379 N5C5 :-NRLF B 3 lEM 7D3 '■a~~->(> — /^ FeaDrnwings of old NEW ORLEANS MH I I I H W H I WMW hj rr^nk G /Chnrchill PEN DRAWINGS OF OLD NEW ORLEANS BY FRANK G. CHURCHILL ROBT. H. TRUE CO. NevJ Orleans M5C3 Copyright, IQ16, by Frank G. ChurcKill IT IS not intended 4iat this little Dook of sketches be a complete record of me many quaint and historical streets and buildings of tne old Mew Orleans. Indeed, however interesting ma^) be me subject of one sketch, mere is always another just as interesting around the corner, across {he street, or in the courtyard. Rambling down the street in distant per- spective, there are dainty cornices, quaint dormer windows, over- hanging balconies and lace-like iron work without end. The guide books will locate many of these, and in the old book shops and among well preserved records you will find 4ieir history). It is the hope that these sketches, made here and there, ma^) serve merely as a means of bringing back to memory the charm of the old city whose builders designed so well and whose people bequeathed to us the history of a life 4iat was always interesting and colorful and full of action. r: IV1?;^05 At the end of Orleans Street maj) be seen tKe rear pediment and slender spires of 4ie St. Louis Cathedral Old residence in Royal Street whose fan-sKaped windows overlook 4\e formal garden of its courtyard Corner of the yard of the St. Louis Cathedral, ■where St. Anthon37's Alley meets Royal Street On Bayou St. JoKn wKose waters flow past 4ie Ola Spanisn Fort, were built man]? quaint, wide-galleried homes St. Rocn's Chapel where {Ke prayers of lovers are answered and many miracles performed In a courtyard in Ro3?aI Street The entrance to tKe slave quarters lltJ rir'^,-;''."'"!^" .,i/(| '^^:^^t&^mm^kmm^-^'- The cnarming irregular!^ cf ola buildings in Cnartres Street Mne Haunted House In St. Louis Street, looking towards Chartres, can be seen the House built as a residence for Napoleon bj) Kis devoted followers in the old French colony? In a courtyard of the old j Presbytery, now fKe j State Museum \ i n^e overhanging balconies of Exchange Passage whicK connects St. Peter Street wi4i St. Anthony's Alle>) Balustrades of lace-like iron work at {Ke corner of St. Peter and Royal Streets \ In a Royal Street courtyard looking tKrougK 4ie arches of 4ie vestibule and carriage entrance Old Kouses in St. AntKony's Alley but a few feet away from 4ie side of tKe St. Louis CatKearal Wrought iron gates leading from tKe carriage entrance of an Ola Kome in Royal Street to the vestibule, from ■wnicn winds a graceful curved stairway? FOURTEEN DAY USE KBTORW TO DESK PROM WHICH BORROWED Kenewed books are suhiVrf^ tr. • __J^ilf^i^/eatomimediate recall. LD 21-100TO-2 '55 (Bl39s22)476 General Library University of California •Berkeley M25504 N5C5 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY