from the Hatfield Collec- tion. Letter from Sir Dudley Carlton to the Earl of Car- lifie — — — 1S2S Lord Carlton to Sir J. Wake, at Venice, and Mr. Carlton, at the Hague — — 1628 to the fame at Turin Extracts from Mr. Montague's Letters, Ambafiador in France; in the Poffeffion of the Earl of Cardigan of Letters on the Affairs in the North 1 690-1, and 2, &c. Letter from Rome, a Jacobite Puff Relation of the Battle of Dettingen.— French Draught from Mr. Walpole to the Greffier Fagel ; and his Anfwer on the latter's Refignation The Briton — — — 1745 Epiftle from Mr. Wray to Mr. Wollafton, Verfe Verfesto the Lord Chancellor in the long Vacation *743 Sonnet to P. Y. in Imitation of Milton Humorous Addition to Letter in the Athenian Cor- rcfpondence Letter FOLIO. ii Letter to Mr. Pelham, on being made Chancellor of the Exchequer Latin Verfes from Mr. HardrefTe to Mr. Barret at Florence Miltonick Sonnets, by Mr. Edwards Le Prince Waldec aux Etats Generaux, au Sujct de fa Demifnon Relation de la Battaile de Laffclt, par le M. Bathiani Earl of Sandwich to the Duke of NewcalUc, at Aix — — — May, 1749 Sir R. Cecil to Sir Thomas Parry, Ambaflador in France — — — 1603 King James to the fame Sir Thomas Parry to Sir Robert Cecil King Charles to Sir F. Cottington, AmbalTador in Spain — — — — 1629 Lord Vifcount Dorcheftcr to the fame Sir F. Cottington to Lord Dorcheller — Madrid, 1629 Lord Carlton to Lord Conway — — 1627 Principal Points in Lord Carlton's Proportion to the States General — — 1628 Proportion of Brafs Ordnance, Ammunition and Stores ordered for immediate Service, — 15th April 1758 Remonftr. du Parlement de Paris, au Roi, au Sujet du cent, dcnicre furies immovab. Fiefs. — Juin 1750 Arret du Pari. & Reponle du Roi fur l'L'.dk de l'Em- prunt de 50 Mil. — — . 1751 Iteratives Remonftrances du Parkirr — 175 1 Difccurs du Prem' PrefidgBt au Roi, & la Reponfe du Chancelier, fur l'Empr. de 50 Mil- Relation de la derniere Allaire de l'lnde Officers and Regiments for foreign Service in America Efcadrede Monf. de Beaufremont, &c. C 2 72 Sir 12 FOLIO. // 72 ' Sir John Davis, Attorney General in Ireland, to the Earl of Salifbury — — — 1607 Sir Arthur Chichefter (Lord Deputy) to the Lords of Council The fame to the Earl of Salifbury — 1608 Sir F. Codington to Lord Dorchefter — Madrid 1629 Letter to K. James from Mr. Trumbull at BrufTels, upon the famous Libel called Corona Re ia Memorial of Sir H. Vane to the States General on the Affair of Amboyna, and the Anfwer — 1629 Converfation between Guftavus Adolphus and Sir H. Vane Extract from Secretary Coke on the fame — 1632 Letter from Mr. Dummer, Lt. Gov. of New England, to the Committee of Trade — Bofton, 1725 Reprefentation to the Lords Juftices on the Memorial of the Governor, &c. of Maflachufet's Bay — 1725 Letter from Mr. Burnet, Governor of New York, to the Committee cf Trade — — 1721 Conferences between the fame and the Indian Chiefs 1726 f Letter on the State of Ireland in regard to Popery, to Archbiihop Canterbury — — 1 1SS • to Mr. Mundcn, on the Hatfield Collection Wreit, 1754 & 5 ■ from Mr. Saifie on French Affairs — 168 1 from the fame to Secretary Jenkins Paris, 1681 Cantonment of Troops in North Britain — '755 Extract from Papers of the States General on the Claim of the Englifh Embaffador, to a Seat in the Council of State Sir D. Carlton's Explanation of his Speech in the Houfe cf Commons j and Sir J. Elliot's Anfwer 1626 Sir F O L I O. »3 Sir D. Carlton to the Earl of Salifbuiy Queftions in the Moufe of Commons, by Hume Camp- bell, Lord Regifter of Scotland Minutes of Enquiry in the Houfe of Commons — '757 State of His Majefly's Ships in the Britiih Ports — 1756 Draught of Addrcfs for the County of Cambridge 1756 * v Lift of M'Namara's Squadron — — *75S — Letter from Capt. Chriftie, of Dunbar's Regiment 1755 Mr. Pond's Report of the Paintings in the Mufeum Mr. Webb's Obfervations on the Cuftomary Freehold- er's Right of voting — _Etat des Ambaffades & Negotiations concernant l'An- gleterre des Clafies du Department de la Marine Lift of Ships at Louifbourg, under M. du Bois de la Motte Admiral Holbourn's Squadron — Sir Edw. Hawke's Squadron Letter from Mr. Stephens of the Admiralty — 1757 Lift of Troops in Lord Loudon's Command — 1 757 Letters from Capt. Weller to Mr. Calcraft Calcutta, 1757 from Admiral Pocock — — J 757 Minutes of Sir John Mordaunt's Trial — *752 Extract of Letter from Mr. Banks — Carthagena, 1758 Sir J. Hallie's Letter to Ld. Treafurer Burleigh — l S97 Orders to Officers on the Highland Stations — 1 755 D. of York to Charles the Second — — 1665 Dutchefs of Orleans to her Brother King Charles — 1665-* 73> 4> 5* Sir Dudley Carlton's Difpatches, 3 Vols, from January 1620-21 to the Year 1624, inclufive s*j6. Memoirs of Prince Cellemare, tranflated from the Italian in the Paper Office 77 Letter M FOLIO. 77. Letters from the Earl of Salifbury and Sir R. Winwood to Sir T. Edmondes, during his Embaffy at Bruflels — — — 1605 to 1609 78. Letters from Sir H. Norreys in France, to the Earl of Leicefter — — 1566-69 Extracts from the Memoirs of K. James the Second, copied by Earle the Hiftorian Letter of Peter de Groot, Ambaffador from the States to the Court of France — — 1 671 & 2 Letters from K. William the Third to Penfionary Heinfius — — 1692 to 1697 Extracts from K. William's Letters, upon die Partition Treaty — — 1697 to 1700 Copies of Letters and other Papers on the Demolition of Dunkirk — — — 1714 79. Lettre des Etats Generaux au Provinces, &c. — 1765 Letter to the Earl of Sandwich on the Prince of Orange being in the laft Year of his Minority — March, 1764 Journal de la Diette de Suede — — 1765 Letter from the Univerfity of Cambridge to the Earl of Hardwicke — — 1765 <^ Lift of Subfcribers at Wildman's — 1764 State of Accounts between France and Sweden 1754 to 1764 His Majefty's Meffage to Parliament relative to the French Prifoners Amount of Expence for fubfifting the Englifh Prifon- ers, and of the French Memorial of the Count de Guerchy refpecting the above — — — 1765 Supply and Ways and Means for the Year — 1765 I leads for eftablithing Ecclel". Affairs in Quebcck Petition of James Collier, Efq. reflecting the Gaol of Ely 1 Minutes FOLIO. *5 Minutes of the Lords of Council refpefting the Petition Treafury Minute relative to the Memorial of the Ma- giftrates, &c. of Briftol and Manchefrer — 1765 Account of Difturbanccs in Nortli America Affidavits refpefting the eleftinc of a High Steward for the Univerfity of Cambridge — 1764 Draft of Speech in the Houfe of Lords for an Addrefs — — — 1766 Anfwer to the Communication through the D. of B Epitaph of the Earl of Hardwicke Memoires de ce qui e'eft pafle en Suede a la Diette, par le Comte de Lynar — — 1738—39 Quebec Diiputes Governor Walker's Letter to the Board of Trade, about the Affauk on Mr. Walker, and his Pro- ceedings — — — 1765 from the fame, &c. on the fame Subject Capt. Payne's Letters on the fame Additions and Repairs to the French Fleet — 1764-5 Abftraft of Ships in Service — 1766 Earl of Buckingham's Account of the Revolution in Rufiia, in a Letter to the Earl of Hardwicke Window Tax, Reafons for altering — 1766 Lift of Papers fent to the Duke of Grafton on the Af- fairs of North America Papers from the Treafury, on the Stamp Aft — concerning the Riots in North America, com- municated to the Beard of Trade (Lift of) to the Council Office, on the Proceed- ings in Maffachufet's Bay, and previous to the Stamp Aft Pieces of Letters from American Governors upon the Stamp Aft Governor 16 FOLIO. Governor Bernard's Letter to the Lords of Trade, on the fame to Secretary Conway, on the Oppofition to the Stamp Aft — — 1766 Extract of Journal of Afiembly of South Carolina, by Lt. Governor Bull Lt. Governor Colden's Opinion of the Views of the Rioters in North America Difpofition of the Troops in North America Secretary Conway's Letters to the Governors in North America — — — 1765 Regulations propofed for opening the Ifiand of Dominica Mr. Pownai's Papers about the Colonies Supply and Ways and Means for — 1766 Infurreftions in Ireland by the White Boys 1764 & 5, &c. Pacte de Famille de la Maifon de Bourbon — 176 1 Memoires from Commodore Pallifer's Obfervations on the Newfoundland Fifliery 80 Volume on Eaft India Affairs, — from 1750 to 1767 8 1 Lord Somers's Papers, fuch as were preferved after the Fire in Lincoln's Inn, from about the Period of i638, &c. to — — 1701 and 1 82 Eftimateof Supplies and Ways and Means for — 1 779 Reponfe de la Cour de Vienne a la Declar. de celle de Ruffle Marine de France — — Jan. 1779 Extraft of Letters from America to Jof. G — y, Efq. — — Feb. and March 1779 Copie d'une Lettre from Breft — Feb. 1779 A la Main, March Propofition dule Prince Stadtholder, faite en Perfonne, a 1'Aflemblie de Hollande & Weft Frizc — 1779 .Regiftre des Etats de Hollande — — 1779 Memoire FOLIO. 17 Memoire prefentc par le Chevalier Yorke a les Etats Generaux — — — I 779 Letters from New York to Mr. G y, May, June, &c. 1 780 Supply for — — — 1780 State of Army and Militia, including Foreign Troops in Britifh Pay — — 1780 Letter from Mr. Campbell, dated Stackpole Court, May 26, 1776 Dutch Ships of War in Commifiion — 1780 Lift of new Corps Letter from Algernon Sidney to Lord Whitlock, giving an Account of the Death of Charles X. of Sweden, dated — — Copenhagen, 1659 from a Lady of the Queen of Bohemia's Court ; from the Carlton Papers — — 1626 or 7 Walpoliana Paper about our Affairs with the Dutch Lift of French Ships Excerpts from Mr. Calderwood's Tliftory, in the MS. belonging to the Kirk of Scotland, collected by Robert Wood, Auguft 1728, now with the Original belonging to Lord Polton Abftraft of His Majefty's Forces — 1780 Extracts of Letters from Rome, about the Ex-Jefuits 1779 Brevet from the Offices — — 1780 Account of the Emprefs Queen's Death Copy of a Letter to Lord Dacre — Alnwick Caftle, 1773 Remarks on Lord Grantham's Difpatches — 1781 Letters from Two French Officers relative to the War in America — — 1776-7, Sec. Extract of Letter from New York — Oft. 1782 Heads of Letters between Lord Flervey and Dr. Mid- — — 1733 ^ 1744 D Tranflation iB FOLIO. Tranfiation of Letter from Rome, relating to the Jefuits Papers — — — 1762 83. Brief Journal of the Weftern Rebellion by the Duke of Monmouth, by Mr. Edward Dummer — 1685 84. Memoirs relating to the Earl of Torrington — 1683, &c. 85. The Earl of Holland and Sir D. Carlton's Negotiations, at the French Court in — — 1625 86. Earl of Salisbury's Thoughts offered to his Majefty on the Occafion of calling a Parliam t Copy of his Lordfhip's Firft Speech delivered to the Lower Houfe of Parliament of G. D.'s Letter to his Friend A. W. at Middle- borough of another Speech to both Houfes at Whitehall of the Firft and Second Parts of his Lordfhip's Treatife to his Majefty Confiderations upon his Majefty's Eftate Propofitions by his Majefty to the Lords of Council, after receiving the Declaration of his Eftate Humble Anfwer and Advice of his Majefty's Council thereupon — — — 16 10, &c. S8, 85. Weekly Diary of the Earl of Stair, AmbafTador to Louis XlVth. Queftions to be afked at the Court of France Diredtions from that of Great Britain Letters in June and July 17 14, from Lord Stair's Speech at his Firft Audience at Paris Letter on the D. of Ormond's Arrival at Dieppe, &c. Letter of Advice of the Pretender's Intention of em- barking at Rochelle or St. Malo, or to come to Oftend, FOLIO. , Oftend, &c. dirp&ed to the Capt.ffn of the King's Ships in Flcniifh Road, Sept. 1715; with other anonymous Letters refpecling the Pretender, &c. 90. Marquis of VVorcefter to Lord Chancellor I lyde — 1660 Extracts from MS. Memoirs of King James II. by Mr. Dalrymple Letter from Sir E. Hyde to Sec. Nicholas — 1647-8 Account of Lord Strafford's Papers Letter from Mr. Skejton to Lord Sunderland June, 1688 Lettre efcrite a Monf. l'Envoye Extraord. d' Angleterre a Geneve — — — Aout, 1688 Letters between King William, the Earl of Sunderland, and Lord Spmers, on the intended Change of die Tory Miniftry — — — 170 1-2 Sir B. Keen's Difpatches concerning Falkland's Iffands, dated Antigola — — — 1 749 Duke of Bedford's to Sir B. Keen, dated Whitehall — 1745 Letter from Lord Sandwich to the Duke of Bedford, inclofed in the above Cafe and Opinion upon it, of Mr. Yorke, relating to the Papifts in the Ceded Iffands — — 1767 Account of all the Aflbciations in the Colonies and Plantations, not to import from Great Britain cer- tain Merchandizes, tranfmkted to Lord Ilillfbo- rough — — — Auguft, 1768 Extract of a Letter from Madras — — June, 1769 Circular Letter from the Earl of Hill/borough to the Governors of Colonies, in May — — l l&9 Extract of Letter from Lieut. Col. Dalrymple to Ma- jor Gen. Gage, dated Bofton — — ^769 Lord Botetot's Speech to the Council and Burg-fifes of Virginia, with their Addrefles — Noy. 1769 D 2 Refolutions ao FOLIO. Refolutions relating to, and Steps taken in Confequence of, the Diforders in North America Arret contre le Sieur Gordon a. Bred — — 1769 Minute of Debate in the Houfe of Commons on the Diforders in America Treaty between the Governor, &c. of Fort St. George and Hyder Ally Extracts from A la Main Mcmoire prefente al' Imperatrice de Ruffle — Fevr. 1769 Mr. Fawkener's Letter to Sir Jof. Yorke, from Count Romanzof 's Head Quarters in Befierabia. Copy of a Letter dated off the Iiland of Paros June, 1770 Extract of a Letter from Conftantinople — Pifa, 1770 Minute of Debate in the Houfe of Lords, relating an Altercation between the Duke of Grafton and Lord Chatham Supply and Ways and Means for — I 77° Proceedings in Court of King's Bench, Lord Grofvenor againft the Duke of Cumberland — — I 770 Verfes on Lord Trevor's condoling with Lord Hard- wicke on Mr. Wray's fuppofed Death — J 770 Oratio Rev. Decani iEdis Xti in Gradu Honorario conferendo — — — J 7 70 Refponfio ad Orationem Verfes between Mr. Garrick and Mr. Cambridge State of Embarkation of Troops performed or intended in fundry Ports of France — — *770 Particulars of the Spanifh Navy Letter from Lord Barrington to Gen. Parflow - Feb. 1771 Draft of an Epitaph for the Hon. Mr. Yorke B 11 for Juries — 16 13 Lord Digby's Letters to the Duke of Bucks 1619, 20, 21, 22 E Lord i6 CL U A R T O. Lord Digby's Letters to the Secretary — — 1621 Ditto to Sir Richard Wefton — — 1622 Earl of Briftol to his Majefly to the Biftiop of Lincoln ■ to Prince Charles — — 1623 . to the Duke of Bucks to Secretary Cottington to his Majefly — — 1624 King Charles to the Earl of Briftol — — 1624 Earl of Briftol to Sir Kenelm Digby — — 1625 to Lord Conway — — 1625 Account of the rich Clothes of the Duke of Bucks, when he went to Paris to fetch the Queen Henrietta Maria Voyage and Enterprize of the Englifh and Dutch upon Spain, under the Command of Sir E. Cecil — 1625 Infractions to the Duke of Bucks — — 1627 Proceedings of the Council, and what was fpoke by King Charles and the Duke of Bucks — 1628" Letter from York on his Majefty's Speech — 1640 of public Occurrences — — 1640 King James's Account of the Battle of Sedgmoor 1685 Mr. Wade's further Information on Ditto Letter giving the Firft Notice of the D. of Monmouth's Landing John Davidfon's Letters to Dr. Birch Edinb. 1754 & 1755 Dr. Birch's Anfwers 101. Tho. Legh's Letter to Tho. Cromwell, Lord Privy Seal Journey of the Queen's Ambafiadors to Rome, the Bp. of Ely and Vifcount Montague — — 1555 Earl of Huntingdon to the Earl of Leicefter — l S^3 Mr. Randolph to the Earl of Leicefter — — 1564 Mr. H. to the Earl of SufTex — — 1560 Sir Q^ U A R T O. 2? Sir W. Cecil to Sir The Smith — — 1566 Tobie Matthew to Mr. F. Mylles — — 1588 Countefs of Southampton's Caufes — — l 579 Mr. Randolph to — — — l Sl° Dr. Dale to — — — 1573 Mr. Hcrlle's Difcourfe with the Prince of Orange — 1573 Roger Alford to Lord Burleigh — — 1 573 Sir F. Walfingham to the Earl of Sufiex — 1581 Lord Burleigh to Lord Sufiex; and Dr. Dale to Lord Sufiex — — — 1573 & 1577 Queen's Declaration in the Star Chamber — j 573 Difcourfes on the Queen's Marriage — — 1 563 Limitation of the Succefiion for the Queen's Safety Lord Burleigh, Sidney, and Duke of Norfolk's Letters to the Earl of Sufiex — — 1574 & 1587 Mr. Afheby and Tobie Matthew to Secretary Walfing- ham — — — — ^87 Earl of Leicefter's Letters to the Earl of Sufiex 1577, 1586 Sir W. Cecil to the Earl of Sufiex — — 1569 D. of Norfolk, Lord Buckhurft, and Lord Burleigh's Letters to the Earl of Sufiex — I 5^5> 77> 80 Sir John Norreys to the Earl of Sufiex, and to Mr. Herlle — — — 1580 — 1583 to Lord Leicester and to Secretary Walfingham — — — 1586-7 Mr. Wylkes to the Queen — — 1586 Manner of the Death of Sir P. Sidney, by George Gif- fard R. Hopkins to Cardinal Allen — — J 594 Lord Burleigh to Sir F. Walfingham to the Earl of Sufiex — 1581 Lord Burleigh to Ditto — — 1575 Mr. Reynolds to the Earl of E flex — — 1599 Note of the Earl of Eflex's Services in Ireland E 2 Thomas a8 Q^ U A R T O. Thomas Morgan to King James — — i6o3 Letter from the Se ts Privy Council on the affembling the People to approve the Service Book — 1 637 Pagett's Letters to Lord Harrington — to Dr. Twyfden — • to Mr. Tremyl — — — 1633 Pafiages relating to the Duke of Bucks' Death Duke of Lenox's Speech on the Subject of going to War Extract from MS. Memoirs relatino; to Lord Toning- ton — — — from i683 to 1704 102. Dr. R. Wotton to the Lords of Council to Sir Richard Moryfin — — 1 5S 1 Sir R. Mcryfin to the Duke of Northumberland, and to the Lords of Council — — 1552, 1577 Afcham's Conference with M. D'Arras — '552 Lords of Council to Sir R. Moryfin — — l 5S3 Earl of Suflex to Queen Eliz. — — 1567 Declaration of the Burgom afters of Antwerp, touching the Enterprize againft that City — — 1582 Mr. Herlle to the Earl of Leicefter — — 1582 Mr. Cotton and Mr. Gilpin to the fame — 1582 Trial of the Queen of Scots — — 1586 Serj. Puckering's Speech upon the Queen's Trial — 1586 Inftructions to Lord Buckhurft and Mr. Beale, fent to the Queen of Scots CommirTion for the Execution, and the Manner of it 1587 Queen Elizabeth to the King of Scots, concerning the Execution Act of Council concerning a Verbal Anfwer to be made by Arch. Douglas Secretary Walfingham to the Scotch Secretary of State 103. Sec. Walfingham to Lord Leicefter — — 1587 Mr. Hotman to Lord Leicefter — — 1587 Sir C^ U A R T O. 29 Sir R. Sidney, Sir W. Read, and Sir W. Rufllll's Let- ters to Lord Leicefter — — — 1587-88 Mr. Kiiligrew to Sir F. Waifingham and to Lor 1 Leicefter — — — 1583 Inftructions to the Council of St.-.te — — 15 Sir E. Nonis and Mr. Webber to Lord Leicefter — 1588 Advices from BrufTels — — — 1588 Good Offices of Mr. Wilkes to Lord Leicefter — 1588 Duke of Parma's Anfwer to Dr. Dale, on die Libel on the Queen — — — 1589 Sir J. Norris to the Secretary — — 1589 Sir Tho. Bodley to Srcreta ingham and to the Lord Treafurer — — — 1589 Lord Burleigh to Sir Thomas Bodley, and Sir Thomas to Lord Burleigh — — — 1589 Sir Thomas Bodley to the Lord Treafurer, and to Lord Burleigh — — — — IC89 Sir J. Norris and Sir Francis Drake to the Council — 1 589 A great Number of Letters between Sir T. Bodley and Sec. Walfingham — — — J 589 Letter to the Provinces — — — J 5$9 Secretary Cecil to Sir George Carew — — 1601 Earl of Briftol to K. James— to Sec. Calvert— to Sec. Conway — and Sir Wm. Afton — — 1622-23 King James to the Earl of Briftol — — 1622 Earl of Briftol to the Duke of Bucks — — 1623 Lord Afton to Secretary Coke, and to the Lord Cham- beilain — — — — 16.75-6 Queftions propounded to Lords Brooke and Say — 16.7 104. Duke of Buckingham's Trial — — 1521 Trial of Queen Ann Bulloigne — — 1 536 Sir Thomas Smith to the Duchefs of Somtrfet — J 5 5° to the Lord Treafurer — I $7 2 Secretary Wilfon to the Lord Treafurer — — 1572 to the Earl of Leicefter — 1578 3 Secretary 3 o CL U A R T O. Secretary Wilfon to Lord Burleigh, and to the Earl of Suflex " — — — — 1580 Extracts of Sir George Carewe's Letters from France 16 10 Charge againft the Earl of Somerfet with the King's Poftiles Sir Francis Bacon to King James — — 16 14 Letter to the King on the Proceedings againft Sir W. Raleigh — — — — 1615 To Sir George Villiers on the Murder of Overbury 16 16 To the King concerning Lord Coke's Reports — 16 16 Council Bufinefs, and concerning Pirates — — 16 17 The King to Lord Bacon, and Lord Bacon to the King 1 617 Sir H. Yelverton to Lord Bacon — — 1617 Lord Bacon to the Marquis of Buckingham — 161 8 Ditto, concerning Lord Suffolk's Bufjnefs 1619 and 1620 to the King; — — 1620 and 1622 Mr. Meautys to Lord Bacon — — 1621 Sir Ed. Sackville to Lord Bacon — — 1622 Lord Bacon to the Marq. of Buckingham — 1622 Marq. Buckingham to Lord Keeper — — 1622 Articles to the Officers at Rochelle, and the Anfvver 1628 ■ Lord Faulkland's Apology to the Lords of Council - 1628 Extracts from Sir Benj. Keene's Letters from Spain 1728 to 173 1 Lord Waldegrave's Letter to Sir B. Keene — 1733 Letters concerning the Murder of Captain Porteus — x 7j6 105. Sir D. Carlton's Letters to Sir R. Winwood — to Mr. Trumbull - and to the King — 1 6 13 to 16 1 5 Sir Thomas Edmonds Ditto to Sir R. Winwood — 1613 Mi". Packer to Sir R. Winwood — — 16 13 Archbifhcp Abbot to Sir R. Winwood — > — 16 13 Mr. J. Chamberlain to Ditto — — 16 13 Mr. Trumbull to Ditto Sir CL U A R T O. 31 Sir IT. Neville to Sir R. Winwood — — 16 13 Mr. Beaulieu to Mr. Trumbull — 1613 to 1615 Earl of Southampton to Sir R. Winwood, and Sir J. Digby to Sir R. Winwood — — — 16 13 Secretary Winwood to Mr. Trumbull, and to Sir J. Digby — — — 16 13—16 15 Sir H. Wotton to Mr. Trumbull — 1613-1615 106. Pary Ogleby's Letter to the King of Scotland — 1601 Mr. Beaulieu's Letters to Mr. Trumbull and Secretary Winwood — — — 1601 Mr. Colwell to Sir R. Winwood — — 16 14 Sir D. Carlton to Sir R. Winwood, and to Mr. Trum- bull — — — — 1 6 14 Mr. Trumbull to King James, and Secretary Win- wood — — — — 1 6 14 Secretary Winwood to Mr. Trumbull, and Sir D. Carlton — — — 16 14-16 17 Mr. Cottington to Ditto, and Secretary Winwood — 16 14 Sir H. Wotton to Mr. Trumbull and Secretary Win- wood — — — 1615-1617 Sir Jervis Yelvis to King James — — 16 15 King James to Secretary Winwood, to the Lord Chief Juftice, and Archbifhop of Canterbury — 16 15 Mr. Cattle to ■ , concerning the Execution of Mr. Turner and Sir J. Yelvis — — 1615 Sir John Throckmorton to Mr. Trumbull — 16 14 Sir Ch. Cornwallis to Secretary Winwood — 16 15 Relation of Henry Taylor, on pretended Particulars at Doway, &c. — — — 1615 Lord Cobham to Secretary Winwood — — 16 15 Earl of Buckingham to Secretary Winwood — 16 15 107. Two Letters of Sir D. Carlton, about Sir W. Raleigh's Plot and Trial — — — 1603 Letters 32 Q^ U A R T O. Letters from Mr. Chamberlain to Sir D. Carlton, relating to the I rifh Parliament — — 16 13 • from Sir H. Vane, &c. on the Amboyna Wit- neffes — — — 1630 ■ from Mr. Gerbier, concerning the Catholic States in Flanders — — 1632 to the Earl of Huntingdon — from 1634 to 1635 from the Duke of York, Prince of Orange, Lords Halifax, Shrewnbury, and Nottingham, Mr. Sidney, &c. before and after the Revolution, — from 1678 to 1698 from Sir Robert Walpole to Lord Towftiend at Hanover — — — J 7 2 3 between the Duke of Grafton and Sir R. Wal- pole, on the Patent for Wood's Halfpence — 1723^ 1724 10S. Archbifhop Cranmer to Lord Cromwell — — I S3S Myles Covordale & al. to the fame — — 1535 Sir T. Elyot to the fame — — 1538 Lord Keeper Bacon to Secretary Cecil — 1564. Mr. Norreys to the Earl of Leicester — — 157^ Earl of Leicefter to the Lord Treafurer — — 1579 Queen Elizabeth to Lord Keeper Bacon, fent by Lady Bacon — — — 1 S19 Sir W. I to the Earl of Leicefter — 1581 and 1586 Confutation at Lord Burleigh's Houfe on the Aid to be fent to Holland — — — 1584 Earl cf Leicefter to the Lord Treafurer, and Lord Nor- reys to the fame — — — 1^86 r J. Norreys to the fai — — 1 5S7, 1588 Lord Willoughby to Lady Stafford — — 1588 Account of the ftrange Sickncfs and Death of the Earl o Derby — — — — 1554 Sir J. Norreys to the Lord Keeper on the Irifh Troubles — — — irq<; 'Sir <^ U A R T O. 33 Sir R. Cecil to Squire, Servant to Lord Eflex, then in Dlfgrace — _ _ . - Diary — — f 10m 1595 ta 1603 Diaryby Camden, _ _ f rom l$s6 t0 , 6o2 Turneur's Chara&er of Robert Earl of Salisbury ' 1598 Earl of Southampton's Examination I( 5~,, Anecdotes of Robert, Second Earl of Leicefter 1621 Earl of Leicefter and Mr. T. Windebank, concerning the Pr. Electors in the Boisde Vincennes 1639- 1640 J ord St. Albans to Secretary Windebank 1 639 EarlofTraquair to the Marquis of Worcefter — 1639 A Council — — March it, 1639 A P lorfed " Words of the Earl of Strafford" — 1 639 Lord Conway to the Secretary of Stati Lord Herbert's Petition to the King, and the Anfwer to Secretary Windebank News from the North, from Lord Conway Secretary Windebank to the Lord Chamberlain Intelligence from Lord Conv Letters of Sir 1 1. Vane, Lord Conway, Secretary Winde- bank, &c. about the Troubles in the North ; and Mi- nutes cf the Privy Council 109. Fragment of Annals relating the Villanies of Watt lcr ~ — — ij:Ji hard III. to the Biftiop of Lincoln Henry VII. when Earl of Richmond to his Friends in England The Diggers of Warwick/hire to all other Di?"ers Perkin Warbeck's Proclamation Queen Anne Boleyn to Thomas Joflelyn, Eiquire, on the Birth of Queen Elizabeth — 1 ? jj King James his Father to the Earl of Leicefter — 1564 Earl of Huntingdon to the fame — . — 1563 F Sir 34 Q^ U A R T O. Sir Chriftopher Hatton to Sir T. Smith Queen Elizabeth to Lord Burleigh and Secretary Wal- fingham — — — 1586 Mr. Davifon to Lord Burleigh — — 1586 Earl of Eflex to Mr. Davifon — — * I ord Arthur Grey to the fame — — 1586 er, by Mr. Davifon, fhewing that Lord Burleigh many Years endeavoured to fupprefs and keep him down Lord Cobham to Sir Francis Walfingham — — 158S Mr. H. Kflligrewto Lord Burleigh I of Eflex to Letter concerning the Duke of Parma's Preparations Mr. T. Windebank to Sir F. Walfingham Mr. Gilpin to the fame Sir W. RuiTeil to the fame King James to Mr. Hamilton — — 1600- Dutchefs of York, Mother of Edward IV. to the Mayor of Windfor 1 etters of Sir Robert Anftruthcr to Lord Dorchefter — 1631 Minutes of Council of Peers at York — — 1640 Letters from Queen Henrietta Maria to King Charles I. — — — 1643 &c. 110. Mr. Winwood's Letters to Lord Cecil — Hague, 1604 Lord Cecil, now Lord Cranbourne's Letters to Sir R. Winwood — — 1604, 1605 Sir R. Winwood to and from the Earl of Salifbury 1605 to 1611 . and Sir R. Spencer to the Earl of Salifbury — — — 1609 Minute of Letter from Lord Salisbury to Sir R. Win- wood — — — 1 1609 The Q_ U A R T O. 35 The King to Lord Salifbury, and Lord Salifbury to the King — — — 1611 Sir R. Winwood to Sir Thomas Ovcrbury, and to Lord Rochefter — — — — to the King, to Lord Rochefter, and to Sir Thomas Lake — — — , 161 2 III. Merle's Conference with D. Lopes in the Tower — 1571 Sir W. Cecil's Account how Matters have proceeded to the Knowledge of the Attempts charged upon the Duke of Norfolk — — i<7i' Lord Burghley to the Earl of Leicefter and SirF. Wal- fingham — _ 15-2, 1584-5, & 86 Sir F. Walfingham to the fame — *S7S Sir Thomas Cecil to Lord Burghley — 15-j Sir F. Walfingham to the Earl of Huntingdon — 1574 The fame to the Queen — — r --, , The fame to the Earl of Leicefter — x rnfi Earl of Leicefter to Sir F. Walfingham — T 5-,-, Sir F. Walfingham to the Earl of Leicefter, and to Sir Thomas Wilfon — 1578, 15B1, and 1582 • Lord Ccbham to the Queen t ) Mr. Davilbn Sir T. \\ ilfon to the Earl of Leicefter , r 7 g Sir II. Cobham and Sir F. Walfingham to the Earl of Leicefter Sir F. Walfingham to Mr. Robert Bowes, and to Lord Burghley _ _ Inftruftions to Sir F. Walfingham fent to the Kin" of Scon _ - _ __ g Queen Elizabeth to the King of Scots 1 ,g_ Sir F. Englefield's Rel the Pope and Kino of "Bpain in Behalf of the Queen of Scots " jrgj- '' 2 Letter c. 36 Q_ U A R T O. Letter to the Scots Queen, by an Englilh Gentleman, efcaped into Scotland — — '5^4 Depofitions of Savage about the Plot againft the Queen 1586 Queen Elizabeth to Sir Amyas Paulet Sir P. Sidney to the Earl of Leicefter, and to Mr. Davi- fon — — — 1585 and 6 Lord Admiral Howard to Lord Leicefter — — 15S5 Mr. Thomas Duddeiey to the fame — — 1586 Sir Robert Sidney to the fame, and to Lord Burghley Ar.fwers of divers Matters mentioned in Letters to the Earl of Leict — — — 1585 Sir F. Walfingham and Lord Burghley to the Earl of Leicefter — — — — 1586 Lord Buckhurfc to the Queen — — 1587 Mr. Holman to the Earl of Leicefter Sir F. Walfingham to Lord Euckhurft — — 1587 Lord Burghley to Sir John Conway — — 1 5S9 Sir Thomas Wilkes to Lord Burghley on the French King's Converfion — — — 1593 ... to Sir T. Edmcndes — — I 593 The Queen to Sir John Norris 1 12. Mr. Nichoifon to Sir Robert Cecil — i6co to 1603 113. Sir N. Throgmorton to Sir William Cecil, Secretary to Queen Elizabeth — — 1559 to 1560 _„ to the Lord;; of Council — 1560 . to the Queen — — 1560 to Sir William Petre — 1560 Intelligence brought by Hugh Barnfby Extract of Letter fent out of Edinburgh to them in Leith, in Cypher Sir N. Throgmorton to the Cardinal of Lorraine, and the Anfwer The CL U A R T O. 37 The Queen to Sir N. Throgmorton — — 1560 The Chancellor's Anfwer in the French King's Name for Ratification of the Treaty Moniieur L'Aubefpine to Sir H. Throgmorton, St. Germ. Declaration of the Queen's Proceedings for continuing Peace with the French Sir Ambroie Cafe and Doilor Wotton to the Lords of Council The Queen to Dr. N. Wotton to the Lord Treafurer and the Lord Kee; et Dr. N. Wotton to the Queen 114. Sir N. Throgmorton to the Queen, and the Queen to Sir N. T. — — — 1560, 1561 to the Lords of Council ■ to Secretary Cecil, and Secretary Cecil to Sir N. Throgmorton The Admiral of France's Letter to Sir N, Throgmorton Fontainbleau 1 56 1 Earl of Hertford to Secretary Cecil Lord James Stuart to Sir N. Throgmorton ; and Sir N.'s Letter to Lord James Stuart Lord Ledington to the fame, and Sir N. Throgmorton to Lord Ledinston Requeue prefente au Roi par les Deputez des Eglifes efparfes parmi le Royaume de France Sir N. Throgmorton to the Earl of Arran Queen of Scots Letter to Lord James Stuart, and to Lady Throgmorton Joannes Vergetias Gulielmo Cecilin, Lutitia Nic. de Gallas, otherwife de Saulle, to Sir N. Throgmor- ton ; and from Sir N. Throgmorton Joannes Vergetius to the Queen, and to Secretaiy Cecil 4 Advices 3 g Q^ U A R T O. Advices out of France — Sir N. Throgmorton to Mon- fieur Calvin Sir N. Throgmorton's Bill to a Merchant of Paris for the Delivery of 12 Medals of the Roman Emperors AvertiiTemens & Remonftrance a la Reyne Names of thofe prefent at the FeaftofSt. Michael, at St. Germains en Laye Queen Mother's of France Letter to Sir N. Throg- morton Letter, anonymous, to the fame To Monfieur Frappeur de la Fontaine, Hofpitallier de Jerufalem, and Commandeur de St. Renne Names of the Knights made at St. Germain en Laye 115. Sir N. Throgmorton to Secretary Cecil, and to the Queen — ■ — — — 1561 to Cardinal Ferrara, and the Anfwers Meffage delivered by Mr. Fr. Peyto Oration of the Chancellor of France at St. Germain's The Queen to Sir N. Throgmorton Qu<. her of France to Sir N. Throgmorton To ir L'Aubefpine, in Anfvver to the Queen ■etter I ' onfieur L'Aubefpine to Sir N. Throgmorton Vicompte de Gruz to Secretary Cecil Sir H. Throgmorton to Sir H. Sidney to the Queen Inflructions to the Embaffadors of France fent to the Council of Trent Memorial of the State of France, by Sir H. Sidney and Sir N. Throgmorton Queen Elizabeth to the Prince of Conde, and to the Ad- miral of France Sir Henry Middlemore to Sir N. Throgmorton Mr. Armigal Wade to Secretary Cecil — — Rye Sir Q^ U A R T O. 39 Sir P. Meautis to recretary ( ;>rton to Lord Robert Dudley, and to the Qui invas Conditions of Peace taken in France Sir N. ThrogmortoiTs verbal InftrucTions given to Charles — — — 15C1 Copy of Letter fent open from the Queen Mother to Monfieur de Guife, for the Trumpet Sir Thomas Smith to Sir N. Throgmorton, fent open with the Trumpi — — St. Denis Ditto fent in Cypher Infixuclions by Sir Thomas Smith, by Word of Mouth, to Charles Wilfon, to be declared to Sir N. Throg- morton before the Letter fent in Cypher, the Letter fent open with the Trumpet Letter to the Queen Mother — — Rouan II 6. Queen Elizabeth to Sir Edward Stafford — — I5 : '+ Secretary Walfingham to the fame Sir Edward Staffoid to Secretary Walfingham, and to the Queen Queen Mother of France to Sir Edward Stafford Heads of Two Letters to Sir E. Stafford King of Navarre to Secretary Walfingham Lord Paget to Sir E. Stafford Sir E. Stafford to the Lord Treafurer — — l 53-' r -5 Earl of Derby and Sir E. Stafford to Secretary Walfing- ham Secretary Walfingham to Mr. Davifon Sir E. Stafford to the Secret. — — 1586 Sir Thomas Shirley to Secretary Walfingham Sir John Norreys to the fame Mr. Waade to Secretary Walfingham and Sir E. Stafford to Secretary Walfingham Abftradt 40 CL U A R T O. Abftrac~t of Things found in broken Letter, taken from the Jefuits that came from Rochelle, — May 28th, 1588 Queen Elizabeth to L.ord Willoughby 117. Sir William Cecil to the Earl of Bedford — — 1561 „_ to Mr. Randolph — — — 1562 The Lord Treafurer, Marquis of Worceiter, to Secretary Cecil — — — —1563 Sir F. Walfingham to the Lord Treafurer — 1572 Earl of Shrewsbury to the fame Earl of Effex to Lord Burleigh — — 1572 ! ir F. Knollys to the fame Sir F. Walfingham to the fame, and to the Two Secre- taries — — — — J 574 Mr. Randolph and Mr. Bowes to the Two Secretaries 1578 Earl of Leicefter to the Lord Treafurer — — 1579 Sir Amyas Paulet to the fame, and to Secretary Wal- fingham — — — 1585 Secretaries Walfingham and Davifon to Sir Amyas Pau- let and Sir D. Drury — — — 1586 I urney from Agra to Pultana, &c. in the Eaft Indies — 1632 Defcription of the Great Mogul Shaw Jehan Extract from MS. Diary of J. More, Efquire, en the r rial of Lord Strafford — — 1640-41 f.etters of Queen Henrietta Maria to the Marquis of Kewcaftle — — — 1649, &c. Travels into Turkey, Szc. — — 1669 1 1 3. Inftructions to Sir F. Walfingham, fent to the French King and the Duke of Anjou — — 1581 Memorial to be communicated to Monfieur Mr. Somers's Negotiation with Monfieur Sir F. Walfingham to the Lord Treafurer Mr. Somers to the fame Sir Henry Cobham to the fame Lord J 594 Q^ U A R T O. 41 Lord Trcafurer to Sir F. Walfingham, Sec. Babington's, &c. ConfefTion of the Confpiracy againft Queen Elizabeth — — — 1573 Earl of Leiccfter to Mr. Davifon Heads of Conference between the King of Scots and Se- cretary Walfingham Lord Burleigh to Queen Elizabeth, and the Anfwer Sir Thomas Bodley to Lord Burleigh, and Lord Bur- leigh to Sir Thomas — — — Sir William Bowes to Queen Elizabeth, and to Sir Ro- bert Cecil — — — 1597 and Mr. R. Bowes to Mr. Secretary- Lord Scroope to Sir William Bowes Lord Eure to the fame Negotiations of Commifiioners for Border Caufes 1596 and r 597 Report of Circumftances between the Commifnoners of both Realms, for Delivery of Pledges at the Weft Ford, near Norham Sir W. Bowes to Mr. Secretary, and to the Lord Trea- furer Sir E. Stafford to the Lords of Council — I S97 an d 8 to Secretary Walfingham, and to the Queen, and Lord Burleigh — — 15834 Mr. Robert Cecil to Secretary Walfingham Earl of Derby and Sir E. Stafford to the Queen — 1585 Edward Wotton to — — — 1 S^S Instructions to Mr. Wotton for his Negotiations in Scot- land Contents of Mr. Wotton's feveral Letters — — 1600 119. Earl of Leicefter to Secretary Cecil — 1564,1568 The fame to the Duke of Norfolk, and to Lord Trea- furer, and Lord Burleigh — — 1 570, 1572 and 3 G Sir 4 a Q. U A R T O. Sir F. Walfingham to Lord Burleigh 1573, 1574, 1582, 1585 The fame to the Earl of Suffex, difcovering a Plot 1574-5 Sir P. Sidney to Lord Burleigh — — 1 S^ 2 '3 Sir E. Stafford to the fame Difcourfe of the Queen's Proceedings between Monfieur and the Two Kings of France, Charles and Henry, by Mr. Wilkes — — — 1583 Mr. Wilkes to. the Lord Treafurer,on the fame Sir E. Stafford to the Queen — — 1583 Earl of Lcicefter to Lord Burleigh — — 1584,1585 CommifTioners of the Low Countries Advice to the Earl ofLeicefcer — — — 1585 Earl of Lcicefter to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London — — — 1585 Mr. Davifon to the Earl of Leicefter Memorial of the Times of Treaties with the States of the Low Countries fince the Beginning of the Requefls of their Aids Earl of Leicefter to Sir F. Walfingham, and to the Council — — — 1585, 1586 Sir F. Walfingham to the Earl ofLeicefter — 1585 to 1587 Papers relating the Aid to be given to the States from the Queen, &c. Inftru&ions to the Earl of Leicefter for his Government in the Low Countries — — 1585 The Queen to the fame, difliking his taking the fole So- vereignty — — — 1585-6 The fame to the State, touching the Contempt of the Earl of Leicefter — — — 1585-6 What Things are moft neceffary to underfhnd touch- ing the State of the Low Countries Earl of Leicefter to Secret Advertifements of the Low Countries — 1585 Sir Q_ U A R T O. 43 Sir P. Sidney to Mr. Davifon and to Sir F. Walfingham 1585 Letter without Date or Title Ditto Earl of Leicefter to Mr. Davifon, with Mr. Davifon's Notes on the fame The fame to the Lords of Council Anfwer of the Council to the Queen's Letter Lord Burleigh to the Earl of Leicefter 1586 The Queen to the fame Sir William Pelham to the Earl of Leicefter Sir F. Walfingham to Mr. Randolph 120. Sir F. Walfingham to the Earl of Leicefter — 1586 and 87 Lord Burleigh to the Earl of Leicefter — 1586-7 Mr. Davifon to the Earl of Leicefter — — 1586 Sir Philip Sidney to Mr. Davifon — _ 1586 Advertifements from Antwerp i; g5 Lord Leicefter to Sir Francis Walfingham — 1586 and 87 The fame to Lord Burleigh — — 1586 and 87 Mr. Davifon to Lord Burleigh — j r 8 g Obfervations on the Conducl of Lord Burleigh and his Son to Mr. Davifon — !, g g Mr. H. Archer to Sir Thomas Heneage — — 1586 Mr. T. Knollys to Lord Leicefter j ,gg Lord Burleigh to Sir F. Walfingham — _ f , 8 g Sir F. Walfingham to Sir E. Stafford — -— j c 6 Mr. Davifon to the Earl of Leicefter , ,35 Earl of Leicefter to Sir F. Walfingham Mr. Holman to Lord Leicefter — ICS6-7 Lords of Council to Sir J. Norris j-gg Lord Leicefter to the Lords of Council x r 05 Extraft of Articles concerning Abufes of the States againft the Earl of Leicefter, fet down by Mr. Wilkes G a Advice 44 CL. U A R T O. Advice touching the Proceeding of the States and their Proceeding — — — 1586-7 Earl of Leicefler's Allowance in the Low Countries — 1587 Wilkes's Difcourfe of Proceedings in the Government of the Low Countries — — 1586 to 1587 Mr. Needham to Sir F. Walfingham — — 1587 Lord Burleigh to Andreas de Loo — — 1587 Earl of Leicefter to the Lords of Council — 1587 The fame to Mr. Aty — — — 1587 Sir E. Stafford to Lord Leicefter — — 1587 Inftructions for the Treaty at Bourbourgh — 1587 Doubts to be refolved by the Council in the Treaty with the Spanifh Commiflioners for Peace, or Ceffation of Arms 121. Inftruclions to CommifTioners to treat with the Commif- fioners of Spain for Peace — — 1588 Confutation in prefence of Lord Chancellor, Lord Steward, Lord Treafurer, &c. — — 1588 Confideration how a Peace may be made with Safety with Spain, and if not, how a War may be maintained — 1588 Anfwer to the firft Queftion upon a Treaty of Peace — 1588 Sir E. Stafford to the Queen, and to the Lord Trea- furer — — — — 1588 Earl of Derby to the Earl of Leicefter, and to Lord Burleigh — — — 1588 Worthington's Letter to John Smith inclofed — 1588 Sir F. Walfingham to Lord Leicefter — — 1588 Journal of CommifTioners at Bourbourgh — 1588 Account of Spanifh Fleet under the Duke of Medina — 1588 of Spanifh Armada, failed from Li/bon — 1588 Mr. Killigrew to Lord Burleigh — — 1588 Conditions for a Peace 1588 2 Queftionj Q^ U A R T O. 45 Queftions upon Seven Articles of Peace by the Lord Treafurer — — — 1588 Advices from Dunkirk — — 1588 Doctor Dale to the Earl of Leiceflcr — • — 1588 Sir James Crofts to the fame — — 1588 Notes on the Inefficiency of the King of Spain's Com- miffioners Anfwer to her Majefty Commiffioners Reply — — — 1588 Conjectures whereby it appeared the Duke of Parma intended an Invafion — — — 1588 Doctor Dale's Report to the Queen — — 1588 Sir F. Walfingham to Lord Burleigh — — 15J8-89 Lord Willoughby to the Lady Stafford — — 1588 Lord Leicefter to Lord Burleigh — — 1588 Sir F. Walfingham to Sir E. Stafford — — 1588 Journal of Lord Willoughby's March in France in Aid of the King — — — 1589 Sir James Croft's Obfervations on Dr. Dale's Account of the Treaty at Bourbourgh Sir F. Walfingham to Dr. Parkins — — 1500 Reafons for and againft a Peace with Spain — 1590 Lord Conway's Account of Pafiages in the Northern Ex- pedition — — _ ^40 122. Sir John Digby to the Lord Treafurer — — 161 1 Lord Digby to the fame, and to Sir Richard Wefton — 16 1 9 Sir Walter Afton to the Marquis of Bucks — 1620, 1623 Sir E. Conway to the fame — — 1620 Sir W. to King James — — 1621, 1623 Secretary Calvert to, the Marquis of Bucks — 1621 King James to Lord Treafurer Cranfield — 1621 Sir Thomas Roe to Doctor Foxe — — 1622 Secretary Conway to the Marquis of Bucks — 1622 Objections to Sir H. Vere's Defence of Manheim 1622-3 Prince 4 6 CL U A R T O. Prince Charles and Duke of Bucks to King James King James to the Prince and Duke — — 1623 Duke of Bucks to King James — — 1623-4 Secretary Conway to the Duke of Bucks — 1623 Secretary Calvert to the fame — — 1623 Duke of Bucks to Secretary Conway — — 1623 The Prince to the King — — 1623 Duke of Bucks to the King — — 1622 Earl of Briftol to the King, and to the Duke of Bucks, and to Sir K. Digby — — 1623, 24, 25 Sir John Coke to the Duke of Bucks — — 1623 Lord Carlifle to the fame — — 1623, 24, 25 Sir Thomas Roe to Dr. Foxe — — 1623,27 King James to the Duke of Bucks — — 1623 Secretary Calvert to Secretary Conway — — 1623 King James to the Prince — — 1623-4 The Infanta to the King — — 1623 King Charles to the Pope — — 1623 Colonel Conway to the Duke of Bucks — — 1623,25 Memorial to the King of Spain — — 1623 Sir W. Afton to Secretary Conway — — 1623-4 Prince Charles to the Duke — — 1623-4 ■ to Mr. Wat. Montague — — 1624 Duke of Bucks to King Charles — — 1624 King Charles to the Duke of Bucks — 1624, 25, 27, 28 Sir W. Afton to the Duke of Bucks — — 1624 The fame to Prince of Wales The fame to SirF. Cottington — — 1624 Abftract of Sir Walter's Letters — — 1625 Articles of the Earl of Briftol againft the Duke of Bucks — — — 1625 Princefs Palatine to the Duke of Bucks — — 1627 King Charles to his Sifter, from Hampton Court — 1636 123. Mr. CL U A R T O. 47 iaj. Mr. R. Bowes to Secretary Walfingham, to Lord Hunf- don and to Lord Burleigh — — — 1580-81 Earl of Huntingdon to Secretary Walfingham, and to Lord Hunfdon — — — 1580-1 Mr. Randolph to the fame, and Lord Hunfdon, &c. Lords of Council to Lord Huntingdon, and to Mr. Bowes Mr. Bowes to the Lord Lieutenant of the North Lord Hunfdon to Secretary Walfingham, and to Mr. Randolph Secretary Walfingham to Lord Huntingdon, and to Lord Hunfdon, and to Mr. Randolph — | — 1 58 t Mr. Randolph to Lord Huntingdon — — 1580-81 Privy Council to Lords Hunfdon, &c. — — 158 1 Letters to Lords Hunfdon, &c. — — 1581 Lord Scrope to Lord Huntingdon — — 158 1 Lord Hunfdon to the Lords of Council — — 1581 King James to Lord Huntingdon — — 1581 Mr. Archibald Douglas to Secretary Walfingham — 1581 Sir John Seaton to Lord Huntingdon — — 1581 Sir John Forfter to Secretary Walfingham — 1 58 1 Lord Scrope to the fame — — — 158 1 Secretary Walfingham to Lord Scrope — -» 158 1 Earl of Angus to Secretary Walfingham -— 1 58 1 Reply to the King of Scots concerning Grievances be- tween the Two Kingdoms — — 1581 Inftruftions to the Earl of Derby, &c. to treat of Peace with Spain in the Low Counties — — 1587 A Council of War — — — 1587 Lord Admiral Howard to the Lord Treafurer — 1587-8 Secretary Walfingham to the Lord Chancellor — 1588 124. Letters from the Duke of Somerfet and Privy Council to Sir Philip Hobby at Bruffels — — *549 Queen 4 3 QUARTO. Queen Elizabeth's Inftrudtions to Lord Montague and Sir Thomas Chamberlain, fent to Spain — — 1559 Articles meet to be declared to King Philip The Queen to Lord Montague, and Sir T. Chamber- lain Lord Montague and Sir T. Chamberlain to the Queen 1560 Journal of Lord Montague, &c. in Spain — — 1560 Sir T. Throgmorton to Sir T. Chamberlain, from Orleans — — — 1560 The Queen to Sir T. Chamberlain, and Sir T. to the Queen — — — 1560-61 Sir Thomas Chaloner's Journal in Spain — 1562 The fame to the Queen, and to Sir W. Cecil — 1562 Lords of Council to Sir T. Chaloner — — 1562 Inftruftions to Dr. John Man, Dean of Gloucefter, Em- baffador to Spain — — 1 565 Dr. Man to the Queen — — 1566 and 7 The Queen to the King of Spain, and the Anfwer — 157 1 Earl of Huntingdon to the Lord Treafurer on the Re- bellion in the North — — *573 Earl of SulTex to the Lord Treafurer, upon the Queen's Intention offigning aCommiflion by Martial Law — 1573 Inftruftions to Sir H. Cobham, fent Embafiador to Spain — — — i 575 to Sir John Smith, fent Embafiador to Spain — — — 1576 Sir J. Smith to Sir Francis Walfingham — 1576 and 7 Mr. John Barker to Lord Leicefter — 1578 Mr. George North to Mr. Herle — ^gj Mr. H. Knollys to Lord Leicefter, of an Action at Sea between him and the Spaniards — — 1581 Edward Pryn to Lord Leicefter, from the Ifland of Ter- cera Caufes Q^ U A R T O. 49 Caufes of the Difmiflion of the Spanifh Embaffad or, with Anfwers to his Objections — \^4r Mr. Waade fent to the King of Spain on the above Account — — — 1584 Letter from the French EmbafTador to his Matter, dated Madrid — — _ j 58 ^ 7 Mr. Thomas Leighton to Lord Leicefter , Inftruclions to Sir John Norris, &c. fent into the Mari- time Country — — 1588 ■ to the Lord Admiral — jrgy Proceedings of the Two Fleets after the Spaniards Ar- rival in the Narrow Seas — — 1588 Sir Edward Stafford's Narrative of the Duke of Guife's Affaflination, &c. — — — 1588 Letter from Henry Cuffe, Secretary to Robert Earl of Eflex, to Secretary Cecil — 1600 125.* Mifcellaneous State Papers, viz. Papers from the Archives at Vienna, relpecting the Af- faflination of the Duke of Friefland, and of Prince Charles's Journey to Ma Irid — 1623 Letters of Admiral Ruffel to the Minifters of State — 1694-5 ■ from Lord Townfhend to the Duke of Ar- gy le — — 1715. 1716 from Secretary Craggs to Earl Stanhope — 1719 Tranflation of Paper given by 101 to Lord Walde- grave — — — 1739 Letters from the Earl cf Briftol to Secretary Pitt, up^n the King of Spain's Indifpofition — — iy^s from the fame to the, and Lord Egre- mont, from Segovia and Madrid, giving the Cha- racter of the Court of Spain Minutes of Cabinet Council in — 1762, 4, and 5 Letters from Lord Grantham at Madrid — 1772,5,6,7 II Letters 50 Q__ U A R T O. Letters from Lord Weymouth to Lord Grantham — 1777 from Lord Grantham to Lord Weymouth — I77 8 "9 — from Lord Weymouth to Lord Grantham — 1779 125. Sir H. Norris to the Queen, from Anglers, &c. — 1570 ' The fame to Sir W. Cecil — — 1570-1 Confirmation of Peace in France, by Oath of Queen Mother, the King's Brother, Princes, and Council — 1570 BondofConnor Obrian, Earl of Thomond — 1570 Sir H. Norris to the Earl of Leicefter — — 1570 Adveitifement out of France — — 1570 Sir W. Cecil to Sir H. Norris — — 1570 Lord Buckhurft to the Queen — — 1 570-1 Dr. Dale to the fame, with an Account of the Elec- tion of the King of Poland — — 1573 Scheme for a Militia in England — — 1573 Dr. Dale to Sir Thomas Smith, and to Sir Francis Walfingham — — 1573, 4> and 5 Mr. Thomas Wilkes to Sir F. Walfingham — 1573, 4, 5, 6 Sio-nior Tacomo Mannucis to the fame Mr. Leighton to Sir F. Walfingham — — 1574 Sir F. Walfingham to Dr. Dale Queen Mother of France to Queen Elizabeth, and the Anfwer — — — 1574 Articles propofed by the Count Palatine for a Pacification 1 574 Dr. Dale to Sir W. Mildmay The fame to the Lord Treafurer, and from the Lord Treafurer — • — — 15 74 and 5 Articles of which the King is advertifed the Deputies will propofe — — — 1574 and 5 Aviufi di Levante per via di Merfa. di 3 di Marzo — 1 575 Queen Elizabeth's Anfwers to certain Requelts by the French Embaflador — ~ — 1575 Dr. Q^ U A R T O. Dr. Dale to Dr. Gybbon of the Arches, and to Sir 5' Thomas Smith — — — 157? Proclamatio facta Cracovia;, publico de Exauguratione II. Valefii — — 15 Julii, 1575 Queen's Letter to the French King — — 1575 Dr. Dale's Account of Monlieur's Efcape . — 1575 The fame to the Queen Mr. Wilkes to Mr. Killigrew, and to the Lord Trea- furer — — _ 1575-6 Dr. Dale to the Secretaries — — '576 Duke of Alencon to Secretary Walfingham — 1576 Mr. John Cobham to the Lord Treafurer — 1576 Mr. Randolph to the Lord Treafurer Mr. Grey to the fame — — iryg Sir Arthur Champernon to the Lord Treafurer — 1576 Mr. Waade to the fame — . — 1576 Sir Thomas Cecil to the Lord Treafurer — 1 576 Advertifements from BrufTels — — j 576 Mr. W. Cornwallis to the Lord Treafurer • — 1576 Mr. Colfhell to the fame, and from Mr. Francis Peyto to the fame — — — 1575 Mr. Gafcoigne, Mr. H. Cheeke, Sir J. Smith to the Lord Treafurer 126. Sir J. Norris to Lord Burleigh, from Ireland — J 594 . ■ and Sir G. Fenton to Lords of Council — 1 5q6 — to Sir R. Cecil — — '596-7 — Sir G. Fenton and Sir G. Bourchier to the Council — — — 1 59^>-7 Sir G. Fenton to the Earl of Salifbury — — 1 (, C y Sir John Davis to the fame — . — 1607 Difcourfe of Paflages between the Earls of Eflex, North- ampton, and Somerfet, the Countefs of Somerlet, II 2 Sir 52 Q^ U A R T O. Sir T. Overbury, and others, with their Rife and Fall, &c. — — — 1607 Earl of Briftol's Anfwers to certain Interrogatories, in- tended for his Majefty's Satisfaction Marquis Iniozoza's Letter to King James, on the Duke of Bucks Conduft in Spain Mr. J. James to Prince Rupert — — 1673 Lord Arlington to the fame ■ Richard Carter to the fame Sir J. Worden and Captain Afliby to Prince Rupert — 1673 Captain R. Haddock to the fame — — 1673 Intelligence from Antwerp, and from Oftend — 1673 James Page to Captain Barron — — 1673 Sir J. Narborough's Account of the Battle between the Englifh and Dutch Fleets — — 1673 Another Relation Another D° Account of the Duke of Monmouth's landing at Lyme in Dorfetfhire, his Declaration, &c. — — 1685 127. Queen Elizabeth to the Queen of Scots — — 1567 Inftructions to Sir N. Throgmorton, and Memorial for the fame Laird of Ledington to Secretary Cecil Sir N. Throgmorton to the fame Earl of Murray to the fame La Reine Eliz. au Roi tres Chretien - a la Reine Mere Earl of Morton to Sir J. Forfter Mr. Heneage to Secretary Cecil Queen of Scot's Will in her Sicknefs Earl of Argyle to Sir N. Throgmorton Archbifhop of St. Andrews, &c. to the fame Mr. Jenie to Secretary Cecil Sir TSf. Throgmorton to the Queen 3 Sir CL U A R T O. S3 SirN. Throgmorcon to the Earl of Argyle to the Archhifliop of St. Andrews, &c. The Queen to Sir N. Thro nnorton Lord Scropc to Secretary Cecil Sir W. Mildm.iy to the f Sir N. Throgmorton to the Earl of Bedford, and to the Earl of Leicefter Lords of Scotland's Anfwers to Sir N. Throgmorton Queen of Scots Renunciation of the Crown in Favour of her Son Notorial Inftrumenton the Queen of Scots Refignation Mr. Bernard Hampton to Secretary Cecil Articles between the Earl of Murray and the Lords of Council, &c. Lord Herrys to Sir N. Throgmorton, and the fame to Lord Herrys Oath made by the Earl of Murray upon accepting the Regency Letter to the Earl of Bedford Demands by the Hamiltons, &c. to the Regent and the Lords with him Secret Proceedings of the Hamiltons Earl of Murray to the Earl of Bedford Duke of Chatelerault to Queen Elizabeth Bond made by the Lords to revenge the King's Murder, and to put the Queen out of the Thraldom of Earl Bothwell Bond of Nobility and the Keeper of Edinburgh Caftle Earl of Morton and Lord Ruthven to Sir N. Throg- morton • — — — 1567 Sir R. Melvil to Sir N. Throgmorton — — 1567 Queen of Scots and Q 4 J > ar >d ! 74 2 from Mr. Finch, at Peterfburgh, to Lord Harrington, relating to the Revolutions of that Court — — -—in 1740 — 1741 N Letters 9° Q^ U A R T O. Letters from Sir Charles Hanbury Williams to the Earl of Holderneffe from St. Peterfbourg in — 175$ from Mr. Keith, at Peterfbourg, to Mr. Grenville, Secretary of State — — 1762 150. Extracts of Letters (imperfect) upon the DifTolution of Religious Houfes by Henry VIII. — of Letter from Sir Ch. Cornwallis to the Earl of Salifbury, relative to the Expulfion of the Moors — — — — in 1609 from Sir F. Cottington about the fame Letters from Sir Ifaac Wake to the Secretary of State, dated Turin — — 16 19 . from the Countefs Carlifle to her Hufband in — — — — 1628 from the Earl of Granard and Lord Tyrcon- nell in — — — 1685 between Lord Godolphin and Mr. Harley in — — — 1706 and 7 — — — from the Duke of Marlborough to Lord Oxford and Secretary St. John in — — 171 1 from Mr. Porter, Mayor of Dublin, to the Lords Juftices of Ireland, relative to the Difturbances in Ireland about Swift's Pamphlet — Oclober, 1724 from Lord Carteret to the Duke of New- castle about the fame from Sir R. Walpole to the Duke of New- caftle, about Wood's Halfpence — — in 1724 Opinions of Mr. P. Yorke and Mr. C. Wearg, about the New England Synod — — 1725 Letters from the Earl of Harrington to Lord Chefterfield, on a fuppofed Invafion of the French — in 173 r " X between the fame and Mr. W. Finch, on the intended Marriage of the Princefs Royal to the Prince of Orange — — — 1733 * Letters Q_ U A R T O. 9 i Letters from Lord Cathcart to the Duke of New- caftle, relative to Admiral Vernon's unaccountable Behaviour — — — J 734 X between the Duke of Newcaftle and Sir John Norris, on the intended French Invafion — in 1743-4 the Earl of HoldcrnefTe, and Lord Albermarle, about Jacobite Correfpondence in France — 1753 from Lord Rochford to the Honourable Hen. Seymour Conway, from Madras, on the Troubles in Spanifh America, and the Tumults at Madrid — 1766 Extracts from Harcourt's Letters in his Embafly, Paris 177 1 Letter from Mr. Gunning to the Earl of Suffolk, on the Revolution in Favour of Catharine II. — J 772 'X 1 5 1 and 2. Letters of the Earl of Stair to Secretary Scraggs, 2 vols. 17 16 to i72oinclufivc. 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