AN ESSAY ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE, BASED ON MODERN RESEARCHES, AND ESPECIALLY ON THE WORKS OF M. RENAN. BY FKEDERIC W. FABEAE, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. LONDON : JOHN MUEEAY, ALBEMAELE STEEET. 1860. LONDON : BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. EICHARD GARNETT, ESQ., OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, ffihzst ^ag«s arc glcbkateb, IN REMEMBRANCE OF MANY ACTS OF HELF AND KINDNESS. PREFACE. I wish this little book to be in every respect as unpretending as possible. I do not presume to represent niyself as an original investigator, nor do I aspire to a greater distinction than that of representing clearly and intelligentl}' the views of those distinguished writers who have made the study of philology the chief pursuit of their lives. While I have quoted my authorities for almost every statement of importance, I have generally used my own language, and even in those paragraphs which I have put between inverted commas I have so frequently abbre- viated, expanded, or transposed, that the pas- yiii PREFACE. sages must not be criticised as though they had beeu intended for direct translations. I do not think that I have ever borrowed from any writer, English, French, or German, without ample acknowledgment. I would not be so dishonest as to shine in borrowed plumes. If in one or two cases I have been guilty of apparent plagiarism it is certainly only from the works of those authors whom I cannot be considered to have robbed wilfully, because their writings are honourably referred to on almost every page. I wish this remark to apply especially to the very clear, learned, and beautiful treatises of M. Ernest Renan, to which I am largely indebted, and without which I should not have undertaken this work. The questions here handled have always been to me full of interest; and these chapters have been chiefly written because I have invariably found that they are also full of interest to young- learners. Should it be proved that I have rashly PREFACE. IX intruded on a task beyond my powers, no one will more regret this attempt than I shall myself. The books of which I have made chief use in the following pages are Grimm, Ueber den Ursprung der Sprachc. Heyse, System der Sprachwissenschnft. Lersch, Die Sprachphilosopkie der Allen. 'Kenan, De VOrigine du Langagc. Renaii, Histoire G&iieralc des Langucs Semiiiqucs. Charma, Essai sur le Langagc. Nodier, Notions de LinguisUquc. Bunsen, Philosophy of Universal History. Max Miiller, Survey of Languages. Pictet, Lcs Origines Indo-Europe< \ Garnett's Philological Essays. Dr. Donaldson's Cratylus, and Varronitmus. It need scarcely be said, however, that I have read and consulted very many besides these, and indeed every book that I could obtain which seemed to bear directly upon the subject. I will only add with M. Nodier — " J'ai ecrit X PREFACE. but la Linguistique, parce que je ne connois aucun livre qui renferme les notions principales cl'une maniere claire, sous une forme accessible aux esprits simples, qui ne soit pas repoussante pour les esprits delicats." Falmouth, Aug., 1860. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE. PAGB Toe faculty of speech. — Definition of language. — Importance of philology. — Three main theories on the origin of language — 1. That language was innate and organic. — Curious errors. — Objections to this view. — 2. That lan- guage was the result of imitation and convention. — Objections. — 3. That language was revealed. — In what sense this may be held to be true. — The phrase obscure, and leads to many misconceptions. — Danger of a mis- applied literalism. — Five objections to the common belief. — The real meaning of Gen. ii. 19, 20. — Rightly under- stood it exactly accords with the true theory. — Germ of truth in each of these views. ..... 1 CHAPTER II. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA OF SPEECH. Germinal development of language. — How came words to be accepted as signs ?— The inquiry not absurd. — What is a word ? — Words only express the relations of things. — Connection of thought and speech. — Growth of indi- viduality. — Theory of M. Steinthal. — Speech depends on the power of abstraction; «the transformation of intuitions into ideas. — 1. Impressions awoke sounds.- \ii CONTENTS. PAGE uncls, by the association of ideas, recalled un- ions.— 3. Sounds became words by connecting the i,al object and the inward impression. — Influence of organism. — Earliest impressions expressed by the simplest Bounds. — Influence of women.— Influences of climate. ....»••■••»* CHAPTER III. LA.WB "1 -ll