ROY A L UNITED SERVICE ^^STITUTION. LIBRARY CATALOGUE 1890. ^!ik CATALOGUE THE LIBRARY lUgal IfnM ^crl)ice Instiiiition, {To APRIL loth, 1889.) iJ:\ LONDON. M.DCCCXC. U5 ST. martin's lane. ERRATA. Davis, Lt.-Col. John. " History of the Second, Queen's Royal Regiment " has been entered in error under Resei-ve Forces instead of Ai-my. Page 26, line 8 from bottom, /or 1744 read 1754. top, for Admiral 7-ead Capt. top,/?;' 1641 read 1841. bottom, /or C. H. Elphinstone rea*/ H. C. Elphinstone. bottom,/?;- Etyler read Etzler. top, for Carca read Corea. top, /or 1834-7 read 1760- 1 837. top, for Wassenlehre read Waftenlehre. bottom, /?r Unversagt read Unverzagt. bottom /7r 15 vols, read 13 vols. bottom, Yoe, Schway " The Burman " should be under " Schway Yoe." 92, ,, 10 100, „ 27 "9, J) 2 217, „ 18 288, ., 14 328, „ 12 469, „ 4 550, „ 16 667, „ 19 68s, >. 13 F/7?0r59 LIBRARY CATALOGUE. A. Abbot, H. L., Lieut.-Col., U.S. Army. Submarine Mines. See U.S. Army, Engineers' Prof. Papers, No. 23. Abbott, A., Major-Gen. The Afghan War, 1838-42. Seel.ow. Abbott, Charles. See Colchester. Abbott, Jas., Capt. Journey from Herat to Khiva, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1843. Abbott, T. E. The Soldier's Friend. 4to. Hull, 1828. Abbt, Thomas. Vermischte Werke. 6 vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1772. Abd-Allatif. Relations respecting Egypt. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xv. Abeille, J. Notes et Pieces Ofificielles relatives aux evenemens de Marseille et de Toulon, 1793. 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Abel, Sir F. A. Application of Electricity to the Explosion of Gunpowder. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) Lond. n.d. Composition of the great Bhurtpoor Gun, stationed at Woolwich. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Lond. 1862. Applications of Electricity to Naval and Military Purposes. ^8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) Lond. 1869. Recent investigations and applications of Explosive Agents. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvii.) Edinburgh, 187 1. Accidental Explosions. Lond. 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxii.) Explosive Agents applied to industrial purposes. Lond. 1880. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxix.) Electricity applied to explosive purposes. Lond. 18S3. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxix.) Accidents in Mines. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Explosives. See Noble. ABE 2 Abel, Sir F. A., and C. L. Bloxam. Hand-book of Chemistry. 2ncl edition. Svo. Lond. 1858. Abell, Mrs. L. E. Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Abercroniby, Hon. R. I'linciplcs of Forecasting by means of weather charts. Svo. Lond. 1885. Weather : exposition of the nature of weather changes. 2nd edit., ":S\v. '. ;::.:: : Lond. 1888. Aberi; J. J!-,' GoT. • 'Gdnal to connect the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal • ; ; ,>vill> l,kihi':>iorc. ; j?(V.\J.S. Army, Engineer Uept. .* ■ 'Ab'rtfey', !W:' d6 W.; I:ifeut*. R.E. Instruction in Photography. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvii.) Chatham, 1871. Treatise on Photography. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Abrahall, Chandos H. Career of Franklin, an ode ; with other poems. Svo. Lond. i860. Abyssinia. Routes in Abyssinia; compiled by Lt.-Col. A. C. Cooke. Svo. Lond. 1S67. Views in Abyssinia. Lithographed in the Topographical Department of the War Office. Oblong folio. Lond. 1867. Photographs taken in Abyssinia, by the loth Company, Royal Engineers. Oblong 4to. n.p. 1868. Report on the Survey Operations, by Lieut. T. T. Carter. (4to Pamphlets, vol. 7.) n.p. 1869. Academic Frangaise. See France, Institut de. Acclimatisation and Ornithological Society. Fifth Annual Report. Svo. Lond. 1865. Seventh ,, Lond. 1867. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixx.) Achard, Amedee. Montebello, Magenta, Marignan. Lettres d'ltalie. i2mo. Paris, 1859. Acheson, Frederick. Collection and storage of Water in Victoria. (Svo I'amphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiii.) Melbourne, 1S61. yAcklom, J. E.,Capt. ^ England for ever " safe " from the Invader, or the Rifle Volunteers' guide to arms. 3rd edition. Jersey, 1859. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) England's " Home " Guards, or permanency of the Volunteer Army. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) Birmingham [1S60]. Origin of the present Rifle Volunteer Movement. Lond. 1862. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Suggestions for the improvement of the health, happiness, and S ADA Acklom, J. E., Capt. {contbiued) — efificiency of the British Soldier, as regards lodging, clothing, cooking, ventilation, &c., 2nd edition. Birmingham, 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) vAcIand, T. D., Lieut-Col. ^ Mounted Rifles. The use of the Horse and Gun for National Defence. Lond. i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ix.) Principles and practice of Volunteer Discipline. Lond. 1868. (8vo Pamphlets^ 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) Acland-Troyte, J. E., Lieut. Through the Ranks to a Commis- sion. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Acosta, Father Joseph de. History of the Indies. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ix and Ixi. Acts. Reserve Forces Act, 1882, and Militia Act, 1882. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Contagious Diseases. Third Report on the Operation of the Con- tagious Diseases Acts. Lond. 1S70. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxx.) Contagious Diseases. Fourth Report on the Operation of the Con- tagious Diseases Acts. Lond. 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. c.) Mutiny. See Army, Military Law. Occasional and Schism. Debates and Speeches in Parliament con- cerning the Schism Bill. Lond. 17 15. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xx.) Occasional and Schism, Reasons for repealing the Occasional and Schism Acts. Lond. 1715. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xx.) Adair, R. A. Shafto, Lord Waveney. See Waveney. Adam, Alexander. Roman Antiquities : or an account of the manners and customs of the Romans. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. iSoi. Adami, L., Col. I Combustibili Fossili, i Meteriali Refrattari e rindustria Siderurgica all' Esposizione Nazionale di Torino nel 188^. 8vo. - Rome, 1886. Adams, Arthur. The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang." 5 parts. 4to. Lond. 1848-9. Adams, C, Major. Great Campaigns in Europe, 1 796-1870. Edited by Captain C. Cooper King. 8vo. Edinb. 1877. Adams, J. C. Explanation of the observed irregularities in the Motion of Uranus. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Adams, W. D. Dictionary of English Literature. 4to. Lond. n.d B 2 ADA 4 Adams, W. H. Davenport. Lighthouses and Lightships: account of their construction and organization. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. England on the Sea ; or the story of the British Navy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1885. England at War : the story of the great Campaigns of the British Army. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Adams, W. Marsham. Handbook to the Coelometer. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvi.) Handbook to the Mensurator. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvi.) Outlines of Geometry. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Adanson. Voyage to Senegal, &c. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xvi. Adderley, Rt. Hon. Sir C. B. Review of "The Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administration," by Earl Grey, 1853; and of sub- sequent Colonial History. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Addington, Anthony. Essay on the Sea Scurvy. Reading, 1753. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xv.) Addison, Joseph. Works of Joseph Addison, with notes, by Richard Hurd. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181 1. Spectator. See Chalmers. Addison, J. E. Capt. National Defence in England. See Maurice de Sellon, P.E. Addison, Lancelot. Account of West Barbary. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xv. Adenaw, A., and A. von Kaven. Die Baracken-Lazarethe des ^\■reins des Regierungs-Bezirk Aachen im Kriege, 1870-71. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. viii.) Aachen, 1872. Adie, Alexander. Description of the patent Sympiesometer or new Air Barometer. n.p., n.d. (Naval Pami)hlets, vol. iv.) Admiralty. Remarks on Revolving Storms. Lond. 1851. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (ii).) Rules for ascertaining the Deviations of the Compass caused by the iron in a ship. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (ii).) Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1855. Orders in Council, vols, i to . Svo. Lond. 1856 . Admiralty Administration, its faults and its defaults. 8vo. Lond. 1861. 5 ADV Admiralty {continued)— Manual for ascertaining and applying the Deviations of the Compass caused by the iron in a ship : edited by F. J. Evans and Archibald Smith. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1863. H.M.S. "Valorous." Deep-Sea Soundings and Temperatures, North Atlantic Ocean. Folio. Lond. 1875. Drawings of the Flags in use by the various Nations. Folio. Lond. 1875. Index to Charts and Plans published by the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty. Folio. Lond. 1875. General Instructions for the Hydrographic Surveyors of the Admiralty. 8vo. Lond. 1877. List of Time Signals in Various Parts of the World. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Remarks on Revolving Storms. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Dock Book; containing dimensions of the wet and dry Docks, Patent Slips, &c., of the World. Folio. Lond. 1886. Additions and corrections to Dock Book, 1886, for the year ending 31st December, 1887. Folio. Lond. 1888. Appendix to Dock Book : containing information on repairs. Folio. Lond. 1888. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. List of Lights. See Lighthouses. Manual of Scientific Enquiry. See Herschel. Sailing Directions. See Sailing Directions. Adolphus, Edwin. Essay on the Pathology of the Urine. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Adolphus, John. Causes of the present Rupture with France. Lond. 1803. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiv.) History of England from the Accession of George III to 1783. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810. History of England from the Accession to the Decease of King George the Third. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840-45. Adts, N., Lieut. Canons Rayes systemes Cavalli et Armstrong. Paris, 1861, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (i).) Le " Monitor" et le " Merrimac." Systeme de Projectile. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) Paris, 1862. Recherches nouvelles sur les Canons Rayes. Paris, 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) "Adventure" and " Beagle," H.M. Ships. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of H.M. Ships "Adventure" and "Beagle," between the Years 1826 and 1836, describing their Examination of the Southern Shores of South America and the " Beagle's " Circum- navigation of the Globe. 4 vols. Svo. 1839. ADV 6 "Adventure " and " Beagle," H.M. Ships {c-ontinued)— Vol. i. Proceedings of the First Expedition, 1826-30, under the Command of Capt. P. Parker King, R.N. Vol. ii. Proceedings of the Second Expedition, 1831-36, under the Command of Capt. Robert Fitzroy, R.N. Vol. iii. Journal and Remarks, 1832-36, by Charles Darwin. Vol. iv. Appendix to Volume the Second. Advocates, College of. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Adye, Sir John, Major-General. The Defence of Cawnpore. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Report on Artillery Mate'riel in India, with observations by Sir Patrick Grant. Madras, i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lix.) Sitana : a mountain campaign on the borders of Afghanistan in 1863. 8vo. Lond. 1867. The British Army in 1875. Lond. 1876. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Adye, J. P., Esq. Treatise on Courts Martial. 8vo. Lond. 18 10. Adye, Ralph Willett, Capt. The Bombardier and Pocket Gunner. 7lh edition. Revised and corrected by Capt. AV. G. Eliot. i2mo. Lond. 1 813. iElianus, Claudius. Tactics, comprising the military system of the Grecians. Edited by Viscount Dillon. 4to. Lond. 18 14. Tactica. See Scriverius. Ditto. See also Hoogenhuysen. iElianus, Claudius, and Leo, Emperor of Rome. Tactica, sive de instruendis aciebus. 4to. Leyden, 1613. iEneas Tacticus. Sur la De'fense des Places. See Beausobre. Poliorceticus. See Scriverius. Ditto. See also Hoogenhuysen. iEsopus. Fables written in Chinese, with a translation by R. Thorn. Folio. Canton, 1840. Afghanistan. Memorandum on Afghanistan with reference to the probable British Operations consequent on the Murder at Kabul of the Resident and Escort, on 3rd September, 1879. Folio. Lond. 1879. Fight or Arbitrate? or How shall we settle the Afghan Frontier? ("Pall Mall Gazette"). _ Lond. 1885. {8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Delimitation Afghane : Negociations entre la Russie et la Grande- Bretagne. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1886. Kabul and its environs. (Photographs.) Folio. Lond. n.d. 7 AIN Africa, South. Facts from the Diamond Fields of South Africa. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) The Transvaal in 1876. Grahamstown, 1881. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) Agius de Soldanis, Georgio Pietro Francesco. Delia Lingua Punica presentemente usata da Maltesi ; ovvero nuovi documenti, li quali possono servire di lume all'antica lingua Etrusca, stesi in due dissertazioni. 8vo. Rome, 1750. AgOStini, L. La Sicilia. See Paruta. Agricultural Society of England, Royal. Journal. Vols, ix-xxv. Svo. Lond. 1848-64. Ditto. Second Series. Vols, i to . 8vo. Lond. 1865. Index to ditto. 2nd series, vols. i-x. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Ditto. Vols, xi-xx. Svo. Lond. 1885. Minutes of Proceedings at meetings of the Chemical Committee. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Agricultural Society of New South Wales. See New South Wales. Agrippa, Camillo. Trattado di Scientia d'Arme, con un Dialogo di Filosofia. 4to. Rome, 1553. Trattato di Scienza d'Arme. 4to. Venice, 1604. Aguirre, M. C. Marsuzi de. See Marsuzi de Aguirre. Aicha, Emil Glanz Freiherrn von. Geschichtliche Darstellung der Panzerungen und Eisen-Constructionen fur Befestigungen. 8vo. Vienna, 1873. Aiglun, Albert de Rochas d'. See Rochas d'Aiglun. Aikin, John. Annals of the Reign of King George the Third. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1825. Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 18 1 8. Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1 82 2. Memoir of John Aikin, M.D, 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S23. Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. I'Ond. 1833. Aimd-Martin, L. OEuvres de Racine. Sec Racine. Aind, Challamel. Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. Ainger, Rev. A, Charles Lamb. See Morley (English Men of Letters). AIN f Ainslie, G. B., General. Illustrations of the Anglo-French Coinage. 410. Lond. 1830. Ainsworth. Latin Dictionary. Reprinted witli additions by Rev. H. W. IJoatson. Revised and corrected by William Ellis. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Ainsworth, William Francis. Travels in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldca, and Armenia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Euphrates \'alley Railway. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Airey, Sir Richard. Addresses to the Board of General Officers on the Commissariat Department in the Crimea. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Airy, Sir George Biddell. Craviiation : explanation of the perturbations in the Solar System. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Catalogue of Circumjwlar Stars, deduced from the observations of Stephen Groombridgc. Reduced to January i, 18 10. 4to. Lond. 1838. Account of the Northumberland Equatorial and Dome, attached to the Cambridge University. 4to. Cambridge 1844. New Method of clearing the Lunar Distance. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Disturbance of the Compass in iron-built ships. See Tredgold. Aitken, Sir William. The Growth of the Recruit and young soldier. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Aitken, Dr. W. The Doctrine of Evolution in its Application to Pathology. 8vo. Glasgow, 1886 Aix-la-Chapelle. Manual a I'usage des Baigneurs. i2mo. Aix-la-Chapelle, 1834. Akenside, Mark. Poetical Works. With a Life of the Author, by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. i2mo. Lond. 1835. Akerman, John Yonge. Naval Honorary Medals. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Numismatic Manual. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Remarks on the Coins of Ephesus struck during the Roman Dotninion. 8vo. Lond. 1841. The Forgeries of Public Money. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1 844. The New Testament, with historical notes and numismatic illustra- tions. No. I. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Examples of Coffee House, Tavern, and Tradesmen's Tokens, current in London in the 17th Century. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Ditto, ditto. Second scries, 8vo. Lond. 1847. 9 ALC Akerman, John Yonge {continued) — . Introduction to the study of ancient and modern Coins. i2mo. Lond. 1848. Tradesmen's Tokens current in London 1648-72. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Origin and history of the Bayonet. Lond. i86r. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Medailles du Chevalier de Horta. See Catalogues. Rare and unedited Roman Coins. See Catalogues. "Alabama." Official Correspondence on the claims of the United States in respect to the "Alabama." 8vo. Lond. 1867. Albeca, C^sar L. d'. Livre de Guerre Moderne. 8vo. Lond. and Paris, 1872. Albemarle, George, Duke of. Observations upon Military and Political Affairs. Folio. Lond. 167 1. Albemarle, George Thomas, Earl of. Fifty years of my life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1876. Albert, Prince Consort of England. Speech as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards on the i6th June, i860. (200th Anniversary of the formation of the Regiment.) 4to. Lond. 1 86c. Catalogue of Military Library. See Catalogues. Albert! de Villeneuve, F. d'. Grand Dictionnaire. Fran^ois- Italien, Italiano-Francese. 2 vols. 4to. Bassano, 181 1. Albertus, Giuseppe Antonio. Istruzioni Pratiche, per I'Ligegnero Civile, o sia perito agrimensore e perito d'acque. 4to. Venice, 1799 Albrecht of Austria, H.I.H., the Archduke. Responsibility in War. Translated by Col. H. A. Ouvry. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Lond. 1869. Das Jahr, 1870, und die Wehrkraft der Monarch ie. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) Vienna, 1870. Alcester, Sir Beauchamp Seymour, Lord, Admiral. What our Navy should be. See Navy. Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Capital of the Tycoon : narrative of a three years' residence in Japan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Alcock, T. St. Leger, Col. The Militia, the nucleus of our defensive force. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiii.) Remarks upon some of the Movements of the present day. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvii.) Lond. 1872. Relative equality of men. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) ALC lo Alcock, T. St. Leger, Col. {continued)— Relative i>()svcr of nations. Parts i and 2. Lond. 1873-4, (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. xx.) Aldershot Military Society. Lectures. Svo. Aldershot, 1888. r. Halford, Sir Henry St. John, Bart., Col. New Service Maga- zine Rifle. " 1888 2. Warre, Rev. E. History of Tactics. 1888 3. Onslow, G. M., Col. Physique of the Soldier and his physical training. 1888 4. Hale, Lonsdale, Col. Spirit of Tactical Operations of to-day. 1888 5. Miles, Major. Night Operations. 1888 6. Brackenbury, C. P., Col. Use and abuse of Field Artillery. 1888 7. Stone, F. G., Capt. Maxim Machine Gun. 1888 8. Liddell, R. S., Colonel. Modern Cavalry on the Field of Battle 1888 9. Knox, W. G., Major. Personal Reminiscences of the Turco Russian War, 1877-8. 1888, 10. Davies, Surgeon A. M. Food of the Soldier. 1888 11. Fenton, Myles, Lieut. -Col. British Railways and their capabi lities for Home Defence. 1888 1 2. Harrison, R., ISLijor-Gen. Organization of an Army for War. 1889. 13. Fleming, George. Horses for military purposes. 1889. Aldershottana, or chinks in my hut. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1859. Aldrich, M. Almy. History of the United States Marine Corps. 8vo. Boston, 1875. Alembert, Jean-le-Rond d'. On Taste. See Gerard. Alexander, Sir James Edward, Major-Gen. Travels to the Seat of War in the East in 1829. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1830. Sketches in Portugal during the Civil War of 1834. Svo. Lond. 1S35. Life of the Duke of Wellington. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S40 Remarks on our Naval Organization. Portsea, 1858. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 1.) Command of the Channel and the safety of our Shores. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. Ivi.) Lond. 1S60. Incidents of the Maori AVar, New Zealand, in 1 860-1. Svo. Lond. 1S63. Bush Fighting ; illustrated by remarkable actions and incidents of the Maori War in New Zealand. Svo. Lond. 1S73. II ALL Alfieri, Francesco. L'Arte di ben maneggiare la Spada. Oblong 8vo. Padua, 1653. ' Lo Spadone. Oblong 8vo. Padua, 1653. (Bound with Arte di ben maneggiare.) Algeria. Etat actuel de I'Algerie. D'apres Ics Documents Officiels. 8vo. Algiers, 1862. Alghisi da Carpi, Galasso. Delia Fortificatione. Folio. Venice, 1570. Alglave, E., and J. Boulard. La Lumiere Electrique. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Ali-Bey, alias Domingo Badia y Leblich. Travels in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey, 1 803-1 807. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1816. Alison, Sir Archibald, Bart. History of Europe, 1789 to 1815. 10 vols. 8vo. And oblon<^ 8vo Atlas. Lond. 1835-42^ History of Europe, 18 15 to 1852. With Index. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852-9. Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir Charles Stewart. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 86 1. On Army Organization. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Allan, George. Life of Sir Walter Scott. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834. Allan, Robert. Mineralogy. See Phillips, William. AUardyce, Alexander. Memoir of the Hon. George Keith Elphin- stone. Viscount Keith, Admiral. 8vo. Edinburond. 1824. Instructions for conducting the Barrack Service on Foreign Stations. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Instructions to Barrack Masters. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Rules and Regulations for Garrison or Barrack Cells. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Cavalry. Rules and regulations for the Cavalry. 8vo. Lond. 1795. Instructions for Hussars and Light Cavalrj' acting as such. 8vo. Lond. 1798, Instruction in Military Equitation, and in the elements of Field Movements of Cavalry. 8vo. Lond. 181 9. Abridgment of the regulations for the Formation and Move- ments of the Cavalr}', adapted to the use of Yeomanry Corps. i2mo. Lond. 1835. Instructions in the duties of Cavalry ; for the use of Auxiliary Cavalry. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Regulation for the Instruction, Formation, and Movements of the Cavalry, 1833, 1851, 1862, 1863, 1865, 1869, 1874, 1876, 1885, and 1 88 7. Regulations for the Movements and Formations of a Division or Brigade of Cavalry. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Rules and Regulations for the Sword Exercise of the Cavalry. 8vo. Lond. 1796. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. • Lond. 1797. Cavalry Sword Exercise. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Instructions for the Carbine and Pistol Exercises for the Cavalry. Svo. Lond. 1819. 31 ARM Army. Orders, &c. {cofitinucd) — Instructions for the Sword, Carbine, Pistol, and Lance Exercise, together with Standing Gun Drill. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Instructions for the Sword, Carbine, Pistol, and Lance Exercise, with Field Gun Drill. i2mo. Lond. 1871. Trumpet and Bugle Sounds for Mounted Services and Garrison Artillery. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Commissariat. General Instructions to Commissaries. 8vo. Lond. 18 14. Regulations and instructions for the guidance of Officers of the Purveyor's Department of the Army. 8vo. Lond. i86r. Commissariat Department. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Commissariat and Transport Staff. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Communicatiofis. Regulations for the Organization of the Line of Communications of an Army in the Field. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Dress Regulations for the Officers of the Army. 1834, 1846, 1855, 1857, 1861, 1864, 1874, 1883. 8vo. Lond. 1834-83. Eficamp merits , Regulations and instructions for Encampments. 1871, 1875, 1877, 1883, 1888. Erigineers. Instructions and Standing Orders for the Royal Engineer Depart- ment serving with the Army upon the Continent. 8vo. Paris, 181 5. Orders and regulations for the guidance of the Corps of Royal Engineers and Royal Sappers and Miners, at home and abroad. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Engineer Department, Royal. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Eqiiipment. Regulations for the Provision of Clothing, Necessaries, Appoint- ments and Accoutrements. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (ii).) Royal Warrant and regulations for the Equipment of H.M. Army. 8vo. Lond. 1876 and 1881. Field Army Establishments. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Finance. Letters to Colonels of Regiments relative to Regimental Pay- masters. i2mo. Lond. 1797. Collection of Orders, Regulations, and Instructions for the Army on matters of Finance. 8vo. Lond. 1807. Warrants for Military Pay and Allowances. 8vo. Lond. 1826-30. Collection of Warrants and Regulations issued to the Army on Matters of Finance. i2mo. Lond. 1841, Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1847. ARM 32 Army. Orders, &c. {continued) — Royal Warrant and Regulations regarding Army Services and explanatory directions for the information and guidance of Pay- masters and others. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Widows' (Army) Pension Warrants. Lond. 1855-56. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiii.) Army Pension (Revised) Warrant. Lond. 1857. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Army Allowances. Regulations relating to the issue of Army Allowances. Svo. Lond. 1881. Royal Warrant for the Pay and Promotion, &c. of H.M. Forces, 1866, 1870, 1878, 1882, 1884, 1887. Financial Instructions in relation to Army Accounts. Svo. Lond. 1886. Regulations relating to the issue of Army Allowances. Svo. Lond. 1887. Infantry. The Exercise for the Foot (in Ireland). Svo. Limerick, 1758. Regulations relative to the Clothing and Half-mounting of the Infantry. Lond. 1800. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) Regulations for the Exercise of Riflemen and Light Infantry. Svo. • Lond. 1798. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sword Exercise.") Ditto, ditto, 1S08, 1S12. Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army, by Sir H. Torrens. 1824. Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army, as revised in 1833. Svo. Lond. 1833. Abstract of the Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army. Svo. Lond. 1S34. Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry, 1690, 1728, 1739, 1792, 1801, 1815, 1824, 1833, 1859, 1S62, 1867, 1870, 1874, 1877, 1 884. Angelo's Bayonet Exercise. Svo. Lond. 1857. Infantry Bugle Sounds, i860, 1877. Infantry Manual, 1847, 1854, 1S55, 1857. Infantry Drill. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Infantry Sword Exercise, 1S19, 1842. Revised Infantry Sword Exercise. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Infantry Sword and Carbine Sword-Bayonet Exercises. i2mo. Lond. iSSo. Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 18S7. Regimental Transport (Infantry). i2mo. Lond. 1S77. 33 ARM Army. Orders, &c. Infa?itry {continued^— Regulations for Mounted Infantry. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Infantry Tactics as influenced by fire. ismo. Lond. 1888. Medical. Instructions to Regimental Surgeons for regulating the concerns of the Sick and of the Hospitals. To which is i)refixed H.M. Warrant for increasing the advantages of the Medical Officers of the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1808. (Bound in vol. lettered " Medical Instructions.") Instructions for the regulation of Regimental Hospitals, and the concerns of the Sick. 8vo. Lond. 181 2. (Bound in vol. lettered " Medical Instructions.") Instructions for the regulation of Military Hospitals and the Sick, with Divisions of the Army in the Peninsula, under the command of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wellington, KG., K.B. Svo. Lisbon, 18 13. (Bound in vol. lettered " Medical Instructions.") Instruction for the regulation of Army Hospitals. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Regulations for the management of Regimental Hospitals. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Regulations for the management of Army Hospitals, with In- structions regarding the examination of Recruits and Invalids, &c., 1845. Svo. Lond. 1855. Regulations for the Duties of Inspectors-General and Deputy Inspectors-General of Hospitals ; of Staff and Regimental Medical Officers, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Manual of instructions for Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the Army Hospital Corps. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Regulations for the Army Hospital Corps. 8vo. Lond. 1875 ^"^^ 1S78. Manual of Exercises for Training Stretcher-Bearers and Bearer- Companies. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Regulations for the Medical Department of H.M. Army. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Musketry. Manual Exercise as ordered by His Majesty. Svo. Lond. 1 766. Rules and regulations for the Manual and Platoon Exercises, Formations, &c., of H.M. Forces. i2mo. Lond. 181 7. Manual and Platoon Exercises. Lond. 1792. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Ditto, ditto. Svo. Lond. 1804 and 1834. Manual and Platoon Exercise for Percussion Carbines. Svo. Lond. 1840 D ARM 34 Army. Orders, &c. Mnskdry {continued)— Tiie Platoon Exercise for the Rifle Musket. Translated into Turkish by Lieut. W. H. J. Lance. Kertch, 1856. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liv.) Regulations for Conducting the Musketry Instruction of the Army. 1859, 1864, 1867, 1870, 1887. Manual and Firing Exercises. Snider Artillery Carbine. i2mo. Lond. 1874. Ditto. Cavalry Carbine. lamo. Lond. 1874. Martini-Henry Rifle. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Ditto, ditto. Cavalry and Artillery. i2mo. Lond. 1881. Text Book on the theory of the Motion of Projectiles ; the history, properties, manufacture, and proof of Gunpowder; the history of Small Arms. 8vo. Lond. 1868 Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1880 Rifle Exercises and Musketry Instruction. i2mo. Lond. 1874 Supplement to ditto. 12 mo. Lond. 1879 Rifle and Carbine Exercises and Musketry Instruction. 1 2mo Lond. 1879 '• Manual and Firing Exercises for the Martini-Henry Rifle and Carbine (Cavalry and Artillery). i2mo. Lond. 1881 Regulations for Musketry Instruction. i2mo. Lond. 1884 Manual Exercises for the Rifle and Carbine and Bayonet Exercise. i2mo. Lond. 1885 Ordnance. Instructions to Officers in Charge of Ordnance, Camp Equipage, Military Stores, and Ammunition, and also to Ordnance Paymasters, on Service in the Field. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Ordnance Store Department. 8vo. Lond. 1876. (Bound with Commissariat Dept.) Ditto, ditto. 8vo. • Lond. 1879. Oiilposts. Regulations for Outpost Duty. (Anonymous.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) n.p., n.d. Outposts. i2mo. Lond. 1888. Prisons. Rules and Regulations for the District Military Prisons. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Rules and Regulations for Military Prisons. Svo. Lond. 1851. Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Quarter-AIaster General's Department. Special Instructions for the Officers of the Quarter-Master General's Department. Svo. Lond. 1854. 35 ARM Army. Orders, &c. {continued) — Recruiting Service. Regulations and instructions for carr)'ing on the Recruiting Service of H.M. Forces. 1796, 1799. Instructions to Officers employed on the Recruiting Service of H.M. Forces in the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lond. 1806. Salutes. Instructions regarding Salutes. Lond. 1838. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Standing Orders. Standing Orders of Various Regiments. See Army Records. Stores. Index to orders and instructions relating to Various Patterns of Rifled Ordnance and Small z\rms, Ammunition, Projectiles, and other Stores. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Priced Vocabulary of Stores used in H.M. Service. 1875, i879> 1882, 1886. Regulations for the Supply of Military Stores to an Army in the Field. 8vo. Lond. 1881 and 1886. Army. Records of the Regiments. Historical Records of the British Army, comprising the History of every Reigment in H.M. Service. Prepared for Publication under the direction of the Adjutant-General, by Richard Cannon, Esq.— z'/5., of The Life Guards. 8vo. Lond. 1835. 1st, or King's Regiment of Dragoon Guards. Svo. Lond. 1837. 2nd, or Queen's Regiment of Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays). Svo. Lond. 1837. 3rd, or Prince of Wales' Regiment of Dragoon Guards. Svo. Lond. 1838. 4th, or Royal Irish Regiment of Dragoon Guards. Svo. Lond. 1839. 5th, or Princess Charlotte of Wales' Regiment of Dragoon Guards. Svo. Lond. 1S39. 6th Regiment of Dragoon Guards, or the Carabineers. Svo. Lond. 1839. 7th, or Princess Royal's Regiment of Dragoon Guards. Svo. Lond. 1839. 1st, or Royal Regiment of Dragoons. Svo. Lond. 1839. 2nd, or Royal North British Dragoons, commonly called Scots Greys. Svo. Lond. 1840. 3rd, or King's Own Regiment of Light Dragoons. Svo. Lond. 1S47. 4th, or Queen's Own Regiment of Light Dragoons. Svo. Lond. 1843. 6th, or Inniskilling Regiment of Light Dragoons. Svo. Lond. 1843. 7th, or Queen's Own Regiment of Hussars. Svo. Lond. 1S42. Sth, or King's Royal Irish Regiment of Hussars. Svo. Lond. 1844. 9th, or Queen's Royal Regiment of Light Dragoons, Lancers. Svo. Lond. 1841. loth, or Prince of Wales' Own Royal Regiment of Hussars. Svo. Lond. 1843. Illh, or Prince Albert's Own Regiment of Hussars. Svo. Lond. 1843. -^ 1 2th, or Prince of Wales' Royal Regiment of Lancers. Svo. Lond. 1842. 13th Regiment of Light Dragoons. Svc. Lond. j 842. 14th, or King's Regiment of Light Dragoons. Svo. Lond. 1847. D 2 ARM 36 >vo. 8vo. Army. Records {iontinucd)— 15th, or King's Regiment of Light Dragoons, Hussars, l6th, or Queen's Regiment of Light Dragoons, Lancers. 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons, Lancers. 8vo. iSth Hussars (eilited by Capt. H. E. Malet). Svo. 1st, or Royal Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 2nd, or Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 3rd Regiment of Foot, or the Buflfs. 8vo. 4th, or King's Own Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 5th Regiment of Foot, or Northumberland Fusiliers. 6th, or Royal First Warwickshire Regiment of Foot. 7th Regiment, or Royal Fusiliers. 8vo. 8th, or King's Liverpool Regiment of Foot. 8vo. Do. do. 2nd edition. 9th, or East Norfolk Regiment of Foot. 8vo. loth, or North Lincolnshire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 1 1 th, or North Devon Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 12th, or East Suffolk Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 13th, First Somerset, or Prince Albert's Regiment of Light Infantr)', Lond. Lond. Lond. Lond. Lond. 1841. 1842. 1841. 1869. 1838. 8vo. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Lond. 1839. Lond. 1839. Lond. 1838. Lond. 1839. 8vo. Lond. Lond. Lond. Lond. 1847. 1844. 1883. 1848. 14th, or Buckinghamshire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. ■^ 15th, or Yorkshire, East Riding, Regiment of Foot. 8vo. l6th, or Bedfordshire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 17th, or Leicestershire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 1 8th, or Royal Irish Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 19th, or First Yorkshire, North Riding, Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 20th, or East Devonshire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 2 1st, or Royal North British Fusiliers. 8vo. ■• 22nd, or Cheshire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 23rd Regiment, or the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 8vo. 31st, or Huntingdonshire Regiment, with account of the services of the Marine Corps. 34th, or Cumberland Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 36th, or the Herefordshire Regiment of Foot. Continued to 1881 by Colonel R. E. Carr. 8vo. 39th, or Dorsetshire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 42nd, or Royal Highland Regiment of Foot ("Black Watch"). Lond. 1847. Lond, 1845. Lond. 1848. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Lond. 1845. Lond. 1848.} Lond. 1848. Lond. 1848. Lond. 1848. Lond, 1848. Lond, 1848. Lond, 1849. Lond, 1849.J Lond. 1850. Lond, 1850. Lond. 1844. 46th, or South Devonshire Regiment of Foot. 8vo, S3rd, or the Shropshire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 56th, or West Essex Regiment of Foot, 8vo, 6ist or the South Gloucestershire Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 67th, or South Hampshire Regiment. 8vo. 70th, or Surrey Regiment of Foot. 8vo. 71st Regiment, Highland Light Infantry. 8vo. 72nd Regiment, or the Duke of Alt)any's Own Highlanders. 73rd Regiment. 8vo. 8vo, Lond, 1853-S3. Lond, 1853. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Lond. 1851, Lond, 1849. Lond. 1844. Lond. 1844. Lond, 1849. Lond. 1849, Lond. 1852. Lond, 1848. Lond, 1 85 1. 37 ARM Army. Records {continued)— 74th Regiment (Highlanders), 8vo. Lond, 1850. S6th, or Royal County Down Regiment of Fool, 8vo. Lond. 1842. S7th, or Royal Irish Fusiliers, 8vo, Lond. 1853. 88th Regiment of Foot, or Connaught Rangers. 8vo. Lond, 1838. 92nd Regiment, "Gordon Highlanders" (numbered the looth Regiment). 8vo. Lond. 1851. Marine Corps (bound with Record of the 31st Regiment, page 36). Cape Mounted Riflemen. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Royal Horse Guards (The Blues). Historical Record, by Edmunde Packe. 8vo. Lond. 1854. —•6th Dragoon Guards. Continuation of the Historical Records ) (Cannon's), by Capt. A. Sprot. Svo, Chatham, 1888, > First Royal Dragoons. Historical Record, by General De Ainslie, 8vo. Lond. 1887. 3rd K.O. Hussars. Historical Record, revised from the edition by Richard Cannon, by Capt. G. E. F, Kauntze. 8vo. Lond. 1857. 8th (King's Royal Irish) Hussars, Historical Record, by J. F. Smet, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1874, nth (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars. Alphabetical List of the Officers, by Henry Stooks Smith. Svo. Lond, 1850. Royal Artillery. From Coruna to Sevastopol. The history of " C " Battery, " A " Brigade (late " C " Troop), Royal Horse Artillery, by Col. F. A. Whinyates. Svo. Lond. 1884. Records of the Royal Horse Artillery from its formation, com- piled by Major-General J. E. Michell. 4to. Lond. 1888. Early history of the Royal Artillery, by Capt. W. L, Yonge. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ix.) Woolwich, 1859. England's Artillerymen : an historical narrative of the services of the Royal Artillery, by J. A. Browne. i2mo. Lond. 1865, — History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, by Capt. Francis 7 Duncan. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1872-3,]" Memoir of the Services of the Bengal Artillery, by Capt. E. Buckle; edited by J, W. Kaye. Svo. Lend. 1852. History of the organization, equipment, and war services of the Bengal Artillery, by Col, F, W. Stubbs. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1877 List of Officers from 1763 to the present time; with a list of Commissaries, and extracts and memoranda relative to the Dress of the Officers and Men, by John Kane. Folio. Greenwich, 18 15 (Containing MS. additions to 1835.) ARM 38 Army. Records, Royal Artiller>' {continued) — List of Officers from 1 7 16. Revised edition. 4to. Lond. 1869. Standing Orders and Regulations. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Standing Orders, Dress Regulations, and Trumpet and Bugle Sounds. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Royal Engineers. — History of the Royal Sai:)pers and Miners, 1772-1856, by. T. W. J. Connolly. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1857. ^ History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, by Major-Gen. Whit- worth Porter. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1889. ^ The Royal Engineer, by Sir Francis B. Head. 8vo. Lond. 1869. . ^ Military history of the Madras Engineers and Pioneers, by. Major H. M. Vibart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 881-3. Guards, Brigade of. Field Officers and Batdes of the Brigade of Guards. Lond. 1868. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. l.x.xvii.) Grenadier Guards. Origin and history of the First or Grenadier Guards, by Lieut.Gen. Sir F. W. Hamilton. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Corrigenda and Addenda to ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Grenadier Guards, 1800-54, by Henry Stooks Smith. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Coldstream Guards. Origin and services of the Coldstream Guards, by Col. MacKinnon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Scots Fusiliers. Standing Orders of the Scots Fusilier Regiment of Guards. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Royal Scots. Mackay's Regiment : a narrative of the principal services of the Regiment now known as the Royal Scots, by John Mackay. 8vo. Inverness, 1879. 5th Northumberland Fusiliers. A short narrative of the Regiment. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Standing Orders. i2mo. Old Brompton, 1879. (Second Battalion). Standing Orders. 8vo. Chatham, 1882. The 7th or Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. Historical Records. 4to. Dublin, 1877. 8th, or the King's Regiment. Standing Orders of the 2nd Battalion. i2mo. Dublin, 1861 and 1875. 13th, or Prince Albert's Regiment of Light Infantry. Edited by Thomas Carter. 8vo. Lond. 1867. 39 ARM Army. Records {continued)^ i8th, the Royal Irish. Sketch of Services. Devonport, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) 20th, or East Devonshire. Orders, memoirs, anecdotes, &c. 8vo, 1868. Mis-statements in the Historical Records of the 20th Regiment. See Bainbrigge. 2ist Royal Scots Fusiliers. Historical Record, by James Clark. 8vo. Lond. 1885. 25th Foot. Records of the King's Own Borderers, or Old Edinburgh Regiment. Edited by Capt. R. T. Higgins. 8vo. Lond. 1873. 26th Regiment, the Cameronians. Historical Record, by Thomas Carter. 8vo. Lond. 1867. 28th North Gloucestershire Regiment. Narrative of the Campaigns of the 28th Regiment since their Return from Egypt in 1802 ; by Lieut.-Col. Charles Cadell. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Historical Records, by Lieut.-Col. F. Brodigan. 8vo. Lond. 1884. 29th, or Worcestershire Regiment. Standing Orders. i2mo. Lond. 181 2 and 1863. 34th and 55th Regiments. Historical account of the services of the 34th and 55th Regiments, by George Noakes. 8vo. Carlisle, 1875. 35th Royal Sussex Regiment of Foot. Historical INIemoir, by R. Trimen. 8vo. Southampton, 1873. 36th, or Herefordshire Regiment of Foot. Standing Orders. 8vo. Devonport, i860. 37th North Hampshire Regiment. Historic Memoir. i2mo. Aldershot, 1865. Annals of, by Capt. J. E. Whitting. 8vo. Winchester, 1878. 42nd, or Royal Highlanders (Black Watch). Chronology and Book of Days, by Lieut.-Col. John Wheatley. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1874. 43rd Regiment, Monmouthshire Light Infantry. Historical Records, by Sir R. G. A. Levinge, Bart. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Alphabetical List of Oiificers, by H. S. Smith. 8vo. Lond. 1851. " 44th, or East Essex Regiment. Historical Record, by T. Carter. 8vo. Lond. 1864.- Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887.- 51st (Second West York), the " King's Own Light Infantry " Regiment, Record of, by W, Wheater. 8vo. Lond. 1870. ARM 40 Army. Records {civiii/iucd) — 52nd Oxfordshire Light Infantry. Historical Record, by Capt. AV. S. Moorsoni. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. i860. History of Lord Seaton's Regiment, by Rev. \V. Leeke. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1866. Ditto, ditto. Supi)lemcnt. Svo. Lond. 1871.' 54th West Norfolk Regiment. Narrative of the Burning of the " Sarah Sands " Screw Steamship with H.^L 54th Regiment on Board. Lond. 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. xiii.) Records. 8vo. Roorkee, 1881. 56th, or ^^'est Essex Regiment. Standing Orders. i2mo. Lond. 1866. 57th, or West Middlesex Regiment. Historical Record, by Lieut.- Gen. H. J. Warre. 8vo. Lond. 1878. 58th Regiment. Points of interest in the Medical History of, by J. D. Ambrose. Lond. 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvii.) 60th Regiment, King's Royal Rifle Corps. " Celer et Audax ; " a sketch of the services of the 5th Battalion, 60th Regiment; by Major-Gen. G. Rigaud. Svo. Oxford, 1879. Regimental Chronicle and List of Officers^ by Capt. N. W. AVallace. Svo. Lond. 1879. " Celer et Audax," its Origin as the Motto of the King's Royal Rifle Corps, by Major-General G. Rigaud. i2mo. Oxford, 1S82. — 63rd (Manchester) Regiment. History of the late 63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment, by Major James Slack. Svo. Lond. 18S4. 64th Regiment (2nd Staffordshire). Memoirs of the Services of, by H. G. Purdon. Svo. Lond. 1881. 65th York and Lancaster Regiment. Roll of the Officers, by Major G. A. Raikes. First Battalion. 17 56-1 884. Svo. Lond. 1S85. 66th Berkshire Regiment, 1758 to 1 88 1, by J. Percy Groves. Svo. Reading, 1SS7. 69th Regiment. Historical Events connected with, by W. F. Butler. Svo. Lond. 1S70. 71st Highland Light Infantry, Historical Record by Lieut. Henry J. T. Hildyard. Svo. Lond. 1S76. 72nd Highlanders, now ist Battalion Seaforth Highlanders. Historical Records. Svo. Edinb, 1886. Standing Orders. i2mo. Chatham, 1S86. 74th Highlanders. Historical Records, 1 787-1887, by James Macveigh. 4to. Lond, 1887. 41 ARM Army. Records {continued)— ' 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. Historical Records. 8vo. Lend. 1887. Alphabetical List of Officers, by H. S. Smith. 8vo. Lend. 1852. 8 1 St Loyal Lincoln Volunteers. Historical Record. 8vo. Gibraltar, 1872. 82nd Prince of Wales's Volunteers. Historical Record, by Major Jarvis. 8vo. Lond. 1866. 84th York and Lancaster Regiment. Roll of the Officers, by Major G. A. Raikes. Second Battalion, 1 758-1884. 8vo. Lond. 1885, 85th, Bucks Volunteers, King's Light Lifantry. Alphabetical List of the Officers, by Henry Stocks Smith. 8vo. Lond. 1851. ^ 89th Princess Victoria's Regiment. Historical Record , compiled byi Rowland Brinckman. 8vo. Chatham, 1888. 90th (Perthshire Light Infantry), Records of, with Roll of Officers from 1 795-1880, by A. M. Delavoye. 8vo. Lond. 1880. 91st Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. History of the ist Battalion, by Lieut. -Col. H. G. Robley an(^ P. J. Aubin, 4to. Cape Town, 1883. Short Summary of the Records. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Standing Orders. 8vo. Nagpore, 1861. Addenda to ditto, by Col. Sprot. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Appendix to Standing Orders. Folio. n.p., n.d. ^ 93rd Sutherland Highlanders. Historical Records, by R. H. Burgoyne. 8vo. Lond. 1883. 94th, Scotch Brigade. Historical account of the British Regiments employed in the formation and defence of the Dutch Republic, particularly of the Scotch Brigade. 8vo. Lond. 1795. Regimental Standing Orders, by Sir Thomas Bradford. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824. Alphabetical List of the Officers, 1800- 1869, by Henr)' Stooks Smith. 8vo. Lond. 1869. loist Bengal European Regiment. History of, by Lieut. -Col. P. R. Innes. 8vo. Lond. 1885. 102nd Madras European Regiment. Historical Record of, 1645 to 1842, by General Neill. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Rifle Brigade. Twenty-five Years in the Rifle Brigade, by William Surtees. 8vo. _ Edinburgh, 1833. ARM 42 Army, Records, Rille Brigade {continued)^ Sketch of the Field Services of the Rifle Brigade, by Licut.-Co]. Leach. Lond. 1838. (Svo rami)hlets, 2nd scries, vol. xvii.) Alphabetical List of the Officers from 1800 to 1850, by H. S. Smith. 8vo. Lond, 1851, History of, by Sir W. H. Cope, Bart. Svo. Lond, 1879, — Highland Brigade. The Highland Brigade, its Battles and its Heroes, by James Cromb. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Scottish Regiments. History of the Scottish Regiments in the British Army, by A, K. Murray, 4to. Glasgow, 1862, An Account of the Scottish Regiments, with the Statistics of each, 1808-61. Svo. Edinburgh, 1862. Highland Regiment. Short history of the Highland Regiment. Svo. Lond. 1743. -* ist West Lidia Regiment. History of, by A. B. Ellis. Svo. Lond. 1885.— , Ceylon Rifle Regiment. Standing Orders. Svo. n.p., n.d Army. Signalling". Reports, Journals, &c., on Army Signalling, and Heliography in India. Folio. 1879-80. Army. Veterinary Department. Annual Report and Statistical Returns, 1886 and 1887. Folio. Lond., 1887-88. Report on the Studs and Breeds of Horses in Hungary, Folio, Lond. 1879, Zulu War, 1879. General Report. Folio. Lond. 1881. Report on the Army Veterinary Department with the Suakin Field Force, 1885, Folio, Lond, 1885, Veterinary Reports. Nile Expeditionary Force, Folio, Lond, 18S5. Reports on African Horse Sickness, Folio, Lond. 1888. Armytage, Hon. Mrs. Wars of Queen Victoria's Reign, 1837-87, Svo. Lond, 1886, Arnauld, Abbe. Memoires. Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol, xxxiv, Arnault, C. Chabaud. See Chabaut-Arnault, Arnim, R, von, Aus dem Tagebuche eines Kompagnie-Chefs. Svo. Cologne, 1S74. Die Schlachten Taktik sonst und jetzt. Svo Berlin, 1881. 43 ART Arnold. Instructions concerning Chronometers. Lond. 1788. (4to Pamphlets, vol ii.) Arnold, Arthur. Through Persia by caravan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Arnold, Edwin. The Marquis of Ualhousie's Administration of British India. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Simple transliteral grammar of the Turkish Language. i2mo. Lond. 1877. India revisited. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Arnold, Richard. The Customs of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle. 4to. Lond. 181 1. Arnold-Forster, H. O. The People of England versus their Naval Officials. Lond. 1884. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Arnould, Jules, Surgeon-Major. Hygiene Militaire. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. ii). Arrianus, Flavins. History of the expedition of Alexander the Great, and conquest of Persia; by Mr. Rooke. 8vo. Lond. 1812. Histoire des Expeditions d'Alexandre. Traduction nouvelle par P. Chaussard. 3 vols. 8vo, and 4to Atlas. Paris, 1802. Arrowsmith, Aaron. A Compendium of ancient and modern Geography, for the use of Eton School. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Arsenal, Naval. Naval considerations upon the Letters of Lord Melville and Mr. Rose relative to the construction of a Naval Arsenal at Northfleet. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Lond. 1810. Observations on the Letters of Lord Melville and the Right Hon. George Rose, relating to a Naval Arsenal at Northfleet. (8vo. Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ii.) Lond. [1810.] Ditto, ditto. Second Copy. (Radstock Collection.) Arsenal, Royal, Woolwich. Royal Gun Factory, i vol. 4to. and i vol. folio. Plates. Royal Laboratory. „ „ ,, Royal Carriage Department, i vol. 4to. and i vol. folio. Plates. Art of War. See War. Arthur, George, Col. Observations upon Secondary Punishments ; with a letter from the Archdeacon of New South Wales (W. G. Broughton). Hobart Town, 1833. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vi.) Arthur, W. Capt., R.N. Navy List. See Navy. Artillery. Anfangsgrunde der Praktischen Artillerie. i2mo. Hanover, 1782. ART 44 Artillery {coniinucii) — System der Fcldartilleric in Fuss. 121110. Leipsic 1825. (Bound with " Decker, Artillerie in Europa.") Notice Abregee des Collections dont se compose le Musee de I'Artillerie. i2nio. Paris, 1831. Experiences faitcs il Metz en 1854, sur les Batteries de Breche, sur la Penetration des Projectiles, et sur la rupture des corps par le choc. Svo. Paris, 1836, Aide-Memoire a I'usage des Officiers d 'Artillerie. Svo. Paris, 1836. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1856 Me'niorial de I'Artillerie, ou Recueil de Memoires Relatifs au Service de I'Artillerie. 8 vols, in 6, Svo, with Atlases to vols, iii, vi, and viii. Brussels, 1839-67. Rights of Priority in the principles and method of constructing Ordnance in superimposed rings with initial tension. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iviii.) Dublin, 1S60. A few words on the Construction of Ordnance. Lond. 1862. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Armstrong Guns. Land Service. Observations on the Guns, Carriages, and Ammunition ; and instructions for their care and use by the Royal Artillery. Svo. Lond. 1862. Remarks on the Ordnance Committees, and the Great Gun Con- troversy. Lond. 1863 (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Allgemeine Schuss-Tafeln fur gezogene Geschiitze. i2mo. BerHn, 1865. Experiments with Naval Ordnance. H.M.S. " Excellent." Svo. Lond. 1866. Our effective Artillery. Lond. 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiii.) Our Artillery : a plea for its better Technical Education. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) Lond. 1875. Final Report of Special Committee on the means for the prevention of Scoring in the bores of heavy rifled M.L. Guns. Folio. Lond. 1877. Treatise on the construction and manufacture of Ordnance in the British Service. Prepared in the Royal Gun Factory. Svo. Lond. 1879. Notes on Naval Guns, their stores and fittings. Svo. Lond. 1879. Shells and Fuzes for smooth bore and rifle Ordnance. Lond. 1883. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Ueber die Fiihrung der Artillerie im Manover und Gesecht. Svo. Hanover, 1883. 45 ART Artillery {continued)— Breech-loading Ordnance and Naval Gun Question, in 1885. (Svo Pamphlets. 3rd series, vol. xli.) Portsmouth, 1885. Treatise on the manufacture of Guns and text-book of Service Ordnance. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1886. Discussion on Gun-making in the U.S. New York, 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli v.) Artillery Carriages. Plates. Folio. n.p., n.d. Extracts from the Proceedings of the Department of the Director of Artillery and the Ordnance Committee. Vol. i to . Svo. Lond. 1863- . Artillery, Royal. Remarks on the Organization of the Corps of Artillery in the British Service. Svo. Lond. 181 8. (Bound with "Jennings; Attack and Defence.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) Rumoured Reconstruction of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxv.) Lond. 1868. Report of a professional tour in Sweden, the Netherlands, and Belgium, in 1864. Svo. Lond. 1865. Report of a professional tour in Denmark, Prussia, Austria, &c., in 1865. Svo. Lond. 1S66. Tour of Artillery Officers in Russia. Svo. Lond. 1867, Report upon the 4th Advanced Class of Royal Artillery Officers. Svo. Lond. 1872. Ditto. 6th ditto. Lond. 1879. Ditto. 7th ditto. Lond. 1880. Ditto. 8th ditto. Lond. 1S82. Ditto. 9th ditto. Lond. 1 884. Madras Artillery Records. See India, Army. Artillery Institution, Royal. Minutes of Proceedings. Vols, i to . Svo. Woolwich, 1S58- . Occasional Papers. 2 vols. Svo. Woolwich, 1S60-1. Translations and Miscellaneous Papers. Svo. Woolwich, 1872-4. Catalogues of Library and Museum. See Catalogues. Catalogues of Minerals and Fossils. See Catalogues. Hand-book for Field Service ; edited by General J. H. Lefroy. i2mo. Woolwich, 1854. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Woolwich, 1857. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition, i2mo. Woolwich, 1862. ART 46 Artillery Institution, Royal icontimied)— Handbook for Field Service; edited by General J. H. Lefroy. 4th edition. i2mo. Woolwich, 1867. Handbook for iMcld Service. Vol. i. Field Artillery, ismo. Lond. 1884. Artists, Society of. Catalogue and Pictures, &c. See Catalogues. Artois, P. H. d', Capt. Relation de la Defense dc Danzig en 1813. \\'ilh plan. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Arts, Society of. Transactions. \'ols. i and iv to Iv. 8vo. Lond. 1806-45. Journal. Vols, vii to . 8vo. Lond. 1858- . Ascham, Roger. English ^Vorks of, with a life of the Author. Edited by James Bennet. 4to. Lond. 1761. Ashburnham, Earl of. Montrose. See Greville. Ashby, Sir John, Vice-Admiral, and Rear-Admiral Rooke, Account given to the Lords Commissioners of the Engagement at Sea between the English, Dutch, and French Fleets, June 30th, 1690. Lond. 1 69 1. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Asher and Co. Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. Asher, C. W. Principes a poser pour le Droit maritime international de I'avenir. Hamburg, 1856. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcv.) Asher, G. M. Henry Hudson. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxvii. Ashley, Hon. Evelyn. The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, 1846-1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Ashmolean Society. Proceedings. No. n. Oxford, 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lii.) Ashworth, Philip A. The Nation in Arms. See Goltz. Asia, Central. The Central-Asian Question from an Eastern Stand- point. Lond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) Asiatic Society, Royal. Transactions. Vols, i-iii. 4to. Lond. 1827-35. Journal. Vols, i-x and xii-xx. 8vo. Lond. 1834-63. Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols, i-ix, xi, xii ; vol. xiv, part iv ; and vol, xviii, part i. 8vo. Lond. 1865-86. Catalogues. See Catalogues. Asiatic Society. Bombay Branch. Journal. Vol. xiii and Nos. 40 (vol. xv, part ii) to 46. 8vo. Bombay, 1878-87. Index to ditto. See Tivarekar, 47 ATK Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Vols, i-xiii. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832-44. Asiatic Researches, or Transactions. Vols. i-x. Svo. Lond. 1 806-1 1. Description of the District of Dinajpur. Sec Buchanan. Aspin, Jehoshaphat. The Naval and Military Exploits which have distinguished the reign of George the Third. i2mo. Lond. 1820. Aspland, A. Examination of the Report of the Commissioners on the Mortality of the Army. Manchester, 1859. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) Aspland, J. L., Lieut.-Col. English Drill. Manchester, 1887. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Association. Formation of Associations for the accommodation of Officers, Civilians, Clergymen, and others of small income. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Richmond, 1S39. Assolant, Alfred. La Bataille de Laon (1814). Svo. Paris, iSSi. Campagne de Russe, 1S12. Folio. Paris, n.d. Astley, Philip. Remarks on the profession and duty of a Soldier. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. cxviii.) Lond. 1794. Astronomical Society, Royal. Memoirs. Vols, i to vii, ix to . 4to. Lond. 1822- . Monthly Notices. Vols, viii to xviii, xxviii to xxxi. Svo. Lond. 1847-71. Index to the first twenty-nine volumes of Monthly Notices. Svo. Lond. 1870. Atchison, Thomas, Capt. The Case of Captain Atchison. n.p. [1834]. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiii.) Statement in defence of his Military Integrity. Lond. 1834. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Athenaeum Club. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Atherton, C. The Capability of Steam Ships. 2nd edition. Svo. Woolwich, 1S54. Atkinson, E. Treatise on Physics. See Ganot. Atkinson, G. F., Capt. The Campaign in India, 1 85 7-8. Folio. Lond. 1859. Atkinson, Henry, Capt. The Tripartite System. Lond. 1S73. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. x.) Atkinson, Thomas Witlam. Oriental and Western Siberia : explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kurghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary and part of Central Asia. Svo. Lond. 1858. ATK 48 Atkinson, Thomas Witlam {continued)— Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor and the Russian Acquisitions on the confines of India and China. 8vo. Lond. i860. Atthalin, G. Laurent. See Laurent-Atthalin. Attlmayr, F. ijber Scetaktik. Svo. Vienna, 1875. ijber den Seekrieg. Svo. Vienna, 1878. Aube, Contre-Amiral. La Guerre Maritime et les Ports Militaires de la Frnnce. Paris, 1882. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Auber, Peter. Rise and progress of the British Power in India. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1837. Aubign^, J. H. Merle d'. See Merle d'Aubigne. Aubin, P. J. History of the ist Battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. See Army Records. Aubuisson de Voisins, J. F. d'. Traite de Geognosie. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S19, Audiffret, Pasquier, Duke d'. The Re-organization of the (French) Army, and on Contracts. Svo. Lond. 1874. (Bound with "W.O. Misc. Publications.") Audouin, Xavier. Histoire de I'Administration de la Guerre. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, iSii. Augereau, General. Campagne sur le Mein et la Rednitz de I'Armee Gallo-Batave (iSoo-i). Svo. Paris, 1802. Aumale, Due d'. Histoire des Princes de Conde pendant les XVI et XVII Siecles. Vols i to and Atlas. Svo. Paris, 1863- . Australia. Volume of Pamphlets, containing — Letter to the Right Hon. Viscount Sidmouth, by Lachlan Mac- quarie. Prospectus and Report of the Agricultural Society, 1822 and '28. View. of the Town of Sydney in the Panorama. Australian Almanac for 1828. Racing and Jockey Club Rules, 1S28, Tasmanian Almanac for 1828. Agricultural Company, 7 th Annual Report, 1837. The Routes to Australia, considered in reference to commercial and postal interests. Svo. Lond. 1854. (Bound with " Hoseason's Naval and Military Subjects.") Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Travels with Dr. Leichhardt in Australia. 1 2mo. Melbourne, 1859. 49 AUS Australia {continued) — Australian Views ; North-East Coast. Obi. 4to. n.p., n.d. Australian Direct Steam Navigation Company. Prospectus, &c. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Lond. 1853. Austria. Coup-d'OEil rapide sur Vienne. Paris, 1805. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxv.) Ideen iiber unser Militarisches Verhaltniss bei einem Kriege mit Russland. 8vo. Vienna, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Ideas on our Military Position in a War with Russia. Translated by E. Baring. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Austria. Army. Osterreichische Militiirische Zeitschrift. 3 vols. 4to. Vienna, i860. Organ des Wiener Militar Wissenschaftlichen Vereins. Vols, iv to . 8vo. Vienna, 1872- . (Vols, xii and xvii missing.) Rangs-Listen des k.k. Heeres nach dem Concretual-Status. 8vo. Vienna, 1869. Organische-Bestimmungen fur das Heerwesen. Administration of the Austrian Army. Translated by Lieut. Wickham. Folio. ^^ienna, 1869. Kais.-Konigl. Militar-Schematismus fiir 1869-1870. Part i. 8vo. Vienna, 1870. Field Exercises and Manoeuvres in time of peace, with special reference to Infantry. Translated by Lieut. E. Baring. 8vo. (Bound with " W.O. Misc. Publications.") Lond. 187 i. Reglement fiir den Sanitiits-Dienst des k.k. Heeres. Part 4. 8vo. Vienna, 1870. Beilagen zum iv theil des Reglements fur den Sanitiits-Dienst des k.k. Heeres, betressend den Sanitiits-Dienst im Felde. 8vo. Vienna, 1879 Exerzir-Reglement fiir die Kaiserlich-Konigliche Kavallerie. 2 parts. Svo. Vienna, 1875. Instrukzion iiber die Beschaffenheit den Gebrauch und die Ausrus- tung der 4 und 8 j^fiindigen gezogenen feldgeschiitz. Svo. \'ienna, 1864. Provisorische Instrukzion liber die Einrichtung und den Gebrauch der Rotazions-Raketen. 8vo. Vienna, 1865. Artillerie Unterricht fiir die Mannschaft der Batterien und Park Compagnien. i2mo. Vienna, 1866. Artillerie-Unterricht fur die Mannschaft der Festungs- und Kusten- Artillerie-Compagnien. 2 vols. i2mo. Vienna, 1866, A US 50 Austria. Army {continued)— I. K. Austrian Artillery Field Exercise. Parts III and VII. Trans- lated by Lieut. -Colonel W. H. Goodenough. Woolwich, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Mitthcilungen des k.k. Artillerie-Comite iiber Gegenstande der Arlilleric-und Kricgsvvissenschaften. Vols, i to xiv. Svo. Vienna, 1857-69. Mitthcilungen iiber Gegenstande der Ingenieur- und Kriegs-Wissen- schaften ; herausgegeben voni k.k. Genie-Comite. 8vo. Vienna, 1865-9. Mitthcilungen iiber Gegenstande des x\rtillerie- und Genie-Wesens. \'ols. i to . Svo. Vienna, 1870- . Itifautry. Exercir-Reglement fur die Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Fuss-Truppen. Svo. Vienna, 1862. Abrichtungs-Reglement fur die k.k. Fuss-Truppen. Svo. Vienna, I S62 and 1868. Instruction pour I'emploi de la beche d'Infanterie. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) Vienna, 1874. Exerzir-Reglement fiir die Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Fusstruppen. 2 parts. Svo. Vienna, 1S74-5. Schiess-Instruktion fur die Infanterie und die Jager-Truppe des k.k. Heeres. Svo. Vienna, 1879. Waffen-Insiruktion fiir die Infanterie und die Jager-Truppe des k.k. Heeres. Svo. Vienna, iSSo. Exerzir-Reglement fur die Fusstruppen der k.k. Kriegs-Marine. Zweite Auflage des Reglements vom Jahre 1S7S. Svo. Pola, 1 88 1. Militar-Geographischen Institutes. Mitthcilungen des Kaiser .- Konig. Militar-Geographischen Institutes. Vol. i. Svo. Vienna, iSSi. Mitthcilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens. Vol. i to . Svo. Pola, 1873- . Austria, Navy. Almanach fur die k.k. Kriegs-Marine, 1877 to . i2mo. Pola, 1877- . Artillcrie-Unterricht fur die k.k. Kriegs-Marine. Vol. i. Svo. Bamberg, iSSo. Auvergne, Henry de la Tour d'. See Turenne. Ava. Two Years in Ava, 1824-6. By an Officer of the Staff of the Quartermaster-General's Department. Svo. Lond. 1S27. Aveling, S. T. Heraldry : ancient and modern ; including "Boutell's Heraldry." Svo. Lond. 1873. 51 BAB Avdra, Fernand d'. The English in Burma. Translated by Capt. Eustace E. M. Lawford. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Allahabad, 1887. France, Upper Burma, and Tonquin. Translated by Capt. Eustace E. M. Lawford. Rangoon, 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Aylward, Alfred. The Transvaal of To-day ; war, witchcraft, sports, and spoils in South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Ayroiiard. Recueil de Plusieurs Plans des Ports et Rades et de quelques Cartes Particulieres de la Mer Mediterranee. 4to. n.p. [1746]. Ayscough, Rev. Samuel. Index to the remarkable passages and words made use of by Shakespeare. 8vo. Lond. 1790. Aytoun, A., Capt. The success of the Suez Canal anticipated. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Edinburgh, 1870. Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Azara, Don Felix de. Voyages dans I'Amerique Meridionale. Publics d'apres les manuscrits de I'Auteur, par C. A. Walckenaer ; avec notes par G. Cuvier. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Azeglio, Massimo Tapparelli, Marquis d'. Precis of the Opera- tions of General Durando in Venetia. Translated by Capt. A. Kinloch. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxii.) Az^mar, Le Baron d'. Avenir de la Cavalerie. 3 vols, in one. 8vo. Paris, 1 860-1. Azores. History of the Azores or Western Islands. 4to. Lond. 181^. B. Babbage, Charles. Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 4th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1835. Table of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers from i to loSooo. Svo. Lond. 1841. Observations addressed to the Royal Society after the delivery of the Medals. Lond. 1856. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (i).) Baber, E. C. River of Golden Sand. See Gill. Baber, Zehir-ed-din, Muhammed. Memoirs. Translated by John Leydcn and William Erskine. 4to. Lond. 1826. Babington, C. W., Major. A new " Form of Attack " and system of manoeuvring troops in open formation. Folio. Banda, 1884. L 2 BAG sz Bacharach, A., Capt. ("onsidcrations sur Ics Defenses naturellcs et artificielles do la l'"ran(c, en cas d'une Invasion Allemande. Paris, 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxii.) Des Forts d^tach^s. See Schott. Back, Sir George, Capt R.N. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, 1833-5. Svo. Lend. 1836. Narrative of an Expedition in H.M.S. "Terror," undertaken with a view to Geographical Discovery of the Arctic Shores, 1836-7. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Bacon, Le Comte de. Manuel de Jeune Officier, ou Essais sur la Theorie Militaire. Svo. Paris, 1782. Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam. Works of Francis Bacon. Edited by Basil Montagu. 16 vols, (bound in 17). 8vo. Lond. 1825-34. The Mythology of the Ancients. i2mo. Lond, n.d. Biography : consisting of the Civil Characters of Julius C^sar, Augustus Caesar, Henry VII, and Queen Elizabeth. i2mo. (Bound with Mythology of the Ancients.) Lond. n.d. Specimen of Animated Astronomy. i2mo. Lond. n.d. (Bound with Mythology of the Ancients.) Bacot, J. T. W., Surgeon-Major. The Bahamas. Svo. Lond. 1S69. Bacstrom, S. Voyage to Spitzbergen. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Baddeley, P. F. H., Surgeon Bengal Army. Whirlwinds and dust-storms of India. Svo. With oblong folio vol. of plates. Lond. i860. Badeau, Adam, Col. U.S. Army. Military History of Ulysses S. Grant from 1S61-5. 3 vols. Svo. New York, 186S-S1. Badeaux, J. B. Journal des Operations de I'Armee Americaine lors de ITnvasion du Canada en 1775-76. n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. viii.) Invasion du Canada. See Quebec Literary Society Historical Documents. Baden-Powell, R. S. S., Capt. Cavalry Instruction. i2mo. Lond. 1S85. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1S88. Badeslade, Thomas. Chorographia Britannia, or a set of maps of all the Counties in England. 8vo. Lond. 1742. Badger, G. P. Travels of Ludovico di Varthema. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxxii. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xliv. 53 BAK Badia, Domingo. See Ali Bey. Baedeker, K. Handbook for Travellers : Lower Egypt. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Baffin, William. Voyages. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ixiii. Bagay, V. Nouvelles Tables Astronomiques et Hydrographiques. 4to. Paris, 1829. Bagot, C. H, National importance of Emigration. T,ond. 1863. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Bailey, G. W. A private chapter of the War (186 1-5). 8vo. St. Louis, 1880. Bailey, J. Latin Lexicon. See Facciolatus. Bailey, N. Etymological English Dictionary. 20th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1763. Justini ex Trogi Pompeii. See Justinus. Baillet, Ed. Forces des Etats. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Bailliere. New South Wales Gazetteer. See Whitworth. Baily, Francis. An account of the Rev. John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal. To which is added his British Catalogue of Stars. 4to. Lond. 1835. Supplement to the account of the Rev. John Flamsteed. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Lond. 1837. Baily, John. Central America ; describing each of the States of Ciuatemala, Honduras, .Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Bain, Alexander. Education as a Science. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1879. Bainbridge-Hoff, W., Com. U.S. Navy. Examples, conclusions, and maxims of modern Na\al Tactics. Svo. Portsmouth, 1885. See also U.S. Naval Intelligence Dept. Bainbrigge, P., Lieut.-Gen. Mis-statements in the Historical Records of the 20th Regiment, in regard to the services of the late Lieut.-Col. P. Bainbrigge in the Expedition to Holland in 1799. Lond. i860, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ix.) Bainbrigge, P. J., Major-General. The tire of Infantry at long ranges. See Seddeler. Baines, T. Shifts and expedients of Camp Life, &c. See Lord, \\'.B. Baker, Ezekiel. Remarks on Rifle-guns, Fowling-pieces, the Per- cussion Lock, and Fire Arms in General. 9th edition. Svo. Lond. 1825. Baker, E., Capt. Organization Scheme for the English Military Forces. Woolwich, 1887. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) BAK 54 Baker, George. History of Rome. See Livius. Baker, George Sherston. The Law of Railway Companies for the use of railway travellers. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Baker, James. Turkey in Europe. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Baker, Sir Richard. Chronicle of the Kings of England from the time of the Romans. Folio. Lond. 1696. Baker, Sir Samuel White. The Albert N'Vanza. Great Basin of the Nile. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia and the Sword Hunters of the Hamram Arabs. 8vo. Lond. 1867, Ismalia ; A narrative of the expedition to Central Africa for the suppression of the Slave Trade. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Baker, Sir Sherston, Bart. International Law. See Halleck. Lond. 1882. Baker, Valentine, Lieut. -Gen. Clouds in the East ; travels and adventures on the Perso-Turkoraan Frontier. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Army Reform. Lond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxv.) War in Bulgaria. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Baker, Sir William Erskine, General. Memoir of. 8vo. Bakewell, F. C. Dynamical Theory of the Figure of the Earth ; proving the Poles to be elongated. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixx.) Bakewell, J. R. Introduction to the study of Mineralogy. i2mo. Lond. 1829. Balaklava. The British Cavalry at Balaklava. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Balbi, Adrien. Essai Statistique sur le Royaume de Portugal et d'Algarve. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Balbi, Gasparo. Voyage to Pegu. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ix. Baldamus, E. Die Literarischen Erscheinungen. See Catalogues. Balearic Isles. Descripciones de las Islas Pithiusas y Baleares. 4to. Madrid, 1787. Balfour, Major-Gen. The Budgets and Accounts of England and France. Lond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. l.xix.) The Military Conscription of France. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiii.) Balfour, Edward. The Timber Trees, &c., of India. 8vo. Madras, 1862. Balfour, John Hutton. Manual of Botany. 8vo. Lond. 1849. 55 BAN Balfour, Dr. T. G. Statistical Report on the Sickness and Mortality among the Troops serving in the Madras Presidency. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxx.) Edinburgh, 1847. Ball, Alexander, Capt. Personal Narrative of Seven Years (1835-43) in Spain. Svo. Lond. 1846. Ball, J. Tour in Morocco. See Hooker. Ball, Sir Robert S. Elements of Astronomy. Svo. Lond. 1883. Scientific Enquiry. See Herschel. Bamber, E. F. Scientific Works of C. William Siemens. See Siemens. Bamford, J., Capt. Illustrations of the Field Movements of Cavalry. 2 parts. Folio. Lond. 1824. Bancroft, George. History of the United States. 7 vols. Svo. Boston, 1841-58. Bancroft, W. C, Lieut.-Col. Kriegs-Spiel-Apparatus. See Trotha. Baness, J. Frederick. Index Geographicus Indicus, being a list of the principal places in H.M. Indian Empire. Svo. Lond. 1 88 1. Banister, John. A needefull, new, and necessarie treatise of Chyrurgerie. i2mo. Lond. 1575. Banister, Thomas. Britain and her Colonial Dependencies. Lond. 1844. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) The Present Crisis as regards our Colonies, Trade, Circulating Medium, and Railways. 2nd edition. Lond. 1S48. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Finance Essay for the Society of x^rts. Lond. 1S57. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Our Military System at home and abroad. 3rd edition. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lii.) Lond. 1857. Bankes, George Nugent. Autobiography of Sergeant William Lawrence. See Lawrence. Bankes, Rev. T., E. W. Blake, and A. Cooke. System of Universal (Geography, antient and modern. Folio. Lond. n.d. Bannatyne, J. Millar, Lieut.-Col. (luide to the Professional Examinations in the Infantry. Part I. Rank of Second Lieutenant. 15th edition. Svo. (ilasgow, 1879. Guide to the Examinations for Promotion in the Infantry. Part II. Rank of Major. 15th edition. Svo. Glasgow, 1886, Royal Warrants, &:c. See Army, Orders, I'.AN 56 Bannister, S. Humane I'olicx ; or Juslicc to the Aborigines of New Settlements. 8vo. Lond. 1830. British Colonization and the Coloured Tribes. Svo. Lond. 1838. Barante, M. de. Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne de la Maison de X'alois, 1364-1477. 13 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-6. Baratier, A. L'Intendanre Militaire pendant la Cuerre de 1870-71. 8vo. Paris, 1 87 1. Administration Militaire. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. ii.) Creation de Manutentions Roulantes. See France, Army (Reunion des Ofificiers, vol. iii.) Impedimenta dans les grandes armees. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. iii.) Barbadoes. Account of the fatal Hurricane in August, 1831. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxii.) Bridge-Town, 1831. Barbaro, J. Travels to Tana and Persia. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xlix. Barbary. Several Voyages to Barbary ; containing an historical and geographical account of the Country. 2nd edition. 8vo. (Radstock Collection.) Lond. 1736. Barbensi, A. Sulle Principali Macchine presentate all' Esposizione Universale di Vienna. 8vo. Florence, 1873. Atlas to ditto, folio. Barber, G. M., Capt. Manual of Arms for the Spencer Repeating Rifle. 32mo. Boston, U.S., 1864. Barbosa, Duarte. Coasts of East Africa and Malabar. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. XXXV. Barcelona. Journal of the Siege of Barcelona. 4to. (Bound in vol. "Military Tracts.") Lond. 1698, Bardet de Villeneuve. Traite de I'Architecture Civile. 8vo. The Hague, i 740. (Bound with " Attaque des Places.") Traite de I'Artillerie. 8vo. The Hague, 1741. Traite de I'Attaque des Places. 8vo. The Hague, 1742. Barents, William. Arctic Voyages. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. liv. Baretti, Giuseppe. Dizionario delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Dictionary (Spanish and English). See Neuman. Baring, Alexander. Liquiry into the causes and consequences of the Orders in Council, and an examination of the conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America. Lond. 1808. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) 57 BAR Baring, E., Lieut., R.A. Staff College Essays. (i.) Changes in ihe Art of War from 1792-1815. (2.) Campaign at Ulm. (3.) Operations in Poland from Dec. i to 26, 1806. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Field Exercise and Manoeuvres. See Austria. Military Position of Austria in a ^\'ar with Russia. See Austria. Elementary Tactics of the Prussian Infantry. See Germany, Army. Regulations for the Training of Troops. .5"^' Germany, Army. Barker, John, Consul-General. Syria and Egypt under the last five Saltans of Turkey. Edited by E. B. B. Barker. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Barker, W. Burckhardt. ' Practical grammar of the Turkish Language. i2mo. Lond. 1854. Barlow, H. C. Critical, historical, and philosophical contributions to the study of the Divina Commedia. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Barlow, J. W., Capt, and Capt. D. P. Heap. Reconnaissance of the Basin of the Upper Yellowstone in 187 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. viii.) ^^'ashington, 1872. Barlow, Peter. The strength and stress of Timber, with an appendix on the strength of Iron. 8vo. ' Lond. 181 7. Essay on Magnetic Attractions. Lond. 1820. (Bound with "Strength of Timber.) Tables of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Barlow, R. Diary of William Hedges. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ixxiv and Ixxv. Barnaby, Sir N. The Naval Review. British, French, Italian, German, and Russian Ships of War. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Barnard, H. Traite de Tactique. 4 vols. 8vo. Tarbes, 1878-82. Barnard, J. G., Major, U.S. Army. The Gyroscope. New York, 1858. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iviii.) The dangers and defences of New York. New York, 1859. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) Notes on Sea-Coast Defence. 8vo. New York, 1861. Report on the Defences of Washington. See U.S. Army, Engineers Prof. Papers No. 20. North Sea Canal of Holland. See U.S. Army, Engineers Prof. Papers No. 22. Barnard, J. G., and W. F. Barry. Report of the Engineer and Artillery Operations of the Armies of the Potomac. 8vo. New York, 1863. BAR 58 Barnes, J. S., Com. U.S.N. Submarine Warfare, offensive and defensive : including a discussion of the offensive Torpedo System. 8v(i. New York, 1869. Baron, S. JJescription of Tonqucen. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ix. Baronetage. Letter to the Chairman of the Committee of Baronets. Lond. 1838. (8vo i'amphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Declaratory Rules and Bye-Laws of the Committee of the Baronetage for Privileges. Lond. 1841. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxi.) Report from the Committee, setting forth the grounds upon which all Baronets are entitled to bear Supporters, and other exterior Heraldic Ornaments. Lond. 1841. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlv.) Notitia Heraldica. Lond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Report of the Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Baronets of Scotland and Nova Scotia. Edinburgh, 1844. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Report from the Committee of the Baronetage for Privileges, to the first x\nniversary Meeting of the Order. Lond. 1845. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxi.) Colonization. Nova Scotia Baronet Rights. Lond. 1848. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Barr, H. J., Major-General. Automatic Danger Signal for RaiL ways. n.p. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) Barr, W., Lieut. Journal of a march from Delhi to Peshawur and from thence to Cabul. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Barre, L. Dictionnaire Universel. See Boiste. Barrett, H. J. Fifteen years among the Zulus and the Boers. With account of the circumstances which have led up to the present War, and its probable results. Hull, 1879. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) Barrett, M. de. Les Offices de Ciceron. See Cicero. Barrett, W. Fletcher. Elementary Acoustics. See Engineers, Royal, School. Barriffe, W., Capt. Military Discipline ; or, the Young Artillery- man. 3rd edition. Small 4to. Lond. 1643. Barrington, Sir Jonah. Personal Sketches of his own times. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Barrington, J. T., Capt. England on the Defensive ; or, the problem of invasion. 8vo. Lond. 1881. 59 BAR Barrow, Sir John, Bart. Naval History of (Iroat Ikitain. 2nd edition. 4 vols. i2mo. (Radstock Collection.) Lond. 1776. Account of Travels into the interior of Southern Africa in the years 1797 and 1798. 2 vols. 4to. I.ond. 1801-4, Travels in China. 4to. Lond. 1804. Voyage to Cochin China in 1792-3. 4to. Lond. 1806. Some account of the public life and a selection of the unpublished writings of the Earl of Macartney. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807. Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions. 8vo. Lond. 181 8. Excursions in the North of Europe, through parts of Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, 1830-33. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Visit to Iceland in 1834. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Tour round Ireland in 1835. ^vo. Lond. 1836. Life of Richard, Earl Howe, Admiral. 8vo. Lond. 1838. (Radstock Collection.) Life of George, Lord Anson, Admiral. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Tour in Austrian Lombardy, the Northern Tyrol, and Bavaria, in 1840. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Life, voyages, and exploits of Sir Francis Drake. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Voyage of discovery and research within the Arctic Regions. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Autobiographical Memoir. 8vo. Lond. 1847. History of the Mutiny and Piratical Seizure of H.M.S. "Bounty." i2mo. Lond. 1847. Life and correspondence of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Sketches of the Royal Society and Royal Society Club. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Memoir and description of the Barrow Monument. n.p. 1852. (8vo. Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Tour on the Continent by rail and road in the Summer of 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (i).) Lond. 1853. Summer Tours in Central Europe, 1853-4. 2 parts. Lond. 1855-6. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (i).) Ditto, ditto. 1855-6. Part 3. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liv.) Memoir of the life of Peter the Crcat. 5th edition. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Hudson's Bay. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xi. Voyages of discovery by Capt. James Cook. See Cook. BAR 60 Barry, Rev. Edward. Letter on the Practice of Eoxing. (Hvo Taniplilets, 2nd scries, vol. xix.) Lond. 17S9. Barry, Gerat, Capt. Piscoursc of Military Discipline devided into three boockes. Folio. Brussels, 1634. Seige of Breda. See Hugo. Barry, P. Dockyard Economy and Naval Power. 8vo. Lond. 1863. The Dockyards, Shipyards, and Marine of France. Svo. Lond. 1864. Barry, W. F. Operations of the Army cjf the Potomac. See Barnard. Bartels. Dienstkenntniss auf den Koniglichen Kriegsschulen. See Schnackenburg. Barthelemy. History of Boulogne-sur-Mer. i2mo. (Radstock Collection.) Boulogne, 1825. Bartlett, John. Familiar Quotations. Svo. Lond. n.d. Bartley, George. Schools for the People. Svo. Lond. 1S71. Bartolus, Petrus Sanctus. (]olumna Antonina. jNLirci Aurelii Antonini Augusti rebus gestis insignis. Folio. Rome, n.d. Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato, e Popolo Romano all' Imperatore Traiano Augusto nel suo foro in Roma. Folio. Rome, n.d. Barton, W^illiam. Journal of the Imperial Army's advance into, and incampments in Italy. Lond. 1702. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. ii.) Barzic, H. Le. See Le Barzic. Bashforth, Francis. Description of a Chronograph, adapted for measuring the varying velocity of a body in motion through the air. Lond. 1866. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Reports on experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph, 1S65-70. Svo. Lond. 1S70. Report of experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph (Part 2), 1878-79. Svo. Lond. 1S79. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Final Report of experiments made with the Bashforth Chronograph. Svo. Lond. iSSo. Mathematical treatise on the Motion of Projectiles. Svo. Lond. 1873. Supplement to ditto. Svo. Lond. iSSi. Basing House. History of Basing House, with account of the Siege it sustained during the Civil War. 6th edition. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. c.) Basingstoke, 1869. 6i BAT Bassompierre, Marechal de. Memoires. Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xix-xxi. Basson, W. Die Eisenbahnen im Kriege. Ratisbon, 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcv.) Basta, George, Count. Gouvemement de la C.'avallerie Legere. Translated by Jean Berthelin. 4to. Paris [1639]. (Bound with Ville, Charge des Gouverneurs.) Bastard, George. Armee de Chalons. Un Jour de Bataille. Vol. ii. 5e-7e Corps. 2nd edition. Svo. Paris, 1888. Baston, Samuel. Baston's Case vindicated ; or a brief account of some evil practices of the present Commissioners for Sick and Wounded. Lond. 1695. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) Basutoland. Precis of information concerning Basutoland. Svo. Lond. iSSo. Short History of Basutoland. (Intel. Branch W.O.) Svo. Lond. 1886. Bate, John. Emigration to the British Colonies of North America, Australia, New Zealand, Cape of Good Hope, and Natal. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Lond. 1S62. Bate, Rev. Julius. Critica Hebrsa : or a Hebrew-English Dictionary, without points. 4to. Lond. 1767. New and literal translation from the Pentateuch. 4to. Lond. 1773. Bateman, J. F., and J. J. Revy. Description of a proposed Cast-iron Tube for carrying a Railway across the Channel between England and France. Lond. 1S69. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxi.) Bates, H. W. America. See Stanford's Compendium. Physical Geography. See Somerville. Batsch, K. F., Admiral. Sogenannte Tagesfragen. Erwiderung auf einem Artikel der Revue des deux mondes " Torpilleurs et Canonnieres." Svo. Brunswick, 1885. Grossbritanniens " ultima ratio." n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Battel, Andrew. Adventures in Angola. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xvi. Batty, Capt. Campaign of the Left AN'ing of the Allied Army in the Western Pyrenees and South of France, 18 13-4. 4to. Lond. 1823. Batz, F. de, Baron. Operations Militaires. See Phull. BAU 62 Baurain, Chev. de. Sec Bcaurain. Bava, General, Relazionc Storica delle Operazioni Militari in Loni- hardia nel 1848. n.p. 1848. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) Bavaria. Die Hayerische Heerfiihrung und der Chef des Generalstabes. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Munich, 1866. Antheil der Kuniglich Bayerischen Armee am Kriege des Jahres 1866. 8vo, with folio Atlas. Munich, 1868. Militar Handbuch des Konigreiches Bayern. 8vo. Munich, 1876. Biographieen der in dem Kriege gegen Frankreich gefallenen Offiziere. .StY' Campaigns, 1870-1. Catalog iiber die Haupt Conservatorium der Armee besindlichen Landkarten und Plane. See Catalogues. Bawr, F. W. de. Plans des Campagnes de Prince Ferdinand en 1758. Folio. n.p., n.d. Bax, B, W.,Capt. R.N. The Eastern Seas: being a narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Dwarf" in China,. Japan, and Formosa. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Bay, C. F. Fuldstrendig Engelsk og Dansk Ordbog. 2 vols. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1806. Bayard, Pierre du Terrail. Histoire du. Edited by Loredan Larchey. 4to. Paris, 1882. See also Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols, xv, xvi. Bayfield, Henry Wolsey, Capt, R.N. Sailing Directions for the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Bayle, Pierre. Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. Edited by M. Bohm. 4 vols. Folio. Rotterdam, 1720. Ditto, ditto. New edidon. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Bayley, John. History and Antiquities of the Tower of London. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1830. Bayley, J. A. Assault of Delhi. Vindication of H.M. 52nd Light Infantry and the 3rd Column of Assault from the aspersions of Sir John Kaye. Lond. 1876. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Bayly, Lieut.-Col. Copy of Correspondence. Lond. 1828. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (i).) Bayly, W. Astronomical Observations. See Wales, W. Bazaine, Marshal. Rapport sommaire sur les Operations de I'Armee du Rhin du 13 Aout au 29 Octobre, 1870. Berlin, 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) Coup d'oeil sur le rapport sommaire du Marechal Bazaine sur les Operations de I'Armee du Rhin. Brussels, 187 1. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) 63 BEA Bazaine, Marshal {continued) — Capitulation dc Metz. Rapport Officie'. Lyons, 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) L'Armee du Rhin dcpuis le 12 Aout, jusqu'au 29 Octobre, 1870. Svo. Paris, 1872. Proces Bazaine (Capitulation de Metz). Comptc rendu des Seances du ler Conseil de (iuerre de la ler Division Militaire. 4to. Paris, 1873. Episodes de la Guerre de 1870 et le Blocus de Metz. 8vo. Madrid, 1883. Bazancourt, Baron de. L'Expedition de Crimee jusqu'a la prise de Sebastopol. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856. La Campagne d'ltalie de 1859. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1859-60. Les Expeditions de Chine et de Cochinchine. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 86 1-2 Beach, Alfred E. vScience Record for 1872. Svo. New York, 1872. Beaconsfield, Benjamin D' Israeli, Earl of. The Letters of Runnymede. Svo. Lond. 1836. Beamish, N. Ludlow, Lieut.-Col. History of the King's German Legion. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1832-37. Experiments with Norton's Projectiles. See Chesney. Field Service of Cavalry. See Bismark. Tactics of Cavalry. See Bismark. Beatson, Alexander, Major-Gen. The origin and conduct of the War with Tippoo Sultaun ; comprising a narrative of the Siege of Seringapatam. 4to. Lond. 1800. Beatson, Rev. B. W. Latin Dictionary. See Ainsworth. Beatson, Robert. Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, from 1727 to 1783. 6 vols. Svo. Lond. 1804. Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. Lond. 1806. Beatty, Sir W. Narrative of the Death of Nelson. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1825. Beauchamp, Alphonse de. Histoire de la Campagne de 1S14, et de la restauration de la Monarchie Francaise. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S15. Narrative of the Invasions of France in 1S14 and 18 15, comprising a circumstantial detail of the Battle of Waterloo. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1816. Histoires des Campagnes de 1814 et de 1S15. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S16-17, BEA 64 Beauchamp, Alphonse de {continued') — Histoirc do la (kierre dc la Vendee, ou tableau des Guerres Civiles dc rOucst, 1792-1815. 4th edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Beauchant, T. S., Lieut. The Naval Clunner. i2mo. Devonport, 1828. Beaufort, Francis. Survey of the Coast of Karamania. 8vo. Lond. 1820. (Bound in vol. lettered "Sailing Directions.) Beaufoy, Corporal. Scloppetaria ; or the nature and use of Rifled Barrel Ciuns. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Beaufoy, Mark, Col. Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments, with scientific miscellanies. Vol. i. 4to. Lond. 1834. Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. With an introduction and notes by Henry Weber. 14 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 181 2. Beaumont, F. M. Marchant de. See Marchant. Beaumont, John. Considerations on a Book, entitled " The Theory of the Earth," by Dr. Burnet. 4to. Lond. 1693. Beaurain, Jean de. Histoire de la Campagne de M. le Prince de Conde en Flandre en 1674. Folio. Paris, 1674. Histoire Militaire de Flandre, 1690-94. 2 vols. Folio. P'^ris, 1755 Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1776. Histoire des quatres derniers Campagnes du Marechal de Turenne en 1672, 3, 4, et 5. Folio. Paris, 1782 Beausobre, Comte de, Commentaires sur la Defense des Places, d'.F2neas le Tacticien, avec notes ; le tableau militaire des Grecs du mesme Temps ; les ecoles militaires de I'antiquite ; et quelques autres pieces. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Amsterdam, 1757. Beautemps-Beaupre. Expose des travaux relatifs a la Recon- naissance Hydrographique des Cotes Occidentales de France. 4to. Paris, 1829. Beaver, P., Capt. Letter published in the "Courier" on the Threatened Invasion. Lond. 1806. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiii.) Beazeley, Alexander. Phonic Coast Fog-Signals. Lond. 187 1. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Beche, H. T. de la. Geological Manual. i2mo. Lond. 1831. How to observe, (ieology. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1836. Becher, A. B., Capt., R.N. The Landfall of Columbus. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Lond. 1856. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) 65 BEK Bechuanaland. Precis of the situation in Bechuanaland. (Intel. Branch W.O.) Folio. Lond. 1883. With Methuen's Irregular Horse in Bechuanaland. Lond. 1886. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Becker, A. Terms used in Mining. See Rohrig. Becker, Bernard H. Scientific London. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Becker, G. F, Geology of the Comstock Lode. See United States Geological Survey (Monographs, vol. iii). Beckerhinn, Carl. Die Gebirgsartillerie in den FAiroi)aischen Armeen. Svo. Vienna, 1883. Beckmann, John. History of Inventions and Discoveries. Trans- lated by W. Johnston. 3rd edition. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 181 7. Becquerel. Traite de Physique, consideree dans ses Rapports avec la Chimie et les Sciences Naturelles. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S42-44. Bedford, F. G. D., Capt. R.N. The Sailor's Pocket Book. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1S74. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1877. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1S88. The Sailor's Handbook. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1SS4. Bedos de Celles, Dom Francois Benedictin. La Gnomonique pratique, ou I'Art de tracer les Cadrans Solaires. 2nd edition. Svo. Paris, 1774. Beecham, John. Ashantee and the Gold Coast. Svo. Lond. 1 84 1. Beechey, F. W., Capt. R.N. Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, to co-operate with the Polar Expeditions performed in H.M. Ship " Blossom," 1S25-28. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1831. Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole in H.M.S. "Dorothea" and "Trent," 1S18. Svo. Lond. 1S43. Beeching. Northumberland Prize Life Boat. Svo. (2 copies.) Yarmouth, 1852, (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Beeckman, Daniel. Voyage to Borneo. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xi. Beerbohm, Julius. Wanderings in Patagonia; or life among the Ostrich-Hunters. Svo. Lond. 1879. Behmen or Boemen, Jacob. Epistles, alitor Teutonicus Philo- sophus. i2mo. Lond. 1649. Beke, Charles T. The Alluvia of Babylonia and Chaldaea. Lond. 1839. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) F DV.K 66 Beke, Charles T. (continued)— Sunimary of recent Nilotic Discovery. Lend. 1851. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Enciiiiry into M. Antoine D'Abhadic's Journey to Kaffa to discover the source of the Nile. 2nd edition. Lond. 1851. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Voyages by the North East. Sec Hakluyt Soc, vol. xiii. Voyages of William Barents to the Arctic Regions. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. liv. Belair, A. P. J. Instruction aux Officiers d'Infanterie. See Gaudi. Belcher, Sir E., Vice-Admiral. Treatise on Nautical Surveying. Svo. Lond. 1835. Voyage round the World in H.M.S. "Sulphur," 1836-42, including details of Naval Operations in China. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Last of the Arctic Voyages, 1852-4; with notes on the Natural History by Sir John Richardson, Professor Owen, Thomas Bell, J. W. Salter, and Lovell Reeve. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1855. Directions for the River Gambia. Svo. Lond. n.d. Sailors' Word Book. See Smyth, W. H. Belcher, Lady. The Mutineers of the " Bounty " and their descen- dants in Pitcairn and Norfolk Islands. Svo. Lond. 1870. Belgium. Guide pittoresque et artistique du voyageur en Belgique. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxi.) Brussels, 1838. Bases Geodesiques. Compte rendu des Operations de la Commis- sions Instituee par M. le Ministre de la Guerre. 4to. Paris, 1S55. Nivellement General de Royaume de Belgique. Nivellement de Base. 4to. Brussels, 1879. Triangulation du Royaume de Belgique. Part i. Livres ii et iii. Mesures des bases et observations Astronomiques. 4to. Brussels, 1S67. Supplement to ditto. 4to. Brussels, 1878. Tome iii. Calcul des Coordonees G^ographique et construction de la carte. 4to. Brussels, iSSi. Observations et calculs de la Triangulation de Premier Ordre. 4to. Brussels, 1SS5. Ce que vaut la Garde Civique. Brussels, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Revue Beige d'art, de sciences, et de technologic Militaires. 4 vols. Svo. Brussels, 1876. 2 vols. Svo. Brussels, 1877. I vol. Svo. Brussels, 18 78. 4 vols. Svo. Brussels, 1884. 67 BEL Belgium Army. Annuaire Officiel de I'Armee Beige. 8vo. Brussels, 1882. Extrait de I'lnstruction concernant I'Entretien et la Reparation des Fusils d'Infanterie. 121110. Brussels, n.d. Extrait de TOrdonnance concernant le Service de I'lnfanterie Beige dans les Places. i2nio. Brussels, n.d. Instruction pour les Tirailleurs, niise en pratique au Camp de St. Onier. i2mo. Brussels, n.d. Reglenient de Marche pour le service de tous les Corps Militaires ou Detachmens de TArniee. i2mo. Brussels, 1831. Instructions, (i) pour les Generaux commandant les Grandes Divisions Militaires ; (2) pour les Ofificiers de I'P^tat Major-General, charges de fonctions de Chefs d'Etat-Major aupres des Coni- mandens Gene'raux ; (3) pour les Commandans Provinciaux ; (4) pour les Commandans de place et Majors de place. i2mo. Brussels, 1831. Devoirs du Soldat, Caporal, Fourrier, Sergent, et Sergent-Major. i2mo. Brussels, 1831. Instructions generales sur les manoeuvres des Tirailleurs et le mani^re de defiler, pour les Corps d'Infanterie. i2mo. Brussels, 1831. R^glement concernant le Service dans les Garnisons. i2mo. Brussels, 1831. Rbglement concernant le Logement des Troupes de I'Etat. i2mo. Brussels, 1831. Reglenient concernant le Service Interieur, la Police et la discipline de I'lnfanterie. i2mo. Brussels, 1831. Instruction pour les Guides, par demandes et par reponses. i2mo. Brussels, 1832. Instruction suivant laquelle les mouvemens des Bataillons d'Infanterie seront executes. i2mo. Brussels, 1832. Instruction provisoire pour le Campement des Troupes, leur service, leur discipline, et leur police. i2mo. Brussels, 1832. Recueil des dispositions prescrites par divers reglemens con- cernant les Troupes en Marche. i2mo. Brussels, 1832. Service de Campagne pour ^Instruction des Sous-Officiers et Caporaux de I'lnfanterie. i2mo. Brussels, 1832. Projet de reorganisation de I'lnfanterie Beige. Brussels, 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) Reglement sur rExercice et les manceuvres de I'lnfanterie. Two parts in one vol. i2mo. Brussels, 1874. Reglement sur le Service des Armies en Campagne. i2mo. Brussels, 1880. Rbglement sur I'Exercice et I'Manceuvres de I'lnfanterie. 3 vols. i2mo. Brussels, 1886. F 2 BEL 68 Belgium Army {continued) — Catalogue de la Biblioth^quc dii Ministere de la Guerre. See Catalogues. Conferences Militaires Beiges, ist and 2nd series. 4 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1870-6. Scries i. No. i. Tactique de I'liifanterie. By Capt. PoiUus. ,, 2. Des Chemins do Fer en tcmiis de guerre. By Capt. A. de Formanoir. ,, 3-4. La P'ortification improvisee. By A. Brialmont. ,, 5. l^lements d'llygiene. By L. Wuillot. ,, 6. Les Machines Infernales. By II. Wauwermans . ,, 7. Construction et emploi des Defenses Accessoires. By Capt, H. Girard. ,, 8. Telegraphic Electrique de Campagne. By Capt. Van den Bogaert. ,, 9-10. L'Artillerie de Campagne Beige. By Capt. A. Nicaise. ,, II. Fonts Militaires. By Capt. J. de Ruydts. ,, 12. Emploi de I'Artillerie Rayee en Campagne. Series 2. No. I. La Guerre Sous-Marine et les Torpedoes. By Major L. G. Daudenart. ,, 2-3. La Guerre des Bois. By Major C. Monnier. ,, 4-5. Etude sur la Tactique de la Cavalerie. By A. de Forma- noir. ,, 6. Etude sur I'emploi des Corps de Cavalerie au Service de .Surete des Armees. By Major A. Fischer. ,, 7. Kriegsspiel : jeu de la Guerre. By Capt. A. Petre. ,, 8, 9, and 10. Balistique. By Capt. J. M. de Tilly. ,, II. Les Mines Sous-Marines. By Capt. C. Huet. ,, 12. La Photographic dans les Armees. By Capt. Ilannot. Belidor, Bernard F. de. La Science des Ingenieurs dans la conduite des travaux de fortifica- tion et d'architecture civile. 4to. The Hague, 1734. Le Bombardier Francois, ou nouvelle methode de jetter les Bombes. 4to. Amsterdam, 1734- Architecture Hydraulique. Second Partie qui comprend I'art de diriger les eaux. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1739-50. Belin, Leon. Guerre de 1870-71. Le Siege de Belfort. 8vo. Paris, 187 1. Bell, A. H. Telemeters, or instruments for measuring distances. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Lond. 1865. Bell, Sir Charles. The Hand, its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design. Bridgewater Treatise. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Bell, C. W. Bowdler, Col. Catechism of Cavalry reconnaissance, marches, and outposts. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1878. 69 BEL Bell, C. W. Bowdler, Col. {continued) — Manual of Squadron Drill, being a catechism of Part II of the Cavalry Regulations. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Notes on the German Cavalry Regulations of 1886. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Armed Strength. See Armed Strength. Contact Squadron. See Biensan. Instructions for Cavalry. See Schmidt. Studies in Troop Leading. See Verdy du Vernois. Bell, Evans, Major. The Oxus and the Indus. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Bell, H. C. P. Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ixxvi. Bell, John. Travels from St. Petersburgh to various parts of Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1788. See also Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii. Bell, Mark, S., Lieut-Col. Afghanistan as a theatre of operations and as a defence to India. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) n.p. 1885. Imperial strategic communications, with special reference to the Turco-Persic-Indian Line. 8vo. Simla, 1885. Bell, Thomas Major. Essay of Military First Principles. Lond. 1770. (8vo. Pamphlets, o.s., vol. v.) Bell, Thomas. History of British Reptiles. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Natural History of the Arctics. See Belcher. Bellamy, J. C. The Constitution of Nature expressed in aphorisms. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii).) n.p. 1845. Bellavene, Gdndral. Cours elementaire de Fortification, ou elemens de I'art de construire, attaquer et defendre les retranchemens et les places. 8vo. Paris, 1806. Bellay, Martin et Guillaume. Memoires. Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols, xvii, xviii, xix. Bellay-Langez, Chev. de. The Libri della Disciplina Militare. i2mo. Venice, 1550. Belleisle, Duke de. Marshal. The Case of the Marshal Bellisle truly stated. Lond. 1745. (8vo. Pamphlets, o.s., vol. iv.) Review of the Case of the Marshal Belleisle. Lond. 1745. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. iv.) Belleval, Comte de. Panoplie du XVe au XVI le Siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Bellew, H. W., Surgeon-Major. Journal of a Political Mission to Afghanistan in 1857, under Colonel Lumsden. 8vo. Lond, 1862. BEL 7° Bellew, H. W., Surgeon-Major {cotitiimed)— Kashmir and Kashgar. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Afghanistan and the Afghans. Svo. Lond. 1879. The Races of Afghanistan. 8vo. Calcutta, 1880. Bellin, Nicolas. Hydrographie Fran^oise : rccueil des Cartes Marines. 1737-65. Part L f^olio. n.p., n.d. Ditto, ditto, 1737-72. 2 vols. Folio. n.p., n.d. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) Cartes Hydrographiques. Containing a plate with the Flags of all Nations. Folio. Bordeaux [1765]. Belloc, J. J. Cours de Medecine Legale. Svo. Paris, 181 1. Bellot, J. R., Lieut. French Navy. Journel d'un Voyage aux mers Polaires. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Bellows, J. Dictionary for the Pocket : French-English and English- French. 2nd edition. i2mo. Gloucester, 1877. Belmas, J. Journeaux des Sieges faits ou soutenus par les Fran9ais dans la Peninsula de 1807 a 18 14. 4 vols. Svo. and folio atlas. Paris, 1S36-7. Belmont, M. I'Abb^ de. Histoire du Canada. See Quebec Literary Society, Historical Documents. Belmore, Somerset Lowry-Corry, Earl of. Plates from Lord Belmore's collection of Egyptian Antiquities. Folio. n.p. 1818. Belce, Rev. W. History of Herodotus. See Herodotus. Belzoni, G. Operations and recent discoveries in Egypt and Nubia ; and journey to the coast of the Red Sea in search of the ancient Berenice ; and another to the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. 4to. London, 1820. Appendix to ditto. 4to. n.p., n.d. Description of an Egyptian Tomb. Lond. 1821. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Belzoni, John Baptist. Plates illustrative of the researches and operations of G. Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia. Folio. Lond. 1821. Bembo, Pietro. Gli Asolani, con alcune altre sue Stanze d'Amore. i2mo. n.p., n.d. (Bound with " Bocaccio, Corbaccio.") Bemis, George. American Neutrality. Svo. Boston, 1866. B^nard, T. Dictionnaire classique universel Frangais. 1 2mo. Paris, 1870. 71 ^'^'^^ Benet, S. V., Lieut-Col. U.S. Army. Electro-Ballistic Machines and the Schultz' Chronoscopc. 4to. New Yurk, 1866. Treatise on Military Law and the practice of Courts-Martial. 5th edition. 8vo. New York, 1866. Bengal. Asiatic Society. See Asiatic. Bengal Military Repository. 5 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1822-7. Bengough, H. M., Col. Cavalry distance rides. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Bangalore, 1886, Benjamin. Travels from Spain to China. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii. Benko, J. F. von. Reise S.M. Schiffes " Zrinyi " iiber Malta, Tanger und Teneriffa nach Westindien, 1885-6. 8vo. Pola, 1887. Reise S. M. Schiffes " Frundsberg" im Rothen Meere und an den Kiisten von Vorderindien und Ceylon, 1885-6. 8vo. Pola, 1888 Reise S. M. Schiffes " Albatros " nach Siid Amerika, dem Caplande und West Afrika, 1885- 1886. 8vo. Pola, 1889. Bennet, James. Life and works of Roger Ascham. See Ascham. Bennett, E. T. Natural History and antiquities of Selbourne. See White, Gilbert. Bennett, F. D. Whaling Voyage round the Globe, 1833-6; with sketches of Polynesia, California, the Indian Archipelago, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Bennett, J. F. The South Australian Almanack and Directory. i2mo. Adelaide, 1841. Bentham, Jeremy. Essay on Political Tactics. Lond. 1791. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Panopticon, or the inspection house. i2mo. Dublin, 1791. Chrestomathia. 8vo. Lond. 1816. Political Pamphlets. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817-23. Rationale of Judicial Evidence. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Justice and Codification Petitions. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Constitutional Code for the use of all Nations. Vol. i. 8vo. Lond. 1S30. Official aptitude maximised ; expense minimised. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Rationale of Punishment. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Rationale of Reward. 8vo. Lond. T830. Defensive Force. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1842, BEN 72 Bentham, Sir Samuel, General. Causes of Decay in Ships of War, with i)roposals for effecting the due seasoning of Timber, and the more occonomical construc- tion of Ships of A\'ar. Lond. 1814. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Letters and papers on the mode of Arming Vessels of War. Lond. 1828, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Naval Essays, or essays on the management of Public Concerns as exemplified in the Naval Department. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Naval papers and documents referred to in Naval Essays. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Financial Reform Scrutiny. Lond. 1830. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxv.) Memoir of: by his Widow. 4to. n.p., n.d. Bentivoglio, Guido, Cardinal. History of the Wars of Flanders. Englished by the Earl of Monmouth. Folio. Lond. 1678. Benton, J, G., Capt. U.S. Army. Course of instruction in Ordnance and Gunnery, for the use of the Cadets of the U.S. Military Academy. 8vo. New York, 1861. Benzoni, Girolamo. History of the New World. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxi. Beraud and L'Etienne. Le Fusil de Guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Berchem, W. van. Considerations sur les Armes a Feu portatives se chargeant par la culasse. Paris, 1865. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) Berchtold, Count Leopold. Essay to direct and extend the inquiries of Patriotic Travellers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1789. (Radstock Collection.) Berenger, Richard. The history and art of Horsemanship. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1 77 1. Beresford, Lord Charles, Capt. R.N. The Admiralty Confusion and its cure (" Nineteenth Century"). (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Lond. 1888. The Question of Imperial Safety. A Workable Admiralty. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Lond. 1888. The British Fleet and the state of Europe. (Excerpt " Nineteenth Century.") Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Beresford Hope. See Hope. Bergansius, L W., Lieut. Handboek ter vervaardiging der Ernstvuurwerken. i2mo. Breda, 1867. Berge, Albert de la. En Tunisie. Recit de I'Expedition Frangaise. 8vo. Paris, 1881. 73 BER Bergen-op-Zoom. Journal of Siege of. 8vo. Lond. 1747. Berkley, Hon. George, Capt. R.N. Naval History of Britain. Edited by John Hill. P^olio. Lond. 1756. Berkeley, Hon. Maurice Fitz-Harding, Capt. R.N. System of War and Peace Complements in H.M. Ships. Lond. 1839. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) BEPXOBCKArO, B. nOBOPOT.lIIBOCTII Cy^OB'L. (Speed of Ships.) Svo. St. Petersburg, 1873. " Bermuda " Dock. Voyage of H.M. Floating Dock "Bermuda" from England to Bermuda. Svo. Lond. 1870. Bernard, Viscount. Speech on Mr. Ward's Motion in the House of Commons, with notes on the early history of the Church in Ireland. Lond. 1843. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) Bernard, Montague. Account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the American Civil War. Svo. Lond. 1870. Bernard, P. J. CEuvres. i2mo. Paris, 18 19. Bernard, W. D. Voyage and services of the "Nemesis," 1840-3; from notes by Capt. W. H. Hall. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1844. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1846. Bernays, E. A. Chatham Dockyard. See Engineers, Royal, School. Bernhardt, Charlotte. Memoir of the celebrated Admiral Adam John de Krusenstern, the first Russian Circumnavigator. Edited by Rear-Admiral Sir John Ross. Svo. Lond. 1856. Bernier. Voyage to the East Indies. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. viii. Bernouilli, Daniel. Notes on Algebra. See Euler's elements of Algebra. Traite sur le flux et reflux de la Mer. See Newton's Principia, vol. iii, p. 133. Berruyer, A. de. L'Obelisque de Louqsor a Cherbourg. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vi.) Cherbourg, 1S33. Berry, Sir Edward. Narrative of the Battle of the Nile. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1798. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 1 798-1824.) Berry, William. History of the Island of Guernsey. 4to. Lond. 181 5. Encyclopaedia Heraldica, or complete dictionary of Heraldry. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 182S-40. BER 74 Berthaut, General. Des Marches et de Combats. 2 vols. 131110. Paris, 1877-9. Principcs de Strategic. Etude sur la Conduite des Armees. 8vo. with folio Atlas. " I'aris, 1881. Berthelin, Jean. Clouvcrnemcnt de la Cavalerie Legere. See Basta. Berthier, A., General. Memoir of the Camjjaigiis of (ieneral Bonajjartc in Egypt and Syria. Translated by T. E. White. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Relation de la Bataille de Marengo. 8vo. Paris, 1805. Berthod, P^re. Memoires. Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xlviii. Berthon, Rev. E. L. The Fareham Life-Boat. Fareham, 1853. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Bertin, Emile, Notes on waves and rolling. Svo. Lond. 1874. Bertrand, General. Campagnes d'Egypte et de Syrie, 1798-9. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo, with folio Atlas. Paris, 1847. Bertrand, A. Librairie maritime et scientifique. See Catalogues. Bertrand de Moleville, A. F. Annals of the French Revolution. Translated by R. C. Dallas. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S13. Berwick, Marechal de. Memoires. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 17 78. Also Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. Ixv-lxvi. Berzelius, J. J. Traite de Chimie. Edited by B. Valerius. 3 vols. Svo. Brussels, 1S39 Rapport Annuel sur les Progres des Sciences Physique et Chimiques, 1 84 1 -8. Translated by M. Plantamour. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 1841-8. Besangon, Louis. War with the Tactics of the three arms, abridged. 3rd edition. Translated by Lieut.-Col. S. H. S. Inglefield. i2mo. Lond. 1 87 1. Besant, Walter. The life and achievements of Edward Henry Palmer. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 18S3. Bessel. Refraction Tables. The form employed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. See Transits. Bessemer, H. The Bessemer Channel Steamer. n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xv.) Besser, L. von. Die Preussische Kavallerie in der Campagne 1866. Svo. Berlin, 1S68 Aus der Campagne 1S70-71. Der Ehrentag der Deutschen Cavallerie am 16 August, 1870, bei Vionville und Mars la Tour. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi. Berlin, 1873. 75 BEY Best, J. J., Capt. Excursions in Albania, and a journey from thence to Thessalonica and Constantinople, and up the Danube to Pcsth. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Betagh. Account of Peru. Sec Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xiv. Bethell, G. R., Lieut. R.N. Manoeuvres of two Vessels in action. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) Portsmouth, 1881. Bethencourt, Jean. The Canarians. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xlvi. Bethune, C. R. Drinkwater, Admiral. Instructions for using his Night Signals. Lond. i86r. (4to Pami)hlets, vol. v.) Hawkins' voyage into South Sea. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. i. Discoveries of the World. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxx. Narrative of the Proceedings of the British Fleet in the Action with the Spanish Fleet, February 14, 1797, off Cape St. Vincents. 4to. Lond. 1797. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Bethune, Maximilian de, Duke of Sully. See Sully. Bettini, Marius. Recreationum ALathematicarum Apiaria novissima duodecim. Folio. Bologna, 1658. Bettolo, G. Marine Royale Italienne. Experiences de Tir executees au Muggiano contre des Cibles Cuirasse'es. 410. Rome, 1877. Bevan, G. Phillips. Handbook to the County of Kent. 3rd edition. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1880. Bevan- Edwards, J., Major. An organization for the Army of England. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiii.) A National Army, or how to solve the problem of the day. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvii.) Lond. 187 1 Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Bound in volume lettered " Recruiting.") Beveridge, Henry. History of Indian civil, military, and social 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Beveridge, H. T. S., Surgeon R.N. Result of practical obser- vation of Asiatic Cholera. n.p. [1869]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Beverloo. Carte topographique des Environs du Camp de Beverloo. Folio. n.p., n.d. Bewick, Thomas. History of British Birds. 2 vols. 8vo. Newcastle, 1 797-1804. General history of Quadrupeds. 7th edition. 8vo. Newcastle, 1820. Beynen, K., Lieut. Voyages of William Barentes to the Arctic Regions. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. liv. BEZ 76 Bezout, Etienne. (."ours tic Mathcmatiqucs, ;i I'lisage dcs (lardes du Pavilion, ct de la Marine. 20 ))artic. Contcnant Ics Elemens de Geometrie et 'I'rigonometric. 8vo. Paris, 1782. Cours de Mathematics a I'usage du Corps d'Artillerie. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1797. Cours de Mathcmaticjues a I'usage de la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1803-4. Traite d'Arithmetique a I'usage de la Marine ct de I'Artillerie. Avec des notes et des tables de Logarithmes, par A. A. L. Reynaud. 8th edition. Svo. Paris, 181 6. Arithmetique a I'usage de la Marine et de rArlillcrie, revue et rcctifiee par Peyrard. Svo. Paris, 1822. Bhedel, W. Irish Bible. Sec Bible. Biancardi, Capt. Aftusto idraulico a contrappeso ed affusto idro- pneumatico discendenti nel rinculo. n.p. 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xv.) Bianchi, T. X. Dictionnaire Fran^ais-Turc. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S43-6. Dictionnairc Turc-Fran^ais. See Kieffer. Bible, the Holy. BiBLiA Sacra integrum utriu6C);uc tfs'tanunti corpus complfftcnst, Ktligcntfi* iffogm'ta ft rmcntfata ; cum foiuoitJantttiS ac ^umman'tst gtmul ct aicjumcntt^ {nsuprv \\\ calfc tiusitifm amitvc sunt nomt? num |l)cbV'itforum, Ci>ilUforum atquc (JJifforum accurate intfrprcta^ tt'ontbug (Prefixed to it). iEpis'toIa 33fatt f^tcronwmt a^ ^Pfluhnum ^rf ^bytcnum : Kt omnibus tiifat'ne ijt'gton'c HibriiS. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris (printed by Thielman Kerver), 1534. The Holy Bible, conteyning the Olde Testament and the Newe, with a prologue made by Thomas Cranmer, sometime Archbishop of Canterburie. Folio. Lond. 1595. The Holy Bible, Geneva Version (wanting Title-page). Imprinted at London by Robt. Barker. Cum' Privelegio Regise Maiestatis. Anno 1 60S. Note. — This version is commonly known by the name of the "Breeches Bible," from the peculiar rendering of Genesis iii. 7, and was prepared during Queen Mary's persecution by Bishop Coverdale, Ant. Gilbie, Wm. Whittingham, C. Goodman, Thos. Sampson, and Thos. Cole, to whom some add John Knox, John Bodleigh, and John PuUein. It was the first English Bible wherein any distinction of verses was made. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta textus archetypos ; auctore S. Lee. 4to. Lond. I S3 1. An Biobla Naomhtha am a Bhfuild an Tsean Tiomnadh ; ar na Tharruing go Firinneach as a Neabhra Ughdarach. Ris an Tathair ro onorach a ndi'a Uilliam Bhedel Easpug Chille Moire ; agus an Tiomna Nuadh ar na Tharruing go Firinneach as a Ngreigis Ughdarach ris an Tathair is onoruighthe a ndia Uilliam O'Domhnuill, Ardeaspug Thuaim. Svo. Lond. 1817. 77 BIE Bible, The Holy {continued)— le<^bluiit <^ii Cyec^n Cioniii<^ Ap ji<^ bc<^jipuni5 on cec^nsmbh U5lii<^fi<^ch 50 5Aib<<\.hli5 Cjie Cliir|i<<>i)i <^5ui" y<^oc<^|i <^n 6occuft Uilli<^ni bhebel, 6^1^05 Chilleinoifie, <^3ui- <^n CioniiK^ "^^iK^i)!!. 8vo, Dublin, 1827. La Bible, Qui est toute la Saincte Escriture de Vieil et Nouveau Testament autrement, L'ancienne et la nouvelle Alliance. Le tout reveu et confere sur les textes Hebreux et Grecs, suivant la copie de Charenton, par Philipe de Croy, a Leyden. i2mo. 1665. Malay Bible, in Roman characters. 4to. Amsterdam, 1733. La Sainte Bible, qui contient le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament, revue sur les originaux par David Martin, Svo. Paris, 1827. Biblia dat is de Gansche H. Schriftuur vervattende alle de Canonijhe Boeken des Ouden en des Nieumen Testaments. 8vo. Lond. 1817. Het Nieuwe Testament of alle boeken des nieuwen verbonds van onzen heer Jesus Christus. Svo. Lond. 181 7. Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers. 8vo. Lond. 1828. A Santa Biblia ; contendo o Velho e o Novo Testamento. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Biblia det er den gandske Heilige Skriftes det Gamle og Nye Testa- mentes. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Bickersteth, Rev. Edward. The Divine Warning to the Church at this time. Lond. 1842. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Bidder, G. P., Junr. The National Defences. Lond. 1861. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvii.) Biddlecombe, G. Naval Tactics and trials of sailing. 4to. Lond. 1850. ' Steam Fleet Tactics ; to which is added trials of sailing. 4to. Lond. 1857. Biddulph, M. A. S., Major. Topographical sketches of the ground before Sevastopol, Folio. Lond. 1855. Studies in the tactics of Infantry. Sialkot, 1875. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Biden, Christopher. Naval Discipline : subordination contrasted with insubordination ; or, a view of the necessity for passing a law establishing an efficient Naval Discipline on board ships in the Merchant Service. Svo. Lond. 1830. (Radstock Collection.) Bidwell, C. T. Ihe Balearic Islands. Svo. Lond 1876, Biensan, R. de Capt. Conduct of a Contact Squadron. Translated by Major C. W. Bowdler Bell. Svo. Lond. 1883. BIF 78 Biffart, M., Lieut. Venetia with the Quadrilateral, a military geo- graphical sketch. Translated by Lieut.-Col. A. C. Cooke. 4to. Lond. 1866. Bigelow, John. France and the Confederate Navy, 1862-8. 8vo. Fond. 1888. Biggs, James. History of Don Francisco de Miranda's attempt to effect a revolution in South America. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Biggs, William. The Military History of Europe, from the com- mencement of the War with Spain in 1739 to the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. 8vo. Lond. 1755. Bigsby, Robert. The venerable English Fangue of the Order of St. John of Jeru- salem. Lond. 1 86 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Tribute to the memory of Scanderbeg the Great Fond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixx.) Bikkers, A. V. W. Pronunciation. See Clinton. Bingley, William. Musical Biography : memoirs of the most eminent musical composers and writers. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Fond. 1814. Binning, T., Capt. A light to the art of Gunnery. Small 4to. Fond. 1689. Biography. Fives, English and Foreign : containing the history of the most illustrious persons. 2 vols. 8vo. Fond. 1704. Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique ; ou histoire abregee de tous les hommes qui se sont fait un nom. 7th edition. 9 vols. 8vo. Caen, 1789. Biographie Universelle, ancienne et moderne. 85 vols. 8vo. Paris, 181 1-62. Biographie des hommes vivants. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816-9. Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Vols, i-iv, part i. 8vo. Fond. 1842-4. Men of the Time. See Townsend. Martial Biography, with a glossary of military terms and phrases, and list of all the principal battles, sieges, and actions. i2mo. Fond. 1804. Naval Biography ; or, the history and lives of distinguished characters in the British Navy. 2 vols. 8vo. Fond. 1805. Bionne, H. Dupleix. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Biot, Jean Baptiste. Traits de Physique experimentale et mathematique. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816. Essai de Geometrie Analytique. 8th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 79 BIS Biot and Arago, MM. Recueil d'observations Geode'siques faisant suite au troisitme volume de la Base du Systeme metriquc. 4to. Paris, 182 1. Birch, J. F., Capt Historical memoirs of His late Royal Highness William-Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. 8vo. Lend. 1767. Memoir on the National Defence. 2nd edition. Lond. 1808. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. vi.) Birch, S. Egypt from the earliest times to B.C. 300. 8vo. Lond. [1878]. Birch, Walter de Gray. Commentaries of Afonso Dalboquerque. See Haklyut Soc, vols, liii, Iv, Ixii, Ixix. Bircher, H., Major. Die Rekrutirung und Ausmusterung der Schweizerischen Armee. 4to. Aarau, 1886. Bird, John. Method of dividing Astronomical Instruments. Lond. 1767. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Method of constructing Mural Quadrants. Lond. 1768. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Birkbeck, Dr. G. Lecture on the preservation of Timber by Kyan's Patent for prevent- ing Dry Rot. Lond. 1834. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xv.) Birkhimer, WilHam E. Historical sketch of the Artillery, United States Army. Svo. Washington, 1884. Birley, R. K. Volunteer Artillery. Manchester, 1887. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Birnie, R., Capt. U.S. Army. Gun-making in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1888. Bismark, Grafen von. Ideen-Taktik der Reuterei. i2mo. Carlsruhe, 1829. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Carlsruhe, 1829. Bismark, Prince von. Instruction for the Field Service of Cavalry. Translated by Capt. N. L. Beamish. i2mo. Lond. 1825. Lectures on the Tactics of Cavalr)'. Translated with notes by Major N. L. Beamish. Svo. Lond. 1827. Rejoinder to the Emperor's Diary. See Frederick III. Bisset, Major-Gen. Sport and War ; or recollections of fighting and hunting in South Africa, 1834-67. Svo. Lond. 1875. Bisson, F. S. de Carteret. See Carteret-Bisson. BIX 80 Bixby, W. H., Capt U.S. Army. New Ordnance Material and Armor Material in Europe. Folio. New York, 1886. Armor- Plate Trials at Magdeburg, 1S83. See Gruson. Black, A. E. Drill Book for the Use of Sub-Marine Mining Engineer Volunteers. i2mo. Lond. 1887. Black, C. C. Arms and armour. See Demmin. Black, Dr. Joseph. Analysis of the waters of the hot springs in Iceland. See Stanley, J. T. Black, William. (Joldsmith. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Blackader, John, Lieut.-Col. Select passages from the diary and letters of John Blackader. 8vo. Edinb. 1806. Blacker, Valentine, Lieut.-Col. Operations of the British Army in India during the Mahratta War, 1817-19. 4to. Lond. 1821. Blackie, W. G. Imperial Gazetteer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Supplement. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Ditto, ditto, with Supplement. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Blackley, Rev. W. Correspondence of the Right. Hon. Richard Hill. See Hill. Blackmore, Rev. R. W. History of the Church of Russia. See Mouravieff. Blackstone, Sir William. Commentaries on the Laws of England. 15th edition. Edited, with Notes, by E. Christian. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Blackwell, John. Compendium of Military Discipline as practised by the Honourable Artillery Company. 8vo. Lond. 1726. Blackwood, Lady Alicia. Narrative of a residence on the Bosphorus throughout the Crimean War. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Bladen, Martin, Col. Commentaries of Caesar. See Caesar. Blades, William. List of medals, jettons, tokens, &c., in con- nection with Printers and the Art of Printing. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Blaev, J. Theatrum Urbium Belgicre Foederatae. 2 vols. Folio. Amsterdam, 1648. Blair, Hugh. Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Chronological and historical tables from the Creation to the present time. With additions by Sir Henry Ellis. 4to. Lond. 1844. Blake. Remarks on Com. Johnstone's account of his Engagement with a French Squadron on April t6, 1781, in Port Praya Road, in the Island of St. Jago. 8vo. Lond. 1782. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Si BLA. Blake, E. W. System of Universal Geography. See Bankes. Blake, Robert. History and Life of Robert Blake of Bridgewater. i2mo. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection.) Blakelock, R. Course of Pure Mathematics. See Francoeur. Blakeney, W., Capt. Pad Equipment. Lond. 1883. Improved Knapsack Equipment. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Blakiston, Lieut. Twelve years' military adventure in three quarters of the Globe ; or memoirs of an officer. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Blakiston, John. Twenty years in retirement. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Blakiston, T. W., Capt., R.A. Five Months on the Yang Tsze. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Blanc, Henry. Narrative of captivity in Abyssinia. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Blanchard, Lieut.-Col. New pontoon exercise. i2mo. n.p., n.d. Blanckley, T. R. Naval Expositer. 4to. Lond. 1750. Bland, Humphrey, Lieut.-Gen. Treatise on Military Discipline. 8th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1759. Bland, Miles. Geometrical Problems ; with an appendix containing the elements of Plane Trigonometry. 3rd edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1827. Blane, Sir Gilbert, Bart. Statements of the comparative Health of the British Navy, 1779 to 1814. Lond. 18 15. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Select dissertations on several subjects of Medical Science. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Blanford, H. F. Tables for the reduction of Meteorological Observations in India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1876. The Indian Meteorologist's Vade-Mecum. 2 vols. 8vo. Calcutta, 1876-77. Report on the Meteorology of India. See India. Calcutta Cyclone. See Gastrell. Blanford, W. T. Observations on the geology and zoolog)' of Abyssinia. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Blankenburg, H. Der Deutsche Krieg von 1866. Svo. Leipzig, 1868. Blayney, Andrew Thomas, Lord, Lieut.-Gen. Journey through Spain and FraJice as a pri.soner of war, 1810-14. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 1 4. G BLE 82 Blenheim, Battle of. Marechal Tallard's Aide-de-Camp ; his accuunt ol' tlic Battle of Bleinhcim. 4to. Lond. 1704. (Bound in vol. "Military Tracts.") Blesson, L. Militair-Literatur-Zeitung. See Germany, Periodicals. Bligh, T., Lieut.-Gen. Secret Instructions for General Bligh for the Attack of Cherbourg, and Letter from General Bligh. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection, Expedition to France.) Bligh, W., Lieut. Narrative of the Mutiny on Board H.M.S. " Jiounty." 4to. Lond. 1790. (Radstock Collection.) Block, Maurice. Puissance compare'e des divers Etats de TEurope. Svo, with folio Atlas. Gotha, 1862. Statistique de la France, coniparee avec les divers Pays de I'Europe. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1875. Blois, E. de. De la Fortification en presence de I'Artillerie nouvelle. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1865. Blomfield, C. J., Capt. Elements of Minor Tactics for the use of \'olunlccrs. i2mo. Chatham, 18S7. Blomfield, E. V. Greek Grammar. See Matthias. Blondel, Frangois. L'Art de jeter les Bombes. 4to. Paris, 161 9. Nouvelle maniere de Fortifier les Places. i2mo. Lond. 1684. Blount, Henry. Voyage into the Levant. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. x. Bloxam, C. L. Chemistry. See Abel. Blume, W. Major. Feldzug, 1870-71. Die Operationen der Deutschen Heere von de Schlacht bei Sedan bis zum Ende des Krieges. Svo. Berlin, 1872. Campaign, 1870-71. The operations of the German Armies in France, from Sedan to the end of the ^^'ar. From the Journals of the Headquarters Staff. Translated by Major E. M. Jones. Svo. Lond. 1S72. Strategic. Svo. Berlin, 1SS2. Blundevil, Mr. Exercises contayning eight treatises on the art of Navigation, small 4to. Lond. 1636. Blunt, Lady Anne. Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S79. Blyth, A. W. Manual of practical Chemistry : the analysis of foods and the detection of poisons. Svo. Lond. 1S79. Board of Trade. Listructions to Surveyors of Steam Vessels, under " The Merchant Shipping Act, 1854," Part IV. Svo. Lond. 1S59. 83 BOH Board of Trade {conti?iued) — Meteorological Papers. Nos. i, 3 4, 5, 7, S, 10, 13, 14. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1861-5. Boccaccio, Giovanni. Del Decamerone. 5 vols. Svo. Tuscany, 1770. II Corbaccio. 121110. (Rare Edition.) n.p., n.d. Boddington, N. The perfection of Military Discipline. T2nio. Lond. 1 701. Bodie, James. Observations on Telegraphic Cables. (Svo. Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. li.) Devonport, n.d. Bodin, Felix. Revolution Franc^aise. See Thiers. Body, Michel. Aide-Memoire portatif de campagne pOur I'emploi des chemins de fers en temps de guerre. i2nio. Liege, 1870. Boeckh, Augustus. Public Economy of Athens ; with a dissertation on the Silver Mines of Laurion. Translated by G. Cornewall Lewis. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S42. Bcemen, Jacob. See Behmen. Bogaert, P. J. van den, Capt. Hygiene. Assainissement d'une Caserne. Svo. Paris, 1884. Telegraphic electrique en Campagne. See Belgium, Conferences Militaires, Series i. No. 8. Bogdanovitch, Eugene, General. La Bataille de Navarin, 1S27. Svo. Paris, 1887. Boguslawski, A. von. Taktische Folgerungen aus dem Kriege, 1870-71. Berlin, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcix.) Tactical deductions from the War of 1870-71. Translated by Col. Lumley Graham. Svo. Lond. 1S72. Ausbildung und Besichtigung oder Rekrutentrupp und Kompagnie. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. vii.) Berlin, 1S73. Die Entwickelung der Taktik seit dem Kriege von 1S70-71. 3 vols. Svo. Berlin and Leipzig, 1877-7S. Das Leben des Generals Dumouriez. 2 vols in one. Svo. Berlin, 1879. Die Fechtweise aller Zeiten. Svo. Berlin, 1880. Die Hauptwaffe in form und wesen. Svo. Berlin, 1880. Die Anlage, Leitung und Durchfiihrung von Feldmanovern. Svo. Berlin, 1883. Abrifs der Kriegskunst. See Militarische Klassiker. Bohm, M. Dictionnaire historique et critique. See Bayle. Bohn, Henry G. Bibliographer's INLanual. Sec Lowndes. Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. G 2 BOI 84 Boie, Major. Militiirische Schriften von Napoleon I. See Militarische Klassikcr. Boileau, A. H. E., Lieut. Tour through the Western States of Jond. 1795. Brown, T. Indicator and Dynamometer. See Main and Brown. Marine Steam Engine. See Main and Brown. Brown, Thomas, Capt. Elements of Conchology. 8vo. Lond. 18 1 6, Browne. Journey to Dur-fiir. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xv. Journies in the Interior of Africa. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xvi. Browne, Charles Orde, Capt. Armour, and its attack by Artillery. 8vo. Woolwich, 1887. Behaviour of Armour of different kinds under fire. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Breech-Loading Rifles. See Majendie. Browne, Edmond Charles, Major. South African Campaigning : the great Kaffir Tribes, the Zulus, the Swazies, the Basutos, and the Boers. Ayr, n.d. (8vo, Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) The coming of the Great Queen : a narrative of the acquisition of Burma. 8vo. Lond. 1888 Browne, G. Lathom. Wellington : or the public and private life of Arthur, First Duke of Wellington. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Browne, James. History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1843. Browne, J. A. Services of the Royal Artillery. See Army, Records Browne, J. Houston. The Navigation Laws : their history and operation. 8vo. Lond. 1847. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Browne, John M. The Duel between the " Alabama " and the " Kearsage." Washington, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Browne, John Murray, Capt. Historical View of the Revolutions of Portugal, since the close of the Peninsular War. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Browne, J. Wilson. Ireland in 1847: its present state and future prospects. Lond. [1S47]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (i).) Browne, W. A. Moneys, weights and measures of all Nations. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1869. Browning, Oscar. England and Napoleon in 1803 ; being the Despatches of Lord Whitworth and others. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Brownlow, John. History and design of the Foundling Hospital. 8vo. Lond, 1858. BRU 102 Bruce, H. A. T-ife of General Sir William Napier. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Bruce, James, of Kinnaird. Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, 1768-73. 5 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1790. Bruce, Jane. Poems on sacred subjects. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Bruce, John. Report on the arrangements adopted in periods of threatened Invasions of Britain or Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1798. (Radstock Collection.) Bruce, Rev. J. CoUingwood. 'I'he Roman Wall : a description of the Mural Barrier of the North of England. 3rd edition. 4to. Lond. 1867. Bruce, W. D. Se])ulchri a Romanis constructi infra Ecclesiam S. Wilfridi in Civitati Riponensi. 3rd edition. Lond. 1841. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Condition and unsafe state of ancient Parochial Registers in England and the Colonies. Lond. 1850. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Account of the present deplorable state of the Ecclesiastical Courts of Record. Lond. 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) Bruce, William Napier. Life of General Sir Charles Napier. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Brun. See Malte-Brun. Bruna, J. Aus dem Italienischen Feldzuge, 1859. 8vo. Prague, i860. Brunei, Isambard. Life of Isambard Kingdom Brunei, Civil Engineer. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Brunet, J. C. Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres, 4 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1838-39. Supplement to ditto. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878-80. Brunswick. Geschichte des Herzoglich Braunschweigschen Armee- Corps in dem Feldzuge im Jahr 181 5. Brunswick, 18 16. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxii.) Brunswick-Liineburg', Ferdinand, Duke of. Entwurf des Lebens und der Thaten des Herrn Herzogs Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Liineburg. i2mo. Berhn, 1792. Brunton, Middleton & Co. Observations on Chain Cables. 8vo. Lond. 18 15. (Radstock Collection, Naval Regulations.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Brush, George Jarvis. Mineralogy. See Dana. Brussels, Conference of. L'Angleterre et les Petits Etats a la Con- ference de Bruxelles. 8vo. Brussels, 1875. I03 BUC Brust, E. C, Major, U.S. Army. Our National Guard. Sec United States, Army. Bruun, P. Bondage and travels of Johann Schiltbergcr. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. Iviii. Bryans, James, W. Our Military Tenure of India. Lond. 1881. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Bryce, Carroll. A lost function in Romance. Svo. New York, 1883. Bryce, James. The Holy Roman Empire. 3rd edit. Svo. Lond. 187 1. Bryson, A. Report on the climate and principal diseases of the African Station. Svo. Lond. 1847. Brzozowski, Marie. La Guerre de Pologne en 1S31. Svo. Leipsic, 1833. Buchan, Alexander. Handy book of Meteorology. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1868. Buchan, P. Account of the Family of Keith, Earls Marischal of Scotland. i2mo. Peterhead, 1820. Buchanan, Dr. Francis. Description of the District, or Zila, of Dinajpur, in the Province, or Soubah, of Bengal. Svo. Calcutta, 1833. Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. viii. Buchanan, Hon. J. Claims of the United States to Oregon. See Calhoun. Buchanan, Rev. J. L. General view of the Fishery of Great Britain. Svo. Lond. 1794. (Radstock Collection.) Buck, Albert H. Treatise on Hygiene and public health. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S79. Bucke, Charles. Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. i2mo. Lond. 1839. Buckingham, John Silk. Statement of facts relative to the removal from Lidia of Mr. Buckingham. Calcutta, 1823. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii)). Travels in Assyria, Media, Persia, &c. 2nd edition, 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 183c. Buckland, Rev. W. Vindicice Geological, or the connexion of Geology with Religion explained. Oxford, 1820. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Reliquiae Diluvianoj ; or observations on Organic Remains and other Geological Phenomena, attesting the action of an Universal Deluge. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1824. BUG 104 Buckland, Rev. W. {continued) — Supposed power of the waters of the Irawadi to convert wood into stone. Lond. 1828. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Series of Animal and Vegetable Remains and of Rocks, collected by J. Crawfurd, Esq., on a voyage up the Irawadi to Ava. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Lond. 1828. Geology and Mineralogy, considered with reference to Natural Theology (Bridge water Treatise). 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837, Remarks on Dr. Buckland's view of the Mosaic Creation, as the last fitting up of the Earth. Lond. 1837. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Buckle, E., Captain. Memoir of the services of the Bengal Artil- lery. See Army, Records. Bucknill, J. T., Lieut.-Col. Torpedoes v. Heavy Artillery. Halifax, N.S., 1872. . (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. x.) Submarine mines and torpedoes applied to harbour defence. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Buckton, T. J. Western Australia. i2mo. Lond. 1838, Budde, H., Lieut. Die Franzosischen Eisenbahnen im Kriege 1870-71 und ihre seitherige Entwickelung. 8vo. Berlin, 1877. Buenos Aires. Genso general de poblacion, edificacion, comercio, e industrias de la Giudad de Buenos Aires. Vol. i. 4to. Buenos Aires, 1889. Bugeaud de la Piconnerie, T. R., Marshal. Aper^us sur quelque Details de la Guerre. 3rd edition. i2mo. Paris, 1846. Buisson, du, Major. History of the life and actions of the Viscount Turenne. Translated by Ferrard Spence. 8vo. Lond. 1686. La Vie du Vicomte de Turenne. i2mo. The Hague, 1688. (Radstock Collection. ) Buist, Dr. Meteorological Observations at Futtegurh. See Pyle. Bulger, George E., Major. Tour from Bangalore to Calcutta, thence to Delhi, and subsequently to British Sikkim. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Secunderabad, 1869, Bullen, George. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Military Academy. See Catalogues. Bulloch, James D. The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Bullock, F., Capt. R.N. Description of the Refuge Beacon erected on the Goodwin Sands. Lond. 1842. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxi.) I05 BUR Bulow, Gen. The spirit of the modern system of War. Translated, with notes, by Colonel de Malortie. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Histoire des Campagnes de Hohenlinden ct de Marengo. Edited by Major Emmett. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Bulstrode, Sir Richard. Reign and government of King Charles I and King Charles II. 8vo. Lond. 1721. Bunbury, E. H. History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Bunbury, Sir Henry, Bart., Lieut.-Gen. Narrative of the Campaign in North Holland, 1799. Lond. 1849. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxii.) Narratives of some passages in the Great War with Lrance, 1799- 18 10. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Bunbury, W. St. P., Major. Notes on armour and the artillery defence of a Coast Fortress. 8vo. Sydney, 1888. Buonaccivoli, Alfonso. Geografia di Strabone. See Strabo. Buonamici, Castruccio. Commentaries of the late War in Italy. Translated by A. Wishart. 8vo. Lond. 1753. Buonaparte, See Bonaparte. Burbidge, F. W. The Gardens of the Sun : a naturalist's journal in Borneo and the Sulu Archipelago. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Burchett, Josiah. Memoirs of transactions at sea during the War with France, 1688-97. 8vo. Lond. 1703. (Radstock Collection.) History of the most remarkable transactions at Sea. Folio. Lond. 1720. (Radstock Collection.) Burckhardt, John Lewis. Travels in Nubia. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1822. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. 4to. Lond. 1822. Travels in Arabia, comprehending an account of those territories which the Mohammedans regard as sacred. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Arabic Proverbs ; or the manners and customs of the Modern Egyptians. 4to. Lond. 1830. Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Bureau, E. Geographic physique, historique et militaire de la Region Fran^aise. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Burette, T. Histoire de France. See Anquetil. Burger, G. A. Gedichte, i2mo. Frankfort, 17S3. BUR 106 Burgess, J. Tom. The last Battle of the Roses. A paper on the J'.attle of Hosworth Field. 4to. Leamington, 1872. Burgh, N. P. Modern marine compound engines. 410. Lond. 1874. Burghall, George, Major. Nautical Essay, or a precis of the Acorn Yacht. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (i).) Lond. 1798. Burghersh, John Fane, Lord, Lieut-Gen. Memoir of the early Campaigns of the Duke of Wellington in Portugal and Spain. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Memoir of the operations of the Allied Armies, under Prince Schwarzenbcrg and Marshal Blucher, 18 13-4. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Biirgkly, Dr. Manual d' Hygiene et de premiers secours. Sir France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. ii). Burgoyne, J., Lieut-Gen. A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons. 4to. Lond. 1780. (Radstock Collection.) Burgoyne, Sir J. F., Field-Marshal. Military Opinions : collected and edited by the Hon. G. Wrottesley. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Our Defensive Forces. Lond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxv.) Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. Lond. 187 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvi.) Burgoyne, Sir John M., Lieut-Col. A short history of the naval and military Operations in Egypt, 1 798-1802. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Regimental records of the Bedfordshire Militia. See Reserve Forces. Burgoyne, R. H. Historical records of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders. See Army, Records. Burke John. Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of (ireat Britain and Ireland. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835-8. Burke Peter. Celebrated naval and military Trials. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Burke and Wills's Exploring Expedition. Account of the crossing the Continent of Australia. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Melbourne, 1861. Journal of Landsborough's Expedition in search of Burke and Wills. Svo. Melbourne, 1862. Burleigh, William Cecil, Lord. Alarm of an Invasion from Spain, 1596. See National Defence. I07 BUR Burmah. Precis of Information concerning Burmah, with a map. (Intel. Bch. W.O.) 8vo. Lond. 1879. Burmeister, Dr. Hermann. Manual of Entomology. Translated by \V. E. Shuckard. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Burn, Colonel. Naval and military technical Dictionary of the French Language. French- English and English-French. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Burn, Andrew, Major-General. Memoirs. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Lond. 1815. Burn, David. Chivalry of the Mercantile Marine, illustrated by passages in the life of Captain John Lennon. Lond. 1841. (8vo Pamphlet, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Burn, Jacob Henry. Catalogue of the London traders, taverns, and coffee-house tokens. See Catalogues. Burnaby, Rev. A. Travels in North America. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xiii. Burnaby, Col. Advantages of employing a British-European Legion in India. Folio. Lond. 1857. Burnaby, F., Col. A ride to Khiva : travels and adventures in Central Asia. 8vo. Lond. n.d. On horseback through Asia Minor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Burnell, A. C. Voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to the East Indies. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ixx and Ixxi. Burnell, George R. Annual retrospect of Engineering and Archi- tecture, Jan. to Dec, 1861. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Burnes, Sir A., Lieut.-Col. Cabool : narrative of a journey to, and residence in that city, 1836-8. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Travels into Bokhara. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury. The history of the Reformation of the Church of England. 7 vols, and index. 8vo. Oxford, 1829. History of his own times. 2nd edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1833. Burnet, Thomas. The theory of the Earth. Folio. Lond. 1684. See also Beaumont, J. Burnett, Sir William. Preservation of Timber, Canvas, Cordage, &c., from dry rot, mildew, moth, and decay. 8vo. Lond. 1847. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) BUR io8 Burnett, Sir William {coniinued)— Preservation of Timber, Canvas, Cordage, iS:c., from dry rot, mildew, moth, and decay. Second coi)y. 8vo. Lond. 1847. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Burney, W. Naval Heroes of Great Britain. i2mo. Lond. 1806. The British Neptune, or a history of the achievements of the Royal Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1807. (Radstock Collection.) Dictionary of the Marine. See Falconer. Burns, Robert, Reli(iues of Robert Burns. Collected and published by R. H. Cromek. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 18 17. Works of Robert Burns ; with an account of his life and a criticism on his writings, by James Currie. 8th edition. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1820. Burrell, Andrewes. Remonstrance for a reformation of England's Navie. (British Museum Sale Duplicate, 1787.) 8vo. Lond. 1645. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Burridge, John. The Naval Dry Rot. Lond. 1824. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Burrish, George, Capt. R.N. The Case of Capt. George Burrish, late Commander of H.M.S. " The Dorsetshire. (8vo. Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xi.) Lond. 1747. Burrough, Thomas, Lord. Alarm of an Invasion from Spain, 1596. See National Defence. Burrows, Montagu, Capt. R.N. Liiperial England. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Life of Edward Lord Hawke. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Cinque Ports. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Burt, Peter. Trials made with Burt's Sounding Buoy and Knipper. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Lond. 18 14, Burt, T. S. Miscellaneous Papers on Scientific Subjects, vol. iii, part i. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Lond. 1861. Ditto, ditto, vol. iii, part 2. Lond. 1865. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Burton, E. F., Lieut.-Gen. An Indian Olio. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Burton, Isabel. The inner life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Arabia, Egypt, India, A narrative of travel. Svo, Lond. 1879. I09 BUT Burton, J. Ryder, Capt. R.N. The concentration of the material, the manual and physical Force in H.M. Vessels of War, and on the most effective method of Manning the Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1840. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Burton, Richard F., Capt. Scinde; or the unhappy valley. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1851. Pilgrimage to El. Medinah and Meccah. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Lond. 1857. Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains. 2 vols. ;vo. I>ond. 1863. Lond. 1864 Lond. 1870. Lond. 1884. Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome. 2 vols. 8vo. I^etters from the Battle Fields of Paraguay. 8vo. The book of the Sword. 8vo. Captivity of Hans Stade in Eastern Brazil. See Hakluyt See, vol. li. Burton, Rev. Robert. Anatomy of Melancholy, nth edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1813. Burton, Thomas. Diary of Thomas Burton, Member in the Parlia- ments of Oliver and Richard Cromwell, from 1656-9. With an introduction containing an account of the Parliament of 1654 ; from the journal of Guibon Goddard. Edited by J. T. Rutt. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1S28. Bury, G. Tirant de. Etude sur la nouvelle Navigation Astronomique de M^L Vvon Villarceau et Aved de Magnac. Paris, 1878. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Busca, Gabriello. L'Architettura Militare. 4to. Milan, 16 19. Busch, Dr. Moritz. Bismark in the Franco-German War, 1870-1. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Bushnell, Edmund. Complete Ship-Wright. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1678. (Radstock Collection. Remarks on the Navy.) Busk, Hans. Rifleman's Manual. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1858. The Rifle, and how to use it. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1858. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1859. Buteo, Johannes. Opera Geometrica, et Opera in Juri Civili. 410. Leyden, 1554. Butler, J., Major. Travels and adventures in Assam. Svo. Lond. 1855. Butler, Dr. S. Hudibras : in three parts. i2mo. Lond. 17 16. Sketch of modern and ancient Geography. 6th edition. Svo. Lond. 1S24. imx no Butler, Sir W. F., Col. The AVild North Land : being a story of a winter journey, with dogs, across Nortlicrn North America. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1874. The (iroat Lone Land : travel and adventure in the North-West of America, yth edition. Svo. Lond. 1875. The Camjiaign of the Cataracts ; a narrative of the Great Nile Ex- pedition of 1884-5. 8^'0- Lond. 1887. Charles George Cordon. (English Men of Action.) 8vo. Lond. 1889. Historical Events connected with the 69th Regiment. See Army Records. Biitow. Die Kaiserlich Deutsche ALarine im Organization, Kommando und \'erwaltung. Svo. Berlin, 1878. Butterworth, H, Catalogue of Law Books. See Catalogues. Butturlin, M. de. Tableau de la Campagne d'Automne de 18 13 en Allemagne. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Buxton, J. W., Major. Elements of Military Administration. Parti. Permanent system of administration. i2mo. Lond. 1883. Byng, Admiral. Further particulars relating to the Case of Admiral Byng. 8vo. Lond. 1756. (Radstock Collection.) Apology for the conduct of a certain Admiral in the Mediterranean. Svo. Lond. 1756. (Radstock Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xi.) Chronicle of B — g, the son of the Great B — g. By Israel Ben Ader. Svo. Lond. 1756. (Radstock Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Bungiana, or an Assemblage of What-d'ye call-em's. Svo. Lond. 1756. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy, in vol. lettered " Byng's Tracts.") The Conduct of the Ministry impartially examined. Lond. 1756. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvii.) The Sham Fight ; or political humbug : a state farce. Svo. Lond. 1756. (Radstock Collection.) Letter to a Member of Parliament relative to the case of Admiral Byng. Svo. Lond. 1756. (Radstock Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Two letters relative to the Case of Admiral Byng. Lond. 1756-57. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvii.) Appeal to the People. Parts i and 2. Svo. Lond. 1756-57. (Radstock Collection.) Ill CAD Byng, Admiral {continued) — Letter to Lord Robert Bertie, relating to his conduct in the Mediter- ranean and his Defence of Admiral Byng. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy, in vol. lettered " Byng's Tracts.") Ditto, ditto. Third copy. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvii.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Bl — y, being an enquiry into the merit of his Defence of Minorca. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Letter to the Rt. Hon. W P . 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Copy of a Letter from Admiral Byng, dated March 12, 1757, two days before his execution. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) Byrne, O. Elements of Practical Mechanics, designed for Engineer- ing Students. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Byron, Geo. Anson, Lord, Capt. R.N. Voyage of H.M.S. "Blonde" to the Sandwich Islands, 1824-25. 4to. Lond. 1836. Byron, George Gordon, Lord. Works of Lord Byron. Edited by Thomas Moore. 17 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1835-40. Byron, Hon. John. Voyage round the World in H.M.S. " Dolphin," with a description of the Streigts of Magellan and the Patagonians, and an account of Seven Islands lately discovered in the South Seas. 8vo. Lond. 1767. (Radstock Collection.) Narrative containing an account of the distresses suffered on the Coast of Patagonia, 1740-46, with a description of St. Ji^go de Chili, and a relation of the loss of the "Wager," IvLin of War. 8vo. Lond. 1768. (Radstock Collection.) Byzance, Philon de. See Philon de Byzance. c. Cabanis, P. J. G. Du degre de certitude de la Medecine. 3rd edition. 8vo. Taris, 18 19. Cachin, J. M. F. Memoire sur la Digue de Cherbourg, comparee au Breakwater ou Jetee de Plymouth. 4to. Paris, 1820. Cadell, Charles, Lieut.-Col. Narrative of the Campaigns of the 2Sth Regiment. See Army, Records. Caedmon. Metrical Para])hrase of parts of the Holy Scriptures, in Anglo-Saxon. With an English Translation by Benjamin Thorpe. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Caermarthen, Marquis of. Journal of the Brest Expedition. 8vo. Lond. 1694. (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy, bound in vol. lettered " Remarks on the Navy.") Ditto, ditto. Third copy. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Caesar, Caius Julius. Commentaries of his Warres in Gallia and the civile warres betwixt him and Pompey ; translated with observations, as also the art of our modern training or tactick practise, by Clement Edmonds ; with life of Csesar, ritannix Notitia : or the ])resent state of Great Britain : with list of all the Offices and Officers employed by Government. Svo. I.ond. 1743. (Radstock Collection.) Magnce Britanni;^ Notitia, or the present state of Great Britain. Svo. Lond. 1755. • [Containing a complete List of the Navy, Greenwich and Chelsea Hospitals, and of the General and P'ield Ofificers of the Army. ] Chamberlen, Paul. Military History of Prince Eugene. See Dumont. Chambers. History of the Indian Revolt and of the expeditions to Persia, China, and Japan, 1856-8. Svo. Lond. 1858. Chambers, C. Meteorology of the Bombay Presidency. 4to. Lond. 1878. Observations made at the Government Observatory, Bombay. See India, Meteorology. Chambers, C. H. Military Memorial of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia. See Frederick. Chambers, G. F. Handbook of Descriptive Astronomy. 3rd edition. Svo. Oxford, 1877. A digest of the Law relating to Public Libraries and Museums, and Literary and Scientific Institutions. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1879. Tourist's Guide to the County of Sussex, and edition. i2mo. Lond. 1880. Chambers, Robert. History of the Rebellion in Scotland in 1745-6. sm. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S30. Chambray, Marquis de, Marshal. Des Changemens survenus dans I'xArt de la Guerre, 1700-1S15. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxii.) Paris, 1830. Prussia in 1S33. Organisation of the Army of Prussia and her Civil Institutions. Svo. Lond. 1834. Histoire de I'Expedition de Russie. With Atlas. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S3S-9. Ditto, ditto. 3 vols. Svo. and folio Atlas. Paris, 1S39. Champlain, Samuel. Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxiii. Champlouis, Nau de, Capt. Notice sur la Carte de I'Afrique sous la dominations des Romains. 4to. Paris, 1864. M3 Champollion, J. F. Precis (111 Systeme Hieroglyphique des anciens Egyptians. 2nd edition. AVith plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827. Chancelor, Richard. Voyages. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Chandler, Dr. R. Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. 3rd edition. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 181 7. Chanzy, General. Campagne de 1870-1. La deuxieme Armee de la Loire. 4th edition. 8vo, with folio atlas. Paris, 1872. Chapman, F. H. Architectura Navalis Mercatoria. Folio. Stockholm, 1768. Traite de la construction des Yaisseaux. Translated by Vial du Clairbois. 4to. Paris, 1781. Method of finding the proper area of the Sails for Ships of the Line. Lond. 1794. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Treatise on Shipbuilding. Translated by Rev. J. Inman. 4to. Cambridge, 1820. Chapman, H. C. Brief review of the Shipping Bills of 1870-1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Lond. 1871. Chapman, I. J., Capt. Remarks upon the ancient City of Anara- japura or Anaradhepura, and the Hill Temple of Mehentele in the Island of Ceylon. Lond. 1833. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Chapman, W. Directions for the Glenan Islands. 4to. Glenan, 1808. (Book of Remarks for the Western Station.) Formation of a Harbour at Lake Lothing, and on the means of improving the Navigation from Norwich to Yarmouth. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Lond. 1827, Chardin, Sir John. Travels into Persia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ix. Chareton, Gen. Les Cadres et les Effectifs des Armees active et territoriale. 4to. Paris, 1874. Charles, Archduke of Austria. Principes de la Strategie, deve- loppes par la relation de la Campagne de 1796. 3 vols. 8vo, and folio Atlas of Plates. Paris, 18 18. Charles XV, King of Sweden and Norway. Considerations sur rinfanterie. 8vo. Stockholm, n.d. Charles Gustavus, King of Sweden. Plates and plans illus- trating his memorable reign. l"'olio. n.p., n.d. Charles, George. History of the transactions in Scotland in the years 1715-16 and 1745-46. 2 vols. 8vo. Leith, 1817. CHA 144 Lond. 1837. Lond. 1859. Lond. 1869. Charlesworth, E. Illustrated Zoological Notices. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Remarks on Gun Accidents and on the safety elevator. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lix.) The stone-boring problem. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Magazine of Natural History. See Periodicals. Charmes, Gabriel. La reforme de la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1886, Naval Reform. Translated by J. E. Gordon-Cumming. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Charnock, John. Biographia Navalis ; or memoirs of the lives and characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the year 1660. 6 vols. Svo. Lond. 1794-8. Prospectus and specimen of an history of Marine Architecture. Lond. 1796. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii).) History of Marine Architecture. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1800. Charras, Lieut.-Col. Histoire de la Campagne de 1815. 2 vols, in one. Svo. i2mo. Brussels, 1858. Leipzig, 1866. Paris, 1865. Histoire de la Guerre de 181 3 en AUemagne. Charrin, Capt. Amies a Feu portatives se chargeant par la culasse. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Notice sur une nouvelle Balle de Carabine pour les petites Armes. Paris, 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) De I'emploi d'un Abri improvise expeditif et efficace pour proteger le fantassin contre les balles de I'ennemi. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Chartres, Robert d'Orleans, Due de. Une Visite a quelques Champs de Bataille de la Vallee du Rhin. Svo. Brussels, 1869. Charv^riat, E. Histoire de la Guerre de Trente Ans. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1878. Chase. Narrative of the preservation of Mr. Chase in the Earthquake at Lisbon, 1755. Svo. Lond. 1833. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Chase, Hon. J. C. Cape of Good Hope. See Wilmot. Chassant, L. A. Dictionnaire des Abreviations Latines et Fran- chaises. Svo. Paris, 1876. Chasseloup de Laubat. System of Fortification as executed at AUessandria. With folio Atlas of plates. Lond. 1833. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) 145 CHA Chaste, M. de. Voyage to Tercera. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Chastre, M. de la. Voyage du Due de Guise en Italic. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxii.) Chateaubriand, F. A., Vicomte de. Essay on Revolutions, ancient and modern. 8vo. Lond. 1815. Travels in America and Italy. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828. CEuvres de le Vicomte de Chateaubriand. Edition Illustree par T. Fragonard. 4to. ' Paris, 1838. Chatfield, Henry. Advantages of observing a Ship's Inclination at sea in connection with stability, gunnery, &c. Lond. 1831. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) New method of constructing Beds and Coins for Naval Guns. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) Lond. 1832. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) State of British Naval Construction, in 1831. Lond. 1832. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. v.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) Elementary essay on the principle of Masting Ships. 4to. Devonport, 1834. Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of. Correspondence of. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1838-40. Chatham Chest. Strictures on the Second Report of the Commis- sioners of Naval Enquiry, relative to Chatham Chest. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiv.) Lond. 1S04. Chatin, Capt. Escrime a la Bayonette. i2mo. Paris, 1S54. Chatre, Comte de la. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. li.) Chatrian. See Erckmann-Chatrian. Chatterton, Georgiana, Lady. Memorials, personal and historical, of Admiral Lord Gambler. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1861. Chaucer, Geoffry. The Canterbury Tales, with notes, &:c. 5 vols. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1775. Chauchard. Maps of Germany. In three Svo cases. Chaussard, P. Expeditions d'Alexandre. See Arrianus. Chauvenet, W. Manual of spherical and practical Astronomy. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1868. Chauvin, Gen. von. Organisation der Elektrischen Telegraphic in Deutschland fiir die Zwcckc des Krieges. Svo. Berlin, 18S4. Chavanne, Dr. J. Afghanistan. Land und Leute mit rucksicht auf den Englisch-Afganischen Krieg. Svo. Vienna, 1879. CHE 146 Cheadle, Dr. W. B. North-west passage by land. See Milton. Chelmsford, Lord. See Thesiger. Chelsea Hospital. Regulations for the establishment and government of the Royal Military Asylum. 8vo. Chelsea, 18 14. Papers illustrative of the origin and early history of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea. Svo. Lond. 1872. Hand-book for visitors to Chelsea Hospital. Svo. Lond. n.d. Chemistry, Institute of. Register of Fellows and Associates. Svo. Lond. 1SS5. Chenevix-Trench, F., Col. New system of Military Transport. Lond. 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxv.) The RussoTndian Question. Svo. Lond. 1869. The "Army Enlistment Bill of 1S70," analysed and discussed. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Lond. 1870. Short Service and deferred pay. Svo. Dublin, 1875. (Bound in vol. lettered " Recruiting.") Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1876. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Short Service, Indian Service, and the Army Reserve. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxix.) Brighton, 1877. Questions and answers on advance and rear guards, outpost duties, and scouting. Brighton, 187S. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) Cavalry in Modern War. i2mo. Lond. 1S84. Dark side of Short Service. Lond. 1S87. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Prussian Cavalry Regulations. See Germany. Chenier, L. J. G. de. Manuel des Conseils de Guerre, ou Recueil AJphabetique de Ques- tions de Droit Militaire. Svo. Paris, 1S31. Guide des Tribunaux Militaires ou Legislation Criminelle de I'Armee. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1838. Chenu, Dr. J. C. Rapport au Conseil de Sante des Armees sur les resultats du Service Medico-Chirurgical aux Ambulance de Crimee. 4to. Paris, 1S65. Statistique INledico-Chirurgicale de la Campagne d'ltalie en 1S59-60, with Atlas. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1S69. Mortalite dans I'Armee et des moyens d'economiser la vie humain. Svo. Paris, 1870. 147 CHE Chenu, Dr. J. C. {continued) — Aper(^u sur le service des Ambulance et des Hopitaux de la Societe . Fran^aise de Secours aux Blesses des Armees de Terre et de Mer, pendant la Guerre de 1870-1. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1874. Cherry, F. C. Description of a cart for Hospital Service and Army Transport generally. Svo. Lond. n.d. Chesney, C. C, Lieut.-Col. Value of Fortresses and Fortified Positions in defensive operations. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) Lond. 1864. Campaigns in Virginia, Maryland, &:c. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1864-5. Tactical use of Fortresses. Lond. 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) Waterloo Lectures : a study of the Campaign of 1815. Svo. Lond. 1 868. Chinese Gordon. A memoir. Svo. Lond. 1869. Essays in modern Military Biography. Svo. Lond. 1874. Chesney, C. C, Lieut.-CoL, and Henry Reeve. The military resources of Prussia and France and recent changes in the Art of War. Svo. Lond. 1870. Chesney, F. R., Gen. Steam Navigation along the Euphrates. Folio. Lond. 1833. Navigation of the Euphrates. Folio. Lond. 1833. Expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris. 2 vols. 4to, and case of maps. Lond. 1850. Observations on the past and present state of Fire-Arms. Svo. Lond. 1S52. Recent improvements in the construction of Fire-Arms : with an account of experiments with Norton's Projectiles, by Lieut.-Col. Beamish. Cork, 1S52. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxii.) The Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 and '29. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1854. Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition carried on by order of the British Government, 1S35-37. Svo. Lond. 1S68. A true reformer. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1873. Life of : by his Wife and Daughter. Edited by Stanley Lane-Poole. Svo. Lond. 1S85. Euphrates Valley Railway. See Andrew, ^\'. P. Chesney, G., Lieut.-Col. Amalgamation of the Regiments of Royal and Indian Artillery and Engineers. Lond. 1S61. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Indian Polity : a view of the system of administration in India. Svo. Lond. 1868. L 2 CHE 148 Chesney, G., Lieut.-Col. (continued) — English Genius and Army organisation. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) Chevalier, E. Histoire de la Marine FranQaise pendant la Guerre de 1' Independance Amcricaine. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Histoire de la Marine Fran^\iise sous la Premiere Republique. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Cheverny, Philippe Hurault, Comte de. Memoires. (Pctitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxvi.) Cheyne, John. Letter on the feigned Diseases of Soldiers. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiii.) Dublin, 1826. Childe, Edward Lee. The life and campaigns of General Lee. Translated by George Litting. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Childe, L. Sea-Book, or Pilots' Sea-Mirror. Small 4to. Lond. 1663. (Bound with " Hood's Celestial Globe.") Chili. Anuario de la Oficina Central Meteorologica de Santiago de Chile, 1873-4. Svo. Santiago, 1879. Anuario Hidrografico de la Marina de Chile. Ano 1-6. 8vo. Santiago, 1877-80. China. Various works in the Chinese Language. Chee Kiao Too Ho Pee. Anglice — " The seven ingenious figure- forming Tablets." Two Chinese pamphlets on the game known in England as the Chinese Puzzle. Hints for Collecting Information ; compiled for the Expedition to China. Calcutta, 1840. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Translation of the Peking Gazette for 1875. 8vo. Shanghai, 1876. The Manchu Drill delineated. Folio. n.p., n.d. Photographs of views in China. 4to. Chiosso, James, Capt. Gymnastics, an essential branch of national education. Lond. 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Chisholm, G. C. Europe. See Stanford's Compendium. Chitty, S. C. Ceylon Gazetteer. Svo. Ceylon, 1834. Choisnin, Jean. Election du Roy de Pologne. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxviii.) Choisy, Abbe de. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de Louis XIV. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Chomedey, Jerome. Guerres d'ltalie. See Guicciardini. 149 CIS Choumara, T., Capt. Memoire sur les Fortifications de Paris. Comparaison du projet de Vauban avec celui des Generaux Haxo et Valaze. Paris, 1833. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxii.) Considerations militaires sur les m^moires du Mardchal Suchet et sur la Bataille de Toulouse. Svo. Paris, 1838. Christian, H.R.H. Princess. First aid to the Injured. See Esmarch. Christian, Edward. Commentaries of the Laws of England. See Blackstone. Church for Seamen. Office to be used at laying the Foundation Stone of the Church for the Seamen of the Port of London. Svo. Lond. 1846. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Church of England. Tripartite Division of Tithes in England. Lond. 1833. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Church Property. Lond. 1834. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Church, R. W., Dean. Spenser. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Churchill, W. Mount Lebanon, a ten years' residence, from 1842 to 52. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Churchman, John. The Magnetic Atlas ; or variation tables for the whole Terraqueous Globe. 4to. Lond. 1804. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Rhetoricorum Opera prcecipua. Juxta editionem J- Oliveti. Svo. Vienna, 1761. Les Offices de Ciceron. Translated by M. de Barrett. 3rd edition. Svo. Paris, 1776. The Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with remarks by William Melmoth. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1778. Epistolarum ad Familiares Libri XVI. i2mo. Venice, 17S3. Orationum Selectarum Liber Unicus. i2mo. Naples, 1792. The Republic of Cicero. Translated by G. W. Featherstonhaugh, Svo. New York, 1829. Cieza de Leon, Pedro de. Chronicles of Peru. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ixviii. Travels. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxxiii. Cimaglia, Vicenzo Maria. Trattato completo di Tattica Navale. 2nd edition. Svo. Naples, 1822. Cinuzzi, Imperiale. Delia Disciplina Militare antica e moderna. 4to. Sienna, 1620. Ciscar, Don Francisco. Reflexiones sobre las Mdquinas y Manic- bras del uso de a bordo. 4to. Madrid, 1791. CIS 150 Cist, Henry M. Civil War in America. See Campaigns. Civil Service Reports. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1871-2. Clairac, L. A. L'Ingenieur de Campagne ou Traite de la Fortification I'assagere. 4to. Paris, 1749- L'Esprit de Clairac, ou abrege de I'lngcnieur de Campagne. Redige par le Rouge. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Abhandlung von der Befestigungskunst im Felde. Nach der Pariser Ausgabe vom Jahre 1 749 iibersetzet. 4to. Breslau, 1755. Clairbois, Vial du. Traite elcmontaire de la construction des Batimens de Mer. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1805. Elements of Naval Architecture. Translated by J. N. Strange. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xviii.) Lond. 1846. Construction des Vaisseaux. See Chapman. Dictionnaire Encyclop(:^dique de Marine. See Encyclopedias, Ency- clopedic Methodique, Marine. Clapeyron, A., Capt. Etude sur les Causes de nos Desastres et la Reorganisation de I'Armee, suivie d'un projet de loi militaire. 8vo. Paris, 187 1. Clapperton, Hugh, Capt. Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa, to which is added the Journal of Richard Lander from Kano to the Sea-coast. 4to. Lond. 1829. See also Lander. Travels and discoveries in Africa. See Denham. Clarac, Comte de. Description du Musee Royal des Antiques du Louvre. i2mo. Paris, 1830. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in the year 1641. 3 vols. FoHo. Oxford, 1702-4. Clarendon and ^^^hitlock compar'd ; with a comparison between the History of the Rebellion and other histories of the Civil War. 8vo. Lond. 1727. Life of j written by himself Folio. Oxford, 1759. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807. Clark Charles. Prospectus of Pyro-Hydro-Pneumatic Apparatus, for converting sea-water into fresh. Lond. 1844. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Clark, Geo. T. Mediaeval Military Architecture in England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Clark, James. Historical Record and regimental memoir of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. See Army, Records. 151 CLA Clark, S. Narrative of those two Deliverances : one from the Spanish Invasion in 88, the other from the Hclhsh Powder Plot, November 5, 1605. i2mo. Lond. 1657. (Radstock Collection.) Clark, Samuel. Mathematical Tables. See Sherwin. Clark, Dr. T. Water from Chalk Springs. See Lankester. Clark, W. G. Edition of Hamlet. See Shakespeare. Clark, W. P. Indian Sign Language, with notes. 8vo. Philadelphia, 18S5. Clarke, A,, Lieut.-Col. Suez Canal. See Richards. Clarke, A. R., Capt. R.E. Comparisons of the Standards of Length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India and Australia. 4to. Lond. 1866. Clarke, A. R., Capt. R.E., and Col. Sir Henry James. De- termination of the positions of Feaghmain and Haverfordwest, Longitude Stations on the great European Arc of Parallel. 4to. Lond. 1867. Clarke, Edward Daniel. Tour through the South of England, AV^ales, and part of Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1793. Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 6 vols. 4to. Camb. 18 10, Clarke, F. C. H., Major. Statistics and Geography of Russian Turkestan. Folio. Lond. 1879. Staff Duties : a series of lectures. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Steppe Campaigns. See Potto. Franco-German Wux. See Campaigns. Clarke, Francis, L. Life of the Most Noble Arthur, Marquis and Earl of Wellington. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Clarke, Hyde. Colonization, defence and railways in our Indian Empire. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. li.) Lond. 1857. A short handbook of Comparative Philology. 12 mo. Lond. 1859. English Stations in the Hill Regions of India. Lond. 1881. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Clarke, H. Wilberforce, Major. Report on the transporting of Elephants by Railway. Folio. Lond. 1879. Longitude by Lunar Distances. 8vo. Lond. 1885. The Sextant. i2mo. Lond. 1885. Clarke, John. History of Justin. .S^v Justinus. Clarke, Rev. J. S., and J. M'Arthur. Life of Admiral Lord Nelson. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1809. CLA 152 Clarke, Robert. Attempt to introduce a better method for working Ships' Pumps. n.p., [1797]. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Clarke, Samuel. Looking-glass for Saints and Sinners. Folio. Lond. 1671. Geographical description of all the Countries in the known World. Folio. Lond. 167 1. (Bound with " Looking-glass for Saints and Sinners.") Clausewitz, Carl von, Gen. Der Feldzug von 1815 in Frankreich. 8vo. Berlin, 1835. Strategische Beleuchtung mehrerer Feldzlige von Gustav Adolph, Turennc, Luxemburg und andere historische Materialien zur Strategie. Svo. Berlin, 1837. (Bound with "Der Feldzug von 1815.") The Campaign of 1S12 in Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Der Feldzug von 181 2 in Russland, der Feldzug von 1813 bis zum Wassenstillstand und der Feldzug von 1814 in Frankreich. 2nd edition. Svo. Berlin, 1862. On War. Translated by Colonel J. J. Graham. 3 vols, in one. Svo. Lond. 1S73. Vom Kriege. See Militarische Klassiker. Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez de. See Gonzalez de Clavijo. Claxton, Capt. R.N. Description of the "Great Britain" Steam Ship. Svo. Bristol, I845. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Claxton, Col. Les Mitrailleuses ou Armes Mecaniques, leur role dans les operations militaires. Svo. Liege, 1869. Clayton, Sir R., Bart. Memoirs of the House of Medici. See Tenhove. Clayton, Right Rev. Robert. Journal from Cairo to Mount Sinai. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. x. Cleaveland, Parker. Elementary treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. 2nd edition, 2 vols. Svo. Boston, U.S., 1S22. Clegg, Samuel. Gorgon Engines. See Tredgold, Steam Engine. Cleghorn, T. The Hydro-Aeronaut or navigator's life-buoy. i2mo. Lond. 1 810. Clercq, Jacques du. Mdmoires. See Petitot's Collection, vol. ii. Clericus, J. De Veritate Religionis Christiange. See Grotius. Sallustii Vita. See Sallustius. Clerk, H., Col. Determination of distances in the Field. n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (i).) Change of Form assumed by Wrought-Iron and other metals when heated, and then cooled by partial immersion in water. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (ii).) London [1S63]. 153 CLI Clerk, H., Col. {continued) — Application of Hydraulic Buffers to prevent the destructive effects of Railway Collisions. n.p. [1868]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (i).) Experiments on Friction. Lond. 1868, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (i).) Clerk, John. Essay on Naval Tactics, systematical and historical. Part i. 4to. Lond. 1790. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 4to. Edinburgh, 1804. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition, with notes by Lord Rodney. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1827. Clergy List. 8vo. Lond. 1886 and 88. Clermont, F. de P. de, Marquis de Monglat. S-x Monglat. Clery, C. F., Brig.-Gen. Minor Tactics. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Ditto, ditto. 8th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Key to Minor Tactics. See Mayor. Catechetical digest of " Clery's Minor Tactics." See Watson, G. Cleveland, H. W. S. Hints to Riflemen. 8vo. New York, 1864. Clifford, C. How to lower Ships' Boats. Lond. 1858. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Clifford, E. Considerations on Marquois' Parallel Scales, and the protractor. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xviii.) Lond. 1841. Fractional Arithmetic reviewed and practically exemplified. i2mo. Lond. 1842. Clifford, H. J., Lieut. R.N. Vocabulary of the Loo-choo Lan- guage, ^t'^ Hall, Basil. Clinch, Timothy, Capt. R.N. The propriety of erecting a Break- water for the Isle of Portland. Portsmouth, 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvii.) Clinton, Henry, Col. Tableau synoptique de Prononciation Inter- nationale : precede d'un traits sur la prononciation, par A. V. W. Bikkers. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Clinton, H. R. The War in the Peninsula and Wellington's Cam- paigns in France and Belgium. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Clive, E. H., CoL Notes of the Campaign of 1866 in Bohemia, for a lecture given at the R.U.S.I. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1871. Field Training for non-commissioned officers and private soldiers. i2mo. Lond. 1883! CLO 154 Clode, Charles M. Military lorccs of the Crown; their administration and government. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Administration of Justice under Military and Martial Law. Svo. Lond. 1872. Statute Law relating to the Army. Svo. Lond. 1877. Statutory Powers of H.M. Principal Secretary of State for the War Department. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Statutes relating to the War Office and to the Army. Svo. Lond. 1880. Clodomir, P. L'Organisation des Societes Musicales. Svo. Paris, 1S73. Cloete, Hon. H. Emigration of the Dutch Farmers from the Cape of Good Hope, and their settlement in the District of Natal. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Natal, 1S52. Close, F., Lieut.-Col. Military Travelling Carriages. Svo. Lond. 1875. Clotilde de Vallon-Challys. See Surville. Clutterbuck, J. B. Port Phillip in 1849. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Clutton, H. H. Treatment of wounded in war. See Esraarch. Coal. Report on Spontaneous Combustion of coal in ships. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Lond. 1866. Coats, W., Capt. Hudson's Bay. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xi. Cobbett, William. Weekly Political Register. Vols, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxviii, xl, xliii, and Ivi. Svo. Lond. iS 17-25. Law of Nations. See Martens. Cobden, Richard, M.P. The National Budget. See Financial Reform Assoc. Tracts, No. 6. Cochet de Savigny, P. C. M. Dictionnaire de la Gendarmerie, ist and 2nd divisions. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1838-44. Cocheteux, Charles. Etudes sur les Mines Militaires. Svo. Liege, 1S78. Cochrane, George E. Regulations applicable to the European Officer in India. See India, Army. Cochrane, Sir Thomas. Proposal for the more efficient Manning of H.M. Fleet. Svo. Lond. 1S40. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Cockburn, Sir George, Gen. Voyage to Cadiz and Gibraltar, up the Mediterranean to Sicily and Malta, in 1810 and iSii, including a description of Sicily and the Lipari Islands, and an excursion in Portugal. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S15. 155 CO Cockburn, Sir George, Gen. (continued) — Safe remedy for the present difificulties by means of which the National Debt may be liquidated. I.ond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) State of the British Finances, the Debt, &c. Lond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) Cockburn, Sir George, Admiral. Necessity of remodelling the Admiralty Board. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Cockerell, C. R. Description of the Ancient Marbles in the British Museum. See Museum. Cocks, John. Reasons for a Bill for the better breeding of Ship- wrights, and for the better building of Ships. [1705.] (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Cocks, Richard. Diary of. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ixvi and Ixvii. Codrington, Sir Edward, Vice-Admiral. Compressed narrative of his proceedings on the Mediterranean Station. 1827-8. 8vo. Lond. 1832. (Bound with " Navarin Papers.") Codrington, Sir H., Admiral. Selections from his letters. Edited by Lady Bourchier. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Codrington, Sir William J., Gen. Gibraltar and Ceuta. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Lond. 1882. Coehoorn, Mennon, Baron de. Nieuwe Vestingbouw oj) een natte of Lage Horisont. Folio. Leeuwarden, 1702. The new method of Fortification. Translated by T. Savery. Folio. Lond. 1705. Nouvelle Fortification ; tant pour un Terrein bas et humide que sec et eleve. 8vo. The Hague, 1741. Coffin. Visit to Gondar. See Pearce. Coffin, Pine, Major. Battle of Austerlitz. See Stutterheim. Coffin, William F. 181 2; the War and its moral: a Canadian Chronicle. 8vo. INIontreal, 1864. Coffinieres de Nordeck, Gen. Capitulation de Metz. Reponse du General Coffinieres de Nordeck a ses detracteurs. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) lirussels, 1S71. Coke, Sir Edward. Listitutes of the Laws of England. Parts iii and iv. Folio. Lond. 1644. Abridgment of the first part of my Ld. Coke's Listitutes. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1719. COL 156 Colbeck, C. The public schools historical Atlas. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Colborne, Hon. J, Diary of the last European who rode through the Desert from Berber to Suakin (" Cornhill Magazine"). (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Lond. 1884. Colburn, H. United Service Magazine, and Naval and Military Journal. See Periodicals. Colby, T., Capt. Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales. See Mudge. Colchester, Right Hon. Charles Abbot, Lord. Speeches in communicating Thanks of the House of Commons to Military Commanders, 1807-16. i2mo. Lond. 1829. Speech on the State of the Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Speech on the second reading of the Navigation Bill. 8vo. Lond. 1849. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) History of the Indian Administration of Lord EUenborough. See EUenborough. Cole, J. W. Memoirs of British Generals distinguished during the Peninsular War. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Colebrooke, Sir Edward, Bart. British Power in the East. See Elphinstone. Colebrooke, Sir T. E., Bart. Life of The Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Colebrooke, Sir W. M. G., Major-Gen. Mutiny in India. See Orlich. Coleridge, H. N. Six months in the West Indies in 1825. 3ru edition. i2mo. Lond. 1832. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Letters, conversations and recollections. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Literary Remains. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Works of. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836-40. Coles, C. P., Capt. R.N. Mode of protecting our Mercantile Ports and Navigable Rivers. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivi.) Lond. 1859. Our National Defences. Lond. 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (i).) Spithead Forts. Reply to the Royal Commissioners' Second Report on our National Defences. Lond. 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivi.) Ironclad sea-going shield Ships. Lond. 1863. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) 157 COL Coles, C. P., Capt. R.N. {continued) — Captain Coles' Letters, &c., and the opinion of the Press on Turrets. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Lond. 1866. Captain Coles and the Admiralty ; with an enquiry into the Turret System. Lond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Collen, E. H. H., Lieut. The British Army and its reserves. A plan for connecting the Battalions of the Line, Militia, and Volunteers. Calcutta, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Establishment and organisation of an Arsenal. Woolwich, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Collet, A. Traite de la regulation et de la compensation des Compas. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Colleton, L R., Major. Extract from a memoir upon the passage of rapid Rivers. Cambrai, 18 16. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xix.) Colletta, Pietro, Gen. Storia del Reame di Napoli dal 1734 sino al 1825. 8vo. Paris, 1835. CoUiber, Samuel. Columna Rostrata : or a critical history of the English Sea Affairs : wherein all the remarkable actions of the English Nation at Sea are described, especially the three Dutch Wars. 8vo. Lond. 1727. (Radstock Collection.) Collier, J. F. Military Law. See Pipon. Collier, John Payne, and Adm. W. H. Smyth. Letters on certain passages in the life of Sir John Hawkins. 4to. Lond. 1850. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) CoUigny, Jaspar de. Discours. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxii.) CoUingwood, G. L, Newnham. Selection from the public and private correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord CollingAvood : with memoirs of his life. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1828. CoUinson, Richard, Rear-Admiral. Voyages of Martin Frobisher. See Hakluyt See, vol. xxxviii. Colomb, E. von, Lieut.-Gen. Beitriige zur geschichte der Preus- sischen Kavallerie seit 1808. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Colomb, Sir J. C. R., Capt. The protection of our Commerce and distribution of our Naval Forces considered. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Imperial Defence — Lond. 1S71. Part i. Liiperial Strategy. „ ii. Reorganization of our Military Forces. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvi.) COL 158 Colomb, Sir J. C. R., Capt {contumed) — Colonial Defence. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.x.) Three smouldering questions : Naval Organization, Military Organi- zation, Colonial Defences. Lond. 1875. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxx.) Colonial Defence. Svo. Dublin, 1877. Defence of Great and Greater Britain. Svo. Lond. 1880. The Naval Manceuvres. (Excerpt " Nineteenth Century.") (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Lond. 1888. Colomb, P. H., Rear-AdmiraL How Collisions at Sea occur. The " Hetton " and the " Uhlen- horst." Svo. Lond. 1867. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Collisions at Sea, how they occur; exemplified in the case of the " Amazon " and the " Osprey." Lond. 1867. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) Slave-catching in the Indian Ocean. Svo. Lond. 1873. Speculations as to Naval Retirement. Lond. 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Our Peril afloat, or collisions and how to avoid them. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) Portsmouth, 1879. Fifteen years of Naval Retirement. Svo. Portsmouth, 1 886. Naval Year-Book for 1887. i2mo. Lond. 1S88. Colomb, P. H., Rear-Admiral, and Bolton. Flashing Signals. Lond. 1S70. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xviii.) Colomb, P. H., Rear-Admiral, and Com. H. W. Brent. The Law of Port Helm. Svo. Lond. 1 866. Colon. Life of Admiral Christopher Colon. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xii. Colonial Institute, Royal. Proceedings. Vols, i to . Svo. Lond. 1870- . Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Colonial Office List. iSSo, 1882-5, and 1SS8. Colonial Society. Rules and regulations, &c. Lond. 1S38. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xviii.) ** Colonie Agricole." System and arrangements of " La Colonic Agricole " at Mettray. Svo. Lond. 1846. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) 159 COM Colonies. Rules and regulations for Her Majesty's Colonial Service. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Reports of the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, 1840- 1873. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848-73. British Colonial Policy. Municipalities confederated under a Vice- roy. Lond. 1850. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxii.) Colquhoun, Archibald R. Across Chryse : a journey through the South China Border Lands. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18S3. Colquhoun, J. A. S., Major. The organization and establishment of an ideal Arsenal. 8vo. Woolwich, 1875. With the tvurram Field Force, 1878-9. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Colston, R. E,, Col. Report on Northern and Central Kordofan. Sm. 4to. Cairo, 1878. Colt, Samuel, Report of Senate Committee on the efficiency of the Repeating Pistols. Washington, 1851. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (ii).) Application of Machinery to the Manufacture of Rotating Chambered- Breech Fire-Arms. Edited by Charles Manby. Lond. 1853. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxii.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxx.) Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Colton, Rev. C. Hypocrisy; a satire. 8vo. Lond. 181 2. Columbia, British. See British Columbia. Columbus, Christopher. Voyages to the New World. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, ii and xliii. Colvin, Sidney. Landor. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Colville, C. F., Capt. Present organizations of the ist class Army Reserves. Plymouth, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxix.) Combe, Taylor. Description of the Ancient Marbles in the British Museum. See Museum. Description of the Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum. See Museum. Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi (jui in Museo Britannico. See Museum. COM 1 60 Combermere, Viscount, Field-Marshal. Memoirs and corres liondcnco. Edited by the Riglit. Hon. Mary, Viscountess Com- bcruKic, and ('apt. W. W. Knollys. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Comines, Philippe de. Mtmoires. .SVc Peti tot's Collection, vols, xi-xiii. Commissionaires, Corps of. Rules and regulations, by the Founder (Capt. E. \\'altcr). Lond. 1864. (8vo Pamjjhlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Comstock, C. B., Lt.-Col., U.S. Army. United States Lake Survey. See U.S. Army, Engineers, Professional Papers, No. 24. Concanen, M., Jun., and A. Morgan. History and antiquities of the Parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark. 8vo. Lond. 1795. Condamine, M. de la. Figure de la Terre. See Bouguer. Condamine. Travels in South America. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xiv. Conder, C. R., Capt. R.E. Tent Work in Palestine. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Heth and Moab. Explorations in Syria in 1881-2. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Congregational Library. Catalogue. See Catalogues. Congress. Necessite d'un Congres pour pacifier I'Europe. 5th edition. Paris, 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Congreve, F. A. Memoirs of Mr. Charles Macklin, Comedian. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Congreve, Sir W., Bart., Lieut.-Gen. Elementary treatise on the mounting of Naval Ordnance. 4to. Lond. 181 1. Details of the Rocket System. Folio. Lond. 18 14. Treatise on the Congreve Rocket System. 4to. Lond. 1827. Connaissance des Temps. Sec France, Periodicals. Connolly, T. W. J. History of the Royal Sappers and Miners (Royal Engineers), 1 772-1856. ^i?^ Army, Records. Conolly, Arthur, Lieut. Journey to the North of India, overland from England, through Russia, Persia, and Affghanistan. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Conrart, Valentin. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xlviii.) Consolin, B. Manual du Voilier. 8vo. Paris, 1859. Constantinus Porphyrogenitus, Imperator. Opera, in quibus tactica nunc primum prodeunt Joannes Meursius. lamo. Leyden, 161 7. Contarini, A. Travels to Tana and Persia. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xlix. i6i (00 Conway, Moncure D. An Iron City beside the Ruhr (Krui)i/s Works at Essen). Washington, iS86. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Conybeare, Rev. W. D. Application of classical and scientific Education to Theology, i2mo. Lond. 1831. Conybeare, Rev, W. D,, and William Phillips. Outlines of the Geology of England and ^^'ales, with comparative views of the structure of Eoreign Countries. Parti. 8vo. Eond. 1822. Conybeare, Rev. W. J., and Very Rev. J. S. Howson. Eife and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 vols, 410. Eond. 1875. Cook, James, Capt. R,N, Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. 3 vols. Vols, i and ii written by Capt. J. Cook ; vol. iii by Cajjt. James King. 4to, with folio plates. Eond. 1784. Ditto, ditto, 3rd edition. 3 vols. 4to, with folio plates. Lond. 1785. Third and last Voyage to the Pacific, 1776-80. i2mo. Lond. 1785. (Radstock Collection.) Voyages of Discovery. Edited by Sir John Barrow. Edinburgh, i860. Voyages. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xi. Cook, James, Capt,, and Michael Lane, Le Pilote de Terre- Neuve. Folio. Paris, 1784. Cook, S. E,, Capt. Sketches in Spain, 1829-32. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Cooke, A, System of Universal Geography. See Bankes. Cooke, A, C, Lieut-Col, Campaign in Austria, 1866. Lond. 1866. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Sketch of the Campaign in Austria of 1866. ^^'ith a description of the Battle Field of Sadowa, by Captain Webber. Eond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxii.) Relative pecuniar}- position of the Soldier and agricultural and town Labourer. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (ii).) Army Equipment. Sec Arn.y Equipment. Routes in Abyssinia. See Abyssinia. Venetia with the Quadrilateral. See Biffart. Cooke, A. P. Text-Book of Naval Ordnance and Gunnery ; for the use of the Cadet Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. 8vo. New York, 1880. Cooke, C. Kinloch. Australian Defences and New Guinea : com- j)iled from the papers of the late Major-General Sir Peter Scratchley. 8vo. Lond. 1887. M coo I ^^2 Cooke, G. A. 'ro). (igrapliital and statistical description of the County of Stirrey. 121110. Lond. n.d. Topographical and statistical description of the County of Sussex. 121110. Lond. n.d. Cooke, George W. China; being the "Times" Special Corre- simndcnLc Ironi China in the years 1857-58. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Cooke, Rev. J., and Rev. J. Maule. Historical account of the Royal Hospitals for Seamen at Creenwich. 4to. Lond. 1789. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) [With large engraving of the Hospital, and Autograpli of the Duke of Clarence (afterwards William IV) on the title page.] Cooke, John Henry, Capt. Narrative of events in the South of France, and the attack on New Orleans in 1814 and 1815. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Cooke, Rev. T. F. Authorship of the practical Electric Telegraph of (Ireat Britain. 8vo. Bath, 1868. Cooke, W. B. Colonial Policy, with hints upon the formation of Military Settle- ments, and observations on the Boundary Question pending between this Country and the United States. Lond. 1835. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxv.) Cooke, W. F. The Electric Telegraph : was it invented by Professor Wheatstone ? 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. Lond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Cooke, W. S., Major. jNIemorandum on the System of Military Education in Austria. 8vo. Lond. 1872. (Bound with "W.O. Misc. Publications.") The Ottoman Empire and its Tributary States (excepting Egypt), with a sketch of Greece. 8vo. Lond. 1876. French Operations in Madagascar, 1882-6. Folio. Lond. 1886. Armed Strength. See Armed Strength. Austrian Cavalry Exercise. See Woinovits. Cooley, W. D. Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage. See Hakluyt Soc., vol. iv. Coope, William Jesser, Col. Prisoner of War in Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Cooper, Daniel. Microscopic Journal. See Periodicals. ^C)7, COR Cooper, Edward, J. Catalogue of Stars near the Ecliptic, oLserved at Markrce, 1848-56. 4 vols. Svo. Dublin 185 1-6. Cooper, I. R. The New Zealand Settler's Guide, ismo. Lond. 1857. Cooper, John Fenimore. Notions on the Americans picked up by a travelling bachelor. 2 vols, 8vo. Lond. 1828. Letter on the P>xpenditure of the United States of America. Paris, 1 83 1. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) History of the Navy of the United States of America. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1839. Cooper, J. S. Seven Campaigns in Portugal, Spain, France, and America, 1S09-15. Svo. Lond. 1869. Cooper, Samuel. Dictionary of practical Surgery. Svo. Lond. 1S38. Cooper, Thomas, Capt. R.N. Defence relating to his conduct in the Action off Toulon. See Mathews and Lestock. Cooper, T. H., Capt. Military Cabinet. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1809. Cooper, W. R. Short history of the Egyptian Obelisks. Svo. Lond. 1877. Coote, C. H. Travels to Russia and Persia. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ixxii and Ixxiii. Cope, Sir W. H., Bart. History of the Rifle Prigade. &^Army, Records. Coppinger, Dr. R. W. Cruise of the " Alert " in Patagonian and Polynesian Waters (1878-82). 4to. Lond. 1883. Coray. Geographic de Strabon. See Strabo. Cordage. Hawser and Cable-Laid Rope. n.p. 1821. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Observations on the manufacture of a new Rope. Lond. 1S29. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Core, John, Quartermaster. Historical Record of the 2nd (now 80th) or Royal T} rone Fusilier Regiment of Militia. See Reserve Forces. Corfield, W. H. A\'ater Supply, &c. See Engineers, Royal, School. Cormontaingne, Marshal. Memorial i)our Tattacpe des places. Edited by M. de Bousmard. Svo. Paris, 1S03. Ditto, ditto. Different edition. [No title page.] Memorial pour la defense des places. Svo. Paris, 1S06. Memorial pour la Fortification permanente et i)assagere. Svo. Paris, 1S09. M 2 COR 164 Cornaro, Luigi. Sure and ccriain methods of attaining a long and healtliful Life. 3rd edition. i2nio. Lond. 1722. • Ditto, ditto. 45tli edition. i2mo. Cheltenham, 1823. Discorsi intorno alia Vita Sobria. i2mo. Venice, 1826. Cornet, Julius. Manual of Russian and English Conversation. ,:;rd edition. i2mo. Leipsic, 1875. Corney, Bolton. On the newOeneral Biographical Dictionary. Lond. 1839. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Curiosities of Literature by L D'Israeli. Illustrated by Bolton Corney. Svo. (ireenwich, n.d. Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to Bantam and the Maluco Lslands. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xix. CornwalHs, Earl. An.swer to that part of the narrative of Sir Henry Clinton wliicli relates to the Conduct of Earl CornwalHs during the Campaign in North America, in 1781. Svo. Lond. 1783. Cornwallis, Charles, Marquis. Correspondence. Edited, with notes, by Charles Ross. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S59. Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria. Atlante Veneto, nel quale si contiene la descritt one geografica, storica, sacra, profana e politica degl' Imperii, Provincie et Stati dell' Universe, vol. i. Folio. Venice, 1690. Corradi, Domenico, de. Considerazioni sopra la proporzione del vigor delle Polveri da Fuoco. i2mo. Modena, 1708. Correa, Caspar. Voyages of Vasco di Gam a. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xlii. Correard, Alexander. Voyage to Senegal. See Savigny. Correard, J. Journal des Sciences Militaires. See France, Periodicals. Corry, Alvin Coote. The executive officer's orders, &c., with regard to the Internal Economy of a Man-of-War. Svo. Portsmouth, 18S8, Cortes, Hernan. Despatches of Hernando Cortes, the Conqueror of Mexico. Trans- lated with introduction and notes by George Folsom. Svo. New Vork, 1843. Expedition to Honduras. See Hakluyt Soc, vol xl. Cory, Arthur, Lieut.-Col. Shadows of coming events, or the Eastern Menace. Svo. Lond. 1S76. Costa de Serda, E., Capt. See Serda. Coste, Eugene de la. See La Coste. Costello, Edward. Adventures of a Soldier, comprising narratives of the Cami)aigns in the Peninsular and the recent Civil War in Spain. Svo. Lond. 1S41. i6s COU Cotterill, Right Rev. Henry. Relation between Science and Re- ligion. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Cotton, Sir A., Lieut.-Gen. Irrigation in India. See Engineers, Royal, School. Cotton, Charles. 'Jlie Complete Angler. See Walton. Cotton, Edward, Sergeant-Major. A voice from Waterloo ; a history of the IJatlle. i2mo. Lond. 1862. Cotton, E. T. D., Lieut. Questions and answers for moimted men and drivers of field Artillery. Woolwich, 1877. (8vo Pami)hlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Cotton, Sir Sydney, Lieut.-Gen. Nine Years on the North-West Frontier of India, from 1854 to 1863. 8vo. Lond. 1868. The Central Asian Question. Manchester, 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvi.) Cottrell, Chas. H. Recollections of Siberia in 1S40-1. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Couch, James, Capt. R.N. Observations on the Solid Channel. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Lond. 1834. Coulier, M. Guide des Marins pendant la navigation nocturne, on description des phares, fanaux, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Courcillon, Philip de. Marquis de Dangeau. See Dangeau. Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine. View of the state of the Nation. 8vo. Lond. 181 1. (Bound with Goldsm.ith, Conduct of France.) Courthorpe, William. Baronetage of England. See Debrett. Courtigis, M. de, Capt. Note sur un nouveau systeme de Bivouac. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Compiegne, 1837. Courts-Martial. Ambrose. Defence made by John Ambrose, late Captain of H. M.S. "The Rupert " on his trial. 8vo. Lond. 1745. (Bound in vol. of Courts-Martial.) Atchison. Trial of Captain Thomas Atchison at Malta, for having recjuested to be exonerated from firing Patteraro Salutes and tolling a Roman Catholic Bell. Lond. 1825. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd seiies, vol. xxiv.) ■ Boteler. Minutes of Proceedings at a Court-Martial (on Capt. Philip Boteler) assembled to inquire into the cause of the loss of 11. M. late Ship " Ardent." 4to. Lond. 1780. (Radstock Collection, Arniaila and Naval .Vctions.) • Boyse. See Courts-Martial, Paterson. Burrish, (S:c. The Trials at large taken at the Court-Martial held upon Henry Page, Charles Davids, William Griffiths, and (Cornelius Smelt, also upon Capt. (ieorge Burrish. 8vo. Lond. 1745. COU 166 Courts-Martial {ronflnui-d) — iiurion. rroccctlings of a General Courl-Martial on Major-Cieneral IJurton. Lond. 1804. (8vo Pamplilets, 2nd series, vol. xxiv.) Byng. Trial of Admiral Byng at a Court-Martial for an enquiry into his conduct, while he commanded H.M. Fleet in the Mediterranean. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) Examinations of the Resolutions and Sentence of the Court- Martial on the Trial of Admiral Byng. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) The Trial of Admiral Byng. ^^'ith which is bound Admiral Byng's Defence. 8vo. Dublin, 1757 Queries on the Minutes of the Council of War held at Gibraltar from which reasons may be drawn for a Noble Colonel's having taken so large a part in the Defence of Admiral Byng. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) Trials of Admirals Byng, Keppel, and Palliser. Folio. Lond. 1757-79- (Radstock Collection.) Calder. Minutes of the proceedings at a Court-Martial for the Trial of Vice- Admiral Sir Robert Calder. 8vo. Lond. 1805. (Radstock Collection.) Proceedings of a Court-Martial assembled for the trial of Sir Robert Calder, Bart., Vice-Admiral of the Blue. Lond. 1806. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Canada, Rebellion in. Report of the State Trials before a General Court-Martial held at Montreal in 1838-9 : exhibiting a complete history of the late Rebellion in Lower Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1839. Coftin. Minutes of a Court-Martial assembled to try Isaac Coffin, Captain of H.M.S. the "Thistle." Lond. 1789. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. vi.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection.) Cope, &c. Examination into the conduct, behaviour, and proceed- ings of Lt.-Gen. Sir John Cope, Col. Peregrine Lascelles, and Brig.-Gen. Thomas Fowke. 4to. Lond. 1749. Cornwallis. Proceedings on the Trial of Vice-Admiral Cornwallis. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. vi.) Lond. 1796. Duckworth. Minutes of the Court-Martial for the Trial of Sir J. T. Duckworth, Vice-x\dmiral. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1805. (Radstock Collection.) Toy COU Courts-Martial {continued) — Gambicr. Minutes of a Court-Martial holdcn on the Trial of James Lord Gambier, Admiral. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Ditto, ditio. Second copy. (Radsiock Collection.) Graves. Copy of an Order for trying Capt. Samuel Graves for the Loss of a part of the Quebec Fleet, in 1780. Lond. 1781. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. wii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo I'amphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxv.) Hall, J(jhn, Lieut. See Courts-Martial, Powell. Harvey. Trial of Admiral Sir E. Harvey upon charges exhibited by Lord Gambier. 8vo. Lond. 1809. (Radstock Collection.) Hill, W. A., Capt. Proceedings of a General Court- Martial on Capt. W. A. Hill. 8vo. Nassau, 1839. J ebb. The Case of John Jebb. 8vo. Chelsea, 1830. (Bound with the Trial of Lt.-Col. G. Johnston.) Johnston. Proceedings of a General Court-Martial, held for the Trial of Lt.-Col. Geo. Johnston on a charge of mutiny for deposing William Bligh, Governor in-Chief of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond. 181 1. Keppel. Considerations on the principles of Naval Discipline and Naval Courts-Martial ; in which the Conduct of tiie Courts-ALirtial on Admiral Keppel and Sir Hugh Palliser are compared. 8vo. Lond. 1 781. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Kirkby, &c. Account of the Arraignments and Tryals of Col. R. Kiricby, Capt. C. Constable, Capt. Cooper Wade, Capt. Samuel Vincent, and Capt. Christopher Fogg. 4to. Lond. 1703. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Knowles. Proceedings at the Trial of Rear-Admiral Knowles for his conduct and behaviour in and relating to an Engagement with a Spanish Squadron, Oct. ist, 1748. 8vo. Lond. 1750. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-56.) Lestock, R., Vice-Admiral. See Mathews and Lestock. Low. Interesting Defence of Lieut. J. McArthur Low at a Court- Martial assembled to investigate charges of cruelty to a Midship- man. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xii.) Martin, Capt. See Mathews and Lestock. Mathews, T., Admiral. See Mathews and Lestock. Molloy. Trial at large of Capt. A. J. Pye Molloy, Commander of the " CKsar " Man-of-War. Lond. 1795. (8vo Pamj)hlets, 3rd series, vol. vi.) COU 1 68 Courts-Martial {continued) — Mortlaunt. rroccedings of a General Court-Martial upon tlie trial of Lt.-Gen. Sir John Mordaunt. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection, Expedition to France.) Considerations on the Proceedings of the Court-Martial upon the Trial of Lt.-Gen. Sir John Mordaunt. Lond. 1758. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvii.) I )itto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection, Expedition to France.) Mostyn and others. Minutes of a Court-Martial enquiring into the conduct of the Commanders of the "Hampton Court" and " Dreadnought," for not engaging the " Fleuron " and "Neptune," two French Mcn-of-War. Lond. 1745. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xi.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Bound in vol. lettered " Courts-Martial.") Ditto, ditto. Third copy. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 1 740-1 756.) Mostyn. Enquiry into the Conduct of Captain Mostyn : being remarks on the Minutes of the Court-Martial. Lond. 1745. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. iv.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Bound in vol. of Courts-Martial.) Murray. Trial of Lt.-Gen. John Murray. 8vo. Lond. 181 5. Morris. Richard, Capt. R.N. Minutes taken at a Court-Martial assembled to enquire into the conduct of Capt. Richard Norris in the Engagement in the Mediterranean, 1743. 8vo. Lond. 1745. (Radstock Collection.) Appendix to the Minutes taken at a Court-Martial, appointed to enquire into the Conduct of Captain Richard Norris. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xi.) Lond. 1745. Parker. Trial of Richard Parker for Mutiny at the Nore. 8vo. Lond. 1797. (Radstock Collection.) Paterson and Bo3^se. Minutes of Evidence and copies of documents. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (i).) Madras, 1826. Pigot. Report of the proceedings of a Court-Martial on Capt. Hugh Pigot. 8vo. Lond. 1834. (Radstock Collection.) Pitman. Papers relative to the Court-Martial held on Commander J. C; Pitman. Lond. 1849. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Porter. Proceedings and Report of the Board of Army Officers in the of Fitz-John Porter: together with the proceedings in the original trial and papers relating thereto. 3 parts. 8vo. With atlas. Washington, 1879. i69 COX Courts-Martial {continued)— Powell, Richard, Capt., Lieut. C. Seton, and Lieut. J. Hall. Pro- ceedings of a General Court-Martial, on several charges i)refcrred against^them respectively by William Cobbett, late Sergeant-Major. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. iii.) Lend. 1809. Sackville. Trial of the Right Hon. Lord George Sackville, 1760. 8vo. Lond. n.d- Proceedings of a General Court-Martial held upon the trial of Lord George Sackville. 8vo. Lond. 1760. (Radstock Collection, Pay of Sea Officers.) Seton, Christopher, Lieut. See Courts-Martial ; Powell. Sutton. Letters which passed between Commodore Johnstone and Capt. Evelyn Sutton in 1781. Lond. 1787. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xviii.) "Temeraire." Trial of the Mutineers, late of H.M.S. "Tsmeraire." 8vo Lond. 1802. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Wathen. Proceedings of the General Court-Martial upon the trial of Captain Wathen. 8vo. Lo»d. 1834. West, Temple, Capt. R.N. See Matthews and Lestock. Whitelocke. The Trial at large of Lieut.-Gen. Whitelocke. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Whitelocke, Lieut.-Gen. Upon certain Charges of misconduct in his Military Command on an Expedition against Buenos Ayres. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. vii.) Dublin, 1808. Trial of John Wilson, alias Jenkin Ratford, for Mutiny, Desertion, and Contempt. Halifax, 1807. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiv.) See also Army Military Law. Coutau, Elisse. Narrative of the French Revolution. Translated bv Lieut. W. P. Cowling, R.N. Lond. 1830. ' (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Cow, John. Remarks on the manner^ of fitting Boats for Shi])s of War and Transports. ' Lond. 1829. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Cowasjee, Framjee. Plan of the Consecration, with plan, elevation, and section of the Sepulchre or Tower of Silence erected at Chowpatty Hill. Folio. n.p. 1832. Cowling, W. P., Lieut. R.N. French Revolution. See Coutau. Cowper, William. Works of Edited, with a life of the Author, by Robert Southey. 15 vols. i2mo. I^ond. 1836-7. • Life and Posthumous Writings. See Hayley. Cox George, Col. The practice and procedure of Courts-lSLartial and disposal of offences by Commanding Officers. Folio. ' Lond. 1887. cox 170 Cox, Rev. G. W. Dictionary of science, literature, and art See Brande. Cox, Jacob D. ('i\ il War in America. See Canii)aigns. Coxe, Rev. William. iravcls into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1784. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847-8. Travels in Denmark, Norway, and Russia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vi. Travels in Switzerland. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. v. Coxhead, G. M. Address delivered to the Boys of the Training Ships " Chichester" and "Arethusa." Lond. 1886. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Crabb, George. Universal Technological Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1823. English Synonymes explained in alphabetical order. 6th edition. Svo. Lond. 1837. Craighill, W. P. Army Officers' pocket companion. i2mo. New York, 1862. Cramer, Rev. J. A. Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. See Wickham, H. L. Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Letter to the Editor of the '* Edinburgh Review " on the article entitled "Todd's Life of Archbishop Cranmer." Lond. 1832. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) Version of the Bible. See Bible. Crasso, Lorenzo. Elogii di Capitani Illustri. 4to. Venice, 1683. Crauford, J. R., Gen. Wellington Prize Essay. See Wellington. Craufurd, H. R. G., Lieut. Influence of arms on Tactics. See Moltke. Craufurd, H. W., Com. R.N. The Russian Fleet in the Baltic in 1836; with remarks on the danger of leaving our Navy in its present reduced state. 3rd edition. Lond. 1839. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Craufurd, R., Major-Gen. Standing Orders for the use of the Light Division, during the years 1S09-11! Edited by Brevet-Major Campbell and Captain Shaw. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxi.) Lond. 1814. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liv.) Memoir of, with an account of the funeral. Svo. Lond. 1842. 171 CRI Craufurd, CaptS. C. and R. War between Prussians, Austrians, and Russians, 1756-63. .Sir 'I'ielcke. Cravatte, F. Conduite des Troupes. See Cardinal von \Viddern, Crawford, Andrew, Major. Remarks on the Indian Army. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiii.) Lond. 1857. Crawford, William. Address to the Baronet's Committee on the chartered rights and privileges of the Order. Lond. 1837. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Crawfurd, John. History of the Indian Archipelago. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Vital Statistics of a District (IJjocjocarta) in Java ; with preliminary remarks upon the Dutch Possessions in the East, by Lieut. -Col. W. H. Sykes. ' Lond. 1849. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Grammar and Dictionary of the Malay Language. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and Adjacent Countries 8vo. Lond. 1856 China and its trade. Lond. 1858 (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (i).) Crawley, W^. J. C. Handbook of competitive examinations. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Crealock, Hope, Col. Foreign Politics and England's Foreign Policy. Lond. 1873. {8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) Creasy, Sir Edward. Imperial and Colonial Constitutions of the Britannic Empire, including Indian Institutions. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Creasy, E. S. The fifteen decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 185 1. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Crestadoro, A. Catalogue of the Books in the Manchester Free Library. See Catalogues. Creuze, A. F. B. Theory and practice of Naval Architecture. 4to. Edinburgh, 1841. Crew, B. J. Practical treatise on Petroleum. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. Crichton, Patrick. Observations on a machine for the speedy con- veyance of 'l"roo])s. Edinburgh, 1804. Cripps, W. J., Capt. Royal North Gloucester .Mlitia. Sec Reserve Forces. CRO 172 Crockers, J., and J. J. Lochner. Samlung mcrkNN iirdigcr Mcdaillcn. 4to. Nuremberg, 1744. Croggan, J. W., Major-Gen. Treatise on Diagrams of Mortar Practice, and other Artillery Sub- jects. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Theory of Velocity, Time, and Space practically applied. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. v.) Lond. 1871. Croker, T. C. Narratives illustrative of the Contests in Ireland in i()4i and 1690. (Camden Society.) 8vo. Lond. 1841. CroU, James. What determines Molecular Motion? The fundamental problem of Nature. Lond. 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. .wii.) Physical Cause of Ocean-Currents. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. .\xvii.) Croly, Rev. G. Poetical Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813. Cromb, James. The Highland Brigade. See Army, Records. Cromek, R. H. Reliques of Robert Burns. See Burns. Cromwell, Oliver. Small volume containing the following pamphlets : — - King Richard the Third revived. 1657 A Standard set up. 1657 A word to the Officers of the Army. 1657 Mementoes for the Army. Narrative of the late Parliament. 1657 The History of Oliver Cromwell. 4th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1706 The Life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1741 Cromwell iana. A chronological detail of events in which Crom well was engaged, 1642-58. Folio. Westminster, 1810 Letters and speeches : with elucidations by Thomas Carlyle. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Cromwell, Thomas. Oliver Cromwell and his times. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1822 History and description of Colchester. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Cronegk, J. F. von. Schriften. 8vo. Anspach, 1761 Crook, Henry T., Capt. War-Game Maps. i2mo. Manchester, 1888 Croudace, W. S. Stellar Azimuth Tables : in which are given the true bearings of certain ])rincipal Fixed Stars. 2 vols. 8vo. Dundee, 1873. Ordnance night sight vane. Dundee, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets. 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) 173 CUN* Crousaz, A. von. Kurze Geschichte der Deiitschen Kriegsmarine. 8vo. Jk-rlin, 1873. Crousse, F,, Capt. Invasion du Danemark en 1864. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Crowe, F. H. E., Com. R.N. Comjuest of Britain in 1888. See Gopcevic. Crowther, S. Expedition up the Niger. See Schon, J. F. Cruden, Alex. Complete Concordance to the Holy Scripture. 8th edition. 4to. Berwick, 181 7 Cruickshank, B. Eighteen years on the Gold Coast of Africa 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Cruyplants, E. Histoire de la participation des Beiges aux Cam pagnes 1815-30. 8vo. Brussels, 1883 Cuba. Papers relating to the expedition to the Island of Cuba. 8vo Lond. 1744 (Radstock Collection, Spanish War.) Cuffe, O. W., Major. Records of the Waterford Militia. See Reserve Forces. Cugnot. Elemens de I'Art Militaire ancien and moderne. 2 vols. i2nio. Paris, 1766. Cullen, Dr. Isthmus of Darien Ship Canal ; with history of the Scotch Colony of Darien. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Culley, R. S. Construction and maintenance of Telegraph Lines. Chatham, 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Handbook of practical Telegraphy. 8th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Cullum, G. W. Systems of Military Bridges. 8vo. New- York, 1863. Military Bridges with India-Rubber Pontons. See U.S. Army, Engineer Department. Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of. Dialogue between Thomas Jones, a Life-guard-man, and John Smith, First Regiment of Foot-Guards, just returned from Flanders. Lond. 1749. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xix.) Cumberland, Earl of. Voyage to the Azores. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Cumming, J. E. Gordon. See Gordon-Cumming. Cunningham, A. W. Notes on the history, methods, and tech- nological importance of Descriptive Geometry. Edinburgh, 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvi.) Cunningham, H. D. P. Remarks on bringing the Sail I'ower of Ships more under mechanical control. Portsea, 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liii.) CUN 1 74 Cunningham, H. D. P. {continued)— Patent sclf-rccfing Topsails. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liii.) Patent Brace Machine and Braces. Lond. [1864.] (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Manual of Standint; dun Drill. 121110. Portsea, n.d. (Bound with Misc. Drill Books.) Cunningham, J. D., Lieut. History of the Sikhs. Svo. Lond. 1849. Cunningham, Peter, Surg. R.N. Two Years in New South Wales. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Hints for Australian Emigrants ; with description of water-raising wheels and mode of irrigating land. Svo. Lond. 1841. The general and local causes of Magnetic Variation. i2mo. Lond. 1 84 1. Thoughts on the causes of Compass Variation. i2nio. Lond. 1843. (Bound with " Magnetic Variation.") Handbook to Westminster Abbey. Lond. 1851. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xc.) Handbook for London. See Murray. Cunningham, Robert O. Notes on the Natural History of the Strait of JNIagellan and West Coast of Patagonia. 8vo. Edinburgh, 187 1. Cunningham, T. The Law of bills of exchange, promissory notes, bank notes, and insurances. 6th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1778, Cunynghame, Sir A. T., Gen. An Aide-de-Camp's recollections of service ill China, (S:c. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1844 Travels in the Eastern Caucasus, on the Caspian and Black Sea during 1871. Svo. Lond. 1872. My command in South Africa. Svo. Lond. 1879. Curgenven, J. Brendon. Venereal Diseases. See Harveian Medical Society. Curling, Henry. Recollections of Rifleman Harris. Svo. Lond. 1S4S. Curling, J. J. Coastal Navigation, or notes on the use of charts. Svo. Portsmouth, 1SS5. Currency.. Government Currency Pamphlets. Lond. 1842. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) Currie, Dr. James (Jasper Wilson). Letter, commercial and political, addressed to the Right Hon. William Pitt. 2nd edition. Lor.d. 1793. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. iii.) 175 CUS Currie, James. Works of Robert Burns. See Ikirns. Curt, J. L. E. Medailles Antiques Romaineschez. See Catalogues. Curtis, C. H. Octavius. Geometrical Drawing Questions. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Curtis, George Ticknor. Digest of Cases adjudicated in the Courts of Admiralty of the United States, and in the High Court of Admiralty in England. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Curtis, John Harrison. Physiology and pathology of the Ear. 5 th edition. 8vo Lond. 1 83 1. Present state of Aural Surgery. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Advice on the care of the health, with remarks on the present state of Hygiology. 8vo. Lond. 1845. (Bound with " Curtis, Aural Surgery.") Curtis, J. S. Silver-Lead Deposits of Eureka Nevada. See United States Geological Survey (Monographs, vol. vii.) Curtis, Robert. The History of the Royal Irish Constabulary. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1871. Curtis, T. A. Steam Communication with Lidia, vi'd the Red Sea. Lond. 1839. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Curtius Rufus, Quintus. Historia Alexandri Magni cum notis variorum. 8vo. Leyden, 1658. La Vie et des actions d' Alexandre le Grand. De la traduction de M. de Vaugelas. Edition nouvelle avec les Supplemens de J. Freinshemius. Traduit par feu M. du Ryer. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1696. Llistory of the life and reign of Alexander the Great. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Curzon, George N. The "Scientific Frontier" of India. ("Nine- teenth Century.") Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Cusack-Smith, Sir William, Bart. Our War Ships. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Cust, Hon. Sir E., Gen. Noctes Dominican; or Sunday Night Reading. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Family Reading. The New Testament Narrative harmonised and explained. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Annals of the Wars in the i8th Century. 5 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1858-60. Annals of the Wars in the 19th Century, 1800-15. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1862-3. Lives of the \\'arriors of the Thirty Years' \Var. 8vo. Lond. 1865. CUS 176 Cust, Hon. Sir E., Gen. {continued) — Lives of the Warriors of the Civil Wars of France and England. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Lives of the ^^'arriors who have commanded Fleets and Armies before the Enemy; Warriors of the 17th Century. Bvo. Lond. 1869 Cust, R. N. Modern Languages of the East Indies. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Custine, Marquis de. La Russie en 1839. 4 vols, in two. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Un mot sur I'ouvrage de M. de Custine intitule La Russie en 1839. 2nd edition. Paris, 1843. (8vo Pamjihlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Cuthbertson, Bennett. Interior management and oeconomy of a Battalion of Iiifontry. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1779. Cutts, Edward L. Scenes and characters of the Middle Ages. Sm. 4to. Lond. n.d. Cuverville, Cavelier de, Lieut., French Navy. Cours de Tir. Ktiidcs sur Ics Amies Portativcs. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D., Baron. Lemons d'Anatomie comparee. Edited by M. Dumeril. 2nd edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-46. Le Regne Animal distribue d'apres son organisation. 19 vols. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Amerique Meridionale. See Azara. Order Ruminantia. See Smith, C. H. Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D., and M. Magdeleine de Saint-Agy. Histoire des Sciences Naturelles. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841-45. Cyclopaedias. See Encyclopaedias. Cyprus. Trigonometrical Survey of the Island of Cyprus. Folio. Lond. 1885. D. Dabovich, P. E. Dizionario tecnico e nautico di Marina. Italiano, Tedesco, Francese ed Inglese. Vol. i. 8vo. Pola, 1883. Daguerre. Historique et description des procedes du Daguerreotype et du JMorama. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Dahlerup, H. B., Capt. Universal Sea Language. See Rohde. Dahlgren, J. A. Report on Cruise of Ordnance Ship " Plymouth." (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Washington, 1857 177 I^AL Dahlgren, J. A. (continued)-- Shells and shell-guns. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. Dalbe, Bacler. Carte Generale du Theatre de la Guerre en Italie et dans les Alpes, 1792-8. Folio. Paris, n.d. Dalboquerque, Afonso. Commentaries. See Hakluyt Soc., vols, liii, Iv, Ixii, and Ixix. Dalby, Isaac. Trigonometrical Survey of England. See Mudge. Dale, Rev. Henry. Translation of the Cyropsdia and the Hellenic s. See Xenophon. Dales, Samuel, Lieut.-Col. Quakers and Cock Robins, or hypo- crisy unmasked. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Dall, W. H. Prehistoric America. See Nadaillac. Dallas, R. C. The History of the Maroons. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803. Annals of the French Revolution. See Bertrand de Moleville. Dallas, W. L. Winds and Monsoons of the Arabian Sea and North Indian Ocean. See India, Meteorolog}\ Dally, A., Lieut.-Col. La France Militaire illustree. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Dalmatie, Marshal Soult, Due de. See Soult. Dalrymple, A. Historical collection of the several voyages and discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1770-71. Collection of Charts and Memoirs. 4to. Lond. 1772. Dalrymple, Campbell, Lieut.-Col. Military Essay, containing reflections of the raising, arming, cloathing, and discipline of the British Infantry and Cavalry. Parti. 8vo. Lond. 1761. Dalrymple, Sir Hew, Bart., Gen. Proceedings of the Court of Enquiry upon the Conduct of Sir Hew Dalrymple, relative to the Convention of Cintra. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Lond. 1808. Memoir of his Proceedings as connected with the Affairs of Spain, and the commencement of the Peninsular War. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Dalrymple, Sir John. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland ; from the Dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II till the capture of the French and Spanish Fleets at Vigo. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790. Dalrymple, William, Lieut.-Col. Tacticks. 8vo. Lond. 1781. Dalton, Charles. Life and times of General Sir Edward Cecil, Viscount Wimbledon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Memoir of Captain Dalton, H.E.I.C.S., Defender of Trichinopoh-, 1752 3. Svo. Lond. 1886. N DAI- 178 Dalton, John. Meteorological Observations and Essay?. 2nd editicr. S\o. Manchester, 1834. Dalton, J. C, Major. Kussian Mountain Artillery. Woolwich, 1887. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Hints to Officers taking over Drafts for India. 2nd edition. 8vo. \Vool\vich, 1888. Coast Defence by means of curved fire. Woolwich, 1889. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Artillerist's handbook of reference. See Will. Daly, Daniel, Dismissal of Daniel Daly (late Midshipman) from H. M.S. ''Lion." 8vo. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Dames, T. L., Capt. Lectures on Artillery. See Owen. Damitz, Major von. Geschichte des Feldzugs von 181 5 in den Nicdtrlanden und Frankreich. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1837-8. Dampier, William. Account of New Holland. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xi. Account of the Philippines. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xi. Dana, Charles A. New American Cyclopaedia. See Encyclopaedias. Dana, James D. Manual of Mineralogy. Svo. Lond. 1857, Dana, J. D., and G. J. Brush. System of Mineralogy. 5th edition. Svo. ' " Lond. 1S68. Dana, Pedro Ruiz, Lieut.-Gen. Etudes sur la Guerre Civile dans le Nord de I'Espagne de 1872-6. Traduit de TEspagnol par G. Malifaud. i2mo. Tours, n.d. Dana, R. H. Seaman's INLmual ; containing a treatise on Practical Seamanship. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1841. Two years before the mast. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1841. Dance, Sir C. W., Col. Application of Steam Power to civil and military purposes. Lond. 1837. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Dandini, Rev. Father Jerom. Voyage to Mount Libanus. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. x. Dando, A. C, Lieut. R.N. Damage done by Cyclone at Calcutta. See Denham. Dangeau, PhiHp de Courcillon, Marquis de. Memoirs of the Court of Prance, 16S4-1720. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S25. Daniel, Gabriel. Histoire de la Milice Franc^oise. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam. 1724. 179 I>AR Daniell, J. F. Introduction to the study of Chemical Philosophy. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Elements of Meteorology. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1845. Dansey, Rev. W. Office of Rural Dean. Sec Priaulx. Danson, J. T. Investigation of the changes which have taken place in the condition of the people of the United Kingdom, 1839-47. Svo. Lond. 1848. (Bound in vol. lettered " Statistical Tracts.") Commercial Progress of the Colonial Dependencies of the United Kingdom from 1827-46. 8vo. Lond. 1842. (Bound in vol. lettered "Statistical Tracts.") Accounts of the Bank of England under the operation of the Act 7 and 8 Vict., c. 32. n.p., n.d. (Bound in vol. lettered " Statistical Tracts.") Danvers, F. C. Report on the Records of the India Office. Vol. i. Part I. Svo. Lond. 18S7. Dapper, D'O. Description de rAfriijue. Folio. Amsterdam, 1689. (Radstock Collection.) Description exacte des Isles de I'Archipel. Folio. Amsterdam, 1 703. (Radstock Collection.) Dargon, Michaud. Considerations militaires et politiques sur les Fortifications. Svo. Paris, an iii (i 792). Darell, Rev. W, History of Dover Casde. 4to. Lond. 1786. Dareste, M. C. Histoire de France. 8 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S65-73. Darimon, A. Notes pour servir a I'histoire de la Guerre de 1870. Svo. Paris, 1878. Daru, P. Histoire de la Republique de Venise. 2nd edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Darwin, Charles. Structure and distribution of Coral Reefs. Svo. Lond. 1842. Origin of Species by means of natural selection. 5th edition. Svo. Lond. 1S69. Descent of Man, and selection in relation to sex. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 187 1. Journal of researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. "Beagle" round the World. Svo. Lond. 1876. Surveying Vo)ages of H.M. Ships " Adventure " and " Beagle." See Adventure. J)AR I So Dary, George. Navigation ICleclriiiuc. Svo. Paris, 1882. Dassier. Enu;ravings of Medals from William the Conqueror to George III. Oblong folio. n.p., n.d. Explanation of Dassier's Fine Medals of the Sovereigns of England. i2nio. Birmingham, n.d. Explanation of tlie Medals engraved by John Dassier and his son. ijino. Birmingham, n.d. Daubeny, Dr. Charles. Description of active and extinct Volcanoes. Svo. Lond. 1826. Daudenart, L. G., Major. Guerre sous-marine. SiY r.clgium, Conferences Militaires. Series 2. No. i. Daumas, E., Gen. The Horses of the Sahara and the manners of the Desert. Translated by James Hutton. Svo. Lond. 1863. Davall, A., Major. Progres de I'Artillerie. See Merian. Davenport, Bishop. History and new Gazetteer or Geograi)hical Dictionary of North America and the West Indies. Svo. New York, 1842. David, Citoyen. Histoire chronologique de I'Armee du Nord et de celle de Sambre et Meuse. Svo. Paris, n.d. David, C, Major. Is a Russian Invasion of India feasible ? Svo. Lond. 1877. David, Charles. History of the Campaigns of General Pichegru. Svo. Lond. 1796. David, Julius. Modern Greek Grammar. Translated by Rev. G. A\'innock. Svo. Lond. 1825. Davidson, D., Lieut.-Col. Apparatus for pointing Ordnance. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liii.) Edinburgh, 1855. Davidson, Edward, Capt. Railways of India. Svo. Lond. 1 868. Davidson, John. Notes taken during Travels in Africa. 4to. Lond. 1839. Davidson, W. L., Capt. The Army of Russia. Lond. 1SS4. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Davie, John, Capt. R.N. Observations and instructions for the use of Officers of the Royal Navy. Svo. Lond. 1807. Davies, Surgeon A. M. Food of the Soldier. See Aldershot Military Society. Davies, C. M. History of Holland, from the beginning of the Tenth to the end of the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1841-4. Davies, Rev. E. W. L. Algiers in 1S57. Svo. Lond. 1858. Davies, F. J., Lieut. Gren. Guards. The Sergeant-Major ; the origin and hislor,' of his rank. 410. Lond. 1S86. i8i DAV Davies, G. Christopher. Handl)ook to the Rivers and Broads of Norrolk and Suflulk. 9th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Davies, I. A. S. M. The possibility of making Turret Ships sea- going vessels. Woolwich, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol Ixxxiv.) Davies, John. Sailors' Homes, their origin and progress. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxviii.) I>ond. 1868. Davies, T. L. O. A supplementary English Glossary. 8vo. Lond. 1 88 1. Davila, Enrico Caterino. Storia delle Guerre Civili di Francia. 6 vols, in eight. Svo. Lond. 180 1-2, Davis, Lieut.-Col. Canadian Militia. Ontario, 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) Davis, C. O. B. Maori mementos, being a series of addresses pre- sented by the native people to Sir George Grey. Svo. Auckland, 1855. Davis, Jefferson. Rise and fall of the Confederate Government. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1881. Davis, John, Lieut.-Col. Voyages and Works. See Hakluyt Soc., vol. lix. Surrey Militia. See Reserve Forces. Davis, Capt. John E., and L. H. Percy. Sun's true bearing or Azimuth Tables. Svo. Lond. 1875. Davis, Sir John Francis, Bart. Chinese novels ; translated from the originals. Svo. Lond. 1822. Chinese moral maxims. Svo. Lond. 1823. The Chinese ; a general description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1836. Vizier Ali Khan ; or the Massacre of Benares. i2mo. Lond. 1844. China, during the war and since the peace. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1852. Chinese Miscellanies. Svo. Lond. 1865. Davis, Joseph Barnard, and John Thurnam. Crania Britannica. Delineations and descriptions of the Skulls of the aboriginal and early inhabitants of the British Islands. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1865, Davis, Dr. N. Carthage and her remains : an account of the excava- tions and researches. Svo. Lond. 1861. Davy, Major. Institutes, political and military. Sec Timur. Davy, Sir Humphry, Bart. Six Discourses delivered before the Royal Society at their anniversary meetings. 4to. Lond. 1S27. Salmonia, or days of (ly fishing. 3rd editicn. ijmo. Lcjnd. 1S32. DAV 182 Davy, Dr. John. Notes and observaiions on tho Ionian Islands and .Malta, with some remarks on Constantinople and Turkey. 2 vols. 8v(). Lond. 1842. Dawson, L. S., Com. R.N. Memoirs of Hydrography. 1750- 1885. 2 vols. 8vo. Eastbourne, 1885. Dawson, S. J. Report on the Red River Expedition. See Canada. Dawson, Thomas. Memoirs of St. Oeorge : being an introduction to an intended History of the Antiquities of Windsor. 8vo. Lond. 1 7 14. D'Ag-uilar, Sir George, Lieut.-Gen. Observations on the practice and the forms of Courts-Martial and Courts of Inquiry. Revised by John Endle. 8vo. Dublin, 1858. Military maxims of Napoleon. See Napoleon. De Ainslie, C. P., Gen. Sketches here and there. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Historical Record of the First or the Royal Regiment of Dragoons. See Army, Records. D'Alton, John. Illustrations of King James's Irish Army List, 1689. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Deane, H. Bargrave. Law of Blockade. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Deane, John Bathurst. The Life of Richard Deane, Major-General and General-at-Sea in the service of the Commonwealth. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Deane, John MarshalL Journal of the Campaign in Flanders, 1708; including the Battle of Oudenarde and the Siege of Lille. 8vo. n.p. 1846. D'Antoni, Alex. Vittorio Papacino. See Antoni. DAnvers, N. Heroes of North African Discovery. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Prehistoric America. See Nadaillac. D'Arcy- Evans, G., Lieut. Catch Questions in Infantry Drill. i2mo. Chatham, 1888. D'Aubuisson de Voisins, J, F. See Aubuisson. D'Auvergne, Ed. Relation of the most remarkable Transactions of the last Campaigne in the Confederate Army. 4to. Lond. 1693. (Bound in vol. " Military Tracts.") Campaigne in the Netherlands, 1692-6, with Journal of the Siege of Huy and account of the Siege of Namur. 5 parts in i vol. 4to. Lond. 1693-6. D'Azemar, Le Baron. See Azemar. Debay, A. Histoire Naturelle de I'Homme et de la Femme. i rth edition. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Deberle, Alfred. Histoire de I'Amerique du Sud. i2mo. Paris, 1876. 1 83 DEH Debrett. Baronetage of England. 7th edition. Edited by William Courthorpe. 8vo. Lond. 1839. De Butts, J. C. B., Lieut. Rambles in Ceylon. 8vo. Lond, 1841. War, is it unchristian? Lond. 1854. {8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) De Caindry, W. A. Laws of the United States relating to the Ordnance Department. See United States Army. Decandolle, A. P. See Candolle. De Carteret- Bisson, F. S. ^SV^ Carteret-Bisson. De Chaumont, F. S. B. F. Hygiene. See Parkes. Decker, C. von, Gen. Geschichte des Geschiitzwesens und der Artillerie in Europa. i2mo. Berlin, 1822. Tactique des Trois Armes. Traduit par Col. F. de Brack. 2 vols. Svo. Brussels, 1836-7. . Algerien und die dortige KriegfLihrung. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1844. The Three Arms, or divisional tactics. Translated by Major Inigo Jones. Svo. Lond. 1848. Militair-Literatur-Zeitung. See Germany, Periodicals. De Cosson, E. A,, Major. Days and nights of ser\ice with Sir G. Graham's Field Force at Suakin. Svo. Lond. 18S6. Dedon. Relation detaillee du passage de la Limat, effectue le 3 vendemiaire an 8 ; suivie de celle du passage du Rhin du 1 1 floreal suivant. Svo. Paris, iSoi, Precis Historique des Campagnes de I'Armee de Rhin et Moselle, pendant I'an IV et V. Svo. Paris, n.d. De Foe, Daniel. Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe ; with engravings from designs by Thomas Stothard. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1820. Robinson Crusoe. Translated into Arabic. i2mo. Malta, 1S31, The Storm in 1703. Svo. (No title page.) (Radstock Collection.) De Fonblanque, E. B. See Fonblanque. Degaulle. Construction et usage d'un nouveau Compas azimutal a Reflexion. Havre, 1779. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Deguignes. Art Militaire des Chinois. Sec Amiot. De Horsey, A. F. R, Capt. R.N. Rule of the Road at Sea. Lond. 1871, (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") DFJ 184 D'Invernois, Sir Francis. Najjoleon, administratcur et financcur. Svo. Lond. 1812. D'lsraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield. See Beaconsficld. D'Israeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Lilcraturc. See Corney. De Labilliere, F. P. Early History of tlie colony of Victoria. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878 History of a Cevenol Family. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Delafield, R., Col. U.S. Army. Rc])ort on the Art of War in luiropc in 1S54-6. 4to. Washington, i860. Delambre, J. B. J., Capt. Abrcge d'Astronomio, 011 lec^-ons elementaires d'Astronomie theorique et pratique. 8vo. Paris, 181 3. Systeme Metrique Decimal. See Mechain. Aerostation Militaire. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. iii.) Emploi militaire des Chemins de Fer. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. iii.) De la Motte, P., Major-Gen. Appeal to Sir Henry Hardinge, in reply to Mr. Willoughby's Letter from the Bombay Government. Lond. 1845. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lix.) Delap, J. B., Lieut. Yeoman's Manual. i2mo. Lond. 18S5. Delarclause, Savin, Vie de Seydlitz. See Ense. De la Rochette. First Meridian of Ptolemy. See Vincent, Voyage of Nearchus. De la Rue, Warren. The Solar Eclipse of August i8th, 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxv.) Lond. 1868. Delavoye, A. M., Capt. Life of Thomas Graham, Lord Lynedoch. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Records of the 90th Regiment (Perthshire Light Infantry). See Army, Records. Deleage, Paul. Trois mois chez les Zoulous, et les derniers jours du Prince Imperial. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Delen, Carl. Engelskt och Svenskt Lexikon. Part i. 4to. Stockholm, 1806. De Leon, Edwin. Egypt under its Khedives. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Deletanville. French Dictionary. See Boileau and Picquot. Deligny, Gen. Armee de Metz, 1870. ]\Iunster, 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) Delobel, L., Lieut.-Col. Deviations des Projectiles. See Magnus. De Lolme, J, L. See Lolme. Delorme, Dr. E. Manuel technique du Brancardier. i2mo. Paris, 1880. 1 85 DEN Dalpech, Henri. La Tactiquc au 131110 Siecle. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Deluzy, L^on. La Russic, son peuplc et son armee. 8vo. Paris, i860. Delvigne, Gustave. Notice Historique sur I'cxpcrimentation et I'adoption des Amies Rayees. 8vo. Paris, i860. (Bound with " Mangeot, Armes Rayees.") Demangel, J., Capt. Questions and answers on Tactics. 8vo. Yorktown, 1882. Demidoff, Anatole de. Voyage dans la Russie Meridionale et la Crimee. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Demmin, Auguste. (luide des amateurs d'Armes et Armures ancienne. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Weapons of War : being a history of Arms and Armour. Translated by C. C. Black. 8vo. Lond. 1870. De Morgan, Augustus. Elements of Arithmetic. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Connexion of number and magnitude, an attempt to explain the 5th Book of Euclid. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Elements of Algebra. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Elements of Trigonometry and Trigonometrical Analysis. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Answer to an assertion made by Sir William Hamilton. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Lond. 1847. De Mounteney, Barclay. See Mounteney. Dempsey, J. Maurice. Our Ocean Highways : a condensed route book. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Dendy, W. C. Philosophy of Mystery. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Denham, Capt., and Lieut. A. C. Dando. Description of the damage sustained by the vessels during the Cyclone at Calcutta in October, 1864. Calcutta, 1S65. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Denham, Dixon, Major, and Captain Hugh Clapperton. Narrative of travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in 1822-4. 4to. Lond. 1826. Ditto, ditto. With short account of Clapperton's and Lander's second journey, 1825-7. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1831. Denina, Carlo Giovanni Maria. Delle Rivoluzioni d' Italia. G vols. i2mo. Milan, 18 19. Denison, Rt.-Rev. Edward, Bishop of Salisbury. State of the (jueslion respecting the admission of Dissenters to the Univer- sities. Lond. 1835. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Denison, F. C, Capt. Historical Record of the (lovemor-Cene- ral's liody (iuard, and its standing orders. 8vo. 'IV ronto, 1876. 1)i:n' 186 Denison, George T., Lieut.-Col. Manual of Outpost Duties, with instructions for the defence of de- tached houses, villages, bridges, &c. i2mo. Toronto, 1866. Modern Cavalry : its organization, armament, and employment in war. 8vo. Lond. 1868, History of Cavalry. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Denman, Hon. J., Capt. R.N. The Slave Trade, the African Siiuadron, and Mr. Hutt's Committee. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Lond. [1849]. Denmark. Army. Tidsskrift for Krigsvc'Esen udgivet af en Forening af Officerer, 1855-1863. Copenhagen, 1855-63. Navy. Tidsskrift for Si|)V0esen udgivet af en Forening af S(|i-ofTficerer, 1856-1864. Copenhagen, 1856-64. Dennie, William, H., Col. Personal narrative of the Campaigns in Affghanistan, Scinde, Beloochistan, &c. ; compiled and arranged by William E. Steele. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. Dennis, Jeffery. Instructions for the Barometer and Thermometer. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 18 18. (Bound with " Systematic Plan.") Interesting account of the Town of Liverpool. 8vo. Lond. 1818. (Bound with " Systematic Plan.") Loss of the " Cabalva," East Indiaman. 8vo. Lond. 1818, (Bound with " Systematic Plan.") Extracts of East India Journals. 8vo. Lond. 18 19. (Bound with " Systematic Plan.") Systematic plan for bettering the condition of the Merchant Sea Service. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Dennis, John. Essay on the Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1702. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto. 8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xviii. (Second copy.) Ditto, ditto. 8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix. (Third copy.) Ditto, ditto. Naval Pamphlets, vol. i. (Fourth copy.) Denny, Henry. Geological and Archaeological Contents of the Victoria and Dowkabottom Caves in Craven. Leeds, i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Denon, Dominique Vivant, Baron. Travels in Sicily and Malta. Translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1789. Voyages dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte. 2 vols. 4to. Folio altas of plates. Lond. 1807. Travels in Egypt. See Sonnini. Dens, Peter. Extracts from Peter Dens, on tlie Nature of Confes- sion, and the Obligition of the Seal. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) Dublin, 1836. iSj DKR Dent, Digby, Capt. R.N. Defence of Capt. Digl^y Dent, to the com- plaint made against him by Rear-Admiral Knowles concerning his be- haviour in the Expedition to Saint Jago de Cuba. 8vo. Lond. 1748. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Dent, Edward J. Construction and management of Chronometers, Watches, and Clocks. Lond. 1841. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Errors of Chronometers, and e.xplanation of a new construction of the Compensation-Balance. l.ond. 1842. (8vo Pam])hlets, 2nd series, vol. xvii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Description of the Dipleidoscope. Lond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Treatise on the Aneroid, and Barometers in general. 8vo. Lond. 1849. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Dent, W. Building Materials. See Engineers, Royal, School. Derenzy, George Webb, Capt. Enchiridion : or a hand for the one-handed. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Derenzy, S. S., Capt, Marian de Brittoon, or the Rector's Orphan Grand-daughter. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1822. Life, love, and politics; or the adventures of a novice. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1^25. Dermoncourt, Gen. The Duchess of Berri in La Vendee. ' 8vo. Lond. 1833. De Ros, Gen, Lord, Hints on Horsemanship. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Field movements for a division of Cavalry. 4to. Lond. 1846. Memorials of the Tower of London. 8vo. Lond. 1866, Young Officer's Companion ; or essays on military duties and qualities. 8vo. Lond. 1868. British Regimental System in reference to the proposed reserves. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iv.) Lond. 1871, Deroulede, Paul. Avant la Bataille. 8vo. Paris, 1886, Pas Encore. Reponse a " Avant la Bataille." 8vo. Paris, 1886. Derrdcagaix, V,, Capt, Histoire de la Ouerre de 1870. Svo. Paris, 1871, La Guerre Moderne. 2 vols. 8vo, and atlas, 2 vols. Paris, 1885. Insurrection de la Dalmatie. See France, Conferences. Service de I'Etat-Major. See France, Army (Reunion dcs Officiers, vol. iii). DKR 1 88 Derrick, C. Rise cind progress of the Royal Navy. 410. Lond. 1806. Des Barres, J. F. W. Atlantic Nci)luiic. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. n.d. Sea Coast of Nova Scotia. Folio. n.p., n.d. Desborow, Charles. Address of the Lords to His Majesty, in rela- tion to the Petition of Charles Desborow, and His Majesty's most gracious answer. Svo. Lond. 1699. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Des Carrieres. Grammar of the French Tongue. See Chambaud. Descartes seu Cartesius, Renatus. Epistote, partim ab Auctore Latino sermone conscripta^, partim ex Gallico translate. Part 2. Sm. 4to. Amsterdam, 1682. Deschamps, C. Tacticiues de I'Lifanterie. ^i?^ France, Conferences. Deschanel, A. Privat. Elementary treatise on Natural Philosophy. Translated and edited by J- D. Everett. Svo. Lond. 1872. Deschanel, A. Privat, and A. Focillon. Dictionnaire general des Sciences. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1864-7. De Schlagintweit. See Schlagintweit. Deshays. Artillerie Navale de la Grande-Bretagne. See Zeni, Deslandes. Essai sur la Marine des Anciens et sur leurs Vaisseaux de Guerre. i2mo. Paris, 1768. (Radstock Collection.) Desmarais, Regnier, Abbe. Traile de la Grammaire Frangoise. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1706. Desmarest, A. G. Crustaces Fossiles. See Brongniart. Dessaix, Joseph, and Andre Folliet. Etude historique sur la Revolution et I'Empire en Savoie. Le General Dessaix, sa vie politique et militaire. Svo. Annecy, 1879. Dessiou, J. F. Le petit Neptune Franc^ais ; or French Coasting Pilot. 3rd edition. 4to. Lond. 1805. Directions for navigating the North Sea ; including directions for the Kattegat, Sound, and Grounds. Svo. Lond. 1S16. The Brazil Pilot. Svo. Lond. 1818. Directions for navigating the coast of Labradore. See Lane. Directions for navigating the coast of Newfoundland. See Lane. Directions for navigating the Bay of Placentia. See Lane. Navigation. See Moore, J. H. Detaille, E., and J. Richard. L'Armee Frangaise. Types et uniformes. 2 vols. Folio. Paris, 1885-8. D'Urtubie, Theodore. See LTrtubie. Devaureix, A., Capt. Guerre de Partisarj.s son passe, son avenir. Svo. Paris, 1881. 1 89 Die Deverell, W. R. Births and Deaths in the Prussian States. See Hoffman. Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex. See Essex. Devereux, Hon. W. B., Capt. R.N. Views on thj Shores of the Mediterranean. FoHo. Lond. 1847. Suggestions for improving the position of the Otificers of the Royal Navy. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Dewez. Histoire generale de la Belgique depuis la Conquetc de Cesar. 7 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1805. De Worms, Henry, Baron. England's Policy in the East. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1877. The Austro-Hungarian Empire. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Dibdin, Thomas. Reminiscences. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. 4th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Dicey, Edward. Six Months in the Federal States Lond. 1827. 2 vols, in one. 2 vols. 8vo. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Lond. 1864. Lond. 1 88 1. The Schleswig-Holstein War. England and Egypt. 8vo. Dicey, W. T. Y., Capt. Scheme for Channel Passage Steamers. Lond. 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xv.) Dover to Calais, Newhaven to Dieppe, without sea sickness. (Twin steamer.) Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvi.) Dickens. Diclionar}' of London. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Dictionary of the Thames. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Dictionary of Paris. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Dickinson, H., Capt. Listructions for forming a regiment of Infantry for parade of exercise. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Dickinson, John. Scheme for the establishment of efficient Militia Reserves. 2nd edition. Lond. 1871. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvi.) Dickinson, Robert. Improvement in British Shipbuilding. Southwark, 1825. (Xaval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Dickinson, T., Capt. R.N. Narrative of operations for the recovery of the public stores and treasures sunk in H.M.S. "Thetis" at Cape Trio, with an account of the loss of that ship. Svo. Lond. i8;6 Die 190 Dickinson, W. B. Silver Coinage of Siam. 8vo. Lend. 1848. Further remarks on the Silver Fish-hook Money, and the Ticals of Siam. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Concurrent Medal Money and Jewel Currency. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Dickson, Dr. S. Unity of Disease analytically and synthetically proved. 8vo. Lond. 1839. The " Destructive Art of Healing." 4th edition. Lond. 1856. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (i).) Dickson, T. G. Modern Greek. See Vincent, E. Dickson, Dr. W. Scurvy in the Mercantile Marine. Lond. 1866. (Svu Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) Dickson, Walter. Japan : being a sketch of the history, government, and officers of the Empire. 8vo. Lond. i86g. Dictionaries. New Pocket-Dictionary of the English and Danish Languages. i2mo. Leipsic, n.d. Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. Compiled and published by the Highland Society. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1828. Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif Polonois, Allemand et Francois. 8vo. Rohu, 1827. New Pocket-Dictionary of the English and Russian and of the Russian and English Languages. i2mo. Leipsic, n.d. New Pocket-Dictionary of English and Swedish Languages. i2mo. Leipsic, n.d. Technological Dictionary. English-German-French. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1878. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosich. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1887. Frangais-AIlemand-Anglais. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1887, Dictionarium Folygraphiciuii , or the whole body of Arts regularly digested. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1735. Geography. See Gazetteers. Slang Dictionary. New edition. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Dictionaries. Military and Naval. Military Dictionary. i2mo. Lond. 1702. Mihtary Dictionary, to which is added a Sea Dictionary. 12 mo. Lond. 1708. Dictionnaire Militaire, ou recueil alphabetique de tons les termes propres a I'Art de la Guerre. i2mo. Paris, 1742. Dictionnaire Militaire Portatif. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1758. New Military Dictionary; or the Field of A\'ar. Folio. Lond. I 760. iQi DIO Dictionaries. Military and Naval {conthmcd)— Vocabulary of Sea Phrases and Terms of Art used in Seamanship and Naval Architecture. English-French, and French-English. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1799. Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection.) Nouveau Dictionnaire historique des Sieges et Batailles Mc'morables ; at de Combats Maritimes. 6 vols, in three. 8vo. Paris, i8o^'. Ditto, ditto. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809. Glossary of Military Terms. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Didier. La parfait Ingenieur Francois, ou la Fortification offensive et defensive. 4to. Amsterdam, 1734. Dieffenbach, Dr. Ernest. Travels in New Zealand. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Dilichius, W. Kreiges-Schule. Fol. Frankfort, mdccxxii. Dilke, Sir Charles. The British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Dillon, Hon. A. Winter in Iceland and Lapland. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1840. Dillon, H. A., Viscount. Commentar)^ on the military establishments and policy of nations. Vol. 2. 8vo. Lond. 181 2. Tactics of ^lian. See /Elianus. Dillon, Hon. H. A. Costume in England. See Fairholt. Dillon, Sir John Joseph. Claim of the Dillon Family, of Proudston, to the Great Chamberlainship of all England. Lond. 1829. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Dillon, John Talbot, Knight and Baron. Travels through Spain. 4to. Lond. 1780. Dillon, Capt. P. Voyage in the South Seas, to ascertain the actual fate of La Perouse's expedition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Dillwyn, Lewis W. Memoranda relating to Coleopterous Lisects found in the neighbour- hood of Swansea. 8vo. Swansea, 1829. (Bound with " History of Swansea.") Review of the references to the Hortus Malabaricus of Henry van Rheede van Draakenstein, 8vo. Swansea, 1839. (Bound with "History of Swansea.") Contributions towards a history of Swansea. 8vo. Swansea, 1840. Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotheca Historical. Libri \v. P'olio. Ba^il, 1578. 1)10 192 Dion Cassius. 'I'lic History of Dion Cassius. Abridg'd by Xiiiliilin. Done troni llic Creek by Francis Manning, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1704. Dircks, Henry. Life, times, and scientific labours of the second Maniuis of Worcester ; with a reprint of his '• Century of Inven- tions." 8vo. Lond. 1865. Dirom, Alexander, Major, Narrative of the Campaign in India, which terminated the War with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792. 2n(i edition. 4to. Lond. 1794. Dislere, P. La guerre d'escadre et la guerre de cotes (les nouveaux navires de combat). Svo. Paris, 1876. La Marine Cuirassee. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Les Budgets Maritiraes de la France et de I'Angleterre. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Les Pensions Militaires en France et a I'Etranger. 8vo. Paris, 1 88 1. Ditterline, T. Sketch of the Battles of Gettysburg, with an explana- tory map. New York, 1863. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Dixon, Hepworth, Life of Admiral Blake. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Robert Blake, Admiral and General at Sea. Svo. Lond. 1852. Dobbins, James. Magnetic Remarker; containing a new method for finding the Magnetic Longitude at Sea by the Variation of the Compass. Lond. 1814. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Dobell, Peter. Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia, with a narrative of a residence in China. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Dobson, Austin. Fielding. See Morley (English Men of Letters), Dobson, John, Chronological Annals of the War, 1755-62. 8vo. Oxford, 1763. Docciolini, Marco. Trattato in Materia di Scherma. Sm. 4to. Florence, 1601, Dockyards. Observations on the recent abolition of certain situations, including Quartermen, and the new arrangement of the Clerks in His Majesty's Dockyards. Chatham, 1824. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Dodd, Charles R. Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland. i2mo. I^ond. 1841. Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1854. Dodd, J, S. History of Gibraltar, and the sieges and attacks it has sustained. Svo. lond. 17S1. 193 ,1 >0U Dodd, R. Improvement of Blue and Mile Towns, Sheerness. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Lond. 1801. Doddridge, Philip. Passages in the life of the Hon. Col. James Oarainer, who was slain at the Battle of Preston Pans, i 2mo. Edinburgh, 1802. Dodwell, Edward. Officers of the Indian Army. Sa' India. Dogen, Matthias. L'Architecture Militaire moderne. Folio. Amsterdam, 1648. Doheny, Michael. History of the American Revolution. i2mo. Dublin, 1846. (Bound with MacNevin's History of the Volunteers.) Doisy, Martin. L'ltalie apr^s la Guerre. See Fabrizi. Dolby, I. E. A. Journal of the Household Brigade, 1862-79. 18 vols. 4to. Lond. 1862-79. Dollond, G. Description of the Atmospheric Recorder. Lond. n.d. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Dolomieu, Deodatus de. Earthquakes in Calabria Ultra. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. v. Donaldson, T. L. Memoir of the late Commendatore Canina : with description of Alnwick Castle, Northumberland. Lond. 1856. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Architectura Numismatica; or architectural medals of classic antiquity. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Donkin, Major. Military collections and remarks. 8vo. New York, 1777. Donkin, Sir Rufane, Lieut.-Gen. Letter on the Government of the Cape of Good Hope. Lond. 1827. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Donn, James. Hortus Cantabrigiensis. See Catalogues. Donnegan, James. Greek and English Lexicon. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Dorking. Battle of Dorking : reminiscences of a Volunteer. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) Lond. 1871. Douay. Journalle des Assieges de la ville de Douay. 4to. n.p., n.d. Doubleday, Abner. Civil War in America. See Campaigns. Dougall, John. vSpanish Coasting Pilot. See Tofino. Douglas, A. Baird, Capt. Guide to Promotion to Field Rank in the Auxiliary and Reserve Forces. i2mo. Lond. 1888. Douglas, Sir Howard, Bart., Gen. Treatise on Naval (iunnery. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. i860. nou T94 Douglas, Sir HDwird, Bart., Gen. {continued) — Additional slatcincnt of facts relative to the operation of Breaking the Enemy's Line on April 12th, 1782. Lond. 1830. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxv.) Naval Evolutions. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Essay on the principles and construction of Military Bridges, and the passage of Rivers in Military Operations. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Remarks on the Naval Operations in the Black Sea, and the Siege of Sevastopol. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Naval Warfare with Steam. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Modern Systems of Fortification. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Defence of England ; naval, littoral, and internal. Lond. i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiii.) Postscript to the section on Iron Defences, in " Naval Gunnery." (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iviii.) Lond. i860. Douglas, James, of Cavers. Hints on Missions. Lond. 1822. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xviii.) Douglas, James, Brig.-Gen. The Surveyor's utmost desire ful- filled. 8vo. Lond. 1722. (With a MS. dedication to Gen. Wade.) Douglas, J. P. Run through South Wales. Shrewsbury, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xc.) Douglas, Sir Percy, Bart., Lieut.-Gen. Future establishment and organization of our Land Forces ; and treating of some ques tions connected with the Militia. Fareham, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvi.) Douglas, William. Soldiering in sunshine and storm. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1865 Horse-shoeing as it is and as it should be. 8vo. Lond. 1873 Douglass, Sir J. N. The Wolf Rock Lighthouse. Lond. 1870 (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Doull, A., Lieut. Fortification in an Artilleristical point of view. (8vo Pamphlets, vol. Ixi (i).) Woolwich, i860 Dove, H. W. Distribution of Heat over the surface of the Globe. 4to. Lond. 1853 Law of Storms ; translated by R. H. Scott. 8vo. Lond. 1862 Doveton, Miss. A sketch abroad. See Oliver, S. P. Dowden, Edward. Southey. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Dowie, James. The Foot and its covering. 8vo. Lond. 1861 Dowleans, A. M. Catalogue of the Contributions from India to the Exhibition of 1S62. See Exhibitions. 195 T)RE Downie, Sir A. M. Spas of Homburg, their efficacy in the treatment of Chronic Disease. (8vo Pamphlets, and series, vol. xviii.) Lond. 1842. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1844. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xl.) Downing', D. F,, Capt. Notes on the 3rd edition of the Treatise on Ordnance. 8vo. Woolwich, 1886. Downs Society of Fishermen's Friends. Report of the Com- mittee. Deal, 181 6. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Doyle, C. W., Major. Military Catechism for the use of young Officers. Lond. 1804. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Military Catechism for the use of covering and supernumerary Sergeants. Lond. 1804. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Doyle, Sir F. H. Return of the Guards, and other poems. i2mo. Lond. 1866. Drach, S. M. Deductions from Mr. Glaisher's " Meteorological Corrections." (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Lond. 1851. Circle-Area and Heptagon-Chord. Lond. 1864, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Drake, Sir Francis. Life of Sir Francis Drake, with an account of his Family and of the Richmond Family of Highhend Castle. 4to. Lond. 1828. Voyage in 1595. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. iv. Drake, Nathan. Memorials of Shakspeare. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Drake, Peter, Capt. Memoirs, containing anecdotes regarding King William and Queen Anne's Wars with Lewis XIV of France. 8vo. Dublin, 1755. Dramas. New British Theatre : a selection of original dramas. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 14-5. Draper, E. A., Lieut.-Col. Address to the British Public on the case of Brigadier-General Picton. Svo. Lond. 1806. Drayson, A. W., Major-Gen. Practical military surveying and sketching. Svo. Lond. 1861. Experiences of a Woolwich Professor during fifteen years at the Royal Military Academy. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Thirty thousand years of the Earth's past history, read by aid of the discovery of the Second Rotation of the Earth. Svo. Lond. 1888. Dredge, James. Electric Illumination. \o\. i. 4to. Lond. 18S2. o 2 DKK 196 Dresch, J. Pelit Ouide Militairc, FraiK^ais-Allemande. 2nd edition S\(). Paris, 1880. Drew, Andrew, Rear-Admiral. Capture and destruction of the Steamer "'Caridine" and her descent over the Falls of Niagara. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Lond. 1864. Drill. The complete Drill Serjeant: containing instruction for the Drill, Manual, and Platoon Exercise. Lond. 1798. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Light-Horse Drill ; for the use of privates and ofificers of the Volunteer Cor])s. 3rd edition. 4to. Lond. 1803. Exposition of the Nineteen Manoeuvres. i2mo. Lond. 1805. British Infantry Drill as it might be. Lond. 1868. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) Physical Training made easy : in accordance with the new Infantry Drill. i2mo. Chatham, 1889. Soldiers' Companion ; containing instructions for the Drill, Manual, and Platoon Exercise. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) Drinkwater, John. History of the late Siege of Gibraltar. 410. Lond. 1785. Druitt, Robert. Report on the Cheap Wines from France, Szc. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Drummond, James. Ancient Scottish Weapons. With introduc- tion and notes by James Anderson. 4to. Edinburgh, 1881. Drummond de Melfort, Louis, Comte. Traite sur la Cavalerie. Folio, with large folio Atlas of plates. Paris, 1776. Dryden, John. Tyrannick Love, or the Royal ALartyr. A Tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1670. Works of John Dryden. With Notes and a Life of the Author, by Walter Scott. 18 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808. History of the League. See Maimbourgh. Drygalski, A. von. Die neu Russische Taktik, in ihrer Gegen- wartigen Entwickelung. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Drysdale, Dr. C. R. Venereal Diseases. See Harveian Medical Society. Dubail, E. Precis d'Histoire Militaire. 2 vols. 8vo, and Atlas 2 vols, folio. Paris, 1880. Dublin Sailor's Home. Report, Sec. Dublin, 1857. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liv.) Dubost, Antoine. Hunt and Hope : an appeal to the Public by Mr. Dubost against the Calumnies of the Editor of the "Ex- aminer." Lond. 1810. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. iii.) 197 nuG Dubreuil, P^re Jean. Practice of Perspective [called the Jesuits' Perspective]. 4th edition. 4to. Lond. 1781. Duby, Tobiesen, Capt. Rccucil general des Pieces obsidionales et de necessite. 4to. Paris, 1786. Du Cane, E. F., Major. The Quadrilateral. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) Manner in which sentences of Penal Servitude are carried out in England. Lond. 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) Du Casse, A. Le General Vandamme et sa cofrespondance. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Du Casse, Robert, Baron. L'Amiral Du Casse (1646-17 15). Etude sur la Erance Maritime et Coloniale (Regnede Louis XIV). 8vo. Paris, 1876. Duck, F. Report relative to the Veterinary Service with the Bechu- analand Field Force. Folio. Lond. 1886. Duckett, G. F., Capt. Technological Military Dictionary, German- English-Erench. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Duclairbois. See Clairbois. Duclos, C. P. Memoires secrets sur les regnes de Louis XIV et de Louis XV. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. Ixxvi-lxxvii.) Ducrot, A., Gen. La Journee de Sedan. 8vo. Paris, 1871. De I'Etat-Major et des ditferentes amies. 8vo. Paris, 187 1. La Defense de Paris, 1870-71. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1875-78. Du Fay, Abbe. Manibre de bien Fortifier. See Vauban. Duff, J. G. History of the Mahrattas. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Duff, M. E. Grant. See Grant Duff. Dufief, N. G. Nature displayed in her mode of teaching Language to Man. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Dufour, G. H., Gen. Topographische Karte der Schweiz. Folio. n.p. 1833-63. Cours de Tactique. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1851. Dufourmantelle, C. La Marine Militaire en France au commence- ment de la Guerre de Cent Ans. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Dufton, Henry. Narrative of a journey through Abyssinia in 1862-3. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Duguay-Trouin, Lieut.-Gen. Memoirs. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1756. Ditto. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. Ixxv.) DUH 198 Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis. Elemens de I'Architecture Navale, ou traite pratique do la construction dcs vaisseaux. 4I0. Paris, 1752 See also Murray. Duhent, Louis. Transformation du Materiel de I'Artillerie. Le Canon Trussien et un Canon Beige raye et se chargeant par la culasse. Brussels, 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (i).) Duke, Basil W. History of Morgan's Cavalry. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1867. Duke, Joshua. Recollections of the Kabul Campaign, 1879-80. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Dukerus, C. A. Epitome Rerum Romanarum. See Florus. Dulacq, Capt. Theorie nouvelle sur la M^canisme de I'Artillerie. 4to. Paris, 1741. Dulague. Lemons de Navigation. 8vo. Rouen, 1791. Dumaine, J. Catalogue de la Libraire Militaire. See Catalogues. Dumas, Capt. Photographie et de ses applications aux besoins de TArmee. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. ii). Dumas et Boussingault, MM. Essai de Statique Chimique des etres organises. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Dumas, Comte Mathieu, Lieut.-Gen. Precis des Evenements Militaires ou essais historique sur les Cam- pagnes de 17 19- 18 14. 19 vols. 8vo, and folio Atlas. Paris, 1817-26. Epitome of Military Events. Vol. i. March to Sept., 1799. 8vo. Lond. 1800. Dumeril. Anatomie comparee. See Cuvier. Dumersan. Notice des Monunlens exposes dans le Cabinet des Medailles, Antiques, et Pierres Gravees de la Bibliotheque du Roi. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Paris, 1828. Dumont, J., and Rousset de Missy. Histoire Militaire du Prince Eugene de Savoye, du Prince et Due de Marlborough, et du Prince de Nassau-Frise. 3 vols. Folio. The Hague, 1729-47. The Military History of Prince Eugene of Savoy, as also of the late Duke of Marlborough, and the Prince of Nassau-Friezland. Trans- lated by Paul Chamberlen. Folio. Lond. 1736. Dumouriez, Gen. Life of General Dumouriez. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1796. Sketch of all the Invasions or Descents upon the British Islands, from William the Conqueror to the present time. 5th edition. 4to. Lond. 1803. (Incomplete.) M^moires et correspondance inedits. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Brussels, 1835. 199 DUN Dunant, J. Henry. Un souvenir de Solferino. 2nd edition. 8vo. Geneva, 1862. Suites de souvenir de Solferino. See Geneva. Dunbar, George. History of the Grecian States. See Potter. Duncan, Francis, Col. Cupolas and Forts. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (ii).) Our Garrisons in the West, or Sketches in British North America. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Canada: a lecture. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxv.) Canada in 187 1. Lond. 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. c.) The English in Spain ; or the Story of the War of Succession, 1834-40. 8vo. Lond. 1877. St. John Ambulance Association : its aim and objects. 8vo. Lond. 1 88 1. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. See Army, Records. Artillerists' Manual. See Griffiths. Duncan, John M. Travels through part of the United States and Canada in 1818-19. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1823. Travels in Western Africa in 1845 and 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Duncan, William. Commentaries of Coesar. See Ccesar. Dundas, Sir David, Gen. Principles of Military Movements, chiefly applied to Infantry. Illus- trated by manoeuvres of the Prussian I'roops, and by an outline of the British Campaigns in Germany during the war of 1757. 4to. Lond. 1788. Summary Account of the Proceedings of the Fleet and Army, em- ployed at Toulon, in 1793. 4'^o- Brentford, 1805. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Dundas, Henry, Viscount Melville. See Melville. Dundonald, Earl of, Admiral. Mineralogy, government and con- dition of the British ^^'est India Islands and North American Maritime Colonies. Lond. 1851. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxx.) Dundonald, Thomas, Tenth Earl of. Autobiography of a Sea- man. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1S60. Dundonald, Thomas, Eleventh Earl of, and H. R. Fox Bourne. Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Dunfermline, James, Lord. Memoir of Lieutenant-General Sir Ralph Abercromby, 1793-1S01. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861. DUN 200 Dunham, S. A. History of Spiin and Portugal. 5 vols. 121110. Lend. 1832. Dunkirk. Description of the Town and Citadel of Dunkirk. 410. Lond. 1 71 2. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Memorial against the Fortifying the Ports and Harbours of Dunkirk and Mardike. Lond. 17 15. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xx.) Plans of Dunkirk from the year 646 to 1768. Folio. n.p., n.d. Dunlap, William. Memoirs of George Fred. Cooke, late of the riieatre Royal, Covent Garden. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813. Dunn, Beverly W., Lieut. U.S.A. Development of Power in the modern Military Rifle. n.p. 1887. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Dunn, Samuel. New Directory for the East Indies. 5th edition. 4to. Lond. 1780. Dunraven, Earl of. The Great Divide : travels in the Upper Yellowstone in 1874. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Dunsany, Edward Plunkett, Lord. Past and future of the British Navy. i2mo. Lond. 1846. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1847. Our Naval Position and Policy. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Sketches of the last Naval War. See Graviere. Dunton, John. Journal of the Sally Fleet. i2mo. Lond. 1637. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Dunwoody, H. H. C. Meteorology. See U.S. Army, Signal Service, Prof. Papers Nos. 9 and 10. Dupanloup, Mgr. Lettres sur Teducation des filles. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Duparcq, E. de la Barre. Des Lnitations Militaires. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Duperrey, L. \. Atlas du Voyage autour du Monde, execute sur la Corvette "La Coquille," 1822-5. Folio. Paris, 1827. Du Picq, Ardant, Col. Etudes sur le Combat. i2mo. Paris, 1880. Dupin, Charles, Baron. Force Navale de la Grande-Bretagne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825. History and actual state of the Military Force of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Commercial Power of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo, with 4to Atlas. Lond. 1825. Plans, &:c., to ditto. (4to Pamphlets, vo^ iii.) 20I DUV Djpin, Charles, Baron {continued) - Narratives of two Excursions to the Ports of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1816-8. 8vo. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Dupre, Pierre. Dictionnaire des Marine Etrangeres. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Dupuis, Joseph. Journal of a residence in Ashantee ; comprising notes and researches relative to the Gold Coast and the interior of Western Africa, with an account of the origin and causes of the present war. 4to. Lond. 1824. Duquet, Alfred. Frceschwiller, Chalons, Sedan. 8vo. Paris, 1880. La Guerre d'ltalie (1859). 8vo. Paris, 1882. Guerre de 18 70-1. Les grands batailles de Metz. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Duran, J. A. Nouveau Systeme de Physique Gene'rale en opposition avec les principes recus. Paris, 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Durand, Sir H. M., Major-Gen. The first Afghan War and its causes. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Durassier, E. Aide-Memoire de I'Ofificier de ISLirine, 1888. i2mo. Paris, 1888. Durdent, R. S. Histoire critique du Senat Conservateur depuis sa creation en Nivose an viii, jusqu'5. sa dissolution en Avril 1814. 8vo. Paris, 18 15. Durer, Albert. Instruction sur la Fortification des Villes, Bourgs et Chateaux. Traduit de I'Allemand par A. Ratheau. Folio. Paris, 1870. Duro, C. F. La Armada Invencible. 2 vols. 8vo. Madrid, 1884. Duronceray, P. L. Consolations d'un Solitaire, ou quelques opuscules philosophique, litteraires et poetiques. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 18 1 5. Diirrich, Ferdinand von. Atlas aus der Geschichte der Kriege von 1792 bis 1815. 6lecteur a son Depute. (Bound with " L'Esprit Huniain.") Madame Thdrt;se. i6th edition. 121110. Paris, n.d. La Maison Foresti^re. 5th edition. 121110. Paris, n.d. Maitre Daniel Rock. 121110. Paris, 1861. Maitre Claspard Fi.K. 121110. Paris, n.d. Les Orateurs de nion village. (Bound with " Histoire d'un Sous Maitre.") Les Papiers de AL^daiiie Jeannette. (Bound with " Histoire d'un Sous Maitre.") Quelques mots sur I'Esprit Humain. i2mo. Paris, n.d. La Sentinelle perdue. (Bound with " Histoire d'un Sous Maitre.") Souvenirs d'un ancien Chef de Chantier a I'lsthnie de Suez. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Les Vieux de la Vieille. 4th edition. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Waterloo; suite du Conscrit de 1813. 20th edition. lanio. Paris, n.d. Erichsen, John Eric. Science and art of Surgery. 5th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Ernestus, J. A. Homeri Opera Omnia. See Homer. Errard, J. La Fortification demonstree. Folio. Paris, 1620. Erskine, John Elphinstone, Capt. R.N. Journal of a cruise among the Islands of the Western Pacific. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Erskine, Robert, Capt. The facts and accusations set forth in a late Pamphlet, intitled " The conduct and treatment of John Crookshank," proved to be false and groundless. 8vo. Lond. 1759. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Erskine, William. Memoirs of Z. ISL Baber. See Baber. Esmarch, Dr. Friedrich. The first dressing on the battle-field. Translated by Dr. T. Guy, i2mo. Lond. 1870 The Surgeon's Handbook on the treatment of wounded in war Translated by H. H. Clutton. 4to. Lond. 1878 Chirurgie de Guerre. Translated by Dr. Rouge. 4to. Paris, 1879 First aid to the Lijured. Translated by H.R.H. Princess Christian 8vo. Lond. 1882 Espinosa y Tello, Don Josef. Memorias sobre las Observaciones Astronomicas, hechas por los Navegantes Espafioles en distintos lugares del Globo. 2 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1809. 217 EUL Espinosa y Tello, Don Josef {continued) — Charts of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Folio. Lond. 1813. Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of. Alarm of an Invasion from Spain, in 1596. Sec National Defence. Este, Dr. M. L. Letter concerning the Royal and other Scientific Institutions. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Lond. 18 10. Remarks on Baths. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Facts respecting the Drainage of London and the pollution of the Thames. Lond. 1858. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lii.) Remarks on Railways. Lond. 1858. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. li.) Infanticides-Suicides. n.p., i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Estienne de Lusignan, F. Histoire contenant una sommaire Description des Genealogies, &c. de tous les Princes et Grans Seigneurs qui ont commandees Royaumes de Hierusalem, Cypre, Armenie, et lieux circonuousins. 4to. Paris, 1579. Estorff, Major von. Taktische Betrachtungen iiber das Infanterie- gefecht auf dem Schlachtfelde von Gravelotte St. Privat. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Estrees, Marechal d'. R^gence de Marie de Medecis. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Etonian. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Etruria, Maria Louisa, Queen of. See Maria. Etyler, J. A. Description of the Naval Automaton. i2mo. Lond. 1836. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Eugene of Savoy, Prince. Memoirs, written by himself Trans- lated by F. Shoberl. 2!id edition. 8vo. Lond. 181 1. Euler, Prof. Gunnery. See Brown, Hugh. Euler, D. Inquisitio Physica in causam fluxus ac refluxus Maris. See Newton's Principia, vol. iii, p. 283. Euler, J. A. Recherches sur I'Arrimage des Vaisseaux. 4to. Paris, 1 810, Euler, Leonard. Theory of the construction and properties of Vessels, with practical conclusions for the management of ships. Translated by Col. H. Watson. 8vo. Lond. 1790. Elements of Algebra, translated from the French, with the Notes of M. Bernouilli, and the additions of M. de la Grange. 4th edition. By the Rev. John Hewlett ; with a Life of Euler, by the late Francis Horner. Svo. Lond. 1828. EUR 218 Europe. Coniplcat History of Europe, 1676-99. 8vo. Lond. 1699. Ditto, ditto. 1 600- 1 700. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1705. Ditto, ditto. 1701-12. 12 vols. Svo. Lond. 1702-13. Military Costume of Europe. Vol. i only. 4to. Lond. 1812. Balance of Power in Europe, its Naval Aspect. Lond. 1888, (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Eusebius, Joannes. De nova Moneta Alexandri VIL 121110. n.p. 1656. Eustace, Rev. John Chetwode. Classical tour through Italy, 1802. 4th edition. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1817. Evans, Sir de Lacy. Memoranda of the contest in Spain, 1840. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Evans, E. T. Records of the Third Middlesex Rifle Volunteers. See Reserve Forces. Evans, F. J. Amount and changes of the Polar Magnetism in H.M S. " Northum- berland." Lond. 1868. (4to Pamphlets, vol. v.) Elementary manual for the deviation of the Compass in iron ships. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Deviations of the Compass. See Admiralty. Evans, G. D'Arcy, Lieut. See D'Arcy- Evans. Evans, H. B. Jamaica, a source of national wealth and honour. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. v.) Lond. 1855. Evans, H. D., Capt. Development of Reserve Forces. Svo. (Bound in vol. lettered "Recruiting.") Lond. 1875. Evans, Rev. J. Letters written during a tour through South Wales, in 1S03. Svo. Lond. 1804. Evans, John. Ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of Great Britain. Svo. Lond. 1S72. Evans, Maurice. The /Egis of England ; or the Triumphs of the late War. 4to. Lond. 1S17. Ditto, ditto. Svo. Lond. 1817. Evans, T. State of the Masters' Mates, Midshipmen, Inferior Officers, and Sea- men of H.M. Navy. Lond. 1791. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Sculptured Metopes. See Angell. Evans, Dr. T. W. Sanitary Institutions during the Austro-Prussian-Italian Conflict. 3rd edition. Svo. Paris, 1868. 2 19 KXC Evans, Dr. T. W. {continued) — History and description of an Ambulance Wagon. Paris, 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (i).) Evelyn, John. Numisniata : a discourse of Medals, ancient and modern. Folio. Lond. 1697. Memoirs : comprising his diary and a selection of his familiar letters. Edited by William Bray. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1827. Ditto, ditto. Complete in i vol. i2mo. Lond. 1871. Everett, Edward. Causes of the American Civil War. See Moore, F. Everett, George. The Pathway to Peace and Profit, or a way for the more speedy and effectual Building and Repairing the Royal Navy. Lond. 1694. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, " Remarks on the Navy.") Encouragement for Seamen and Mariners. Being a method for the more speedy and effectual furnishing their Majesties Navy with Seamen and Mariners. Lond. 1695. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xv.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) Everett, J. D. Natural Philosophy. See Deschanel. Everitt, Herbert. System for directing and converging the fire of Heavy Guns. Portsmouth, 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Evesham, John. Voyage to the Azores. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Ewald, A. C. Civil St-rvice Guide. See White, H. Reference Book of English History. Svo. Lond. 1866. The last century of universal history : 1767 to 1S67. Svo. Lund. 1868. Ewart, C. B., Lieut.-Col. Report on the proper Principle of Drainage to be adopted in Oxford, Eton, Windsor, and Abing- don. Lond. 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (i).) Exchaquet, H. Essai sur les moyens de rectifier les jugemens que nous [jortons sur les Distances des Objets Eloignes. Svo. Lausanne, 1800. V.\\\ 2 20 Exhibitions. J.oiulun, 1S51, Official, descriptive, and illustrated catalogue of the Great Exhi- bition of 1 85 1. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Paris, 18515. Catalogue of the British Section. 8vo. Lond. 1855, Description of new or improved Instruments for Navigation and Astronomy, exhibited by C. Piazzi Smyth. Edinburgh, 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (i).) Reports of the Paris Universal Exhibition ; presented to Parlia- ment. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856. London, 1862. Official Illustrated Catalogue of the International Exhibition of 1862. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Record of the Great Exhibition, 1862. ("Practical Mechanics Journal.") 4to. Lond. 1862. Catalogue of the Contributions from India to the London Exhi- bition of 1862 : by A. M. Dowleans. 4to. Lond. 1862. Kingdom of Italy. Official descriptive catalogue. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Reports of the Juries. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Dublin, 1865. Kingdom of Italy. Official Catalogue. 2nd edition. 8vo. Turin, 1865. Paris, 1867. Reports on the Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867. Vol. iv. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Rapport de la Haute Commission Militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1869. India, 1870. Report of the central committee of the Soldiers' Industrial Exhi- bition, India. Lahore, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxv.) Catalogues, &c. Lahore, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxv.) London, 1873. Official Catalogue. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Vienna, 1873. Reports of the Vienna Universal Exhibition. 4 vols. 8vo. and folio vol. of maps and plans. Lond. 1874. Philadelphia, 1876. Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition of 1876. (Melbourne, 1875.) Official Record. 8vo. Melbourne, 1875. Official catalogue of the British Section. 4to. Lond. 1876. General Views of the United States Government Building and contents. Oblong folio. Boston, Mass., 1877. Report of the Board on behalf of United States Executive De- partments. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1884. 221 FAB Exhibitions {conthmed) — Paris, 1878. Handbook and Ofificial Catalogue of the Canadian Section. Svo, with Svo case of maps. Lond. 1878. Royaume de Suede. 1. Expose Statistique : par Dr. E. Sidenblagh. 2. Catalogue: par H. af Petersens. 8vo. Stockholm, 1878. La Marine a I'Exposition Universelle de 1878. Text 2 vols. Svo, and atlas 2 vols, folio. Paris, 1S79. Glasgow, 1S80-1. Catalogue of the Naval and Marine Exhibition, with sketch of the rise and progress of steam navigation : by W. J. Miller. Svo. Glasgow, 1880. Lectures on Naval Architecture and Engineering. Svo. Lond. and Glasgow, 18S1. London, 1882. Report on the Exhibition of Ship Models, &c., held in Fish- mongers' Hall, London, May, 1882. Svo. The Hague, 1882. Colonial and Indian, London. Illustrated Handbook of Victoria. Svo. Melbourne, 1 886. Eyes, Diseases of. Operations performed by Mr. Adams for the cure of the various species of Cataract and the Egyptian Ophthal- mia. Lond. 18 14. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Eyre, Edward John. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, 1 840-1. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1845. Eyre, Sir Vincent, Major-Gen. Military operations at Cabul, 1842. i2mo. Lond. 1843. Metallic Boats and floating waggons for naval and military service. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxi.) Lond. 1S56. Retrospect of the Affghan War, with reference to passing events in Central Asia. Lond. 1869. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvi.) A fortnight's tour among French Ambulances. Lond. 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) The Kabul Insurrection of 1 841-2 : edited by Col. G. B. Malleson. Svo. Lond. 1S79. F. Fabre, Col. Precis de la Guerre Franco- Alleniande. Svo. Paris, 1875, Fabrettus, Ralph. Jasithei ad Grunnovium Apologema in ejusque Titivilitia sive somnia de Tito Livio Animadversiones. 4to. Naples, 1686. (Bound with " Turre, De Annis."). FAB 2 22 Fabrizi, Jean. 1. 'Italic ai)rcs la Ciucrre. Translated by M. Martin ])oisy. 8vo. Paris, 1859. Fabyan, Robert, New Chronicles of England and France. Edited by Henry J'^llis. 4to. Lond. 181 1. Facciolatus, J. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Opera et studio y^sgidii Forcellini. Edited by J. Bailey. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1828. Faddy, Peter, Col. Defence and Military System of Great Britain, at home and abroad. Lond. 1848. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) Fad^eff, Rotislav, Gen. Opinion on the Eastern Question. Trans- lated by T. Michell. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1876. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Fadejew, Gen. Uber Russlands Kriegsmacht und Kriegspolitik. Mit einem \'or\vort von Julius Eckardt. Svo. Liepzig, 1S70. Faden, W. Charts of South America. Folio. Lond. 1S07. Faesch, Lieut.-CoL Instruction Militaire du Roi de Prusse. See Frederick IL Faidherbe, L., Gen. Campagne de I'Armee du Nord en 1870-71. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcv.) Paris, 1871. Faija, Henry. Pordand cement for users. Svo. Lond. 1881. Fain, Baron. Manuscript of 1814. Memoirs of the last six months of the Reign of Napoleon. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1826. Manuscrit de 1812, contenant le precis des evenements de cette annee, 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1827. Ditto. 1 8 13. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1825, Ditto. 1S14. Svo. Paris, 1830. Fairbairn, William. Iron shipbuilding : its history and progress. Svo. Lond. 1S65. Fairburn. Abstract of an Act passed July 27, 1S03, for Arming the Nation. Svo. Lond. 1S03. (Bound in vol. of Military Tracts.) Fairfax, W. Handbook to Australasia. i2mo. Melbourne, 1859. Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England ; a history of dress to the end of the eighteenth century. 3rd edition. Edited by the Hon. H. A. Dillon. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1 885. Dictionar}' of Terms in Art. Svo. Lond. n.d. "Fairy," H. M.S. Loss of H.M.S. "Fairy." Svo. Lond. 1S41. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) 2 23 JAR Falbe. Les Antiques Monnaies d'Abdera de la Beti'iuc. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Copenhagen, 1849. Falck, N. D. Ready Observator ; or an infallible method for deter- mining the Latitude at Sea. 4to. Lond. 1771. Falconer, Thomas. Discovery of the Mississi])i)i, the S.W. Oregon and N.W. Boundary of the United States. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Falconer, William. Universal Dictionary of the Marine. 4to. Lond. 1769. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1771. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 4to. Lond. 1780. Ditto, ditto. Modernised and enlarged by W. Burney. 4to. Lond. 1815. The Shipwreck, a poem ; with additional notes and illustrations and sketch of the Author's Life. 4to. Lond. 1808. Falconer, Dr. W. Dissertation on St. Paul's Voyage from Caesarea to Puteoli. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Geography of Strabo. See Strabo. Falkner, Thomas. Description of Patagonia and the adjoining parts of South America and the Falkland Islands. 4to. Hereford, 1774 Falkonberg, B. E., alias B. Solymos. Desert Life : recollections of an expedition in the Soudan. 8vo. Lond. 1880 Falle, Rev. P. C^esarea, or an account of Jersey. 4th edition. 8vo Jersey, 1835 Fallon, J. de. Anglo-American Method of learning to read, write, and pronounce the French Language. 8vo. Paris, 1880 Fame. Nautical Poem, entitled " The Fame." i2mo. Lond. 1809 Fanshawe, E. G., Vice-Admiral. Suggestions on the entry, education, and promotion of Naval Officers (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) Lond. 1874 Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Fanshawe, Lady. Memoirs ; written by herself. i2mo. Lond. 1830. Fantin-Desodoards, A. E. N. Histoire Philosophique de la Revolution de France, depuis la premiere Assembl^e jusqu'il la Paix de I'resbourg. 5th edition, 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807. Faraday, Michael. Practical Prevention of Dry Rot in Timber. Lond. 1836. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets. 2nd series, vol, x.) FAR 224 Faraday, Michael {continiud) — Chemical Manipulation. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Physics. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Experimental Researches in Electricity, vols, i and ii. 8vo. Lond. 1839-44 Farces. Collection of the most esteemed Farces. 6 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1792. Farcy, Camille. La Guerre sur le Danube, 1877-78. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Fare, Marquis de la. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Farragut, L. Life of David Glasgow Farragut, First Admiral of the U.S. Navy. 8vo, New York, 1879. Farrer, J. A. Zululand and the Zulus. 12 mo. Lond. 1879. Military manners and customs. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Farrer, T. H. The alterations which would be made in the present law by the enactment of the Merchant Shipping Code, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Lond. 1870. Farrow, Edward, S. Military Encyclopaedia : a dictionary of military knowledge. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1885. Farsetti, T. G. Lettere Militare. 8vo. Venice, 1759. Father of the City of Eutopia, or the surest road to riches. 8vo. (Radstock's Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Lond. 1757. Faucitt, William. Regulations for the Prussian Infantry. See Germany. Faulkner, T. Account of the Royal Hospital and the Royal Mili- tary Asylum at Chelsea, with an account of King James' College. i2mo. Lond. 1805. Faussett, Rev. Bryan. Collection of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Lond. 1854. Faux, W. Memorable days in America. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Fave, General. L'Armee Fran^aise depuis la guerre. Paris, 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Etudes sur I'Artillery. See Napoleon III. Histoire de I'Artillerie. See Reinaud. Favre, Edmond. L'Autriche et ses Institutions Militaires. Svo. Paris and Leipsic, 1866. Favre, Jules. Gouvernement de la Defense Nationale, 187 1-2. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 187 1-2. Fay, C. Souvenirs de la Guerre de Crimee, 1854-6. Svo. Paris, 1867. 2 25 FER Fayette. See Lafayette. Fayrer, J. The 'Fhanatophidia of India : being a description of the venomous snakes of the Indian Peninsula. FoUo. Lond. 1872. The Royal Tiger of Bengal, his life and death. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Observations upon the Treaty of Washington, signed August 9, 1842. 8vo. Lond. 1843. The Republic of Cicero. See Cicero. Feilden, H. W. Voyage to the Polar Sea, 1875-6. See Nares. Feilding, Hon. W., Col. Attack and defence. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Feiling, C. A. German and English Dictionary. See Fliigel. Feiss, J. Das Wehrwesen der Schweiz. 8vo. Zurich, 1880. Fell, J. B. System for the rapid construction of Military Field Rail- ways. 8vo. Ulverston, 1876. Fellowes, Sir Charles. Account of discoveries in Lycia. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Fellowes, Robert. History of Ceylon ; to which is subjoined Robert Knox's Historical Relation of the Island. 4to. Lond. 181 7. Fellowes, William Dorset. Loss of H.M. Packet the "Lady Hobart " on an island of ice in the Atlantic. 8vo. Lond. 1803. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Felstead, G. Officers and Yeomen of H.M. Royal Body Guard. See Army Lists. Fenby, J. Beverley. Report on the Swinburne Breech-Loading Rifle. 4to. Birmingham, 1873. Fenelon, Frangois de Salignac de la Motte. Aventures de Tele- maque, fils d'Ulysse. Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. French and English. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1795. Fenin, Pierre de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, vol. vii.) Fenn, John. Paston Letters. Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III. Edited by A. Ramsay. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 840-1. Fenton, Myles, Lieut.-Col. British Railways and their capabilities for Home Defence. See Aldershot Military Society. Fenwick, Horace, Lieut. Essays on Field Fortification. i2mo. Dublin, 1833. Fer, M. de. Introduction a la Fortification. Obi. 4to. Paris, n.d. Fer, Nicolas de. L'Atlas Curieux, ou le Monde repre'sente dans des Cartes generales et particulieres du Ciel et de la Terre. Folio. Paris, 1705. Q FER 226 Ferber. Oryctography of Derbyshire. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ii. Ferguson. Biographical Dictionary. i2mo. (No title page.) Ferguson, Chancellor. Retreat of the Highlanders through West- moreland in 1745. Kendal, 1889. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Ferguson, Adam. History of the progress and termination of the Roman Rci)ul)lic. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1825. Ferguson, A. M. Summary of information regarding Ceylon, (8vo Pamplilcts, 2nd series, vol. Ixx.) Colombo, 1805. Ferguson, A. M. and J. Ceylon Directory for 1868. 8vo. Colombo, 1868. Ditto, ditto, 1874. 8vo. Colombo, 1874. Ferguson, James. Introduction to Electricity. 2nd edition. 8vo, Lond. 1775. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, with notes by David Brewster. 2 vols. 8vo, and 4to Atlas of Plates. Edinburgh, 181 1. Two Scottish Soldiers: a Soldier of 1688 and Blenheim, a Soldier of the American Revolution, and a Jacobite Laird and his Forbears. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1888. Ferguson, William, Nature and history of the Marsh Poison. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii).) Edinburgh, 182 1. Fergusson, Alexander, Lieut.-Col. Major Eraser's Manuscript. See Eraser. Fergusson, James. Essay on the ancient Topography of Jerusalem. 4to. Lond. 1847. Essay on a proposed new system of Fortification. Folio. Lond. 1849. The Peril of Portsmouth, or French Fleets and English Forts. 3rd edition. Lond. 1853. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection, Naval I'racts.) Portsmouth Protected : a sequel to the " Peril of Portsmouth." (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvii.) Lond. 1856. Fergusson, Thomas. Apergu de la Situation en Chine, 1861-63. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) Lond. 1874. Fernandez, John, Capt. Means for the termination of African Slavery. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiii.) Lond. 1827. Ferrel, W. Meteorology, &c. See U.S. Army, Signal Service, Prof. Papers, Nos. 8, 12, and 13. 22 7 FIN Ferrettus, Julius, Ravennatis. J)e Re et Uisciplina Militari. I'^olio. Venice, 1575. Ferrier, J. P. Caravan journeys and wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan. Translated by Capt. W. Jesse ; and edited by H. D. Seymour. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1857. History of the Afghans. Translated by Capt. William Jesse. Svo. Lond. 1858. Ferro, Francesco, Col. Istruzioni Militari. 4to. Brescia, 1751. Ferussac, Baron de. Bulletin Universel des Sciences et de I'lndus- trie. See Koch. Feuquieres, Marquis de, Lieut-Gen. Memoirs ; written for the instruction of his Son. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1737. Fezensac, Due de, Gen. Journal de la Campagne de Russie, en 181 2. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Journal of the Russian Campaign of 18 12. Translated by Col. W. KnoUys. i2mo. Lond. 1852. Souvenirs Militaires de 1804 a 18 14. 8vo. Paris, 1863. Ficker, Dr. Adolf. Die Volkerstamme der CEsterreichisch-Un- garischen Monarchie, ihre Gebiete, Granzen und Inseln. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Vienna, 1869. Field, Henry, M. Gibraltar. Svo. Lond. 1889. Field, Rev. William. Memoirs of the life, writings, and opinions of the Rev. Samuel Parr. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828, Fife, J. C, Capt. Army reorganization : a defensive scheme. Lond. 1871. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) On the best mode of providing Recruits and forming Reserves for the British Army. Svo. Lond. 1875, (Bound in vol. lettered "Recruiting,") Fife-Cookson, Lieut.-Col. With the Armies of the Balkans and at Gallipoli in 1877-8. Svo. Lond. 1879. Finance. The State of the Nation, comprised in the Report of the Select Com- mittee on Finance 1797. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1798-1800. Credit Pernicious. Lond. 1823. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) Financial Reform Association. Financial Reform Tracts. Nos. 1-12. Lond. n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) No. I. Civil List. 2. Pension List. (2nd edition.) 3. Taxation. Q 2 FIN 228 Financial Reform Association. Tracts {continued) — No. 4 and 5. Army, Ordnance, Commissariat, Navy, Colonies. 6. The National Budget, by Richard Cobden. 7. Army, Ordnance, Commissariat, Navy, Colonies. 8. The Woods, Forests, and Estates of the Crown, y. I'he Dead Weight of the Army. 10. The Navy. II and 12. Speech of Sir "William Molesworth on Colonial Expenditure and Government. Fincati, L. Vocabulario Nautico, Inglese-Italiano e Italiano-Inglese. i2mo. Rome, 1877. Le Triremi. 2nd edition. 8vo. Rome, 1881. Aforismi Militari. 8vo. Rome, 1882. Considerazioni sulla Tattica Navale. Studi sui Combattimenti in Mare. 4to. Rome, 1882. Fincham, John. Introductory outline of the practice of Ship-building. 8vo. Portsea, 182 1. Directions for the repairs of Ships. Portsea, 1824. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) On Masting Ships, and mast-making. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Findlay, A. G. Description and list of the Lighthouses of the world. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Northern Atlantic Ocean. See Purdy. Finlason, W. F. Commentaries upon Martial Law ; with comments upon the Charge of the Lord Chief Justice in the Jamaica Case. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Review of the Authorities as to the repression of Riot or Rebellion. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Report on the Case of the Queen v. Edward John Eyre, Governor of Jamaica. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Justice to a Colonial Governor ; or some considerations on the case of Mr. Eyre. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Finlay, \A/. H. Variations of the Instrumental Adjustments of the Cape Transit-Circle. See Cape of Good Hope, Observatory, Finlayson, Dr. R. Means of preserving the health of crews ; with directions for the prevention of Dry Rot in Ships. Lond. 1824. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xviii.) Finley, John P. Meteorology, &c. See U.S. Army, Signal Service, Prof Papers, Nos. 14 and 16. Finot, Jules. Une Mission Militaire en Prusse. See Toulongeon. Firearms. Handleiding tot de Kennis van Getrokken Geweren door de Com missie der Normaal-Schietschool. 8vo. The Hague, 1865. 2 29 I'^IS Firearms {continued)— Rapports aux Autorites Federales Suisses sur les essais de Fusils se chargeant par la culasse. Paris, 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (ii).) Repetir-Gewehre. Ihre geschichte, entwickelung, einrichtung und leistungsfahigkeit. 2 vols. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1882-6. Das Gewehr der Gegenwart und Zukunft. 4to. Hanover, 1883. Ditto, ditto. Hanover, 1886. Fischbach, Gustave. Guerre de 1870. La Siege et le Bombarde- ment de Strasbourg. 5th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1871. Fischer, A., Major. Emploi des Corps de Cavalerie au Service de Surete des Armees. See Belgium, Conferences Militaires. Series 2. No. 6. Fischer de Waldheim, Gotthelf. Notice sur le Phlocerus, genre nouveau d'Orthopteres de la Russie. Moscow, 1833. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vi.) Fishbourne, E. Gardiner, Admiral. Observations on the present state of Naval Architecture. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 1.) Naval Construction. Lond.1845. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Ditto, ditto. Second letter. Lond. 1845. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (ii).) Lectures on Naval Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Loss of H.M.S. "Captain." Illustrating a new principle of Naval Architecture. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Current fallacies in Naval Architecture. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Ditto, ditto. Second series. Lond. 187 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciv.) Our iron-clad Fleet. Lond. 1S72. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Ditto, dito. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Condition of the Ships of the Fleet. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Our Ironclads and Merchant Ships. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Stability, the .seaman's safeguard. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Why ships capsize. Lond. 1882, (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) FIS 230 Fishbourne, E. Gardiner, Admiral (contimied')— Letter to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty and to the President of the Board of Trade. Lond. t 884. (Svo Pamplilels, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Fisher, Lieut.-Col. R.E. Personal narrative of three years' service in China. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Fisher, Richard S. Statistical account of the West India Islands, with descriptions of the Bermudas, Bay Islands, and Belize, and the (lUayana Colonies. i2mo. New York, 1855. Fitch, Ralph. Voyage to Ormus and the East Indies. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ix. Fitz-Clarence, Lord F., Lieut.-Gen. Memoir on the duty of Picquets. 4th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1854. (Bound in volume lettered " Misc. Drill Books.") Manual of Outpost Duties. Svo. (No title page.) Fitz-George, G., Capt. Plan of the Battle of Sedan, with memoir. Svo. Lond. 1 87 1. Fitzg-ibbon, Mary. Trip to Manitoba. Svo. Lond. 1880. FitzRoy, Robert, Admiral. Sailing Directions for South America. Part II. Svo. Lond. 1848. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. By Captains P. P. King and Robert FitzRoy. Svo. Lond. 1850. Application of Steam to Ships of War. Lond. 1853. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Passage Table and General Sailing Directions. Lond. 1S59. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xv.) Weather book, a manual of practical meteorology. Svo. Lond. 1S63. Surveying Voyages of H.M. Ships "Adventure" and " Beagle." See Adventure. FitzWygram, F. W., Major-Gen. Notes on Shoeing Horses. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S63. Horses and Stables. Svo. Lond. 1S69. Cavalry Memoranda. Svo. Lond. 1S85. Fix, H. C. La Strategic Appliquee. 2 vols. Svo. Brussels, 1884. Fix, Theodore. La Telegraphic Militaire. Svo. Paris, 1869. Guerre du Paraguay. See France, Conferences. Flachat, Eugene. Navigation a vapeur transoce'anic. 2 vols, and Atlas. Svo. Paris, 1866. Flag's. Flag book containing 306 Flags of all Nations. Lond. n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii).) 231 FLE Flamsteed, Rev. J. British Catalogue of Stars. See Baily. Flanders, War in. Letter from a gentleman at St. Germains to his friend in London. 410. Lond. 1697. (Bound in Vol. " Military Tracts.") Flanders. Militiirgeschichte von Flandern, 1690-2. 4to. \\'ith large 4to Atlas. (No title page.) Flaubert, Gustave. Salammbo. Englished by AL French Sheldon. Svo. Lond. 1886. Flechier, Esprit. Histoire du Cardinal Ximenes. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1693. Fleming-, George. Horse-shoes and horse-shoeing : their origin, uses, and abuses. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Practical Horse Keeper. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Roaring in Horses (Laryngismus Paralyticus). 8vo. Lond. 1889. Horses for Military Purposes. See Aldershot Military Society (13). Fleming-, H. F. von. Der Vollkommene Deutsche Soldat. Folio. Leipsic, 1726. Fleming, John, D.D. Molluscous Animals including shell fish. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837. Fleming, J. W. Medals, Clasps, and Crosses. See Catalogues. Fleming, Sandford. England and Canada. A summer tour between old and new Westminster, with historical notes. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Fleming, W. Manual of Moral Philosophy, for the use of students. Svo. Lond. 1874. • Fletcher, Francis. The World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xvi. Fletcher, Dr. Giles. Russia. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xx. Fletcher, H. C, Col. History of the American War, 186 1-5. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865-6. The Militia System of Canada. Ottawa, 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Defence of Canada. Ottawa, 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxi.) Report on the Military Academy at West Point, U.S. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxviii.) Fletcher, John, See Beaumont and Fletcher. Fletcher, Robert. Prehistoric Trephining. See U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey. FLE 232 Fletres, H. de. L'l^'ducation dc I'lnfanterie Frangaise. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Fleurange, Robert de la Mark, Seigneur de. Histoire du Kcignc dc l.ouis XII et Franc^ois I. (Pctitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xvi.) Flicke, Robert. Success of a part of the Supplies sent to Lord Howard to the Azores. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Flinders, Matt., Com. R.N. Voyage to Terra Australis in the years 1 801-2-3. ~ \o\?,. Folio. Lond. 1814. Flinter, George, Major. History of the Revolution of Caracas, with a description of the Llaneros. 8vo. Lond. 181 9. (Radstock Collection.) Flood, Warden, Capt. Sketch of the military and political State of Prussia. Portsmouth, 1833. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vi.) Florence. Description de la Galerie Royale de Florence. i2mo. Arezzo, 1792. (Radstock Collection.) Florent, Sire d'llliers. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, vol. viii.) Florian, Jean-Pierre-Claris de. Numa Pompilius, second Roi de Rome. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1820. Florus, L. Annaeus. Epitome Rerum Romanorum. Recensuii C. A. Dukerus. 2 vols. 8vo. Leyden, 1722. Flower, L., Capt. The Prince of Wales and Sanitary Reform. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvii.) Historical Record of the 3rd Royal Surrey Regiment of Militia. See Reserve Forces. Flower, Lamorock. Marching out: a manual of Surveying and Field Sketching. i2mo. Lond. 1859. Fliigel, M. Complete Dictionary of the German and English Lan- guages. Adapted to the English Student by C. A. Feiling and A. Heimann. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Focillon, A. Dictionnaire des Sciences. See Deschanel. Folard, Chevalier de. Sentimens d'un Homme de Guerre sur le nouveau systeme du Chevalier de Folard. 4to. Paris, 1739. Abrege des Commentaires sur I'Histoire de Polybe. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1754. L'Espfit du Chevalier Folard tire de ses commentaires sur I'Histoire de Polybe. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1760. Histoire de Polybe. See Polybius. Folger, W. M. Adaptability of the Gading Gun for Naval Pur- poses. Hartford, Conn., 1879. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxix.) 233 FOR Folliet, Andre. Life of General Dessaix. See Dessaix. Folsom, George. The Despatches of Hernando Cortes. See Cortes, Fonblanque, E. B. de. Money or Merit. The Army Purchase question considered : with notes by Sir Charles E. Trevelyan. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lii.) Present condition of the Commissariat Service. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Treatise on the administration and organization of the British Army, with special reference to Finance and Supply. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Political and Military Episodes in the latter half of the i8th Century, derived from the life and correspondence of the Rt. Hon. John Burgoyne. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Fonssagrives, J. B. Traite d'Hygibne Navale. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Fontaine, W. M. Mesozoic Flora of Virginia. See United States Geological Survey (Monographs, vol. vi.) Fontenay-Mareuil, Marquis de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols. 1 and li.) Fonton, F. de. La Russie dans I'Asie Mineure, ou Campagnes du Marechal Paskevitch en 1828-9. 8vo. With folio atlas. Paris, 1840. Fontrailles, M. de. Choses particulieres de la cour pendant la faveur de M. le Grand. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. liv.) Forbes, Alexander. History of Upper and Lower California. 8vo, Lond. 1839. Forbes, Archibald. William of Germany : a Biography of William L, German Emperor, and King of Prussia. i2mo. Lond. 1888. Forbes, A. V. S., Lieut. Proposal for the formation of a New Corps to be called Pioneer Light Infantry, adapted to the Service of the Canadas, and British North America. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii(i).) Forbes, Dr. Charles. Vancouver Island : its resources and capa- bilities as a colony. Vancouver, 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Forbes, Duncan. Dictionary, Hindustani and English : accom- panied by a reversed dictionary, English and Hindustani. 8vo. Lond. 1866 Forbes, F. E., Com. R.N. Dahomey and the Dahomans in 1849-50. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 85 1, Vahie or Vai Phonetic. See Vahie. Forbes, J. D. Travels through the Alps of Savoy, with observa- tions on the Phenomena of Glaciers. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843. FOR 234 Forbes, Dr. Litton. Two years in Fiji. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Forbes, R. B. Construction of Ships for the Merchant Service. Boston, 1866. (8vo Tamphlels, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Means for making the Highways of the ocean more safe. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Boston, 1867. New Rig for square rigged vessels. Boston, 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) System of Sails and their management. Lond. 1 869. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) New Rig for schooners. Boston, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Rigs for fore and aft vessels, steamers, ships, barks, yachts, and boats. 4to. New York, 1880. Personal Memoranda. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Forbes-Leith, W. The Scots Men-at-Arms and Life Guards in France. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1882. Forbin, Comte de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. Ixxiv-lxxv.) Force, M. F. Civil War in America. See Campaigns. Forcellinus, iEgidius. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. See Facciolatus. Ford, John. Dramatic Works. With notes by W. Gifford. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Ford, W. Wilbraham. Consolidation of the Royal Forces : national insurance against war taxation. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) Fordyce, A. D., Lieut. R.N. Outlines of Naval Routine. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Foreign Office. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Foreign Office List. 1877, 1879, 1881-84 and 1888. Forestier, Capt. Traite sur le service de ITnfanterie Legere en Campagne. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Forfait, P. A. L, Traite elementaire de la Mature des Vaisseaux. 2nd edition. Edited by Capt. E. Willaumez. 4to. Paris, 1815. Forman, Walter, Capt. R.N. Treatises on several very important subjects in Natural Philosophy. 8vo. Shepton-Mallet, 1832. (Bound A\ath Kinnis, Report on Small Pox.) Letter to the Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society in refuta- tion of notions held by that Society, and by all the Newtonian Philosophers. Shepton-Mallet, 1833. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vi.) 235 FOS Formanoir, A. de, Capt. Des Chemins de Fer en temps de Guerre. See Belgium, Conferences Militaires. Series i, No. 2. Tacticiue de la Cavalerie. Sec Belgium, Conferences Militaires. Series 2, Nos. 4-5. Forrest, G. W. Minutes and official writings of the Hon. Mount- stuart Elpliinstone. See Elphinstone. Forster, Rev. Charles. Historical Geography of Arabia. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1844. Forster, George. Journey from Bengal to England. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1798. Travels in Persia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ix. Forster, George Henry, Com. R.N. Mercantile Marine Reserve. How to man the AVar Fleets of England without imprisonment or conscription. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) Forster, H. O. Arnold. See Arnold-Foster. Forster, John R. History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. 4to. Lond. 1786. Forsyth, James, Capt. The Sporting Rifle and its projectiles. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Highlands of Central India. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. Forsyth, James W., Lieut.-Col. U.S. Army. Expedition up the Yellowstone River, in 1875. See United States. Forsyth, Sir T. D. From Kulja to Lob-Nor. See Prejevalsky. Forsyth, William. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena ; from the letters and journals of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. The Slavonic Provinces south of the Danube. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Fort, Freiherr le. Major. Kritische Blicke auf die Deutsche Kavallerie nach den letzten Feldziigen. Berlin, 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. vii.) Fortia. Travels in Sweden. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vi. Fortification. Fortification and Military Discipline: by Cajit. J. S. i2mo. Lond. 1688. Memoires sur la Fortification Perpendiculaire. 4to. Paris, 1786. Entwurf zur Anleitung iiber den Bau von Angriffs- und Kiistenbat- terien. 8vo. Berlin, 1865. Fosbroke, Rev. Thomas Dudley. Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archneology. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1825. Foreign Topography ; or an encyclopaedic account of the Ancient Remains in Africa, Asia, and Europe : forming a sequel to " Encyclopaedia of Antiquities." 4to. Lond. 1828. FOS 236 Foscolo, UgO. Opera di Montecuccoli. See Montecuccoli. Foster, John. Essnys in a series of letters. 12th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1838. Foster, Michael. Text Book of Physiology. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Foster, T. Military Instruction. See Frederick II. Fotheringhame, Thomas. Directions for ascertaining and counter- acting the effects of Local Attraction on the Mariner's Compass. 4to. I^ond. 1837. Fouchd, Joseph, Duke of Otranto. See Otranto. Foulerton, Robert. Letter on the Ship Manceuverer. Lond. 1846. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Fourcault, F., Capt. Le Canon Prussien juge par les AUemands. Paris, 1861, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (i).) Le Canon Raye Prussien. Comparaison des system es Fran^ais et Prussien. Paris, 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (i).) Fourcy, M. A. Traite sur TArtillerie. See Schamhorst. Fournier, F. Ernest. Deviations des Compas. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Determination immediate de la Deviation du Compas. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Fournier, P., and M. Neveu. Cours d' Administration des 6leves- Commissaires de la Marine. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Fowler, Thomas. Locke. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Fox, A. H. Lane, Col. Examination of the Hill Forts of Sussex. 4to. Lond. 1869. Fox, C. R., Gen. Engravings of unpublished or rare Greek Coins. Part i, Europe. Part 2, Asia and Africa. 4to. Lond. 1862. On a Coin of Glauconnesus. Lond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvi.) Fox, G. M., Lieut.-Col. Physical Drill, with and without arms, and the new bayonet exercise. i2mo. London 1889. Fox, L. Loftus B., Capt. The Major's Manual and Marker's Guide. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Fox, Lady Mary. The Country House. 4to. Lond. 1843. Mary Madeleine. From the French. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Fox, William. War in New Zealand. 8vo. Lond. 1866. ^37 FRA Foxe Rev. John. The Book of Martyrs. Revised, with a Hfe of the Author by Rev. Mr. Madan. Foho. Lond. 1761. Foy, Maxmilian Sebastian, General. History of the War in the Peninsula under Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Fragonard, T. CEuvres de Chateaubriand. See Chateaubriand. France. La justification du Parlement et de la Ville de Paris dans la prise des amies ; contre I'oppression et tyrannic du Cardinal Mazarin. (Bvo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xix.) Paris, 1649. Fight in France between the King's Army and 15,000 horse and foot commanded by the Prince of Conde. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection, War with Holland.) Christianissimus Christianandus, or Reason for the reduction of France to a more Christian State in Europe. Lond. 1678. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xix.) Atlas topographique ; ou plans et descriptions particulieres des 100 places ou villes fortifiees. 4to. Paris, 1749. Memoire presente au Conseil de la Guerre, au sujet des Places fortes qui demolies ou abandonnees. Paris, 17 89. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxv.) New Atlas of France. 4to. Lond. 1794. Journal des Debats et Lois du Pouvoir Ldgislatif, et des Actes du Gouvernement, 1800; with other newspapers of the period. Ofificial Correspondence relative to the late Negociation with France. 8vo. Lond. 1806, (Radstock Collection, American Pamphlets.) Tableau Historique de la Guerre de la Revolution de France. 2 vols. .(;q_ Paris, 1808. Code Napoleon, nouvelle edition, conforme a I'edition originale de rimprirnerie Imperiale ; a laquelle on a ajoute les lois transitoires. i2mo. Paris, 181 o. Comparative Display of the different Opinions on the French Revo- lution. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181 1. Les cinq codes de I'Empire Frangais. i2mo. Paris, 1812. Les Ports de France, peints par Joseph Vernet et Hue. 8vo. (Radstock Collection.) Paris, 181 2. Victoires, conquetes, desastres, revers et guerres civiles des Frangais de 1792 k 1815. 27 vols, and map. 8vo. Paris, 1818-21. Narrative of the French Revolution in 1830. i2mo. Paris, 1830. Military events of the late French Revolution, or an account of the conduct of the Royal Guard on that occasion. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Mdmoires tirds des papiers d'un Homme d'Etat sur les causes secretes qui ont determine la Politique des Cabinets dans les Guerres de la Revolution. 13 vols. Bvo. Paris, 183 1-8. FRA 238 France {continued) — Ports, Arsenals, and Dockyards of France. 8vo. Lond. 1841. (Radstock Collection.) Colonic Agricolc de iMettray. Tours, 1841. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Compte General du Materiel du Departement de la Marine et des Colonies pour I'Annee 1849. Folio. Paris, 1852. Livre des Signaux et Tactique des Embarcations. i2mo. Paris, 1864. Rapports sur un projet de creation, par un Compagnie Etrangere d'un nouveau Port au sud du Cap Gris-Nez. Boulogne, 1869. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Papiers Secrets du Second Empire. 4th edition. 8vo. Brussels, 1870. Memorial du Depot General de la Guerre, 10 vols, bound in 11. 4to. Paris, 1 8 70- 1. La verite sur les Causes de nos Desastres. Paris, 187 1. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Recrutement des Armees de Terre et de Mer. Loi de 1872. Folio. Paris, 1872. Affaires Etrangeres. Documents Diplomatiques. Folio. Paris, 1873. Affaires de Tunisie, avec une Carte de la Regence 1870-1881. Documents Diplomatiques. Folio. Paris, 1881. La France dans I'Afrique Occidentale 1 879-1 883. With atlas. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S84. Operations in Annam, China, and Tong King. (Intel. Bch. W.O.) Folio. Lond. 18S4-5. La France par rapport a I'Allemagne. Etude de Geographie Mili- taire. Svo. Brussels, 18S4. Description des Phares et Fanaux. See Lighthouses. Conservatoire Liiperial des Arts et Metiers. Annales. Vols, i to x. Svo. Paris, 1861-73. Ecole Navale. Astronomie et Navigation : Cours de M. Mas St. Guiral. Ditto, ditto. Cours de M. G. Hilleret. Observations et Calculs ^antiques : Cours de M. Moreau. 4to. Brest, 1871-3. Institut de. Dictionnaire de I'Academie Frangaise. 6th edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1S35. Complement du Dictionnaire. 4to. Paris, 1842. Museum Frangais. See Museum. Societe Generale des Naufrages et de I'Union des Nations. Journal. No. I. Paris, 1835. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) 239 FRA France {continued) — Societe pour I'l^tude des Questions d'Enseignement Superieur. ]&tudes de 1878. Bvo. Paris, 1878. France. Army. Le Militaire en Franconie, ou traite sur une Constitution Militaire 2 vols. 8vo. Liege, i777- Ordonnance pour regler le service dans les Places et dans les Quar- tiers. i2mo. Metz, 1785. Instruction sur la forme des Camps d'Infanterie et de Cavalerie. 8vo. Kingen, 1792. Recherche sur la Force de I'Armee Fran^-aise, les bases pour la fixer selon les circonstances. 8vo. Paris, 1806. Sketch of the Etat-Major : by a Field Officer. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Decrets Imperiaux des 14 Octobre, 23 et 30 Novembre, 181 1, repres- sifs de la Desertion. Paris, 181 1. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxi.) Recueil de Lois, Decrets et Arretes concernant la Justice Militaire. Paris, 181 1. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxi.) Histoire de I'Ex-Garde, depuis sa formation jusqu'a son licenciement, comprenant les Faits Generaux des Campagnes de 1805 a 181 5. 8vo. Paris, 182 1. Manuel encyclopedique du Recrutement et de la Reserve de I'Armee. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1848. Instruction sur la Comptabilite en Deniers du service des Sub- sistances Militaires, et du Chauffage. 4to. Paris, 1852. Instruction pour le trace et I'elevation des Tentes et des Manteaux d'Armes. Paris, 1853. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiii.) Application des Regies Administratives du Service des Subsistances Militaires et du Chauffage. Paris, 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Instruction Medicale pour I'Armee d'Orient du 13 Mai, 1854. Svo. (Bound in vol. lettered " Des Invalides.") Paris, 1854. Service des Hopitaux Militaires. 8vo. Paris, 1854. (Bound in vol. lettered " Des Invalides.") Service des Subsistances Militaires. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Instructions for the Commissaires des Guerres, 1796 : also Order of the Republic constituting the Inspecteurs aux Revues, 1800; and Royal Ordinance establisliing the Intendance Militaire,- 181 7. Translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Die Franzosische Armee auf dem Exercirplatze und im Felde. Mit einem riickblick auf den Feldzug in Italien im Jahre 1859. 2nd edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1861. FRA 24c France. Army {continued)— Livrot des Itineraires a suivre, en dehors des voies ferrecs par les militaires voyageant isolt^ment. 410. Paris, 1866. R^glement sur le service des Bouches a Feu Rayees approuve le 27 Mai, 1862. 121110. Paris, 1867. Reponse d'uii Officier Inferieur a I'Officier General, Aiiteur de I'Arme'e Fran^:aise en 1867. 4th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Conferences du Ministere de la Guerre, 1869-70. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1870. No. I. Conference sur la Marche d'un Corps d'Armee, par M. Lewal. ,, 2. Etude sur la Campagne de i866 en Italie et sur la Bataille de Custozza, par J. Vial. ,, 3. De la Cavalcrie dans le passe et dans I'avenir, par G. D'Andlau. ,, 4. Conference sur la Tactique de I'lnfanterie, par C. Deschamps. ,, 5. Etude sur la Frontiere du Sud-Est, par M. Borson. „ 6. Les Operations de Nuit en Campagne, par Jules Bourelly. ,, 7. L'lnsurrection de la Dalmatie, 1869, par M. Derrecagaix. ,, 8. Guerre du Paraguay, par T. Fix. ,, 9. De I'Armement de I'Europe et des Etats-Unis, par M. de Parades de la Plaigne. Commission des Conferences Regimentaires. 32mo. Paris, 1869. (i.) L'Etat Militaire de la France et des Puissance Etrangeres. (2. ) Armement Nouveau ; Modification de la Tactique. (3.) Les Chemins de Fer de la Telegrapliie Militaire. (4. ) La Tactique separee de la Cavalerie. (5.) Le Campagne d'Allemagne en 1866 (with two maps). (6.) LTnfanterie Prussienne en 1S66. (7.) La Cavalerie en Allemagne en 1866. (8. ) La Tactique des Trois Armes dans la Division. (9.) La Geographie de TAUemagne (with map). (10.) L'Organization Militaire de I'Allemagne. (11.) L'Artillerie de Campagne en 1866. (12.) La Fortification Passagere dans les Combats. (13.) La Garde Nationale Mobile. (14.) Service de Sante en Campagne. (17.) Quelques recents Travaux sur la Tactique. Reunion des Officiers. Annuaire pour 1872-4. 8vo. Paris, 1872-4. Bulletin, 1871-2. 4to. Paris, 1872. Entretiens. Vols, i-iii. 8vo. Paris, 1872-3. Vol. I. Percin. Instruction de I'lnfanterie. ,, Herbinger. Des Tirailleurs. ,, Sacreste. Tactique de Combat. ,, Girard. Compagnies de Partisans. ,, Sebert. Bouches a Feu de la Marine Fran^aise. ,, Herbinger. Des Soutiens d'Artillerie. Vol. 2. Lewal. Administration Militaire. ,, Baratier. Administration Militaire. ,, Burgkly. Manuel d'Hygiene. ,, Arnould. Hygiene Militaire. ,, Bourboulon. Enseignement de la Geographic. ,, Dumas. Photographie. ,, Lahaussois. L'Armee Prussienne. Vol. 3. Derrecagaix. Service de I'Etat-Major. ,, Baratier. Creations de Manutentions roulantes. 241 FRA France. Army {mit'mued) — Vol. 3. Delambre. Aerostation Militaire. ,, ,, Emploi militaire des Chemins do Fcr. ,, Baratier. Marche des Impedimenta dans les Grandes Armees. Reforms in the French Army. Part i. The Law of Recruiting. Translated by Capt. Home. Part 2. General Organization. Translated by Major C. B. Brackenbury. 8vo. Lond. 1872-4. (Bound with " W.O. Misc. Publications.") Description des Effets d'Habillement, de Coiffure de grand et de petit equipment, de petite monture, de pansage et objets divers a I'usage des Corps de Troupe. 4to. Paris, 1879. Le Service d'6tat-Major, texte et commentaire de la loi du 20 Mars, 1880. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Rbglement sur I'lnstruction du Tir, approuve le 11 Nov., 1882. i2mo. Paris, 1883. La France, est-elle prete? Etude sur la reorganisation de I'Aniiee Frangaise depuis 1871. 4to. Paris, 1884. Manuel de Droit International a I'usage des Officiers de I'Armee de Terre. i2mo. Paris, 1884. Le Farceur du Regiment. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Cavalry. Ordonnance du Roi, sur I'exercice de la Cavalerie du 22 Juin, 1755. i2mo. Paris, 1760. Ordonnance sur I'Exercice et les Evolutions de la Cavalerie. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1832. Ditto, ditto. 4 vols, in case, i2mo. Saumur, 1855. Ordonnance sur I'Exercice et les Evolutions de la Cavalerie, du 6 Decembre, 1829. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, i860. Modifications apport^es aux Reglements sur les Manoeuvres de la Cavalerie. i2mo. Paris, 1868. Decret du 17 Juillet, 1878, portant reglement sur les Exercices de la Cavalerie. i2mo. Paris, 1877. Annuaire special de I'arme de la Cavalerie FranQaise. Public par E. Poyer. 4to. Paris, 1880. Decret du 31 Mai, 1882, portant reglement sur les Exercices de la Cavalerie. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1883. Artillery. Projet de Reglement sur les manoeuvres de I'Artillerie. 8vo. With atlas. Paris, 1825. Procedes de Fabrication dans les Forges, appliques particu- lierement au Service de Guerre extrait du cours sur le service des Officiers d'Artillerie. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Reglement provisoire sur I'lnstruction a pied et a cheval dans les Regiments d'Artillerie. 2 vols, and atlas. i2mo. Pari.s, 1862. R FRA 242 France. Army. Artillery {continued)— R^glcmcnt sur le service des Douches a Feu Ray^es. 8vo. Paris, 1862. Engineers. Memorial de I'Officier du G^nie. Vols, i to xiii. Svo. Paris, 1803-39. Infantry. P>olutions de I'lnfanterie Franc^^oise suivant I'Ordonnance du 1 er Janvier, 1766. 8vo. Paris, 1768. Reglement concernant I'Exercice et les Manceuvres de I'ln- fanterie du ler Aout, 1791. i2mo. Paris, 1793. Rules and Regulations for the Field Exercise and Manoeuvres of the French Infantry: issued August i, 1791. Translated by John Macdonald. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1806. Ordonnance du Roi sur I'exercice et les manoeuvres de I'ln- fanterie, du 4 Mars, 1831. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1831-2. Instruction du 17 Avril, 1862, sur I'Exercice et les Manoeuvres de I'lnfanterie. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1862. Reglement sur les Manoeuvres de I'lnfanterie. 1 2mo. Paris, 1869. Reglement du 16 Mars, 1869, sur les Manoeuvres de I'lnfanterie. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1870. Reglement du 12 Juin, 1875, sur les Manoeuvres de I'lnfanterie, modifie par I'lnstruction du 20 Avril, 1878. 4 vols. izmo. Paris, 1876-80. Annuaire de I'Arme de I'lnfanterie ; etabli par le Cap. Leon Marseille. 8vo. Paris, 1882-5. L'Armement de I'lnfanterie Fran^aise. n.p. 1886. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Instruction sur I'Armement, les Munitions, les Champs de Tir et le Materiel de I'lnfanterie. i2mo. Paris, 18SS. France. Marines. I'actique a I'usage des Armees Navales de la Republique Frangaise. Folio. Paris (1793). Enquete Parlementaire sur la situation et I'organisation des Services de la Marine Militaire. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 185 1. D^cret sur le Service Interieur dans les Divisions des Equipages de la Flotte. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1857. Code de Justice Militaire pour I'Armee de Mer. i2mo. Paris, 1858. Ecole des Sonneries de Manoeuvre. Methode adoptee pour I'etude des Sonneries dans les Bataillons de Marins Fusiliers et les Com- pagnies de Debarquement a bord de Batiments de la Flotte. 2nd edition. i2mo. Paris, 1S64. 243 FRA France, Marines {continued) — D^cret sur le Service \ Bord des Batiments de la Flotte. 121110. Paris, 1868. Instruction pour I'enseignement de la Gymnastique dans les Divisions des Equipages et a bord des Batiments de la Flotte. i2mo. Paris, 1868. Manuel du Marin Fusilier. 4th edition. i2mo. Paris, 187 1. Les Troupes de la Marine et I'Armee Coloniale devant le Pays. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Paris, 1883. France. Navy. Translation of the French King's Ordinance relating to the Enrolling of Sea-Officers, Sailors and Sea- Fairing People, the 15th of K\ix\\ 1689. 8vo. Lond. 1740. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 1739-44.) 6tat de la Marine, 1787. i2mo. Paris, 1787. Exercices et manceuvres des Bouches a Feu. Paris, 181 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Ordonnance du Roi sur la nouvelle formation du Corps des Officiers de la Marine. 8vo. Brest, 181 5. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Etat General de la Marine et des Colonies. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Note sur I'etat des Forces Navales de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1844. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Decret sur I'Organisation du Personnel des Equipages de la Flotte. i2mo. Paris, 1857. Naval Tactics. Extract containing: (i) general instructions; (2) principles of chasing ; (3) naval tactics under steam and sail. Translated by A. Phillimore. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. Budget des Depenses de I'Exercice, 1865. 410. Paris, 1864. Lois, Decrets, &c., sur ITnscription Maritime, les Ecoles de la Marine, les Peches, la Navigation Commerciale, I'Organisation des Services de la Flotte et le Regime Colonial, 1861-7. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1867. Decret sur le Service a Bord des Batiments de la Flotte, 20 Mai, 1868. i2mo. Paris, 1868. Reglement sur le Service Interieur a Bord des Batiments de la Flotte (24 Juin, 1870). i2mo. Paris, 1871. Manuel du Matelot-Canonnier. i2mo. Paris, 1873. Me'moires Militaire et Scientifique publics par le Ddpartement de la Marine (Service de I'Artillerie). Vols, i to . 8vo. 1877- . (With folio atlas to vol. vi.) R 2 FRA 244 France. Navy {confi/n/ed) — Ivxpcrienccs cxccutees par la Marine sur dcs Fusils 5. Repetition. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Liste des Batiments de la Marine Frangaise et de leurs Signaux Distinctifs, 1880, 1881, 1884. 8vo. Paris, 1880-84. (1880-81 are bound with " Annuaire de la Marine.") Carnet de rOfficier de Marine. i2mo. Paris, 1880-86. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. Budget General des De penses de rExercice, 1885 et 1886. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1884-85. France. Periodicals, &c. Ahnanach Imperial, 181 1. 8vo. Paris, 181 1. (Radstock Collection.) Almanach Royal. Annee Commune, 1789. 8vo. Paris, 1789, Annales Hydrographiques. Recueil d'avis, instructions, documents et memoires relatifs a I'Hydrographie et a la Navigation. 1864 and 1865. 8vo. Paris, 1864-5. Annales Maritimes et Coloniales, 1 830-1 847. L'Annee Maritime, 1876-82. 8vo. Paris, 1877-84. L'Anne'e Militaire. 1877-80. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878-81. Annuaire de I'Arme'e Frangaise pour 1888. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Annuaire de I'Etat Militaire de France, 1843, 1844, 1852, 1855, 1856, 1869. 8vo. Paris, 1843-69. Annuaire de I'Armee Frangaise, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1880, 1881, 1882. 8vo. Paris, 1873-82. Annuaire de la Marine et des Colonies, 1858, 1864, 1880, 1881, 1 884-1 886, and 1889. 8vo. Paris. Annuaire des Deux Mondes. Vols, xiii and xiv. 8vo. Paris, 1866-8. Annuaire presente au Roi, par le Bureau des Longitudes, 1834-42. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1833-42. Connoissance des Temps, 1768 and 1769. Calculated by M. de la Lande. 8vo. Paris, 1766-7. ;6trennes int^ressantes des quatre parties du monde, pour I'annee 18 14. i2mo. Paris, 18 14. France Maritime. 4to. n.p., n.d. Journal de I'Arm^e. Vols, i to iv. 8vo. Paris, 1833-6. Journal de la Marine, des Colonies, des Consultats et des Voyages. Vols, i-iv and vi. 8vo. Paris, 1833-8. Journal des Armes Speciales et de I'Etat Major. ist Series. Vols. i-vi. 8vo. Paris, 1834-39- 2nd ,, „ i-vii. 1840-46. Srd „ ,, i-xiv. 1847-53- 4th „ ,, i-xiv. 1854-60, 5th „ ,, i-xxiv. 1861-67. 6th „ „ i-vii. 1868-69. 245 FRA France. Periodicals, &c. {continued) — Journal des Sciences Militaires, par J. Correard. 2nd Series. Vols, xxv-xxviii. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 3rd „ „ i-xxviii. „ ,, 1840-6. 4th „ „ i-xxviii. „ „ 1847-53. 5th „ „ i-xxviii. „ „ 1854-60. 6th „ ,, i-xxviii. „ „ 1861-67. 7th „ „ i-viii only. „ „ 1868-9. 8th ,, „ i-xxvii. „ „ 1872-80. 9th „ „ i and iii to „ ,, 1881- . Journal Militaire Officiel. Various numbers for 1854. (Bound in vol. lettered "Des Invalides.") Le Bon Jardinier, pour I'annee 1846. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1846 Revue d'Artillerie. Vols, i to . 8vo. Paris, 1873- Revue de Cavalerie. Vols, i to . 8vo. Paris, 1885- Revue des Armees de Terre et de Mer, Journal Mensuel. Vol. 1 8vo. Paris, 1837-8 Revue des Deux Mondes, 1868 to . Ditto, ditto. Table Ge'nerale, 1831-74. 8vo. Paris, 1875 Suite de la Table Generale, 1874-86. 8vo. Paris, 1886 Revue du Cercle Militaire. Vols, i to . 4to. Paris, 1886- Revue du Genie Militaire. Vols, i to . 8vo. Paris, 1887- Revue Maritime et Coloniale. Vols, x to . 8vo. Paris, 1864- Revue Militaire de I'Etranger. Vols, xiii, xiv, and xxiii to . 8vo Paris, 1878- Revue Militaire Fran^aise. 1869, 1870, 1875. Spectateur Militaire. Vols, i-xvii, xxxi-1. 8vo. Paris, 1826-50 Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. Vols, i-1 (Vol. ii missing). 8vo. Paris, 1851-65 Ditto, ditto. 3rd series. Vols. i-1. 8vo. Paris, 1865-78 Ditto, ditto. 4th series. Vols i to . 8vo. Paris, 1878- France and Russia. Sketches on the intrinsic strength, military and naval force of P>ance and Russia. 8vo. The Hague, 1803 France, Hector, Capt. John Bull's Army from a French point of view. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 18 Francheville, M. I'Abb^ de. L'Histoire des dcrniers Campagnes et Negociations de Gustave-Adolphe en Allemagne. 4to. Berlin, 1772. Francis, Bros. Statement of their position with the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty relative to Dredging for Cement Stone in Christchurch Bay, Hami)shire. 8vo. Lond. 1856. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) FRA 246 Francklin, W., Lieut. -Col History of the Reign of Sluih-Auluni, the present Emperor of Hindo- staun. 4to. I.ond. 1798. Military Memoirs of Mr. George Thomas ; who rose from an obscure situation to the rank of a General. 4to. Calcutta, 1803. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Researches in the Tenets and Doctrines of the Jeynes and Boodhists. 4to. Lond. 1827. (Bound with "Reign of ShahAulum.") Tour from Bengal to Persia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ix. Francoeur, L. B. Cours complet de Mathematiques Pures. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828. Complete course of pure Mathematics. Translated by R. Blakelock. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829. Astronomie pratique. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Frankland, Charles Colville, Capt. R.N. Travels to and from Constantinople in 1827 and 1828 ; or a personal narrative of a journey from Vienna through Hungary, Transylvania, Wallachia, Bulgaria, and Roumelia, to Constantinople ; and from that city to the capital of Austria by the Dardanelles, Tenedos, the Plains of Troy, Smyrna, Napoli di Romania, Athens, Cyprus, Syria, Alexan- dria, «Sic. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Frankland, W. A., Capt. Sapper's Manual, for the use of Engineer Volunteer Corps. Part i. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Franklin, Benjamin. Memoirs of his Life and Writings ; written by himself to a late period, and continued to the time of his death by his Grandson. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Posthumous and other Writings. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181 9. Franklin, Sir John, Capt. R.N. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22. 4to. Lond. 1823. Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1825-7 ; including an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward: by Dr. John Richardson. 4to. Lond. 1828. Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22; with a brief account of the second journey, 1825-7. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1829. A brave man and his belongings : passages in the life of Sir John Franklin. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Zoology of British America. See Richardson, J. Franklin, William B., Major-Gen. U.S. Army. The Catling Gun. 4to. Hartford, 1874. 247 RE Franklyn, H. B. Outlines of Military Law and the laws of evidence. i2mo. Lend. 1874. Essays on Military Subjects. Lond. 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Education for the Army. Lond. 1883. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) The Great Battles of 1870, and Blockade of Metz. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Franzini, Marino Miguel. Description of the Coasts of Portugal, with nautical instructions. Translated by Capt. W. F. W. Owen. Lond. 18 14, Eraser, James, Major. Major Eraser's Manuscript ; his adventures in Scotland and England, &c., 1696-1737. Edited by Alexander Fergusson. 2 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1889. Eraser, James Baillie. Tour through part of the snowy range of the Himala Mountains. 4to. Lond. 1820. Journey into Khorasan in 1821-2. 4to. Lond. 1825. Travels and adventures in the Persian Provinces on the southern banks of the Caspian Sea. 4to. Lond. 1826, Eraser, Malcolm, Col. Journal relating to the operations before Quebec in 1759. See Quebec Literary Society, Historical Documents. Eraser, T., Capt. Defence of a Position selected as a Field of Battle. 8vo. Woolwich, 1875. Attack of Fortresses in the future. 8vo. Lond. 1877. (Bound with " Defence of a Position.") Erazer, Sir A. S., CoL Letters, written during the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns. Edited by Major-Gen. E. Sabine. 8vo. Lond. 1859, Erazer, G. A. Sailing Directions for the coasts of Ireland. See Mudge. Erederick II, King of Prussia. Memoirs of. 3rd edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1758. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de Brandebourg. 3 vols, in one. i2mo. n-P- 1758- . Instruction Militaire du Roi de Prusse pour ses Generaux. Traduite de I'Allemand par Lieut.-Col. Faesch. i2mo. Frankfort, 176 1. Vie de Frederic II, Roi de Prusse. 4 vols. i2mo. Strasburg, 1788. Memoire sur le Roi de Prusse, Fr(^deric le Grand. 4to. Berlin, 1789 GEuvres Posthumes. 19 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1788 FRK 24S Frederick II, King- of Prussia {continued) — rosthunious Works. Translated from the French by Thomas Holcroft. 13 vols, in 11. 8vo. 1789-91, Military Instruction to his Generals. Translated by Major Foster. 8vo. Lond. 1797. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. n.d. Secret Strategical Instructions for his Inspectors-General. Trans- lated by Capt. C. H. Smith. 4to. Coventry, 181 1, Militarische Schriften. See Militarische Klassiker. Frederick III, Emperor of Germany. Diary of the Austro- German \\'ar, 1866, and the Franco-Cjcrman War, 1870-71 : to which is added Prince Bismarck's rejoinder. Edited by H. W. Lucy. i2mo. Lond. 1888, Frederick Charles, Prince of Prussia. Military Memorial. Lond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxii.) IVIilitary Memorial. (How to beat the French.) Edited by C. H. Chambers. 2nd edition. Lond. 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Freeman, E. A. History and Conquests of the Saracens. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1876. The Ottoman Power in Europe. Svo. Lond. 1877. Historical Geography of Europe, 2nd edition. With maps. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S82. Freind, John. Account of the Earl of Peterborow's conduct in Spain, chiefly since the raising of the Siege of Barcelona, 1706. Svo. Lond. 1708. Freinshemius, J. Alexandre le Grand. See Curtius. Fremantle, Capt. R.N. The proposed alterations in Steering and Sailing Rules. Lond. 1867. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) Fremantle, Lieut.-Col. Three months in the Southern States, April-June, 1863. Svo. Lond. 1863. Freminville, De. Guide du Marin. See Kerhallet. Frere, J. H. Directions for teaching the Blind to read, Lond. n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Frey, L. Das Ofificierspferd. Praktischer Rathgeber insbesondere fiir berittene Infanterie-Officiere und Pferdebesitzer uberhaupt. i2mo. Darmstadt, 1S69. Frezier. A^oyage to the South Sea, and along the Coast of Chili and Peru, 1712-14. With a postcript by Dr. Edmund Halley, and an account of the settlement, commerce, and riches of the Jesuites in Paraguay. 4to. Lond. 1717. (Radstock Collection.) 249 V\JL Frith, J. H., Lieut.-Col. Repository Exercise for the use of the Madras Artillery. Folio. Madras, 1830. Frith, T. D., Col. Questions and Answers on the practical duties of Artillery. 4to. Madras, 1826. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Madras, 1831. Fritsch-Lang, A. L'Artillerie Rayee Prussienne k I'attaque de Diippel. 8vo. Paris, 1865. Frobisher, Martin. Voyages in search of a North-West Passage. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxxviii. See also Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xii. Froelich, A. Pleerwesen des Norddeutschen Bundes. 8vo. Berlin, 1868. Froissart, Sir John. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Countries, Edward II-Henry IV. Translated by Thomas Johnes, with a Life of the Author, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Chroniques. Edited by Madam De Witt, nee Guizot. 4to. Paris, 1 88 1. Frolow, M. M., Col. Defense de Sebastopol. See Todleben. Frome, E. C, Lieut-Gen., and Capt. Charles Warren. OutUne of the 'method of conducting a Trigonometrical Survey. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Frontinus, Sextus Julius. Stratagems of War, or Greek and Roman Anecdotes. Translated by Robert Scott. 8vo. Lond. 181 6. Opera. See Scriverius. Ditto. See also Hoogenhuysen Frossard, General. Operations du Deuxieme Corps de TArmee du Rhin dans la Campagne de 1870. Part i (all published). 8vo. Paris, 1870, Frosterus, Henric. Inledning til Swensta Krigs-Lagfarenheten. 4to. Stockholm, 1765. Froude, J. A. Cffisar. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Two Lectures on South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Bunyan. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Froude, W. Experiments for the determination of the Resistance of a full-sized ship at various speeds. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Fuel. History and description of Fossil Fuel, the Collieries, and Coal Trade of Great Britain. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Fullerton, J. D., Lieut. Rough notes on " Minor Tactics." In- fantry. (The Company.) n.p. 1878, (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxv.) FUL 250 Fullom, S. W. The Human Mind: a discourse on its accjuircments and history. 2 vols. 8vo. Lend. 1858. Life of Oeneral Sir Howard Douglas. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Fulton, C, Capt. How to train a Company. i2mo. Bombay, 1883. Fulton, Robert. Torpedo War and submarine explosions. Folio. New York, 18 10. Funeral Eulogies upon Military Men, from Thucydides, Lysias, Plato, and Xenophon, with extracts from Cicero. 8vo. Oxford, 1768. Furley, John. Help for sick and wounded. See Moynier. The Red Cross. See Moynier. Furlong, Lawrence, Capt. American Coast Pilot. 6th edition 8vo. Newburyport, 1809 Furse, G. A., Col. Studies on Military Transport. 8vo. Lond. 1878 Military Transport. 8vo. Lond. 1882 Line of Communications. 8vo, Lond. 1883 Mobilisation and embarkation of an Army Corps. 8vo. Lond. 1883 Embarkation and Disembarkation of Troops. Portsmouth, 1888 (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Furttenbach, Josephus. Halinitro-Pyrobolia-Beschreibung einer newen Biichsemeisterey, nemlichen : Griindlicher Bericht, wie der Salpeter, Schwefel, Kohlen und das Pulfer zu probieren. Folio. n.p. 1627. Fyfe, Laurence R. Jamaica. See Sinclair. G. Gadaud, L. L'Artillerie de la Marine Frangaise, en 1872. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Gaelic Society of London. Catalogue of Books, Tracts, and Papers. Lond. 1840. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Gaffarel, Paul. Les Colonies Fran^aises. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Gaiani, Gio. Battista. Arte di Maneggiar la Spada a piedi et a cavallo. 4to. Loano, 161 9. Gaigne, A. T. Nouveau Dictionnaire Militaire. 8vo. Paris, An x-1801. Galateri, P., Capt. Armata Sarda uniformi antichi e moderni. Folio. Turin, 1844. 251 GAN Galbraith, W., Capt. Grievances of Officers. Aldershot, 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) Galenus, Claudius, Pergamenus. Opera omnia Latine ex Quarta Juntarum Editione, cum locis etiam Hippocratis quos citat Galenus in margine indicatis et indice Antonii Musae Brasavoli ; accedit Oribasii liber de laqueis et de machinamentis. 8 vols, in 7. Folio. Venice, 1568. Galileo. Life of Galileo. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Gall, H. R, Capt. Modern Tactics. With plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Tactical questions and answers on the Infantry Drill Book, 1889' 8vo. Lond. 1889 Gallatin, Albert. Right of the U.S. of America to the N.E. Boundary, claimed by them. 8vo. New York, 1840. Gallenga, A. Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Galli, H. L'Armee Frangaise en Egypte, 1 798-1801. 8vo. Paris, 1883. Galloway, Elijah. Archimedean Screw. See Tredgold, Steam Engine. Galloway, J. A. Communication with India, China, &c. Proposed improvements in the Overland Route via Egypt, with remarks on the Ship Canal, the Boulac Canal, and the Suez Railroad. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Lond. 1844. Galloway, W. The Battle of Tofrek fought near Suakin, March 22nd, 1885. 4to. Lond. 1887. Galmiche-Bouvier, Roger. Une Mission Militaire en Prusse. See Toulongeon. Galster, C. Die Schiffs- und Kustengeschutze der Deutschen Marine. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. Gait, John. Life of Lord Byron. 5th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1831. Lives of the Players. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1831. Galton, Francis. Arts of Campaigning. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlv.) Art of Travel. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. i860. Meteorographica, or methods of mapping the weather. Oblong folio. Lond. 1863. Galvano, Antonio. Discoveries of the World. Sec Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxx. Gamon, Achille. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxiv.) Gander, Joseph. The Glory of Queen Anne, in the Royal Navy, also a treatise of Navigation and Commerce. 8vo. Lond. 1 703. (Radstock Collection.) (IAN 252 Ganilh, C. Inquiry into the various systems of Political Economy. 'I'ranslatcd by D. Boilcau. 8vo. Lond. 181 2. Ganot, Prof. Elementary Treatise on Physics. Translated by E. Atkinson. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Garcia, De la Llave y. Ea Guerre de Montagnes pendant la derniere Insurrection Carliste en Catalogue (1872-5). Trans- lated by A. Jouart. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Garcilasso de la Vega. Commentaries of the Yncas. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, xli and xlv. Garden, F. Dictionary of English Philosophical Terms. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Gardiner. Answer to a Pamphlet of Mr. James Poole. 8vo. Lond. 1804. (Bound with Poole's Narrative.) Gardiner, Rev. F. A. Christian Warfare. Chatham, 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvii.) Gardiner, Sir Robert, General. Report on the numerical deficiency, want of instruction, and in- efficient equipment of the Artillery of the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Illustrations of the numerical deficiency, want of instruction, and inefficient equipment of the Artillery of the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Report on Gibraltar considered as a Fortress and a Colony. 8vo. Lond. 1856. The benefits derivable from the Incorporation of the Artillery with the Cavalry and Infantry of the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Notes on the Organization and Armament of the Artillery of the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Cursory View of the present Crisis in India. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Is England a Military Nation or not ? 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Question of Legislative Military Responsibility. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Considerations on the Military Organization of the British Army. Addressed to H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Ditto, ditto. Addressed to the Members of the House of Commons. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Position of the Royal Artillery of the British Army. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Analysis of the causes of the Indian Rebellion. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Comments on the question of Legislative Military Responsibility. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. i8c;8. 253 GAS Gardiner, Sir Robert, General {continued) — Minute on the Military Changes in the Ordnance Department ; with observations on the Reorganization of the Royal Artillery. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1859. • Political and legislative Considerations on National Defence 8vo. Lond. i860. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo Lond. i860. Sacrament of the Holy Communion or Lord's Supper. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Gardiner, S. R. Thirty Years War, 1618-48 i2mo. Lond. 1874 History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 1886. Gardner. Handbook for the o'45" Gardner Gun (5 Barrels). 8vo. Lond. 1844. Gardner, Dorsey. Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo : a narrative of the Campaign in Belgium, 181 5. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Gardner, G. H., Capt. Suggestions for forming a new Reserve of Seamen. Lond. 187 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Gardner, Dr. John. Letters on Chemistry. See Liebig. Gardner, W. B., Major-General. Hints for the application of Shrapnel Shell. Woolwich, 1868. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (1).) Garnet. Account of the Drosacks. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iii. Garnier, Political Economy. See Smith, Adam. Garrard, William. Trigonometrical Tables, intended to complete the necessary Tables to the Nautical Almanac. 8vo. Lond. 1789. Garrel, A. Ordonnance du Roi sur le Service Interieur des troupes a Cheval, du 2 Nov., 1833. i2mo. Paris, 1859. Ordonnance du Roi sur le Service Interieur des Troupes d'ln- fanterie, du 2 Nov., 1833, annotee de toutes les dispositions qui I'ont modifiee jusqu'au ler Jan., 1861. 3rd edition. i2mo. Paris, 1 86 1. Garrett, Elizabeth. Enquiry into the character of the Contagious Diseases Acts of 1866-1869. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiii.) Garth, S. Translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, See Ovid. Gaskell, George. Algeria as it is. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Gastrell, J. E., Lieut.-Col., and Henry F. Blanford. Report on the Calcutta Cyclone of October 15th, 1864. 8vo. Calcutta, 1866. GAT 254 Catling Gun. Ciailing's system of Fire-Arms, with Official Reports. Target Records of the U.S.A. Ordnance Department. New York [1870]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.x.) Instructions for the use and care of Naval Gatling Guns. n.p. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxi.) Official Reports of Trials, description, &c. 8vo. Hartford, 1878. Gaudard, Jules. Etude comparative de divers systemes de Ponts en Fcr. Svo, with folio Atlas. Paris, 1865. Gaudi, F. de, Lieut.-Col. Instruction adressee aux Officiers d'Infanterie pour tracer et con- struire toutes sortes d'ouvrages de Campagne. 8vo. The Hague, 1768. Ditto, ditto. Revised and edited by A. P. J. Belair. 8vo. Paris, 1 82 1 Gauld, George. Observations on the Florida Kays, Reef, and Gulf: with directions for sailing along the Kays. Lond. 1796. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Gaulette. L'Usage d'un Nouveau Planisphere. i2mo. Toulon, 1688. Gaume, A. Etude sur la Ferrure des Chevaux de Guerre. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Paris, 1872. Gautier, Hubert, de Nismes. Traite des Ponts. Svo. Lond. 17 16. Traite de la Construction des Chemins. Svo. Paris, 1721. Gawler, George, Col. Essentials of good Skirmishing. Lond. 1837. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) A sketch. n.p. 1869. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) Gawler, J. C, Col. The British Line in the Attack, past and future. Lond. 1S72. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iv.) Sikhim. With hints on Mountain and Jungle Warfare. Svo. Lond. 1873. British Troops and savage warfare, with reference to the Kafir Wars. Svo. Lond. 1S73. (Bound in volume lettered " Savage Warfare.") Gay de Vernon. Traite elementaire d'Art Militaire et de Fortifica- tion. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1S05. Gazangos, Don Pascual de. Heman Cortes, Expedition to Honduras. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xl. Gazetteers. Bengal and Agra Guide and Gazetteer. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo, with 4to atlas. Calcutta, 1 84 1. 255 GEO Gazetteers {continued) — Edinburgh Gazetteer or compendious Geographical Dictionary. 2nd edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. Nautical Gazetteer, or Dictionary of Maritime Geography. A to H. Svo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection.) Topographical, Statistical, and Historical Gazetteer of Scotland. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1845. Geary, Grattan. Through Asiatic Turkey. Narrative of a journey from Bombay to the Bosphorus. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Burma, after the conquest. Svo. Lond. 1886. Geary, Hamilton, Capt. Notes on Gun Cotton. Svo. Lond. 1S77. Geary, H. le G., Major. Tactical basis for the Artillery of England. Woolwich, 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. vii.) Geldern, G. G. Befestigungs-Vorschliige. Vienna, 1S70. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. viii.) Zur Geschichte der Belagerungen von Belfort und Paris, 1S70-1. With atlas. 2 vols. Svo. Vienna, 1872. Gellert, C. F. Sammtliche Schriften. 10 vols. Svo. Lond. 17 84. Geneva. Le Congres et le Traite de Geneve, Aout, 1S64. Geneva, 1864. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xc.) Rapport adresse au Conseil Federal. Svo. Geneva, 1S64. Geneva, International Conference. La Charite sur les Champs de Bataille, suites du Souvenir de Solferino. Geneva, 1S64. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Gent, R. N. History of Queen Elizabeth. See Camden. Geographical Society of London, Royal. Journal. Vols, i to 1. Svo. Lond. i S3 1-80 Index to ditto. Vols, xi to xx. Svo. Lond. 1853 Ditto, ditto. Vols, xxxi to xl. Svo. Lond, iSSi Proceedings. Vols, i to xxii. Svo. Lond. 1857-78 Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols, i to . Svo. Lond. 1879- Supplementary Papers. Vol. i. Part I. Svo. Lond. 18S2 Papers on Arctic Geography and Ethnology : reprinted and presented to the Arctic Expedition of 1S75. Svo. Lond. 1S75 GEO 256 Geographical Society of London, Royal {contimied)— 'i'he Royal Geoj^raphical Society and its labours. Lend. 1846. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xx.xviii.) Catalogue of Library, See Catalogues. Geography. Index Geographicus ; being a list of the principal places on the Globe. Svo. Lond. 1864. Geographic Militaire. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878-81. See also Gazetteers. George the Third, King of England. George the Third, his Court and Family. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Gerard, Alexander. An Essay on Taste ; to which are annexed three dissertations on the same subject by Mr. de Voltaire, Mr. D'Alembert, and Mr. De Montesquieu. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1764. Gerard, Alexander, Capt. Account of Koonawur in the Himalaya. Edited by G. Lloyd. 8vo. Lond. 1 84 1. Attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo and the Lake Manasa- rowara. See Lloyd, Sir W. Gerard, M. G., Capt. Notes of a Journey through Kurdistan in the Winter of 188 1-2. Folio. Calcutta, 1883. Gerard, P. A. F. Code Penal : suivi du Code Penal Militaire et du Reglement de Discipline. 8vo. Brussels, 1877. Germanus, Dominicus, de Silesia. Fabrica Linguae Arabicse cum interpretatione Latina et Italica, accomodata ad usum linguas vulgaris, et Scripturalis. Folio. Rome, 1639. Germany (and Prussia). Magazin der neuesten merkwiirdigen Kriegs-begebenheiten. 7 vols, 8vo. Frankfort, 1795-96. Cursory view of Prussia from the death of Frederick II to the Peace of Tilsit ; containing an account of the Battles of Jena, Auerstadt, Eylau, and Friedland. 8vo. Lond. 1809. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Die Operationen zur Wiedergewinnung der alten Reichsstadt Metz. Folio. Berlin, 1872. Prussia in relation to the Foreign Policy of England. Lond. 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy). (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxviii.) Uniformirungs-Liste der Koniglich Preussischen Armee und Marine fiir das Jahr 1869. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. 257 (il-:R Germany (and Prussia). Army. Rang- und Quartier-Listc der Koniglich Preussischen Armee, 1823, 1869, 1872, 1873, 1876-7, 1882, 1883, and 1885. 8vo. Berlin, 1823-85 Tactique et Manoeuvres des Prussiens. 8vo. n.p., n.d Observations sur la Constitution militaire ct [)olitique des Armies de S.M. Prussienne. 8vo. Berlin, 1777 Tactique Prussienne ou systeme militaire de la Prusse. 4to. Paris, 1789 Instructions Militaires du Roi de Prusse a ses Generaux. i2mo. Paris, an XII (1801) Das Preussische Heer under Friedrich AVilhelm IV mit bcsonderer Berijcksichtigung der neuesten uniformirung und bewaffnung aller Truppentheile. 4to. Berlin, 1846-54. Grossherzoglich Hessische Kriegsdienst Vorschriften. 13 parts. 8vo. Darmstadt, 1862-4. Pontonir- Exercir- und Dienst-Reglement. 3 parts in 2 vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1865. Berichte iiber die Schiessversuche gegen den gepanzerten Schu- mann'schen Geschiitzstand. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. Instruction iiber die Verrichtungen bei der Bedienung als Anhang zum zweiten Abschnitt des Exercir-Reglements. Parts i and 2. i2mo. Berlin, 1867. Entwurf zur Marsch- und Lagerordnung fiir die Truppentheile. 1 2mo. Berlin, 1867. Armee de la Confederation du Nord de I'Allemagne. Paris, 1868. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Entheilung und Standquartiere der gesammten Deutschen Armee. 8vo. Berlin, 1870. Verordnungen iiber die Ausbildung der Truppen fiir den Felddienst und iiber die Grosseren Trupijeniibungen. i2mo. Berlin, 1870. Regulations for the Great Manoeuvres of the Prussian Army, 29th June, 1 86 1. Translated by Major-Gen. Sir Charles Staveley. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xci.) Lond. 1870. Extracts from the Prussian Orders for conducting large Manoeuvres. Translated by Captain Milligan. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Regulation Drill of the Prussian Army. Translated by Col. Newdi- gate. i2mo. Lond. 187 1. Note sur I'Organisation Militaire de la Confederation de I'Allemagne du Nord. 4to. Wilhelmshoehe, 1871. Regulations for the Training of Troops for service in the field and for the conduct of peace manoeuvres. Translated by Lieut. E. Baring. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. (Bound in ^V.O., Misc. Publications.) s GER 258 Germany (and Prussia). Army {continued) — Bildung und Mannszucht im Deutschcn Heere. Berlin, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Comijany Columns, and the latest alterations in the Regulation Drill of the Prussian Army. Translated by Col. E. Newdigate. i2mo. (Bound with Misc. Drill Books.) Lond. 1872. Instruktion betreffend das Etappen- und Eisenhahn-Wesen und die obere Leitung des Feld-Intendanteur, Feld-Sanitats, Militar-Tele- graphen und Feldpost-Wesens im Kriege. 8vo. Berlin, 1872. Verordnung iiber die Ausbildung der Truppen fiir den Felddienst und iiber die grosseren Truppeniibungen 1870. Zweiter Abdruck- unter Beriicksichtigung der bis zum Juli 1877. i2ino. Berlin, 1877. Les Uniformes de I'Armee xA.llemande. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Kriegs-Sanitats-Ordnung vom 10 Januar 1878. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. Kommands-Buch fiir jiingere Ofifiziere und fiir Unterofifiziere von einem alten Kompagnie-Chef. i2mo. Berlin, 1882. Kriegsgeschichtiiche Einzelschriften. Parts i to . 8vo. Berlin, 1883- . Les Manceuvres Imperiales en Alsace. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Felddienst-Ordnung. i2mo. Berlin, 1886. „ „ „ Berlin, 1887. Rbglement du 23 Mai, 1887, sur le Service en Campagne dans I'Armee Allemande. Traduit par le Commandant Peloux. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Cavalry. Regulations for the Prussian Cavalry. Translated from the original. 8vo. Lond. 1757. Listruktion iiber das Scheibenschietzen der mit Zundnadel-Kara- binern bewassneten Kavallerie-Regimenter. 8vo. Berlin, 1869. Part V of the new edition of the Prussian Cavalry Regulations. Translated by Captain F. Chenevix Trench. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Exerzir-Reglement fiir die Kavallerie. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. Vorschriften iiber das Turnen der Truppen zu Pferde. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. Artillery. Leitfaden zum Unterricht in der Artillerie fiir die Koniglich Preussischen Brigade-Schulen dieser Waffe. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. Exercir-Reglements fiir die Artillerie; parts 1-5. 6 vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1867. Artillerie-Priifungs-Kommission ausgefiihrten Schiessversuche gegen Schiffspanzer. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. Fahr- Instruction fiir die Artillerie. i2mo. Berlin, 1867. Pack-Instruction fiir diejenigen Batterien, welche mit Pack- taschen ausgeriistet sind. 8vo. Berlin, 1870. 259 GER Germany (and Prussia). Army. Artillery [continued) — Exerzir-Reglement fur die Feld-Artillcrie vom 23 August, 1877. 8vo. Berlin, 1877. Infantry. Koniglich Preussisches Mineur-Exercir- und Dienst-Reglement. Erster Abschnitt. Ausfiihrung der verschiedenen Mineur-Arbeiten. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. Regulations for the Prussian Infantry. Translated by William Faucitt. 8vo. Lond. 1754. Exerzir-Reglement fiir die Infanterie der Koniglich Preussischen Armee. 12 mo. Berlin, 1847. Abanderungen zur Instruktion fur den Betrieb der Gymnastik und des Bajonetfechtens bei der Infanterie. 8vo. Berlin, 1865. Ueber die Preussische Infanterie, 1869. Berlin, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xci.) On the Prussian Infantry, 1869. Translated by Col. H. A. Ouvry. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xci.) Lond. 1870. Die Compagnie colonne gegenuber Halbbataillonen und neuen Gefechtsformen. Darmstadt, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii). Elementary Tactics of the Prussian Infantry. Translated by Lieut. E. Baring. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. (Bound in "W.O. Misc. Publications."') Exerzir-Reglement fiir die Infanterie der Koniglich Preussischen Armee vom 25 Feb. 1847. Reuabdruck unter Berucksichtigung der bis zum i. Marz 1876. 12 mo. Berlin, 1876, Le Reglement Prussien du 15 Nov., 1877, surleTir del'Infanterie. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Exerzir-Reglement fiir die Infanterie. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. Schiess-Instruktion fiir die Infanterie. i2mo. Berlin, 1880. German Field Exercise, 1888. Part II. The Fight. Translated by Capt. W. H. Sawyer. i2mo. Lond. 1888. The new German Field Exercise. Translated by G. J. R. Gliinicke. i2mo. Bedford, 1888. Germany (and Prussia). Navy, Die Schiffs- und Kustengeschutzc der Deutschen Marine. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. Instruction fiir den Commandanten eines von S.M. SchifTen oder Fahrzeugen. 8vo. Berlin, 1877. Rang- und Quartier- Sowie Anciennetats-Liste der Kaiserlichen Marine fiir 1877-8. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. Die Uniformen der Deutschen Marine. 4to. Leipsic, 1878. s 2 c;er 260 Gsrminy (and Prussia). Navy {amtiuucd) — Rcglement fur die Ausbilduiig dor Mannschaften der Matrosenund Werftdivisionen. 'i'heil I. Ausbildung am Lande. 121110. Berlin, 1879. Anleitung zum Unterricht der Krankcntrager in der Marine. i2mo. Bedin, 1882. Das Torpedowesen in der Peutschen Marine. Berlin, 1884. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Rang- und Quartier-Liste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine fiir das Jahr 1855. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. Germany (and Prussia). Periodicals, &c. Allgemeine Miliiar-Zeitung, 1859, i860, 1866, 1867, and 1870 to 1874. Almanach de Gotha, 184410 . i2mo. Gotha, 1844- . (With Supplements to 1882, 1883, and 1884.) Archiv fiir die Offiziere der Koniglich Preussischen Artillerie- und Ingenieur-Korps. 1835 to . 8vo. Berlin, Beiheft zum Militar-Wochenblatt, 1888. Parts i to . 8vo. Berlin, 1888. Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch fiir 1831 ; herausgegeben von J. F. Encke. 8vo. Berlin, 1829. Jahrbiich der Deutschen Marine, 1874 and 1875. 8vo. Kiel, 1874-5. Jahrbiicher fiir die Deutsche Armee und Marine. Vol. i to 8vo. Berlin, 187 1- . Jahresberichte iiber die Veranderungen und Fortschritte im Militair- wesen, 1874 to 8vo. Berlin, 1875- . Militair-Literatur-Zeitung. Gegrundet von C. von Decker und L. Blesson. 1870 to Militar Wochenblatt, 1883, 1887, and 1888. Militairische Blatter. Vols, xxiii-xxxi. 8vo. Berlin, 1870-4. Neue Militairische Blatter. Vols, v to . Berlin, 1874- . Militarische Monatschrift. 1875. Gesenius, William. Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, including the Biblical Chaldee. Translated by Edward Robinson. 8vo. Boston, 1836, Scriptnrae Linguseque Phoeniciae Monumenta. 2 parts in i vol. 4to. Leipsig, 1837. Palaographische Studien iiber Phonizische und Punische Schrift. See Yates. Gesner, Abraham. Geology and Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. 8vo. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1816. Ghent. Musee de la Ville de Gand. See Museum. 26r CAF Gheyn, J. de. Maniement d'armes, d'arquebuses, mousquetz, et piques. Folio. The Hague, 1607. Gibbon, Edward. History of the dechne and fall of the Roman Empire. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1776-81. Ditto, ditto. 9 vols, in five. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Miscellaneous Works ; with memoirs of his life and writings : edited by John, Lord Sheffield. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Gibbon, John, Capt U.S. Army. The Artillerist's Manual. 2nd edition. 8vo. New York, 1863. Gibney, R. D., Major. Earnest Madement. A tale of Wiltshire. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Gibraltar. Account of the Siege of Gibraltar : with plans of the Town, and of the approaches and camp of the Spaniards. 8vo. l,ond. 1728. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Journal of the late Siege of Gibraltar. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Code of Standing Orders, as required to be observed in the Garrison of Gibraltar. Established by General H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, Governor. 8vo. Gibraltar, 1803. General Orders for all Guards in the Garrison of Gibraltar : issued by Sir Thomas Trigge. 8vo. Gibraltar, 1803. Catalogue of the Garrison Library. See Catalogues. Gibson, Francis. Sailing directions for the Baltic. Folio. Lond. 1 79 1. Gibson, James. Siege by the Troops from North America, the City of Louisbourg. 8vo. Lond. 1745. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Gibson, John. Guide to Military Competitive Exam, for Sep., 1888; (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Lond. 1888. Gibson, J. Harris. British War Medals and other decorations. i2mo. Lond. 1866. British Military and Naval Medals and Decorations. 8vo. Lond. 1880. GiddingS, J. Index to the " Times." See Periodicals. Giese, O. Fortificatorische Eisen-Constructionen. 8vo. With 4to Atlas. Leipsic, 1866. GifTord, C. E. Criminal Law of the Navy. See Thring. Gifford, C. H. History of the wars occasioned by the French Revo- lution. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 181 7. Gifford, John. History of the Political Life of William Pitt. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Gifford, W. Dramatic Works of John Ford. See Ford. Life of Ben Jonson. See Jonson. rjF 262 Gifford, W. {lontinued) — Plays oi Philip M.issinger. Sec Massinger. Works of James Shirley. See Shirley. Giguet, P. Histoire Militaire de la France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1849. Gilbard, G. J., Lieut.-Col. Popular history of Gibraltar. 4to. Gibraltar, 188 1. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 4to. Gibraltar, 1884. Gilbert, Edward W. Tables of Interest from \ to 4 per cent. 8vo. Lond. 1 88 1. Gilbert, J. A., Lieut. Military combinations and movements. See Jomini. Gildea, James, Major. Naval and military charities and institutions. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Giles, Herbert A. Historic China and other sketches. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Gill, Mrs. Six months in Ascension. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Gill, W., Capt. The River of Golden Sand : a journey through China and Eastern Tibet to Burmah. Condensed by E. C. Baber, and edited, with a memoir, by Col. H. Yule. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Gillespie, Alexander. Historical Review of the Royal Marine Corps. See Marines. Gillespie, Sir R. R., Major-Gen. Memoir of. 8vo. Lond. 18 16. Gillies, R. P. Tales of a Voyager to the Arctic Ocean. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Ditto, ditto. Second series. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Gilliss, J. M., Lieut. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. See United States, Navy. Gillkrest, Dr. J. Cholera Gleanings, a family handbook. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxx.) Gibraltar, 1848. Gillman, James. The Life of S. T. Coleridge. Vol. i. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Gillmore, Parker. The Great Thirst Land : a ride through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Kalahari Desert. 8vo. Lond. [1878.] Gillmore, Q. A., Major U.S. Army. Engineer and Artillery Operations against the defences of Charleston Harbor in 1863. 8vo. New York, 1865. Beton Agglomere. SeeV).^. Army, Engineers Prof. Papers, No. 19. Limes, Cements, and Mortars. See United States Army, Engineer Department. Siege of Fort Pulaski. See United States Army, Engineer Department. Gillot, C. L. Traite de Fortification souterraine ou des Mines offen- sives et defensives. 4to. Paris, 1805. 263 (il.A Gillot, Jacques. Regence de la reine Marie de Medecis. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xlix.) Gindely, Anton. History of the Thirty Years' War. Translated by A. T. Brook. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Giraffi, Alessandro. Exact history of the late Revolutions in Naples (under JNlassaniello). Edited by James Howell. 2 j;arts in one vol. i2mo. Lond. 1663-4. Girard, A., Capt. Des Compagnies de Partisans. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol i.) Girard, H., Capt. Construction et emploi des defenses accessoires. Sec Belgium, Conferences Militaires, Series i. No. 7. Girard, P. F. J. Traite' des Armes. Oblong 4to. The Hague, 1740. Girardin, Emile de. La Guerre. Paris, 1859. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ix.) Giraud, P. F. F. J. Campagne de Paris, en 18 14, precedee d'un coup d'oeil sur celle de 1813. 2nd edition. Paris, 1814. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxv.) The Campaigns of Paris, in 18 14 and 181 5; with a sketch of the Campaign of 18 13. Translated by Edmund Boyce. 8vo. Lond. 1 81 5. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 18 16. Giuseppe, Parola. Saggio di Climatologia e di Geografia Nosologica dcir Italia. 8vo. Turin, 1880. Givry, M. Pilote Fran^ais. Instructions Nautiques. Partie des Cotes de France. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1842-5. Pilote Fran^ais. Instructions Nautiques. 4to. Paris, 1851. Gladwin, Francis. The Persian Moonshee, containing. Part I. Persian Grammar : Pundnameh on copper plates ; Forms of Address, &c., in the Shekustameiz character : Specimens of Arabic. Part II. Select Stories ; Lives of the Philosophers ; Kowayid us Sultanet Shah J eh an. Dialogues, Persian and English, and our Saviour's Sermon on the Mount. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1799. Glaisher, James. Hygrometrical Tables. Lond. 1847. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Glas, George. History of the Canary Islands. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xvi. Glascock, W. N., Capt. R.N. The Naval Service or Ofhcers' Manual for every grade in H.M. Ships. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. The Nisjht Watch ; or tales of the sea. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. 01. A 264 Glascock, W. N., Capt. R.N. (continued) — Sailors and Saints ; or matrimonial manueuvrcs. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Naval Sketch Book ; or the Service afloat and ashore. 2 vols. 8vo. I,ond. 1 83 1. Naval Officers' Manual, with a notice on Steam and Steam Ships. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1848. (Radstock Collection.) Glasenapp, G. von. Dcr Feldzug von 1870. 4to. Berlin, 1 870-1 Der Feldzug von 1870. 8vo. Berlin, 187 1. Glasgow. Naval and Marine Exhibition, 1 880-1. See Exhibition. Gleichen, Count, Lieut. With the Camel Corps up the Nile. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Armed Strength of Portugal. See Armed Strength. Gleig, C. E. S., Lieut.-Col. The Old Colonel and the old corps. 2nd edition. 8vd. Lond. 1872. Gleig, Rev. G. R., Chaplain-General. Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, in 1814 and 1815. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1826. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Chelsea Pensioners. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. History of the Bible. 2nd edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1830. Life of Major-General Sir Thomas Munro. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 83 1. The Subaltern. 4th edition. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1840. Sale's Brigade in Afghanistan. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Life of Robert, First Lord Clive. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Leipsic Campaign. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Soldier's manual of devotion. i2mo. Lond. 1862. Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington ; partly from the French of M. Brialmont. 8vo. Lond. 1862. See also Brialmont. Autumn Manoeuvres. (Fraser's Magazine.) Lond. 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxix.) Glenie, James. History of Gunnery. 8vo. Edinb. 1776. Gloucester, Siege of. 1643. Relation of the most materiall and remarkeable Passages in the late Siege of Glocester. Collected by John Dorney. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1643. 265 GOR Gloucester, Siege of {continued) — Relation of the late Expedition of Robert Earle of Essex for the Relief of Gloucester, with the description of the Fight at New bury. Sni. 4to. I.ond. 1643. (Bound with above.) Relation of a wicked Plot against the City of Glocester, to betray the same into the hands of the Cavaljers. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1644. (Bound with above.) Glover, Rev. F. R. A. Harbours of Refuge. Lond. 1846. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Harbours of Refuge ; with papers on matters of present interest. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii). Lond. 1859. Gliickselig, A. M. Der Elbogner Kreis des Konigreichs Bohmen. 8vo. Carlsbad, 1842. Gliinder, G. W. Einrichtung und Gebrauch des Kleinen Gewehres in ganzen Umfange. Svo. Hanover, 1829. Gliinicke, G. J. R. German Field Exercise. See Germany. Glynn, Joseph. Plans for connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Navigable Canal. Lond. 1S49. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix ) Gmelin, F. System of Natural History. See Linnaeus. Gneisenau, Count, General. Life and campaigns of Field-Marshal Prince Bliicher of Wahlstatt. Translated, with additions, by J. E. Marston. Svo. Lond. 1815. Gnorowski, S. B. Insurrection in Poland in 1 830-1 and the Russian Rule preceding it since 1815. Svo. Lond. 1S39. Goddard, Guibon. Account of the Parliament of 1654. See Burton, Thomas. Godefroy, T. Histoire de Jean de Boucicaut. (Petitot's Collection, vols, vi and vii.) Histoire du Comte de Richemont. (Petitot's Collection, vol. viii.) Godsal, P. T. Military Rifle Sights. Eton, 1887. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Godwin, H. English Archaeologist's Handbook. Svo. Oxford, 1867. Godwin, William. History of the Commonwealth of England. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1824-8. Goeben, A. von. History of the Campaign in the North-West of Franc e. Translated by J. L. Seton. Lond. 1S73. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iv.) C.OE 266 Goekingk, L. F. G. Ciodichte. 3 vols. 121110. Frankfort, 1780-2. Goessel, Lieut, von. Marsch-Routen Karte fiir die Armee Corps rcsp. Infaiiteric- u Cavallerie- Divisionen der Deutschen Armeen im Kriege gegen Frankreich 1870-71. 410. Berlin, n.d. Goethals, Baron. Le Pays et 1' Armee. 8vo. Brussels, 1878. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Adventures of a young ritlenian during the war in Spain and Portugal, 1 806-18 16. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Young rifleman's comrade. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Faust. Part 2. Translated into English Verse by W. B. Macdonald. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1842. Goetze, Adolph. Operations of the German Engineers and " Tech- nical Troops" during the Franco-German War of 1870-1. Trans- lated by Col. G. Graham, V.C. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Goez, Benedict. Travels from L^xhor to China. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii. Goldsmid, Sir F. J., Major-Gen. Central Asia and its question. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) Telegraph and Travel : a narrative of the formation and development of telegraphic communication between England and India. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Eastern Persia : an account of the journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-2. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. James Outrani. A biography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Northern India and Afghanistan. Manchester, 1885. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Goldsmith, Lewis. Exposition of the conduct of France towards America. 8vo. Lond. 18 10. Goldsmith, Oliver. Miscellaneous Works. Edited by James Prior. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Golownin, Capt. Russian Navy. Memoirs of a captivity in Japan, during the years 181 1-13. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Goltz, Colmar Freiherr von der. Feldzug 1870-71. Die Operationen der II. Armee. Vom Beginne des Krieges bis zur Capitulation von Metz. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Die sieben Tage von Le Mans nebst einer Uebersicht iiber die Operationen der II. Armee. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Das Volk in Waffen. 8vo. Berlin, 1884. The Nation in Arms. Translated by P. A. Ashworth. 8vo. Lond. 1887. 267 <"^0R Goltz, Colmar Freiherr von der {conthmed)— Militiirische Schriften von Scharnhorst. See Militarische Klassiker. Goltzius, Hubertus. Grcecice ejusque Insularum et Asice Minoris Nomismata. Folio. Antwerp, 1644. Gomm, Sir W. M., Field-Marshal. Story of Newcastle, Jamaica. n.p. 1864. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxx.) Letters and Journals. Edited by F. C. Carr-Gomm. Svo. Lond. 1881. Condi, J. F. P. de, Cardinal de Retz. See Retz. Gonneville, A. de, Col. Souvenirs Militaire du Colonel de Gonneville ; publics par la Com- tesse de Mirabeau, et precedes d'une Etude par le General Baron Ambert. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Recollections of Colonel de Gonneville. Published by the Countess de Mirabeau, with an introductory sketch by General Baron Ambert. Translated by Charlotte M. Yonge. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1875. Gonzales, Don Manuel. Voyage to England and Scotland. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ii. Gonzalez de Clavijo, Ruy. Embassy to the Court of Timour. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxvi. Gonzalez de Mendoza, Juan. History of China. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, xiv and xv. Goodenough, J. G., Commodore R.N. Journal during 1873-5. Edited, with a memoir, by his Widow. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1876. Goodenough, O. H., Major. Notes on Gunpowder. 4to. Woolwich, 1865. Manual of Interior Economy : an explanation of all matters affecting a Soldier. Svo. Woolwich, 1878. Goodenough, W. H., Lieut.-Col. Account of a Prussian Divisional Manoeuvre in the Rhine Province. (Svo Pamphlets, 2 nd series, vol. Ixxiv (i).) Woolwich, 1869. Austrian Artillery Field Exercise. See Austria. Goodrich, Chauncey A. English Dictionary. See Webster. Goodrich, C. F., U.S. Navy. British Operations in Egypt, 1S82. See U.S. Naval Intel. Dept, Gopcevic, Spiridion. Conquest of Britain in 1888. Translated by F. H. E. Crowe. Portsmouth, 1887. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Gordon. Chain Messenger. Lond 1S31. (Svo Pampiilets, 2n(l series, vol. Ixxi.) (lOR 268 Gordon, Hon. A., Lieut.-Col. Remarks on National Defence, Volunteers, and Rifles, with a report on experiments with small arms. Lond. 1^53. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Gordon, Sir A. An enquiry into the defects of the Organization of the Army. Svo. Lond. 1875. (Bound in vol. lettered " Recruiting.") Gordon, Alexander. Itinerarium Septentrionale : or a Journey thro' most of the Counties of Scotland, and North of England. Folio. Lond. 1726. Gordon, Alexander. Railway Monopolies and remedial measures. Lond. 1841. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Gordon, Alexander, Major-Gen. The History of Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia. 2 vols. Svo. Aberdeen, 1757. Gordon, Sir Alexander Duff. Sketches of German Life. See Ense. Gordon, C. A. Army Surgeons and their works. Svo. Lond. 1S70. The Administrative Services during the Franco-Prussian War. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. x.) n.p. [1873]. Points for comparison between the French and British Soldier. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. c.) Lond. 1S72. Life on the Gold Coast. Svo. Lond. 1S74. Trip to Burmah, with notes on that country. Svo. Lond. n.d. Gordon, C. G., Gen. Colonel Gordon in Central Africa, 1874-9, from original letters and documents; edited by G. B. Hill. Svo. Lond. iSSi. Journals of Major-Gen. C. G. Gordon at Kartoum. Introduction and notes by A. Egmont Hake. Svo. Lond. 1S85. Letters to his Sister. Svo. Lond. iSSS. Gordon, Sir H. W. Events in the Life of Charles George Gordon. Svo. Lond. 1886. Gordon, Rev. James. History of the Rebellion in Ireland in 179S. Svo. Dublin, iSoi. Gordon, John, Lieut.-Col. Address to Volunteer Corps going on Permanent Duty. Svo. Lond. iSoS. Gordon, Pryse Lockhart. Personal Memoirs ; or reminiscences of men and manners at home and abroad during the last half century. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1830. Gordon, Thomas. Principles of Naval Architecture, with proposals for improving the form of ships. Svo. Lond. 17S4. Gordon, William. Battalion drill made easy. 3rd edition. i2mo. Chatham, 1 886. 269 <^'C)U Gordon, William {continued) — Guides' and Markers' Duties. 3rd edition. i2mo. Chatham, 1886. Sergeant's Pocket-Book. i2mo. Chatham, 1886. Hints to young soldiers. 3rd edition. i2mo. Chatham, 1888. Company Drill made easy. i2mo. Chatham, 1889. Gordon-Cumming', J. K. Naval Reform. See Charmes. Gore, Montague. Description of some of the principal Harbours and Towns of the Krimea. 3rd edition. Lond. 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. v.) Products and resources of British India. 2nd edition. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) Gorgas, Albert C., Surgeon U.S.N. Moving wounded men on shipboard. See Wilson, Joseph. Gorlaeus, A. Thesaurus Numismatum Romanorum ad familias ejus urbis spectantium usque ad obitum Augusti. 4to. Antwerp, 1605. Gosse, E. W. Gray. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Gosselin. Geographie de Strabo. See Strabo. Gostling, Geo. Extracts from tlie Treaties between Great Britain and other Kingdoms and States of such Articles as relate to the duty and conduct of the Commanders of H.M. Ships of War. 4to. Lond. 1792. Gotzler, Major von. Graf Albrecht v. Roon. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. Goudar or Goudard, Ange. General History of the late Revolution of Genoa. 8vo. Lond. 1752. Gougeard. Les Arsenaux de la Marine. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1882. La Marine de Guerre ; son passe et son avenir. Cuirasses et Torpilleurs. 8vo. Paris, 1884. Gough, General, Lord. Despatches of. See India. Gough, Richard. Britannia. See Camden. Gould, John. Synopsis of the Birds of Australia. Parts 1-4. Folio. Lond. 1837-8. Introduction to the Trochilida;, or family of Humming Birds. 8vo. Lond. 1 86 1. Gould, Robert Freke. The four old Lodges, Founders of Modern Freemasonry, and their Descendants. 4to. Lond. 1879. Gourdault, Jules. Quatre Ans au Pays des Boers. See Weber. Gourgaud, Gaspard, GeneraL Campagne de 1815, ou relation dcs operations militaires qui ont eu lieu en France et en Eelgiquc [)endant Ics cent jours. 8vo. Paris, 18 18. GOU 270 Gourgaud, Gaspard, General {continued) — Napoleon and the Cirand Army in Russia, or a critical examination of the work of Count P. de Segur. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Napoleon et la grande-armee en Russie. 4th edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1827. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de France, sous Napoleon, ecrits a Sainte-Helene. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Gourville, J. H. de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. Hi.) Government. Modest Censure on some mistakes concerning Civil Government. Lond. 17 13. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xx.) Gowan, Ogle R. Annals and defence of the Loyal Orange Institu- tion of L'eland. Dublin, 1825. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Gowan, W. E., Major. Kashgaria. See Kuropatkin. Russian Grammar. See Ivanoff. Gower, Sir Erasmus. Embassy to China. See Staunton, Sir George. Grafton, Richard. Chronicle, or history of England. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1809, Graham, Sir Gerald, Lieut.-Gen., V.C. Operations of the German Engineers during the Franco-German War. See Goetze. Graham, J., Major. Discipline of Candidates for the Army. Lond. 1882. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Graham, Rev. John. History of the Siege of Londonderry and defence of Enniskillen, in 1688 and 1689. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1829, Graham, James D., Major. Report upon the Military and Hydro- graphical Chart of the Extremity of Cape Cod, including the townships of Provincetown and Truro. Folio. Washington, 1838. Graham, J. J., Col. Military Ends and Moral Means : exemplifying the motives to enlist- ment, the use of stratagems in war, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1864. On War. See Clausevvitz. Graham, John Murray. Memoir of General Lord Lynedoch. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Graham, Sir Lumley, Col. Remarks on Infantry Tactics. Sandgate, 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) A new system of Infantry Tactics. i2mo. Lond. 1867. 271 GRA Graham, Sir Lumley, Col. icoutitmca) — Best mode of providing Recruits and forming reserves for the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1875. (Bound in vol. lettered " Recruiting.") Tactical deductions from the War of 1870-71. ,5^^ Boguslawski. Tactical Examples. See Helvig. Tactics of Infantry. See Scherff. Graham, Maria. War of the French in Spain. See Rocca. Graham, Thomas. Elements of Chemistry. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Grahame, James. Rise and progress of the United States of North America till the British Revolution in 1688. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Gramont, Antoine, Due de. Marshal. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. Ivi-lvii.) Grampian Club. Scotland, social and domestic : by the Rev. Charles Rogers. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the minority of James the Sixth. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Genealogical collections concerning the Scottish House of Edgar : edited by Andrew Edgar and Charles Rogers. 4to. Lond. 1873. Grancey, M. de Mandat. See Mandat-Grancey. Grandin, L. Frederic III, Roi de Prusse, Empereur D'Allemagne. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Grandsagne, Ajasson de. See Pliny. Grange, M. de la. Elements of Algebra. See Euler. Grant, Sir Alexander, Bart. Xenophon. 8vo. Lond. 1871 Grant, Anne. Letters from the Mountains. 2nd edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1807. Grant, Charles, Viscount de Vaux. See Vaux. Grant, F. D., Lieut.-Col. U.S. Army. Expedition up the Yellow- stone River, in 1875. See United States. Grant, Henry D., Capt. R.N. Report on Nitro-Glycerine. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Lond. 1866. Grant, J., Capt. Supply of Fuel for the Army. Lond. [1858]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lix.) Grant, James. Memoirs and adventures of Sir John Hepburn. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Grant, James, Lieut. R.N. Voyage of discovery performed in the '■ Lady Nelson " with sliding keels. 410. Lond. 1804. Grant, Sir J. Hope, Gen. Memorandum for the guidance of Cavalry employed in outpost duty at Aldershot. i2mo. Lond. 1872. (Bound with Misc. Drill Books.) (iRA 272 Grant, Sir J. Hope, Gen. {contimted) — Incidents in the Sepoy War, 1857-8. With some explanatory chapters by Capt. H. Knollys. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Chinese ^^'a^. See Knollys. Grant, Dr. Klein. Medical Dictionary. See Hooper, R. Grant, Sir Patrick, Lieut-Gen. Artillery Materiel in India. See Adye. Grant, Robert. Catalogue of 6,415 Stars for the Epoch 1870, deduced from observations made at the Glasgow University Observatory, 1 860-1. 4to. Glasgow, 1883. Grant, U. S., Lieut-Gen. U.S. Army. Personal Memoirs. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1885-6. Report of the Armies of the United States. See United States. Grant Duff, M. E. Notes of an Indian Journey. Svo. Lond. 1876. Grantham, John. Iron Ship-Building, with practical illustrations. 5th edition. 8vo., with 4to. atlas of plates. Lond. 1868. Granville, A. B, St. Petersburgh. A Journal of Travels to and from that Ca])ital ; through Flanders, the Rhenish Provinces, Prussia, Russia, Poland, Silesia, Saxony, and France. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Graser, B. De veterum re navali. 4to. Berlin, 1864. Grassi, Giacomo di. Ragione di adoprar sicuramente I'Arme si da offesa, come da difesa. 4to. Venice, 1570. Graves, S. R. Deterioration of Seamen. See Ryder. Graviere, E. Jurien de la, Vice-Admiral. Sketches of the last Naval War. Translated by the Hon. Captain Plunkett. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Guerres Maritimes sous la Republique et I'Empire. 2 vols in one. Svo. Paris, 1853. La Marine d'aujourd'hui. Svo. Paris, 1872. Voyage de la Corvette la Bayonnaise dans les Mers de Chine. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1872. La Station du Levant. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1876. Les Marins du XV et du XVIe Siecle. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1879. La Marine des Anciens. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1880. Vol. i. La Bataille de Salamine et I'Expedition de Sicile. Vol. ii. La Revanche des Perses. Les Tryans de Syracuse. L'Amiral Baudin. Svo. Paris, iSSS. La Guerre de Chypre et la Bataille de Lepante. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S88. Gray, Albert. Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ixxvi. Gray, Charles, Lieut. R.M. Poems and Songs. 2nd edition. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1S14. Gray, Henry. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. Svo. Lond. 1 883. 273 ("'RE Gray, John. Treatise of Gunnery. 8vo. Lond. 1731. Gray, John Henry. China : a history of the laws, manners, and customs of the people. Edited by W. Gow Gregor. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Gray, Thomas. Mercantile Marine Legislation. Lond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1867. (Bound in vol. lettered "Rule of the Road at Sea.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) Value of Coloured Side Lights as a means for preventing Collisions at Sea. 8vo. Lond. n.d. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxi.) Observations on the Rule of the Road at Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Graydon. Dynamite Projectile high explosive and accelerated cart- ridge, n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Great Britain. Military History of Great Britain, for 1756, 1757. 8vo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection.) Situation Militaire de la Grande-Bretagne. Paris, i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Greathead, H. H. Letters written during the Siege of Delhi. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Greely, Adolphus W. Three Years of Arctic Service, 188 1-4. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Green, Benjamin Richard. Guide to the Numismatic Atlas of Grecian History. Folio. Lond. 1829. Lecture on the Study of Ancient Coins, in connection with History. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Green, Sir Henry, Col. Defence of the North-West Frontier of India, with reference to the advance of Russia in Central Asia. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) The " Great Wall" of India. ("Nineteenth Century.") Lond. 1885. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Green, John. Vicissitudes of a Soldier's Life. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Green, John Richard. Short History of the English People. 8vo. Lond. 1876. T GRK 274 Green, John Richard {continued) — History of the English People. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Making of England. Svo. Lond. 1882. Conquest of England. Svo. Lond. 1883. Green, Jonathan. Utility of Fumigating and other Baths. I>ond. 1834. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxi.) Practical Compendium of the Diseases of the Skin. 2nd edition. 8vo. l^ond. 1837. Green, Samuel S. Library Aids. i2mo. New York, 1883. Green, William Pringle, Lieut. R.N. Fragments from remarks on Electricity, Magnetism, Aeroliths, &c. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vi.) Lond. 1833. Precautions to avoid Accidents by Lightning. Lond. 1837. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ii.) Greene, F. V. The Russian Army and its campaigns in Turkey in 1877-78. 2 vols. (Text and Atlas.) Svo. Lond. 1S79. Civil AVar in America. See Campaigns. Greener, W, W. Gunnery in 1S58 : being a treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms. Svo. Lond. 1858. Modern BreeclvLoaders : sporting and military. Svo. Lond. [1S71.] Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1882. Modern Shot Guns. Svo. Lond. iSSS. Greenhill, A. G. Motion of a Projectile in a resisting medium. Svo. Woolwich, 1 88 2. Greenhow, Robert. Memoir on the N.W. coast of North America. Svo. New York, 1S40. History of Oregon and California. Svo. Lond. 1844. Greenough, G. B. P'irst Principles of Geology. Svo. Lond. 1819. Greenwich Hospital. Her Majesty's (Queen Anne) Commission for Greenwich Hospital for Seajiien. Lond. 1704. . (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) His Majesty's (George I) Commission for the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. Lond. 17 14. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) His Majesty's (George H) Commission for the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich. Lond. 1727. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xx.) 275 GRE Greenwich Hospital {cotithiued) — Establishment of Officers, Pensioners, Servants, and others, with their Salaries, (Src. Lend. 1738. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xx.) Regulations for the establishment and government of the Royal Naval Asylum. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Portraits of Naval Commanders in the Painted Hall. See Catalogues. Greenwich Observatory. Astronomical and Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. 1831 to . 4to. Lond. 3832- . Catalogue of 1,112 Stars reduced from observations made from the years 1816-33. Folio. Lond. 1833. Catalogue of the places of 1,439 Stars, referred to the ist of January, 1840. 4to. Lond. 1843. Reduction of the Observations of Planets, 1 750-1830. 4to. Lond. 1845. Reduction of the Observations of the Moon, 1750-1851. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1848-59. Catalogue of 2,156 Stars, formed from the Observations made during twelve years, 1836-1847. 4to. Lond. 1849. Reduction of Greenwich Meteorological Observations, 1847-73. 4to- Lond. 1878. Rates of Chronometers on trial for purchase by the Board of Admi- ralty, 1883-1888. 4to. Greenwood, C. and J. Majjs of the Counties of Gloucester and Monmouth. Folio. Lond. 1824. Greenwood, Jonathan. Sailing and Fighting Instructions, or Signals as they are observed in the Royal Navy of Great Britain. i2mo. n.p. [1714.] Greg, Edward Hyde. British War Medals. See Catalogues. Greg, W. R. Miscellaneous Essays. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Gregg, St. George. The Currency; its evils and their remedies. Lond. 1839. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) St. George's vision of St. Patrick's ideas on Currency and Coin. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Lond. 1840. Ambition, a poem. 2nd edition. Lond. 1840. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Gregor, William Gow. China. See Gray. Gregory, E. Tighe. Ireland in 1829, or the first year's Administra- tion of the Duke of Northumberland. l)ul)lin, 1830. (8vo Pamphlets, 2n(l series, vol. xxv.) Gregory, William. Animal Chemistry. See Liebig. T 2 GRE 276 Gr^han, Am^dde. La France Maritime. 4 vols, in two. 4to. Paris, 1853. Grenander, B. K. Sur los ('ondiiions ncccssaires, selon le droit des Oons, i)Our avoir, en (lucrre Ic droit d'etre considere et traite conime Soldat. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Grenfell, H. H., Com. R.N. Gruson's Chilled Cast-iron Armour. Ste Schutz. Grenier, Vicomte de. L'Art de la Guerre sur Mer, ou Tactique Navale. 4to. Paris, 1787. Greswell, William. Our South African Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Greville, Lady Violet. Montrose. With an introduction by the Earl of Ashhurnham. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Grey, Earl. Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell. See Adderley, Grey, Sir F. W., Admiral. Organization of the Navy. Lond. i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) Suggestions for improving the character of our Merchant Seamen and for providing an efficient naval reserve. Lond, 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) Grey, Sir George. Two expeditions of discovery in north-west and western Australia, 1837-9. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Grey, Henry. The Classics for the Million : an epitome in English of the works of the principal Greek and Latin Authors. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Grey, Walter. Walcheren : proceedings on a motion for inquiry into the conduct and policy of the late Expedition to the Scheldt. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection.) Gribble, H. Why not render the Red and Indian Seas secure for Passengers, «S:c. 8vo. Lond. 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Gribble, Samuel. Treatise on Deportment, Fencing, and Horse- manship ; also the description of a Military Game resembling the Game of Chess. 8vo. Derby, 1829. Grierson, J. M., Lieut. Gazetteer of Egypt. 8vo. Roorkee, 1882. Red Sea Coast of Egypt and Nubia. i2mo. Simla, 1882. Military Report and Gazetteer of the Trans-Caspian Territories. 8vo. Simla, 1884. The W^ar in Turkumania. See Grodekoff. See also Armed Strength. Griffin, Eugene, Lieut. U.S. Army. Our Sea Coast Defences. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) New York, 1885. Griffin, James. Navy List. See Navy. 277 ('RO Griffis, William Elliot. Matthew Calbraith Perry : a typical American Naval Officer. 8vo. Boston (U.S.), 1887. Griffith, R. Age of Louis XIV. See Voltaire. Griffiths, Arthur, Major. The English Army : its past history, ])rc.sent condition, and future prospects. 8vo. Lond. [1878]. Griffiths, A. J., Rear-Admiral. Observations on some points of Seamanship. 8vo. Cheltenham, 1824. Impressment fully considered. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Regulations.) Griffiths, F. A., Major. Notes on Mihtary Law ; proceedings of Courts-Martial, &c. 8vo. Woolwich, 1 84 1. The Artillerist's Manual and British Soldier's Compendium. 2nd edition. 8vo. Woolwich, 1840. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Woolwich, 1843. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. 8vo. Woolwich, 1852. Ditto, ditto. 7th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Ditto, ditto. 8th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Ditto, ditto. 9th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Ditto, ditto. loth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Ditto, ditto, nth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Griffiths, L., Col. Scintillations of Light. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxii.) Examination Questions on Fortification, Topography, Military Law, and Tactics. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Griffiths, Robert. Description of Patent Screw Propeller. Lond. 1858. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (i).) The Screw Propeller : what it is and what it ought to be. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (i).) Lond. i860. Causes of casualties to Steam Ships. Mold, 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xviii.) Screw Propulsion as now existing in Steam Ships. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Grivel, R. De la Guerre Maritime avant et depuis les nouvelles inventions. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Grodekoff, N. I., Major-Gen. The War in Turkumania. Skobe- Icff's Campaign of 18S0-1. Translated by Lieut. J. M. Grierson. 4 vols. Svo. Simla, 1884-5. c;ro 278 Groignard. Dc rAnimagc (Ics Vaisscaux. 4to. Paris, 1810. Memoire sur I'Arrimage des Vaisseaux. See Bourde de Villchuet. Gromaticus. Castrametatione. See Scriverius. Gronow, Capt. Recollections and anecdotes of the camp, the court, and the clubs. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Groombridge, Stephen. Circumpolar Stars. See Airy. Grose, Francis. Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons. 4to. Lond. 1 786. Military Antiquities respecting a history of the English Army from the Conquest. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1801. Ditto, ditto. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1812. Grote, George. History of Greece. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Grotius, Hugo. De Jure Belli ac Pacis. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1720. Annotationes in Vetus et Novum Testamentum : juxta editionem Amsteloedamensem, 1679. Edited by Samuele Moody. 4to. Lond. 1727. De Veritate Religionis Christians, cum nctulis Joannis Clerici. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1804 Grouard, A., Capt. De la resistance de I'air au mouvement des projectiles. 8vo. Paris, 1874. Grouchy, Le Marquis de. Observations sur la "Relation de la Campagne de 1815," publiee par le Gene'ral Gourgaud. 8vo. Paris, 1819. (Bound with "Gourgaud Campagne de 1815.") Memoires du Marechal de Grouchy. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Groulard, Claude. Voyages par lui faits en cour. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xlix.) Grove, W. R. Correlation of Physical Forces. Lond. 1846. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvi.) Grover, Rev. H. M. Changes of the Poles and the Equator considered as a source of error in the construction of maps and charts of the Globe. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Lond. 1848. Observations on the Magnetic Orbit. Lond. 1850. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Soundings of Antiquity ; method of applying the Astronomical Evidences to the events of history. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Grover, John, Capt. Aj^peal to the British Nation in behalf of Col. Stoddart and Capt. ConoUy, now in captivity in Bokhara. Lond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciii.) The Bokhara Victims. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1845. 279 cut Grover, John, Capt. {conthmed)— Lord Aberdeen and the Ameer of Pokliara. 6th edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) l.ond. 1845. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Account of the Island of Arguin on the Western Coast of Africa. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) n.p., n.d. Groves, J. Percy. 66th, Berkshire Regiment. See Army, Records. Groves, John R., Capt. Utility of floating Breakwaters as applied to the formation of Harbours of Refuge. 3rd edition. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Lond. 1842. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Grueber, H. A. Coins and Medals in the British Museum. See Museum. Gruson, H. Armor-Plate Trials at Magdeburg, 1883. Translated by Capt. W. H. Bixby. Washington, 1884. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Eisengiesserei und Maschinenfabrik. (Photographs.) Folio. Buckau-Magdeburg, n.d. Hartguss-Panzerthurme. (Lithographs of Armour Plates, Machinery, etc.) Folio. Buckau-^Lagdeburg, n.d. Guardian. The importance of the Guardian considered. Lond. 17 13. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xx.) Guarini, Baptista. II Pastor Fido, tragicomedia, e la Idropica, commedia. 4to. Lond. 1736. Guay-Trouin. See Duguay-Trouin. Gubbins, M. R. Account of the Mutinies in Oudh, and of the Siege of Lucknow. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S58. Gudgeon, T. W., Lieut. Reminiscences of the War in New Zealand. Svo. Lond. 1879. Guelle. Tules. Precis des Lois de la Guerre. 2 vols. i2mo. ' Paris, 1S84. Gurnard, J.. Lieut. Etude sur la Formation en Carre. Svo. ' -^ ' Paris, 1867. Gu^rin, A. Dressage du Cheval de Guerre suivi du dressage des chevaux retifs. Svo. P-'^r's, i860. Gu^rin, Ldon. Histoire Maritime de France. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1843. Gueronni^re, Comte Alfred de la. La Prussc devant I'Europe. 3rd edition. Brussels, 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) CUE 280 Guesclin, Bertrand du. Memoire du XIV siecle. (rclitot's Collection, vols, iv-v.) Guibert, J. A. H., Comte de. Essai Ccncral de 'raclique. 2 vols. 8vo. Liege, 1775. General Essay on Tactics. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1781. CEuvres Militaires. 5 vols, in 3. Svo, and Svo vol. of ])lates. Paris, 1S03, Guicciardini, Francisco. Histoire des Cuerres d'ltalie. Traduite par Hierosme Chomedey. Nouvelle edition (rare). 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1593. Delia Istoria d'ltalia. 2 vols. Folio. Venice, 1738. Guignard, M. de. L'l^cole de Mars, ou memoires instructifs sur toutes les parties qui composent le Corps Militaire en France. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1725. Guignes, M. de. Dictionnaire Chinois, Frangaise, et Latin. Folio. Paris, 1813. Observations on the Philippine Islands, and the Isle of France. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xi. Guillaume, Frederic. Histoire des Campagnes D'Annibal en Italia pendant la Deuxieme Guerre Punique ; suivie d'un abrege de la Tactique des Romains et des Grecs. With plates. 4 vols. 4to. Milan, 181 2. Guillaumot, E. Le Fusil Rationnel. 2nd edition. Svo. Brussels, 18S4. Guillemard, F. H. H. Cruise of the Marchesa to Kamschatka and New Guinea. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 18S6. Guillemin, Amedee. The Heavens ; an illustrated handbook of popular Astronomy : edited by J. N. Lockyer. Svo. Lond. 1S66. Guillet. L'Arte dell' Huomo di Spada. Translated by Narbonte Prodoni. i2mo. Venice, 16S3. Guinther, Gustav Julius. Armour Plating. Lond. 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxviii.) Guischardt, Charles. Memoires Mihtaires sur les Grecs et les Romains. 2 vols in i. 4to. Hague, 1758. Principes de I'Art Militaire, extraits des meilleurs ouvrages des anciens. 2 vols. Svo. BerHn, 1763. Guise, Due de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. Iv-lvi.) Guizot, F. Histoire de la Civilisation en France depuis la Chute de I'Empire Romain, 4 vols, in 2. Svo. Paris, 1840. Histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1 84 1, Life of Oliver Cromwell. 9th edition. Svo. Lond. 18S7 28 1 (;UY Guizot, Madame. See Witt, Gulf Stream. Papers on the Eastern and Northern Extensions of the Gulf Stream. Translated by E. B. Knorr. 4to. Washington, 1871, Supplements, 1-6. 4to. Washington, 1872-5. Gumpertz, H., and Lebrun. Traite pratique et theorique des Mines. 4to. Paris, 1805. Gun, Col. L'Artillerie .A.ctuelle en France et a I'Etranger. Canons, Fusils, Poudres et Projectiles. 8vo. Paris, 1889. Gunning-, George, Lieut. Documents of the Gunning Family. 8vo. Cheltenham, 1834. Appendix to the Gunning Family Documents. Cheltenham, 1834. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (i).) Letter on the Equipment of Soldiers for active service. Lond. 1838. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Gunpowder and Gun Cotton. Notes on. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Gunter, E., Major. Officer's field note and sketch book. 3rd edition. Oblong 8vo. Lond. 1885. Gurney, Joseph John. Terms of Union. Remarks addressed to the Members of the British and Foreign Society. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. v.) Norwich, 1832. Gurwood, John, Lieut.-Col. Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington. See \Vellington. Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden. Histoire de Gustave-Adolphe, Roi de Suede. 4to. Amsterdam, 1764. Lettres et Memoires sur les guerres des Suedois en Pologne et en Allemagne, 1625-32. 8vo. Paris, 1790. Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden. History of, with extracts from his correspondence. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Guthrie, G. J. Treatise on Gunshot Wounds, 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Clinical Lectures on Compound Fractures, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Gutschoven, G. a. Regulae Munitionum Analogical. i2mo. Brussels, 1673. Gutzlaff, Rev. C. Sketch of Chinese History, comprising a retro- spect of the foreign intercourse and trade with China. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Guy, Dr. Thomas. First dressing on the battle-field. See Esmarch. Guy, W. A. Claims of Science to public recognition and support. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Public Health : a popular introduction to Sanitary Science. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1870-4. GUV 282 Guy, W. A. {continued) — '1 he Ilarveian Oration. 8vo. Lond. 1875 John Howard's winter's journey. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Guzman, Don Alonzo Enriquez de. life and acts. See Hakluyt Soc., vol. xxix. Gwilt, Joseph. See Vitruvius I'ollio. H. Habenau, Lieut, von. Die Kriegs-Marine des Deutschen Reiches. Svo. Bremen, 1880. Haber, R. von. Geschichte der Kavallerie des Deutschen Reiche?. 8vo. Berlin, 1881. Hackett, William. Selection of movements from the Cavalry Regu- lations. Svo. Exeter, 1832. Haddan, John L. Military Railways, with description of the " Pioneer " Steam Caravan. Svo. Lond. 1878. Hagedorn, F. von. Poetische Werke. 3 vols. Svo. Hamburg, 1769. Haggard, W. D. The Militia : its importance as a constitutional force. Lond. 1857. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Miscellaneous Papers. Windsor, 1S60. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Contents : — Memoir of the Chevalier D'Eon. Who were the " Gregorians " alluded to by Pope ? The Standard of Value. Use of Gold as a Standard of Value. Hague, Arnold. Geology. See U.S. Army, Engineer Department. Hague, Thomas. Letter to the Duke of York, or exposition of the circumstances which led to the late appointment of Sir Hew Dalrymple. Svo. (Bound in vol. of Military Tracts.) Lond. 1S08. Letter to the Duke of York on recent events. Svo. Lond. 180S. (Bound in vol. of Military Tracts.) Hahuke, W. von. Feklzug 1S70-71. Die Operationen der HL Armee. Svo. Berlin, 1873. Hake, A. Egmont. Journals of General Gordon at Khartoum. See Gordon, C. G. 283 HAK Haklu3rt, Richard. Trincipal navigations, voyages, and discoveries of the English Nation. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1809-12. (Originally pul)lishe(l in 1599.) Discovery and conquest of Terra Florida. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. ix. Discovery of America. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. vii. Hakluyt Society. Publications. Vol. i. Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins in his Voyage into the South Sea in 1593. Edited by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune. 1847. Vol. ii. Letters of Christopher Columbus relating to his Voyages to the New World. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 1847. Vol. iii. Discovery of the Empire of Guiana : by Sir W. Raleigh. Edited by Sir R. H. Schomburgk. 1848. Vol. iv. Sir Francis Drake, his voyage, 1595 : by Thomas Maynarde, with the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico. Edited by W. D. Cooley. 1849. Vol. V. Narratives of Voyages towards the North- West, in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496-1631 : by T. Rundall. 1849. Vol. vi. The History of Travaile into Virginia Britannia : by W. Strachey. Edited by R. H. Major. 1849. Vol. vii. Voyages touching the Discover}^ of America and the Islands adjacent : by Richard Hakluyt. Edited by John Winter Jones. 185°- Vol. viii. Memorials of the Empire of Jnpon in the XVI and XVII Centuries. Edited, with notes, by Thomas Rundall. 1850. Vol. ix. Discovery and conquest of Terra Florida by Don Ferdi- nando de Soto. Translated by Richard Hakluyt. Edited by William B. Rye. 1851. Vol. X. Notes upon Russia : by Baron Sigismund von Herbenstein. Translated and Edited by R. H. Major. Vol. i. 1S51. (The second volume is vol. xii of Society's Publications.) Vol. xi. Geography of Hudson's Bay : being the remarks of Capt. W. Coats. Edited by John Barrow. 185?. Vol. xii. The second volume of " Notes upon Russia." See Hakluyt Soc, vol. x. Vol. xiii. Description of three Voyages by the North-East towards Cathay and China : by Gerrit de Veer. Edited by C. T. Beke. 1853. Vols, xiv and xv. History of the Kingdom of China. Compiled by Juan Gonzales de Mcndoza. Edited by Sir George T. Staunton, with an Introduction by R. H. Major. 1854. Vol. xvi. The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. Collated by Francis Fletcher. Edited by W. S. W. Vaux. 1854. HAK 284 Haklu5rt Society {continued) — \'ol. xvii. History of the Tartar Conquerors of China: from the French of P^re Pierre Jose|)h D'Orlcans. To which is added Father Pereira's Journey into Tartary ; from the Dutch of Nicolaas Witson. Translated by the Earl of Ellesmere. With an Introduc- tion by R. H. Major. 1854. Vol. xviii. Documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland. Edited by Adam White. 1855. Vol. xix. The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to Bantam and the Maluco Islands. Edited by Bolton Corney. 1855. Vol. XX. Russia at the close of the Sixteenth Century : by Dr. Giles Fletcher ; and the Travels of Sir Jerome Horsey. Edited by Edward A. Bond. 1856. Vol. xxi. History of the New World : by Girolamo Benzoni. Trans- lated and edited by Rear- Admiral W. H. Smyth. 1857- Vol. xxii. India in the Fifteenth Century. Edited by R. H. Major. 1857- Vol. xxiii. Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico, in 1 599-1 602 : by Samuel Champlain. Translated by Alice Wilmere. Edited by Norton Shaw. 1859. Vol. xxiv. Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639. Translated and edited by Clements R. Markham. 1859. Vol. XXV. Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia. Edited by R. H. Major. 1859. Vol. xxvi. Embassy of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the Court of Timour, at Samarkand, 1403-6. Translated and edited by Clements R. Markham. 1859. Vol. xxvii. Henry Hudson the Navigator : with an Introduction by G. M. Asher. i860. Vol. xxviii. Expedition of Pedro de Ursua and Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado and Oniagua in 1 560-1 : by William Bollaert, with an Introduction by Clements R. Markham. 1861. Vol. xxix. Life and Acts of Don Alonzo Enriquez de Guzman. Translated, with Notes, by Clements R. Markham. 1862. Vol. XXX. Discoveries of the World, from their first original unto the year of our Lord 1555 : by Antonio Galvano. Edited by Admiral Bethune. 1862. Vol. xxxi. The Wonders of the East : by Friar Jordanus. Trans- lated, with a Commentary, by Col. H. Yule. i8t>3. Vol. xxxii. The Travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta, and Arabia Felix, Persia, India, and Ethiopia, 1503-8. Translated by J. W. Jones, and edited by G. P. Badger. 1863. Vol. xxxiii. Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, 1532-50. Trans- lated by Clements R. Markham. 1864. Map of Peru to illustrate ditto. 2S5 HAK Hakluyt Society {cofitinucd) — Vol. xxxiv. Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in the Provinces of Tierra Firme, and of the discovery of the South Sea and the Coasts of Peru and Nicaragua : by Pascual de Andagoya. Translated by Clements R. Markham. 1865. Vol. XXXV. Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the beginning of the Sixteenth Century : by Duarte Barbosa. Translated by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. 1866. Vols, xxxvi and xxxvii. Cathay and the way thither ; being a collec- tion of Medieval Notices of China. Translated by Col. Henry Yule. 2 vols. 1866. Vol. xxxviii. Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher in search of a Passage to Cathia and India by the North-West, 1576-8. Edited by Rear- Admiral Richard CoUinson. 1867. Vol. xxxix. The Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siani, Cambodia, Japan, and China at the close of the Sixteenth Century : by Antonio de Morga. Translated by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. 1868. Vol. xl. The fifth Eetter of Herman Cortes to the Emperor Charles V, containing an account of his Expedition to Honduras : by Don Pascual de Gazangos. 1868. Vol. xli. First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas : by the Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Translated by Clements R. Markham. Vol i. 1869. (For vol ii see Hakluyt Soc. Vol. xlv.) Vol. xlii. The three Voyages of Vasco di Gama and his Viceroyalty. From the Lendas da India of Caspar Correa. Translated by the Hon. Henry E. J. Stanley. 1869. Vol. xliii. Letters of Christopher Columbus relating to his four Voyages to the New World. Translated by R. H. Major. 2nd edition. 1870. Vol. xliv. History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Oman : by Salil- Ibn-Razik, 661-1856. Translated by G. P. Badger. 1871. Vol. xlv. First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. Vol. ii. (For vol. i see Hakluyt Soc, vol. xli.) Vol. xlvi. The Canarian, or book of the Conquest and Conversion of the Canarians, 1402 : by Jean de Bethencourt, composed by Pierre Bontier and Jean le Verrier. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 1872. Vol. xlvii. Reports on the Discovery of Peru. Translated and edited by Clements R. Markham. 1872. Vol. xlviii. Rites and Laws of the Yncas. Translated and edited by Clements R. Markham. 1873. Vol. xlix. Travels to Tana and Persia : by Josafa Barbaro and Ambrogio Contarini. Translated by William Thomas and S. A. Roy, and edited by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 1873. IIAK 286 Hakluyt Society {continued) — Vol. 1. Voyages of Nicolo and Antonio Zcno to the Northern St as, in the XIV Century ; comprising accounts of Greenland and of the Northmen in America before Columbus. Translated by R. H. Major. 1873. Vol. li. Captivity of Hans Stade of Hesse in 154 7- 1555 among the Wild Tribes of Eastern Brazil. Translated by Albert Tootal, and annotated by Richard F. Burton. 1874. Vol. Hi. First Voyage round the World by Magellan. Translated from the accounts of Pigafetta, by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 1874, Vol. liii. Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque, second Viceroy of India. Translated by Walter de Gray Birch. Vol. i. 1875. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Iv, Ixii, Ixix. Vol. liv. Three Voyages of William Barents to the Arctic Regions (1594, 1595, and 1596): by Gerrit de Veer. First edition edited by C. T. Beke ; second edition by Lieut. Koolemans Beynen. 1876. Vol. Iv. Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque. Vol. ii . ^^77 See Hakluyt Soc, vols, liii, Ixii, and Ixix. Vol. Ivi. Voyages of Sir James Lancaster to the East Indies, and the Voyage of Capt. John Knight (1606) to seek the North -West Passage. Edited by Clements R. Markham. 1877. Vol. Ivii. The Hawkins' Voyages. Edited by Clements R. Mark- ham. 1878. Vol. Iviii. Bondage and travels of Johann Schiltberger. Trans- lated by Com. J. Buchan Telfer, with notes by Prof. P. Bruun. 1879. Vol. lix. Voyages and works of John Davis. Edited by A. H. Markham. 1880. Map to illustrate ditto. Vols. Ix and Ixi. Natural and moral History of the Indies, by Father Joseph de Acosta. Edited by Clements R. Markham. Vols, i and ii. 1880. Vol. Ixii. Commentaries of Afonso Dalboquerque. Vol. iii. 1880. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, liii, Iv, and Ixix. Vol. Ixiii. Voyages of William Baffin, 161 2-1622. Edited by Clements R. Markham 1881. Vol. Ixiv. Narrative of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia, 1520-7, by Father Francisco Alvarez. Translated and edited by Lord Stanley of Alderley. 1881. Vol. Ixv. Historye of the Bermudaes or Summer Islands. Edited by General Sir J. Henry Lefroy. 1882. Vols. Ixvi and Ixvii. Diary of Richard Cocks, Cape Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-22. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson. Vols, i and ii. 1883. 287 ^^^L Hakluyt Society {continued)— Vol. Ixviii. Second part of the Chronicle of Peru, by Pedro de Cieza de Leon. Translated and edited by Clements R. Markham. 1883. Vol. Ixix. Commentaries of the Great Afonso Dalboquerque. Vol. iv. .18^4- See Hakluyt Soc, vols, liii, Iv, and Ixii. Vols. Ixx and Ixxi. Voyage of John Huyghen van Linschoten to tlic East Indies. Vols, i and ii. Edited by A. C. Burnell and P. A. Tiele. 1885. Vols. Ixxii and Ixxiii. Early voyages and travels to Russia and Persia, by x\nthony Jenkinson. Edited by E. Delmar Morgan and C. H. Coote. Vols, i and ii. 1886. Vols. Ixxiv and Ixxv. Diary of William Hedges during his Agency in Bengal. i:dited by R. Barlow and Col. Henry Yule. Vols, i and ii. (For vol. iii, see Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ixxviii.) 1887-8. Vol. Ixxvi. Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil. Edited by Albert Gray and H. C. P. Bell. Vol. i. 1887. Vol. Ixxvii. Ditto, ditto. Vol. ii. Part I. 8vo. Lond. 18S8. Vol. Ixxviii. Diary of William Hedges. Vol. iii. 8vo. Lond. 1889 (For vols, i and ii, see Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ixxiv and Ixxv.) Halahan, Lieut. R.N. Plan for the Prevention of Shipwreck and Collision at Sea. Dublin, 185 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Halde, J. B. du. Description de I'Empire de la Chine et de la Tartaric Chinoise. 4 vols. Folio. Paris, 1735. Hale, Lonsdale A., Col. Principles of Outpost Duty. Lond. 187 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iv.) Tactical Studies of the Battles of Colombey-Nouilly and Vionville. 8vo. With 8vo case of maps. Lond. 1877. What to observe and how to report it. 5th edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Chatham, 1879. Lecture delivered before the Officers of ihe Jersey Militia. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) Yorktown, 1881. Light Cavalry Out-Posts. See Brack. Tactical Operations of to-day. See Aldershot Military Society. Hale, Hon. Salma. History of the United States from their first settlement as Colonies to 18 15. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Hale, William. War Rockets. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxviii.) Treatise on the comparative merits of a Rifle Gun and Rotary Rocket. 8vo. I-ond. 1863. HAL 2S8 Hale, William (continued)- - Treatise on the mechanical means by which Vessels are propelled by Steam Power. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Halford, Sir Henry St. John, Bart., Col. New Service Maga- zine Rille. See Aldcrshot Military Society. Haliburton, R. G. Review of British Diplomacy and its fruits. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiv.) Lond. 1872. Halkett, S., and Rev. J. Laing. Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1882-8. Hall, Capt. Songs and occasional poems on various subjects. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1815. Hall, Basil, Capt. R.N. Voyage of discovery to the west coast of Carca and tiie great Loo Choo Island, with an Appendix and Vocabulary of Loo Choo language, by Lieut. H. J- Clifford, R.N. 4to. Lond. 1818. Extracts from a journal written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, 1820-22. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824. Hall, Charles. Life with the Esquimaux, 1860-2. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Hall, Charles Henry. Memoirs of the Life of Andrew Hofer, con- taining an account of the transactions in the Tyrol, in 1809. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Hall, Edward. Chronicle, containing the History of England, Henry IV to Henry VIII. 4to. Lond. 1809. Metropolitan Communications and Thames Bridges. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (i).) Hall, Henry. Vocabulary of Technical Terms in eight languages. Part I. Military Architecture and Fortification. Part 2. Civil and Ecclesiastical Architecture. Part 3. Civil Engineering and Surveying. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1865. Hall, James. Paleeontology. See U.S. Army, Engineer Dept. Hall, John. Obstructions to the Navigation of the River Thames between Deptford and London Bridge. Lond. 1827. (Naval Pamplets, vol. v.) Hall, J. H. W^. Scenes in a soldier's life : a narrative of the principal military events in Scinde, Beeloochistan, and ^Afghanistan, 1839-43. 8vo. Montreal, 1848. Hall, Marshall. Rassemblement de I'Armee Federal Suisse. See Switzerland. Terraces of Norway. See Kjerulf. Hall, Samuel. Improvements on Steam Engines. Lond. 1834. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iii.) 2 89 HAL Hall, Samuel {continued) — Address explanatory of the injustice done to his Improvements on Steam Engines, by Dr. Lardner. Liverpool, 1837. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Steam Communication with India. Nottingham, 1838. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Hall, Rev. T. G., M.A. Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. 2nd edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1837. Hall, Sir William H., Admiral. Our National Defences. Svo. Lond. 1876. Voyage of the Nemesis. See Bernard. Hallam, Henry. View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 4th edition. 3 vols, and Supplement. Svo. Lond. 1826-48. Constitutional History of England, from the Accession of Henry VII to the Death of George II. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. i S3 7-9. Halleck, H. W., Major-General U.S. Army. Elements of Military Art and Science. 3rd edition. Svo. New York, 1862. International Law; or rules regulating the intercourse of States in peace and war. New edition revised by Sir Sherston Baker. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S78. Haller, Albrecht von. Primce Lines Physiologic^e. i2mo. Gottingen, 1751. Versuch Schweizerischer Gedichte. nth edition. Svo. Berne, 1777. Hallewell, E. G., Lieut.-Col. The Tente d'Abri. See Lecompt. Halley, Edmund. Sea Chart. See Frezier. Halliwell, J. O. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1878. See also Nares. Halloran, L. H. Battle of Trafalgar. A Poern. Svo. Lond. 1S06. Halls, J. J. Life in Abyssinia. See Pearce. Halstead, Murat. Gravelotte witnessed and revisited (Excerpt "Century Mag."). New York, 1888. (Svo Pamjihlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Halsted, E. P., Vice-Admiral. The Screw-Fleet of the Navy. Svo Lond, 1S50. u HAL 290 Halsted, E. P., Vice-Admiral {continued) — 'I'he Armstrong Gun. Westminster, 1862. (8vo I'amphlcts, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Our new mode of Cupola Ship, H.M.S. " Enterprise." (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Westminster, 1863. The Navy unarmed still. Westminster, 1865. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Turret Navy for the Future. Lond. 1866. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Turret and Tripod Systems of Capt. C. P. Coles. Lond. 1867. (4to Pamphlets, vol. v.) Haly, G. T., Col. Remarks on Cholera. Lond. 1866. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) The Abyssinian Expedition, and the management of troops in the field in unhealthy localities. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Haly, R. H. O'Grady, Lieut.-Col. The Nile above the Second Cataract. (Intel. Bch., W.O.) Svo. Lond. 1S84. Haly, R. Standish, Lieut. R.N. Reasons for abolishing Impress- ment. Poole, 1822. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Hamel, Henry. Travels of some Dutchmen in Korea. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii. Hamersley. Naval Encyclopaedia. Svo. Philadelphia, iSSi. Harnett, John, M.D. Official Medical Reports upon the Epidemic called Cholera at Uantzick. Svo. Lond. 1832. Hamilton, A., Capt. Account of the East Indies. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. viii. Hamilton, Sir F. W., Lieut.-Gen. Origin and History of the Grenadier Guards. See Army, Records. Hamilton, H. Geography of Strabo. See Strabo. Hamilton, Hugh, D.D., Bishop of Ossory. Geometrical Treatise of the Conic Sections in which the properties of the sections are derived from the nature of the cone. 4to. Lond. 1773. Hamilton, Ian, Capt. Fighting of the Future. i2mo. Lond. 1885. Hamilton, Sir James. The Hamilton Manuscripts : edited by T, K. Lowry. 4to. Belfast, 1867, Hamilton, Joseph. The only approved Guide through all the stages of a Quarrel : containing the Royal Code of Honor, reflections upon Duelling, (Sec. i2mo. Lond. 1829. Hamilton, J. B., Surgeon-Major. Present and future of the Army Medical Department. Svo. Dublin, 1883. Hamilton, J. P., Col. Travels through the interior Provinces of Columbia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S27. 291 HAM Hamilton, R. Duties of a Regimental Surgeon. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1794. Hamilton, Thomas, Capt. Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns, 1808-14. 3 vols, i2mo. Edinburgh, 1829. Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns. New edition, revised by F. Hardman. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Hamilton, Walter. East India Gazetteer. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Hamilton, Sir W., Bart. Army of Great Britain ; what it is, and what it might be. 4to. Lond. 1871. Hamilton, Rev. William. Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Basaltes of the Northern Coast of Antrim. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iii. Hamilton, William, Paymaster R.N. The Navigation Laws as they affect the Manning of the Navy. Lond. 1848. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Hamilton, W. J. . . Mihtary Industrial Training Schools. Dublin, 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. x.) Military Industrial Training Schools. Clonmel, 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) Hamilton, W. R. Address as President of the Royal Geographical Society of London. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Lond. 1838. Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvii.) American machine cannon and dynamite guns. (Excerpt " Century Mag.") New York, 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Hamley, Sir E. B., Col. Wellington's Career. 8vo. Edinburgh, i860. Operations of War explained and illustrated. 4to. Lond. 1866. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1869. Ditto, ditto. 3rd „ „ Lond. 1872. Ditto, ditto. 4th „ „ Lond. 1878. Chapter on Outposts. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1875. (Bound with above.) Staff College Exercises, 1874. Bvo. Lond. 1875. The Volunteers in time of need. (Excerpt "Nineteenth Century.'") (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Lond. 1S85. Defencelessness of London. Lond. 1888 (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) u 2 HAM 292 Hamley, Sir E. B., Col. {continued)^ 'I'he Question of Imperial Safety. The Minimum Force requisite for security. Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Hammer, F. W. Das Konit^lich Preussische Heer in seiner gegen- wartigen Uniformirung. Folio. Berlin, n.d. Hammer, J. de. Histoire de I'Empire Ottoman. Traduit par J. J. Hcllort. iS vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-41. Hammond, William A. Military Medical and Surgical Essays. See United States. Hamoniere, C. Grammaire Russe. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Hamont, T. Dupleix, d'apres sa correspondance inedite. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Hampton, James. General History of Polybius. See Polybius. Hanau, Rev. J. L. English and German Idioms. Jersey, 1866. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xc.) Hancock, John, Capt. Memoir. Lond. 183 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Hancock, W. S., Major-Gen. U.S. Army. Letters and addresses in memory of Winfield Scott Hancock. 4to. New York, 1886. Handel, G. F. Judas Macchabceus. A sacred drama. 4to. Lond. 1762. Hanger, G., Col. The Menaced Invasion, and the means of protecting the Capital. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Hannay, David. Admiral Blake. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Great Writers. Life of Frederick IMarryat. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Hannibal. Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. Svo. Oxford, 1820. Hannot, Capt. Photographie dans les Armees. See Belgium, Conferences Militaires. Series 2. No. 12. Hanover. Army. Rang-Liste sammtlicher Herren Officiere der Koniglich-Hannover- schen Armee. i2mo. Berenberg, n.d. Wacht- Dienst- Reglement fiir die Garnison der Konigl. Residenz- stadt Hannover. 8vo. Hanover, 181 7. Exercice fur die Cavallerie der Koniglich- Groszbritannisch- Han- noverschen Armee. 8vo. Hanover, 181 7. Koniglich Grossbritannisch-Hannoverscher Staats-Kalender, 1820-2. i2mo. Nienburg, 1820-2. Listen und Nachweisungen auf den Dienst der Koniglich Deutschen Legion. 8vo. Hanover, 1837. Zusatze und Veranderungen zu den Listen und Nachweisungen auf den Dienst der Koniglich Deutschen Legion. Hanover, 1839. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (i).) 293 HAR Hansard, G. A. Book of Archery. 4to. Lond. 1840. Hansen, Jules. Les Coulisses de la Diplomatie : qiiinze ans a I'ctranger. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Hanway, Jonas. Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea : with the author's journal of travels. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1762. Proposal for County Naval Free Schools. Folio. Lond. 1783. Account of the Marine Society. See Marine Society. Hanzelet, Lorrain. La Pyrotechnie : les secrets des machines et des fcux artificiels. 4to. n.p. 1636. Harbord, Rev. J. B. (ilossary of Navigation. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Portsmouth, 1883. Harcourt, Greville Vernon. Letters by " Historicus " on some quf:stions of International Law. Reprinted from the " Times." 8vo. Lond. 1863. Harcourt, Leveson Francis Vernon. Construction and main- tenance of the Harbour at Braye Bay, Alderney. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxx.) Harcus, W. South Australia : its history, resources, and productions. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Harding, C, Capt. Volunteer Service as a branch of the Army of Reserve. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Lond. 1870. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Harding, E. Naval Biography. 8vo. Lond. 1800. (Kadstock Collection.) Hardinge, Rt. Hon. Viscount, Lt.-Gen. Despatches of See India. Hardman, Frederick. Spanish Campaign in Morocco. 8vo. Lond. i860. Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns. See Hamilton. Hardouin, G. de Ville. See Ville-Hardouin. Hardy, E. A., Col. Our Horses : being anecdotes from personal experience. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Hardy, John, Admiral. Chronological List of the Captains of H.M. Royal Navy, 1673-1783. 4to. Lond. 1784. Hardy, R. W. H., Lieut. R.N. Travels in the interior of Mexico in 1825-28. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Hare, Julius Charles. Guesses at Truth. 2nd edition. First Series. i2mo. Lond. 1838. History of Rome. See Niebuhr. Hare, W. A. H., Lieut. Armed Strength. Sec Armed Strength. Duties of the General Staff. See Schellendorf HAR 294 Hargrave, F. Catalogue of Manuscripts. See Museum, British. Hargrove, E. Anecdotes of Archery. 8vo. York, 1845. Harkness, Henry, Captain. Ancient and Modern Alphabets of the popular Hindu Languages. 4to. Lond. 1837. Harley, John, Captain. The Veteran, or forty years in the British Service. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Harper, J. A. W. Report on the subject of Wreck and Salvage on the Coast of Kent. 8vo. Lond. 1867. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Rule of the Road for Steamers Lond. 1867. (Svo Pamphlets, 2hd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Harriot, J. S., CoL Oriental Origin of the Romnichal, or Tribe miscalled Gypsey and Bohemian. Lond. 1830. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Memoir sur les Kabir Pantis, secte de Deistes de I'Hindoi stan. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) Paiis, 1832. Harriott, John. Religion of Philosophy. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Harris, Frank. What our Navy should be. See Navy. Harris, Rev. J. Britannia; or the Moral Claims of Seamen stated and enforced. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Harris, John. Navigantium atque itinerantium Bibliotheca ; or a collection of voyages and travels, of the most authentic writers : with an introduction comprehending the rise and progress of the Art of Navigation, and the invention and use of the loadstone and its variation. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1744-48. Harris, R., Capt. R.N. Remarks on heaving down a seventy-two Gun Ship. 4to. Portsea, 1841. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Bound with " Bligh, Mutiny of the ' Bounty.' ") Education of Naval Officers from 1729 to the present period. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Lond. 1863. Harris, Walter. Hibernica : or some antient pieces relating to Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1770. Harris, William. Lives and writings of James 1st and Charles 1st, and lives of Oliver Cromwell and Charles IL 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Harris, W. A,, Capt. Our Volunteers in Belgium : giving a descrip- tion of the Fetes at Liege, Spa, and Brussels. Liverpool, 1869. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) Harris, William Cornwallis, Major. Narrative of an expedition into Southern Africa in 1836-7, with a zoological appendix. Svo. Bombay, 183S. 295 HAR Harris, William Cornwallis, Major {continued)— Wild sports of Southern Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1839, The Highlands of Ethiopia. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Harris, Sir William Snow. Protection of the British Navy from Lightning, by fixed conductors of Electricity. Plymouth, 1838. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xv.) Defence of Ships and Buildings from Lightning. 8vo. Plymouth, 1835. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Nature of Thunderstorms. 8vo. Lond. 1843. National Defences ; the great question of the day. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Harrison, Major. Scheme for the re-organization of the Armies of England. Lond. 187 1, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvii.) Harrison, Conyers. History of the life and reign of Queen Anne. i2mo. Cambridge, 1744. Harrison, F. Martial Law in Kabul. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Harrison, James. Life of Horatio, Lord Viscount Nelson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806, (Radstock Collection.) Harrison, R., Major-Gen. Organization of an Army for war. See Aldershot Military Society. Harrison, William. Reply before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on East India-built Shipping. Lond. 1814, (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiii.) Harrison, W. H. Studies in Troop Leading. See Verdy du Vernois, Harseim, F. W, Fest- Album zu der am 17, 18, und 19 Marz 1840, Statt gesundenen Militairischen Jubelfeier Seiner Majestat des Konigs Ernst August von Hannover. 4to. Hanover, 1840. Hart, H. G., Lieut. New Army List. See Army Lists. Hart, John. Description of the Skeleton of the Fossil Deer of Ireland, Cervus Megaceros. Dublin, 1825. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Herodian's History. See Herodianus. Harte, Rev. W., Canon of Windsor. History of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, surnamed the (ireat. 3rd edition. Revised by J. J. Stockdale. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. tSoy. IIAR 296 Hartley, W. G., Capt. Handy Book for Rille Volunteers. i2mo. Lend. 1859 Hartmann, J. von. Kritis( he Versuche. 8vo. Berlin, 1876-8. Part I. Der Dtnitscli-l-'ranzosische Krieg 18 70-1. „ 2. Militarische Nothwendigkeit und Humanitat. ,, 3. Dcr Russisch-Tiirkisclie Krieg. Harveian Medical Society of London. Report of the Committee for the Prevention of Venereal Diseases. Edited by Dr. C. R. Drysdale, and J. Brendon Curgenven. Lond. 1867. (Svo Pami-)hlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixx.) Harvey, George. Experiments relating to comparative means of Defence afforded by Ships of War having square and curvilineal Sterns. Lond. 182^;. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) Harvey, J., Capt. R.N. The Sea Torpedo. Cheltenham, 1869. (4to Pamphlets, vol. v.) Instructions for the management of Harvey's Sea Torpedo. Svo. Lond. 187 1. Harvey, John R. Royal Naval Engineers' Note Book. 4to. Chatham, 1888 Harvey, Rev. W. Active Lists of Flag Officers and Captains of the Royal Navy. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (i).) Lond. 1861. Navy List. See Nav)'. Hasendonck, J. B. van. Grammar of the Dutch Language. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1823. Haskell, J. R. Letter on the National Defence. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Washington, 18S7. Haslam, John. Convict Ships. Narrative of a Voyage to New South Wales, in the year 1S16, in the Ship " Mariner." (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Lond. 1819. Hassel, F. Tour of the Isle of Wight. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ii. Hastings, F. R., Marquess of. Summary of the Administration of the Indian Government from October, 18 13, to January, 1S23. Svo. Lond. 1824. Summary of the Administration of the Indian Government, 1S13-23. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiii.) Edinburgh, 1825. Hastings, Frank Abney. Memoir on the use of Shells, Hot Shot, and Carcass Shells, from Ship Artillery. Lond. 1S2S. (Svo Pamphlfcts, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Hatton, E. Finch, Capt. The Militia and the Recruiting Service, with suggestions for their reorganization. Lond. 1S59. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (ii).) 297 HAW Hatton, J. "The New Ceylon." A sketch of British North Borneo or Sabah. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Hauer, Carl, Capt. Feld-Instruktion fiir die Infanterie, Kavallerie und Artillerie. 2nd edition. Svo. Olmiitz, 1852. Haug, Martin. Lecture on Confucius, the Sage of China. Poona, 1863. (8vu Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Origin of Brahminism. Poona, 1863. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Haultain. New Navy List. See Na.vy Lists. Haupt, Hermann. Military Bridges, including designs for trestle and truss bridges for military railroads. 8vo. New York, 1864. Haupt, Richardt. Hinrichs Fiinfjahriger Biicher-Catalog. See Catalogues. Havana. Journal of the Siege of the Havana. 8vo. Lond. 1762. (Radstock Collection, Spanish War.) Havelock, H., Capt. Narrative of the War in Afghanistan, 1838-9. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Havelock, Sir Henry M., Bart., Major. Three main Military Questions of the day. (i.) A home reserve army. (2.) The more economic military tenure of India. (3.) Cavalry as affected by Breechloading Arms. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Havercamp, Sigebert. Numismala. See Morellius. Hawes, Arthur B., Capt. Rifle Ammunition : being notes on the manufactures connected therewith, as conducted in the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Svo. Lond. 1859. Hawker, E., Admiral. Letter upon the actual crisis of the Country in respect to the State of the Navy. Svo. Lond. 1838. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Hawker, Philip, Lieut.-Col. Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. 9th edition. Svo. Lond. 1844. Hawkins, Alfred. Picture of Quebec. Svo. Quebec, 1834. Hawkins, Edward. Anglo Gallic Coins and Ancient Marbles in the British Museum. See Museum. Hawkins, G., Lieut. R.N. On the Oak. Inquiry into the origin and construction of Dry Rot. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Lond. 1826. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Hawkins, Sir Richard. Voyage into the South Sea, in 1593. 4to. Lond. 1622. See also Hakluyt Soc., vols, i and Ivii. Hawkins, Walter. Use of the Sling as a warlike weapon among the Ancients. Lond. 1S47. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii).) HAW 29S Hawkins, W. H. The W.H. Medal. 121110. 11. p., 1839, Hawks, E. R. (iuide to obtaining Civil Employment. i2mo. Chatham, 1887. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Chatham, 1888. Hawks, F. L. E.xpedition of an American Squadron to the Chinese Seas and Japan, ^ee Perry, M. C. Haworth, B. B., Lieut.-Col. The Cattle Plague. Malton, [865. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Hay, John. Abraham Lincoln. Jackson's Valley Campaign, and the Seven Days' Battles. See Nicolay. Hay, Sir John Dalrymple, Bart. Remarks on the loss of H.M.S. "Captain." Lond. 187 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Ashanti and the Gold Coast. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Hay, J. H. Drummond. Western Barbary, its wild tribes and savage animals. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Hayden, F. V. America. See Stanford's Compendium. Exploration in Wyoming and Idaho. See United States, Geological and Geographical Survey. Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates. 13th edition. With a supplement. Edited by Benjamin Vincent. 8vo. Lond. 1868-71. Dictionary of Dates and universal information. 17th edition. By Benjamin Vincent. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Universal Index of Biography. Edited by J. Bertrand Payne. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Hayes, John, Capt. R.N. Remarks on the Treatise of a very popular Author on Naval Architecture. Lond. 182 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) Hayes, M. Horace, Capt. Student's Manual of Tactics. i2mo. Lond. 1884 Haygarth, Henry W. Bush Life in Australia. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Hayley, W. Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper 3 vols. 4to. Chichester, 1803-4 Haymerle, Alois di. Italicse Res. 8vo. Florence, 1880 Hayti. Royal Court Guide, with list of the Army. No title page (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxii.) Hayward. Expedition de Crimee. Quelques eclaircissements relatifs a I'Armee Anglaise. Brussels, 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Haywood, P. D. Life on the " Alabama." (" Harper's Mag.") (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Washington, n.d. Hazen, H. A. Thermometer Exposure. See U.S. Army, Signal Service, Prof. Papers, No. 1 7. 299 HEA HazHtt, William. Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1821. Table Talk, or original essays on men and manners. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. The Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1825. The Plain Speaker, or opinions on men, books, and things. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Conversations of James Northcote, Esq., R.A. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Head, C. F., Capt. Eastern and Egyptian Scenery, Ruins, &c. Obi. folio. Lond. 1833. Head, Sir Edmund. History of Painting. See Murray. Head, Rt. Hon. Sir Francis B., Bart. Defenceless state of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1850. The Royal Engineer. See Army, Records. Head, Sir George. Home tour through the Manufacturing Districts. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1840. Head, George E., Capt. U.S. Army. Essay on a new System of Fortification. New York, 1869. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Heap, David Porter, Capt. U.S. Army. Report on the International Exhibition of Electricity held at Paris, 1 88 1. 8vo. Washington, 1884. Basin of the Upper Yellowstone. See Barlow. Hearding, W. H. Experiments upon the compressive power of Pine and Hemlock Timber. Washington, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xv.) Hearne, John. Supplement to the Illustrations of the Anglo-French Coinage. 4to. Lond. 1847. Hearne, Nathaniel. Copy of Japan Diary. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii. Heath, F., Lieut. Ammunition, &c. See U.S. Army, Ordnance (Memoranda, No. 21). Heath, L. G., Capt. Method of coiling submarine Telegraph Cables. Portsea, 1859. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (i).) Heath, Robert. Account of the Islands of Scilly. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ii. Heathcote, Sir Henry, Rear-Admiral. Reply to a Critique on the Improved Stay-Sails. Lond. [1825.] (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Heather, J. F. Treatise on Mathematical Instruments. loth edition. Svo. , Lond. 1S70. HE A 3CO Heather, William. Norlli Sea I'llut. 8vo. Loud. 1797. (Bound in vol. Ictter-xl "Sailing Directions.") British Pilot. Folio. Lond. 1801. Heathorn, T. B., Capt. An organization for a popular Army. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvii.) Lond. 187 1. Heaton, J. H, Australian dictionary of dates and men of the time. Svo. Lond. 1879. Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta. Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-25 ■ (with Notes upon Ceylon) ; an account of a journey to Madras and the Southern Provinces, 1826 ; and letters written in India. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Hebert, Luke. Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopaedia. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1836-7. Hebler, F. W. Das Kleinste Kaliber oder das zukiinftige Infanteriegewehr. Svo. Zurich, 1886. Hedgcock, T. Multum in Parvo : a new work on Astronomy, the Magnet, Tides, &c. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1839. Hedges, William. Diary during his Agency in Bengal. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ixxiv and Ixxv. Heeren, A. H. L. Historical Researches into the politics, inter- course, and trade of the principal Nations of Antiquity. 6 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1833. Heimann, A. German and English Dictionary. See Fliigel. Heinsius, Anton. Correspondence. See Vreede. Heinze, A. C. Dictionnaire portatif des Amies Speciales. Francais- Allemand. i2mo. Leipsic, 1850. Helldorf, Karl von. Dienst- Vorschriften der Koniglich Preussischen Armee. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1865-7. Hellert, J. J. Histoire de I'Empire Ottoman. See Hammer. Hellwald, Frederick von. The Russians in Central Asia. Trans- lated by Lieut.-Col. Theodore Wirgman. Svo. Lond. 1874. Hellwig, Dr. Johann. Das Kriegsspiel. Svo. Brunswick, 1803. Helps, Arthur. The Life of Pizarro, with some account of his Associates in the Conquest of Peru. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S69. The life of Hernando Cortes. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 187 1. Life and labours of Mr. Brassey, 1805-1870. Svo. Lond. 1872. Helvig, Hugo von. Major. Das I Bayerische Armee-Corps von der Tann im Kriege, 1870-1. Svo. With 4to Atlas. Munich, 1S72. Taktische Beispiele. 2 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1875-80. Notices Militaires. Exemplcs Tactiques. Traduction de la Lieut.- Col. Leclere. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1876. 301 HEN Helvig-, Hugo von, Major {contitmed) — Tactical Examples. Translated by Col. Sir Lumley Graham. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877-8, Hemp. Observations on the Sunn Hemp of Bengal, with statements ot experiments comparing it with Russian Hemp. 8vo. Lond. 1808. (Radstock Collection, Political Tracts.) Henault, C. J. F. Alirege Chronologique de I'Histoire dc France. Corrigee et Augmentee par C. A. Walckenaer. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 182 1-2. Henderson, Andrew. History of the Rebellion, 1745-6. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1753. Life of William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. 8vo. Lond. T766. Henderson, A. Ocean Steam Navigation, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1850-4. (Various pamphlets bound in one vol.) Hendley, J. H., Surgeon-Major. Extension of Ambulance Work in India. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Heneage, Charles. Journey in the Caucasus, &c. See Thielmann. Henk, L. von. Die Kriegfiihrung zur See in ihren wichtigsten epochen. 8vo. Berlin, 1881. Hennebert, Lieut.-Col. Les Torpilles. 8vo. Paris, 1884. Frontieres de France. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Hennen, John. Principles of Military Surgery. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Medical Topography of the Mediterranean. 8vo. Lond. 183c. Hennin, Michael. Manuel de Numismatique Ancienne. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Henningsen, C. F., Capt. Events of a Twelvemonth's Campaign with Zumalacarregui, in Navarre and the Basque Provinces. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Henrard, P. Les Procedes Tactiques de Jules Caesar. 8vo. Paris, 1884. Henry, J. F. Essai sur I'arrondisment communal de Boulogne. 4to. Boulogne, 18 10. Henry, Walter. Events of a Military Life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. (Vol. ii missing.) Henshaw, Henry W. Perforated stones from California. Set: United States, Smithsonian Inst. Bureau of Ethnology. Henslow, Rev. J. S. Principles of descriptive and physiological Botany. i2mo. Lond. 1835. HEN 302 Hensman, Howard. Afghan War of 1879-80. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Hentsch, F. Construction und Handabung des Gewehr-Sj'stems Mauser. Berlin, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Henty, G. A. March to Magdala. Svo. Lond. 1868. Hepworth, T. C. The Electric Light. 8vo. Lond. [1879,] Herald, B. D. Series of nine views round Kolapore. Folio. Lond. 1845. Herapath, John. Utility, Szc, of Mr. Gurney's Steam-Carriage. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiii.) Lund. 1829. Herbelot, M. D'. Bibliotheque Orientale, ou Dictionnaire Uni veiscl ; contenant tout ce qui fait connoitre les Peu])les de I'Orient. 4 vols. 4to. The Hague, 1777-9. Herbenstein, Sigismund von. Notes upon Russia. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, x and xii. Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Lord. Expedition to the Lsle of Rhe. Edited by the Earl of Powis. Sin. 4to. Lond. i860. Herbert, David. Great Historical Mutinies. Svo. Lond. 1876. Herbert, Rt. Hon. Sidney. The conduct of the War. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) Lond. 1854. Herbert, Sir Thomas, Bart. Some yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique : describing the Empires the Persian and Great MoguU. Folio. Lond. 163S. Herbert, Lady. A search after Sunshine, or Algeria in 1871. Svo. Lond. 1872. Herbinger, Capt. Des Soutiens d'Artillerie. See France, Army (Reunion des Ofificiers, vol. i). Des Tirailleurs. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. i). Herford, L S. A., Capt. Stirring times under Canvas. Svo. Lond. 1862. Herisson, Compte d'. Journal d'un Officier d'Ordonnance, Juillet, 1S70 — Fevrier, 187 1. 6th edition. Svo. Paris, 1885. Heriz, Enrique. Memoria sobre los Barcos Acorazados. Svo. Barcelona, 1875. Hermant, Dr. E. Modeles de Sac d'Ambulance et de sacoches a medicaments pour la Ca valeric. Brussels, 1S72. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Hermida y Alvarez, Don German, Capt. Nociones elementales de Tactica Militar. i2mo. Ferrol, iSSi. Herodianus. History of his own Times, or of the Roman Empire after Marcus. Translated by J. Hart. Svo. Lond. 1749. Herodotus. The History of Herodotus, translated from the Greek, with notes by the Rev. W. Beloc. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1791. 303 HEY Herschel, Carolina. Catalogue of Stars taken from Mr. Flamsteed's observations : to which is added a collection of errata. With introductory remarks by W. Herschel. Folio. Lond. 1798. Herschel, Sir J. F. W., Bart. Preliminary discourse on the study of Natural Philosophy. i2mo. Lond. 1830 Treatise on Astronomy. i2mo. Lond. 1833 Outlines of Astronomy. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Sensorial Vision. Leeds, 1858 (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iviii.) Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects. i2mo. Lond. 1867 Manual of Scientific Enquiry. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Edited by Rev. R. Main. 8vo. Lond. 1859 Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 187 1 Manual of Scientific Enquiry ; prepared for the use of Officers in H.M. Navy, and travellers in general. 5th edition. Edited by Sir Robert S. Ball. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Hertslet, E. The Map of Europe by treaty ; shewing the various political and territorial changes since 18 14. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Heusch, Waldor de, Capt. La Tactique d'aujourd'hui et quelques mots de la tactique de demain. 8vo. Brussels, 1887. Hewett, W., Lieut. Remarks to accompany chart of the Leman and Ower Shoals, situated in the North Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1826. (Bound in vol. lettered "Sailing Directions.") Hewitt, John. Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1 86c. Catalogue of the Tower Armories. See Catalogues. Monumental Effigies. See Stothard. Hewlett, Rev. John. Elements of Algebra. See Euler. Hewson, W. B. Case of the Queen against Serva and others. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) Lond. 1846. Hexham, Henry, Capt. Principles of the Art Military. 2nd edition. Folio. Delf, 1642. Heyfelder, Dr. O. Transkaspien und seine Eisenbahn. 8vo. Hanover, 1888. Heylin, Peter. Cosmography. Folio. Lond. 1701. Heylli, Georges D'. Journal du Siege de Paris. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Heylyn, Peter. Help to English History. New edition, with lists of the extinct Viscounts and Barons and of all the Lord ^Llyo!S of London. Edited by Paul Wright. 8vo. Lond. 1786. TIF.V 304 Heywood, Thomas. The English Traveller : a tragi-comedy. 8vu. Lond. [1815]. Hickman, J. Work and rations of the Soldier. 8vo. Dublin, 1888. Hickman, W. Treatise on the law and practice of Naval Courts- Martial. 8vo. Lond. 185 1. Higgins, R. T., Capt. Records of the King's Own Borderers (25th l-oc)t). ^S((' Army, Records. Highmore, Anthony. The History of the Honourable Artillery Conii)any. See Reserve Forces. Highton, E. Gilbert. A voice from the " London " and its echoes. 8vo. Lond. 1866. (Bound in vol. lettered "Rule of the Road at Sea.") Hildyard, H. J. T., Lieut. Historical Record of the 71st Regiment Highland Light Infantry. See Army, Records. Troop Leading. See Yerdy du Vernois. Wellington Prize Essay. See Wellington. Hill, Berkeley. Essentials of Bandaging. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1869. Hill, Rev. George. INIontgomery IManuscripts. See Montgomery. Hill, George Birkbeck. Gordon in Central Africa. See Gordon, C. G. Hill, John. Naval History of Britain. See Berkley. A general Natural History. Fossils. Folio. Lond. 1748. Construction of Timber from its early growth. 8vo. Lond. 1770. Hill, M. D. Opinions on Lord Brougham's application in 1848 for French Letters of Naturalization. Bristol, 1869. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxx.) Hill, Pascoe Grenfell. Life of Napoleon HL 8vo. Lond. 1869. Hill, Rt. Hon. Richard. Diplomatic Correspondence. Edited by the Rev. W. Blackley. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1845. Hillary, Sir William. Plan for the construction of a Steam Life Boat; also for the extinguishment of Fire at Sea. Lond. 1824. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiii.) Hilleret, G. Astronomic et Navigation. See France, Ecole Navale. Hills, Robert. Sketches in Flanders and Holland with some account of a tour through parts of those Countries shortly after the Battle of Waterloo. 4to. Lond. 1816. Hiltl, G., and C. F. Schindler. Preussens Heer. 2nd edition. 4to. Berlin, 187 1. Hime, H. W. L., Lieut. Words of Command. Lond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) 305 HOD Himly, Auguste. Histoire de la formation tcrritoriale des Etats de TEurope centrale. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Hind, John. Principles and practice of Arithmetic. 2nd edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1835. Elements of Algebra. 3rd edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1837. Hinde, Robert, Capt. Discipline of the Light-Horse. 8vo. Lond. 1778. Hinrichs. Fiinfjahriger Bucher-Catalog. See Catalogues. Hirtenfeld, Dr. Skizze des Feldzuges 1859 in Italien. 8vo. Vienna, 1859. Hirtius, Aulus. Alexandrian and African Wars. See Caesar. Historical Register, containing an impartial relation of all trans- actions that happen'd during the first seventeen months of the reign of King George. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1724. See also Periodicals. " Historicus." See Harcourt, G. V. Hobart Pacha. The Torpedo Scare. Experiences during the Turco-Russian War. Svo. Lond. 1SS5. Hobarton. Observations made at the Observator}'. See Van Diemen's Land. Hobbes, Thomas. Grecian War. See Thucydides. Hobbs, Lieut.-Col. Subaltern's Hand-Book, and guide to the mili- tary examination. i2mo. Belfast, 1859. Hobson, F. T., Capt. Light Cavalry Out-Posts. See Brack. Hochstetter, F. von. Geology of the Province of Nelson. Auckland, 1859. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iv.) New Zealand ; its physical geography, geolog}^, and natural history, &c. Partly from the German of Edward Sauter. 4to. Stuttgart, 1867. Asien seine Zukunftsbahnen und seine Kohlenschatze. Svo. Vienna, 1876. Hochstetter, F. von, and A. Petermann. Geological and topographical Atlas of New Zealand. Svo. Auckland, 1S64. Geology of New Zealand ; in explanation of the Atlas. Svo. Auckland, 1864. Hodge, W. B. Mortality arising from Naval Operations. Lond. 1S55. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Mortality arising from Military Operations. Lond. 1856. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Shipwrecks in the Royal Navy. Lond. 1S64. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii.) HOD 306 Hodg-es, William. Circat Britain's (iroans, or an account of the oppression, ruin, and destruction of the Loyal Seamen of England. n.p., 1695. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Humble Proposals for the relief, encouragement, security, and happi- ness of the loyal courageous. Seamen of England. 8vo. Lond. 1695. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Nav)-.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) Ruin to Ruin, after Misery to Misery : being the distressed, and ruined, and perishing state of the loyal and faithful Seamen of England. Lond. 1699. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) Hodgetts, E. A. Brayley. Reminiscences of General Skobeleff. See Nemirovitch-Dantchenks. Hodgkinson, Eaton. Strength and other properties of Cast Iron. See Tredgold. Hodgson, Studholme, Capt. Truths from the West Indies. Including a sketch of Madeira in 1836. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Hodson, Thos. The Accomplished Tutor, or a complete system of liberal education. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1802. Hodson, W. S. R. Twelve years of a soldier's life in India. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1859. Hoenig, Fritz. Zwei Brigaden. 8vo. Berlin, 1882. Hoff, W. Bainbridge. See Bainbridge-Hoff. Hoffbauer, E,, Major, and Major Leo. Die Deutsche Artillerie in der Schlachten und Tressen des Deutsch-Franzosischen Krieges, 1870-1. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1876-8. Vol. i. Weissenburg. Worth. „ ii. Metz. ,, iii. Sedan. Hoffbauer, E., Major. Campaign of 1870-1. The German Artillery in the Battles near Metz. Translated by Captain Holiist. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Taktik der Feld-Artillerie. Svo Berlin, 1876. Hoffbauer, G. Applikatorische Etudie iiber Verwendung der Artil- lerie in Grosseren Truppenverbanden. Svo. Berlin, 1884. Hoffman, M. Statistical View of the Births and Deaths in the Prussian States, 1820-34. Translated by Walter Ruding Deverell. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii).) Lond. 1837. 307 HOL Hogan, Major. Proofs of the Forgeries in Major Hogan's Pamphlet. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. viii.) Lond. 1808. Hogendorp, Comte D. C. A. van. Memoires du General Dirk van Hogendorp 8vo. I'he Hague, 1887. Hogg, Arthur, Lieut. Field Exercises in Hindostanee. 8vo. Calcutta, 1837. Hogg, Jabez. The Microscope ; its history, construction, and application. 6th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Impairment or loss of Vision, from spinal concussion or shock. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen (Prince Kraft). Strategische Briefe. I-H. 8vo. Berlin, 1877. Militarische Briefe. Kavallerie, Infanterie, und Artillerie. 3 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1884-5. Letters on Artillery. Translated by Major N. L. Walford. 8vo. Woolwich, 1887. Ditto, ditto. (Stanford's Edition.) 8vo. Lond. 1888. Hoholan, A. W. Book of Scales. 4to. Lond. 1881. Holbrooke, F. Foedera. See Records, the National. Holcroft, Thomas. Posthumous Works of Frederick II, King of Prussia. ^SV^ Frederick. Holden, Robert, Capt. Musketry pocket-book for the Militia. i2mo. Lond. 1882. Historical Record of the Worcestershire Regiment. See Reserve Forces. Holdsworth, A. H. , Dartmouth : the advantages of its Harbour as a Station for Foreign Mail Packets. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Improvements in constructing Ships and Vessels, in order to arrest the progress of fire, and for regulating temperature. Lond. 1842. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xl.) Advantages derived from working Low-Pressure Marine Engines by expansion. Lond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xl.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv.) Description of Water Bulk-Heads, adapted to yachts and passenger vessels. Lond. 1844. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xl.) X 2 HOT. 308 Holdsworth, A. H, {continued) — Description of VN'ater Bulk-Heads, adapted to yachts and passenger vessels. (Second coi)y.) (8vo rami)hlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Water-Bulkheads for reducing the temperature and arresting fire in ships. Lond. 1852. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Holdsworth, T. W. E. Campaign of the Indus. 8vo. [Privately printed.] Lond. 1840. Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ire- land. 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807-8. Holland. See Netherlands. Holland, Philemon. Roman History. See Ammianus Marcellinus. Holland, T. J., Major, and Capt. H. M. Hozier. Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia. 2 vols, and case of maps. 4to. Lond. 1870, Holleben, von, Capt. Gebranchs-Tabellen fiir Marine-Artilleristen. Svo. Berlin, 1879. Holley, A. L. Treatise on Ordnance and Armor. 8vo. New York, 1865. HoUiday. Gunnery. 8vo. 1772. (No title page.) Hollist, Capt. The German Artillery. See Hoffbauer. Holman, James, Lieut. R.N. Narrative of a journey through France, Italy, Savoy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, and the Netherlands. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1S27. Travels in Russia, Siberia, Poland, Austria, Saxony, Prussia, Hanover, &c. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S32. Voyage round the World ; including travels in Africa, Asia, Austral- asia, and America. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1834. Holmes. Magneto-Electric Light, as applicable to Lighthouses. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Lond. [1863.] Holmes, George C. V. Marine Engines and Boilers. Svo. Lond. 1S89. Holmes, J. G. H., Lieut.-Col. Specification of the Holmes Rapid Range Finder. Folio. n.p., n.d. Holmes, N. J. Storm and Danger Signal as a means of saving life . at sea. Washington, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Holmes, T. Treatise on Surgery, its principles and practice. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1SS2. Holmes, T. R. E. History of the Indian Mutiny. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1885. 3C9 HON Holmes, T. R. E. {continued) — Four famous soldiers : Sir Charles Napier, Hodson of Hodson's Horse, Sir William Napier, Sir Herbert Edvvardes. 8vo. Lend. 1889. Holmes, W. H. Use of Gold at Chiriqui. See United States, Smithsonian Inst. Bureau of Ethnology. Holmes and Co. The Bengal Obituary. 4to. Calcutta, 1848. Holms, John, M.P. British Army in 1875 ^^'i'h suggestions on its administration and organization. 8vo. Lond. 1875 Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876 Holstein. See Schleswig-Holstein, Holt, William. Admiralty Court Cases on the Rule of the Road 8vo. Lond. 1867 Holtrop, John. English and Dutch, and Dutch and English Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1823-4 Holty, Ludwig H. C. Gedichte. i2mo. Hamburg, 1783 Holtzapffel, Charles. Catalogue of Woods. See Royle. Holwell, M. Doherty, Capt. Practical Instruction in Minor Tactics. Lond. 1888, (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Homans, Benjamin. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the United States. 8vo. Baltimore, 1843. Home, John. History of the Rebellion in 1745. 4to. Lond. 1802. Home, Capt. Military Reports. See Stoffel. Reforms in the French Army. See France, Army. Home, Robert, Major. Precis of Modern Tactics. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Homer. The whole Works of Homer : translated by Alexander Pope. W^ith a Life of Homer. 4to. Lond. n.d. OMHFOY AFIANTA. Opera Omnia. Cura J. A. Ernesti. 5 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 18 14. Odissea di Omero, tradotta da Ippolito Pindemonte. 2 vols, in one. 1 2 mo. Naples, 1831. Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy explained and objections answered. 4th edition. Lond. 1842. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Hondy, Judocus. Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas. See Mercator. Hongkong. Report of the Government Astronomer. Folio. Hongkong, 1883. HOO 310 Hood, Nathaniel, Lieut. Elements of AVar : or rules and regula- tions of the Army in miniature. 3rd edition. i2nio. Lond. 1804. Hood, Thomas. The use of the Celestial Globe in plans, set forth in two hemispheres. Small 4to. Lond. 1590. Hoogenhuysen, A. ab. Vetercs de re militari Scriptores. In continentiir. Vegetius. Institutorum rei militaris. Frontinus. Strategematum. .^lianus. De instrucndis aciebus. Modestus. Vocabulis rei militaris. Polybius. Militia et castrametatione Romanorum. .^neus. Poliorceticus. Hook, Theodore. Life of General Sir David Baird. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832. Hooke, Nathaniel. Account of the conduct of the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough. 8vo. Lond. 1742. Roman History, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Hooker, Sir J. D., and J. Ball. Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Hooker, Sir W. J. Journal of a tour in Ireland in the summer of 1809. 8vo. Lond. 181 1. Botanical Miscellany, with plates. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1830-33. English Flora. See Smith, Sir J. E. Hooper, George. Waterloo : the downfall of the first Napoleon : a history of the Campaign of 1815. 8vo. Lond. 1862. The Campaign of Sedan : the downfall of the Second Empire, 1870. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Hooper, Dr. G. S. Topography, climate and prevalent diseases of the Island of Jersey. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Hooper, Jacob. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England during the reign of King Charles the First. Folio. Lond. 1738. Hooper, Dr. R. Physician's Vade Mecum. i2mo. Lond. 181 2. Lexicon Medicum ; or Medical Dictionary. 7th edition, revised by Dr. Klein Grant. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Hop, Jacques. Correspondence. See Vreede. Hope, A. J. B. Beresford. The American Disruption, 6th edition. Lond. 1862.. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiv.) 311 HOR Hope, A. J. B. Beresford {coitinued) — Social and political bearings of the American Disrui)tion. 3rd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiv.) Lond. 1863. Hope, C. W., Capt. R.N. Education and training of Naval Officers. hond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Hope, Rev. F. W. Address on the second Anniversary of the Entomological Society. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Lond. 1836. Coleopterist's Manual, containing the Lamellicorn Insects of Linnaeus and Fabricius. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Catalogue of Hemiptera. See Catalogues. Hope, T. Costume of the Ancients. 8vo. Lond. 1809, Hopf, Jules. Droit International. See Martens. Hopkins, David. A Vocabulary ; Persian, Arabic, and English ; abridged from Richardson's Dictionary. 8vo. Lond. 1810, Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Works of Horace, translated literally into English prose, by C. Smart. 2 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 181 9. Hornaday, W. T. Two Years in the Jungle : the experiences of a Hunter and Naturalist in India, Ceylon, The Malay Peninsula, and Borneo. 8vo. Lond. 1885, Hornby, Sir G. Phipps, Admiral, What our Navy should be. See Navy. Home, T. H. Privateers, Captures, (S:c. See Martens. Horner, Francis. Life of Euler. See Euler. Horner, Leonard. Address as President of the Geological Society of London. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x,xxviii.) Lond. 1846. Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1847. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Horsburgh, James. Directions for sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New- Holland, Cape of Good Hope, and interjacent ports. 2 pans in one vol. 4to. Lond. 1 809-11. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 4I0. Lond. 1826-7. Horses. Horse-emancipation, or the abolition of the Bearing-Rein. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Lond. n.d. The Horse, with a treatise on Draught. 8vo. Lond. 1831. The Griffin's Aide-de-Camp. By " Blunt Spurs." 8vo. Lond. 1843. Few lines on the hunter, the charger, and the roadster. By "Woodman." 8vo. Lond. 1872. HOR 312 Horses {i-ontinuaf) — Etude sur la Ferrure des Chevaux de Guerre. Paris, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) The Handy Horse-book; by "Magenta." Svo. Lond. 1877. Horsey, A. F. R. de, Capt. R.N. ^6'^ De Horsey. Horsey, Sir Jerome. Travels. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xx. Horsfield, T. Catalogue of Birds in the Museum of the East India Company. See Catalogues. Horsley, Dr. Samuel, Bishop of Rochester. Rising of the Constellations. See Vincent, Voyage of Nearchus. Stadium of Aristotle. See Vincent, Voyage of Nearchus. Works of Sir Isaac Newton. See Newton. Horticultural Society. Transactions. Vols, i to viii. 4to. Lond. 1820-31. Horton, J. A, B. Physical and Medical Climate and Meteorology of the West Coast of Africa. Svo. Lond. 1868. Hosack, John. Our Maritime Rights. Lond. i860. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Rise and growth of the Law of Nations. Svo. Lond. 18S2. Hoseason, J. C, Capt. R.N. Remarks on the errors contained in a circular on the Properties of the Expansion and Throttle Valves. Svo. Lond. 1S44. (Bound in vol. lettered " Naval and Military Subjects.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Remarks on the Evidence taken before the Committee of the House of Commons on the State of the Steam Navy, &c. Svo. Lond. 1S50. (Bound in vol. lettered " Naval and Military Subjects.") The Steam Navy; and the application of screw propellers to sea- going line of battle ships. Lond. 1S53. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Remarks on the late War with Russia ; with appendix and maps. Svo. Lond. 1857. Remarks on the rapid Transmission of Troops to India. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 185S. (Bound in vol. lettered " Naval and Military Subjects.") Inefficiency of the Steam Navy for general service and the purposes of war. Lond. 1866. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) 3^S HOS Hoseason, J. C, Capt. R.N. {continued) — Remarks on the Naval, Military, and Financial Resources of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1868. (Bound in vol. lettered " Naval and Military Subjects.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxv.) Remarks on the Abyssinian expenditure and the general inefficiency of the over-sea steam transport for military purposes. 8vo. Lond. 1870 (Bound in vol. lettered " Naval and Military Tracts.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. l.xxxviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciii.) Relative cost of the English, Prussian, and Austrian Soldier. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. (Bound in vol. lettered " Naval and Military Subjects.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvi.) The necessity for an increase in our Naval Steam-Transport Fleet for Military Purposes. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. (Bound in vol. lettered " Naval and Military Subjects.") Remarks on the Channel Passage, and on the importance of Dover for offensive and defensive warfare. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. x.xi.) New Harbour at Dover. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol, xxi.) Hospitaller, E. Modem applications of Electricity. Translated by Julius Maier. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Hospitallers. See St. John of Jerusalem. Hospitals. Report of the Committee of the Hospital for Seamen, on board the "Dreadnought." 8vo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Report of the Governors of Sir P. Dun's Hospital, Dublin. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiii.) Dublin, 1870. Hoste, le P^re Paul. L'Art des Armees Navales, ou Traite des Evolutions Navales. Folio. Lyons, 1697. (Very rare ; Southey's copy.) Naval Evolutions : or a system of Sea Discipline. Extracted by C. O'Bryen. 4to. Lond. 1762. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) IIOS 3 '4 Hoste, Sir William, Capt. R.N. Memoirs and Letters. 2 vols 8vo. T.ond. 1833. Service Afloat, or the Naval Career of Sir William Hoste. 8vo. Lond 1887 Hotchkiss Ordnance Co. Record of experiments with the Hotchkiss rapid-firing Gun. 4to. Paris, 1884. Measurements and weights of the Hotchkiss rapid-firing Gun. 4to Paris, 1885. Handbook of the Hotchkiss rapid-firing Gun. 6 lb., 3 lb., and i lb. guard-boat gun. 8vo. Paris, 1885 The Hotchkiss System of Rapid-Firing Guns. 4to. Lond. 1887. Howell Torpedo : general description and notes. 4to. Lond. 1888 Hotham, H., Capt. Marks, &c., for les Birvideaux. 4to. n.p. 1807. (Book of Remarks for the Western Station.) Hough, W., Lieut-Col. Practice of Courts-Martial, also the legal exposition and military explanation of the Mutiny Act and Articles of War. Partly revised by G. Long. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Military Law Authorities. 8vo. Calcutta, 1839 March and operations of the Army of the Indus, in the Expedition to Afghanistan, 1838-9. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Political and military events in British India, from 1 756-1849. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Precedents in Militar>' Law : including the practice of Courts Martial, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1855. Improved system for the Military Education of Officers for the British Army. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) House, E. H. Japanese Expedition to Formosa. 8vo. Tokio, 1875. Houssaye, Amelot de la. See Amelot. Hovell, H. de B., Lieut. Soldiers' Shooting. i2mo. Chatham, 1888. Hovgaard, G. W., Lieut, Danish Navy. Submarine Boats. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Howard, Charles. Roads of England and Wales particularly adapted to the use of Bicyclists and Tricyclists. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Howard, John. The state of the Prisons in England and Wales, with an account of some Foreign Prisons. 4to. Warrington, 1777. Appendix to ditto. 4t(). Warrington, 1784. 315 HOZ Howard, John {continued) — Account of the principal Lazarettos in Europe. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1791. Howard, Luke. Barometrographia : the variation of the Barometer in the climate of Britain. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1847. Papers on Meteorology : being Parts i and 2 of the Appendix to "Barometrographia." 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1850. Howard, Sir Philip, and Sir Francis Watson. The new invention of Mill'd Lead, for Sheathing of Ships. i2mo. Lond. 1691. (Radstock Collection.) Howe, Lord Viscount. Letter to Lord Howe on his naval conduct in the American War. 8vo. Lond. 1779. (Radstock Collection, " Howe.") Howell, James. Revolutions in Naples. See Giraffi. Howell, John. Essay on the War-Galleys of the Ancients. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826. Howell, T. B. Complete collection of State Trials. With index, 34 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816-28. Howgate, H. W., Capt. U.S. Army. Cruise of the Florence ; or extracts from the journal of the preliminary Arctic Expedition of 1877-8. i2mo. Washington, 1879. Howlett, A., Capt. Precis of information concerning the Province of Tong-King. 8vo. Calcutta, 1883. Hewlett, S. B. Directions for using Barometers in determining altitudes. Lond. 1859. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Howson, Very Rev. J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul. See Conybeare. Hoyer, J. G. von. Handbuch fiir Offiziere in den angewanden Theilen der Krieges-Wissenschaften. W^erter Theil, von der Strategie. 8vo. Hanover, 1829. Hozier, H. M., Col. Seven Weeks' War ; its antecedents and its incidents. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867. British Expedition to Abyssinia. 8vo. Lond. 1869. See also Netherlands. The Franco-Prussian War. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. n.d. Invasions of England. A history of the past with lessons for the future. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Russo-Turkish War : including an account of the rise and decline of the Ottoman Power, and the history of the Eastern Question. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1879. Turenne. 8vo. Lond. 1S85. HOZ 3'6 Hozier, H. M., Col. {continued) — Military Equipment. Lond. 1886. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) The Question of Imperial Safety. Our actual Military Strength. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Lond. 1888. Army Equipment. See Army Equipment. Campaign of 1866. See Campaigns. Count Moltke. See Miiller, W. Hubbeneth, Dr. Service Sanitaire des Hopitaux Russes. See Todleben. Hudson, Henry. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxvii. Hudson, James. Observations and investigations on the Barometer. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Lond. 1832. Hue, Gustave. Apergu de la Geographic Militaire de I'Europe. (Moins la France.) Svo. Paris, 1880. Hue, J. F. Ports de France. See France. Huet, C, Capt. Mines Sous Marines. See Belgium, Conferences ISIilitaires, Series 2, No. 11. Hiigel, Charles, Baron. Travels in Kashmir and the Panjab ; with notes by Major T. B. Jervis. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Huggins, William. Spectrum Analysis. See Schellen. Hughes, J. The Boscobel Tracts, relating to the Escape of Charles the Second after the Battle of Worcester. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Hughes, Michael. A plain narrative and authentic journal of the late Rebellion, begun in 1745. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1747. Hughes, Rev. T. S. Travels in Greece and Albania. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1830. Hughes, William. Geography of British History. Svo. Lond. 1874. Hugo, Adjt.-Major. Coup d'Oiil Militaire sur la Maniere d'escorter, d'attaquer, et de defendre les Convois. Svo. Paris, 1879. Hugo, Herman. Seige of Breda by the armes of Phillip the Fourt under the Govern- ment of Isabella atchived by the conduct of Ambr Spinola. Translated by Captain Gerrat Barry. Folio. Louvain, 1627. De Militia Equestri antiqua et nova, ad Regnum Philippum IV. Folio. Antwerp, 1630. Hugoniot, Capt. Effets de la Poudres. See Sebert. Huguenin, General. Description de la Fabrication des Bouches a feu en fonte de fer et des projectiles a la Fonderie de Liege. Translated from the Dutch by Captain Neuens. Svo. Paris, 1S39 3'? HUM Hulme, F. Edward. Mathematical Instruments and how to use them. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Humane Society, The Royal. Annual Reports. 1844-48, 1852-57, and 1882 to . 8vo. Lond. 1844 to , Humbert, E. Programme elementaire d'un cours d'Art et d'Histoire Militaires applique a la Cavalerie. 8vo, with 4to atlas. Saumur, 1866. Humbley, W. W. W. Journal of a Cavalry Officer, including the memorable Sikh Campaign of 1845-46. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Humboldt, Alexandre, Baron von. Essai Geognostique sur le Gisement des Roches. 8vo. Pans, 1823. Examen critique de I'Histoire de la Geographie du nouveau continent et des progres de I'astronomie nautique aux quinzieme et seizieme siecles. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Asie Centrale. Recherches sur les Chaines de Montagnes, et la Climatologie comparee. 3 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1843. Cosmos : sketch of a physical description of the Universe. Trans- lated under the superintendence of Lieut. -Col. E. Sabine. Vols, i and ii, vol. iii, parts i and 2, and vol. iv, part i. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847-58. Meteorological Essays. See Arago. Humboldt, Alexandre, Baron von, and Aimd Bonpland. Personal narrative of travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent during the years 1 799-1 804, Translated by Helen Maria Williams. 7 vols, bound in 9. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Hume, David. History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolu- tion in 1688. 8 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 181 8. Ditto, ditto. Continuation. See SmoUet. Essays, literary, moral, and political. 8vo. Lond., n.d. Hume, J. P., Capt. Attack Formation. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Humfrey, I. H., Lieut.-Col. Essay on the modern system of Forti- fication adopted for the defence of the Rhine P>ontier. 8vo, with folio atlas. Lond. 1838. Humphreys, A. A., Major-Gen. U.S. Army. Civil War in America. See Campaigns. Explorations and Surveys in Nevada and Arizona See U.S. Army, Engineers' Department. Materials for Defensive Armor. .Sr^' U.S. Army, Engineers, Prof Papers, No. 17. Humphreys, H. Noel. Coin Collector's Manual. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. HUM 318 Humphreys, W, H. Greece in 1825. ^1?^ Emerson-Ten n ant. Humphry, W. G. St. Marlin-in-the-Ficlds in the Olden Time. 1 21U0. Lond. 1876. Hungarian Diet. N^v, ^s Lak-Konyve az 1839, esz. Junius 2. napjara szabad. Kir Posony Varossaban Orszaggyiilesre. i2mo. Posonyban, 1839. Hungerford Suspension Bridge. Particulars of the Hungerford Suspension J'ridge. 8vo. Lond. 1845. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Hunt, G. H., Capt. Outram and Havelock's Persian Campaign. With a Summary of Persian History : by G. Townsend. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Hunt, James. Address as President of the Anthropological Society of London. Lond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ix\.) Hunt, Leigh. Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. . Lond. 1828. Hunt, R. New plan for the Construction of Beams. 4to. Devonport, 1834. Dictionary of Arts. See Ure. Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, &c. See Weale. Hunt, R. M. Life of Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart., Admiral. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Hunt, S. Leigh, Major, and A. S. Kenny. On Duty under a Tropical Sun : being suggestions for the maintenance of health, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Hunter, Rev. H. History of London and its environs. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 181 1. Hunter, John. Concise Description of the Insignia of the Orders of British Knighthood. 4to. Lond. [1881.] Hunter, John, Capt. Historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island ; including the journals of Governors Phillip and King. 8vo. Lond. 18 10. Hunter, W. W. Imperial Gazetteer of India. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881. The Indian Empire : its history, people, and products. 8vo. Lond. 1882, Hurault, Philippe, Ahh6 de Pontlevoy. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxvi.) Hurault, Philippe, Comte de Cheverny. See Cheverny. Hurd, Capt. R.N. Nautical description of the Bay of Brest. 4th. Lond. 1809. (Book of Remarks for Western Station.) Hurd, Richard. Works of Joseph Addison. See Addison. 319 HUT Hursthouse, C. F. Short, synoptical view of the New Zealand of to-day. Lond. [1866]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixx.) Hurt, P. A. The Guards' Cemeteries, St. Etiennc, Bayonne, with a concise Narrative of the Campaign in S.W. France. i2mo. Lond. [1877]. Husson, E,, Gen. Manuel d' Administration et de Comptabilile Militaires, a I'usage des Sous-Ofificiers d'Infanterie. 4th edition. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1844. Hutcheson, Francis. Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy ; translated from the Latin. 2nd edition. i2mo. Glasgow, 1753. Hutchinson, A. H., Capt. The next batde-field. 1-ond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvi.) Hutchinson, H. D., Major. Military Sketching made easy and military maps explained. i2mo. Chatham, 1886. Field Fortification. 8vo. Chatham, 1888. Hutchinson, Lucy. Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18 10. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition, with a description of Lathom House. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Hutchinson, Thomas. Kvpov naicetn9. See Xenophon. Hutchinson, W. Treatise on Naval Architecture founded upon philosophical and rational principles. 4to. Liverpool, 1794. Hutchinson, W. N., Gen. Brigade Drill as established by order in the Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry, as revised in 1859. 8vo. Lond. i860. Torpedoes; a protection for harbours. Lond. [1881.] (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.xvii.) The Navigable Balloon in war and peace. Eastbourne, 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Hutchison, F. J., Lieut.-Col, and Captain H. G. MacGregor. Military Sketching and Reconnaissance. i2mo. Lond. 1878. Huth, F. H. Works on Horses and Equitation : a bibliographical record of Hippology. 4to. Lond. 1887. Hutt, William. The Stade Duties considered. Lond. 1839. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiii.) Hutton, Alfred, Capt. Bayonet-Fencing and Sword-Practice. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Hutton, Charles. Course of Mathematics. 5th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807-11. Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 181 2. HUT 320 Hutton, Charles {continuei)— Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1 81 5. Principles of Gunnery. See Robins. Hutton, James. Horses of the Sahara. See Daunias. Hutton, R. H. Scott. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Hutton, W. Battle of Bosworth Field. 8vo. Birmingham, 1788. Hutton, W. H. Fossil Plants. See Engineers (N. of England Institute). Huxley, T. H. I'liysiography. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Hume. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Huyshe, G. L., Capt. Ked River Expedition. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Fanti and Ashanti. See Brackenbury. Hyde, John T. Principles of Gunner)'. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Hythe, School of Musketry. Hythe Certificates and how to obtain them. lamo. Lond. 1879. Ibrahim, Effendi. Traite de Tactique ou Methode artificielle pour I'ordonnance des Troupes. Ouvrage public et imprime a Constan- tinople I'an de I'Hegire 1 144 (1730 a.d.). Traduit du Turc. i2mo. Vienna, 1769. Ideville, Comte H. d'. Le Mare'chal Bugeard. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1881-2. " Ignotus." Pen and ink sketches of Military Subjects. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Impeachments. Letter relating to the matter of Impeachments. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xx.) Lond. 17 15. Ince, J. M. R., Com. R.N. Obituary Notice in the "Naval Standard." _ Lond. 185 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Incorporated Law Society. Calendar for 1881. 8vo. Lond. 1881 India. Selections from the Records of the Government of India. (Home Department.) 8vo. Calcutta, 1855-9 No. 8 (Sup.). Forests and Iron Mines in Kumaon. 10. Coal of the Nerbudda Valley, Tenasserim Provinces, and Thayet Myo. 3=1 INI) India. Selections from the Records of the Government of India. (Home Department) {continued) — No. 14. Minute by the Governor-General. ? Progress Reports of the Public Works Department, 185475- 22. Lightning Conductors for Powder Magazines. 23. Tea Cultivation in the North-West Provinces and in the Punjab. 25. The Andaman Islands ; with notes on Barren Island. Selections from the Records of the Government of India (Foreign Department). 8vo. Calcutta, 1855-8. No. 9. Papers relating to the Teak Forests in Pegu. 11. Census of the Punjab Territories, 1855. 12. Relations of the British Government with the Tribes on the N.W. Frontier of the Punjab. 15. Jubbulpore School of Industry. Flax Operations in the Punjab. Survey Reports, Pegu. 20. Geography of Pegu. District of Tounghoo. Tour from Tounghoo to the Salween River. Punjab Board of Administration. Silk Experiment at Lahore. 24. Guicowar's Hospital. Karen Nee. Jubbulpore School of Industry. Thuggee Department. Survey of the Andamans. Selections from the Records of the Government. Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1852-7. No. 7. Electric Telegraph between Calcutta and Kedgeree. II. Political States S.W. Frontier Agency; Revenue Ad- ministration of Assam ; and the Wild Tribes bordering the South Frontier of Chittagong. 1 3. Manufacture of Salt in the Tumlook Agency ; Coal Mines of Lakadong in the Jynteah Hills ; Examination of Gold Dust from Shuy-Gween. 15. Damoodah Embankments, 1853-4. 17. Report on Darjeeling. 18. Suppression of Dacoity in Bengal. 19. Canal between Ooltadangah and Dhappa. Improvement of the Soonderbun Channels. Opening of a communication with the sea by the Mutlah River. Direct Water Communication between the Ganges and Calcutta. 20. Papers relating to the South- West PVontier. 21. Suppression of Dacoity in Bengal. 22. Vernacular Education in the Lower Provinces. Native Printing Presses and Publications. Bengali Literature and Language. 23. Frontier Tribes on the N.E. Border of Assam. Report on the Political Districts of Raigurh, Sarungah, Sonepore, and Sumbulpore. 24. Ferry Funds in the Lower Provinces. Y ixn 322 India. Selections from the Records of the Ciovernmcnt. Bengal {con- tinued) — No. 26. Suppression of Dacoity in Bengal, 1855-6. 27. Himalaya Mountains and Nepal. Selections from the Records of the Government. North-Western Provinces. Vol. i (parts 1-3) and parts 12, 14, 17, and 19 to 29 8vo. Agra, 1852-6. Mr. Thomason's Despatches. Vol. i. 8vo. Calcutta, 1856. Selections from Public Correspondence. Parts i -11. 8vo. Agra, 1846-51. Selections from the Records of the Government. Madras, ist series. 8vo. Madras, 1854. No. I. Navigation of the Godavery. 2. Report on the Government Central INIuseum 3. Proposed Abolition of the Madras Mint. 4. Report on the Paumban Channel. 5. Memorandum on Public Works. 6. Report of the Road Department. 7. Reports on the Swinging Festival and the Ceremony of \Valking through fire. 8. Plan for the Revenue Assessment of Kurnool in 1843. 9. Reports on Important Public Works, 1851. 10. Ditto, ditto, 1852. Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. 8vo. Madras, 1855-8. No. I. Report on Vaccination. 2. Papers relating to Public Instruction. 3. Navigation of the Godavery. 4. Major Maitland's School for the instruction of the Artificers and Pupils at the Gun Carriage Manu- factory. 5. Report of the Annamullay Forces. 6. Proposals for organising permanent corps of Coolies for employment on Road Works. 7. Report on Civil Dispensaries, for 1853. 8. Reports on District Roads, for 1853. 9. Revenue Survey. 10. Operations of the Indian Mints. I [. Supply of Madras with Water, and Drainage and Sewerage of Black Town. 12. Reduction of Assessment in North Arcot. 13. Report of the Road Department for 1854-5. 14. Medical Topography of the South Western Political Districts, &c. 15. Report on Important Public Works, for 1853. 16. Memorandum on Salt. 17. Report on Public Instruction, 1854-5. 18. Report of the Railway Department, for 1854. 19. Harbours and Ports of the Northern Circars. 323 IND India. Selections from the Records of the Government. Madras {continued) — No. 20. Report on Vaccination, for 1854. 21. Report on Civil Dispensaries, for 1854, 22. Revision of Assessment in South Arcot. 23. Fibres of Southern India. 24. Disturbances in Purla Kimedy, Vizagapatam and Goom- soor in 1832-6. 2 vols. 25. Reports on Important Public "Works, 1854. 26. (Missing.) 27. Papers relating to the Budget of Public Works, for 1854-55- 28. Papers relating to the Budget of Public Works, for 1855-56. 29. Replies to the Collective Memorandum on Public Works. 30. Report on the District Roads for 1854. 31. Papers relating to the Commutation Rates. 32. Report on a plan for cleansing the Drains of Black- town. 32A. Agricultural Exhibitions in the Provinces, 1856. 2,2,. Report on Vaccination, for 1855. 34. Report on Civil Dispensaries, for 1855. 35. Report on Public Instruction, for 1855-6. 36. Annual Report of the Madras Medical College, 1855-6. 37. Correspondence on the Scale of Passenger Fares and Goods Tariff, for the Madras Railway, Part II. 38. Papers relating to the Budget of Public Works, for 1856-7. 39. Report on Government Central Museum and Local Museums, for 1855-6. 41. Report on Applications for grants in aid of Schools unconnected with Government. 42. Report on Vaccination for 1856. 43. Correspondence on the Scale of Passenger Fares and Goods Tariff, for the Madras Railway. "Vol. ii. 46. Report on Civil Dispensaries, for 1856. 47. Report on the District Roads for 1855-6. 48. Annual Report of the Madras Medical College, Sessions 1856-7. 49. Report on Public Instruction, for 1856-7. Selections from the Records of the Government. Bombay. Folio. Bombay, 1852-5. No. I. Survey and Assessment of Khandcsh. 2. Survey and Revision of Assessment in the Rutnagherry Collectorate. 3. (Missing.) 4. Village Communities of the Deccan. 5. Report explanatory of the Revised Assessment intro- duced into the Talookas of Badaniee and Bagulcote in the Belgaum Collectorate. INI) 324 India. Selections from the Records of the Government. Bombay icontitiued) — No. 6. Exjierimental Revenue Settlement of Villages forming the Kownaee Talooka of the Nassick Sub-Col- lectorate. 7. Management of Canals and Forests in Scinde. 8. Report on the District of Sahitce. 9. Claim of Mahadajee Oorf Nago Punt Sadasew l>aput to the Village of Modugay. 10. Reports on portions of the Ahmedabad and Kaira Collectorate. 11. Reports on certain Pergunnas in the Ahmedabad and Kaira Collectorates. 12. Report on certain Talookas in the Dharwar Collectorate ; also History of the Chickodee District, Belgaum. 13. Reports on the Districts lately resumed from Meer Ali Moorad, in Sindh. 14. Proposed Canal and Railway in Scinde. 15. Proceedings relative to the resumption of certain Villages and Lands held by the late Anajee Nursew. Ditto, ditto. New series. 8vo. Bombay, 1854-7. No. 2. Southern Districts of the Surat Collectorate. 3. Settlement of Foras Lands in Bombay. 10. Memoir on the Sawunt Waree State ; and report on the Portuguese Settlements in India. 11. Sanitary State of Bombay. 12. Information connected with the Mahee Kanta. 15. Information connected with the Province of Kutch. 19. Surveys by the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company of the North-Eastern Extension from Munmar to Mirzapore. 25. Information connected with the Native States under the control of the Political Superintendent of Pahlunpoor. 27. Municipal Conservancy in Sind and Sattara. 31. Correspondence exhibiting the results of the scrutiny by the Inam Commission of the Lists of Deccan Surinjams. 33. Project for wet and dry Docks in the Harbour of Bombay. 35. Reports on the Hilly Region forming the Western part of Kurrachee. 38. Tenure of Possessions in the Deccan held by Jyajee Rao Sindia. 39. Reports on the Province of Kattywar and the Ceded Districts in Guzerat. 39. Part II. Suppression of Infanticide in Kattywar. 40. Revenue Settlement effected in the Districts of Omerkote and Thurr ; and management of the Thurr and Parkur District. 41. Information connected with the lapsed Satara Territory and the Districts belonging to the Satara Jageerdars. 42. Enlargement of the Bigaree Canal in Upper Sind. 325 IND India. Bombay. Selections from the Records of the Government {con ft fined) — No. 43. Memoirs by Commander James P^elix Jones, connected with Baghdad ; Nahrwnn Canal ; Frontier of Turkey and Persia ; Median Wall of Xenophon and discovery of the Ancient Opis ; Topography of Nineveh, &c. 44. Mineral Districts of the Nerbudda Valley. East India Shipping. Letter to the Board of Controul for India Affiiirs, the Court of Directors of the East India Company, and to the Proprietors of East India Stock. Lond. 1803. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Narrative of the origin and progress of the dissentions at the Presidency of Madras. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Military Sketches of the Goorka War in India, 1814-6. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Prospectus for establishing by means of Steam Navigation a com- munication with Calcutta and the East Indies generally. 8vo. Lond. 1823. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) On a Russian Invasion of British India. Lond. 1831. {8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) Remarks respecting Steam Communication with India, and sugges- tions on the best niode of establishing it. Lond. 1837. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) True position and prospects of a Steam Communication with India. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Lond. 1837. Recollections of the Deccan. 8vo. Calcutta, 1838. Reports and papers submitted to Governnicnt on Scinde, Affghanisthan and adjacent countries. Folio. Calcutta, 1839. Report of a Committee appointed to enquire into the prospects of a Company established in London for Navigating the Rivers in the East Indies by Steam Boats. Lond. 1839. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (ii).) Letters from Madras by a Lady, 1836 to 1839. 8vo. Lond. 1843. History of the Punjab, and of the rise, progress, and present condition of tiie Sect and Nation of the Sikhs. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. The war in India. Despatches of Viscount Hardinge, General Lord Gough and Sir H. Smith. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Tables of routes and stages through the territories under the Presidency of Bombay. 4to. Bombay, 185 1. The World's Highway. Lond. 1856. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxx.) Highways to the East. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlix.) Miscellaneous Papers on the Indian Mutiny. Folio. Various dates. INI) 326 India (contifmed) — London to Lahore, or the Euphrates, Scinde and Punjaul) Railways, and edition. Lond. 1857. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlix.) The Eu]:)hrates Railway the shortest route to India. 2nd edition. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlix.) Lond. 1857. Defence of Lucknow. A diary, by a Staff Officer. Svo. Lond. 1 85 8. Letters of Indophilus to " The Times." Lond. [1859.] (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Report on the Survey of India for the three years ending 1858-59. Folio. Lond. 1861. Memorandum on Indian Reliefs. Lond. 1865. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Essay on the formation of an Intelligence Department for India. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) n.p. 1874. Defensive Necessities of our Military Position in India. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) Madras, 1875. Memoranda, etc., on the Malayan Peninsula and Perak drawn up in Military Department of the Government of India, 1875. Folio. Calcutta, 1875. The Punjaub and North-West Frontier of India. Svo. Lond. 1878. General Report of the Marine Survey of India for 1877-78. Folio. Calcutta, 1879. Armies and Native States of India. Reprinted from " The Times." Svo. Lond. 1SS4. Report of the Census of Berar, 1881 : by E. J. Kitts. Folio. Bombay, 1SS2. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Vols, i to vii. Svo. Fort William, 1842-50, See also East India Company. Army. Account of the late discontents of the Army of the Madras Establishment. Svo. Lond. 18 10. Bengal Military Regulations. Svo. n.p. 181 2. Historical Account of the Bengal Native Infantry, 1757-1796: by Capt. J. Williams. Svo. Lond. 1S17. Remarks on excluding Officers of H.M. Service from the Staff of the Indian Army, and on the present state of the European Soldier in India, by a King's Officer. Svo. Lond. 1S25. East India Military Calendar. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1S26. Bengal Native Infantry. Standing Orders, with Appendix. Svo. Calcutta, 1840. 3.7 IN-n India. Army {continued) — Madras Artiller)' Records 1850 (in parts) and 1852-1862. 8vo. Madras, 1852-62. Ditto, ditto. Miscellaneous Selections. Svo. Madras, 1838-62. Reports, correspondence, and original papers of the Corps of Engineers, Madras Presidency. Arranged by Capt. J. T. Smith. 2 vols. 4to. Madras, 1839-46. Books of instruction for the Regiment of the Madras Artiller)'. g^,Q Madras, 184 1-7. Instructions in Repository Exercise for the use of the Madras Regiment of Artiller)-. Compiled by Capt. A. F. Oakes. 8vo. ^ Madras, 1847. Standing Orders for the Light Cavalry of the Army of Fort St. George. 8vo. Madras, 1848. Standing Orders for the Native Infantry of the J^Iadras Army. 8,-0. Madras, 1848. General Regulations of the Madras i\rmy. 8vo. Madras, 1849. Standing Orders for the Madras European Infantry. 8vo. Madras, 1849. History of the rise and progress of the Bengal Army. By Capt. A. Broome. Vol. i. 8vo. Calcutta, 1850. Claims of the Indian Army on Indian Patronage. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxii.) Thoughts on the Reconstruction of the Indian Army. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lix.) n.p. 1859. Articles of War for the Government of Native Officers and Soldiers of H.M. Indian Army. i2mo. Calcutta, 1861. Amalgamation of the Indian Army with H.M. Service, and the scheme of the Amalgamation Commission for the retirement of Indian Officers. Lond. 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lix.) The truth about the Indian Army and its Officers. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiii.) Lond. 1861. Regulations applicable to the European Officer in India. By George E. Cochrane. 8vo. Lond. 1866. General Orders by the Commander-in-Chief. Svo. n.p. 1868. Military Settlements in India. Madras, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. c.) General Regulations of the Bengal Army. Svo. * Calcutta, 1855. Ditto, ditto. Calcutta, 1S73. Military Report of the Country of Bhutan : by Lieut. C. M. MacGregor. Folio. Calcutta, 1873. I\T) 328 India. Army {continued) — My diary at the Punjab Camp of Exercise, 1872-3. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. vii.) Bombay, 1873. Reorganization of Regiments of Native Infantry of the Line. (Svo Pamjjhlels, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Allahabad, 1873. Regulations for H.M. Indian Troop Ships. Svo. Lond. 1873. Circular Orders, &c., issued by the Quartermaster-General in India in connection with the camp of exercise Delhi-Umballa. Folio. Simla, 18S6. Report on the Camp of Exercise held in the neighbourhood of Delhi and Umballa, 1885-6. Folio. Simla, 1886. Alphabetical list of the Officers of the Indian Army, 1834-7 ; by Edward Dodwell and James Miles. 4to. Lond. 1838. Indian Army and Civil Service Lists 1826, 1828-31, 1833-47, 1849 to • 8vo. Lond. 1826- . (Formerly called " East India Register.") Bengal Establishment. Quarterly Army List. Svo. Calcutta, 1857. East India Association, Journal. Vols, i to . Svo. Lond. 1867- . Meteorology. Meteorological Register kept at the East India Company's Observatory at Madras, 1822-43. Folio. Madras, 1844. Meteorological Observations, 1841 to 1845. 4to. Madras, 184 1-5. Bombay Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, 1845- 1878. 4to. Bombay, 1S46-79. Observations made at the Meteorological Bungalow on Doda- betta, 8,640 feet above the level of the sea. 4to. Madras, 1848. Meteorological Observations made at the East India Company's Magnetical Observatory at Singapore, 1 84 1-45. 4to. Madras, 1850. Astronomical Observations made at the East India Company's Observatory at Madras, 1S43-52. 2 vols. 4to. Madras, 184S-54. Meteorological Observations made at the East India Company's Observatory at Madras, 1846-55. 2 vols. 4to. Madras, 1854-74. Meteorological Observations at Bangalore, i860. . (4to Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Bangalore, 1861. Report of the Meteorological Reporter to the Government of Bengal. Meteorological Abstract for 1874. Folio. Calcutta, 1 87 5. Report of the Midnapore and Burdwan Cyclone of the 15th and 1 6th of October, 1874. Folio. Calcutta, 1875. 329 IND India. Meteorology {continued) — Indian Meteorological Memoirs. Vols, i to . 4to. Calcutta, 1876- . Report on the Meteorology of India ; by Henry F. Blanford. 1876 (2nd year) to . Folio. Calcutta, 1878- . Report of the Administration of the Meteorological Department of the Government of India, 1878-79 to . 4to. Calcutta, 1879- . Meteorological Observations recorded at six Stations in India. 1879 to . Folio. Calcutta, 1881- . Charts of the Bay of Bengal and adjacent Sea North of the Equator; showing the Mean Pressure, &c. Folio. Simla, 1886. Winds and Monsoons of the Arabian Sea and North Indian Ocean] by W. L. Dallas. Folio. Calcutta, 1887. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the (Government Observatory, Bombay, 1882 to . 4to. Bombay, 1883- ( Folio atlas of plates to accompany 1886.) Cyclone Memoirs. Part I. Bay of Bengal Cyclone of May 20th- 2 8th, 1887. 8vo. Calcutta, 1888. Navy. Memorandum on H.M. Indian Navy. Broadstairs, 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Periodicals, &c. Asiatic Department of the Calcutta Journal, 182 1 and '22. Gleanings in Science. Vols, i to iii. 8vo. Calcutta, 1829-31. Madras Almanac for 1803. 8vo. Madras, 1803. Survey. Abstract of the Reports of the Surveys and of other Geographical Operations in India for 1869-70. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Account of the operations of the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Vols, i to x. 4to. Dehra Dun, 1870-87. General report on the operations on the Survey of India, 1877- 78 to , Folio. Calcutta, 1879- . Thomason Civil Engineering College, Roorkee. Professional Papers on Indian Engineering. First Series. 7 vols. 8vo. Roorkee, 1863-70. Second Series, 10 vols., and No. 43 (incomplete). 8vo Roorkee, 1872-82. Third Series. Vols, i to . 8vo. Roorkee, 1882- . Index to First and Second Series. 8vo. Roorkee, 1884. United Service Institution. Journal. Vols, i to . 8vo. Simla, 1871- . Index to ditto, 1871-83. 8vo. Simla, 1884. Revised Regulations. 8vo. Simla, 1887. TXI) 330 India. United Service Institution {continued) — List of Life Members and Annual Subscribers. 8vo. Simla, 1888. United Service Institution of Western India. Report for 1860-61. Bombay, 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) India Office. Catalogue of Reports, &c., of the Indian Surveys. See Catalogues. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Indra, Alois. Ballistik der Handfeuerwaffen in Tabellen. 8vo. Vienna, 1879. Infantry. Letter from an Officer to a Friend, upon the methods of forming Infantry for Action. 4to. n.p., n.d. Manoeuvres for a Battalion of Infantry. i2mo. Lond. 1766. Essay on the Command of small Detachments. i2mo. Lond. 1766. (Bound with " Manoeuvres for a Battalion.") Manual Exercise, with explanations, as ordered by His Majesty. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1766. (Bound with " Manoeuvres for a Battalion.") Manoeuvres for a Battalion of Infantry upon fixed principles. 8vo. Lond. 1766. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1777. (With an essay on the command of small detachments.) Tactique de rinfanterie. 8vo. Dresden, 1787. Instruction concernant le Service de I'lnfanterie Legere en Campagne. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1801. Manuel d'Infanterie, ou resume de tons les reglemens, decrets, usages, renseignemens, proj)res a cette arme. 2nd edition. i2mo. Paris, 1808. Recherches sur le feu de I'lnfanterie. 8vo. Paris, 1826. British Infantry Tactics, or the attack formation explained. Lond. 1877. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Instruction pratique de la Compagnie d'Infanterie sur le service en campagne et les operations du combat. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Das moderne Gefecht und seine Riickurrkung auf die Ausbildung der Infanterie. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Outline of the " Attack Formations " for Infantry in the Austrian, French, German, and Italian Armies. 8vo. Lond. 18S1. (Compiled in the Intelligence Branch, W.O.) Ingalls, James M., Capt. U.S. Army. Exterior Pallistics in the plane of fire. 8vo. New ^'ork, 1886. Ing'lefield, Capt. Narrative of the loss of the "Centaur." i2mc'. Lond. 1783. 331 IRE Inglefield, E. A., Com. R.N. Summer search for Sir John Franklin, with a peep into the Polar Basin. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Inglefield, S. H. S., Lieut.-Col. War, with the Tactics of the three arms. See Besan^on. Inglis, Col. Results of Artillery Fire against Iron Armour. Woolwich, 1865. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (ii).) Iron Fortifications. See Engineers, Royal, School. Inglis, H. D. The Channel Islands. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Ingram, Quartermaster-Sergeant. Analytical Tables for use in the Laboratory, School of Military Engineering. Brompton, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xc.) Inman, Rev. J. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Nautical Tables. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Shipbuilding. See Chapman. Inman, James. Introduction to Naval Gunnery. 8vo. Portsea, 1828. Innes, A. The multiplying Alidade or practice register. n.p. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Innes, P. R., Lieut.-Col. History of the Bengal European Regi- ment, now the (loist) Royal Munster Fusiliers. See Army, Records. Insects. Natural History of Insects. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1830. Institution of Civil Engineers. See Engineers. Institution of Mechanical Engineers. See Engineers. International Code of Signals. See Signals. Invasion of England. See National Defence. Ionian Islands. The Ionian Islands under British Protection. 2nd edition. Lond. 185 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. v.) Irby, Hon. Charles Leonard, and James Mangles. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and Asia Minor, during 18 17-8. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Ireland. True impartial history and wais of the kingdom of Ireland. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1692. Conduct of the Admiralty in the late Expedition of the Enemy to the Coast of Ireland, as stated by Ministers in the House of Commons. 4to. Lond. 1797. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Arguments for and against an Union between Great Britain and Ireland, considered. 4th edition. Dublin, 1799. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxiii.) IRK 332 Ireland {continued) — Narrative of what passed at Killalla, in the county of Mayo, and the parts adjacent, during the French Invasion in the Summer of 1798, by an Eye-witness. 8vo. Lond. 1800. Orders and Regulations for the Army serving in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1826. General Orders for the guidance of the Troops, in affording aid to the Civil Power and to the Revenue Department in Ireland. i2mo. Dublin, 1847. History of the AVarr of Ireland from 1641 to 1653. 8vo. Dublin, 1873. Handbook of railway distances. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Iron. Experiments connected with the comparative strength of Iron used in the manufacture of Mortars. Woolwich, 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liii.) Transactions and Report of the Special Committee on Iron. 2 vols. Folio, and 6 cases of Photographs. Lond. 1861-4. Iron and Steel Institute. Journal. Vols, i to 8vo. Lond. 1 880- . Irving, Joseph. The Annals of our time, a diurnal of events from the accession of Queen Victoria. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Supplement to ditto. 187 1-4. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Ditto, ditto. 1874-8. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Irving, R. D. Copper- Bearing Rocks of Lake Superior. See United States Geological Survey (Monographs, vol. v). Irving, Washington. History of the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Irwin, Frederick Chidley, Major. State and position of Western Australia, or the Swan River Settlement. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Islington Literary and Scientific Society. Tenth Annual Report. Lond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvii.) Eleventh ditto. Lond. 1844. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Inaugural Address, 1837. See Sudlow. Italy. Operazioni dell' Artiglieria negli assedi di Gaeta e Messina negli ahni i860 e 1861. 8vo. Turin, 1864. Relazione sulle Leve Eseguite in Italia dalle annessioni delle varie Provincie al 30 Settembre, 1863. 4to. Turin, 1864. Delia Leva sui Giovani nati nel t 843-6, e delle Vicende dell' Esercito 1863-8. Relazione del Maggior (ienerale F. Torre. 4 vols. 4to. Florence, 1865-9. 333 IT A Italy {continued) — Relazione a corredo del Piano Generale di Difesa dell' Italia. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcix.) Rome, 187 i. Army. Esercito Italiano. i2nio. Milan, n.d. Codice penale per I'Esercito del Regno d'ltalia. i2mo. Florence, 1870. Istruzioni sulle Armi e sul Tiro per la Fanteria. i2mo. Rome, 1876. Regolamento di Servizio in Guerra. Parte II. Servizio delle Itendenze. i2mo. Rome, 1881. Cat'alry. Regolamento di Esercizi e di Evoluzioni per la Cavalleria. 2nd edition. 3 vols. i2mo. Rome, 1873. Ditto, ditto. Modificazioni al Tomo II. i2mo. Rome, 1876. Ditto, ditto. (Appendice N. i). i2mo. Rome, 1876. Artillery. P^xperiments at Spezzia. Folio Case of Photographs. Spezzia, 1876. Infantry. Regolamento di Disciplina Militare e di Istruzione e Servizio per la Fanteria. Con annotazioni et addizioni, per cura del G. M. Cargnino. 8vo. Turin, 1868, Regolamento d'Esercizio e di Manovra per la Fanteria di Linea. Vol. i. i2mo. Florence, 1868. Nuova edizione del Regolamento di Esercizi e di Evoluzioni per la Fanteria (4 Dicembre, 1869), Evoluzioni di Brigata — Riviste e Parate. Evoluzioni di Compagnia — Evoluzioni di Battaglione. 2 parts. i2mo. Rome, 1876. Ditto, ditto. Allegato Istruzione per gli Esercizi di Ginnastica e di Scherma. 12 mo. Rome, 1876. Periodicals, &c. Annuario dell' Italia Militare. 8vo. Turin, 1864. Annuario Militare del Regno Italia. 8vo. Florence, 1867-70. Annuario Ufficiale dell' Esercito Italiano. 8vo. Turin, 1864. Annuario Ufificiale della Marina 1878-9. 8vo. Rome, 1878-9. Giornale di Artiglieria, 1861-69. Turin. Giornale di Artiglieria e Genio. 8vo. Rome, 1879-1883. See also " Rivista di Artiglieria e Genio." Giornale del Genio Militare 1863-67, and 1869. Giornale Militare ossia Raccolta Uffiziale 1851-57, and 1866-69. Revue Internationale. Vol. i, No. r. 8vo. Florence, 1883. Rivista di Artiglieria e Genio. 1884 to ITA 334 Italy. Periodicals {continued) — Rivista Marittima. 1871-73. Vols, iii and iv, 1875, 1876, to . 8vo. Rome, 1871- . Indice General. 1868-75. 8vo. Rome, 1876. Ditto, ditto. 1868-85. 8vo. Rome, 1886. Discussione del Bilancio di Prima Previsione pel 1881. 8vo. Rome, 1881. (Supplemento alia Rivista Marittima.) Rivista Militare Italiana. Serie III, anno xvi. Tomo iv to 8vo. Florence, 1871- . Itinerary. Nouvcl Itineraire General. Folio. Paris, 1766. Ivanoff, A. Russian Grammar. Translated by W. E. Gowan. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Ivernois, Sir Francis d'. See D'lvemois. Ives, R. A., Lieut. Treatise on Military Law and the jurisdiction, constitution, and procedure of Military Courts. 8vo. New York, 1879. J. Jackson, Basil, Lieut.-Col. Course of Military Surveying. 2nd edition 8vo. Lond. 1841. Jackson, B. D. Vegetable Technology : a contribution towards a Bibliography of Economic Botany. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Jackson, Sir George. Diaries and Letters, from the Peace of Amiens to the Battle of Talavera. Edited by Lady Jackson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1872. The Bath Archives. A further selection from the Diaries and Letters of Sir George Jackson. 1809-18 16. Edited by Lady Jackson, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Jackson, J. R., Col. What to Observe ; or, the traveller's remembrancer. 8vo. l^ond. 1 84 1. Commentary Notes on the first two chapters of the " Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation." Lond. 1845. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) On National Education, with remarks on education in general. 2nd edition. Lond. 1845 (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli.) Military Geography; its nature, object, and importance. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Military Topography. See Lavalee. Jackson, Lowis D'A. Hydraulic ]\Linual. 8vo. Lond. 1875. 335 JAM Jackson, Robert. Remarks on the constitution of the Medical Department of the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1803. The formation, discipUne, and economy of Armies. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Jackson, Thomas. Tourist's Guide to Britannia Bridge, with an account of the Conway Tubular Bridge, and Menai Suspension Bridge. 8vo. Lond. 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Jacob, Sir George Le Grand, Major-Gen. Western India before and during the mutinies. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. Jacob, John, Brig.-Gen. Rifle Practice. 3rd edition. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (ii).) Views and opinions. Edited by Capt. Lewis Pelly. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Jacobi, G. A., Lieut. Ii^tat actuel de I'Artillerie de Campagne en Europe. Artillerie de Campagne L et R. Autrichenne. Trans- lated by Major J. B. C. F. Neuens. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Jacobi, J. G. Saemtliche Werke. 3 vols. i2mo. Halberstadt, 1770. Jacquemont. L'Armee Danoise au ler Janvier, 1870. Paris, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Jacquier, Francis. Naturalis Principia Mathematica. See Newton. Jaeger, G. Essays on Health-Culture. Translated by L. R. S, Tomalin. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Jaegld, Ernest. Prochaine Guerre Franco-Allemande. See Koettschau. JagO, William, Inorganic Chemistry. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Jagor, F. Travels in the Philippines. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Jal, A. Archeologie Navale. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Glossaire Nautique. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1848. Abraham du Quesne et la Marine de son temps. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Jamaica. Official Handbook of. See Sinclair. James the Second, King of England. Life of 8vo. Lond. 1702. James, Capt. Military Costume of India in an exemplification of the Manual and Platoon Exercises. 4to. Lond. 1S14. James, Charles, Major. Some existing cases of probable misapplication of Contingent Allowances particularly in the Militia of Great Britain. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxiii.) Lond. 1797. JAM 336 James, Charles, Major {continued) — Regimental Companion. 4th edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1803. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1805. Supplement to ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1807. New and enlarged Military Dictionary. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Collection of the charges, opinions, and sentences of General Court.s- Martial from 1795. ^^°- Lond. 1820. James, F. L. Wild Tribes of the Soudan. 8vo. Lond. 1883. James, G. P. R. History of Chivalry. i2mo. Lond. 1830. History of the life of Edward the Black Prince. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Life and times of Louis XIV. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. James, Sir Henry, Col. Tables for the reduction of the Meteorological Observations taken at the Stations of the Royal Engineers. 8vo. Lond. i860. Instructions for taking Meteorological Observations, with tables for their correction, and notes on Meteorological Phenomena. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Meteorological Observations taken in British Columbia. See British Columbia. Photo-Zincography. See Scott. Positions of Feaghmain and Haverfordwest on the Great European Arc of Parallel. See Clarke, A. R. Principal Lines of Spirit Levelling. See Surveys. James, Henry. Hawthorne. See Morley. (English Men of Letters.) James, J. O. N. Topographical Surveyor's Handbook. Oblong 4to. Calcutta, i860. James, Thomas, Capt. Voyage in discovery of a North-West Passage into the South Sea. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1740. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 1 740-1 756.) James, Thomas, Lieut.-Col. History of the Herculean Straits, now called the Straits of Gibraltar. 2 vols. 410. Lond. 1771. James, Walter H., Capt. Cavalry-Kriegsspiel. See Braun. James, William. Naval Occurrences of the late War between Great Britain and the United States of America. 8vo. Lond. 181 7. Ditto, ditto. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Warden refuted ; being a defence of the British Navy. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Lond. 1819. .337 JAR James, William {continued) — Reply to " A brief statement arising out of a passage in the third volume of James's Naval History of Great Britain, on the conduct and character of Lord W. Fitz-Ro)', in 1805." 8vo. Lond. 1824. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Improved Rail and Tram Roads. Lond. 1825. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Abstracts of the British Navy, 17 93- 1800. 4to. Lond. 1826. Naval History of Great Britain, 1 793-1820. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Naval History. Epitomised in one volume by R. O'Byrne. 8vo. Lond. 1888. James, W. H., Capt. Questions in Topography, Tactics, Mihtary Law, Fortification, Military Administration, and Drill. 8vo. Lond. 1881. James, Right Hon. Sir W. M. The British in India. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Jameson, Robert. System of Mineralogy. 3rd edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Manual of Mineralogy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 182 1. Polar Regions. See LesHe. Jameson, Mrs. Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Jammotte, E. Etude sur la Construction d'un Appareil destine a lancer des charges de dynamite. 8vo. Paris, 1884. Janeway, James. Token for Mariners. i2mo. Lond. 1708. Japan. Drill Books. Translated from the English. 5 vols, i 2mo. n.p., n.d. Seismological Society of Japan. Transactions. \'ols. iv to ix, xi and xii. 8vo. Yokohama, 1882-8. Jaques, William H., Lieut. U.S. Navy. Torpedoes for National Defence. New York, 1886. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Jardine, David. Missions to Constantinople and St. Petersburg. See Muffling. Jardine, Sir William, Bart. American Ornithology. See Wilson, A. Jarry, Gen. Outpost duty. See Napier, W. C. E. Jarvis, Major. Historical Record of the 82nd Regiment or the Prince of Wales's Volunteers. See Army, Records. JAS 338 Jasolino, Giulio. De Rimcdii Natural!, che sono nell' Isola di riihtcusa, hoggi delta Ischia. Con alcune annotationi del Sig. Gio. FiSTOYA, e neir ultimo aggiunti li Bagni d'Ischia di Gio. Elisio, Med. Nap., con le note di Gio. Francesco Lombardo. 4to. Naples appresso Giuseppe Cacchii, 1588, e di nuovo, 1689. Jaubert, P. Amedee. Clemens de la Grammairc Turke. 4to. Paris, 1823. Jauffret. Histoire de Russie. See Karamsin. Jazdowski, J. Italian and English Dictionary. See Meadows. Jeaffreson, J. C. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. An historical biography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Queen of Naples and Lord Nelson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Jeannin, President. Negociations. (Pctitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xi to xvi.) Jebb, J., Lieut.-Col. Treatise on strengthening and defending Outposts, Villages, Houses, Bridges, &:c. 8vo. Chatham, 1836. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Chatham, 1837. Practical Treatise on the Attack of Military Posts, Villages, &:c. Svo. Chatham, 1837. A flying shot at Fergusson and his " Peril of Portsmouth," &c. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) ' Lond. 1853. Jebb, Prof. R. C. Bentley. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Jecks, Isaac. Armour-clad Ships at Shoeburyness : also a new prin- ciple of construction. Lond. 1863. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Jeffery, Alfred. Notes on the Marine Glue. Svo. Lond. 1843. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Marine Glue. Svo. Lond. 1848. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Jefferys, T. Description of the Maritime Parts of France ; illustrated with charts of the sea-coast, and plans of all the fortified places on it ; with a glossary and plans of the several parts of fortification. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1761. The West India Atlas ; or a compendious description of the West Indies. Folio. Lond. 1775. Chart of the British Channel. Foho. Lond. 1775. Jeffreys, Julius. Loss of Life through the inefficiency of Ships' Boats. Svo. Lond. 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) The British Army in India. Svo. Lond. 1858. 339 JER Jekyll, John, Com. R.N. Portable Vapour Eath for the cure of Cholera, Yellow Fever, Szc. Lond. 1832. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. iv.) Jenkin, Fleeming-. Electrical Measurements. See Stotherd. Jenkins, Richard. Report on the Territories of the Rajah of Nagpore. 410. Calcutta, 1827. Jenkinson, Anthony. Travels to Eucharia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ix. Travels to Russia and Persia. ^t'^ Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ixxii and Ixxiii. Jenkinson, H. I. Guide to the Isle of Man. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Jenner, Thos. London's Elame, if not its shame : manifested by the great neglect of the Fishery. Small 4to. Lond. 165 1. (Eound with " The Commonwealth's Great Ship.") The Commonwealth's Great Ship called the " Soveraigne of the Seas." 4to. Lond. 1653, Jennings, Nicholas. Proposal for the encouragement of Seamen. See Morin. Jennings, William. System of Attack and Defence ; with rule for erecting Fortifications. 8vo. Dublin, 1808. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1815. Jerdan, William. Plan of a National Association for the encourage- ment and protection of Authors, and men of talent and genius. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Lond. 1839 Jerrold, Blanchard. Egypt under Ismail Pacha. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Jerusalem. Order of St. John of Jerusalem. See St. John. Jervis, Henry Jervis-White. History of Corfu and the Ionian Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Jervis, Humphrey, Lieut. Narrative of a journey to the Falls of the Cavery ; with an historical and descriptive account of the Neilgherry Hills. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Jervis, J. W., Capt. The Rifle Musket. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Our Engines of War, and how we got to make them. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Jervis, T. B., Major. India in relation to Great Britain. Considerations on its future administration. Lond. 1853. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciii.) Travels in Kashmir and the Panjab. See Hiigel. Jervis, W. P. Geological Map of the Crimea. In 8vo case. Lond. 185S. z 2 jr.R 340 Jervise, Andrew. Memorials of Angus and the Mcarns. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861. Jervois, Sir W. F. D., Col. Defensive policy of Cireat Britain. Lond. 187 1. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciv.) Defence of New Zealand. Folio. Wellington, 1884. Jesse, Edward. Journal uf a Naturalist. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Gleanings in Natural History. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835. An Angler's Rambles. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Jesse, J. Heneage. Memoirs of the life and reign of King George the Third. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Jesse, William, Capt. Caravan journeys in Persia. See Ferrier. History of the Afghans. See Ferrier. Jesuites. A Peece of Ordnance invented by a Jesuite, for Cowards. i2mo. n.p., 1645. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Jeune de Boulencourt. Description gene'rale de I'Hostel Royal des Invalides. Folio. Paris, 1683. Jewitt, Llewellynn. Handbook of Numismatics. English Coins. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1840. Jews. :0D^ Ql^li? ^i^"\U>"^ "^il^- The rights of the Jewish Nation asserted. Lond. 1840. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiii.) Jews' Hospital. Rules and Regulations. Lond. 1808. {8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Jinkins, Capt. Spanish Insolence corrected by English Bravery; an account of the Naval Atchievements obtained by the English over the Spaniards, 1 350-1 739. 8vo. (2 copies.) Lond. 1739. (Radstock Collection, Spanish War.) Jocelyn, J. R. J., Capt. Short notes on Tactics and Reconnaissance. Lond. 1881. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxv.) Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Jocelyn, Robert J[ocelyn, Viscount, Lieut. Six Months with the Chinese Expedition ; 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Jochmus, A. von. Gesammelte Schriften. Herausgegeben von Dr. G. M. Thomas. 4 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1883-^. Vols, i and ii. The Syrian War and the decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1840-48. „ iii. Beitrag zur Aktenmassigen Darstellung des Deutschen Reichsministeriums von 1849. ,, iv. Briefwechsel seiner Kaiserlichen Hoheit des Erzherzogs Johann von Osterreich vom 1850-59. 341 ]OH John (St.) of Jerusalem. See St. John. Johnes, Thomas. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, t^'C. See Froissart and also Monstrelct. Johns, W. Regimental Nicknames. Fond. 1881, (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) Johns, Major, and Lieut. Nicolas. Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain, or Calendar of Victory. Svo. Lond. i860. Johnson, A. C. On finding the Latitude and Longitude. 8th edition. Lond. 1886. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Ditto, ditto. 9th edition. Lond. 1887. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Short Tables and Rules for finding Latitude and Longitude. 8vo Lond. 1887. Johnson, Edward John, Com. R.N. Sailing Directions from Sunderland Point to Berwick, including the Farn Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1836. (Bound in vol. lettered "Sailing Directions.") Johnson, Francis. Dictionary ; Persian, Arabic, and English. 4to. Lond. 1852. Johnson, Dr. J. Influence of Tropical Climates on European Con- stitutions ; including an essay on indigestion. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Johnson, J. E., Capt. Advantages of a Steam Navigation to India. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Lond. 1824. Johnson, Manuel J. Catalogue of 606 principal Fixed Stars in the Southern Hemisphere. Lond. 1835. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Johnson, R. P., Capt. Night Attacks. A treatise on nocturnal tactics. i2mo. Lond. 1886. Johnson, Samuel. Argument proving that the Abrogation of King James was according to the Constitution of the English Government. 5th edition. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xix.) Lond. 1693. Works. With an essay on his life and genius, by Arthur Murphy. 12 vols. Svo. Lond. 1792. Dictionary of the English Language. Edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1827. See also Latham. Notes to Shakespeare. See Shakespeare. Johnson, William. The Light of Navigation, wherein are declared and lively pourtrayed all the coasts and hauens of the West, North, and East Seas, &c. 4to. Amsterdam, 1620. Johnston, G. M. Description of the Province of South Carolina, with an account of the air, weather, and diseases of Charles Town. Svo. Lond. 1770. JOH 342 Johnston, H. H. River Congo, from its rnouth to Bolobo. 8vo, Lond. 1884. Johnston, Keith. Map of tlic Lake Region of Eastern Africa, showing the sources of the Nile ; with notes on the exploration of this region. 8vo. Lond. 1870. A physical, historical, political and descriptive Geography. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Africa. Sve Stanford's Compendium. Johnston, R. The Comi)etitive Geography. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Civil Service Guide. 7th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Johnston, W. Inventions and Discoveries. See Beckmann. Johnston, W. P. Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston. 8vo. New York, 1879. Johnstone, Chevalier de. Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745-6. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 182 1. Johnstone, H. A, Munro-Butler-. See Munro. Joinville, Jean Sire du. Histoire de Saint Louis. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. ii.) Joinville, Prince de. Naval Strength of France in comparison with that of England. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Lond. 1844. Note sur I'etat des Forces Navales de la France. Paris, 1844. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Joly, Claude. Memoires concernant le Cardinal de Retz. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xlvii.) Joly, Guy. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xlvii.) Jomini, G., General. La Formation des Troupes pour le Combat Paris, 1856. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxii.) Abrifs der Kriegskunst. See Militarische Klassiker. Seven Years' War in Germany. See Lloyd. Jomini, H., Baron de. General. Histoire critique et militaire des Guerres de Frederic II, compar^e au systeme moderne, avec un recueil des pnncipes de I'art de la guerre. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Histoire critique et militaire des Guerres de la Revolution. 15 vols. Svo. and folio Atlas. Paris, 1819-24. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 15 vols. 8vo, and 2 vols, of Atlas, 4to and folio. Paris, 1820-4. Exposition of the first principles of Grand Military Combinations and Movements ; with remarks by Lieut. J. A. Gilbert. 8vo. Lond. 1825. 343 JON Jomini, H., Baron de, General {continurd) — Vie politique et militaire de Napoleon. 8vo. Brussels, 1829. Tableau Annlytique des principales Combinaisons de la Guerre, et de leur rapports avec la politique des Etats. 3rd edition. Bvo. Paris, 1830. Precis de I'Art de la Guerre, ou nouveau tableau analytique des principales combinaisons de la strategic, de la grande tactique et de la politique militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Precis politique et militaire de la Campagne de 181 5. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Precis politique et militaire des Campagnes de 1812 a 18 14. Edited by F. Lecomte. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Jonchere, M. de la. Nouvelle Methode de Fortifier les plus grandes Villes. i2mo. Paris, 17 18. Jones, Capt. Artificial Fireworks improved to the Modern Practice, from the minutest to the highest branches ; also Mr. Muller's Fire- works for sea and land service. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1776. Jones, Charles, Lieut. Rifled Ordnance. See Stoney. Jones, E. M., Major. 'J'actics. See Laymann. Operations of the German Armies in France. See Blume. Jones, Felix, Capt Vestiges of Assyria. 3 maps in folio case. Lond. 1855. The direct Highway to the East. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) Jones, Rev. Frank. Life of Sir Martin Frobisher, containing a narrative of the Spanish Armada. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Jones, George, Capt. Battle of Waterloo, also of Ligny, Quatre-Bras, &c. 10th edition. 4to. Lond. 181 7. Ditto, ditto, nth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Jones, Sir Harry D., Lieut.-Gen. Reports relating to the re-establishment of the Fortresses in the Netherlands, 1814-1S30. 8vo. Lond. i86i. Siege of Sebastopol. See Campaigns. Jones, H. Helsham, Major. The history and geography of Afghanistan and the Afghan Cam- paigns of 1838-9 and 1S42. 8vo. Chatham, 1878. Campaigns of Lord Lake against the Marathas, 1804-6. 8vo. Chatham, 1881. Jones, Inigo, Major. Divisional Tactics. See Decker. Jones, Jenkin, Capt. R.N. Character and conduct of Captain Corbet vindicated. Bvo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) TON 344 Jones, John, Sergeant-Major. The Iron-Band Gabion, and its application to military field pur|)oses. Chatham, 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Jones, Sir J. T., Bart., Major-Gen. Account of the War in Si)ain, rorlugal, and the South of France, 1808-14. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821. Journal of the Sieges undertaken by the Allies in Spain, in 181 1-2. 8vo. Lond. 18 14. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Jones, J. W. Discovery of America. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. vii. Travels of Ludovico di Varthema. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxxii. Jones, L. T., Capt. Historical Journal of the British Campaign on the Continent in 1794, with the retreat through Holland in 1795. 4to. Birmingham, 1797. Jones, T. Rupert. Diamond Fields of South Africa. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Natural History, Geology, and Physics of Greenland. See Arctic Regions. Jones, William. Life of Nader Shah. See Nader. Jones, William A. Report upon the Reconnaissance of North- western Wyoming, including Yellowstone National Park, made in 1873. 8vo. Washington, 1875. Jones, W. D., Col. Records of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Folio. Woolwich, 185 1. Jonson, Ben. Works. With notes and a biographical memoir, by W. Clifford. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816. Jonville, Michel de Castelnau, Baron de. Memoirs. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxiii.) Joost, L. J. J. A., Capt., Lieut. W. B. J. Duycker, and Lieut. W". C. F. Bresler. Handleiding tot de kennis der Draagbare Wapenen. 8vo, with folio Atlas. Breda, 1870. Jordanus, Friar. The Wonders of the East. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxxi. Joseph II, Empereur d'Allemagne. Recueil de Lettres Origin- alcs, au Cieneral Dalton, November, 1789. 8vo. Lond. 1790. Josephus, Flavins. Works. Translated by W^illiam Whiston. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817. Jouart, A. Manuel ^ I'usage des Officiers d'Artillerie de Reserve et de I'Armde Territoriale. i2mo. Paris, n.d. La Guerre de Montagues. See Garcia. 345 KAE Journals. Journal of a Nobleman ; comprising an account of his travels. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Household Brigade. Journal of. See Dolby. See also Periodicals. Juan y Santacilia, Don George. Examen Maritime, theorique et pratique, ou Traite de Mecanique, applifiue h la construction et a la manoeuvre des Vaisseaux. Translated by M. Leveque. 4to. Nantes, 1783. Juan y Santacilia, Don George, and Don Antonio de Ulloa. Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional. 4 vols, in two. 4to. Madrid, 1748. Voyage to South America. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1772. Ditto, ditto. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xiv. Observaciones astronomicas y physicas. 4to. Madrid, 1773. Jukes, J. B. General Report of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland, 1839 and 1840. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M.S. "Fly" in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other islands of the Eastern Archipelago, during the years 1 842-1 846. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Junior Naval Professional Association. See Naval. Junius. Letters published under the name of Junius. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Juppont, P. Eclairage Electriciue. See War, Art of Justamond, J. O. The private life of Lewis XV. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 78 1. Juste, Theodore. Musee Royal d'Antiquites, d'Armures, et d'Artil- lerie. See Catalogues. Justinus, M. J. Ex Trogi Pompeii Historiis externis. With tables and index by N. Bailey. 8vo. Lond. 1732. Justinus. Historiae Philippicge, cum versione Anglica, by John Clarke. 8vo. Lond. 1732. K. Kaehler, Major. Erench and Prussian Cavalry in the Battle near Vionville and Mars- la-Tour, i6th August, 1870. Translated by T. Hector Smith. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Lond. 1874. Die Preussische Rciterei von 1806 bis 1876. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. KAL 346 Kalakoutsky, Nicholas, General. Investigations into the Internal Stresses in Cast Iron and Sleel. 4to. Lond. 18S8. Kalendars. See Calendars. Kalm, Peter. Travels into North America. See rinkerton's Collection, vol. xiii. Kane, Dr. E. K. Arctic Explorations : the second Grinnell Expedi- tion in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-54-55. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. Kane, John. of Officers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. See Army Records. Kane, Richard, Brig.-Gen. Campaigns of King William and the iJuke of .Marlborough; with remarks on the stratagems, 1689- 1712 : also a new system of military discipline. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1747. Kane, Robert. Industrial Resources of Ireland. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1845. Karamsin. Histoire de I'Empire de Russie, traduit par MM. St. Thomas et Jauffret. 1 1 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819-26. Karcher, Theodore. Les Ecrivains Militaires de la France. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Kastenko, L. F., Col. See Kostenko. Kastner, G. Les Chants de I'Armee Frangaise. 4to. Paris, 1855. Kaulbars, Baron, CoL Rapport sur I'Armee Allemande. Translated from the Russian by G. Le Marchand. 8vo. Paris, 1878. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Kauntze, G. E. P., Capt. Historical Record of the Third or King's Own Regiment of Light Dragoons. ^S"^^ Army Records. Kausler, P. von. Atlas des plus memorables Batailles, Combats et Sieges. 4to. And Atlas, 2 vols. Folio. Carlsrue, 1831. Kaven, A. von. BarackenT.azarethe. See Adenau. Kaye, J. W. History of the War in Afghanistan. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Administration of the East India Company. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Life and correspondence of Henry St. George Tucker. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Life and correspondence of Major-Gen. Sir John Malcolm. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Life and correspondence of Charles, Lord Metcalfe. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Lond. 1858. History of the Sepoy War in India, 1857-8. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864-76. Analytical index to ditto. See Pincott. Lives of Indian Officers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Bengal Artillery. See Army Records. 347 KEN Keane, A. H. Ethnology. 5^^ Stanford's Compendium, Keats, Sir Richard Goodwin, Admiral. Order of Procession for his Funeral. .Svo. n.p. 1834. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Keays- Young, H. W., Capt. Army reorganization and recruiting. Svo. Sandgate, 1874. (Bound in vol. lettered " Recruiting.") Keene, H. G. The Moghul Empire ; from the death of Aurungzeb to the overthrow of the Mahratta Power. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Kelaart, E. F. Prodromus Faunce Zeylanicae ; being contributions to the Zoology of Ceylon, ^'ol. i and vol. ii, part i. 8vo. Ceylon, 1852-3. Kell, John Mcintosh, Capt. Cruise and combats of the "Alabama" (Excerpt " Harper's Mag."). Washington, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Kelland, Rev. P. Natural Philosophy. See Young. Kelley, J. D. Jerrold, Lieut. U.S.N. Modern Ships of War. See Reed. Kelly, C. The memorable Battle of Waterloo, iScc. 4to. Lond. 181 7. History of the French Revolution and of the wars produced by that event. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1819. Kelly, P. Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor. 2nd edition. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1831-5. Practical introduction to Spherics and Nautical Astronomy. 8vo. Lond. 1796. Kelway, C. E. Patent Electric Log. Lond. 1882. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Kempe, A. J. Historical Notices of the Church of St. Martin-le-Grand, London. Svo. Lond. 1825. The Losely Manuscripts. Svo. Lond. 1836. Monumental Effigies. See Stothard. Kempe, H. R. Handbook of Electrical Testing. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1SS4. Kempfer, E. History of Japan. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii, Kennedy, J. Clark, Major. Algeria and Tunis in 1S45. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1846. Theory of Musketry adapted for the use of the Troops. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liv.) Lond. 1855. KEN 348 Kennedy, J. P., Lieut.-Col. Jloinhay, Haroda, and Central India Railway. Lond. 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Report on progress and cost of railway works of the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway. Folio. n.p. 1861. Break of Gauge in India. See Andrew. Kennedy, Sir James Shaw, Gen. Notes on the Defences of (ireat Britain and Ireland. 4th edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvii.) Lond. 1859. Notes on the Battle of Waterloo. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Kennedy, R. H, Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus, in Sind and Kaubool, in 1838-9. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Kennet, Basil. Romje Antiquse Notitia ; or the Antiquities of Rome ; to which are prefixed two essays concerning the Roman learning and the Roman education. 8vo. No title page. Kenney, Charles Lamb. Gates of the East. Ten chapters on the Isthmus of Suez Canal. 2nd edition. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvii.) Kennish, W. Method for concentrating the Fire of a Broadside of a Ship of War. 4to. Lond. 1837. Kenny, A. S. On Duty under a Tropical Sun. See Hunt. Kenrick, John. Greek Grammar. See Matthias. Kent, H.R.H. Duke of. Standing Orders for the Garrison of Gibraltar. See Gibraltar. Kent, John. Biographia Nautica : or memoirs of illustrious Seamen. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1781. (Radstock Collection.) Kent, W. Saville. Official Guide-Book to the Brighton Aquarium. (8vo Pamphlets. 3rd series, vol. xx.) Brighton, n.d. Kente. Abrege de la Mission de Rente. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. viii.) Kepler, John. Life of Kepler. 8vo. Lond. n.d. (Bound with " Life of Galileo.") Keppel, Admiral. Letter from an Officer of the Naval Army of France to the Hon. Admiral Keppel. 8vo. Lond. 1778. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Three Poems dedicated to Admiral Keppel — (^7.) Nereus's Prophecy. (/>.) A Congratulatory Ode. {c.) The Anti-Palliseriad. 4to. Lond. 1779. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) 349 I^HI Keppel, Admiral {continued) — Vindication of the Conduct of the Admiralty towards Admiral Keppel. 8vo. Lond. 1779. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Keppel, Hon. George. Personal narrative of travels in Babylonia, Assyria, Media, and Scythia, in the year 1824. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1827. Journey across the Balcan by the two passes of Selimno and Pravadi ; also of a visit to Azani, and other ruins in Asia Minor, 1829-30. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Keppel, Hon. H., Capt. R.N. Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. " Dido " ; with extracts from the Journal of James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Keppel, Hon. and Rev. Thomas. Life of Augustus, Viscount Keppel, Admiral. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Kerguelen, Tremarec, M. de. Voyage in the North Sea. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Kerguelen, Y. J., Admiral. Relation des Combats et des Ever.e- ments de la Guerre Maritime de 1778 entre La France ct L'Angleterre. Svo. Paris, An 9-1 801. (Radstock Collection.) Kerhallet, C. P. de, Capt. Examination of the Pacific Ocean. 8vo. Washington, 1869. General examination of the Atlantic Ocean. Translated by Capt. R. H. Wyman. 8vo. Washington, 1870. Examination of the Indian Ocean. Translated by R. H. Wyman. Svo. Washington, 1870. Kerhallet, De, De Freminville, Boutroux, Terquem, et C. Laboulaye. Guide du Marin, resume des connaissances les plus utiles aux marins. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1863. Kerigan, Thomas. Complete Mathematical and general Navigation Tables. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 182S. Treatise on the Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, with remarks on the Theory of the Tides. Svo. Lond. 1844. Kerr, Mrs. Alexander. History of Servia. 6"^^ Ranke. Kerrick, Rev. T. Catalogue of Roman Coins. See Catalogues. Kerros, C. Manuel du Pilote-Cotier. i2mo. Paris, 1869. Kessel, Gen. von. Die Ausbildung des Preussischen Infanterie- Bataillons im praktischen dienst. Svo. Berlin, 1869. Key, Astley Cooper. Narrative of the Recovery of H.M.S. " Gorgon," stranded in the Bay of Monte Video. Svo. Lond. 1847. Khiva. Narrative of the Russian Military Expedition to Khiva in 1717. Translated by R. Michell. Lond. 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) KID 3.«;o Kidd, J. Ouilincs of Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1S09. Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical condition of Man. {/y'r/J^r. Treat.) 8vo. Lond. 1836. Kidd, Rev. S. Catalogue of the Chinese Library of the Royal Asiatic Society. See Catalogues. Kieffer, J. D., and T. X. Bianchi. Dictionnaire Turc-Fran^ais. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835-7. Kiernan, John. Hints on Horse-Shoeing : an exposition of the Dunbar System, taught to the Farriers of the United States Army. 4to. Washington, 187 1. Kincaid, J., Capt. Random Shots from a Rifleman. 8vo. Lond. 1835. King. Marine Lamps. Lond. 1814. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. See Hunter. King", Arthur. List of the Irish Clergy. See Robertson. King, Clarence. Geology. See U.S. Army, Engineer Depart- ment. King, C. Cooper, Capt. Map and plan drawing. 8vo. Lond. [1876.] Great Campaigns in Europe. See Adams. Wellington Prize Essay. See Wellington. Kiig, James, Capt. Voyages of Capt. Cook. See Cook. King, J. W., Chief Engineer U.S.N. European Ships of War and their Armament. 8vo. Washington, 1877. Ditto, ditto. Revised and corrected with notes by an " English Naval Architect." 8vo. Lond. 1878. War-Ships and Navies of the World. 8vo. Boston, 1880. King, Peter, Lord. Life of John Locke, with extracts from his correspondence, journals, and common-place books. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. King, Phillip Parker, Capt. R.N. Sailing Directions for the coasts of Eastern and Western Patagonia, the Strait of Magalhaens, and the coasts of Tierra del Fuego. 8vo. Lond. 1832. South America. See Fitzroy. Surveying Voyage of H.M. Ships " Adventure " and "Beagle." See " Adventure." King, P. S. Catalogue of Parliamentary Papers. See Catalogues. King, Richard. Polar Sea Expeditions and Polar land journeys. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxyiii.) Lond. 1845. 351 KIR King, W. R., Major U.S. Army. Materials for Defensive Armor. Sec U.S. Army, Engineers Prof. Papers, No. 17. King-Harman, M. J., Major. Reconnoitrer's Guide and Field Book, adapted for India. 2nd edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1884. Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863-87. Mr. Kinglake and the Quarterlies. Lond. 1863. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Kingzett, C. T. Animal Chemistry. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Kinloch, A,, Capt. Santa Maura : a few pages upon that Island. Edinburgh, 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) The Murray River. Adelaide, 1853. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. v.) Operations of General Durando in Venetia. See Azeglio. Kinnis, Dr. J. Report on Small-pox as it appeared in Ceylon in 1833-34. Colombo, 1835. Letter to the Inhabitants of Ceylon, on the advantages of Vaccina- tion. Ceylon, 1837. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Kirby, Rev. William. The power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in the creation of Animals and in their history, habits, and instincts. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835. (Bridgewater Treatise.) Fauna Boreali-Americana. See Richardson, J. Kirby, Rev. William, and William Spence. Introduction to Entomology or elements of the natural history of insects. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1 81 5, Kirkaldy, David. Experimental Inquiry into the tensile strength and other properties of various kinds of WroughtTron and Steel. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Results of an Experimental Inquiry into the INIechanical Properties of Steel. 4to. Lond. 1873. Kirkby, Col. Account of the Transaction between Admiral Benbow and M. Du Cass, with the proceedings thereupon in the case of Col. Kirkby. 8vo. Lond. 1705. (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Kirke, Henry. First English conquest of Canada, with some account of the earliest settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Svo. Lond. 1 87 1. Kirkpatrick, Col. Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul, 1793. 4to. Lond. 181 1. Kirkwall, Viscount. Four years in the Ionian Islands. See WhittinLrhani. KIR 352 Kirwan, Charles J. Notes on the dispatcli of Troops by Sea. Lond. 1859. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. Ix.wiv.) Kirwan, Richard. Geological Essays. Svo. Lond. 1799. Kitts, Eustace J. Census of Berar, 1881. See India. Kjerulf, Prof. The Terraces of Norway. Translated by Marshall Hall. Lond. 1870. (Svo Taniplilcts, 2nd series, vol. Ixxx.) Klaczko, Julian. The Two Chancellors ; Prince Gortchakof and Prince Pismark. Translated from the French, by Mrs. Tait. Svo. Lond. 1877. Klein, Pastor. The Pastor's Narrative, or before and after the Battle of ^Vorlh, 1870. Translated by Mrs. F. E. Marshall. Svo. Lond. 1S79. Kleist, E. C. von. Samtliche Werke. 4th edition. 2 vols, in one. 121110. Berlin, 1782. Klemm, Dr. Gustav. Allgemeine Culturwissenschaft. Das Feuer. Die Nohrung. (ie- tranke. Narkotica. Svo. Leipsic, 1855. Die Wertzenge und Wassen ihre Entstehung und Ausbildung. Svo. Sonderhausen, 1S5S. Klenze, Leo von. Glyptothek des Konigs von Bayern. See Catalogues, Art. Klinger, F. M. Theater. 2 vols. i2mo. Riga, 1786. Klipffel, Capt., et Capt. Duval-Laguierce. Garnet de renseigne- ments a I'usage des Officiers du Genie en Campagne. i2mo. Paris, 1880. Klotzius, C. A. Historia Numorum Obsidionalium. i2mo. Altenburg, 1765. Klotzmann, Franz. Drehbare Panzer fiir Kanonen in Landbefesli- gungen. Svo, with folio plates. Vienna, 1SS7. Klunzinger, C. B, Upper Egypt : its people and its products. Svo. Lond. 1S78. Kmoch, George. Voyage to Ungava Bay. See Kohlmeister. Knesebeck, E, von dem. Geschichte der Churhannoverschen Trup- pen in Gibraltar, Minorca und Ostindien. Svo. Hanover, 1S45. Knight, Capt. Diary of a pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet. Svo. Lond. 1S63. Knight, John, Capt. R.N. Mediterranean Survey. Folio. Lond. 1794. Sailing Directions for the Road of Leghorn. Lond. 1797. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Maritime Survey, containing directions for navigating the Iroise Passage, or Bay of Brest, with the Glenan Isles and Isle Houat. Lond. 1S02. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii).) 353 KNO Knig-ht, John, Capt. R.N. {continued) — Survey of the Bay of Brest. Folio. Lond. 1802. (Containing a Chart of Falmouth Harbour by I.ieut. James Manderson). Voyage to seek the North-West Passage. ^S*^^ Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ivi. Knight, J. G. The Australasian Colonies at the International Exhibition, London, 1862. Melbourne, 1865. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiii.) Knight, Richard Payne. Nummi Veteres civitatum, regum, gentium, et provinciarum, Londini in Museo Richardi Payne Knight. 4to. Lond. 1830. Knight, Thomas, Corporal. British Battalion at Oporto, with adventures, anecdotes, and exploits in Holland, at Waterloo, and in the expedition to Oporto. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Knighthood. Historical anecdotes of heraldry and chivalry. 4to. Worcester, 1795. Collections made for a history of chivalry, knighthood, &c. 4to. n.p., n.d. Knighton, W. History of Ceylon. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Knollys, H., Capt. From Sedan to Saarbruck, via Verdun, Gravelotte, and Metz. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Incidents in the China War of i860, compiled from the private journals of General Sir Hope Grant. 8vo. I^ond. 1875. Sepoy War. See Grant, Sir J. H. Knollys, Sir William. Alarm of an Invasion from Spain in 1596. See National Defence. Knollys, W., Col. Russian Campaign of 181 2. 61?^ Fezensac. Knollys, W. W., Major. Hand-Book of Field Fortification. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Memoirs and correspondence of Field-Marshal Viscount Com- bermere. See Combermere. Knoop, W. J., Capt. Remarques critiques sur I'ouvrage du Capt. Siborne intitule: " Histoire de la Guerre de 181 5, en France." Traduction Fran9aise par P. G. Booms. The Hague, 1847. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liii.) Knorr, Emil. Das Russische Heeres-Sanitatswesen wahrend des Feldzugs 1877-78. 8vo. Hanover, 18S3. Knorr, E. R. Gulf Stream. 6V^ Gulf Stream. Knowles, Admiral. The Conduct of Admiral Knowles on the late Expedition set in a true light. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection, Expedition to France.) 2 A KNO 354 Knowles, Sir Charles Henry, Bart. Observations on Ship- liuilding. Lond. 1795. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Knowles, John. Inquiry into the means which have been taken to preserve the British Navy from the Dry Rot. 4to. Lond. 1821. Naval Architecture. See Steel. Knowler, William. Letters and despatches of the Earl of Strafforde. See Strafforde. Knox, John, Capt. Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America, 1757-60. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1769. Knox, Robert. Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon. Folio. Lond. 1 68 1. See also Fellowes. Knox, Thomas W. Decisive Battles since Waterloo ; the most imjjortant military events 181 5-1 887. 8vo. New York, 1887. Knox, Rev. Vicesimus, D.D. Liberal Education; or a practical treatise on the method of acquiring useful and polite learning. nth edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1795. Knox, W. G., Major. Turco-Russian War, 1877-8. See Aldershot Military Society. Koch, F., General. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de la Campagne de 18 14. 3 vols. Svo, and folio Atlas. Paris, 1819. Tableau des Revolutions de I'Europe. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Bulletin des Sciences Militaires. Huitieme Section de Bulletin Universel des Sciences et de I'lndustrie, public sous la direction de M. le Baron de Ferussac. Vols, iv to xi (bound in five). 8vo. Paris, 1827-31. Memoires de Massena. See Massena. Koehoorn. See Coehoom. Koerner, Alfred. The Hotchkiss single-barrel rapid-firing Gun. 4to. Paris, 1884. Koettschau, C, Lieut.-Col. La Prochaine Guerre Franco- Allemande. Translated by Ernest Jaegle. i2mo. Paris, 1887. Kohl, J. G. Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Austria, Vienna, Prague, Hungary, Bohemia, and the Danube, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Ireland, Scotland, and England. Svo. Lond. 1844. Kohlmeister, Benjamin, and George Kmoch. Voyage from Okkak, on the Coast of Labrador to Ungava Bay. Lond. 18 14. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvi.) Kohne, H. Das Schiessen der Feld-Artillerie. Svo. Berlin, 1 88 1. Koldewey, Capt. German Arctic Expedition of 1S69-70, and narrative of the Wreck of the " Hansa." Svo. Lond. 1874. 355 KUH Kolli, Baron de. Memoirs relative to his secret mission in 1810, for liberating Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, from captivity at Valencay. To which are added, Memoirs of the Queen of Etruria, written by herself. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Kostenko, L. F., Col. Description of the Journey of a Russian Mission to IJokhara in 1870. Translated by Robert Michell. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) TyPKECTAllCKlii KPAli. 3 vols. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1880. The Turkistan Region : a military statistical review of the Tiirkistan Mihtary District of Russia. 3 vols. 8vo. Simla, 1882. Kotzebue, Otto von, Capt. Kindred ; a comedy : translated by Lieut.-Col. H. Capadose. 8vo. Lond. 1827. New voyage round the World in 1823-6. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Organs of the Brain : translated by Lieut.-Col. IL Capadose. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Krahmer, Capt. Conquests of Russia in Central Asia: Russian Turkestan and her relations with the neighbouring Khanates. Translated by Lieut. J. C. Dalton. 8vo, Cork [1877]. Krause, Carolus Christian. Medicina. See Celsus. Krautz, A. V., Major-Gen. U.S. Army. What the United States Army should be. See United States. Kress, G, L. von. Rittersaal im Schlosse zu Erbach im Odenwalde. 4to. Offenbach, 1832. Kromhout, J. H. Eene Studie op het gebied der Veldversterkings- kunst. 8vo. The Hague, 1885. Kronenfels, J. F. von. Das Schwimmende Flottenmaterial der Seemachte. 8vo. Vienna, 1881. Ditto, ditto. Die Kriegsschiffbauten, 1881-2. 8vo. Vienna, 1883. Die Marine. See Brommy. Kropp, W., Capt. Physical Geography of the Red Sea, with sailing directions. Washington, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Krupp, F. Trial of an ii-inch Krupp's cast-steel breech-loading Gun, fired against the " Hercules" Shield in Russia. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Gussstahl-Fabrik bei Essen a/R. 4to. 1875-9. Experiences de Tir de I'^tablissement Fried. Krupp, executees au Polygone de Meppen. 4to. Essen, 1879. Photographs of Guns, &c. Folio in case. Kugler, Dr. Franz. History of Painting. See Murray. Kuhn, F. F. von. Der Gebirgskrieg. 2nd edition. 8vo. Vienna, 1878. 2 A 2 KUH 356 Kuhne, Major. Kritische und unkritische Wanderungen liber die Ciesechtsfelder dcr Preussischen Armeen in Bohmen, 1866, 5 parts. 8vo. Berlin, 1875-87. Kuhnenfeld, Baron Kuhn von. Strategical Importance of the Euphrates Valley Railway. Translated by Capt. C. W. Wilson. Lond. 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. c.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) Kummer, von, Lieut. Grundzuge des Heeres-Organisation in Oesterreich-Ungarn, Russland, Italien, Frankreich, und Deutsch- land. Berlin, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Kundmann, J. C. Nummi Singulares oder Sonderbare Thaler und Mimtzen. i2mo. Breslau, 1731. Kuropatkin, A. N., Col. Kashgaria (Eastern or Chinese Turki- stan). Translated by W. E. Gowan. 8vo. Calcutta, 1882. Kiittner, C. G., and W. Nicholson. Dictionary of the German Language for Englishmen. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1805-13. Kutzner, J. C. Die Reise des Prinzen Waldemar von Preuszen nach Indien in 1844-6. 8vo. Berlin, 1857. Kyan. Report from the Committee appointed to investigate Mr. Kyan's Patent for the Prevention of Dry Rot in Timber. Lond. 1835. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Preservation of Timber. See Birkbeck. Kynaston, A. F., Capt. R.N. Casualties Afloat : with practical suggestions for their prevention and remedy. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Patent Slip or Life-Hooks. Lond. 1859. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) L. Labat, J. B. Nouveau voyage aux lies de I'Amerique. 8 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1742. (Southey's copy, with autographs.) 357 LAC Labaume, Eugene. Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, embellished with plans of the Battles of the Moskwa and Malo-Jaroslavitz. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 815. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 181 5. Relation complete de la Campagne de Russieen 181 2. 5th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1816. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Svo. Paris, 1820. Histoire de la chute de I'Empire de Napoleon. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Labillardi^re. Voyage in search of La Perouse, 1791-93. 2 vols. Svo, and 4to atlas. Lond., 1800. (Bound in cloth and lettered by Southey.) Labilliere, F. P. de. See De Labilliere. Laborde, Col. Napoleon's march to Paris. See Ussher. Laborde, A. de. View of Spain. 5 vols, and atlas. Svo. Lond. 1809. Atlas de I'ltineraire descriptif de I'Espagne. Svo. n.p., n.d. Laborde, Leon de. Journey through Arabia Petrsea to Mount Sinai, and the excavated city of Petra, the Edom of the Prophecies. Translated from the French. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond, 1838, Laboulaye, C. Guide du Marin. See Kerhallet. La Caille. See Caille. Lacombe, P. Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the middle ages, also a notice of modern weapons. Translated with additions by Charles Boutell. Svo. Lond. 1869. Lacon, W. S. Loss of the "Orion," the "Amazon," and the "Birkenhead." 2nd edition. Lond. 1852. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Management of Ships' Boats. Lond. 1852. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Rule of the Road at Sea, or the steering and sailing rules. (Svo Pamjihlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxviii.) Lond. 1868. La Condamine. See Condamine. La Coste, Eugene de. Precis des dernibres Guerres des Russes contre les Turcs. Svo. Paris, 1S28. Lacroix, E. L'Infanterie de Marine pendant la 2e Invasion (1870-1). 4th edition. i2mo. Paris, 1879. Lacroix, F. Make et le Goze. Svo. n.p., n.d. LAF 358 Lafay, J., Capt, Aidc-Memoire d'Artillerie Navale. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Lafayette, Madame de. Memoires, &:c. (I'ctitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols. Ixiv-lxv.) Lagerberg, Magnus. Bref Fran Soderns Lander. 8vo. Goteborg, 187 1. Lagos. Destruction of Lagos. 8vo. Lond. 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Lagoy. Description de quelques Medaille inedites de Massilia, de Clanum, des Coenicenses et des Auscii. 4to. Aix, 1834. La Graviere. See Graviere. Laguierce, Capt. DuvaL See Duval-Laguierce. Lahaussois, M. L'Armee Prussienne. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. ii). Lahontan, Baron. Travels in Canada. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xiii. Lahure, A., Capt. La Cavalerie et son armement depuis la Guerre de 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Brussels, 1871. Notes sur le Service des Etats-Majors en Campagne et en Temps de Paix. 2 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1875. Laing, Rev. J. Dictionary of Anonymous Literature. See Halkett. Laird, Macgregor, and R. A. K. Oldfield. Expedition into the interior of Africa by the River Niger, in 1832-4, 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Laisne, J. Aide-Memoire portatif a I'usage des Officiers du Genie. i2mo. Brussels, 1839. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. Chaps, i, vii, and viii. i2mo. Paris, 1883. Lake, A., Col. Narrative of the Defence of Kars. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Lake, Edward, Lieut. Madras Engineers. Journal of the Sieges of the Madras Army, 1817-9. 8vo, with 4to plates. Lond. 1825. Lake, Edward, Major-Gen. In Memoriam. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Lalande, Joseph-Jerome le Francois de. Tables de Logarithmes. i6rno. Paris, 181 8. See also Reynaud. Connoissance des Temps. See France, Periodicals. Lallemand, A. Traite theorique et pratique des Operations Secondaire de la Guerre. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. Topographical Atlas to ditto. 4to. -Paris, 1 846. . 359 LAN Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de M. de. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres. 7 vols, in eight. 8vo. Paris, 1S15-22. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de M. de, and A. P. De Candolle. Flore Frangaise. 3rd edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1805-18 15. La Marmora, A., Gen. Un po' piu di luce : sugli eventi politici e militari dell' anno 1S66. 4to edition. 8vo. Florence, 1873. Lamarque, Max, Lieut.-Gen. De I'Esprit Militaire en France, des causes qui contribuent h I'eteindre, de la necessity et des moyens de la ranimer. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Lambarde, William. Perambulation of Kent ; conteining the' description, hystorie, and customes of that Shyre. i2mo. Lond. 1596, (Black Letter. Title-page wanting, supplied in MS.) Laming", Richard. Primary Forces of Electricity. Lond. 1838. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Lament, de, Major. Les Fonctions de tous les Ofificiers de I'lnfan- terie. i2mo. Paris, 1670. Lamont, James. Yachting in the Arctic Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1876, Lancaster, Sir James. Voyages to the East Indies. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ivi. Lance, W. H. J., Lieut. Platoon Exercise for the Rifle Musket, translated into Turkish. See Army, Orders. Lande, M. de la. See Lalande. Landen, Battle of. Paris Relation of the Battle of Landen, July 29th, 1693. 4to. Lond. 1693. (Bound in vol. of " Military Tracts.") Lander, Richard. Captain Clapperton's last expedition to Africa : with the subsequent adventures of the author. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1830. See also Clapperton. Landers, Anthony. Shipowners' Complaint ; with a proposed method to improve the Merchant Service. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiii.) Lond. 1829. Landmann, George. Universal Gazetteer, or Geographical Dic- tionary. 8vo. Lond. 1840, Landmann, Isaac. Principles of Artillery. 8vo. Lond. 180 1. Landolt, H. M. F., Capt. Dictionnaire Polyglotte de termes technique militaire et de marine. Neerlandais, Fran^-ais, Alle- mand, Anglais. 4 vols, and supplement. 8vo. Leyden, 1865-71. Landor, Walter Savage. Lnaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen. 2nd edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Landsborough. Expedition in search of Burke and Wills. See Burke Landseer, John. Sabrean Researches. 4to. Lond. 1835. Landt, Rev. G. Description of the Feroe Islands. 8vo. L(jnd. 1810 LAN 360 Lane, Edward William. Account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. 5th edition. E'Hted by E. S. Poole. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Lane, F. W. Bowyer, Major. Suggestions for the more systematic instruction of an Administrative Battalion of Rifle Vokinteers. Exeter, 1861. (8vo Pamjjhlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) Memoir of Major Henry Bowyer Lane, of the Royal Artillery. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxix.) Usk, 1883. Lane, James R. Prevention of Contagious Venereal Disease. Lond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvi.) Facts respecting the Contagious Diseases Acts. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiii.) Lane, Michael. Directions for navigating the Bay of Placentia from Cape Chapeau Rouge to Cape St. Mary on the south coast of Newfoundland. 2nd edition, revised by J. F. Dessiou. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Directions for navigating part of the coast of Labradore, from Cape Charles to Sandwich Bay. 2nd edition, revised by J. F. Dessiou. 8vo. Lond. 18 10. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Directions for navigating part of the coast of Newfoundland, from Cape Spear to Cape Bonavista. 2nd edition, revised by J. F. Dessiou. 8vo. Lond. 1810. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Le Pilote de Terre-Neuve. See Cook, J. Lane-Poole, S. Egypt. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Life of the Right Hon. Stratford Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Life of General Chesney. See Chesney, Lanfrey, P. Histoire de Napoleon P^ 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1870-5. Lang, Oliver. Improvements in Naval Architecture. 8vo. Woolwich, 1831. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Ditto, ditto. Woolwich, 1847. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xl.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1848. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Woolwich, 1853. 36 1 LAR Lang, R. Hamilton. Cyprus. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Langallerie, Marquis de. Memoirs. 8vo. Lond. 17 10, Lange, D. A. Isthmus of Suez Canal question. Lond. 1859. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Langey. See Beliay-Langey. Langford, J. Treatment of Asiatic Cholera and Choleric Diarrhoea with Tartarized Antimony. Lond. 1833. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vi.) Langhorne, J. and W. Plutarch's Lives. See Plutarch. Langley, Edward Archer, Capt. Narrative of a residence at the Court of Meer Ali Moorad. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i860. Langley, S. P. Solar Heat. See U.S. Army, Signal Service, Prof. Papers, No. 15. Langton, John Stephen. Invention of Methods for Seasoning Timber. Lond. 1828. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Langton, Richard. Narrative of a captivity in France from 1809 to 1 814. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Lankester, Dr. E. Scientific Botany. See Schleiden. Lankester, Dr. E., and Dr. P. Redfern. Microscopical Exami- nation of the organic matters on solid contents of Waters supplied from the Thames and other sources. With a report on the quality of Water from Chalk Springs near Watford. By Dr. T. Clarke and Dr. John Smith. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Lansdell, H. Russian Central Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Lansdowne, H. F., Marquess of. Speech on the Government Plan for promoting National Education. 7th edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiii.) Lond. 1839. Lanterius, Jacobus. De modo substruendi Terrena Munimenta ad urbes, atque oppida. 4to. Venice, 1563. Lapene, Edouard, Capt. Evenements Militaires devant Toulouse en 1814. Paris, 1822. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xi.) La Perre de Roo, V. Le Pigeon Messager, ou guide pour I'dleve du pigeon voyageur et son application a I'art militaire. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de. Traite de Mecanique Celeste. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799-1805. Laplace, Capt. Voyage autour du Monde, execute pendant les annecs 1830-32. 4 vols. 8vo, and folio Atlas. Paris, 1833-5. La Plata. Notes on the Viceroyalty of Iibrarians held in London, 1877. 4to. Lond. 1878. Library Association of the United Kingdom. Transactions and proceedings of the First Annual Meeting held at Oxford, 1878. 4to. Lond. 1879. Ditto, ditto. Second ditto, held at Manchester, 1879. 4to. Lond. 1880. Ditto, ditto. Third ditto, held at Edinburgh, 1880. 4to. Lond. 1881, Library Association, American. See United States, Periodicals. Liddel, R. The Seaman's new Vade Mecum : containing a practical essay on naval book-keeping. 8vo. Lond. 1787. Details of the Duties of a Deputy Judge Advocate, with proceedings, &c., of a Naval Court Martial. Folio. Lond. 1805. Liddell, R. S., Col. Modem Cavalry in the Field of Battle. See Aldershot Military Society. Liebe, C. S. Prodromi Reformationis Pia memoria recolendee sive Nummi Ludovici XII Regis Galloruni. i2mo. Leipsic, 171 7. Lieber, Francis. Guerrilla Parties considered with reference to the laws and usages of war. i2mo. New York, 1862. Liebig, Justus. Traite de Chimie Organique. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840-44. Animal Chemistry, or organic chemistry in its application to physio- logy and pathology. Edited by William Gregory. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Chemistry in its application to Agriculture and Physiology ; edited by Dr. Lyon Playfair. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Familiar Letters on Chemistry ; edited by John Gardner, M.D. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1844. Lifeboat Institution, Royal National. Annual Reports, 1883 to . 8vo. Lond. 1883- . 373 UH Lifeboat Institution, Royal National {confinucd)— The Lifeboat; Journal of the Institution. Vols, i to viii, and Nop. 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, i43> 145' 146, 147' 149' 150- 8vo. Lond. 1852- . Lifeboats. Report of the Committee appointed to examine the Lifeboat models submitted to compete for the premium offered by the Duke of Northumberland. Folio. Lond. 1851. Light, W., Col. South Australia. See Capper. Lighthouses and Lights. Admiralty Lists of Lights. 8vo. Lond. v.d. Corfu Lighthouses. 8vo. Lond. 1835. (Bound in vol. lettered "Sailing Directions.") Description of the Lighthouses on the coast of the United States. 8vo. Lond. 1827, (Bound in vol. lettered "Sailing Directions.") United States, Bureau of Navigation. Lists of Lights: corrected to 1877. 8vo. Washington, 1877, No. I. North and South America. „ 2. South and East Coasts of Africa and the East Indies. „ 3. West Coast of Africa and the Mediterranean Sea. „ 4. Atlantic Coast of Europe, the English Channel, and North Sea. ,, 5. North, Baltic, and White Seas. „ 6. British Islands. Ditto, ditto. Nos. i to 5. Corrected to 1879. 8vo. Washington, 1879. France. Description sommaire des Phares et Fanaux allumds sur les Cotes de France au ler Juillet 1834. Paris, 1834. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxii.) Lightning-rod Conference. Report of the Delegates. Edited by G. J. Symons. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Ligne, Prince de. Prejuges Militaires. 2 vols. 8vo. Kralovelhota, 1780. Ligon, Richard. History of the Island of Barbadoes. Folio. (With autograph of Robert Southey.) Lond. 1657. Lihou, John, Capt. R.N. Danger and difhculiics attending the present mode of hanging Shi|)s' Rudders. Lond. 1830. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Improvements in Ships' Rudders. Lond. 1834. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Suggestions for the Establishment of a Royal Naval Nursery for Sailors. Lond. 1838. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd .series, vol. xiii.) I^I^ 374 Lille. Musce de la ville de Lille. See Museums. Lillie, Arthur. Railway Fortress. (With plan for the Defence of London.) Lond, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Lindau, Otto Brandt von. Des Dcutschen Soldaten Fusz und l'"us/bcklcidung 8vo. Berlin, 1883. Lindley, John. Naturnl System of Botany. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1836. Introduction to Botany. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Lindley, Thomas. Voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to Brazil in 1802-3; with a description of St. Salvadore and Porto Seguro. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Lindsay, Hon. Colin, Lieut.-Col. INIilitary Miscellany. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1793. Lindsay, Hon. J., Col. Royal Warrant of the 6th October, 1854, and its etfect on Lieut. -Colonels. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liii.) Lindsay, James B. Pentecontaglossal Paternoster, or the Lord's Prayer in fifty languages. Dundee, 1846. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciii.) Lindsay, John, View of the Coinage of Ireland. 4to. Cork, 1839. View of the Coinage of the Heptarchy. 4to. Cork, 1842. View of the Coinage of Scotland. 4to, Cork, 1845. Supplement to ditto. 4to. Cork, 1859. Second Supplement. 4to. Cork, 1859. (Bound in one vol.) Notices of Remarkable Medieval Coins, mostly unpubhshed. 4to. Cork, 1849. View of the History and Coinage of the Parthians. 4to. Cork, 1852. (Bound with " Coinage of Scotland.") Notices of remarkable Greek, Roman, and Anglo-Saxon and other Medieval Coins. 4to. Cork, i860. (Bound with " Coinage of Scotland.") Lindsay, W. S. Law of Merchant Shipping. 8vo. Lond. 1867. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") History of Merchant Shipping and ancient commerce. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874-6. Manning the Royal Navy and Mercantile Marine ; also belligerent and neutral rights in the event of war. Lond. 1877. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) 375 I^IV Lingard, John. Inquiry into the nature and constitution of Timber. Lond. 1819. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) History of England from the first Invasion by the Romans 3rd edition. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Linnaeus [Linnd], Sir Charles. Genuine and universal system of Natural History : improved, corrected, and enlarged by J. Frid Gmelin. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1802 Linnean Society. Transactions. Vol. xvi. 4to. Lond. 1829 Ditto. Vol. xvii. Parts i and 2. 4to. Lond. 1834-5 Linschoten, John Huyghen van. Voyage to the East Indies. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ixx and Ixxi. Lintott, Bernard. Miscellaneous poems and translations, by several hands. 8vo. Lond. 1712. Lintott, William. Structure, economy, and pathology of the human teeth. i2mo. Lond. 1841. Lippitt, F. J. Treatise on the tactical use of the three arms. 8vo. New York, 1865. Lipsius, Justus. De Militia Romana. Small 4to. Antwerp, 1596. Lister, Martin. Journey to Paris iri 1698. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iv. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. See Quebec. Litschfousse, Capt. Aide-Memoire de Manoeuvres et de Campagne. See Serda. Littingf, George. Life of General Lee. See Childe. Little, J. S. The United States of Britain. Address on England and her Colonies. Guildford, 1S87. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Littleton, Hon. A. C, Commander. Vocabulary of Sea Words in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1879. Littr^, E. Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran^aise. 3 vols, and supplement. 4to. Paris, 1863-77. Littrow, H. von. Die Marine. See Brommy. Livermore, W. R., Capt. U.S. Army. American Kriegsspiel. 8vo, with oblong 4to atlas of plates. Boston, 1882. Liversidge, Archibald. Report to the Legislative Assembly, New South Wales, upon certain Museums for Technology, Science, and Art, also upon Scientific, Professional, and Technical Instruction, and systems of Evening Classes in Great Britain and on the Continent of Europe. Folio Sydney, 1880 Minerals of New South Wales. 2nd edition. 4to. Sydney, 18S2. LIV 376 Livingstone, David. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Last journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa from 1865 to his death ; with a narrative of his last moments by Horace Waller. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Livingstone, David and Charles. Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries ; and of the discovery of the Lakes Shinva and Nyassa. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Livius, Titus. History of Rome. Translated by George Baker. 3rd edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822, Historiarum Libri, qui supersunt omnes et deperditorum fragmenta. (Drakenborchius.) 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1840. Lizars, John. System of Anatomical Plates of the Human Body. Folio. Edinburgh, n.d. Llanos, Valentin. Sandoval ; or the Freemason. A Spanish Tale. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Don Esteban ; or memoirs of a Spaniard. 3 vols. 12 mo. Lond. 1826. Lloyd, General. Militairisch-praktisches Handbuch fiir Ofificiere. i2mo. Leipzig, 1802. Lloyd's Register. Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping. 1866-7, 187 1-2, and 1874-5. 4to. Lond. 1866-74. Dismasting of large iron sailing vessels. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Particulars of the War Ships of the World. 4to. Lond. 1888. Lloyd, E. M., Major. Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot : Engineer Studies. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Lloyd, George. Account of Koonawur in the Himalaya. See Gerard. Journey from Caunpore to the Boorendo. See Lloyd, Sir W. Lloyd, Henry, General. History of the late War in Germany between the King of Prussia and the Empress of Germany and her Allies. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1790. Political and Military rhapsody on the invasion and defence of Great Britain and L-eland. 5th edition. 8vo, Lond. 1798. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1803, Lloyd, Henry, General, and General Tempelhoff. History of the Seven Years War in Germany ; with observations of General Jomini. Translated by Capt. C. H. Smith. Vol. i. 4to. Lond. n.d. 377 IOC Lloyd, L. Field sports of the north of Europe ; comprised in a personal narrative of a residence in Sweden and Norway, 1827-8. 2nd edition. 8vo, Lond. 1831. Lloyd, T. H. Primer for horse, field and mountain Artillery. 8vo. Woolwich, 1878. Lloyd, Sir William. Journey from Caunpoor to the Boorendo Pass in the Himalaya Mountains : and Capt. A. Gerard's account of an attempt to penetrate by Bekhur to Garoo and the Lake Manasaro- wara. Edited by George Lloyd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Lobell, H. von. Jahresberichte iiber die Veranderungen und Fortschritte im Militairwesen. See Germany, Periodicals. Lobo, Jerome. Voyage historique d'Abissinie. Traduite du Portugais par M. Le Grand, 4to. Paris, 1728. (With Robert Southey's Autograph.) Voyage to Abyssinia, See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xv. Loch, Granville G., Capt. R.N. Closing events of the Campaign in China. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Loch, H. B. Personal narrative of occurrences during Lord Elgin's Second Embassy to China, i860. 8vo. Lond. 1869, Military resources of England, with suggestions as to the manner in which they may be strengthened. Lond. 1870, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvi.) Lochee, Lewis. Military Mathematics. 8vo. Lond. 1776. Essay on Castramentation. 8vo. Lond. 1778. Elements of Fortification. 8vo. Lond. 1780. Lochner, J. J. Medaillen. See Crockers. Locke, John. W^orks. 12th edition. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Lockhart, J. G. The Ballantyne-Humbug Handled, in a letter to Sir Adam Fergusson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. Reply to Mr. Lockhart's pamphlet, entitled, " The Ballantyne- Humbug Handled." 8vo. Lond. 1839. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 2nd edition. 10 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1839. Ancient Spanish Ballads : historical and romantic. Translated, with notes. 4to. Lond. 1841- Lockinge, H. Historical Gleanings on the memorable Field of Naseby. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Lockwood, Anthony. Description of Nova Scotia, with plates of the principal Harbors, and an account of the Island of Grand Manan. 4to. Lond. 1818. Lockyer, J. Norman, 'rhe Heavens. See Guillemin. LOD 378 Lodge, Edmund. Peerage of the British Empire. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Ditto, ditto. 7th edition. Svo. Lond. 1838 Genealogy of the British Peerage. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Svo. Lond. 1838 Lodwick, R. W. P., Capt. Guide to obtaining a Hythe Certificate 12 010. Chatham, 1886 Logan, James. Conceahnent of the Scottish RegaHa in the Kirk of Kinneff. Lond. 1847. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxi.) Logan, M. Remarks on the new system of Artillery. Lond. 1810, (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (i).) Lbhlein, Ludwig, Capt. Feldzug, 1S70-71. Die Operationen des Korps des Generals von Werder. Svo. Berlin, 1874. Campaign of 1870-71. Operations of the Corps of General v. Werder. Translated by Lieut. F. T. Maxwell. Svo. Chatham, n.d. Lolme, J. L. de. Constitution of England, or an account of the English Government. Edited by J. Macgregor. i2mo. Lond. 1853. Lolme, J. P. de, Wallace, and H. Bridgeman. French and English Dictionary (Cassell's). Revised by Professor E. Roubaud. Svo. Lond. 1 88 1. Lombardo, G. F. Isola di Pithecusa. See Jasolino, London. Excursionist's Map of the Environs of London. Folio. Lond. n.d. Ambulator : or a pocket companion in a tour round London. 8th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1796. Babylon the Great : or men and things in the British Capital. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S28. Second Judgement of Babylon the Great : or more men and things in the British Capital. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1829. Educational Places of Amusement in London. Svo. Lond. 187 1. Tourist's Guide round about London. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1S77. London Institution. List of Donations to the Library, 1S34-7. Svo. Lond. 1837. Account of " La Description de I'Egypte " presented to the Library. Svo. Lond. 1838. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. London Library. Catalogue. See Catalogues. London, Port of. Plans and drawings referred to in the Third Report from the Select Committee upon the improvement of the Port of London. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1799-1800. 379 LON London (Watford) Spring Water Company. Report of the Provisional Directors. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) London, Tower of. Historical description of the Tower of London. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. xc.) Lond. 1803. London, University of. Second Statement by the Council. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1828. Londonderry, C. W. V., Marquess of, General. Narrative of the Peninsular War, from 1808-13. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1829. Narrative of the War in Germany and France, in 181 3-4. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1830. Long, A. L., and Marcus J. Wright. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee, his military and personal history. Svo. Lond. 1886. Long, C. Chaille, Colonel. Central Africa. Svo. Lond. 1S76. Long, G. Courts-Martial. See Hough. Long, Rev. J. Various pamphlets on Proverbs. Svo. Lond. v.d. Proposed Bishopric of Heligoland. Svo. n.p., n.d. Slavonic Provinces of Turkey : a tour in 1S75. Svo. Lond. 1876. Russia versus England in Central Asia. Svo. n.p., n.d. Notes on a visit to Moscow and Kief in 1S73. 4to. n.p., n.d. Village communities in Lidia and Russia. Svo. n.p., n.d. Position of Turkey in relation to British Interests in India. Svo. Lond. 1876. Present position of Russia in Central Asia, in relation to the spread of Christianity and civilization in the East. Svo. Lond. (1873). Visit to Russia in 1876. Svo. Lond. n.d. (The above are all bound in one vol.) ■Long, S., Capt. R.N. Naval Tactics on the open sea. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) Lond. iSSo, Longinus, Dionysius. Ile/x Y./ro'ys YTronvijfia. Dionysii Longini de Sublimitate Commentarius. Edited by Zacharias Pcarce. 3rd edit. Svo. Lond. 1743. Longman, F. W. Pocket Dictionary of the German and English Languages. i2mo. Lond. 1876. Longmore, T., Surgeon-General. Probable surgical eftects in battle, of Projectiles of a more elongated form, such as the Whitworth Projectiles. Lond. 1S65. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Report on the fitness for use in the British Service of a Wheeled Ambulance Transport Conveyance. Lond. 1865. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Transport of sick and wounded Troops. Svo. Lond. 1869. LON 380 Longmore, T., Surgeon-General {continued) — Preliminary care and attention necessary for injuries occurring in mines and establishments where many workpeople are employed. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Lond. 1874. Gunshot Injuries : their history, features, and treatment. 8vo, Lond. 1877. Longridge, J. A. Construction of Artillery, and other vessels, to resist great internal pressure. Lond. i860. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iviii.) Construction of Heavy Ordnance. Lond. 1879. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Modern Ordnance. Lond. 1882. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) Application of Wire to the construction of Ordnance. Svo. Lond. 1884. Our new Armament. Lond. 1884. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Guns considered as thermodynamic machines. Lond. 1885. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) " Is England to be caught napping ? " (A letter on the construction of Ordnance.) Lond. 1885. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Our Ordnance Administration. Lond. 1885. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Further remarks on our Ordnance Administration. Lond. 18S6, (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Internal Ballistics. Lond. 1887. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Cause of rupture of Jacket 6" B.L. Wire Gun. Lond. iSSS. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Internal Ballistics. Svo. Lond. 1889, Loon, Gerard van. Histoire Metallique des XVII Provinces des Pays-Bas, depuis I'Abdication de Charles Quint, jusqu'a la Paix de Bade en 17 16. Traduite du HoUandois. 5 vols. Folio. The Hague, 1722-37. Hedendaagsche Penningkunde. Folio. The Hague, 1734. Lopez, Thomas. Atlas Geografico de Espana. FoHo. Madrid, 18 10. Note. — This atlas was picked up on the field of battle at Vittoria, 21st June, 1813, by the Donor, then Lieut. Thoreau, of the 40th Regiment. Lord, Eliot. Comstock Mining and Miners. See United States Geological Survey (Monographs, vol. iv). Lord, Henry. Discovery of the Banians and Persees. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. viii. Lord, H. W. Highway of the Seas in time of war. Lond. 1862. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) 38 1 LOW Lord, W., Lieut. Telegraphic Vocabulary adapted for the Line of Semciphoric Telegraphs from Liverpool to Holyhead. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Lord, W. B. Diamonds and Gold. The three main Routes to the South African Ophir and how to equip for the journey. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Lond. 1871 Lord, W. B., and T. Baines. Shifts and expedients of camp life, travel, and exploration. Svo. Lond. 187 1. Lostelneau, le Sieur de, Marshal. Le Mar(^chal de Bataille, con- tenant Ic maniment des Amies, les Evolutions, &c. Folio. Paris, 1647. Loudon, J. C. Landscape Gardening. See Repton. Magazine of Natural History. See Periodicals. Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon 111. Lovell, George. Suggestions for the cleaning and management of Percussion Arms. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Lovenbrn, P. de. Sailing Directions for the Kattegat. Translated by F. Schneider. 4to. Copenhagen, 1800. Low, C. R. Great Battles of the British Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Life and correspondence of Field-Marshal Sir George Pollock. Svo. Lond. 1873. History of the Indian Navy, 1613-1863. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1877. Afghan War, 1838-42. From the journal and correspondence of the late Major-General A. Abbott. 8vo. Lond. 1879. General Lord Wolseley (of Cairo). A memoir. Svo. Lond. 1883. Major-General Sir Frederick S. Roberts. A memoir. Svo. Lond. 1883. Low, J. McArthur, Lieut. R.N. Defence at a Court-Martial. See Courts-Martial. Low, Sampson. British Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. Lowe, A. E. Lawson, Captain. Historical Record of the Royal Sherwood Foresters or Nottinghamshire Regiment of Militia. See Reserve Forces. Lowe, F. Journey from Lima to Para. See Smyth, W. Lowe, George May. Long Range Sights and method of applying them to rifled small-arms. 4to. Lond. 1879. Lowe, Sir Hudson, Lieut-Gen. Napoleon at Saint Helena. See Forsyth, W. Lowndes, Rev. J. AESIKON TH2 ArrAIKHS kai fpaikikhs rAQ22H2. Svo. Corfu, 1827. LOW 382 Lowndes, W. T. British Librarian, or book-collector's guide. Parts 1-7 and 9-1 1. 8vo. Lond. 1839-42. Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition cor- rected and enlarged by Henry G. Bohn. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Lowry, T. K. The Hamilton ALmuscripts. See Hamilton, Sir James. Loyalist, The. Containing original and select papers, intended to arouse and animate the British Nation during the present crisis. 8vo. Lond. 1803. Luard, John, Lieut.-Col. History of the Dress of the British Soldier. 4to. Lond. 1852. Lubbock, Sir John, Bart. Origin of Civilisation and the primitive condition of man. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Luca, R. de. II Cannone da 100 Tonnellate e le Corazze di 55 Centimetri. 8vo. n.p. 1877. Lucan, Earl of, Lieut.-Gen. English Cavalry in the Army of the East, 1854-5. Divisional Orders and Correspondence. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Lucas, Thomas J. Camp life and sport in South Africa : experience of Kaffir Warfare. 8vo. Lond. 1878. The Zulus and the British Frontiers. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Luccio, Vincenzo di. Treatise on the Currents in the Gulf of Venice. 8vo. Lond. 1806. (Bound in vol. lettered " Sailing Directions.") Lucy, Henry W. The Emperor's Diary. See Frederick III. Ludlow, Edmund, Lieut.-Gen. of the Horse. Memoirs. 3 vols. 8vo. Vevay, 1698-9. Ludlow, J. M. War of American Independence 1 775-1 783. i2mo. Lond. 1876. Ludlow, W., Capt. U.S. Army. Reconnaissance of the Black Hills of Dakota. See U.S. Army, Engineer Department (1875). Report of a Reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana Territory, to the Yellowstone National Park, in 1875. See U.S. Army (1876). Ludwig, C. New Dictionary of the English and German languages. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Leipsic, 181 3. Lugard, H. W., Lieut.-Col. Formation of a Camp on the Curragh of Kildare. See Engineers, Royal. Liihe, Hans Eggert Willibald von der. Militair-Conversations- Lexikon, bearbeitet von mehreren Deutschen Officieren. 8 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1833-41. 3^3 LYO Lullier, C. Essai sur I'Histoire de la Tactique Navale et des Involu- tions de Mer. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Lushington, Right Hon. S. R. Life and Services of General Lord Harris, G.C.B., during his Campaigns in America, the West Indies, and India. Svo. Lond. 1840. Luther, Martin. German Bible. See Bible. Liitken, O. Nordso-Eskadren og Kampeu ved Helgoland D. 9 Mai, 1864. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1884. Lyde, Robert. Account of the Retaking a Ship, called the " Friend's Adventure of Topsham," from the French, by one Englishman and a boy. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Lond. 1689. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Lyell, Sir Charles. Elements of Geology. i2rao. Lond. 1838. Principles of Geology. 4th edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1835. Ditto, ditto. loth edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1867. Lyle, D. A., Capt. U.S. Army. Report on the trial of Gruson's Chilled Cast-Iron Armor at Spezia, Italy, 1886. 4to, Washington, 1887. Lylie, John. Euphues the anatomy of wit. Small 4to. Lond. 1631. Lyman, W., Major U.S. Army. Collection of Tactical Studies. i2mo. New York, 1874, Lyndhurst, Rt. Hon. Lord. Substance of a Speech on the Eastern Question. Lond. 1854, (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) Lyne, Charles. New Guinea : an account of the establishment of the British Protectorate. Svo. Lond. 1885. Lynn, Thomas. Improved system of Telegraphic Communication. 4to. Lond. 1814. New Star Tables. Svo. Lond. 1843, Lyon, G. F., Capt. R.N. Private Journal during the recent (second) voyage of discovery under Captain Parry. Svo. Lond. 1S24. Narrative of an unsuccessful attempt to reach Repulse Bay in H.M.S. "Griper," 1824. Svo. Lond. 1825. Journal of a residence and tour in the Republic of Me.xico, 1826. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828. Lyons, Edward, Major. Militia Officers' Manual and guide to examination. 2nd edition. Lond. 1877. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) LVO 384 Lyons, T. C, Col. Suggestions on the Depot System, Recruiting ^;c. 8vo. Preston, 1875. (Bound in vol. lettered " Recruiting.") Lysons, D., Major-Gen. Army Control ("Blackwood's Mag.") Edinburgh, 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxix.) Infantry Piquets. i2nio. Lond. 1875. M. McAdam, John Loudon. Remarks on the present system of Road making. 8vo. Lond. 1824. MacAllester, Oliver. A series of letters discovering the scheme ])rojected by France in 1759 for an invasion of England. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Lond. 1767. Macarthur, James. New South Wales ; its present state and future prospects. 8vo. Lond. 1837. M'Arthur, J. Life of Nelson. See Clarke, J. S. M 'Arthur, John. Thoughts on several plans combining a system of Universal Signals by day and night. 4to. (Bound with Dumourier, " Invasions.") McArthur, John. Treatise on the theory and practice of Fencing. Principles and practice of Naval Courts-Martial. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. (Radstock Collection.) Macartney, George, Earl of. Embassy to China. See Staunton. Life and unpublished writings. See Barrow. Macaulay, J. S., Capt. Treatise on Field Fortification, and other subjects connected with the duties of the Field Engineer. i2mo, with folio atlas. Lond. 1834. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord. History of England from the Accession of James II. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849-61. Critical and historical Essays. 4to. Lond. 1850. Lays of Ancient Rome. 8vo. Lond. 1874 .s.") Lond. n.d. 4to. Lond. 1784. 8vo. Lond. 1792. Lond. 1805. Lond. 1806. 3«5 MAC MacCarthy, G., Capt. Recollections of the Storming of the Castle of Badajos ; with memoirs of the Storming of Fort Napoleon, Almarez ; and of the Battle of Corunna. 8vo. Lond. 1836. McCaskill, Lady. Wellington and Napier. Comments on Indian misgovernmtnt. Lond. 1855. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) M'Clean, J. R. A memoir. n.p. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) McClellan, George B., U.S. Army. Report at the seat of war in Europe, 1855-6. 4to. Washington, 1857. Manual of Bayonet Exercise for the use of the Army of the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862. M'ClintOCk, Capt. R.N. Narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. 8vo. Lond. 1859. McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. 8vo. Lond. 1877. MacCormack, William. Notes and recollections of an Ambulance Surgeon, during the Campaign of 1S70. 8vo. Lond. 1871. McCormick, R. Voyages of discovery in the Arctic and Antarctic Seas, and round the World. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1884. McCosh, Dr. John. New floating Breakwater. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) Proposal for a floating Harbour of Refuge. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1882. McCulloch, J. R. Statistical account of the British Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Dictionary of the various countries, &c., in the World. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation ; with supple- ments, 1875, 1877, 1880. Edited by Hugh G. Reid. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869-80. Macdonald, Major. Treatise on the Practice of Field Artillery. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. i.) Edinburgh, 1799. Macdonald, A. Too late for Gordon and Khartoum : testimony of the heroic efforts for their rescue and relief. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Macdonald, Dr. James. Description of two new Instruments for ascertaining the Longitude, iizc. Lond. 1826. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiii.) Macdonald, John, Lieut.-Col, Instructions for the Conduct of Infantry on actual Service. Trans- lated from the French with explanatory Notes. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1807. Treatise on Telegraphic Cornnmnication, naval, military, and political. Svo. Lond. 1808. (Radstock Collection, Political Tracts.) MAC 386 Macdonald, John, Lieut.-Col. {amiinued) — Account of Experiments on Fuses, with an Ajjpcnclix on Telegmpliic Communications. 8vo. I.ond. 181 9. Field Exercise and Manoeuvres of the French Inf;intry. See France, Army. Macdonald, John D. OutHnes of Naval Hygiene. 8vo. Lond. 1 88 1. Macdonald, Right Hon. J. H. A., Col. Duties of UfJicers and Sergeants in certain battalion evolutions. 3rd edition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1861. Hints on Drill for Volunteers. Svo. Edinburgh, 1862. Simplification of Infantry Drill. n.p. 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) On the best Detail Formation for the new Infantry Tactics. Svo. Edinburgh, 1873. Common Sense on Parade, or drill without stays. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S86. Infantry Drill in its relations to the conditions of modern warfare. Small 4to. Edinburgh, 1886. Future development of Volunteer Branch of National Defence. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Edinburgh, 188S. Macdonald, Roger. British Martial Register. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1806. Macdonald, W. B. Lusus Philologici. Ex Museo Qui. B. Macdonald. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Rammerscales, 1S51. Ten Scottish Songs rendered into German. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S54. Sketch of a Coptic Grammar. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S56. Translation of Faust. See Goethe. Macdonell, A., Major-General. Notes on the Movements of large bodies of Troops. Svo. I.ond. 1872. MacDonnell, J. R., Major. Tactical War Game. See Verdy du Vernois. MacDonnell, Sir Richard Graves. Our relations with Ashantee. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) Lond. 1S74. M'Donough, Felix, Capt. Hermit in London ; or sketches of English Manners. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1S22. Hermit in the Country; or sketches of British Manners. 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1S23. MacDougall, Col. Modern Warfare as influenced by Modern Artillery. Svo. Lond. 1864. Our system of Infantry Tactics : what is it? Lond. 1885. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) 3S7 MAC McDougall, Neil. Relative merits of Simple and Compound Engines as aj^plied to Ships of War. 8vo. LonJ. 1875. Macdougall, P. L., Major-Gen. Theory of War : illustrated by numerous examples from Military History. Svo. Lond. 1856. Campaigns of Hannibal, arranged and critically considered. Svo. Lond. 1858. The Army and its reserves. Lond. 1869. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Modern Infantry Tactics. Lond. 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) Macerone, F. Defensive instructions for the People. Svo. Lond. 1S32. MacFarlane, C. History of British India. Svo. Lond. 1852. Macfie, R. A. Colonial Questions pressing for immediate solution. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciii.) Lond. 1871. MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus and the fall of Khiva. 3rd edition. Svo. Lend. 1874. MacGill, Thomas. Handbook or guide for strangers visiting Malta. i2mo. Malta, 1S39. Macgillivray, John. Voyage of H.M.S. "Rattlesnake"; including discoveries and surveys in New Guinea, the Louisiade Archipelago, &:c. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1852. Macgregor, Sir C. M., Major-General. Mountain Warfare. Svo. Lond. 1866. (Bound in volume lettered " Savage Warfare.") Field Equipment of Troops for service among mountains. Svo. Lond. 1866. (Bound in volume lettered " Savage Warfare.") Journey through Khorassen and on the N.W. Frontier of Afghanistan in 1875. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1879. Wanderings in Balochistan. Svo. Lond. 1S82. Life and opinions. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1888. Military Report of the Country of Bhutan. See India. MacGregor, H. G., Capt. Military Sketching. See Hutchinson. Macgregor, John. History of the British Empire, from the Acces- sion of James the First. 2 vols, in one. Svo. Lond. 1852. Constitution of England. See Lolme. M'Gregor, J. J. Narrative of the Loss of the " Sea Horse " Transport, also some account of the Wreck of the "Lord Melville" and " Boadicea " Transports. Svo. Waterford, 1816. Macgregor, R. C, Major. Report on the Akhas and Akha Country. Svo. Simla, 1884. 2 c 2 ' MAC 388 Macgregor, R. S., Capt. Plan for raising a Defensive Force, remodelled from the Disembodied Militia. Edinburgh, 1849. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Edinburgh, 1849. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. Edinburgh, 1850. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) M'Gregor, L. History of the vSikhs. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1846. MccGwire, E. T. St. L., Capt. Report on experiments with Captain MccGwire's Field Hammock. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Lond. 1866. Advantages to be derived from a new system of Camping. (Svo I'amplilets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Lond. 1866. McHardy, C. McL. Nelson's Signal at Trafalgar. 4to. Lond. 18S5. McHenry, L. J. A. New and improved Spanish Grammar. i2mo. Lond. 1830. Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Arte of Warre ; set forthe in English by Peter Whitehouse. Small 4to. Lond. 1560. Opere. Con una prefazione e la vita dell' Autore. 6 vols. 4to. Florence, 1782-3. Machin, John. Laws of the Moon's Motion, according to Gravity. See Newton's Mathematical Principles. Maclntire, John, Lieut. Military treatise on the discipline of the Marine Forces. Svo. Lond. 1763. Macintosh, A. F., Major-Gen. Military tour in European Turkey. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1854. Macintosh, Sir James. Review of the Conduct of the Prince of A Vales. Lond. 1797. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. iii.) Macintosh, John. System of "National Defence," or "New Strategies in Warfare." Lond. 1S59. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 1.) Mackay, Andrew. Theory and practice of finding the Longitude at sea or land : with various methods of determining the Latitude, and Variation of the Compass. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. iSio. Complete Navigator : or guide to the theory and practice of Navigation. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 18 10. Mackay, James. The Mackay Windage Gun and Projectiles. n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixx.) Opinions of the Press on the Mackay Gun. n.p. [1865]. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvii.) Mackay, John. Mackay's Regiment : now known as the Royal Scots. Sec Army, Records. 389 MAC Mackelcan, F. P. Suggestions to Iron-masters on increasing the demand for Iron. Lond. 1843. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Paul Jones. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1841. Defence in the Case of the Somer's Mutiny. 8vo. New York, 1843. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Mackenzie, Charles. Notes on Haiti, made during a residence in that Rei)ul)lic. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Mackenzie, Fred. Architectural Antiquities of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen's, Westminster. Large folio. Lond. 1844. M'Kenzie, Sir George. Account of Hirta and Rona. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iii. Mackenzie, G., Major. Royal Naval and Military Calendar and National Record. i2mo. Lond. 1821. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Mackenzie, John. Austral Africa ; losing it or ruling it. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Mackenzie, Sir Morell. The fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Mackenzie, Murdoch. Treatise of Maritim Surveying. 4to. Lond. 1774. Mackenzie, Robert. America and her Army. Lond. 1865. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) Mackie, W., Major. Britannia Ingrata : a tribute to the Peninsula Army. 410. Lond. 1837. (N.B. — This work relates principally to the Connaught Rangers.) Mackinlay, G., Capt. Text Book of Gunnery. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1887. MacKinnon, Colonel. Origin and services of the Coldstream Guards. See Army, Records. Mackintosh, Sir James. History of the Revolution in England in 1688 ; comprising a view of the reign of James II. 4to. Lond. 1834. Mackonochie, A. Prospectus of work on Naval Architecture. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Lond. 1805. Mackworth, Sir Digby, Bart., Col. Narrative of the late events in 3>ristol. Lond. 1831. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxv.) Maclachlan, A, N. Campbell. See Campbell-ALiclachlan. MAC 390 Maclagan, R., Major-General. Early Asiatic Fire Weapons. Calcutta, 1876. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxv.) Maclaren, A. jMilitary System of Gymnastic Exercises and a system of Fencing. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Ditto, ditto, 8vo. Lond. 1864. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Maclauchlan, Henry. Memoir written during a Survey of the A\"atling Street, 1650-1. With folio map. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Maclaurin, Colin. Treatise of Algebra; to which is added an Appendix concerning the general properties of geometrical lines. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1779. MacLaurin, D. De Causa Physica fluxias et refluxus Maris. See Newton's Principia, vol. iii, p. 247. Ma clear, Thomas. Contributions to Astronomy and Geodesy. 4to. Lond. 185 1. Ditto, ditto. Second series. Lond. 1853, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (ii).) Macleod, Sir John, Lieut.-Gen. MiHtary Memoir. Lond. 1834. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) Macleod, J. English Battles of the Peninsula. i2mo. Lond. 1879. Macleod, John, Surg. R.N. Voyage of H.M.S. "Alceste" along the coast of Corea to the Island of Lewchew. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Maclure, Robert, Capt. R.N. Arctic Dispatches containing an account of the North-West Passage. 8vo. Lond. 1853. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) McMurdo, M., Major-Gen. Rifle Volunteers for Field Service ; their arms, equipment, and administration. Lond. i86c. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxv.) McNair, Fred., Major. Perak and the Malays : " Sarong" and " Kris." 8vo. Lond. 1878. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1882. McNair, R. F. Colours of the British Army. 4to. Lond. [1866.] McNeill, Sir John. Progress and present position of Russia in the East. Lond. 1S36. (8yo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiii.) Euphrates Valley Railway. See Andrew, W. P. MacNevin, T. History of the Volunteers of 1782. 4th edition. 1 2 mo. DubHn, 1845. Macomb, J. N., Capt. Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe in 1S59. See U.S. Army, Engineer Dept. (1876). 391 MAG Macomb, M. M., Lieut. Geographic Positions, Azimuths, and Distances. See U.S. Army, Engineer Department (1885). Macoun, J. Canadian Plants. See Canada, Geological. McPherson, D, ^Var in China : narrative of the Chinese Expedition, 1840-2. 3rd edition. 8vo, Lond. 1843. Macpherson, D. The Lord's Day no Jewish Sabbath, or the Sabbatarian Heresy confuted. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlv.) Marbh-rann Air Sir Tearlach Foirbeis, jar Bharan. In Gaelic and English. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liii.) Macpherson, H. T., Major-Gen. Report on, and diary of, the Army Signalling and Telegraphic Operations in connection with the Indian Division during the Campaign in Egypt in 1882. Folio. Simla, 1882. Macpherson, Ossian. A Bard's Reverie ; with miscellaneous poems, songs, and ballads. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Macquarrie, Lachlan, Major-Gen. Letter to Viscount Sidmouth in refutation of Statements made by the Hon. Grey Bennett, M.P., in a pamphlet on the Transportation Laws, the state of the " Hulks," and of the colonies of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond. 1821. Macri, Mesdemoiselles M., €., and T. Modern Greek Inter- preter ; being a translation of ISLadame de Genlis' and other dialogues into modern Greek, English, and Italian. i2mo. Lond. 1825. Mactaggart, John. Three years in Canada ; an account of the actual state of the country in 1826-8. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Macveigh, James. Records of the 74th Highlanders. See Army, Records. M'William, Dr. J. O., Surg. R.N. Medical history of the ex- pedition to the Niger, 184 1-2. 8vo. Lond. 1843. McWilliam, Robert. Essay on the origin and operation of the Dry Rot. 4to. Lond. 1818. Madan. Book of Martyrs. See Foxe. Madras Artillery Records. See India, Army. Magazines. See Periodicals. Magellan. Voyage round the World. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. lii. Maginn, William. Military Sketch Book ; reminiscences of seventeen years in the service. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1S31. Tales of Military Life. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. MAG 392 Magnac, Aved de. Navigation Astronomicjue. Sa Villarccau. Ditto, ditto. See also Bury. Magnac, M. H. de. Le Navisph^re, instrument nautique. (8vo ranii)hlcts, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Paris, 1879. Magnus, Dr. G. Memoire sur la deviation des Projectiles dans I'Air. Traduit par L. Delobel. 8vo. Liege, 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. Ixi(ii).) Magrath, E. Letter on Canada in 1806 and 181 7, during the administration of Governor Gore. Lond. 1853. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Magrath, R.N. Historical Sketch of the progress of the Art of War. 8vo. Dublin, 1838. Maguire, Edward, Capt. Engineer Department, U.S. Army, Professional Notes. Washington, 1884. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Maguire, T. M. Summary of Modern Military History. Svo. Lond. 1887. Mahan, D. H. Elementary course of Military Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1865. Mahawanso. (Genealogy of the Great.) See Tumour. Mahon, Philip Henry, Lord. See Stanhope, Earl. Maida. Historical Memoir of the Battle of Maida. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Maier, Julius. Electricity. See Hospitalier. Maigret. Treatise on the safety and maintenance of States by means of Fortresses. 8vo. Lond. 1747. Maimbourg, Louis. Histoire de la Ligue. 2nd edidon. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1683. History of the League. Translated by John Dryden. i2mo. Lond. 1684. Main, Rev. R. Manual of Scientific Enquiry. See Herschel. Main, T. J. and T. Brown. The Indicator and Dynamometer. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1864. The Marine Steam Engine. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1852. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Mair, J. A. Handbook of Proverbs, Quotations, &c. Svo. Lond. n.d. Maitland, Edward. England and Islam, or the Counsel of Caiaphas. 8vo. Lond. 1877. 393 MAL Maitland, Sir F. L., Rear- Admiral. Narrative of the surrender of Ikionaparte. 8vo. Lend. 1826. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1826. Maitland, P. J., Capt. Rejjort of Reconnaissance in South-Western Baluchistan, 188 1-2. Folio, with loose map. Simla, 1883. Diary of a Journey from Jacobabad to Panjgur and exploration of Eastern Mekran, 188 1-2. Folio, with loose map. Simla, 1883. Maitland, Rev. S. R. List of Early Printed Books in the Archi- episcopal Library at Lambeth. See Catalogues. Maizeroi, Joly de. Institutions Militaires. See Leo. Majendie, V. D., Capt. Military Breech-loading Small Arms. Lond. 1867. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiii.) English Guns and Foreign Critics. Woolwich, 1870, (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Arms and Ammunition of the British Service. 12 mo. Lond. [1871]. Majendie, V. D., Capt., and Capt. C. Orde Browne. Military Breech-Loading Rifles; with notes on the Snider and Martini- Henry Rifles and Boxer Ammunition. 8vo. Woolwich, 1869. Major, R. H. Discovery of Australia by the Portuguese in 1601. Lond. 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iviii.) Letters of Christopher Columbus. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, ii and xliii. Travaile into Virginia Britannia. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. vi. Notes upon Russia. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, x and xii. History of China. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, xiv and xv. Tartar Conquerors of China. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xvii. India in the Fifteenth Century. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxii. Voyages to Australia. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxv. The Canarians. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xlvi. Voyages of Nicolo and Antonio Zeno to the Northern Seas. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. 1. Malcolm, Sir John, Major-Gen. Sketch of the Sikhs. 8vo. Lond. 181 2. History of Persia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Memoir of Central India, including Malwa. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Life of Robert, Lord Clive. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Sketches of Persia. 8vo. Lond. 186 1. MAL 394 Malcolmson, J. G. Effects of Solitary Confinement on the health of soldiers in warm climates. Lond. 1837. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Malet, Sir A., Bart. Overthrow of the Germanic Confederation by Prussia in 1866. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Malet, H. E., Capt. Historical Records of the i8th Hussars. See Army, Records (Cannon). Malham, John. Naval Gazetteer, or seaman's complete guide. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1801. Malherbe, L H. Artillerie Dienst. 6'^^Antoni. Malifaud, G. Civil War in Spain, 1872-6. See Dana. Malkin. Tour through Wales. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ii. Malleson, G. B., Col. Mutiny of the Bengal Army. (Red Pamphlet.) 8vo. Lond. 1858. History of the French in India, 1674-1761. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Recreations of an Indian Oiificial. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Historical sketch of the Native States of India in subsidiary alliance with the British Government. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Essays and lectures on Indian Historical Subjects. 8vo. Lond. 1876. History of Afghanistan. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Final French struggles in India and on the Indian Seas. 8vo. Lond. 1878. History of the Indian Mutiny, 1857-8. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 878-80. (For Analytical Index to above, see Pincott.) Herat: the granary and garden of Central Asia. 8vo. Lond. i88c. Decisive Battles of India from 1746 to 1849. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Loudon : a sketch of the military life of Gideon Ernest, Freiherr von Loudon, sometime Generalissimo of the Austrian Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Russo-Afghan Question and the Invasion of India. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Prince Eugene of Savoy. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Kabul Insurrection. See Eyre. Mallet, Allain Manesson. Les Travaux de Mars, ou I'art de la guerre. 3 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1696. Mallet, Robert. Physical Conditions involved in the construction of Artillery. 4to. Lond. 1856. Muzzle Swivelling and Hydraulic Gun mounting, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Lond. (circa 1863). 395 MAL Mallet, Robert {continued) — Address as President of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixix.) Dublin, 1866. Our Railway system viewed in reference to invasion. A translation of " The training of Railways for war in time of peace," by Baron M. M. von Weber. Svo. Lond. 187 1. Volcanic Energy : an attempt to develop its origin and cosmical relations. 4to. Lond. 1872. Mechanism of Stromboli. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) Alleged expansion in volume of various substances. Lond. 1875. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxii.) Temperature attainable by Rock -Crushing and its consequences. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxii.) Lond. 1875. Prismatic (or columnar) structure of Basalt. Lond. 1875. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxii.) Mallet, R. and J. W. Earthquake Catalogue. See British Association. Malley, James, Twelve Months at the South African Gold Fields. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvii.) Lond. 1872. Malmesbury, James Harris, Earl of. Diaries and correspondence. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S45. Official correspondence on the Italian Question. Svo. Lond. 1859. Malortie de Martemont, C, Col. Theory of Field-Fortification. Svo. Lond. 1810. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1834. Treatise on the general principles of Permanent Fortification. Svo. With folio atlas. Lond. 1820. Modern System of War. See Bulow. Malta. Description of Malta ; with a sketch of its history and fortifications. Svo. Malta, iSoi. Malta Government Gazette. Malta, 1842. (410 Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Rapporto quanto e accaduto nel Forte Ricasoli, 1807. n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvii.) Catalogo nella Pubblica Biblioteca. See Catalogues. Malte-Brun. Geographic du Theatre de la Guerre Italic. 4to. Paris, n.d. Malthus, Rev. T. R. Essay on the Principle of Population. 6th edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1826. Malton, W. D., Capt. The A B C of Skirmishing : being the Light Infantry Movements of a Company. Svo. Lond. 1859. MAL 396 Malton, W. D., Capt. {contitmed)— Light Drill, in accordance with the " Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry," 1859. 8vo. Lond. i860. Company and Battalion Drill illustrated. 6th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Ditto, ditto. loth edition. i2mo. Lond. 1868. Company Manoeuvres : or suggestions for Company Drill. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Elementary Drill condensed and illustrated : in accordance with the "Field Exercise and Evolutions of Lifantry," 1870. i6mo. Lond. 1871. Duties of Officers and IVLirkers in Battalion. i2mo. Lond. 1873. (Bound with " Misc. Drill Books.") Manual of Brigade Drill in accordance with the " Field Exercises and Evolutions of Infantry." 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 187 1, Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Brigade Drill. i2mo. Lond. 1873. (Bound with " Misc. Drill Books.") Key to the " Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry," as revised in 1874. i2mo. Lond. 1874. Key to the " Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Army," as re- vised in 1873. i2mo. Lond. 1874. Brigade Drill and attack formations. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Key to Infantry Drill ; 1889, i2mo. Lond. 1889. Manual for Majors and Adjutants in drill and manoeuvre. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Skirmishing, attack, and defence : as laid down in Infantry Drill : 1889. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Duties of Markers in drill. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Sinnott's Catechism of Infantry Drill adapted to the present regula- tions. 30th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1889. See also Sinnott. Mamy, H. Cryptographic. See War, Art of. Manby, Charles. Application of machinery to the manufacture of Fire-arms. See Colt. Manby, G. W., Capt. Journal of a voyage to Greenland in the year 182 1. 410. Lond. 1822. Means of preserving the lives of Shipwrecked Sailors, and the pre- vention of shipwreck. Lond. 1830. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol iii.) 397 MAN Manby, G. W., Capt. {continued) — Description of instruments, &c., for saving persons from drowning who break through the ice. Lond. 1832. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. v.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xv.) Address on the establishment of a Fire-Police. I.ond. 1834. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) An Englishman's Reflections on the subject of the present disturb- ances, and on the Author of them. Yarmouth, 1835. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Description of the Nelson Museum formed at Pedestal House, Southtown, Great Yarmouth. Yarmouth, 1849. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxi.) Summary of exertions to render services to the State by the preser- vation of its subjects from Shipwreck or Fire. Yarmouth, 1849. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol xxi.) Summary of Services rendered to the State in saving life. Svo. Yarmouth, 1851. Manchester Free Library. Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs. 2nd series. Vols, ix-xv. Svo. Manchester, 1851-60. Ditto. 3rd series. Vols, i-viii and x. Svo. Manchester, 1862-87. Proceedings. Vols ii-x and xv-viiii, xx-xxvi. Svo. Manchester, 1862-87. Memoirs and Proceedings. 4th series. Vol. i to . Svo. Manchester, 1888- . Rules. Svo. Manchester, iS6i. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Manchester, Duke of. A letter to Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar ; from a Spectator of part of the Campaign of 1870. 4to. Lond. 1 87 1. Mandar, C. F. De I'Architecture des Forteresses ou de I'art dc fortifier les places. Svo. Paris, 1801. Mandat-Grancey, M. de. L'Armee Anglaise avant sa reorganisation. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) Paris, 1873. Manderson, James, Capt. R.N. Letters to the Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval on the present magnitude of the British Navy, &c. Svo. Lond. 1812. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 179S-1824.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Falmouth Harbour. See Knight. Mangeot, H. Des Armcs de Guerre rayees. Svo. Paris, 1S60. MAN 398 Mangles, James. I'rospectus of " Alphabet of Illustrated Geograpliy." n.p. [1845]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Travels in Egypt, &c. See Irhy. Mann, J. H. History of Gibraltar and its Sieges. 410. Lend. 1870. Mann, Dr. R. J. Zulus and Boers of South Africa. Lond. 1879. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. .\xxvi.) Mannevillette, D'Apr^s de. Lc Neptune Oriental, ou Routier General des Cotes des Indes Orientales et de la Chine. Folio. Paris, 1745. Ditto, ditto. Folio. Paris, 1775. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) Manning, Mr. Sergeant. The Dano-German Question. Lond. 1864. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. v.) Manning, Francis. History of Dion Cassius. See Dion Cassius. Manoeuvres. Retrospect of the Autumn Manceuvres, by a recluse. Svo. Lond. 1872. The nineteen Manoeuvres explained. Oblong 8vo. Lond. 1S04. Mansfield, W. R., Col. On the Militia Force and its right application to the present circum- stances of the Country and the Regular Army. Lond. 1854. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) Mantel!, A. M., Lieut. Dictionary of Military Technical Terms. English-Arabic and Arabic-English. Svo. Cairo, 1886. Mantell, G. A. Wonders of Geology, or a familiar exposition of Geological Phenomena. 3rd edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1S39. Manuscripts. Abyssinia, Notes on. Folio. n.p. [circa 1S6S]. Algeria. Diario de la Expedicion contra Argel, 1775, with plans. 4to. Arabic Manuscripts (2). Army. History of the British Army. 5 vols. 4to, Military Miscellany relating principally to the English Army. Folio. Raising and training of Troops in former times. Folio. Ancient Military Punishments. Folio. 399 MAN Manuscripts. Army {continued) — Establishments of H.M. Land Forces on the Britisli Establish- ment. 8vo. 1762. Distribution of H.M. Forces at Home and on Foreign Service. i2mo. I??!' Clothing of the Army at various periods. Folio. Commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers with the different species of Force in the British Army. Folio. Returns of H.M. Forces, 1761, '62, '64, '65, '75, and '81. 8vo. Succession of Field Officers, Captains, and Staff of the Cavalry and the Line, 1779 to 1799. Folio. Lecture sur la Castramentation. 8vo. 18 10. Records of the Regiments. List of the Staff and Regiments employed on various expe- ditions from Queen Anne's Reign to the end of the War in 1815. Folio. Regiments present in various Battles from that of the Boyne in 1690 to that of Waterloo in 18 15. Folio. Notes on the Regiments. Folio. Heraldry of the Regiments of Foot Guards' Colours. Folio. Royal Regiment of Artillery. Scots Royal. 2nd or Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot. 3rd or the Kent Regiment of Foot or the Bufifs. 4th or the King's Own. 2 vols. 5th or the Northumberland Regiment. 6th or the ist Warwickshire Regiment. 7th Regiment of Foot or the Royal Fusiliers. 8th or King's Regiment. 9th or East Norfolk Regiment. 15th or Yorkshire East Riding Regiment. 1 8th or the Royal Irish Regiment. 2 1 St or Royal North British Fusiliers. 26th or Cameronian Regiment. 29th or Worcestershire Regiment. Standing Orders. i2mo. 42nd or Royal Highland Regiment (Black Watch). 52nd or O.xfordshire Regiment. 71st Highland Light Infantry. 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders (Manuscript-roll). 87th or Prince of Wales Own Irish Regiment. Belgium. Roads, chiefly round Brussels. 6 vols. Fcap. folio. Reconnaissance of the Road from Brussels to Ghent. Folio. 1815. Reconnaissance of the River Scheldt and of the roads leading along both sides of its banks from Tournay to Ghent. Folio. 1815. Bismark. Elements of Cavalry Evolutions. Translated by Capt. L. Beamish. Small 4to. 1825. MAN 400 Manuscripts {continued) — Broughton. Journals of his voyages, 1792-7. 8 vols., and some loose sheets. Folio, Brouncker, Lord. Experiments of the Recoiling of Guns. 4to. (Bound with Anderson, " Use of the Gun.") Brown, J. H., Capt. R.N. Observations in support of a proposal for abolishing the Impressment of Seamen. 4to. 1832. Campaigns. Narrative of the Campaign in Flanders, 1 744. 4to. Les Camps de I'Armee Autrichienne sortant dc la Bavi^re en 1745- Oblong 4to. Journal des Marches, Camps, et Mouvements des Troupes Auxiliaires Saxonnes en Boheme, 1744 et 1745. 2 vols. Oblong 4to. Thoughts of an Englishman upon the present state of affairs. 4to. 1 761. Naval and Military Occurrences from July, 1803, to 20 October, 1807. Folio. Waterloo. Return of Officers who were wounded during the Campaign. Cavalry. Spanish MSS. on Cavalry Tactics. 8vo. Cavoldo, J. J. Storia Veneziana. [History of Venice, to the year 1336.] Folio. Chemistry. Elements of Chemistry ; a course of Lectures in Modern Greek, taken down in short-hand. University of Corfu. Convoys, &c. Register of Convoys. 13 vols. Folio. Baltic Convoys, 1809-13. 5 vols. Folio. West Indian Convoys, 181 2. i vol. Folio. Licence Book. 3 vols. Folio. Cornewall, Thomas. His Course of Navigation at the Royal Academy, Portsmouth. Folio. Court-Martial held at Brunswick, N.J., for the Trial of Major-General Lee, 1778. Fcap. folio. Evolution Squadron. Principal positions of the Evolution Squadron under the command of Lord Hood, in 1792. 4to. Flag Book. Small 4to. Ford, John, Capt. Military Scraps. 4to. Volume containing the following. 4to. [1836.] Some interesting parts of the Moon's Surface. Remarks on the Vorticella Rotatoria. Remarks on the Circulation in the Chara Plant. The Double Star in the foot of Andromeda. 4°! MAN Manuscripts {continued) — Fortification. Libre d'ogni sorte di Fortificationi. 4to. Fox, A. I.., Major-Gen. Defence of a Bridge and Head of a Street. Folio. France. Places Maritimes. (With Autograph of Vauban.) Folio 17 12. Plan de la Route de Paris a Strasbourg par Mctz. Folio. 1755- Cartes du Cours de la Rivibre d'AUier depuis Vichy jusqu'a la Loire. Folio. Gibraltar. Spanish Manuscripts. Diary of the siege of Gibraltar, 1781. Vols, ii, iii, and iv. 4to. Vol. v, with maps and plans. Folio. n.d. Description of Gibraltar. Folio. 1705- Journal of the Siege of Gibraltar. 4to. 1727. Gordon, W. A. Expedition against the Fortress of Louisbourg. Folio. [1758.] Gower, E. Observations on the Navigation from England to India. 8vo. [1782] Graves, Sir Thomas, Rcar-Admiral. Public Order Book. Folio. 1801. General Public Memoranda, received and executed. Folio. 1804. (Bound with " Public Order Book.") Log of H.M.S. " Foudroyant." Folio. 1804. General and additional Sailing and Fighting Instructions. 4to. Guinta. Cartas entre un Magistrado y un Militax sobre la utilidad de la Guinta en Espaha. 4to. (Bound with " Algeria Expedition.") Gunpowder. Invention of Gunpowder. Folio. Hippisley, A. J. Introduction to Military Equitation. 8vo. [Lond. 1826.] Hunt, John, Capt. 7th Lt. Dragoons. Correspondence concerning the Regiment, 1 799-1 800. Jarry, General. Lectures. Des regies, attentions, et precautions qui concernant le trac<^ et la mesure des Camps. Des marches et mouvements des Armees. 2 vols. Folio. Kalendar with perpetual tables of Time. i2mo. i757- Kempenfeldt, Richard, Admiral. (icneral Instructions for the Conduct of the Ships of \\'ar, expla- natory of, and relative to, the Signals. 410. Signal Book and Instructions. 4to. 1783. Knighthood. Statutes of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. 4to. 2 u MAN 402 Manuscripts {continued) — Lacey, E. Hindoo Mythology. 4to. 1841. Letters. Autograph Letters from Statesmen, Generals, &:c., 1 660-1 794. Folio. Lettres Interceptees d'un Courier Fran<;ais de I'arniee du Marechal de Broglie a Paris, 1761. Folio. Logg of the Proceedings of H.M.S. "Terrible," in 1755-6. 2 vols. 4to. (This book belonged to King William the Fourth.) Lovell, \\'illiam. Ensignes of the Regiments in the rebellious Citty of London. Together with the nearest Number of there Trayned Soldiers, taken Tuesday, Sept. xxvj, mdcxliii. 4to. Mackellar. Fortifying Halifax, Nova Scotia. Fcap. folio. 1761. Malay Grammar. 4to. Military MSS. referred to in the Jackson MSS. 39 vols., 4to and 8vo. Military Miscellany. 4to. Mohammed, vulgo Mahomet. Al Koran; The Koran of Mahomet. Arabic. Molyneux, T., Lieut. Explanation of the 19 Manoeuvres. Folio. 1819. Naval Dimensions. 4to. Navy. Catalogue of all the Flag Officers of the Several Fleets since his Majesties happy Restoration in the year 1660. Folio. (With signature of William IV.) Schedule of some of the principal Books and Papers which may be required in the Management of a Naval Armament. Folio. Estimates of Charge of Building and Equipping for Sea, a Ship of each class in the Royal Navy. 4to. Letters from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to the Admirals. Folio. 1693. List of the Captains who have served in command on board His Majesties Ships since the Revolution in the year 1688. Folio. 1715- List of the Ships, Sloops, &c., that are gunned according to the establishment of 1746 etc. Obi. 8vo. List of H.M. Royal Navy, i2mo. [1772?] List of the Royal Navy. 8vo. 1798. Progress of H.M.S. *' Royal Academy." Folio. 1787. List of the Royal Navy, with number of guns, dimensions, &c. Corrected to 1825. 4to. Nicephorus Phocas de Velitatione. The Tactics of the Emperor Nicephorus. Folio. n.p., n.d. 403 MAN Manuscripts {amiitmea)— Nicolas, P. H., Lieut. R.N. Chronology of Naval Rattles and other im ortant events. 4to. 1846. Numismatics. Tavern, Coffee House and Tradesmen's Tokens of London, 1648 72. Provincial Tradesmen's Tokens and Town Pieces 1648-72. Ommanney, J. Manuscript of Navigation. Folio. lySo- Orders. Major Wolfe's General Orders from 1748 to 1759. 4to. Orders, &c., relating to the British Troops acting with the Prussians in 1760-61. Folio. General Orders Nos. 2-15, June 3rd, 1760 — April 3rd, 1763. Folio. General Orders of the Army in India, 1791-2. Folio. General Orders issued at Fort St. George, 1774-1798. 14 vols. Folio. Field Orders and Removals of Regiments in India. Vol. i. 4to. Circa 1808-1820. Ordnance Office. Two old Ledgers. Folio. 1674-1743. Ourvilliers, le Comte de. Signals for Sailing by Night in the French Fleet commanded by him. 4to. Page, B. W., Admiral. Naval Courts-Martial. 3 vols. i2mo. 1812-14. Rice, W. W. L. Remarks of Coasts and Harbours taken on board H.M.S. "Expedition" on the Jamaica Station. Folio. 1787. Rodney, Sir George. Signals. 4to. 1782. Rome. List of Emperors, &c. Sailing Directions for North America. Folio. n.p., n.d. St. Vincent, Lord, Admiral. Orders commencing April 25th, 1800. 4to. Scotland. Short pamphlet on the Clan Act, &:c. Shrapnel Shells, efficacy and advantage of. lamo. [1804-12.] Shuldham, Molyneux, Lieut. R.N. Description of a Revolving Masted Brig. [1S24.] (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (i).) Signals. Small 4to. „ „ 8vo. Society Islands. Vocabulary of the Language. Folio. Thames. Port Orders for the River Thames. Sm. 4to. Wade. Extract from the Narrative of Marshal Wade's proceedings in the Highlands of Scotland. Folio. Waterloo. Correspondence between Captain Siborne and Colonel Winchester; re model of ^^'aterloo. 2 D 2 MAN- 404 Manuscripts {^continued) — AN'hitby's Breech Loading Gun, Folio. n,p., n.d. \'eonianry. Memoranda on various Regiments of Yeomanry. Marcel, J. F. Vocabulaire Fran^ais-Arabe des dialectes vulgaires Africains d'Alger, de Tunis, de Alaroc et d'li^gypte. 8vo. Paris, 1837. MarcelUnus, Ammianus, Sec Ammianus. Marcet, Jane. Conversations on Political Economy. 6th edition. i2mo. Lend. 1827. Conversations on Natural Philosoj)hy. 8th edition, i 2mo. Lond. 1836. Conversations on Chemistry. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1837. March, John. New principle of Gun and Carronade Carriage. Greenwich, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Ditto, ditto. (Second Copy.) (Radstock Collection, Political Tracts.) Marchal, M. Les Navires de Guerre les plus recents. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Marchand, G. le. Deuxieme Campagne des Anglais dans I'Afghanistan (1879-80). Vol. i. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Rapport sur I'Armee Allemande. See Kaulbars. Marchant de Beaumont, F. M. Manuel et itineraire du curieux dans le Cimctiere du Pere la Chaise. i2mo. Paris, 1828. Marche, Olivier de la. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, vols, ix and x.) Marchi, Francesco de. Architettura Militare. Illustrata da Luigi Marini. 3 vols, in six. 4to. With atlas, 2 vols. Folio. Rome, 1810. Marcy, Randolph B. Prairie Traveller : a handbook for overland expeditions. 8vo. New York, 1859. Marengo. IMarengo and its Monuments. Translated by P. Pizzi. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Marey, Col. Memoir on Swords. Translated by Lieut.-Col. H. H. Maxwell. 8vo. Lond. i860. Marga, A. Geographie Militaire, Part I. 2 vols., 8vo, and 4to atlas. Pari*;, 1885. ,, 2. 3 vols., 8vo, and 4to atlas. Paris, 1884. Margetts, George. Longitude Tables. Folio. Lond. n.d. Marguerite de Valois, Queen of France and Navarre. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxvii.) Marhatta Empire. Notes relative to the late transactions in the Marhalta Empire, with appendix. 4to. Lond. 1804. 405 ^lAR Maria Louisa, Infanta of Spain, and Queen of Etruria. Memoirs, written by herself. See Kolli. Mariani, Carlo. L'Esercito Italiano nel passato e nell' avvenire. 8vo. Milan, 187 1. Marillac, Michel de. Memoire. (Pctitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xlix.) Marine Society. Bye-Laws and Regulations. 7th edition, containing an historical account of this Institution. 8vo. Lond. 1829. (Radstock Collection.) Account of the Marine Society, with rules, and a list of the sub- scribers. 6th edition, by Jonas Hanway. 8vo. Lond. 1759. (Radstock Collection.) Letter from a Member, showing the generosity and utility of their design. Lond. 1757. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xi.) Mariner, William. Exchequer Bills Forgery. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvii.) Lond. 1843. Marines, the Royal. Letter concerning the four Regiments commonly called Mariners. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. ii.) Lond. 1699. Ditto, ditto. (Second coi)y.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 163 7- 1806.) Short vindication of Marine Regiments. Lond. 1699. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. ii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) List of the Officers of H.M. Marine Forces, with the Numbers of the Companies. 1773, 1775-83. 1785, 178S-90, 1792, 1794-6, 1798-1801, 1803-9, 1811, 1813-33, 1835, and 1842. 8vo. Lond. 1773, ond. 1805. (Radstock Collection.) Maxwell, Keith, Capt. Portable Telegraphic System for the Army. 4to. Lond. 181 1. Maxwell, R., Capt. Seamanship and Navigation required for the examinations of the Local Marine Board. 7th edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Lond. 1885. Maxwell, W. H. History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798; with Memoirs of the Union, and Emmett's Insurrection in 1S03. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Maxwell, Sir William Stirling. See Stirling-Maxwell. May, de Romainmotier. Histoire Militaire de la Suisse, et celle des Suisses dans les dififerens services de TEurope. 8 vols. 8vo. Lausanne, 1788. May, F. L. British and Irish Press Guide. 8vo. Lond. 1882. May, G. Ballooning : a concise sketch of its history and principles. 8vo. Lond. 1885. 417 MAZ May, Henry. Reasons wherefore England and the Low Countries may not have warres with each other. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) May, Thomas. History of the Parliament of England which began November 3rd, 1O40. Originally printed in 1647. 4'^o- Lond. 18 1 2. Maydman, Henry. Naval Speculations and maritime i)oliticks : a discourse of the Royal Navy of England. i2mo. Lond. 1691. Mayer, S. R. Townshend, and John C. Paget. Afghanistan : including an account of the Wars of 1839-42. i2mo. Lond. 1879. Mayers, W. F. Introduction and use of Gunpowder and Firearms among the Chinese. Shanghai, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. c.) Mayes, Charles. Manufactures more immediately required for the economical development of the Resources of the Colony (of Victoria). Melbourne, 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiii.) Mayhew, E. Illustrated horse doctor. 7th edition. Svo. Lond. 1870. Illustrated horse management. Svo. Lond. 1872. Maynarde, Thomas. Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. iv. Mayne, C. B., Capt. The late Battles in the Soudan and modern tactics. Svo. Lond. 1884. Infantry Fire Tactics. i2mo. Chatham, 1S85. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Chatham, 1S88. Mayne, R. C, Capt. R.N. Practical notes on Marine Surveying and Nautical Astronomy. Svo. Lond. 1874. Mayne, W. C, Lieut. Service of Light Troops. See Roche-Aymon. Mayo, Herbert. Management of the Organs of Digestion in health and disease. Svo. Lond. 1837. Philosophy of Living. Svo. Lond. 1S3S. (Bound with " Organs of Digestion.") Mayor, Edgar J., Capt. Key to Clery's Tactics. Svo. Lond. 1 88 2. Mazarredo Salazar, Don Josef de. Rudimentos de Tactica Naval, para instruccion de los Oficiales Sub- alternos de Marina. 4to. Madrid, 1776. Instrucciones y Senales para el Regimen y Maniobras de la Esquadra. Sm. 4to. Cadiz, 1781. Mazd, Capt. General Scharnhorst. See Scharnhorst. 2 E MAZ 4i8 Mazukeveuemv. IIPIIIJPE'rKHAH BOlillA (Coast Warfare). 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1874. Meade, Hon. Herbert, Lieut. R.N. Ride tlirough the disturbed districts of New Zealand ; wilii some account of the South Sea Islands. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Meadows. Italian and English Dictionary. Edited by J. Jazdowski. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Meagher, Rev. Andrew. The Popish Mass, or the conformity of the Church of Rome with Paganism. 8vo. Cork, 1823. M^chain, M., and M. Delambre. Base du Sysieme Metrique 1 )ccinial ou mesure de I'Arc du Meridien compris entre les paral- Icles de Dunkerque et Barcelone. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806-10. Mecham, C. H., Lieut. Sketches and incidents of the Siege of Lucknow. Folio. Lond. 1858. Mechanical Engineers, Institution of. See Engineers. Meckel, J. von. Major. Allgemeine Lehre von der Truppenfiihrung im Felde. 8vo. Berlin, 1881. Medici, Lorenzo de. Poesie del Magnifico Lorenzo de Medici. 4to. Liverpool, 1795. Meding, M. For Sceptre and Crown. Translated from the German of Gregor Samarow (M. Meding). 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Medows, Sir Philip. Observations concerning the dominion and sovereignty of the Seas. i2mo. Lond. 1689. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 163 7-1 806.) Meek, F. B. Palaeontology. See U.S. Army, Engineer Department. Meekison, Colin, Lieut. Instructions for the exercise, field- movements, &:c. of a regiment or battalion of Infantry. i2mo. Newport, I.W., 1807. Meer Hussein, Ali Khan Kirmani. History of Hydar Naik : translated by Colonel W. Miles. 8vo. Lond. 1842. History of the reign of Tipu Sultan : translated by Colonel W. Miles. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Meerheimb, F. von. Geschichte der Pariser Commune vom Jahre 187 1. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Meidinger, Jean- Valentin. Grammaire Allemande Pratique, ou Methode nouvelle et amusante pour apprendre I'Allemand. 7th edition. 8vo. Frankfort, 181 2. Meinert, C. A. Armee- und Volksernahrung. 2 vols. 8vo. Berhn, 1880. Meissner, A. G. Skizzen. 4 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 1783-5. Meldegg, Reichlin, Baron von. Col. Treatise on the disposition and duties of Outposts. Abridged from the German by Captain C. W. Short. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1831. 4'9 MEL Meldegg-, Reichlin, Baron von, Col. {continued)— Treatise on Patroling. Translated by Captain C. W. Short. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1831. (Bound with " Duties of Outposts.") Meldola. Systfeme complet de Signaux. See Rohde. Melfort. See Drummond de Melfort. Mellen, Grenville. Book of the United States. Svo. New York, 1839. Mellerv, E., and K. Modrachv. HT>MEqKO-PyCCKIli BOEnilO- TEXllIiqECKIli CIOBAPb (German and Russian Military Dic- tionary), Parts 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1881-7. Melmoth, William. Letters of Cicero. See Cicero. Letters of Pliny. See Pliny. Melo, Francisco Manuel de. Historia de los movimentos, separa- cion y guerra en Cataluna en tiempo de Felipe IV. i2mo. Madrid, 180S. Melsens. Appareil destine a I'essai des Poudres de guerre, de mine et de chasse. Paris, 1863. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Melvill of Carnbee, Baron, and H. D. A. Smits. Seaman's Guide round Java and round the Islands east of Java. Svo. Lond. 1850. Melville, Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas, Viscount. Speech (concerning the Report of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry) in the House of Commons on the nth June, 1805. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Edinburgh, 1805, Speech in answer to Lord Darnley's Motion respecting the State of the Navy. Svo. Lond. 1805. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Letter on Naval Timber. Lond. 18 10. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Speech on the Subject of Troop Ships. Svo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Substance of Speech on Troop Ships. Svo. Lond. 1810. (Bound with " Goldsmith, Conduct of France.") Letter relative to the management of the Civil Service of the Navy. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Lond. 18 10. Letter relative to the establishment of a Naval Arsenal at Northfleet. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Lond. iSio. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Bound with "Bligh : Mutiny of the Bounty.") {See also Arsenal.) Trial of Lord Melville. See Trials. 2 E 2 MEM 420 Memes, John, S. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. See Bourrienne. Mendelssohn, Moses. Philosophische Schriften. 2 vols. i2mo. Berlin, 1777. Mendoza, Juan Gonzalez de. See Gonzalez de Mendoza. Mendoza-Rios, J. de. Tables for Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1809. Menger, Rudolph. Geschichte des Deutschen Krieges von 1870 wider den l'>rbfcind. 8vo. Berlin, 1870. Menonville, N. J. T. de. Travels to Guaxaca. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xiii. Mercantile Marine. Case of the Traders by Sea. Lond. 1707. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) Instruction to Naval Officers relating to matters affecting the British Mercantile Marine. Lond. 1S62. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxi.) Proceedings of a Meeting held to consider the present condition of Merchant Seamen, and how it may be improved. Lond. 1863. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Ditto, ditto. Second copy. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Report of the Committee of the Society for improving the condition of Merchant Seamen. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) " The Lancet " Reports on the present Sanitary Condition of the Mercantile Marine. Lond. 1867. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) Bureau Veritas (Societe Anonyme) Repertoire general. General List of Merchant Shipping of all Nations. Part i. Sailing Vessels. Part 2. Steamers. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1879-80. Regulations relating to the Examinations of Masters and Mates in the Mercantile Marine. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Mercator, Gerard. Gallic tabule Geographicae. Folio. Duysbourgh, 1585. Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas ; enlarged with new mappes and tables by ludochus Hondy. Folio. Lond. 1635. Mercer, Cavalie, General. Journal of the "\Vaterloo Campaign. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1870. Meredith, "W. G. Memorials of Charles John, King of Sweden and Norway. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Mergey, Jean de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxiv.) Merian, R., Col. Les Progres de I'Artillerie dans les six dernieres annees. Traduit par Major A. Davall. Paris, 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. l.xxiv (ii). ) 421 MET Mericourt, A. Le Roy de. Rapport sur les progres de I'Hygi^neNavale. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Merivale, Herman. Life of Sir Henry Lawrence. See Edwardes. Merle, Mathieu, Baron de Salavas. See Salavas. Merle d'Aubign^, J. H. Histoirc de la Reformation du Seizieme Siecle. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Svo. Brussels, 1839-40. Merolla da Sorrento, Father Jerom. Voyage to Congo. Sec Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xvi. Merrifield, J. Treatise on Navigation. Svo. Lond. 1883. Mersey, The River. Report on the present state of the Navigation of the River Mersey, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1885, and 1888. Mertens, C. Fusees de Guerre de William Hale, etudes de I'in- venteur. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Meteorological Office. Hourly Readings. 1 881 to . 4to. Lond. 1882- . Weekly Weather Report. 2nd series, vol. i to . 4to. Lond. 1884- . Monthly Weather Report, 1884 to . 4to. Lond. 1884- . Quarterly Weather Report. 1869 to . 4to. Lond. 1871- . Meteorological Observations at Stations of the Second Order, 1878 to . 4to. Lond. 1880- . Rainfall Tables of the British Isles for 1 866-1 880. Compiled by G. J. Symons. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Contributions to our knowledge of the Meteorology of the Arctic Regions. Parts 2-5. 4to. Lond. 1880-88. Charts showing the Surface Temperature of the South Atlantic Ocean in each month in the year. Folio. Lond. 1869. Contributions to our knowledge of the Meteorology of Cape Horn and the West Coast of South America. 4to. Lond. 187 i. Currents and Surface Temperature of the North Atlantic Ocean from the Equator to Latitude 40" N. 4to. Lond. 1872. Discussion of the Meteorology of the part of the Atlantic lying North of3o°N. With vol. of charts and plans. 4to. Lond. 1872. Contributions to our knowledge of the Meteorology of the Antarctic Regions. 4to. Lond. 1873. Charts of Meteorological Data, for Square 3. Lat. o°— 10° N., Long. 20° — 30° W. Folio. Lond. n.d. Remarks to accompany ditto. 4to. Lond. 1874. Physical Geography of the part of the Atlantic which lies between 20° N. and 10° S. and extends from 10° to 40" W.: by Capt. Toynbee. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Charts of Meteorological Data for nine ten-degree st^uares, Lat. 20^ N. to lo^'S., Long. 10° to 40° W. Obi. 410. Lond. n.d. Remarks to accomi)any ditto. 410. Lond. 1876. MET 422 Meteorological Office {continued)— Meteorology of the North Atlantic during August, 1873, illustrating the hurricane of that month : by Captain Henry Toynbee. 4to Lond. 1878 Synchronous Charts of the North Atlantic during August, 1873 Folio. Lond. n.d Report on the Meteorology of Kerguelen Island : by Rev. S. J Perry. 4to. Lond. 1879 Notes to ditto. Report of ihe Permanent Committee of the First International Con- gress at Vienna. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Report of the second International Meteorological Congress at Rome. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Report of the International Meteorological Committee, meeting at Berne, 1880. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Meteorological Charts for the Ocean District adjacent to the Cape of Good Hope. Folio. Lond. n.d. Remarks explanatory of ditto. 4to. Lond. 1882. Report on the Gales experienced in the Ocean District adjacent to the Cape of Good Hope : by Capt. H. Toynbee. 4to. Lond. 1882. Meteorological Atlas of the British Isles. 4to. Lond. 1883. Sunshine Records of the United Kingdom for 1881. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Report of the 2nd meeting of the International Meteorological Com- mittee held at Copenhagen, 1882. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Barometer Manual for the use of seamen. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Report of the Third Meeting of the International Meteorological Committee, held at Paris, 1885. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Ditto, ditto. Fourth meeting (at Zurich), 1888. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Principles of Forecasting. See Abercromby. Study and forecast of Weather. See Ley. Storm of October 13-14, 1881. See Scott, R.H. Meteorological Society. Modern Meteorology : a series of six lectures. i2mo. Lond. 1879. Metz, C. M. Imitations of ancient and modern Drawing?. Folio. Lond. 1798. Meurdra, M. H., Capt. Fonts Militaires et passages de Rivieres. 8vo. Paris, 1861. Meursius, Joannes. Constantini Porphyrogennetc-e Opera. See Constantinus. Meyrick, J. J. Stable management and the prevention of disease among Horses in India. 8vo. Lond. 1882. 423 MIC Meyrick, Sir S. R. Engraved illustrations of ancient Arms and Armour. Edited by Joseph Skelton. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1830. Antient Armour, as it e.xisted in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King Charles II. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. n.d. Meyserey, M. De. La Medecine d'Armee. 3 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1754. Mezerette, Henri. L'Art de Combattre I'Armee Prussienne et d'aborder dc loin I'Artillerie Allemande. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Michaelis, J. B. Poetische Werke. i2mo. Giesen, 1780. Michaud, Joseph. Histoire des Croisades. 4th edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1825-9. Bibliotheque des Croisades. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Micheels, M. Etude sur les equipages de Siege. 8vo. Paris, 1884. Michel, G. Histoire de Vauban. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Michelet, Jules. La France devant I'Europe. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) Florence, 187 1. Michell, J. E., Major-Gen. Records of the Royal Horse Artillery. See Army, Records Michell, J. and R. Russians in Central Asia. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Michell, Robert. Turkestan. Russian Position and Russian Military Forces in the Provinces. 4to. Lond. 1873. Country of the Turcomans, giving an account of the Russian Occu- pation of the East Coast of the Caspian. 4to. Lond. 1873. Russian Military Expedition to Khiva. See Khiva. Russian Mission to Bokhara in 1870. See Kostenko. Michell, St. John F., Capt. Report (topographical, political, and military) on the North-East Frontier of India. 8vo. Calcutta, 1883. Lower Assam Report ; the Aka Monkpa Group. 8vo. Simla, 1883. Michell, T. The Eastern Question. See Fadeeff. Michell, Tobias. Improved method for working Pumps. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. viii.) Lond. n.d. Michie, Alexander. Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg through Mongolia, Tartary, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1S64. Michie, Peter S. Personnel of Sea-coast Defense. n.p. 1887. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Mickiewicz, Adam. Books and Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxii.) Lund. 1833. MIC 424 Microscopical Society, Royal. Transactions : Monthly Micro- sioi^ii ,il Jijuriial. \'ol. xiv. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Middleton, F., Lieut.-Col, longlish rules for playing the War Game. Lond. 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. x.) Changes of Tactics. See United Service Institution. Middleton, Sir Henry. Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands. .SV(' Hakluyt Soc, vol. xix. Middleton, O. R., Col. Outlines of Military History. Svo. Lond. 1 886. Miethen, Michael. Neuere curiose Geschiitz Beschreibung. Folio. Dresden, 1705. Mignan, Robert, Capt. Travels in Chaldrea ; including a journey from Bussorah to Bagdad, Hillah, and Babylon, performed on foot in 1827, Avith observations on the sites and remains of Babel, Seleucia, and Ctesiphon. Svo. Lond. 1S29. Mignet, F. A. Histoire de la Revolution Frangaise 1 789-1814. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S26. Mikhailofski-Danilefsky, A., Lieut.-Gen. History of the Cam- paign in France, in 1S14. Svo. Lond. 1S39. Mikhailofski-Danilefsky, A., Lieut.-Gen., and Miliutin. Ges- chichte des Krieges Russlands mit Frankreich im Jahre 1799. Translated by C. Schmitt. 5 vols. Svo. Munich, 185 6-8. Miler, Francois. Description de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg. i6mo. Strasbourg, 18 iS. Miles, Major. Night Operations. See Aldershot Military Society. Miles, E. Epitome, descriptive of the Royal Naval Service of England. 8vo. Lond. 1S44. Miles, James. Officers of the Indian Army. See India. Miles, Jeaffreson, Commander R.N. Vindication of Lord Nelson's I'roceedings in the Bay of Naples. Svo. Lond. 1S43. Miles, W., Col. History of Hydar Naik. See Meer Hussein. History of Tipoo Sultan. See Meer Hussein. Genealogical Tree of the Turks and Tatars. See Shajrat ul Atrak. Milet-Mureau, L. A. Voyage round the World. See Perouse. Militarische Klassiker. 3 vols. Svo. Berlin, 1880-2. Vol. I. Abrifs der Kriegskunst von Jomini. Uebersetzt durch von Boguslawski. Vom Kriege. Hinterlassenes Werk des Generals Carl von Clausewitz. Erlautert durch W. von Scherff. 425 MIL Militarische Klassiker {continued) — Vol. 2. Militarische Scriften von Napoleon I. Erlautert durch Boie. Militarische Schriften von Scharnhorst. Erlautert dursch F. von der Goltz. Vol. 3. Friedrich der Grosse. Militarische Scriften. Erlautert dursch von Taysen. Military Academy, Royal. See Woolwich. Military College, Royal. See Sandhurst. Miliutin. Krieges Russlands mit Frankreich, 1799. See Mikhailofski-Danilefsky. Mill, James. History of British India. Edited, with notes and con- tinuation, by H. H. Wilson. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840-8. Mill, John Stuart. Principles of Political Economy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Millan. Succession of Colonels to all H.M. Land Forces, General and Field Officers, with dates, uniform, &c., to September, 1755. i2mo. n.p., n.d. (Bound with "Army List," 1755.) Millard, John. Plan for the better management of the British Museum. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Lond. 1836. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1836. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) Miller, F., Lieut.-Col. Study of the Italian Campaign in 1859. 8vo., with folio Plans. Woolwich, i860. Index to the Officers serving on full pay, in the Royal Regiment of Artillery. Woolwich, i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ix.) Gun Cotton. Lond. 1864. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (ii).) Operations of the War in 1866. No. i. Invasion of Bohemia. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) Lond. 1866. Comparative advantages of Breech-loading and Muzzle-loading systems for Rifled Field Artillery. Woolwich, 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (ii).) Lecture on the Campaigns of 1866 in Germany. Woolwich, 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (ii).) Army Equipment. See Army Equipment. Miller, H. P. Guide to the " Queen's Sixty "; or the way to become a good rifle shot. 4lh edition. i2mo. Lond. 1877. MIL 426 Miller, John. Memoirs of General Miller in the service of the Rei)ul>lic of Peru. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1829. Miller, Thomas. Complete Modellist : shewing the way of raising the model of any ship or vessel. Lond. 1684. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xviii.) Miller, William Allen. Elements of Chemistry. 3rd edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1867. Millet, Frank D. Campaigning with the Cossacks. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Washington, n.d. Milligan, Capt. Prussian Orders for conducting large Manoeuvres. See Germany. Millingen, Frederick, Major. Wild Life among the Koords. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Millingen, Dr. J. G. Curiosities of Medical Experience. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1839. Milne, John. Practical view of the Steam Engine. Svo. With two folio Plates. Edinburgh, 1S30. Milner, Rev. J., and O. W. Brierly. Cruise of H.M.S. " Galatea." Svo. Lond. 1S69. Milton, Viscount, and Dr. W. B. Cheadle. North-West Passage by land ; narrative of an expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1865. Milton, John. Poetical Works. Edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd. 6 vols. Svo. Lond. I So I. Prose Works. Edited, with a life of the Author, by Charles Symmons. 7 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S06. Milton, Thomas. Geometrical plans of the Dockyards at Deptford, Woolwich, Portsmouth, Sheerness, Chatham, and Plymouth. Folio. n.p. 1753-6. Minorca. Account of the Siege of Minorca by the French, in 1756. Svo. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection, Tracts 1740-56.) Observations on the conduct of the late Administration ; particularly in regard to our loss of Minorca. Svo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection, Byng's Tracts.) Minsheu or Minshaeus, John. Guide into the Tongues : with their agreement and consent one with another, as also their Etymologies. Folio. Lond. 1627. Minssen, J. F. Uictionnaire des Sciences Militaires Allemand-Frangais. Svo. Paris, 1880. Termes, Sujets et Dialogues Militaires en Frangais et en Allemand. i2mo. Paris. 1880. 427 MIT Mint. Fifth Annual Report of the Deputy Master of the Mint, 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) Lond. 1875. Minto, Gilbert Elliot, Earl of. Life and Letters, 1 751-1806. Edited by the Countess of Minto. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Lord Minto in India, 1807-14. Edited by the Countess of Minto. Svo. Lond. 1880. Minto, W. Defoe. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Mionnet, T. E. Atlas de Geographie Numismatique. 4to. Paris, 1838. Miot, Jacques. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire des Expeditions en Egypte et en Syrie. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1814. Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de. Secret history of the Court of Berlin. Svo. Dublin, 1789. Mirabeau, Countess de. Recollections of Colonel de Gonneville. See Gonneville. Mirus, von, Major-Gen. Cavalry Field Duty. Translated by Capt. F. S. Russell. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Mitand, Louis du. Dictionnaire Royal. See Boyer. Mitchel, F. A. Gen. Buell's criticism on Gen. Mitchel. (Excerjjt "Century Magazine.") New York, 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Mitchel, J. Revolution in Sweden. See Vertot. Mitchell, J., Lieut-Col. Life of Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Thoughts on Tactics and Military Organization : with an enquiry into the power and position of Russia. Svo, Lond. 1838. Fall of Napoleon : an historical memoir. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1845. Mitchell, Sir T. L., Lieut.-Col. Figures shewing the motions in the Manual and Platoon Exercises and the different Firings. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1835. Three Expeditions into the interior of Eastern Australia; with descriptions of Australia Felix and New South Wales. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1839. Australian Geography. Svo. Syndey, 1S50. Origin, history, and description of the Bomerang Propeller. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Lond. 1853. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Mitford, R. C. W. Revely, Major-Gen. To Caubul with the Cavalry Brigade. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 18S1. Orient and Occident : a journey East from Lahore to Liverpool. Svo. Lond. 1 888. MIT 428 Mitford, William. Essay upon tlie Harmony of Language. 8vo. Lond. 1774. History of Greece. With a memoir of the Author, by his brother, Lord Rcdcsdale. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Mittler und Sohn. Militairischer Werke. See Catalogues. Mivart, St. George. On the Genesis of Species. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Modestus. Vocabulis rei miHtaris. See Scriveriiis. Ditto, ditto. See also Hoogenhuysen. Modrachv, K. Military Dictionary. See Mellerv. Mog"g, Edward. Roads of England and Wales. See Paterson. Molesworth, Richard, Viscount, Lieut.-Gen. Course of Stand- ing Rules for the government and conduct of an Army, designed for, or in the Eicld. 8vo. Dublin, 1745. Molesworth, Sir W., Bart., M.P. Colonial Expenditure and Government. See Financial Reform Assoc. Tracts, Nos. 11 and 12. Moleville, A. F. Bertrand de. See Bertrand de Moleville. Moliere, J. B. Pocquelin de. Sammtliche Lustspiele. Nach einer freyen und sorgfaltigen Uebersetzung. 4 vols. i2mo. Hamburgh, 1752. CEuvres completes de Moliere, avec les notes de tous les Commenta- teurs. 8 vols. Svo. Paris, 1823-4. MoHna, Don J. Ignatius. Geographical, natural, and civil history of Chili. 2 vols. Svo. Lond, 1809. Moll, Herman. Atlas Minor : set of sixty-two maps. 4to. Lond. n.d. Mollien, G. Travels in the Interior of Africa to the sources of the Senegal and Gambia, in 18 18. Edited by T. E. Bowdich. 4to. Lond. 1820. Molloy, Charles. De Jure Maritime et Navali ; or, a treatise of Aflairs Maritime and of Commerce. Svo. Lond. 1772. Moltke, Baron von, Field-Marshal. Russians in Bulgaria and Rumelia in 1828-9. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Histoire de la Campagne de 1866. Translated by M. F. Raynaud. Svo., with Svo case of plans. Paris, 1S68. Influence that Arms of precision have on Modern Tactics. Trans- lated by Lieut. H. R. G. Craufurd. Lond. 187 1. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xci.) Briefe iiher Zustande und Begebenheiten in der Tlirkei, 1835-9. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. Briefe aus Russland. Svo. Berlin, 1S77. Letters from Russia. Translated by Robina Napier. Svo. Lond. 1878. 429 MON Moltzheim, A. de, Capt. L'Artillerie Frangaise, costumes, uniformss, materiel. Folio. Paris, 1870. La nouvelle Armee Frangaise. Folio. Paris, 1877. Molyneux, Thomas More. Conjunct Expeditions: or expeditions that have bjen carried on jointly by the Fleet and Army, with a commentary on a Littoral VVar. 8vo. Lond. 1759. Monck, George, Gen. Relation of the last great Fight at Sea, July 29 and 31, between the English and the Dutch. 8vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Moncrieff, C. C. Scott, Major. Irrigation in Southern Europe. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Suggestions for supplementing our Coast Defences on the Moncrieff System. Lond. 1873 (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) Money, J., Marshal. Histoire de la Campagne faite en 1792 par les Armees Francoises sous les Generau.x Dumourier, Valence, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1794. Money, William Taylor. Expediency of Shipbuilding at Bombay. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Lond. 181 1. Monge, Gaspard. Description de I'Art de Fabriquer les Canons. 4to. Paris, 1794. Monglat, F. de P. de Clermont, Marquis de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xlix-li.) Monmerque. Collection des Memoires. See Petitot. Monmouth, Henry, Earl of. Wars in Flanders. See Bentivoglio. Monnier, C, Major. La Guerre des Bois. See Belgium, Conferences Militaires, series 2, nos. 2 and 3. Monro, Dr. Alex. Anatomy of the Brain. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831. Elements of the Anatomy of the Human Body. 2nd edition. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831. Essays and heads of lectures on anatomy, physiology, ]Dathology, and surgery; with a memoir of his life. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1840. Monro, Dr. Donald. Essay on the Dropsy and its different species 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1765. Monson, Sir William. Naval Tracts. Folio. Lond. n.d. 1. Account of the English and Spanish Fleets during the War in Queen Elizabeth's time. 2. Actions of the English under James L 3. Office of the Lord High Admiral of England, and of all the Ministers and Officers under him. 4. Discoveries and Enterprises of the Spaniards and Portuguese. MON 430 Monson, Sir William {continued) — 5. Divers projects and stratagems tcnder'd for the good of the Kingdom. 6. Treats of Fishing to be set upon the Coast of England, Scotland, and Ireland. (Radstock Collection.) Monstrelet, Enguerrand de. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Countries, 1400-1606. Translated by Thomas Johnes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Montagu, Basil. Works of Francis Bacon. See Bacon. Montagu, Sir George, Admiral. Refutation of the statements and insinuations in Capt. Brenton's Naval History of Great Britain, re- ferring to the conduct of Admiral Montagu. Svo. Lond. 1823. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1 798-1 824.) Montagu, Irving. Wanderings of a War Artist. 8vo. I.ond. 1S89. Montalembert, Marc Rene, Marquis. L'Art defensif superieur a I'offensif 10 vols. 4to., with folio atlas. Paris, 1793. L'Ami de I'Art defensif, ou observations sur le Journal Polytechnique de I'Ecole Centrale des Travaux Publics. 4to. Paris, 1794. Defence of Fortified Places. See Carnot. Montalte, Louis de. Les Provinciales. See Pascal, B. Montandre Longchamps, Chev. de, et M. de Roussel. 6tat Militaire de la France pour I'annee 1768. i2mo. Paris, 1768. Montecuculi, Raymund. Memoires. 12 mo. Paris, 1751. Ditto, ditto. 1 2 mo. Amsterdam, 1756. Montecuccoli, Raimond. Opere .- illustrate da Ugo Foscolo. 2 vols, in one. Folio. Milan, 1807. Mont^gut, Emile. Le Marechal Davout son caractere et son genie. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Monteiro, J. J. Angola and the River Congo. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Monteith, W., Lieut.-Gen. Kars and Erzeroum : with the Cam- paigns of Prince Paskiewitch in 1828 and 1829. Svo. Lond. 1856. Montesquieu, Charles de Lecondat, Baron de la Brede. Reflections on the causes of the grandeur and declension of the Romans. i2mo. Lond. 1734. Spirit of Laws. 6th edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1772. CEuvres de Montesquieu. 5 vols. Svo. Paris, 1796. CEuvres Posthumes de Montesquieu. Svo. Paris, 1798. Essay on Taste. See Gerard. 431 MOO Montgomery, James. Life of the Rev. David Braincrd. See Edwards. Montgomery. W. Montgomery Manuscripts, 1603-1706; edited by the Rev. George Hill. Vol. i. 4to. Belfast, 1869. Monthaye, E., Lieut. Krupp et De Bange. 8vo. Brussels, 1887. Montholon, Comte de, Gen. M^moires pour servir a I'histoire de France sous Napoleon. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823-5. (Vol. V missing.) Montluc, Blaise de. Commentaires. (I'etitot's Collection, ist series, vols, xx, xxi, and xxii.) Montmorency, R. H. de, Col. Exercise and Manoeuvres of the Lance ; with account of the most celebrated Banners and Orders of Chivalry. 4to. Lond. 1820. Montpensier, Mile. de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xl-xliii.) Montresor, Comte de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. liv.) Mont Royard, M. de. Service de I'Artillerie. See Antoni. Moody, John, Capt. Floating Batteries, light-ships, beacons, and lifeboats. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxviii.) Floating Electric Telegraph Stations and Light-Ships. Lond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (i).) Moody, Samuel. Annotationes in vetas et novem Testamentum. See Grotius. Moon, G. Washington. Revisers' English. Criticisms on the revised version of the New Testament. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Moor, Edward, Major. Narrative of the operations of Capt. Little's Detachment, and of the Mahratta Army, commanded by Purserum Bhow ; during the late confederacy in India. 4to. Lond. 1794. Oriental Fragments. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Moorcroft, William, and G. Trebeck. Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and the Panjab ; in Ladakh and Kash- mir; in Peshawar, Kabul, Kunduz, and Bokhara. Edited by Horace Hayman Wilson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Moore, F. Catalogue of the Birds in the Museum of the East India Company. See Catalogues. Moore, Francis. Almanack. See Periodicals (Vox Stellarum). Moore, Frank. Rebellion Record : a diary of American Events. With an introductory address on the causes of the struggle ; by Edward Everett. 11 vols. 8vo. New York, 1864-8. MOO 432 Moore, J. History of the rise and progress of the Art of Printing. Lond. 1863. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. Ixiii.) Moore, James. Campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by Sir John Moore. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1809. Ditto, ditto, 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1809. (Radstock Collection.) Moore, James Carrick. Life of Lieut.-Gen. Sir John Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Moore, John Hamilton. Practical Navigator ; being a complete epitome of navigation. 20th edition. Revised by J. F. Dessiou. Svo. Lond. 1828. Moore, J. J. Midshipman's or British Mariner's Vocabulary. i2mo. Lond. 1805. Moore, Thomas. History of Ireland. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1836-46. Poetical Works. 10 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1840-1. Life and works of Lord Byron. See Byron. Moore, William. Treatise on the Motion of Rockets ; with an essay on Naval Gunnery. 8vo. Lond. 18 13. Moorsom, C. R., Vice-Admiral. Proposition for a general form of Returns to be used by Ships trying Rate of Sailing. Portsea, 1845. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Principles of Naval Tactics. Svo. Birmingham, 1846. Memorandum on the performance of Steam Vessels. Lond. i860, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivi.) Moorsom, W., Capt. R.N. Suggestions for the organization and manoeuvres of Steam Fleets. 4to. Lond. 1854. Moorsom, W. S., Capt. Letters from Nova Scotia, comprising sketches of a young country. 8vo, Lond. 1830. Historical Record of the 52nd Regiment (Oxfordshire Light In- fantry). See Army, Records. Mora, Domenico. II Soldato. 4to. Venice, 1570. Morandotti, E., Major. Manuale Ragionato del Laboratorio di Precisione. Svo. Rome, 1886. Mordecai, Alfred, Major U.S. Army. Report on experiments on gunpowder made at Washington Arsenal in 1S43-1844. Svo. Washington, 1845. Second Report of Experiments on Gunpowder made at Washington Arsenal, in 1845, '47, and '48. Washington, 1849 (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (ii).) 433 MOR Mordecai, Alfred, Major U.S. Army {continued) — Military Commission to Europe in 1855-6. 410. Washington, 1861. Artillery for the United States Land Service. See United States, Ordnance. More, John. Strictures on Thomson's Seasons ; with hints and observations on collateral subjects. Svo. Lond. 1777. Moreau. Observations et Calculs Nautiques. See France, Ecole Navale. Moreau, Cdsar. Chronological Records of the British Royal and Commercial Navy. Folio. Lond. 1827. State of the Royal Navy, 1816-27. Folio. Lond. 1827. Morellius Andreas. Specimen Universae Rei Nummarise Antiquae. i2mo. Leipsic, 1695. Thesaurus Morellianus, sive familiarum Romanarum Numismata omnia. Edidit Sigebertus Havercampus. 2 vols. Folio. Amsterdam, 1734. Moresby, John. New Guinea and Polynesia. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Morey, H., Qr.-Mr.-Sergt. Rhymes from the Ranks. 8vo. Chatham, 1888. Morga, Antonio de. Philippine Islands. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxxix. Morgan, Lady. Italy, being the substance of a Journal of her residence in that country. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1824. Book of the Boudoir. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Morgan, A. Parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark. 6'ond. 1841. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd serijs, vol. xvi.) MUR 440 Murchison, Sir R. I. {continued) — Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Geological Society of London, 1843. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Address as President to the Royal Geographical Society of London. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Lond. 1845. Silurian Rocks and their associates in parts of Sweden. Lond. 1847. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Address as President to the Royal Geographical Society of London. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Lond. 1852. Classification of the Sedimentary Rocks of Cornwall. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Distribution of the Superficial Detritus of the Alps as compared with that of Northern Europe. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Review of the labours of M. Barrande in preparing his work, " The Silurian System of Bohemia." n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Mure of Caldwell, William. Journal of a Tour in Greece and in the Ionian Islands. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Murhard, G. F., von. Traites d' Alliance et de Paix. See Martens. Murphy, Arthur. Life of Samuel Johnson. See Johnson. Works of Tacitus. See Tacitus. Murray, Lieut.-Col. Journal of Quebec. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiv.) Murray, A. K. History of the Scottish Regiments. See Army, Records. Murray, Right Hon. Sir George, Gen. Letters and Despatches of the Duke of Marlborough. See Marlborough. Murray, Hugh. Encyclopaedia of Geography. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Discovery and adventure in the Polar Seas. See Leslie. Murray, Rev. James. History of the present war in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1778. Murray of Polmaise, John, Lieut.-Col. British War Medals. See Catalogues. Murray, John. Handbooks for Travellers : — England and Wales. 8vo. Lond. 1878. London : by Peter Cunningham. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Devon and Cornwall. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Wilts, Dorset, and Somerset. 8vo. Lond. 1856. 441 MUR Murray, John. Handbooks for Travellers {continued) — Continent : a Guide to Holland, Belgium, Prussia, Northern Germany, and the Rhine from Holland to Switzerland. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Ditto, ditto. 9th edition. Svo. Lond. 1853. Northern Europe : including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. 2 parts. Svo. Lond. 1849. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1839. France. Svo. Lond. 1844. Southern Germany. Svo. Lond. 1843. Greece. Svo. Lond. 1854. Ionian Islands, Greece, Turkey, Asia Minor, Constantinople, and Malta. Svo. Lond. 1845. Northern Italy. Svo. Lond. 1843. Central Italy and Rome. Svo. Lond. 1S43. Russia, Poland, and Finland. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1875. Spain. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S45. Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont. Svo. Lond. 1843. Turkey. Svo. Lond. 1854. The Panjab, Western Rajpiitana, Kashmir, and Upper Sindh. Svo. Lond. 1883. Algeria and Tunis ; by Lieut. -Col. R. L. Playfair. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S78. Egypt, by Sir Gardner Wilkinson. Svo. Lond. 1S47. Handbook of the History of Painting ; by Dr. Franz Kugler. Part I. Edited by C. L. Eastlake. Svo. Lond. 1842, Ditto, ditto. Part 2. Edited by Sir Edmund Head. Svo. Lond. 1846. Handbook of the History of the Spanish and French Schools of Painting; by Sir Edmund Head. Svo. Lond. 1848. Handbook to the Antiquities in the British Museum ; by W. S. W. Vaux. Svo. Lond. 1S51. See also " Challenger " Expedition. Murray, J. A. H. New English Dictionary on historical principles. Parts I to . 4to. Oxford, 1SS4 to Murray, Rev. J. H. Travels in Uruguay, South America. Svo. Lond. 1 87 1. Murray, Mungo. Treatise on Shipbuilding and Navigation ; to which is added an English abridgment of " Treatise on Naval Architecture " by M. Duhamel. 4to. Lond. 1754. References and explanations of four prints exhibiting the different views of a 60-gun Ship. Svo. Lond. 17S0. MUR 442 Murrell, Dr. W. What to do in cases of Poisoning. T2mo. Lond. 1881. Museums. British .Museum. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in tlie Cottonian Library. FoHo. Lond. 1802. Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts, with Lidices. 4 vols. Folio. Lond. 1808-12. Description of the Collection of Ancient Terracottas in the British Museum. 4to. Lond. 1810. Librorum Liipressorum qui in Museo Britannico adservantur Catalogus. 7 vols, in eight. 8vo. Lond. 181 3-1 9. Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi qui in Museo Britannico adservantur: by Taylor Combe. 4to. Lond. 18 14. Catalogue of Manuscripts formerly in the possession of Francis Hargrave. 4to. Lond. 18 18. Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum. Folio. Lond. 181 9. Description of the Collection of Ancient Marbles in the British Museum. Parts i to 11. 4to. Lond. 181 2-61. Bibliothecae Regice Catalogus. 5 vols. Folio. Lond. 1820-9. Description of the Anglo-Gallic Coins : by Edward Hawkins. 4to. Lond. 1826. Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &:c., presented by His Majesty King George IV to the British Museum. Folio. Lond. 1829. Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, Sec, forming the Geo- graphical and Topographical Collection attached to the Library of George the Third. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Annual List of Donations and Bequests, 1828. 4to. Lond. 1830. Ditto, ditto, 1829. 4to. Lond. 1831. Ditto, ditto, 1830. 4to. Lond. 1831. List of Additions made to the Collections in the years 183 1-4. 2 vols. 8vo. 1833-7. Catalogue of the Arundel Manuscripts. Vol. i. Folio. Lond. 1834. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the British Museum. Vol. i. Part I. Arundel Manuscripts. Folio. Lond. 1834. Part 2. Burney Manuscripts. Folio. Lond. 1840. Part 3. Index to Parts i and 2. Folio. Lond. 1840. Descriptive Catalogue of the Medals struck in France and its Dependencies, 1 789-1830, contained in the cabinet of the British Museum; by Edward Edwards. 8vo. Lond. 1837. 443 MUS Museums. British Museum {continued) — Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Orientalium. Parts i to 3. Folio. Lond. 1838-47. Description of the Greek Papyri in the British Museum. Part i. 4to. Lond. 1839. List of additions made to the Collections, 1835. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the British Museum. Vol. i. Folio. Lond. 1841, Select Papyri in the Hieratic Character from the coUectiohs of the British Museum. 4 vols. Folio. Lond. 1841-60. List of additions to the Printed Books, 1836-8. List of additions to the Manuscripts, 1836-40. Catalogue of the Manuscript Music in the British Museum. 8vo. Lond. 1842. 8vo. Lond. 1843. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Ditto, ditto, 1841-45. 8vo. Lond. 1850. List of additions to the Natural History, Antiquities, and Prints, 1836-39. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Catalogue of the Manuscript Maps, Charts, and Plans, and of the Topographical Drawings. Catalogues of Specimens. 2 vols. 8vo. Amphibia. Part 2. Batrachia Gradientia, &c. Birds. Part I. Accipitres. 12 mo. Ditto, ditto. Second edition. i2mo. Part 2. Fissirostres. i2mo. Part 3. Gallinse, Grall?e, and Anseres. 12 British Animals. Part I. Centronige or Radiated Animals. Part 3. Birds. i2mo. Part 4. Crustacea. 1 2mo. Part 5. Lepidoptera. i2mo. Coleopterous Insects. Part I. Cetoniadae. i2mo. Part 2. Hydrocanthari. i2mo, Part 3. Buprestidce. i2mo. Part 4. CleridcE. 12 mo. Crustacea. i2mo. Diptera. Parts 1-4. i2mo. Lond. 1844. ;. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1850. Lond. 1844. Lond. 1848. Lond. 1848. 0. Lond. 1844. i2mo. Lond. 1848. Lond. 1850. Lond. 1850. Lond. 1850. Lond. 1847. Lond. 1847. Lond. 1848. Lond. 1849. Lond. 1847. Lond. i{ 548-9. MUS 444 Museums. British Museum. Catalogues of Specimens (rf?;///////^^) — Homopterous Insects. Part i. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Hymenopterous Insects. Parts i and 2. Chalcidites. i2mo. Lond. 1846-8. Lepidoptera. Parts i and 2 and Appendix. i2mo. Lond. 1844-48. Lizards. i2mo. Lond. 1845. Mammalia. List of the specimens of Mammalia in the collec- tion of the British Museum. i2mo. Lond. 1843. Mammalia. Part I. Cetacea. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Part 2. Seals. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Mammalia and Birds of Nepal and Thibet. i2mo. Lond. 1846. Mollusca. Part I. Cephalopoda Antepedia. i2mo. Lond. 1849. Part 2. Pteropoda. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Bivalve Mollusca. Parti. Placentadae and Anomiadae. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Molluscous Animals and Shells. i2mo. Lond. 1850. Myriapoda. 12 mo. Lond. 1844. Osteology. i2mo. Lond. 1847. Snakes. i2mo. Lond. 1849. Sponges. i2mo. Lond. 1848. Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbaenians. 12 mo. Lond. 1844. Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the Library. 8vo. Lond. 1867. List of Books of reference in the Reading Room. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. Department of Coins and Medals. Guide to the English Medals exhibited in the King's Library : by H. A. Grueber. 8vo. Lond. 1 88 1. Catalogue of a series of Photographs (by S. Thompson) from the Collections in the British Museum. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Handbook to the Antiquities. See Murray, John. South Kensington Museum. Catalogue of the Special Loan Exhibition of Spanish and Portuguese Ornamental Art, South Kensington Museum : by J. C. Robinson. 4to. Lond. 1881. Sir John Soane's Museum. General Description, with notices of some of the works of art. Lond. [1863]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) 445 MUT Museums {continued) — Ashmolean Museum. Catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum. 8vo. Oxford, 1836. Museum Frangais. Manuel du. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, 1802. Germanischen Museum. Quellen zur Geschichte der Feuerwaffcn. Herausgegeben vom Germanischen Museum. 4to. Leipsic, 1877. Mus^e de la Ville de Gand. Notice des Tableaux. Ghent, 1833. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) Musee de la Ville de Lille. Catalogue des Tableaux des Ecoles Italienne, Flamande, et Fran^aise. Lille, 1832. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xi). Waterloo Museum. Catalogue of the late Sergeant-Major Cotton's Waterloo Library and Museum. Brussels, n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvii.) United States Military Service Museum. See United States. Musgrave, Thomas, Capt. R.N. Voyage of H.M.C.S. "Victoria." See Norman. Musset-Pathay, V. D. Relation des Principaux Sieges, fails ou sontenus en Europe par les Arme'es Frangaises depuis 1792. With vol. of Plates. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1806. Musson, Eugene. Letter to Napoleon III on Slavery in the Southern States. Load. 1862. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Musters, G. C. At home with the Patagonians. Svo. Lond. 187 1. Mutinies. " Bounty." Minutes of the Proceedings held at Portsmouth, August 12, 1792. 4to. Lond. 1794. (Bound with " Bligh. Narrative of the Mutiny.") History of the Mutiny and piratical seizure of H.^LS. *' Bounty :" its cause and consequences. i2mo. Lond. 1831. " Hermione." Narrative of the Mutiny, Murder, and Piracy com- mitted on board H. M.S. " Hermione." Svo. n.p. 1798. (Bound in vol. lettered " Nautical.") Nore. Narrative of the Mutiny at the Nore, 1797. Svo. Chatham, 1829. (Radstock Collection. Naval Tracts.) History of the Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. i2mo. Lond. 1842. MUY 446 Muyden, A. van, Capt. La dispersion naturelle des Projectiles et la loi des erreurs. Lausanne, 1876. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Myers, A. B. R. Etiology and prevalence of Diseases of the Heart among Soldiers. Svo. Lond. 1870. Myers, F. W. H. Wordsworth. See Morley (English Men of Letters). N. Nadaillac, Marquis de. Prehistoric America. Translated by N. D'Anvers. Edited by W. H. Dall. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Nadal y Mora, Francisco. Explicacion breve, y util de las piezas que componen el Fusil, Carabina, y Pistola. i2mo. Madrid, 1768. Nader Shah, King of Persia. History of the Life of Nader Shah ; from an Eastern Manuscript. Edited by W. Jones. 8vo. Lond. 1773. Nansouty. Telegraphic Optique. See War, Art of. Napier, Sir Charles, Admiral. War in Syria. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1842. History of the Baltic Campaign of 1854. Edited by G. Butler Earp. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Napier, Sir C. J., Lieut.-Gen. The Colonies : treating of their value generally, of the Ionian Islands in particular. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Remarks on Military Law and the punishment of flogging. Svo. Lond. 1837. Baggage of the Indian Army. 3rd edition. Lond. 1849. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) Lights and shades of Military Life. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1 85 1. Defects, civil and military of the Indian Government. Svo. Lond. 1853. Napier, Elers, Col. Scenes and sports in Foreign Lands. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1840. Past and future Emigration ; or the book of the Cape. Svo. Lond. 1849. Excursions in Southern Africa, including a history of the Cape Colony. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S50. The Linesman ; or Service in the Guards and the Line, during England's long peace and little wars. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1856. 447 NAP Napier, Sir George T., Gen. Passages in the early miMtary life of. Written by himself, edited by his son, General W. C. E. Napier. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Napier, H. E., Capt. R.N. Florentine History, to the accession of Ferdinand III. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Napier, Jas. R. Remarks on the 3rd, 13th, and 14th Articles of the Admiralty Regulations for preventing collisions at sea. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. l.x.xi.) Lond. 1867. Napier, Robina. Letters from Russia. See Moltke. Napier, R. A., Lieut-Com. R.N.A.V. Coast and Harbour Defence (Firths of Forth and Clyde). Glasgow, 1887. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. .xlii.) Napier, Sir William, Lieut.-Gen. English Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Napier, W. C. E., Major-Gen. Outpost duty, by General Jarry (Translated from the French), with Treatises on Military Recon- naissance and on Road Making. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Napier, Sir W. F. P., Gen. History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, 1807-14. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828-40, Observations on some passages in Lieut. -Col. Napier's History of the Peninsular ^^'ar ; by Percy, Viscount Strangford. 8vo. Lond. 1828, Strictures on those passages in the second and third volumes of Napier's History of the Peninsular War which relate to Gen. Lord Viscount Beresford. 2nd edition, 8vo. Lond. 1835, Reply to various opponents, particularly to " Strictures on Col, Napier's History of the War in the Peninsular." 2nd edition. 8vo Lond. 1833 Justification of his third volume ; containing some new and curious facts relative to the Battle of Albuera. 8vo. Lond. 1833, Letter to Gen. Lord Viscount Beresford, being an answer to His Lordship's assumed refutation of Col. Napier's justification of his third volume. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Remarks on the Character ascribed by Col. Napier to the late Right Hon. Spencer Perceval ; by Dudley M. Perceval. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Conquest of Scinde. 8vo. Lond. 1845. History of Gen. Sir Charles Napier's Administration of Scinde, and Campaign in the Cutchee Hills. 8vo. Lond. 1851, Life and Opinions of Gen. Sir C. J. Napier. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Napoleon Bonaparte. Copies of original letters from the Army of Gen. Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the fleet under Lord Nelson. With an English Translation. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. NAP 44S Napoleon Bonaparte {cotiti/iucd) — Copies of original letters from the Army of Gen. Bonaparte in Egypt. 2nd edition. 3 vols, in one. 8vo. Lond. 1798-1800. (Radstock Collection.) Essai sur le Systeme Militaire de Bonaparte. Svo. Lond. 1810. (Radstock Collection, Military Tracts.) Confession du General Bonaparte a I'Abbe Maury. Edited by Gen. Sarrazin. 8vo. Lond. 1811. Buonapartiana ou choix d'anecdotes curieuses. i2mo. Paris, 1814. Manuscript venu de Ste. Helene, d'une maniere inconnue. Svo. Lond. 1 81 7. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, bound with " Maitland's Narrative.") Anecdotes of the Court and family of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Correspondance in(!dite Officielle et Confidentielle de Napoleon Bonaparte. 7 vols. Svo. Paris, 1809-20. Napoleon et la Grande Armee, precede d'une Introduction historique sur la Revolution Frangaise. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1822. Historical Miscellanies. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1823. Memoirs of the History of France during the reign of Napoleon. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1823-4. Maximes de Guerre de Napoleon. i2mo. Paris, 1830. Officers' Manual. Military maxims of Napoleon. Translated by Col. D'Aguilar. 121110. Dublin, 1S31. Confidential correspondence with his Brother Joseph, sometime King of Spain. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S55. Commentaires de Napoleon I'^--. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1S67. Correspondance de Napoleon !'« 32 vols. Svo. Paris, 185S-70. Oric^inal Journals of the Eighteen Campaigns of Napoleon Bona- parte. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. n.d. Militarische Schriften. See Militarische Klassiker. Napoleon III, Emperor of France. Des Idees Napoleoniennes. Svo. Lond. 1839 L'Empereur Napoleon HI et I'ltalie. Paris, 1859 (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) Histoire de Jules Cesar. 2 vols. 4to, and atlas. Paris, 1865-6 Etudes sur le passe et I'avenir de I'Artillerie. Continue sur le plan de I'Empereur par Fave. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1S63-71 Life of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. Folio. n.p., n.d Napoleon, Prince. Napoleon et ses D^tracteurs. Svo. Paris, 1S87 Narcissus: or the Young Gentleman's Mirror. i2mo. (Wanting title-page.) Seamanship. 3rd edition. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. 8vo. 449 NAT Nares, Sir G. S., Capt R.N. Naval Cadet's Ciuide ; or seaman's companion. Svo. Portsea, i860. Portsea, 1865. Portsea, 1868. Portsmouth, 1882. Extracts from the Reports of Capt. Nares, H.M.S. " Challenger." Folio. Lond. 1873. Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea, 1875-6, with notes on the natural history ; edited by H. W. Feilden. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Nares, Robert. Glossary of words, phrases, &c., in the works of English Authors. New edition edited by J. O. Halliwell andT. Wright. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1876. Life of Vincent, See Vincent. Narrien, John. Historical account of the origin and progress of Astronomy. Svo. Lond. 1833. Practical Astronomy and Geodesy. Svo. Lond. 1845. Nasmyth, James. Autobiography. Edited by S. Smiles. Svo. Lond. 1883. Natal. Precis of Information concerning Natal : prepared at the War Office. Svo. Lond. 1S79. National Defence. Opinions delivered by the Earl of Essex, Lord Burleigh, Lord Wil- loughby. Lord Burrough, Lord North, Sir William Knollys, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Sir George Carew, on the Alarm of an In- vasion from Spain, in 1596, and the measures proper to be taken on that occasion. Svo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection.) Certain Advertisements out of Ireland concerning the losses of the Spanish Armada. i2mo. Lond. 1588. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Letter written upon the rumour of an Invasion. Lond. 17 19. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. ii.) Spanish Armada and coast defences, 15S8. n.p. 1730. (Folio volume of plans, &:c.) History of the Spanish Armada. 4to. Lond. 1759. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Tracts.) Instructions patriotiques et militaires addressees aux Anglais par un Citoyen du Monde. i2mo. Lond. 1780. Essay on the modes of defence best adapted to the situation and cir- cumstances of this Island. Lond. 17S5. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. v.) 2 o NAT 450 National Defence {continued) — Answer to i^receding Essay. Lond. 1785. (8vo Pamplets, o.s., vol. v.) Reply to answer. Lond. 1785. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. v.) Names of the Nobility, (lenlry, and others, who contributed to the Defence of this Country at the time of the Spanish Invasion, in 1588. 4to. Lond. 1798. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) History of all the real and threatened Livasions of England. 2nd edition. 8vo. Windsor, 1798. Report on the arrangements which have been adopted, in former periods, when France threatened Invasions of Great Britain or Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Report on the arrangements which were made for the internal defence of these Kingdoms when S])ain by its Armada projected the invasion and conquest of England. 8vo. [Printed for the State Paper Office, bearing the signature of John Bruce. May 17, 1798.] Arcanum of National Defence; by " Hastatus." Lond. 1808, (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. viii.) The French in England ; being the story of the Emperor Napoleon's projected invasion. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxv.) The Invasion of England rendered impossible. Lond. i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivi.) Defence of Great Britain against invasion ; a system of local coast defence by means of the Volunteer Forces. Edinburgh, 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xix.) Defence of the Firth of Forth. Edinburgh, 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Can we hold our own? Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Military memoir for the defence of the Eastern District. 8vo. [Privately printed.] National Records. See Records. National Rifie Association. See Rifle Association. Natural History Objects. Instruction sur la maniere de recueillir, de conserver, et d'envoyer les Objets d'Histoire Naturelle. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Paris, 1824. Naudaeus, Gabriel. Syntagma de Studio Militari. 4to. Rome, 1637. Naumann. Das Regiments-Kriegsspiel. 8vo. Berlin, 1881 Naval Architects, Institute of. See Architects. Naval Architecture. See Architecture. 451 NAV Naval Benevolent Society. Reports, &c. 1 2mo. (Radstock Collection.) Naval Charitable Society. General State. i2mo. Lend. 1838-47. Lond. 1S09-33. (Radstock Collection.) Naval College, Greenwich. Examination for yVssistant Clerkships, 1874-6. ,, „ Naval Cadetships, 1874-6. Examination Papers, Class A and A2. 3 vols. 1873-7. ,, for Lieutenants, 1877. „ for Sub-Lieutenants. 2 vols. 1875-6. Naval History. Naval History of Great Britain. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1758. Declaration of the Parliament relating to the affairs between the Commonwealth and the Low Countries. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Declaration of the Lords of the States General of the United Nether- lands Provinces. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Answer of the Parliament to three papers delivered in to the Councel of State by the Lords Ambassadors Extraordinary of the States General of the United Provinces : also a Narrative of the late Engagement. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) The case stated between England and the United Provinces. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Seasonable expostulation with the Netherlands. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Fight at Sea upon the Coast of Cornwall, on Sunday the 13 of this instant June. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) The last great and bloudy Fight between the English and the Dutch on Thursday morning last neer the Downs (? July ist, 1652). 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Narrative of a great and bloudy Fight between the English and the Dutch upon the Northern Seas (Circa July i, 1652). 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Relation of a bloudy Fight at Sea ; between Sir George Ascue and the Hollanders. (Aug. 16 to 18, 1652.) 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Great Victory obtained by (ieneral Blake and Sir (ieorge Ascue against two of the Dutch Fleets on Thursday last (Aug. 26) between Plymouth and Falmouth. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) 2 G 2 NAV 452 Naval History {coti tinned) — Relation of the last fight ncer the Downs, between England and Holland, on Tuesday last (Sep. 14?). 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Particulars of the great and bloody fight with the Dutch, neer Goodwin Sands, on Tuesday night last (Sep. 28 ?). 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) Relation of the Engagement of the Fleet of England with the Dutch Fleet, and the particulars of all the three Fights on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday last (Feb. 18-20). 8vo, Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Letter touching the last Engagement between the two Fleets of England and Holland. (Feb. 18-20.) 8vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Letters from the Fleet at Sea, touching the late Fight (June 2, 1653). Svo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Relation of the late great Sea Fight (June 3rd) from General Blake and General Monck. 8vo. Lond. 1653, (Radstock Collection.) Particulars of the late fight at Sea, on Thursday and Friday last (June 3 and 4). Svo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Remonstrance of the Fight in Legorn Road between the English and the Dutch. 4to. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Articles of Peace concluded between England and Holland. 8vo. Lond. 1654. (Radstock Collection.) Letter of the 22 of December, 1659, from the Fleet riding at an Anchor at Gravesend. Svo. Lond. 1659. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) A second narrative of the Signal Victory of H.M. Navy, over the States Fleet of the United Netherlands. June 3, 1665. Svo. Lond. 1665. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Narrative of the Engagement between H.M. Fleet and that of Holland, June 1-4, 1666. 4to. Lond. 1666. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Relation of the victory obtained against the Turks of Argiers at Bugia. Svo. Lond. 167 1. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Relation of the Engagement of H.M. Fleet with the Dutch, May 28, 1672. 4to. Lond. 1672. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) 453 NAV Naval History (continued) — Narrative of the late Engagement between H.M. Fleet under Prince Rupert, and the Dutch, Wednesday, May 28, 1673. 8vo. Lond. 1673. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Relation of the several Engagements and Actions of H.M. Fleet, under Prince Rupert. Lond. 1673. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xv.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Relation of the Engagement of H.M. Fleet with the Enemies, Aug. II, 1673. 4to. Lond. 1673. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) An accompt of both the Fleets, their number and stations, with a narrative of occurrences that have passed between them hitherto. 4to. Lond. 1673. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) List of Ships belonging to English Merchants, taken by French Priva- teers, since December, 1673. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xv.) Relation of the late Action at sea between the English and Dutch and the French Fleets, June 22 to July 5, 1690 ; with a preparation for death and a specimen of a bill for reformation of manners (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Lond. 1690. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xxiv.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Some modest reflections upon Mr. Stephens's late book, entituled *'A plain relation of the late Action at Sea." Lond. 1691. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Account of the Engagement between the English, Dutch, and French Fleets, June 30, 1690. Svo. Lond. 1691. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Narrative of the Victory obtained by the English and Dutch Fleet over that of France, near La Hoguc, 1692. Svo. Lond. 1744. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Account of the Great Sea-Fight wherein Their Majesties Navy-Royal, in conjunction with the Dutch Squadron, engaged the French Fleet off Cape Barfleur, May 19th, 1692. Lond. 1692. (Naval Pan,phlets, vol. i.) NAV 454 Naval History {continued)— Account of the Victory obtained against the French, near the Cape of Barfleur, in May, 1692. Lond. 1692. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Journal of the Victorious Expedition (1694) of the Confederate Fleet under Admiral Russel : the Relief of Barcelona, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1695. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Account of what English Men of War have been taken or otherwise lost during the present War. Lond. 1696 (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) True State of the Case of the Suedish Merchant-Fleet, lately brought up, on their Voyage from France, by Admiral Rooke, and sent into Plimouth. Lond. 1697. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Account of the Transactions of the Grand Fleet and Land Forces, 1702 ; with a Relation of the Expedition at Cadiz and the Victory at Vigo. 8vo. Lond. 1703. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-56.) Narrative of Sir George Rooke's late Voyage in the Mediterranean ; with a description of Gibraltar. 8vo. Lond. 1704. (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Review of the late Engagement at Sea (13 Aug.^ 1704). 8vo. Lond. 1704 (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) Account of the Transaction between Admiral Benbow and M. Du Cass : with the proceedings thereupon in the Case of Col. Kirkby. 8vo. Lond. 1705. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Inquiry into the causes of our Naval Miscarriages. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1707, (Radstock Collection.) 455 NAV Naval History {continued) — Inquiry into the causes of our Naval Miscarriages. 2nd edition. 8vo. (Second copy.) Lond. 1707. (Radstock Collection.) Account of the Expedition of the British Fleet to Sicily, 1718-20. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1739. The cases of some English Ships taken by the Spaniards. Svo. Lond. 1 73 1. (Radstock Collection.) Account of the Naval Victories obtained by the English over the Spaniards, from 1350 to the present time. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. [1740]. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1S06.) Remarks on a Letter from on board the " Dreadnought." Svo. Portsmouth, 1744. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-56.) Narrative of the Taking the Ship " Northumberland " by the French. Svo. Lond. 1745. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1740-56.) Account of the late Expedition to Bretagne, conducted by Admiral Lestock and General St. Clair. Svo. Lond. 1747- (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Transactions of the British Squadrons in the East-Indies, during the late War. Svo. Lond. 1751. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1637-1806.) The Antigallican Privateer ; with an account of the taking the " Duke of Penthicore." Svo. Lond. 1757. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Observations and closer remarks on Commodore Johnstone's letter, dated at Port Praya, in the Island of St. Jago. Svo. Lond. 17S2. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) The Naval Atalantis ; or a display of the characters of such Flag Officers as were distinguished during the last War. Svo. Lond. 1 788. (Radstock Collection.) Short account of the Naval Actions of the last War ; with observations on the discipline and hints for the improvement of the British Navy, Svo. Lond. 178S. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Statement of the Services of those Naval Officers who were overlooked in the last promotion of Admirals. Svo. Lond. 17 88. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Particulars of the Victory obtained over the Batavian Fleet, Oct. i ith. ?797. Svo. Gosport, 1797. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) NAV 456 Naval History {coniinueif)— The British Flag Triumphant, being copies of the London Gazettes, containing accounts of the Victories of the British Fleets, during the last and present war. 8vo. Lond. 1806. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Account of the Siege of Copenhagen by the British in the year 1807. 8vo. Lond. 1807. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Papers relating to the Action between H.M. Sloop " Lille Belt " and the U.S. Frigate "President." 8vo. Lond. 181 1. (Bound with " Goldsmith, Conduct of France.") Battle of Navarino (various papers). 8vo. Lond. 1832-4. Histoire des Combats d'Aboukir, de Trafalgar, de, du Cap Finistere et de autres batailles navales, 1798-1815; suivie de la relation du Combat de Navarin. 8vo. Paris, 1829. On Naval History, with strictures on Capt. Brenton's work. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) n.p., n.d. Naval Pamphlets. See Pamphlets. Naval Professional Association, Junior. Proceedings. Vol. i. 8vo, Portsmouth, 1872. Naval Scripture Readers' Society, Royal. Fourth and Fifth Reports of the Committee. Stonehouse, 1864-5. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Navez, Captain. Instruction sur I'appareil electro-balistique. Folio. Antwerp, 1858, Navez-Leurs. Electro-Ballistic Chronoscope. Lond. 1868. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (i).) Navies. The Neptune of Europe, containing lists of the Naval Force of Great Britain, France, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, Russia, and Portugal. 12 mo. Lond. 1782. Navigation. Position and Prospects of Steam Navigation in 1840. 8vo. Lond. 1840. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Importance of the Navigation Laws. 8vo. Lond. 1849. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Rules for ascertaining the Deviations of the Compass caused by the iron of a ship. 8vo. Lond. 1852. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Rules for finding distances and heights at sea. 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Bound in vol. lettered "Sailing Directions.") 457 NAV Navy, The Royal. General treatise of the Dominion of the Sea, and a compleat body of the Sea-Laws. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. n.d. (Radstock Collection.) Proposals for the entring of all Letters of Attorney, Bills of Sale, or Assignments of Seamen's Wages. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Vindication of the Principal Officers of H.M. Ordnance from the Aspersions laid upon them. 8vo. Lond. 1674. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Gloria Britannica, or the boast of the British Seas : containing a full account of the Royal Navy. Lond. 1689. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Easie Method for the Manning of H.M. Fleet, and preventing Mer- chant Men being impress'd. Lond. 1695. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) State of the Navy consider'd in relation to the Victualling. 2nd edition. Lond. 1699. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) Remarks on the Present Condition of the Navy, and particularly of the Victualling. Parts i and 2. Lond. 1700. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Observations on a Pamphlet, touching the present condition of the Navy and Victualling. Lond. 1700. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Proposal to the House of Commons with respect to the Seamen's Wages for the year 1700. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) The present condition of the English Navy, set forth in a Dialogue betwixt Young Fudg of the Admiralty, and Capt. Steerwell, an Oliverian Commander. 8vo. Lond. 1702. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Ditto, ditto, (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. i.) The Sailors' Groans : relation of many of the abuses and oppressions our English Seamen lay under during the late War. Lond. i 702. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) NAV 458 Navy, The Royal {continued) — Hints upon re-modelling the Navy : by " High Pressure." 8vo. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) True method for raising Souldiers and Seamen. Lond. 1703. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Historical and political treatise of the Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1703. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Reasons offered by the Sailors for taking off the Q's and R's set upon their names in the Navy Books. n.p. [circa 1705]. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Case of the Captains who have served since the new Establishment. n.p. [circa 1705]. (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) The Sailor's Advocate. Nos. i and 2. Svo. Lond. [circa 1705]. (Radstock Collection, Pay of Sea Ofifiicers.) The Three Establishments concerning the Pay of the Sea-Ofificers. Svo. Lond. 1705. (Radstock Collection.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Nav}\) The old and true way of Manning the Fleet, Lond. 1707. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s,, vol. xix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) Navy Surgeons' Memorial to the Managing Apothecaries in Black- Friers. Svo. Lond. 1708. Letter concerning the Naval Store-Bill. Lond. 1720. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol, xix.) Letter relating to the Bill for encouraging Seamen to enter voluntarily to serve in the Navy. Lond. 172S, (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) His Majesty's (George H) Commission for establishing a Charity for relief of poor Widows of Commission and Warrant Officers. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xx.) Lond. 1732. Observations and proposals concerning the Navy. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1745. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1 739-1 744.) Narrative in justification of injured innocence: with some of the causes of that extreme aversion which Seamen shew to the Royal Navy. Lond. 1749. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xi.) 459 NAV Navy, The Royal {continued) — Remarks on a Pamphlet called " Considerations on the Bill for the better Government of the Navy." 8vo. Lond. 1749. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1 740-1 756.) Collection of Statutes and parts of Statutes as relate to the Admiralty, Navy, and Ships of War down to the 14th year of King George the Second. 4to. Lond. 1755. Collection of Statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, Ships of War, &c., to the eighth year of King George the Third. 4to. Lond. 1768. Letter from a Captain of a Man of War to a Member of Parliament. 8^'0- Lond. 1773. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 163 7- 1806.) Distressed Situation of the Widows of the Officers of the Navy. Bvo. Lond. 1775. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 163 7-1 806.) Address upon the degenerated, dissatisfied State of the British Navy. 2nd edition. Lond. 1784. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ix.) Strictures upon Naval Departments; with a recommendation to abolish the Coppering of Ships' Bottoms. Lond. 1785. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ix.) Address upon the pernicious mode of Coppering the Bottoms of King's Ships in time of peace. Lond. 1 786. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. ix.) Letter to Lord Howe on the subject of a late determination, at the Cock-Pit, in a Prize Cause, 8vo. Lond. 1787. (Radstock Collection, " Howe.") Treatise on the Office of a Purser on board H.^L Ships. 8vo. n.p. 1788. View of the Naval Force of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1791. "The Names of H.M. Shipps, with the nomber of men and furniture requisite for the settinge forth of them ;" also " The general musters taken throughout the whole Realme of England and Wales." Extracted from a MS. of the reign of James I. 4to. Lond. 1802. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Reports of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry. 1-14. 3 vols l"^olio. Lond. 1803-6'. Ditto, ditto. 1-12. 4 vols. Folio. Lond. 1803-6. (Radstock Collection.) Observations and instructions for the use of Officers of the Royal Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Answer to Mr. Pitt's attack upon Eari St. Vincent and the Admiralty ^^^- Lond. 1S04'. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, 1798-1824.) NAV 460 Navy, The Royal (contimied) — Accounts and i)apers presented to the House of Commons, relating to Ships of War. Folio. Lond. 1805. Naval Anecdotes for the years during which the Earl of St. Vincent presided at the Board of Admiralty. 8vo. Lond. 1805. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Naval Anecdotes ; or a new key to the proceedings of a late Naval Administration. 8vo. Lond. 1807. (Radstock Collection, Political Tracts.) Observations and instructions for Officers of the Royal Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1807. (Radstock Collection.) Contract for building His Majesty a 3rd rate Ship of War to carry 74 guns, now named the " Benbow." Lond. 1808. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Appeal against a late rejection of the petition of the Captains of the Royal Navy for an augmentation of pay. Lond. 1809. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Collection of the Statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, Shipping, and Navigation down to the fiftieth of George HI. 4to. Lond. 1810. Extension of the Naval Establishments of the Country, with sketch of Falmouth Harbour. Lond. 18 10. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) The Impress, considered as the cause why British Seamen desert from our service to the Americans. 8vo. Lond. 18 10. (Bound in vol. lettered "Nautical.") Letters from a Post Captain to Lord Viscount Melville (on the State of the Navy). Lond. n.d. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Letter to Lord Viscount Melville on the subject of his Motions respecting Troop-Ships and upon the general state of the Navy. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.) Lond. 1810. Naval Economy : exemplified in conversations between a Member of Parliament and the Officers of a Man of War. Lond. 181 1. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vi.). Claims of the British Navy subsequent to the Termination of War with France. 8vo. Lond. 181 6. (Radstock Collection, Tracts, Modern.) Cursory Suggestions on Naval Subjects, with a plan for raising Sea- men by Ballot. Lond. 1822. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiv.) Measurements of the " Baron of Renfrew " (Newspaper cutting), (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) n.p, 1825, Sale of Ships. Lond. 1825 (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) 46 1 NAV Navy, The Royal {continued) — Popularity of the Royal Naval Service. Lond. 1826. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiv.) Cruise of the Experimerital Squadron (Newspaper cutting). (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) n.p. 1827. Launch and dimensions of H.M.S. "George the Fourth " (Newspaper cutting). n.p. 1827. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Hints on the Impressment of Seamen ; by a Commander in the Royal Navy. Lond. 1827. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. x.) State of the Navy of Great Britain, in 1831 : by a Commander. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiv.) Lond. 1831. Letter on the Navy Estimates, shewing the expense of building and repairing H.M. Navy, i8co-20. Lond. 1836. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Preparation and discipline of the British Navy with suggestions for a better system. 8vo. Lond. 1837. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Conservatives of our Wooden Walls and Shipping, against any enemies whatever. Lond. 1837. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Letter upon the actual Crisis of the Country in respect to the State of the Navy. Lond. 1838. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Letter to the Earl of Minto, by One of the People. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Lond. 1839. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Letter upon the state of the English Navy in comparison with that of other Navies. Lond. 1840. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiii.) Statistical Reports on the Health of the Navy, 1830-6, South American, West Indian, and North American, Mediterranean and Peninsular Commands. 8vo. Lond. 1841. (Radstock Collection.) Remarks on the Naval Administration of Great Britain since 1815 ; with a preface by Admiral Bowles. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1847. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts,) Case of the Assistant-Surgeons of the Royal Navy. 3rd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxx.) Lond. 1850. Introduction and progressive increase of Screw Propulsion in H.M. Navy. Folio. Lond. 1850. Facts for consideration with respect to the Navy. Lond. [1856.] (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) NAV 462 Navy, The Royal {coutinucd) — Our future Navy ; its tactics and how to construct it. Lend. [1864]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Marino Mutiny Act, &c., 1856 and 1863. 8vo. Remarks on Naval Promotion and Retirement. Lond. 1864. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) The Church in the Navy. Lond. 1865. (8vo Pami)hlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Statistical Report of the Health of the Royal Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1856- . Statistical Abstract of the Health of the Royal Navy, 1864-71. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1866-72. Crime and Punishment in the Royal Navy, 1862-3. Portsea, 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Our Naval Training System : by a Commander R.N. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Guildford, 1866. The Naval Expenditure from 1860-6, and its results. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) Results of Trials made in H.M. Screw Ships and Vessels. Folio. Lond. 1870. Regulations for establishing a uniform system of training the Boys of the Royal Navy. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) Cruise round the World, of the Flying Squadron, 1869-70. 8vo. Lond. 187 r. Report of the Sanitary Commission on H.M.S. "Victor Emanuel." (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) Lond. 1873. " A soft answer turneth away wrath." Lond. 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxx.) Royal Naval Engineers. Lond. 1877. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Lay work in the Royal Navy : Essay on the " Promotion of Religion on board of Men-of-War." Portsea, 1881. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) Truth about the Navy and its Coaling Stations ("Pall Mall Gazette"). Lond. 1884. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) The Navy of Old England : is it ready for War ? (" Pall Mall Gazette "). (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Lond. 1885. The " Great Naval War of 1887." Lond. 1886. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) La Puissance Maritime de I'Angleterre. 8vo. Paris, 1887. The Naval Manoeuvres. (Excerpt " Fortnightly Review.") (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Lond. 1888. 463 NAV Navy, The Royal {continued) — Position of Senior Lieutenants. Lond. [1888.] (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) What our Navy should be. Introduction, by Frank Harris. I. By Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Thomas Symonds. II. By Admiral Sir G. Phipps Hornby. III. By Admiral Lord Alcester. (Excerpt " Fortnightly Review.") (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Lond. 1888. Peace Establishment, n.p., n.d. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Case of Captains who have long commanded H.M. Ships as Com- manders, n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (i).) Exercise of the Small-Arms and Great Guns for the Seamen on Board His Majesty's Ships. 4to. n.p., n.d. Lists. List of the Officers of H.M. Royal Navy. 1739, 1740, 1742, 1754, 1766, 1767, 1769, 1774, 1777, 1778, July 1779, Jan. and July 1781-3, Jan. 1784-94, Aug. 1794, Feb. and Aug. 1795, July 1796, Jan. and July 1797-9, J^^^- 1800, Feb. 1801, Jan. and July 1802-5, Feb. 1806, Jan. and July 1807, Jan. 1808, Jan. and July 1809, Jan. 1810, Jan. and July 1811-3, 1814-33, 1835-9, and 1845. Steel's List of the Royal Navy, Apl. 1783, Nov. and Dec. 1795, March, Apl., and June 1796, Feb., June, Aug., Sep., and Dec. i797> J'^^Y) Aug., and Dec. 1798, Jan. to Apl. and June to Dec. 1799, 1800-13, J^"-) Apl., Oct., and Nov. 1814, Jan., Apl., and July 1815, Oct. 1816. i2mo. Official Navy List. 18 14 to . 8vo. Campbell's improved Navy List. Nos. i and 4. i2mo. Lond. 1808-9. The New Nav)' List; compiled by C. Haultain. Aug. 1839, Apl. and Nov. 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, Feb. and May 1844, Feb, May, and Aug. 1845. ^^o. Lond. 1839, «Scc. Ditto, ditto. Continued by Joseph Allen. 1846, 1847, Jan. 1848, 1849-55, and Feb. 1856. 8vo. Lond. 1846, &c. Royal Navy List. Edited by C. E. Warren and Lt.-Col. F. Lean. Nos. i to . 8vo. Lond. 1878- . Active List of Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders, and Lieu- tenants of the Royal Navy. Corrected from the original of the Rev. W. Harvey, by Capt. W. Arthur and James Griffin. Portsea, 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) N.W 464 Navy, The Royal. Lists {continued)-^ Active List of Flag Officers, Captains, Commanders, and Lieu- tenants of the Royal Navy. Corrected from the original of the Rev. W. Harvey, by Capt. W. Arthur and James Griffin. Portsea, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) Active List of Flag Officers and Captains of the Royal Navy, to ist January, 1879; ^'so Active List, of the future, 1879-1914. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1879. Orders and Regulations, Instructions, Warrants, &c. Regulations and instructions relating to H.ISL Service at Sea. 1731. 1740, 1747, 1757, 1772, i79o> 1806, 1808, 1813, 1826, 1833- Ditto, ditto, 1826. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Regulations.) Index to General Naval Instructions of 1808. Admiralty Circulars. 1865-1871 and 1878 to . Regulations established by the King in Council for H.M. Service at Sea. 4to. Lond. 1824. Ditto, ditto. Lond. 1825. (Bound in one vol. containing plates of Naval Uniforms.) Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions. 1844, 1862, 1871, 1879. Addenda to the " Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instruc- tions "and " Instructions for Paymasters." 4to. Lond. 1864. Ditto, ditto. 4to. Lond. 1865. Ditto, ditto. 4to. Lond. 1868. Blockade. Analysis of the Three Orders of Council, dated nth November, 1807, for imposing the Restrictions of Blockade. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Lond. 1807. Dress. Description of the Uniform to be worn by Officers of the Royal Navy. 4to. Lond. 1825. Uniform Regulations for Officers, Petty Officers, and Seamen of the Fleet. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Finance. Three Establishments concerning the Pay of the Sea Officers. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) Lond. 1705. Orders in Council as to Naval Rank, Pay, Promotion, and Retirement. 8vo. Lond. 1 747-1859. Paymaster's Instructions. 4to. Lond. 1861. (Addenda to ditto. See above.) Revised Pension Regulations for Officers and Men of the Royal Navy and Marines, and their relatives. 8vo. Lond. 1876. 465 NER Navy, The Royal. Orders, ^^-c. {coutimad)— Gunnery. Instructions for the Exercise of Great Guns. Lond. 181 8. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Instructions for the exercise and service of Great Guns, &c., on board H.M. Ships. 8vo. Portsea, i860. Manual of Gunnery for H.M. Fleet. i2mo. Lond. 1873. Gunnery Drill Book for H.M. Fleet. i2mo. Lond. 1882. Medical. Instructions for the Royal Naval Hospitals at Haslar and Plymouth. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Regulations and Instructions for the Medical Officers of His Majesty's Fleet. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Musketry. Rifle and Field Exercises and Musketr)' Instruction for H.M. Fleet. i2mo. Lond. 1882. Transport. Regulations for Transport Service (not Troop Ships). 8vo. Lond. 1872. See also Signals. Neale, Dr. Adam. Letters from Portugal and Spain ; comprising an' account of the operations of the armies under Sir Arthur Wellesley and Sir John Moore, from the landing of the troops in Mondego Bay to the battle of Corunna. 4to. Lond. 1809. Neill, Gen. Historical Record of the (102nd) First Madras Euro- pean Regiment. See Army, Records. Nelson, F. H., Viscount. Unpublished Letters of Lord Nelson (Excerpt "Century Mag.") (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) New York, 1888. Letters and Despatches. See Laughton. Nemirovitch-Dantchenko, V. I. Personal Reminiscences of General Skobeleff. Translated by E. A. Brayley Hodgetls. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Nemours, Duchesse de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Neptune. Story of the new Planet, Neptune. Lond. 1847. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Nerde, A. von. Die Militar-Dampfkuche und Bade-Anstalt. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Nerenburger, Gen. Notice sur les Triangulations qui ont ete faites en Bclgiund. 1S22, ORI 4S0 Oriental Translation Fund. Report of the Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Subscribers. 4to. Lond. 1830. (Bound with Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society.) List of Works. Lond. 1844. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Ditto, ditto. Lond. [1863]. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Orleans, Gaston, Due d'. Memoires. (Fctitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. xxxi.) Orleans, Due d'. Campagnes de L'Armee d'Afrique 1S35-39. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Orleans, Pere Pierre Joseph d'. Tartar Conquerors of China. See Hakluyt Soc. vol. xvii. Orlich, Leopold von. Military Mutiny in India : its origin and its results. Translated, with observations, by Major-General Sir W. M. G. Colebrooke. Lond. 1858. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Orlowski, L. W^. Discourse on the historical events of Poland. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvii.) Lond. 1842. Orme, R. History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1780. Ormsby, Rev. James Wilmot. Account of the Operations of the British Army, and of the state and sentiments of the People of Portugal and Spain, during the Campaigns of 1808-9. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1809. Orrego, Luis Uribe y. Combates Navales en la Guerra del Pacifico, 1 879-1 88 1. 8vo. Valparaiso, 1886. Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of. Treatise of the Art of War. Folio. Lond. 1677. Ortica, A. Salustio con alcune, &c. See Sallustius. Orton, James. The Andes and the Amazon ; or across the Continent of .South America. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Orton, Reginald. Essay on the Epidemic Cholera of India. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Osborn, Sherard, Admiral. Quedah. A Cruise in Japanese Waters. The Fight on the Peiho. In I vol. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Discovery of a North-West Passage by H.M.S. "Investigator" during 1850-54. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal, or eighteen months in the Polar Regions in search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition in 1850-1. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Impressment of British Seamen and the necessity for a Naval Militia Bill. Lond. 1S74. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) 48i OUV Osborn, Sherard, Admiral {continued)— A Memoir. (From " lUackwood.") Edinburgh, 1875. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. xxxiii.) Osborne, John. Guide to the West Indies, Madeira, Mexico, Northern South America, ) 730- >) 785. )> 803. j> 844. 5) 938. >) 961. ■>■> 978. 11 1063. 11 1087. 11 II4I. 11 II45- )> 1205. )) I2I4. )) I2I8. 11 1275- 11 1373- 11 1400. 11 1460. 11 1463. )) 1479. 11 1521. )) 1536. )) 1566. 11 1645. 11 1805. 11 1808. 11 1817. 11 1911. )) 2052. ») 2062. 11 2 no. 11 2206. 11 22 10. 11 2238. 11 2280. 11 2330- 11 2363- 11 2385- TAT 49° Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications {continued) — Air, Gas, and other Motive Power Engines, 1635-1836. 1873. Anchors, 1 796-1866. 1874. Artists' Instruments and Materials, 1618-1866. 1872. Bleaching, Dyeing, and Printing Calico, Ike, 1858-66. 1872. Books, Portfolios, Card-cases, «Scc., 1 768-1866. 1870. Bricks and Tiles, 1861-6. 1871. Bridges, Viaducts, and Aqueducts, 1 750-1866. 1868. Brushing and Sweeping, 1699-1866. 1872. Cooking, Bread-making, and the Preparation of Confectionery, 1634-1866. 1873. Cork, preparing and cutting : Bottling Liquids, securing and opening Bottles, &c. 1872. Drains and Sewers : including the manufacture of drain tiles and pipes, 1619-1866. 1874. Electricity and Magnetism. 1859. Ditto, ditto. Part 2, 1858-66. 1870. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 1874. Farriery : including the medical and surgical treatment of animals, 17 19-1866. 1872. Fire-arms and other Weapons, Ammunition, and Accoutrements. 1859. Ditto, ditto. Part 2, 1858-66. 1870. Food, preservation of. 1857. Ditto, ditto. Part 2, 1856-66. 1870. Fuel, preparation and combustion, 1 620-1 865. 1867. Gas production and application (excepting gas engines). i860. Ditto, ditto, Part 2, 1856-66. 1871. Hinges, Hinge Joints, and Door Springs, 1 775-1856. 1873. Hydraulics, 1617-1866. 1874. India Rubber [Caoutchouc] and Gutta Percha : including Air, Fire, and Water Proofing. 1859. Iron and Steel, Manufacture of. 3 parts. 1858. Lamps, Candlesticks, Chandeliers, and other Illuminating Ap- paratus, 1637-1866. 1871. Locks, Latches, Bolts, and similar Fastenings, 1 774-1866. 1873. Locomotion, aids to. 1858. Marine Propulsion (excluding sails). 4 parts. 1857-72. Masts, Sails, Rigging, &c., 1625-1866. 1874. Medicine, Surgery, and Dentistry, 1620-1866. 1872. Metals and Alloys (excepting iron and steel). 1861. Milking, Churning, and Cheese-making, 1 777-1866. 1874. Mining, Quarrying, Tunnelling, and Well-sinking, 161 8-1866. 1874. Music and Musical Instruments, 1 694-1 866. 187 1. Nails, Rivets, Bolts, Screws, Nuts, and Washers, 161 8-1866. 1873- Needles and Pins, 1 755-1866. 1871. Oils, Fats, Lubricants, Candles, and Soap, 161 7-1866. 1873. Paints, Colours, and Varnishes, i6i8-i866. 187 1. 491 PAT Patent Office. Abridgments of Specifications (continued)— Paper, Pasteboard, and Papier Mache, 1858-66. 1872. Photography. 1861. Ditto. Part 2, 1860-6. 1872. Pipes and Tubes, metallic, 1 741-1866. 1874. Plating or coating metals with metals. 1862. Ditto, ditto. Part 2, 1861-6. 1872. Pottery. Part 2. 1862-6. 1 870. Railways, 1 770-1863. 1868. Ditto, 1803-66. 1873. Ditto, Carriages and other Vehicles for, 1807-66. 1871. Ditto, Signals and Communicating Apparatus, 1840-66. 1869. Raising, Lowering and Weighing, 1617-1866. 1872. Roads and Ways, 1 619-1866. 1868. Saddlery, Harness, Stable Fittings, &c., 1625-1866. 1868. Safes, Strong Rooms, Tills, and similar depositories, 1801-66. 1873- Sewing and Embroidering, 1755-1866. 1871. Ship Building, Repairing, Sheathing, Launching, &:c., 1618-1860. 1862. Ditto, ditto. Part 2. 1861-6. 1869. Skins, Hides, and Leather, 1627-1866. 1872. Steam Culture. 1858. Steam Engine. Parti. 1618-1859. 2 vols. 1871. . Ditto, ditto. Part 2. 1860-6. 2 vols. 1871. Sugar, 1663-1866. 187 1. Tobacco, preparation and use of, 1 721-1866. 1870. Toys, Games, and Exercises, 167 2-1 866. 187 1. Umbrellas, Parasols, and Walking Sticks, 1 780-1866. 187 1. Ventilation, 1632-1866. 1872. Watches, Clocks, and other Timekeepers. 1858. Ditto, ditto. Part 2. 1857-66. 1871. Water Closets, Earth Closets, Urinals, &c., 1 775-1866. 1873. Wearing Apparel. Div. i. Head Coverings, 163 7-1 866. 1874. Weaving. Part 2. 1860-6. 1871. Chronological and descriptive Index of Patents applied for and Patents granted, Jan. i to July 8, 1874. Foho. Lond. 1874. Paterson, Daniel. , . . , t. i • r- . Description of all the direct and prmcipal cross Roads m Creat Britain. 12th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1799. Ditto, ditto. 1 8th edition. Remodelled by Edward Mogg. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Paterson, W., Lieut.-Col. Treatise on Military Drawing and Surveymg. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1862. Supplementary Notes to a Treatise on Military Drawing and Survey- ing. 8vo. I;Ond. 187 i. Notes on Mihtary Surveying and Reconnaissance. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1S73. TAT 492 Paterson, W., Lieut.-Col. {continued)— Topographical Examination Papers. 8vo. Lend. 1882. Patriotic Fund. Reports 1-7. 8vo. Lond. 1804-10. Patry, Leonce, Capt. Campagne de France de 1870-1. I^tude d'ensemble. Folio. Paris, 1879. Patten, Rev. Robert. History of the late Rebellion [1715]. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 171 7. Patterson, John, Capt. Adventures of Capt. John Patterson, with notices of the Officers, &c., of the 50th or Queen's Own Regiment from 1807-21. Svo. Lond. 1837. Pattison, Mark. Milton. See Morley (English Men of Letters.) Patton, Philip, Admiral. Account of the Mutinies at Spithead and St. Helens, in 1797. 4to. n.p. 1798. Natural Defence of an Insular Empire. 4to. Southampton, 1810. Strictures on Naval Discipline and the conduct of a Ship of War. 4to. n.p., n.d. Paul, J. B. History of the Royal Company of Archers; the Queen's Body-Guard for Scotland. 4to. Edin. 1875. Pausanias. Description of Greece. Translated [by Thomas Taylor] with notes in which much of the Mythology of the Greeks is un- folded. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1824, Pavy, F. W. Treatise on food and dietetics. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S75. Payer, Julius. New Lands within the Arctic Circle. Narrative of the discoveries of the Austrian ship "Tegetthoff" in 1872-4. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1876. Payne, John. Naval, commercial and general history of Great Britain. 2nd edition. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1793. (Radstock Collection.) Payne, J. Bertrand. Index of Biography. See Haydn. Payne, J. Home. Addresses of the Hungarian Diet of 1861, to the Emperor of Austria. Lond. 1862. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Paynter, Aylmer, Capt. A few words on the Laws of the Helm. Svo. Devonport, 1S67. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Peace, W. Our Colony of Natal. Svo. Lond. 1883. Peacock, Edward. Army Lists of the Roundheads and Cavaliers. See Army Lists. Peacock, George, Capt. Panama Canal. n.p. [1881]. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxix.) Peacock, R.A. Saturated steam the motive power in volcanoes and earth(|uakes. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1S82. 49.3 I'R("' Pead, L. W., Major. Military Competitive Course : Examinations required to be passed by Subaltern Officers of Militia in qualifying for Commissions in the Regular Service. Lond. 1886. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Military Competitive Course : being a guide to the Examinations required to be passed by Subaltern Officers of Militia in cjualifying for Commissions in the Regular Service. Lond. 1888. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Pearce, Nathaniel. Life and adventures during a residence in Abyssinia, 18 10 to 1819; together with Mr. Coffin's account of his visit to Gondar. Edited by J. J. Halls. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1 83 1. Pearce, R. R. Memoirs and correspondence of Richard Marquess Wellesley. See Wellesley. Pearce, Zacharias. De Sublimitate Commentarius. See Longinus. Pearse, John, Com. R.N. Reflections on the imperfect state of Naval Architecture. Plymouth, 1847. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) Pearse, J. N., and B. Great Coats for the Army. Lond. 1808. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Pearson, Alfred, Lieut.-Col. The early Fortifications of Rome. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Rome, 1877. Pearson, Rev. William. Introduction to practical Astronomy. Text and Plates. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1S24-39. Pecchio, Giuseppe, Count. Greece in 1S25. See Emerson-Tennant. Pechell, S. John. Defective equipment of Ship Guns. Svo. Lond. 1825. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Peck, F. Memoirs of the life and actions of Oliver Cromwell. 4to. Lond. 1740. Peclet, E. Traite de la Chaleur consid^r^e dans ses applications. 3 vols. Svo. Paris, i860. Pedrusi, Paolo. Raccolta di Medaglia delle Museo Farnese. S vols, in four, and 3 vols, of Plates. Folio. Parma, 1694. (For continuation, see Piovene.) Peel, Sir Robert, Bart. Speech at Merchant Tailors' Hall, Monday, IVLay nth, 1S35. Lond. 1S35. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvi.) Peerage. The British Peerage. Reign of George ist. i2mo. (No title page.) Pegge, Samuel. Assemblage of Coins, fabricated by Authority of the Archbishops of Canterbury. 410. Lond. 1772. Pl'Xx 494 Pegus, Campbell J., Lieut. The Athenian Maid. Lond., n.d. (8vo Taniphlcts, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Peign6, Paul. Dictionnaire gdographique, topographique, statistique et postal de la France. 4th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Peithmann, L. T. Refutation of Pierre Franc M'Callum's Remarks on the Royal Military College. 8vo. Lond. 1809. (Bound with " Poole's Narrative.") Pelet, General. Memoires sur la Guerre de 1809 en AUemagne. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-6. Memoires Militaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne. See Vault. Pellerin, Joseph. Recueil de Medailles de Rois. 4to. Paris, 1762. Recueil de Medailles de Peuples et de Villes. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1763. Melange de diverses Medailles, pour servir de Supplement aux Recueils des Medailles de Rois et de Villes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1765, Supplement aux six volumes de Recueils des Medailles de Rois, de Villes, &c. 4to. Paris, 1765. Pellew, Sir Edward, Bart., Capt. R.N. Description of Betanzos Bay, near Ferrol. 4to. n.p. 1804. (Book of Remarks for the West Station.) Pellew, Pownoll, Com. R.N. Fleet Manoeuvring. 4to. Lond. 1868. Pellicciari, Bartolomeo. Universale Instruttione per servitio della Cavalleria. 4to. Venice, 161 7. Pelly, Lewis, Capt. Views and opinions of Brigadier-General John Jacob. See Jacob. Peloux, Commandant. Service en Campagne dans I'Armee Alle- mande. See Germany, Army. Peloux, G. Voyage-Manosuvre de Cavalerie. See Verdy du Vernois. Pelsart, Francis. Voyage to Australasia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xi. Peltier, J. The late picture of Paris ; a narrative of the Revolution of the Tenth of August. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1792-3. Pembroke, Henry, Earl of. Military Equitation : or a method of breaking horses, and teaching soldiers to ride. 4th edition. 4to. Lond. 1793. Penfentenyo, M. A. de. Projet de Tactique Navale pour les beliers a vapeur. 8vo. Paris, 1873. Penhoat, Vice-Admiral. Elements de Tactique Navale. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 495 PKR Penn, Granville. Memorial of the professional life and times of Sir William Penn. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Pennant, Thomas. Tour in Scotland and the Hebrides in 1772. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1776. See also Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iii. Some account of London. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1790. Pennethorne, J., and J. Robinson. Geometry and Optics of Ancient Architecture. Folio. Lond. 1878. Penrose, Bernard. Account of the last expedition to Port Egmont, in Falkland's Islands, 1772. 8vo. Lond. 1774. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Penrose, Sir C. V., Vice-Admiral. Observations on Corporal Punishment, Impressment, and other matters relative to the present state of H.M. Royal Navy. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiv.) Bodmin, 1824. Remarks on the Naval Administration of Great Britain since 1815. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiv.) Lond. 1830. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1830. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xi.) Pentland, J. B. Fossil remains of some animals from the North- East Border of Bengal. Lond. 1828. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Pepys, Samuel. Memoires relating to the State of the Royal Navy of England for ten years, determin'd Dec, 1688. 12 mo. Lond. 1690. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Memoirs, comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669, deciphered by the Rev. J. Smith, and a selection from his correspondence. Edited by Richard Lord Braybrooke. 2nd edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Perceval, Dudley M. Remarks on the character ascribed by Col. Napier to the late Rt.-Hon. Spencer Perceval. See Napier. Perceval, M. H., Lieut. R.N. Letter on Army Brevet and its application to the Royal Navy. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Percin, F. Capt. Instruction de I'lnfanterie. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. i). Percy, John. Metallurgy. Vol. i. Fuel. 8vo. Lond. 1861. „ ,, 1864. ), „ 1870. Part I. „ „ 1880. Percy, Thomas. Reliques of ancient English Poetry. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812. i. Fuel. ii. Iron and Steel. iii. Lead. iv. Silver and Gold, PER 496 Lond. 1859. Lond. i860. Plymouth, 181 Plymouth, 18 14. Pereira, Father. Journey into Tartary. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xvii. Perier, J. Ilistoirc de ce qui s'est passe par chacun jour au Si^ge de la villc d'Ostende. i2mo. Paris, 1604. Perigal, F. Chart of the Navy of Great Britain. Folio. The Year 1800. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Paring, Richard. Causes of Decay in our modern Bulwarks. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Reply to strictures on Indian-Built Ships. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Treatise on the Anchor, with observations on the Chain Cable. Svo. Plymouth, 181 9. (Radstock Collection.) Periodicals, &c. Allen's Indian Mail. Vols, xv to . Folio. Annual Register. Vols, i-cxxi. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. New series. 1880 to . 8vo. General Index to ditto. 1758-1819. 8vo. Anthropological Review. Vols, iii to vi. 8vo. Arcana of Science and Art. 7 vols. post. 8vo. Army and Navy Gazette, 1 860-1 870. Army and Navy Magazine. Vols, i to xv. 8vo. Afterwards amalgamated with " Colburn's United Service Magazine." Artizan, 1856-187 1. Asiatic Annual Register ; or a view of the History of Hindustan, 1799-1811. 13 vols. 8vo. Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India, China, and Australasia, ist series. Vols, i-xxviii. 8vo. Lond. 1857- Lond. 1758-1879 Lond. 1881- Lond. 1826 Lond. 1865-8 Lond. 1832-8 Lond. 1880-88. Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. Ditto, ditto. 3rd series. Asiatic Quarterly Review. Lond. 1816-29 5vo. Lond. 1830-43 vo. I>ond. 1843-5 Svo. Lond. 1886- Lond. 1828- Vols. i-xl. Vols. i-iv. Vols, i to Athenseum. Nos. i (1828) to . 4to Bibliographer. A journal of book-lore. A^ols. i-vi. 4to. Lond. 1882-4 British Almanac and Companion. 1836, 1837, and 1839 to . Svo Lond. 1836, &c Index to ditto. 1S28-1843. Svo. Lond. 1843 British and Foreign Review; or European Quarterly Journal Vols, i-xviii. Svo. Lond. 1835-44 British Army and Navy Review. Vols. i-iv. Svo. Lond. 1S64-66 497 T'l^R Periodicals, &c. {coutinued) — British Military Journal. 4to. Lond. 1798-9. (Bound with " Dumourier, Invasion.s.") Broad Arrow. 187 1 to . Civil Engineer and Architects Journal. 4to. Lond. 1838-67. Colburn's United Service Magazine and Naval and Military Journal. 1829 to . 8vo. Lond. 1829- . Colonial Reports, 1845-69. County Almanac of Scotland for the year 1835. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1835. Edinburgh Almanac, 1827. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1827. Ditto, ditto, 1837. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1837. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. Vols, i-xiv. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819-26. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Vols, i-xv and xvii-lvii. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826-54. Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols, i-xix. Edinburgh, 1855-64. Edinburgh Review. Vols, i to . 8vo. Lond. 1802- . Index to ditto. Vols. i-xx. 8vo. Lond. 1 813. Ditto, ditto. Vols, li-lxxx. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Ditto, ditto. Vols, cxi-cxl. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Engineer. 1862 to . Engineering. Vols, ii to . Lond. 1869- . European Magazine, and London Review, for March 1782 : contain- ing a Map of the Islands of St. Christopher's and Nevis, with the position of the English and French Fleets, and a Map of Plymouth and Fortifications at the last siege, 1643. 8vo. Lond. 1782. (Radstock Collection.) Fife and Kinross Register for 1837. i2mo. Cupar, 1837. (Bound with " Edinburgh Almanac," 1837.) Foreign Quarterly Review. Vols, i to xxxvii. 8vo. Lond. 1827-46. Gentleman's Magazine. 1 731-1868. Index to ditto. 1731-86. 2 vols. Ditto, ditto. 1 787-1818. 2 vols. List of Plates and Woodcuts, 1731-1818. Geographical Magazine : edited by Clements R. Markham. Vols, i to v. 4to. Lond. 1874-8. Historical Register, containing an impartial Relation of all Transac- tions, Foreign and Domestic. Vols, i to xxiii. 8vo. Lond. 1716-38. See also Historical. 2 K PER 498 Periodicals, &c. {co/tfinued) — Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine. Vols, i to . 4to. Lond. 1884- . Iron (0 new series of the " Mechanics Magazine "). Vols, v to . Folio. Lond. 1875- . Jackson's Woolwich Journal, 1858 to 187 1. Journal of Science, Quarterly. 1 869-1 885. Knowledge. Vols, i to . 4to. Lond. 1881- . Lancet, 1865 to . Literary Gazette, 1817-62. London Gazette, 1686-1701, 1772-1843. Bulletins from the London Gazette : arranged by T. Walker. 8vo. Lond. 1793 to London Magazine, 1748, 1750-3. Magazine of Natural History. Conducted by J. C. Loudon. Vols. i-ix. 8vo. Lond. 1829-36. Ditto, ditto. New series. Conducted by E. Charlesworth. Vols, i-iv, vi-xvi. 8vo. Lond. 1837-45. Mechanic's Magazine. Vols, i-ix, xiii, xx-xliii. 8vo. Lond. 1823-45. Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols, i-xxiv. 4to. Lond. 1859-70. (The name was afterwards changed to " Iron," which see.) ^Microscopic Journal and Structural Record. Edited by Daniel Cooper. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 184 1-2. Microscopical Journal, Monthl3^ See Microscopical Society. Military Magazine. Vols. i-iv. 8vo. Lond. 1811-12. Military Panorama, or Officer's Companion. Vols, i to iii. 8vo. Lond. 1812-14. Mihtary Register. Bound in 8 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1814-22. Monthly Miscellany. Vol. ii. 8vo. Lond. 1774. Monthly Register, or Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe. July-Dec, 1704. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1704. Nature. Vols, i to . 4to. Lond. 1869- . Nautical Almanack, 1767 to . 8vo. Lond. 1766- . Nautical Magazine. Vols, i to . 8vo. Lond. 1832- . Index to ditto. Vols, i-xxxix. 8vo. Lond. [1871]. Naval and Military Gazette, 1853-1868. Naval and Military Magazine. Vols. i-iv. 8vo. Lond. 1827-8. Naval Chronicle. Vols, i to xlviii. 8vo. Lond. 1 799-1818. Naval Science. Vols, i to iv. 8vo. Lond. 1872-5. North British Review. Vols. i-iv. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1844-6. Notes and Queries. Vols, i to . 4 to. Lond. 1850 — . 499 I'l'l^ Periodicals, &C. {continued) — Notes and Queries. Indices. Series i-6. 4to. Lond. 1856-86. Numismatic Chronicle. Vols, i-xiv. 8vo. Lond. 1839-52. See also Numismatic Society. Numismatic Journal. Vols, i and ii. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Numismatist. Parts i and 2. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Ocean Highways, the Monthly Geographical Record. Vol. i. 4to. Lond. 1870-2 Philosophical Magazine. Vols, i to xi. 8vo. Lond. 1827-32 Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols, i to xxviii. 8vo. Lond. 1832-46 Ditto, ditto. 4th series. Vols, xxvii to 1, 8vo. Lond. 1864-75 Ditto, ditto. 5th series. Vols, i to . 8vo. Lond. 1875- Polytechnic Journal : a monthly magazine of art, science, and genera literature. Vols, i-viii. 8vo. Lond. 1 039-43 Quarterly Review. Vols, i to . 8vo. Lond. 1809- Royal Military Chronicle, or British Officer's Monthly Register and Visitor. Vols. i-vi. 8vo. Lond. 1811-13 Ditto, ditto. New series. Vols. i-vi. 8vo. Lond. 1814-17 MS. List of contents to ditto. Sailors' Home Journal for 1854. Saturday Review, 187 1 to Scot's Magazine for June, 1801. Edinburgh, 1801. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvi.) Service Almanack. . (Current year.) Simmonds's Colonial Magazine and Foreign Miscellany. Edited by P. L. Simmonds. Vols, i-viii. 8vo. Lond. 1844-6. Statesman's Year Book, 1864 to The Times, 1862 to Times Register of Events in 1877. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Annual Summaries for a quarter of a century (1851-75). i2mo. Lond. 1876. Gidding's Index to the "Times," 1862 and 1863. 8vo. Lond. 1863-4. Palmer's Index to the "Times," 1851, Parts 3 and 4; and 1852 to . 8vo. Lond. 1851- . Town and Country Magazine. Vol. vi. 8vo. Lond. 1774. United Service Gazette. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1835-40. Universal Magazine. 8vo. Lond. 1747. Vox Stellarum, or a loyal Almanack: by Francis Moore, 1862, '63, '65, and '66. 8vo. Lond. 1862-6. (Bound with the respective years of the " British Almanac") 2 K 2 PER 500 Periodicals, &c. {continued) — Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. Vols, xlvi-lv. 8vo. Lond. 1847-51. Westminster Review. \'ols. i to . Svo. Lond. 1852- . Westminster Magazine. Vols, vi and vii. 8vo. Lond. 1778-9. Whitaker's Almanack. (Current year.) Year Book of Facts. 1839 to 1881. Year Book, Official, of the Scientific and Learned Societies, 1884 to 8vo. Lond. 1884- . Yorkshire Magazine. Svo. n.p. 1786. Perizonius, H. Taktik nach der fiir die Koniglich Preussischen Kriegsschulen vorgeschriebenen "genetischen Skizze." 4th edition, with atlas. Edited by F. K. Paris. 8vo. Berlin, 1870. Perkins, A. M. Three official reports of rigid trial tests of Perkins' system of Engines and Boilers. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Perkins, Jacob. Steam Navigation improvements. Part i. The Boiler. Lond. 1832. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) Perkins, John. A Profitable Book : treating of the Lawes of England. 1 2 mo. Lond. 1642. Perley, M. H. Report of the sea and river Fisheries of New Brunswick, within the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and Bay of Chaleur. Fredericton, 1850. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxv.) Report upon the Fisheries of the Bay of Fundy. Fredericton, 1851. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxv.) Peron. Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Lands. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xi. Perouse, J. F. G. de la. Voyage round the World, 1785-8 ; edited by L. A. Milet-Mureau. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1798. Perret, J. Des Fortifications et Artifices Architecture et Perspective. Folio. n.p. 1594. Perrin, Albert. Tambours et Musique Militaires. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Perrot, A. M. Collection Historique des Ordres de Chevalerie civils et militaires. 4to. Paris, 1820. Perry, Charles. View of the Levant : particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt, and Greece. Folio. Lond. 1743. Perry, John. Regulation for Seamen, Avherein a method is proposed whereby their Majesties' Fleet may be mann'd without having men pressed. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Lond. 1695. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xv.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xvi.) 50 1 PET Perry, M. C, Commodore U.S. Navy. Narrative of the expedi- tion of an American Squadron to the Chinese Seas and Japan in 1852-4. Compiled from the original notes by F. L. Hawks. 8vo. New York, 1857. Perry, Ottley Lane. Ranks and badges, precedence, salutes, colours, and small arms, in H.M. Army, Navy, and Auxiliary Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1888. Perry, Rev. S. J. Meteorology of Kerguelen Island. ^ee Meteorological Office. Persigny, F. de, Vicomte. Enterprise du Prince Napoleon-Louis et motifs qui I'y ont determine. (Attempt at Strasburg.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxv.) Lond. 1837. Perspective. A new system of Perspective. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia. History of the life and actions of Peter Alexowitz, Czar of Muscovy. 8vo. Lond. 1723. Peterman, Dr. A. Account of the progress of the Expedition to Central Africa, in 1850-3. Folio. Lond. 1854. Petermann, Dr. A. Geology of New Zealand. See Hochstetter. Peters, Hugh. A word for the Armie, and two words to the Kingdome. Lond. 1647. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. ii.) Peters, F. H. Vassili Verestchagin. See Verestchagin. Petersens, H. af. Catalogue Swedish Section, Paris Exhibition, 1 8 78. See Exhibitions. Petherick, E. A. Catalogue of the York Gate Librar)-. See Catalogues. Petherick, John. Egypt, the Soudan, and Central Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Travels in Central Africa and explorations of the Western Nile Tributaries. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Petitot, Claude Bernard. Collection des Memoires relatifs a I'Histoire de France, ist series. 52 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-6. Petitot, Claude Bernard, et M. Monmerque. Collection des Memoires relatifs a I'Mistoire de France, znd series. 78 vols, in 79. 8vo. Paris, 1820-29. Peto, Sir Morton, Bart. Observations on the Report of the Defence Commissioner :. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) * Lond. 1862. Sir Morton Peto and the Defence Commission. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) PET 502 Petre, A., Capt. Kriogsspiel. .V(V Hclgium, Conferences Militaires, series 2, no. 7. Petre, Hon. Henry. Account of the Settlements of the New Zealand Coiii])any. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Petrie, George. Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, anterior to the Anglo-Nornmn Invasion, comprising an essay on the Round Towers of Ireland. 2nd edition. 4to. Dublin, 1845. Petrie, Martin, Capt. Organization, composition, and strength of the Army of Britain. See Army. Army Equipment. See Army, Equipment. Petroni, Stefano Egidio. La Napoleonide. 8vo. Paris, 1813. Napoleone : Poeme en dix chants. (In French and Italian.) 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Pettigrew, T. J. Life of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Peyrard, F. Arithmetique. See Bezout. Pezzl, J. Beschreibung von Wien. i2mo. Vienna, n.d. Pfeffel. Nouvel Abrege chronologique de I'Histoire et du Droit Public d'Allemagne. 2 vols, in one. 4to. Paris, 1776. Pfister, H. Das Franzosische Heerwesen. Cassel, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Pfister, R., Lieut. Monstre-Geschiitze der Vorzeit. Cassel, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) Phayre, Sir A. P., Lieut.-Gen. History of Burma. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Phelps, A., Capt. Essay in Marathi on beneficent Government. See Brahmachari. Philadelphia. Exhibition, 1876. See Exhibitions. Philebert, Ch., Col. Expedition dans les BeniMenacer en 187 1. 8vo. Paris, 1873. (Bound in volume lettered "Savage Warfare.") Considerations sur I'occupation militaire de I'Algerie. 8vo. Paris, 1874. (Bound in volume lettered " Savage Warfare.") Philippart, John. Northern Campaigns, 181 2-13 ; with an Appendix, containing all the Bulletins issued by the French Ruler. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813. Memoirs and campaigns of Charles John, Prince Royal of Sweden. 8vo. Lond. 18 14. Memoirs of General Moreau. 8vo. Lond. 1814. 503 I'M I Philippart, John {continued) — Royal Military Calendar. See Calendars. Philippi, Bernardo E. Nachrichten iiber die Provinz Valdivia. 8vo. Cassel, 185 1. Neueste Nachrichten iiber die Provinz Valdivia. Cassel, 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Philippi, Jean. M^moires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxiv.) Philips, G., Capt. Elementary course of Field and Permanent I'ortification, and of the Attack of Fortresses. 4to. Lond. 1866. Phillimore, Augustus, Rear-Admiral. Life of Sir ^Villiam Parker, Bart., Admiral. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876-80. Naval Tactics. See France, Navy. Phillip. Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. See Hunter. Phillipps, H. C. Rules to be observed in forming a Code of International Signals : with a comparative review of the systems proposed by E. C. Phillipps and Capt. L. J. Rohde. Lond. 1835. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Code of Universal Naval Signals. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Observations on Capt. Rohde's Universal Sea Language. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Lond. 1836. Phillips, Charles, Capt. R.N. Explanation of Improved Capstans. Lond. 1830. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Phillips, Henry. History of cultivated vegetables. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Pomarium Britannicum ; an historical and botanical account of fruits known in Great Britain. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Phillips, J. C, Lieut.-Col. Abolition of the Bonus System in the Indian Army. Lond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxv.) Phillips, William. Elementary introduction to Mineralogy. i2mo. Lond. 181 6. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. Augmented by Robert Allan. i2mo. Lond. 1837. Outlines of Mineralogy and Geology, comprehending the elements of those sciences. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1826. PHI 504 Phillips, William {continued)— (IcoloL^y of l^ni^land and Wales. See Conyljcare. Philon de Byzance. Traite de Fortification, d'Attaque ct de Defense des Places. Traduit du Grec par Albert de Rochas d'Aiglun. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Philosophical Society of Great Britain. See Victoria Institute. PhilpDtt, T. Historical Discourse of Navigation. 4to. Lond. 1661. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Phipps, Constantine John. Voyage towards the North Pole, with appendix. 410. Lond. 1774. See also Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Phipps, G. H. Engineering Construction. See Engineers, Royal, School. Phipps, R. W., Col. Office Manual, 1882, for Batteries of the Royal Horse Artillery and of the Royal Artillery. 8vo. Woolwich, 1882. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. See Bourrienne. Phisterer, Frederick. Civil War in America. See Campaigns. Phull, C. L. de, Baron. Systeme pour servir de guide dans I'etude des Operations Militaires. Edited by Baron F. de Batz. 8vo. Leipsic, 1853. Piazzi, Giuseppe. Delia Cometa dell 181 1, osservata nella Specola di Palermo dai 9 Settembre ai 1 1 Gennaro 1812. 8vo. Palermo, n.d Picard, H. New Pocket Dictionary of the English-Dutch and Dutch- English Languages. i2mo. Gouda, 1877 Picha, G. Leitfaden der Wafifenlehre. 8vo. Vienna, 1875-8 Pichegru, Charles, Gen. Recueil des pieces authentiques rela- tives au Suicide de I'Ex-General Pichegru. Paris [1804] (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxii.) Pick, Aaron. Bible Student's Concordance. 4to. Lond. 1845 Pickett, William Vose. New system of Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Picquot, A. French Dictionary. See Boileau and Picquot. Piddington, Henry. Researches on the Gale and Hurricane in the Bay of Bengal, June 3-5> 1839. Calcutta, 1839. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xv.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Pieri, J. P., Major. The Fieri Rifle and metallo-caoutchouc cart- ritlge. Lond. 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxi.) 505 PIN Pierron, Gen, Les methodes de Guerre actuelles et vers la fin du 19'^'"^ Sitcle 3 vols, in four. 8vo. Paris, 1878-81. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Vol. i, parts i and 2. 8vo. Paris, 1886-9. Strategie et Grande Tactique d'apres I'experience des dernieres guerres. Vol. i. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Comment s'est form^ la Genie Militaire de Napoleon P"". (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Paris, 1889. Pietraszewski, Ignatius. Numi Mohammedani Fasc. i. With plates. 2 parts. 4to. Berlin, 1843. Pigafetta, F. First \^oyage round the World by Magellan. See Hakluyt Society, vol. lii, and Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xi. Document! et avisi di Guerra. See Leo. Pigot. Universal money table and commercial exchange standard. Folio. n.p., n.d. Pilling, J. C. Bibliography of the Siouan and Eskimo Languages. See United States, Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of Ethnology. Pirn, Bedford, Capt. R.N. Appeal on behalf of the missing Arctic Expedition. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) Notes on Cherbourg. Lond. 1858. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lii.) The Negro and Jamaica. Lond. 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) War Chronicle of 1870. Lond. 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xci.) Gems from Greenwich Hospital. 4to. Lond. 1881. Pimentel, Manoel. Arte de Navegar, em que se ensinam as Regras Praticas ; e Roteyro das viagens, e costas maritimas de Guine, Angola, Brasil, Indias, e Ilhas Occidentaes, e Orientaes. Folio. Lisbon, 1 746. The Brazil Pilot ; or a description of the Coast of Brazil. Translated by Captain W. F. W. Owen. 4to. Lond. 1809. Pincott, F. Analytical Index to Kaye's " History of the Sepoy War," and Malleson's " History of the Indian Mutiny." Svo. Lond. 1880. Pindarics. Origin of the Pindarics, preceded by historical notices on the rise of the different Mahratta States. Svo. Lond. iSiS. Pindemonte, Ippolito. Translation of Homer's Odyssey. See Homer. Pine, John. Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords : re|jresent- ing the several engagements between the English and Spanish Fleets in the year 1588. Folio. Lond. 1739. PIN 506 Pinkerton, John. Essay on Mcdnls. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the World. 17 vols. 4to. Lond. 1808-14. VOL. I. — Europe. Voyages of Sir Hugh Willoughby, Richard Chancelor, and others, to the northern parts of Russia and Siberia. Dutch Voyages to the north of Europe. Pontanus, John Isaac. Dissertation concerning the North-East Passage. Regnard. Journey to Lapland, &c. Maupertius. Journey to the Polar Circle. Outhier. Journal of a Voyage to the North. Ehrenmalm, M. Arwid. Travels into Western Nordland. Leenis. Account of Danish Lapland. Allison. Voyage from Archangel. A new Account of Samoiedia and the Samoiedes. Journal of seven Seamen left at Spitzbergen. Account of forty-two persons shipwrecked near Spitzbergen. Phipps. Journal of a Voyage to the North Pole. Le Roy. Nairative of four Russian Sailors cast upon the Island of East Spitz- bergen. Bacstrom. Voyage to Spitzbergen. Truil, Uno von. Letters on Iceland. Kerguelen. Voyage to the North. Cumberland, Earl of. Voyage to the Azores. Evesham, John. Voyage to the Azores. Flicke, Robert. Success of a part of the Supplies sent to I^ord Howard to the Azores. Raleigh, Sir Walter. Report of an Engagement near the Azores. De Chaste. Voyage to Tercera. VOL. XL— Europe. Gonzales. Voyage to England and Scotland. Shaw. Tour to the West of England. Bray, William. Sketch of a Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire. Ferber. Orj'ctography of Derbyshire. Moritz, C. P. Travels through several parts of England. Skrine, Henry. Tours through Wales. Malkin. Tour through Wales. Hassel, F. Tour of the Isle of W^ight. He.'xth, Robert. Account of the Islands of .Scilly. Robertson, David. Tour through the Isle of Man. VOL. IIL— Europe. Pennant, Thomas. Tours in Scotland. Garnet. Account of the Drosacks. Martin.' Description of the Western Islands. ,, Voyage to St. Kilda's. Mackenzie, Sir George. An Account of Hirta and Rona. Brand. Description of the Orkneys and Zetland. Young. Abstract of his Tour in Ireland. Hamilton. Letters on the Northern Coast of Ireland. 507 PIN Pinkerton, Collection {coniinued) — VOL. IV.— Europe. Lister. Journey to Paris, 1698. Voung. Travels in France. Saussure. Attempts to reach the summit of Mont Blanc. Ramond. Journey to the summit of Mont Perdu. VOL. v.— Europe. Spallanzani. Travels in Italy. Dolomieu. Account of the Earthquakes in Calabria, in 1783. Bourj;oanne. Travels in Spain. Coxe. Travels in Switzerland. VOL. VI.— Europe. Riesbeck. Travels through Germany. Coxe. Travels in Denmark. ,, Travels in Norway. ,, Travels in Russia. Fortia. Travels in Sweden. VOL. VII.— Asia. Benjamin, Rabbi. Travels from Spain to China. Rubruquis, William de. Travels into Tartary and China. Polo, Marco. Voyages and Travels. The Travels of two Mohammedans through India and China ; translated from the Arabic by the Abbe Renaudot. Nieuhoff, John. Travels in China. Bell, John. Travels in Asia. Hamel, Henry. Travels of some Dutchmen in Korea. A Description of Tibet. Goez, Benedict. Travels from Labor to China. Travels through Tibet, to and from China, by several Missioners. Caron. Account of Japan. I learne. Copy of a Japan Diary. Kempfer, Engelbert. History of Japan. VOL. VIII.— Asia. Roe, Sir Thomas. Voyage to India. Bernier. Voyage to the East Indies. Tavernier. Extract from his Voyages. Hamilton, Capt. Alexander. Account of the East Indies, Lord, Henry. Discovery of the Banians and Persees. Buchanan, Francis. Journey through Mysore, Canara, and Malai)ar. VOL. IX.— Asia. Valle, Pietro delle. Travels into Persia. Chardin, Sir John. Travels into Persia. Description of Persia. Francklin, William. Tour from Bengal to Persia. Forster, George. Travels in Persia. Accounts of Independent Tartary. Jenkinson, Anthony. Travels to Bucharia. Balbi, Gasparo. Voyage to Pegu. Fitch, Ralph. Voyage to Ormus and the East Indies. PIN 508 Pinkerton, Collection {cotitinued) — VOL. IX — Asia — continued. Symes, Michael, Lieut. -Colonel 76lh Regt. Embassy to Ava. Turpin. History of Slam. Baron, S. Description of the Kingdom of Tonqucen. Richard. History of Tonijuin. Borri, R. E. Christoi)her. An Account of CochinChina. VOL. X.— Asia. Niebuhr, Carsten. Travels in Arabia. Blount, Henry. A Voyage into the Levant. Dandini, Rev. Father Jerom. A Voyage to Mount Lilianus. Maundrell, Henry. A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. „ An Account of the Turks. „ Journey from Aleppo to the River Euphrates. Clayton, the Right Rev. Robert. A Journal from Cairo to Mount Sinai. Pococke, Richard. Travels in the East. VOL. XL— America. Dampier. Account of the Philippines. Guignes, M. de. Observations on the Philippine Islands, and the Isle of France. Beeckman, Daniel, Captain. A Voyage to Borneo. Stavorinus. Account of Java and Batavia. ,, Account of Celebes, Amboyna, &c. Pigafetta, Chevalier. Voyage round the World. Pelsart, Francis. Voyages to Australasia. Tasman, Abel Jansen, Captain. Voyage of Discovery. Dampier, William, Captain. Account of New Holland. Cook, Captain. Three Voyages. Peron. Voyage for the Discovery of Southern Lands. VOL, XXL— America. Colon, Don Ferdinand. The life of Admiral Christopher Colon. The Discoveries and Settlements made by the English in different parts of America, from the reign of Henry VII to the present time. Frobisher, Martin. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a North-West Passage. (Two Accounts.) The Voyages and Navigations of the English Nation to Virginia, and the several discoveries thereof, chiefly at the charges of the Honorable Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt. Carthieu, Jacques. The first relation of the new land called New France. Navigation of the French to the Islands of New France. VOL. XIII.— America. Smith, John, Captain. General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles. Lahontan, the Baron. Travels in Canada. Memoirs of North America. Kalm, Peter. Travels into North America. Burnaby, Rev. Andrew. Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America in the years 1759, 1760. Menonville, M. Nicolas Joseph Thiery de. Travels to Guaxaca. 509 I'lR Pinkerton, Collection {continued) — VOL. XIV,— America. Betagh, Captain. Account of Peru. Ovalle, Alonso de. Historical relation of Chile. Condamine, M. de la. Travels through the Interior of South America. Bouguer. Voyage to Peru. Juan, Don George, and Don Antonio dc UUoa. Voyage to South America. Nieuhoff, John. Travels into Brazil. VOL. XV.— Africa. Lobo, Father Jerome. A Voyage to Abyssinia. Poncet, C. J. A Journey to Abyssinia. Browne, Mr. Journey to Dar-fur. Pococke, Richard. Travels in Eg)-pt Addison, Lancelot. An Account of West Barbary. Windhus, John. A Journey to Mequinez. Shaw, Thomas. Travels in Barbary. Lempriere, William. Tour to Morocco. Allatif, Abd. Relation respecting Egypt. VOL. XVI. -Africa. Thunberg, C. P. Account of the Cape of Good Hope. Angelo. F. F. Michael, and Denis de Carli. Voyage to Congo. MeroUa da Sorrento, Father Jerom. A Voyage to Congo. Battel, Andrew. The Strange Adventures of. Bosnian, William. Description of the Coast of Guinea. Proyart, the Abbe. History of Loango, &c. Adanson, INI. Voyage to Senegal, &c. Santos, the Rev. Father Joano dos. History of Eastern Ethiopia. Rochon, the Abbe. Voyage to Madagascar. Glas, George. History of the Canary Islands. Browne, Mr. Journies in the Interior of Africa. Park, Mungo. Travels in Africa. VOL. XVII. Retrospect of the origin and progress of Discovery, by Sea and Land, in Ancient, Modern, and most recent times. Catalogue of Books of Voyages and Travels. General Index. Pinkerton, Percy E. Count Moltke, See Miiller, W. Piobert, G., Lieut.-Col. Traite d'Artillerie theoriciue et pratique. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845-7. Piovene, Pietro. I Cesari in Metallo Mezzano e Piccolo racolta nel Museo Farnese. Folio. Parma, 1727. (Forming a continuation to " Pedrusi.") Pipon, J. K., Col., and J. F. Collier. Manual of Military Law. 121110. Lond. 1 86 1. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1863. Piranesi, Giov. Batt. Trofeo o sia Magnifica Colonna Coclide di Marmo composta di Grossi Macigniove se Vcggono. Folio. Rome, n.d. IMR 510 Piron, F. P. J. Etudes sur Ics Batteries Casematecs, et sur unc nouvelle Bouche h Feu. Namur, i860. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixi (i).) Le Bombardement et la fortification moderne. Svo. Paris, 1872. Les Fougasses Instantanees, ou les mines projetantes simplifi^es. Svo. Paris, 1872. Pirscher, J. D. E. Coup d'ceil militaire, oder Kurzer Unterricht wie man sich ein mili- tarisch Augenmaas erwerben. i2mo. Berlin, 1775. Croquis des vom V. Armee-Corps in der Einschliessungslinie um Paris. 4to. Berlin, 187 1. Pistofilo Bonaventure. Oplomachia, nella quale si tratta del maneggio e dell' uso delle armi [dedicated to Don Kenelmo Digbi, Cavaliere Inglese], with his portrait. Siena, 1621. Pistoya, G. Isola di Pithecusa. See Jasolino. Pitman, C. B. Through the Heart of Asia. See Bonvalot. Pitman, Isaac. Phonographic Teacher. Lond. 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvi.) Pitt, Thomas, Lord Camelford. See Camelford. Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. See Chatham. Pittakys, K. S. L'Ancienne Athenes, ou description des antiquites d'Athenes et de ses environs. Svo. Athens, 1S35. Pizan, Christine de. Fais et bonnes meurs du sage Roy Charles V. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols, v-vi.) Pizzi, P. Marengo. See Marengo. Plaisted, B. Journal from Calcutta, by sea, to Busserah, from thence across the Great Desart to Aleppo, and from thence to Marseilles, and through France to England ; with Elliot's directions for passing over the Little Desart, and journal of proceedings of the " Doddington." i2mo. Lond. 1758. Planche, H. de la, Lieut. Les Navires Blindes de la Russie. Paris [1S66]. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Nouvelles Bases de Tactique Navale. See Boutakov. Planche, J. R. The Pursuivant of Arms ; or Heraldry founded ujjon facts Svo. Lond. 1S59. History of British Costume, from the earliest period to the close of the iSth Century. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 1874. Plans. Plans of Towns and Environs. 3 vols. Folio. n.p., circa 1760. Planta, Joseph. History of the Helvetic Confederacy. 2nd edition. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1807. 5n PLU Plantamour, P. de. Rapport Annuel sur les Progres des Sciences. See Berzelius. Plason, Adolphe de. Traites et conventions conclus par I'Autriche. See Neumann. Playfair, John. Outlines of Natural Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 181 2-1 9. Works of. 4 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1822. Elements of Geometry ; to which are added elements of plane and spherical Trigonometry. 7th edition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1826. Playfair, Lyon. Industrial instruction on the Continent. Svo. Lond. 1852. Chemistry. See Liebig. Playfair, R. L., Lieut.-Col. Handbook for Travellers in Algeria and Tunis. See Murray. Plessis, Marechal du. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) Plessix, H. Carnet de poche a I'usage des Sous-Officiers d'Artillerie, 1882, '83, and 1885. i2mo. Paris, 1882-5. Carnet de poche a I'usage des Officiers d'Artillerie, 1883-85, '87, and 1 888. i2mo. Paris, 1SS3-8. Pleydell, J. C, Lieut. Essay on Field Fortification. Lond. 1768. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcviii.) Plimsoll, Samuel. Our Seamen. 4to. Lond. 1873. Condition of Malta. Lond. 1879. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxviii.) Pliny. Letters, with occasional remarks. Edited by William Melmoth. 5th edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1770. Histoire Naturelle. Traduction Nouvelle, par AL Ajasson de Grand- sagne, avec le texte Latin. 20 vols. Svo. Paris, 1829-40. Ploennies, W. von. Neue Hinterladungs-Gewehre nach Officiellen Versuchen beurtheilt. Darmstadt, 1867. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxii.) Plowden, W. C. India, Report on Census of 18S1, with statistics of population. 3 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1S83. Plummer, B., Jun. The Tyne as a strategic and refuge harbour. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxx.) Newcastle, 1875. Plunkett, Edward, Lord Dunsany. See Dunsany. Plutarch. Lives ; translated, with notes, by John and William Langhorne. 3rd edition. By the Rev. F. Wrangham. 6 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S19. POC 5 1 2 Pococke, Richard. Travels in the East. See Pinkcrton's Collection, vol. x. Travels in Egypt. See Pinkerton'.s Collection, vol. xv. Poems. Love and War; and other poems. 8vo. Lond. 1810. Original Poems, on a variety of subjects, by different hands. 8vo. Durham, 1815. Nautic hours. Lond. 1816. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ii.) Battle of Navarine, Malta, and other poems. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Poetr)' and Criticism ; by Outis. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Poggi, A. C. de. Narrative of the Proceedings of H.M. Fleet from May 2nd to June 2nd, 1794 ; with a list of Officers engaged. 4to. Lond. 1796. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Poinsot, L. Elemens de Statique. 6th edition. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Pointer, John. Britannia Triumphans : or an account of some of the Naval Victories obtained by the English over the Spaniards in i577> 1587, i588> 1596, 1601, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1702, 1704. 8vo. Lond. 1743. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Pointis. Account of the taking of Carthagena by the French and Buccaniers. 8vo. Lond. 1740. (Radstock Collection, Spanish War.) Poisson, S. D. Traite' de Mecanique. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Recherches sur le Mouvement des Projectiles dans I'air. 4to. Paris, 1839. Poland. Rocznik Woyskowy Krolestwa Polskiego (Military Annual of the Polish Army). Na Rok 1820-22. i2mo. Warsaw, 1820-2. Pola seine Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. 8vo. Vienna, 1887. Pole, W. Life of Sir William Siemens. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Manufacture, &c., of gas. See Engineers, Royal, School. Politics. Letter on the nature and prospects of Political Party. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Lond. 1858. Pollio. See Vitruvius Pollio. Polo, Marco. Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian. Translated and edited by Col. Henry Yule. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Voyages and travels. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii. Polyaenus. Stratagems of War. Translated by R. Shepherd. 4to. Lond. 1793. 513 POP Polybius. Histoire de Polybe. LTraduite du Grec par Dom. Vincent Thuillier. Edited by M. de Folard. 7 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1753. General History of Polybius, translated from the Greek by James Hampton. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Militia et castrametatione Romanorum. See Scriverius. Ditto, ditto. See also Hoogenhuysen. Poncet, C. J. Journey to Abyssinia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xv. Pond, George E. Civil War in America. See Campaigns. Pondoland. Precis of information concerning Pondoland, including Port St. John's. Corrected to Feb. 1886. 8vo. Lond. 1886. (Intel. Branch, W.O.) Pontalis, Antonin Lefevre. John de Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland, or twenty years of a Parliamentary Republic. Translated by S. E. and A. Stephenson. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Pontanus, J. I. Dissertation concerning the North East Passage. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Pontchartrain, P. de. France sous la Regence de Marie de M^decis. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xvi and xvii.) Pontecoulant, M. G. de, Capt. Theorie analytique du systeme du Monde. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Pontis, Sieur de. ]\Iemoires. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1694. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xxxi-xxxii.) Pontus, C, Capt. Tactique de I'Infanterie. See Belgium, Conferences Militaires, series i, no. i. Ponza, M. Vocabolario Piemontese-Italiano e Italiano-Piemontese. 4th edition. i2mo. Turin, 1847. Poole, James. Narrative exposing a variety of irregular transactions in one of the Departments of Foreign Corps. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Poole, Stanley Lane. See Lane-Poole. Poore, B. P. Congressional Directory, See United States. Poortmans, John. Relation of the last great fight between the English and the Dutch, July 29 and 31, 1653. 8vo. Lond. 1653. (Radstock Collection.) Pope, Alexander. Works of Alexander Pope, with notes and illustrations. To which is added a new life of the Author by William Roscoe. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Works of Homer. See Homer. Pope, Rev. G. U. Text-Book of Indian History. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. iSSo, 2 L POP 5M Popham, Sir Home. Telegraphic Signals ur marine vocabulary. 4to. Lond. 1803. ]>0()k of Signals and Instructions for the use of H.M. Fleet. 4to. Lond. 1816. Tclegraijliic Signals. Sec Signals. Popoff, Constantine. What I believe. See Tolstoy. Population. Observations on the Law of Population. Lond. 1S32. (Svo Pami)hlcts, 2nd series, vol. v.) Pornain, E., Lieut. Sea Terms and phrases in English and French. Svo. Portsmouth, 1877. Termes Nauticiues (Sea Terms) Anglais-Frangais. 2nd edition. Svo, Paris, 1880. Porte, P. de la. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vol. lix.) Porte du Theil. Geographie. See Strabo. Porter and Co. Description of their patent Anchor. Lond. n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii.) Porter, D. D., Admiral U.S. Navy. Torpedo Warfare. - n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Naval History of the Civil War. 4to. Lond. 1SS7. Porter, Fitz-John. Report of the Trial and Case of. See Courts Martial. Porter, G. R. Progress of the Nation in its various social and economical relations. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1836. Porter, J. H., Surgeon-Major. Surgeon's Pocket-Book : an essay on the treatment of wounded in war. i2mo. Lond. 1875. Porter, Noah. Dictionary of the English Language. See Webster. Porter, Sir Robert Ker. Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, during the year 181 2. 4to. Lond. n.d. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1814. Travels in Georgia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, &c., 1817-20. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1S21. Porter, Whitworth, Major-Gen. History of the Knights of Malta or the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1858. Ditto, ditto, revised edition. Svo. Lond. 1S83. History of the Corps of Royal Engineers. See Army, Records. Portlock, J. E., Lieut.-Col. Rei^ort on the Geology of the county of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh. Svo with vol. of plates. Dublin, 1843. Reform or no Reform for the Army. n.p. [1857]. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) 515 POT Portlock, J. E., Lieut.-Col. {contiimed)— Memoir of Uie life of Major-General Colby. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Portsmouth. Proposed improvement of Portsmouth Harbour. Lond. 1823. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiv.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Naval Pamj^hlets, vol. v.) History of Portsmouth ; with notices of the Towns of Portsea, Land- port, Southsea, and Oosport. 8vo. n.p., n.d, (Radstock Collection.) Portugal. Ueduccao ou manifesto dos factos que na crise actual suscitao a plena observancia dos Direitos Publicos da Na^ao Portugucza. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiii.) Lisbon, 1826. Lord Mayor's sympathy towards the British Auxiliaries who assisted to place the Queen of Portugal on her throne, and in preventing the dethronement of the Queen of Spain, Lond. 1840. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiii.) British Naval and Military Claimants on the Portuguese Government. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xvi.) Westminster, 184:. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Portugal Army. Regulamento para o Exercicio, e Disciplina dos Regimentos de Cavallaria. i2mo. Lisbon, 1798. Postans, T., Capt. Hints to Cadets, with observations on the Military Service of the Hon. East-India Company. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Personal observations on Sindh. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Postulates and Data. Small 4to. No date or printer's name. Pote, Joseph. History and antiquities of Windsor Castle, and the Royal College and Chapel of St. George, with the institution, laws, and ceremonies of the most noble Order of the Garter. 410. Eton, 1749. Potemkin, Gregory Alexandrowitz, Prince, Field-Marshal. Memoirs, including numerous anecdotes of the Russian Court. 2nd edition. 8vo. I^ond. 18 13. Poten, B. Handworterbuch der Gesamten Militiirwissenschaften. 9 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877-80. Unser Volk in Waffen. Das Deutsche Heer in Wort und Bild. Folio. Berlin, 1885. Pott, Percivall. Chirurgical Works : with a short account of the life of the Author, &c., by James Earle. 3 vols. (vol. i missing). 8vo. I^ond. 1790, 2 L 2 POT 516 Potter, John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Archseologia Graeca, or the Anti(iuities of Cirecce. A new edition, with a Hfe of the Author, by Robert Anderson, and an Appendix containing a con- cise history of the Grecian States, by George Dunbar. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1832. Potto, V. Steppe Campaigns. Translated by Capt. F. C. H. Clarke. Svo. Lond. 1874. Pouillet, M. Elements de Physique e.xperimentale et de Meteoro- logie. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837, Ditto, ditto. 7th edition. 2 vols, and vol. of plates. Svo. Paris, 1856. Poussart, A. Dictionnaire des Termes de Marine. i2mo. Paris, n.d. Powell, Capt. Description of Patent Sectional Transferable Railway Carriage. Lymington, 1846, (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Powell, Joseph. Two Years in the Pontifical Zouaves, a narrative of travel, residence, and experience in the Roman States. Svo. Lond. 1S71. Power, Frank. Letters from Khartoum. Svo. Lond. 1S85. Power, Henry. Human Physiology. See Carpenter. Power, Jeannette. Itinerario della Sicilia riguardante tutt' i rami di Storia Naturale, e parecchi di Antichita' che essa contiene. Svo. Messina, 1839, Observations et experiences physique sur plusieurs Animaux marins et terrestres. Paris, i860. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixviii.) Powis, Earl of. Expedition to the Isle of Rhe. See Herbert of Cherbury. Poyen, H. de. Renseignements sur TArtillcrie de la Marine et sur Tartillerie de cote de ITtalie. Svo. Paris, 1S7S. Poyer, Edmond. Cavalerie Frangaise. See France, Army. Praed, Mr. Sergeant. Inquiry into the conduct of Mr. Sergeant Praed. Svo. Paris, 181 9. (Pound with "Poole's Narrative.") Pratt, Sisson C, Major. Precis of the Franco-German War. Svo. Lond. 1 87 7. Military Law ; its procedure and practice. i2mo. Lond. 1S83. Field Artillery. i2mo. Lond. 1887. Pre, C. C. du, Capt. Pocket treatise on Ammunition. i2mo. Lond. 1SS8. Preaux, Lieut.-Col. Instruction sur le Canonnage a Bord. 2nd edition. Svo. Paris, 1839. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxiv.) 517 PRI Preece, W. H. Telegraphy. See Engineers, Royal, School. Prejevalsky, N., Col. Mongolia, The Tangut Country, and the solitudes of Northern Tibet. Translated by E. D. Morgan. Introduction by Col. H. Yule. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. From Kulja, across the Tian Shan to Eob-Nor. Translated by E. D. Morgan. Introduction by Sir T. D. Forsyth. Svo. Lond. 1879. Prendergast, Harris. Law relating to Officers in the Army. i2mo. Lond. 184 1. Law relating to Officers of the Nav}'. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1852. Prendergast, John P. Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. Svo. I,ond. 1865. Prescott, William Henry. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1839. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with the life of Hernando Cortes. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1843. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the Civilization of the Incas. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1847. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. Vol. iii. Svo. Lond. 1859. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. i860. Preston, J. A. Map of Oregon and Washington Territories. i2mo. Washington, 1S56. Preston, Thomas. Yeomen of the Guard : with a concise account of the Tower Warders. Svo. Lond. 1SS5, Jubilee of George the Third, 25th October, 1S09. Svo. Lond. 1SS7. Prestwich, Joseph. Origin of the Chesil Bank. Lond. 1S75. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxx.) Prevost, L. de T., Major. Aide to Military Instruction, with plans and diagrams. Svo. Lond. 1SS4. Prdvost de Vernois, Gen. De la Fortification depuis Vauban. 2 vols. Svo, and folio atlas. Paris, 1861. Priaulx, Rev. John. Account of the nature, use, and end of the Office of Dean Rural. Edited by the Rev. W. Dansey. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. v.) Lond. 1S32. Price, Capt. Navigation of Her Majesty's Ships. Lond. 1S76. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Price, Lake. Manual of Photographic Manijjulation. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1 868. PRI 518 Prichard, J. C. Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 4lh edition. 4 vols. 8vo, and folio atlas of maps. Lond. 1841-44. Prideaux, T. Symes. I'revcntion of Smoke. Lond. 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlv.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvi.) Prideaux, W. F., Lieut. Mission and captivity of Mr. Rassam in Abyssinia. See Markham, Clements R. Pridham, Charles. Historical, political, and statistical account of Ceylon and its dependencies. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Priestley, Joseph. Historical account of the navigable Rivers, Canals, and Railways, throughout Great Britain. 4to. Lond. 1831. Priests' Protection Society. Address to Christians. 8vo. Lond. 1856. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Pringle, Capt. Vigil of a Young Soldier ; a poem. i2mo. Lond. 1834. Pringle, Dr. John. Observations on the Diseases of the Army. 8vo. Lond. 1761. Prinsep, H. T. Narrative of the Political and Military Transactions of British Lidia under the administration of the Marquess of Hastings, 1813-18. 4to. Lond. 1820. History of the Political and Military Transactions in India during the Administration of the Marquess of Hastings, 1813-23. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Note on the Historical Results, deducible from recent discoveries in Afghanistan. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Prinsep, James. Essays on Indian Antiquities ; to which are added his Tables of Indian History, &:c. Edited, with notes by Edward Thomas. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Prinsep, Val C. Imperial India : an artist's journals. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Prior, James. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Works of Oliver Goldsmith. See Goldsmith. Prior, Matthew. Poems on several occasions. Folio. Lond. 17 18. Pritchard, Andrew. History of Infusoria, living and fossil ; arranged according to " Die Infusions-thierchen " of C. G. Ehrenberg. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Privat-Deschanel. See Deschanel. Proctor, Richard A. Transits of Venus. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Star Atlas. 4th edition. Folio. Lond. 1877. 519 PUR Prodoni, Narbonte. L'Arte dell' Huomo di Spada. See Guilkt. Prompt, P., Lieut. Tactique des Abordages en T\Ter et moyens do les prevenir. Paris, 1868. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxviii.) Prout, Dr. William. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the function of Digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology (Eridg. Treat.) Svo. Lond. 1834. Proyart. History of Loango, Hakongo, &c. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xvi. Prussia. See Germany. Prynne, William. Account of Mont Orgueil Castle in the Island of Jersey, with a poetical description. Jersey, 1838. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Puerto, Vizconde de. Reflexiones Militaires. 10 vols. Svo. Turin, 1724. Puffendorf, Samuel. De Officio Hominis et Civis secundum Legem Naturalem. i2mo. Frankfort, 1759. Puissant, L., Col. Traite de Topographic, de Arpentage et de Nivellement. 4to. Paris, 1807. Recueil de diverses propositions de Ge'ometrie, resolues ou demon- trees par I'Analyse Algebrique ; precede d'un precis du lev^ des Plans. 3rd edition. Svo. Paris, 1824. Traite de Geodesic. 2 vols. 4to, Paris, 1842. Pulteney, William. Considerations on the question whether the Proceedings of Commanders-in-Chief of Fleets and Armies are subject to the review of the Civil Courts of Law. Lond. 1787. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xviii.) Purdon, H. G., Capt. Remarks and suggestions on our iSIilitary System. i2mo. Chatham, 18S4. Services of the 64th Regiment (2nd Staffordshire). See Army, Records. Purdy, John. Memoir to accompany the new chart of the Atlantic Ocean, and comprising instructions for the navigation of that sea. 5th edition. Svo. Lond. 1S25. Columbian Navigator, or sailing directory for the American Coasts and the West Indies. Vol. i. Part i. Svo. Lond. 1S33. Sailing Directory for the Gulf of Venice and the eastern division of the Mediterranean Sea, the Sea of Marmora, and the Black Sea. Svo. Lond. 1S34, Memoir to accompany the charts of the Northern Atlantic Ocean, and comprising instructions for the navigation of that sea. loth edition, corrected, by A. G. Findlay. Svo. Lond. 1S53. PUR 520 Pursh, Frederick. Flora Aviericce Sepfentrionalis, or a systematic arrangement and description of the Plants of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814. Pushtshin, Capt. Caspian Sea: hydrographic description and sailing guide. Translated by Major E. R. Ellis. 8vo. Simla, 1884. Puteo, Paris de. Di Ri Imperaturi, Principi, Signori, Oentilhomini, e de tucti Armigeri continente Diside, Concordie, Pace, Casi accadenti et Judicii. 4to. Naples, 15 18. Puthaux, Col. de. Constructions Defensives rendues inabordables. (4to Pami)hlets, vol. vi.) Mezieres, 1865. Puysdgur, Jacques Frangois de Chastenet, Marquis de, Marshal. Art de la Guerre. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1749. Ditto, ditto. New edition. Folio. Paris, 1749. Pycroft, James. Collegian's Guide ; or recollections of college days. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Pyle, J. C. Abstract of Meteorological Observations made at Futtegurh, for the year 1850, N.W.P., Bengal. Transmitted by Dr. Buist, and communicated by Col. Sykes. Lond. 1851. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Pyrard, Francois, of Laval. Voyage to the East Indies, &c. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. Ixxvi. Pyrotechny. Essay sur les Feux d'Artifice pour le spectacle et pour la guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1745. Traite des Feux d'Artifice pour le spectacle. 8vo. Paris, 1747. Q- Quain, Richard. Elements of Anatomy. 7th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Dictionary of Medicine. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Quaritch, Bernard. Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. Quebec Garrison Club. Lectures, 1888-9. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Quebec Literary and Historical Society. Transactions. 2 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1829-31. Ditto. New series. 1863 to 521 QUE Quebec Literary and Historical Society {continued) — Historical Documents. Series 1-5. 8vo. Quebec, v.d. Series i. Memoircs sur le Canada, 1749-60. Collection de Memoires et de Relations sur I'Histoire Ancienne du Canada. Contenant — Memoire sur I'Ktat present du Canada (1667). Memoire sur le Canada (1736). Considerations sur I'Etat present du Canada (1758). Histoire du Canada (1608- 1700) par M. L'Abbe de Belmont. Relation du Siege de Quebec en 1759. Jugement impartial sur les operations militaires de la Campagne en Canada en 1759. Reflexions sommaires sur le Commerce qui s'est fait en Canada. Histoire de I'Eau-de-vie en Canada. Voyages de decouverte au Canada, 1534-42, par Jacques Quartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xantoigne, &c. Memoire du Sieur de Ramezay, Commandant a Quebec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 Septembrc, 1759- Series 2. Extract from a manuscript journal, relating to the opera- tions before Quebec in 1759, kept by Col. Malcolm Eraser. The Campaign of Louisbourg, 1750-8. A dialogue in Hades : a parallel of military errors during the Campaign of 1759, in Canada. The Campaign of 1760, in Canada. The Invasion of Canada in 1775. Manuscripts relating to the early history of Canada. Series 3. Histoire du Montreal, 1640-72. Journal des operations de TArmee Americaine lors de I'Invasion du Canada en 1775-6, par M. J. B. Badeaux. Recueil de ce qui s'est passe en Canada au sujet de la guerre, depuis 1682. Voyage D'Iberville. Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1759-60. Series 4. Journal of the Expedition up the River St. Lawrence, 1759- General Orders in Wolfe's Army during the Expedition up the River St. Lawrence. Siege de Quebec en 1759. Journal tenu par Jean Claude Panct. Journal of the Siege and Blockade of Quebec by the American Rebels in 1775 and 1776. Series 5. Various Documents relating to the war of 181 2. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. QUE 522 Querard, J. M. La France Litterairc, ou dictionnaire bibliographique. 10 vols, in five. Svo. Paris, 1827-8. Quin, Michael J. Steam voyages on the Seine, Moselle, and the Rhine. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1843. Quinet, Edgar. Histoire de la Campagnc de 181 5. 7th edition. Svo. Paris [1886]. Quinteau, A. 1-a Cnicrre de surprises et d'cmbuscades 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1884. Quotations. Handbook of Familiar Quotations, by I. R. P. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1S59. R. Rabeners, Gottlieb Wilhelm. Sammtliche Schriften. 6 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 1777. Rabett, G. W., Lieut. R.N. Proposed substitute for a Ship's Rudder at Sea. 4to. Lond. 1830, Rabutin, Francois de. Guerres en la Gaule Belgique. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vols, xxxi and xxxii.) Racine, J. CEuvres completes de J. Racine. 2nd edition. Edited by L. Aime-Martin. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 1822. Radcliffe, Sir George. I-ife of the Earl of Strafforde. See Strafforde. Radermacher, W. Cyclist Section Drill. i2mo. Chatham [1888]. Radford, W. Construction of the Ark, equipment of vessels, and steam navigation to Lidia. Svo. Lond. 1840. Rae, John. Narrative of an expedition to the shores of the Arctic Sea in 1846-7. Svo. Lond. 1S50. Raguse, A. F. L. Marmont, Due de, Marshal. Voyage en Hongrie, en Transylvanie, dans la Russie Me'ridionale, en Crimee, et sur les bords de la Mer d'Azoff, a Constantinople, dans quelques parties de lAsie-Mineure, en Syrie, en Palestine et en Eg}'pte. 5 vols. Svo, and 4to Atlas. Paris, 1S37. Memoires du Marechal Marmont, Due de Raguse. 9 vols. Svo. Paris, 1857. INIodern Armies. Translated by Capt. Lendy. Svo. Lond. 1865. Raikes, Charles. Notes on the revolt in the North-West Provinces of India. Svo. Lond. 1858. Englishman in India. Svo. Lond. 1867. 523 RAL Raikes, G. A., Major. History of our Reserve Forces with suggestions for their organization. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Lond, 1870. Strength and cost of the British Army and Reserve Forces. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Lond. 1871. Militia Reform. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Roll of the Officers of the York and Lancaster Regiment. See Army, Records. Historical Records of the 3rd West York Light Infantry. See Army, Records, History of the Honourable Artillery Company. See Reserve Forces, Railways. Observations on the comparative merits of Canals and Railways. 2nd edition. Lond. 1832. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series., vol. v.) Railroads in War. Lond. [1873I. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) Die Kriegfiihrung unter Benutzung der Eiscnl)ahnen und der Kampf um Eisenbahnen, 8vo. Leipsic, 1868. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Leipsic, 1882. Rainsford, Marcus, Capt. Historical account of the Black Empire of Hayti, comprehending a view of the principal transactions in the revolution of Saint Domingo. 4to. Lond. 1805. Raleigh, Sir Walter, Knight. Discourse on the invention of Ships, Anchors, Compasses, &c. i2mo, Lond. 1650, His Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana. i2mo. Lond, 1650. (Bound with " Invention of Ships.") Excellent observations and notes concerning the Royall Navy and Sea Service. i2mo. Lond. 1650. (Bound with "Invention of Ships.") Discourse of the originall and fundamentall cause of Warre. ismo Lond. 1650. (Bound with " Invention of Ships.") Historic of the World, in five books. From the beginning and first ages of the same, until the Romans made conquest of Asia and Macedon. 4to. Lond. 1671. History of the World : to which are added his Voyages of Discovery to Guiana. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820 Alarm of an Invasion from Spain, in 1596. See National Defence. Report of an engagement near the Azores. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol, i. Voyages and navigations of the English Nation to Virginia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xii. RAL 524 Raleigh, Sir Walter {continued)— Discovery of Guiana. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. iii. Ralfe, J. Naval Chronology of Great Britain 1S03-16. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1820. (Radstock Collection.) Historical memoirs of Admiral Charles Stirling. Lond. 1826. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (i).) Naval Biography of Great Britain. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1828. Battle of Navarin. Svo. I>ond. n.d. (Bound with " Navarin Papers.") Ram Raz. Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus. 4to. Lond. 1834. Ramatuelle, A. Cours elemcntaire de Tactique Navale. 4to. Paris, 1802. Corso elementaire de Tattica Navale. Translated by Baldassarre Romano. 4to. Naples, 1813. Rambaud, Alfred. Francais et Russes. Moscou et Sevastopol, 181 2-1854. Svo. Paris, 1 87 7. Histoire de la Russie depuis les origines jusqu'a I'annee 1877. Svo. Paris, 1S78. Ramchundra. Treatise on problems of maxima and minima solved by Algebra. Svo. Lond. 1859. Ramond, L. Journey to Mont Perdu. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iv. Ramsay, M. de. Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne. 2 vols. 4to. Pans, 1735. Les Voyages de Cyrus, avec un discours sur la Mythologie. Small 8vo. Lond. 1762. Ramsay, A. Paston Letters. See Fenn. Ramsay, Alexander. A bibliography, guide and index to Climate. 8yo. Lond. 1884. Ramsay, Sir A. C. Europe. See Stanford's Compendium. Ramsay, David. Military memoirs of Great Britain : or a history of the War. Svo. Edinburgh, 1779. Ramsay, W., Capt. R.N. Causes that retard the progress of our Steam Navy. Edinburgh, 1 85 1. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Ramsgate. True state of facts relating to Ramsgate Harbour. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xx.) Ramus, Charles Meade. Polysphenic Ship. Lond. 1874. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiv.) 525 RAP Ramusio, G. B. Delle Navigation! ct Viaggi. 3rd edition. 3 vols, in two. 4to. Venice, 1563-65. Randaccio, C. Storia delle Marine Militari Italiane dal 1750 al i860 e della Marina Militare Italiana dal i860 al 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. Rome, 1886. Randolph, Vice-Admiral. Rule of the Road at Sea. A reply to "The Law of Port Helm." 8vo. Lond. 1867. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Problems in Naval Tactics. Portsmouth, 1879. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) Randolph, Rev. H. Private diary of General Sir Robert Wilson. See Wilson. Invasion of Russia, 1812. 6^^ Wilson. Ranelagh, T. H., Viscount. Present state of our National Defences. Lond. 1845. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Death by Starvation. See Lhotsky. Ranke, Leopold. History of Servia and the Servian Revolution; with a sketch of the insurrection in Bosnia. Translated by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. To which is added the "Slave Provinces of Turkey": from the French of Cyprien Robert. Svo. Lond. 1853. Der Ursprung des Siebenjahrigen Krieges. 8vo. Leipsic, 1871. Rankine, W. J. M. Manual of Applied Mechanics. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Useful Rules and Tables, relating to mensuration, engineering, struc- tures, and machines. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Manual of the Steam Engine and other prime movers. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. 1869. Raper, Henry, Rear-Admiral. New System of Signals, by which colours may be wholly dispensed with. 4to, Lond. 1828. Raper, Henry, Lieut. R.N. Rules for finding distances and heights at sea. Svo. Lond. 1831. Remarks on Mr. Robert Steele's Report to the Chamber of Commerce of Greenock on the Bill for the Measurement of Tonnage. Lond. 1834. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Tables of Logarithms to six places. Svo. Lond. 1846. Maritime Positions. Svo. Lond. 1 849. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. 8vo. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition, Svo. Rapier, R. C. Remunerative R: RAP 526 Raper, Henry, Lieut. R.N. {continued) — Practiee of Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. With supplement. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1840. Lond. 1849. Lond. 1852. Lond. 1854. Lond. 1857. lys for new Countries ; with some account of the first railway in China. 4to. Lond. 1878. Rapin de Thoyras, Paul. History of England. Translated by N. Tindal. 4 vols, in five. Folio. Lond. 1743-7. Rapp, Count, General. Memoirs of, written by himself. Svo. Lond. 1823. Rascon, Comte de. L'Armee de I'Allemagne du Nord. Translated from the Spanish by A. de Paniagua. Svo. Paris, 1880. Rask, Dr. E. C. Danish Grammar. Edited by T. G. Repp. 2nd edition. Svo. Copenhagen, 1846. Ratheau, A., Capt. Traite de Fortification ; comprenant la fortification passagere, la castramentation, la fortification permanente, I'attaque et la defense des places fortes. Svo. Paris, 1858. Etude sur la Fortification Polygonale comparee a la Fortification Bastionnee. 4to. Paris, 1S62, Attaque et Defense des Places Fortes. Svo. With folio atlas. Paris, 1877. Instruction sur la Fortification. See Durer Rau, Charles. Lapidarian Sculpture. See U.S. Geographical and Geological Survey. Rau, S. L'Etat Militaire des principales Puissances Etrangeres. Svo. Lond. iSSo. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Lond. 18S3. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. Lond. 1886. Raumer, Friedrich von. Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit. 6 vols. Svo. Leipzig, 1823-25. Ravenhill, J. R. Twenty minutes with our Commercial Marine Steam Fleet in 1S77. 4to. Lond. 1S77. Ravenstein, E. G. The Russians on the Amur. Svo. Lond. 1861. Cyprus : its resources and capabilities. Svo. Lond. 1878. Rawlinson, George, Capt. Selections from my journal during a residence in the Mediterranean. Svo. [Privately printed.] Lond. 1S36. Rawlinson, Sir Henry, Major-Gen. England and Russia in the East. Svo. Lond. 1875. 527 REC Rawlinson, Robert. Hygiene of Armies in the Field. (8\o I'aiuphlcts, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Lund. 1883. Rawstorne, J., Capt. R.N. Plan and key to the view of the sailing of the British Portion of the Allied Expedition from Paljik to the Crimea. Lond. 1859. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Rawstorne, J. G., Lieut.-Col. Account of the Regiments of the Royal Lancashire Militia, 1759-1870. See Reserve Forces. Ray, James. Compleat history of the Rebellion, 1745-6. 8vo. Lond. 1759. Raymond, Xavier. Les Marines de la France et de I'Angleterre, 1815-63. i2mo. Paris, 1863. Raynal, G. T. F. Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablissemens et du Com- merce des Europeens dans les deux Indes. 10 vols. i2mo. Geneva, 1780. Atlas des toutes les parties connues du Globe Terrestre, dresse pour " I'Histoire Philosophique." 4to. n.p., n.d. Raynaud, Furcy, Capt. Campagne de 1866. See Moltke. Re, Isle de. Relation de la descente des Anglois en I'lsle de Re. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1628. (Radstock Collection.) Read, Chatfield, and Creuze. Reports on Naval Construction, 1S42-4. Folio. Lond. 1847. Read, S. Memoir on a new Armament for the 42 and 46 gun Frigates. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) Chatham, 1831. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. ix.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Observations illustrative of a Memoir on a new Armament for the 42 and 46 gun Frigates. Chatham, 1831. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) Reade, Rev. J. B. New organic remains in the Flint of Chalk. (8vu Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Lond. 1838. Reade, Winwood. African Skctch-Book. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Records, the NationaL Nonarum Inquisitiones in curia Scaccarii. Temp. Regis Edwardi IIL Folio. Lond. 1807. Note. — An Account of the Subsidy granted at Westminster in the 14th of Kdw. Ill, and 1st of his Reign in France, stat. i, c. 20, of " the ninth lamb, the ninth fleece, and the ninth sheaf, to be taken for two years then next to come. And of cities and boroughs the very ninth part of all their goods and chattels to be taken and levied in aid of the good keeping of this realm," lic. REC 528 Records, the National {continued)-' Rotuloruni OriL;inalium in curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio. Vols, i and ii (Hen. Ill— Edw. III). Folio. Lond. 1805-10. lS:oTF,.— The Estrcals of all Grants of the Crown enrolled whereon any rent is received, any salary payable, or any service to be performed. Placitorum in domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservatorum Abbreviatio. Temporibus Regum Ric. I., Johann, Henr. Ill, Edw. I., Edw. II. Folio. Lond. 181 1. Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; to which are prefixed examples of earlier proceedings in that Court, namely, from the reign of Richard the Second to that of Queen Elizabeth, inclusive. From the Originals in the Tower. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1811-16. Inquisitionum ad capellam Domini Regis retornatarum quse inpublicis archivis Scotice adhuc servantur, abbreviate. 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1811-16. Note. — The Record, of which an abridgment is here given, comprehends all those proceedings by "Inquest," or the verdict of an "Assize," which originate in certain writs issuing from Chancery, and which are ultimately transmitted or " retoured" to that office. Rotuli Hundredorum, Temp. Hen. Ill and Edw. I in Turr' Lond' et in curia receptae Scaccarij Westm. asservati. Vols, i and ii. FoUo. Lond. 181 2-18. Note. — The Hundred Rolls contain inc|uisitions taken in pursuance of a Special Commission, issued under the Great Seal in the second year of King Edward I. Placita de quo Warranto, temporibus Edw. I, II, III, in curia receptee Scaccarii Westm. asservata. Folio. Lond. 1818. Rotuli Scotiae in Turri Londonensi et in domo Capitulari Westmon- asteriensi asservati (19th of Edw. I — iSth of Hen. VIII). 2 vols. Folio. Lond. 1814-19. Statutes of the Realm. Printed from original records and authentic manuscripts. Vols, ii, iii, iv (2 parts) v, vi, vii, viii, ix. (Richard II to Anne.) Folio. Lond. 1816-22. Alphabetical Index to ditto. Folio. Lond. 1824. Chronological Index. Folio. Lond, 1828. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland (1424-1707). Vols, ii to xi. Folio. Lond. 1814-24. Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem sive Eschgetarum (Hen. Ill — Rich. III). 4 vols. Folio. Lond. 1806-28. Foedera, Conventiones, Litters, et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica. Cura et Studio T. Rhymer et R. Sanderson. Denub aucta, et multis locis emendata, jussu serenissimi Regis Georgii Tertii. Accurantibus J. Caley et T. Holbrooke. 3 vols, in six. Folio. Lond. 1816-30. 529 RED Records, the National {conthmed) — Valor Ecclesiasticus. Temp. Hen. VIII. Auctoritate regia Insti- tutus. 6 vols. Folio. Lond. 1810-34. (Containing maps of the Dioceses.) Note. — The Ecclesiastical Sio-vey, made in pursuance of an Act of Parliament, 2lst of Henry VIII, headed " Instructions devysed by the Kynges llighne.s by the advysc of his counsaylle f<>r knowledge to be had of the hole true and juste yerely values of all the possessions, maners, londes, len'ts, hereditaments, and p'flets aswel sp'uall as temporall appertenyngc to any maner of Dignyte, Monasterie, I'riorie, Church, Collegiat Church, Convcntuall, P'snage, Vicariage, Chaunterie, fre Chapell, or other dignitye, office, or p'mocion sp'uall within this realme, Wales, Cales, Berwyk, and Marches of the same," (S:c. Ducatus Lancastrlae. Pars I. Calendarium Inquisitionum post mortem, &c. (Edw. I. — Carol. I.). Parts 2, 3, 4. Calendar to the Pleadings, Depositions, &c. (Hen. VII — Eliz.). 3 vols. Folio. Lond. 1823-34. Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons, together with the Records and INIuniments relating to the suit and service due and performed to the King's High Court of Parliament and the Councils of this Realm. Collected and edited by Francis Palgrave. Vols, i and ii (bound in three). Folio. Lond. 1827-34. Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normannia; sub Regibus Anglise. Opera Thom^e Stapleton. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1840. Rerum Britannicarum Medii ^vi Scriptores. Monumenta Juridica : the Black Book of the Admiralty. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 187 1-4. Records of the Regiments. See Army. Recruiting-. On the best mode of providing Recruits and forming Reserves for the British Army. 8vo. Lond. 1874. (Bound in vol. lettered " Recruiting.") Thoughts on the Recruiting Question. 8vo. Lond. 1S75. (Bound in vol. lettered "Recruiting.") Reddie, James. Historical view of the law of Maritime Commerce. 8vo. Lond. 1 84 1. Mechanics of the Heavens. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Vis inertiae victa, or fallacies affecting science. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Victoria Toto Ccelo ; or modern Astronomy recast : a paper on the motions of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and Planets. Lond. 1863. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Slavery. Lond. n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii ) Reden, F., Baron de. Tableaux genealogiques et historiques de I'Empire Britannicjue. Folio. Hanover, 1830. Redesdale, Lord. Memoir of William Mitford. &f Mitford. 2 M RED 530 Redfern, Dr. P. Microscopical Examination of Water. See Lankester. Redfield, W. C. Hurricanes of the Atlantic and their relations to the Northers of Mexico and Central America. (Svo Tamplilcts, 2nd series, vol. xxxvi.) New Haven, 1846. Redhouse, J. W. Grammaire raisonnee de la Langue Ottomane. Svo. Paris, 1846. The Mesnevi. 4to. Lond. 1881. Redman, J. B. Alluvial Formations and local changes of the South Coast of England. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxx.) Lond. 1854. •Report on Sandown CasUe. Lond. 1857. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxii.) The East Coast between the Thames and the Wash Estuaries. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxx.) Lond. 1865. Marine Engineering. See Engineers, Royal, School. Reed, Sir E. J. Shipbuilding in iron and steel. Svo. Lond. 1869. Our Iron-Clad Ships : with chapters on Turret Ships, Iron-Clad Rams, &c. Svo. Lond. 1S69. Our Naval Coast Defences. Lond. 1S71. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Treatise on the Stability of Ships. Svo. Lond. 1S85. The British Navy. (" Harper's Magazine.") Washington, 18S6. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Navies of the Continent. (" Harper's Mag.") Washington, 1SS7. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliii.) Proposed further outlay upon the Navy. Lond. 1S89. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) The British Navy. ("Contemporary Review.") Lond. n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Our Merchant Marine. ("Contemporary Review.") Lond. n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Reed, Sir E. J., and Edward Simpson. Modem Ships of War. With sui)plementary chapters and notes by J. D. Jerrold Kelley. 4to. Lond. 1 888. Reed, H. A., Lieut. U.S. Army. Photography applied to Sur- veying. 4to. New York, 1888. Reed, Isaac. Plays of Shakespeare. See Shakespeare. Reed, T. Engineers' Hand-Book. See Thorn. Reehorst, Dr. K. P. Ter. The Mariner's Friend and Technical Dictionary in ten Languages. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1865. Manufacturers' and Miners' Vade-Mecum, in five Languages. i2mo. Lond. n.d. 53^ REI Rees, L. E. Runtz. Personal narrative of the Siege of Lucknow. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Reeve, Henry. Memoir of Sir Frederick Adam. See Reumont. Military Resources of Prussia and France. See Chesney, Reeve, Lovell. Natural History of the Arctics. See Belcher. Regnard, M. Journey to Lapland. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Regnier-Desmarais. ^SVt' Desmarais. Reichel, C. H. Danisches Theater. Vol. i. 8vo. Leipzig, 1782. Sigrid, &:c. See Suhm. Reichskanzler-Amt. Die Schifffahrtszeichen an der Deutschen Kuste. 8vo. Berlin, 1878. Reid, D. B. The study of Chemistry considered as a branch of elementary educa- tion. 2nd edition. Lond. 1842. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Illustrations of the theory of Ventilation. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Reid, G. H. Essay on New South Wales. 4to. Sydney, 1876. Reid, J. Wyatt. New system for day or night Signals. 8vo. n.p., n.d. Reid, Sir William, Col. Attempt to develop the Law of Storms, and to point out a cause for the Variable Winds with the view to practical use in Navigation. 8vo. ^ Lond. 1838. Progress of the development of the Law of Storms and of ^^ariable Winds. 8vo. Lond. 1S49. Reide, T., Major. Treatise on the duty of Infantry Officers and the present system of British Military Discipline. i2mo. Lond. 1795. Ditto, ditto. i2mo. Lond. 1801. Treatise on Military Finance, containing the pay and allowances of the British Army. 9th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1805. Reiff, C. P. English-Russian Grammar. 8vo. Carlsruhe, 1853. New Parallel Dictionaries of the Russian, French, German, and English Languages. 4 vols. 8vo. Carlsruhe, 187 1-2. Reilly, W. E. M., Col Memorandum on the Prussian Army, in relation to the C.uni)aign of 1866. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (ii).) See also Caffin. Report on the French Artillery, 1873. Lond. 1S73. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) 2 M 2 REI 532 Reilly, W. E. M., Col. {continued)— Notes of a visit to IJerlin, 1872 ((German Artillery). 211(1 edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. vii.) Lond. 1873. War Materiel at the Vienna Exhibition, 1873. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) Siege of Sebastopol. Sec Campaigns. Rein, J. J. Japan: travels and researches. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Reinagle, G. P. Illustrations of the Battle of Navarino. FoUo. n.p., n.d. Reinaud and Fave. Histoire de I'Artillerie, 1''= partie. Du Feu Gregeois, des feux de guerre et des engines de la poudre a canon. 8vo., with 4to plates. Paris, 1845. Reming-ton and Sons. Tiie Remington-Lee Magazine Gun and Ammunition. 8vo. St. Louis, Mo., 1884. Fusil a ALagasin Remington-Lee et Munitions. 8vo. New York, 1885. Fusil de Repeticion Lee-Remington y Fabricantes de Municiones. 8vo. New Orleans, 1885. Remond, Baron, General. Tactique appropriee au perfectionnement des Amies a Feu portatives. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Remusat, Paul de. Memoires de Madame de Remusat. 21st edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Renard, B. La Marine Cuirassee en 1865. Paris, 1866. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxviii.) Commentaires sur les Reglements de la Cavalerie. Tactique elementaire de I'arme. 8vo. Brussels, 1884. Renard, Leon. Le Fond de la Mer. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, n.d. Renaudot. Travels of two Mohammedans through Lidia and China. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii. Rendel, Stuart. The Question of the Guns as now debated. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxi.) Lond. 1875. Rennell, James, Major. Memoir of a Map of Hindostan or the Mogul Empire. 8vo. Lond. 1788, Cieographical System of Herodotus examined and explained. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. CJeographical illustrations of Africa. See Park. Rennie, Dr. D. F. British Arms in North China and Japan. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British Embassy at Peking, 1 860-1. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Bhotan; and the story of the Dooar War. 8vo. Lond. 1866. 533 RES Rennie, George. Quantity of Heat developed by Water when rapidly agitated. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lii.) Lend. 1 85 7. Employment of Rubble Beton, or Concrete, in works of Engineering and Architecture. Lond. 1858. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlvi (ii).) Rennie, G. B. Improvement of the River Danube between Isatcha and the Sulina Entrance. Lond. 1856. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Repp, T. G. Danish Grammar. See Rask. Repton, H. Landscape gardening and landscape architecture. New edition: by J. C. Loudon. Svo. Lond. 1840. Reresby, Sir John, Bart. Travels and memoirs. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Reserve Forces. Correspondence on Mounted Riflemen. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) Regulations, Circulars, &c., for the Reserve Forces. Svo. Lond. 186S-75. Ditto, ditto. Svo. Lond. 1878 9, Manual of Law for the Reserve Forces and ^lilitia. Svo. Lond. 1 886. Honourable Artillery Companj-. The History of the Honourable Artillery Company from its earliest annals to the Peace of 1802 : by Anthony Highmore. Svo. Lond. 1S04. List of the Chiefs, Officers, Court of Assistants, &c., for 1840. Svo. Lond. 1S40. History of the Honourable Artillery Company : by Capt. G. A. Raikes. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S78-9. Licidents in the history of the Hon. Artillery Company : by Capt. Woolmer-Williams. Svo. Lond. iSSS. Militia. Essay for Regulating and making more useful the Militia of this Kingdom. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1701. (Bound in vol. lettered "Military Tracts.") Enquiry into the state of the Militia. Svo. Lond. 1779. (Bound in vol. lettered " Military Tracts.") Certain Rules and Orders to be observed by the Militia. i2mo. Lond. 1793 Collection of the Statutes in force relating to the Militia of England. i2mo. Lond. 1808. Militia Regulations. Lond. 1853. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iv.) The Militiaman at home and abroad. Svo. Lond. 1S57. RES 534 Reserve Forces. Militia {continued) ~ iMilitia Orders. 8vo. Lond. 1873-9. Regulations for the Militia. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Second Royal Surrey or Eleventh Regiment of Militia. Historical Records : by Lieut.-Col. John Davis. 8vo. Lond. 1877. History of the Second Queen's Royal Regiment, now the Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment : by Ll.-Col. John Davis. 8vo. Lond. 1887. 3rd Royal Surrey Regiment of Militia : by Capt. L. Flower. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Account of the Regiments of Royal Lancashire Militia, 1759 to 1870 : by Lt.-Col. J- G. Rawstorne. 4to. Lancaster, 1874. History of the Old County Regiment of Lancashire Militia. Com- piled by Major R. J. T. ^Villiamson. Continued by Col. J- Lawson Whalley. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Annals of the South Devon Regiment. 8vo. Plymouth, n.d. Standing Orders of the 3rd West York Light Infantry. i2mo. York, 1853. Origin and services of the Third West Yorskshire (Light Infantry) Regiment of Militia: by William Sheardown. Doncaster, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) First Regiment of Militia ; or Third West York Light Infantry : by Capt. G. A. Raikes. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Bedfordshire Militia; Regimental Records, 1 759-1884, by Lieut.- Col. Sir John M. Burgoyne, Bart. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Scottish Borderers Militia, History of: by Rev. Robert W. Weir. 8vo. Dumfries, 1877. Royal North Gloucester Militia. Notes from the Regimental Orders and Correspondence, &c. : by \\^ J. Cripps. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Historical Record of the 3rd and 4th Battalions of the Worcester- shire Regiment: by Capt. R. Holden. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Royal Sherwood Foresters, or Nottinghamshire Regiment of Militia : Historical Record by Capt. A. E. Lawson Lowe. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Records of the Waterford Militia : by Major O. W. Cuffe. 8vo. Waterford, 1885. 2nd (now 80th) or Royal Tyrone Fusilier Regiment of Militia : by Quartermaster Joim Core. 8vo. Omagh, 1872. Volunteers. The I^ritish Volunteer ; or a general history of the formation and establishment of the Volunteer and Associated Corps. 4to. Lond. 1799. 535 KES Reserve Forces. Volunteers {conthmed) — Digest of the Law relating to Volunteer Corps. Lond. 1803. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvi.) Manual for Volunteer Corps of Infantry. Svo. I.ond. 1803. Volunteers of the United Kingdom. Folio. Lond. 1803. History of the origin and formation of our Volunteer Army. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiii.) Lond. 1867. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) The War Office and the Volunteer Force. Lond. 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. x.) Regulations for the Volunteer Force. 1878, 1881, 1884, and 1887. Svo. Improvement of the Volunteer Force. With preface and Lieut.-Col. C. E. H. Vincent. Svo. Lond. 1S7S. Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster. General Regulations and Instructions. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 179S. Standing Regulations of the Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster. i2mo. Lond. 1801. Historical record of the Light Horse Volunteers of London and Westminster. Svo. Lond. 1843. ist Gloucester Artillery. Records, rules, regulations, rolls, &c. 1 2 mo. Bristol, 1881. Records of the 3rd Middlesex Rifle Volunteers : by E. T. Evans. Svo. Lond. 1885. History of the rise, opposition to, and establishment of the Edin- burgh Regiment. 4to. Edinb. 1778. Regulations for the ist Regiment of Surrey Volunteers. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Lond. 1803. Cheshire Rifle Volunteers. 5th Battalion. Standing Orders. i2mo. Sandbach, 1875. Historical Records of the 5th Administrative Battalion of the Cheshire Rifle Volunteers : by Capt. A. Terr)-. 4to. Sandbach, 1879. ist East York Rifle Volunteer Corps. Standing Orders. i2mo. Lond. 1879. Yeomanry. Yeomanry Cavalry: by C. G. E. 2nd edition. Lond. 1871. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Detached duties of Yeomanry Cavalry under the mobilization scheme. Svo. Lond. 1S76. Queen's Own Royal Regiment of Staffordshire Yeomanry: by P. C. G. Webster. Svo. Lichfield 1S70. RES 536 Reserve Forces. Yeomanry {continued) — Historical Record of the Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Com- piled by Col. Wingfield. 8vo. Shrewsbury, 1888. I St West York Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. Its formation, &c. : by W. Sheardown. Uoncaster, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) North Somerset Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. 8vo. Bath, 1850. Naval Artillery A'olunteers. Regulations for carrying into effect the Act for the Royal Naval Artillery Yolunteers. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Retz, J. F. P. de Gondi, Cardinal de. Memoires. (I'etitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xliv-xlvi.) Reumont, Alfred von. Memoir of General the Rt.-Hon. Sir Frederick Adam. Translated by Henry Reeve. Lond. 1S55. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliv (i).) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Renter, Emile. Reconnaissances et Dialogues IMilitaires, en Fran^ais, Flamand, et AUemand. Brussels, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Renter. Das Militairische Berlin. Zusammenstellung der Militair- ischen Einrichtungen und Etablissements von Berlin. i2mo. Berlin, 1873. Renther, A. E., Capt. Het Ijzer meer bepaaldelijk beschouwd als grondstof, bestemd tot vervaardiging van vuurmonden. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (ii).) The Hague, 1867. Reviews. See Periodicals. Revy, J. J. Channel Railway. See Bateman. Reymond, Emil du Bois. See Bois-Reymond. Reynaud, A. A. L. Trigonometric Rectiligne et Spherique, 3rd edition, suivie des Tables de Logarithmes des Nombres et des lignes Trigonometriques de Jerome de Lalande. i2mo. Paris 181 8. Arithmetic. See Bezout. Reynold, C. de, Capt. Code International. Telegraphic Nautique. 4th edition. Svo. Paris, 1857. International Nautical Telegraph. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1857. Reynolds, Frederick. Life and times of Frederick Reynolds. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1827. Rhind, W. G. Marine Safety Seats. Lond. 1846. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) 537 RIC Rhodes, Godfrey, Major. Tour of Military Inspection in European Turkey. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1854. Tents and Tent Life. Svo. Lond. 1858. Tents and Tent Life. A review. Dublin, i860. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Rhymer, T. Foedera, Conventiones, Litterae. See Records. Riant, Dr. A. Le Materiel de secours de la Societe Frangaise des ,. Secours aux Blesses des Armees de Terre et de Mer, a I'Exposi- tion de 187S. Svo. Paris, 1878. Ribaud, Pietro. Trattato nel Canale di Messina. 410. Naples, 1S24. Ribbentrop, Lieut. Vocabulaire Militaire Frangais-Allemand. i3mo. Leipsic, 1S77. Ricardo, David. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 182 1. Ricardo, F. C, Capt. Company Drill, on the system laid down in the " Lifantry Drill, 18S9." i6th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1889. Rice, J. M., Lieut.-Col. U.S. Army. Hooks, hook-bands and hook-swivels, for stacking rillcs, muskets and carbines. Washington, 1874. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxi.) Experiments with Rice's Trowel Bayonet. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxi.) Springfield, Mass., iS7.:j. Military Education and the Volunteer Militia. See United States, Army (1888). Rice, William McPherson. Account of an Ancient Vessel found under the old bed of the River Rothcr, in Kent. Lond. 1824. (4to Pamphlets, vol. i.) Richard, Abbe. Le Veritable Conducteur aux Cimetieres du Pere la Chaise, Mont- martre, Mont-Parnasse et Vaugibard. 4th edition. i2mo. Paris, 1836. Description historique et critique de ritalie. Vol. i. i2mo. Paris, 1770. Richard. History of Tonquin. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ix. Richard, J. Napoleon HI en Italic. Deux mois de Campagne. i2mo. Paris, 1859. L'Armee Frangaise. See Detaille. Richards, Capt. R.N., and Lieut.-Col. Clarke. Report on the Maritime Canal connecting the Mediterranean at Port Said, with the Red Sea at Suez. Folio. Lond. iS-o. Richards, Thomas. New South Wales in 1881. Svo. Sydney, 1882. RIC 538 Richards, W. H., Col. I'ext book of Military Topography. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Richardson, Major. Movements of the British Legion. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Richardson. \"orabulary ; I'ersian, Arabic, and l\nglish. See Hopkin.s. Richardson, B. W. LleaUh of Nations. Review of the works of l^lwin ChacUvick. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Richardson, Charles. Dictionary of the English Language, com- bining explanation and etymology. 8vo. Lond. 1856. Richardson, C. T. History of the British Flag. Lond. 1869. (S\o ranijihlets, 2nd series, vol. xc.) Richardson, David Lester. Anglo-Indian passage; homeward and outward. 8\o. Lond. 1845. Richardson, H. T. of the " Challenger " Life-Boat, and voyage from Liverpool to London, in 1852. i2mo. Lond. 1853. Richardson, Sir John. Fauna Boreali-Amcricana, or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America, containing descriptions of the objects of Natural History collected on the late northern land expeditions under com- mand of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N., assisted by W. Swainson and the Rev. W. Kirby. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1829. Expedition to the shores of the Polar Sea. See Franklin. Natural History of the Arctics. See Belcher. Richardson, William. Catalogue of 7385 Stars, chiefly in the Southern Hemisphere, from observations in 1822-6 at the Observatory at Paramatta, New South Wales. 4to. Lond. 1835. Richelieu, Cardinal de. Memoires sur la regne de Louis XHL (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, x and xi, and vols, xxi (bis) to xxx.) Richemont, Artus III, Due de Bretaigne, Comte de. Histoire. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. viii.) Richou, G. Poste par Pigeons. .S'^^' War, Art of. Ricketts, Major, Royal African Corps. Narrative of the Ashantee War. 8vo. Lond. 1833. Rickman, Thomas. Attempt to discriminate the styles of Archi- tecture in England with remarks on the Architecture of France. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Ricraft, Josiah. Survey of England's Champions and Truth's faith- full Patriots, or a chronologicall recitement of the principall pro- ceedings of the most worthy commanders of the prosperous armies raised for the preservation of Religion, the King's Majestie's Person, &c. Published by Authority. Lond. 1647. (Also a second title, "The Civill Warres of England, etc., collected by John Leycester.") .Small 410. (Fac-simile reprint, 181 8.) 539 -1<-IS Riddell. H. S. H., Lieut Red River Expedition of 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiv.) Quebec, 1871. Riddle, Edward. Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lend. 1836. Riddle, J. E. Latin Dictionary. See Schcllcr. Ridgeway, West. The New Afghan Frontiers (Excerpt "Nine- teenth Century.") Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Ridgway, Robert. Ornithology. See U.S. Army, Engineer Department. Ridout, J. B., Lieut. Information regarding the Henry-Martini Rifle, and how to determine the velocity, &c., of an elongated pro- jectile. Woolwich, 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. i.) Riego, Don Miguel. Los doce Triunfos del Cartujano, sobre las vidas de los docc Apostoles. 4to. Lond. 1841. Coleccion de Obras Poeticas Espanolas. 4to. Lond. 1842, (Bound with " Triunfos del Cartujano.") Catalogue of Books. See Catalogues. Riesbeck, Caspar de. Baron. Travels through Germany. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vi. Rifle Association, The National. Proceedings. 8vo. Lond. i860- . Rifle Conference, 1864. Report and Proceedings. Lond. 1864. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Rigaltius, N. Glossarium T«a.t a.oj' fu^oi3(ip/5(ipoi'. De Verborum significatione, quae ad novellas Impp. qui in Oriente post Justiniam regnauerunt, de re militari Constitutiones pertinent. 4to. Lutetiae, 1601. Strategicus. See Onosander. Rigaud, Gibbes, Major-Gen. Lines formed round Oxford by King Charles the First. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) Oxford, 1880, 60th Regiment, King's Royal Rifle Corps. See Army, Records. Riley, Harvey. The Mule. A treatise on the breeding, training, and uses to which he may be put. 8vo. New York, 1867. Rimpler, George. Samtliche Schrifften von der Fortification. 410. Dresden, 1724. Rios, J. de Mendoza. See Mendoza-Rios. Ripley, George. New American Cyclopcedia. See Encyclopaedias. Risler, C, and G. Laurent-Atthalin. La Guerre en Alsace. Neuf-Brisach, souvenirs dc siege et de captivite. i2mo. Paris, 1 88 1. RIV 54c Rivault, Flurance. Les Eldmens de I'Artillerie. 121110. Paris, 1608. Rive, Aug. de la. Treatise on Electricity. Translated by C. V. ^^'alkor. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853-8. Riviere, Armand. La Guerre avec la Chine. La Politique Coloniale el la Question du Tonkin. 8vo. Paris, 1S83. Robbins, Thomas, Capt. Cavalry Catechism. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Robert, Cyprien. Slave Provinces of Turkey. See Ranke. Roberts, Rev. Charles. South African Travellers' Handbook, con- taining Zulu Kafir, Xosa Kafir, and Dutch. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Roberts, George. Etymological and explanatory dictionary of the terms and language of Geology. i2mo. Lond. 1839. Life of James, Duke of Monmouth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Roberts, Joseph. Handbook of Artillery for the Service of the United States. 9th edition. i2mo. New York, 1865. Roberts, Julius, Capt. Harbour of Refuge and Docks at Newhaven. (4to Pamjjhlets, vol. iv.) n.p. 1866. Robertson, A. C, Col. Notes on Mr. Cardwell's Speech [on Army Reform]. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxvi.) Robertson, B. H., Gen. U.S. Army. Gen. Robertson in the Gettysburg Campaign. (Excerpt " Century ^Lag.'■) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) New York, 1888. Robertson, C. G., Lieut. Kurum, Kabul, and Kandahar, a record of three Campaigns under General Roberts. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1881. Robertson, David. Isle of Man. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. ii. Robertson, George. Proposed Ship Canal at Paumben. Folio. Edinburgh, 1873. Robertson, J. Elements of Navigation, with a Treatise of Marine Fortification. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1764. Ditto, ditto. 6th edition. Revised by W. Wales. 8vo. Lond. 1796. (Radstock Collection.) Robertson, Rev. J. Traveller's Guide through Ireland. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1806. Robertson, James A. Historical Proofs respecting the Gael of Alban, or Highlanders of Scotland. 2n(l edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1866. Robertson, John. Alphabetical List of the Clergy of the Irish Church. Revised by Arthur King. i2mo. Dublin, 1843. 541 ROB Robertson, William. Proceedings relating lo the Peerage of Scotland, 1707-88. 4to. Pond. 1790. Historical l)isc[uisition concerning the knowledge which the Ancients had of India. 4th edition. 8vo. Pond. 1804. His Works. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the Author, by Dugald Stewart. 8 vols. 8vo. Pond. 1827. Robins, Benjamin. Proposal for increasing the strength of the British Navy, by changing the Ciuns from 18 lbs downwards into others of equal weight Ijut of a greater bore. Pond. 1747. (8vo Pam[jhlets, o.s., vol. xix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xx.) Mathematical Tracts, containing his New Principles of Gunnery and subsequent Discoveries, edited by J. ^Vilson. 2 vols. 8vo. Pond. 1761. New Principles of Gunnery; containing the determination of the force of Gunpowder, and an investigation of the resisting power of the air. With account of his life and writings by James Wilson. Edited by Charles Hutton. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Robinson, Charles. New South Wales. Sydney, 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiii.) Robinson, Christopher. Collectanea ALaritinia ; being a collection of public instruments, (Sic, tending to illustrate the history and practice of Prize Paw. 8vo. Pond. 1801. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty. 6 vols. Svo. Pond. 1808-12. Robinson, C. W., Capt. Pectures upon the British Campaigns in the Peninsula, 1808-14. Svo. Pond. 187 1. Art of operating under the enemy's fire. See Tellenbach. System of Attack of the Prussian Infantry. See Wiirttemburg. Robinson, Edward. Biblical researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia, 1838. 3 vols. 8vo. Pond. 1841. Hebrew and English Pexicon. See Gesenius. Robinson, Frederick, Lieut. R.N. Refutation of Pieut. Wcllsted's attack uj^on Pord \'alenlia's (now Earl of Mount Norris) work upon the Red Sea. 4to. Pond. 1842. Robinson, Sir F. P. Charges made by the House of Assembly of Tobago against Sir F. P. Robinson, and his replies. Paris, 1830, (Svo Pam[)hlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiii.) Robinson, Hercules, Rear-Admiral. Sea Drift. Svo. Portsea, 1858. ROB 542 Robinson, H. B. Memoirs of Lieut.-Oen. Sir Thomas Picton, including his correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1835. Robinson, J. Architecture. See Pennethorne. Robinson, John. Mode of ascertaining the capabilities of Soil. 2nd edition. Lond. 1863. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. Ixiii) Robinson, J. C. Catalogue of Special Loan Exhibition. See Museums, South Kensington. Robinson, Rev. J. L. I'reatise on Marine Surveying. 8vo. Lond. 1S82. Robinson, PhiL Cabul ; the Ameer, his country and his people. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Cyprus : its physical, economical, historical, commercial and social aspects. Lond. 1878. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) Robinson, R. S., Capt. R.N. Nautical Steam Engine. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Robinson, Sir Spencer, Admiral. Results of Admiralty Organization as established by Sir James Graham and Mr. Childers. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciv.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) Remarks on H. M.S. "Devastation." Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Robison, John. System of Mechanical Philosophy ; with notes by David Brewster. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1822. Robley, H. G., Lieut.-CoL, and P. J. Aubin. History of the ist Battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. See Army, Records. Robson, Joseph. The British Mars; containing several schemes and inventions to be practised by land or sea against the enemies of (jreat Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1763. Rocca, M. de. Memoires sur la Guerre des Frangais en Espagne. 8vo. (No title page.) Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Paris, 181 7, Memoirs of the War of the French in Spain. Translated by Maria Graham. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 18 16. Rocca, Bernardin. Imprese, Stratagemi, et Errori Mihtari. 2 vols. 8vo. Venice, 1568, De Discorsi di Guerra. 4to. Venice, 1582. Rochas d'Aiglun, Albert de. Traite de Fortification. See Philon de Byzance. 543 KOE Roche-Aymon, Comte de la. Des Troupes Lcgere, ou Torganisation, I'instiuction et la tactique de rinfanterie et de la Ca valeric Legeres. 8vo. Paris, 1817. Some general directions for the service of Light Troops in the Field, Translated by Lieut. ^V. C. Mayne. Svo. Lond. 1829. Rochefoucauld. Sec La Rochefoucauld. Rochette. Sec La Rochette. Rochon. Voyage to Madagascar. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xvi. Rock, T. Dennis. ISLlitary Organization for the British Empire. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvi.) Lond. 187 1. Rodd, Thomas. Narrative of the Proceedings instituted against Mr. Thomas Rodd for the purpose of wresting from him a certain Manuscript Roll. Lond. 1845. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xli. ) Rodger, W., Lieut. R.N. Make-shift Anchor. Lond. 1829. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Syphon for watering ships. Lond. 1829. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iii.) Improved patent small-palmed Anchor. Lond. [1S47]. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Rodgers, John, Commodore U.S. Navy. Marine Railway or inclined plane. Washington, 1823. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Rodman, T. J., Capt. U.S. Army. Properties of metals for Cannon. See U.S. Army, Ordnance Dept. Rodney, Lord. Letters relative to the Capture of St. Eustatius, and its dependencies ; and shewing the state of the War in the West Lidies, at that period (1781). 4to. n.p., n.d. (Radstock Collection, Armada and Naval Actions.) Naval Tactics. See Clerk, John. Roe, Sir Thomas. Voyage to Lidia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. viii. Roebuck, T., Capt. English and Hindoostanee Naval Dictionary, with a short (irammar of the Hindoostanee Language. Lond. 1813. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xc.) Laskari Dictionary or Anglo-Indian Vocabulary of Nautical Terms and Phrases in English and Hindustani. Lditcd by G. Small. Svo. Lond. 1882. Roemer, J. Cavahy ; its history, management, and uses in war. Svo. New York, 1863. ROC, 544 Rogers, Charles. I'ociical Remains of King James the First of Scotland : with a memoir and an introduction to the poetry. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. Scotland, social and domestic. Sec Grampian Club. Scottish House of Edgar. Sa- Grampian Club. Rogers, E., Major. ("ampiiigning in Western Africa and the Ashantee Imasion. Bvo. Lond. 1874. Marliinc Guns. 4to. Washington, 1882. Rogers, H. J. American Code of Marine Signals. Svo. Baltimore, 1856. Life-saving Signal Book : or appendix to the American Code. 8vo. Baltimore, 1856. Rogers, Samuel. Poems. Svo. Lond. 1834. Italy. A poem. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Rogers, W., Capt. Life aboard a British Privateer in the time of Queen Anne. Edited by Robert C. Leslie. 8vo. Lond. 1889. Roget, Peter Mark. Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to Natural Theology. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. (Bridgewater Treatise.) Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 27 th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Rognetta, F. B., Capt. Manuale da Campagna ad uso degli Uffiziali d'Artiglieria. i2mo. Turin, 1870. Rogniat, Baron, Lieut.-General. Considerations sur I'Art de la Guerre. Svo. Paris, 1820, Rohan, Duke of. Mcmoires. (Petitot's Collection, 2nd series, vols, xviii and xix.) Remarks on the Wars in Gallia, &c. See Caesar. Rohde, L. J. Fuldstcendigt Signal-System. Svo. Copenhagen, 1835. Universal Sea Language ; being a complete Code of Signals for day or night. Translated by Capt. H. B. Dahlerup. Svo. Lond. 1835. Systeme complet de Signaux de jour et de nuit. Traduit par C. Vilsoet et Meldola. Svo. Paris, 1835. Vollstiindiges Signal System. Uebersesst von W. F. Born. Svo. Copenhagen, 1S36. Universal Signals. See Phillipps. Rdhrig, E, English and German Dictionary of Terms used in Mming and Metallurgy, &c. Licluding a collection compiled by A. Becker. 2 vols, in one. Svo. Leipsic, 1881. 545 T^OO Rojas, Christoval de, Capt. Teorica y i)ractica de Fortificacion. Folio. Madrid, 1598. Roland, Etienne. Methode militaire d'Enseignement primaire adoptee pour rArmee en 1840. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Roland, Joseph. Amateur of Fencing, or a treatise on the art of sword defence. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Rollin, Charles. Ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Grecians, nth edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Roman, Eduardo Fernandez San. Guerra de la Independencia. See ^loro. Romano, Baldassarre. Tattica Navale. See Ramatuelle. Romanovski, M. Notes on the Central Asiatic Question. 8vo. Calcutta, 1870. Romberg, H., Capt. Fuse'es Prussiennes modifications proposees. Brussels, 187 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxviii.) Recherches theoriques et pratiques sur les Fusses pour projectiles creux. 8vo. Brussels, 187 1. Rome. Lyrics and Legends of Rome, by " Idea." 8vo. Lond. i860. Romilly, H. H. The Western Pacific and New Guinea. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Romme, C. L'Art de la Marine. 4to. Paris, 1787. Ronciere-Le Noury, B. de la, Vice-Admiral. La Marine au Siege de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1872. Rondelet, J. Traite theorique et pratique de I'Art de Batir. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1812-14. Roney, Sir Cusack P. The Alps and the Eastern ALails. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxx.) Lond. 1867. Roo, V. La Perre de. See La Perre. Rooke. Expedition of Alexander the Great. Sec Arrianus. Rooke, Sir George, Admiral. Narrative of his Voyage to the Mediterranean ; with a description of Gibraltar. Lond. 1704. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xv.) Life and glorious actions of Sir George Rook. i2mo. Lond. 1707. Account of the Engagement between the English, Dutch, and French Fleets, June 30th, 1690. See Ashby. Rooke, Hayman. Meteorological Register kept at Mansfield Woodhouse, in Notting- hamshire, 1785-94. 8vo. Nottingham, 1795. Continuation of ditto. 1795. Svo. Nottingham, 1796. (Bound in vol. lettered "Nautical.'') 2 N ROO 546 Roos, Gustaf. Eniploi des Mitrailleuses ct Canons a tir rapidc. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1886. Roosbroeck, Julien van. Cours d'Ophthalmologie ou traite des maladies des yeux. 2 vols. 8vo. Ghent, 1853. Roosevelt, T. Naval War of 181 2, or the history of the United •States Navy during the last war with Great Britain. 8vo. New York, 18S2. Rope, Charles. Rome et Berlin. Operations sur les Cotes de la Alediterranee et de la Baltique au printemps de 1888. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Ropes, John Codman. Civil War in America. Sec Campaigns. Rosales, Henry. Origin and distribution of Gold in Quartz Veins. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxiii.) Melbourne, 1861. Roscoe, Henry E. Spectrum Analysis. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Roscoe, Thomas. Literature of the South of Europe. See Sismondi. Roscoe, William. Life of Lorenzo de' Medici called the Magnificent. 2 vols. 4to. Liverpool, 1795. Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. 4 vols. 4to. Liverpool, 1805. Illustrations historical and critical of the Hfe of Lorenzo de' Medici. 4to. Lond. 1822. Life of Alexander Pope. See Pope. Rose, Cowper, Capt. R.E. Four Years in Southern Africa. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Rose, Rt. Hon. George. Naval Arsenal at Northfleet. See Arsenal. Rose, Henri. Traite pratique d'iVnalyse chimique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. Ross, Albert, Lieut. U.S.N. Deck Chart Board. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Annapolis, 1883. Ross, Andrew. Illustrations of the Achromatic Telescope. Lond. 1840. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Old Scottish Regimental Colours. 4to. Lond. 1885. Ross, Charles. Correspondence of Charles, First Marquis Corn- wallis. See Cornwallis. Ross, D. Transport by Rail of troops, horses, guns, and war material in India. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) Lond. 1879. Land of the Five Rivers and Sindh. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Ross, Dunbar. Seat of Government of Canada. Quebec, 1856. {8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxv.) 547 ROU Ross, Sir James Clark, Capt. R.N. Voyage of discovery in tlie Souihtrii and Antarctic Regions, 1839-43. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Ross, Sir John, Rear-Admiral. Voyage of discovery for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into the probability of a North-West Passage. 4to. Lond. 18 1 9. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North-West Passage, and of a residence in the Arctic Regions, 1829-33. With Appendix. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1835. Treatise on Navigation by Steam, comprising a history of the Steam Engine. 2nd edition. 4to. Lond. 1837. Memoirs and correspondence of Admiral Lord du Saumarez. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Memoir of Admiral Adam John de Krusenstern. See Bernhardi. Ross, W. A., Capt. Pyrology, or Fire Analysis. Lond. 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. c.) Rossel, L. N. La reparation militaire des Ponts par Ics Armees en Campagne. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Rossignol, S. Traite' elementaire d'Hygiene Militaire. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1883. Roth, J. C. Les Musiques Militaires en France. 8vo. Strasburg, n.d. Roth, Dr. Wilhelm. Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte auf dem gebiete des Militair-Sanitiitswesens. 1873 to 4to. Berlin, 1874- . Roth, Dr. Wilhelm, and Dr. Rudolf Lex. Handbuch der Militar-Gesundheitspflege. 3 vols. 4to. Berlin, 1872. Rothan, G. L'Affaire du Luxembourg ; la prelude de la Guerre de 1870. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Rothe, Johann Gottlob. Kurze Anweisung was ein Officier von der Lifanterie von Al)steckung, Trazirung und Erbauung der im Felde vorkommenden Verschanzungen zu wissen ndthig hat. 8vo. Leipzig, 1765. Rothery, H. C. Defense of the rules of the Admiralty Court in cases of collision between ships. 8vo. Lond. 1873. (Bound in vol. lettered "Rule of the Road at Sea.") Roubaud, E. French and English Dictionary. See Lolme. Rouge, Le Sieur le. Theatre de la Guerre en Allemagne, 1733-5. Oblong 410. Paris, 1 74 1. Recueil contenant des Cartes Nouvelles. Folio. Paris, 1742. Recueil des Sieges et Batailles pour servir h. I'Histoire des Guerres de 1 741. Folio. Paris, 1754. 2 N 2 ROU 548 Rouge, Le Sieur le {continued) — Camp de Compiegne de 1739. See Turmcl. Esprit de Clairac. See Clairac. Rouge, Dr. Chirurgie de Guerre. See Esmarch. Rouse, Rolla. Tractical C Geometry on an entirely new plan. i2mo. Lond. 1867. Measurement of Gun and Rifle Ranges. Woodbridge, 1874. (8\o Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvi.) Rousseau, J. J. Gi^uvres complettes. 30 vols. i2mo. Deux Fonts, 1782. Roussel, M. de. Etat Militaire de la France. See Montandre. Rousset, Camille. Histoire de Louvres. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1864. Histoire de la Guerre de Crimee. 2 vols. 8vo. And vol. of plates. Paris, 1877. Ea Conquete d' Alger. 8vo. Paris, 1879. Rousset de Missy, Jean. Military' History of Prince Eugene, &c. See Dumont. Rouvre, Lieut.-Col. Aide-Memoire de rOfificier d'Etat Major prin- cipalement en ce qui concerne le service en campagne. 2nd edition. i2mo. Paris, 1859. Roux, Joseph. Recueil des principaux plans des Ports et Rades de la Mer Mediterranee. Oblong 8vo. Paris, 1779. Rouy, C. Uranorama Familier : Astronomic Physique et Geogra- phique. 4th edition. i2mo. Paris, 1834. Rovighi, C. Storia della Terza Divisione dell' esercito Sardonella guerra del 1859. i2mo. Turin, x86o. Rowell, G. A. Abstract of a paper on the Storm of September 22nd, 1856. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. lii.) Oxford, 1856. Essay on the beneficent distribution of the sense of Pain, (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liii.) Oxford, 1857. Rowlandson, T., and H. Angelo. Hungarian and Highland Broadsword. Folio. Lond. 1799. Roy, Jules. Turenne, sa vie, les institutions militaires de son temps. 4to. Paris, 1884. Roy, S. A. Travels to Tana and Persia. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xlix, Roy, William, Major-Gen. Experiments and observations made in Britain in order to obtain a rule for measuring Heights with the Barometer. 4to. Lond. 1778. Military of the Romans in Britain. Folio. Lond. 1793. Royal College of Surgeons. See Surgeons. 549 ROY Royal Institution of Great Britain. Proceedings. Vols, i to . 8vo. Lond. 1854- . Lectures on Education, delivered at the Royal Institution. Svo. Lond. 1855. Lists of Members. Svo. Lond. 1885-87. Additions to the Library, 1S82-6. Svo. Lond. 1887. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Royal Society. Philoso])hical Transactions. 1751-1777- 4to. Lond. 1753-7S. Philosophical Transactions from their commencement in 1665 to the year 1800. iS vols. 4to. Lond. 1S09. Philosophical Transactions. Vols, cxx-clxxi. 4to. Lond. 1830-S0. Philosophical Transactions abridged. 10 vols, in thirteen. 4to. Lond. 1705-56. Abstracts of the Papers published in the Philosophical Transactions. Vols, i (1800) to . Svo. Lond. 1832- . Adjudication of the Copley, Rumford, and Royal Medals. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Lond. 1834. Defence of the Resolution for omitting Mr. Panizzi's Bibliographical Notes from the Catalogue of the Royal Society. Lond. 1838. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvi.) Report of the Committee of Physics, including Meteorology, on the subject of scientific enquiry in those sciences. Svo. Lond. 1S40. Catalogue of Scientific Papers (1S00-1863). Vols, i and ii. 4to. Lond. 1867-S. Report of the Meteorological Council to the Royal Society. 1S79, 1880, 1SS2, to , Svo. Lond. 1879- . Report of the Krakatoa Committee. The Eruption of Krakatca and subsequent phenomena. Edited by C!. J. Symons. 4to. Lond. 1S88. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Catalogue of Portraits. See Catalogues. Royal Society of Canada. See Canada. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Vols, xx (parts 3 and 4) and xxi to . 4to. Edinburgh, 1851- . Proceedings. Vols, iii to . Svo. Edinburgh, 1S57- . Royal Society of New South Wales. See New South Wales. Royle, C. Egyi)tian Cami)aigns, 18S2-5. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1 886. ROV 550 Royle. Descriptive Catalogue of the Woods commonly emjiloyed in this Country for the Arts. Extracted from " Holtzapffel's Turn- ing." 8vo. Lond. 1843. Rubeis, F. B. M. de. Do Nummis Patriarcharum Aquilejensium dissertatio. i2mo. Venice, 1747. Rubeis, J. Jacob de. Veteres Areas Augustorum triumphis insignes. Folio. Rome, 1690. Rubruquis, William de. Travels into Tartar)' and China. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. vii. Ruding, Rev. Rogers. Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its dependencies. 3rd edition. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1840. Rudler, F. W. Europe. See Stanford's Compendium. Riiffer, E. Das Mittelmeer und seine Seestrategie. 8vo. Prague, 1879. Ruffus. Leges Militares. See Scriverius. Rtihl, T. ijber Provisorische Feld-Spitalsanlagen. 8vo. Oblong folio atlas of plates. Vienna, 1872. Rule of the Road. Rules of the Road, or laws of passing vessels. 4th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1 85 1. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea." Regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea. 8vo. Lond. 1868. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea, in force between 31st August, 1882, and ist September, 1883. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Rumford, Benjamin, Count. Philosophical Papers. 8vo. Lond. 1802. Rumpf, Dr. C, Dr. O. Mothes, and W. Unversagt. Tecnolo- gisches Worterbuch in Deutscher, Franzosischer und Englischer Sprache. 3 vols. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1868-70. Rumpf, H. F., Lieut. Litterature Universelle des Sciences Mili- taires. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Berlin, 1824. Rundall, T. Memorials of Japan. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. viii. Voyages in search of a North-West Passage. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. v. Rupert, or Robert, of Bavaria. Declaration to the King of Portugal. With the Answer thereunto, in defence of the Parlia- ments Proceedings. Lond. 1650. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. i.) Ruscelli, Girolamo. Precetti della Militia Moderna tanto per mare ([uanto per terra. 4to. Venice, 1595. Ruse, Henry. Strengthening of Strongholds. Folio. Lond. 1668. 551 RUS Rush, Richard. Residence at the Court of London, 1819-25. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Ditto, ditto. Edited, with notes by Benjamin Rush. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Ruskin, John. War : a lecture delivered at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. i2mo. Lond. [1866]. Future of England. Woolwich, 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxi.) Russel, Robert. Great Circle tracks and distances, and azimuths without calculations. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xv.) Russell, Edward, Admiral. Letter containing Relation of the late Victory and Success against the French Fleet. Lond. 1692. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xv.) Russell, F. S., Col. Russian Wars with Turkey. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth. A memoir. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Armed Strength. See Armed Strength. Cavalry Field Duty. See Mirus. Russell, George. Tour through Sicily in the year 181 5. 8vo. Lond. 1 819. Russell, H. C. Climate of New South Wales. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Russell, I. C. Geological History of Lake Lahontan. See United States Geological Survey (Monographs, vol. xi.) Russell, James. Directions for Sailing into Arsakina Sound and clearing the Eastern Reefs. n.p. 1804. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Directions for Port Liche. n.p. 1S04. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Russell, Right Hon. Lord John. Life of William, Lord Russell. 3rd edition. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Speech on the Government Plan for promoting National Education. 7th edition. Lond. 1839 (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Russell, John, Capt. Movements and change of position of a Battalion of Infantry. 8vo. Lond. 1802. Russell, John, Lieut. Instructions tor the Drill and the method of performing the Eighteen Manoeuvres. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Remarks on the inutility of the Tliird Rank of Firelocks. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xii.) Lond. 1S05. RUS 552 Russell, John, Lieut, {continued) — Scries of military experiments of Attack and Defence. 8vo. Lond. 1806. (Bound in vol. lettered " European Armies.") Russell, J. C, Capt. Notes on Cavalry Service. Svo. Lond. n.d. Wcllini^ton Prize Essay. See Wellington. Russell, J. Scott. Report on Waves, made to the meetings of the British Association in 1842-3. 4to. Lond. 1845. Fleet of the future : iron or wood? Lond. 1861. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivi.) Fleet of the future in 1862, or England without a Fleet. 2nd edition. Lond. 1862. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Modern system of Naval Architecture. With Plates. 3 vols. Elephant folio. Lond. 1865, Geometry in modern life. 8vo. Eton, 1878. Russell, Rev. Michael. Nubia and Abyssinia. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1833. Russell, Richard. Rope-makers' guide. 4to. Lond. 1804. Russell, Sir W., Col. Scheme for the reorganization of the Land Forces. Lond. 1871. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iv.) Russell, W. H. JNIy diary in India, in 1 85 8-9. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. i860. My diary north and south. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1863. General Todleben's History of the defence of Sebastopol, 1854-5. A review. Svo. Lond. 1S65. My diary during the last great war. Svo. Lond. 1S74. British Expedition to the Crimea. Svo. Lond. 1S77. Prince of Wales' Tour in India. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1877. The Crimea, 1854-5. Svo. Lond. 18S1. Russia. OllLITL nPABIIJiXT) MEJA.ILEPHArO IICKyCTBA. Folio. St. Petersburgh, 181 7. Sketch of the military and political power of Russia in 181 7. 3rd edition. Svo. Lond. 181 7. History of Russia. (Cabinet Cyclopaedia.) 3 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1836. iEorPAa>iiqECKifl nojOrKEiim ii blicotlt. 4to. St. Petersburgh, 1851. MOPCKOil yCTAB'L (Naval Statutes). i2mo. St. Petersburgh, 1853. 553 RUS Russia {contifuied) — K\TA.I()rr> TIMirOIlOMETPiniECKIIXb II ACTPOIIOMII'IEC- KilX'I) liyilKTOB'h. 4to. St. rctei.sbu% 1863. 3AII11CK1I BOEIIlIO-TOllOrPAtDiniECKArO 4EIIO. HACTb 1-26. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1837-65. Die Heeresmacht Russland.s, ihre Neugestaltung und politische Bedeutung. Berlin, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxii.) BOEimO-CTATIlCTUqECKlii CCOPUIIKTj POCCIII. (Military Stations of Russia.) 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1871. New law regulating Military Service in Russia. 8vo. Lond. 1874. (Bound with " W.O. Misc. Publications.") Information concerning the Imperial Russian Prize Essay on " The History of Cavalry." Lond. 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxi.) nocoEiE 4ia oBy^Eiim niiXOTLi ii kaba.iepiii cahep- IIO-MN' 4'^-I^- (Teaching Infantry and Cavalry Sappers' Duties). i2mo. St. Petersburg, 1878. 3AniICKII BOEUlIO-TOnOrPA(l>IIiIECKArO 0T41nIA rJAB- lIArO UITAliA. HacTb xxxvi. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1878. Marche Progressive de la Russie sur le Danube. 8vo. Vienna, 1878. Russland vor und nach dem Kriege. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. L'Armee Russe et ses Chefs en 1888. 8vo. Paris, 1888. ATJACL iIEPTE'rKEti IT3,UHnWX'I, LIABriLIM'T) IIirrKEIlEP- IIWM'I) yilPABJEIIIEM'L j\Ai{ PyKOBO^CTBA UPll CO- CTABJEIllll IIPOEKTOB'L. Folio. Military and Naval Force. See also France and Russia. Periodicals. APTILLIEPliiCKIli JKyPIIAXK (Artillery Journal.) 1866,1876 to 1880, 1883 to . BOEmiLIli CBOPIIIIK'L. (Military Collection.) 1862 to BOEIllILlii iKyPlIAd'L. (Military Journal.) 1846-51,1853-58. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1846-58. IIir/KEIIEPIlLlii '/KyPlIAJ'L. (Engineer Journal.) 1866 to . MOPCKOii CBOPIlIIH'b. (Naval Collection.) 1866, No. 8, 1S72, 1873, and No. 2, 1874. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1872-74.' PATH UK (The Soldier) JllCT 3AJI1E HAMiE II0:.(K:TII II KHllrliEBIIOCT. 1879 to 1884, and January, March, April and May, 1885. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1879-85. Riistow, Caesar, Major. Die Kriegshandfeuerwaffen. 2 vols, in one. 8vo. Berlin, 1 85 7-64. RUS 554 Riistow, W., Col. Dcr Kiieg von 1805 in Deutschland unci Italien. 8vo. Zurich, 1859. Dcr Italienische Krieg, 1859. 8vo. Zurich, 1859. Ditto, ditto, i860. 8vo. Zurich, 1861. La Guerre de 1866 en AUemagne et en Italic. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Die ersten Feldziige Napoleon Bonaparte's in Italien und Deutsch- land, 1796 u. 7. 8vo. Zurich, 1867. Der Krieg urn die Rheingrenze, 1870. 8vo. Zurich, 1870. Strategic und Taktik der neuesten zeit. 3 vols. 8vo. Zurich, 1872-74. Ruthven, M. H. Patent hydraulic propeller, rudder and steering apparatus. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciv.) Lond. 1866. The Ruthven hydraulic propeller v. the screw and paddle. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciv.) Lond. 1869. Auxiliary power for Sailing Vessels for transporting cargo. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xii.) Lond. 1871. Rutt, J. T. Diary of Thomas Burton. See Burton. Rutter, J. Gordon songs and sonnets. 8vo. Lond. 1887 Ruxton, George F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Moun- tains. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Ruydts, J. de, Capt. Ponts Militaires. See Belgium, Conferences Militaires, series 1, no. 11. Ryan, G. Our Heroes of the Crimea. i2mo. Lond. 1855. (Bound in vol. lettered " The War.") Ryder, A. P., Admiral. Experimental Cruizes on the Line of Battle Ships, in 1845. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (ii).) Lond. 1846. Economy of Fuel on board Men-of-War Steamers. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xviii.) Methods of ascertaining the distance from Ships at Sea. 2nd edition. Portsea, 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Life-saving at sea by cork life-belts or mattresses. 2nd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. iii.) Lond. 1872. Ryder, A. P., Admiral, and S. R. Graves. The National Dangers which result from the great deterioration in the Seamen of the Mercantile Marine. 8vo. Lond. i860. (Bound in vol. lettered " Rule of the Road at Sea.") Rye, William B. Discovery and conquest of Terra Florida. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. ix. Ryer, Andre du. Gulistan. See Saadi. Ryer, M. du. Alexandre le Grand. See Curtius. Ryer, P. du. Guerre des Pais-Bas. See Strada. 555 SAB Ryland, John. Introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy con- taining the first principles of Mechanics, Trigonometry, Optics, and Astronomy. i2mo. Lond. 1772. s. Saadi, Sheikh Moslih Eddin. Gulistan, ou I'Empire des Roses. Translated by Andre du Ryer. i2mo. Paris, 1634. Sabine, Sir Edward, General. Experiments to determine the Figure of the Earth. 4to. Lond. 1825. North Georgia Gazette and Winter Chronicle. 4to. Lond. 1831. Report on the Magnetic Intensity observed at different points of the Earth's surface. Svo. Lond. 1838. (Bound with Kinnis, " Report on Small Pox.") Observations on days of unusual Magnetic Disturbances made at the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories. Vol. i. Part I. (1840-41). 4to. Lond. 1843. Part 2. (1842-44). 4to. Lond. 1851. Inaugural Address on the opening of the Royal Artillery Institution in the new building. Lond. 1854. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Address as President of the Royal Society. Lond. 1863. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixv.) Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism. 4to. Lond. 1872. Cosmos. See Humboldt. Expedition to the Polar Sea. See Wrangel. Letters of Col. Sir A. S. Frazer. See Frazer. Meteorological Essays. See Arago. Observations made at the Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope. See Cape of Good Hope. Observations made at the Observatory at Hobarton. See Van Diemen's Land. Observations made at the Observatory at St. Helena. See St. Helen.a. Observations made at the Observatory at Toronto. See Canada. Sabine, Robert. Electric Telegraph. 8vo. Lond. 1867. SAC 556 Sachs, Karl. A\'ortcnbuch der P^anzosischen und Deutschen Spraclic. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1877-80. Sacreste, Lieut. Tactique de Combat. See France, Army (Reunion des Officiers, vol. i.) Sade, Capt. R.N. De la Tydologie, ou de la Science des Marees. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1810-13. Sadi. See Saadi. Sadler, F. W. R. Method of raising sunken Vessels. 2nd edition. 4to. Portsea, 1839. Sagher, L. de. Notice sur les Frontieres ouest et est de TAllemagne. Svo. Paris, 1884 Sailing Directions. Sailing Directions issued by Admiralty. English Pilot : describing the Sea Coasts, Capes, &:c. ; together with the soundings, sands, shoals, rocks, and dangers on the West Coast of Africa. Folio. Lond. 1792. East India Pilot, or Oriental Navigator. 2 vols. Folio. Lond. n.d. North American Pilot for New England, New York, Pensilvania, Maryland, and Virginia ; also the two Carolinas, and Florida. Folio. Lond. 1778. North American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence. Folio. Lond. 1779. Memoir on the navigation of South America. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Directions to be observed by Vessels going up the Northern Channel of the River La Plata, and into the Bay of Colonia. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xv.) n.p., n.d. United States Hydrographic Office. Winds, currents, and navigation of the Gulf of Cadiz, the western coast of the Spanish Peninsula and the Strait of Gibraltar : by R. H. Wyman. Svo. Washington, 1870, No. 35. English Channel. Part 2. Svo. Washington, 1S77 No. 37, 38, and 42. Mediterranean Sea. Parts 1 to 3. Svo. Washington, 1875-9 No. 41a. Reported dangers in the Pacific Ocean. Part 2. Svo. Washington, 1879 No. 43. Coast of Brazil. Vol. i. Svo. Washington, 1873 No. 45. Atlantic Ocean. Svo. Washington, 1S73 No. 46-4S. West Coast of Africa. Vols. 1-3. Svo. Washington, 1873-7 No. 50. Azores or Western Islands. Svo. Washington, 1874 No. 51. Madeira, the Salvages, and the Canary Islands. Svo. Washington, 1S74 557 SAI No. 53- No. 54- No. 58. No. 59- No. 60. No. 61. No. 63- Sailing Directions {continued) — United States Hydrographic Office. No. 52. North-west and west coast of Portugal. 8vo. ^\'ashington, 1874. Cape Verde Islands. Svo. Washington, 1873. Soundings in the North Pacific Ocean. Svo. Washington, 1874. Pacific Ocean, China Seas, &c. 8vo. Washington, 1875. Coasts of Chile, Bolivia, and Peru. 8vo. Washington, 1876. Bay of Biscay. Svo. Washington, 1876. Rio de La Plata. Svo. Washington, 1875. Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Vol. i. Svo. Washington, 1877. No. 65. Telegraphic Determination of differences of Longitude in the West Indies and Central America : by F. M. Green. 4I0. Washington, 1877. List of the reported dangers to navigation in the Pacific Ocean. 8vo. Washington, 1866. Supplement to ditto. Svo. Washington, 1S80. Pilote Frangais. 3 vols. Folio. Paris, 1S22-32. Ditto, ditto. 6 vols. Folio. Paris, 1829-43. Le Neptune Francais. Tome i. Folio. n.p., n.d. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy). Different. Petit Neptune Francais ; or French Coasting Pilot. 4to. Lond. 1793. (Radstock Collection.) Baltic Seas. Directions and remarks for the better navigating those seas. 4to. Lond. 181 1. Sailing Directions for Laurie and Whittle's new surveys of the Baltic and Gulf of Finland, &c. Svo. Lond. 1796. Bayonne. Directions for making and entering the Port of Bayonne. Svo. Lond. 1 83 1. General Sailing Directions for Heligoland and for the entrances to the Rivers Elbe and Weser. Svo. Lond. n.d. Saint Domingo. Pilote de I'lle de Saint Domingue ct du debouque- ment de cette Isle. Folio. Paris, 1787. Catalogues of See Catalogues (Maps, &c.). Sailors' Institute. Proceedings of a Public Meeting held in Calcutta. (Containing address by Captain Toynbee.) (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixvi.) Calcutta, 1S63. Sainsbury, John. Napoleon Museum. 4to. Lond. 1845. Saint-Agy, M. Magdeleine de. Sciences naturelles. See Cuvier. SAI 55S Saint-Ange, A. Q. Le Camp letranche dc Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1882. Saint-Arnaud, J. A. L. de, Marshal. Lettres. 2nd edition. Prec«^de d'une notice par M. Sainte-Beuve. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1858. Saint-Auban, Jacques Pape, Seigneur de. Memoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xliii.) St. Augustine. Reply to Lieut. Cadogan's Si)anish Hireling, &c., wherein the Impartial Account of the late Expedition to St. Augustine is clearly vindicated. Lond. 1743. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. ix.) Sainte-Beuve. Lettres du Mardchal de Saint-Arnaud. See Saint-Arnaud. Saint-Bon, Simone de, Vice-Admiral. La Quistione delle Navi. 8vo. Turin, 1881. Saint-Cyr, Gouvion, Marshal. Memoires sur les Campagnes des Armees du Rhin et de Rhin-et- Moselle, 1792-5. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Militaire sous la Directoire, le Consulat, et I'Empire. 4 vols. 8vo, and foUo atlas. Paris, 1831. Journal des Operations de I'Armee de Catalogne, en 1808 et 1809. 8vo, Avith folio atlas. Paris, 1865. St. Germain, Comte de. Memoires. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1779. St. Guiral. Astronomie et Navigation. See France, Ecole Navale. Saint Helena. Calendar and Directoiy for 1837. 8vo. St. Helena, 1837. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory, under the superintendence of Major-Gen. Edward Sabine. Vols, i and ii (1840-49). 4to. Lond. 1847-60. Sainthill, Richard. Numismatic Crumbs. 8vo. Lond. 1855. St. John Ambulance Association. Report of the Central Executive Committee. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Egyptian Relief Fund Report. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Instructions for the guidance of Chairmen, Treasurers, and Honorary Secretaries of Centres. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1883. St. John of Jerusalem, Order of. Hospitallaria, or a synopsis of the rise, exploits, privileges, insignia, &c., of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ; with an account of the British Branch. Lond. 1837. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Synopsis of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxv.) Lond. 1847. Notice of its foundation and constitution, and of its objects in England. Lond. 1874. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) 559 SAI St. John of Jerusalem, Order oi {contimied) — (English Langue.) Copy of the Letters-Patent of King Philip and Queen Mary in favour of the Order. (^557)- (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxi.) Reports of the Chapter, Statutes, Rolls of Members, and miscel- laneous Papers. 8vo. Lond. 1868- . Report of British Hospice and Ophthalmic Dispensary. 8vo. Lond. i! 'o- Edinb. 1880, 1 2 mo. Lond. 1 83 1, L 2 vols. 8vo. Report of the Chapter. 8vo. Lond. 1883-6. St. John, H. C, Capt. Notes and sketches from the Wild Coasts of Nipon ; with chapters on cruismg after Pirates in Chinese Waters. 8vo. St. John, James Augustus. Lives of celebrated Travellers. 2 vols. History of the four Conquests of England. Lond. 1862. St. John, Molyneux. The Sea of Mountains : an account of Lord Dufferin's tour through British Columbia in 1876. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1877. St. John, Spenser. Life of Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879. St. Lo, George, Capt. England's safety, or a Bridle to the French King : proposing a method for encouraging Navigation and raising qualified Seamen. 2nd edition. Lond. 1693. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xviii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Proceedings.) England's Interest, or a Discipline for Seamen. Lond. 1694. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xix.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Ditto, ditto. (Third copy.) (Radstock Collection, Remarks on the Navy.) St. Maloes. Narrative of the Enterprise against the Stores and Shipping at St. Maloes. 8vo. Lond. 1758. (Radstock Collection, Expedition to France.) St. Pierre, Colonel de. Military Journal, and other manuscripts relating to the War of the Spanish Succession, 1703-13. 8vo. Chatham, 1882. Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Bernardin-Henri de. Etudes de la Nature. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1804. Saint-Remy. Sec Surircy de Saint-Rcmy. SAI 560 Saint-Robert, Paul de, Comte. Du Mouvcment des Projectiles lances par les Amies u Feu Rayees. 8vo. Paris, 1861. (I'ound with " Mangeot, Armas Rayees.") Saint-Sauveur, Andrd Cresset. Voyage historique, litteraire et pittoresijue dans les lies et Possessions ci-devant Venitiennes du Levant. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, An viii (1796). Saintsbury, George. Marlborough. 8vo. Lond. 1885. Dryden. See Morley (English Men of Letters). St. Thomas. Histoire de Russie. Sec Karamsin. Saint-Thomas. See also Du Verger de Saint-Thomas. St. Vincent, John Jervis, Earl of. Key to the Papers upon the subject of the Charges preferred against the Earl of St. Vincent. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. vii.) Lond. 1806. Salame, A. Narrative of an expedition to Algiers in 181 6 under Lord Exmouth. 8vo. Lond. 181 9. Salavas, Mathieu Merle, Baron de. INIemoires. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxviii.) Salazar, Don Josef de Mazarredo. See INIazarredo-Salazar. Saldern, General. Taktische Grundsatze und Anweisung zu Militar- ischen Evolutionen. 8vo. Frankfort, 1781. Sale, Florentia, Lady. Journal of the disasters in Affghanistan, 1841-2. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Salford. Report of the Museum, Library, and Park Committee. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxiv (i).) Salford, 1868. Salicis, Capt. Etudes sur le Siege de Paris (18 70-1). L'Artillerie. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Paris, 1871. Salignac, B. de. Siege de Metz. (Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxii.) Salil-Ibn-Razik. History of the Lnams and Seyyids of 'Oman. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xliv. Sallustius, C. Crispus. Salustio con alcune altre belle cose volgareggiato, per Agostino Ortica. 12 mo. Venice, 1518. Quae Extant cum notis variorum. Recensuit Josephus Wasse. Prse- mittitur Sallustii Vita auctore Joanne Clerico. Small 4to. Cambridge, 17 10. Salm-Salm, Prince. My diary in Mexico in 1867, including the last days of the Emperor Maximilian. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Salm-Salm, Princess. Ten years of my life. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Salmon, C. S. Crown Colonies of Great Britain : their social condition and methods of administration. 8vo. Lond. [1886]. 5 ''I SAN Salmon, N. French and English Dictionary. See Boyer. Salmon, William. Table for finding the Latitude from the altitude of the Polar Star. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Salquin, S. A., Major. Le Chaussure Militaire. Paris, 1882. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Salt, Henry. Essay on Dr. Young's and M. Champollion's Phonetic System of Hieroglyphics. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Salter, J. W. Natural History of the Arctics. See Belcher. Salvage. Description du Canot de Sauvetage. Paris, 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) Salvo, Marquis de. Travels in the Year 1806, from Italy to England, containing the particulars of the liberation of Mrs. Spencer Smith, from the hands of the French Police. i2mo. Lond. 1807. Samaniego, Don Juan Antonio. Disertacion sobre la Antiguedad de los Regimentos de Infanteria, Cavalleria, y Dragones de Espafia. 32mo. Madrid, 1738. Samarow, Gregor. See Meding. Sammes, Aylett. Britannia Antiqua Illustrata, or the Antiquities of Ancient Britain. Vol. i. Folio. Lond. 1676. Samouelle, George. Entomologist's useful compendium ; or an introduction to the knowledge of British insects. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Samuda, Joseph D'Aguilar. Form and materials of Iron Plated Ships. Lond. 1864. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixii (ii).) Samwer, C. Droit International. See Martens. Sandars, Joseph. Projected Railroad between Liverpool and Manchester. 3rd edition. Liverpool, 1825. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. v.) Sandberg, C. P. Manufacture and wear of Rails. Lond. 1869. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvii.) Iron and Steel. See Styffe. Sanders, Dr. D. Worterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. 3 vols. 4to. Leipsic, 1860-65. Sanderson, C. Battles of England, 1066-1856. Fcap. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Sanderson, R. Fcedera. See Records, the National. Sandhurst Military College. Complete Guide to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Examination of Candidates for admission 1S64-6, and 1869. 8vo. Lond. 1864-9. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. 2 o SAN 562 Sandhurst, Lord, General. iMcinorandum on the new system of Drill, Dublin, 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxviii.) Sandwith, Dr. H. Narrative of the Siege of Kars. Svo. Lond. 1856. Sandwith, J. H., Lieut. Trip into the interior of Japan. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) Yokohama, 1872. Sandys, Sampson. Hints on National Defence. Lond. 1859. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. li.) Hints on National Defence, &c., including one for Trisecting an Angle. Lond. 1864. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiii.) Sang", Edward. Remarks on the Gyroscope. Lond. 1856. (Svo Pamjjhlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Transactions. Vol. ii to Svo. Lond. iSSo- . Santos, Father Joano dos. History of Eastern Ethiopia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xvi. Sarauw, Christian von, Capt. Der Russisch-Tiirkische Krieg, 1877-S. See Campaigns. Sardi, Pietro. L'Artiglieria. Folio. Venice, 1621. Discorso sopra la necessita e utilita dell' Architettura Militare. Small 4to. Venice, 1642. Sarrazin, Jean, Marshal. Histoire de la Guerre d'Espagne et de Portugal, 1S07-14. Svo. . Paris, 1S14. Histoire de la Guerre de la Restauration depuis le passage de la Bidassoa par les Allies, 7 Octobre, 1813, jusqu'a la loi d'Amnistie du 12 Janvier, 1S16. Svo. Paris, 1S16. Confession du Buonaparte. See Napoleon. Sarti, Antonio, Capt. I Crepuscoli del Tomeo delle militare avvertenze. 4to. Venice, 162S. Saulcy, F. de. Catalogue du Musee de I'Artillerie. See Catalogues. Saulnier de Vauhello, Capt. le. Les Atterages des cotes occi- dentales de France et precis des operations hydrographiques et astronomiques faites en 1S2S-9. 4to. Paris, 1S33. Saulx, Gaspard de. See Tavannes. Saulx, Guillaume de. See Tavannes. Saumarez, Richard, Admiral. Principles of Physiological and Physical Science. Svo. Lond. 181 2. 5^3 SAX Saumarez, Richard, Admiral, {continued) — Result of enquiries connected with Nervous Diseases, Lunatic Asylums, and the presumed Abuses in the Court of Chancery. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvi.) Jersey, 1836. Address to the Members of the Royal Naval Charitable Society upon the management of its funds. Lond. 1837. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. viii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Key to the Hieroglyphic Phraseology of the Old Testament. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vii.) n.p., n.d. Saunders, E. A., Major-Gen. Recruiting without Conscription. Svo. Lond. 1875. (Bound in vol. lettered " Recruiting.") Saunders, Trelawny. The Asiatic Mediterranean, and its Australian Port : the Settlement of Port Flinders and the Province of Albert, in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Svo. Lond. 1853. Saussure. Account of the attempts to attain the Summit of Mont- Blanc. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iv. Sauter, Edward. New Zealand. See Hochstetter. Savery, T. Navigation Improv'd : or the art of rowing ships with a more easy, swift, and steady motion than oars can. 4to. Lond. 1698. Fortification. See Coehoorn. Savigny, J. B. Henry, and Alexander Corrdard. Narrative of a voyage to Senegal in 181 6, comprising an account of the shijwreck of the " Medusa," with observations respecting the agriculture of the Western Coast of Africa. Svo. Lond. 1818. Savigny, P. C. M. Cochet de. See Cochet de Savigny. Savile, A. R., Capt. Cyprus. Svo. Lond. 1878. Savoy, Duke of. Some thoughts upon the Duke of Savoy's separa- tion from the League. Lond. 1697. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xix.) Savoye, Charles de. Col. Reglement sur le Service des Armees en Campagne. 3rd edition. Svo. Paris, 1873. Savoye, Louise de, Duchesse d'Angoulesme. Journal. (Peti lot's Collection, ist series, vol. xvi.) Sawle, W. Relation of the Transactions between the .'\rmy of the Confederates and that of the French King, in their last summer's Campaign in Flanders; with a more particular respect to the Battle of Fleury. 4to. Lond. 1691. (Bound in vol. " Military Tracts.") Sawyer, W. H., Capt. German Field Exercises. See Germany. Saxe, Maurice, Comte de. Marshal. Les Reveries ou memoires sur I'Art de la Guerre. Edited by C. de Bonneville. Folio. The Hague, 1756. 202 SAX 564 Saxe, Maurice, Comte de, Marshal {continued) — Mernoires sur I'Art de la (iuerre. Nouvclle edition augmentee du Traite des Legions, ainsi que de quelqucs lettres sur ses operations militaires. 8vo. Dresden, 1757. The Art of War. 410. Lond. 1757. Ditto, ditto. 8vo. Lond. 181 1. Saxony. Statistische Sanitiits-Berichte iibcr das XII (Koniglich Sachsische) Armee-Corps fiir 1872 u. 3. 4to. Dresden, 1875. Plates on Artillery, cS:c. Folio. n.p., n.d. Saxton, C. C, Capt. Centralisation as applied to the manufacture of War ALatericl. Woolwich, 1875. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) Sayce, H. R., Lieut. The Shield : its adaptation to modern warfare. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) Cheltenham, 1877. Sayer, Capt. History of Gibraltar : and an account of the sieges it has sustained. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Sayer, Dr. A. INLaximum Limit of the Annual Taxation required from the Sewers Rate-Payers. Lond. 1855. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Metropolitan and Town Sewage. Lond. 1S57. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. 1.) Sayer, F., Capt. Despatches and papers relative to the Campaign in Turkey, Asia Minor, and the Crimea, 1854-6. Svo. Lond. 1 85 7. Scapula, Joannes. Lexicon Grseco-Latinum cum indicibus et Graeco et Latino. Folio. Amsterdam, 1652. Scepeaux, Frangois de. Sec Vieilleville. Scharf, George. Pictures, &c., in the National Portrait Gallery. See Catalogues. Scharnhorst, C. von, General. Handbuch fiir Officiere. 3 vols. Svo. Hanover, 17S7-90. Militarisches Taschenbuch zum Gebrauch im Felde. Svo. Hanover, 1794. Handbuch der Artillerie. 2 vols. Svo. Hanover, 1804-6. Traits sur 1' Artillerie. Traduit par M. A. Fourcy, revu, accompagne d'observations et d'une notice historique sur I'Auteur par Capt. Maze. Svo. Paris, 1 840-1. Militarische Schriften. See Militarische Klassiker. Schauenburg, Le Baron de. De I'emploi de la Cavallerie a la Guerre. Svo, with 4to atlas. Paris, 1837. Schaw, H., Col. Defence and attack of positions and localities. Svo. Lond. 1875. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Svo. Lond. 1882. 5''^5 SCH Scheel, H. von. Der Dicnst des Adjutantcn mit besonderer Beruck- sichtigung dcs Regiments- und Bataillons- Adjutanten bei der Infanterie. 2nd edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1874. Scheer, Frederick. Cape of Good Hope ?-. Egypt, or considerations on the lVo|)er Line of Steam Communication with the East Indies. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiii.) Lond. 1839. Scheibert, J. Die Befestigungskunst und die Lehre vom Kampfe. 8vo. Berlin, 1880. Scheidnagel, D. L., Col. Minas Hydraulicas Defensivas. 8vo. Madrid, 1880. Scheliha, Lieut, -Col. von. Treatise on Coast Defence based on the experience gained during the late North American War, 186 1-5. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Schell, A. von. Feldzug 1 870-1. Die Operationen der I. Armee unter (General von Steinmetz. Vom Beginne des Krieges bis zur Capitulation von Metz. 8vo. Berhn, 1872. Feldzug 1870-71. Die Operationen der I. Armee unter General von Goeben. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Etudes sur la Tactique de I'Artillerie de Cami)agne : traduit par C. Capette. 8vo. Ghent, 1880. Tactics of Field Artillery. Translated by Lieut. -Col. A. E. Turner. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Schellen, H. Spectrum Analysis in its application to Terrestrial Substances. Translated by J. and C. Lassell ; edited by William Huggins. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Schellendorf, B. von, Col. Ein Ruckblick auf die " Taktischen Ruckblicke " und Entgegnung auf die Schrift " Ueber die Preussische Infanterie 1S69." (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Berlin, 1870. Precis of a Retrospect on the Tactical Retrospect ; and reply to the pamphlet of the Prussian Infantry of 1869. Translated by Col. H. A. Ouvry. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xci.) Der Dienst der Generalstabes. Vol. i. 8vo. Berlin, 1875. Duties of the General Staff. Vol. i. Translated by W. A. H. Hare. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Scheller, I. J. G. Lexicon totius Latinitatis. Dictionary of the Latin Language. Revised and translated by J. E. Riddle. Folio. Oxford, 1835. A copius Latin Grammar. Translated by G. Walker. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Scherff, W. von, Major. The new Tactics of Infantry. Translated by Col. Lumley Graham. 8vo. Lond. 1873. SCH 566 Scherff, W. von, Maior {co ft finned} — Die Lchrc von dor Truppcnverwcndung als Vorschule flir die Kunst dcr Truppcnfiihrung. 8vo. Berlin, 1877-9. Vom Kriege. See Militarische Klassiker. Scherzer, Dr. Karl. Narrative of the circumnavigation of the Globe by the Austrian Frigate " Novara,'" 1857-9. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 86 1. Scheuchzerus, Johannes Jacobus. oype2Iclairage Electrique par P. Juppont, Poste par Pigeons par G. Richou. i2mo. Paris, 1888. Modern War, n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xvi.) The relative importance of " Broadside " and '* End on " Fire from ships of war tactically considered. Lond. n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvii.) War-Game. Rules for the conduct of the War-Game (Official). Svo. Lond. 1884. Lieutenant VV. C. H. Snell's War Game. Rules for playing it, sug- gested by C. A. G. B. Portsmouth, 1888. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) War Office. Index to the several articles in the Periodical Publications received during 1867 and 1868, 4to. Lond. 1S6S-9. War Office List. Svo. Lond. 1884. The War Office. n.p., 1888. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Catalogue of the Maps, Plans, and Views in the Topographical and Statistical Depot. See Catalogues. Warburton, Eliot. Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S49. Ward, A. W. Chaucer. See Morley (English Men of Letters). • Dickens. See Morley (English Men of Letters). Ward, Harriet. Recollections of an Old Soldier : a biographical sketch of the late Colonel Tidy. 12 mo. Lond. 1S49. The Cape and the Kaffirs : a diary of five years' residence in Kaffir- land. 4th edition. Svo. Lond. i860. Ward, H. G. Mexico. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1829. Ward, John. Information relative to New Zealand. i2mo. Lond. 1 840-1. Ward, J. R., Rear-Admiral. Lyric Poems and thoughts in verse. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1874. Ward, Robert. Animadversions of Warre ; or a military magazine of the rules and instructions for the managing of warre. Folio. Lond. 1639. Treatise of the relative rights and duties of belligerent and neutral powers in Maritime Affairs. Reprinted with a preface by Lord Stanley of Alderley. Svo. Lond. 1875. 663 WAR Ward, T. H. Reign of Queen Victoria : a survey of fifty years of progress. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Warden, W. H., Major-Gen. Notes on Gunpowder. 8vo. Lond. 1877. (Bound with Geary, Gun Cotton.) Handbook of Gunpowder and Guncotton. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Warden, R., Col. My skirmishing practice for Light Infantry. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1866. (Bound with Misc. Drill Books.) Waring, Edward Scott. History of the Mahrattas ; with an his- torical sketch of the Deccan. 4to. Lond. 1 8 10. Warner, John. Computation of Earth-Work. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861. Warnery, M. de, Major-Gen. Remarques sur le Militaire des Turcs et des Russes. i2mo. Breslau, 1771. Remarques sur la Cavalerie. i2mo. Lublin, 1781. Warre, Rev. E. History of Tactics. See Aldershot Military Society. Warre, H. J., Lieut.-Gen. Historical Records of the 57th or West Middlesex Regiment of Foot, See Army, Records. Warren, Charles, Capt. R.E. Trigonometrical Survey. See Frome. Recovery of Jerusalem. See Wilson. Warren, C. E. Royal Navy List. See Navy Lists. Warren, Count Edward de. European Interests in Railways in the Valley of the Euphrates. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlix.) Warren, F., Capt. R.N. Patent army cooking apparatus. Lond. 1868. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxvi.) Corn Supply of England in case of war. Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Warren, G.K., Lieut. U.S. Army. Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota. See United States, Army, Engineer Department (1875). Warren, Sir John Borlase. View of the Naval Force of Great Britain : with Aj^pendix containing the Regulations of the E.I. Co.'s and Merchant Shipping, and notices of the Ports of Dover, Shoreham, Rye, Winchelsea, Sandwich, and Milford Haven. 8vo. Lond. 1 791. (Radstock Collection.) Wartenburg, Graf Yorck von. Napoleon als Feldhorr. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1885-6. AVAR 664 Wartensleben, Count Herrman von, Col. Fcldzug 1870-71. Die Opcrationen der I. Armee unter General von Manteuffel. Von der Capitulation von Metz bis zum Fall von Peronne. 8vo. Berlin, 1872. Fcldzug 1870-71. Die Operationem der Siid-Armee in Januar und Fcbruar 187 1. 8vo. Berlin, 1872. Campaign of 1870-71. Operations of the South Army in January and February, 187 1. Translated by Colonel C. H. von Wright. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Warwick, Sir Philip. Memoires of the reigne of King Charles I with a continuation to the happy Restauration of King Charles II. Svo. Lond. 1701. Washburne, E. B. Recollections of a Minister to France, 1869-77. 2 vols. 8\o. Lond. 1887. Washington, Capt. R.N. Lecture on the progress of Naval Archi- tecture, and on Life-Boats. Lond. 1852, (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (i).) Washington, George. Official Letters. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1795. Wasse, Josephus. Sallustii Quae Extant. See Sallustius. Waterson, W. K., Staff-Sergeant. Guide to stretcher and bearer Company Drill. i2mo. Lond. 1SS9. Wathen, A., Major. Figures for the elucidation of Cavalry Move- ments. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Watkin, Sir E. W. Ships upside down. Speech on the construc- tion of the " Captain," " Devastation," and other iron-clads. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) Manchester, 1874. Watkin, H. Capt. Paris Electrical Exhibition, 1881. Report on Appliances connected with Artillery. Folio. Lond. 1882. Watkin, H. S. S., Major. Modern Slides Rules. n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Watkins, C. R. W., Capt. Opinions and aspects of a Great Crisis. Lond., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (i).) Watkins, John. Memoirs of the public and private Life of R. B. Sheridan with an account of his family and connexions. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1S18. Memoirs of Her Most Excellent Majesty Sophia Charlotte, Queen of Great Britain. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 18 19. William the Fourth. See Wright, G. N. Watson, B. L. Code of Signals. Svo. Lond. 1841. Watson, Sir F. Lead Sheathing for Ships. See Howard and Watson. Watson, Gordon, Major. Catechetical Digest of Lieut.-Col. Clery's Minor Tactics. Ryde, 1883. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxvi.) 665 ^^''^'^' Watson, H., Col. Construction of Vessels. See Euler. Watson, Rev. J. S. Translation of the Cyropaedia and the Hellenics. See Xenophon. Watson, Ralph. Plan for preventing ships foundering at sea. (8vo l'ami>hlcts, o.s., vol. xiii.) Lond. 1829. Watson, Robert. History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 6th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803. Watson, Robert, and William Thomson. History of the Reign of Philip the Third, King of Spain. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808. Watson, R. G. History of Persia from the beginning of the 19th Century. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Watson, W. Life in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. 8vo. Lond. 1887. Watt, Henry F. State of the Navy, 1878. 8vo. Liverpool, 1878. State of the Navy, 1886. Unarmoured Ships. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Watt, Robert. Bibliotheca Britannica ; or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4to. PMinburgh, 1824. Watts, Henry. Dictionary of Chemistry. Vols, i-vii, and vol. viii, part I. 8vo. Lond. 1868-79. Watts, Thomas. A Letter on the reputed earliest printed News- paper, "The English Mercurie," 1588. 8vo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Wauwermans, H., Lieut.-Col. Les Machines Infernales dans la Guerre de Campagne. Application de la Th^orie des Mines. 2nd edition. i2mo. Brussels, 1876. See also Belgium, Conferences Militaires, series i, no. 6. Waveney, Lord. Lectures on National Defence, and on Military Organization and History. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. Part I. Organization of the Militia. ,, 2. Defence of London. „ 3. Defence of Portsmouth and East Suffolk. ,, 4. England and her wars since 1815. „ 5. Ireland, her wars and strategical history. Communications between Central Asia and Hindostan. „ 6. Classification on the causes of war. National Defences and Militia. Forty years since ; or Italy and Rome. 8vo. Lond. 1876. National Defences. See Cambridge Essays. Waxell, L. de. Essai sur les M^dailles Plaqu^es des Anciens. 8vo. Lond. 1S09. Way, G. A., Lieut.-Col. Report on the Akhas, the Akha Country, and the Akha Expedition. 8vo. Simla, 1SS4. Wayne, H. E., Major U.S. Army. Sword Exercise. See U.S. Army. WEA 666 Weale, John. Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, Building, iVc. Edited by Robert Hunt. 5th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Weatherhead, Dr. G. Hume. Pedestrian tour through France and Italy. Svo. Lond. 1834. Account of the Royal Beulah Saline Spa at Norwood, Surrey. 5th edition. Lond. 1835. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. vii.) Weatherly, Dr. L. A. Ambulance Lectures. i2mo. Lond. 1880. Webb, Alexander S. Civil War in America. See Campaigns. Webber, C. E., Lieut.-Col. R.E. Duties of a Royal Engineer Officer in time of peace. Lond. 1869. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Military Telegraphs in connection with the Autumn Manoeuvres. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. x.) Lond. 1873. Lines of Communication of an army in the field and their working. Svo. Lond. 1882. Description of the Battle Field of Sadowa. See Cooke, A. C. Webber, G. D., Lieut.-Col. British Guiana. The Essequibo and Potaro Rivers, with an account of a visit to the Kaieteur Falls. Svo. Lond. 1S73. Weber, Ernest de. Quatre ans au Pays des Boers. (187 1-5.) Traduit par Jules Gourdault. i2mo. Paris, 1882. Weber, H. Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. See Beaumont. Weber, Baron M. M. von. Training of Railways for war. See Mallet. Webster, James. Travels through the Crimea, Turkey, and Egypt, 1825-1828, including particulars of the last illness and death of the Emperor Alexander, and of the Russian conspiracy in 1S25. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1830. Webster, Noah. Complete Dictionary of the English Language; revised by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. 4to. Lond. 1864. Webster, P. C. G. Records of the Queen's Own Royal Regiment of Staffordshire Yeomanry. See Reserve Forces. Webster, Robert G. Amalgamation of the British Army. Svo. Lond. 1877. Trade of the World : our present system of commerce examined. Svo. Lond. iSSo. Webster, William. Course of Practical Mathematics : particularly adapted to the Army and Navy. i2mo. Lond. 1731. Vindication of Gen. Monk. See Skinner. Wechmar, F. von. Das moderne Gefecht und die Ausbildung der Truppen fur dasselbe. Svo. Berlin, 1875. 667 WEL Weckel, Lieut, von. Studien liber das Kriegsspiel. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Weddell, James. Voyage towards the South Pole in 1822-24, con- taining an examination of the Antarctic Sea and a visit to Tierra del Fuego. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Weil, M. H., Capt. Les Forces Militaires de la Russie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Campagne de 1813. La Cavalerie des Armt^es Alli^es. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Weir, Rev. R. W. History of the Scottish Borderers Militia. See Reserve Forces. Weise, A. J. Discoveries of America to the year 1525. 8vo. Lond. 1884. Weld, C. R. History of the Royal Society, with memoirs of the Presidents. 2 vols. 8vo. ' Lond. 1848. Catalogue of Portraits in the possession of the Royal Society. See Catalogues. Weldon, F., Major. Range Finder. n.p., n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlviii.) Wellesley, Richard, Marquess. Despatches, Minutes, and Correspondence. Edited by R. Mont- gomery Martin. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836-7. Memoirs and correspondence. Published by R. R. Pearce. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of. The Duke of ^V^ellington and the Whigs. Lond. 1830. (Svo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. x.) Dispatches during his various Campaigns. Edited by Lt.-Col. Gar- wood. With Lidex. 15 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834-9. See also Army, Orders. Supplementary Despatches. Edited by his Son, the Duke of Welling- ton. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858-61. Ditto, ditto. [In continuation of the former series.] With Index. 15 vols. Svo. Lond. 1867-72. The Words of Wellington : collected from his despatches, &c., by Edith Walford. i2mo. Lond. 1869. Funeral of. Official Report, &c., bound in one vol. Folio. General Orders. See War, Art of. Wellington College. Rules and regulations. n.p. 1873. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvi.) Wellington Prize Essays. Essays on the " System of Field Mancxuvres best adapted for enabling our troops to meet a Con- tinental army," written for the Wellington Prize by Lieut. J. F. Maurice (Prize Essay, bound separately), Lieut. H. J. T. Hildyard, Lieut. S. Waller, Capt. J. C. Russell, Col. Sir G. J. Wolseley, Gen. J. R. Crauford, and Lieut. C. Cooper King. Svo. Lond. 1873. WEL 668 Wells, Dr. C. Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language. 8vo. Lond. 1 880. Wells, J. C. Gateway to the Polynia : a voyage to Spitzbergen. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Wellsted, J. R., Lieut. 'I'ravcls in Arabia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Travels to the City of the Caliphs, along the shores of the Persian Gulf and the ^Icditerranean ; including a voyage to the coast of Arabia and a tour in the Island of Socotra. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Lord Valentia's work upon the Red Sea. See Robinson, F. Welsh, James, Col. Military Reminiscences ; extracted from a journal of nearly forty years' active service in the East Indies. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Welsh, John. Report on the performance of three Magnetographs. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Lond. 1852. Wei wood, William. Abridgement of all Sea Lawes. Lond. 16 13. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xviii.) Werner, A. G. New Theory of the formation of Veins ; with its application to the art of working mines. Translated, with appendix and notes by Charles Anderson. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1809. West, Temple, Capt. Defence against Vice-Admiral Lestock's Charge relating to his conduct in the Action off Toulon. See Matthews and Lestock. West Indies. Causes of the depreciation of West India Property. 2nd edition. Lond. 1807. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiv.) Westbrook, R. A. The Question of Ventilation considered. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Iv.) Lond. 1861. Western, Lord. Management of Merino Sheep. Lond. 1842. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Westmacott, R. M., Capt. Sketches in Australia. 410. n.p., n.d. Westminster. Address to the Inhabitants of St. James's, West- minster, on the health of rich and poor. 8vo. Lond. 1847. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Westminster Bridge, New. Lond. 1856. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) Westminster and Lambeth Homoeopathic Medical Institu- tion. Report. Lond. 1844. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Weston, H. B., Com. Tables for finding the Longitude by Chronometer at sunrise and sunset. Lond. 1848. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xlii (ii).) Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1856. 669 WHE Weston, James. Stenography compleated, or the art of Short-hand brought to perfection. 8vo. Lond. 1748. Weston, Stephen. Historic notices of Towns, in Greece and in other countries, that have struck coins. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Westphalia. Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Konigreichs West- })halen. 8vo. Hanover, 181 1. Wethered, Major. Remarks on the Loss of Life by Fire, with description of patent domestic fire escape. Lond. n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxix.) Wetter, R. van. La Telegraphic Optique. Antwerp, 1883. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Weyhern, Hann von. Ansichten iiber Ausbildung einer Eskadron nach den Auforderungen der Jestzeit. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. Weyl, E. Les Grandes Manoeuvres de L'Escadre Frangaise. 8vo. Paris, 1886. La Marine Anglaise. 2nd edition, 8vo. Paris, 1887. Whalley, J. Lawson, CoL Catalogue of British War Medals, Badges, &c. 4to. Lancaster, 1875. Ditto, ditto. 4to. Lancaster, 1877. Gold War Medals, Elizabeth to Victoria. 4to. Lancaster, 1888. Lancashire Militia. See Reserve Forces. Wharton, Duke of. Reasons for leaving his native country and espousing the causes of King James HL n.p. (circa 1720). (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xix.) Wharton, W. J. L., Capt. R.N. History of H. M.S. "Victory." Portsmouth, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxvii.) Hydrographical Surveying. A description of the means and methods employed in constructing Marine Charts. Svo. Lond. 1S82. Whately, Richard. Essays on the writings of St. Paul and other parts of the New Testa- ment. Svo. Lond. 1828. Elements of Logic. 9th edition. Svo. Lond. 1862. Wheater, W. Record of the Services of the 51st (Second West York), the " King's Own Light Infantry " Regiment. See Army, Records. Wheatley, H. B. Bookbinding. Folio. Lond. 1882. Wheatley, John, Capt. R.N. Use of Medicated Baths in training. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd scries, vol. xxvi.) Lond. n.d. Wheatley, John, Lieut. -Col. Chronology and Book of Days of the 42nd Royal Highlanders. See Army, Records. Wheaton, Henry. Elements of International Law. Second anno- tated edition, by William Beach I-awrence. Svo. Lond. 1864. WHE 670 Wheeler, George M., Lieut. U.S. Army. Geographical and Geological Exploration. See U.S. Army, Engineer Department (1874). Wheeler, J. Talboys. India under British Rule, from the foundation of the East India Company. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Wheeler, O. E., Lieut. Somali Land, or the North-East Horn of Africa. 8vo. Simla, 1884. Note on the Gulf of Tajourah. 8vo. Simla, 1884. Wheeler, Stephen. The Black Mountain Campaign, 1888. (Excerpt, "Fortnightly Review.") Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Whelan, Peter. History of the Succession of the Roman Emperors, with the price of their Coins. i2mo. Lond. 1846. Numismatic Atlas of the Roman Empire, B.C. 44 to a.d. 476. 8vo. Lond. n.d. Numismatic Dictionary. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Whewell, Rev. W. Astronomy and general Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology. 8vo. Lond. 1836. (Bridgewater Treatise.) Elementary treatise on Mechanics. 5th edition. 8vo, Cambridge, 1836. Free motion of Points, and universal Gravitation, being the first part of a treatise on Dynamics. 3rd edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1836. History of the Inductive Science from the earliest to the present times. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837, Mechanical Euclid, containing the elements of Mechanics and Hydro- statics. 2nd edition. i2mo. Cambridge, 1837. Doctrine of Limits, with its applications ; namely, Conic Sections, the first three Sections of Newton, the differential Calculus. 8vo. Cambridge, 1838. Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, founded upon their history. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond 1840. Strictures on Dr. Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Lond. 1847. Whinyates, F. A., CoL From Coruna to Sevastopol. The History of "C" Battery, "A" Brigade (late "C" Troop), Royal Horse Artillery. See krmy, Records. Whishaw, Francis. Railways of Great Britain and Ireland practi- cally described. 4to. Lond. 1840. Whiston, William. Works of Flavius Josephus. See Josephus. Whitaker. Almanack. See Periodicals. Whitchurch, S. Monody to the Memory of Admiral Hyde Parker, who was lost in the " Cato." Bath, 1785. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (i).) 671 WHI White, Adam. Spitzbergen and Greenland. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xviii. White, C. W., Capt. The Army and the Public. 3rd edition. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xli.) Lond. n.d. White, E. Practical treatise on the Game of Billiards. 8vo. Lond. 1807. White, F. B. P., Capt. Substantive seniority army list. First issue, Majors and Captains. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. White, Rev. Gilbert. Natural History and Antiquities of Selbourne. New edition with notes, by E. T. Bennett. 8vo. Lond. 1837. White, Henry. Guide to the Civil Service. 8th edition, revised by A. C. Ewald. 8vo. Lond. 1867. White, Rev. Hugh. Duelling. Dublin, 1843. {8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol xl.) White, Joseph. Institutes political and military. See Timur, White, Martin, Capt. R.N. Sailing Directions for the English Channel. 8vo. Lond. 1835. White, Thomas, Capt. R.N. Relation of the fight between the English and Dutch Fleets in the Downs, May 19th, 1652. 8vo. Lond. 1652. (Radstock Collection.) White, Thomas, Capt. R.N. Naval Researches, or a candid inquiry into the conduct of Admirals Byron, Graves, Hood, and Rodney, in the actions of Grenada, Chesapeak, St. Christopher's, and of the 9th and 12th of April, 1782. 8vo. Lond. 1830. White, Thomas, Junr. Theory and practice of Ship Building. 8vo. With folio atlas. Lond. 1858. White, Thomas Evanson. History of the rise and progress of the Naval Power of England, with notices relative to the French Marine. 8vo. Lond. 1802. (Radstock Collection.) Campaigns of Bonaparte in Egypt and Syria. See Berthier. White, W., Capt. Letter relating to Military Flogging. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxiv.) Lond. 1S23. White, William. Post Office Gazetteer of the Dominion of Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1872. White, W. H. Manual of Naval Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1882. Whiteaves, J. F. Canadian Palaeontology. See Canada, Geological. Whitehouse, Peter. Arte of Warre. See Machiavelli. Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode. Memorials of the English Affairs, 1 625- 1 660. Folio. Lond. 1732. WITT 672 Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode (contimied) — Journal of the Swedish v\mbassy, in 1653 and 1654. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1772. Whitelocke, R. H. Memoirs, biographical and historical, of Bul- strode Whitelocke. 8vo. Lond. i860. Whitfield, R. P. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata. See United States Geological Survey (Monographs, vol. ix). Palceontology. See U.S. Army, Engineer Department. Whitman, Walt. Army Hospitals and Cases, 1863-6 (Excerpt, " Century Mag."). New York, 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Whittemore, James M., Major. Ammunition, &:c. See U.S. Army, Ordnance (Memoranda No. 21). Whitting, J. E., Capt. Annals of the 37th North Hampshire Regiment. See Army, Records. Whittingham, F., Major-Gen. Personal Recollections of a Ten Months' Residence in Berlin ; also extracts from a Journal kept in Paris during the crisis of 1839. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Bermuda. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Four years in the Ionian Islands. Edited by Viscount Kirkwall. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Comparison of the Prussian and British Armies. Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcii.) Our Military System. A lecture on " How depending solely on Voluntary Enlistment, Great Britain may maintain an effective and well organized army." Lond. 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvi.) Whittingham, Sir Samuel Ford, Lieut.-Gen. Memoir of his Services. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Ditto, ditto. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Whitworth, Charles. List of the English, Scots, and Irish Nobility. i2mo. Lond. 1765. (Radstock Collection.) Whitworth, Sir Joseph. Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Note. — This volume contains papers on " Plain Metallic Surfaces," "Uniform System of Screw Threads," " Standard Decimal Measures of Length," " Rifled Fire Arms," &c. Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects Manchester, 1869. Penetration of Annour Plates with long Shells fired obliquely : with Report of the Discussion. Papers on Rifled Artillery. Form of Projectiles for penetration through water. (4to Pamphlets, vol. vii.) 673 ^^^- Whitworth, Sir Joseph {continued) — Report of the Armstrong and Whitworth Committee, with a letter and appendices. 4to. Manchester, 1866. Guns and Steel. 4to. Lend. 1873. Whitworth, R. P. Bailliere's New South Wales Gazetteer and road guide. 8vo. Sydney, 1866. Whymper, Frederick. Travel and adventure in the Territory of Alaska. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Wickham, E. H., Capt. The Fighting of to-day. Lond. 1873. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) Administration of the Austrian Army. See Austria. Influence of firearms upon tactics. See War, Art of. Wickham, Henry L., and Rev. J. A, Cramer. Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Widdern, Cardinal von. See Cardinal. Widdrington, L. E., Capt. R.N. Spain and the Spaniards in 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844. W^idegren, G. Svenskt och Engelskt Lexicon (Swedish and English Dictionary). 4to. Stockholm, 1788. Wiebeking, C. F. Traite de la Science de Conslruire les Fonts, avec une description de la nouvclle methode economique de con- struire des ponts a Arches de Charpente. 4to, with folio atlas. Munich, 18 10. Wieland, Christoph Martin. Auserlesene Gedichte. 6 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 1784-5. Kleinere prosaische Schriften. 2 vols. i2mo. Leipzig, 1785. Wiffen, J. H. Julia Alpinula ; with the Captive of Stamboul and other Poems. i2mo. Lond. 1820. Wight, John, Rear-Admiral. Collapsion Rudder. Folio. n.p., n.d. Wilberforce, Robert Isaac, and Samuel. Life of WilUam ^Vil her force. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Wilbraham, R., Capt. Travels in the Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Russia in 1837. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Wilcox, C. M., Lieut. U.S. Army. Rifles and rifle practice. 8vo. New York, 1859. Evolutions of the Line, as practised by the Austrian Infantry, and adopted in 1853. 8vo. New York, i860. Wilford, E. C, Colonel. Class book for the School of Musketry, H)the. 4to. Hythe, 1861. z X Wilhelm, T., Capt. Military Dictionary and Gazetteer. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1881. Wilkes, C. Narrative of the United States Exj^loring Expedition, 1S3S-42. 5 vols., and atlas. Roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Wilkins, H. St. Clair, Col. R.E. Reconnoitring in Abyssinia. 8v(). Lond. 1870. Wilkins, J. W. The second Congress and the Russian Claim to the Isle of Serpents and Bolgrad. 2nd edition. Lond. 1857. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiii.) Wilkinson, Sir Gardner. Modern Egypt and Thebes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Handbook for Travellers in Egypt. See Murray. Wilkinson, Henry. Engines of War, ancient and modern, including the manufacture of guns, gunpowder, and swords. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Observations on muskets, rifles, and projectiles. 8vo. Lond. 185 1. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts, 1846-1852.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. 1852. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxv.) Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. Lond. 1858. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. liv.) Observations on swords. Lond. 1844. {8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xl.) Ditto, ditto. 7th edition. Lond. i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivii.) Cause of the external pattern or watering of the Damascus Sv/ord- Blades. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xv.) Wilkinson, H. Spenser, Capt. Suggestions for a new Field Exercise for the Volunteer Infantry. - (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Manchester, 1886. Exercises in Strategy and Tactics. Manchester, 1887. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Essays on the War-Game. Manchester, 1887. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlv.) Wilkinson, J. G. Manners and customs of the Ancient Egyptians. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Ditto, ditto. 2nd series. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Wilkinson, William. Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Wilks, Mark, Lieut.-Col. Historical Sketches of the South of India, in an attempt to trace the History of Mysoor. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1810-17. ^>75 WIL Will, George, Lieut, and Lieut. J. C. Dalton. Artillerist's handbook of reference. 8vo. Lend. 1876. Willaumez, E., Capt. De la Mature dcs Vaissaux. See Forfait. Willaumez, E. Bouet. See Bouet-Willaumez. Willaumez, J. B. P., Vice-Admiral. Dictionnaire de Marine. 3rd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1831. Wille, R. Ueher Kartatschgeschiitze. Berlin, 1871. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. xcix.) William III, King of England. Reasons of the Nobility and Gentry's Invitation of the Prince of Orange. Lend. 1688. (4to Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Life of. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1703. Williams, Charles. Armenian Campaign ; a diary of the Campaign of 1877. 8vo. Lend. 1878. Williams, Clement. Through Burmah to Western China, in 1863. Svo. Lond. 1868. Williams, C. R. Defence of Kahun. A forgotten episode of the first Afghan War. 8vo. Lond 1886. Williams, C. W. Combustion of Coal and the prevention of smoke. Part I. 8vo. with 4to plates. Lond. 1841. Williams, D. E. Life and corresi:)ondence of .Sir Thomas Lawrence, Kt., President of the Royal Academy. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 83 1. Williams, Helen Maria. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions. See Humboldt. Williams, John. (Also wrote under the name of Anthony Pasquin.) Satires and Biographies. 8vo. Lond. 1793-7. Williams, John. Natural History of the Mineral Kmgdom. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1810. Williams, John. Some account of " Tseen Shih Too," a Chinese Work on Coins. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Account of " Kin Tin Tseen Luh," a Chinese Work on Coins. 8vo. Lond. 1 85 1. Chinese Numismatics. 8vo. Lond. 1S53. Williams, John, Capt. Historical account of the Bengal xXative Infantry. See India, Army. Williams, J. Butler. Practical Geodesy. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Williams, J. J. Location of the Tehuantepec Railway and Carriage ^o:vd. New York, 1870. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxv.) Williams, Monier. Modern India and the Indians. 8vo. Lond. 1878. 2x2 WIL 676 Williams, S. H., Gen. Circat Britain's Defence of her South and South-Eastern Coasts, MetropoHs, and Dockyards. J.ond. i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. hi.) Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. Lond. i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xi.) Danger and difificulty of Fortifying London. Ramsgate, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvi.) Williams, S. Wells. " The Middle Kingdom : " the Chinese Em])ire and inhal)itants. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1883. Williams, Woolmer, Capt. See Woolmer-Williams. Williamson, A., Brig.-Gen. Military memoirs and maxims of Marshal Turenne. i2mo. Lond. 1740. Williamson, Dr. G. Preparations in morbid anatomy and physio- logy in the Museum of the Army Medical Department, Chatham. See Catalogues. Williamson, John, Capt. The Elements of Military Arrangement and of the Discipline of War, adapted to the practice of the British Lifantry. New edition, augmented and improved. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. n.d. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1 791. Williamson, R. J. T., Major. Lancashire Militia. See Reserve Forces. Willoughby, Sir Hugh. Voyages to the Northern parts of Russia and Siberia. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Willoughby, Moncrieffe. Patent Accelerating Improvements in Naval Architecture. Lond. 1823. (8vo Pamphlets, o.s., vol. xiii.) Willoughby, Peregrin, Lord. Alarm of an Livasion from Spain, 1596. See National Defence. Willyams, Rev. Cooper. Account of the Campaign in the West Indies, in 1794. 4to. Lond. 1796. (Bound with "Walsh, Expedition to Holland," 2nd edition.) Wilmere, Alice. Champlin's Voyage. Sec Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxiii. Wilmot, A., and The Hon. J. C. Chase. History of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Wilmot, A. P. Eardley. See Eardley-Wilmot. Wilson, Capt. R. E., and Capt. C. Warren. Recovery of Jerusalem ; a narrative of exploration and discovery in the City and the Holy Land : with an introduction by A. P. Stanley. Edited by Walter Morrison. 8vo. Lond. 187 1. Wilson, Alexander. American Ornithology, or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States ; with a continuation by Charles Lucien Bonaparte ; and illustrative notes and life of Wilson by Sir W. Jardine, Bart. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832. 677 WIL Wilson, Andrew. The "Ever Victorious Army." History of the Chinese Campaign under Lieut. -Col. C. G. Gordon. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Wilson, A. J. Resources of modern Countries. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1878. Wilson, Christopher. Method of combining Timber, applicable to Naval Architecture. Lond. 1795. (Naval Pamphlets, vol. iv.) Wilson, C. T., Lieut-Col. The Duke of Berwick, Marshal of France, 1 702-1 734. Svo. Lond., 1883. Wilson, Sir Charles W., Col. Notes on Maps. Svo. Lond. 1873. Address to the Geographical Section of the British Association, Belfast, 1874. Lond. 1874. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xx.) From Korti to Khartum ; a Journal of the Desert March from Korti to Gubat and of the ascent of the Nile in General Gordon's Steamers. Svo. Lond. 1S85. Tribes of the Nile Valley, North of Khartum. Lond. 1887. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xliv.) Euphrates Valley Railway. See Kuhnenfeld. Wilson, E., Capt. R.N. Observations on the deterioration of our Iron Navy. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxi.) Lymington, 1867. Health of the Navy in Tropical Climates. Lymington, 1870. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxiv.) Our iron-clad Fleet : showing how they should be constructed and armoured. Lymington, 187 1. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxxviii.) Our future iron-clad Fleet. Lymington, 1872. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvi.) Our Merchant Navy and its reserve of seamen. Lymington, 1875. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) Our Navy, as it was, and is. Lymington, n.d. (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxi.) Wilson, Sir Erasmus. Cleopatra's Needle : with notes on Egypt and Egyptian Obelisks. Svo. Lond. 1877. Wilson, Horace Hayman. Documents illustrative of the Burmese War. 4to. Calcutta, 1827. Dictionary in Sanscrit and English. 2nd edition. 4to. Calcutta, 1832. Ariana Antiqua : account of the antiquities and coins of Afghanistan. 4to. Lond. 1 84 1. History of British India. See Mill. Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan. See Moorcroft. WII, 678 Wilson, Dr. James. Life of Benjamin Robins. See Robins. Matheniatic-al Tracts. See Robins. Wilson, James B. Ship's Cook and Steward's Guide. {8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Lond. 1882. Wilson, Jasper. Letter, commercial and political. See Currie. Wilson, Joseph, Surgeon, U.S. Navy. Naval Hygiene, with an appendix : moving wounded men on shipboard, by A. C. Gorgas. 8vo. Washington, 1870. Wilson, J. L History of Christ's Hospital. 6th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1838. Wilson, Rev. J. L. The British Squadron on the Coast of Africa. The Slave Trade. 8vo. Lond. 1850. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Western Africa. 8vo. New York, 1856. Wilson, Sir Robert. Remarks on the character and composition of the Russian Army, and a sketch of the Campaigns in Poland, 1S06-7. 4to. Lond. 1810. Wilson, Sir Robert, General. Narrative of events during the invasion of Russia by Napoleon Bonaparte, and the retreat of the French Army, 1812. Edited by the Rev. Herbert Randolph. 8vo. Lond. i860. Private diary of travels, personal services, and public events during the Campaigns of 181 2-14. Edited by the Rev. H. Randolph. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Wilson, R. T., Lieut.-Col. History of the British Expedition to Egypt. 4to. Lond. 1802. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803. Enquiry into the present state of the Military Force of the British Empire. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Wilson, Samuel. Lnperial Federation. Lond. 1884. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xl.) Wilson, W. J., Lieut.-Col. History of the Madras Army. Vols, i-iv. 8vo. Madras, 1882-8. Wimpffen, General de. Sedan. 2nd edition. 8vo. Paris, 1871. Winchester, Bishop of. See Andrews, L. Windhus, John. Journey to Mequinez. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. xv. Wingate, G. W. Comment on Col. Rice's Paper on " Military Edu- cation." See United States, Army (1888.) Wingate, J., Lieut. Storming of Ghuznee and Kelat. Folio. Lond. 1842. Wingfield, Sir Charles. Central Asian Question. Lond. 1873. (8vc Pami^hlets, 3rd series, vol. ii.) (no WIT Wingfield, C, Col. Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry. See Reserve Forces. Winkelmann, Giovanni. Storia delle arti del Discgno Presso gli Antichi. 3 vols. 4to. Rome, 1783. Winn, Hon. C. Allanson. What I saw of the war ; at the battles of Speichern, Gorze, and (Iravellotte. 8vo. Lond. 1870. Winnock, Rev. G. Modem Greek Grammar. See David. Winterberg, A. Malta. Geschichte und Gegenwart. i2mo. Vienna, 1879. Winterbotham, William. Historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1795. Winthrop, W., Lieut.-Col. Military Law. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1886. Wirgman, Theodore, Lieut.-Col. Russians in Central Asia. See Hellwald. Wise, Henry. Analysis of One Hundred Voyages to and from Lidia, China, &c., performed by ships in the Hon. E. I. Co.'s Service ; with remarks on the advantages of Steam Power, and a description of Melville's Patent Propellers. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Wise, T. A. History of Paganism in Caledonia. 4to. Lond. 1884. Wishart, A. ^^'ar in Italy, 1744-8. See Buonamici. Wit, F. de. Atlas. Folio. Amsterdam, n.d. Wit, Jean de. Memoires de Jean de ^^'it, Grand Pensionnaire de HoUande. 3rd edition. i2mo. Ratisbon, 1709. (Radstock Collection.) Witherow, T. Derry and Enniskillen in 1689: the story of some famous Battle-Fields in Ulster. 8vo. Belfast, 1873. Withers, John. The Whigs vindicated. Lond. 17 15. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xx.) Witsen, Nicolaas. Tartar Conquerors of China. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xvii. Witt, George. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de Cholera Indica. Leyden, 1830. (4to Pamphlets, vol. ii.) Compendium of Osteology. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1833. Witt, Madam de. Chroniques de Froissart. See Froissart. Wittman, William. Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, Syria, and into l^gypt, 1 799- 1 80 1. 4U). Lond. 1S03. Witzleben, A. von. Dicnst-Unlerricht fiir den Preussischen Infanteristen. 3rd edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. Heerwesen und Intanteriedienst des Deutschen Reichsheeres. i2th edition. 8vo. Berlin, 1871. WOE 680 Woerl, Dr. J. E. Atlas der Schlachten, Tressen und Belagerungen aus der Geschichtc dcr Krioge, 1792-1815. Edited by F. von Diirrich. 4to. Freiburg, 1857. WoinovitS, Illia, Capt. Austrian Cavalry Exercise. Translated by C'apt. W. S. C"(,)(jke. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Wolfe, James, Major-Gen. Instructions to Young Officers, lc)gctlu:r with the orders and Signals used in embarking and debarking the army by flat-bottomed boats, and a placart to the Canadians. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1780. Wolff, Ernst. En Dansk og Engelsk Ord-Bog. 4to. Lond. 1779. Wolowski, Ladislas. Campagne de 1870-71. Corps Franc des \'osgcs (Armec de I'Est). 8vo. Paris, 187 1. Wolseley, G. J., Viscount, Gen. Narrative of the War with China in i860. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Field Pocket-Book for Auxiliary Forces. i2mo. Lond. 1873. The use of Railroads in War. 8vo. Lond. 1873. The Soldier's Pocket-Book for Field Service. i2mo. Lond. 1869. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1871. Ditto, ditto. 3rd edition. i2mo. Lond. 1874. Ditto, ditto. 4th edition. i2mo. Lond. 1882. Ditto, ditto. 5th edition. 12 mo. Lond. 1886. Courage. (Excerpt, " Fortnightly Review.") Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Military Genius. (Excerpt, " Fortnightly Review.") Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) The Negro as a soldier. (Excerpt " Fortnightly Review.") (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Lond. 1888. War. (Excerpt, " Fortnightly Review.") Lond. 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Wellington Prize Essay. See Wellington. Wolvfa, P. IlCTOPIil 0CA4LI BEJba^OPA. (Siege of Belfort.) 1870-71. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1877. Wood, C. A. Military Transport by Sea. Lond. 1859. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Hi.) Wood, Charles, Secretary of the Admiralty. Speech on the State of the Navy. 8vo. Lond. 1839. (Radstock Collection, Naval Tracts.) Wood, Herbert, Major. Cause probable du changement de direction survenu dans le Cours de I'Amou Daria. Geneva, 1875. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxiv.) Shores of Lake Aral. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Wood, Very Rev. James, Dean of Ely. Elements of Algebra. Sth edition. Svo. Cambridge, 1825. 68 1 WOO Wood, John, Lieut. Indian Navy. Journey to the source of the River Oxus. 8vo. Lend. 1841. Ditto, ditto. 2nd edition ; with an essay on the geography of the valley of the Oxus: by Colonel Henry Yule. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Wood, W. Illustrations of the Linn?ean Genera of Insects. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1 82 1. Index Testaceologicus. See Catalogues. Woodard, David, Narrative of Captain David Woodard and four seamen, who surrendered themselves up to the Malays in the Island of Celebes. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1805. Woodbridge, Dr. W. E. Measurement of Powder Pressures in Cannon by means of the registered conipression of oil. Washington, 1879. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxv.) Gun Construction on the "Woodbridge System." (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxxv.) Washington, 1881. Wire-wound Guns. Washington, 1884. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol xli.) Woodbury, D. P. Stability in the Arch. See United States, Army, Engineer Department (1858). Sustaining Walls. See United States, Army, Engineer Dei)artment (1854). Woodcroft, Bennet. Sketch of the origin and progress of Steam Navigation. 4to. Lond. 1848. Woodhouse, Robert. Treatise on plane and spherical Trigono- metry. 5th edition. 8vo. Cambridge, 1827. Woodley, W. Practical and Biblical Almanack for 1838-9. i2mo. Lond. 1838. The Longitude obtained with the same facility as the Latitude. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxvii (i).) n.p., n.d. Woodthorpe, R. G., Lieut. Lushai Expedition, 1871-2. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Woodward, Dr. John. Natural History of the Earth and terres- trial bodies. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1702. Woolhouse, W. S. B. Tables of Continental lineal and square Measures. Lond. 1836. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd scries, vol. viii.) The Steam Engine and Steam Navigation. See Tredgold. WooUcombe, R. W. Application to projectiles of the eccentric principle. Lond. 1856. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Experiments with eccentric oblate bodies and disks as Projectiles. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixiv.) Lond. 1862. woo 682 Woolmer- Williams, Capt. History of the Hon. Artillery Com- paii)'. St'e Reserve Forces. Woolrych, Humphry W. Memoirs of the life of Judge Jeffreys, sometime Lord High Chancellor of England. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Woolwich. Military Academy. Records of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Folio. Woolwich, 1 85 1. Elementary Course of Mathematics, prepared for the use of the Royal Military Academy. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Reports on Examinations. 8vo. Lond. 1856-70. Instruction in Fortification, Military Engineering, and Geometrical Drawing. 4to. Lond. 187 1. Atlas to ditto. Folio. Lond. 187 1. Examination Papers. 8vo. Woolwich, 1879. Catalogue of Library. See Catalogues. Worcester, Marquis of. Century of Inventions. See Dircks. Wordsworth, William. Poetical Works. 7 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1840-2. Worsley, Sir Richard, Bart. History of the Isle of Wight. 4to. Lond. 1781. Worthington, B., Lieut. R.N. Proposed plan for improving Dover Harbour. 8vo. Dover, 1838. Wostrowitz, E. B. Fleissner von. Handbuch der Kryptographie. 8vo. Vienna, 1881. Wrangel, Fred, von. Admiral. Narrative of an expedition to the Polar Sea in the years 1820-23. Edited by Colonel Sabine. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Wrangham, Rev. F. Plutarch's Lives. See Plutarch. W^ray, Henry, Col. Some applications of theory to the practice of Construction. 8vo. Chatham, 1872. W^ren, Christopher. Parentalia : or memoirs of the family of the Wrens ; viz., of Mathew, Bishop of Ely, Christopher, Dean of Windsor, &c., but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren. Folio. Lond. 1750. Wrey, W. Long. Steam Navigation direct to Australia and New Zealand, via the Cape of Good Hope. Lond. [1867.] (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciii.) New Zealand in 1867. Lond. 1867. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xciii.) Wright, C. H. von, Col. Campaign of 1866. See Campaigns. Operations of the South Army in 187 i. See Wartensleben. 683 ^^VA Wright, Edward. Voyage of the Earl of Cumberland to the Azores. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Wright, Rev. G. N. New and comprehensive Gazetteer. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Wright, Rev. G. N., and John Watkins. Life and reign of William the Fourth. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Wright, H. O. P., Capt. Volunteer Company Officers' Handbook lor Parade. 12 mo. Glasgow, 1888. Wright, John. Proposed new i)lan of a general Emigration Society. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxix.) Lond. 1842. Wright, Marcus, J. Memoirs of General Lee. See Long. Wright, Paul. Help to English History. See Heylyn. Wright, Robert. Life of Major-General James Wolfe. 8vo. Lond. 1864. Memoir of General James Oglethorpe. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Wright, Thomas. Original theory or new hypothesis of the Universe. 4to. Lond. 1750. Glossary of words, phrases, &:c. See Nares, R. Wright, W. A. Edition of Hamlet. See Shakespeare. Wrottesley, Hon. G. Lt.-Col. Life and correspondence of Sir John Burgoyne. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Military Opinions of Sir J. F. Burgoyne. See Burgoyne. Wuillot, L. Elements d'Hygiene. See Belgium, Conferences Militaires, series i, no. 5. Wiirttemburg, William, Duke of, Field-Marshal. System of Attack of the Prussian Lif^intry in the Campaign of 1870-71. Translated by C. W. Robinson. Lond. 187 1. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xcvi.) Wyatt, Charles and John. Tinned copper sheets and pipes. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xix.) Lond. n.d. Wyatt, Matthew. Observations on our Reserve Forces and on the necessity for a central fortress in Great Britain. Newcastle, 1872. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xiii.) Remarks on the defence of England. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1874. Wyatt, W. J., Capt. Reflections on the formation of armies, with a view to the reorganiza- tion of the English .Army. With ai)pendix on " Responsibility in War." Lond. 1869. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ixxix.) Political position of England, and her armaments. Lond. 1874 (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xxviii.) WYL 684 Wyld, James. Chart of the Canton River wftli tlie entrances and islands. i2nio. Lond. ICS40. Wylde, A. B. '83 to '87 in the Soudan ; with an account of Sir \\'ilHam Hewett's Mission to King John of Abyssinia. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Wylie, Mrs. M. The Gosj^el in Burmah ; the story of its introduc- tion and progress among the Burmese and Karens. i2mo. Lond. 1859. Wyman, R. H. ^\'mds, currents and navigation of the Gulf of Cadiz, &c. See Sailing Directions. Atlantic Ocean. See Kerhallet. Indian „ See „ Mediterranean Sea. See Le Ciras. Wymer, F. W. Approximate Free-Board, with measurement of tonnage and crew space. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Wyngaerde, A. van den. View of London (circa 1550). Pub- lished by the Topographical Society. Folio. Lond. 188 1-2. Wyse, Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas. Excursion in the Peloponnesus. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Wyse, Thomas, Jun. Historical sketch of the late Catholic Associa- tion of Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829. Wyvill, R. A. Sketch of the military life of R. A. Wyvill. 8vo. Lond. 1820. X. Xenophon. Kv/jov riaiceta^ — Bi^Xia oktw. Edited by Thomas Hutchinson. 4th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1747. The Cyropsedia, or Institution of Cyrus, and the Hellenics, or Grecian History. Translated by the Rev. J. S. Watson, and the Rev. Henry Dale. 8vo. Lond. 1882. XiphiHn. History of Dion Cassius. See Dion Cassius. Y. Yacht Club, Royal Western. Signals. See Signals. Yarranton, Andrew. England's Improvement by Sea and Land : to out-do the Dutch without Fighting, to pay debts without moneys. 4to. Lond. 1677. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) 685 YON Yarrell, William. History of British Fishes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Supplement to ditto. Svo. Lond. 1839. History of British Birds. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Supplement to ditto. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Yate, A. C, Lieut. England and Russia face to face in Asia. Travels with the Afghan Boundary Commission. Svo. Lond. 1887. Yate, C. E., Major. Northern Afghanistan, or letters from the Afghan Boundary Commission. Svo. Lond. 1888. Yates, H. P., Col. Knowledge of the Fortifications the Volunteer Artillery would bt^ called upon to defend. See United Service Institution. Yates, James. Remarks on the formation of Alluvial Deposites. Lond. 1831. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. iv.) Remarks on " Palaographische Studien iiber Phonizische und Punische Schrift, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Gesenius. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xiv.) Lond. 1837. Origin and formation of the International Association for obtaining a universal Decimal System. 2nd edition. Lond. 1856. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xliii (ii).) What is the best Unit of Length ? Lond. 1858. (Svo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. li.) Yavorsky, Dr. E. L. nSTEmFXTBTE PVCCK.VrO nOCO.IhCTBA. 110 .\BrAiiiicTAiiy II li^XAPCKOMy XAUciBy, 1878- 1879. 2 vols. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1S82-3. Yoe, Shway. The Burman ; his life and notions. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. jSS2. Yonge, C. D. History of the British Navy. Svo. Lond. 1863. Roman History. See Ammianus Marcellinus. Yonge, Charlotte, M. Recollections of Colonel de (lonneville. See Gonneville. Yonge, W. L., Major. Clock Signal-\'ane. Svo. n.p., n.d. (Bound with Wiethe, Army Signalling.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Svo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xv.) Early History of the Royal Artillery. See Army, Records. YOR 686 York, James, Duke of. Lord High Admiral, afterwards James II. Memoirs of tlic English affairs, chiefly Naval, from the year 1660 to 1673. 8vo. Load. 1729. Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (Radstock Collection.) Instructions for the better ordering His Majestie's Fleet in Sayling. P'olio. (Privately printed.) York, Frederick, Duke of. Posthumous Letter. 3rd edition. (8vo Pani])hlets, 2nd scries, vol. iii.) Lond. 1827. Yorke, Rt. Hon. C, and W. M. Leake. Remarks on some Egyptian Monuments in England. 4to. (Circa 1827.) Yorke, Philip I., Col. Auro-sulphurets of Sodium and Potassium. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Brown Iron Ore. Lond. 1845. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Ditto, ditto. (Second copy.) (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxxviii.) Solubility of Oxide of Lead in Pure Water. n.p., n.d. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxvii.) Life of Baron von Muffling. See Miififling. Young, Arthur. Nautical Dictionary. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Tour in Ireland. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iii. Travels in France. See Pinkerton's Collection, vol. iv. Young, A. Graham, Surg.-Gen. Story of active service in foreign lands: South Africa, India, and China, 1856-82. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Young, Edward. Poetical Works. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1834. Young, F. Imperial Federation of Great Britain and her Colonies. 4to. Lond. 1876. Emigration to the Colonies. Lond. 1886. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlii.) Young, G. F., Major. Infantry Tactics of the future. n.p., 1888. (8vo Pamphlets, 3rd series, vol. xlvii.) Young, H. W. Keays. See Keays-Young. Young, Thomas. Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Me- chanical Arts. New edition by Rev. P. Kelland. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Young, William, Major. Manoeuvres, or practical observations on tlie art of war. 2 vols, in one. i2mo. Lond. 1770-1. 687 ZER Young, William. Portugal in 1828 ; comprising sketches of the state of private society and of religion in that kingdom under Don Miguel ; with a narrative of the Author's residence there and of his persecution and confmement as a state prisoner. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Younghusband, G. J., Lieut. Eighteen hundred miles on a Burmese Tat. 8vo. Lond. 1888. Yriarte, C. Les Prussiens h Paris et le i8 Mars. 8vo. Paris, 1871. Yule, Henry, Col. African Squadron vindicated. Lond. 1850. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. xxix.) Fortifications for Officers of the Army and Students of Military History. 8vo. Lond. 1851. Narrative of the mission to the Court of Ava, 1855. 8vo. Lond. 1858. Book of Marco Polo. .5^^ Polo. Cathay and the way thither. See Hakluyt Soc, vols, xxxvi and xxxvii. Diary of William Hedges. See Hakluyt Soc, vols. Ixxiv, Ixxv, and Ixxviii. Mongolia. See Prejevalsky. River of Golden Sand. See Gill. Valley of the Oxus. See Wood, John. Wonders of the East. See Hakluyt Soc, vol. xxxi. Yule, P., Major-Gen. Remarks on the disputed North-Western Boundary of New Bruns- wick. 2nd edition. Lond. 1838. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. x.) Breakwaters and buoys of vertical floats. Lond. i860. (8vo Pamphlets, 2nd series, vol. Ivi.) z. Zahrtmann, Vice-Admiral. Danish Pilot. Svo. Lond. 1S53. Zastrow, A. V. Histoire de la Fortification Permanente. Trans- lated by Capt. Neuens. 8vo., with Folio Atlas. Ei. Abingdon, Drainage of. Ewart (1868). Aborigines. Bannister (1830). Aboukir, Battle of, 1798. Berry, E. (1798). Naval IIistory(i829). Graviere(i853>. Abyssinia. Abyssinia. Ilakluyt Soc., vol. 64. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 15. Lobe (1728). Valentia (1809). Pearce, N. (1831). Russell, M. (1833). Baker, Sir S. (1867). Dufton (1867). Haly (1867). Blanc (18C8). Henty(i868K MSS. Abyssinia (1868). Blanford (1870.) Wilkins {1870). Wylde (1888). Campaign, 1867-8. Campaigns. Haly (1867). Henty (1868). .Stumm (1868). Ilozier (1869). Markham (1869). Seckendorfi" (1869). Holland {1870). Captivity in. Blanc (1868). Survey. Abyssinia. Accidence for young Seamen. Smith, John (1626). Accidental Explosions. Aber(i875). Accidents. Mines. Longmore (1874). Abel (1888). Railway. Clerk, H. (1868). Acclimatisation. Acclimatisation Soc. Accomplished Tutor. Hod son (1802). Accoutrements, Magazine. Oliver, \V. S. Achilli, Dr. Giacinto. Eardley (1S50). Acids. Patent Office. Acorn Yacht. Burghall (1798). Acoustics. Engineers, Royal (1868). Tyndall (1869). DesChanel (1872). Active Service in Foreign Lands. Young, A. G. (1888). Acts of Parliament. Act for Arming the Nation, 1803. Army, Military Law (1803). Fairlmrn {1S03). Army Regulation Act, 1871. Anson, A. (1873). Clan Act. MSS., Scolland. Contagious Diseases Act, 1866. Acts. Garrett (1870). Lane, J. R. (1870). Income Tax Act. Paget (1842). Irish Disturbance Act, 1833. Simmons (1833). Militia Act, 1882. Acts. Mutiny Act. Army, Military Law. Hough (1825). Simmons, T. F. (1S33). Navy (1S56, 1S63). Parsons (1875). Occasional and Schism Act. Acts (17 15). Reserve Forces Act, 1872. Acts. Scotland. Records (1814-24). Adam, Sir F., General. Reumont (1855). 2 Y 690 INDKX. Adaption of Nature. Kidd, J. (1S3O). Adele. MiiUn. r ( 1S34). Adjutants, riiiclwult (1797). Schcel (1874). Administrations of Great Britain. Carr, F. C. (1S69). Admirals. Campbell, Dr. J. (iSi^. Southey (1833-40). (.s',v also "Naval Biography "J- Admiralty. Admiralty. Catalogues. Monson. Navy (1755). Penrose (1830). Cockbiun (1855). Rohmson, Sir S. (1871). Trotman (1872). Records (1S71-4). Beresford (1888). Circulars. Navy, Orders. High Court of. Robinson, C. (180S-12). Edwards, T. (1812). Curtis, c;. T. (1S39). Rothery (1873)- Advanced Guards. Cavalry (1S13). Thompson, T. r.(iS25). Leach (1835). Thomas, J. W. {1S71). Chenevix-Trcnch (1S78). Army, Orders (1887). Advancement of Learning. Bacon (1825). "Adventurer." Chalmers, A. (1S23). Johnson, S. (1792). Advocates, College of. Catalogues, Books. iEdes Hartwellianae. Smyth, \V. H. (1851, 1864). ./Egean. Sec " Archipelago, Grecian." • \ ./Egis of England. Cartwright {1804, 1806). Evans, M. (1817). .^ronautics. Patent Office. France, Army, Reunion des Officiers. Turnor (1865). May, G. (1885). Tissandier (1SS5). Hutchinson, W. N. (18S8). Afghanistan. Afghanistan. Forster, G. (1798). Elphinstone (1839). India (1S39). Wdson, n. H. (1841). Burnes (1842). Allen, L N. (1843). Stocqueler (1843). Barr, W. (1S44). Prinsep (1844). Thornton, E. (1844). Ferrier (1857). Marsh, H. C. (1877). Malleson (1878). Robinson, P. {1878). Taylor, R. (1878). Chavanne (1879). Macgregor, C. I\L (1879). Mayer and Paget (1879). Showers (1879). Bellew (1862-1S80). Harrison, F. (18S0). Walker, P. F. (1881). Bell, M. S. (1885). Goldsmid {1885). Yate, C. E. (188S). Boundary Question. Afghanistan. Vambery (1884). Malleson (18S5.) Simpson, W. (1S86). Yate, A. C. (1SS7). Ridgeway (1888). Yate, C. E. (1SS8). Campaign, 1838-42. Havelock (1840). Holdsworth, T. W. E. (1840). Kennedy, R. H. (1840). Outram (1840). Hough (1841). Wingate (1842). Allen, L N. (1843). Dennie (1843). -"^^^le (1843)- Stocqueler (1843). Stacy (1844). Gleig(i846). Hall, J. H. AY. (1848). Kaye(i85i). [ones, H. H. (1878). Morris, M. (1878). Eyre (1843-1879). Durand (1879). Low, C. R. (1879). Mayer and Paget (1879). ^Yilliams, C. R. (1S86). Broadfoot (1888). do., 1878-80. Campaigns. Chavanne (1879). Eastwick (1S79). Showers (1S79). Le Messurier (18S0). Colquhoun, J. A. S. (1S81). Hensman (1881). Marchand (1S81). Mitford (18S1). Robertson, C. G. (1881). Shadbolt (1882). Yavorsky (18S2-3). Duke (1883). History. Ferrier (1858). Malleson (1878). Mountain Campaign, 1863. Adye, Sir J. (1S67). Africa. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 35. Lighthouses. Pinkerton's Collection, vols. 15 and 16. Dapper (1689). Plaisted (1758). Bruce, James (1790). Park (1799). Clarke, E. D. (1810). Tuckey (1818). Belzoni (1820). Mollien (1820). Dupuis (1824). Clapperton (1829). Caillie (1830). Lander (1830). Denham and Clapperton (1826, 1831). Boteler (1831). Boyle (1831). Leonard (1833). Owen, W. F. \Y. (1833). Holman (1834). Laird and Oldfield (1837). Gillmore (1838). Davidson, J. (1839). Beecham (1841). Masson (1842). M'William (1843). Bryson (1847). Duncan, J. M. (1847). Allen, ^V. (1848). Denman (1849). Beke (1835, 185 1). Cruickshank (1853). Peterman (1854). Wilson, J. L. (1850, 1856). Cave (1859). Ward, H. (i860). Petherick (1861). Burton, R. F. (1863). Si eke (1863). Champlouis (1864). Baker, Sir S. (1866). Horton (1868). Johnston, K. (187c). Reade (1873). Schweinfurth (1873). Livingstone (1874). Long, C. C. (1876). Cameron, V. L. (1S77). D'Anvers (1877). Catalogues, Books (1878). Stanford (1878). Gorrlon, C. G. (1881). James, F. L. (1883). Wheeler (1884). Stanley, H. M. (1842, 1885). Verner (1886). Mackenzie, J. (1887). Wilson, Sir C. W. (18S7). Young, A. G. (1888), Benko( 1889). INDKX. 691 Africa, South. Africa. Basutoland. Bcchuanaland. Pondoland. Browne, E. C. Jones, T. Barrow (1801-4). Rose (1829). Martin, R. M. (1836). Harris, W. C. (1838). Napier, E. (1850). Livingst.jne (1868). Lord, W. 15. {187 1). Malley (1872). Bissct (1875). Silver (1876). Aylward (1878). Gillmore (1878). Theal(l878). Trollope (187S). Wilson, A. J. (1878). Barrett, II. J. (1879). Cunynghame (1879). Earrer (1879). Lucas (1879). Mann (1879). Roberts, C. {1879). Delcagc (1880). Froude (i8So). Braybourne (1881). Weber (1882). Greswell (1885). Duck (18S6). Marvin (1S87). Matthews (1887). " Africaine," H.M.S. Jones, J. (1839). African Horse Sickness. Army Veterinary Dept. (1888). ,, Sketch Book. Rcade (1873). Agincourt, Battle of, 1415. Nicolas (1833). Agra. Clazettecrs (1S41). Agricultural and" Horticultural Society of India. India. Agricultural Society of New South Wales. New South Wales. Agriculture. Agricultural Soc. Australia. Encyclopiedias. Dutton {1824). Liel)ig (1S42). Spackman (1843). Topley (187 1, 1872). Aides-Memoire. Military. Rouvre (1S59). Switzerland, Army (1S70). Engineers, Royal (1S76-83). Naval. Durassier (1888). Aids to Reflection. Coleridge, S. T. (1839). Aikin, Dr. John. Aikin, L. (1823). Air, Resistance of. Grouard (1874). Air Engines. Patent Office. Aix or Basque Roads, Battle of, 1809. Courts Martial, Gambler {1809). Aix-la-Chapelle. Aix-la-Chapelle. Mortier (1736). Akhas and Akha Country. Macgregor, R. C. (1884). Way {1884). "Alabama." "Alabama." Browne, J. M. Haywood. Kell. Alaska. Whymper (1S68). Schwatka (1885). Albania. Hughes, T. S. (1830). Best (1842). Walker, M. A. (1864). Albemarle, George Monk, Duke of. Skinner (1724). Albemarle, George Thomas, Earl of. Albemarle (1876). Albert, Prince Consort. Bmun (1S40). Martin, T. (1875-80). Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. (Tour in India). Russell, W. H. (1S77). Albert N'Yanza. Baker, Sir S. (1S66). Albuera, Battle of, 1811. Napier, W. E. P. (1833). Alcoran. MSS., Mohammed. Alderney. Inglis (183S). Harbour. Sheringham (1872). Ilarcourt, L. P. V. (1874). Aldershot. Army (1872-3). "Aldershottana." Aldershottana. "Alert," Cruise of. Coppinger (1883). Alessandria. Chasseloup de Laubat (1838). Alexander the Great. Curtius Rufus (1658- 1809). Arrianus (18 12). Alexander I., Emperor of Russia. Webster, J. (1830). Alexandria. War, B.C. 47. Kausler (1831). Alexandria, Battle of, 1801. Anderson, /Eneas (1802). Alfsol. Suhm (1785). Algarve. Balbi, A. (1S22). Algebra. Maclaurin (1799). Puissant (1824). Wood, f. (1825). Euler (1828). Bridge, B. (1831). Bourdon (1837). De Morgan (1S37). Hind (1837). Ramclumdra (1859). Algeria. Algeria. MSS. Algeria. Salame (1S19). Temple, Sir G. T. (1815). Decker (1844). Kennedy, J. C. (1846). Davies, E. W. L. (1858). Cave (1859), Orleans (1S70). Herbert (1872). Philebert (1873-74). Gaskell (1875). "Villot (1876). Catalogues, Books (1878). Murray, J. (1878). Rousset (1S79). French Expedition to, 1830-47. Campaigns (1838). Decker (1844). Cave (1S59). Orleans (1870). Philebert (1873- 74). Villot (1876). Temple, Sir (,. T. (1S79). Ali Khan, Vizier. Davis, Sir J. F. (1844). Alidade. Innes, A. (1870). 2 Y 2 692 INDEX. Alkalies. Patent Office. Alkoran. S,r " Koran." Allen's Indian Mail. IVrinilicals. "AUgenieine Militar Zeitung." Germany, I'eriotlical AUier, River. MSS., France. Alluvial Deposits. Yates (1831). "Almanach de Gotha." t'lcrmany, Periodicals. "Almanach Imperial." France, Periodicals. "Almanach Royal." France, Periodicals. Almanacks. Periodicals. Australia. Austria, Navy. France .Germany. United SiaiLS. \Voodley (1S3S). Bennett, J. F. (1841). Walch (1882 . Alnwick Castle. Donaldson (1S56). Alphabetum Barmanum. Alphabetum (1776). Alps. Murcliison. Scheuchzerus (1708). Forbes, J. D. (1843). Roney (1S67). Dimly {1876). Alsace. Frckmann-Chatrian. Risler (1881). Alten, General von. Alten (1831). Altitudes. Navijjjation. Sykes. Roy (1778). Raper (1831). Towson (1849). Poileau (1850). Howlett (1859). Aluminium Bronze. Strange, A. "Amazon," Loss of. Lacon (1852). Amazon, River. Ilakluyl Hoc, vol. 24. Orton (1S70). Ambinavigator Vessel. .Stanhope (1813). Ambition, a Poem, (iregg (1840). Amboyna. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 11. Ambrose, John, Capt., R.N, Courts-Martial (1745). Ambulance. Ambulance. St. John. Switzerland, ;\rmy. U.S., Army, Surg. Gen. Dept. Cherry. Boudin (1855). Geneva (1864). Shrimpton (1J64). Army, Equipment (1866). Evans, T. W. (1868). Longmore (i£65-69). Eyre (1870). Moynier and Appia (1870). MacCormack (1871). Adenaw (1872). Eosscha (1872). Hermant (1872). Templer (1872). Chenu (1865-74). Porter, j. H. (1875). Zipperling (1676). Riant (1878). Stafford House Committee (1879). Delorme (1880). Weatherley (1S80). Esmarch (1870-82). Hendley (1883). Moynier (1883). Waterson (1889). Ambuscades. Quinteau (1884). America. America. liakluyt Soc, vols. 21 and 43. Pinkerton's Collection, vols. 11-14. Harris (1748). Ulloa (1772). Winterbotham (1795). Chateau- briand (1828). Cooper, J. F. (1828). Purdy (1833). Holman (1834). Cooke, W. B. (1835). Humboldt (1836). Short (1850). Amory (1868). Central. Stephens, J. L. (1841). Baily, J. (1850). Stanford (1878). Conduct of France towards. Goldsmith (1810). Discovery of. liakluyt Soc, vols. 2, 7, and 43. Flarris (1748). Becher (1856). U.S. Surveys (1882). Weise (1884). North. Pinkerton's Collection, vols. 11- J 4. Lighthouses. MSS., Sailing Directions. Smith, John (1631). Vancouver (1798). Pursh (1814). Grahame (1827). Richardson, t- (1829). Bouchette (1832). Bonaparte, C. L. (1838). Oldfield (1838). Matthew (1S39). Greenhow (1840). Davenport (1842). Dundonald (1851). Synge (1861). Bate, John (1862). Duncan, F. (1864). Butler, W. F. (1874). Stanford (1S83). Parkman (1884). South, Pinkerton's Collection, vols. 11-14. Lighthouses. Meteorological Office. Juan y Santacilia and Ulloa (1748, 1770). Falkner (1774). Viscardo y Guzman ( I Soi). Faden (1807). Azara (1809). Biggs (1809). Walton, W. (1814). Brown, C. (1819). Smyth, W. and Lowe (1836). "Adventure" (1839). Parish (1839). Osboine (1845). Fitzroy (1848). Orton (1870). Murray, J. H. (1871). Deberle (1876). Stanford (1S78). ■ Beerbohm (1879). Benko(i889). Attaiiplcd Rt-7L-e "Chemistry, Organic." ,, Kingdom. Cuvier. ,, Magnetism. Teste (1S40). " Annales Hydrographiques." IVance, Periodicals. " Annales Maritime et Coloniale." France, Periodicals. Annals of our Time. Irving (1871-79). Annam. .SV,- " Anam." Anne, Queen of England. Boyer (1703 -1735). .\nne (1738). Ilarriscjn, C. (1744). " Annee Maritime." France, Periodicals. 694 INDEX. " Ann^e Militaire." France, I'eriodicals. *' Annuaire de I'Armee Fran^aise." IVancc, Periodicals. " Annuaire de I'Etat Militaire de France." France, Periodicals, "Annuaire de la Marine et des Colonies." France, Periodicals. "Annuaire des Deux Mondes." France, Periodicals. Annuals. Srr " \ car Inniks.'" "Annuario dell' Italia Militaire." Italy, Periodicals. "Annuario Militaire del Regno Italia." Italy, Periodicals. "Annuario Ufficiale dell Esercito Italiano." Italy, Periodicals. "Annuario Ufflciale della Marina." Italy, Periodicals. Annunziata, Chapel of. Calicoti (1S35). Anonymous Literature, llalkett and Laing (1882-88). Anson, Admiral Lord. Barrow (1S39). Antarctic Regions. Antarctic. Weddell {1S27). Ross, Sir J. {1S47). Anthropological Review. Periodicals. ,, Society. Anthropological. Catalogues. Hunt (1866). Anthropology. Anthropological. Anthropology. Periodicals. Hunt (1866). Argyll (1S69). llerschel (1886). "Anticipation." Parliament (1778). Antidotes. .Murrell (1S81). Antietam Creek, Battle at. Campaigns, 1861-65. Antigallican Privateer. Naval History (1757). Antiquaries, Society of. Antiquaries. Antiquities. St'e "Archaeology." Antonius, Marcus. .Stv " Aurelius." Antwerp. Antwerp. Cambrelin (i860). Siege of, 1832. Smith, G. (1832). Aphorisms, Military. Fincati (1882). Aquarium, Brighton. Kent, W. S. Aqueducts. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1873). Arab Warfare. Campaigns, 1885. Arabia. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 32. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 9. Broughton. Niebuhr (1773-1780). Ali Bey (1816). Burckhardt (1829). Owen, W. F. W. (1833). Laborde (1838). Wellsted (1838, 1840). Robinson, E. (1841). Forster, C. (1844). Burton, R. F. (1857). Palgrave (1865). Burton, I. (1875). Sedillot (1877). Arabic Language. Germanus (1639). Gladwin (1799). Hopkins (1810). John- son, F. (1852). Mantell (1886). ,, Proverbs. Burckhardt (1S30). Arab_s, P.aker, Sir S. W. (1867). Arafiira Sea. Earl (1837). Aral, Lake. Wood, H. (1876). Arbela, Battle of, B.C. 331. Creasy (1851, 1853). Arcana of Science and Art. Periodicals. Archaeology. Antiquaries. Archaeological. Catalogues. Encyclopaedias. Mu-. scums. U..S., Army, Engineer Dept. Surrey Archseological Soc. Cutts. Kennet. Sammes (1676). Owen, N. (1777). Adam(i8oi). Grose (i 801, 1812). Josephus (1817). Belmore (181S). Fosbroke (1825). Angell and Evans (1826). Clarac (1830). Potter (1832). Landseer (1835). Pittakys (1835). Yates (1837). Jal(i84o). Fellowes (1841). Wilson, H. H. (1841). Smith, W. (1842). Layard (1849). Murray. J. (1851). Heeren (1853). Fausset (1854). Godwin (1867). Lacombe (1869). Evans, J. (1872). Oliver, S. P. (1870, 1875). Stothard (1876). Archaic Words. Halliwell (1878). Archers, Royal Company of. Paul, ]. B. (1875). Archery. Hansard (1S40). Hargrove' (1845). Toxophilite Soc. (1867). Arches. Rul)eis (1690). U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1858). Archiepiscopal Library. Catalogues. Archipelago. Eastern. Jukes (1847). Elliot (1851). Grecian. Dapper (1703). Harris (1748). Stewart, J. (1826). Emerson- Tennant (1829). Indian, ^'t-'t' " Malaysia." INDEX. 695 Architecture. Architecture. Encycloprcdias. Engineers. Periodicals. Nether- lands, Kon. Mil. Akad. Russia. Bcsse. Kubeis (1690). Capra (17 17). Bclidor (1734). Bardct de Villenouvc (1740). Laugicr (1755). Rondclet (1812-14). Harrison, W. (1814). Ram Raz {1S34). Ricknian (1835). Vitruvius (1826, 1836). Simms (1837). I'arker (1841). IVtric (1845). Pickett (1845). Moseley (1855). Hurnell (1862). Hall, H. (1865). Viollct le Due (1854-75). Wcalc (1876). Penncthorne and Robinson (187S). Buddhist, Simpson (iSSo). Hydraulic. Sec' " Waterworks." Mediaeval Military. Clark, G. T. (1S84). Military. Sde " Fortification." Naval. Architects. Architecture. . MSS., Naval. MSS., Navy. Navy. Shipwrights. Patent Office. Bushncll (1678). Cocks, J. (1705). .Suther- land (1711, 1740). Bouguer (1746). Duhamel du Monceau (1752). Murray, M. (1754). Juan y Santacilia (1783). (iordon, T. (1784) Stalkartt (1781, 17S7). Romme (1787). Nichols (1793). Hutchinson, W. (1794). Knowles (1795). Wilson, C. (1795). Burghall (1798). Charnock (1800). Mackonochie (1805). Money (181 1). Pering {1814). Annesley, W. (1818). Chapman, F. H. (1768-1820). Fincham (1821). Hayes (1821). Layman (1821). Steel (1781-1822). Seppings (1814-1822). Willoughby (1823). Brindley (1824). Dickinson, R. (1825). Chatficld (1832). Radford (1840). Creuze (1841). Holds- worth (1842). Clairbois (1805, 1846). Pearse, J. (1847). Read (1847). Washington (1S52). Lang (1847-53). Couch (1854). White, T. (1858). Jecks (1863). eraser (1864). Fairhairn (1865). Russell, J. S. (1865). "Forbes (1866). Skinner (1866). Grantham (i868). Reed (1869). Fishbourne (1845-1871). Wilson, E. {1871). Scott, M. (1874). Brix (1S78). Very (1880). White, W. H. (1877, 1882). Brassey (18S2-83). Kronenfels (1883). Architecture of the Heavens. Nichol (1839). "Archives fiir die Offiziere der Koniglich Preussischen Artillerie und Inge- nieur-Korps." Germany, Periodicals. Arctic Regions. Arctic Regions. Hakhiyt Soc. , vols. 5 and 54. Meteorological Ottice. Pinkerton's Collection, vols, i and 12. Harris (1738). \'oyages (1773-74). Phipps, C. J. (1774). Manby (1822). Scoresby (1S20, 1823). Franklin (1823). Lyon (1824-25). Gillies (1826, 1829). Leslie (1830). Parry, Sir W. E. (1821-1831). Ross, Sir J. (1819-1835). Back (1836, 1838). Wrangel (1840). Beechey (1831, 1843). Simpson, T. (1843). King, R. (1845). Barrow (1818, 1846). Rae (1850). Shillinglaw (1850). Snow (1851). Inglefield (1853). Maclure (1853). Bellot (1854). Belcher (1855). Kane, E. K. (18S6). M'Clintock (1859). Milton and Cheadle (1865). Osborn (1865). United States (1873). Koldewey (1874). Geo- graphical Soc. (1875). Markham, C. R. (1875). Lamont (1876). P.\yer (1876). Wells (1876). Nares(i878). Howgate (1879). Markham, A. H. (1879). Nordenskiold (1879). McCormick (1884). Schley and Soley (1885). Greely (18S6). "Ardent," Loss of H.M.S. Courts-Martial, Boteler (1780). " Arethusa" Training Ship. Coxhead (1886). Argentine RepubHc. Olascoaga (1881). Navy. King, J. W. (18S0). Very (1880). Kronenfels (18S1). Dupre (1882). Arguin. Grovcr, J. Argyll Highlanders. Army, Records. Ariana Antiqua. Wilson, H. H. (1841). Arithmetic. Bezout (1816, 1822). De Morgan (1S35). Hind (1S35). Clifford, E (1S42). Caspersonn (18J4). Arizona. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1872). Ark, Construction of. Radford (1840). Armed Strength. Armed Strength. Ran (1880-1886). Armada, Spanish, 1588. Monson. Clark, S. (1657). Pine (i739)- National Defence (1588-1798). Creasv, E. S. (1851, 1S53). Jones, F. (187S). Dure (1884). Laughton (1888). 696 INDl.X. Armenia. Norman. Estiennc dc Lusignan (1579). Porter, Sir R. II. (1821). Ainsworlh, W. F. (1842). Hamilton, W. (1842). Williams, C. (1878). Armies, Standing. 5t'£ " Standing Armies." Armour. Catalogues. Cutts. Grose (1786). Walker, J. C. (1S18). Meyrick, S. B. (1S30). Kress (1832). Hewitt (i860). Lacombe {1869). Demmin (1869,1870). Helleval (1S73). Armour Plates. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, No. 17. Chalmers, J. (1865). Holley (1865). Inglis (1865). Cavalli (1866). Renard (1866). Gmither (1868). Whitworth, Sir J. (1869). Dislere (1873). Beltolo (1877). Kriipp 1S70-79). Goiigeard (1884). Gruson (1884). Schumann (1885). Bixby (1886). Browne, C. O. (1887). Klotzmann (1887). Lyle (1887). Schutz (1884,1887). Arminjon (1888). Bunbury (1S88). Arms. Catalogues. Patent Office. France, Army, Commission des Conferences, no. 2. Gheyn (1607). Lostelneau (1647). Daniel (1724). Girard (1740). Grose (1786). Evans (1817). Walker, J. C. (1S18). Meyrick, S. B. (1830). Lovell (1842). Klemm (1858). Hewitt (i860). Barber (1864). Army (1867). Majendie (1867). Lacombe (1869). Tackels (1866-1870). Demmin (1869, 1870). Schmidt (1S70). Suzanne (1870). Picha (1875-78). Egerton (1880). Drummond (iSSi). See also " Firearms," " Small Arms," " Muskets," " Rifles." Armstrong Guns. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 25. Adts. (1861 1862). Artillery (1862). Halsted (1862). Whitworth, Sir J. (1866). Sec also " Artillery." Army. Austria. Austria. Armed Strength. Dillon, H. A. (181 2). Schiess^er (1S34). Favre (1S66). Albrecht (1870). Kummer (1870). Brackenbury (1871). Cooke, W. S. (1872). ' Upton (1878). Seguin (1880). Thlirheim (1880). Rau (1S80-86). Vogt (1887). Bavaria. Bavaria. Campaigns, 1870-71. Helvig (1870). Belgium. Belgium. Armed Strength. Cambrelin (1874). Gerard (1877). C;oethals (187S). Seguin (1880). Vogt (1887). Bulgaria. Seguin (1880). Vogt (1887). China. Wade (1851). Upton (1878). Denmark. Denmark. Armed Strength. Jacquemont (1870). Seguin ; (1S80). Vogt (1887). Egypt. Eg>-pt (1872). France. France. Armed Strength. Daniel (1724). Briquet (1747). Motandre (1768). Guignard (1795). France and Russia (1803). Allent (1805). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Segur, P. (1825). Cochet de Savigny (1838-44). Pascal (1841-50). Torrens (1852). Boudin (1855). Kast- ner (1855). Balfour (1866). Vitu (1S68). Chenu (1870). Chesney and Reeve (1870). Kummer (1870). Pfister (1870). Suzanne (1870). Brackenbury (1871). Clapeyion (1871). Vinoy (1873). Audiffret (1874). Chareton (1874). Fave (1874). Armies, European (1876). Upton (1878). Morgand (1880). Seguin (1880). Trochu (1867-82). Libbrecht (1885). Dally (1886). Deroulede (1886). Weyl (1886). Thoumas (1887). Vogt (1887). Detaille and Richard (18S5-88). Germany (and Prussia). Germany. Armed Strength. France, Army, Commission des Conferences. Hammer. Lloyd (1802). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Fleming, H. F. (1826). Chambray (1834). Helldorf (1S65-67). Caffin (1867). Reilly (1867). W'itzleben (1867). Froelich (1868). Goodenough (1869). Albrecht (1S70). Chesney and Reeve (1870). Kummer (1870). Perizonius (1870). Brackenbury (1871). Bray (1871). HiUl (1S71). Talbot (1 87 1). Whittingham (1871). Stoftel (1871, 1872). Engel (1872). Newdigate (1872). Fort (1873). Reuter (1873). Arnim (1874). Armies, European (1876). Upton (1875, 1878). Kaulbars (1878, 1880). Rascon (1880). Seguin (1880). Tolongeon (1881). ■Hoenig (1882). Bonnet (1878-83). Mezerette (1885). Poten (1885). Rau (1880-86). Goltz (1884, 1887). Kuhne (1875-87). Bell, C. VV. B. (1SS7}. _Vogt(iS87). Great Britain. Army. France. Manuscripts. Periodicals. Watkins. White, C. W. Peters (1647). Dalrymple, C. (1761). Wilson, R. T. (1804). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Pasley (1813). Calendars (1815-20). Dupin (1825). Mounsteven (1842). Faddy (1848). Banister, T. (1857). Haywartl (1857). Jeffreys (1858). Gardiner, Sir R. (1848-59). Parliament INDEX. 697 Army. Great Britain {con/ in tied)— (1S59). Slrickland (i860). Martin, C. (1863). Acklom {1866). IIo- season (1868). Trevelyan, Sir C. E. (1868). Baker, V. (18&9). M.ic- Dougall, P. L. (1869). Wyatt, W. J. (1869). Collcn (1870). Doufjlas, P. (1870). Loch, II. B. (1870). Bevan- Edwards (1867, 1871). J5ray (1871). Colonil), Sir J. C. R. (1871). Dc Ros (1871). Hamilton, W. (1871). lleathorn (1871). Raikes G. A. (1871). Rock (1871). .Simmons, L. (1871). Stoctiuclcr (1871). Trovclyan, Sir G. O. (1871). Whittingham (1S71). Anson, A. (1S73). Mandat-Chancey (1873). Eord (1874). Lysons (1874). Gordon, Sir A. (1875). Gr.aham, Sir L. (1875). Holms (1875). Adye, Sir J. (1876). Webster, R. G. (1877). O'Byrne (1874-78). GrilTiths (1878). Trimen (1878). Upton (1878). Clode (1869-80). Scott, S. D. (1868-80). Seguin (1880). Buxton (1883). Purdon (1884). Rail (18S0-86). Aitken, Sir VV. (1862, 1887). Vogt (1887). Dilke (iSSS). Hector (1888). Hozier (1888). Lawrence-Archer (i 888). [India], India. Bengal (1822-27). Napier, C. T- (1849). Crawford, A. (1857). Jacob, J. (1858). Phillips, J. C. (1869). (Upton 1878). Cavenagh (1879). Stewart, D. J. (1S80). Wilson, W. J. (1882-88). Ar/iiy Circulars. Army, Orders. O'Byrne (1872-79). Army School Certificate. Education, Military. Ca)ididatcs, Discipline of. Graham, J. (1882). Colours. McNair (1866). Commissariat. Army, Orders. Le Mesurier (1798). Airey (1856). Fonblanque (1857). Army, Equipment (1S65). Communications. Army, Orders. Macdonald (1808). Macpherson, H. T. (1882). Webber, C. E. (1882). Furse {1883). Cooking. Acklom (1866). Warren, F. (1868). Deferred Pay. Chenevix-Trench (1875, 1876). Depot System. Lyons, T. C. (1875). Drafts for India. India (1865). Dalton, J. C. (18S8). Dress. Army, Orders. MSS., Army. Dalrymple, C. (1761). Pearse (1808). Europe (1812). Smith, C. H. (1815). Luard (1852). Acklom (1866). Parr(i88i). Vogt (1887). Enlistment. Marshall, H. (1832). Chenevix-Trench (1S70). See also " Recruits." Equipment. Army, Equipment. Army, Orders. Gunning (1838). O'Halloran (1861). Carter, J. M. (1870). Finance. Army. Army Orders. Reide (1805). Fonblanque (1857). Flogging. White, W. (1S23). See also " Punishments." Fuel. Grant, J. (185S). Indian Sej-vice. India. Jeffreys (1858). Ilodson (1859). Chenevix- Trench (1877). Interior Economy. Goodenough (1878). Phipps, R. W. (18S2). Lists. Army Lists. Army Records. India, Army. MSS., Army. Chamberlayne (1755). Millan (1755). Miller, F. (i860). White F. B. P. (1871). Medical Department. Army Med. Dept. Catalogues. Jackson, R. (1803). Marshall. H. (1828). Mouat (1875). Hamilton, J. B. (1883). Mortality. Balfour, T. G. (1847). Sykes (1851). Aspland, A. (1S59). Lawson (1887). Orders. Army. Army, Records. M.SS., Orders. India, Army. Re- serve Forces. MSS., Graves (1801). Oakes (1837). Lucan (1856). Seton (1871). O'Byrne (1872-79). Organization. Baker, E. (11^25). Strickland (i860). O'Dowd (1868). Alison (1862). Chesney, (i. (1S74). Keays- Young (1874). Mouat (1881). Simmons, L. (1 88 1). Maude (1888). Aldcrshot .Mil. Soc (1889). Pensions. Army, Orders, Finance. Marshall, II. (1832). Dislere (1881). Punishments. MSS., Army. White, W. (1823). Marshall, H. (1832). Malcolmson (1837). Napier, C. J. (1837). Purchase. Army. Fonblani|ue (1857). O'Dowd (1S68). Ouvry(i87o). Anson, A. (1873). 698 INDEX. Army. Great Britain [^continued) — Katioiii. AckIom(i866). Aldershot Mil.-Soc. (1SS8). Hickman (iSSS). Kec}»its. Recruiting. Army, Orders. Medical. Army, Orders, Recruits. Marshall, II. (1828). llatton (1859). Noake (1867). Keays-Young. (1874). Sprot(i874). Twyford (1867, 1875). ^'>fe(i875). Graham, .Sir L. (1875). Lyons, T. C. (1875). Saunders (1875). Turnbull (1875). Aitken, Sir W. (1862, 1887). Reform. Stewart, W. (1806). Portiock (1857). O'Dowd (186S). Tre- vclyan (1870). Cecil (1871). De Ros (1871). Fife (1871). Har- rison (1871). Robertson, A. C. (1871). Rock (1871). Russell, \V. (1871). Sullivan (1871). Anson, A. (1873). Keays-Young (1874). Reserve Fund. Ouvry (1870). Short So-c'ice. Chenevix-Trench (1875, JS77). Statute Law. Clode (1877). Greece. Armies, European (1876). Seguin (1880). ,, (Ancient). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Vogt (1887). Hanover. Hanover. Beamish (1832-7). Kneseheck (1S45). Italy. Italy. Armed -Strength. Moral 1570). Du Verger (1866). Rummer (1870). Brackenbury (1871). Mariani (1871). Armies, European (1876.) Upton (1878). Cenni (1880). Seguin (1880). Martel (1S84). Rau (18S0-86). Vogt (1887). Japan. Armed Strength. Upton (1878). Montenegro. Armies, European (1876). Vogt (1887). Netherlands. Netherlands. Armed Strength. Eland (1S70-71). Seguin (iSSo). Vogt (1887). Norway. Norway. Armed Strength. .Seguin (1S80). Vogt (1887). Persia. Upton (1878). Smith, R. M. (1883). Poland. Poland. Portugal. Portugal. Armed Strength. Seguin (1S80). Vogt (1S87). Prussia, ^'t-t' " Army, Germany." Rome (Ancient). Lipsius (1596). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Roumania. Armed Strength. Armies, European (1876). Seguin (iSSo). Vogt (1887). Russia. Russia. Armed .Strength. Warnery (1771). France and Russia (1803). Wilson, Sir R. (1810). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Canski (1833). Deluzy (i860). Fadejew (1870). Kummer (1870). Brackenbury (1871). Armies, European (1876). Russell, F. S. (1877). Cardinal von Widdern (1878). Upton (1878). Greene, F. V. (1879). Seguin (1880). ^Veil (1880). Knorr (1883). Davidson, W. L. (1884). Rau (1880-1886). Vogt (1887). Servia. Armies, European (1876). Seguin (1S80). Vogt (18S7). Spain. Spain. Armed Strength. Sanianiego (1738). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Seguin (1880). Rau (1880, 1886). Vogt (1S87). Sweden. Armed Strength. Frosterus (1765). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Seguin (1880). Vogt (1SS7). Switzerland. Switzerland. Armed Strength. May(i7S8). Seguin (1S80). Bircher (18S6). Vogt(i8S7). Turkey. Turkey. ^Varnery (1771). Ibrahim (1769). Trant (1830). Armies, European (1S76). Russell, F. S. (1877). Seguin (1880). Vogt .(1887). United States. United .States. France, Army, Conferences, no. 9. Craighill (1S62). McClellan (1862). Mackenzie, R. (1865). Upton (1878). Birkhimer (1884). Army and Navy Calendar. Calendars (1886-8). and Navy Chronicle. U.S., Periodicals and Navy Gazette. Periodicals. and Navy Journal. U.S., Periodicals. and Navy Magazine. Periodicals. Contracts. Audiffret (1874). Corps. Army. P'rance, Army, Conferences, no. I. Furse (1883). Directory. Army (1863). Management. Molesworth (1745). Officer's Pocket Companion. Craighill (1S62). Signalling. 6Vt; " Signals." INDEX. 699 Army Regulation Act, 1871. Anson, A. (1873). ,, Staff Organization. United States, Army (1872). ,, Surgeons. Army, Orders, Medical. Hamilton, K. (1794). Henry (1843). Ciurdnn, C. A. (1S70). Munro, W. (1877). Young, A. J. {1888). Arnold's Chronicle. Arnold, R. (181 1). Arquebuses. Glieyn (1607). Arsakina Sound. Russell, T- (1804). Arsenal. Aisenal. Collen (1872). Colquhoun, J. A. S. (1S75). Naval. Arsenal. Melville (1810). I'age {1859). Gougeard (1882). Arsenic. Marsh, J. (1S37). Art. Catalogues. Dictionaries. Encyclopcedias. Museums, South Kensington. Museums, Sir John Soane's. Patent Office. Periodicals. Fairholt. Winkel- mann (1783). Florence (1792). Metz (1798). Dubost (18 10). Murray, J. (1S42). Brande and Cox (1867). Twining (1845-1869). Ure (1860-78). Art of War. See " War.'' Articles of War. See " Mutiny Act." Artillerist's Handbook. Will (1876). ,, Manual. Griffiths (1840-1S73). Artillery. Artillery. Army, Orders. Austria, Army. France, Army (Commission des Conferences). Germany, Army. India, Army. Italy. Navy, Orders. Netherlands. Patent Office. Saxony. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 25. U.S., Army, Ordnance. U.S., Navy. Catalogues. Croudace. Jouart. MSS., Brouncker. Velasco. Smith, T. (1600). Rivault (1608). Ufailo (1613). Furttenbach (1627). Norton (1628). .Sardi (1621, 1642). Barriffe (1643). Venn (1672). Binning (1689). Anderson, R. (1674, 1691). Miethen (1705). Surirey de Saint Remy( 1707). Simienovvicz (1729). Dulacq (1741). Le Blond (1743). Struensee (1769). Antoni (1778-1789). Monge (1794). Urtubie (1794). Landmann (iSoi). Logan (iSio). Congreve(i8i i). Decker (1822). Beauchant (1828). Frith (1826-1831). Anderson, W. (1837). Oakes(i837). Huguenin(i839). Preaux(i839). Schlinimt^ach (1839). Zeni and Deshays (1840). Scharnhorst (1804-1S41). Bartlet de \'illeneuve (1841). Wilkinson, H. (1841). Reinaud and Fave (1845). ^ 'cl (1845). Straith (1833,1846). Piobert (1845-47). Lafay (1850). Chesney, F. R. (1852). Jacobi (1854). Davidson, D. (1855). Mallet, R. (1856). Dahlgren (1857). Jervis, J. W. (1859). Douglas, Sir H. (1829, i860). Adye, .Sir J. (i860 Boxer (i860). Benton (1861). Duhent (1861). Fourcault (1861). Abel(i862). Halsted(i862). Scott, M. (1862). Barnard, J. G. (1863). Gibbon (1863). Army, Equipment (1864). Ellis, W. B. E. (1864). Emerson-Tennant (1864). MacDougall (1864). Owen and Dames (1859-1865). Blois(i865). Fritsch-Lang (1865). Gillmore (1865). Holley (1865). Inglis (1865). Mackay, J. (1865). Roberts, J. (1865). Cavalli (1866). Merian (1866). Muller, F. (1866). Palliser (1866). Brackenbury (1867). Miller, F. (1867). Vesey (1867). Tackels (1866-1868). Elgger (i868). Norton and Valentine (1868). Thomas, L. (1863, 1869). Belgium, Army, Con- ferences, sen I, no. 9, (1870). Moltzheim (1870). Pfister (1870). Rog- netta (1870). Schip.idt (1870). Switzerland, Army (1S70). Anstruther (1838-71). Croggan(i865, 1871). Napoleon III (1863-71). WiUe (1S71). Owen, C. H. (1868-1872). StofTel (1871, 1872). Bucknill (1872). Whit- worth, Sir J. (1858-1873). Everitt (1873). Geary, H. le G. (1873). Moncrieff(iS73). Reilly (1873). Vavasseur (1873). Susane (1871, 1874). Campbell, J. R. (1874). HofTbauer (1874). Leitenitz (1874). Owen (1874). Strange, T. B. (1874). Close (1875). Rendel (1875). Will (1876). Bettolo (1877). Luca (1S77). Britten (1863-78). Picha (1875-78). Hofibauer and Leo (1876-78). Ellis (1878). Lloyd, T. H. (1878). Poyen (1878). Krupp (1870-79). Mason, T. B. -M. (1875-79). Ilolleben (1879). Cooke, A. P. (1880). King, J. W. (1880). Le Barzic (1880). Very (1880). Kohne ■ (1881). Watkin (1S82). Woodbridge (1879-84). Birkhimer (1884). IIolThauer, G. (1884). Morgan, F. C. (1884). Cialster (1885). Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen (1885). Mezerette (1885). Veroggio (1885). Bixby (1886). Conway (18^6). Downing (1886). .Schell (1880, 18871. Birley (1887). Carbutt (1887). Dalton, J. C. (1887). Month.iye (18S7). Plessix (1882-88). Aldershot Mil. Soc. (1888). Birnie (1888). Bun- bury (1888). Hamilton, W. R. (1S88). Longridge (1860-18S9). Gun (1889). 700 IXIH.A. Artillery (,oiitinucJ) — Field. Army, Orders, Artillery. Artillery Inst. Germany, Army. U.S., Army. Macdonald (1799). Simmons, T. F. (1819). Anderson, W. (1837). llauer (1852). Taubert (1856). Midler, F. (1866). Stoflel (1871, 1872). Ellis, W. B. E. (1871-72). Midler, H. (1873). Hoffbauer (1S76). Lloyd, T. II. (1878). Schell (18S0, 1887). Pratt (1887). Stone (1888). Garrison. Army, Orders, Artillery. Horse. Volpini (1879). Mountain, Army, Orders, Artillery. U.S., Army. Miiller, F. (1806). Lloyd, T. II. (187S). Bcckerhinn (1S83). Dalton, J. C. (1887). Royal Regiment of. Artillery. Army, Orders. Army, Records. Edu- cation, Military. MSS. , Army. Equitation. Simmons, T. F. (1819). Gardiner, Sir R. (1848-59). Miller, F. (i860). Chesney, G. 1861). Phipps, R. W. (1882). Artillery Company. Sec Hon. Artillery Company. „ Drivers. Cotton, E. T. D. (1S77). ,, Institution, Royal. Arlillery Institution. Sabine, E. (1S54). ,, Operations at the Siege of Sebastopol. Campaigns, Crimea. ,, Tactics, Netherlands. Geary, II. le G. (1873). Miiller, II. (18:3). U.S., Army, Artillery (1874). Masni, T. B. M. (1876). Ilohuilohe- Ingelfingen (18S5). Schell (1880, 18S7), Sec a/so " Artillery." Artist, War. Montagu (1889), Artists, Society of. Catalogues. Artizan. Periodicals. Arts, Society of. Arts. Sykes (1856), Arundel Manuscripts. Museums, British (1834). Asbestos. Patent Office. Ascension, Island of. Allen, W. (1S35). Gill (1878). Ashantee. Bowdich (1S19). Dupuis (1824). Beecham (1S41). Brackenbury (1S73, 1S74). Hay (1874). MacDonnell, Sir R. G. (1874). Ashantee War, 1824-31. Dupuis (1824). Ricketts (1833). 1873-4. Brackenbury (1873, 1874). Rogers, E. (1874). Ashmolean Society, Ashmolean Soc. Asia. Pinkerton's Collection, Vols. 7-10. Herbert (1638). Strahlenberg (1738). Harris (1744). Clarke, E. D. (1810). Holman (1834). Schlagintweit (1S61-66). Hochstetter (1876). Stanford (1882). Central, Asia. Burnaby. Long, J. Shakespear (1S42). Humboldt (1843). Atkinson, T. W. (1858). Vambery (1864). Michell, J. and R. (1S65). Chenevix-Trench (1869). Cotton, Sir S. (1869). Eyre (1869). Roma- novski (1870). Goldsmid (1873). Michell, R. (1873). Wingfield (1873). Helhvald (1S74). Potto (1874). Trotter, H. (1S7 5). Prejevalsky (1S76). Krahmer (1S77). Boule;er (1S79). Martens (1S79). Showers (1S79). Marvin (1880-85). Grodekoff (1SS4-S5). Lansdell (1SS5). Yate (1SS7). Bonvalot (1S89). Asia Minor. Goltzius (1644). Le Brun (1714). Wittmann (1803). Chandler (1817). Irby and Mangles (1823). Keppel, G. (1831). Raguse (1837). Ainsworth, W. F. (1842). Hamilton, W. (1842). Murray, J. (1845). Lennep (1870). Burnaby (1877). Asiatic Annual Register. Periodicals. ,, Cholera. Witt (1830). Oitou (1S31). Langford (1S33). Stubbs (1S53). I'Jeveridge (1869). ,, Quarterly Review. Periodicals. ,, Society. Asiatic. Catalogues. Tivarekar (1SS6). Aspern, Battle of, 1809. Campaigns (1809). Asphalt. Seyssel (1844). Assam, India. IJutler, J. (1855). Association, British. Sec "British Association." Associations for the accommodation of Officers, &c. Association (1839). Assyria. Rollin (180S). Keppel (1827). Buckingham (1830). Landseer (1835), Jones, F. (1855). Maspero (1876). Astra Castra, Turnor (1865.) Astrological Clock. Smyth, W. II. (1S51). Astronomical Instruments. Bird (1767). iNi)i;x. 701 Astronomical Society. Astronomical. Astronomicum Caesarium. Apiamis (1532). Astronomy. Astronomical See. Cape of Clood IIoj-,c. Edinburgh Observatory. France. Kcole N.-.vale. Greenwich Observatory. Hongkong. U.S., Army, Engineers, I'rof. Papers, no. 12. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. Victoria. Adams, W. M. Bacon. Chalmers, T. E.xhibitions, Paris, 1855. Apianus (1532). Hood (1590). (iaulet (1688). For (1705). Ryland (1772). Juan ySantacilia and UUoa (1773). Wales, W. (1777). Herschel, C. (179S). Laplace (1799-1805). Kspinosa y Tello (1809). Ferguson, J. (1811). Delam]>re (1813). Playfair (1822). Bagay (1829). Francreur (1830). Somerville (1831). Stratford (183 1). Rouy (1834). Baily (1835). Johnson, M. J. (1835). Richardson, W. (1835). MS.S., Ford (1836). Whewull (1836). Gary (1837). Simms (1837). Pearson {1824-39). Iledgcock (1839). Nichol (1839). Lynn (1843). Kerigan (1844). Smyth, W. PL (1S44). Narrien (1833, 1845). Adams, J. C. (1846). Taylor, Janet (1846). Neplunc (1847). Herschel, J. F. W. (1833, 1849). Verrier (1849). Boileau, J. T. (1850). Lee, T. J. (1853). Maclear (1853). Cooper, E. J. (1851-56). G rover, H. M. (1862). Reddie (1863). Guille- mm (1S66). Chauvenet (1868). Shadwell (1856, i86q). Croudace (1873). Chambers, G. F. (1877). Proctor (1877). Airy, Sir G. B. {i8u-8i). Ball, Sir R. S. (1S83). Grant, R. (18S3). Nautical. See " Navigation." Atchison, late Capt., R.A. Courts-Martial (1825). Atchison (i8u). Athalik Ghazi. Boulger (1878). "Athenaeum." Periodicals. Athenaeum Library. Catalogues. Athenian Maid. Pegus. Athens. Pitlakys (1835). Leake (184 1). Boeckh (1842). Atlantic Ocean. Lighthouses. Meteorological Office. Des Barres. Espinosa y Tello (1813). Purdy (1825). Redfield (1846). Kerhallet (1870). Ad- miralty (1875). Thomson, Sir C. W. (1877). Atlases. Moll. Raynal. Wit. Mercator (1635). For (1705). Itinerary (1766). Anville(i8i5). Le Sage (181S). /v/ / Battles, 1792-1815. Woerl (1857). England. Badeslade (1742). France. Mercator (1585). France (1749, 1794). Tyrol. Anich (1774). Atmospheric Railway. Stephenson, R. (1844). ,, Recorder. Dollond. Atomic Weig-hts. Newlands (1884). Auckland Islands. Norman and Musgrave (1S65). Auerstadt, Battle of, 1806. Campaigns. Germany (1809). Augustus Caesar. Bacon. Aural Surgery. Curtis, J. H. (1845). Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus. Bartolus. Austerlitz, Battle of, 1805. Stutterheim (1S07). Tardieu (1S22). Australasia. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 11. P'airfax (1859). Australia. Australia. Ilakluyt Soc, vol. 25. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 11. Westmacott. Harris (1744). Vancouver {179S). Flinders (1814). Holman (1834). Irwin (1835). Capper, H. (1837). Matthew (1839). Teichel- mann (1840). Bennett, J. F. (1841). Cunningham, P. (1841). Grey, Sir G. (1841). P:yre (1845). Stokes (1846). Ilaygarth (1848). Sturt (1834, 1849). Mitchell (1839, 1850). Allen, [. (1853). Burke and Wills (1861). Major (1861). Bate, John (1862). Knight, J. G. (1865). Wrey (1867). Milner and Brierly (iS'ig). Trollope (1873). Mueller (1860-75). Saunders (1875). Harcus (1876). Boldrewood (1878). Wilson, A. J. (1878). Silver (1874, 1879). Heaton (1879). Stanford (1883). Stow (1883). Cooke, C. K. (1887). Birds. Gould (1837-38). Routes to. Australia (1828). Wrey (1867). South. Bennett, J. F. (1842). Harcus (1876). Laiii^iiai^v. Teichelmann (1840). Western. Breton (1834). Buckton (1838). Austria. Austria. Harris (1748). Frankland (1830). Holman (1S32). Kohl (1S43). 702 INDEX. Austria (lOii/iniicci) — rayne, J. 11. (1862). Artillery, Royal (1866). Favre (1866). Ficker {1869). Lnvcleyc {1870). Ilutcliinson ( 1871 ). Hinily (1876). De Worms (1877). Army. Austria. Armed .Strength. Dillon, II. A. ( 1812). Schicssler (1834). Favre (1866). Albrccht (1S70). Kummer (1S70). Brackenbury (1S71). Cooke, W. S. (1872). Upton {1878). Seguin (1880). Thurheim {1880). Rau (18S0-1886). Vogt(i887). Ambulance. Zipperling (1S76). Ca-i'alry. Woinovils (1874). Campaign, 1809. Campaign?. France. Germany (1S09). Thiebault (1809.) relet (1824-5). Dumas (1817-26). Kausler ( 1831). Ense(i847). Woerl (1S57). Cust, Sir F. (185S-63). Fezensac(i863). Vial (1876). Adams {1877). Dul.ail (1S79). Maguire (1887). do. Italy, 1866. Campaigns, Cjcrmany-Austria, 1866. France, Army, Conferences, no. 2. Riistow, W. (1866). Ilozier (1867). Lecomte (1S68). Adams (1877). do. Prussia, 1778, Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). do. ,, 1866. Cani]iaigns, France, Army, Commission des Conferences, no. 5. Cooke, A. C. (1S66). Riistow, W. (1866). Miller, F. (1866, 1867). Caffin (1S67). Ilozier (1867). Reilly (1867). Bavaria (1868). Besser (1S68). Blankenburg (186S). Evans, T. W. (186S). Lecomte (1868). Moltke (i868). Strombeck (1869). Vilbort (1869). Malet(l87o). Clive (1871). Stoffel (187 1, 1872). Vial (1876). Adams (1S77). Dubail (1S79). Iloenig (1882). Kuhne (1875-87). Maguire (1887). Frederick III. (1888). do. Turkey, 16S3. Campaigns. do. ,, I7I7- Kausler (1831). Charles V, Emperor. Leti (1700). Commerce. Wilson, A. J. (1878). John, Emperor of. Stirling-Maxwell (18S3). Jochmus (18S3-84). Navy. Austria. Bridge (1874). Brommy and Littrow (1878). King, J. W. (18S0). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre(i882). Reed (1887). Treaties concluded since 1763. Neumann and Plason (1877-84). Authors, Society for the Encouragement of. Jerdan (1835). Autobiography of a Seaman. Uundonald (1S60). Automatum, Naval. Etyler (1836). Autumn Manoeuvres. Manoeuvres. Gleig (1872). Ava. Ava. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 9. Symes (1800). Yule (1858). Ayacucho, Battle of, 1824. Knox, T. W. (1887). Ayamonte. Earthquake. Earthquakes. Azimuths. Towson (1848). Russel (1852). Croudace (1873). Davis, J. E., and Percy (1875). U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1885). Azoff, Sea of. Raguse (i8?7). Azores. Azores, Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. B. Babel. Mignan (1829). Baber, Zedir-ed-din, Muhammed. Baber (1S26). Babylon the Great. London (1828-29). Babylonia. Rollin (1808). Porter, Sir R. K. (1821). Keppel, G. (1827). Beke (1839)- Backwoods, Canada (1843). Badajos, Siege of, 1812. MacCarthy (1836). Badges. Palliser (1870). Whalley (1875-S8). Perry, O. L. (1887, 1888). Lawrence-Archer (1888). Baffin, William. Ilakluyt Soc, vol. 63. Bagatelles. Wall (1786) Bahamas. Shipwreck (1868). Bacot (1869). Bainbrigge, P., Lt.-Col. Bainbrigge (i85o). INDIA'. 703 Baird, Sir Da-id. Hook (1S32). Baker, Sir W. E., Gen. Baker (1882). Baku. -Marvin (1SS4). Balaklava, Battle of, 1854. Balaklava (1855). Balance of Military Power in Europe. Maurice (1888). Balance of [Naval] Power in Europe. Europe (18S8). Balance Sheet of the World. 1870-80. Mulhall (1881). Balearic Isles. Jasoliuo (1689). Balearic (1787). Bidwell (1876). Balkans. Keppel, G. (1831). Army of, 1870-71. I<"ife-Cookson (1879). Ballads. Lockhart (1841). Macpherson, O. (1846). Ballantyne, Messrs. Lockhart (1S39). Ballistics. Navez (185S). Vigiiotii (1S59). Noble {1863). Benet (1866). Navez- Leurs (1S68). Belgium, Army (1876). Indra (1879). Neumann (1879). Ingalls (1886). Longmore (18S7-89). Balloons. Patent Office. France, Army, Reunion des Officiers. Turnor (1865). May, G. (1885). Tissandier (18S5). Hutchinson, \V. N. (1888). Balochistan. Macgregor C. M. (18S2). Maitland, P. J. (1883). Baltic. Lighthouses. Gibson, F. (1791). Stevenson, J. (1797). Carr, J. (1805). ,, Convoys. MSS. , Convoys. Bandaging-. Canivell (1786). Hill, B. {1869). Shepherd (1878, 1881). Bank of England. Danson. Bank Notes. Cunningham, T. (1778). Banners. Montmorency (1820). " Banni ; Roman patriotique." Erckmann-Chatrian. Barbadoes. Ligon (1657). Barbadoes (1831). Barbary. Barbary. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 15. Hay (1844). Barcelona. Barcelona (169S). Freind (1708). Bards. Walker, J. C. (1818). " Bard's Reverie." ^Iacpherson, O. {1846). Barmanum, Alphabetum. Alphabetum (1776). Barometers. U.S., Army, Engineer Department. Adie. Roy (1778). Dennis (181S). Playfair (1822). Hudson (1832). Howard, L. (1847). Dent. E. J. (1849). Howlett (1S59). Stewart, B. (1868). Laughton (1871). Meteorological Office (1884). Lawson (1888). " Baron of Renfrew." H.M.S. Navy (1825). Baronetage. Baronetage. Crawford, W. (1837). Debrett (1839). Broun (184I, 1844). Dodd (1841, 1854). Barracks. Army, Orders. U.S., Army, Surg. -Gen., Department. Short (1844). Villers (1S52). Acklom (1866). Bogaert (1884). Netherlands (1887). Barren Island. India. Barrow, Sir John. Barrow (1847). Bartholomew Fair, Jonson, vol. 4. Basalt. Mallet, R. {1875). Basing House. Basing House (1869). Basutoland. Basutoland. Browne, E. C. Batavia. I'inkerton's Collection, vol. II. Bath, Knighthood of. Anstis (1725). Bath Archives. Jackson, Sir G. (1S73). Baths. Wheatley. Smyth, W. H. (1830). Jekyll (1832). Green, Jonathan (1834). Este (1845). Neree(i88o). Battalion Drill. Infantr>-. Simes(i777). Snell (1849-50). Macdonald, J. H. A. (1861). ^^llton (1862). Gordon, W. (1886). ,, Reorganization. Army (1873). Batteries, Floating. Bo.xer (1862). Voiniiski (1S66). Moody (1867). U.S., Army, Engineer Department (1883). Battering Rams. Boillot (1598). " Battle of Dorking." Dorking (1871). Battle of the Books. Swift (1814). Battlefields. Chartres (1869). Battles. Naval Hi>tory. Aspin (1820). Ekins (1S24, 1828). Kauskr (1S31). MSS., Nicolas (1846). Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1S53). Graviere (1S48, 1853). Bouet-Wilkaumez (1855). Sanderson (1863). Low, C. R (18731. Knox (1887). Malleson (1S88). 704 INDEX. Battles (ioiiiiniicd)— British Naval. Allen, Joscj)!! (1842, 1852). Sites of. X'isschcr. Aboukir or Nile, 1798. Berry, E. (1798). Naval History (1829). tiravicrc (1853). Agincourt, 1415. Nicolas (1833). Aix or Basque Roads, 1809. Courts-Martial, Camhicr (1S09). Albuera, 181 1. Najiicr, W. F. P. (1833). Alexandria, 1801. Anderson, /Eneas (1802). Arbela, B.C. 331. Creasy (1851, 1853). Aspern, 1809. Campaif^s (1809). Auerstadt, 1806. (Germany (1809), Austerlitz, 1805. Stutterheim (1807). Tardieu (1822). Ayacucho. 1824. Knox, T. W. (1887). Balaklava, 1854. IJalaklava (1855). Beachy Head, 1690. Naval History. Ashby (1691). Torrington (1710). Blenheim, 1704. Blenheim. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Cust, Sir E. (185S). Ferguson, J. (1888). Borodino or Moskwa, 1812. Labaume (1815). Bosworth Field, 1485. Hutton, W. (1788). Burgess (1872), Boyne, 1690. Croker (1841). Buenos Aires, 1807. Courts-Martial, Whitelocke (1808). Bugia, 1671, Naval History. Camperdown, 1797. Naval History. Cape Finisterre, 1747. Naval History (1829). Cape St. Vincent. 1797. Bethune (1797). Graviere (i8!;3). Carthagena, 1702. Naval History. Courts-Martial, Kirkby, &c. {1703}. Kirkby (1705). Chalons, 451. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Chancellorsville, 1863. Campaigns {1861-5). Chesapeake, 1781. White, T. (1830). Columbey-Nouilly, 1870. Hale, L. (1877). Constantina, 1837. Campaigns. Temple, Sir G. T. (1879). Copenhagen, 1801. Olivarius. Graviere (1853). Corunna, 1809. MacCarthy (1836). Custozza, 1866. France, Army, Conferences, no. 2. Downs, 1652-3. Naval History. Bourne, N. Pack (1652). White, T. (1652). Poortmans (1653). Eylau, 1807. Both. Germany (1809). Ferozeshah, 1845. Broadfoot (1888). Ferrol, 1800. Courts-Martial, Calder (i 805-6). Fleury, 1690. Sawle (1691). Friedland, 1806. Both. Germany (1809). Gettysburg, 1863. Ditterline (1863). Knox, T. W. (18S7). Robertson, B. H. (1888). Gorze, 1870. Winn (1870). Gravelotte, 1870. Winn (1870). Knox, T. W. (1887). Halstead {1888). Grenada, 1789. White, T. (1830). Harwich, 1665. Naval History. Hastings, 1066. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Havanna, 1748. Courts-Martial, Knowles (1750). Heligoland, 1864. Liitken (1884). Hohenlinden. 1800. Bulow (1831). Jena, 1806. Campaigns. Germany (1809). Koniggratz or Sadowa, 1866. Cooke, A. C. (1867). Vilbort (1869). Knox, T. W. (1887). La Hogue, 1692. Naval History. Russell, E. (1692). Landen, 1693. Landen (1693). Laon, 1814. Assolant (1881). Leipsic, 1631. Sweden (1834). ,, 1813. Shoberl (1816). Gleig (1852). Lepanto, 1571. Graviere (1888). Ligny, 1815. Jones, G. (1817). Mudford (1S17). Siborne (1844, 1848). Vaulabelle (1866). Gardner, D. (1882). INDEX. 705 Battles continued)— Lissa, 181 1. Naval History (1829). Magenta, 1859. Aclmnl (1S59). Maida, 1806. Mai(la(iSi9). Malaga, 1704. Naval History. Cust, Sir E. (1858). Malegnano, 1859. Achanl (1859). Malo-Jaroslavitz, 1812. Lahaume (1815). Marathon, B.C. 490. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Marengo, 1800. Hrithicr (1805). Bulow (1831). Marengo (1856). Marston Moor, 1644. Lawky (1865). Mediterranean, 1708. Taiil)nian (171c). Metaurus, B.C. 207. Creasy, E. S. (1S51, 1S53). Mobile Bay, 1864. Parker, F. A. (1878). Montebello, 1800. Achanl (1859). Moskwa, or Borodino, 1812. Lal)aume (181 5). Narva, 1700. Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Naseby, 1645. Mastin (1792). Lockinge (1830). Navarino, 1827. Ralfe. Reinagle. Poems (1828). Codrington, Sir E. (1832). Naval History (1832-4). Bogdanovitch (1887). Knox, T. W. (1887). Nile or Aboukir, 1798. Berr)', E. (1798). Naval History (1829). Gravlere (1853)- Orleans, 1429. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Oudenarde, 1708. Dcane (1846). Preston Pans, 1745. Doddridge (1802). Pultowa, 1709. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Quatre Bras, 1815. Jones, G. (1817). Mudford (1817). Siborne (1844, 1S48). Vaulal)elle(i866). Gardner, D. (1882). Sadowa or Koniggratz, i8d6. Cooke, A. C. (1S67). \ilburt (iS6q). Knox, T. W. (18S7). St. Christopher's, 1782. White. T. {1830). St. Gotthard, 1664. Montecuculi (1751-1807). St. Jago, 1781. Naval History. Blake (1782). Saratoga, 1777. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Sedan, 1870. Campaigns. Ducrot (1871). FitzGeorge (1871). WimpfTcn (187 1). Blume (1872). Tiedemann (1872, 1S77). H()ffl)aucr and Leo (1876-8). Duquet (1880). Hooper, G. (1887). Knox, T. W. (1SS7). Solebay, 1672. Naval History. Solferino, 1859. Dunant (1862). Knox, T. W. (1887). Spicheren, 1870. Winn (1870). Stoke, 1487. Brooke, R. (1825). Syracuse, B.C. 413. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Teutoburg, 9. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Tofrek, 1885. Galloway (1887). Toulon, 1744. Courts Martial. Mathews and Lestock. Toulouse, 1814. Lapene (1822). Choumara (1838). Tours, 732. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Trafalgar, 1805. Halloran (1806). Beatty (1825). Na\-al Histor)' (1S29). Graviere (1853). Cust, Sir E. (1862-3). McIIardy (1885). Ulm, 1805. Baring, E. (1870). Ushant, 1794. Poggi(i796). Valmy, 1792. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Vionville, 1870. Hale (1877). Walcourt, 1689. Fcuquicres (1737). Smyth, Sir J- C. (1825). MacauJay (1S49-61). Periodicals, Colhurn's U.S. Mag., 1S84, p. 562. Warsaw, 1831. Paskevitch (1831). Waterloo, 1815. Campaigns. Erckmann-Chatrian. France. MSS., Cam. |)aigns. Museums. \'illette-Chivron. Cooper, J. S. (1815). Ciiraud (1S15-6). Brunswick (1816). Sarrazin (1816). Beaurhamp (1815-7/. (iifford (1817). Jones, G. (1817). Kelly (1817). Mudford (1S17). Gourgaud (1818). " Grouchy (1S19). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Bradfield (1826). Colchester (1829). Kausler (1831). Knight (1834). Clausewitz (1835). Beamish (1832-7). Damitz (1837-S). Jomini (1S39). Costello (1841). Siborne (1844). Mitchell (1845). Knoop (1847). Creasy, E. S. 2 Z ;o6 INDEX. Battles. Waterloo, 1815 {rontiiuicd\— (1S51, iSs^^). Wucrl (1857). Cliarras (1858). Frazor (1859). Brisljane (i860). 'Cotton, E. (1862). Hooper, G. (1862). Ciist, Sir E. (186^). Kcniicily, Sir J. S. (1865). Vaulahcllo {1845, 1866). Cliesncy (1868). Mercer {1870). Albemarle (1876). Ollech (1876). Vial {1876). Adams (1877). Dul.ail (1879). Clinton, II. R. (1881). Northcott (1881). C.anlner, D. (18S2). Lawrence, \V. (1SS6). Quinet (1886). Waguire (1887). West Indies, 1789. While, T. (1830). Wisseinbourg, 1870. Iloffbaucr and Leo (1876-8). WcEfth, 1870. Ilofrhauer and Leo (1876-8). Klein (1879). A',;' alfo " Campaigns" and " Naval History." Baudin, Admiral. Graviere (1888). Bavaria. Bavaria. Harris (1748). Barrow (184 1). Himly (1S76). Army. Bavaria. Campaigns, 1870-1. Helvig (1S70). Bayonet Exercise. Army, Orders, Infantry. Germany, Army. McClellan (1862). Hutlon (1S82). Fox, G. M. (1889). Bayonets. U.S., Army, Ordnance. Chatin (1854). Akerman (1861). Rice (1874). Bond (1884). Bazaine, Marshal. StofTcl (1874). Beachy Head, Battle of, 1690. Naval History. Ashby(i69i). Torrington (1710). Beacons. Sec "Lighthouses." Beams. Hunt, R. (1834). Engineers, Royal (1S69). Bearing Rein. Horses. Beaver, Capt. Philip. Smyth, W. H. (1829). Bechuanaland. Bechuanaland. Duck (1886). (.S^v also "Africa, South.") Bedford, Observatory at. Smyth, W. H. (1830). Bedouins. Burckhardt (1831). Blunt (1879). " Beggar's Bush." Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Behring's Strait. Beeching (1831). " Beiheft zum Militar-Wochenblatt." Germany, Periodicals. Belfort, Siege of, 1870-I. Belin (1871). Geldern (1872). Tiedemann (1S72, 1S77). Wolvfa(i877). Belgium. Belgium. MSS., Belgium. Dewez (1805). Murray, J. (1843, 1853). Artillery, Royal (1865). Villers (1869). Himly (1876). Goethals (1878). Brialmont (1882). Army. Belgium. Armed Strength. Cambrelin (1874). Gerard (1877). Goethals (1878). Seguin (1880). Vogt (1887). Commerce. Wilson, A. J. (1878). Defence of. Cambrelin (i860, 1884). History. Dewez (1805). Museum of Artillery. Catalogues. Penal Code. Gerard (1877). Roads. MSS., Belgium (1815). Surveys. Belgium. Nerenberger (1857). Belisarius. INLarmontel (1830). Stanhope (1848). Belleisle, Siege of, 1761. Smith, W. (1761). Belleisle, Marshal. Belleisle (1745). Belles Lettres. Blair (183S). Beloochistan. Masson (1S42). Thornton, E. (1844). Ferrier (1857). Benares, Massacre of, 1799. David. Sir J. F. (1844). " Benbow," H.M.S. Navy (180S). Beneficent Government. Ijrahmachari (1869). Bengal. India. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 74, 75, and 78. Buchanan, F. (1833). Gazetteers (1841). See also " India." Bay of. Piddington (1839). Expedition to, 1800. Noe (1826). Horse Artillery. Army, Records. Anderson, W. (1837). Military Regulations. India, Army (1812). Military Repository. Bengal (1822-7). Native Infantry. India, Army. Malleson (185S). Obituary. Holmes and Co. (1848). Bentham, Sir S., Gen. Bentham. INDEX. 707 Bentley, Richard. Mnrley. Berenice. iR-lzuni (1820). Bergen op Zoom. Bcrj^en op Zoom (1747). Berlin. Whittinghani (1S46). Rculcr (1873). Court of. Mirabtau (17S9). " Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch." Germany, Periodicals. "Bermuda" Dock. Bermuda (1S70). Bermudas. Ilakluyt Soc, vol. 65. Fisher (1855). Whittingham (1857). Lcfroy (1S77-9). Bern, Duchess of. Dermoncourt (1833). Berwick, Duke of, Marshal of France. Wilson, C. T. (1883). Betanzos Bay. IVllcw (1S04). Beton. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 19. Beulah Spa, Norwood. Weatherhead (1835). Beverloo, Camp of. Peverloo. Bhootan or Bootan. Rennie (1866). India, Army (1873). Bhuddism. Sdc "Buddhism." Bhurtpoor Gun. Aliel (1862). Bible. Bible. Grotius (1727). Bate, Julius (1773). Cruden (1817). Whalcley (1828). Calmet (1830). Gleig(l83o). Credmon (1832). tiescnius (1836). Borrow (1843). Pick (1845). Smith, W. (1863). Moon (1882). Readings. Cust, Sir E. (1848). Society, British and Foreign. Gurney (1832). Biblical Researches. Robinson, E. (1841). " Bibliographer." Periodicals. Bibliography. Catalogues. Dibdin, T. F. (1827). Qucrard (1827-8). Mickiewicz (1S33). Lowndes (1839-42). Brunet (1S38-80). U.S., Smithsonian In- stitute (1887). Bibliotheca Britannica. Walt (1824). Bigaree Canal. India. Billiards. White, E. (1807). Bills of Exchange, Cunningham, T. (177S). Biography. Biography. Ferguson. Plutarch. Crasso (1683). Kent, J. (1781). Johnson, S., vols. 9-12 (1792). Williams, J. (1793-7). Charnock"(l794-8). Harding (1800). Burney (1806). Campbell, Dr. J. (1813). Bingley (1814). Visconti (1811, 1817). Norie (1827). Ralfe (1828). Marshall, J. (1823-30). St. John, J. A. (1831). Maunder (1838). Corney (1839). Southey (1833-40). Swainson (1840). Vicars (1845). Smith, W. (1851-3). Cole, J. W. (1856). Johns and Nicolas (i860). O'Byrne (1849,1861). Smiles (1862). Cust, Sir E. (1865). Kaye(i867). Towns- end (1868). Haydn (1870). Sheardown (1873). Chesney (1874). D'Anvers (1877). Heaton (1879). Gates (1881). Stephen, L. (1885). Laughton (1887). Laurie (1SS7). Birds. Catalogues. Encyclopa'dias. U.S., Army, Engineer Department. Bewick (1797-1804). Sykes (1832). Wilson, A. (1832). Swainson (1836). Bonaparte, C. L. (1838). Varrell (1S43, 1S45). Gould (1837-61). Acclimatization Society (1865, 1867). " Birkenhead." Wreck of. Lacon (1852). Bismark, Prince von. \ilbort (1869). Klaczko (1877). Busch (1879). Bitsch, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Bivouac. Courtigis (1S37). Black Book of the Admiralty. Records (187 1-4). ,, Mountain Campaign, 1888. Wheeler (1888). ,, Prince. IanK>, (1. P. R. (1836). ,, Sea, British Fleet in. Brereton (1856). " Black Watch," 42nd Highlanders. Army, Records. ^LSS. , Army. Blake, Robert, Admiral. Blake. Di.xon (1852). Hannay (18S6). Blenheim, Battle of, 1704. Blenheim. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1S53). Cust, Sir E. (KS58). I'erguson, J. (1888). Blind, Reading for. Frere. Blockade, Law of. Navy, Orders. Dcane (1870). Blockades. .Sir " Sieges. " " Blocus, le." Erckmann-Chatrian. " Bloody Brother." Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). 2 Z 2 7o8 INDEX. Blucher, Prince, (".luiscnau (1S15). Blue Coat School. Wilson, J. I. (1838). " Boadicea," Wreck of. M'Clrcgor, J. J. (1816). Board of Trade. IJnanl of Trade. Boats. Tlionij.v)!!, X. (1S60). Salvage (1867). ,, for Military Purposes. Eyre (1856). Sii- also " Ships' Boats." Boers. Hechuanaland. Hrowne, E. C. Barrett, II. J. (1879). Mann (1879). Roberts, C. (1879). Weber {18S2). Marvin (1887). StY a/so " Africa, South." Bogle, George. Markham, C. R. (1876). Bohemia. MurcliiMin. Harris (1748). Gliickselig (1842). Kohl (1843). Campaign of 1866. See "Campaigns." Boilers. I'erkins, A. M. Berkins, J. (1832). King, J. W. (1880). Holmes, G. C. V. (1889). Bokhara. Kostenko. Burnes (1S35). Stoddart (1844). Grover (1843, 1845). Vambery (1873). Bolan Railway. Andrew (1879). Bolgrad. Wilkins (1857). Bombardier. Belidor (1734). ,, and Pocket Gunner. Adye, R. W. (181 3). Bombardment. Piron (1S72). Bombay. Meteorology. Chambers, C. (187S). See also " India." Bombs. Blonde! (1619). " Bon Jardinier." France, Periodicals. " Bon vieux Temps, le." Erckmann-Chatrian. Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. Bonaparte (1818). Bonaparte, Napoleon. Jft' " Napoleon." " Bonduca." Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Bonneval, Comte de. Bonneval (1737). Bonus System, Indian Army. Phillips, J. C. (1869). Book of the Boudoir. Morgan (1829). Bookbinding. \Vheatley (1SS2). Bookkeeping, Naval. Liddel (1787). Books. Catalogues. Dibdin, T. F. (1827). Querard (1827-8). Mickiewicz (1833). Lowndes (1839-42). Brunet (1838-80). U.S., Smithsonian Institution (1887). Battle of. Swift (1814). Boomerang Propeller. Mitchell (1853). Boots. Starke (iSSo). Salquin (1882). Lindau (1S83). Borneo. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 11. Keppel, H. (1846). Mundy (1848). Burbidge (1880). Hatton (1881). Hornaday (1885). Borodino, Battle of, 1812. Labaume (1815). Boscobel Tracts. Hughes, J- (1830). Bosnia. Ranke (1853). Terstyanzky (1874). Forsyth, \Y. (1876). Bosphorus. Blackwood (1881). Boston Harbour. Callendar (1775). Bosworth Field, Battle of, 1485. Hutton, W. (1788). Burgess (1872). Botanic Society. Botanic Society (1839). Botany. Botany. Horticultural Society. Encyclopedias. Catalogues. Nether- lands, Kon. Mil. Akad. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. Partington. Pursh (1814). Lamarck and De Candolle (1805-15). Phillips (1822, 1823). Hooker (1830-3). Henslow (1S35). Smith, Sir James Edward (1828-36). Stanhope (1836-7). Lindley (1836, 1839). Dillwyn (1839). Candolle (1824-47). Balfour, J. H. (1849). Schleiden (1849). Newman (1854). Mueller(i86o-i875). Jackson, B. B. (1882). Canada(i884). Herschel(i886), Botany Bay. Terry (1838). Boteler, Philip, Capt. Courts-Martial (1780). Boudoir, Book of the. Morgan (1829). Boulogne. IknrydSio). Barthelemy (1825). Humane Society. Boulogne (1837). " Bounty," Mutiny of. Bligh (1790). Mutinies (1794). Barrow (1847). Belcher (1S70). Herbert, D. (1876). IXDI.X. 709 Bourgogne, Dues de. Barantc (1824-6). Boxing. I'.airy, i;. (1789). Boxinj^ (1806). Boyne, Battle of, 1690. Croker (1841). Boyse, S., Lieut.-Col. Courts-Martial (1S26). Bracciolini, Poggio. ShcplKnl, W. {1802). Brachiopoda. Owen, R. (183J). Brachmans. Harris, John (1744). Brahminism. Sykcs (1842). Hang (1863). Brahooe Camp. Stacy (1844). Brain. Monro (1S31). Brainerd, Rev. David. Edwards, J. (1829). Brandenburg. Frederick (1758). Brant-Thayendanegea. Slono, W. L. (1838). Brassey. Lord. Helps (1872). Brazil. Hakluyt See, vols. 24, 51, and 76. Plnkerton's Collcclion, vol. 14. Harris (1748). Lindley (1808). Maximilian (1820). Wilson, A. J. (1878). Navy. Brazil. Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Camara (1881). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1S82). Pilot. Pimcntel (1809). Dessiou (1818). Breakwaters. Cacliin (1820). Groves (1842). Clinch (1843). Yule, P. (i860). iMcCosh (1874). (Sc'c a/so ■' Harbours.") Breda, Siege of, 1625. Hugo (1627). Breech-Loading Firearms. Firearms. MSS., WTiitby. Patent Office. U.S. Army, Ordnance. Tackels. Chesney, F. R. (1852). Berchem (1865). Charrin (1865-6). Majendie (1867). Greener (1871). Fenby (1873). Brereton, W., Com. R.N. Brereton (1779). Brest. Knight, J. (1S02). Hurd (1809). ,, Expedition to, 1694. Carmarthen (1694). Brevet Rank. Perceval (1S62). Bridges. Bridges Patent Office. Gauticr (17 16). Wiebcking (1810). Hungerford Suspension Bridge (1S45). Jackson, T. (1852). Westminster Bridge (1856). Hall, E. (1S57). Gaudard (1865). Engineers, Royal (187 1 ). Britannia Bridge. Jackson, T. (1852). Defence of. MSS., F"ox. Lighting of. United States (1883). Military. Switzerland, Army. Blanchard. Engineers, Royal (1822). Douglas, H. (1832). Thierry (1849). U.S. Army, Engineer Dept. (1849). Meurdra (1861). Bridges (1863). CuUum (1863). Haupt(iS64). Germany, Army (1865). Schutze (1868). Rossel (1S69). Belgium, Army. (1870). Thames. Hall, E. (1857). Bridgewater Treatises. Bridgwater. Kirby (1835). Kidd (1S36). Bridle to the French King. St. Lo (1693). Brigade Drill. Flutchinson, W. N. (i860). Malton (1873). Brigade, Naval. Verney (1862). Brigade of Guards. Army (1855). Najiier, E. (1856). "Brigadier Frederic, le." Erckmann-Chatrian. Brighton Aquarium. Kent, W. S. Brisac, Trial of. Brisac (1803). Bristol, Riot in, 1831. Mackworth (1831). Britain. Sa- " Cireat Britain." Britain, Ancient. Sammes (1676). Britannia Bridge. Jackson, T. (1852). Britannia Ingrata. .Mackie (1837). Britannia Triumphans. Pointer (1743). British Almanac and Companion. I'eriodicals. ,, and Foreign Bible Society. Gurney (1832). ,, and Foreign Review. Periodicals. ,, Army and Navy Review. Periodicals. ,, Association. Briti.sli Association. Sylvester (1869). Wilson, Sir C. W. (1S74). ,, Battalion at Oporto. Knight, T (1834). ,, Catalogue of Books. Catalogues. y\o INDEX. British Columbia. British Columbia. Hamilton, J. P. (1827). St. John, M. (i,S77). Canada (1884). ,, Diplomacy. Ilalilnirton (1872). ,, Gunner. Spearman (1844). ,, Librarian. Lowndes (1839-42). ,, Mars. Rohson (1763). ,, Martial Register. Macdonald, R. (1806). ,, Military Journal. iV-riodicals. ,, Minor Expeditions. Campaigns (1884). ,, Museum. Museums. Thompson. Millard (1S36). Miuray, J. (1S51). Nichols (1 866). ,, Naval Battles. Allen, Joseph (1842, 1852). ,, Pilot. Ikalher (iSoi). ,, Power in India. Aulicr (1837). ,, Remains. Owen, N. (1777). Brittany. Oliver, S. P. Wars in. Xausler (1831). " Broad Arrow." Periodicals. Broadfoot, W., Major. Broadfoot (18S8). Broads of Norfolk and Suffolk. Davies, G. C. (1SS7). Broadsword. Rowlandson and Angelo (1799). Hutton (1882). See also "Sword Exercise." Broke, Sir P. B. V., Admiral. Brighton (1866). Brooke, Sir James, Rajah of Sarawak. St. John, S. (1879). Brooks. Le Creulz (1S04). Brougham, Lord. Hill, M. D. (1869). Brunei, Isambard Kingdom. Brunei (1870). Brussels, Conference, 1874. Brussels (1S75). Buddhism. Francklin (1827). Turnour (1837). Sykes (1842). Schlaginlweit (1S63). Buddhist Architecture. Simpson (1880). Budget, Military, Army (18S2). Budgets. United States (1812). Balfour (1866). Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires. Courts-Martial, Whitelocke (1808). Parish (1S39). Olascoaga (18S1). Buffers. Clerk, \\. (1S68). " Buffs, " (3rd Regiment). Army, Records. Bugeaud, Marshal. Ideville (1881-2). Bugia, Battle of, 1671. Naval History. Bugle. Army, (jrders (Cavalry and Infantry). Elwart (1861). Building Materials. Engineers, Royal (1867, 1870). Bulgaria. Frankland (1830). Terstyanzki (1874). Forsyth, W. (1S76). Long, J. (1S76). Baker, V. (1879). Army. Seguin (1880). Vogt (1887). Bulkheads, Water. Holdsworth (1844, 1852). Bulletins from London Gazette. Periodicals. Bunyan, John. Morley. Buoys. Burt(i8i4). Yule, P. (i860). Bureau des Longitudes. France. Periodicals. Burgoyne, Right Hon. John. Fonblanque (1876). Burgoyne, Sir John. Wrottesley (1S73). Burke and Wills Exploring Expedition. Burke and Wills (1861). Burke, Edmund. Morley. Burmah. Burmah. Gordon, C. A. Ava (1S27). Marshall, J. (iS^o). Maw (1832). Laurie (1853, 1854). Wylie (1859). Williams, C. (i'S68). Yoe ["Shway Yoe"] (18S2). Gill, W. (1883). Phayre (18S3). Geary, G. (1886). Avera(iS87-8). Browne, E. C. (18SS). Younghusband (1S8S). Campaign, 1824-6. Snodgrass (1827). Wilson, H. H. (1827). Marshall, J. (1S30). do. 1852-3. Laurie (1853, 1854). Burney Manuscripts. Museums, British (1840). Burns, Robert. Morley. Burrish, G., Capt. Courts-Martial (1745). Burton, Major-Gen. Courts-Martial (1804). indilx. 711 Bush Fighting. Alexander (1873). Sec- also " Savapje Warfare." Bush Life. Ilaygarth (1S48). Bute Docks. Smyth, W. II. (1840). Byng', John, Admiral. Hyng. Courts- .Martial. Byron, George Gordon, Lord. Morley. Hunt, L. (1S2S). Gait (1831). c. "Cabalva," Wreck of. Dennis (181S). Cabinet, Military. Cooper, T. H. (1809). Cabins, Ships. Anderson, \V. L. (1S73). Cables. Bmnton (1815). Pering (1819). Cordage {182 1). Telegraph. Bodie. Heath, L. G. (1859). Selwyn, J. H. (1862). Cabul. Afghanistan. Klphinstone (1839). liurnes (1842). Barr, W. (1844). Robinson, P. (1878). Showers (1879). Harrison, F. (18S0). British Occupation. See " Campaigns," 1878-80. Cadet to Colonel. Seaton (1877). Cadets. Military. Postans (1842). Naval. Nares(i86o). Boyd (1864). Cadiz. Cocklmrn (18 15). Sykes (1838). Caesar in Kent. (Vine (1887). Caesarea. See "Jersey." Caffraria. See " Kafiraria." Calabria. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 5. Calculus. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. Hall, T. G. (1S37). Calcutta. Cyclone, 1864. Denham and Dando (1865). Gastrcll and Blanford (1S66). Calcutta Journal. India. Calendar of Victory. Johns and Nicolas (i860). Calendarium Inquisitionum. Records (1806-28). Calendars. Calendars. MSS., Kalendar (1757). Mackenzie (1S21). Victoria (1S72). California. Forl)es, A. (1839). Bennett, F. D. (1S40). Greenhow (1S44). Mit- ford (1SS8). Calisthenics. Chiosso (1854). Maclaren (1862-1877). Cambist. Kelly, P. (183 1-5). Cambodia. Ilakluyt Soc. , vol. 39. Cambridge Asylum. Cambridge Asylum (1851). ,, University. Cambridge. Calendars (1839-44). Airy, Sir G. B. (1844) Cambuskenneth Monastery. Cambuskenneth (1872). Camden Society. Croker (1841). Camelford, Lord. Camelford (1804). Cameroons Mountains. Burton, R. F. (1863). Camp, the Court, and the Clubs. Gronow (1872). Camp Life. Lord, W. B., and Baines (1871). Lucas (1878). See also " C.xstra mentation. "). " Campagne en Kabylie." Erckmann-Chatrian. Campaigning, Art of. Gaudi (1768, 1821). Gallon (1855). Campaigns. Greece, B.C. 431-404. Thucydides (1545, 1812). Conquest of Persia, B.C. 331. Harris, John (1744). First Punic War, B.C. 264. Kausler (1831). Second Punic War, B.C. 218. Guillaume (1812). Hannibal (1S20). Larau/.a (iS2()). Wickliam ( 1828). .Macdougall, P. S. (1858). Gallic Wars, B.C. 222-55. Cixsar (1655, 1819). K.iusler (1S31). Jewish Wars. I(»epluis (1817). Civil War in Rome, B.C. 50. Kausler (1S31). Alexandria, B.C. 47. Kausler (1831). Crusades, 1095 1291. .Michaud (1825-9). Kauskr (1831). 712 INDEX. Campaigns (lont/ninii) — France, 1345-6. liror (1791). Kauslcr (1831). Brittany, 1364. Kauslcr (1S51). Civil War in Flanders, 1382. Kausler (1831). Turkey and Tartary, 1402. Kausler (1831). Cyprus, 1571. I iiavicrc ( 18.SS). Netherlands, 1555 89. Sirada (1727). Kauslcr (183 1). Civil War in England, 1642. Campaigns. Cromwell. Town.send. MSS., Lovell (1643). (Houcester (1643-4). Ricraft ( 1647). •'^P^igge (1647). Ru- pert (1650). Warwick (1701). Whitelocke (1732). Hooper, J. (1738). Clarendon (1702-1807). Burton, T. (1828). Guizot (1841). Gary, H. (1842). Vicars (1845). Warburton (1849). Thomas, V. (i860). Catter- mole (1866). Cust, Sir E. (1867). Rasing House (1869). Wallington (1869). Deane, T- R. (1870). Parliamentary Ofiicers (1873). Rigaud (1880.) Greville"(iS86). Wajford (1886). Gardiner, .S. R. (1886-9). Thirty Years War, 1618-48. Francheville (1772). Gustavus Adolphus (1790). Kausler (1831). Clausewitz (1837). Gindely (1845). Cust, .Sir E. (1865). Gardiner, .S. R. (1847). Vial{i876). Charveriat (1878). France, 1643-52. France (1652). Claupcwitz (1837). Dubail (1879). Netherlands, 1653-68. Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Clausewitz (1837). Vial (1876). Hungary, 1664. Montecuculi (1751-1807). Netherlands, 1672-7. Bentivoglio (1678). Beaurain (1674-82). Feu- (juieres (1737). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Dubail (1879). Austria and Turkey, 1683. Campaigns. Ireland, 1689-90. I'arker, R. (1747). Croker (1841). Witherow (1873). Netherlands, 1689-96. Flanders. Sawle (1691). D'Auvergne (1693-6). Feuquieres (1737). Drake, P. (1755). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1S25). Clause- witz (1837). Denmark and Sweden, 1700. Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Sweden, Poland, and Russia, 1700. Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Russia and Turkey, 1709. Russell, F. S. (1877). War of Succession in Spain, 1701-13. Campaigns. Barton (1702). Blenheim (1704). Freind (1708). Boyer, A. (1703-13). Brodrick (1713). Bosc (1736-7). Feuquieres (1737). Kane, R. (1747). Carleton (1809). Addison (1811). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Kausler (1831). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Vault (1835-62). Vial (1876). Dubail (1879). St. Pierre (1882). Maguire (1887). Parnell (1888). Netherlands, 1702-14. Marlborough. Lediard (1736). Bosc (1736-7). Dumont (1729-47). Parker, R. (1747). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Bucke (1839). Deane, J. M. (1846). Coxe, W. (1847-8). Austria and Turkey, 1717. Kausler (1831). Russia and Turkey, 1735. Russell, F. S. (1877). Italy, 1745. Goudar (1751). Buonamici (1753). Kausler (1831). Flanders, 1744-48. Campaigns. MSS., Campaigns. Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Kausler (1831). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Maguire (1887). Prussia, 1740-79. Campaigns. Rouge (1741, 1754). Voltaire (1756). Dobson (1763). Kausler (1831). Seven Years War, 1756-63. Campaigns. MSS., Campaigns. Bawr. Lloyd and Tempelhoff. Courts-Martial, Sackville (1760). Dobson (1763). Entick (1763). Ramsay (1779). Muller(i785, 1786). Tielcke (1776-87). Dundas, D. (1788). Lloyd, II. (1790). Osten (1805). Jomini, H. (181S). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Kausler (1831). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Ranke(i87i). Vial (1876). Dubail (1879). Maguire (1887). Canada, 1757-60. Canada. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Knox (1769). Ramsay (1779). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1826). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Russia and Turkey, 1769. Campaigns. Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Russell, F. S. (1877). Austria and Prussia, 1778. Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). America (War of Independence) 1775-83. Campaigns. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Murray, J. (1778). Howe (1779). Burgoyne (1780). Corn- wallis (1783). Tarleton (1787). Stedman (1794). United States (1795). Smith, Joshua Hett (1S08). Smyth, Sir ]. C. (1826). Sparks (1829-30). Stone, W. L. (1838). Lushington (1840). Doheny (1846). Cust, Sir iXDi:x. 7t3 Campaigns, America, 1775-83 [^continued)— v.. (1S5S-60). Amory (1868). Konhlanque (1876). Ludlow, J. M. (1S76). Clic-valicr (1877). l''iTt,'ii>()ii ( 1888). Russia and Austria, and Turkeyj 1787. La Coste(i828). Cust, Sir F: (185S-60). Russell. F. S. (1877). India, 1792. Dirom (1794). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). India, 1799. Kcalson (1800). Lushington (1840). Cust, Sir £.(1858-60). Miii,'uirc (1S87). Wars of French Revolution, 1792 6. Campaigns. France. Abeille. David, C. (1796). Money (1794). Brown, R. (1795). (Germany (1795-6). Jones, L. T. (1797). Venturini (1802). Musset-Talhay (1806). Canuel (1817). Gifford (1817). Charles, Archduke of Austria (1818). Kelly (1819). Jomini, JI. (1819-24). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Dumas (1817-26). Saint Cyr (1821, 1831). Kausler (1831). Ense (1847). Calvert (1853). Bunbury (1849, 1854). .Soult (1854). Woerl (1857). Mikhaiiofski-Danilefski (1856-8). Cust, Sir E. (1858- 1863). Shadwcll (1875). Vial (1876). Adams (1877). Maguire (1S87). Italy 1796-1801. Campaigns. France. Dalbe. Dedon (1801). Augereau (1802). Segur, P. (1802). Venturini (1802). Servan (1805). Musset- Pathay (1806). Gifford (1817). Kelly (1819). Jomini, H. (1819-24). Dumas (1817-26). Kausler (1831). Ense (1847). Soult (1854). Woerl (1857). Cust, Sir E. (1858-1863). Riistow, W. (1867). Vial (1876). Adams (1877). Dubail (1879). Magiure (1887). Egypt and Syria, 1798-1802. Napoleon (1798). Egvpt (1800). Ander- son, .-Eneas (1802). Wilson, R. T. (1802, 1803). 'Walsh (1803). Ber- thier (1805). Musset-Pathay (1806). Miot (1814). Noc (1826). Ber- trand (1847). Bunbury (1854). Galli (1883). Burgoyne, Sir T. M. (1S85). Maguire(iS87). "' Germany, 1805 6. Camjiaigns. France. MSS., Campaigns. Musset- Pathay (1806). Gifford (1817). Kelly (1819). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Dumas (1817-26). Kausler (1831). Ense (1847). Woerl (1857). Riistow, W. (1859). Cust, Sir E. (1858-1S63). Fe7ensac (1863). Vial (1S76). Adams (1877). Dubail (1879). Maguire (1887). Poland, 1806-7. Campaigns. France. MSS., Campaigns. Wilson, Sir R. (iSio). Gifford (181 7). Kelly (1819). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Dumas (1S17-26). Kausler (183 1). Ense (1847). Woerl (1857). Cust, Sir E. (1858-1863). Fezensac (1863). Baring, E. (1870). Vial (1876). A.lams (1S77). Dubail (1879). ^Laguire (1887). Russia and Turkey, 1808. Russell, F. S. (1877). France and Austria, 1809. Campaigns. France. Germany (1809). Thie- bault(iSo9). Pelet (1824-5). Dumas (18 1 7-26). Kausler (183 1). Ense (1847). Woerl (1857). Cust, Sir E. (1858-1863). Fezensac (1863). Vial(iS76). Adams (1877). Dubail (1879). Maguire (1887). Russia, 1812. Campaigns. France. Assolant. Philippart (1813). Porter, Sir R. K. (1814). Labaumc (1815-6). Vaudoncourt (1S15, 1817). Gifford (1817). Bouterlin (1824). Dumas (1817-26). Gouigaud (1825, 1827). Fain (1827). Okounefr(i829). .Segur, P. (1825, 1837). Cham- bray (1838-9). Mitchell (1845). Ense (1847)., G. (1S50). Fezensac (1850, 1852). Wilson, Sir R. (i860). Clausewitz (1843, 1862). Cust, Sir E. (1863). Brandt (1868). Stanhope (1876). Nial' (1876). Rambaud (1877). Maguire (1887). 1813-4. Campaigns. France. Erckmann-Chatrian. Odelebcn (1813). Shoberl (1814). Gifford (1817). Vaudoncourt (1817). Butturlin (1818). Kelly (1819). Koch (1819). Artois (1820). Beauchamp (1820). La- baumc (1820). Burghersh (1822). Smyth, Sir [. C. (1825). Dumas (1817-26). Londonderry (1829). Fain (1S25-1830). Kausler (1831). Mikhaiiofski-Danilefski (1839). Mitchell (1845). I'.nse (1S47). Cath- cart. G. (1S50). Gleig(i852). Muffling (1S53). Woerl (1857). Wilson, Sir R. (1861). Clausewitz (1862). Cust, Sir E. (1858-1863). Fezensac (1S63). Charras(i866). Vial (1876). Adams (1877). Dubail (1879) Assnlant (18S1). Jomini, II. (1886). Weil (1886). .Maguire (18S7). Peninsular, 1808-14. Campaigns. France. Erckmann-Chatrian. Mcwre, J. (1809). Neale(l8o9). Eliot (1810). Stothert (1812). Army, Orders, Medical (1813). Blayney (1814). Courls-.Martial, Murray (1815). .Sar- 714 IXDLX. Campaigns. Peninsular, 1808-14 (con/iiiiieJ) — la/iii (KS14, kSiO). Beauchanip (1S15-1817). Rocca (1816, 1817) tlilVoid (1817). Koch (1819). Burghersh (1820). Labaume (1820). StalT(i82i). Batty (1823). Shcrcr (1824). Dumas (1817-26). (Joethe (1826). Foy (1827). Suclict (1828, 1829). Blakistoii, (1829). Col- chester (1829). LoiKlonderry (1829). Fain (1825-1830). Kausler (1831). Minister (1831). Army, Orders (181 1-32). Southey (1823-32). Cooke, J. H. (1835). Langton, K. (1836). MacCarthy (1836). Beamish (1832-7). Belmas (1836-7). Choumara (1838). Napier, W. F. P. (1828-40). Costello (1841). Mitchell (1845). Jones, .Sir J. T. (1814- 1846). Hamilton, T. (1829, 1849). Larpent (1853). Bunlniry (1854). Cole (1S56). Woerl (1857). Frazer (1859). Brisbane (i860). Cust, Sir E. (1863). Fezensac (1863). Saint Cyr (1S65). Brandt (1868). Cooper, J. S. (1869). Napier, Sir W. (1869). Rol)inson, C. W. (1871). Jackson, Sir G. (1872). Vial (1876). Moro (1868-78). Macleod, J. (1879). Clinton (1S81). Northcott (1881). Jomini, II. (1886). Law- rence, W. (1886). Maguire (1887). Waterloo, 1815. Campaigns. Erckmann-Chatrian. France. MSS., Cam- paigns. Museums. Villette-Chivron. Cooper, J. .S. (181 5). Giraud (1815-6). Brunswick (1816). Sarrazin (1816). Beauchamp (1815-7). Gifford (1817). Jones, G. (1817). Kelly (1817). Mudford (1817). Gourgaud (1818). Grouchy (1819). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Brad- field (1826). Colchester (1829). Kausler (1831). Knight, T. (1834). Clausewitz (1835). Beamish (1832-7). Damitz (1837-8). Jomini (1839). Costello (1841). Siborne (1844). Mitchell (1845). Knoop (1847). Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Woerl (1S57). Charras (1858). Frazer (1859). Brisbane (i860). Cotton, E. (1862). Hooper, G. (1862). Cust, Sir E. (1863). Kennedy, Sir J. S. (1865). Vaulabelle (1845, 1866). Chesney (1868). Mercer(i87o). Albemarle (1876). Ollech (1876). Vial(i876). Adams (1877). Dubail (1879). Clinton, H. R. (1881). Northcott (1881). Gardner, D. (1882). Lawrence, W. (1886). Quinet (1886). Maguire (1887). America, 1812-15. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc, series 5. Latour (1816). Gifford (1S17). James, W. (1817-8). Thomson, J. L. (1818). Gleig (1826). Smyth, Sir ]. C. (1826). Cooke, J. H. (1835). Cust, Sir E. (1853). Fezensac (1863). Coffin, W. F. (1864). Cooper, J. S. (1869). Roosevelt (1882). Pindaree War, 1817-8. Campaigns. Pindarics (1818). Lake, E. (1S25). Mahratta War, 1818. Campaigns. Blacker (i 82 1). Blakiston (1829). Spain, 1823. CapeHgue (1823). Burmah, 1824-6. Snodgrass (1827). Wilson, H. H. (1827). Marshall, J. (1830). Russia and Turkey, 1828-9, Alexander (1830). Fonton (1840). Chesney, F. R. (1854). Moltke (1854). Muffling (1855). Monteith (1856). Russell, F. S. (1877). Maguire (1887). Ashantee, 1824-31. Dupuis (1824). Ricketts (1833). Poland, 1831. Brzozowski (1833). Syria, 1839. Napier, C. (1842). War of Succession in Spain, 1835-40. Alexander (1835). Henningsen (1836). Stanhope (1836). Richardson (1837). Somerville (1839). Evans, Sir de Lacy (1840). Costello (1841). Bollaert (1870). Duncan (1877). China, 1840. China (1840). Jocelyn (1841). Belcher (1843). Loch, G. (1843). McPherson (1843). Cunynghame (1844). Afghanistan, 1838-42. Havelock (1S40). Holdsworth, T. W. E. (1840). Kennedy, R. H. (1840). Outram (1840). Hough (1841), Wingate (1842). Allen, I. N. (1843). Dennie (1843). Sale (1843). Stocqueler (1843). Stacy (1844). Gleig (1846). Hall, J. H. W. (1848). Kaye (185 1). Jones, H. H. (1878). Morris, M. (1878). Eyre (1843-79). Durand (1879). Low, C. R. (1879). Mayer and Paget (1879). Williams, C. R. (1886). Broadfoot (1888). United States and Mexico, 1845. Grant, U.S. (1885-6). Algiers, 1830-47. Campaigns. Decker (1844). Temple, Sir G. T. (1879). Sikh War, 1845-9. Campaigns. De la Motte (1845). India (1846). Cun- INDEX. 715 Campaigns. Sikh War, 1845 ^ {continued)— nint^hain (1S49). Ivlwardes (1851). Ilumhlcy (1854). Lawrence Arclier, (i87,S). Broadfoot (1888). Italy, 1849. Kllesniere (1851). Azeglio (1867). Kaffir War, 1850 2. Cathcart, C. (1857). Ward, Harriet (i860). Burmah, 1852 3. Laurie (1853, 1854). Crimea, 1854 6. Campaigns. Ikrliert, S. (1854). Layard (1854). Napier, C. (1854). Ramhaiid (1854). Balaklava (1855). Douglas, IL (1855). Ryan (1855). Turkey (1854-6). Simpson, W. (1855-6). Airey (1856). Army, Orders (1856). Bazancourl (1856). Brereton (1856). Liican (1856). Oliphant (1856). Hayward (1857). Iloseason (1857). McClellan (1857). Sayer (1857). Scrive (1857). Kiel (1858). Rawstorne, J. (1859). Shrimpton (1864). Chenu(i865). Fay (1867). Slade(i867). Vial (1876). Rousset(i877). Russell, I-'. S. (1877). Steevens, N. (1878), Duhail (1879). Russell W. H. (1865-1881). Blackwood (1881). I'acet (1881). Kinglake (1863-87). Maguire (1887). India, 1857. India. Carey (1857). Gardiner, Sir R. (1857, 1858). Adye, Sir J. (1S58). Chambers (1858). Greathead (1858). Guhbins (1858). Norman (1858). North (1858). Orlich (1858). Kaikes, C. (1858). Atkinson, G. F. (1859). ALirtin, R. M. (i8':9). Herford (1862). Verney (1862). Trevelyan (1865). Havelock (1867) Cotton, Sir .S. (i868). Jacob (1871). Grant, Sir J. H. (1873). Kaye (1864-76). Bayley. [. A. (1876). Herbert, D. (1876). Malleson (1878-80). Thornhill (1884). Holmes, T. R. E. (1885). Knox, T. W. (1887). Showers (1888). Persia, 1857. Hunt (1858). Outram (i860). China, 1856-9. Cooke, G. W. (1859). Italy, 1859. Campaigns. Malte-Brun. Achard (1859). Bossoli (1859). Fabrizi (1859). Hirtenfeld (1859). Napoleon HI (1859). Richard, J. (1859). Bazancourt (1859-60). Bruna(i86o). Lecomte (1S60). Miller, F. (i860). Rovighi (i860). Riistow, W. (1859, 1861). Dunant (1862). Chenu (1869). Vial (1876). Adams (1877). Dubail (1879). Duquet (1882). Spain and Morocco, 1859. Campaigns. Hardman (i860). Oliveira (1865). China, i860. Caniiiaigns. Swinhoe (1861). Bazancourt (1861-2). Wolse- ky(i862). Fisher (1863). Rennie, D. F. (1863). Wilson, A. (1868). Knollys, H. (1875). Young, A. G. (1888). New Zealand, i86(M. Fox, W. (1866). Alexander (1863, 1873). Gudgeon (1879)- America (Civil War), 1861-5. Campaigns. U.S., Army, Surg. -Gen. Dept. U.S. Army, Engineer Dept. (1862). Hope, A. J. J. B. (i86i, 1863). Barnard, J. G. (1S63). Dicey, E. (1863). Ditterline (1863). Fremantle (1863). Lecomte (1863). Russell, W. H. (1863). Chesney (1864-5). Gillmore (1865). Nichols (1865). Fletcher, II. C. (1865-6). Borcke (1866). Laugel (1866). Boynton (1867). Duke (1867). Moore, F. (1864-8). Scheliha (1868). Cannon (1869). Lee, H. (1869). Semmes (1869). Bernard, M. (1870). Childe (1875). Sherman, \V. T. (1875). Parker, F. A. (1878). Taylor, \V. H. (1878). Courts-.Martial, Porter (1879). Dubail (1879). Taylor, R. (1879). Bailey (1880). Badeau (1868-81). Davis, Jeft"erson(iS8i). Paris, Comte de (1874-83). Grant, U.S. (1885-6). Northrop (1886). Maguire (1887). Porter, D. D. (1887). Watson, W. (1887). Bigelow (i888). Nicolay and Hay (1888). Robertson, B. H. (i888). Scott, R. N. (1880- ). Naval History. Semmes (1869). Porter, D. D. ( 1887). Germany and Denmark, 1864. Campaigns. Dicey, E. (1864). Gallenga (1864). Manning (1864). Crousse (1S65). Artillery, Royal (1866). Schulze (1866). Strombeck (1869). Liilken (1S84). Austria and Prussia, 1866. Campaigns. France, Army, Commission des Conferences, no. 5. Cooke, A. C. (1866). Riistow, W. 1866). Miller, F. (1866, 1867). Caftin (1867). Hozier (1867). Reilly (1867). Bavaria (1868). Besser (1868). Blankenburg (1868). Evans, T. W. (1868). Lecomte (186S). Moltke (1868). Strombeck (1869). VillKirt (1S69). Malet(i87o). Clive (1871). StolTel (1871, 1872). Vi.-il (1876). Adams (1877). Dubail (1879). Hoenig (1882). Kuhne (1875-87). Maguire (1887). Frederick III (18S8). 7l6 IXDKX. Campaigns (ayntinind) — Italy, 1866. Campaigns, Geriiiany-Auslria, 1S66. France, Army, Confer ences, no. 2. Rlistow) W. (1866). llozier (1867). Lecomte (1868). La Marmora (1873). Adams {1877). Abyssinia, 1867-8. Campaijjns. Ilenty (1868). Stumm (1868). liozier (1S69). Markham (1869). Seckcndorff (1869). Holland (1870). France and Germany, 1870-I. Campaigns. Allnut. Coessel. Hozier. All)rL-clu (1870). J5ois-Rcymond (1870). Frossard (1870). Ileylli ( 1870). Knollys (1870). Menger (1S70). Pirn (1870). Riistow, W. (1870). Winn {1870). Glasenapp (1870-1). Baralier (1871). Belin (1871). Bordone (1871). Clapeyron (1871). Coflinieres de Nordeck (1871). Ueligny (1871). Dcrrecagaix (1871). Ducrot (1871). Faidherbe {1871). Fischhack {1871). Fitz-George (1871). Leclerq (1871). AlacCormack (1871). Manchester (1871). Michelet (1871). Salicis (1871). .Staple- ton (1871). Wimpffen (1871). Wolowski (1871). Wiirttemlxng (1871). Yriarte (1871). Niemann (1S71, 1872). Vandevelde (1S71- 2). Adenaw (1872). Ambulance (1872). Andlau (1872). Blume (1872). Bosscha (1872). Engel (1872). Helvig (1872). Paladines (1872). Pallieres (1872). Ronciere-le-Noury (1872). .Seton (1872). Vinoy (1872). War- tensleben (1872). Bone (1871, 1873). Schell (1872, 1873). Besser (1873). Borbstredt and Dwyer (1873). Goeben (1873). Goltz (1873). Gordon, C. A. (1873). Hahuke (1873). Chenu (1874). Hoffbauer (1874). Kaehler (1874). Lohlein (1S74). Russell, W. H. (1874). .Stoftel (1874). Strange, T. B. (1874). Fabre (1875). Goetze (1875). Vial (1876). Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Adams (1877). Pratt (1877). Boguslawski (1872-78). Hartmann (1876-78). Hoftbauer and Leo (1876-8). Darimon (1878). Busch (1879). Lacroix (1879). Patry (1879). Dubail (1880). Estorff(i88o). Risler (1881). Diiquet (1882). Hoenig (1882). Rothan (1882). Bazaine (1870-83). Bonnet (1878-83). Lebrun (1884). Herisson (1885). Catalogues, Books (1871, 1886). Lehautcourt (1886). Stone, F. G. (1886). Franklyn (18S7). Hooper, G. (1887). Knox, T. W. (1887). Maguire (1887). Washburne (1887). Bastard (iSSS). Frederick III (1888). Halstead (1888). Sheridan (1SS8). Looshai Campaign, 1871. Campaigns. Woodthorpe (1873). Ashantee, 1873-4. Brackenbury (1873, 1874). Rogers, E. (1874). Russia and Turkey, 1877-78. Campaigns. Millet. Norman. Cory (1876). Boyle, P\ (1S77). Hartmann (1876-78). Cardinal von Widdern (1878). Coope(i878). Trotha (1878). Williams, C. (1878). Lecomte (1877-79). Farcy (1879). Fife-Cookson (1879). Greene, F. V. (1879). Hozier (1879). Stafford House Committee (1879). Dubail (1880). Bornecque (1881). Hobart Pacha (1885). Knox, T. W^ (1887). Maguire (1887). Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Kaffir War, 1877-78. Norbury (1S80). Parr (1880). Zulu War, 1879. Campaigns. Barrett, H. J. (1879). Deleage (1880). Norbury (1880). Norris-Newman (1880). Parr (1880). Army, Veterinary r:)ept. (1 88 1). Afghanistan, 1878-80. Campaigns. Chavanne (1879). Eastwick (1S79). Showers (1879). Le Messurier (1880). Colquhoun, J. A. S. (1881). Hensman (18S1). Marchand (1881). Mitford (1881). Robertson, C. G. (1881). Shadbolt (1882). Yavorsky (1882-3). Duke (1883). Chili and Peru, 1879-81. Arana (1881-82). U.S., Naval InteL Office (1885). Orrego (18S6). Knox, T. W. (1887). Eg^pt, 1882. Campaigns. Macpherson, H. T. (18S2). Vogt (1883). Broadley (1884). U.S., Naval Intel. Office (1885). Archer, T. (1886). Royle(i886). Maguire (1887). Maurice (1887). Soudan, 1884-5. Campaigns. Mayne(i884). Army, Veterinary Dept. (1885). Brackenbuiy (1885). Wilson, Sir C. W. (1885). Archer, T. (1886). De Cosson (1886). Parry, E. G. (1886). Royle (1886). Butler, W. F. (1887). Galloway (1887). Macdonald (1887). Maguire (1887). Gleichen (1888). Wylde (1888). Great Campaigns in Europe, 1796-1870. Adams, C. (1877). Wars of Queen Victoria's Reign. Armytage (1886). Netherlands, 1659-1815. Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Sec also " Military History " and " Battles." INDEX. 717 Campbell, Colin, Lord Clyde. Sie "Clyde." Campbell, Sir Neil, Major-Gen. Campbell (1869). Camperdown, Battle of, 1797. Naval History. Campobello. CainpobLllo (1S39). Camps. Beverloo. Beverloo. Brahooe. Stacy (1S44). Compiegne, 1739. Turmel (1761). Kildare, Curragh of. Engineers, Royal (1858). Si'L a/.\o " Castraiiictation." Camps of Instruction. Army (1871). Canada. Canada. I'inkerton's Collection, vols. 12 and 13. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Kente. Walker, Sir 11.(1720). Great Britain (1757). Duncan, J. M. (1823). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1826). Mact.aggart (1829). Bouchette (1832). America (1839). Bonnycastle (1842). Magrath, E. (1853). Ross, D. (1856). Coffin, W. F. (1864). Kirke (1871). Duncan, F. (1870, 1872). Haliburton {1872). White, W. (1872). Fletcher, H. C. (1875). Silver (1881). Fleming (1884). British Association (1885). Mitford (1888). Botany. Canada (18S4). Campaign, 1757-60. Canada. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Knox (1769). Ramsay (1779). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1826). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60)- Canadian Pacific Railway. Canada (1874). Census. Canada (1873). Commerce. Wilson, A. J. (1878). Conquest of. Canada (1850, 1872). Defence. Fletcher, H. C. (1S75). Expedition from, 1775-76. Burgoyne (1780). Geology. Canada (1SS1-S5). Governor-General's Body Guard. Denison, F. C. (1876). Grand Trunk Railway. Tyler (1867). History. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. .Soc. Inland Navigation. Canada (1875). Invasion, 1775-76. Badeaux. Ramsay (1779). Parkman (1884). Militia. Canada. Davis (1873). Fletcher (1873). Natural History. Canada (i 88 1-85). Palaeontology. Canada ( i S85 ). Public Accounts. Canada (1872-75). Rebellion, 1838. Courts Martial (1839). Drew (1864). Rebellion, 1885. Can.ada (18S6). Royal Society. Canada. Volunteers. Canada (1872-4). Canals. India. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 22. Priestley (183 1). Railways (1832). U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1873, 1874). United States (1874.). Ganges. Cautley (i860). Panama. U.S., Surveys. Gl}-nn (1849). Cullen (1S53). Lesseps (1880). Peacock (1 88 1). Paumben. Robertson, G. (1873). Suez. Suez Ship Canal. Vetch (1843). Lesseps {1855-57). Kenney (1857). Lange(i859). Oliveira (1863). Aytoun (1870). Richards and Clarke (1870). Canaries, llakluyt Soc, vol. 46. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 16. Candahar, British Occupation, i'eff " Campaigns, 1878-80." Candia. Candia. Dapper (1703). Spratt (1865). Canina, L. Donaldson (1856). Canning, George. Canning (1827). Arg)ll (1865). Cannon. .S'lV " Ordnance." Canterbury Tales. Chaucer (1775). ,, ,, New. Army(iSii). Canton River. Wyl. Wilson, A. (1868). Chinese Grammar. Morrison, R. (1815). ,, Language. Guignes (1813). Morrison, R. (1815). ,, Puzzle. China. Chinese Tartary. Atkinson, T. W. (1858). Chio. Set- " Scio." Chips from a German Workshop. Miiller, F. Max (1867-75). Chirqui. U.S., Smithsonian Institution (1887). Chirurgery. .SVe " Surger)'. " Chittagong. India. Chivalry. Baronetage. Knighthood. MSS., Knighthood. Legh (1568). Anstis (1725). Perrot (1820). James, G. P. R. (1830). Crawford, W. (1837). Carlisle (1839). Debrett (1839). Berry, W. (1828-40). Nicolas (1842). Broun (1841, 1844). Dodd (1841, 1854). Libert (1856). Blanche {1859). Steenackers(i867). Aveling(i873). Lawrence-Archer (1881). Hunter(i88l). Chivalry of Mercantile Marine. Burn (1841). Cholera. Witt (1830). Orton (1831). Searle (1831). Ilamett (1832). Jekyll (1832). Smith, E. H. (1832). Langford (1833). Gillkrest (1848). Slubbs (1853). Haly(i866). Beveridge (1869). La-\vson (1888). Chovvpatty Hill. Cowasjee (1832). "Chrestomathia." Bentham, J. (1816). Christianity. Synge (1759). Grotius (1804). Addison (181 1). Chalmers, T. (1836). Gardiner, F. A. (187 1). Christ's Hospital. Wilson, J. I. (1838). Chromatics. Sowerby, J. (1809). Smith, W. H. (1864). Chronicals. Villani (1823). Monstrelet (1840). Froissart (1S39, 1S81). Chronicles of Eri. O'Connor (1822). Chronograph. Bashforth (1866-80). Chronology. Andrews, J. P. (1794). Lempriere (1804). Lavoisne (1807). Le Sage(l8l8). Tegg(i824). Nicolas (1838). Blair (1844). Ileaton (1879). ILaydn (1881). Naval. Steel. Schomberg (1802, 1815). Ralfe (1820). Norie (1827). MSS., Nicolas (1846). Chronometers. Greenwich Observatorj'. Patent Office. Owen, R. Cassini (1770). Arnold (1788). Dent, E. J. (1841-42). Thomson, A. (1842). Shadwell (1855, 1861). Chronoscope. Navez (1858). Vignotti (1859). Noble (1863). Benet (1866). Navez-Leurs (1868). Belgium, Army (1876). Indra (1879J. Neumann (1879). Ingalls(i886). Longmorc (1887-89). 3 A 722 INDKX. Church. England. Burnet (1S29). riunrh (1S33 -34). BickcrsUUi ( 1S42). Clergy List (1S86, 1 888). Ireland. luriLnrd (1S43). Robertson, J. (1843). Roman Catholic. Scotland (1714). Mtnglicr (1823). AVysc (1829). Dens (1S36). Oaths (1844). Eardley (1S50). I'owell (1871). Russia. iMouraviefi (1842). Cinque Ports. Martin, K. B. (1832). Burrows (1888). Cintra, Convention of. Spain (1739). Dalrjniple, H. (1808). Hague (i8c8). Stiickdalc (1809). Circassia. Spencer, E. (1S39). Cameron, G. P. (1S45). Circle Tracks. Russel (1852). Circumnavigation. Ilakluyt Soc, vols. 16 and 52. Pinl'crton's Collection, vol. II. Harris (1744). Walter, R. (1749, 1769)- Voyages (1773-74)- I'crouse (179S). Kotzebuc (1830). Holnian (1834). La])lace (1S33-35). " Adventure " (1832-36). Belcher (1843). Simpson, G. (1S47). ]5ernhardi (1856). Scherzer (1861). Duperrey (1866). Darwin (1876). McCormick (18S4). Circumpolar Stars. Airy, Sir G. B. (1838). Civil Employment. Hawks (1S87, 1S88). Civil Engineer and Architects Journal. Periodicals. Civil Engineering. Catalogues. Engineers. India, Thomason. Periodicals. U.S., Engineers. Trery. Albertus (1799). Hebert (1836-37). Simms (1837). Stevenson, D. (1838). Moseley (1855). Burnell (1862). Hall, H. (1S65). Byrne (1S67). Scott, M. (1874). Civil Engineers, Institution of. Engineers. Catalogues. Civil Government. Government (1713). Civil Service. Civil Service. White, H. (1S67). Johnston, R. (1878). Civil War. America, 1861-65. Campaigns. U.S., Army, Surg. -Gen. Dept. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1862). Hope, A. J. ]. B. (1861, 1863). Barnard, J. G. (1863). Dicey E. (1863). Ditterline (1863). Eremantle (1863). Lecomte (1863). Russell, W. H. (1863). Chesney (1864-65). Gillmore (1865). Nichols (1865). Fletcher, H. C. (1865-66). Borcke (1866). Laugel (1866). Boynton (1867). Duke (1867). Moore, F. (1864-68). Scheliha (1868). Cannon (1869). Lee, H. (1869). Semmes (1869). Bernard, I\L (187c). Childe (1875). Sherman, \Y. T. (1S75). Parker, F. A. (1878). Taylor, W. H. (1878). Courts-Martial, Porter (1879). Dubail (1879). Taylor, R. (1879). Bailey (1880). Badeau (1868-81). Davis, JetTerson (1881). Paris, Comte de (1874-83). Grant, U. S. (1S85-86). Northrop (1S86). Maguire (1887). Porter. D. D. (1887). Watson, W. (1887). Bigelow (1S88). Nicolay and Hay (1888). Robertson, B. H. (1S88). Scott, R. N. (1880-89). Naval History. Semmes (1869). Porter, D. D. (1887). England, 1642. Campaigns. Cromwell. Townsend. MSS., Lovell (1643). Gloucester (1643-44). Ricraft (1647). Sprigge (1647). Rupert (1650). Warwick (1701). Whitelocke (1732). Hooper T- (1738). Clarendon (1702-1807). Burton, T. (182S). Guizot (1841). " Car)-, H. (1842). Vicars (1845). Warburton (1849). Thomas, V. (i860). Cattermole (1866). Cust, Sir E. (1867). Basing House (1S69). Wal- lington (1869). Deanc, J. B. (1870). Parliamentary Officers (1873). Rigaud (1880). Greville (1886). Walford (18S6). Gardiner, S. R. (1S86-9). Flanders, 1382. Kausler (1831). Granada, 1492. Campaigns (17 14). Portugal, 1831-34, Alexander (1835). Rome, B.C. 50. Kausler (1831). Spain, 1835-40. Alexander (1835). Henningsen (1836). Stanhope (1836). Richardson (1837). Somerville (1839). Evans, Sir de Lacy (1840). Costello (1841). Bollaert (1870). Duncan (1877). „ 1872-76. Dana, P. R. Garcia (1881). Civilization. Lubbock (1870). Claims of Science, Guy (1870). Clan Act. MSS., Scotland. Clapperton, Hugh, Capt. Lander (1830). INDF-X. 723 Classics. Lcmpricre (1804). Dihdin, T. !•". (1S27). Bcnard (1870). Grant (187 1). Grey, II. (1881). Claverhouse. Morris, M. (1887). Cleopatra's Needle. Cooper, W. R. (1877). Wilson, Sir E. (1877). Clergy List. Clergy List. Robertson J. (1843). Climate. Ramsay, A. (1SS4). Clive, Robert, Lord. Malcolm (1836). Gleig (1848). Clock Signal Vane. Yonge. Clocks. Dent, K. [. (184I). Astrological". .Smyth, W. II. (1851). Clothing. Stu- " Dross." Clubs, Exercises for. Anderson (1S63). Clubs of London. Marsh, C. (1828). Clyde, Colin Campbell, Lord. Shadwell (1881). Clyde, Firth of. Napier, R. A. (18S7). Coal. Coal. India. Fuel (1841). Williams, C. W. (1841). Ilochstetler (1876). Thorpe (1878). U.S., Naval Intel. Office (188S). Coaling Stations. Navy (1884). U.S., Naval Intel. Office (1888). Coast Defence. National Defence (1759). Tayler (1848). Barnard, J. G. (i8fii). United States (1862). Eddy (1865). Scheliha (1868). Reed (1871). Moncrieff (1S73). Mazukeveuemv (1874). Touchard (i'877). U.S., Army, Engineer Dept., (1883). .Schutz (1884). Griffin, E. (1885). Michie, P. S. (1887). Napier, R. A. (1887). Bourgois (1888). Bunbury (1888). Dal- ton, J. C. (1889). O'Connor (1889). Coastal Navigation. Curling, J. J. (1885). Cochin China. .S'dv"Anam." Cochrane, Lord. Trials. Coco Nut Tree. Marshall, II. (1832}. Codes of Napoleon. France (iSio). Codex Exoniensis. Thorpe (1842). Codrington, Sir Edward, Admiral. Bourchicr (1873). Ccelometer. Adams, W. M. Coffin, Isaac, Capt. Courts-Martial (1789). Coinage. Numismatics. Catalogues. India. Akerman. Castellus. Ede. Noehden. Strada (1557). Eusebius (r666). ^Valker, O. (1697). Liebe (1717). Kundmann (1731). Loon (1722-34). Venuti (1744)- ^'^'gge (1772). Cardonnel (1786). Simon (1810). Marsden (1823). Weston (1826). Ainslie (1830). Snelling (1833). Ruding (1840). Wilson, II. H. (184I). Whclan (1846). Hearne {1847). Dickinson, W. B. (1848). Falbe {1849). Humphreys, II. N. (1853). Smith, Aquilla (1841-55). Lindsay, ]. (1839-60). Fox, C. R. (1862, 1869). Browne, W. A. (1869). Mint (1875).. Colburn's United Service Magazine. Periodicals. Colby, Major-Gen. Portlock (1869). Colchester. Townsend. Cromwell, T. (1825). Cold Water Cure. Munde (1839). Coleoptera. Dilhvyn (1829). Hope, F. W. (1837). Stephens, J. F. (1839). Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Gillman (1838). Collapsion Rudder. Wight. Collectanea Maritima. Robinson, C. (1801). College of Advocates. Catalogues, Books. Colleges. Carl(.rct-I)isson (1879). Collegian's Guide. Pycroft (1845). Collisions at Sea. Rule of the Road. Halahan (1851). Ilighton (1S66). Brooker (1867). Colomb, P. H. (1867). I'remantle (1S67). Harper (1867). Holt (1867). Najner, J. R. (1867). Paynter (1867). R.indolph (1S67). Lacon (1868). Oliver, W. A. (1868). Prompt (186S). Rother>' (1873). Caf- farena (1876). Gray, T. (1867-78). De Horsey (1881). ,, on Railways. Clerk, H. (1868). Colonial Institute. Colonial Institute. Catalogues. ,, Magazine (Simmonds's). Periodicals. ,, Reports. Periodicals. Colonies. Colonies. Colonial Office. Colonial Instiiule. Napier, C. J. (1833). Cooke, W. B. (1835). Bannister, .S. (1830, 1838). Oldfield (1838). 724 INDEX. Colonies (lontininti) — Martin, K. M. (1S35, 1839). Spackman (1843). Banister, T. (1844, 1848). Baronetage (1848). Danson (1848). Bate, John (1862). Kddy (1865). Aclcierley (1869). Macfie(i87i). Creasy, Sir K. (1872). Colomb, Sir f. C. K. (1875, 1877). Seeley (1883). Voun;;, F. (1876, 1886). Bowen, Sir (;. F. (1886). Salmon, C. T. (1S86). Little (1887). France. Du Casse (1876). C'.affarel (1880). Norman (1886). Colour Sergeants. Campbell-Copeland (1882). Colours. Sowcrliy, J. (1809). Smyth, W. II. (1864). Colours of the British Army. McNair (1S66). Columbey-Nouilly, Battle of, 1870. Ilalc, L. {1S77). Columbia River. Symons (1S82). Columbia, British. See " F>ritish Columbia." Columbian Navigator. Purdy (1S33). Columbus, Christopher. Harris (1748). Irving, W. (1828). Bccher (1856). Columns, llartnlus. I'iranesi. Tardieu (1822). Combermere, Viscount. Combermerc (1866). Comedies, i^it' " Dramas. " Comets. Tia/zi. Smyth, W. H. (1836). Cape of Good Hope (1886). Command, Words of. I lime (1866). Commanders-in-Chief. I'ultcney (17S7). Commandery of Massachusetts. United States (1882). ,, ,, Pennsylvania. United States (1882). Commerce. Encyclopaedias. Gander (1703). Harris, John {1744). Hanway (1762). Molloy (1772). Tracts (1788). Baring, A. (1808). Du pin (1825). Spackman (1843). Smyth, C. P. (1859). Newcastle (1S68). Wilson, A. J. (1878). McCulloch (1869-80). Webster, R. G. (18S0). Commissariat. Army, Orders. Le Mesurier (1798, 1801). Airey (1856). Fon- blanijue (1S57). Army, Equipment (1865). Commission, Through the Ranks to. Acland-Troyte (1881). Commissionaires, Corps of. Commissionaires (1864). Committee, Ordnance Select. Artillery. Commoners of Great Britain. Burke, J. (1835-38). Commonwealth of England. Godwin (1824-28). Communications, Military. Army, Orders. Macdonald (1808). Macpherson, H. T. (1882). Webber, C. E. (1882). Lewal (18S1-83). Furse (1883). Steenackers (1883). Commutation Rates. India. Company Column, Prussian. Upton (1875). Company Drill. Snell (1849-50)- Malton (1862, 1868). Fullerton (1878). Slack (1881). Fuhon (1883). Gordon, W. (1889). Ricardo (1889). Comparative Anatomy. Zoological Society. Catalogues. Encyclopoedias. Museums, British. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. Bewick (1797-1820). Lamarck (1815-22). Richardson, J. (1829). Sykes (1832). Charlesworth (1837). Swainson (1835-40). Cuvier (1835-46). Adams (1848-49). Power (i860). Blanford, W. T. (1870). Herschel (1886). ,, Statistics. Block (1862, 1875). Compass. Rakigh (1650). Degaulle (1779). Deviations. Harris, John (1744-48). Churchman (1804). Mackay, A. (1810). Dobbins (1814). Fotheringhame (1837). Cunningham, P. (1841, 1843). Navigation (1852). Admiralty (1852, 1855). Smith, Archibald (1855). Evans, F. J. (1868, 1870). Fournier (1873, 1878). Collet (1882). Compensation Balance. Dent, E. J. (1841). Competitive Examinations. Johnston, R. (1877). Crawley (1884). Compiegne, Camp at, 1739. Turmel (1761). Comstock Lode. U.S., Surveys. Conchology. Catalogues. Brown, T. (1S16). Broderip (1833). Sowerby, G. B. (1842-46). Concordance to Bible. Cruden (1817). Pick (1845). Concrete. Rennie (1858). Conde, Prince de. Beaurain (1674). Stanhope (1S61). Aumale (1863). Dubail (1879). INDIA'. 725 Conference. Brussels, 1874. Brussels {1875). Confession. Dens (1836). " Confidences d'un Joueur de Clarinette." Erckmann-Chalrain. Conflict of Laws. Story (1841). Confucius. IIaug(i863). Congo, River. I'inkcrton's Collection, vol. 16. Tuckey (1818). Monlciro (1875). lolmston, II. II. (1884). Stanley, II. M. (1S85). „ Free State. Stanley, II. M. (1885). Congregational Library. Catalogues. Congress. Geneva, 1864. Geneva (1864). Paris, 1856. Congress (1855). Congressional Directory. United States, (1886). Congreve Rockets. Boxer (i860). Conic Sections. Hamilton, II. (1773). Pasley (1822). Conjunct Expeditions. Molyneux (1759). Connaught Rangers (88th Regiment). Army, Records. Mackie (1837). Sleevens, X. (1878). " Connoissance des Temps." France, Periodicals. "Connoisseur." Chalmers, A. (1823). Conolly, Capt. Stoddart (1843). Grover (1843, 1845). Conquests. Canada. Canada (1850, 1872). England. St. John, J. A. (1862). Persia. Harris, John (1744). Arrianus (1812). Conscription. Army (1SS6). Balfour (1867). Saunders (1875). " Conscrit de 1813, Histoire d'un." Krckmann-Chatrian. Conservatoire Imperial des Arts et Metiers. France. Constable, C, Capt. Courts-Martial (1703). Constabulary, Royal Irish. Curtis, R. (1871). Constantina, Battle of, 1837. Campaigns. Temple, Sir G. T. (1879). Constantinople. Rai^use (1837). Best (1842). Davy, J. (1842). Brassey (1880). Slecman (1882). Constitution, British. Johnson, S. (1693) England (1757). Lolme (1S53). Creasy, Sir F. (1872). Constitution of Nature. Bellamy (1845). Constitutional Code. Bentham, J. (1830). Construction. Wray (1872). Consumption. Lawson (1S87). Contact Squadron. Biensan (1883). Contagious Diseases. Harveian Medical Soc. (1867). Lane, J. R. (1869-70). (iarrctt (1870). Acts (1S70-72). Contemporary Portraits. Ilazlitt (1825). " Contes de la Montagne." Erckmann-Chatrian (i860). "Contes des Bords du Rhin." Erckmann-Chatrian (1863). "Contes populaire." Erckmann-Chatrian. " Contes Vosgiens." Erckmann-Chatrian. Contingent Allowances. James C. (1797). Contracts. AudilTrct (1874). Convention of Cintra. Spain (1739). Dalrymple, II. (1808). Hague (1808). Stockdale (1S09). Conversation, English and Russian. Cornet {1875). Conversations. Landor (1S26). Conveyance of Troops, i'tv " Transport. " Convict Ships. Ila^lam (i8iq). Convoys. MSS., ("nnvoys. Hugo (1879). Massouticr (18S2). Conway Tubular Bridge. Jackson, T. (1852). Cooke, G. F., Actor. Dunlap (1S13). Cooking. Patent Office. Antiquaries (1790). Ackloni (1S66). Warren, F. (1S6S). Nerec(i88o). Wilson, J. B. (1882). Cooling the Air of Rooms. Smyth, C. P. (1850). Cope, Sir John, Lieut.-Gen. Courts-Martial (1749). Copenhagen. Battle of, 1801. Olivarius. Graviere (1853). 26 INDIA'. Copenhagen (lonliitiicd)— Siege of, 1807. Naval History (1807). Coptic Grammar. .NhicdunaUl, W. B. (1856). Coral Reefs. Darwin (1S42). " Corbaccio." Hoccacio. Corbet, Robert, Capt, R.N. Jones, J. (1839). Cordage, ("oniai^c. Russell, K. (1804). I[. George III (1824). Aikin, J. (1825). Jesse, J. M. (1867). Preston (1887). Heroes of. Johns and Nicolas (i860). History. Camden (1789). Payne (1793). Andrews-, J. P. (1794). Reden (1830). Macgregor, J. (1852). Hughes, W. (1874). Inland Navigation. Priestley ( 1 83 1 ). Invasions, Projected. MacAllester (1767). Beaver (1806). Invasions. National Defence {1719). Dumouriez (1803). Lewin (1862). Vine (1887). Ireland. Ireland. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 3. Harris, W. (1770). Campbell, T. (1789). Dalrymple, T- (i790). Clarke, E. D. (1793). O'Halloran (1803). Robertson, J. (1806). Bradley (1S07). Shortland (1809). Hooker (181 1). Leland (1814). Stafford (1820). O'Connor (1822). Bacon (1826). Barrington, J. (1830). Gregory (1830). Sim- mons, T. F. (1833). Barrow (1835). Stanley, J. (1836). Lewis, S. (1837). O'Conor (1843). Kohl (1844). Kano, R. (1845). Browne, J. W. (1847). Symonds (1855). Prendergast (1S65). Waveney (1871). Architcctitre. Petrie (1845). Army List, 1689. D'Alton (1861). Bards. Walker, J. C. (1818). Campaii^ns, 1689-90. Parker, R. (1747). Croker (1S41). Wilherow (1873). Catholic Association. Wyse (1829). Church. Bernard (1843). Robertson, J. (1843). Coinage. Simon (1810). Lindsay, J. (1839). Smith, Aquilla {1841- 1855). Cotnmumcatwn unt/i. Telford (1809). Constabulary. Curtis, R. (187 1 ). Defence. Edgeworth {1797). Disturbance Act, 1833. Simmons (1833). ^Engineers, Inst, of Civil. Mallet, R. (1866). Fisheries. Symonds (1855). Geology. Portlock (1843). History. Ireland. O'Halloran (1803). Ilolinshed (1807-8). O'Conor (1845). Moore, T. (1S36-46). Invasion of the French. Ireland. Orange Institution. Gowan (1825). Ports. Dupin. Railways. Whishaw (1840). Ireland (1874). Rebellion, 16^1. Croker (184 1 ). „ 1798. Gordon, J. (1 801), Teeling (1828). Maxwell, W. H. (1845). Round Taivers. Petrie (1845). Sailing Directions. Mudge. Mudge and Eraser (1842). Surgeons, Royal College of. Cameron, C. A. (1886). Union with Great Britain. Ireland. Wars of. Ireland. Stafford (1820). O'Conor (1845). James I, King. Harris, W. (1814). Aikin, L. (1822). James II, King. James. York, James, Duke of. Literature, xVdams, W. D. 3 c 754 INDEX Great Britain (.ontiiiincl) — Martial Register. Macdonakl, R. (1806). Military History. Beatson, R. (1S04). Aspin (1820). Cust (1858-1863), U'llyme (1^)74-78). Adams, W. II. D. (1S86). Armytage (1886). St-,- a/.u> "Camiiaigjns." Naval History. Naval History. Berkley (1756). Barrow (1776). Beatson, R. (1804). Burney (1806-7). Campbell, Dr. J. (1813). Ralfe (1820). Brenton (1823). Alien, Joseph (1842, 1852). Low, C. R. (1873). See also " Naval History." Navy. Navy. Naval History. MSS., Navy. Periodicals. Monson. Burrell (1645). Raleigh (1650). Pepys (1690). Maydman (1691). St. Lo (1693, 1694). Everett (1694). Hodges (1695, 1699). Dennis (1702). Gander (1703). Greenwood (1714). York, James, Duke of (1729). Vernon, E. (1744-1746). Navies (1782). Evans, T. (1791). Warren, J. B. {1791). Charnock (1794-9S). White, T. E. (1802). Derrick (1806). Melville (1805, 1810). Manderson (1812). Knowles, J. (1S21). Layman (1821). Steel (1781-1822). Architecture, Naval (1822). Edwards, E. (1824). Dupin {1825). James, W. (1819, 1826). Moreau (1827). Bentham, Sir S. (1828). Penrose (1824, 1830). Both way (1830-31). Glascock (1831). Parsons, W. (1831). Fordyce (1S37). Harris, J. (1837). Hawker (183S). Smith, G. (183S). Berkeley (1839). Colchester (1839). Wood, C. (1839). Burton, J. R. (1840). Joinville (1844). Miles, E. (1844). Ships (1844). Nicolas (1847). Halsled (1850). Ramsay, W.( 185 1). Bowles, W. (1854). Devereux (1855). Alex- ander (1858). Dunsany (1846-1859). Parliament (1859). Perigal (1859). Alston (i860). Grey, F. W. (1860). Russell, J. S. (1862). Raymond (1863). Yonge(i863). Boyd (1864). Sykes (1866). Hoseason (1850- 1868). Tracy (1872). Robinson, Sir S. (1871, 1873). Low, C. R. (1873). Fishbourne (1S72, 1874). Bridge, C. A. G. (1S74). Wilson, E. (1S67-1875). Price (1876). O'Byrne (1874-78). Dislere (1878). Noel (1878). King, J. W. (1880). Tromp (1880). A'ery (1880). Elgar (1873-81). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre(i882). Arnold-Forster (1884). Smith, W. H. (1884). Adams (18S5). Brassey (1871-1886). Watt (1878, 1886). Barnaby (1886). Cusack-Smith (1886). Weyl (1887). Colomb, Sir J. C. R. (1867, 1888). Symonds (1882, 1888). Beresford (1888). Reed (1869-1889). Battles of. See "Naval History." Church in. Navy (1865). Coaling Stations. Navy (1884). Dress. Navy, Orders. Finance. Navy, Orders. Health of. Navy. Blane (1815). Instrnctioiisfor Officers. Navy. Davie (1807). Lists. Navy. MSS., Navy. Chamberlayne (i7S5). Hardy, J. (1784). Harvey, W. (1861). Mattningof. Navy. Tozer. Perry, J. (1695). Swanne (1709). Steven- son, J. (17S7). Urquhart (1815, 1816). Trotter, T. (1819). Lay- man (1821). Haly (1822). Griffiths, A. J. (1826). MSS., Brown (1832). Ekins(i835). Burton, J. R. (1840). Cochrane, Sir T. (1840). Brown, J. H. (1833-45). Hamilton, W. (184S). Shuldham (1854). Grey, F. W. (1873). Forster (1874). Osborn (1874). Lindsay, W. S. (1877)- Medical Department. Navy. Brown, F. J. (1871). Midshipmen. Eardley-Wilmot (1845). Liardet (1851). Officers' Manual. Glascock (1836. 1S48). Officers' Widows. Navy (1732, 1775). Orders. Navy. Admiralty. Paymasters. Navy, Orders. Pensions. Navy, Orders. Prize Pay Lists. Steel (1802, 1804). Punishment. Navy (1866). Penrose (1824) Lief or m of. Scott, J. 1855). Shipwrecks. Hodge (1864). See also ' ' Shipwrecks. " INDEX. 755 Great Britain. Navy {contimied) — Stores. Navy (1720). Vic/iianiii<^. Navy. Thompson, W. (1757). Nobility, wiiitwoiih, C. {1765). Parliamentary Atlas. Stanford (1885). Parliaments. Smith, II. S. (1844-50). Ports. Dupin. Railways. Priestley (1831). Bradshaw (1839). Whishaw (1840). Records, National. Records. Reign of Queen Anne. Boyer (1703-1735). Anne (1738). Harrison, C. (1744)- Reign of Queen Victoria. Armytagc (1886). Ward, T. 11. (1887) Reign of William IV. Wright, (;. N. (1837). Roads. Paterson (1799). Gary, J. (1S28). Howard, C. (1883). Sanitary Institute. Sanitary Institute. Scotland. Scotland. Pinkerton's Collection, vols. 2 and 3. Gordon, A. (1726). Pennant (1776). Johnson, S., vol. 8 (1792). Bacon (1826). Browne, J. (1843). Kohl (1844). Gazetteers (1845). Jervise (i86i>. Grampian Club (1869, 1873). Acts of Parliament of. Records (1814-24). Clan Ad. MSS., Scotland. County Almanac. Periodicals. Earls Marischal. Buchan (1820). Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. .Smyth, C. P. (1859). Edinburgh Obse/i'atory. Edinburgh Observatory. Smyth, C. P. (1864). Edinburgh, Royal Society. Royal Society. Edinburgh University. Catalogues, Anatomy. Glasgow Observatory. Grant, R. (1883). Highlanders Scotland. Army, Records. Stewart, D. (1825). Robertson, J. A. (1866). History. Holinshed (1807-8). Tytler (1841-2). Grampian Club (1869). James I, King. Rogers, C. (1873). Mary Queen of. Elizabeth (1739). Meteorology. Edinburgh Observatory. Nobility. Whitworth, C. (1765). Robertson (1790). Grampian Club ^ (1873). Numismatics. Cardonnel (1786). Lindsay, J. (1845). Paganism in. Wise (1884). Po7ts. Dupin. Queen's Body Guard. Paul (1875). Rebellion, 17 15-6. Scotland. Patten (17 17). Wharton (1720). Charles, G. (1817). Eraser, James (1889). do., 1745-6. Scotland. Hughes, M. (1747). Henderson (i753)- ^^ay (1759). Doddridge (1802). Home (1802). Charles, G. (1817). John- stone (1 821). Chambers, R. (1830). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Ferguson (1889). Records. Records (1814-19). Regalia, Concealment of. Logan (1847). Regimental Colours. Ross, A. (1885). Society of .Antiquaries. Anticiuaries. Songs. Macdonald, W. B. (1854). Statistics. Gazetteers ( 1 845 ). Union with England. .Scotland. Bacon (1826). M\'af>ons, Ancient. Drummond (1881). Sophia Charlotte, Queen of. Watkins (1819). Statistics. McCulloch (1S37). Spackman (1S43). Danson (184S). Storm in 1703. De Foe. Surveys. Surveys. Mudge, Dalby, and Colby (1729-1811). Clarke, A. R. and James ( 1S67). Union of Scotland with England. Scotland. Bacon (1826). Wales. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 2. Douglas, J. P. Clarke, E. D. (1793). i:vans, J. (1804). Murray, J. (1878). Wealth of. Svkcs (1837). William III, King. William (1688, 1703). 3 c 2 756 INDEX. "Great Britain" Steamship. Claxton (1845). " Great Divide." Dunravcn (1876). Great Fish River. H.ack (1S36). Great March, Story of. Nichols (1865). Great Naval War of 1887. Navy (1S86). " Great Thirst Land." CJillmorc (1838). Grecian Archipelago. Dapper (1703). Harris (1748). Stewart, J. (1826,1 Emerson-Tennant (1829). Greece. Perry (1743). Harris (1748). Planta (1807). Rollin (1808). Chandler (1817). Bramsen (1820). Pausanias (1824). Emerson-Tennant (1826, 1830). Hughes, T. S. (1830). Trant (1830). Potter (1832). Leake (1835). Temple, Sir G. T. (1836). Walsh (1836). Mure (1842). Smith, W. (1842). Murray, J. (1845, 1854). Strickland (1863). Cooke, W. S. (1S76). Hinily (1876). Army. Armies, European (1876). Seguin (1880). ,, (Ancient). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Vogt (1887). History. Walker, O. (1697). Eolnrd (1754). Herodotus (l 791). Rollin (iSoS). Polybius (1753, 1809). Milford (1829). Emerson-Tennant (1830). Thirlwall (1S39). Grote (1869). Xenophon (1882). Iconography. Visconti (1811). Navy. Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1S80). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Numismatics. Goltzius (1644). Sestini (1821). Weston (1826). Green, R. R. (1S29). Fox, C. R. (1862). Wars, B.C. 431-404. Thucydides (1545, 1812). Greek Dictionaries. See "Dictionaries." ,, Fire. Rcinaud and Fave (1845). „ Grammar. David, T- (1825). Matthioe (1837). „ Language. David, J. (1825). Maori (1825). Matthia (1837). Stratton (1S40). Bopp (1845). (^(?t; a/-w "Dictionaries.") Modern. Vincent, E. (1879). ,, Papyri. Museums, British (1839). Greeks. Guischardt (1758). Guillaume (1812). Greely, Rescue of. Schley and Soley (1SS5). Greenland. Arctic Regions. Hakluyt Soc, vols. i8and 51. Manby (1822). Scoresby (1822, 1823). Greenwich. Hospital. Greenwich Hospital. Catalogues, Art. Chamberlayne (i755) Cook, J., and Maule (1789). Pim (1881). Naval College. Naval College. Observatory. Greenwich Observatory. Gregorians. Haggard (i860). Grenada, Battle of, 1789. White, T. (1830). Grievances of Officers. Galbraith (1873). Griffin's Aide-de-Camp. Horses (1843). Grinding Mills. Patent Office. GrodekofTs Ride from Samarcand to Herat. Marvin (1880). Grouchy, Marshal. Grouchy (1873). Guardian. Guardian (1713). Addison (181 1). Chalmers (1823). Guards, Advanced, Rear, and Flank. Cavalry (1813). Thompson, T. P. (1825). Leach (1S35). Thomas, J. W. (187 1 ). Chenevix-Trench (1S78). Army, Orders (1887). Guards, Brigade of. Army (1855). Napier, E. (1856). Guards' Cemeteries. Hurt (1877). Guatemala. Baily, J- (1850). Guaxaca. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 13. Guernsey. Barry, W. (1815). Inglis (1838). "Guerre, la." Erckmann-Chatrian. Guerrilla Parties. Lieber (1862). Guesses at Truth. Hare, J. C. (1838). Guiana. ILikluyt Soc, vol. 3. Raleigh (1650, 1820). Schomburgk (1840). Webber, G. D. (1873). Thurn (1883). Bonaparte, R. (1884) Guides, Military. Simes(i78i). Gordon, W. (1886). Guinta. MSS., Guinta. INDEX. 757 Guise, Due de. Petitot's Collection, ist series, vol. xxxii. Guizot, F. P. G. Senior (1S7S). Gulf Stream. Ciulf Stream. Gulistan. Saadi (1634). Gulliver's Travels. Swift (1814). Gun Carriages. Arsenal, Royal. Patent Office. India. U.S., Army, Ordnance. March. Scott, R. A. E. (1866). Close (1875). Schumann (1885). Army (KS79, 1888). Gun Cotton. British Association (1863). Miller, F. (1864). Geary, II. (1S77), Clunpowder (1878). Wardell (1888). Gun Drill. Artillery. Army, Orders. IVa\y, Orders. Germany, Army. Cun- ninj^ham, II. D. P. Vesey (1867). Gun Factory Royal. Arsenal, Royal. Artillery (1879). Gunnery. Artiller)'. Army, Orders. Na.vy, Orders. Austria, Army. Belgium, Army. France, Army. Germany, Army. Italy. Netherlands. .Saxony. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof Papers, no. 25. U.S., Army, Ordnance. Croudace. Jouart. M.SS., Brouncker. Vela^co. .Smith, T. (1600). Ri- vault (1608). Ufaiio (1613). Furttenbach (1627). Norton (1028). Venn (1672). Binning (1689). Anderson, Robert (1674-1691). Barriffe (1693). Miethen (1705). Surirey de Saint Remy (1707). Simienowicz (1729). CJray, J. (1731). Bardet de Villeneuve (1741). Le Blond {1743). Ilolliday (1772). Glenie (1776). Brown, H. (1778). Antoni (1780-9). Urtuhie (1794). Landmann (1801). Robins (1761-1805). Adye, R. W. (1813). Moore, W. (1813). Bezout (1782-1822). Decker (1822). Beaiichant (1828). Marshall, J. (1829). Frith (1826-1831). Chatfield (1831). Stevens, J. H. (1834). Kennish (1837). Simmons, T. F. (1837). Preaux (1839). Zeni and Deshays (1840). .Scharnhorst (1804-1841). .Spearman (1844). Piobert (1845-7). Chesney, F. R. (1852). Greener (1858). U..S., Army, Engineer Dept. (185S). Douglas, II. (1829, i860). Boxer (i860). Benton (1861). Hyde (1862). Simpson, E. (1862). Gibbon (1863). Emerson-Tennant (1S64). MacDougall (1864). Owen and Dames (1859-1865). BIois(iS65). f^itsch Lang (1865). Ilolley (1865). Inglis (1865). Mackay, J. (1865). Roberts, J. (1865). Merian (1866). Brackenbury (1867). Engineers, Royal (1867). Vesey (1867). Innes, A. (1870). Pfister (1870). Rognetta (1870). Anstruther (1839-71). Croggan (1865, 1871). Susane (1871). Wille (1871). Owen, C. H. (1868-1872). Whitworth, Sir J. (1858-1873). Evcritl (1873). Vav.isseur (1873). 'Scott, M. (1S62, 1874). Will (1876). Bettolo (1877). Picha (1875-8). Krupp (1870-9). Mason, T. B. M. (1875-9). Sladen (1879). Cooke, A. P. (1880). Le Barzic (1880). Very (1880). Kohne (1S81). Greenhill (1882). Sebert (1882). Woodbridge (1879-1884). Birkhimer (1884). Galster (1885). Hohenlohe-Ingelrtngen (1885). Bixby (1886). Schwarz (1886). Schell (18S0, 1887). Mackinlay (1S83, 1887). Birley (1887). Plessix (1882-8). Birnie(i888). Longmore (1860-1889). Gun (1889). See also " Artillery." Gunning, Family of. Gunning (1834). Gunpowder. MSS., Gunpowder. Army, Orders, Musketry. India. U..S., .Army, Ordnance. Furttenbach (1627). Corradi (1708). Antoni (1789). Robins, B. (1805). Walker, J. (1813, 1814). Braddock (1829). Wilkinson, H. (1841). Reinaud and Pave (1845). Mordecai (1845, 1849). Anderson, W. (1862). Melsens (1S63). Goodenough (1865). Neumeyer (1867). Smith, F. M. (1870). Mayers (1872). Britten (1873). Noble and Abel (1874,187s). Gunpowder (1878). ' Sebert (1882). Wardell (1877, 1888). Gun (1889). Gunpowder Plot. Clark, S. (1657). Gunshot Injuries. Longmore (1877). (^t?^ aAo " Ambulance.") Gurney's Steam Carriage. Ilerapath (1S29). Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden. Guslavus Adolphus. .Sweden (1634). Fianchcvillc (1772). Ilarte (1S07). Clausewilz (1837). Stevens, J. L. (1S85). Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden. Gustavus Vasa (1852). Guzman, Don Alonzo Enriquez de. Il.kluyt .Soc, vol. 29. Gymnastics. Italy, Army. ("Iiiosso (1854). Steinmetz (1862). Maclaren (1862- 1877). France, Marines (1S68). 758 INDEX. Gypseys. Harriot (1S30). Gyroscope, ijang (1S56). Barnard, J. G. (1858). H. Haiti. See '' Uayti." Halifax, Nova Scotia. MSS., Mackellar ;i76i). Hall, J., Lieut. Courts-Marlial (1809). Hall Marks. Chaffers (186S). Halley's Comet. Smyth, \V. II. (1836). Hamilton (Lady) and Lord Nelson. Jeaffreson (1888) Hammocks. MccGwire (1866). Hampden, John. Nugent (1834). Hamram Arabs. Baker, Sir S. W. (1867). Hancock, J., Capt. Hancock (1831). Hancock, W. S., U.S. Army. Hancock (1886). Hand, The. Bell, Sir C. (1837). Eisenberg (1845). Hand for the one-handed. Uerenzy, G. W. (1822). Handv Book for the U.S. Soldier. United States, Army (1861). Hannibal's Wars in Italy. Guillaume (1812). Hannibal (1820). Larauza (1826). Wickham (182S). Kausler (1831). Macdougall, P. L. (1858). Hanover. Holman (1832). Hutt (1839). Harseim (1840). Army. Hanover. Beamish (1832-7). Knesebeck (1S45). " Hansa," Wreck of. Koldewey (1874). Harbours. India. Chapman, W. (1827). Tayler (1840). Holdsworth (1841). Groves (1842). Glover (1846, 1859). Sleigh (1859). Harcourt, L. F. V. (1874). Hoseason (1874). Calver (1858, 1875). U.S., Army, Engineers (1881). McCosh(i882), Alderney. Sheringham (1872). Harcourt, L. F. V. (1874). Boston. Callendar (1775). Charleston. Gillmore (1865). Defence of. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 23. Boys (1832). Hutchinson, W. N. (1881). Napier, R. A. (1887). Bucknill (1889). Dover. Worthington (1838). Hoseason (1874). Calver (1875). Downs. Boys(iS32). Falmouth. Bowen, J. Knight, J. (1802). Navy (1810). India. India. Newhaven. Roberts, J. (1866), Portsmouth. Portsmouth. Ramsgate. Ramsgate. Hargood, Sir William. Allen, Joseph (1841). Hargrave Manuscripts. Museums, British (1818). Harleian Manuscripts, Museums, British (1808-12). Harris, General Lord. Lushington (1S40). Harris, Recollections of Rifleman. Curling, H. (1848), Hartwell, Manor of, Smyth, W. H. (1851, 1864). Harveian Oration. Guy (1875). Harvey, Sir E., Admiral. Courts-Martial (1809). Harwich, Battle of, 1665. Naval History. Hastings. Burrows (1888). Battle of, 1066. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Marquess of. Hastings. Prinsep (1820, 1825). Hastings, Warren. Trotter, L. J. (1878). Havana. Havana. Havanna, Battle of, 1748. Courts-Martial, Knowles (1750). Havelock, Sir Henry. Marshman (i860). Haverfordwest. Clarke, A. R., and James (1867). Hawaii. Byron, G. A. (1836). Ellis, W. (1866). Nicholson (1881). Hawke, Edward, Lord. Burrows (1883). INDEX. 759 Hawkins, Sir John. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 57. Collier, J. I'., ami \V. 11. Smyth (1S50). Hawsers, Cordage (1821). Haw^thorne, Nathaniel. Morley. Hayti. Ilayii. Rainsford (1805). Mackenzie, C. (1830). Heart, Diseases of. Myers (1870). Heat. Dove (1S53). Reiinie, G. {1857). Peclet (i860). Tyndall {1863). Rox (186S). Djschanel (1872). Engineers, Inst, of Civil {1885). Siemens (1889). Heavens, (aiillemin (1866). Mechanism of. Somerville {1831). Reddie (1862). " Heaving down" a Ship. Harris, R. (1841). Hebrew Dictionaries. Sec "Dictionaries." ,, Grammar. Mariinius (1597). ,, Language. Martinius (1597). Bate, Julius (1767). Stratlon (1872). (See also " Dictionaries.") Hebrides. Boswell (1835). Pennant (1876). Hebrides, New. Markham, A. H. (1873). Heights. See ' ' Altitudes. " Heinsius, A. Vreede (1850). Heligoland. Long, J. Battle of, 1864. Liitken (1884). Heliography. See " Signals." Hemiptera. Catalogues, Natural History. Hemlock. Hearding (1872). Hemp. Hemp. (Ar a/j(? "Cordage.") Henriade. Voltaire {1795). Henry VII, King of England. Bacon (1825). Hepburn, Sir John. Grant, J. (1851). Heraldry. Baronetage. Knighthood. MSS., Knighthood. Legh (1568). Anstis (1725). Perrot (1820). James, G. P. R. (1830). Crawford, W. (1837). Carliile (1839). Debrett (1839). Berry, W. (1828-40). Nicolas (1842). Broun (1841, 1844). Dodd (1841, 1854). Libert (1856). Planche (1859). Steenackers (1867). Aveling (1873). Lawrence-Archer (1881). Hunter (1881). Herat. Abbott, T- (1843). Campaigns, Afghanistan (1879). Malleson (1S80). Marvin (fSSo-1885). Herm. Inglis (1838). " Hermione " Mutiny. Mutinies. Hermit in London. M'Donough (1822). Hermit in the Country. M'Donough (1823). Herodotus. Rennell (1830). Heroes, Naval. Burney (1806). Heroes of Great Britain. Johns and Nicolas (i86o). Heroes of the Crimea. Ryan (1855). Heroism, Souvenirs of. Numismatics (1875). Herzegovina. Forsyth, W. (1876). Hieroglyphics. Saumarez. Salt (1825). Champollion (1827). Highlands. Scotland. Browne, J. (1843). Highlanders. Scotland. Army, Records. Stewart, 0.(1825). Robertson, J. A (1866). Highways to the East. India (1857). Jones, F. (1873). Hill, Lord. Sidney (1S45). Hill, Right Hon. Richard. Hill (1845). Hill, W. A., Capt. Courts-Martial (1839). Hill Forts of Sussex. Fox, A. H. L. (1869). Himalaya Mountains. India. Eraser, J. B. (1820). Gerard (1841). Moorcroft an.l Trebeck (1841). Lloyd, W. (1842). Strachey, R. (1847). Hindoo Mythology. MSS., Lacey (1841). Hindoostani. Roebuck (1S13). Ilarkness (1837). Hogg (1837). Smyth, W. C. (1820-1841). Forbes, D. (1866). Eastwick (1869). Hindostan. Periodicals. Scrafton (1761). Orme(i78o). Rennell (1788). Maurice, T. (1795-8). Francklin (1798). Baber(i826). Ram Raz (1834). Sleuart (1S37). Moorcroft and Trebeck (1 84 1). Keene (1887). Hippology. 5(.v " Horses. " 760 INDEX. Hirta, Finkorton's Collcclion, vol. 3. " Histoire du Plebiscite." Erckmann-Chatrian. " Histoire d'un Consent de 1813." Erckmann-Chatrian. " Histoire d'un Homme du Peuple." Erckmann-Chatrian. " Histoire d'un Paysan." Erckmann-Chatrian. " Histoire d'un Sous-Maitres." Erckmann-Chatrian. Historia Navalis. Thy>ius (1657). Historic Devices, ralliser 1870). Historical Finger Post. .Shelion (1879). ,, Geography. Le Sage (1818). Lavallee (1868). Hughes, W. (1874). Ilensl.n (1875). Johnston, K. (iSSo). Ereeman (1882). ,, Notes. Thomas, F. S. (1856). ,, Register. Historical Register (1724). Periodicals. History. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. Sallust (1518, 1710). Historical Register (1724). Justinus (1732). Herodotus (1791). Lavoisne (1807). Polybius (1753,1809). Le Sage (1818). Bayle (1720, 1820). Chateaubriand (1838). Nicolas (183S). Smyth, W. (1841, 1842). Blair (1844). Stanhope (1839-54,1870). Colbeck (1885). Afghanistan. Eerrier (185S). Malleson (187S). Ancient. Diodorus (1578). RoUin (1808). Alaspero (1876). Belgium. Dewez (1805). Bible. Gleig(i83o). Canada. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc. Ceylon. Knox, R. (1681). Knighton (1845). China. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 14 and 15. Gutzlaff (1834). Colonial. Adderley (1869). England. Baker, Sir R. (1696). Bulstrode (1721). Boyer (1703-1735). Anne (1738). Elizabeth (1739). Rapin de Thoyras (1743-7). Seymour (1764). Heylyn (1786). Camden (1789). Bree (1791). Holinshed (1807-8). Grafton (1809). Hall, E. (1809). Fabyan (1811). Hume (1S18). Smollet (1818). Aikin, J. (1825). Lingard (1825). Ellis, H. (1824-7). Godwin (1824-8). Turner, S. (1825-1829). Hallam (1832). Aikin, L. (1818-1833). Burnet (1S33). Adolphus, J. (1810-1845). Macaulay (1849-61). St. John, J. A. (1862). E\\ aid (1866). Walling- ton (1869). Hozier (1876). Froissart (1839, 1881). Green, J. R. (1876-1883). Europe. Europe. Hallam (1826-48). Alison (1835-59). France. France. Turenne (1736, 1774). Sully (1745, i??^)- Berwick (1778). Voltaire (1784-9). Fabyan (18 11). Henault (1S21-2). Gour- gaud (1823). Napoleon Bonaparte (1823-4). Montholon (1823-5). Petitot (1824-1829). Chateaubriand (1838). Anquetil (1767-1839). Thierry (1839). Guizot (1840). Guerin (1843). Sismondi (1836-44). Toussenel (1845). Thiers (1845-69). Dareste (1865-73). Du Casse (1876). Froissart (1839, 1 88 1). Germany. Schmidts (1783). Great Britain. Camden (1789). Payne (1793). Andrews, J. P. (1794). Reden (1830). Macgregor, J. (1852). Hughes, W. (1874). Greece. Walker, O. (1697). Folard (1754). Herodotus (1791). Rollin (1808). Polybius (1753, 1809). Mitford (1829). Emerson-Tennant (1830). Thirlvvall (1839). Grote (1869). Xenophon (1882). Gunnery. Glenie (1776). Hindostan. Maurice, T. (1795-8). Holland. Davies (1841-4). India. Mill (1840-8). MacFarlane(i852). Prinsep, J- (1858). Marshman (1S67). Malleson (1876). Taylor, M. (1S77). Pope, G. U. (1880). Ireland. Ireland. O'Halloran (1803). Holinshed (1807-8). O'Conor (1845). Moore, T. (1836-46). Italy. Guicciardini (1593, 1738). Sismond {(1838-9). (See also " History, Rome.") Military. Biggs (1755). Beatson, R. (1804). Aspin (1820). Smyth, Sir T. C. (1825). Kausler (1831). Giguet (1849). Vial (1861). Cust (1858-1863). Lecomte (1870). Adams, C. (1877). OByrne (1874-8). Dubail (1880). Tarnier (1881). Adams, W. H. D. (1886). Armytage (1886). Middleton, O. R. (1886). Maguire (18S7). (6V,.' a/Jo "Campaigns.") INDEX. 761 History {loniinued) — Naval. Naval History. Courts-Martial. Layman. Monck (1653). Thysius (1657). Burchelt (1703, 1720). CoUiher {1727). Lediard (1735). Jinkins (1739). Pointer (1743). Berkley ( 1756). Entick (1757). Barrow (1776). Steel (17S4). I'ayne (1793). Beatson, R. {1804). Burncy (1806, 1807). Campbell, Dr. J. {1813). Schomberg (1802, 1815). Aspin(i82o). Ralfe (1820). Brenton (1823). Norie (1827). Ekins (1824, 1828). Southcy (1833-40). jMSS., Nicolas (1846). Allen, Joseph (1842, 1852). Graviere (1848, 1853). Bunbury (1854). Bouet Willaumez (1855). Cust, .Sir E. (1858). Low, C. R. (1873). O'Byrne {1874-8). Laughton (1887). James, W. (1826, 1888). {See also " Battles.") Portugal. Dunham (1832). Rome. Kennet. Tristran (1657). Walker, O. (1697). Dion Cassius (1704). Florus (1722). Herodianus {1749). Suetonius (1661, 1751). Folard (1754). Gibbon (1776- 1808). Polybius (1753, 1809). Tacitus (1793,1812). Florian (1820). Livius (1822). IIooke(i823). P'erguson, A. (1825). Niebuhr (1832-7). Chateaubriand (1838). Ammianus Marcel- linus (1609, 1862). Russia. Russia. Gordon, A. (1757). Karamsin (1819-26). Segur, P. (1829). Rambaud (1878). Sacred. Turner, S. (1832-7). Scotland. Holinshed (1807-8). Tytler (1S41-2). Grampian Club (1869), Spain. Dunham (1832). Prescott (1S39-1860). Froissart (1832, 1881). Sweden. Gustavus Adolphus (1764). Switzerland, Legoyt and Vogt (1866). Turkey. Hammer (1835-41). United States. Hale, S. (1827). Universal. Bossuet (1752). Raleigh (167 1, 1820). Ewald (1866).. Venice. Daru(i82i). Hobart Pasha. Laughton (1887). Hobarton Observatory. Van Diemen's Land (1850 2). Hodson of Hodson's Horse, Holmes, T. R. E. (18S9). Hofer, Andrew. Hall, C. H. (1820). Hogendorp, General Dirk van. Hogendorp (1887). Hohenlinden, Battle of, 1800. B.ulow (1831). Hohenstaufen. Raumer (1823-5). Holland. See "Netherlands." Holland, New. 6'(.v " Australia. " Holy Communion. Gardiner, Sir R. (1864). ,, Land. 6'tv " Palestine." ,, League. RLaimbourg (1683, 1684). Anquctil (1767). Kausler (1S31). Homburg Spas. Downie (1842, 1S44). Homme du Peuple, Histoire d'un. Erckmann-Chatrian. Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy (1842). Westminster and Lambeth (1S44). Hon. Artillery Company. Reserve Forces. Blackwell (1726). Honduras. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 40. Baily, J. (1850). " Honest Man's Fortune." Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Hongkong. Hongkong. Hop, Jacques. Vreede (1S50). Horology. Greenwich 01»ervatory. Patent Office. Owen, R. Cassini (1770). Arnold (1788). Dent, E. J. (1841-2). Thomson, A. (1842). Shadwell (1855, 1861). Horse Guards (War Office). Stocqueler (1873). Horsemanship. Ecjuitation. Encyclopa"dias. Newcastle (1743). Berenger (1771). Pembroke (1793). Army, Orders, Cavalry (1819), MSS., Hippisley (1826). Gribble (1829). De Ros (1839). Anderson, E. L. (1887). Huth(i887). Horses. Horses. Army, Veterinary Dept. Walker, G. R. Berenger (1771). Lawrence, J. (1809). De Ros (1839). Guerin (i860). Daumas (1863). Dwyer (1869). Fitz Wygram (1869). Frey (1869). IMayhew (1872). Hardy (1878). Meyrick (1S82). Fleming, G. (1886). Anderson, E. L. (18S7). Huth(i887). Brackenbury (1888). Aldershot Military Soc. (1889). Shoeing of. Horses. Patent Office. Fitz Wygram (1S63). Fleming (1869). Kiernan (1871). Gaume (1S72). Douglas, W. (1876). y62 INDKX. Horses (cpntiuued) — War Horses. Horses. Army, Veterinary Dept. Ciuerin (i860). Frey (1S09). Gaume (1872). Brackenbury {188S). Alderihot Military Soc. (1S89). Horticultural Society. Horticultural Soc. Hospitallers. St. John of Jerusalem. Vertot (1772). Buisgelin (1S05). Porter, W. (1S58). Bit;sl)y"(i86i). Hospitals. Hospitals. Army, Orders, Medical. Navy, Orders, Medical. India. Jew's Hospital. Bcntham, J. (1791). Ruhl (1872). Whitman (1888). Chelsea. Chelsea. Chamberlayne (1755). Faulkner (1805). Gleig (1829). Dun's. Hospitals (1870). Green'wich. Greenwich Hospital. Catalogues, Art. Chamberlayne (1755). Cook, J., and Maule {1789). I'im (i88i). Military. Germany, Army. U..S., Army, Surg. Gen. Dept. France, Army (1S54). Adenaw (1872). Ruhl (1872). Whitman (1888). Hoste, Sir William. Hoste (1887). Hotchkiss Rapid Firing Gun. Hotchkiss. Koerner (1884). Very (1885). Hotel des Invalides. jcune de Boulencourt (1683). Chamberet (1854). Hotham, General Beaumont, Lord. Simmons, Rev. T. F. (1871). Household, Royal. Antiquaries (1790). Household Brigade, Journal of. Dolby (1862-79). Hovas. Oliver, S. P. How I found Livingstone. Stanley, H. M. (1842). Howard, John. Guy (1882). Howe, Admiral. Mason, G. (1803). Barrow (1838). Howell Torpedo. Hotchkiss (1888). Hudibras. Butler, S. (1716). Hudson, Henry. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 27. Hudson's Bay. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 11. Martin, R. M. (1849) Hudson's Bay Company. Simpson, T. (1843). Hull, T. A., Commander. Markham, C. R. (1879). Human Physiology. Carpenter, W'. B. (1869). Human Sacrifice. Campbell, J. (1864). Humane Policy. Bannister (1830). Humane Society, Boulogne. Boulogne (1831). ,, ,, Royal. Humane Society. Hume, David. Morley. Humming Birds. Gould (1861). Humorous Lieutenant. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Hungary. Harris (1748). Frankland (1830). Raguse (1837). Hungarian Diet (1839). Best (1842). Kohl (1843). Payne, J. H. (1S62). Himly (1876). Breeds of Horses in. Army, Veterinary Dept. (1879). Campaign, 1664. Montecuculi (1751-1807). See also " Austria." Hungerford Suspension Bridge. Hungerford (1845). Hunting. Bisset (1875). Hornaday (1885). Hurricanes. Barbadoes (1831). Piddington (1839). Redfield (1846). Hutchinson, Col. Hutchinson, L. (1810, 1846). Hyder Naik. Meer Hussein (1842). Hydraulic [Railway] Buffers. Clerk, H. (1868). ,, Gun Mounting, Mallet, R. (1863). ,, Propeller. Ruthven (1866, 1869). Hydraulics. Patent Office. Belidor (1739-50). Beaufoy, M. (1834). Biancardi (1S70). Jackson, L. D'A. (1875). Hydro-Aeronaut. Cleghorn (1810). Hydro-Dynamics. Moseley (1830). Hydrographical Engineering. Sleigh (1859). Hydrography. Owen, R. Settembrini. Mount (1701). Bellin (1737-65). Mackenzie, M. (1774). Ivnight, J. (1794-1802). Dessiou (1805). Smyth, W. H. (1823). Belcher (1825). Bagay (1829). Beautemps-Beaupre (1829). Saulnier de Vauhello (1833). Graham, J. D. (1838). Givry (1842-1851). Alston (i860). Shortland (1869). Laughton (1872). Mayne (1874). Admiralty (1875, 1877). Markham (1879). Robinson, J. L. (1882). Wharton (1882). Dawson, L. S. (1885). Herschel (1886). INDEX. 'jdl Hydro-Mechanics. Engineers, Inst, of Civil (1885) Hydro-Pneumatics. Clark, C. {1844). Hydrostatic Ship. Ships (1815). Hydrostatics. Whewell (1837). Deschanel (1872). Hygiene. France, Army, Reunion des Otiiciers. Curtis, J. H. (1845). West- minster (1847). Guy {1870-4). Bradbum (1878). Buck (1879). Parkas (1864-1883). Jaeger (1887). Richardson, B. W. (1887). Mihtary. Belgium, Army, Conferences, series i, no. 5. France, Army, Commission des Conferences. France, Army, Reunion des Ofiticiers. Germany, Army. U.S., Army, Surg. Gen. Dept. Short (1844). Army (1859). Army, Med. Uept. (1S61). U.S., Army (1863, 1864). Haly (1867). Switzerland, Army (1870). Roth and Lex (1872). Roth 1874- ). Saxony (1875). Austria, Army (1879). Hunt and Kenny (1882). Knorr (1883). Rawlinson, R. (1883). Rossignol (1883). Bogaert (1884). Naval. BIane(iSi5). Fonssagrives (1856). Armstrong, A. (1858). Meri- court (1867). Wilson, E. (1870). Na\7 (1841-1872). Macdonald, J. D. (1881). Hygrometry. Glaisher (1847). Hymn in thirty Languages. Tupper (1851). .Hypocrisy. Colton (1812). Hythe. Burrows (i 888). School of Musketry. Small Arms. Wilford (1861). Hythe {1879). Led wick (1SS6). I. Iberville, Voyage of. Surgeres. Iceland. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Harris (1748). Stanley, J. T. (1792). Barrow {1835). Dillon, A. (1840). Iconography. Visconti (1811). Icthyology. Encyclopaedias. Varrell (1836, 1839). Idaho. U.S.' Surveys. Idioms. Hanau (1866). Idler. Chalmers, A. (1823). Johnson, S., vol. 7 (1792). Idropica. Guarini (1736). Illumination, Electric. Holmes (1863). Trinity House (1877). Hepworth (1879) Alglave (1882). Dredge (1882). War, Art of (1888). Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine. Periodicals. " Illustre Docteur Matheus." Erckmann-Chatrian. Imagines Imperatorum. Strada (1557). Imams. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 44. Impeachments. Impeachments (1715). Imperial England. Burrows (1880). Imperial Review. Victoria (1882-3). Impressment. Navy (1695). Perry, J. (1695). Urquhart (1815, 1816). Trotter, T. (1819). Layman (1821). Haly (1822). Griffiths, A. J. (1826). MSS., Brown (1832). Ekins (1835). Brown, J. H. {1833-45). Osborn (1874). Incas. See " Vncas." Ince, J. M. R. Ince (1851). Inchkeith Dioptric Light. Stevenson, A. {1835). Income Tax. Paget (1S42). Incorporated Lav7 Society, Incorporated Law Soc. {1881). Incwadi Yami. Matthews, J. W. (1887). India. India. East India Co. Hakluyt .Soc, vols. 22, 32, 74, 75, and 78. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 7 and 8. M.SS., Gower. Periodicals. Long, J. Harris {1744). Scrafton (1761). Munro, I. (17S9). Moor {1794). Vincent, W. (1797). Forster, G. (1798). Francklin (179S). Robertson, W. (1804). Valentia (1809). Marsh, C. {1813). Wilks (1810-17). Dennis 764 INDEX. India (con/inueJ) — (1819). Buckingham (1823). Malcolm (1S24). rrinscp, II. T. (1S20, 1825). Hastings {1824-5). Jenkins (1827). Hamilton, W. (1828). Ileber(i828). Swiney (1829). Tod (1829). Elwood (1S30). [ervis, H. (i8j4). Boileau (1S37). Martin, K. M. (1838). Lloyd, W. (1840). Gazetteers (1841). Moorcroft and Trebeck (1841). Masson (1842). I'ostans (1843). Barr, W. (1844). Sleeman (1844). Stocqueler (1844). Hugcl (1841;). Viel (1845). Mill (1840-8). Cunningham, J. D. (1849). Burton, R. F. (1851). MacFarlane (1852). Hough (1853). Jervis, T. B. (1853). Kaye {1853). Napier, C. J. (1853). Laurie {1853, 1854). Thornton! 184 1-1854). Butler, J. (1855). Gore (1855). McCaskill (1855). Sykes (1832-1856). Burnaby (1857). Kutzner (1857). Mouldee (1857). Jeffreys (1858). Trinsep, J. (1858). Lawrence, Sir II. M. (1859). Wilcox {1859). Baddeley (i860). Langley, E. A. (i860). Beveridge (1862). Argyll (1865). Schlagintweit (1861-6). Trotter, L. J. (1866). Raikes, C. (1858, 1867). Havelock (1867). Marshman (1867). Chesney, G. (1868). Cotton, Sir S. (1868). Bell, E. (1869). Bulger (1869). Phillips (1869). Levvin (1870). Forsyth (1871). Thomas, E. (1871). Waveney (1871). Creasy, Sir E. (1872). Green, Sir H. (1873). Ellen- borough (1874). Jacob (1874). Lawrence, .Sir G. (1874). Nightingale (1874). Burton, 1.(1875). Mouat (1S75). ^'albezen (1875). Grant Duff (1876). Russell, W. H. (i860, 1877). Taylor, M. (1877). Andrew (1S78). Williams, M. (187S). Prinsep, Val C. (1879). Minto (1880). Clarke, H. (1857, 1881). Baness (1S81). Bryans(i88i). Hunter, W. W. (18S1-2). James, VV. M. (1882). Smith, G. (1882). Maitland, P. J. (1883). Michell, St. J. F. (1883). Murray, J. (1883). Ross. D. (1883). Seeley (1883). Cavenagh (1884). Macgregor, R. C. (1884). Paget (1884). Malleson (185S-1885). Goldsmid (1874, 1885). Bell, M. S. (1885). Hornaday (18S5). Arnold, E. (1862, 1886). Dalton, C. (1886). W^hecler (1886). Elphinstone (1841, 1887). Newall (18S2-7). Temple, Sir R. (1882-1887). Benko (1888). Burton, E. F. (1888). Mitford (1888). Strachey, Sir J. (1888). Young, A. G. (1888). Bonvalot (1889). Amalgamation of Artillery and Engineers with the Royal. India, Army (1 86 1). Chesney, G. (1861). Ambulance Work in. Hendley (1883). Arms. Egerton (1880). Army. India. Bengal (1822-7). Napier, C. J. (1849). Crawford, A. (1857). Jacob, J. (1858). Phillips, J. C. (1869). Upton (1878). Cavenagh {1879). Stewart, D. J. (1880). Wilson, W. J. (1882-8). Bonus System. Phillips, J. C. (1869). Discoiilents of the iMadras Ar»ty. India. India, Army. Madras Artillery. India, Army. Frith ( 1 830). ]\[adras Engineers. India, Army. Army, Records. Lake, E. (1825) Madras European Regiment. India, Army. Army, Records. Artillery Exercise in. Army, Orders, Artillery (1837). Artillery Materiel in. Adye, Sir J. (i860). Bengal Obituary. Holmes and Co. (1848). Bhootanese War. Rennie (1866). Black Mountain Campaign, i888. Wheeler (188S). British Empire in. Trotter, L. J. (1866). British Power in. Auber (1837). Burmese War, 1852-3. Laurie (1853, 1854). Canals. India. Census. India. Plowden (1883). Cholera in. Orton (1831). Coal. India. . Commerce. Harris, John (1744). Wilson, A. J. (1878). Commutation Rates. India. Conquerors, Warriors and Statesmen. Sullivan (1866). Cyclone at Calcutta, 1864. Dcnham and Dando (1865). Gastrell and Blanford (1866). Dacoity. India. Defence. India. Clarke, H. (1857). Green, Sir II. (1873). Diseases. Amies' ey, J. (1828). INDEX. 7^5 India {lOititnitJ) — Drafts for India. India (1865). Dalton, J. C. (18S8). Electric Telegraphs. India. English Array in. India, Army. Exhibition, 1870. Exhibitions. Forests. India. French in, 1674 1761. Malleson (1868). Ganges Canal Works. Cautley (i860). Geology. Carter, H. S. (1S57). Goorka War, 1814 6. India (1822). Government Records. India. Harbours. India. ^ ^ , r, > »r Health of Troops in. India (1S63). Balfour, T. G. (1847). Mouat (1S75). Heliography in. Army, Signalling (1S79-S0). , , „ o> i.r u History. Mill (i84C^8). MacEarlane (1S52). Prmsep, J. (1858). Marsh- man (1S67). Malleson (1876). Taylor, M. (1877). Pope, G. U. (1S80). Human Sacrifice in. Campbell, J. (1864). Inland Navigation. India. Bourne (1849). Intelligence Department. India (1874). Irrigation. India. Engineers, Royal (1874). Literature. India. Looshai Campaign, 1871. Campaigns. Wood thorpe (1873). Madras Medical College. India. MahrattaWar. Campaigns. Blacker (1821). Blakiston (1829). Massacre of Benares, 1799. Davis, Sir J. E. (1S44). Meteorology. India. Pyle (1851). Blanford (1S76-7). Chambers, C. (1S7S). Military Dress. Tames (1814). o > ^,. Military Service in. India. Jeffreys (1858). Hodson (1859). Chenevix- Trench (1S77). Mines. India. Mints. India. r.- t, , o o o\ Mutiny, 1857. India. Carey (1857). Gardiner, Sir R. (1857, 1858). Adye, Sir J. (1858). Chambers (1858). Greathead (1858). Gubbins {1858). Norman (1858). North (1858). Orlich (1858). Raikes, C. (1858). Atkinson, G. F. (1859). Martin, R. M. (1859). Herford (1862). Verney (1862). Trevelyan (1S65). Ilavelock (1867). Cotton, Sir S. (1868). Jacob (1871). Grant, Sir ]. H. (1873). Kaye (1864-76). Bavlev J. A. (1876). Herbert, D. (1876). Malleson (1878-80). ThomhiU (1884). Holmes, T. R. E. (1885). Knox, T. W. (18S7). Showers (1888). Navy. Low, C. R. (1877). Penal Code. Lewis, A. 1. (1S70). Pindaree War. 1817-8. Campaigns. Lake, E. (1825). Ports. India. Princes. Sullivan (1875). Printing. India. Public Works. India. , r t, , o Railways. India. Ross, D. Clarke, H. (1857). Kennedy, J. P. (1854, 1S61). Davidson, E. (1868). Jones, E. (1873). Andrew (1856- 1SS2). Rambles and Recollections. Sleeman (1844). Reconnoitrer's Guide. King-Marman (1884). Revenue. India. Tuckett (1840). Rivers. India. Roads. India. Routes to. India. Elwood (1830). Conolly (183S). Galloway (1844). Richardson, D. T- (1845)- Chesney, E. R. (1850). Andrew (1857). Warren. E. (1857). Ainsworth, W. E. (1872). Kuhnenfeld (1872-3). Russian advance on. India. Long, J. McNeill (1836). Ravenstein (1S61). Michell, J., and R. (1865). Chenevix-Trench (1869). Romanovski (1870). Goldsmid (1873). Green, Sir H. (1873). 766 INDEX. India (', \V. (1828-40). Nicolas (1842). Dodd (1841, 1S54). Planche (1S59). Aveling(i873). Perrot (1880). Hunter, J. (1881). Knights of Malta. St. Jolm of [erusalem. Vertot (1772). Boisgelin (1805). Bigsl)y (1861). Porter, W."(l858, 1S83). Knowledge. Periodicals. Knowles, Rear-Admiral. Knowles. Courts-Martial. Kolapore. Herald (1845). Kohistan. Ujrah7 de Mezo-Kovesd (1878). Kbniggratz, Battle of, 1866. Cooke, A. C. (1867). Vilbort (1S69). Knox, T. W. (1887). Koonawur. Gerard (1841). Koordistan. Millingen (1870). ^ n 2 //- INDEX. Koran. MSS. , Mohammed. Kordofan. Tallme (1844). Colston (1S7S). Korti to Kartum. Wilson, Sir C. W. (1885). Krakatoa. Royal Society (18SS). Kriegsgeschichtliche Einzelschriften. Germany, Army (1883- ). Kriegsspiel. War C lame. licllwig (1803). T.schisch\vitzJ(i87o). Belgium, Army (1872). Middleton, F. (f873). Weckel (1873). Trotha (1872, 1874). Sprot (1875). Tollcn (18S0). Naumann (1881). Braun (1882). Liver- more (1882). Verdy du Vcrnois(i876-i884). Crook (1888). Krupp's Works. Knipp. Conw.ay (1886). Monthaye (1887). Krusenstern, Admiral. Bernhardi (1856). Kuldja. Ujfalvyde Mezo-Kovesd (1878). Kumaon. India. Kurdistan. C.crard (1883). Kurghis Steppes. Atkinson, T. W. (1858). Kurram Field Force. Colquhoun (1881). L. Laboratory, Royal. Arsenal, Royal. Labradore. Lane, M. (iSio). Kohlmeister and Kmoch (1814). " Lady Hobart," Wreck of. Fellowes (1803). " Lady Nelson," Voyage of. Grant, J. (1804). La Fere, Siege of, 1870. Tiedeniann (1872, 1877). Lagos. Earthquake. Earthquakes. La Hogue, Battle of, 1692. Naval History. Russell, E. (1692). Lake, Major-Gen. Edward. Lake (1825). Lake Dwellings. Troyon (i860). Lamb, Charles. Morley. Lambeth Archiepiscopal Library. Catalogues. Lamps, Marine. King (1814). Lancastriae, Ducatus. Records (1823-34). Lancers, Foot. Sereno (1610). Macerone (1832). Lances. Sereno (1610). Montmorency (1820). Belleval (1873). Lancet. Periodicals. Landen, Battle of, 1693. Landen (1693). Landfall of Columbus. Becher (1856). Landor, W. S. Morley. Landscape Gardening. Repton (1840). Lane, H. B., Major, R.A. Lane, F. W. B. (1883). Language. Minsheu (1627). Martin, B. (1748). Agius de .Soldanis (1750). Mitford (1774). Miiller, F. Max (1862). Languages. Anglo-Saxon. Bosworth (1838). Thorpe (1842). Arabic. Germanus (1639). Gladwin (1799). Australia, South. Teichelmann (1840). Chinese. Guignes (1813). Morrison, R. (1815). Coptic. Macdonald, W. B. (1856) Crimean. Miiller, F. Max (1854). Danish. Dictionaries. Wolff (1779). Bay (1806). Rask (1846). Dutch, Hansendonck (1823). Holtiop (1823-4). Picard (1877). East Indies. Gust, R. N. (1878). English. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. Meidinger (1812). Jonson (1816), IIanau(i866). Esquimaux. U.S., Smithsonian Institution (18S7). French. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. Desmarais (1706). Chambaud (1831). Le Brethon (1837). Fallon (1880). Gaelic or Celtic. Dictionaries. Stratton (1840). German. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. Meidinger (1812). Ollendorff (1840). Hanau(i866). Gothic. Bopp(i845). INDEX. 773 Langfuages (confhiued) — Greek. David, J. (1825). Macri (1825). Matthia; (1837). Stral ton (1840). Bopp (1845). Greek, Modern. Vincent, E. (1879). Hebrew. Martinius (1597). Bate, Julius (1767). Stratton (1872). Hindoostani. Roebuck (1813). Ilarkncss (1837). Ho^r^ (1837). Smyth, W. C. (1820-1841). Forbes, D. {1866). Eastwick (1869). Italian. Spadafora (1791). Latin. Scheller (1S38). Stratton (1840). Bopp (1845). Malay. MSS., Malay. Crawfurd (1852). Maltese. Panzavecchia (1845). Persian. Gladwin (1799). Smyth, W. C. (1840). Phoenician. Gesenius (1837). Yates (1837). Portuguese. Vieyra (1805, 1809). Punician. Agius de Soldanis {1750). Yates (1S37), Punjabee. Starkey (1849). Russian. Plamoniere (1838). Rei(ir(i853). Ivanoff (1882). Sanscrit. ^Vilson, II. H. (1832). Bopp (1845). Sclavonic. Bopp (1845). Siouan. U.S., Smithsonian Inst. (1S87). Society Islands. MSS., Society Islands. Spanish. McHenry (1830). Turkish. Jaubert (1823). Redhouse {1846). Barker, \V. (1854). Arnold, E. (1877). Wells (1880). Vahie or Vai Phonetic. Vahic (1851). Welsh. Spurrell (1848-185 1). Zend. Bopp (1845). See also " Dictionaries." Lansdowne Manuscripts. Museums, British (1819). Laon, Battle of, 1814. Assolant (1881). ,, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). La Perouse's Expedition, 1785. Labillardiere (iSoo). Dillon, P. (1829). Lapland. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Harris (1748). Brooke, A de C. (1827). Dillon, A. (1840). La Plata, River. La Plata. Azara (1809). Laryngismus Paralyticus. Fleming, G. (18S9). Lascari Dictionary. Roebuck (1882). Lascelles, Col. Peregrine. Courts- Martial (1749). Latin. Scheller (1838). Stratton (1840). Bopp (1845). (See a/so " Dictionaries.") Latin Abbreviations. Chassant (1876). ,, Grammar. Scheller (1838). Bopp (1845). „ Poetry. Walker, W. S. (1840). Latitude. Falck (1771). Maskelyne (1802). Mackay, A. (1810). Raper (1849). Salmon, W. (1850). Shadwell (1836-1854). Lax (18S1). Johnson, A. C. (1886-7). Laurion, Silver Mines of. Boeckh (1842). La Vendee, War of. Musset-Pathay (1806). Canuel (1817). Beauchamp (1820). Dermoncourt (1833). Law. Encyclopcedias. Buteo (1554). Perkins (1642). Coke (1644). Grotius (1720). Montesquieu (1772). Pulteney (1787). Blackstone (1809). Bacon (1825-34). Tomlins (1835). Martens (1802-1876). Incorporated Law Soc. (i88l). Criminal. Vincent, C. E. H. (1881). Ecclesiastical. Stephens, A. J. (1853). International. Vattel (1820). Valenlini (1822-4). Story (1841). Asher (1S56). Lord, II. W. (1862). Harcourt, G. F. (1863). Wheaion (1864). Ilalleck (1878). War, Art of (1880). Ilosack (1882). P'rance, Army (1884). Guelle(iS84). LibeL Vincent, C. E. II. (1S76). Martial. Twyford (1866). Finlason (1867). Clode (1S72). Harrison, F. (1880). Tovey(i886). Military. Army, Military Law. France, Army. Grotius (1720). Tytler (1806). Vcrntm, F. (1829). Napier, C. (1S37). Chenier (1831, 1838). 774 INDEX. Law. Military (roiithitii-d) — Ciittulis, F. A. (1841). Prendergast(i84i). Hough (1825-1855). Tripier (1S5S). I'ipon (1861, 1863). Benet (1866). Twyfonl (1866). (US72). Tulloch (1872). Scott, R. N. (1873). Franklyn (1874). Voet (1878). Ives (1879). Lentner {1880). James, W. H. (188 1). Griffiths, L. (1882). Boughey (1881-1883). Pratt (1883). Winthrop (1886). Tovey(i887). Naval, Navy. Welwood (1613). Molloy (1772). Maxwell, J. I. (1804). Tcnterden (1840). Reddie (1841). Browne, J. II. (1847). Navigation (1849). Hickman (1851). Trendergast (1852). Asher (1856). Ward, K. (1875). Munro-Butler-Johnstone (1876). Thring (1877). Law, Reign of. Argyll (1870). Law Books. Catalogues. Lawrence, Lord. Smith, R. B. {1883). Lawrence, Sir Henry. Edwardes and Merivale {1872). Lawrence, Sir T. Williams. D. E. (1831). Law^rence, W., Sergeant. Lawrence (i886\ Laws of Candy. Beaumont and Fletcher (i8l2). Lays of Ancient Rome. Macaulay (1874). Lazare Hoche. Bonnechose (1872). Lazarettos. Bentham, J. (1791). Howard, J. (1791). Lead. Percy (1S70). Oxide of. Yorke. Leading' of Troops. See "Troop Leading." League, the Holy. Maimbourg (1683, 1684). Anquetil (1767). Kausler (1S31). Learning, Advancement of. Bacon (1825). Lebanon, Mount. Churchill (185?). Lectures for Officers. Torrens (1851). Ledyard, John. Sparks (1828). Lee, R. E., Gen. U.S. Army. MSS., Court-Martial, Childe (1875). Long and Wright (1886). Leg-al Medicine. Belloc (1811). Tidy (1882-3). Leghorn, Road of. Knight, J. (1797). Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians). Canada (185S). Leipsic, Battle of, 1631. Sweden (1634). do. do. 1813. Shoberl (1816). Gleig (1852). Length, Standards of, Clarke, A. R. (1866). Lentulus, Baron. Lentulus (1788). Leo the Tenth, Pope, Roscoe (1805). Lepanto, Battle of, 1571. Graviere (1888). Lepidoptera, Catalogues. Lessons of War. Soady (1870). Lestock, Admiral, Mathews and Lestock, Letter Writing, Letter Writing (1886). Letters. Letters. MSS., Letters. Pliny (1770). Washington (1795). Neale (1809). Orford (1820). Palmerst( n (1840). Malmesbury (1845). Marl- borough (1845). Nicolas {1844-6). Saint-Arnaud (1858). Lewis, G. C. (1870). Nelson (1888). ,, from Flushing. Campaigns (1809). ,, from Khartoum, Power (1885). ,, from Madras, India (1843). ,, from Russia. Moltke (1877, 1878). ,, from the Mountains, Grant, Anne (1S07), ,, English Men of, Morley. ,, of Runnymede, Beaconsfield (1836), ,, on England. Soligny (1823). ,, Royal, Bromley (1787). ,, to Queen Elizabeth, Ascham {1761). " Lettre d'un Electeur a son Depute," Erckmann-Chatrian. Levant. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 10. Le Brun (1714). Perry, C. (1743). Saint Sauveur (1796). Newton, C. T. (1865). Levelling. Surveys. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 12. Doiglas, J. (1722). Le Febvre {1778). Puissant {1807). Lefevre (1811). Siborne (1827). Simms (1843). Lee, T. J. (1853). Jamts, J. O. N. (i860). INDEX. 775 Levelling' (continttid) — Hall, H. (1865). Clarke, A. R., and James (1867). Abyssinia (1869). Paterson (1862-1873). Frome and Warren {1873). Thuillier (1875). Reed, II. A. (1888). Lexicons. See " Dictionaries." Lhasa, Markham, C. R. (1876). Libel, Law of, Vincent, C. E. II. (1876). Liberia. Anderson, B. (1870). Librarians, Manuals for. Lowndes (1839- 1864), Brunet (1838-80). Libraries. Library Association. Catalogues. ^Iuseums, British. Dumersan (1828). Salford (1868). Librarian's Conference (1878). Chamljers, G. E. (1879). Library Aids. Green, S. S. {1883). Library Journal. U.S., Periodicals. License Books. MSS., Convoys. Lichtenburg-, Siege of, 1870. Tiedcmann (1872, 1877). Liege, Foundry at. Huguenin (1839). Lieutenant-Colonels, Effect of Royal Warrant of 1854 on. Lindsay, J. (1857), " Life, love, and politics." Derenzy, .S. .S. (1825). Life Buoys, Patent Office, Leslie, A. Cleghorn (1810). Manl>y (1830). ,, Guards, Army, Records. ,, Hooks. Kynaston (1859). „ of a Backwoodsman. Canada (1843). ,, of a Tar, Smyth, G. (1833). ,, Saving- of. Trengrouse (1817). Ryder (1872). United States (1876-1883). Lifeboats. Lifeboats. Lifeboat Institution. Hillary {1S24). Beeching (1852). Washington (1852). Berthon (1S53). Richardson, II. T. (1883). Moody (1867). Lewis, R. (1857, 1874). Lig-ht, Deschanel (1872). Armit (1875). Electric. Holmes (1863). Trinity House (1877). Hepworth (1879), Alglave ( 1882). Dredge ( 1882). War, Art of (1888). Light of Navigation. Johnson, W. (1620). Lighthouses. Lighthouses. Coulier (1829). Stevenson, A. (1835). Find lay {1862). Moody (1867). Smith, Augustus (1869). Douglass (1870). Aiams (1871). Lightning Conductors. India. Green, W. P. (1837). Harris, W. .S. (1835- 1838). Lightning Rod Conference (1882). Anderson, R, (1879, 1885). Lightships. Coulier (1829). Moody {1867, 1869), Adams (187 1). Ligny, Battle of, 1815, Jones, G. (1817). Mudford (1817). Siborne (1844, 184S). Vaulabelle (1866). Gardner, D. (1882). Lille. Museums (1832). Siege of, 1708. Deane, J. M. {1846;, Lime, U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1863). Limits, Doctrine of, Whewell (1838). Lincoln. Archaeological (1850). Lincoln, Abraham, Nicolay and Hay (1888). Linesman, The, Napier, E. (1856). Linnean Society. Linnean Sociely. Linschoten, John Huyghen van. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 71 and 72. Lipari Islands. Cockburn (1815). Smyth, W. 11. (1830). Lisbon, Earthquake, Earthquakes. Chase (1833). Lisle, Rudolph de. Oxenham (18S7). Lissa, Battle of, iSll. Naval History (1829), Lists. Army. Army Lists. Army, Records. India, Army. MSS., Army. (lermany, Hanover. United States. Chamberlayne (l7SS). Millan (1755). Miller, F. (i860). White, F. B. P. (1871). Chelsea Hospital. Chamberlayne (1755). Clergy. Clergy List. Robertson, J. (1843). Foreign Office. Foreign Office. Greenwich Hospital. Chamberlayne (1755). Irish Army, 1689. D'Alton ( 1S61). Navy. Navy. MSS., Navy. Chamberlayne (1755). Hardy, ]. (17S4), Harviy, W. (1861). War Office. War Office. 77^ INDEX. "Litchfield," Wreck of. Sutherland (176S). Literary and Historical Society, Quebec. Catalogues. Quebec. ,, and Philosophical Society, Manchester. Catalogues. Manchester. ,, Gazette, rcriodicals. ,, News. U..S., Periodicals. Literature. Catalogues. Adams. Corney. Tiraboschi (1795-6). Hazlitt (1821). Rumpf(i824). Watt (1824). Queraid (1827-8). Sismondi (1823, 1S37). Hallam (1837-9). Maunder (1858). Lowndes (1839-1864). Karcher (1866). Brande and Cox (1S67). Nares (1876). Vapereau (1876). Brewer ( 1880). Halkett and Laing (1882-8). India. India. Lithotomy. Carpue ( i S 1 9). Lithuanian. Bopp(iS45). " Little French Lawyer." Beaumont and Flclcher (1812). Littoral War. Molyneux (1759). Liverpool. Dennis (1818). Observatory at. Taylor, John (1845). Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Sanders (1825). Lives of the Players, (ialt (1831). Lives of the Poets. Johnson, S., vols. 9-11. Living-stone, David. Livingstone. Stanley, H. M. (1842). Lloyd's Register. Lloyd. Martin, F. (1876). Loango. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 16. Locke, John. Morley. King, P. (1830). Locomotives. Patent Office. Pambour (1840). Log, Electric, Kelvvay (1882). Log Book, Subaltern's. Subaltern (1828). Log Letters from the "Challenger." Campbell, Lord G. (1877). Log of H.M.S. "Terrible," 1755-6. MSS., Logg. Logarithms. Sherwin (1771). Taylor, M. (1792). Callet (1795). Lalande (1808). Eezout (1S16). Reynaud (1818). Kerigan (182S). Babbage (1841). Raper(i846). Lee, T. J. (1853). Logic. Encyclopaedias. Whateley (1862). Lombardy. Barrow (184 1). Bava (1848). Testa (1877). London. London. Cassell. Stow (1754-5). Pennant (1790). Johnson, S. vol. I (1792). Arnold, R. (1811). Hunter, H. (1811). Murray,J. (1849). Archa;olo2;ical (1867). Eddy (1871). Stanford (1877). Marsh, C. L. (1879). Wyngaerde (1881-2). Dickens (1882). Clubs. Marsh, C. (1828). Communications. Hall, E. (1857). Court of. Rush (1845, 1873). Defence of. Lillie. Hanger (1804). Lewis, G. C. (1857). Eddy (1871). Palliser (1871). Waveney (1871). Williams, S. H. (1872). Hamley (1888). Drainage. Este (1858). Exhibition, 1851. Exhibitions. do., 1862. Exhibitions. Paris, E. (1863-4). Knight, J, G. (1865). do., 1873. Exhibitions. do., Fishmonger's Hall, 1882. Exhibitions. do., Indian and Colonial, 1886. Exhibitions. Port of. London (1799-1S00). Tower of. London (1803). Bayley, John (1830). De Ros (1866). Preston (1855). Arnioiiries. Catalogues. University. London (1828). Water Supply. London Spring Water Co. (1852). Lankester and Redfer (1852). Bolton (1884). London Catalogue of Books. Catalogues. ,, Dispensatory. Thomson, A. T. (1837), ,, Encylopaedia. Elncyclopaidias. ,, Gazette. Periodicals. ,, Institution. Lond. Inst. Catalogues. ,, Library. Catalogues. ,, Magazine. Periodicals. INDEX. ^^^ " London," Wreck of. Highton (1866). Londonderry. Surveys (1837). Portlcck (1843). Siege of, 1689. Graham, J. (1S29). Long Bow. Mason, R. O. (1798). Long Parliament, 1640. May, T. (1812). Longevity. Cornaro (1722, 1823). Longitude. Margetts. Woodley. Maskelyne (1802). Vaux (1808). Mackay (iSlo). Dobbins (1814). Macdonald, J. (1S26). Raper (1849). Weston (1848, 1856). Smyth, C. P. (1859). Clarke, A. R., and James ( 1867). U.S., Navy {18S0). Lax (1881). Clarke, H. W. (1885). Johnson, A. C. (18S6-7). Longfwy, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Loo Choo. Hall, B. (1818). Macleod, J. (1818). Looker On. Chalmers, A. (1823). Looking Glass for Saints and Sinners. Clarke, S. (1671). Looshai Campaign, 1871. Campaigns. Woodthorpc (1S73). " Lord Melville," Wreck of. M'Gregor, J. J. (j8i6). Lord's Prayer. Lindsay (1846). Lord's Supper. Gardiner, Sir R. (1864). Lorenzo de Medici. See "Medici." Losely Manuscripts. Kempe, A. J. (1836). Loss of Vision. Hogg (1S76). Lost Function in Romance. Bryce (1883). Loudon, G. E., Freiherr von. Malleson (1884). Louis XIV, King of France. Voltaire (1779). James, G. P. R. (1839). Louis XV, King of France. Voltaire (1779). Justamond (1781). Louis Napoleon. Sec "Napoleon." Louis, Prince of Conde. See " Conde." Louisbourg. Siege of, 1745. Gibson, J. (1745). do. do. 1758. MSS., Gordon. Lounger. Chalmers, A. (1S23). Louvre. Clarac (1830). Rousset (1864). Paris, E. (1S83). Love and War. Poems (18 10). Lover's Progress. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Love's Cure. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Love's Pilgrimage. Beaumont and Fletcher (18 12). Loves of the Poets. Jameson (1831). Low, Lieut. J. M'Arthur. Courts-Martial (1817). Loyal Legion of the United States. United States (1882). Loyal Subject. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Loyalist. Loyalist (1S03). Lucknow, Siege of, 1857. India (185S). Gubbins (1858). Mecham (1858). Rees(i8s8). Norman (1S67). Lunar Distances. Taylor, Janet (1835). Airy, Sir G. B. (1881). Lunatic Asylums. Bentham, J. (1791). Saumarez (1836). United States (1847). Veitch (1849). Lusus Philologici. Macdonald, W. B. (1851). Luxemburg. Rothan (1882). Luxembourg, Due de. Marshal. Clausewitz {1837). Luxor Obelisk. Berruyer (1833). Cooper, W. R. (1877). Lyceum of Natural History. U.S., Lyceum. Lycia. Fellowes (1841). Lynedoch, Thomas Graham, Lord. Graliam, J. M. (1S6S). Delavoye (18S0). Lyric Poems. Ward, J. R. (1S74). Lyrics and Legends of Rome. Rome (i860). M. Macartney, Earl of. Barrow (1807). Macaulay, T. B., Lord. Morley. yj^ INDEX. M'Clean, J. R. M 'Clean (1S73). McClellan's Campaign. Campaigns, America, 1861-5. Macedonia. Rollin ( 1S08). Walker (1864). Macgregor, Major-Gen. Sir C. M. Macgregor (1888). Machiavelli. Machiavelli (17S2-3). Machine Guns. U.S., Army, Ordnance. Tackels (1868). Claxton (1869). Suzanne (1870). Franklin, W. B. (1874). Owen, J. F. (1874). Folj^er (1S79). Rogers, E. (1882). Roos (1886). Army (1888). Hamilton, W. R. (1888). Gardner. (Gardner (1844). Gatling. (lalling. Franklin, \V. B. (1874). U.S., Army, Ordnance (1S74). Hotchkiss. Hotchkiss. Koener (1884). Very (1885). Maxim. Maxim. Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Nordenfelt. Nordenfelt (1880-1884). Vetterli. Vetterli (1870, 187 1). Machinery. Babhage (1835). Rankine (1867). Barbensi (1873). Mackay's Regiment (Royal Scots). Army, Records. Macklin, Charles. Congreve, F. A. (1788). Macleod, Sir John. Macleod (1834). Mad Houses. Bentham, J. (1791). Saumarez (1836). United States (1847). Veitch (1849). Mad Lover. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Madagascar. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 16. Owen, W. F. W. (1833). Ellis, W. (1838, 1858). Sibree (1870). Oliver, S. P. (1885, 1886). Cooke, W, S. (1886). French Operations, 1882-6. Cooke, W. S. (1886). "Madame Therese." Erckmann-Chatrian. Madeira. Bowdich (1825). Hodgson (1838). Osborne (1845). Tate (1847). Oliveira (1865). Madras. India. Army. Artillery. India, Army. Frith (1830). Discontents of. India. India, Army. Eni^ineers. India, Army. Army, Records. Lake, E. (1825). European Regiment. India, Army. Army, Records. Medical College. India. Native Infantry. India, Army. Madras Almanack. India, Periodicals (1803). Magazine Accoutrements. Oliver, W. S. Magazine Rifles. Patent Office. Ploennies (1867). Remington (1S84, 1885). Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Magazines. Periodicals. Magazines, Powder. India. Magdala, March to. Henty (1868). Magellan. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 52. Magellan, Straits of, Harris (1744). Byron, J. (1767). King, P. P. (1832). Cunningham, R. O. (1871). Magenta, Battle of, 1859. Achard (1859). Magna Charta. Thomson, R. (1829). Magnetic Observations. Sabine, E. (1838, 1843). Scoresby (1844). Magnetic Variation. Harris, John (1744-8). Churchman (1804). Mackay, A. (1810). Dobbins (1814). Fotheringhame (1837). Cunningham, P. (1841, 1843). Navigation (1852). Admiralty (1852, 1855). Smith, Archi- bald (1855). Evans, F. J. (1868, 1870). Fournier (1873, 1878). Collet (1882). Magnetism. Patent Office. Barlow, P. (1820). Green, W. P. (1833). Brewster (1837). Hedgcock (1839). Tyndall (1870). Deschanel (1872). Sabine, E. (1872). Thomson, Sir W. (1872). Maxwell, J. C. (18S1). Thompson, S. P. (1 88 1). Herschel(i886). Magnetograph. Welsh (1852). Mahawanso. Tumour (1837). Mahrattas. Moor (1794). Marhatta Empire (1804). Waring (1810). Broughton, T. D. (1813). Campaigns (1818). Pindarics (1818). Thorn (1818). Blacker (1 82 1). DuiT (1826). Blakiston (1829). Jones, H. H. (1881). Keene (1886). INDEX. 779 Mahratta War, 1818. Campaigns. Bl.icker (1821). Blakiston (1829). Maid of the Mill. Keaumont and Fletcher (1812). Maida, Battle of, 1806. Maida (1819). Maid's Tragedy. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Main, River. Aut;ercau (1802). " Maison Forestiere." Erckmann-Chatrian. " Maitre Daniel Rock." Erckmann-Chatrian. " Maitre Gaspard Fix." Erckmann-Chatrian. Majorca. Jastjjino (1689). Balearic (1787). Bidwel! (1876). Major's Manual. Fox, L. L. B. {1873). Malabar, llakhiyt Soc, vol. 35. Cambridge, R. O. (1761). Malaga, Battle of, 1704. Naval History. Cust, Sir E. (1858). Malay. India (1875). McNair (1878, 1882). Hornaday (1885). Malay Language. MSS., Malay. Crawfurd (1852). Malaysia. Woodard (1805). Bennett, F. D. (1840). Crawfurd {1S20, 1856). Boucher (1857). Malcolm, Major-Gen. Sir John. Kaye (1856). Maldives. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 76 and 77. Malegnano, Battle of, 1859. Achard (1859). Malo-Jaroslavitz, Battle of, 1812. Labaume (1815). Malta. Malta. Lacroix, F. Denon(i789). Anderson, ^neas ( 1 802). Boisgtlin (1805). Cockburn (1815). Bres (i8i6). Smyth, W. H. (1823, 1828). Poems (1828). MacGill (1839). Davy, J. (1842). Murray, J. (1845). Seddall (1870). PlimsoU (1879). Winterberg (1879). Senior (1882). Benko(i887). Knights of. St. John of Jerusalem. Vertot (1772). Boisgelin (1805). Porter, W. (1858). Bigsby (1861). Maltese Language. Panzavecchia {1845). Mammalia. Catalogues. Sykes(i832). Man. Descent of. Darwin (1S71). Destination of. Spalding (1774). Natural History. Usiglio (1826). Debay (1864). Physical History. Prichard (1841-4). Primitive Condition. Lubbock (1870). Man of War. See " Ironclads " and " Ships." Manchester. Centenary of Science in. Smith, R. A. (1883), Free Library. Catalogues. Literary and Philosophical Soc. Catalogues. Manchester. Tactical Society. Lectures, Aspland. Birley. Crook. Wilkinson. Manchu Drill. China. Mandingoes, Western. Anderson, B. (1870). Manitoba. Fitzgibbon (1880). Manning's Mission to Lhasa. Markham, C. R. (1876). Manoeuvres. Manceuvres. Infantry. Switzerland, Army. U.S., Army, Infantry. Young, W. (1770-1). Smirke (1799). Russell, J. (1804). Drill (1S05). Gleig(i8i2). MSS., Molyneux (1819). Vandermeere (1837). Mounsteven (1842). Bonnaldu Martray (1853). Malton (1867). Bray (187 1 ). Stofiel (1871,1872). Wellington Prize ICssay (1872). Scrda(i88o). Boguslawski (1883). Weyl(i886). Naval. Pellew (1868). Bridge, C. A. G. (1874). Bethell (1S81). Navy (1888). Manual Exercise. Army, Orders (Musketry and Infantry). Drill (179S). James (1814). Mitchell (1835). Manuals for Librarians. Lowndes (1839-1864). Brunei (1838-80). Manufactures. Dabbagc (1835). Manufacturing Districts. Head, G. (1840). Manuscripts. Museums, Britiih. Manuscripts. Napoleon Bonaparte (181 7). Hamilton, T- (1867). Maori War, i86b-l. Fox, W. (1866). Alexander (1863, 1873). Gudgeon (1879). Maoris. Davis. C. O. B. (1855). Maps. Catal..i,'ues. Chauchard. Le Febvre (1778). Grover, H. M. (1848). Lee, T. I. (iS;;,). Eckstein (1876). King, C. C. (1876). Wilson, Sir C. W. (1879). Marathon, Battle of, B.C. 490. Cnasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). 780 INDEX. Marbles. Nfuscum?, British (1812-6). March to Magdala. llenty (1868). Marches. Hcrthaut (1S77-9). " Marchesa," Cruise of. (}uillemard (1S86). Marching Out. Flower (1S59). Marcus Aurelius. Sec " Aurelius." Mare Clausum. Seldcn (1663). Marengo, Battle of, 1800. Berthier (1805). Biilcw (1831). Marengo (1856). Margarita. Lavaysse (1S20). Maria Louisa, Infanta of Spain. Kolli (1823). Marian de Brittoon. Derenzy, S. S. (1822). Marie Antoinette, Campan (1824). Marignan. .S't't' " Malcgnano. " Marine Architecture. See "Architecture, Naval." ,, Boards. Thomson, D. (1870). Thorn {1880). „ Engines. Robinson, R. S. (1839). Hold>\vorth (1843). Iloseason (1844). Main and Brown (1849-1865). Burgh (1874). McDougall, N. (1875). Engineers, Royal (1875-6). King, J. \V. (1880). Sennott (1882). Seaton (1883). Holmes, (r. C. V. (1889). Glue. Jeffery (1843, 1848). Insurances. Lloyd. Martin, F. (1876), Lamps. King(i8i4). Railw^ay, Rodgers (1823). Safety Seats. Rhind (1S46). Society, Marine Society. Watch. Cassini (1770). '* Mariner," Convict Ship. Ilaslam (1819). Mariners, ^tv" Seamen." Mariner's Friend. Reehorst (1865). Marines. Marines. Maclntire (1763). Paixhans (1822). Maritime Law. See " Naval Law." ,, Positions. Raper (1849). ,, Rights. Hosack (i860). Markers. Fox, L. L. B. (1873). Cxordon, W. (1886). Malton (1889). Marlborough, John, Duke of. Marlborough. Lediard (1736). Bosc (1736-7). Dumont (1729-47). Bucke (1839). Coxe, W. (1847-8). Vreede (1850). Saintsbury (1885). Marlborough, Dowager Duchess of. Hooke (1742), Marmont, Marshal. See " Raguse." Maroons. Dallas, R. C. (1803). Marriages, Army. Army (186S). Marryat, Frederick, Hannay (1889), Mars, Field of. Campaigns (1801). Mars, the British, Robson (1763), Marsal, Siege of, 1870, Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Marsden, William. Marsden (1S38). Marseilles. Abeille. Marsh Poison. Ferguson, W. (1821). Marston Moor, Battle of, 1644. Lawley (1865). Martial Law. Twyford (1866). Finlason (1867). Clode (1S72). Harrison, F. (1880). Tovey(i886). ,, Register, British, Macdonald, R. (1806). Martini-Henry Rifle. Army, Orders, Musketry. Ridout (1S73), Sec also " Rifles." Martyrs, Foxe(i76i). Mary, Queen of Scots. Elizabeth (1739). Mary Madeleine. Fox, M. (1S51). Masque. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Massachusetts, Commandery of. United States (1882). Massacre of Benares, 1799, Davis, Sir J. F. (1844). Massena, Andre. Massena (184S). Mast, Two years before the. Dana, R. H. (1841). Masts. Patent Office. Pakenham (1793)- MSS., Shuldham (1S24). Finchanv (1829). Chatfield(i834). Lloyd (1874). INDEX. 781 Mathematical Instruments. Simms (1837). Heather (1870). Hulme {1880). Iloholan(iSSi). Mathematical Tables. Sherwin (1771). Taylor, M. (1780, 1792). Callet(i795). Lalande (180S). Bezout (1S16). Reynaud (1S18). Kcrigan (1828). Bab- ba<,re(i84i). Raper (1846). Lee, T. J. (1853). Mathematics. Mathematics. Kncyclopx'dias. Miiller, J. (1550). Bettini (1658). Webster, W. (1731). Lochee (1776). Hiitton, C. {181 1, 1815). Bezout (1782-1822). Playfair (1822). Pappus (1824). Bland, M. (1827). Fran- ccEur(i829). Bridge, B. (1831-5). Hind (1835). De Morgan (1835-1837). Bourdon (1837). Barlow, P. (1840). Cliflbrd (1841-2). Caspersonn (1844). Woolwich, Mil. Acad. (1853). Sandys (1864). Cunningham, A. W. (1868). Sylvester (1869). Mathev7S, Admiral. Mathews. Mauritius. Martin, R. M. (1836). Maxim Machine Gun. Maxim. Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Mazarin, Cardinal. France (1649). Measures. Pasley (1834). Woolhouse {1839). Yates (1858). Browne, W. A. {1S69). Meccah. Burton, R. F. (1857). Mechanical Engineers. Catalogues. Engineers. Mechanics. EncyclopKdias. Netherlands, Ron. Mil. Akad. Emerson (1758). Ryland (1772). Robison (1822). Poisson (1833). Whewell (1836, 1837). Rankine (1864). Byrne (1867). Deschanel (1872). Mechanics' Magazine. Periodicals. Mechanism of the Heavens. Somerville (1831). Reddie (1862). Medals. Numismatics. Catalogues. Akerman. Dassier. Mortier (1690). Pedrusi (1694). Evelyn (1697). Crockers and Lochner (1744). Pellerin (1762-1765). Pinkerton (1808). Waxell (1809). Addison (181 1). Bosset (1815). Russia (1817). Laskey (181S). Mudie (1820). .Sestini (1821). Lagoy (1834). Museums, British (1837). Till (1838). Hawkins, W. H. (1839). Nicolas (1842). Toussenel (1845). Donaldson (1859). Carter, T. (1861). Blades (1S69). Vaux (1869). Victoria Cross (1865-1880). Gibson (1866, 1880). Whalley (1875-18S8). Media. Walker, O. (1697). Rollin (1808). Keppel, G. (1827). Buckingham (1830). Mediaeval Military Architecture. Clark, G. T. (1884). ,, Times. Cutts. Medical Department. Army. Army Med. Dept. Catalogues. Jackson, R. (1803). Marshall, H. (1828). Mouat(i875). Hamilton, J. B. (1883). Navy. Navy. Brown, F. J. (1S71). Medical Departments, Assimilation of. Veitch (1847). ,, Education. Marshall, W. B. (1827). ,, Experience, Curiosities of. Millingen (1839). ,, Statistics. United States (1S75). Herschel (1886). ,, Topography of the Mediterranean. Hennen (1830). Medicated Baths. Wheatley. Medici, House of. Tenhove (1797). ,, Lorenzo de. Roscoe(i795, 1822). Medicine. Encyclopoedias. Patent Office. Galenus (1568). Jasolino (1689). Celsus (1766). Cabanis {1819). Thomson, A. T. (1827). Blane (1833). Hooper, R. (1839). Homoeopathy (1842). Dickson (1S56). Quain (1883). Herschel (1886). Dictionaries of. Hooper, R. (1839). Quain (1883). Forensic. Belloc (1811). Tidy (1882-3). Military. U.S., Army, Surg. -Gen. Dept. Meyserey (1754). Pringle(l76i). Scrive (1857). U.S., Army (1864). Tropical, .\nnesley {1828). Medico-Botanical Society. Stanhope (1836-7). Medinah. Burton, R. F. (1857). Mediterranean Sea. Lighthouses. Rooke, Sir G. (1704). Ayrouard (1746). Roux (1779). Knight, J- (i794)- Cockburn (1815). Hennen (1830). Temple, Sir G. T. (1835, 1S36). Rawlinson, G. (1836). Devereux (1847). Smyth, W. H. (1854). Le Gras (1870). RtifTer (1879). 782 INDKX. Mediterranean Sea {otifiiiiied) — Battles in, 1708. Taulmian (17 10). Melancholy, Anatomy of. Hiirton, R. (1813). Melbourne University. Victoria. Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount. Melville. Trials (1806). Memoirs, Military. Fiiuiuiores (1737). Williamson (1740). Ramsay (1779). ■, \V. (1804). Blakiston (1829). Memorial de Ingenieros. Spain, Periodicals. Men of the Time. Townseiid (1868). Men, Equality of. Alcock, T. .St. L. (1873). Menageries. Swainson (1838). Menai Bridge. Jackson, T. (1852). Mensuration. Adams, W. M. Rankine (1867). Mensurator. Adams, W. M. Mercantile Marine. Mercantile Marine. Reed. Tozer. Dennis (1822). Steel (1822). Moreau (1827). Landers (1829). Tenterden (1840). Burn, D. (1841). Reddie (1841). Walker, B. J. (1841). Farrer, T. H. (i860). Ryder and Graves (i860). Dickson, W^ (1866). Forbes, R. B. (1866). Gray, T. (1866). Toynbee (1867). Grey, F. W. (1873). Forster (1874). Wilson, E. (1875). Lindsay (1867-77). Ravenhill (1877). McCulloch (1869^80). Meridian. Cassini de Thury (1744). Merino Sheep. Western (1842). " Merrimac. Adts (1862). Mersey, River. Mersey. Merv, Marvin (1881). „ Oasis. O'Donovan (1882). Mesnivi. Redhouse (1881). Mesopotamia. Ainsworth, W. F. (1842). Metallurgy. Encyclopaedias. Patent Office. Percy (1861-80). Rohrig (1881). U.S., Smithssnian Inst. (1887). Siemens (1889). Metamorphoses. Ovid (17 17). Metaurus, Battle of, B.C. 207. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Metcalfe, Charles, Lord. Kaye(i858). Meteorographica. Galton (1863). Meteorology. Meteorological Office. Meteorological Society. Greenwich Obser- vatory. Royal .Society. Edinburgh Observatory. Cape of Good Hope. India. U.S., Army. U.vS., Army, Engineer Dept. U.S., Army, Signal Service. U.S., Navy. Adie. Rooke, H. (1795, 1796). Capper, J. (1801). Playfair (1822). Dalton, J. (1834). Prout (1834). Sykes (1835). Pid- dington (1839). Daniell (1843). Reid, W. (1838, 1849). Boileau, J. T. (1850). Howard, L. (1850). Drach (1851). Pyle (1851). VanDiemen's Land (1850-2). Arago (1855). Pouillet (1837, 1856). Rowell (1856). Canada (1845-57). Saint Helena (1847-60). James, Sir H. (1860-1). British Columbia (1862). Dove (1862). Engineers, Royal (1862). Fitzroy (1863). Galton (1863). Victoria (1864). Board of Trade (1861 -5). Nijne Tagilsk (1860-66). Buchan (1868). Laughton (1871). Ansart (1874). Armit (1875). Blandford (1876-7). Chambers, C. (1878). Chili (1879). Ley (1880). Admiralty (1851, 1883). Herschel (1886). Strachan (1886). Abercromby (1885, 18S8). Metope. Angell and Evans (1826). Metric System. Biot and Arago (1821). Metropolis. .S'^t? " London." Mettray, Reformatory at. Colonic Agricole (1846). Metz, Siege of, 1870. Campaigns, 1 870-1. Coffinieres de Nordeck (1871), Germany (1872). Andlau (1872). Stoffel (1874). Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Hoffbauer and Leo (1876-8). Bazaine (1871-1883). Franklyn (1887). Duquet (1888). Meuse, River. Brialmont (1882). Mexico. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 29. Harris (1748). Hall, B. (1824). Lyon (1828}. Hardy, R. W. H. (1829). W^ard, H. G. (1829). Stephens, J. L. (i84i>. Cortes (1843). Prescott (1843). Osborne (1845). Rnxton (1847). Salm Salm (1868). Wilson, A. J. (1878). Grant, U. S. (1885-6). War of 1845. Grant, U. S. (1885-6). INDEX. 7^Z Mezieres, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Microscopic Journal. Periodicals. Microscopy. Microscopical Soc. Brewster {1837). Hogg"(i867). Middle Ages, Scenes and Characters of. Cutis. Middle Kingdom. Williams, S. Wells (1S83). Midshipmen. KardleyWilmot (1845). Liardet (1851). Mildew. Browell (1S22). Burnett ( 1847). Milford Haven. Warren, J. B. (1791). Page (1859). " Militair-Literatur-Zeitung." Germany, Periodicals. " Militairische Blatter." Germany, Periodicals. " Militar Wochenblatt." Germany, Periodicals. *' Militarische Monatschrift." Germany, Periodicals. Military Academy, United States. United .States. Fletcher, II C Benton (1S61). „ ,, Woolwich. Woolwich. Catalogues. Jones, W. D. (1851). Owen, C. H. (1868). Drayson (1886). „ Administration. France, Army, Reunion des Officiers. Cuthhertson (1779). Husson (1844). Viel(i845). Vauchelle (1854). James, W. H. (1881). Boughey (1881, 1883). ,, Aerostation. France, Army, Reunion des Officiers. ,, Affairs. Albemarle (1671). ,, Aides-M^moires. Rouvre (1859), Switzerland, Army (1870). Engineers, Royal (1876-83). ,, Annual. Army (1844). ,, Antiquities. Grose (1801, 1812). ,, Aphorisms. Fincati (1882). ,, Architecture, i't't- " Fortification." ,, Biography. Biography. Crasso (1683). Cole {1856), Johns and Nicolas (1S60). Oust, Sir E. (1865, 1867). Sheardown (1873). Chesney (1874). ,, Bridges. Switzerland, Army. Blanchard. Engineers, Royal (1822). Douglas, H. (1832). Thierry (1849). U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1849). Meurdra (1861). Bridges (1863). Cullum (1863). Haupt (1864). Germany, Army (1865). .Schutze (1868). Rossel (1869). Belgium, Army (1870). „ Budget. Army (1882). ,, Cabinet. Cooper, T. H. (1809). ,, Calendar, East India. India, Army (1826). „ ,, Royal. Calendars (1815-1820). ,, Carriages. Arsenal, Royal. Patent Office. U.S., Army, Ordnance. March. Scott, R. A. E. (1866). Close (1875). Schumann (1885). Army (1879, 1888). „ Catechisms, Doyle (1804). Walshe (1855). Sinnott (1860-1885). Malton (1889). „ Charities. Gildea (1886). ,, Chronicle, Royal. Pcriixlicals. ,, Collections and Remarks. Donkin (1777). ,, College, Sandhurst. Sandhurst. Catalogues, Pcithmann (1S09). ,, Communications. Army. Orders. Macdonald (1808). Macpherson, H. T. (1882). Webber, C. E. (1882). Lewal (1881-3). Furse (1883). Steenackers (1883). „ Cooking. Acklom (1866). Warren, F. (1868). ,, Course. Simes(i777). ,, Dictionaries. Dictionaries. Rigaltius (1601). Eggcrs (1757). Smith, G. (1779). Simcs, Military Guide (1781). G.aigne (i^i). James, C. (1805). Campbell, E. S. N. (1830). Luhe (1833-41). Cochet de .Savigny (1838-44). Duckett (1848). Heinze (1850). Stocqueler (1853). Burn (1863). Landolt (1865-71). Voyle (1876). Niemann (1877). Rib- bentrop (1877). Poten (1877-80). Min>sen (1880). Wilhelm (r88i). Castner(i882). Farrow (1885). Manlell (1886). Mellerv and Modrachv (1S81-7). ,, Discipline. Germany, Army. Bellay-Langez (1550). Ferettus (1575). Brancaccio (1582). Cinuzzi (1620). Netherlands (1631). Barry, G. (1634). Barriffe (1643). Army, .Military Law (1686). Fortification (1688). Boddington (1701). Bl.ackwell (1726). Kane, R. (1747). 784 INDEX. Military Discipline {iO)iti)iiicd) — Uland, H. (1759). Hinde (1778). Williamson, J. (1791). Reide (1795,1801). Jackson, R. (1845). Acland (1868). Page(l87i). 'loke (1888). ,, Dress. Army, Orders. MSS., Army. Hammer. Dalrymple, C. (1761). Pearse (180S). Europe (1812). James (1814). Smith, C. H. (1815). Turkey (1818). Galateri (1844). Luard (1852). Acklom (1866). Switzerland, Army (1868). Germany (1869). Moltzheim (1870). Planche (1874). Germany, Army (1877). France, Army (1879). Parr (1881). U.S., Army (1882). Poten (1885). Vogt (1887). Detaille and Richard {1885-8). ,, Economy. Poole (1804). Vassar (1811). Jackson, R. (1845). ,, Education. Education. Sandhurst, Military College. Staff College. Wellington College. Woolwich, Mil. Acad. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. U.S., Army, Mil. Acad. Fletcher, H. C. Dilichius (1718). Eardley- Wilmot (1856). Omnium (1856). Hough (1857). Sweden (1858- ). Benton (1861). Owen, C. H. (1868). Switzerland, Army (1868). Peri- zonius (1870). Stoffel (1871, 1872). Cooke, W. S. (1872). Ledeuil (1875). Schnackenburg (1876). Schueler (1878). Franklyn (1883). Prevost (1884). Fktres (1887). „ Elements. Walker, E. (1868). ,, Ends and Moral Means. Graham, J. J. (1864). ,, Engineers. Engineers. Austria, Army. France, Army. Germany, Army. India, Army. Netherlands. Russia. Switzerland, Army. U.S., Army. Frankland, W., A. Belidor (1734). Didier (1734). Clairac (1749-1755). Tielcke (1779). Allent (1805). Macaulay (1S34, 1850). Barnard, J. G. (1863). Gillmore (1865). Mahan (1S65). Thompson (1869). Wray (1872). Goetze (1875). Bonin (1877-8). Klipffel and Duval-Laguierce (1880). Laisne (1839, 1883). Maguire (1884). Veroggio (1885). Black, A. E. (1887). Lloyd, E. M. (1887). ,, Equipment. Army, Equipment. Army, Orders. Gunning (1838). O'Halloran (1861). Cayol (1S65). Carter, J. M. (1870). Blakeney (18S3). Bower (1885). Hozier (18S6). „ Equitation. Pembroke (1793). Army, Orders, Cavalry (1819). MSS., Hippisley (1826). Gribble (1829). ,, Essays. Turner, Sir J. (1683). Raguse (1865). Franklyn (1875). ,, Events. Dumas (1S00-1826). ,, Evolutions. Bombelles (1754). ,, Examinations. Staff College. Woolwich, Mil. Acad. Hobbs (1S59). Crawley (1884). Bannatyne (1879, 1886). Bead (1886, 18S8). Gibson, J. (1888). ,, Exercises. Angelo (1853). ,, Finance. Army. Army, Orders. Reide (1805). Fonblanque (1857). ,, Genius. Wolseley (1888). ,, Geography. Geography. Jackson, J. R. (1850). Lavellee (1868). Vincent, C. E. H. (1873). ^ironi (1876). Hue (1S80). Bureau (1882). France ( 1 884). Marga ( 1 884-5 )• ,, Government. Ouvry(i86i). ,, Guides. Simes (1781). Gordon, W. (1886). ,, Gymnastics. Italy, Army. Steinmetz (1862). Maclaren (1862-1877). ,, History. Biggs (1755). Beatson, R. (1804). Aspin (1820). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Kausler (1831). Giguet (1849). Vial (1861). Oust (1858-1863). Lecomte (1870). Adams, C. (1877). O'Byrne (1874-8). Dubail (1880). Tarnier (1881). Adams, W. H. D. (1886). Armytage (1886). Middleton, O. R. (1886). Maguire (1887). See also " Campaigns." ,, Hospitals. Germany, Army. U.S., Army, Surg. Gen. Dept. P'rance, Army (1854). Adenaw (1872). Ruhl (1872). "\\Tiitman (1888). »» Hygiene. Belgium, Army, Conferences, series I, no. 5. France, Army, Commission des Conferences. France, Army, Reunion des Officiers. Germany, Army. U.S., Army, Surg. Gen. Dept. Short (1844). Army (1859). Army, Med. Dept. (1861). U.S., Army (1863, 1864). Haly {1867). Swilzerland, Army (1870). Roth and Lex (1872). Roth INDEX 785 Military Hygiene (lOiitiiiiieJ) — (1S74- ). Saxony (1875) Austria, Army (1879). Hunt and Kenny (18S2). Knorr (1S83). Ravvlinson, R. (1883). Rossignol (1883). Bogaert (1SS4). ,, Industrial Training Schools. Hamilton, W. J. (1873-4). ,, Instructions. Army, Orders. France, Army. Frederick (1761). Wolfe (1780). Germany, Army (i 801). ,, Law. Army, Military Law. France, Army. Grotius (1720). Tytler (1806). Vernon, F. (1829). Napier, C. (1837). Chcnier ( 183 1, 1838). Griffiths, F. A. (1841). Prendergast (1841). Hough (1825-1855). Tripier (1858). Pipon (1861, 1863). Benet (1866). Twyford (1866). Clode(i872). Tulloch (1872). .Scott, R. N. (1873). Franklyn (1874). Voet (1878). Ives (1879). Lentner (1880). James, W. H. (1881). Griffiths, L. (1882). Boughey (1881-1883). Pratt (1883). Winthrop (1886). Tovey(i887). „ Life. Wyvill (1820). Soldiers (1825). Green, J. (1827). Maginn (1829). Shipp (1832). Harley (1838). Henry (1843). Napier, C. J. (1851). Hodson (1859). Douglas, W. (1865). Seaton (1877). Steevens, C. (1878). Acland-Troyte (1881). Army (1881). Literature. Rumpf (1824). Magazine. Periodicals. Manners and Customs. Farrer (1S85). Mathematics. Lochee (1776). Maxims. Teeling (1881). Medicine. U.S., Army, Sur.-Gen. Dept. Meyserey (1754). Pringle (1761). Scrive{i857). U.S., Army (1864). Memoirs. Feuquieres (1737). Williamson (1740). Ramsay (1779). Thomson, W. (1804). Blakiston (1829). Memorandums. Puerto (1724). Army (1804). Memorial. Frederick Charles (1866, 1872). Mentor. Army (1804). Mines. Vauban (1742). Le Febvre (1764). Gillot (1805). Gumpertz and Lebrun (1S05). Todlebcn (1863-70). Piron (1872). Cocheteux (1S78). Miscellany. MSS., Army. Lindsay, C. (1793). Marshall (1846). Music. Perrin. Roth. Elwart (1861). Notes. Ligne(i78o). Scharnhorst (1794). Ellis, W. B. E. (1S59). Obituary. Smith, H. S. (1854-9). Officers. Army. Millan. Parr (188 1). Opinions. Burgoyne, Sir J. F. (1859). Orders. Army. Army, Records. Austria, Army. India, Army. MS.S., Orders. Reserve Forces. U.S., Army. Oakes (1837). Lucan (1856). O'Byrne (1872-1879). Panorama. Periodicals. Photography. Belgium, Army (1876). Punishments. MSS., Army. White, W. (1823). Marshall, H. (1832). Malcolmson (1837). Napier, C. J. (1837). Pyrotechny. Pyrotechny. U.S., Army, Ordnance Memoranda, no. 21. Boillot (1598). Hanzelet (1636). Jones (1776). Bergansius (1861). Railways. Rail\v.ays. France, Army, Commission des Conferences, no. 3. U.S., Army (1866). Basson (1867). Belgium, Army, Con- ferences, series i, no. 2 (1870). Body (1870). Mallet R. (1871). Stoffel (1871, 1872). Germany, Army (1872). Wolseley (1873). Fell (1876). Budde (1877). Hadden (1878). Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Register. Periodicals. Regulations, See " Military Orders." Reminiscences. Welsh (1S30). Reports. StotTel (1871, 1872). Repository, Bengal. Bengal (1822-7). Sanitation. U.S., Army (1863). Evans, T. W. (1868) Todlebcn (1863-70). Roth (1874- ). Germany, Army (1872, 1878). Scraps. MSS., Ford. Service Institution. United States. 3 1- ^86 INDEX. Military Sketch Book. MSS., Ford. ,, Sketching. I'irschcr (1775). Flower (1859). Drayson (1861). Paterson (1S62, 1671). Army (ii)7l). Vincent, C. E. H. (1873). Hutchinson and MacGregor (1S7S). Hutchinson, 11. D. (1886). Verner (1889). ,, Statistics. Army Medical Department (1861). ,, Studies. Carter, T. (i860). ,, Surgery. U..S., Army, Surg.-Gen. Dept. Guthrie (1827). Hennen (1829). U.S., Army (1864). Longmore (1865). Porter, J. H. (1875). ,, Surveying. Jackson, B. (1841). Flower (1859). Drayson (186 1). Lendy (1864). Napier, W. C. E. (1869). Paterson (1873). ,, Tactics. Army, Orders, Infantry. Infantry. War, Art of. France, Army, Commission des Conferences. Dyke. M.SS., Nicephorus. Ruscelli (1595). Scriverius (1607). Constantinus (1617). Venn (1672). Beausobre (1757). Armies (1760). Guischardt (1763). .Silva (1768). Ibrahim (1769). Guibert (1775, 1781). Dalrymple, W. (1781). Saldern (1781). Germany, Army (1789). Venturini (1802). Guillaume (1812). yElianus(i8i4). Decker (1836-7). Clausewitz (1837). Mitchell (1838). Dufour (1851). Lendy (1853). Twemlow (1855). Casey (1862-3). Ambert (1865). Lippitl (1865). Smith, M. W. (1S69). Perizonius (1870). Schellen clorf (1870, 1871). Army (1871). Besanfon (1871). Layman (1871) Tellenbach (1871). Macdonnell (1872). Riistow, W. (1872-4). Lyman (1874). Biddulph (1875). Hale (1877). Boguslawski (1872-8). Cavalry (1878). Home (187S). Shaw, W. J. (1879). Helvig (1875-80). Delpech (1880). Drygalski (1880). Estorft" (1880). Serda (1880). Thyr (1880). Arnim (1881). Berthaut (1881). Brialmont (1881). Hermida y Alvarez (1881). James, W. H. (1881). Barnard (1878-82). Demangel (1882). Griffiths, L. (1,882). Mayor (1882). Lewal (1875- 1883). Morgan, H. F. (1883). Hayes (1884). Henrard (1S84). Stone, F. G. (1886). Clery (1880, 1887). Tocelyn (1881, 1887). Blomfield (1887). Heusch (1887). Pierron (1887). Wilkinson, H. S. (1SS7). Bone (1871-1888). Mayne (1884-8). Aldershot Military Soc. (1SS8). Maude (1888). Gall(i8S9). Telegraphy. France, Army, Commission des Conferences, no. 3. Maxwell, K. (1811). Thompson, T. P. (1825). Sleigh (1838). Serda (1866). Fix (1869). Belgium, Army, Conferences, series i, no. 8 (1870). Stoffel (1871, 1872). Germany, Army (1872). Webber, C. E. (1873). Neviadomski (1880). Steenackers (1883). War, Art of (18S8). ,, Terms, See " Military Dictionaries." ,, Topography. See " Topography " and " Military Geography." ,, Train. Army, Orders (1862). Army, Equipment (1S64). ,, Transport. Army, Orders, Commissariat. Army, Orders, [Infantry. Navy, Orders. Cherry. Crichton (1804). Bowles, W. (1837-8). Decker (1844). Kirwan (1859). Wood, C. A. (1859). Chenevix- Trench (1868). Hoseason (1858, 187 1). India, Army (1873). Ross, D. (1879). Furse (1878, 1882). Militarische Klassiker (1880-2). ,, Warfare. See " War, Art of." ,, Warrants. Army, Orders. Lindsay, J. (1857). Militia. Reserve Forces. Army. Army Lists. Norfolk (1757). War, Art of (1782). James(i797). Mansfield (1854). Walshe (1855). Dwyer(i857). Hatton (1859). Haggard (1857, i860). Scott, P. (1861). Alcock, T. St. L. (1867). Collen (1870). Douglas, P. (1870). Canada (1871). Dickinson, J. (1871). Sullivan (1871). Waveney (1871). Anson (1873). Raikes, G. A. (1873). Ford (1874). Lyons, E. (1877). Colville (1878). Acts (1882). Holden (1882). Pead (1886, 1888). Canada. Canada. Davis (1873). Fletcher (1873). Channel Islands. Sullivan (1871). Miller, General, of Peru. Miller, J. (1829). Milroy Lectures. Lawson (1SS8). Milton, John. Morley. Todd (1S09). Mind, The Human. Fullom (1858). Mineralogy. Catalogues. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. U.S;, Surveys. Kidd (1809). Williams, J. (1810). Gesner (1816). Jameson (1S20-1). Cleaveland (1822). Bakewell, J. R. (1829). Ure (1835). Phillips, W. (1816-1S37). Buckland (1837). Dundonald (1851). Dana, J. D. (1857). INDEX. yS7 Mineralogy {coi/iniicJ) — Dana, J. D., and Brush (i868). Livcrsidge (1882). Adami (1886). llerschell (1S86). Mines. Patent Oftice. India. New South Wales. U.S., Surveys. Harris (1748). Werner (1809). Ure (1845-1878). Accidents in. Longmore (1874). Abel (1888). Military. N'auban (1742). Le Fcbvrc (1764). Gillot (1805). Gumpertz and Lebrun (1805). Todleben (1863-70). Piron (1872). Cocheteux (1878). Silver. Boeckh (1842). Submarine. U..S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 23. Mouze (1804). Khrenkrook (1878). Scheidnagel (18S0). Black, A. E. (1887). Bucknill (1889). See also "Torpedoes." Minor Surgery. Canivell (1786). Hill, B. (1869). .Shepherd (1878, 1881). ,, Tactics. Fullerton (1878). Watson, G. (1883). Clery (1880, 1887). Blomfield (1887). Holwell (1888). Minorca. Jasolino (1689). Balearic (1787). Bid well (1876). Expedition to, 1801. Anderson, /Eneas (1802). Siege of, 1756. Minorca. Byng (1756, 1757). Mint, Royal. Mint (1S75). Minto, Gilbert, Earl of. Minto (1874). Miranda, Don Francisco. Biggs, J. (1809). " Mirror." Chalmers, A. (1823). Mirror, Young Gentleman's. Narcissus. Missions. Douglas, J. (1822). Missions to Seamen. Timpson (1837). Seamen (1874). Mississippi, River. Falconer, T. (1844). United States (1874, 1881). Mitrailleuses. Tackels (1868). Claxton (1869). Suzanne (1870). Wille (1871). Owen, J. F. (1874). Roos (1886). Mittler, Ernst Siegfried. Troschke (1870). Mobile Bay, Battle of, 1864. Parker, F. A. (1878). Mobilisation. Furse(i8S3). Models, Ships. Miller, T. (1684). Modern Armies. Raguse (1865). Modugay. India. Mogull. 6'6'e; " Tartary. " Moldavia. Wilkinson, W. (1820). Molecular Motion. Croll (1872). MoUoy, Capt. A. J. Pye. Courts-Martial (1795). Molluscs. Fleming (1837). Moltke, Field Marshal von. Midler, W. (1879). Momentum. Norton (1862). Monaco. Addison (iSii). Monastery, Cambuskenneth. Cambuskenneth (1872). Money. Pigot. Pasley (1834). Browne, W. A. (1869). See also " Coinage." Mongolia. Atkinson, T. W. (1858). Michie, A. (1864). Prejevalsky, N. (1876). " Monitor," Ship. Adis ( 1862). Monmouth. Greenwood (1824). Monmouth, James Duke of. Roberts, G. (1844). Monro, Dr. A. Monro (1840). " Monsieur Thomas." Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Monsoons. Capper, J. (1801). Mont Blanc. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 4. ,, Orgueil Castle. Prynne (1838). ,, Perdu. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 4. Montagu, Admiral Sir J. Montagu (1823). Montalembert, Marc Ren6, Marquis. Lloyd, E. M. (18S7). Montalte. Pascal (1820). Montcalm, Marquis de. Parkman (1884). Montebello, Battle of, 1800. Achard (1859). Montecuculi, General R. Turpin de Crisse (1789). 3 E 2 788 INDEX. Montenegro. Forsyth, W. (1876). Army. Armies, Kuropean (1876). Vogt (1887, Montg-omery Manuscripts. Montgomery (1869). Monthly Miscellany. Periodicals. ,, Register. Periodicals. Montmedy, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Montreal. Canada. (Jueltec Lit. and Hist. Soc, series 3. Montrose, James Graham, Marquis of. Greville (18S6). Monumental Effigies. Slothard (1S76). Moon. Newton (1729). Norie(iSi7). Taylor, Janet (1835). MSS., Ford (1836). .Shadwell (1S60). Airy, Sir G. B. (1881). Moore, Sir John. Moore, J. C. (1834). Moral Philosophy. Hutcheson (1753). Morgan, T. C. (1822). Fleming (1874). Mordaunt, Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Courts-Martial (1758). More, Hannah. Thompson, H. (183S). Morea. Bramsen (1820). Leake (1830, 1846). Wyse (1865). Moreau, General. Philippart (1814). Svinine (1814). Morgan's Cavalry. Duke (1867). Morning Herald. Newspapers. Morocco. l'ink2rton's Collection, vol. 15. Dunton (1637). Sutherland (1768). Ali Bey (1816). Caillie (1830). Brooke, A. de C. (1831). Hardman (i860). Oliveira (1865). Leared {1876). Catalogues, Books (1878). Hooker (1S78). War -with Spain, 1859. Campaigns. Hardman (i860). Oliveira (1865). Mortality from Military and Naval Operations. Hodge (1855, 1856). ,, in the Army. Balfour, T. G. (1847). Sykes (1851). Aspland, A. (1S59). Lawson (1887). Mortar (Cement). Vicat (1837). U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1863). Mortars. U.S., Army, Ordnance. Paixhans (1824). Iron (1857). Scoffern (1858). Thomas, L. (1863). Croggan (1S65). Maxwell (1870). Mosaic Creation. Buckland (1837). Moscow. Long, J. Abbott, J. (1843). Retreat of the French Army from. Campaigns, Russia, 18 12. Moselle, River, (^uin (1S43). Moskwa, Battle of, 1812. Labaume (1815). Mostyn, Capt. Courts-Martial (1745). Moth. Burnett (1847). Mound Exploration. U.S., Smithsonian Inst. (1887). Mount Lebanon. Churchill (1853). ,, Sinai. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 10. Laborde (1838). Robinson, E. (1841). Stanley, A. P. (1868). Mountain Artillery. Army, Orders, Artillery. U.S., Army. Muller, F. (1866). Lloyd, T. H. (1878). Beckerhinn (1883). Dalton, L C. (1887). ,, Warfare. Macgregor (1866). Shadwell, L. (187*5). Kuhn (1878). Mountains, Letters from the. Grant, Anne (1807). Mounted Infantry. Army, Orders. Bower, J. Acland (i860). Parr (i 888). Mule. Kiley(i867). Munitions of War. Norton and Valentine (1868). Munro, Major-Gen. Sir T. Gleig(i83i). Munster Fusiliers. Army, Records. Mural Quadrants. Bird (1768). Murder. Ilewson (1S46). Murray, Lieut.-Gen. John. Courts-Martial (1815). „ River. Allen, J. (1853). Kinloch (1853). Musardu. Anderson, B. (1870). Museums. Museums. Liversidge (1880). Artillery. Catalogues. Artillery (1831). British. Museums. Thompson. Millard (1836). Murray, J. (1851). Nichols (1866). Farnese. Provene (1727). Indian. India. Egerton (1880). Louvre. Clarac (1830). Paris, E. (1883). Military Service. United States. Napoleon. Sainsbury (1845). INDEX. 789 Museums [lontimictl) — Nelson, Yarmouth. Manby (1849). Royal College of Surgeons. Surgeons (1826). Royal United Service. United Service Insl. Music. Encyclopivdias. Patent Office. Parke (1S30). Sudre (1833). Clodomir (1873). Military. Perrin. Roth. Elwart (1861). Musical Biography. Bingley (1814). Musketry. Army, Orders. Navy, Orders. Small Arms. Germany, Army. Italy, Army. Seddeler. Boxel (1673). Shooting (1791). Thackeray 1 854 • Kennedy, J. C. (1855). Jacob (1S57). Wilford (1S61). Steinmetz 1862 . Cuverville(i864). Rouse (1874). Miller, li. P. (1877)- Legros (1878). Hythe (1879). Neumann (1S79). Boguslawski (1880). Spam, Army (1881). IIolden(i882). France, Army (1867, 1883). Hamilton, I. (18S5) Tullvich(iS85). Lodwick (1SS6). Toke(i8S8). . , ., School of, Hythe. Small Arms. Wilford (186 1). Ilythe (1879). Lodwick (1 886). Muskets. Gheyn (1607). Wilkinson, H. (1851-1858). Jervis, J. W. (1859). Stc also " Small Arms." Mutinies. , c. ^ r> 1 1, „ Bounty. Bligh (1790). Mutinies (i794)- Barrow (1S47). Belcher (1S70). Herbert, D. (1876). " Hermione." Mutinies. India, 1857. India. Carey (1857). Gardiner, Sir R. (1857, 1858). Adyc, Sir I. (1858). Chambers (1858). Greathead (185S). (lubbins ( 1S5S . Norman (1858). North (1858). Orlich (1858). Raikes, C. {1858. Atkinson, G. F. (1859). Martin, R. M. (1859). Herford (1862). Verney (1862). Trevelyan (1865). Havelock (1867). Cotton, Sir S. (1868). Jacob (1871). Grant, Sir J. H. (1S73). Kaye (1864-76. Bayley, J. A. (1876). Herbert, D. (1876). Malleson (1878-80. ThornhiU (1884). Holmes, T. R. E. (1885). Knox, T. W. (1887). Showers (1888). Nore. Mutinies. Courts-Martial, Parker (1797). Herbert (1876). •' Somers." Mackenzie, A. S. Spithead. Patton (1798)- Herbert, D. (1876). " Temeraire." Courts Martial (1802). Mutiny. Courts-Martial, Wilson (1807). Herbert, D. (1876). a, ^ , o . Mutiny Act. Army, Military Law. Hough (1825). Simmons, T. Y. (1833). Na\y(i856, 1863). Parsons (1875). Mutlah, River. India. Muzzle Pivoting. Mallet, R. (1863). Anderson, W. L. (1871). Mysoor, Wilks (1S10-17). Mystery, Philosophy of. Dendy (1841). • , c x ivrcc Mythology. Encyclopedias. Bacon. Ramsay (1762). Pausanias (1624). JMSS.., Lacy (1 84 1). Nader Shah. Nader Shah. (I773)- NSrCenTrarSir^^Charles. McCaskill (1855). Napier, W. F. P. (1S57). Bruce, W. N. (18S5). Holmes, T. R. E. (18S9). Napier, General Sir George T. Napier, G. T. (1884). ^ t. r^ , 00 v Napier General Sir William. Bruce, H. A. (1864). Holmes, T. R. E. {1889). Naples! Ciraftii 1663-4)- O.lletta (1835). Miles, J. (1843). Insurrection, 1647. Girafti (1663-4). Queen of, and Lord Nelson. Jeaffreson (1889). Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon. Erckmann-Chatrian, D'Invernois (1812). Cevallos (1S08, 1814). Villettc (1814). Truchses-Waldburg (1S15). Montholon (1823-5). Las Cases (1825). Segur, P. (1S25 6). Antom- 790 INDEX. Napoleon Bonaparte (lontinued) — niaiclii (1S26). Maitland, F. L. (1826). Gourgaud (1825, 1827). Scott, W. (182S). Joniini, II. (1829). retroni (1813, 1834). Usshor (1841). Abell {1844). Mitchell (1845). Sainslniry (1845). Bcrtrand (1847). Forsyth, \V. {1853). Campbell, Sir N. (1869). Lanfrey (1870-5). Bouri- enne (1831, 1885). Wartenbcrg (1885-6). Browning (1887). O'Meara (1888). ricrron(i889). Codes of. France (1810). Napoleon III. Nanoleon III. Pcrsigny (1837). Hill, P. G. (1869). ,, Eugene, Viceroi of Italy. Vaudoncourt (1828). ,, Louis, Prince Imperial. Deleagc (1880). Napoleon Museum, Sainsbury (1S45). Narcissus. Narcissus. Narcotics. Klemni (1855). Narva, Battle of, 1700. Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Naseby, Battle of, 1645. Mastin (1792). Lockingc (1830). Nasmyth, James. Nasniyth (18S3). Nassau Frigland, Prince of. Dumont (1729-47). Natal. Natal. Cloete (1852). Bate, John (1862). Gillmorc (1878). Peace (1883). Tulloch (1S85). Nation, Act for Arming. Army, Military Law (1S03). National Debt. Cockburn (1883). National Defence. National Defence. War, Art of (17S2). Bruce, John (1798). Lloyd, H. (1798, 1803). Hanger (1804). Cartwright (1804, 1806). Beaver (1806). Russell, J. (1806). Birch (1S08). Selkirk (1808). Patton (1810). Evans (1817). Bentham, J. (1842). Palliser (1844). Ranelagh (1845). Faddy (1848). Tayler (1848). Macgregor, R. S. (1849, 1850). Head, F. B. (1850). Bowles, W. (1852). ^Maurice de Sellon (1852). Fergusson, J. (1853). Gordon, Hon. A. (1853). Lewis, G. C. (1839, , 1857). Cambridge Essays (1858). Burgoyne, Sir J. F. (1859). Kennedy, Sir J. S. (1859). Macintosh, J. (1859). Alexander (i860). Brialmont (i860). Douglas, H. (1S60). Gardiner, Sir R. (i860). Williams, S. H. (i860). Coles (1859, 1861). Bidder (1861). Boxer (1862). Harris, W. S. (1862). Peto(i862). Sandys (1859, 1864). Alcock, T. St. L. (1867). Eddy (1871). Jervois (1871). Leveson (1871). Mallet, R. (1871). Waveney (1871). Hoseason (1873). Wyatt, M. (1874). Hall, Sir W. H. (1876). Hozier (1876). Thival (1880). Barrington, J. T. (1881). Parnell (1882). Gopcevic(i887). Colomb, Sir J. C. R. (1867-1888). Alder- shot Military Soc. (18SS). Hamley (1888). Macdonald, J. H. A. (1888). Maude (1888). Maurice (1888). Symonds (1888). O'Connor (1889). „ Portrait Gallery. Catalogues. „ Pride. Zimmermann (1779). ,, Records. Records. ,, Rifle Association. Rifle Association. Nations, Battle of the. See " Battles, Leipsic." ,, Relative Power of. Alcock, T. St. L. (1873-4). Natural History. Catalogues. Encyclopedias. Museums, British. Periodicals. Canada. U.S., Lyceum. Martin, B. (1759-63). Martyn (1785). Lin- naeus (1802). Saint-Pierre (1804). Lempriere (1830). Broderip (1832-3). Jesse, E. (1830, 1835). Sykes (1832-1838). Pliny (1829-40). Swainson (1834-1840). Cuvier and St. Agy(i84i-5). Smith, C. H. (1848). Belcher (1855). Debay (1864). Cunningham, R. O. (1871). Arctic Regions (1875). Darwin (1842-1S76). ,, History Objects. Natural History (1824). ,, History of Creation. Jackson, J. R. (1845). ,, Philosophy. Royal Society. Newton (1729, 1739). Ryland (1772). Juan y Santacilia and Ulloa (1773). Saumarez (1812). Biot (1816). Playfair, J. (1812-9). Bacon (1825). Herschel, J. F. W. (1830). For- man(i832). Marcet (1836). Whewell (1836). Brewster (1835, 1837). Duran(i843). Becquerel (1842-4). Young, T. (1845). Grove (1846^. Pouillet (1837, 1856). Ganot (1863). Deschanel (1872). Tyndall (1863-1876). Siemens (1889). „ Selection, Darwin (1869). Wallace (187 1). Naturalization. Hill, M.D., (1S69 INDEX. 791 "Nature." Periodicals. Nature, Adaption of. Kidd, J. (1836). ,, Constitution of. Bellamy {1845). Nautic Hours. Toems (1816). Nautical Almanack. Periodicals. Garrard (17S9). ,, Astronomy. .SVe; " Navigation." ,, Magazine. Periodicals. ,, Surveying. Owen, K. Settenibrini. Mount (1701). Bellin (1737-65). Mackenzie, M. (1774), Knight, J. (1794-1802). Dessiou (1805). Smyth, \V. II. (1823). Belcher (1825). Bagay (1829). Beautemps Beaupre (1S29). Saulnier de Vauhello (1833). Graham, J. D. (1838). Givry( 1842-185 1 ). Alston (iSfo). Shortland (1869). Laughton (1872). Mayne (1874). Admiralty (1875, 1877). Markham (1879). Robinson, J. L. (1882). Wharton (1882). Dawson, L. S. {1885). Herschel (1S86). ,, Tables. Inman (1835). Norie (1837). ,, Terms. See " Naval Dictionaries." Naval Administration. See " Admiralty." ,, Aide-Memoire. Durassier (1888). „ and Military Gazette. Periodicals. ,, and Military Magazine. Periodicals. ,, and Military Magazine (Illustrated). Periodicals. „ Annuals. Brassey (1S86- ). Colomb, P. H. (1888). ,, Architecture. Architects. Arcliitecture. MSS., Naval. MSS., Navy. Navy. .Shipwrights. Patent Office. Bushnell (1678). Cocks, J. (1705). Sutherland (1711, 1740). Bouguer (1746). Duhamel du Monceau (1752). Murray M. (1754). Juan y Santacilia (1783). Gordon, T. (1784). Stal- kartt (1781, 1787). Rommc (1787). Nichols (1793). Hutchinson, \V. (1794). Knowles (1795). Wilson, C. (1795). Burghall (1798). Char- nock (1800). Mackonochie (1805). Money (1811). Bering (1814). An- nesley, W. (i8i8). Chapman, F. H. (1768- 1820). Fincham (1821). Hayes (1821). Layman (1821). Steel (1781-1822). Seppings (1814- 1822). Willoughby (1823). Brindley (1824). Dickinson, R. (1825), Chatfield (1832). Radford (1840). Creuze (1841). Iloklsworth (1842). Clairbois (1805, 1846). Pearse, J. (1847). Kead (1847). Washington (1852). Lang (1847-53). Couch (1854). White, T. (1858). Jecks (1863). Graser (1864). Fairbairn (1865). Russell, J. S. (1S65). Forbes (1866). Skinner (1866). Grantham (1868). Reed (1869). Fishbourne (1S45-1871). Wilson, E. (1 87 1). Scott, M. (1874). Brix (1878). Very (1880). White W. H. (1877, 1882). Br.assey (1882-3). Kronenfels (1883). „ Armour. Chalmers, J. (1865). IloUey (1865). Ca\alli (1866). Renard (1866). Diblere (1873). Bettolo (1877). Gougeard (1884). Arminjon (1888). ,, Arsenal. Arsenal. Melville (1810). Page (1859). Gougeard (1882). ,, Artillery Volunteers. Reserve Forces. Brassey (1874). ,, Atalantis. Naval History (1788). „ Automaton. Etyier (1836). ,, Battles. See " Battles " and " Naval History." ., Biography. Biography. Kent, J. (1781). Charnock (1794-S). Harding (1800). Burney (1806). Campbell, Dr. J. (1813). Norie (1827). Ralfe (1828). Marshall, J. (1823-30). Southey (1833-40). Johns and Nicolas (1S60). O'Byrne (1849, 1861). ,, Bookkeeping. Liddel (1787). ,, Brigade m India. Verney (1862). ,, Brigade in South Africa. Nor bury (1880). ,, Charities. Naval Charitable Soc. Naval Benevolent Soc. Saumarez (1S37). Gildea (1886). ,, Chronical. Periodicals. Voyages. ,, Chronology. Steel. Schomberg (1802, 1815). Ralfe (1820). Norie (icS27). MSS., Nicolas (1846). ,, College, Greenwich. Naval College. ,, Commanders, Portraits at Greenwrich. Catalogues, ,, Courts-Martial. .SVc' " Cou^^^-.^Iarlial." ,, Cuirasses. .SVf? "Naval Armour." 792 INDEX. Naval Dictionaries. Dictionaries. Bonnefoux. Poussart. Smith, John {1692). J^lanckloy (1750). Eggers (1757). Bourdc de Villehiiet (1773, 1779). Mountaine (1783). Nuuman (1799). Lescallier (1800). Moore J. J. (1805). Ealconer, W. (1769-1815). Willaiimcz (1S31). Jal (1848). Burn (1863). Young, A. (1863). Rcehorst (1865). Smyth, W. H. (1867). Engcl (1863-8). Tccklenborg (1870). Landoli (1865-71). Eincali (1877). Littleton (1879). Scttcml)rini (1S79). Tornain (1877, iSSo). Roebuck (1813, 18S2). Harbord (1863, 1883). Dobovich (1883). ,, Discipline. Patton. Iloste (1762). Biden (1830). Liardet (1849). ,, Dress. Navy, Orders. ,, Education. Education. Hannay (1783). Wall (1831). Lihou (1838). Sharp (1845). Harris, R. (1863). Hope, C. W. (1869). Cooke, A. P. (1880). Soley (1880). „ Engineers. Navy (1877). Harvey, J. R. (1888). ,, Evolutions. MSS., Evolutions (1792). Douglas, H. (1S32). ,, Expositor. Blanckley (1750). ,, Finance. Navy, Orders. ,, Gazetteers. Gazetteers. Malham (iSoi). Norie (1827). ,, Heroes. Burney(iSo6). Johns (i860). ,, History. Naval History. Courts-Martial. Layman. Monck (1653). Thysius (1657). Burchett (1703, 1720). Colliber (1727). Lediard (1735)- Jinkins (1739). Pointer (1743)- Berkley (1756). Entick (1757) Barrow (1776). Steel (1784). Payne (1793). Beatson. R. (1804). Burney (1806,1807). Campbell, Dr. J. (1813). Schomberg (1802, 1815). Aspin (1820). Ralfe (1820). Brenton (1823). Norie (1827). Ekins (1824, 1828). Southey (1833-40). MSS., Nicolas (1846). Allen, Joseph (1842, 1852). Graviere (1848, 1853). Bunbury (1854). Bouet-Willaumez (1855). Cust, Sir E. (1S58). Low, C. R. (1873). O'Byrne (1874-8). Laughton (1887). James, W. (1826, 1888). {See also " Battles.") ,, Hygiene. Blane (1815). Fonssagrives (1856). Armstrong, A. (1858). Mericourt (1867). Wilson, E. (1870). Wilson, J. (1S70). Navy (1841- 1S72). Macdonald,J. D. (1881). ,, Inquiry, Commissioners of. Maxwell, J. I. (1805). Navy (1803-6). Mel- ville (1805, 1810). ,, Institute. United States. „ Law. Navy. Welwood (1613). Molloy (1772). Maxwell, J. L (1804). Tenterden (1840). Reddie (1841). Browne, J. H. (1847). Navigation (1849). Hickman (185 1). Prendergast (1852). Asher(i856). Ward, R. (1875). Munro-Butler-Johnstone (1876). Thring (1877). ,, Magazine. U.S., Periodicals. „ Manoeuvres. Pellew (1868). Bridge, C. A. G. (1874). Bethell (1S81). Navy (188S). ,, Monitor. Steel. ,, Nursery for Seamen. Swanne (1709). Lihou (1838). ,, Officer. Marryatt (1829). ,, Officers. Navy. Martelli (1838). Fanshawe (1874). ,, Ordnance. Artillery. Navy. Navy, Orders. War, Art of. U.S., Navy. Walker, J. Venn (1672). Robins (1747). Moore, W. (1813). Pechell (1825). Beauchant (182S). Inman (1828). Marshall, J. (1829). Read (1831). Chatfield (1831-2). Stevens, J. H. (1834). Kennish (1837). Simmons, T. F. (1837). Preaux (1839). Zeni and Deshays (1840). Lafay(i85o). Douglas (1829, i860). Simpson, E. (1862). Scott, R. A. E. (1866). Gadaud (1873). Noel (1874). Poyen (1878). Austria, Navy (1880). Cooke, A. P. (1880). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). See also " Ordnance " and " Gunnery." ,, Professional Association. Naval Prof. Assoc, ,, Promotion. Navy (1864). ,, Punishment. Navy (1866). Penrose (1824). ,, Reform. Scott, J. (1855). Charmes (1887). ,, Remembrancer. Steel (1784). ,, Reserves. Tozer. Brassey (1871). Gardner, G. H. (187 1). Grey, F, W. (1S73). Wilson, R. (1875). U.S., Naval Intel. Office (1888). ,, Retirement. Navy (1864). Colomb, P. H. (1873, 1878). INDEX. 793 Naval Rewards. Sulivan (1871). Routine. Fordyce (1837). Science. Periodicals. r> i > c Scripture Readers' Society. Naval Scripture Readers boc. Sketch Book. Glascock (183 1). Tactics. .SVc- " Naval Warfare." Text Book. Totten (1841). War, America, 1812. Roosevelt (1882). War of 1887. Na\7(i886). ^ „. , . ,, Warfare a^d Tactics. War, Art of. Boutakov Ruscelh 1595)- ^ enn (1672). Hoste (1697)- Morke (1742). Robsor. 1763). . '^I^/'g"" 176^ 1767). Mazarredo (1776). Mountaine (1783). C,rcnier (1787). Romme (1787). Steel (1800). Ramatuclle (1802, 1813). C.amagl.a (tTS Clerk T. (i 790-1827). Moorsom, C. R. (1846). Biddlccombe WlZ 1857) Douglas (1858). France, Navy (,859). Navy (1864 . CS-Willumez (18I5). Lvtllier (1867). Lewal (1868). J.rr.el (1869) Bridfre C A G. (1872). Penfentenyo 1873. Noel (1874). Uislere fi8 i .' Bowleg T. G. (1877). At'tlmayr (1878). Chahaud-Arnau t 879. Penhoat (1879). Randolph (1879)- Long S. (1880). I ethdl (1881 Henk (1881). Aabe {1882). FmcaU(t882). Bourgois (1876, 1883) U^Naval Intel. Office (1884). Bainbridge-Hoff {1885). Batsch Navarinolittle^of!°l&?^Ralfe. Reinagle. Poems (1828). Codrington, Sir E. ^^ (1832). NavafHistory (1832-4). Bogdanovitch (1887). Knox, T. W. Navigation!^^ Navigation. Exhibitions, Paris, 1855. /ranee, ^cole Naval Adams ^ W M MSS., Cornewall. Ramusio (1563-5)- Johnson W (1620. Blundevil (1636). Philpott (1661). Gander (1703). Harris John ( 1 744-8^ Ommannev (I750). Bouguer (1746, 1753)- M""ay, M. (I754)- ^ Juan y ?rnSa (I 83 Architfcture (.787). Romme (1787). Garrard ,789). riscar (1701) Dulague (1791). Robertson, J. (1767, 1796)- Kelly, P. fiT96. Ke'gx-Fen ('1801).' Espinosa y Tello (1809). Mendoza-R.os 8?9 . Mackay, A. (1810). Dobbins (1814). Lax (1821). Bezout 782-1822). Griffiths, A. J. (1824). Kerigan (1828). Moore, J. H. 828). Humboldt (1836). Riddle (1836). I""^^V'?i^^; «^^,{^- T /on ,839. Totten (1841). Tinmouth(i845). Browne, J H. 1847). Towson ItsIs Bowles W. (1849). Colchester 1849)- Henderson (1850-4). Raf •{I84r?57)- Arm'stlong, R. (1859). Kcrhallet (1863) Sinitb, ji (186^6). Mayne(i874). }'"f('%^,\ V '^TTlVSi Ma? (1878) Lccky (l88i). Harbord(i863, 18J3). Merritield (1883). Max- well, R. (1885). Martin, W. R. (1888). Coastal. Curling, J. J. (1885). fnland'' iS ^'priestley (1831). Bourne (1849). Chesney. F. R. (1833, 1868). Steam. .S^^ " Steamships." Navigation Bill. Colchester (1849). ,, Improv'd. Savery (1698). „ Institutions. Sharp (1845). „ Laws. Browne, J. H. (1847). See also " Naval Law." ^^'^'Argentine Republic. King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels Austria' Austrl^'^B?idge (.874)- Brommy and Littrow (.S78). King, J W (188T Very (f88o).^^Kronenfels (i^^ Dupre (.882). Reed BraiiL^^Brazil. Bridge (1874)- King, J. \y. (1880). Very (1S80). Camara (1881). Kronenfels (1 88 1). Dupre (1882). Chili. Chili. Bridge (1874). Vergara(.878).,J.^^.(I88o). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1 88 1). DuprcMi882) Armstrong (i 884). China. Bridge (1874). King.J.W.(.88o^ ^ery(.S8o). .i^-^'i^;^.'^ g^ • Denmark. Denmark. Navies (1782). Bridge (1874). King, J. \\. (i8bo). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1S82). 794 INDEX. Navy {toutiiiiicd) — EgTpt. King, J. W. (1880). France. France. Navies (1782). White, T. E. (1802). Tupinier {1830). Sue (1838). Joinville (1844). Ships (1844). Grehan (1853). Raymond (1863). Harry (1864). Sykes {1866). Graviere (1872). Gadaud (1873). Bridge (1874). Laughlon (1874). Du Casse (1876). Dislere (1878). Dufourmantelle (1878). Fournier and Neveu (18S0). King, J. W. (1880). Tromp(iSSo). Very (1S80). Kronenfels (1881). Auhe (1882). Gou- geard (1884). Chevalier (1877, 1S86). Barnaby (i8h.6). Charmes (1SS6-7). Reed (1887). Bourde (1889). Germany. Germany. Crousaz (1873). Bridge (1874). Biitow (1878) Habenau (1880). King, T- W. (1880). Tromp (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1 88 1). Dupre (1882). Galster (1885). Barnaby (1886). Reed (1887). Great Britain. Navy. Naval History. MSS., Nav)^ Periodicals. Monson. Burrell (1645). Raleigh (1650). Pepys (1690). Maydman (1691). St. Lo (1693, 1694). Everett (1694). Hodges (1695, 1699). Dennis (1702). Gander (1703). Greenwood (1714). York, James Duke of (1729). Vernon, E. (1744-1746). Navies (1782). Evans, T. (1791). Warren, J. B. (1791). Charnock (1794-8). White, T. E. (1802). Der- rick (1806). Melville (1805, 1810). Manderson (1812). Knowles, J. (1821). Layman (1821). Steel (1781-1822). Architecture, Naval (1822). Edwards, E. (1824). Dupin (1825). James, W. (1819, 1826). Moreau (1827). Bentham, Sir S. (1828). Penrose (1824, 1830). Both- way (1830-1). Glascock (1831). Parsons, W. (1831). Fordyce {1837). Harris, J. (1837). Hawker (1838). Smith, G. (1838). Berkeley (1839). Colchester (1839). Wood, C. (1839). Burton, J. R. (1840). Joinville (1844). Miles, E. (1844). Ships (1844). Nicolas (1847). Halsted (1850). Ramsay, W. (1851). Bowles, W. (1854). Devereux (1855). Alexander (1858). Dunsany (1846-1859). Parliament (1859). Perigal (1859). Alston {i860). Grey, F. W. (i860). Russell, J. S. (1862). Raymond (1863). Yonge (1863). Boyd (1864). Sykes (1866). Hoseason (1850-1868). Tracy (1872). Robinson, Sir S. (1871, 1873). Low, C. R. (1873). Fishbourne (1872, 1874). Bridge, C. A. G. (1874). Wilson, E. (1867-1875). Price (1876). O'Byrne (1874-8). Dislere (1878). Noel (1878). King, J. W. (1880). Tromp (iS8c). Very (1880). Elgar (1873-81). Kronenfels (1 881). Dupre (1882). Arnold-Forster (1884). Smith, W. H. (1884). Adams (1885). Brassey (1871-1886). Watt (1878, 1886). Barnaby (1886). Cusack-Smith (1886). Weyl (1887). Colomb, Sir J. C. R. (1867, 1888). Symonds (1S82, 1S88). Beresford (1888). Reed (1869-1889). Battles of. See " Naval History. | Chjirch in. Navy (1865). > Coaling Stations. Navy (1884). Dress. Navy, Orders. Finance. Navy, Orders. Health of. Navy. Blane (1815). Instriic't ions for Officers. Navy. Davie (1807). Lists. Navy. MSS., Navy. Chamberlayne (1755). Hardy, J. (1784). Harvey, W. (1861). Manning of Navy. Tozer. Perry, J. (1695). Swanne (1 709). Stevenson, J. (1787). Urquhart (1815, 1816). Trotter, T. (1819). Layman (1821). Haly {1822). Griffiths, A. }• (1826). MSS., Brown (1832). Ekins (1835). Burton, J. R. (1840). Cochrane, Sir T. (1840). Brown, J. H. (1833-45). Hamilton, W. (1848). Shuldham (1854). Grey, F. W. (1873). Forster (1874). Osborn (1874). Lindsay, W. S. (1877). See also " Naval Reserves. Medical Department. Navy. Brown, F. J. (1871). Midshipmen. Eardley-Wilmot (1845). Liardet (1851). Officers' Alatiual. Glascock (1836, 1848). Officers'' Widows. Navy (1732, 1775). Orders. Navy. Admiralty. Paymasters. Navy, Orders. INDEX. 795 Navy. Great Britain (continued)— rcnsions. Navy, Orders. Prize Pay Lists. Steel (i8o2, 1 804). Pttnishinent. Navy (1866). Penrose (1S24). Reform of . Scott, J. (1S55). Shipwrecks. Hodge (1864). See also " Shipwrecks." Stores. Navy (1720). Victualling. Navy. Thompson, W. (1757). Greece. Bridge (1874). King, J. \V. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1S81). Dupre (1882). India. Low, C. R. (1877). Italy. Italy. Periodicals. Bridge (1874). Bettolo (1877). King, I. \V. (1880). Very (1880). Brin (1881). Kronenfels (1881). .Saint-Bon (1881). Dupre (1882). Barnaby (1886). Randaccio (l886). Zerbi (1886). Reed (1887). Japan. Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (188 1). Dupre (1882). Netherlands. Navies (1782). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels {188 1 ). Dupre (1S82). Norway. Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Peru. Bridge (1874). KJng, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (188 1 ). Dupre (1882). Portugal. Navies (1782). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1 88 1). Dupre (1882). Russia. Russia. Navies (17S2). Crauford, H. W. (1839). Blanche (1866). Bridge (1874). King, }. W. (1S80). Verj' {1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Barnaby (1886). Reed (1887). Spain. Spain. Monson. Mazarredo (1781). Navies (1782). Vargas y Ponce (1807). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Mauritz (1882). Sweden. Navies (1782). Bridge (1874). King, J. \V. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1 88 1). Dupre (1882). Turkey. Trant {1830). Sue (1841). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels { 1 88 1 ). Dupre (1882). Reed (1887). United States. United States. Cooper, J. F. (1839). Homans (1843). Boynton (1867). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1 88 1). Dupre (1882). Roosevelt (1882). Simpson E. (1886). Navy (and Army) Calendar. Calendars (1886-8). ,, Surgeons. Navy (1850). Nearchus, Voyage of. Vincent, \V. (1797). Nebraska. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1874). Nebulous Hypothesis. Wallis (1845). Negro as a Soldier. Wolseley (1888). Negroes. Pirn (1866). Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. Harrison, J- (1806). Clarke, J. S. and M'Arthur (1809). Beatty (1825). Southey (1825, 1831). Miles, J. (1843). Parsons, J. S. (1843). Pettigrew (1849). Matcham (1861). Laughton (1886). Jeaffreson (1888, 1889). Signal at Trafalgar. McHardy (1885). Nelson, New Zealand. Hochstetter (1859). Nelson Museum, Yarmouth. Manby (1849). "Nemesis," Voyage of. Bernard, W. D. (1844). Nepaul. India. Kirkpatric (1811). Cavenagh (1851). Smith, T (1852). Neptune Fran^ais. Sailing Directions. Nervous Diseases. Saumarez (1836). Netherlands, Netherlands. Blaev (1648). May, H. (1652). Brandt (1698, 1746). Harris (1748). United States (1812). Hills (1816). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Holman (1827). Davies (1841-4). Murray, J. (1843, 1853). Artiller)', Royal (1865). Motley (1860-1867). Ilimly (1876). Pontaiis (1885). Army. Netherlands. Armed Strength. Eland (i 870-1). Seguin (1880). Vogt(i887). 796 INDEX. Netherlands {rontlnurJ) — Campaigns, 1653-68. Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Clauscwitz (1837). Vial (1S76). do., 1672-7. Bentivoglio (1678). Beaurain (1674-82). Feuquicrcs (1737). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Duljail (1S79). do., 168996. I'landcrs. Sawlc (1691). D'Auvergne (1693-6). Feuquicrcs (1737). Drake, P. (1755). Smyth, Sir J. C. {1825). Clauscwitz {1837). do., 1659-1815. Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Canals. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 22. Coinage. Loon (1722-37). Commerce. Wilson, A. J. (1878). Defence. Netherlands. Jones, Sir M. (1S61). Expedition to, 1799. Walshe (1800). Kunbury (1849). Bainljrigge (1S60). Brisbane (i860). Boyle (1S61). Bonnal (1886). do., 1809. Campaigns (1809). Military Academy. Netherlands. Navy. Navies (1782). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Revolution, 1813. Chad (1814). Netley, Army Medical School. Catalogues. Neu Breisach, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). " Neue Militairische Blatter." Cermany, Periodicals. Neutral Flags. Stephen, J. (1806). Nevada. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1872). Ne'w American Cyclopaedia. Encyclopjedias. „ Brunswick. Vule, P. (1838). Perley (1850). , , Canterbury Tales. Army ( 1 8 1 1 ). ,, Guinea. Harris (1744). Macgillivray (1852). Mueller (1875). Moresliy (1876). Bonaparte, R. (1884-5). Lyne (1885). Guillemard (1SS6). Cooke, C. K. (1887). Romilly (1887). ,, Hebrides. Markham, A. H. (1873). ,, Holland. See " Australia." „ Orleans. Cooke, J- H. (1835). ,, South Wales. New South Wales Courts-Martial, Johnston (1811). Mac- quarrie (1821). Cunningham, P. (1828). Breton (1834). Sturt (1834). Macarthur (1837). Mitchell (1839). Whitworth, R. P. (1866). Robin- son, C. (1873). Reid, G. H. (1876). Russell, H. C. (1877). Liversidge (1880-2). Richards, T. (1882). Paramatta Observatory. Richardson, W. (1835). „ York. Barnard, J. G. (1859). ,, Zealand. New Zealand. Earle(i832). Matthew (1839). Ward, J. (1840- 1 ). Petre(i842). Terry (1842). Dieffenbach (1843). Stokes (1851). Davis, C. O. B. (1855). Cooper, I. R. (1857). Bate, John (1862). Alexander (1863). Hochstetter and Petermann (1864). Fox, W. (1866). Hurst- house (1866). Hochstetter(i867). Wrey(i867). Meade (1870). Bowen, Sir G. F. (1872). Trollope(i873). Silver (1874). Vogel (1875). Wilson, A. J. (1878). Gudgeon (1879). Jervois (1884). Maori War, 1860-I. Fox, W, (1866). Alexander (1863, 1873). Gudgeon (1879). Newfoundland. Desborow (1699). Cook, J. and Lane (1784). Lane, ^L (1810). Bonnycastle (1842). Jukes (1843). Kirke (1871). Survey. Jukes (1843). Newhaven. Roberts, J. (1866). Newton, Sir Isaac. Brewster (1731). Forman (1833). Next Battle-Field. Hutchinson (187 1). Ney, Marshal. Ney(i834). Nicaragua. Hakluyt Soc., vol. 34. Baily, J. (1850). " Nice Valour." Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Niger, River. Laird and Oldfield (1837). Schon (1842). M'William (1843^. Allen, W. (J848). Night Operations. France, Army, Conferences, no. 4. Johnson, R. F, (1886). Army, Orders (1887). Aldershot Mihtary Soc. (1888). ,, Signals. Signals. Bethune (1861). Vreede (1883). " Night- Walker." Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). INDEX. 797 Night Watch, or Tales of the Sea. Glascock (1828). Nijni Novgorod, Fair of. Munro-Hutlor-Johnstonc (1876). Nile, Battle of, 1798. Ikrry, E. (1798). Naval History (1829). Gravicre (1853). ,, Expeditionary Force. See "Campaigns, Soudan, 1884-5." „ River. Bruce, James (1790). Keke (1851). Spratt (1859). Baker, Sir S. (1S66). Speke(i863). Petherick (1869). Johnston, K. (1870). llaly (18S4). Butler, W. E. (1887). Nineveh. Layaid (1S49). Niphon or Nipon. St. John, H. C. (1880). Nitro-Glycerine. Ciraydon. Grant, H. D. (1866). Nobility of Great Britain. Whitworth, C. (1765). Grampian Club {1873). Noble Gentleman. Beaumont and Eletcher (1812). Nocturnal Tactics. Erance, Army, Confe-rences, no. 4. Johnson, R. E. (1886). Army, Orders (1887). Aldershot Mihtary Soc. (1888). Nollekens. Smith, John Thomas (1829). Nomenclator. Scudamore (1S41). Nonarum Inquisitiones. Records (1807). Non-Commissioned Officers. Cartan (1854). Nordenfelt Gun. Nordenfelt (1880-18S4). Nor e, Mutiny at. Mutinies. Courts-Martial, Parker (1797). Herbert (1876). Norfolk. Chapman, W. (1827). Archa;ological (1851). Davies, G. C. (1887). Norfolk Island. Hunter, J. (1810). Belcher (1870). Norman Conquest of Britain. Thierry (1838). St. John, J. A. (1862). Vine (18S7). Norris, R., Capt., R.N. Courts-Martial (1745). North, Francis, Dudley and John. North, R. (1826). North American Indians. Catlin (1841). ,, ,, Pilot. Sailing Directions. ,, ,, Review. U.S., Periodicals. ,, British Review. Periodicals. ,, -East Passage. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. ,, Sea. Lighthouses. Eleather (1797). Dessiou (1816). Ilewett (1826). „ -West Passage. Arctic Regions. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 5, 38, anti 56. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 12. Harris (1748). Lyon (1824). Parry, Sir W. E. (1828, 1831). Maclure (1853). Milton and Cheadle (1865). Osborn (1865). Northcote, John. Hazhtt (1830). Northern Summer. Carr, J. (1805). Northumberland Equatorial and Dome. Airy, Sir G. B. (1844). Northwick, Lord, Coins of. Noehden. Norton's Projectiles. Chesney, E. R. (1852). Norway. Norway. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 6. Harris (1748). Lloyd, L. (1831). Barrow (1834). Breton (1835). Murray, J. (1839, 1849). Tons- berg (1855). Kjerulf (1870). Army. Norway. Armed Strength. Seguin (1880). Vogt (1887). Navy. Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (18S0). Kronenfels (1S81). Dupre (1882). Trondheim Cathedral. Munch (1859). Norwich. Archnsological (1851). Norwood, Beulah Spa. Weatherhead (1835). Notes and Queries. Periodicals. Nott, Major-General Sir William. Stocqueler (1854). Nova Scotia. Des Barres. MSS., Mackellar. Gesner (1816). Lockwood (1818). Moorsom, W. S. (1830). Kirke (1S71). " Novara," Voyage of. Scherzer (1861). Nubia. Norden (1757). Belzoni (1820). Burckhardt (1822). Irby and iManglcs (1S23). Russell, M. (1833). Grierson (1882). Numa Pompilius. Elorian (1820). Numismatic Chronicle. Periodicals. ,, Geography. Strozzi (1836). Mionnet (1838). ,, Journal. Periodicals. Numismatics. Numismatics. Numismatic .Society. MSS., Numismatics. Cata logues. Castellus. Dassier. Ede. Noehden. Strada (1557). Gorlaus (1605). Goltzius (1644). Eusebiiis (1666). Spanheim (1671). Morticr 798 INDEX. Numismatics (lOn/inniJ) — (1690). IVilrusi (1694). Evelyn (1697). Panita (1697). Walker, O. (1697). Turrc(i7i3). Liebe (1717). Piovenc (1727). Kundmann (1731). Morcllius (1695, 1734)- Loon (1722-1737). Vaillant (1695-1743). Patarol (1743). Crockers and Lochner (1744). Vcnuti (1744). Rubeis (1747). Pellerin (1762-1765). Klotzius (1765). Pegge(i772). Cardonnel (1786). Duby (1786). Pinkerton (1808). Waxell (1809). Simon (1810). Addison (181 1). Bosset (1815). Russia (1817). Mudie (1820). Sestini 1S21). Marsden (1823). Eckhel (1792-1826). Museums, British (1814, 1826). Weston (1826). England, T. R. (1829). Green, B. R. (1829). Ainslie (1830). Hennin (1830). Knight, R. P. (1830). Snelling (1833). Lagoy (1834). Lelewel (1835). Strozzi (1836). Mionnet (1838). Jewitt {1840). Ruding (1S40). Wilson, H. H. (1841). Pietraszewski (1843). Whelan (1846). Hearne (1847). Dickinson, W. B. {1848). Falbe (1849). Williams, J. (1850-1853). Humphreys, II. N. {1853). Smith, Aquilla (1841-1855). Sainthill (1855). Donaldson (1859). Lindsay (1839-60). Akerman (1840-1S61). Fox, C. R. {1862, 1869). Blades (1869). Numismatist. Periodicals. Nuragghi Sardi. Oliver, S. P. (1875). Nyassa, Lake. Livingstone, D. and C. (1865). o. Oak. Nichols (1791), Hawkins, G. (1826). Oaths. Oaths (1844). Obelisks. Berruyer (1833). Cooper, W. R. (1877). Wilson, Sir E. (1877). Obituary, Military. Smith, H. S* (1854-9). Observatories. Bedford. Smyth, W. H. (1830). Cape of Good Hope. Cape of Good Hope. Edinburgh. Edinburgh Observatory. Smyth, C. P. (1864). Glasgow. Grant, R. (1883). Greenw^ich. Greenwich Observatory. Hobarton. Van Diemen's Land (1850-2). India. India. Liverpool. Taylor, John (1845). Paramatta. Richardson, W. (1835). Paris. Cassini de Thury (1744). Observer. Chalmers, A. (1823). Obsolete Words. Toone (1832). Occasional and Schism Act. Acts (1715). Ocean Highvyays. Periodicals. Dempsey (1870). ,, Steam Navigation. Henderson (1850-4). Oceanic Circulation. See " Currents." ,, Dictionary. Mosblech (1843). Odyssey. Homer (1831). Officers. Grievances of. Galbraith (1873). Military. Army. Millan. Parr (1881). Naval. Na\7. Martelli (1838). Fanshawe (1874). Non-Commissioned. Cartan (1854). Training of. Bray (1871). Officers' Catechism. Doyle (1804). Companion. De Ros (1868). "Dont." Army (1888). Duties. Simes (1781). Macdonald, J. H. A. (1861). Field, Note, and Sketch Book. Gunter (1885). Handbook. Scharnhorst (17S7-90). Lloyd (1802). Lectures for. Torrens (1S51). INDEX. 799 Officers' Manual. Bacon (17S2). War, Art of (1798). Malton (1889). ,, Pocket Companion, Craighill (1862). Officio Hominis et Civis. ruffeudorf (1759). Oglethorpe, Gen. James. Wright, R. (1867). O'Halloran, Sir Joseph. O'Halloran. Okavango, River. Anderson (1861). O'Keefe, John. O'Kecfe (1826). Old Colonel and the old Corps. Gleig (1872). Oldfield, Major Thomas. Oldfield. Olio, An Indian, liurlon, E. F. (1S88). Omagua. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 28. On and off dutjr. Oliver, .S. P. (1881). On board a Union Steamer. Oliver, S. P. (1881). On Duty under a Tropical Sun. Hunt and Kenny (1882). Oordoo Dictionary. Thompson, J. T. (1838). Ophthalmia. Eyes (1814). Ophthalmology. Eyes (1814). Roosbioeck (1853). Hogg (1876). Opium. Martin, R. M. Oporto, British Battalion at. Knight, T. (1834). Optical Telegraph. Wetter (1883). Optics. Ryland (1772). Exchaquet {1800). Brewster (1835). Roscoe (1869,. Deschanel (1872). Schellen (1872). Hogg (1876). Opuscules. Lavoisier (1801). Oracle. Newspapers. Orange Free State. Gillmore (1878). Orange Institution of Ireland. Gowan (1825). " Orateurs de mon Village." Erckmann-Chatrian. Orders. Admiralty. Navy. Army. Army, Records. MSS., Orders. Reserve Forces. India, Army. Austria, Army. U.S., Army. M.SS., Graves (1801). Oakes (1837). Lucan (1856). O'Byrne (1872-1879). Seton (1871). Bray (1888). Ordnance. Artillery. Army, Orders (Artillery and Ordnance). Arsenal, Royal. Patent Office. Austria, Army. Belgium, Army. Netherlands. Saxony. U.S., Army, Artillery. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 25. U.S., Army, Ordnance. U.S., Na\y. Croudace. Krupp. Levitzky. MSS. , Brouncker. Velasco. Rjvault (1608). Ufaiio (1613). Furttenbach (1627). Venn (1672). Na\-y (1674). Binning (16S9). Anderson, Robert (1674-1691). Miethen (1705). Surirey de Saint Remy (1707). Bardet de Villeneuve {1741)- Dulacq (1741). Le Blond (1743). Robins (1747). Antoni (1780-9). Monge (1794). Congreve (1811). Decker (1822). Pechell (1825). Beauchant (1828). Marshall, J. (1829). Frith (i 826-1 831). Read (1831). Chatfield (1831-2). Simmons, T. F. {1837). Huguenin (1839). Preaux (1839). Schlimmbach (1839). Zeni and Deshays (1840). Scharnhorst (1804-1841). Wilkinson, H. (1841). Piobert (1845-7). Ches- ney, F. R. (1852). Jacobi (1854). Davidson, D. (1855). Mallet, R. (1856). Dahlgren (1857). Greener (1858). Jervis, J. W. (1859). Douglas (1829,1860). Adye, Sir J. (i860). Boxer (i860). F'iron (i860). Benton (1861). Duhent (1S61). Fourcault (1861). Adts (1861-2). Aliel (1862). Halsted (1862). Scott, M. (1862). Simpson, E. (1862). Hale, W. (1863). Emerson-Tennant (1864). MacDougall (1864). Owen and Dames (1859- 1865). Blois(i86s). Fritsch-Lang(i865). Holley (1865). Mackay, J. (1865). Roberts, J. (1865). Cavalli (1866). Merian (1866). Muller, F. (1866). Palliser (1866). Brackenbury (1867). Miller, F. (1867). Vesey (1867). Tackles (1866-68). Elggar (1868). Norton and Valentine (1868). Thomas, L. (1863, 1869). Moltzheim (1870). Pfister (1870). Schmidt (1870). An- Struther (1839-71). Croggan (1865, 1871). Anderson, W. L. (1871). Susane (1871). Bucknill (1872). Stoney and Jones (1872). Whitworth, Sir J. (1858-1873). Owen, C. H. (1868-1873). Everitt (1873). Gad.-ir.d (1873). Moncriefl' (1873). Muller, H. (1873). Vavasseur (1873). Noel (1874). Close (1875). Rendel (1875). Germany, Navy (1876). Will (1876). Bettolo (1877). Luca (1877). Britten (1863-1878). Picha (1875-8). Poyen (1878). Mason, T. B. M. (1875-9). Sladen (1879). Cooke, A. P. (18S0). King, J. W. (1880). Le Barzic (1880). Very (1880). Kohne(i88i). Woodbridge (1879-1884). Galster (1885). Morgan, F. C. SOO INDEX. Ordnance {(onliiiiuii) — (1SS4, 1S86). Bixby (1886). Conway (1886). Downing {1886). Schell (iSSo, 1S87), Carbult (1887). Dalton, J. C. (1887). Klotzmann (1887). Monlhaye {1887). Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Birnie (1888). Bunlniry (1888). Hamilton, W. R. (1888). Longmore {i860- 1889). Gun (1SS9). Ordnance Select Committee. Artillery (1863- ). ,, Surveys, icc " Surveys." Ore, River. Wager (1813). Oregon. Falconer (1844). Greenhow (1844). Calhoun and Buchanan (1846) Preston (1S56). *' Organ des Wiener Militar Wissenschaftlichen Vereins." Austria, Army. Organic Chemistry. Liebig (1840-1842). Kingzett (1878). Organization. Army. Baker, E. (1825). Strickland (i860). O'Dowd (1868). Alison (1S69). Elcho (1869, 1871). Atkinson (1873). Chesney, G. (1874). Keays-Voung (1874). Mouat (1881). Simmons, L. (1881). Maude (1888). Aldershot Military Soc. (1889). Navy. Alexander (1858). Organs of the Brain. Kotzebue (1838). Orient and Occident. Mitford (1888). Oriental Dictionary. Herbelot ( 1777-9)- ,, Experience. Temple, Sir R. (1883). „ Fragments. Moor (1834). ,, Translation Fund. Oriental. Origin of Species. Darwin (1869). "Orion," Wreck of. Lacon (1852). Orissa. Campbell, J. (1S64). Orkneys. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 3. Orleans, Battle of, 1429. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853)^ ,, New. 6'(?t; " New Orleans." Ormus. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 3. Ornithology. Catalogues. Encyclopedias. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. fiewick (1797-1804). Sykes (1832). Wilson, A. (1832). Swainson (1836). Bona- parte, C. L. (1838). Yarrell (1843, 1845). Gould (1837-1861). Acclimatisation Soc. (1865, 1867). Orthoptera. Fischer de Waldheim (1833). Oryctography. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 2. Osborn, Sherard, Admiral. Osborn {1875). Ostend. Perier (1604). Osteology. Witt (1833). " Osterreichische Militarisches Zeitschrift." Austria, Army (i860). Ostriches. Beerbohm (1879). Oude. East India Company. Mouldee (1857). Sleeman (1858). {See also " India.") Oudenarde, Battle of, 1708. Deane (1846). Our new Armament. Longridge (1884). Outposts. Fitz-Clarence. Meldegg (1827, 1831). U.S., Army (1863). Denison, G. T. (1866). Smith, M. W. (1867). Staveley (1867). Napier, W. C. E. (1869). Hale (1871). Sprot (1871). Thomas, J. W. (1871). Grant, Sir J. H. (1872). Waldersee (1872). Hamley (1875). Brack (1831, 1876). Bell, C. W. B. (1878). Chenevix-Trench (1878). Army, Orders (1888). Morrison, R. H. (1888). Outram, James. Goldsmid (1880). Oxford. Archaeological (1854). Ewart (1868). University. Calendars (1839-45). Oxides. Patent Office. Oxus, River. Bell, E. (1869). Wood, J. (1841, 1872). W^ood, H. (1875). INDEX. 8or P. Pacata Hibernia. Stafford (1820). Pacific Ocean. Dalrymple, A. (i 770-1). Cook (17S4). Vancouver (1798). Eroughton, W. R. (1804). Espinosa y Tello (1813). Beechey (1831). Erskine, J. E. (1853). Tilley (1861). Kerhallet (1869). Romilly (1887). Pack Instruction. Germany, Army. Pack Saddles. Lawlon (1881). Pacquet Boat Advice. Campaigns (167S), Pad Equipment. Blakeney (1883). Padua. Calcott (1835). Paganism. Theology (1699). Wise (1884). . Page, Admiral B. W. Page (1830). Pain, Distribution of. Rowcll (1857). Palaeontology. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. U.S. Surveys. Canada (1885). Palestine. Talestine. Mariti (1791). Burckhardt (1822). Raguse (1837). Robinson, E. (1841). Eothen (1864). Stanley (1868). Wilson and Warren (1871). Burton I. (1875). Conder (1878). Pallas Armata. Turner, Sir J. (1683). Palliser, Admiral Sir Hugh. Courts- Martial, Byng. Hunt, R. M. (1844). Palmer, Edward Henry. Besant (1883). ,, Thomas, Murder of. Hewson (1846). Paimerston, Lord. Ashley (1876). Panama Canal. U.S., Surveys. Glynn (1849). Cullen (1853). Lesseps (1880). Peacock (1 88 1). Panjab. See " Punjab." Panopticon. Bentham (1791). " Papiers de Madame Jeannette." Erckmann-Chatrian. Papua. See " New Guinea." Papyri, Greek. Museums, British (1839). Paraguay. France, Army, Conferences, no. 8. Azara (1809). Thompson, G. (1869). Burton, R. F. (1870). Parallel Scales. Clifford, E. (1841). Paramatta Observatory. Richardson, W. (1835). Paraphrase of the Scriptures. Ccedmon (1832). Pardo, Treaty of, 1739. Treaties. Parentalia. Wren (1750). Paris. Paris. Pinkertons Collection, vol. 4. Caille (1714). Peltier (1792-3). Scott, J. {1816). Leighton (1871). Vandevelde (1871-2). Meerheimb (1880). Tenot(i88o). Dickens (1S82). Saint-Ange (1882). Congress, 1856. Congress (1855). Declaration of. Paris (1876). Munro-Butler-Johnstone (1876). Exhibition, 1855. Exhibitions. do., 1867. Exhibitions. Paris, E. Norton and Valentine (1868). do., 1878. Exhibitions. Riant (1878). do., Electric, 1881. Watkin (1882). Heap (1884). Fortifications. Choumara (1833). Vandevelde (1871-2). Paris (1874) Tenot (iSSo). Insurrection, 1839. Whittingham (1846). Observatory. Cassini de Thury (1744). Siege of, 1870-I. Campaigns, 1870-I. Ileylli {1870). Leighton {1871). Salicis (1871). Yriarte (1871). Vjindevelde {1871-2). Gcklcrn (1872). Ronciere-LeNoury (1872). Vinoy (1872). Ticdeniann (1872-7). Ducrot (1875-8). Treaty of, 1814. Treaties. do., 1856. Treaties. Wilkins, J. W. (1857). Parker, Admiral Hyde. Whitchurch (1785). ,, Admiral Sir Peter. Parker (1815). „ Admiral Sir W. Phillimore (1876-80). ,, Richard. Courts-Martial (1797). Parliament. May, T. (1812). Burton, T. (1828). Scotland. Records (1814-24). 3 F 802 INDEX, Parliamentary Atlas. Stanford (1885). „ Generals. Walford (1886). ,, Writs. Records (1827-34). Parliaments. Great Britain. Smith, II. S. (1844-50). Parochial Registers. Bruce, W. D. (1850). Parr, Samuel. I'icld (1828). Parry, Admiral Sir W. E. Tarry, E. (i860). Partisan Warfare. Dcvaureix (18S1). Passage between Hindoostan and Ceylon. Steuart (1837). Paston Letters. Fcnn (1S40-1). Pastor Fido. C'.uarini (1736). Pastor's Narrative, Klein (1879). Patagonia, Byron, J. (1767-8). Falkner (1774). King, V. V. (1832). Cunning- ham, R. O. (1871). Musters (1871). Beerbohm (1879). Coppinger (1S83). Patent Office, Patent Office. Paterson, Lieut.-Col, J, F, Courts-Martial (1826). Pathology. Monro (1840). Caniff(i866). Aitken, Dr. W. (1886). Patriotic Fund, Patriotic Fund. Patriotisme en Action, Tarnier (1881). Patrols, Sparks. Meldegg (1830-1831). U.S., Army (1863). Thomas, J. W. (1871). Waldersee (1872). Paul, St, See "St. Paul." Paul Jones. Mackenzie, A. S. (1843). Paumben Ship Canal. Robertson, G. (1873). Pay, See " Finance." Paymasters, Army, Orders, Finance, Navy, Orders, Finance. U.S., Army (1876). Paysan, Histoire d'un, Erckmann-Chatrian, Peabody Rifles, Switzerland, Army (1868), Peel's Naval Brigade. Verney (1S62). Peerage, Peerage. Robertson, W. (1790). Lodge (1835-1838). Dodd (1841, 1854). Scotland, Robertson, W. (1790). Pegu, Lidia. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 4. Laurie (1S54). Peking. Rennie (1865). Peking Gazette, China (1876). ,, to Petersburg, Michie (1864). Peloponnesian War. Thucidides (1545, 1812). Peloponnesus. See " Morea." Pelusium. Spratt (1859). Pen and Ink Sketches of Military Subjects, " Ignotus " (1882). Penal Code. See " Punishments." India. Lewis, A. J. (1870). Penal Servitude, Du Cane (1872). Peninsular War, 1808-14, Campaigns. France. Erckmann-Chatrian. Moore, J. (1S09). Neale (1809). Eliot (1810). Stothert (1812). Army, Orders, Medical (1813). Blayney (1814). Courts-Martial, Murray (1815). Sarrazin (1814, 1816). Beauchamp (1815-1817). Rocca (1816, 1817). Gifford (1817). Koch (1819). Burghersh (1820). Labaume (1820). Staff (1821). Batty (1823). Sherer (1824). Dumas (1817-26). Goethe (1826). Foy(i827). Suchet (1828, 1829). Blakiston (1829). Colchester (1829). Londonderry (1829). Fain (1825-1830). Kausler (1831). Munster (1831). Army, Orders (1811-32). Southey (1823-32). Cooke, J. H. (1835). Langton, R. (1836). MacCarthy (1836). Beamish (1832-7). Belmas (1836-7). Choumara (1838). Napier, W. F. P. (1828-40). Costello (1841). Mitchell (1845). Jones, Sir J. T. (1814-46). Hamilton, T. (1829, 1849). Larpent (1853). Cole (1856). Woerl (1857). Frazer (1859). Brisbane (i860). Oust, Sir E. (1863). Fezensac (1863). Saint Cyr (1865). Brandt (1868). Cooper, J. S. (1869). Napier, Sir W. (1869). Robinson, C. W. (1S71). Jackson, Sir G. (1872). Vial (187&). Moro (1868-78). Macleod, J. (1879). Clinton (188 1). Northcott (1881). Jomini, H. (1S86). Lawrence, W. (1886). Maguire (1887). Penn, Sir William, Penn (1833). INDEX. 803 Pennsylvania, Commandery of. United States (1882). Penny Cyclopaedia. EncyclopxHlias. Pensions, Army. Army, Orders, Finance. Marshall, II. (1832). Disicre (1881). Pentaglot Miniature. Thorn (1885). Pentateuch. Bate, Julius (1773). See also " Bible." Pera. Oldmixon (1854). Perak. India (1875). McNair (1878, 1882). Percussion Lock. Baker, EzeUiel (1825). Norton (1838). Pere la Chaise. Marchantde Beaumont (1828). Richard, Abbe (1836). Peril of Portsmouth. Fergusson (1853). Periodic Law. Newlands (1884). Periodicals. Periodicals. France. Germany. India. Italy. Russia. Spain. United States. Perry, Matthew Calbraith, U.S. Navy. Griffis (1887). Persia. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 32, 49, 72, and 73. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 9. Herbert, T. (1638). Harris, John (1744). Nader Shah (1773). Forster, G. (1798). RolIin(i8o8). Arrianus (1812). Fraser, J. B. (1826). Buck- ingham (1S30). Stocqueler {1832). Ferrier (1857). Chaml)ers (1858). Malcolm (1829, 1 861). Meer Hussein (1842, 1864). Watson, R. G. (1866). Mounsey (1872). Thielmann (1875). Baker, V. (1876). Gold- smid (1876). Maspero{i876). Arnold, A. (1877). Marsh, H. C. (1877) Stack (1882). Army. Upton (1S78). Smith, R. M. (1883). Boundary Commission. Goldsmid (1876). Conquest of Persia, B.C. 331. Harris, John (1744). Arrianus (1812). War in 1857. Hunt (1858). Outram (i860). Persian Grammar. Gladwin (1799). „ Language. Gladwin (1799). Smyth, W. C. (1840). See a/so " Dictionaries. „ Moonshee. Smyth, W. C (1840). Perspective. Dubreuil {1781). Edwards, E. (1806). Earl (1846). rerspcclive (1881). Peru. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 34 and 47. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 14. Frczier (1717). Harris (1744-8). Hall, B. (1824). Brand (1828). Miller, J. (1829). Temple, E. {1830). Prescott (1847). Wilson, A. J. (1878). Arana (1881-2). ,, Navy. Bridge (1874). Iving, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfcls (1S81). Dupre(i882). „ War with Chili, 1879-81. Arana (1881-2), U.S., Naval Intel. Office (1885). Orrego (1886). Knox, T. W. {1887). Peshawar. Barr, W. (1844). Pesth. Best (1842). Peter the Great. Peter {1723). Gordon, A. (i757)- Barrow (1S57). Schuyler (1884). Peterborough, Earl of. Carleton (1S09). Russell, F. S. (1877). Petrography. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. Petroleum. Tate (1863). Marvin (1884-1887). Crew (1887). Pfalzburg, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Pharmacy. Encyclopedias. Philadelphia. Exhibition, 1876. Exhibitions. Philaster. Beaumont and Fletcher (181 2). Philip II. King of Spain. Watson, R. (1803). Philip III. King of Spain. Watson, R. (1808). Philippine Islands. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 39. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 11 Jagor(l875). Phillip, Port. See " Victoria." Philology. Morrison (1817). Dufief (1819). Clarke, H. (1859). See also " Languages." Philosophical Magazine. Periodicals. ,, Society. \'ictoria Inst. ,, Transactions. Royal Society. Philosophy. Descartes {1682). Longinus (1743)- Hutcheson (i753)- Mendels- 3 F 2 804 INEEX. Philosophy {tontinueJ) — solin (1777). Rousseau (1782). Rumford (1802). Saumarez (1812). llutlon, C. {1812, 1815). Duronceray (1815). Morgan, T. C. (1818, 1822). Rohison (1822). Martini (1829). Harriott {1833). Mayo (1838). Dendy (1S41). Fleming {1874). (harden (1878). Chemical. EncycK)|xvdias. Daniell (1843). Phlocerus. Kischer > 1745 6. Scotland. Hughes, M. (1747). Henderson (1753). Ray (1759). Doddridge (1802). Home (1802). Charles, G. (1817). Johnstone (1821). Chamliers, R. (1830). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Ferguson (I S89). Spain, 1872-6. Dana, P. R. Garcia (1881). 8 10 INDEX. Rebellions {rontinin-d)— Taeping Rebellion, China, 1851-64. Brine (1862). Sykes(i863). Le, Lin (1S66). Wilson, A. {1868). Rebellion Record. Moore, F. (1864-8). Recollections of a Chaplain in the Royal Navy. Tucker {1886). ,, of a Minister of France. Wasliburne (1887). ,, of an eventful Life. Soldiers (1S25). „ of an Old Soldier. Ward, H. (1849). ,, of Rifleman Harris. Curling, H. (1848). Reconnaissance. Russia. United States (1848). Napier, W. C. E. (1869). Army (1871). Renter (1872). Paterson (1873). Vincent, C. E. H. (1873). U.S., Army (1876). Bell, C. W^ B. (1878). Hutchison and MacGregor (1878). Hale (1879). War, Art of (1880). King-Harman (18S4). Jocelyn (1881,1887). Verner (1889). Reconnoitrer's Guide for India. King-Harman (1884). Records. National. Records. Regimental. Army, Records. MSS., Army. Scotland. Patterson (1837). Trimen (1878). Lawrence-Archer (1888). Records of Service and Campaigning. Munro, W. (1887). Recreations of an Indian Official. Malleson (1872). Recruits. Recruiting. Army, Orders, Medical. Army, Orders, Recruits. Navy (1703). Marshall, H. (1828). Hatton (1859). Noake (1867). Keays- Voung (1874). Sprot (1874). Twyford (1867, 1875). Fife (1875). Gra- ham, Sir L. (1875). Lyons, T. C. (1S75). Saunders (1875). Turnbull (1875). Switzerland, Army (1886). Aitken, Sir W. (1862, 1887). Red Cross. See "Ambulance." ,, River. Canada (1871). „ River Expedition. 1870. Huyshe (1871). Riddell (1871). Canada (1871-2). Butler, W. F. (1875). ,, Sea. Valentia(i8o9). Belzoni (1820). Elwood (1830). Curtis, T. A. (1839). Robinson, F. (1842). Gribble (1852). Kropp (1872). Grierson (1882). Eg)'pt (1883). Rednitz, River. Augereau (1802). Reference Catalogue of Current Literature. Catalogues. Reform. Army. Army. Stewart, W. (1806). Portlock (1857). O'Dowd (1868). Trevelyan (1870). Cecil (1871). De Ros (1871). Fife (187 1). Harrison (1871). Robertson, A. C. (1871). Rock (1871). Russell, W. (1871). Sullivan (1871). Anson, A. (1873). Keays-Young (1874). Church. Burnet (1829). Financial. Bentham (1830). Navy. Scott, J. (1855). Reform Bill, 1831. Mackworth (1831). „ 1835. Malton(i8s5). Reformation in France. Merle d'Aubigne (1839-40). Reformatories. France (1841). Colonie Agricole (1846). Reformer, A true. Chesney, F. R. (1873). Refraction. Shepherd (1772). Regalia of Scotland, Concealment of. Logan (1847). Regality, Glory of. Taylor, A. (1820). Regimental Colours, Scotland. Ross, A. (1885). ,, Companion. James C. (1803-7). Regiments. Records of. Anny, Records. MSS., Army. Scotland. Patterson (1837). Trimen (187S). Lawrence-Archer (1888). Sobriquets. Army (1874). Johns (1881). Registers. Periodicals. Historical. Historical Register. Periodicals. Martial. Macdonald, R. (1806). Parochial. Bruce, W. D. (1850). Shipping. Navy. MSS., Navy. Lloyd (1866-74). Regulation (Army) Act, 1871. Anson, A. (1873). Regulations. 6'(ft? " Orders. " INDEX. 8ll Reigfn of Law. Arg)-ll (1870). Reign of Queen Victoria. Ward, T. II. (1887). Religion, Christian. Synge (1759). Grotius (1804). Addison (181 1). Chalmers, T. (1836). Gardiner, F. A. (1871). Religion and Science. Conybeare, W. D. (1831). Cotterill (18S0). Reminiscences, Military. Welsh (1830). Remusat, Madame de. Remusat (1885). Repeating Rifles. Firearms. Small Anns. Patent Office. Spencer (1864). Switzerland, Army (1870). France, Navy, (1878). Reports, Military. StofTel (1871, 1872). Reptiles. Museums, British. Swainson (1838). Bell, T. {1839). Republic of Cicero. Cicero. Rerum Britannicarum Medii JEvi Scriptores. Records {1871-4). Rescue of Greely. Schley and Soley (18S5). Reserve Forces. Reserve Forces. Army. Army Lists. Scott, P. (1861). Havelock (1867). Elcho (1869). Collen (1870). Brackenbury (1871). De Ros (1871). Leveson (1871). Waveney (1871). Wyatt, M. (1S72). Raikes, G. A. (1871-1873). Anson, A. (1873). Macdougall, P. L. (1873). Wolseley (1873). Ford (1874). Owen, J. F. (1874). Evans, H. D. (1875). Fife (1875). Twyford (1875). Chenevix-Trench (1877). Colville (1878). Acts (1882). Douglas, A. B. (1888). Militia. Reserve Forces. Aniiy. Army Lists. Norfolk (1757). War, Art of {1782). James (1797). Mansfield (1854). Walshe (1855). Dwyer (1857). Hatton (1859). Haggard (1857, i860). Scott, P. (1861). Alcock, T. St. L. (1867). Collen (1870). Douglas, P. (1870). Canada (1871). Dickinson, J. (1871). Sullivan {1871). Waveney (1871). Anson {1873). Raikes, G. A. (1873). Ford (1874). Lyons, E. (1S77). Colville (1878). Acts (1882). Holden (1882). Pead (1886, 1888). Volunteers. Reserve Forces. Army. Army Lists. Frankland, W. A. Gordon, John (1808). MacNevin (1845). Gordon, Hon. A. (1853). Hartley (1859). Lane, F. B. W. (1861). O'Halloran (1861). Scott, P. (1861). Acklom (1859-1862). Acland (i860, 1868). Harris, W. A. (1869). McMurdo (1869). Collen (1870). Harding (1870). Bracken- bury (187 1). Capern (1871). Waveney (1871). Taillefer (1872). Seton (1873). United Service Inst. (1873). Canada (1872-4). Ford (1874). Leech (1S75). Sussmisch (1876). Bowles (1880). Hamley (1885). Wilkinson, H. S. (1886). Birley (1887). Black, A. E. (1887). Blomfield (1887). Macdonald, J. H. A. (1888). Wright, H. O. P. (1888). Naval ArtiUoy. Reserve Forces. Brassey (1874). Yeomanry. Reserve Forces. MSS., Yeomanry. Army Lists. Slade (1 87 1). Delap(i885). Reserves, Naval. Tozer. Brassey (1871). Gardner, G. H. (1871). Grey, F. W. (1873). Wilson, R. (1875). U.S., Naval Intel. Office (1888). Resistance, Laws of. Cavalli (1863). Grouard (1874). Resources of modem Countries. Wilson, A. J. (1878). Responsibility in War. Albrecht (1869). Retirement, Naval. Navy (1864). Colomb, P. H. (1873, 1888). ,, twenty years in. Blakiston (1836). Retreat of the Highlanders through Westmoreland, 1745. Ferguson (18S9). Reviews. IVrioilicals. Revista General de Marina. Spain, Periodicals. ,, Militar Espanola. Spain, Periodicals. Revolutions. Chateaubriand (1815). Koch (1823). America, 1775-83. Campaigns. Quebec Lit. and Hist. .Soc. Murray, J. (1778). Howe (1779). Burgoyne (1780). Cornwaliis (1783). Tarleton (1787). Siedman (1794). United Slates (1795). Smith, Joshua Hett (l8c8). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1826). Sparks (1829-30). Stone, W. L. (1838). Lushington (1840). Doheny (1846). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Amory (1868). Fonbianque (1876). Ludlow, J. .M. (1S76). Chevalier (1877). Ferguson (1888). do., South (Attempted). Biggs (1809). do., Spanish. America. Flinicr (1810). England, 1642. Campaigns. Cromwell. Townsend. MSS., Lovell 8l2 INDEX. Revolutions. England, 1642 (con/iiiucd) — (1643). Gloucester (1643-4). Ricraft (1647). Spripge (1647). Rupert (1650). Warwick (1701). Whitelocke (1732). Hooper, J. (1738). Clarendon (1702-1807). Burton, T. (1828). Guizol (1841). Carj', H. (1842). Vicars (1845). Warlnirton (1849). Thomas, V. (i860). Cattermole (1866). Cust, Sir E. (1867). Basing House (1869). Wallington (1869). Deane, J. B. (1870). Parliamentary Officers (1873). Rigaud (18S0). Greville (1886). Waiford (1886). Gardiner, S. R. (1S86-9). do., 1688. William (1688). Johnson, S. (1693). Mary H (1695). Graham, J. (1829). Mackintosh (1834). France, 1789. France. Campaigns. Abeille. David. Erckmann-Chatrian. reltior (1792-3). David, C. (1796). Davila (1801-2). Paris (1803). Fantin-Desodoardo (1807). Bertrand de Moleville (1813). Canuel (1S17). Giflford (1817). Kelly (1819). Napoleon-Bonaparte (1S22). Mignet (1S26)- Thiers and Bodin (1823-7). Scott, W. (1828). Smyth, W. (1842). Carlyle (1848). Soult (1854). Cust, Sir E. (1867). Dessaix and Folliet (1879). Larchey (1882). do., 1830. Motte. Coutau (1830). Tynte (1830). do., 1870-I. Leighton (1871). Trochu (1871). Favre (1871-2). Meerheimb (18S0). Washburne (1887). Italy, 1848-9. Lesseps (1849). Ellesmere (1851). Malmesbury (1859). Azeglio (1867). do., 1859-61. Italy. Vandevelde (1S62). Mundy (1863). Nertherlands, 1813. Chad (1814). Poland, 1830-I. Brzozowski (1833). Soltjk (1S33). Gnorowski (1839). Portugal. Browne, John Murray (1S27). Rome. Vertot (1796). Revolvers. U.S., Army, Ordnance. 0011(1851-1855). Sharpe, B. (1S71). Revolving Masted Brig. MSS., Shuldham (1824). ,, Storms. Admiralty (1851, 1883). Revue d'Artillerie. France, Periodicals. de Cavalerie. France, Periodicals. des Armes de Terre et de Mer. France, Periodicals, des Deux Mondes. France, Periodicals. du Cercle Militaire. France, Periodicals, du Genie Militaire. France, Periodicals. Internationale. Italy, Periodicals. Maritime et Coloniale. France, Periodicals. Militaire de I'Etranger. France, Periodicals. ,, Fran^aise. France, Periodicals. ,, Suisse. Switzerland (1856- ). Reward. Bentham, J- (1830). Rewards for Naval Services. Sulivan (1871). Reynolds, Frederick. Reynolds (1827). ,, Sir Joshua. Northcote (1819). Rhe. See " Kochelle." Rhetoric. Blair (1838). Rhine, River. Humfrey (1S38). Quin (1843). Murray, J. (1843, 1853) ,, Army of. Bazaine (1870-2). ,, Watch. Miiller, W. (1870). Rhodes. Dapper (1703). Le Brun (1714). Torr (1885). Rhymes from the Ranks. Morey (1888). " Richard Denton," Wreck of. Shipwreck. Riches, Road to. Father of the City of Eutopia (1757). Richmond, Virginia. Cannon (1869). Ride through Islam. March, H. C. (1877). ,, to Khiva. Burnaby. Riding, ^'ff " Equitation." Rifle Association, National. Rifle Association ,, Brigade. Army, Records. ,, Conference. Rifle Conference. ,, Ranges. Latham, J. (i860). INDEX. 813 Rifled Ordnance. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 25. Delvigne (i860). Mangeot (i860). Duhent (1861). Fourcault (1861). Arlts (1861, 1862). Owen, C. H. (1862). Hale, W. (1863). Thomas, L. (1863). Artillery (1S65). Fritsch-Lang (1865). Palliser (1866). Whitworth, Sir J. (1869). Belgium, Army (1871). Stoney and Jones (1872). Vavasseur (1873). Britten (1863-1878). Sladen (1879). See also " Ordnance." Rifleman. C'.oethe (1826). Rifleman, Random Shots from. Kincaid (1835). Rifleman Harris, Recollections of. Curling, H. (1848). Riflemen. Army, Orders, Infantry. Reserve Forces. Leech (1875). Mounted. Bower, J. Acland (i860). Reserve Forces (1873). Rifles. Firearms. Small Arms. Army, Orders, Musketr}'. U.S., Army, Ord- nance. Beaufoy (1808). Baker, Ezekiel (1825). Chesney, F. R. (1852). Gordon, Hon. A. (1853). Thackeray (1854). Jacob (1857). Wilkinson, H. (1851-1858). Greener (1858). Whitworth, Sir J. (1858). Busk (1858-9). Hawes (1859). Jervis, J. W. (1859). Wilcox (1859). Mangeot (i860). Owen, C. H. (1862). Barber (1864). Cleveland (1864). Spencer (1864). Walker, A. (1864). Forsyth, J. (1867). France, Army (1807). Switzer- land, Army (1868). Majendie and Brown (1869). Majendie (1867-70). Marshall, W. P. (1870). Stoftel (1871, 1872). Hentsch (1872). Fenby (1S73). Ridout (1873). Pieri(iS75). Mason, T. B. M. (1875-9). Lowe (1S79). Neumann (1879). Bond (1884). Remington (1884, 1885). Dunn (1S87). Godsal (1887). Gun (1889). Magazine. Patent Office. Ploennies (1867). Remington (1884, 1885). Aldershot Military- Soc. (1888). Repeating. Firearms. .Small Arms. Patent Office. Spencer (1864). Switzer- land, Army (1870). France, Navy (1878). Stacking of. Rice (1874). See also " .Small Arms." Rigging. I'atent Office. Seamanship. Steel (1800). Lever (1835). Forbes (1 869- 1 880). Riot. Bristol, 1831. Markworth (1831). Ripon Cathedral, Bruce, W. D. (1841). Rivers. India. Le Creulz (1804). Priestley (1831). Davies, G. C. (1887). Rivers, Passage of. Colleton (1816). See also " Bridges." Rivers. Allien MSS., France. Amazon. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 24. Orton (1870). Amoo Daria. See " Oxus." Canton. Wyld (1840). Cavery. Jervis, H. (18^4). Columbia. Symons (1882). Congo. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 16. Tuckey (1818). Monteiro (1875). Tohnston, H. H. (1884). Stanley, H. M. (1S85). Danube. Kohl (1843). Rennie, G. B. (1856). Essequibo. Webber, G. D. (1873). Euphrates. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 10. Vincent, W. (1797). Chesney, F. R. (1833-1868). Blunt (1879). Gambia. Belcher. Molhen (1820). Bowdich (1825), Ganges. India. Godavery. India. Great Fish River. Back (1836). Indus. Vincent, W. (1797). Bell, E. (1869). Irawadi. Buckland (1828). La Plata. La Plata. Azara (1809). Main. Augereau (1802). Mersey. ^Iersey. Meuse. Brialmont (1882). Mississippi. Falconer, T. (1844). United States (1874, iSSi). Moselle, (luin (1843). Murray. Allen, J. (1853). Kinloch (1853). Mutlah. India. 8t4 index. Rivers {,ii>itinuc\/) — Niger. L.iinl and Oldfield (1837). Sch5n (1842). M'William {1843). Allen, W. (184S). Nile. Bruce, [ames (1790). Beke (1851). Spratt (1859). Baker, Sir S. (1866). Speke(i863). Pelherick (1869). Johnston, K. ( 1 870). Haly (18S4). Butler, W. F.( 1887). Okavango. Andersson (1861). Ore. Wager (1 81 3). Oxus. Bell, E. (1869). Wood, J. (1841, 1872). Wood, H. (1875). Potaro. Webber, G. D. (1873). Potomac. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1873). Red River. Canada (1871). Rednitz or Regnitz. Augereau (1802). Rhine. Humfrey (1838). Quin (1843). Murray, J. (1843, 1853). St. Lawrence. Baytield (1837). Canada (1875). Scheldt. MSS., Belgium (18 15). Seine. Quin (1843). Senegal. Mollien (1820). Swan River. Irwin (1835). Thames. MSS., Thames. Hall, J. (1827). Hall, E. (1857). Este {1858). Dickens (1882). Tigris. Chesney, F. R. (1850). Tyne. Plummer (1875). Volga. Munro-Butler-Johnstone (1876). Yangtsze. Blakiston, T. W. (1862). Yellowstone. Barlow, J. M. (1872). United States (1875). Dunraven (1876). Zambesi. Livingstone, D. and C. (1865). Rivista di Artiglieria e Genio. Italy, Periodicals. Rivista Marittima. Italy, Periodicals. Rivista Militare Italiana. Italy, Periodicals. Road Books. Itinerary (1766). Paterson (1799). Gary, J. (1828). Howard, C. (1883). Roads. Belgium. MSS., Belgium (1815). Construction of. Patent Office. Gautier (1721). McAdam (1824). Mul- lan(i863). Napier, W. C. E. {1869). India. India. Roaring in Horses. Fleming, G. (1889). Roberts, General Sir F. S. Low, C. R. (1883). Robertson, William. Robertson, W. (1827). Robinson Crusoe. De Foe (1820, 1831). Rochefort. Calder (1804). Rochelle, Siege of, 1627. Re (1628). Herbert (t86o)- Rock Crushing. Mallet, R. (1875). Rockets. Pyrotechny. Jones (1776). Moore, W. (1813). Congreve (1814, 1827). Boxer (i860). Hale, W. {1863). Austria, Army (1865). Rocky Mountains. Ruxton (1847). Rodd, Thomas. Rodd (1845). Rodney, Admiral Lord. Mundy (1836). Roman Vestigia. Smyth, W. H. (1845). Roman Wall. Bruce, Rev. J. C. (1867). Romance, Lost Function in. Bryce (1883). Romans. Montesquieu (1734). Guischardt (1758). Roy (1793). Adam (1801). Guillaume (1812). Rome. Rome. MSS., Rome. Montesquieu {1734). Nolli (1748). Sickler (1821). Ferguson, A. (1835). Chateaubriand (1838). Murray, J. (1843). Smith, W. (1842-1857). Bryce {1871). Powell (1871). Himly (1876). . Pearson (1877). Antiquities. Adam (iSoi). Army (ancient). Lipsius (1596). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Church of. Scotland (1714). Meagher (1823). Wyse (1829). Dens (1836). Oaths (1844). Eardley (1850). Powell (1871). Civil War. B.C. 50. Kausler (1831). History. Kennet. Tristram (1657). Walker, O. (1697). Dion Cassius INDEX. 815 Rome. History (continued) — (1704). Florus (1722). Ilerodianus (1749). Suetonius (1661, 1751). Folard (1754)- Gil;bon (1776-1808). Polybius (1753, 1809). Tacitus (1793,1812). Florian (1820). Livius (1822). Hooke(i823). Ferguson, A. (1825). Niebuhr, (1832-7). Chateaubriand (1838). Ammianus Marcellinus (1609, 1862). Iconography. Visconti (181 7). Lays of ancient. Macaulay (1874). Numismatics. Catalogues. Vaillant (1703, 1743). Whelan (1846). See also " Numismatics." Revolutions. Vertot (1796). Trajan's Column. Bartolus. Piranesi. Rome and Berlin. Rope (1888). Romney. Burrows (1888). Romnichal. Harriot (1830). Rona. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 3. Ronda. Scott, C. R. (1838). Rondeaus of the British Volunteers. Taillefer (1872). Roofs. Patent Office. Engineers, Royal (1869). Rooke, Sir George. Rooke (1707). Rooms. Method of cooling. .Smyth, C. P. (1850). Roon, Graf Albrecht von. Gotzler (1879). Rope. Cordage. Russell, R. (1804). Hemp (1808). Burnett (1847). Rosamond (Opera). Addison (181 1). " Rosario," Cruise of. Markham, A. H. (1873). Roses, Wars of. Burgess (1872). Rotation of the Earth. Sang (1856). Barnard, J. G. (1858). Rotuli Hundredorum. Records (1812-18). Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae. Records (1840). Rotuli Scotiae. Records (1816-22). Rotulorum Originalium. Records (1805-10). Roumania. Long, J. (1876). Army. Armed Strength. Armies, European (1876). Seguin (1880). Vogt (1887). Roumelia. Frankland (1830). Round Sterns for Ships, Naval Architecture (1822). Round Towers of Ireland. Petrie (1845). Roundheads. Army, Lists (1868). Routes. United States. Dempsey (1870). Abyssinia. Abyssinia (1867). Australia. Australia (1828). Wrey (1867). France, MSS., France (1755). German Army, 1870-1. Goessel. India. India. Elwood (1830). Conolly (1838). Galloway (1844). Richard- son, D. J. (1845). Chesney, F. R. (1850). Andrew (1857). Warren, E. (1857). Ainsworth, W. F. (1872). Kuhnenfeld (1872-3). Routine, Naval. Fordyce (1837). Rovying. Savigny (18 18). " Royal Academy," H.M.S. M.S.S., Navy (1787). Royal Artillery Institution. Artillery Institution. .Sabine, E. (1854) ,, Asiatic Society, i'f^ " Asiatic Society." ,, Astronomical Society. See "Astronomical Society." ,, Botanic Society. Botanic (1839). ,, Canadians (looth Regt). Canada (1858). ,, College of Surgeons. Surgeons. ,, ,, ,, Ireland. C.imeron, C. A. (1886). ,, Colonial Institute. Colonial Institute. Cat.alogues. „ Company of Archers. Paul, J. B. (1875). ,, Geographical Society. 6'«r<; " Geographical .Society." ,, Gun Factory. Arsenal, Royal. Artillery (1879). ,, Household. Antiqu.irics (1790). ,, Humane Society. Humane Society. ,, Institution. Royal Institution. Catalogues. „ Irish Constabulary. Curtis, R. (187 1). 8l6 INDEX. Royal Laboratory. Arsenal, Royal. Letters. Hionilcy (1787). Marines. Marines. Maclntire (1763). Military Calendar. Calendars (1815-1820). ,, Chronicle. Periodicals. Mint. Mint (1875). Society. Royal .Society. Catalogues. Spratt (1667). Thomson, T. (1812 . Davy, Sir II. (1827). Sussex (1837, 1838). Northampton (1840- 1846). Weld {1848). Barrow (1849). ,, Canada. Canada. ,, Edinburgh. Royal Society. ,, New South Wales. New South Wales. ,, Club. Barrow (1S49). United Service Institution. See " United Service Institution." Rudders. Wight. I'akenham (1793). Thompson, J. (1816). Rabett (1830). Lihou (1830, 1834). Rudiments of War. War, Art of (1777). Ruiter, Michael de. Brandt, G. (1698, 1746). Rule a Wife and have a Wife. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Rule of the Road at Sea. Rule of the Road. Halahan (1851). Highton (1866). Brooker (1867). Colomb, P. H. (1867). Fremantle (1867). Harper (1867). Holt (1867). Napier, J. R. (1867). Paynter (1867). Randolph (1867). Lacon (1S68). Oliver, W. A. (1868). Prompt (1868). Rothery (1873). Caffarena(i876). Gray, T. (1867-1878). De Horsey (188 1 ). Rules, Slide. Watkin. Ruminantia. Smith, C. H. (1827). Runnymede, Letters of. Beaconsfield (1836). Rupert, Prince. Warburton (1849). Russell, Lord John. Adderley (1S69). ,, William, Lord. Russell, Lord J. (1820). Russia. Russia. Hakluyt Soc. , vols. 10, 20, 72, 73. Pinkerton's Collection, vols. I and 6. Harris {1748). Coxe, W. (1784). Tooke (1800). Carr, J. (1805). Laverne (1809). Potemkin (1813). Granville (1828). Holman {1832). Barrow (1834). Urquhart (1835). McNeill (1836). Raguse (1837). Mitchell (1838). Wilbraham (1839). Kohl (1842.) Abbott, J. (1843). Custine (1843). Cameron, G. P. (1845). Demidoff (1854). Wilkins (1857). Michie, A. (1864). Artillery, Royal (1867). Austria (1870). Hutchinson {1871). Murray, J. (1839-1875). Long, J. (1876). Munro-Butler-John- stone (1876). Wallace (1877). Moltke (1877, 1878). Martens (1874-85). Advance on India. Long, J. McNeill (1836). India (1831, 1837). Raven- stein (1861). Michell, J. and R. (1865). Chenevix-Trench (1869). Romanovski (1870). Goldsmid (1873). Green, Sir H. (1873). Michell, R. (1873). Wingfield (1873). Hellwald (1874). Vincent, C. E. H. (1874). Stumm (1873, 1875). Rawlinson, H. (1875). David, C. (1877). Krahmer (1877). Martens (1879). Marvin (1880-1885). Malleson (1885). Vambery (1885). Yate, A. C. (1887). Yate, C. E. (1888). Alexander I, Emperor. Webster, J. (1830). Army. Russia. Armed Strength. Warnery (1771). France and Russia (1803). Wilson, Sir R. (1810). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Canski (1833). Deluzy (i860). Fadejew (1870). Kummer (1870). Brackenbury (1871). Armies, European (1876). Russell, F. .S. (1877). Cardinal von Widdern (1878). Upton (1878). Greene, F. V. (1879). Seguin (1880). Weil (1880). Knorr (1883). Davidson, W. L. (1884). Rau (1880-1886). Vogt (1887). Mountain Artillery. Dalton, J. C. (1887). Tactics. Drygalski (1880). Campaign of 1812. Campaigns. France. Assolant. Philippart (1813). Porter, Sir R. H. (1814). Labaume (1815-6). Vaudoncourt (1815, 1817). Gifford (1817). Boutourlin (1824). Dumas (1817-26). Gourgaud (1825, 1827). Fain (1827). Okouneff (1829). Segur, P. (1825, 1837). Cham- bray (1838-9). Cathcart, G. (1850). Fezensac (1850,1852). Wilson, Sir R. (i860). Clausewitz (1843, 1862). Cust, Sir E. (1863). Brandt (1868). Stanhope (1876). Vial (1876). Rambaud (1877). Maguire (1887). INDEX. 817 Russia (continued) — Church of. Mouravieff (1842). Commerce. Wilson, A. J. (1878). Crimean War, 1854-6. See " Campaigns." Expedition to Khiva, 1717. Khiva (1873). do., 1873. MacGahan (1874). Potto (1874). Stumm (1873, 1875). History. Russia. CJordori, A. (1757). Karanisiu (1819-26). Segur, V. (1829). Ramhaud (1S78). Mission to Bokhara, 1878. Kostenko. Navy. Russia. Navies (1782). Crauford, H. W. (1839). Pianche (1866). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880).' Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Barnaby (18S6). Keed (1887). Ordnance. Levitzky. Prisoner of War in. Coope (1878). Surveys. Russia. Murchison (1841). War with Turkey, 1709. Russell, F. S. (1877). do., 1735. Russell, ¥. S. (1S77). do., 1769. Campaigns. Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Russell, F. S. (1S77). do., 1808. Russell, F. S. (1877). do., 1877-8. Campaigns. Millet. Norman. Cory (1876). Boyle, F. (1877). Hartmann (1876-8). Cardinal von Widdern (1878). Coope (1878). Trotha (1878). Williams, C. (1878). Lecomte (1877-9). Farcy (1879). Fife-Cookson (1879). Greene, I^ V. (1879). Hozier (1879). Stafford House Committee (1879). Dubail (1880). Bornecque (1881). Ilobart Pacha (1885). Knox, T.W. (1887). Maguire (1887). Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Russian and English Conversation. Cornet (1875). ,, Dictionaries, ^'d't; " Dictionaries. " ,, Language. Hamoniere (1838). Reiff(i853). Ivanoff (1882). See also " Dictionaries." Rye. Warren, J. B. (1791). Burrows (1888). s. Sabbath. Macpherson, D. (1857). Sabretasche, Scraps from my. Stent (1882). Sackville, Lord George. Courts-Martial (1760). Sacred Books of the East. Miiller, F. Max (1879- ). ,, History. Turner, S. (1832-7). Sacrifice, Human. Campbell, J. (1864). Saddles. Lawton (1881). Sadowa, Battle of, 1866. Cooke, A. C. (1S67). Vilbort (1869). Knox, T. W. (18S7). Sahara, Desert of. Daumas (1863). Sahitee. India. Sailing. Moorsom (1845). Cunningham, H. D. P. (1857). Consolin (1859). ,, Directions. Sailing Directions. MSS., Sailing Directions. Lighthouses. Belcher. Bowen, J. Des Barrcs. Mudge. Childe, L. (1663). Knight, J. (1702). Mannevillette (1745). Callendar (1775). Cook, J., and Lane (1784). Gibson, F. (1791). Gauld (1796). Stevenson, J. (1797). Stephen- son, J. (1799). Lovenorn (1800). Bougard (1742-1801). Heather (1797, 1801). Calder (1804). Russell, J. (1804). Dessiou (1805). Bradley (1807). Hotham (1807). Chapman, W. (1808). Pimentel (1746, 1809). Furlong (1809). Shorthand (1809). Lane, M. (1810). Tolino (1812). Franzini (1814). Beaufort (1820). Hewett (1826). Stewart, J. ( 1826). Horsburgh (1809-1827). Boteler (1831). King, P. P. ( 1832). lohnson, £.(1836). Bayfield (1837). F.arl(i837). Fitzroy (1848). MelviJl (1850). Givry (1842-1851). Purdy (1825-1S53). Zahrtmann (1853). Kerros (1869). Kropp(i872). Pushtshin (18S4). ,, Instructions. Signals. 3 G 8l8 INDEX. Sailors and Saints ; or Matrimonial Manoeuvres, Glascock (1829). Sailors' Advocate. Xavy (1705). Groans. Xavy (1702). Home Journal, rcriodicals. Homes. Dublin (1857). Davies, J. (1868). Institute. Sailors' Inst. Pocket Book. Redford (1S74-1888). Word Book. Smyth, \V. H. (1867). Sails. Patent Oltice. Chapman, F. II. (1794). Heathcote (1825). Cunningham (1S57). Consolin (1859). Forbes (1869). St. Augustine. St. Augustine (1743). Christopher's, Battle of, 1782." White, T. (1830). Doming-o. Kainsford (1805). Nolloth (1849). George. Dawson, T. (1714). Gotthard, Battle of, 1664. Montecuculi {1751-1807). Helena. St. Ik-lcna. Brooke, T. H. (1824). Jag-o, Battle of, 1781. Naval Histor)-. Blake (1782). John of Jerusalem, Order of. St. John of Jerusalem. Vertot (1772). Bois- gclin (1S05). Porter, W. (1858). Bigsby (1861). John's Ambulance Association. Duncan, F. (1881). Kilda's, I'inkerton's Collection, vol. 3. Lawrence, Gulf and River of. Bayfield (1837). Canada (1875). Malo. St. Maloes (1758). Martin in the Fields. Humphry (1S76). Martin-Ie-Grand. Kempe, A. J. (1825). Michael and St. George, Order of. Nicolas (1828). Paul. Whateley (1828). Smith, James (1866). Falconer (1870). Conybeare and Howson (1S75). Petersburgh. Granville (1828). Abbott, J. (1843). Salvadore. Lindley (1808). Savior's, Southwark, Concanen and Morgan. Stephen's, Westminster. Mackenzie, F. (1844). Vincent, Battle of, 1795. Bethune (1797). Graviere (1853). ,, Island of. Morris, V. (1787). ,, Earl of, Admiral. St. Vincent (1806). Brenton (1838). Tucker (1844). Saints and Sinners, Looking Glass for. Clarke, S. (1671). Salammbo. Flaubert (18S6). Sally Fleet, Journal of. Dunton (1637). Salmonia. Davy, Sir H. (1832). Saltworks. India. Harris (1748). Salutes. Army, Orders. Salvador. Baily, J. (1850). Salvage. Salvage (1867). *' Samarang," Voyage of. Adams (1848-9). Samarcand, Hakluyt Soc, vol. 26. Samoiedia. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Harris (1748). Samos. Dapper (1703). Sandhurst, Military College. Sandhurst. Catalogues. Peithmann (1809). Sandoval, or the Freemason. Llanos (1826). Sandovyn Castle. Redman (1857). Sandwich (Kent). Warren, J. B. (1791). Boys (1832). Burrows (1888). Sandwich Islands. See " Hawaii." Sanitary Engineering. Engineers, Royal (1866, 1870). ,, Institute of Great Britain. Sanitaiy Institute. Sanitation. India. Saxony. U.S., Army (1863). Evans, T. W. (1868). Todle- ben (1863-70). Flower (187 1). Roth (1874- )• Germany, Army (1872, 1878). Chadwick (1888). Sanscrit. Wilson, H. H. (1832). Bopp (1845). Santa Cruz. Brady (1829). Markham, A. H. (1873). ,, Maura. Kinloch (1852). Sapienza. Leake (1850). Sappers. Frankland, W. A. Switzerland, Army. Saracens. Freeman (1876). IxNDEX. 819 Saragossa, Siege of, 1809. Vaughan (1809). "Sarah Sands," Burning of. Army, Records (S4th Regt.). Saratoga, Battle of, 1777. Creasy (185 1, 1853). Sardinia. Smyth, W. 11. (1828). Expedition to. Campaigns (1857). Sark. Iiii^lis (1S3S). Satires, kabeners (1777). Williams, J. (1793-7). Horatius (1819). London (1S28, 1S29). Satsuma Rebellion, 1877. Mounsey (1879). Saturated Steam. Peacock {1882). Saturday Review. Periodicals. Saumarez, Admiral. Ross, Sir J. (1830). Savage Life. Sproat (1868). ,, Warfare. Browne, E. C. Macgregor, C. M. (1866). Adye, Sir J. (1S67). Belgium, Army (1872). Alexander (1S73). Gawler, J. C. (1873). Kuhn (1878). Lucas, T. J. (1878). Beckerhinn (1883). Savoy. Savoy (1697). Bourcet (1802). Holnian (1827). Forbes, J. D. (1S43). Murray, J. (1843). Dessaix and Folliet (1879). Victor Amadeus, Duke of. Savoy (1697). Saxony. Saxony. Harris (1748). Granville (1828). Holman (1832). Ilimly (1S76). House of. Shoberl (1S16). Scaccarii Normanniae. Records (1840). Scales. Ilohnlan (1S81). Scaling Ladders. Boillot {1598). Scanderberg the Great. Bigsby (1866). Scandinavia. 5tv " Lapland," " Norway," and "Sweden." Scenes and Sports in Foreign Lands. Napier, E. (1840). Sceptre and Crown, For. Meding (1875). Scheldt, River. MSS., Belgium (1815). Expedition to, 1809. Campaigns (1809). Schiltberger, Johann. llakluyt Soc, vol. 57. Schism. Acts (1715). Schleswig-Holstein. Schleswig-Holstein. Artiller)', Royal (1866). Schlettstadt, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). School of Musketry, Hythe. Small Arms. Wilford (1861). Ilythe (1879). Lodwick (18S6). Schools. Education. India. Hannay (1783). Bartley (1871). Hamilton, \V. J. (1874). Carteret-Bisson (1879). Schweidnitz, Siege of, 1762. Le Febvre (177S). Science. Periodicals. Reddie (1S62). Tyndall (1871). Beach (1872). Applied to the Art of War. War, Art of (1888). Claims of. Guy {1870). Dictionaries of. Dictionaries. Deschanel and Focillon (1864-7). Brande and Cox (1867). Ure (1835-78). Scientific American. U.S., I'eriodicals. ,, and Literary Treasury. Maunder (1858). ,, Enquiry. Herschel (1S66). ,, Frontier. Andrew (iSSo). Curzon (1888). ,, Memoirs. Taylor, R. (1837). ,, Societies. Periodicals. Este (1810). Guy (1870). Becker (1874). Scilly Isles. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 2. Spence (1794). Tucker (i8io). Scinde. Allen, L N. (1843). Postans (1843). Thornton, E. (1844). Napier, W. F. P. (1845). Burton, R. F. (1851). Ross, D. (1S83). Scinde Railway. India. Andrew (1856). Scintillations of Light. Griffiths, L. Scio. Dapper (1703). Le Brun (1714). Sclavonic Language. Bopp (1845). Sdoppetaria. Small Anns (1808). Scornful Lady. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Scotland. .Scotland. Pinkerton's Collection, vols. 2 and 3. Gordon, A. (1726). Pennant (1776). Johnson, S., vol. 8 (1792). Bacon (1826). Browne, J. (1843). Kohl (1844). Gazetteers (1845). Jervise (1861). Grampian Club (1869, 1873). 3 G 2 820 INDEX. Scotland [icntinih-d) — Acts of Parliament of. Rcconls (1814-24). Clan Act. MSS., Scotland. County Almanac. Teriodicals. Earls Marischal. Hurhan (1S20). Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. Sniytli, C 1'. (1859). Edinburgh Observatory. Kilinhurgh Observatory. Smyth, C. V. (1864). Edinburgh, Royal Society. Royal Society. Edinburgh University. Catalogues, .'\natomy. Glasgow Observatory. Cirant, R. (1883). Highlanders. Scotland. Army, Records. Stewart, D. (1825). Robertson, I. A. (1866). History. I lolinslied (1807-8). Tytler (1841-2). Grampian Club (1869). iames I, King. Rl)ell, T. H. (i860, 1861). Adls (18O2). Coles (1863). Cunningham (1857, 1864). (iraser (1864). Russell, J. S. (1861-1865). Chalmers (1865). I'lanche (1866). Bourne ( 1 866 -7). Chap- man, H. C. {1871). Scott, M. (1871). Wilson, E. (1867-1872). Jal (1873). Robinson, Sir S. (1873). Froude (1874). Watkin (1874). Wynier (1875). Dislere (1876). Marchal (1876). Hrix (1878). KorLes, R. 15. (1866, 1880). (iraviere (1872-1880). King, J. \V. (1877, 1880). Very {1880). Henk (1881). Fincati (1881). Fishb'ourne (1845-1882). Duprc (1882). Mauritz (1882). Kronenfels ( 1881, 1883). BKl'XOHCK AFO (i88}). Pans, E. (1863-1886). Barnaby (1886). Cusack-Smith (1S86). U.S., Naval Intel. Office (1887). Lloyd (1874, 1888). Brassey (1875-1888). Corry (1888). Durassier (1888). Reed (1869-1889). Chaubaud-Arnnilt (1889). Ledieu and Cadiat (1S89). Scd also " Ironclatls. " Convict. Haslam ( 1 8 1 9). Coppering'. Navy(i7S6). Equipment of. Edye (1832, 1859). Loading of. Euler(i8io). Groignard (1810). Stevens, R. W. (1864). Models of. Miller, T. (1864). Pumps. Clarke, R. (1797). Raising sunken. Sadler (1839). Resistance of. Froude (1874). Sterns. Architecture, Naval (1822). Seppings (1822). Tonnage. Parsons, \V. (1830). Raper (1834). Ships Ships' Boats. Cow (1829). Jeffreys (1852). Lacon (1852). ,, Cabins. Anderson, W. L. (1873). ,, Cookery. Wilson, J. B. (1882). ,, Lights. See " Rule of the Road at .Sea." Shipwreck. .Shipwreck. France, .Societe Generales des Naufrages. Harvey, G. (1824). (1867). Clitlord, C. (1858). (1817). Watson, R. (1S29). Manby (1830) "Fairy" (1841). Kynaston (1849). lialahan Norman and Musgrave (1865). Highton (1866). (1867). "Shipwreck" Poem. Falconer, W. (1808). Shipw^recks. "Amazon." Lacon (1852). Birkenhead." Lacon (1852). Boadicea." M'Gregor, J. J. {1816). "Cabalva." Dennis (1818). "Captain." ^ay (1871). Centaur." Ingleficld (1783). " Earl of Abergavenny." Shipwrecks (1805). "Gorgon." Key (1847). " Fairy." " Fairy " (1841). Hansa." Koldewey (1874). " Kent." Shipwreck (1826). " Lady Hobart." Fellowes (1803). ■Litchfield." Sutherland (1768). 'London." Highton (1866). "Lord Melville." M'Gregor, J. J. (1816). ' Orion." Lacon (1852). 'Richard Denton." Shipwreck. 'Sarah Sands." Army, Records (54th Regl.). Sea Horse." M'Gregor, J. J. (1S16). 'Thetis." Dickinson, T. (1836). "Wager." Morris, L (1752). Shipwrights. Shipwrights. Bushnell (1678). Shipwrights' Vade Mecum. Architecture, Naval (1805) Shirwa, Lake. Livingstone, D. and C. (1865). Trengrousc Dickinson, T (1836). (185 1). Hodge (1864). Brooker (1867). Harper 824 INDEX. Shoeing Horses. Horses. Patent Office. Fiiz WyL^ram (1863). Fleming (1869). I\.ieni;in (1S71). Gaume (1872). Douglas, \V. (1876). Shooting. Army. Austria, Army. Ascham (1761). Shooting (1791). Jacob (1837). Hovell (1888). See also "Musketry." Shoreham. Warren, J. B. (1791). Short Service. Chenevix-Trench (1875-1887). Shorthand. Weston (1748). Pitman (1868). Shrapnel Shells. Shrapnel (1868). MSS., Shrapnel (1804-12). Bormann (1859). Gardner, W. B. (1868). Sec also " Artillery." Siam. Hakluyt Soc. , vol. 39. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 9. Dickinson, W. B. (1848). Younghusband (1888). Siberia. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Harris (1748). Dobell (1830). Holman (1832). Cottrell (1842). Atkinson, T. W. (1858). Michie, A. (1864). Sicily. Parita (1697). Naval History (1739). Denon (1789). Thompson, W. H. (1813). Cockburn (1815). Russell, G. (1819). Smyth, W. H. (1823, 1824). Ribaud (1824). Angell and Evans (1826). Power (1839). Coins. Castellus (178 1-9). Sidereal Chromatics. Smyth, W. H. (1864). Sidney, Sir Philip. Zouch (1809). Sieges. Musset-Pathay. Kausler (1831). Belmas (1836-7). Pasley (1832-41). Micheels (1884). Antwerp, 1832. Smith, G. (1832). Badajos, 1812. MacCarthy (1836). Barcelona, 1694. Barcelona (1698). do., 1706. Freind (1708). Basing House, 1644. Basing House (1869). Belfort, 1870-I. Belin(i87i). Geldern (1872). Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Wolvfa (1877). Belleisle, 1761. Smith, W. (1761). Bergen op Zoom, 1747. Bergen op Zoom (1747). Bitsch, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Breda, 1625. Hugo (1627). Carlaverock, 1300. Nicolas (1828). Colchester, 1648. Townsend. Cromwell, T. (1825). Constantina, 1837. Campaigns (1838). Temple, Sir G. T. (1879). Copenhagen, 1807. Naval History (1807). Delhi, 1857. Greathead (1858). Bayley, j. A. (1876). DenghilT6pe, 1881. Skobeleff (1881). Douay, 1710. Douay. Dunkirk, 1658. Bourelly (1886). Fort Pulaski, 1862. U.S., Army, Engirieer Dept. (1862). Genoa, 1800. Massucco (1800). Thiebault (1809). Gibraltar, 1779-83. Gibraltar. MSS., Gibraltar. Dodd, J. S. (1781). Ancell (1785). Drinkwater (1785). Mann (1870). Gilbard (1881, 1884). Gloucester, 1643. Gloucester (1643-4). Havana, 1762. Havana (1762). Kars, 1855. Sandwith (1856). Lake (1857). La Fere, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Laon, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Liehtenberg, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Lille, 1708. Deane, J. M. (1846). Londonderry, 1689. Graham, J. (1829). Longwy, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Louisbourg, 1745. Gibson, J. (1745). do., 1758. MSS., Gordon. Lucknow, 1857. India (1858). Gubbins (1858). Mecham (1858). Rees (1858). Norman (1867). Lutzelstein, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Marsal, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). ^etz, 1870. Campaigns, 1870-1. Coffinieres de Nordeck (1871). Germany (1872). Andlau (1872), Stoffel (1874). Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Hoff- INDEX. 825 Sieges. Metz, 1870 (continued) — bauer and Leo (1876-8). Bazaine (1871-1883). Franklyn (1887). Diiquet (1 888). Mezieres, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Minorca, 1756. Minorca. Bynj^(i756, 1757). Montmedy, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Neu Breisach, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Ostend, 1601-4. IVricr (1604). Paris, 1870-1. Campaigns, 1870-1. Heylli (1870). Leighton (1871). Salicis (1S71). Yriarte (1871). Vandevelde (1871-2). Geldern (1872). Ronciere-LeNoury {1872). Vinoy (1872). Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Ducrot (1875-8). Pfalzburg-, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Plevna, 1877. Trotha (1878). Quebec, 1759. Canada. Quebec Lit. and Hist. .Soc. Knox (1769). Ra nsay (1779). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1826). Ciist, Sir E. (1858-60). Rochelle, 1627. Re (1628). Herbert (i860). Saragossa, 1809. Vaughan (1809). Schlettstadt, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Schweidnitz, 1762. Le Febvre (1778). Sebastopol, 1854-5. Campaigns, 1854-6. Sebastopol. Douglas, H. (1855). Bazancourt (1856). Niel (1858). Russell, W. H. (1865). Todleben (1863-70). Seringapatam, 1799. Beatson, A. (1800). Soissons, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Strasburg, 1870. Fischbach (1871). Wagner (1874). Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Thionville, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Toul, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Toulon, 1793. Abeille. Dundas, D. (1805). Venloo, 1702. Cust, Sir E. (1858). Verdun, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Vienna, 1529. Schimmer (1847). do., 1683. Campaigns (1883). Schimmer (1847). Vitry, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Siemens, Sir William. Pole (1888). Sierra Leone. Dallas, R. C. (1803). Norton (1849). Sight Vane, Night. Croudace. Sights. Lowe (1879). Godsal (1887). Sign Language. Clark, W. P. (1885). Signals. Signals. MSS., Graves. M'Arthur, J. Ourvilliers. Reid, J. W. Smyth, J. .S. Vonge. Greenwood (1714). Morogues (1763, 1767). Rodney (1782). Kempenfeldt (1783). Russell, J. (1804). Macdonald, [. (1808). Lynn (1814). Popham (1803, 1816). Pasley (1823). Rapcr (1828). Phillipps (1835, 1836). Rohde (1835-1836). Ekins (1837, 1838). Walker, B. J. (1841). Watson, B. L. (1841). Marrjatt (1832, 1851). Rogers, H.J. (1856). Reynold (1857). Morison (1867). Colomb, P. 11. and Bolton (1870). Army, Signalling (1879-80). Admiralty (1880). Macpherson, H. T. (1882). France, Navy (1880-4). Bower, E. T. C. (1887). Fog. Beazeley (1871). Trinity House (1876, 1878). Vreede (1883). Nelson's Signal at Trafalgar. McHardy (1885). Night. Signals. Bethune (1861). Vreede (1883). Railway. Patent Office. Barr, IL J. (1874). Storm and Danger. Holmes, N. J. (1872). Sigrid. Suhm (17S5). Sikh War, 1845-9. Campaigns. De la ^^otte (1845). India (1846). Cunning- ham (1849). Edwardes (1851). Humbley (1854). Lawrcncc-.Vrchcr (1878). Broadfoot (1888). Sikhim. Gawler, J. C. (1873). Sikhs. Malcolm (1812). M'Gregor (1846). Silesia. Silesia (1750). Granville (1828). Silk. India. Silting. Spratt (1870). 826 INDKX. Silver. I'crcy (iSSo). ,, Mines. Hocckh (1S42). Simmonds's Colonial Magazine. Periodicals. Sinai. J'inkcrton's Collection, vol. 10. Laborde (1838). Robinson, E. (1841). Stanley, A. P. (1868). Sinde. -SVt- "Scinde." Siouan Language. U.S., .Smithsonian Institution (1887). Sister's Tragedy. Thurston (1834). Sitana. Adye, Sir J. (1867). Sites of Battles, \isscher. Six Months in the Ranks. Army (1881). Sketch Abroad. Oliver, S. P. (1881). Sketch Book. African. Reade(i873). Military. l\laL,rinn (1831). Sketches. Meissner {1783-5). Sketches here and there. De Ainslie. Sketching, Military. Pirscher (1775). Flower (1859). Drayson (1861). Pater- son (1862, 1871). Army(i87i). Vincent, C. E. II. (1873). Hutchison and IMacGregor (1878). Hutchinson, H, D. (1886). Verner {1889). Skin Diseases. Green, Jonathan (1837). Skirmishers. France, Army, Reunion des Officiers. Leslie, C. (1831). Gawkr (1837). Sprot (1871, 1874). Skirmishing. Warden (1866). Malton (1859, 1889). Skobeleff. Nemirovitch-Dantchenko (1884). Grodekoff (1884-5). Skulls. Davis, J. B., and Thurnam (1865). Slang. Dictionaries. Larchey (1881). Slave Trade. Reddie. Fernandez (1827). Brady (1829). Leonard (1833). Denman (1849). Wilson, J. L. (1850). Yule, H. (1850). Musson (1862). Colomb, P. H. (1873). Baker, Sir S. (1874). Slavonic Provinces. Forsyth, W. (1876). Sleswig-Holstein. See " Schleswig-Holstein." Slide Rules. Watkin. Sliding Keels. Grant, J. (1804). Slings. Hawkins, W. (1847). Slips. Morton (1824). Admiralty (1886, 1888). Small Arms. Small Arms. Firearms. Patent Office. Army, Orders, (Artillery and Musketry). Navy. Belgium, Army. Germany, Army. U.S., Army, Ordnance. Tackels. Gheyn (1607). Nadal y Mora (1768). Shooting (1791). Beaufoy (1808). Baker, Ezekiel (1825). Gliinder (1829). Charles- worth (1837). Norton (1838). Lovell (1842). Morison (1850). Chesney, F. R. (1852). Gordon, Hon. A. (1853). Jacob (1857). Wilkinson, H. (1851-1858). Busk (1858-9). Jervis, J. W. (1859). Rustow, C. (1857- 64). Barber (1864). Cleveland (1864). Cuverville (1864). Spencer (1864). Walker, A. (1864). Berchem (1865). Timmerhans (1865). Charrin (1865-6). Majendie (1867). Ploennies (1867). Norton and Valentine (1868). Switzerland, Army (1868). Joost (1870). Marshall, W. P. (1870). Suzanne (1870). Stoffel (1871, 1872). Hentsch (1872). Belleval (1873). Ridout (1873). Fieri (1875). Schmidt (1877). Picha (1875-8). Mason, T. B. M. (1875-9). Indra (1879). Lowe (1879). Neumann (1879). Boguslawski (1880). MuUer, H. (1880). Beraud and L'Etienne (1881). Netherlands (1883). Bond (1884). Guillaumot (1884). Hebler (1886). Dunn (1887). Greener (1858, 1888). Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Gun (1889). Small Pox. Kinnis (1835). Smith, Sir W. S., Admiral. Barrow (1848). Smithsonian Institution. United States. Smoke, Prevention of. Williams, C. W. (1841). Prideaux (1854). Snakes. Fayrer (1872). Snider Carbine. Army, Orders, Musketry (1874). Sobriquets of the Army. Army (1874). Societe Humaine de Boulogne. Boulogne. Societies, Scientific. Periodicals. Este (1810). Guy (1870). Becker (1874). Society for the Encouragement of Authors. Jerdan (1839). INDliX. 827 Society Islands. MSS., Society Islands. Society of Antiquaries. Antiquaries. ,, Artists. Catalogues. ,, Arts. Arts. Sykes (1856). ,, Telegraph Engineers. J>f6' " Institution of Electrical Engineers." Sociolog^y. Lcstrade (18S9). Socotra, Island of. Wellsted (1S40). Sodium. Yorke. Soil. Robinson, J- (1863). Soissons, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Solar System. Airy, Sir G. B. (1834). Rcddie (1863). Soldiering in Sunshine and Storm. Douglas, \V. (1865). Soldiers. Soldiers. Army. Astley (1794). Green, J. (1827). Leach (1831). Harley {1838). Short (1844). Marshall, H. (1846). Hodson (1859). Acklom (1866). Cooke, A. C. (1867). Gordon, C. A. (1871). Gn-nanotr (1882). Libbrecht (18^5). Aitken. Sir W. (1862, 1887). Aldershot Military Society (1888). Hickman (1888). Civil Employment of. Walter (187 1). Employment in Public Works. Oudinot (1839). Employment of Foreign. Army (1857). Exercise. Markham, G. (1643). Feigned Diseases of. Cheyne (1826). Marshall, II. (1828). Food. Acklom (1866). Aldershot Mil. Soc. (1888). Hickman (1888). Hints to young. Gordon, W. (1888). Relative cost of, Hoseason (1S71). T^vo Scottish. Ferguson (1888). Soldiers' Club, Secunderabad. Soldiers. ,, Companion. Campaigns (1688). ,, Friend. Abbott. T. E. (1828). ,, Pocket Book. Wolseley (1869-1886). „ Shooting. Hovell (1888). ,, Widows. Cambridge Asylum (1851). Army, Orders, Finance (1855-6). ,, Wives. Army. Cartan (1854). Solebay, Battle of, 1672. Naval History. Solferino, Battle of, 185Q. Dunant (1S62). Knox, T. W. (1887). Solid Channel. Couch (1834). Solitary Confinement. Malcolmson {1837). Solitude. Zimmermann (1784-5). Somali Country. Wheeler (18S4). " Somers " Mutiny. Mackenzie, A. S. (1843). Somerset. Murray, T. (1856). Songs. Marot (1546). Gray, C. (1814). Hall (1815). Macpherson, O. (1S46). Macdonald, W. B. (1854). Kastner (1855). Kutter (1887). Soonderbun Channel. India. Sophia Charlotte, Queen of Great Britain. Watkins (1819). Soudan. Petherick (1S61). Falkonberg (1880). Egypt (1S83). Tames, F. L. (1883). Colborne (1884). Leverson (1884). Wyidc (1888). Verner (18S9). War of 1884-5. Campaigns. MajTie (1884). Army, Veterinary Dejit. (1885). Brackenljury (1885). Wilson, Sir C. W. (1S85). Archer, T. (18S6). De Cosson (1886). Parr>', E. G. (1886). Koyle (1886). Butler, W. F. (1887). Galloway (1887). Macdonald (18S7). Maguire (1887). Gleichen(iS88). Wylde(i888). Sound. Engineers, Royal (1868). Tyndall (1869). Deschanel (1872). Soundings. Mas.sey (1820). Shortland (1869). Admiralty (1875). Canipbc'I, Lord G. ( 1877). U-S., Surveys ( 1880). " Challenger " (1882-5). Soundings of Antiquity. Grover, H. M. (1862). Sous-Maitres, Histoire d'un. Erckmann-Chatrian. South Africa. .Scv " Africa." South America. See "America." South Australia, ^cv " Australia." South Pole. Wcddell (1827). South Sea Bubble. South Sea Scheme (1720). 828 IXUEX South Sea Islands. Mcadc (1870). Hrenchley (1873). South Seas. Ilakluyt Soc, vol. i. Hawkins, R. (1622). Harris 1744). Morris, 1.(1752). Dillon, r. {1829). Frey(i869). Southampton. .Stephens, E. L. (1837). Southey, Robert. -Morley. Southwark. .Stow (1754-5). Concanen and Morgan (1795). South^vold. Wake (1839). See also " -Solebay." Souvarof, Field Marshal. Laverne (1809). Souvenirs d'un ancien Chef de Chantier li I'lsthme de Suez. Erckmann- Chatri;in. Souvenirs of Heroism. Numismatics (1875). " Soveraigne of the Seas." Jenner (1653). Spain. Spain. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 5. Harris (1748). Dillon, J. T. (1780). Watson, R. (1803, I S08). Melo(i8o8). Laborde (1809). Lopez (1810). Bacon (1826). Brooke, A. de C. (183 1). Cook, .S. E. (1834). Moivstrelet (1S40). Stanhope (1840). Widdrington (1844). Murray, J. (1845). Ball, A. (1 846); Army. Spain. Armed Strength. Samaniego (1738). Dillon, H. A. (18 12). Seguin (1880). Rau (1880, 1886). Vogt (1887), Infantry. Spain (1750, 1813). Ballads. Lockhart (1839). Bible in. Borrow (1843). Campai^, 1823. Capetigue (1823). Civil War, 1835-40. Alexander (1835). Henningsen (1836). Stanhope (1836). Richardson (1837). Somerville (1839). Evans, Sir de Lacy (1840). Costello (1841). BoUaert (1870). Duncan (1877). Commerce. Wilson, A. J. (1878). Constitution. Spain (1813). Convention of Cintra. Spain (1739). Dalrj'mple, H. (1808). Hague (1808). Stockdale (1809). Ferdinand VII, King-. Kostenko. KoUi (1823). French Operations, 1823. Capefigue (1823). Geology. Verneuil. History. Dunham (1832). Prescott (1839, i860). Froissart (1839, 1881). Hydrography. Tofifio (1786-1812). Insurrection, 1872-6. Dana, P. R. Garcia (i88i). Maria Louisa, Infanta. Kolli (1823). Navy. Spain. Monson. Mazarredo (1781). Navies (1782). Vargas y Ponce (1807). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Mauritz (1882). Philip II, King. Watson, R. (1803). Philip III, King. Watson, R. (1808). Proposal for humbling. Spain. Royal Armoury. Catalogues. Usurpation of the Crown by Napoleon, 1808. Cevallos (1808, 1814). War with Morocco, 1859. Campaigns. Hardman (i860). Oliveira (1865). Wars of Succession, 1702-13. Campaigns. Marlborough. Barton (1702). Blenheim (1704). Freind (1708). Boyer, A. (1703-13). Brodrick (1713). Lediard (1736). Bosc (1736-7). Feuquieres (1737). Dumont (1729-47). Kane, R. (1747). Parker. R. (1747). Carleton (1809). Addison (1811). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Kausler (1831). Bucke (1839). Deane, J. M. (1846). Coxe, W. (1847-8). Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Vault (1835-62). Vial (1876). Dubail (1879). St. Pierre (1882). Maguire (1887). Parnell (1888). Spanish Armada, 1588. Monson. Clark, S. (1657). Pine (1739). National Defence (1588-1798). Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Jones, F. (187S). Duro(i884). Laughton (1888). ,, Dictionaries. 6'^« " Dictionaries. " ,, Language. McHenry (1830). "Spanish Curate." Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Spas of Homburg. Downie (1842, 1844). Specchio di Guerra. Panigarola (1595). IXDFX. 829 Species, Genesis of. Mivart (1871). ,, Origin of. Darwin (1869). Specifications of Patents. Patent OflFice. *' Spectateur Militaire." France, Periodicals. Spectator. Addison (iSii). Chalmers, A. (1823). Spectrum Analysis. Roscoe (1869). Schellen (1872). Smyth, C. P. (1882). Spencer Repeating Rifle. Barber (18C4). Spenser, Edmund. Morley. Spicheren, Battle of, 1870. Winn (1870). Spies. Parades (1791). Spirit of Laws. Montesquieu (1772). Spirit of the Age. Hazlitt (1825). Spithead, Mutiny at. Patton (1798). Herbert, D. {1876). Spithead Forts. Coles (1861). Spitibergen. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 18. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. AVells (1876). Spontaneous Combustion. Coal (1866). Sport. Lloyd, L. (1831). Napier, E. (1840). Bisset (1875). Lucas, T. I. (187S). Sporting Guns. Hawker (1844). Greener (1858). .Spencer {1864). Forsyth, J. (1S67). Walsh (1882). Springfield Rifle. U.S., Army, Ordnance. Squadron Drill. Bell, C. W. B. (1878). Square Formation. Guenard (1867). Squares and Square Roots. Barlow, P. (1840). Stability of Ships. Fishbourne (1878). Stables. Fitz Wygram (1869). Meyrick (1882). Stade, Hans. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 51. Stade Duties. Hutt (1839). Staff College. Staff College. Baring, E. (1870). Hamley (1875). ,, Duties. Clarke, F. C. H. (1884). Stamboul, Captive of. Wiffen(i82o). Standards. Length. Clarke, A. R. (1866). Value. Haggard (i860). Standing Armies. Army. Chadwick (1870). ,, Orders. Army, Records. Stanford's Tourists' Guides. Kent. Bevan(i88o). London, Round about. London (1877). Sussex. Chambers {1880). Star Atlas. Proctor (1877). Stars. See " Astronomy." Starvation. Lhotsky (1844). State of the Nation. Courtenay (1811). State Rewards for State Services. Walter, E. (1871). Statesman's Year Book. Periodicals. Statics. Poinsot (1834). Dumas et Boussingault (1844). Statistical Society. Statistical .Society. Catalogues. Statistics. Statistical Society. Sp.ackman (1843). United States (1S75). Mulhall (1880,1881). Herschel (1886). Comparative. Block (1862, 1875). Great Britain. McCulloch (1837). Spackman (1843). Danson {1848). Military. Army Medical Department (1861). Portugal. Balbi(i822). Scotland. Gazetteers (1845). United States. Seybert (1S18). United Stales (1875). Victoria, \ictoria. Archer, W. H. (1867). West Indies. Fisher (1855). Statutes. Kec.nU (1816-22). War Office and Army. Clode (1880). Steam. Dance (1837). Glascock (1848). Peacock ( 1 882). Steam Coaches. Ilerapath (1829). ,, Communication with India. India. Johnson, J. E. (1824). Seauartl 830 INDEX. Steam Communication with India {contiiiiit'd) — {KS29). Murgan, \V. (iSjs). Hall, S. (1838). Curtis, T. A. (1839). Schecr (1S39). Radford (1840). Iloseason (1858). ,, Engines. I'atent Office. ]'artington. Perkins. Stuart, R. (1824). Milne (1830). Hall, S. (1834). Ross, Sir J. (1837). Wall (1837). Robinson, R. S. (1839). Lardner(i840). Trc(lgold( 1838- 1842). Holarte, R. (1884). Surrender of Bonaparte. Maitland, F. L. (1826). Surrey. Cooke, (i. A. ,, Archaeological Society. Surrey. ,, Collections. Surrey .\rchx'ological Soc. (1856). Surveying. Surveys. U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 12. Douglas, J. (1772). Le Febvre (1778). Puissant (1807). Lefevre (l8u). Sil)ome (1827). Simms (1843). Lee, T. T- (1853). T^mes, J. O. N. (i860). Hall. H. (1865). Clarke, A. R. and James (1867). Abys>inia (1869). Paterson (1862-1873). Fronie and Warren (1873). Thuillicr (1875). l^<-'<-'d) II. A. (1888). Military. Jackson, B. (1841). Flower (1859). Drnyson (1861). Lendy (1864). Napier, W. C. E. (1869). Paterson (1873). Nautical. Owen, R. Settembrini. Mount (1701). Bellin (1737-65). Mackenzie, M. (1774). Knight, J. (1794-1802). Dessiou (1805). 832 INDEX. Surveying. Nautical {continued) — Smyth, W. II. (1823). Belcher (1825). Bagay (1829). Beautemps- Bcauprc (1829). Saulnier de Vauhcllo (1S33). Graham, J. D. (1838). C;ivry (1842-1851). Alston (1S60). Shortlaml (1869). Laughton (1872). Mayne (1874). Admiralty (1875, 1877). Markham (1879). Robinson, J. L. (1882). Wharton (1882). Dawson, L. S. (1885). Herschel (1886). Surveys. Surveys. "Adventure " (1839). Abyssinia. Abyssinia (1869). Belgium. Belgium. Nerenburger (1857). Eastern Archipelago. Jukes (1847). Elliot (1851). Euphrates. Chesney, F. R. (1850, 1868). Great Britain. Surveys. Mudge, Dalby and Colby (i 799-181 1). Clarke, A. R. and James (1867). India. India. Thuillier (1875). Markham, C. R. (1871, 1878). Catalogues (187S). Londonderry. Surveys (1837). Newfoundland. Jukes (1843). Russia. Russia. Murchison (1841). Tigris. Chesney, F. R. (1850). United States. United States. Jones, W. A. (1875). Sussex. Cuoke, G. A. Fox, A. H. L. (1869). Chambers, G. F. (1880). Sustaining Walls. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1854). Sutton, Capt. Evelyn. Sutton. Courts-Martial (1787). Swan River. Irwin (1835). Swansea. Dillwyn (1840). Swazies. Browne, E. C. Sweden. Sweden. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 6. Vertot (1729). Voltaire (1732), Harris (1748). Coxe, W. (1784). Carr, J. (1805). Brooke, A. de C. (1827). Meredith (1829). Lloyd, L. (1831). Barrow (1834). Murray, J. (1839, 1849). Artillery, Royal (1865). Army. Armed Strength. Frosterus (1765). Dillon, H. A. (1812). Seguin (1880). Vogt (1S87). Charles (XII) Gustavus, King of. Charles. Voltaire (1732). Oscar Fridrich (1879). Charles XIII, King of. Meredith (1829). Charles John XIV, King of. Philippart (1814), East India Company. Harris (1744). Geology. Murchison (1847). Gustavus Adolphus, King. Gustavus Adolphus. Sweden {1634). Franche- ville (1772). Harte (1807). Clausewitz (1837). Stevens, J. L. (1885). Gustavus Vasa, King. Gustavus Vasa (1852). History. Gustavus Adolphus (1764). Navy. Navies (1782). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Swedish Ambassy, 1653 and 1654. Whitelocke (1772). „ Dictionaries. See '"Dictionaries." ,, Intelligencer. Sweden (1634). 3wift, Jonathan. Swift. Morley. Swinburne Breech Loading Rifle. Fenby (1873). Switzerland. Switzerland. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 6. Harris (1748). Hol- man (1827). Dufour (1833). Sinclair (1835), Himly (1876). Army. Switzerland. Armed Strength. May (1788). Seguin (1880). Bircher (1886). Vogt (1887). Defence. Feiss (1880). History. Legoyt and Vogt (1866). Poetry. Haller (1777). Technical Instruction. Education (1868-9), Sword Exercise. Army, Orders (Cavalry and Infantry). Germany, Army. U.S., Army (1850). Hutton (1882). „ Hunters. Baker, Sir S. (1867). ,, to Share, From. Nicholson (1881). Swords. Wilkinson, H. (1841-1860). Marey (i860). Belleval (1873). Burton, R. F. (1884). See also " Fencing." INDEX S33 Sydney. Aiistra a. Sympiesometer. Adic. Synonymes. Cralib (1837). Roget(i869). Smith, C. J. (1S71). Syphilis. Acts (US70-2). Syphon for Watering Ships. Rodger (1829). Syracuse, Battle of, B.C. 413. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Syria. Ilakluyt Soc, vol. 32. Perry, C. (1743). Marili (1791). Wittman (1803). Berthier (1S05). ]Miot(i8i4). All Hey (1816). Hranisen ( 1820). Hiirck- hardt (1S22). Irby and Mangles (1823). Raguse (1837). Urquhari (1840). Ecrtrand (1847). Burton, I. (1875). Barker, J. (1876). Condcr (1883). Jochmus (1883-4). War of 1839. Napier, C. (1842). T. Table Talk. Hazlitt (1824). Coleridge, S. T. (1836). Tables. Mathematical. Sherwin (1771). Taylor, M. (1780, 1792). Callct (i795)- Lalande(i8o8). Bezout (1816). Reynaud (1818). Kerigan (1828). Bab- bage(i84i). Raper (1846). Lee, T. J. (1853). Nautical. Inman (1835). Norie (1837). Tacitus. Tacitus (1793). Tactical Retrospect. Schellendorf (1870, 1871). T^ACtics Artillery. Netherlands. Geary, H. le G. (1873). Miiller, II. (1873). U.S., Army, Artillery (1874). Mason, T. B. M. (1876). Hohenlohe Ingel- fingen(i885). Schell (1880, 1887). See also "Artillery." Cavalry. Cavalry. MSS., Cavalry. France, Army, Commission des Con- ferences. Lasa (1828). Nolan (1854). U.S., Army, Cavalry (1864, 1874). Walker, C. V. (1876). Walter, H. (1878). Infantry. Infantry. fiance. Army, Conferences, no. 4. U.S., Army. Morris, W. H. (1864, 1865). Graham, Sir L. (1866-7). Macdon.ild, J. H. A. (1873). Macdougall, r. L. (1873). Newdigate (1873). Eullerton (1878). MacDougall (1885). Mayne (1888). Young, G. E. (1888). Gall (1889). „ „ . . Influence of Firearms on. U.S., Army, Infantry. Remond (1853). Smith, M. W. (1869). Moltke (1871). United Service Inst. (1873). War, Art of, (1873). Military. Army, Orders, Infantry. Infantry. War, Art of. France, Army, Commission des Conferences. Dyke. MSS., Nicephorus. Ruscelli (1595). .Scriverius (1607). Constantinus (1617). Venn (1672). Beau- sobre (1757). Armies (1760). Guischardt (1763). Silva(i76S). Ibrahim (1769). Guibert (1775, 1781). Dalrymplc, W. (1781). Saldern (1781). Germany, Army (1789). Venturini (1802). GuiUaumu (1812). /Eli.nnus (1814). Decker (1836-7). Clausewitz (1837). Mitchell (1838). Dufo"' (1851). Lendy (1853). Twemlow (1855). Casey (1862-3). Anibcrt (1865). Lippitt (1865). Smith, M. W. (1869). I'enzonius (1870). Schellendorf (1870, 1S71). Army (1871). Besan^on (1871). Laym.-in (1871). Tellenbach (1871). Macdonnell (1872). Rustow. \\. (1872-4). Lyman (1874). Biddulph (1875)- Hale (1877). Bogusl.-ivs ski (1872-8 . Cavalry (1878). Home (1878). Slmv, W. J. (1879). Helvic 1875^80. Delpech (1880). Drygalski (1880). Estorff (1880). Serda (1880). Thyr(i88o). Arnim(i88i). Berthaut (1881). Brialmont (1881). Hcr- mida y Alvarez (1881). James, W. H. (1881) Barnard (•i»78-82) Demangel (1882). Griffiths, L. (1882). M.-iynr (1882). Lcwal (1879- 1883)- Morgan, H. F. (1883). H.iycs (1884). Hcnr.ard (1S84). Stone, KG. (1886) Clery (1S80, 1887). Jocelyn (1881, 1887). Blomtield (1887). Heusch (1887). l'ierron(i887). Wilkinson, H. S, (1887). Bone (1871- 834 INDEX. Tactics. Military (toutitiucd) — iSSS). Maync (1884-8). Aldershol Military Soc. (1888). Maude ■ (1S8S). (iall (1889). Minor. Fullerton (1878). Watson, G. (18S3). Clery (1880, 1887). Blom- licUl (1887). Ilolwell {1888). Naval. War, Art of. Boutakov. Ruscelli (1595). Venn (1672). Iloste (1697). Morke (1742). Robson (1763). Morogues (1763, 1767" Mazarrcdo (1776). Mounlaine (1783). Grenicr (1787). Roninie (1787 Steel (iScxd). Martins (1801). Ramatuelle (1802, 1813). Ciamaglia (1822). Clerk, y. (1790-1827). Moorsom, C. R. (1846). Biddlecombe (1850, 1857). Dous^las (1858). France, Navy (1859). Navy (1864). Bouet-Willaumez (1865). Lullier (1867). Lewal (1868). Grivel (1869). Bridge, C. A. G. (1872). Penfentenyo (1873). Noel (1874). Dislere (1876). Bowles, T. G. (1877). Attlmayr (1878). Chabaud-Arnault (1879). Penhoat (1879). Randolph (1879). Long, S. (1880). Bethell (1881). Ilenk (18S1). All be (1882). F^incati (1882). Bourgofs (1876, 1883). U.S., Naval Intel. Office (1884). Bainbridge-Hoff (1885). Batsch (1885). Elliot (1885). Nocturnal. France, Army, Conferences, no. 4. Johnson, R. F. (1886) Army, Orders (1887). Aldershot Military Soc. (1888). Political. Bentham (1791). Tseping Rebellion, China, 1851-64. Brine (1862). Sykes (1863). Le Lin (1866). Wilson, A. (1868). Taff Vale Railway. Smyth, W. H. (1840). Tajourah, Gulf of. Wheeler (1884). Tale of a Tub. Swift (1814). Jonson, vol. 6 (1816). Tales of the Wars. Sherer (1829). Tana. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 49. Tangiers. Tangiers (1680). Benko (1887). Tapestry. Pine (1739). Tar, Life of a. Smith, G. (1833). Tariff. Tariff (1713). Addison (181 1). Tartary. Hakluyt Society, vol. 17. Pinkerton's Collection, vols. 7 and 9. Herbert, T (1638). Halde (1735). Rennell (1788). Staunton (1821). Shajrat ul Atrak (1838). Spencer, E. (1839). Atkinson, T. W. (1858). Michie, A. (1S64). Shaw, R. (1871). Keene (1866, 1887). Tasmania. Van Dieman's Land. Breton (1834). Bonwick (1870). Tasmanian Almanac. Australia (1828). Walch (1882). Taste. Gerard (1764). Tatler. Addison (181 1). Chalmers, A. (1823). Tavernier's Voyages. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 8. Harris (1748). Taxes. Ricardo (1821). Superannuation Tax (1828). Paget (1842). Taxidermy. Swainson (1840). Taylor, Reynell. Parry, E. G. (18S8). Tea Cultivation. India. Teak Forests. India. Technical Dictionaries. Burn (1863). Engel (1863). Hall, H. (1865). Settem brini (1879). ,, Instruction. Education. Technology. Dictionaries. Fairholt. Reehorst. Crabb (1823). Scudamore (1 84 1). Rumpf (1868-70). Tolhausen (1873-6). Weale (1876). Rohrig (1 88 1). Eger (1882-4). Teeth. Lintott (1841). Tehuantepec Ship Railway. Williams, J. J. (1870), Telegraph. Electric. Telegraph. India. Belgium, Army, Conferences, series i, no. 8. Cooke, T. F. (1835). Sleigh (1838). Cooke, W. F. (1855, 1866). Sabine, R. (1867). Fix (1869). Moody (1869). Engineers, Royal (1873). Goldsmid (1874). Laurencin (1877). Neviadomski (1880). Chauvin (1884). Culley (1869, 1885). Optical. Wetter (1883). Submarine. Selwyn (1862, 1863). Telegraph Cables. Bodie. Heath, L. G. (1859). Selwyn, J. H. (1862). ,, Engineers. .5"^^ " Engineers, Electrical. " INDEX. 835 Telegraphic Vocabularies. Lord, \V. (1845). Telegraphy, Military. Prance, Army, Commission des Conferences, no. 3. Max- well, K. (181 1). Thompson, T. r. (1825). Sleigh (1838). .Serbia (1866). Fix (1869). Belgium, Army, Conferences, series i, no. 8 (1870). Sloffel (1871, 1872). Germany, Army (1872). Webber, C. E. (1873). Nevia- domski (1880). Steenackers {1883). War, Art of (1888). Telemachus. Fenelon (1795). Telemeters. Bell, A. H. (1865). Telemeter (1876). Le Boulenge (1877). Telescopes. Ross, A. (1840). Tellograph. Edgeworth (1797). "Temeraire," Mutiny of. Courts-Martial {1802). Ten Years of my Life. Salm Salm (1876). Teneriffe. Oliveira (1865). Benko (1887). Tent Knapsack. Army, Equipment (i860). Tents. France, Army (1853). Turner (1858, 1859). Lecompt (1859). Rhodes (1858,1860). Sibley (i860). Sprot (1871, 1874). Tercera. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. i. Terra Cottas. Museums, British (1810). "Terrible," H.M.S. MSS., Logg. Terry, Samuel. Terry (1838). Teutoburg, Battle of, A.D. 9. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Texel. Bonnal (1S86). Text Book, Naval. Tottcn (1841). Thackeray, W. M. Morley. Thames, River. MSS., Thames. Hall, J. (1827). II.ilI, E. (1857). Este(i858). Dickens (1S82). ,, Bridges. Hall, E. (1857). ,, Tunnel. Thames Tunnel (1862). Thanatophidia. Fayrer (1872). Theatres. Dihdin, T. (1827). Smith, E. (1844). Thebes. Wilkinson, G. (1843). Theology. Behmen (1649). Tillotson (1696). Timur (1783). Addi>on (1811). Buckland (1820). Conybeare (1831). Prout (1834). Roget (1834). Chal- mers, T. (1836). Whew ell (1836). Thermometers. U.S., Army, Signal Service. Sykes. Dennis (1818). Thesaurus. Roget (1869). Thessaly. Harris (1748). Best (1842). " Thetis," Wreck of. Dickinson, T. (1836). Thibet. St-e " Tibet." Thierry and Theodore. Beaumont and Fletcher (181 2). Thiers, L. A. Senior (187S). Thionville, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Thirty Years War, 1618-48. Francheville (1772). Gustavus Adolphus (1790). Kausler (1831). Clausewitz (1837). Gindely (1845). Cust, Sir E. (i8t5). Gardiner, S. R. (1874). Vial (1876). Charveriat (1878). Thomas, Gen. George. Franklin (1805). Thomason Civil Engineering College. India. Thompson's Seasons. More (1777). Threshold of the Unknown Region. Markham, C. R. (1875). Through the Ranks to a Commission. Acland-Troyie (1881). Thugs. India. Thunderstorms. Harris, W. S. (1843). Tibet Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 7. Strachey, H. (1S48). Knight (1863). Schlagintweit (1863). Markham, C. R. (1876). Prejevalsky (1876). Gill, W. (1883). Tides. Tides. Newion (1739). Spence (1794). .Sade (1810-13). Sykes (1835). Hedgcock (1839). Kerigan (1844). Herschel (1886). Tidy, Col. Ward, H. (1879)- Tierra del Fuego. King, P. P. (1832). Tigers. I'ayrer (1875). Tigris, River. Chesney, F. R. (1850). Timber. India. Hill, J. (1770). Nichols (i793)- ^Vilson, C. (i795)- Melville (1810). Bentham, Sir .S. (1S14). Bowdcn {1815). Barlow, P. (1817). Lingard (1819). Langton (182S). Birkbeck (1834). Kyan(iS35). Wallis 3 H 2 S;,^ INDEX. Timber (fontifiued) — (1S35). Faraday (1836). Burnett (1847). Twemlow (1S56). Balfour, E. (1S62). Engineers, Royal (1867). llearding (1872). Timbuctoo. Caillie {1830). Times. Newspapers. Periodicals. Tinned Copper. Wyatt, C. and J. Tipu Sultan. IMeer Hussein {1864). Tithes. Church (1833). Titles. Marshall, F. (18S0). Tobago. Lavaysse (1820). Robinson, Sir F. V. (1830). Todleben, Gen. l')rialmont (1884). Tofrek, Battle of, 1885. (Calloway (18S7). Token for Mariners. Janeway (1708). Tokens. Catalogues. !\ISS., Numismatics. Akerman. Blades (1869). Tombs, Egyptian, Belzoni (1821). Tomlinson, Capt. Nicholas, R.N. Tomlinson (1810, 1812). Tonnage. Parsons, W. (1S30). Raper (1834). Ships (1867). Tonquin. I'inkerton's Collection, vol. 9. Lehautcourt. Howlett, A. (1883). Riviere (1883). Norman (1884). France (1884-5). Avera (1888). French Expedition, 1882. France. Lehautcourt. Riviere (1883). Norman (18S4). Tools. Klemm (1858). Topograph. Lendy(i865). Topography. Netherlands. Russia. Puissant (1S07). Siborne (1S27). Fosbroke (1828). Bouchette (1832). Lavallee (1850). Lendy (1864). James, W. H. (1881). Griffiths, L. (1882). Paterson (1882). Richards, W. H. (1883). Surrey. Cooke, G. A. Sussex. Cooke, G. A. Torpedoes. Torpedoes. Porter, D. D. Fulton (1810). Steward (1866). Barnes (1869). Harvey, J. (1869-71). Belgium, Army (1872). Noel (1874). Ehrenkrook (1878). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Hutchinson, W. N. (1881). Germany, Navy (1884). Gougeard (1884). Hennebert (1884). Batsch (1885), Hobart Pacha (1885). Jaques (1886). Arminjon (1888). Bourgois (1888). Brialmont (1888). Hotchkiss (1888). Bucknill (1872, 1889). Sleeman (1880, 1889). See also " Submarine Mines." Torrents. Le Creulz(i8o4). Torrington, Earl of. Torrington (1691). Tory Island. Bradley (1S07). Toul, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Toulon, Battle of, 1744. Courts-Manial. Mathews and Lestock. Toulon, Siege of, 1793. Abeille. Dundas, D. (1805). Toulouse, Battle of, 1814. Lapene (1822). Choumara (1838). Tours, Battle of, 732. Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Tours of Artillery Officers. Artillery, Royal (1865-7). Tower of London. London (1803). Bay ley, John (1830). De Ros (1866). Preston (1885). Armouries. Catalogues. Tower of Silence, Chowpatty Hill. Cowasjee (1832). Town and Country Magazine. Periodicals. Towns, Plans of. Plans (1760). Toxophilite Society. Toxophilite Soc. Toxophilus. Ascham (1761). Trade. Chad wick. Banister, T. (1848). Trade, Board of. Board of Trade. Trade of the World, Webster, R. G. (1880). Trafalgar, Battle of, 1805. Halloran (1806). Beatty (1825). Naval History (1829). Graviere (1853). Cust, Sir E. (1862-3). McHardy (1885). Training. Wheatley. Training of Officers. Bray (1871). Training Schools. Hamilton, W. J. (1873-4). „ Ships. Coxhead (1886). Trajan's Column, Bartolus. Piranesi. INDEX. 837 Tramways. James, W. (1825). Transit of Venus. Proctor (1874). Tcnnanl (1877). Transits. Tiansits. Translation Fund, Oriental. Oriental Translation hund. Transport. Army, Orticrs, Commissariat. Army, Orders, Infantry. Navy, Orders. Cherry. Crichlon (1804). Bowles, W. (1837-8). Decker (1844). Kirwan (1S59), Wood, C. A. (1859). Chenevix-Trench (i8b8). Hosca-son (1858, 1871). India, Army (1873). Ross, D. (1879). Furse (1878, 1882). Mililarische Klassiker (1880-2). Transport of Sick and Wounded. U.S., Army, Surj;. Cen. Dept. Transvaal. Africa, Bcchuanaland. .Silver (1877). Aylward (1878). (Jillmore (1878). Barrett, II. J. (1879). Roljerls, C. (1879). Bralxjurne (1881). Marvin (1887). Matthews, J. W. (1887). See also " Africa, .South." Transylvania. Prankland (1830). Raguse (1837). Travel, Art of. Berchtold (1789). Jackson, J. R. (1841). Marcy (1859). Caltim (1S60). Lord, W. B., and Baines (1871). Neumaycr (1875). Travellers, Handbooks for. Murray, J. ,, Lives of. St. John, J. A. (1831). Traveller's Remembrancer. Jackson, J. R. {1841). Travels. Voyages. Pinkerton's Collection. Hakluyt -Soc. Broughton, \V. R. Hakluyt. Norden (1757). Coxe, W. (1784). Park (1799). Wittman (1803). Carr, J. (1805). Uenon (1789-1807). Azara (1809). Ali Bey (1816). Chandler (1817). Bramsen (1820). .Maximilian (1820). Mollien (1820). Porter, Sir R. K. (1821). Irhy and Manj;les (1823). Chatciu- briand (1828). Burckhardt (1822-9). Frankland ( 1830). Reresby (1831). Davidson, J. (1839). Spencer, E. (1839). Wellsted (1838, 1840). Ainsworth, \V. F. (1842). Abbott, J. (1843). (^)uin {1843). Ilugel (1845). Barrow (1S01-1846). Kutzner (1857). Atkinson, T. W. (1858, i860). Vambery (1864). Lagerberg (1871). Polo (1871). C.irnc (1872). Baker, V. (1876). Arnold (188 1). Bonvalot (1889). See also " Voyages." Treaties. Treaties. Costling (1792). Featherstonhaugh (1843). Wilkins, J. \V. (1857). Martens (1801-1875). Neumann and de Plason ( 1 877-S4). Trees. Encyclopaedias. India. Balfour, E. (1862). See a/so " Timl)er." Trees as a protection from an Enemy's Fire. Charrin (1869). Trephining. U.S., Surveys. Trevithick, Richard. Trevithick (1872). Trials. Trials. Brisac {1S03). Howell (1816-28). Burke, P. ( 1 866). Queen I'. Eyre, Governor of Jamaica Finlason (1868). Queen z'. Serva and others, llewson (1846). See also " Courts-Martial." Triangulation. See "Surveys." Trichinopoly, Defence of. Dalton, C. (1886). Trigonometrical Tables, (iarrard (1789). Trigonometry. Ryhind (1772). Bezout (1782). Kelly, P. (1796). Reynaud (1818). Play fair (1826). Bland, M. (1827). Wu.MJhouse (1827). Bridge, B. (1835). Hall, T. G. (1836). De Morgan (1837). Trinidad. Draper (1806). Lavaysse (1S20). Trinity House. Trinity House. Smith, .Vugustus (1869). Tripartite System. Atkinson, II. (1873). Tripods. Ilalsttxl (1867). Tripoli. Ali Bey (18 16). Trireme. Crascr (1864). Fincali (1881). Tristan D'Acunha. Karle (1832). Tristram Shandy. Sterne. Troano, MS. U.S., Sur\cys. Trochilidae. Could (1861). Trondheim Cathedral. Munch (1859). Troop Leading. Cardinal von Widdern (1878). Scherff(i877 9) Meckel (1881) X'erily du \'ernnis (1S70-1SS7). Troops, Conveyance of. See " Transport." „ Embarkation of. Furse (1883, 1888). 838 INDEX. Troops, Formation of. Rii.-<^cll, J. (1S05). Jomini (1856). Troopships. Navy (1810). Melville (iMo). Tropical Diseases. Annesley, J. (182S). Johnson, J. (1836). .Short 844). Braillmrn (1878). Hunt and Kenny (1882). Frossacs. Tinkcrlon's Collection, vol. 3. Prowell Bayonets. U..S., .\nny, Ordnance. Rice (1874). True Reformer. Chesney, V. R. (1873). Trumpet and Bugle Sounds. Army, Orders (Cavalry and Infantry). Truth, Guesses at. Hare, f. C. (1838). Tub, Tale of a. .Swift (1814). Jonson, vol. 6 (1816). Tucker, Henry St. George. Kaye(i854). Tunis. Tcm]ile, .Sir G. T. (1835). Kennedy, J. C. (1846). Catalogues, Books (1S78). Murr.iy, J. (1S78). French Expedition, 1880-I. France. Berpe (1881). Duveyrier (1881). Massoutier (1882). U..S., Naval Intel. Office (1885). Tunnelling. Patent Office. Thames Tunnel (1862). Turenne, Marshal. Buisson (1686, 1688). Ramsay (1735). Williamson, A. (1740). Beaurain (1782). Clausewitz (1837). Dubail (1879). Roy (1884). Hozier (1885). Bourelly (1886). Turin. Exhibition, 1884 Adami (18S6). Turkestan. Abbott, J. (1843). Ferrier (1857). Muraviev (1871). Shaw, R. {187 1). Khiva (1873). Michell, R. (1S73). MacGahan (1874). Potto (1874). Stumm (1S73, 1875). Schuyler (1876). Burnaby (n.d.). Krahmer (1877). Clarke, F.C. H. (1879). Marshall, L. (1879). Prejevalsky (1879). Skobeleff (1881). Kostenko (1880, 1882). Kuropatkin (1882). O'Donovan (1882). Marvin (1 880- 1 885). Lansdell (1885). Heyfelder (1888). Turkey. Turkey. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 10. Perry, C. (1743). Harris, John (1744). Wittman (1803). Ali Bey (1816). Valentini (1828). Frank- land (1830). Webster, T- (1830). Urquhart (1833- 1835). Temple, Sir G. T. (1836). Walsh ("1836). Raguse (1837). Best (1842). Davy, J. (1842). Murray, J. (1845, 1854). Macintosh, A. F. (1854). Oldmixon (1854). Rhodes (1854). Slade (1867). Thielmann (18/5). Baker, V. (1876). Campbell, Sir G. (1876). Cooke, W. S. (1876). Forsyth, W. (1876). Long (1876). Moltke(i876). Baker, J. (1877). Freeman (1877). Maitland, E. (1877). Geary, G. (1878). Brassey (1880). Jochmus (1883-4). Army. Turkey. Warnery (1771). Ibrahim (1769). Trant(i83o). Armies, European (1876). Russell, P. S. (1877). Seguin (1880). Vogt (1887). Commerce. Wilson, A. J. (1878). Crimean War, 1854-6. 5't't; " Campaigns. " History. Hammer (1835-41). Navy. Trant (1830). Sue (1841). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (i88c). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1881). Dupre (1882). Reed (1887). Railways. Stephenson, Sir M. (1859). War with Austria, 1717. Kausler (1831). War with Russia, 1709. Russell, F. S. (1877). M M 1735- Russell, F. S. (1877). f, ,, I769- Campaigns. Cust, Sir E. (1858-60). Russell, F. S. (1877). ,, ,, 1877-8. Campaigns. Millet. Norman. Cory (1876). Boyle, F. (1877). Hartmann (1876-8). Cardinal von Widdern (1878). Coope(i878). Trotha (1878). Williams, C. (1878). Lecomte (1877-9). Farcy (1879). I< ife-Cookson (1879). Greene, F. V. (1879). Hozier (1879). Stafford House Committee (1879). Dubail (1880). Bornecque (1881). Hobart Pacha (1885). Knox, T. W. (1887). Maguire (1887). Aldershot Military Soc. (1888) Turkish Language, Jaubert (1823). Redhouse (1846). Barker, W. (1854), Arnold, E. (1877). Wells (1880). See also " Dictionaries." Turkomania. Grodekoff (1884-5). Turrets. Duncan, F. (1862). Halsted (1863). Steward (1864). Bourne (1866). Coles (1866). Reed (1869). Davies, I. A. L. M. (1870). Palmer (1873). Twenty years in retirement. Blakiston (1836). Two Chancellors. Klaczko (1877). INDEX. 839 Two Noble Kinsmen. Beaumont and Fletcher (1S12). Two Scottish Soldiers. Ferguson (1SS8). Two Years before the Mast. Dana, R. H. (1841). Two Years in the Jungle, llornaday (1885). Tycoon, Capital of the. Alcock (1863). Tyne, River, riununer (1875). Tyrannick Love. Dryden (1670). Tyrants. Allen, W. (1749). Tyrol. Harris (1748). Anich (1774). Muller, C. (1810). Hall, C. H. (1820). Barrow (1841). u. Ulm, Battle of, 1805. Baring, E. (1870). Umpire Staff. Bray (1871). Uniforms. Military. Europe (1812). Vogt (1887). France. Moltzheim (1870). France, Army (1879). Dctaille and R chard (1885-8). Germany. Hammer. Germany (1869). Germany, .\rniy (1877). Poten (1885). Great Britain, Army, Orders. MS.S., Army. Dalrymple C {1761). Pearse (1808). Europe (1812). Smith, C. H. (1S15). Luard(i852). Acklom(i866). Parr (i 88 1). Vogt (1887). India. James (1814). Sardinia. Galateri (1844). Turkey. Turkey (18 18). Uiiited States. U..S., Army (1882). Naval. Great Britain. Navy, Orders. Union Steamer, On board a. Oliver, S. P. (1881). United Service. U.S., Periodicals. United Service Gazette. Periodicals. United Service Institution, Royal. United Service Inst. Catalogues. United Service Institution of India. India. United Service Magazine (Colburn's). I'eriodicals. United States. United States. Winterbotham (1795). Seybert (1818). Duncan, J. M. (1823). Faux (1823). Cooper, J. F. (1828). Mellen (1839). Fal- coner, T (1844). Calhoun and Buchanan (1846). Oldmixon (1S55). Preston (1856). Bancroft (1841, 1858). Barnard, J. G. (1859). Dicey, E. (1863). Fremanlle(i863). Russell, \V. H. (1863). Mackenzie, R. (1865). Bemis (1866). Laugel (1866). Dunraven (1876). Grant, U.S. (1885-O). Milford (1S88). Army. United .States. France, Army, Conferences, no. 9. Craighill (1862). McClellan(l862). Mackenzie, R. (1865). Upton(l878). Birkhimer(i884). Artillery. United States. Roberts, J. (1865). Cavalry. United States. Dress. U.S., Army (1882). Engineers. United States. B.'irnard,J. G. (1863). Gillmore (1865). .Ma- guire (1884). Infantry. United States. Laws. .Scott, R. N. (1873). Recmtts. United .States. Sanitary Commission, 1S61. U.S., Army (1863, 1864). Boundary Question. (Lillatin (1840). Campaign, 1812-15. Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., series 5. I^tour (iSiO). Cultord (1817). James, W. (1817-8). Thomson. I. L (1818). Gleig (1826). Smyth, Sir I. C. (1826). Cooke, J. H. (1S35)., Sir E. (1S63). Fezensac (1863). Coflin, \V. F. (1864). ("uop«r, f. S. (1809). Roosevelt (1882). 840 INDr.X, United States {continue J) — Civil War, 1861-5. Campaigns. U.S., Army, Surg. -Gen. Dcpt. U.S., Army, Kngineer Dept. (1862). Hope, A. J. J. B. (1861, 1863). Barnard, J. C. (1S63). Dicey, E. (1863). Ditterline (1863). Fremantle (1863). Lecomle (1863). Russell, W. H. {1863). Chesnc-y (1864-5). Cillmore (1865). Nichols (1865). Fletcher, H. C. (1865-6). Borcke (1866). Laugel (1866). Boynton (1867). Duke (1867). Moore, F. (1864-8). Scheliha (1868). Cannon (1869). Lee, H. (1869). Semmes (1869). Bernard, M. (1870). Childe (1875). Sherman, W. T. (1S75). Parker F. A. (187S). Taylor, W. H. (1878). Courts-Marlial, Porter (1879). Dubail(i879). Taylor, R. (1879). Bailey (1880). Badeau (1868-81). Davis, Jefferson (1881). Paris, Comtc de (1874-83). Grant, U S. (1885-6). Northrop (1886). Maguire (1887). Porter, D. D. (1887). Watson, W. (1887). Bigelow(i888). Nicolay and Hay (1S8S). Robert- son, E. H. (1888). Scott, R. N. (1880- ). Naval History. Semmes (1S69). Porter, D. D. (1887). Commandery of Massachusetts. United States (1882). Commandery of Pennsylvania. United States (1882). Commerce. Wilson, A. J. (1878). Confederate Army. Watson, W. (1887). Confederate Government. Davis, Jefferson (i88i). Congressional Directory. United States (1886). Currency. United States (1885). Defence. United States (1S36). U.S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, nos. 2oand23. Griffin (1885). Haskell (1887). Engineers, American Society of Civil. United States. Expenditure. Cooper, J. F. (1831). Exploring Expedition, 1838 42. Wilkes (1845). Harbours. U.S., Army, Engineers (1881). History. Hale, S. (1827). Hydrog'raphy. .Sailing Directions. Lakes. U..S., Army, Engineers, Prof. Papers, no. 24. Lighthouses. Lighthouses. Loyal Legion, United States (1882). Marines. Aklrich (1875). Military Academy. United States. Fletcher, H. C. Benton (1861). Military Commission to Europe, 1855-6. Mordecai (1861). Military Reconnaissance. United States (1848). U.S., Army (1876). Military Road from Fort Walla Walla to Fort Benton. Mullan (1863). Military Service Institution. United States. Naval Academy. Cooke, A. P. (1880). Naval War, 1812. Roosevelt (1882). Navy. United States. Cooper, J. F. (1839). Homans (1843). Boynton (1867). Bridge (1874). King, J. W. (1880). Very (1880). Kronenfels (1S81). Dupre(i882). Roosevelt (1882). Simpson, E. (1886). Ordnance. U.S., Army. Benton (1861). Britten (1873). Cooke, A. P. (1880). Birkhimer (1884). Artillery (1888). Birnie (1888). Ornithology. Wilson, A. (1832). Railways. United States. Rainfall. U.S., Army, Signal Service. Signal Service. U.S., Army. Surveys. United States. Jones, W. A. (1875). Visit of Irish Riflemen. Leech (1875). War Department Library. Catalogues. War with Mexico, 1845. Grant, U.S. (1885-6). United States of Britain. Little (1887). Unity of Disease. Dickson (1839). Universal Magazine. Periodicals. Universities. Denison (1835). Cambridge. Cambridge. Calendars (1839-44). Airy, Sir G. B. (1S44). Edinburgh. Catalogues, Anatomy. London. London (1828). Melbourne. Victoria. Oxford. Calendars (1839-45). INDEX. S4I Unknown Region, Threshold of. Markham, C. R. (1875). " Unser Volk in Waffen." Poten (1885). Ups and Downs. Boklrewood (1878). " Uranorama Familiar." Rouy (1834). Uranus. Adams (1846). Verrier (1849). Urine. Adolpluis (1838). Uruguay. Murray, J. H. {1871). Utah. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. (1876). V. Vaccination. India. Kinnis (1837). Vahie or Vai Phonetic. Vahie (1851). Valdivia. Philippi (1S51. 1852). Valentinian. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Valmy, Battle of, 1792. Creasy, E S. (1851, 1853). Valor Ecclesiasticus. Records (1810-34). " Vaiourous," Soundings of. Admiralty (1875). Valves. Hoseason (1844). Vambery, Arminius. Vambery (1884). Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island. Martin, R. M. (1849). Forlics, C. (1862). Van Dieman's Land. See "Tasmania." Van Damme, General. Du Casse (1870). Vanity of Human Wishes. Johnson, S., vol. i (1792). Vapour Bath. Jekyll (1832). Vasco de Gama. Hakluyt See, vol. 42. Vauban, Sebastian le Prestre de. Sturm (1710). Michel (1879). Lioyd, E. Mj (1887). Vedettes. Army (1872-3). " Vega," Voyage of. Nordenskiold (1881). Vegetable Technology. See "Botany." Vendee. Sit- " La \'endee." Venereal Diseases. See " Contagious Diseases.' Venetia. Biffart (1866). Venezuela. Flinter (181 9). Lavaysse (1820). Venice. MSS., Cavoldo. Amelot de la Houssaie (1677) Daru(i82i). ,, Gulf of. Luccio (1806). Purdy(i834). Venloo, Siege of, 1702. Cust, Sir E. (1858). Ventilation. Patent Office. Reid (1844). Westbrook (1861). Acklom (1866). Venus, Transit of. Proctor (1874). Tennant (1877). Verbs, French. Tarver (1821). Verdun, Siege of, 1870. Ticdemann (1872, 1877). Vere, Sir Francis and Sir Horace. Markham, C. R. (1888). Verestchagin, Vassili. Verestchagin (1S87). Vernon, Admiral E. Vernon, E. (1758). Vernon, \V. F. (1861). Vessels. .SVt," Ships." Veteran, the. Harley (1838). Veterinary Department. Army. Duck (1886). ,, Medicine. Patent Office. Mayhew (1870). Vetterli System of Ordnance. Vetterli (1870, 1871). Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith (1837). Victor Amadeus, Duke of Savoy. Savoy (1697). Victoria, Queen of England. Ward, T. 11. (1887). Victoria. \'ictoria. Cluttcrinick (1850). Mayes (1861). .Selwyn (1S66). Archer, W. H. (1867). De Labilliere (1878). Shillinglaw (1S79). ExhibiUon-c (1SS6). Whalley (1875-1888). Gold Fields, \ictoria (1863). Melbourne University. Victoria. S43 INDi:X. Victoria (.wifimuJ) — Water Supply. Acheson {1861). Victoria Cave, Craven. Denny (1S60). ,, Cross. N'ictoria Cross. ,, Institute. \'ictoria Inst. "Victory," H.M.S. Wharton (1872). Vienna. W-zA. Kohl (1843). Austria (i860). Exhibition, 1873. Exhibitions. Barbensi (1873). Reilly (1873). Siege of, 1529, Schimmer (1847). do., 1683. Campaigns (1683). Schimmer (1847) " Vieux de la Vieille.' Erckmann-Chatrian. Vigil of a young Soldier. Pringle (1834). Villars, Due de, Marshal. Villars (1784). Villettes, William Anne. Bowdler (1815) Vincent, Capt. S. Courts-Martial (1703). Vionville, Battle of, 1870. Hale (1877). Virgil's Georgics. Addison (181 1). Virginia Britannia. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 6. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 13 Smith, John. Vision, Loss of. Hogg (1876). Visit to Paris. Scott J. (1816). Vitry, Siege of, 1870. Tiedemann (1872, 1877). Vocabularies. East Indies. Cust, R. N. (1878). Indian Tribes. Canada (1884). Technical. Hall, H. (1865). Telegraphic. Lord, W. (1845^ Set' also " Dictionaries " and " Languages." Voices from the Ranks. Campaigns, Crimea (1855). Volcanoes. Daubeny (1826). Mallet, R. (1872). Peacock (1882). Volga, River. Munro-Butler -Johnstone (1876). Voltaic Electricity. Spencer, T. (1840). Volunteer Discipline. Acland (1868). Volunteers. Reserve Forces. Army. Army Lists. J'rankland, W. A. Gordon, John (1S08). MacNevin (1845). Gordon, Hon. A. (1853). Hartley (1859). Lane, F. W. B. (1861). O'Halloran (1861). Scott, P. (1861). Acklom {1859-1862). Acland (i860, 1868). Harris, W. A. (1S69). McMurdo (1869). Collen (1870). Harding (1870). Brackenbury (1871). Capern (1871). Waveney (1871). Taillefer (1872). Seton(i873). United Service Inst. (1873). Canada (1872-4). Ford (1874). Leech (1875). Sussmisch (1876). Bowles (1880). Haniley (1885). Wilkinson, H. S. (1886). Birley (1887). Black, A. E. (1887). Blomfield {1887). Mac- donald, J. H. A. (1888). Wright, H. O. P. (1888). Naval Artillery. Reserve Forces. Brassey (1874) Vorticella Rotatoria. MSS., Ford (1836). Vosges, Army of. Bordone (1871). Vox Stellarum. Periodicals. Voyage of Nearchus. Vincent, W. (1797). Voyages. Voyages. Hakulyt. Hakluyt Soc. Pinkerton's Collection. Ramusio (1563-5). Lobo (1728). Barbary (1736). Harris, John (1744-8). Byron, J. (1767). Walter, R. (1749, 1769). Dalrymple, A. (i 770-1). Juan y Santacilia and Ulloa (1748, 1.772). Cook (1784). MSS., Broughton (1792-7). Broughton, W^ R. (1804). Lindley (1808). Hall, B. (1818).. Raleigh (1650-1820). Weddell (1827). Lyon (1824-8). Brand (182S). Owen, W. F. R. (1833). Bourchier (1834). Ross, Sir J. (1819, 1835). Byron, G. A. (1836). " Adventure " (1839). Wise (1839). Bennett, F. D. (1840). Belcher (1843). Bernard, W. D. (1844). Barrow (1801-1846). ■ Ross, Sir J. C. (1847). Adams (1848-9). Macgillivray (1852). Falconer (1870). Brenchley (1873). Markham, A. H. (1873). Bax (1875). Darwin (1876). Wells (1876). Brassey, Lady (1878-1880). Nordenskiold (1881). Coppinger (1883). Benko (1887- 1889). Polar. Voyages. Arctic Regions. Pinkerton's Collection, vols. I and 12. Phipps, C. J. (1774). Lyon (1824-5). Franklin (1823-9). Leslie, Jameson and Murray (1830). Parry, Sir W. E. (1821-1831). Ross, Sir i\i)i:x. 843 Voyages. Polar {.continued) — J. (1819, 1835). Back (1836, 1838). Wrangel {1840). Beechey {1831, 1843). King, R. (1845). Kae(i85o). Shillinglaw (1850). Ingleficid (1853). Bellot (1854). Belcher (1855). Kane, E. K. (1856). M'Clintock (1S59). Osborn (1865). United States (1873). Koldewcy (1874). Forster, J. R. (1876). I'ayer (1876). Wells (1876). Narcs (1878). Markham (1879). ' Nordenskiold (1879). McCormick (1S84). Schley and Soley (18S5). Voyages round the World. Hakluyt .Soc, vols. 16 and 52. Pinkerton's Collec- tion, vol. 11. Harris (1744). Walter, R. (1749, 1769). Voyages (177 5-4), Perouse (1798). Kotzebue (1830). Holman (1834). Laplace (1833-5). "Adventure" (1832-6). Belcher (1843). Simpson, G. (1847). Bernhardi (1856). Scherzer (1861). Duperrey (1866). Darwin (1876). McCormick (1884). w. Wade, Capt. Cooper. Courts-Martial (1703). *' Wager," Wreck of. Morris, I. (1752). Wages of Seamen. Navy (1700). Wahabys. Burckhanlt (1S31). Waistcoat for Carrying Cartridges. Patent Office. Walcheren, Expedition to. Campaigns (1809). Grey, W. (r8io). Walcourt, Battle of, 1689. Feuquieres (1737). Smyth, Sir J. C. (1825). Macaulay (1849-61). Periodical?, Colburn's U.S. Mag., 1884, p. 562. Waldemar, Prince, of Prussia. Kut?ner (1857). Wales. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. 2. Douglas, J. P. Clarke, E. D. (1793) Evans, J. (1804). Murray, J. (1878). Wallachia. Wilkinson, W. (1820). Wallenstein. Mitchell (1837). Coleridge, .S. T. (1840). Wanderings of a War Artist. Montagu (1889). War. De Butts (1S54). Carter, T. (i860). Ruskin (1866). War, Art of. War, Art of. Army. Encyclopxdias. Belgium, France, Army, Commission des Conferences. Germany, Army. Dyke. Iloogenhuysen. Valturius (1483, 1534). Ballay-Langez (1550). Machiavelli (1560). Cataneo (1567). Marozza (1568). Ferretlus (1575). Rocca (1568, 1582). Brancaccio (1582). Panigarola (1595). Ruscelli (1595). Boillot (1598). Scriverius (1607). Wallhausen (1616). Constanlinus (1617). Cinu/zi (1620). Markham, F. (1622). Sarti (1628). Naudanis (1637). Wanl, R. (1639). Hexham (1642), Lostelneau (1647). Elton (1659). Albe- marle (167 1). Orrery (1677). Turner, Sir J. (1683). .Mallet, A. .M. (1696), Daniel (1724). Puerto (1724). Folard (1739). Bardet de Ville- neuve (1742). Vauban (1742). Kane, R. (1747). Puysegur (1749). Montecuculi (1751). Ferro (1752). Beausobre (1757). Farsetti (1759). Stona (1759). Guischatdt (1763). Kobson (1763). Boussanelle (17O4). Cugnot (1766). Silva (1768). Turpin de Crisse (1754, 1769). Ibrahim (1769). Leo (1586-1770). Young, W. (1770-1). Amiot (1772). Vegetius (1772). Bell, T. (1775). Simes (1777, 17S1). Dalrymple, W. (1781). Saldern (1781). Bacon (1782). Timur(i783). Poly.i-nus ( 1793). vScharnhorst (1794). Venturini (1802). Guibcrt (1775, 1803). HcHwt (1804). Gay de Vernon (1805). Cormontaingne (1S03-1S09). Napoleon Bonaparte (1810). Saxe (1756-181 1). Audouin (181 1). Frederick (181 1 ). Miiller, W. (1811). Guillaume (1812). .'Elianus (1814). Frontinus (1S16). Bulow (1818). Charles, Archduke of Austria (1818). Rogniat (1820). Lallemande (1824). Hoyer (1829). Chambray (1830). Koch (1S27-31). Vernon (1832). Vandernuvlen (1836). Jomini, II. (181S 37). Decker (1836-7). Clausewitz (1837). Magrath, R. N. (183S). Mitchell (1838). Stolzman (1844). Bugeaud (1846). du .Martr.ay (1853). Phull (1853). Twemlow (1855). Macdougall, P. L. (1856). Lcndy (1S53, 1857). Burgoyne, Sir J. F. (1859). _ Girardin (1859). Delalield (i860). ^44 INDEX. War, Art of (,oit///iu,(i) — Vial (1861). llallick (1862). Casey (1862-3). Am!)crt (1S65). Lippitt (1865). MacDougall (1855). Raguse {1865). Duparcq (1866). Frederick Charles (1866). Walker, E. (1868). Baring, E. {1870). Chesney and Reeve (1870). Lecomte (1870). Soady (1870). Schcllendorf (1870, 1 87 1). Besanc^on (1871). Brackenbury (1871). Bray (1871). Albeca (1872). Wellington Prize Essay (1872). Atkinson, II. (1873). Clause- witz(i873). Eeilding (1S73). Savoye (1873). Wickham (1873). Riistow, \V. (1872-4). Mayne (1874). Ilamley (1866, 1875). Biddulph (1875). Wechmar (1875). Verdy du Vernois (1876). Hale (1877). Attlmayr (1875, 1878). Cavalry (1878). Helvig (1875-80). Du Picq (1880). Scheibert (1880). Serda (1880). Thival (1880). Berthaut (1877-1881). Brialmont (1880-1), Arnim (1881). Bethell (1881). Devaureix (1881). Barnard, II. (1878-82). Militarische Klassiker (1SS0-2). Blume (1882). Demangel (1S82). Lewal (1879-1883). Babington (1884). Fix (1884). Quinteau (1884). Derrecagaix (1885). Faner (1885). Delpech (1886). Clery (18S0, 1887). Blom held (1887). Cahvell (1887). Wilkinson, H. S. (1887). Bone (1871-1888). Alder^hot Military Soc. (1888). Wolseley (iSSS). Pierron (1878-1889). War, Articles of. Sec " Mutiny Act." ,, Cause of. Raleigh (1650). ,, Curiosities of. Carter, T. (i860). ,, Declaration of, Cartan (1854). Maurice (1S83). „ Instruments of. Boillot (1598). ,, Prisoners of. Strutton (1690). Campaigns (1798). O'Neill (1807). Salvo (1S07). Blayney (1814). Mounteney (1838). Coope (1878). ,, Responsibility in. Albrecht (1869). War Artist, Wanderings of, Montagu (1889). ,, Chronicle of 1870, Pim (1870). ,, Correspondent. Boyle (1877). „ Cries. Palliser (1870). ,, Galleys. Howell, John (1826). ,, Game. W^ar Game. Hellwig (1803). Tschischwitz (1870). Belgium, Army (1872). Middleton, F. (1873). Weckel (1873). Trotha (1872, 1874). Sprot (1875). Totten (1880). Naumann (1881). Braun (1882). Liver- more (1882). Verdy du Vernois (1876-1884). Crook (1888). ,, Horses. Horses. Army, Veterinary Dept. Guerin (i860). Frey (1869). Gaume (1872). Brackenbury (1888). Aldershot Mihtary Soc. (1S89). in diguise. Stephen (1806). Materiel. Army, Orders. Cayol (1865). Saxton (1S75). Office. War Office. Catalogues. Buxton (1883) Office Circulars. Army, Orders. Rockets. St'd ' ' Rockets. " Wardrobe of Edward I. Antiquaries. Lieber Quotidianus (1787). Warfare. Mountain. Macgregor (1866). Shadwell, L. (1875). Kuhn (1878). Naval. War, Art of. Boutakov. Ruscelli (1595). Venn (1672), Hoste (1697). Morke (1742). Robson (1763). Morogues (1763, 1767). Mazarredo (1776). Mountaine (1783). Grenier (1787). Romme (1787). Steel (1800). Martins (1801). Ramatuelle (1802, 1813). Ciamaglia (1822). Clerk, J. (1790-1827). Moorsom, C. R. (1846). Biddlecombe (1850, 1857). Douglas (1858). France, Navy (1859). Na\7 (1864). Bouet-Willaumez (1865). Lullier (1867). Lewal (1868). Grivel (1869). Bridge, C. A. G. (1872). Penfentenyo (1873). Noel (1874). Dislere (1876). Bowles, T. G. (1877). Attlmayr (1878). Chabaud-Arnault {1879). Penhoat (1879). Randolph (1879). Long, S. (1880) Bethell (1881). Henk (1881). Aube (1882). Fincati (1882). Bourgois (1876, 1883). U.S., Naval Intel. Office (1884). Bainbridge-Hoff (18S5). Batsch (1885). Elliot (1885). Partisan. Devaureix (1881). Savage. Browne, E. C. Macgregor, C. M. (1866). Adye, Sir J. (1867). Belgium, Army (1872). Alexander (1873). Gawler, J. C. (1873). Kuhn (1878). Lucas, T. J. (1878). Beckerhinn (1883). Submarine. See " Mines " and " Torpedoes." IXDI'.X. 845 Warranto, Placita de quo. Records (1818). Warrants. Army, Unlcrs. Lindsay, J. (1857). Warrawarra, the Carib Chief. Breen (1876). W^ars. .SV(' " Campaij^ns. " Wars of Queen Victoria's Reign. Armytage (1886). ,, of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Cust, .Sir E. (1858 63). ,, of the Roses. l'>urgL>s (1S72). Warsaw, Battle of, 1831. I'askcviich (1831). Washington. I'roston (1856). Treaty of, 1S42. Featherstonhaugh (1843). Washington, George. M.irshall, J. (1838). Watch, the Marine. Cassini (1770). W^atches. -S'tv "Chronometers." Water. Rennie, G. (1857). Collection and Storage. Acheson (1861). Raising of. Cunningham, P. (1841). Water Bulkheads. Holdsworth (1844, 1852). ,, Supply. London. London Spring Water Co. {1852). Lankester and Redfern (1852). Bolton (1884). Waterloo, Battle of, 1815. Campaigns. Erckmann-Chatrian. France. M.S.S., Campaigns. Museums. \'illette-Chivron. Cooper, J. S. {181 5). CJiraud (1815-6). Brunswick (1816). Sarrazin (1816). Beauchamp (1815-7). Gifford (1817). Jones, G. (1817). Kelly (1817). Mudford (1817). Gourgaud (1818). Grouchy (1819). Smith, Sir J. C. (1825). Bradfield (1826). Colchester (1829). Kausler (1831). Knight (1834). Clausewitz (183s). Beamish (1832-7). Damitz (1837-8). Jomini, IL (1839). Costello (1841). Siborne (1844). Mitchell (1845). Knoop (1847). Creasy, E. S. (1851, 1853). Woerl (1857). Charras (1858). Frazer (1859). Brisbane (i860). Cotton, E. (1862). Hooper, G. (1862). Cust, Sir E. (1863). Kennedy, .Sir J. S. (1865). Vaulabelle (1845. 1866). Chesney (1868). Mercer (1870). Albemarle (1876). Ollech (1876). Vial (1876). Adams (1877). Dubail (1S79). Clinton, H. R. (1881). Northcott (1881). Gardner, D. (1882). Lawrence, W. (1886). Quinet (1886). Maguire (18S7). Waterloo, Cemetery. Campaigns, 18 15. Waterloo Medals. Vaux (1869). „ Model. MSS., Waterloo. United Service Inst. (1842). Waterproof. Patent Office. Waterworks. Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. Belidor (1739-50). Engineers, (1 866- 1 872). Wathen, Capt. Courts-Martial (1834). Watling Street. Maclauchlan (1852). Watt, James. Lardner (1840). Wave Screen. Calver (1858). Waves. Russell. ]. S. (1854). Berlin (1874). Wealth, Acquisition of. " Father of the City of Eutopia (1757) Wealth of Nations. Smith, Adam (1819). Weapons. Catalogues. Patent Office. France, Army, Commission des Con ferences, no. 2. Gheyn (1607). Lostelneau (1647). Daniel (1724) Girard (1740). Grose (1786). Evans (1817). Walker, J. C. (1818) Meyrick, S. B. (1830). Lovell (1842). Klemm (1858). Hewitt (i860) Barber (1864). Army (1867). Majendie (1867). Lacombe (1869) Tackels (1866-1870). Demmin (1869, 1870). .Schmidt (1S70). Suzanne (1870). Picha (1875-8). Kgerton (1S80). Drummond ( 1S81 ). Se^ also " Firearms," " Small Arms," " Muskets," " Kifletl Ordnance." Weather. S^v " Meteorology." Weather Charts. Abercromby (1885). Weekly Political Register. Cobbett (1817-25). Weights. I'aslcy (1S34). Browne, W. A. (1869). Well Sinking. Patent Office. Wellesley, Richard, Marquis. Wellesley (1836- 1846). Wellington, Duke of. Wellington. Clarke, F. L. Alexander (1840). McCaskill (1855). Brialmont (1858-60). Hamley (i86o>. Glcig (1862). Browne, G. L. (1888). Stanhope (18SS). 846 INDEX. Wellington College. Wellington College (1873). Welsh Language. Simrrull (1848-1851). West, Capt. Temple. Mathews and Lestock. West India Convoys. M.SS., Convoys. West Indies. West Indies. Hakluyt Soc, vol. 23. Rodney. Spencer, T. (1691). Lai)at (1742). Vernon, E. (1744). Harris (1748). Jefferys {1775). Raynal (17S0). Matthews, J. (1784). Winterhotham (1795). Willyams (1796). Walton (1S14). Edwards, B. (1819). Southey, T. (1827). Robinson, Sir F. P. (1830). Coleridge, H. N. (1832). Furdy (1833). Hodgson (1838). Lushington (1840). Davenport (1842). Short (1844). Capadose (1845). Osborne (1845). Dundonald (1851). Fisher (1855). Breen(i876). Wilson, A. T-(i87S). Cruyplants (1883). Benko (1887). Naval Battles, 1789. White, T. (1830). Western Australia. Sir "Australia." Westminster. Stow (1754-5). ,, Abbey. Cunningham, P. (1851). ,, Bridge. Westminster Bridge (1856). ,, and Foreign Quarterly Review. Periodicals. ,, Magazine. Periodicals. Westphalia. Westphalia (1811). Whales. Bennett, F. D. (1840). What I believe. Tolstoy (1885). Whig Examiner. Addison (181 1). Whigs vindicated. Withers (1715). Whirlwinds. Baddcley (i860). Whitaker's Almanack, Periodicals. White Sea. Lighthouses. Whitelocke, Lieut. -Gen. Courts-Martial (1808). ,, Sir Bulstrode. Whitelocke, R. H. (i860), Whittingham, Sir Samuel Ford. Whittingham (1868), Widow. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Widows of Soldiers. Cambridge Asylum (1851). Army, Orders, Finance (1855-6). " Wiener Militar Wissenschaftlichen Vereins." Austria, Army, Wife for a Month. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812), Wight, Isle of. See " Isle of Wight." Wilberforce, William. Wllberforce (1838). Wild-Goose Chase. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Wild Races in South-Eastern India. Lewin (1870). William I, Emperor of Germany. Smith, G. B. (1887). Forbes, A. (1888). „ III, King of England. William (1688, 1703). IV, „ „ Wright, G. N. (1837). ,, Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. Cumberland (1749). Henderson (1766). Birch (1767). Campbell-Maclachan (1876). Wilson, John. Courts-Martial (1807). Wiltshire. Murray, T- (1856). Wimbledon, Sir E. Cecil, Viscount. Dalton, C. (1885). Winchelsea. Warren, J. B. (1791). Burrows (1888). Windlasses. Varlo(i772). Winds. Capper, J. (1801). Ansart (1874). Windsor. Dawson, T. (1714). Ewart (1868), ,, Castle. Pote(i749). Wine. Druitt (1873). _ Winkelried Commission. Switzerland. Wisdom of the Ancients. Bacon (1825). Wissembourg, Battle of, 1870. Hoflbauer and Leo (1876-8), Wit. Lylie(i63i). Wit at several Weapons. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Wit without Money. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Witt, John de. Wit (1709). Pontalis (1885). Wives, Soldiers'. Army. Cartan (1854). Woerth, Battle of, 1870. Hoftbauer and Leo (1876-8). Klein (1879). Wolf Rock Lighthouse. Douglass (1870). Wolfe, Major-Gen. James. Wright, R. (1864). IXDKX. S47 Wolseley, General Lord. Low, C. R. (1S83). Woman-Hater. Beaumont and Fletcher (181 2). Woman's Prize, Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Women. Dehay (1864). Education of. Dupanloup (1879). Women Pleased. Beaumont and Fletcher (1812). Wonders of the East. Makluyt Soc, vol. 31 (1863). Woods. Rnyle(iS43). Woolwich Dockyard. Milton, T. (1753-6). ,, Journal (Jackson'^s). Periodicals. ,, Military Academy. Woolwich. Catalogues Jones, W. D. (1851) Owen, C. H. (186S). Drayson (1886). ,, Museum of Artillery. Catalogues. Worcester, Marquis of. Dircks (1865). Words of Command. Ilime (1866). ,, of Wellington. Wellinj^ton (1869)] Wordsworth, William. Morley. Work and Wages. Brassey (1872)] , Workhouses. Bentham, J. (1791). Workshop Receipts. Spon {1882). World. Chalmers, A. (1823). ,, History of. Raleigh (167 1, 1820). ,, Voyages round. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 16 and 52. Pinkerton's Collection, vol. II. Harris {1744). Walter, R. (1749, 1769). Voyages (1773-4). Perouse (1798). Kotzebue (1830). Holman (1834). Laplace (1833-5). " Adventure" (1832-6). Belcher (1843). .Simpson, G. (184"). Bernhardi (1856). Scherzer (1861). Duperrey (1866). Darwin (1876). McCormick (18S4). World's Highway. India (1856). Wounded, Help for. See " .\mbulance." Wren, Family of. Wren (1750). Writs. Records (1827-34). \Vycombe. Parker, J. (1878). Wyoming. U.S., Surveys. X. Xenophon. Grant, Sir A. (1871). Ximenes, Cardinal. Flechier (1693) Yacht, Acorn. Burghall (1798). Yachting. Lament (1876). Yakoob Beg. Boulj,'cr (1878). Yangtsze, River. Blakiston, T. W. (1862). Yarkand. Trotter, II. (1875). Yarmouth. Paget (1834). Year 1800. Perigal (i860). ,, Books. Periodicals. France, Periodicals. GcrnLiny, rcritKlicais. Italy Periodicals. Army (1844). Switzerland, Army (1877-9). Maunoir and Duveyrier (1879). Brassey (1886- ). Yellow Fever. Jekyll (1832). Lawson (1888). ,, Sea. Staunton (1797)- Yellowstone National Park. U.S., Army (1876)^ 84.S INDEX. Yellowstone River. Barlow, J. M. (1S72). United States (1875). Dunraven (1S76). Yeomanry. Reserve Forces. MSS., Yeomanry. Army Lists. Slade (1871). Del.ip (1SS5). Yeomen of the Guard. Preston (1885). Yncas. Hakluyt Soc, vols. 41, 45, and 48. Prescott (1847). York. Arch.X()loq;ical (1847). „ Frederick,^ Duke of. York (1827). Taylor, Sir II. (1827). Abbott, T. E {1S2S). ,, James, Duke of. .5"^^" James II." Yorkshire. I'inkcrton's Collection, vol. 2. ,, Magazine. Periodicals. Young Gentleman's Mirror. Narcissus. ,, Officers' " Dont." Army (1888). Yucatan. Stephens, J. L. (1841, 1843). z. Zambesi River. Livingstone, D. and C. (1865)- Zanzibar. Sulivan (1873). Zaragoza. See " Saragossa." Zend Language. Bopp (1845). Zenith Distances. Cape of Good Hope (1836), Zila or Dinapore. Buchanan, F. (1833). Zoological Society. Zoological Society. Zoology. Zoological Society. Catalogues. Encyclopedias. Museums, British, Netherlands, Kon. Mil. Akad. U.S., Army, Engineer Dept. Bewick (1797-1820). Lamarck (1815-22). Richardson, J. (1829). Sykes (1832). Charlesworth (1837). Swainson {1835-1840). Cuvier (1835-46). Adams (1848-9). Power (i860). Blanford, W, T. (1S70). Herschel (1886). Zululand. Zululand. Browne, E. C. Barrett, H. J. (1879). Farrer (1879). Lucas (1879). Mann (1879). Roberts, C. (1879). Deleage (1880). Nor- bnry(i88o). Tulloch (1885). Marvin (1887). Matthews, J. W. (1887). [See also "Africa, South.") Campaign, 1879. Campaigns, Barrett, H. J. (1879). Deleage (1S80), Norbury (1880). Norris-Newman (1880). Parr (1880). Army, Veterinary Dept. (1881). Zumalacarreg^i. Henningsen (1836). Zwei Brigaden. Hoenig (1882). 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